1 i H 1 ■ i ' i II II I *' ': i i • 1 bun . and all we are breth- ren !' We were led to open to these people some of the simple truths of the Christian re- ligion, showing them that it stood not in l meats and drinks, divers washings, and carnal ordi- nances/ but in righteousness, peace and joy in a holy spirit. " These views appeared to comfort many. A poor woman who had brought her sick infant to us, and implored us to perform the ceremony of baptism, saying, that as there was no resident clergyman on the Island, and the circuit preacher would not be among them for a fortnight, she feared the child would die, and without baptism she had been taught to believe it would not be saved — seemed greatly comforted on finding we considered water baptism of no importance. " After the company had dispersed we partook JOHN JACKSON. 95 of some refreshments, and lying down on the floor of the house In which we held the meeting, we enjoyed a sweet rest from the fatigue occasioned by this day's journey and labor. " 12th mo. lQlh. " We rose before it was light and made our way to the beach, where we found our our boatmen ready to take us back to Tortola. We were soon out of view of the singular and pictur- esque shore of Virgin Gorda, its rocky beach exhibiting from the distance the appearance of a ruined city, with its dilapidated towers and castles. In a few hours we reached Fathog Bay, an inlet on the S. E. side of Tortola, at which place we landed, and taking a little girl for a guide, we setoff through a dense thicket to Long Look, the ancient home of Samuel and Mary Nottingham, Friends of Bristol, England. About 60 years ago, these enlightened and benevolent Friends, who owned and occupied this estate, returned to England after having manumitted their slaves, and made them a deed for the property as a com- pensation for their services. They also furnish- ed them with a letter of advice suited to their 96 MEMOIR OF new condition; which we were glad to discover had been very carefully attended to. This letter is considered by the present occupants as one of their choicest treasures, and was handed to us soon after our arrival at the house of one of the oldest members of this little community. " From what we could learn in relation to these people, they have never abused their free- dom. Some of the oldest of them retain an affectionate remembrance of Friends ; one aged man, now quite blind, informed us that he fre- quently had been with his master at Quaker meetings in New York and Philadelphia. " We had a very interesting religious oppor- tunity with them, and after bidding them fare- well, some of their young men conducted us by a circuitous path through a dense thicket, about a mile distant, to the spot where Friends once had a meeting house, in which they assembled for social spiritual worship. This was a place of interest to us, for here are buried the remains of several of our valued ministers from Pennsylva- nia and New Jersey, who visited this Island about JOHN JACKSON. 97 a century ago, from a sense of gospel love. The stone foundation of the meeting house was still remaining ; near it five tombs had been erected according to the ancient custom of the Island. They were built of brick about three feet above the ground, and covered over neatly with mortar. Time had made its ravages "upon these mansions of the dead. The acacia spread thickly its thorny branches over them, and near them the century blooming aloe was luxuriantly growing. Although no eulogy was engraven upon them, yet the tradition of the place is, that they were erected to mark the resting place of strangers, who had visited the Island and died there. After taking a brief survey of these mansions of the dead, we returned to the beach, and in a few hours were safely landed at Eoadstown. " Our next visit was to Mount Healthy, a beautiful spot overlooking the sea, but is now no longer the residence of the proprietor. This is the case with many of the estates. Notice had been given that we intended to hold a meeting at this place; previous to its commencement, we 98 MEMOIR OF walked to an elevation near the house, which commanded a view of the hills and valleys that compose several adjacent estates ; most of the laborers on which had quit their work and were coming to the meeting; groups of them could be seen in various directions, carrying on their heads their three legged stools, on which they were to sit, or a bench, which two or three might occupy, was occasionally borne along. When they had assembled, the simple truths of the gospel were spread before them, which they seemed to com- prehend, and they were directed to the spirit of God within them, which would make wise in things pertaining to eternal life. The more we mingle and become acquainted with these poor, but hitherto neglected people, the more decided is the conviction that all they need is proper instruction and kind treatment, to elevate them to an equal rank with any other laboring class." 12th mo. ISth. " To-day we made an inter- esting visit to Albion, the estate of R. V. Shew, he having kindly invited us to make his people a visit, and hold a religious meeting with them JOHN JACKSON. 99 and others whom he had invited from the neigh- boring estates. " u We held our meeting beneath the shade of a large sand box tree, so called from the pecu- liar form of its seed vessel, which resembles, and is frequently used as a sand box. " We could not but notice how neatly these people were attired, and with what attention they appeared to listen to what we had to com- municate among them, which being a word of encouragement, seemed like a proclamation of spiritual liberty to the captive, and the open- ing of the prison doors to them that are bound." St. Christophers. " We left Tortola on the morning of the 19 th in a small sloop, and after a tedious beat to wind- ward we landed at Basse-Terra about 4 o'clock P. M. on the 22d. A protracted voyage of nearly three and a half days, in an uncomfort- able vessel, left us weak from fatigue. It was not, however, without some objects of interest." " We had letters of introduction to several 100 MEMOIR or persons of this place ; one of which procured us a welcome reception from T. S. TVigley, who kindly offered his assistance to promote the ob- ject of our visit. He introduced us to the Governor, Charles Cunningham, and obtained his permission for the use of the Court House, in which we desired to have a religious meeting. He also accompanied us on a visit to the jail, in which we found twenty-four men and five women were confined ; most of them for small offences : none were sentenced for a longer term than sis months. The keeper of the jail informed us that crimes had very much diminished since the act of emancipation.^ 12th mo. 21th. " This morning being the first day of the week, we walked out to Stone's Fort, an estate managed by R. Higgins. We were kindly received, and as a previous arrange- ment had been made for a meeting to be held in the mansion house, it was well attended by the resident laborers, and a number of others from the adjacent plantations. They were encouraged to observe the command of Jesus, i seek first the JOHN JACKSON. 101 kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. J In the afternoon we had a meeting at the house of John Challenger, an officer of the cus- toms in Basse Terra. John is a man of color, and has an interesting family. In the evening we walked home with Richard Challenger, a cousin of John's, whose residence is in the town of Old Eoad, and attended a large meeting in a Methodist Meeting House. We reached the house of our friend just as his family were pre- paring to go to their usual meeting, and it was proposed that we should accompany them ; to this we had no objection. As we walked up the aisle and took our seats, the eyes of the min- ister and congregation were upon us. The cus- tomary exercises of the evening which had been commenced before we entered, were dispensed with, and the minister, after inquiring of our friend if the object of our visit was a religious one, kindly offered us the opportunity to hold a meeting after our manner of worship; and although the opportunity was unexpected to us, 9 t 102 JOHN JACKSON. we believed it was felt by many to be a season of divine favor; and the simple truths we had to deliver among them were listened to with marked attention." Antigua. 12th mo. 30th. "After about thirty-six hours' comfortless tossing, we were landed at St. Johns, the principal seaport and capital of Antigua. St. Johns is an ancient looking town, with a popula- tion of about 5000. The Episcopalians; Mora- vians and Methodists have large houses for wor- ship, with numerous congregations. i The Moravians are about one-third of the whole popu- lation of the Island. This sect commenced their operations in Antigua in 1756, and entered on the instruction of the slaves in this and other West Indian settlements. Though forced to en- dure many difficulties and severe privations in the prosecution of their pious undertaking, yet by a quiet perseverance and conciliatory deport- ment, they were successful in effecting great good by disseminating knowledge among the slave JOHN JACKSON. 103 population. The management of the eman- cipated laborers is well understood upon this Island. Antigua and Bermuda stand nobly as the pioneers of freedom.'" " The different sects appear to be exerting their benevolent efforts to elevate and train the youth for the improved station they must occupy in the world. Schools have been established, and parents are careful to send their children to them. The library and reading rooms of St. Johns is an institution of considerable impor- tance, containing about five thousand volumes. The English, American and Colonial newspapers are to be seen upon their tables ; an intelligent colored man acts as librarian." First month 3d, " To-day we held a religious meeting in St. Johns; for this purpose, we pro- cured the use of a large room in our boarding house, which proved much too small to accom- modate those who seemed desirous to attend. The minds of many of the different professors of religion in this place had been prejudiced against us, before our arrival ; so much so, that we met 104 MEMOIR OF with great opposition in our attempts to obtain a house suitable for the purpose of a public reli- gious meeting. A large number of the respec- table inhabitants were present on the occasion to-day. The meeting proved to be one of divine favor; and although many came there with the expectation of hearing, as they said, c the truths of Christianity controverted/ they were well satisfied with the opportunity, and acknowledged their unity with us and our labors among them. Their minds were disabused of the prejudices they had fostered against us ; very many offered their services to assist in obtaining religious op- portunities with the people, and from this time we found no difficulty in obtaining meetings in the town of St. Johns and other parts of the Island/ 1 " Visited John Miller, the intelligent superin- tendent of the Mico Schools. He gave us some very interesting information relative to these es- tablishments. A benevolent woman by the name of Mico, about two hundred years ago, left a large sum of money for the ransom of Algerine JOHN JACKSON. 105 captives. The money not being used for that purpose, the interest has since been appropriated to the establishment of schools in several of the British Colonies. The number of children on the different islands who are now receiving the benefit of this fund, is estimated at 10,000. The interest annually disbursed, is about $70,000, this has been increased by additional funds from government. So far as we could learn, these schools are conducted very much as the public schools in Philadelphia." "We had an interesting meeting in the town of Falmouth about two and a half miles distance from English Harbor. The people of this place manifested at first an unwillingness to attend a meeting, which we could not account for. They finally told us that the demands of the clergy for money were so frequent, that they avoided reli- gious opportunities on that account. On being informed that we were not of the class who 1 preach for hire or divine for money/ they soon gave the necessary information, and in a few 9* 106 MEMOIR OF hours a very large company assembled in a suit- able house procured for the purpose/' " After a meeting which we held at the village of Parharn, we had an interesting conversation with several intelligent young colored people on the subject of a hireling ministry and women's preaching. It was something new to them to hear of a people who bore a testimony against the practice of paying ministers for preaching, and who considered women could be equally qualified with men, for the work of the ministry. They had been taught to believe that a main- tenance of the clergy was a duty which the gos- pel imposed upon their hearers, and that the ex- clusion of women from the exercise of the ministerial office was based upon the commands of the Apostle, when he cautioned some troublesome Corinthian women against ask- ing questions in the churches. They appeared well satisfied, after an exposition of our views upon these subjects; one of the young women remarking, that she saw no good reason why their sex should not be permitted to preach, and JOHN JACKSON. 107 as an evidence that they did not lack the neces- sary qualification for the service, she informed us that one of their ministers was in the habit of employing a female friend of hers to prepare and write out his sermons." First month 20th. u Having made arrange- ments to sail for Barbadoes, we bid farewell to our worthy landlady and her household, who loaded us with their kind wishes and blessings. Several of our friends took boat with us for the vessel, which lay at anchor some distance from the shore. Among the number was a little colored lad, a son of R. Higgins of Stone's Fort. He is nine years of age ; the little fellow would not leave us till the last minute. We were quite surprised to find him in the boat. He had se- cured a seat without our perceiving it. He had a great deal of cautiousness, but his love appeared to have overcome it. The schooner lay more than a mile from the wharff but the little boy concluded, although he had never been in a boat before, he would go now. We could scarcely account for this strong attachment of the lad, 108 MEMOIR OF every morning he came to see us, after he knew of our being in town, frequently took breakfast with us, and spent the time before school." Barbadoes. u Our voyage occupied nearly five and a half days from Antigua to Barbadoes; the Captain being an agreeable young man, made our tedious beating to the windward much more pleasant than it otherwise would have been." " Bridgetown is a busy place, containing about 30,000 inhabitants; the streets are generally narrow and crooked, but kept remarkably clean. They are all macadamized, and covered with a kind of disintegrated coral rock, resembling a mortar cement, which, filling up the interstices between the stones, forms a smooth, compact surface. There are no side walks, the carriage ways, in most places, extending to the walls of the house's. The evidences of commercial busi- ness are much greater than in any town we have yet visited. This Island is about twenty-two JOHN JACKSON. 