LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDbl4fllSfl t?9 V » \ >_ 3* ."••.. *« \*>V *>*' -..•• v-V ^d* ** ..*••« <** ^' x 1 «£• so?,, ideals?* .v«^ * V*K' ^/•l&W-' ■.*• -o,. */t.t« a / V 5Tlt (^arsoi) ost, V=> ^—^s> / ji^-2, v^ s > ■ '■ Q Q •/ +-> ■> / 5 Vj ■ j 5H( c / O *"tj / 4^ y ZJ WtP^fc^Wi^ rc v B A&mSK PS • *M o j - Ck> %^55/y c 2 y e f? WASHINGTON, D.C. ■ets at Grand Army Hall. 1412 Penna. Ave. N.W. 2d and 4th Wednesdays of the Monti > * GIBSON BROS: PRW m'*'*'* hwaEiw \ CONTENTS. PAGE. Title page 1 Biography of Kit Carson 2 History of Kit Carson Post 5 Post Library and Picture Gallery 7 Post Drum Corps 7 Stated Meetings of the Post 7 Objects of the G. A. R 8 Hints for Recruiting 8 Fees and Dues 8 Officers and Past Officers 9,13 Standing Committees 11 Muster-Roil of Members 15 The Honored Dead 61,62 For meetings of Department Headquarters and Posts see Sd page of cover. INDEX OF ADVERTISEMENTS. PAGE. Alderney Dairy 10 Artificial Legs 10 Artists' Supplies 12 Attorneys 12, 14, 16 Awnings, Tents. &c 16 Baggage Express ' 18 Boots and Shoes 18, 22 Butter Merchant 20 Cabinet-makers 60 Caterers 22 Claim Agents 22, 24, 48, 52 Clothiers 26, 28 Confectioners 22, 24 Contractors 28 Dentists 28 Diamonds, Jewelry, &c 30 Dining Rooms 30 Dry Goods, &c 40, 42 Equitable Building Associa- tion 30 Florists 32 PAGE. Flour, Feed. &c 32 Frescoes and ^ecorations 38 Furniture, Carpets, &c 32 Groceries 34 Hats, Caps and Furs 34, 60 Insurance 36, 38 Iron Works 44 Justice of the Peace 48 Laundries 44 Livery Stables 44 Newspapers 44, 46 Notaries Public 48 Patent Attorneys 50 Pension Attorneys 48, 50, 52 Printers and Bookbinders.. 52, 54 Real Estate and Loans 38, 58 Sewing Machines 58 Sporting Goods 58 Tailors 56, 58 Undertakers 56, 60 Watches, &c 30, 60 MUSTER ROLL, Kit larson Post, f o. 2 CHARTERED MARCH 27. 1867, Department of the Potomac, G. A. R. TOGETHER WITH LIST OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF KIT CARSON HISTORY OF THE POST, &c, &c. Compiled and Edited by CHAS. F\ KEEFER, Adjutant. Washington, D. C, January. 1889. KIT GARSON. MILITARY RECORD. 2d Lieut. U. S. Mounted Rifles, June 9, 1847, to January 28, 1848. Lieut. -Colonel, 1st New Mexico Cavalry, July 25, 1861. Colonel, 1st New Mexico Cavalry, Sept. 20, 1861. Mustered out, Oct. 8, 1866. Brevet Brig. -General, March 13, 1865, "for gallantry in the battle of Valverde, and for distinguished services in New Mexico." Lieut.-Colonel, 1st New Mexico Vols., Oct. 8, 1866. Mus- tered out, Nov. 22, 1867. Christopher Carson, better known as Kit Carson, was born in Madison County, Ky., Dec. 24, 1809. Tbat coun- try bad already then become too tame for bis fatber, wbo moved bis family, tbe following year, to wbat is now Howard County, Mo., a country tben abounding in wild and bostile Indians. Here Kit remained, exposed to tbe dangers of a frontier life, until be was 15 years of age. Having been apprenticed to a saddler, tbis occupation soon proved too insipid for one born to danger, and wben 17 years old be joined a party bound for Santa Fe, wbicb city be reached in Nov., 1826; tbence be went to Taos, wbere, living with a mountaineer, be acquired the Spanish language and gained a knowledge of the Rocky Mountains. It is not within the limits of this sketch to follow him in bis many adventurous and perilous expeditions — to the headwaters of the Gila and the San Francisco ; tbe canons of the Colorado ■ tbe Great Basin ; the San Joa- quin ; tbe Sierra Nevada ; the headwaters of the Colum- bia, the Yellow Stone, and Platte ; the Black Hills, &c. In 1842 he met General Fremont at St. Louis, and ac- companied him on three great expeditions which the "Pathfinder" led. The story of these, ending m the conquest of California, is still fresh in the minds of the American people. Having subsequently joined General Kearney, he served as his guide, and having while thus employed saved the command from disastrous defeat, President Polk ap- pointed him a lieutenant in the regular army, but the Senate rejecting the nomination, Carson reverted to private life. He bore this injustice with the noble equa- nimity characteristic of him, never complaining, nor re- laxing in his career of self-sacrifice. He remained a patriot to his last breath. Several subsequent attempts on his part to settle down were interrupted by his giving his services in the sup- pression of Indian hostilities. He then became a freighter ; on one occasion, hearing of a threatened meat famine, he himself drove a herd of sheep from New Mexico to San Francisco, where the people gave him a grand reception. In 1853 he was appointed Indian agent for New Mexico, and was successively re-appointed until the breaking out of the rebellion. It was apparent that New Mexico would become a the- atre of war. Kit Carson promptly offered his services, and was successively appointed Lieut.-Colonel and Colonel 1st New Mexico Cavalry, and as such took a prominent part in the battle of Valverde. For gallantry there displayed he received the brevet of Brigadier-General. After the battle of Apache Cafion, when the enemy left the Territory, he was assigned to special duty, under General Carleton, against the Navajos. Here, while in command of 2,000 men, he succeeded by strategy in capturing 10,000 men, women and children, since which time this tribe has been little disposed to go on the war-path. While on an official visit to Washington he was on Feburary 17, 1868, mustered a member of the Post that on his death adopted his name. _ He continued in the public service, his last official act being the successful settlement of the difficulties with the Sioux, and while returning to his home in New Mexico he died suddenly at the age of 59 years, on May 23, 1868, at Fort Lyon, Colorado, from the effects of the rupture of an artery, superinduced by a fall from his horse whil in the line of duty. His remains lie buried by the side of those of his wife, in the burying-ground at Taos. On May 30 (Memorial Day), 1885, assisted by the mili- tary and civil authorities, and in the preseuce of 5000 persons, among whom a member of Kit Carson Post of Washington specially delegated to represent it, to the sound of the guns of Fort Marcy, the Department of New Mexico, Grand Army of the Republic, unveiled in the plaza of Santa Fe the monument reared to his mem- ory. It is of New Mexican brown stone, cut in the quar- ries owned by ex-Senator Stephen W. Dorsey, a comrade of the G. A. R., who furnished the same chiseled into shape at his own expense. His powder-horn and pouch, his hunting knife, as well as a cane presented him by prominent citizens of New Mexico, are the property of Kit Carson Post. Of Kit Carson it was truly said : ' : He had but little time to demonstrate his character as a citizen in the peaceful pursuits of life. But in what he had, he gained the reputation of being peaceable, truthful, gentle and honest, a good neighbor and good citizen." " An unlettered man, placed by destiny in the wild woods and craggy mountains, far from the charms of wealth, culture and civilization, in almost daily contact with wild beasts and savage men, he maintained himself with wonderful success, and never did the inspiration of his manly heart lose control over his action. He not only impressed himself upon the people in the Rocky Mountains, but upon the whole country. Ever ready for duty, he died in its discharge, enjoying the highest con- fidence of the Government and the respect of his fellow-citizens." Kit Ga rsor * Post. Post 2, "District of Washington" Department of the Potomac, G. A. K. received its charter March 10, 1867, and was organized, by District Commander Bramhall, in the basement of the National Capitol on the evening of March 27, 1867, with the following-named charter mem- bers : Richard Middleton (Post Commander), L. B. Cutler, S. A. Boyden, Richard Morgan, Nathan Burnham, J. H. Jennings, George \V. Lithgow, George Peck, Wm. Low, and Richard F. Rea. Of these, Past Post Comman- der Cutler is the only surviving member now in the Pest. It first appears on record as " Kit Carson Post " August 10, 1869, having been named after its deceased member, Kit Carson, a sketch of whose life will be found on another page. From this small beginning of ten members it grew until up to >date it mustered into its ranks 857 com- rades, of whom 62 died members of the Post. Its growth at first was slow, reaching a membership of 78 in 1870, falliug to 18 in 1875— its lowest point since organi- zation ; again rising, slowly, to 58 in 1879, thence rapidly, until it reached the highest number since organization, 456, January 1, 1889. The largest gain in any one year was in 1882 — 112 members. It is now the largest Post in this Department. By reason of its situation at the National Capital, its membership undoubtedly embraced a larger number of organizations of the Defenders of the Union on land and sea. and of every branch of the service, than any other Post in the country, every regular organization, whether military or naval, every State and Territory that fur- nished men to the Union cause, having its representative on its roll ; and while the Grand Army knows no rank, all its members being comrades, the Post takes pride in having enrolled on its Roster so many distinguished soldiers