Hi-m^Sidney Clarke 5. Free Homes Bill Incidents— Hon. I). T. Flynn. (). Art Collections, 1: Photos, 2: Scenes, :]-. Music. 7. Accessions Ceneral, Oklalioniii. 8. Speeclies in Congress, Oklahoma 9 Congressional papers, Oklahoma. 10 Accessions, Kansas. 11. Accessions, Iowa. 12. Accessions, General i:L Hound Volumes, Governmental 14. Publications, Oklahoma. ]'y. Publications, Indian Territory. 1() Publications, Stray. 17 Publications, Foreign. 18. Publications, National I^ditf)rial Association. Gift The S'-'-' .^^ SUMMARY. BOUND PUBLIC AT 10 NT!*. ()klali(»iua, 1,292 Indian Territory, 294 t'oreiKn, 145 Total, l.TJil ON SHELA'^ES AND BEING RECEIVED. Oklahoma, 331 Indian Territorj', 1S9 ForelKn, 18 TotaK 538 DEAD PUBLICATION'S ON SHKLVES. Oklahoma, 53 Indian Territory, 4(5 Total, !)9 Stray Copies, 101 National Editorial Association Publicatifms, inn IlisToKicAL Society. Oklahoma C^ity, Okhi.. No\ oiiiher 2ikI, lyo,"). Lincoln McKimlay, Pi'Ctsklent Okhilioma Historical Society: Sir:-- In pursuance of instructions by the boaixl of directors of this society at its meeting, June ^nd, UM)5. I am pleased to submit herewith review of the inception, progress and accessions to this society. I have omitted tixed properties, financial ati'airs and numberless small items of the collections such as souvenirs, pamphlets not bearing- directly upon the history of Oklahoma, and sample copies of magazines from various states. Changes in the management of publications of the Territories are so frequent that errors as to management of some at this date are probable. Kespectfullv, WiLLTAM P. C'AMrRKLI.. Custodian. EXPLANATORY. In regard to the custodians, beginning on page s, it should read that Marion Rock ))ecame custodian January 1. 1!H)i\ and served until April 1. 190o, at which date Sidney Clarke Ix'came custodian, serving until Nov. 80, llMio. Marion Rock assisting, December 1, 1HI)3, Marion Rock assumed duties of custodian, remaining until June 1, 1904 Under the head of "Publi<-ations — Oklahoma." beginning on page 59, is meant that all publications under that heading are now coming to the collection, and where years are given (in fig- ures), the publications for those years are bound. The same is true under headings "Oklahoma Publications — Discontinued." Ijeginningon page 08; ''Publications — Indian Territory.'' begin- ning on page 74; "Indian Territory Publications — Discontin- ued." beginning on page 70. OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THE INITIATIVE. THE OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY had its inception uiiji the editors <'f the Territory :it their annual meeting at Kinotisher, May 27, 1898. The city was in rich deckint^s and ripe expecancy for the occasion and the opera hous" on KoWberts avenue was in elaborate dressing. The fore- noon session was ])resided over t)y »!. L. Admire, of the King- fisher Free Press, as president, and Mayor J. C. Kob})erts deh'v- ered an address of welcome in words of beauty and sentences of l)rief. yet replete with hearty sincerity. In turning the citv over 'o the editors. Mayor Kobberts said : ••It gives me pleasure to greet you and i)id you welcome to Kingfisher — not l)ecaiise of the money we expect you to leave l)ehind you, nor alone because of the l)enefits we expect to reap from the many good things you will say about our city and her people afier you have returned to your homes; but. gentlemen, I gnieLyou. and l)id you a hearty welcome, for voui- own sakes and because of yourselves. We hear much of the wonderful growth of Oklaiioma Her praises are sung upon every land Her progress, morally, politically and tinancially is the astonishment of the whole world ; and when we ourselves stop long enough to behold it, we are simply amazed What has l)een done in four years has requited a quarter of a century in all other states and territories of the Union When we remember that only f>ur years ago. by the sunple tap of the liell or touch of the button, more than (iO.OOO people from every (|uarter of the globe were turned loose in a wilderness without law or |)recept to uuide thein. and that this condition of artairs histed for more than a ye-ir, we wonder at the l)ap])v condition of things today. But when wo rememl)er the admoni- tions, th(^ good councils, the entreaties, the solid shot of ie;ison- ()KLA1IC)3IA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. able ar<>umt'nt, the calm peace be still, all tilled with kindred words of hope, coming day by day from the Oklahoma news- papers, seasoned and blessed with the words of hope and encouragement of the editors, then we sippreciate what you h.Mve done for Oklahoma. And to you, gentlemen, we ov\ e more than any other people, or class of people, for what we boast today. While our people are the most energetic, our tields the most fruitful, our editors are the brightest, the lu'avest and the best in all the world For all these reasons, and more, again, gentlemen, 1 bid 3'ou a most hearty welcome to Kingfisher. The town is yours '' Frank McMjisters responded in his unique aud pleasing vein, but the record of his exact language Is lost. The follow- ing members of the association were present : Frank Greer, Guthrie State Capital ; N\'. P. Thompson, Guthrie News ; Fr.-ink Prout\, Guthrie Real Estate Exchange: .John Golobie, Guthrie State Capital ; E. K Brown. Okl ihoma City Times-.Iournal ; Frank McMasters. OuhihoniaCity dazetie: Mr. Pitts. Guthrie Leader ; ,1. H. t ampbell, Hennessev Clip per; Reub Weesner, llennessay Democrat: J. E. Quein, Ed- mond News : Mr C)wen, Edmond Sun : H. B. (iilstr.ip. Chand- ler News : Miss Ffiie Gilstrap, ChandUu- News : C. E. Hunter, Okarche Times : Mr. Hummer, Okarche Times : C. F. ( o . E. Quein. President ; E. E. Brown, Vice Pi-esident ; Etfie Gilstrap, Treasurer ; l^'rank McMaster, I'rank Greei". Frank Purcell. Executive Committee ; VV. P. Cam|)bell, Frank Prouty and W. P. Tnompson. Committee on World's F-air ( C h icago) excursion At the evening session J. E Queen read a j^aper on the " Newspajjer as a 'Town IJinkhu'.'' and Frank (Treei* discussed " Leofal Rates,"' which rc^sulted in rcvsolutions demanuino- the same for all pu!)lic [)rinting, and pledging members of the asso- ciation to stand by the l(\gal rate. At the conclusion of the program. W. P. Cami)bell stated that it had l)een his liuinble OKLAHOMA IIISTOIUCAL SOCIETY. 5 privileut' to attoiid a nuM^tino- of Kansas editors at Manhattan on the nth day of April. 1ST.">, and aid in (vstal)lishintr the society which had preserved the neuspnpers of that state ; that hi^ hoped this meetinir w«»ul(i do soniethini»" to perj)etiiatH its lueni- oiy for .ill time H<' therefore moved that th(> editors of Okla- homa fomi a lli-^torieal Sociely for the purpose of colleetinji- and ])reservini>' tih's of all publications of Oklahoma and Indian Territory, and such oth(M- matters that may hv. (U'cmed worthy of preservation for the future hisiorian. The motion prevailed, and Mr. C'ampt)ell was chosen custodian. .At ni.L>ht a banquet was given at the Johnson ll( use with Vol S;iyre as hosi. Frank McMastcr was chosen toastmaster and led tlie u-enian feast with a toast to the Pr(\sident, and the menu was given dioestive imi)ulse t)\ toasts in which practically all those present p.irticipated, including Governor A. J. Seay iuid Mayoi J. ( ". K d)(>erts. Thus the editorial association meetinL*^ at Kingfisher, May •21. iS93, inaugurated the move from whu-h has evolved the Oklahoiua Historical Society as a TcM'ritorial Instituiion, out- clasxing in rnanx' of its f(Mitures and value of its collections, like societies of a (jUivrler ct-ntury or more existence Two days after the editors adjourned the following " Cir- cular No. 1 "" was issued atid sent broadcast, es})ecially aiuong the press : OFFICE OF HISTORICAL CUS I'ODI A N, ()KLAU()MA Press Asscx.iation, KiNOFiSHEU, Okla., May 20, 1893 At Vlicir aniuial incetiMK in tliis city, May 27. the editors of Okla- homa created a depart nit,iit in connection with the association, to be called the Okialioina H istorical Society, of which the imdersig^ned was selected as secretaiy :;nd custodian to serve foi- rhe ensuinf^ year. The object in estahllsliiriK this departnent is the cctllect ion of newspapers, txioks and periodicals, pioduclions of ai't, science and lit- eratuie. mailers of historic interest, etc. It is especially desired that puhlisluMs send regularly two copies of their publications, to be tiled, and liound at end (»f each year W liile tliis is desiiined as an Oklahoma institution, anything of the natiu-e suji^t'Ste'i will be tliauKfuUy received fi'om ar)y source, and will be L'iven a proper place amony the exhibits. For the present, hcadipiarters will be at Kin^Misher. where a suit- able builrhny ha- l)een secured for the slorajre, safe care and proper exhibition ot cont ribut ions. I li sc fc'-jino an interest in layinu- the permanent foundation for (i OKLAHOMA HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. one of the most important institutions ot Oklahoma, are requested to forward as early as possible and as often as they secure them any art- icles that may seem of historic interest, beautiful, instructive or curious Address, prepaid. W P. CAMPBELL. Historical Custodian, KiuKtisher. O. T. Ofticial Recognition The first official recognition is contained in Governor Ren- frew's message to the legislature of 1895, which reads : " During May, 1893, the Oklahoma Editorial Association established a bureau known as the Historical Department of the Oklahoma Press Association. The special object of this bureau is the coUectiot) and preservation of newspapers and other pub- lications of the Territory, views, reports and general matter which may prove of information and historic interest. Mr. \\ . P. Campbell, the custodian, reports quite success I'ul results from the work thus inauguiated. He has now. practi'-ally, tiles of all Territorial puhlicatiiuis, including those which have been suspended or been merged. The importance of collecting and jjreserving inviolate this great source fi'om which the future history of Oklahoma may be read and written, is a subject which ought to demand the attention of the Legislature to secure the; permanency of such a bureau '' The next official recognition was through a concurrent resolution of the legislature of I89-") ordering a sufficient nuuilier ot public documents of the territory to enable the custodian to make exchange wit li the various states and territories for like documents, and under this resolution the documents for that year were furnislied. U|i lo this time, and subsequently until moved to Norman, the collection was furnished a room in the Kingfisher County court house through the kindness of .1. !>. Campl)ell, then register of deeds of that coun'y. hut now of Waukomis, and the work of uiaking the c-ollection and caring for it. including ex})enses. was met by the custodian. Trustee of the Teiritory. A meeting of the editors of the t(M-ritory had been called at Perrv for February 18. 189."). with a view of procuring a charter OKLAHOMA msToliU Al. >ii< IKTV. ami i;oini>' Ix'Toic llic luiii.slutuie t'oi" aid in pros(v-iitinu" tlic work of the so'.'i(!ty and n)aiiitMiniiit>" its coHtH-tion. ll(>wc\i".'. on .lanuary Iti pi'ocedini^ litis ineetino-. mendx-rs of tlie facidtv and students of the IJniNcrsity at Noi'nian, and citiztMis of tliat town, oryanized "'riie Oklahoma Ilistorii-a! Sociciy," witli a iik(! j)ui'- })ose as that of the l*iess Association society, and January '21st procured a chartef. 'IMie Norman people w(Mit -jt once hefoic! the legislatui'e asking- recot»"nition. with Norman- as the scat of their soi'ieiy. I'ndei'an ao-rc^eiuent that tlu^ society slioidd he maintained forever without aid from the territoiy. a hill passed the Upper House, l)ut Wefore it passed the Lower House the editorial meetint>- at Perry came ot!'. At this meetino- the col- lection was assiii'ned to tlie custodian and he was placed at liberty to take such action as deemed necessary under the premises. A com[)romise was thereafter etl'ected wherein' the collection was to he moved to Norman, and an appropriation ask^d with which to maintain it the next two \ ears, and the editors should for- ever have a eontrollinu' mend)ersl)i[j on the hoard. Under this comi)romise a hill passed l)oth houses of the leoislature and became a law. creatingf the Oklahoma Historical Society as the trustee f)f the T(M-ritoi-y, and carrying- \vitb it an appropriation ()f$2,0Oii. The collection was at cti()ii pro\ ides that the Society shall receive from the ter- i'itory a -ullicient numl»er of public documents of the territory as may be necessary to make exchano'e with other states and tei-ritories for like documents. The press is given control on tlif board of dii'cctors July loth, after the collection had Iteen moved to .Voi-man. 8 OKLAUOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mr. Campbell retired as eustodian, succeeded by W. T. Little, who, as a member of the legislature, had Ijeen influential in securing the appropriation. Among the many valuable acces- sions during Mr. Little^s custodianship were documents per- taining to Cimarron Territoi;v. rioved to Oklahoma Ctty. The crowded condition of the LTniversit}' building at Norman made new quarters for the collection necessary ; ''and," quoting from the repoit of President .Mclvinlav, of the Societv for 1901-2, "what w^as more important, the necessitv of tire proof rooms for the safe keeping of the rapidly incnnising collections of the society, l)ecame very apparent. This fact has been since emphasized by the burning of the entire plant of one of the greatest newspapers of the territory, with nil its l)ack tiles ; and had it not been for the Historical Society, which had these tiles in bound volumes, a very important history of Okl ihoma would have been irrevocably lost.'' (It mav be added that the removal of the CDllection was fortunate- as t le University bui'd- ing soon after burned with all its contents). The legislature of 1901 provided f >v the re noval of the col lection from the University at Norman. In accordance with this enactment the board, at its annuil meeting in .lune. 1901, authorized the executive committee \o accept an otfer made l)y the board of directors of the Carnegie Library building at Okla- homa City. In his report of 1901-2, President McKinlay says: '"This otter was tl)!it the Society should hiive t'le use of the entire upper floor, or 'stack room," of the lil)rary buildi-ig, \vi;h light, heat, and janitor service, all tor the nominal consid- eration of one dollar, for the time until the territory shall have a capital building ready for the collection, A contract to this cttect was duly executed by the proper othcers of both boards of directors in September, 190i.'' In accordance theiewith. on the tirst of January, 1902, the colltH'tion was moved to th^ (-arnegie Li!)rary building, in tire proof rooms, this being its present home. For the tirst eight months after the rem 'val Sidney Clarke ncted as custodian of the Society, nnd among the valual)le collections made during his OKLAHO.MA IIISTOKRAL M)C'IETV. 9 term inav he mentioned all the ofiiciiil and print08, Mrs. Marion Rock, Carnejj-ie lil)ra- rian at Oklalioma City, was appointed custodian and served until June 1, I9U4, when after an absence of nine years from connection with the Society, W. P. Campbell was api-oiuted custodian, and is still serving' A general accession book has since been installed, wherein is kept a record of all general accessions — author, title, char- acter, donor, date of receipt, etc. An accession liook for news- papers was also installed, in which to keep a record of Jill publi- ■ ations, when estal)lished, by whom, editor, dale of lirst co[iv' received, etc. A card system has also been installed wherebv each pul)lication has its individual card on which is entered the date of each issue as received, so that by a glance at the card any missing number may be ascertained. An account book and visitois' l)ook have likewise l)een installed. During the session ot" the recent legislature an estimate of the ne(^ds of the Society for the biennial period of 190.5-6 was furnished memlxi's of the legislature, and, although the appro- priation was made in bulk, it was based i.n this estimate — $2,(>0<> per au'iinn. In October of last year a circular letter was addressed to the candidates of the ditferent political parties in each of the counties in the territory asking tor photographs and data, that some day the annals of the territory might be written. Many