*f*J 4> 9 c\-> p. .■£ li I' 4 TRANSFORMATION SCENE. THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS LIFE; OR, SECRETS OF THE STAGE, GREEN-ROOM AND SAWDUST ARENA. EMBRACING A. HISTORY OF THE THEATRE FROM SHAKESPEARE'S TIME TO THE PRESENT DAY, AND ABOUNDING IN ANECDOTES CONCERNING THE MOST PROMI- NENT ACTORS AND ACTRESSES BEFORE THE PUBLIC; ALSO, A COMPLETE EXPOSITION OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE STAGE, SHOWING THE MANNER IN WHICH WONDERFUL SCENIC AND OTHER EFFECTS ARE PRODUCED; THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF NEGRO MINSTRELSY; THE MOST ASTON- ISHING TRICKS OF MODERN MAGICIANS, AND A HISTORY OF THE HIPPODROME, ETC., ETC. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings and Fine Colored Plates. By JOHN J. JENNINGS. ST. LOUIS : SUN PUBLISHING CO, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PROLOGUE. The theatre and the circus, both sources of unlim- ited amusement to the world, are .also objects of the greatest interest to all who have had even a single peep at the stage or pressed their feet even once upon the sawdust precincts of the tented show. The tricks and illusions that are mystifying to nine-tenths of those to whom they are presented rarely fail to be productive of pleasure, and the performers, whether before the foot-lights or within the circus ring, gen-, erally succeed in so thoroughly winning the hearts of the public, that, though their faces, when the paint is off and the atmosphere of glory has departed, might not be recognized upon the street, their names are so fixedly identified with the pleasant moments associated with their art, that they become household words, and are spoken, with admiration and praise, by all classes, from the newsboy and bootblack up through the vari- ous strata of society even to the ruler of the nation. In presenting this volume to the public the inten- tion has been to bring the player and the people into closer relations, and by revealing the secrets of the stage and sawdust arena to show that what appears at first to be deep mystery and to many, who are bigoted and averse to theatrical and kindred entertainments, the blackest diabolism, is merely the result of the simplest combinations of mechanical skill and studied art, and is as innocent of the sinister character be- stowed upon it as are the efforts of school children at their annual exhibitions or the exercises of a Sabbath School class before a row of drowsy and nodding church- deacons. Fault may be found with the private lives (3) 4 PROLOGUE. of numbers of the members of the theatrical and cir- cus profession, but the sins and shortcomings of indi- viduals, can be visited upon the entire class with no more justice than can the frailties of a few preachers be applied generally to the pulpit, or the dishonesty of a handful of lawyers be reflected upon all the dis- ciples of Blackstone in existence. Neither is it just to class as theatres places of resort that do not deserve the name — the "dives" and "dens" that are fre- quented by disreputable men and women whose low tastes are catered to by men and women every bit as disreputable as their patrons. Such establishments receive, in this volume, only the severe treatment they fully merit. In explaining the mysteries of stage representa- tions, and indicating the tricks of ring performances, as well as in speaking of the private lives of performers and giving biographies of the most noted actors and actresses now before the public, an attempt has been made to be perfectly accurate in every detail. The anecdotal portion of the book has likewise received careful attention, and indeed every feature of the work has been given due consideration, in the hope that in and out of the profession, Theatrical and Circus Life may meet with a favorable reception and be regarded as worthy the subjects of which it treats. Commending it to the kindness of all into whose hands it falls ; and assuring the inhabitants of the mimic and real worlds, that, whatever construction may be placed upon his sentences, naught but respect and affection is felt for the true and good men and women of the stage, the author parts from his volume regretting that it is not large enough to give everybody a place in its pages, or to say as much about each in- dividual as each deserves. J. J. J. St. Louis, August 1, 1882. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. A PRELIMINARY PEEP. Aa trl? F t S - Cerbcrus at the Back Door-The Awe- Stricken Stranger behind the Scene -Swarms of Ac tors and Employees- Description of Stage Scttitsl V sit tTlT aDd J? reSSin «- R o<»« Explored -A fh-ff i, . Dre ss,ng.Tent of the Circus -An Act that Beats anything of the kind in the World -The Female Minstrel Gang and the Break-o'-Day ffirls CHAPTER II. A THEATRE OF SHAKESPEARE'S DAY. * a V e :Zlr^Z St * SeS - F ° n ™ d by Stone Thea- Period Sun, ^-Theatres <* the Elizabethan xenod - Sunday Theatres in the "Golden iee'» Description of the Globe iu Shakespeare' Time Z Plays in the Times of Henrv VIFI . tT ~~ The First New York Th^" T ? e F,rst gramme - formanee in kTlade^hil !' 