A^' >■•/ ^>V .sv^' \' V .'^- v>^' -\- \^ "^^ i> ■^.,. ' c^ "t.^ .-^^^ .fe_]^v; o> x^ ■^-. '-^v^^;^ _ ^' O^ \^ ' X "• ^^^* ^ ^ o V ' A ^ ■%. .V .^^ ^^^ xO<=,, .>>■ >-'^^. \^'^%\)^,* -K^^'^-. 0-; -71 V '^^. '. ^.,^ .'^^ C 'A ■^ "^ 1"'^ ""^ ■^^ ,^V^' C,-3 ^ ^y .-^^^ - 0" & ^^ .<^ .0 A \^ •/', jy' *° ,>^ \^ .^ ^^ ,A O V^^. V o .^ .0-' -^.-^^ ."^ ^ L, .^.% .\'< ^■^ ^" ■^oo^ ^^ -"^ '^o 0^ / C V . ' - -V ^^ ^.^, \' ^^ -^^ ■^^- ,^^' .-^^^ ^^ 'b^ ' #' \ o'^' * '^.^ -^^ ' ^ , X ■* ,<\ '/, '/ \o^ ^ ■^ o5 .r c V .-.^ -^^ cP _ V O, ,0 ■"^^ ,A^ .-^^ <\ > -O •' „ V ■* .A ^ ,0 c?. A ROSTER OP GENERAL OFFICERS, ^^' HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, SENATORS, REPRESENTATIVES, MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS, &c,, &c., IN CONFEDERATE SERVICE DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. BY Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A. RICHMOND, VA.: SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY: 1876. ■ T75 ()Z^li^9 a O C3 P 1 Adams, Charles W Adams, Daniel W Arkansas . . Louisiana. . 1862. 1862. 2 Gen. Beauregard May 23, 1862. May 23, 1862. a Adams, John Tennessee. Mississippi. Gen. J. E. Johnston.. Gen. Wm. J. Hardee.. May 23, 1863. Sept. 28, 1863. Dec. 29, 1862. Sept. 25, 1863. 4 Adams, Wirt 5 6 Alexander, E. Porter.. Georgia. , . . Lt. Geu. Longstreet.. Mch. 1, 1864. Feb. 26, 1864. 7 Allen, Henry W Louisiana. . Gen. E. K.Smith Aug. 19, 1863. Aug. 19, 1863. 8 Allen, William W Alabama. . . Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Mch. 1,1864. Feb. 26,1864. 9 Anderson, CD Georgia Gen. G. W. Smith. .. May, 1864. May, 1864. 10 Anderson, George B. . . N. Carolina Gen. R. E. Lee June 9, 1862. June 9, 1862. 11 Anderson, George T. . . Georg".a. . . . Gen. Longstreet Nov. 1, 1862. Nov. 1, 1S62. 12 Anderson, Joseph R. . . Virginia . . . Gen. R. E. Lee Sept. 3, 1861. Sept. 3, 1861. 13 Anderson, J. Patton. . . Florida Gen. B. Bragg Feb. 10, 1862. Feb. 10, 1862. 14 Anderson, R. H S. CaroUtna. Gen. R. E. Lee July 19, 1861. July 19,1861. 15 Anderson, Robert H. . . Georgia Gen. J. B. Hood July 26,1864. July 26, 1864. 16 Anderson, Samuel R... Tennessee . Gen. R. E. Lee July 9, 1861. July 9, 1861. 17 Archer, J. J Virginia . . . Virginia . . . Arkansas.. Gen. R. E. Lee June 3, 1862. Ai>l. 1, 1862. June 3, 1862. Apl. 1, 1862. IS Armistead, L A 19 Armstrong, Frauk C. . . Gen. J. E. Johaston.. Apl. 23, 1863. Jan. 20, 1863. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 27 STATES ARMY, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. 1S02, Sept. 30, 1S62. Feb. 17, 1864. Jan. 25, 1S64. May 28, 1864. Jan. 25, 1864. June 9, 1864. May, 1864. Sept. SO, 1862. Apl. 22, 1863. Dec. 13, 186J. Feb. 10, 1862. Aug. 29, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861. Sept. 30, 1862. Apl. 1, 1862. Apl. 23, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862. REMARKS, Commanding brigade in Major-General Price's army. Commanding Mississippi brigade, General Breckinridge's di- vision. Army of Tennessee, composed of the 13th, 20th, 16th, 25th and 19th Louisiana and 32d Alabama regiments, Austin's battalion of sharp-shooters and Slocomb's light battery. Killed at Battle of Franklin ; commanded brigade in Loring'g division, Stewart's corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the 6th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 23d and 43d Mississippi regiments. Brigade composed of Colonel Wood's regiment, the 11th and 17th Arkansas regiments consolidated, the 14th Confederate regiment, the 9th Tennessee battalion and King's light battery. Conimaading a brigade of Mississippi State troops at Columbus, Kentucky. In command of the artillery attached to the 1st corps (Long- street's), Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General; resigned January 10, 1864; elected Governor of Louisiana. Promoted Major-General in the spring of 1865; brigade at first composed of the 1st, 3d, 8th and 10th Confederate regiments, and subsequently of the 1st, 3d. 4th, 9th, 12th and 51st regi- ments Alabama cavalry, Army of the West. Held commission in Georgia State forces ; commanding the 3d Georgia brigade, composed of the 7th, Sth and 9th regiments. Died October 16, 1862, from the effect of wounds received at Sharpsburg ; brigade composed of the 2d, 4th, 14th and 30th North Carolina regiments, D. H. Hill's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th Georgia regiments and the 1st Kentucky regiment ; the 59th Georgia regiment was afterwards substituted for the 1st Kentucky, whose term of service had expired ; all of the Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 14th, 35th, 45th and 49th Georgia regi- ments and the 3d Louisiana battalion. Army of Northern Vir- ginia; resigned July 19, 1862. Promoted Major-General February 17, 1864 ; brigade composed of the 1st Florida, 17th Alabama and the 5th and 8tli Mississippi regiments ; subsequently in command of Major-General Hind- man's division, Polk's corps, Army of Tennessee. Promoted Major-General July 14, 1862; brigade composed of Colonel Gladdon's 1st Louisiana Regular infantry, Colonel Anderson's 1st Florida regiment. Colonel Jackson's Sth Georgia regiment, the 7th and Sth Mississippi regiments, and Colonel Tyler's battalion of marines ; brigade afterwards composed of the 4th, 5th and 6th South Carolina Volunteers and the 2d South Carolina Rifles, Lougstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 5th Georgia and the 1st, 3d 8th and 10th Confederate regiments cavalry. Army of Tennessee. Resigned May 10, 1862 ; brigade was composed of the 1st, 7th and 14th Tennessee regiments and one company of cavalry. Brigade composed of the 1st, 14th and 7th Tennessee regiments, the 13th Alabama regiment and the 5th Alabama battalion, Heth's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Killed in action at Gettysburg; brigade composed of the 9th, 14th, 38th, 53d and 57th Virginia regiments, Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding brigade in Chalmer's division, Forrest's cavalry corps. Army of the West. 28 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 1 Name. Ashby, Turner. Bagby, Arthur P Baker, Alpheus Baker, Lawrence S Baldwin, Wm. E Barksdale, William Barnes, James W Barringer, Rufus Barry, William S Barton, Setli M..; Bartow, Francis S Bate, William B Battle, C. A Baylor, John R Beale, Richard L. T.. . . Beall, W. N. R Beauregard, G. T Bee, Barnard E Bee, Hamilton P Bell, Tyree H Benning. Henry L Benton, Samuel State. Virginia , Texas Alabama. . . N. Carolina Mississippi. Mississippi. Texas N. Carolina Mississippi. Virginia . . . Georgia Tennessee. Alabama... Texas Virginia . . . Arkansas . . Louisiana.. S. Carolina. Texas Tennessee . Georgia Mississippi. To Whom to RErOET. Gen. T. J. Jackson., Lt. Gen. Buckner. Gen. J. E. Johnston.. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. Van Dorn Gen. R. E. Lee. Gen. R. E. Lee. Gen. E. K. Smith. Gen. Beauregard . Gen. B. Bragg Gen. R. E. Lee. Gen. R. E. Lee., Gen. Van Dorn ( Commanding ") -j Charleston > ( Harbor. ) Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. P. O. Hebert.... Maj. Gen. Forrest — Gen. R. E. Lee.. . Gen. J. B. Hood. May 23, 1802. March, 1864. March 7, July 30, Oct. 3. 1864. 1863. 1862. Aug. 12, 1862. June 1, 1864. Mch. 18, July, 1862. 1861. Oct. 3, 1862. Aug. 25, 1863. Febr'y, 1865. Apl. IT, 1862. Mch, 1, 1861. June 17, 1801. March 0, 1862. Nov., 1863. May 23, 1862. Mch. 5, 1864. July 23, 1863. Sept. 19, 1862. Aug. 12, 1862. June 1, 1864. Mch. 11, 1862. July, 1861. Oct. 3, 1862. Aug. 20, 1863. Febr'y, 1865. Apl. 11, 1862. Mch. 1, 1801. June 17, 1861. March 4, 1862. Nov., 1803. Apl. 23, 1S63. 'Jan. 17, 1863. July 26, 1864. July 26,1864. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 29 — Continued. May 11, 1864. Feb. 16, 1864, Oct. 3, 1S62, Sept. 30, 1862. June 1, 1864. Mch. 18, 1862. Oct. 3, 1862. Feb. 17, 1864. Apl. 17, 1862. Mch. 1, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861. Mch. 6, 1862. Apl. 23, 1863, REMARKS. Killed June 6th, 1862, near Harrisonburg, Virginia; command composed of twenty-.six companies ; subsequently constituting Robertson's brigade, and organized into the 6th, 7th and llth Virginia regiments, and the 16th Virginia battalion. Colonel Funsten. Brigade composed of Texas cavalry ; in autumn of 1864 com- manded a division composed of his old brigade and the brigades of DeBray and Brent. Brigade composed of the 37th, 40th, 42d and 54th Alabama regiments. Commanding Second Military District, Department of North Carolina and Souili Virginia. Died February 19, 18(!4 ; cnnimanding brigade, Di.strict of Mobile ; brigade, at the capture of Fort Donelson, consisted of the 20th and 26th Mississippi and the 26th Tennessee regiments. Killed in action at Gettysburg ; brigade composed of the 21st, 13th, 17th and 18th Mississippi regiments, McLaw's division, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d and 5th North Carolina cavalry regiments, Major-General W. H. F. Lee's division, Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding brigade. Army of the Mississippi. Commanded brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, composed of the 9th, 14th, 3Sth, 53d and 57th Virginia regiments. Killed at the Battle of First Manassas July 21, 1861 ; command- ing brigade, Army of the Potomac, composed of the 7th and 8th Georgia regiments. Promoted Major-General February 23, 1864; brigade composed of the 2d, 10th, 15th, 20th, 30th and 37th Tennessee and the 37th Georgia regiments, and the 4th battalion Georgia sharp- shooters ; Army of Tennessee. Brigade [formerly Rodes'] composed of the 3d, 5th, 6th, 12th, 26th and 61st Alabama regiments, infantry. Commanding brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department; also in command of Confederate forces in Arizona. Commanding brigade in Jlajor-General VV. II. F. Lee's cavalry division. Army of Northern Virginia, composed of the 9th, 10th and 13th Virginia cavalry regiments; the 14th Virginia cavalry regiment was subsequently added ; General Beale succeeded General Chambliss in command of his brigade. Commanding Second Sub-District, District of Mississippi. . Promoted General Confederate States Army July 21, 1861 ; com- manding at Charleston, South Carolina, and afterwards at Manassas. Killed at Manassas July 21, 1861 ; commanding brigade. Army the Potomac, composed of the 2d and llth Mississippi, the 6th North Carolina and the 4th Alabama regiments. Brigade composed of DeBray's, Buchell's, Wood's, Terrell's, [ Gould's and Llkin's Texas regiments. ' f Commanding 12th Tennessee regiment and acting Brigadier- v General; brigade composed of the regiments of Colonels l.v Russell, Greer, Newsom, Wilson and tiarteau; afterwards *** promoted Brigadier-General, and assigned to command of a brigade in Jackson's division, Forrest's cavalry corps. Brigade composed of the 2d, 1.5th, 17th and 20th Georgia regi- ments, Hood's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Died of wounds, received in action at Atlanta, Georgia, July 28, 1864 ; commanded a brigade composed of the 27th, 29th, 30th and 34th Mississippi regircents. 30 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. I BRIGADIER-GENERALS 61 Name. Blanchard, A. G. Boggs, William R. Bonham, M. L Bowen, John S. Bowles, Pinckney D. Bragg, Braxton Branch, L. O. B.... Brandon, Win. L. Brautly, W. F.... Bratton, John. Breckinridge, John C. Brent, Joseph L Brown, John C. Browne, Wm. M... Bryan, Goode Buckner, Simon B . State. Louisiana. Georgia S. Carolina. Missouri. .. Alabama... Louisiana.. N. Carolina Mississippi. Mississippi. S. Carolina. To Whom to Report. 6eu. Huger. Lt. Gen. E. K. Smith.. Gen. Beauregard Gen. Beauregard . Brig. Gen. Walker.... f Commanding at ) \ Pensacola, Fla, / Lt. Gen. A. P. Hill.... Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill. Geu. J. B. Hood Gen. R. E. Lee. Kentucky.. Gen. A. S. Johnston. . Louisiana.. Lt. Gen. S. B. Buckner Tennessee. Gen. B. Bragg Gen. A. R. Wright.... Georgia I Gen. R. E. Lee Kentucky.. Gen. A. S. Johnston.. Sept. 21, 1861 Nov. 4, 1862 Apl. 23, 1861 Mch. IS, 1862, ApL 2, 1S65. Mch. 7, 1861. Nov. 16, 1861. June IS, 1S64. July 26, 1864. June 9, 1864. Nov. 2, 1S61. October, 1864. Sept. 30, 1862. Dec'r, 1864. De(;'r, 1864, Sept. 21, 1861. Nov. 4, 1862. Apl. 23, 1861. Mcil. 14, 1S62. April 2, 1865. Mch. 7, 1864. Nov. 16, 1^61. June 18, 1864. July 26, 1864. May 6, 1864. Nov. 2, 1861. October, 1864. Aug. 30, 1862. Aug. 31, 1863. Sept. 14, 1861. Aug. 29, 1363. Sept. 14, 1861. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 81 — -Continued. O-H P Dec. 13, 1861. Apl. 22, 1863. ■■ Oct. 13, 1S62. Aug. 29, 1861 Mch. 18, 1862. Mch. 7, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861. June 9, 1864. Dec. 13, 1861. Sept. 30, 1862. Feb. 17,1864. Dec. 13, 1861. REMARKS. Brigade composed of the 3d, 4th and 22d Georgia regiments, the 3d Alabama regiment, 3d Louisiana battalion and Colonel Williams' North Carolina battalion, Girardey's Louisiana Guard artillery. Grimes' Portsmouth artillery, and the Sussex cavalry. Chief of Staff to General E. Kirby Smith, commanding Trans- Mississippi Department. Resigned ; reappointed October 21, 1861 ; brigade at first com- posed of the 7th, 2d, 3d and 8th South Carolina Volunteers, in- fantry, constituting First brigade. First corps. Army of the Potomac; upon reappointment, ordered to the command of the 1st, 2d and 3d regiments South Carolina cavalry and Lieutenant-Colonel Trenholm's battalion South Carolina cavalry. Promoted Major-General May 25, 1863; commanding 14th, 16th, 17th and ISth Arkansas regiments, Adams' Arkansas infantry regiment, aiKl Jouus' Arkansas infantry battalion; assigned. In 1861, to tile r.Diimiand of the 4th division, Western Depart- ment, enibraclHK the brigades of Martin and Bonham ; again in command of the 3d brigade, 1st division. Army of the Distnct of Mi.ssissippi. Brigade composed of the 21st Virginia battalion, the 2d and 6th Virginia reserves, and the 1st and 2d Confederate [mixed] regiments, Walker's division. Promoted Major-General September 12, 1861; assigned to com- mand at Pensacola, Florida, of the troops there assembled, consisting of the brigades of Colonels Chalmers, Clayton and Gladden, and the troops under Major Bradford. Killed at Sharpsburg ; brigade composed of the 7th, 18th, 28th, 33d and 37th North Carolina regiments, A. P. Hill's division, Army of Northern Virginia. Assigned to the command of a brigade of cavalry in Mississippi. Brigade composed of the 24th, 27th, 29th, 30th and 34th Missis- sippi regiments. Brigade composed of the 1st regiment South Carolina Volun- teers [Hagood's], the 2d regiment South Carolina Rifles, the 5th and 6th regiments South Carolina Volunteers, and the Palmetto Sharpshooters, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General April 14, 1862; afterwards Secretary of War. Brigade composed of the 2d, 5th, 7th and 8th regiments Louis- iana cavalry, Bagby's division. Army of West Louisiana, Lieutenant-General Bnckner commanding. Promoted Major-General August 4, 1864; brigade composed of the 18th, 26th, 32d and 45th regiments Tennessee infantry and Nemman's battalion Tennessee infantry, Stewart's division. Army of Tennessee ; to these the 3d regiment Tennessee in- fantry was subsequently added. Commanding brigade under General H. W. Mercer at the siege of Savannah, in December, 1864 ; served previously as A. D. C. to President Davis, with rank of Colonel. Brigade composed of the .53d, 55th, 50th and 10th Georgia regiments infantry, McLaw's division, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General August 16, 1862 ; commanding division at Bowling Green, Kentucky, and subsequently at Fort Donelson. 