responses have l)een received from these letters. Some progress has been made in clippings of various important events of the territories to be made into scrap books indexed for ready I'eference. During June of last year 28*2 volumes of publications were sent to the State Capital for binding, and these have been placed in the cal)inets. March Sth of the current year 2.5*2 volumes were sent to the Guthrie Leaack tiles 10 Olvl.AlIOM A IlISTOKK'AI. SOCIETY. and parliul l)jick liles, aj^'j^Tcgatinu- 141. lia\e l)een secured, a detinite list being- of record here. Tlie stamp account, June 1, 19(>4, to June 1, 11)05, repre- sents \,S6'i:i letters sent out, copies of lists of which are here. The bulk of this correspondence related to the newspaper fea- ture of the collection, thouo-h many inquiries have come to the Society which had to be answered ; besides, correspondence has been opened with the aepartment at Washington, and with the principal historical societies of the country, resulting in a nmtual exchange valuable to the collection. In an effort to secure historical matter attention has been given to the Indian Territory equally with that given to Okla- homa, and the theory has been adopted that the time to secure data is as early as history forms. Cards were issued during the National Editorial Association meeting at Guthrie in June. 1905, askiny that a copy of each paper containing reference. to that meeting or the itinerary of the national editors in Oklahoma tmd the Indian Territoiy be sent the Oklahoma Historical Society, these to l)e l)ound in a souvenir volume. In response to these cards write-ups of edi- tors throughout the Union have been received, aggiegating hundreds of columns. Thus will be preserved, in an interesting way, a record of the greatest editorial event witnessed in the West. 11 OFFICIAL ROSTER. OKLAHOMA PRESS ASSOCIATION, 189;i 1894. President— J. E. (^uein. Roy Hoffman. Vice-President— E. E Brown E E. Brown. Secretary— Flarry B. Gilstrap. Lon Whorton. Treasurer -Effie Gilstrap. A, C. Dolde. Custodian— W. P. Campbell. W. P. Campbell. Oklahoma Historical Society. First Board of Directors 189.5-H: W. C. Renfrow, (Tuthrie: D R Boyd, Norman; .John I. Dille, El Reno; VV. R Asher, Tecumseh: Leslie G Niblack, Guthrie; A. C. Dolde, Newkirk; P. B Ferguson, VVatonj^a; C. E. Hunter, Enid; Leo \'incent, Guthrie: James H. Hale, Pawnee; W. T. Little, Perry: T. A Chesney, Norman: .John T. Hefley, Norman; A. .J. !Seay. Xinytisher: A. C. Scott, Oklahoma City: Henry E. Asp, Guthiie; G W. Sutton, Cleveland; -lohn (joloble, Guthrie: J. V. Admire. Kinj^tisher; J. ,1. Burke. OKlahoma City; P'rank Wallinj?, Medford; Ettie Gilstrap, Cliandler; Will E. Bolton, Woodward: D. B. Phillips. Yukon: J. A. ( )verstreet. Norman. President. F. S. E Amos: Secretary. Nettie Walker: Treasurer: D. J}. Phillips: Vice Presidents, .John T. Hefley and Katherine Penni- stonc: Custodian, W. T Little ( W. P. Campbell until July 10, 189")). DirecfcMS- Ui();V:5, to June, 1996; Jasper Sipes. June, 1904, to .lune, 1906. Secretaries: Nettie Walker. Jan. 16, 1895, to June, 1899: Lou VVhorton, Jun<', 1S99, to June, 190(). Treasurers: D, B. Phillips, Jan. 16, 1895, to June, 1896: Lincoln .McKinlay. June. 1896, to June, 1898; H. B. Gilstrap, June, 1898. to June, 1899: J. VV. McNeal, June, 1899, to .lune, 1906. Custodians: VV. P Campbell, May 27. 1893. to July lu. 1895: June 1. 1904, to date: W. T Little July 10, 1895. to Jan. 1, 1900; Don A. Northup, Jan. 19J0, to June. 1900; G A. Bucklin. June, 1900, to August, 1900; E. M. Vanderslice, August, 1900, to lanuary, 1902: Marion Bock, January 1. 1902, to April ;{, 1903; December, 1903. to June 1, 19ii4: Sydney Clarke April 3, 1903, to April 3, 1904, May 27, 1893, to February, 1895, the Society was under direction of the Oklalioma Press Association, and not 'I'erritorial control. Assistant Custodian: Marion Bock. April 3, 1903. to April 3, I9(i4: Leia Mauldin, .Ian 1, 1904, to date. Direcior^: VV. C. lienfrow. Jan 16. 1895, to .1 uui'. lSii6: D, [{. Uoyd, Jan 16. 1895, to June. 1903; John 1. Dilley, Jan. 16, 1895, to .lune, ISi).^: VV. B. Asher, .Ian. 16, 1895. to June, 1896: Leslie G Niblack, -lan Ki, 1895. to .lune, 1899; A. C. Dolde, -Ian 16, 1895, lo .lune, 1899; T H. Ferguso ■. ..an. 16,1895, to .lune, 1899: C. E. Hunter, Jan. 16, 1895, to .lune, 1896: Leo Vincent, Jan. 16, 1895, to June, 189.S: James IF Holt, Jan. 16. 1895. to June. 1896: W T.Little. Jan. 16,1895, to J une. 1900: T.A Chesney Jan. 16 1895, to June. :896: .(ohn 'i' HetU-v. .Ian 16 \H^)r,. lo .lune, 189(i: A. .1. iiKLAHtOIA IIISToKICAL XKIKTY. 13 Seay .Ian 16, l^y'..to June. ItfS^y; A C Scult, Jan 1«, IS^yj. lu .June, isyy; Henry E. Asp, Jan 16. 189j, lo June 1S99: (t W. Sntlun. Jan l^i. isitj. to June. !8^«: John Golobie. Jan IG. 1895, to Unie 189«: J. V. Admire. Jan If., 189.'), to June. 189«5, and '.900 to 19iU: J. J Burke. Jan Hi. 1895 to June. IS'Hi. and 1899 t<» 1900: Frank Wailinj^'. Jan. IH. 1895, to June. I89H: Kilie (rilstrap. Jan Hi 1895. lo June. I9t»0: Will K Bolton. Jan 16. 1895, to June. 1898: 1). B. Phillips .Ian. 1(5. 1895. to June, 1S96: J. .\ Uverstreet, Jan 16, 189.5, to June. 1896: P:dw DeBarr. .lune, 1896. to 1898: John I Mitch. June, 1896. to June 1898: Sidney Clarke. June. 1896, to 1906: Lincoln .McKinlay. .lune, 1896. to 1906: W. N. Rice, June, 1896, to 1898: Lon Wilder. June. 1896, to June. 1898: Nettie Walker. June. 1896 to 1898: E. VV Hoyt, Jiuie, 1896. to 1899: F H Greer. June. 1896, to 1906: .Shirley Chapman. June. 1896. to June, 1898: Mort L Bixler, June, 1896, ti. 1898; W, H. Peter, June, 1896 to 1898: E. H. Ferry. June, 1896. to 1898: Harry B. (iilstrap, .lune, 1896, to 1899: Lon Whor- ton, June. 1896, to 1906: Will T. Walker, Junt, 1896, to 1899: V. C. Welch. June. I896, to 1899. 1901 to 1903. and 1904 tol906; J. B Caujp- bell, June. 1898, to 1899: C. H. Miller, .lune, 1898, to 1899: J. W. Bishop, June. 1898. to 1899: Jerre Johns(m. June. 1898, to 1899: R. Q. Blakeley, June, 1898. to 1899: A. C. Glassen, June. 1898, to 1899: T. .1. Palmer, June. 1898, to 1899: J. vv Randall. June, 1896, to 1899: J. A. Buckles. June, 1896, to 1899: Tom Jarboe, June, 1899 to 1900: J. W. McNeal. June, 1899, to 1906: 'J'. F. Hensley, June, 1899, to 1900; C M. Hill, June. 1900, to 1901: Jasper Sipes, June, 1900. to 1906: Frank T. Cook. June, 1900, lo 1901: A. J. Ko.ss. June, 1900, to I9i»2: J. W. Lawton, June, 1901, to 1902: Gov. W. M. Jenkins. June. 1901, to 1902: ("has F. Barrett, June.l9til. to 1902; Roy Stafford, June, 19o2, to 1906: Frank B Northup June. 19it2 to 1906: E. E. Brown, June, 1901, to 1903; Ed Felt. June. !9o3. o 1904: Frank McMaster. June. 1898. to 1901 14 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. I. This association shall be styled the "Oklahoma Historical So iety." The object of the Society shall be to collect, embody, arrange and preserve books, pamphlets, maps, charts, manuscripts, papers, paintings, statuary, and other materials illustrative of the history of Oklahoma in particular, and of the country in general; to procure from the early settlers narratives of the events relative to the early settlement of Oklahoma, and of the early explorations, the Indian oc- cupancy, opening and immigration to the Territory and the West; to gather all information calculated to exhibit faithfully the antiqui- ties, and the past 'and present resources of the commonwealth, and to take steps to promote the study of history by lectures and other avail- able means. II. This Society shall consist of active, life, honorary and cor- responding members, who may be chosen by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting, except at their meeting next preced- ing the annual meeting of the Society; the active members to consist of citizens of the commonwealth, by the payment of one dollar annu- ally; the li e members by the payment at any one time of ten dol- lars; the honorary and corresponding members, who shall be exempt from fee and taxation, shall be chosen from persons in any part of the world, distinguished for their literary or scientific attainments and known especially as riends and promoters of history; editors and publishers of newspapers and periodicals who contribute the regular issues of the same to the collections of the Society, shall be consid- ered active members of the Society during the continuance of such contribution. III. There shall be a Board of Directors of the Society, to con- sist of eleven members [changed from 25 to 11 members, Oct. 9, 1899], who shall be elected from among members of the Society; or, if any person be elected who shall not at the time be a member of the Soci- ety, he shall become such by the payment of the annual membership fee of one dollar; and he shall then become qualified to act as a member of the Board of Directors upon taking the oath of office as such. Any person elected a member of the Board of Directors who shall fail to qualify within sixty days after being notified of his elec- tion, shall be deemed to have declined the office, and the same shall thereby be considered v?cant. Any vacancy in the Board of Direc- tors, or in any office of the Society, may be filled by the Board of Di- rectors at any meeting subsequent to the occurring thereof. Any num- ber not less than five sh?ll constitute a quorum for the transaction of busTjess. No member of the Board of Directors or other officer, except the Custcdisn, shall receive pay for any of the ordinary duties of his office. OKLAHOMA IIISTOKU'AL S(j(;lETY. lu IV. The elective officers of the Society shall consist of a Pre'='' (lent and two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, Custodian, Treasurer, rh President, Vice Presidents land Treasurer shall hold their offices ■" a term of one year, and until their successors are chosen; si' o' ficers to be chosen by ballot of the Society, their election to be made at the annual meeting of the Society, and their terms of office shall begin at the date of their election and qualification in office. The Secretary and Custodian shall hold their offices for a term of two years, and until their successors are chosen. And, in addition to these officers, all donations of money or property (if accepted by the Board of Directors) to the amount or value of five hundred dollars shall con- stitute the donors life-directors of the Society during their natural lives; but such life-directors shall never exceed in number the reg- ularly elected directors; and all moneys from life-directorships or from donations or bequests, unless especially directed otherwise by such life-directors, donors, or devisors, shall be invested to the best ad- vantage, and the accruing interest be used and shall be employed in such manner for the benefit of the Society as the Board of Directors may direct. V. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held at the So- ciety rooms on the first Saturday in June; and those members not less than six (6) who meet at any annual or special meeting of the Society upon the call of the Board of Directors, shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. VI. The President, or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents, or in their absence any member of the Society selected on the occa- sion, shall preside at the annual meeting or any special meeting of the Society. Such presiding officer shall preserve order, regulate the order of proceedings, give a casting vote whenever the same is re- quired, and countersign all warrants drawn by the Secretary. VII. The Secretary shall preserve a full and correct record of the proceedings of all the meetings of the Society, to be entered on his book in chronological order. These records shall always be open for the inspection of any member of the Society. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, shall preserve for the Society the offi- cial communications addressed to him and keep copies of official let- ters written by him; he shall have charge of the seal; he shall collect or cause to be collected moneys due to the Society and pay the same to the Treasurer; he shall give notice of the meetings of the Society; he shall edit and supervise, under direction of the Publication Com- mittee, the publications of the Society, and to prepare or cause to be prepared and publshed, a bi-ennial report of the work and condition of the Society. VIII. The Custodian shall have charge of the books, manuscripts, and other collections of the Society; he shall keep a catalogue of the same, together with all additions made during his official term; in case of donation, he shall specify in his record the name of the book, manuscript, or article donated, with the name of the donor and date of the gift; he shall make an annual report of the condition of the li- brary; he shall keep and cause to be suitably bound such papers as he l(j OKLAUOMA aiSTUUlCAL, SOUIKTV. shall deem fit, out ol funds not otherwise expended; he shall direct the literary exchanges; he shall report to all calls made upon him touching the affairs of his office by the Secretary of the Society, his work to be under the general supervision of the Secretary. IX. The Treasurer shall receive and have charge of all dues, ap- propriations, donations and bequests of moneys, and all funds what- soever of the Society, and pay such sums as the Board ol: Directors may from time to time direct, on the warrant of the President, coun- tersigned by the Secretary; tand he shall make an annual report of the pecuniary transactions of the Society, and also a statement of the lunds and property of the Society, at any special or stated meeting when thereto required. X. The Custodian and Treasurer shall give satisfactory bonds, in such sums as the Board of Directors may deem proper, lor the faith- ful performance of their respective duties, and for the faithiul pres- ervation o. properly ol every kind belonging to the Society; and such bonds shall be filed among the papers of the Society. XI. The Directors shall elect their own officers. The Directors shall supervise and direct the financial and business concerns 01 the Society; may augment the library cabinet, and gallery, by pur chase or otherwise; may make arrangements for a single lecture or a course of lectures, for promoting historic knowledge, and increasing the pecuniary resources of the Association. They shall have power to fill any vacancies occurring in their numbers; they shall audit and adjust all accounts of the feocoity; they may call special meetings when necessary, appoint the annual orator, make suitable arrange- ments for the delivery o^ the annual address, use their discretion as to the publication of any communications, collections, transactions, an- nual or other addresses, or other written matters Oi the Society, and they shall make a lull report of their transactions to the Secretary, accompanied by such suggestions as may seem to them appropriate and worthy of attention. They may appoint an Executive Committee from their own number, to perform such duties as may be prescribed for such committee. XII. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause the bills for the annual dues of active members to be made out and sent to the addresses ot such members on or before the first day of June of each year, with a copy of this article, and if such amount is not paid to the Treasurer o: this Society by the first day of December tollowing, of said year, those members in arrears shall be deemed to have forfeited their membership and their names shall be stricken Irom the roll of members. The term of annual memberships to date Irom and after the first Saturday in June. XIII. The Board of Directors may adopt By-Laws for their own ■ oian.ent and guidance, not inconsistent with this Constitution. XIV. This Constitution and By-Laws shall not be amended save % thd annual meeting of the Society, and then only when the pro- :'0.'3e;l amendment shall have been reduced to writing, and entered on li8 minutes of the Society, at least one month previous to a vote be- cg taken on the same, and provided also, that a 2-3 majority of the members present shall concur in the adoption of the amendment or amendments proposed. OKLAIIO.M A lllSi'OKIC A L SdflETV. 