1091 >py LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ISPi a viz 007 439 , # - 1091 13 opy 1 R MAC DONALD'S ASTROLOGICAL DREAM B O O K A COMPREHENSIVE AND SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS ATLAS PRINTING CO BINGHAMTON, N. Y. *Ui PRICE 20 CENTS 15th Edition, Three Hundred Thousand Have Been Sold HOW TO SUCCEED OR THE SECRETS OF ASTROLOGY BY t J. MAC DONALD, M. D. 9 Ph. D, Complete Instructions in the Science of Astrology. The Good and Evil Influences of the Planets. Signification of Moles, Signs and Omens. Mental, Physical, Business and Conjugal Qualifications. FROM DATE OF BIRTH. The Fortunate and Unfortunate Days of the Year. How to Avoid Sickness, Accident, Poverty and Misfortune. How to write a Horoscope and Foretell Future Events. It Contains the Ruling Planets from the year 1 800 to 200 1 . A Daily Calendar for Four Hundred Years. THIS BOOK ALSO CONTAINS The History and Mystery of Astrology. Signs and Temperaments. An Article on Suggestive Psychology. How to Biologize. How to Hypnotize. How to Charm those you meet. How to Make Any Person at a Distance think of you. The Secrets of Personal Magnetism. WHEN TO PLANT AND HARVEST BT THE MOON. THE INFLUENCE OF SIGNS AND OMENS. WEATHER PRED ICTIONS AND FORECASTS. FULL INSTRUCTIONS How to Heal by Magnetic, Mental and Absent Methods. All the best Secrets given Complete. ILLUSTRATED WITH CHARTS, MAPS AND TABLES. PRICE ONE DOLLAR ADDRE88 ATLAS PRINTING COMPANY BINGHAMTON, N. Y.£>cU608830 R 26 I9Z1 i o 5 DR. MAC DONALD'S DREAM BOOK /'V^ ^ — INTRODUCTION By A; 0. tta^^^^SSi*^ 7* *« «-"*—■ Women dream more more or less, and ^££^1X11^^' ° r , p ^ Mce - Everybody dreams, a^iet^^^ * ?.» aK.es and nations, mstances of the fulfillment of dfekms^e no? S™ m ? MS ° f dreams - Authenticated Much is said of dreams in the Bible, and the holy men of old believed in them Wn^h^n^^ drea^ere^^^^^^ great attention to dreams. propnetic. I he Greeks and Romans of old paid upon ^^^^ who, in his book - d «P^^^^ happen, or commanded wfiffirtd S^^v^rf^Jg?? BhoU * 1 w «*°»H St it was customary to sleep in a temple o^t some snot s a cr^Srti°n P ^ CUr t such drea ™ assistance was required. p OT sacred to the Deity whose advice or imagines thaThe^forms M^frK^ &,£ d f 0Ze ' «**** himself awake, ophe 3 ^ 11 ^ the C ° mm0n division ° f ^ms into classes according to the ancient philos- tablSto^ f^tL^ J ^^t^r^r^ b St^^T > "X Artemidorus, who dreams is still extant, as also are tht SS&WjS^MU wU»atate°r *««^^ tat1^^ U &^^^^^ ««« of concerning the exp.i- loothsayers and others, and he carried Ion an extensive Z?Z™ T* e ^acquaintance of tind m Egypt, Greece and Italy, 7aS T ^S,r TjS M6 f , ? th,,ei!OI,srf <*»* wents which are said to have followed them C0Uectms a11 re P orts ° f dreams and of the The subject of dreams and auguries received a vast deal of attention in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Christian Era. In the reign of the Emperor Augustus a law was passed obliging all who had dreamt of anything respecting the State to make it public at once, either by means of a placard ior by the mouth of the public crier. Thus great was the importance attache^ to dreams by the heathen philosophers of old. How firmly the Prophets of the Jews and the Apostles of Christianity believed in them is known to every Christian who reads his Bible. It must be remarked with regard to dreams of every description, that those not thoroughly complete are regarded as of no account. As it must, moreover, be borne in mind that, in order that those retained in memory shall be good and reliable, they should occur toward daybreak, and certainly after midnight, for up to that point of time, the animal functions of the body are occupied by digestion, and the brain troubled by the vapors of food, is incapable of rational impressions. However, Artemidorus, in his learned treatise, affirms that a man of sober and tranquil habits can be visited by dreams at any hour of the night, and occasionally during the day, prognosticating coming, events with certainty. Many authors have sub-divided dreams into three classes: relative to natural objects, to animals, and to celestial things. Those relating to natutal objects are such as by means of which physicians can judge of a person's physical disposition ; those, wherein animals are portrayed, originate from the passions, or the troubles to which the mind has been subjected during the day, while dreams wherein celestial objects are discerned, are warn- ings as to divine matters, as, for instance, the Great Image appearing to the King of Baby- lon in a dream, whose import was so ably interpreted by the Prophet Daniel. There are two principal kinds of dreams, the one species designated as speculative or contemplative, to which particular attention should be paid, as they eventuate almost exactly in the manner of their occurrence during dreaming. The second principal kind of dreams can be regarded as allegorical or significant, as they do not eventuate in the manner of their occurrence, but with an enigmatical solution. Thus, when one dreams of an angel, it signifies revelation, or good news; but to see a ser- pent threatening to harm you, designates vexations, annoyance and trouble from those envious of you. Speculative dreams have speedy solution, but allegorical ones do not eventuate as promptly. Generally a day or two intervenes between a dream and its coming to pass. Hence, persons are liable to deceive themselves, particularly when unlearned in the science of divination, through not preserving the distinction between the nature of dreams or through expecting one thing to occur, while another actually transpires. EXPLANATION OF DREAMS AND VISIONS FIRE To dream of fire or of seeing fire, signifies the effects of anger, and almost all of those" thus dreaming habitually, are by nature hasty, wrathful and violent in disposition. To dream of burning one's self is a warning of the approach of a fever of greater or less violence. To dream of seeing a moderate fire, without smoke or sparks, is an augury of perfect health, or of a restoration to reason, should the dreamer be in a fever. Sometimes it foretells an abundance of means ; according to some, it denotes a festival or gathering of friends and relatives. But,, when one dreams of seeing a great fire, accompanied by much smoke and blaze, it signifies the happening of quarrels, in which the dreamer will participate, or of receipt of disagreeable intelligence. Seeing a fire extinct or burn out, signifies indigence, want and bad fortune ; oftentimes want of money. Still, if this dream occurs to an invalid it foretells him of a speedy recovery. To dream of seeing a lighted candle, burning clearly and brightly, is an excellent omen, as it announces to the sick, certain and speedy cure. Should the dreamer be un- married, it is a sign not only of his nuptials, but of success in business, or of receipt of public honors. A lantern, torch, lamp or burning fagot has the like significance, provided the flame be clear and brilliant. He who sees in a dream a candle, torch or lamp burning obscurely and with a flicker, can anticipate affliction, sadness or sickness, but of short duration. He who dreams of being on shipboard and seeing in the distance a clear, bright light, need have no fear of a disastrous voyoge. neithe^ of shipwreck nor storms. To dream of holding a burning torch or lightl is a good sign. Young people so doing will be successful in love, prosperous in business,! victorious over enemies and honored and respected by friends and kinsfolk. j To dream of seeing a lighted torch in the haiids of another signifies that the author of injury done you will be discovered and brought^ to punishment. An extinguished torch signifies the contrary. To see in a dream one or more houses ablaze with a fire, pure, clear and without sparks, and that the houses are neither consumed nor destroyed, prognosticates to the poor accession in goods, riches, legacies and gifts, and to the rich that they will be the recipi- ents of honors, or overwhelmed with dignities. But, if, on the other hand, the conflagra- tion be violent and scintillating, and the houses appear to fall down or be consumed, the signification of the dream is directly the reverse. When a married man dreams that his bed is on fire and he is likely to be consumed, this signifies damage, illness, or a disagreement for his wife ; if the wife dreams the same, the same accident will happen to the husband. When one dreams that he sees the upholstery or other furniture of a house on fire, and that it is consumed, this prognosticates some injury or annoyance to the master of the household. When you imagine seeing, in a dream, the wardrobe or the larder of the lady of the house on fire, it betokens either illness or disastrous news for that lady. Should you dream that the kitchen is burning, it denotes the loss of the cook, or of the servants, or of someone among those therein employed. If you imagine the shop to burn and be entirely consumed, it signifies loss in goods or possession. Should you dream seeing the front windows to be on fire, and be consumed, it denotes the loss of a male relative; should the window be at the rear, you will lose someone among your female relatives. When you imagine seeing doors burn, it signifies some great misfortune for someone in the family, and sometimes for the dreamer in person. To imagine the upper part of a house consumed by fire denotes loss of goods, of a law- suit, or of friends. If you dream that you light a fire, and it burns up without difficulty, and simultane- ously, it signifies a generation of children who will be happy, and prove an honor to their mother. The same is true with respect to a candle, torch or lamp. When you dream that you light a fire with difficulty and it goes out, it forewarns hurt, injury and sorrow to some woman and to the dreamer. To dream of the destruction by fire of wearing apparel, signifies injury, vexation, scandal and loss of a lawsuit or of friends, To dream of seeing grain, in heaps, consumed by fire, forewarns an epidemical malady; but if it be not consumed, it denotes fertility and an abundance of goods to the dreamer. To dream of burning yourself and suffering pain, signifies envy, displeasure, anger or a quarrel. To dream of holding a lighted torch and carrying it into a public