and sailors prominent in the administration and leadership of the armies and fleets of the Union, whose names have become household words. In the Grand Army the Post has always held an hon- orable position; no small share of honors has fallen to it, the National Encampment electing one of its members as Commander-in-Chief — an honor that falls to one Post in a thousand. The present Department Commander be- longs to Kit Carson Post, and it still counts four Past Department Commanders in its ranks. The Post took an active part in all great gatherings of the Grand Army, and many of its members still cherish the pleasant recollections of their visits to Portland, Denver, San Francisco, Brooklyn, New York, Philadelphia, Colum- bus, and other cities. It enjoys and endeavors to deserve the good-will of the people of Washington, and to the ex- tent of its abilities will keep high the standard of the Grand Army. To preserve and strengthen those "kind and frater- nal feelings" which bind us together — to " perpetuate the sacred memory of the dead " — to" help, protect, and aid, poor and distressed comrades, their widows and orphans" — to " encourage universal liberty, equal rights and justice to all men " — what nobler work in the evening of life for men who, in its morning, risked their lives for the cause of liberty ! Having a pleasant and conveniently situated Post Hall, an excellent library, and rattling drum corps, Kit Carson Post tenders to all worthy soldiers and sailors of the war for the Union, in and out of service, a Hearty Wel- come. KIT CARSON POST LIBRARY AND PICTURE GALLERY. The foundation of a Post library was laid some six years ago by a donation of General Sherman's Memoirs. A com- mittee on library was appointed, and comrades generally contributed books until, by donation and purchase, it grew to some 800 volumes, a large number having been added by means of a " Book Reception" held last year. The library contains many valuable works on the Civil War, a full set of Harper's Magazine, and generally the works of the standard American and English authors. Comrades are invited to contribute books and make free use of the library, a catalogue of which, as well as Rules governing the same, they will find published with the By-Laws. The Librarian is in attendance every meeting night. The Picture Qallery, an attractive feature of the Post room, contains a fine collection of Portraits (including a life-size photograph of Kit Carson), and Scenes of the War, presented by comrades. The Committee on Deco- ration will gladly receive and acknowledge additions to this interesting collection. KIT CARSON POST DRUM CORPS. The Post has an efficient Drum Corps of ten pieces, drums, fifes, and bugles, fully uniformed and equipped, under the leadership of Comrade Jared Mundell, Drum Major. It has rendered excellent service in the Post room and on parade, and is an attractive feature of the Post. STATED MEETINGS. The Post meets on the xecond and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 7 OBJECTS OF THE G. A. R. i. To preserve and strengthen those kind and fraternal feelings which bind together the soldiers, sailors, and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion, and to perpetuate the memory and history of the dead. 2. To assist such former comrades in arms as need help and protection, and to extend needful aid to the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. 3. To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a paramount respect for, and fidelity to, the National Constitution and laws ; to discountenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, incites to insurrection, treason, or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the effi- ciency and permanency of our free institutions ; and to encourage the spread of universal liberty, equal rights, and justice to all men. HINTS TO RECRUITING OFFICERS. Every comrade of Post 2 is constituted a Recruiting Officer, and it is his duty to use all honorable means to invite worthy ex-soldiers and sailors of the Union to join the Post. For this purpose comrades should supply themselves and keep ready at hand blank forms, which may be had of the Adjutant. The qualifications of candidates are : Soldiers and sailors of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, who served between April 12, 1861, and April 9, 1865, in the war for the suppression of the Re- bellion, and those having been honorably discharged therefrom after such service, and of such State regiments as were called into active service and subject to the orders of U. S. General Officers, between the dates mentioned, shall be eligible to membership in the Grand Army of the Republic. No person shall be eligible to membership who has at any time borne arms against the United States. FEES AND DUES. The muster fee, including the cost of the G. A. R. badge, which, together with a copy of the Rules and Regulations and By-Laws, presented to each recruit when mustered, is five dollars. By transfer card : three dollars. Reinstatement of comrades who have been dropped : five dollars. Dues, fifty cents per quarter, payable in advance, on the first days of January, April, July, and October. OFFICERS OF KIT CARSON POST. William F. Morse, 1631 Q st. N.W., . . Post Commander Thomas H. McKfe, Senior Vice Commander George Mackay, .... Junior Vice Commander Charles F. Reefer, 316 Second st. S.E., . . •• Adjutant James W. Wisner, 1310 Tst. N. W., . . . . Quartermaster Henry A. Robbins, M. D., Surgeon George H. Slaybaugh, ...... Chaplain Wm. H. Fuss Officer of the Day Eugene H. Curry, Officer of the Guard Wm. H. Hutchinson, Sergeant Major Wm. H. Partridge, Quartermaster Sergeant PAST POST COMMANDERS. Wm. B. Brown, J. M. Edgar, A. J. Gunning, W. S. Chase, B. F. Hawkes, G. M. Husted, Wm. Gibson, J. C S. Burger, S.- M. Gordon, M. S. Hopkins, E. L. Grant, C. P. Lincoln, E. M. Truell, L. B. Cutler, J. W. Wisner, Fred'k Brackett. ALDERNEY DAIRIES DEPOT, FRANK K. WARD, Proprietor. Cottage Cheese and Fresh Buttermilk, made from CREAM, a Specialty. WASHINGTON, D. C. Residence, Office, Main Depot, Cheese Factory, Creamery, and General City Headquarters : Nos. 929 and 931 D Street N.W. Telephone communications with Dairy Farm, Salesi^ooms, 622 E St. N.W., 414 Third St. N.W., 527 Fifteenth St. N.W., 520 Ninth St. N . W. , and throughout the entire city. Western Union wire in office. This Space Belongs to a Comrade of Post 2. EDWARD KOSACK, MANUFACTURER OF JEWETT'S PATENT LEG No. 521 TENTH STREET N.W., Near Ford's Theatre, - WASHINGTON, D. C. Artificial Legs of the most approved pattern, combin- ing Strength, Lightness, and Perfect Finish, furnished on short notice. Post 2. 10 STANDING COMMITTEES KIT CARSON POST. ON GOOD OF THE ORDER. W. F. Morse, M. S. Hopkins, C. P. Lincoln, L. B. Cutler, F. Brackett. ON RELIEF AND VISITING SICK. The Senior Vice Commander. Chairman. The Surgeon, The Chaplain, The Sergeant Major, The Q. M. Sergeant. ON FINANCE. T. E. Clifton, G. Lewis, C. E. Diemar. B. F., W. S. Chase, T. J. BURRELL H. A. ROBBINt J. S. Tucker, ON EMPLOYMENT. W. Gibson, J. C. S. Burger. ON ENTEKTAINMENT. Geo. Mackay, T. R. Turnbull, J. N. Ehle. ON LIBRARY. G. H. Cooper, W. H. Partridge, S. S. Everett. J. F. Reardon, J. P. Reed. J. S. Garrison. ON DELINQUENTS. W. H. Frss. W. H. Hutchinson. W. Hebrew, ON BY-LAWS. F. Keefer, J. Cameron. ON RECEPTION OF VISITING COMRADES. F. A. Butts, Chairman, W. S. Chase, J. E. Smith, J. P. Reed, W. Gibson, E. Meade, W. H. Fuss. ON DEPARTMENT MEMORIAL COMMITTEE. A. Hart, T. R. Turnbull. ON DEPARTMENT RELIEF COMMITTEE. J. R. Brown. ON FAIR FUND. W. Gibson. C. P. Lincoln, TRUSTEES. W. B. Brown. DRUM-MAJOR. Jared Mundell. GUARDS. W. Gibson. J. F. Collins, F. H. Mooers, INSIDE SENTINEL. E. A. Welsh. J. A. McDonald, E. H. Brown. OUTSIDE SENTINEL. H. E. Talbott. %WM^%!irm JUL JL A^jy*^ IUf f WWLm § Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Artists' DniEktanX ani Painters' Supplies, LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, Etc., No. 418 Seventh St. N. W., - Washington, D. C. THOS. S. HOPKINS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 20, Atlantic Building, Q28 and 930 F Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Post 5. Notary Public. WM. EDGAR ROGERS, Counsellor at Law and Solicitor of Claims, 1339 F St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Practices in all the Courts and before the Departments of the Government. Post 8. ERASTUS C. WEAVER, LAWYER 512 Eighth St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Post 2. 12 Officers and Past Officers Department and National Headquarters, Members of Kit Carson Post. Charles P. Lincoln, John Cameron, F. A. Butts, Theo. E. Clifton, Wm. H. Partridge, H. C. Dabragh, DEPARTMENT. . Department Commander A ssistant A djutant General ■ Senior Aide-de-Camp Aide-de-Camp Aide-de-Camp . Asst. Inspector PAST DEPARTMENT COMMANDERS. Benj. F. Hawkes, H. DlNGMAN, Wm. Gibson, Sam'l S. Burdett. A. J. Gunning, J. R. Brown, S. S. Burdett, H. Dingman, John Cameron Fred ; k Brackett NATIONAL. Member National Council of Administration Aide-de-Camp Past Commander-in-Chief " J. V. " Adjutant General " Asst. " 13 WILL A. COULTER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice before U. S. Supreme Court, Court of Claims, District Courts, Congress, and all Departments of the Government. 