109 miles long by fourteen broad, and contains a population of one hundred and twenty thousand/' " The principal religious denominations are the Church of England, the Moravians, and the Methodists. The Moravians have attached to them in several congregations about six thousand members. We had several interesting meetings among them. From John Ellis, the Moravian missionary, and Elizabeth his wife, we received the kindest attention. Their large and com- modious place of worship was freely offered to us during our stay here. The Methodists have about fifteen hundred members. They have been a persecuted people on account of their op- position to slavery. Some years previous to the emancipation, the popular feeling was so much against them, that their chapel was totally de- molished by a mob, and their preachers driven from the Island. They have since erected several houses of worship, and all classes would be glad now to blot out of remembrance those shameful proceedings. " 1st mo. 30th. " This afternoon we took pas- 110 MEMOIR OF sage in a large sail boat, used as a lighter for the conveyance of sugar, &c, for Speightstown, which is about twelve miles from Bridgetown. "We were furnished with rooms by Richard Mapp, a very worthy young colored man, a provision dealer. The use of his parlor was subsequently offered for our holding a meeting, which we ac- cepted, and had a large and satisfactory oppor- tunity. We also had an interesting meeting on the evening of First day, in the Methodist chapel, at which most of the adult citizens were pre- sent. " Some interesting relics of the Society of Friends exist near this town. They once had a meeting house here, but no traces are now to be seen. The ancient place of burial is still called i Quaker Meeting/ It contains about three-fourths of an acre, and is enclosed by a substantial wall of coral rock, still in a good state of preservation. We walked out to this place, and spent an hour in endeavoring to de- cypher some of the memorials of the dead, being a number of simple stones, on which were en- JOHN JACKSON. Ill graved the names of the deceased, and a short eulogy in prose. On one of these ancient monu- ments, a very long epitaph was engraven, but time had so nearly effaced it, that we were only able to read the conclusion ; it was as follows : 1 which he knew to be the guide, light, and truth, which leads to salvation. Died Ninth month 17th, 1673, aged 54 years/ This was the only ancient date we could distinctly read, We were informed that the Lord Bishop was trying to get this ground and other burial places of Friends, on this Island, in his possession, that they might be consecrated, after which his min- isters could perform funeral service in them." " Friends formerly had five meeting houses on this Island ; the members attached to the Society were at one time very numerous. "When George Fox visited this colony in 1681, he publicly and privately labored in the cause of suffering hu- manity • and urged upon those who held slaves, that it was their duty to treat them with kind- ness and mercy, and to give them their freedom in due time, declaring that they were the common 112 MEMOIR OF objects of salvation, and should be treated as the offspring of one universal Father. With such considerations as these, he taught that moral and religious instruction should be equally extended to the slave, as to the master. His is the praise of having first attempted, amidst obloquy and suffering, to preach the gospel in this Island to the poor African slave. Instead of listening to these harmless suggestions, and permitting the operation of Christian principles to effect a cure for the increasing evils of slavery, the advocates of the system raised a torrent of opposition against him and his friends, charging them with exciting the slaves to insurrection, and sowing the seeds of dissatisfaction and distrust. In a letter ad- dressed to the Governor of the Island, George Fox calls those charges a l wicked slander' on the Society. Well satisfied that the inculcation of sound religious principles, with the restoration of legitimate rights, was not only a duty, but con- stituted the greatest safeguard of the peace and happiness of the colony, these early pioneers in the work of emancipation arduously labored JOHN JACKSON. 113 to meliorate the condition of their fellow men, who were suffering under cruel bondage. The opposition to their measures was so strong, that it led to repeated prohibitory laws, some of which possess the harshest features of persecution. By an examination of the Colonial Records, we dis- covered that, in 1676, a law was passed forbid- ding Friends taking the colored people to places of public worship; and in 1678, a law was passed making it a penal offence for a member of our Society to preach at a public meeting. The pre- ambles to these enactments go to show, that the free spirit of Quakerism was inimical to the system of slavery, and that both could not be tolerated in the same community. Such was the current of opposition against which our unoffend- ing forefathers had to contend. The efforts of the different sects, who attempted to prove that the African mind was susceptible of religious and moral refinement, were long and openly op- posed, and their benevolent exertions were narrowed down to a very limited sphere until the act of emancipation in 1836. Happily, a better 10 114 MEMOIR OF day has dawned upon this people. Efforts are now being made to educate them, and to open a path for them to a higher rank and station among their fellow men." Second mo. 5t7i. u Visited another of the Mico schools, in Bridgetown, at which one hun- dred and forty children were receiving the rudi- ments of an education." " This evening we had a meeting at Green Park, where a large company of people assembled. It was held at an unfinished dwelling house which was offered for the purpose. The greater part of the congregation were obliged to remain outside, but within hearing. The more we mingle with the poor and illiterate people of these Islands, (and many of our meetings have been chiefly composed of them,) we are made thank- ful that our lot has been cast among them. The deep attention they manifest on all occasions, and their continual expressions of gratitude, that we had been led among them to labor in the love of the gospel, give evidence that our visit has been appreciated." JOHN JACKSOX. 115 u We had numerous meetings in and around Bridgetown, and one at Sharon, a Moravian settlement about five miles distant. With all these opportunities we felt well satisfied. Our reward was the reward of peace; the conscious- ness of having discharged our duty, and in so doing, to feel that our labors had the salutary effect to encourage the honest inquirer after truth, in the way of well-doing. Having con- cluded our services, we made an arrangement with the Captain of a small schooner to convey us to Trinidad, Went on board about 2 o'clock P. M., and having a pleasant breeze, were soon leaving Barbadoes." Trinidad. u On first day morning the 14th of Second month, we landed in Port of Spain. This is one of the finest towns in the West Indies, the streets are laid off at right angles, having good side-walks and many of them beautifully shaded with trees ; a delightful avenue of large trees near the bay is fenced in and is used as a promenade by the 116 MEMOIR OF citizens. The town is nearly surrounded by very high hills covered with a wilderness of per- petual verdure. At a meeting we held in the evening, a large number of American emigrants were present ; they had heard of our arrival, and seemed delighted to see us. The merchants and planters seem ready to promote the object of our visit." t€ A ride to Savannah Grande, to the locations of American emigrants was peculiarly pleasant. The grandeur of a tropical forest is witnessed on this route. Trees of immense magnitude are seen with trunks covered with parasitic verdure ; many of these singular plants shooting out clus- ters of beautiful flowers. Vines dropping from towering branches stand around these trunks, which appear like planted columns, without a branch, for 70 or 80 feet in height, and from ten to twelve inches in diameter. Palms of various kinds grow luxuriantly, and amidst the rich as- semblage, the Bois Immortelle, with its clusters of orange colored blossoms, stands unrivalled. This is also called l Les Marie Caco', — the JOHN JACKSON. 117 mother of the coaco. In all the coaco planta- tions, this beautiful tree is planted for its shade, as the coaco needs security from the strength of the sun's rays. The nest of the ingenious corn- bird hung pendant from many branches, secure from the marauding monkey which abounds in these forests. On some estates a hunter is almost constantly employed to protect the canes from the depredations of monkeys and other animals. The Lappo, a species of hare, are numerous, as also the Peccary or wild hog, which is taken in abundance. The Tiger-cat is a native, as is also the Boa Constrictor, which, with other serpents, is considered harmless. Parrots are numerous. The mountain cabbage, the prince among trees, it was a pleasure to perceive, had been generally spared by the wood-cutter. Many were seen raising their noble columnar trunks of feathery crowns in almost every field. One of immense height attracts attention on the approach to Phillipine, (an estate of Dr. St. Louis Philips, an educated and intelligent colored man, who had been taught in the best schools of Scotland, 10* 118 MEMOIR OF and graduated at the Medical College of Edin- burgh.) It may been seen at the distance of several miles. It rises near the mansion with a slender column to the height of one hundred and fifty feet ; one hundred and thirty of which is a smooth surface/' Third mo. 1st. " On this Island as on others we have visited, our openings for meetings in- crease, the longer we tarry. The people are anxious for us to delay our departure, desiring other religious opportunities. We felt, however, that our services here were drawing to a close. We had a parting meeting in Port of Spain this evening, which was a season of divine favor, and in which we were enabled to encourage those as- sembled to individual faithfulness to the teach- ings of the Holy Spirit, that by love and good works they might show themselves believers in the gospel of Christ, for the love of which we have been constrained to visit them, and in which we could bid them an affectionate farewell." Third mo. 2d. " Having closed our religious services upon this Island, we made arrangements JOHN JACKSON. 119 to sail to-day for St. Thomas. Many of our friends called to bid us farewell, whose parting salutations seemed to be the expression of a warm and affectionate interest in our welfare, and a sincere desire that we might, when our mission was completed, return in peace to our homes. Among others who came to see us this morning was a Mahometan priest, named Emir Samba Makumba, with whom we had an interesting in- terview, and obtained from him a brief history of himself and his people now resident upon this Island, where they continued to worship after . the manner of their fathers according to the precepts of the Koran. He is about sixty-six years old, his hair and beard, which he has allowed to grow long, are white. He wore the habit of his order, a flowing white tunic. Samba could speak several languages ; he addressed us in Arabic, pronouncing the benediction of the Mahometans on those they esteem as people of God~ Afterwards he conversed in French, and our friend H. L. Jobity interpreted for us. His countenance was remarkably serene, and although 120 MEMOIR or he bad been a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief, yet bis face was lighted with a smile. He was by descent a chief and a priest among the Mandingoes in Africa, but in early life he was taken captive in one of those intestine wars which are unhappily occasioned among the native tribes in Africa by the slave trade. He belonged to the tribe Fullah Tauro, which engaged in a war with six other tribes to prevent them, as he said, from carrying on the slave trade. The Mahometans are forbidden to make slaves of those of their own faith, and when any of their people are concerned in this traffic they believe their religion requires them to put a stop to it by force. It was for this purpose a war was com- menced by the Fullahs against these others tribes, and in this war Samba was taken prisoner and sold as a slave. He was brought to this Island at the age of twenty-one years, and was pur- chased from a slave ship by a French planter, who gave him the name of Simon Boissere. Possessing a superior mind, he was soon placed by his master as superintendent of his planta- JOHN JACKSON. 121 tion. Laboring faithfully, and opportunities being afforded him, he soon earned a sufficient sum of money to purchase his freedom. Insti- gated by his example and advice, others of his countrymen also succeeded in securing their free- dom. They then formed themselves into an as- sociation to maintain their religious profession, Samba acting as their priest. Their next effort was to purchase small tracts of land, upon which they erected habitations, and were thus enabled, by the produce of their gardens, &c, to support themselves respectably. Having secured com- fortable homes, they turned their attention to their suffering brethren in captivity. Liberal subscriptions were made among them for this benevolent object, and when a slave ship arrived at the colony, Samba and his friends were the first on board to inquire for Mandingoes, and if there were any among the captives, they ransomed them immediately. Up to the time of the de- claration of freedom, they had released from bond- age upwards of five hundred in Trinidad alone. Their operations were also extended to other 122 MEMOIR or islands. There are several hundreds of them at present on this island, and although they con- tinue their form of faith and worship, they are noticed for their habits of temperance and ex- emplary deportment. In this respect they have been as lights to their professing Christian neighbors. The old man said he mourned over the condition of the Christian world j he regretted that their youth were in danger of being drawn away by the evil practices of the Christians. He thought it safe to judge people by their actions, and when he saw the Christians holding those of their own faith in slavery, engaging in wars with members of their own church, and addicted to habits of intemperance, all of which the Koran forbids, he thought it was sufficient evidence that the religion of Mahomet was superior to the reli- gion of Anna Bissa, (Jesus Christ.) We told him we understood the religion of Jesus as for- bidding all these practices, but that the pro- fessors of the religion of Christ did not live up to his precepts. He inquired, c have you any slaves in your country V to which we replied, JOHN JACKSON. 