17 By-Laws. I. The Board of Directors shall audit all accounts presented against the Society, and all warrants drawn- upon the Treasurer shall be upon sworn vouchers, approved by a majority of the Boand of Directors, there being a quorum. II. The Board of Directors shall determine the character of the published reports of the Society, and shall decide what papers from its transactions and collections the biennial report shall contain; shall provide for the annual address; shall take such action as may be deemed advisable in re erence to the delivery from time to time of lectures and addresses on historical subjects at the University or els8wher-j; shall t?ke such action as the interests of the Society shall from time to time demand in relation to providing and furnishing suit- able rooms for its collections, and shall consult with the Secretary and Custodian and with them decide upon the purchasing of books to augment the Society's library. III. At or before the commencement of each fiscal year the Board of Directors shall examine snd audit the accounts of the Treasurer; and at the annual meeting they shall make a written report to the Society. IV. There shall be a Committee on Legislation to consist of five members; and it sh^ll be the duty of the committee, annually, to con- fer with the mejnbers and committees of thfe legislature, and present for their consideration and action the matters for legislation which the Board of Directors shall recommend. V. There shall be a Committee on Nominations to consist of five members; it shall be the duty of the committee, annually, at some time previous to the annual meeting of the Society, to make a se- lection of persons who they may deem proper to recommend for mem- bers of the Board of Directors, and shall present the same for the ECtion of the Society at the annual meeting. VI. The Custodian shall be paid a salary of by warrant on the Treasurer of the Society, drawn by the Secretary, and countersigned by the President, out of any appropriations made by the Legislature for the benefit of the Society. VII. That a two-thirds majority of the Directors present shall be required to elect a candidate for membership. u OPENING OF OKLAHOMA. Paper submitted by Hon. Sidney Clarke at the annual meeting of the societ\^, June 2, 1905. The contents of this paper will be partly personal incidents connected with the opening of Oklahoma to settlement, and partly a reference to the first congressional legislature relating to the Territory. To write the complete history of the heroic struggle which covered a period of many years and which envoi ved so much of unselfishness, sacrifice and suffering on one hand, and craft and greed on the other, would fill a volume of a large proportions and be of transcendent interest. It would record the most ex- ceptional epoch in the history of American civilization, in the subjugation of a new continent and the founding of sovereign states. Told in all its details it would be a story intermixed with romance and tragedy, and would exemplify as never be- fore the resistless energy of the noblest band of American pio- neers that ever turned their faces toward the setting sun. If life and health remain I hope some time to write an impartial history of Oklahoma— of its early and later days— unless some one more competent than myself shall sooner undertake the work. The land over which Coronado marched and of which Hum- hodlt and Irving wrote, is soon to be the forty-sixth star in the gallaxy of states, unless the national congress still remains in- sensible to the demands of justice for fifteen hundred thousand citizens. For more than a decade there has been no good reason why statehood should not have been conferred upon us, and why we should not have enjoyed the priviliges and exercised the responsibilities of local self govei-nmcnt. OKLAHOMA UlSTOKICAL tiOClKTV. 19 The tiist movement in conorcss for the e.stal)lishment of a territorial government here conmienced twentv-tive years be- fore it was finally accomplished. The Hon. Robert T. Van- Horn, of Missouri, then a meml)er of the house from the Kan- sas Citv district, introduced the first bill for the creation of the Territory of Oklahoma out of what was then known as the In- dian Territory. That was in the Thirty- ninth Congress. No action being taken it was again introduced by Mr. VanHorn in the Fourtieth Congress, referred to the committee on Indian affairs and favorabh^ reported, but failed to be considered for want of time. And still again in the Forty-first Congress, Mr. VanHorn presented his bill, more determined than ever to secure its consideration. I was at that time chairman of the committee on Indian affairs and Mr. VanHorn was a member of the committee. The bill was fully discussed by the committee and after delil)erate consideration of all its provisions, was again favoralj]}^ repotted to the house. I remember the deep interest Mr. VanHorn manifested in the bill and the conclusive reasons he presented why the legislation shoukl be had. I fully sympa- thized with him in his eai'ncst advocac}' of the measure, and con- tributed whatever influence I had as chairman of the conmiittee to secure its favorable consideration. I believed then as 1 have l)elieved in the years that followed, that there should be no part of our territorial domain that should be left without the protec- tion of Civil Governmant. No man in Congress was better (jualitied than Mr. Van Horn to champion the bill which he introduced. A statesman, thoroughly ideutihed with the interests of the great southwest, and an editor of conspicuous ability, he was comprehensive in information, alert in argument, and fore saw with prophetic vision the grand possibilities of the future of Oklahoma. When the bill was taken up for consideration in the house it was claimed by the committee on the territories, of which Mr. Shelby M. Cullum, of 111., now Senator from that state, was chairman, that under the rules it should be first considered by that committee. An extended debate followed both on the sident McKinley attached his signa- ture to the Free Homes I>ill. in the presence of myself and a large gathering of people from Oklahomji. and the Senators and Representalives from the states that were affected by the leirislation. After signing the Bill. President McKinlev handed TUK FKI:K IIO.MKS I'.ILL. "Jii tlu^ pon with which he liiid siii^tn^d it to ine with his eomplimeiits, and that is one of the pens with which 1 have also presented the Society- The third })eii is the pen with which the then Speaker of the House of Representatives. David B. ilenderson, attached his sit^natiire to the enrolled Bill the day it was sent to the White House. The Bill which was signed with these pens by President ^rcKinley cancelled an obligation on the part of the people of Oklahoma to the United States amounting to $1H. 000,000 on their homes, and a sum amounting to about $05,000,000 dtu^ from the settlers throughout the United States on the lands that this l)ill made free. I take it that these are substantially the facts \vhich you desire. Jt is impossible to describe or write the various anxious and disheartening hours that the homesteaders and their families enduied for the eight years that the Free Homes Agitation pre- vailed in this Territory. Having been the Delegate who Mas entrusted with the mission of securing free homes, and to whom all of these pens had been presented, I thought, after a great deal of delibera- tion, that they could best l)e preserved by the Historical So- ciety, and it w^as with sorrow, but with a sense of justice, that I have surrendered them to theii' keepimg. Yours truly, I). T. Flynn. Delegate o8rd. ."i^th. atSth, 57th Congresses. ao ACCESSIONS. Following is u list of the more essential accessions to the Society since its inception in 1893. Some of these are given in the aggregate only. Until June, 190-i, no record of donors seems to have been kept after the removal of the collections to Norman; hence the names of man}^ donors are unknown. The society would be pleased to have any one who has contributed and whose name does not appear, give notice so that a record may be made. Art Collections. --Photographs. E. L. <.'i-alle, Norman, member of legislature. 1905, with biograph- ical data. A. L. Sherrock, Cleo, member of legislature, 1905, with biogi'aph - ical data. Edgar T. Tucker, Guthrie, Socialist candidate for legislature, 1904, with biographical data, C. I^i. Barnes, (ruthrie, Ex-CJovernor. W. C. llenfrow. Joplin, Mo., ex-governor of Oklahoma: A. .J. Seay, Kingfisher, ex-governor and ex-member of the su- preme bench. William Lurty, U. S. >[arshal of Oklahoma under Harrison. John L, McAtee, Enid, ex-member of the supreme bench. Now tleceased. A. ('. Scott, Stillwater, president of the A and M. College, Sidney Clarke, Oklahoma < ity, ex-congrcssman from Ka sas, ex- custodian of the Oklahoma Ilistoiical society. Samuel Crocker. Oklahoma <'ity, wlio succeeded David I.. I'ayne as publisher of the Oklahoma War Cliief at Arkansas City; large crayon of David E Payne, editor of tlie War Chief in 1885. C. Ross Hume. Anadarko, first graduate of Tniversity at Norman. F.S. E. Amos. \'inita, first president Oklaiioma Ilistoiical society. A. McHride, Watonga. member legislatui-e. 11)05. with data. Henry E. Asp. Cuthrie. solicitor Santa l-'e. ACCKssioNs. ;{1 Lone Wolf, Kiowa chief and minister, Lonewolf. J. J{. A. Robertson, Chandler democratic candidate for legisla- ture, 1904. Jesse .1. Todd, Alva, Socialist candidate for lej^islature, 1904, with data. Leslie (iordon Niblack, (iuthrie. member legislature, iwith data. 'P. A. Blaze, city clerk of Oklahoma City. A. II. Hickam, principal Oklahoma City high schools. C. G. Jones. Oklahoma City, ex-legislator, ex-mayor and promoter. J. P. Woolsey, Photograph; data, Perry, Okla. Mary I). Couch, superintendent public .schools, Oklahoma City. .1. P. Boetner, prominent business man of Lawton. F. X Howell, superiniendent .schools, F^l Heno VV. P. Harper, prob ite judge of Oklalioma county. K. N. McConnell, Oklahoma City, attorney. F. .s Blackburn, county clerk Oklahoma county. Master Welden VVorden, infant son of W. E. Worden, NVaukomis, Oklahoma William (Jritnes. ex-U. S. marshal, territorial secretary, (iuthrie. W. A. Maxwell, member legislature from Canadian county 1903-.5. publisher of the Oklahoma Magazine. Oklahoma City. John L McAfee, ex-member supreme bench of Oklahoma, (now deceased). A. (i C. Bierer, ex-member supreme bench of Oklahoma. Courtl.ind C. M Fuqua, Chandler, with address before editorial association at Oklahoma City April 25, 1905. Frame an I glass. 'r. C. Sears of Kansas and biograptiy. First discovered thit Okla- homa lands were public domain. Fx-resident Oklahoma City, .solici- tor of the Choctow in Oklahoma Biography by W. T. Little. Mrs. .ludge I.)ale, (Jut-irie Mrs. C. F. iiurford. (Juthrie. chief justice. .].Vt VVatrous, representative from Woods county, 1905. George W. Clai'k. Oklahoma City. Thomas VV. Conway, pr sident Alva Normal school. Charles Wadsworth. city engineer, Oklahoma City. K. \'. 'remining, Chandler, superintendent public schools. F. X Duncan, of the Rock Island. Oklahoma City. H. C. Meadows. Lawton. H. (). EmericK, ex chief of police. Oklahoma City. J .1. Mitcliel, attorney, Oklahoma City. J. S. Alexander, treasurer Oklalioma county. Mrs David It. Boyd, Xorman. A. M. Debolt, pioneer business man of Oklahoma City. .1. P Allen, ex mayor of Oklahoma City. F. Virginia (Graves. Oklahoma City schools 32 AccKssioNs. Miss Emma Rabbie, Oklahoma liigli school. W. L. Alexander, ex-county treasurer Oklahoma county. Oscar Lee, proprietor Lee Hotel, Oklahoma City. J. L. Mitch, Oklahoma City, register deeds, Oklahoma county. Charles Alexander, ex-treasurer, Oklahoma county. B. B. Bone, Anadarko, member legislature, 1905. J. N. Holcomb superintendent Oklahoma City schools. James M. Anderson, Oklahoma City plumbing inspector. Bird S. McGuire, Pawnee, delegate to congress. A. D. Marble, Oklahoma City, with data. W. E. Bolton, Woodward, editor News and Live Stock Inspector, Harry F. Clarke, first Oklahoma census taker. John C. Delaney, ex-land official at Oklahoma City, now Wash- ington, D. C. J. B Campbell. Waukomis: photo of Tulsa Jack, dead highway- man, killed by William Banks, 30 miles west of Henne.ssey, April 4, 1895. William Lurty, ex-U. S. marshal of Oklahoma A. J. Seay, ex-governor, ICingtisher, self, and of Ralph Seay, first cadet appointed by Hon Dennis Flynn. Dr. Watts, Norman; member 3rd legislative district. A. G. C. Bierer, ex-member supreme bench. Guthrie. University foot-ball group, Norman University, 1898. R. W. Roming, Winfield. Kan.: group of University senate. Nor- man, 1900. William (xrimes, Guthrie, ex-U. S marslial, present secretary of Territory. Henry T. Miller, llrst president Oklahoma Press association. E. W. Oliver, Oklahoma City; group of Rough Riders. C. G. Jones, Oklahoma City: ex-member of the legislature. C. R Brooks, ex-attorney general. W. A. Hutlege, Norman; Poor Buffalo, Kiowa chief, taken May 16, 1900. C P. Wickmiller. Kingflsher: original crayon of David L. Payne. Samuel Crocker, successor to David L. Payne as editor of Okla- homa War Chief; photo of self, and framed crayon of David L. Payne: crayon of W. F. Cody. C lloss Hume, Anadarko; first graduate of I'niversity at Norman. C. A. Galbreath, ex-attorney general, ex-member of the bench of Hawaii A. D. Marble, '^"•klahoma City pioneer: with datar Group of P^ditorial Associatitui. Oklahoma City, April 24, 1905 Chambei- of Commerce. Oklahoma City, police gr.^up. El Kmo. ACC'KSSKi.NS. ;;3 Scenes and Views. Commercial Club; Excursion; Ardmore, I. T. Band; same; Interior coach: band at rest. Same; "As we Jog Along. ' Same; Interinr of the coach presenting water set. Same: Homeward bound. Group in the rear of the coach. Street: Capital ground: Little Hock. Orchard: near Oklahoma City. Early day residenct-; model residence near Oklahoma City. Agriculture: 108 pound watermelon; near Oklahoma City. Agriculture; monstrous squash. Commerce: Farmers state bank. Commerc-t': Interior Engl'sh Kitchen; Oklahoma City. Church building: Oklahoma City: >t. E. Church. Hospital building: Catholic building. Xew Catholic Church: Oklahoma City. Pauline Kinslee llehtild, Harrison, Okla.; Musical compositions. Farm Scene: I'otatoe drilling; Shawnee. Fish Lair: Five miles northeast of Shawnee. Street; Ciiandler: Lincoln county. Commercial Club: F^xcursion: Oklahoma City. Street: Ardmore, I. T. Street: Ardmore, I.T. Hotel: Ardmore, L T.: Excursion Commercial Club. Oklahoma City, Okla. Street; Stroud, Lincoln county. Cotton (iin: Stillwater, Payne county. Model Farm: Stillwater, Payne county. Commercial: Loading Potatoes; McLoud Potatoe Go. Agriculture: Potatoe Digging, McLoud. Okla. Station Scene: Orlando. Logan county. Commercial; Interior McBride's Store, Wagoner, I. T. Commercial: First National Bank, Watonga. Commercial: Wagoner's Store; Watonga. Hanch: Fancy Cattle. Street: Wynnewood, L T. Mill: Weatherford, Custer county. C. H. Crowley; Residence. Cordell, Washita county. Uailway; First train through Cordell, Wasliita county. Training School for Boys: Se^/ar, Washita county. Street: Madill. L T. Good Pioads; Indians working roads, Seger, Okla. Souvenir Collection: Chamber Commerce, Oklahoma (Jity, Excur- .ni.n. March 190;J: Kodak: Fn Route. :j4 accessions. Hotel, Interior; Commercial club excursion. Washita river; Commercial club, enroute. 1902. l^ridge; Washita river. Red river. Dennison, Texas. Pavillion, Dennison. Texas. Plotel, Katy; Commercial club excursion. Street, El Reno, 1902. Street, during the registration, El Heno. Bank, El Keno. Shoemaker's ranch, Beaver, Beaver county, 1902. A. A. Haskell: Ranch group near Edmond. Cattle, Beaver county. John Avery: Farm scene near Cline, Beaver county. Street, Hlackburne, Pawnee county. Ruby's Plaster works, Ferguson: Blaine county. Pastorial; Watermelon weight, 120 lbs. Pastorial; Farm near Shawnee, Hubble. Commercial: I'nloading potatoes, Shawnee. Cottun seed oil mill, Shawnee. Orchard; Julius Greenlee. Shawnee. Farm ot Julius Creenlee, Shawnee. Main street, Shawnee. Farm: I^otatoe digging, Sliawnee. Mill; Blackwell. Okla Blackwell College. Commercial and Harvest scenes near (Jeary, Blaine county. Harvest near Homestead. Blaine county. J. B.Buchanan, Edmond: View of Normal school building, 1893. K. E Clement, Yukon: Farm scene and view of his I'esidence, taken July, 1904. John Sebastian, (J. P. A., Kock Island, Chicago: Colorado Springs mountain scene, 1893; frame and glass. Exterior view of Lawton Republican oflice, with group of •'faculty". Interior view of (Oklahoma City hospital. Santa Ke depot construction scene, Oklalioma City. J. E. Quein, Edmond; First church building in Oklahoma, 1889 First service was held by Father Scallow. June 24. 