23 St. Cloud Building, - - Washington, D. C. Post 2. GREEN B. RAUM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 1307 F Street N.W., Washington, D. C. Will practice in Supreme Court of the U. S., in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in the Court of Claims, and be- fore the several Executive Departments. Questions arising under the Customs and Internal Revenue laws will be made specialties. Post 8. CURTIS & BURDETT, (Post 2.) ATTORNEYS IN LAND CASES, 923 F Street, Washing-ton, D. C. W. B. SNELL. H. L. PRINCE. post 2. SN e ll & prinCE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 4j6 La. Ave. N. W., Opp. City Hall. WASHINGTON, D. C. Practice in the Courts of the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims, the Supreme Court of the U. S., before Congress and the Government Departments. 14 MUSTER ROLL OF Kit Garsoi? post, No. 2 DEPARTMENT OF POTOMAC, G. A. R: MM Abernathy, Jas. T., Pvt. and Capt. A, 1 S. W. Mo. Inf., Pvt., Lt., Capt., Maj., Lt.-Col., and Col., 10 Tenn. Cav. Pension Office. Algate, John B., Pvt. G, 35 N. Y. Inf., and H, 13 N. Y. H. Art.; 1 Sgt. and 2 Lt. I, 37 N. Y. Inf. Pen- sion Office. Allison, Douglas, Pvt. L, 192 Pa. Inf. Smithsonian Inst. Ammen, Daniel, Com'der U. S. N.; ex. officer U. S. S. Roanoke, and commanding Seneca, Sebago, Patapsco, and Mohican. Ammendale, Md. Rear Admiral U. S. N. (retired). Andermann, Philipp, Pvt. E, 1 U. S. Art. Carpenter. 1006 M s.e. Anderson, Albert, 1 CI. Boy, U. S. S. Wabash, and Pvt. U. S. M. C. Railway Postal Service. Anderson, Wm. B., Farrier M, 1 Md. Cav. Blacksmith. 1215 Ohio ave. n.w. Andre, Wm. A., Pvt. A, 13 N. Y. H. Art., and H, 6 N. Y. H. Art. Adjt. Gen. Office. Angle, Armatus L., Pvt. H, 2 Cal. Inf. Pension Office. Apple, David K., Pvt. H, 15U. S.Inf. Clerk. 5149thn.w. {See ad.) Armour, Robert, Pvt., Sgt.-Maj., 2 and 1 Lt. D, and Capt. C, 79 N. Y. Inf., and A, D. C. Vols. Q. M. G. Office. 15 CHARLES P. LINCOLN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pacific Building. - - Washington, D. C. Practices before United States Supreme and District Courts, Court of Claims, Executive Departments, and Committees of Congress. Post 1. Room 37. Telephone Call, 329 JOHN A. HAY WARD, Attorney at Law, NOTARY PUBLIC, 1 666 14th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Acknowledgments taken in any part of the city. Good for nearly all the States. Conveyancing. Post 2. BURTON'S AWNING HOUSE 911 E Street N.W., Washington, D. C Telephone 104S-4. Sails, Awnings, Tents, Flags, &c, Of Every Kind For Sale and Made to Order. Canopies for Receptions and Dinner Parties at Short Notice. Awning Stripes, White and Colored Canvas, Iron Awning Frames, and Awning Hardware of Every Description. Tents and Flags for Rent and Sale ; maker of anything in Silk, Bunt- ing, or Canvas. Decorations and Military Goods. Post 3. 16 17 Arthur, Henry H., Pvt. D, Fremont Body Gds. ; A. 2 Eng. U. S. N. Topeka, Kansas. Aspinwall, Algernon A., Pvt. F, 33 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. Aughinbaugh, Wm. L., Pvt. I, 5 Ohio Inf. Patent Office. Baird, Absalom, Capt. and Maj., A. A G. and I. G., Brig. and Bvt. Maj. Gen., and Inspector Gen. U. S. A. 1741 G n.w. Maj. Gen. IT. S. A. (retired). Baker, Arthur E., Pvt. A, 12 Conn. Inf. Govt. Bindery. Ball, Frank O , Pvt. and Sgt. A, Wis. H. Art. ; Sgt. Maj. and 2 Lt., 1 Wis. II. Art. Q. M. G. Office. Barton, Henry, Corp'l C, 1 Va. L. Art., and 2 Batt'n, V. R. C. Hampton, Va. Bates, James A., Pvt. F, 12 N. Y. S. M. ; Pvt. and 1 Lt, 12 N. Y. Inf. Real Estate, &c. 1407 F n.w. Baum, Charles, Pvt. C, 80 Ohio Inf. Merchant, 416 7th n.w. (See ad.) Beall, Bazil M., Pvt, H, 11 Md. Inf. Carpenter, 1013 Va. ave. s.e. Bell, Frank, 1 Lt. and Capt. I, 1 Pa. Res. and Capt. V. R. C. Pension Office. Bellis, Roger, Pvt. and Sgt. D, 1 Md. Inf., 2 Lt. V. R. C. Treasury Department. Bendz, Waldemar, Pvt. I, and Sgt. Maj. 1 N. Y. Inf. Treasury Dept. Bennett, Adolphus B., Ldsm. U. S. S. S. Wabash and Mendota. Gov't Print. Office. Billard, J. F., Actg. and Asst. Surg. U. S. S. Monticello. Laurel, Md. Physician. Bilyeu, George W., Pvt. H, 112 Pa. Inf. Bookbinder. Bishop, F. P., Pvt. C, and Lt. and R. Q. M. 4 Tenn. Cav. Pension Office. Blasland, William, Pvt. D, 1 Mass. Cav. Treasury Dept. Bliss, D. W., Surg. 3 Mich. Inf., Brig. Surg. U.S. V. Physician. 607 13th n.w. Bolwav, Joseph S., Pvt. and Sgt. H, 14 N. Y. Inf. and G. S., U. S. A. Treasury Dept. Bond, Nimrod, Pvt. I, 8 Md. Inf. Patent Office. Bone, Wallace* G., Pvt. D, 7 111. Cav. Treasury Dept. LLOYD'S WASHINGTON ORIGINAL 25-CENT EXPRESS. Baggage checked to all railroad depots and steamboats; furniture, &c, carefully removed; trunks taken to any part of the house without extra charge. Office, 1200 F street N.W. ; tel- ephone. 430. Post 2. JOHN C. HAWLEY. Pl'Op'l*. Also ticket agent for Washington and Nor- folk and Norfolk and New York steamers ; also the Netherland, United States Mail, Hamburg- American Packet Companies, and Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Lines. JOHN ISEMANN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 427I Tetitk St. N. W. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, 627 Penna. Ave. S.E. Post 2, WASHINGTON, D. C. JOHN OBERHEIM, DEALER IN FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses', and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. r 3S3 Seventh Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Post 2. 18 ' 19 Bostick, J. H., Pvt. and Corp'l D, 47 Ohio Inf. Harris- burg, Pa. Pension Office. Bowen, Ohas. H., Med. Cadet and A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Physician. 908 6th n.w. Boyd, Edward D., Capt. I, 2 Colo. Inf., and G, 2 Colo. Cav. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brackett, Frederick, Pvt. D, and Mus Band, 6 Me. Inf. Lawyer. 13 K n.e. Bradford, J. W., Pvt. I, 1 N. J. Inf. and 1 Lt. H, 4 N. J. Inf. Treasury Dept. Brauninger, Win., Pvt. H,*20 N. Y. Inf. Machinist. 219 En.e. Brewer, H. Harley, Pvt. L, 1 Md. Cav., and F, 4 U. S. Cav. Capitol Post Office. Brodie, Paul, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. F, 79 N. Y. Inf., and 2 and 1 Lt. U. S. Signal Corps. 1627 N. J. ave. n.w. Bromley, A. C, Pvt. C, 22 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. Brown, Charles W., Pvt. K, 35 Mass. Inf., and V. R. C. Printer. 1319 F n.w. (See ad.) Brown, Edwin H., Pvt. F, 148 111. Inf. 438 Q n.w. Brown, George, 1 Lt. E, 6 Batt'n, D. C. Inf. Tobacco- nist. 419 7ths.e. Brown, James R., Pvt. F, and Coms'y Sgt. 53 Mass. Inf. Butter merchant. 100 4th s.e. (See ad.) Brown, James W., Pvt. A, 13 Ohio Inf. St. Joseph, Mo. Brown, John, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. E, 9 U. S. Inf. Shoe- maker. 912 9th n.w. Brown, William B., Pvt. and 1 Lt. C, 174 Ohio Inf. Treas- ury Dept. Brown, William P., 2 Lt. "Mech. Union Rifles," D. C. Inf. Cabinet-maker and Undertaker. 1410 14th n.w. (See ad.) Buck, William W., Pvt. and Capt. E, 37 Wis. Inf. Pen- sion Office. Burbage, William D., 2 Lt. and Capt. E, 91 Ohio Inf. 6th Aud. Office. Burch, George D., Pvt. A, "Union Reg't" D. C. Inf. Bookbinder. 1602 7th n.w. Burdett, S. S., Pvt. and Capt. B. 1 Iowa Cav. Lawyer. 925 F n.w. (See ad.) Burger, John C. S., Pvt. C 71 N. Y. S. M., and I, 12 V. R. C, Sgt. K, 133 N. Y. Inf. War Dept. J. R. BROWN, KETAIL DEALER IN FINE CREAMERY BUTTER, lOO Fourth Street S.E., WASHINGTON, D. C. If you would like to test the quality of my Troy Creamery or the K. B. Creamery Print Butter, send a postal card to my address, and I shall be pleased to bring you a pound of it on my first trip to your neighborhood. I receive the butter from these two celebrated creameries twice a week during the winter and three times per week during the summer, and deliver it to customers as follows : Northwest and Georgetown, every Saturday ; east of 14th St. N.W., Le Droit Park, to Massa- chusetts Ave. N.E., every Thursday; S.E. and S.W., every Tuesday. In the summer season each pound print is put in a neat tin package, in which it can be kept till my next trip. This is considered by customers a very great convenience, as they can put it in the refrigerator and keep it free from any odor that may come from other things in the ice-box. My creamery butter is put up in packages es- pecially for my own trade. I also have New York Dairy, a„nd Country Butter for cooking. 21 Burrell, Thomas L, Pvt. G, 69 ; A, 82 N. Y. Inf., and Lt. R. M. S. City Post Office. Burrill, John G. , Pvt. and 1 Lt. G, 14 Ind. Inf. 18 3d n.e. Butts, Frank A., Lt. and Capt. H, and Maj. 47 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. Cameron, John, Corpl. C, 3 Pa. Cav. Adjt. Gen. Office. Carr, George W., Pvt. G, 197 Pa. Inf., and M., 2 Pa. Cav. Railway Postal Service. Carrick, Robert, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. H, 1 U. S. Dragoons: Maj. and Lt. Col. 3 Mo. Cav. 1225 11th n.w. Carroll, Patrick, Pvt. E, 9 and 4 U. S. Inf. War Dept. Carson, John M., 2d Lt. and Capt. F, 27 Pa. Inf. Jour- nalist, 1332 Vt. ave. Carter, James B., Pvt. and Corpl. L, 9 N. Y. S. M. (83 Vol.), and Pvt. B, 1 V. R. C. Treas. Dept. Cattell, Henry P., Pvt. F, 20 Pa. Inf. Police. Chambers, W. H., Pvt. B, 1 W. Va. Inf. Hampton, Va. Chase, Wm. H., Pvt. K, and 1 Lt. and R. Q. M. 76 N. Y. Inf. Treasury Dept. Chase, Winfield S., Pvt. and Sgt. L, 1 N. Y. L. Art., 1 Lt. and R. Q. M. 18 V. R. C. Patent Office. Chipp, Rodney, Fireman, U. S. S. Katahdin, Pay-M., Std., and Pay-M. Clerk, U. S. S. Quaker City, and Admiral, Des Moines, Iowa. Den- ver, Col. Churchill, John M. , Pvt. I, 1 Minn. Inf. Pension Office. Clark, Selden N., Pvt. D, 12 Wis. Inf., 2 and 1 Lt. G, 64 U. S. C. T., Bt. Major Vols. Journalist. 