THE. eieQee of Sciences 11 1 /VS 1, , Class „ 3Ft34_ Book^ .Kt do Copyright N! COPYKIGHT DEPOSIT. THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES The Science of Sciences HANNAH MORE KOHAUS, Author of Between the Lines, Remedies of the Great Phy- sician, Blossoms of Universal Truth, Fruit from the Tree of Life, Soul Fragrance. Universal Truth Publishing Co. Chicago, III. 1901 THE UBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Com as Received OCT. 28 1901 Copyright entry CLASS £L*Xc. Ho. / > 2 national, racial, planetary, kindred, or indi- vidual, and from this predisposition we have hereditary opinions, tastes, habits, peculiari- ties, propensities, and diseases, as well as dog- mas and tenets. But when we change the basis of our an- cestry, recognizing God, as Infinite MIND, to be our Creator and maker, we appropriate the divine rights of our Individuality. We look only to God — the Incomparable Good — for all we are. As a race we have not been slow to relinquish some hereditary proclivities. Who would be satisfied to-day with the candle for light and the ox-team for transportation? On the contrary, we want the most brilliant illu- mination and rapid transit possible. Two strong indications of the advancement of souls racially: more Light, and a speedier return to our eternal Home. From a metaphysical basis, we perceive that the "physical" cannot transmit either health or disease. Then if the Shape is sup- posed to say: "I am sick; I ache; have pain here or there," we should take issue with it at once by contradicting, mentally, every sup- posed complaint; affirm the truth, and hold our ground until the condition yields. There is no one but ourselves to pronounce THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. 253 upon our instruments. With what will we cause them to vibrate? Health or disease, harmony or discord ? We have been governed by our false sense of it long enough; now we must assume control. The organism has no intelligence, nor has disease; therefore we make terms with ourselves, and watch our thinking instead of our Shapes. Flesh and bones cannot take cold, feel ache or pain. None of these conditions belong to Infinite MIND. Life, Love, and Truth cannot be dis- eased. We, as living souls, stand between, and are the users of both, and we must decide. Every one is a law unto himself. It is never the Shape that says food is undigested, the nerve system depleted, blood does not circulate properly; it is the mortal sense of the infant soul, and now we must use our spiritual self-knowledge, making new, healthful conditions for ourselves. We must stand by God's Law of Perpetual Harmony, never allowing the belief that some disease is developing in our organism, to remain. At the first sign of such an error we should dis- pute the evidence of mortal sense with the affirmation of true, changeless, harmonious, eternal Being. Sin, sickness, sorrow, and even death in the 254 THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. ordinary manner must yield to the Supremacy of divine Intelligence when MIND is admitted to be the Only Life, Substance, and Power. We deem it a phase of lingering idolatry to have more faith in drugs, climate, hygiene, than in God, Love, Life, to give us health and consciousness of immortality. And yet, we would say advisedly, "do not take away a man's idols until he has grown to where he can reason!' Arriving at this stage in the process of soul evolution he will uncover the feet of his idols and, finding them clay, will lay them away. CHAPTER XXI. DIRECT APPLICATION. Generally this work is begun with simple demonstration. But even these could not be successfully accomplished did not we perceive, at least logically, that aman in his ever-endur- ing Being never was born, therefore never can die; he never was sick, diseased, lame, weak, crippled, deformed, or sinful, and never can be by virtue of-his eternal relation to God, and it is error in thinking to say there is anything greater than God; to admit that anything or anyone can ever overthrow the One Power, destroy the One Life, consume or corrupt the One and Only Substance. These points must be discerned and acknowledged from a scien- tific point of view, then demonstrations are as sure to follow as that Truth is Truth. There are three methods of direct applica- tion. One, speaking to yourself in the first person singular: I am the Image and Like- ness of the Eternal, Absolute, Infinite Good, because of what I am in my perfect, spiritual, changeless Being, etc. Another is addressing yourself in the second person — calling your- 255 256 THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. self by name and speaking as if to another "self" back of you, saying: You are the full, complete expression of all that God is now, because of what you are as the offspring of the Almighty, etc. There is still another way by which we may reach others, even without their permission, and yet transgress no right- eous law; and this is to speak the Word of Truth in their behalf as in the third person — he is the Created Son of God, therefore per- fect, spiritual, harmonious, good, etc. This is no infringement on his mental rights, it is simply rebuking error and declaring the good from a universal standpoint, a responsi- bility devolving upon everyone who has grown to where he can discriminate between mortal errors and eternal good. When speaking the Word for anyone be sure to repeat the name of the personality; your message will go more direct and do its work more quickly. Learning as we have that fear — the conse- quence of ignorance — is a fundamental root of all illness, we should begin our spiritual minis- tration for anyone, old or young, by allaying fear. Having called him by name gently but firmly assure him he has nothing to fear. Say to him, You have nothing to be afraid of in THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. 