LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Hill 000135435^ e. . (Ml* •5*. s> **? ^ 20 c ' ° ° r &*%, F ^ <* v >• ./> *b .«?** v '\ ,0 c> o x ,v <*> x° °* r. .V v ■tu. \ A \ - ,. ■**- v > A o i V A' ■ VITAL RECORDS OF CONNECTICUT SERIES I TOWNS II PART II VITAL RECORDS OF NORWICH 1659-1848 PART II HARTFORD SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT 1913 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Lucius Barnes Barbour Williston Walker Winslow Tracy Williams I /J JO TABLE OF CONTENTS Part II Fourth Volume of Records Fifth Volume of Records Sixth Volume of Records Seventh Volume of Records Index of Persons , Index of Places 573 677 807 934 1019 1175 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS PART II BIRTHS MARRIAGES & DEATHS No. 4 [i & 2] Blank [3] Cap* Benjamin Coit & Mifs Sarah Coit both of Norwich were married together on the 15 th of October Anno Domini 1788. George, the son of Benjamin Coit & of Sarah his Wife was born on the 10 th of June A D 1790 William Henry the son of Cap* Benj. Coit & of Sarah his wife was born on the 22 nd of June A D 1792 Francis the son of Cap 1 Benj Coit & of Sarah his wife was born on the 18 th of August A D 1794 Charles Frederick the son of Cap 1 Benj Coit & of Sarah his wife was born the 25 th of November 1796 Sally Lanman the Daughter of Cap 1 . Benj n Coit and of Sarah his wife was born May 10 th 1799 Benjamin Billings the son of Cap 1 Benj n . Coit and of Sarah his wife was born 10 th of April 1801 Edward the son of Cap 1 . Benjamin Coit & of Sarah his wife was born 26 Dec r 1802 Abby the Daughter of Cap*. Benj n . Coit and of Sarah his Wife was born 27 th May 1806 [4] M r John Clegg and Mifs Betsey Herrick both of Norwich were Married together by the Rev 4 . John Sterry on the 23 rd day of April A D 1802 John W the Son of John Clegg and of Betsey his wife was born January 6 th A D 1803 Tanny the Daughter of John Clegg and of Betsey his wife was born October 12 th . AD 1804 And died August io ,h AD 1805 Mrs Betsey Clegg Died October 9 th . A D 1805 M r John Clegg and Mifs Mary Billings were Married together on the 21 st day of July 1806 Mary the Daughter of John Clegg and of Mary his wife was born May 3 rd AD 1807 William the Son of John Clegg and of Mary his wife was born August 17 th AD 1809 Sally the Daughter of John Clegg and of Mary his wife was born August 20 th AD 181 1 573 574 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [5] M r Gardner Carpenter & Mifs Mary Huntington, daughter of Benjamin Huntington Jun r both of Norwich were married together by the Rev 4 . Joseph Strong, on the 29 th of October A D 1791 George the Son of Gardner Carpenter & of Mary his wife was born 27 th of July 1795 Mary Elizabeth the Daughter of Gardner Carpenter & of Mary his Wife was born on Thirfday the 12 th of October 1797 Gardner the Son of Gardner Carpenter and Mary his wife was born March 29 th A D 1802 Henry the Son of Gardner Carpenter and of Mary his wife was born November 10 th . A D. 1804 John the Son of Gardner Carpenter and of Mary his wife was born March 4 th . A D 1807 Charles the Son of Gardner Carpenter and of Mary his wife was born October 2i 8t A D. 1810. [6] Elizabeth the Daughter of Joseph Brewster and of Hannah his wife was born January 15 th . A.D. 1799. Benjamin, the Son of Joseph Brewster and of Hannah his wife was born October 20 th A D 1800 M r Joseph Brewster died at Sea October 10 th . A.D. 1805. [7] The 12 th of March 1797 Cap* Harvey Winchefter with M rs Lydia Tracy were Joined together in the Marriage Covenant By me Jon th Huntington Just 3 of Peace Cap 1 Samuel Lathrop and Mifs Margaret Moore were married together by the Reverend John Tyler, March 23 th 1788 Alexander the Son of Samuel Lathrop and Margaret his wife was born Wednersday February 6 th 1793. Albert Gallitin Son of Samuel Lathrop and Margaret his wife was born Munday July 20 th 1795 Louisa amanda daughter of Samuel Lathrop and Margaret his wife was born Tuesday December 30 th . 1802. Cap* Samuel Lathrop Died January 10 th 1808. Albert Gallitin Lathrop Died September. 1815. Mrs Margaret Lathrop the wife of Capt Samuel Lathrop De- parted this Life on Satuerday August 2 nd A D 1834 at 10 minutes past Eleven O.Clock P M aged 68 years 8 mo & 2 days. [8] Norwich June 10 th 1802 This may Certify that David Austin and Lydia Lathrop were Married June 5 th 1783. P r Joseph Strong Clerk This may Certify that the foregoing testimony & Record is copied verbatum from a Written Certificate under the Signature and handwriting of Joseph Strong Clerk; And Minister of the first Society in the Town of Norwich State of Connecticut P 1- me Philip Huntington Town Clerk the Reverend David Austin Departed this Life February 5 th6 1831 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 575 [g] Luther Spalding Esq r of Norwich & Mifs Lydia Chaff e of Canterbury were Married together at Canterbury on the 24 th of March A D 1796. George the Son of Luther Spalding £fq r & of Lydia his wife was born on the 16 th of March A D 1797 Mary the Daughter of Luther Spalding Esq r and of Lydia his Wife was born on the 26 th of October 1802 Mary the Daughter of Luther Spalding Esq r & of Lydia his Wife died the 25 th June 1803 Charles the Son of Luther Spalding Esq r and of Lydia his wife was born January 31 st . 1812 5. o Clock P.M Eliza Ann, the Daughter of Luther Spalding Esq and of Lydia his wife was born October 8 th A D. 1813. [10] This may Certify that M r Carpenter Morse of Norwich & Mifs Mary Tenny of Franklin are lawfully Married Franklin April 12 th 1797 Samuel Nott Clerk Entered ^ Ben Huntington Jun r Town Clerk Seymour the son; of Carpenter Morse & of Mary his Wife was born July 30 th 1800 Noah Pomroy the son of Carpenter Morse and of Mary his Wife was born on the 15 th . day of Feb y 1807 John Carpenter, the Son of Carpenter Morse and of Mary his wife was born August 28 th . A.D. 1813 Mary Eliza, the Daughter of Carpenter Morse & of Mary his Wife was born April 20 th A D. 181 5. Mr Carpenter Morse died November 2 d 1815 aged 41 [11] New London County Norwich March 8 th 1781. This may Certify that M r Seymour Murray & M rs Philena Willet were on said 8 th of March 1781. Lawfully Joined in Mar- rage together by me Teft Jon th Huntington Justice of Peace John the son of Seymour Murray & of Philena his wife was born on the 9 th of March 1782 Elisabeth the Daughter of Seymour Murray & of Philena his wife was born on the 17 th of February 1784. Philena the Daughter of Seymour Murray & of Philena his wife was born on the 22 nd of July 1788 Seymour the son of Seymour Murray & of Philena his wife was born on the 26 th of July 1792 Norwich Sept. 20. 1790 This is to Certify That John Pierce and Hannah Tyler both of the Parish of Chelsea in Norwich in the County of New London were joined together in Matrimony on the Ninetenth of Sepf 1790 by me John Tyler Clerk In Presence of Phinehas Holden & Hannah Holden Hannah Tyler 576 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Thankful Pierce George Gilbert &c. Received for Recorded April n, 1893 Samuel H. Freeman Town Clerk [12] M r John Webb Jun r of Norwich & Mifs Elizabeth Clark of New London were married together on the 12 th day of December 1795 Charles Clark the son of John Webb Jun r and of his wife Elisa- beth was born January 3 rd 1797 Eliza the Daughter of John Webb Jun r and of his wife Elisa- beth was born September 6 th 1798 Jane the Daughter of John Webb and of Elizabeth his wife was born May 10 th AD 1801. George Faulkner, the Son of John Webb & of Elizabeth his Wife was born July 24 th A D 1808 Ann Bingley, the Daughter of John Webb and of Elizabeth his wife was born august 27 th 181 1 [13] M r Christopher Starr of Norwich and Mifs Olive Perkins of Lisbon were married together on the first of May 1791 Jonathan the son of Christopher Starr and of Olive his wife was born on the 16 th of January 1792 Sarah Leffingwell, the Daughter of Christopher Starr & of Olive his wife was Born on the 29 th of March 1794 Olive Dowglafs, the daughter of Christopher Starr & of Olive his wife, was born on the 29 th of May 1796 Joanna Christophers, the Daughter of Christopher Starr & of Olive his wife was born September 7 th A.D. 1798. Simon Perkins, the Son of Christopher Starr and of Olive his wife was born August 10 th A.D. 1800 Fanny the Daughter of Christopher Starr and of Olive his wife was born June 23 rd A D. 1802 Rebecca Kinsman, the Daughter of Christopher Starr and of Olive his wife was born February 20 th . 1805 Benajah Leffingwell, the Son of Christopher Starr and of Olive his wife was born March 4 th . A.D. 1807 Samuel Christophers the son of Christopher Starr and of Olive his wife was born October 2 nd . A.D. 1809. Benjamin Douglas, the Son of Christopher Starr & of Olive his wife was born September 21 st A D 181 1. [14] M r Eber Backus & Mifs Eunice Waterman both of Norwich were Married Together on the 24 th . Day of November A.D. 1791. M r Samuel Manning of Norwich & Mifs Polly Sison of North NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 577 Stoning! on were Married together at Norwich November 14 th . A D. 1809. By Elisha Hyde Esq Mary-Ann the Daughter of Samuel Manning and of Polly his wife was born October 7 th . A D 1810. Harriot the Daughter of Samuel Manning and of Polly his wife was born October 6 th . A.D. 1812. [15] Norwich March i ft 1799 This May Certify that Rufus Fuller & Rhoda Baldwin were married the fir ft of December 1793 p r Joseph Strong Clerk Entered p r B Huntington Jun r Town Clerk Rhoda Witter the Daughter of Rufus Fuller & of Rhoda his wife was born February 29 1795 Mary Ann the Daughter of Rufus Fuller & of Rhoda his wife was born March 11 th 1797 Sarah the Daughter of Rufus Fuller & of Rhoda his wife was born February 14 th 1799 [16] Norwich Nov 1 '. 29 th : 1799. This May Certify that M r Gurdon Bill and Mifs Betsey Tracy both of Norwich were Married the 24 th of December 1797. P r Joseph Strong Clerk William Truxton the Son of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born March 10 th . 1799. George, the Son of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born December 9 th . A.D. 1801 Henry, the Son of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born June 10 th . A D. 1804 Lydia Huntington, the Daughter of Gurdon Bill & of Betsey his Wife was born March 18 th A D. 1806. Mary Elizabeth, the Daughter of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born January 18 th . 1808. Joseph Howland, the son of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born March 18 th . A.D. 1810. Abby Woolsey the Daughter of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born March 2j ih . 1812 and Died April 9 th 1812. Leonard Tracy, the Son of Gurdon Bill and of Betsey his wife was born September 4 th 18 14. [17] Norwich Nov r . 22 nd 1791 - — This may Certify that Andrew Parish & Susanna Stroud were married the 28 th . of Nov 1 ". 1790 P r . Joseph Strong Clerk. Lydia the Daughter of Andrew Parish & of Susannah his wife was born September 15 th 1791 Harriot the Daughter of Andrew Parish & of Susannah his Wife was born September 15 th 1793 Jane Corning the Daughter of Andrew Parish & of Susannah his Wife was born October 9 th 1795 578 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Mary arm the Daughter of Andrew Parish & of Susannah his Wife was born April 13 th 1798 [18] John the son of Gurdon Hibard and of Irena his Wife was born on the 6 th day of February 1801 Mary Abbe the Daughter of Gurdon Hibbard and of Irena his Wife was born the 2 nd day of June 1803. Oliver Edwin the Son of Gurdon Hebard and of Irena his Wife was born the 14 th day of April 1805 Lydia the Daughter of Gurdon Hebard & of Irena his Wife was born the 19 th day of May 1808. George the Son of Gurdon Hebard and of Irena his Wife was born the 2 nd day of March 1810. Fanny Irena the daughter of Gurdon Hebbard and of Irena his wife was born April 21 st 181 2 Harriet Lee the daughter of Gurdon Hebbard and of Irena his wife was born May 20 th 181 5 [19] Daniel Putnan Tyler the Son of Pascal Paola Tyler and of Betsey his wife was born July 17 th 1798. M r William Loring and Mifs Zerviah Lord were Married together May 17 th . AD 1781. • William, the Son of William Loring and of Zerviah his wife was born March 21 st AD 1782. Henry the Son of William Loring and of Zerviah his wife was born January 22 nd A.D. 1784. George the Son of William Loring and of Zerviah his wife was born April 25 th . A D 1786. Isaac, the Son of William Loring and of Zerviah his wife was born April first A D 1788. M r Daniel Dunham and the Widow Zerviah Loring were mar- ried together March 6 th . A.D. 1794. Hannah the Daughter of Daniel Dunham and of Zerviah his wife was born January 6 th . A D 1795 Daniel the Son of Daniel Dunham and of Zerviah his wife was born February 18 th . A.D 1797. John, the Son of Daniel Dunham and of Zerviah his wife was born September 25 th A.D. 1800. [20] Harriot Clark the Daughter of Cap 1 . Elijah Clark & of his wife Eunice was born the 5 th of July 1794 Caroline the Daughter of Elijah Clark and of Eunice his Wife was born May 8 th . 1796 Cap 1 . Elijah Clark Died Septem 1 " 18 th . 1799 Caroline the Daughter of Elijah Clark and of Eunice his wife Died October 8 th AD 1799. [21] Collins the son of Cap 1 Elisha York now of Norwich formerly of Preston & of Sarah his Wife was born March 18 th 1795 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 579 John the son of Cap 1 Elisha York & of Sarah his Wife was born May 16 th 1797 Hiram the Son of Cap 1 Elisha York and of Sarah his Wife was born Feb y 24 th 1799 [22] This may Certify that M r Jefse Lathrop of Norwich & Mifs Rhoda Hyde Jun 1 ' of Franklin are lawfully married. Franklin April 16 th 1797. Samuel Nott Clerk Amanda the Daughter of Jesse Lathrop & of Rhoda his Wife was born December 21 st 1798 1 ann Born feb 23. A D 1764 Thomas Born Jenil 16 1766 Sarah Born march 3 1769 olive Born march 4 1772 Thomas Crocker his Childrens names To Be Recorded [23] General Ebenezer Huntington of Norwich & Mifs Sarah Isham of Cholchester were Married together on the io lh . of Decm r . 1791 Alfred Isham the Son of Gen 1 Ebenezer Huntington & of Sarah his Wife was Born on the 2 nd of June 1793 General Ebenezer Huntington of Norwich And Mifs Lucretia Mary M c Clellen of Woodstock were Married together on the 7 th . of October 1795 Wolcott, the son of Gen 1 . Ebenezer Huntington and of Lucretia Mary his Wife was born 20 th of August 1796 Louisa Mary the Daughter of Gen 1 . Ebenezer Huntington & of Lucretia Mary his Wife was born 20 th of Feb y 1798 George Washington, the son of Gen 1 . Ebenezer Huntington & of Lucretia Mary his Wife was born 22 nd . of Nov r . 1799 Emily, the Daughter of Gen 1 Ebenezer Huntington and of Lucretia Mary, his wife was born August 6 th A.D 1801 Nancy L. the Daughter of Gen 1 Eben r . Huntington and of Lucretia Mary, his wife was born April 6 th A.D. 1803 Walter, the son of Gen 1 Eben r . Huntington and of Lucretia Mary his wife was born Nov r . 11 th . AD. 1804 Sarah I the Daughter of Gen 1 . Eben r . Huntington & of Lucretia Mary his wife was born May I st A.D. 1806 Elizabeth M. the daughter of Gen 1 Eben 1 ' Huntington and of Lucretia Mary his wife was born August 24 th 1808 Maria H. the Daughter of Gen 1 Eben r . Huntington & of Lucretia Mary his wife was born Decern 1 " 13 th . A.D. 1810 M rs Lucretia Mary Huntington Died Nov 1 " 5 th 18 19. [24] John Mireck Whitney the son of John Mireck Whitney & of Edeth his wife was born in North Carolina November 19 th 1784 'The following entries are on a loose sheet of paper pasted on page 22. 5 8o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Andrew Griswould Whitney the son of John Mireck Whitney & of Edeth his wife was born in North Carolina October 2 nd 1786 Norwich May 25 th 1785 Then was married John Whiteley & Rebecca Abell both of Norwich p r me Elijah Backus Justice Peace [25] Norwich 9 th July 1800 This may Certify that John Fanning & Abigail Tracy, were married by me the 15 th . of October 1795 Joseph Strong Clerk Abba the Daughter of John Fanning and of Abigail his Wife was born July 24 th 1799 Thomas the son of John Fanning and of Abigail his wife was born March 29 th 1801 George Edward the son of John Fanning & of Abigail his Wife was born Dec r . 4 th 1802 John Howard, the Son of John Fanning and of Abigail his wife was born April 2 nd 1805 James Gilbert, the Son of John Fanning and of Abigail his wife was born September 7 th . 1809. [26] Cap' Moses Benjamin & Mifs Martha Avery were Married Together February 18 th 1798 Charles the son of Moses Benjamin & of Martha his Wife was born December 28 th 1798 George the son of Cap* Moses Benjamin & of Martha his Wife was born July 1 25 th 1800 New London County Preston Decern 1 ". 15 th A D 1801 Cap* Moses Benjamin of Norwich and Mifs Jerusha Avery of Preston Present themselves for marriage and were married & Pronounced Husband & Wife, By Samuel Mott Justice of Peace Moses the Son of Moses Benjamin and of Jerusha his Wife was born November 25 th A D 1802 Preston New London County Sept r 9 th 1804 Cap 1 Moses Benjamin of Norwich and Mifs Cynthia Billings of Preston Pre- sented themselves for Marriage and were Married and pro- nounceed husband & Wife By Sam 1 . Mott Justice of the Peace Henry the Son of Moses Benjamin & of Cynthia his Wife was born June 18 th AD 1805 [27] M r . John Lancaster & Mrs Anna Trapp both of Norwich were Married together Jan y 18 th 1798. M r Zadock Pratt of Mansfield & Mifs Lucindia Gildon of Norwich Were Married together January 27 th 1796 Eliza the Daughter of M r . Zadock Pratt and of Lucindia his Wife Was born Feb y I st 1800 1 First written " December ". NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 581 Emily, the Daughter of Shubael Hebard and of Lucy his wife was born September 16 th . A.D. 1803. Lucy, the Daughter of Shubael Hebard and of Lucy his wife was born September 20 th . A. D. 1807. [28] Nathaniel Coock the son of Asahel Coock and of Patience his Wife was born April 22 nd 1776 Norwich October 8 th 1802 This May Certify that John Post and Nabby Fitch Were Mar- ried the 13 th . of March 1788 Joseph Strong Clerk Charles the Son of John Post and of Nabby his Wife was born October 20 th 1789 Sally Blifs the Daughter of John Post & of Nabby his Wife was born February 14 1793 John the son of John Post and of Nabby his Wife was born October 26 th 1794 Jabez the son of John Post and of Nabby his Wife was born August 8 th 1796 [2g] Cap 1 . Oliver Fitch & Mifs Anna Pluntington both of Norwich were married the 18 th . day of May 1796 Edward Goold the Son of Oliver Fitch & Anna his Wife, was born May 31 st . 1799 Charles, the son of Oliver Fitch and of Anna his Wife was born July 15 th AD 1803. And died on the 17 th . day of Tanuary 1808. M rs . Anna Fitch died on the 7 th day of February A.D. 1808 Cap' Oliver Fitch and Mifs Susan Finney were Married together the 20 th day of June A.D. 181 1. M r Joseph Barnes died (was killed) at Stoney Crick in Upper Canada June 6 th 1813 [30] George Whitney the Son of Stephen Backus & of Eunice his Wife was born April 18 th 1800 M r Elijah Ames and Mifs Mary Moore both of Norwich were Married together March 10 th AD 1811. Henry Olcott the Son of Elijah Ames and of Marv his wife was born October 11 th . AD. 1812. William Frederick, the Son of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born Novem 1- 20 th . 1814. Elizabeth Huntington the Daughter of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born February 22 nd . 18 if). George Anson, the Son of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born October 12 th . A D. 1817. Daniel Huntington, the Son of Elijah Ames and of Mary his Wife was born February 8 th 18 19. Charles Erasmus the Son of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born December 15 th . 1820. 582 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS John Tyler, the Son of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born September I st A.D. 1822 Elizabeth Huntington the Daughter of Elijah Ames, and of Mary his wife died October first 1822. Elizabeth Huntington the daughter of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born Dec 1 " 15 th 1823 Nancy Moore the daughter of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born April 20 th 1826 Edmund Fisher the son of Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born Feb y 12 th 1829 Mary Eliza the daughter Elijah Ames and of Mary his wife was born February 4 th AD. 1831 [31] Chelsea in Norwich in the County of New London in the State of Connecticut Feb y 4 th 180 1. This is to Certify all People whom it may Concern that Albertus Siraut Destouches late from Efsequebo but then residing in the said Parish of Chelsea in Norwich & Elizabeth Backus, lately the Wife of Ebenezer Backus of said Chelsea, residing in said Chelsea, were married in said Chelsea in the Aforesaid Nor- wich, on the thirty first Day of July in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred & ninety one By me In presence of John Tyler Ebenezer Whiting Rector of Christs Church Anna Whiting his wife in the Said Parish Jabez Huntington of Chelsea in Norwich John Young Sarah Perkins Charlotte Whiting Hannah Tyler &c Entered p r . Benj n Huntington Register Mary ann the daughter of John Brown & of Temporance his Wife was born on the 13 th day of June 1797 [32] See page 26. 1 New London County Preston Decm r . 15 th AD 1801 Cap 4 Moses Benjamin of Norwich & Mifs Jerusha Avery of Preston Present themselves for Marriage & were Married and Pro- nounced. Husband & Wife By Sam 1 Mott Just 8 Peace 2 this Certificate is Recorded in page 26 th it being Entered here through Mistake James the Son of Dewey Brumley and of Anna his wife was born July 11 th . A.D. 1803 M r Dewey Brumley Died August 18 th A D 1807 M r . Avery Brumley of Norwich and Mifs Zipporah Avery of 1 Written in pencil. This entry has been crossed out. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 583 Preston were joined in Marriage Decern 1, 3 rd 18 12 by the Rev" 1 . John Sterry. [33] M r . Mathew Leffingwell and Mifs Mary Lester both of Norwich were Married the 3 rd day of may 1787 Polly the Daughter of Mathew Leffingwell and of Mary his Wife was born April 9 th 1788 Simeon the Son of Mathew Leffingwell and of Mary his Wife was born December 27 th 1789 Thomas the Son of Mathew Leffingwell and of Mary his Wife was born October 14 th 1791 Rebecca the Daughter of Mathew Leffingwell & of Mary his Wife was born September 11 th 1793 Sally the Daughter of Mathew Leffingwell & of Mary his Wife was born April 13 th 1795 Eunice the Daughter of Mathew Leffingwell and of Mary his Wife was born April 4 th 1797 Eliza the Daughter of Mathew Leffingwell And of Mary his Wife was born March 19 th 1799. Matthew the son of Mathew Leffingwell & of Mary his Wife was born August 9 th 1801 Jane the Daughter of Mathew Leffingwell and of Mary his Wife was born June 30 th 1803 Lydia. the Daughter of Matthew Leffingwell and of Mary his wife was born March 30 th . 1805. Julyann, the Daughter of Matthew Leffingwell and of Mary his wife was born November 9 th 1806 Sybel F. the Daughter of Matthew Leffingwell and of Mary his wife was born August 2 nd . 1808 Simeon the Son of Mathew Leffingwell and of Mary his wife Died March 4 th . A D 1812 Mrs Mary Leffingwell Died July 6 th A D 1813 [34] M r . Jeremiah Leach. Jun and Mifs Bet fey Gilding both of Norwich were Joined in Marriage in Mansfield August 25 th A D 1799. Charles Gilding the son of Jeremiah Leach and Betsey his Wife was born August 17 th 1800 David B. the Son of William Callyhan & of Betsey his wife was born January 26 th . AD 181 1 Mary, the Daughter of William Callyhan and of Betsey his wife was born December 23 rd . 18 13 [35] Bro 1 . from Book 3 rd page 305 Elizabeth the Daughter of David Nevins & of Mary his Wife was born June 19 th 1792 Rufus the Son of David Nevins & of Mary his Wife Was born April 14 th 1794 584 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Richard the Son of David Nevins & of Mary his Wife was born October 27 th 1795 William the Son of David Nevins & of Mary his Wife was born October 13 th 1797 Mary, the Daughter of David Nevins & of Mary his wife died October 23 rd . A.D. 1800 Caleb Baker Manwaring the Son of Robert Manwaring & of his Wife Elizabeth was born January 21 s ' 1802 Mr s Elizabeth Manwaring died Feb y . 13 th . 1802 M r Robert Manwaring and the Widow Susanna Bushnell both of Norwich were Married together on the 30 th day of January 1803 William Hubbard the Son of Robert Manwaring and of Susanna his Wife was born Novem r 7 th 1803 Deacon Robert Manwaring died March 29 th . 1807 Mrs Susanna Manwaring died at Windham April 9 th . 181 4 [36] M r . George Dennis Jun r and Mifs Abigail Griswold both of Norwich were Married on the 5 th day of February A D 1782 Fanny the Daughter of George Dennis Jun r and of Abigail his Wife was born December 27 th 1782 Henry Ely the son of George Dennis Jun r . and of Abigail his Wife was born June 22 nd 1784 Betsey the Daughter of George Dennis Jun r and of Abigail his wife was born March 18 th 1786 Nancy the Daughter of George Dennis Jun r & of Abigail his Wife Was born Nov 1- 18 th 1787 George Butler the Son of George Dennis Jun r ' & of Abigail his Wife was born Nov r 8 th 1793 Emmily the Daughter of George Dennis Jun r and of Abigail his Wife was born March 23 rd 1795 Mary ami the Daughter of George Dennis Jun r . and of Abigail his Wife was born May 30 th 1798 [37] James Lanman of Norwich, and Mary Anne Griswold Chandler of Northampton in Mafsachufetts were married on the 18 th day of May A D. 1794. at Woodstock by by the Reverend Eliphalet Lyman. Charles James, the Son of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Griswold his Wife was born June 5 th 1795 Mary Anne Chandler the daughter of James Lanman and of Mary Anne Griswold his Wife was born September 7 th 1797 Joanna Boylston the daughter of James Lanman and of Mary Anne Griswold his Wife was born April 15 th 1799 And died on Friday the 13 th day of Dec r 1799 Eliza the daughter of James Lanman and of Mary Anne Gris- wold his Wife was born September 20 th 1800 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 585 Sarah Coit, the Daughter of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Griswold his wife was born August 22 nd . A D. 1802. Harriet the Daughter of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Gris- wold his Wife was born January 22 nd A D 1804. Jane Griswold, the Daughter of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Griswold his Wife was born February 23 rd A D. 1806. Joanna Boylston, the Daughter of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Griswold his Wife was born March 29 th . A D. 1808 James Henry the Son of James Lanman and of Mary Anne Griswold his wife was born April 2 nd A.D. 1810. And died March 2 nd . AD 181 1. James Henry the Son of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Griswold his wife was born December 4 th . A D 181 1. George the son of James Lanman & of Mary Anne Griswold his wife was born Nov 1 ". 14 th . 1813. [38] This is a Testimonial that M r Erastus Lathrop of Nor- wich & Mifs Lucy Smith of Franklin are lawfully married Franklin Dec r . 25 th . 1800 Samuel Nott, Clerk M r Jeremiah Leach Died July 17 th . 1812 M r Daniel Morgan & Mifs Polly Frost both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 15 th . Day of February A D 1795. by the Rev d . Joseph Strong. William the Son of Daniel Morgan and of Polly his wife was born September 7 th . A D. 1795 Silvester, the Son of Daniel Morgan and of Polly his wife was born February 20 th . A.D. 1797 Lydia L. the Daughter of Daniel Morgan and of Polly his wife was born December I st . AD 1798. Daniel, the Son of Daniel Morgan and of Polly his wife was born June 16 th . AD 1801. [39] Charles Backus the son of Walter King and of Sarah his Wife was born February 27 th 1788 Sarah the Daughter of Walter King and of Sarah his Wife was born December 5 th 1789 Sarah Austin the Daughter of Walter King & of Emilia his Wife was born January 8 th 1796 George Porter the son of Walter King & Emilia his Wife was born January 18 th 1797 This may Certify that Walter King and Catherine Peabody presented themselves & were legally Married by me Chelsea in Norwich Dec r . 21 st 1803 Joseph Strong Clerk Entered p r Philip Huntington Town Clerk Lydia, the Daughter of Asa Hazen and of Mary his wife was born November 19 th . A D. 1792. 5 86 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [40] M r . William Barker & Mifs Lois Mix both of Norwich were Married together on the 30 th day of August 1778 William the Son of William Barker and Lois his Wife was born on the 24 th . day of April 1779 Asa the son of William Barker & of Lois his Wife was born on the 30 th day of May 1781 M rs Lois Barker the Wife of William Barker Died on the 18 th day of March 1782. Norwich March 3 rd . 1803. This May Certify that William Barker and Betsey Armstrong were Married the 30 th day of may 1782 p r Joseph Strong Clerk. Hannah the daughter of William Barker and of Betsey his Wife was born on the 8 th day of Feb 3 ' 1783 Silas the son of William Barker and of Betsey his Wife was born on the 28 th day of November 1784 Joseph the son of William Barker and of Betsey his Wife was born on the 25 th day of May 1790 Lydia the Daughter of William Barker and of Betsey his wife was born on the 11 th day of July 1794 Lucretia the daughter of William Barker and of Betsey his Wife was born on the 16 th . day of June 1797 John the son of William Barker and of Betsey his wife was born on the 28 th . day of June 1799 Entered p r Philip Huntington Town Clerk [41] Norwich Feb y 12 th 1803 This May Certify that Giles LHommedieu & Abigail Reynolds, were legally Married the 10 th of May 1795 p r Joseph Strong Clerk Entered p r . Philip Huntington Town Clerk M r . Gustaveous Walbridge and Mifs Anna Sanford both of Norwich were Married together on the 23 rd . day of May A.D. 1790 Anna the daughter of Gustaveous Walbridge & of Anna his Wife was born October 30 th 1791 Roxeylane the daughter of Gustavous Walbridge & of Anna his wife was born August 5 th 1793 Polly the Daughter of Gustavous Walbridge and of Anna his Wife was born March 2 nd 1795 Eunice the daughter of Gustabous Walbridge & of Anna his wife was born NovenV th 1798 Henry the son of Gustavous Walbridge and of Anna his Wife was born April 8 th 1801 [42] M r . Daniel Huntington 3 rd . of Norwich and Mifs Sally Potter of New London were Married at New London by the Rev d . Henry Channing on the 30 th day of October 1803 : M r . Daniel Huntington 3 rd died October T2 th 1805 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 587 [43] M r Philip Huntington & Mifs Phila Grist both of Nor- wich were Married together by the Rev d Joseph Strong on the 17 th day of January 1796 Mary-ann the Daughter of Philip Huntington and of Phila his Wife was born December 19 th 1796 And died on the 12 th of January 1797 Benjamin the Son of Philip Huntington and of Phila his wife was born 24 th April 1798 M rs . Phila Huntington died on the Night of the 30 th of November 1806 Mr Philip Huntington died on the Night of the 4 th of February 1825 Mr Josiah Meeker and Mifs Hannah Bushnell were married together November 1784 Joseph the son of Josiah Meeker and of Hannah his wife was born May I st 1788 Mrs Hannah Meeker died Dec r . I st 1824 [44] (Bro 1 . from Book 3 rd page 333) Norwich May 15 th 1803 This may Certify that Thomas Fanning Esq 1- And Lucy Ledyard both of this Town presented themselves and were legally married p r . me Walter King Clerk- Entered p r . Philip Huntington Town Clerk Andrew Mordock the son of Thomas Fanning and of Lucy his wife was born Feb y 20 th . 1804 Thomas Coit the son of Thomas Fanning & of Lucy his Wife was born on the 2 nd of August 1805 [45] This may certify that Elkany Saunders Son of Joshua Saunders of Westerly and Sarah Joy prefented themfelves and were legally married by me Walter King Norwich May 25 th 1800 [46] M r Hezekiah Freeman and Mifs Martha Smith both of Norwich were Married Together on the 19 th . day of February AD 1769 Sarah the daughter of Hezekiah Freeman and of his Wife Martha was born Novem r . 7 th . 1767 Lucy the daughter of Hezekiah Freeman and of Martha his wife was born April 12 th . 1770 Samuel the Son of Hezekiah Freeman & of Martha his wife was born May 27 th 1772 Hezekiah the son of Hezekiah Freeman & of Martha his wife was born the 30 th of May. 1775 Hannah the daughter of Hezekiah Freeman & of Martha his wife was born 20 th . Febuary 1778 Margaret the daughter of Hezekiah Freeman & of Martha his wife was born the 26 th July 1780 5 88 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [47] M r . Daniel Lathrop and Mifs Betsey Turner both of Norwich were Married on the 14 th day of August 1793 at Nor- wich by the Reven d . Joseph Strong- Jane Eliza the daughter of Daniel Lathrop and of Betsey his Wife was born 26 th July 1795 Frank Turner the son of Daniel Lathrop and of Betsey his Wife was born 9 th August 1798 Ann Matilda the daughter of Daniel Lathrop and of Betsey his Wife was born 10 th . March 1800 Cornelia Sophia the daughter of Daniel Lathrop and of Betsey his Wife was born 30 July 1804 [48] Norwich June 9 th 1796 This may Certify that Ebenezer Cooly & Lovicy W. Fellows presented themselves & Were legally Married p r me Walter King. Clerk Pliney Dwight the son of Eben r . Cooley & of Lovicy W. his Wife was born April 17 th 1797 and died December 3 rd 1800 Charles Ingraham the son of Ebenezer Cooley & of Lovicy. W. his Wife was born December 13 th 1801 Mary Hall the daughter of Ebenezer Cooley and of Lovicy. W. his Wife was born August 30 th . 1803 Ebenezer the son of Ebenezer Cooley & of Lovicy W. his Wife was born on the 20 th clay of May 1806 And died on the 27 th . day of September 1806 [49] This is to Certify that Joseph Perkins of Norwich and Mary Watkinson of Middletown were Joined together in Mar- riage November 13 th . A.D. 1803 by me Enock Huntington Pastor of the first Curch in Middletown Mary Watkinson the daughter of Joseph Perkins and of Mary his Wife was born August 26 th . A D 1804 Joseph the son of Joseph Perkins and of Mary his wife was born June 8 th A.D. 1806 Alfred Elijah the Son of Joseph Perkins and of Mary his wife was born April 5 th . 1809 Joseph, the Son of Joseph Perkins and of Mary his wife Died August 12 th . A.D. 1818 [50] M r Thomas Hubbard & Mifs Mary Hallam both of Norwich were Married together on the 20 th of May 1781 Thomas the son of Thomas Hubbard & of Mary his Wife was born April 22 nd . A D 1783 Rufsel the son of Thomas Hubbard & of Mary his Wife was born February 7 th 1785 Amos H the son of Thomas Hubbard & of Mary his wife was born February 20 th . 1791 [51] M r . James N Barber and Mifs Hannah Billings both of Norwich were Married together on the 28 th . October 1799 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 589 Joseph Billings the son of James N. Barber and of his Wife Hannah was born May 28 th 1800 Zerviah Bushnell the Daughter of James N. Barber and of his wife Hannah was born the 20 th of May 1804 Sally-ann the Daughter of James N Barber and of his wife Hannah was born June 13 th . A.D 1807 and Died July 13 th AD. 1808 Fanny the Daughter of James N. Barber and of Hannah his wife was born June 3 rd A.D. 1809 Sally ann the Daughter of James N. Barber and of Hannah his wife was born Novem 1 " 12 th 1811. Fanny, the Daughter of James N. Barber & of Hannah his wife Died Septem r 13 th A D 1812. [52] Norwich December 7 th 1805 This is to Certify that Samuel Tyler and Emma Rogers both of Norwich in the County of New London were Married at Norwich in said County on the fifth day of April A D 1803. by me John Tyler In presence of Zabdiel Rogers Hannah Tyler Samuel Woodbridge James F. Brown &c Harriot Maria the Daughter of Samuel Tyler & of Emma his Wife was born 6 th January 1804 Emma Rogers the Daughter of Samuel Tyler & of Emma his Wife was born the 3 rd . day of April 1805 William Samuel the Son of Samuel Tyler & of Emma his Wife was born on the 12 th of Nov 1 " 1806 John Henry, the Son of Samuel Tyler & of Emma his wife was born April 7 th . A.D. 1809. Mary the Daughter of Samuel Tyler and of Emma his wife was born March 25 th . A.D. 181 1 Mrs. Emma Tyler died November 16 th . AD 1811. April 14 th 1824. I married Col. Samuel Tyler to Mifs Hannah W Vail both of this City S. B. Paddock. Rector of Christ Church Norwich Christopher Everett Vail the son of Samuel Tyler and of Hannah W his wife was born July 20 th 1826 [53] The names and Age of Children of John Hyde Esq r and of Sarah his Wife Rachel Tracy the daughter of John Hyde & of Sarah his wife was born March 10 th 1799 Abigail Lerhngwell the daughter of John Hyde & of Sarah his Wife was born October 14 th 1800 Elizabeth Whiting the daughter of John Hyde and of Sarah his Wife was born January I st 1803 59o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Sarah Rufsell the daughter of John Hyde and of Sarah his Wife was born January 18 th 1805 Samuel L. the Son of John Hyde and of Sarah his wife was born March 1 28 th . 1807. [54] Lebanon Jany: 22 nd 1806: This may Certify that M r John Morse of Norwich & Mifs Elizabeth Phelp's of Lebanon, were lawfully Married December 19 th 1798: by Zebulon Ely Pastor of a Church in Lebanon Julia the Daughter of John Morse Jun r and of Elizabeth his Wife was born December 11 th 1799 Loring the Son of John Morse Jun r and of Elizabeth his wife was born on the 5 th . day of August 1801 Maria the Daughter of John Morse and of Elizabeth his wife was born May 21 st 1803 Eunice Phelps the Daughter of John Morse Jun r and of Eliza- beth his Wife was born April 13 th 1805 Frances Emily, the Daughter of John Morse Jun r and of Eliza- beth his wife was born May 20 th 1808 Susanna Amanda the Daughter of John Morse Ju r and of Elizabeth his wife was born April 7 th A D 1810 [55] M r . Jedidiah Willett was born at Norwich on the 9 th day of March 1768 (as he sayeth) Mifs Frances Rogers was born at New London on the first day of November 1768 as he said Jedidiah Sayeth M r Jedidiah Willett of Norwich and Mifs Frances Rogers of New London were married Together on the twenty sixth, day of November 1789 Jedidiah the son of Jedidiah Willett and of Frances his Wife was born on the 3 rd day of February 1791 Caroline the daughter of Jedidiah Willett & of Frances his Wife was born on the 10 th day of September 1792 And died on the 11 th day of September 1793. Joseph the Son of Jedidiah Willett and Frances his Wife was born on the 23 rd day of November 1793 And died on the 18 th day of December 1794 Lucretia the Daughter of Jedidiah Willett and of Frances his Wife was born on the 27 th day of August 1795 Joseph the son of Jedidiah Willett and of Frances his Wife was born on the 31 st day of March 1798 Caroline the daughter of Jedidiah Willett and of Frances his wife was born on the 25 th day of September 1799 Susannah the daughter of Jedidiah Willett & of Frances his wife was born on the 28 th day of August 1801 Asher the son of Jedidiah Willett and of Frances his Wife was born on the 19 th day of June 1803 1 First written " January " and erased. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 591 Nathaniel Rogers, the son of Jedidiah Willett & of Frances his wife was born on the 19 th . day of September 1805 Mrs Frances Wihett died September 19 th 1805 [56] Norwich April 13 th 1803. This is to Certify whom it may Concern, That Leonard P. W. Chester and Sabra Roath both of Chelsea Society in Norwich in the County of New London were married on the fifteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & ninety eight in said Parish of Chelsea, by me In Presence of John Tyler Joseph Roath Meriam Roath John Eells Leonard P. W. Chester son of Leonard P. W. Chester and of Sabra his Wife was born January 9 th . 1799 [57] George Meriman the son of Elizabeth Danforth Junior was born at Norwich on the 26 th day of May 1805 Recorded by Philip Hunting-ton Town Clerk Mary Ann Downing the Daughter of Prudence Willet was born the 28 th . day of April 1807 Recorded by Philip Huntington Town Clerk Salinda Baldwin Pitcher the Daughter of Prudence Willet was born Feb y 16 th . 1824 Recorded June 8 th 1825 pr B Huntington Town Clerk Mifs Clarifsa Forbes of Hartford County Died at the Dwelling house of M r Joseph F Strong in Norwich on the 15 th day of October A.D. 181 1 Deacon John Backus died April 27 th . A.D. 18 14. James Backus Esq died Septem 1- 29 th A D 1816 [58] M r . Henry Nevins & Mifs Lucretia Manwaring both of Norwich were Married together on the 9 th day of June 1805 Mary the daughter of Henry Nevins and of Lucretia his wife was born on the 11 th day of March 1806 David Henry the Son of Henry Nevins and of Lucretia his wife was born April 26 th . 181 1. [59 1 Norwich January 28 th . 1807 This May Certify that Bela Peck & Betsey Billings were Mar- ried October 20 th . 1787 p r . me Joseph Strong. Clerk Recorded p r Philip Huntington Town Clerk William Billings, the son of Bela Peck and of Betsey his wife was born November 30 th . 1788. Charlotte the Daughter of Bela Peck & of Betsey his Wife was born the 21 st day of October 1790 592 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Harriot the Daughter of Bela Peck and of Betsey his Wife was born March 17 th 1795 William Billing's the son of Bela Peck & of Betsey his wife died at New Haven December 18 th A.D. 1805 while a Member of the Junior Clafs in Yale College M rs Betsey Peck Died Novem 1 *. 24 th . A D 1818. Charlotte Peck was Married October 10 th 1808 to Ebenezer Learned of New London M rs . Charlotte Learned died March 8 th 1819 leaving three Children viz Betsey Peck Learned born Nov. 25. 1809 1 Ebenezer Learned Jun r & " Nov. 3. 181 1 Billings Peck Learned " June 24. 18 13. Harriet Peck was Married to William Williams Jun r May 11 th A.D. 1812 See page 162 2 M rs Betsey Peck died November 24 th . 1818 Aged 54 years Bela Peck & Lydia Spalding were Married August 18 th . 1819. Mrs Lydia Peck the wife of Bela Peck Esq r Departed this Life August 18 th Anno Domini 1835 Aged 68 years [60] M r Henry S. Cobb of Norwich & Mifs Mary Cobb of Stonington were Married together March 6 th . 1791 Frances the daughter of Henry S. Cobb and of Mary his Wife was born April 27 th 1792 Catherine the daughter of Henry S. Cobb & of Mary his Wife was born June 13 th . 1794 and died September 21 st 1796. Henry Hallet the son of Henry S. Cobb and of Mary his Wife was born September 7 th 1796 Alfred the son of Henry S. Cobb and of Mary his Wife was born December 5 th 1797 2 nd Catherine the daughter of Henry S. Cobb & of Mary his Wife was born August I st 1800 Mary the daughter of Henry S. Cobb and of Mary his Wife was born at Stonington March 21 st 1803 Nathan the son of Henry S. Cobb and of Mary his wife was born at Stonington September 17 th 1805 [61] M r Uriah Tracy and Mifs Lydia Hallani both of Nor- wich were Married together on the ninth day of February 1794 William George the son of Uriah Tracy and of Lydia his wife was born on the 11 th day of January 1797 Nathan the Son of Nathan Sears and of Margaret his wife was born February 14 th . A.D. 1795. Elisha Ayers, the Son of Nathan Sears and of Margaret his wife was born February 14 th A.D 1799. IThe dates of birth are added in a modern hand. '-"See page 162" written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 593 Sarah Perkins, the Daughter of Nathan Sears & of Margaret his wife was born April 20 th A D 1803. James Eldrige, the Son of Nathan Sears & of Margaret his wife was born April 21 st A.D. 1806 Sanford William, the Son of Nathan Sears & of Margaret his wife was born January 10 th A.D. 1809. Mary McCown, the Daughter of Nathan Sears & of Margaret his wife was born April 14 th A D 181 3. [62] William the son of William Chapman & of Polly his Wife was born on the 25 111 dav of May 1790 Augusta Matilda the Daughter of Samuel Claghorn and of Philura Pain,, his wife was Born December 12 th : AD 1812. Rufus Spalding the Son of Samuel Claghorn and of Philura Pain his wife was born August 30 th 1815 Joseph Samuel the son of Samuel Claghorn and of Philura Pain his wife was born January 22 nd . 1818 George Spalding, the Son of Samuel Claghorn and of Philura Pain his wife was born April 16 th . 182 1 Caroline Philura Spalding the Daughter of Samuel Claghorn and of Philura Pain his wife was born July 3 rd . A.D. 1823. [63] M r . Charles P Huntington and Mifs Charlotte Lathrop both of Norwich were Married together on the 19 th day of December 1802 Abby Lathrop the daughter of M r . Charles P. Huntington and of Charlotte his wife was born on the 7 th day of September 1803 And died on the 14 th day of Febuary 1804 M rs . Charlotte Huntington died on the 7 th day of January. 1805. Norwich September 4 th 1806 This May Certify that Charles P. Huntington and Maria Perit were Married the 28 th of April 1806. p r . Joseph Strong Clerk Recorded p r Philip Huntington T. Clerk John Perit the son of Charles P Huntington & of Maria his wife was born Feb y 14 th . 1807 Charles Webster the son of Charles P Huntington and of Maria his Wife was born July 16 th 1808 Ruth Lefhngwell the Daughter of Charles P. Huntington and of Maria his wife was born March 10 th . 18 10 Samuel Andrew the Son of Charles P. Huntington and of Maria his wife was born February 5 th . 1812. Benjamin Franklin; the Son of Charles P. Huntington and of Maria his wife was born October 24 th . A D 1813. James Monroe, the Son of Charles P Huntington and of Maria his wife was born the 8 th . day of August 181 7 William Henry, the Son of Charles P Huntington and of Maria his Wife was born August 31 st AD 1820. 594 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [64] This May Certify Whom it May Concern that some time between the Year 1760 and the Year 1770. I saw M r Jabez Choat and Mifs Eunice Culver Married together by the Reverend DocF Benj". Lord at the dwelling house of M r Samuel Tracy in Norwich that M r Azariah Lathrop was present and many Others Certified by Mundator Tracy Norwich August 16 1807 Azariah Lathrop Abigal Lathrop Nabby the daughter of Jabez Choat and of Eunice his Wife was born on the 4 th of March 1764 Anne the daughter of Jabez Choat and of Eunice his Wife was born on the 14 th day of Dec 1 " 1765 Jabez the son of Jabez Choat & of Eunice his Wife was born on the 10 th day of June 1772 [65] M r Alfred Carpenter of Norwich and Mifs Molly Brown of Montville were Married together on the 7 th day of June 1777 Alfred Arnold the son of Alfred Carpenter and of Molly his Wife was born November the 15 th AD 1788 John Constant the son of Alfred Carpenter and of Molly his Wife was born August the 29 th A.D. 1790 Fedrus Aldridge the son of Alfred Carpenter & of Molly his Wife was born September the 27 th A.D. 1794 Charles Wesley the son of Alfred Carpenter and of Molly his Wife was born August the 30 th 1798 M r Alfred Carpenter and Mifs Elizabeth Joy both of Norwich were Married together on the Eighteenth day of August 1805 Mary the daughter of Alfred Carpenter and of Elizabeth his Wife was born June the 3 rd A D. 1806 Nancy the daughter of Alfred Carpenter and of Elizabeth his Wife was born July the I st A. D. 1807 [66] M r . William Lester Jun r of Norwich and Mifs Elizabeth Burgefs of Canterbury were Married together the 26 th day of Jan y 1793 William the Son of William Lester and of Elizabeth his Wife was born December 21 st 1794. Simeon the Son of William Lester and of Elizabeth his Wife was born April 16 th 1796 Maria the Daughter of William Lester and of Elizabeth his Wife was born April 15 th 1798. Harriot the Daughter of William Lester & of Elizabeth his Wife was born August 24 th 1800 David the Son of William Lester and of Elizabeth his Wife was born Septem r 3 rd 1802 Joseph Paine the Son of William Lester & of Elizabeth his Wife was born May 8 th 1805 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 595 Mehitabel the Daughter of William Lester and of Elizabeth his Wife was born April 13 th . 1807 [67] M r . John Vernet and Mifs Ann Brown both of Norwich were married together on Wednefsday the 15 th day of December 1802 John Till the son of John Vernet & of Ann his Wife was born Thursday Octo r . 13 th . 1803 Peter C. the son of John Vernet and of Ann his Wife was born Saturday August 10 th 1805 William Brown the son of John Vernet & of Ann his Wife was born Friday August 28 th . 1807 Nancy Brown, the Daughter of John Vernet and of Ann his Wife was born Wednesday May 6 th AD 1812 Lucy, the Daughter of John Vernet and of Ann his wife was born Tuesday April 20 th . AD 1813 [68] George Washington the son of Caleb Winchester and of Lois his Wife was born April 8 th A D 1811. M r Gideon Fitch & the widow Hannah Swain both of Norwich were married together on the 11 th . day of May A.D. 1791. By Samuel Leffingwell Esq Justice Peace John, the Son of Gideon Fitch and of Hannah his wife was born October 15 th . A.D. 1792. M r Gideon Fitch Died January 22 nd . 1795. Eunice, the Daughter of Gideon Fitch and of Hannah his wife was born September 11 th . AD 1795. [69] M r Levi Huntington and Mifs Catharine M Richards both of Norwich were Married at Norwich by the R.ev d Walter King on the 23 rd day of October 1802 Joseph Otis the son of Levi Huntington and of Catharine his Wife was born August 14 th . 1803 Catharine Anna the daughter of Levi Huntington and of Catharine his Wife was born Septem 1 ". 27 th . 1806 [70] John the son of William Latimore and of Elizabeth his Wife was born August 4 th 1787. Sally the Daughter of Azor Gale and of Eunice his wife Died at the house of M r Samuel Bailey December 2 nd A.D. 1810 in the Seventh Year of her age Levi Hart, the Son of Calvin Goddard Esq and of Allice his wife was born October 30 th A.D. 1808. [71] M r John Winship and Mifs Patty Smith both of Nor- wich were married together by the Rev 4 John Sterry on the 2 I st . day of May 1807 George the son of John Winship & of Patty his Wife was born September 4 th 1808. 596 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS M r Eli Adams and Mifs Betsey Woodworth both of Norwich were Married together on the 29 th . day of October A.D. 1794 By the Rev d Joseph Strong Betsey the Daughter of Eli Adams and of Betsey his wife was born December 15 th AD 1795 Loring, the Son of Eli Adams and of Betsey his wife was born February 7 th . 1798 M r . Eli Adams died at Sachets Harbour September 16 th A D. 1814 [72] M r Eliphalet Edgerton and Mifs Eunice Willet both of Norwich were Married together on the 28 th day of March AD. 1771. Sarah Gager, the daughter of Eliphalet Edgerton and of Eunice his Wife was born May 12 th 1773. Luther the Son of Eliphalet Edgerton and of Eunice his Wife was born March 31 st . 1775 Eliphalet the son of Eliphalet Edgerton & of Eunice his Wife was born July 14 th . 1777. [73] Mr. Abijah Thacher and Mifs Betsey Marshall both of Norwich were Married Together on the 19 th . day of May A.D. I804 Burrel Woodworth the son of Abijah Thacher and of Betsey his Wife was born August 2 nd 1807. And Died April 12 th . A D 1809 Burrel Marshall the Son of Abijah Thacher and of Betsey his wife was born February 25 th . A.D. 1810. Joseph Brewster, the Son of Abijah Thacher and of Betsey his wife was born October 3 rd AD 181 1. Frances Jane, the Daughter of Abijah Thacher and of Betsey his wife was born October 2 nd A D 181 3 Elizabeth Gale the Daughter of Abijah Thatcher and of Betsey his wife was born October 17 th 1818 [74] M r Samuel Story of Norwich and Mifs Sophia Corning of Preston were Married together on the 21 st . day of September AD 1800 Abel S the Son of Samuel Story & of Sophia his wife was born October 22 nd 1802. And died March 19 th . 1803 Laura Sophia the Daughter of Samuel Story and of Sophia his wife was born January 3 rd . 1804 Ursula Moria the Daughter of Samuel Story and of Sophia his wife was born November 20 th . 1807 Edward S. the Son of Samuel Story and of Sophia his wife was born June 29 th A.D. 1809 This certifies that Samuel Story of Norwich New London County Connecticut and Anna Bingley of this City were joined together in holy Matrimony this 16 th day of Nov. One thousand eight hundred and thirty six by me Edwin E. Griswold NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 597 New York Nov 16. 1836 John Dunn Mary Dunn Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk [75] M r Samuel Danforth of Norwich & Mi is Lucy Harts- horn of Mansfield were married together at mansfield on the 25 th . day of December A D 1797. John the Son of Samuel Danforth and of Lucy his Wife was born November 15 th . 1798. Harriot the Daughter of Samuel Danforth & of Lucy his Wife was born January 23 rd . 1800 and died November 3 rd . 1802. Samuel the Son of Samuel Danforth and of Lucy his wife was born February 26 th . 1801. Lyman Bennet Smith the son of William Smith and of his wife (late of Hampton) was born in Norwich March 9 th 1830 [76] M r . Christopher Colver and Mifs Lydia Moore both of Norwich were married together on the 28 th day of August A D 1800. Mary the Daughter of Christopher Colver & of Lydia his Wife was born July 10 th 1802. Eliza the Daughter of Christopher Colver and of Lydia his wife was born September 28 th . 1805 Lydia the Daughter of Christopher Colver and of Lydia his wife was born March 11 th 1808. Mariah, the Daughter of Christopher Calver & of Lydia his wife was born Septem 1 ". 11 th : 1809 [77] Mary ann the Daughter of Elijah W. Hinkley and of Rebecca his Wife was born at Norwich on the 15 th day of August 1808 Lydia the Daughter of Elijah W Hinkley and of Rebecca his wife was born October 10 th : 181 1 [78] New London County fs Norwich April 2 nd . 1809. This May Certify all whom it may Concern that William Cox of Norwich and Polly Averit of Preston were this day lawfully Joined in marriage by Me James Lanman one of the Justices of the Peace for New London County Entered on Record October 30 th . 1809 P r Philip Huntington Town Clerk Olive the Daughter of William Cox & of Mary his wife was born September 8 th . A.D. 181 1. Mary Abby the Daughter of William Cox and of Mary his wife was born Novem r . 8 th AD 181 3 [79] Married at New York April 17 th . 1808 M r John Daudebar de Ferrufsac to Mifs Melite Boutin Edmun Frederic de Ferrufsac the Son of M r John Daudebar de Ferrufsac, and of Melite his Wife was born at Norwich in 598 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS the State of Connecticut in North America the 17 th day of December A. D. 1809. [80] M r Pelatiah Perit and Mifs Jerusha Lathrop were Mar- ried together Septem r . 6*. 1809. [81] M r Joshua Lathrop and Mifs Rebecca H Perit Were Married together September 20 th . 1809. [82] M r Barton Tracy and Mifs Betsey Case both of Norwich were Married together April I st 1798 Lucy the Daughter of Barton Tracy and of Betsey his wife was born October 29 th . 1798. Luther the Son of Barton Tracy and of Betsey his wife was born June 12 th . A D. 1800 Elisha the Son of Barton Tracy and of Betsey his wife was born April 19 th . A D 1802. M r . John Albertson and Mifs Maria Beebe, were Married together at Norwich January 10 th . 18 15. By the Rev d John Sterry John, the Son of John Albertson & of Maria his wife was born November 2 nd . 181 5. [83] M r Asahel Bill and Mifs Susannah Burdet both of Norwich were Married together on the 15 th . day of January Anno Domini 1795, Asahel the son of Asahel Bill and of Susannah his Wife was born on the 13 th . day of June A.D. 1798 M r James Davenport & Mifs Nancy Hartshorn both of Nor- wich were married together at Windham June 8 th A.D. 1807 By Samuel Perkins Esq Justice of Peace James Martin Semor, the Son of James Davenport & of Nancy his wife was born November 19 th . A.D. 1807. George Washington Potter the Son of Loruhamh Williams was born November 29 th . 1798. [84] M r Samuel Jewet and Mifs Abigail Green both of Norwich were Married together on the 2 nd Day of March 1807. Joseph Hamilton the Son of Samuel Jewet and of Abigail his Wife was born July 21 st 1807. Maning Ramo and Sally Wamsley were Married together January 17 th . 1809 Ann Maria the Daughter of Maning Ramo and of Sally his wife was born August 29 th . A.D. 1809. Henry Wamsley, the Son of Maning Ramo and of Sally his wife was born May 10 th . A.D. 181 1. Arsolees the Daughter of Maning Ramo. and of Sally his wife was born July 5 th . A.D. 1813. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 599 [85] M r . Samuel Case and Mifs Susanah Cowdery both of Norwich were Married together on the 20 th day of December A.D. 1785 Susanah the Daughter of Samuel Case and of Susanah his wife was Born October 18 th . 1786 John the Son of Samuel Case & of Susanah his Wife was born on the fourth day of November One Thousand seven hundred & Eighty eight. Samuel the Son of Samuel Case & of Susanah his Wife was born January the 16 th 1791. M r Samuel Case died January 8 th A D 1791 M r Simeon Case died March 21 st 1816. M r Diah Armstrong died (was killed) at Bridgwater in Upper Canada July 5 th 1814 [86] M r . Joshua Maples Jun r . and Mifs Betsey Rogers both of Norwich were Married Together the 9 th . Day of December A D 18 10. by Rev d Joseph Strong Thomas the Son of Joshua Maples Jun 1 ' & of Betsey his wife was born April I st A D. 1812 Hannah the Daughter of Joshua Maples Jun r and of Betsey his wife was born October 22 nd A D 1813 Elisha the Son of Joshua Maples Jun r and of Betsey his wife was born October 13 th . A D 1815. Lucy, the Daughter of Joshua Maples Jun r & of Betsey his wife was born October 15 th . 181 7. Mary the Daughter of Joshua Maples Jun 1 *. and of Besey his wife was born August 22 nd 1820. Charles the Son of Joshua Maples Jun 1 " and of Betsey his Wife was born Nov 2 nd 1822 Joshua the Son of Joshua Maples Jun r and of Betsey his Wife was born March 7 th 1826 [87] Mr Joseph H Strong and Mifs Lucretia Fanning both of Norwich were Married together on the 14 th day of April A D 1805. Mary Ann, the Daughter of Joseph H Strong and of Lucretia his wife was born November 26 lh 1806 Charles Henry, the Son of Joseph H Strong & of Lucretia his Wife was born Novem 1 ". 30 th . 1808. Cornelia, the Daughter of Joseph H Strong & of Lucretia his wife was born March 26 th . 1810. Harriet Lucretia, the Daughter of Joseph H Strong and of Lucretia his wife was born June 25 th A.D. 181 1. Elizabeth, the Daughter of Joseph H. Strong and of Lucretia his wife was born May 26 th . A D 1813. George Augustus, the Son of Joseph H Strong and of Lucretia his wife, was born, February 6 th A D. 1816. 6oo NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Harriet Lucretia, the Daughter of Joseph H Strong and of Lucretia his wife Died January 23 rd . A.D. 1820. George Augustus, the Son of Joseph H Strong and of Lucretia his wife Died on Sunday July 2 nd 1820. [88] M r . Gerard Lathrop of Norwich and Mifs Mary Ely of Lebanon were Married together at Lebanon NovenV 15 th 1809 By the Rev d . Zebulon Ely Abigail Huntington the Daughter of Gerard Lathrop and of Mary his Wife was born September 10 th 1810. William Gerard the Son of Gerard Lathrop and of Mary his Wife was born October 29 th . A.D. 1812 Mills Ely the Son of Gerard Lathrop and of Mary his wife was born September 4 th A D 181 4 [89] M r Augustus Lathrop & Mifs Polly Gale both of Nor- wich were Married Together on the 28 th of May 1809. Azariah the Son of Augustus Lathrop & of Polly his wife was born on the 7 th . day of May A.D. 1810 Augustus the Son of Augustus Lathrop & of Polly his Wife was born on the 15 th . day October AD 1811. John the Son of Augustus Lathrop & of Polly his wife was born June 3 rd A.D 1813. Mary Edgerton ") The Twain Daughters of Augustus and [ Lathrop & of Polly his wife was born Nabby Whiting [ Decern 1 " 19 th 1814. James Stedman, the Son of Augustus Lathrop and of Polly his Wife was born July 2 nd A.D. 18 16. [90] M r Jared Davenport & Mifs Phebe Wall, both of Nor- wich were Married together on the 10 th day of April AD 181 1. Eliza Nevins the Daughter of Jared Davenport and Phebe his wife was born January 22 nd 1812. Phebe the Daughter of Jared Davenport and of Phebe his wife was born February 9 th A.D. 1814. M rs Phebe Davenport Died Feb y . 15 th . 18 14 M r . Jared Davenport and Mifs Clarifsa Tracy were married together October 9 th 18 14 By the Rev d Joseph Strong John, the Son of Jared Davenport and of Clarifsa his wife was born June 7 th 181 5 [91] I hereby Certify to all whom it may Concern that William Chadsey Resident in Norwich a Rope maker was this day Lawfully Married to Anne Potter now living in this Town. Dated at Norwich this 11 th day of July A D 181 1. By me Elisha Hyde Justice of Peace [92] Brought from Book 3 rd page 323. Sally Ann the Daughter of Joseph Huntington and of Eunice his wife was Born, May the 18 th . 181 1. George Frederick, the Son of Joseph Huntington and of NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 6oi Eunice his wife was born December 27 A D 1813 And Died, Friday September 3 rd . A D. 1819. Lydia C. the Daughter of Joseph Huntington and of Eunice his wife Died November 28 th 1829 [93] These May Certify that M r John F Chapman of Nor- wich & M rs Lucy N. Williams of Groton both of New London County were Lawfully Joined in Marriage on Thursday Evening 2 nd day of October A.D. 1806 by the Subscriber Justice of Peace in & for said Count}' Joseph Allyn Justice of Peace Caroline Fountain, the Daughter of John F Chapman & of Lucy his Wife was born May 15 th . 1810 Louisa the Daughter of John F. Chapman and of Lucy his wife was born April 4 th . 181 2 [94] Maj r Simeon Hubbard & Mifs Hannah Davison both of Norwich were Married together Decern 1 ' 25 th A D 1796. Caroline Augusta the Daughter of Simeon Hubbard & of Hannah his Wife was born September 28 th A D. 1799. M rs Hannah Hubbard Died July 2 nd . 1803 Maj r Simeon Hubbard & Mifs Betsey Davison both of Norwich were Married together January 7 th . A.D. 1807. Eliza-'annah the Daughter of Simeon Hubbard & of Betsey his Wife was born September 30 th A D 1807 Frances Harriot the Daughter of Simeon Hubbard & of Betsey his Wife was born February 20 th . A D 1810 Isabella, the Daughter of Simeon Hubbard and of his wife Betsey was born June 19 th A D 1813 M rs Betsey Hubbard Died July 3 rd . 1813 [95] M r Thomas Kinne of Norwich & Mifs Lydia Salifbury of Pomfret were Married together January 13 th . 1801. 1 Tho s Kinne Sen r : Died May 10 th 1843 1 Lydia S. " " April 20 1857 Araminta the Daughter of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his Wife was born February 5 th . A.D. 1802. Lydia the Daughter of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his Wife was born March 15 th AD 1804. Abby the Daughter of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his Wife was born December 28 th . A D 1805. x and Died September 15 A D 1833 Thomas the Son of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his Wife was born November 11 th AD. 1808. Mason the Son of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his Wife was born February 4 th . A.D. 18 10. Emily the Daughter of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his wife was born November 7 th A.D. 181 1 George, the Son of Thomas Kinney and of Lydia, his wife was born January 29 th . AD. 1813. a and Died July 25 th A D. 1836 1 The rest of this entry is added in a later hand. 602 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Caroline, the Daughter of Thomas Kinney & of Lydia his wife was born January 17 th A.D. 1815. Charles the Son of Thomas Kinney and of Lydia his wife was born September 8 th AD 18 16. Mary-ann the Daughter of Thomas Kinney and of Lydia his wife was born October 26 th 181 7. *Mrs Huntington and Died July 29 th 1848 William W. the Son of Thomas Kinney and of Lydia his wife was born June 13 th . 1819 and Died October 24 th A.D. 1820. Eliza, the Daughter of Thomas Kinney & of Lydia his wife was born January 29 th AD 1821. 1 Willi am the Son of Thomas Kinne and of Lydia his wife was born December A D 1823 and Died April 9 th A D 1824 [96] M r Jabez Huntington and Mifs Mary Lanman both of Norwich were Married together December 12 th . 1792. by the Rev d Walter King Jedidiah the Son of Jabez Huntington and of Mary his wife was born September 15 th 1794. Faith Trumbull, the Daughter of Jabez Huntington and of Mary his wife, was born September 20 th A D 1796 Peter Lanman the Son of Jabez Huntington and of Mary his Wife was born October 13 th . A.D. 17Q9. and died May iq th . AD. 1802: Sarah Lanman the Daughter of Jabez Huntington and of Mary his wife was born June 18 th A.D. 1802. Edward Boylston the Son of Jabez Huntington and of Mary his wife was born June 18 th . A D 1806 Peter Lanman the Son of Jabez Huntington and of Mary his wife was born September 16 th . A D. 1809. M rs Mary Huntington died September 29 th A D 1809. Jabez Huntington Esq r and Mifs Sarah Lanman were Married together October- 2i Ft A D. 1810 by the Rev* 1 John Tyler [97] M r . Eliphalet Baldwin and Mifs Eunice Stoel were Mar- ried together at Windham on the 28 th . day of February A D. 1809. Lloyd Eliot, the Son of Eliphalet Baldwin and of Eunice his Wife was born at Norwich on the 13 th day of April A.D. 1810. Emely-Maria the Daughter of Eliphalet Baldwin and of Eunice his Wife was born at Norwich on the 23 rd . day of December AD i8it. Eunice the Daughter of Eliphalet Baldwin and of Eunice his Wife was born at Norwich on the 27 th day of September AD 1815. [98] Fidelia Welthea the Daughter of Daniel Foster and of Welthea Elvia his wife was born August 25 th . 1804 1 Th» rest of this entry is added in a later hand. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 603 Lucy the Daughter of Nathan Johnson and of Mary his Wife was born January 9 th . A D 1807. Julia the Daughter of Nathan Johnson and oi.Mary his wife was born May 20 th . A.D. 1809. George the Son of Nathan Johnson and of Mary his wife was born June '17 th AD. 1811. Edward, the Son of Nathan Johnson and of Mary his Wife was born April 14 th . A.D. 1816 [99] James Stedman was Born in Windham (Canada Parrish since incorporated & called Hampton) October 6 th . A.D. 1779. Eunice Huntington Carew was born in Norwich May 31 st AD. 1787. Tames Stedman and Eunice Huntington Carew Was Married at Norwich November 18 th . 18 10. Charles-James, the Son of James Stedman and of Eunice Huntington his wife was born in Norwich January 20 th . A.D. 1812 Lois Swetland Jenning Daughter of Ransford & Rhoda Jennings Born in Norwich April 23 d 181 1 Leister Sanderson Jennings Born July 14 th 181 5 1 See page 106 2 [100] M r Joseph S Wilkie and Mifs Abby Slattery both of Norwich were Married together on the 6 th Day of May A.D. 18 10. by the Rev d . Walter King. Abby Slattery, the Daughter of Joseph S Wilkie and of Abby his Wife was born February 19 th . A.D. 181 1 Walter King, the Sou of Joseph S Wilkie and of Abby his wife was born April 6 th . A.D. 181 3. Joseph Spencer, the son of Joseph S Wilkie & of Abby his wife was born September 4 th A.D. 181 5 Abby Slattery, the Daughter of Joseph S Wilkie and of Abby his wife was born January 11 th 1818. James Horace, the son of Joseph S Wilkie and of Abby his wife was born October 8 th A D T820 M rs Abigail Slattery Died December 13 th AD 1813. [Toi] This May Certify that Eleazer Roath and Hannah Kellum. personally appeared March 26 th 1777. and were Married According to Connecticut Law Ephraim Judson Clerk Erastus the Son of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his wife was born June 15 th A D 1779. And died November 4 th A D 1794 Betsey the Daughter of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his wife was born September 6 th A D 1780 Eunice the Daughter of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his IThis entry and the one above entered on a slip pasted on page 99. 2 Written in pencil. 604 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS wife was born May 15 th . AD 1783 Asa the Son of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his wife was born January 22 nd . A D 1785. And Died November 26 th A D. 1787 2 nd Asa the Son of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his Wife was born March 3 rd A.D. 1790. Rebecca the Daughter of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his wife was born July 25 th . AD. 1792 Eleazer the Son of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his wife was born August 7 th A.D. 1795. Hannah the Daughter of Eleazer Roath and of Hannah his wife was born March 16 th . A D 1797. [102] M r Daniel Carew and Mifs Lucy Perkins both of Nor- wich were Married together December 22 nd A D 1773, by the Rev d Benjamin Lord Lucretia the Daughter of Daniel Carew and of Lucy his wife was born October 16 th . AD 1776 and Died August 12 th . 1778. 2 nd Lucretia, the Daughter of Daniel Carew and of Lucy his Wife was born September 30 th . 1778. Daniel the Son of Daniel Carew and of Lucy his wife was born May 22 nd . 1 78 1. Lucy the Daughter of Daniel Carew and of Lucy his wife was born July 11 th . AD. 1783. And Married to M r James Tillinghast of Providence in the State of Rhode Island on the 5 th Day of January 1800 And died August 2j th . 1800. [103] M r Philemon Havens and the Widow Fanny Caulkins both of Norwich were Married together on the 18 th . day of September A D 1807. Robert Manwaring the Son of Philemon Havens and of Fanny his wife was born June 28 th A D 1808. Philemon the Son of Philemon Havens and of Fanny his wife was born July 21 st . A D 1810. J Died July 7 th 1816 Henry P Son of above Born Feb 11 th 1815 Elisabeth B Daughter Born Feb 14 1819 Died April 1841 [104] (Brought from Book 3 rd page 320.) Cap 1 . Erastus Perkins and the Widow Mary Hubbard both of Norwich were Married together May 14 th A.D. 1809. by the Rev d Walter King Capt Erastus Perkins & Widow Lucy L Avery both of Nor- wich were married together March 26 th 1826 by the Rev d Alfred Mitchell Jabez the Son of Erastus Perkins & of Ann his wife was killed by Lightning Sept 6 1819 William Son of Erastus Perkins & Ann his Wife died in Georgia Sept 29 1822 IThe rest of this page added in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 605 Asher Son of Erastus Perkins & of Ann his Wife died at Portland April 9 1825 Francis Son of Erastus Perkins & of Ann his Wife died at Hudson July 7 1838 Transferred to the 6 th Book of Marriages &c. Page 163. * M r Jefse Brown Jun r . & Mifs Lucy Perkins the Daughter of Erastus Perkins were Married together at Hebron October 26 th A.D. 1801. Jefse Howard the Son of Jefse Brown Jun r and of Lucy his Wife was born Tuesday August 3 rd . 1802. William Perkins the son of Jefse Brown Jun r & of Lucy his Wife was born Wednesday Nov 1 ". 9 th . 1803. Vernet the Son of Jefse Brown Jun r & of Lucy his wife was born Friday July 5 th 1805. Edward Whiting the Son of Jefse Brown Jun r . & of Lucy his wife was born Thursday October 2 nd . 1806. Ann Vernet, the Daughter of Jefse Brown Jun r . and of Lucy his Wife was born Thursday Dec r . 3 rd 1807. Vernet the Son of Jefse Brown Tun 1 " & of Lucy his Wife Died March 17 th 1807 M r Jefse Brown Jun r . Died Feb y 8 th 181 1. [105] M r James Perkins and Mifs Nancy Adelia Hosmer both of Norwich were Married together on Sunday the 28 th . day of July A.D. 181 1. James Hosmer, the Son of James Perkins and of Nancy Adelia his wife was born on Monday the 8 th Day of June A.D. 18 12 Amos Hallam, Hubbard, the Son of James Perkins and of Nancy Adelia his wife was born Decern 1 ". 10 th . 1814. Nancy Adelia, the Daughter of James Perkins and of Adelia his wife was born January 2 nd 1816. See Page 486 of 6 th Book of Marriages &c. [106] M r Roswell Morgan & Mifs Ann H. Carew both of Norwich were Married together on the 16 th Day of December AD 18 1 2 by the Rev d . Joseph Strong Edmond William, the Son of Ransford Jennings and of Rhoda his wife was born at Springfield in the State of Mafsachusetts November 3 rd . A.D. 1807 Eliza Smith, the Daughter of Ransford Jennings & of Rhoda his wife was born at Mansfield in the State of Connecticut June 26 th . AD 1809. Lois Swetland, the Daughter of Ransford Jennings and of Rhoda his wife was born at Norwich in Connecticut April 23 rd . AD 1811. Leister Anderson, the son of Ransford Jennings and of Rhoda 1 Marginal note written lengthwise of the page. 606 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS his wife was born at Norwich, Connecticut July 14 th . AD 1815. See page 99 1 [107] Cap 1 . Elisha Leffingwell and Mifs Frances Thomas both of Norwich were Married together January 10 th 1808 Francis Harriot the Daughter of Elisha Leffingwell and of Frances his wife was born November 13 th AD 1808 Thomas the Son of Elisha Leffingwell and of Frances his wife was born February 9 th . AD 181 1. Henry Edward the Son of Elisha Leffingwell & of Frances his wife was born June I st A D 1812. [108] Norwich May 31 st 1810. This is to Certify whom it May Concern that Nathan Tisdale of Bridgport and Elizabeth Tyler of Norwich Daughter of the Rev d John Tyler and of Hannah Tyler his wife were Married at Chelsea in Norwich on the twelfth day of September in the Year of our Lord 1805 by me In Presence of John Tyler Hannah Tyler Rector of Christ Church Norwich Samuel Tyler Emma Tyler Hannah Peirce Roswell Roath Eunice Roath Geo Tisdale &c [109I Norwich July 30 th 181 1. This is to Certify whom it may Concern, That Lyman Brewer and Harriot Tyler Daughter of the Rev d . John Tyler and of Hannah Tyler his wife both of the Parish of Chelsea in the Town of Norwich & County of New London were Married in said Chelsea on the eighth day of May AD 181 1 by me In presence of John Tyler Hannah Tyler Rector of Christ Church Norwich Samuel Tyler Emma Tyler Hannah Peirce Gurdon Bill Betsey B Bill Richard Adams Mary Adams &c &c Harriot Tyler, the Daughter of Lyman Brewer and of Harriot his wife was Born January 10 th . A D 1812. William Lyman, the Son of Lyman Brewer and of Harriot his wife was Born October 17 th . A D 1813. James, the Son of Lyman Brewer and of Harriot his Wife was born the 10 th day of June 1816 at 30 Minutes past 9 Oclock A.M. lWritten in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 607 [no] M r Samuel Webb and Mifs Chloe Hyde both of Nor- wich were Married together at Norwich on the 18 th . day of September AD 181 1. by the Rev d Joseph Strong Samuel Huntington the Son of Samuel Webb & of Chloe his wife was born August 24 th . AD 1812 This May Certify that Seth King of Norwich & Lucretia Jones presented themselves and were lawfully Married by me Walter King Clerk Susan mariah, the Daughter of Seth King & of Lucretia his wife was born October 14 th . A D 1810 Samuel Hull, the Son of Seth King and of Lucretia his wife was born October 14 th . A D 1810 George Henry, the Son of Seth King and of Lucretia his wife was born December 26 th A D 1813. [in] M r . Lemuel Buswell and Mifs Elizabeth Miner both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 17 th Day of January A.D. 1796 by the Rev d Joseph Strong Frances the Daughter of Lemuel Buswell and of Elizabeth his wife was born August 5 th . A D 1799. Charles the Son of Lemuel Buswell and of Elizabeth his wife was born January 6 th . A D. 1802 Sally Wettmore, the Daughter of Lemuel Buswell & of Eliza- beth his wife was born March 9 th . A.D. 1804 John Lovett the Son of Lemuel Buswell and of Elizabeth his wife was born March 9 th . AD 1808. John Thomas, the Son of Thomas Leach and of Temperance his wife was born October 13 th . 1814. Susannah Carew, the Daughter of Thomas Leach and of Temperance his Wife was born Novem 1- 3 rd . 1816 Edwin, the Son of Thomas Leach and of Temperance his wife was born November I st A.D. 1819. [112] (Continued from 3 rd . Book page 281.) M r Ebenezer Hyde and Mifs Phebe Huntington were Married together November 22 nd A.D. 1787 Chloe the Daughter of Ebenezer Hyde and of Phebe his Wife was born September. 6 th . A D 1789 M rs Phebe Hyde died July 5 th A D 1799. M r Ebenezer Hyde and Mifs Elizabeth Peck were Married together December 5 th A D. 1799. [113J Cap' Jonathan Lester and Mifs Elizabeth Fitch both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 4 th Day of June A D 1794. By the Rev d Walter King. Henry Parker the Son of Jonathan Lester and of Elizabeth his Wife was born November 24 th A.D 1797. Charles Fitch the Son of Jonathan Lester and of Elizabeth his wife was Born January 17 th AD. 1800 608 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Gerard Carpenter the Son of Jonathan Lester and of Elizabeth his wife was born May 26 th A D 1802. Elizabeth Good, the Daughter of Jonathan Lester and of Elizabeth his wife was born January 17 th . A.D. 1804. Joseph Huntington the Son of Jonathan Lester and of Eliza- beth his wife was born July 23 rd A D 1806 Jonathan Edward Augustus, the Son of Jonathan Lester and of Elizabeth his wife was born April 10 th A.D. 1808 Isaac Huntington, the Son of Jonathan Lester and of Elizabeth his wife was born July 10 th A D 1810. And died August. 16 th A D 1810 [114] Cap 1 Elias Lord and Mifs Irene Cary both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich the 25 th day of February A.D. 1798. by the Rev d . Joseph Strong Caroline the Daughter of Elias Lord and of Irene his wife was born December 9 th . A.D. 1799. Henry Loring the Son of Elias Lord and of Irene his wife was born October 21 st AD 1801 Elizabeth Coit, the Daughter of Elias Lord and of Irene his wife was born November 8 th A D 1805 Frances Harriot, the Daughter of Elias Lord and of Irene his wife was born Septem r . 5 th . A.D. 1807 [115] M r . Ebenezer Hyde Jun 1 " & Mifs Esther Dennison Rofseter both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich the 5 th day of November A.D. 1804 by the Rev d Joseph Strong Their first Son was born August 20 th . A D 1805 an d died August 30 th . 1805 Ebenezer John, the Son of Ebenezer Hyde Jun r and of Esther D. his wife was born March 3 rd . A D. 1807 and died Tune 21 st . AD 1808. Esther Sophia the Daughter of Ebenezer Hyde Jun r and of Esther D. his wife was born October 27 th A D 1808. Julia Ann the Daughter of Ebenezer Llyde Jun r and of Esther D. his wife was born June 16 th . A.D. 1810. Mary Sarah the Daughter of Ebenezer Hyde Jun r . & of Esther D. his wife was born February 9 th A.D. 18 13. Mariah Elizabeth, the Daughter of Ebenezer Hyde Jun r & of Esther his wife was born May I st . 1815 Ebenezer John, the Son of Ebenezer Hyde and of Esther his Wife was born in the City of New York September 6 th 181 7. Wolcott Rosseter, the son of Eben r . Hyde Jun r and of Esther his wife, was born in New York City, January first A D 1820. [116] M r Gilbert Denison and Mifs Sophia Culver both of Norwich were married together at Norwich the I st day of February AD 18 10 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 609 Gilbert Palmer, the Son of Gilbert Denison & of Sophia his wife was born October 31 st . AD 1810 Henry Culver, the Son of Gilbert Denison & of Sophia his wife was born May 27 th . A D 1812 [117] Cap' Roswell Roath and Mifs Eunice Tyler both of Norwich were married together at Norwich on the 20 th day of September A.D. 1801. by the Rev d John Tyler Edmond David, the Son of Roswell Roath and of Eunice his wife was born April 25 th A.D. 1803. Roswell Walstein, the Son of Roswell Roath & of Eunice his wife was born January 30 th A.D. 1805. James Huntington, the Son of Roswell Roath & of Eunice his wife was born September 25 th . A.D. 1806. Henry Hobart the Son of Roswell Roath and of Eunice his wife was born September 11 th . A D 1808. Benjamin Tyler, the son of Roswell Roath and of Eunice his wife was born June 11 th . A.D. 1810. Mary Elizabeth, the daughter of Roswell Roath & of Eunice his wife was born January 24 th A D 1813. Emma Mercy the Daughter of Roswell Roath and of Eunice his wife was born Novem r . 2 nd . 18 16. Hannah Louisa, the Daughter of Roswell Roath and of Eunice his Wife was born March 2 nd . A D 1819 [118] M r Nathan Champlin and Mifs Lydia Woodard both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the I st day of July AD 1804 By the Rev d . Walter King. Betsey Good, the Daughter of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born November I st . A.D. 1805. Susannah Caroline, the Daughter of Nathan Champlin & of Lydia his Wife was born July 19 th . A.D. 1807 Lydia Ann, the Daughter of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born May 15 th AD 1809. Betsey Good the Daughter of Nathan Champlin & of Lydia his wife' died February 3 rd . A D. 1810 Peter Woodard, the Son of Nathan Champlin & of Lydia his wife was born March 21 st AD 181 1 Walter King the Son of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born March 29 A D. 181 3 Elias Corning the Son of Nathan Champlin and Lydia his wife was born June 6 th AD 181 5 Oliver Wolcot the Son of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born June 20 th AD 181 7 Charlotte Washborn the Daughter of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born August 23 th AD 1821 Charlotte Washborn the Daughter of Nathan Champlin and Lydia his wife died October 24 th A D 1822 6io NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Happy Champlin the Daughter of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born June 30 th A D 1819 Joseph Witter the Son of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born August 12 th A D 1823 Francis Ingersoll the son of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born February 27 th A D 1826 Edmund Lee the Son of Nathan Champlin and of Lydia his wife was born June 6 th A D 1829 [119] M r John Waterman Jun r . and Mifs Ruth Williams both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 7 th . day of April A D 1805. By the Rev d . Walter King. Elijah Williams, the Son of John Waterman J r . and of Ruth his wife was born August 29 th . A.D. 1806. Drusilla Maria, the Daughter of John Waterman Jun r and of Ruth his wife was born September 7 th A.D. 1808. Eleazer Lord, the Son of John Waterman Jun r and of Ruth his wife was born April 24 th . A.D. 181 1. Lydia ann the Daughter of John Waterman Ju r and of Ruth his wife was born October 14 th . A.D. 181 3. Charles the son of John Watterman and of Ruth his wife was born July 27 th AD 18 16 Joseph the son of John Waterman and of Ruth his wife was Born October 5 th AD 1819 Rofswell Morgan the son of John Waterman and of Ruth his wife was Born March 14 th A D 1822 Edwin Ruthven the son of John Waterman and of Ruth his wife was Born March 15 th AD: 1828 [120] Norwich May 31 st . 1810 This is to Certify whom it may Concern that James Huntington and Zerviah Tyler Daughter of Rev d John Tyler and of Hannah Tyler his wife both of Norwich were Married on the Second day of March in the Year of our Lord 1809 By Me In Presence of John Tyler Hannah Tyler Rector of Christ Church Norwich Felix Huntington Hannah Pierce Samuel Tyler Emma Tyler Gurdon Bell & Wife Nathan Johnson & wife &c George the Son of James Huntington & of Zerviah his wife was born December 17 th . A.D. 1809 And died December 18 th 1809. James William, the Son of James Huntington and of Zerviah his wife was born April 5 th . AD 181 1. Zerviah Tyler ; the Daughter of James Huntington and of Zerviah his Wife was born Decern 1- . 15 th . AD 1812. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 6ll .Maria the daughter of James Huntington and of Zerviah his Wife was born February 3 rd AD 1815 [121] This May Certify all whom it may Concern that M r Thomas Gavit Son to M r George Gavit of Westerly and Mifs Melinda Cuningham of Groton in the State of Connecticut were lawfully Joined together in the Honorable State of Mar- riage in said Westerly this 19 th . Day of November A.D. 1796. by me the Subscriber Samuel Bliven Justice of Peace Melinda the Daughter of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born in westerly in the State of Rhode Island on the 21 st day of December AD 1797. and died December 5 th . AD 1798 2 nd . Melinda the Daughter of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born January 8 th A.D. 1800. Thomas Jefferson, the Son of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born December 10 th . A.D. 1802. Polly, the Daughter of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born October I st . A.D 1804. Eliza the Daughter of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born July 30 th . A.D. 1806. William the Son of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born July 12 th . A D 1808. Almira the daughter of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his wife was born April 28 th . A.D. 1810. Cordelia the Daughter of Thomas Gavit and of Melinda his Wife was born April 16 th . A.D. 1812. [122] M r Rufsell Hubbard and Mifs Abby Williams both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich the 8 th . day of October A.D. 181 1. by the Rev d . D r . Joseph Strong. [123] M r Jeremiah Griffing and Mifs Betsey Spinck both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich the 24 th day of November A.D. 1793 by the Rev d Joseph Strong Richard, the Son of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his wife was born July 24 th A.D. 1794. Lydia, the Daughter of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his wife was born December 3 rd . A.D. 1796. Betsey the Daughter of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his wife was born April 13 th . A.D. 1799. James, the Son of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his wife was born April 28 th . A.D. 1802. Jeremiah, the Son of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his Wife was born September 27 th A D. 1804. Mary ann, the Daughter of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his Wife was Born April 10 th . A.D 1808. Charles Thomson, the Son of Jeremiah Griffing and of Betsey his Wife was born October 11 th AD. 1810. 612 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS William S. the Son of Jeremiah Griffing & of Betsey his wife was born July 28 th . AD. 181 3 [124] Charles Lee, the Son of Charles Lee Pendleton and of Nabbe his Wife was born June 25 th . A.D. 1808 Abby Taylor, the Daughter of Charles Lee Pendleton and of Nabbe his wife was born December 21 st . A.D.' 1810 [125] Lebanon January I st AD 1809. This May Certify whom it may Concern that M r William Raymond & Mifs Lydia Allyn were lawfully Married together this evening by me Neh h Dodge lawfull Admin r . William Spalding, the Son of William Raymond and of Lydia His wife was born January 5 th . A D 1810. Dyar the Son of William Raymond and of Lydia his Wife was born March 20 th . AD 181 2. [126] Norwich March 2 nd 1813 This May Certify that on the 2 nd day of April 181 1 John Ellis and Sally Jeffers were Married By Me Joseph Strong. Clerk John Hubbard, the Son of John Ellis and of Sally his wife was born August 5 th . A D 1812 Henry Griswold the son of John Ellis and of Sally his wife was born April 2 nd 1814 Joseph Edgerton the son of John Ellis and of Sally his wife was born Nov r . 