53 - The Fi ^ **- ou "iiaaeiphia, April, l?^ ti,o t-.- a Show in Boston, August 792 Th/t~T * ,rSt Spanish Lady-Ele"a„ Th^T f^ and the Period - ° Theatres of the Present PAGES 19-27 28-36 37-42 (5) CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. AT THE STAGE-DOOR. Front Door and Back Door Entrances — " Mashers " at the "Stage-Door " — The Cerberus who Stands Guard — Perquisites Paid to Him — Bulkhead and the Ballet Girls — The Tricks of the Scene Painter on the Girls — The Girls' Revenge — Bold and Heartless Lovers — Notes Pushed under the Dressing-Room Door — Alice Oates's Mash — Watching the Manoeuvres of the " Mashers " — Tale of the Pink Symmetricals 43-54 CHAPTER V. BEFORE THE FOOT-LIGHTS. People who Patronize the Theatre — The Young Blood — Members of the "Profesh" — The Giddy and Gushing Usher — The Bouncer — The Peanut Cruncher — The People who go out "Between Acts" — The Big Hat Nuisance — Anecdote of George and Harry - - - 55-68 CHAPTER VI. BEHIND THE SCENES. An Amateur Theatre — The Author's Experience as " Imp" in a Spectacular Scene — A Trip to the Moon - - 69-85 CHAPTER VII. IN THE DRESSING-ROOM. Goodwin's " Make-up " for Hobbies — Booth and Company Playing "Hamlet" in Street Costume — Dressing- Rooms of Old-Time and Present Theatres — Louis Harrison Spoils a Play at San Erancisco — How Actors " Make up " for Various Parts — The Hair-Dresser and the Actress 86-105 CHAPTER VIII. WITHIN THE WINGS. The Stage Prompter and His Duties — Actors who " Stick" and some who " Never Stick " — A Popular Actress and CONTENTS, "AGES her Useful Husband — The Firemen's Amours — Mary Anderson and Her Chewing-Gum — Emmet's Indiscre- tions 106-121 CHAPTER IX. STAGE CHARMS AND OMENS. Burning of the Southern Hotel and Kate Claxton's Pres- ence — Superstitions of John McCullough, Raymond, Joe Jefferson, Sothern, Florence, Booth, Chanfrar, Byron, Thorne, Neilson, Lotta, etc., etc. — Courtaiuc and Ince - - - 122-143 CHAPTER X. NOT DOWN IN THE BILL. Actors who Memorize whole Newspapers — Lovely Peggy — Kean Dying as he Played — Sol. Smith's Fuuny Adven- ture — A Masher made Serviceable — Charlotte Cush- man and the Colored Bell-Boy who brought Down the House — The Call-Boy's Revenge — The Lecturer, Trick Candle and Trap Door — An English Performance of William Tell U4-161 CHAPTER XI. THE ILLUSIONS OF THE STAGE. Mrs. Bellamy and Mr. St. Leger in Dublin — Rousseau's Description of Paris Opera — Modern Mechanism — Producing Steam, Fire, Thunder, Lightning, etc. — Olive Logan and her Jewels — Snow Storm in " The Two Orphans" — Rain in "Hearts of Oak" — Rivu- lets in " Danites " — Funny Inventory of "Property " in a London Theatre 162-182 CHAPTER XII. MORE OF THE MYSTERIES. The Property-Man and his Duties — Sunlight — Moon- light — Twinkling of Stars — Ocean Waves — Fire in "Phoenix " and " Streets of New York " — Full Descrip- tion of the Famous Raft Scene 183-194 O CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. THE ARMY OF ATTACHES. PAGES Broken Down or " Crushed " Actors as Door-Keepers — The Treasurer of the Theatre — The Usher — Orchestra and Leader — Stage Manager — The Scenic Artist — The Stage Carpenter, Supes and Minor Attaches, and Last but not Least the Call-Boy 195-205 CHAPTER XIV. STAGE STRUCK. The Young Man from Cahokia — The Box of Gags — Stage Struck Girls of Louisville — The College Graduate from Illinois — "The Warrior Bowed His Crested Head"— The "N. G." Curtain — Marie Dixon's Fail- ure — Mrs. H. M. Lewis, of Charleston, Duped by Schwab & Kummel — Harry Kussell Pscudo "Mana- ger " —A Colored Troop's Curious Epistle - - - 206-22G CHAPTER XV. THE REHEARSAL. Old-Time and Present Rehearsals — Olive Logan's Descrip- tion of a Rehearsal — Rehearsal of the Corps de Bal- let — Appearance of Taglion-i, Cerito, Carlotta Grisi, Lucile Grahn at Her Majesty's Theatre, in London - 227-2-iO CHAPTER XVI. CANDIDATES FOR SHORT CLOTHES. Advertising for Ballet Girls — Salaries Paid them — Who Apply — Where the Can-Can Flourishes — The Ups and Downs of a Ballet Girl's Life — The Nautch Dancers 241-250 CHAPTER XVII. TRAINING BALLET DANCERS. Interviewing Sig. J. F. Cardella — The French School Theatre La Scala — Amount of Practice Required — The American Ballet — Salaries of Premieres, Coryphees, etc. — The Time Required — A Little Fond and Foolish at Times 251-2G3 CHAPTER XVIII. PLAYS AND PLAYWRIGHTS. The Trials and Tribulations of the Gawky Young Drama- CONTENTS. 