N?4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Cliap.ty._7. Copyright No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, [ AN OUTLINE OF United States History BY MI LARD N(]£MAN, A. B., 896 <..^'g^§^.^ Professor of IIistV{j^JJt^j^)^i^t^|^ in the Salina Normal Publications. The IVormal Educator, a quarterly jour- nal devoted to the interests of the Sali- na Normal University, per year lOc Models for the Analysis of Percentage, Compound Numj^ers and Partnership by President Charles Swisher, lOc Outlines of Anatomy, Physiolog-y and Hygiene by L. D. Arnold 10c An Outline of United States History by Milard Norman 15c Outlines of the Government of the Unit- ed States and of Kansas by Milard Norman loC Any of the above publications sent post paid on receipt of price. When ordered for introduc- tion or in quantities, special discounts will be given. Address MILARD NORMAN, Salina, Kansas. AN OUTLINE United States History MI LARD NORMAN, A. B.. Professor of History and Constitution in the Salina Normal University. SALINA, KANS. REPUBLICAN-JOURNAL JOB ISS8. JAN 18 1896 Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1896, by MILA.RD NORMAN, A. B., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Prefatory Note. JHIS Outline has been written for the class- T room. It has been the experience of the author that pupils, as a class, know only the his- tory obtained from a common school text book. The object of this Outline is to encourage inves- tigation. Our views should be broad, our knowl- edge thorough. The author has endeavored to suggest, at least, every essential point requisite to the knowledge of our history, and around these vital events to arrange those facts less im- portant. If this little book should be the means of giving any one a truer conception of our his- tory the author will feel that his work has not bpon in vain. M. N. Salina, Kansas, Dec. 18, 1895. Outline of United States History. HISTORY. II- Ancient. 12. Time. 22. Leading Countries. 21. Mediaeval. 12. Time. 22. Leading Countries. 32. Knowledge. 31- Modern. 12. Time. 22. New World. 13. Preliminary. 14. Early Inhabitants. 15. Mound Builders. 16. Origin. 26- Remains. 1*^- Mounds. 27- Ruins — Peru, Mexico. 36. Civilization. 25. Indians. 16. Origin. 26. Civilization. 1"^. Education. 27. Character. 2*- Discovery. 15- Obstacles. 25- Northmen. 35- Spain. 16. National Standing. 26. Discoveries, Explorers. V Columbus. 18 Time. 19 Knowledge. 29- Intellectual Awakening. 110. Causes. 210. Results. £8. Biography. 19- Birth and Early Life. 29. Education. 39. Character. 49. Death. 88. Idea of the Earth. 48. Voyages. 19. Object. 29. Time of Each. 39 Result of Each. 27 Americus Vespucius. 37. Ponce de Leon. 18. Object. 28. Result. 47. Balboa. 57. Cortez. 67. Magellan. 77. De Ay lion, 87. Pizarro. 97. Narvaez. 107. Coronado, 117. De Soto. 127. Cabrillo. 137- Manendez. 147. Espejo. 36 Line of Demarkation. 46. Results. 45 France. 16. National Standing. 26. Discoveries, Explorers. 17 Verrazani. 27 Cartier. 37- Ribaut. 47. Laudonniei-e. 57- De Monts. 67. Champlam. 77. Jesuits. 18. Marquette. 28. La Salle. 36. Rival Claims. 46. Purpose. 56. Results. 56. England. 16. National Standing. 26- Discoveries and Explorers. 17. Cabots. 27. Frobisher. 37. Drake. 47. Gilbert. 57. Raleigh. 67. Gosnold. 77. Pring. 87. Hawkins. 36. Rival Claims. 46. Results. 34- Settlements. 15. Preparations for Colonization. 16. Companies. 17. London. 27. Plymouth. 26. Grants. 25. Colonization. 16. European Affairs. 17. England. 18. Reformation. 28. Parliament. 19. Composition. 29- Contest with Kings. 38- The Commonwealth. 4:8. The Restoration. 68. The Revolution of 1688. 2T- France. 26. Virginia. 17. Time. 27. Colonists, 18. Character. 28. Purpose. 88. Leaders. 19. Services. 29. Adventures. 37. Progress. 18. Starving Time- 28. Prosperity. 47. Education. 57. Indian Troubles. 67. Religion. 77. Bacon's Rebellion. ii7. Government. 19. Charter. 110. First. 111. Time. 211. Provisions. 210. Second. 111. Time. 211- Changes. 310. Third. 111. Time. 211. Changes. 112. People. 212. Company. 