1889. (Since de- ceased in Utah ) Artist Brooks, Norman: Strip opening .scene at Orlando, Sept. Ki. 1893; Booth scene at Orlando. Sept Ki, 1893: Norman Main >treet. June 2h, 1899. Maurice Dusche, I'nion City: Hock Island wreck. Dec 12. 1900. p] W. (Oliver, Oklahoma City: First post-jffice at Oklahoma City after opening. April 22, 1S89: street scene, Oklahoma City, April 2-M889. .\C(ES>I()NS 35 riusical Compositions- Albert B. Cottle, Mu>^c()«ee. "Some Times". Musical Composition words by Hubert J. Wooten, Wewokee. Tliomas Daniel, Tanj,ner, Okla ; "What Is Love with Loved Ones Far Away:" Words and Music original. Musical composition, '•iiegmia Waltzes,' Dennis Shaw. Jr, Alva. ^lusical composition, "Watermelon Feast," Dennis Shaw, Jr.. Alva. Harriet I'arker-Camden, Kin^tisher, • (Oklahoma, a Toast." Music and Words. E. T. Rehtield, Harri.son; (now of Okeene) "The Governor's >[arch," by Mrs. Pauline Kinstle Rehiielr), wife of donor. .1. S. Tliomas, .South McAlester. "I Long to Be There," words by J H. Buxton. Pond ("reek: music by Mrs. C. H. Buxton. "On the Cro-s." words by C. H. Buxton, music by Mrs. 0. H. Buxton. Oklahoma— General. Hon .Sidney Ciaike. Oklahoma City; Greer county ca.se in U. S. Supreme court, three volumes; report of Secret^iry of Interior on same: also report of Directors of Carnegie Library, 1903; also collec- tion of congressional reports. Ti I es-Journal, Oklahoma 'ity: Heminiscence of Indian days, Bat- tle of tile Washita. W. B. Mattliews, Washington, I). C. Settlers map and guide book uf Oklahom 1 and Indian Territory. (Late) lames .). Merrick of Ciiandler. Type written addre.ss on death of William McKinley in legislatuie of Oklahoma, Jan. 29, 1903; Morocco A. I) Marble, Oklahoma rity: Original pamphlet on good rnad^;, 1903. Miller Brothers, Bliss, Okla : Program of exhibition June 11. 1905, with series of badges and copy of Bli.ss Breeze, illustrated. Mrs. Emma Goodrich Dimmick, Pond Creek: Oritiinal poems. A. H. Dent, IIenne.ssy: Course of study, Henne-^sy schools, 1893. ( Late) H C St Clair, KingHsher: Copy of II r.st statutes of Okla- homa. J. C. Post, Kingfi-her; Speech of Theodore Risley. democratic candidate for delegate to congre.ss, August 22, 1892, ( harles H Filson, Guthrie, Ancient map of Greer county. Samuel Crocker bound volume of Oklahoma War Chief, Caldwell, Kansas, 1885, self as editor. Oklahoma City, what it has to ntfer manufacturers of cotton fabrii-s. lHt»9, Clifton G ■. rge. ;{(l A(x;e«si(>ns. Circular of C. A. Anderson, railroad promoter, Wdodward, 1904. Anti-Sal"on League of Oklalicma, 19U4, J. J. Thompson,. l). E. Pochel's 'Kay county" descriptive Adv. District court docket Cleveland county, 1895 Oklaftoma City Chamber of ('ommerce by-laws, 1903. Program Oklahoma horse show at Oklahoma City, 1903. Educational Manual for teachers of Oklahoma cnunty, 1902 3. Schedule of lands in the Sac and Fox, L.wa and Pottawatomie reservation. J. E. Quein, Edm md. Pencil manusc ipt of the late Milt W. Reynolds. Same. First course <.f studies i.f Edm nd scho >ls, 1890. Rev. J. H. Aughey, Mulhall, Okla., (niw <.f Nebraska). -Tupelo" and "Spirit Gems', 2 volumes, original. Same. Minutes tiist grand lodge G. L S. of Oklahoma. J. H. Parker, Kingfisher. Minutes of Congregational s iciety of Oklahoma, 1890-1-3. Same Constitution and by-laws of C ngiega- tional S'lCiety of Oklahoma. John Enright, Perry, Okla., catalogue of Perry public library, 1890; Charter cf city of Guthrie. J. H. Murphv, NewLon, Kansas. Murpliy's map of OklahiiUia, 1889. Line 'In McKinlay, Newkirk. (Jollectinn of house calenders. Bl ck fr. m first Speaker?' stand, Oklah ma legislature. A. L. Tilton, Ulevebind, Mo , Orginal minutes of Hrst Okla- lioma guards, with autograph letter. (\ Ross Hume, Anadarko. Wood from first "hub" driven in Kiowa reservation. Block of walnut with ancient bridle bit em- bedded. Mort L. hixler. Norman Correspondence with editors on Gal- veston excursion. 1897; Wood with musket ball embedded from farm of W. R. Roselieus, near Xorman. A. I^. .Marble, Oklahoma City. Constitution for the new state. M.S. .J. L Admire, Kingfisher. Compendium of Homes' ead Laws, by Free Fress publishing company. H A Hoty, Kingfisher; proceedings S .S. convention at Dennisou, Texas. 1893. Same. Conference of Methodist cluirch of Oklahoma, 1893 E. (1 Yantees, Guthrie. \'arious early Oklaliorua publications. J. A. Mann. Kingfisher: .Manuscript by-laws Eingllsher Times newspaper publishing company. Boynton cS: Smith, Kingfisher: Fiited Sta'es vs. citizens of Enid and Pond Creek: petition in full and names or l(i5 defendants. Ca.se growing out of interference with Rock Island trains. 1893. W. C. Cornelius, Kingfisher: Original House bill relating to county commissioners, -ame, manuscript, original House Bill 109 rt- lating to terms of oHi ers: first legislative session. A('( KSSI<»N5. .>i J. P. Sampson, Duncan, I. T., Kiowa, Comanclie and Aiapalilioe reservation 1894. William (irimes, teritorial secretary, Guthrie— House and Council Calendars, 1903-5. Bryan Snyder, of the Frisco, St. Louis— Oklahoma in a Nutshell. John B. Stout, Waukomis— ••How to Make Farming Pay," with orii^inal poems Manual of the Creek 'I'ribes commission, John A Burt, Oklahoma City —Specimen of petriHed Honey, found, French Lake Farm, Green county, Wis., July, 1904. Fremont lioyle. County ballot, Caddo county, 1904, with can- didates. William Eathan Oxley, Cleo; Autobiography. Roy St^itford. (.Jklahoman -Miscellaneous photos and scenes. Marion Kock, ex-librarian Carnegie Library, Oklahoma City— Mis- cellaneous Photographs. Scott Cummins. Winchester, Oklahoma— "Musings of the Pilgrim Bard," original Poems, cloth Original poem, "The Rough Rider " Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma City— Oklahoma City Illustrat- ed bird's eye view, contains numerous views and photos; same— one hundred landscape- views, photos, etc. John (Jolobie, (Juthrie -i'roceedings Oklahoma Bar Association. 1904: Which is tiie lietter Way, Scliool Land Leasing. W. A. Maxwell, Oklahoma City— lllu>trated souvenir of Musco- gee, 1904 C. K. N'erity. Oklahoma City— (ilimpses Through Holdenville, illustrated. Kyle Bros . South Mc-Mester— Brief in L' S. Court, Itdian terri- tory. Ilahn Bros. vs. Bled.soe, et. al. W. F. Bolton, Woodward— Correspondence relating to N. E. A. excursion to New Orleans, 1900; Same, Hot Springs. May, 19D2. Peter M Sullivan, Oklahoma i ity— Our Corrupt Courts and Pres- idents. W Arthur Jennings-Illustrated Wewoka and vicinity. T. C/. Thobuin. Peabody, Kan -Randolph B. Marceys explorations of Bed River, 185^2. late (Jeorge li. McClellan, engineer, illustrated with scenes in what i'^ now Oklahonui: cloth with map. Andrew H. Meeks, Kingtisher, (now of Nebraska)— Religious Tl)ought, book, original. Same, iielief and Requirements of the True Church, pampldet original. Same Foundation I'rincipal of True Keligioti xMrs. Dr. Fee. Kingfislier- A Keep Sake, by Mrs. Sarah D. llerritt. cloth. .Mary A. Humphrey -The Cook's Oracle, 1833: cloth. A. C. Dolde— Keys tf> city of Newkirk. editorial meeting. 18UU. ;{,S ACCESSIONS. O. H. Chase, Beaver City; Copy of tirst issue Beaver Pioneei-, by E. E. Henley. June 18, 1886; Beaver Tribune, May 30, 1890; Talley- sheet of c invention t) select nominees to Hrst Cimarron Territory legislature; Pamphlet review and other papers pertaining to Cimar- ron Territory: Original articles of incorporation Kansas, Beaver & Albuquerque Railroad Company, filed with William B. Ogden, secre- tary Cimarron Territory, January 2. 1888. H. D. Todd. Fort Keno; Will of Robert Bent, tirst Indian will in Oklahoma. A. R. Musseller, Alva; Manuscript poem delivered at Perry, November 21, 1898. John Burton; Manuscript copy of proceedings involving title to .S. E. quarter, secti -n 27, 12 n, 3 w. Josiah Strong; Original book, "Our Country, its Possible Fu- ture," etc. Freeman E. Miller, Stillwater Advocate: "Oklahoma and Other Poems," cloth; "The Cow and Her Brother:" "Calling the (editorial) Roll;" "Oklahoma Sunshine, Poems," cloth: and oMier original poems. Ex-Governor T. B. E'erguson: "'I'he Okhihoma Book". ]9ti-4. Private Corporations of the Indian Territory. Eiifhth Annual Pieport of tlie five civilized tribes. T. B. Ferguson, Ex-(i 'Vernor; Complete otlicial documents of 1905. Horace W. Shepherd, Altus: Manuscript of his address beforn the Oklahoma Editorial Association, Oklahoma City, April 24, 190"). Chickasaw, and (Jhoctaws, History, (Jovernment, Treaties, etc. C. F. Barrett of the Shawnee Herald: Constitution and by-laws labor A-sembly, 1901. Marion Rock: The Envant: By-laws, Oklahoma (Mty. Jarboe-Butler Paper Cu , Oklahoma City: "St ny of Paper Mak- invf," cloth. Frank (Jreer, Guthrie: Republican Platform of Oklahoma. 1904, with house committee report on Statehood. Cobb's map of Oklahoma. Charles Filson. (iuthrle: Oklalioma Republican Text l>ook, 1904. F. C. Scinn, Guthrie: Political and biographical sketch, with pic- ture, of the late Edgar Jones of Logan county. Hinds c^: Russell. South McAlester: '.llnstrated edition of Capital. 1904 Eunice M. Munger. president Women's Relief Corps: Proceedings of convention at Noiman, May, 190.'}. Joiui W Edgell. South McAlester: State of Sequoyah, -IHOO." By J. A. N a-man Muscogee, illustrated Same: New Era magazine, 1889, illustrated, decriptive of South McAlester. Stray copies Idack Diamond. A< cKssioN."-. ;{y A.T.Riley, Guthrie; "Oklalioitifi, its Growtii, History, Etc" 1889. Same. Statistical Roster of Territory. C. E. Hunter, of Hobart: -Oklahoma. 1904." Illustrated, de- scriptive of Hobart, Errick, Davidson and Sibony. Howell iS Gill, South McAlester. First Directory of South ^lc- Alester. G. A. Smith, Chandler. "Freeholders (ir Tenants." by self, 1904. (Jenevieve FosteV Longston. Ardmore. ''Orio," illustrated, liter- ary, Ardraore, 1903 H. C. Gibbs, Anadarko. City Directory, Anadarko, 190c; city ordinances cf Anadarko, 1904: manuscript description of Caddo county JJert Greer, M uscogee Times. Kendall Collej^ian, Thanksgiving number. 1904. Year Book, 1904-5, Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion of the Indian Territory. Douglas & Merriara; Muscogee Century edition of the "Phoenix" .January, 1904, lllustr-ited. Acts and Resolutions of the National Ciiuncil of the Mu.scogee Nation, 1900. Este Maskoke Etvlwv Emv hakv Empvtakv momet Emvhakv. Etohtvlhocvtet os Ot'vo-kv Hvkko ennetta 15, 1892. Vhakv Hakvte vcvkvyen. (Constitution and laws of the Muscogee Tribe, translated from th^ English, October loj 1892,) by D. C Watson Roster of Creek Indians who voluntarily ira- ujig>ated from .\hibama to the Indian Territory, in 18.39. Laws gov- erning private corporations in the Indian Territory. Creek Treaty of February, 1901, and supplemental Creek Agreement. Bradley's Man- ual Statistical information Indian Territory, Mu.scogee, 1902, illu,straterl. M, R. Moore. Muscogee. Brief Histnry of Mi.ssionary work in tlie Indian Territory Wagoner Seminary announcement, 189<2. Fred Wenner, Gu' hrie- A'isitors liecord us-ud in Oklaiioma bniiri- ings, exposition^ at Chicago and St Louis -eleven bound volumes. ( omplete set public documents of Portugal on exhibit at Paris and St. L 'uis exposition— twenty volumes Andrew Allen \'eatch, Bokoshe. 1. T : Original poems, ''liays fr m Sunn Land " .1. B. Thnburn. (kithrie— '•Gwendine. " by Mrs (iraham Lewis, Oklahoma City: cloth. < hickasha, " i he (iem of the Wasliita," 1905: illustrated s uvenir. wiih bird's eye view. Ancient Quary in the Inilian Territory, illustrated. ivendall College 'ollegian, Muscogee, I'hanivsgiving, 1905 Oklahoma City, illustrat< d, birds-eye view, 245 pages. Chamber of C mmerce I tkhihoma State Capital, illustrated, April 22, issii |i)(i4. Five Civilized Tiibes Appeal for Justice. Wes'ern Land Guide, Detioit, Mich , 1895 Snowden Parlett, Guthrie -Refe-.-ence outlines nf (;()verninent: cloth. A. \V C. Weeks. Oklahoma City— The Squib, Oklahoma City, .lan- u iry 1-8. 1904: magazine J. S Br -(ik":, O. C. Soots (Only two numbers issued.) .larboe Ihitlei Pap*''' <>»mpa'iy— Souvenii' metaUc niatcli sale Constitution of Cloud Chief Protective Assnciation. I'aper of E L Bla'^e; of Fl IJeno before the Bar Assiciation, .Jan- uary, 1899: Stateh-od question reviewed. Statehood Convention review, Shawnee, December 4. 18tt5. Argument o4' II. W . McAdam beloie ( ommittee on Tenitoiies. January, 1894. Pro -eedin^s Republican convention at Kinydsher, March, IHSKi. l-'lynn nominated for delegate lo conj,Me.ss. Review of Statehood convention at Oklahoma City, January, 1896. Review of opening Kickapoo Rest-rvation, with list of lands, 1895. rroyram of Flower parade, (iuthrie. 1^99. l-'rank (Ireer, (Uitlirie. 1905, illustrated, ticcasion ^;. E. A. meeting-. 'I'reatise on truck raising in Oklalioma, illustrated, M. K. c^ T. Magazine edition Medford Star, ' Spring of 1900," H. L. Frayne. "Picturesque Granite." souvei'ir edition of the Enerpris-, Illus- trated and descriptive "t (rranite and Gre r county. Christmas magazine edition of the Vinita Leader, 1902 F. S. E. A mos South ^'cAlester, Prospective Capital of tlie Future State of Jef- ferson,"" by the DaUy Capital, li)(i4. "Show Me"' edition of the Otter \'alley News, Snyder, November 17. 1904 Illustrated and descriptive of Snyder, "The Gem of the Wicliita . " II S. I liarabers. Proceedings at the dedicati n of Carnegie Library. Oklahoma City, August 20, 1901 Ancient Quary if tlu- Indian Territory, William Henry Holmes, 1894 Program Oklahoma Pre.ss .A.ssctciatinn, Oklahoma City, Apiil24-5. 19 If). Pictorial lieview of 'OklahMna. i'he Next Star." South .McAlester 'The Land of !'romi.se."" Illustrated. Henry P. Robbins Annual Report Public schools. Oklahoma <"ity, 1897, 1904. Constitution and Bv-la\vs Trades and Labor Assembly of Shawnee, I90i. Trial I)oc'»et di-trict court ctf Kingli^her county, 1S91. Piem um List Poultry ;ind Pet Stock Association at Guthrie, 1898. Minutes First annual session Washita Baptist Association, ("enter point. 1895. K C Leake, clerk. OklalKMiia Directorii s: McMillen's Gazeteer. 1890; Smiih's direc- tory of Oklahoma cities and homesteads, 1890; M. R. Moore's Musco- gee, 1903 and 1904; (iuthrie and Logan county, 1892, Frank G, Prouty; 1898. liooney iV: Hamilton: Oklahoma City, 1899, R. M McAdams; 1901, S E. Levi: 190:^; Times-Journal; Oklahoman, Oklahoma City directory 1905: 1904, Times-Journal: Times-Journal (ural nute: \na- darko, 1903: .-soulh McAlester, 190:5, Howell *.V: (Jill: Oklahoma Tele- phone e.xchange, \w:l. and HUKJ with Kansas Mty, \Voods county di- lectory. Condensed topographical handlKjok of Cheiokee Strip. 18i<2. with ^•^ At • ESMONS blank certiticate of membership of Pawnee Bill Oklahoma Coloniza- tion Company, by J. B. Tucker and G. VV. Lily. Guthrie. Directory of Woods county. In the matter of the estate of J. W. Hayes, deceased Cherokee, opinion of Judge Springer, Indian Territory. 1895, cl Resolutions adopted by the Hve civilized tribes in convention at South McAlester. 1896. First Message of Governor Green McC'urtain of Choctaws, 1896. Addresss in favor of People's party of Oklahoma, by Ralph Beau- mont. Pamphlet of W. R. Taylor vs. J. L. Brown Disappearance of Sectionalism, by (late) John L. McAtee. Argument in favor of Statehood, 1894, by Henry E. Asp J. B. Campbell, Waukomis; Payne's text book of Oklahoma, 1882. A. C Scott, President A. & M. college, Stillwatei ; manuscript copy of address before visiting Legislators, Feb. 1905. J M. Coleman, Newkirk: Golden Eagle, killed on Little Beaver, Kay county, by donor; mounted by Gerald Volk, Wichita. Constitution and By-laws of the Humane society of Oklahoinu City. 1905. Notes on geology of Seminole, Creek and Osage Nations, 1900, Charles Newton Gould. Normal Philomarth, Edmond, January and April, 1897 Oklahoma Illustrated, 1894, 280 pages, O. C. Seeley, Guthrie. Oklahoma Presbyterian Academy, Newkirk, H. F Thomas, Mana- ger, 1902-3. Crescent City- descriptive circular, 1904. Take Warning: Democratic circular of 1900. Free Silver means Free Homes: Callahan circular, 1896. ••Free Homes a Republican Hold-up " In fav.r of Ilobert A. NVff, Populist candidate for delegate to congress, 1900. Osage Protest against Hou.se bill 1297 on boundaries, 1888. Seventeeth Annual meet of the Woman's C. T. U. of Indian Ter- ritory at Tulsa, 1904. Year Book. Mrs. Cora llrown. Secretary, Waukomis; Complete reports of Oklahoma Order of Rebekahs. Educational Manual for Teachers of Oklahoma City, 1902 3. Proceedings at the Dedication of Carnegie Library building at Oklahoma City, August 20. 