123 nearly three millions. At this information he gave a look of astonishment and indignation. We asked him if he believed the great God who made all things had placed a witness of himself in the hearts of all men to teach them what is right and what is wrong; to which he replied, 1 Yes, certainly; God has placed his spirit in man to show him good and evil, and man ought to obey it, for by so doing he would please his Maker, and be accepted of him/ He further remarked, ( It is by listening to evil suggestions that he becomes very wicked/ He thought the Christians degraded themselves by selling the Bible, which they consider a standard of reli- gious faith. 6 You ought not to sell your religion/ meaning the Bible, i or take pay for expounding it/ meaning for preaching. We told him we did not do it; we came out of love and good will to see the people of these islands, that we might en- courage them to love and good works. ' Then/ said he, ( you are men of God, and I hope the Lord will bless your labors, and make you useful 124 MEMOIR OF in spreading his truth in the world/* It was a pleasure to be with this benevolent individual, who may be looked upon as one of the brightest philanthropists of the age. When we consider the humble sphere in which he has moved, and the limited means at his command for accom- plishing a benevolent scheme which had for its object the emancipation of all his countrymen in captivity, (the Mandingo slaves,) and contem- plate the success which has attended the labors of Samba and his co-adjutors, this brief account of him will be esteemed worthy of record." St. Thomas. Third mo. 7th. " A voyage of more than five hundred miles across the Caribbean Sea brought * We have been told by a person who was present at this interview, that when Samba was interrogated re- specting his idea of the grace of God or ' light within/ he gave this simple figure in illustration. That God created man good and upright, and covered his heart with a paste, which, while he is obedient, remains soft and receives readily the impressions of the divine finger, but when he becomes disobedient it grows hard and cannot be so easily written upon. JOHN JACKSOX, 125 us again to this Island. No way opened for us to hold religious meetings here, in consequence of the Governor General of the Danish Islands having issued his proclamation against us. We found, however, that the general sentiment of the inhabitants, to whom the object of our visit became known, was in our favor ; they express- ing a wish that we might have religious oppor- tunities with the people. Although such privi- leges were not allowed us, we have reason to be- lieve that our visit to the Danish Islands was attended with some good, and the very circum- stance of our having been denied this liberty, led many into an inquiry on the subject of reli- gious toleration, which will no doubt lead to beneficial results, and may possibly hasten the period, when every gospel messenger will be welcomed to their shores, and permitted 'freely* to declare that which they have l freely re- ceived/ The kind attentions of our friend E. Simmons contributed to make our visit at this time a pleasant one. We remained here several days waiting for the steamer to Jamaica, which 126 MEMOIR OF enabled us to recruit from the sea sickness and fatigue occasioned by our voyage from Trinidad in an uncomfortable vessel. We have cause to feel thankful that our health has been preserved through all the exposures to which we have been ubjected, and acknowledging the hand of the Heavenly Shepherd in preserving us from many dangers, we are encouraged to go forward trust- ing in Him." Jamaica. u We had letters to several persons in Kings- ton, who received us kindly, with offers to pro- mote the object of our visit. Kingston is an old fashioned town, hot and dusty. The number of inhabitants is supposed to be about 40,000. It covers a large area, very many of the finer houses being surrounded by gardens. " We held a meeting in the suburbs of the city, which was large and satisfactory ; great solemnity and order prevailed. Believing our religious labors were about draw- ing to a close in these parts, and a vessel being in JOHN JACKSON. 127 port about to sail for New York, we felt at liberty to engage our passage home. Previous to our de- parture, we held a meeting in the Scotch Presby- terian meeting house, which had been freely offered us to hold meetings in while in Kingston. This meeting was held on the afternoon of First day, and was attended by a large concourse of people. We were enabled to declare our belief in the practical operation of the t gospel of Christ' as the < power of God,' in changing the condi- tion of man from the image of the earthly to the image of the heavenly nature, even to the es- tablishment of a glorious kingdom in the hearts of men. In which the angelic anthem can be proclaimed, c Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will to men/ This was our last religious meeting in the West Indies. Our stay in this Island was but of short duration, yet we were kindly received. Those among whom our lot was cast, manifested a deep interest in the object of our visit, and we felt when the time arrived for us to separate, that we could part 128 MEMOIR OF with them under the influence of mutual brotherly affection and regard/' . Third mo. 22d. " After bidding farewell to a number of our friends, who called to see us, we went on board the vessel, and arranged our- selves for the voyage. We dropped down to Port Royal before night, where we were obliged to remain till next morning, it being considered unsafe to go out of the harbor at night. About fifty years ago a portion of this town was sunk by an earthquake, parts of the houses and the walls of the fort are yet to be seen in about fifteen or twenty feet of water. Early in the morning of the 23d we were visited by the officer on duty, from whom we received a clear ance, when we weighed anchor and stood out to sea under a light breeze. Our voyage was some- what tedious occupying twenty-five days, and part of the time it was exceedingly boisterous. During the fore part of it we suffered much from the excessive heat of the sun, as we were becalmed frequently before we passed the Gulf. As we reached a higher latitude and neared the JOHN JACKSON. 129 coast of America, the cold became very intense. But we made land in safety and arrived in New York on the evening of Fourth month 17th, 1841, and reached our homes on the following day, to the consolation and joy of ourselves and families." If there be those who think the foregoing extracts too extended, our apology to such must be, our own interest in them. We did not sup-' pose in the commencement, they would be half their present length, but it appeared difficult to find a stopping place without omitting matter well worthy of note. In the reperusal of the little book from which they were taken, living desires were kindled upon the altar of holy affec- tion that the labor bestowed upon these isles of the sea might not be lost; and that there might still be found faithful workmen who would be willing to leave the endearments and comforts of home, if it should please the great Husbandman that this part of his vineyard, should be again visited by his servants, with a renewed call to a pure and holy life. 11* 130 MEMOIR OF From J. Ja:-kson's unpublished notes of this journey we make some selections. Among their fellow passengers from New York to Santa Cruz were several invalids, who had left their friends for the recovery of that invaluable blessing, health, but whose wasted forms and feeble footsteps gave but little promise that their hopes would be realized. Their situa- tion appears to have enlisted the sympathy of J. J. and induced the following reflections. " While I have entered truly into sympathy with these afflicted ones, from whom the bloom of heal th has so early departed, who have little to hope for as regards length of days, I have been led to indulge in reflections upon some of the causes which are annually bringing thousands in my native land to an untimely grave. I am well satisfied that the corrupt customs, and absurd fashions of society, are the main causes which are operating so powerfully in this vast destruc- tion of health, happiness, and human life. " Many lovely and promising females, blinded by the follies of the age, have become the votaries JOHN JACKSON. 131 of fashion, which will suffer nothing by a com- parison to the barbarous customs of the ignorant heathens. Not satisfied with the form which the Creator has given them, they attempted to alter or mend his workmanship ; and in this foolish attempt, they have prevented the free operations of the animal economy so beautifully and wonderfully made for the enjoyment of health, have prostrated the energies of their physical constitutions, and brought themselves prematurely to the e house appointed for the living.' I am astonished when I contemplate the prevalence of this and other customs of so- ciety, contributing as they do, to the destruction of human life, and wonder why they should be tolerated by any people having the least preten- sions to intelligence, civilization, or refinement. If such practices were prevalent among heathens they would receive the merited condemnation of every sensible mind. But, the voice of fashion is louder than the dictates of reason, its votaries despise the ( reproofs of instruction/ they trample under foot the teachings of philosophy, and reck- 132 MEMOIR OF less of the consequences, even attempt to alter what God has made perfect, and thus frustrate his purposes in furnishing them with a temporary habitation for the immortal soul. If my young female friends esteem health a blessing, let them not trifle with the wise provisions of their Creator, by conforming to absurd and ridiculous customs which at best can only show them to be the votaries of fashion, and can in no point of view be an indication of a dignified and intelligent mind. Let parents beware how in early life they suffer their offspring to take the c wings of the morning/ and become ranked among the followers of fashions so injurious, by which they early lay the foundation for premature decline ; and the instances, I fully believe, would be much fewer, wherein they would have to mourn the loss of a lovely daughter just as she was beginning to be the support and consolation of their declining years. I know not that these remarks may ever come under the notice of any to whom they are applicable ; but if they should, I sincerely desire they may look upon them as the c reproofs of in- JOHN JACKSON. 133 struction/ and not cast an unfriendly censure upon me for venturing so boldly to condemn that which none can be in the practice of without putting their health and lives in jeopardy. And if in the face of reason and the teachings of philosophy, they will continue in a custom so fraught with danger, and thereby lay the founda- tion of disease, let them not charge to God's ac- count that which they have brought upon them- selves, by torturing existence with abuse and folly." Extract from memoranda dated u 2d mo 7th, 1841. 'Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge/ This language of the inspired writer has been brought into remembrance as I have looked back upon the experience of the past, since I have been engaged in this visit to the inhabitants of these Islands; how often a way has been made for me when there appeared to be no way, how often the work to be done has been opened before me, and how often strength has been given, even in weakness, when I have been ready to exclaim my 134 MEMOIR OF weakness ; my weakness ! ( Iam pained at my very heart because thou hast heard, my soul 5 the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war !' These things have renewedly inspired my mind with confidence, and taught me not to be faith- less, but believing. The follower of Christ should not be dismayed because to human vision the path of duty may be hid for a season ; he should not be faithless, because there may be, at times, discouragements on the right hand and on the left; for God who worketh by means that human eyes see not, will ever go before his faithful and dependent children ; he will be to them i strength in weakness, riches in poverty, and a present help in every needful time/ Retire then, my soul, within thy spirit's chamber — there be thou ab- stracted from the world, turn to Jerusalem, the quiet habitation, the city of the saints' solemnity, and thou shalt not only behold the King in his beauty, but he will shew unto thee the way in which thou should go. Then thou shalt know the coming of the gospel day, in which shall be fulfilled the declaration of the Lord's prophet JOHN JACKSON. 135 c The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee, but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.'" * A qualification for the gospel ministry can- not be purchased with gold or silver ; it cannot be received from men or the teachings of men ; but it must be ' taught by the revelation of Jesus Christ/ as the apostle received it, who, when he had received it, said, c I did not go up to Jerusa- lem to them that were apostles before me :' but he went on the gospel mission to which he had been called, ( to testify the gospel of the grace of God. ; The nature of the gospel ministry has not changed ; the servant of Christ, even now, must wait for the anointing of the Lord's spirit to rest upon him ; he cannot pray or preach when he pleases, or in his own will or time ; for if his prayers be performed in his own will, he knows not what to pray for; hence the apostles waited till the spirit helped their innrmites 'with groanings that eould not be uttered/ And in 136 MEMOIR OF relation to the ministry, if we were to preach in our own will or time, we might preach our own gospel and not the saving truths of the gospel of Christ. A living ministry that is accompanied with power to baptize the soul, does not consist in preaching the experience of other men, but in testifying to those things which our eyes have seen and our hands have handled of the good word of life and of the powers of the world to come. "In the exercise of the ministerial gift I think there is often more danger of saying too much than too little, and I find it very needful for me to be careful in this respect, lest I might encom- pass myself about with sparks of my own kind- ling and thereby dishonor Christ. But I believe as the eye is kept single to Him, he will open with clearness what he requires his servants and handmaids to do, and what they shall leave un- done. that I may ever seek for this spirit of true discernment with a prayerful spirit and a willing mind." u I can set my testimony to the truth of the JOHN JACKSON. 