place signifies honor and success in your undertaking. To dream of burning one's finger signifies envy and sinfulness. AIR Those who, in their dreams, witness a clear and serene sky, will be beloved and esteemed by everyone, while their enemies and others jealous of them, will seek reconcili- ation at their hands. An overcast sky in dreams denotes sadness, sickness, impediments in business. When one dreams of breathing balmy air, it designates that the life and manner of the dreamer are pure, peaceable and agreeable to society ; that the enterprises and journeys, by him undertaken, will eventuate according to his wish and desire. To dream of seeing a gentle fall of rain, with neither storm, tempest nor high wind signifies for a farmer gain and profit ; but, on the contrary, for merchants it denotes loss or spoliation of their merchandise. To dream of long and heavy rains, of fyail and storms, of hurricanes and tempests, is a sign of afflictions, disasters, vexations, dangers, losses and perils. To dream of hail is a sign of trouble and sadness ; it, moreover, signifies that affairs of the most secret nature and the best concealed will be brought to light. To dream of a thunderbolt falling near you, forewarns the dreamer that he will be obliged to flee the country, particularly should he be a prominent person ; but to dream of a house or yourself being struck by lightning is a sure sign of coming danger. CELESTIAL FIRE To dream of seeing a moderate light in the sky, burning clearly and brightly, signifies a menace from some person in authority or of influence. To dream of a large fire in the heavens signifies aggression of enemies, poverty, deso- lation and famine, and the side upon which this fire falls designates the quarter whence your enemies will come, but should the fire fly through the air, or burst asunder so as to fall in different quarters, it will prove the more unfavorable. WATER To dream of seeing the waters of a stream very clear and tranquil, is an excellent augury, above all for travelers, lawyers and judges. When the waters appear troubled, it forewarns a menace from some influential per- sonage, or a disgrace at the hands of your employer ; when thus dreaming, advocates will find themselves in trouble and cases will be badly adjudicated. To be in an impetuous current of water, seemingly without power to extricate your- self, is a sign of danger to the dreamer, or sickness, or of a long lawsuit. To dream of swimming in deep water signifies impending peril, only to be avoided by dexterity. To see a well overflow, denotes loss of property or some great misfortune for one of your kindred ; should a woman have this dream, she is menaced by the loss of part of her property, and, perchance, of her lover. To dream that a clear stream of water flows around your chamber prognosticates the arrival of some rich and liberal person, who will bring profit to the dreamer ; but if the water be dirty and threatens to soil the furniture, it signifies a quarrel and disorders, caused by enemies to persons in the house, or nearly related to you. To dream of seeing a brook of troubled water denotes loss and injury through fire, lawsuits or enemies. To dream of seeing a small pond indicates that you are beloved by a beautiful woman; if a woman has this dream, it is a sign that she will receive that which she longs for. To dream of being on a boat upon a river, lake or pond, should the water be clear, is a sign of joy, prosperity and success in business. Should an invalid dream of a flowing stream or fountain of clear water, it predicts to him cure of his complaint ; but should the water be turbid or filthy, his recovery will be a matter of long time. To dream of drinking hot water announces a misfortune brought about through malice, by which you will be afflicted proportionately to the heat of the water ; for, inasmuch as cold water signifies good, its virtue is lost as it approaches the boiling point, by which is expressed intensity in evil— opposite to good. To dream of a bath is a sign of affliction and grief. If anyone dreams of entering a bath and of finding the water too warm, he will exper- ience annoyance or displeasure from his relatives, in proportion to the warmth of the water in the bath. Should you dream of entering a bath, of which the water is very cold, you will receive benefits corresponding to the temperature of the water ; but if it should be merely of tem- perate degree, it is still a good sign. If a man dreams of concealing in the earth a vase of water he is in danger of sustain- ing a sensible loss. When one dreams of having been given a glass of water, it is a sign of his speedy marriage. If he dreams the glass to be broken, it predicts the loss of many friends ; if whole, the contrary. If a person dreams of scattering water about the house, it denotes loss and affliction according to the quantity of water in this manner spread about. NAVIGATION To dream of being in a vessel or boat, and in danger of shipwreck or being caj a sign of impending peril, unless, perchance, the dreamer be a captive or in prison, tk which case it promises him emancipation or liberty. To dream of an anchor, signifies security and certain hope. To a woman, it is a sigt of being truly beloved. To dream of the cordage of ships, announces news from debtors or those working fo\, you. To dream of the sea, blue and slightly ruffled on its surface, signifies joy, and the means for business and success ; if the sea be of a perfect calm, it is a sign of procrasti- nation and delay, but when it is agitated by a storm, it denotes affliction, loss or adversity. He who dreams that he has fallen into the waters of the ocean, and awakens precipi- tately in the midst of his dream, will find great difficulty and trouble in emancipating him- self from detractors and enemies. THE EARTH Should anyone dream that he has been presented with a rural property, surrounued by a beautiful landscape view, it betokens that he will marry a lady, whose beauty will be proportionate to that of the landscape. Should the property appear to him spacious and without limit, it denotes pleasure, contentment and wealth, proportionate to the extent of the estate. Should the said property be embellished with gardens, fountains, arbors and groves, it indicates that the dreamer's wife will be an accomplished, prudent, handsome and chaste lady, by whom he will have beautiful children. Should he dream that the ground be sown with wheat, it denotes money and gain, acquired through care and toil, but according to the extent covered. Should he dream that it be planted with vegetables, it is a sign of trouble and affliction in a same degree. Should he dream that it be covered with ripened grain, it signifies wealth in profusion, easily acquired, and in the most agreeable manner. If you dream of seeing black land, it betokens sadness, melancholy and a credulous weakness. If you dream of seeing the earth tremble, it denotes danger in your business matters To dream of an earthquake, signifies that some public measure will transpire to the general joy of the nation. When a king, prince or governor dreams that his throne, palace or official mansion has been thrown down by earthquake, he will encounter disastrous calamities. To dream that a mountain has fallen upon a plain, signifies the overthrow of some powerful personage. Should a person dream of seeing a city, known to him, overwhelmed by an earthquake or eruption, it is a sign of famine and war; but should he be unacquainted with the locality, it denotes that some foreign people will suffer from the same causes, with whom, however, he has relations. To dream of falling into fissures in the ground or over precipices, makes known to the dreamer that he will suffer injuries, that his life will be in peril, and his property threat- ened by destruction at the hands of incendiaries. To dream of falling to the ground, is a sign of sadness and humiliation, from which recovery will be difficult. To dream of being in the midst of green fields is a good omen for farmers and shep- herds, but to all other people it is a sign of impediment in business matters. To dream of walking upon a broad, straight, shady and pleasant highway, denotes joy, prosperity and great success ; but a crooked, narrow road, disagreeable to be traveled upon, signifies the contrary. FLOWERS We reckon three species of dreams in relation to the productions of Nature : vegeta- tive, sensitive and rational. Under the head of vegetative we embrace those touching trees, plants, flowers and fruits which receive from the earth and the sun their nourishment, vigor, growth and maturity, as the source of vegetable life. To dream of seeing, holding or smelling flowers, when in their season, signifies joy, pleasure and consolation. To dream of seeing or smelling flowers, when out of their season, if they be white, signifies obstacles to your designs, or bad success in your enterprises ; if they be yellow, the obstacles will not be so great ; and if they be red, the difficulties will be very slight : in fa*\t, for the most part, they may be taken as a sign of success. To dream of seeing and smelling roses in their season is a good sign for everybody except invalids and those forced to conceal themselves through fear, for to them it is a sign of a delay in recovery, or of danger of capture or arrest ; but if the dream occurs when roses are not in season, its signification is absolutely reversed. To dream of smelling marjoram, hyssop, rosemary, sage and other plants of that nature, signifies toil, sadness and depression, excepting- to doctors, to whom this is a favorable omen. To dream of holding, seeing or smelling a lily, when out of season, is a sign that your expectations will be realized. Whoever dreams of seeing or smelling olive, laurel or palm, if it be a woman, she will bear children ; if a maiden, that she will marry shortly ; if a man, he will be gifted with many friends, be joyous, prosperous and blessed with abundance of worldly goods, and immense success in all the enterprises he may undertake. HERBS-CULINARY AND MEDICINAL To dream of eating or smelling herbs of an unsavory nature, such as garlic, onions, radishes, leeks and others like them, signifies revelatian of hidden matters or of quarrels with the servants. To dream of eating herbs used in the