1901. "Some Facts about Shawnee,'" I J. Mai tell. Political Proclamation of- Governo:- C. M. Barnes, Guthrie, eircular. Mass meeting proclamation by '•. F. Bowles of Perry. Judge S. A. Stewart, Oklahoma City. "Courts of Justice and In- iustiee."" At (JKS.SIO.N> 43 •'Imperialism and tlie Constitution," J. R. Keaton, Oklahoma City, Democratic candidate for Delegate to Congress. Campaign Pamphlet; Cockrell vs. Flynn. Press Opinions Ordinances of the Village of Lexington, 1890. Ferns and Flowering plants of Oklahoma; A. H. VanVleet, Norman. Poultry and Pet Stock association premium li.st, Guthrie, 1897 and 1898. Blank certiflcate for allotment of Indian lands. Oklahoma City Townsite bill, Approved May 15, 1900. Protest of Morton and .Seward counties Kansas, against Cimarron Territory. Cherokee Nation Titles, William A. Phillips Memorial of Oklahoma City for Military Keservation. Removal of Catherine Creifenstein, from Pottawatomie lands July 7. 1897. Dawes treaty with Choctavvs and Chickasaws, April 23, 1897. Memorial for Statehood, J. C. Towsley, et al, Walter A Duncan to the President on Statehood, 1894. Proposal of removal (rf Indians to Oklahoma, J. C. Painter. Protest against the Oklahoma Organic Act Memorial if Chc-rokee Indian Citizenship Association. Oklahoma Slate Fair premium listi, (Juthrie, 1895 Congregational Association of Oklahoma constitution and by-laws, 1893. Names of Creek Indians in the Indian Territory from the old Creek Nation of Alabama. Frank McMaster's- argument befoe statehood convention at (Juthrie, 1899. "Driven to Desperation," Flynn vs Callahan, candidates for dele- gate to Congress 1896. •'Republican Party against Statehood," Democratic circular in favor of .Mathews candidate for Delegate to congress, 1904. "Some FactJS.". Prospectus of the Newkirk Gas and Mineral Com- pany, 1902 "Plea tor Statehood," address of Hon. Sidney Clarke at Tran.s- Mlssissippi Commercial Congress. St. Louis, 1894. '•The Phillips Steal," involves Dennis W Bushyhead, Richard M. Wole, Rob -rt li Ross, et al; by Klia-^ C Boudinot, 1884. Speech of Sidney Clarke, October 0, 1892. Political Issues. i'rograii) of the Fifteenth annual ndeet of Oklahoma Pharmaceut- ical as.sociation, Shawnee, 1895. Catalogue of combination sale of cattle and hogs, E. IL LittleHeld and F. B. Hutchin.son, Newkirk, 1898. Treatise on Xavajo hlankot^. illustrated. 44 AOCKSSIONS. Souvenir calendar of Oklahoma City, illustrated, 1892; same for cattlemen's convention. 1903. '•Trutli about Oklahoma," illustrated, Santa Fe. Report of Editorial meeting at El Reno, 1895. President McKinlay's report of tlie Oklahoma Historical Society, 1899-1900, 1901-2, 1903-4; Custodian's report 1902, 1904. Hon. Pliny Soper, Muscogee. Original proceedings first Republi- can convention of Indian Territory, M. S. Chickasaw Trust Funds, Argument before Indian Committee by Albert E. Payne, March 3, 1891. I. O. O. F. Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Indian Territory, 1894. Annual Conference M. E. Church of Oklahoma City. Guthrie, 1893; Oklahoma City, 1894. S. S. Convention of (reneral Mission Baptist Association, Guthrie, Fourth Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Bank Association, Okla- homa City, 1900. Bryan Snyder, St. Louis, (Frisco). Oklahoma, illustrated. J. A. Norman, Muscogee. State of Sequoyah 'March 4, 1906." With photo engraving of Sequoyah. Brief History of Internal Affairs in the Cherokee Nation, W.J. Watts, 1895. A T. Kiley, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, its Growth and History. Memorial for Statehood, Sidney Clarke, Dick T. Morgan, et al. Memorial for reserving school lands, Dec. 6, 1896. Nortliern district M. E. conference, 1895, Rev. E. C Delaplaine, Presiding Elder. Hon. (irimes Sproat, Enid. Admission card fourth legislature annual ball. Open letter to Oklahoma school land board, Fred Elder List of delegates from Oklahoma to 14th national editorial associa- tion. Program of 10th Infantry band, editorial as.sociation, at El Reno, 1895 First annual meet of Oklahoma Swinebreeders' association. 1898. Letter from Daniel Freeman. IVatrice, Nebraska, first home- steader Council Rules Fourth Oklahoma legislature Oklahoma City, descriptive: pamphlet by E. E. Brown Inter Territorial Statehood convention at Purcell, Sept 3, 1893 Rules and Regulations of the Fair at Hennessey, Oct., 1895. Pre- mium list of same and program Constitution and by-laws Okhihoma Swinebreedes' association. Officers Oklahoma Building association of Guthrie. Second and third and fifth annual meets of Oklahoma Ajfricultur- al Society. \CCKSSK)N>. 4;> Annual report of Oklahoma Children's Home society, Guthriv^, May 2, 1905. Noah B. Wickham. Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce by-laws, 190;i M. Hahn & Bro. vs. J. F Bledsoe; trustee in bankruptcy of J. M. Barral, case in court of appeals, Indian Territory. Oklahoma City Horse Show program, October, 1903. Muscogee, 1902; descriptive, illustrated, 80 pages: Chamber of Commerce Jasper Sipes. Proceedings teaclier's association, territorial, Okla- homa C ity, 1903; same at Gutlirie, 1904. El Reno industrial Headlight souvenir, 1895, illustrated; Tousley & (Jill. Ordinances of the city of Norman, 1896. Cliickasaws and Choctaws treaty of 1855. Rules Fifth Legislative Council of Oklahoma. Morocco. Rules Fifth Legislative House, Cloth. Bill to create the Territory of .Jefferson. Memorial Siatehood Convention at Guthrie Jan. 30, 1901. Single Statehood convention at Claremore, Dec 3, 1902. Program of dedication of Styles Park, Oklahoma City, August 29, 1901. Stillwater's Welcome to the Sixth Oklahoma Legislature, .souvenir. Free Homes call at Enid, April 7, 1897. Oklahoma rainfall for lifty yeans. California and Back, illustrated. Memorial of Statehood convention at Kingflsber, 189K. Address to Oklahoma on World's Fair at Chicago. Brief of ca.se of Kuhlman vs. Leavens (Ladd Adm'r.) Case of Chadwick vs. Duncan All About That $.S,000,000 Steal. Bushyhead. Wichita Commercial Club Cklahoma Trade. J. W. Julien. Crowder City. I. T. Three books; Reports of Okla- homa Baptist Convention, 1904 Annual Report Indian Territory Baptist Convention, 1904 Catalogue Indian University, (Baptist,)' 1905-6. W .1. Leatherman, Guthrie. A. O. V. W. Grand Lodge Reports, 189S, 1901-2-3-4-5 A. O. IT. W. General Directory, 1904 Mrs. .J. W. Feuqua, Chandler. Confederate badges, 1905. J. S. Thomas, South McAlester, "1 Long to Be There." and ''On the Cross,'' music and words by Mr. and Mrs. Buxton, Pond Creek. Interior Department. Statistical Atlas, 1900, cloth. Abstract Twelth census, 1900. "Three Years in Arkansaw,'" Marion Hughes. Muscogee. "Adam and Kve," Marion Hughes, Muscogee 4(; AC('E>M(>N'H. William Ethan Oxley, Alva, manuscript biograpliy. O. K. Stamp and Printing Co.. Olilohoma City. "Oklalioma City Cook Book," Ladies First Baptist Churcli. Lon Whorton, Perry Ordinances of Perry, 1902. Same; describing Kiowa and Comanche reservation. J. W. McNeal, Guthrie Guthrie Directory 190.5. F. G. Novak, Oklahoma City. St. Louis directory, with literary sketches in Boliemian. original. J. H. Johnston, Oklalioma City. ''On to Washington," Stateliood excursion, Dec. 6, 1905. J. W. Slaten, Erick, Oklahoma Proceedings Oklahoma Baptist convention, 1905 Frank D. Northrup. Oklahoma City. College paper, 1899-1900, bound. Henrietta E. Foster, Tecumseh. Matron Humane Society work. Thomas S. Reed, El Reno. Congressional Hand Book Opening of new country, 1901. S. C. Sickles. Annual report Commissioner land office describing new country opening, 1901, 111. S. C. Sickles. Rev. T C. Carlton, Claremore: Catalogue Indian Mission. Mus- kogee, 1905. Leo Vincent. Boulder, Colo. Souvenir Write-up. 1905. Rev. W. P. Blake, Anadarko; Annual Baptist Convention, 1905. Times-Journal. Oklahoma City; State flag carrier) in 1889 gpening by George A. Xewey, Section 2 Township 12, N of li. 14 W. Sec, 14. Ra ph ( ampbell Waukomis. Old Colt's revolver found near where Pat Hennessy was burned. S. Haynes Buxton, Oklahoma City, Year book. Son's American Revolution, 1905, cloth. Charles A Blair, Guthrie. Territorial Policy of U. S., cloth. W. P. Campbell. The Cook Book, by Ladies Baptist society, Okla- homa City W. P. Campbell, Jr. Nebraska City: lioiite and Year Book Camp- bell Brothers shows. J. H. .lohnson, Oklahoma City. ''On to Washington." Special circular, Nov. 0, excursion for Statehood. Frank D. Northrup, Oklahoma City, bound volume of college pa- per, Stillwa'er. Coiporal Jack Wilson, Lahoma. Lariats and Chevrons, original, morocco Marie E. Ives, New Haven, Conn. National Indian Association. Our Work, What and Why? Woman's National Indian > .ssociation. Late Indian news. Answering His Prayer. Unique Mission. Results of Alaska Work Past look and Outlook. Missions of 1904. (All on Indian lines ) Thos R. Reid, El Reno Illustrated report commissioner Ignited States land office, Kiowa. Com, and app. Res. ACCESSIONS. 47 Ivoy Stullurcl, Uklahoma City, city diieclury, 190i-6. J. W. McNeal. (Juthrie. Polk's city directory, (luthrie, 1905 F. G. Novak. Oklahoma City. Original Literary magazine, with St. Louis directory. Kansas City Times, Feb. 18, 1887, contains map and articles on Oklahoma. Lawrence Kansas (lazotte, March 22, 1888, contains article on "Commonwealth of Oklahoma.'' .Mrs. Feugiia. Chandler. Badges Confederate Re-Union. William lliggins. Hartlesville. Badges. Albert K. George Darrelt. -Socialist baf^lges and biittc»BS. Alex W. Mikeand, Oklaiioma City. Various badges and buttons. M .). Kane. Kingtisher, Congre.ssional badge W. M Mathews Mangum Congressional badge. E. J Giddings, Oklahoma (Mty. Congressional badge. Collection of badges and buttons of various functions. Atchison I\ansa> Daily Champion ".V.s the Devil Would Run It," March 10, 1900 to March 20: W. ['. Campbell. Abiline, Texa>;, Herald. .Sept 11, 189;J. to March 17. \i)6o, small juvenile: F Lasetler. .Vikansas City Arkansas Valley Democrat, June 3, 1887: T. Mcln- tire. Oklahoma Chief, .\pril 30, 1885: contains Payne's Colony con- stitution and by-laws. I aldweli, Kansas Industrial Age, April 20, 1S88: devoted to the opening of Oklahoma, Samuel Crocker and S. C Whitwan. Caldwell Oklahoma War Chief contains death and sketch of Daniel ,1. O'Deli. member «jf Payne's stall. Garland on Indian Territory cattle leases. Same, .July 23, 1885; contains Clara Dixon's poem on the Oklahoma Boomer Crocker in hi«i jail cell at Caldwell; Samuel Crocker, editor, S. U. Smith iV: Son, publishers. Coffey ville Oklalioma Boomer, Feb 4, 188.V, contains Payne's sur- render at Stillwater camp F V Brock, Tonkawa. Civil Government in Oklahoma, Text Book for Schools, self as author; cloth. .lames Klrkwood, Guthrie. Constitution of A. H. T. A. Fred Wenner, Guthrie The New State desciiptive statistic, map. .J. W Casey, Perry. Something about Perry and Noble county, de- ' scriptive, illustrated. By-Laws Orlando Lodge \. O. U. W . Year' Book Perry Ladies' Tuesday club, 1903-4 Year Book Perry Progress club. 1903 4 OIHcial Year Book Sl. Hose of Lima church. Perry Examination in History of Christian church byJ.C. Gooch, Perry. Catalogue Perry public library, 1902 Briefs: Kouth vs Kostacheck. Yates vs Garrett: Lisle vs I'nited S'ates: Sullins vs Ceres Bank; H<'-' beiseti vs Hatclu'll: Lee and Endicott V8 Ellis: Best vs Frazier; Wyatt vs Ward: (iabriel vs Kildare Eltivator Co.; City of Xewkirk vs Dim- meis: Iteeves iV: Co. vs Sheets: Brown vs Donnelley. 4^ ACC:sssR>xg. niscellaneous. Discovery of Nebraska, "A Visit to Nebraska in 1662," J. W. Savage. Savage's Unity Pulpit Sermons, 1889. Moody's "Good and Evil." Papers on the Death and Burial of Garfield. .^ Montana Historical collections. I^ennsylvania Historical Society status, 1894. Kentucky Historical Society reports 1904. South Dakota Historical collections, two volumes, cloth. Araeriran Historical society reports and collections, 1891-2-3-4, 1902-3-4 nine volumes, cloth. Hugh Scott. Waukomis, private secre- tary to Delegate B. S AicGiiire. donor of last three volumes. Early Empire Builders of the Great South West, cloth Grigsby's cowboys, department of History of South Dakota, cloth. All contri- buted by South Dakota Historical society, Pierre. Honor L. Wilhelm, Seattle, Wash., Copies of his Coast magazine. J. B. Campbell, Waukomis, "Through Missouri on a Mule." L. ]?radford Prince, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Stone Lions of Choc- hiti, illustrated. Bingham's Argument in the Surratt Trial. Assassination wf Lincoln. Oflicial report of the Chicago strike, Cleveland Administration. National fr.dupational Association, Denver, 189-5, illustrated Hugh Scott, Waukomis. Geological Survey of Arbucle Mountains. Bishop & Cowling, (then) editors Yukon, Okla-, Weekly, Bushrod Washington's Digest of the Court of Appeals, Virginia, 1792, leather. Gertrude Atherton "A Whirl Asunder," cloth. Biological Teachings of United States colleges, 1891. Interoceanic Canals, Report of committee, 1902 Venezuela- British Boundary committee, 1897, three volumes. Laws of Illinois, 1839, leather. J. F. Poston, piece of wood from Greece. Lillie Ashton, Kingrtsher, Poetic Gems O. W. Meacham, Norman Rise and Progress of the Methodist church, 1825; leather; by A. A. Meacham^ V. D. M. Grandfather of the donor. Miss Minnie Theile, Kingfisher. Number 1, Volume 1, Woman's World, Chicago. .]. J. Lawrence, St. Louis, Mo., Medical Brief. 1893. Senator J. K. Jones, < f Arkansas. Forty volumes of Congression- al records, memorials, etc. Mrs. H E. Hobbs, El Reno. American Cyclopedea, 1858, Morocco. Joilin Stephenson, Kingfisher. Glcott on Impha; cloth. ACCESSIONS. 4t Thomas f5. Halls, Kingfisher. Botta History of American Revolu- tion, 1835. leather. Key to Rnman History, 1756. Treatise on Luug^, Samuel Sheldon Fitch, 1856; leather. Official Atlases, with descriptive notes and Illustrations, cloth. Internal work of the winds, Lake Superior regions, eight volumes. The Philippines; Orinoco regions of South America; Venezuela bound- ary, commissioners report. 1898; Portugal Vlnicole by Deeoosta; United States, geologic; United States, Topographic; Marquette ir(»n- bearing districts, 1897. Statistical atlas of the United States. Mexi- can boundary, report of commission, 1898. Laws of Illinois, 1869, leather. South Carolina in 1876, official, leather. United States International exposition, 1876. cloth. Report of LTtah Commissioner. 1887. Civil Service Rules Promukation by President, 1899. Colfax County, New Mexico, resources, etc. "Marked Severities," Root's record in Philippiaes, Civil service, instructions to applicants, 1897. Western land guide, Detroit, Mich., 1885. Edith A. Phelps, Oklahoma City, (Census abstract of United iitiates 1900. statistical; same, with Atlas, 1900, cloth. W. P. Campbell, Jr., Nebraska City, Roster and Rate book Camp- bell Brother's Circus, season of 1905. Charles Verity, Oklahoma City: flies of Western publishers, 1904 5. G. W. type foundry, Kansas City; "Pointers," 1905. W. P. Campbell, Jr , Nebraska City, Nebraska. Hand book of Campbell Brothers' Circus, .season of 1905, roster and route. W H. Barnes, Topeka. Nine bound volumes Kansas Horticultu- ral society, 1905. Marie Ives, New Haven, Conn. Papers from Indian association. Late Indian news, 1902. "Answering His Prayer," 1900. "Unique Missions," 1902 Results of Alaska Work," 1902. "Glimpses of our i-ssions" 1900: all by Mrs Emily S. Cooke. W P. Campbell. Memorial of Asa Gray. W. P. Campbell. National Almanac. 1864. Greely Artie expedition, 1887. Little Rock Board of Trade, 1892. Catalogue of Pre- Historic work east of Rocky Mountains. IIJI. National Farmers Alliance handbook, 1890. Field. Home and Farm Almanac, Guthrie, 1896. Batchlor of Arts, New York, 1896, "Books. " Poem by Freeman E Miller. Address of Carrie Chapman Catt, Woman Suffrage Convention, Washington City. February. 1904. oU ACCESSIONS. Story of a Great City, St. Louis, illustrated. MuDicipal Ownership, Henry Allen Jiell, Springneld, Illinois. Dedication Souvenir Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Galveston in a Nutshell, illustrated. Rural Free Delivery history and development, 1899. illustrated Catalogue of Earthquakes of the Pacitir, coast, Edwards. Holden,- 1898 Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia, illustrated, 1888. The Mississippi and its Navigable Tributaries. Alex 1). Anderson, Hand book on the Annexation of Fhiwaii. Lorrin A, Thurston. Intelligence Report of the Panama Canal, 1889, Chas. G. Rogers. Researches in Sound. 186.3-7, Joseph Henry. Official report of the Universal Peace Congress at Boston, 1904. Proceedings S. S convention at Henton, 'I'exas, August 8th, 1893. Story of Jesus, interpretation by Elizabeth Stewart Phelps, (Mrs. Herbert D Ward.) Internationalcouncil Woman Suffrage convention at Washington. 