32 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS Name. State. To Whom to Report. a C o o a ci p: o ■s P 58 Buford, A Kentucky.. Gen. J. E. Johnston.. Nov. 29, 1862. Sept. 2,1862. 59 Butler, M. Calvin S. Carolina. Gen. R. E. Lee Sept. 2, 1863. Sept. 1, 1868. 60 CabeU, Wm. L Virginia.. . . Gen. E. K. Smith Apl. 23, 1863. Jan. 20, 1S63. 61 Campbell, Alex'r W.. . . Canty, James Gen L Polk 1864. 1864. 6? Alabama. . . Maj. Gen. Buckner... Jan. 8, 1863. Jan. 8, 1863. 6B Capers, E S. Carolina. Gen. Hood Nov. 30, 1864. Nov. 30, 1864. 64 Carroll, Wm. H Carter, John Tennessee. Tennessee. Mississippi. 1 Oct. 26, 18G1. July 8, 1864. Feb. 13, 1862. Oct. 26, 1861. July 7, 1864. Feb. 13, 1862. 65 Gen. J. E. Johnston.. Gen. A. S.Johnston.. 66 Chalmers, James K. . . . 67 Chambllss, John E., Jr. Virginia . . . Gen. R. E. Lee Jan. 27, 1864. Dec. 19, 1863. 68 Cheatham, B. P Tennessee. Gen. B. Bragg July 9, 1861. July 9, ISCl. 69 Chestnut, James, Jr.. . S. Carolina. Maj. Gen. Sam. Jones Apl. 23, 18G4. Apl. 23, 1864. 70 Chilton, R n Virginia Gen. R. E. Lee Oct. 20, 1862. Oct. 20, 1S62. 71 Churchill, T. J Arkansas . . Gen. Van Dorn Mch. 6, 1862. Mch. 4, 1S62. 72 Clanton, James II Alabama. . . Gen. D. n. Maury.... Nov. IS, 1863. Nov. 16, 1863. CONFEDERATE EOSTER. 335 — Continued. Apl. 22, 1S63. Feb. IT, 1864. Apl. 23, 1S63. 1865. Apl. 22, 1863. Nov. 30, 1S64. Dec. 20, 18G1. Feb. 13, 1862, and Feb. IT, 1S64. Jan. 2T, 1864. Aug. 29, 1861. June 9, 1864. Mch. 6, 1862 Feb. IT, 1864. Oct. 13, 1862. REMARKS. Assigned to the command of the 2d division of Forrest's cavalry, composed of the brigades of Colonels Thompson and Bell ; Lyon's brigade subsequently constituted a part of this com- mand ; in 1865 command consisted of the brigades of Roddy, Clauton and Armistead. Promoted Major-General 1864 ; brigade composed of the 4th, 5th and 6th regiments South Carolina cavalry and " Keitt Squad- ron" South Carolina cavalry; also of the 1st and 2d South Carolina cavalry ; Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding brigade composed of four regiments Arkansas cavalry and one battery of Light artillery ; at one time in com- mand of the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st regiments Arkansas In- fantrv ; in 1862 commanding 1st brigade, 2d division. Army of the West. Commanding brigade in Jackson's division, Forrest's cavalry corps. In command of Mobile and its vicinity, the garrison then con- sisting of the ITth, 21st and 29th Alabama regiments, the 4tU and 19th Louisiana regiments, the 30th Louisiana battalion, and various artillery companies, heavy and light. Succeeded Brigadier-General Gist in command of his brigade, composed of the 24ih South Carolina, the 16th South Carolina, the 46th and 65th Georgia regiments, the 8th Georgia battalion of infantry, and the 1st battalion Georgia Sharpshooters. Resigned February 1, 1863; commanding brigade in General Polk's Department, Mississippi river detences. Commanding brigade. Brown's division, Cheatham's corps, Army of Tennessee. First command, at Pensacola, Florida, consisted of the 1st and 2d Mississippi regiments, the Quitman artillery company, the Vicksburg artillery company and the Judson artillery com- pany; assigned in January, 1864, to the command of the cavalry brigades of Forrest and McCulloch, constituting the 1st division of Forrest's cavalry ; Rucker's brigade subse- quently constituted a part of this command ; in 1862 com- manded 2d brigade. Reserve corps. Army of the Mississippi, composed of the 5th, Tth, 9th, 10th, 29th and Blythe's Missis- sippi regiments, and Ketchum's Light battery. Killed in action, below Richmond, August 16, 1864 ; commanded cavalry brigade in General W. H. F. Leete division. Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General March 14, 1862; brigade was composed of the 154th, 6th and 9th regiments Tennessee Volunteers and Blythe's Mississippi battalion ; assigned in 1861 to command of 2d division of the Western Department, embracing the brigades of Smith and Stevens. A. D. C. to President Davis, with rank of Colonel ; in 1864 in command of a brigade on the coast of South Carolina. Chief of Staff, Army of Northern Virginia; Senate refused to confirm nomination as Brigadier-General April 11, 1863; re- appointed Fel)ruary 16, 1864; confirmed same day, to taJie rank from Decemlier 21, 1863 ; resigned April 1, ls64. Commanding 2d cavalry brigade. General Van Dorn's army; In 1862 cminiiainling 2il 'inigade, 2d division, Army of the West, composdl of the 4th Arkansas infantry regiment, the 1st and 2d Arkansas Riilomen, dismounted, the 4th Arkansas infantry battalion, Turnbull's Arkansas battalion, Humphrey's Light battery, and Reve's Missouri Scouts. Commanding cavalry brigade in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana. 34 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS Name. T3 Clark, Charles 74j01arke, John B., Jr.... Js'ciayton, H. D 76 Cleburne, P. K. Cllngman, Thos. L. Cobb, Howell Cobb, Thos. R. R. Cocke, Philip St. Geo. Cockrell, Francis M... Colquitt, Alfred H.... Colston, R. E Conner, James Cook, Phil Cooke, John R Cooper, Douglas II . State. Mississippi. Missouri . . . Alabama. . . N. Carolina Georgia. . . . Georgia Virginia . . . Missouri... Georgia Virginia . . . S. Carolina. Georgia N. Carolina Mississippi. To Whom to Report. / Department of ) \ Mississippi. / Gen. E. K. Smith Gen. S. B. Buckner. . . Gen. Van Dorn Gen. T. H. Holmes... Maj. Gen. Magruder.. Gen. Longstreet Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. Pemberton Gen. R. E. Lee Maj. Gen. Huger Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. Longstreet Gen. E. K. Smith May 22, 1861. Moh. 12, 1864. May 22,1861. Moh. 8, 1864. Apl. 25, 1863. Apl. 22, 1863, March 6, 1862. May 17, 1862. Feb. 13, 1862. Nov. 1, 1862. Oct. 21, 1861. July 23, 1863. Sept. 30, 1862. Dec. 24, 1861. June 1, 1864. Aug. 8, 1864. Nov. 1, 1862. June 23, 1863. March 4, 1362. May 17, 1862. Feb. 13, 1362. Nov. 1, 1862. Oct. 21, ISdl. July 18, 1863. Sept. 1, 1362. Dec. 24, 1861. June 1, 1864. Aug. 5, 1864. Nov., 1, 1862. May 2, 1863. — Continued, CONFEDERATE ROSTER. Aug. 29, 1S61, May 11, 1864. Apl. 25, 1863, Mch. 6, 1862. Sept. 30, 1862. Feb. 13, 1862. Dec. 13, 186i. Feb. IT, 1864. Sept. 30, 1862. Dec. 24, 1861, and Feb. 17, 1864. June 1, 1864. Apl. 22, 1863. Feb. IT, 1864. Oct. 13, 1862. REMARKS. Resigned October 21, 1863 ; succeeded Brigadier- General Long- street In command temporarily of tils brigade, composed of the 1st, Tth, Utti and ITtli Virginia regiments. Commanding brigade In Marmaduke's cavalry division ; previ- ously in command of the Third District, Missouri State Guards. First command, at Pensacola, Florida, composed of the 1st Ala- bama and the 1st Georgia regiments, and the 2d Alabama bat- talion ; subsequently his brigade composed of the ISth, 36th, 38th, 32d and 58th Alabama regiments; promoted Major- General July 8, 1864. Promoted Major-General December 13, 1862 ; brigade composed of the 2d, 5th, 24th and 48rh Tennessee and the 1.5th Arkansas regiments and Calvert's Light Battery, constituting Second brigade. Third corps. Army of the Mississippi. Brigade composed of the Sth, 31st, 51st and 61st North Carolina regiments. Promoted Major-General September 9, 1863 ; brigade composed of the 15th North Carolina, the 2d Louisiana and the 16th and 24th Georgia regiments and Cobb's Legion, Army of Northern Virginia. Killed at Fredericksburg ; brigade composed of the 18th, 24th and 16th Georgia regiments, the Legions of Cobb and Phillips and the 3d battalion Georgia. Sharpshooters, McLaw's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 11th, 18th, 19th and 28th Virginia re- giments ; as at first constituted, his brigade was composed of- the 18th, 19th, 28th and 49th Virginia regiments, and formed the Fifth brigade. First corps, Army of the Potomac. Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th regiments Missouri Infantry and the 1st regiment and the 3d itattalion Missouri cavalry, dismounted, Bowen's division. Army of the West. Brigade composed of the 6th, 19th, 23d, 2Tth and 28th Georgia regiments, D. H. Hill's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Norihern Virginia. Assigned to the command of the First brigade, Department of > orfolk, consisting of the 3d Virginia, the 18th and 14th North Carolina regiments, and several unattached artillery and cavalry companies ; brigade at one time in 1862 composed of the 13th and 14th North Carolina regiments and Manley's Light Battery ; at the Battle of Chancellorsville, brigade com- posed of the 10th, 23d and 3Tth Virginia regiments and the 1st and 3d North Carolina regiments, Trimble's division. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 2d, 3d, Tth, Sth, 15th and 20th regiments South Carolina infantry and James' battalion, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Succeeded Geneial Doles in command of his brigade, composed of the 4th, 12th, 21st and 44th Georgia regunents, lafantry. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 15th, 2Tth, 46th and 4Sth North Carolina regiments, Heth's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of North- ern Virginia. Commanding Indian brigade, composed of the 1st Choctaw and Chickasas regiment, 2d Choctaw regiment, Choctaw battalion, 1st and 2d Cherokee anil 1st and 2d Creek regiments, Seminole battalion, Osage battalion, and Howell's Texas Light Battery ; Subsequently assigned to command of District ''Indian Ter- ritory." :S6 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 lOT 108 109 Name. Cooper, Samuel. Corse, M. D Cosby, George B. Cox, William R.. Cox, John Z Crews, C. C Crittenden, George B . Camming, Alfred.. Dahlgren, Chas. G. Daniel, Junius Davidson, H. B.. Davis, Joseph R. Davis, Reuben... Davis, W. G. M.. Dearing, James . , Deas, Zach. C DeBray, X. B... Deshler, James. Dlbrell, George G. Dicklson, J. J Dobbins, Arcib. J. Dockery, T. P. . . . State. Virginia ... Virginia . . . Kentucky.. N. Carolina Georgia. . . Kentucky. Georgia Mississippi. N. Carolina Tennessee. Mississippi. Mississippi. Florida .... Virginia.... Alabama. . . Texas. . . Georgia. Tennessee. Florida.... Arkansas . , Arkansas . , To Whom to Report. President Davis. Gen. Lougstreet. Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. Wheeler Gen. Forney Gen. Beauregard . Gen. G. W. Smith. Gen. S. B. Buckner. Gen. G. W. Smith. Gen. A. S.Johnston. Gen. E. K. Smith. . . . Maj. Gen. Pickett Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. E. K. Smith. Gen. B. Bragg. . . . Gen. Jos. Wheeler., Gen. Beauregard... Maj. Gen. Fagan... Qen. E. K. Smith... Mch. 14, 1S61. Nov. 1, 1862. Apl. 23, 1863. June 2, 1864. 1864. Aug. 15, 1861. Oct. 29, 1862. Sept. 30, 1862. Aug. 18, 1863. Oct. 8, 1862. Nov. 4, 1862. 1864. Dec. 20, 1862. Apl. 13,1864. July 28, 1863. Mch. Nov. Jan. May 14, 1861, 1, 1862, 20, 1863. 31, 1864, 1864. Aug. 16, 1861, Oct. 29, 1862, Sept, 1, 1862. Aug. is, 1863, Sept. 15, 1862. Nov. 4, 1862. 1864. Dec. 13, 1862. Apl. 8, 1864. July 28, 1863. July 20, 1864. July 26, 1864 1864. Aug. 10, 1803. 1864, Aug. 10, 1863, CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 37 — Continued. Mch, 14, 1861. Apl. 22, 1863. Apl. 23, 1863. June 2, 1864. Aug. 15, 1861. Apl. 22, 1863. Sept. 30, 1862. Feb. IT, 1864. •Oct. 8. 1862. Apl. 22, 1863. ....1864, Apl. 22, 1863. June 10, 1864. REMARKS. Adjutant and Inspector-General; promoted General August 31, 1861, to take rank frnru May 16, 1861. Brigade composed of the 15th, 17th, 29th, 30th and 32d Virginia regiments infantry, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding cavalry brigade In General Stephen D. Lee's di- vision, Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louis- iana. Brigade composed of the 2d, 4th, 14th and 30th North Carolina regiments and such iiortions of the 1st and 3d North Carolina regiments as escaped capture on the 12th May, 1864. Colonel Commanding 12th Confederate cavalry ; acting Brigadier General. Commanding brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th Georgia cavalry. Promoted Major-General November 9, 1861; brigade composed of the 16th Mississippi, 21st Georgia, 21st North Carolina and 15rh Alabama regiments and Captain Courtney's Light Battery, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 34th, 39th, 36th and 56th Georgia regi- ments, Stevenson's division. Army of the West. Brigadier-General State forces of Mississippi; never mustered into the Confederate service, except temporarily. Killed in action May 12, 1864; brigade composed of the 32d, 43d, 45th and 53d North Carolina regiments infantry and the 2d North Carolina battalion. