Author F Title Imprint 1«— 4737a-3 OPO A REVIEW lERCE. iiUFACTlES AND THE PUBLIC & PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS OF GALESBURG; CONTAINING gt grief f istars at %\m Cclltgt, anb ^Mt\ts of tk |irst Srttlmcnt at\\t f0ton. . COMPILED AND WRITTEN, BY C. J. SELLON. GALESBURG, ILL.: J. H. SHERMAN, PRINTER, 1857. ■tffiaa^ nf\ /y PREFACE. Dear Reader, my object in writing this " History " is to set forth the ^ advantages, privileges and prospects of Gale^burg. I have endeavored to give a faithful daguerreotype of the business of the town, and to group within these pages facts at once interesting and useful. It may be that much has been omitted that should have appeared, and much admitted that were better out ; and, if so, this must be my excuse ; since I con- cluded to undertake this work 1 have been compelled to make a perilous journey by flood and land in search of a Press on which to print it — te edit a weekl}"^ paper, assist in getting ready to issue a Daily, and perfom- ing sundiy other duties " too tedious to mention." I have met with much unlooked for difficulty in gathering facts con- nected with Colleges, Churches, Railroads, &c. &c., but through the untiring exertions of Mr. Tuthill I have been enabled to give a tolerably fair account of them. I wish here to make public acknowledgement of raluable aid received from Rev. G. W. Gale. The early history of the town and Knox College is from his pen. The same facts were once before published, but ver\ few of our citizens have read them. We are also indebted to him for a copy of the census taken in 1843. I am also under obligations to Mr. W. Abkold, clerk in the C. B. & Q. Railroad Freight Office for much valuable statistical information respecting that Railroad. The reader will find that I have been unable to give an extended account ©r description of anything. My limits, but, above all, the price of my "bocky compelled me to be brief. Trusting that what is here written may prove a "lamp to the feet" of some westward bound emigrants, and contribute in some degree towards building up the " Collegiate City," as well as prove interesting to the oitiieus of Gale-sburg, and — profitable to myself, I subscribe myself Your Humble Servant, CHARLES J. 8ELL0N. HISTORY OF GALESBURG. [When we first conceived the idea of writing and printing a history of Galesburg, we applied to Rev. George W. Gale, the projector and founder of Knox College, and as a consequence, the founder of Galesbuig, to write out for this work the<}arly history of the College and the town. This he cheerfully promised to do» but subsequent ill health prevented him from writing it. He had, however, in 1845, written and published a small pamphlet, enti- tled, " A Brief History of Knox College," which contained the substance of the information we desired to incorporate into this work. From this pamphlet we determined to cull such facts as in our judgment would prove interesting to our citizens ; but aftei* reading it we concluded to insert it entire.] Late in the Autumn of 1836 more than thirty families had found their way to what was then, as it is still by many, considered the "far west." They were snugly quartered in dwellings of the rudest kind, ^built by themselves, or hired of western settlers, along the south border of Henderson Grove, Knox County, Illinois ; on what is called the " Military Tract ;" thirty miles frrom the Mississippi River, about forty miles from Rock River, and an equal distance from the Illinois River on the east ; on elevated prairie land where the streams rise which flow into these three rivers. Henderson Grove is of the finest timber ; from ten to twelve miles long, and from four to seven broad. The prairie on its south bor- der, where Galesbuig stands, larger in extent than the grove, is beantifully rolling, and of the finest quality of soil. 6 HISTORY OF OALKSByRG. A few famllicK, pioneers of tlie west, had seen this grove and prairie in their verdure and bh)s*;om, having arrived the preceding summer ; but most of them beheld them for the first time in autumn, yellow and sere; yet interesting alike to all. This spot was their future homo ; the scene of coining laleors in the cause of the Re- deemer, jtiid tlieir resting place after a wagon jonrney to many of more than one thousand miles. These families were homogeneous in their character, partaking of the spirit, as they sprung from the blood, of the Pilgrim Fathers of jS'ew England. They loved the Bible, the Sabbath, and the sanctuary. Tlicy cherished with slight or no variation, the same views of Gospel truth ; and felt, as their fathers felt, the import- ance of transmitting the institutions of religion to those tvdio should come after them, as the richest inheritance they could leave. But their views were not restricted to benefitting their descend- ants. The object which gave birth to the enterprise, was that of diffusing over an important region of country, at an early period of its settlement, the combined influences of education and religion. Like their ancestors, they had both " Pastors and Teachers." No Sabbath was spent after the mam liody had arrived without the public worship uf God. Their private dwellings first, and soon a Luiliiiiig erected for the purpose, was used, serving the double \)ux- pose of school-room and sanctuary ; and the very first winter a school was taught by a gentleman and lady both in the common and academic branches. Thus situated and employed, this inf;mt community were more than contented — they weie happy. True they were far from friends, from loved homes and cherished scenes of the tenderest associations. They had expected trials, and they met them. Kxehanging cora- fortable habitations in eastern villages for the straitened and ruda accommodations of western log cabins ; some had lost children, others had buiied husbands and fathers by diseases contracted oa the way ; and others were still suffering from like causes ;* but they never suffered a moments depression, nor repined against Providence, nor legretted for a moment that they had embarked in this enter- ■iO ' ' ■ — ■ • ■ — • ■ ■ * Uov. U. \\ . Gale buned an intiint son, fourteen months old, a few day.s froix home in New York. Deu. Sumucl Tompkins bnriod one in Michigan, on his war; aud lAvo other families lot*! mimbers. HISTORY OF GALESBURO. 7 prise. The liope of securing the blessings of education and religion to their posterity, and to the region where they settled, was more to them than the comforts they had left. Nor were they left without a manifest token of God's approba- tion. The first winter after their arrival, the Lord poured out his Spirit upon them, and a considerable number of tlie youth gave pleasing evidence of having passed from death unto life. It was like the re-appearance of the star to those who of old journeyed from the east seeking Jesus. And, " When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding joy." Early the ensuing spring, after much consultation and prayer, a Presbyterian church was formed, con- eisting of eighty-two members, a part were the fruits of the late, but the most united by certificate. They were_Tresbyterians and Congregationalists in nearly equal numbers; but both parties were resolved to yield their predilections rather than divide. The same spirit has continued since, and though the church polity has been somswhat modified, there is yet (1845) but one church in the village. Next summer (1837) the adjoining prairie was the theater of a busy activity, in the erection of buildings and opening of farms ; and part of the settlers having removed to their dwellings in the town, public worship was held alternately there, and at the Grove. The Academy building was erected in the fall (1837), and opened for students early in the winter with more than thirty pupils. The College was chartered by the Legislature at the SessioHS 1838-7, embracing a " Preparatory Department," designed for general academic purposes for both sexes, the intention being to have separate schools for the sexes as soon as buildings could be erected. From this time (1837) to the present, (1845), the Church, the population, and the Institution have steadily advanced. The Church has above three hundred members ; the settlement a popu- lation of near eight hundred ; and the College (when the Freshman class enters at the close of the vacation,) will have between thirty and forty in several classes. The Academy has ha.d under its in- struction one hundred and eighty-four pupils during the present year. The settlement of Galesburg originated in the desire and hope of doing good. It had in this, its birth and being from the minds and hearts of its projector and his associates. » HieTOnV OK GALEBBURO. The writer of thepreeent sketch, as early as 1825, conceived th« plan of combining physical labor with education, specially for the Benefit of those young men, who, in passing from laborious occupa- tions to a life of study, too commonly suffer by the transition from active to sedentary pursuits. It was thought two objects might be obtained by such a scheme — the preservation of health, and the cheapening of a liberal education to enterprising young men by the avails of their labor. The writer was connected with the first regu- lar effort to combine manual labor with a liberal course of instruc- tion made in this country. And theugh, like every valuable dis- covery, it was to be expected that .this improvement in the mode of education would be affected by the ebbing and flowing of public sentiment, as indeed it has been ; yet he has the satisfaction of be- lieving, with a multitude of best informed men, that vast benefits have accrued and are yet to accrue from the attempt to combine physical labor with intellectual culture and education in this country. Encouraged by good success, and finding himself straitened in his location in New York State, by surrounding endowed institu- tions, the writer conceived and drew up a plan for a large institu- tion at the West, which was in substance, as follows : A colony of settlers was to be formed, and a township of land (/. e. six miles square, or thirty-six square miles or sections, making twenty-three thousand and forty acres,) purchased at the govern- ment price. Three sections near the center being reserved for a village and College grounds ; the remainder was to be divided into farms, appraised according to location, near or remote, from the town and Institution, its woodlands, or other advantages ; the whole to be rated at an average price of not less than five dollars per acre: and purchasers were to take these farms at their estimated and mark- ed value ; or bid for the choice where there was competition. All the town property, a mile square, after paying cost, was to consti- tute a fund for Academies for both sexes. And the proceeds of all other lands, after paying expenses, etc., was to constitute a fund for building the College edifices, and endowing professorships and scholarships, censisting of the right of gratuitous instruction of one student for twenty-five years for each eighty acres purchased and cultivated within a given time. HISTORY OF GALESBURG. 