725 18th st. n.w. Clarke, Edwin M., Pvt. A, 1 Ky. L. Art. Augusta, Ga. Clements, Joseph, Pvt. G, 2 U. S. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Clemmer, W. B., Pvt. A, 14, 44, and H, 146 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. Clifton, Theo. E., Pay-M. Clerk, U. S. N. P. O. Dept. Clous, John W., Q. M. Sgt. 9, 2d Lt. and 1 Lt. 6, and 'Capt. 38 and 24 U. S. Inf. ; Major and Judge Adv. U. S. A. Cole, Charles C, Pvt. I, and Capt. 17 Me. Inf. Lawyer. 468 La. ave. Coleman, James, Sgt. A, Wash. Light Inf., and 1 Lt. and Capt. H, 1 D. C. Inf. Guard U. S. Jail. Coleman, Phil. W., Pvt. I, 8 Mich. Inf. Pension Office. GEORGE W. RICH, FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 7/7 Market Space, Washington, D. C. Post 1. RFREUND, Confectioner and Caterer, No. 702 Ninth Street N.W., WASHINGTON. D. C. HARRISON DINGMAN, (Post 2.) FIRM OF CLUM & DINGMAN, SOLICITORS OF CLAIMS Before the Departments. P. O. Box 262. 816 F Street N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 23 Collins, Fred. W., Pvt. H, and Com'ry Sgt. 5 U. S. Art. Adjt. Gen. Office. Collins, James F., Pvt. A, 4 N. Y. Vet. Cav. Treasury Dept. Colton, Harvey V., Pvt. F. 35 N. Y. Inf. Carpenter. 928 F n.w. Commerford, John A., Capt. B, 3 Mass. Cav. Supdt. U. S. Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Conlee, Alexr. W., Pvt. and Sgt. K, 96 111. Inf. Land Office. Connell, Robert A., Corpl. "Cameron Guards," 3 Batt'n, and Pvt. and Sgt. D, 1 D. C. Inf. Gov't Print. Office. Connor, Lendell A., Pvt. G, 9 N. H. Inf. Treasury Dept. Conrad, Jose h, Capt. B, and Maj. 3 Mo. and Lt.-Col. and Col. 15 Mo. Inf. ; Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. (retired) Conway, John, Fireman, U. S. S. Dakota. Blacksmith. 710 Va. ave. s.e. Cooper, George H., Pvt. B, 5 Wis. Inf. 6th Aud. Office. Coppersmith, Wm. B., Pvt. G, Pot. 1 Home Brig. Md. Inf. Carpenter. 1235 5th n.w. Coulter, Will A., Sgt. 18 U. S. Inf., Capt. aud Bvt. Maj. A. A. G. Vols. Lawyer. 530 9th n.w. {See ad. ) Cowperthwaite, Ed. E., Pvt. G, 2 Pa. H. Art. Cattletts- burgh, Ky. Cranford, Henry L., 1 Lt, G, 14 N. Y. S. M. Inf., and Capt. C S. Vols. Contractor. 1418 F n.w. Crisp, Thomas B., Pvt. C, 11 111. Cav. 6th Aud. Office. Croffut, W. A.. Pvt. E, 1 Minn. Inf. Journalist. 109 1st n.e. Crooks, Jacob W., Pvt. I, 5 N. Y. Cav. Printer. 921 G n.w. Culbertson, John N., Pvt. C, 7 Kans. Cav. Pension Office. Culverwell, John G., Corp'l A, " Union Eeg't," and 1 Sgt. I, 1 D. C. Inf. Coast Survey. Curry, Eugene H., Pvt. A, 50 N. Y. Engr's. 6th Aud. Of- fice. Curtin, Pat'k, Pvt. D, 2 Battn. D. C. Inf. Tailor. 802 12th n.w. {See ad.) W. T. VAN DOREN, Solicitor of Claims, Pensions, Patents, k OFFICE : Room 61, Atlantic Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. For 17 years Examiner in the U. S. Pension Office. An old Vet. /\_ /± T H C^ 3VI .^\. S3 ATLANTIC BUILDING, - WASHINGTON, D. C. Practices before the United States General Land Office. Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claims, Mining, Pre-emption and Homestead Cases, prosecuted before the General Land Office, Department of the Interior, and Supreme Court, and all Classes of Claims before the Executive Departments. Land Warrants, Homestead Floats, and all kinds of Land Scrip Purchased and Sold. Post 2. A. GUTEKUNST, DEALER IN Confectionery, Ice Cream, Mill, and Cream, 1324 14th St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Post 1. JOHN G-. REISING-ER, CONFECTIONERY And Ice Cream Saloon, No. 23 >j G Street N. W. rorS iStk Street N. W. 607 Washington Market and 72 Western Market, Post 1. WASHINGTON, D C. t&~ Families, Parties, and Sociables furnished at reasonable rates 24 25 Cutler, Lyman B. , Pvt. and Capt. 66 Mo., and Capt. C, andBvt. Maj. 83111. Inf. Messenger. Sen- ate P. O. Dalton, Thomas W., Pvt. G, 82 N. Y. Inf. Pension Of- fice. Darragh, Henry C, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. E, 164 N. Y. Inf. Land Office. Daughton, John B., Pvt. A, 1 Battn. D. C. Inf. Iron Works. 1212 D n.w. {See ad.) Davis, George E., Pvt. A, 124 Pa. Inf., and 1 Sgt. E, 1 Del. Cav. Q. M. G. Office. Davis, George P.. Capt. K, 42 Mass. Inf. Surg. Gen. Of- fice. Davis, Jacob A., Pvt. 1 N. Y. Mounted Rifles. Manches- ter, N. H. Pension Office. Dawson, N. E., Pvt. K, 19 Iowa Inf. Stenographer, U. S. Senate. De Arnaud, Charles A., Capt. 5 Mo. Inf., and A, D. C. . U. S. V. 1216 15th n.w. De Castro, J. W., Saddler 1, 1 N. Y. Mtd. Rifles, and Pvt. M, 4 N. Y. Prov'l Cav. Merchant. Newark, N. J. De Long, Baltis, Pvt and Corp'l I, 61 N. Y. Inf. 800 11th n.w. Desmond, Michael P., Pvt. A, " Jackson Gds.," D. C. Inf. Q. M. Gen. Office. De Wandelaer, John A., Pvt. and Capt. B, 153 N. Y. Inf. Contractor. 508 9th n.w. Dickinson, Joseph, 1 Lt. and Adj't 26 Pa. Inf. : Capt., Major, and Lt. Col.. A. A. G., and Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen'l Vols. Pension Office. Dickson, Charles H., Pvt. G, 13 Ind. Inf. Baltimore, Md. Dickson, John R., Pvt. 1, 169 N. Y. Inf. Supt. Nat'l Cem- eterv. Alexandria, Va. Diemar, Charles E., Pvt. A, 49 111. Iuf. Treasury Dept. Dillon, Michael, Pvt. and Sgt. I, 5 U. S. Cav. Mat- tresses. 207 4j n.w. Dingman, Harrison, Pvt. K, 14 N. Y. Iuf. Solicitor. 816 F n.w. {See ad.) Doolittle, Wm. H.. Sgt. F, 141 Pa. Inf. Patent Lawyer. 935 F n.w. (See ad.) ^y. nvii}ostoi>, (Post 2.) EISEMAN BROS. THE ONLY MANUFACTURING CL O THIERS A ND TAIL ORS OF WASHINGTON. Corner SeDenth and E Sts. P^GRAND ARMY SUITS A SPECIALTY. 27 Doores, Wm. C., Sgt. C, 109 Pa. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Doyle, John A., Capt., and C. S. Vols. 720 13th n.w. Drum, Richard C, Maj., Lt. Col., and Col., A. A. G., U. S. A. ; Brig. Gen'l and Adj't Gen'l U. S. A. Drumni, Peter, Pvt. G, 191 Pa. Inf. Fireman. Glyndon. Md. Dubois, William, Pvt. G, 4 N. Y. Inf. Police. Dufour, J. M., Pvt. G, 139 Ind. Inf. 1203 T n.w. Dunn, A. S., Ldsmn. U. S. N. Treasury Dept. Dyrenforth, Robt. G., Pvt. Chicago Dragoons ; 1 Lt. and Capt. D, 13 111. Cav. ; Capt. L, 17 111. Cav. Patent Attorney. 501 F n.w. Eager, James H. L., Pvt. G, 5 Pa. Res. Corps, and 1 Sgt. H, 195 Pa, Inf., and C, 19 Pa. Cav. Eckerson, Theo. J., Capt. M. S. K., and Capt. and Maj. Q. M. U. S. A. Portland, Oregon. Major U. S. A. (retired.) Edgar, James M„ Pvt. C, 71 Pa. Inf., and Pvt. and 1 Lt. I, 11 Mo. Cav. Treasury Dept. Edson, John Joy, Pvt. B. 61 N. Y. Inf. Sec'y Equitable B. Ass'n. 1003 F n.w. (See ad.) Ehle, John N., Pvt. D, 2 Wis. Inf. Surg. Gen. Office. Elam, Thomas J., Pvt. E, U. S. Mtd. Rifles (3 Cav.) and 2 Lt. 1 Mo. L. Art. 1010 K n.w. Elms, Chas., Pvt. F, 30 N. Y. Inf. Farmer. Great Falls, Md. Emery, J. M., Pvt. H, 1 U. S. Art. Patent Office. Engel, Benj., Corp'l B, Sgt. K, and Sgt. Major 2 U. S. Dragoons (2 Cav.), Ord'ce Sgt. U. S. A. Adj't Gen. Office. Erly, James S., Pvt. C, 8 N. Y. H, Art. Pension Office. Evans, Albert M., Pvt. F, Pa. L. Art. Adj't Gen. Office. Evans, John E., Pvt. and Sgt. U. S. Marine Corps. 924 Va. ave. s.w. Evans, John G., Pvt. I, and 2 Lt. H, 4 Ohio Inf. Pen- sion Office. Everett, Shepard S., Pvt. H, 13 Mass. Inf. 1524 10th n.w. Fair, Charles, 1 Lt. and Capt. C, 154 Pa. ; Capt. I, 147 Pa. Inf.; Lt.-Col. 54 U. S. Col'd Troops; Bvt. Col. U. S. V. Navy Dept. L. H. YORK, with ROBINSON, PARKER & CO., CLOTHING, 319, S.E. Cor. Seventh and 1) Streets N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. GEO. H. BOSTON, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, 1624 Tenth Street N W. , WASHINGTON, D. C. Post 4. Dr. W. B. POMEROY, SURGEON DENTIST, No. 802 O STREET N.W., Post 5. WASHINGTON, D. C. ELLIS B. BLISS, (SON OF VETERAN), DENTIST, 621 Thirteenth St. N. I/'.. Washington, D.C. 29 Ferguson, B. S., Pvt. "Constitutional Gds.," D. C. Inf., and Ldsm. U. S. S. Eutaw. 401 5th n.e. Fernald, George W., Pvt. C, 82 N. Y. Inf. Pension Of- fice. Finn, John, Pvt. D, 8 Ohio Inf. Adj't Gen. Office. Fisher, George W., Pvt. D, 85 Pa. Inf., and Hosp'l St'd U. S. A. Surg. Gen'l Office. Foote, Morris J., Pvt., Lt., Adj't, and Capt. B, 70 N. Y. Inf. Lawyer. 1208 F n.w. Freeman, Nath'l, Pvt. and Sgt. D, 2 N. H. Inf. 914 French. Fremont, John C, Major Gen. U. S. A. Los Angeles, Cal. Fuss, Wm. H., Sgt. A, 6 Battn. D. C. Inf. Pension Of- fice. Garrison, John S., Pvt. G, 6 Mich. Cav. Pension Office. Gibbon, David J., Pvt. K, 5 Ohio Inf. ; 1 Lt. 9 U. S. Cav. Gibson, Jerome W., Pvt. A, 29 Pa. Inf. Gov't Print'g Office. Gibson, William, Capt. A, Purnell Legion, Md. Inf. Printer. Cor. 13th and Pa. ave. n.w. (See ad.) Gibson, W. Howard, Pvt. E, and Hosp'l St'd 7 Pa. Res. Treasury Dept. Gisburne, John R., Pvt. E, 13 N. Y. N. G. Art., and C, 8 N. Y. N. G. Inf. Navy Dept. Gleason, Thomas J., Pvt. E, and Lt. H, 5 Md. Inf. 1256 4 j s.w. Salesman. Goodall, Thomas, Pvt. F, 6 Battn. D. C. Inf. 503 South Capitol. Goodman, Wm. R.. Pvt. A, 1 Md. L. Art., and 17 Co. 2 Battn. V. R. C. Physician. 