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding cavalry brigade, Wheeler's corps, Ai'my of the West. Brigade composed of 1st Confederate battalion, the 2d, 11th, 26tli and 42d Mississippi regiment, the 55th North Carolina regi- ment and the Madison Light Artillery ; A. D. C. to President Davis, &c., with rank of Colonel. In command of sixty-day troops from Mississippi, at Bowling Green, Kentucky. Brigade composed of 1st regiment Florida cavalry and 6th and 7th regiments of Florida infantry, and Martin's [afterwards McCant's] Light Battery; in spring of 1863 commanded the De- partment of East Tennessee ; resigned the latter part of 1863. In command of a cavalry brigade, Army of Northern Virginia ; Killed at High Bridge. Brigade composed of the 19th, 22d, 25th, 26th, 39th and 50th Alabama regiments and Dent's Light Battery; Withers' di- vision, Polk's corps, Army of Tennessee. Brigade composed of the "23d, 26th and 32d regiments Texas cavalry. Killed at Chickamauga September 20th, 1863; brigade composed of the Texas regiments of Colonels Wilkes' and Mills, the Arkansas regiment of Lieutenant-Colonel Hutchinson, and Douglas' Texas Light Battery ; brigade at one time composed of the 17th, 18th, 24th and 26th Texas regiments, coasolidated ; the 6th, 10th and 15th Texas regiments, consolidated, and the 19th and 24th Arkansas. Brigade composed of the 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Tennessee regiments cavalry and Shaw's battalion. Army of the West. In command of East and South Florida; acting Brigadier- General. Commanding brigade in Fagan's division. Commanding middle Suij-District of Arkansas ; in 1862 in com- mand of the 1st brigade, 3d division, Army of the West, com- posed of the 18th, 19th and 20th Arkansas regiments and the Arkansas battalions of McCairns and Jones. 88 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 1 110 in Doles, George Donelson, Daniel S. Drayton, Thomas F. DuBose, Dudley M.. 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Name. Duke, Basil W. Duncan, J. K.. Dunnovant, John. Early, Jubal A.. . Echols, John. Ector, M. D.. Elliott, Stephen, Jr. Elzey, Arlold Evans, C. A. . Evans, N. G. 124 EwcU, Richard S. Pagan, J. P. State. Georgia Tennessee. S. Carolina. Georgia Kentucky. Louisiana. S. Carolina. Virginia . . . Virginia . . . Texas S. Carolina. Maryland.. Georgia S. Carolina. Virginia . . . Arkansas . . To Whom to Report. Gen. Longstreet. Gen. R. E. Lee., Gen. R. B. Lee.. Gen. Heth Gen. B. Bragg. Gen. Beauregard. Gen. R. E. Lee , Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. Beauregard June 17, 1861 a 5< Nov. 1,1862. Julr 9, 1861. Sept. 25, 1861. Nov., 1864. Jan. 7, 1862. July, 1864. Aug. 28, 1861. Apl. 18,1862. Sept. 27, 1862. May 28,1864. Aug. 28, 1861. May 20, 1864. Oct. 21, 1861. Gen. T. II. Holmes... Oct. 3, 1S62 Nov. 1, 1862. July 9, 1861. Sept. 25, 1861. Nov., 1864. Jan. 7, 1862. 1 July, July 1864. 21, 1861. Apl. 16, 1862. Aug. 23, 1862. May 28, leei. July 21, 1861. May 19, 1864. Oct. 21, 1861. June 17, 1861, Sept. 12, 1862, CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 39 -Continued. Apl. 22, 1863, Aug. 29, 1861, Dec. 13, 1861. Jan. 14, 1862. Aug. 29, 1861, Apl. 18, 1862. Sept. 2T, 1862. May 28, 1864. Aug. 29, 1861. May 20, 1864. Dec, 19, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861. Oct. 3, 1862. Oct. 13, 1864. RBMARKS. Brigade composed of the 4tl), 12th, 21st and 44th Georgia regi- ments infantry, D. IT. Hill's division, Array of Northern Vir- ginia ; killed in action at Bethesda Church. Promoted Major-General January 17, 1863; commanded 1st brigade, 2d division, 1st corps. Army of Mississippi, composed of the 8th, 15th, 16th, 21st and 51st Tennessee regiments and Games' Light Battery. At first in command of a military district, Coast of South Caro- lina ; subsequently transferred to the Trans-Mississippi De- partment, where brigade was composed of the 8th and 9th Missouri infantry and Ruif ner's Missouri Light Battery. Brigade composed of the 18th, 24th and 16th Georgia regiments, the Georgia legions of Cobb and Phillips and the 3d battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, Army of Northern Virginia. Succeeded General John H. Morgan in command of his cavalry forces, Department of Southwest Virginia, In command of River Defences below New Orleans ; died De- cember 18, 1862, at Knoxville, Tennessee. Killed at Vaughn Road October 1, 1864. Promoted Major-General January 17, 1863 ; brigade composed of the 5th and 28d North Carolina regiments, the 24th Virginia and the 20th Georgia regiments ; as at first constituted, his brigade was composed of the 5th, 13th and 24th North Caro- lina regiments, and formed the 6th brigade, 1st corps. Army of the Potomac ; at the Battle of Fredericksburg Early's brigade was composed of the 13th, 25th, 31st, 44th, 49th, 52d and 58th Virginia regiments, Ewell's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the .50th, 60th and 63d Virginia regiments and Edgar's and Derrick's battalions, the 22d Virginia regi- ment being subsequently added. Brigade composed of the 10th, 11th, 14th and 82d Texas dis- mounted cavalry regiments and the 15th Arkansas infantry regiment ; afterwards commanding brigade in McCown's di- vision, Polk's army corps, Army of Tennessee. Died of wounds received in front of Petersburg, Virginia; brigade comijosed of the 17th, 18th, 22d, 23d and 26th regi- ments South Carolina Volunteers and the Holcombe Legion. Promoted Major-General December 4,1862; commanding bri- gade in Ewell's division ; brigade at one time composed of the 12th Georgia and the 13th, 25th, 31st, 44th, .52d and .'iSth Virginia regiments, Jackson's corps. Army of Northern Vir- ginia. Brigade composed of the 13th, 26th, 31st, 38th, 60th and 61st Georgia regiments infantry. Army of Northern Virginia; the 12th Georgia battalion was subsequently added. Brigade composed of the 17th, 18th, 22d, 23d and 26th regiments South Carolina Volunteers and the Holcombe Legion ; as at first constituted, his brigade was composed of the 13th, 17th and ISth Mississippi regiments, and formed the 7th brigade, Ist corps. Army of the Potomac ; at the Battle of Leesburg his brigade consisted of the 13th, 17th and 18th Mississippi regi- ments and the 8th Virginia regiments ; in June, 1862, in com- mand on James Island, South Carolina. Promoted Major-General January 24, 1862 ; brigade composed of the 5th, 6th and 13th Alabama and the 12th Mississippi regi- ments, constituting 2d brigade, 1st corps. Army of the Potomac ; afterwards in command of brigade composed of the 1st, 7th, 11th and 17ih Virginia regiments. Promoted Major-General April 25, 1864 ; commanding division in General Price's army. 40 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 126 12T 128 130 131 132 133 185 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Name. Fauntleroy, T. T Featherston, Wm. S. Ferguson, Sam'l W.. Field, Charles W.... Finegan, Joseph. Finley, J. J Fizer, John C. . Floyd, John B. Forney, John H. Forney, W. H Forrest, Nathan B. Fraser, John W Frazier, C. W. French, S, Q.. Frost, D. M Fry, B. D Gano, Richard M. 143 Gautt, E. W 144 Gardner, Frank. State. Virginia.. . . Mississippi. Mississippi. Kentucky. . Florida Florida Mississippi. Virginia Alabama. . . Alabama... Tennessee. Alabama. . . Mississippi. Mississippi. Missouri... Alabama. . . Kentucky.. Missouri.. Louisiana. 146 1 Gardner, Wm. M Georgia... 140 Garland, Sam'l, Jr Virginia . . To Whom to Report. Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. B. Brago Maj. Gen. McLaws. Army of Kanawha.. Gen. Sam. Jones.. Gen. R. E. Lee.... Gen. E. K. Smith. Gen. B. F. Cheatham. Gen. Buckner.. Gen. R. E. Lee., Gen. T. H. Holmes., Gen. R. E. Lee , Gen. J. H. Morgan., Gen. Polk Gen. Beauregard. Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. J. E. Johnston . o< May 18, 1861. Mch. 6, 1862. July 28, 1863. Mch. 14, 1862. Apl. 5, 1862. Nov. 18, 1863. 1865. May 23, 1861. Mch. 14, 1862. Nov. 9, 1864. July 21, 1862. May 3, 1863. May 19, 1863. Oct, 23, 1861. Oct. 10, 1862. May 24, 1864. April, 1865. Apl. 19, 1862. Nov. 14, 1S61. May 23, 1862. May 18, 1861. March 4, 1862. July 23, 1863. Mch. 9, 1S62. April 5, 1862, Nov. 16, 1863. 1865. May 23, 1861. Mch. 10, 1862. Nov. 9, 1864. July 21, 1862. May 3, 1863. May 19, 1863. Oct. 23, 1861. Mch. 3, 1852. May 24, 1864. Apl. 11, 1S62. Nov. 14, 1861. May 23, 1862. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 41 — -Continued. Mch. 6, 1862. Feb. IT, lSt34. Mch. 14, 1862. Apl. 5, 1S62. Feb. 17, 1864. Aug. 29, 1861. Mch. 14, 1862. Jan'y, 1865. Sept. 30, 1862. Dec. 13, 1861. Oct. 10, 1862. May 24, 1864. Aj)l. 19, 1862 Dec. 13, 1861 Sept. SO, 1862. Oct. la, 1864. REMARKS, Rank of Brigadier-General confen'ed by the State of Virginia ; resigned October Sth, 1861. Brigade composed of the 12th, 16th, 19th and 48th Mississippi regiments and Smith's Light Battery. Brigade consisted of the 2d Tennessee regiment of cavalry, the 56th and 2d regiments Alabama cavalry, the 17th battalioa Tennessee cavalry, the 12th Mississippi battalion of cavalry and Watie's South Carolina Light Battery. Promoted Major-General February 12, 1864 ; brigade was com- posed of the 40th, 47th, 55th and 60th Virginia regiments, the 22d Virginia battalion and Captain Pegram's Light Battery, Heth's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding East and Middle Florida; afterwards In command of a brigade. Army of Northern Virginia, composed of the 2d, 5th, 9th, tilth and ilth Florida regiments. Brigade composed of the 1st, 3d,'4th, 6th and 7th regiments Florida Infantry and the lat regiment Florida cavalry, dis- mounted. Commanding mixed brigade in Lientenant-Qeneral Hardee's coi-ps, on the retreat through the Carolinas. Relieved ; commanding forces in Kanawha Valley ; brigade, early In 1862. composed of the 20th Mississippi and the 36th, 50th and Slst Virginia regiments. Promoted Major-Ceneral October 27, 1862; commanding De- partment of Alabama and West Florida; headquaiters at Mobile, Alabama ; brigade at first coriposed of the 9th, 10th and 11th Alabama, the 19th Mississippi and the BSth Virginia regiments. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the Sth, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th and 14th Alabama regiments. Promoted Major-General December 4, 1863 ; assigned by General Bragg to command of a cavalry brigade composed of the 4th, 8th and 9th Tennessee regiments, Russell's 4th Alabama regi- ment and Freeman's Light Battery. Brigade composed of the 55th Georgia, the 62d and 64th North Carolina regiments and Kain's Light Battery. Senate refused to confirm. Promoted Major-General August 31, 1862; In command at Evansport, Virginia, blocKnding the Potomac river; after- wards in command of the District of Cape Fear, North Caro- lina. Dropped December 9, 1863; S. O. 109; also Brigadier-General Missouri State Guard. Commanding Walker's and Archer's brigades ; at one time in command of the District of Augusta, Georgia. Commanding 2d brigade, Morgan's cavalry division ; afterwards in command of a brigade of Texas cavalry operating in Indian Territory and Arkansas, composed of the regiments of Colonels Dcisrorse, Martin, Qurley, Duff and Hardeman, Lieutenant- Colonel Showalter's Ijattalion, the light batteries of Captains Howell and Krumbhar, and Captain Welch's company, known as the "Gano Guards." Commanding Fort Thompson, Missouri. Promoted Major-General December 13,1862; commanding 1st brigade, reserve division. Army of the Mississippi, composed of the 19^h, 22d, 25th, 26th and 29th Alabama regiments and Robertson's Light Battery ; afterwards in command at Mobile. Commanded pes'; at Richmond, Virginia, &c.; at one time iii command of a military district in Florida, &c., (. of Georgia. ) Gen. E. K. Smith. G(Sn. J. E. Johnston. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. R. E. Lee., a o< 1862. Oct. 3, 1862. Sept. 26, 1862. Nov. IT, 1863. June 3, 1S62. Dec. 22, 1864. Feb. 15, 1S62. July 15, 1S64. Aug. 31, 1863. Apl. 18, 1S62. Nov. 1, 1862. Mch. 18, 1865. Oct. 3, 1S62. Apl. 13, 1861. Mch. 6, 1862. Sept. 19, 1862. April 14, 1862. Nov. 16, 1863. June 3, 1862. Dec. 22, 1864. Feb. 13, 1862. Apl. 8, 1864. Aug. 29, 1863. Apl. 15, 1862. Nov. 1, 1862. Mch. IS, 1S65. Oct. 3, 1862. Apl. 13, 1861. Feb. 27, 1862. Sept. 23, 1864. Sept. 23, 1864. July 25, 1862. 1 July 24, 1862. June 25, 1863. June 25, 1868. CONFEDEEATE EOSTEK. 53 — Continued. "H<= Oct. 3, 1S62. Sept. 26, 1862. Feb 17, 1864. Sept. 30, 1S62. Feb. 13, 1862. Feb. 16, 1864. Apl. 18, 1862. Apl. 23, 1S63. Oct. 3. 1862. Aug. 29, 1861. March 6, 1862. Sept. 30, 1862. EEMARKS. Commanding brigade in the Department of Alabama and Western Florida. Killed in action ; commanding cavalry brigade, Army of North- ern Virginia ; also in command of Valley District, Virginia. Chief of Staff to General Beauregard. Commanding brigade in Wheeler's cavalry ; brigade composed of the 63d Virginia, the 5Sth North Carolina, the 5th Kentucky and the 65th Georgia regiments ; subsequently in command of a division in Wheeler's corps, composed of the brigades of Allen, Dibrell and Hannon. Promoted Major-General March 1,1864; brigade composed of the, 1st, 3d, 7th, 11th and 17th Virginia regiments, Pickett's division, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia ; for a time the 24th Virginia regiment was attached to this britrade. Brigade composed of the 2d, 3d, 7th, 8th, 15th, and 20th South Carolina regiments and James' 3d South Carolina battalion, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General May 18,1864; brigade composed of the 2d, 3d, 7th, 8th, 15tli and 20th South Carolina regiments, McLaws' division, Longstreet's corps, Ai'my of Northern Vir- ginia. Assigned to the command of "Walker's division of infantry," Trans-Mississippi Department ; afterwards in command of a Texas brigade in General Polignac's division. Brigade composed of the 26th, 44th, 47th, 52a and 11th North Carolina infantry regiments, and suljsequently of the 17th, 66th, 50th and 42d regiments North Carolina infantry, Army of Northern Virginia. On duty in the Ordnance Bureau at Richmond. Brigade composed of the 7th, ISth, 2Sth, 33d and 37th North Carolina regiments, Pender's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding briRade of Texas cavalry In Major-General John A. Wharton's division, Trans-Mississippi Department. Promoted Major-General April 9. 1865 ; brigade composed of the 15th, 44th, 47th and 4Sth and 4th Alabama regiments, Hood's division, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia ; at the Battle of Fredericksburg, his brigade composed of the 6th, 54th and 57th North Carolina and the 4th, and 44th Alabama regiments. Subsequently Quartermaster-General of the Confederacy ; bri- gade consisted of the 13th, 26th, 31st, 38th, 60th and 61st Georgia regiments, Ewell's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia; at one time in command of Ewell's di- vision. Commanding in Knoxville, Tennessee, in February, 1862 ; after- wards in command of a brigade composed of the 20th and 23rt Alabama regiments and Colonel Vaughn's Tennessee regi- ment. In command at Staunton, Virginia ; subsequently detailed on secret service of the Confederacy. Promoted Major-General September 3, lS"i3 ; brigade composed of the 1st, 3d, 4th, 5th and 9th Vii-ginia cavalry regiments, Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding brigade of local troops for the defence of Rich- mond ; previously 'was an aid-de-camp to President Davis, with the rank of Colonel ; promoted Major-General early ia 1865. Promoted General August 31, 1861, to take rank from June 14. 