137 declaration, l my yoke is easy and my burden is light.' But to attain this experience, the Chris- tian believer must cast down c every crown' and walk in the paths of humility and self-denial • because humility is the proper station of man and Christ will only be the leader of such as are willing to follow him in this path, for he is i meek and lowly of heart/ Come then, my soul, and be conformed to the image of thy Re- deemer. He hath called thee by the gentle ex- tendings of his love, i Come with me from Leb- anon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon ; look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lion's den, from the mountains of the leopards/ Then will Christ continue to give thee light. He will be thy Alpha and Omega, and all the various probations and baptisms through which thou may have to pass; shall be for thy sanctification and refinement. The Christian's journey is one of continual pro- gression ; we must advance daily step by step, adding to our faith, virtue, which is the resist- ance of temptation ; to virtue the increase of di- 12 188 MEMOIR OF vine knowledge, which is the bread of life ) to knowledge, patience, which is abundantly need* fill to the believer, who is not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God ; to patience, temperance ; to temperance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, charity, which is the love of God. Thus by a continual progression of the c truth as it is in Jesus/ the soul rises from one degree of perfection to anoth- er, until it attains to a foretaste of the joys of that kingdom, ' of the increase, government and peace of which there shall never be an end." Gambling a prominent evil at St. Thomas. u Gambling, which is one of the most detesta* ble vices, and a snare in which the feet of many an inexperienced youth becomes entangled, is, unhappily, too fashionable in this place ; and strangers visiting here from different parts of the world, unless they are established against such practices, are in great danger of losing not only their money, but their character also. Gambling JOHN JACKSON. 139 has many concomitant vices, and he who be- comes a victim to them may rest assured that he is on the downward road to ruin. He may be- gin by thinking himself secure, but he gradually loses his integrity, and step by step he recedes from the path of virtue, till he loses all sense of moral and religious refinement and drowns his wretchedness in the labyrinths of despair. An instance was related to me here, of a young man who came to St. Thomas, with a large amount of funds to conduct a mercantile business ; but in- stead of resisting 'the temptations which the gambling table presented, was captivated by the prospect of amassing sudden wealth ; and enter- ed into this school of fraud and villainy with a reputable character and a very large sum of money at his control ; but alas ! his money was very soon placed beyond the reach of recovery ; he acquired habits of intemperance by comming- ling with those who made themselves his friends, until by their superior skill they had rendered him penniless ; when he was left friendless, and abandoned himself to the forlorn hope of drown- 140 MEMOIR OF ing his sorrows by a resort to other vices, which soon terminated his existence in despair. This little history, I have no doubt, is only one of thou- sands similar to it that occur among gamblers, and ought to be a lesson and a warning to all those who suffer themselves to be captivated by the alluring prospects of gain held out before them ; but who unhappily look not at the rock upon which they will inevitably be wrecked, un- til it is too late for them to escape the danger to which they have exposed themselves. If men would only acquaint themselves more fully with human nature, they would find that man loses his innocency by gradual steps ; and by looking at the termination instead of the beginning of a career of vice, they would learn the absolute ne- cessity of guarding the avenues of their minds against the first presentation of evil. Then, when temptation presents dangers which it promises its votaries shall shun, but never aids them to avoid, it would be resisted. The cunning of the serpent would be detected, and man would not bo beguiled by its evil suggestions," JOHN JACKSON. 141 Of Cuba and the slave trade there is the fol- lowing brief record : " For two days we were in sight of the island of Cuba ; but the dangerous navigation along its coast, and a wreck on its shoals, warned us to keep at a respectful distance from the shore, and the wind being in our favor, we took a northward course that we might soon- er get into the Gulf Stream. A deep sense of the unutterable horrors of slavery filled my mind as I reflected upon the wretched condition of the inhabitants of this large island. Subjected by the strong arm of oppression to innumerable tor- tures, their physical condition is miserable in the extreme. Their moral condition is also propor- tionably degraded ; neither is there a prospect to human vision of a mitigation of the evils arising out of this cruel and barbarous traffic in human flesh. The demand and high prices given for slaves, is such as to offer inducements to unprin- cipled men to import human cargoes from the coast of Africa ; and it is believed that more are annually imported into Cuba now, and under more cruel circumstances, than at any former pe- 12* 142 MEMOIR OF riod. About 60,000 are annually brought from the coast of Africa to this island alone. The amount of human misery occasioned by this cruel traffic can scarcely be imagined." Extracts from Letters. " In our spiritual journey, there is great need that we gird ourselves about with the mantle of patience and put on the shield of faith. With truth's weapons, which are i mighty through God' to accomplish the work of our warfare, we shall assuredly gain the victory and an establishment in that state of righteousness which consists of peace and quietness here, with the full assurance that these shall continue, even when time to us shall be veiled in eternity. Although we may sometimes feel we are far separated from this happy condition, and have been carried away by doubts and discouragements, yet, even in this state, we may be instructed ; for such is the goodness of our heavenly Father that he will not leave nor forsake us here. See how it was with the prophet when he sat among the captives by JOHN JACKSON. 143 the river of Chebar; it was there the heavens were opened and he beheld the visions of God. Our confidence must be firmly fixed upon Him who knoweth our frame, and who is ever willing to teach his dependant and dedicated children, in order that they may be established upon that foundation which can never be moved. W e shall know as we are willing to trust to his holy aid, that as certainly as He nerved the arm of David to smite the champion of the Philistine host, He will as certainly strengthen us by his power to put to flight all the enemies of our soul's peace. We have no cause then to be discouraged, for while we rely upon Him, we shall know a con- tinual advance in the light, because His heaven- ly illuminations will become brighter and bright- er, until the meridian splendor of the Lord's day bursts forth upon the soul ; and whatever may be our situation in life, if patience be allowed to have its perfect work, nothing shall be able to deprive us of this enjoyment. Though John was an exile upon Patmos, yet, he was permitted to be in the spirit on the Lord's day, and there 144 MEMOIR OF to enjoy those glorious revelations concerning which he was commanded, * write these things in a book/ that a memorial might be kept of them. Well, the same things may be experienced by us, and often are realized ; and could we ever bear them in remembrance as the mercies of God, as the overshadowings of his goodness, we would often be willing to erect a little Bethel in com- memoration thereof.'' " It has been my desire for thee my dear friend, that thy experience may become perfect- ed in the light by thy obedience and dedication to all its manifestations. I am persuaded it has shone in thy mind with a heavenly lustre, and in its brightness thou hast desired to make thy covenant with the God of thy life, and hast been ready to say with the patriarch formerly, l Sure- ly the Lord was in this place and I knew it not/ May est thou ever remember that ( in Him there is no darkness at all/ and as thy confidence is centered here, and thy spirit's chamber dedicated to his holy name, thou shalt become clothed with that spirit of discernment which will enable thee JOHN JACKSON. 145 to behold the workings of the divine hand, in those baptisms through which thou mayest have to pass in thy journey towards Mount Zion, the city of the saints' solemnities. " It is good for us to feel the turnings and overturnings of the hand of a merciful Father, to contemplate the workings of his power in bring- ing us out of darkness into his marvellous light ; therefore, however deep our provings, they should be endured with this sentiment ever be- fore us, l Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him/ Such an entire confidence would enable us to pass through the depths of Jordan, to stand as with our feet in the bottom thereof, and bring up stones of memorial, precious in the sight of our heavenly Father. When we contemplate our want of qualification to advance the Lord's cause, do we not feel the necessity of washing seven times in that river which has healing virtues ? And yet, we may be secretly looking towards Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, with desires to wash in them and be clean ; we would rather choose for ourselves the medium of res- 146 MEMOIR OF toration. But, my dear friend, thou knowest this will not do, thou knowest our own wills must be slain, and all brought into obedience to Christ. Do not shun this cross, but rather be willing to take it upon thee, and thou will find in thy own experience the truth of the declaration, 1 my yoke is easy and my burden is light/ Such is the experience of all who become the followers of Him who is meek and lowly of heart." " Could the conviction that we are born for a higher destiny and more glorious inheritance than that which we now realize, arouse every dormant energy of the mind in the morning of life, how many dangers might we shun, how might we be enabled to baffle temptation, and guard against the snares in which the feet of the inexperienced traveller often become entangled ! Mayest thou place a proper estimate upon an early sacrifice. The cross of Christ is the armor of the child of God ; thou wilt find it an all-suf- ficient shield in every approach of the enemy of thy soul's peace and happiness. In this day there is need of valiants in Christ's army, that JOHN JACKSON. 14? the aliens may be put to flight which have de- fied the armies of the living God. Thou art no doubt sensible of this, for I believe thou hast felt many testimonies dear to thy best life." " In the journey thou took with thy valued parent?, to the southern part of our country, thou had an opportnnity of witnessing the desolation of moral principle and violation of human rights, which are sanctioned by the laws of the land, regardless of the laws of Him who made of one blood all nations of men that dwell upon the earth. With all our boasted claims to the name of a benevolent and upright nation, the declara- tion of the prophet is applicable to us, ' Justice is trampled under foot, mercy is slain in the streets, and equity cannot enter/ When I con- template this state of things among a people pro- fessing to be the followers of Jesus Christ, my soul has often to go mourning on its way, because there are so few who are willing to be mouth for the dumb, u We as a religious Society have placed our- selves before the world in the attitude of the 148 MEMOIR OF friends of the oppressed, and it is the prayer of my heart that as a Society and as individuals we may embrace every right opening to plead their cause. " I believe, as faithfulness is abode in, on the part of those upon whom the Lord has been pleased to place the ark of this testimony, the day will come when the bonds of the oppressed shall be loosed, and Ethiopia shall availingly stretch forth her hands unto God." The following letter is in reply to one received from S. M., not a member of our Society, who was concerned on account of J. J. considering water- baptism and the ordinance of bread and wine non-essential. This person and her husband both became interested in Truth's testimonies as held by Friends, and the latter regularly attends Friend's meetings. " Sharon, 2d. mo, 1838. u Dear Friend,— 1 received thy letter, and after giving it a careful perusal, could not ques- tion the sincerity with which it was written, be- lieving it to proceed from the kindest feelings JOHN JACKSON. 149 of gospel love, under the influence of which we can speak to each other, and desire for one another an establishment on the true foundation, Christ Jesus, the spiritual head of the Church. The substance of thy concern for my advance- ment in the knowledge of divine things appears to be, that I should be found in the observance of some of those outward ceremonies which thou believest are very essential, and by so doing put on the c whole armor of God/ Although thou art a stranger to me, the expression of thy kind concern for my welfare is grateful to my feelings ; and in answer to the query, i why tarriest thou V I am willing to give thee my views upon the subjects to which thou hast alluded. " While I do not desire in any way to inter- fere with the religious opinions of others, or call in question the sincerity with which they adhere to their peculiar forms of worship or views of 1 faith in Jesus/ yet I have not so learned Christ as to be unable to give a reason for the hope that is in me, and of that faith in him which I desire to hold fast unto the end without wavering. 13 150 MEMOIR OF As regards myself, I have never felt the neces- sity of turning to the t weak and beggarly ele- ments' to witness that cleansing of heart which is necessary to sanctification, and that redemp- tion from sin, which is followed by a communion of the soul with its Divine Author, believing that Christ has not called us to these, but to l glory and to virtue.' The apostle has declared that as we give l all diligence, to add to faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge temperance, to temperance patience, to patience godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, charity/ that l an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the ever- lasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.' This kingdom I believe to be a state of inward spiritual communion with God; it cometh not by observation ; * neither shall they say, lo here ! or lo there ! for behold the kingdom of God is within you.' " I have an unshaken confidence in the all- sufficiency of the spirit of Christ, as it becomes in us ( the resurrection and the life,' to effect our JOHN JACKSON. 