216 13i s.w. Goodno, Charles E., Pvt. A, 7 Iowa Inf. Dep't Justice. Gordon, Sam'l M. , 827 5th n.w. Gorman, James O., Pvt. C, 5 Iowa Cav. Govt. Print. Office. Grant, Eugene L., Pvt. G, 27, and F, 145 Pa. Inf. Sup't Nat'l Cemetery. Annapolis, Md. Greene, D. M., Capt. E, 6 Cal. Inf. Logansport, Ind. Pension Office. M. GOLDSMITH, ■WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, 917 Penna. Ave. N.W., Washington, D. C. THE EVANS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 920=22 = 24 K STREET. The Best Family Dining Rooms in the city. Board §15 per Month. Tzvo Meals; and $76 with Lunch. SINGLE MEALS, ~- - 25c BREAKFAST LUNCH, - - - 15c NOON-DAY LUNCH, - - - lOc Breakfast, 6.30 to 11 A. M. Lunch, 12 to 2 — 10 cents. Dinner, 12.30 to 7 P. M. C. B. SMITH, Proprietor. 6^°" Rooms by the Day or Week. EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION ASSETS, $97/,jj>9.6^. Monthly payments $'2.50 per share. $1,000 in full advanced on each share. Pamphlets explaining the object and advantages of the Association will be furnished and subscriptions for stock received by JOHN JOT ED SON, Secy, 1003 F Street N. W. Post 2. Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. 30 31 Grimm. August, Pvt. D, and K, 2 U. S. Inf. Adj't Gen. Office. Gunning, Amos* J., Pvt. H, 35 Mass. Inf. Treasury Dept. Haight, Edwin R., Pvt. K, 11 Pa. Cav. Photographer. 508 Boundary. Hall, Hillman A., 1 Lt. B, and R. Q. M. 6 N. Y. Cav. Insurance. 1326 F n.w. (See ad.) Halstead, Eminel P., Pvt. E, and Capt. M. 2 N. Y. Art.; Capt. A. A. G. and Bt. Maj. Vols. Lawyer. 2901 Qn.w. Haminond, John, Pvt. I, 56 N. Y. Inf. Capitol Police. Hanback, Charles, Pvt, C, 10, and K, 27 111. Inf. Beaver Falls, Pa. Pension Office. Hanmer, E. T., Pvt. G, 6 Mich. Inf. Physician. 418 6th n.w. Harrington, John, Pvt. E, 1 Va. Inf. Treasury Dept. Hart, Abraham, 1 Lt. and Capt. A, 73 Pa. Inf. Book- keeper. 420 7th n.w. (See ad.) Hartigan. James F., Pvt. I, 99 N. Y. Inf. Physician. 619 14th n.w. Haslam, Thomas, Pvt. and 2 Lt. K, 26 Pa, Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Hawkes, Benj. F. Lt.-Col. 78 Ohio Inf. Notary Public. 1208 F n.w. (See ad.) Hawley, John C, Pvt. G, 8 N. Y. Cav. Agent and Ex- press. 1200 F n.w. (See ad.) Hayden, H. F., Asst. Eng. U. S. Navy. D. C. Commis sioners' Office. Hayes, Mich'l, Pvt. C, 40 N. Y. Inf., U. S. S. Manhattan City Point, Va. Fireman U. S. Navy. Hay ward, John A.. Pvt. B, 21 N. Y., Sergt. I, 44 U. S. Inf Lawver. 1606 14th n.w. (See ad.) Hebrew, William, Sgt. F, 20 Pa. Mil. Inf. Adjt. Gen Office. Heffner, James E., Pvt. and Sgt. D, 6 Md. Inf. Police Henderson, George, Pvt. and Sgt. F, 7 Wis. Inf. Surg Gen. Office. Hennessey, James, Pvt. E, 17 N. Y. Inf. Restaurant keeper. 114 4^ s.w. Herscher. Ferd.^Pvt. C, 36" 111. Inf.. and E, 8 V. R. C 40 Gn.e. THEODORE DIEDRICH, 1227 F ST. N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. J. P. V. RITTER, DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE, 1323 Seventh St. N. W., Washington,' D. C. Post 3. Telephone connection WASH. B. WILLIAMS, Dealer in FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, Carpets, Upholstery Goods, &c. 311, 3/7, and 3/9 7th Street, 633 and 633 Louisiana Avenue, 632 and 634 D Street N. W., Post 11. WASHINGTON, D. C. THE UNION SOLDIER'S FRIEND. H. BURKHART, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, Mattresses, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat- tings, Rugs, Window Shades, &c. 1013, 1015, and 1017 7th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. 32 33 Hersey, Samuel R. , Pvt. C, 42 Mass. Inf. Pensicn Office. Heupel. John L., Pvt. and 1 Lt. A, 46 N. Y. Inf. Treas- ury Dept. Hills, Charles W., Pvt. and 2 Lt. A, 41 Ohio Inf. Q. M. Gen. Office. Hiltman, Abr., Pvt. D. 37, Sgt. C, 174, and Sgt. and Lt. 162 N. Y. Inf. Land Office. Hillver, Wm. R. Pvt. K, 2, and 1 Lt. and Capt. K, 7 N. J. Inf. War Dept. Hoffa, Mich'l, Pvt, A, 8 Batt'n D. C. Inf. Jeweler and Watch-maker. 624 Pa. av. n.w. Holbrook, Charles F., Corp'l "Metropolitan Rifles," D. C. Inf. 33 H n.w. Holbrook, Edwin H., Pvt. and Corp'l B, 42 Mass. Inf. Pension Office. Holzer, Wm. H., Pvt. E, 213 Pa. Inf. Philadelphia, Pa. Hooper, Joseph, Mus. and Sgt. U. S. Marine Corps. Treasury Dept. Hoover, Andrew D.,Pvt. " Andrew Jackson Gds.," D. C. Inf. Laborer. 604 G s.e. Hopkins, Marcus S., Pvt. E. Q. M. Sgt., and 1 Lt. 7 Ohio Inf. : 1 Lt. V. R. C, and Bvt. Maj. Vols. Patent Attorney. Atlantic Bldg. Hovey, Charles E , Col. 33 111. Inf., and Brig. Gen. Vols. Lawyer. 125 Ind. ave. Hoyberger, Martin, Corp'l and Sgt. G, 2 U. S. Art. Adj't Gen. Office. Hughes, Harry R.. Pvt. I, 138 Pa. Inf. Adj't Gen. Office. Hull, Stephen C, Lt. 3 111. Cav. Ordnance Office. Hunt, James A., Pvt. F, 2 N. Y. Cav. Pension Office. Hurlbut, J. P., 1 Sgt. C, 84, and 1 Lt. and Adjlt 171 Ohio Iuf. Pension Office. Husted, Gilbert M., Pvt. E, 7 N. Y. N. G. Inf. : 1 Lt. and Capt. G, 47 N. Y. Inf., and Capt. and A. Q. M. Vols. 2d Aud. Office. Hutchinson, Wm. H., Pvt. and Sgt. D, 42 Mass. Inf. Gov. Pr. Office. Huxford, Wm. P., Pvt. and Corp'l D, 4 Mich. Inf. ; Pvt. B, and Capt. G., and Major 162 N. Y. Inf. 906 14th n.w. Capt. and Bvt. Major U. S. A. (retired). G. G. Corn well. Established 1865. S. G. Corn well. G. G. CORN WELL & SON, IMPORTERS, Table Luxuries, Fancy Groceries, WINES AND LIQUORS. 1412 and 1414 Pennsylvania Ave., WASHINGTON, D. C. t. i, ifiiitfi a sm, Gentlemen's Hats of every description, Ladies' Riding Hats, Steamer Hats, Livery Hats, Umbrellas and Walking Sticks, Ladies' Fine Dress Furs, G. A. R. Hats, &c. 1237 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Next to Cor. of 13th St., Washington, D. C. 35 Ingersoll, Joseph, Seaman U. S. Navy. P. O. Dept. Isemann, John, Mus. Band 12 N. Y. N. G. Inf. Boots and Shoes. 627 Pa. ave. s.e. {See ad.) Janezeck, John J., Pvt. U. S. Ordnance Corps. War Dept. Jaquette, I. G., Sgt. H, 1 Pa. Bines Bes. Corps. Q. M. Gen. Office. Jenks, J. Harry, Ensign U. S. Navy. Kansas City, Mo. Johannes, John G., Lt.-Col. Purnell Lpgion : Lt.-Col. 8 and Col. 11 Md. Inf. 139 C s.e. Johnson, John, Pvt. D, 2 Wis. Inf., and B, 4 U. S. Art. Treasury Dept. Johnson, Manuel, Pvt. and Corp'l C, 15 N. J. Inf. Pen- sion Office. Johnson, Win. B., Pvt. K, 13, and Pvt. and 1 Lt. H, 26 Ohio Inf. Q. M. Gen. Office. Johnston, Erastus C, Pvt. C, 3, and G, 9 Vt. Inf. 1211 9th n.w. Johnston, Geo. C, Pvt. A, 3 N. H. Inf. 24 Grant. Jordan, Bich'd E., Mus. U. S. M. C, and H, 2 U. S. V. V. Musician. 729 13 s.e. Jouett, James E., Lt., Lt.-Comd'r, and Comd'r, U. S. N. Bear-Admiral U. S. N. Joyce, John A., Pvt. I audi Lt. and Adjt. 24 Ky. Inf. Lawyer. Georgetown, D. C. Keefer, Chas. F., Sgt. A, 70 and 86 N. Y. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Keese, A. E. L., Pvt. and 2 Lt. A, 8 Batt'n D. C. Inf. Lawyer. 416 5th n.w. Kelley, Benj. F., Col. 1, Loyal Va. Inf.; Brig, and Maj. Gen. Vols. Oakland, Md. Kerbey, Joseph O., Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. L, 2 II. S. Cav. and 2 Lt. Signal Corps., Bt. Capt. and Major A. D. C. Vols. Journalist. 154 E. Capitol. Kibbey, Hiram, Pvt. A, 2 N. Y. Mtd. Bines. 1113 Park. Killigan, Daniel, Pvt. G, 37 N. Y. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Kingsbury, John H., Pvt. B, 141 Pa. Inf. 6th Aud. Office. Kinsman, Josiah B., Lt.-Col., A. D. C,, aud Bvt. Col. and Brig. Gen. U. S. V.; U. S. Judge, Inter- national Tribunal. Alexandria, Egypt. Joseph Bowes. Assets, $96,000,000. H. A. Hall. (Post 2.) BOWES &.HALL, Managers Equitable Life Assurance Society of U. S. for Dists. of Baltimore and Washington. 1326 F Street N. W., 26 and 28 Chamber of Commerce, Washington. Baltimore. N. SPRAGUE, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance Agent, Room 8, 524 10th Street N.W., cor. of F, Post 4. WASHINGTON, D. C. LEWIS H. DOUGLASS, LOANS AND INSURANCE. Rents Collected, Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, and Information given on all matters pertaining to Real Estate in all parts of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. 934 F STREET N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. Post 4. BENJ. S. PIKE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, No. 1 2 15 F St. N W., Washington, D. C. Residence : 2009 H St. N.W. Office Hours : 8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Post 2. Telephone call, 87-2. M 37 Kitchin, Wesley, Pvt. and Corp'l D, 34 Ind. Inf. 6th Aud. Office. Kline, John M., Pvt. A, 49 Pa. Inf. 3d Aud. Office. Kosack, Edwd., Pvt. and 1 Sgt. K, 2 Md. Inf. Artificial Limbs. 521 10 n.w. (See ad.) Krause, Chas. A., Sgt, Maj. 8 Batt'n, and Capt. I. 2 D. C. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Kronse, J. Edwin, 2 Lt. A, 1 Batt'n D. C. Inf. Bailiff U. S. Court. Landgraf, Fred., Pvt. and Sgt. F, 6 U. S. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Landvoigt, John A., Pvt. A, 4 Batt'n D. C. Inf. Govt. Bind'y. Langhorn, Thomas, Pvt. K, 73 N. Y. Inf., and I, 2 Batt'n 18 V. Pt. C. Upholsterer. Anacostia. Lawrence, C. H., Pvt. A, Color Sgt., 1 Lt., and Adjt. 2 N. H. Inf.; Capt. and A. A. G. Vols. Land Office. Leach, E. Washburne, Pvt. A, 42 Mass Inf.; Ord'ce Corps, Hosp. Std., U. S. A. Anacostia. Lewis, Grenville, Pvt. B, 19 Pa. Inf., and 3 and 2 Asst. Eng. U. S. N. Patent Office. Lieber. G. Norman, 1 Lt. 11, U. S. Inf.; Maj., Judge Adv., Col., and Asst. Judge Adv. Gen. U. S. A. Lighter, James H., Pvt. C : 6 Batt'n D. C. Inf. Payni'r Gen. Office. Lillebridge, Geo. H., Pvt, and 1 Lt. E, 14 Conn. Inf. 806 O n.w. Lincoln, Charles Perez, Pvt. and 1 Sgt, C, 1, and Capt. C, 19 Mich. Inf. Lawyer. 