1888. Members of American Trotting Associ;ition, Chicago, 1894. Removal of Southern Utes from Colorado to Utah " Ira R. Hicks Almanac, 1896. History of French Spoliation colonies: i-limatic features of and regions. Progress of load construction in United States. Historical collections of South Dakota; cloth. Early struggles California Histo- rical society. 1878. New Mexico Historical .society report. 190-i. .1 Fi Poston, .Norman. Wood relic from (Treece. Fred Lenz, Fargo, North Dakota. Dakota Blue Book. 1901, cloth. A. P. Davis, Water Storage of Salt Kiver, i90.'5-5. F. H. Hagerty Aberdeen. Facts about South Dakota, cloth Kentucky flistorical society, Frankfort. Hepottof society, 1904. G G. Burton, Topeka, Kansas Story of Bunker Hill by Margaret Hill Mc<.'arter, cloth. Visions of Sir Launfal, Lowell. Pasadina California Library A,s.sociation. Pasadina illustrated, souvenir Fort Smith. Arkansas. Illustrated. S'lUth western Law Reporter, St I'aul, ■ August 2, 1895, first number. Fort Worth University hand book. 1893, 19ii4 5. OKLAHOMA AND INDIAN TERRITORY. Speeches in Congress. lion. John S. Little of Arkansas, Indian Appropriations, February 20. 1S9(). Hon. Charles II. Mansur of Missouri, Indian Appropriations, Feb- ruary 22, 1893. Hon, John S Little, of Arkansas. Indian Ai)pi()priat ions, January 15, 1895. Same February 20. 1.S96, on Oklahoma. Hon, Champ Clark, of Missouri, December 15. 18i^;;. Hon. Charles H. Mansur. Indian Appropriations, March 2, 1891. Hon, John Martin, of Kansas. Home liule for Oklahoma, Febru- ary 14, 1894. Hon. Dennis T. Flynn of Oklahoma. Free Homes for Oklahoma, March IG, 189(), Same, Free Homestead IJill, May 3rd, 1900. .(leorge T. Barnes, of (Jeorgia, on bill to or<:(anize Territory of Oklahoma, December 18-22, 18«() William i\L SpriuKer on bill to organize Territory of Oklahoma, December 22. 1886. Same. March 1, 1889. Indian Appropriatifm. C. H. Mansur on bill to oi^janize Territory of Oklahoma, February 25, 1888. Ciiestwr I. Long, of Kansas, on Statehood, February 4. 19U5. Isaac S. Struble, June 3, 188(), organization of Oklahoma. I'reeman Knowles. of South Dakota. >[arch 10, 1898. William Warner, of Missouri. IJ^^O, opening of Oklahoma. Congressional. 18(17, March 14. TrealN* with Kickapoo Indians. I're.sidtMiI "s Message. l.'<83, January 20. Claims of Cherokees for lands in Indian Terri- tory. President's nie.ssage. 188(5, December 1. Report of Indian School Superintendent. 1897. Report of Superintendant of Indian Schools. 18S7, January 5. Indian depredation claims, letter of acting Sec- retary Interior 52 AC(.'1SSM(>NS. J88S, January 25. Osage protest against certain boundary restric- tions. 1888, ^larch 5. Claims of Clierokee l-'reednien and otliers, Lafol- lette Report. 1888, February 15. Nomenclature of New States, David Dudley FieW. 1888, July 9. C. Brownell memorial for establishing courts in Indian Territory. 1890, Marcli 1. Quapaw Indians, Report of Mr Peel. 1890, May 5. Western Miami Indians. Report of Mr. Peel. 1890, May 27. Delevvare Indians of Indian Territory. Report of Mr. Peel. 1890, August ;W, Leases made to Clioctaw Coal and Railway Com- pany. Report of Mr. Peel. 1890, September 22. Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, lieport of Mr. Peel 1890, December 3, Agreement between commission for ce.ssion of Clierokee and Arapahoe lands. 1890, December 11. Choctaw Coal and Railway company bond issue; Mr Morey 1890. December 11 Cession of Cherokee and Arapahoe lands Message of President. 1891. February i;{. Bill to declare Cherokee Outlet a part of Okla- homa 1891, February 11. Bill to open Cherokee Strip to settlement, Re- port of Mr. Struble. 1892, February 18. Act to pay Choctaw and ChlckasAW Indians for lands occupied by Cheyennes and Arapahoes. Message from President. 1892, February 18. Argument of Wm. U. Reagan of Ardmore for more complete judiciary for Indian T'erritory. 1892, February 19. Claim of Deputy Marshals for services during opening of Oklahoma, letter from acting Secretary of Interior 1892, April 8. Commissioners report on Military Reservation at Oklahoma City. 1892, May 2. Population and estimate ot lands of <^>iiapaw Agency. 1892. July 26. Creek Treaty. 1892. May 31. Protection of Indians ^'rom Trespassers, ("ommi.s. sioners report. 1892, June 17 Pee! report concerning Clioctaw and Chickasavr payments. 1892, July 15. Governoi- A. J. Seay of Oklahoma, statement re- garding call for session of the legislature. Henry E Asp opposing. 1900. May 31. Schedule of payments to Indians tiiroughout the I'njon. ACCKSSIOXs. .j.> 1890, January 27. Brief of Hon. Horace Speed of Oklahoma In re- lation to Territorial Government in the Indian Tenitory. 1890, February 17. Skinner report on Bill to reimburse Cherokees for transporting themselves from North Carolina to Indian Territory. 1892, February 28. Right of live civilized tribes to dispo.se of lands, Morey report 1892, February 26. Claims of United States Marshals for services during opening of Oklahoma, letter from acting Secretary of Treasury. 1892, February 26. Memorial of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians for lands occupied by Cheyennes and Arapahoes. Mes.sage from Presi- dent. 1892, March 14 Memorial of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians re- lating to pay for lands occupied by Cheyenne and Arapahoes 189;^, April 13. Report of J. K. Jones of Arkansas, relative to pay of Choctaws and Chickasaws for land occupied by Cheyennes and Arapahoes 1892, April 15. Report of Mr. Washburn relative to reserving lands in Oklahoma. 1892, .Fune 1:5. Peel report on contract with Ciierokee Nation as to relinquishment of certain lands. 1892, July 14 Turpi n report relating to Eastern band of Cherokees. 1892, July 14. Culberson report relating to exclusion of into.xi- cantsfrom Indian Territory 1»92. July IH. Report of Mr. Rockwell on admission of Indian Territory. 1S92 June 17. Peel report on lands of Clioctaws and Chickasaws occupied liy Cheyennes and Arapalioes. 189;{, J.muarv ;w. Mansur rep(»rt on removal of suits from courts of Indian tribes 189.'i, .January 4. President's message on agreement between com- mission and Pawnees. 1893. March 3. Indian appropriation bill. 1893. March .'l Cession of Cherokee outlet. 1893, .lune. President's proclamation opening Cherokee Outlet. 1893, October 4. Wheeler's report on railway right of way through ('herokee outlet. 1893, Novemlier 2. (Opening of Cherokee Strip, letter from Secre- tary of War. 1893, December 20- Wheeler report on admission of Oklahoma. 1893. December 21. Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Southwestern railway right of-way through Indian Territory. 18«4, January 8. McRae report relating to leasing lands in Okla- homa 1894, January 17. Mcltae adverse report on bill for relief of set- lers on lands in Oklahoma. p,A ACCEt>.SIONS. 189i, January li^*- Repurl of siil:> couiinittce, admission of Okla- lioma. 1894, February 9. Letter of Secretary of Treasury on claims of I'nited States Marshals. 1894, February 15. Statement of Thomas Donaldson of I'hila delphia before Commissioners of Indian Affairs. 1894. March 15. Comanche, Kiowa and Apache tribes, in Olila- homa, statement of W, C. Shelley. 1894, May 7. Teller report relating to five civilized tribes. 1894, June 2. McHae report on opening Indian reservations to homestead settlement. 1894, June (5. Act relating to Kansas and Arlvansas railway. 1894, August 8. Act granting military reservation to Okhilioma City. 1894. xVugust 13. Yilas report on ratification of sooner claims. 1894, August 4 Act granting right of way through Indian Terri- tory to Mexican Central railway company. 1894, August 24. Act relating to Choctaw Coal and Railway com- pany. 1894, August 27. Act relating to right of way to Hutchison ;;nd Southern railway company. 1894. Nov. 20. Report of Dawes Commission relating to five civil ized tribes. 1894. Touching Statehood, letter from Walter A. Duncan of South McAlester, delegate of Cherokee Nation, to President. 1895 February 28. Tresiclent's veto of act relating to Oklahoma Central'railroad. 1895, January 9. Moneys due the Ciierokee Nation, letter from Secretary of Interior. 1895, .January 15. Curtis report on agreement with Wichita and« atliliated bands (jf Indians in Oklahoma, 1895, December 5. Report of Committee to negotiate with fi,ve- " civilized tribes. . 1895, December 2-f. Relating to allotment of lands of Wichita and • affiliated tribes in Oklahoma. 1896. .January H Repnrt of appraisers on improvements of Chero- kee Nation intruders. 189t). January 27. Lacey report on free homes in Oklahoma. 1896, April rt on divorce laws for Oklahoma 189(), March 24. .lodge McKennon before the Committee of' Indian AlTains isiii;. Marcii 7. Fl.\iin report on iiurchase of laud for eemetei-y pui'pose . AfCKSSKiNs 18!m, April 2o Flynn report on granting Fort Supply to Okla- homa. 1896, April 4. l.acey report relating to boundary between Texas and Oklalioma. 1896, March 6. Act granting right-of-way to St Louis and Okla- homa City Railroad company. I89(), April 1-). Memorial of Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations re- lating to interest claims in Greer county. 188(j, Marcli Hi. Holdman report on appointment of commission to inspect conditions of Indians. 188«), April 15. Moses Keokuk to Secretary of Interior relating to Sac and Fox X^ation 188(j, March 16 Indian Depredation Claims. 1886, June. Five civilized tribes lo Congress relating to Indian 'J'erritory. 1895, February '11 Conference report on act to establish United States court in Indian Territory. 1896, April 6 Davis reports on Divorce laws of Oklahoma. 18!>6, April 3 Curtis report of the removal of the intruders in the Clierokee country. 1»96, April 9 Before the Senate Committee on Reservation lands. 1897, .January 25. Dennis 'I\ Flynn 's report on Free Homes. 1897. January 27. Relating to the disposition of lands in the In- dian Territory. 1897, January 26. Pettigrew report on Osage Indian funds. 1897. February 12 Pettigrew report on Indian appropriation bill. 1897, February 1 Allen report on amendment to Indian appro- priation bill l.svt7, February ti. Memorial of Creeks relating to objections to certain agreement. 1897. February 6 (Jorrespondence l)ei ween Clierokee and Dawes commission 1M96, .luiie 10. Indian appropriation bill. 188S, January .}•». Organization of "Oklahoma. Argument ofJ.L. Taylor, Cherokee. Ijefore 'i'erritorial commission. 1H89, February 19. tjklahoma. Hearings before Commissioners. 189U, October 1. Act relating to coal land leases in Choctaw Nation. 1900, April 2. Hon. Dennis T. Flynn of Oklahoma, Local or Spe- cial laws in the Territories Commissioners report. 1900, May :'.!. Indian Appropriation bill. IS90.- February. Organization of Oklahoma and establishing courts in Indian 'I'errito'v Commissioners report. 18W0, Febr uary 7. (Jherokee Indians, Springer Heporl. 1889. Februa-y 24. Instructions to Delegates Cherokee Xatiou under Act of 1872. Dennis W. Bushyhead, C J. Harris, J. B. Mayes. 1X90. I-'ebruary 17 Committee of Whole on Territctry of Okla- hruna. Isaac S. St ruble. •:»6 KANSAS. I^eports of Flistoiical Society. 8 in cloth. 25. <);Vicial and Institution reports, cloth. 170. Official and Institution reports, paper. (iOO. liouse and Senate .Fournal, leather. tiS. Impeachment of .Judge Theo. Botkin, 2 volumes, cloth. Investigation of .Senator John .1. Ingalls. Investigation of State Treasurer .losiah Hayes. Tom McNeal's Fables, cloth. Sketch of Pioneer Experiences, Wm. Hutchison, 18G7. Reminiscence paper before Congr<'gational Pioneer Society. H. D, Rice. Wayland's Monthly, Girard. December, 1891. Decennial Census, 1S!>."> Newspaper lists, lH()7-9. (Tovernors* Me.ssages. James M. Harvey, English and Bohemian, 1871 2 Thomas Carney, Tliomas A. Osborn, (Jeorge T Anthony, .lolm A. Martin, Lyman U. Humphrey, L. 1). Lewelling. (Jeorge W Glick, E. N. Morrill, .John W. Leedy, W. E Stanley. Wyandotte (V)nstitution, ]8.')9. Sime, Preamble and Boundaies. July 29. l8;->9. Senate and House liules, 1877-9, •Ki, '99. Republican Election Methods. 1892. W. C. Webb. TopeKa Kinder=!arten Year Book. I89t). Columbian Day in Schojls. 1892, program. Appeal to Kansas Teachers, 1889. F E. Bowman. L. M. Johns. Wamega Public Schools. 189;^. University and Student, 1889, Joel Moody. Industrialist. Manhattan, Catal Edi., 1900 World's Fair Educational Exhibit, 1893. C. M. Light; Liberal Arts Exhibit, 1894. L B. Clem. Lawrence. History of Trinity churcli. Kansas Sail Industry, illuslra ted. Birds of l^ansas 188:{. catalogue, X. S. G(»«s. Uult and Inter-state Commerce Kansas Divisijn, 1897 (fOld and Silver Shales of Western Kansas. 1902. * Sugar Industry, 1890. M. Moiiler. 'i'rans-Mississippi Exposition, illustrated. Central Brani-h Kail- roa I, special rates, 188e). Prohibition treatise. 1883, (i. li. Stephenson and J. A, Troutman. G A. B address at Hnrton 1894. 1'. H. Coney. ACCKSSIONS O" Department OuniuissidiuMs Report. 189-1. Blue Hook. 1S9:?. I'eople's Railroad Handbook. 1892 Interpretation of Election Laws of 1894, Special Session Laws of 1896. Session Laws 1867, 79, 83, 85. 86, 87. 89. Review of Coffeyville Dynamite Outrage. Adjutant General's Report 1861 to 186."), in Morocco. Lawrence Jetterson Club Reception. Dec. lo, 1887. Proceedings Anti-Horse Thief As.sociation, Wichita, 1891. Newspaper World, Hiawatha, March, 189-5, illustrated. P. H Coney 'sladdress at Wellington G. A. R. Reunion, July31897. H. L. Moore vs. E. U. Eunston, for Congress, 1892. Santa Fe Land Adjustment, S. J. Crawford. Sam Wood's Manifesto, Herrington. April 29, 1891. l*ublic Documents. 186.J, J. S Cummins. Illustrated Southern Kansas, relates to Kingman, R. E. Reynold.*;. Free Silver Address to Kansans, R. W. Turner. Mineral Resources, 1889 to 1902. Argument in Favor of S. C. Pomeroy against York charges. C. Cummins. A.SfSassi nation of .1 Clarke Swayzi>, Topeka Blade, by .John W. Wil.son. World's Fair, 1893, Kan.sas, cloth. I're emption Rights vs. Santa Fe in Rice County, Aaron Rohb. W. W. Turner vs. Santa Fe, before Secretary of Interior. Frank liacon'sOpen Letter on North East Exposition. 1885. Rights of Stock Holders, Chief .Justice Hortdii. T. .1. Anderson's Speech before Hoard Railroad Commissioner^; 1879. I'niver.sity Commencement ."Souvenir, 1883. State Teachers Association Program. 1895. Con.stitution .Scrip. Overthrow of Slave Power, S. S. Prouty. 1887. Pike's Pawnee Village, G. W. Martin, 1900. Kansas and Osage Swindle. Latter to Sidney Clarke. 1808. Hand Book of Legislature, 1891, cloth. Rules and Regulations, K. N. (i.. 1899. cloth. Wichita Public School Library. Lawrence IJoard of Education. 1893. Washburn College Catalogues, 5, Topeka. Memorial on O. H. Sheldon. 1879. Topekas Proposed Water Power. Senator Finney. Hot Winds (.f the Plains, isyo, G. K. Curtis. Kansas Growth, with statistics, 1885, William Sims Atchi.son Typographical I'nion Constitution and By-Laws. 18^* Same. Scale of Prices 'tH ACCKSSIONS. Caldwell Jiribery Invesfcigation, 1872. Engleside Minstrel Souvenir, 1881, Topeka. "Fighting Twentietli,"' illustrated. Topeka (Greeting to American Library Association, 189t. Deep Water Harbor Convention, Topeka, 1895 9. '"A Kansas Souvenir/' 189rt, illustrated. Roster ot Indiana Soldiers in Kansas 1888, T. W. Durham, Topeka. Indian Baid in Kansas. 1878, Report of Comminsion, John P St. .John, Governor. Proceedings of the Kansas Editorial Association at Kansas City, 1898. Overthrow of Republican Partv in Kansas, Historic Review. 1892. W. H. Kent. Roster of the (i. A. K. Kansa.s Department, 1894, W. P. Campbell. Department Commander. Kansas Troops in the Volunteer Service of the I'nited States in Spanish and Fhillippine Wars May 9, 1898 to October 28. 1899 Prohibitory Liquor Law of Kansas, 1885, S. 13. Bradford Prohibition in Kansas, 1889, N. C. McFarland, Topeka. Kansas Illustrated Souvenir. Historical and Biographical, 189(5. Kansas; Its Resources and Capabilities, 188;i, William Sims. Topeka. Price Raid Commission Report. 188(5 P. P. Elder, chairman. People's Party Campaign Book of Kansas, 1898. Leader, Wicliita, 189."), volume, (i. W. Collins. Vox Stupendum, Wintleld, September, 1894. Normal (Quarterly, Emporia, .July, 1895. Southwest .lounial Wi<;hita, 1894. Uusine.ss College. College Life. Lmporia, October, November, 1894. 'I'he Dial. St. Mary's, 1890, College. The (Jritic, Mai/.e, October :5(). is<>4. IOWA. Historical Collections. Dos Moines, cloth. Histoi-y (tf the Iowa Constitution cloth. Journal of the .'