9 The above plan was shown, and approved of extensively by clergymen and laymen, who Avarmly advised and urged its prosecu- tion. The considerations which swayed the projector's mind in fixing the site, were the circumstances favoring success, with the prospective want of such an institution as was contemplated. The location was not easily settled. Michigan, Northern Indiana, and Illinois were successively considered. The prairies of Michigan were small, and at that period (1834) mostly taken up ; and the toil of clearing a timbered country, the necesary inequality in prices of cleared and uncleared lands, with the long unhealthy period in- cident to the removal o%,fQrests. These considerations decided us successively against^fliclugan and Indiana ; and delayed the enterprise itself, so that at one time the projectors had well nigh or quite relinquished the idea of its prosecution. It was, however, resumed the following year ; when the fixed character, and undoubted wealth of the prairie soil — its uniform quality, and consequent easy susceptibility of a justly graduated scale of prices ; but above all, the brief time requisite to bring farms under improvement, and give them the cultured beauty of long 'settled couutries, determined us, at last, in favor of Illinois. In such a country, we reasoned, there could be no fear as to the present means of living, and ultimate success of our plan. A subscription was accordingly opened, and operations com- menced. Ilev. II. II. Kellogg, since then first President of the College, and Rev. John Waters, entered cordially into the enter- prise and attached themselves to it ; though Mr. Kellogg, then en- gaged in a flourishing institution for the education of females, which he had himself founded and built, did not remove to Illinois with the first who came. liev. G. W. Gale was appointed to procure a colon}' of settlers. About thirty families soon embarked in the enterprise, contribu- ted funds for the purchase ; and an Exploring Committee was chosen, consisting of Nehemiah West, Thorn a.s Gilbert, and Timo- thy Jervis. They were not to purchase; but spending, as they would, some of the hot months in the West, to select and report a suitable location for the objects of tl-.e colony, They were di- rected to examine the part of Indiana near the head of Lake Michi- gan, and proceed to the Northern and central counties of the State of 10 HISTORY OK GAl.ESnURG. Illinois;, in the vicinity of the Illinois ami Fox rivers. A location in either case was thought to be suflicientlj remote from any ex- isting Institution; and convenient as a place of education to the present and future inhabitants of a vast region of country. Mr. West was obliged to return early in the sunnner. !Mr. Jervis •was soon after taken ill and returned also ; and Mr. Gilbert, the third and last of the committee, concluded to purchase for himself in Knox county, on the Military Tract. No location was reported by the committee. Doubt and uncertainty for a time settled upon the enterprise, but the Directors were not disheartened. The cause had been committed to God, and the sidvation of souls was in it. They contributed six or 5even^wiilf3^dollars in money; nego- tiated a loan of ten thousand dollars at the Bank of Michigan ; and chose a Purchasing Committee wdio were to proceed forthwith to Illinois, select a location if possible, and make the purchase. This committee were 8ylvanus Ferris, Neheniiah West, Thomas S'm- mons, and George W Gale. The committee left Whitesboro, N. Y., about the middle of Sep- tember, 1835, in their own conveyance. At Buffalo _they shij^ped their team on board a steamer and set out for Detroit ; and a rough and dangerous passage they had of it. After a storm (the equi- noctial) which kept the boat in haibor one day, and meeting a gale which drove them into the harbor of Dunkirk, Avhere we lay in shelter twelve hours more, we met on our way up the lake, a more serious accident, which had well nigh ended our enterprise and our lives together. About three o'clock at night, off Cleveland, while we were fast aslce[) cur boat ran foul of another steamer which was coming down the lake vinder full head way. A mere providence saved us from all going to the bottom. A rent was made in our vessel near the water's, edge, but we were able to proceed on our way. At Detroit, 'Sir. Samuel Tompkins was added to th ' committee in plaw of Ixev. G. W. Gale, who was taken sick on his way up the lake. jNIr. Tompkins, with Kev. John Waters, had accompa- nied the committee, and tiie latter proceeded on with the committee, and was present, aiding in the selection of the site. The committee weie instructed to keep their design secict, lest they should be interfered with by speculators. A necessary caution HISTORY OF GALESBURO. 11 as it prove 1 ; for before the purchase was complete, one who was putting up at the county-seat, huiTied away to the land office, and entered eighteen alternate halt' quarter sections, running directly througli the townNhip. The committee found here thirty thousand acres of the finest prairie, lying in a hodj, rolling, well watered, surrounded with, groves ©f the finest timljer, with ravines yielding an abundance of mineial coal ; the whole tract subject to entr}'-, on Congress title, and at the minimum price of one dollar and a quarter per acre. In the midst of this beautiful tract, they first bought some tim- bered and improved lands, near Henderson Grove, for the tempo- rary convenience of settlers, and afterward entered ten thousand acres lying in a body, in the center of which they located the town, which they called Galesburg, after the name of the original pro- jector, re-surveyed the lands purchased, and returned to their homes; all which they accomplished in a little moiethan eight weeks. These minute details, though pcihaps not interesting to the gen- eral reader, are yet so to the descendants of the men concerned, and may be of some use to future pioneers in the West. Why was Knox College located where it is ? The purchasing committee, were not, of, indifl'erent to the natural advantages of soil, timber, and climate in fixing a location for their own and the habitations of their chihlren. But the controlling idea of th« whole enterprise was tlie building up of an institution of religious learning fi>r piescnt and future generations ; and the spot on which this was to be erected was not fixed upon without grave and delib- erate forecast. Tlie "iiilitary Tract," named from the lo'-ation here of the sol- diers' bounty lauds of the last war, embraces all the land between the Mississippi autl Illinois rivers, beginning at the point where these rivers meet, and extending north almost to Rock river. It )« thus the Mesopotamia of the West.. Drawing a line from the Mis- sissippi at the mouth of Rock river to the great bend of the Illinois river near Reiu ; and you have between the rivei's a territoiy larger than the State of Massachusetts, containing in 1S40 nearly 100,000 inhabitan's, well watered, with, for the most part, an adequate sup- ply of timber, and abounding in mineral coal. Encircled by nav- igable waters — almost embosomed by the gieat Mississippi — almost 12 HISTORY OF OALKSBURO. every inch of the soil arable ; yet more rolling, high, and healthful than the greater part of Michigan, — the whole earth does not con- tain a spot capable of sustaining a denser population than the re- gion between these rivers. And if there he a soil on the globe where the seeds of salvation ought to be sown with the first break- ing of the turf, it is this. Others beside the founders of Knox College have appreoiatpd the importance of thispositiou. Colleges have been chartered, on this tract, at Warsaw, Macomb, Tiock Is- land, Canton, Nauvoo, and Jubilee. And though, excepting Bish- op Chase's College at the latter place, no permanent institutions are likely to be built under any of these charters, they 3'et show how strong and wide an impression has prevailed, that an institution of the first class must be located within the Military Tract. Galesburg, the site of Knox College, is central to this region* It is situated on the head waters which flow into the great rivers, and is healthful. Fewer cases of sickness and death can scarcely be found in any town of any State, time and numbers being propor- tionate. Like Oxford and Cambridge in England, and most of the American Colleges, it is inland ; and free from the rivalships of an, active commercial interest, commercial luxuries, and commercial vices, incident to those river or seaport towns where rapid accumu- lation of wealth by commerce, produces vast inequality of property, and almost infallibly overlays society with indolence, made fashion- able by overgrown wealth ; and obstructs college discipline by vio- lent