21 st 18 15 William Marshall the son of John Ellis and of Sally his wife was born June I st 18 17 Oliver Wolcott the son of John Ellis and of Sally his wife was born March I st 18 19 Mary Jeffers the daughter of John Ellis and of Sally his wife was born April 26 th 1822 [127] Mr Asher Bennett and Mifs Betsey Huntington both of Norwich were Married Together on the 20 th Day of February A D. 181 2. By the Rev d . John Sterry. [128] M r Francis A. Perkins and Mifs Abigail B. Coit were Married together on the 20 th day of May A D. 1806 by the Rev d . Walter King. Hezekiah, the Son of Francis A Perkins and of Abigail B. his wife was born February 19 th . 1807. Sarah Coit, the Daughter of Francis A Perkins and of Abigail B. his wife was born July 6 th . A D 1808. Eliza, the Daughter of Francis A Perkins & of Abigail B. his wife was born February 18 th A D. 1814. [129] This May Certify that we the Subscribers were present and Saw and heared the Rev d . Jonathan Murdock of Bozrah join Benjamin Tracy of Norwich & Hannah Johnson of said Bozrah NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 613 in Marriage and According to our best Recollection and belief it was on the twenty second day of May 1806. Zebadiah Hyde Susan Johnson New London County fs Norwich January 4 th 18 14 Personally appeared the above named Zebadiah Hyde and Susan Johnson and Made Oath to the Truth of the above Certificate by then Subscribed. Before me. John Hough Justice of Peace [130] M r Joseph Winslow Tracy of Norwich & Mifs Wealthy Huntington of Bozrah were Married together, at Bozrah the 21 st . day of September A.D. 1807. by the Rev d Jonathan Murdock Jared Winslow : the Son of Joseph Winslow Tracy and of Wealthy his wife was born May 29 th AD 181 2. James Joseph the son of Joseph W Tracy and of Wealthy his wife was born December 3 rd 18 14. Edward Huntington the sou of Joseph W Tracy and of Wealthy his wife was born April 21 st 1817 Sarah Grant the daughter of Joseph W Tracy and of Wealthy his wife was born August 21 st 1819 Cornelia Margaretta the daughter of Joseph W Tracy and of Wealthy his wife was born October 15 th 1822 Lydia Huntington the daughter of Joseph W Tracy and of Wealthy his wife was born July 3 rd 1825 [131] M r Thomas Orsborn of Norwich and Mifs Olive Manning of .Windham were Married together at Windham December 22 nd A D 1808. William the Son of Thomas Orsborn, and of,.01ive his wife was born November 21 st AD 1809. Abigail the Daughter of Thomas Orsborn and of Olive his wife was born March 3 rd AD. 181 1. William, the Son of Thomas Orsborn & of Olive his wife Died October 6 th A.D. 1813 Malina, the Daughter of Thomas Orsborn and of Olive his wife was born January 6 th . 1814. [132] Cap 1 John L Buswell & Mifs Mehitable Coit both of Norwich were Join'd in Marriage February 8 th . A D 1809, by the Rev d . Walter King Sarah Coit, the Daughter of John L. Buswell and of Mehitable his wife was born October 20 th : 1810 John the Son of John L. Buswell and of Mehitable his wife was born October 30 th . AD. 1812 Harriet Ann Daughter of John L Boswell and Mehitable his wife was born Oct 9 th 181 5 George Lemuel Son of John L Boswell and Mehitable his wife was born Dec. 28 th 181 7 614 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Elizabeth Coit Daughter of John L Boswell and Mehitable his Wife was born april 10 th 1820 Mrs Mehitable Coit Buswell died Dec 2 d 1823 aged 39 years John L Buswell & Mrs Elizabeth Perkins Ingraham were mar- ried January 18 th 1820 by the Rev d Alfred Mitchel Mr Elizabeth P Buswell died Feby 1 1835 John L Buswell & Nancy Fanning were married march 23 d 1836 by Rev d C B Everett [133] M r Ezra Backus & Mifs Rhoda Dodge were Married together April 8 th A D 1780. John the Son of Ezra Backus and of Rhode his wife was born August 11 th . A.D. 1781. and Died March 17 A D 1842 Mrs Rhoda Backus Died Nov r 17 th A D 1793. M r Ezra Backus & Mils Rhoda Tredway were Married together on the 31 st day of August A.D. 1794. Henry the Son of Ezra Backus and of Rhode his wife was born January 5 th . A.D. 1796 Alexander the Son of Ezra Backus and of Rhode his wife was born April 18 th A D 1S00 Joseph the Son of Ezra Backus and of Rhode his wife was born September 29 th . A D. 1804. Died March 6< 1861 Mrs Rhoda Backus Died April 16 th . A D 1807. Mr Ezra Backus & Mifs Nancy Moore both of Norwich were married together on the 4 th day of January A D. 1808. By the Rev d John Tyler Charles the Son of Ezra Backus and of Nancy his wife was born Decem r 8 th . A D 1809 Christopher, the Son of Ezra Backus and of Nancy his wife was born March 7 th . A.D. 1812 And Died June 19 th . 1812 [134] M r Philip Hyde and Mifs Sally Pattin both of Nor- wich were Married together on the 10 th day of September A.D. 1797. by the Rev d Joseph Strong John, the Son of Philip Hyde and of Sally his Wife was born Julv 15 th . A.D. 1798. Daniel Rockwell, the Son of Philip Hyde and of Sally His wife was born February 24 th AD. 1801. Philip Read, the Son of Philip Hyde and of Sally his wife was born July 21 st AD. 1806. Emily, Holbrook, the Daughter of Philip Hyde and of Sally his Wife was born June 26 th . A.D. 181 1. M r Philip Hyde died September 12 th : AD 1812 Mr. Philip Read Hvde, died November 9 th 1847. Mrs. Julia Hyde, the wife of Philip R. Hyde died May 14 th A.D. 1850. [135] M r Charles Rockwell of Norwich and Mifs Sally NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 615 Arnold of New London were Married together at New London December A.D. 1798. by the Rev d . Henry Charming Charles William, the Son of Charles Rockwell and of Sally his wife was born November 17 th . 1799: John Arnold, the Son of Charles Rockwell and of Sally his wife was born August 2y ih . A D 1803 [136] Norwich March 12 th 1812 This May Certify that William Coit Junior and Frances Murdock were Married on the 17 th Day of August AD 1800. by me Joseph Strong, Clerk Hetty Ann, the Daughter of William Coit Jun r and of Frances his wife was born (in New York,) June 20 th . AD. 1801. Frances Cornelia, the Daughter of William Coit Jun r & of Frances his wife was born (in New York) June 2 nd . A D 1803 Sarah Henrietta, the Daughter of William Coit Jun r & of Frances his wife was born, in New York June 8 th A D 1805. William Francis, the Son of William Coit Jun r . & of Frances his wife was born in New York, Feb y 16 th A D 1807 Emeline Rebecca, the Daughter of William Coit Jun 1 '. & of Frances his wife was born in Norwich Oct r . 30 th . A D 1808. Maria, Elizabeth Spalding, the Daughter of William Coit Jun r . and of Frances his Wife was born in Norwich Feb y 27 th . A D 1811 [137] M r Asa Gavit and Mifs Mary Baker were Married together on the 3 rd . day of August A D 1806 by the Rev d Walter King Mary-ann the Daughter of Asa Gavit and of Mary his Wife was born July 3 rd . A D 1807. Harriot, the Daughter of Asa Gavit and of Mary his wife was born August 13 th . AD 1808 Maria, the Daughter of Asa Gavit and of Mary his wife was born June 23 rd . AD 1811. [138] These May Certify that Lemuel Wentworth and Eliza- beth Sangar both of Norwich were Married Together on November 11 th . 1776. by me Benj : Lord. Clerk Entered p r Benj. Huntington Jun r . Town Clerk Gurdon the Son of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife was born November 19 th . A D 1777. Charles, the Son of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife was born February 15 th . A.D. 1779. Frances, the Daughter of Lemuel Wentworth & of Elisabeth his wife was born February 27 th . A.D. 1780. Sherman, the Son of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife was born April 8 th . A.D. 1781. Roswell the Son of Lemuel Wentworth & of Elisabeth his wife was born August 31 st . A.D. 1782 616 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Elizabeth the Daughter of Lemuel Wentworth & of Elisabeth his wife was born October 25 th . A.D. 1784 Nancy the Daughter of Lemuel Wentworth & of Elisabeth his wife was born October 19 th . A D 1786 Erastus the Son of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife was born November 5 th . A.D 1788 Lucy the Daughter of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife was born April 25 th . A.D. 1790. Mary the Daughter of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife was born July 14 th . A.D. 1792. Roswell the Son of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth his wife died December 17 th . AD. 1801 M r Lemuel Wint worth Died January 18 th A D 1802 Gurdon the Son of Lemuel Wentworth & of Elizabeth his wife died August 5 th . A.D. 1802 Frances Ann the Daughter of Lemuel Wentworth and of Elisabeth wife died in New Haven March 18 th . 181 1 [139] M r Seabury Brewster of Norwich and Mifs Sally Bradford of Montville were Married Together on the 25 th Day of December A.D. 1785. William, the Son of Seabury Brewster and of Sally his wife was born August 24 th A.D. 1787. M r Seabury Brewster and Mifs Lucy Leffingwell both of Norwich were Married together October 25 A D 1789. Elisha the Son of Seabury Brewster and of Sally Lucy 1 his wife was born December 21 st AD 1790. Levi the Son of Seabury Brewster and of Sally Lucy 1 his wife was born April 24 th . A.D. 1793. Henry, the Son of Seabury Brewster and of Sally Lucy 1 his wife was born February 27 th . A D 1797. M r Seabury Brewster & Mrs Fanny Starr 1 Baker both of Norwich were Married together Feby I st . AD 1798 Christopher S. the Son of Seabury Brewster and of Fanney his wife was born June 27 th A.D. 1799. Seabury the Son of Seabury Brewster and of Fanney his wife was born June 7 th . A.D. 1805 [140] M r Luther Edgerton and Mifs Lydia Waterman both of Norwich were Married together January 21 st 1798 By the Rev d . Walter King Mary Ann, the Daughter of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born December 15 th A.D. 1798 Sally Loring, the Daughter of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born August 17 th . A D 1800 Eunice, the Daughter of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born November 15 th . A.D. 1802. 1" Starr" written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 617 Luther, the Son of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born, October I st A D 1804. Abby the Daughter of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born October 19 th . A. D. 1806. John Waterman the Son of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born January 27 th A D 1809. Joseph Williams, the Son of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born November 26 th A D 1810 Lydia Lord, the Daughter of Luther Edgerton and of Lydia his wife was born October 16 th . A D 1812 brought from Page 141 this Book Mary Hyde the Daughter of David N Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was Born January 25 A D 1829 Elizabeth Roxana Daughter of David N Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was Born April 24 A D 183 1 [141] See page 140 1 M r . David N Bentley and Mifs Lettetia Gardner both of Nor- wich were Married together August 11 th AD 1805. by the Rev d John Sterry. Harriet, the Daughter of David N. Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born Novem r 11 th AD 1806. George Tisdale the Son of David N. Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born February 27 th A D 1808. and died March 8 th . A.D. 1808. Sally-ann the daughter of David N. Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born December 25 th A D. 1808. And Died January 26 th A D 1809. David Gardner, the Son of David N. Bentley & of Lettetia his wife was born February 14 th . A.D. 1810. Lettetia. the Daughter of David N. Bentley & of Lettetia his wife was born February 27 th A D 1812 And Died April 2i Et . A D 1812 Lorenzo, the Son of David N.. Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born February 13 th AD. 18 13 John Wesley the Son of David N Bentley and of Lettetia his Wife was born March 15 th . 1815. Lettetia the Daughter of David N Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born September 4 th AD 18 17. Sarah-Ann, the Daughter of David N. Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born May 9 th . A.D. 1820. George Whitefield, the Son of David N. Bentley and of Lettetia his wife was born May 7 th . A D 1822 Caroline Hyde the daugter of David N Bentley and Lettetia his wife was born Feb y 4 th A D 1824 Andrew Jackson the son of David N Bentley and Lettetia his IWritten in pencil. 618 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS wife was born January 17 th A D 1826 and died March 20 th AD 1826 Andrew Jackson. Son of David N Bently and of Lettetia his wife was born January 10 th A D 1827 See Page 140 1 [142] This is a Testimonial, that M r . George 2 Harris and Mifs Henrietta Blake of Norwich are lawfully Married Norwich October 3 rd . 18 13 Samuel Nott Pastor Henry Blake, the Son of George Harris and of Henrietta his wife was born November 12 th A D 1814 Thomas Langrell Son of George Harris and of Henrietta his wife was born October 29 th 1816 David Tracy, Jun. and Philena Murray were married at Nor- wich, on the I st day of December, A.D. 1814. by the Rev. John Tyler. [143] This May Certify that M r William Blifs & Mifs Lydia Walls were lawfullv Married Nov r . 2 nd 1813. By Joseph Strong Clerk Mary, the Daughter of William Blifs and of Lydia his wife was born May 14 th 1815 William Henry the son of William Blifs and of Lydia his Wife was born June 17 th 18 19 [144] Norwich 20 th . Novem r . 1810. This May Certify that Erastus Huntington and Abigail Hyde were on the 20 th day of March 1806 married by me Joseph Strong. Clerk George Cabot, the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Abigail his wife was born July 20 th at 10 O clock P.M 1807. Charles Lyman, the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Abigail his wife was born May 25 th 1809 at 6 O clock A.M. Joseph Hyde the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Abigail his wife was born 19 th June 181 1 at 7. O clock P.M. M rs . Nabby Huntington wife of Erastus Huntington Esq r and Daughter of M r . Abiel Hyde and Mary Hyde died July I st 181 1 About one O clock P.M. in the 25 th Year of her age This Certifies that on the evening of April 13 th . 18 15, Erastus Huntington Esq. and Mifs Sally Williams both of Norwich were Married by me agreeably to Law Alfred Mitchell Chelsea Decem r . 3 rd . 1818 Albert W the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Sally his wife was born January 2 nd A.D. 1816. Henry Dwight, the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Sally his wife was born July I st 1817. 1 Marginal note. - " D." inserted in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 619 John Caldwell, the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Sally his wife was born 8 th February 1819 William C. the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Sally his Wife was born the 8 th of September 1821. Frederick Gilbert the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Sally his wife was born August 18 th 1826 Horace the Son of Erastus Huntington and of Sally his wife was born August 2 nd 1828 [145] M r . Rufus Darby and Mifs Polly Jones both of Nor- wich were Married together September 8 th A D 1799. Harriot, and Harry, the Daughter & Son of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife was born April 3 rd A D 1800 Betsey the Daughter of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife was born January 3 rd . A.D. 1802. Polly, the Daughter of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife was born June 20 th AD. 1803. Rufus, the Son of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife was born May 30 th . A.D 1805. Edmund, the Son of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife was born February 9 th A D 1807. William Jones, the Son of Rufus Darby & of Polly his wife was born January 13 th . A.D. 1809 Levi the Son of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife was born November 29 th . 181 1 Polly, the Daughter of Rufus Darby & of Polly his wife, Died October 24 th A.D. 1819. Plarry, the Son of Rufus Darby and of Polly his wife Died November 7 th AD 1819. Rufus Derby, Sen r . Died July 29 th A.D. 1830. Aged 57 years [146] M r Gurdon Edgerton of Norwich and Mifs Laura Hewet of Montrose in the State of Pennfylvania were Married together at Montrose May 26 th . 1803 George Hosmer, the Son of Gurdon Edgerton & of Laura his wife was born October 30 th A.D. 1805. Henry Hewet. the Son of Gurdon Edgerton and of Laura his wife was born August 21 st 1815 [147] M r . John Lathrop and Mifs Nancy Moore were Mar- ried Together on the 18 th day of October A.D 1813 By the Rev d . John Sterry John Adgate, the Son of John Lathrop and of Nancy his wife was born September 25 th 181 5. Frederick Moore 2 d the Son of John Lathrop and of Nancy his wife was Born May 24 th A D 1822 This certifies that John Lathrop and Eunice Bacon were law- fully married by me on the 29 th May 1825 Alfred Mitchell Entered for record June 3 rd 1825 Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk 6 2 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Emma Adgate the Daughter of John Lathrop and of Eunice his wife was Born March 31 th 1826 And Departed this Life August 26 th A D. 1828 Charles Henry the son of John Lathrop and of Eunice his wife was Born April 28 th A D 1827. Harriet Eunice the Daughter of John Lathrop and of Eunice his wife was Born December 3 th A D 1828 Harriet Eunice, the daughter of John and Eunice Lathrop died, at Norwich January 8 th A.D. 1844. [148] M r John Doane & Mifs Eunice Howes were Married Together at Chatham in the State of Mafsachusetts June 7 th A.D. 1792. Marrinett, Mercy, Harden, the Daughter of John Doane and of Eunice his Wife was born at Chatham Oct 1 ". 2 nd . A D 1794. Joseph Howes, the son of John Doane and of Eunice his wife was born at Chatham March 31 st A D 1797. Eunice Howes, the Daughter of John Doane & of Eunice his wife was born at Chatham January 2 nd A.D. 1803. John Goold, the son of John Doane & of Eunice his wife was born at Norwich May 24 th A.D. 1805. Elisha Willis, the Son of John Doane and of Eunice his Wife was born at Norwich December 29 th . A D 1807. Elizabeth Howes, the Daughter of John Doane & of Eunice his wife was born at Norwich Septem r I st AD. 18 10 Emily Collins the Daughter of John Doane & of Eunice his wife was born at Norwich July 12 th . A.D. 1813. [149] M r . Joseph Williams of Norwich and Mifs Mercy Bishop of Bozrah were Married together at Bozrah on the 5 th day of April A.D. 1808. By the Rev d Jonathan Murdock Samuel Bishop, the Son of Joseph Williams and of Mercy his wife was born December 29 th . A.D. 1808. Mary Barret, the daughter of Joseph Williams Jun r and of Mercy his wife was born May 28 th . 181 7. [150] M r Christian Yergerson and Mifs Sally Savage were Married together October 14 th . A.D. 1804 By the Rev d Henry Channing John, the Son of Christian Yergerson and of Sally his wife was born November 6 th A.D. 1805. Frances-Ann, the Daughter of Christian Yergerson and of Sally his wife was born November 23 rd A.D 1807 William Henry, the Son of Christian Yergerson and of Sally his wife was born October 18 th A.D 1809. Joseph the Son of Christian Yergerson and of Sally his wife was- born February 12 th AD 181 2. [151] M r John Brigden of Norwich and Mifs Betsey Bailey NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 621 of Preston were Married together on the 24 th day of May A.D. 1808. by Elder James Hyde Benajah Bailey, the Son of John Brig-den & of Betsey his wife was born February 4 th . A.D. 1809. Cyntha Lord the Daughter of John Brigden and of Betsey his wife was born October 13 th AD. 181 1. George Palmer, the Son of John Brigden & of Betsey his wife was born January 8 th . A.D. 1813. Andrew L. Wattles born at Lebanon Ct September 21 st 1793 Margery D. Sterry born at Norwich Nov 7 th 1795 Andrew L. Wattles and Margery D. Sterry were married together Nov 7 th 1813, by Elder John Sterry Oliver P. Wattles Born at Norwich Feb 28. 181 5 William Wattles Born at Norwich 18 16 Louisa Wattles Born at Norwich 1817 Louisa Wattles Born at Norwich March 2. 1819 Luther R. Wattles Born at Norwich March 31. 1822 Joseph & Benjamin Wattles Born Chaplin December 13. 1824 John Wattles Born at Norwich Dec 27 1827 George Wattles Born at Norwich Dec 25. 1830 Juliet Wattles Born at Norwich March 6. 1833 Thomas B. Wattles Born Norwich Nov 15. 1835 Children of Andrew and Margery D. Wattles [152] M r John Sanger and Mifs Polly Nutter both of Norwich were Married together on the 24 th day of April A D. 1796. By the Rev d Joseph Strong. Mary, the Daughter of John Sanger and of Polly his Wife was born May. 6 th . A.D. 1803. Sally C. the Daughter of John Sanger and of Polly his wife was born May 6 th . A.D. 1813. [153] M r William Chapman and Mifs Sally Nutter both of Norwich were Married together on the 14 th . day of December A D 1806 By the Rev d . Walter King William Eleazer the Son of William Chapman & of Sally his wife was born November 5 th . A D 1807. Albert T. the Son of William Chapman & of Sally his wife was born March 14 th . AD. 1813. Mrs Sally Chapman Died March 29 th 18 13. Henry Tracy was born at Norwich Nov r . 23 d 1773 Alice Leffingwell was born at Norwich August 8 th . 1775 M r . Henry Tracy & Mifs Alice Leffingwell were lawfully joined in Marriage May 21 st A D 1795. By the Rev d Joseph Strong. William H the Son of Henry Tracy & of Alice his wife was Born February 28 th A.D. 1796 Mary E. the Daughter of Henry Tracy and of Alice his wife was born Jan y 19 th A.D. 1798 622 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Elisha L. the son of Henry Tracy & of Alice his wife was born March 31 st A.D. 1800 Alfred the son of Henry Tracy and of Alice his wife was Born May 19 th A.D 1802 Frances C. the Son of Henry Tracy & of Alice his wife was born October 10 th . A. D. 1804 Frederick U, the son of Henry Tracy & of Alice his wife was born January 3 d A D. 181 1 Simeon A Tracy the son of Henry Tracy & of Alice his wife was Born April 29 th . A.D. 1814 Lois Ann, the Daughter of Henry Tracy & of Alice his wife was born April 26 th . A.D. 1817. [154] New London County fs Groton December 5 th 1799. Then and there were united together in the Marriage Covenant M r . Christopher Bromley Jun r of Preston in said County ; and Mifs Hannah Spicer of said Groton Administer'd by Amos Gore Justice of Peace John Spicer, the Son of Christopher Bromley Jun r & of Hannah his wife was born Tuesday Nov r . 30 th 1802 Hannah, the Daughter of Christopher Bromley Jun r & of Hannah his wife was born Saturday May 3 rd AD 1806. Charles, the Son of Christopher Bromley Jun r . and of Hannah his wife was born Saturday April I st . A D. 1809 [155] M r . Charles F. Harrington and Mifs Martha Hyde both of Norwich were Married together January 2 nd A D. 1809. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong. James Hyde, the Son of Charles F. Harrington and of Martha his wife was born October 24 th . A D 1809. Abbey Frisby, the Daughter of Charles F. Harrington and of Martha his wife was born July 4 th . AD 181 1. Martha Nevins, the Daughter of Cha s F. Harrington and of Martha his wife was born August 29 th AD 18 13. [156] This Certifies that on the first day of August 1802 I Joined in Matrimony James Winchester and Mary Filmore in the City of New York Thomas Merrill Minister of the Methodist E. Church in the City of New York James, the Son of James Winchester and of Mary his wife was born July 10 th . A D. 1804 And died September 5 th A.D. 1804 2 nd James, the Son of James Winchester and of Mary his wife was born March 6 th . A.D. 1805. Harvey, the Son of James Winchester and of Mary his Wife was born January 29 th A.D. 1807 And Died October 18 th . A.D. 1807. Abbey, the Daughter of James Winchester and of Mary his Wife was Born June 12 th . A.D. 1809. [157] M r . Nathan Babcock and Mifs Susan Rudd, Hebbard NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 623 were Married together November 30 th A D 1806 By the Rev d . John Sterry Francis Ann, the Daughter of Nathan Babcock and of Susan R. his wife was born October 21 st AD 1807. and died May 28 th . AD. 1810. Susan Rudd, the Daughter of Nathan Babcock and of Susan R. his wife was born April 9 th . A.D. 181 1. David Carver ; the Son of Nathan Babcock and of Susan R. his wife was born August 11 th . A.D. 1813. Henry Brownell Babcock was born May 22 d 182 1 and died October 1st 1822. Charles Henry Babcock and Harriett Maria Babcock was born January 15th 1823 Harriett Maria died May 13th 1823. Jane Hopkins Babcock was born June 9th 1825 and died September nth 1825. Mrs Susan Rudd Babcock the wife of Capt Nathan Babcock departed this Life May 12 th A.D. 1833 [158] M r . Martin Edgerton and Mifs Anna Ellis both of Norwich were married together at Norwich January 6 th A D 1803 by the Rev d . Joseph Strong. Polly, the Daughter of Martin Edgerton and of Anne his wife was born August 16 th . A.D. 1803. Samuel, the Son of Martin Edgerton and of Anne his wife was born March 4 th . A.D. 1806. Martin the Son of Martin Edgerton and of Anne his wife was born February 23 rd . A.D. 1808 [159] M r Ebenezer Huntington Jun r of Norwich and Mifs Eunice Huntington of Lebanon were Married Together September 25 th . A.D. 1806. By the Rev d . William B Ripley Mary Ann, the Daughter of Ebenezer Huntington Jun r and of Eunice his wife was Born October 30 th . A D. 1807 Cornelia Eliza, the Daughter of Ebenezer Huntington Jun r and of Eunice his Wife was Born February 8 th . 1809. Edward Andrew, the Son of Ebenezer Huntington Jun r and of Eunice his wife was born October 23 rd AD 181 1 William Lathrop, the Son of Ebenezer Huntington Jun r & of Eunice his wife was born Feb y 3 rd . AD 1817. Samuel Tracy, the Son of Ebenezer Huntington Jun r and of Eunice his wife was born Septem r . 20 th 18 19. Mr. Ebenezer Huntington Jun. deceased on the 27 th day of February Anno Domini 1853. [160] The Names and Age of those Children of M r . John Morse which were born in the Town of Norwich Avery the Son of John Morse and of Susanna his wife was born February 4 th . A.D. 1783. 624 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Daniel the Son of John Morse and of Susanna his wife was Born December 15 th 1785. Betsey, the Daughter of John Morse and of Susanna his wife was born November 21 st 1787. Fanny the Daughter of John Morse and of Susanna his wife was born September 22 nd . A.D. 1789 Betsey the Daughter of John Morse and of Susanna his wife died February 20 th . A D 1791. [161] Cap 1 Francis Smith and Mifs Anna Roath were Mar- ried together March 20 th A.D. 1798. Francis, the Son of Francis Smith and of Anna his wife was born December 22 nd . A.D. 1798. Gilbert, the Son of Francis Smith and of Anna his wife was born March 1800. Edward, the Son of Francis Smith and of Anna his wife was born July 28 th A.D. 1803. Gilbert the Son of Francis Smith & of Anna his wife Died November 5 th . 1803. Mary anna, the Daughter of Francis Smith and of Anna his wife was born September 13 th . A D 1805. Harriot the Daughter of Francis Smith and of Anna his wife was born October A D 1807 And Died August 28 th . 1808. 2 nd . Gilbert, the Son of Francis Smith and of Anna his wife was born August 30 th A D 1809 And Died August 28 th . 1810. Fanny, the Daughter of Francis Smith & of Anna his wife was born February 9 th . 18 12 [162] This May Certify that William Williams Jun r and Harriet Peck were Married by me on the 11 th . Day of May A.D. 18 1 2. Joseph Strong, Clerk William Peck, the Son of William Williams Jun r and of Harriet his Wife was born at Norwich the 30 th day of May A.D. 1813. See page 59 1 [163] Norwich October 10 th 1791. This May Certify that Dorastus Tracy and Lovice Sanford were Married November 16 th 1788. Joseph Strong Clerk Charles, the Son of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born February 18 th . A D 1790 Fanney, the Daughter of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born November 13 th . A.D. 1792. Elisha the Son of Dorastus Tracy aftd of Lovice his wife was born November 11 th . A. D. 1794. Harvy, the Son of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born July 17 th A.D. 1796. 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 625 Lorin, the Son of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born June first A.D. 1798. Almiry, the Daughter of Dorastus Tracy & of Lovice his wife was born May 28 th A.D. 1800. Jaben the Son of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born March 2 nd A.D. 1803 and Died May 3 rd . 1804. Eliza, the Daughter of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born February 8 th . 1805. Charles, the Son of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife Died September 18 th . A D 1806. William Sanford, the Son of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born March 22 nd . A.D. 1809. Sophroney, the Daughter of Dorastus Tracy & of Lovice his wife was born September 17 th . AD. 181 1. Mary, ami, the Daughter of Dorastus Tracy and of Lovice his wife was born December 7 th AD 18 13. [164] This May Certify that Jedidiah Tracy and Mercy M. Doane were Married by Me on the 29 th . day of October A.D. 18 12. Joseph Strong, Clerk Caroline Abby the Daughter of Jedediah Tracy and of Mercy M. his wife was born March 24 th . 18 15 Calvin Tyler the Son of Robert Johnson and of his wife was born August 7 th 1827. Robert the Son of Robert Johnson and of his wife was born November 26 th 1828. [165] Cap'. Edward Whiting and Mifs Mary Perkins both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 30 th day of November A.D. 1801. by the Rev d Walter King Jabez Perkins, the Son of Edward Whiting and of Mary his wife was born September 22 nd . A.D. 1802. Charlotte, ami, the Daughter of Edward Whiting and of Mary his wife was born July 10 th . A.D. 1805. [166] Felix Augustus Huntington, the Son of Felix & Anna Huntington was Married December 11 th . 181 1 to Frances Snow the Daughter of Benjamin & Sally Snow all of Norwich New London County & State of Connecticut Rev d Joseph Strong. D.D. Present Benjamin Snow Esq & M r James Huntington Certified p r Benj a Snow Justice of the Peace Benjamin Felix, the Son of Felix Augustus Huntington and of Frances his wife was born April 2^ Td . AD 1813. [167] Docf Dwight Ripley and Mifs Eliza Coit both of Nor- wich were married together February 24 th A D 1796 5 626 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Dwight Ripley was born 7 th of August 1766. Eliza Coit was born 11 th of January 1772. Martha, the Daughter of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born March 15 th . A.D. 1797. Eliza Coit, the Daughter of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born April 25 th . A.D. 1798. William Dwight, the Son of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born September 2 nd . A.D. 1799. George Burbank, the Son of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born March 13 th . A.D. 1801. Lucy Coit, the Daughter of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born January 11 th . A.D. 1803 Eliza Coit, the Daughter of Dwight Ripley & of Eliza his wife died August 17 th 1803 Aged 5 Years Joseph, the Son of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born August 17 th A.D. 1804. James Leonard, the Son of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born March 18 th . A.D. 1806 2 nd . Eliza, the Daughter of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born March 22 nd A.D. 1808. Harriot, the Daughter of Dwight Ripley & of Eliza his wife was born April 7 th . A.D. 1810. Daniel Coit, the Son of Dwight Ripley and of Eliza his wife was born July 8 th . A.D. 1812. [168] This May Certify that Thomas F. Kandy and Mifs Philance Tracy were joined in Marriage the 12 th . day of December A.D. 18 13 By nue Joseph Strong, Clerk Daniel Tracy Floyd the son of Thomas F Kandy and of Philance his wife was born February 28 th 18 15 M r Joshua Tracy and Mifs Hannah H. Mansfield were law- fully joined in Marriage the 2& lh day of March 1810. at Norwich By the Rev d . Joseph Strong. Juliet the Daughter of Joshua Tracy and of Hannah H his wife was born December 30 th A.D. 1810. Augustus Converse, the Son of Joshua Tracy and of Hannah H. his wife was born February 13 th 181 2 James Lawrence, the Son of Joshua Tracy and of Hannah H. his wife was born July 2 nd . AD 1813 Caroline Mansfield, the Daughter of Joshua Tracy & of Hannah II. his wife was born July 24 th 1814. Augustus Converse the Son of Joshua Tracy & of Hannah H. his wife Died Decern 1 ". 19 th . A.D. 1814 Juliet the Daughter of Joshua Tracy and of Hannah H. his wife Died February 21 st A.D. 18 15. Joshua Perkins the Son of Joshua Tracy & of Hannah H. his wife was born March 31 st A.D. 1816 M r Joshua Tracy Died August 10 th 1816 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 627 Joshua Perkins the son of Joshua Tracy and of Hannah H. his wife. Died November. 14 th 1816. [169J M r , Eliab Rogers and Mifs Mary Hyde both of Nor- wich were joined in Marriage May 17 th A.D. 1804 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong John Elsworth, the Son of Eliab Rogers and of Mary his wife was born March 10 th A.D. 1805. Mary Hyde, the Daughter of Eliab Rogers and of Mary his wife was born May 9 th . A.D. 1807. Eliab Thomas, the Son of Eliab Rogers and of Mary his wife was born April 21 st A.D. 1810. Ebenezer Hyde, the Son of Eliab Rogers and of Mary his wife was born May 15 th A.D. 1812. [170] M r . Thomas Cowdrey & Mifs Lucretia Tracy were joined in Marriage January 17 th . AD 1808. by the Rev a Nehemiah Dodge of Lebanon Edward Thomas, the Son of Thomas Cowdrey & of Lucretia his wife was born at Norwich Sept 1 ". 30 th . 1808. Harriot, the Daughter of Thomas Cowdrey & of Lucretia his wife was born at Norwich March 20 th . A D 1810. And died February 27 th . AD 18 12 Charles Clark, the Son of Thomas Cowdrey & of Lucretia his wife was born at Norwich June 28 th . 1812. [171] M r . George Moore and Mifs Nancy Trapp were joined in Marriage November 25 th . A.D. 1802. George Moore was born April 20 th . 1777. Nancy Trapp was born Septem 1 ' 5 th . 1783 Charles the Son of George Moore and of Nancy his wife was born March 21 st . A.D. 1804. Mary-ann the Daughter of George Moore & of Nancy his wife was born Novem r 27 th A D. 1805. Nancy the Daughter of George Moore & of Nancy his wife was born January 16 th . A.D. 1808. George the Son of George Moore and of Nancy his wife was born January 20 th A.D 18 10. David, the Son of George Moore and of Nancy his wife was born April 2f x \ A D 1812. [172] M r William Albertson and Mifs Nancy C. Fanning were Married together April 23 rd . A.D. 1804 William S. the Son of William Albertson and of Nancy his wife was born July 15 th . A.D. 1805. Eliza G. the Daughter of William Albertson and of Nancy his wife was born February 10 th . A.D. 1807 Theodore F. the Son of William Albertson and of Nancy his wife was born October 28 th . A.D. 1808. 628 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Howard B. the Son of William Albertson and of- Nancy his wife was born November 4 th AD 181 o. Stephen Decature, the Son of William Albertson & of Nancy his wife was born December 4 th . A.D. 1813. [173] M r . Augustus Perkins and Mifs Lucy Huntington both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich September 20 th . A.D. 1795, by the Rev d . Joseph Strong. John Augustus the Son of Augustus Perkins and of Lucy his wife was born July 21 st . A.D. 1796. George Apollos, the Son of Augustus Perkins and of Lucy his wife was born September 18 th A.D. 1798. Mary Brown, the Daughter of Augustus Perkins and of Lucy his wife was born January 6 th A.D. 1801. Rebecca Huntington, the Daughter of Augustus Perkins and of Lucy his wife was born Decern 1- . 9 th . A.D. 1803 Isaac Huntington, the Son of Augustus Perkins & of Lucy his wife was born December 18 th . A.D. 1806. Edward Henry, the Son of Augustus Perkins & of Lucy his wife was born April 4 th . A.D. 18 10. Simeon Abijah, the Son of Augustus Perkins & of Lucy his wife was born July 7 th . A.D. 1812. [174] M r . Asahel Case and Mifs Rosanna Sloan were joined in Marriage March 21 st A.D. 1790. by the Rev d John Tyler Abby, the Daughter of Asahel Case and of Rosanna his wife was born April 12 th . A D 1792 Asahel, the Son of Asahel Case and of Rosanna his wife was born May 4 th . AD 1794. Eleanor, the Daughter of Asahel Case & of Rosanna his wife was born July 29 th A D. 1796. Mary, the Daughter of Asahel Case and of Rosanna his wife was born Jan y . 23 rd A D 1800 Loisa, the Daughter of Asahel Case & of Rosanna his wife was born May 10 th . AD 1802 Luther the Son of Asahel Case and of Rosanna his wife was born September 3 rd . A D 1804 Loisa, the Daughter of Asahel Case & of Rosanna his wife, Died January 5 th . A D 1807. [175] This May Certify that M r . Joseph Walker and Mifs Eunice Mefsinger were joined in the Marriage Bond in Killingly this day by Me Asahel Day March 28 th 1802 Pastor of a Church in said Killingly William Anson, the Son of Joseph Walker and of Eunice his wife was born September 3 rd A D 1802 Ebenezer Williams, the Son of Joseph Walker and of Eunice his Wife was born April n lh . A.D. 1804 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 629 Joseph Willard, the Son of Joseph Walker and of Eunice his wife was born March 30 th . A.D. 1806 Mary-ann Caroline, the Daughter of Joseph Walker and of Eunice his wife was born March 14 th . 1808 Eunice Abby, the Daughter of Joseph Walker and of Eunice his wife was born Nov 1 ". 29 th A D 1809 Jane Eliza, the Daughter of Joseph Walker & of Eunice his wife was born August 18 th . A D 1812 [176] M r Christian Alberts, and Mifs Nancy Setchel were Married together on the 20 th Day of September A.D. 1801. Simon, the Son of Christian Alberts and of Nancy his wife was born June 25 th . A D 1802 Nancy, the Daughter of Christian Alberts and of Nancy his wife was born October 14 th . A D 1804 Hannah, the Daughter of Christian Alberts and of Nancy his wife was born February 3 rd . AD 1807 Elizabeth, the Daughter of Christian Alberts & of Nancy his wife was born August 6 th A.D. 1809 Harriot, the Daughter of Christian Alberts and of Nancy his wife was born Septem 1 " 20 th . 181 t [177] M r William Lester of Norwich and Mifs Lydia Bailey of Groton were Married together July 6 th . A D 1777. By the Rev d Aaron Kinney Lydia the Daughter of William Lester and of Lydia his wife was born October 10 th . A D 1778. Hannah, the Daughter of William Lester & of Lydia his wife was born August 24 th . AD 1781. William, the Son of William Lester and of Lydia his wife was born January 20 th A.D. 1789. Benjamin, the Son of William Lester and of Lydia his wife was born June 10 th . A.D. 1791. Frederick, the Son of William Lester and of Lydia his wife was born May 14 th . A.D. 1793. Eliza, the Daughter of William Lester and of Lydia his wife was born October 23 rd A D 1804 [178] M r Judah Hart & Mifs Abigal Belden were Married Together May i Rt A D 1800 Mary Riley, the Daughter of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born June 29 th . A D t8oi Judah Belden, the Son of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born Novem r . 16 th . A.D. 1802 Henry, the Son of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born February 17 th . AD 1805 Edwin, the Son of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born May 5 th . A D 1807 630 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Abigal the Daughter of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born March 25 th . A D. 1809 William the Son of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born April 9 th A.D. 181 1. Asahel, the Son of Judah Hart and of Abigal his wife was born March 35 th AD 1813. [179] M r . Isaac Story and Mifs Lucy Roath were Married together at Norwich September 15 th . A.D. 1815. By the Rev d Walter King Frances Rhoda, the Daughter of Isaac Story and of Lucy his wife was born July 10 th . A.D 1807. Harriot Miriam, the Daughter of Isaac Story and of Lucy his wife was born January 17. A.D. 1809 Frances Rhoda, the daughter of Isaac Story and of Lucy his wife Died January I st A D. 181 o. Isaac Hatch, the Son of Isaac Story and of Lucy his wife was born January 3 rd . A.D. 18 12 Frances, the Daughter of Isaac Story and of Lucy his wife was born April 4 th . A.D. 1813. [180] M r John Maples and Mifs Jemima Smith were Mar- ried together at Norwich February 24 th A.D. 1803 By the Rev d . John Sterry Jemima, the Daughter of John Maples and of Jemima his wife was born March 10 th AD 1804. John, the Son of John Maples and of Jemima his wife was born January 14 th A D 1806. Charles, the Son of John Maples and of Jemima his wife was born August 20 th A.D. 1809. [181] M r Oliver Batty and Mifs Lydia Fergo both of Nor- wich were Married together at Norwich July 9 th A D 1801 By the Rev 4 . John Sterry Mrs Lydia Batty Died Septem 1 " 10 th A D 1801. M r Oliver Batty and Mifs Betsey Fergo were Married Together at Norwich February 21 st A.D. 1802. By the Rev d . Walter King Giles Manchester, the Son of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born November 24 th A D 1803 Lydia, the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born September 26 th A D 1805 Mary-Ann, the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born January 20 th . A.D. 1807. Harriot Abby Perkins, the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was bom May 28 th . A.D. 1808 Elizabeth, Ingraham, the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born August 4 th AD. 1810 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 631 John, the Son of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born December 17 th A.D. 181 1. Oliver, the Son of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born September 6 th . A.D. 1813. Susan, the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born October 6 th A.D. 18 15. William, the Son of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was Born November 17 th A.D. 18 17. Sally-Ann the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was born Decern 1 " 10 th A.D. 1819. Alariah M the Daughter of Oliver Batty and of Betsey his wife was Born June 19 th AD 1822 and departed this Life September 28 th A D 1823 [182] M r . Calvin Case and Mifs Mary Killgrove were Mar- ried together February 9 th A D 1799. Polly, the Daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born August 30 th . A.D. 1799 And Died Novem r 25 th 1799. Nancy, the Daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born January 30 th . A.D. 1801. Luther the Son of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born January 14 th . A D. 1803 And died January 30 th . 1803 Sally, the Daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born April 24 th . A D 1804. Calvin, and Mary, Son and Daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born June 21 st A.D. 1806 Ebenezer & Maria, Son and Daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born October 16 th . A D 1808 Ebenezer the Son Died Decem r . 4 th . 1808 George, the Son of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was Born October 2^'K A D 1810 and Died March 6 th . AD. 181 t. John Simeon, the Son of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born July 17 th . A.D. 1812. George Francis the son of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born December 28 th 1814 Harriet the daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born May 24 th 181 7 Jane the daughter of Calvin Case and of Mary his wife was born August 11 th 1819 Mrs Mary Case the wife of Mr Calvin Case died August 7 th 1825. [183] Norwich April 13 th AD 1803 This is to Certify that Rufus Robbins and Esther Roath both of Norwich in the County of New London, were Married in the Parish of Chelsea in said Norwich on the 18 th . day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, by me r hn Tyler 632 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS In presence of Joseph Roath Meriami Roath James Gordon Eleazer Roath Mercy Roath &c &c Zebulon Roath, the Son of Rufus Robbins and of Esther his wife was born July 24 th A D 1802. Asahel Sefsions, the Son of Rufus Robbins and of Esther his wife was born July 4 th . A D. 1804. Abigail Campbell the Daughter of Rufus Robbins and of Esther his wife was born October 6 th A D 1805. Henry Rufus. the Son of Rufus Robbins and of Esther his wife was born April 29 th A.D. 1813. [184] M r Ezra Lathrop of Norwich and Mifs Rebecca Hunt- ington of Bozrah were Married together on the 19 th . day of December A.D. 1796 By the Rev d Jonathan Murdock Their first Child A Son Born Novem r . 27 th . 1797. And Died the Same day Mary, the Daughter of Ezra Lathrop and of Rebecca his wife was born June 7 th , AD 1801. And died May 17 th . 1802 2 nd Mary the Daughter of Ezra Lathrop and of Rebecca his wife was born June 21 st . A D 1803 Eunice, the Daughter of Ezra Lathrop and of Rebecca his wife was born October 5 th . 1806 Jane Eleanor, the Daughter of Ezra Lathrop and Rebecca his wife was born Saturday July 29 th 1809 And Died Sunday January 14 th . 18 10 Rebecca Jane the Daughter of Ezra Lathrop and of Rebecca his wife was born Tuesday Decern 1 " 17 th . 181 1. Mrs Rebecca Lathrop Died May 25 th . A D 1812 Aged 40 years June 22 nd . 1815. This May Certify that this day Ezra Lathrop of Norwich and Mary Peirce of Plainfield were joined in Lawfull Marriage By me Joel Benedict Pastor of a Church in Plainfield. John Lester, the Son of Ezra Lathrop and of Mary his wife was born April 14 th . AD 18 16. Jonathan George, the son of Ezra Lathrop and of Mary his wife was born October 13 th . AD 181 7 [185 I M r Roger Huntington and Mifs Ann Denison both of Norwich were Married together January 30 th AD. 1814. By the Rev 4 . Joseph Strong. Harriet Dennison, the Daughter of Roger Huntington and of Ann his wife was born Jan y 9 th 181 5. Harriet Dennison the Daughter of Roger Huntington and of Ann his wife died May 22 nd . 1816 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 633 James Dennison the Son of Roger Huntington and of Anne his wife was born January 25 th 181 7 Mary Ann the Daughter of Roger Huntington and of Ann his wife was born March 30 th . 1819. M rs Ann Huntington Died Septem 1 ' 15 th . A.D. 1819. This May Certify that on the 30 th . day of August A D 1820 Roger Huntington and Amelia Matilda Lambert were legally joined in Marriage by me Joseph Strong Recorded August 31 st . 1820 by Philip Huntington Register Lydia. Lambert, the Daughter of Roger Huntington and of Amelia Matilda his wife was born November 6 th day 1821 And Died February 22 na 1824 Louis Charles Lambert, the son of Roger Huntington and of Amelia Matilda his wife was born April 26 A.D. 1824 John Fosdick the Son of Roger Huntington and of Amelia Matilda his wife was born July 7 th . 1827 Gilbert Clement, son of Roger & Amelia Matilda Huntington was born the 9 th . day of April A.D. 1841 [186] M r Amos Bennett of Preston & Mifs Mary Pendleton of Norwich were Married together at Norwich the 26 th day of November A.D. 1801. by the Rev d . Joseph Strong Mary Ann, the Daughter of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was born September 16 th . A.D. 1802 Harriet, the Daughter of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was Born April, 10 th . A.D. 1804. William P. the Son of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was born November 5 th . A D 1805. Charles, the Son of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was Born November 6 th . A.D. 1807. Albert Francis, the Son of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was born February 3 rd . AD 18 10. James M. The Son of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was born June 27 th . A.D. 1812. Henry Augustus, the Son of Amos Bennett and of Mary his wife was born Dec. 18 th 18 14. & died in Norwich Ct. July 9 th 1883 [187] M r . Eliab Hyde and Mifs Lydia Griswold both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich the 15 th . day of January A.D. 1795. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Abiah, the Daughter of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was born December 29 th . A D 1795 Lucretia G., the Daughter of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was born December 8 th . 1797. Henry the Son of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was born October 6 th . A.D. 1799. 634 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Augustus, the Son of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was Born August 3 rd . A.D. 1801. Elizabeth, the Daughter of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was born August 2 nd . 1803. Lydia, the Daughter of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was born May 28 th . 1805. Harriot, the Daughter of Eliab Hyde & of Lydia his wife was born January 18 th . 1807. Lucy Ann, the Daughter of Eliab Hyde and of Lydia his wife was born March I st . 181 1. [188] M r John Birchard of Norwich and Mifs Anne Hyde of Franklin were Married together May 8 th . 1796. Joseph Waterman, the Son of John Birchard and of Anne his wife was born January 18 th . AD 1798. Asa Hyde, the Son of John Birchard and of Anne his wife was born October 17 th . A.D. 1799 Hetty-Ann, the Daughter of John Birchard and of Anne his wife was born September 20 th . A D. 1803 John Woodard, the Son of John Birchard and of Anne his wife was born Decem r . 18 th A D. 1807. [189] M r William Peabody and Mifs Cornelia Mariah Hillard both of Norwich were Married together the 14 th . day of July A.D. 181 1 By the Rev 4 . John Tyler Cornelia Ann, Elizabeth, the Daughter of William Peabody and of Cornelia Mariah his wife was born January 13 th . A.D. 1812. William Nathaniel, the Son of William, Peabody & of Cornelia Mariah his wife was born SeptenT. 22 nd A D 1813. Oliver Franklin, the son of William Peabody and of Cornelia Mariah his wife was born September I st . 1815 [190] M r Ephraim Pitcher and Mifs Desire Brown both of Norwich were Married together the 28 th . day of April A D. 1805. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Mary-Ann the Daughter of Ephraim Pitcher & of Desire his wife was born December 21 st . AD 1806. Emely, the Daughter of Ephraim Pitcher and of Desire his wife was born October 11 th . A.D. 1808 Adeline, the Daughter of Ephraim Pitcher & of Desire his wife was born December 26 th . A.D. 1810 and Died August 4 th . 1811. Emely, the Daughter of Ephraim Pitcher and of Desire his wife Died September 22 nd . AD 181 1. Ephraim Barker, the Son of Ephraim Pitcher & of Desire his wife was born September 19 th . A.D. 1813 [191] Mr. Eleazer Rogers and Mifs Lucy Edgerton both of . NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 635 Norwich were Married February 22 nd . A.D. 1787. By the Rev 4 . Joseph Strong Betsey, the Daughter of Eleazer Rogers and of Lucy his wife was born May 5 th . A.D. 1788. Samuel, the Son of Eleazer Rogers and of Lucy his wife was born December 2 nd . A D. 1790. Sarah, the Daughter of Eleazer Rogers &, of Lucy his wife was born September 27 th . 1793. Harriot Maria, the Daughter of Eleazer Rogers and of Lucy his wife was born July 30 th A D 1796. Elisha, the Son of Eleazer Rogers and of Lucy his wife was born December. 22 nd A D 1799. Fanny, the Daughter of Eleazer Rogers & of Lucy his wife was born June 21 st . A.D. 1801. Thomas Jefferson, the Son of Eleazer Rogers & of Lucy his wife was born April 8 th . A D. 1807 And died May 15 th A D 18 10. [192] M r Henry Carew & Mifs Harriot Joy both of Norwich were Married together February 2 nd : 1812. By the Rev d . John Stern- Julia Adams the daughter of Erastus Bingham and of Lydia his wife was born June 18 th 1829. [193] This May Certify that Charles Burdett and Sally Lord both of Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage on the 18 th . of April 1805 P r John Sterry Pastor Eliza, the Daughter of Charles Burdett and of Sally his wife was born May 30 th . A.D. 1806. George, the Son of Charles Burdett and of Sally his wife was born July 17 th AD. 1809. [194] M r Dewey Brumley & Mifs Lucretia Caswell both of Norwich were Married Novem r 27 th . A D 1806 By the Rev d John Sterry Eliza Ann, the Daughter of Dewey Brumley and of Lucretia his wife was born Jan y 14 th 181 1. Henry, the Son of Dewey Brumley and of Lucretia his wife was born Decern 1 ". 5 th AD 1812 This certifies that Mr. Dewey Brumley of Norwich and Mifs Almira Haskell of Norwich were lawfully united in marriage by me. M. G. Clarke, Pastor of the C. B. Church, Norwich, Norwich, Conn. Nov. 30 th . 1843. Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [195] M r Thomas Potter of Norwich and Mifs Esther Harris of New London were Married together at New London on the 25 th day of August 181 1 By Elder West Harriot the Daughter of Thomas Potter and of Esther his wife was born June 12 th . A D 1812. 636 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Esther, the Daughter of Thomas Potter and of Esther his wife was born October 4 th . AD 1813. [196] M r David Pitcher and Mifs Mary Gibbons both of Norwich were Married together June 20 th A D 1802. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Eliza the Daughter of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born December 2 nd . A.D. 1803 and Died April 9 th . 1804 Lydia the Daughter of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born August 10 th . A.D. 1804 Lyman the Son of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born July 21 st A D 1806. Francis the Son of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born February 20 th . 1808 Mary Barker, the Daughter of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born January 6 th . 1810 Eunice Culver, the Daughter of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born October 13 th . 181 1 David Austin the Son of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born October 14 th . 18 13' Sharlot the daughter of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born September 26 th 181 5. Julia Spencer the daughter of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born November 8 th 181 7 Oliver Ellsworth the son of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born April 5 th 1819 Gerard Gibbons the son of David Pitcher and of Mary his wife was born June 18 th . 182 1. [197] M r . William Joy and Mifs Anne Killsey were Married together June 26 th . AD. 1787 by the Rev d . Walter King. Nancy, the Daughter of William Joy and of Anne his wife was born November 23 rd . AD 1787. Frances, the Daughter of William Joy & of Anne his wife was born October 25 th . A.D. 1791 M rs Anne Joy Died Novem r 28 th . AD 1791. Frances, the Daughter of William Joy & of Anne his wife Died February 25 th . AD 1792 M r William Joy and Mifs Mary Mix were Married together the 25 th . day of December AD 1794 By the Rev d . Walter King Harritty, the Daughter of William joy and of Mary his wife was born October 9 th . AD 1795 And Died December 27 th AD. 1795 Mrs. Mary Joy died December I2 tn . 1799. M r William Joy and Mifs Charity Williams were married together the 30 th . day of March A D 1800. Frances Mix, the Daughter of William Joy & of Charity his wife was born July 19 th . A D. 1803 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 637 William Kellsey, the son of William Joy & of Charity his wife was born August 12 th . A D 1805 Asa Williams, the son of William Joy & of Charity his wife was born July 18 th . A D. 1807 William Kellsey, the Son of William Joy & of Charity his wife was Drowned June 2 nd AD 1810. [198] Shubael Breed, Son of Gershom Breed & Dorothy his wife, And Lydia Perkins daughter of Jabez Perkins and Anna his wife were Married by the Rev d . Joseph Strong on the 25 th June 1786. and have had If sue Charles, the Son of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife was born February I st . A.D. 1787. Nancy, the Daughter of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife was born Septem r . 6 th . A.D. 1788. Lydia the Daughter of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife was born October 9 th . A D 1790. Two Daughters born and Died June 11 th . 1793. Mary, the Daughter of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife was born May 20 th . A.D. 1795. Lydia the Daughter of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife died June 4 th . A.D. 1796. Eliza, the Daughter of Shubael Breed & of Lydia his wife was born April 5 th . A D. 1797. George, the Son of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife was born March 27 th . 1799. James, the Son of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife was born March 13 th . AD. 1801. 2 nd Lydia, the Daughter of Shubael Breed & of Lydia his wife was born October 12 th . A.D. 1805. Eliza, the Daughter of Shubael Breed and of Lydia his wife Died February 28 th . 1806. Lydia the Daughter of Shubael Breed & of Lydia his wife Died August 13 th AD 1812. [199] M r . Jarvis Lathrop and Mifs Hannah Lester both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Norwich on the first day of January A D. 18 10. By the Rev d Walter King Hannah the Daughter of Jarvis Lathrop and of Hannah his wife was born January I st . A.D. 1810. Daniel, the Son of Jarvis Lathrop and of Hannah his wife was born October 15 th A.D. 181 3. [200] M r Thomas H Bushnell and Mifs Charlotte S. Bailey both of Norwich were Married together July 21 st A.D 181 1. By Rev d . Joseph Strong Sussan Hubbard, the Daughter of Thomas H. Bushnell and of Charlottee his wife was born March 28 th . AD 1813. 638 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Charlottee, the Daughter of Thomas H. Bushnell and of Charlotte his wife was born Nov 1 ". 6 th 1814 [201] M r Daniel Pitcher and Mifs Betsey Ellis both of Nor- wich were Married together at Norwich February 20 th . A.D. 1803 By the Rev d Joseph Strong. Eliza, the Daughter of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born Tuesday October 11 th . A.D. 1803. Caroline, the Daughter of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was Born Saturday March 9 th . A D 1805. Lucretia, the Daughter of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born Monday December 29 th A.D. 1806. Lorin, the Son of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born Friday Septem 1 '. 9 th . A D 1808. Thomas Leffingwell, the Son of Daniel Pitcher & of Betsey his wife was born Thursday November I st A D. 1810. Mary-ann Clement, the Daughter of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born Thursday Decern 1 " 3 rd . 1812. Joseph Coombs, the Son of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his his wife was born Jan y 14. 1815 Anna Ellis the Daughter of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born April 20 th 181 7 James Monroe the son of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born July 26 th 18 19 Hezekiah Edgerton the son of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife was born May 13 th . 182 1. James Monroe the son of Daniel Pitcher and of Betsey his wife Died Nov 1 ". 14 th . 1822. Daniel Monroe the son of Daniel Pitcher & and of Betsey his wife' was born Novem 1 ". 22 nd . 1822. M r . Daniel Pitcher Died October 12 th A D 1822. [202] M r Simon Edgerton and Mifs Lucy Griswold both of Norwich were Married the 7 th . day of February A D. 1792 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Daniel Griswold, the Son of Simon Edgerton and of Lucy his wife was born Novem 1 " 26 th . A D 1793 William, the Son of Simon Edgerton and of Lucy his wife was born April 23 rd AD. 1795 Francis Griswold, the Son of Simon Edgerton and of Lucy his wife was born March 23 rd . 1797 Elisha the Son of Simon Edgerton and of Lucy his wife was born Novem 1 ". 26 th . 1802. Charles, the Son of Simon Edgerton & of Lucy his wife was born October 5 th . A D 1804. [203] M r Daniel Huntington Jun r and Mifs Polly Edgerton both of Norwich were Married together the 18 th day of January A.D. 1787. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 639 Betsey, the Daughter of Daniel Huntington Jun r and of Polly his wife was born August 24 th . A.D. 1793 Lydia Lathrop, the Daughter of Daniel Huntington Jun r and of Polly his wife was born August 20 th . A D 1796. Lucy Tracy, the Daughter of Daniel Huntington Jun r and of Polly his wife was born February 14 th . A D 1799 Simon, the Son of Daniel Huntington and of Polly his wife was born August 8 th . A.D. 180 1 Daniel Lathrop, the Son of Daniel Huntington Jun r and of Polly his wife was born March 21 st A D 1804 M r . Daniel Huntington Jun r Died December 3 rd . A D 1805 in the 44 th . Year of his Age. [204] M r . William Daley and Mifs Elizabeth Caswell were Married together October 20 111 A.D. 1804 By the Rev d John Sterry Fanny, the Daughter of William Dayley & of Elizabeth his wife was born August 8 th . 1805. To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr William Dailey and Mrs Sally Bailey both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Mr John Shermans Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 14 th day of Feb y in the year of our Lord 1828 by me William Palmer Norwich Feb y 14 th 1828 Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Feb 14 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [205] M 1 ' James Story of Norwich and Mifs Deborah Avery of Groton were Married together at Groton on the 20 th . day of November A.D. 1784. By Elder Park Avery James, the Son of James Story and of Deborah his wife was born January 17 th . A.D. 1786. Avery, the Son of James Story and of Deborah his wife was born September 6 th . AD 1789. And Died Septem r . 13 th . 1789 ■ Nancy, the Daughter of James Story and of Deborah his wife was born April n" 1 . A.D. 1791 Polly, the Daughter of James Story and of Deborah his wife was born Novem r 22 nd . 1793 Betsey, the Daughter of James Story and of Deborah his wife was born November 27 th A.D. 1795 And died December 25 th . 1795 Henry the Son of James Story and of Deborah his wife was born February. 15 th . A.D. 1799 And Died Feb y 17 th 1799 [206] Cap 1 Timothy Parker & Mifs Deborah Lester both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich March 23 rd . A D 1769. by the Rev d . Doct'". Whitaker Ann, the Daughter of Timothy Parker and of Deborah his wife was born December 25 th . A D. 1769. 640 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS John, the Son of Timothy Parker and of Deborah his wife was born March 10 th . A.D. 1772 Elizabeth, the Daughter of Timothy Parker & of Deborah his wife was born August 28 th . A D. 1774. Timothy, the Son of Timothy Parker and of Deborah his wife was born February 14 th AD 1778 Henry, the Son of Timothy Parker and of Deborah his wife was born May 29 th A.D 1780 [207] Cap 1 . John Parker and Mifs Sarah Fitch both Norwich were Married together April 25 th . A.D. 1802 By the Rev d Walter King Elizabeth. Ann the Daughter of John Parker & of Sarah his Wife was born May 28 th . A D. 1803 Timothy the Son of John Parker and of Sarah his wife was born December 16 th . A D 1804 John Henry, the son of John Parker & of Sarah his wife was born February 26 th A D. 1807 Mary Ellsworth the Daughter of John Parker and of Sarah his wife was born March 31 st A D. 1809 And Died March 19 th . 1810 Ebenezer Fitch, the Son of John Parker and of Sarah his wife was born December 26 th . AD 18 12. [208] Norwich August 26 th . 1810 This May Certify that David Ewen & Prudence Carew both of Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage P r John Sterry David, the Son of David Ewen and of Prudence his wife was born July 21 st AD. 181 1. Loise the, Daughter of David Ewen and of Prudence his wife was born June 10 th AD 18 13 [209] M 1 '. Jabez Bushnell and Mifs Hannah Rogers both of Norwich were Married together on the 24 th . Day of December A D 1809. By Rev d . Joseph Strong Sally Abby, the Daughter of Jabez Bushnell & of Hannah his wife was born September 5 th . AD 18 12 Nancy Mariah the Daughter of Jabez Bushnell & of Hannah his wife was born April 29 th . A.D. 1813 And Died December 5 th . 1813. [210] M r Nathan Holmes and Mifs Lydia Bushnell were joined in Marriage the 29 th day of January 1812 By the Rev d John Tyler Lydia Jane, the Daughter of Nathan Holmes & of Lydia his wife was born January 31 st . AD 1814 William Harris the Son of Nathan Holmes and of Lydia his wife was, born January 15 th AD 1823 Joseph Bushnell the son of Nathan Holmes and of Lydia his wife was born April 30 s1 A D 1825 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 641 Mr. Nathan Holmes Died April 27 th 1837. Mrs. Lydia Holmes Died February 25 th 1840. [211] M r . Stephen Story and Mifs Mabel Bushnell both of Norwich were Married together the 16 th . day of January A.D. 1 79 1. by the Rev d John Tyler Mabel, the Daughter of Stephen Story and of Mabel his wife was born November 4 th A.D. 1791. Rebecca, the Daughter of Stephen Story and of Mabel his wife was born May 29 th . A.D. 1793. Stephen, the Son of Stephen Story and of Mabel his wife was born December. 4 th . A D 1797. Zadoc Darrow, the Son of Stephen Story and of Mabel his wife was born January 25 th . 1802. [212] M r . Joseph Chester and Mifs Prudee Tracy were joined in Marriage the 10 th . day of September A.D. 181 1. By the Rev d . Samuel Nott Albert, the Son of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born June 16 th . AD 18 12. Harriet Newell dughter of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife Born September 25 th A D 1814 And Died April 23 th 1815 Charles Huntington the Son of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born October 14 th A D 1816 Joseph Lemuel the Son of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born April 30 th AD 1821 Harriet Lee Daughter of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born January 31 st AD 1819 And Died April i the AD 1820 Sarah Elizabeth the Daughter of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born November 21 th AD 1823 Leonard Hendee Son of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born October I th 1825 Anson Gleason son of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his wife was born July 25 A D 1827 Frank Chester Son of Joseph Chester and of Prudee his Wife was born January 19 th A D 1830 And Died January 27 th 183 1 [213] M r William Button and Mifs Lucy Pollard were Mar- ried together on the 13 day of Feb AD 1791 at Preston by Jon a Brewster Esq Just s of Peace Jeremiah, the Son of William Button and of Lucy his wife was born at Preston October 2 nd A D 1791 Cleveland, the Son of William Button and of Lucy his wife was born at Preston July 23 rd A D. 1793 Robert, the Son of William Button and of Lucy his wife was born at Preston August 26 th 1797 Susannah, the Daughter of William Button & of Lucy his wife was born at Preston Oct 1 " 8 th A D. 1804. 6 642 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS William the Son of William Button and of Lucy his wife was born at Preston January 28 th A D 1806 Elizabeth, the Daughter of William Button and of Lucy his wife was born at Norwich April 12 th : 1808. [214] M r Henry S. Grace & Mifs Betsey Hamilton both of Norwich were joined in Marriage on the 14 th . day of June A.D. 1795. by the Rev d Walter King Lydia, the Daughter of Henry S Grace and of Betsey his Wife was born June 13 th AD. 1796 dec d . Nancy the Daughter of Henry S Grace and of Betsey his wife was born August 3 rd A D 1797 John Hamilton the Son of Henry S. Grace & of Betsey his Wife was born July 10 th . A D 1800 [215] M r Peter Lanman Jun r . of Norwich and Mifs Abigail Trumbull of Lebanon were joined in Marriage the 8 th . day of December 1801. David Trumbull, the son of Peter Lanman and of Abigail his wife was born Septem 1 ". 25 th . A.D. 1802. Mary Huntington, the Daughter of Peter Lanman and of Abigail his wife was born May 28 th . A D. 1804. Abigail, the Daughter of Peter Lanman and of Abigail his wife was born March 21 st . A.D. 1806. Peter, the Son of Peter Lanman and of Abigail his wife was born October 4 th . A.D. 1807. Sarah the Daughter of Peter Lanman & of Abigail his wife was born August 17 th AD. 1809. Dec d 1 Joseph, the Son of Peter Lanman and of Abigail his wife was born July 18 th . A.D. 181 1. William T. Williams, the Son of Peter Lanman and of Abigail his wife was born July 6 th A D 1813. Dec d 1 Jn° Trumbull, born 1 [216] M r . William Holt and Mifs Martha Gifford were Mar- ried together September 22 nd AD 181 1. by the Rev d Joseph Strong Martha Gifford, the Daughter of William Holt and of Martha his wife was born July 19 th A D 1812 [217] Capt Elisha Tracy and Mifs Lucy Coit Huntington were Married together on the 31 st day of October AD 1796. By the Rev d Joseph Strong William Swan, the Son of Elisha Tracy and of Lucy C. his wife was born February 4 th A D. 1799. Winslow, the Son of Elisha Tracy and of Lucy C. his wife was born January 13 th . A.D. 1801. Elizabeth Dorr, the Daughter of Elisha Tracy and of Lucy C. his wife was born July 22 nd . A D. 1803 lWritten in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 643 Lucy Huntington, the Daughter of Elisha Tracy and of Lucy C. his wife was born May 11 th . A.D. 1806. Hannah Phelps, the Daughter of Elisha Tracy and of Lucy C. his wife was born April 13 th . A D 1808. And Died February 13 th AD. 1810 Elisha Dorr, the Son of Elisha Tracy and of Lucy C. his wife was born June 4 th . A D 1810. Stephen Decater, the Son of Elisha Tracy & of Lucy C. his wife was born July 14 th . A.D. 1813. [218] M r Charles Thomas and Mifs Frances Nevins both of Norwich were joined in Marriage on the 29 th . Day of November A.D. 1810. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong. Henry, the Son of Charles Thomas and of Frances his wife was born October 19 th A D. 1813. Nahum Fay and Phebe Burdick, were married by Elder John Sterry July 26 th 1812. Nahum Fay Jun. was born in Norwich Dec. 27 th 1813, and died in Norwich January 4 th 181 4. Phebe Ann Fay was born in Woodstock Conn. July 4 th 1815, and died in New London August 8 th 1822. Charles Henry Fay, was born in Lebanon Conn Nov. 13 th 18 17. Nahum Fay 3 d . was born in Lebanon Conn. January 3 d 1820. Lorenzo Fay, was born in Norwich June 10 th 1823. Edwin Fay, was born in Norwich Dec 1 ". 5 th 1825. Phebe Ann Fay 2 nd , was born in Hinsdale, Mass. June 20 th 1828. John Wing Fay, was born in Norwich January 28 th 1831, and died in Norwich November 29 th 1836. George Miner Fay, was born in Norwich February 13 th 1833. See next Page [2ig] M r Jacob Lillie and Mifs Joannah Manning both of Norwich were joined in Marriage the 14 th day of February A D 18 1 3 By the Rev d . John Sterry See page 218 1 Caroline Fay, was born in Norwich May 11 th 1835, and died in Norwich February 17 th 1850. Julia Huntington Fay, was born in Norwich February 3 d 1838. Martha Wing Fay, was born in Norwich April 23 rd 1841. Nahum Fay, Senior, died in Norwich August 15 th 1847. [220] M r . James Cullio and Mifs Mary Rogers were joined in Marriage January 14 th . A.D. 1776. by the Rev* 1 Ephraim Judson James the Son of James Cullio and of Mary his wife was born September 19 th AD 1778. 'Written in pencil. 644 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Mary, the Daughter of James Cullio and of Mary his wife was born April 28 th A D 1782. Ann, the Daughter of James Cullio and of Mary his wife was born October I st AD. 1787. Phebe, the Daughter of James Cullio and of Mary his wife was born June 8 th . A.D. 1790. Martha the Daughter of James Cullio and of Mary his wife was born December 7 th . A D 1792. Catharine, the Daughter of James Cullio & of Mary his wife was born July 19 th . A.D. 1795. Maria, the Daughter of James Cullio & of Mary his wife was born Novem r . 24 th AD 181 1. [221] Norwich March 9 th . 1808. This May Certify that Clark Summers of Hebron, and Phebe Cullio of this place presented themselves and were legally Mar- ried by me Walter King Almira, the Daughter of Clark Somers & of Phebe his wife was born Decern 1- 29 th . A D. 1808 Nancy, the Daughter of Clark Somers and of Phebe his wife born August 27 th . AD 18 10 Samuel the Son of Clark Somers and of Phebe his wife was born June 14 th A D. 1812 And died June 30 th . 1812 Mary C. the Daughter of Clark Somers and of Phebe his wife was born May 17 th . AD 1813. [222] M r . Ebenezer W Toby and Mifs Nancy Brooks were joined in Marriage June 23 rd AD 1808 By Elder Crandal. M r John Murray and Mifs Hannah Fuller were Married together on the 6 th . day of Novem r A D 1810. By the Rev* 5 - Andrew Lee. Hannah, Amanda, the Daughter of John Murray and of Hannah his wife was born July 31 st . A.D. 181 1. Abby Fuller, the Daughter of John Murray, and of Hannah his wife was born October 3 rd . 1815 Sarah Eliza, the Daughter of John Murray and of Hannah his wife was born Septem r . 11 th . 1817 Mary Ann the Daughter of John Murray and of Hannah his wife was born June 9 th 1820. Juliet the Daughter of John Murray and of Hannah his wife was Born July 22 nd A.D. 1824 [223] M r . Thomas L. Thomas and Mifs Eunice Birchard both of Norwich were joined in Marriage the day of March A.D. 1783 By the Rev d Joseph Strong. Charles, the Son of Thomas L. Thomas and of Eunice his wife was born February 15 th . A D 1784 Gurdon, the Son of Thomas L. Thomas & of Eunice his wife was born February 21 st . A.D. 1787 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 645 Mary the Daughter of Thomas L. Thomas & of Eunice his wife was born December 13 th A D. 1789. Thomas & Simeon the Sons of Thomas L. Thomas and of Eunice his wife was born April 28 th . A.D. 1792 Gurdon, the Son of Thomas L Thomas & of Eunice his wife Died August 18 th . A.D. 1793 Jerusha, the Daughter of Thomas L Thomas and of Eunice his wife was born April 7 th . A D 1795. M rs Eunice Thomas Died Novem r . 3 rd A D 1796. Cap 1 Thomas L Thomas & the Widow Anne Blake were Mar- ried together May 26 th . A.D. 1799. Eunice the Daughter of Thomas L. Thomas & of Anne his wife was born June 26 th . A D 1800. [224] New London County fs Preston Decern 1- 28 th . 1806 Personally appeared M 1 ' Charles French of Norwich & Mifs Betsey Giddings of said Preston and at their Desire were united together in the Matrimonial Covenant Administer'd by Amos Gere Justice of Peace Mary-Ann the Daughter of Charles French and of Betsey his wife was born May 31 st . A D. 1807 Eunice, the Daughter of Charles French and of Betsey his wife was born August 13 th . A.D. 1808. Alvira, the Daughter of Charles French & of Betsey his wife was born June 22 nd . AD 18 10. Charles, the Son of Charles French and of Betsey his wife was born January 24 th . A.D. 1812. Sarah Waterman, the Daughter of Charles French and of Betsey his wife was born May 7 th AD 1813. [225] M r William Coll will Boon & Mifs Welthea Gardner were joined in Marriage October 26 th . A D 1806 By Rev d John Sterry. William, Collwill, the Son of William C. Boon & of Welthea his wife was born August 8 th . A.D. 1807 Welthea Ann the Daughter of William C Boon and of Welthea his wife was Born March 4 th . A.D. 1809 George Stanard, the Son of William C. Boon and of Welthea his wife was born March 19 th AD. 181 1. And Died April 10 th 1812 Sarah Gardner, the Daughter of William C. Boon & of Welthea his wife was born May 30 th A.D. 1813 [226] Preston November 27 th . 1789. These May Certify that in the Evening of the twenty sixth Day of November 1789 M r Samuel Bailey and Mifs Cyntha Meech both of Preston were Married together According to Law Before a Respectable number of Witnefses By me Paul Park Clerk 646 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Charlotte Story, the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born September 11 th . A.D. 1790 Hannah the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born January 26 th A D. 1792 Sally the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born September I st . AD 1793 Hannah, the Daughter of Samuel Bailey & of Cynthia his wife Died September 4 th A D. 1794. The three first births and the Death of Hannah were in Preston 1 Betsey, the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born at Norwich June 13 th . A.D. 1795. Mariah, the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born at Norwich April 3 rd A D 1797 Betsey the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife Died at Norwich Decern 1 . 2 nd A D 1797. Harriot the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born June 3 rd . A.D. 1799 George the Son of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born February 7 th . A.D. 1801 And Died April 28 th . A D 1802 Diah the Son of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born March 9 th AD 1803 Frances Thomas, the Daughter of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born December 21 s A D 1805 Charles Cooley the Son of Samuel Bailey and of Cynthia his wife was born January 29 th . A D 1808 M rE . Cynthia Bailey Died at Norwich Feb y 9 th AD 1808. in the 44 th . Year of her age. M r . Samuel Bailey and the Widow Eunice Gale were married together the 9 th day of June A.D. 1808. John Hamilton the Son of Samuel Bailey and of Eunice his wife was born March 16 th A.D. 1810 And Died July 14 th . A D 1810 M rs Eunice Bailey Died July 26 th A.D. 1819 M r Samuel Bailey & the Widow Catharine Giddens were Mar- ried together the 17 th . of October 1819 See more at the right hand page [227]. M r DeL Fayette Wilcox and Mifs Eunice Manning were Married together at Norwich on the 11 th day of May A.D. 181 1. by the Rev d . Joseph Strong Lucy Lathrop, the Daughter of De La Fayette Wilcox and of Eunice his wife was born December 31 st . AD 1811. Continued from left hand. Henry Andrus, the son of Samuel Bailey and of Catharine his wife was born the 5 th of Septem 1 " 1820. iMarginal note written lengthwise of the page. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 647 M rs Catharine Bailey Died the 8 th . of October A D. 1820. Henry Andrus the Son of Samuel Bailey and of Catharine his Wife Died the 14 th . of October A.D. 1821. This may Certify that on the first day of January 1821. Samuel Bailey and Elizabeth Kingsley were legally joined in Marriage, by me Joseph Strong Clerk [228] M r Richard Avery and Mifs Lucy Lord both of Norwich were Married together on the 2 nd day of June 1789 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Lucy Lord, the Daughter of Richard Avery and of Lucy his wife was born June 20 th . A.D. 1794. Stephen Maples Jun r . Was born Dec r 15 th 1774 M r Stephen Maples Jun r of Norwich and Mifs Anna Leffing- well of Bozrah were lawfully joned in Marriage February 20 th A.D. 1803. By the Rev d John Sterry Stephen the Son of Stephen Maples Jun r and of Anna his Wife was born August 5 th . A D 1804. and Died Septem 1 ". 7 th 1806. Mary-Ann, the Daughter of Stephen Maples Jun r . and of Anna his wife was born July 28 th A.D. 1806. George Washington, the Son of Stephen Maples Jun r . and of Anna his Wife was born September 2 nd A D 1808. Stephen the Son of Stephen Maples Jun r & of Anna his wife was born May 10 th A.D. 181 1. [229] M r . Henry Gordon and Mifs Lucy Norman both of Norwich were Married together on the 22 nd Day of June AD. 1797. by the Rev d Walter King- Joshua Norman, the Son of Henry Gordon and of Lucy his wife was born May 22 nd A.D 1798 Henry William, the Son of Henry Gordon and of Lucy his wife was born December 25 th A.D. 1802. M M Lucy Gordon Died May 23 rd A.D. 1809. M r Henry Gordon, and Mifs Mary Lord were Married together the 6 th day of January A.D. 18 13. By the Rev d . Asahel Hooker [230] M r James Rogers Jun r and Mifs Sophia Ingraham both of Norwich were Married together on the 6 th . day of March A.D. 1793 by the Rev d . Walter King Mary, Ingraham, the Daughter of James Rogers and of Sophia his wife was born January 4 th A D 1794. George the Son of James Rogers and of Sophia his wife was born July 23 rd . A.D. 1795. And Died March 10 th . A.D. 1795 Mrs Sophia Rogers Died October 9 th A.D. 1796. M r . James Rogers Jun r of Norwich and Mifs Sally Coit of Preston were Married together January 16 th . A D 1799. By the Rev d . Levi Hart George Tyler, the Son of James Rogers Jun r & of Sally his 648 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS wife was born December 3 rd . A.D. 1799. Charles Spalding, the Son of James Rogers and of Sally his wife was born Novem r . 22 nd A D 1801. Edward Lord, the Son of James Rogers & of Sally his wife was born January 26 th . A D. 1805. James Coit, the Son of James Rogers and of Sally his wife was born March 20 th . 1807 Sophia Burbank, the Daughter of James Rogers and of Sally his wife was born January 7 th . AD. 1812 [231] M r . Jabez Leffingwell and Mifs Lydia Rogers both of Norwich were Married together on the 20 th day of April A.D. 1803. Lucy R. the daughter of Jabez Leffingwell and of Lydia his wife was bom March 24 th A D. 1804 Jabez F. the son of Jabez Leffingwell and of Lydia his wife was born January 18 th . A.D. 1806 George E. the Son of Jabez Leffingwell and of Lydia his wife was born March 12 th . A.D. 1808 And died July 7 th . A D. 1809 Lydia M. the Daughter of Jabez Leffingwell and of Lydia his wife was born June 4 th . A.D. 1810 Frances A the Daughter of Jabez Leffingwell and of Lydia his wife was born Novem 1 ". 17 th 181 1. George Henry the Son of Jabez Leffingwell and of Lydia his wife was born December 31 st . A D 1813. [232] Philura W. the Daughter of Hugh Calkins and of Lovica his wife was born July 8 th . A.D. 1797 Ann. M. the Daughter of Hugh Calkins and of Lovica his wife was born April 30 th . A D 1798 M r Harvy Hibbard & Mifs Sally Ford both of Norwich were Married together January 24 th By the Rev d John Sterry Frances Ann, the Daughter of Harvy Hibbard and of Sally his wife was born Novem r . 18 th A D. 181 1. Melicent, the Daughter of Harvy. Hibbard & of Sally his wife was born November 27 th AD 1813 [233] M r George W. Lee and the Widow Susan Randall daughter of Asa Fitch Esq were Married together at Bozrah on the day of October A.D. 1812 By the Rev d Joseph Strong Lois Fitch, the Daughter of George W Lee and of Lois his wife was born at Brooklin Long Island on the day of August A.D. 1803. George W. the Son of George W. Lee and of Hetty his wife was born in New York September 29 th . A D 1807. Asa Fitch the Son of George W Lee and of Susan his wife was born in Norwich October 19 A D 1813. [234] M r . Wheeler Geer of Norwich & Mifs Sally Roath of NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 649 Preston were Married together on the 9 th Day of May A.D. 1799. By Jonathan Huntington Esq r Justice of Peace Oliver, the Son of Wheeler Geer and of Sally his wife was born Wednefsday February 12 th A D. 1800 Elizabeth the Daughter of Wheeler Geer & of Sally his wife was born January 8 th A.D. 1802 Erastus, the Son of Wheeler Geer and of Sally his wife was born December 6 th . A.D. 1803 George the Son of Wheeler Geer and of Sally his wife was born March 27 th . A D. 1806 Sally Maria the Daughter of Wheeler Geer and of Sally his wife was born May 5 th A D 1808. William Wheeler, the Son of Wheeler Geer & of Sally his wife was born July. 28 th . A.D. 1810. Levi, Orson, Merrels the Son of Wheeler Geer and of Sally his wife was born Decem r . 5 th . A D 1812. Jeremiah Cleveland the Son of Wheeler and of Sally his Wife was born Septem 1 " 24 th . AD 181 5 [235] M r . Septimeous Clark and Mifs Hannah Willet Were Married together on the first day of October A.D. 1795. by Jonathan Huntington Esq r Justice of Peace George Willet the Son of Septimeous Clark and of Hannah his wife was born August 15 th . 1796 Joseph Burnham, the Son of Septimeous Clark and of Hannah his wife was born April 11 th . 1799 Jeremiah Harris the Son of Septimeous Clark and of Hannah his wife was born Septem 1 "- 3 rd 1802 Hannah, the Daughter of Septimeous Clark and of Hannah his wife was born March 4 th . 1807. Nancy Emiline, the Daughter of Septimeous Clark and of Hannah his wife was born August 18 th 1810 Charles Hiram, the Son of Septimeous Clark and of Hannah his wife was born April II th 181 3. [236] Harriot, the Daughter of Elijah Parish and of Eunice his wife was born December 26 th . AD 1797. Nancy, the Daughter of Elijah Parish & of Eunice his wife was born January 24 th A D 1799 M r . Aaron Armstrong and the Widow Eunice Parish both of Norwich were married together on the 9 th day of July A.D. 1810 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Albert, the Son of Aaron Armstrong and of Eunice his wife was born February 3 rd . A.D. 181 1. William Sanford, the Son of Aaron Armstrong and of Eunice his wife was born May 4 th . A D. 1812 M rs Eunice Armstrong Died July 23 rd A D. 1821 [237] Joseph G Lamb was born September 19 th . A D 1786 650 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Irena Torry was born February 17 th '. AD. 1781 M r Joseph G Lamb of Norwich and Mifs Irena Torry of Motville were Married together on the 15 th . day of June A.D 1806 George Niles the Son of Joseph. G. Lamb and of Irena his wife was born July I st . AD 1808. Joseph Griswold, the Son of Joseph. G. Lamb and of Irena his wife was born August 23 rd . 1812. [238] M r William Barker and Mifs Caty Smith both of Nor- wich were Married together on the 10 th Day of September A.D. 1802. By the Rev* 1 . John Tyler Sally Smith, the Daughter of William Barker and of Caty his wife was born February 14 th . A.D. 1803. Juley-Ann, the Daughter of William Barker and of Caty his wife was born February 27 th A.D. 1806 Frances Maria the Daughter of William Barker and of Caty his wife was born January 14 th . A D. 1808. William, the Son of William Barker and of Caty his wife was born February 9 th . A.D. 181 1. Stephen, the Son of William Barker and of Caty his wife was born May 9 th . A.D. 181 3. [239] M r Thomas Miller and Mifs Lucretia Dolph both of Norwich were Married together on the 26 th day of September A.D. 1799. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong William Billings, the Son of Thomas Miller and of Lucretia his wife was born January 19 th . A.D. 1801. Eliza Huntington, the Daughter of Thomas Miller and of Lucretia his wife was born January 9 th A D 1803. Lucretia Dolph, the Daughter of Thomas Miller and of Lucretia his wife was born February 25 th A D. 1805. Catharine Richards, the daughter of Thomas Miller and of Lucretia his wife was born June 25 th . A.D. 1807. John Staniford, the Son of Thomas Miller and of Lucretia his wife was born July 24 th . A.D. 1812. [240] M r . George Gilbert was born at Tanton in the State of Mafsachusetts July 14 th . A D. 1755 Mifs Ellen Pierce was born in Norwich April A D 1756 M r . George Gilbert and Mifs Ellen Pirce were Married together on the day of June A.D 1776. Hannah, the Daughter of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife was born December 27 th . 1777. Abigal, the Daughter of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife was born October 12 th . 1780 Nathaniel, the Son of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife was bora October 14 th . 1783 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 65 1 Wealthy, the Daughter of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife was born July 30 th 1786 Nancy, the Daughter of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife was born July 14 th . 