mm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. tfdAd^ STATES OP AMERICi w * ^m^m wMwm :vv*M* mm Mzy.:.wfm*wsw THE Catholic Youth's HYMN BOOK: CONTAINING THE HYMNS OF THE SEASONS AND FESTIVALS OF THE YEAR, ASEASGED WITH A SPECIAL VIEW TO THE WANTS OF Cnitorti* ^cfe0jo!& THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. With the Approbation of V e Most Rev. J. McCloskev, D. D., Archbishop of New York. NEW YORK ! P. O'SHEA, PUBLISHER, 27 BARCLAY ST. 1871. JSJ- 3t>0 C3 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S71, by JOHN P. MURPHY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. J. W. Taylor, Music and Book Printer, 27 Rose St., N. Y. HYMNS Sbtmons antr jfesttbals- ADVENT. HAKE! AK AWPUL VOICE IS SOUNDING. *Air* 1,3,17,18,78,130. 1 Hark! an awful voice is sounding; " Christ is nigh! " it seems to say; " Cast away the dreams of darkness, O ye children of the day! " Startled at the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise; Christ, her Sun, all sloth expelling, Shines upon the morning skies. 2 Lo! the Lamb so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heav'n: Let us haste with tears of sorrow, One and all to be forgiv'n. So when next He comes in glory, Wrapping all the earth in fear, May He then as our defender, On the clouds of heaven appear. * These numbers refer to the airs which are to be found i the large edition of the Catholic Youth s Hymn Book:. 4: ADVENT. A GLOEIOUS VOICE SOimDS. Airs 2, 11,120, 1 A glokiotjs voice sounds through the night, And chides the darkness into light; The mists of sleep are driv'n afar, And Christ shines forth the morning star. 2 Xow from its torpor leaps the mind, And leaves all taint of earth behind; The new-born Planet flames on high, And bids all care and sorrow fly. 3 Now from above the Lamb is sent, T > pay the debt, O penitent! Weep! and with tears thy praise uplift, la thanks for so supreme a gift. 4 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The King of Heaven's immortal host; May men and angels praise outpour, For ever and for evermore. SEE, HE DOMES r Airs 3, 29, 55, 78, 81 130, 141, 143. 1 See, He comes! whom ev'ry nation, Taught of God, desired to see; Filled with hope and expectation, That He would their Saviour be. Sing, oh I sing with exultation, Haste we to our Father's Home; Peace, redemption, joy, salvation, Kow from Heaven to earth are come. CEKIST1IAS. 2 See, He conies! whom kings and Prophets, patriarchs of oid, Distant climefi and countless ages, Waited eager to behold. Sing, oh! sing with exultation, Haste we to our Father's Home; Peace, redemption, joy, salvation, Now from Heaven to earth are come. 3 See, the Lamb of God appearing, God of God from Heaven above ! See the Heavenly Bridegroom cheering His dear Bride with words of love ! Glory to th' Eternal Father, Glory to th' Incarnate Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Glory to the Three in One. ADESTE PIDELES, Air 4. Adeste fideles, Lseti triumph antes, Tenite, venite in Bethlehem. Natuni videte, Begem angelorum. Venite adoremus, Yenite adoremus, Yenite adoremus Dominum. ; Deum de Deo, Lunien de lumine, Gestant puellae Deum verum Genitnm, non factum. Yenite adoremus, &£ CHRISTMAS. • Cantet nunc Io Chorus angeloruni, Cantet nunc aula ccelestium. Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo. Venite adoremus, &c. Ergo qui natus Die hodierna, eTesu tibi sit gloria. Patris seternse verbum caro factum, Venite adoremus, &c. WITH HEAETS TRULY GRATEFUL, Air 4. 1 With hearts truly grateful, Come all ye faithful, To Jesus, to Jesus in Bethlehem; See Christ your Saviour, Heaven's greatest favor. Let's hasten to adore Him; Let's hasten to adore Him; Let's hasten to adore Him; Our God and King. 2 God to God equal Light of Light eternal; Carried in Virgin's ever spotless womb. He all preceded, Begotten not created. Let's hasten, &c. 3 Angels now praise Him, Loud their voices raising, TIl ' heavenly mansions with joy now ring. Prais' 1 , honor, glory, To Him who is most holy. Let's hasten, &c. CHRISTMAS. 7 4 To Jesus, born this day, Grateful homage repay; To Him who all heavenly gifts cloth bring. Word uncreated, To our rlesh united. Let's hasten, kc. COME ALL YE FAITHFUL. Air 5. 