311. Assembly. 112. Origin. 212. Composition. 312. Power. 411. Constitution. 29 Royal. 110. Time. 210. Cause. 310. Change. Ill- Constitution, 211. Assembly. 36. Massachusetts. 1"^- Pilgrims. 18 Plymouth Colony. 19. Time. 29. Leaders. 39. Colonists. 110. Character. 210. Purpose. 49. Government. 59. Religion and Education. 69. Indians. 28. Progress. 2^. Puritans. 18. Massachusetts Bay. 19. Time. 29. Leaders. 89. Government. 49. Religion and Education,, 59. Religious Disturbances. 110. Causes. 210. Salem Witchcraft. 111. Causes. 211. Result. 310. Result. 28. Progress. 37. Union. 47. Maine. 18. Settlement. 28. Government. 46. New Hampshire. 17. Grant. 27. Settlement. 37- Government. 47. Vermont. 56 New Vork. 17. Settlement. 18. Dutch. 19 Character. 29 Governors. 39- Walloons. ^c9. Patroons. 59 • Indians. 69 Conquest of Swedes, 79. Surrender to English. 2« English. 19. Changes. 110. Assembly. 210. Andros Government. 29. Captain Kidd. 89. Negro Plot. 27. Territory. 66- Maryland 17. Grant. 27. Government. 37. Colonists. 18. Leaders. 28. Character. 47. Religion and Education. 57. Clayborne's Rebellion. 67. Mason & Dixon Line. 76. Connecticut. 17. Settlements. 18. Leaders. 28. Purpose. 27. Government. 18. Charter. 19. Grant. 29 Provisions. 10 28. Constitution. 'ST Religion and Education. 47. Pequod War. 0'^ Union. 18. Causes. 28. Effect. 86. Rhode Island . 17. Settlement. 18. Leaders. 28. Colonists. 27. Religion and Education. 37. Trouble with Massachusetts 47. Government. 18. Character. 19. Grant. 29. Provisions. 28. Assemblies. 96- Delaware. 17. Settlement. 27. Government. 37. Independence. 18. Change. 28. Object. 106. Carolina. 17. Grant. 27. Settlement. 18. Colonies. 28. Prosperity. 37. Religion and Education. 47. Government. 18. The '-Grand Model." 28. Proprietary. 38. Royal. 57. Division. 116. New Jersey. . 17. Settlement. 18. Dutch. 11 2H- English. 19. Character. 29. Government. 110. Proprietary. Ill- Prosperity. 211. Divisions. 112. East Jersey. 212. West Jersey. 210. Royal. 27. Religion and Education. 12<'- Pennsylvania. 17. Settlement. 18. Swedes. 28. English. 19. Leader. 110. Grant. 210. Treaty with Indians. 29- Colonists. 27. Government. 37. Religion and Education. 136. Georgia. 17. Grant. 27. Settlement. 18. Time. 28. Colonists. 19. Character. 29. Treaty with Indians. 37. Government. 18. Proprietary. 28. Royal. 47. Religion and Education. 3P- New England Confederacy. 16. Object. 26. Government. 17. Assembly. 27. Power. 36. Dissolution. 12 45. Andros Government. 66- King Phillip's War. 16- Causes. 26. Events. 36. Results. 4* Inter-Colonial Wars. 15. King William's War. 16. Time. 26. Cause. 36. Events. l"^- Indian Attacks, 27. Expeditions. 46. Treaty of Peace. 25- Queen Anne's War. 16. Time. 26. Cause. 36. Events. 17. Indian Attacks. 27. Expeditions. 46. Treaty of Peace. 35. King George's War. 16. Time. 26. Cause. 36. Events. 46. Treaty of Peace. 45. French and Indian War. 16. Time. 26. Causes. 17. French Line of Forts. 27. Ohio Company. 18. Object. 28. Result. 19. Fort Presque Isle. 29- W^ashington's Journey. 36 Preparations. 17 Fort du Quesne. 27 Troops. 13 3*^ Albany Plan of Union, 46. Events. V Objective points. 18. Fort du Quesne. 28. Arcadia and Louisburg. 38- Crown Point and Ticonderoga. 48. Niagara. 58. Quebec. 27. Conquest of Canada. 5^- Pontiac's Conspiracy. 56. Treaty of Peace. 23. Beginning. 1*. British Oppression. 15- Causes. 16. British War Debts. 26. Progress of Colonies. 25. Measures. 16. Navigation Act. 17. Object. 27. Enforcement. 18. Writs of Assistance, 28. British Forces. 26. Stamp Act. 17. Object. 27. Enforcement. 18. Colonial Assemblies. 28. Seizure of Stamps. 38. Non-Importation Agreement. 48. Stamp Act Congress. 19- Object. 29 Result. 37. Repeal. 36. New Tax Bill. 17. Provisions. 27. Results. 18. Mutiny Act. 28. Boston Massacre. 14 37- Changes. 46. The Four Intolerable Acts. V- Provisions. 18. Boston Port Bill. 23. Massachusetts Bill. 33. Transportation Bill. 43, Quebec Act. 27. Results. 18. Excitement in Colonies. 28- First Continental Congress. 19. Composition. 29. Work. 2*. Revolution. 