9 PAGES tist — English, French and American Playwrights — The Desire for Foreign Plays — Bartley Campbell's Christmas Story 264-276 CHAPTER XIX. MASHERS AND MASHING. Gunakophagists or Woman-Eaters — Corner Loafers — Mashers of the Profession — Female Mashers — The Blonde Beauties of the Leg Drama — Model Letter — Lillian Russell's Escapades — " Patti " and the Midget " Foster " — The Old Masher Squeezed — The Girl in Red Tights at Uhrig's Cave — Music and Mashing - 276-295 CHAPTER XX. THE MAIDEN AND THE TENOR. Ambleleg — His Soul Full of Art and Throat Full of Music — Miss Justaytine the Pink of Beauty and Per- fection of Belleship — The Chorus Singer Mashed on the Maiden — The Mash Mutual — The Brother and Lover Mash the Tenor — Suit for $10,000 and the Com- promise 296-302 CHAPTER XXI. FISHING FOR FREE PUFFS. A First-Class Puff in a Leadville Paper — All Anxious to Appear in Print — Various Ways of Puffing — Sending Photos — Diamond Robberies — Falling Heir to a For- tune, etc. — Minnie Palmer's Artless Display of Un- derwear — The Abbott Kiss — Catherine Lewis Fling — Emelie Melville's Presents to Critics — The Morning Buzzard and the Evening Crow ----- 303-314 CHAPTER XXII. THE ACTRESS AND THE INTERVIEWER. All Performers must Meet the Interviewing Fiend — How the Interviewer is Received by Patti, Nilsson, Gerster, Kellogg, Cary, Hauk, Abbott, Bernhardt, Morris, Mod- jeska, Neilson, Anderson, Davenport, Mitchell, Lotta, and Others 315-319 CHAPTER XXIII. A FEW FOOT-LIGHT FAVORITES. Mistress Woffington — Children as Actors and Actresses — 10 CONTENTS. PAGES Little Corinne — Debut of Emma Livry — Nell Gwynne the Fish Girl — Lola Montez, the Pretty Irish Girl — Adah Isaacs Menken as Mazeppa — Mary Anderson the Tragedienne — Lotta and Maggie Mitchell, and a Host of Others 320-342 CHAPTER XXIV. CHINESE AND JAPANESE THEATRICALS. Great Length of the Play — Description of a Chinese Thea- tre — The Prompter — The Audience — The Actors — The Musicians — Japanese Theatres — No " Reserved Seats " — Prices of Admission — Side Shows - - 343-352 CHAPTER XXV. OPERA AND OPERA SINGERS. Palmo, the Father of Italian Opera in America — Interview with Col. Mapleson — The Cost of Rigging a Com- pany — What it Costs Every Time the Curtain is Rung Up — Mmc. Grisi's Superstition — The Best Operas — Salaries of Singers — Neilson and the Diamond Mer- chant - 353-3CG CHAPTER XXVI. THE MINSTREL BOYS. Emmet, Brower, Whitlock and Pelham among the Earliest — Pot-Pie Herbert — Daddy Rice and Jim Crow — Zip Coon — Coal Black Rose — My Long Tail Blue — Early Days of George Christy — Minstrel Men Generally Im- provident — Minstrel Men as Mashers — Haverly's Mas- todon Minstrels — The Boys at Rehearsal - - -367-381 CHAPTER XXVII. PANTOMIME. George L. Fox, the King — G. H. Adams, his Successor — Boxing Night in London - . - - - - - 382-388 CHAPTER XXVIII. VARIETY DIVES AND CONCERT SALOONS. First-Class Varieties — Harry Hill's Famous Resort — In- terview with Harry Hill — Ida and Johnnie — Deacons in a Dive — The Bouncer at Work — The Cow-Boy's Call for Mary — The Can-Can — Music by Bands — Over the Rhine - - 389-115 CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTER XXIX. A TEAM OF IRISH COMEDIANS. PAGES The Song and Dance Men — Harrigan & Hart — Levi Mc- Ginnis the Alderman 416-429 CHAPTER XXX. THE BLACK ART. Sword Swallowers — Jugglers in America, Europe, China, and Hindoostan — Herman Sells the Barbers — Her- man Sold by the "Boys" — Wonderful Chinese Jug- glers — How Ladies are Suspended in Mid-Air — How to Eat Fire — Walk on Red Hot Iron — Cut off a Man's Head, etc., etc. - - - - - - - - 430-439 CHAPTER XXXI. THE INDIAN BOX AXD BASKET TRICK. The Trick-Box — The Board — The Basket — The Magi- cian's " Ghost Story " 440-448 CHAPTER XXXII. VENTRILOQUISM. Prof. Kennedy and Val Yose — Louis Brabant Valet de Chambre to Erancis I. Wins Wife and Fortune through his Wonderful Gift — M. St. Gille and his Wonderful Exploits — Alexandre and the Load of Hay — The De- lusion Fully Explained — How to do it — The Suffo- cated Victim --------- 449-458 CHAPTER XXXIII. ON THE ROAD. Making Dates at the " the Square " — Copy of Contracts — Billing the Town — The Cyclonic Advance Agent - 459-465 CHAPTER XXXIY. THE GREEN-EYED AND OTHER MONSTERS. The Street Arabs and Lotta — The Stage at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century — Little "Accidents " of Bernhardt and Indiscretions of Patti — " Sudden John- nie " and Colombier — Lizzie McCall's Crime — Miss Bertha Welby and Miss Cleves — The " Old Gray " and the Skipping Rope Dancer — Husband and Wife and Ballet Girl — Mephistopheles and Venus - - -466-483 12 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXV. JOHN WILKES BOOTH, PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S ASSASSIN. PAGES Shooting of Abraham Lincoln — Booth's Rehearsal at Wal- laces— An Old Actor's Opinion of J. W. Booth — His Bichard the IH. a Fine Piece of Acting — Booth and Collier as Bichard and Bichmond 484-491 CHAPTER XXXVI. THE SUMMER VACATION. How the Stars and Lesser Lights Disport Themselves — Actors at the Seaside — The " Old Gray " Surprises the Actors at the Banquet — Millions Spent upon Theatri- cals .... 492-501 CHAPTER XXXVII. FUN AMONG THE ELKS. Who the ''•Elks " are — Jughandle's Friend Wants to be an Elk — Getting the Candidate Ready — The High Muck- a-Muck — The Peculiar Circle — The Descent — The Path of Progress — The Upward Flight to Glory — Down! Down! ! Down! ! ! — On " Eincycle " —The Merciful Net— An Elk 502-511 CHAPTER XXXVIIL THE CIRCUS IS HERE. The Disengaged Canvasman's Poetry — Circus Posters — The Grand Parade — The $25,000 Beauty — Twelve Ponies and Forty Horses on a Rampage — Henry Clay Scott and his Aged Father — Sold his Stove to go to the Circus - - - - - ... . 