622 F n.w. (See ad.) Livingston, Sol., Mus. and Pvt. K, 66 N. Y. Inf. Sales- man. 1312 7th n.w. (See ad.) Loeffler, Charles, Pvt. H, 5 U. S. Cav. Executive Man- sion. Looker, Thomas H., Paymaster U. S. S. Brooklyn; Pay Director, U. S. Navy. Lord, Thomas W., Pvt. and 2 Lt. K, 17 Me. Inf. : 2 Lt. V. B. C. ; 1 Lt. U. S. A. (retired). Loring, Charles H., A, and P. A. Eng. U. S. N. Brook- lvn. N. Y. Chief Eng. U. S. Navy. TYLER & RUTHERFORD, (Post 2.) No. 1307 F Street N.W. Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance, Money Loaned on Real Estate. Real Estate Bought, Sold, and Exchanged on Commission. Houses Rented. Rents Collected. Insurance : Fire, Life, Accident, and Plate-Glass. MRS. E. B. SHELDON, Solicitor and Agent, with W. T. Van Doren, Gen'l Agent, of the Women's Mutual Insurance and Accident Co. Of New York. Washington Office: Room 6, Atlantic Building. W. R. Corps. GEO. F. W. STRIEBY, FEESCO AND DECORATIVE ARTIST, Sig Seventh Street N.E., Post 3. WASHINGTON, D. C. 38 39 Loring, William, Pvt. and Corp'l A, 11 N. Y. Cav. 1202 D n.w. Lothrop, John P, Pvt. E, 40 Mass. Inf. Pension Office. Loucks. Charles, A. A. Paym'r U. S. Navy. Lawyer. 1515 Columbia n.w. Loughran, Joseph, 2 Lt. E, 1 N. M. Cav. Pension Office. Luskey, George, Pvt. F, and Drum Maj. 2 D. C. Inf. : Mus. U. S. Marine Corps. Musician. 609 S. C. ave. s.e. Lytle, R. S., 3 A. Engr. U. S. Navy. Treasury Dept. MacGrotty, Edwin B., Pvt. K, 44 U. S. Inf. Treasury Dept. Mackay, George, Actg. M. M. and Mate U. S. S. Savan- nah and Delaware. Architect. 1 779 Mass. ave. n.w. Madert, Jacob, Pvt. G. 2 U. S. Inf. Adj't Gen. Office. Magle, Michael, Pvt. A, "Union Regt." D. C. Inf. Baker. 1513 Gales n.e. Manson, James O., Pvt. and Corp'l G, 7 Tenn. Mtd. Inf. Treasury Dept. Martin, Ferd., Pvt. G, 6 U. S. V. V. Cabinetmaker. 1902 7th n.w. Martin, Herman, Pvt. B. 2 D. C. Inf. Govt. Print Of- fice. Martin, Thomas H., Pvt. F, 63 Pa. Inf. 3d And. Office. Mast, Simon P., Pvt. B, 17 Ohio Inf. Capitol Police. Maxwell, E. H., Pvt. I, 110 Ohio Inf. Pension Office. McBride, Win. F., Capt. D, 72 Pa. Inf. Q. M. Gen. Of- fice. McCallum, Andrew, Pvt. B, 109, and A, 51 N. Y. Inf. Lawyer. 614 F n.w. McCartee, Chas., Pvt. B, 151 Pa. Inf. Pension Office. McCarten, Edw'd, Pvt. D, 59 Mass. Inf. Pension Office. McCormick, John H., Pvt. and 1 Lt. G, 67 Indiana Inf. Surg. Gen. Office. McDevitt, James A., Pvt. " Metr. Rifles," D. C. Inf. De- tective. 805 Pa. ave. n.w. McDonald, Isaiah H., Pvt. A, 134 Ohio Inf. Patent at- torney. McDonald, John A., Pvt. and Sgt. C, 1 Md. Inf. Engineer. McDonald, P. D., Pvt. E and B, 2 P. H. B. Md. Inf. Laborer. 1031 Potomac n.w. ^HAS^^AUM'S mii§fi lifiiysiifii 25 CLoinplete ©ep art merits. 8 LARGE FLOORS DEVOTED TO BUSINESS. ONE PRICE STRICTL1 416 S e ^ei)tl} S^eet, Washington, D.C. Post 2. 41 McDowell, Hubert V., Pvt. H, 10 Pa. Res. Inf. Pension Office. McElfresh, Geo. W., Pvt. " Metr. Rifles," D. C. Inf., and Sgt. D,J3 Pa Cav. Detective. 317 H n.w. McElroy, John, Sgt. " Mechanic's U. Rifles," D. C. Inf. Confectioner. 403 C n.e. McGinley, Mich'l, Firem., U. S. N. Jersey City, N. J. McGowan, John C, Pvt. H, 1 Md. Inf. Stone-cutter. 3233 N n.w. Mclnerney, Morgan, Pvt. I, 6 U. S. Inf. War Dept. McKee, Thos. H., Pvt. and 1 Lt. B, 1 W. Va. Inf. Asst. Librarian, U. S. Senate. McKeever, Sam'l, 1 Lt., 16, and Capt. 28 Mass. Inf. and V. R. C: Bt. Maj., and Lt.-Col. Vols; Capt. 2 U. S. Inf. Omaha, Neb. McKew, George, Corpl. E, 3 Conn. Inf.; Corpl. I, 3 Mass. H. Arty. ; 2 Lt. 10 Conn. Inf. P. O., Senate. McKie, Thos. B., Pvt. " Mechanic's U. Rifles," D. C. Inf. Stone-cutter. 112 D s.e. McKnight, David A., Pvt. A, 8 and 9 Pa. Res. Inf., and H, 100 Pa. Inf. Lawyer. 1416 F n.w. McMillan, Alex. F., Pvt. G, 1 Ohio, and 1 Lt. and Capt. D, 117 Ohio Iuf , and 1 U. S. C. Art. 1st Aud. Office. McMullen, James, Pvt. and Corp'l I, 118 N. Y. Inf. 509 E n.w. Meade, Elnathan, Pvt. aud Corp'l C, 44 N. Y. Inf. Pen- sion Office. Metzger, Philip, Pvt. C, 10 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. Middleton, John E., Pvt. "Mechanics' U. Rifles," D. C. Inf., and Sappers and Miners, D. C. Vols., and M, 1 Md. Cav. Police. Miller, Benj. F., Pvt. and 1 Lt. 1, 117 N. Y. Inf.; Bvt. Capt. Vols. Adjt. Gen. Office. Miller, Frank B., Pvt. A, and Qm. Sgt., 91 Pa. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Miller, Harmon L., Pvt. and 1 Sgt. and Capt. I, 1 Ind. Cav. 712 N. C. ave. s.e. Mills, Wra. W., Sgt. F, 2 Battn., and 1 Lt. F, 2 D. C. Inf. City Post Office. Mitchell, Fred. W., Pvt. G, 13 N. Y. N. G. Inf., and Pvt. and Capt. B, McClellan Dragoons, C, 12 111. Cav. Pension Office. A. HART, (Post 2,) with LANSBURGH & BRO., 420, 4%2, 424, 426 Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. C, Are Headquarters for Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notions. They are also THE MOST EXTENSIVE RETAILERS OF Ladies' and Misses' Garments, And Carry a Complete Stock of Ladies' Muslin Underwear and Corsets, AND Complete Stock of Upholstery. 43 Mitchell, Louis Y., Pvt. 20 Ohio Inf., and 2 Lt. 4 and 5 U. S. C. H. Art. 1015 K n.w. Monfort, Robt. H., Sgt. E, 3 Ind. Cav. Pension Office. Montague, Calvin S., Sgt. K, 2 Mich. Inf.; Oapt. K and Major, 1 Mich. Col'd; 102 U. S. Inf.; Bvt. Lt.-Col. Vols. Pension Office. Mooers, Frank H., Pvt. B, 11 Maine Inf. Machinist. 106 10th s.e. Moore, Harrison W., Pvt. and Corpl. A, 1 Wis. Cav. 6th Aud. Office. Moores, Saml. S., Pvt. B, 1 Wis. Cav. Ticket Agent, 707 5th n.w. Moran, Wm. H., Pvt, A, "Union Regt." D. C. Inf. Book- binder. 1223 E s.e. Morgan, Richd., Capt. E, Natl. Gds. D. C. Inf. Con- tractor. 204 9th s.e. Morgan, Wm. B. , Pvt. and Sgt. D, 149 Pa. Inf. 1330 Vt. ave. n.w. Morison, Lindsey, Pvt. C, 2 N. J. Mil. Inf. and F, 1 N. Y. Lincoln Cav. Watchman. 57 N s.e. Morris, Henry, Sgt. B, 3 Del. Inf., and Pvt. A, 9 V. R. 0. Adj. Gen. Office. Morris, Thos. H., Pvt. D, 6 Iowa Inf. Pension Office. Morse, Wm. F., Pvt. and Capt. I, 3 Minn. Inf.; Bvt. Maj. Vols. 1631 Q n.w. Morton, Robt. H., Pvt. H, 133 Ohio Inf. Land Office. Mullery, James, Pvt. I, 119 N. Y. Inf. Laborer. 1101 Vt. ave. Mundell, Jared, Mus. D. C. Inf., and Pvt. A, 15 N. Y. Eng. Upholsterer. 649 E s.e. Murphv, Matthew, Pvt. and Sgt. K, 2 U. S. Dragoons. Adj. Gen. Office. Mussey, Reuben D., Corpl. " Cassius Clay Battn. , M U. S. Vols.: Capt. B, 1 Battn. 19 U. S. Inf ; Col. 100 U. S. C. T.; Bvt. Col. U. S. A., and Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. Lawyer. 508 5th n.w. Myers, Wm. Hunter, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. K, 33, and Capt. E, 198 Ohio Inf. Patent Atty. 1006 F n.w. {See ad.) Neale, Francis D., 3 Asst. Eng. U. S. S. Santiago de Cuba. Surg. Gen. Office. J. B. DAUGHTON, CENTRAL IRON WORKS No. 1212 D Street N. W. Castings and Wrought Iron Work of every description. Estimates furnished. Park Railing, Iron Stairs, Rolled Beams. Work for New Buildings a specialty. Personal supervision. Residence, No. 1242 20tli St. N.W. Orders by Mail promptly at- tended to. Post 2. CAPITAL STEAJHaUNDRY, 512 Eighth St., opp. U. S. Post-Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. Goods not injured by the use of chemicals. Lace Curtains done up equal to new. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Bundles called for and returned. A reduction made to families. Mrs. M. A. WEAVER. THE NORTHWESTERN LIVERY STABLES Hos. 1225, 1227, and 1229 R Street, near 13th, N.W. WM. W. CHAMBERS, Proprietor. Every description of Carriages for hire at all hours. Post 5. THE FREE QUILL. THE ONLY STEAM-POWER OFFICE IN SOUTHERN MARYLAND. The EREE QUILL has the largest circulation and is the best adver- tising medium in the counties adjacent to the District of Columbia. It is alive Republican paper, issued weekly at Laurel, Prince George county, at $1.00 a year. JAMES ALBERT CLARK, Editor and Proprietor. 44 45 Nelson, Halvor, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. E, 13 U. S. Inf.; 1 Lt. and Adjt., 2 Miss. Inf. (A. D.), and Capt. I, 52 U. S. C. T. Detroit, Mich. Newton, Elijah E., Pvt. H, 29 Ind. Inf. Merchant. 12 4th s.e. Nicholson. Walter A., Pvt. C, 7 Battn. D. C. Inf. Police. Niles, Fredk. A., Pvt. H, 8, and Corpl. and 1 Lt. D, 49 111. Inf. Pension Office. Oberheim, John, Pvt. B, "Turner Rifles," D. C. Inf. Boots and Shoes. 1333 7th n.w. (See ad.) O'Brien, James, Pvt. E, 2 II. S. Art. U. S. S. Arctic. O'Connor, Martin, Pvt. H, 2 U. S. Cav. Adj't Gen. Of- fice. O'Hara, James, Pvt. and 1 Sgt. A, 1 U. S. Cav. Q. M. Gen. Office. Oliver, John E., Pvt, E, 2 P. H. B. Md. Inf. Treasury Dept. Ordway, Albert, 1 Lt, G, Capt., Maj., Lt.-Col., and Col. 24 Mass. Inf. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. Law- yer. Overacker, Mervin D., Pvt, and Corp'l M, 8 111. Cav. 1)28 E n.w. Paine, Halbert E., 1 Lt. and Q. M. 2 Wis.; Col. 4 Wis. Inf. ; Brig. Gen. Vols. Lawyer. 1412 20 n.w. Park, Cassius M., 2 Lt. C, 8 Ky. Inf. Treasury Dept. Parker, John E., Pvt. and Sgt. A, 6 Vt. Inf. Pension Office. Parker, Myron M., Pvt. M, 1 Vt. Cav. Real Estate. 1418 F n.w. (See ad.) Parson, Wm. E., Pvt, A, 26 Pa. Inf. Clergyman. 