.R92 B8 v^\^ ^^■^ ^*- /.... ,.^^ ^^, ,0O^ >. * 3 N ^ .0^ . ^ • » ' '^C- ^0. I* A ^ " . o. ^^' >^', ^ a"* "■ .c~.,5. % -^. « •..\ ,.-^- •*bo'^ A .0^ •*bo^ .^^ ^■"h "^ .>^ .^^ ^^ -n.. ^^°c .■' .'%^' A^ ^\' '^y. C^' •*^^*,>i-' ^ ^"^ _n' % -^^ ."^. .-O' v^*' '''H.. A*"" "^*-, ^O^x. ^c ^^ '-5- %^^ ]N[ature Studies ♦ ♦ . in the . ♦ Rutland Tallcy. •EC JNO COPY, JVaturc Studies IN THE Rutland Valk>>. PHOTOGRAPHS BY L. F. BRE+iMER. RUTLf\ND. VERMONT. PUBLISHED BY BREHMER BROTHERS. 1899. L 29282 COPYRIGHT. 1S99. liV I,. H. BREHMER. ▼WO COPIES KEceiVEO. ENGRAVED AND PRINTED BY WALLACE-CUMMINGS PRINTING COMPANY, ST. AL8ANS, VERMONT. J \S^t) f^ \ n, rt jVaturc Studies in the Rutland Valley. •" I 'HE lircfii liills and \-alle\s of Vermont hint- been too little exploited. The wealth ot I beauty which they enshrine largely escapes the glance of the railway traveler as he swiftly passes by. But intelligence and capital are recognizing their mute invi- tation, and our fastnesses are e.xplored by others than the hunter and the fisherman, the feller of trees and the lonely backcountry farmer. A new in\'ader has scaled the rocks and look"ed down into the hidden pools of her trout streams — an eye capable not only of seeing but also of telling a true story of what it sees, and ^ what is more — of enabling others to share the picture. And this not merely a mental vision, but an accurate and artistic reproduction that other eyes may rest upon with delight when far away and at quiet leisure. To recognize the complete difference in art \aiues from those of a generation ago in photography, by comparison with the book and magazine illustrations of that day, is to e.xperience genuine astonishment. The succeeding series of views taken by the faithful camera portray a few scenes not more beautiful than scores of others which lie close about Rutland, and which may well be offered to a v\ider circle. It is hoped that they may be instrumental in making more friends for Vermont, her scenery and her people. [M] «s Desire to say. that after forty years experience iii the Di"ug Busii\css, we are better fitted to supply the wants of the di'uc) purchasing coinnuinily tl^an any store in X'crniont. Our facilities are suci\, tl\at we i'Ceep in touch witJA the times, and our stock ct)iiiprises everything iiew aiKl old. Our line of Druggists' Sui"vdries is complete. \\'e make a specialty of PhysiciaiAs' Supplies and guar- aiAtee F^rices. Tor fifteen vears we ha\'e dealt extensiveh' iii rs C«T Flower; A A in every \ariety and can supply at m\\ time all sorts of de- signs at short notice. Write us please, or call wheiA in Wc\nt. mmw m mrwmi c:30- m vt/ ^1 1 MM \-Jr- •■*■- <•■■.■ M » /|V W (St. 