1 Co^ie all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O hasten, O hasten to Bethlehem; See in a manger the monarch of angels. O come and let us worship, O come and let us worship, O come and let us worship, Christ the Lord, O come and let us worship, Christ the Lord. 2 God of God, eternal, Light from Light pro- ceeding, He deigns in the Virgin's womb to lie; Very God of very God, begotten not created O come and let us worship, &c. 3 Sing alleluia, all ye choirs of angels, O sing all ye Citizens of heaven above; Glory to God in the highest heaven. O come and let us worship, &c. 4 Tea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning, To Thee O Jesus be glory given ; True AVord of the Father in our flesh ap- pearing. O come and let us worship, kc. 8 CHEISTMAS. HISTOEY OF THE BIETH OF OUE LORD. Air 6. Cho. — Come, let us muse devoutly On Jesus, born on Christmas day; "lis our Lord's sweetest mystery, Which does His love explain. Solo. 1 Joseph and Mary who both trace To David their true royal race, Arriv'd in Bethle'm find no place, Except a wretched stable, "Which by the Saviour's blessed birth Becomes most honorable, The holiest shrine on earth. — Cliorus. 2 Night has now spread all her shadows; Stern, sad, and cold herself she shows, Just as if to foretell great woes. Thus she figures but weakly, The darker night of sin and crime, Which kept men in security, From th' earliest age of time. — Chorus. 3 Around now reigns th' hour of midnight, When suddenly appears a light, WTiich makes the stable heavenly bright. The Word made flesh, lo ! leaves then The blessed womb of Mary dear, And comes to view as even A ray through crystal clear. — Chows. 4 His Mother takes the Holy child, Admires His face, so dearly mild, Adores her God in her own child. Saint Joseph close by Mory, In rapture reverently kneels, The Babe looks at him gently, How happy now he feels. — Chorus. CHRISTMAS. 9 DEAK LITTLE ONE ! Airs 7, 8, 13,30, 46. 1 Dear little One! how sweet Thou art, Thine eyes so brightly shine; So bright, they almost seem to speak, When Mary's looks meet Thine! How faint and feeble is Thy cry, Like plaint of harmless dove, When Thou dost murmur in thy sleep, Of sorrow and of love. 2 When Mary bids Thee sleeps, Thou sleep'st, Thou wakest when she calls; Thou art content upon her lap, Or in the rugged stalls. Simplest of Babes! with what a grace Thou dost Thy mother's will; Thine infant fashions well betray The Godhead 's hidden skill. 3 When Joseph takes Thee in his arm3 And smooths Thy little cheek, Thou lookest up into his face, So helpless and so meek. Yes! Thou art what Thou seem'st to be, A thing of smiles and tears; Yet Thou art God, and heav'n and earth Adore Thee with their fears. ANGELS WE HAVE HEAED. Air 9. 1 Angels we have heard on high — Sweetly singing o'er the plains, And the mountains in reply Echo back their joyous strains ||:Gloria in excelsis Deo. :|| 10 CHBISTMAS. 2 Shepherds why this jubilee? Why your rapturous strains prolong? Say what may the tidings be, Which inspire your heav'nly song. || : Gloria in excelsis Deo. :|| 3 Come to Bethlehem, come and see, Him whose birth the angels sing; Come adore on bended knee, Th' Infant Christ, the newborn King. || :Gloria in excelsis Deo. :|| 4 See within a manger laid, Jesus, Lord of heav'n and earth! Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, With us sing our Saviour's birth. || :Gloria in excelsis Deo. :|| WHAT LOVELY INFANT CAN THIS BE? Airs 10, 11, 109. 1 What lovely Infant can this be, That in the little crib I see? So sweetly on the straw it lies, It must have come from Paradise. 2 Who is that Lady kneeling by, And gazing on so tenderly? Oh! that is Mary, ever blest, How full of joy her holy breast. 3 What man is that who seems to smile, And look so blissful all the while? 'Tis holy Joseph good and true, The Infant makes him happy too. EPIPHANY. 11 4 What makes the crib so bright and clear? What voices sing bo sweetly here? All! see behind the window pane, The little angels looking in. 5 "Who are those people kneeling down, Wich crooked sticks and hands so brown? The shepherd > from the mountain top, The little angels woke them up. 6 The ox and ass how still and mild, They stand beside the Holy Child, The little body underneath, They warm so kindly with their breath. 7 Hail, holy cave! fcho* dark thou be, The world is lighted up from thee; Hail, Holy Babe. Creation stands, And moves upon Thy little hands. IN BETHLEHEM TOWN, Airs 1'2. 30. 83. 19. 1 In Bethlehem Town He lay Him down, Within a place obscure; O little Bethlehem, poor in walls, But rich in furniture. Chorus. 1 : Since Heav'n is now come down below, Hither the angels fly; Hark! how the heav'nly voices sing, Glory to God on hi- 2 The news is spread, the shepherds heard, And troubled Salem's peace, King Herod groaned upon his throne, Tor fear his reign would cease. Since Heav'n is now, 6zc. 12 HOIiY NAME OP JESUS. 