temptations to vicious amusements. But commercial towns must be, and are rapidly rising along the courses of the great rivers, and Knox College is oonvenientl}' situa- ted for the education of their sons, Taking Galesburg for a center a ?.weep of fifty miles takes in one hundred and twenty miles of the Mississijipi ; in other words, this great stream runs one hundred and twenty miles without getting more than fifty miles from Knox College. The same circle takes in more than thirty miles of the Rock river, and more than seventy of the Illinois ; embracing be- sides other towns, fifteen county seats. Whether a college, placed in tlie center of such a region is located wisely, for present and prospective uses, capable minds will not find it difficult to judge. It has been suggested that, at present, one college — that at Jack- sonville — is sufficient for the Presbyterian and Congregational HISTORY OF GALK8BURO. 13 wants of Illinois. The founders of Knox College judged otherwise, 8uch sparse collegiate policy has no precedent in New England, or any where else except in populations wedded to ignorance. Even in Lower Canada, the Romanists had, fifteen years ago, located six college!. New England, excluding Maine, and ineluding Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, has an area of 31,280 square miles; the State of Illinois has 55,000! In 1840 these States together had a population of 1,732,339 ; Il- linois had 476,183. Those States have seven colleges for Congre- gationalists ; it has been suggested that one, at present, will do for Illnois. In 1830, the above States had a population of 1,552,276 ; showing in th« last ten years an increase of 177,963 ; Illinois had 157,455 ; showing an increase of 318,638 in the same time ; that is, those New England States increased in population less than twelve per cent. ; while the Illinois increase was about two hundred per cent. Should Illinois increase only at the rate of one hundred per cent., till 1860, fifteen years hence, it will nearly equal those States in population, should their increase continue at the rate of the last ten years ; that is, it will have near two millions of inhabitants ! At the least supposable rate of increase, what a population must this State have before either of her colleges shall celebrate their semi- centennial anniversary ! When Illinois shall have the same popular tion to the square mile that Massachusetts now has, she will contain FIVE MILLIONS OF SOULS ! And what is to hinder the speedy attain- ment of that number ! Twice five millions will not be crowded, within her ample boundaries. Her matchless soil will not refuse to feed them, nor her mighty rivers to bear their burdens. "Why should such a territory, so environed with navigation, with such a population and such prospects, be stinted in the means of furnishing liberally educated men ? Why should Illinois be made an exception to other States East or West ? Why should this time, and this territory be selected for the experiment of a new poli- cy ? Shall the rising population of this Western Mesopotamia receive the Apocalyptic beasts's mark in their intellects and ac- tions — that is to say, "in their foreheads and bands?" And will christians suffer it ? 14 ' HISTORY OF GALESBURQ. It has also been suggested that Knox College is too near Illinois College at Jacksonville. The ordinary road of travel between ihem is some 100 miles, and an air line makes the distance not much shorter. There is also a navigable river between the two to tnm the current of business and the course of trayel. The business of the Military Tiact, what does not go to Chicago and St. Louis, terminates, and always will, at different points on the surrounding river. And if it were not so, the distance between these Institu- tions isnrorethan double tliat between some of the established col- leges of New England, and far greater than that between most of those standing next each other. While the present population of Illinois equals in density that of some of those States when the older colleges were founded ; and the prospective population is greater than theirs. The founders o£ Knox College did not intend to interfere with the just prerogatives or true interests of any other Institutions ; and have no wishes concerning them, but their success in doing good. It was not originally intended to appeal to the christian public to mid its funds, which were thought to be provided for in their original plan. And so they were, but for the financial earthquake which wrecked every thing in the western countiy which could be shakea by pecuniary reverses. Still they have persevered, and, as the state of the Institution shows, God has not withheld a high degree ©f success All that has been received in donations from the publit has not equaled the amount destroyed in one short hour by fire. Their present funds, though as yet, partly unproductive secure per- manence to the Institution which they have planted ; and what nors may be needed will doubtless be furnished, through his chiU iren, by Him whose promise supplies the means to establish Hi« kingdom, and bless and save the world. This sketch designed for the double purpose of public informa- tion and a document for reference, is necessarily minute. The purchasing committee returned, a meeting of the subscribers was called to receive their report at Whitesboro, N. Y., January 7, 1836. The report was satisfactory, was accepted, and the following proceedings had, viz : A College was provisionally organized, t« "he called, till chartered, " Prairie College." A Board of Trust ap- pointed, consisting of Rev. John Waters, Sylvanus Ferris, Rev. HISTORY OF GALESBURO. 15 H. H. Kellogg, Dea. Thomas Simmons, John C. Smith, Rev. Geo, W. Gale, Nehemiah West, Isaac Mills, Samuel Tompkins, and Dr. Walter Webb. The town site was reported, and the name, Gales- bnrg, confirmed. Plats of the purchase were made. Town prop- erty was reserved of five hundred and sixty acres. One thousand and four acres were reserved for college and theological uses. The balance of the purchase was divided into farms ; appraised upon the average of five dollars per acre; and nearly half of the whole pur- chase sold to purchasers most of whom had never seen the soil ; such was their confidence in the committee. Nor was it misplaced; for though a vote was adopted to allow any who should be dissatis- fied with their purchases to exchange them for other lands on their arrival, no such change was made. The meetings were commonly attended with prayer to God, and a spirit of harmony prevailed which has characteiized the settlement since. The town plat made in the center of the purchase, embraced one hundred and sixty acres. The form, si'ae, and price of lots were fixed. A ten acre lot on each side of the town was reserved for male and female Academies ; also a Cemetery of five acres, ground for a meeting-house, and a lot for a parsonage. Plans for Academy buildings, public house, and s team mill were suggested, but finally left to private enterprise. In the spring (1836) several families removed by land, and ar- rived at the settlement in June. Others went on with them to pre- pare to remove their families in the fall. Among those were Messrs, West and Gale, two of the Trustees, who were authorized to pro- cure a survey of the town plot, which they did, and sold a large amount of town property to emigrants from New York, Vermont, and Maine ; moat of them Presbyterians and Congregationalists who had heard of and wished to join in the enterprise. Mr. John C. Smith, of Utica, persuaded several to purchase with him a canal boat, in which they embarked their families and effects. They proceeded to Buffalo; were towed by a steamer to Cleveland ; thence through the Ohio canal to Portsmouth on the Ohio river ; from which point they floated down the Ohio to Cincinnati. Fin ling their progress too slow ; and finding it impossible to hire a steamboat to tow them which would stop on the Sabbatb, 16 HI9TOKY OF GALESBURO. which they had not violated by traveling hitherto, they constructed a stern wheel to their boat, and propelled it by their horses. An incident occurred at Portsmouth respecting the Babbath, worthy of note. While tied up for the day at that place, a steamer came to on Sabbath morning, bringing home a large number of commissioners to the Presbyterian General Ast^embly, which had just closed its session. A clergyman came to the canal boat, and addressing an old lady, (most of th^ boat's company were at public worship on shore,) invited them to come on board the steamer for worship. The old lady asked if the boat had not come in that morning? He answered, yes. "We had heard," said she, "that you were to have worship on board, but we had concluded not to attend the preaching of those who are breaking the Sabbath." W^ith their new propelling power, they went on down the river from Cincinnati. After much difficulty and detention from defe«- tive machinery and ignorance of shoals, etc., they succeeded in reaching the mouth of the Ohio ; were towed thence to St. Louis; propelled their boat to Alton ; were again towed into the Illinois, and worked their way by their stern wheel up to Meredosia ; where some of them taking sick, others leaving to go by land, the rest with the boat, were towed up to Copperas Creek, near Peoria, the nearest point to Galesburg. Wagons were immediately dispatched to bring them off; but they were found at a public house, a few miles from the river, nearly all sick. One large unfinished room, with beds spread on the floor, contained most of them ; literally a hospital iu the wilderness sud- denly filled with patients. Forty persons had been crowded into one narrow canal boat upon the western rivers from two to three months in the warm season of the year. They were soon as possible, removed to their cabins at Henderson Grove. Col. Mills died ten days after his arrival. Mr. Smith, projector and captain of the expedition, speedily followed him ; and Mr. Lyman, after being removed from the boat to tha grove languished about two months and died. "These all died in faith," passing from new scenes here, to more impressive scenes in "the better coun- try, that is in an heavenly." Their death cast a gloom over the infant colony. They were principal men ; two of them members of the Board of Trust. HISTORY OF GALESBURG. 