composition of salads, such as lettuce, sorrel, purslane and others which we eat raw, signifies misfortune and business difficulties. To dream of eating medicinal herbs, such as alkanet, borage, fumitory and others, is a sign of deliverance from anxiety and celerity in business matters, for all these herbs are laxative when medicinally employed. To dream of eating cabbage signifies vexation. Turnips and cucumbers denote vain hopes. Some, however, contend that, when invalids dream of eating melons and cucumbers, it predicts their cure, by reason of the humidity of the plants. WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS To dream of seeing wheat in the ear, signifies profit and riches, to a greater or less extent. To dream of seeing a large quantity of wheat in the sheaf, signifies for the dreamer abundance of goods and usefulness ; but when small in quantity, or scattered about, it indicates, on the contrary, scarcity and poverty. To dream of eating white wheaten bread signifies profit to the rich, disaster to the poor ; but to eat black bread, denotes profit and gain to the poor, and losses to the rich. - To dream of eating oatmeal is a sign of gain and profit. To dream of seeing a barnful of wheat, denotes marriage with a rich woman, or the gain of a lawsuit, the inheritance of a landed estate, the acquisition of wealth through commerce, donations or otherwise. It signifies, moreover, banquets, rejoicings and merry- makings. To dream of eating peas well cooked, indicates happiness and great facilities for bus- iness operations. To dream of eating beans, denotes squabbles and dissensions and especially family discoid. To dream of eating lentils, signifies corruption ; to eat rice is a sign of abundance ; to eat barley designates poverty and suffering to the dreamer. To dream of seeing or eating mustard seed, is a bad omen, except to physicians, for whom this sign brings profit and increase of reputation. TREES AND THEIR FRUITS To dream of seeing a beautiful oak tree signifies wealth, profit and long life to the dreamer. To dream of seeing an olive tree, loaded with olives, denotes peace, serenity, concord, liberty, dignity and enjoyment of all your desires. To dream of picking up olives from the gronnd is a sign of labor and trouble in general affairs. To dream of seeing a laurel tree signifies victory and pleasure ; if the dreamer be married, it predicts an inheritance of goods in right of his wife. He who dreams of seeing a cypress tree, may expect sorrows, affliction and business reverses. To dream of seeing a pine tree, a medlar tree or a service tree, betokens idleness and want of energy. To dream of figs, during their season, foretells joy and pleasure ; but, when out of season, it predicts the reverse. To dream of seeing a vine, signifies abundance, riches and fecundity. We have an illustration of this in the case of Astyages, King of the Medes, who dreamed that his daughter had given birth to a vine ; this was the prediction of the greatness, wealth and felicity of Cyrus, his daughter's child, born after the dream. To dream of eating ripe grapes, is a sign of joy and profit. ' To dream of eating oranges, signifies complaints, grievances and annoyances ; mulber- ries betoken similar vexations or mourning in the dreamer's family. To dream of seeing apple trees and of eating sweet apples, signifies joy, diversion and recreation, particular to females ; sour apples denotes quarrels and sedition. To dream of seeing and eating almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, is a sign of troubles and difficulties. _ Peaches, apricots and such like fruits prognosticate to those dreaming of seeing or of eating them, when in season, contentment, health and pastime ; out of season, ill luck. To see or eat ripe pears signifies joy and pleasure ; when they are green or wild, it is the reverse. To dream of seeing a mulberry tree portends an abundance of household goods and children. To dream of seeing mulberry trees, almond trees, and to eat their fruit, denotes riches and tranquility, acquired after troubles and labor. To dream of finding walnuts in a place of concealment, denotes that the dreamer will discover a hidden treasure. To dream of seeing different trees in full leaf, or flowers in full bloom, signifies joy, consolation and recreation ; but should they be withered, blighted, leafless, overturned, scorched or damaged by lightning or storms, it signifies harassment, fear, displeasure, grief and sorrow. To dream of gathering fruit from a pomegranate tree f ortells that the dreamer will receive, benefits from a wealthy man ; but, if the pomegranate be not ripe, it predicts sick- ness or annoyances through malice. To dream of climbing into a large tree signifies elevation to dignity and honor, or to the government or others. To dream of falling from a taee, or being pricked by thorns, or of being bruised or injured by means of trees, denotes a loss of favor with those superior to you. BIRDS AND INSECTS Under the designation of sensitive are comprised dreams relating to birds, reptiles, quadrupeds and animals generally. To dream of seeing an eagle in an elevated locality is a good sign for those contem- plating some great work, and, above all, for persons engaged in martial occupations. Should one dream of seeing an eagle fall upon its head, it is a sign of illness for the dreamer, and it will be the same should he dream of being carried through the air by this royal bird. Should a woman dream of giving birth to an eagle, it predicts that the child she will bear will become a personage of consequence and a ruler of the people. This was the dream of Napoleon's mother during pregnancy. To dream of seeing a dead eagle denotes disaster to persons in good position, but to the poor it predicts profit. To dream of seeing a starling signifies slight grief. To dream of seeing a rook is a sign of dispatch in business, or rapidity in money making. To dream of seeing birds of prey or of those used in hawking or hunting others, signi- fies, for the rich, augmentation of fortune and honors, and, for the poor, a change in posi- tion, or advancement in society. To dream of seeing a crow is a bad omen, and particularly to a husband, who will have much to reproach himself with ; but should the dreamer be a married woman, it prognosti- cates momentary afflictions. To dream of seeing doves is a good augury, bringing joy and pleasure to the domestic circle and success in business. To dream of seeing geese and storks assembling in the air signifies the arrival of enemies or of envious relatives ; if seen apparently in Winter, it foretells an unprosperous season. To dream of seeing two storks together indicates marriage, and a generation of chil- dren good and useful to their parents. To dream of honey bees is a prediction of prosperity and gain to dwellers in the country, but of disaster to the rich ; however, should they deposit honey in any part of the house, it then denotes dignity, the gift of eloquence and good success in mercantile affairs. One dreaming of being stung by bees, and by waips particularly, will be the victims to countless vexations, originating in malice and envy. To dream of seeing many birds together signifies an assemblage of people, or court of Jaw. To see a cock and hear it crow is an omen of joyousness and prosperity, and more especially to unmarried women. To see two cocks in fight predicts quarrel and combat. To dream of seeing a swan signifies gayety, the revelation of secrets, and insures good health to the dreamer ; but, should the swan sing, it is a very evil augury. To see a swallow in a dream signifies that your wife is chaste, good news and a bless- ing upon the place where it builds its nest. To see a nightingale is a similar sign. To dream of seeing a peacock is a sign that you will marry rich, or a handsome person, acquire wealth and be of importance among friends and neighbors. To dream of seeing a hen with her brood portends loss and damage to the dreamer or a near relation. To see in a dream a capon, or to hear a hen cackle, is an indication of sadness and vex- ation. To dream of partridges announces that you will have business with women, conscience- less, malicious and ungrateful. Quails signify bad news from across water, discussion, quarrels, thefts, snares and treason from absent agents. All nocturual birds, as owls, screech owls, bats, etc., are of evil omen, and those dreaming of them should refrain from undertaking anything for a day after the dream, at least. To dream of eggs is a sign of gain and profit, but if there be a large number of them, t signifies anxiety or a lawsuit. To dream of seeing scorpions or caterpillars announces miseries, occasioned by various persons. To dream of ground worms denotes that enemies seek to surprise and destroy us through deception. Grasshoppers, cockchaffers, locusts and crickets signify loud talkers, bad musicians, and vagrants living on the wealth of the country. To dream of any of them is a very bad omen and the dreamer should undertake no enterprise until the lapse of a day or so after seeing or hearing them. REPTILES AND FISH To dream of seeing a dragon is a sign of meeting some great man, a magistrate or public functionary. It likewise signifies riches and treasure. To dream of seeing a serpent twirling itself in folds, or squirming along the earth, denotes existence of enemies. It, moreover, signifies hatred and sickness. To see a ser- pent of any kind signifies treason on the part of a woman. To dream that you will kill a serpent indicates that you will vanquish enemies and triumph over envy. To dream of seeing basilisks and lizards is symbolical of losses or vexation— the work of concealed enemies. Frogs denote flatterers, babblers and ignoramuses. To dream of seeing fishing nets is a sign of rain or change in weather, or a change in the dreamer's fortune. To see or to find dead fish in the sea is significant of disappointed expectations. A pregnant woman dreaming of being delivered of a fish, instead of a child, will, according to the opinion of the ancients, be delivered of a beautiful child, who will live to an old age, and be a comfort to the mother. If you dream of catching large fish, it predicts gain and profit, in accordance with the quantity taken ; if the fish be small, it denotes sadness. To dream of seeing