^^econd Territorial Assembly, 1840. cloth. .lournal of History and Politics, 1905. six numbers, B. F. Stam- Imugh, Secretary Historical Society, Iowa City. Blue Grass Regions of Iowa, 189:j, P. S. Eustis. First Registration iieport of Iowa. 1883, cloth. Historical and Com p. Census. 183(5 to 1880, leather. State Board of Health, 1883, cloth. Kdward D. Brigham, Des Moines. Eleventh Bi Annual Report Dureau l.,ahor Stiitistics. 59 PUBLICATIONS==OKLAHOMA. Followirio- is !i list of li\e puhlications of Okluhoina repre- sented on shelves uiul in caWinots of this society. 15KAVKIt COUNTY. Tx'aver Herald. Maud (). Thomas, 1893-1901). Journal, Fisher iV: Fisher. (Juynion Herald, U. B. (^uinne. 'I'yrone Ob.server, W. II. Flill. Hooker .Vdvance, .J.S. Moffitt. li)04. Keiilon Ciiuarron Valley News, L. A. Wykoir, lSy5-l9J;j. BL.AINK CCAJNTY. Treary Bulletin, .1 Friink Morris, 1893-190;"). deary .lournal, Alfred C. Stackhouse. Okeeiie Kiffle, F. S. VVyatt ^: E. T. lieahReld, 1904 to 1905. Hitchcock VanjJ-uard. A. .\ Ballard. Longdale Ledifer, (ieo. H. Doud, 1904. Waton^a Herald, C. (r. Nesbitt, 1894 to 1905. WatonK^i Republican, T. B. Fergu.son, 1893-1904. Homestead News, B. K. Adams, .Jr , 1901-5 Harrow Pre.ss, (Jideon Hueschner. Cantftn Hecord, M. (). Ballard. Fay Observer, Krebs iV Krebs. ( ADDO COUNTV. Anadarko Tribune. S. K. Hush, 1901 3. Anadarko Hemocrat, L. T. Russell, 1903. -Vpache Week's Review. F. F. Royer, 1904 Apache World, Frank Stevens, 1904. IJridf^eport News, A. Carter. \'«'rden News. Bin^^-er .lournal, .1 W. .^art^'ent . l90:i-4. Carn('<:ie Herald, I'aul C. H.iwson. «0 PUBLTCATIONS-OKL AlIOM A Cement Courier, Cbas. IT. McClain. Ft. Cobb Record, J. M. Meoam. Hydro Review, IT. G. Jones. Hinton Record, H. A. Wbite. CANADIAN COINTV. El Reno Democrat, .1. 11. Heller, 1892-1904. El Reno American, Garland G. Lewis. Yukon Sun, Judd Woods, UX)l-190r) Mustang Enterprise, Meloy cSi: Colville. Okarcbie Times, J. H. Royer, 1895-1905 Piedmcmt Post, Bruce Lott. CLEVELAND COUNTY. Norman People's Voice, Allen & Rixey, 1892-1905. Norman Democratic Topic, HessiS: Carr, 1894 1905 Norman Transcript, .1. J. Burl^e, 1892-190:]. Norman Baptist Bulletin, C W. Brewer. Norman Sooner, University Students. • Norman Umpire, University Students. Noble Journal, F. J. Hawk, Lexington Leader, F. J. Hawk. 1892-1905. COMANCHE COUNTY. Lawton State Democrat, Netf & Bixby, 1904. Lawton Constitution. Rusb iS: Tilton, 1904. Lawton News Republican. T. V. Wright, 1902-4. Oklahoma Farm News .Journal, Allen Fidds Lawton Mineral Kingdom, Frank C. Davis, 1904, Lawton S. W. Fireman, James D. McNeil, monthly. Walter New Era, J. A. Stockton, Cache Register, Jaimeson and Smith. >[anitou Field Glass, J. E. Williams, 1903-4 Waurika News, Morgan >.^' Akerman, 1904. Temple Tribune, Arthur L Walker. Hastings News, S. M. Padgett vV: Son.- Hastings Free Lance, Ilusser ,.*v: Husser. Sterlit)gStar, Wm, E. Krieger, 1903. Elgin Chief, J. E. Sliacklett. Frederick Enterprise, Wesscl & Ahern. Fletcher Advocate, C. W. Mclveehan. (T'STEIt COITNTY. Weatherford Republican, A, Bollenbach, 1893-1901. Weatherford Domdcrat. Harry .1. Dray. rU15LKA'lT(iNS-(tKI.AII()-M A . IJ] Weatherford \'oenvorlz. l!i()l-2-3-4. Weatlierfoid Muskvvisto, 8am Campbell. Arapahoe Courier, Kverett Veatch, 190;^4 Arapahoe ('lari(jn, M. G. ISenjainin. Euj^ene Forbes, J. B. Nicholas 1901-4. ArapaiK)e Bee, J. W. Luwton, 189;M904 Arapahoe News, S. P. Phillips. 'i'homas Tribune, lironson i'<: Nichols. Butler Herald, Olmstead A; Hawkins. Custer City Courier, Oliver McCrary and Everett Veatch. Clinton Clironicle. (ieorjje L. Druunnond. 1904. Clinton .lournal. .I.C. llaney. DAY • E. Messenger. PUBLICATIONS - OKLAHOMA (iKAXT COUNTY. Pond Creek Vidette, H. W. Thomas, 1897-190-1 Pond Creek News, \V. A DelzelP 189;i-l9()3. Wakita Herald, L. P. Loomis, 1901-4. Jefferson Review, Olive I. Beck, 1902-4. Medford Patriot, Palmer &: Son, 189.3-4. Med ford Star, E A. Wood. wm-i. Medford S. 8. Worker, William Rogers. Medford Zionsbote, .1. F. Harms, 1900 4 Manchester .lournaK .1. M.Simmons, ]89;M904. Deer Creek Times, D W. Jones, 1900-1. Henfrow Tribune, T. E. Williams. Lamont Dispatch, O. J. Jirad field. 1900-4. Valley News Nashville News, L. T. Moorman. ORKKH ((H\\TY. Mangnm Sun-Monitor, FI. S. Ci'ittendon, 1900-4 Manyum Star, Eckels & Daniels. 1898-1904. Olustee Outlook. J T. lUick Erick Enterpr se. J. W. Smith Erick Republican, E. D Pritchard. 1904. Altus Times, \'an Meter iV: Shephord. Altus News, J. P. Orr, 1900-4 Eldorado Courier, L. (x. Miller. Texola Herald. Thomas T. Wagoner. Ilollis Herald, .1. Claude Wells. Ilollis Post, W. O. Allison Granite Enterprise, P. R. Coldren, 1900 4 Davidson Post. P. E. Carpenter. KAY COUNTY. Xardin star, 'Pennant c'v: Tennant, liKlO to 1904. lilackwell Sun, J M. P^isiminger, 1897-1904. Braman Leader, A H. Knox. Kaw City Star, Charles Spencer, 189;j-4 Uliiiouct) Journal, Students Indian School, (Monthly). Ponca Courier, L. C. Headley, 1893 to 1904. Ponca Democrat. Al C. Smith. 1893-8'. Newkirk Republican News-Journal. Johnson iv: i\orns Xevvkirk Democrat Herald, Ilainlin c^ Hamlin. Tonkavva News. R C. Whinery, 1901. Tonkavva Chieftain. Pwyant iV: Webster. Enterpri.se, E. Myers. l■L■|'.LI(;.\'J■|(l^^ OK l,AII()3I A (53 KIN(ibISIIEU COI'NTV Kiiij^HsliLM- Times. 1 I). Mtilliiiax, 1H!)3-1!>(I4, Kin^Mislier Kree I'ress. .1 \'. Admire, 18!»1-19()4 Kinyrtisher Daily Star, M. L. Webb. llennes.sy Clipper, CJ II Miller, ISOiMiiOi. lleiinessy Press- Democrat. Mrs. Aiinelte 1^. Haskell. lJ^y.'>-iy04 I)()vei' News, K. F. Fursell. Cashion Advance. D. C \V( (idworUi. 19U1-4 KIOWA Coi'NTV Sibony Spokesman, .1. CJ. I'unnoi't. Ilobart Ciiief. C. C. Worrali, l!)U2-4. Hobart .\evvs-Kepiiblican, (D. and W.) Omar K. llenedicl. lyu2-5. Snyder Democrat, C. M. Wilson. Snyder Si^'nal-Star, W. M. Alii.son. Snyder Otter \'. Xews, Chambers \- Chambers. 1904 Harrison ((Jotobo) (Gazette A. H. Stewart. UiU2-4. Lone Wolf Kcho. C. H. (Tritfith. Roosevelt Record, Kimber ^: Parker. Mountain A'iew Hepuljlican, A. W. Piallst'in. l!i{J4. Mountain \'iew Pro^'-ress. Mis.ses 10. A. and Ida Lane, I90U-4 Mountain Park Lance, If. G. Kverton. LINCOLN COINTV. Chandler Publicist. (D and W.) Mrs. C. H. French, Isy4-lyu4 Chandler New.s, Harry P.. (Jilstrap, ].sy:My04. Chandler Tribune. (I. A.Smith, 1902-4. FallisStar, O. H. (ireen, 1904. Wellstoti Xews, O. K.Stewart. lS!)")-19u4. Carney Knterpri.se, H. S. Herbert, .1. W. (Ireen i'rag-ue News. F. X. Newhouse, 1900-4, Prague Patriot. W. S. Overstreet, 1904, Stroud Messenjjfer, (ieorge Y. Walbright, isyy-iyou. StioudStar, Am. Methodist, J. IF. Hubbard, (monthly. i Stroud Star, Terrence Ward, 1900-.'>. Davenport Leader, A. I). Murlin. 1904. Meeker Herald, R R. Lively. Aiivn News, K. R. Anderson. Sparks Pevievv, A. I) Murlin. LCKiAN con NT V. (luthrie State Capital, Frank H. (Jreer. lM!);Myo4. Leader, (Daily) Leslie (i. Xiblack, lS9;Mi)()4. St Retfister, John Colobie. I90ii-4 Ciiildrens Home l-'hidcr. H I!. U ickham, 1901-5 d-i Pl'BLICATK.tXS ()KLArK)MA Oiiide, G. X. Perkins, 190tM SafeKaurd, C II. Buchanan. (Jklahcnna Farmer, Frank II (ireer, (Montlily.) Hatchet, Carrie Nation, (Monthly.) Gathered Sheaves, Mathew S. Allen, (Monthly.) Royal Blue. High .School, (Occasional.) .Searchli^htj James Kirkwood. Little Missionary, Jones & Westbrooks, (Monthly ) Langston Western Age. S. Douglass Russell. Mulhall State Journal, Tom B. Woolsey, liKKj. Enterprise. A. B Wood, 1894-1904. Crescent City News, J. II Maher. Coyle Cimarron V Clipper, Mrs E J.(iarner. 1900 4. Marshall Tribune, W. A. Kelley. 19U4. Meridian Eagle, H. A. Booth. NOHLE COUNTY Billings News, A ley i?c Brown, 1902-4. Berry Sen' inel. LonWhorton, 1895-190.3. Ferry Enterprise Times, V C.Welch, 1894-19(14. Perry Republican. J V\' Ca«-ey, 1899-1904. eerry Pythian Times, J E. Shanafelt, (Monthly.) Bed Hock Opinion. W W. McUuilough, 190;{-4 Morrison Sun. J. N. Miller. l!0:i-4. ()KL.\II() MA CITY. Daily Enterpiise. Edmond Tl inkham. Times Journal, ("(ntes Brown. 1.S94 to 190.'). Oklahoman. Boy Stafford, 18(;J-1905. Post, W, ''. Pilclier, r„nl-4. Life. A. L Wilson. barm .lournal. I'rank L). Nt)rthrup. (Bi-monthly). Farm Magazine, W. A. White (Nionthlv.) National Baptist Flag. F. M. Hay, (Monthly.) Medical Journal, Dr J R. Hhelan. ( vw.nthly. i Daily Pointer, 'i'ucker Brothers. (Fiee.) N'olksplat. Heinrich Schultz, 190.3-4 School Herald, H VV. Turner, (Monthly ) Labor Signal. Signal Publishing Company, 190,5 4. .lournal of Commerce, G. L Rockwell, (Occasional.) Church Echo, Henry A. Porter, (Monthly.) Capital Hill News. S. M. Jackson. Messenger, W. C T. V.. Cora D Hammett. (Monthly, Pii^sbvterian h'rview E W. Ilawlpy, (Montlily.) IM'HMCATIiiNS ()Kl,.\I1()>f A. t55 lliffli Scliool StudeuL, Adolph M. Scluitiz, (Oceasi»nal.) Baptist bulletin, C. W lir.ewer. (Monthly.) OKLAHOMA COUNTV. Kdiuntul Sim, A. 1). Daily 1!)U4. Kdinond Kiiterprise, Mrs Emma Felt, JftOI-4 J'ldmond \ista. Normal School Students, (()ccasi(»iial.) Arcadia Star, .1. .1. Mitchell, iy(:4. Luther Register, (i W. I'.aer. 1J)04. Jones Lily Canadian V. News, Burr U Iveyes and E. A. Keyeg. rWVNKK COUNTY. Blackburn Flasiiliyht. Miller .^c Miller, .lenninys Hummer, Moore Brothers. Jenninys News. B. L. Stewart, lS!K)-]905. Pawhus'.a Capital, Charles M Hill. Balston Free Press, 1) W. ('rum. 1901-4. lialstoH Exponent. W. A. Smith. Hominy News, Sidney Sapp. Fairfax Osajj^e Chief, R C Nash. Maramec Captain Meramec, VV. S. Caldwell. I'awluiska (Jsa^e .louinal, R. C. Nash, News, 1901. Pawnee Times- Democrat, F. (J. Gray, 1894-1904, Pawnee Courier Dispatch, J. .\. Shepler. Pawnee Courier. John \. Shepler, 1900-2 . 5. Cleveland Enterprise, Coodwin »!v: Mcllinry. "Cleveland Triang-le. VV. C. Bridwell. 1900 to 190» Appalachia Out I>ook, .\. J Snow. PAYNE COITNTY. StillwaliM- .\dvance-Democrat, Miller I'v: Di;s, 1901-4 Stillwater Daily Democrat, Miller A; Di^us, 1901-4. Stillwater (iazette, lS9;_{-]904. St 11 water College Paper, .V. ^S: M. students. Cushing Independent, Al II. Holland. Ripley Times, W. W. Vanpelr, 1900 to 1904. Perkins Journal, .rohn Ilickam, 189:i-1904. I'erk ins People's Press, C. A. Strickland. (Ilencoe Mirror, P. V'anflerment. 1901-2 Yale Piccord, C F. Ford. POTTAWATOMIK C;oUNTY. Asher .Vltruist. Tiioinas C. McCahe, 1904. Maud Monitor, .1 .\. Carpenter. 6« ['I'HLICATIONS— OKL.ViroM.^ McCloud Observer, ]iutler iS: lUitler. Tecumseh County Democrat. Foster ».^ Son, 189.4-1900. Teciimseh Republican, Blackwell I'v: .Johnson. 189."?- 190O. McComb Herald. K F. Williams and F. S. Williams. Wanette Winner. M. E Taylor. Shawnee Herald, Charles F. Barrett, URJl-4. Shawnee News, AUard A: Ilalpin. 1895-1904. Shawnee Labor World, 1904. Indiahoma Union Signal, G. O. Daws. Shawnee Workman, B J. Clardy, (Monthly.) mXiEK .MILLS (JCJl.NTY. Cheyenne Star, A H. Carter. 1904. .Sayer Headlight, Eller and Russell. 1902-4. Elk City Statesman, Brooks »S; Cardwell. Elk City Democrat, Mermen -Stephens, 1904. Cheyenne Sunbeam. D. W. Tiacey. 1H94 1904 Elk City Record, T. D. Penn, 190H-4. Sayer Standard, J. O Long, 1 104. Elk City Roger Mills Democra;., John Stuart Brook-s. Eagle City Record, Milton Y. Berry. WOODS COUJN'TV. Aline Chronicope, Ed Marcha:it. Byron Republican. J. D.Howird. Waynoka Woods Count.*' Enterprise, M. E. Springer, 1900-4. Carmen Headlight, F A. Salter, 1902-4. Cherokee Warner, Claience Salter. Helen;i Herald, Clarence Salter, 190;j4. Fairvicw Republican, Clarke McDowell. 1904. Goltry News. Wisel Finch. Alva Review. Lynn G. White, 1894-191)5. .let Visitor, A. B. Cavitt, 1904. Ingersoll Review, A. C. Hull. Alva Pioneer, W. F. Mattield. Isii:{-1904. Alva Courier, A.J.Ross, 1895-1904. Helena Free I'ress, I. L. Magee, 1902-4. Carmen News, P. B. Walrus, 1901-4. <'herokee Me.ssenger, 0. L. Wilson. Avard Tribune. C M. Bales. Cleo Gospel Missionary. W. J. Rice. Ames Kntei'prisc, H. 1. .'^witzer. 1902-4. Cai>ron Hustler. .1. B. Anderson, Cleo Chieftain, .lohn W. Bishop, 1900. Uiiigwood Leader. W. H. Watkins. ITUI.ICATIOXS- OKI.AIIOM V 07 Cleo ./(niriial, A. 11. K'ice. Alva Renfrow liecoid, J. V. Henlruw. l<.i()2 3. Moreliinrt Leader. Oiner Kiioebelou. WOODWAiin COINTV. Ciiitis Courier, iJaxter ^: Stm. (^uiiiliii Mirror. W I) 'I'iptou. 'J'aii.yier Citizen, Tliomas Daniel. May Monitor. Cha.s Deem. Woodward Dispatch. O U. Kelloy^f, 1900-4. Fort Supply llepublican, L. (i. Graudy. Fargo Journal. K. II Klder. Charleston N'ews, L. .1. (iandy. Speerraore Weekly Advocate, John S. Cochran, ISQo-ioo-i. Woodward Live Stock Inspectc)r. W. E. Bolton. Woodward Dulletin, T. D. Burnham, 1901-4. Woodward News, W. E. Bolton, 189:M904. Brule Post, Wm. Foster. J^ilace Pioneer, E A. Gaudy. Shattuck Homesteader J Anna LaHue Brooks. Shattuck Monitor, Cap. Mitehell. Gnae Record, Elmer V. -lessee. Mutual Enterprise. 11. C. McCance. Tay ( >bserver, Krehs <\; Krebs ^v AsiiiT.v < orN'rv. P.cssie Breeze, W. 11. Looniis. Cordell News, William Forester. Foss Enterprise, IT C. VAard. Cordell Herald Sentinel, M. H. (iiuisenhousei-. Cordell Beacon, S. C. Burnette, 1901-4. Sentinel Newsboy, W. W. Jlornbeck, Cordell \'oerwertz. .Julius IlulT. (IS OKLAHOHA PUBLICATIONS— DISCONTINUED. Anadarko Life, 1904. Anadarko Times, 1903-4. Anadarko Plaindealer. Arapahoe Argus, 1893-6 Arapahoe News. 1901-3. Altus Plaindealer, 1898-1901. Alva Republican, 1894-7. Alva (Jhronicle, 1893-4. Augusta Headlight, 1901. Augusta Woods Co News 1899-1 Augusta Free Homes, 1899. Beaver Advocate, 1893-5, Beaver South and West 1893-6. Watonga Rustler, 1893-4-5-6. Yukon Weekly, 1894-9. Piedmont Press, 1904-5. Union City Advocate, 1892-3. Norman Courier, 1895-6. Norman School Herald, 1891. Noble Record, 10U2. Noble Pickayune, 1895, Lexington You-alls Doins, 1900 Moore Enterprise, 1904. Kremlin New Era, 1905 Faxon Star, 1904. He ad rick Herald, 1904. Independence Courier, 1901. Waukomis Kepublican, 1894-5-6 Newkirk liepublican, 1893-S. Newkirk Times, 1893-(). Newkirk News, ]8y3-4. Newkirk Socialist, 1904. Tonkawa Weekly, 1895. Tonkawa Enterprise. Tonkawa Register, 1895-6. Tonkawa S V. News, 1900-1. Bridgeport News-Tribune, 1904- Butler News, 1904. Blackwell Times. 1893-4. Blackwell Lion, 1894. Blackwell Kay Co Democrat 1894 Blackwell Eagle, 1894. Blackwell Record, 1893-4. Blackwell Globe, 1895. Braman Star, 1901 4. Blackburn Globe. 1896. Cache Journal, 1904. Covington Record, 1904. Chilocco Parmer, 1902-3. Yukon Register, 1894. Mustang Mail, 1902-5. Union City Leader, 1894-5. Norman State Democrat, 1894-7 Norman Call, 1894. Weatherford Chronicle 1901-2-3. Taloga W. Oklahoma, 1995-7. Taloga Tomahawk. 1893-4. Moore Record, 1902. Lawton News, 1902-3. Lawton P^nterprlse, 1903. Fletcher Times, 1904. Waukomis World, 1895-6. Waukomis Wizzard, 1894-5. Ponca Tomahawk 1895. Newkirk Democrat 1895-1901. Kingfisher Reformer, 1893-1904 Kingtiisher Journal, 1893-5 Kiel Press, 1895-1904. Hennessey Eagle, 1901-4. Hennes.sey Pilot. Hennessey Kicker, 1896-8. Dover Chieftain. 1893 OK LA IK »M A riTBLICATIONS— DlSCON'TINrEI). H9 Kildare .luurnal, 1894-8. Kildure Sooner, 1893-4. Cross Resident, 1893-5. reckliani J.eador. 1903-4. (Juthrie Prog-ress. Guthrie Labor Advocate. Guthrie Representative, 1894-7 (Juthrie Okhi. Christian, 18981 (Juthrie S. W. World, 1900-4. (iuthne I'opulist, 1898. Guthrie Federal, 1901, Guthrie News, 1889-1893. Gutlirie Herald, 1893-1901. Orlando Herald, 1893-1901. Langston Herald, 1892-«. Mulhail Chief. 1893-4. Mulhall Herald, 1904. Crescent Courier, 1894 5. Tryon Faust Mercury, 1895-9. Tryan News, 1904. Oklahoma City Pioneer, 1893-5. Okla City S VV School Jour. 1904 Oklahotua City Republic, 189(i, Okla City Press Gazette 1893-01. Okla City Champion 1896-1900 Okla City State 1894-5. Okla City Times 1889. Okla City McMasters W'y 1895. Okla Citv Home F, ilv' F. 1900. Okla City Family Friend 1893-6 Perkins Kxcelsior 1894. McCloud Sunbeam 1903 4. ]SIc("loud Standard 1904 Shawnee Ouill 1897- 1904. Shawnee Chief 1895. Karlsboro Border Signal 1896. Karlsboru Kcho 1903. 'I'ecumseh Herald 1893-9. Keokuk Falls Kail 1899-1901. Pawnee .Scout 189.3-4. I'awnee Republican 1894-5. Pawnee Dispatcii 1894-5. Pawnee Answer 1894. Pawnee Appeal 1894-5, KlHeno Supper l'.ell 1900 1, Downs Democrat, 1894-7. Snyder Star, 1903. Otter Valley News, 1904. Mountain Park News, 1902-.1. Sibony Sentinel, 1904. Guthrie West and South, 1893-4. Gutlirie Field Farm *!