17 Mr. Smith, a relative of Dr. Grant,, the Nestorian misaionarj, whose two sons he had with him for education, by the advice and counsel of their father ; was an able, energetic, but somewhat vis- ionary mind. Mr. Lyman , an elder of the Presbyterian church at New York Mills, Oneida county, N. Y., was a pious and intelligent man. His children have been blessed and prospered in the colony; and one has since joined the departed spirit of his father. Col. Isaac Mills, a farmar of Columbia, Herkimer county, N. Y., was ■with his family converted to Christ from Universalism in the great revivals of 1825-8 He was a liberal and holy man, also an ehler in the church. He left every comfort of life in the hope of doing more good in this mission colony. He aided in the daily and Sabbath worships held on board of the boat, distributed tracts on the way ; and when, there was no preaching where they tied up on Sabbath, called the inhabitants together and held meetings for prayer, reading, and exhortation. The rest of the invalids from this unhappy voyage recovered. Thus ended this ill-fated expedition ; for boldness of conception, and perseverance in execution, equal to that of Jason and his Argo- nauts of old. A journey of more than two thousand miles, thus accomplished by men of little knowledge of navigation any where and none of the waters which they passed. The following are the names and residences of those who arrived in 1836 : Rev. John Waters, New Hartford, N. Y. ; Rev. George W. Gale, Prof. N. H. Losey, Whitesboro, N. Y. ; John C. Smith, Utica, N. Y. ; Henry Lyman, Elisha King. New York Mills, N. Y.; Riley Root, Camden, N. Y. ; Mrs. Phelps and family, do. ; Leon- ard Chapel, Clinton, N. Y. ; Drs. Thomas Simmons, Samuel Tompkins, Daniel Wheeler, Hamilton, N. Y. ; Col. I«aac Mills, Columbia, N. Y. ; Patrick Dunn, Western N. Y. ; Col. Matthew Chambers, Roswell Payne, Luther Gay, Wm. Hamblin, Bridport, Vt. ; Erastus Swift, Addison, Vt. ; Henry Wilcox, Moriah, N. Y, Abel Goodell, Chancey S. Colton, L:aac Edton, Monson, Me. Nehemiah West, Loreutius Conger, John G. \Yest, Ira, N. Y. . Caleb Finch, Greenbush, N. Y. ; John Kendall, Adoniram Kendall] New Lebanon, N. Y. ; Geo. Troop Avery, mother and sisters, and Mrs. Hitchcock and family. Besides these, all of whom had fami- 18 HISTORY OF GALE8BURG. lies, there were three young men, viz : John McMullen, G. T). Col- ton, and Abraham Tyler, from the State of New York, The following arrived in the spring of 1837, viz : Sylvanus Ferris, Geo. Ferris, Russia, N. Y. ; Weston Ferris, N. O. Ferris, Norway, N. Y. ; Dr. James Bunce, Utica, N. Y.; Levi Sanderson, Eli Farnham, Dea. Agrippa, Martin Fabius, N. Y. ; Harvey H, May, Union Village, N. Y. ; Junius C. Prentice, Sheldon Allen, Augusta, N. Y. ; Barber Allen, Cato, N. Y. ; and Jonathan Sim- mons, Hamilton, N. Y. A Steam Saw Mill and the Academy were built in the summer ©f 1837. The College was chartered by the Legislature of Illinois at the sessions in the winter of 1836-7 : the property conveyed to the legal board, and by them deeded to the purchaser, in fee simple. but with the condition of forfeiture to the College, if intoxicating liquors are made and sold on the premises. In 1838, Eev. H. H. Kellogg, of Clinton, N. Y., was appointed President of the College; Rev. G. W. Gale, Prof, of Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy ; and H. N. Losey, A. M., Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Scienes. Mr. Losey had heretofore conducted the Preparatory Department, In 1841 the College was fully organized, and a class entered on the Freshman year. In 1843, a building which had cost more than $5000, took fire and burned down. There was no insurance. The Board then commenced the present Echeme of college buildings, for which the inhabitants of Galesburg wibscribed near $3000, and ^some $500 more were obtained in the ▼icinity. In the summer of 1843 Rev. G. W. Gale went east and returned early the year following, with an apparatus which cost »ear $800, and sixteen hundred volumes of books, besides some fands toward building. In 1843, President Kellogg went to Eu- rope, and while there, obtained for the College about $1000 in Money, and some $500 worth of books. In 1844 a College building was completed, containing rooms at present occupied by the Library, as a lecture room, and for the Philosophical and Chemical apparatus ; besides accommodations f»r eighteen to twenty students. Another building of the same iimensions is nearly completed. After this outlay of more than $10,000, the productive fund of *be iDstitution is above ^20,000. Besides this productive fund. HISTORY OF GALE8BURG. 19 the College has unsold lands, chiefly within the original purchase, which are valued at $30,000 ; and unsold lands in other counties, worth some seven or eight thousand dollars more. There is land and town property reserved for Theological Instruction, if applied to that use within a given time, now valued at S3, 000. So that the entire lund for all educational uses, realized from this enterprise, is at present some $70,00O.^CT^he school section (640 acres) given hy the Government for primary schools, fell near the town, and has yielded a permanent fund of $7,000, the interest of which with the annual State appropriations, nearly furnishes grat- uitous instruction to every child in the township. Some two Imn- dred children now profit by this fund. The town of Galesburg now has (1845) some seventy dwellings, Reside mechanics' shops, stores, mills, Academy and College build- ings, accommodating some eight hundred inhabitants. An ample church building is in process of completion. Repeated revivals of . religion have been experienced. Profaneness is rarely heard in the- atreets, and intoxicating drinks have neither foothold nor advocatCB : in the community. There being but one religious society as yet in the place, (long may the happy union continue), and all the infla- ences centering in the College and subordinate schools, the discip- line over students is rather that of the ^^/face than of the instHutioB, and nothing seems requisite but industry and fidelity, with the continued approbation and blessing of God, to realize the most ardent hopes and pious wishes of the founders and friends of the Colony and Seminaries here planted. A. «^«»-^ 20 HlSTCr.Y OF GALESBURG. CHURCHES. First Church, Chables W. Tyler, Pastor. — This, as its name purports, was the first church organized in Galesburg. It was or- ganized Feb. 25th, 1837, under the name of the First Preshyterian Church. It consisted of eighty members, eighteen of whom united by profession of faith, and the rest by letter from Churches in the East. Rev. G. W. Gale was the first stated supply of the pulpit. He commenced preaching to the first settlers as early as 1836, and from that time the pulpit has been supplied as follows : Rev. G. W. Gale, assisted by Rev. John Waters, 1836 to 1839; Eev. Horatio Foote, 1839 to 1840; Rev. G. W. Gale, 1840 to 1841 ; Rev. H. H. Kellogg, aided by Mr. Gale, 1841 to 1843 ; Eev. H. Marsh, Rev. J. Waters, and Rev. Mr. Hollister, 1843 to 1844 ; Rev. L. Parker, 1844 to 1845 ; Rev. H. H. Kellogg, installed Pastor Jan., 1846, dismissed May, 1847 ; Rev. J. Blasoh- ARD, stated supply from 1847 to Dec, 1849 ; Rev. F. Bascom, Pas- tor Dec, 1849 ; Rev. Charles W. Tyler, present Pastor. In 1842, after an amicable discussion and consultation, the Church adopted a modified form of government, adapted to accom- modate both Presbyterians and Congregationalists. The present number of members is 386. The term Presbyterian was expunged by vote of the Church in October, 1856. Church building cor. Broad street and Public Square. Methodist Episcopal Church, John P. Brookb, Pastor. — This Church was organized in Feb. 1847, with ten members. The pres- ent number of members is 140. Church building corner of Kellogg and Tompkins streets. iU:^TiST CmiijCH, Silas Tucker, Pastoi;.^On the 15th of Jan., 1848, the* first Baptist Church of Galesbur^'was organized with aboui .thirty members. They purchased the lot on the corner of Tompkins and Broad streets, on which they erected a small but con- T^nient house o.( vyofshjp^ Under the labors of their present Pas- tor the church. has been Btrengthened and built up, and now num\)ers 216 members. ^ \ -v Second Presbyterian Church, John \\ .JiAiLV.Y, Pastor. — This Church was organized in May, 1854, with thirty members. Kum- HISTORY OF GALKSBURG. 2l ber of members added since then, 113. Present number 123. The church building is on the corner of Mxin and Kellogg streets. The present building is designed for temporary use, only, as it is the determination to buihi a large and handsome church within the next two years, in some eligible part of the city. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran CnaRCH, T. N. Hasselquist, Pastor. — This Church was organized in 1852, and. has at this time 185 members. Church building on Seminary stieot. Old School Presbyterian Church, I. N. Candee, Pastor. — Organized December 80th, 1854, with 18 members. Present num- ber of members 50. Church buibling on North Cedar street. First Congregational Church, Edward Beecher, Pastor. — Organized Nov. 9th, 1855, with 50 members. Present number 127. Church building on Broad street between Tompkins and Simmons streets. This is the finest church edifice in this part of the State. Swedish Methodist E. Church, Peter Rjahlman, Pastor. — Organized Oct, 1856. Present number of members, 50. Church building on Ferris street. Colored M. E. Church, A. AVoodfork, Pastor. — Organized Oct., 1858, with 20 members. No additions since. This Church worships in a school house on the ilonmouth Road. Universalist Church, Wm. Livin'oston, Pastor. — Organized in . Members 100. Attendants 100 to 150. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. The citizen of Galesburg, wherever he may be, at home or abroad' speaks proudly of the Institutions of Learning in our city ; and well he may, for few towns in our wide land are better off in this respect. We feci inclined to speak at length of these Institutions but the vast number of subjects upon which we have to speak ad- monish us that we mast " waste no words.'' The following engrav- ing gives an accurate idea of the outward form of Knox College, but not of the location. The engraver iiiistook the design and rep- resented the building as on a street, while in fact it is several rods back from the street, and is surrounded with young trees. 22 HISTORY OF GALESBURG. Professor Gale gives, in thepreceiling pages, a full history of tliis College up to 1845. The Building rcpresentoil Lj tlie above en- graving was commenced last year (1856) and will be completed in August next. The Contract for its erection was let to CnARLEg Ulricson of Peoria. It is a very substantial, and at the same time a very beautiful building, and reflects in its design and execution the highest credit upon Mr. Ulricson. The cost of this building will not be less than 655,000, The following named gcntiomen constitute the Board of Trust, — Eev. JoxATHANELANCHAKD,Prf5?We??^ of the Board, Rev. George W. Gale, Galesburg, Dea. Thomas Simmons, Galesburg, Nehemiah II. Lose}'-, A. M., Galesburg, John G. Sanburn, Esq., Knoxville, Williiim J. rhelp.-. Elm wood, Sylvanus Ferris, Esq., Galesburg, Hon. Peter Butler, Cold Brook, Rev. William E. Holyoke, Elgin, Rev. Flavcl Bascom, Galesburg, James Bull, Galesburg, James Bunco, M. D., G-alesburg, Eli F;'.rnham, Galesburg, Rev. Horatio Foote, Quincy, Rev. Milton Kimball, Augusta, Hon. James Knox, Knoxville, Chauncey S. Colton, Galesburg, hftillman F. Dolbear, Galertliurg, Levi Sanderson, Galesburg, Orville H. Browning, Esq., Quincy, Levi S. .^'tanley, Galesburg, William E. Withrow, Macomb, HISTORY OF GALESB(*RG. 23 Marcus B. Osborn, Esq., Rock Island, Rev. Samuel G. Wright, Toulon. STILLMAM F. DOLBEAR, Secretary of Board. LUCIUS GARY, Treasurer. The Faculty consists of the following named persons : Rev. Joxathan Bi.axciiard, President, and Professor of IntcllectuaZ Philosophy. Rev. George W. Gale, Professor of Moral Pluloso-phy and Belles- Lettres. Neiiemiah II. LosEY, A.M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Innes Grant, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages. Hexry E. HiTcncocK, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Katural Pliilosophy in the Femcde Collegiate Department. Albert Herd, A.M., Professor of Natural Sciences. Ekastus S. Wilecox, A.M., Professor of Modern Languages. Junius B. Roberts, A. B., Tutor. George CnuRcniLL, A. M., P.inclpfcl of the Academic Depai'tmenf, Edward P. Scott, A. B., As^t Teacher in the Academic Department. Miss Ada H. Hayes, Principal of the Female Academic Department., Miss Mary E. Comstock, Assistant in Female Acculemic Department. Mrs. S. F. Dolsear, ) Mrs. j*,Iary B. Flagg, > Teachers in Music — Piano or Guitar. Miss C. S. Chappell, ) This Institution now consists of three Departments — Collegiate, Female Collegiate, and Academic. From the Catalogue for 1856 we learn that the grand total of Students in the difi'erent Depart- ments is 431. This is one of the most flourishing Colleges in the United States, and stands second onl}^, we understand, in point of wealth. Expenses. — Tuition in the Collegiate Department, per year, j;520.00 Tuition in the Academic Department, 812.00 to 1(3.00 Room rent in College Buildings, G.OO Contingent Expenses, 2.00 The College duos liavine: been reduced to the lowest consistent 24 HISTORY OF CJALF.SBURO. amount, must invariably be pai.l in advance. No person will be received until he preheats the Tn asurer's receipt ; nor will any pupil be allowed to leave tlie Institution without permission until the tlose of the (luarter. Board can be had in good families at from ^1.50 to 2.00 per week, exclusive of washing and room-rent. Board with room and lodging may be had for ^2.50 per week. : : -:, ^.-.^-^ ^^ ^^ W 'W "'F! P' '? &.^ ^# ^^ |r KNOX FEJrALE COLLEGE. The above is an excellent engraving of Knox Female College, engraved from an Ambrotype by Codding, of this city. This building was commenced last year (185G), and will be completed sometime this Spring. The cost will bo about $-45,000. S C IT L S . There ar-^ ^ix District and four Piivatc ^3chools in the City. 1st District, Mr. Kent and Miss Slioruian, Teachers ; 2d District, Mr. Powell ; ;M Distrct, Miss C. Fuller; 4lh District, Miss Gaylord; 5th District, Mr. Stevens ; 0th District Mr. Bancroft. The private Schools are taught by Miss Mary West, !Mi6s Love, Miss Barnes, and Mr. Phctteplace. Many of our cih'/.ens are making an eainest effort to do away with District Schools, and adopt the Union Graded School system. It is to be hoped that the effort will sncceed. HISTORY OF (JALESlJUIiO. 25 L :».[ B A R D U X I V E R S T T Y . The above engraving was also taken from an Ambrotype b)' Cod- ding, and is a faitliiiil representation of the building. Tins Insti- tution was obartcred in 1851 nnJer tlie name of the Illinois Lib- eral Institute. The College was built nndcr the pnt'/onage of the Universalist De- nomination in 1S51-2. It is I'.ow known as Lombarh University. It wa« opened the first of September 1850, under the charge of Prof. P, R. Kendall as Principal of the j\Tale Department, and Miss C. S. Woodbury, of Female. The building formerly occupied was destroyed by fire in 1855. Steps were immediately taken to erect another and larger edifice for the use of the school. This building was commenced in 1856, and is now nearly completed. It Avili cost about §30,000. The college is one mile South-east of the Square, on fourteen acres of beautiful grounds, which can not be used for any other than college purposes. This ground is to belaid, out and ornamented in beautiful style. Benjamin Lombard, whose naino the lustitr.tion bears, was the principal donor. He gave the sum of 820,000. The Institution is endowed by sale of Scholarships, the sales of which have already reached $70,000. Tliei-e hnve, also, been donations made in land and money to the ■■.mount of -STOj-OOO. The University is in a prosperous cond.ition. 26 HISTORY OF GAI,E8BURG. The following named gentlemen constitute the the Board of Trust, — J. W. Spaui.ding, M. D., President, Galesburg, Hon. S. W. Brown, Secretary, Galesbnrg, Rev. S. P. Skinner, Cliicago, Erastus Hnrd, Esq., Galesburg, L. E. Conger, Esq., Galesbnrg, L, C. Conger, Esq., Galesbnrg, W. B. Chamberlin, SI. D., Burlington, Iowa, Benjamin Lombard, Esq., Henry, John B. Clay, Esq., Gales- burg, Alfred Brown, Esq. Henderson, Reuben Hefiin, Esq., Hender- son, Horatio Reed, Esq., Farmington, Alva Wheeler, Esq. Knox- ville, Alfred Knowles, Esq., Oquawka, Rev. Wm. S. Ballou, Gales- burg. HORATIO REED, Esq., Treasurer. The Faculty consists of the following named persons, — J. Y. N. Standish, Acting President, and Professor of Mathematics. William Livij-gstox, Professor of Xatural Sciences. E. R. Benneh, Professor . 142, I. 0. of 0. F. Meets every Aldnday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, West side Square. Ofiiccrs : Joseph Hill, N. G.; T. L. Clark, N. G.; A. L. Belknap, 11. S. ; ]\1. 1). Hillings, Treasurer. Seventy members. LIBERAL TEMPLE OF IIONOTL NO. 3J. HISTORY OF GALESBURO. 33 THE AUTO-KELUrilll SOCIETY OF LOMBARD UNIVERSITY. The Society of tlie " Auto Keluthii " was established, Septem- ber 9th, 1854, hy the students of the Collegiate Department of *' Illinois Liberal Institute," .since " Lombard University." This is now the oldest Society connected with Lombard University. Although conducted for a time under adverse circumstances, being deprived of both library and hall by the burning of the first build- ing of the Institution, yet, by the perseverance of its members, it etill continued to promote the objects set forth in the preamble of its constitution, viz : The acquiiement of knowledge, the procura- tion of skill and confidence in debate, and facility in the communi- cation of thought. Measures are now being taken to incorporate it by charter ; a new hall and library rooms are in an active state of preparation, and the future bids fair to attend its efforts with success. UNION GRADED SCHOOLS. In addition to the many other institutions of learning in Gales- burg we shall shortly have a Union Graded School. The late lamented Silas Willard left S20,000 for this object. The be- quest was conditional, that the city rai&e $30,000 more. This con- dition will, without doubt, be complied with, when we shall have an ample fund with which to inaugurate the best system of Free Schools ever devised. The school building will be centrally located in order to accommodate all the children in the city. LECTURES. During the past two winters our citizens have had the benefit of two courses of Lectures, and enjoyed the jorivilege of listening to a large number of the most distinguished lecturers in America. The first course was given imder the management of the Adelphi Society of Knox College, and the second under the management of the Gnothautii Society. Another course will be given next Winter under the direction of the Adelpiii Society, To these 3 HI8T0KY OF GALESBURG, Societies much credit is clue for their untiring exertions to secure the services of the best talent of the country ; and to our citizen for their liberal support of the enterpiise. POPULATION. In 1840, the population of the village of Galcsburg was 272. as filiown by the census of that year. There were 39 families. Tho popuhition of the Township, including the village, was 516. In the village there were 130 males and 142 females ; 7G persons un- dur ten years of age ; 75 between ten and twenty ; fiity betweea tw-cnty and thirty ; 27 between thirty and forty ; 29 between forty and fifty ; 8 between fifty and sixty, and 7 between sixty and seven- ty. The following are the names of the heads of families living ia the village at that time : Sebastian Adanis, Sylvanus Ferris, Stillman Dolbear, Harvey Gei"a»ld, George Ferris, D. Edgerton, S. Edgerton, Jacob Edgertou, James Bnnce, Hcrry Fciris, Eiastus Swift, Abiam Follett, Enos M'Eulear, Elisha King, Chauncey Colton, Clarissa Phelps, C. R. Palmer, James Bull, William Ilolycdco, Daniel Williams, Lucian Mills, Nehemiah Losey, Luke Strong, Robeit Bush, Sojdiia Lyman, John Waters, Gustavus Marsli, Biloy Boot, Sheldcn Goddard, Ed- ward Daly, John Clay, Thomas Simmons, Elani S. liitihcoclv, Levi Stanley, Patrick Dunn, Ro swell Paine, Junius Prenti.