fish of many colors, is to an invalid the sign of restoration to health, but to those who are not, it indi- cates injuries, quarrels or sorrow. To dream of eating large fish prognosticates fluxions, catarrh and melancholy. QUADRUPEDS He who dreams of seeing a lion will converse with the chief magistrate of his country, or some renowned warrior or other man of national importance. He, who in his dream fights with a lion, will be engaged in some quarrel or combat with a valiant antagonist, and, if, in his dreams he comes forth victorious, such will he prove in actual reality. He who dreams of being carried on the back of a lion, is a sign of protection from some powerful personage. To dream of having been terrified by a lion, signifies having incurred the anger of some one in authority, and, unless the dreamer be a person of influence, it will cause him uneas- iness in mind and vexation of spirit. To dream of eating the flesh of a lion is a sign that a person will attain honors and an official position of dignity. To dream of having found the skin or the intestines of a lion, signifies to a person of inportance that he will discover the treasures of his enemies ; to one of low rank, it denotes that he will grow rich in a brief space of time. If a soldier dreams that there is brought to him a lion, chained and bound, it predicts that he will make a prisoner of some enemy of high rank. According to the ancients, when a king dreamed that there was in his palace a lioness and her cubs, it prophesied that the queen and his children would prove a source of immense contentment and succeed to his throne. The Queen Olympia, being pregnant with Alexander the Great, dreamed that Philip, her husband, had placed on her a seal, on which was graven the effigy of a lion, and this dream prognosticated the worth, magnanimity and subsequent conquests of her illustrious son. Dreams relating to leopards have the same significance as those concerning lions, only that the former animals are more wily and malicious than lions, who always exhibit gener- osity and forbearance. To dream of an elephant, signifies, according to Artemidoros, fear and peril, but according to Apomazor, the Arabian seer, it denotes a rich man, for, he says, if anyone dreams of being carried upon an elephant, he will obtain gifts of fortune and the favor of some great potentate. On the other hand, Artemidorus narrates that, having known a tich and powerful lady in Italy dream of having ridden upon an elephant, she fell sick. To 4ream of giving an elephant to eat or drink, is a sign that yoji will connect your destinies with some influential personage, and be advanced thereby. To dream of having seen a bear signifies a rich and powerful enemy, unskilled, ridicu- lous, but audacious. The wolf signifies an avaricious man, cruel and crafty ; hence to dream of having over- come a wolf, predicts a triumph over a man possessing the characteristic of that animal ; but, if bitten by the wolf, it is a sign of exactly the contrary nature. Dreaming of a combat with a fox, predicts that you will have a quarrel with a shrewd and cunning adversary, or you will be in the hand of some lawyer. Dreaming of having a tame fox in your possession is the sign of falling in love with some unscrupulous woman, who will hold you in bondage, or of some female servant abus- ing the kindness of her employer. The same is true with regard to martens, ferrets, weasels, badgers and the stag-wolf. Dogs denote courage, fidelity and affection, when we dream of those belonging to us ; but, if we dream of those belonging to strangers, it signifies the existence of dangerous enemies. To dream of hearing a dog bark, and to have him tear our clothes, denotes that an enemy of a mean degree scandalizes us, or seeks to tarnish our honor or to ruin our reputation through calumnies. Should a prince or ruler dream that different dogs have been brought to him from dif- ferent countries, it is a sign that he will enroll many warriors of various districts to go forth to battle against a common enemy. The cat denotes a subtle thief, consequently, to dream of fighting with a cat, or of killing one, is a sign of capturing a thief, putting him into prison, or, perchance, killing him. Should you dream of eating the flesh of a cat, it signifies that you will acquire prop- erty through the arrest or death of a thief, who has previously robbed you, and, it will be the same if you dream of possessing the skin only. If you dream of fighting with a cat, and of being scratched by its claws, it signifies sickness or affliction. The wild boar denotes a savage and pitiless enemy, and well furnished with means for aggression and defense. If, therefore, anyone dreams that he has hunted and captured a wild boar, he will pursue and vanquish some adversary of a character like unto that of this animal. If anyone dream of being presented with the head of a wild boar, recently taken in the chase, it predicts that he will shortly triumph over his most powerful enemy, or gain a lawsuit, which has vexed him greatly. Hogs denote idlers, loungers and that class of vagrants, who live without toil, and, during their ignominious idleness, think only of taking the property of the toilers to sup- port themselves in ease. They denote, likewise, those misers who are of no use to the world during their lifetime, and die only to enrich profligate heirs. All sorts of monkeys, male or female, denotes malicious enemies, feeble, venemous, and strangers to you. To dream of having killed a deer, and of possessing yourself of the horns and hide, denotes that you will inherit the wealth of some old man, or, that you will vanquish som< enemies, fugitives, deceivers, caitiffs, and of little courage. The doe signifies nearly th( same. The ass denotes the faithful servant or slave, who is profitable to his master ; he denotes, likewise, a silly, trifling, frivolous, or ignorant person of either sex. The mule signifies malice or fantastic folly. Artemidorus says that it denotes stub- bornness in a person dreaming of one ; it is sometimes symbolical of steadfast energy To dream of seeing and possessing many flocks of sheep, goats, or of droves of horses and herds of cattle, is a sign of abundance and riches to the dreamer. To dream of being butted by a ram signifies a dread of being punished for some con- cealed crime. The ox denotes a faithful servant to his master, or, a loyal citizen to his monarch or country. The bull signifies some great personage ; hence, if you dream of receiving good or injury from a bull, you will receive reward or disgrace from some influential man. The horse is regarded with favor, hence, to dream of having seen or caught a horse, or of being mounted on one, is ever accepted as a good omen to the dreamer. To dream of being mounted on a handsome horse, full of spirit and activity, richly caparisoned, it is a sign of marrying a beautiful and wealthy woman, that is, provided he dreams the horse is his own ; but, if it belong to another, he will attain joy, wealth and honor through the intervention of an unknown female friend. To dream of being on horseback and to pass over a difficult and rugged roadway, with- out the animal stumbling, is a sign of obtaining honors, dignities and renown through female assistance. To dream of being mounted on a horse having a long and sweeping tail, is a sign of being accompanied by many friends aiding in your undertaking. Should the horse halt or limp, obstacles will interpose themselves to the consummation of your designs. To dream that another is mounted upon an unwilling horse, is a sign that someone is attempting to seduce his female servants, or, to a corrupt a friend's wife's virtue. To be mounted upon a horse, clean limbed, active, and full of fire, is, according to some commentators, the sign that the dreamer will attain a high public office as well as the esteem of the people. To dream of curbing a restive horse, spurring him boldly, and causing him to do your will, denotes an advance to posts of trust and honor through individual efforts. In the dreams of an unmarried man, a white horse precicts that his wife will be beau- tiful and virtuous. If the horse be black, the wife will be rich and vicious. If anyone dreams that there enter upon his premises a young mare, sprightly and well caparisoned, it signifies that he will shortly marry a maiden, young and wealthy, who will render him happy. But, should it be a mare, neither handsome nor with equipments, it denotes the coming of a female servant or of a concubine, who will bring nothing but misery into the household. To dream of being on horseback and to traverse the streets of a great city, accom- panied by a crowd of individuals shouting and applauding in your presence, predicts that you will become chief of a popular party, which will be despised by the better classes of society. But to men in authority this same dream announces that their rule is appreciated and admired by the general public. CHILDBIRTH If a woman, not pregnant, dreams of giving birth to a child, it is a sign that she will consummate happily her undertakings ; should the dreamer be a maiden, it signifies ban- quets, rejoicings, dances and nuptials, but sometimes the pains and perils of maternity. Should a man dream that he gives birth to a child, it predicts acquisition of wealth, gains and profit, which will come to him with very little trouble. Should you dream of seeing a woman in childbirth, it denotes joy and prosperity to the dreamer. Should a man dream that his wife be pregnant, and such actually be the case, it pre- dicts that the child will live to puberty and be the image of his father. He who dreams of being present at the birth of two or three children, will have a sub- ject of rejoicing, as he will succeed in most difficult matters. DECAPITATION To dream of being beheaded, according to the Indians and Persians, and to have the head separated from the body, denotes, to prisoners, liberty ; to the sick, health ; to the afflicted, consolation, and to debtors payment of their debts. To rulers and men in authority this dream predicts prosperity and happiness, that their cares and trials shall be changed to rejoicings and triumphs, and that they will enjoy the confidence of the people. If one dreams of seeing the head of an acquaintance cut off, it signifies participation