151 redemption from all iniquity, and the suffering consequent upon a separation from the divine harmoDy, to put us in possession of the joys of holiness in this life, and a well-grounded hope of a blessed immortality. And in order to ac- complish this great work, I believe it is essential to be baptized. But there is no evidence to my mind, either from the convictions of truth or the testimony of scripture, that the baptism of water is the one saving baptism enjoined by our blessed Master, or enforced by his apostles. John the Baptist, in the comparison he made of his mission, which was distinguished by the observance of this ordinance, with the mission of Christ, de- clared, c He must increase, but I must decrease. He that cometh from above is above all. He that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth/ * I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance : but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear : he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire/ The baptism of John was but an outward ceremony of a decreasing nature, 152 MEMOIR OF which, like the ceremonies of the law, was typical of a more spiritual dispensation, but made not the comers thereunto perfect, as c pertaining to the conscience/ Whereas, the baptism of Jesus Christ is of a spiritual, increasing and heavenly nature, and does not consist in the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the 'answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ/ " This I believe was the baptism which Jesus embraced in his great commission to his disciples, 1 Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost ; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo ! I am with you always even unto the end of the world/ He did not say baptize them with icater, but in i the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.' It is this spiritual baptism that is essential to wash away the sins of the soul, and it was no doubt this that was alluded to in the command given to Saul. ( Arise and be baptized and wash away JOHN JACKSON. 153 thy sins, calling upon the name of the Lord/ For he declared in his epistle to Titus, ( It is not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration and the renew- ings of the Holy Ghost/ Thus plainly setting forth the insufficiency of carnal ordinances, the performance of which constituted the righteous- ness of the law, and placing their hope of salva- tion upon the l mercy of God, the washing of re- generation and the . renewings of the Holy Ghost/ As the apostles witnessed this effectual baptism, they could declare, ' as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death. Therefore we are buried with him by baptism unto death, that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so, also, we should walk in newness of life/ i For as many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ." " The apostle Paul has also declared, there is unto us but ' one Lord, one faith and one baptism/ This one baptism, then, is not an outicard ordi- 13* 154 MEMOIR OF nance, but an inward spiritual cleansing, effected by the c washing of regeneration and the renew- ings of the Holy Ghost." et I am satisfied that I have not followed cun- ningly devised fables, in placing nay hope of sanctification here, believing this to be the bap- tism of Christ, and the ground taken by the primitive believers. And am also well satisfied that were I to turn from the i cloud of witnesses' which have surrounded my mind, of the suffi- ciency of this baptism, to the observance of an outward ceremony, I should justly deserve the reproof given by Paul to a people formerly, * foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you/ &c. (see the Epistle to the Galatians.) u It was, no doubt, the baptism of the Holy Spirit that the three thousand souls were bap- tized with, by which they were introduced into membership with the church of Christ, on the memorable day of Pentecost, when the powerful appeals of the apostle Peter awakened in them the inquiry, i men and brethren what shall we do to be saved/ We may remember the apostle JOHN JACKSON. 155 exhorted them to l repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.' On another occasion the same apostle declares, that whosoever ( believeth in Christ/ shall receive ( remission of sins/ thus shewing that this saving baptism is one and the same thing with a belief in Christ. I think it evident from the testimony of scripture that in the latter periods of the apostolic age, the use of water decreased, because they had experienced its inefficacy, and were made living witnesses of the powerful baptism of Christ, under the influ- ence of which they could say, c By one spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have all been made to drink into one spirit/ It is also evident that water baptism became a fruitful source of contention, as will be seen by Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, where he speaks of it in such a way as to give reason to believe, he was prepared to lay it aside, for he thanked God that he had baptized so few, saying, 156 MEMOIR OF 6 Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel/ " As regards that ordinance called the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper, as it is observed by modern professors, it appears to me to be a con- tinuation of a Jewish ceremony under a new name. For I think the testimony of all the Evangelists informs us, that it is not an institu- tion of Christ, when they tell us that Jesus kept it as the i passover.' * The feast of the passover' and l The feast of unleavened bread." u It was not consistent with the nature of the spiritual dispensation which Jesus Christ came to introduce, that any outward rite could be es- sential to divine communion. It was the object of his mission to put an end to sin, by laying the axe at the root of every corrupt desire and inclination of the heart, and to bring in ever- lasting righteousness, a work too momentous to be effected by any outward forms. Hence it be- came necessary that he should i blot out the hand-writing of ordinances, nailing them to the cross/ and instruct them in the knowledge of JOHN JACKSON. 157 the kingdom of God within them, where his appearance should be known by an inward and spiritual communion, a participation in which is the only true supper of the Lord. ' Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will hear my voice and open unto me, I will come in and sup with him and he shall sup with me/ " The blessed Jesus frequently instructed his disciples in the knowledge of divine truths, by the aid of figures, well knowing they were un- able to comprehend the fulness of the gospel day at once ; and we find on the last occasion when he kept the ceremony of the ( Passover/ in which he took bread and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ' take eat this is my body/ he wished to impress their minds through the medium of this interesting figure, that as this ceremony had been kept in com- memoration of the deliverance of that people from Egyptian bondage, so it was a type or figure of the deliverance of the soul from the bondage or thraldom of sin, which was to be kept in commemoration of its redemption through 158 MEMOIR OF Christ, i the wisdom and the power of God.' He further told them, c verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in the king- dom of God/ Thus showing them that the ob- servance of the type was to end, that it was ex- pedient he should go away, but giving them the blessed promise that he would appear a second time without sin unto salvation, and be with his faithful followers and disciples l alway even unto the end of the world/ Jesus commanded his disciples and the people not to l labor for that meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life/ 6 1 am that bread of life/ i Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day ; for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, even JOHN JACKSON. 159 he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven : not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead : he that eateth of this bread shall live forever.' u The disciples did not perceive the mystical meaning of these sayings, but the blessed Jesus did not leave them to conjecture; for when he found they were offended at what they had heard, he told them, ( It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life/ Thus shewing them that under the figure of his flesh and blood, he was speaking of his spiritual mani- festation, in which he will become ' Christ in us, the hope of glory/ ( the resurrection and the life/ As we are made witnesses of this resur- rection we can in truth say, ' I know that my Redeemer liveth, and because he lives I shall live also. Then shall we know that it is his life and not his death, that becomes a propitia- tion for our sins, agreeably to his own promise, 1 1 will give my life a ransom for many/ And as we are clothed upon with the life of Christ 160 MEMOIR OF we come to put on the c new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holi- ness/ and are raised above carnal performances and dead works, to serve the living God in new- ness of life." " The apostle Paul assures the believers that 'meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances/ were only to continue till the 1 time of reformation/ and this ' time of reforma- tion/ he says, was the coming of Christ by the establishment of a 'greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands/ an inward and spiritual temple, where the true worshipper might worship God, not in form and ceremony, but ' in spirit and in truth/ However this kind of worship may be overlooked or neglected, it re- mains to be the blessed medium through which the soul finds access to the throne of grace, and knows its communion to be with God in the ' silence of all flesh.' " As every reformation is gradual, and as many of the early converts to Christianity had been taught from their infancy to reverence the JOHN JACKSON. 161 ceremonies of the law, we cannot suppose they would at once abandon them • but as they took heed unto that light, or 6 manifestation of the spirit, which is given to every one to profit withal/ their views of divine truths became clearer and clearer, till at length they considered that righteousness which stood in the observance of the ceremonies of the law as 'filthy rags/ " Whatever may have been the practice of the apostle Paul in the beginning of his ministry, we find, thirty years after his conversion, in the maturity of his religious experience, he drew a boundary line between the dispensation of the law, and the spiritual dispensation of the new covenant, (of which the other was only as a schoolmaster to lead unto ;) and in view of the sufficiency of the grace of God to bring salvation, he cautioned the Hebrews after this manner : i Be not carried about with clivers and strange doctrines ; for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace ; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein." 14 162 MEMOIR OF " Happy would it have been for the human family had this admonition of Paul been attended to ; but how soon after the days of the apostles was the sufficiency of this grace of God to effect salvation questioned, the church turned again to the weak and beggarly elements, and brought in bondage to a mercenary priesthood. The civil and ecclesiastical powers were blended • men became the advocates of Christianity, more from the pecuniary interest with which it endowed its possessor, than that love of souls which dis- tinguished the labors of the primitive followers of Jesus. In consequence of this unhallowed union, the church lost her purity. Mystery Babylon bewitched her with the love of 'filthy lucre.' The use of many carnal ordinances increased, every effort was made to cloud the simplicity of Christianity, and to render that obscure and dif- ficult to be understood, which was easily compre- hended by the illiterate fisherman of Galilee, and which was seen in prophetic vision to be so plain, that the ' way-faring man though a fool cannot err therein/ And had not God in his mercv JOHN JACKSON. 163 preserved a little remnant, who, like the seven thousand in the days of Elijah, could not bow the knee to Baal nor worship his image, the church would have become an utter desolation. But truth triumphed over error, the light of the gospel has been shining with increasing bright- ness, opening to the obedient soul the simplicity and purity of the religion of Jesus. Should we not then desire, that the church may come still more fully out of the wilderness, and that she may indeed be clothed with the sun of righteous- ness, Christ Jesus ? That the fulness of the gospel day may be witnessed, in which the de- claration of the prophet shall be fulfilled, 6 They shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying know the Lord, for all shall know me from the least to the great- est of them/ When there shall be no need to depend upon the arm of flesh, the cry of lo, here is Christ ! and lo, he is there ! will cease ; for the Lord's children, being all taught of the Lord, will speak the same language, and mind the same thing. Then may we not hope for the coming 164 MEMOIR OF of that day in which all the disputes and conten- tions which have so long distracted Christendom, and divided it into sects and parties, will be at an end, and the professors of religion be able to labor harmoniously together for the universal establishment of the Redeemer's kingdom ? " With sincere desires for thy advancement in the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, " I am thy friend, John Jackson." To S M . Dear Friend:— u When I read thy letter in which thou mentioned some of the conflicts of spirit which thou hast had to witness, there came to my remembrance a scripture declaration which I am willing to mention for thy encouragement; 1 It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps, but the good man's steps are ordered of the Lord/ Being a firm believer in the truth of the testimony that 'the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal/ and that it will, as we are obedient to its unfoldings, JOHN JACKSON. 