3 Wise kings from far beheld the star, Which was their faithful guide, Until it pointed out the Babe, And Him they glorified. Since Heav'n is now, &c. 4 The blazing star did shine so far, That all the world might see, And nations bound in darkness found; True light and liberty. Since Heav'n is now, &c. JESUS, THE VEET THOUGHT OF THEE. Airs 13, 44, 83. 1 Jesus, the very Thought of Thee, With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest; No sound, no harmony so gay, Can art of music frame, No thought can reach, no word can say, The sweets of Thy blest Name. 2 O hope of ev'ry contrite heart! O joy of all the weak: \ To those who fall how kind Thou art, How good to those who seek! But what to those who find? oh! this, No tongue, no pen can show; The love of Jesus what it is, None but His loved ones know. ■LEST. 13 O Jesus, light of all below! Thou Fount of life and fire, Surpassing all the joys we know, Aii that we can desire. May every heart confess Thy Name, And ever Thee adore! And seeking Thee, itself inflame, To seek Thee more and more. O Jesus! Thou the beauty art Of angel worlds above; Thy Name is music to the heart, Enchanting it with love. For Thee I yearn, for Thee I sigh; When wilt Thou come to me, And make me glad eternallv, With one blest sight of Thee? STABAT MATEE. Air 14. 1 Stabat Mater dolorosa, Juxta crucem lacrymosa, Dum penclebat Films. 2 Cujus an imam gementem, Contristatam et dolentem, Pertransivit gladius. 3 O quam tristis et afflicta, Fuit ilia benedicta, Mater Unigeniti! 4 Quae mcerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater dum videbat Nati pcenas inclyti. 14 LENT. 5 Quis est homo qui non Herat, Matrem Christi si videret In tan to suplieio? 6 Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dolentem cum Filio? 7 Pro peccatis suse gentis, Vidit Jesum in tormentis Et nagellis subditum. 8 Vidit suum dulcem natum, Moriendo desolatum, Dum emisit spirtum. 9 Eia Mater, fons amoris, Me sentire vim doloris Fac ut tecum lugeam. 10 Fac ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum, Ut sibi complaceam. 11 Sancta Mater istud agas Crucifixi fige plagas Cordi meo valide. 12 Tui nati vulnerati, Tarn dignati pro me pati, Poenas mecum divide. 13 Fac me tecum pie flere Crucifixo condolere Donee ego vixero. 14 Juxta crucem tecum stare, Et me tibi sociare In planctu desidero. 1ST. 15 38 HEE STATION KEEPING. 14. At the cross her station keeping, Biood ng, CI Thr i*ingj All his bitter anguish bear: J and sore distressed Of the sole begotten in toriner.: h She beneatli beholds t"_ Of her dying glorious 8 3 I- there me who would not weep, lear mother to t 5a Can the human heart refrain From partaking in her pain, In thai mother a ^ain unfcol i Bruise 1. curse:!, defiled, She \ sheld her fcendei ;_._:. I All with bloody scourges rent, For the sin of his own nation Saw him hang in deaolati irit : xrth b i 5 Let me mingle tears with ~ irning him who mourned for : All tfa By Xfa 1G LENT. 6 O tliou mother! font of love! Touch my spirit from above, Make my heart with thine accord, Make me feel as thou hast ft It; Make my soul to glow and melt With the love of Christ my Lord. 7 Virgin of all virgins blest! Listen to my fond request; Let me share thy grief divine; Let me, to my latest breath, In my body bear the death Of that dying Son of thine. 8 Holy mother! pierce me through; In my heart each wound renew Of my Saviour crucified: Let me share with thee His pain, Who for all my sins was slain, Who for me in torments died. 9 Wounded with his every wound, Steep my soul till it has swooned In His very blood away. While my body here decays, May my soul thy goodness praise, Safe in Paradise with thee. THOU LOVING MAEEE OF MANKIND. Air 120. 1 Thou loving Maker of mankind, Before Thy throne we pray and weep; O, strengthen us with grace divine, Duly this sacred time to keep. GOOD FEED AT. IT Great Judge of hearts, Thou dost discern Our ills, and all our weakness know; Again to Thee with tears we turn, Again to ns Thy mercy show. Much have we sinned; but we confess Our guilt, and all oar faults deplore: O, for the praise of Thy great Name, Our fainting souls to health restore. And grant us, while by fasts we strive This mortal body to control, To fast from all the food of sin, And so to purify the soul. Hear us, O Trinity thrice blest; Sole Unity, to Thee we cry; Vouchsafe us from these fasts below To reap immortal fruit on high. jesus CKUCIFIED. Air 16. 1 O, comf and mourn with me awhile; See, Mary calls us to her side; Oli, come and let us mourn with her: Jesus, our Love, is crucified! 