E 462 ■■■■■■•••ail .^389 BY -LAW 8 S3 Copy 1 OF i ^ NO. 17, DEPT. OF N I u]^ DOVER, N/H. DOVER, N. H^: LIBBEY & CO., PRINTERS. i877- ^■ X » ^ ■ ! g i VJi i W ^O ^np ■T' ^ BY- LAWS OF ^'tiarte ™l. ^ NO. 17, DEPT. OF N. H. ^rantr %xm^ oi t^e B^pnljlir, DOVER, N. H. DOVER, N. H. LIBBEY & CO., PRINTERS. 1877. El 4-^ "^ IN EXCHA NOJb J lir 05 It BY-LAWS, ARTICLE I. NAME. This Post shall be known as CHARLES W. SAWYER POST No. 17, G. A. R., Department of New Hampshire. ARTICLE IL MEETINGS. The stated meetings shall be on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month. The hour of meeting shall be from May i to September 30, 4 BY-LAWS. at 8 o'clock, and from Oct. i to April 30, at 7.30 P. M. ARTICLE III. DUES AND REVENUES. Sec. I. The annual dues from each member shall be three dollars, payable quarterly. Sec. 2. The initiation fee shall be three dol- lars, one dollar to be paid when application for membership is made, and two dollars when the re- cruit is mustered in. Sec. 3. Upon the death of any member the comrades shall be assessed 50 cents each as a funeral benefit. Sec. 4. Any Comrade presenting himself for membership with Transfer Card from another Post, on being admitted to this Post, shall pay the sum of one dollar, as admission fee. Sec. 5. Any Comrade of this Post who, by reason of sickness or other cause, may be unable to pay his quarterly dues, said dues maybe remitted by a two-thirds vote of Comrades present at any regular meeting. ARTICLE IV. committees. Sec. I. The Commander shall, on the night BY-LAWS, 5 of his installation appoint a Relief Committee of three Comrades, who shall serve for one year, and whose duty it shall be to visit sick Comrades, detail watchers when necessary, and report to the Post Comrades entitled to receive weekly benefits. Sec. 2. The Commander shall also appoint an Auditing Committee, whose duty it shall be to audit the accounts of the Quartermaster, and report on the first regular meeting of every quarter. ARTICLE V. BENEFITS. Sec. I. Any Comrade in good standing, and free from all dues, shall be entitled to benefits in case of such sickness or disability as may prevent him from attending to his usual or other occupa- tion; provided such sickness or disability has not resulted from any immoral or improper conduct on his part. Sec. 2. Any Comrade applying for benefits, must make known the same to the Post, the Relief Committee, or a Comrade in good standing. Sec. 3. A Comrade making appHcation for benefits, must, if requested by the ReHef Commit- tee, furnish a certificate from the Post Surgeon or his attending Physician, and if the Post deem it necessary, an affidavit of his sickness. 6 BY-LAWS. Sec. 4. Any Comrade who shall feign him- self sick or disabled, for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining benefits, or who may be the wilful cause of his own sickness, shall upon conviction thereof, be deprived of all benefits, and be suspended dur- ing the pleasure of the Post. Sec. 5. The weekly benefits of this Post shall be three dollars ($3.00) per week, for not ex- ceeding ten weeks ; two dollars ($2.00) per week for the next succeeding ten weeks in each year; provided that no benefits shall be allowed for less than one week's sickness. Sec. 6. Upon the decease of a beneficiary member, the sum of thirty dollars ($30) shall be ap- propriated for the purpose of defraying his funeral expenses. Sec 7. The payment of arrears during the sickness of a Comrade, shall not entitle him to weekly benefits during such sickness, nor to funeral benefits should death result therefrom, without the consent, by a two-thirds vote, of the Post. Sec. 8. The Post may make such additional appropriations for the relief of a Comrade's family in distress, as the circumstances may require. ARTICLE VI. watchers. Sec. I. Whenever a Comrade is detailed and BY-LAWS. 7 notified to watch with a sick member, should he, without a reasonable excuse, neglect to perform that duty, or furnish a substitute, he shall pay a fine of $2 for every such neglect. ARTICLE VII. POLITICS. Sec. I. No ofiicer or Comrade of the Grand Army of the Republic shall in any manner use this organization for partisan purposes, and no discus- sion of partisan questions shall be permitted at any meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic, and no nominations for pohtical offices shall be made. ARTICLE VTII. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. No provision of these By-Laws shall be altered or amended, unless such alteration or amendment have been proposed at a preceded stated meeting, and in no case shall any such proposed alteration or amendment be acted upon, except at a stated meeting, and by a two-thirds vote of members pres- ent and voting. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 161 798 5