^s, Sheldoa Allen, Hiram Marsh, (.'eoige "V\\ Gale, Agiippa Martin, Kehrmiah West, Barber Allen, Abram Bergen, Levi ypeucer, Floyd Bucking- ham, Caleb Finch, Naaman Churchill, Henry W'illcox. In 1850 the population was less than 800. In 1853 it was a little k&s than 1400. Jn, 18f:5, it was COIG. At this time, tho j'Opulation Avithin the new city limits is 5,455. The increase since June, 1855, has been 2,539, or n-arly 100 per cent, in less than two years. B UI L D I N G S . There were erected in 1856, three hund.eimerly callod the Cential INIilitaiy Tract Railroad, and ex- tended from Gaiesbnrg to ilendota, where it connected with tha Aurora Exteasion. The Auroi a Bi audi, the Central jMilltai v Tract,, sjid the We^tnn Irain h of the Pcoiia & Oouawka road are now «allef Ph)ikMieli>hia, New York, and Boston. 36 HISTORY OF O.VLESBURO. In addition to tlie completed roads we have charters for the "Galesburg & Ptock Islaml llailroad," and for the " Galeshnrg & Muscatine Railroad." The road from Galcsburg to Eock Island will without doubt soon be built. A largo amount of stock has already been subscribed, and active effort is making to raise suffi- cient to put it under contract. The friends of the Galesburg and Muscatine Railroad have organzied under their charter, and opened Subscription books. The Road from Quincy to St. Josephs, Missouri will soon be completed, and we shall be within a few hours' ride of Kansas. The Topeka and St. Joseph Railroad will piobably be built within two years, giving us railroad connection with the very heart of that Territory. The road from Burlington to Nebraska will put us in connection with that Territory also. The Alton & Rock Island Railroad, of which the Galesburg & Rock Island Railroad will in all probability form a link, will put us in connection with St. Louis, and open to us the great Grocery market of the United States. This road will intersect the Northern Gross Railroad at Macomb, forty-five miles South of Galesburg, and, if it connects with the Galesburg & Rock Island road, use the Northern Cross to this city. The roads centering here have a very large and beautifully finished Passenger House. It is 174 feet long and 3G feet wide. This building is used for various purposes. There are waiting rooms for passengers— a large and well arranged wash-room— a barber- shop, and a Telegraph ofiice. A part of the building is used for an Eating house, and is kept by Messrs. Blossom & . The dinning hall is one of the largest and best finished rooms in the West. The house is kept in the best style. We know of no other Passenger House, East or West, that will equal it in its interior finish. The freight House of the C. B. & Q. Road is 175 feet long by 30 wide. An addition, ICO feet long will be put on this season, making the whole building B35 feet long. J. W. Cothren is the Freight Agent. Westox Arnold, Clerk. There are employed, about the Freight house, fifteen laborers. HISTORY OF GALESBURG. Ol The Engine Department gives employment to one hundred and forty-five men. E. Prindle, foreman of the Finishing Shop; B. H. KiuDF.R, foreman in the RoiUKi House, and C. F. Jaurikt, Mas- ter Mechanic. The following is the classification of the hands em- ployed : 25 Engineers, 25 Firemen, ?>() Macliinists in Finishing Shop, 15 JIaehinist in the Round House, 2 Pattern Makers, 8 Blacksmiths, 5 Boiler Makers, 20 Wipers of Engines, and 15 common laborers. The Carpenter Shop gives employment to about 30 liands. C. F. Ali.en, Superintendent of Wood Woik, J. I Etherige, Fore- man, L. C. Waters, Clerk. E. W. Weed, Tiack Master, has charge of the Track between Burlington and Buda, and has under his charge 150 men. Telegraph Office, 1Iii,t., Operator. IT. Hitchcock, Assistant Superintendent, B. O. Carr, Clerk of the Engine Department. The Total number of men employod by this Company at this Station will not fall short of 350. The American Express Company have an office near the Passen- ger Huuse. Messrs. Ward & Barnett have a large Warehouse near the Depot for storing grain and merchandise. Tiiis buihling is 100 feet long by 40 wide, and two stories high. There are several other Warehouses in the vicinity of the Depot, owned by Produce dealers. The improvements in this part of the city during the present season will be extensive. A large biick hotel, and several stores are now under contract. It is thought by many that in a short time tlie heavy Grocery and Hai'dware establishments will be located there. Lots in the vicinity of the Depot, suitable for busi- ness stands, are rapidly increasing in value. 38 HISTORY (IF GALE8BUR0. o ♦-t < '^ ♦—I a c t— t o o o o r> r> o o o o :o O o ~ ~ o o •.-:i o O 30 lO ".-1 -t* .o — t T< -^ --O -t< :0 I- » ^ 71 I- r^ -Ti 35 -t* CO 5t ^0 COr-ITC.OTt<-HMMt-35- • w ■- /J CO ^_~o o --0 r;_»^ > o _- -^ o^j ^ r5 "0 .1 .- rs vO o o M •-< -ti ^ x o .'< rs J? M -I ir- O 7-1 :o => -35 N o :=> •* -^ => t^ , ^ Tj< -* rH ^ -:t* -Tp" crs => ri o rH -t f^ N rH M -^1 .-^ l» o -i -. --I -o .4 .:o I- ^ >o '-"^ o 3J rH rji c;_ .-o^ CD o M__ :^_ :r5_ rs o >d ,o_ 1—1 'J^ _> J? r> -2 ^ _? o o r> o o ^ ~)OOooor>c:> lO o ,— Z> XI rH .o T4 yi JO — t I— ( uO 70 » o 'M r-t iiTi o o lO o =>:=>=> o ^ o o_ o o o^ _._^ OT ri to X. >» .o 2^ -? ^ T^ ^ I? ^ - - ■ — - -j;j i^ o ~__ jO >0_ 0_ -i U.--^ "M 'n -Ti i=i O I— ■-0 "^1 -n >o ^5 lO —1 ■o I-H 1— ( T— 1 T^ 7^ ■^ ^■s QO TO 00 Ci C4 I- o t—t CO o |t-I CO -t* :o lO o o o .0 I-- '-o .-I ..o Oil-- to^ci -.-< vo rH -^ -i- TO C5 -M -^ CO O -— I '^ 20 t— I— O ^ Tl 35 (M TO O O ^ p I-- "^ ^ rjt :?■» CO -f "* -ri lO lO CO O O Xi X.' ■CnJ t-( o o CO t-~ ITs"^ X) .O ^N to :0 :0 CI «o "^^ "* "*- ^- ^- '"■- '^- "^l -J'r-H'o'irtr-rcOC^t— — ^ •^ (M ^ OJ C^_t-iOO-iOCO Cvl X) 'O CO X) o >o r-< -5}i X) T^ 0_ .~ C5_ o c:5_ rjT C5 r-T C5 -x" xT ?i" CO i-< rl r-l -* to T-( "" - '^ s s OJ ^ <: -Ji O '^ Pi HISTORY OF GALESBURO. 39 CLASSIFICATION OF BUSINESS. Below we give, under appropriate headings, the names of the per- sons now engaged in business in this city. This list, as far as we have been able to ascertain, is correct and complete. A more e.x- tended notice of the leading business houses will be found under the heading of "Business Notices. PHYSICIANS. The following named gentlemen are engaged in the Practice of Medicine. We think the list is correct : Alopathic. — Jaff-es Bunce, John M. Morse, J. W. Spalding, 8. D. Slater, M. R. Taylor, H. S. Kurd, A. T. McCurdy, G. W. Barck, Homeopathic. — Foot ife Nye, John Babcock. Eclectic. — S. B. Chapman. Hydropathic. -^Johw B. Gully. J. C. Rutherford. Dentists.— E. C. Sohn, E. F. Davi)^. Lawyers. — W. S. Gale; Hammond ir. They melt about two tliousand }>ounl!.^ of iion per day, em- ploy about twenty hands, and are doing about $25,000 worth of business per year. Brass castings are also made at thi:s establish- ment. EUOVrX'S ILLINOLS CORN PLANTER .MANUFACTORY. Geo. W. Browx, Esq., tlie proprietor of the establishment ancT the inventor of the ^^laehine, commenced expeiimenting with the- first one in 1852. In 1853 he obtained his first patent, and made 12 machines, wliicii were successfully used by the faruiei-s in the vicinitv of his .^bop which be had built on his farm, ten miles from Galesburg. In 1854 he inanufactuied 100. In 1855 he made 278» and also obtained a patent on an additional improvement. From the universal favor manifested toward his Flanters by the farmers, the fact l)ecame apparent to Mi-. ?>., that to meet the in- creasing demand, he must greatly enlarge his manufacturing facili- ties. Accordingly in 1856 he erected his present shop in this place, equipped it with steam power, and also supplied it with the various modern improvements in machinery, to facilitate the rapid and suce.-sfiil manufacture of this ''great Western invention for i^lfoding the /-r (dries." For the planting season of 1850, he manufactured and sold 503, and many more could have been sold could they have been made in time. Mr. .15. lirds the demand steadily increasing for these ma- chines, and he is constantly enlarging and extending his works to enable him to mee't it. For this year, 1857, he is manufacturing 1000, giving employment to fifty men, using 120,000 feet of lum- ber, and thirty tons of iron. It is evident from the history of this Planter, that it is gradually becoming one of the fixed and permanent imjilements of agriculture upon the western prairies ; and that the time will soon come when the western farmer will feci that be can no more successfully plant HISTORY OF GALESBURG. 