512-521 CHAPTER XXXIX. UNDER THE CANVAS. The Small Boy and the Circus — Beating the Show — Slack Wire and Balloon Performances — Donaldson's 111- Fated Trip — Frightful Accident in Mexico — Circus Green-Room and Dressing-Rooms — The Clown — Bare- back Riders and Tumblers — Merryman's Admission Fee — The Clown's Baby 522-535 CHAPTER XL. ACROBATICS AND EQUESTRIANISM. Training Children — Olive Logan on the Circus — Trapeze CONTENTS. I.) PAGES Performers — Tight Rope Feats — Training Riders — The Leading Equestrienne — The Great English Rider, Miss Lily Deacon — The Georgia Lady's Experience — Cow-Boys Raid on the Ring - - 536-552 CHAPTER XLI. A ROMANCE OF THE KINO.. Shadowville — Miss Nannie Florenstein, the most Wonder- ful Bareback Rider in the World — Her Cruel Task- master — Ned Struthers to the Rescue — 'All's Well that Ends Well" 553-562 CHAPTER XLII. LEAPING AND TUMBLING. The Athlete of Ancient Rome — Grand . and Lofty Tum- bling of To-day — Double and Triple Somersaults - 563-571 CHAPTER XLIII. AN ADVENTURE WITH GIANTS. Capt. M. V. Bates and Wife— The Tallest Couple in the World — The Eat Woman and the Living Skeleton — The Circassian Girl 572-580 CHAPTER XLIV. THE TATTOOED TWINS. The "Ad." in the Morning Paper — Capt. Costentenus — The Modus Operandi — Henneberry and the "Old Salt " — Singular Story Told by Henry Frumell — Tat- tooed by South Pacific Savages .... 581-589 CHAPTER XLV. IN THE MENAGERIE. Zazel Shot out of a Cannon — The Zulus — Gen. Tom Thumb and Wife — Thumb and Campanini — Hugged and Kissed by an Ape — Millie Christine the Famous Two-Headed Lady — The Eighth Wonder of the World — Jocko Spoils a Comedy — Circus in Winter Quarters 590-608 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Frontispiece (Colored Plate) 1 Bulkhead and the Ballet Girls 18 Lotta 22 Decorating the Scene Painter - 47 The 4 ' Masher" --------- 56 The Big Hat 61 George and Harry -------- 63 Louise Montague -- 64 Maude Branscombe 65 SelinaDolaro _..... GS John McCullough - 70 Belle Howett ■ - 73 M'lleHouget - 76 LillieWest 79 Pauline Markham (Colored Plate"* 80 Adah Isaac Menken _....... 83 Millie La Fonte --------- 85 Ballet Girls Dressing-Room 87 Edwin Booth -*--------- 89 McKee Rankin .._..- 91 The Three Villas 93 Sarah Bernhardt --------- 96 The Late Adelaide Neilson ------- 99 Dressing an Actress's Hair 102 Marie Roze - 105 In the Green-Room 106 A Green-Room Tableau 107 Getting their " Lines " -------- 109 Wine in the Wings - - - 110 Improving Spare Moments - • - - - - - - 112 An Actress's Useful Husband 113 Making Love in the Side Scenes 115 The Fire Laddie's Mistake - - 117 Sobering a Comedian - - - - - - - - 120 McCullough as Virginius 121 KateClaxton 123 The Late Venie Clancie - - - 126 (14) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. If) PAOB Catherine Lewis 128 Chanfrau 131 Fanny Davenport 134 Dion Boucicault - - - 135 Mrs. Boucicault 136 Maud Granger 139 M'lle Montrose 143 Lizzie McCall 145 Pin up my Skirts 148 Annie Pixley as M'liss , 150 The Call Boy's Revenge - - 151 Nell Gwynne -- 154 Emma Thursby . . - 156 Lillian Russell •- 158 Joe Jefferson 159 Lola Montez 160 Lizzie Webster (Colored Plate) 160 Lawrence Barrett __.. igi J. K. Emmett 164 John T. Raymond 166 Katherine Rogers --------- 168 Josephine D'Orme 170 Cora Pearl - 173 Lester Wallack - - - - 175 Clara Morris 177 Helen Dingeon --------- 178 Scott-Siddons - 181 JohnParselle ----- 184 Sol Smith Russell - - 187 Rose Coghlan ... 189 The Raft Scene --------- 192 Minnie Hauk 197 Helping the Scene Painter ------- 201 The Old Woman of the Company 204 The Esthetic Drama 205 Kitty Blanchard - 209 Photographing an Amateur - - 213 Marie Prescott as Parthenia 217 Mme. Fanny Janauschek __--_-_ 222 Rose Eytinge 226 Agnes Booth 230 "Now then, Ladies and Gentlemen, all Together " - - 234 Training Ballet Dancers - - 235 National Dances 237 Marion Elmore (Colored Plate) 240 16 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Drilling for the Chorus 245 The "Sucker" 248 Wine in the Green-Room ------- 253 Ballet Beauties --------- 255 Measuring for the Costume - 257 Waiting to go on 260 A Premiere before the Audience ------ 262 A Bowery " Masher " -------- 276 How She Won Him - 278 Working a Greeny at a Matinee 280 From one of the Mashed 282 Adelina Patti's " Mash " 287 An Actor's " Mash " 288 A Monkey Spoiling a Mash ------- 292 Ambleleg 295 Serving a Writ on Fanny Davenport ----- 304 Ernesti Rossi 307 Slippers for Free Puffs 311 Miss Connolly (Colored Plate) ----- 320 Little Corinne - 322 Taglioni Congratulating Emma Livry 326 Lotta 332 Maggie Mitchell ---- 333 Emma Abbott 334 Called before the Curtain 338 Fay Templeton - - - - 342 Chinese Theatre 348 Chinese Property Room -------- 351 Minnie Maddern --------- 352 Crowning a Tenor --------- 356 Patti 359 Gerster 361 George Christy 370 You are the Sort of Man I Like 373 Jim Crow 378 Shoo-fly 380 Fencing Scene in Black Crook 390 Having a Good Time 392 Harry Hill's Free and Easy 394 She Tickled Him Under the Chin 399 M'lle. Genevieve (Colored Plate) - - - - 400 Row in the Show 402 Selling her Picture - - -.