165 direct our steps in the path of diviiie appoint- ment; I commend thee to the teachings of this divine gift, with sincere desires that thou may- est be so guided by it, as to give daily demon- stration of thy love for the truth as it is in Je- sus, and thus become an humble follower of Him who is meek and lowly of heart. I have no doubt but thou lovest Christ, and desires with an honest zeal to follow him, because thou hast found by so doing thou canst only have a peace- ful mind ; therefore keep thine eye single unto him, that thy ' whole body may be full of light/ Then thou will see clearly the path of duty, and be able to distinguish between the voice of the c true shepherd 7 and the voice of the ( stranger.' Thou wilt find that the voice of the former is an inward, spiritual voice, which, like the 'still small voice' that spoke to Elijah, the prophet, speaks to our souls as we continue to dwell in our own tents, enwrapped in the mantle of fervent prayer, until the earthquake, the whirl- wind, and the fire have passed by. x\nd as we are willing to wait in quietude and in confidence 14* 166 MEMOIR OP for the teachings of the Holy Spirit, we shall know this 'still small voice' to 'teach us as never man taught/ Whatever may be the conflicts" and trials of our spirits, in which we may have to feel the ne- cessity of a spiritual baptism, if our desires are sincere, these will work together for our good, and lead us to contemplate the testimony and promise of the blessed Master, ' In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world/ and 'To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne. 3 Thou sayest it was a great trial to go to some meetings where thou apprehended thy duty call- ed thee, in consequence of meeting with some op- posing brethren. Perhaps as thou wert made willing to do what thou thought required of thee, thou wilt not feel bound to visit them again. "We do not serve a hard Master, but one ' whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light/ All who are qualified by the Divine Master to go forth JOHN JACKSON. 167 as the messengers of his truth, must be c wise as serpents and harmless as doves/ and bear in mind the command which he gave to his disciples when he sent them to proclaim the glorious doctrine, that the ( kingdom of God is come nigh unto you :' < Whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them/ If thou believest it to be thy duty to speak a word of encouragement in season to the travel- lers Zion-ward, or to testify unto others of those things which < thine eyes have seen and thine hands have handled' of the goodness and mercy of the great Shepherd of Israel, either among thy own people or among others, 1 would say, i mind thy calling/ and I believe if thou art faithful and obedient to the light that is in thee, thou mayest become instrumental in the divine hand in calling sinners from darkness to light, and from the bondage of transgression to the blessed liberty of the children of God. But in order to labor successfully in this great work, (the object 168 MEMOIR OP of which is to call men to the kingdom of God within them, or i the kingdom of God nigh unto you/ as Jesus instructed his disciples) we must experience the same overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, or baptism of the Holy Spirit, which en- abled the apostles and primitive believers to preach repentance and amendment of life as the medium of salvation, and to return in peace, with this language, i Lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name/ and also to receive from him their reward, which was the bless- ed assurance, that they might rejoice be- cause their names were written in heaven. Now as this qualification to preach the gospel is not to be acquired in the will and wisdom of man, but by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, so neith- er can a gift or commission of it be exercised in our own will or wisdom, or even in our own time. We must wait in all humility until the c spirit giveth utterance/ whereby we may speak under- standing^ or baptizingly unto others. This kind of ministry is calculated to gather souls to Christ ; convert sinners unto righteousness. Not to make JOHN JACKSON. 169 proselytes to any sect, but to the Church of Christ. Because if we once get hold of the sub- stance of religion, which is practical righteous- ness, we shall worship 6 the Father' by the holi- ness of our lives. We shall find that he is no respecter of persons, but that all of every sect of professing Christians i who fear him and work righteousness are accepted with him/ and con- stitute the members of the true church. If we examine the ground on which we stand, and believe we have received the command with the necessary qualification, we have nothing to fear. Conflicts of spirit may be necessary to deepen us in the truth; we must endure them patiently, calmly, quietly ; for was not the cap- tain of our salvation made perfect through suffer- ing ? And can the servant expect to fare better than his Lord ? No ! We must be willing to fol- low in his footsteps, and then we shall receive our reward, not from man, because anything that man can give is but a poor compensation for a servant of Christ, whether it be praise or censure, or gifts of silver or gold. i Thy money perish 170 MEMOIR OF with thee/ was the sharp rebuke given by the apostle Peter to one Simon, who thought he eoulcl purchase the gift of God with silver or gold. Peter knew that this gift was a free gift of Christ, and he may have remembered the command, ( Freely ye have received, freely give/ In obedience to this injunction the disciples went forth faithfully discharging their duties as good stewards of the household of faith. We should strive to follow them as they followed Christ, that by a life of continual obedience we may hap- pily reap the rich reward of knowing that our names are written l in the Lamb's book of life/ May our steps be so directed in this state of probation and trial as to secure to us permanent and eternal joys, is the prayer of thy friend and well wisher. John Jackson." Letter to P E * Dear Friend: — " Although some time has elapsed since I received thy acceptable letter con- taining an invitation to visit your country, yet * Of Illinois ; not a member of the Religious Society of Friends. JOHN JACKSON. 171 owing to absence from home on account of my health, and my numerous duties and cares, I have not replied to it at an earlier period ; nevertheless I appreciate thy kind offer, and if it should ever be my lot to visit the Western States, and should any labor be assigned me in your part of the vineyard, I hope I shall be prepared for it and engage in it with a willing mind. While I do not claim to be a sectarian in my views and feel- ings, but fully believe that i in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted with him/ yet I cannot help believing that the principles and testimonies of the Society of Friends, constitute the testimonies and princi- ples of every good man ; let his name to religion be what it may. As a Society we do not con- sider that religion consists so much in opinions or forms of worship, as on those divine instruc- tions relating to man's duty and happiness, which are revealed within by the law of God written on the heart, and which are intended to be obeyed and carried out in practice. We hold that religion consists in being good and doing good. Its plain- est injunctions are l love to God and love to man/ 172 MEMOIR OF Its effects are everywhere the same, producing 6 peace on earth and good will to men.' We have never attempted to bind the human mind by creeds, made up of the opinions and doctrines of men, because we maintain that it is perfectly consistent with the economy of divine Providence gradually to unfold to the understandings of his intelligent creatures, more and more in its ful- ness, the beauty, sublimity and eternal excellence of that kingdom, of which it was said in pro- phetic vision, ( of the increase thereof, there shall never be an end/ We therefore commend all men to that inward manifestation of light and truth alluded to by the apostle when he said, 6 ye have an unction from the Holy One/ and 1 ye need not that any man teach you, save as this anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth/ that they may obey its teachings and by it be led in the way of life and salvation, from one degree of experience to another in the things which 'the eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive/ even the good things G-od hath in store for them that love him. JOHN JACKSON. 173 It seems to me, my dear friend, that human experience fully accords with and amply confirms the testimonies of the righteous of every age, concerning the nature of pure and undefiled re- ligion ; and that from our own experience we learn that whenever we have felt its salutary influences, it has been the result of obedience to the manifold dictates of divine truth in our own souls ; and that it is not produced by our name to religion, or the form under which we have been led, either from education or conviction, to worship the Almighty. Under these views and feelings I can give the right hand of fellowship to every one, who, from inward conviction, is en- deavoring to fear God and work righteousness, let their name to religion be what it may. But I can see with thee, that in the midst of the high profession to religion which so much abounds,there is often the absence of practical righteous- ness, and the observance of that gospel injunction, * Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them/ The gospel of Christ is of heavenly origin, and its tendency is 15 174 MEMOIR OF to produce a heavenly state. If men would em- brace it in its purity how soon would it convert the moral wilderness of this world into an Eden, and cause the desert places thereof to smile and i blossom as the rose, joy and gladness would b e found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody/ What a scene of moral beauty would take the place of the present state of anarchy and confu- sion ; human wretchedness would be unknown ; the ' sword would be beaten into a ploughshare, and the spear into a pruning hook, nation would no longer lift up sword against nation, neither would men learn war any more/ How much more delightful would it be, to behold righteous- ness, order and peace springing up among the nations of the earth, than to have the pages of human history filled with the recitals of war and bloodshed. How much better to hear of the sub- jugation of depraved and angry passions, than the conquest of states and empires. How much better to hear of deeds of charity and works of benevolence and love, than of the crimes and JOHN JACKSON. 175 cruelties which are the legitimate consequences of i man's inhumanity to man/ I contend for nothing more than that the professors of religion should carry out in their lives and practice the principles and precepts of the gospel, and I am sure that the desolating scourge of war, with all its accumulated miseries, would be banished from the world forever. Men would see that every system of war and oppression is at variance with the precepts of Jesus, the attributes of God, and the best interests of man. In the moral government of the Ruler of the universe, no such inconsistencies or irregularities can ever be sanctioned. It is for this reason that we have a testimony against wars and fightings ; but it is far from be- ing new or peculiar to us; it is as old as the gos- pel, and the gospel was preached to our first pa- rents in Eden. So it will be found of all the other testimonies which we profess to bear ; they are not ours, but the testimonies of truth ; and I cannot but believe that the spreading of them will tend to enlarge Christ's kingdom in the 176 memoir or earth, and thus promote the best interests of the human family. It is but little that we can do of ourselves towards the furtherance of these great objects, but if we are faithful in our day to the light and knowledge with which Divine Goodness is pleased to furnish us, our feeble efforts, like the widow's mite cast into the treasury, gain for us, when called upon to give an account of our stewardship, this reward, c Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful in a few things, I will make the ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord/ That this may be our experience, is the sincere desire of thy friend, John Jackson/' We might have properly mentioned ere this that the constitution of our friend, which had never been robust, seemed undermined by a severe illness of several weeks previously to his leaving home for the West Indies. During his sickness, his friends were apprehensive that he would not get well, but he felt impressed with JOHN JACKSON. 177 the belief that he would accomplish the religious visit he had in prospect, and return in safety to his family. With the increase of physical de- bility there were no marks of wasted mental energy, or a disposition to seek rest from continu- ous labor. He appeared ever mindful of the apostle' s inj unction to his brethren, "To be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord/ 7 The influence which he possessed in his neigh- borhood, was an evidence of the good effects re- sulting from a mind habitually clothed with the heavenly attributes of justice, mercy, and hu- mility. Persons, of both low and high degree, acknowledged its power, and he was thus enabled at times, by a seasonable word of caution and counsel, to prevent the chords of harmony being broken, and in cases where they had been des- troyed, to act the part of a peace-maker. Among the many means which he employed to benefit himself and others, was the use of the compass. In this way he was particularly use- ful, by settling disputed claims in property. The confidence reposed in his judgment and integrity 15* 178 MEMOIR OF by all parties, generally enabled him to effect a satisfactory decision. We have said he was diligent in business ; he seemed to act upon his early conviction, that with a rightly balanced mind there is time for the fulfilment of every duty. First, towards Him unto whom we owe all things ; and secondly, unto our neighbors and ourselves. We cannot but hope that the vast amount of labor upon scientific subjects which he has left in manuscript, will be placed in a form by which it may benefit others. Astronomy was his favorite study. A love for it was engendered in early youth, no doubt, from his reverence for the great Creator of the starry hosts, by whose wisdom and power they are sustained and made to revolve in their respective orbits in perpetual grandeur and harmony. To his contemplative mind this opened a wide field of enjoyment, in which new wonders and beauties were continually presented to his view. At the silent hour of midnight, after having disposed of the duties of the day, as well as at early morn ere the beauties of the JOHN JACKSON. 