1789 George Bradford, the Son of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife was born April 8 th 1794 Abigal, the Daughter of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife died November 1795. Nathaniel, son of George Gilbert and of Ellen his wife, died in Windham, suddenly, returning from New York, Dec. 24 th 1849. Enterd by Othniel Gager Administrator [241] M r . Newcomb Kinney was born in Preston Feb* 9 th A D 1763. Mifs Sally Branch was born in Preston May 21 st . A D. 1764. M r . Newcomb Kinney and Mifs Sally Branch were Married together A D 1786 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Joseph, the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born February 9 th . A.D. 1787. Charles, the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born April 3 rd . A.D. 1789. Jacob Witter, the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born May 8 th . AD 1791. George, the Son of Newcomb Kinney & of Sally his wife was born April 30 th . A D. 1793 Charles the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife Died January 2 nd . A D. 1794. 2 nd . Charles the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born December 20 th . 1795 Happy, the Daughter of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born July 24 th . A D 1798 John the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born October 15 th . AD. 1800 Sally Mariah the Daughter of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born January 25 th . 1803 William Branch, the Son of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born April 28 th A D. 1806 And Died February 13 th . 1807 Newcomb, the Son 1 of Newcomb Kinney and of Sally his wife was born November 17 th . A.D. 1808. [242] M r Cary Throop and Mifs Elizabeth Lyman were Married together on the 26 th day of November A.D. 1789. Sally, the Daughter of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Franklin September 7 th A.D. 1790. Betsey the Daughter of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Franklin November 29 th . 1793 •The words " Harriet" to precede the entire entry, " Daughter" over the word " Son," and " Died " at the end of the entry are added in pencil. 652 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Cary, the Son of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife was born in the State of New York March 22 nd . 1797 Mary the Daughter of Cary Throop & of Elizabeth his wife was born in Lisbon April 5 th A D. 1799. Jonathan Trumbull, the Son of Cary Throop & of Elizabeth his wife was born January 28 th . A D 1801 William Lyman the Son of Cary Throop & of Elizabeth his wife was born July 16 th . 1802 Thomas Lefhngwell, the Son of Cary Throop & of Elizabeth his wife was born at Lisbon June 16 th . A D 1804 Sally the Daughter of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife Died March 16 th A D 1804 Joseph Lyman, the Son of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Lisbon June 14 th . 1808 Mary, the Daughter of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife Died July I st A.D. 1808 Joseph Lyman the Son of Cary Throop & of Elizabeth his wife Died March I st . A.D. 1809 Sarah Mariah the Daughter of Cary Throop and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Norwich March 18 th . A.D 1812 [243] M 1 ' Jonathan Smith of Norwich and Mifs Anne Tracy of Preston were Married together at Preston on the 4 th . day of July A.D. 1784 By Jabez Fitch Esq Justice of Peace Joseph, the Son of Jonathan Smith and of Anne his wife was born October 13 th . A.D. 1786 Gurdon, the Son of Jonathan Smith and of Anne his wife was 'born January 15 th 1789. Henry the Son of Jonathan Smith and of Anne his wife was born June 21 st . AD 1791 Anna, the daughter of Jonathan Smith & of Anne his wife was born February 9 th A D 1797 Alfred, the Son of Jonathan Smith and of Anne his wife was born September 14 th . 1799. [244] M 1 ". Nathaniel Shipman Jun r of Norwich & Mifs Abigail Coit of Preston were joined in Marriage October 14 th . A.D. 1794 By the Rev d . Levi Hart Lydia Lemngwell, the Daughter of Nathaniel Shipman Ju r & of Abigail his wife was born December 17 th . A.D 1795. Thomas Lefhngwell, the Son of Nathaniel Shipman Jun r and of Abigail his wife was born August 28 th . A.D. 1798. Mrs Abigail Shipman the wife of M r Nathaniel Shipman Jun r . and Mother of Lydia L. Shipman and Thomas L Shipman, Died July 31 st . AD 1800 Aged 31 years 11 month and 10 days [245] M r Peabody Clement and Mifs Lizze Shipman both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich December 16 th A.D. 1786. By John M Breed Esq 1 '. Justice Peace "f NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 653 Elizabeth Backus, the Daughter of Peabody Clement and of Lizze his wife was born May 6 th . A.D. 1792. Mary-ann Mosely, the Daughter of Peabody Clement and of Lizze his wife was born August I st AD 1796. [246] Docf. Thomas B. Buswell & Mifs Nancy Peabody both of Norwich were joined in Marriage on the 28 th . Day of May A.D 1809 by the Rev d Joseph Strong. Anna Lovett, the Daughter of Thomas B Buswell and of Nancy his wife was born November 12 th . A D 1810. Mary Glover, the Daughter of Thomas B. Buswell and of Nancy his wife was born November 20 th . A.D. 181 1. Thomas Marther, the Son of Thomas B Buswell and of Nancy his wife was born October 31 st A D 18 12. Asa Peabody, the son of Thomas B Buswell and of Nancy his wife was born November 8 th . 1813. [247] M r Thomas King and Mifs Eunice Corning Were Married together on the 28 th day of June 1804. M r Thomas King Died January 9 th A D 1807. Susannah Corning, the Daughter of Thomas King and of Eunice his wife was born May 17 th A D. 1807. Mr William Lee was born July 24 th 1788 William Lee and Maria M. Spicer were married October 9 th 1811 William Spicer the son of William Lee and of Maria his wife was born April 22 nd 181 3 .Mrs Maria M the wife of William Lee died May I st 1813 William Lee and Sally Jillson ware Married December 26 th 1813 Charles Jillson the son of William Lee and of Sally his wife was born Sept 1 ". 7 th . 1814 Henry J the son of William Lee and of Sally his wife was born November 6 th 18 19 And died October 18 th 1820 Sally M Lee the daughter of William Lee and of Sally his wife was born Jan y 23 rd 1822 George T the son of William Lee and of Sally his wife was born August 22 nd 1823 and died August 22 nd 1825 Loisa the daughter of William Lee and of Sally his wife was born April 25 th 1825 and died October 31 st 1825. [248] M r Denison Rogers & Mifs Nancy Pendleton both of Norwich were joined in Marriage on the 22 nd day of March A.D. 1794 by the Rev d Joseph Strong. Charlotte, the Daughter of Denison Rogers & of Nancy his wife was born October 27 th . A D 1795 Alfred, the Son of Denison Rogers and of Nancy his wife was born April 17 th . AD 1797. 654 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS William, the Son of Denison Rogers and of Nancy his wife was born May 17 th AD 1799. Lucy, the Daughter of Denison Rogers & of Nancy his wife was born October 17 th . AD. 1801. Henry, the Son of Denison Rogers and of Nancy his wife was born June 9 th A D 1803 Joshua, the Son of Denison Rogers and of Nancy his wife was born September 21 st AD 1805. James, the Son of Denison Rogers and of Nancy his wife was born May 7 th . AD 181 1. Joshua, the Son of Denison Rogers and of Nancy his wife Died May I st A.D 1813 [249] M r Thomas Denison and Mifs Meribah Cowdrey both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 21 st . day of August A.D. 1791. by the Rev" 3 . Joseph Strong Thomas, the son of Thomas Denison and of Meribah his wife was born Sunday May 26 th . A.D 1793. Caty, the Daughter of Thomas Denison and of Meribah his wife was born Sunday March I st A D 1795 Charles, the Son of Thomas Denison and of Meribah his wife was born Monday July 10 th . AD. 1797. Emily, the Daughter of Thomas Denison & of Meribah his wife was born Thursday April 17 th . 1800 Daniel, the Son of Thomas Denison & of Meribah his wife was born Tuesday July 20 th A D 1802 Lovisa, Adeline, the Daughter of Tho s . Denison and of Meribah his wife was born Tuesday April 29 th . 1806 And died January 6 th . AD 1807 Mr. Thomas Denison died September 16 th 1826 1 Mrs Meribah Denison the wife of Cap 1 Thomas Denison de- parted this Life August 15 th AD 1827 2 Daniel Son of Thomas & Meribah Denison died aug 1852 at Peori Illinois 3 [250] State of Connecticut fs This may Certify to all whom these presents may Concern that William Harris and Sally Prentice both of the City of Norwich in New London County were on the eleventh Day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & ten, lawfully joined in Marriage by me James Lanman on the of the justices of the peace for the county of New London Charles Floreval, the Son of William Harris & of Sally his wife was born January 3 rd . A.D. 181 1. 1 " 63 year of age " added in pencil. 2 " 63 year " added in pencil. 3 This entry added in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 655 Sarah-Ann-Major, the Daughter of William Harris & of Sarah his wife was born April 16 th A D 1812. Celinda Dunham, the Daughter of William Harris and of Sarah his wife was born January 9 th . A.D. 1814. Mary Anderson, the Daughter of William Harris & of Sarah his Wife was born Septem r 29 th . 18 16. William Montfloro, the Son of William Harris & of Sally his wife was born January 15 th A.D. 18 19 Olive Smith the daughter of William Harris and of his wife Sally was Born June 29 th A D 1822 Oliver Brown the Son of William Harris and of Sally his wife was Born March 12th A D 1824 John Benjamin Wilson the Son of William Harris and of Sally his wife was born March 19th A D 1826 Jane Elisabeth, the Daughter of William Harris and of Sally his wife was Born April 3 rd AD 1828 Abby Louisa the Daughter of William Harris and of Sally his wife was Born May 6th A D 1830 William L Loyd Garrison the Son of William Harris and of Sally his wife was born in Canterbury State of Connecticut July 15th Anno Domini 1834 [251] M r Caleb Stewart, & Mifs Mary Cowdry of Norwich Were married together on the 18 th day of Novenf A D 1798. By the Rev d . Walter King Mariah, the Daughter of Caleb Stewart & of Mary his wife was born in Norwich Jan y 2 nd AD 1800 William, the Son of Caleb Stewart and of Mary his wife was born 4 th A D 1802 And Died June 18 th . A D 1804 Abbey, the Daughter of Caleb Stewart and of Mary his wife was born in N. London April 3 rs A D 1805 Lucretia T the Daughter of Caleb Stewart & of Mary his wife was born in Norwich June 16 th . A D 1806 Harriot, the Daughter of Caleb Stewart & of Mary his wife was born August 26 th . A D 1809. George Washington, the Son of Caleb Stewart and of Mary his wife was born Novem 1 " 25 th A D 181 1. [252] M r John W Fernald & Mifs Olive Moore were Mar- ried together at Kittery in the State of Mafsachusetts on the 7 th . day of July A.D. 1799. as he the said John sayeth Benjamin M. The son of John W. Fernald & of Olive his wife was born at Kittery March 29 th . A D 1800. John, the Son of John W Fernald and of Olive his wife was born at Dover New Hampshire March 10 th . A.D. 1801 Olive, the Daughter of John W Farnald & of Olive his wife was born at Norwich Connecticut February 25 th . A D 1805 [253] M r Elijah Flanders and Mifs Sally Day were joined 656 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS in Marriage on the 5 th day of October A D 1796. By the Rev d Walter King Elijah, the Son of Elijah Flanders and of Sally his wife was born July 20 th . A.D. 1798 David, the Son of Elijah Flanders and of Sally his wife was born January 15 th . A.D. 1799 Louis Day, the Daughter of Elijah Flanders & of Sally his wife was born January 10 th . A.D. 1801 Charles Martin, the Son of Elijah Flanders & of Sally his wife was born March 10 th . A.D. 1804 Henry Jarvis, the Son of Elijah Flanders & of Sally his wife was born August I st . A.D. 1807 Flannah C Lincon, the Daughter of Elijah Flanders and of Sally his wife was born October 24 th A D 1809. Sarah C. the Daughter of Elijah Flanders and of Sally his wife was born Decern 1 " 13 th . A.D. 1813. [254] M r Nathaniel Tracy & Mifs Fanny Kelley were Mar- ried together on the 15 th . day of Novem r 1807 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Tanny, the Daughter of Nathaniel Tracy & of Fanny his wife was born June 17 th A.D. 1808. Caroline, the Daughter of Nathaniel Tracy and of Fanny his wife was born June 27 th . A D 18 10. John, the Son of Nathaniel Tracy and of Fanny his wife was born January 12 th A D 1813. Daniel, the son of Nathaniel and Fanny Tracy was bom September 7 th A.D. 1818 Lucy, the daughter of Nathaniel and Fanny Tracy, was born March 7 th A.D. 182 1. [255] Abby Holmes, the Daughter of Consider Sterry & of Mary his wife was born August 23 rd . A.D. 1797. Mary-Ann, the Daughter of Consider Sterry & of Mary his wife was born December 24 th . AD 1801. Jane the Daughter of Consider Sterry and of Mary his wife was 'born November 29 th A D 1803. Samuel Adams, the Son of Consider Sterry & of Mary his wife was born May 26 th A.D. 1805 Thomas Jefferson, the Son of Consider Sterry and of Mary his wife was born February 4 th A D 1808. James Madison, the Son of Consider Sterry and of Mary his wife was born Decern 1- . 11 th AD 1809 George Clinton, the Son of Consider Sterry & of Mary his wife was born February 15 th AD 1812. [256] M r Joseph Bingley and Mifs Ann Hinkly were law- fully joined in Marriage July 23 rd . A D 1809 By the Rev d . John Tyler NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 657 Abel, the Son of Abel Griswold and of Esther his wife was born August 12 th A.D. 1806. Daniel, the Son of Abel Griswold & of Esther his wife was born March 25 th A.D. 1808 Ruth, the Daughter of Abel Griswold and of Esther his wife was born August 4 th . AD. 1810. and died July 11 th AD 181 1. [257] M r Richard Humphrey Potter and Mifs Elizabeth Trapp both of Norwich were Married togeher at Norwich on the 24 th . day of November A.D. 1805. By the Rev d . Walter King. Daniel Huntington, the Son of Richard Humphrey Potter and of Elizabeth his wife was born December 17 th A D 1806. Sally-Ann, the Daughter of Richard Humphrey Potter and of Elizabeth his wife was born Septem 1 ". 6 th . 1808. Eliza Bingley, the Daughter of Richard Humphrey Potter and of Elizabeth his wife was born August 27 th . 1810 [258] M r Samuel Charlton & Mifs Dolly Helping both of Norwich were Married together on the 26 th Day of November A.D. 1807. By the Rev d . John Sterry Mariah, the Daughter of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his Wife was born December 7 th . AD 1808 And Died February 13 th . 1809 Emely, the Daughter of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born January 26 th . AD 1810. Charles Henry, the Son of Samuel Charlton & of Dolly his wife was born April 7 th A.D 181 2 John the son of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born October 13 th 1814. Mariah the daughter of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born April 4 th 1817 and died Sep 1 1821 Eliza Ann the daughter of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born October 21 st 18 19 Frederick the son of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born January 8 th 1822 James Dunton the son of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born June 10 th 1824 Howard the son of Samuel Charlton and of Dolly his wife was born October I st 1826 [259] M r . John Pool and Mifs Easther Rogers were Married together at New London June I st . A.D. 1794. Mary the Daughter of John Pool and of Easther his wife was born at New London Nov r 22 nd . 1794 Charles, the Son of John Pool and of Easther his wife was born May 27 th . A D 1804. [260] This Certify 's that M r Elias Robinson of Ashford and Mifs Anne Allyn of Groton were married by the Subscriber 7 658 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Groton February 19 th A D 1786 Park Allyn Minister of the Gospel & Paster of the Strict Congregational Church of Christ in North Groton Cyntha, the Daughter of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born in Groton, December 9 th A.D. 1786 Anne, the Daughter of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born in Groton April 29 th . AD 1791 Elias Goodell, the Son of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born April 18 th . A D 1793. Mary the Daughter of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born July 20 th A.D 1795 Sarah, the Daughter of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born March 17 th . A.D. 1798. George Washington, the Son of Elias Robinson & of Anne his wife was born July 8 th A.D 1800 Sarah, the Daughter of Elias Robinson & of Anne his wife Died October 20 th AD 1800 Lydia, the Daughter of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born February 13 th . A.D. 1802. Charles, the Son of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born March 22 nd . A.D. 1806, And Died June 9 th . A D 1807 John, the Son of Elias Robinson and of Anne his wife was born May 29 th A.D. 1809. To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Elias Robinson and Mrs Mary Sullard both of this City were joined in Marriage at Mrs Sullard Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the twentieth of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty three 1833 By me William Palmer, minister of the Gospel Norwich Oct 20 1833 Received for record November 1. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk See Book 5 page 342 1 [261] Norwich August 11 th . 1806. This May Certify all whom it may Concern that Dempfter Beatty and Cyntha Robinson presented themselves and were legally Married P r . Me Walter King Clerk This May Certify that Orin Shoalls & Cynthia Beatty were lawfully Married this 12 th . day of September 181 3. by Me Norwich 12 th Septem r 181 3 Joseph Strong Clerk [262] M r Stephen B Allyn & Mifs Betsey Charlton both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 15 th . Day of December A.D. 1797. ^Originally written " See Book 4 page 341." NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 659 Betsey, the Daughter of Stephen B Allyn & of Betsey his wife was born July 2 nd . A.D. 1799. Mari-ann, the Daughter of Stephen B. Allyn and of Betsey his wife was born March 18 th . 1804 Hariot, the Daughter of Stephen B Allyn & of Betsey his wife was born May 8 th . A.D. 1806 Hannah Mariah, the Daughter of Stephen B Allyn and of Betsey his wife was born Novenf 3 rd . A D 1810 Sarah Williams the Daughter of Stephen B Allyn & of Betsey his wife was born Septem 1- 25 th . 1812. [263] M r James Gordon and Mifs Susan L. Hommedieu both of Norwich Were Married together at Norwich on the 14 th . day of October A.D. 1792. by the Rev d . Walter King Joseph, the Son of James Gordon and of Susan his wife was born August 27 th . A.D. 1793. Abbe, the Daughter of James Gordon & of Susan his wife was born Novem 1 ". 6 th . A D 1795. Eliza and Mariah, the Daughters of James Gordon & of Susan his wife was born August 27 th . 1798. Mariah Died September 19 th A D 1798 Ezra, the Son of James Gordon and of Susan his wife was born May 27 th . A.D. 1800. Joseph, the Son of James Gordon and of Susan his wife Died February I st . A D 1808. [264] M r Joseph Powers & the widow Sabra Chester both of Norwich were married together on the 27 th . dav of February A.D. 1812 By the Rev d . John Tyler John Robertson, the Son of Joseph Powers and of Sabra his wife was born January 5 th . A.D. 1814. George Tracy Bingham the son of Erastus Bingham and of his wife was born Oct 1 ". 17. 1808 Entered for record March 31 st 1827 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [265] M r James Williams and Mifs Abby Billings were Married together on the 5 th day of January A.D. 1806 by the Rev d . Walter King. James, the Son of James Williams and of Abby his wife was born January I st A D 1807. Elijah the Son of James Williams and of Abby his wife was born December 20 th A D 1808. Benjamin Billings, the Son of James Williams & of Abby his wife was born December 9 th A D 1810. Abby Laritta, the Daughter of James Williams and of Abby his wife was born December 3 rd . A D 1812. 660 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [266] M r John D e Witt of Norwich and Mifs Harriet Smyth Huntington of New London were Married together at New London September 18 th . A D 1806. By the Rev d . Charles Sea- bury Harriet Richards, the Daughter of John DeWitt and of Harriet S. his wife was born July 31 st . 1808. Henry, the Son of John D e Witt and of Harriet his wife was born May 19 th . A D 1810 Martha, the Daughter of John D e Witt & of Harriet S. his Wife was born June 29 th . 18 12. [267] M r Joseph C Huntington of Norwich, and Mifs Julia S Dodge were Married together in the City of New York October I st A.D. 18 16 By the Rev d Philip McG Whelpley. David L Dodge the Son of Joseph C. Huntington and of Julia S. his wife, was born April 30 th 1818. George Frederick, the Son of Joseph C. Huntington and of Julia S. his wife was born January 5 th 1820. Lucy Coit, the Daughter of Joseph C. Huntington and of Julia S. his wife was born April 11 th 1822. Mary Strong, the Daughter of Joseph C Huntington and of Julia S. his wife was born Feb 7 . 14 th 1824 William Stewart the Son of Joseph C Huntington and of Julia S his wife was born April 2 nd . 1827 Julia Porter the Daughter of Joseph C. Huntington and of Julia S his wife was born Feb y 16 th 1829 [268] M r Asa Moore & Mifs Lucinda Douglafs were Married together on the 11 th . day of August 1806. By the Rev d . John Sterry. Maria, the Daughter of Asa Moore and of Lucinda his wife was born July 11 th 1807 Benjamin, the Son of Asa Moore & of Lucinda his wife was born April 15 th . 1809. Hannah, the Daughter of Asa Moore & of Lucinda his wife was born October 31 st . 181 2 Mr Joseph Meeker and Mifs Catharine Denison were maried together on the 15 th day of May A D 1814 Mary Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph and Catharine Meeker was born August 17 th 181 5 Joseph the son of Joseph and Catharine Meeker was born May 16 th 18 1 7 Catharine Denison the daughter of Joseph and Cath r Meeker was born May 11 th 1819 Mrs Catharine Meeker died May 27 th 1819 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 66l [269] M r Joab Beebe of Norwich and Mifs Elizabeth Smith of Lyme were Married together at Lyme on the 17 th . day of November A.D. 1791 By Elder Jason Lee. Stephen, the Son of Jeab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born January 23 rd A D 1794. Joab Fitch, the Son of Joab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born February 6 th . A D. 1796. Elizabeth the Daughter of Joab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born January 9 th . A D 1798. Silas Smith, the Son of Joab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born January 19 th . A D 1800. Lucy, the Daughter of Joab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born December 17 th . 1801. And Died February 2 nd . 1804. Daniel F. the Son of Joab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born February 25 th . A D. 1804. James, the Son of Toab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born March 20 th . A.D. 1806. Lucy, Caroline, the Daughter of Joab Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born February 7 th . 1809. [270] M r . Jacob D e Witt and Mifs Martha Dean both of Norwich were Married together on the day of November A.D. 1768. Henry, the Son of Jacob D e Witt and of Martha his wife was born October 6 th . A.D. 1769. Mary, the Daughter of Jacob D e Witt and of Martha his wife was born October 24 th . A.D. 1771. Elizabeth, the Daughter of Jacob ^Witt and of Martha his wife was born October 20 th . A.D. 1774. Henry the Son of Jacob D e Witt and of Martha his wife Died September 22 nd A D 1775. 2 nd Henry, the Son of Jacob D e Witt and of Martha his wife was born April 4 th . A D 1777 John, the Son of Jacob D e Witt and of Martha his wife was born May 28 th . A.D. 1780. 2 nd Henry, the Son of Jacob D e Witt and of Martha his wife Died October 18 th A D 1798. [271] Francis Asher, the Son of Hezekiah Perkins and of Sarah his wife was born August 12 th A D 1784. Charlotte the Daughter of Hezekiah Perkins and of Sarah his Wife was born Nov r . 16 th . A D 1786 And died February 16 th A D 1787. George Leonard, the Son of Hezekiah Perkins and of Sarah his Wife was born August 5 th . A D. 1788. Charles, the son of Hezekiah Perkins and of Sarah his wife was born June 13 th . A D. 1790. And died August 5 th 1790 662 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Charlotte, Whiting, the Daughter of Hezekiah Perkins & of Sarah his wife was born January 5 th 1797. Henry Fitch, the Son of Hezekiah Perkins and of Sarah his wife was born July. 14 th . A D 1799. Eliza Leonard, the Daughter of Hezekiah Perkins and of Sarah his wife was born May 12 th 1801. And died May 10 th A.D. 1802 George L. Perkins died Sept 5. 1888. 100 years and one month old. Mr. George L Perkins and Emily Lathrop Were married June I st 1819. [272] M r William Collier of Norwich & Mifs Jamima Loomer of Bozrah were married together on the 29 th . day of January A.D. 1 791. by the Rev d . Jonathan Murdock Samuel, the Son of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born June I st . A D 1792. And Died February 22 nd 1795 Emelia, the Daughter of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born December 25 th A D 1796. Caroline, the Daughter of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born March 28 th . A D 1799. Nancy, the Daughter of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born April 12 th . 1801. Francis Augustus the Son of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born Jan y 27 th A D 1803 Cabbot, the Son of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born Feb y 14 th A.D. 1805 Chloe Hyde, the Daughter of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born April 13 th . A D. 1807 Henry Trumbull, the Son of William Collier and of Jamima his wife was born Decern 1- 24 th 181 1. M r William Collier died September 29 th 1814. [273] M r George Whipple and Mifs Emelia Collier were married together November 21 st . A.D. 1813 By Simeon Thomas Esq 1 ". Justice of Peace John S. the Son of George Whipple & of Emelia his wife was born February 13 th A D 1814. [274] M r . John Basto & Mifs Rebecca Campell both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich on the 6 th day of December 1802. By Elisha Hyde Esq Justice of Peace Gurdon Thomas, the Son of John Basto and of Rebecca his wife was born September 18 th A D. 1803. Eliza Ann, the Daughter of John Basto & of Rebecca his wife was Born February 17 th A D 1805. William Rogers, the Sen of John Basto and of Rebecca his wife was born April 7 th . A D 1807. • NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 663 [275] M r Peleg Armstrong and Mifs Lucy Wentworth both of Norwich were Married together on the 27 th day of March A.D. 1814 By the Rev d . Joseph Strong. William, the Son of Peleg Armstrong & of Lucy his wife was born May 4 th A.D. 1815. Elizabeth the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong & of Lucy his wife was born April 24. A.D. 1816. Julia Ann, the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born June 3 d . 18 18. Lucy Mariah, the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born April 5 th . 1820. Harriet the daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born Thursday November 14 th Anno Domini 1822 Lydia the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born Tuesday April 13 A D 1824 James the Son of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born Thursday August 4 th A D. 1825 Lydia Yale the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born Sunday 16 th February A D 1826 Lucretia Hinckley the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife was born Thursday 4 June A D 1829 James Armstrong, the son of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife departed this Life Tuesday 26 August 1825 Lydia the Daughter of Peleg Armstrong and of Lucy his wife departed this Life Sunday 4 September 1825 Lucy Armstrong the wife of Peleg Armstrong Departed this Life April 3 A D. 1831 for Peleg Armstrongs Marriage to Mary Wentworth See Book 5th Page 279. [276] M r John Avery of Norwich & Mifs Lucy Woodworth of Montville were Married together at Montville March 7 th . 1794. By the Rev d . Cook Gurdon Williams, the Son of John Avery & of Lucy his wife was born June 6 th . A.D. 1797. Sally Perkins, the Daughter of John Avery and of Lucy his wife was born May 5 th A D 1799 Russell Hubbard, the Son of John Avery and of Lucy his wife was born October 18 th . 1801. [277] M r Elijah Herrick of Norwich and Mifs Elizabeth Rogers of New London were Married Together at New London January 12 th . A.D. 1780. By Timothy Green Esq Justice Peace Nathaniel, the Son of Elijah Herrick & of Elizabeth his wife was born January 24 th . 1781. Betsey, the Daughter of Elijah Herrick & of Elizabeth his wife was born May 8 th A D. 1783 664 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Fanny the Daughter of Elijah Herrick & of Elizabeth his wife was born May 15 th . A.D. 1789 Anna, the Daughter of Elijah Herrick & of Elizabeth his wife was born Decem r 30 th 1792. Sally, the Daughter of Elijah Herrick & of Elizabeth his wife was born April 27 th . A D. 1795. Mary, the Daughter of Elijah Herrick & of Elizabeth his wife was born February 21 st . 1798. Abby, the Daughter of Elijah Herrick and of Elizabeth his wife was born March 9 th . A.D. 1801. Lucretia, the Daughter of Elijah Herrick and of Elizabeth his wife was born May 15 th . A.D. 1803. [278J This is a testimonial that M r Albert Turney & Mifs Hannah Fillmore both of Norwich were lawfully married, at Franklin Oct r 23 rd . 1814. By Samuel Nott Pastor Albert Timothy, the son of Albert Turney & of Hannah his wife was born August first 1815 [279] M r Solomon Adams and Mifs Mary Mix both of Nor- wich were Married together December 26 th . A D. 1766 By the Rev d . Jabez White Ezra, the Son of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife was born October 16 th A.D. 1768. Eli, the Son of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife was born December 26 th . A D. 1770. Betsey, the Daughter of Solomon Adams & of Mary his wife was born February 22 nd . A.D. 1772. William, the Son of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife was born April 21 st . A.D. 1774. Molly, the Daughter of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife was born October 3 rd . A.D. 1776. Benjamin, the Son of Solomon Adams and of Mary his Wife was born April I st . A.D. 1778. Eunice, the daughter of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife was born May 21 st . A D 1781. Solomon the Son of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife was born December 25 th . A.D. 1784. M rs Mary Adams died March A D 1785. M r Solomon Adams and Mifs Sally Dolph were Married together September 14 th . A.D. 1788. Ezra, the Son of Solomon Adams and of Mary his wife died August 18 th . A.D. 1789. Sally, the Daughter of Solomon Adams & of Sally his wife was born August 28 th . 1789. Margaret the daughter of Solomon Adams & of Sally his wife was born Jan y 29 th . 1792. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 665 Ezra, the Son of Solomon Adams & of Sally his wife was born April 27 th . 1794 Fanny, the daughter of Solomon Adams & of Sally his wife was born Jan y 16 th . 1797. Olive Starr, the daughter of Solomon Adams & of Sally his Wife was born August 18 th . 1799. George Tisdale, the Son of Solomon Adams & of Sally his wife was born July 6 th . 1801. Margaret the daughter of Solomon Adams & of Sally his wife died April 26 th . 1802. [280] M r Joseph Marsh & Mifs Eunice Huxley both of Norwich were Married together the 16 th . day of December A.D. 1790 Fanny the Daughter of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his Wife was born April 17 th . A D 1792. Jonathan, the Son of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his Wife was born October 8 th . A.D. 1794. Hart, the Son of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his Wife was born October 4 th . A.D. 1796. Joseph the Son of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his Wife was born November 15 th . A D 1799. Phinehas the Son of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his wife was born January 15 th . A D 1801. And Died February 4 th . A D. 1803" Julia, the Daughter of Joseph Marsh & of Eunice his wife was born March I st . A.D. 1803. Abby, the Daughter of Joseph Marsh & of Eunice his wife was born April 21 st A D 1805. Phinehas the Son of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his Wife was born April 21 st A.D. 1807. Eunice the Daughter of Joseph Marsh & of Eunice his wife was born September 24 th . A D 181 1. Hannah, the Daughter of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his wife was born November 8 th . 181 3. Oliver Ripley, the son of Joseph Marsh and of Eunice his wife was born April 19 th . A D 1816. [281] William Nelson, the Son of William Kinney and of Susannah his wife was born May 25 th . A D. 18 14. Susan Maria, the Daughter of William Kinney and of Susan- nah his wife was born July 21 st 1816 [282] This is a testimonial that M r Joseph Kingsley and Mifs Lucy Denison of Norwich were Married January 29 th 18 15 Samuel Nott, Pastor Harriet Ann the Daughter of Joseph Kingsley and of Lucy his Wife was born Septem r 12 th 1816. 666 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Lucy Elizabeth, the Daughter of Joseph Kingsley and of Lucy his Wife was born February 15 th 1818. Abigail Williams the Daughter of Joseph Kingsley and of Lucy his wife was born October 31 st 18 19 Adam Denison, the Son of Joseph Kingsley and of Lucy his wife was born May 14 th 1821 Chester Kimball the son of Joseph Kingsley and of Lucy his wife was born Nov 1 " 4 th 1824 Joseph Knight the Son of Joseph Kingsley and of Lucy his wife was born Feb y 15 th 1825 [283] Preston March 16 th . 1794 This May Certify that Elisha Pitcher, of Norwich and Jane Coombs of Preston, presented themselves for Marriage, and were legally united in that relation P r Lemuel Tyler. Clerk Betsey the Daughter of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born August 14 th . A D 1794 Elisha the Son of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born October 18 th . A.D. 1795 Alexander the Son of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born March 25 th . A.D 1797 Gerard, the Son of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born December 2 nd . A.D 1798 David the son of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born December 22 nd A D 1800 Maria, the daughter of Elisha Pitcher & of Jane his wife was born January 29 th . A.D. 1803 Sally the daughter of Elisha Pitcher & of Jane his wife was born December 24 th . A D 1804 Harriot, Ann, the daughter of Elisha Pitcher & of Jane his wife was born August 10 th . A.D 1807 Elisha, the Son of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife died May 14 th . A.D. 1802 2 nd Elisha, the Son of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born May 10 th . A D 181 1 Jane Melifsa, the daughter of Elisha Pitcher and of Jane his wife was born December 27 th . 181 3 [284] M r Dyar Raymond and Mifs Olive Smith both of Norwich were Married together the 3 rd day of July 1814 By the Rev d John Sterry Henry S. the Son of Dyar Raymond and of Olive his wife was born at Norwich May 13 th . A.D. 181 5. Charles D. the son of Dyar Raymond & of Olive his wife was born at Norwich April 20 th . A D. 181 7. Olive B. the Daughter of Dyar Raymond & of Olive his wife was 'born at Norwich June 18th A.D. 18 19. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 667 Francis W m , the Son of Dyar Raymond & of Olive his wife was born November 30 th A.D. 182 1. Jane Elizabeth the Daughter of Dyar Raymond and of Olive his wife was Born March 23 th6 1825 Mary Ann the Daughter of Dyar Raymond and of Olive his wife was Born April 26 th6 1827 [285] This May Certify whom it may Concern, That George Roberts and Amy Marshall were married at Chelsea in Norwich on Sunday August 18 th 1805, Dv me J onn Tyler In presence of Rector of Christ Church Norwich Hannah Tyler Samuel Tyler & Emma Tyler Roswell Roath Abijah Thatcher & Betsey Thatcher Hannah Marshall & Polly Marshall Mary Tyler and Betsey Tyler Zerviah Tyler and Harriot Tyler &c. all of Chelsea in Norwich aforesaid. George Marshall, the Son of George Roberts and of Amy his wife was born April 12 th A D. 1806. M r William Edgerton Jun r and Mifs Lucy Wood both of Nor- wich were Married together at Norwich March 17 th . 1816. By the Rev d John Sterry [286] M r Samuel Calkin of Norwich and Mifs Sally Williams of New London were Married together at New London April 22 nd . 1793. By the Rev d . Henry Channing Nancy, the Daughter of Samuel Calkin and of Sally his wife was born November 12 th . 1793 Jefse the Son of Samuel Calkin and of Sally his wife was born August 10 th . A D. 1797 [287] Edward, the Son of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born December 13 th . 18 14. Abby Esther, the Daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born Friday 7 th of June 1816. Cynthia States, the Daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his Wife was born Sunday march 15 th 18 18 Cynthia States, the Daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife died Septem 1 " 19 th 1819. aged 18 months Noys States, the Son of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born on Thursday December 9 th 1819. Frances Ann, the Daughter of Erastus Wentworth & of Esther his wife was born on Friday February 16 th 182 1. Charles the Son of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born on Thirsday August 15 th 1822. 668 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Cynthia States, the Daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born Wednesday Feb. 18 th . 1824 Mary Elizabeth the daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born Sepf. 12 th 1825 Jane Maria the daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born March 7 th 1827 Horace the son of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born August 3 rd 1828 and died August 18 th 1828 Aged 15 Days Nancy Champion the Daughter of Erastus Wentworth and of Esther his wife was born Friday Sept r 25 th 1829 [288] Joseph Howes the Son of Daniel Havens and of Desire his wife was born at Chatham in the State of Mafsachusetts September 12 th A.D. 1806. Jonathan Collins, the Son of Daniel Havens & of Desire his wife was born at Chatham in the State of Mafsachusetts March 5 th A.D. 1809. Daniel William, the Son of Daniel Havens & of Desire his wife was born at Norwich in the State of Connecticut January 24 th A.D. 1813. Hannah Mariah, the Daughter of Daniel Havens and of Desire his wife was born at Norwich in the State of Connecticut Febru- ary 23 rd . A D 18 1 7. Betsey Howes, the Daughter of Daniel Havens & of Desire his Wife was born May 16 th A.D. 182 1. [289] This May Certify Gurdon Smith and Eliza Tracy both of Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage by me Norwich July 16 th 1815 John Sterry [290] M r . Ebenezer Wilson and Mifs Mary Story both of Norwich were Married together on the 12 th . day of June A.D. 1814. By Elder John Sterry Mary-ann the daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and of Mary his Wife was born January 12 th 1815. Jerusha, the daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and of Mary his wife was born May 6 th . 1817. Fanny the Daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and Mary his wife was born November 13 1821 Jane, the Daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and Mary his wife was born October 22 d 1826 And Died March 24 th A D 1831 Carolin the daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and Mary his wife was born January 2 d . 1828 Ebenezer Wilson Jun r the Son of Ebenezer Wilson and Mary his wife was born May 27 th 1824 Ebenezer Wilson Jun r Died September 24 th . 1824 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 669 Lydia the daughter of E'benezer Wilson and Mary his wife was born Sep 1 13 th . 1819 Sarah the daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and of Mary his wife was born June 9 th 1830 Sarah the Daughter of Ebenezer Wilson and of Mary his wife Died August I th 1832 aged 2 years 1 month & 22 days [291] M r Henry Lathrop of Norwich and Mifs Linda Rindge of Wilbraham in the State of Mafsachusetts were Married to- gether at Wilbraham the 30 th day of May A.D. 18 14 Henry Utley the Son of Henry Lathrop and of Linda his Wife was born February 27 th 181 5. William Porter, the Son of Henry Lathrop and of Linda his wife was born February 27 th . 18 17. Mary; the daughter of Amasa Downing and of Mary his wife was born in Norwich Nov r 29 th . A D 1805 Samuel Gray, the Son of Amasa Downing & of Mary his wife was born in Norwich Dec r 3 rd A D. 1808 Edward Moran, the Son of Mary Downing Was horn in Norwich October 23. 1818 [292] George Thomas Jordon, the Son of George Willard and of Elizabeth his Wife was born November 20 th A.D. 1798. Said George the Son was deprived of the upper part of his left Ear by a kick from a horse, February 5 th 18 15 William Belcher and his Family removed from New London to Norwich May I st A.D. 1818. Lydia Jewett, the Daughter of William Belcher and of Sally his wife was born in Norwich on the sixth day of April A.D. 1819. Frederick Eugene, the Son of W r illiam Belcher and of Sally his wife was born in Norwich on the Second day of September A.D. 1821. [293] This May Certify that M r Jonathan Jillson of Norwich and Mifs Lydia Pember of Franklin were lawfully Married October I st A D 1788 By Samuel Nott Clerk Sally the Daughter of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife was born October 10 th A D 1790 George W the Son of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his Wife was born July 28 th A.D. 1792 Henry & Charles the Twin Sons of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his Wife was born June 30 th . A.D. 1794 Richard the Son of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his Wife was born June 11 th A.D 1796 John the Son of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife was born March 6 th A.D. 1798 670 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Lydia, the Daughter of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife was born May 14 th . A.D. 1804 Mary-ann, the Daughter of Jonathan Jillson & of Lydia his Wife was born July 19 th . A.D. 1805 Lucy E. the Daughter of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife was born February 19 th . A D. 1807 Olive, the Daughter of Jonathan Jillson & of Lydia his wife was born March 4 th A D 1810 Janett the Daughter of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife was born Novem r . 19 th . A D 1811 Edward, the Son of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife was born May 21 st A.D. 1814 Charles the Son of Jonathan Jillson and of Lydia his wife Died November 3 rd A D. 1815 [294] Ira the Son of John Arnold Clifford & of Sally his Wife was Born October 19 th A.D. 1801. Betsey the daughter of John Arnold Gifford & of Sally his wife was born September 9 th A.D. 1803. Arnold the Son of John Arnold Gifford & of Sally his Wife was born December 9 th . A.D. 1805. Sally Abby the Daughter of John Arnold Gifford & of Sally his wife was born June 20 th . A.D. 1808. [295] This May Certify that Seymour Murray & Eunice Fitch both of Norwich were Lawfully and Solemly joined in Marriage by me John Sterrey Norwich October 8 th . 181 5. M rs Eunice Murray died June 16 th . 1816 [296] M r William Ellis Jun r . and Mifs Mary Lathrop both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich February 5 th . 181 5 By the Rev d . Doct r Strong William Nelson, the Son of William Ellis Jun r and of Mary his wife was born Novem r 15 th . 181 5. Jane Denison, the Daughter of Calvin Tyler arid of Thankful his wife was born the 5 th of March A D 1819. Frances Dean ; the Daughter of Calvin Tyler & of Thankful his wife, was born the 10 th . day of March 1821. Carried to book 5. and page 53 [297] This May Certify that Joseph Strimbeck and Elizabeth Nicholds both of Norwich were lawfully Joined in Marraige Norwich Decern 1 " I st 1814 By John Sterry James Lawrance, the Son of Roswell Maynard and of Hannah Lawrance his wife was born April 5 th . 1819 Jedediah, the Son of Roswell Maynard and of Hannah Lawrance, his wife was born December 28 th 182 1 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 671 Roswell Edson the Son of Roswell Maynard and of Hannah L his wife was born Sepf 7 th 1816 Sarah Ann the daughter of Roswell Maynard and of Hannah L his wife was born Sept 28 th 1825 [298] M r James Fitch Brown and Mifs Eliza Rogers Wood- bridge both of Norwich were Married together at Norwich Janu- ary 12 th . A.D. 1804 By the Rev d . Walter King James F. Brown was born January 16 th . 1779. Eliza Rogers Woodbridge was born August 3 rd . 1780. Eliza Woodbridge, the daughter of James F Brown and of Eliza his Wife was born October 27 th 1804. Francis-Ann, the Daughter of James F. Brown and of Eliza his wife was born January 16 th A.D 1807. Charlotte Fitch, the Daughter of James F. Brown and of Eliza his wife was born March 23 d : 1809. Sarah Marvin the Daughter of James F Brown and of Eliza his wife was born October 2 nd . 181 1. James Griswold, the Son of James F. Brown and of Elizabeth his wife was born October 26 th . 1814. George Alfred the Son of James F Brorown and of Eliza R his wife was born July 7 th . A.D. 1817 Charles Samuel the Son of James F Brown and of Eliza R his wife was Born September 9 th 1822 [299] M r . Ebenezer Carew and Mifs Sally Eells both of Nor- wich were Married together at Norwich July 3 rd . 1815 By the Rev d . Doct r Joseph Strong Joshua Lathrop, the Son of Ebenezer Carew and of Sally his wife was born July 17 th . 1816 Lydia Austin, and Lucretia Huntington, the Daughters of Ebenezer Carew and of Sally his Wife was born Decern 1 " 17 th . A.D. 1818. James Stedman, the Son of Ebenezer Carew and of Sally his wife was born January 24 th . A D 1821. Rebecca Breed the daughter of Ebenezer Carew and of Sally his wife as born June I3' h A D 1825. [300 1 Anthony Church and Rose Wells both of Norwich were lawfully married together on the 7 th day of December A.D. 1816. By the Rev d . John Sterry. Harriot Lord, the Daughter of Anthony Church, and of Rose his Wife was born April 22 nd . 1819. James Anderson, the Son of Anthony Church and of Rose his wife was born May 14 th A.D. 1821. Mary Thomas, the Daughter of Anthony Church and of Rose his wife was born May 5 th 1823 672 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Eliza Ann the daughter of Anthony Church and of Rose his wife was born March 29 th 1828 Elis Armstrong- the daughter of Anthony Church and of Rose his wife was Born May 13 th 1831 Sarah Harris the daughter of Anthony Church and of Rose his wife was 'born 30, November 1836. [301] M r Elijah Pitcher Jun r and Mifs Hannah Lathrop both of Norwich were Married together on the 24 th day of June A.D. 1798. By the Rev d . Joseph Strong Hannah, the Daughter of Elijah Pitcher Jun r and of Hannah his wife was born June 7 th . 1799. Abby, the Daughter of Elijah Pitcher Jun r & of Hannah his wife was born March 12 th 1801. Charrity L. the Daughter of Elijah Pitcher Jun r and of Hannah his Wife was born May 24 th . 1803. Alfred, the Son of Elijah Pitcher Jun r and of Hannah his wife was born August 11 th . 1805. Sally L. the Daughter of Elijah Pitcher Jun r and of Hannah his wife was born August I st 1807. And died October 4 th 1807. Anna L. the Daughter of Elijah Pitcher Jun r and of Hannah his wife was born February 22 nd . 1809. Albert, the Son of Elijah Pitcher Jun r and of Hannah his wife was born October 13 th 181 1. Mrs Hannah Pitcher Died December 23 rd . A.D. 181 3. [302] Cap 1 Gushing Eells and Mifs Ruth Hawley were Married together at Norwich February 12 th . 1815. Sarah, the daughter of dishing Eells and of Ruth his wife was born December 17 th . 1815. Samuel Huntington, the Son of Gushing Eells and of Ruth his Wife was 'born August 5 th . 1817. John, the Son of Cushing Eells and of Ruth his Wife was born April 4 th A.D. 18 19. Edward William the son of Cushing Eells and of Ruth his wife was born December 30 th 1820. Samuel Huntington the Son of Cushing Eells, and of Ruth his Wife Died October 8 th . 1822 in the sixth year of his Age. Mary Ann Lanman the Daughter of Cushing Eells and of Ruth his Wife was born Novem 1 ". 23 rd A D 1823 Elizabeth, the daughter of Cushing Eells and of Ruth his Wife was born Jan. 29 th A.D. 1826. Cushing Eells, Son of Edward & Mercy Denison Eells, was born in Stonington, Conn. August 27 th 1770, and died in Norwich, Conn. August 7 th 1850. Ruth Hawley, daughter of William & Sarah Hawley and Wife of Cushing Eells, was born in Newberne, North Carolina, July 31 st 1787, and died in Norwich, Conn. Jan. 23 d . 1871. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 673 Susan Born Oct r 6 th 1815 William Born Nov r 17 1817 Sally Ann Born Dec 1 ". 10. 1819 Eliz Armstrong Born May the 13-1831 Church 1 [303] M r . Asher Lathrop and Mifs Temperance Tillotson both of Norwich were married together at Norwich September 25 th 1791. Polly, the Daughter of Asher Lathrop and of Temperance his Wife was born Decern 1 ". 22 nd . 1792. Lydia, the daughter of Asher Lathrop & of Temperance his wife was born March 18 th . A D 1794. Fanna, the daughter of Asher Lathrop & of Temperance his wife was born January 9 th . 1796. Lucy, the daughter of Asher Lathrop & of Temperance his wife was born Novem 1 ". 6 th . 1798. Harriot, the daughter of Asher Lathrop & of Temperance his wife was born January 6 th 1800. [304] Stonington October 17 th . 1819. This May Certify that Charles C. Webb of Norwich and Nancy D. Hobart of Stonington were lawfully married by me Elisha Chesebrough Elder Mrs. Nancy D H widow of Fred c Lester died Sept 1884 aged 89 years 2 [305] M r James Bushnell of Norwich and Mifs Sinda Smith of Canterbury were married together at Canterbury Novem 1- 3 rd . A D 1816 By the Rev d Andrew Lee Fanny the Daughter of James Bushnell and of Sinda his wife was born Novem r 13 th . 181 7 [306] M r Elihu Marvin & Mifs Elizabeth Rogers both of Norwich were Married together December 25 th . A D. 1780. Sarah, the daughter, of Elihu Marvin and of Elizabeth his Wife was born October 4 th A D 1781. Eliza, the daughter of Elihu Marvin and of Elizabeth his wife was born June first A D 1783. Penelope J. the Daughter of Elihu Marvin and of Elizabeth his wife was born June 9 th . 1785. Susan, the daughter of Elihu Marvin & of Elizabeth his wife was 'born October i 8t . 1788. Catharine M. Marvin, the daughter of Elihu Marvin and of Elizabeth his wife was born January 27 th . 1793. Theophilus Rogers, the Son of Elihu Marvin & of Elizabeth his wife was born February 23 rd . A D 1796. 1 The last four entries are written on two loose pieces of paper placed between pages 302 and 303. 'This entry is written in pencil. 674 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Doct r Elihu Marvin died September 13 th . A D 1798 aged 45 years Eliza, the Daughter of Elihu Marvin & of his wife Elizabeth died August 24 th A D 1802. M rs Elisabeth Marvin the Widow of Doct 1 ". Elihu Marvin. Died December 30 th . A D 1808 aged 51 Year [307 J M r Simeon Thomas of Norwich and Mifs Lucretia Deshon of New London were joined in Marriage at Norwich February 19 th . A.D. 1783. M r . Simeon Thomas was born December 13 th . 1753. Mifs Lucretia Deshon was born June 10 th . 1761. Frances, the Daughter of Simeon Thomas and of Lucretia his Wife was born Friday April 22 nd . 1784. Lucretia, the Daughter of Simeon Thomas and of Lucretia his Wife was born Monday October 17 th . 1785. Elizabeth, the Daughter of Simeon Thomas and of Lucretia his Wife was born, Saturday April 26 th . 1788. Edward, the Son of Simeon Thomas and of Lucretia his wife was born Wednesday April 3 rd . 1793. Mary Ann, the Daughter of Simeon Thomas and of Lucretia his wife was born Saturday March 18 th . 1797. Harriot Deshon, the Daughter of Simeon Thomas & of Lucretia his wife was born Wednefday August 19 th 1800. [308] This May Certify that James C. Hall of Springfield Mafsachusetts, and Betsey Wheeler of Norwich were lawfully and Solomly joined in marriage By me John Sterry Norwich Septemb 1 " 29 th 1818 M r Adam Pendleton, and Mifs Hannah Marsh were lawfully joined in Marriage, on the 13 th day of April A.D. 1815. By Elder Amos Read Benadam, the son of Adam Pendleton and of Hannah his wife was Born May 23 rd A.D. 1816. Charles, M., the son of Adam Pendleton and of Hannah his wife was Born October 15 th A.D. 1818 Clarrifsa L. the Daughter of Adam Pendleton and of Hannah his wife was born October 17 th A.D. 1822. Deacon Joshua Pendleton Died April 9 th A D 1824 [309] Charles Walter, the Son of Walter Holden and of Nancy his Wife was born at Franklin October 25 th . A D 18 16 Ruth Ann, the Daughter of Walter Holden and of Nancy his wife was born at Norwich July 25 th A D. 1818. [310] M r . Simeon Lester of Norwich and Mifs Hannah Mariah Brewster of New Haven, were Married together at New Haven Decern 1 ". 3 rd . A.D. 1819 By the Rev d Samuel Merwin NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 675 Joseph W. the Son of Simeon Lester and of Hannah Mariah his Wife, was born Sept 1 " 5 th 1822. [311] This May Certify that Jonathan S. Fuller of Wilbra- nam Mafsachusetts, and Abiah Hyde of this Town were joined in Marriage by me, as the Law directs June 6 th 1820 Norwich June 30 th . 1820 Edward Hyde, Elder Lodged for record July 3 rd . 1820. Philip Huntington Register M r Epaphras Porter 1 [of Norwich, son of David & Margaret (Olmsted) Porter of East Hartford, Conn.,] & Mifs Lucretia Huntington were Married August 7 th 1806. [She was the daugh- ter of John and Abigaial (Abel) Huntington] Francis the son of Epaphras Porter and of Lucretia his wife was born March 24 th 1807 [James Madison, born November 28, 1808; died November 29, 1808.] Charles Henry the son of Epaphras Porter & of Lucretia his wife was born August 8 th 181 1 [and died in New Haven, Conn., unmarried, September 26, 1841.] George Epaphras the son of Epaphras Porter and of Lucretia his wife was born Dec 1 ". 19 th 1812 Abby Huntington the daughter of E Porter & of Lucretia his Wife was born June I st 1817. Jane Stewart the daughter of Epaphras Porter and of Lucretia his wife was born Sept r . 13 th 1823 Francis Porter the Son of Epaphras Porter and of Lucretia his Wife died at Harrisburgh in the State of Pennsylvania [un- married] September 25 th 1829 [George Epaphras Porter married in Utica, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1840, Eleanor Morris, daughter of Rev. Daniel and Susanna (James) Morris of Utica. Deacon George Epaphras Porter died in Roxbury, Mass., July 2, 1861 of heart disease. Mrs. Eleanor (Morris) Porter died in Norwich, Feb. 5, 1896, aged 86 y. 1 mo. 26, d Old Age. She was born in Utica, December 10, 1809. Mrs. Lucretia Huntington Porter died November 12, 1850. Mr. Epaphras Porter died October 19, 1861, aged 82 years.] [312] This May Certify that on the 18 th day of July A D 1820. Abner Bafsett and Harriet B Spalding were joined in Marriage According to Law t>y me Joseph Strong Clerk Norwich July 21 st . 1820. Received for record July 24 th . 1820 Philip Huntington Register Lucretia Swift, the Daughter of Abner Bafsett and of Harriet S. his wife was born May 19 th A D. 1822. 'The words in brackets have been added in the same modern hand. 676 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [313] This may Certify that Thomas D. Winship and Phila Yale both of Norwich and State of Connecticut were lawfully joined in Marriage by me John Sterry Norwich Nov 1 ". 16 th . 1817 Lydia Eliza the Daughter of Thomas D. Winfhip and of Phila his wife was born April 22 nd . 1818 Theophilus Yale, the Son of Thomas D Winship and of Phila his wife was born Septem r . 14 th . 1820 [314] This may Certify that on the 20 th day of November A.D. 1820 Aaron P. Cleveland & Mary H Strong were lawfully Married, by me Joseph Strong Clerk Recorded Decern 1 " 11 th . 1820 by. Philip Huntington. Register [315] This may Certify that on the 23 rd . Novem 1 " 1820. John Breed & Amie F. Larrabee both of Norwich were Married According to Law By me Alfred Mitchell Norwich Decern 1 ". 18 th 1820. Recorded, by Philip Huntington Town Clerk [316] This Certifies That Asa Griswold of Franklin and Miranda Pierce of Norwich were legally joined in the bands of Matrimoney, this 29 th day of November 1820. By me Andrew Lee Clerk MARRIAGES BIRTHS & DEATHS No. 5 TOWN OF NORWICH [2] This May Certify that on the 28 th day of December A D. 1820 Eleazer L Lathrop, and Jerusha Thomas were lawfully united in Marriage by me Joseph Strong — Clerk Recorded January 2 nd A.D. 1821. By Philip Huntington. Town Clerk Elizabeth L daughter of Eleazer L Lathrop & Jerusha his Wife was born Oct 16 th 1821 William B Son of Eleazer L & Jerusha his Wife was born March 7 1824 Mary Leffingwell daughter of Eleazer L Lathrop & Jerusha his Wife was born July 19 th 1826 Hannah Lord daughter of Eleazer L Lathrop & Jerusha his Wife was born December 21 1828 Cornelia Everett daughter of Eleazer L Lathrop & Jerusha his Wife was born December 16 1830 Charles Thomas Son of E L Lathrop & Jerusha his Wife was born November 27 1832 [3] This May Certify that John Hayward of Lebanon and Lucretia Hatch of Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage By me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich Dec 1- 20 th 1820. Recorded January 16 th 1821 By Philip Huntington. Town Clerk This may certify that Henry S Brown & Harriet Williams were married on the 18 th day of March A D 1827 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the I st Eccl Society in Norwich Entered for record March 9 th 1827 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [4] This May Certify that Thomas Denison Jun r and Sally Beebe both of Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage By me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich Dec 1- 31 st 1820 Recorded January 16 th 1821 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk 677 678 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS William Beebe Son of David Beebe and of his wife was born June I th 1793 Elizabeth Daughter of Gurden Brooks and of his wife was born October 15 th 1789 William Beebe was Maried to Elizabeth Brooks January 9 th 1813 Elizabeth B the Daughter of William Beebe and of his wife Elizabeth was born August 19 th 1813 and Died November 3 th 1815 Eliza Jane Daughter of William Beebe and of his wife Elizabeth was born February 14 th 18 16 William N son of William Beebe and of his wife Elizabeth was born April 26 th 18 17 Charles son of William Beebe and of Elizabeth his wife was born November 16 th 18 18 [5] This may Certify that Potter Browning & Marther F. Clarke both of South Kingston State of Rhode Island, were lawfully joined in marriage By me Norwich Dec r 25 th 1820 John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Recorded January 16 th . 182 1 By Philip Huntington. Town Clerk This may certify that Jacob Rowe and Betsey Griffing were married this First day of January A D 1827. by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Church in Norwich Entered for record Feb y 12 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [6] This May Certify that John G. Smith and Nancy B Case both of Norwich were lawfully Joined in Marriage By Me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich January first 182 1. Recorded January 16 th 1821. by Philip Huntington Town Cerk David Frederick the son of John G Smith and of Nancy B his wife was 'born September 27 th 182 1 Albert Chapman the son of John G Smith and of Nancy B his wife was born October 28 th 1823 William Henry the son of John G Smith and of Nancy B his wife was born July 2 nd 1826 Mary Elizabeth the daughter of John G Smith and of Nancy B his wife was born September 13 th 1828 [7] This May certify that on the 25 th . day of March A D 1 82 1. Joseph Hall and Peggy Taylor were Married according to law by Me Joseph Strong Clerk Recorded March 29 th . 182 1 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 679 [8] M rs Lucy Parrish the Wife of M r Nathaniel Parrish Died June 28 th A.D. 182 1. Aged 76 Years. To all Whom it May Concern. This May Certify, That Nathaniel Parrish and Clarissa Wood- worth both of Norwich County of New London State of Con- necticut were joined in Marriage at the Dwelling House of Nathaniel Parrish agreeably to the Laws of the State of Con- necticut, on the twenty-eighth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty one. By me Reuben Palmer Jun r Minister of the Gospel Recorded Novem r . 16 th 1821 By Philip Huntington, Town Clerk. This may Certify that on the ninth day of March A.D. One thousand eight hundred & twenty three ; Richard Smart of Wethersfield & Hannah Congdon of Norwich were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock; by me John H. Townsed Justice of the Peace Recorded March 20 th . 1823 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk Norwich Jan y 9 th 1828 This is in testimony that Walter Giddings of Franklin and Lydia Lathrop of Norwich were lawfully joined in marriage by me Comfort D Fillmore Justice of the Peace Entered for record Jany 9 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk This May Certify, That on the third day of November Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and twenty two Abraham Potter and Eliza Green were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock, at Norwich in New London County By me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Recorded Nov 1 ". 21 st . 1822 By P. Huntington Town Clerk [9] This is to Certify that Cyrus Punderson & Betsey Deni- son both of Preston were Married by the Subscriber on the Nineteenth day of November 182 1 Peter G. Clarke Afsistant Rector Christs Church Norwich. Recorded Novem r 21 st 182 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that John T Adams and Hannah P Hunting- ton were this 20 th day of December A D 1826 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Eccl Society in Norwich Entered for record Dec 1 ". 30 th . 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk John Richard son of John T Adams and of Hannah P. his wife was born November 24 th A D 1828 680 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [10] This May Certify that John Gilbert of Mansfield and Nancy Hunt of Coventry were lawfully united in Marriage at Norwich this first day of December A D 182 1, by me Joseph Strong. Pastor of the first Church in said Norwich Recorded Decm r . 8 th . 1821 by Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Samuel Cranston of Norwich and Acsaph Willey of Bozrah were lawfully joined in Marriage in the former Town on the 5 th day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven by me Chester Colton Minister of the Gospel Entered for record March 6 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [11] This May Certify that Harklefs Phillips of Griswold and Hannah Hill of Norwich were lawfully united in Marriage this 6 th day of December A.D. 182 1. by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Recorded Dec m 8 th . 1821 by Philip Huntington Town Clerk William L'Hommedieu Son of Grover and Elizabeth was Born October 6th A.D. 1793 Stephen was born March 16th A D. 1796. Benjamin was born March 4th A.D. 1798. Maria was born May 17th A D. 1800. in Say Brook Nancy L'Hommedieu was born September 3 d A D 1807. Record Oct 3 d 1829. W m LHommedieu Town Clerk [12] To All Whom it may Concern This is to Certify, That Daniel M Way of Lyme. (Connecticut) and Catharine Woodworth of Bozrah were joined in Marriage at the House of Nathaniel Parish in Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on the sixth day of December in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty one By Me Reuben Palmer Jun r Minister of the Gospel Recorded, Decern 1- 26 th . 1821 by Philip Huntington. Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Jared Carroll and Mifs Eliphal T Lewis both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at the house of Mr Carroll agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the 24 th day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich April 24 th 1827 Entered for record April 26 th . 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 68l Jedediah Lewis the son of Jared Carrol and of Eliphal his wife was born May I st 1828 [13] This is a testimonial that M r Lewis Hyde of Franklin and Mifs Mary Backus of Norwich were lawfully Married Janu- ary 5 th 1822. Samuel Nott. Pastor Recorded January 26 th 1822 by. Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [14] This is a testimonial; that M r Lucius Peck of Franklin and Mifs Abbey Crawley of Norwich were lawfully Married February 5 th 1822 Samuel Nott Pastor Recorded February 10 th . 1822. By Philip Huntington. Town Clerk This Certifies that Daniel T Coit of Boston and Jane G Lan- man of Norwich were lawfully Married by Me this day Norwich Oct r 6 th 1829 Alfred Mitchell Entered for record October 6 th 1829 Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk [15] Married by Rev d David Austin, Asa Hyde Birchard and Mifs Emily Walsworth both of Norwich, January 22 nd 1822 Entered for record Feb y . 10 th 1822 David Austin Philip Huntington. Town Clerk Joseph W. Birchard and Calista A. Balis were married at Franklin in the year of our Lord 1823 George Frederic, son of Joseph W. Birchard and Calista A. his wife, was born June 11 th A.D. 1824 Caroline Tracy, daughter of Joseph W. Birchard and Calista A. his wife, was born February I st A.D. 1826 [16] To all whom it may Concern. This May Certify that Topleaf Wheeler, and Nancy Smith both of Montville were joined in Marriage at the House of Nathaniel Parish in Norwich on the 7 th day of April 1822, agree- ably to the Laws of this State. By me Reuben Palmer Jun r Minister of the Gospel Entered for record May, first 1822 Philip Huntington. Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr William Saunders of Lebanon and Mary Bennett of Norwich Connecticut were joined in marriage at agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 29 th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six by me. William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Oct 1 ". 29 th 1826 Entered for Record Nov 2 nd 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk 682 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [17] This may Certify that on the 19 th day of August 1821. Thomas Lester and Charlotte Yarrington were lawfully united in Marriage By me Alfred Mitchel Pastor Recorded May 7 th 1822 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk [18] This May Certify, that on the 10 th day of October A.D. 182 1 Edward W. Hooker & Faith T Huntington were lawfully united in Marriage, by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor Recorded May 7 th . 1822. By Philip Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Orrin Bulkley and Mifs Ruth John- son both of Norwich were joined in marriage at Mr Bulkley's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 8 th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Oct r 8 th 1826 Entered for record Oct r . 23 rd 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [19] This May Certify, that on the 4 th day of April A D 1822 Charles Gale and Ann 1 M. Marshal were lawfully joined in Marriage By me D. Austin Recorded May I st 1822 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk David Lord the Son of Charles Gale and of Ann his wife was born February 22 nd 1823. John Hamilton the Son of Charles Gale and of Ann his wife was born January 12 th 1825. Eunice Lord the daughter of Charles Gale and of Ann his wife was born May 4 th 1827 Thomas Marshall the son of Charles Gale and of Ann his wife was born September 8 th 1829. Horace Eugene, the son of Charles Gale and Anna his Wife was born May 14 th 1832, and died August 3 rd 1832. George Horace, the son of Charles Gale and Anna his Wife was born August 3 rd 1833. Charles Eugene, the son of Charles Gale and Anna his Wife, was born February 21 st 1836. William Lyman, the son of Charles Gale and Anna his Wife, was 'born January 26 th 1840. [20] This May Certify that Amos H Hubbard and Eliza Lanman both of Norwich were lawfully united in Marriage 1 In this and the following four entries the letter " a ", in pencil, has been added to " Ann ". NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 683 this 30 th . day of October. A.D. 182 1 By me Alfred Mitchell Recorded the 7 th . day of May 1822 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk. Eliza, the daughter of Amos H Hubbard and of Eliza his wife was born October 9 th A.D. 1822. And Died October 23 d 1822. [21] This May Certify that on this 14 th day of October 1822 Henry Harland and Abby L Hyde were united in Marriage in due form of Law. by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Recorded October 18 th 1822 by Philip Huntington Town Clerk [22] October 7 th 1822. I married William Clegg to Martha Bushnell both of this Town S. B. Paddock Afsistant Minister Christ, Church Norwich Recorded Oct 1 '. 2^. 1822 Philip Huntington Register Capt James N Brown and Mifs Frances Peabody were Married together October 22 nd 1826 Entered for record July 18 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk See page 68 1 . [23] The Town Clerk will please to make record, That on the 16 th of September 1822, Horatio Nelson Tracy and Hetty Ann Birchard both of Norwich were lawfully Married by me Norwich Oct r . 3 rd 1822 David Austin Recorded November 2 nd . 1822 By Philip Huntington. Town Clerk Sally-ann, the Daughter of Horatio Nelson Tracy and of Hetty-Ann his wife, was born July 25 th A.D. 1823 On the 21 st day of September 1822 Nathaniel Davidson and Eleanor Hill were lawfully Married, by Me David Austin Recorded Novem r . 2 nd 1822. By Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [24] New London County fs Norwich 24 th March 1822 I hereby Certify That M r Ammi Gailard & Mrs. Sally Yergason both of said Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage by me this Day David N Bentley Ordained Ministered Recorded Dec 1 ". 16 th . 1822. By Philip Huntington Town Clerk George Geer and Betsey Button were lawfully maried In New York on the 24 day of October 1827 by William Phillips 2 1 Written in pencil. 2 This entry crossed out and marked "error." 684 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS George W Geer the son of George Geer and of Betsey his wife Was born July 22 th A D 1828 1 Charles Henry the son of George Geer and Betsey his wife was 'born September 27 th A D 1830 1 Error See page 225 this Boook Recorded through mistake A L 1 Recorded Oct 25 th 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 2 [25] This may Certify That on the 24 th day of December A.D. 1822 George S Armstrong and Olive Beckwith were law- fully joined in marriage by me David Austin Recorded January 4 th . 1823 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk [26] New London County fs Norwich 26 th . November 1822 I hereby Certify that M r Philip Dilloby and Mifs Lucy Rose both of said Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage by me this day. David N Bentley Ordained Minister Recorded Decern 1- . 16 th . 1822 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern, this is to certify that ; Frederick A Mony and Angeline Haley both of Norwich Ct Were joined in Mariage at the subscribers house agreeably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty By me William Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich Oct 31 st 1830 Recevd for record Nov 1 " 2 th 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [27] This may Certify, That Elisha E Rogers of Norwich and Eunice W Chesebrough of Bozrah were lawfully Married on the first day of January A.D. 1823 by me David Austin Recorded January 4 th . 1823 By Philip Huntington, Town Clerk The children of Elisha E and Eunice W. Rogers born in Norwich are as follows : Porter, born Dec. 2. 1823. Eleazer born. Apr. 25. 1827. Elisha Francis born June 3-1829 Eunice Augusta born Aug- 1 8-1 831. Henry born July 27-1833- Frederick born Dec. 16-1835. Horace born Jan-30-1838- • Elisha F. Rogers died at Fort Stott, Kansas Feb. 21-1867. Eunice A Rogers died at M c Donald Township, Missouri, Feb. 28-1879- Entered at request of Horace Rogers. Feb, 25th 1908. Chas S Holbrook. Town Clerk. 1 This entry crossed out and marked " Error." 2 Marginal note. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 685 [28] December 12 th . 1822. I Married Lieu' Alexander James Dallas Brown, of the U. S. Navy to Mifs Mary Etheridge of Charleston Mafsachusetts S. B Paddock Afsiftant Minister Christ Church, Norwich Recorded January 3 rd . 1823 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk I certify that at Norwich Connecticut this 11 th day of Novem- ber in the year of our Lord 1827 I United Elias Harrison of New York and Olive Jeffers of East Hartford in the holy bands of Matrimony Elisha Tracy Justice of Peace Entered for record Nov 12 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr John J Denison and Mifs Olive Jillson were lawfully married on the 13 th day of February Anno Domini 1828. by Me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record Feb y 16 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [29] Norwich February 16 th 1823. I. hereby Certify, that John E. Tew of the Town of Otsego State of New York, and Mary Washburn of this City were this day lawfully Married — 'by me Lemuel B Hull Minister of the Gospel Recorded Feb. 17 th . 1823 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr Simeon A Jordon and Mifs Marcia R Taylor were lawfully married on the 17 th day of September anno Domini Eighteen hundred and twenty six by me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record oct r 23 rd 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Marcia Malvina the Daughter of Simeon A Jordon and of Marcia his wife was Born March 20 th A.D. 1828. Simeon Edward the Son of Simeon A Jordon and of Marcia his wife was Born July 2i the A D. 1830. [30] This May Certify that Roswell L Gordon of Pike in the State of New York & Hannah Pitcher of Norwich were Married this 19 th day of February A.D. 1823. By me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Recorded Feb 20 th . 1823. by Philip Huntington Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bent- ley of Norwich in the County of New London do hereby certify that on this 28 th day of August A D 1826 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Otis Hawkes and Mifs Ruth Hopkins 686 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS both from the State of Rhodeisland and now residing in this Town D N Bentley Ordained Minister Norwich August 28 th 1826 Entered for record Nov r . 4 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [33] December 25 th 1822. I married William Wanton Hopkins of Situate R Island, to Jane Webb of this City S. B. Paddock Afsistant Minister Christ Church Norwich Recorded by Philip Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr Walter Covert of Brooklyne (N Y) & Mrs Mary R Garison of Norwich or Waterford were joined in marriage at M r Taylors agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the First day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hun- dred and twenty Seven by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich May I st 1827 Entered for record May 3 rd 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr John Watrous and Mifs Hannah M Thompson both of Westerly County of Washington and State of Rhodeisland were joined in marriage by me at Norwich in New London County State of Connecticut this 6 th day of February A D 1828 Latham Hull Justice of Peace Entered for record Feb y 7 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [34] January 19 th 1823. I married Charles Fitch Lester to Mary Davison both of this City S. B. Paddock Afsistant Minister Christ Church Norwich Recorded by Philip Huntington Town Clerk [35] This Certifies; that Joshua Wilber Jun r & Mary Jane Allen were this day lawfully Married by me Alfred Mitchell Norwich March 27 th . 1823. Recorded March 27 th . 1823. By Philip Huntington Town Clerk [36] I David N. Bentley, Ordained Minister in the Town of Norwich and State of Connecticut, Do hereby Certify, That M r Henry Cook and Mifs Abby Brown both of said Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage by me in said Town, on the evening of the third day of April A.D. 1823. Recorded April 7 th 1823 David N Bentley Ordained Minister Philip Huntington. Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Eastus Brown of Franklin and Mifs Mary Ann Harvey of Norwich were Lawfully married by me Oct 9. 1835 Cornelius B Everest Rec d for record Octo r 10. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 687 [37] This May Certify that Solomon Williams & Sally Lathrop both of Norwich were legally joined in Marriage April 13 th A. D. 1823 Attest Comfort D. Fillmore Justice Peace Entered for record April 18 th 1823 County of New London Philip Huntington Town Clerk. Coventry Dec 1 " 23 rd A D 1825 This may certify that Abel C Spicer of Preston was lawfully married to Lucy Babcock of Coventry State of Connecticut by me Henry Brown. Elder Entered for record Feb y 7 th 1827. Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Sarah Tryphena Spicer the Daughter of Abel C Spicer and of Lucy his wife was 'born October 8 th 1826 Junia Eugene the Son of Abel C Spicer and of Lucy his wife was born May 18 th . A D 1828 Edwin Spicer the Son of Abel C Spicer and of Lucy his wife was born July 3 rd Anno Domini 1832 Allison Spicer the Son of Abel C Spicer and of Lucy his wife was Born April 15 Anno Domini 1835 [38] May 4 th 1823. I married M r John Dunham to Mifs Mary Colver both of this City S. B. Paddock. Minister of Christ Church Norwich. Recorded by Philip Huntington Town Clerk; May 8 th 1823 [39] This May Certify that Reuben Darrow and Elizabeth Bates both of Bozrah were lawfully and Solemnly joined in Marriage, by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov 1 *. 28 th . 1822. Entered for record Dece r 30 th 1822. Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [40] This may Certify That George C Hopkins of Preston & Lucinda Harvey of Norwich were lawfully and Solemnly joined in Marriage, by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich 10 th 1822 Entered for record Dec 1 " 30 th . 1822 Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [41] This May Certify that Henry N. Wheeler & Lucretia T Stewart of Norwich were lawfully and Solemnly joined in Marriage. By me John Sterry. Minister of the Gospel Norwich December 25 th . 1822. Entered for record Decem r . 30 th 1822. Philip Huntington Town Clerk [42] This May Certify. That Augustus Gibson 1 & Mary C Smith both of Norwich were Solemnly and lawfully joined in 1 Perhaps " Gilson." NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Marriage by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 20 th 1822 Entered for record Decern 1- 30 th 1822. pe r Philip Huntington Town Clerk [43] This May Certify, That Chester Robinson of Norwich and Nancy E. Pelton of Preston were lawfully & Solemnly joined in Marriage by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 3 rd 1822 Entered for record December 30 th . 1822 Philip Huntington Town Clerk [44] This May Certify that George W Baker of Lyme and Rachel Wade of Norwich were lawfully & Solemnly joined in Marriage By me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 6 th 1822. Entered for record Decern 1- 30 th . 1822. Philip Huntington Town Clerk [45] This may Certify, That Sterry Clark of Providence State of Rhode Island, and Julia Maria Morse of Sutton Mafsa- chusetts, we lawfully and Solemnly joined in Marriage By me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 26 th . 1822 Entered for record Decern 1- . 30 th . 1822 Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Daniel B Hopkins and Mary E Avery of Norwich were lawfully joined in marriage on the 15 th day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven in said Town 'by me Chester Colton Minister of the Gospel Entered for record April 18 th 1827 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [46] This May Certify That William Maples of Norwich & Sally Keables of Lyme were solemnly & lawfully joined in Marriage By me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich October 21 st 1822. Entered for record Decern 1- 30 th 1822. Philip Huntington Town Clerk [47] This May Certify that Erastus Bingham & Mary French both of Norwich were lawfully & Solemnly joined in Marriage by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich Novem 1- . 20 th 1822 Entered for record Decern 1- . 30 th 1822 Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Marvin Waters and Anne Elizabeth Battie were lawfully married by me November 16 th 1826 Entered for record Nov 20 th 1826 Alfred Mitchell Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 689 [48] This May Certify that Sidney Gardner of Montville and Fanny F Fanning of Norwich were lawfully and Solemnly Joined in Marriage by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich January 26 th 1823 Entered for record March 15 th 1823 Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [49] This May Certify that Thomas Patterson & Charlotte Tifft both of Norwich were Lawfully & Solemnly Joined in Marriage by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich Feb 10 th . 1823 Entered for record March 15 th . 1823 Philip Huntington Town Clerk [50] This May Certify That Henry Welch and Hannah Crocker both of Norwich were lawfully and Solemnly joined in Marriage By me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich January 23 rd . 1823 Entered for record March 15 th . 1823 Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [51] This May Certify, that Henry Brown of Rome State of Ohio and Zerviah Cary of Norwich, State of Connecticut were lawfully & Solemnly joined in Marriage by Me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich December 8 th . 1822 Entered for record March 15 th . 1823 Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Ezra Wilbur Jun r Abigail Clark both of Norwich were lawfully joined in Marriage in said Town on the Fourteenth day of February One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven by me Chester Colton Minister of the Gospel Entered for record March 6 th 1827 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [52] M r Jacob Ladd— Died July 31 st A D. 1823 M r Carder Hazard, Died March A.D. 1823. September 22 nd 1824 I married M r Joseph Snow Hubbard of Boston Massachusetts to Mifs Sarah Ann Snow of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered for record Nov r 8 th 1824 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk B Huntington This certifies that Buckley Daniels of Turin (NY) and Ann Wheeler of Norwich were lawfully Married April 15 th 1827 by Me Entered for record May 4 th 1827 Alfred Mitchell Benj" Huntington Town Clerk 690 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS New London County fs Be it remembered that on this 17 th day of September A D 1827 at Norwich in said County I Joined in lawful marriage Jonathan Blifs and Lucy Ann Johnson James Stedman Justice of the Peace Entered for record Oct 1 " 18 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk Hezekiah Tracy, the son of Abial B Sherman and of Wealthy his wife was Born the 16 th day of April A.D. 1824 [53] brought from Book 4. and Page 296. Willis Gray, the Son of Calvin Tyler and of Thankfull his wife was born April 24 th A.D. 1824 Emma the Daughter of Calvin Tyler and of Thankfull his wife was Born January I2 the Anno Domini 1835 [54] September 30 th 1.823. I Married James S Dwight of Springfield Mafsachusetts to Elizabeth Lee of this City S. B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Recorded October 6 th 1823 By P Huntington. Town Clerk [55] This May Certify that Pelatiah Perit and Maria Coit were joined in Marriage this 8 th . day of October A.D. 1823. by me Joseph Strong Pastor of first Church in Norwich Norwich October 8 th . 1823 Entered for record October 13 th . 1823 Philip Huntington Town Clerk [56] Henry Stanton & Esther Edwards were married by me Rev d David Austin April 10 th 1823. Entered for record October 13 th 1823 [i 1 Huntington. Town Clerk [57] This May Certify that William Pendleton of the Town of Warren State of Pennsylvania & Caroline Pitcher of Norwich Connecticut were lawfully Joined in Marriage September 24 th 1823. Attest Comfort D. Fillmore Justice of Peace County Entered for record Oct 1 " 18 th . 1823 New London Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Elisha S Avery of Groton and Cornelia Ann Young of Norwich were lawfully married Jan y 11 th 1827 by mc Alfred Mitchell Entered for record May 4 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk. [58I This May Certify That M r . Seth Terry Jun r of Exeter and Mifs Penelopy Congdon of Cranston both of Rhode Island were duly joined in Marriage in Norwich Connecticut November NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 691 2 nd 1823 ; by Isaac Jennison Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Isaac Jennison Norwich Novem r . 2 nd 1823 Entered for record Nov 1 ". 15 th . 1823 P. Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Randall Burdick of Boston and Eliza A Brewster then of Norwich were lawfully married Feb y 25 th 1827 by me Alfred Mitchell Entered for record May 4 th 1827 Benj". Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 8 th day of August A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Frederick Stoddard and Mrs Azubah Roath both of the Town of Preston in New London County David N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Sept 18 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 11 th day of July A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Erastus Brewster and Mrs. Nancy Brewster both of the Town of Pres- ton in the County of New London. D N Bentley Entered for record Sept 18 th 1827 Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk [59] This may Certify that George Burdick of Hopkinton Rhode Island, and Elizabeth French of Norwich Connecticut, were lawfully married October 26 th 1823. Attest Comfort D Fillmore Justice of the Peace Recorded Novem r 1823 County of New London Philip Huntingtpn Town Clerk This certifies that Edward Smith and Sally Maria Geer both of Norwich were lawfully Married Jan y 8 th 1827 by me Entered for record May 4 th 1827 Alfred Mitchell Benj" Huntington Town Clerk Sally Ann Maria the daughter of Edward Smith and Sally Maria his wife was born November 16 th 1827 Francis Edward Son of Edward Smith and Sally Maria his wife was born October 24 th 1829 Sally Ann Maria Smith dughter of Edward and Sally Maria Smith his wife died July 21 th 1830 Francis Edward the son of Edward Smith and of Sally Maria his wife departed this Life April 12 th A D 1831 692 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Sally Maria Smith, the daughter of Edward Smith and of his wife Sally Maria, was born September 24 th A.D. 1831. Edward Smith, the Son of Edward Smith and and of Sally Maria his wife was born in Norwich October 22 nd 1833. Francis Smith 2 nd , the son of Edward Smith and of his wife Sally Maria was born October 28 th A.D. 1835. Adelaide Elizabeth Smith, the daughter of Edward Smith and of his wife, Sally Maria, was born January 24 th A.D. 1838. Harriet Anna Smith, the daughter of Edward Smith and of his wife Sally Maria, was born October 20 th A.D. 1840. Jedediah Smith, the son of Edward Smith and of his wife Sally Maria, was born February 15 th A.D. 1843. Oliver Merrels Smith, the son of Edward Smith and of his wife Sally Maria, was born September 30 th A.D. 1846. [60] This may Certify that Gurdon Yale & Mary Downing both of Norwich were lawfully united in Marriage this 14 th day of December Anno Domini 1823. By me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record Jan y 15 th 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that M r Josiah Harmer of Philadelphia Pen 3 and Mifs Sarah Coit Lanman of Norwich Connecticut Were law- fully Joined in Mariage by me Oct 1 " 5 th 1830 Daniel Hemenway Receiv d for record November 2 th 1830 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [61] I. David N. Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London Ordained Minister, Do hereby Certify, That I lawfully joined together in marriage; M r Thomas Tofset and Mifs Nancy Dyar, both of said town, persons of Colour this 7 th . day of In- stant October, D. N. Bentley ordained Minister Norwich City October 7 th . 1823 Entered for record January 30 th . 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk [62] I David N. Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London Ordained Minister, Do hereby Certify, that on the even- ing of the 27 th day of Instant November, I lawfully joined to- gether in Marriage, M r John English & Mifs Fanny Willson both of said town. D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Norwich 27 th November 1823 Entered for record January 30 th 1824. Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [63 1 I David N Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London. Ordained Minister, Do hereby Certify that on the 25 th day of Instant December I lawfully joined together in Marriage NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 693 M r Stephen Pool of Philadelphia, and Mifs Theresa Emeline Allen of the City of Norwich D. N. Bentley Norwich December 25 th 1823. Ordained Minister Entered for record January 30 th . 1824 Philip Huntington. Town Clerk [64] I David N Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London, Ordained Minister, Do hereby Certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r William Bailey and Mifs Sally Sherman both of the City of Norwich on the 13 th . of Instant January. D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Norwich 13 th January 1824. Entered for record January 30 th . 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that M r Mark F Edwards and Mifs Eliza Albertson both of this City were joined in Marriage at Widow Albertsons agreeably to the Paws of the State of Connecticut on the 22 nd day of November in the year of our Lord 1827 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov r . 22 nd . 1827 Entered for record Nov 28 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk [65] November 25 th . 1823, I married Cap 1 . Erastus Davison to Mifs Nancy Johnson both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered for record March 4 th 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 12th of January 1835 I Married Mr Edwin Perkins Comstock of N Y to Mrs Nancy Davison of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record January 13. 1835 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk [66] This May Certify That M r Sewell S Lathrop and M rs Elizabeth Backus both of Norwich were duly joined in Marriage Feb. 22 nd . 1824. by me Isaac Jennison Elder Norwich Feb 22 nd . 1824 Entered for record March 6 th . 1824. Philip LIuntington. Town Clerk This Certifies that Oliver E Hebbard and Abby Smith both of Norwich were lawfully married by me November 14 th 1826 Entered for record Nov, r . 20 th . 1827 Alfred Mitchell Benj". Huntington Town Clerk [67] This may Certify, that Grindall Rawson of Killingly, and Lucretia Cornell of Bozrah were lawfully married this 30 th 694 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS day of March A. D. 1824. by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the Norwich March 30 th . 1824. first Church in Norwich Recorded March 31 st . 1824 by Philip Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Tracy Church of Montville and Mifs Hannah Ann Clark of East had- dam were joined in marriage at the subscribers house agreeable to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Morning of the 7 th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven by me Norwich Oct r . 7 th . 1827 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Oct 1 " 12 th . 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk This may Certify, that Henry M Spencer of East Hartford and Lemira Manning of Norwich were legally married this 5 th day of May 1824. by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Recorded May 6 th . 1824 Church and Society in Norwich By Philip Huntington Town Clerk [68] This Certifies, that Backus W Birge of Hartford & Lucy C Ripley of Norwich were on the 25 th . June 1823 law- fully married by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor of 2 nd . Congregational Church in Norwich Entered for record May 15 th 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that James N Brown and Francis Peabody both of Norwich were lawfully married by me Oct r . 22 nd . 1826 Entered for record Nov 20 th 1827 Alfred Mitchell Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk See Page 22 1 . [69] This Certifies that William G. Johnson of Norwich and Louisa Matthewson of Lebanon were on December 30 th 1823 lawfully married by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor &c Entered for record May 15 th . 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk Caroline the Daughter of William G Johnson and Louisa his wife was born in the City of Buenosayres South America on the 22 d day of February A D 1827 Nicholas the son of William G Johnson and of Louisa his wife was Born in the City of Buenosayres South America on the 10 th day of August A D 1829 Louisa Matthewson the Daughter of William G Johnson and of Louisa his wife was Born in the City of Buenosayres South America on the 23 rd day of November A.D. 1831 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 695 Margaret Phelps the Daughter of was born in Edinburgh Scotland May 15 A D 1823 the above named Margaret was given to W m G Johnson and wife by her parents then residing at Buenosayres and brought to this Country by them A D 1832 [70J This Certifies that Philip L Bowen and Sally Barker both of Norwich were on March 7 th 1824 lawfully Married, by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor &c Entered for record May 15 th . 1824 Philip Huntington. Town Clerk Sarah H the Daughter of Philip L Bowen and of Sally his wife was Born December 24 th A D 1824 Charles the son of Philip L Bowen and of Sally his wife was Born October 29 th A D 1826 William B the son of Philip L Bowen and of Sally his wife was Born March 15 th A D 1828 [71] This Certifies that James Petit and Julia Ann Barker both of Norwich were on April 25 th . 1824 lawfully Married by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor &c Entered for record May 15 th . 1824. Philip Huntington Town Clerk [72] This May Certify that on the 23 d . May 1824 John B Hedge of Middle Haddam and Mary Ann Roath of Preston were lawfully married by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor &c Entered for record June I st 1824 Philip Huntington Register Capt Appleton Meach and Mifs Cybil Brewster were Married on the 5 th day of June Anno Domini 1821 Emily Brewster the daughter of Appleton Meach and of Cybil his wife was born March 19 th 1822. George Appleton the son of Appleton Meach and of Cybil his wife was born January 19 th 1824. James Munroe the son of Appleton Meach and of Cybil his wife was born February 19 th 1826 Sarah Plumer the Daughter of Appleton Meach and of Cybil his wife was born July 11 th A D 1828 William Meach Son of Appleton Meach and of Cybil his wife was born August 4 th A D 1830 [73] I David N Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London ordained Minister of the Gospel do hereby certify that I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Elias Stanton of Norwich and Mifs Louisa Raife of the Town of Griswold on the evening of Thursday the 10 th day of June A D 1824 David N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Nov r 8 th 1824 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk B Huntington M rs Merriam Roath departed this Life December 12 th A D 1831 696 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [74] This Certifies that on the 18 th . of May 1824. William P. Eaton and Eliza Williams both of Norwich were lawfully Married ; by me Alfred Mitchell Pastor of Second Congregational Church, Norwich Recorded June first 1824 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that william P Eaton and Lydia Williams were united in Marriage this 14 th day of Feb y A D 1827 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Entered for record Feb y 16 th 1827 Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk Eliza Williams the Daughter of Doct William P Eaton and of Lydia his wife was born August 2 nd A D. 183 1 [75] To all whom it May Concern, This is to Certify, That M r Asher Palmer and Mifs Joanna P. Ames both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Nor- wich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on the Fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and twenty four, by me, William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 15 th . 1824. Recorded June 15 th 1824 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk [76] This May Certify that Joshua Caswell and Betsey Jackson were Joined in marriage at the Dwelling of Reuben Palmer in Norwich Connecticut May 2 nd 1824. Entered for record July if h 1824 Reuben Palmer Elder Philip Huntington. Town Clerk This certifies that E Henry Thomas Esq r of Newcastle (Del) and Phebe Hazard of Norwich were lawfully married by me Aug 9 th 1826 Alfred Mitchell Entered for record Nov 20 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that Henry F Perkins and Eliza Bolles both of Norwich were lawfully married by me August 9 th 1826 Entered for record Nov 20 th 1827 Alfred Mitchell Benj n . Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 6 th day of September A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr John H Mitchell of the Town of Bozrah and Mifs Mary Condall of the Town of Salem in New London County D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Sept 18 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 697 [77] July 4 th 1824, I Married M r Charles C. Matthews to Mifs Susan D Fletcher, both of this Town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Recorded July 7 th . 1824 By Philip Huntington Town Clerk [78] This May Certify that John H. Grace and Mary Anne Huntington were married this 14 th day of October A D 1824. By me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Recorded October 14 th 1824 Philip Huntington Town Clerk Lucretia Huntington Grace, daughter of John H Grace and of Marianne his wife, was born Wednesday 27 th . July A. D 1825. Elizabeth Hamilton Grace, daughter of John H Grace and of •Marianne his wife, was born Friday 3 d August A. D 1827. [79] State of Connecticut fs New London County August 9 th 1824 Then Thomas Canfield and Elisa Allen were lawfully joined in Marriage by me Asa Child Justice of the Peace Entered for record October 15 th 1824. Philip Huntington Town Clerk [80] I David N Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London Ordained Minister do hereby certify that on the evening of the second of May instant I lawfully joined together in Mar- riage Mr Elijah Roath & Mrs Nancy Fillmore both of said Town. D N Bentley Ordained Minister Dated Norwich 2 nd May 1824 Entered for Record Nov r 8 th 1824 for P Huntington Town Clerk B. Huntington [81] I David N Bentley of Norwich in the County of New London Ordained Minister do hereby certify that on the evening of the 22 nd day of instant April I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Erastus Cooley and Mifs Susan Crandal both of said Town D N Bentley Ordained Minister Norwich April 22 ni 1824 Entered for record Nov 1- 8 th 1824 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk B Huntington [82] I David N Bentley Ordained Minister of the Gospel in the Town of Norwich and County of New London do hereby certify that on the evening of Monday the 27 th day of Sept 1 " instant I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Henry D Jewett of Lisbon and Mifs Harriet C Bentley of said Norwich D N Bentley Minister of the Gospel Dated Norwich 27 th Sepf 1824 Entered for Record Nov 8 th 1824 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk B Huntington 698 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [83] I David N Bentley Ordained Minister of the Gospel in the Town of Norwich and County of New London do hereby certify that on the evening of Wednesday the 13 th of instant October I lawfully joined together in Marriage Capt Nathaniel Herrick and Mrs Betsey Savage both of the City of Norwich D N Bentley Ordained Minister Dated in the city of Norwich Oct 1 " 13 th . 1824 Entered for record Nov 8 th 1824 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk B Huntington [84] This may certify that Daniel A Carew and Rachel T Wood were joined in marriage this 31 st day of December A D 1824 By me Joseph Strong Pastor of the I st Society in Norwich Entered for record Jan y I st 1825 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk Benjamin Huntington George the son of Daniel A Carew and of Rachel T Carew his wife was Born September 3 rd . A. D. 1825. [85] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r George Olin of Preston and Mifs Susan Corning of Norwich were joined in marriage at Mr Wil- liam Albertsons agreeably to the Laws of the State of Con- necticut on the third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five by me Norwich Jan y 3 rd 1825 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Jan y 6 th 1825 for Philip Huntington Town Clerk- Benjamin Huntington [86] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr Joseph P Bushnell and Mifs Eliza T Morgan both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at M r Peter Morgans Norwich agreeably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the 13 th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Jan y 13 th 1825 Entered for record Jan y 18 th 1825. pr Benjamin Huntington for Philip Huntington Register Married on Monday 13 Inst M r Noadiah F Emmons of East Haddam to Mifs Nancy A Carpenter of this place by me Norwich February 13 th 1832 Cha s Hyde Received for record March 3 rd 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 699 [87] This may certify that Charles Dilaby and Harriet Darby were lawfully married this 17 th day of March A D 1825 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Entered for record March 19 th 1825 Pr Benjamin Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that Edmund Derby and Hariet Bailey of Norwich were lawfully maried November 11 th 1830 by me Cornelius B Everest Received for Record November 17 th 1830 m r . Alex d Lathrop Town Clerk [88] This certifies that Nov r 11 th 1824 Jabez P Whiting of Norwich and Lucretia C Thompson of New London were law- fully married by me. Alfred Mitchell Entered for record March 28 th 1825 pr B Huntington Town Clerk Charles B Sherman the son of John Sherman and of Sarah his wife was born September 3 rd 1800 Lydia L Manning the daughter of Dan Manning and of his wife was born April 1800 Charles B Sherman & Lydia L Manning were married at Franklin by Rev d Sam 1 Not on the 28 th Feb y 1826 Charles H Sherman Son of Charles B Sherman and of Lydia L his wife was born September 12 th 1826 [89] This certifies that January 27 th 1825. Joseph C Led- yard and Lydia Robinson both of Norwich were lawfully mar- ried by me. Alfred Mitchell Entered for record March 28 th 1825 pr. B Huntington Town Clerk William Ebenezer son of Joseph C Ledyard and of Lydia his Wife was born October 10 th A D 1825 Thomas Coit son of Joseph C Ledyard and of Lydia his Wife was born April 3 th A D 1829 [go] This certifies that February 15 th 1825. Henry C Ames of Preston and Elizabeth Moore of Norwich were lawfully mar- ried by me. Alfred Mitchell Entered for record March 28 th 1825 pr B Huntington Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr Abel Griswold Jun r and Mifs Huldah B Billings were lawfully married on the 27 th day of January Anno Domini 1828 by me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record Feb y 16 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk yoo NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [91] New London County fs April 17 th 1825 Then M r Samuel R Mott and Mifs Malinda H Gavit were lawfully Joined in Marriage by me Asa Child Justice of the Peace Entered for record April 26 th 1825 pr B Huntington Town Clerk [92] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that M r John Bulkley and Mifs Rachel Johnson both of Norwich were Joined in marriage at M r Brewsters agreably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the second day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty five by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich May 2 nd 1825 Received for record May 7 th 1825 Benjamin Huntington Town Clerk To all Whom it may concern This is to certify That M r W m C Burdick of north Stonington & Mifs Lucy O Gates of this Town were Joined in Marriage at my house Norwich City agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty one By Me William Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich Oct. 6 th 183 1 Received for record October 6 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [93] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Darius Lathrop of Norwich and Mifs Philura S Avery of Bozrah were joined in marriage at my house in Norwich agree- ably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the eigteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Dec 18 th 1826 Entered for record Dec 18 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [94] This may certify that Albert Sperry and Sophia Rich- ards were lawfully married this 2 nd day of June Anno Domini 1825, by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Entered for record June 13 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley of the Town of Norwich in New London County do hereby certify that on the third day of Sept r A D 1826 I law> NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 701 fully joined together in Marriage Mr William Bennett and Mifs Merilla Smith both of said Town. Norwich Ocf 3 rd 1826 D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Nov 4 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [95] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Asa S Ladd of Franklin and Mifs Harriet Carey of Norwich were joined in Marriage at M r Carey's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and twenty five by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich July 4 th 1825 Entered for record July 4 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Bester B Peck of Franklin and Miss Mary A Case of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Mr Asael Case's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 9 th day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven by me. Norwich Dec 1 " 9 th 1827 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Dec 10 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk [96] This may certify that on the 29 th day of May A D 1825 John Barnum Hazzard and Eliza Paneras both of Norwich were joined in matrimonial wedlock pr Me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Entered for record July 19 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Ellry Champlin and Mifs Harriet L Crandall both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Mr Thomas Austin's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 3 rd day of Febru- ary in the year of our Lord 1828 by me Norwich Feb y 1828 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Feb y 9 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [97] This may certify that Henry Strong and Eunice E Huntington were lawfully united in marriage this 7 th day of July 1825 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society, in Norwich Entered for record July 22 nd 1825 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk Mary Eunice the daughter of Henry Strong and of Eunice E his wife was born October 27 th 1827 JQ2 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Henry Ellsworth Strong was born March 15. 1829. died March 31. 1829. [98] M r Dyer Hutchins and Mifs Philena Gillmur were Mar- ried together at Pallmer in Mafsachusetts Dec r 30 th 18 18 Mary Esther the daughter of Dyer Hutchins and of Philena his wife was born March 25 th 1820 Caroline the daughter of Dyer Hutchins and of Philena his wife was born April 26 th 1822 Benjamin Dyer the son of Dyer Hutchins and of Philena his wife was born July 16 th 1824 To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 25 th day of June A D 1828 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r Joseph Pettis of said Norwich and Mifs Lucinda Grant of the Town of Preston all in New London County and State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Sept 17 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [99] Mr Thomas Beckwith and Mifs Sally K Stanton were married together at Windham on the 2 nd day of Feb y 1823 by Cornelius B Everist Thomas Stanton the son of Thomas Beckwith and of Sally his wife was born Feb y 28 th 1824 To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Joshua Maples of Bozrah and Mrs anna Rogers of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Deac Dewey Brumley's agreeably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the 11 th day of June in the year of our Lord 1828 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 11 th 1828 Entered for record June 18 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [100] M r Daniel G Edgerton and Mifs Patty Spicer were married at Bozrah by the Rev d . David Austin on the Sixth Day of June 1819. Lucy M the daughter of Daniel G Edgerton and of Patty his wife was born January 26 th 1822 Simon the Son of Daniel G Edgerton and of Patty his wife was born September 15 th 1824 Daniel Griswold the son of Daniel G Edgerton and of Patty his wife was born October 23 rd 1826 fioi] I hereby certify that Albermarl Washburn and Hester Smith were by me lawfully united in Marriage May 10 th 1820 Hartford Sept r 15 th 1923 Joel Hawes Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Hartford Entered for record July 26 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 703 Henry Albermarl son of Albermarl H Washburn & of Hester his wife was born June 4 th 1822 William Mortimer the Son of Albermarl H Washburn & of Hester his wife was born May 13 th 1824 Elizabeth Hellen the daughter of Albermarl H Washburn and of Hester his wife was born April 2 nd 1826 [102] This may certify that William Ouimby of Warren Ohio and Sophronia M Spalding of Norwich Connecticut are lawfully married this 6 th day of April A D 1826 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Society in said Norwich Entered for record ap 1 7 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that on the 18 th clay of April A D 1826 Rev d George Perkins of Ashburnham Mafs and Mifs Betsey Turner of Norwich were united in Marriage by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Society in Norwich Entered for record May 10 th 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk [103] This may certify that Charles Blifs and Elizabeth B Clement were lawfully married this 6 th day of March A D 1826 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Entered for record March 20 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Charles Clement the son of Charles Blisf and of Elizabeth B, his wife was Born October 8 th . A. D. 1831 [104] This may certify that Lewis F Allen and Margaret Cleveland were lawfully united in Marriage this I st day of Feb y 1826 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Entered for record Feb y 10 th 1826 Benj n Huntington, Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich (Conn) on the 2 nd day of April 1828 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Elijah H Sherman and Miss Esther C Philips both of said Nor- wich in the state of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May I st 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [105] This may certify that Benjamin Smith and Cinderilla Cook were married according to law this 28 th day of December 1825 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Entered for record Dec r 30 th . 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk 704 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [106] This may certify that Charles Pitcher and Clarrissa Edwards were married this 23 rd day of October A D 1825 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of First Society in Norwich Entered for record oct r 25 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that Francis G Pitcher & Mary ann Cottrell Both of Norwich were lawfully Maried Sep* 30 th 1830 by me Entered for record 27 October 1830 Cornelius B Everest Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk Henry Francis the son of Francis G Pitcher and of Mary Ann his wife was Born August 9 th A D 183 1 [107] This may certify that Erastus Waters and Jerusha Pitcher were united in Marriage this 9 th day of October 1825 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Society in Norwich Entered for record Oct 1 " 20 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk [108] This May Certify that George B Ripley and Hannah G Lathrop were united in Marriage the 19 th day of October A D 1825 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of First Society in Norwich Entered for record Oct 1- 20 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk [109] I David N Bentley of the Town of Norwich in New London County an Ordained Minister of the Gospel do hereby certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr William P Davison and Mifs Abby P Chapman both of the Town of Preston in said County on Monday the 15 th day of May 1826 D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May 15 th 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the gospel in the City of Nor- wich do hereby certify that on the first day of May 1826 I law- fully joined together in Marriage Mr Josiah J Gray of New Jersey and Mifs Eliza Rose of said City D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May 26 th 1826 B Huntington. Town Clerk [no] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained minister of the Gospel in the Town of "Norwich and County of New London do hereby certify that on the evening of the 11 th of instant September I lawfully joined together in Marriage in the City of Norwich Mr Hezekiah Church and Mifs Nancy Fitch both of the Town of Montville NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 705 within said County dated at the City of Norwich Sepf 11 th A D 1825 D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Oct r 8 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the gospel in the Town of Norwich and County of New London do hereby certify that on the even- ing of the 5 th day of instant June I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r George Manson and Mifs Daty B Foy both of the Town of Berwick in the State of Maine Norwich June 5 th A D 1825 D N Bentley Ordaintd Minister Entered for record Oct 1- 8 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [111] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley of the Town of Norwich and County of New London an ordained Minister of the Gospel do hereby certify that on the 20 th day of instant April in the City of Norwich I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr John B Johnson of Brooklin Long Island and Mifs Nancy Miner of the Town of Norwich and county aforesaid D N Bentley Ordained Minister Dated City of Norwich April 20 th A D 1825 Entered for record Oct r 8 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the gospel of the Town of Norwich in the County of New London do hereby certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jabez Brewster of Preston and Mifs Nancy Chapman of Groton this 6 th day of February 1825 in the City of Norwich D N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Oct 1 " 8 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk [112] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an Ordained Minister of the gospel of the town of Norwich in the County of New London do hereby certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Edward A Hopkins and Mifs Betsey Carter both of said Town on the evening of the 16 th of instant January in the City of Norwich Dated Norwich 16 th Jan y 1825 D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Oct r 8 th 1825 Benj u Huntington Town Clerk [113] To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Gospel in the Town of Norwich and County of New London do hereby certify that on the evening of the 15 th day of instant June I lawfully joined 10 706 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS together in Marriage in the City of Norwich Mr Benj n Willson and Mifs Mary Ann Smith both of said City dated at Norwich June 15 th A D 1825 D N Bentley Entered for record Oct 1 " 8 th 1825 Ordained Minister Benj n Huntington Town Clerk. [114] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Gospel of Town of Norwich and County of New London do hereby certify that on the evening of the 2 nd day of instant January I lawfully joined in marriage Mr Frances F Cooley of Springfield Mafs a and Mifs Esther Rose of said Norwich Norwich City Jan y 2 nd 1825 D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Oct r 8 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 14 th day of October 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Henry L Hazen and Mifs 'Mary Ann McCarty both of said Norwich in the County of New London D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [115] Norwich 7 th May 1826 I David N Bentley do hereby certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Hezekiah Salisbury and Mifs Betsey Burdick on the evening of the 7 th day of May 1826 in the Town of Norwich D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May 26 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 26 th day of November A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr William G Ramsdale and Mifs Francis Ann Jones both of the City of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk [116] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley of the City of Norwich and State of Connecticut do hereby certify that on the 16 th day of March 1826 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jesse Calkins of said City to NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 707 Mifs Rebecca Pindar of the Town of Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May 26 th 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk [117] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley of the City of Norwich do hereby certify that on the first day of March A D 1826 I lawfully joined together in Mar- riage Mr Chester Fuller and Mifs Mary Bottum both of the Town of Lisbon Conn. D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May 26 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Caroline the Daughter of Chester Fuller and of Mary his wife was born December 8 th A. D. 1826 Amelia and Delia Daughters of Chester Fuller and of Mary his wife was Born August i 8t A. D. 1828 Charles Chester the Son of Chester Fuller and of Mary his wife was born September 15 th A D. 1832 [118] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley of the City of Norwich do hereby certify that Mr Wil- liam Daniels of Middletown in the County of Middlesex and Mrs Betsey Wheeler Hall of Norwich in the County of New London were lawfully joined together in Marriage on the 22 nd day of March A D 1826 by me in said Norwich D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record May 26 th 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist , Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 25 th day of November A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr David Congdon and Miss Abby Winchester both of the City of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd 1828 B. Huntington Town Clerk [119] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Thomas J Ridgway and Mifs Abby R Herrick both of this City were joined in Marriage at Mifses Herricks agreably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich May I st 1826 Entered for record May 3 d 1826 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk James the son of Thomas J Ridgway and of Abby R his wife was Born April 23 th A D 1827 and Departed this Life October 15 th A D 1827 708 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Abby the Daughter of Thomas J Ridgway and of Abby R his wife was Born July 17 th A D 1828 and Departed this Life April 10 th A D 1829 M rs Abby R Ridgway Departed this Life March 17 th 1830 Norwich Dec. 15 th 1839. Married by the Subscriber Thomas J Ridgway to Mrs. Lucinda Geer both of this Town A. Bond Rec d for record Oct. 14 th 1840 Othniel Gager Jun Town Clerk [120] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr John Church and Mrs Clarissa Parish of Norwich were joined in Marriage at the dwelling house of Mrs Parrish in Norwich on the 25 th of Dec r 1825 by me Reuben Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Feb y 2 nd 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Lester Reynolds of Griswold and Mifs Mary ann Searls of Norwich were joined in marriage at M r Searls's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 13 th day of November in the year of our Lord 1825 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Nov 1 * 15 th 1825 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [121] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Welcome Edwards of this City and Mifs Araminte Blanchard of North Stonington were joined in Marriage at my house agree- ably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the 6 th day of November in the year of our Lord 1825 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Nov 7 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Job Carroll and Mifs Diann Burgefs both of this city were joined in marriage at my house agreeably to the laws of the State of Con- necticut on the 6 th day of November in the year of our Lord 1825 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Nov 7 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk James the Son of Job Carrell and of Diann his wife was born October 18 th 1826. Susan the Daughter of Job Carrell and of Diann his wife was Born August 13th A D 1829 Mary the Daughter of Job Carrell and of Dian his wife was Born September 15th A D 1831 [122] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Jeremiah H Clark and Mifs Elizabeth James both of this City NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 709 were joined in Marriage at Mr Tracy's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 9 th day of October in the year of our Lord 1825 by me Norwich Oct r 9 th 1825 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Oct 1- 27 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Edward Jeremiah the Son of Jeremiah H Clark and of Eliza- beth his wife was Born May 8 th A D 1829 Harriet Laura the Daugter of Jeremiah H Clark and of Eliza- beth his wife was born April 30 th . A D. 1831 [123] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Aaron Rumrill of Springfield Massachusetts and Mifs Lydia Batty of Norwich Conn were joined in Marriage at Mr O Battey's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Con- necticut on the 24 th day of Nov 1 " in the year of our Lord 1825 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Nov 25 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk [124] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that M r Gardner Thurston and Mifs Mary Clegg both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at widow Cleggs agreeably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the 3 rd day of October in the year of our Lord 1825 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Ocf 3 rd 1825 Rec d for record Oct r 3 rd 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk Marietta, daughter of Gardner and Mary Thurston was born on the 9 th day of June A. D. 1835. Edward Gardner son of Gardner and Mary Thurston was born on the 8 th day of October A. D. 1837. [125] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that M r Adin Armstrong and Mifs St Helena Slocum both of Lebanon were joined in Marriage at my house agreeably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the 2 nd day of April in the year of our Lord 1826 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich April 2 nd 1826 Entered for record April 2 nd 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk Norwich May 22 nd 1826 This certifies that on the 21 st Instant Mr Joshua P Johnson and Mrs Lydia Burdick were by me legally married Entered for record June 17 th 1826 Zelotes Fuller B Huntington Town Clerk 7io NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [126] Augustus Hyde and Phidelia Foster were lawfully Married at Norwich April 15 th 1824 by D Austin Entered for record April 22 nd 1826 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk Eugene Augustus the Son 1 of Augustus Hyde and of Phidelia his wife was born March 17 th 1825 Juliet Foster, daughter of Augustus & Fidelia W. Hyde, was Born on the 26 th day of March A. D. 1833. [127] This may certify that Mr Isaac Barnes and Mifs Lydia Pitcher were lawfully joined in Marriage on the 17 th day of May 1826 by me D Austin Entered for record May 18 th 1826 B. Huntington Town Clerk November 22 d 1825. I married Capt Joseph B Clark to Mifs Mary Anne Allyn both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered for record October 15th. 1828. William L Hommedieu Town Clerk. [128] This certifies that on the 20 th of January 1826 in the City of Norwich Conn County of New London Mr James Gard- ner and Mifs Lydia Rose were by me legally joined in Marriage Zelotes Fuller Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Jan y 21 st 1826 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk This certifies that on the 24 th of March 1836 I Married Mr Sanford Billings Meech To Mrs Mary Ann Clark both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich received for record March 25 : 1836 Alex Lathrop T Clerk [129] This certifies that on the 22 nd of Nov r 1825 in the City of Norwich Conn County of New London M r Elias Burdick and Mifs Eliza Wilcox were by me legally joined in Marriage Zelotes Fuller Preacher of the Gospel Entered for record Dec 5 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk [130] This certifies that on the 25 th Ins 1 in the Town of Nor- wich Mr William S Marshal and Mifs Mary G Williams were by me legally married Zelotes Fuller Preacher of the Gospel Entered for record Nov 5 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that Thomas Herrick and Paulina Eliza Main Ware lawfully Maried by Amaziah Fillmore Clerark Entered for record Nov r 9 th 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 1 "Daughter" written first. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 71 1 [131] This certifies that Seymour Morse and Elizabeth Lathrop were lawfully Married by me Nov 24 th 1825 Norwich Nov 24 th 1825 Alfred Mitchell Entered for record Nov 25 th 1825 B Huntington Town Clerk Lydia Elizabeth the daughter of Seymour Morse and of Eliza- beth his wife was born January 19 th 1827 [132] This may certify that on the 9 th day of April A D 1826 James Dana Frost and Susan Sherman both of Norwich were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock pr Me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Entered for record May 27 th 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk I hereby certify that Rowland Peckham and Nancy Martin were lawfully Married on the 19 th day of Feb y Anno Domini 1826 by me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record March 15 th 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 23 rd day of Dec r A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Palmer Newton of the Town of Griswold and Mifs Mercy Pettis of Said Town of Norwich all in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd . 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [133] I hereby certify that John Hale and Mary Marsh were lawfully married on the 27 th day of Feb y 1826 by me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record March 15 th 1826 B Huntington Town Clerk [134] Charles Perkins of Norwich and Clarissa Deming of Litchfield were married April 20 th 1817 Julius Deming the son of Charles Perkins and of Clarissa his wife was born July 30 th 1819 and died august 16 th 1819. Charles William the son of Charles Perkins and of Clarissa his wife was born November 13 th 1820 Mary Deming the daughter of Charles Perkins and of Clarissa his wife was born March 17 th 1824. Lucretia Champion the Daughter of Charles Perkins and of Clarifsa his wife was born July 20 th 1826 [135] Norwich Sept r 15 th 1825 Titus Bailey and Nancy Daboll were this day by me joined in Marriage according to Law Attest John Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for record Sept 16 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk 712 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS On the 4 th day of September 1825 Oliver Huntley of Norwich and Mary Stark of Bozrah were joined in Marriage by me Roswell Morgan Justice of the Peace Entered for record Sep 1 15 th 1825 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [136] George Yeomans and Ruth Lincoln both of Norwich were lawfully married September 28 th A D 1826 Norwich Sept r 29 th 1826 David Austin Entered for record Sept 1- 29 th 1826 Benj u Huntington Town Clerk Elizabeth Harvey the Daughter of George Yeomans and of Ruth his wife was born March 14 th 1827 Ruth Olive the Daughter of George Yeomans and of Ruth his wife was born March 13 th 1829 [137] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 29 th day of April A D 1827 I lawfully joined in Marriage Mr Sterry Clark of Providence Rhodeisland and Mifs Caroline M Kranska of Portland Maine. D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record June 28 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 20 th day of January A D 1828 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Lester Beckwith and Miss Hannah Caswell 'both of said Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [138] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 22 nd day of March A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Marvin Waters of Lisbon and Mifs Abby Pitcher of said Norwich D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record June 28 tb 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 18 th day of November A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 713 Mr John Pymer and Mifs Anne Thompson both of the City of New London D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [139] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 5 th day of December A D 1826 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Erastus Whaley of Coventry and Miss Fanny Congdon of said Norwich D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record June 28 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk George Matson the son of Soloman Loomis and of Abigail his wife was Born May 8 th A D 183 1 [140] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 28 th day of January A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Richmond Cranston of Stonington & Mifs Chloe H Collier of said Norwich D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record June 28 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [141] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 4 th day of February A D 1827 I lawfully joined in marriage Mr Jonathan Johnson and Mifs Eunice Bradford both of Montville D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record June 28 th 1827 Benj Q Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 7 th day of October A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jabez Post and Miss Eliza Cranston of Stonington in the County of New London D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Jan y 23 rd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [142] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 4 th day of February A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr William Alexander and Miss Eliza Ann Williams both of Groton D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record June 28 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk 7 I4 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This certifies that Alpheus Kingsley and Dorcas Mansfield were lawfully Married by Me Feb y 6 th 1828 Alfred Mitchell Entered for record Jan y 9 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [143] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 12 th day of August A D 1827 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr Gurdon Pendleton and Mrs Eliza Hyde both of said Norwich in New London County D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Sept 18 th 1827 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk July 3 rd 1827 At Preston Mr Benjamin Watson and Mifs Lucy Peck were lawfully married by Me Alfred Mitchell Entered for record Feb y 2 nd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [144] To all whom it may concern know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 16 th day of September A D 1827 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Joseph Loomis and Mifs Fanny Williams both of Town of Norwich in the County of New London D N Bentley Ordained Minister Entered for record Sept 18 th 1827 Benj Q Huntington Town Clerk Amos Thompson and Eliza *Clark August 8 th 1827 were law- fully Married by me Alfred Mitchell Entered for Record Feb y 2 nd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [145] Norwich Jany 31 st A D 1828. This may certify that Jonathan Reynolds Jun r & Hannah Lathrop are lawfully married by Amaziah Fillmore Elder Entered for record Feb y 2 nd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk Elisha H Mansfield & Sarah M c Curdy Dec 18 th 1827 were lawfully married by me Alfred Mitchell Entered for record Feb y 2 nd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [146] On the 22 nd day of November 1827 Allen A Hazen and Lucy A Maples were joined in marriage by me Roswell Morgan Justice of the Peace Entered for record Dec 20 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 715 I hereby Certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Allen A Hazen and Miss Sally P Avery both of the town of Norwich this 26 th day of December A D. 1833 at Norwich City D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record March 6. 1834 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk George Avery & Louisa H Champlin Dec 26 th 1827 were law- fully married by me Alfred Mitchell Entered for record Feb 7 2 nd 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk [147] This May certify that on the 24 th day of October A D 1827 Diah M Bailey and Betsey Darby were united in Mar- riage by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Norwich Oct r 25 th 1827 Entered for record Oct 1- 27 th 1827 B Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that on the 27 th day of April 1828 Daniel Denison and Nancy Williams were lawfully married by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Entered for record April 29 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk Nancy Williams the Daughter of Daniel Denison and of Nancy his wife was Born March 4 th A D 1829 Meribah the Daughter of Daniel Denison and of Nancy his wife was Born June 30 th A D 1830 [148] This may certify that George G Willis and Cornelia S Lathrop were lawfully Married the 18 th day of March A D 1828 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Entered for record March 26 th 1828 B Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Jededah E Adams and Mifs Angeline Maples both of this City were Joined In Mariage at M r Jesse Fullers Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Seventeenth day of January In the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty one By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Jan y 17 183 1 Entered for record Jan y 20 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [149] Mr Joseph Marsh and Mifs Lora M Fitch were married at Windham November 28 th 1823 Fanny Elizabeth the daughter of Joseph Marsh and of Lora his wife was born August 17 th 1825 7 i6 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Abby the daughter of Joseph Marsh and of Lora his wife was born September 25 th 1827 [150] Mr Orrimell Mabry and Mifs Anna Trapp were Mar- ried November 27 th 1817 by Rev 4 Joseph Strong Elisha Lyman the son of Orrimell Mabry and of Anna his wife was born August 22 nd 1818 William Henry the son of Orrimell Mabry and of Anna his wife was born February I st 1820 and died Sept 1 * 20 th 1822 Ann Maria the daughter of Orrimell Mabry and of Anna his wife was born September 30 th 182 1 William Henry the Son of Orrimell Mabry and of Anna his wife was born December 27 th 1823 [151] To all whom it may concern, Know ye, That I, David N Bentley, an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, do hereby certify, that in the Town of Norwich on the 18th day of September A.D. 1828. I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Pierpoint P Capren of the Town of Preston and Sarah A Corning of said Norwich all in the County of New London & State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister. Entered for record October 7th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk See page 162. 1 To all whom it may concern. Know ye, That I David N. Bentley, an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 30th day of September A.D. 1828. I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr John G. Clift of the Town of Groton and Lydia P Jillson of said Norwich, all in the County of New London & State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister. Entered for record October 7th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [152] April 7th 1825. I married Mr Samuel Mowry to Mifs Rebecca Story both of this City S. B Paddock Rector of Crists Church Norwich Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. Samuel Mowry and Eliza H Miller of Norwich were lawfully married June 10 th 1833 by me Cornelius B Everest Received for record July I st 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 717 May 3 d 1825. I married Mr John W. Spalding to Mifs Anne Maria Davison both of this City. S. B. Paddock. Rector of Crists Church, Norwich Entered for record October 7th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. USS] November 24th 1825, I married Mr Elijah W. Curtis to Mifs Mary Bushnell both of this Town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. Elijah the the son of Elijah W Curtis and of Mary his Wife was Born September 2T, the . A.D. 1825 and departed this Life October 4 th . A.D. 1826 Mary Abby the Daughter of Elijah W Curtis and of Mary His wife was Born March 5 th . A.D. 1828 Anna Edith the daughter of Elijah W Curtis and of Mary his wife was Born May 7the. A.D. 1830 September 26th 1826. I married Doc r Henry F. Sanders of Medfield Mafsachusetts to Mifs Eliza W. Brown of this city S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich. Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [154] October 5th 1826. I married Mr Gurdon A Jones to Mifs Lucretia R Herrick both of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. This certifies that on the 11 th of Oct. 1843, I married Col. Gurdon A. Jones to Mifs Lucy Story, Both of this City. S B Paddock, Rector of Christ Church Norwich. Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk November 12th 1826. I married Immanuel Ramo to Betsey Brown both of this City S. B Paddock, Rector of Christs Church. Norwich. Entered for record October 15th 1828, William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [155] February 12th 1827. I married Capt William Barker to Mifs Nancy Smith both of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. March 13th 1827. I married Mr Austin T. Mott of Lebanon to Mifs Mary Anne Lathrop of this Town. S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered for record October 15. 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. 7 i8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [156] June 3 a 1827 I married Mr Phillip Burgefs of Jewitts City to Mifs Elizabeth Brown of this Town. S. B. Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich. Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. February 3 d 1828. I married Mr Abial B Sherman to Mifs Julia S. Hazard both of this Town. S. B. Paddock Rector of Christs Church. Norwich. Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [157] April 23 d 1828. I married Mr William Lewis to Mifs Rhoda Bumphrey both of this Town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered for record October 15th 1828. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. Harriet Blifs the daughter of William Lewis and of Rhoda his wife was born December 25 th A D 1828 John the son of William Lewis and of Rhoda his wife was born August 2 th A D 1830 To all whom it may concern, This is to certify, that Mr W m H Wise and Mifs Martha Rose, both of Norwich were joined in marriage at Elder William Palmer's agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on the Second day of November in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred and twenty eight by me Norwich Nov 2 d 1828. W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel. William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. John Rose the Son of William H Wise and of Martha his Wife was born November 24 th A D 1829 William the Son of William H Wise and of Martha his wife was born February 2 th A D 183 1 [158] To all whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr. James Wade and Mifs Amanda M. Clark both of this City were joined in marriage at Mr Isaac Clark's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine By me William Palmer Minister of the gospel Norwich Jan y 6. 1829 Entered for record 6 th Jan y 1829 William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk To all whom it may concern, This is to certify, that Mr. George P. Persons of Griswold & mifs Almira Maples of Bozrah were joined in marriage at William Palmer's agreeably to the laws of the state of Connecticut on the fourth day of January NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 719 in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine By me Norwich Jan y 4 th . 1829 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Entered for record Jan y 5 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [159] This may certify that Lewis Waring of New York & Abby Sherman of Norwich were united in marriage the 7 th day of December A D. 1828 by me, Joseph Strong, Pastor of the First Society in Norwich Entered for record Jan y 5 th 1829 William L'Hommedieu Town Clerk To all whom it may concern, This is to certify, that Mr. Rufsell Richardson and Mifs Ann H. Gardner both of this city were joined in marriage at William Palmer's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the fourth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Jan y 4-1829 Entered for Record Jan y 5 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk [160] To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N. Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 29th day of December A D 1828 I law- fully joined together in marriage Mr. James W. Arnold of War- wick R.I. and Mifs Hannah S. Brumley of the town of Griswold in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley ordained minister Received for Record Dec r 30th 1828. W m L'Hommedieu \ To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Elder Luther Goddard of Preston City and Mrs. Lucretia Hayward of this city were joined in mar- riage at Mrs Lucretia Hayward's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut, on the Twenty Second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight By me W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Dec. 22. 1828 Entered for record Dec. 26. 1828 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk [161] This may certify that on the 19th day of October A D. 1828 Aaron Starkweather of Plainfield & Lucy L. Manning of Norwich were joined in matrimonial wedlock By me John H. Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for Record Oct 29 th 1828 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk 7 20 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that Mr. Azel Backus and Mifs Nancy L. Brewster were lawfully married on the 7th day of December Anno Domini 1828. Pr me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Entered for Record Dec. 16 th 1828 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk [162] To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 18th day of September A D 1828 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr. Pierpont P. Capren of the town of Preston and Sarah A. Corning of said Norwich all in the County of New London & State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley ordained minister see folio 151 To all whom it may concern This is to certify, that Mr. John S. Johnson of N. York City & Mifs Maria Plarris of Norwich city, were joined in marriage at Mr. Tho s . Potters. Norwich agreeably to the laws of this State of Connecticut, on the Twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov 27-1828- Received for record May 10 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk Mariah the Daughter of John S Johnston and of Maria his Wife was born January 4 th A D 183 1 [163] To all whom it May Concern This is to Certify that M r Thomas Skinner and Mifs Isabell Rouse both of this City were Joined in marriage at the Sub- scribers agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty Nine By me Wm Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich March 29. 1829 entered for Record March 30 th . 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr William Cook and Mifs Elizabeth Setchell both of this City were Joined in Marriage at Mrs Setchells agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the fifth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine by me William Palmer. Minister of the Gospel Norwich April 5 th 1829 entered for Record April 6 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 721 [164] To all whom it may concern. This is to Certify That M r John Francisco and Mrs Hannah M c Kinnon both of this City were Joined in Marriage at their House agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the thirtieth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty Nine By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich March 30. 1829 Entered for Record March 30. 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To All whom it may concern. This is to Certify that Mr Joseph Brumley and Mifs Sophia Minard both of Norwich were Joined in marriage at M r Abiathar Minards agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the twenty ninth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and twenty nine By me Wm Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich January 29. 1829 Entered for Record January 30 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [165] To All whom it may Concern This is to Certify that M r Elijah Waterman and Mifs Harriet Batty both of Norwich were Joined in marraige at M r Oliver Battys agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and twenty nine By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich March 8. 1829 Entered for Record March 9. 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. James Williams the Son of Elijah Waterman and of Harriet his wife was born January 3 rd 1830 Harriet Maria the Daughter of Elijah Waterman and Harriet his wife was born March 12 th . A D 1832 Town Clerks Office Wethersfield October 29 1828 I Certify that agreeably to the Records in in this Office M r William Boardman 1 [166] To All Whom it may Concern This is to Certify that M r Joshua Whitney and Mifs Lydia R Palmer, both of this City were Joined in Marriagfe] at M r Robert Palmers agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecti- 1 This entry unfinished. II 722 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS cut on the Sixth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and twenty nine By Me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich April 6. 1829 Entered for Record April 6 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To all whom it may Concern This is to Certify That M r Abel Backus and Mifs Sarah Bowen both of Norwich, Ct. were joined in marriage at M r Charles Bowen's agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecti- cut on the Eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine By me Wm Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich February 11 th . 1829 Entered for Record February 11 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [167] To all whom it may Concern. Know Ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 25 th day of February A D 1829 I lawfully Joined in marriage Mr William P Davison of Said Norwich and Mifs Rosella W Richards of the City of Boston D. N Bentley. ordained Minister Entered for Record February 25 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern Know Ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 25 th day of February A D 1829 I law- fully Joined together in marriage M r John F Gardner of the town of Montville and Mifs Martha R Crary of said Norwich all in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Entered for Record February 25 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [168] February 17 th 1829 I married Wm Henry Law, Esq r . of New London to Mifs Mary Lee of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich entered for Record February 18 th . 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. Elizabeth Leighton the daughter of William H Law and of Mary his wife was born November 7 th 1829 Julia Goddard Child the daughter of Asa Child and Allice H Child his Wife was born April 20 th 1828 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 723 [169] To all whom it may concern Know Ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 17 th day of April A D 1829 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r William Daley Jr and Mifs Mary Setchell all of said Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D. N Bentley ordained Minister Entered for Record May 9 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. This may Certify that W m P Rogers & Lucy C. Beebe both of Norwich were married 1 this day Lawfully Joined in marriage Norwich April 12. 1829 Levi Meech Elder Entered for Record 14 July 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk [170] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Daniel Si f son & Mifs Esther Eldridge both of this City were joined in marriage at my house agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine by me Norwich August 16. 1829 W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record Aug 1 19 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr. Charles Moore and Mifs Nancy Morgan both of this Town were joined in marriage at W m Morgans, agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Twelfth day July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine by me Norwich July 12.' 1829 W m Palmer. Minister of the Gospel Entered for Record July 13. 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [171] To all whom it may concern This to certify that Mr Ezekiel, C. Rogers of Norwich & Mifs Sarah Ellis of N. ftonington were joined in marriage at W m Oxford agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Twelfth day of May in the year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine by me Norwich May 12. 1829. W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for Record May 12. 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. Nov. 16 th . 1828 I Married W m Osborn to Joanna Baker, both of this City. S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Rec d for Record 17 Nov r . 1828 W ra L'Hommedieu Town Clerk 1 " Married " crossed out. 724 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [172] This may certify that William L. Throop and Lucretia D Miller were Lawfully married by me this first day of Septem- ber 1829 Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Rec d for record Sep* 11. 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern This is to certify That Mr W m Albertson of Norwich City, Ct. and Mifs Patience Small of Harwich, Mafs. were joined in Marriage at W d Nancy Albertsons agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight by me W m Palmer. Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov 13. 1828. Rec d for Record Nov. 14. 1828 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [173] This May Certify that Asa Backus Jun r and Caroline Roath were joined in Marriage this 19th day of October A D. 1828 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church in Norwich Rec d for Record 21 st Oct 1828 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To All Whom it May Concern This is to Certify that Mr Charles W. Beckwith and Mifs Esther H. Potter both of this City were joined in marriage at M r Tho s Potters. Nor agreeably to the Laws of the ftate of, Connecticut on the Twenty first day of July in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine by me Norwich July 21. 1829. W m Palmer. Minister of the Gospel Rec d for Record 21 July 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [174] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I. David N. Bentley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, do hereby certify, that in the Town of Norwich on the 23 rd day of November A D. 1828 I. lawfully joined together in marriage M r Charles Edgerton & Mifs Mary F. Slack all of Said Town in the County of New London & State of Connecticut D. N Bentley. Ordained Minister Rec d for Record Nov 23. 1828 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk Mary the daughter of Charles Edgerton and of Mary his wife was born October 23 rd 1829 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 725 This May Certify that Gurdon Bushnell and Nab'by S. Andrews were united in marriage this 16 day of November A D. 1828 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Society in Norwich Received for Record May 10 A D 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [175] This Certifies that on the 3 d of Sept 1829 I Married M r Joseph Backus to Mifs Mary Sangar. both of this City. S B. Paddock. Rector of Christ Church. Norwich Rec d for Record Sep 4. 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. Elizabeth Fitch Daughter of Joseph Backus and of Mary his Wife was born 13 th February 1831 at 6 oclock in the morning Charles Alexander the son of Joseph & Mary Backus was born in the City of Norwich in Water Street on the 8 th day of October Anno Domini 1832 Mary Sangar the Daughter of Joseph Backus and of Mary his wife was Born November 7the A.D. 1834 Jane Eliza, Daughter of Joseph & Mary Backus was Born in Norwich on the 13 th of March A.D. 1837. Joseph, Son of Joseph & Mary Backus was born in Norwich on the 19 th day of July A.D. 1839 For remainder of record of the family Joseph Backus, See Page 492 nd of the 6 th Book of Marriages &c. This certifies that on the 13 th of Sept 1827. I Married Mr Isaac H. Cook to Mifs Abby L. Kimball Both of Preston. S B. Paddock. Rector of Christ Church Norwich Rec d for Record Sep 4. 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [176] This May Certify that the Rev d W. A. Hallock of New York, and Fanny Lathrop of Norwich were lawfully Mar- ried by me this first day of Sep r 1829. Joseph Strong Pastor of the first Church of Christ in Norwich Rec d for Record 11 Sept 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. I hereby certify That Theodore F. Al'bertson & Lucretia Daley were lawfully married by me this 5 th day of July 1829. Joseph Strong Pastor of the I st Church of Norwich Rec d for Record 8 July 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Ann Elizabeth Daughter of Theodore F Albertson and of Lucretia B his wife was born May 10 th A D 1830. Isabela Brown the Daughter of Theodore F Albertson and of Lucretia his wife was born August 11 th A D 1832. 726 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [177] To All Whom it May Concern This is to certify that Mr John Crandall of Groton and Mifs Jerusha Bates of this City were joined in marriage at Mr Nathan Wedges agreeably to the Laws of the ftate of Connecticut on the sixteenth day of May in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine by me Norwich May 16. 1829. W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for Record May 16 th . 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. This Certifies that Henry Barras & Julia Ann Barras were Lawfully Married. 29. Deer 1828 by me. Alfred Mitchell Entered for Record June 10 th 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [178] This Certifies that Obadiah Penniman & Mary Ann Chandler Lanman were Lawfully Married Jan. 21. 1829 by me Rec d for Record January 30. 1829 Alfred Mitchell W ra L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. This Certifies that Robert Sterry & Sarah M. Brewster were Lawfully Married Nov. 2. 1828 by me Alfred Mitchell Rec d for Record Jan y 30th 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [i7g] To All Whom it May Concern Know Ye. That I. David N. Bentley. an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 13th day of September A D 1829 I. lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jedidiah Spalding and Mifs Almira Somers. of s d Norwich all in the County of New London & State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Rec d for Record 22 fep 1 1829 Ordained Minister W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To All Whom it May Concern Know Ye That I. David N. Bentley An Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the third day of December A.D. 1828 I lawfully joined together in marriage M r John M c Masters & Mifs Hannah Arnold all of said Town in the County of New London & State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d for Record Jan 7 10. 1829 W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk [180] To All Whom it May Concern Know Ye That I. David N. Bentley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 18th day of August A D. 1829 I. lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Abel. A. Chapman of NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 727 Groton & Mifs Elizabeth D. Allison of Middletown in the ftate of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley, Ordained Minister Rec d for Record Aug* 20 th . 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. To All Whom it May Concern, This is to certify, that Mr Thomas Burnham and Mifs Olive Maples both of Norwich were joined in Marriage at M r Stet- son's of Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the ftate of Connecti- cut on the Twenty Seventh day of November, in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight by me W m Palmer, minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov.. 27. 1828 Rec d for Record June 10 th 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. [181] To All Whom it May Concern This is to Certify, that. Mr Charles. C. Daley & Mifs Lucy L Wilcox both of this City were joined in Marriage at the Subscribers House, agreeably to the laws of the ftate of Con- necticut on the Twentieth day of September in the year of Our Lord on thousand Eight hundred and twenty eight by me, Norwich Sept r 20. 1829. W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for Record Sep 21, 1829. W m L'Hommedieu Town Clerk. State of Connecticut fs New London County I hereby Certify that some time in the year 1827 (according to my recollection) Mortimer S Butler and Martha Wilkinson were Joined in Marriage by me having no recocord of the time I am unable to state it with any certainty previous to her Marriage said Martha had been divorced from a former husband by the name of Wilkinson Asa Child Justice of the Peace Norwich Aug 20. 1833 Received for record Augt 21 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [182] This certifies that Mr James W Scott and Cynthia L Brigden were by me legally joined in Marriage this 26 th October 1829 Richard F Cleveland Ordained Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record Nov 4 th 1829 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr Sheldon Eaton of Tolland and Mifs Phebe Collins of this City were joined in Marriage Mr Jesse Wilsons Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Con- necticut on the twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord 1829. by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov r 25 th 1829 Received for record Dec r 14 th 1829 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk 72 8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern — This may certify that Mr Charles Bill of Meredith N Y and Mifs Lois Woodworth of Norwich C\ were joined in Marriage at Mr Woodworth's agreeably to the laws of the State of Con- necticut on the 11 th day of October in the year of our Lord !8 2 9 — by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Oct r . II th . 1829 Received for record Oct 1- 17 th 1829 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [183] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Joseph H Morgan and Miss Mary Avery both of this City were joined in Marriage at Mr Stephen Maples's Norwich agree- ably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 13 th day of December in the year of our Lord 1829 — by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Dec 1 " 13 th 1829 Received for record Dec 14 th 1829 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [184] To all whom it may concern — This is to certify that Mr Barzillia W Young and Miss Maryann Holmes both of this City were joined in Marriage at my house agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 26 th day of November 1829. by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Nov r 26 th 1829 Rec d for record Dec 14 th 1829 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [185] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Joseph Adams Jun r and Miss Maria A Stetson both of this City were joined in Marriage at Mr Stetsons Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 30 th day of Novem- ber in the year of our Lord 1829. by me Norwich Nov 30 th 1829 William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record Dec 14 th 1829 B Huntington Town Clerk John C the son of Joseph Adams and of Maria A his wife was born in Norwich December 25 th . A.D. 1830 Sarah M the Daughter of Joseph Adams and of Maria A His wife was born December 28 th . A.D. 1832 To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich (Con) on the 29 th day of November A D 1829 I lawfully joined in Marriage Mr Dorance Ladd of the town of Franklin Con and Mifs Esther E Stevens of Canaan in the State of New York D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record Dec 15 th 1829 B Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 729 [186] To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich (Conn) on the 18 th day of October A D 1829 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Henry Edwards & Mifs Mary Fanning both of said Town D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record Nov 23 rd 1829 B Huntington Town Clerk Caroline Barret the daughter of Peter Barret & Emily his wife was born 26. September 1825 [187] To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 8 th day of October A D 1829 — I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr James C Rogers and Miss Fanny Tracy both of said Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut. D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record Nov 23 rd 1829 B Huntington Town Clerk [188] Daniel L Huntington and Mary Ann Lathrop both of Norwich were Married on thursday Nov 26 th A D 1829 Received for Record Nov 30 th 1829 David Austin B Huntington Town Clerk Married on 5 Ins 1 Mr William S Griffmg to Mifs Mary ann Dory both of this Town February 6 th 1832 by Cha s Hyde Received for record February 6 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [189] This may certify that John I Cox and Mary M Baker both of this town were lawfully married by me Nov 26 th 1829 Rec d for record Dec 8 th 1829 Cornelius B Everest Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [190] This may certify that on the 26 th of October 1829 I Married Capt Erastus Williams to Mifs Elizabeth D Tracy both of this town S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record Oct 26 th 1829 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk The above Erastus Williams was born in Essex Conn. April 14 th 1793 and died in Norwich Ct Apr 16. 1867. The above Elizebeth Dorr Tracy was born in Norwich Ct July 22-1803 an d died in Norwich Conn Sept 13-1855. Children of the above were born as follows. Erastus Winslow Williams in Norwich Ct Aug. 16 1830. Elizebeth Tracey Williams in Norwich Ct Sept 17-1832. Recorded Feb 28-1901 from facts furnished by Winslow Tracey Williams Chas. S Holbrook Town Clerk. 730 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [191] This may certify that on the 30 th day of September A D 1830 Benjamin Huntington and Margaretta D Perit were united in Marriage by me Joseph Strong Pastor of First Society in Norwich Rec d for record Oct r . 4 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk John Webster Perit the Son of Benjamin Huntington and of his wife Margaretta was born July 5 th A D. 183 1 an Infant Son of Benj n and Margaretta Huntington was born on Sunday the 24 th . day of March 1833 and expired at the same time Margaretta Dunlap the Daughter of Benjamin Huntington and of Margaretta his wife was born on Sunday the 15 th day of June A D 1834 Pelatiah Webster, Son of Benj n & Margaretta Huntington was Born July 2 nd 1836. Benjamin Newton, Son of Benj n & Margaretta Huntington was Born May 21 st 1838 An Infant Son of Benj n & Margaretta Huntington was Born February 13 th 1840, And died on the same day Sarah Learning, Daughter of Benj n & Margaretta Huntington was Born on Thursday September 8 th 1842 Thomas Dunlap Son of Benjamin & Margaretta D Huntington was born on Friday July 26 th 1844 Henry Clay Son of Benjamin & Margaretta D Huntington was born on Tuesday January 11 th 1848 and died on Saturday Feb y 19 th 1848. Aged Thirty Nine Days [192] To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 25 day of August A D 1830 I lawfully joined together in Mar- riage Mr John S Brumley and Mifs Eliza W Reed both of said Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut Rec d for record Ocf 2 nd 1830 D N Bentley Ordained Minister Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Mary the Daughter John S Brumley and of Eliza W his wife c was born March 22 A D 1834 £ Elizabeth the Daughter of John S Brumley and of Eliza W his wife was born March 22 A D 1834 [193] To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 9 th day of May A D 1830 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Edward A Allyn of the Town of Groton and Mifs Maria NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 731 B Cook of said Norwich all in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d for record June 8 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [194] To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Churc[h] do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 25 th day of March 1830 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Giles S Bates and Miss Eliza Whaley all of the City of Norwic[h] in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d for record March 29 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [195] To all whom it may concern — Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 21 st day of February A D 1830 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r James M Gardner and Miss Hannah M Small all of said town of Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut — D N Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d for record March 29 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Charles H. the son of James M Gardner and of Hannah M his wife was born December 3 th A D 1830 Vilate C. the Daughter of James M Gardner and of Hannah M his wife was born January 20 th Anno Domini 1833 [196] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Mr Henry Palmer and Miss Lydia Lamphere both of this City were joined in Marriage at William Palmer's Norwich agree- ably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the thirty first day of January in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record March 4 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Sarah Elizabeth Coit the Daughter of Henry Palmer and of Lydia his wife was Born December 11 th A D 1830 To all Whom it may concern Know ye That I, David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 2 nd day of January A.D. 1832 I law- fully Joined together in Marriage M r Elisha Lathrop and Mifs Charlotte Avery both of the town of Bozrah in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Red for record January 14th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 732 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [197] To all people 1 whom it may concern this is to certify that Capt George Hunter of Georgia and Miss Asceneth Harris of this City were joined in Marriage at Mr Johnson's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 24 th day of February in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record March 4 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern — This is to certify that Mr William A Knight and Miss Mary A Dodge both of this City were joined in Marriage at W m Palmer's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 31 st day of January in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record March 4 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [198] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Peleg W Park of Preston and Mifs Sally Coon of Norwich Connecticut were joined in Marriage at William Palmer's Nor- wich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 12 th day of Sept 1 *, in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record Sept 27 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Capt John Sabin and Lura Ann Grant both of Groten Conn* were joined in Marriage at William Palmer's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 9 th day of June in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich June 21 st 1830 Rec d the above for record Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [199] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Thomas C Brown of Providence and Mifs Abby C Gavit of Norwich were joined in Marriage at Mr Mott's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 23 rd day of May in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record June I st 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr John G Armstrong and Miss Katharine Wise both of this town were joined in Marriage at the Subscribers agreeably to the laws l A line has been drawn through this word. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 733 of the State of Connecticut on the fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Received for record August 16 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [200] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr George M c Carty and Miss Lucy Adams of Norwich were joined in Marriage at M r Adams's Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 15 th day of September in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record Sept 27 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Maied Nov r 25 By Caleb D Rogers VDM M r Gilbert J Gilson to Mifs Margarett Eldrige Both of Norwich Con Received for record December 7 th 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [201] To all whom it may concern this is to certify that Mr Jedediah B Brewster and Mifs Nancy E Davis both of this town were joined in Marriage at Mr Jared Dennis's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 26 th day of Sepf in the year of our Lord 1830 by me William Palmer Received for record Sept 27 th 1830 Minister of the Gospel Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [202] Married Andrew G Carew and Betsey V Tillinghast of Norwich June 29 th 1830 by me Rec d for record July 26 th 1830 Cornelius B Everest Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Married Nathan D Place and Roxy Ann Lewis of Norwich July 25 th 1830 by me Rec d for record July 26 th 1830 Cornelius B Everest Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [203] Samuel M Hill of Norwich and Esther M Lee of Glastonbury were lawfully Married May 20 th 1830 by me Rec a for record June 19 th 1830 Cornelius B Everest Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [204] This May certify that Oliver E. Huntington and Mary Ann Strong were united in Marriage according to law on the 10 th day of June 1830 Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Society in Norwich Received for record June 14 th 1830 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk Harriet Lucretia the Daughter of Oliver E Huntington and of Mary Ann S his wife was Born in Norwich on Friday March 2 nd Anno Domini 1832 734 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [205] This May certify that James L Ripley and Ruth L Huntington were lawfully united in Marriage on the 2 nd day of June 1830 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the Rec d for record June 3 rd 1830 First Church in Norwich Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Charles P Huntington Son of James L Ripley & Ruth L his Wife was born 26 th November 183 1 Martha the daughter of James L Ripley & Ruth L his Wife was born 23 d July 1834 Mary Perrit daughter of James L Ripley & Ruth L his Wife was born 6 th October 1836 [206] This certifies that John P Huntington and Sarah C Perkins were lawfully Married by me April 26 th 1830 Received for record April 27 th 1830 Alfred Mitchell Benj" Huntington Town Clerk Mary P the Daughter of John P Huntington and of, Sarah C his wife was Born February 12 th A D 1831 Samuel Perkins the son of John P Huntington and of his wife, Sarah C was Born July 4 th Anno Domini 1833 Francis Perkins Huntington son of John P Huntington and of Sarah C his wife was Born June 3 nd Anno Domini 1835 [207] This may certify that Luther P Sargent and Lois F Lee were lawfully united in Marriage on the 18 th day of May A D 1830 by me Joseph Strong Pastor of the First Church Rec d for record June 3 rd 1830 in Norwich Benj" Huntington Town Clerk Norwich Sept r 29 th 1830 Mr John Jackson and Mifs Genett Fowler were by me this day lawfully united in Marriage L Kneeland Minister of the Gospel [208] Joshua W Shepherd and Emeline S Gardner both of this City were married by me August i Bt 1830 Charles Hyde Received for record August 23 rd 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Charles James the son of Charles Benjamin and of Lucy his wife was born In Norwich June 21 A D 1831 See record of Charles Benjamin l s family in 6 th Book of Records of Marriages &c. at page 326. [209] This may certify that on the 14 th day of Sepf 1830 I Married Roswell Walstein Roath to Mary Elizabeth Tisdale both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church-Norwich Rec d for record Sept 15 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 735 This Certifyes that on the 24 th day of May 1828 I married Charles Denison to Elizabeth Lester both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Copied from Records of said Church July 1836 by C D Elizabeth M Denison born Oct 29 th 1829 She died Oct 21 1830 William T Denison born Oct 13 183 1 He died Nov 183 1 Charles Frederick Denison born Feb 25 1833 Elizabeth L Denison born Jan y 23 1835 She died April 30 1836 Elizabeth Lester Wife of Charles Denison died Jan y 29 1836 aged 31 years 4 mos [210] This certifies that on the 27 th of April 1830 I Mar- ried M r Samuel H Barstow to Miss Susan R Babcock both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Rec d for record April 29 th 1830 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [211] I hereby certify that Abel Richards Son of Jeremiah Richards of Montville and Mary Smith Daughter of Daniel Smith deceased of the same place were lawflly joined together in Marriage on the 4 th day of April 1830 by me the Subscriber Rec d May I st 1830 Reuben Ranson Minister of the Gospel Benj" Huntington Town Clerk I hereby certify that Sterry Y Fletcher Son of William Fletcher of Norwich and Eunice Sholes daughter of Jonathan Sholes of Groton were lawfully joined together in Marriage on the 7 th day of the March 1830 by me the Subscriber Reuben Ranson Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record March 10 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk Alfonzo Borella the son of Sterry Y Fletcher and of Eunice his wife was Born in Norwich June 10 th A D 1833 [212] I hereby certify that Daniel J Woodward and Mary A Grifnng were lawfully joined in Marriage by me the Sub- scriber Norwich Connecticut August 18 th 1830 Leonard B Griffing Minister of the Gospel Received for record August 19 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk To all whom it may concern. Know Ye. that I David N Bentley An ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church Do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 7 th of November A D 1830 I lawfully joined together in Mariage Mr Nathaniel Hebard Jun r of the Town of Windham and Mifs Caroline Jones of the Town of East Hartford all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Receved for record December 4 th 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 736 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [213] To all whom it may concern — I certify that Thomas T Wilcox and Emily T Birchard both of the town of Norwich County of New London State of Connecticut were joined to- gether in Matrimony this 31 st day of January in the year of our Lord 1830 by me Josiah R Clark Rec d for record Feb y 23 rd 1830 Minister of the Gospel Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [214] To all whom it may concern — This is to certify that Mr William Bliss Jun r of Lebanon and Miss Martha B Ward of this City were joined in Marriage at Mr Ichabod Wards agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 11 th day of Janu- ary in the year of our Lord 1830 — by me Isaac Story Justice of the Peace Rec d for record Feb y 2 nd 1830 Benj Huntington Town Clerk Sarah M. Bliss, daughter of William Blifs Jun. & of his wife Martha B., was born September 5 th A. D. 1830. William W. Bliss, Son of William Bliss Jun. And of his wife Martha B., was born July 11 th A. D. 1833. Horatio N. Bliss Son of William Blifs Jun. And of his wife Martha B. was born October 11 th A. D. 1836. To all whom it may concern — I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 13th day of July 1834 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr Luther M Apply of the Town of Can- terbury and Miss Eliza Sherman of said Norwich all in the county of New London and State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordined Minister Received for record July 31 : J834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [215] This may certify that on the 4 th day of February A D 1830 Ira Tossett of Norwich and Angelina Theresa Rogers of Windham were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock by me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Rec d for record May 26 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk This may certify that on the 7 th day of February 1830 Lathrop Peters of Norwich and Laura Richards of Colchester were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock by me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for record May 26 th 1830 Benj n Huntington Town Clerk [216] This may certify that on the 2 nd day of May A D 1830 Hammond Way of East-haddam and Mary Peters of Norwich were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock by me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for record May 26 th 1830 Benj" Huntington Town Gerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 737 This may certify that on the 14 th day of March A D 1830 Thomas Gardner of Franklin and Marianne Armstrong of Nor- wich were joined in Matrimonial Wedlock by me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for record May 26 th 1830 Benj" Huntington Town Clerk [217] This certifies that William Faulkner and Frances Har- riet Lord were lawfully married this day by me Norwich Oct 1- 15 th 1829 Alfred Mitchell Rec d for record April 27 th 1829 Benj Huntington Town Clerk [218] Silas Armstrong and Hannah Marshall ware Married Sep 1 8 th 1 81 3 Nancy Lucretia the Daughter of Silas Armstrong and of Han- nah his wife was born Nov r 27 th 1814 Hannah Maria the daughter of Silas Armstrong and of Han- nah his wife was born Dec 1 * 18 th 1815. John Marshall the Son of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born Feb y 11 th 1817. Oliver Wolcott the son of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born Nov 1 ' 11 th 1819 James Monroe the son of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born Nov 1 " 28 th 1821. Robert Roath the son of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born July 22 nd 1823. Mary Ann the daughter of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born August 8 th 1825 George Robert the son of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born Jan y 20 th 1828 Hannah Mariah Armstrong Died July 14 th 1829 George Robert Armstrong died September 23 rd 1829 Abby Jane the daughter of Silas Armstrong and of Hannah his wife was born July 21 st 1830 [219] Thomas L Throop of Norwich Connecticut and Soph- ronia H Sharp of Providence Rhode Island were married to- gether November 27 th 1828 by the Rev d Mr Waterman Selah E Throop the daughter of Thomas L Throop and of Sophronia his wife was born Sepf 22 nd 1829 Mary O. Throop, Daughter of Thomas L. & Sophronia H. Throop was born in this Town on the 11 th of March A. D. 1837 William Cary, Son of Thomas L. & Sophronia H. Throop was born in Norwich Ct. December 8 th A. D. 1838. Sophronia A., Daughter of Thomas L. & Sophronia H. Throop was born at Springfield Mafs. on the 27 th day of August A. D. 1841. 12 738 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [220] Ann Sprague the daughter of William S Sharp and of Nancy his wife was born on Sunday July 12 th 1829 This may certify that Williams Williams of Canaan N Y. and Lois Edwards of Norwich were lawfully maried January 10 th 1 83 1 by me Cornelius B Evered Received for record January 19 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk, [221] This certifies that on the 6 th of October 1830 I Mar- ied Doct Jonan Henry Lane of Boston Mafs. to Mils Francis Ann Brown of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 12 th Oc l 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 14 th of October 1830 I Maried M r Thomas Robinson to Mifs Harriet Maria Tyler Both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Receved for record 15 Oct r 1830 Norwich Alex Lathrop Town Clerk George Augustus the Son of Thomas Robinson and of Har- riet Maria his Wife was Born October 2 th A D. 183 1 Elizabeth Lathrop the Daughter of Thomas Robinson and of Harriet Maria his wife was Born February 26 th A. D. 1833 Susan Marvin Daughter of Thomas & Harriet Maria Robin- son, was born November 8 th A. D. 1837. Thomas Samuel, Son of Thomas and Harriet Maria Robinson was born July 23 rd A. D. 1840 [222] I hereby certify that Joshua Buel of Colchester and Francis Dewey of Preston were Lawfully Joined in Mariage November 25 th 1830 by me the subscriber Leonard B Griffing minister of the Gospell Received for Record December 18 th 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that Daniel Sted of Woodstock and Eleanor Davison of Norwich were lawfully Maried January 11 th 1831 by me Cornelius B. Everest Received for record January 19 th 1831 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk, [223] To all Whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Abram W Packer & Mifs Emeline M Ames both of this City were Joined in marriage at William Palmers Agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty one by me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Feby 6 th 1831 Received for Record Feb y 7 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 739 [224] Ichabod Ward Jun r and Jerusha Loomis were law- fully maried October 31 th 1824 in the Town of Rupert County of Bennington, State of Vermont Receved for record March 6 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk William Dygert Son of Ichabod Ward Jun and Jerufha his Wife born February 18 th 1827 Mary Emma daughter of Ichabod Ward Jun and Jerusha his wife born December 31 th 1829 Nancy Huntington daughter of Ichabod Ward and Jerusha His Wife was Born October ithe 1830 Nancy Huntington, the above named daughter of Ichabod Ward and of Jerusha, his wife, was born October I st A. D. 1831. as testified by her father, the said Ichabod Ward, that the above record of the birth of the said Nancy Huntington is erroneous, and this record is substituted and made according to the request of the said Ichabod Ward By Othniel, Gager Town Clerk [225] Cap 1 George Geer and Mifs Betsey Button were law- full Maried in New York the 24 day of October A D 1827 By William Phillips Recorded October 25the 1830 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk George W Geer the Son of George W Geer and of Betsey his wife was born July 22the A D 1828 Charles Henry the Son of George Geer and of Betsey his wife was born September 27the A D 1830, [226] This may Certify that on this 14 th day of March A D 1 83 1 Charles Henry Strong and Susan M Huntington were lawfully United in Mariage by me Joseph Strong Paster of the first Society of Norwich Received for record March 14 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk George Augustus the son of Charles H Strong and of Susan M. his wife was born in Norwich on Satuerday January 21 st A D 1832 [227] Samuel Fuller Son of Jesfe Fuller and of Hannah his Wife was born in Mountville County of New London Novem- ber 29 th 1 82 1 David Congdon son of Jesfe Fuller and of Hannah his wife was Born in Preston New London County January 3 th A D 1823 Sarah Ann Daughter of Jesfe Fuller and of Hannah his wife was Born in Norwich in said County August 4 the A D 1826 George Denison Son of Jesfe Fuller and of Hannah his wife Was Born in Norwich in said County December 27th 1828 740 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This certifies that on the 29 th of Aug, 1844, I married Jesse Fuller to Eliza Webb both of this City, S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk The above named Jesse Fuller, died at Norwich on the 27 th day of August A. D. 1851, (as reported by his Executor.) Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [228] Rufus Derby & Betsey Perry of Norwich were Legally maried March 3 th 1831 by me Cornelius B Everest Recorded March 21 th 1831 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk M r Robert P Le Ray to Mifs Electa A Minard Both of this City Married October 16 th 183 1 By Cha 8 Hyde Received for record October 21 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [229] Martha Hillard Daughter of Moses Hillard and Martha his Wife was born in Norwich on the Eleventh day of January 1831 Recorded by A Lathrop Town Clerk April 2 1831 [230] To all whom it may Concern — Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 24 th day of March A D 1831 I lawfully Joined together in mar- riage M r Charles Avery of Bozrah and Mifs Caroline Lathrop of Lebanon all in the County of New London & State of Con- necticut D N Bentley ordaned Minister Received for record April 11 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that In the Town of Norwich on the 20 th day of March A D 1831 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r William I dishing of the Town of Sterling and Mifs Ursulia A Holmes of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut; D N Bentley ordined minister Received for record April 11 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [231] To all Whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify That in the Town of Norwich on the 31 st day of March A D 1831 I lawfully Joined together in mariage M r James Culver & Mifs Wealthy ann Chapman both of the Town of Groton in the State of Connecti- cut D N Bentley ordained minister Recev. d for record April 11 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 741 [232] To all Whom it may concern This is to Certify That M r Walter K Hough And Mifs Nancy Kelley both of Bozrah Ct were Joined in Marriage at M r John Kellys Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecti- cut on the Fourteenth day of April in The year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty one By Me W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Received for record April 15 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all Whom it may Concern — This is to Certify that M r James Lester and Abby Comstock both of this City were Joined in marriage at my House Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the twenty first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty one By me William Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich August 21 th 1831 Received for record August 22 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [233] David Whiting and Nancy Harris were maried Sep- tember I st 1816 Catherine Thompson daughter of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born October 5 th 1817 Hellen Maria Daughter of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born June 8 th 1819 Lucy ann Daughter of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born July 10 th A D 1821 and died august 4 th in the year of our Lord 1822 Isaac Harris Son of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born April 26 A D 1823 David Otis Son of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born June 26 th A D 1826 William Eaton Son of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born March 23 th A D 1828 Mary Elizabeth Daughter of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was born April 15 th A D 1830 John Hallam the son of David Whiting and of Nancy his wife was Born January 20 th Anno Domini 1833 [234] At Windham Scotland Society by the Rev Jefse Fisher Tohn Prentice was married to Elizabeth C Lord February 13 th 1826 Henry L Son of John Prentice and of Elizabeth his wife was born January q th A D. 1827 George L the Son of John Prentice and of Elizabeth his wife was born March 18 th A D 1828 Ann E Daughter of John Prentice and of Elizabeth his wife was born February 21 th A D 1830 & died April 4 th 1845. 742 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Edward Son of John & Elizabeth C Prentice was born May 12. 1832 John Son of John & of Elzabeth C Prentice was born May 11. 1834 Alfred Mitchel, Son of John & Elizabeth, C Prentice was born March 27. 1836 Martha, Irene daughter of John & Elizabeth C Prentice was born April II. 1838 Frederic, Son of John. & Elizabeth C Prentice was born Sep- tember 2. 1840 Frances, Caroline, daughter of John & Elizabeth C Prentice was born Sept r 30. 1843 & died July 29. 1845. Frank Son of John & Elizabeth C Prentice was born June 14. 1846 [ 2 35] To all Whom it may concern This is to Certify that M r Tho s Comstock of Norwich and Mifs Mary Waterman of New London were joined in marriage At my house agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut On the Nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one Thou- sand Eight hundred and thirty one >By me William Palmer Mister of the Gospel Receved for record April 21 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all Whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 14 Day of May A D 1831 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r William Rossie of Scotland and Mifs Caroline M Whipple of New London in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record June 4 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [236] Charles Alexander the Son of Charles. Eagles and of Mary his Wife was Born March 15 th 1829 Orville Nash the Son of Charles Eagles and of Mary his Wife was Born March 7 th A D 1831. [237] To all Whom it may Concern This is to certify that M r Henry F. Whitmarsh of Providence R I and Mifs Mary A Hill of this city Ct were Joined in mar- riage At my house agreeably to the Laws of the State of Con- necticut on the Eight Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty one By me Norwich May 8 th 183 1 W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Received for record May 9 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 743 Thomas Kinne Jr of Norwich was Married to Elizabeth M Hyde of Libon Conn April 2 d 1835 By Rev d George Perkins of Griswold Harriet Newel, the Daughter of Thomas Kinne J r & of Eliza- beth his wife was born January 31 st 1836 Mary Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Kinne Jr & Elize- beth his wife was born December 27 th 1839 George Whitefield, the Son of Thomas Kinne J r & Elizabeth his wife was born August 20 th 1841 Thomas Clarkson, the Son of Thomas Kinne & Elizabeth his wife was born September 17 th 1847 Anna Salisbury, the daughter of Thomas Kinne & Elizabeth his wife was born August 24 th 185 1 And died July 26 th 1853. Thomas Kinne, Jr. of Norwich was born Nov. 11 th 1808 And died in Norwich April 29 th 1864 Elizabeth M. Hyde was born Sept. 12. 1812. [238] John Adams the son of the Rev d Seth B Paddock and of Emily his Wife was born January 19 th A D 1825 William Flagg the son of the Rev d Seth B Paddock and of Emily his wife was born September 16 th A D 1826 Benjamin Henry son of the Rev* 1 . Seth B Paddock and of Emily his wife was born February 29 A D 1828 Lewis Sloat son of the Rev d Seth B Paddock and of Emily his wife was born December 10 th A D 1829. [239] I Certify that Samuel Brushel & Polly Shantup both of Mohegan were Lawfully joined in the Marriage Covenant this Day by me Joseph Williams Justice of Peace Norwich April 16 th 1831 Received for record May 12 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To the Town Clerk of Norwich This is to certify that M r Tho 8 Olney Brown to Mifs Rachel Sirling both of this City were Joined in Marriage according to law at my house by me on the 25 th Inst Norwich March 25 th 1832 Test W m Palmer Pastor of B Chh Received for record March 27 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [240] Charles Morgan & Mary A Carew of Norwich Were lawfully married by me May 2 th 1831 Received for record May 20 th 183 1 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop, Town Clerk, To all Whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bent- ley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church Do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich On the 2 nd day of October A D 1831 I Lawfully Joined together in, Marriage 744 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS M r Samuel S Sunderland and Mifs Emily Hyde all of said Nor- wich in the State of Connecticut. D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record October 7 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [241] M r Charles M. Backus and Mifs Sarah L Springer Was Married May 1829 by the Rev d Joseph Strong Nancy Elizabeth Daughter of Charles M Backus and of his wife Sarah L., was born April 28 st A D 1831 [242] Marinette Daughter of James Lowry and of Lydia his wife was born February 2 st A D 1822 James the son of James Lowry and of Lydia his wife was born October 2 st A D 1825 Joshua the son of James Lowry and of Lydia his wife was born Sept 5 th A D 1826 Charles Henry the son of James Lowry and of Lydia his wife was born January 3 rd A D 1828 George Griswold son of James Lowry and of Lydia his wife was born November 3 st A D 1829 [243] Simeon the son of Elisha Perry and of Katharine his wife was Born September 18 th A D 1822 and Departed this Life June 28 th A D. 1824 Elisha and Elijah the sons of Elisha Perry and of Katharine his wife was Born October 19 th A D 1825 Nancy the Daughter of Elisha Perry and of Katharine His wife was Born January I th A D 1829 Joseph the son of Elisha Perry and of Katharine His wife was born February 8 th A D. 1831 [244] This certifies that on the 27 th of May 1831 I Married M r Elijah Abel Bill to Mifs Angelina Margaret Hazard both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record May 28 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Elizabeth Dwight the Daughter of Elijah A Bill and of Ange- lina M his wife was born December 29 th 1832 at half past 10. O.Clock P M Sarah Hazard Bill Daughter of Elijah A Bill and of Ange- lina M his Wife was born April 17 th 1837 Julia Almira, the Daughter of Elijah A. Bill and of Ange- lina M. his wife was born October 31 st A. D. 1840, at half past 8 O'clock A. M. This Certifies that Thomas M Adams and Charlotte L Smith of Norwich Conn were lawfully married by me Nov 28 th 1832 received for record December 18 1832 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 745 [245] John Henry the Son of Moses Williams and of Eliza his wife was born September 28 th A D 1822 William the son of Moses Williams and of Eliza his wife was Born November 16 th A D 1823 Moses Geer the son of Moses Williams and of Eliza his wife was Born January 26 th A D 1826 Eliza the Daughter of Moses Williams and of Eliza his wife was born October 13 th A D 1827 Abby the Daughter of Moses Williams and of Eliza his wife was Born March 18 th A D 1830 [246] Roger Smith Born in Mansfield August 28 A D 1768 and Married to Clarrissa Kelley October A D 1791 James the son of Roger Smith and of Clarrisfa his wife was born February 28 A D 1792 and Departed this Life November A D 1801 Lucy the Daughter of Roger Smith and of Clarrissa his wife was Born April 2 th A D 1795 and Departed this Life August 6 th A D 1828 Sophia the Daughter of Roger Smith and of Clarrissa his wife was Born September 19 th A D 1799 Eliza the Daughter of Roger Smith and of Clarrissa his wife was Born April 13 th A D 1802 and Departed this Life April 13 th A D 1826 Abby the Daughter of Roger Smith and of Clarrissa his wife was born May 6 th A D 1806 Julia the Daughter of Roger Smith and of Clarrissa his wife was Born May 5 th AD 1808 James the son of Roger Smith and of Clarisfa his wife was Born July 13 th 1819 M rs Clarrisfa Smith departed this life Augus 1 11 th 1823 [247] Harriet the Daughter of Freeman Lovell and of Betsey his wife was Born Oct 1 " 10 th A D. 1828. in the City of Norwich State of Connecticut Jane the Daughter of Oliver Allen and of Jerusha his wife was Born January 21 st A D 1829 and Departed this life April 27 th A D 1831 [248] William P, the son of Abel P Adams and of Lucy his wife was Born May 6 th A D 1826. David A the son of Abel P Adams and of Lucy his Wife was Born October 21 th A D 1828. Lucy L the Daughter of Abel P Adams and of Lucy his wife was Born July 17 th A D 1830. Joseph Witter the son of Samuel Carter and of Louisa his Wife was Born February 19 th A D. 1831. Louisa the Daughter of Samuel Carter and of Louisa his wife was Born September 27 th Anno Domini 1832 746 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Charlotte Elizabeth the Daughter of Samuel Carter and of Louisa his wife was Born June 15. Anno Domini 1835 Samuel the Son of Samuel Carter and of Louisa his Wife was Born May 22 nd 1837 Cynthia Ames Carter, Daughter of Samuel and Louisa Carter was born November 13 th A. D. 1838. [249] Codington Billings the son of Ralph Farnsworth and of Eunice, W, his wife was Born September 9 th A D 1829 Walter Warren the son of Ralph Farnsworth and of Eunice W his wife was Born October 10 th A D 1830 [250] To all Whom it may concern Know ye that I David N. Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on The 3 rd day of July A D 183 1 I Lawfully Joined together in Mar- riage M r James B Setchel and Mifs Elizabeth B Butler. Both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record July 6 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Abby W the Daughter of Egbert Waldo and of Abby his wife was Born June 5 th A D. 1831 [251] To all Whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Calvin G Adams & Mifs Mary ann Kingsley both of this City were Joined in Marriage at Wid. Kingsleys agreeably to The laws of the State of Connecticut on the Tenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty one By me W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Received for record July 12 th 1831 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk William Rowland the son of Freborn Olny Fletcher and of Susan his wife was Born October 8 th 1831 William Rowland the son of Freborn Olny Fletcher and of Susan his wife departed this Life September 12. 1832 [252] Newcomb the son of John Kinney and of Laura S; his wife was Born October 31 st A D 1831 Happy Robertina Kinney the Daughter of John Kinney and of Laura Sophia his wife was born January 14 th 1833 [253] Martha Ann the Daughter of Elisha S Beebe and of Ann his Wife was Born in New London Con 1 October 28 th A D l8l 5 Lydia Robinson the Daughter of Elisha S Beebe and of Ann his wife was born in Saint Louis Misfouri October 21 th 1821 George Elisha The son of Elisha S Beebe and of Ann his wife was Born in Norwich Con. 1 , April 7 th A D 1828 John E slaver the son of Elisha S Beebe and of Ann His wife was Born in Norwich Con 1 April 16 th A D 1831 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 747 [254] This may certify that on the 3 rd Day of April A D 183 1 Richard Quy of Norwich & Mary Ann Green of Provi- dence in the State of Rhode Island were lawfully Joined in Matrimonial wedlock by me at Norwich John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for record August 11 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that on the 8 th day of June A D 1831 Abra- ham Peters & Nelly Rarr both of Colchester were Lawfully Joined in matrimonial wedlock by me at Norwich John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for record August 11 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [ 2 55] This certifies that on the 21 st of August 1831. I Mar- ried M r Samuel Leffingwell Hyde to Mifs Harriet Tyler Brewer Both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Received for record August 22 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Catharine Brewer the Daughter of Samuel L Hyde and of Harriet Tyler his wife was Born June 11 th at 20 minutes past 6. O Clock P M Anno Domini 1832 Harriet Elizabeth the Daughter of Samuel L Hyde and of Harriet Tyler his wife was Born December 11 th Anno Domini 1834 [256] This may certify that George W Andrews and Wealthy E Ladd were by me Joined in bands of Matrimony agreeably to the Laws of this State Barnabus Phinney Pastor of the Sec d Church Lisbon Norwich August 14 th 1831 Received for record September 12 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all Whom it May Concern — Know Ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 21 st Day of September A D 1831 I Lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r Shaler Higby of the Town of Middletown and Mifs Sally Abby Gifford of said Town of Nor- wich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record September 24 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk f 2 57] Charles Henry the Son of Joseph Fletcher and of Elizabeth his wife was Born March 8 th A D 1831 748 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This certifies that on the 6 th of November 183 1 I Married M r William Clark Wyman of Boston Masfachusetts to Mifs Esther Clapp Coit of Norwich S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record November 14 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [258] To all Whom it may Concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 11 th Day of September A D 1831 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r Joseph Wheatly & Mifs Eliza Alberts all of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record September 24 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This May certify that Daniel Gager and Abby Bushnell Were Lawfully united in Marriage the 21 st Day of September A D 1831 Joseph Strong Paster of the first Society in Norwich Received for record September 28 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [259] To all Whom it may Concern This is to Certify that M r John W. Arnold and Mifs Prudence Bowen both of this City were Joined in Marriage at M r Charles Bowens Norwich agreeably To the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Twenty fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty one By Me Norwich Sept 25 183 1 W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Received for record September 25 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk The following persons were married by me on Tuesday Evening 13 th September 1831 M r Nathaniel B Adams to Mifs Mary Carpenter both of this Town Ch s Hyde Received for record October 7 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [260] This certifies that Rev d Alfred Mitchel of Norwich and Mifs Lucretia M Woodbridge of Lyme were Married by me January 10 th A D 181 5 Josiah Hawes Pastor of 3 d Church Received for record October 14 183 1 in Lyme Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Lucretia Woodbridge the Daughter of Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M. his wife was born March 12 th A D 1816 and De- parted this Life May 27 th A D 181 7 Stephen Mix the Son of Alfred Mitchel and of Lucretia M his wife was born April 13 th A D 1818 Lucretia Woodbridge the Daughter of Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M. his wife was born June 24 th A D 1820 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 749 Donald Grant the son of the Rev d Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M his wife was Born April 12 th A D. 1822. Elizabeth Mum ford the Daughter of Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M his wife was Born July 7 th A D 1824 Louis the Daughter of Rev d Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M his Wife was Born November 7 A D 1826. Mary Perkins the Daughter of the Rev d Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M his wife was Born April I th A D 1829 and De- parted this Life April 17 th A D 1830 Alfred the Son of the Rev d Alfred Mitchell and of Lucretia M, his wife was Born Jan y 8 th A D 1831 and Departed this Life February 5 th A D 183 1 Alfred the Son of Rev d Alfred Mitchel and of Lucretia his Wife was born April I st A D 1832 The Rev d Alfred Mitchell departed this Life [261] This certifies that Cha s Worthington & Eliza Brewster both of Norwich were Lawfully married Nov 1- 25 th 1830 by me Received for record October 14 th 183 1 Alfred Mitchell Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that diaries How and Louisa Lester were law- fully Married by Me May 23 th 1831 Alfred Mitchell Received for record October 14 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [262] This certifies that Holdridge Dewey of Lock Port N Y and Harriet N Kinney of Norwich were Lawfully Married July 23 th 1831 by me Alfred Mitchell Received for record October 14 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that Henry W Robinson of Windham and Caro- line M Willoughby were lawfully Married August 7 th 1831 By Me Alfred Mitchell Received for record October 14 th 183 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [263] This Certifies that John A Rockwell and Mary Wat- kinson Perkins both of Norwich were lawfully Married Sep* 28 183 1 By Me Alfred Mitchell Received for record October 14 th 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [264] To all Whom it may Concern This is to certify that M r W m Tracy and Mifs Bethiah Babcock both of this Town were Joined in Marriage at the House of agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the First day of December in the year of our Lord One Thou- sand Eight hundred and thirty one By Me W m Palmer Norwich December I th 183 1 minister of the Gospel Received for record December i the . 1831 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 75° NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This certifies that M r W m B Mulkey and Sophia Bromley were united in Marriage by me L D Jewitt Minister of the Gospel January I th 1832 Received for record January 10 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk See W m . B. Mulkey's Record of Marriage on 6 th Book, mar- riages at page 414 [265] Joseph Housten Kimmell the Son of Conrad Kimmell and of Sarah his wife was Born May 2 nd A D 1825 Births, Children of Stephen Allen & Nancy his wife Sarah Goodno the Daughter of Stephen Allen and of Nancy his wife was Born February 13 th A D 1831 Jane Louisa the Daughter of Stephen Allen and of Nancy his wife was born December i l A D. 1832 [266] To all people to Whom it May Concern This is to certify That M r Jeremiah C Brown and Mifs Caroline Lanphere both of this City were Joined in Marriage at my house Agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the fifteenth Day of January in the year of our Lord One thou- sand eight hundred and Thirty two By Me William Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich Jany 15 th 1832 Received for record January 31 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that James Orrus Guy and Sally Charles both of Norwich were Lawfully and Solemly joined in Mar- riage by me John Sterry Minister of the Gospel Norwich July 14 th 1822 Received for record Feb y 18: 1835 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk [267I This certifies that on the sixth day of February 1832 I Married Charles Cutler of Jewets City to Lovisa W Cooley of Norwich Seth Blisf, Pastor of a church in Jewets City Norwich Feb y 7 th 1832 Received for record Feb 7 21 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I certify that on the 8 th day of January 1832 I married Edward Bushnell of Lisbon to Sally Thompon Peter Sabin Pastor of the Church in Norwich Received for record March 9 th 1832 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [268] I certify that on the of October 1831 I married Levi Perry to Emily Chalton both of this town of Norwich Peter Sabin Pastor of the Church in Norwich Received for record March 9 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 751 I certify that on the 5 th day of June 1831 I married Nathaniel Shumway of Oxford Mafs u to Catharine Daniels of Plainfield State of Connecticut Peter Sabin Pastor of the Church in Norwich Received for record March 9 th 1832 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [269] I certify that on the 21 st day of November 1831 I married Benjamin Perry of Lebanon Conn 1 to Lorinda Harris of this town of Norwich Peter Sabin Pastor of the Church in Norwich Received for record March 9 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that M r Benjamin F Gold of Cornwall and Miss Elizabeth H Doane of Norwich were lawfully Married by me Cornelius B Everest March 24 th 1834 Received for record April 23. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that M r George H Cox and Miss Maria Merryfield of Norwich were lawfully Married by me April 3 rd 1834 Cornelius B Everest Received for record April 23 : 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [270] To all whom it may Concern This is to certify that M r Noah P Morse and Mifs Eliabeth W Hyde both of This town were joined in marriage at my house in Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the First day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Thirty two By me William Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich April i l 1832 Received for record April 3 nd 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Owen Stead, his Children Roxanna Jane the Daughter of Owen Stead and of Jane Ade- line his wife was born November 11 th A D 1832 Lucy Maria, Daughter of Owen and Jane Adeline Stead was Born November I st A. D. 1834 Emma Christiana, Daughter of Owen and Jane Adeline Stead, was born September 20 th A. D. 1837 Esther Ann, Daughter of Owen and Jane Adeline Stead was Born March 15 th A. D. 1840 George Owen son of Owen and Jane Adeline Stead was born September 3 d A. D. 1847. [271] Married April 9 th 1832 M r Charles Congdon to Mifs Harriet M Manning both of Norwich Received for record April 10 th 1832 by Charles Hyde Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 752 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Married by the Subscriber on Sunday 15 Inst M r Benjamin F Robinson to Mifs Harriet Pitgood both of this Town Cha s Hyde Pastor Congregational Church in Norwich Norwich 19 April 1832 Receved for record April 19 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [272] To all Whom it may concern Know Ye — That I David N Bentley an ordined Minister of the methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 4 th day of April A D 1832 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r Stephen C Crocker of the Town of Waterford & Widow Lucinda Johnson of the Town of Mont- ville all in the State of Connecticut. D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record April 19 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To, all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Jacob Edwards & Mifs Mary ami Widger both of this Town were Joined in marriage at my House agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hun- dred and thirty two By Me W m Palme minister of the Gospel Norwich April 15 1832 Received for record April 21 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [273] This may certify that Samuel C Hibbard of Norwich and Mary P Maples of Montville were lawfully Married on the first day of April 1832 Peter Sabin Ordained p r Receved for record April 24 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that M r Lyman Austin and Miss Julia Lamb of Norwich were lawfully Married by Me April 28 th 1834 Received for record April 28 th 1834 Cornelius B. Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [274] Amos Avery the son of Avery D Herskell and of Clarrissa his wife was Born February 22 A D 1831 Clarrissa Ann daughter of Avery D Herskell and Clarrifsa his wife was born January 17 th A. D. 1836. Guy Davenport Charles Davenport the son of Guy Davenport and of Betsey Ann his wife was born in Norwich Conn 1 October 14 th 1830 [275] This may certify that George H Edgerton and Cath- arine R Miller of Norwich were lawfully married by me March 29 th 1832 Cornelius B Everest Received for record April 28 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 753 Catharine Eliza daughter of George H Edgerton & Catharine R his wife was born 25 th March 1833 Georgiana Lucretia daughter of George H Edgerton & Cath- arine his Wife was 'born 26 th March 1837 Anna Lynch, daughter of George H Edgerton and Catharine R. his wife Was born September n. 1842 To all Whom it may Concern this is to certify that Mr Alvin Wickham and Miss Harriet M Nichols both of this City were Joined in Marriage at Mr John Nichols agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the 29th day of April In the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty two By me Norwich April 29 — 1832 William Palmer Receved for record May I th 1832 minister of the Gospel Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [276] This certifies that on the 8 the of May 1832 I Maried Cap* James L Day, to Mifs Nancy E. Clerk both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record May 9 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I certify that on the 14 day of May 1832 I Married Horatio N Barstow to Martha D Witt both of Norwich Conn Received for record May 16 th 1832 Ja s T Dickinson Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [277] I certify that on the 15 th day of May 1832 I Marreid Lewis Edwards of Berlin Conn to Julia ami Bolles of Norwich Conn James T Dickinson Received for record May 16 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all Whom it may concern This is to certify That Mr Daniel Byrne & Mifs Betsey Chapell both of this City were Joined in Marriage at Mr Tho s Comstock's agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Twenty second day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty two By Me W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Received for record May 25 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [278] This Certifies that on the 28 th of May 1832 I Married Mr Daniel Tyler of the U S Army to Mifs Emily Lee of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Received for record May 29 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 13 754 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that on the 6 th of June 1832 I Married Ed- ward B Huntington of New York to Sarah A Huntington of this place Ja s T Dickinson Pastor of the second Congregational Church Norwich Received for record June 7 th 1832 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk [279] I certify that on the 20 th day of May 1832 Peleg Arm- strong and Mary Wentworth both of Norwich were lawfully Joined in Marriage By Me Peter Sabin Or" 1 p r receved for record June 8 th 1832 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk- To all Whom it may concern Know Ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 7 th day of June A D 1832. I lawfully joined together in marriage M r John A Robinson and Mifs Mary E Callyhan all of s d town of Nor- wich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record June 8 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Frank A. Robinson Son of John A. Robinson and his wife Mary E. Was born August 3 185 1 [280] To all whom it may concern This Is to certify that M r Geo Loomis and Mifs Jemima S. Maples both of this City were Joined in Marriage at my house agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the Tenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two By me Norwich June 10 th 1832 W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Receved for record June 11 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk (See page 425 this book) This is a testimonial that Mr Isaac M Andrufs of Newark N. J. and Mifs Lydia I Austin of Norwich Con 1 were lawfully Mar- ried May 21 1832 ; Samuel Nott ; Pastor Received for record June 13 1832 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [281] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 2i Bt day of June A D 1832 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr John E Comstock and Mifs Sarah Ann Holmes both of the Town of Bozrah in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record June 29 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 755 This may certify that on the 18 th day of December A D 1831 Erasmus Ames and Sally Mason both of Norwich were joined in Matrimonal wedlock by John H Townsend Received for record August 4 th 1832 Justice of the Peace Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [282] To all whom it may concern This is to certify That M r Luther Case & Mifs Elizabeth Palmer both of this town were Joined in Marraige at agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two By Me W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich July 15 th . 1832 Received for record July 16 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 6 the of August 1832 I Married Mr Charles Avery of New London to Mifs Louisa Cooledge of this town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record August 9 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [283] To all whom it may concern This is to Certify That Mr Geo C Sterry of Norwich & Mifs Mary B Mason of Bozrah were Joined in Marriage Eldr W m Palmer Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the sixth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two By me Davis T Shailer minister of the Gospel Received for record August 9 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 12 th day of August A D 1832 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr George C Brown and Mifs Eliza Wheeler both of the Town of Groton New London County and State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record August 16 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [284] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 12 th day of August A D 1832 I lawfully Joined together in mar- riage Mr Joshua S Wheeler and Mifs Mercelia Spalding all of Said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record August 16 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 756 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This Certifies that on the 31 st of August 1832 I Married M r Jo- seph Baum of Demarara to Mifs Susan Peirce of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Received for record September I st 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [285] To all whom it may concern Know ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 3 rd day of September A D 1832 I lav/fully Joined together in Marriage Mr Benj n H Muzzy of Rutland (Vt) and Mifs Celia Ann Lanphere of Hopkinton (R I) all residing in s d Norwich (Con) D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record Sept 5 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify, that in the town of Norwich on the 19 th day of August A D 1832 I lawfully Joined together in marriage Mr Elisha Spalding and Mifs Nancy Somers both of s d Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record Sept r 5 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [286] Ann; the Daughter of Alfred R Beebe and of Nancy his wife was born in the town of Hartford Connecticut October 15 th A D 1820 Alfred the son of Alfred R Beebe and of Nancy his wife was Born in the town of New London and State of Connecticut Jan- uary 19 th 1825 N B. Alfred R Beebe and Nancy his wife were born in New London. Married Edward J Felix of the City New York & Sybil A Madison of Norwich Aug 20. 1832 by me Cornelius B Everest Received for record September 8, 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [287] Married Orlando A Wood of Savanna; Georgia and Augusta M Claghorn of Norwich Aug. 23 1832 By me Received for record September 8 th 1832 Cornelius B Everest Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern 1 This is to certify That M r John H Palmer and Eliza A Phillips of this City were joined in Mar- riage at Mr Lewis, Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State 'Preceding this the words "To all people to whom these presents shall come" are written and crossed out. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 757 of Connecticut on the Twenty third day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty two By Me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Sept 23. 1832. Received for record September 24, 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [288] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Reuben P Congdon & Mifs Nancy Case both of this City were joined in Marriage at my house agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two By me William Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich Sep"" 10. 1832 Received for record September 11 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern. This is to Certify that M r Albert Post and Caroline Daley both of this City were Joined in Mar- riage at my house in Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Seventh day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two By me Norwich Octo 7 1832 W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Receved for record October 8 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [289] This certifies that Stephen C Smith & Abby Ann Gif- ford both of this Town were Married on tuesday the 2 nd Inst by the Subscriber Cha s Hyde Norwich October 3 — 1832 Received for record October 8 th 1832 Alex d Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify That Mr An- thony Gorton and Mifs Nancy Smith both of this City were joined in marriage at my house Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty two By me Norwich Oct 14 — 1832 W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Received for Record October 16 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [290] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Josiah Brumley of Preston and Mifs Nancy L Boon of this town were joined in Marriage at agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Eleventh day of Nov 1 " in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two By Me W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich November 11 th 1832 Received for record November 12 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 758 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern This is to certify That Mr Elisha M c Cali of Marlborough and Mifs Lavinia H Pope of this City were joined in Marriage at Mrs Pope 8 Norwich falls agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty two By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov 4 1832 Received for record November 12 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [291] To all whom it may Concern This is to Certify that Mr. Andrew Leffingwell of Bozrah to Mifs Sally T Sabin of this Town were joined in Marriage at my house Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & thirty two By Me W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov 11 1832 Received for record November 12 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that George Hopkins was lawfully married to Esther Cooley both of this Town on the 15 th Oc* 1832 Norwich Nov 1832 Peter Sabin p r Received for Record November 17 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [292] Thomas Williams & Harriet Brown of Norwich were Lawfully Married Nov : 20. 1832 by me Cornelius B Everest Received for record November 23 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies That Archippus S Parish of Reeding nfs (?) and Susan C Wheeler of Norwich Con" were Lawfully married on 2" of Dec" 1832 Peter Sabin Ordained p r Received for record Deceme'ber 11 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [293] This May certify that Tho s Soamen of Long Island N Y and Abigail B Stockman of New London Ct were Lawfully married Oc* 2" 1832 Peter Sabin Stationed p r in Norwich Received for record December 11 th 1832 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the I st of January 1833 I Married M r Sylvester Graham Lusk of the City of New York to Mifs Eliza- beth Freeman Adams of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Rec d for record Jan y 2" 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 759 [294] Calvin Tyler the son of Henry B Norton and of Eme- line his Wife was born in Norwich Conn 1 . October 12 th A D 1832 For record of the Family of Henry B. Norton, See 6 th Book of Marriages &c. Page 200. Born Dec 15. 1836 Lydia Jane daughter of James M and Han- nah M Gardner Norwich City [295] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 16 th day of December A. D. 1832 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Henry Hinkley of the town of Hebron and Mrs Sybel Den- nis of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut David N Bentley ordained minister Rec d for record January 3 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that M r Charles Arnold and Mifs Mary O Jones both of Norwich were united in Marriage on thirsday 3 rd Jan- uary 1833 by the subscriber Cha s Hyde Pastor Cong" Church Norwich Falls Norwich 17 January 1833 Received for record January 21, 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [296] This Certifies that M r Don. Alonzo Leeds of Ashford and Mifs Eliza Ann Minarel of Norwich we married on the 20 Inst by the subscriber Cha s Hyde Pastor Norwich Falls church Norwich 21 January 1833 Received for record January 21 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [297] Henry Ward the son of Ichabod 'Ward and of Mary his wife was born in Windham & County of Windham and State of Connecticut February 11 th Anno Domini 1792 Nancy E Huntington was born in Norwich February 23 th 1804 Henry Ward and Nancy E Huntington were Married February 11 th 1822 Henry H the son of Henry Ward and of Nancy E his wife was Born in Norwich Connecticut November 27 th A. D. 1822 Thomas Spencer the son of Henry Ward and Nancy E his wife was Born June 26 th Anno Domini 1825 Ann Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Ward and of Nancy E his wife was born August 22 nd Anno Domini 1827 Henry H the son of Henry Ward and of Nancy E his wife was Departed this Life November 27 th Anno Domini 1828 Levi Kneeland H the son of Henry Ward and of Nancy E his wife was born September 28: 1830 at 20 minutes befor 11. O. Clock AM 1830 760 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Ann Elizabeth Ward departed this Life March 26 th 1831 Henry the Son of Henry Ward and Nancy E his wife was Born April 23 Anno Domini 1833 [298] This Certifieth that Ferdinand Champion of Wind- ham and Celia Ann Tibbets of Norwich were lawfully Married Jan "2" 1833 Peter Sa'bin P r Received for record February 11 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This May Certify that Tho Neff of Preston, Sally Brumley of Norwich were lawfully Married Jan 20 th 1833 P Sabin: Received for record February 11 th 1833 St p r in Norwich Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [299] Alfred. Y. the son of George Hebard and of Harriet his wife was Born December 15 th Anno Domini 1832 George S. Son of George & Harriet Hebard was born Octo- ber 25 th 1834 Henry, Son of George & Harriet Hebard was born September 24 th 1836 Ann Eliza Daughter of George & Harriet Hebard was born October 25th 1837 Horace, Son of George & Harriet Hebard was born December 31 st 1839 Harriet, Daughter of George & Harriet Hebard was born No- vember 28 th 1841 This Certifies that on the 27 th day of Jan y 1833 I Married M r Benjamin Walker to Mifs Alvira C Newcomb both of this Town S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record February 26: 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [300] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do certify that in the town of Norwich on the 10 th day of Febru- ary. A. D. 1833 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r Reu- ben W Beckwith of the Town of Plainfield and Misf Lydia John- son of the town of Lisbon all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record February 27 th 1833 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies That on the 15 th April 1833 James B Goddard was Married by me to Jane Newton Adams both of this town Ja s T Dickinson Pator of the 2 nd Congregational Church Received for record April 20, 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Mary Newton the Daughter of James B Goddard and of Jane N his wife was Born March 15 th Anno Domini 1834 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 761 [301] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify That in the town of Norwich on the I st day of January A. D. 1833 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r Charles Kingsley and Mifs Evaline Spalding both of s d town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minster Received for record February 2j: 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Record of the Family of Henry Allen continued from page 302 d , this Book. Sarah Elizabeth Allen, Daughter of Henry and Sarah Allen was born on the 13 th day of August, Anno Domini, 1848. George Tracy Allen, son of Henry and Sarah Allen died on the 20 th October 1851. William Henry Allen, son of Henry & Sarah Allen, was born June 26 th A. D. 1852. Sarah Elizabeth Allen, daughter of Henry & Sarah Allen died on the 13 th September, 1853. [302] This Certifies that on the 13 th of March 1833 Henry Allen of Norwich was married by me to Sarah Tracy also of Norwich Ja s . T. Dickinson Pastor of the 2 Cong 1 . Church Norwich 16 th March 1833 Received for record March 16 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk George Tracy Allen the son of Henry Allen and of Sarah his wife was born on the 30 th day of August A. D. 1835. Emily Travilla Allen the daughter of Henry Allen and of Sarah his wife was born on the 9 th day of August A D 1837 Amos Denison Allen Jun. Son of Henry and Sarah Allen was born on the 12 th day of November Anno Domini 1842. Susan Capron Allen, daughter of Henry and Sarah Allen, was born on the 3 rd day of June Anno Domini, 1845 For continuation of Records of the family of Henry Allen see the next preceding page — viz. 301 st of this book. To all whom it may Concern This is to Certify That Mr. Ezra Huntley and Misf Mary Saunders both of this City were joined in Marriage at Mr Tho s Browns Norwich according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on Wednesday evening Mar 27 in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty three By Me W m . Palmer V. D. M. Norwich Mar. 27. 1833 Received for record March 28 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [3°3l To all whom it may concern This is to Certify That M r Rhodes Cornell and Mifs Sarah Sherman both of this City 762 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS were joined in Marriage at Mr Nathaniel H Shermans according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty three JBy Me William Palmer Norwich March 17th 1833 Received for record March 28" 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Harriet Maria the Daughter of Caleb B Rogers and of Harriet S his wife was born March 2 nd . A. D. 1833 [304] Walter Lester and Mary E Carpenter of Norwich were lawfully Married by me March 27. 1833 Received for record April 6 th 1833 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that on the 16 th day of December. A. D. 1832 John S Brewster of Lisbon and Elizabeth Delile Miller of Colches- ter were lawfully joined in Matrimonial wedlock at Norwich By me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for record April 11 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [305] This may certify That Moses Graham of Norwich and Mary Pease of Sufneld were lawfully Married March 10. 1833 Received for record April 12. 1833 P Sabin St p r Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Charles L Whaley and Emma E Smith of Montville were Mar- ried March 18: 1833. Received for record April 12 : 1833 P Sabin p r Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Charles T Griffin and Belinda C Denison of Norwich were law- fully Married April 5. 1833 Received for record April 12 1833 P Sabin Ordained p r Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [306] This Certifieth That Joseph Thompson of Norwich and Julia Ann Phillips of Killingly were lawfully married by me April 8 th 1833 P Sabin Ordained, Preacher Received for record April 12" 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern : Know Ye That I David N Bent- ley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify, That in the Town of Norwich on the 22 nd day of April A D 1833 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r David G Bentley and Mifs Arabella W Meach all of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut David N Bentley, ordained Minister Received for record April 24 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 763 [307] To all whom it may concern This is to Certify That M r Oliver Wheeler and Mifs Lydia Button both of Montville were joined in Marriage at my house agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty three By me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich April 24. 1833 Received for record April 24 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 24 th of April 1833 Leander Griswold and Lydia Hebard both of this place were by me united in mar- riage Ja s T Dickinson Pastor of the 2 nd Cong 1 Ch Norwich 25 th . April 1833 Received for record April 25" 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [308] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the I st day of May A D 1833 I Lawfully joined together in Marriage M r William A Comstock of Seekonk Mafs and Mifs Caroline Perego of the town of Lisbon in the State of Connecticut Receved for record May 3 1833 D N Bentley ordained Minster Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Ezlean Son of William A Comstock & Caroline his Wife was born 10th August 1836 To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do here- by Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 28 th day of April A D 1833 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr George W Proffit of the town of Situate R I and Mifs Eliza Roberson of the town of Franklin in Connecticut Rec d for record May 8" 1833 D N Bentley ordained minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [309] This May Certify that on the 2 nd day of April. A. D. 1833 J°hn Snow of Windham and Mary L. Mabry of Norwich were lawfully united in Marriage by me Joseph Strong Pator of first Soc y in Norwich Received for record May 9 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies That M r Asa I Hinckley of Mansfield and Mifs Abby Ann Jepson were Married by the Subscriber this day May 16. 1833 Ch s Hyde Pastor Norwich Falls Church Received for record May 16 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 764 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 18 th day of August A D 1833 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage M r Daniel B Curtis of Rhode Island and M rs Sybel Hinkley of s d Norwich in the State of Connecticut Rec d for record Aug 1 19. 1833 D N Bentley ordained Minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [310] Jabez W Huntington of Litchfield and Sally Ann Hunt- ington of Norwich were lawfully Married by me May 22: 1833 Received for record May 24; 1833 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 27 th May 1833 Marriage was cele- brated by me between George B Crandall and Sarah C Culver both of this City Ja s T Dickinson Pastor of the Norwich 30 th May 1833 second Congregational Church Received for record May 30: 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [311] Edward A Sterry and Catharine A Sperry were law- fully Married on the 26" of May 1833 by me Received for record June 3" 1833 P Sabin St p 1 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 2 d June 1833 Marriage was celebrated by me between James H Si f son and Nancy Pendleton both of this Town Ja s T Dickinson Norwich 3 d June 1833 Pastor 2 d Congregational Church Received for record June 3 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [312] To all whom it may concern This is to Certify That Mr William Weaver of Brooklyn N Y and Mifs Percia Ann Spencer of this City were joined in Marriage at my house agree- ably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on the Twenty Sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty three By Me Norwich June 26" 1833 W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Received for record June 27" 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that on the fifteenth day of April A D 1833 Sumner Baker of Stonington and Bulah Cornwall of Colches- ter were joined in Matrimonial wedlock by me at Norwich John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Rec d for record June 29. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 765 [313] This Certifies That on the I st day of July 1833 I Mar- ried M r Abram Rusfell Jun r of Philadelphia to Mifs Mary Tyler of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record July 4 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Air Eben Crocker and Mifs Cordelia Howard both of this City were Joined in Marriage at Mr. Howards agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the 4 th day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty three By Me William Palmer Minister of the Gospel Norwich July 4" 1833 Received for record July 6 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [314] To all whom it may concern Know ye That I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the town of Norwich (Conn) on the 7 th day of July A D 1833 I lawfully joined together in Mar- riage M r Henry Henson of Copenhagen (Europe) and Mifs Abby Mallery of sand Norwich David N Bentley Received for record July 20: 1833 ordained Minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies That on the 17 th July 1833 John Ingersoll of S l Marys, Georgia was Married by me to Sarah Coit Boswell of this place Ja s T Dickinson Pator of the 2 nd Congregational Church Norwich 29 th July 1833 Received for record July 29. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [315] This Certifies that on the 21 st day of July 1833 Eli Smith Misfionary to western Asia was Married by me to Sarah Lanman Huntington of this place Ja s T Dickinson Pastor of the 2 nd Cong 1 Ch Norwich 29 th July 1833 Received for record July 29 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 28 th July 1833 William W Coit of this place was Married by me to Nancy Maria Bolles of this place Ja s T Dickinson Pastor of the 2 nd Cong 1 Ch Norwich 29 th July 1833 Received for record July 29 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [316] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that M r Jared Dennis and Mifs Nancy Congdon both of this City were 766 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS joined in Marriage at my house Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the Fourth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty three By me W m Palmer ; Minister of the Gospel Norwich Aug. 4. 1833 Received for record Aug 1 5. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This May Certify that W m Henry Congdon of Windham and Mary Babcock of Norwich were lawfully Married by me August 4. 1833 Cornelius B Everest Received for record Aug c 5. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [317] This May Certify That John Bishop and Fanny F Avery of Norwich were lawfully Married by me August 5 : 1833 Received for record Augus 5 : 1833 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 31 st August 1833 George Bingham of Windham was married by me to Mary Ann Bliven of Westerly R I Ja s . T. Dickinson Pastor 2 d Cong Ch Norwich September 9 th 1833 Received for record September 9 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [318] This Certifies That on the 29 th of August 1833 Rensse- laer N Havens of Pittsburg was married by me to Elizabeth Dwight of this Town Ja s T Dickinson Norwich Aug* 29 1833 Pastor 2 nd Cong 1 Ch Received for record August 29 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies That on the 5 th Sept*. 1833 Benjamin A Wickes of Cranston. R. I. was Married by me to Typhena Hoxsie of West Greenwich R. I. Ja s T Dickinson Norwich 9 Sep 1 1833 Pastor 2 nd Cong 1 Ch Received for record September 9 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [319] This may Certify That Rev. John M. S. Perry of Men- don Mass. and Harriet J Lathrop of Norwich were lawfully mar- ried by Me Aug 4 . 11 th 1833 Cornelius B Everest Received for record Sep 1 9" 1833 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk I do hereby Certify that M r W m Burlingham and Mifs Sarah A Gardner both of Norwich were lawfully Joined together in Mar- riage July 22 nd 1833 by me Isaac Stoddard an ordained Minister in the M. E. Church Received for record Sep 1 13 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 767 [320] I Do hereby Certify That Mr Amasa Standish of Pres- ton and Mifs Lydia A Davis of Norwich were lawfully joined together in Marriage August 15 th 1833 by me Isaac Stoddard Ordained Minister in the M E. Church Received for record September 13 th 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I do hereby Certify that M r Samuel Laid and Mifs Sarah E Gale both of New London were Lawfully joined together in Marriage by me Isaac Stoddard Ordained Minister Norwich August 15 th . 1833 in the Methodist Episcopal Church Received for record Sep 1 13 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I do hereby certify that Rev d Ezra Withey and Mifs Harriet Edgerton both of this Town were lawfully joined together in mar- riage by me Isaac Stoddard Ordained Minister Norwich September 9 : 1833 in the Methodist Episcopal Church Received for record Sep 1 13 : 1833 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [321] This Certifies that on the 16 th September 1833 I Mar- ried Mr Albert Smith to Mifs Lucy Huntington Tracy both of this Town S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Received for record September 16 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that Gilbert L Rice and Jennetta A Petty both of this town were united in Marriage according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the 9 th day of Sep 1 1833 by the Sub- scriber Cha s Hyde Pastor Cong 1 Ch Norwich falls Received for record September 23 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Married by the Subscriber on the 4 th September 1833 M f Charles Butler Jr of New London to Mifs Lucy Caroline Williams of Stonington Cha s Hyde Pastor Cong Ch Norwich Falls Received for record September 23 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [322] This is to Certify that M r Burnham Cook of Preston and Mifs Lucy Ann Lamphere of this City were united in Mar- riage on the I st day of Sept 1833 by the Subscriber Cha s Hyde Pastor Cong' Ch Norwich Falls Received for record September 23. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This is to certify That Mr Austin W Roath of Preston and Mifs Eliza A Brumley of this Citv were joined in marriage at Dr D Brumleys Norwich agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the First day of October in 7 68 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty three By me Norwich Oct i. 1833 William Palmer minister of the Gospel Received for record October 3" 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [323] Alfred Lee Esq Benjamin Lee the son of Alfred Lee and of Julia his wife was born in Norwich September 26 th A D 1833 This certifies that M r James M Cogswell and Mifs Mary H De Witt both of Norwich were married on the 8 th Ins 1 by the Sub- scriber according to the Laws of this State Ch s Hyde Pastor Norwich Falls Church Norwich 12 October 1833 Received for record October 31. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [324] I hereby certify that M r Bera Kent of Franklin and Mifs Hannah Barstow of Norwich were lawfully Married on the 6 th day of October Anno Domini 1833 By me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Received for record November 7 th 1833 Alex 1 * Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr Rusfell Maine of North Stonington and Mifs Lavinia Lincoln of Norwich were Lawfully Married on the 15 th day of September Anno Domini 1833 By Me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Received for record November 7 1833 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [325] To all whom it may concern This is to Certify That Ja s J Cornell and Maria A Perkins both of this City were joined in Marriage at my house agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the third day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty three By me Norwich Nov r 3 : 1833 W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Received for record November 11. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern Know Ye that I David N Bentley an ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 8 th day of October. A. D. 1833 I. lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Joseph S Clark of Bridgeport and Mifs Alice Smith of Norwich City all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record November 20 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 769 Joseph S. the Son of Joseph S Clark and of his wife Alice was Born November 29 A. D. 1834 William Henry, Son of Joseph S and Alice Clark was Born October 15 th A. D. 1838 [326] To all whom it may concern Know Ye that I David N Bentley an Ordained Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 27 th day of October. A. D. 1833 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Air David Osborn of said Norwich and Mifs Rachel C Pratt of Say- brook all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record Novem r 29. 1833 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that on the day of November A D 1833 Elijah Kellogg of Marlborough and Maria R Marsh of Colches- ter were united in Marriage by me Joseph Strong Pastor of first Church in Norwich Received for record December 2. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may that Jeremiah Sawyer of Lyme Con* and Lydia Austin of Exeter. R. I. were lawfully Married Nov 1 " 10. 1833 by me Received for record December 2. 1833 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [327] Andrew Backus Huntington and Mifs Jane Eliza Nor- ris were lawfully married in the City of Baltimore December 17 th A. D. 1829. By Joseph William Norris the son of Andrew B Hungtinton and of Jane Eliza his wife was born in the City of Baltimore Novem- ber 26 th . A. D. 1830 and departed this Life April 24 th Anno Domini 183 1 Joseph William Norris the son of Andrew B Huntington and Jane Eliza his wife was born in the City of Baltimore January 27 th Anno Domini 1832 Eunice Sarah Norris the Daughter of Andrew B Huntington and of Jane Eliza his wife was born in the Town of Norwich November 20 th Anno Domini 1833 Andrew Backus Son of Andrew B Huntington and of Jane Eliza his wife was born in the Town of Norwich June I st Anno Domini 1835 [328] To all whom it may concern This is to certify that Calvin R Stetson and Eliza Jane Beebe both of this City were joined in marriage at M r William Beebes Norwich agreeably to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the twenty seventh day of 14 7?o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS November in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Thirty three By Me W m Palmer minister of the Gospel Norwich Nov 27. 1833 Received for record November 29. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 26 th of December 1833 I Married M r Giles Kinney Coats To Mifs Charlotte Fitch Brown both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Rec d for record December 26. 1833 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that I Married Mr George T Bingham to Mifs Eunice Neff both of this Town Isaac Stoddard Norwich April 20th 1834 Minister of the Golspel Received for record April 23 : 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [329] To all whom it may concern This is to Certify that Ly- man Maples and Lucinda Wells both of this town were joined in Marriage at my house in Norwich according to the laws of the State of Connecticut on the 22 d of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty three By Me Norwich Dec 22 1833 William Palmer. V. D. M. Received for record January 2" 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that Thomas M Coon and Eliza R Walden both of this town were Married by me on the 29. December 1833 ac- cording to the Laws of this State Ch s Hyde Pastor Cong Church Norwich Falls Norwich Jany 1. 1834 Received for record January 2" 1834 Alex 1 * Lathrop Town Clerk [330] This certifies that on Monday 17 th February 1834 Isaac W Hakes of Stonington was Married by me to Mary Ann West of Lee Ja s T Dickinson Pastor of 2 d Cong 1 church Norwich Norwich February 18. 1834 Received for record February 18. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that D e Witt Sterry and Lovisa Day both of this Town were Lawfully married by the Subscriber on the 9 th ins 1 Cha s Hyde Pastor Cong 1 Church Norwich Falls Norwich 11 Feb 7 1834 Received for record March 21. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 771 This may Certify that Mr Rowland Babcock and Miss Mary Wheeler of Norwich were Lawfully Married by me May 20 th 1834 Cornelius B Everest Received for record June 14 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [33 1 ] T° all whom it may concern This is to Certify that M r Cha 8 Maples of Montville and Mil's Tabitha P Lamb of Nor- wich Ct., were joined in Marriage at M r Daniel Beebe's agreeably to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hun- dred and thirty four By me Norwich March 29. 1834 W m Palmer Minister of the Gospel Received for record March 31. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that Robert W Packer of Plainfield and Esther F Baker of Bozrah were this day united in Marriage by me Dennis Piatt Minister of the Gospel Norwich Greenville September 23. 1833 Received for record April 7.. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that Abner C Adams and Lucinda Storer both of Norwich were this day united in Marriage by Me Dennis Piatt Minister of the Gospel Norwich Greeneville, Sept r 2^. 1833 Received for record April 7. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [332] Zimry L Smith his childrens births Maria Louisa the Daughter of Zimry L. Smith and of Eliza L his wife was Born in Norwich May 7 th A D 1833. To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r Peleg Rose Jun r and Mifs Su- sannah C Forse both of the Town of Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut Norwich April 16 th 1834 D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record April 18: 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [333] This Certifies that Jesse Y Niles and Harriet Boswell both of this Town were married by me on Monday 5 th May 1834 Norwich 17 th May 1834 Ja s T Dickinson Pastor 2 nd Cong 1 Church Received for record May 17 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 28 clay of May A D 1834 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Elbridge G Allen and Miss Harriet A Case both of said Norwich 772 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record June 6 th 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Harriet G. Allen daughter of Elbridge G. Allen and Harret his wife was born 10 th August 1836 Sarah E. Allen daughter of Elbridge G. Allen and Harriet his wife was born 19 th January 1839 This certifies that Elbridge G. Allen of Norwich & Catharine Thompson of Hampton were joined in marriage by me Oct. I st 1843. Rich d . Livesey — Minister of the M. E. Church Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk [334] Phillips Gilman was born in the Town of Exeter State of New Hampshire on the 8 th Day of April Anno Domini 1789 Betsey Gilman was Born in the Town of Exeter and State of New Hampshire on the 22 th day of March Anno Domini. 1790 Phillips Gilman and Betsey Gilman were Married in the Town of Exeter State of New Hampshire on the 8 day of November A D 1815 All which will fully appear on the records of said town or County of Rockingham & State aforesaid Charlotte Ives the Daughter of Phillips Gilman and of his wife Betsey was born in Exeter New Hampshire on the 24 th day of June 18 1 7 Mary Elizabeth the Daughter of Phillips Gilman and of his wife Betsey was Born in the Town of Exeter New Hampshire July 22 th 18 19 Oliver James the Son of Phillips Gilman and of Betsey his wife was Born in Norwich Conn 1 , on the 27 day of June. 1822 Charles William the Son of Phillips Gilman and of Betsey his wife was Born in Norwich Conn* on the 23" day of April A D 1825 [335] This Certifies that on the 2 nd of July 1834 I Married M r Jedediah Huntington 2 nd to Misf Rebecca Monro Snow both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record July 3. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Feb. 24 th 1841 Married by the subscriber Jedediah Hunting- ton 2 d to Happy Kinney both of Norwich A. Bond. Rec d . for record April I st 1841 Othniel Gager Jr Town Clerk This Certifies that George Barker of Buffalo N. Y. and Abby Coit of this City were married by me on Wednesday 25" June 1834 Ja s T Dickinson Pastor 2 nd Cong 1 Church Norwich 10 July 1834 Received for record July 10" 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 773 [336] This Certifies that Mr Daniel Hotchkiss of Maine and Mils Louisa Ann Leach of Willimantic. Con. were lawfully mar- ried by me on this 20 day of July 1834 Cha 8 Hyde Pastor Cong Ch. Norwich Falls Received for record July 22 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Elihu Gallup Childrens. births Charles Henry the son of Elihu Gallup and of Emily his wife was 'born in the City of Norwich June 30 th Anno Domini 1834 Ellen Elizabeth, Daughter of Elihu & Emily Gallup, was born March 14 th Anno Domini, 1838. Julius Clark, Son of Elihu & Emily Gallup, was born January 19 th Anno Domini, 1840 Emily Clark, Daughter of Elihu & Emily Gallup, was born October 16 th Anno Domini, 1842. Amelia Clark Daughter of Elihu & Emily Gallup, was born June 27 th Anno Domini, 1845. Mr. Elihu Gallup Died at Norwich, on the 25 th of August, A. D. 1858. [337] I hereby certify that a Marriage was solemnized by me in this city on the 29 th ult between Mr Samuel B Taylor and Miss Eunice G Miner both of Mystic Samuel S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Chh. Norwich city July 28. 1834 Received for record July 31. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby certify that a Marriage was solemnied by me in this City on the 29 th ult between Mr Titus Bailey and Miss Eunice A Frink both of Greeneville Samuel S. Mallery Norwich July 28 1834 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record July 31 : 1834 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk Chester Giles Herskell, son of Giles and Eliza E. Herskell, was born at Norwich, on the 9 th day of March, A. D. 1834. [338] Philemon Page of Norwich and Elizabeth Story of Montville were Married by the Rev d John Tyler Rector of Christs Church Norwich on the 13 day of March A D 1814 John Philemon B the son of Philemon Page and Elizabeth his wife was Born on the 3 d day of April A D 1815 Mary Elizabeth the Daughter of Philemon Page and of Eliz- abeth his wife was born July 2 nd A D 18 16 Susan Maria the Daughter of Philemon Page and of Eliza- beth his wife was born June I st A D 1819 Philemon Page departed this Life October 27 th 1832 aged 48 vears 774 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that at my house in the city of Norwich on the 8th day of September. A. D. 1834 I Lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Nathan Brewster of the Town of Lisbon and Miss Eliza White of the Town of Groton all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley. Ordined Minister Received for record September 23" 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [339] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 3 d day of August A D 1834 I Lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr H. R Park of the Town of Griswold and Mrs Persis E Ayer of the Town of Preston all in the County of New London and State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record August 15. 1834 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 25th day of August A D 1834 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr W m W Thompson of the town of Plain- field and Miss Elizabeth L Billings of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record September 5. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [340] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the town of Norwich on the 25th day of August A D 1834 I law- fully joined together in Marriage Mr Francis P Billings of said Norwich and Miss Mary Ann Thompson of the town of Ston- ington all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record September 5. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that Mr John Judd of Hartford and Miss Matilda Leach of Norwich were lawfully Married by me July 27 th . 