- - - - - - 404 Can-Can 405 An Orgie in the Wine-Room 406 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 17 PAGE Dragging a Victim 107 A "Bowery " on a Lark 408 Concert Saloon Band 410 Female Band Ill Female Orchestra .j]_> Over the Rhine n:; An Ideal Masher 414 Hdwin Harrigan 417 Tony Hart 418 Herman's Sell \:y> The Box Trick, Fig. 1 440 The Box Trick, Fig. 2 441 The Box Trick, Fig. 3 . 441 The Box Trick, Fig. i 442 The Box Trick, Fig. 5 - . 443 On the Road 4G5 The McCall Tragedy 472 Blackmailing an Actress 474 Jealousy 47G Husband, Wife and Ballet Girl 478 Out in the Cold -• 480 John Wilkes Booth 4s;, At the Seaside 493 John W. Norton - 490 Mart Anderson (Colored Plate) 496 A Candidate in Regalia 504 Muck-a-Muck - 508 The Circus World - 512 Twenty-five Thousand Dollar Beauty 517 Playing Circus 520 Beating the Circus - 523 W. H. Donaldson 525 Catalina Georgio's Frightful Death 52G M'lle Geraldine and Little Gerry 537 Trapeze 53:) Mdme Lasalle 542 Annie Livingstone (Colored PlateJ .... 545 Circus Riders 546 Cow Boys Raid on the Ring 550 Leaping - - - - 565 Merryman and the Girls 580 Stealing a Kiss 596 Jocko Playing Comedy 599 Curtain - - 608 BULKHEAD AND THE BALLET GIRLS. (18) CHAPTER I. A PRELIMINARY PEEP. Anybody can get into the auditorium of a theatre by paying an admission fee reaching from twenty-five cents up to $1.50, and the sawdust precincts of the circus may be penetrated for the modest sum of fifty cents ; but behind the curtain of the theatre and beyond the screened door through which circus attractions enter the exhibition arena, are sacred places, with secrets that are so valuable to their owners that they dare not for less than a small fortune allow the public to view or even to understand them. A o-eneral knowledge of the simplicity of theatrical and circus tricks — of the delusions that make up the stock in trade of show- men generally — would destroy their value as salable articles, and make everybody a little Bar num. or Jack Haverly of his own, with ability to furnish himself with amusement at home, while the former masto- donic managers could only look on and weep at the educational facilities with which the country was over- run, and mourn the Shakespearian days when people were easily pleased with the poverty-ridden stage and bare representations that were offered them. But there is no fear that the public will ever be instructed up to such a high degree in regard to the inside work- ings of the theatre and circus, that there will not at all times be plenty of patrons for both these excellent forms of entertainment. The managers take good care (19) 20 A PRELIMINARY PEEP. to keep their secrets to themselves, as those who go prying around the shrines in which the theatric arcana are held, very soon find out. At the back door of every theatre — the entrance to the stage — is a cer- berus of the most pronounced kind, who would sooner bite his own grandfather's ear off than allow anybody not entitled to the privilege, to pass him ; while at the door of the circus dressing-room and all around it are faithful sentinels who will listen to no password, and through whose ranks it is as impossible to break as it is for the fat boy in the side show to throw a double somersault over seventeen horses, with an elephant as big as Jumbo at the far end of the line, It will, how- ever, be the proud privilege of the readers of this book to get as close to the secrets of the stage and sawdust arena as one can well do without knowing absolutely all about them, and by the time the last page is read and the volume is ready to be closed, I think the readers will be both delighted and astonished with the revela- tions that have been made. Turn the average man loose on the stage of a theatre at night, while a play is going on, and it is a Russian kobol against a whole San Juan mining district that he will not know whether he has struck the seventh circle of heaven or is in a lunatic asylum. He will meet some very queer creatures in the scenes ; he will see many strange things ; the brilliant lights around him, the patches of color flashing into his eyes, the sea of faces and the tangle of millinery in the auditorium, will mystify him ; the startling streaks of black upon the faces of the men and women who jostle him as he closely hugs the wings, their red noses and blooming cheeks, the general tomato-can aspect of their faces, the shaggy wigs and straggling beards that look as if they had been torn off the back of a goat only ten A PRELIMINARY PEEP. 21 minutes before ; the dismal, commonplace clothes that shine so radiantly when seen from a chair in the par- quette or dress circle, — all these things will set his poor brain in a whirl ; and whiie he is looking on awe-stricken, the scene shifters will come rushing down upon him with a new