in the pleasures, prosperity and honors of the individual indicated. Should a person dream of seeing a young child beheaded, who has not attained puberty, the dreamer may anticipate sickness ; but should a pregnant woman have this dream, it announces the birth of a male infant, but, at the same time makes known that her hus- band, who is the child's figurative head, stands in danger of death. When, in similar dreams, the head is but half cut off, the same consequences will ensue, simply modified. WOUNDS To dream of being wounded by a sword, to such a degree as to imperil life, denotes the receipt of favors and benefits from him inflicting the wounds in proportion to the number and magnitude of injuries received. To dream of a person inflicting upon you wounds while in a state of anger, denotes that you will receive benefits at his hands in proportion to the vehemence of his anger and the period of it? duration. Should a person in authority dream, that, while acting in his official capacity, he receives a wound from a man of low condition, it is a sign that he either stands in danger of his life, or of being disgraced from his official position. Should a woman dream of being wounded, or of wounding another in self-defense, it predicts that she will reap some public honor. Should she assail, in her dream, some man, with intent to wound him, it is a sign, should she be married, that she will give birth to a male child, who will become a soldier or sailor. THE HAIR Should a man dream that he has hair as long as that of a woman, it signifies cowardice, effeminacy and physical weakness ; it is, moreover, a sign that the dreamer will be deceived by an artful woman. To dream of seeing a woman perfectly bald, indicates a season of famine, sickness and general poverty. To dream of seeing a man perfectly bald has a wholly opposite significance, being sym- bolic of prosperity. To dream of seeing hair of mixed colors signifies vexation, sorrows and trouble, and sometimes quarrels. To dream of seeing a person with black hair, short and crisp, denotes sadness and suf- fering of the mind. Should anyone dream that while combing the hair it be impossible to pass the comb through by reason of its entanglement, or, to experience difficulty in unraveling its knots or kinks, it predicts to the dreamer complicated lawsuits or weeks of anxious toil. But, to see the hair and head well combed and dressed, signifies friendship and deliverance from misfortunes. He who dreams of having his head or beard shaved, will be in danger of losing a deal of property, of being ill, or of incurring the loss of some person whom he loves. To see the hair fall out signifies vexation and the loss of wealth. Should a person, high in authority, dream that he has a head full of beautiful hair, he will become terrible to his enemies, acquire a great reputation, and add much property to his personal domain. Should he dream that his hair has turned white, his treasures will be diminished, if not exhausted. . Should you dream of having hair longer and darker than usual, riches and honor will flow to you. Should a man dream that his beard be plucked out by the roots, his fortune is in jeopardy, while at the same time he will be deserted by friends and dependents. Should he dream that his beard be larger, longer or fuller than ordinary, his wealth will increase proportionately. Should one dream of his hair becoming thin and disarranged, it is a sign of affliction and poverty. If one dreams of having difficulty in shaving or hair dressing, it denotes a serious struggle to avoid threatened misery. If one dreams of having eyelids or eyebrows larger or longer than customary, it is a sign of being honored and esteemed by everybody. It predicts happiness in love matters and acquisition of wealth. If you dream that the eyelids have fallen, it signifies exactly the reverse. THE FOREHEAD Should one dream of having a large forehead, it signifies good spirits ; if it be high or elevated, it is a mark of good sense. It denotes, likewise, power and wealth. To dream of having a brazen forehead signifies hatred and irreconcilable animosity from enemies. To dream of having the forehead cut or wounded signifies that hidden treasure will be revealed and be in danger of loss. It denotes, likewise, fear and apprehension. To dream of having the forehead large and fleshy denotes eloquence, force and con- stancy. THE EARS To dream of having many ears prognosticates success in gaining the friendship of sub- ordinates and of those serving you, who will take your interest to heart. To dream of cleansing the ears signifies almost an identical thing. To dream of having the ears filled with wheat or grain denotes an inheritance from some relative. To dream of having asses' ears signifies servitude. To dream of having the ears of a lion or other ferocious beasts, denotes treason on the part of an enemy, or other persons envious of your prosperity. To dream of the ears becoming larger or more beautiful than ordinary, shows that he to whom the dreamer will communicate his secrets, will secure him honor and prosperity, or, otherwise advance his interest. To dream of having the ears cut, cleft or wounded, signifies that the dreamer will be betrayed by one to whom he has intrusted secrets. To dream of having the ear entirely cut off signifies the cessation of friendship on the part of relatives. To dream of having the ears stopped up signifies that the dreamer will blindly disobey the dictates of conscience, or refuse the counsels of good advisers. If a person having a dream of this character be in ordinary social circumstances, it is a sign that he will change his way in life for the worse through betraying confidence reposed in him by others. Should a maiden have this same dream, it is a warning to her, that, unless she places reliance upon the advice of some relative, she stands upon the verge of seduction. If the dreamer be married, it assures her that an apparent friend tempting her to defy her hus- band's inclinations, meditates her ruin. THE COLOR OF THE FACE To dream of marrying a woman with a handsome head and regular features, signifies joy, contentment and good health. For a woman to dream of a handsome man denotes the same thing. To dream of seeing a strange man, with a dark complexion, signifies glory and honor, success in business matters ; but, should you dream of a very dark woman, it denotes a serious illness. But, if you dream of an unknown female, with long and beautiful hair, it is a good sign as well for the female as the dreamer as to both it announces friendship, pleasure and prosperity. To dream of a fresh and smiling countenance is a sign of friendship ; to dream of one freckled or withered is a sign of annoyance, poverty and an appeal to charity. THE EYES The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the ancients thereby represent the faith, will and light of the spirit. To dream of losing eyesight shows inconstancy, and that the dreamer will violate some promise. It foretells, moreover, the approach of illness, or of the loss of a child, or of some dearly beloved friend. To dream of the eyes becoming bleared denotes the commission of some grievous fault of which the dreamer will seriously repent. It, moreover, forewarns a loss of considerable property. To dream of having keen, sharp eyesight is a good omen, and he that dreams thus will succeed in his enterprises. But, to dream of having short, dubious or troubled vision im- ports disaster and disappointment. THE NOSE Should anyone dream of having the nose larger than ordinary, he will become wealthy. powerful and wily, of good foresight and judgment and well received in good society. To dream of becoming noseless signifies the reverse. To dream of having two noses signifies discord and frequent quarreling. To dream of having the nose of such magnitude as to become deformed and hideous to the sight signifies that the dreamer will live in prosperity and abundance, but disliked bv the general community. To dream of having the nose torpid, or stopped up so as to be dead of feeling, fore- warns the dreamer of treason on the part of an intimate acquaintance, provided, he who dreams is a person of importance. To a master or mistress of a house it announces deceit dishonesty among the servants. To an unmarried female it portends her lover's infidelity, while to a married woman it makes known that some jealous rival will intrigue to rob her of her husband's affections. Should a woman dream of an injury to her nose, if it bleeds, it signifies that she should be on her guard against being deceived and her reputation impaired from exposure or scandal. To dream of seeing a female without a nose, denotes the object of the dreamer's affec- tions is unworthy of esteem or admiration, and inwardly corrupt. THE CHEEKS To dream of having large and ruddy cheeks is an excellent sign, as it announces success and prosperity to the dreamer, especially in love matters. An unmarried man dreaming of a female with rosy and well-developed cheeks may anticipate the acquaintance of some lady who will exercise a beneficial tendency on his after existence. It is generally a good dream. To dream of having meagre, thin or pale cheeks, is a prognostication of approaching misfortune. THE MOUTH The mouth is the citadel, rampart or gateway enclosing the internal parts of the human body. Should a person dream of having a mouth larger than ordinary, his household will become enriched and himself blessed with opulence. To dream of having a putrid mouth, signifies that the dreamer will excite universal contempt among former friends and com- panions, and be despised even by servants, or others attached to the household. To dream of having a mouth closed firmly, as neither to be able to eat nor drink, indi- cates danger to be apprehended from sudden illness. To dream of having a lock placed on the mouth denotes that the dreamer will be shortly intrusted with a secret fraught with danger. To a woman this dream ia a prophetic warning that some indiscreet words may bring about ruin to her family or husband. THE LIPS To dream of having vermilion and well-conditioned lips signifies that the dreamer has excited the admiration of some kind and disinterested friends, whose respect it would be impolitic to forfeit. To dream of the lips being compressed, withered