15. Lexington and Concord. 16- 'lime. 26. Effect. 25. Second Continental Congress. 16- Authority. 26. Composition. 36. Work. 17. Commander-in-Chief. 27. Army and Navy. 46. Post Office. 35. Siege of Boston. 16. Reinforcement of British. 26. Bunker Hill. 17. Intrenchment. 27. Battle. 18. Number Engaged. 28. Number Killed. 36. Colonial Army. 17. Condition. 27. Organization. 46. Dorchester Heights. 56. Evacuation. 45. Ticonderoga and Crown Point, oo- Operations in Canada. 15 V 16. Object. 26. Leaders. 36. Events. 65- War on the Coast. 75. In England. 16. People. 26. King. 36. Parliament. 85- Independence. 16. Tories and Whigs. 26. Change of Feeling. 17. Causes. 27. Results. 18. Resolution of Congress. 28. Declaration. 19. Time. 29. Contents. 39. Effect. 95. The Middle States. 19. Long Island. 17. Time. 27. Number Engaged. 37. Result. 26" Washington's Retreat. 17. Condition of Army. 18. Cause. 28. Effect. 19. Congress. 29. People. 27. Adjournment of Congress. 37. Financial Affairs. 47. Winter Quarters. 18. Plundering Expeditions. 28. Foreign Sympathy and Aid 36. Trenton and Princeton. 17. Time. 27. Number Engaged. 16 37. Result. 46- Brandywine and Germantown. 17. Time. 27. Number Engaged. 37. Result. 56. Valley Forge. 66. Burgoyne's Expedition. 17. Purpose. 27. Engagements. 18. Ft. Schuyler and Bennington. 28. Bemis Heights. 37. Burgoyne's Condition. ■17. Surrender. 18. Causes. 28. Results. 19. On Colonists. 29. Aid from France. 110. Treaty, 111. Provisions. 211. Franklin. 112. Biography. 212. Influence. 210. Effect. Ill British Overtures for Peace. 211. War against France. 76 Battle of Monmouth. 86. Plundering Expeditions. 96. Stony Point. 106. West Point. 17. Importance. 27. Arnold's Treason. 18. Causes. 28. Result. 116. Country. 17. Condition. 18. Army. 17 28. Finances. 27. Power of Congress, 126- American Navy. V- Origin. 27. Destruction of Commerce, 37. Franklin's Fleet 18. Commander. 19. Nativity. 29. Exploits. 28. Richard and Serapis. 105- The South. 16- Purpose and Character of War, 26- Georgia. 17. Savannah. 27. Augusta. 37. Minor Movements. 36. Carolinas. 17. Charleston, 27. Camden. 37. King's Mountain. 17. Greene. 18. Cowpens. 28. The Great Retreat. 38. Guilford Court House. 18. Return to South Carolina, 58. Eutaw Springs, 57, Virginia. 19. Arnold. 29. Plundering, 67. Sumter and Marion. 46. Yorktown. 18. Location, 28. Troops. 19. Strength, 29. Position. 38. Siege. 48. Surrender, 18 115. Treaty of Peace. 33. Critical Period. 14- The Confederation. 15. Origin. 25. Ratification. 35. Provisions. 45. Difficulties. 16. Causes. 1'^. Jealousy of States. 2'^- Northwest Territory. 18. Boundary Troubles. 28. Cession of Land. 38. Ordinance of 1787. 37. Shay's Rebellion. 26. Results. 24. A Change of Government. 43. The Federal Union. 1*. The Constitution. 15. Origin. 16. Time. 26. Conventions. 1"^. Annapolis. 27. Philadelphia. 25. Ratification. 16. Objections. 26. Parties. V- Federalists. 27. Anti-Federalists. 85- Government. 16. Organization. 26. Departments. 17. Legislative. 27. Executive. 37. Judicial. 36. Other Features. 24. Administrations. 15. George Washington. 19: 16. Biography. 26. Inauguration. ,S6. The Cabinet Officers, 17- State. 27. Treasury, 37. War. +7. Justice. 46 Domestic Affairs. 17. Hamilton's Financial Policy. 1*^- State and Confederation Debt, 28. Mint. 38. National Bank, 48. Tariff. 27. Amendments to Constitution. 37. Inventions. 47. Whiskey Rebellion. 57. Indian Troubles. 67- Progress of Country. 56. Foreign Affairs. 17. French Trouble. 18. Revolution. 28- . Genet's Mission, 27. Jay's Treaty. 18. Trouble. 28. Provisions. 37- Mississippi. '66- Presidential Election, 17. Parties. 18. Federalist. 18. Republican. 27. Issues. 37. Candidates, 5- John Adams. 16. Biography. 26 Domestic Affairs. 17- Alien and Sedition Law. 2"- Kentucky and Virgi-nia Resolu- 20 tions. 18. Causes. 28. Provisions. 38. EfFecf. 37, The Holland Purchase. 4^. XI Amendment. b'^- National Capital. 6'7. Death of Washington. 36. Foreign Afifairs. 17. Trouble with France. 18. Causes. 28. Preparations for War. 38. X. Y. Z. Papers. 