45 an average number of acres of corn without the aic of this ma- chine, than he could harvest his grain or grass without a reaping or mowing machine. ROTARY FAN BLOWER. Among the many improvements in Galesbnrg, is a machine for clearing Railroads of snow, called a rotary Fan Blower. The machine was invented January 23il, 1855, and patented January 29th, 1856, hy Riley Root and Samuel G. Holyoke. Its construction is that of a heavy iron shaft, on the front of which, is fastened a fan, two feet in width and 14 feet in diameter, weighing in all about two tons. The fan consists of four wings, on the front edge of which, are steel knives eight inches in width and 14 feet long with projecting spurs to loosen up the snow as it advances forward. The Blower is to be driven by a 25 horse power engine and made to rotate as fast as its structure will bear. It is designed to rotate cross-wise of the track, and so arranged as to rotate either way, to suit the direction of the wind. The advantage gained in this machine, over the usual snow plow, is, that this machine cuts tip the snow and throws it to a great distance from the track, whilst the snow plow can only tlirow it to short distances, and even then a portion of the one half that is thrown towards the wind, will be blown immediately back again. Another important consideration is, that after two or three passages with the plow through deep drifts, the snow becomes so solid at the sides of the track, that a resort to the shovel is necessary. It is our opinion that when the machine is brought into full requisition, it will advance the cause of Railroads far into northern countries, and that it will supercede any machine hitherto invented for that purpose. G. D. COLTON'S PLANING MILL AND PLOW FACTORY. G. D. CoUon's Planing Mill and Plow Factory stands a little Northwest of the Passenger Depot. It was built in 1856. In this establisment is one of Fisk's celebrated Planing Machines, which does its work better and faster than any thing of the kind we ever witnessed in operation. For planing, tonguing and grooving flooring it has no equal. It will plane about 1,000 feet of lumber 46 HISTORY OF GALE6BITRO. per liour. In the same building is a Circular Saw for converting loarils into .'■iding. In the basement is an engine of about 20 horse power, manufactured by Gage & Co., of Chicago. It is au excel. l(-nt piece of workmanship, and peiforms its various duties with that quiet and 8teadiness that characterizes nearly all great work- ers — whether uieu or machines. In another part of the building is the Blacksmith Shop, where the iron woik for TuitLEv's celebrated PIow.s is done. The grinding of the mould boards is also done in this shoj). In the thin'', story of the main building, workmen are engaged in stocking and painting the plows. Tliese plow's, we think are destined in a short time to come into general use. ]Mr. Colton coutemjilates making additions to his buildings and Machinery to meet the wants of his increasing business. He is an enterprising Mian and is worthy of patronage and succe-^s. MARS, G^MI;LE & CO.'S SAStI, DOOR AXD RLIXl) FACTORY AND PLAXlXr; fdlLL. One of the largest manufactu! iiig establishments in Galesburg is tlie Sash. Dcor and Blind jManufnctoiy and Planing Mill of Mars, GiMRLE & Co. Several years ago, in 1844, we think, M'-. Gimblo started the Sash, Door and Blind factory in this city. He then performed all ihe woik by hand. But as the town and country in- cieased in pO| ulation, the nr.mber of houses increased, and, in con- eequence, there was a lieavy demand for such articles as he inanufacfurcd. Last year he entered into partnership with Mr. Mars, and the business was carrieil on under the name and stylo of !RiAns & GiMr.LE. They immediately after the ibrmation of the partnership, erected, the largi^ building a little Northeast of the Depot, which they uuw occupy. Jn this building they placed a large amount of machinery for the manufacture of Sasli, Doors and Blinds, and also, an excellent I'ianing machine and Surface machine. Their Engine, a beautifid pie-e of uiachinery, was built at the P^oun- diT and macliine Shoj) of d. P. Frost & Co., in this city. They now give employment to about twenty hands, and turn out a vast amount of work. In addition to tlicir Factory, they have a build- ing near by in which they keep a very lari^e stock of Glass of all sizes and every quality. In the ujiper story of this building the glazing and sash painting is done. HISTORY OF GALESBURO. 47 They also keep a Lumber Yard, where all kinds of luiilding lum- ber can be obtained. This they sell in a rough state or plane and manufacture it to order. Persons wishing to build would do well to visit this establish- ment before perfecting their arrangements or making their purchasea of material. Factory corner of South and Chambers Streets. There are many otlier manufactuiing establishments worthy of no- tice in this connection, but we have not the space to devote to them. There are Plow Manufactories, Wagon and Cariiage Factories, Mills, &c. (fee. ELECTIONS, CITY CHARTER, &C. VOTE OF THE TOWN IN THE rRESIDENTIAI. ELECTION OF 1'''50. On the 4tli of November, 1856, the vote in this Township stood as follov.-s : Fremont 099 Buchanan IGO Fiemont's majority 5o9 William Kellogg for Congress 704 J. W. Davidson^ " '' 159 545 VOTE FOR PROHIBITION. On the 1st Monday in June the people of Illinois voted for and against a prohibitory Liquor Law. In this town the majority in favor of the Law was 404. There were 516 votes cast. This was the vote of the Tov»'nship. During the past winter a City Charter for Galesburg was granted by the Legislature. In that Charter the question of gi\- ing the Com- mon Council discretionary power to license the sale oi intoxicating drinks was submitted to the voters of the city. On the first Mon- day in April a vote was taken and resulted as follows : For Prohibition 462 For Power to License 104 Majority for Prohibition 358 There were 668 votes cast, but there were 113 who did not vota on this question. 48 HISTORY OF GALESBSRO. liOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTED IX 185G. E. U. A^lams, U. II. ^VIuUni,^ E. M.Jordan, L. C. Field, L. C. CoxcEH, Py-es. Geo, W. Ford, Clerk. CITY OFFICERS ELECTED OX THE FIRST MOXDAV IX APRIL, 1857, UNDER THE NEW CHARTER. Mayor, Heniy 11. Sanderson, City Clerk, 0. S. Pitcher, Mumhal, Y. P. Bisson, Assessor, David Sanborn, Treasurer, A. M. Phelps. S(~eet Commissioner, J. Burliingham, J'ulice Matjislrute, A. (J. Wiley, " " L. C Conger, Cily Justice of (he Peace, M. D. Cook, Alderman \st Ward, J. H. Sherman, " 2)1(1 " Edwin Post, " ord " James F. Dunn, 4tk " J. W. Cothren. 5/A " Marcus Belden, " G(h " E. M. Jordan. BOUNDARY OF THE CITY AND THE WARDS. Wo take from the City Charter the following sections which de- fine tlie boundary of the City and the AVards : Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in General Assembly, that all the districts of country in the County of Knox and State of Illinois, consisting of the tract.'i of land known as the West half of the South West quarter of Section one, the South half of section two, the South half of section ^erpiise. To all worthy public enterprises he sub- scribes with a liberal hand. On the site where he built his first store, cor. of Main Street and Public square, now stands a block of five large brick stores, two of them three stories high, and three of them two. The two next to Main Street are occupied by himself and sons. They are now doing a heavier business than ever heretofore, and we commend them to the Public as men every way worthy of patronage. WM. A, WOOD Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Silks and Fancy Goods, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, «fec. &c^ corner of cherry and Main Streets, (Brown & Whiting's old stand), Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. Vv ooD is among the oldest Merchants in the place, having commenced business in 1845 with L. Sanderson, in the store now occupied by Sandeksox is Son. His business, at that time, was that of exchanging Cloths for Wool. In 1852 the partnership be- tween Sanderson and Wood was dissolved, and Mr. W. went into business in the house now occupied by Mr. Grose as a Shoe Store. In 1853 he built the store generally and well known as Buown & Whiting's stand. Here he continued in business until 1855, when he sold out to Brown & Whiting. During the same year he open- ed a store in the building on the corner of Cherry and Main Streets, directly opposite the Haskell House. While here he had several partners in business. In 1857 he bought the stock of Brown & Whiting and also the building, where he is now engaged in a heayy and prosperous business. It is an old saying that " a rolling stone gathers no moss," but it does not hold true in Mr. Wood's case, for all his changes have been profitable. To say a word in his favor to the old citizen is superfluous — they all know him to be an honor- We, upright, conscientious dealer, and a pleasant man to trade with. To the gtranger who has just arrived, and has not yet selected his BOSISE38 NOTICES. 55 permanent places of trade, we wonld suggest that a visit to this establishment may inure to his profit and result in long-con- tin :ed patronage, and mutual benefits to himself and Mr. W. His Stock is among the largest in the city — carefully selected and sold at the lowest living rates. REED'S BANK.— This Institution was chartered at the last Session of the Legislature. Its officers are A. D. Keep, President, E. L. Chapman, Cashier. The following statement was published on the 9th of April. 1857: Capital Stock paid in and invested according to law,. .^52,9?)5.85 Notes in circulation, -47,300.00 $100,235.85 RESOURCES ; Stock deposited as security for circulation, $52,935.o5 Notes of other banks on hand, 12,427.00 Specie on hand 0,761.00 Deposited with other Banks and Bankers, 28,112 00 SI 00,235.85 THE GALESB'uRa HOUSE, Main Street, Galcsburg, Wm. Ander- son, Landlord ; John V. Heermance, Clerk. This popular tavern was built by President Kellogg, of Knox College, about 15 years ago; and after passing through several hands, and having been repeatedly enlarged, was purchased l>y Mr. Wm. Anderson, the present proprietor, in 1854. Under the dilfer- ent landlords it has always enjoyed a liberal patronage fiom the public ; and from having at first but ten sleeping rooms has now increased to over fifty. Mr. Anderson, the excellent landlord, de- Totes his whole attention to promoting the comfort and convenience of his guests ; keeps an excellent Table cV IRte ; gives special atten- tion the arrival and departure of trains, and carries his guests free of charge to and from the Depot in a well appointed omnibus, got up in the best city style. The stages for Muscatine and Rock Island leave the Cilesburg House — for Muscatine on Thursdays, and for Rock Island on Mon- days and Thurdays. Good Stabling is connected with the Hotel to meet the wants of the traveling community. 