309 N. J. ave. s.e. Partridge, Wm. H., Corp., Sgt., 2 and 1 Lt. A, 67 N. Y. Inf., Bv. Capt. Vols. Comsy. Gen. Office. Patterson, Andrew, Pvt. H, 51 N. Y. Inf., and K, 15 V. R. C. 439 M n.w. Pearson, Henry C, Pvt. and Sgt. M, and 1 Lt. H, 21 Pa. Cav. Treasury Department. Pechin, Maurice, Pvt. C, 1 Ohio H. Art. War Dept, Peck, Fred'k C, Pvt. F, 18 Ohio Mil. Inf. ; K, 15 and Sgt. K, 7 Kans. Cav. Pension Office. E. W. Fox, William C. Fox, President. Vice-President. Edward B. Fox, Secretary, The Daily Press Co., Publishers of THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. OFFICE : 512 Tenth Street N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 47 • Perhain, A. S., Pvt. and Sgt. F, 23 Me. Inf., and Pvt. and Sgt. Maj. 7 Maine Light Battery, and 1 Me. L. Art. Pension Office. Perry, Wm. W., Pvt. and Corp'l F, 5 Md. Inf. Police. Pestell, John, Pvt. and 1 Lt. A, and Capt. D. 15 Mo. Inf. Treasury Dept. Peyton, Jacob M., Sgt. C, 9 111. Cav., and Capt. I, 148 111. Inf. Pension Office. Phillips, Edw'd W. B., Pvt. A, 7 Pa. Kes. Inf. Patent Office. Pike, Benj. S., Pvt. H, 32 Mass. Inf. Real Estate. 1215 F n.w. (See ad.) Pitney, Albert L., Pvt A, 137 111. Inf. 1209 S n.w. Pitts, Samuel A., Pvt. and Corpl. B, 2 U. S. Art. Car- penter. 726 Md. ave. n.e. Pohlers, Aug., Hospl. Std. U. S. A. Land Office. Pratt, Win. B., 1 Lt. and Adjt., 31 Mo. Inf.: Capt. and A. D. C., Bt. Maj. Vols. Pension Office. Pridgeon, John, Pvt. A, io Md. Inf.; Ldsm. U. S. S. Minnesota. Govt. Printing Office. Purman, David G., Pvt., 2 and 1 Lt. I, 16, and Maj. and Lt.-Col., 41 Wis. Inf.: Col. 4 Wis. Mil. Pat- ent Office. Purman, Jackson J., Pvt. and 1 Lt, A, 140 Pa. Inf. Phy- sician. 1435 Chapin. Quackenbush, William H., Pvt. and Sgt. E, and 2 Lt. D, 77 N. Y. Inf. Restaurant. 1048 32d n.w. Raby, St. G. R., Pvt. E. 37, 1 Sgt. B, 174, and 1 Lt. and Q. M., 162 N. Y. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Ragan, R. A., 1 Lt. and Capt. K, 8 Tenn. Inf. Pension Office. Reardon, John F., Pvt. C, 6 N. Y. Cav. Surg. Gen. Office. Reed, John P., Pvt. B, 46 111. Inf. Treasury Dept. Reese, Wm. H., Pvt., Corpl., and Sgt. I, 97 Pa. Inf. Grocer. 1118 G s.e. Reeve, John A., Pvt. G, 2 N. Y. Cav. Senate Post Office. Reilly, Edwd. A., Pvt. A, 6 Battn. D. C. Inf.; Engr. U. S. Navy. Pension Office. Renaud, Edwd., Pvt. and 1 Sgt. B, 13 N. Y. Cav. Pen- sion Office. SAMUEL C. MILLS, • i issuer n ( U. S. COMMISSIONER, AND Justice of the Peace, 617 La. Avenue, - Washington, D. C. Post 3. BENJ. F. HAWKES, NOTARY PUBLIC, 1208 F Street N. W. and 140b Penna. Ave., Residence, 611 G Street S.W., Post 2. WASHINGTON, D. C. W. S. ODELL & CO., PENSION AND CLAIM ATTORNEYS, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS, Prosecute all claims before the Executive Departments, Committees of Congress, and Court of Claims. Atlantic Building, - - Washington, D. C. Post 1. 48 49 Khodes, Benj. T., Pvt. B, 3 N. Y. Cav. Police. Richter, Fredk., Pvt. G, 1 N. Y. Lincoln Cav. Tailor 819 En. w. (See ad.) Rittenhouse, Benj. F., 2 and 1 Lt. and Capt., 5 U. S. Art Bt. Maj. U. S. A.; Treas. U. S. Soldiers' Home; Capt. U. S. A. (retired.) Roane, Saml. B., Asst. Eng. U. S. S. Lavender. Patent Office. Bobbins, Henry A., Med. Cadet, and A. A. Surg. U. S A Physician. 1226 15th n.w. Roberts, Henry, Hosp. Std. U. S. A. Post Office. Dept Robinson, Edgar. Mus. E, 61 N. Y. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Roderick, Edm'd A., Seam, and Actg. Master U. S. N. Navy Dept. Rodier, P. Louis', 2 Lt. "Henderson Gds." and 1 Lt. and Capt. I, 1 D. C. Inf. Govt. Pr. Office. Rodrick, Wm. W., Pvt. and Lt. E, 8 Md. Inf. 129 A n e Rogers, Geo : C, 1 Lt. and Capt. I; Maj., Lt.-Col., and Col., 15 111. Inf., Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. Law- yer. Mt. Pleasant, D. C. Roome, Albert W., Pvt. F, 71 N. Y. N. G., and Set. and Lt. K, 37 N. Y. Inf. Roome, Wm. Oscar, Pvt. F, 71 N. Y. N. G., and Capt K, 37 N. Y. Inf. Office D C. Commissioners. Rowen, James, Pvt. E and A, 2 Md. Inf. Land Office Ryan, John H., Pvt. H, 40 N. Y. Inf., Coms'y Sergt. IT. S. A. Washington Bks., D. C. Sanford, Charles, Pvt. D, 2 D. C. Inf. 1060 30th n.w. Sanner, Thos. W., Pvt. C and E, 1 Md. Cav. Buffalo, N. Y Saunders, Wm. H., Mus. B, 48 Ind. Inf. U. S. Capitol Schafhirt, A. J., Hospl. Std., 112 Pa. Inf. and U. S. A. Pharmacist. 1 H n.w. {See ad.) Schell, Wm. H., Pvt. G and Q. M. Sgt., 17 111. Inf. " Evening Star " office. Schmidt, Henry, Pvt. and Corpl. B, 8 N. Y. Cav. 820 F n.w. Shane, John J., Pvt. I, 9 Pa. Res. Inf. Carpenter. 816 9th n.w. Shelley, Wm., Sgt. and 2 and 1 Lt. A, 30 N. Y. Inf. 6th Aud. Office. Shepard, A. M.,Pvt. C, 112 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. ■XPV. H. DOOIiITTLE, (Formerly Asst. Commissioner of Patents), Attorney at Law and Solicitor of Patents, No. 935 F Street, Washington, D. C. Post 2. PATRICK O'FARRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PATENTS AND PENSIONS, 13 ig F STREET^N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. Post 1. Residence : 1331 V Street N. VV, WM. HUNTER MYERS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor of Patents, 1006 F Street, - - - Washington, D. C. Post 2. NATHAN BICKFORD, PENSION ATTORNEY, Q14 I 7 Street, Washington, D. C. Post 8. 50 51 Sheridan, Michael V., 1 Lt. 2 Mo. Inf., Gapt. A. D. C, and Bt. Major Vols.; Major A. A. G., Bt. Lt.-Colonel U. S. A. Chicago, 111. Shuman, Armin E., Pvt. C, 20 N. Y. Inf. Pension Office. Simpson, Jas. H., Pvt. G, 14, and Pvt. and 2 Lt. Co. G, 120 Ind Inf. Pension Office. Slater, Luther W.. 1 Lt. A, Loudon Co. Rangers, Va. Cav., and 2 Lt. A, 26 Pa. Mil. Surg. Gen. Office. Slaybaugh, Geo. H., Pvt, K, and Hosp. Std., 101 Pa. Inf. Treasury Dept. Sliney, Wm. F., Pvt., 2 and 1 Lt. G, 1 Ohio L. Art. 3d Aud. Office. Smith, Fred'k H., Pvt. G, 5 Wis. Inf., and Corp. V. R. C. Adjt. Gen. Office. Smith, Geo. H., Pvt. G, 3 U. S. Cav. Treasury Dept. Smith, James E., 2 Lt. Varian's Battery, 8 N. Y. N. G., Capt. 4 N. Y. Battery. Pension Office. Smith, Robert L., Pvt. B, 1, and' Pvt. and Corpl. D, 4 Del. Inf. Rubber Stamps. 1102 Va. ave.s.w. Smith, S. Win., Pvt. E, 129 Ind. Inf. Teacher. Mt. Pleasant. Snell, Wm. B., Capt. B, 13 Me. Inf. Lawyer. 456 La. ay. {See ad.) Spencer. Wm. T., Pvt., Lt., aud Capt. C, 19 Conn. Inf., and Capt. K, 2 Conn. Art. Adjt. Gem Office. Spilman, Geo., Pvt. B, 1 D. C. Inf. 3008 M n.w. Spitzer,Gottlieb, Pvt. B, 14 Conn. Inf. Merchant. 442 H n.w. Squire, Linus T, Sgt. H, and 1 Lt. aud Adjt., 11 Mich. Inf. 6th Aud. Office. Starkweather, John. C, Col. 1 Wis. Inf., and Brig. Gen. Vols. Lawyer. 1420 N. Y. av. Steiner, Joseph, Mus. A, 26, and B, 99 Pa. Inf. Homeop. Hospital. Stevens, E. C, Pvt. and Corpl. E, 60 Ohio Inf. Pension Office. Stevens, N. Henry, Pvt. D, 23 Mass., Sgt. C, 10 R. I., aud Corpl. A, 6 Mass. Inf. Meadeville, Pa. Pension Examiner. Stewart, F. B., Pvt. and Mus. D, 3, Pvt. H, 1 Sgt., 2 and 1 Lt., Capt, Maj , Lt.-Col., and Col., 110 Pa. Inf. Pension Office. WM. H. HAYWARD, For several years Examiner U. S. Pension Office, PENSION and CLAIM ATTORNEY, Room 115, Atlantic Building, F Street N.W. (Residence : 241 Eighth Street N.E.) WASHINGTON, D. C. BRANCH OFFICE: WILMINGTON, DEL., In Charge of Genl. WM. S. McNAIE, Ex. Dept. Commander, Dept. Md., GL A. E. Post 3. R. A. DIMMICK, MANAGING ATTORNEY for SOLDIERS' RECORD AGENCY. ^^PENSION CLAIMS A SPECIALTY. 1406 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. , Washington, D. C Post 1. Chas. W. Brown. Geo. E. McElfresh. Post 2. BROWN & MCELFRESH, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 1319 F STREET N.W. Adjoining Sun Building. WASHINGTON, D. C. ALL KINDS OF PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED. 52 53 Stewart, James A., Pvt. F, 155 Pa. Iuf. Adjt.-Gen. Office. Stewart, Thomas, Pvt. D, Wash. L. Inf., D. C. Inf., Gun- ner U. S. Navy. 113 10th n.e. Sttimmets, David, Corpl. C, 31 N. J. Inf. Rosslyn, Va. Sullivan, Joseph, Sgt. E, 6 Battn. D. C. Inf. Teamster. 120 B n.w. Swavze, Theo. F., Mus. F, 15 N. J. Inf. Treasury Dept. Swick, Hugh M., Pvt. H and C, 49 N. Y. Inf., and A and I, 5 U. S. V. V. U. S. Soldiers' Home, D. C. Talbott, H. E., Mus. G, 5 Md. Inf. Upholsterer. Whit- ney Ave. Tappan, M. A., 1 Lt. and Capt. B, 47 N. Y. N. G.; Capt. K, 168 N. Y. Inf. Sporting Goods, &c. 1013 Pa. a v. n.w. (See ad.) Tate, Levi T., Pvt. E, 149 Pa. Inf. Railway Postal Serv. Tegethoff, A., Pvt. H, 48 N. Y. Inf., and Pvt. and Sergt. U. S. Signal Corps. Reading, Pa. Pension Examiner. Teiling, Chas. J., Pvt. and Sgt. G, 5 Me. Inf. Caterer. 821 D s.w. Temple, J. J., Surg., 2 Ky. Inf. and A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Pension Office. Terrill, Jared D., Pvt. H, Mich. Cav. Treasury Dept. Thomas, A. A. , Pvt. A, 28, and Corpl. A, 39 Wis. Inf. Lawyer. Atlantic Building. (See ad. ) Thomas, George W. , Pvt. and Corpl. E, 2 R. I. Inf. Adjt. Gen. Office. Thomas, Zach. E., Pvt. A, 1 Iowa Cav., and 2 and 1 Lt. and Capt. E, 11 Mo. Cav. Decatur, Ala. Trainor, Joseph, Pvt. "Purnell Legion," Md. Vols. Trazzare, Thos. E., Pvt. and Corpl. A, 9 Md. Inf. Coach- builder. 522 4th s.e. Truell, Edwin M., Pvt. E, 12 Wis. Inf. Treasury Dept. Tucker, Joseph S.,Pvt. C, 6 Battn. D. C. Iuf. 3044 M n.w. Turnbull, Thos. R.. 1 Sgt. Engr. Co., 8 N. Y. N. G., Lt.