1861. 54 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 26S 269 2T0 271 272 273 274 275 276 2' 2"S 27y 280 281 Name. Lee, Stephen D. Lee, Wm. H. F Leventhorpe, C. Lewis, Joseph H. Lewis, W. G Liddell, St. John R. Lllley, R. D. Little, Henry. Logan, T. M.. Lomax, L. L. Long, A. L Longstreet, James. Loring, W. W Lovell, Mansfield. Lowry, M. P Lowry, Robert. Lyon, II. B Mahry, n. P Mackall, W. W... Mail.ity, K. P Macltao, William. Magruder, J. B... Mahone, WiUiam. State. S. Carolina. Virginia.... N. Carolina Kentucky.. N. Carolina Louisiana. . Virginia . . . Missouri . . . S. Carolina. Virginia . . . Virginia . . . Alabama... Florida Maryland.. Mississippi. Mississippi. Kentucky.. Texas Maryland . . N. Carolina Virginia Virginia . . To Whom to Report. Maj. Gen. M. L. Smith Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. Gen. B. Brag Gen. R. E. Lee., Gen. B. Bragg.. Gen. R. E. Lee., Gen. Van Dom. Gen. R. E. Lee.. Gen. R. E. Lee., Gen. R. E. Lee.... Gen. Beauregard. Army of the N. West, Gen. B. Brag Gen. Beauregard . Gen. R. E. Lee. Maj. Gen. linger. Nov. 6, 1862. Got. 3, 1S62. 18G.5. Oct. 1, 1S63. June 2, 1864. July 17, 1SG2. June 2, 1S64. Apl. 16, 1862. Feb. 23, 1865. July 20, 1863. Sept. 21, 1SG3. June 17, 1861. May 20, 1861. Oct. 6, 1863. .1864, June 14, 1SG4. March 6, 1862, June 23, 1864, June 17, 1861, Nov. 16, 1861, Nov. 6, 1862. Sept. 15, 1862. 1865. Sept. 30, 1863. May 31,1864. July 12, 1862. May 31, 1864. Apl. 16, 1862. Feb. 15, 1865. July 23, 1863. Sept. 21, 1863. June 17, isei. May 20, 1S61. Oct. 4, 1863. 1864. June 14, 1864. Feb. 28, 1862. June 23, 1864. June 17, 1S61. Nov. 16, 1861. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 55 -Continued. -H^ Apl. 22, 1863. Oct. 3, 1862. Jan. 25, 1864. June 2, 1864 Sept. 30, 1862 Jane 2, 1864 Apl. 16, 1862 Feb. 17, 1864. Feb. IT, Aug. 29, 1864, 1861, Aug. 29, 1S61 Feb. 17, 1864, June 14, 1864 Men. 6, 1862 Aug. 29, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861, and Feb. 17, 1864. REMARKS. Promoted Major-General August 3, 1863 ; brigade composed of the ITth, 19th, 22d and 2Tth Louisiana regiments, the 2d and 46th ]\Iississii)pi regiments, the 1st Louisiana Heavy Artillery and the 1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery, the last two regiments garrisoning the fixed batteries at Vlcksburg. Promoted Major-General April 23, 1864; brigade composed of tt« 13th and#9th regiments Virginia cavalry, the 2d regiment North Carolina cavalry and McGreggor's Battery of Horse Artillery, Army of Northern Vii'ginia. Brigade composed of the 2d, 4tli, 5th, 6th and 9th Kentucky and 41st Alabama regiments. Army of Tennessee; succeeded General Helm in the command of this brigade. Commanding brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, composed of the 6th, 21st, 54th and 57th North Carolina regiments. Brigade composed of the 2d and 15th, 5th and 13th, 6th, 7th and 8th Arkansas regiments, a Pioneer company and Roberts' Light Battery, constituting 1st brigade, 3d corps. Army of the Mississippi. Brigade compoaed of the 13th, 31st, 49th, 52d and .5Sth Virginia regiments infantry [formerly Pegram's brigade]. Army of Northern Virginia. Killed in action ; Commanded 1st division. Army of the West, composed of the brigades of Gates, Hebert and Green. Brigade composed of the 4th, 5th and 6th regiments South Caro- lina cavalry, the Keitt South Carolina Squadron and the 1st regiment [Colonel Black] South Carolina cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General August 10. 1864; brigade composed of ' the 5th, 6th and 15th Virginia cavalry regiments and the 1st Maryland cavalry. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigadier-General of Artillery and Chief of Artillery of General Ewell's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General October 7, 1861 ; brigade composed of the 1st, 7th, nth and 17th Virginia regiments, and constituted the 4th brigade, 1st corps. Army of the Potomac. Promoted Major-General February 15, 1862; in command in Western Virginia. Promoted Major-Geceral October 7, 1861, and assigned to com- mand at > ew Orleans. Brigade composed of the 32d and 45th Mississippi regiments, the 16th, 33d and 45th Alabama regiments, the 18th Alabama battalion and Semples' Light Battery, Cleburne's division, Army of Tennessee; the 5th and Sth Mississippi regiments were subsequently added. Brigade composed of the 6th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 23d and 43d Mis- sissippi regiments infantry ; succeeded General John Adams in the command of this brigade. In command of a brigade composed of the 3d, 7th, Sth and 12th regiments Kentucky cavalry, Forrest's division ; subsequently in command of the Department of Kentucky. Chief of Staff to General Bragg. Brigade composed of the llth, 2Gth, 42d, 47th and 52d North Carolina infantry regiments. Promoted Major-General October 7, 1861; on duty on the Pe- ninsula; afterwards in command of the District of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Promoted Major-General July 30, 1864; brigade composed of the 3d Alal)ania, the 6th, 12th, I6th and 41st Virginia and the 2d (afterwards 12th) North Carolina regiments, Anderson's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. /o rt^ 56 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS Name, 2S2 Major, J. P 283 Alauey, George. 285 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 300 301 302 Manlgault, A. M. Marmaduke, J, S. Marshall, Humphrey. . . Marshall, .Tohn . . Martiu, Johu.D.. Martin; James G. Martiu, Wm, T..., Maury, Dabney H., Maxey, S. B. McCausland, John. McConib, Win McCown, John P.. McCray, T. H McCuUoch, Benj McCuMoch, Henry E. McGowan, Samuel. Mcintosh, James ;m., McLaws, Lafayette.. McMurry, J. A State. Louisiana.. Tennessee. S. Carolina. Kentucky. Texas Mississippi. N. Carolina Mississippi. Virginia . . . Texas Virginia . . . Tennessee. Tennessee. To Whom to Report. Gen. R. Taylor... Gen. Beauregard . Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. T. H. Holmes... Gen. T. H. Holmes . . Lt. Gen. Pemberton. Gen. Van Dorn Gen. A. S. Johnston. Gen. Breckinridge. Gen. A. S. Johnston. Arkansas . . Gen. L. Polk. Texas... Texas S. Carolina. Florida.... Georgia Tennessee. Gen. Van Dorn. Gen. R. E. Lee.. o< July 25, 1863, Apl. IS, 18C'2. Apl. 30, 1863 May 25, 1863. Oct. 30, 1861. May 17, 1862. Dec. 2, 1862. Mch. 18, 1862. Mch. 7, 1862. May 24, 18G4. Oct, 12,1861. 1S63. May 1, 1861. Mch. 18, 1862. Apl. 23, 1SG3. July 21, 1863. Apl. 16, 1862. Apl. 26, 1863. Nov. 15, 1862. Oct. 30, ISCfl. May 15, 1802 Dec. 2, 1862 Mch. 12, 1862. Moh. 4, 1862. May IS, 1864. Oct. 12, 1861. 1S63, May 1, 1861, Mch. 14, 1862, Gen. Magruder. Jan. 24, 1862. Sept. 25, 1S61. Jan. 17, 1S63. Jan. 24,1862. Sept. 25, 1861. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 57 — Continued. oO Feb. 17, 1864. Apl. 18, 1862. Apl. 30, 1863. Feb. 17, 1864, Dec. 13, 1861. Sept. 80, 1S62, Apl. 22, 1863, Mch. 18, 1862, Mch. 6, 1862, May 24, 1864. Dec. 13, 1861. 1863. May 14, 1861. Mch. 18, 1862. ApL 23, 1863. Jan. 24, 1863. Dec. 13, 1861. REMARKS. Commanded 2d cavalry brigade, District of Western Louisiana. Brigade composed of the 1st and 27th Tennessee, the 4th, 6th and 9th Tennessee Confederate regiments, Maney's battalion and Smith's Light Battery, constituting 2d brigade, 2d division, 1st corps, Army of the Mississippi ; the 14th and 50th Ten- nessee regiments were subsequently added. Brigade composed of the 10th and 19t'h South Carolina, the 24th, 2Sth and 34th Alabama regiments and Waters' Light Battery; In 1862 brigade known as 4th brigade. Reserve corps, Army of the Mississippi. Promoted ISIaior-General , 1864; in command of all the cavalry in North Arkansas ; brigade competed of the 3d Con- federate, the 25th, 29th and 37th Tennessee regiments and Sweet's Light Battery, constituting the 4th brigade, 3d corps, Army of the Mississippi. Resigned June 17, 1863; at the affair at Princeton, Virginia, in May, 1862, command consisted of the 54th and 29th Virginia regiments, the 5th Kentucky regiment, Dunn's battalion, Bradley's Mounted Kentucky Rifles and Jeffree's Light Battery. Killed June 27, 1862, in charge at Games' MiU. Brigade consisted of the 17th, 42d, 50th and 66th North Corolina regiments. Promoted Major-General November 10, 1863 ; assigned to the command of the cavalry brigades of Roddy and Crosby. Promoted Major-General November 4, 1862 ; commanding Moore's, Ross' and Cabell's brigades ; in 1862 commanding 3d division, Army of the West, composed of the brigades of Dockery, Moore and Phifer. Superintendent of aifairs in the Indian Territory; commanded brigade in the Army of the Mississippi composed of the 41st Georgia, 24th Mississippi and 9th Texas regiments and Eld- ridge's Light Battery. Brigade composed of the 14th, 16th, 17th, 21st and 22d regime«ta Virginia cavalry and Jackson's Battery of Horse Artillery. Commanding Tennessee brigade. Heath's division, 3d corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General March 10, 1862; commanding brigades* of Cabell and Churchill, Army of the West ; assigned in 1861 to the command of the 3d division. Western Department, em- bracing the brigades of Marks and Neely. Commanding 3d brigade, McCown's division, Army of Ten- nessee. Died from wounds received at Pea Ridge ; commanding division in Van Dorn's army. In command of Texas ; also at one time of a brigade composed of the regiments of Colonels Waterhouse, Flournoy, FitzhugU and Allen. Brigade composed of the 1st, 12th, 13th and 14th South Carolina regiments and "Orr's Rifles" [succeeded General Maxy Gregg in the command], Pender's division, A. P. Hill's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Killed March 7, 1S62, at Pea Ridge; commanding Missouri brigade, Price's division, Van Dorn's army. Promoted Major-General May 23, 1862; brigade composed of the 15th and 32d Virginia, the 5th and 10th Louisiana and the 10th, 50th, 53d and .57th Georgia regiments and Manly's Light Battery, Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding Maney's brigade, 2d division, Ist corps, Army of the Mississippi. 68 CONFEDERATE EOSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS JName. 304 305 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 31G 317 31S McNalr, E„ McRae, D Mercer, HugU W. Miles; W. R. Miller, William. Moody, T. M. . . . Moore, Jolm C. . Moore, P. T Morgan, John II. 320 321 O'Neal, E. A. Page, R. L... Palmer, J. B. Palmer, S. B Parsons, M. M State. Arkansas . Morgan, John T Moulton, Alfred Mnnford, Thomas T. . . Nelson, Allison Nichols, Francis T To Whom to Report. Lt. Gen. E. K. Smith. Arkansas . . Gen. T. H. Holmes. . . Georgia Brig. Gen. Lawton. Mississippi. Ploiida . . Alabama. Texas Virginia.... Tennessee. Alabama. . . Louisiana.. Virginia . . . Texas Louisiana.. Alabama. . . Virginia . . . Tennessee. Arkansas . . Maj. Gen. Gardner, Tocom'd Fla. reserves Gen. Beauregard. Maj. Gen. Kemper... Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. B. Bragg Gen. Beauregard... Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. T. H. Holmes. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. D. n. Maury. Gen. J. B. Hood. Gen. T. fl. Holmes, a Nov. 4, 1862. Nov. 5, 1862. Oct. 29, 1861. 1S64, Aug. 5, 1864. May 26, 1862. May, 1864. Dec. 11, 1862. Nov. IT, 1863. Apl. 18, 1862. Nov., 1864 Sept. 26, 1862, Oct. 14, 1862, Nov. 4, 1862 Nov. 5, 1862, Oct. 29, 1861, 1864, Aug. 2,1864. Mch. 7, 1S64, Nov. 6, 1862. May 26, 1862. May, 1864. Dec. 11, 1S62. Nov. 16, 1863. Apl. 16, 1862. Nov., 1864. Sept. 12, 1S62. Oct. 14, 1862. Mch. 1, 1S64. Sept'r, 1864. Nov. 5,1862. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 59 -Continued. Apl. 22, 1S63. Apl. 22, 1S63. Dec. 20,1861. Apl. 11, 1S63. Apl. 22, 1S63. Feb. IT, 1864. Apl. 18, 1862. Sept. 26, 1862. Apl. 22, 1863. June 9, 1864. Apl. 30, 1863. REMARKS. Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 4tli, 31st and 25th Arkansas and the 39th North Carolina regiments and Culpeper's Light Battery ; his brigade at one time formed part of McCovvn's division, Polk's corps, Army of Tennessee. Brigade composed of the regiments of Colonels Glenn, Ganse and Hart, and the Light Battery of Captain Marshall. In command at Savannah, Georgia; when In the field, brigade consisted of the 1st, 54th, 5Tth and 63d Georgia regiments, Army of Tennessee. Assigned to the command of Northeast Mississippi ; afterwards with General D. H. Maury, at Mobile, Alabama. Assigned to the command of the District of Florida. Resigned February 3, 1864 ; brigade composed of the 2d Texas, the 35th Mississippi and the 37th, 40th and 42d Alabama regi- ments; in 1862 in command of the 2d brigade, 3d division, Army of the West. Commanding and organizing reserve forces' in and around Richmond, Virginia. Commanding 3d cavalry brigade, Wheeler's division. Army of Tennessee, composed of the 2d, 3cy4th, 5th, 10th, Breckin- ridge's and Ward's Kentucky regijiients, Hamilton's battalion, Quirk's company of scouts, esafert under Murphy and Bryne's Light Battery. Commanding cavalry brigade composed of the Ist^ 3d, 4th, 7th and 51st Alabama regiments, Martin's division, Wheeler's cavalry corps. Killed at the Battle of Mansfield ; brigade composed of the 18th and 28th Louisiana regiments, the Cresent Louisiana regi- ment and the Sth Louisiana battalion. Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th Virginia regi- ments cavalry and the Maryland battalion of cavalry. Army of Northern Virginia. Died at camp near Austin, Texas, October 7, 1862; brigade composed of the 10th regiment Texas Infantry and the 15th, ITth and ISth regiments T'exas cavalry. Commanding District of Lynchburg, Virginia; brigade, at the Battle of Chancellorsville, composed of the 1st, 2d, 10th, 14th and 15th Louisiana regiments, Trimble's division. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding Kodes' brigade, composed of the^d. 5th, Cth, 12th and 26th Alabama regiments, D. H. Hill's division. Army of Northern Virginia. Assigned to command of Fort Morgan and the Outer Defences of Mobile Bay; brigade composed of the 21st regiment Ala- bama Infantry, 1st battalion Alabama artillery, 1st battalion Tennessee Heavy Artillery, 5 companies of the 7th regiment Alabama cavalry and a portion of the 1st Alabama Confederate regiment. Brigade composed of the 3d, 18th, 26th, 32d and 45th Tennessee regiments, the 23d Tennessee battalion, the 54th and 63d Vir- ginia regiments and the .58th and 60th North Carolina regi- ments; in December, 1862, Colonel commanding brigade in Breckinridge's division, Bolk's corps. Army of Tennessee. Brigade composed of the regiments of Colonels Pickett, Hunter, Pouller and Caldwell, Lieutenant-Colonel Pindall's battalion and Captain Tilden's Light Battery; commanded 4th brigade, Price's division. tit 60 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 322 323 324 325 326 32T 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 Name, Parsons, W. H. Payne, W'm. H. Paxton, E. F. . . Pearce, N. B... Pegram, John.... Pemberton, J. C. Pender, W. D. Pendleton, Wm. N. Perrin, A Perry, E. A. Perry, W. F Pettigrew, J. J. Pettus, Edmund W. Phifer, Charles W.. . Pickett, George E. Pike, Albert Pillow, Gideon J. Polignac, C. J Polk, Lucius E. . . Posey, Carnot. State. Texas. Virginia . . Virginia . . Arkansas . Virginia . . Virginia.. . To Whom to Report. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. T. J. Jackson.. . Gen. E. K. Smith. N. Carolina Gen. R. E. Lee. Virginia . . . S. Carolina. Florida . . N. Carolina Alabama. . . Texas Virginia Arkansas . , Tennessee. France Arkansas . Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. R. E. Lee. a Nov. 4,1864. Nov. 1, 1S62. Nov. 10, 1863. June 17, 1861. July 22, 1862. Mch. 26, 1862. Nov. 1, 1864. Nov. 1, 1862. Nov. 7, 1862. June 17, 1861. June 3, 1S62. Mch. 26, 1862. Sept. 17, 1S6.S. Sept. 10, 1863. Sept. 30, 1S62. Aug. 28, 1862. Gen. Longstreet Gen. T. H. Holmes.., Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. E. K. Smith Gen. J. E. Johnston . . Mississippi. Gen. Longstreet. Apl. 9, 1865. Feb. 26, 1862. Sept. 19, 1863. Spring 1862. Feb. 13,1862. Aug. 15, 1861. July 9, 1861. Jan. 10, 1863. Dec. 20, 1862. Nov. 1, 1862. Apl. 9, 1865. Feb. 26,1862. Sept. 18, 1863. Spring 1862. Jan. 14, 1862. Aug. 15, 1861. July 9, 1861. Jan. 10, 1863. Dec. 13, 1862, Nov. 1,1862, CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 6$ — Continued. Apl. 22,1863, Apl. 25, 1863. Aug. 29, 1861. Sept. 30, 1862. Mch. 26, 1862. Feb. IT, 1864. Sept. 30, 1862. Feb. 26, 1862. Feb. 17,1864. Jan. 14, 1862. All?. 1.5, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861, and Feb. 17, 1864. Apl. 23, 1863. Apl. 22, 1863. Apl. 22, 1863. Oct. 13, 1862. REMARKS. Acting Brigadier-General in command of a brigade composed of the 12th, 19th and 21st Texas cavalry, Major Morgan's battalion of Texas cavalry aud Pratt's Battery of Light Artillery. Brigade composed of 5th, 6th, 8th and 1.5th regiments Virginia cavalry and the 36th battalion Virginia cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia. Killed at Chancellorsville; brigade composed of the 2d, 4th, 5th, 27th and 33d Virginia regiments, Trimble's division, Jack- son's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Commissioned Brigadier-General May, 1861, by the Secession Convention of Arkansas ; command composed of Carrol's cavalry . regiment, the 3d and 5th, regiments Arkansas infantry. Woodruff's infantry battalion and Reid's Light Battery. Promoted Major-General , 1864; Killed at Hatcher's Run; Brigade composed of the 13th, 31st, 49th, 52d and 58th Vir- ginia regiments infantry. Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-GeneralJanuary 14, 1862; as Brigadier-General, commanded Confederate forces north of the Nansemoud, on the east lank of James river; brigade at one time in 1861 composed of the 13th and 14th North Carolina regiments and Mauley's ^orth Carolina Light Battery. Promoted Major-General May 27, 1863 ; brigade composed of the 13th, 16th, 22d, 34th and 38th Nortli Carolina regiments iu- fantry, Anderson's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Chief of Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia. Killed at Spottsylvania May 12, 1864 ; in command of Wilcox's old brigade. Brigade composed of the 2d, 5th and 8th Florida regiments, Anderson's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 15th, 44th, 47th and 48th Alabama- regiments, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Died July 17, 1873, of wounds received July 14th, 1863, at bridge near Falling Waters ; brigade composed of the 26th, 44th, 47th, 17th, 52d, 42d and 11th North Carolina regiments, Heth's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 20th, 23d, 30th, 31st aud 46th Alabama regiments, Stevenson's division. Army of Tennessee. Brigade composed of the 6th aud 9th Texas cavalry, the 3d Arkansas cavalry aud the battalions of Stevenson aud Bridges. Promoted Major-General October 11, 1862; brigade composed of the 8th, ISth, 19th, 2Sth aud 56th Virginia regiments. Army of Northern Virginia. In comnuiud of the Indian Territories and forces there raised ; resigned Novemlier 1|^1862. Assigned to command of 1st division. Army of the Western Deijartment, composed of Walker's and i.ussell's brigatles. Promoted Major-General April 8th, 1864 ; commanding 2d Texas brigade. Brigade composed of the 3d and 5th Confederate, the 1st Ar- kansas, the 2d, 48th and 35th Tennessee regiments ami Calvert's Light Battery, Cleburne's division, Army of Ten- nessee. Killed in action; brigade composed of the 12th, 16th, 19th and 48th Mississippi regiments, Anderson's division, A. P. Hill's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. '62 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 342 343 ■344 345 347 348 Name. Preston, John S. . . Preston, William. Price, Sterling.. Pryor, lloger A. sax 352 353 554 355 356 55V 35S 359 360 Quarles, Wm. A., Raines, Gabriel J. Raines, James E.. Ramseur, Stephen D. Randall, Horace Randolph, George W. Ransom, Matt. W Ransom, Robert, Jr., Reid, John C Reynolds, A. E. . . Reynolds, A. VV. Reynolds, D. H. Richardson, R. V. Ripley, Roswell S. Roane, J. Selden.. State. S. Carolina. Kentucky. . Missouri , Virginia . Tennessee. N. Carolina Tennessee. N. Carolina Virginia . . . N. Carolina N. Carolina Alabama... Mississippi. Virginia . . . Arkansas . . Tennessee. S. Carolina.. Arkansas . . To Whom to Report. Gen. Beauregard. Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. J. E. Johnston . Lt. Gen. E. K. Smith. Gen. T. J. Jackson.. Maj. Gen. Magruder. Gen. R. E. Lee Maj. Gen. Iluger., Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. L.Polk Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. Van Dom. a June 10, 1864. Apl. 18, 1862. Apl. 16, 1862, Sept. 5, 1863. Sept. 23, 1861. Nov. 4, 1862. Nov. 1, 1S62. Feb. 13, 1862. June 15, 1863. Mch. 6, 1862. 1864. March, 1865. Sept. IT, 1863. Mch. 12, 1864. Dec. 3, 1863. Aug. 15, 1861. Mch. 20, 1862. June 10, 1864, Apl. 14, 1862, Apl. 16, 1862, Aug. 25, 1863, Sept. 23, 1861. Nov. 4,1862, Nov. 1, 1862. Feb. 13, 1862, June 13, 1863, Moh. 1, 1862, 1864, March, 1865. Sept. 14, 1863. MeJi. 5, 1S64. Dec. 1, 18S3. Aug. 15, 1861. Mch. 20, 1862. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 63: -Continued. June 10, 1864. Apl. IS, 1862. Apl. 16, 1862. Jan. 25, 1864. Bee. 13, 1861. Apl. 22, 1S63. Feb. 13, 1862. Feb. 16, 1864. March 6, 1862. Feb IT, 1864. May 16,1864. Aug. 15, 1861. Mch. 20, 1862, Oct. 13. 1862. Oct. 13, 1862. REMARKS. In charge of the Bureau of Conscription. Promoted Major-General 1865; commanded the 3d brigade in Major-General John C. Breckinridge's division, composed of the 20th Tennessee, the 60th North CaroUna, the 1st, 3d and 4th Florida regiments and Mebane's Light Battery. In command of the Missouri State Guard, and received into Confederate service with the rank of Major-General. Resigned July 19th, 1802 ; brigade composed of the 14th Louis- iana, the 14th Alabama, the 2d Florida and the M Virginia regiments and Coppen's Light Battery ; brigade at one time composed of the 3d Virginia, 14th Alabama and the 2d, 5th and 8th Florida regiments. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding brigade in Walthall's division, Stewart's corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the 42d, 48th, 46th and 55th consolidated, the 53d and 49th Tennessee regiments, the Ist Alabama and the 4th and 30th Louisiana regiments. In charge of the Bureau of Conscription ; again. Chief of the Torpedo and Sul)-terra Shell Department. Killed at the Battle of Stone's River December 31, 1862 ; brigade composed of the 11th Tennessee, 29th North Carolina and the 41st Georgia regiments, the 3d Georgia battalion and Captain McTyere's Light Battery. Promoted Major-General June 1, 1864; brigade composed of the 2d, 4th, 14th and 30th North Carolina regiments, D. H. Hill's division. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanding brigade in Walker's division; killed in actional Jenkins' Ferry. Resigned December 13, 1862 ; at one time Secretary of War. Brigade composed of the 24th, 25th, 35th, 49th and 56th North Carolina regiments, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted Major-General May 26, 1863 ; assigned to command of the 1st brigade, camp near Kingston, North Carolina, number- ing some 4,000 men. Acting as Brigadier-General in recruiting, mustering Into service and brigading cavalry in Northern Alabama. Colonel commanding Tilghman's brigade after he was killed at Battle of Baker's Creek; afterwards Senior Colonel command- ing brigade of General Jos. R. Davis, during his absence, composed of the 26th, 2d, 11th and 42d Mississippi regiments, the 1st Alabama regiment and the 55th North Carolina regi- ment. Brigade composed of the 54th and 63d Virginia regiments and the 58th and 60th North Carolina regiments, Major-General Stevenson's division. Brigade composed of the 1st and 2d Arkansas cavalry regiments, dismounted, the 4th, 25th and 31st Arkansas infantry regi- ments and the 4th Arkansas infantry l)attalion ; the 39th regi- ment North Carolina infantry was subsequently added, and was afterwards exchanged for the 9th Arkansas infantry regiment. Brigade composed of the l?.th, 14th and 15th regiments Tennessee cavalry, McDonald's battahon, and the lih. Tennessee regi- ment was subsequently added. In commanit at Charleston, South Carolina; brigade, at the Battle of Fredericksburg, composed of the 4th aud 44th Georgia and the 1st and Bd North Carolina regiments, D. II. Hill's di- vision, Jackson's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Assigned to duty at Little Rock, reorganizing the scattered forces, after the withdrawal of Price and Van Dorn ; com- manded a brigade attached to Major-General Sam. Jones' division. Army of the West. 64 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 £63 Name. Roberts, Wm. P.... Robertson, B. H.. . . Robertson, E. S. C. Robertson, F. H... Robertson, J. B Roddy, P. D.. Rodes, R. E.. Rosa, L. S Ross, Reuben R., Rosser, Thos. L.. Rucker, E. W. Ruggles, Dan'l. Russell, W. W. Rust, Albert..., Saunders, J. C. C Scales, Alfred M Scott, Thomas M Scurry, W. R. Sears, C. W... Semmes, Paul J., State. To Whom to Report. N. Carolina Virginia Texas... Texas... Texas. . . Alabama.., Alabama. . , Texas Texas. Virginia , Alabama. . . N. Carolina Louisiana.. Texas Mississippi. Georgia Sharp, J. n Mississippi. Shelby, J. O Shelley, Charles M. Shlngler, Wm. P. Missouri. .. Alabama... Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. T. J. Jackson., Gen. J. B. Hood.... Gen. T. J. Jackson., Gen. B. Bragg Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. R. E. Lee. Gen. Van Dorn. Gen. R. E. Lee... Gen. R. E. Lee... Lt. Gen. L. Polk. Feb. 21, 1865. June 9, 1862 July 26, 1864, Nov. 1, 1862, Aug. 3, 1863, Oct, 21, 1861. Feb. 5, 1864, Oct. 10, 1863, Aug. 9, 1861, Gen. T. H. Holmes.... Lt. Gen. L.Polk Gen. J. E. Johnston.. Gen. J. B. Hood Gen. E. K. Smith S. Carolina. Mch. 6, 1862, June 7, 1864. June 15, 1863. May 24, 1864. Sept. 26, 1S62. Mch. 7, 1S64. Mch. 18, 1S62. July 26, 1864. Feb. 5, 1864. Feb. 21, 1865. June 9, 1862. July 26, 1864. Nov. 1, 1862. Aug. 3, 1863. Oct. 21, 1861. Dec. 21, 1863 Sept. 28, 1863, Aug. 9, 1861 Mch. 4, 1862, May 31, 1864, June 13, 1863. May 10, 1864. Sept. 12, 1862. Mch. 1, 1864. Mch. 11, 1S62. July 26, 1864. Dec. 15,1863. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 65 — Continued. •H° Sept. 30, 1862. Apl. 22, 1863. -Jan. 25, 1864. Dec. 13, 1861. Feb. 5, 1864. i'eb."i7,i864. Aug. 9, 1861, and Feb. 17, 1864. Mch. 6, 1862. June 7, 1864. Feb. 16, 1864. May 24, 1864. Sept. 27, 1862. May 11, 1864, Mch. 18, 1862. JFeb. 5, 1864. REMARKS. Assigned to command of Dearing's old brigade, Army of ■ ortliern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 2d, 6th, 7tli and 11th Virginia regi- ments and the 16th Virginia battalion. Colonel Punsten. Brigadier-General of Texas State forces ; commanding the 27th brigade ; on staff duty with General 11. E. McCulIoch. Assigned to command of a brigade composed of the 8th and 11th Texas and the 4th Tennessee regiments cavalry. Brigade composed of the 1st, 4th and 5th Texas and the 3d Ar- kansas regiments, Hood's division, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. Commanded brigade in Forrest's cavalry. Promoted Major-General May 2, 1863 ; brigade composed of the 3d, fith, 6th, 12th, 26th and 61st Alabama regiments infantry, D. H. Hill's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Northern Vir- ginia. Commanded Hume's cavalry brigade, Wheeler's corps. Promoted Major-General 1864; brigade composed of the 7th, 11th and 12th regiments Virginia cavalry and the 25th battalion Virginia cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia. Commanded brigade in General Forrest's cavalry, composed of the 7th, 12th, 14th and 15th Tennessee regiments, Forrest's old regiment and the 7th Alabama and 5th Mississippi regi- ments. Brigade consisted of the 9th Mississippi, 10th Mississippi, 1st Alabama and 7th Alabama regiments. Villipigue's battalion, the Quitman Artillery and the Vicksburg Artillery; subse- quently in command of other brigades. Commanding 2d brigade, General W. T. Martin's cavalry division. Brigade composed of the Arkansas infantry regiments ■ of Colonels Carrol, King and Snead, the Arkansas infantry bat- talions of Colonels McCarver, Lemoyne and Jones, and a Light Battery; attached to Major-General Samuel Jones' division. Army of the West. Killed in action below Petersburg, Virginia, August 21, 1864 ; . brigade composed of the 8th, 9th, lOth, 11th and 14th Alabama regiments. Brigade composed of the 13th, 16th, 22d, 32* and 3Sth regiments North Carolina infantry (formerly Pender's brigade), Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 12th Louisiana, the 27th, 35th, 49th, 55th and 57th Alabama regiments ; the 3d, 7th and Sth Ken- tucky regiments were detached from this brigade, and mounted. Killed at Jenkins' Ferry. Brigade composed of the 4th, 35th, 36th, 39th and 46th Mississippi regiments and the 7th Mississippi battalion. Died of wounds received at Sharpsburg ; brigade composed of the 10th, 50th, 5l8t and 53d Georgia regiments, McLaw's di- vision, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Brigade composed of the 1st Mississippi battalion Sharpshooters and the 7th, 9th, 10th, 41st and 44th Mississippi regiments in- fantry, Hindinan's division, Polk's corps. Army of Tennessee. Commanded brigade in General Price's army. Commanded brigade in Walthall's division, Stewart's corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the 17th, 26th and 29th Ala- bama regiments and the 37th Mississippi regiment. Acting Brigadier-General. 