2 Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? Ah! look how patiently He hangs; Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! 3 Seven times He spoke, seven words of love, And all three hours his silence cried For mercy on the souls of men: Jeans, cur Love, is crucified! 18 LENT. 4 Come, fake Thy stand beneath the Cross, And let the Blood from out that Side Fall gently on thee drop by drop: Jesus, our Love, is crucified! 5 A broken heart, a fount of tears, Ask, and they will not be denied; A broken heart love's cradle is : Jesus, our Love, is crucified! 6 O Love of God! O Sin of Man! In this dread act your strength is tried; And victory remains with love, For He, our Love is crucified! THE PASSIOtf. Airs 17, 18, 1. Cheistians who of Jesus' sorrows, Come the doleful tale to hear, See what streams of blood flow for us, Blend, ah! blend at least a tear. Lo! for sins our own devoted, Bleeds the victim from on high, By his suff'rings animated, For him live and for him die. In a lonely garden praying Conflicts rude oppress His soul, Fear and hope His soul assailing Strive by turns His will to rule. Now doth fear command imperious, Now strong efforts love combines; Love at length prevails victorious, He to death Himself resigns. LENT. 1 I 3 Dooin'd to death new Isaac willing, Loaded with the heavy tree, In His heart oitr sins bewailing, He ascends Mount Calvary. Lo! His hands and feet are pierc'd thro. On the bloody cross He lies; Streams of vital blood How for you, •Sinners He's your sacrifice. 4 Now behold the man of sorrows, On the cross exalted high; SufFring, bleeding, dying for us, Now behold salvation nigh. Satan our great foe lies vanquished, Mary's seed has bruised his head; Our redemption is accomplish' d, Jesus has our ransom paid. 5 He expires in sad convulsions; Nature comfortless bemoans: Heaven and earth and all creation Trembling echo doleful groans, Ah! shall man a sight so wofui, Yiew alone with tearless eye? Grant, O Jesus! I may grateful, With Thee mourn and with Thee die. JESUS! JESUS! BEHOLD AT LE --TI Air 19. 1 Jesus! Jesus! behold at length a time, When I resolve to turn away from cr me. Pardon me, Jesus! Thy mercy I iuipl >rfc 3 I never will offend Thee, No, no, never more, I never will offend Thee ! No, no, never more! EASTEE. 2 Jesus ! my soul Thy precious blood hatli cost, Suffer me not forever to be lost. Pardon me, Jesus! Thy mercy I implore, I never will offend Thee, Xo, no, never more, I never will offend Thee I Xo, no, never more! OHEIST THE LOED IS EISEN TO-DAY. Airs 20, 22,33, 122. 1 Cheist the Lord is ris'n to-day; Christians haste your vows to pay; Offer ye your praises meet, At the paschal Victim's feet. For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, Sinless in the sinner's stead; Christ the Lord is ris'n on high, Now He dies no more to die! 2 Christ the victim undefiled, Man to God hath reconciled, When in strange and awful strife, Met together death and life. Christians on this happy clay, Haste with joy your vows to pay; Christ the Lord is ris'n on high, Now He Lives no more to die! 3 Christ who once for sinners bled, Xow the first-bom from the dead, Thron'd in endless might and pow'r, Lives and reigns for ever more. Hail, eternal hope on high! Hail, Thou King of victory! Hail, Thou Prince of life ador'd! Help and save us. gracious Lord! BASTES. 21 4 Say, O wond'xing Mary, say, AYhut thou sawest ou the way. "I beheld where Christ had lain, Empty tombs and angels twain; I beheld the glory bright Of the rising Lord of Light; Christ my hope is ris'n again: Now He lives, and lives to reign." TO-DAY HE'S EISEff. Air ah 1 To-day He's ris'n, death no more Shall bind Him to the grave ; No more can hell or sin's fell pow'r O'er Him dominion ha\e. He likened to our sinful form, Once dcom'd himself to die, That He by death might death o'ercome, Its deadly sting destroy. Ij : Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. : ]] 2 O death! where is thy mortal sting? Where's now thy victory? To-day His glorious j^raise we sing, Who triumphed ever thee. Not triumphed for Himself alone, But by His mighty pow'r, Taught us to triumph in our turn, Nor dread thy terrors more, ]]: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. :|] 3 I know that my Eedeemer Jives, And reigns above the skies; He will revive my dust again, And bid my body rise. EASTEB. Then cloth'd in my own glorious flesh, I shall behold His face, That sweet hope in my bosom glows, And cheers mv lingering days. || : Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. : [[ JESUS BISEK Airs 24, 42, 53, 118. All hail, dear Conqueror! all hail, Oh, what a victor y is Thine ! How beautiful Thy strength appears, Thy crimson wounds how bright they shine! Thou earnest at the dawn of day: Armies of souls around Thee were, Blests spirits thronging to adore Thy Flesh, so marvellous, so fair. The everlasting Godhead lay Shrouded within those Lambs Divine, $or left untenanted one hour That Sacred Human Heart of Thine. They worshipped Thee, those ransomed souls, With the fresh strength of love set free; Tliey worshipped joyously, and thought Of Mary while they looked on Thee. And Thou too, Soul of Jesus! Thou Towards that sacred Flesh did yearn, And for the beatings of that Heart How ardently Thy love did bum! Taey worshipped while the beauteous Soul Paused by the Body's wounded Side: — Bright flashed the cave — before them stood The Living Jesus glorified. ASCENSION DAY. 23 Ye Heavens, how sang they in your courts, How sung the angelic choirs that day, "When from His tomb the imprisoned God, Like the strong sunrise broke away! Down, down, all lofty things on earth, And worship Him with joyous dread! O Sin! Thou art undone by love! O Death! thou art discomfltted! HAIL THE HOLY DAY OF DAYS! Airs 22, 30, 33, 122. 1 Hatjd! the holy day of days, High the song of triumph raise, To the Saviour glory tell, How the cross hath vanquished helL By the precious blood are we Isow redeemed of Christ and free, High thanksgiving therefore raise, Sing the great Redeemer's praise. 2 Now the glorious victory won, Thou the everlasting Son, With the Father thron'd on high, Eulest all below the sky. King of kings, Thy saints unite To the choir of angels bright, Alleluia, Lord we sing, Jesus Christ Redeemer King. CUE LOED IS EISEN. Airs 24, 42, 119. 1 Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high, The pow'rs of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 24 ASCENSION DAT. Cho. Who is the King of glory? who? The Lord that all his foes overcame, The world, sin, death, and hell o'er- threw, And Jesns is the conqueror's name. 2 There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay; Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors give way. Who is the King, &c. 3 Loose all your bars of massive light, And wide unfold th'etherial scene; He claims these mansions as his right, Receive the King of glory in. Who is the King, &c. THOU ETEENAL KING MOST HIGH. Airs 13, 30, 46. 1 O Thou eternal King most high, Who didst the world redeem; And conquering death and hell, receive A dignity supreme. Thou to Thy heavenly throne this day Didst in Thy might ascend; Thenceforth to reign in sovereign power, And glory without end. 2 There seated in Thy majesty, To Thee submissive bow The spacious earth, the highest heaven, The depths of hell below. PENTECOST. 25 There, waiting for Thy faithful souls, Be Thou to us, O Lord, Our peerless joy while here we stay, In Heav'n our great reward. 3 Renew our strength; our sins forgive; Our miseries efface; And lift our souls aloft to Thee, By Thy celestial grace. So, when Thou shinest on the cloud, With Thy angelic train, May we be saved from vengeance due, And our lost crowns regain. VENI CKEATOE SPIBITUS. Airs 25, 153. 1 Veni Creator Spiritus Mentes tuorum visita, Imple superna gratia Quae tu creasti pectora. 2 Qui diceris Paraclitus, Altissimi donum Dei, Fons vivus ignis chctritas, Et Spiritalis unctio. 3 Tu septiformis munere, Digitus Paternae dexter a?, Tu rite promissum Patris Sermone ditans guttura. 4 Accende lumen sensibus, Infunde amorem coidibus Infirma nostri corporis Virtute firmans perpeti. 26 PENTZCOST. 5 Hostem repellas longius, Pacemque clones protinus; Ductore sic te praevio, Vitemus onine noxivmi. 6 Per te sciamus da Patrem, Noscamus atque Filium, Teque utriusque Spiritum Credamus onini tempore. 7 Deo Patri sit gloria, Ejusque soli Filio Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Nunc et per omne sseculum. Amen. COME, HOLT GHOST. Airs 26, 27. 1 Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams, Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams, Which sweetly flows in silent streams. Prom Thy bright throne above. 2 O come Thou Father of the poor, Thou bounteous source of all our store, Come, warm our hearts with love divine, Come, warm our hearts with love divine, Thou bounteous source of all our store, Come warm our hearts with love. Come, Holy Ghost, &c. 3 Come, Thou of Comforters the best; Come, Thou the soul's delightful guest; Come, Thou the soul's delightful guest, The pilgrim's sweet relief. Come, Holy Ghost, &c. frnteoost. 