54 lU'SIXESS KOTICKS. BOiSHELj KUHN & COLVILLE, Bookbiuders, Booksellers, Station- ers and Blank Book Manufacturers, Southu'«*it Corner of the Public Square. The partners of this firm are J. W. Boishel, J. S. Kchn, and R. CoLviLLE. The Bookselling department of the business was estab- lished several years ago bj the senior partner, Mr. Boi^ihel. In Sept., 1855, jIj-. Jvuhu joined him in partnership, at which time the stock was cousiderablj a-iigmented, and has since been gradually increased, till it now comprises quite an extensive assortment o"^ works in miscellaneous liteiature ; all the books in use in both the Colleges, au'l tlio other schools ; the different publications of the Bible Society, the Tract Society, and the Sabbath School Union ; besides a large and well asssorted stock of miscellaneous stationery of all kinils. Mr. B. has for several years traveled regidarly over .some of the adjoining counties, having a team and wagon adapted for that purpose. Jiessrs. ]j. & K. having often felt the want of a well applianced Bookbindery in Galesburg, resolved to establish one in connection with their Bookselling business ; and being desirous of seeming the services of a person of experience, and fully competent to undertake its management in all the different branches, they were recommended, at the end of 1855, to correspond with Mr. Colville — then in busi- ness in Chicago — the result of which was. that on the first of May, 1850, ilr. C. arrived in Galesburg vvith all the raachinei-y requisite for establishing the Bookbinding, which was immediately com- menced in the building adjoining their bookstore. That success wonld soon attend the arrangement gone into, was soon apparent, the ])remises being shortly found too limited for the manufacture of Blank Books and the usual class of miscellaneous Bookbinding. In consequence of this, early in February of the present year, the himfery was moved to the biick building known as Colton's Block — on the same floor as the Free Democrat oflfice — where it is now locateil. Since 'he business was first started several specimens of clygant Bookbinding have l)e<'n tuined out, proving that the aitisan understands his business, and convincing the citizens of Galesburg, that they have no need to go from home for any thing whatever, reipiired, in that line. In lilank Rooks also, from the smallest to those of the largest class, evidence has been satisfactorily given. BUSINESS NOTICES. 55 tliat they can be manufactured quite as well at home as abroad, thus saving the party requiring the article a deal of trouble, and the advantage of having it done under his own supervision, besides the self-gratification of assisting in some degree, the devel- opment of our home manufactures. A short time since, a Paging Machine of the newest and most approved construction was added to the Bindery, so that it may now be said to be one of the most comjilcte in any city of equal size in the West, there being in fact no establishment of a similar nature, where an equal amount of capital is embarked, or experience in the business brought to bear upon it, within a radius of many miles. This firm have now two wagons on the road, and are M'holesale agents for several articles, — Sheet and Roller Maps, Prints, etc. etc., which, as well as Blank Books, can be supplied on as good terms as at New York, or other eastern cities. It was hoped that a brick building would ere this have superceded the wooden one, in which the bookselling is yet carried on : whether this may be put up during the present season, remains to be seen — we sincerely hope so; a few such being much wanted in this locality, to preserve what may be termed the equilibrium of the city, J. R. GORDON Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Beady-Made Cloth- ing, Hals and Caps, Gentlemen's Furnishing'.Goods &c. &c., Main Street, opposite the Haskell House, Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. Gordon commenced business in Galesburg in 1854. He established the first regular Clothing Store ever opened in this city. He first opened in a small wooden building erected by W. J. Woods, on the South side of the Public Square, where, by close attention to business — a stock carefully selected and constantly full — low prices and fair dealing, he gained a good business reputation and secured an excellent run of custom. In 1856 he built the store he now occupies. Here bis customers and his success follow- ed him, and here he is now doing a heavier business than ever here- tofore. Mr. Gordon is an American, and, though he sells goods as cheap as the cheapest, he does not do business upon the Jew princi- ple. He treats all alike and all fairly. We bespeak for him that liberal patronage to which his long residence among us, excellent Goods and low prices so justly entitle him. 56 BUSINESS NOTICES. WILLIAM H. BABCOCK & CO, Dealers in Stoves. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, and all kinds of Farming Implements, North side of the Public Square, Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. Babcock came here in June, 1853, and went into the Stove and Tin-Smithing business with his father. Their shop was in the brick building adjoining the store now occupied by Willard, Bab- cock & Co. After the death of his father he built the store now occupied by him onthe North side of the Square. The store was built in 1855. In December, 1856, he associated with him in business, Mr. J. F. Stilson, and the name and style of the [firm became William IT. Babcock & Co. In addition to the Stove, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware busi- ness, which they carry on extensively, they keep what may properly be termed an " Agricultural Warehouse," where every kind of implement used in Western Farming may be found. The advan- tages of such an establishment to the farming community can hardly be properly appreciated, save by those farmers who toiled for years in this part of the West without being able to procure any thing better than a wooden mould-board plow, and an old-fash- ioned harvesting cradle, and hand rake. Now the farmers of Knox and the surrounding Counties can come to Galesburg with the full assurance of finding at the above named establishment every thing" used by them from a pitch fork to a threshing machine. Here may be found Deere's celebrated Plows, in praise of which too much can not be said. Harvesting and Mowing machines, of the most approved patterns, can always be found, and on manufacurers terms. Corn and Cob Mills, Corn Planters, Corn Shellers and Corn Knives can also be had here. Machines for hulling and cleaning clover seed — large iron kettles for boiling corn, potatoes, &c., for Stock, and, in short, every thing in the Stove, Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron, and Farming Implement line used by farmers or housekeepers, can be found here at reasonable prices. Messrs. B. & Co., are fair anc honorable dealers, enterprising men, and ever on the alert to secure for their customers all that is new and valuable in their line. They are building up a^ very extensive and valuable business, and we commend them to the public as young men every way worthy of liberal paitronage. BUSINESS NOTICES. 57 SAGE k REED, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Silks and Fancy Goods, Clothes, Cassimeies, shawls, Ilats, Caps, Bonnetc, Straw Goods, Carpets, Wall Paper, &c. &c., one door West of the Haskell House, Main Street, Galesburg, Illinois. Messrs. Sage «k Reed formerly transacted business in Farming- ton, Illinois. In the Spring of 1856 they came to this city and erected the large and beautiful store now occupied by them. They filled the establishment with the largest and richest assort- ment of Goods ever brought to this city ; and, by means of ex- tensive and systematic advertising, they soon built up a tremendous business. They hoisted the sign of the "Regulator," and by that Bame their establishment is known for a hundred miles around. They sell their goods at extremely low prices — deal justly and fairly with all — and extend to their customers such acoraniodations as those in large and successful business alone can afford to. Strangers in the city should pay this store a visit, and learn from its packed shelves and crowded rooms what a large amount of busi- ness is transacted here. Country dealers will find it to their advan- tage to call on them. Residents need not be told that it is a cheap store — t/u'f/ know that already. REED & ABBOTT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware ; Stoves ; Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware ; Iron, Nails, &,c. &,c. Colton's Block West side Public Square. This firm formerly transacted business in Farmington, Fulton County, Ills., fi'om whenee they removed to this city in the Spring of 1856. This is by far the largest establishment of this kind in this pait of the West. They have two large rooms in Colton's Block, the store formerly occupied by Barry & Field, the cellar under Reed's Bank, and several other rooms literally jammed with Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Tinware, n A Sons 51 W. .\. AVood, 52 Reed's Bank 53 Calesburg House, 53 Boishel, Kuhn .t Colville, 54 J. K. Gordon, 55 Widiam H. Babcock & Co., 56 Sage & Kecd— Heed & Abbott, 57 0. B. Matteson, 58 Stewart, Mourer & Co. — Josiah Tilden, 5t) Dunn, Chccscbro & Co., 60 Llaskell House — Sidney Mjers — Brown &. Morse, 61 Willard, Babcock Sc Co.— J. H. & A. Knapp, 62 James Gregory — Pitcher &. Mason, 62 Business Directory, 62 Concluding Remarks, 63 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 097 872 7