- Col., 102 N. Y. N. G. Smithsonian Inst. Tyler, Richard W., Pvt., 2 and 1 Lt. K, 1 U. S. Sharp- shooters: 2 Lt. C, 14 V. R. C; Capt. U. S. A. (retired.) Lawyer. 1307Fn.w. (See ad,.) Tyler, Wm. C, Corpl. A, 27 Conn. Inf.; Hosp. Std. U. S. A. Treasury Dept. IBSON OROS. mini & WONHIttt 1238 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Corner of Thirteenth Street. (printing in CototB a ^peciaf ty THE BEST MACHINERY, LATEST STYLES OE TYPES, INTELLIGENT WORKMEN. ^promptness, Neatness, and Accuracy 55 Van Assum, Abr., Pvt. B, 51 N. Y. Inf. Woerden, Hol- land. Van Vliet, Stewart, Major Q. M. U. S. A.: Brig. Genl. and Bt. Maj. Genl. V T ols.; Bt. Lt. Col., Col., Brig, and Maj. Gen. TJ. S. A.; Brig, and Major Genl. U. S. A. (retired.) Virnstein, Frank, Mus. II. S. Marine Corps. Police. Wagner, Bernard, Lt. and Capt., 11 111. Cav. Surg. Gen. Office. Walker, Addison, Pvt. A, 1 Iowa Cav. St. Louis, Mo. Wall, Allen, Pvt. and Sgt., Signal Corps. Treasury Dept. Weaver. Erastus C. Pvt. and 1 Lt. K, 121 N. Y. Inf., Bvt. Capt. Vols. Lawyer. 512 8th n.w. {See ad.) Weaver, Sam'l B. , Pvt. K. , 45 Pa. Inf. Pension Office. Webb. James, Pvt. A, 15 N. Y. Engrs. Boilermaker. Ana- f*Ofit 1 *\ Webster, Wm. H., 2 Lt. I, 5 Conn. Inf., and 1 Lt. 22 V. R. C. Civil Service Commission. Weidman, Geo. W., Pvt. and Sergt. K, 2 U. S. Cav. Con- fectioner. 303 Pa. Ave. s.e. Welsh, Edw'd A., Pvt. G, 2 Md. Inf. Govt. Pr. Office. Weston, Edmund, Capt. F, 1 U. S. Sharp-shooters. Adjt. Gen. Office. White. A. B., Pvt. E, and 1 Lt. F, 4 Pa. Cav. 1324 Corcoran n.w. White, W. Warren, Pvt. and 2 Lt. E, 14 N. Y. H. Art. Treasury Dept. Whitman, Royal E., Sgt. Maj., and Lt. and Capt., 23 Me.,andMaj.,Lt.-Col.,andCol.,30Me.Inf., Capt. and Bt. Maj., U.- S. A. (retired.) Wilbur, Jere B., Pvt. H. 2 Pa. Art. Pension Office. Wilder, Chas. S., Pvt. B, 16 Mass. Inf. and 13 V. R. C. Treasury Dept. Wiles, Wm., Pvt. K, *8 Pa. Res. Engineer. R St., bet. 1 and 2 n.e. Wilkinson, Web. C, Pvt. C. and 1 Lt. and Adjt., 5 111. Cav. Chicago, 111. Williams, B. F., Pvt. H, 1 Pa. L. Art. Surg. Gen. Office. Willis, Rodolph, Pvt. A, "Union" D. C. Inf., and I, 1 D. C. Inf. Carpenter. 919 Boundary n.w. FRED. H. RICHTER, CLOTHING CLEANED AND REPAIRED. 8\g E Street N. W., - Washington, D. C. " Help a Comrade." Post 2. P. CURTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR 802 Twelfth Street N.W., Washington, D. C. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND TRIMMINGS. Gentlemen's Clothing Altered and Renovated, Post 2. Cut and Made to Order. BENJAMIN ENGEL (Post 2; with FRED. J. SPINDLER, (Residence at place of business) , Undertaker and Practical Embalmer, No. 1707 Seventh Street N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. Everything strictly first-class and on the most reason- able terms. No connection with any other firm. 56 57 Willsey, Theo. F., Corpl. F, 134 N. Y. Inf., and I, 9th V. R. C. Elk Creek, Cal. Wilson, John, Pvt. F, and Sgt. Maj., 6 N. J. Inf. Surg. Gen. Office. Wilson, Wm., Coxw., U. S. N. Pension Office. Wisner, James W., Capt. D, 97 111. Inf. Treasury Dept. Wolf, Frank, Fireman U. S. S. Susquehanna. Treasury Dept. Womersley, Wm. H., Pvt. B, 18 Mass. Inf. and M, 1 U. S. Cav. Treasury Dept. Wood, Richard, Mus. U. S. Marine Corps. Musician. 1203 N. J.ave. s.e. Worthington, Aug. S., Pvt. D, 98 Ohio Inf. Lawyer. 500 5th n.w. Yount, David H., Pvt. A, 26 Pa. Mil. Inf. and Warren's Pa. Mtd. Mil. Surg. Gen. Office. Zerdahely, Charles, Pvt. and Sgt. F, 16111. Cav. 459 H n.w. M. M. PARKER, Real Estate and Loan Broker, Agent for the Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 1418 F Street N.W.\ - - - - Washington, D. C. Post 2. D. K. APPLE!, (Post 2) WITH S. OPPENHEIMER & BRO., DEALERS IN NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES, Art Embroidery Work and Material, etc., etc. 514 NINTH STREET N.W., - - WASHINGTON, D. C. B3?""In ordering machines at the store, please call for Mr. D. K. Apple. M. A. TAPPAN, SPORTING GOODS, 1013 Pennsylvania Avenue. Holiday Goods of every description. Agency for the Remington Arms, W. L. Douglass' Shoes, and Chamberlin's Loaded Shot Cartridge. Post 2. u. M. YOUNG. YOUNG & EICKEL, MERCHANT TAILORS, 906 Ninth St. N. W., Washington, D. C Dyeing, Scouring, and Tailoring in all branches. Post 10. WM. P. BROWN, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, 14/0 14th St. N.W., - - Washington, D. C. Post 2. C. F. SIG-OTTRNEY, UNDERTAKER, No. 1410 14th Street N.W., Telephone Call, 794-6. WASHINGTON, D. C Post 6. W_ S. TAPPAN, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Silver aud Plated Ware, and Fine Jewelry. HOME WATCH CLUB. JE WELR Y MA DE TO ORDER. Spectacles and Eye-glasses, to suit all ages, from 25 cents to $10.00. Repairing in all its branches. No. 604 Ninth St. N. W., Washington, D. C. DEAL WITH A COMRADE. Post 5. Agency : 110 N. Howard Street, Baltimore. R. A. D ITT RICH, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN MILITARY AND GRAND ARMY HATS, CAPS, AND HELMETS, AND ALL MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS. 724 Seventh St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Post 1. 60 Deceased Adams, Crawfokd C. Anderson, Christian Arbuckle, Frederick Baker, Albert B. Barker, Wm, Bigelow, John R. Blunt, Jas. G. . Burnham, Joseph Burritt, Ira N. Carson, Christopher Casey, Martin V. Evans, Thos. H. Faehtz, E. F. M. Finlan, Thos. J. Finney, Thos. W. Fletcher, Croton Flynn, Michael Ford, Ellery C. Foss, E. J. . . Frost, Charles H. Gorman, John E. Hines, Geo. W. Hoffman, Ed. G. Jackson, Hiram \V. Johnston, Wm. W. Jones, George . Lehnert, John . Lithgow, Geo. .W Luby, Timothy . Lusby, Cleophas B. Mahan, John W. Malone, John . McCauley, Jas. M. McNeall, Harry M. Nov. Mch. July July Jan. Nov. July May Nov. May Oct. Sept. April Dec. Dec. Nov. Jan. 31 Dec. — Mch. — June — Feb. 5 Aug. 16 April '20 Nov. 23 Aug. — Aug. 24 May 30 Dec. 12 July — Nov. 29 June 22 June 22 May — , 1886 1886 1885 1888 1871 1887 1881 1878 1888 1868 1886 1885 1882 1871 1871 1872 1888 1871 1874 1883 1884 1886 1888 1887 1883 1888 1869 1877 1883 1886 1886 1872 1885 Middleton, Richard MlDDLETON, WM. Miller, J. Frank . Monroe, John W. . North, Willoughby P arisen, Wm. B. Peck, George . Pfaff, Fred'k . Redman, W. St C. . Red way, Hamilton K. Ripple, John L. Robinson, John Room, Wm. L. . Roosa, John L. . Sanford, Lineus Shaffer, August Simpson, Benj. L. . Stickney, J. B. Stuart, F. D. . Sweeney, Patrick . Tall, Joseph H. Thompson, John Verneuil, Francis Von Tagen, Eugene Weidman, John Williams, Chas. Williams, John Wolfe, Wm. Yunco, Enrique May Dec. Dec. Oct. Oct. June July Feb. Jan. Dec. Feb. Dec. April Dec. May Aug. Feb. Nov. Jan. Nov. 22, 1886 19, 1884 21, 1884 — , 1870 14, 1886 29, 1888 3, 1872 20, 1886 13, 1888 27, 1888 — , 1883 30, 1881 — , 1886 — , 1868 — , 1869 19, 1888 27, 1888 — , 1882 25, 1878 3, 1886 Sept. 25, 1882 June 8, 1885 Aug. 19, 1887 April 19, 1887 Nov. — , 1887 Oct. 13, 1886 May 17, 1888 Nov. — , 1873 118 « £ ~ ■$ 1 £ -c 1889! Z *! — 21 tfel 1 Jan. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 July ... 1 2 3 4 5 6: 11 12 13 5 S "6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i\ 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 s 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25,26 27 £ 5 27 23 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 E \ Feb. ... 1 2 Aug. ... ... 12 3: ; "3 "4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 "b 7 8 9 10 i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 : | 17 IS 24 25 i Mar. 1 2 "3 "i '5 6 7 8 9 Sept. ... 1 ... 2 ... "3 4 5 6 7; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 s 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | April 31 Oct 29 30 "i 2 "3 4 5 | i 2 "3 ... 4 "5 "6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "(S 7 8 9 10 11 12 i 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 : | 21 22 2:-: 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S '-\ 28 29 30 ... 27 28 29 30 31 i i ' May ... "l 2 3 4 Nov. ... ... ...12S ;S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "3 4 5 6 7 8 9! ] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 S gj 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 || June 1 ... 2 "3 4 "S "6 7 8 Dec. i 2 3 '4' 5 6 7 i i 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 si 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , s 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ; |30 29 30 31 ■•:•_. ^■•■■•■•■••■•■•■•■■■■•■■•■••■•••■••■••■ , ■■•■•■■•■•■■■•■■•••"•■•■•■■I 160 MEKTING NIGHTS. G. A. R. Hall, No. 1412 Penna. Ave. N.W. Department Commander and Staff, " Employment Committee, " Relief Committee, Tohn A Rawlins Post, No 1, £rr Carson " " 2, ). P. Morton " " 4, jEO. G. Meade " " 5, Tohn F. Reynolds " " 6, f ames A. Garfield " " 7, 3URNSIDE " " 8, Charles Sumner " " 9, Mondays and Fridays. Tuesdays. Mondays and Fridays. 2d and 4th Fridays. 2d and 4th Wednesdays. 2d and 4th Mondays. 2d and 4th Tuesdays. 1st and 3d Fridays. 1st and 3d Mondays. 2d and 4th Thursdays. 1st and 3d Wednesdays. Lincoln Post Hall, N.E. cor. 7th and L sts. N.W. jIncoln Post, No. 3, )harles P. Stone Post, No. 11, 1st and 3d Wednesdays. 2d and 4th Wednesdays. Washington Hall, N.E. cor. 3d st. and Pa. Ave. S.E. r ARRAGUT Post, No. 10. ... 2d and 4th Thursdays. r o y ,^ ^ . **-° d ^ 4? .oiLr.. *> y% . .0* . * v O ^^ r-