48. Naval Fights. 58. Treaty of Peace. 68. Hail Columbia. 2'^. Ministers, Consuls, Etc. 46. Presidential Election. V^- Parties. 3'^. Issues. 3'7- Candidates. 35. Thomas Jefferson. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. V' Military Academy. 27. Duel. 18. Burr and Hamilton. 28. Burr's Conspiracy. 37. The Steamboat. 47. XII Amendment. 18. Causes, 28. Provisions. 57. National Road. 67. Louis and Clark's Expedition. 77. States Admitted. 36. Foreign Affairs. 17. The Tripohtan War. 21 18. Causes. 28. Events. 38. Results. 27. Purchase of Louisiana. 18. Time. 28. Causes. 38. Boundary. 3'^. Trouble with England and France. 18. Order in Council — No. 1. 28. Berlin Decree. 38. Order in Council— No. 2. 48. Milan Decree. 58. Results. 19. Embargo Act. 29. Non-Intercourse Act. 46. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 27. Issues. 37. Candidates. 45- James Madison. 16. Biography. 26. War with England. 17. Causes. 18. Non-Intercourse Law. 28. Tecomseh's Conspiracy. 19. Cause. 29. Result. 38. Henry Letters. 27. Events of 1812. 18. Surrender of Detroit. 28. Queenstown Heights. 38. Naval Battles. 37. Events of 1813. 18. Plan of War. 28. Harrison's Campaign. 19. The River Raison. 22: 29- Forts Meigs and Stephen- son. 39- Lake Erie. 110. Perry's Victory. 210. The Thames. 38. Toronto. 48. Chrysler's Farm, 58. Reorganization. 68. Naval Fights. 19- Victories. 29. Defeats. i7. Events of 181i. 18. Hartford Convention^ 28. Chippewa. 38- Lundy's Lane. 48. Fort Erie. 58- Washington. 68- Baltimore. 57. Jackson's Campaigns. 18. The Creek War. 28. Battle of New Orleans. 67- Treaty of Peace. 77. Results. 36. Barbary States. 46. The National Bank. 56. Tariff. 66. Presidential Election- 17- Parties. 27- Issues. 37. Candidates. 55. James Monroe. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. 17. La Fayette. 27. Cumberland Road. 37. Erie Canal. 47. Monroe Doctrine. 23 r)"*- Slavery. 18. Mason and Dixon Line. 2^- Missouri Compromise. 19. Time. 29- Provisions. 30. Effect. 67. Tariff. 18. Protective. 28. Revenue. 77. Colonization Act. 87. New States. 36- Foreign Affairs. 17. Seminole Wa'r. 18. Cause. 28- Result. ly. Purchase of Florida. 29. Treaty with Spain. 27. Treaty with Eno:land. 46. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 27, Issues. 37. Candidates. G»- John Quincy Adams. 16. Biography. 26. Events. 17. The American System. 18. Purpose. 28. Reception. 19. North. 29- South. 27. Improvements. 18. Erie Canal. 28. Railroad. 37. Congress of American States. 47. Anti- Masons. 36. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 24 18. Democratic. 28- National Republican, 2'^- Issues. 37. Candidates. '5- Andrew Jackson. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. V' Progress of Country. 18. Eastern and Western States. 28. Eailroads. 38- Inventions. 27- Protective Tariff. 18. Improvements. 28. Tariff Compromise. 19. Causes. 110. State Sovereignty. 210. Nullification. 29. Results. 37. Slavery. 18. Anti-Slavery Movement. 28. Feeling of People. 47. The Spoil System. 18. Object. 28. Result. 57. The Bank. 18. New Charter. 28. Deposits. 19. Removal. 29. Distribution. 110. State Banks. 210. Leaders of Opposition. 111. Webster. 211. Clay. 311. Calhoun. 67, National Debt. 77. Indian Troubles. 18. Black Hawk War. 25 28. Seminoles of Florida. 38- Removal of Cherokees. 87. Pocket Veto. 97. Toasts. 107. States Admitted. 36. Foreign Affairs. 17. Texan War. 27. French Indemnity. ■16. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 18. Whigs. 28- Democratic. 27. Issues. 37. Candidates. 85. Martin Van Buren. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. 17. Crisis. 18. Wildcat Bank. 19- Specie Circular. 29. Panic of 1837. 110. Failures. 210. Repudiation. 310. Treasury Notes. 28. Sub-Treasury. 27. Slavery. 18. Abolitionists, 28. Rejection of Petitions. 38. Riots. 37. Mormons. 18. Origin. 28- Growth. 38. Doctrine. 36. Foreign Affairs. 17. Boundary of Maine. 27. Canadian Rebellion. 4:6. Presidential Election. 26 17. Parties. . 27- Issues. 37- Candidates. 95. William Henry Harrison. 16. Biography. 