257 all the universe, for Love is everywhere pres- ent — that God-Love which never faileth, never varies, weakens, nor falters. In this Love you live, move, have your Being and existence. No harm can come nigh you nor your dwell- ing; you are encompassed by that omnipotent Power before which every seeming error is dissolved instantly; it is the One all-controll- ing, all-governing Element which permeates and interpenetrates you from center to cir- cumference. Because of your eternal relation to your Creator, by reason of the Law of Cause and Effect, God is the subjective side of you and every fraction of your being. Everything be- longing to you from God is a product of MIND, and is therefore perfect, spiritual, whole, good, eternally changeless because con- ditioned, qualified, and sustained by its unal- terable Cause. You, and all that pertains to you, is fixed in what it is because of its rela- tion to the Absolute. You are every whit whole now (bring every word down to present tense) , always have been and ever will be so, because of your oneness with, and nearness to, the Infinite. You are sin- less, for God is your Righteousness. You are diseaseless, because Deity Itself is the perpet- 258 THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. ual Health and Harmony of your Being, soul and body. You are free from all ignorance and limitation, for the infinite Mind, Intelli- gence, and Wisdom are expressed in you wait- ing to manifest. As the Image and Likeness of God you are the Inlet and Outlet for all that Supreme Spirit, Eternal Life, Immutable Substance and Absolute Good are, and you open every door and window of your Being, Soul and body, that they may shine forth. As the Individualization of Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, you, in reality are omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. The flesh prohteth nothing. There is no reality in disease. Mortal sense has no power, sin is only a dream. Lift up your soul unto God. Cleave unto the Lord with all your heart, strength, and self-consciousness. Lift up your eyes unto the hills of God from whence cometh their power to see. Open your ears to the voice of the Supreme and obey understandingly. Use your lips to praise God with and your tongue to give thanks without ceasing. You hunger and thirst after Righteousness for its own sake; you eat, drink, walk, talk, and do all that you do for the glory of God and not your own laudation. Your faculties are from the One Mind; they are living, THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. 259 active, fruitful, and enlightened with divine illumination, and you can see as God sees, un- derstand as you are understood, and know as you are known. Your riches on all planes are superabun- dant. All the spiritual and material gold and silver of a whole creation are yours and you can bring them into self-conscious possession. God is your freedom from all man-made, time wrought, and hereditary laws. You are superior to all there is except God. Your "body" is the Temple of the Living God and every part of it is flooded with God- Light; every system and organ is cleansed, impulsed and moved by the Spirit of God, the One and Only Omnipotent Energy in the uni- verse. Your real head is that mental capac- ity which images Infinite Mind with its limit- less powers, abilities, and possibilities. Your strength, vigor, vitality, and spiritual might are positively Godlike. You lack no good thing. Awake to the consciousness of your blissful Immortality; you are a new creature in Christ Jesus. CONCLUSIONS. After this manner, therefore, "pray ye" for yourself and those who need spiritual as- sistance. From a truly religious and scientific 260 THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. point of view, this is the effectual, fervent prayer that availeth, because it will cure and heal sin, sickness, sorrow, lack and mortality. Do not blindly believe it; do not simply take any personality's word for it; try and prove it for yourself. Truth is an alterative to the whole nature, system, soul, and body. It is not surprising, then, that there should be a little friction when first introduced to anyone. This is what Mrs. Eddy calls chemicalization, and appears about the fourth or fifth day when one is speaking the Word for himself or another. At such a crisis drop the full application and speak only words of reassurance, peace, and love. In cases of children, no matter how young, call them by name and apply the Word as you would to an adult, not omitting to minister the Word also to the parents, nurses, and grand- parents, if there are any troubled with fear. Do not procrastinate. "A word spoken in season, how good it is." Procrastination is a subtle thief. If we go into the silence we should take our spiritual thoughts with us; hold the reins of mental control well in hand, and then we will not be caught in any psychic trap, nor lose dominion over our vibrations. THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. 261 True concentration is to watch our think- ing and guard our lips, and control the imagi- nation. God is Profound Silence, and because of what we are as the Created of God we may be filled with its perfect quietude, restfulness, stillness, calm. When the Lord is in his holy temple, all the earth must keep silent before Him, for He giveth his beloved that Peace which passeth understanding. It is a Realiza- tion. SOUL COMFORTS. I speak all these words in the name of the Living God who is able to perform and estab- lish them. He will make me to know the certainty of the Words of Truth as they shall be fitted to my lips. Aaron's rod shall bud for me; the eyes of my understanding be opened to their innermost depths; my heart filled with love that worketh no ill to its neighbor. God is my ability to do all, to be all, to have all that belongs to my spiritual Being. I must work the works of him that sent me; I can do all things through him that strength- ened me; I will to do the will of my Father which is in Heaven, that I also may say, "I 262 THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCES. have finished the work thou hast given me to do." I am a new creature in Christ Jesus now, and all Power is given unto me, with infinite Wisdom how to use it. I am a center of Force in the Universe and all the Force of the Eternal Will and Purpose is centralized in me. God is my sincerity and fidelity in right- eousness. Everything is possible to me if I will only that which is good. As the divine Idea of the Absolute, I re- flect in reality only that which is God-like. I now lay in the lap of Infinite opulence. I am one with that Originality which is God, and that power of the Whole which is too rich to repeat itself is mine. The Absolute is my Secttrity from all evil and for all good. I and the Father are One, and God is that One, not I. "To him who watches everything reveals itself." AMEN. BOOKS bytH AUTHOR REMEDIES OF THE a book containing formulas GREAT PHYSICIAN for curing, from a spiritual basis, nearly all the diseases common to humanity; also, self-helps, soul tonics, and other aids to the reali- zation of true Being. Price, 40 cts. BETWEEN THE LINES Condensed lessons of the Truth of Being, uniformly helpful, clear and practical. Cloth, $!. Leatherette, 50 cts. & j& j& BLOSSOMS OF <# J* & a short statement for every UNIVERSAL TRUTH day in the year. Everyone a lever of power for the soul's advancement. Price, 50cts. SOUL FRAGRANCE Truth in verse. A book of poems written from the standpoint of Spiritual Science. A volume of enduring value to all lovers of poetic lit- erature. Cloth, $1. Leatherette, 50 cts. FRUIT FROM THE Three Lectures. How can we TREE OF LIFE & J get nearer to God. From In- carnation to Christhood. Vibration: The Force of Forces. No 15 4: ^ m[