27 4 Thou art our rest in toil and sweat, Beireshinent in excessive heat; Refreshment in excessive heat, And solace in our grief. Come, Holy Ghost, kc. 5 O sacred Light! shoot forth Thy darts; O! pierce the centre of these hearts; O! pierce the centre of these hearts, Whose faith aspires to Thee. Come, Holy Ghost, kc. COME, HOLT GHOST, CREATOR BLEST. 1 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And in our hearts take up Thy rest; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, :To rill the hearts which Thou hast made. : | 2 O Comforter, to Thee we cry; Thou heavenly Gift of God Most High; Thou Fount of life and Fire of love, : And sweet anointing from above. : ]| 3 O Holy Ghost, thro' Thee alone, Enow we the Father and the Son: Be this our never-changing creed, :Thac Thou dost from them both jDroceed. :| ray for me, Whilst far from Heav'n and thee I wander in a fragile bark, O'er life's tempestuous sea; thl must blessed vntaiN, 59 O Virgin Mother, from thy throne, So bright in bliss above, Protect thy child and cheer my path, With thy sweet smile of love. Cho. — Mother clear, remember me, And never cease thy care, 'Till in heaven eternally, Thy love and bliss I share. 2 Mother dear, O ! pray for me, Should pleasure's syren lay, E'er tempt tny child to wander far From Virtue's path away; When thorns beset life's devious way, And darkling waters flow, Then Mary, aid thy weeping child, Thyself a mother show. Mother dear, &c. 3 Mother dear, O! pray for me, Wnen all looks bright and fair, That I may all my danger see, For surely then 'tis near; A Mother's pray'r how much we need If prosperous be the ray That paints with gold the flow'ry mead, Which blossoms in our way. Mother dear, &c. MACULA NON EST IN TE. Air 58. Daughter of a mighty Father, Maiden patron of the May, Angels forms around thee gather: Macula non est in te. Macula non est in te. — A times. 60 THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 2 Mother of the Son and Saviour, Of the Truth, the Life, the Way, Guide our footsteps, calm our passions: Macula non est in te. Macula non est in te. — 4 times. 3 Spouse of the Eternal Spirit, Blossom which will ne'er decay, Let us but thy love inherit, Macula non est in te. Macula non est in te. — i times. 4 Daughter, Mother, Spouse of Heaven, Listen to our earnest lay, Sweetest gift to man e'er given: Macula non est in te. Macula non est in te. — 4 times. 5 Here on earth we see but darkly, But we hail afar the day, When we'll see thee in thy splendor: Macula non est in te. Macula non est in te. — 4 times. 6 We are earth's, Oh! thou whoblossom'd Lily in the thorny way, Guide and help us, love and bless us: Macula non est in te. Macula non est in te. — 4 times. OH! MAEY! MOTHEE MAET! Airs 60, 75, 84. Oh! Mary! Mother Mary! We place our trust in thee, Our faith shall never vary, Tho' weak the flesh may be. THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 61 Cho.||:Too oft with steps unwary, From duty's path we bent: Oli! Mary! Mother Mary! Thou teach us to to repent. : || 2 The grisly form of terror, Now rises on our way, Now more seductive error, Would lead our feet astray. Cho.||: Satan is strong and wary, But thou wilt crush his might: Oh! Mary! Mother Mary! Strengthen us in the fight. : || 3 From dangerous occasions, That blind imprudent eyes, From treacherous persuasions, That point not to the skies. CHO.||:From mirth too light and airy, From thought too sad and deep: Oh! Mary! Mother Mary! Thy little children keep. : 11 4 Let us remember ever, The presence of the Lord; To serve him let's endeavor, In thought, in deed, in word. Cho.||:As monster or as faj'ry, Satan may take the field; But, Mary! Mother Mary! Thy name will be our shield. : || DEAEEST MOTHEE 0E MEECY, Air 61. Cho. — O deaeest Mother of mercy, Gentle and holy queen, 62 THE MOST BLESSED VIRGTN. Beauty bright and serene, O may we one day in glory Blessed Mother of grace, Behold thy most sweet face. — 3 times. Solo. -All hail, our admirable Mother, Let angels and men sing her praise: None after Jesus is above thee, For her should be the sweetest lays. O dearest Mother, &c. 2 Protect and hear us, gentlest Mary, From on high hear our humble cries: On us that mourn and weep in mis'ry, O turn thy mercy's tender eyes. O dearest Mother, &c. 3 O clement, sweet and pious Mary, O thou of whom our Lord was born. Show us thy Son to make us happy, When life at last is from us torn. O dearest Mother, &c. MOTHEE MAEY, AT THINE ALTAE. Airs 5, 3, 29, 55, 56, 81. 