'I* ,& nEiCMi^PT^ TL^PID), ¥T. Tho J A. MBS A. BIBI^IS . . * Clotbing Company* SHSEEMSMMiaaSMSJSIlMMaQiMMEiiaMMMSISIH^IHSJHolISJa/^ #^ m >» «> w %^ IV'. Jt/ > a- BilM0M@MSMIMMSMMa3iM3JaiaMDffleyaM5M3ISM0ja3Ena;3JSM2MEM^ CLEMENT BUILDING, RUTLAND, VERMONT. s @ 'i'ofi/iii's Hats, F*errin*s Gloves, Alahnitiiii Shirts, II. C. Cai-tis cV'Co.'s Collars and Cuffs, JSeclnwear fi-nm the L^Gficliiiiy JSIalcars, A.dler*s TnJlor- nmde Suits .i/»«/ Overcoats, Bverythlnir in Buys' and Children's Clothinir. iv^^^^r^ JMount KilUngton is not the largest mduntain in the wmld, neither are we the largest dealers in this great country of ours ; but we endeavor to make our customers interest ours for mutual benefit. We have one of the best Test-Cases for testing the eyes that is on the market, and know how to use it. We make no charge for e.xaminations. We have been before the public for too long a time to say anything about our skill as workmen, we believe in honest work and in getting a fair price for what we do. We do not wish to mar this page with a long description of what we keep in stock, but can assure you that we have everything that is usually to be found in a first-class jewelery store. HASCALL & BROWN, JEWELERS. W. R. KINSMAN, Edson and Willow Streets, RUTLAND, VERMONT, GRANITE AND MARBLE WORK Of Every Description Manufactured and Set Up Complete in any Cemetery. J I aim to he at tlie front in point of artistic de- sijin, bfst material and finest workmanship. When tliis fact is given consideration, m>- price will always he found low. Any person desiring to purchase Monumental Work should weigh carefull\- three \-ery important considerations : First : — The quality of stock and workmanship. Second: — The responsibility of the manufacturer. Third : — The price. The pur- chaser who places the last consideration first, often makes a serious mistake. High-class work has a \aluation that varies hut little, therefore if an irresponsible dealer offers work at e.xtremely low prices, think \'erv carefully before signing his con- tract. The volume of business w hich 1 do enables me to e.xecute each separate order at a \ery sm.UI per cent, of profit. I ha\'e represt- ntati\-es all over New York and New England and am always glad to show designs and quote prices. " Cb« light and shade flits to and fro Clpon our hills of green Hnd in the TalUy far below 3 magic spot is seen " M. A. McCLURE . . . State Agent for . . . mm m m I also carry a complete line of Small Musi- cal Merchandise and Up-to-date Music. Before purchasing anything in the Musical line call on or address, Razclton Brothers, jMcpbail, . . . DoU ^ Stodart pianos. . . M. A. McCLURE, 67 and 69 Center St.. RUTLAND. ^ibon's JVIarhct LEADS THEH ALL. Because 7 Grove Street and 162 West Street. WHY? TELEPHONE. We are the only Markets in town who give Trading Stamps and the very Best Meats that can be bought. Our Prices are the Lowest and we try to keep them so. Our Markets will Bear Inspection any day. If anything