26. Cabinet. 105. John Tyler. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. V- Tariff. 2'^. Extradition of Criminals. 3'?. Dorr's Rebellion. 1'7. Telegraph, o'*'. National Bank. 0'^. Sub-Treasury. 77. Mineral Resources. 87- Anti-Renters. 9'^- Bankrupt Law. 107. Bunker Hill Monument. 117. States Admitted. 36, Foreign Affairs. 17. VVebster-Ashburton Treaty. 27. Teisas. 1^. History. 28. Annexation. 16. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 27. . Lssues. 37. Candidates. 115. James Knox Polk. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. 17. Inventions and Discoveries. 27. Education. 18. Smithsonian Institute. 28. Naval Academy. 37. New Department. 2T -t^. Slavery. 1«- Two Sections. 2*^- Wilmot Proviso. 57. Sub-Treasury. G7. Tariff. V. The Gold Fever. 87. Death of J. Q. Adams. 97. States Admitted. 3^- Foreign Affairs. V- The Oregon Boundary. 27- The Mexican War. 18. Causes. 2^- Declaration. 19. Time. 29- Opposition. 38. Division of Forces. 19- Army of Occupation. 1 0. Leader. 210. Events. in. Palo Alto. 211- Resaca de la Palma. 311. Monterey. 4,11. Buerja Vista. 310. Result. 29. Army of the West. 110. Leaders. 210. Events. Ill- In California, 211- In New Mexico. 3II- Doniphan's March. 310. Acquisition of Territory, 39. Army of the Center. 110. Leader. 210. Events. 111. Change of Plan. 211. Conquest of Mexico. 112. Vera Cruz. 28 212. Cerro Gordo. 312. Battles Before Mex- ico. il2. Negotiations for Peace, 512. Capture of Mexico. 310. Results. 48. Treaty of Peace. 19. Time. 29. Terms. 46. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 18. Free-Soil. 28. Whig. 38. Democratic. 27. Issues. 37. Candidates. 125. Zachary Taylor. 16. Biography. 26. Cabinet. 36. Events. 135. Millard Fillmore. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. 17. Difficulties. 18. With Texas. 28. Condition of California. 38. Debates in Congress. 48. Slave Trade. 58. Fugitive Slave Law. 27. Omnibus Bill. 18. Time. 28. Provisions. 38. Effect. 37. Pacific Railroad. 47. The Maine Law. 67. Louis Kossuth. 29 67. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." 7T- Change of Leaders. 36- Foreign Affairs. 17. Cuban Filibusters. 27. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. 37. Tripartite Treaty. 46. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 27. Issues. 37. Candidates. 145. Franklin Pierce. 16. Biography. 26. Domestic Affairs. 17. The Gadsden Purchase. 27. The World's Fair. 37. "Know Nothings." 47. Clearing House. 57. Kansas and Nebraska Bill. 18. Causes. 28. Provisions. 38. Effect. 19. North and South. 29. In the Churches. 39. In Congress. 110. Debates. 210. Sumner-Brooks Affair. 67. Struggle for Kansas. 18. Iinmigration. 28. Civil War. 36. Foreign Affairs. 17. Martin Kosta Affair. 27. Treaty with Japan. 37. Filibustering Expeditions. 18. Against West Indies. 19. Purpose. 29. Ostend Circular. 39. Result. 30 28 Walker's Exploits. 46- Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 18 American. 28 Republican. 38 Democratic, 27. Issues. 37. Candidates. 155. James Buchanan, 16. B ography. 26. Events. 17. Financial Panic, 18 Causes. 28 Result. 27. Trouble with Mormons. 18 Causes. 28 Action Taken. 38 Result. 37. Progress of Country, 18 Inventions. 28 Patent System. 38 Mineral Resources. 47. The First Telegraphic Cable, 57. Slavery, . 18. Dred Scott Decision. 19. History, 29- Question Involved, 39- Effect. 28- John Brown's Raid. 36. Presidential Election. 17. Parties. 18. Democratic. 19. Northern. 29. Southern. 28- Republican. 38. American. 27- Issues. 31 3'7- Candidates. 47. Results. 18- Secession. 19. South Carolina. 29- Mississippi. 39- Alabama. 49- Florida. 59. Georgia. 69. Louisiana. 79. Texas. 28. Confederate Organization. 19. Constitution. 29. Leaders. 110. President. 210. Vice President. 39. Flag. 49. Capital. 38. Peace Congress. 48. Crittenden Compromise. 58. Southern Affairs. 19. Forts. 29. Star of the West. 46. The Federal Policy. 165. Abraham Lincoln. 16. Biography. 26. Cabinet. 36. Inauguration. l*^. Feeling of People. 27. Inaugural Address. 46. Events. V- Fort Sumter. 