or shrunken, signifies forfeiture of friendship as well as having excited the animosity of some former admirer. THE TEETH Teeth are assumed, in the interpretation of dreams, to represent relatives or the best friends one may possess ; the front teeth bear a relation to children, to brothers, sisters and other near connections ; the lower ones signify persons of the female sex, and the upper ones those of the masculine gender. Consequently, to dream of having a tooth lost or spoiled, is an indication of the loss of Isome relative. If, on the other hand, one dreams of having a more beautiful white and firm set of teeth than given by nature, it signifies that the dreamer will be blessed with joy and pros- perity, and receiye grateful tidings from relatives, leading to a strong and durable friend- ship. To dream of having one tooth longer than the others is symbolical of a disagreement with a relative. The upper eyetooth signifies the father; the lower one is taken to represent the mother. Artemidorous contends that the teeth on the right side represent masculines, and those on the left, females, but this is contrary to the teachings of <*the Indians, the Persians and Egyptians, who were most expert in divination. Should one dream that one of the large front teeth is decayed or blackened, or, that it gives pain, it is a'prognostication as to the dangerous illness of a relative or near friend. To dream of teeth becoming suddenly white and well formed, when otherwise is the case with the dreamer, signifies a sudden acquisition of happiness, of pleasure and content- ment, as well as the proffer of friendship from quarters the least expected. To dream of cleaning teeth and rendering them white denotes the gift of money to friends or relatives. Should one dream that the teeth give pain and trouble, preventing the dreamer from speaking or eating, it is a sure sign of domestic quarrels, and the prevalence of litigation among relatives with respect to a will or other inheritance. THE BEARD Should a person dream of having a large and flowing beard, it is a sign that his con- versation will be agreeable and appreciated. Should he be in difficulty, it is an omen that he will discover the source of his trouble and emerge from it triumphantly. As a general thing, this dream denotes success in enterprise. Should a maiden dream of being gifted with a beard, it indicates an approaching marriage in accordance with her desires. To a married woman, however, such a dream foretells that she will assume sole control over the household, and act, as it were, the part of a man. To a pregnant female, a like dream announces that she will give birth to a male child. To dream of losing the beard, of being shaved, or of having it plucked off, denotes the loss of relatives, whose method of death will be sudden and violent proportionately to the violence indicated in the manner of the dream. It is, moreover, in some instances, a sign jof the deprivation of wealth, goods, personal property or valuables. THE SHOULDERS Should anyone dream of having the shoulders larger and more rounded than usual, it signifies happiness, advancement and prosperity ; however, a similar dream is not good for those in prison or under arrest, inasmuch as it denotes sorrow and sadness. Should anyone dream of shoulders being misshapen or afflicted by a tumor, inflamma- tion or other sore, it prognosticates domestic trouble or displeasure on the part of some near relatives. THE NECK The neck signifies power, honor, happiness, wealth and excellent inheritances. To dream that the neck is becoming larger and thicker than is ordinary, without being deformed, should the dreamer be a person of influence or station, or of rank in society, it denotes joy and pleasure in gay company, good news from wished-for quarters and success in business enterprises. To a person in mean condition such a dream forewarns an approach of wealth, a change in social position and future rejoicing. But to dream of the neck being withered or contracted, denotes precisely the reverse of all these significations. Should anyone dream of having the neck or throat bound or pressed by the hands of another, it is a sign of very bad omen, and announces that the dreamer will fall into the power, or beneath the machination of the individual compressing with the hands. To dream of the neck awry, in such a manner that the head leans niore on one side than the other, is a sign of misfortune, of shame and of damage. To dream of having the neck inflammed, swollen by a tumor, or afflicted by an abscess, signifies certain sickness. To dream of having two or more heads on one neck, prognosticates a rise to power, moral dominion and state honors. Should anyone dream of having the neck broken or severed by thieves or assassins, it forewarns loss of children, of relatives, or heirs, or of worldly wealth, and should the dreamer be a woman, it announces loss of jewelry or other household valuables. Should a person* dream that he is strangled or decapitated by a judgment of a court or other decree of law, it is a sign that he will be delivered from sorrow, sadness or misery, or, otherwise extricated from some unpleasant difficulty. This dream, however, bears a reverse inter- pretation in the case of financiers, speculators, money lenders, tradesmen and contractors. To dream of having the throat cut without experiencing death, signifies hope and good success in undertakings. To dream of cutting off a man's head signifies safety in business ventures or vengeance upon enemies. To cut the head off a chicken or bird, announces joy, festivities, recreations and great amusements. To dream of seeing the head of a lion, or of a wolf, or any other wild animal, is a good omen to the dreamer, as he will most gloriously terminate his contemplated designs, be victorious over his enemies, *and be feared and respected by his relatives. ■j J To dream of having one's head in his hands, signifies loss of children or relatives. If the dreamer be not married, it is an omen of more favorable import, yet still bad. To dream of dressing, decorating or ornamenting the head, as a general thing, announces success in business. HORNED HEADS To dream of having horns upon the head, prognosticates possession of influence, eleva- tion to power, and possibly a position of dignity in the government. However, according to some authors, when one dreams of wearing the horns of an ox or other furious animaL it denotes anger, wrath, pride, temerity and oftentimes imprisonment. To dream of seeing a man withhorns upon his head signifies personal danger or loss of personal property. THE BREAST AND BOSOM To dream of having the breast full and handsomely developed, is a sign of health and contentment. To dream of having the breast shaggy and covered with hair, signifies to a man gain and profit ; to a woman, a sensible loss, or some material deprivation. Should a man dream of having a breast soft, pliant and developed as in the case of a woman, it denotes ease, luxuriance and pusillanimity, and sometimes worriment of mind, caused through a child's illness. Should a newly-married wife dream of her breast being full and surcharged with milk it is a sign that she will shorly arrive at the cares of maternity, and that her progeny wfl ; be healthy, bodily and mentally, and do well from the moment of birth. Should tb t dreamer be an aged female, it prognosticates increase of income, and shouM she be alread < rich, it denotes liberality toward some children enjoying her bounty. Were a maiden 1 <, have this dream it signifies her speedy marriage. If a woman dreams that she has a diseased chest it is a forewarning of her approach- ing illness. Should she dream that her breasts have dried up and become sterile and are no longer firm, it signifies that her children will suffer for a considerable length of time, or, should she be childless, that she herself will become poor, and in her hours of poverty will shed many tears of bitter affliction. When a person dreams of having the chest fuller -and more distended than is natural, it is a sign of long life and of richness proportionate to the extent of the fancied development. If a woman dreams of being gifted with a number of breasts it shows a proneness for conjugal infidelity. Should anyone dream of receiving a sword wound in the breast at the hands of a friend, to an old man it denotes approach of bad news ; to a young one, it is a promise of friend- ship and protection. For a woman to dream of having her breasts filled with blood and her nipples discolored by blood stains, is a forewarning of sterility. THE AMMS To dream that the arms have grown to be larger and more stalwart than they are naturally, announces to the dreamer great joy and profit, which will be brought about mainly through the medium of a brother or son. Should such a dream occur to a woman, it betokens that her husband will become rich and influential. To dream of having robust arms announces a safe deliverance, either from a sickroom or a prison-house. To dream of having the arms or elbows covered with boils, ulcers, or other sores, sig- nifies sadness, sorrow, misfortune in general affairs, failure in trade ana mental suffering. Should anyone dream of having the arm broken or withered away, if he be a states- man, politician or jfficehoider, it is a. sign that he will incur public disgrace, be deserted by his friends, or be deprived of his official position. To a person in ordinary life this dream foretells the sudden sickness of a brother or son, or some other heavy affliction befalling them. As a general thing this dream forewarns calamity and misfortune to the nearest 01 the dreamer's kin, -whereby he himself will suffer. Should this dream occur to a woman, it forewarns a separation from her husband for sorn^j length of time. The muscles of the arms relate to servants or dependents. To dream of having the arm hairy or shaggy, designates an increase in financial wealth 'jv other pr^nerty. The right arm is attributed to the son, the father, the brother or a friend, and the left to a mother, a daughter, a sister, a female f rienn, or a faithful female servant. To dream of having the arm cut, should it be the right, signifies misfortune to the son, father, brother or male friend of the dreamer; should it be the left, it betokens disaster to the