should be kept neat and clean it is a meat market. WILSON'S MARKET, 7 Grove St. and 162 West St. RUTLAND, VERMONT. ??SSi$SSSSSi$i$i$SSSSS***Si$i5S*S * « \)/ vt/ \(/ \(/ \(/ W $i$i$**i$*i$*9*SS3 >i'4< ^l*. f\ rr, w» Green jMountain poultry? farm, PIERPOINT &. GROWER, PROPS, -BREEDERS OF- Barred plymoutb Rocks, ^ ^ \ ^ pckin Ducks, Broilers, and ^ ^ ^ Brown Gggs* RUTLAND, VT. NORTH MAIN ST. KILLINGTON AND THE OTTER Crowned with Uflbt the mountains stand Ro;caU>> on citbtr band " c O Z tL z z u u z u H Z o I > o < r Q Z o z < H z h z u CD tO*^ CD Oi5 ti> u Q Z D tf) I- D m z o o z a. u t > c > u Q Ul (0 I m a. « a. o - '4 ^ ^ ^ 5 tfj N (h 5 ^, S &. U •^ '-' '< 5 K -J a sa ;« a a h u >J C c (>> a a o > c o ^ a 3 o ♦o c .^ rj -*-» Wl JW ^ 5 ^) O 2: b« c C ri •a ^ "w W > H -ft O Oh m d u c/3 ,S a > < C .53 > J3 S G O C c J3 i 'be G c "3 Q > d z < -J ;^ «t I «; Oh I H Z O s en 2 z LI o CM DC < m .5 '3 O 00 c ^ •« 2 I w P ^ Q W 1/1 c _o Q ■4-* Z < O ^2 ^ z 3 w o -M ^ a w Tj Z c oi c o. a ^ CM - in «> a p: K ^ lu K s (5 lit lu N 1. (0 ^ K . 5 i- Q > Uj CO Ul § 5 Ul o Oc § (0 (0 to ^ <« \. (0 CD I CO Q 1, CD ^ (0 (D P 0) (0 (0 Ul Q 5 (0 ^ ^ tf CD -J >> Ul H it Q ^ Ul K U. 0) 5 «5 c^ u. Q CO p Ul Ul IS > u a. o X H V < u. u m z LJ O < Z 5j CL u 1- V) 1 H ^ * h CD 03 u > 111 m LJ 5 o Z vsr < I I 1- a u z 3 ■ £1 -O u o CO z u UJ m IE U w z u o o = 10 n ^ a: CK o CD I o F* oo z Q z o 'J ll. u -1 UJ > < I w if >. c >_ OJ OJ — 5 > Q Ul K lil Ul X 1 W U O z 2 0) :£ IT O 5 -J E Q = Qi ^ ^ [L ^ z J J i- u I o h < m u I h- (/) QC «t UJ > CL D o w >- •a: < Q Z < 5 o z u cc < 1 o -1 O "^ H z o ;: U (0 tr ^ Q cc UJ u I o 1- « CO z >■ cc" -1 I o < is- *^ .E ° -3 > ^ Ul i. Q: ll. > 1- X m Q. u z I c 5 Q. ;? < U) I 1- 6 g 03 cc o > "ul M!!firfvntntfi!f^!fi?fnf??fnfnrMfnfVf^!fnf^?fnfVfVfnfnf^vMfi!fVfi!rvf?!fnfnfnfVfnf!!r?!frf^Tfnf!^ o CD o u u Q O O C O C o o ■4-* % >> o .22 00 (^ M 1 o CO s* to 1 03 O o GO u on o (/3 •^ ^ o 00 OS S-i (J 0! O O 00 Si «J T3 c/) H 00 U d c o "5 TJ 00 00 u oj O "<5 03 b/) o b^ c >> ^ Si 03 X u O ■*-> 00 w J2 Si z O 5 6 c o in 3 >- -o a, a, "5 cr -♦-» c c > •5b s c ■*-' ■4-' OS ;-< •Si Si OS Oh c 03 6 03 00 C _g ■+-» OS O S s o o u a 1 a, 3 cr 6J o _c 00 U 00 u >- Si -o C -a ^3 Ml Si o! o -o C O g C/D 1 c t/3 >- > O o! 1^ OS Si a. o ^ -C o (/J ;-! bi) c s 03 0! 00 -4—1 3 O > 03 > O u S o Si p J Q ~^ T3 CJ -T3 5 E^ o U _c U <-t-t c o C 3 ■* iUiiiiUiUiiUUiiUUiiiiiUUiUiiiiiUUii^iiiiUiiiiiUiUiUiUiiiUiUiiiiUiiiiiUUiiiiiiiUiUiiUUiiiiUI^ u- CM . . .THE FIRM OF HOUGHTON & •f- 'nT' 'f' ^U -f- ^• U n^ 1!