18. Location. 28. Engagement. 38. Effect. 19. Secession. 110. North Carolina. 210. Tennessee. S2 810. Arkansas. 4.10. Virginia. 29. Action of. 110. Kentucky. 210. Maryland. 310. Missouri. 410. Foreign Powers. 39- Call for Troops. 49. Blockade. 56. Letters of Marque and Re- prisal. 69- Special Session of Congress. 79. Declaration of War. 2'7. Baltimore Riot. 37. The Civil War. 18. Events of First Year. 19. In West Virginia. 110. Phillippi. 210. Rich Mountain. 310- Carrick's Ford. 110. Carnifex Ferry. 510. Cheat Mountain. 29. In Virginia. 110. Bethel Church. 210. Romney. 310. Bull Run. Ill- Location. 211. Number Engaged, 311- Effect. 112. On Army. 212. On People. 312. On Congress. 410. Ball's Bluff. 39. In Missouri. 110. Boonville. 210. Carthage. 310 Wilson's Creek. S3 410. Ill Operations of Fremont. 21] ^. Halleck. 510. Grant's Movements. 49. On the Coast. 110. Hatteras Inlet. 210. Hilton Head. 310- 410. Port Royal. The Trent Affair. 59. In Congress. 28. Events of 1862, 19. Plans. 29. In the West. 110. Kentucky. Ill 211 • Big Sandy River. • Mill Springs. 210. Missouri and Arkansas. 310. 410. Fort Henry. Fort Donelson. 510. Shiloh. 610- Island No. 10, 710. Movements of Ill ■ Smith. 211 810- • Bragg. Corinth. 910. Ill 211 Vicksburg Expedition. Holly Springs. Chickasaw Bayou. 1010. Murfeesboro. 39. On the Coast. 110. 210. Union Fleet Destroyed. Merrimac and Monitor. Ill Vessels. 211 Leaders. 311 411 • Engagement. • Effect on Naval War- fare. 34 310- Success of Burnside. 410. Lower Mississippi. 4:9. In the East. 110. Virginia Campaigns. Ill- Shenandoah Valley. 112. Jackson and Stuart. 212. Banks and Fremont. 211- Yorktown. 311- Wilhamsburgh. 411. Seven Pines and Fair Oaks. 511. Seven Days' Battles. 112. Oak Grove. 212. Mechanics ville. 312. Gaines' Mill. 412. Savage Station. 512. White Oak Swamp. 612. Frazier's Farm. 712. Malvern Hill. 611- Campaign against Pope. 112. Bull Run. 212. Centreville. 711- Lee's Campaign. 112. Harper's Ferry. 212. Antietam. 811- McClellan Superseded. 911- Burnside's Campaign. 112. Fredricksburg. 212. Marye's Hill. 210. Results. 59. Call for Troops. 6^. Anti-Slavery Procedure. 110. Contrabands. 210. District of Columbia. 310. Compensation Emancipation. 410. Colonization Scheme. 510. Fugitive Slaves. 610. Emancipation. 35 111, Preliminary Proclamation, 211- Final Proclamation, 112. Provisions, 212. Effect. 113. On People, 114, North. 214. South. 213, On Foreign Nations, 79- Financial Legislation, 110. Greenbacks. 210. Bonds. 310. National Bank, S^- Confederate Privateers, 110. Alabama. 210. Florida. 99- The Sioux War, ). Events of 1863. 19. Plans. 29. In the West, 110. Vicksburg Campaign, 111. Grant's First Plan. 211. Grant's Second Plan. 112. Raymond, 212. Jackson. 312- Champion Hills. 412. Black River Bridge. 512. Siege. 612. Surrender. 311. Effect. 112. People, 212. Promotion of Grant 210. Port Gibson. 310. Cavalry Raids, 310. Chattanooga Campaign. 111. ( Chickamauga. 112. Leaders. 212. Plan of Battle, 86 211- Lookout Mountain. 311- Missionary Ridge. 510- Arkansas and Missouri. Ill- Springfield. 211- Hartsville. 311. Helena. 610. Qaantrell's Band. 710- Morgan's Raid. 39- In the East. 110. Burnside Superseded. 210. Chancellorsville. 310. Rappahannock. 410. Lees Second Invasion. 111. Purpose. 211. Gettysburg. 112. Hooker Superseded. 212. Leaders. 312. Forces. 412. Results. 49- On the Coast. 110- Galveston. 210. Fort Wagner. 310. Charleston. 59. The Anti-War Party. 69. The Conscription Act. 110. Provisions. 210. Results. 111. New York. 211. Habaus Corpus Suspended. 79. West Virginia Admitted. 48. Events of 1864. 17. In the South and West. 110- Sherman in Eastern Mississippi. 210. The Red River Expedition. 111. Leaders. 211. Object. 311. Battles. 37 411- Result. 310. Grant as Lieutenant General. Ill- Appointment. 211. Ability. 410. Plans. 510- Atlanta Campaign. Ill- Object. 211- Battles. 112. Dalton. 212. Resaca. 312. Dallas. 412. Lost Mountain. 512. Kenesaw Mountain. 113- Great. 213. Little. 612. At Atlanta. 113. Importance of Place. 213. Johnson Superseded. 313. The Siege. 413. Evacuation. 