(: F. 1893-9. Sparks Visitor, 1902 4. Quay Transcript, 1904. Perry News. Perry Times, 1893 4. Perry Enterprise, 1899.1903. Perry Democrat, 1896. Perry Morning Sentinel, 1894-5 Perry Patriot, 1895-8. Perry Democrat-Patriot, 1891. Perry Sunday Democrat, 1895. Perry Weekly Democrat, 1894 6. Skeedee Hustler, 1904. Spencer News, 1903. Maud Mercury, 1904. Stillwater Condor, 1894-. Common People 1904. Messenger, 1894-5. Payne county Republican 1893. Payne county Populist 1893-1900 Stillwater Okla State 1898. Stillwater Sentinel 1894. Clayton Standard J894, Ripley News 1900. Gushing Herald 1896 1904. Cleveland J. V. Journal 1894-7. Cleveland Bee 1895-7. Blackburn (J lobe. isy6, Rallston Rellector. Sayre Signal-Star 1904. Sayre Kriterprise 1902-3. Tecum.seli Leader 1895 9. Pawnee Times 1893 4. Carwile Journal 1S99-1904. Cleo Chief 1894. Woodward Jetlersonian 1893. Woodward Advocate 1893 5. Pawn.'c WahShahShe News 1894 KliJeno Star 1896 8. OK LA IIOM A PUBLICATIONS— DISCOM'IN I'EI). KllJeno llemkl (D) 1893 4. Kllleno F.afj-le 1893-o, El Reno Fanciers (Jazette. Cordell Messenger 1899-1901. Enid I'ost 1900-3 4 .■"). Enid Enterprise Enid Tribune- Democrat 1S95. Enid Sunday Eagle 1900. Edmond Sun Democrat ] 893-1900 Hennessey Eagle ] 901-4. Hennessey Kicker, 1896-8. Kremlin Kosmos 1894. Kildare .lournal 1894-8. Mangum Sun 1900-1. Medl'oi'd Journal 1893-5 Medfo"d Monitor 1893-4. Pond (;.-eek Vidette (D) 1901-4 Pond Creek Tribune 1393-5. P(jnd Creek Echo 1893-4. Pond Creek Sentinel 1895. Salt Fork Banner 1904. El Reno Herald (W) lSi):!-7. ElReno News 1896-1903. El Reno Clobe 1894-1905. Cloud Chief ]>eacon 1899-1900. Enid Tribune 1893-4 Enid Democrat 1893 4. Enid Enterprise (D) 1898. E'imond Republican 1897. Hardesty Herald 1893 6. Hennessey Pilot. Jefferson Hustler 1S97-1901. Kremlin Wild Horse 1894. Kildare Sooner 1893-4. >lanchester Tri C Index 1904. Med ford Mascot 1894. O'Keene Deutscher Anzi rer. Pond Creek Republican 1903 4. Pond Creek Free I'ress 1)01. Pond Creek Democrat V 1894 5. Perkins Excelsior 1894. 71 OKLAHOHA STRAY PUBLICATIONS Followinor art^ i)ublicutioiis extinct and unbound, or do not come reoularly to the society. A star indicates that the tile is practically complete as lonjjas pul)lished. These have been ar- ranoed for bindinoin volumes: JJeaver Tribune May .W 18S(5, O. H. Chase, Publisher. -Ueaver Pioneer. .June 1!) I>^S(), K. K. Henley. Bli.ss Breeze, .June I U»0.'>. cnntain.s program and description of ranch 101, Miller Brothers. Bloom in^'ton Times,* .1. L. VVilenian. Ohilocco College Beacon,* February. 19UU. Cache Journal, "H. I. Mai'tin. Cloud Chief Witness.* Cherokee Democrat. Cherokee Crient. Downs Conyreyationalist. .luno isnl. .J. |5. Williams. Decoma 8un, E. Let- .Vdams KllienoOdd Fellow, November 18!W, to December 1890. J. B. May. W S. Aflams P^anciers' (iazette, W. T. Evans.* Kiowa Chief, Janu-- ary IJXJO to .September 1901, Dick T Morgan. .Saturday Advertiser, May It) I9();i. Walton ^*t Lewis. Christian Bulletin. .Sept. S. lo lyo.";! C . W. (;ould. Knid OUlahoma Review. December 1.") l!i(i-t. H. W. .Sawyer. Karle.^boro'J'imes, W. K iJedell. Flk City statesman, John S. Brooks. Falli.^ Blade. (L W. Ilutchin.s. Faxon Star, April 7 to .Septemlicr 29. 190), Ivoy . Nicholas. Kus-seil's Heview, January, 1899. Lin- coln School. Oklahoma Workman. August to December. 189.'}: Januarv 72 OKLAHOMA >TKAV ITHLIC ATIOX. 1894: Mareli and May. 18n5: T. K. 'JMngle. Plymouth Herald, January 4, May 28, 18i).j: C. Queen. Oklahoma Endeavor, February, March, Aiay, .lunp, July, 1892: May, 1893: Wm. Blincoe Oklahoma Christian, June I89(j, August 1897, Chas. Hazelrig. Daily News, March 23, 189:5. W P. Thompson. .Searchlight, April 25, 1895. James Kirl{», Whitman iS: Co.. Oklahoma Drugrgist, November, im);5. Assembly Herald. March atifl April, 1905, Edmond Thinkham. .lournal of Commerce, May, 1904 to May 1905, Claude WhitTe. Daily Republican, June 21, 189(5, Marion Rock. Oklahoma (^hief, Dec 15. 22 1889, R. W. McAdam. The Squib, January 1, 8, 1904, O. C. Soots, J. S. Hrooks, only is.sues. Home Companion, H. C. Baker. Independent Citizen, W. II. Thompson, only issue. Oklahoma Eagle, G. W. Fair- brother. Perry Oklahoma Neikeiten. Kay County ]5(K)dler, December 24, 31, 1897, C. H. Apperson. Lon B. Lawhcad. Daily Times, September 5, 8, October 8, 1894. Enterpri.se. September 2s 1894, Perry & Welch. Western Florist, May, July, Autjust, 1901, L. 11. Cobb. Palace News, L. R. Rradiey. Pawnee Daily News. Augu.st Ifi, 19, 1894, J. C. Moody, J. G. Price. Perry Oklah(mia Kirchenblatt, Hew M, Graebner.* Stillwater College Mirror, May 15 18<)5 to Dec. 15, 1897.* Siiawnee Mirror, 1905, Leftwick iS: .Son.* Skedee Hustler, Cline Klinefelter.* Speereriiore Pumpkin Roller. L J. (rainly* Tecumseh Scliool Journal. December, 1894 t(t December, 189fi, G, W. Patrick.* Waukomis Cauca.ssian, .Jul}' 4, 1904, T. W. Martin, only i.ssue, Waukomis Elevator, John ii. Stout "= Waurika (Jaurdian, D M. Bridges, only issue. Walter World, C. C Shane. Waurika Telegram, Ira Dorsey, J. E. Thomas. Oklahoma City and Eawton Last Frontier, J. B. Thobuni. Oklahoma (Mty Yaqui River Colonizer. Paysoii (^uawpaw X'alley News, K. I). Widuer. Ripley News, Mrs. F. J. Radabaugh. Salt Fork Banner. Waurika (Jnardian, D. M. Bridge.s. Walter World, W, W. (J raves. Warw ck Warwickan. Wanette Journal, V. F. Bales. Watonga I>aily Herald. C. G. Nosbitt. Blackwoll Dailv Xews. .1,'M. ICisimiiiger. PUBUCAT10NS-=1NDIAN TERRITORY. Atuka Indian Citizen, Paul B. SmiLli, lsi);!-l9U2. Atoka Democrat, C. F. Rolston. Ada Indian Arbiter, Marvin L. Brown. Ada Star, W. W. Higgins. Ada News, Otis B. Weaver. Ada Christian Advocate, P. ii. Eat,'lebarger, (Monthly.) Ardraore Ardmorite, (Daily) Sidney Suggs, 1894 a. Ardmore Baptist Rival, Rev. P. R. Neil Ardmore Union Review, Richard Le May. Adair Ledger, O P. Hilingsworth. Addington Free Lance, Tliomas J. Cross. Allen Hustler, J. L. Cart. Alton Climax. J. M. Boyd. Boynton American. C. Armstrong. Boynton JS'ews, H. G. Hopkins. Bristow Record, VV. W. Green & Son. Bristow Territorial Enterprise Eden t'v: Weakly. Broken Arrow Ledger, M. Mclvenna, George Foster. Broken Arrow Democrat^ J. l]. Wells. Bennington Tribune. .J. D. Dou^^lass. Beggs Standard, D H Watson Bochito Times. E T. Cranston. Byers Banner, S. M. Hussey. Bartlesville Examiner, Charles E Jlaywoud, liM)3-i Bartle^ville Enterprise, T. A Latta Bartleville Daily News, J. H. Ritchie. \- Sou Boley Progress. (). II. Bradley Berwyn Light, 'I' L. Allison. Bixby Bulletin. VV . V\ . Stuckey. Cornish Orplians Hume .Journal, M. E. Hairis Cowetta Courier. l>eynolds i.^ Bowman. Cowetta Tiuu'S. Mark A. LclLwick (\jalgate Couiier. (iiljson tV; Gilj.son, 1M9!MUU0. Coalgate Hecord. .1- ^'. ilryce Clifcorali 'i' iiies. !;. B Hutrman. r.Ml4. ITIU.KAJIONS INDIAN IKi: lil lui: \ . 75 Cliecotah Knquirer. Neal Wiminer, A A. Smith, 1901. Claremore Progress, A. L. Kates. 189.5 T. Clareniore Me-senger, V. E. Williainson. C"ent;ia!ia Standard, T. S McKane. Chelsea Heporter. M Roberts, B. li. H('r»t<'i' Chelsea Coiumercial .). W. Quinn. Chelsea Mirl-Contineiit Derrick. .Ni C McDonald, (Monthly.) Cwllinsville News. W. L. Wright, 1904. Cad'lo Herald, (J. A. Crossett. Chickasha Express. (Jranlee^: Evans, 1894-1904. Ciiickasha Journal, Frank Shatzel. Chickasha Telegram Star, Cad Allard, 1904. Chickaslia Democrat, T. L. Uussell. 1902 Comanclie IveMex, Stanford Hardy. Comant-he News. .1. F. Copeland. Comanche (Jospel Searchlight, T. H. Wilkinson, (Monthly.) Calvin Enterprise, 1!. Y. Hlackwell Crow'der City Guardian. H. A, .Soderberg. Caney Choct(»\v News, A A. Hardner. Council Hill Kagle, H C. Chapman Catoosa Catoo.san. A A. Lyfcjrd. Duncan Banner, J :'. .Samp.son. 1893-5 Diirant News, Jicwis I'aullin Durant Blue County Democrat. W. D. .V Menam, 18941904 Musco^rae Pioneer, W A Ren ie. IVIuscogee Searchlight, \\ .1. (Jordon. Muscogee Western World, .1. T. Detwiler, 1904. Muscogee Dispensation, D. T. Pruitt. Arcliie F Jones. Muldrow Press, F M. Campbell. McAlester Messenger. E Wilson Fdgell. Madil! News. Rolland E:-others. Mounds Enterprise, L. A. Ballon McCurtain San Bois News. E. M. Hooper. Nowatta Advertiser. Frank \i. Ii«mg. Nowatta Star, Fred B. Lamb. Okemab Independent, L. A. Donahue. Okmulgee Capital News^ 1' F. Lamb. Ukmulgee Chieftain, R. H. Jenness nkmulgee Democrat, (.' O. Mu.s.selman. Owl Trilvune. .1. W. Smith I'Ur.LlCATluN.s— INDIAN TKRUIT()U\. n Oktalia American, C M. Casey. Oktaha News. Ochetata Uclielalan. lUiward J. Maltesoii. Pauls Valley Sentinel. Shaw t^ Tarham. l!i(»4. Pauls Valley P:nterpri8e. W. L Krwin, ISM im(I4. Paden Piuneer, Mc»ore iSc Hinds Purcell Register, VV. H Walker. \H\i2 19(i4. Purcell Tribune, W J Calnan. Poteau .lournal. K S. IJridyes Porter Enterprise, (i!e(»r{fe L L. Mentley. Pryor Creek Clipper, H. M. Butler, li>01. (^luinton Pioneer. Andrew Carter. Kusli Springs Landmark. .J. \V. Cliildre.ss. 1S!>4 Hed Fork Derrick, (). 15. .lones. llavia Gazette, .1. S. (Jarner. llamonia Herald, K. O. Wooley. Hamonia star, C. H. Cole. Uoff Eagle, John Casteel. Ryan Enterprise, C. A. Reed, S. W Kyan. Ryan TimeN-Democrat, .). II. Harper. Ryan Russell Reporter. C. M. Casey. Sapulpa Light. O. M Irelan. Sapulp;i Democrat Sulphur Journal, F. M. Dunham. Sulp'iur Post T. P. Giscomini. Sulphur Herald. Knotts .^ Payton. Stonewall News. \. P. Meager. South McAlester News. 11. T. Kylel!K)l-4. Soutli Mc.Mester Wasp. J. W. Edgell. . . ■- South McAlester Capital, W. (i. D. Hinds. U-S. Russell. isy4-l9U0, South McAlester Kepubiican. P. F. Sutton. South McAlester P.aptist Searchlight ( Monthly,) A. Carlin. R O J aggers. Stillwell Standard, I). i». Collums. Skiatook Sentinel, Clay Cross. Spit(j (ia/.ette, Robert L. Kidd. Tahle(iuah Cherokee Advocate, W. .L Mellon, 1S!I4 190.-,. Tahlequali Arrow, Waddle Hudson. \x\)'>. TaiikMiuah Leader, Stuart H. Stone. Taideciuali Herald. A. W. Webster. Tishomingo Chickasha (-'apital, IL II Simpson 'i'isbomingo .News, .1. H. Bridges. Tahlehina Tribune, A. II. Bez/o. Talala Topic, Clarance Murphy. 'I'ulsa Indian Republican. Nyron iSoyles LOf C. 78 PUBLICATION IMHAN TKItUlTOllV Tulsa Progiess, C. M. HoKers. Tulsa Democrat. William Stryker, l!tOI-4. / Tulsa .Sturm's Magazine. O. F, .Sturm. ( Vionthly.) Tulsa Times, J. G Gallemore. Tulsa World, (Daily) .1. R. Bradley, rulsa Chief. G. W. Henry. TuLsa New State P'arm and Home, O. M. Kugers. Tuttle Times, G. L. Hamrick. Terrell Tribune, .1. E. Nunn. Yinita Republican. .1 F. Murphy. Vinita Leader, McCJlintock & Amos, 1895-1904. Vinita Chieftain, D. M. Marrs Vinita Vian Sentinel. Valiant News, Nash & Davis. Wynnewood New Era, H S S^iackleford. IsM 19ii-i. Welch Watchman. E. H. Bradley. . Wagoner Sayings, Lindsey & Coursey Wagoner Sayings Maga:'/\ne, L ndsay ct (.;<»ursey. Wagoner Record, J. M. Ward, 1894-;'). Wagoner Daily News, T. W Crumbraugli Waupanucka Press, A. K. McGill. 19li4. Wewoka S^-minole Capital, C. (Jrauston Wewoka Herald, E. G Phelps. Wood vi lie Beacon, R. S Bell Weeleetka American, Lake Moore Wilburton Gazette, D. L. Wood Wilburton News, G. H Philli )S, I9t>4 Wetumka News Herald, James & Rusaell vVainwright American. Yeager Record, W R. Clawson Blue .Jacket News. C J. Howellr Tupelo Times, O M. Stevens Krebs Banner, B, Wilson Edgell and Miss Lillian EdgelL INDIAN TERRITORY PUBLICATIONS DISCONTINUHU 79 Atoka >s'e\vs. H»05. Ardmore State Herald, 1894-0. Alliance ( ouriwr. 1SH3-5. Chickasaw Chieftain. 181)4. Cherokee Champion, 189.") Alton News, 1894. Afton Meteor, J. T. Newport. Antlers Democrat, 19<»0. Chicka.sha Record. ISH.Vd. Coaljjate Enterprise, 189:5. Coalgate Nonpariel, 18!t:{-.">. Claremore State Herald, liK)"). Chelsea Iveporter, lK()(i-4. Marlow Magnet. 1893-:.. Muscogee Our Brotlier in l»ed. Mu.scogee Indian Methodist 189:5 Muscogee Comet, 1904. Mu.sc(.)gee Amalgamator Muscogee Unionist. Mcninds Monitoi'. Mounds Ciiildren's Friend. Okemah Leader. Pauls \'aliey Church Record 18ii« Purcell Enquirer, 1895-6. Purcell Territorial Topic 1890 4 Rryor Creek Citizen, 1904 Ryan Record, 1894-5. Sapulpa Signal. l!Kt4. Davis Register, 1894-6. Davis Progressive, l8y4-5. Daviv; News, 1901. Eeatherstone Prairie Breeze. Hailetville Headlight-J. 1904. Indianola Press. 1904. Krebs Eagle, 1900. Bartlesville Magnet, 1900 1. Caddo Banner, 189:{-5. Cornish Reasoner, 1904. Francis Franciscan, 1904. McGee News, 1904. McGee Leader, 1900. South McAle.ster Review, 1899. Tupelo Times, 1904. Tahlehina News, 1894-5. Tulsa Review, 1894-5. Terrell Times, 189:5-4 \'inita Globe, 1895. Wynnewood Republican, 1895. Wagoner New Era, 1904. Wister Informer. 1904. Westville Cher. Wigwam, 1904 Wagoner Echo, 1904. Weber Falls Monitor, 1901 Purdy Isonomy. 1904. Rush Springs Light, 1896. David Progress. 1896 Hi) INDIAN TERRITORY STRAY PUBLICATIONS. A star indicates tile pructicully complete to time of dis- continue: Atoka News, 190«. Alliance Courier, (Daily)* Forest A. Garrett. Territorial Snn, J. W Griffith, 1904, broken file. Afton Meteor. 1904, broken tiks, J. T. Newport. Bristow Chief, Hugh Petus. Bokoshe Chronicle, 190.5,* A. A. Veatcii. Blue .Jacket News, 1905, W. S. Maloney. Bartlesville Pointer. (Daily)* Tucker Bros. Choteau Cominercial, II. M. Butler.* <'iearview Tribune, K D. Lyford.* Claremore State Herald, Kmmett Star.* Clarkville Echo, .James E (iiicss.* Cornish Beasoner. IA\ TKItKI'I'OU V - ST U A V. 81 Okeeinali Li'iider. M. O. Stark." I^aiiiiiiia Canal, A. VV. Walcli. Purdy Isuiiouiy. V. L. Allison.* Piyor Creek Advance, VV. R. Drew, only issue. Pryor Creek Herald, F. A. Sutton, only issue. Pryor Creek Citizen, J. D. Kelley.* Hotr Enterprise, W. O. Peery Ravia Tribune. T I). Jones.* South McAlester Choctaw Gazette, x\prii 13, 1902, February 14, March T, 28 1903. May 29 1900, J VV. Edgell. Morning New Era, Sept. 1, Oct ». 1898: .1. W Edgell. Trades Union Journal, J. C. Howell. Spokogee Journal, (t. L. Parker, Sterrett Banner-Ledger. J. F. Norvell. Spiro (lazette. J. M Evans. Stuart Ledger. Sapulpa Signal, A. A. Lyford.* Tulsa Interstate Post, K, C. IJrackney * Tupelo Times. A. M. Stephens.* Terrill Times. Vinita Indian Chieftain, Jan. 29, 1893. D. E. Mars, H. E. MiUord Wagoner, R. L T. Homeseeker, September and October, 1904: J E. Long. VVil burton (Jhoctaw Chief, Hugh Pettus.* VVestville Wigwam, D. VV. Rarnes.* Walter World, C. C. Alcaul. VVanette Journal VVynnewo(»d Indian Arrow. Luciie Xorvel. VVister Informer. J. Matthews." Wagoner Daily News, .^- (). T. (iayn)an. Winchester, Indiana, Winchester .(ournal. Beeson Brother.s. Belle I'laine, Kansas i^elle I'laine News, .1 P.. Caine. Caro Michigan, Tuscola County Advertiser, A 1) (iallciy New Paris Ohio, New Paris Journal, Hlootu A: Raney. I^ondon. Ohio, Madi.son County Democrat. C. E. A: (). M Ihym. N. K. A ITHLICATION - I'.OfNl). S."', WiiisLed Conn.. Litchliold (.'uunLy Leader, li. Stephens. Xew VoFK, N. Y. National Printing Journal, National Printing Company Montgomery, Ala., Montgomery Advertiser. W. W. Screws i*t F P. (J lass Carlinville Hi , Macoupin County Enquirer, V. U. Lumpkin. CI) illicit he. Texas, Tiie Independent, W. C. liaber. P()mer(»y, Ohio The Democrat. C. E. Peoples & M. II, Jenkinson. Alliance Ohio, Daily Review. Daily Review Publishing Company. VVaukisha, Wis , Waukisha Freeman, H. Ai Voumans. Phuniemine. Louisianna. Weekly Iberville South, C E. Schwing. (Jallitin. Missouri. (Jallitin Democrat. Uobertson & Ball, . J'enden, Xeb . Penden Times, M. W. Mubray. Clara City. Minn.. Clara City Herald, C. Beeghuis. I'-lniwodd. III.. Flmwood (!a/ette, F C) Edgecomb. Stirling Nebraska, The Stirling Sun, L. A. Varner. Newton, Iowa, Newton Journal, IJalph Robinson. Winterset, Iowa. Ileporter, J. W. Miller. Hartlesville, Indiana, Bartlesville Saturday Enterprise, T. A. Latta. Pittsli.'ld Maine, Pittstield Advertiser, L. O. Haskell. Ilnntsvilie. Ala , Weekly Democrat, Virginia Susanna City. (Jalenc, 111 , (Jalene Weekly (la/ette, A. W. Glessner, cS: A. E. Ilrron. Foxl)or<», Mass , Koxboro Reporter, .). II. Alden. Harrison, Arkansas. Ilarri.son Times. J. Jl. Newman. Mainitacturing of Jewelry, Providence, R. I. Snow ^V: Farnham. New Orleans. La., Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer. Martin. 'I'enn Martin Mail, (Jaycas X: Turner. ACCESSIONS NOT ITEHIZHl). (.'ongre.ssional Kt'cder. 1902-5 Omaha Neb , Farmer, 1899-1903-4. II.LIXOIS. Chicago, Swine P>reed(M-. 1901 5. Chicago. Tiu" Interior. 1895-7. COLOK.MX). Pueblo, Ileform I'ress, 1898-9. Pueblo, Inrl. Ref. Press. 1S94-5. Idaho Springs News. 1X93-1901. INDI.VNA. Indianapolis. Swine i3reeder's JndianapoJis, Indian Reporter Journal. 1902-5. SOUTH 1>AK()T.V. Aberdeen. Dakota Fai'mer. lSii(i-7. 1 (HJKKiN IM I'.^U•A•1'1<)^^ TKs: AN. Dalhis. Funnaiul Ifaiu-h, 1!)ii2-.J. Ft. Worth (Ja/.ette, is!t4 5. A\ ASIIIN(;T<)N', D. C. National Watclunaii, isy.i 4. WIsrONMN. I-'t. Atkin's Hoard's Dairyman, lSo;5. Missoriu. Kansas City Mail" 189:{-5. Kansas City World, 18M4-9 Kansas City Star. 18{»7-190rj. Kan-as City Journal, 1395 1905. Kansas Jity Times, 1903 .k K'ansas City Sunday Sun, 1894-."). Amsterdam Tempest, 19)1-2. PK.\NSYI.\ AMA. Carlisle Indian Arrow. I!i(i4-."). NEW II AMi'.siii i;e. New Haven Indian I'riend, 1905. V'lvOUIDA. Ostero Flaminu- Sword. 1900-5. •