66 CONFEDERATE ROSTEE. BRIGADIER-GENERALS 38£ 3S8 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 39T 898 399 400 Name. Shoup, F. A. Sibley, H. H Simms, James P. Stack, W. Y Slaughter, Jas.',E.. Smith, EwKirby.... 1^^ Smith, George A Smith, Gustavus W. Smith, James A. Smith, M. L..... Smith, Preston . Smith, T.B Smith, William. Smith, William D. Snead, John L. T.. Sorrell, G. Moxley. Stafford, L. A. 402 Starke, Peter B.... 403 Starke, William E., 404 Steele, William.... State. Florida . Louisiana. Missouri... Virginia . . . Florida Kentucky.. Tennessee. Florida Tennessee. Tennessee. Virginia.. . , To Whom to Report. Gen. S. B. Buckner. Maj. Gen. Kershaw. Gen. Van Dorn Gen. B. Bragg Gen. J. E. Johnston. . Gen. J. E. Johnston. Gen. B.Bragg. Gen. M. Lovell. Gen. B. Bragg. Gen. J. B. Hood, Georgia Maj. Gen. Pemberton Apl. 11,1863. June IT, 1861. Nov., 18G4. Apl. 17, 1862. Mch. 18, 1862. June IT, 1S61. Virginia . . , Georgia Louisiana.. Louisiana.. Texas Gen. R. E. Lee Gen. R. E. Lee. Gen. Forrest Gen. T. J. Jackson.. Gen. T. H. Holmes. Oct. 1, 1863. Apl. 11, 1862. Oct. 2T, 1862. Aug. 2, 1S64. Apl. 23, 1S63. Mch. 14, 1862. Oct. 31, 1864. Oct. 8, 1863. Sept. 12, 1862. June IT, 1861. Nov., 1864. Apl. 12, 1862. Mch. 8, 1862. June IT, 1861, Sept. 30, 1863. ApL 11,1862. Oct. 2T, 1862. July 29, 1864, Jan. 31, 1863, Mch. T, 1862, Oct. 2T, 1864, «!t. 8, 1863. Aug. 6, 1S62. Aug. 6,1862. Oct. 3, 1S62. Sept. 12, 1862. CONFEDEKATE ROSTER. 67 -CONTINteD. i Apl. 11, 1S63. Ang. 29, 1861, Apl. IT, 1S62. Mch. 18, 1862. Aug. 29, 1861. Feb. IT, 1864. Apl. 11, 1862. Apl. 22, 1863. Apl. 23, 1863, Mch. 14, 1862 Jan. 25, 1864. Sept. 30, 1862, Oct. 3, 1862, REMARKS. Oct. 13, 1862. In command of the artillery at Mobile ; Chief of Artillery of General J. E. Johnston's army In the Balton campaign ; Chief of Staff under General Hood at Atlanta ; brigade at one time composed of the Tth, 9th, 10th, 41st and 44th Mississippi regi- ments and the 9th Mississippi battalion. Commanding bi'igade ; headquarters at San Antonia, Texas. Brigade composed of the 10th, 50th, 51st and 53d Georgia regi- ments, Kershaw's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Killed in action at Pea Ridge ; commanding Missouri brigade, Price's division, Van Dorn's army. Inspector-General, Department Number 2, Army of the Mis- sissippi. Promoted Major-General October 11, 1861 ; as Brigadier-General commanded Elzey's and Forney's brigades ; brigade at first composed of the 9th,- 10th and 11th Alabama, the 14th Missis- sippi and the 38th Virginia regiments, Army of the Potomac. Acting Brigadier-General ; in command at Fort Gaines, &c. Promoted Major-General September 19, 1861 ; first assignment was, as Major-General, to the command of the 2d corps of the Army of the Potomac. Commanding brigade, Cleburne's division, Hardee's coriJS, Army of Tennessee. Promoted Major-General November 4th, 1862 ; commanding 3d Sub-Uistrict, District of Mississippi. Killed at Chicl CO &^ Q O o o U! o i '^ o t '^ o CO tc o CO ?o . -o ;o ?o cc^ ao CO • cc fX> . CO ao 00 X' X QD 00 . c/:. co co r-- ,-( -^ W CO ::; rt :^' -r^ ^ 9 w ■ M (i( I-: i-j i-H -- r: c5 o _ o o o c o eo --C o '^ -^ 00 X cc X' cc X cc cc cc c/. c^' cc c/: cc c ? P : (M oj ^ c-i <— :5 O ^^ -^ CO o tc ec •-:: ts O CO o< -sO : Id d fl 0) =« c a B 0) cj -M »- aj D c 2 £2 2 P P P-. p., PL, Ph P CU OhOj d, CUPL, cm" (^ -J (N ai Jm COXiCOCX'COQOGCOOCOaD'XOOOOOOCOrX'COGOQOOOCOGO ofoT ' a^oDcr^miac^. -o" crT -^' i.o o" ■ t-^ ' «? TjT . r-^ lo ■c'o CO CO to »C OD ; (>) ^ !M ff) .-H -T^ T-t cr; r-t cQ ■ (M ; T-H ; ca CM ^ :o -.sig -1— • > > o ' J= >^ • .c >■ ■ S= J= . r-. >-. >i>> 4^ ^=3 «3 . g ■ O? ^ u o q Z d §^ 1-5 — >-. : >> -is - ^.2-d S X ■S " >> 2 ■£ ^ 5 o -s o « c .- O O ;^ = i. m > lie ,• 03 2 3 S „ 11 ' ^ ^ ^ _H* ^ o o o o c oooooooooooocoooooooooooocoooooocc o o QOQo::ic, O c;; O O O O O O Q O O O Q O O O O O O O O O O Q O O O O O U O O O O O O C' O O O O A CO 3 it 5 V M a: . id > # Tp o "^ w 78 o o H 'vi^v. ^4 J '^. GONFEDERAyE ROSTER. ^ 1^' e3 oi a a CO (I ;!< •c'5 c o —I a> 03 a go O *J — ^bo p p S -cl a a a = CO o o c o 4.; i? »J (M C^ (N c^l C« to « --= to to O) a> CO 35 CO (X c/: rr (X' cc 00 00 00 -?s^ c-= c! 03 3 3 . „ . .,, _„>CS CO O) X 00 X X 00 C aJ >;2 o-5.uS at.— it o. t: o5 t- 1-3 -IS OgK>?«■^cc■2i^?Q■MQ■•-5•h,•G>ffif4JQ■ o £ fi CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 79 o o be bD i-. I P5 PQ s s CN o o a s o o Ph ^1 fe oj ; i; c; a u « , •^ 08 O g fl ' " o S d ° ce c Is *= tf >> • O !3 i=3 i; 33 : o - cs =° i. a. s- os S o ^ W d ^ ^' So oo.'^ "=? •'5' .1= a , c c 0. J= ^ ^ .rt 4^ -^ ^ r- :S -St^ U — — — j-!-H — 3 ij 3 . s -'-fa to i) ^ S to '3 ^ T CO o CO O) X CO CO :o GO 00 ~ jj E 3 s E"? o . 3i cs — :^ o ■ c^ti !^i^ :o^ =-•== 3^ S 5 r^^ • -"^ s' ■3a'3^^Qd^^s»- 1 l" oo S — S w i^ 00 5) => CO ±i -i -i *- if ^ CONFEDERATE ROSTER. o o o gpacq fq o o ag o o to '-O O to O =0 *J3 ^ -O O O "JS CO 50 '-0 -O ^ 'O O o^ CO 00 QO 00 CO ^y) CO CO cr. 'X 00 CO ^ » co co oo oo ^ ^ ;»<; bo ei^'-S^a'S^^o en P u "To •-; =1 a ^■^^■t|2HM^.^.^^'5ffl|3^"::^-^-«^;|a^|'^.^.N'-:|^.5M9|s^-||d™>'r.-pq|^ •; CO C6 O rJ 1N <: ( i 0) cu -^^ o ~ cr J tK 55 S • 2 !" Si 2 S = ^ £ = W 5 "x c a ^ j2 x: -".TJ-rx: ;3 *j ^ fcj •« C^ CO 00 o> O ^ Tt •* CO CO CO CO CO tC Si sisss xi a s " s o> •* « to I •a aa 2 33 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 8<5 1 4 U a> %s 03 ^, HI an •^ is to O , '-C CM O^ iM « ^ i; w p^ ■■■^^ ;l-5?l-5l-50'-»'-5r-'l>l )UOi-)Si-iiJ Ni Cos (T o a 3 S "- be" o !- o "c C '-5 i-s ■_j i^ ^ * rt c3 ^ •4 - o) ■C -3 •=•3 tCbo MM "5^ jH •cs P?« BPQ •0-3 ■CO ea aa P-CL, OiP-i (O '^ CO to -^ ^ ^ '-0 ■*e^lOlM>-.,--.-------------------,-,., -g 233333.33 4) , _M tCI-0OOi=iS«OCC'l"n '"' ■^lOCOl— OOOOr-CJm'^mOl-COOSOJioq'-l •-' TjlO<0t-000>'~' OOW»0<0^"-» ^*w*ww# ^ CONFEDERATE ROSTER. P O O o of H O (J^ ^N. r< »-. r*-. ^^ ""■ ? 2 2' ■3 ■3 . K OJ ' rt^ T-^ - • ^ • oJ ■ e-I - • • c ■ :f;H . br- • 3 1^ 3 cj-^ ;^;^3 '.^ • - : r -• ^- ; <1 1^ •z :fe<5 ■< Sol S '■^ :^ :?;S ■|-^ :!?-.■■= '— < c £0 a o • c : c 3'< 2 •^ r >?3 3 a - ci^ . a i §5 0) ,■3 : = '■ C : c 3 c 2 c ix &^ 0: c c s- a < 'i a: a." be: 25 W. K. Shivers A. H. Harrison J. M. Williams VV. M. Levy .1 U filnion- : : : :a : : : :c| S fe § ■ ■?. S _ ^- >- = tf 00 c 00c oooc OOOC 3 c c ■: OOOC Joe JOO \ c 000 000 oo'5'ooo~o = 03 r c'ro jooooooooo-u:^:-oo ■.^ ^ (U tn) a C3 n a K <1 M t>> a b "t ■> c- b ^ ^ .* ^ * f - 03 " OS a. c ^^ ^^ ; >-) o "■ a a a a a a (U. ^1 a 2 b) o a . : 3 : 3 3 3 3 J b"'" d a oj _>a 4 cc eas -'W K H H H 00 03 a 03 M a . — s a j; -. ^ j3.a ^ m to -u u •3 TJ j3 .c .e .a j=.e .cs O •^ t- CO cs !^ '^ CONFEDERATE ROSTER. g :3 r! 0) o a ^ S zz a ^ C5C53 o t. ^ ;h C^ -. ; a : S„- =1 00 .00 ;«; i?JR^9i?,9.-«- ^ ^ oooococooo'oo '^^^ o) o P o > . _• >- t>j O 1, S ^ o , . eii SSa|« ~ 03 * 3 =« 1- 1: o "S 2^0 o a . " 'P S 3 S S - J=i=;= ;= ^ - ^ j= +i 4^ Z- (» ^■^ :^ cQ Y 8G CONFEDERATE ROSTER. W H o O •a of >. *- o !> S■"" — S * > F*"- " t: :e r o — W S^ ":" -'^ ^ c a a C'"^ !r N ~ oj cd ^ ;: '3 s r- ~ ^ ■= ^ C :S!;^2> ;o m ^ S 2 ^ y* a; x: b c 2 - cej - a.> 4J = 5 c a w ?5 •^ a o E.i> o". S m ■g £ ^ o U S bo « > i2 i- oj ■A £2 = ^ 3 =" tiC^ ^ OJ 2.b 2 2° -a o few 9 •C +^ +J p OJ ?^ 00 X mo" .i>; o o sa o o .>>o a " 0) a> J S = 2 i; .S «5 3 S-' ^ S 2 ' ■^ ■*^ "S "3 t^ "^ 15 *^ 'C "O ^^oScS^cS^^ « CO t- 00 0» O r-< CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 87 E ?^?J OHO) 4) 9o9 o ■C ,^''3 ■o fS S =s SI M£5 Ml tfl mSsi m -sS-a r^ O 0^ o O stsa a o PmWPh Ph o 'S'ca "5 '3 5_: n-3 'S'cS a> QJ Oi ^ O aj « d a c oj ^fl o s OO oog So oo »l t- ij fei ^ ;-< iiiiCD ■c ■" ■va £-3 ■a'3 ■^ c<3 •3 rf Q §1 eS c3 hCibD bii tt-° tcto n;:: ~"5 fciep «m:^ C!« PQ« •C13 •CCS ©•3 •ca (U (L, 0) CD OJ t. OJ a> 0) o o o o o o o sa aaa aa o o o o o o o <1^ ^ o • - .s^ ^^ ^: :S Is^oio^S^&^-^if xo-E^a^,p:pSass«^^^ . cp c . .>i:j=o • .-a ••>■ '3 • tH j S > cS C o o o Reglm Jeff. D Wirt A T-H , (M (M o o ■II a 11= — ■ '£? o ' 1^' M d •*)■ :j S 1-; ^ « -<; hS H oo 1^ < \^-^- ' cS = >-.7= O -t w 5 i^ S o ' ; -a •= i3 £: j= c -fi -^ -a ■= j= .c -S -s S -^ ■= ■^ -^ •== S ■== S 5 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 89 t«7 02i " O — S3 •n-^t at oj a; a a r « MS o o o a sg o o o Oi 0) O) o o o asa o o o tH u Lh ".H^Q : s o • 1-BH3 (M C^ , ^- CO O^ CO * CO CU C« 1) "» S li "^ -sf'P^r^cOc3S■^^^<;P^'E . ss^'f »5 "^ . ^ a • • >— ' • S ^co a

5i o — ■ -i > c 5 > 5f^ S2 keh£:^°22^Hart OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -3 jaja 5 £« S S' ij £1 .Cl ^Sg-^T!t) g Sot- CC S C ^ ^ ■* rj CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 93 COCCCOaDCCOOCT'COOOCOaJOOC/DCCiC/JCOCOCOCO ;OtOCd«0 to ^ O^i: CO CO CO 00 CO •C5«OTiiOT-'i-H*OT-HOCOCOCOCO 5^ :<1« a o ^ r- Cf5 r-t Ol i-- T - ■>» r-f t- CO lO CM O Oi-5<;-«lr 1-5 Ol-sl-5 ■ 03 DkiH" ; = e « .2 2 S WfqW Roffi| qW- 2g g « -as .5 :p^^£ j= :r; '^ c "^ o hJ 2; <1 t-r M S CCf^ CO btcd i* o cS-5 1^ P-i .^ CO CO (»i_^ es ,ff3 c3 . 1-5 '-'^^ 5 <5h^ O h^l H-lh-lO ir:3t: eu65 a — — -e c o S fL,S SK S a o< i«5: °t 'J, cs ce n n s "5s ^^o; 0. n a) £: > > >• > o o o o oo oo O) CO > > » 05 ^ tf3 «0 I— '^ '^ •r j= ja ^ CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 93 a a C5 O C5C5 o o o o ■ ^ :fM ^^ . . > !> > > o o Q O Q Uj t» IB 73 W d odd xi ££■= -+ w 5 1^ 94 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. r cl rbo J.O a ■' P &D h-iw •3-3 C O sa o o c3 _; „• ^• g g c4 g a 0) 3 J aj <£ a a « a C si, fc, ^ i go 2 C5 *J a.2s s S : M .ii -^ ^ «> » a r^ S == 5? « ^ -2 : ) O p O O Q Q Q O O O O G O O O O -1 ^ ^ I-] J S h^l S S ^ S 1-^ ►-5 S S S S a; o 9U *-f ■>* lO to t-00 » CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 95 JOOOOOOOO jS'oSa'sce'o'oooo" )OOOOOCOOOOC qt/2 • ^!-" ° s I- ?; Ph O W Q ^ 1-5 c 3 a s fcCV=l pg fecfct .2'S'^ ! — ■ ? '^^ « ® 3 a to TH lO «0 t- 00 05 O t 96 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. P5 a a CO iz; i-i 12; o o of H • ii'a > ^ ft a cutB 0) a ■s ^3^ id a a • . !- to S it- o «s a a MS O O 3 o .•3|Kfl <0 dec JOOC 6 •^ 5 S t- 00 g £££ rf -g -3 S t^ 0? Si O 'Ti 0« C50NFEDERATE ROSTER. 97 o o s a a a ■B G £25 'SSm 525SS ■* 5to'^'^ (M (N a 03 S =1 CO mp5 •CO o o £3 o o ■a a fq P3« p g II o o s a p w O o of 5 ^ w o r- 1^ a j ^ ts W -p " =^ ^ hJ &^ Hj pH <5 Oh 9 M = f^ « ^li^iilii ■ "El's s §1 s. ^ *:; ^ C<» CO 4:? r-l ?■, Tji io eo t- 00 Oi o T-H T-i T-i -^ io ^ t- 2^ CO ^co-* CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 99 U U t-i a> cj a> dad (u a> a> OOO ;h k< (!. a> aj 0) 000 O OJ o "IJ d Ti a :oS^ coo saa 000 ■JJ'-S O CO ■^"23ft' S 6 Sir ■ t-5 l-s' ^ 5 a> bo o ?; ' d a ro' o -g K 5 o dt«i o t»> 3 o o jsa 5 o o . ' ^ ^ rry ^ ^►rs'CS ID ^ b- OOOS O r-'C^COTt<»OeO 100 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. P H O o I— I o 20 ■3'3 "S -a o o aa o o a a <=i^ s £: s ^ I ° *- 3 . .0 " 53 5^ ^ s;^ or? 3 3 ^cSjJocoooooooo'c'cc'co' issa • X ^' 3 a . . , 3 3 oSS^ 333 tx a _ '5 > ) " ^ I -g -S -g '3 -O ja -S: 'O'T^^^ *j t: r- ;= ^ ^ ^ Tt IC ^~* \a 0> o ^ S c« CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 101 a^ 03 cS 03 as S 5 S S oj lU S C3 a> a; Q^ 0) '^^ m « 5 S S-S a a 1 « O) 0) oi o o o o o ■sasaaa Oj o o o o o — • ut u^ u, ui :-^ H fL| CLi PL, fLi PM CO tM CY^ CO OJ CO CD O ^ O 40 O rH rH T-. IM T-H rH sa =^ S £3 fl' • 133 2 £?sS§.a3o .O O CO . .£P3 , a^.^SPoa'S ■ca :'35j;-;.2ce-r;tco3jsga -^ lO O I- QO Oi ^ (M CO ■3 £1 ^ ^ r= ^ JS rf CO S x: rf ri fl 102 CONFEDEKATE EOSTER. W M E-i O o of H cs a c cs ■*2 ^ a a S a Q>(-K a; f^ C '^ m;3a O) ^ D o 3 o B~a o £ o tH *-' !h P-( CL, o ^ ^- « , ag-|§d Ei) >*> w —■ aw ?? 0) >-£'=S a £e£:rs a O ii^ g " '^ 1=; o to" (M CO ■*^ CN CM -^ > a F" « -^ p 2 3 =j ag ao [th c^ ^ S >^ aj i . ■g a cuo a «K^ ac«^§; ,c • • =« on si '■o aw '-« j^ r- E-l ---5 ^ C3 i^ -- )_ -_, — X c:/;S=^ 5 aWpqgM a«p^- ^.(jH-g g K gp d^^' So c a ,03 ,^ a OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS 000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOOS • a fA ^^ +^ fe-^ -^ P-S 't assess ~o32=3 a. a H > TO M a'S fl H fl 5 s O g 0C50 ^O 2— ^^ Ph ■a i ■s-a'o ro Q OT CI rt bcji, bo !M t« pag mmpa -OtS -31313 4^ 4-3 4-d 4-3 4_) o o o o o aa aaa o o o o o CL(Ph P^PhPh M 00 CB 00 (/^ ami H Z T-" ^ r-Tcrf '^ fu >-"j= fcUij' S*" o a> g a oS O :z;ii « <110S d Q Z -< o C3 C (50 d ^ a ng... honia gler. 1 Thor Clan B. Y Bark R. M Wari H. T . Gar ShiE Wau O «KS!/Ja^-a^'^.;2; •^i-i^Ed^-^^S^t-' oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO >=* o Eh -t •A < d O o- -.--.---.-.- K M O h-l H c fr< " .^ • 1 t< M 03 2 S.'J S : 1 a .2 Sx'-'o : OS . t>D, 'S j£ £! ^ § ■g" O" BSgsi !«1 < O iJSssos E-i '> IZi ■3 d a. cd aj o rt • 1 ^gai2 ■S'e'3^j:;=«j:«£3 '-' -*iotot-ooo»o % ^1 106 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. COMMISSIONED AND WARRANT OFFICERS OF THE Rank. Name. State Where Bokn. State From Which Appointed. Admiral Franklin Buchanan Lawrence Rousseau French Forrest Captain Virginia « riosiah Tattnall it V. M. Randolph II George N. Ilollins D. N. Ingrahani t< South Carolina Virginia South Carolina Virginia << Samuel Barron. . a William F. Lynch Isaac S. Sterett a Maryland Maryland 11 S. S. Lee (1 William C. Whittle Raphael Semmes William W. Hunter E. Farrand 11 Maryland Alabama Captain in Pro. Navy Pennsylvania New York D. C Loui.siaua Florida 11 11 John K. Tucker Virginia Commander S. S. Lee William C. Whittle Robert D. Thorburn Robert G. Robb 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 W. W. Hunter Pennsylvania Louisiana attalion— Wolihara's battery. Captain Wollham; Peeples' battery, Captaia Peeples ; Everett's battery. Captain York ; Jeffries' battery, Captain Jeffries. Major Williams' battalion— Kolk's battery. Captain Kolk; Baxter's battery, Captain Bax- ter; McCants' battery. Captain McCants ; Everett's battery, Lieutenant Everett. Colonel Alexander's battalion — Jordan's battery. Captain Jordan; Woolfork's battery, Captain Woolfork; Parker's battery. Captain Parker; Taylor's battefy. Captain Taylor; Flckling's battery. Captain Fickling; Moody's battery, Captain Moody. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL POLK'S CORPS. Major-General B. F. Cheatham, Commanding. Cheatham' » Division — Brigadier-General Jackson commanding. First— Jackson's lirigade, Colonel J. C. Wilkinson— 5th Georgia regiment. Colonel C. P. Daniel; 5th Mississippi regiment. Major J. B. Ilening; 8th Mississippi regiment, Major Smith ; 1st Confederate regiment ; Major J. C. Gordon ; 2d Georgia battalion Sharpshooters, Major R. H. Whitcly. Second brigade— Brigadier-General Maney— 1st and 27th Tennessee regiments, Colonel H. R. Field ; 4th Confederate regiment, Captain J. Bostick ; Cth and 9th Confederate regiments. Colonel Q. C. Porter; Maney's battalion Sparpsliooters, Major F. Maney. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 113 Third brigade— Brigadier-General Wright— 8tli Tennessee regiment, Colonel J. H. Ander- son ; 16th Tennessee regiment, Colonel D. M. Donnell ; 28th Tennessee regiment, Colonel S. S. Stanton ; 5lBt and 52d Tennessee regiments, Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Hall ; S8th Tennes- Bee regiment, Colonel John C. Carter ; Murray's battalion. Fourth brigade— Brigadier-General Strahl— 4th and 6th Tennessee regiments. Colonel J. J. Lamb ; 3l8t Tennessee regiment, Colonel E. E. Tansill ; 33d Tennessee regiment, Lieuten- ant-Colonel H. C. McNeil ; 19th Tennessee regiment, Colonel F. M. Walker ; 24th Tennessee regiment, Colonel John A. Wilson. Fifth— Brigadier-General Smith's brigade. Colonel A. J. Vaughn— 154th and 13th Tennessee regiments, Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Pittman; 12th and 47rh Tennessee regiments, Colonel W. M. Walkius; 29th Tennessee regiment. Colonel H. Rice; 11th Tennessee regiment, Colonel Q. W. Gordon. HiNDMAN'B Division— Brigadibb-Gbnkral Patton Anderson. First— Brigadier-General Anderson's brigade. Colonel J. H. Sharp — 7th Mississippi regi- ment, Colonel W. H. Bishop; 9th Mississippi regiment. Major T. H. Lynam; 10th Mississippi regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Barr; 4l8t Mississippi regiment. Colonel W. J. Tucker; 44th Mississippi regiment. Colonel J. H. Sharp; battalion Sharpshooters, Major W. C. Richards. Second brigade— Brigadier-General Walthall— 24th and 27th Mississippi regiments, Colonel J. A. Campbell ; 29th and 30th Mississippi regiments. Colonel W. E. Brantley ; 34th Missis- sippi regiment. Colonel Samuel Benton. Third brigade— Brigadier-General Deas— 19th Alabama regiment, Col. S. K. McSpadden ; 22d Alabnma regiment, Captain Toulmin ; 26th Alabama regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson ; 39th Alaliama regiment, Colonel W. Clark ; 50th Alabama regiment, Colonel J. G. Coltart ; battalion Sharpshooters, Captain Nabers. Fourth brigade— Brigadier-General Manlgault— 10th and 19th South Carolina regiments, Colonel J. F. Presly ; 24th Alabama regiment. Colonel N. N. Davis ; 28th Alabama regiment, Colonel John C. Reid ; 84th Alabama regiment. Colonel J. C. B. Mitchell. Artillery of Polk's Corps. Scogln's battery, Captain John Scogin ; Turner's battery. Lieutenant W. B. Turner ; Carnes' battery, Captain W. W. Carnes ; Stanford's battery. Captain J. H. Stanford ; Scott's battery, Captain W. L. Scott ; Garrity'a battery. Captain J. Garrity ; Fowler's battery, Captain W. H, Fowler ; Dent's battery, Captain S. H. Dent ; Hamilton's battery. Lieutenant W. P. Ham- ilton. MAJOR-GENERAL D. H. HILL'S CORPS. Major-General P. R. Cleburne's Division. First- Wood's brigade. Colonel M. P. Lowry— 32d and 45th Mississippi regiments, Lieu- tenant-Colonel R. Charlton ; 16th Alabama regiment, Captain T. A. Ashford ; 33d Alabama regiment. Colonel Sam. Adams ; 45th Alabama regiment. Colonel E. B. Breedlove ; Sharp- shooters, Captain Dave Coleman. Second brigade— Brigadier-General Llddell— 2d and 15th Arkansas regiments, Colonel D. C. Govan; 5th and 13th Arkansas regiments, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray; 6th and 7th Ar- kansas regiments, Lieutenant-Colonel P. Snyder ; 8th Arkansas and 1st Louisiana regiments, Ueutenant-Colonel F. M. Kent. Third brigade— Brigadier-General L. E. Polk— 35th and 48th Tennessee regiments, Colonel B. J. Hill ; 2d Tennessee regiment. Colonel W. D. Robeson ; 1st Arkansas regiment. Colonel J. W. Colquitt; 3d and 5th Confederate regiment, Colonel J. A. Smith. Fourth— Brigadier-General Deshler's brigade. Colonel R. Q. Mills— 17th, 18th, 24th and 25th Texas regiments. Major W. A. Taylor ; 6th, 10th and 15th .Texas regiments, Lieutenant- Colonel T. S, Anderson; 19th and 24th Arkansas regiments, Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Hutchinson. Majob-General a. p. Stewart's Division. First brigade— Brigadier-General Johnson— 17th Tennessee regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel W. W. Floyd ; 23d Tennessee regiment, Colonel R. H. Keeble ; 25th Tennessee regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel R. B. Snowden ; 44th Tennessee regiment. Colonel John S. Fulton. Second brigade— Brigadier-General Brown — 18th Tennessee regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. Butler; 26th Tennessee regiment, Major R. M. Saffell; 32d Tennessee regiment, 8 114 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. Colonel E. C. Cook; 45tli Tennessee regiment, Colonel A. Searcy; Newman's battalion. Captain W. P. Simpson. Third brigade— Brigadier-General Bates— 20th Tennessee regiment, Captain J. T. Guthrie; 15th and 37th regiments, Colonel R. C. Tyler; 37th Georgia regiment, A. T. Rudler; 59tli Alabama 'regiment, Colonel Bush. Jones ; 4th Georgia battalion S'harpshooters, Lieutenant Joel Towers. Fourth brigade— Brigadier-General Clayton— 18th Alabama regiment. Major P. T. Hunley ; 36th Alabama i-egiment. Colonel L. S. Woodruff; 3Sth Alabama regiment. Colonel C, T. Ketchum. Major-General John C. Breckinridge's Division. First brigade— Brigadier-General M. A. Stovall— 1st and 3d Florida regiments. Colonel W. S. Dillworth; 4th Florida regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel E. Bader; COtii Norfc Carolina regi- ment. Colonel W. M. Hardy ; 47t4i Georgia regiment, Captain J. S. Cone. Second — Brigadier-General Adams' brigade, Colonel R. L. Gibson — 13th and 20th Louisiana regiments. Colonel Leon Von Zinken; 16th and 25th Louisiana regiments. Colonel D. Gober; 19th Louisiana regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Turner; 32d Alabama regiment, Captaia A. Kilpatrick; Austin's battalion. Major L C. Austin. Third— Brigadier-General Helm's brigade. Colonel James H. Lewis — 2d Kentucky regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Morse; 4th Kentucky regiment, Major T. W. Thompson; 6th Ken- tucky regiment. Major W. L. Clarke; 9th Kentucky regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Wickliile ; 41st Alabama regiment. Colonel M. L. Stansel. Artillery of Hill's Corps. Semplis' battery. Lieutenant R. H. Goldthwait ; Swett's battery. Captain Charles Swett j Calvert's battery. Lieutenant T. J. Key ; Douglass' battery, Captain J. P. Douglass. Major Eldrldge's battalion— Darden's battery. Captain Pat. Darden; Dawson's battery, Lieutenant R. W. Anderson; Eufaula battery. Lieutenant W. J. McKcnzie; Humphries? battery, Captain J. T. Humphries; Cobb's battery. Lieutenant T. P. Gracy; Slocomb's bat- tery, Captain C. H. Slocomb ; Mebane's battery, Captain J, W. Mebane. ORGANIZATION OF ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. June 1st, 1SC3. COMMANDED BY GENELAL R. E. LEE. FIRST CORPS— LIEUTENANT-GENERAL JAMES LONGSTREET. McLaws' Division— Major-General L. McLaws. Kershaw's brigade— Brigadier-General J. B. Kershaw— 15th South Carolina regiment. Colonel W. D. De Saussure ; 8th South Carolina regiment. Colonel J. W. Jlemminger ; 2d South Carolina regiment, Colonel John D. Kennedy ; 3d South Carolina regiment. Colonel James D. Nance ; 7th South Carolina regiment. Colonel D. Wyatt Aiken ; 3d (James') bat- talion South Carolina infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Rice. Benning's l)rigade— Brigadier-General H. L. Benning— 50th Georgia regiment, Colonel W. R. Manning ; 51st Georgia regiment. Colonel W. M. Slaughter ; 53d Georgia regiment, Colonel James P. Somms; 10th Georgia regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Jolin B. Weems. Barksdalc's brigade— Brigadier-General Wm. Barksdale— 13th Mississippi regiment. Colonel J. W. Carter; 17th Mississippi regiment. Colonel W. D. Holder; JSth Jlississippl regiment, Colonel Thomas M. Grillln ; 21st Mississippi regiment, Colonel B. G. Humphreys. "Wollard's brigade— Brigadier-General W. T. Woffard— 1 Sth Georgia regiment. Major E. Qriffls; Phillips' Georgia Legion, Colonel W. M. Phillips; 24th Georgia regiment, Colonel Robert McMillan; ICth Georgia regiment, Colonel Goode Bryan; Cobb's Georgia Legion, Lieutenant-Colonel L. D. Glevvn. CONFEDERATE KOSTER. ' 115 Pickett's Division— Major-Genekal George E. Pickett. Garnett's brigade— Brigadier-General R. B. Garnett— 8th Virginia regiment, Colonel Eppa Hunton; ISth Virginia regiment, Colonel R. E. Withers; 19th Virginia regiment. Colonel Henry Gantt ; 28th Vii-ginia regiment. Colonel R. C. Allen ; 56th Virginia regiment, Colonel W. D. Stuart. Armistead's brigade— Brigadier-General L. A. Armistead— 9t.h Virginia regiment, Lieuten- ant-CoJonel J. S. Gilliam ; 14th Virginia regiment, Colonel J. G. Hodges ; 3Sth Virginia re- giment. Colonel E. C. Edmonds ; 53d Virginia regiment. Colonel John Grammer ; 5Tth Vir- ginia regiment. Colonel J. B. Magruder. Kemper's brigade — Brigadier-General J. L. Kemper— 1st Virginia regiment, Colonel Lewis B. Williams, Jr.; 3d Virginia regiment, Colonel Joseph Mayo, Jr.; Tth Virginia regiment. Colonel W. T. Patton ; 11th Virginia regiment, Colonel David Funston ; 24th Virginia regi- ment, Colonel W. R. Terry. Toombs' brigade— Brigadier-General R. Toombs— 2d Georgia regiment, Colonel E. M. Butt; 15th Georgia regiment. Colonel E. M. DuBose; 17th Georgia regiment. Colonel W. C. Hodges ; 20th Georgia regiment. Colonel J. B. Cummings. Corse's brigade — Brigadier-General M. D. Corse— loth Virginia regiment. Colonel T. P. August ; 17th Virginia regiment, Colonel Morton Marye ; 80th Virginia regiment, Colonel A. T. Harrison ; 32d Virginia regiment; Colonel E. B. Montague. Hood's Division— Major-General J. B. Hood. Robertson's brigade— Brigadier-General J. B. Robertson— 1st Texas regiment, Colonel A. T. Rahiey ; 4th Texas regiment. Colonel J. C. G. Key ; 5th Texas regiment. Colonel R. M. Powell ; 3d Arkansas regiment. Colonel Van H. Manning. Laws' brigade —Brigadier-General E. M. Laws— 4th Alabama regiment. Colonel 'P. A. Bowls ; 44th Alabama regiment. Colonel W. H. Perry ; 15th Alabama regiment. Colonel Jas. Canty ; 47th Alabama regiment, Colonel J. W. Jackson ; 4Sth Alabama regiment, Colonel J. F. Shepherd. Anderson's brigade— Brigadier-General G. T. Anderson— 10th Georgia battalion. Major J. E. Rylauder ; 7th Georgia regiment. Colonel W. M. White ; 8th Georgia regiment, Lieutenant- Colonel J. R. Towers; 9th Georgia regiment, Colonel B. F. Beck; 11th Georgia regiment, Colonel F. H. Little. Jenkins' brigade— Brigadier-General M. Jenkins— 2d South Carolina Rifles, Colonel Thomas Thompson ; 1st South Carolina regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel David Livingston ; 5th South Carolina regiment. Colonel A. Coward ; 6th South Carolina regiment, Colonel John Bratton ; Hampton's Legion, Colonel M. W. Gary. SECOND CORPS— LIEUTENANT-GENERAL R. S. EWELL. Early's Division— Major-General J. A. Early. Hays' brigade— Brigadier-General H. T. Hays— 5th Louisiana regiment. Colonel Henry Forno ; 6th Louisiana regiment. Colonel William Monaghan ; Tth Louisiana regiment. Colonel D. B, Penn; 8th Louisiana regiment, .Colonal Henry B. Kelley; 9th Louisiana regiment, Colonel X>i. Stafford. sL Gordon's brigade— Brigadier-General J. B. Gcffdon— 13th Georgia regiment. Colonel J. M. Smith ; 26th Georgia regiment. Colonel E. N. Atkinson ; 31st Georgia regiment, Colonel C, A. Evans ; 3Sth Georgia regiment, Major J. D. Matthews ; 60th Georgia regiment, Colonel W. H. Stiles ; 61st Georgia regiment. Colonel J. H. Lamar. Smith's brigade— Brigadier-General VVilliamSmith— 13th Virginia regiment. Colonel J. E. B. Terrill; 31st Virginia regiment, Colonel John S. Hoffman; 49th Virginia regiment, Colonel Gibson; 52d Virginia regiment, Colonel Skinner; 5Sth Virginia regiment. Colonel F. H. Board. Hoke's brigade— Colonel J. E. Avery commanding (General R. F. Hoke being absent ; •wounded)— 6th North Carolina regiment, Colonel J. E. Avery ; 21st North Carolina regiment, Colonel W. W. Kirkland ; 54th North Carolina regiment, Colonel J. C. T. McDowell ; 57th North Carolina regiment. Colonel A. C. Godwin ; 1st North Carolina battalion. Major R. H. Wharton. 