1834. Cornelius B Everest Received for record September 6 th 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This May Certify that John Parkis and Lavinia Ruggles of Norwich were lawfully Married by me September 10th 1834 Received for record Otcober 8. 1834 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [341] This may Certify that Elisha Williams of Lebanon and Sophia Wilson of 1 Norwich were lawfully married 'by me October 1 1834 Cornelius B Everest Received for record October 8. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 775 This may Certify that Zebulon Parkis and Mary Ann Olney of Norwich were lawfully married by me October 1 1834 Received for record October 1. 1834 Cornelius B Everest Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that John A Burdick and Emeline Leach of Norwich were lawfully married by me October 6. 1834 Received for record October 8. 1834 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [342] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the town of Norwich on the 15th day of October A D 1834 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Amos E Cobb and Miss Phebe S Fletcher both of Norwich in the State of Connec- ticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record October 23 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Lois P. Cobb Daughter of Amos E. and Phebe S. Cobb was born on the I2 ta day of August 1835, and died September 20 th 1836, Aged 1 year 1 month & 8 days Amos E. Cobb Jun. Son of Amos E. and Phebe S. Cobb was born March I st 1837 and died on the 6 th of January A. D. 1854. Lloyd M. Cobb Son of Amos E. and Phebe S. Cobb was born x\ugust I st 1839 Lois Phebe Cobb daughter of Amos E. and Phebe S. Cobb was born July 7 th 1841 and died on the 28 th day of August 1843 (Brought from Book 4 Page 260) To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 19 th day of October A D 1834 I lawfully joined together in marriage Elias Robinson of said Norwich and Mrs Betsey Crary of the Town of Voluntown, all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Ministe r Received for record October 24. 1834 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk Mr. Elias Robinson died on the 23 d of April A. D. 1838. [3431 This is to Certify that Mr Samuel P Babcock and Miss Susan Adams both of Willimantic were legally and regiously united in Marriage by me this day S. S. Mallery Norwich October 13, 1834 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record November 6. 1834 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk This is to certify that Mr Lyman P Adams and Mifs Ann Smith both of this place were legally and religiously united in Marriage by me this day S. S. Mallery Norwich October 20. 1834 Pastor of the Babtist Church Received for record November 6, 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 776 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that Mr Denison L Brown and Miss Lucy M Adams both of this place were legally and regiously United in marriage by me this day Norwich October 19. 1834 Samuel S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist church Received for record November 6. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [344] This is to certify that Dr Joseph H Griffin of Charles- ton R I and Mifs Abby C Hoxsie of this City were legally united in marriage by me this day S S Mallery Norwich November 3" 1834 Pastor of the Baptist church Received for record November 6. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 28 th day of October A. D. 1834 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr George W Babcock and Miss Mary K Richards both of said Norwich in the State of Connec- ticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record Nov r 13. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify That in the Town of Norwich on the 2 nd dav of November A D 1834 I law fully joined together in Marriage Mr Soloman Fanning and Miss Elizabeth M Daley both of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record November 2.2. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [345 J To all whom it may Concern I herebv Certify That in the town of Norwich on the 2nd day of November A D 1834 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr Spicer H Davenport of the town ot Lyme and Miss Prudence C Brewster of said Nor- wich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentey ordained Minister Received for record November 22 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 2 nd day of November A D 1834 I lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr Oliver W Campbell and Mifs Ruth F Brewster all of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minster Received for record November 22. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 777 This certifies That Mr Elias W Staples of Norwich and Miss Abby Standish of Bozrah were joined in Marriage by me Isaac Stoddard Minister of the Gospel Norwich 24 th . November 1834 Received for record November 24, 1834 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [346 J This Certifies that Henry Bull of New York and Mary H Hubbard of Norwich were lawfully Married by me Novem- ber 2 d 1834 Norwich December 2. 1834 J. W. Newton Received for record Dec 1 ". 2. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that Mr James T Richards of New York and Mifs Ann T Tracy of Norwich were Lawfully Married by me Nov 1 " 27 th 1834 Cornelius B Everest Received for record December 8 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Thomas Tracy the Son of James T Richard and of Ann Thomas his wife was Born September 28. Anno Domini 1835 Elizabeth Tracy Richards the daughter of James T Richards and of Ann Thomas his wife was born February 12 th A. D. 1837. James T. Richards, Died December 13 th A. D. 1838. Aged 31 years. Ann T. Richards, wife of James T. Richards Died Setpember 5 th A. D. 1843, Aged 37 years. This may Certify that Mr Luther H Bushnell and Miss Olive Palmer of Norwich were lawfully Married by me December 7 th 1834 Cornelius B Everest Received for record December 8 th 1834 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk [347] This May Certify that Mr George T Fuller and Miss Susan S Cleveland of Norwich were lawfully Married by me December 7 th 1834 Cornelius B Everest Received for record December. 8 th 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that on the first day of December. A. D. 1834 Levi G Whaley and Wealthy Ann Davis were united in Marriage according to law by me Joseph Strong Pastor of first Society in Norwich Received for record December 9. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Wealthy Ann Daughter of Levi G Whaley and his Wife Wealthy Ann was born May 9 th 1835 George G Son of Levi G Whaley and his wife Wealthy Ann was born on the I st day of June 1837 778 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS William H. Whaley, son of Levi G. and Wealthy Ann Whaley, was born on the 19 th day of November A. D. 1839. Charles F. Whaley, son of Levi G. and Wealthy Ann Whaley, was born on the 26 th day of December A. D. 1843. This Certifies that Rodman Lam'b of Groton Connecticut and Drusilla Bafsett of Augusta Maine were lawfully married on the 27. day of November 1834 by the Subscriber Norwich 9. Dec. 1834 Cha 8 Hyde Minister of the Gospel Received for record December 12. 1834 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [348] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 2? lb clay of December A D 1834 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Robert Kilgour and Miss Christiana M c Neal all of said Nor- wich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record December 31 1834 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that Dr Joseph H Griffin of Charlestown R I and Miss Abby C Hoxy of this City were this day legally and religiously united in Marriage by me S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist church Norwich Nov. 3. 1834 Received for record January 12. 1835 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 3 rd day of December. A. D. 1834 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Sherwood Fitch and Mifs Jane Smith nf the Town of Montville all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record January 27 1835 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk [349] Russell Hinkley and Sophia Fitch were lawfully Mar- ried February 28 Anno Domini 1827 by the Rev' 1 John Hyde of Preston Connecticut the aforesaid Russell Hinkley was born in Lebanon Conn 1 : May 28 th . 1802 and Sophia Fitch his wife was born in Preston Connecticut April 1" 1800 Rusfell Hiram the Son of Russell Hinkley and of Sophia his wife was Born in Norwich November 22 nd . Anno Domini 1827 Russell Hiram Hinkley departed this Life July 3 rd Anno Dom- ini 1829 Russell Whiting the Son of Russell Hinkley and of Sophia his wife was Born in Norwich September 25th Anno Domini 1829 Frances Sophia and Frederic Josiah the Son and Daughter of NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 779 Russell Hinkley and of Sophia his wife was born in Norwich June 19 th AD 1831 Frederic Josiah Hinkley Departed this Life June 22 nd A D 183 1 George Palmer the Son of Russell Hinkley and of Sophia his wife was Born in Norwich November 16th Anno Domini 1832 Ann Webb the Daughter of Russell Hinkley and of Sophia his wife was Born in Norwich on Saint Thomas Day (December 21 st ) Anno Domini 1835 See Page 436 1 Rufsel W Hinckley Son of Rufsel & Sophia Hinckley was drowned in the river off the wharf bridge 2 d . September 1835. Edwin Fitch Hinckley the son of Russel Hinkley & Sophia his wife was born April 20. 1837. Sophia the wife of Russel Hinckley died on Wednesday the 3. May 1837. aged 37. years Frances Sophia Hinckley died in Norwich January 14 th 1839 Aged 7 years 7 months 25 days. [350] Norwich O I Certify that on Wednesday February nth. 1835 Nathan Whiting of New Haven and Nancy Williams of Norwich were Married by me in this place J W Newton Pastor of 3 d Con. Church Norwich Rec d for record Feb y 19: 1835 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 8th day of March A. D. 1835 I lawfully joined, together in Marriage Mr John Howard of said Norwich and Mrs Lucy Ann Caprin of the Town of Preston all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record March 19: 1835 Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk [35 1 ] This may Certify Mr. William Hurlburt and Mifs Eliza Barrows of Norwich were Lawfully Married by me March I st . 1835 Cornelius B Everest Received for record March 30. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that Mr Elisha W Beckwith and Mifs Han- nah A Murray of this City were this day by me religiously and legally united in Marriage Samuel S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Chh Norwich February 9: 1835 Received for record April 4 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 1 Written in pencil. 780 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [352] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 15 th day of March A D. 1835 I Lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr Lorenzo Frazell of the Town of Coventry and Misf Prusha Dar- ling of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained minister Received for record April 7. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the day of March A D. 1835 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Charles L Rogers of the Town of Montville and Mifs Francis H Hughes of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut. Received for record April 7. 1835 D N Bentley ordained Minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [353] This may Certify that Mr Jonathan Fergison of Mont- ville and Mrs Lucy Duglass of Norwich were this day Lawfully joined in Marriage by me Levi Meech Elder Norwich April 11. 1835 Received for record May 4th 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This is to Certify that Mr Burrell M Thatcher and Mrs Eliz- abeth Swan both of Norwich were married by me in this place on the 15th of March 1835 J W Newton Received for record May 6 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the third day of May A D 1835 I Lawfully Joined together in Marriage Mr Avery W Barnes of the Town of Pres- ton and Mifs Lucy G Sherman of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record May 8 th 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [354] This Certifies that on the 28 th of April 1835 I Mar- ried Mr Horatio Nelson Robinson of Canandaigu N York to Mifs Emma Rogers Tyler of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christs Church Norwich Received for record May 19: 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr Galen Robinson of N York and Mifs Prudence W Smith of this city were this day by me religiously and legally united in Marriage S S Malery Norwich May 4th 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record May 26. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 781 I hereby certify that Mr William Green of Springfield Mafs. and Mifs Harriet B Gavit of this city were by me this day reli- giously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich May 5th 1835 Received for record May 26 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [355 J Frederick Bartlet the Son of Silas Goddard and of his wife Fanny was Born March 19 A D 1834 Names and Birth of the Children of Noah Davis and of his wife Emeline Eliza William Robinson the Son of Noah Davis and of his Wife Emeline Eliza was Born September 10 th A D 1834 [356] This may Certify that on the I st Inst Mr Henry H Wade and Mifs Mary E Mulkey both of this City were religiously and legally united in Marriage by me according to the Laws of this State S. S. Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich June 8, 1835 Rec d for record 16 June 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that Mr William S Lee and Mifs Nancy A Kingsley both of this City were yesterday by me religiously and Legally united in marriage Samuel S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich 8 th June 1835 Rec d for record June 16 — 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that Mr George B Hawkins and Mifs Emily Maples both of Greeneville were yesterday by me religiously and legally United in Marriage June 15th 1835 Samuel S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Reced for Record June 16th 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [357] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 18th day of May A D 1835 I Lawfully joined together in Marriage M r George W Frazier of the Town of Griswold and Mifs Laura Beckwith of the town of Bozrah all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record June 16 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 24th day of May. A. D. 1835 I Lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr James W m Story and Mifs Laura 782 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Brown both of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecti- cut D N Bentley ordained Minster Received for record June 16. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [358] This may Certify that Mr George N Lamb and Mifs Patia H Doane of Norwich were Lawfully Married by me June 17. 1835 Cornelius B Everest Received for record June 19 — 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Cert'fy that Mr Ambrose Simmons of Smithfield R. I. and Mifs Betsey Matilda Phillips were Married by me this day Norwich June 14th 1835 Cornelius B Everest Received for record June 19th 1835 Alex Lathrop Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 13th day of July A D 1835 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r Clement Hancock and Mifs Sarah Mur- ray both of the Town of Saybrook all in the State of Connecti- cut. D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record July 23 : 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [359] To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 28 th day of June. A. D. 1835 I law- fully Joined together in marriage Mr Francis Freeman of the Town of Canterbury and Mifs Olive Congdon of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut Rec d for record June 29 1835 D N Bentley Ordined Minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 7th of June A D 1835 I lawfully joined to- gether in Marriage Mr Lorenzo. D. Bentley and Mifs Clarissa A Perkins both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record June 29: 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 8th day of June A D 1835 I lawfully Joined together in marriage M r Amos S Thompson and Mifs Eunice H Edwards both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut Rec d for record June 29 1835 D - N - Bentley Ordined Minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [360] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 2i Et day of June A D 1835 I law- fully joined together in marriage Cap 1 Jacob Harris of the Town NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 783 of Middletown and Mrs Lydia Austin of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record June 29. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that Marriage has been duly solemnized before me between Jesse B Denison and Abby W Denison both of Nor- wich W m Livesey Ordained Elder of the M E Church Norwich June 29th 1835 Received for record June 29: 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that Mr Hallam Harris and Mifs Julia Ann Parish both of this Town were yesterday by me religiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Norwich July 6 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Red for record July 6th 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [361] This may certify that Mr Laughton Sherman and Mifs Mary Ann Capron both of this Town were yesterday by me re- ligiously and legally united in Marriage Norwich 6th July 1835 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Chh Rec d for record July 6 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk William Henry the Son of William Emerson and Adeline Au- gusta G his wife was born in Hallowell. State of Maine April 27. 1829 John Augustus the Son of William Emerson and of Adeline Augusta G his wife was born in Norwich Conn 1 . June 5th A D 1832 Charles Gilbert the Son of William Emerson and of Adeline Augusta G his wife was born in Norwich Con 1 . November 3 rd 1834 [362] This Certifies that on the 13 th of August 1835 I Mar- ried Cap 1 Alfred Lovell to Mrs Sarah Chapman Sangar both of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record July 15 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Adelaide A Lovell Daughter of Alfred & Sarah Lovell was born March 6 th 1837 This certifies that on the 25 th of August 1835 I Married M r Francis Ouarles Jun r of New Orleans to Mifs Frances Ann Woodbridge of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record Augt 25 : 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 784 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [363] This may Certify that Seneca White and Elmira Wil- ber and Elmira Wilber of Norwich were lawfully Married by me August 9 th 1835 Cornelius B Everest Received for record September 1, 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that Mr Randall C James and Mifs Eveline Godfrey both of this City were yesterday by me religiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich September 21 1835 Received for record September 22 : 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Samuel M. Son of Randall C. & Eveline James, Born July 10 th 1836 Mary Charlotte, Daughter of Randall C. & Eveline James, Born Nov. 27 — 1838 John Randall, Son of Randall C. & Eveline James, Born July 10. 1841 Eveline Augusta, Daughter of Randall C. & Eveline James, Born Oct 16. 1843. Benjamin Allen, Son of Randall C. & Eveline James, was Born Sept 1 " 16 th 1847 I hereby Certify that Mr Simon H Gates of Norwich and Mifs Amy Barnes of Preston were by me this day legally and reli- giously united in Marriage Norwich August 23: 1835 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record Sep 1 22 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [364] Mrs Sarah Coit wife of Thomas Coit of Carterbury and formerly of Norwich departed this Life December 6 th A D 1834 I hereby Certify That Mr Samuel Perkins and Mifs Sarah D Raymore both of Greeneville Norwich were by me this day re- ligiously and legally united in Marriage S. S. Mallery Norwich 16 Aug 1 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record September 22 : 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Norwich September 16 th 1835 This Certifies that Mr Edward Wentworth and Miss Ruth ann Cook both of Norwich have been lawfully Joined in Marriage W Livesey Elder in the M. E. Church Receved for record Sep* 22 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 785 [365] This certifies that on the nth day of May 1835 tne Marriage of Frederick W H Rogers and Abby ann Gardner both of Norwich was duly Solemnized agreeably to the Laws of the State by the Subscriber A Bond Norwich June 1835 Pastor of the 2 nd Church Received for record Sep 1 28 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that on the third day of June 1835 the Marriage of Henry L Bowen of Providence R I and Elizabeth W Gordon of Norwich was duly Solemnized agreeably to the Laws of the State by the Subscriber A Bond Pator of the 2 nd Church Received for record Sept 28" 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that on the 18th day of July 1835 the Marriage of Lee La Jewett and Nancy Clark both of Norwich was duly sol- emnized agreeably to the Laws of the State by the Subscriber Norwich august 1835 A Bond Pastor of the 2nd Church Received for record Sept 28 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk Nancy; wife of Lee L. Jewett died 1842 To whom it may concern. This is to certify, that Mr. Lee L. Jewett and Miss Nancy L. Robbins both of this City were joined in Marriage at the house of W. Robbins in Norwich ac- cording to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on the 3 d of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Forty two — By me, W m Palmer V. D. M. 1 366] This may Certify that Mr John B Tilden and Mifs Eliz- abeth Davis were lawfully married by me Sept 17. 1835 Received for record October 7 — 1835 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that on the I st day of October 1835 I married M r John Nichols Staples of Natches Mifs 1 — to Mrs Maria Colver of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Rec d for record Oct n 1835 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk Albert Daniels childrens Births Francis Mary the Daughter of Albert Daniels and Mary Ann his wife was born Janury 31 st . Annodomini 1831 [367] I hereby Certify that Samuel Dolbear and Eliza G An- thony both of Norwich were Lawfully married by me on the 5th day of July 1835 J W Newton Received for record October 20. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 15 786 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I hereby Certify that George Pearce of North Stonington and Lydia Hums of Norwich were Lawfully married by me on the 1 2th day of July 1835 J W Newton Receiv d for record October 20th 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that Jabez Post and Mariann M c Gillis were Lawfully married by me by me on the 15 day of September 1835 Received for record October 20: 1835 J W Newton Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [368] I hereby Certify That Mr Arnold Gavit of Westerly R. I and Mifs Sarah Foot of this Town were this day by me re- ligiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich Oct r 19. 1835 Received for record October 22. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify That Mr George A Pratt of Saybrook and Mifs Mary A Potter of this City were this day by me religiously and Legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Norwich Oct r 8: 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record October 22 : 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk George Alson Pratt was born July 13. 1836 Thomas Potter Pratt was born March 3. 1838. Leslie Willington Pratt was born June 14: 1849. Thomas Potter Pratt, died in, Boston, Mass. November 21, 1859. aged 21. years 8. months 18. days George A: Pratt, Sr, died in Norwich, Conn. January 17. 1881. in the 69th year of his age. Mary Ann Pratt, died in Norwich, Conn. September 24: 1899. aged 80 ys. 9 mos 10 days Entered April 4th 1898, by S. H. Freeman, Town Clerk. I hereby Certify That Mr Alexander H Emmons of East Hadam and Miss Mary A Wilson of this City w T ere this day by me religiously and legally united in marriage Norwich Oct 1 " 8 1835 s S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record Oct 22. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [369] I hereby Certify that on the 2nd instant Mr John Stan- ton and Mifs Lydia Waterman both of this City were by me re- ligiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Norwich Oct. 8 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record October 22. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 787 This is to Certify Mr James Davis ( ?) of Guilford and Mifs Eliza Smith of Norwich have been lawfully joined in Marriage Norwich Oct r 24 th 1835 Wm Livesey Ordained Elder Received for record October 26 1835 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 16th day of August A D 1835 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Orrin Maples of Said Town of Norwich and Mifs Harrfiet Vergason of the town of Bozrah all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record Nov r 4 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [370] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the i 8t day of November A D 1835 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r Moses W Sherman and Mifs Betsey Bill all of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Received for record November 4 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 16th of November 1835 I Married Mr George Russell of East Hadam to Mifs Susan Crapo of this Town S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record Nov 1 " 16. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that on the 15th Inst. Mr Charles Crawley of this City and Mifs Emeline Miner of Greeneville were by me re- ligiously and legally joined together in Matrimony Norwich Nov 16 1835 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church received for record Nov 17: 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [371] I here by Certify That on the 15 th Inst Mr Richard C Robbins and Mifs Sally Tift both of Greeneville were by me re- ligiously and legally united in Marriage Norwich Nov 16 1835 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record Nov 1 * 17. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify That on the 15 Ins 1 . Mr Edward S Fuller of North bridge Mafs and Mifs Eliza W Minard of Greeneville were by me religiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Norwich 16 Nov. 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record Nov r 17 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk 788 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I hereby Certify that Mr Oliver G Baker and Mifs Emeline Lewis both of this Town were by me this day religiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Norwich Nov r 24. 1835 Pastor of the Baptist Church Received for record November 27: 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [372] I hereby certify that Mr George Avery and Mifs Eliza Ann Gavit both of this Town were this day by me religiously and legally united in Marriage S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich November 24: 1835 received for record Nov 1 * 27. 1835. Alex 1- Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 26th day of November A D 1835 I Lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Wheaton Cotrill of the Town of Preston and Mifs Lydia W Backus of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut received for record Dec r 3 1835 D N Bentley ordained Minister Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [373] This is to Certify that Marriage was duly solemnized before me on the 7 th Inst between Mr James Jennings of Ireland and Mifs Christene Maria Denher of Bremin Norwich December 9 th 1835 W m Livesey Ordained Elder Received for record Dec 1 " 11 : 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may Certify that Mr Henry Hall and Mifs Mary Wallace both of Norwich were lawfully Married Nov 1 " 26 1835 Received for record December II. 1835 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [374] I hereby Certify that Mr George W Budington of Pres- ton and Mifs Lucy Ann Pope of this Town were religiously and legally united in marriage by me on the 7th instant S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich December 16 : 1835 Received for record December 16. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This Certifies that on the 16 th . day of December 1835 I married Mr Alexander H Kimmel of New York to Mifs Lucy Meech of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record Dec 1- 17. 1835 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [375] This may Certify that Mr Albert Pitcher and Mifs Eliza L Bennet were lawfully married by me Dec 1 " 27 th 1835 Received for record Jan y i Bt 1836 Cornelius B Everest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 789 This may Certify that Mr Giles Lewis and Mifs Sarah A Fox both of the Town of Norwich were lawfully married by me this day Janaury I st A D 1836 Enoch C Chapman Justice of the Peace Received for record January 2" 1836 attest Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [376] This may Certify that Mr Lucius Fisk and Mifs Emily Vinton both of Willington were this day in this City by me reli- giously and legally united in Matrimony S. S. Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich January 5. 1836 Received for record Jan y 6" 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby certify that Capt Jedediah William 2 nd and Mifs Abby M Hibbard both of this City were religiously and legally joined together in Marriage by me on the 3 d instant S. S. Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich January 5. 1836 Received for record January 6. 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [377] This may Certify that Mr David Moore and Mifs Jane Herskell were by me lawfully joined in Marriage on the third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty six John H Gilson Pastor Norwich January 3 : 1836 of the first Universalist Church Received for record January 8. 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that Mr Amos Loomis of Norwich City and Mifs Dolly S Fuller of Lisbon were Lawfully Married to each other by me in Lisbon on the 24th of January 1836 Attest Levi Nelson Minister of the Gospel Received for record January 26 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [378] To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 21 st day of January A D 1836 I Law- fully joined together in Marriage Mr Thomas C Cutler of the Town of Hartford and Mifs Nancy M Nelson of said Norwich all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentey ordained Minister received for record January 29 : 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [379] I hereby Certify that on the 24th ins 1 Mr Silvanus S Lewis of Andover and Mifs Belinda Rood of this City were by 790 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS me Legally and religiously joined together in the bonds of Mat- rimony S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich February 25. 1836 received for record February 25 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that on the 2i 3t Ins' Mr William P Wals- worth and Mifs Lucinda Saunders both of this Town were by me religiously and legally United in Marriage S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich February 25 : 1836 Received for record February 25 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This may Certify that Mr Rich- ard Thompson of England and Mifs Lucy Ann Watt 1 of this Town were lawfully joined in Marriage February 14: 1836 Windsor Ward Minister of the Gospel Norwich February 29 1836 rece d for record 29 feb y 1836 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk [380] To all whom it may Concern This may Certify that Mr John PI Baley of Groton and Mifs Charlotte P Carew of this Town were lawfully joined in Marriage November 26: 1835 Norwich Feb y 29 : 1836 Windsor Ward Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record Feb y 2 1836 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern This may Certify that the Rev d John Standish and Mifs Fanny Ryan both of Bozrah were Lawfully joined in Marriage August 26 1835 Windsor Ward Minister of the Gospel Norwich February 29 : 1836 Received for record Feb y 29: 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may concern This may certify that Mr John John Jack of Scotland and Mifs Elizabeth Amelia Carew of this Town were lawfully joined in Marriage December 31 : 1835 Norwich Feb y 29 1836 Windsor Ward Minister of the Gospel Received for record February 29 1836 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [381] Jane Tracy the Daughter of John H Fanning and of Elizabeth his wife was Born December 9 th Anno Domini — 1834 John Thomas Fanning son of John Ploward and Elizabeth Fanning was born Dec 31 1838 1 This name uncertain, NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 791 To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 20th day of March A D 1836 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr James Frizell and Mifs Lydia Darling all of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley ordained Minister Rec d for record March 28 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [382] This may Certify that Cap 1 John L Boswell and Mifs Nancy Fanning were lawfully married by me March 23rd 1836 Received for record April 4 1836 Cornelius Everest Alexander Lathrop Town Clerk Marriage was duly solemnized by me between Mr Dudley B Chapman and Mifs Mary Setchell both of this city April 3 rd 1836 Norwich city W m Livesey Received for record, April 5 1836 ordined Elder M E Church Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [383] I hereby Certify that on the 13 th Inst Mr Henry Perry and Mrs Mary Ann Wilson both of this Town were by me reli- giously and legally united in Marriage Norwich March 21. 1836 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Chh Rec d . for record April 9 th . 1836 Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby. Certify that Mr William H Wise and Mrs Fanny Eng- lish both of this City were by me on the 13 th Inst religiously and legally united in Matrimony S. S. Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Church Norwich March 21 : 1836 Received for record April 9 th . 1836 x\lex r Lathrop Town Clerk [384] I hereby Certify that on the 20 th Ins 1 Mr Horatio N Nigh of this Town and Mifs Harriet E Robinson of Griswold were by me religiously and legally united in Marriage Norwich 25. March 1836 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Chh Received for record April 9 th 1836 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk I hereby Certify that on the 28th ult Mr Christopher Stafford of Plainfield and Mifs Amanda Newcomb of Windham were by me in this City united in Marriage Norwich April 7. 1836 S S Mallery Pastor of the Baptist Chh Received for record April 9. 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [385] To all whom it may concern — I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 10th day of April. A. D. 1836 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jeremiah C Geer and 792 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Mifs Mary Ann Bushnell all of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Rec d for record April 21. 1836 D N Bentley ordained Minister Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 17th day of April. A. D. 1836 I law- fully joined together in Marriage Mr William Peterson and Mifs Jane Torrey all of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record April 21 : 1836 D N Bentley Alex Lathrop Town Clerk ordained Minister [386] To all whom it may Concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 19th day of April A D 1836 I law- fully joined together in marriage Mr William Frazier and Mifs Sophia Ladd both of said Town of Norwich in the State of Con- necticut Received for record April 21. 1836 D N Bentley Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk ordained Minister This is to Certify that marriage has been duly Solemnized be- fore me between Mr William Collings and Mifs Harriet Hamil- ton both of Norwich Connecticut May 8 th 1836 Received for record May 9 1836 W m Livesey ordained Elder Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This certifies that Benjamin Ford and Ann Osborn were legally joined in holy matrimony on the I st day of May, 1836, by S. S. Mallery Pastor of the I st Baptist Church Norwich, Conn. [387] I hereby certify that Elijah L Scott and Caroline Lucas were lawfully Married on the 4th day of October Anno Domini 1835 By me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Rec d for record May 16: 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Alvan C Burt and Mifs Mary Ann Brown were by me lawfully joined in Marriage on the fifteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six John H Gilson Pastor of the first Univ Church Norwich May 16 th 1836 Received for record May 18: 1836 Alex 1 " Lathrop Town Clerk [388] This Certifies that Mr John P Brown and Mifs Esther Brown both of Montville were lawfully Joined in Marriage at Norwich April 26 th 1836 By me Jonathan Miner, Elder Received for record May 25 — 1836 Alex 1- Lathrop Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 793 This Certifies that Mr William W Geer and Mifs Mary Ham- bleton both both of Norwich were Lawfully joined in marriage at Norwich May 18th 1836 By me Jonathan Miner Elder Alex r Lathrop Town Clerk [389] This Certifies that Mr Benjamin Moore and Mifs Nancy Carls both of Norwich were lawfully Joined in Marriage at Norwich May 18th 1836 By me Jonathan Miner Elder Received for record May 25 : 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This is to Certify that Marriage has been duly Solemnized be- fore me between Mr Clarke Abbee and Mifs Mary Niff both of Windham Conn W m Livesey Ordained Elder Norwich June 12th 1836 Received for record June 13 th 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [3go] This is to Certify that Marriage has been duly Solem- nized between Mr Francis J Shoales and Hannah Stanton both of Preston Connecticut William Livesey ordained Elder Norwich June 13 th 1836 Rec d for record June 13. 1836 Alex Lathrop Town Clerk This is to certify that Marriage has been duly solemnized be- fore me between Mr Waterman Neff of Windham Conn : and Mifs Luna Finton of Mansfield Conn Norwich June 12 th 1836 received for record June 13: 1836 Wm Livesey ordained Elder Alex Lathrop Town Clerk [391] This certifies that on the 5 th of June 1836 I married M r . Gilbert Huntington of New Orleans to Mifs Mary Ann M. Clement of this town. Seth B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for Record June 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern: I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 20 th day of July A. D. 1836 I lawfully joined together in Marriage M r . Albert G. Warren and Mifs Sophia Davenport all of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D 1 N. Bentley Ordained Minister Received for Record 13 August. 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [392] This may certify that Mr Elijah Mosher and Mifs Cornelia S. Franklin were by me lawfully joined in marriage on 1 First written " David " and erased. 794 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS the tenth of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty six Witnefs my hand John H Gilson Pastor of the first Universalist Church Norwich Con. July 10. 1836 Rec d . for Record 19. July 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk To all whom it may Concern : I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 17 th day of July A. D. 1836 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Ed- ward J: Jillson and Mifs Almaria C. Fletcher both of Said Nor- wich in the State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley, Ordained Minister Received for record 13. August 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [393] This is to certify that Rev d . John F. Blanchard of Sturbridge Mafs and Mifs Hannah M Dolbeare of Montville Conn, were lawfully joined in Matrimony before me on the sev- enth instant in this City W m Livesey Ordained Elder in the Norwich August 8 th 1836 ME Church Received for record 8. August 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This may certify that John W. Potter and Sarah A Street of Norwich (Greenville Society) were lawfully married at said Greeneville August 14 th 1836 by Philo Judson Minister of the Gospel Received for Record 16. August 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [394] This is to certify that in April 1836 Samuel Smith and Susan Pope both of Norwich were lawfully married by me Rec d for record 12. September 1836 J W Newton John H Grace Town Clerk Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William B. Wilcox and Mary his Wife was born 23. May 1835. 1395] This may certify that David H Waterman of Bozrah and Mifs Martha M Tracy of Norwich, were published Sept. 11 and married September 14, 1836 by me S. Ruffer Minister of the Rec d for record 29. Oct. 1836 Gospel John H Grace Town Clerk This may certify that Joseph G Lombard and Lydia E Wind- ship both of Norwich were published Oct 2 d 1836 and married on the same evening by me, S Ruffer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record 29. October 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 795 [396] This may certify that John Grey and Mrs Rebecca Maleady both of Norwich were published Oct r 9 1836 and mar- ried the same evening by me S. Ruffer Minister of the Gospel Rec d for record 29 October 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This is to certify that marriage has been duly solemnized be- fore me between Mr Daniel Sweet and Mifs Mary Skinner both of Norwich O. October 30. 1836. W m Livesey Ordained Elder Rec d for record 2 Nov 1 '. 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [397] This is to certify that Marriage has been duly cele- brated before me between M r W m . S. Noyes of New London and Mifs Mary Lamb of New London Norwich November 6. 1836 Wm Livesey Ordained Elder Rec d for record 12 Nov r . 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This is to certify that Marriage has been duly solemnized be- fore me between M r Christian Ferdinand Fox and Mifs Athelia Kehr both of Norwich — Norwich November 13. 1836 Rec d for record 14. Nov 1 " 1836 W m . Livesey Ordained Elder John H Grace Town Clerk [398] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 13 th day of November A D 1836 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr James Harris of Boston & Mifs Nancy Johnson of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 15 November 1836 John H Grace — Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 13. day of November A D 1836 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Eri Williams & Mifs Sarah Maria Brigden all of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 15 November 1836 John H Grace, Town Clerk [399 J To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the town of Norwich on the 13 th day of November A. D. 1836. I lawfully joined together in Marriage' Mr Robert Holman of Millbury Mafs & Mifs Eliza Williams of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 15. November 1836 John H Grace, Town Clerk 796 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 26 th day of October A. D. 1836 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Robert M Palmer and Mifs Roxanna Starkweather both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 15 November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [400] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 24 th day of October A. D. 1836. I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Lemuel Darling & Mrs Lucy Root both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut. D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 15 November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 2 d day of November A D 1836 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Henry G Thompson of the town of Stonington and Mifs Lucia Neff of the town of Windham all in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 15. November 1836. John H Grace Town Clerk [401] This may certify Mr Frederick Bald of Ledyard and Mifs Susan Apply of Norwich were married by me November 6 th 1836 Spencer F Beard Ordained Minister Received for record 16 November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This is to certify that marriage has been duly solemnized be- fore me between Mr William M Lamphier of Griswold and Mifs Ester Corning of Preston : W m Livesey Ordained Elder Norwich City- November 20. 1836 Received for record 21. November 1836 John Ff Grace Town Clerk [402] This certifies that on the 17 th of November 1836 I mar- ried Mr. Henry Hart to Mifs Mary Ann Witter both of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 22 November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This certifies that on the 8 th of November 1836 I married Doc. Jared Warner Fitch of Greeneville Illinois to Mifs Adeline Bulke- ley of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 22 d November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 797 [403] Norwich November 24, 1836 I hereby certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr Oliver S. Tiffany of Salem & Mifs Lucy C Frazier of Norwich H. P. Arms Ord. Min. Received for record 25 November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This certifies that on the 23 d . day of October 1836 — John A Lathrop of Buffalo N. Y. and Lucy Louisa Cottrell of this town were legally married H. P. Arms Ord. Min. Received for record 25 November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk Daniel Webster Son of John A Lathrop & Lucy his Wife was born 14 th Dec 1- 1837 [404] Nathaniel Orsborn and Betsey Leach both of this town were this day joined in Marraige Norwich November 6 1836 Received for record 25 November 1836 H P Arms Ord Min John H Grace Town Clerk I hereby certify that I have this day joined in Marraige Ralph Keeney of Manchester & Ann Maria Frost of Norwich Norwich November 20. 1836 H. P. Arms Ord. Min. Received for record 25. November 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [405] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 23 d day of November A. D. 1836 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jasper Talcott and Mifs Mary Ewen all of said town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 3 d December 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk This certifies that on the 5 th of December 1836. I married Mr George Brooks to Mifs Caroline Lucas both of this town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 19. December 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk [406] This certifies that Charles Johnson & Mary Ann Les- ter were lawfully married by me in Norwich October 11 th 1836, G W Newton Min. 3 d Cong. Church Received for record 28. December 1836 John H Grace Town Clerk see 6 th Book of records of marriage &c. Page 194 This is to certify that Marriage has been duly Solemnized "before me between M r Henry Welch and Mrs Eunice L Thomp- son both of Norwich. W m Livesey, Ordained Elder Norwich December 25 th 1836 . Received for record 9 January 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk 798 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [407] January 12. 1837. This certifies that marriage was solemnized by me on the 26 th day of December 1836 between Charles P White of Stonington & Eliza P Hills of Norwich Spencer F Beard Minister Received for record 14 January 1837 John H Grace. Town Clerk Norwich December 19. 1836 This certifies that on the Eighteenth day of December 1836 I mar- ried Mr Marshall Lincoln Studley to Mifs Sarah Cushing Eells both of this City Albert Spooner Minister of Christ Church Salem Connecticut Received for record 16 January 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [408] This is to certify that marriage has been duly solem- nized before me between Mr Christopher C Thompson and Mifs Eunice L King both of Norwich Norwich March 6. 1837 W ra . Livesey Ordained Elder Rec d for record 6. March 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk To all whom it may concern — I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 30 th day of January A. D. 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Charles K Butler of said town and Mifs Adeline Oliver of the City of New York D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d . for record 11 February 1837 John PI Grace Town Clerk [409] To all whom it may concern — I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 28 th day of January A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Docf Jedediah R Gay and Mifs Harriet Bradford both of the town of Montville in the State of Connecticut D. N. Bently Ordained Minister Received for record 11. February 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk This certifies that on the 23 d day of Jan y . 1837 I married Mr Reuben Swan Dewey of Leicester, Mafs to Mifs Lydia Brown Kinney of this City. S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich O Received for record 14 February 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [410] This certifies that Frederick W. Cary of Windham and Henrietta R Woodworth of Norwich were by me married Feb I st 1837 Spencer F Beard Minister of the Gospel Received for record 2 d . March 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 799 Oliver C. Wattles, was born at Norwich February 28 th A. D. 1815. Eunice Phillips, was born September 6 th A. D. 181 1. Norwich March 15. 1837 I hereby certify M r . Oliver P. Wattles & Mifs Eunice Phillips both of Norwich were legally joined in marriage on the 8 th day of March A. D. 1837, b y me > H. P. Arms Ord. Min. Received for record 16 March 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Eugene, Son of Oliver P. and Eunice Wattles, was born De- cember 15 th A. D. 1837, and died August 9 th A. D. 1838. Eugene, Son of Oliver P. and Eunice Wattles, was born March 16 th A. D. 1839, and died August 21 st A. D. 1839. Mary E. daughter of Oliver P. and Eugene Wattles was born July 30 th A. D. 1840. Marcia A. daughter of Oliver P. and Eunice Wattles, was born November 30 th A. D. 1841, and died December 8 th A. D. 1849. Thomas Jefferson, son of Oliver P. and Eunice Wattles, was born August 29 th A. D. 1843. Jabez Huntington, son of Oliver P. and Eunice Wattles, was born February 21 st A. D. 1847. [411] Norwich Jan: 17. 1837 I hereby certify whom it may concern that on the 25 th of Dec. 1836 William T Cox was legally married to Eliza F Thompson. Received for record 16. March 1837 H. P. Arms Ord. Min. John H Grace Town Clerk This is to certify that marriage has been duly solemnized be- fore me between Mr Luther Peckham and Mifs Amelia Robin- son both of Norwich (Coulered) Norwich City March 29 th 1837 W m Livesey Rec d . for record 28 March 1837 Ordained Elder M. E. Church John H Grace, Town Clerk [412] To all whom it may concern — I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 26 th day of March A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Wil- liam W Whipple and Mifs Cynthia W Coats all of said town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D. N. Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 29 March 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk This certifies that on the 30 th of March 1837 I married Mr Frederick Tracy of New York to Mifs Maria Frances Wilson of this town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 31. March 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Soo NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [413] Norwich Oct r . 4. 1835 Married Conrad Winheimer to Luzia Desselbruner both of this town. A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Norwich Jan. 24. 1836 Married Albert F Bennet of Lebanon to Lucy Ann Hinckley of this town. A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [414] Norwich Feb. 17. 1836 Married Phillip Ellis to Lydia Ann Champlain 'both of this town A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Married Norwich April 4 th 1837 John H Pierce of Brooklin and Merribah K. Brumley of GriswolJ by me John B. Perry Justice of the Peace Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [415] June 22. 1836, Married Luther F. Carter of Berlin to Betsey Palmer of Norwich A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Aug. 30. 1836 Married Luke A White of Grand Haven Michi- gan to Clarissa J. Perkins of Norwich. A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [416] Oct 5. 1836 Married John W. Boswell to Eliza Ann Fanning both of Norwich A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 J onn H Grace Town Clerk John Lovett, son of John W. & Eliza Ann Boswell ; Born Oc- tober 14 th 1838. Elizabeth Hand, daughter of John W. & Eliza Ann Boswell, Born August 9 th 1841. Nov 7. 1836 Married Walter K Champlain to Mary Hunter both of Norwich A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [417] Nov. 9. 1836, Married Ebenezer F. Parker to Susan C. Clark both of Norwich A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Henry Lester, son of Ebenezer F. and Susan C. Parker, was born on the 21 st day of August A. D. 1837. Walter Farnsworth, son of Ebenezer F. and Susan C. Parker, was born on the 3 rd day of August A. D. 1839. Robert Bottum, son of Ebenezer F. and Susan C. Parker, was born on the 21 st day of October A. D. 1842. John Ford, son of Ebenezer F. and Susan C. Parker, was born on the 2 d day of August, A. D. 1846. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 801 Nov. 27. 1836. Married James Cranston to Anna A Arnold both of Norwich. A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [418] Dec. 19. 1836 Married Simon Parkis to Eliza Whit- ford both of Norwich. A. Bond Received for record 4 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Mar. 3. 1837 Married John S. Clark of Alton (111.) to Caroline Kinne of Norwich. A. Bond Received for record April 4. 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [419] I hereby certify that Mr Arthur Dick and Mifs Mary Ann Dean were lawfully married on the 24 th day of March Anno Domini 1837 — by me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Received for record 7 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk I hereby certify that Mr Daniel B Skinner and Mifs Charity Squires were lawfully married on the 19 th . day of February Anno Domini 1837 — by me Lewis Hyde Justice of the Peace Received for record 7 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [420] This certifies that on the 17 th of April 1837 I married Mr Benjamin Franklin Huntington of Brooklyn Ohio to Mifs Maria Huntington of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 18. April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk This may certify that Mr Orland Minard and Mifs Harriet Stetson were by me lawfully joined in Marraige on the third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven Witness my hand John H Gilson Pastor of first Universalist Church Norwich May 3d 1837. Rec d . for record 4. May 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [421] I hereby certify that on the 26 of March 1837 John A Stedman was legally married to Mary Ann Darling both of this place — H. P. Arms Ord. Minister Norwich April 11. 1837 Received for record 11 April 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Norwich May 2. 1837 I have this day joined in marriage Wil- liam L Sherman & Harriet M. Leach both of this place. Received for record 11 May 1837 H. P. Arms Ord. Minister John H Grace Town Clerk [422] April 9. 1837 Henry W Burdick of Norwich & Abby Moore of Preston were legally joined in marriage Received for record n May 1837 H. P. Arms Ord. Min. John H Grace Town Clerk 16 802 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This is to certify that marriage has been duly solemnized before me between Mr Charles Murdock of Winchenden Mafs; and Mifs Fidelia R Prouty of Worcester Mafs: Norwich May 21 : 1837 W m Livesey Ordained Elder Received for record 22 d May 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [423] This is to certify that marriage has been duly solem- nized before me between Mr Benjamin Phillips and Mifs Fanny C Leach both of Norwich W m Livesey Ordained Elder Norwich May 21. 1837 Received for record 22 May 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk This is to certify that marriage has been duly solemnized before me between Mr James Randal and Mifs Martha Moody both of this City W m Livesey Ordained Elder Norwich May 29. 1837 Received for record 30 May 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [424] I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the II th day of June A. D. 1837. I lawfully joined together in mar- riage Mr Oliver Batty Jun. & Mifs Lucy Ann Johnson all of said town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for record 20 June 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk To all whom it may concern : I hereby Certify that in the town of Norwich on the 12 th day of June A. D. 1837 I have lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Albert Cook of the town of Preston and Mifs Susan Perrigo of said town of Norwich all in the State of Connecticut Received for record 20 June 1837 D N Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Odained Minister [425] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 18 th day of June A. D. 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Ed- ward Blake of New York and Mrs Eliza Wheatley of said town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record 20 June 1837 D N Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister This certifies that on the 10 th of May 1837 I married Mr George Loomis to Mifs Anna Bingley Webb both of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 6 June 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk Louisa Lathrop daughter of George Loomis & Anna his Wife was born 10 th March 1838 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 803 [426] This certifies that on the 24 th of April 1837 I married Mr W m Gorton to Mifs Maria Drusilla Waterman both of this City S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 6 June 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk I hereby certify that the marriage of Mr Francis G. Root of Marlborough & Miss Emeline Adams of Norwich was solemnized by me on the 11 th Ins 1 . Norwich June 13. 1837 Stephen Crosby Received for record 16 th . June 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [427] This may certify that Mr Erasmus Jones Williams and Mifs Elizabeth Wallace were by me lawfully joined in marriage on Sunday evening the first day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and thirty seven John H Gibson Pastor of the first Univ. Church Norwich Con. Jan. 1. 1837 Received for record 23 June 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk This certifies that on the 13 th of June 1837 I married John Worthington Bulkeley to Eliza Ripley Lee both of this Town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 26. June 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [428] I hereby certify that I have this day joined in marriage Israel G Freeman & Caroline Davis both of this place. Norwich June 14. 1837 H P Arms ord min Received for record 12. July 1837. John H Grace Town Clerk I certify that Rodman Lathrop & Elizabeth Beckwith were this day legally joined in Marriage both of this Town Norwich June 14. 1837. H. P. Arms Ord. Min. Received for record 12 July 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [429] Norwich July 9. 1837 I hereby certify that I have this day joined in marriage Washington Lamb of Groton & Maria Bailey of this town IT. P. Arms Ord min Received for record 12 July 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk I hereby certify that the marriage of Mr Anson F Dean of Boz- rah and M rs . Margaret Blasdel of Norwich was solemnized by me on the 6 th inst Norwich Aug. 6. 1837 Stephen Crosby Rec d . for record 14 August 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [430] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 27 th day of August A. D. 1837 I lawfully joined together in .marriage M r . Robert Stanton and Mifs Jemima C Guild both of said Norwich in the Countly of New London and State of Connecticut Received for record 2. September 1837 D. N. Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister 804 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the I st day of August A. D. 1837. I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Peter Peebles and Mifs Hannah Tracy both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record 2. September 1837 D. N. Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister [431] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 20 th day of August A. D. 1837 I lawfully married Mr Daniel W Gardner and Mifs Jerusia Wilson both of the town aforesaid in the State of Connecticut Received for record 2. September 1837 D. N. Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 6 th day of August A. D. 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Pardon B Palmer and Mifs Elizabeth Smith both of said Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record 2. September 1837 D. N. Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister [432] I hereby certify that on the 27 th of August 1837 Lyman W Lee & mary S Miner both of this town were legally joined in marriage H. P. Arms Ord. Min. Norwich Sept 7. 1837 Received for record 16 September 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk I certify that I have this day September 7 th 1837 legally joined in marriage M r . Edward T Moore & Mifs Martha E Clegg both of Norwich H. P. Arms Ord. Minister Received for record 16 September 1837 John H Grace Town Clerk [433] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 10 th day of September A. D. 1837 I I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr William H Edwards and Mifs Nancy S. Leach both of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record 21. September 1837 D N Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 13 th day of September A. D. 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Joseph E Brown of the City of Chicago (II) and Mifs Susan L Kimball of the Town of Preston in the State of Connecticut Received for record 21 September 1837 D N Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 805 [434] To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 17 th day of September A. D. 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr Alvan Mott and Mifs Susan Case all of the City of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record 21 September 1837 D N Bentley John H Grace Town Clerk Ordained Minister This certifies that on the 4 th day of Sept 1837 I married W m Howell of England to Susan Babcock Perry of South Kingston R Island S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record October 10 th 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [435] This certifies that on the 13 th day of Sept 1837 I mar- ried Edward Cooley Rufsell of Wilmington N C to Caroline Ma- tilda Day of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record Octobed 10 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This may certify that marriage has been duly solemnized before me between Mr Aaron Corbin of Woodstock and Mifs Sabra Bushnell of Norwich Oct 11 th 1837 W m Livesey Ordained Elder Received for record October 12 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [436] This certifies that on the 16 th day of October 1837 I law- fully married Col Rufsell Hinckley to Mrs Maria Ellis both of this town Enoch C Chapman Justice of the Peace Received for record 19 th October 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Susannah Maria Hinckley was born in Salem the 12 th of October 1S39 Frances Sophia Hinckley died in Norwich January 14 th 1839 Aged 7 years 7 mo. 25 days Maria Hinckley died in Salem May I st 18340 aged 36 years (Wife of Russell Hinckley) Susannah Maria Daughter of Russell and Maria Hinckley died in Salem the 8 th day of June 1840 aged Eight Months See page 349 1 . To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 29 th day of September A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr William G Parsons of East Windsor and Mifs Dolly Brown of the Town of Montville all in the State of Connt D N Bentley ordained Minister Reed for record 31 st October 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk 1 Written in pencil. 806 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [437] To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 24 th day of September A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr William H Hamilton and Mifs Hannah "Allyn both of the Town of Montville in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d for record 31 st October 1837 To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on 2 d day of Oc- tober A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Wil- liam H Comstock and Mifs Julia Ann Kempton all of said Nor- wich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Rec d for record 31 st October 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [438] To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 22 d day of October A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Noel Collens Jun r and Mifs Maryann Bowers both of s d Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Recd for record 31 st October 1837 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk ordained Minister George Washington Collins, Son of Noel Collins Jun. and his wife Eliza Collins — was born January 23 d A. D. 1829. James Madison Collins, son of Noel Collins Jun. and his wife Mary Ann — was born May 2 d A. D. 1840. Henry Noel Collins, son of Noel Collins Jr. and of Eliza his wife was born March 30 th A. D. 1835. Phebe Ann Collins — Daughter of Noel Collins Jur. and of Eliza his wife was born March 31. A. D. 183 1. Andrew Jackson Collins — Son of Noel Collins Jun 1 *. and of Mary Ann his wife was born September 20 th A. D. 1841. To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the town of Norwich on the 22 d day of October A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Robert Rowe of New York City and Mifs Abby ann Story of the town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Recd for record 31 st October 1837 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister MARRIAGES BIRTHS & DEATHS No. 6 TOWN OF NORWICH [i] This certifies that Mr Elihu M Frazier of Norwich anc 1 Mils Esther S Standish of Bozrah were joined together in hoi) matrimony on this fifth day of November in the year of our Lord 1837 By me A. U. Swinnerton Reed for record 29 th Nov 1837 Minister of the Gospel Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This certifies that Mr William Tubbs of Lisbon and Mifs Luc) Collyer of Norwich were joined together in holy Matrimony 01 this Nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord 183'/ By me A. U. Swinnerton Minister of the Gospe Reed for record 29 th November 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This Certifies That Mr Isaac Partlow of the Town of Nor wich Conn, and miss Sophronia Kinney of the Town of Man- chester Conn, were Joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 22 day of Oct. in the Year of our Lord 1837 by me Norwich Oct. 22 1837 P. T. Kenney Minister of the Gospel In presence of Sheldon H. Walker Stephen Tracy Isaac A. Webster Received for Record June 16. 1892 Samuel H. Freeman Town Clerk [2] This certifies that Mr James Johnson and Mrs Harriet Newcomb both of Norwich were joined together in holy Mat- rimony on this twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord 1837 By Me A. U. Swinnerton Minister of the Gospe- Reed for record 29 th November 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This certifies that marriage was by me legally solemnized be- tween Charles Dwight Smith of ' Woodstock and Maryannt Baldwin of Norwich on the I st day of November 1837 John D Baldwin Minister of the Gospel Recvd for record I st . December 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk 807 808 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [3] Norwich Oct 5 th 1837 I hereby certify that on the fourth of instant October George Perkins Esq r & Mifs Maria H Huntington were legally joined in Marriage H P Arms Ord Minister Received for record 14 th Dec 1837 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Sarah Huntington daughter of George Perkins & Maria H his Wife was born 11 th Feb 3 " 1839 Elizabeth Denton, daughter of George and Maria H. Perkins was born in Norwich May 7 th A. D. 1848. Norwich Oct 5 th 1837 I certify that on the 17 th of Sept 1837 Mr William F Tufts & Mifs Mercy Babcock were legally joined in married Received for record 14 th Dec 1837 H P Arms Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ord Minister [4] To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 17 th day of December A D 1837 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Rufsell C Button and Mifs Mary E Leffingwell all of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record 20 th December 1837 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister Mr John G Huntington and Mifs Mary Isham were Married in Colchester Sept I st 1836 Jedediah Son of John G Huntington & Mary his Wife was born August 7 th 1837 John Richards, Son of John G. Huntington & Mary his wife was Born May 25 th Anno Domini 1846. Charles Isham, Son of John G. & Mary Huntington was born on the 16 th of November A. D. 1856, at Norwich. [5] Norwich June 1 1837 Married John Ramsdell of New London to Anna Johanna Meirs of this town both formerly of Bremen Ger A Bond Received for record 16 Jan y 1838 Pastor of 2 d ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Norwich June 6 1837 Married Charles Spaulding to Juliett Hubbard both of this town Received for record 16 th Jan y 1838 A Bond Pastor of 2 d ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [6] Norwich June 11 1837 Married John Brown to Adaline White both residents in this town A Bond Received for record 16 Jan y 1838 Pastor of 2 d ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 809 Norwich August 6 1837 Married Merrit S Gilbert of Tolland to Esther T Jones of this town A Bond Received for record 16 th Jan y 1838 Pastor of 2 d ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [7] Norwich Sept 24 1837 Married Tho s Congdon to Sarah Freeman (colored persons) both of this town A Bond Pastor of 2 d Ch Received for record 16 th Jan y 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Norwich Oct 2 1837 Married La Fayette S Foster to Joanna B Lanman both of this town A Bond Pastor of 2 Ch Reed for record 16 th Jan y 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Alfred Standish, son of LaFayette S. and Joanna B. Foster was born March 19 th 1840, and Died October 22 d . 1841. Joanna Lanman, daughter of LaFayette S. and Joanna B. Foster, was born October 29 th 1841 [8] Norwich Nov 19 1837 Married Jonathan Baker of New London to Sarah Guile of this town A Bond Reed for record 16 Jan y 1838 Pastor of 2 d Ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Norwich Nov 20 1837 Married Phineas Larkin to Martha Barstow both of this town Reed for Record 16 Jan y 1838 A Bond Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Pastor of 2 d Ch [9] Norwich Dec 13 th 1837 Married Ebenezer Fuller to Harriet L Bolles both of this town A Bond Reed for Record Jan y 16 1838 Pastor of 2 d Ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk James Ebenezer Fuller son of Ebenezer & Harriet L. Fuller was born September 2 nd 1838 Norwich Dec 28 1837 Married Sanford W Williams to Mary Ann Silver (colored persons) both of this town as residents A Bond Received for record 16 Jan y 1838 Pastor of 2 d Ch Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [10] Sophia Ann Ladd daughter of Asa Ladd & Nancy his Wife was born 9 th November 1821 Mary Ann Lathrop Ladd daughter of Asa Ladd & Nancy his Wife was born 11 th April 1824 810 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Eunice Peck Ladd daughter of Asa Ladd & Nancy his Wife was born 11 th June 1829 Sarah Huntington Ladd daughter of Asa Ladd & Nancy his Wife was born 7 th August 1834 To all Whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 28 th day of February A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Holy Mat- rimony Mr Denison A Babcock of the town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut and Mifs Dorcas R Sherman of the said Town of Norwich in the State aforesaid D N Bentley Minister of the Gospel No.rwich City Connecticut In presence of L D Bentley Clarifsa A Bentley Priscilla A Smith Received for record and Recorded March 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [11] This certifies that Mr John E Case and Mifs Maria A Freeman both of Norwich were joined together in holy Mat- rimony on this 16 th day of January 1838 By me A. U. Swinnerton Minister of the Gospel Received for record 19 th Jan* 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This may certify that on the 16 th day of December A D 1832 John S Brewster of Lisbon & Elizabeth Delila Miller of Col- chester were joined in matrimonial wedlock at Norwich By me John H Townsend Justice of the Peace Received for Record 4 th April 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [12] Married by Rev a S S Mallery on the 9 th day of Feb- ruary 1835 Elisha W. Beckwith to Mifs Hannah A. Murray both of Norwich. Sarah A. Daughter of Elisha W Beckwith & Hannah his Wife was born Jan y 12 th 1836, and died November 23 d A. D. 1838. Harriet M. daughter of Elisha W. Beckwith & Hannah his Wife was born Jan y 31 st 1838. Mary Lucretia, daughter of Elisha W. & Hannah A. Beck- with was born February 9 th A. D. 1840, and died Sept. 16 th A. D. 1841. John Allen, Son of Elisha W. & Hannah A. Beckwith was Born February 27 th 1843. Herbert Elisha, Son of Elisha W. & Hannah A. Beckwith was Born June 23 d A. D. 1845, NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 8ll Frank Edwin, Son of Elisha W. & Hannah A. Beckwith, was Born February 20 th A. D. 1848. To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the I st day of April A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr John F Hamilton and Mifs Susannah S Bennett both of the town of Montville in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for Record 10 th April 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [13] To all whom it may concern This certifies that Mr Lucius L Button & Mifs Abby S Dolbeare both of Norwich Con were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this eighth day of April 1838 By me A. U. Swinnerton Minister of the Gospel Received for Record 11 th April 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 15 th day of April A D 1838 I Joined together in Marriage Mr William H Burch of Stonington and Mifs Rhoda Ann Thompson of Norwich all of the State of Connecticut Received for Record 16 th April 1838 A C Wheat Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Minister of the Gospel [14] This Certifies that Jason Gleason of Oxford (Mafs) & Harriet N Phillips of Norwich were united in Marriage by me April 2 1838 Henry Robison Minister of the Gospel Received for Record 2 d April 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This certifies that on the I st of April 1838 I married Mr Court- land Noyes to Mifs Susan Maria King both of this town S. B. Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for Record 30 th April 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Charles C Noyes. Son of Courtland and Susan M. Noyes was born August 19. 1842 [15] To Whom it may Concern This is to certify that Mr Avery Hewit & Mifs Harriett Miner both of Salem were joined in Marriage at My House in Nor- wich according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut on the 29 th of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight Hun- dred and Thirty eight By me W m Palmer V D M Norwich April 29 1838 Received for Record 2 d May 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk 812 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 6 th day of May A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Joseph C Armstrong and Mils Huldah C Phillips all of the said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut D N Bentley Ordained Minister Received for Record 15 th May 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This is to certify that Joseph C. Armstrong and Sarah Dyer both of Norwich Conn, were joined in matrimony on the 23 d day of May in the year of our Lord 1847. — By Me Entered by Geo. M. Carpenter Othniel Gager Town Clerk Methodist Minister [16] Died at Norwich October 14 th 1837 Mr John Morse aged 87 Years I hereby certify that solemnized the marriage between Mr David Williamson of New York and Mifs Lucy D Johnson of Norwich Norwich Oct 15 1838 A L Whitman V D M Received for record 20 th Oct 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [17] To all whom it may concern This certifies that Mr Frances J Johnson of Washington D C and Mifs Sarah Ann Cook of Norwich Conn were joined to- gether in Holy Matrimony on this seventeenth day of May 1838 By Me A U Swinnerton Minister of the Gospel Received for record June 8 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk This certifies that on the 24 th of June 1838 I married Frank Manuel to Ellen Fails Stow both of this Town S B Paddock Retor of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 6 July 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [18] This certifies that on the 5 th of July 1838 I Married James Breed to Sarah Louisa Backus both of this city S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record 6 July 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 8 th day of July A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Sim- eon Babcock of said Town of Norwich and Mrs Eliza Simpson of the Town of Lisbon all in the State of Connecticut Received 20 august 1838 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 813 fig] To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 26 th day of August A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Andrew Prebles and Mifs Mercy B Holley both of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received Sept 1 1838 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister Norwich Town 11 June 1838 Rufsell Lamphere of Norwich and Hannah Andrews of Ashford entered in the marriage rela- tion before me Joel R Arnold Received July 5 1838 Pastor of Cong 1 Church Colchester Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [20] Jan y 15 1838 Married by the Subscriber David Butts of Canterbury to Susan C Champlin of Norwich A Bond Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Feb 13 1838 Married by the Subscriber James C. Lord of Griswold to Betsey C. Prentice of Norwich A. Bond Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [21] March 18 1838 Married by the Subscriber George Perry to Izannah Sly both of Norwich A Bond Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk May 10 1838 Married by the Subscriber Marcus B Young to Elizabeth S Kennedy both of Norwich A Bond Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [22] Jul 3 1838 Married by the Subscriber Edwin A Tweedy to Harriet Mott both of Norwich A Bond Received for record S Thomas Town Clerk July 8 th 1838 Married by the subscriber William A Jacob of Derby to Elizabeth Briggs of Norwich A Bond Received for record. S Thomas Town Clerk [23] Aug 27 1838 Married by the Subscriber George Coit of Norwich to Mary Bull of Milford A Bond Received for record S Thomas Town Clerk July 27 1838 Married by the Subscriber David Y Thomas of Port Gibson Mifsissippa to Cornelia A Avery of Norwich Received for record A Bond S Thomas Town Clerk 814 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [24] Married by the Subscriber Aaron H Hand of Albany N Y to Elizabeth C Boswell of Norwich Aug 3 1838 A Bond Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Sept 19 1838 Married by the Subscriber Charles J Stedman of New York to Elizabeth Strong of Norwich A Bond Received for record S Thomas Town Clerk [25] Oct 17 1838 Married by the Subscriber Horatio N Freeman to Sarah A Cranston both of Norwich A Bond Received for record S Thomas Town Clerk This certifies that James N Spencer and Emily D Gavit both of this City were legally married on Monday evening Sept 10 1838 by me Rufsell Jennings Minister of the Gospel Received for record Sept 13 1838 Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [26] This Certifies that George Reynolds and Frances Susan Case both of Norwich were legally married in this City on Teus- day evening September 11 th 1838 by me Received for record 13 th Sept 1838 Rufsell Jennings S Thomas Town Clerk Minister of the Gospel This Certifies that on the 17 th of Sept 1838 I married Mr Lu- cius O Ackley of East Haddam to Mifs Elizabeth Smith of this City S B Paddock Rector of Christ Giurch Norwich Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk [27] This certifies that on the 24 th of Sept 1838 I married Mr Thomas Byrnes of this City to Mifs Almira F Roath of Preston S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Jane Amanda, Daughter of Thomas & Almira F. Byrnes was born on the 8 th day of September A. D. 1839. George Thomas, son of Thomas & Almira F. Byrnes was born on the 23 rd day of October A. D. 1840. This certifies that on the 1 of Aug 1838 I Married Mr Jlde- fonso Vincent Lararla of Bilboa Spain to Mifs Nancy Elizabeth Allen of this town, S B Paddock Rector of Christ Church Norwich Received for record S Thomas Town Clerk [28] I hereby certify that Thomas J Dyer and Delia A Strong of Norwich Connecticut were lawfully joined together in Mar- NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 815 riage this second day of September A D 1838 by me the sub- scriber Reuben Ransom Received for record Sept 3 d 1838 S Thomas Town Clerk To all whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 30 th day of September A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Sanford B Swan and Mifs Persis West both of said Nor- wich in the State of Connecticut Received for record Nov 6 1838 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister [29] To all whom it may Concern I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 11 th day of October A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Jedediah Reed and Mifs Lucy L Bradford both of the Town of Canterbury in the State of Connecticut Received for record Nov 6 1838 D N Bentley Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister To all to. whom it may concern I hereby Certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 11 th day of October A D 1838 I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr Francis Augustus Walker and Mifs Mary Worthington both of said Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut Received for record Nov 6 1838 D N Bentley S Thomas Town Clerk Ordained Minister [30] To all whom it may concern Know Ye That Mr John Wesley Mansfield of Lynn Mafs and Mifs Eliza Caroline Allyn of Norwich O were lawfully joined together in Marriage at Norwich on the Seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and thirty eight By me Reed for record Asa Roath Simeon Thomas Town Clerk Justice of the Peace Mr Henry P Tucker of Preston and Miss Zerviah Brumley of Griswold but residing in Norwich were legally married in the latter place on Sunday Evening October 28 1838 by me Reed for record Rufsell Jennings S Thomas Town Clerk Minister of the Gospel This is to certify that Robert Ritchie and Mifs Catherine Holden, both residents of Norwich, born in Scotland were legally joined in marriage on the sixth day of November, 1838, by me, Alvan Bond, Pastor of the 2 F - W. Bill Minister of the Gospel Recorded July 12 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [56] I hereby certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Felix D. Grady of Natches, Miss, and Mifs Clarifsa Barrows of Norwich. Norwich, Conn. July 8 th 1849. — H. P. Arms, Recorded July 30 th 1849, by Pastor First Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [57] Darius Gardner and Lucretia F. Butts were united in marriage this day, Norwich City April 30 th 1849 — by me, John Lovejoy Minister of the Gospel. Recorded August I st 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 1 Written in pencil. 942 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [58] George W. Geer Jun. and Elizabeth W. Mitchell were united in marriage this day, Norwich City May 2 nd 1849. by me John Lovejoy Minister of the Gospel. Recorded August I st 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [59] This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage Thomas Barrows Jun. of New York to Miss Sarah E. Coit of Norwich. Norwich Aug. 14 th 1849, Charles P. Bush Recorded August 14 th 1849, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify, that in the Town of Norwich, on the 23 d . day of September 1849, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Samuel Clark of the Town of Windham and Mifs Lucy Ann Lester of said Town of Norwich, all in the State of Connecticut. Recorded July 11 th 1851, by D. N. Bentley Local Elder Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich City Conn. [60] This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage Michael Long & Mary Cetera both of Greeneville, Norwich. Norwich Sept. 2 nd 1849. Chas. P. Bush Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Sept. 5 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [61] I Certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. George H. Smith & Miss Ruby Bill both of Norwich. J. M. Coley Pastor I st Baptist Church Recorded Sept. 6. 