^ vV Frank C. Houghton. Charles E. Morse 21 Merchants Row, RUTLAND, VT. * vt/ (If r n^ MORSE -'r Present this Souvenir to their many friends and cus- tomers, hoping that it will often remind them tiiat they have a store full of new, fresh Dry Goods, up-to-date in every particular, and con- stantly adding all the New Novelties as soon as they appear in the city markets. Our aim will always be to give each customer atten- tion and goods that will be satisfactory in every way. All goods at strictly cash prices, which enables us to compete with the old meth- ods of credit. We claim a saving of lo'c to 20'f in this system of doing business. Everyone invited to visit our store. &^'^ '^^'* ■^^'* iMM INl a wii wo O t Decorative Embroidery, or Needle Pair|tirig, as it is soii\etin\es called, is as truly ar\ art as pair)tirig -witli pallet aqd brusti, ar\d offers a large field for tt\e display of sKill aqd taste. Success iV[ tl^is beautiful art is greatly prorrioted by good rqatenals ar)d proper iristructiori. Tlie DECORATIVE ART STORE offers special facilities for obtair\irig botti. Coinnqerjced worK, acorqplete lirje of Enqbroidery SilKs, Lirier|S ar\d otl^er Art Materials, Wools, Yarns, HaridKercliiefs, Ribboris, Tortoise Stiell Goods, arid Sniall Wares, Stanipirig for Enibroidery. Lessors iq Enibroidery aqd Lace Worlv by art experienced teaclier. Corresporideqce solioiied. Mail, orders receive careful atter\iioii. M. HElKMn. . . . BURNHAM & WILLIAMS, . . . CHOKE STOCK. C^T QL/^; LfiiFWl LOW PRICES. wmEK nmrnmi w mmi RUTLAND, VERMONT. /(\ GUNS, AnnUNITION AND SPORTING GOODS * AoEr,TS rcn COOLIDQE CYCLE CO., /(\ STEARNS, UNION. ™ VICTOR, /(> WAVERLY ^l> WHEELS. «v A Large Rental Dept. and Complete Repair Shop, /ft I FRANK W. GARY, . . % IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC I . . Groceries , . * RUTLAND, - - VERMONT. « 'ft BENTLET'5 - * 1 Gp-to-date ! Dining Rooms* me:als 50 CENTER ST., AT ALL HOURS. 1 t RUTLAND, YT. The Plumbing and Heating Co., GEO. H. CHANNELL. MANAGER. ^ PLUMBING, FURNACES, STOVES, '^^ Kitchen Furnishing Goods. GENERAL JOBBING 52 CENTRAL STREET, RUTLAND, VERMONT. Save noNET ..liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. HARNESS, BLANKETS, ROBtS, and HARNESS REPAIRING, AT Q. E. P22LE'5 Opposite Hoag'a Bakery, 63 CENTER ST. G. B. ARNOLD, . . . PIANOS, . . . MOVES ORGANS and SAFES. GENERAL TRUCKING OF ALL KINDS. Order Book at McCLURE'S MUSIC STORE, CENTER STREET. i fl. Q. COOLIDQE, mil. GEO. 0. HASSAM & SON, 5^^^ j^g^ CHOP TEfl5, 'ft xl/ \l^ a» \i/ \i/ \t/ v(/ \l/ vl/ \l/ vl/ \(/ \l/ \(/ \l/ \(/ \l/ \l/ \l/ \l/ RUTLflND, VT. | m^ 31 J 899 P D 181 %^' = %^"^' -^"^ %.<^" :.^ %^^^ ^^^.i^' %/ - / •' '"OO'^ '/^. „v ' » J. 1^, „ .S"" -^ o. ' * ■' N ° ' N^"^' V . „ '''- "oo^ >■ -A •^/>, ■>.. "=^3. "^^ V^ .< -/•■ vOC -^■P '>° xO°.. J - 5: nO°-. ' -f. i ,-.,X-'* r. "''^'*'''":/-"':'^*^''"\>^^^-"'^*"'"X-':'v\:*-"^o^...,. '^^^ ^»: ^^'^ : ■^^ ^^ ■■<■' 'OO^ ^<^„ .^^ ^* .^^' '^*. •V \v .x'^^'"- :> -^^■^-/".^•:^i^:;<\:-> 1 \ • " '' ' •J- ..^^ ^' DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINOINC ST.^GUSTINE FLA. .^•^ ■^'t \^°^. ^•< -n^ J- ■" ■■ ♦ -^ *^ ' ^^A >^ O 0'