delusion, trampling on his toes in a manner that suggests in a most potential way his superfluity in that particular place, and pushing him aside without the merest apology, and perhaps with no other remark than a fragment of fervent profanity, as if he were a wretched street Arab in that mimic world in which the scene shifter and the captain of the " supers " play such very important parts. People come out of every imagina- ble place all around him. There seem to be doors everywhere, — in the walls, the floor, the ceiling, and even in space; and as the "vasty deep " and the rest of the surroundings give up their dwellers, the in- truder receives fresh jolts and thrusts, and possibly additional donations of profanity. This, of course, applies only to the male apparitions that overwhelm the strange visitor to the new world behind the scenes. The female portion of that illusory sphere have noth- ing to say to him except with their eyes, which very forcibly inquire the meaning of his presence there. If a person WT>uld like to understand how awfully strange and lonely it will be for the last individual left alive upon earth, he need only pay a first visit to the stage of a theatre where he is not acquainted with any of the actors or actresses, and has not even the pleasure of knowing one of the minor attaches. Any attempt to form an acquaintance is promptly and unmistakably repelled, and all the poor unfortunate has to do is to move up where he is out of everybody's way, and he can look on and wonder to his heart's content. As he inspects his surroundings and has his attention called tt A PRELIMINARY PEEP. to the actions of the people whose business it is to place the stage in shape for an act or scene of a play, he will readily comprehend the meaning of forming a world out of chaos. If they are getting ready the LOTTA. balcony scene for " Romeo and Juliet," wing pieces are pushed out to represent trees and the side of the house of the Capulets — and what a house it usually is, too, A PRELIMINARY PEEP. 23 for such elegant people ! The front of the house is rapidly placed in position between two wings, the bal- cony is quickly nailed on, and with the aid of a rude scaffolding behind the scene and a ladder, the fair Juliet mounts, and, feeling her way carefully, at last steps out upon the frail structure to tell the sweet moon her love for Romeo. The whole thing looks ridiculous. Even the stately daughter of the Capulets has not beauty or skill enough to remove the absurdity from the scene which has the appearance of being, and is in reality nothing else than wood and canvas freely splashed with paint of the proper colors. A painted box represents a stone ; a green carpet passes for grass ; the beautiful bric-a- brac that opens the eyes of the aesthetic people in the audience is only brown paper hurriedly daubed by the scene painter's apprentice; the wall of the Capulets' garden is a very frail canvas concern, and the floral attributes are frauds of the deepest dye from the scenic artist's long table of colors. The whole picture is simple, but unintelligible to the looker-on for the first time, and as he vanishes through the door he laughs heartily at the very thin disguise tragedy and comedy are required to put on to delude and please the public. Let him return to the theatre in the morning and view its mysteries shorn of the dazzle and splendor that the night brings. He will be more astonished still. The place is usually as dark as a dungeon, there being something peculiar in the construction of the- atres which makes them bright at night and dismal during daylight. If a stray slant of light falls any- where upon the stage it will be rudely mocked by the bits of burning candle by the aid of which the stage carpenter is at work right in the very spot where, twelve hours before, Romeo and Juliet lived and died for each other in such a lamentably pathetic way that 24 A PRELIMINARY PEEP. the audience shed tears, and only gave the lachrymal rainstorm a rest at intervals long enough to shower the star with applause. The stage carpenter's assist- ant is there too, the machinist, the scene painters, the men who have charge of the company's baggage, the property man, and others. They fill the scene in a lugubrious and wholly uninteresting wa}^, — all are at work, and as heedless of the attendance of strangers as the actors and stage hands of the night before had been. The scenes have lost their color — such as are left, and this mimic world that had its admiring and aspiring hundreds is as bare and desert -like as a bald head after its owner has been using hair restoratives for about six months. It has neither shape nor any suggestion of its whilom beauty and attractiveness. The green-room may be explored, and the dressing- rooms, but they will reveal nothing ; their former oc- cupants are probably still abed, and unless there is to be a rehearsal they will not be seen around again until 7 o'clock at night. He must not be too searching in his explorations or the attention of the attaches