1 Mother Mary, at thine altar We thy loving children kneel; With a faith that cannot falter To thy goodness we appeal. We are seeking for a mother O'er the earth so waste and wide; And from off the Cross our Brother Points to Mary by His side. THE MOST BLESSED VTBGIN. 63 2 Thou wilt love us, thou wilt guide us With a mother's fondest care; And our Father, God above us, Bids us rly for refuge there. Life's temptations arc before us, We must mingle in the strife; If thy fondness watch not o'er us, All unsafe will be .our life. 3 So we take thee for our Mother And we claim the right to be, By the gift of our dear Brother, Loving children unto thee; And our humble conseciation Thou wilt surely not despise, From thy high and lofty station Close to Jesus in the skies. 4 Mother Mary, to thy keeping We ourselves to thee confide, Toiling, resting, waking, sleeping, To be ever at Thy side. Cares that vex us, joys that please us, Life and death we trust to thee; Thou Avilt make them all for Jesus, And for all eternity. SANOTISSIMA. Air&L 1 O sanctissima, piissima, Dulcis Virgo Maria, Mater amata, intemerata, Ora, or a pro nobis. 64 THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 2 Tota pulchra es, O Maria, Et macula non est in te. Mater amata, intemerata, Ora, ora pro nobis. 3 Sicut lilium, inter spinas, Sic Maria inter filias. Mater amata, intemerata, Ora, ora pro nobis. 4 In miseria, in angustia, Ora Virgo pro nobis. Pro nobis ora, in mortis hora, Oro, ora pro nobis. DAILY, DAILY SING TO MARY. Air 63. L Daily, daily sing to Mary, Sing, my soul, her praises due; All her feasts, her actions worship, With he heart's devotion true. Lost in wond'ring contemplation, Be her Majesty confess'd; Call her Mother, call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest. I She is mighty to deliver; Call her, trust her lovingly; When the tempest rages round thee, She will calm the troubled sea. Gifts of heaven she has given, Noble Liady, to our race; She the Queen who decks her subjects With the light of God's own grace. THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 65 3 Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's trophies, Who for us her Maker bore, Eor the curse of old inflicted, Peace and blessing to restore. Sing in songs of peace unending, Sing the world's majestic Queen: Weary not nor faint in telling, All the gifts she gives to men. 4 All our joys do flow from Mary; All then join her praise to sing: Trembling sing the Virgin Mother, Mother of our Lord and King. While we sing her awful glory, Far above our fancy's reach, Let our hearts be quick to offer Love alone the heart can teach. PAIEEST OF MOETALS, Air 64. 1 Fatkest of mortals, Vase of all blissful grace; Mary our Mother, Protectress of this place. Oh! watch thou o'er our infancy, And guard our infant purity. ( !ho. — Mother, O, hear thy children's fervent pray'r! Mother, oh ! hear, and take us in thy care. 66 THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 2 Fountain e'er flowing, Source of immortal life, "Well-spring of favors, With hope and solace rife. Oh! be our strength, our hope, and stay, And save us from this fearful day. Mother, O hear, &c. 3 From early childhood, Our hearts to God belong; Time but increases, And makes the ties more strong. Be thou always beside us, To lead, to rule, and guide us. Mother, O hear, &c. 4 Kind benefactress Of childhood's helpless years, O sweet protectress, In all its risks and fears. When life's last throes betide us, Come down and stand beside us. Cho. — Mother, O, come, and lead us by the hand, Mother, O lead us to our fatherland. HAIL, MAET! QUEEN AND VIEGIN PURE. Air 65. 1 Hail, Mary! Queen and Virgin pure, With ev'ry grace replete! Hail, kind protectress of the poor! Pity our needy state, THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 67 Pity our needy state, Pity our needy state. Hail, kind protectress of the poor, Pity our needy state. 2 O thou who filTst the highest place Next Heaven's imperial throne! Obtain for us each saving grace, And make our wants thy own, And make our wants thy own, And make our wants thy own. Obtain for us each saving grace, And make our wants thy own. 3 How oft when trouble filled my breast, Or sin my conscience pained, Thro' thee I sought for peace and rest; Thro' thee I peace obtained, Thro' thee I peace obtained, Thro' thee I peace obtained. Thro' thee I sought for peace and rest, Thro' thee I peace obtained. 4 Then hence, in all my pains and cares, I'll seek for help in thee; E'er trusting thro' thy pow'rful pray'rs To gain eternity, To gain eternity, To gain eternity. E'er trusting thro' thy pow'rful pray'rs, To gain eternity. SUB TUUM PE&SIDIUM, Air 66. Cho.