610. Hood in Tennessee. Ill- Object. 211. Battles. 11-2 • Chattahooche. 212. Franklin. 312. Nashville. 412. Victory of Thomas. 311. Results. 710. Sherman's "March to the Sea." 111. Communications. 211- Skirmishes. 311- Savannah. 810. Stoneman's Raid. Ill- Object. 211. Results. 29. In Virginia. 110. Movements of Lee and Meade. 210- Richmond Campaign. Ill- Grant's Tactics. 211- Battles. 112. The Wilderness. 212. Spottsylvania. 312. Cold Harbor. 412. Siege of Petersburg. 113. Mine Explosion. 213- Weldon R. R. 313. Battery Harrison. 413. Spring Hill. 513. Coyton Road. 311. Minor Movements. 112. Butler. 212. Sigel and Hunter. 310. Early's Movements. Ill- Object. 211- Result. 410. Sheridan's Campaign. 111. Winchester. 211. Cedar Creek. 311- Middletown. 39- On the Coast. 110. Mobile. 111. Fort Gaines. 211. Fort Morgan. 210. Fort Fisher. 310. Albemarle Sound. 410. Confederate Cruisers. 49- Sanitary Regulations. 59. Christian Missions. 69- Exchange of Prisoners. 79. Prisons. 110. Southern. 111. Libby. 211- Andersonville. 311- Belle Isle. 39 210. Northern. 89- Presidential Election. 110. Parties. 210. Issues. 310. Candidates. 58. Events of 1865. 19. Sherman's March North. 110. Object. 210. Engagements. 111. Orangeburg. 211. Congaree Bridge. 311- Columbia. 411- Consternation in Charleston. 112. Cause. 212. Result. 511. Hampton and Kilpatrick's Cavalry. 611. Averasborough. 711. Bentonsville. 811- Goldsboro. 310. Johnson's Surrender. 29- Richmond Campaign. 110. Waynesborough. 210. Five Forks. 310. Evacuation. 410. Lee's Retreat. 510- Appomattox. 39- General Surrender. 49- Flight of Davis. 110. Capture. 210. Release. 50. Victorious Armies. 110. Commanders. 210. The Grand Review. 60. Assassination of Lincoln. 68. Results. 19. Slavery. 40 29- State Sovereignty. 39- - Cost of War. 110. Lives. 110. Money. 175- Andrew Johnson. 16. Biography. 26. Events. 17. Domestic Affairs. 18. The Armies. 28. National Debt. 38. XIII Amendment. 4:8. Amnesty Proclamation. 19. First. 29. Second. 39. General. 58. Reconstruction. 19. Question Involved. 29. Plan of President. 39. Plan of Congress. 110. Provisions. 210. Acts of Reconstruction. 111. Civil R'ghts Bill. 211- Military Government. 311- XIV Amendment. 68. Postal Order System. 7^- President's Tour. 19. Object. 29: Result. 88. Tenure of Office Act. 19. Object. 29. Result. 110. Opposition. 210. Impeachment. 98. New States. 27.. Foreign Affairs. 18. Mexican Trouble. 28. Atlantic Cable. 3^- Purchase of Alaska. 4:8. Fenians. 58. Treaty with Germany. -68. Burlingame Treaty. 37. Presidential Election. 18. Parties. 28. Issues. 38- Candidates. 185. Ulysses ''Simpson" Grant. 16. Biography. 26. Events. 17. Domestic Affairs. 18. Census of 1870. 28. Pacific Railroad. • 19. Northern. .29. Central. 39. Southern. 38. Great Fires. 48. Indian Troubles. 19. Tribes. 29. Battles. 110. Little Horn. 210. Big Horn Mountain. 58. Centennial. 68- End of Reconstruction. 19. Government in the South. 29. XV Amendment. 110. Provisions. 210. Result. 111. Carpet Baggers. 211. Ku-Klux Klan. 78. Political Scandals. 19. Whiskey Ring. 29. Credit Mobilier. 88. Signal Service Bureau. 98. Demonetization of Silver. 108. State Admitted. 42 27. Foreign Affairs. 18. Treaty of Washington. 19. Canadian Fisheries. 29. Northeastern Boundary. 39. Alabama Claims. 110. Causes. 210. Settlement. 111. Arbitrators. 211. William I. 28. San Domingo. 38. Virginius. 3'^- Presidential Election. 18. Parties. 19. Republican. 29. Democratic. 39. Liberal Republican. 49. Greenback. 28. Issues. 38. Candidates. 48. Results. 19. Conflicting Claims. 29. Joint Electoral Commission. 110. Composition. 210. Decision. 195. Rutherford Birchard Hayes. 16. Biography. 26. Events. 1'^. Domestic Affairs. 18. Census of 1880. 28. Elevated Railroads. 38. The Nez Perce Indians. 48. Railroad Strikes. 19. Causes. 29. Results. 58. Inventions. 68. Yellow Fever. 78. Mississippi Overflow. 43 8S Finances. 19- Silver. 110. Demonetization. 210. Remonetization. Ill- Causes. 211- Provisions. 311- Results. 29- Specie Payment. 39- Refunding. 98. Bankrupt Law. 108- Civil Service Reform. 