mother, daughter, sister, or female friend of the one dreaming. To dream of having both arms cut or injured, indicates imprisonment or sickness. THE THIGHS The thighs are representatives of relatives. To dream of having the two thighs broken -or severely injured prognosticates the occurrence of most grievous sickness away from home, among strangers and beyond the reach of the attentive care of friendly relatives. However violent the disorder, the dreamer will, however, recover. Should a young girl have this dream it denotes that she will marry a stranger and dwell at a distance from her former friends, and particularly from her relatives. If the dreamer be a married woman, it signifies her approaching widowhood and the loss of a child. To dream of having thighs well shaped and well proportioned, signifies a desire for traveling and skating, which, if it be indulged in, will be attended by great prosperity and numerous and most happy journeys. To dream of being wounded or injured in the thigh denotes that the dreamer will fail in accomplishing some undertaking, and that he will be vexed and harassed by some of bis relatives. THE HANDS The hands have been named by wise men the servants of reason, the instrument of instruments, the symbol of human faith, the mechanics of the brain. Should one dream of having the hands more beautiful and stronger than they are naturally, it applies to some business matter, which will terminate happily, and thereby be the cause of honor and of profit. The same dream foretells that an employer will be honored and respected by his subordinates, who will serve him with fidelity and alacrity. To dream of having the hand cut, or that it has become wasted or shriveled up, or has been burned, denotes that the dreamer will lose his most appreciated domestic, or, that he ■ will be compelled to cease work and become poor. Should the dreamer be a woman, it is a sign that she will experience a number of vexations and great opposition to her wishes. Should one dream that the hand and fingers have become smaller than ordinary, it makes known that someone among the dreamer's servants, or persons employed will deceive him, or, otherwise betray his service. To dream of working with the right hand signifies honor for the dreamer or his family: should it be the left, it denotes misfortune. However, some writers attribute the arm ana right hand to the father, son. brother, or male friend, to whom such a dream prognosti- cates increase in wealth, while, in the case of the left, it is a mother, sister, female friend or faithful servant, some among whom will be the recipients of benefit or of worldly wealth. To dream of having the hand or fingers cut off signifies loss of friends and servants, ox of other dependents. To dream of having six and seven fingers on a hand signifies friendship, new connec- tions, happiness, inheritance, or benefits of some enduring nature. To dream of having the hand covered with hair denotes sorrow, annoyance and imprisonment. To dream of having fresh, white hands signifies friendship ; in the case of poor people, it denotes idleness and want. To dream of having the gout, or cramps in the hand, indicates to young people, dread and fear of danger to their persons, while, to old folks the same dream denotes languor and poverty. To dream of handling fire without receiving pain or injury, denotes that the efforts of enemies, of calumniators and of those envious for- the dreamer, will have an effect upon him, and that, on the contrary, he will succeed, according to his aspirations, in accomplish- ing a triumph over obstacles. To dream of being gifted with many hands signifies happiness, strength, riches and abundance. This dream is, however, disastrous to those charged with any crimes, as it shows they will fail into the hands of justice, when they will be able to extricate them- selves unpunished. To dream of beating someone, of delivering a blow with the fist or with the hand, sig- nifies peace and coneord between man and wife. If the dreamer be not married, it foretells that he will receive and secure the affections of the lady he loves, and thereby triump over his enemies. If a woman dreams of seating Her husoand with her hands it Indicates rear, attnoug*i her husband may love her ; but, should she dream of assaulting her lover, it signifies that she is not in security, and that her love is threatened by several accidents perilous to its continuance. To dream of holding a sword in your hand, and with it striking unknown persons, indi- cates security, victory, and good success in business matters. Should it be a stick or club, it betokens domination and profit. To dream of having golden rings on the fingers signifies dignity, honor and felicity. THE NAILS To dream of having nails longer than usual, foretells profit ; but to have them short, denotes the reverse, loss, misfortune and contumely. To dream of cutting the ends of the nails or of the fingers designates loss, dishonor and quarrels with friends or relatives. To dream of having the nails torn from the fingers forewarns the dreamer that all sorts of miseries and afflictions menace him, and that he stands in danger of being wounded seriously. THE KNEES The knees denote labor and the daily toil of mankind ; for this reason, when one dreams that he has wounded himself in the knee, or has been wounded there by somebody else, the dreamer will be disquieted or disconcerted in his vocation, in the exercise of his craft, or in the perfection of his labors by envious or badly-disposed individuals. To dream of having the knees cut, injured or contracted, so as to be unable to walk, indicates that the dreamer will be reduced to poverty through want of employment, and should be forewarned by the dream to contract personal and domestic expenses. Should one in adversity dream that his knees have been afflicted and then cured, so as to be able to resume the power of walking, it demonstrates to the dreamer that his ill- fortune will leave him, and that he will eventually become both wealthy and contented. THE LEGS To dream of having the legs in fine condition signifies joy and happiness to the dreamer; if he be on his travels, prosperity and pleasure ; if he be in business, success and gain in all his enterprises. To dream of having the legs swollen or disabled, signifies loss and damage from ser- vants, or that someone of your best friends will be afflicted with illness. To dream of having legs with a tendency to run away with the body, prognosticates success in all enterprises. Should the dreamer be a married woman, the same dream announces to her th/it she will be a thrifty and respected housewife, who will take great care of her husband and of her children. But, to an unmarried female this dream is inau- spicious, as it betokens that her preferences will run away with her better judgment in business or in love matters. To dream of. having wearied legs foretells illness which will interfere seriously with domestic or other labor. THE FEET To dream of having three or four feet, indicates to the dreamer the risk of having his legs paralyzed through swellings or some accident. Nevertheless, this dream is a fortunate one tor traders, especially those who deal in imported merchandise. It is likewise a good omen for mariners, while at sea. To dream of having the feet burned is a bad sign. To dream of having the feet cut off signifies trouble and loss. To dream of seeing the feet of children indicates to the dreamer a certainty of joy, of profit, of good health, accompanied with great pleasure, and of consojation for past afflictions. To dream of having feet afflicted with sores signifies alleviation in business difficulties. To dream of having soiled or dirty feet, foretells tribulation. Should one dream of being by a river or a fountain, and of therein washing your feet, signifies to the dreamer humility and good fortune. But, sometimes this dream prognosti- cates catarrh and fluxions, or local ailments. To dream of having light feet and to dance nimbly, signifies joy and friendship, as well as personal popularity. To dream of kissing the feet of another indicates repentance, contrition, humility and meekness. To dream tnai someone scratches ttU bottom or one's feet, indicates ine areamer to -oe in danger of loss or damage througn flattery or through egotistical vanity. Should one dream of having the foot bitten by a poisonous serpent, or other noxious reptile, it prognosticates to the dreamer to beware of envy, and should the bite be a very serious one, it foretells sadness, misfortune and loss of favor. For one to dream of washing the feet with an extract of fine herbs, or of perfuming them with scented essences, signifies to the dreamer a season of joy, during which he or she will be greatly honored and waited upon with much attention. Should one dream of having the leg or foot crushed, broken or otherwise injured, it signifies that his servant will sustain some loss or damage. It, moreover, predicts a delay as to an intended journey, or the 'nterposition of obstacles in the advancement of a long- cherished and ambitious scheme. _ To dream of being crippled in the legs, denotes infamy and dishonor. If the dreamer be in prison, this dream predicts punishment for his transgressions ; should he be a rich man, it forewarns of an approaching loss of property through fire. To dream of walking on one's knees, through default of having feet, announces poverty and the desertion of friends. To dream of having aii artificial leg signifies a change in condition from good to bad, or, from bad to good. THE FLESH IN GENERAL To dream that the flesh has augmented upon all the limbs is an omen fortelling accum- ulation of wealth in accordance with the quantity of flesh gained. Should the dreamer imagine his flesh to grow in quantity and quality from time to time, it announces that he will gradually become extremely wealthy and take delight in splendid dresses. If, on the other hand, one should dream of becoming thin and emaciated, if a rich man, the dreamer will become a poor one, or, at least, he will conceal his wealth and make himself pass for a poverty-stricken individual. But. if he be already poor, he will suffer penury and misery. If the dreamer be a woman, she v ti *U be hated by her relatives and all allied to her through blood or marriage. To