116 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. RCDES' DiTISION— MAJOR-GENEKAL R. E, RODES. Daniel's brigade— Brigadier-General Junius Daniel— 32d North Carolina regiment, Colonel E. C. Brabble ; 43d North Carolina regiment, Colonel Thomas S. Keenan ; 45th North Caro- lina regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel H. Boyd ; 5Sd North Carolina regiment, Colonel W. A. Owens ; Second North Carolina battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Andrews. Doles' brigade— Brigadier-General George Doles^th Georgia regiment, Lieutenant-Colo- nel D. R. E. Winn ; 12th Georgia regiment, Colonel Edward Willis ; 2l8t Georgia regiment, Colonel John T. Mercer; 44th Georgia regiment. Colonel S. P. Lumpkin. Iverson's brigade— Brigadier-General Alfred Iverson— Fifth North Carolina regiment. Cap- tain S. B. West ; 12th North Carolina regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel W. S. Davis ; 20th North Carolina regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel N. Slough ; iJ3d North Carolina regiment. Colonel D. H. Christie. Eamseur's brigade— Brigadier-General S. D. Ramseur— 2d T^orth Carolina regiment, Major E. W. Hurt; 4th North Carolina regiment. Colonel Bryan Grimes; 14th North Carolina regi- ment, Colonel R. T. Bennett; 30th North Carolina regiment, Colonel F. M. Parker. Rodes' brigade— Colonel B. A. O'Neal— 3d Alabama regiment. Colonel C. A. Battle ; 5th Alabama regiment. Colonel J. M. Hall ; 6th Alabama regiment. Colonel J. N. Lightf oot ; 12tJi Alabama regiment, Colonel S. B. Pickens ; 26th Alabama regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Goodgame. THIRD CORPS— LIEUTENANT-GENERAL A. P. HILL. R. H. Anderson's Division. Wilcox's brigade— Brigadier-General C. M. Wilcox— 8th Alabama regim-ent. Colonel T. L. Royster; 9th Alabama regiment, Colonel S. Henry; 10th Alabama regiment. Colonel W. H. Forney; 11th Alabama regiment, Colonel J. C. C. Saunders; 14th Alabama regiment. Colonel L. P. Pinkhard. Mahone's brigade— Brigadier-General William Mahone— 6th Virginia regiment, Colonel G. T. Rogers; 12th Virginia regiment, Colonel D. A. Weisiger; 16t«i Virginia regiment, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Joseph H. Ham ; 4l8t Virginia regiment, Colonel W. A. Parham ; 61st Virginia regiment. Colonel V, D. Groner. Posey's brigade— Brigadier-General Canot Posey-46th Mississippi regiment. Colonel Jos. Jayne; 16th Mississippi regiment. Colonel Samuel E. Baker; 19th Mlseissippi regiment, Colonel John Mullins ; 12th Mississippi regiment. Colonel W. H. Taylor. Wright's brigade— Brigadier-General A. R. Wright— Sd Georgia battalion. Major G. W. Robs; 3d Georgia regiment. Colonel E. J. Walker; 22d Georgia regiment, Colonel R. H. Jones ; 48th Georgia regiment, Colonel William Gibson. Perry's brigade— Brigadier-General E. A. Perry— 2d Florida regiment, Lieutenant-Colojiei S. G. Pyles ; 6th Florida regiment, Colonel J. C. Hately ; 8th Florida regiment, Colonel DavW Long. Heth's Division. First— Pettlgrew's brigade— 42d, 11th, 26th, 44th, 47th, 52d and ITth North Carolina regi- ments. Second— Field's brlgade-40th, 55th and 47th Virginia regiments. Third— Archer's brigade— 1st, 7th and 14th Tennessee and 13th Alabama regiments. Fourth— Cooke's brigade— 15th, 27th, 46th and 48th North Carolina regiments. Pender's Ditision. First— McGowan's brigade— 1st, 12th, 13th and 14th South Carolina regiments and 1st Soutli Carolina Rifles. Second— Lane's brigade— 7th, 18th, 28th, 33d and 37th North Carolina regiments. Third- Thomas' brigade— 14th, 85th, 45th and 49tli Georgia regiments. Fourth— Pender's Old brigade— 13th, 16th, 22d, 34tli and SSth North Carolina regiments. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 117 Note— The foregoing organization of Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill's corps was perfected In obedience to tlie following order : Special Orders,) No. 146. j Headquakters Army Northern Virginia, 30th May, 1863, VTII. The following changes are made in the organization of corps and divisions of this army : 1. The brigades of Heth and Archer, of A. P. Hill's division, with Pettigrew's and Choke's, will constitute a division, and be under the command of Major-General Henry Heth. 2. The brigades of Pender, Lane, Thomas and McGowan will constitute a division, and be under the command of Major-General W. D. Pender. 3. The divisions of Major-Generals Early, Johnson and Rodes will constitute the Second corps, and be under the command of Lieutenant-General R. S. Ewell. > 4. The division of Major-General R. H. Anderson is detached from the First corps, and, together with the divisions of Major-Generals Heth and Pender, will constitute the Third corps, and be under the command of Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill. 5. The chief of artillery will designate the battalions of artillery to serve with the three corps, and the chief quartermaster malve the necessary division of the transportation. * • By command of General R. E. Lee. , W. H. Taylor, A. A, General, j ARTILLERY OF ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. [Note.— The following roster of the artillery is kindly furnished by Rev. George W. Peter- Iviu, of Baltimore, who served on the staff of Brigadier-General W. N. Pendleton, chief of artillery Army of Northern Virginia. It is copied from a roster made out by him, from re- ports on hand, for Genei'al Pendleton's use, and he vouches for its completeness and accu- racy. The date is not given, but is was evidently soon after the organization of the artillery into three corps, and before Colonels E. P. Alexander, A. L. Long and R. L. Walker were made brigadier-generals and assigned respectively to the First, Second and Third corps], FIRST CORPS— COLONEL J. B. WALTON. 03 o a Pi 3 o5 o a o 1 o a o 5 O Col. H. C. Cabell > Major Hamilton j McCarty 2 2 2 2 1 "i" 1 2 1 Fraser '1 9 Titles ; 5 Naps.; 2 Hows. 2 1 *"i** 4 SlajorKeed f 2 Striblin"' 4 4 6 rirtes; 12 Napoleons. 4 2 2 3 Hielly 2 2 1 1 *t Crifles; 11 Naps.; 2 Hows. * Blakely. 118 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. FIRST COUVS— Continued. P Oh o &•. (33 2 0) s si en a o _g o i o M 3 N o w i a 3 o 3 O Col. E. P. Alexander...) Major Huger f Jordan 4 Rhett 3 Moody 2 4 Parker 1 3 Taylor 4 11 rifles ; C Naps.; 4 Hows. Major Estileman Sqiiiers Miller 2 3 3 1 1 Richardson Norcom 8 Napoleons ; 2 Hows. 5 9 15 42 6 4 2 Total number of rifles 31 Total number of Napoleons , 42 Total number of Howitzers 10 Total number of pieces 83 Total number of battalions 5 Total number of companies 21 SECOND CORPS— COLONEL S. CRUTCH FIELD. Total number of rifles , Total niimbrr of Naijob^oiis. Total numbi-r of Howitzers., Total nnmlier of pieces. Total number of battalions Total number of companies Lt. Col. Thos. H. Carter) Maj. Carter M. Braxton j Paee 4 Fry 2 2 1 Carter 1 1 3 1 1 . ... T rifles ; 6 Naps.; 2 Hows. Lt. Col. H. P. Jones ) Carringtou 1 4 4 Major Brockeuborough / . 2 1 1 1'auuer 2 4 rifles ; 8 Naps.; 2 Hows. Lt. Col. S.' Andrews.. . .) Brown 4 1 M ajor Latiiuer f Dermot 4 2 Carpenter 2 2 Kaiue 2 1 rifles ; (> Napoleons. Lt. Col. Nelson (^ Major Page J 4 4 2 2 1 3 '2 « rifles; S Naps.; 4 How.s. 2 '"i" 2 2 Major Hardaway f 2 2 Sniitli lliilT 2 2 Graham 2 2 11 rifles ; 4 Naps.; 4 Hows. 2 19 15 32 10 2 2 ' Kind not known. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 119 THIRD CORPS— COLONEL R. LINDSAY WALKER. I i 2 g P-i o s xi o a en d o o N w s CD N a i a> Maj.D.G. Mcintosh...) Maj. W. F. Poague....) Hurt 2 *2 Rice 4 Luck 4 2 2 10 rifles; 6 Napoleons. Lt. CoL Garnett \ Major Richardson j" Lewis 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 Maurin 2 2 Moore Graudy 2 n rifles ; 4 Naps.; 2 Hows. Major Cutehaw Wvatt; 1 1 2 2 4 1 Woolfolk Brookes 3 2 rifles ; 5 Naps.; 7 Hows. MaJ. Willie J. Pegram... Brunson 3 '"3" 1 1 Daviflsou Crenshaw 2 1 McGraw 4 2 ... Marye 2 * 8 rifles ; 9 Naps.; 2 Hows. Lt. Col. Cutts ) Major Lane j" Wlngflelfl ' * 2 3 3 •1 Ross 1 1 2 ■ Patterson 4 10 rifles ; 3 Naps.; 4 Hows. 2 14 22 2T 15 3 Total number of rifles 41 Total number of Napoleons 27 Total number of Howitzers 15 Total number of pieces 83 Total number of battalions 5 Total number of companies 19 SUMMARY OP ARTILLERY OF ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA (EXCLUSIVE OF HORSE ARTILLERY), a ' o5 a £ a Ol cS 0) N c« 0. tn *^ ^; a a ^ cS M « ^ a Eh 5 21 31 42 10 83 Artillery of Second corps 6 20 38 32 12 82 Artillery of Third corps 5 19 41 27 15 83 Total 15 60 110 101 37 248 Note.— It is to be regretted that we have been thus far unable to secure a roster of the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia suftlciently complete to publish. 1 * Whit worth. 120 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. ORGANIZATION OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. May 21st, 1864. COMMANDED BY GENERAL G. T. BEAUREGARD. HOKE'S DIVISION. First— Brigadier-General Hagoort's brigade— 7tli South Carolina battalion, and 11th, 2l3t, 25th and 27th South Carolina Volunteers. Second— Brigadier-General Colquitt's brigade— 0th, 19th, 23d, 27th and 2Stli Georgia Volunteers. Third— Brigadier-General Clingman's brigade— 8th, 31st, 51st and 61st North Carolina Volunteers. Fourth— Brigadier-General Martin's brigade- I7th, 42d and 06th North Carolina Volunteers. JOHNSON'S DIVISION. First— Brigadier-General Walker's brigade— 17th, 18th, 22d and 20th South Carolina Volun- teers. Second— Brigadier-General Ransom's brigade— 24th, 25th, 35Ui, 49th and 5Gth NortJi Caro- lina Volunteers. Third— Brigadier-General Johnson's brigade— 63d, 17th, 23d, 25th and 44th Tennessee Volunteers. Fourth— Brigadier-General Wise's brigade— 26th, 34th, 4Gth and 59th Virginia Volunteers. ARTILLERY. Read's battalion (3Sth Virginia) of artillery— Blount's battery, Caslvie's battery, Macon battery and Marshall battery. Washington battalion of artillery— 1st and 3d companies. Owen's battalion of artillery— Martin's battery and Slaton's battery. Caskie's battalion of artillery— 1st section of Graham's battery, 1st section of Wright's battery and Miller's battery. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 121 •anas • i* Ico * ^ Ol .r-10l<0 0» ;OS •n9H pajsiina • • ^H -^ tN .l-H Oi « « (N CO . O i- O . .» CC* •BjaoHJO panoissiramoo-noK : :ssss :S2;ss o c»_ . .inosw .^ . .CM to .00 CO OS •suTTsidBqol ; : -.^ :•* :«-*=^-^ |S ::::::: 1 ;f3 1 . •Or-'tC'M •r-'OOOi I"* •sTOOTanian| : :»'"«'» jcoc-^a. |g :"»'=S :^ |§ 1 . .r-ccio=o -omTfiiN T-i .^^c^^co s «». :rH |0| •sjuBjnfPV . .ojwcnco ■ CO era .-c Tf s •T^ : : : ISl •saiaessiuiraoo rH .(Se> h \ a 1 s? CD g o i 1 •a • 5 > ■ B = • o t- oj ca.- C^ ci 03 ;= t: > 1 ■J ;- c ■3 1=^ a S .2 5 o ■3 o 122 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. CO CD 2 ^ 'tS ?3 e ^ ■8 a> •a s o a o a , r^ OQ c M C3 < a a a a; ^ ^ O 4^ *J a: ca a sg a> o o o i> O OiM to o (» ,-■ o 1- OD « Iml 1^ 0-- CO CO Cr> to lO C^ > IM •jnasqB pnB iC Cj IC !M y"f O I— to t- inas8J[(J 9;BSaaSSv to oTo: oTcTi'-rT-rto' to' ooto*-cooi-'c > to ii~ o> a-, la ^ m -^ Tf CO 1- 1- o o .-■ ir L '^ •juasqB pnB juasajd ib:)ox o-icto'co-ofto-i-Tir -* 0-. ■* rH r- iH cr- r to" > to ccco-foi-^r-iir OS 00 o o o:. CO 1- as c- CK o^to O^CO CC^-t CO (J 0| "inasajd aiBSaaSSy to icio'i-rcio'oii-c lOtO CO o- (?» OCOtO«).-JT*l-C > Oi Qoinocomm^t: oi_a5_^o c^__i- Tf c. "inasajd i^}ox >-ro"co'i-od"oo"t-''a in to CO I- o otocoooi-iotMa 05 to 0-. C: to en 1- m = o» Ol^l; ="_"ft=t"v<^ o •IBJOJ 9ATJDajga (yT to cT to to" i-^ to" t ' g CT- CT- CO crc« CO CO cr 2; tcStototoStoS ' Ph c/^coaocococococf H p !3 ^ c"'rH'vn'o'o''.-ro''t- (M >-^' > >' >' „• jj >■ > OOOOuoOC ^!^;^Koo;z;^ • . cS . . . . • ^ • o ?P^ 5* :a a • oj "Sb r cs b 03 'S > A a • o c8 'S'r '2 5 ■? • u s a3 a c .^ :^^ ^ a ? 1 Ill ^ 2;'^'^ ,^^M*»-.«M trcooSooo S S c^tF! --0 E >- aj aj .i aj u o , < <«q e fiP P CONFEDERATE EOSTER. 123 ga 1-5 .;« S3 o - ° i!- o g5|bc|«3| t-',g .^ S^P-i SrA-- S? = ==^ 5 " 2 =s a-3 TOCO.— X ca !TO.,— ...i rt^'t^^'t^Tr'-^ '^ d ci 1^ d ^ d <^ d o o J o o o ►.] h-) o o ;S o .5 S " '^ ^■' ■'-' '"'^ ^"^ ^~ ^^ ^^ nS iiana. Afterwards Brigadier-"General In Confede- rate service. Afterwards Confederate Senator from South Carolina. \ Afterwards member of Confederate Con- gress. I Afterwards A. D. C. to the President, with rank of Colonel, and subsequently Briga- dier-General C. S. A. Afterwards Colonel in the Confederate army. Afterwards Secretary of the Treasury. Afterwards member of Confederate Con-j gress. Afterwards Brigadier-General in the Con- federate army. 126 CONFEDERATE ROSTER. Deputies to the Provisional Congress. — Continued. Hon. Williamson S. Oldham.. Hon. John H. Reaffan lion. Thomas N. Waul Hon. Louis T. Wlgfall Confederate Senator from Texas. Afterwards Postmaster-General. Afterwards Brigadier-General in the Con- federate army. Afterwards Hrigadier-General In the Con- federate army, and Confederate Senator from Texas. ADDITIONAL DELEGATES TO THE PROVISIONAL CONGRESS, Upon its Assembling in Richmond, Virginia, in Jut,T, 1861. Hon William W. Avery Hon. Burton Craige Hon. Andrew T. Davidson... Hon. George Davis Hon. Thomas D. 'McDowell.. Hon. John M. Jlorohead Hon. Rol)ert C. Pnryear Hon. Thomas Kuttiii Hon. Wm. N. 11. Smith Hon. Ab'ra W. Veiiable Hon. John D. C. Atkins Hon. Robt. L. Caruthers Hon. Daviil M. Currin , H(m. W. II. DeWitt Hon. John F. House Hon. (ieorge W.Jones Hon. James H. Thomas Hon. Thomas S. Bocoeli Hon. J. W. Brockenborougli Hon. R. M. T. Hunter Hon. Robert Johnson Hon. Wm. II. McFarland . . . , Hon. James M. Mason Hon. Walter Preston , Hon. Wm. Ballard Preston. Hon. Roger A. Pryor Hon. William C. Rives Hon. Charles W. Hussell.... Hon. Robert p:. Scott Hon. Jiimes A. Seddon Hon. Waller R. Staples Hon. John Tyler North Carolina... Afterwards member of Confederate Con- gress. Afterwards Confederate Senator from North Carolina, and Attorney General of the Confederacy. Afterwards member of Confederate Con- gress. " Afterwards member of Confederate Con- " ....I gress. Tennessee Af tci-wards member of Confederate Con- I gress. Elected Governor of Tennessee in 1863, but never inaugurateil. Afterwards member of Confederate Con- gress. Virginia Afterwards member of Confederate Con- gress. Afterwards member of Congress and speaker of the house. Afterwards Confederate Senator from Vir- ginia; Secretary of State, .tc. AftersFards member of Congress. Afterwards commissioner to Europe. Afterwards member of Congress. Afterwards Confederate Senator from Vir- ginia. Afterwards member of Congress; Briga- dier-General in the Confederate array, Ac. Afterwards member of Congress. .\fterwards member of Congress. Afterwards Secretary of War. iAfterwiirds iiii'iiilicr of Congress. [Afterwards memlier of Congress. CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 127 CONFEDERATE SENATORS. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens R. M. T. Hunter Georgia Vire-President of the Confederate States, Virginia and president of the senate. President pro tempore ; at one time Secre- James H. Nash Clement C. Clay, Jr.... William L. Yancey Robert Jemlson, Jr. . . . South Carolina tary of State. Secretary. First Congress. First Congress ; afterwards commissioner Europe. Second Congress. Richard \V Walker u Arkansas First and Second Congress. Charles B. Mitchel First Congress. Augustus H. Garland.. James M. Baker avid W. Lewis Charles J. Muunerlyn.. John T. Shewmake James M, Smith William E. Smith Hardy Strickland Robert P. Trippe Augustus R. Wright... Benj. F. Bradley R. J. Breckinridge, Jr.. Eli M. Bruce Charles M. Conrad Lucius J. Dupre Duncan F. Iviimer Henry Alarshall Jolm Perkins, Jr Charles J. Villiere Ether Barksdale. Henry c;. Chambers J. W. Clapp (1 Member of Second Congress. ^ Member of First and Si couil Congress. v^ v->" K II li <1 Member of First Congress. (1 Member of First and Secoud Congress. « Mississippi 11 ' , .^^' V .p. '/>. •> v'"'' ■>' 'Z '--/ C' c>0 * « I \ * V aV ,y>. ■^ "» " fe" '"$ ' -5 / .0^ ,-i^ .-y' OO' .^\v \>^ . '/. ,0 V^ ^^^ \> ^ ^ * « > •■\v^ ^^ c^^■ %-.<^' -^.^^ ,•0* ■'^ ,<<>' 7 ■>•. ■^.p .^^^' -.s^ %, •^..'^'^^ <■.>. ■0^ ^A V^ ^y- v^ o'^-' x^" -^^^ •0^ x\^'' 0,0^ A -f, >■ tt' ^^ *8. "<^« .0^ .0^ -.^^ .^:^'^> .^V -A