27. Foreign Affairs. 18. Fishery Award. 28. Chinese Treaty. 19. Cause. 29. Result. 37. Presidential Election. 18. Parties. 19. Republican. 29. Democratic. 39. Greenback. 28. Issues. 38- Candidates. 205- James Abram Garfield. 16. Biography. 26. Events. V- Inaugural Address. 27. Cabinet. 87- Civil Service Reform. 18. Causes. 28. Result. 47. Assassination. 21?. Chester Alan Arthur. 16. Biography. 26. Events. 17. Star Route Scandal. 27. Anti-Chinese Bill. 44 37. Tariff Bill of 1883. 18. Causes. 28. Provisions. 38. Results. 19. Woolen Mills. 29. Morrison Bill. 47. York town Centennial. 57. Natural Disasters. 67. Expositions. 18. Atlanta. 28. New Orleans. 77. Cincinnati Riot. 87. Advancement of Science. 18. Telephone. 28. Phonograph. 38. Electric Light. 97. Washington's Monument. 107. Presidential Election. 18. Parties. 28. Issues. 38. Candidates. 22o. Grover Cleveland. 16. Biography. 26. Events. 17- Domestic Affairs. 18. Death of Eminent Men. 28. Civil War Publications. 38. President's Policy. 19. Civil Service Reform. 29. Veto. 48. Labor Troubles. 19. Causes. 29. Monopolies. 39. Foreigners. 49* Strikes and Imbroglios. 59. Knights of Labor. 69- Anarchists in ChicajJfo. 45 79- Results. 110- Inter State Commerce Act. 210. Chinese Immigration. 310- Contract Labor Act. 58. Presidential Succession Act. 68- Charleston Earthquake. 78. Bartholdi Statue. 88- Mills Tariff Bill. 98. Depeadent Pen-^ion Bill. 108- Oleomargarine Act. 118. Repeal of Office Tenure Act. 2T- Foreign Affairs. 3'7- Presidential Election. 18. Parties. 19- Republican. 29. Democratic. 39. Equal Rights. 49- Union Labor. 59. United Labor. 69. Prohibition. 28. Issues. 38- Candidates. 235. Benjamin Harrison, 16. Biography. 26- Events. V- Domestic Affairs. 18. Centennial Celebration. 28. Johnstown Disaster. 38. States Admitted. 48. Immigration Act. 58. Oklahoma. 68. Indian Troubles. 19. Causes. 29. Result. 78. Anti-Lottery Act. 88. Original Package Decision. 98. McKinley Tariff Bill. 46 108. Silver Bill. 118. Pension Legislation. 128. World's Fair. 138. Electrocution. 148. Refunding Direct Tax. 158. Mafia Trouble. 168. Strikes. 178. Farmer's Alliance. 19. Causes. 29- Results. 110. Peoples' Party. 210. Labor Interests. 188. Death of Eminent Men. 198. Ballot Reform. 208. Census of 1890. 27. Foreign Affairs. 18. Maritime Conference. 28, Extradition Treaty. 38. Pan-American Congress. 19. Composition. 29. Results. 110. Reciprocity. 210. Monetary Conference. 48. Behring Sea Dispute. 58. Chilian Trouble. 68. International Copyright. 3'7. Presidential Election. 18. Parties. 19. Republican. 29. Democratic, a9. People's Party. 49. Prohibition. 28. Issues. 38. Candidates. 245. Grover Cleveland. 16. Cabinet. 26. Events. 47 17. Domestic Affairs. 18. Labor Troubles. 19. Bank Failures. 29- Panic. 110. Causes. 210. Results. 111. Strikes. 2ll- Extra Session of Congress. 39. Coxey's Army. 110. Composition. 210. Purpose. 310. Result. 49. Pullman Strike. 1*0. Cause. 210. Result. 28. Silver Bill. 38. Anti-Lottery Bill. 48. Income Tax. 58. Whiskey Tax. 68. Wilson Bill. 78. Bond Issuer. 88. World's Fair. 98- Cherokee Strip. 108. Sound Money Agitation. 19. Monometalism. 29. Bimetalism. 39. Free Coinage of Silver. 118. Emergency Bills. 128. state Admitted. 27. Foreign Affairs. 18. Reciprocity Policy. 28 Hawaiian Trouble. 38. Extradition Treaty. 48. International Affairs. 19. World's Literary Congress. 29. World's Congress of Religions. 58. Monroe Doctrine. fi8. Alaskan Boundary. lalina Homal University. A School for the individual. The student's individuality not sacrificed by class interests. The best school for young persons who have failed to get a good common school educa- tion. All studies are elective. New classes are organized every 10 v?eeks. Live school with up-to-date teachers and methods. Not under the control of any church, A school for everybody. Kx pontes the lowest. S29 pays board, room rent and tuition for one term, ADDRESS Charles Swisher, a. m., Pres., SALINA, KANSAS. CATALOGUES FREE. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011462 704 5 l^. «y^^