dream of the flesh becoming shriveled or black, foretells that the dreamer will betray those with whom he has business, by falsehoods and false devices. If it be a woman that has this dream, it announces infidelity to her husband. To dream of the flesh changing to a yellow or pale color, forewarns the coming of a long fever. For him dreaming of being covered with pimples, blotches, boils or ulcers, it is a sign of acquiring wealth, in proportion to the extent of the imaginary affliction. To dream of having an eruption on the skin, and the flesh afflicted with an itching, announces accession of gold and silver to him who has in this wise dreamed. To dream of turning cannibal and eating human flesh, is a sign that the dreamer will enrich himself through usury, scandal or other moral injury to another. GARMENTS AND APPAREL To dream of putting on a new coat, new hat or new boots, which give satisfaction and are a good fit, indicates the advent of joy, profit and business success. Should a young girl dream of putting on a matronly hat, or any headdress in advance of her years it prognosticates to her disappointment and annoyance. If a shop or working girl, or one of the middle classes dreams that her head has been dressed in the height of fashion, or that she wears the hat of a lady in high society, it announces to her an eleva- tion through marriage. To a married woman laboring for her living, to have a similar dream, it announces benefit to her husband or his advancement to some position as master, governor, superintendent, porter or some such place of trust. To dream of being shabbily dressed, signifies for either man or woman, vexation and sadness. For a lady tt> dream of appearing in a bridal costume foretells illness or melancholy. For a man to dream of having his head dressed, or his hair arranged by a handsome female, denotes that he will shortly entertain an affection for one of the sex, but should the female be old or ugly, it announces that he will be visited by some circumstance caus- ing great displeasure. To dream of wearing gloves signifies honor. To dream of appearing in public with garments soiled or covered with mud, or in patched and well-worn clothes, indicates that the dreamer will be guilty of some offense against decency, for which he will be blamed and held up to the contempt of society. To dream of appearing in magnificent apparel promises happiness, enjoyment and honor. To dream or wearing a goiaen crown upon rne neaa announces trie conference ane» friendship of some man high in office, and that you will be honored and feared by a multi- tude of persons. To a female this dream indicates the acquisition of many admirers, from whose hands she will receive numerous and valuable presents. To dream of being ornamented with flowers and bouquets signifies amusement and contentment of short duration. To dream of putting on handsome boots, or having stylish shoes, signifies honor and profit, especially to servants. 1 he contrary signifies damage, loss, contempt and dishonor. To dream of walking through the mud or through a thorny pathway, whereby the clothing is soiled or torn, is indicative of an attack of sickness. To dream of being clad in scarlet denotes dignity, an honorable occupation and influ- ence over others. To dream of wearing a bad hat, dirty and rumpled up, signifies vexation, annoyance and losses. THE EXTERNAL AFFLICTIONS If anyone dreams that his body is afflicted with swellings, sores, boils or pimples, it signifies that he will become rich through revenues of his lands, or from interest upon loans. To dream that one's flesh is bloated or puffed up by ulcers or other like afflictions, it should be interpreted according to the parties imagining themselves afflicted, with regard to the augmentation of riches as represented by the parts afflicted. Inasmuch as the head represents the master, the neck the dreamer, the teeth, or, at least the jaws, gums and cheeks relatives, friends or connections ; the shoulders, mistresses ; the arms, brothers and the more affectionate relatives ; the ribs, females ; the hands, servants, who are the dependent power of a family ; the legs the life of the dreamer, or his chief domestic. To dream of having become a leper, or covered with sores in every part of the body, designates the acquisition of wealth through infamous means. Should it be a female who is visited by this dream, it announces that she will be sought by some man of high position, or, at least by someone who will deal liberally with her and bestow upon her good posses- sions. Several writers of reputation deem the proper interpretation of this dream to be, in the case of a man, that the dreamer will be mocked at and held in contempt on account of a woman, but that he will not receive permanent injury. To dream of receiving a wound or external blemish at the hands of an acquaintance, indicates pleasurable enjoyment ; but, if received from a stranger it signifies reconciliation with enemies, much to your advantage. To dream of having been cured of a wound, bravely received, denotes the receipt of public esteem, and a glorification of your courage by all who know you. Should one dream of having the plague, it warns him that riches or wealth, by him concealed from general knowledge, will be discovered, and that he will probably be deprived of them, either through theft or stratagem. DRUNKARDS To dream of being inebriated denotes augmentation in wealth and recovery of health ; however, when the dreamer imagines he becomes intoxicated without employment of drinks or of wine, it is a bad prognostication, attended with dread of being pursued for the commission of some evil action. Should one dream of becoming intoxicated upon sherry wine, muscat, or any other sweet and agreeable beverage, it is a sign that you enjoy the affection of some powerful personage, who will conduct you to wealth and happiness. _ _._. - To dream of becoming inebriated upon pure water," signifies that the dreamier falsely boasts of being rich, or that he relies wholly on the power and influence of others*r To dream of having been drunk and afterwards throwing up that which has been drank, forewarns the dreamer that he runs the risk of being stripped of his wealth on account of being compelled to render a settlement as to that which he has previously acquired. To a gambler, this dream foretells that he will lose at play all his former winnings. Should one dream 01 having, while in a state of inebriety, violent spasms or pains in the region of the heart, it indicates that his servants or others in his employ will rob him or waste away his substance without his being aware of it. GAMES AND PASTIMES When anyone dreams of playing chess with one of his acquaintances, it is a sign that he will have a quarrel with someone he knows, and if in his dream he imagines that he bears off the victory, he will be triumphant over his enemy. But, should he dream to have been defeated, or come second best from out of combat, he will be worsted in his persona] antagonism. Should the dreamer, in his slumber, Imagine that he has captured many- pieces during continuance of the game, the same denotes the number of advantages he will gain during his controversy. Should a politician dream that he has lost, or broken his chess board, or that it has been taken from him by strength or stratagem, it forewarns him that his followers will disappear, either through desertion to an opposing party, or through sickness, discontent or other cause. To dream of playing at cards or at dice, signifies deceit or underhandedness, whereby the dreamer is in danger of being bereft of property through the machinations or misre- presentations of designing men. To dream of playing at tennis or golf indicates labor and toil, and difficulty in acquiring wealth through quarrels and calumnies. To dream of winning at dice is a sign of an approaching inheritance through the death of some relative, generally from a source unexpected by him. The higher the points thrown the larger will be the legacy. SINGING, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND COMEDY To dream of having seen the performance of a comedy, farces or recreations, signifies a happy course in business. To dream of being present at a pantomimic performance, indicates that those speaking evil of us, or interfering with our plans will be disconcerted and forced to silence. To dream of seeing a melodrama performed signifies that malicious and intriguing persons will endeavor to destroy the contentment or prospects of the dreamer, but that some honest, upright and benevolent person will interpose and save him from the danger impending over him. To dream of witnessing a tragedy it the theatre, denotes labor, loss of friends or property, which will cause the dreamer a great amount of sadness and of affliction. To dream of hearing bells ring, signifies alarms, troubles, riot, commotions, insurrec- tions and civil warfare. To dream that you are playing, or hearing any other person play the violin, flute or other musical instrument, signifies good news, harmony and a good understanding between man and wife, mistress and lover, master and servants, and between the employer and his subordinates. To dream of touching the keys or of hearing any other one perform upon the spinnet, the harpsichord, piano or organ, forewarns the death of a relative, or a funeral. To dream of playing upon the chimes indicates discord, controversy and disunion among servants. To dream of singing denotes mishaps and afflictions, and fortells that the dreamer will give vent to tears. To dream of singing in public, or of playing upon some instruments at a concert, signifies consolation in adversity and the recovery of health, should the dreamer be ill. To dream of playing yourself, or hearing some other person play upon some wind instrument, such as a flageolet, cornet, piston, bagpipe, trumpet, bassoon, posthorn and others, signifies wrangles, and disastrous htgation in consequence. To dream of hearing the birds sing signifies love and happiness. To dream of hearing hens cackle, or geese hiss, indicates a certainty of profit and of security in business matters. To dream of seeing the dancing of a corps de ballet, or that you are present at a ball, prognosticates joy, happiness, innocent recreation and a fortunate state of affairs. ^-fr