— Sub tuum presidium || : confugimus, : | || : Sancta Dei Genitrix. : || 08 THE MOST BL.ESSED VTRGIN. Solo. -Nostras deprecationes ||:ne despicias, : || In necassitatibus nostris. Sub tuum, &c. Solo. -Sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Sub tuum, &c. AVE MAEIA, Air 67. Ave Maria gratia plena, ||:Dominus tecum.:|j Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus, Sancta Maria Mater Dei ora pro nobis, Peccatoribus, nunc et in hora, in liora mor- tis nostrse. Ora pro nobis, pro nobis peccatoribus, :Nunc et in hora, in liora mortis nostrse. Amen. : || MOENING HYMN to the BLESSED VIKGIN. Air 68. 1 The Star of the ocean is risen, And sweetly reflects on the tide; Yon bark with a swift gale is driven, And soon it shall reach the green side, To which the bright star seem to guide it, As into a haven of rest, Where the wind and the tempest that tried it, In the bright glow of sunshine will cease. Cho. — The Star of the ocean is risen, And sweetly reflects on the tide; Yon bark with a swift sail is driven, And soon it shall reach the green side. THE MOST BLLSSKD VIKGIN. 69 All ! what is this Planet so beaming, That near it the rest die away; With heavenly lustre is streaming, And changes our night into day. This beautiful Planet is Mary, Who shines o'er her mariners here; Her light is their sure guide to glory, Dispelling the dark clouds of fear. The Star, &c. Oh! Sbar of the sea, do illumine My course with this brilliant ray; In thy name past errors consuming, Ah, teach me from thee ne'er to stray. Thus, thus shall I reach to the haven, Where thy bark just lowered her sail; There enter the portals of heaven, Where the Star of the Ocean I'll hail. The Star, &c. AVE MAEIS STELLA. Airs 69, 70. 1 Ave Maris Stella Dei Mater Alma Atque semper Virgo Felix Cceli porta. 2 Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace Mutans Evse nomen. 3 Solve vincla reis Profer lumen csecis Mala nostra pelle Bona cuncta posce. 70 THE MOST BLESSED YIBGIN. 4 Monstra te esse matrem Sumat per te preces Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. 5 Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis Nos culpis solutos Mites fac et castos. 6 Vitaro prsesta puram, Iter para tutum, Ut videntes Jesum Semper collsetemur. 7 Sit laus Deo Patri, Suninio Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen. V. Dirigatur, Domine, oratio mea, R, Sicut ineensum in conspectu tuo MAET, STAE OP THE SEA. Air 71. When evening shades are falling O'er ocean's sunny sleep, To pilgrim's heart recalling Their home beyond the deep; When rest o'er all descending, The shores with gladness smile, And lutes, their echoes blending, Are heard from isle to isle; THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 71 Cho.— Then Mary, Mother Mary, Thou bright star of the sea, We'll pray to thee our Mother, We'll pray, we'll pray to thee. 2 The noonday tempest over, Now ocean toils no more, And wings of halcyons hover, Where all was strife before. Oh! thus may life, in closing, Its short tempestuous day, Beneath Heav'n's smile reposing, Shine all its storms away. Then Mary, &c. GENTLE STAK OF OCEAN. Airs 72, 41. 1 Gentle Star of Ocean, Portal of the sky, Ever Virgin Mother Of the Lord most High! Oh! by Gabriel's Ave, Uttered long ago, || : Eva's name reversing, 'Stablish'd peace below. :|[ 2 Break the captive's fetters, Light on blindness pour; All our ills expelling, Ev'ry bliss implore. Show thyself a Mother, Offer Him our sighs, | : Who for us Incarnate, Did not thee despise. :|| 72 THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN. 3 Virgin of all virgins, To thy shelter take us; Gentlest of the gentle, Chaste and gentle make us. Thro' the highest heavens, To th' Almighty Three, j[:Father, Son, and Spirit, One same glory be. : || FADING, STILL FADING. Air 73. 1 Fading, still fading, the last beam is shin- ing: Ave Maria day is declining: Safety and innocence fly with the light, Temptation and danger walk forth in the night. From the fall of the shade till the matin shall shine: Shield us from danger and save us from crime. Cho. — Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, audi nos. 2 Ave Maria! oh! hear when we call! Mother of Him who is Saviour of all; Feeble and falling we trust in thy might, In doubting and darkness, thy love be our light. Let us sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, And wake in thy care when the morning returns. Cho. — Ave Maria, &c. THE MOST BLESSED VHJQIX. 73 HAIL, HEAVENLY QUEEN. .1