will be attracted, and the conversation that will follow may not be the most pleasant in the world to him. Moving down the stairs that lead to the space under the stage, the explorer will find it darker and more dungeon-like still, and even if it were light nothing could be seen but the steam boiler, for heating and power purposes, the ventilating apparatus, the numerous trap-door openings and the posts about them, with a few other accessories that are hardly worth mentioning. Again he will be forced to confess that everything is very simple, but he cannot understand any part of it, and again he goes away with a laugh on his lips and mer- riment in his heart because the people are so easily A PRELIMINARY PEEP. 25 pleased, and theatrical managers find it so easy to entertain them. A visit to the dressing-tent of the circus will be equally barren of appreciable results. He can see the dazzling costumes, the shapely limbs of the females, the gaily-caparisoned steeds, the red gold-laced coats of the supers, and a chaotic heaping up of a number of indescribable articles, but behind the canvas screen that divides the tent lie secrets that he must not attempt to penetrate, for there are the lives, the lies and the fascinations of the performers. There, awk- ward limbs receive their roundly shaping, and old age, by a magic touch with the elixir of the " make-up " box, puts on the masquerading bloom of youth. The same might, to some extent, be said of the dressing- rooms of the theatre, only the application could not be as wide or general as in the circus profession, for the lives these people lead soon lay waste their beauty if they happen to be young, and crowd senility upon them long before the usual time. Their work is always hard, their surroundings are of the very worst kind, they grow up in an atmosphere of fraud, and they necessarily learn early the arts of deception whereby their employers make fame and fortune. But I have taken a stranger into the dressing-tent, and I must not abuse the hospitality of the place by exposing its sins in his presence. The stranger is introduced all around, shakes hands with everybody, even the premiere equestrienne, or, perhaps, the charming and daring- little lady who is twice daily shot out of a cannon, and besides makes two headlong dives a day from the dome of the tent into the net spread beneath. All are glad to see him, and he is surprised to find that the two Indians who juggle fire-brands and do other feats not at all consistent with the traditions of the aborigines, 26 A PRELIMINARY PEEP. have not sufficient savage blood in their veins to make respectable cigar store signs, but are base counterfeits of the noble red man, applications of chocolate and vermilion to their faces, and the usual accompaniment of black hair, feathers, and deerskin clothing having bestowed upon them all the air of the child of the forest that they possessed. As the band sounds the music for the riding act the equestrienne's horse dashes tamely into the ring, and the gentlemanly agent of the show pushes the visitor out to have him " look at an act that beats anything of the kind in the world." As in the material or mechanical features of the show there are mysteries of the most interesting and instructive kind, so, too, the personal features of the realm of entertainment — the great world of amuse- ment — contain much that will not only surprise, but will tickle the unsophisticated. By lifting the veil the least bit, the reader can have a peep at the most at- tractive of the events and incidents that go to .make the romantic career of an actor or actress. There are various little things that look simple and innocent enough when they appear in the shape of a newspaper paragraph that contain a world of meaning to the ini- tiated. There are methods of getting and keeping players before the public of which the latter know no more than they do of the wife of the man in the moon. There are flagrant scandals mingling with the innocent revels of these masquerading people, and there are, too, some of the saintliest, sweetest, manliest and womanliest of individuals in a profession that almost the entire world looks upon with the wildest suspicion, and whose bright names and fair fames can never be tarnished by the iniquitous doings of persons lower and less respectable in character. In all that will be A PRELIMINARY PEEP. 27 written here regarding the dark side of theatrical life, I wish it distinctly understood that there is no desire or intention to cast even the slightest reflection upon the honored and respected members of a grand pro- fession, and wherever a seemingly sweeping and un- complimentary statement may be made, the reader will be kind enough to add a saving clause in favor of all those who do not deserve such condemnation. In the concert saloon, the variety den, the boys' theatre, and the numerous other dives in which vice parades boldly and nakedly, will be found ample field for trenchant and graphic writing. These pits of infamy flourish everywhere, and