179 niglit were eclipsed by the beams of the rising sun, he was often to be found in the observatory. His astronomical observations are interspeVsed with reflections which prove that his mind was wont to soar above the heavens, and dwell upon the Supreme Intelligence by which they were framed. The last of these, made but a short period before his decease, is here appended. (t What scope of the imagination can embrace the extent of the universe, when so many worlds are seen to exist within the narrow limits of ap- parent vision. In contemplating thy works, Illimitable Creator, I learn at every step some lesson of thy unmeasured greatness, some addi- tional conviction of thy unbounded beneficence, and some striking illustration of the littleness and frailty of man. How humbling to human pride is the thought that the globe on which I dwell, on which so many millions are striving and contending for dominion, as though the possession of its atoms of dust were the whole aim and object of existence, is but itself an atom of thy material empire, and is almost lost 180 MEMOIR OF sight of amidst the contemplation of creation's immensity as it is here revealed before me," In" his concern for the advancement of truth and righteousness in the earth, he labored not only orally, but with his pen. An address to the members of his own Quarterly Meeting on subject of "Divine Spiritual "Worship," was issued in 1837. And a pamphlet containing " Con- siderations on the impropriety of Friends parti- cipating in the administration of political govern- ment," was printed and circulated among our members in 1840. So thoroughly was his spirit imbued with the peaceable nature of the Chris- tian religion, that it may_be said that, " in season and out of season," he was prepared to bear an uncompromising testimony against war and blood- shed, believing it to be one of the greatest evils in the world. A little work entitled "Peace and War/' was an exposition of hisserious convictions on the subject. Unpleasant, as it ever is, to dwell upon or even allude to differences among bre- thren, we feel that we would not be doing justice to the duty we have undertaken, if we did not here JOHN JACKSON. 181 notice the fact, that this production gave un- easiness to some Friends, because of expressions contained in it which they thought undervalued the Scriptures. It is not our business nor our aim to enter upon the point of controversy? further than to say, that our personal knowledge of the writer forbids us to believe that he was want- ing in respect for this volume, which he highly prized, and had so frequently read in his family. It was his sincere belief that those parts of it upon which some professors of Christianity are wont to found their arguments in favor of war and slavery, being simply of a historical char- acter, were likely to exhibit the peculiar or edu- cational views of those who penned them. The respect with which he treated those who differed from him in opinion is worthy imitation. He considered liberty of conscience as one of the choicest boons of Heaven, and was ever willing to grant to all, what he asked for himself, a free- dom to exercise it. This enabled him to extend the hand of friendship even to those who were disposed to look upon him with coldness and dis- trust. 182 MEMOIR OF la Friends' Intelligencer of 7th mo. 2d and 9th, 1853, there appeared Essays on the Death Penalty, which were written by him at the suggestion of our beloved friend, H. J. Moore. The interest which they both felt in this subject is well known to many, and we would that their faithfulness in the advocacy of the blessed principle of love to Grod and good will to men, might act as a stim- ulus to those who are continued a little longer on this stage of action, to work " while it is day;" that when the closing period of this life shall draw nigh, like our departed friends they may be able to adopt the language, "I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which thou gavest nae to do/' A few months before his death, he pub- lished his views on " The Christian Minis- try, — A free ministry- — Objections to a theo- logical education for the ministry, &c." Our testimony to a free gospel ministry is strong- ly advocated therein, and the simplicity of the religion promulgated by Jesus, is contrasted with that which is exhibited by many of its pro- JOHN JACKSON, 183 fessors at the present day. In this work, as in the one before alluded to, there are some senti- ments with which all Friends do not unite. But from the calm serenity of our friend's latter days, and the joy with which he anticipated the period when his spirit should be freed from the frail tenement that connected him with this transitory scene, we may infer, that whatever may have been his views, they militated not against him in the near approach of his dissolution. He felt an assurance of acceptance with his heavenly Father, whom he had endeavored to serve with singleness of heart, by acting out the law of the spirit, which " sets free from the law ef sin and death. " It was his often expressed belief, that opinions were as nothing, in comparison with that faith which leads to a perfect fulfilment of the commandments upon which the blessed Jesus declares " hang the law and the prophets," which would lead into the exercise of those virtues, that are acquired by keeping the eye single and th« heart pure, by which the selfishness of human nature is overcome, and we are enabled to say^ 184 MEMOIR OT u do with me Lord, as seemeth good in thy sight." " He is a Jew, who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter ; whose praise is not of men but of God." The health of our friend continued to decline, and although it sometimes cost him considerable effort he was faithful in the attendance of meet- ings both for worship and discipline. His gos- pel labors for the welfare of the body, when thus assembled, were often accompanied by an energy which his friends would have deemed his frail tenement incapable of exhibiting; but the spirit rose in dominion, and proved " strength in weak- ness and a present' help in the needful time." Thus labored till the close of the day the sub- ject of this feeble tribute, whom we have followed in part from his infancy to the period when his work being accomplished, u the mortal" was about " to put on immortality," and " death was to be swallowed up in victory." In tracing the leading characteristics which embellished his life, JOHN JACKSON. 185 we have been far from desiring to exalt the crea- ture, but rather, to offer the homage due to the great Creator, that in having constituted man a twofold being, He has rendered him capa- ble, through obedience to the manifestations of the divine will, of maintaining the dominion u over the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea," by which the spiritual life is exalted, and he retains the noble and dig- nified position designed for him by his Creator. The scripture testimony is, that he who is thus found governing his own house, ruling his own spirit, " is better than he that taketh a city." He was confined but a short time to his cham- ber, during which he appeared to have nothing to do, but to bear with patience and resignation the sufferings consequent upon disease and dis- solution. The bonds to earth were broken, and his spirit seemed enwrapped with joy ineffable; the bright visions of which he had had a fore- taste, were about to be opened more fully unto him, and in his parting salutations to his be- loved and stricken family, he could point them 16 186 MEMOIR OF to the happy flight that spirit takes, whose trea- sures are garnered in heaven. On the 14th of 4th mo. 1855, the immortal part was released from its house of clay, which on the 17th was followed to the place of its in- terment in Friends' burial ground at Darby, by a great concourse of his friends, over whom the feeling of solemnity appeared to prevail in a re. markable manner. Thus passed into the eternal world, one whose chief concern had been faithfully to fulfil his mission on earth, that he might be prepared for a higher and more exalted state of being ; who, even in childhood, watched the dawning of that light, which in the obedient soul shines " brighter and brighter unto the perfect day/' and who continued to testify to the end, of the univer- sality of the Father's love, and of the joys of His kingdom inwardly revealed to the dedicated mind. JOHN JACKSON. 187 The following address is the one alluded to in the Memoir of John Jackson, as having been printed and circulated in the Danish Colonies. AN ADDRESS TO THE INHABITANTS OF ST. CROIX. We, the undersigned, members of the Reli- gious Society of Friends, commonly called Quak- ers, from Pennsylvania in America, now engaged in a mission of Gospel love to the West India Islands, with the approbation and unity of our brethren and sisters in profession with us, hav- ing requested of the Governor permission to hold religious meetings on this Island, and having by his note, bearing date "Dec. 5th, 1840/' been forbidden to appoint such meetings, deem it re- spectful to explain more fully the object of our visit than we have been permitted to do by per- sonal intercourse amongst you. The Society of Friends have, from their ear- liest rise, maintained as a fundamental point of doctrine, that a measure or manifestation of the spirit of Christ, the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, is given to all 188 MEMOIR or men, to lead and guide them in the path of duty. That this is the appearing of " Christ within/' which the Apostle declared to be the " hope of glory," Col. i. 27, and the same Divine Power which the blessed Jesus alluded to, when he gave this command to his disciples, " Go ye, there- fore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Mat. 28: 19, 20. This Divine principle or light of Christ within, is that to which our worthy predecessor, George Fox, called the attention of the people, as an ef- ficacious teacher and spiritual guide to salvation, and all the consequent joys connected with the soul's redemption ; that they might, by their obedience to its blessed teachings, conform their lives to the example and precepts of Jesus Christ, and thus find peace with God their Crea- tor. Hence it is declared by Win. Penn, one of the most distinguished writers in our Society, in JOHN JACKSON. 189 his account of this rise and progress, that a be- lief in " the light of Christ within, as God's gift for man's salvation/' is their characteristic or main distinguishing point or principle of doc- trine. And in relation to those whom it pleased the great Head of the Church to call to the work of the ministry under our name, the same writer asserts, " These experimental preachers of glad tidings of God's truth and kingdom, could not run when they list, or preach, or pray, but as Christ their Redeemer prepared and moved them by his blessed spirit, for which they waited in their services or meetings, and spoke as that gave them utterance." " They went not forth in their own will nor time, but in the will of God, and spake not their own studied matter, but as they were opened and moved of his spirit, with which they were well acquainted in their own conver- sion. They directed people to a principle in themselves, though not of themselves, by which all they asserted, preached or exhorted others to, might be known in them through experience to be true." — Rise and Progress, doc, 16* 190 MEMOIR OF Although many of the wise builders of sys- tems of religion have rejected this revelation of Christ, or manifestation of his spirit in man, for a foundation, our forefathers pro- fessed to build upon it, — as a rock immova- ble — as " the corner stone, the tried stone, elect and precious, " which the Lord's prophet declared should " be laid in Zion." Isa. 28 : 16. They doubtless were sincere in their convictions of the duties of religion, when under the influence of the Holy Spirit, they went forth as the servants of Jesus Christ, visiting the nations of the earth, to call men from darkness to light, and from under the dominion and power of transgression into the glorious liberty of the children of God; for they manifested their attachment to the prin- ciples thus professed, and the various testimonies to practical righteousness which these principles taught them to maintain, by a willingness to suffer persecutions for Christ's sake and the Gos- pel's. Fines, imprisonments, the deprivation of many earthly comforts, and even the loss of life itself, were inflicted upon them, because they JOHN JACKSON. 191 could say with the apostle, when he was arraign- ed for his faith before Felix, to answer the charges brought against him by his accusers : — " This I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets. Acts 24: 14. The spirit of persecution drove many of them from the shores of Great Britain to seek a refuge and a shelter among strangers in a strange land. In the wilderness of America they found an asylum, where among the aborigines of the forest, they could enjoy that religious liberty and toler- ation which had been denied them by the more enlightened professors of their native land. The Indian opened to them his lonely wigwam, and in some instances they consecrated the caves and holes of the earth to the worship of the Al- mighty. There the enlightened Penn founded a colony which still retains his name, where the privilege of worshipping God according to the dictates of conscience was granted to all. There the tree of religious liberty was planted; under 192 MEMOIR OF the shade of which, the persecuted of all nations were permitted to repose with safety, and many generations have already partaken of the fruits that grow upon its goodly branches. We are unshaken in the religion of our fath- ers ; like them we believe in the light of Christ within, as God's gift for man's salvation — like them, we believe that the Head of the Church is as able now as formerly, to make use of the weak things of this world, to advance his cause. He set us the example by choosing some of the illiterate fishermen of Galilee, to be among the first promulgators of his Gospel. And we be- lieve that the learning and wisdom of man, are not an essential qualification for a minister of Christ ; neither do they receive a true qualifica- tion from the ordinations of man, or by virtue of an appointment from royal authority, or the con- sent of human governments, for they are the servants of Christ only, whom he, by his Holy Spirit, calls to the labor he hath assigned them, and they only are truly qualified to testify the gospel of the grace of God, who can say with JOHN JACKSON. 193 the apostle, " I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man, for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ" — and whose preaching is, not as Paul said, " in words which man's wisdom teacheth, but as the Holy Ghost teacheth." Without assuming to ourselves any thing more than belongs to the very least of the family of Christ, we unhesitatingly assert, that we believe that our Divine Master, whom we desire to serve, liath required at our hand the religious service in which we are engaged. It is not our mission to teach for doctrines the commandments of men, or to call them to absurd opinions and speculative theology ; but it is to invite them to embrace those principles of practical righteousness, which will lead them to a knowledge of pure and unde- filed religion. We dare not preach nor pray in our own wills ? nor in our own time, only as Christ, our heavenly Shepherd, is pleased to ena- ble us, poor instruments, to proclaim the glad tidings of the gospel. We covet no man's silver 194 MEMOIR OF or gold — we are not in pursuit of any earthly treasure — we seek not the praise of men. But the love of Christ constraineth us, and for the spreading of that religion which breathes " glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will to men," we have left the endearments of home, to encounter the many trials and respon- sibilities connected with a gospel mission among strangers in a strange land. Whatever may be the opinions of men concerning us, God is a wit- ness, that it is the religion of Jesus, which em- braces the present and eternal welfare of our fel- low heirs of immortality, we desire only to pro- mote. We have nothing but love for all men. Our request to mingle with you in religious fel- lowship, was, because this benevolent feeling in our hearts extended towards you, and we are conscious of having acted consistent therewith, in making the attempt we did, to discharge a duty we feel we owe to you, and to Him who is the Searcher of Hearts. We desire not to pay any disrespect whatever to the powers that be, remembering the Divine Master not only com- JOHN JACKSON. 195 manded his disciples to be " wise as serpents/' but " harmless as doves." Therefore we are wil- ling patiently to bear our burden — hoping that the day may speedily arrive, when the feet of those who are commissioned to publish the glad tidings of salvation, may be permitted to tread upon all the high places of the earth, to proclaim unto Zion, "Thy God reigneth." And while we are willing patiently to suffer in spirit with the seed of the Church, we do not hesitate to express our conviction that the exercise of human autho- rity on the consciences of men, is utterly at va- riance with the benign religion of Jesus Christ. We are well aware that nations have not unfre- quently assumed the right to exercise this au- thority, by establishing what is called the reli- gion of the country, over which such authority has sway, and which is either directly or re- motely supported by the sword. The subjects of such governments are required, in a greater or less degree, to conform their views of worship- ping their Creator to the standard thus set up for them, and they who may honestly and con- 196 MEMOIR OF scientiously dissent therefrom, are subjected to a spiritual bondage. We believe this has ever been detrimental to the interests of Christ's kingdom. This religion can never be forced upon men. They can only be induced to embrace it, as the effectual working of the Holy Spirit leads them to see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and as they behold the excellence of a life of holiness before God, exhibited in the daily walk of its professors. Nor are the ministers of Christ's church ex- clusively confined to any particular sect, nation, or part of the great family of man. For it is em- phatically declared that " God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Mm." If in the exercise of worldly power, men pre- sume to deny to even the least of Christ's mes- sengers the liberty wherewith he hath made them free, upon them must devolve the awful respon- sibility of rejecting Christ himself, according to JOHN JACKSON. 197 his own declaration : — u He that receiveth whom- soever I send, receiveth me." And again : — " In- asmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of •these, ye did it not to me." We speak these things plainly, without any desire to offend those who bear rule over you, because they are our conscientious convictions. We secretly hope the cause of religious liberty and toleration may ad- vance, and the professors of the Christian name everywhere unite in pulling down the high walls of sectional prejudice, which have been built up between them in the will and wisdom of mac, that professing to worship the same common Father, and aiming for the same heavenly inher- itance in the world to come, they may strive to know that unity of spirit upon earth, which is to bind the redeemed of all generations together in " the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ." Then might we hope that the day will come when the declaration of the Prophet will be ful- filled : " The mountain of the Lord's house shall be established upon the top of the mountains, 17 198 MEMOIR OF and exalted above all the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it." Isaiah 2 : 2. In conclusion, we take leave of you in the language of Paul to his brethren, u Commending you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an in- heritance among all them which are sanctified." George Truman. John Jackson. Thomas B. Longstreth. St. Croix, 12th mo. 7th, 1840. JOHN JACKSON. 199 Allusion having been made in the foregoing pages to J. J.'s connection with the u Delaware County Institute of Science," this tribute from that Association is here appended. A MEMOIR OF JOHN JACKSON. BY JAMES ANDREWS. Read before the Delaware County Institute of Science, 1856. The announcement of the close of the mortal career of John Jackson, on the fourteenth of Fourth month, 1855, awakened a feeling in the community which demands a tribute to his memory — an acknowledgment of his claim upon the respect, the confidence and the affections of his cotemporaries. In his widely extended public and social relations, his benevolent spirit was ever actively seeking to promote the public good, the individual happiness and highest inter- ests of the whole people. These efforts were gratefully appreciated by us, among whom he was born, lived and finished his work on earth ; and in holding up his life of practical usefulness 200 MEMOIR OF as' an example to others, we evidence that he was not only esteemed, but " honored in his own country." His parents, Halliday and Jane Jackson, settled near the village of Darby, in 1800. — There, on the 25th of the Ninth month, 1809, the subject of our memoir was born. The home of his birth ever continued to be the home of his life. He was one of the ten children who arrived at an age to " arise up and call their parents blessed," in commemoration of the wis- dom with which they guarded their childhood, and of their counsels, which proved a light to his pathway in the journey of life. To his early intellectual and moral training, he ever recurred with filial gratitude. Whether we regard him as a man of science and of literature, a philanthropist, an humble Christian, an eminent minister of the Gospel of the Society of Friends, illustrating and adorning the principles he professed by his upright and exemplary walking among men — the conclusion is irresistible, that he was what he was by self- JOHN JACKSON. 201 culture — most emphatically was he a self-made man. In tracing back his career to the simple life of an active boy, we remember him, not as one gifted above his playmates with remarkable talents. We remember him but as a sportive, kind, industrious child, loved by the young and the old, ever seeking to promote the pleasure and happiness of those with whom he mingled. His opportunities for acquiring a scholastic edu- cation, were very limited, compared with his ex- tensive acquirements in science and literature. From an early age he was a pupil in the village school until his seventeenth year, which he spent at West Town Boarding School. During that year he was earnest in study, and devoted his hours of relaxation chiefly to the reading of his- tory and biography. The impetus to cultivate Jiis mind by reading and scientific research, led him to the utmost industry in all his agricultural pursuits, that he might have time for intellectual culture. The necessity for him to " earn his bread by the sweat of his brow," he accepted as a blessing of greater value to him, than a larger 17* 202 MEMOIR OF patrimonial inheritance. In winter, he was found lighting his lamp long before the dawn of day, for uninterrupted study ; while in summer he spent his seasons of recreation in pedestrian excursions among our hills and streams, led thither by his love of the natural sciences, of Botany and Mineralogy. These, so peculiarly fitting for an agricultural life, were pursued with an interest that only gave way to his ardent as- pirings for astronomical knowledge. The powers of his intellect, thus expanding by vigorous cul- tivation, he continually sought new accessions of knowledge by tracing out that exquisite connec- tion of the physical sciences, which prove that " All are but parts of one stupendous whole, TThose body nature is, and God the soul." In his own language, " Every page of the great volume of nature is full of living and instructive truth. There is a beautiful relation between mind and matter, between the works of God, and our capacity to contemplate them. Our in- tellectual nature is as much a gift of God, as the gift of Grace, and we are as responsible for the JOHN JACKSON. 203 culture and improvement of the one, as of the other. I have no idea that so noble a talent is to be buried in the earth, that it is to be employed merely in procuring food and raiment for these frail temples, which are soon to moulder in the dust. Far otherwise ! Placed in the midst of a beautiful creation, we are invited to meditate on the workmanship of its Author. Such an exer- cise of the intellect is profitable to us, for it leads to humility, and while it makes manifest the feebleness of man and our comparative nothing- ness, amidst the immensity of creation, it exalts our views of the wisdom, goodness and power of the Creator." With religious enthusiasm, then, he continued through life, to cultivate his love of the study of nature, as compatible with true devotion to God. He became a member of this Institution in 1834, a few months after its establishment; and although his multifarious duties, and delicato health, for many years prevented his regular at- tendance of our meetings, yet his presence had always a cheering effect, towards inspiring us in 204 MEMOIR OF the cause in which we are engaged. In the same year he became a minister of the Gospel. At the age of twenty-five, he was united in marriage with Rachel T., daughter of Isaac Tyson, of the city of Baltimore, whose education and taste favored his scientific and literary pursuits. Two years after this period, they apprehended that an institution was needed in this county, wherein females might have an opportunity of acquiring extensive instruction in various departments of science and literature ; and the establishment of Sharon Female Seminary was the result of this conviction. The cause of universal education was dear to his heart, and he urged its claims through the press ) for the advancement of it, he labored earnestly, not only in the institution that he founded, but he sought to diffuse knowledge by courses of popular lectures on Philosophy, Chemistry, Geology and Astronomy. His ex- tensive cabinet of minerals and fossils, his as- tronomical observatory were alike open to all, who desired to visit them and to be instructed thereby. A.t the time he imported his large JOHN JACKSON. 205 equatorial telescope from Munich, he was the only individual in the United States who had so large and expensive a refracting telescope. These facts are here related, as evidences of that largeness and liberality of soul that influenced him through life. He grasped after intellectual treasure, not for the happiness that it would bring to himself alone, but that he might obtain the means for diffusing blessings around him. In his intercourse with the world, his ear was ever open to the cries of the poor and the needy ; he lifted his voice for the oppressed ; he was most emphatically the peace-maker wherever he saw the elements of strife were at work. Es- pecially in his profession of Land Surveyor, he often reconciled contending parties, and pre- vented litigation by prevailing on them to sub- mit their mutual claims to his compass and judgment. Since the landing of William Penn on our shores, the Society of Friends have probably never known one among their number, who more resembled their illustrious predecessor, in his 206 MEMOIR OF enlarged philanthropy, without regard to sect, in his advocacy of the rights of conscience, restrict- ing religious liberty only by obedience to the teachings of the Holy Spirit in every soul. Again and again did he visit the wigwam of the Indian in the forest, did he meet them in council, and go with them to plead their cause and present their grievances to our Government. All the endearments of home he left, and braved the perils of the ocean, in a Gospel mission to the inhabitants of the West India Islands, encounter- ing many hardships and privations that he might discharge what he considered his duty to master and slave in the Spanish Islands, and to the emancipated and the emancipator in the British. Except in the political arena, from which he ever kept aloof, he was associated in all the varied in- terests of the community in which he lived. The indomitable energy and industrious per- severance which marked his career in early life, characterized his entire course. Pie had for years regularly contributed his astronomical ob- servations to the Smithsonian Institute at Wash- JOHN JACKSON. 207 ington, and received on behalf of the astronomer of the Coast Survey, an acknowledgment of the aid derived from the list of transits he had fur- nished to the department. Six weeks before his transition from earth, is the date of the last use of his Transit Telescope — he was at the time so feeble as to need assistance in ascending to the Observatory. About this time he finished read- ing the proof sheets of his last literary effort, a work on the " Christian Ministry," and had the satisfaction of receiving from the publisher the first edition, and expressing his joy that the work was finished. So long as the world con- tinues to be divided into sects, it is not possible that a uniformity of opinion shall prevail ; hence, whatever may be our individual bias on the sub- ject, on which the author treats, none can lay down the volume without admiring the beautiful chaste diction, or being impressed with the earnest, gentle and loving spirit that pervades its pages. During the last fourteen years of his life, his physical strength gradually gave way, without acute suffering, yet all the while his in- 208 MEMOIR OF tellectual and his spiritual being seemed to ac- quire new energy of purpose and action. This freshness and vigor of spirit gave beauty to his life of love and truth, until at the age of forty- five, the worn out working garment was laid aside. Thus lived and passed onward, our excellent friend and lamented fellow-member of the In- stitute. He needs not the meed of praise from the living, he needs not this brief tribute to his worth from us, but we owe to posterity the duty of perpetuating the example, the history and beauty of his life, that it may be as a beacon and incentive to the young " to go and do likewise," and to awaken among us the inqury whether we too are fulfilling our mission. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 216 753 A