are as freely patronized as the charms of their female attractions are freely dis- played ; the girls in short dresses, in gleaming tights, with padded bust and cotton-rounded limbs, their se- ductive wiles, their beer-thirstiness, their reckless familiarity with male friends and strangers, alike from the beardless boy of fourteen to the bald and wither- ing roue, the ample freedom with which they throw themselves into the arms of victims and give them- selves up to the most outrageous revels ; the female minstrel gang and the break-o'-day girls, who supple- ment their sins on the stage with subsequent and even more surprising iniquity in the hop or dance that fol- lows the show, — all these phases of the lower strata of theatrical life, as being more productive of interest- ing secrets of a so-called stage, must be touched upon, that the reader may be able to contrast the extremes of the amusement world, and understand that in mimic as well as real life, there are abject misery and squalid sinfulness while, above all, shines the grand and stain- less character of the noble and pure-minded people who bring genius and virtue to the profession of which they are bright, shining ornaments. *;• CHAPTER II. A THEATRE OF SHAKESPEARE S DAY. If some of the old Greek dramatists could shake to- gether their ashes and assume life, they would open their ancient eyes to look upon the beauty, comfort, and charming symmetry of the first-class theatre of the present day. The ancients were at first obliged to put up with representations given upon rude carts ; afterwards stone theatres were constructed, with the performers placed in a pit in the middle space, but no such effort at decoration, or to provide for the con- venience of spectators, was to be seen as is to be found everywhere now. The plays, too, while they may have been delightful to our Hellenic predecessors, would hardly draw a corporal's guard at the present time, when spectacular melodrama is all the rage, and the only chorus the average theatre-goer cares to see is the aggregation of pretty girls in entrancing tights, and with the utmost scantiness of clothes to hide their personal charms, who sing the concerted music in comic opera. This is the kind of chorus that sends a thrill of ecstacy through the heart, and around the resplendent dome of thought of the much-maligned modern bald-head. The strophe and anti-strophe of the ancient drama would set the nineteenth century citizen crazy as a wild man of Borneo. The ancient drama was gradually replaced by the ecclesiastical drama, — the mystery or miracle play, — an example of (28) A THEATRE OF SHAKESPEARE' S DAY. 29 which remains to us in the celebrated " Passion Play," performed at Obarammergan at stated intervals, and over the projected production of which, in this country, there was so much trouble that the play was never produced. In this style of drama, events in the life of the Savior, or the great mysteries of the church, were the topics dealt with by the saintly play-wright, and the actors personated characters ranging from the Devil up through the various grades of saintliness and angelic beatification to God Almighty himself. The miracle play flourished during the middle ages, and survived down almost to the Elizabethan period, when Shakespeare appeared upon the scene ; and with his advent there came a revolution, the outgrowth of which is the present perfect and beautiful theatre. The change in the style of plays brought a change in the style of places for their representations, and while the Bard of Avon was making his reputation in the dramatic line, the Globe and Blackfriars were leading the way to advancement in the matter of the- atrical structures. They had performances on Sun- day in those olden times, and while good Christians were worshipping God in their sanctuaries, the unde- vout Britons of the "golden age" were worshipping Thespis in his. Let us drop back into a theatre of the Shakespearian epoch, some Sunday afternoon when the weather is fine, and you will not be compelled to stand bare- headed in the pit. Let us go to the Globe. It was situated on the Bankside. It was a wooden build- ing, of hexagonal shape, open to the sky, and partly thatched. To a little tower-like projection from the roof was fastened a staff of no inconsiderable height, from which always fluttered the flag of Eng- land. Windows were sparsely distributed here and there, on each side of the building, while over the door 30 A THEATRE OF SHAKESPEARE 's DAY. was displayed the figure of Hercules bearing the globe upon his brawny shoulders. Whether the mythologi- cal giant came with his terrestrial burden to dedicate, in propria persona, this temple to the mightiest of the muses, or whether the whole thing was only a cunning contrivauce of some skilful artisan, embodying the conception of a clever play writer, history does not record. Whenever a play was to be enacted, the entrance to the Globe was always jammed with footboys, eager for a chance to hold a gentleman's horse, or loun