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [62] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Mr. Joseph R. Chapman, of Piermont, N. Y. to Mifs Phebe A. Cutler of Greeneville, Norwich. Norwich Sept. 11 th 1849. Chas. P. Bush Recorded Sept. 13 th 1849 by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [63] This certifies that on the 26 th day of August 1849, Mr. Alfred R. Vergason of Bozrah, and Mifs Maria C. Johnson of Norwich were joined in marriage by me. Recorded Sept. 13 th 1849, by C. Leffingwell, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of. the Gospel. [64] This certifies that Edward W. Prentice and Sophia A. Paine, both of this Town, were lawfully married by me Septem- ber 13. 1849. Lawson Muzzy Minister of the Gospel. Norwich, Greeneville, Sept. 1849. Recorded Sept. 21 st 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 943 [65] I certify that I have this day joined in Marriage Mr. James Alexander Nelson & Mifs Margaret Trinnaar according to the laws of this State. James M. Coley Norwich Sept. 23 d 1849. Pastor of the I st Recorded Sept. 24 th 1849, b y Ba P- Chh - Norwich Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [66] This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage Willard Sayles of Providence, R. I. to Sarah E. C. Palmer of Norwich Chas. P. Bush Norwich Sept. 23 d . 1849 Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Sept. 24 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [67] This certifies that Mr. George W. Marion, of Preston, Ct. and Mifs Sarah M. Franklin, of Norwich Ct. were united in marriage on the 2 nd day of September 1849, m tne Town of Norwich aforesaid — By me, James Mather Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Oct. 2 d 1849, 'by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [68] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Henry Gardner and Miss Maria Hall, both of Norwich. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 9 th 1849. H. P. Arms Recorded October 3 d 1849, by Pastor First Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [69] I hereby Certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Caleb Wright of Boston, and Mifs Sarah A. Lord of Norwich. H. P. Arms Pastor First Church. Norwich, Conn. Sept. 26 th 1849. Recorded October 3 d 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [70] This certifies, that John H. Gale and Phebe A. Pendle- ton were united in marriage, this day, by me. Norwich Oct. 8 th 1849 John Love joy Recorded October 9 th 1849, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [71] This certifies, that David O. Whiting, and Ann A Smith both of this City, were united in marriage, this day by me. Norwich City Oct. 28 th 1849. John Lovejoy Recorded Oct. 29 th 1849, b Y Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [72] I hereby certify that I joined in marriage on the I st day of November A. D. 1849, Mr. John A. Hunter & Mifs Roseana Clements according to the Laws of this State Recorded Nov. 2^1849, by J. M. Coley Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the I st Bap. Chh. 944 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [73] Married by the undersigned, Oct. 19 th 1848, William S. S. Russell of New York City, to Rebecca B. Carew of this Town Norwich Oct. 19 th 1848. A. Bond Pastor of 2 d Cong 1 Church. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [74] Married by the undersigned, Jan. 21 st 1849, Daniel S. Chase of Nashua, N. H. to Mary A. Cochran of this Town. — Norwich, Jan. 21 st 1849. A. Bond Pastor of 2 d Cong 1 . Church. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [75] Married by the undersigned Feb. 17 th 1849, J orm Coil to Betsey Ann M c Clure, both foreigners, resident in this Town. Norwich, Feb. 17. 1849. A. Bond Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Their Children were born Martha April 13. 1850 Jane Jan. 13. 1852 Mary March 5. 1854 Charlotte ) ^ . T ^ John \ Twins J an - 2 ° l8s6 Isabel Dec. 15. 1857 John 2 nd Oct 10 1859 George Sept 2. 1861 Isabel 2 nd June 26. 1864 William May 2. 1868 Annie May 11 1870 These facts received from the father. [76] Married by the undersigned Sept. 3 d 1849, Henry W. Birge, of St. Louis, Missouri, to Eliza W. Meech of this Town — Norwich Sept. 3 d 1849. A. Bond Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [77] Married by the undersigned, Sept. 6 th 1849, Joel E. Langdon of Berlin. Vt. to Josephine Hills of this Town. Nor- wich, Sept. 6 th 1849. A. Bond Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [78] Married by the undersigned, Sept. 6 th 1849 — Henrv L. Prentice of this Town to Eliza Whitaker of Utica, N. Y. Nor- wich, Sept. 6 th 1849. A - Bond Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849. by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 945 [79] Married by the undersigned, Sept. 27 th 1849, John Christman to Magdalena Reiss both Germans, resident in this Town. Norwich Sept. 27, 1849. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by A. Bond Pastor of 2 d Cong 1 Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [80] Married by the undersigned, Oct. 15 th 1849, Prince Lewis of Thompson to Mrs. Eliza Parkis of this Town — (Col- ored persons.) A. Bond Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. Norwich, Oct. 15 th 1849. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [81] This certifies that 011 the 4 th of Nov. 1849, Mr. Daniel E. Driscoll and Miss Nancy Whitney both of Norwich, Ct. were joined in matrimony By Me F W Bill Minister of the Gospel Recorded Nov. 9 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [82] This certifies that on Nov. 5 th 1849, Mr. Newman B. Clark of Norwich Ct. and Miss Rebecca A. Locke of Lebanon were joined in marriage by me. F. W. Bill Recorded Nov. 9 th 1849, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [83] This certifies that, on the 4 th day of November A. D. 1849, Mr - Albert A. Mitchell, and Miss Almira Getchel, both of Montville, were joined in marriage — by me, C. Leffingwell Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Nov. 22 d 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [84] I hereby certify that on the 4 th day of November A. D. 1849, Mr. Leonard T. Armstrong and Mrs. Maria Vergason both of Norwich, were joined in marriage — by me, C. Leffingwell Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Nov. 22 d 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [85] This certifies, that Mr. Alvan B. Bliss and Delsena A. Jillson, both of Norwich, were united in marriage on the 16 th day of October 1849, m Norwich Ct. — by me, Recorded Nov. 23 d 1849, by J. Mather Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [86] This certifies, that Mr. William O. Hood and Miss Abby F. Allen, both of Norwich Ct. were united in marriage, in Nor- wich on the 29 th day of October 1849, by me, Recorded Nov. 23 d 1849, by J. Mather Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 25 946 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [87] This is to certify that John W. Thomson of Thompson and Miss Jane Tracy of Norwich were this day lawfully united in marriage by me — Dated Norwich this 27 th day of October A. D. 1849. George A. Meech Justice of the Peace. Recorded Nov. 27 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [88] This is to certify that on the evening of the thirteenth day of June, Eighteen hundred forty nine, I married, according to the forms of the Episcopal Church Mr. Jacob Miller to Mrs. Maria Steusse, both of Norwich William F. Morgan Rector of Christ Church. Recorded Dec. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [89] Norwich Nov. 5 th 1849. This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Mr. Leonard H. Chester and Miss Lucy C. Thurston, both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Pastor of Main St. Church. Recorded Dec 1 *. 6 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [90] I hereby certify, that on the 29 th day of November A. D. 1849, M r - John Post of Bozrah, and Mifs Nancy M. Rogers of Norwich, were joined in marriage, by me, Recorded Dec. 10 th 1849. C. Leffingwell Minister of the Gospel, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [91] This certifies that, Mr. Simeon L. Lavender of Prov- incetown Mass. and Miss Mary Jane Bidwell of Norwich Ct. were lawfully joined in marriage in Norwich Ct. Nov. 18. 1849. by me, Levi Daggett Jun. Minister of the M. E. Church. Recorded Dec. 14 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [92] This certifies that, Mr. Albert Brewster of Preston Ct. and Miss Lucinda P. Sherman of Norwich Ct. were lawfully joined in marriage in Norwich Ct. November 23 d 1849, by me; — Levi Daggett Jun. Minister in the M. E. Ch'h. Recorded Dec. 14 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [93] This certifies that, Mr. Samuel R. Ford of Clinton Ct. and Mifs Maria C. Jones of Hebron Ct. were lawfully joined in marriage in Norwich Ct. November 29 th 1849, by me, Levi Daggett Jun. Minister in the M. E. Church Recorded Dec. 14 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 947 [94] This certifies that Mr. Philip Hirschman was lawfully married to Mrs. Mary Gates in Greeneville, Oct. 7 th 1849, hy me. Recorded Dec. 18 th 1849, by L. Muzzy, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [95] This certifies that Mr. Lucius H. Ellsworth of East Windsor Ct. was lawfully married to Miss Susan F. Bailey of Chester Vt. by me in Greeneville December 9 th 1849. Recorded Dec. 18 th 1849, by L. Muzzy. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the Town of Norwich on the 9 th day of December A. D. 1849, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Charles Davis and Mifs Mary M. Kimon, both of said Town, in the County of New London and State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded July 11 th 1851, by M. E. Church Norwich City Conn. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [96] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Henry Collins, of North Kingston, R. I. & Abby Ann Ham- ilton of this place. — Norwich, Dec. 23. 1849. Cha 8 . P. Bush Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Dec. 25 th 1849, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [97] This is to certify that on the evening of the tenth day of December A. D. 1849, I married according to law William H. Maynard of Waltham, and Mifs Martha A. Parks of Water- town both of Massachusetts. John D. Park Justice of the Peace. Entered Jan. 5 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk To all whom it may concern, I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 10 th day of December A. D. 1849, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Samuel E. Rice of the City of Baltimore in the State of Maryland and Mifs Anna C. Bentley of the Town of North Stonington, in the County of New Lon- don and State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded July 11 th 1851, by M. E. Church Norwich City Conn. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [98] This certifies that Mr. David A. Gardner of Montville and Mifs Caroline M. Ford of this Town were lawfully married by me Dec. 24 th 1849. L. Muzzy, Minister Recorded Jan. 23 d 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 948 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS To all whom it may concern : I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 10 th day of December A. D. 1849, I lawfully joined together in marriage, Doct. Edwin Bentley, and Mifs Elizabeth Tourtelott all of said City in County of New London and State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded July 11 th 185 1, by M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich City Conn. [99] This certifies that Mr. John D. Noyes and Mifs Jane M C N aught both of the Town of Norwich were lawfully married by me Dec 25 th 1849. L. Muzzy Minister. Recorded January 23 d 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [100] This certifies that Mr. Levi Read of Strikersville N. Y. and Mrs. Nancy P. Mason of this Town were lawfully mar- ried by me January 13 th 1850. L. Muzzy Recorded January 23 d 1850, by Minister of the gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk, [101] This certifies that Mr. E. Bartlett of N. H. and Mrs. Prussia H. Daley of the Town of Norwich were lawfully mar- ried by me January 20 th 1850 L. Muzzy, Minister of Christ. Recorded by January 23 d 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [102] Mr. Denison Lathrop and Miss Lydia A. Armstrong both of Norwich were joined in Matrimony at Norwich by me on the third day of February 1850. F. W. Bill Recorded Feb. 4 th 1850, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [103] This Certifies, that Mr. Joseph O. Reynolds, and Mifs Janette S. Green, both of Norwich, were united in marriage on the first day of January 1850, in Norwich, by me. J. Mather Recorded Feb. 4 th 1850, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [104] This certifies that Mr. William Bardwell of New Lon- don Conn, and Mifs Adaline C. Robinson of Norwich Conn, were united in marriage in Norwich on the 3 rd day of February 1850, by me. J. Mather Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Feb. 4 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [105] This certifies, that Robert Armstrong, and Harriet Bushnell, both of this City, were this day united in marriage by me John Lovejoy Minister of the Gospel. Norwich Landing Feb. 6 th A. D. 1850. Entered February 7 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 949 [106] This certifies that Mr. Levi N. Perkins, and Miss Ellen C. Ford, both of Norwich, were married on the eleventh dav of Feb. 1850. in the Town of Norwich, by me. Recorded Feb. 13 th 1850, by F. W. Bill Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [107] This certifies, that Patrick Cloney and Mary Ann Ste- phenson, were united in marriage, this day, by me. Norwich Feb. 17 th 1850. John Lovejoy Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Feb. 20 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [108] I hereby certify that on the 17 th day of February A. D. 1850, Mr. David A. Johnson and Mrs. Mary S. Wawling both of Bozrah were joined in marriage by me. Recorded Feb 22 d 1850, by C. Leffingwell Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [109] This is to certify that on the 7 th of May 1846, I mar- ried Stephen Curtis of Fall River to Matilda Turner of Scit- uate Mafs. William F. Morgan Rec. of C. Ch. Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that on the 6 th of December 1846, I married Thomas W. Brown of Wilmington to Sarah E. Story of Nor- wich. William F. Morgan Rec. of C. Ch. Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [no] This is to certify that on the 22 nd of February 1S47, I married A. W. Coates to Huldah E. Sydleman both of Poque- tonnuck. William F. Morgan Rec. of C. Ch. Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that on the 15 th of August 1847, I married Dan forth R. Boyd of Spencer, Mafs. to Sarah E. Cushman of Oakham Mafs. William F. Morgan Rec. of C. Ch. Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [in] I hereby certify that on the 10 th day of December 1849, I joined in marriage Mr. Alfred H. Vaughan & Mifs Eliza Ann Lamb both of Norwich City according to the Laws of this State. J. M. Cooley Pastor of the I st Bap. Chh. Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [112] I hereby certify that on the 3 rd of March 1850, I joined in marriage Mr. Mathew S. Burdick of New York & Mifs Caro- line A. Taylor of Stonington according to the Laws of this State. J. M. Coley Pastor of the I st Bap. Chh. Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. William Meadowcraft of Andover, Mass. and Mifs Nancy Ann Beswick of Norwich, Ct. were joined in 95o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS marriage, in Norwich on the sixth day of March, 1850, by me, F. W. Bill Minister of the Gospel. Recorded March 15 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [113] This certifies, that Mr. Samuel J. Geer, and Mifs Eliza J. Arnold, both of Norwich, were united in marriage in Norwich, on the 10 th day of February 1850, by me J. Mather Recorded March 16 th 1850, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [114] New London County fs. Norwich, February 10 th 1850. This may certify, that on the day and year above written, Darius Ladd and Mary Foley were married by the undersigned. Recorded March 21 st 1850, by Jno. T. Wait Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. [115] I hereby certify that on the 24 th day of March A. D. 1850, Mr. Charles H. Marsh and Miss Martha A. Roath, both of Norwich, were joined in marriage by me. Recorded March 25 th 1850, by C. Leffingwell Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [116] I hereby certify that on the 7 th day of March A. D. 1850, I joined in marriage Mr. James Morrison & Mifs Mary Mary Robinson both of the City of Norwich Conn. Recorded March 25 th 1850, by J. M. Coley Pastor of the I st Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Bapt. Chh. in the City of Norwich. [117] I hereby certify that on the 25 th day of March A. D. 1850, I joined in marriage Mr. Joseph D. Hurlbert & Miss Char- lotte Lamb of Groton. J. M. Coley Pastor of the I st Bap* Chh. Norwich. Recorded March 25 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [118] This certifies that Sanford H. Sholes and Eliza Stanton were united in marriage, this clay by me. Norwich April 3 d 1850. Recorded April 13 th 1850. by J. Love joy Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [119] This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Mr. Danforth Harris of Worcester and Mrs. Emily E. Pratt of Norwich. — Norwich April 15 th 1850. Recorded April 18 th 1850, by John P. Gulliver Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of Main St. Church. [120] This is to Certify that William Story and Hannah Dowd both of this City were joined in marriage according to the Laws of this State at the place of his residence in this City this day by me W m Palmer Norwich April 20 th 1850. Recorded Apr. 20. 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 951 [121] To whom it may concern. This is to certify, that Mr. Almarine R. Hale and Mifs C. Elizabeth Tracy both of this Town were joined in marriage, at my house according to the laws of the State of Connecticut, on Thursday April 25 th in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty — By me, Norwich April 25 th 1850. W m Palmer V. D. M. Recorded, April 29 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [122] To whom it may concern. This is to certify, That Mr. Edwin R. Waterman of Norwich & Mifs Esther E. Perkins of Ledyard Ct. were joined in marriage, at my house according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on Saturday April 27 th in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty — By me, W m Palmer V. D. M. Norwich April 27 th 1850. Recorded April 29 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Frank Augustus, — Son of Sylvanus and Emma E. Downer, was born at Norwich, Ct. on the 8 th day of June, A. D. 1852. [123] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage John Filstun & Margaret M c Cracken both of Greeneville, Norwich. Chas. P. Bush, Minister of the Gospel. Norwich April 25 th . 1850. Recorded May I st 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [124] This may certify that Mr. John L. Thomas of Colches- ter & Mifs Harriet J. Fillmore of Norwich were joined together in holy matrimony April 21 st 1850, — By me, Recorded May 6 th 1850, by B. M. Walker Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [125] This may certify that Mr. George W. Denison and Mifs Maria F. Brown both of Norwich were joined together in holy matrimony May 5 th 1850. — By me, — Recorded May 6 th 1850, by B. M. Walker Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [126] This certifies, that Edward King and Eliza Holiday, were united in marriage, this day, by me. Norwich City April 30 th A. D. 1850. John Lovejoy Recorded May 7 th 1850, by minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [127] This certifies that Charles P. Tourtelott and Frances F. Ward both of Norwich, Ct. were by me lawfully married May 15 th 1849. E. T. Hiscox Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 952 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [128] This certifies that Daniel Price of Pomfret Ct. and Sa- rah M. Gardner of Norwich, Ct. were by me lawfully married May 23 d . 1849. E. T. Hiscox Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [129] This certifies that John M. Littlefield and Elizabeth S. Dorrance both of Willimatic, Ct. were by me lawfully married Sept. 2 nd 1849. E. T. Hiscox Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [130] This certifies that Amasa L. Rose and Lucy A. Arm- strong both of Norwich Ct. were by me lawfully married October 28 th 1849. E. T. Hiscox Pastor Cent. Bapt Ch Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [131] This certifies that Henry Flergo and Eliza Clifford, both of Norwich, Ct. were by me lawfully married November 8 th 1849. E. T. Hiscox Pastor — Cent. Bap. Ch. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [132] This certifies that Joseph L. Johnson and Lucy V. Chase both of Norwich Ct. were by me lawfully married Jan- uary I st 1850. E. T. Hiscox Pastor, Cent. Bap. Ch. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [133] This certifies that Hiram C. Fenton of New Britain, Ct. and Martha A. Champlin of Franklin Ct. were by me law- fully married Jan. 31 st 1850. E. T. Hiscox Recorded May 8 th 1850, by Pastor — Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [134] This certifies that Joshua I. Greenwood and Sarah L. Reynolds both of Norwich; Ct. were by me lawfully married February 24 th 1850. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by E. T. Hiscox Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor — Cent. Bap. Ch. [135] This certifies that Edwin W. Mathewson and Har- riet A. Walden both of Norwich, Ct. were by me lawfully married April 14 th 1850. Recorded May 8 th 1850, by E. T. Hiscox Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor — Cent. Bap. Ch. [136] This certifies that George W. Wheeler and Lucy A. D. Armstrong, both of Norwich Ct. were by me lawfully married April 28 th 1850. E. T. Hiscox Recorded. May 8 th 1850, by Pastor — Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 953 [137] This certifies that Jonathan Allen Jun. and Frances Ap- pelnian both of Portersville Ct. were by me lawfully married May 6 th 1850. E. T. Hiscox Recorded, May 8 th 1850, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Norwich Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [138] This certifies that Nelson Darling and Mary Ann Rey- nolds, both of Norwich, Ct. were by me lawfully married May 7 th 1850. E. T. Hiscox Pastor — Recorded, May 8 th 1850, by Cent. Bap. Ch. Norwich. Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [139] This may certify that George A. Meech and Sarah H. Dorchester both of Norwich were lawfully united in marriage this day by me — Norwich April 22 nd 1850. Recorded May 20 th 1850, by D. Dorchester Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel [140] This certifies that Mr. Gilbert Johnson, and Mifs Mary E. Geer, both of Norwich, were united in marriage, in Norwich, on the 31 st day of March 1850, by me, Recorded May 21 st 1850, by J. Mather Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [141] This certifies, that Mr. George D. Fuller 2 nd , and Mifs Josephine A. Northrup, both of Norwich, were united in marriage in Norwich aforesaid, on the 31 st day of March 1850, by me Recorded May 21 st 1850, by J. Mather Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [142] This certifies that Conrad Amthuer, of Webster Mafs. and Mary Margaret See of Norwich are this day united in mar- riage by me. John Love joy Norwich Ct. May 18 th 1850. Minister of the Gospel Recorded May 22 d 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [143] This may certify that George G. Smith of Thompson Conn. & Mary Eliza Putney of Southbridge Mass. were law- fully united in marriage this day by me. Norwich May 20 th 1850. D. Dorchester Recorded May 31 st 1850, by Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [144] I hereby certify that Mr. John Jennison of Norwich and Mifs Susan Pierce of Franklin were married in Norwich on the 2 nd day of June 1850, by me — Recorded June 5 th 1850, by F. W. Bill Othniel Gager Town Glerk. Minister of the Gospel. 954 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [145] This is to certify that on the twentieth day of June A. D. 1850, at the Town of Norwich I married Frank Brown and Mary Ann Rogers both of Boston Massachusetts. Rec d . for Record June 20 th 1850. John D. Park Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 16 th day of June A. D. 1850, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Jeremiah Getcher of the Town of Mont- ville and Mrs. Sarah Thomas of the Town of Bozrah all in the County of New London and State of Connecticut. Recorded July 11 th 185 1, by D. N. Bentley Local Elder Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich City, Ct. [146] Norwich June 17 th 1850. This will certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Nelson H. Vergason & Mifs Elizabeth D. Vergason, both of Norwich, Conn. J. M. Coley Pastor of Recorded June 21 st 1850, by I st Bap. Chh. Norwich Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [147] This certifies that Mr. John P. Page of Norwich, and Miss Betsey E. Smith of Lebanon, were lawfully joined in mar- riage by me on the 27 th of May 1850. Recorded June 25 th 1850, by me Anthony Palmer Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the GospeL [148] This certifies, that Samuel L. Barker and Emeline G. Westcott were united in marriage, by me this day. Norwich June 25 th 1850. John Lovejoy Recorded June 25 th 1850, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [149] This certifies that William Gulion of New York City, and Ceilia Lilly of Norwich were united in marriage by me this day. Norwich June 25 th 1850 John Lovejoy Recorded July2 d , 1850, by Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that on the 26 th day of August A. D. 1850, I Joined together in Holy Matrimony Samuel W. Whipple & Ann Maria Chapman both of Norwich, Conn. Recorded Sept. 6 th 185 1, by Edward O. Flagg, Rector Othniel Gager Town Clerk. of Trinity Church Norwich. [150] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Richard P. Spencer & Mary Babcock, both of Groton, Ct. Greeneville July 3 d . 1850. Cha 8 . P. Bush Recorded July 5 th 1850, by Min. Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 955 This certifies that on the 29 th day of August A. D. 1850, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Michael Gilbert & Catharine Kinney both of Norwich. Edward O. Flagg Rector of Trinity Church Norwich. Recorded Sept. 6 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [151] This certifies that Daniel Briggs of Voluntown and Lucretia Parkhurst of Plainfield were united in marriage by me this day. John Love joy Norwich July 4 th 1850. Minister of the Gospel. Recorded July 5 th 1850, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [152] This certifies, that John Mitchell and Frances Crumb, both of this City, were this day united in marriage by me. Norwich July 4 th 1850 — John Lovejoy Recorded July 5 th 1850, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the undersigned this 9 th day of February 1852, Thomas Hayes of Worcester, Mass. to Anna Dunn of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 28 th 1852, by Daniel Kelly Pastor Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Roman Catholic Church [153] This may certify that Mr. George H. Stanton of Norwich and Mifs Helen S. Sparks of West Killingly, were joined together in holy matrimony the seventh day of July 1850, — by me, B. M. Walker Recorded July 9 th 1850, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the undersigned this 15 th day of February 1852, Michael Brisnahan of Central Village to Johanna Fletcher of Norwich. Daniel Kelly Recorded Oct. 28 th 1852, by Roman Catholic Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [154] This certifies that Mr. Andrew Kahnly, and Mifs So- phia Ungemacht, both of this Town, were joined in marriage by me on the 7 th of July, 1850. Anthony Palmer Recorded July 13 th 1850, by Minster of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the undersigned this 15 th day of February 1852, Patrick Mullony to Margaret Greely both of Norwich Recorded Oct. 28 th 1852, by Daniel Kelly Pastor Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Roman Catholic Church [155] To whom it may concern. This is to certify, that Mr. W m P. Sterry and Miss Nancy E. Holmes both of this City were Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [208] This certifies that Orin Hoxie and Susan Hardinburg both of Norwich were by me lawfully married November 3 rd 1850. E. T. Hiscox Recorded January 23 rd 185 1, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that James H. Bowen of Thompson & Mary E. Huntley of Norwich, were this day lawfully united in marriage — by me. N. Whiting, Pastor of the Norwich March 6 th 1853. Baptist Ch. — Greeneville Recorded March 8 th 1853, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [209] This certifies that William Clemishire of Albany N. Y. and Lucy L. Cook of Norwich Ct. were by me lawfully mar- ried Nov. 27 th 1850. E. T. Hiscox Recorded January 23 d 185 1, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. William D. Culver of Thompsonville, Ct. and Miss Mary Guthrie of Willimantic, Ct. were united in marriage by me on the twenty seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three. Norwich Feb. 27 th 1853. William Leonard Recorded March 9 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [210] This certifies that Orlando J. Lamb and Jane E. Meech both of Norwich were bv me lawfully married January 20 th 185 1. E. T. Hiscox Recorded January 23 d . 185 1, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. John M c Nelly was lawfully married to Mifs M. M. Eagles, both of Norwich on the 21 st of October A. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 969 p. 1852. By me, A. L. Loveland Recorded April 4 th 1853, by Pastor of I st Universalist Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk [211] Norwich Jan y . 5 th 185 1. This may certify that T have this day lawfully united in marriage Anton Blau and Catharine King, both of Norwich. Jno. P. Gulliver Recorded Jan. 24 th 185 1, by Pastor of the Main St. Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. August Dempowolf was lawfully mar- ried to Mifs Sophia Merr, both of Norwich, on the 26 th of De- cember A. D. 1852 — by me A. L. Loveland Recorded April 4 th 1853, by Pastor of I st Universalist Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [212] Norwich Jan y 24 th 185 1. — This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage John Spotten and Jane M°Manus both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Recorded Jan. 24 th 185 1, by Pastor of the Main St. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. James Hammond of Preston was lawfully married to Miss Mary E. Roath of Norwich on the 18 th of January 1853, by me — A. L. Loveland Pastor of Recorded April 4 th 1853, by the I st Universalist Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Church Norwich Ct. [213] Norwich Jan y 24 th 1851. — This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Robert M c Knight and Mar- garet M c Manus both of Norwich. Recorded Jan y . 24 th 185 1, by John P. Gulliver Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the Main St. Church. This is to certify that Mr. James F. Forsyth was lawfully united in Marriage with Miss Lucy Tracy, both of Norwich March 29 th 1853, by me — A. L. Loveland Recorded April 4 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [214] This certifies that J. Mirrick Hine, of Southwick Mafs. and Mifs Mary S. Codding of Worcester Mass. were legally mar- ried March 7 th 1850, by the subscriber, Lawson Muzzy Recorded Jan y 27 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. Eleazer Rogers was married to Mifs Nancy M. Murfey, both of Norwich, on the 3 rd of April 1853, By me, — A. L. Loveland Recorded April 4 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk 970 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [215] This certifies that Otis M. Dorrance and Lucy Fan-, ning both of Greeneville were legally married March 17 th 1850, by the subscriber. Lawson Muzzy Recorded Jan y . 27 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. Charles S. Swain was lawfully mar- ried to Mifs Augusta S. Roath, both of Norwich, on the 3 rd of April A. D. 1853, by me A. L. Loveland Recorded April 4 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [216] This certifies that Albert A. Walker, of Holyoke Mass. and Sarah D. Wait of Greeneville were legally married May 6 th 1850, 'by the subscriber — Lawson Muzzy Recorded Jan y . 27 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Pierpont Edwards of Salem Ct. and Lucre- tia Maynard of Salem Ct. were joined together in Matrimony on the 6 th day of March 1853. By me — Charles Morse Recorded April 5 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. See Page 182. 1 [217] This certifies that Ebin Smith of South Kingston R. I. and Phebe E. Reynolds of Norwich were legally married Sep- tember 11 th 1850, by the subscriber Lawson Muzzy Recorded Jan y . 2y th 1857, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that F. J. Dieter of Greenfield. Mafs. and Mar- garet Obenauer of Norwich Ct. were joined together in Matri- mony on the 10 th day of March 1853, By me Charles Morse Recorded April 5 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [218] This certifies that on the 15 th of December 1850, John Green and Mrs. Nancy Bromley, both of Norwich, were legally married by the subscriber. Lawson Muzzy Recorded Jan y . 27 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Robert A. Avery of Norwich Ct. and Anna Griffith of Mystic, Ct. were joined together in Matrimony on the 27 th day of March 1853, By me, Charles Morse Recorded April 5 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 971 [219] This certifies that on the 19 th of January 185 1, Thomas Kenyon and Mary Card 'both of Norwich were legally married by the subscriber. Nathan E. Shaler Recorded Jan y . 27 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Amos L. Kimball and Mifs Elizabeth W. Clark were by me duly joined in marriage on the first day of March 1853 ' J. A. Goodhue Recorded April 5 th 1853, by Pastor of Central Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [220] This will certify that I have joined in marriage Mr. John H. Lewis of Norwich City & Miss Sarah M. Avery of Greeneville February 2 nd A. D. 1851 — according to the laws of this State. J. M. Coley Recorded Feb. 3 d 185 1, by Pastor of the I st Bap 1 Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk.' This certifies that Abel Dresser of Ouinebaug, & Lucy H. Noyes of Norwich, were lawfully joined in marriage by me this 7 th day of April, 1853. N. Whiting Pastor of the Recorded April 7 th 1853, by Bap 1 . Ch. Geeneville. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [221] N. Madison Sept. 21 st 1850. I hereby certify that on the 18 th day inst. I married Moses E. Torrey of Providence, Rhode Island, and Amelia M. Wilson of Norwich Connecticut. Reuben Torrey Connecticut N. Haven Co . Clergyman Recorded Feb. 3 d 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October I st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Jeremiah Shea to Mary Shoughrue Recorded May 3 d 1853 'by Daniel Kelley Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor St. Mary's [222] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Reuben B. Rathbun of Montville and Mifs Ellen R. Martin of Norwich. H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn. November 17 th 1850. Pastor first Church. Recorded Feb. 3 d 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October I st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Thomas Condron to Sarah Crawford Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Pastor St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 972 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [223] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. William Holt and Mrs. Ann Carpenter both of Nor- wich. H. P Arms, Pastor First Church. Norwich, Conn. November 24 th 1850. Recorded Feb. 3 rd 185 1, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October I st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Daniel Murphy to Ellen Murphy Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor St. Mary's [224] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Thomas H. Smith and Mifs Agnes Oatley, both of Norwich, H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn. January 15 th 1851. Pastor First Church. Recorded February 3 rd 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October I st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Michael Murgley to Mary Hare. Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk Pastor St: Marys [225] This certifies, that Jacob Will and Maria Geisell, both of Norwich were united in marriage 'by me this day. J. Love joy Norwich March 4 th . 185 1. Minister of the Gospel. Recorded March 7 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October I st 1852 I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Cornelius Lucy to Hanna Lynch. Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor St. Marys [226] This may certify that Mr. Conrad Newfield and Mifs Catharine Hirschmann both of Norwich, were married on the 23 d day of February, 185 1, By me, E. M. Walker Recorded March 12 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October I st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Dennis Lynch to Margeret Holla- han Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Pastor St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [227] This certifies that on the 3 rd day of March A. D. 1851, Giles L. Turner of Montville, and Hannah E. Rathbone of Nor- wich were joined in marriage by me Christopher Leffingwell Recorded March 15 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 973 Norwich October 5 th 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Daniel Crosson to Isabella Falls Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk, Pastor St. Marys [228] This may certify that Mr. William T. Porter of Hebron and Miss Annis E. Collins of Norwich, were joined together in holy Matrimony the 23 d day of March A. D. 1851, By me. Recorded March 28 th 185 1, by B. M. Walker Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. Norwich October 5 th 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Patrick Kennedy to Ann Mahon Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor St. Marys [229] This may certify that Mr. Azor Smith and Mrs. Betsey Huntley both of Norwich were joined together in holy matrimony the 23 rd day of March A. D. 1851, By me, B. M. Walker Recorded March 28 th 185 1, 'by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October 12 th 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Michael Foley to Mary Walsh. Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys. [230] This certifies, that John C. Brown and Laura W. Goulding were united in marriage by me this day. Norwich March 23 d 185 1. John Lovejoy Recorded March 31 st 185 1. by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich October 12 th 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Daniel Connell to Margaret Ryley Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [231] This may certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Anson Fox of Manchester, & Janet M c Neil of Greeneville, Ct. Greeneville April 6 th 1851. Cha s . P. Bush Recorded April 15 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 9 th day of April A. D. 1851, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Joseph E. Champlin of the Town of Norwich, and Mifs Almira Hartson of the Town of Windham all in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded July 11 th 1851, by M. E. Church— Norwich City Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Conn. 974 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [232] This is to certify that Mr. William H. Davison and Mils Elizabeth H. Brewster, both of this City were joined in Marriage, at the house of Mr. Brewster, according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on March 30 th in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifty one, Norwich Mar. 30. 185 1. By me, Wm Palmer V. D. M. Recorded April 19 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [233] This certifies that on the 27 th day of March A. D. 185 1, John M c Mahon and Catharine Connell, both of Norwich were joined in marriage by me. C. Leffingwell Recorded April 21 st 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich November 21 st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John Walsh to Margeret Foley Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St Marys. [234] This is to certify that on the twenty eighth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, I married according to law Otis Hill of the Town of Lynn, and Miss Maria Plympton of the Town of Medway, Massachu- setts. John D. Park Recorded May 2 nd 185 1, by Justice of the Peace. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich November 21 st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John Harty to Mary Cronan Recorded May 3 d 1853, 'by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [235] This certifies that Mr. Oliver H. Bentley of Preston and Miss Emma G. Ford, of Greeneville were lawfully united in marriage by the subscriber on the 20 th day of April, 1851. Recorded May 3 rd 185 1, by Lawson Muzzy, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel See Page 282. 1 Norwich November 21 st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church James Finton to Margaret O'Con- nell Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Pastor of St. Marys. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [236] This may certify that Mr. Albert M. Twist and Mifs Sarah E. Seaman, both of Norwich, were joined together in holy 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 975 matrimony on the fourth day of May A. D. 1851, By me, Recorded May 7 th 185 1, by B. M. Walker Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. Norwich November 21 st 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Bernard Diviney to Alice M c Kenna Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys. [237] William C. Prentice was born March 6 th A. D. 1807. Harriet Ann Kibbe, was born July 12 th A. D. 1816. William C. Prentice and Harriet Ann Kibbe, were married in North Somers, Conn on the 10 th of January, A. D. 1842, By Rev. James P. Terry. Emma Louisa, the daughter of William C. & Harriet Ann Pren- tice, was born, at Norwich, March 9 th A. D. 1843. Arthur Clift, the son of William C. & Harriet Ann Prentice, was born, at Norwich November 9 th A. D. 1844. Lucy Adelaide, the daughter of William C. & Harriet Ann Prentice, was born, at Norwich, December 27 th A. D. 1846. Harriet Augusta, the daughter of William C. & Harriet Ann Prentice, was born, at Norwich, May 15 th A. D. 1849. [238] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Lorenzo Hills, Manchester, and Miss Mary Lucas, Nor- wich. H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn., March 12 th 185 1. Pastor First Church Recorded May 9 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich November 28 th 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John Boylon to Maria Carring- ton Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [239] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. George F. Edgerton & Miss Abby M. Cooley, both of Nor- wich. H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn. March 30 th 1851. Pastor First Church Recorded May 9 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. George Albert — Son of George F. and Abby M. Edgerton was born on the 12 th day May A. D. 1853. Norwich November 28 th 1852, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Patrick Weldon to Nancy Boyle Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 rd 1853, by Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 976 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [240] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. A. Martin Neff and Miss Frances H. Cooley, both of Norwich. H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn., May 6 th 185 1, Pastor First Church. Recorded May 9 th 185 1, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich January 9 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Michael Crea to Mary Riordon. Recorded May 3 d 1853, by, Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk Pastor of St Marys [241] This certifies that Francis Parsons and Caroline Schoonmaker were joined in marriage April 17 th A. D. 185 1. — By me Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded May 17 th 185 1, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich January 16 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John Falvey to Johanna Mo- riarty. Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [242] This certifies that Elbridge Andrews and Maria Craw- ley were joined in marriage April 27 th A. D. 1851, — By me — Recorded May 17 th 1851, by Geo. M. Carpenter Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Methodist Minister. Norwich January 16 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John Cavannagh to Ellen Moran Recorded May 3 rd 1853. by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys. [243] This certifies, that, on the 24 th day of April A. D. 1851, Mr. John Barry and Miss Julia Sullivan both of Norwich were joined in marriage. By me, Christopher Leffingwell Recorded, May 19 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich January 23 d 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Edward O'Neil to Jane Maloney Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [244] This certifies, that on the 4 th day of May A. D. 1851, Mr. John Humes and Mrs. Susan J. Hall, both of Norwich were joined in marriage, by me. Christopher Leffingwell Recorded May 19 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 977 Norwich January 23 d 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John M c Carty to Ellen Kennedy Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [245] This certifies that William G. Collins of Norwich, Conn, and Martha Ward of New York were joined in marriage May 28 th 1 85 1, By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded June 6 th 185 1, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich, on the 11 th day of May A. D. 1851, I lawfully joined together in marriage, Mr. Augustus Moore of the City of Rochester, in the State of New York, and Mifs Nancy Hewitt of the Town of Lebanon in the State of Connecticut. Norwich City, Conn. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded July 11 th 185 1, 'by M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [246] I hereby certify that Mr. Thomas A. Prest and Miss Harriet A. Ransom both of Greeneville were married by me May 4 th 185 1. Lawson Muzzy Recorded June 9 th 1851, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich January 30 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Thomas Murry to Catherine Brennan Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Pastor of St. Marys. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [247] This certifies that Frank Smith and Elizabeth Collins both of New London, Conn, were joined in marriage June 13 th A. D. 185 1, By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded June 20 th 185 1, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 30 th day of June A. D. 185 1, I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr. William A. Church of the Town of Montville, and Mifs Hannah A. O'Brien of the Town of Led- yard all in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded July 11 th 185 1, by M. E. Church Norwich City, Conn. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [248] I hereby certify that on the 19 th of May A. D. 185 1, I joined in marriage, according to the laws of this State, Mr. Charles F. Smith & Lydia C. Story both of Norwich. Recorded, June 27 th 185 1, by J. M. Coley Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. the I st Bap 1 . Chh. Norwich. 27 97 8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Norwich January 30 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Michael Sweeney to Johanna Riordon Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Pastor of St. Marys, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [249] I hereby certify that on the 21 st of April A. D. 1851, I joined in marriage according to the laws of this State — Mr. Coddington Fish of New London and Miss Mary E. Young of Lyme J. M. Coley Pastor of Recorded June 27 th 185 1, by the I st Bap 1 . Chh. Norwich. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich Conn. October 6. 1851. This may certify, that on the day and year above written, I law- fully joined in marriage Mr. Charles W. Downer, and Mrs. Angeline Tossett both of this Town. Attest, Stephen Allen Justice of the Peace. Recorded, October 25 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [250] This certifies that George C. Chapman, and Mary E. Cox, both of Norwich Conn, were joined in marriage July 2 nd 185 1, by me Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded July 7 th 1851, by Methodist Minister Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich January 30 th 1853, I married accordng to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Patrick Collins to Bridget Murphy Recorded May 3 d 1853, by Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [251] This may certify that Mr. Joseph Harrington and Miss Laura Ann Fillmore both of Norwich were joined together in Holy Matrimony July 6 th A. D. 185 1, By me, B. M. Walker Recorded July 9 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich February 6 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Thomas Fitzpatrick to Margeret Donnelan Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [252] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Mr. Giles Batty & Mrs. Electa Le Ray, both of Norwich. Greeneville, Norwich July 3 d 185 1. Cha s . P. Bush Recorded July 9 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. See Page 326. 1 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 979 Norwich February 6 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Murtagh Sheehan to Johanna Cavanagh Daniel Kelley Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Pastor of St. Marys, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [253] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. John Blowell and Miss Anna Newfield both of Nor- wich. H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn. July 13 th 1851. Pastor First Church. Recorded July 21^ 185 1, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich February 6 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Thomas Connor to Nancy Cava- nagh. Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk [254] Norwich, Nov. 26 th 1849 — Married this day by the undersigned, Samuel C. Morgan to Mifs Frances A. Cleveland, both of this Town. Alvan Bond, Recorded, August 20 th 1851, by Pastor 2 nd Congrega 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich February 13 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Patrick Doyle to Catherine O'Brien. Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [255] Norwich, Nov. 29 th 1849 — Married this day by the undersigned, John Kloomph to Amelia Reichbach, both Ger- mans, resident in this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded August 20 th 185 1, by Pastor of 2 d Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich February 13 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Edward Roach to Ann Doyle. Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Mary's [256] Norwich, April 2 nd 1850, Married this day by the un- dersigned, Supply T. Holbrook to Sarah E. Shepard both of this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded August 20 th 185 1, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich February 13 th 1853, I married acording to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Cornelius Sheeran to Hanna Fields Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 rd 1853, by me, Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 9 8o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [257] Norwich, April 3 d 1850, Married this day by the un- dersigned, Robert Revell to Hannah James, both of this Town. Recorded August 20 th 185 1, 'by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Norwich February 20 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church James Gleeson to Bridget Hogg Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [258] Norwich, April 10 th 1850, Married this day by the undersigned, George Fansley to Mary Leach, both Irish residents of this Town. Alvan Bond, Recorded August 20 th 185 1, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich April 17 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church James Murphy to Mary Hemping- stead — Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [259] Norwich, July 25 th 1850. Married this day by the undersigned, Henry Whitney of New Haven to Lucy Maria Fitch of this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded, August 20 th 1851, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich April 17 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church John Stapleton to Catherine M c - Donald. Daniel Kelly Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me » Pastor of St. Marys Othniel Gager Town Clerk . [260] Norwich July 28 th 1850, Married this day by the under- signed, Adam Kehr, a German, to Ellen Lowny — Irishwoman of this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded August 20 th 1851, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich April 24 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Thomas Gleeson to Margeret Barry Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [261] Norwich, August 12 th 1850. Married this day by the undersigned, William Dunlop to Anna M c Cabe, Irish residents of this Town. Alvan Bond, Recorded, August 20 th 185 1, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 981 Norwich April 24 th 1853, I married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church Michael Cody to Ann Donohue Recorded May 3 d 1853, by me, Daniel Kelly Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of St. Marys [262] Norwich, Sept. 7 th 1850, Married this day by the undersigned, John M c Neil of Westerly R. I. to Margaret Bas- sett of this Town. (Foreigners) Alvan Bond Recorded August 20 th 185 1, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Dennis W. Meier and Mifs Julia Ann Crocker were by me joined in marriage in Norwich on the 26 th of April 1853. J. A. Goodhue Recorded May 6 th 1853, by me Pastor Cen. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [263] Norwich, October 7 th 1850, Married by the under- signed this day, George Bassett to Ellen M c David both residents of this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded, August 20 th 1851, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that, on the 17 th of November A. D. 1852, Jede- diah Vergason and Sarah Beale, both of Bozrah, were joined in marriage by me. Christopher Leffingwell Recorded May 7 th 1853, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [264] Norwich, October 20 th 1850, Married this day by the undersigned, Bradford Lewis of Sterling to Charlotte E. Robin- son of this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded, August 20 th 185 1, by Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that, on the 28 th day of November A. D. 1852, Frederic H. Johnson of Montville, and Eunice M. Johnson of Bozrah, were joined in marriage by me, Christopher Leffingwell Recorded May 7 th 1853, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [265] This certifies that Samuel C. Brockington and Eliza A. Ashcraft both of New London, Conn, were joined in mar- riage August 10 th 1851, By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded August 21 st 1851, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that on the 17 th day of April A. D. 1853, I joined together in the holy estate of Matrmony John Staab & Sarah Clark both of Norwch. Edward O. Flagg Rector of Recorded May 16 th 1853, by Trinity Church Norwich. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 982 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [266] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. George W. Morgan, of Franklin, and Mifs Sybil H. Kinney of Griswold. H. P. Arms Norwich Conn Aug 4 th 1851 Pastor First Church Recorded Sept. I st 185 1, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern : I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 9 th day of October A. D. 1852, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Joseph Reynolds of the Town of Richmond in the State of Rhode Island, and Mifs Martha Ann Champlin of the Town of Montville, in the State of Con- necticut. D. N. Bentley Recorded May 19 th 1853, by Local Elder M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich City [267] This certifies that on the 23 d of December A. D. 1850, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Theophilus T. Winship of Norwich Conn, and Jerusha A. Avery of Preston Conn. Recorded Sept. 6 th 185 1, by Edward O. Flagg Rector of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Trinity Church Norwich To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 13 th day of December A. D. 1852, I lawfully joined together in marriage, Mr. Dudley B. Williams and Mrs. Lucy W. Church both of the Town of Montville in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded May 19 th 1853, by M. E. Church Norwich City. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [268] This certifies that on the 10 th day of August A. D. 185 1, I joined together in holy Matrimony Edwin S. Hovey of Wis- casset Maine, & Susan A. Thrasher of Portland Me. Recorded Sept. 6 th 1851, by Edward O. Flagg Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Rector of Trinity Church Norwich To all whom it may concern; I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich on the 2 nd day of February A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage, Mr. Josephus Brown, and Miss Amanda Church both of the Town of Montville in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Recorded May 19 th 1853, by Local Elder M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich City [269] This certifies that on the 25 th day of August A. D. 185 1, I joined together in holy matrimony John Backus & Mary F. Barstow both of Norwich Conn. Edward O. Flagg Recorded Sept. 6 th 185 1, by Rector of Trinity Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich Frank Barstow Backus Son of above was born August 25 th A. D. 1852. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 983 Frank Barstow Backus — Son of above Died August. 20 th A. D. 1854. Eliza Lee Backus Daughter Was born March 2 d A D 1856 John Backus Jr. Son of above Was born October I st A. D. 1861. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the city of Norwich, on the 8 th day of February A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. William H. Fielding and Mifs Julia Ann Smith both of the Town of Montville in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentlcy Local Elder Recorded May 19 th 1853, by me, M. E. Church Norwich City Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [270] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Alfred Palmer & Eunice B. Prentice, both of Norwich. Norwich, Sept. 8 th 185 1, Cha s . P. Bush. Recorded Sept. 8 th 1851, by Minister of Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich, on the 3 rd day of April A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. William Webster, and Mifs Ann E. Richardson both of the Town of Norwich, in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Recorded May 19 th 1853, by me, Local Elder M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich City. [271] Norwich Nov. — 1850. This is to certify that Mr. Nehemiah Smith and Mifs Maria Dillaby, both of Norwich, were married by me November — 1850. Recorded Oct. 14 th 1854, by A. L. Loveland Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Clergyman. To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich, on the 18 th day of May A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. William Sherman of the City of Bridgeport, and Mifs Nancy Hopkins of the Town of Norwich, all in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded May 19 th 1853, by me, M. E. Church Norwich City Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [272] Norwich Nov. 1850. This is to certify that Mr. F. I. Champlin and Miss Sarah C. Robinson, of Norwich, were married by me November 1850. Recorded Oct. 14 th 185 1, by A. L. Loveland Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Clergyman. Norwich May 9 th 1853. This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage W m D. Manning and Nancy M. Ladd, both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Recorded May 26. 1853, by me, Pastor of Main St. Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 984 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [273] Norwich Dec. I st 1850. This is to certify that Mr. William B. Hedge of Preston and Miss Ann E. Albertson of Norwich, were married by me Decem- ber I st 1850. A. L. Loveland, Recorded Oct. 14 th 1851, by Clergyman. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich May 23 d 1853, This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Samuel D. Caulkius and Emma J. Whipple, both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Recorded May 26 th 1853, by me, Pastor of Main St. Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [274] Norwich April 18 th 1851. This is to certify that Mr. C. M. Armstrong and Miss Orra Barstow, of Norwich, were married by me, April 18 th 185 1. Recorded Oct. 14 th 185 1, by A. L. Loveland Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Clergyman. This is to certify that on the 17 th day of May A. D. 1853, J joined together in Holy Matrimony John Newland Crandall of Worcester Mafs. & Frances Emily Tracy of Franklin Conn. Recorded June 7 th 1853, by Edward O. Flagg Rector of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Trinity Church Norwich. [275] . Norwich May 21 st 1851. This is to certify that Mr. Albert Pollard and Miss Jane Wil- liams, of Norwich, were married by me, May 21 st 1851. Recorded Oct. 14 th 185 1, by A. L. Loveland Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Clergyman. This certifies that Frank P. Root, and Mary Jane Champlin, both of Norwich, were lawfully joined in marriage, by me, on the 3 d of July 1853. N. Whiting Pastor of the Recorded July 4 th 1853, by Baptist Church at Greeneville. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [276] Norwich May 21 st 1851. This is to certify that Mr. John Baker and Miss Helenia Mickiel of Norwich, were married by me, May 21 st 1851. A. L. Loveland Recorded Oct. 14 th 185 1, by Clergyman. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that George A. Dorrance, and Sarah A. Sheffield, both of Norwich, were joined in marriage, by me, on the 13 th of June 1853. Recorded July 5 th 1853, by W m . O. Cady Pastor of the Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Methodist Church Greeneville. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 985 [277] Norwich July I st 1851. This is to certify that Mr. John Swasey and Mifs Janette Wil- son, of Norwich, were married by me, July I st 185 1. Recorded Oct. 14 th 185 1, by A. L. Loveland Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Clergyman. This certifies that Richard Otis, and Samantha S. Potter, both of Westerly R. I. were joined in marriage on the 4 th of July 1853, by me, W m O. Cady Pastor of the Recorded July 5 th 1853, by Methodist Church Greeneville. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [278] This certifies that Alfred Davis of Preston and So- phronia S. Corey of Norwich were by me lawfully married Jan- uary 30 th A. D. 1 85 1. E. T. Hiscox Recorded Oct. 16 th 185 1, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Robert T. Finch of New York, and Emma L. Case of Norwich, were by me lawfully married May 25 th A. D. 185 1. E. T. Hiscox Recorded October 16 th 185 1, 'by Pastor Cent. Bap. Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [279] This certifies that William Richmond and Arabella Congdon both of Norwich were by me lawfully married July 8 th A. D. 1 85 1. E. T. Hiscox Receded. Oct. 16 th 185 1, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk, To all whom it may concern : I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 3 d day of July A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Henry Dart and Mrs. Mary S. Geer both of the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut. Recorded July 7 th 1853, by D. N. Bentley Local Elder Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich City. [ 280] This certifies that Darius Sharpe and Sarah Woodworth both of Norwich Ct. were by me lawfully married September 22 nd A. D. 1 85 1. E. T. Hiscox Pastor Recorded Oct. 16 th 1851, by Cent. Bap. Chh. Norwich Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Alfred H. Hartly & Miss Lydia A. York were united in marriage by me this 8 th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three. Norwich May 8 th 1853. William Leonard Recorded July 7 th 1853, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [281] I hereby certify that on the 5 th day of October A. D. 185 1, Mr. William Pool of Sandstone Michigan and Mrs. Han- 986 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS nah Holmes of Norwich Connecticut were duly joined in mar- riage by me. James Squier Recorded Oct. 16 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Isaac Harrington and Harriet Lewis, both of Norwich, were by me lawfully married October 5 th A. D. 185 1. E. T. Hiscox Pastor Recorded Oct. 16 th 185 1, by Cent. Bap. Chh. Norwich Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [282] April 28 th 1851. Married by the Subscriber Robert J. Smiley to Mary Hannas, both of Norwich A. Bond Pastor Recorded Oct. 20 th 185 1, by of 2 d Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern. — I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 17 th day of July A. D. 1853. I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Oliver H. Bentley of the Town of Preston and Miss Mary M. Barnes of the Town of Norwich all in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded August 3 d . 1853, by M. E. Church Norwich City Othniel Gager Town Clerk. See Page 235. r [283] May 22 nd 1851. Married by the subscriber William H. Pratt of Norwich to Louisa L. Congdon of Pittsfield Mass. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1851, by A. Bond Pastor Othniel Gager Town Clerk. of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. William T. Case and Mary Ann Hood both of Norwich were united in marriage on the 28 th day of April A. D. 1853. — By me, — John Cooper Recorded August 8 th 1853, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [284] June 10 th 185 1. Married by the Subscriber Edwin S. Burgess to Mary J. Fanning — both of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 185 1, by A. Bond Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Joseph Carpenter and Martha C. Brown both of South Kingston R. I. were by me lawfully joined in marriage on the third day of July A. D. 1853. J. A. Goodhue Recorded Aug. 10 th 1853, by Pastor of Central Bap. Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk [285] J un e 10 th 1851. — Married by the Subscriber, Hamlin B. Buckingham to Frances A. Boswell both of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1 851, by A. Bond Pastor Othniel Gager Town Clerk. of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. 1 Written in pencil. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 987 This certifies that Ebenezer Richardson of Farmington and Sarah Green of New Britain were by me duly joined in marriage on the twenty second day of August eighteen hundred and fifty three J. A. Goodhue, Pastor of Central Bap. Ch. Recorded Sept. 5 th 1853, by me Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [286] July 18 th 185 1. Married by the Subscriber, James Kerr to Mariann M c Manus, both of Norwich. A. Bond Pastor Recorded October 20 th 185 1, by of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This may certify that Charles H. Yeomans of Norwich & Susan C. Smith of Canterbury were lawfully joined in marriage by me Franklin May 2 d . 1853. Hiel Fillmore Recorded Sept. 15 th 1853, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [287] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Noah Lucas and Miss Abby Jane Lewis, both of Westerly R. I. H. P. Arms, Norwich Conn. Sept, 4 th 1851. Pastor First Church. Recorded Nov. 4 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Isaac Frink and Miss Maria A. Travis, both of Franklin. Norwich, Conn., Nov. 2 nd 185 1. H. P. Arms, Recorded Nov. 4 th 185 1, by Pastor First Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [288] I hereby certify, that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Charles B. Post of Colchester and Miss Harriet H. Birchard of Norwich. H. P. Arms, Norwich, Conn. Sept. 21 st 185 1. Pastor First Church. Recorded Nov. 4 th 185 1, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Edward Hunter & Mifs Catharine M. Seamon both of Norwich were united in marriage by me on the twenty ninth of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifty three. William Leonard Recorded Sept. 17 th 1853, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [289] This certifies that Christian Pressler and Catharine Fisher, both of Norwich, Conn, were joined in marriage Oct. 29 th 185 1, by me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded Nov. 12 th 1851, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 988 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I certify that on the 11 th day of Nov.. 185 1, I have solemnized the rites of Matrimony between Henry D. Gleason & Ann M. Pray according to Law of the State of Connecticut. Witnefs my hand Ezra Withey Minister of the Gospel. Recorded by me Othniel Gager, Town Clerk. This certifies that Jeffery Beron and Mary Tisdell, both of Norwich Conn, were joined in marriage November 12 th 185 1, By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded Nov. 12 th 1851, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [290] To whom it may concern. This is to certify that Al- bert B. Kinney of Griswold and Mary E. Smith of this Town were joined in marriage, at my house according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on Monday November 17 th in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one — By me, Norwich Nov. 17 th 1851. W m Palmer V. D. M. Recorded Nov. 18 th 1851, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To whom it may concern. This is to certify, that George F. 1 R. Slater and Eliza A. Congdon both of Preston Ct. were joined in marriage, at my house according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on Sabbath November 23 d . in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Fifty one, By me, Norwich Nov. 23 d . 1851. W m Palmer V. D. M. Recorded Nov. 25 th 185 1, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [291] This may certify that, on the 20 th day of November A. D. 185 1, Mr. Andrew Sutherland of Burlington Flats, N. Y. and Miss Harriet A. Beebe of Norwich were joined in marriage by me. Christopher Lefnngwell Recorded Nov, 25 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This may certify that, on the 20 th day of November A. D. 185 1, Mr. Henry J. Munger of Madison and Miss N. Maria Beebe of Norwich were joined in marriage by me, Christopher Lefnngwell Recorded Nov. 25 th 185 1, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [292] I hereby certify that on the 23 rd of November A. D. 185 1. I joined in marriage according to the laws of this State, Jonathan Blethen of Lewiston Falls Me. and Mahala Berry of this place J. M. Coley pastor of the I st Recorded Nov. 25 th 1851, by Bap 1 . Chh. Norwich. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 1 This initial uncertain. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 989 I hereby certify that on the 23 d of November A. D. 1851, I joined in marriage according to the law of this State, Mr. Ben- jamin Peckham of Norwich and Mifs Alice R. Spink of Smith- field R. I. J. M. Coley Pastor of the I st Recorded Nov. 25 th 185 1, by Bap 1 . Chh. Norwich. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [293] I hereby certify that on the 21 st day of December A. D. 185 1, I joined in marriage according to the laws of this State, Mr. Ezra M. Armstrong of New London & Miss Maria L. Smith of the City of Norwich J. M. Coley Pastor of the Recorded Dec. 22 d 185 1, by I st Bap. Chh. Norwich. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the subscriber, October 17 th 1852, John Mueller to Mary Pirn, both native Germans, now residents in Norwich, Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, 'by me » Alvan Bond — Pastor Othniel Gager Town Clerk of 2 d . Cong 1 . Church. [294] This certifies to all whom it may concern, That on the 26 th of June, 1850, I solemnized the marriage of Mr. Edward A. Huntington of Norwich to Miss Harriet A. Lyman of Wood- stock. Jonathan Curtis Woodstock Oct. 6, 1851. Pastor of the First Rec d . for Record Dec. 29 th 185 1. Church in Woodstock. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Harriet Eunice, daughter of Edward A. & Harriet A. Hunt- ington, was born on the 27 th day of June A. D. 185 1. Charles E. Thomas son of Edwin & Betsey M. Thomas was born at Norwich, Ct. on the 26 th day of November, A. D. 185 1. Nason E. Oatley, Son of Stephen H. & Susan M. Oatley, was born at Norwich, Ct. on the fourth clay of November, A. D. 1851. [295] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Lorenzo E. Rice & Sarah Prentice, of Norwich, Ct. Norwich Dec. 31. 185 1. James Bates Recorded January 7 th 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the subscriber, November 22 nd 1852, Jefferson Wilbur of New York City to Sabra Ann Hinckley of Norwich. Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, by me, Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. [296] This may certify that John P. Kingsley and Elizabeth Scholfield both of Norwich, Conn, were legally joined in mar- riage November 2 nd 1851. By me, M. P. Alderman Recorded January 10 th 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 99Q NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Married "by the subscriber December 23 rd 1852, Charles G. Meyers to Maria Pike both of Ledyard. Alvan Bond Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, by me Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [297] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Ira Herrington & Huldah A. Brumley both of Norwich. Greeneville January 11 th 1852. Cha s . P. Bush Recorded Jan. 22 d 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the Subscriber, January 27 th 1853, Francis At- kinson to Margaret Wilton, both natives of Ireland, now re- siding in Norwich. Alvan Bond Pastor Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, by me of 2 d Cong 1 Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [298] This may certify that Capt. William Williams & Miss Almira Reynolds, both of this City, were joined together in holy matrimony February I st 1852, By me, B. M. Walker Recorded Feb. 9 th 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the subscriber May 22 nd 1853, George H. Downer to Susan R. Henry, colored persons, both of Norwich. Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, by me, Alvan Bond Pastor Othniel Gager Town Clerk. of 2 nd Cong 1 . Church. [299] This certifies that James Coggeswell of Dudley, Mass. & Mary Ann Hill of Norwich have been this day lawfully joined in marriage — by me — Erastus Benton Pastor Norwich April 13 th 185 1. of M. E. Church at Recorded Feb. 21 st 1852, by Norwich North. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich January 5 th 1852. This certifies that Nathan Pratt of Weymouth Mass. & Julia S. Carew of this Town have been this day lawfully joined in mar- riage by me. Erastus Benton Recorded Feb. 21 st 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [300] This certifies that Jedidiah L. Carroll of Franklin and Julia A. Wise of Norwich have been this day lawfully joined in marriage by me. Erastus Benton Recorded Feb. 21 st 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. William W. Pollock of Windham and Miss Mary Ann Fletcher of Norwich were by me joined NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 991 together in holy matrimony on the seventh day of March A. D. 1852. B. M. Walker Recorded March 12 th 1852, by Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [301] This certifies that Joseph D. Hiscox and Mary D. Back both of Wakefield R. I. were by me lawfully married No- vember 9 th A. D. 1 85 1. E. T. Hiscox Recorded March 15 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Joseph S. Bitgood and Mary Ann Pratt both of Voluntown, were by me lawfully married January 12 th A. D. 1852. E. T. Hiscox — Pastor Recorded March 15 th 1852, by Cent. Bap. Ch. Norwich, Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [302] This certifies that George C. Spafford and Rebecca F. Hazen both of Norwich were by me lawfully married Jan- uary I st A. D. 1852. E. T. Hiscox Recorded March 15 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the Subscriber, June 20 th 1853, James Service to Isabella G. Torrance, — natives of Scotland, now residents of Norwich. Alvan Bond Pastor Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, by me, of 2 nd Congrega 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [3°3] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Henry E. Call to Emily P. Call, both of West Cambridge, Massachusetts Cha s . P. Bush Greeneville, March 11 th 1852. Minister of the Gospel Recorded March 19 th 1852, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Ephraim L. Flint and Julia A. Robinson, both of Windham Conn, were joined in marriage March 9 th 1852. Recorded Apl. 10 th 1852, by By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Methodist Minister [304] This certifies that George Davis of Hampton Conn, and Marsha Smith of Norwich Conn, were joined in marriage April 11 th 1852. By me — Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded April 12 th 1852, by Methodist Minister Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the Subscriber, July 18 th 1853, J- Lucius Spalding to Mifs Julia H. Fay, both of Norwich Alvan Bond Pastor Recorded Sept. 24 th 1853, by me, of 2 nd Congrega 1 Ch Othniel Gager Clerk. 992 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [3°5] State of Connecticut, New London County, fs. Nor- wich, August 24. A. D. 185 1. To all whom it may concern, This may certify, that on the day and year above written, I united in marriage Mr. Milo F. Davis and Mrs. Pattis P. Myers. Recorded April 29 th 1852, by Attest, Jno. T. Wait Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace State of Connecticut, New London County, fs. Norwich, April 11 th A. D. 1852. To all whom it may concern, This may certify, that on the day and year above written, I united in marriage Mr. Chancellor L. Barber and Miss Julia B. Gager. Recorded April 29 th 1852, by Attest, Jno. B. Wait Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. [306] Norwich May 9 th 1852. This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage William H. Denison of Mystic & Caroline S. Dow of Norwich John P. Gulliver Recorded May 11 th 1852, by Pastor of the Main Street Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Congregational Church. This may certify that Mr. Henry B. Cruttenden & Miss Elizabeth Tyler both of Norwich were this day lawfully joined in marriage by me Elder Levi Meech Norwich May 17 th 1852. Recorded May 18 th 1852, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [307] I hereby certify that on the 6 th day of June A. D. 1852, I joined in marriage according to the laws of this State Mr. Sherwood H. Ford of Bozrah & Miss Martha M. Miner of East Haddam. J. M. Coley Recorded June 7 th 1852, by Pastor of the I st Bap. Chh. Norwich Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This may certify that John A. Underwood of Manchester, New Hampshire, and Teresa H. Butler of New London, were lawfully joined in marriage at Norwich on this 12 th day of July A. D. 1852, by me. La Fayette S. Foster Norwich July 12 th 1852. Justice of the Peace Recorded July 13 th 1852, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [308] This certifies that Galen C. Robinson, and Lucretia C. Armstrong both of this City were by me lawfully married March 29 th 1852. E. T. Hiscox Recorded June 7 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Norwich Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Charles W. Cross and Harriet E. Davis both of Jewitt City, were by me lawfully married April 4 th 1852. E. T. Hiscox Recorded June 7 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich, Ct. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 993 [309] This certifies that John E. Barber and Elizabeth D. Sherman both of this City, were by me lawfully married May 2 nd 1852 E. T. Hiscox Recorded June 7 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich Ct. Ellen Banney, daughter of John and Catharine Banney, was born at Norwich, Ct. on the third day of May A. D. 1852. This may certify that Thomas N. Dickinson of New York and Harriet S. Brown of Colchester were by me lawfully mar- ried May 9 th 1852. E. T. Hiscox Recorded June 7 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich Ct. [310] This certifies that Ignatz Mosch and Mary Jane Emerson both of Bozrah, were by me lawfully married June 6 th 1852. E. T. Hiscox Recorded June 7 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich Ct. Norwich April 7 th 185 1. — This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Mr. George F. Blackman and Miss Eliza A. Hubbard, both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Recorded June 9 th 1852, by Pastor of the Main St. Cong 1 . Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [311] This certifies that Benjamin G. Richardson and An- gelina Newcomb, both of Norwich Conn, were joined in mar- riage June 28 th 1852. By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded July 21 st 1852, by Methodist Minister Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that on the 24 th day of June A. D. 1852, I law- fully joined in marriage D. Titcomb and Isabella Hubbard both of the Town of Norwich, Conn. J. M. Coley Recorded July 23 d 1852, by Pastor of the I st Bap. Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [312] This certifies that Edward N. Edwards, and Cynthia E. Fuller, both of Norwich, Conn, were joined in marriage Au- gust 22 nd 1852, By me, Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded Aug 1 25 th 1852, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Benjamin T. Cranston Jun. of Providence, R. I. and Cornelia A. Safford, of Norwich were by me duly joined in marriage on the 5 th day of September A. D. 1853. J. A. Goodhue Pastor of Central Bap. Chh. Norwich, Conn. Recorded October 3 d 1853, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 28 994 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [313] This is to certify that Mr. A. M. Force of the Town of New Haven in the State of Connecticut and Mifs Helen K. Richards of the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut were joined together in matrimony in the second day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two. Recorded Sept. 7 th 1852, by By me Charles Morse Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage William Brown & Alice Stevens both of Norwich, Ct. Greeneville, May 13 th 1853. Cha s . P. Bush Recorded October 4 th 1853, by me, Clergyman Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [314] This is to certify that Jacob Guile of the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut and Mary Braida of the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut were joined to- gether in matrimony on the eighteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifty two. Recorded Sept. 7 th 1852, by By me, Charles* Morse Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage George W. Perry of Clinton, Mafs. & Emma Storer of Nor- wich, Ct., Charles P. Bush Greeneville, Norwich June 13 th 1853 Clergyman Recorded October 4 th 1853, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [315] This certifies that Simon F. Wheaton of Flemming N. Y. and Jane E. Wilson of Norwich Conn, were joined in mar- riage September 22 nd . 1852 By me Geo. M. Carpenter Recorded Sept. 28 th 1852, by Methodist Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage Charles W. Manwaring & Mary Ann Potter, both of Norwich, Ct. Charles P. Bush Norwich September 5 th 1853. Clergyman. Recorded October 4 th 1853, by me Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [316] This certifies, that on the twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord 1852 George Fritz and Eva Eberle, both of Norwich were by me united in marriage, at the house of Rev. E. T. Hiscox in Norwich Conn, according to the laws of the State of Connecticut. Edward Savage Norwich June 20 th 1852. Minister of the Gospel. Recorded Sept. 30 th 1852, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 995 To all whom it may concern ; I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 7 th day of August A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Robert Carr late of Ireland, and Mrs. Mary Mullen, late of England, both residing at this time in the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut. Recorded October 15 th 1853, by me, D. N. Bentley Local Elder Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich City. [317] This certifies that John Culver of New London, and Helen B. Rathbun of Norwich, were by me lawfully married January 31 st 185 1. E. T. Hiscox Recorded Sept. 30 th 1852, by Pastor Cent. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk Norwich Ct. To all whom it may concern : I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 8 th day of August A. D. 1853, I lawfully joined together in marriage, Mr. Alonzo Champlin, and Mifs Sarah E. Masters, both of the Town of Montville in the State of Connecticut. D. N. Bentley Local Elder Recorded Oct. 15 th 1853, by me, M. E. Church Norwich City. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [318] This certifies that Samuel T. Davis and Sarah A. Benton both of Windham, Ct. were by me lawfully married July 4 th 1852. E. T. Hiscox, Pastor Cent. Recorded Sept. 30 th 1852, by Bap. Ch. Norwich, Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich Nov. 9 th 1852 — This is to certify that on the ninth day of November A. D. 1852, I married John M c Marrow and Mary M c Daramott both of the Town of Windham in the County of Windham in the State of Connecticut at the Town of Norwich in New London County John D. Park Recorded Oct. 22 d 1853, by me, Justice of the Peace. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [3ig] To all whom it may concern. I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 2 nd day of September A. D. 1852, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Isaac Thompson of Putnam, in the State of New York, and Mrs. Mary Ann Miner of the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut. Recorded Oct. 16 th 1852, by D. N. Bentley Local Elder Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich City, Conn. Norwich November 7 th 1852. I certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Louis Gronan and Mifs Chatrine Man- gold, both of Norwich. H. P. Arms Recorded Oct. 31 st 1853, by me Pastor I st Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 996 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [320] To all whom it may concern; I hereby certify, that in the City of Norwich, on the 16 th day of September A. D. 1852, I lawfully joined together in marriage Mr. Patrick Shays, and Mrs. Mary Sullivan both natives of Ireland, & now residing in the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut. Recorded Oct. 16 th 1852, by D. N. Bentley Local Elder M. E. Othniel Gager Town Clerk Church Norwich City Conn. Norwich December 19 th 1852, I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. David R. Bland & Mifs Harriet Jillson both of Nor- wich. H. P. Arms Recorded Oct. 31 st 1853, by me, Pastor I st Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [321] Married by the subscriber Sept. 5 th 185 1, Thomas Elliott to Mifs Sarah M c Manus both residents in Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 nd Congregational Ch. Norwich September 19 th 1853 — This certifies that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Richard W. Bushnell of Chicago, 111. and Mifs Mary B. Tanner of Norwich, H. P. Arms Recorded Oct. 31 st 1853, by me, Pastor I st Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [322] Married by the subscriber, Oct. 20 th 185 1, Elisha H. Gardner of Hartford to Miss Louisa F. Jackson of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 nd Congregational Ch. Norwich February 19 th 1853. This certifies that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. James E. York and Miss Sarah M. Smith both of Norwich. H. P. Arms Recorded October 31 st 1853, by me Pastor I st Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [323] Married by the subscriber, November 24 th 185 1, George M c David to Mifs Sarah E. Force, both of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk, Pastor of 2 d . Congregational Ch. Norwich September 12 th 1853. This certifies that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Safford S. Barrows and Mifs Abby Jackson both of Norwich, H. P. Arms, Recorded October 31 st 1853, by me Pastor I st Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [324] Married by the Subscriber, January 29 th 1852, Elisha H. Rockwell to Mifs Martha A. Geer both of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 nd Congregational Ch. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 997 Norwich September 12 th 1853. This certifies that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Giles E. Lamb of Groton and Mifs Charlotte B. Derby of Norwich. H. P. Arms Recorded October 31 st 1853, by me, Pastor I st Chh. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [325] Married by the subscriber, March 10 th 1852, Joseph Moore of New Jersey to Lucretia Quy of Norwich, both colored persons. Alvan Bond Pastor of 2 d Congregational Ch. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies, that William Burnett of Canterbury, & Rosena Murray of Norwich, were by me, lawfully joined in Marriage on this 16 th day of October 1853, at Norwich. N. Whiting Recorded Nov. I st 1853, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [326] Married by the subscriber, June 21 st 1852, William H. Hill of Hartford to Miss Mary Wilson of Norwich. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 nd Congregational Ch. This certifies that Giles Batty, and Emma G. Bentley, both of Norwich, were joined in marriage by me, this 23 d . day of October 1853, according to law. N. Whiting Recorded Nov. I st 1853, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. See Page 252 1 . [327] Married by the subscriber, July 26 th 1852, George W. Kies of West Killingly to Mifs Ellen C. Allen of Preston. Recorded Oct. 20 th 1852, by Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 d . Congregational Ch. This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage Fred- erick W. Carey & Rachel A. Woodworth, both of Greeneville, Norwich. Greeneville October 11 th 1853. Charles P. Bush Recorded Nov. 9 th 1853, by me Clergyman Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [328] Record of Children of Joseph Otis Huntington and Elizabeth C. — his wife. Ann Otis Huntington, daughter of Joseph O. & Elizabeth C. Huntington was born on the 29 th of June, A. D. 1844. Joseph Otis Huntington, Junior, Son of Joseph O. & Eliza- beth C. Huntington, was born on the 29 th of April, A. D. 1846. iWritten in pencil. 998 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This is to certify that I have this day united in marriage Joseph Douglass & Sarah Carr, both of Greeneville, Norwich. Greeneville October 17 th 1853. Charles P. Bush. Recorded Nov. 9 th 1853, by me, Clergyman Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [329] This certifies that Mr. George Wilber of Killingly and Miss Nancy A. King of Greeneville were joined in marriage on the I st day of May 1853, By me, James D. Butler Recorded May 12 th 1853, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Eli H. Perkins of Andover and Julia A. Lewis of Hartford, Connecticut, were lawfully joined in mar- riage by me, at Norwich, this 13 th day of November A. D. 1853. Recorded Nov. 25 th 1853, by me, R. J. Wilson Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [33°] This certifies that Mr. George W. Booker and Mrs. Hannah D. Lewis, both of Norwich were lawfully joined in marriage by me on the 23 rd day of November A. D. 1853. Recorded Nov. 25 th 1853, by me, Niles Whiting Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. This certifies that James A. Brown of Preston and Frances E. Kimball of Norwich were by me duly joined in marriage on the 10 th of October A. D. 1853. J. A. Goodhue Recorded, Dec. 5 th 1853, by me, Pastor of Central Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Bap. Church Norwich, Conn. [331] This certifies that Samuel F. Allen and Harriet M. Lester both of Montville were by me duly joined in marriage on the 16 th of October A. D. 1853 J- A - Goodhue Recorded, Dec. 5 th 1853, by me, Pastor of Central Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Bap. Church Norwich, Conn. This certifies that William S. Palmer of Montville and Mary E. Brown of Waterford were duly joined in marriage Novem- ber 2 nd A. D. 1853, by me, J. A. Goodhue Pastor of Central Recorded Dec. 5 th 1853, by me, Bap. Church Norwich Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. l33 2 ] This certifies that Charles Parker and Betsey Baker all of Smithfield, R. I. were duly joined in marriage November 15 th A. D. 1853, by me, J. A. Goodhue Pastor of Central Recorded Dec. 5 th 1853, by me, Bap. Church Norwich Conn. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that George L. Pratt of Shelburne Falls, Mafs. and Harriet A. Phillips of Norwich, were by me duly joined in NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 999 marriage November 23 d A. D. 1853. Recorded Dec. 5 th 1853, by me, J. A. Goodhue Pastor of Central Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Bap. Church Norwich, Conn. [333] This certifies that Mr. William W. Jackson & Mifs Frances E. Lewis were united in marriage by me November 25 th A. D. 1853. W m Leonard Recorded Dec 1 ". 8 th 1853, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. Elias B. Jenner and Mifs Julia L. Howland were joined in marriage by me November 24 th 1853. Recorded Dec r . 13 th 1853, by me, W m O. Cady Pastor of the Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Greeneville [334] This certifies that on the I st day of May 1853, I joined together in Holy matrimony Mr. George Wilbur and Mifs Nancy A. King both of Norwich Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, James D. Butler Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich. See Page 329/ This certifies that on the 2 nd of October A. D. 1853, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Mr. Jared Dennis and Mifs Cor- nelia C. Pitcher. Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, James D. Butler Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich. [335] This certifies that on the 4 th of October A. D. T853, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Mr. John Belfy of Williams- burg N. Y. and Mifs Henrietta M Van Cott of Norwich. Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, James D. Butler Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. the M. E. Church, Norwich. This certifies that on the 5 th of October, A. D. 1853, I joined together in Holy matrimony Mr. Charles E. Palmer of Zanes- ville Ohio, and Mifs Sarah M. Downer of Norwich. Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, James D. Butler Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. the M. E. Church, Norwich. [336] This certifies that on the 9 th of October A. D. 1853, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Mr. Zachias Johnson and Mifs Almira Mitchell both of Preston James D. Butler Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, Pastor of the M. E. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Church Norwich This certifies that on the io ,h of October A. D. 1853, I joined in Holy matrimony Mr. Charles A. Holmes and Mifs Eliza J. Appley both of Preston. James D. Butler Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, Pastor of the M. E. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Church Norwich. 1 Written in pencil. iooo NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [337] This certifies that on the I st of November A. D. 1853, I joined together in Holy matrimony Mr. John Greenbanks and Mifs, Jane Dearden both of Norwich. Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, James D. Butler Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. the M. E. Church Norwich This certifies that on the 13 th of November A. D. 1853, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Mr. Anton Linnemann and Mifs Maria Zimmermann both of Norwich. Recorded Dec. 15 th 1853, by me, James D. Butler Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. the M. E. Church Norwich [338] Marvin Carey of Providence, R. I. & Mary E. Cong- don of this Town were lawfully married by the subscriber, Oc- tober 31 st A. D. 1853. Alvan Bond Recorded Dec. 22 d 1853, by me, Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. William L. Rose & Eunice W. Browning both of this Town were lawfully married by the subscriber on the 22 nd of Decem- ber A. D. 1853. Alvan Bond Recorded Dec. 22 nd 1853, by me, Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [339] Oscar Dennis of Worcester, Mafs & Caroline M. Weth- erbee of Boston were lawfully married in this Town by the Sub- scriber, November 30 th A. D. 1853. Alvan Bond Recorded Dec. 22 d 1853, by me Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Elihu Street and Mifs Desire W. Wil- bur were both united in marriage by me December 4 th A. D. 1853. W. Leonard Recorded Jan y . 6 th 1854, by me Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [340] Married, by Rev. Eliphalet Nott D. D. President of Union College Schenectady, N. Y. on the 26 th of June A. D. 1850, in the City of New York, Mr. Gardiner Greene of the City of Norwich, Ct. and Miss Mary R. Adams of said City of Norwich. Gardiner Greene, son of Gardiner & Mary R. Greene, was born August 31 st 1851. [341] This is to certify that on the tenth day of January A. D. 1854, at the Town of Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut I married according to law Mr. Silas Franklin and Mifs Abby J. Jillson both of said Town in said County. Attest, John D. Park Recorded, Jan. 14 th 1854, by me, Justice of the Peace. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that on the eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four at NORWICH VITAL RECORDS IOOI the Town of Norwich in the County of New London and State of Connecticut, I married according to law Samuel Pontifract and Mary M c Corry both of said Town in said County. Recorded Jan. 20 th 1854, by me Attest, John D. Park Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. [342] This is to certify That Mr. Spafford B. Nye, of Elling- ton and Miss Eliza P. Tillotson of Bloomfield were lawfully joined in marriage by me, at Norwich, this 19 th day of January, 1854. Niles Whiting Recorded Jan y . 31 st 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify, That Mr. Wilcox Barber of Exton 1 , Rhode Island, and Miss Lydia Benjamin, of Preston, Connec- ticut, were lawfully joined in marriage, by me, this 29 th day of January 1854, at Norwich. Niles Whiting Recorded Jan y . 31 st 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [343] This certifies that on the 18 th day of December 1853, I joined together in Holy Matrimony Mr. Ralph B. Stanton of Preston and Miss Sophrona Rogers of Norwich. Recorded Feb. 10 th 1854, by me, James D. Butler Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the M. E. Church Norwich This certifies that on the 25 th of December 1853, I joined to- gether in Holy Matrimony Mr. Elliott H. Smith and Miss Bet- sey M. Cobb both of Norwich James D. Butler Recorded Feb. 10 th 1854, by me, Pastor of the M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich [344] This certifies that on the 15 th of January 1854. I joined together in holy matrimony Mr. John A. Fuller of Norwich and Mifs Elizabeth R. Clark of Northampton. James D. Butler Recorded Feb. 10 th 1854, by me Pastor of the M. E. Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich. I hereby certify, that Marshall S. Bunnell of New Haven, and Eliza C. Beckwith of Norwich, were lawfully joined in mar- riage by me, this 20 th day of February 1854, at Greeneville. Recorded March I st 1854, by me N. Whiting, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [345] I certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. John T. Plummer of Montville, Me. and Mrs. Emily Yering- ton of Norwich. Hiram P. Arms Norwich Feb. 20 th 1854. Pastor I st Chh. Recorded March I st 1854, by me. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 1 " Exton " crossed out and " Exeter " added in a modern hand. 1002 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS I certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Lucius C. Fenton, of Brimfield, Mafs. and Mifs Sarah B. Yerington of Norwich. Hiram P. Arms Recorded March I st 1854, by me Pastor I st Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [346] This certifies, that Mr. George Parker and Mifs Mar- garet Jane Service were joined in marriage by me Februarv 19 th A. D. 1854. W m O.'Cady Pastor of the Methodist Church — Greeneville, Conn. Recorded March 17 th 1854, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies, that Mr. Allen Avery and Mrs. Hannah S. Ar- nold were joined in Matrimony by me, March 16 th A. D. T854. Recorded March 17 th 1854, by me, W m O. Cady Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the Methodist Church Greeneville Conn. [347] This certifies that I have joined in the bonds of Mat- rimony George P. Sherman of La Fayette, Indiana, and Mary H. Colebrook of Norwich, Conn, this 23 d day of March 1854. Recorded March 24 th 1854, by me. Rev. Charles I. Shepard Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church on Pompton Plains, N. J. Married by the subscriber as the law directs on the 3 rd day of January 1854, Jared F. Crocker of Colchester and Marianna W. Clark of this Town. Alvan Bond Pastor of Recorded April 22 d 1854, by me, 2 nd Congrega 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [348] Married by the subscriber as the law directs on the 9 th day of February 1854, Washington L. Hedge and Maria Jane Geer, both of this Town. Alvan Bond Pastor of Recorded April 22 d 1854, by me, 2 nd Congrega 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the Subscriber as the law directs on the 12 th day of February 1854, Alfred M. Newcomb and Agnes Brown, both of this Town. Alvan Bond Pastor of Recorded April 22 d 1854, by me, 2 nd Cong 1 Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [349] Married by the subscriber as the law directs on the 12 th day of April, 1854, James Hubbard & Charlotte P. Learned both of this Town. Alvan Bond Recorded April 22 d 1854, by me, Pastor of 2 nd Congrega 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify, that Mr. Eber Harris and Mifs Sarah J. Howland both of Norwich, Conn, were joined in marriage by NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 1003 me April 2. 1854. W m . O. Cady Pastor of the Recorded May I st 1854, by me, M. E. Church Greeneville Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [350] This certifies that on the 19 th of March A. D. 1854, I joined together in holy matrimony Mr. Augustus Listhus and Mifs Barbie W. Miller both of Norwich. Recorded May I st 1854, by me. James D. Butler — Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich This certifies that on the 28 th of March A. D. 1854, I joined together in holy matrimony Mr. William Dodge and Mifs Har- riet E. M c Carty both of Norwich. Recorded May I st 1854, by me James D. Butler — Pastor of Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich [351] I certify that I have this day joined in marriage Mr. Egbert Doane of Essex Ct. & Mifs Cornelia Horner of Nor- wich. H. P. Arms Norwich April 16 th 1854. Pastor First chh. Recorded May 8 th 1854, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that John W. Cole and Mary J. Hill both of Nor- wich Conn, were duly joined in marriage on the 6 th day of Feb- ruary 1854 — by me — J. A. Goodhue Recorded May 8 th 1854, by me, Pastor of Central Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [352] This certifies that George W. Jencks and Martha L. Roath both of Norwich were duly joined in marriage on the 20 th day of February 1854, by me. J. A. Goodhue Recorded May 8 th 1854, by me Pastor of Central Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Daniel D. Lyman and Sarah H. Ladd both of Norwich were duly joined in marriage in Norwich Conn, on the 18 th day of April 1854. By me, J. A. Goodhue Recorded May 8 th 1854, by me, Pastor of Central Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [353] To all whom it may concern: I hereby certify, that in the city of Norwich on the 13 th day of April A. D. 1854, I law- fully joined together in marriage, Nathan Champlin. Esq. of Norwich, and Mrs. Lovisa Deming of Worcester Mafs. Recorded May 9 th 1854, by me D. N. Bentley Local Elder Othniel Gager Town Clerk. M. E. Church Norwich City Conn. This is to certify that Mr. Austin W. Park of Norwich, and Mifs Delilah Whitney of Pomfret were lawfully joined in mar- riage by me, this 15 th day of April, A. D. 1854, at Norwich. Recorded May 8 th 1854, by me Niles Whiting Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. ioo4 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [354] This may certify that, on the 19 th day of March A. D. 1854, William H. Miner of Montville and Julia Rathbone of Norwich were joined in marriage by me Recorded May 13 th 1854, by me Christopher Leffmgwell Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. This certifies that Joseph C. Palmer of Montville, & Louisa M. Brown of Norwich, were lawfully joined in marriage by me, this 20 th day of May, in the year 1854, at Norwich. Niles Whiting Recorded May 23 d 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [355] This certifies that Walter A. Ingalls and Mary Ann Denison, both of Norwich, were by me lawfully joined in mar- riage, this 22 d day of May, 1854, Niles Whiting Recorded May 23 d 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. James W. Bassett and Mifs Minerva Harris both of Norwich Conn, were joined in marriage by me, May 7 th A. D. 1854. W m O. Cady Pastor of the M. E. Recorded May 31 st 1854, by me, Church Greeneville, Conn. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [356] Norwich June 2 d 1854, This certifies that Mr. Zepha- niah Hatch, of Monticello, N. Y. and Miss Betsey Gifford, of Norwich, on the 16 th of May last, were duly joined in marriage, by the subscriber, Benj. Whittemore, Recorded June 2 d 1854, by me Clergyman. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich June 2 nd 1854, This certifies that Mr. J. Cooper Greene of New York City, and Miss Almira Delanoy of Nor- wich, on the I st inst. were duly joined in marriage, by the sub- scriber. Benj. Whittemore, Recorded June 2 d 1854, by me, Clergyman. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [357] This is to certify that I have this day united in mar- riage Richard Ranger & Eliza Wilbur, both of Norwich. Norwich January 9 th A. D. 1854. Cha s . P. Bush Recorded June 26 th 1854, by me, Clergyman. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that on June 19 th 1854, Mr. Francis M. Danielson, of Portland, Me. and Mifs Jane R. Moore of Norwich, Ct. were duly joined in marriage, by the subscriber, Benj. Whittemore, Pastor of the I st Universalist Society in Norwich. Recorded " Norwich July 10 th 1854," by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 1005 [358] This certifies that Mr. Daniel Shaw of Prince Edward's Island and Mils Abby Jane Maples of Norwich were joined in marriage by me on the 8 th of May A. D. 1854. James D. Butler Recorded July 12 th 1854, by me, Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Robert Manwaring of Delta Indiana and Mifs Eleanor R. Manwaring of Montville were joined in mar- riage by me on the 8 th of May A. D. 1854. James D. Butler Recorded July 12 th 1854, by me, Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [359] This certifies that Mr. Henry E. Tarbox of Norwich and Miss Phebe A. Davidson of Preston were joined in mar- riage by me on the 10 th of May A. D. 1854. James D. Butler Recorded July 12 th 1854, by me, Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Joseph Thomas of Norwich and Mifs Sophia A. Stillman of Central Village were joined in marriage by me on the 14 th of May A. D. 1854. James D. Butler Recorded July 12 th 1854, by me, Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [360] This certifies that Mr. Thomas Hawkey and Mifs Mary J. Mitchell both of Norwich were joined in marriage by me on the 17 th of May A. D. 1854. James D. Butler Recorded July 12 th 1854, by me, Minister. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Lucius T. Bushnell of Lisbon and Frances A. Sherman of Nor- wich Falls, were lawfully married on the 11 th day of June A. D. 1854, By me, John Cooper Recorded August 8 th 1854, by me Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [361] Frederick Hill and Jane Armitage both of Bean Hill, Town of Norwich, were lawfully married on the 27 th day of June A. D. 1854, — By me, — John Cooper Recorded August 8 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that James Trail and Esther J. Robbins both of Groton were duly joined in marriage on the 4 th day of June 1854 — by me. J. A. Goodhue, Recorded August 23 d 1854, by me, Pastor of Central Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [362] This certifies that Charles Whipple and Mary A. John- son both of Norwich were duly joined in marriage on the 27 th day of June 1854 — by me — J. A. Goodhue Recorded August 23 d 1854, by me, Pastor of Cen. Bap. Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. IOo6 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This certifies, that William H. Remington and Sarah Ann Hale, both of Suffield, were lawfully joined in marriage by me this 20 th day of August, 1854, at Norwich. Niles Whiting Recorded Sept r . 5 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [363] Married in Norwich by the subscriber on the 7 th of June, 1854, according to law, Rev. Walter R. Long, of Mystic Bridge & Mifs Elizabeth Huntington of Norwich. Recorded Sept. 9 th 1854, by me, Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of 2 1 " 1 Cong 1 . Church. This may certify that James Rix and Martha S. Kinney both of Norwich, were lawfully married on the 20 th day of August A. D. 1854, By me, John Cooper Recorded September 12 th 1854, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [364] This may certify that Nathan E. Prout and Abby L. Cutler, both of Norwich, were lawfully married on the 21 st day of August A. D. 1854, By me, John Cooper Recorded Sepf. 12 th 1854, by me Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. Eli Giddings and Mrs. Hannah E. Sweetland both of Lisbon, State of Connecticut were by me law- fully joined in marriage at Norwich this 14 th day of September A. D. 1854. Norris G. Lippitt Recorded Sept. 14 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [365] This is to certify that Mr. William Rode and Chris- tiana Houseman both of Germany were joined together in mar- riage at Norwich, by me, July 9 th 1854. James D. Butler Recorded Sept. 16 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. Randall Holdridge of Ledyard and Mrs. Nancy Main of Norwich were joined in marriage at Nor- wich, by me, July 9 th 1854. James D. Butler Recorded Sept. 16 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [366] This is to certify that Mr. Samuel Higgins and Mifs Harriet M. Kingsley both of Norwich were joined in marriage by me, in Norwich, July 31 st 1854. James D. Butler Recorded Sept. 16 th 1854. by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify that Mr. William A. Sabin of Providence R. I. and Mifs Ellen M. Butler of Norwich were joined together in NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 1007 holy matrimony by me, in Norwich August 16 th 1854. Recorded, Sept. 16 th 1854, by me, James D. Butler Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [367] This is to certify, that Mr. Albert N. Fuller and Mifs Mary A. Lee were joined in marriage by me September 4 th 1854. W m O. Cady, Pastor of the M. E. Recorded Sept. 28 th 1854 by me, Church in Greeneville, Ct. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This is to certify, that Mr. George R. Johnson and Mifs Frances Farnham were joined in marriage by me September 4 th 1854. W m O. Cady Recorded Sept. 28 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [368] This is to certify that Mr. Henry E. Steele and Mifs Matilda Holt were joined in marriage by me, September 4 th 1854. W m O. Cady Recorded, Sept. 28 th 1854, by me, Clergyman Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that John Goebel and Elizabeth M c Intyre both of Norwich Town, were united in marriage by me, on the 28 th of August A. D. 1854. L. H. Mansfield Recorded October 6 th 1854. by me, Minister of Grace Chapel, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. . Yantic. [369] Norwich June 28 th 1854. I certify whom it may con- cern that I have this day joined in marriage Capt. Elisha Hull of Lebanon & Mifs Sarah A. Hull of Norwich. Hiram P. Arms Recorded October 9 th 1854, by me, Pastor I st Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. I certify that I have this day joined in marriage Frederic Smith & Eliza Ann Wormsley both of Norwich Norwich, September 22 d 1854. Hiram P. Arms Recorded October 9 th 1854, by me, Pastor I st Church Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [370] I hereby certify that I have this day joined in mar- riage Mr. Lewis A. Hyde and Mifs Mary E. Huntington both of Norwich. Hiram P. Arms Norwich October 9 th 1854. Pastor I st Church. Recorded Oct. 9 th 1854, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that on October 17 th 1854, Mr. William H. Wood- ward and Mifs Irena F. Billings, both of Norwich, were duly joined in marriage by the Subscriber in Norwich. Recorded Nov. 6 th 1854, by me, Benj. Whittemore, Clerk. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 1008 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [371] This certifies that on the 5 th of November 1854, Mr. William S. Hempstead and Mifs Catharine D. Harris, both of Norwich were duly joined in marriage by the Subscriber in Nor- wich. Benj. Whittemore, Recorded Nov. 6 th 1854, by me, Clerk. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This may certify that Nathaniel Covell of Yarmouth, Mafs. & Lovisa Wade of Lyme, Conn, were lawfully married by me on the 4 th day of Sept. 1854. John Cooper Recorded Nov. 20 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [372] This may certify that John S. Bartlett of West Rut- land, Mafs. and Harriet Wise of Norwich, Conn, were lawfully married on the 6 th day of Sept. 1854. By me — John Cooper Recorded Nov. 20 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This may certify that Hiel Fillmore of Franklin, Conn, and Harriet Hyde of Norwich, Conn, were lawfully married on the 14 th day of November 1854. By me — John Cooper Recorded Nov. 20 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [373] This certifies that on the 5 th day of October A. D. 1854, Mr. Edmund G. Coe of Madison, and Miss Emoret H. Beebe of Norwich, were joined in marriage by me. Recorded Nov 1- . 27 th 1854, by me, Christopher Leffingwell Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. October 17 th 1853, I hereby certify that I this day married John M. Jones & Mary Goudielock, both of Norwich. Recorded Dec. 4 th 1854, by me, Benj. H. Paddock Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Rector Trinity Ch. [374] Frederick Cooke Paddock, the son of Rev. Benjamin H. & Caroline H. C. Paddock, was born October 8 th A. D. 1854, and died October 14 th A D. 1854. To whom it may concern. This is to Certify. That Mr. David King of Norwich and Miss Mary Dorchester of Mansfield, were joined in Marriage, at Norwich, according to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, on the 12th of September, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty three. By me Alfred H. Taylor Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Norwich Received for Record January 21. 1898. Conn. Samuel H. Freeman Town Clerk. [375] March 20 th 1854, I hereby certify that I this day united in Holy Matrimony Dyer L. Chesebrough & Nancy D. Morgan NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 1009 both of Norwich. Benj. H. Paddock- Recorded Dec. 4 th 1854, by me, Rector Trinity Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. , April 18 th 1854, I hereby certify that I this day united in Holy Matrimony George S. Whitaker & Elizabeth L. Robinson, both of Norwich. Benj". H. Paddock Recorded Dec. 11 th 1854, by me, Rector Trinity Church. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [376] October 23 d 1854, I hereby certify that I this day united in Holy Matrimony Joseph R. Pendleton of Westerly R. I. & Martha J. Cross of Worcester, Mass. Benj. H. Paddock Recorded Dec. 4 th 1854, by me, Rector Trinity Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Novem'ber 7 th 1854, I hereby certify that I this day united in Holy Matrimony William Jennings & Ann Coleman both of Nor- wich. Benj. H. Paddock Recorded Dec. 4 th 1854, by me, Rector Trinity Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [377] November 26 th 1854, I hereby certify that I this day united in Holy Matrimony Fridolin Auer & Fanny Trembel both of Jewetts City, Conn. Benj. H. Paddock- Recorded Dec. 4 th 1854, by me, Rector Trinity Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. To all whom it may concern. I hereby certify that in the City of Norwich on the 13 th day of November A. D. 1854, I lawfully joined together in Marriage Mr. William Baker of Clyde in the State of New York, and Mifs Elizabeth Barney of the Town of Norwich in the State of Connecticut, by me D. N. Bentley Recorded Dec. 5 th 1854 Local Elder M. E. Church, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich City, Conn. [378] This is to certify that Mr. Andrew J. Snow and Mifs Esther F. Huntley both of Norwich were joined in marriage by me November 29 th 1854. W m O. Cady Pastor of the Recorded Dec. 8 th 1854, by me M. E. Church in Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Greeneville, Conn. This certifies that Mr. Julius Lillie and Mifs Lucy F. Chap- man both of Colchester were lawfully joined in marriage at Nor- wich this 30 th day of November 1854 — by me — Recorded Dec. 7 th 1854, by me, Norris G. Lippitt Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [379] This certifies that Mr. William Bailey and Mifs Susan H. Sheldon, both of Providence, R. I. were on Nov, 12 th 1854, duly joined in marriage by the subscriber. Benj. Whittemore, Recorded Dec. 11 th 1854, by me, a clergyman of Norwich. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. 29 ioio NORWICH VITAL RECORDS This may certify that John M. Morrarty of Greeneville and Re- becca A. Smith of Norwich were lawfully married on the 30 th day of November 1854. By me, John Cooper Recorded Dec. 13 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [380] This may certify that Benjamin Lucas and Sarah J. Tubbs, both of Norwich were lawfully married on the 11 th day of December 1854, By me, John Cooper Recorded Dec. 13 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that, on the 5 th day of November A. D. 1854, Mr. Bradford W. Smith, and Mifs Sarah M. Rogers, both of Nor- wich, were joined in marriage by me. Christopher Leffingwell Recorded Dec. 25 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [381] This certifies that Mr. Oliver C. Haven and Mifs Emily M. Aldrich both of Upton Mafs. were joined in marriage by me on the 19 th of September 1854, in Norwich. James D. Butler Recorded Dec. 26 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that Mr. Alexander Campbell of New York, and Mrs. Anna Johnson of New York were joined in marriage by me at Norwich on the 3 rd of October 1854. Recorded Dec. 26 th 1854, by me James D. Butler Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Minister of the Gospel. [382] This certifies that Mr. Charles J. Rogers and Mifs Sarah E. Bray ton both of Norwich were joined in marriage by me on the 30 th of October 1854. James D. Butler Recorded Dec. 26 th 1854, by me, Minister of the Gospel Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that on the 27 th day of November A. D. 1854, Mr. Charles H. Lewis and Mifs Hannah I}. Locke, both of Griswold were joined in marriage by me, Frederic Denison Recorded January I st 1855, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. (383] This certifies that on the 25 th day of December A. D. 1854, Mr. William Smith and Mifs Mary A. Murray both of Norwich were joined in marriage by me. Frederic Denison Recorded January I st 1855, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. This certifies that on the 26 th day of December A. D. 1854, Mr. Ebenezer Adams and Mifs Matilda Ward, both of Norwich, were joined in marriage, by me. Frederic Denison Recorded January I st 1855, by me, Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS ion [384] Married by the Subscriber October 3 d 1854 — Alexan- der Nickle and Isabella Smiley, both natives of Ireland, now resident in Norwich. Alvan Bond Pastor Recorded January 20 th 1855, by me of the 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the subscriber, October 5 th 1854, Charles A. Far- nam of Philadelphia, and Julia E. Spalding of Hartford — Recorded January 20 th 1855, by me, Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the 2 d Cong 1 . Ch. [385] Married by the subscriber, November 20 th 1854, Amos C. Williams of Montville, and Sarah B. Prentice of Norwich. Recorded January 20 th 1855, by me, Alvan Bond Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of the 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Married by the subscriber, November 30 th 1854, S. Stebbins Stocking of Boston & M. Louise Carter of Norwich. Alvan Bond Pastor of the 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Norwich Recorded January 20 th 1855, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [386] Married by the Subscriber December 3 rd 1854, Henry Ettel and Sybil Decker, both natives of Germany now resident in Norwich. Alvan Bond Recorded January 20 th 1855, by me, Pastor of 2 nd Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Married by the subscriber, December 14 th 1854, Isaac L. Win- chester and Frances S. Daniels of Bozrah. Alvan Bond Recorded January 20 th 1855, by me, Pastor of the 2 d Cong 1 . Ch. Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [387] Charles Irving, the son of Harvey & Christiana M. Spalding, was born at Norwich, Ct. on the 15 th of April, A. D. 1852. Harvey Addington, the son of Harvey & Christiana M. Spald- ing, was born at Norwich, Ct. on the 31 st of August, A. D. 1854. [388] Norwich June 6 th 1854 — This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Carlos T. Huntington and Ellen J. Cobb, the former of New York City and the latter of Norwich. John P. Gulliver. Pastor of Main St. Cong 1 . Chh. Recorded March 28 th 1855, by me, Qthniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich August 16 th 1854, This may certify that I have this day, lawfully united in marriage George N. Bailey and Mary E. Perkins both of Groton. John P. Gulliver Pastor of Main St. Cong 1 . Chh. Recorded March 28 th 1855, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. IOI2 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS [389] Norwich October 9 th 1854, This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Gideon F. Raymond of New London & Harriet N. Wickwire of the same place. Recorded March 28 th 1855, by me, John P. Gulliver Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Pastor of Main St. Cong'l. Chh. Norwich November 13 th 1854, This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage Leonard Ballou and Dolly A. E. Kingsley both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Recorded March 28 th 1855, by me Pastor of the Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Main St. Cong'l Chh. Louise Adam, Wife of Christian G. Adam, died at Norwich, Conn, on the 20 th day of September, A. D. 185 1. [390] Norwich October 18 th 1854. This may certify that I have this day lawfully united in marriage William P. Greene Jr. and Theodosia D. Tompkins both of Norwich. John P. Gulliver Pastor of Main Street Cong'l Chh. Recorded March 28 th 1855, by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. [39 1 ] John Turner Wait, was born at New London, Connec- ticut, on the Elizabeth Harris, (maiden 'name Rudd) was born at Wick, Gloucestershire, Eng. " I do hereby certify, to all whom it may concern, that John " Turner Wait & Elizabeth Harris were joined together in the " bonds of marriage, in the City of New York, on the twenty " second day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight " hundred and forty two — by me, Gardiner Spring " New York One of the Ministers of the " April 22 1842. Presbyterian Churches in said City." Marvin Wait, son of John T. and Elizabeth Wait, was born at Norwich, Conn, on the 21 st of January 183.3. Ann Eliza Wait, daughter of John T. and Elizabeth Wait, was born at Norwich, Conn, on the 21 st of October 1846. Mary Elizabeth Wait, daughter of John T. and Elizabeth Wait, was born at Norwich, Conn, on the 3 rd of May 1853. [392] William Samuel, Eldest son of Samuel & Emma Tyler, was born at Norwich, Ct. on the 12 th of November, A. D. 1806. Olivia Ann, Eldest daughter of Samuel & Eliza Maria Clarke, was born at St. Marys, Georgia, on the 10 th of February, A. D. 1820. William Samuel Tyler and Olivia Ann Clarke, were married at St. Marys, Georgia, on the 6 th day of December, A. D. 1838. William Samuel, son of William S. and Olivia Ann Tyler, was born at Norwich, Ct. September 18 th A. D. 1839. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS IOI3 Elizabeth Olivia, daughter of William S. and Olivia Ann Ty- ler, was born at Norwich, Ct. June 24 th A. D. 1841. John Henry, son of William S. and Olivia Ann Tyler, was born on the 27 th of June A. D. 1845. and died on tne 4 th °* J ulv A. D. 1846. [393] Charles Warren, Son of James G. & Electa J. Lamb, was born at Franklin, Ct. on the 6 th of March A. D. 1850. Otis James, Son of James G. & Electa J. Lamb, was born at Norwich Ct. on the 10 th of May A. D. 1854. [3941 This is to certify that on the thirtieth day of Novem- ber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four at the Town of Norwich in New London County, I married according to law James Haig of Montville in the County of New London and Barbary Jenkins of the Village of Willimantic in the County of Windham. Attest. John D. Park Recorded by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. Patrick Hagney, was born in the County of Limerick, in Ireland, on the 4 th day of June A. D. 1838. — as stated by himself — he also states that he arrived in this country in August A. D. 1852. Recorded by me, Othniel Gager Town Clerk [395] Certificate of Marriage. I hereby certify that Mr. Asahel W. Rouse and Mifs Ann J. Parkerson, both now residing in Norwich, State of Connecticut, were joined in marriage at West Greenwich State of Rhode Is- land. November 25 th A. D. 1858. Thomas Tillinghast Recorded Nov. 29 th 1858, by me. Minister of the Gospel. Othniel Gager Town Clerk [396] Norwich January 26 th 1852. This is to certify that Mr. E. Frank Rogers was lawfully married to Mifs Judeth Ann Murfey both of this Town, by me. A. L. Loveland, Pastor of the Recorded January 5 th i860, by me I st Universalist Society, Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Norwich, Conn. Lucy Edgerton, daughter of E. Frank & Judith Ann Rogers, was born on the 29 th of July A. D. 1853. Alice Blanche, daughter of E. Frank & Judith Ann Rogers, was born on the 12 th of December A. D. 1854. Sarah Virginia daughter of E. Frank & Judith Ann Rogers, was born on the 19 th of May A. D. 1857. T397] Flora Cornelia, daughter of James Elisha, & Mary Cor- nelia Hill, was Born, May 13 th A. D. 1843. Ira James, Son of James Elisha, & Mary Cornelia Hill, was born, April 2? ib A. D. 1845. ioi4 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS Jahleel Billings, Son of James Elisha, & Mary Cornelia Hill, was born, May 13 th A. D. 1847. Ossian Dodge, Son of James Elisha, & Mary Cornelia Hill, was born, April 2 nd A. D. 1854. Annie Stoddard, daughter of James Elisha & Mary Cornelia Hill, was born, March 4 th A. D. 1859. [398] This certifies that the Rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Mr. Clark Lillibridge of Norwich, Conn, and Miss Mary S. Goldsmith of Norwich, Conn, on Thursday Feb. 3. 1859, at Greeneville, Norwich, Conn, by Rev. Oliver W. Gates. Jennie E. daughter of Clark and Mary S. Lillibridge, was born at Norwich, Conn. April 2 d A. D. i860. Mr. Clark Lillibridge died at Norwich, Conn, on the 20 th day of October, A. D. 1861, Aged 23 \% years. [399] Robert Mitchell, son of William and Mary Mitchell, was born on the 15 th day of May, A. D. 1846. [400] This may certify, that at the time & place herein men- tioned, a marriage was duly solemnized between William M. Har- ris of Canterbury & Eunice A. Snow of this City ; & that the per- sons whose names we annexed were present as witnefses New London, Ct. Dec r . 29: 1846. Try on Edwards ( W m . Anderson Officiating Minister. ,,r.. r J Tho 3 . Tobias Witnefses < A , t-. . j Antone Desant t Sarah A. Fayerweather Entered by Othniel Gager Town Clerk. Oliver B. S. Harris, son of William M. & Eunice A. Harris, was born December 7 th A. D 1847 Ida Ella Harris, daughter of William M. & Eunice A. Harris was born October 3 d A. D. 1849. [401] Mead Benjamin Franklin Born Mar. 10 — 1819. Mon- roe, Orange Co. N. Y. Albertson Mary Ann. Born Jan. 26 — 1819. Norwich Conn. Sons and Daughters of above. A son was born to Benj. F. Mead and Mary A. Albertson his wife, in New York City Dec. 7 — 1842 Isadore Seymour Mead was born in New York City. July 2 — 1844. Theodore Franklin Mead was born in Norwich Conn. June 20 — 1846. Stephen Howard Mead was born in Norwich Conn — Dec. 26 - i847- Lewis Brown Mead was born in Norwich Conn — Dec. 20 — 1849 Died Feb. 12 — 1850 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS 1015 George Willard Mead was born in Norwich Ct Dec 6 — 185 1 Mary Elizebeth Mead was born in Norwich Ct Jan 20 — 1854 George Everett Mead was born in Norwich Ct Feb 18 — 1856 Sarah Louise Mead was born in Norwich Ct Aug 22 — 1858 Recorded Feb. 28 — 1901. Facts given by S. Howard Mead. Chas. S. Holbrook, Town Clerk. INDICES INDEX OF NAMES In this index, the various spellings of the surnames are printed as they appear in the text. The given names, however, conform to the accepted standards of orthography. All page references prior to 560 are found in Part I. Abbe, Clarke, 793. Joseph, 914. Lydia Ann, 914. Mary, 793. Abbott, Abbot, Abott, Abbet. Daniel, 291. Edward Oliver, 816. Elizabeth, 292. Eunice, 291. Jedidiah, 291. John, 291. Phebe. 291, 292. Rebecca, Ann, 816. Samuel, 291, 292. Abel, Abell. , 30, 412. Abel, 324. Abiah, 132. £ Abigail. 18, 72, 197, 198, 212, 430, 449, Si8. Alfred, 418. Alice, 58, 286. Alpheus, 58, 326, 531. Alvin, 491. Ambrose, 418. Andrew, 58, 531. Ann, 33, 158. Anna, 131, 132, 332, 381. Anne, 30, 212, 286, 287, 324, 332, 377, 434. Asa, 343, 449. Azel, 412. Benjamin, 58, 197, 198, 442, 449. Bethia, 30. Betty, 442. Caleb, 18, 132, 378. Cherub, 237, 491. Charlotte, 869. Clarissa, 429. Daniel Bishop, 531. Elijah, 14, 58, 324, 414. 442. -, Elisha, 122, Abel, Abell, - 212, 518., Elizabeth, 14, 30, 36, 80, 84, 212, 299. 326, 343. 378, 521, 527, 5 3 i. Elizabeth L., 941. Eunice, 122, 324, 346. 347, 434. Experience, 18, 42, 55, 86. Frederick, 198. Hannah, 18, 41. 58, 132, 236, 276, 346, 414, Si8, 531. Henry, 237, 413. Hezekiah, 15, 381. Hiel, 449. Ira, 343, 413. Isaac, 212, 518. Isaiah, 58, 412. Jabez, 131, 324- James, 326. Jedidiah, 123. Jerusha, 122, 123, 212, 236, 444. Jesse, 15. Joannah, 18. John, 18, 236. Joshua, 30, 36, 122, 123, 212, 287, 288, 332. Julitta, 237. Lois, 122, 434 Lucretia, 412, 518. Lucy, 132, 332, 416, 434, 479- Lucy E., 861. Luna, 237. Lydia, 14. 15, 30, 58, 66, 177. 197, 288. 326, 343. 348, 49i Margaret, 18, 36, 105. Martha, 30, 32, 237, 414- Martin, 237. Mary. 18. 6t, 346. 365. 429. 442- Mehitabel, 30. Nabby, 449. 1019 1020 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. -, Nehemiah, 30. Abel, Abell, - Noah, 18, 131, 132. Oliver, 58, 449. Parnel, 237, 413. Phebe, 30, 77. Philena, 496. Phinehas, 197, 418. Rachel, 332. Rebecca, 346, 580. Rhoda, 197, 412, 414, 487. Roger, 212, 287. Rufus, 122, 212. Rufus Backus, 212. Samuel, 14, 15, 18, 36, 343, 527. Sarah, 30, 36, 71, 181. Simeon, 14, 414. Simon, 58, 237, 413. Susanna, 418. Sybil, 414. Sylvester, 418. Theophilus, 14, 18, 33, 346. Thomas, 237, 429, 434. Thomas Moseley, 237. Tirzah, 326. Vaniah, 434. William, 434. Wyllys, 412. Zaccheus, 326. Zerviah, 33, 285, 381. 429, 434. Abner, Charlotte E., 967. Randall J., 967. Ackley, Elizabeth, 814. Lucius O., 814. Adams, Adames, Adam, , 733- Abby M., 918. Abel P., 745. Abigail, 315. Abner C, 771, 824, 838. Adelia, 883. Alice. 6, 232. Angeline, 715. Ann, 775, 915. Asahel, 315. Benjamin, 664, 887. Betsey, 595, 596, 664. Calvin G., 746. Charlotte L., 744. Christian G., 1012. David A., 745. David T., 918. Ebenezer, 1010. EH, 595. 596, 664. Eliphalet, 79, 174, 195, 236, 293. Elizabeth, 822. Elizabeth Freeman, 756. Emeline, 803. Eunice. 664. Ezra, 664, 665. Adams, Fanny, 665. Fitch, 232. Fitch D., 912. George Tisdale, 665. Hannah P., 679. Jabez, 232. Jane Newton, 760. Jedidiah E., 715. Jenette, 837. John C, 728. John Richard, 679. John T., 679. John Turville, 822. Joseph, 728, 915. Julia M., 834. Loring, 596. Louise, 1012. Lucinda, 771. Lucy, 733, 745- Lucy L, 745. Lucy M., 776. Lydia, 232, 315. Lyman P., 775. Margaret, 664. 665. Maria A., 728. Martha, 519. Martha H., 838. Marv, 331, 606, 664. 748, 824. Mary A., 887. Mary Ann, 746. Mary E., 904. Mary R.. 1000. Matilda, toio. Molly, 664. Nancv W., 912. Nathaniel B., 748. Olive Starr, 665. Phinehas, 85, 232, 315." Rebecca, 81. Richard, 1, 606. Roeer, 232. Sally. 664, 665. 818. Sarah M., 728. Solomon. 664, 665. Susan, 775. Susanna, 85. Thomas M., 744. Welthean, 315. William, 85, 315, 664. William P., 745. Adgate, Abiah, 383. Abigail, 10, 32, 383, 397, 458. Andrew, 99, 382. * Anne, 154, 201. Asa Waterman, 389. Benjamin, 99. Daniel, 99, 359, 382. Elijah, 99, 383. Elizabeth, 9, 10, 50. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1021 Adgate, Eunice, 359. Hannah, 10, n, 49, 99, 183. Jabez, 99, 383. John Hart, 335. Jonathan, 154. Lucy, 49, 99, 320, 359, 389. Martha, 49, 136. Mary, n, 49, 82. Matthew, 49, 99, 389, 397. Phebe, 382. Philip, 335. Rebecca, 5, 11, 49, 356. Ruth, 49, 50, 79, 335, 356. Sarah, 1, ro, 48. Thomas, 10, n, 49, ^o, 154, 201, 335. 356. William, 09, 359. Adridee. Hannah, 843. William, 843. Ahem, Johanna, 957. John, 957. Aikman. Jerusha L., 895. Robert, 895. Alberts, Christian, 629. Eliza, 748. Elizabeth, 629. Hannah, 629. Harriet, 629. Nancy, 629. Simon, 629. Albertson, f 693. Ann E., 984. Ann Elizabeth, 725. Eliza, 693. Eliza G., 627. Howard B., 628. Isabella Brown, 725. John, 508. Lucretia, 725. I.ucretia B., 725. Maria, 598. Mary Ann. 852. 1014. Nancy, 627, 628, 724. Nancy C, 627. Patience, 724. Stephen Decatur, 628. Theodore F., 627, 725. William, 627, 628, 698, 724. William S., 627. Alden. Aulden, Felix. 316. Joab. 316. Jonathan, 316. Lydia, 316. Seth, 316. Sybil. 316. Alderman. M. P., 989. Aldrich. Emily M., roio. Alexander, Eliza Ann. 713. Elizabeth S., 935. Alexander, Horace B., 868. Mary B., 921. Sarah, 868. William, 713. Allen, Allyn, Abby F., 945. Amos Denison, 761. Amy, 467. Andrew, 848. Ann Maria, 902. Anne, 657. Barnabas, 157. Benjamin, 423, 505. Betsey, 658, 659. Caroline M., 908. Catharine, yj2. Charles H., 918. Charles L, 898. Chloe, 509. Clark, 541. Daniel, 11. David, 304. Denison, 958. Ebenezer, 1 1. Edith, 423. Edward A., 730. Elbridge G., 771, 772, 853. Eliza, 697, 958. Eliza Caroline, 815. Elizabeth, 53. 505, 541. Ellen C, 997. Ellen M., 892. Emilv Travllla, 761. Ethan, 897. Ezra, 396. Frances, 953. Frederick, 902. Georsre Tracy, 761. Hannah. 297, 304, 806. Hannah Maria, 659. Harriet, 659. Harriet A., 771, 772. Harriet G., 772. Harriet M., 998. Henry. 761. Hezekiah, tt, 54T. Isaac, 364. lames, 304. James P., 008. jane, 745- 848. Jane Louisa, 750. Jason, 304. Jedidiah, 262. Jemima, 157. Jerusha, 745. John, 423, 505. John H., 892. lonathan, 396, 053. Joseph, 157, 396, 601. Lewis F., 703. 1022 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Allen, Allyn, Lucy, 423. Lydia, 612. Margaret, 703. Maria A., 900. Maria B., 731. Martha R., 918. Mary, 304. Mary Ann, 659, 710. Mary Jane, 686. Mary S.. 898. Mehitabel, 75, 363, 843. Nancy, 750. Nancy Elizabeth, 814. Oliver, 745. Park, 496, 658. Peter, 505. Phinehas, 11. Rachel, 11, 202, 304. Rebecca, 11, 157, 235, 423. Ruth, 396. Samuel, 304. Samuel F, 998. Sarah, 364, 541, 761. Sarah E., 772, 897. Sarah Elizabeth, 761. Sarah G., 866. Sarah Goodnow, 750. Sarah W., 913. Sarah Williams, 659. Seth, 11, 423. Sluman, 364. Stephen, 750, 978. Stephen B., 658, 659. Stephen H., 900. Susan Capron, 761. Thankful, II, 223. Theresa Emeline, 693. Timothy, II. Tirzah, 505. William, 304. William Henry, 761. William T., 843. Allerton, Ann, 26. Elizabeth, 26. Esther, 26. Ann, 13. Isaac, 26. John, 26. Jonathan, 26. Mary, 26. Richard, 26. Sarah, 26. Allison. Elizabeth D., 727. Almv, Albert H., 885. Amelia M., 885. Ames, Amos, (see also Eames), Anna. 381. Charles Erasmus, 581. Daniel Hunting-ton, 581. Edmund Fisher, 582. Ames, Amos, (see also Eames). Elijah, 451, 452, 581, 582. Elizabeth, 699. Elizabeth Huntington, 581, 582. Emeline M., 738. Erasmus, 755. George Anson, 581. Hannah, 269. Henry C, 699. Henry Olcott, 581. Hugh, 4, 28. Joanna P., 696. John, 28. John Tyler, 582. Joseph, 451. Keziah, 451, 452. Lydia W., 848. Mary, 4, 28, 581, 582. Mary Eliza, 582. Nancy Moore, 582. Olive, 452. Sally, 755- Samuel, 4. William Frederick, 581. Amesbury. Jabez, 936. Nancy C, 936. Amsden, Elizabeth, 58. Amthuer, Conrad, 953. Mary Margaret, 953. Anderson, Deliverance, 390. Joseph, 390. Samuel, 390. William, 1014. Andrews, Andrewes, Andrus, An- druss. Abigail, 155. Alethea, 155. Angeline, 924. Ann, 75. Ann E., 884. Benjamin B., 966. Christian, 22. 1 David, 65. Delia, 902. Dorcas, 75, 270. Dorothy, 195. Elbridge, 976. Elizabeth, 195. Erastus O., 902. George L., 924. George W., 747. Hannah. 65, 446, 813. Henry D., 871. Isaac, 75. Tsnac M., 754. Jacob, 75. Jane, 75, 163 Jeremiah, 195. John. 65, 75, 155. Joseph, 75. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1023 Andrews, Andrewes, Andrus, An- druss, Lavina, 871. Lucy, 210. Lydia I., 754- Maria, 976. Mary, 21, 52, 255. Mary Ann, 966. Nabby S., 725. Nancy S., 851. Ruth, 75. Sarah, 75, 175. Solomon, 155. Susanna 107. Thankful, 75, 208. Wealthy E., 747. Zipporah, 474. Angell, Henry, 853. Rebecca P., 8S3. Angier, Ann Louisa, 823. Luther, H., 823. Annis, Electa A., 879. Henry B., 879. Mary L., 960. William, 960. Anthony, Eliza G., 785. Antizel, Lawrence, 167. Mary, 167. Phebe, 167. Thankful, 167. Zerviah, 167. Appelman, Frances, 953. Appley, Apply, Apley. Eliza, 736. Eliza, J., 999. Luther M., 736. Rebecca, 508. Sarah E., 914. Susan, 796. Armitage, Jane, 1005. Arms, Hiram P., 797, 799, 801, 803, 804, 808, 817, 818, 825, 826, 837-842, 855, 856, 862- 864, 871, 883, 884, 895, 899, 900, 905, 906, 909, 923, 940, 94i, 943. 959, 960, 971, 972, 975. 976, 979. 982, 987, 995- 997, 1001-1003, 1007. Armstrong, Aaron, 531, 649. Abby F, 840. Abby Jane, 737. Abiel, 205. Abigail, 117, 355. Abner, 80, 205, A din, 709. Albert, 649. N Alethia, 117. Alice, 531. Alvin, 531. Amos, 299, 469. Armstrong, Andrew, 171, 499. Andrews E., 883. Angeline, 877. Ann, 61, 62, 117. Anna, 511. Anne, 205, 482. Artemis, 499. Asa, 117. Asahel, 205. Bathsheba, 322, 323. Bela, 220. Benjamin, 29, 60, 117, 156, 233. Betty. 323, 586. Beulah, 156. C. M., 984. Calvin, 299, 469. Clarissa, 512. Clary, 558. Daniel, 60, 156, 411, 550. David, 484. Deliverance, 403. Diah, 599. Dorcas, 185, 220, 411. Dyer, 512. Ebenezer, 156, 171, 220, 484. Edna, 558. Edward Phillips, 872. Elias, 80, 343. Elihu, 673. Elijah, 80, 280, 531. Elizabeth, 60, 117, 185, 408, 663. Elizabeth A. H.. 836. Elizabeth S., 958. Ellen, 956. Esther, 156, 411. Eunice, 62, 171, 295, 525, 649. Ezekiel, 117, 441. Ezra, 62, 355. Ezra M., 989. Fanny, 512. Freelove, 62, 336. George Robert, 737. George S., 684. Gurdon, 482. Hannah, 232, 233, 550, 737. Hannah Maria, 737. Harriet, 633. 948. Hezekiah, 171. Hopestill, 61, 185. Huldah C, 812. Irene, 177. Isaiah, 299, 499. Jabez, 323, 482. 1 James, 6t, 185, 471, 663. James Monroe, 737. Jedidah, 233. Jedidiah, 197, 355- Jeremiah, 62, 298, 299, 511. John, 29, 61, 62, 171, 358. 1024 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Armstrong, John G., 732. John H., 846. John Marshall, 737. Jonathan, 220. Joseph, 29, 80, 185, 220. Joseph C, 812. Judith, 156. Julia Ann, 732. Katherine, 732. Keturah, 62, 268. Keziah, 60, 296. Laura, 833. Lebbeus, 185, 411. Leah, 60. Lee, 171, 558. Lemuel, 117. Leonard, 482. Leonard T., 945. Levi, 299. Lois, 62, 197, 292. Lorenzo D., 872. Lorenzo Lovias, 872. Lucinda, 355. Lucretia, 325, 512, 846. Lucretia C, 992. Lucretia Hinckley, 663. Lucy, 60, 663. Lucy A., 952. Lucy A. D., 952. Lucy Ann, 925. Lucy Maria, 663. Lydia, 80, 171, 233, 271, 280, 501, 512, 663. Lydia A., 948. Lydia Yale, 663. Marcy, 156, 220. Maria, 945. Maria L., 989. Marietta, 899. Martha, 60, 148, 298, 299. Mary, 49, 60, 156, 167, 171, 220, 358, 442, 469, 531,, 663, 754- Mary Ann, 737. Marianne, 737. Mindwell, 299, 541. Miriam, 441. Nabby, 355, 471. Nancy, 482. Nancy L., 825. Nancy Lucretia, 737. Olive, 61, 170,, 171, 326, 684. Oliver Wolcott, 737. Orra, 984. Parmer, 411. Patience, 343. Peletiah, 185. Peleg, 482, 663, 754. Peter, 60, 233. Phebe, 60. Armstrong, Phineas, 220, 525. Preserved, 61, 355. Priscilla, 117. Rachel, 29, 60, 126. Rebecca, 185, 411, 463. Robert, 948. Robert Roath, 737. Rufus, 233. Ruth, 343. St. Helena, 709. Samuel, 156, 403, 956. Sarah, 60, 74, 233, 280, 812. Sarah Ann, 872. Sarah M., 883. Sherman, 512. Silas, 80, 322, 323, 482, 737. Simon, 60, 232, 233. Solomon, 185. Stephen, 29, 358. Sybil, 280. Temperance, 171, 323. Thomas, 61. Timothy, 512. Vina, 117, 484. William, 80, 220, 409, 411, 663. William Sanford, 649. Wiliam Walter, 872. Worth, 322, 512. Zaccheus, 171. Zerviah, 220. Arnold, Abigail, 353. Absolum, 153. Anna A., 801. Benedict,, 153. Benjamin, 819. Catherine L., 817. Charles, 759. Elijah, 819. Eliza J., 950. Elizabeth, 153, 324. Emily E., 832. Francis B.. 839. Freegift, 289. Hannah, 153, 437, 726. Hannah R., 912. Hannah S., 719, 1002. James W., 719. Jod R. 813, 839- John W, 748. Martha, 191. Mary, 153- Mary O., 759. Nancy Hayward, 819. Oliver, 288, 289. Phebe G., 825. Prudence, 288, 289, 748. Rebecca, 190. Rebecca P., 853. Sally, 615. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1025 Arnold, Sarah A., 874. Ursula B., 839. Welcome C, 832. Arthur, Arther, Bartholomew, 303. Joseph, 303. Marcy, 303. Sally, 820. Ashcraft, Eliza A., 981. Ashly, Griswold, 330. Atkinson, Francis, 990. Margaret, 967, 990. Atwell, Benjamin, 876. Clarissa M., 876. Elizabeth, 298. Auer, Fanny, 1009. Fridolin, 1009. Austin, C. A. R., 903. David, 574, 681, 682, 683, 684, 690, 702, 710, 712, 729, 830. Isaac L., 873. Julia, 752. Louisa S., 931. Lydia, 574, 769, 783. Lydia I., 754. Lyman, 752. Mary A., 873, 903. Thomas, 701. Averell, Rachel, 521. Sarah, 533. Avery, , 468. Abel, 478. Abigail, 249, 284, 285, 358, 533- Allen, 1002. Amos, 345. Ann E., 961. Anna, 970. Anne, 306, 420. Asa, 478. Benjamin, 241, 496. Caleb, 503. Candace, 507, 508. Caroline, 740. Charles, 72, 284, 285, 358, 740, 755- Charlotte, 731. Christopher, 496. Cornelia A., 813. Cornelia Ann, 690. Daniel, 358. David, 299, 307. Deborah, 639. Dorothy, 306, 307. Edwin M., 823. Elijah, 358. Elisha, 72, 326, 549. Elisha S., 690. Eliza Ann, 788. Elizabeth, 72, 241, 285, 409, 461, 478, 508. 30 Avery, Elizabeth A., 821. Esther, 937. Eunice, 508, 935. Fanny F., 766. George, 715, 788. George W., 961. Gurdon, 503. Gurdon Williams, 663. Hannah, 72, 183, 249, 284, 503. Hannah S., 1002. Harriet, 893. Henry, 508. Henry Clinton, 497. Irena, 345. Jabez. 345, 478, S02, 503. Jabez H, 939. James, 496, 497. Jane, 857. Jerusha, 112, 496, 580, 582. Jerusha A., 982. Jesse, 358. John, 2S4, 299, 466, 478, 503, 663, 915. John Humphry, 496. John P., 898. Jonathan, 72, 306, 307. Joseph, 241. Joshua, 112. Juliet, 939. Lemuel, 496. Louisa, 755. Louisa B., 961. Louisa LI., 715. Lucy, 112, 241, 259, 307, 502, 503, 647, 663. Lucy L., 604, 850. Lucy Lord, 647. Lydia, 299, 345, 365, 390, 478. Martha, 496, 497, 580. Mary, 728. Mary E., 688. Mehitabel, 478. Mercy E., 898. Nathan P., 917. Park. 639. Philura S., 700. Rebecca, 915. Rhoda, 478. Richard, 503, 647. Robert A., 970. Roswell, 299. Russell Hubbard, 663. Ruth, 355- 358. Sally P., 7LS. Sally Perkins, 663. Samuel, 285. 507, 508. Sarah. 326, 421, 549. Sarah M., 971. Simeon, 284. 1026 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Avery, Sophia, 549. Stephen, 284, 358. Susan E., 823. Sybil, 549. Sybil B., 917. Tabitha, 241. Thomas, 183. William C, 935. William R., 961. Zipporah, 582. Ayer, Ayers, Ayre, Ayres. Abigail, 196, 313. Bailey, 319. Content, 313. Cynthia, 319. Daniel, 557. David M., 937. Dorothy, 74. Ebenezer, 319. Edna, 508. Eleazer, 538. Elijah, 313. Elisha, 74. Elizabeth, 319, 538. Eunice, 557. Freelove, 830. Hannah, 320, 543. Jehiel, 501. Jerusha, 556, 557. John, 320, 543. Joseph, 74, 196, 319. Lydia, 196. Martha, 320, 380. Mary, 319. Minerva, 874. Nathaniel, 319, 508. Nehemiah, 313. Nelson, 874. Oliver, 319. Persis. E., 774. Peter, 196, 319, 320. Phebe, 196, 369. Ruth, 937. Sarah, 86, 313, 319, 534. Squire, 320, 556, 557. Timothy, 196, 319, 538. William, 538, 557. Babcock, Badcock, Babcok. Abby C, 963. Asenath, 836. Bethiah, 749. Charles Henry 623. Charlotte R., 833. Daniel S., 873 David Carver, 623. Denison A., 810. Dorcas R., 810. Eliza, 812. Babcock, Elizabeth D., 839. Erastus, 893. Francis Ann, 623. George W., 776. Harriet, 893. Harriet Maria, 623. Henrietta, 873. Henry Brownell, 623. Jane Hopkins, 623. John N., 833. Jonas L., 963. Lucy, 687. Lydia, 466. Mary, 766, 771, 921, 954. Mary E, 905. Mary K., 776. Mercy, 808. Nathan, 622, 623. Rowland, 771. Samuel P., 775. Simeon, 812. Susan, 775. Susan R., 735. Susan Rudd, 622, 623. Back, Elizabeth, 146. John, 146. Mary D., 991. Backus, Bakus, Bachus. Abel, 722. Abigail, 253, 254, 298, 312, 353, 370. Absolum, 139, 400. Alexander, 464, 614. Andrew, 79. Ann, 10, 46, 79, 231. Anne, 8, 139, 212, 354. Asa, 79, 388, 511, 724. Azel, 201, 437, 720. Benjamin, 298. Betsey, 393. Caroline, 354, 724. Charles, 200, 528, 614. Charles Alexander, 725, 922. Charles M., 744. Christopher, 298, 614. Clarina, 317, 455. Clarissa, 451. Daniel, 52. Deborah, 437, 492. Dyce, 830. Ebenezer, 46, 138, 253, 254, 298, 393. 464, S82. Eber, 576. Eleazer Fitch, 464. Elijah, 79, 317. 455. 533. 553, 580. Eliza, 830. Eliza Lee. 983. Eliza T., 895. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1027 Backus, Bakus, Bachus, Elizabeth, 2, 4, 16, 41, 46, 52, 79, So. 205, 209, 231, 314, 393, 410, 464, 582, 693. Elizabeth Fitch, 725, 922. Erastus, 314. Esther, 201, 388, 395, 511. Eunice, 79, 200, _254, 208, 313, 354, 388, 419, 464, 507, 527, 5.28, 576, 581. Ezekiel, 274. Ezra, 97, 353, 354, 393, 484, 614, 922. Frank Barstow. 982, 983. George Tyler, 922. George Whitney, 581. Hannah, 25, 47, 97, 231, 400, 499. Harry, 393. Henry, 614. Irene, 138, 310, 400 Isaac, 79. Jabez, 52, 200, 201, 361, 437, 484. Jane Eliza, 725, 922. James, 46, 274, 317, 591. John, 2. 47, 80, 97, 314, 511, S9i. 614, 982, 983. John Edward, 922. Joseph, 25, 46, 274, 388, 484, 614, 725, 922. Joshua, 200, 499. Josiah, 52, 138, 139, 400, 528, 895. Lebbeus, 138, 400. Levi S., 484. Lois, 274. Love, 138, 139, 400, 527. Lucy, 79, 317, 393, 422, 455, 511. Lura, 400. Lydia. 4, 32, 52, 274, 380, 382, 468. Lydia W., 788. Margaret, 455. Maria, 917. Marvin, 499. Mary, 4, 47, 52, 60, 131, 253, 254, 274, 314, 493, 681. 725, 922. Mary F., 982. Mary Gager, 499. Mary Sanger, 725, 922. Matthew, 317. Mercy, 353, 354, 484. Molly, 388. Nabby, 380. Nancy, 614. Nancy Elizabeth, 744. Nancy L., 720. Nathaniel, 52, 97, 314, 354, 468, Oliver, 20T, 830. Ozias, 138, 380. Backus, Bakus, Bachus, Phebe, 97, 231, 329, 353, 393. Rachel, 138, 339. Rhoda, 614, 922. Roger, 298. Rufus, 231, 451. Ruth, 4, 200, 419. Samuel, 46, 79, 80, 231, 410, 511. Sarah, 2, 4, 46, 48, 298, 722. Sarah L., 744. Sarah Louisa, 812. ■ Simeon, 139, 527, 528. Simon, 46, 79, 410. Stephen, 4, 581. Timothy, 4. William, 2, 25, 231, 917. Bacon, Backen, Ebenezer, 27. Elizabeth, 327. Eunice, 619. Hannah, 27. Jacob, 27. John, 27. Joseph, 27. Marcy, 2"j . Rachel, 386. Badger, Abigail, 160, 355, 396. Bezaleel, 11. Celinda, 160, 396. Daniel, 2, 120. David, 2. Edmund, 160. Elizabeth, 11. Gideon, 2. Hannah, 120. Henry, 10. Jedidiah, 160. John, ir. Jonathan, 120. Joseph, 160. Lois, 134. Lydia. 160. Mary, 10, 134. Mehitabel, 15. Nathaniel. 10, 158. Patience, 120, 343. Rebecca, 158. Ruth, 160. Samuel, 160, 396. Sarah. 2, 11, 120, 160. Bailev, Bayly, Abby L, 822. Albert G.. 872 Anna D., 855. Betsey, 620, 646, 715. Catherine, 646, 647. Charles Cooley, 646. Charlotte P., 790. Oiarlotte S., 637. Charlotte Story, 646. Cynthia, 645, 646. Cynthia S., 966. 1028 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Bailey, Diah, 646. Diah M., 715. Dorothy, 74. Elijah B., 822. Elizabeth, 647. Emily S., 872. Eunice, 646. Eunice A., 773. Frances Thomas, 646. George, 646. George N., ion. Hannah, 646. Harriet, 646, 699. Henry Andrus, 646, 647. Jared D., 855. John H., 790. John Hamilton, 646 Joseph A., 855. Julian D., 855. Lewis N., 855. Lydia, 629. Maria, 646, 803. Marvin L., 855. Mary, 319. 855. Mary E., ion. Mary S., 841. Sally, 639, 646, 693. Samuel, 595, 645, 646, 647. Susan F., 947. Susan H., 1009. Titus, 711, 773. William, 693, 1009. Baker, Abigail, 69. Abiah, 411. Alice, 299, 520. Ann, 69. Asa, 299, 300, 515. Benjamin, 69. Betsey, 998. Beulah, 764. Clara M., 890. Comfort, 515. Daniel, 69. Daniel Gilbert, 300. Daniel R., 842. Deliverance, 92. Ebenezer, 92. Edwin B., 823. Eliza J., 823. Elizabeth, 69, 107, 299, 300. 1009. Elnathan, 107. Emeline, 788. Esther F., 771. Eunice, 92. Ezekiel, 107. Fanny Starr, 6t6. George W., 688. Gilbert, 890. Baker, Grissel, 300. , Hannah, 2, 52, 69, 486. Hannah S., 890. Helenia, 984. James, 2. Jerusha, 107. Joanna, 723. John, 69, 107, 486, 984. Jonathan, 809. Joseph, 52, 92. Lois, 92. Lura, 515. Lydia, 299. Mary, 52, 69, 615. Mary M., 729. Nathaniel, 69. Oliver G, 788. Priscilla, 92. Rachel, 688. Rebecca T., 842. Ruth, 92. Sarah, 297, 809. Simon, 69. Sumner, 764. Susanna, 96. Thankfull, 515. William, 1009. Bald, Frederick, 796. Susan, 796. Baldwin, Baldwen, Bauldwen, Bauldwin. Abigail, 26, 127, 442. Ada, 444. Affe, 444. Ann, 127. Anne, 442. Asa, 228. Benjamin, 35. Bethiah, 186, 395. Cyrus, 869. Daniel, 135, 228. Deborah, 135. Dorothy, 471. Ebenezer, 26, 35, 135, 186, 395, 471. Elijah, 186. Eliphalet, 127, 602. Elizabeth, 35, 362. Elizabeth L., 910. Emily Maria, 602. Esther, 203, 395, 556. Eunice, 127, 373, 384, 602. Experience, 55. Hannah, 26, 97, 135, 228. Henry, 203. Isaac, 444. Jahez, 26, 127, 169, 442, 443. Jedidiah, 442, 443. Jemima, 127, 431. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1029 Baldwin, Baldwen, Bauldwen, Bauldwin. John, 26, 55, 169, 443- John D„ 807. Joseph, 383, 384, 890. Laura Ann, 869. Lloyd Eliot, 602. Lucy, 169, 247. Lydia, 127, 203, 383, 421, 442, 443- Marcy, 203. Mary, 26, 55, 106, 395, 890. Mary Ann, 807. Mary E., 826. Mehitabel, 55. Mercy, 203, 471. Nabbv, 443. Nancy A.. 828. Oliver, 186, 471. Patience. 44. Phebe, 26, 135, 383. Priscilla, 133, 203. Rhoda, 180Y 374. 471, 577. Rufus, 169, 373. 444. Ruth, 827. Samuel, 203, 228, 373. Sarah, 26, 471. Simeon, 395. Tabitha, 55. Thankful, 383. 384. Theophilus, 35. 167, 203. Thomas, 26. 127, 186, 443, 444. Waterman, 444. William, 444. Balis, Calista A.. 68t. Ballon. Amelia M., 885. Dolly A. E., 1012. Leonard, 1012 Balmforth, Benjamin W., 894. Hannah. 894., Marcy. 26. Banks. Ann. 878. Banney, Catharine, 993. Ellen, 993. John, 993. Banning. Roscetta C, 911. Barber, Barbour. Alexander, 885. Chancellor L., 992. Elizabeth D., 093. Ellen M.. 885 Fannv, 580 Hannah ^ 588, 589. James N., 588, 589. John E., Q03- Joseph Billings, 589. Julia B., 992. Lavinia J., 930. Lvdia, 1 001. Mary L.. 828. Mercy M., 864. Barber, Barbour, Moses, 864. Rowland R., 828. Sallv Ann, 589. Sarah M., 883. Wilcox, 1001. Zerviah Bushnell, 589. Bardwell, Adeline C, 948. William, 948. Barker, Abby, 722. Addison P., 849. Anna, 187. Anne, 381, 484. Asa, 586. Bethiah, 186. Betsey, 586. Calvin, 448. Caty. 650. Charles D., 917. Emeline G.. 954. Ephraim, 447, 448. Eusebius, 338. Frances Maria, 650. George, 772. Hannah, 187, 338, 586. Jerusha, 338. John. 187' 338, 339, 586. Joseph, 586. Julia Ann, 650, 695. Lavinia, 338, 339. Lois, 586. Lucinda, 338. Lucretia, 586. Lydia, 442, 586. Mary, 447, 448. Mary E... 849. Mary L., 917. Nancy, 717. Nathan. 874. Phebe, 338, 339. Rebecca, 542. Roxanna, 187. Sally, 695. Sally Smith, 650. Samuel Hyde, 338. Samuel L., 954. Silas, 586. Silvanus, 187. Stephen, 650. Susan, 874. William. T87, 586, 650, 717. Barnaby, S. Stillman, 960. Sarah H„ 960, Barnes. Barns. Abby P., 932. Amy, 784. Avery W.. 780. Clarissa M., 917. Eliza, 892. Isaac, 710. John S.. 017. Joseph, 581. 1030 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Barnes, Barns. Lucy G., 780. Lydia, 710. Mary Esther, 840. Mary M., 986. Susan M., 833. Barnett, John, 925. Lucy Ann, 925. Barney, Elizabeth, 1009. Sally M., 894. Barras, Henry, 726. Julia Ann, 726. Barret, Barrel, Barrit, Barit. Backus, 502. Caroline, 729. Emily, 729. Ezekiel, 203, 502. Ezra, Lothrop, 502. Lois, 547, 548. Martha, 203, 341. Mary, 203, 274, 547. 548, 872. Molly, 502. Oliver, 502. Peter, 729. Polly, 548. Sally, 502. Sarah, 502. Barrows, Abby, 996. Clarissa, 941. Clarissa M., 917. Edwin, 915. Eliza, 779. * Marv, 915. Mary G., 893. Safford S., 996. Sarah E, 942. Thomas, 942. Barry, John, 976. Julia, 976. Margaret, 980. Barstow. Bastow, Basto. Abigail, 63, 221, 261, 424. Alpheus, 256. Anne, 500. Ezenezer, 63. Eliza Ann, 662. Elizabeth, 221, 256, 450. Ephraim. 63. Esther. 328, 497. George, 825. Gurdon Thomas. 662. Hannah, 328, 768. Horatio N., 753. Jerusha, 63, 159. Job. 63. 65. John, 63. 256, 662. Jonathan, 63, 22T, 499, 500. Lvdia, 63, T52. 300, 328. Martha. 753. 800. 934. Mary, 63, 267. 499. 500. Barstow, Bastow, Basto. Mary R, 982. Nancy L, 825. Orra, 984 Rebecca, 63, 65, 662. Samuel, 256. Samuel H., 735. Susan R., 735. William Rogers, 662. Yetonce, 63, 328. Bartlet, Bartlit, Bartlett, Delight, 381. E., 948. Harriet, too8. Hezekiah R., 827. Isaac, 430. John S., 1008. Lucy, 430. Prussia H., 948. Robert, 430. Robert Worden, 430. Sarah, 827. Bassett, Basset, Aaron, 829. Abner, 675. Anne, 94. Drusilla, 778. Elizabeth, 59. Ellen, 981. George, 981. Harriet B., 675. James W., 1004. Jane S., 829. Lucretia Swift, 675. Margaret, 981. Mary E., 904. Minerva, 1004. Ruel H., 904. Bates, Benjamin, 966. Elias, 483. Eliza, 731. Elizabeth, 687. Giles S., 731. Hannah, 482. 483. Henry, 482, 483. James, 989. Jerusha, 726. Mary, 482. Richard Pierce, 483. Robert, 483. Sarah, 482, 483. Zoa Ann. 966. Battev. Battie. Battv, Beatty. Anne Elizabeth, 688. Betsev. 630, 631. Cynthia, 658. Dempster. 658. Elizabeth Tngraham, 630. Emma G., 997. Giles, 997. Giles Manchester, 630. INDEX OF PERSONS. 103 1 Battey, Battie, Batty, Beatty, Hannah, 908. Harriet, 721. Harriet Abby Perkins, 630. John, 631, 908. Lucy Ann, 802. Lydia, 630, 709. Maria H., 631. Mary Ann, 630. O., 709. Oliver, 630, 631, 721, 802. Sally Ann, 631. Susan, 631. William, 631. Baum, Joseph, 756. Susan, 756. Beach, Elizabeth T., 859. George H., 859. Beale, Sarah, 981. Beard, Spencer F., 796, 798. Beaumont, Jane C, 963. Nelson, 963. Beckwith, Asa, 190. Betsey, 828. Charles W., 724. Daniel M., 911. David, 190. Diana M, 928. Elisha, 190. Elisha W., 779, 810, 811. Eliza C, 1001. Eliza S., 852. Elizabeth, 47, 803. Esther H., 724. Ezra, 828. Frank Edwin, 811. Hannah, 712. Hannah A., 779, 810, 811. Hannah E., 837. Harriet M., 810. Herbert Elisha, 810. Hope, 205. James H., 841. Jane, 205. Jane F., 911. John, 205. John Allen, 810. Julia A., 960. Laura, 781. Laura M., 841. Lester, 712. Lydia, 760. Martha, 190. Marvin, 172. Mary, 172, 190, 547. Mary Lucretia, 810. Miriam, 190. Nehemiah, 190. Olive, 684. Beckwith, Ralph T., 928. Reuben W., 760. Reynold, 172. Robert M„ 837. Ruth, 83. Sally K., 702. Samuel, 190. Sarah A., 810. Silas, 172. Sophia, 864 Thomas, 702. Thomas Stanton, 702. Beebe, Beebee, Abby Caroline, 968. Alfred, 756. Alfred R., 756. Ann, 746, 756. Charles, 678. Daniel, 771. Daniel F, 661. David, 678. Elisha S., 746. Eliza Jane, 678, 769. Elizabeth, 661. Elizabeth B., 678. Emoret H., 1008. George Elisha, 746. Hannah S., 890. Harriet A., 988. James, 661. James B., .173. Joab, 661. Joab Fitch, 661. John E. Slaver, 746. Joseph A., 908. Lucy, 661. Lucy C, 723. Lucy Caroline, 661. Lydia Robinson, 746. Maria, 598. Martha Ann, 746. Mary E., 908. Mehitabel, 250. N. Maria, 988. Nancy, 756. Rebecca B., 844. Robert P., 890. Ruth, 875. Sally, 677. Silas Smith, 661. Stephen, 661. Susan J., 903. ' William, 678, 769. William N.. 678. Beers. Sally Maria, 537. Belcher, Elijah, 535. Enoch, 535. Frederick Eugene, 669. Isaac, 535. 1032 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Belcher, John 535. Lydia Jewett, 669. Mary, 535. Nathan Lewis, 535. Sally, 669. Samuel, 535. William, 669. Belden, Belding, Abigail, 629. Ann, 6. Dorothy, 6, Obedience, 6. Stephen, 6. Belfry, Henrietta M., 999. John, 999. Belknap, Marsha, 8^7. Simon W., 857. Bell, Abigail, 34. Eliza, 881. Gurdon, 610. Issac, 881. Jane C, 884. Robert, 34. Belles, Mary, 54. Bellows, Dorcas, 380. Hannah, 270. Beman, Z. F., 841. Bemis, Eliza, 840. Elizabeth, 899. John, 840. Benedict, Joel, 328, 455, 459, 525, 532, 549. 556, 559, 632. Robert, 532. Sarah, 532. William, 532. Benham, Bennum. Benjamin C, 880. Hannah, 39. MaryW., 880. Benjamin, Benjamins. Abel, 364, 365. Anne, 365. Asa, 365. Charles, 580, 734, 891, 892, 910. Charles James, 734, 891, 892. Chester, 304. Cynthia. 580. Delia Isabella, 891. Elias, 304. Elijah, 304. Elizabeth, 146, 365. Elizabeth B., 937. Ella Caroline. 891, 892. Emma Marion, 891, 892. Esther, 364, 365. Franklin, 891. George, 580. Hannah, 304. Hattie Elizabeth, 937. Henry, 580. Jemima, 478. Benjamin, Benjamins. Jerusha, 580, 582. Lucy, 734, 891, 892. Lucy Adelaide, 891, 892. Lydia, 1001. Martha, 580. Mary Elizabeth, 891, 892. Mercy, 139. Moses, 580, 582.. Olivia, 910. Rodolphas, 365. Sarah, 31. Sidney, 937. Solomon, 365. Theodora Louisa, 891. Theresa Josephine,89i, 892. Theresa Victoria, 891. William Savage, 891. Bennett, Bennet, Ada, 264. Albert F, 800. Albert Francis, 633. Amos, 633. Asher, 612. Betty, 451. Betsey, 612. Charles, 633, 917. Daniel, 558. Eliza L., 788. Ephraim, 264. Harriet, 633. Henry Augustus, 633. Hiram, 856. James M., 633. Jane, 839. John, 264. Josiah, 558. Lucretia, 917. Lucy Ann, 800. Lydia, 321. Marcy, 558. Mary, 255, 264, 510, 633, 681, 915. Mary Ann, 633. Mary E., 859. Merilla, 701. Nathan R., 839. Sarah A., 840. Sarah F., 856. Simeon, 321. Susanna S., 811. Warren M., 859. William, 701. William P., 633, 840. Zilla, 264. Benson, Daniel T., 847. Sarah E., 847. Bentley, Bentle, Bentlee, Bently, Abby, 940. Andrew Jackson, 617, 618, 940. Ann, 315. INDEX OF PERSONS. I033 Bentley, Bentle, Bentlee, Bently. Anna, 521, 832. Anna C, 947. Arabella W., 762. Asahel, 315. Caroline H., 901. Caroline Hyde, 617. Charles, 262. Clarissa A., 782, 810. David, 315. David G., 762. David Gardner, 617. David N., 617, 618, 683-686, 691- 693, 695-698, 700-707, 711- 716, 719, 720, 722-724, 726- 73i. 735, 736, 740, 742-744, 746-748, 752, 754-756, 759- 765, 768, 769, 771, 172, 774- 776, 778-783, 787-789, 791- 799, 802-806. 808, 810-813 815, 817-822, 824, 825, 828 829, 831-833, 838, 842, 843 847, 848, 851, 860, 86 1, 867 875, 876, 882, 887, 888, 901 902, 907, 910, 915, 921, 929 935, 940942, 947, 948, 954: 973, 977, 982, 983, 985, 986 995- 996, 1003, 1009. Dimmis, 262, 531. Edwin, 947. Elizabeth, 948. Elizabeth Roxanna, 617. Emma G., 974, 997. George, 816. George R., 842. George Tisdale, 617. George Whitefield, 617, 831. Hannah, 451. Harriet, 617. Harriet C, 697. Ira, 939. John, 262. John Wesley, 617. L. D., 810. Letitia, 617, 618. Lorenzo, 617. Lorenzo D., 782. Marcy, 262. Margaret, 330. Mary, 939. Mary Frances, 831. Mary Hyde, 617. Mary M., 986. Mercy A., 832. Oliver H., 974, 986. Oring, 262. Phebe, 315. Sally Ann, 617. Sarah Ann, 617, 851. Sarah F., 842. Bentley, Bentle, Bentlee, Bently. Susan M., 816. William, 262, 330, 832. Benton, Erastus, 962, 963, 965, 968, 990. Sanford, 820, 841, 845, 853-855, 858, 864, 866-868, 872, 876, 879-881, 883-886, 889, 893. Sarah A., 995. Beron, Jeffery, 988. Mary, 988. Berry, Mahala, 988. Sarah A., 890. William S., 890. Beswick, Nancy Ann, 949. Betts, Fanny Roath, 826. John Sidney, 826. Polly, 545. Bettis, Bettes, Ebenezer, 248, 249. Elizabeth, 249. Jonathan, 249. Lurana, 248, 249. Mary, 122. Nathaniel, 249. Phebe, 122. Priscilla, 249. Sarah, 249. Thomas, 122, 249. Bidwell, Abby A., 962. E. George, 962. Lyman A., 856. Mary Jane, 946. Paulina H., 856. Bigelow, Abigail, 300. Minda, 300. Uriah, 300. Bill, Abby Woolsey, 577. Abigail, 408. Angelina Margaret, 744. Asahel, 598. Avery, 936. Beriah, 400. Betsey, 577, 787. Betsey B., 606. Charles, 728. Elijah Abel, 744. Elizabeth, 533. Elizabeth Dwight, 744. Ephraim, 408, 409. F. W., 939. 94i, 945, 948-950, 953, 956. 964. George, 577. Gurdon, 408, 577, 606. Hannah, 408, 409, 540, 936. Henry, 577^ Joseph Howland, 577. Judith, 400. Julia Almira, 744. Leonard Tracy, 577. Lois, 728. IQ34 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Bill. Lydia, 408, 409. Lydia Huntington, 577. Lynde, 408. Mary Elizabeth, 577. Ruby, 942. Sarah, 73. n Sarah Hazard, 744. Susanna, 598. Sylvester, 408. Uriah, 400. William, 409. William Truxton, 577. Zachariah Huntington, 409. Billings, Billing, Abby, 659. Abigail, 354, 550. Alpheus, 550. Benjamin, 482, 550. Betsey, 354, 550, 591. Charles, 504, 550. Coddington, 966. Cynthia, 580. Cynthia S., 966. Dudley, 503. Elizabeth, 550. Elizabeth L., 774. Francis P., 774. " Hannah, 550, 588. Hannah E., 837. Henry, 503, 504. Huldah B., 699. Irena F., 1007. James, 550. Joseph, 550. Lucretia, 503, 504. Mary, 354, 504, 573. Mary Ann, 774. Nantz, 550. Nathaniel, 354. Priscilla, 482. Richard, 189. Richard Leffingwell, 354. William, 354. Binding, Mary, 855. Bingham, Abel, 8. Abigail, 8, 65, 78, 160. Adonijah, 224. Andrew R., 869. Ann, 127. Anna, 493. Anne, 8. Asa, 223, 291. Benajah, 256. Benjamin, 89. Bethiah, 89, 90, 234, 256. Calvin, 2S7. Charles, 558. Daniel, 89. David, 224, 225. Deborah, 8. Bingham, Dorothy, 47. Dutv, 464. Ebenezer, 90. Elisha, 268. Elizabeth, 76, 206, 224. Erastus, 635, 659, 688. Esther, 125. Eunice, 125, 290, 310, 524, 770. Ezra, 224, 290, 291. Faith, 469. George, 766. George T., 770. George Tracy, 659. Hannah, 32, 45, 47, 76, 215, 224, 225, 290, 368. Hezekiah, 401, 464. Jabez, 47, 89, 90, 256. James, 377. Jedidiah, 256. Jeremiah, 47, 76, 214, 223, 287. Jerusha, 183. Joanna, 268. John, 183, 214, 290, 291, 558. Jonathan, 8. Joseph, 8, 47, 124, 125, 287, 377. Josiah, 183. Julia Adams, 635. Lemuel, 214. Lois, 125, 429. Lucretia, 287. Lura, 464. Lydia, 558, 635. Margaret, 214, 215. Martha, 76, 225, 256. Mary, 8, 47, 82, 125, 183, 256, 332, 688. Mary Ann, 766. Mary E., 869. Nancy, 401. Naomi, 544. Nathan, 224. Nathan W., 922. Nathaniel, 8, 47, 214, 215, 268. Phebe, 401, 464. Rachel, 377. Ruth, 124, 125, 287, 301. Sally, 558. Samuel, 8. Sarah, 76, 77, 214, 223, 275. Sarah T., 922. Silas, 89. Simeon, 214. Solomon, 90. Stephen, 8, 125. Susanna, 290, 291, 558. Talitha, 558. Theodorus, 268. Thomas, 8, 32, 47, 76. Tryphena, 76, 343. INDEX OF PERSONS. I035 Bingham, Zervah, 90. Bingley, Ann, 656. Anna, 596. Joseph, 656. Birchard, Burchard. Abigail, 21. 44, 195. Amasa, 434. Andrew, 342, Ann, jo, 83, 426. Anne, 33, 381, 382, 426, 634. Ariel, 426. Asa H., 883. Asa Hyde, 634, 681. Asahel, 342. Asenath, 426. Benjamin, 23. Calista A., 681. Caroline Tracy, 681. Christian, 22. Daniel, 23, 48, 272. David, 32, 33. Deborah, 7. Eli, 497. Elias, 106. Elijah, 33. Elisha, 347. Elizabeth, 7, 47, 120, 272. Emjly, 681, 883. Emily T., 736. Erastus, 506. Eunice, 33, 34h 347, 506, 644. Ezra, 119, 341, 342, 497. George Frederick, 681. Gideon, 119, 272, 347, 506. Gurdon, 347. Harriet H., 987. Hetty Ann, 634, 683. Jabez, 32, 382. James, 7, 23, 47. Jane, 119, 120, 274. Jedidiah, 347. Jemima, 119, 332. Jernsha, 506. Jesse, 106, 382. John, 22, 23. 48, 106, 119, 120, 274, 381, 382, 426, 634. John Woodard, 634. Jonah, 48. Jonathan, 32, 382. Joseph, 23. Joseph W„ 68 r. Joseph Waterman, 634. Katherine, 23. Lois, 119, 506. Louis, 521. Lucy, 274. Lydia, 32, 33, 163, 382, 434, 511. Martha, 341, 342, 497. Mary, 23, 76, 106, 274, 426. Birchard, Burchard. Matthew, 48, 119, 272. Molly, 382. Phebe, 48, 119, 372, 426. Phineas, 119, 434. Rebecca, 48, 272. Roger, 347, 506. Ruth, 382. Samuel. 23, 32, 40, 106. Sarah, 23, 47, 48, 65, 138, 274. Thomas, 23, 65. Walter, 426. Birge, Backus W., 694. Eliza W., 944. Henry W., 944. Lucy C, 694, 920. Bishop, Bishup. Abigail, 145, 146, 246, 435. Anne, 462. Benjamin, 307. Caleb, 64, 327, 328, 390. Cyrus, 390. Daniel, 146, 342, 365, 384, 469. Daniel Lathrop, 469. Deborah, 82, 262, 263. Ebenezer, 65, 427. Elijah, 327. Elizabeth, 65, 221. Esther, 64, 307. Ezra, 246, 462. Fanny F, 766. Hannah, 65, 191, 263, 390. Henry, 462. Hezekiah, 427. Jerusha, 427. Joanna, 146, 384. John, 82, 307, 766. Joseph, 82. Joshua, 64, 262, 263, 390, 495. Keziah, 327, 328. Lucy, 328. Lydia, T46, 246, 384. Mary, 82, 327, 342, 378, 418. Mercy, 469, 620. Molly Johnson, 469. Nathaniel, 146, 384. Reuben, 327, 300, 495. Samuel, 64, 65, 145, 146, 246. 307, 427, 469. Sarah, 64, 65. Susanna, 65, 427. Tabitha, 427. Temperance, 82, 307, 469. Thomas, 64, 146. Wealthy, 495. Zacharias, T46, 246. Zerviah, 307. Bissell, Betsey H., 909. Edward C, 909. 1036 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Bitgood, Joseph S., 991. Mary Ann, 991. Bixby, Angeline, 901. Blackman, Eliza A., 993. George F., 993. Blackmer, James T., 876. Margaret, 876. Blake, Anne, 645. Ebenezer, 834, 836, 837, 844. Edward, 802. Eliza, 802. Henrietta. 618. John E., 847. Lucy E, 847. Blanchard, Araminta, 708. Hannah M., 794. John F., 794. Bland, David R., 996. Harriet, 996. Blasdel, Margaret, 803. Blau, Anton, 969. Catherine, 969. Blethen, Jonathan, 988. Mahala, 988. Bliss, Abigail, 174, 219. Alvan B., 945. Ann. 4, 40. Anna Lord, 445. Anne, 12, 382. Charles, 445, 703. Charles Clement, 703. David, 174. Deliver, 12, 31. Delsena A., 945. Desire, 120. Elias, 273. Elijah, 35, 219. Elizabeth, 4, 12, 219. Elizabeth B., 703. Eunice, 174. Ezra, 174, 382. Freelove, 120, 350. George, 445. Horatio N., 736. Jane J., 822. John, 4, 120. 273, 445. Jonathan, 174, 690. Lucy Ann, 690. Lydia, 618. Lydia Lord, 445. Martha, 219, 406. Martha B., 736. Martha C, 886. Mary, 12, 35, 68, 174, 417, 618, 939. Mary A., 865. Mindwell. 120, 304. Peletiah, 4. Rebecca, T2. 40. Sanford J., 886. Bliss, Samuel, 4, 12, 35, 120, 174, 417, 458. Sarah, 12, 13, 120, 273, 445, 457, 458. Sarah M., 736. Seth, 750. Silas, 174. Sylvester, 822. Temperance, 445. Thankful, 84, 120, 325. Thomas, 2, 4, 12, 31, 35, 219. William, 273, 618, 736. William Henry, 618. William W., 736. Zephaniah, 174, 273, 445. Zipporah, 174, 417. Bliven, Daniel W., 939. Frances J., 939. Mary Ann, 766. Samuel, 611. Blodget, Lavalett C, 880. Mary Ann S., 880. Blood, Alfred S., 853. Caroline C, 919. Catherine, 853. Blowell, Anna, 979. John, 979. Blunt, Ambrose, 139, 245. Dorcas, 218. Elisha, 245. Joannah, 245. Joseph, 139, 226. Lydia, 226. Mehitabel. 139, 245. Miriam, 245. William, 226. Blyth. Martha, 8. Thomas, 8. Boardman, William, 721. Bodine, Caroline M., 921. Samuel T.. 921. Bogue, Esther, Q37. Franklin W., 937. Henry, 902. Martha R.. 902. Bohnestiel, Henrv, 855. Mary, 855. Bolles, Eliza, 696. Harriet L, 809. Julia Ann, 753. Nancy Maria, 765. Bond, "Alvan, 708, '772, 785, 800, 801, 808, 809, 813-815, 823. 824, 825-837. 845, 849. 856- 862. 866, 867, 874. 875. 884, 885. 880, 8qo. 907, 910, 920, 921, Q26, 934. 944, 945. 979- o8t. 086, 987. 989-991, 996, 997, 1000, 1002, 1006, ion. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1037 Bond, Amy, 500. Amy, 500. Anne, 500. Deborah, 500. John, 500. William, 500. Bonner, James M., 900. Julia A., 900. Booker, George W., 998. Hannah D., 998. Issac, 896. John, 866. Phebe E., 866. Sarah Ann, 896. Boon, Eliza, 859. George Stanard, 645. Nancy L., 757. Sarah Gardner, 645. Welthea, 645. Welthea Ann, 645. William Colwill, 645. Boston, Matilda, 925. Boswell. Buswell, Busswell. "Abigail, 281. Anna, 351. Anna Lovett, 653. « Asa Peabody, 653. Charles, 607. Eliza Ann, 800. Eliza B., 859. Elizabeth, 607. Elizabeth C, 814. Elizabeth Coit, 614. Elizabeth Hand, 800. Elizabeth Perkins, 614. Frances, 607. Frances A., 986. George Lemuel. 613. George W., 859. Harriet, 771. Harriet Ann, 613. John, 613. John G., 965. John L.. 351, 613, 614, 791. John Lovett, 607, 800. John W., 800. Lemuel, 351, 607. Lydia Ann, 965. Malvina A., 920. Mary Glover, 653. Mehitabel, 282, 613, 614. Nancy, 614, 653, 791. Nancy M., 859. Sally Wetmore, 607. Samuel, 351. Sarah Coit, 613, 765. Thomas B., 351, 653. Thomas Mather, 653. Bosworth, Amaziah, 249. David, 104. Elizabeth, 218. Hannah, 104. Priscilla, 104, 335. Rebecca, 104. Tabitha, 249. Zerviah, 249, 376. Bottom, Bottum, see also Long bottom. Abigail, 455. Anne, 446. Asa, 522. Betty, 451. Charles, 522. Daniel, 446. David, 524. Diah, 451. Ebenezer, 445. Elizabeth, 445, 522, 937. Eunice, 524. George G., 850. Hannah, 445. James, 533, 864. Jesse, 451. Laura M., 841. Maria S., 850. Martin, 533. Mary, 543. 7°7- Peletiah, 445. Priscilla, 486. Sally, 533. Sarah, 446, 533. Silas, 524. Sophia, 864. Susan, 908. Suza, 446. William, 533. William D., 908, 937. Zerviah, 470. Bourn, Born, Amos, 122, 392. Betty. 392. Elizabeth, 122. George, 122. John. 122. John Palmer, 392. Lois, 392. Martha. 392. Boutin. Melite, 597. Bowen, Charles. 695, 722, 748. Charlotte, 816. Clark N., 847. Elizabeth W.. 785. Harriet N., 847. Henry L.. 785. Tames H., 968. Mary E., 968. Philip IL, 816. io 3 8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Bowen, Philip L., 695. Prudence, 748. Sally, 695. Sarah, 722. Sarah H., 695. Sarah N., 932. William B., 695. Bowers, Benjamin, 353. John S., 817. Maria H., 817. Mary Ann, 806. Bowick, Ann, 850. Bows, Aurelia, 842. Leonard, 842. Boyd, Danforth R., 949. Sarah E., 949. Boyle, Nancy, 975. Boylon, John, 975. Maria, 975. Boynton, Hannah, 415. Phebe, 401. Bradbury, James B., 893. Mary Ann, 893. Braddick, John, 530. Mary, 530. Bradford, Ann, 25. Eunice, 713. Harriet, 788. Joshua, 25. Lucv L„ 815. Sally, 616. Thomas, 25. Brags?, Bragge, Abigail, 90. Benjamin, 90. Betty, 90. Ebenezer, 189. Elizabeth, 189, 410. Howard, 189. John, 189. Mary, i8q, 478. Nathaniel, 90, 189. Ruth, 189. Thomas, 189. Braida, Mary, 994. Brakenridge. Martha L., 881. Mary Ann, 836. Newell C. 881. Braman, Sylvia, 902. Branch, Artemas, 513. Avery, 513. Daniel, 513. Desire, 513. Joseph, 373, 513. Lavina, 513. Libert}', ^13. Mary," 388.' Minor, 513. Perly, 513. Sally, 651. Branch, Sanford, 513. Zipporah, 513. Branton, Zerviah, 279. Brayton, Charles R., 819, 965. Olive, 819. Rhoda Ann, 965. Sarah E., 1010. Breed, Allin, 396. Amy F., 676. Caroline, 957. Charles, 637. David, 396. Dorothy, 396, 637. Edward, 867. Eliza, 637. George, 637. Gershom, 396, 637. Harriet L., 867. James, 637, 812. Jesse, 396. John, 676. John M., 652. Lydia, 637. Mary, 637. Mary Ann, 839. Mary E„ 959. Nancy, 637. Sarah Louisa, 812. Shubael. 396, 637. Brehm, Christine, 940. Philip, 940. Brennan, Brannan, Catherine, 977. Mary, 889. Brett, Anna, 412. Bethiah, 225. Daniel, 412. Ephraim, 412, 413. Lydia, 399. Mary, 330, 413. Sarah, 225, 412, 413, 425. Silence, 397. LTriah, 412. William, 225, 399, 412. Brevoort, John A., 823. John Augustus, 823. Julia B.. 823. Brewer, Abby. 909. Eliza Ann, 860. Elizabeth, 838. Ellen M., 965. Harriet, 606. Harriet Tyler, 606, 747. Henry, 860. James, 606. John M., 909. Lyman, 606. Mary Hannah, 837. Pliny, 965. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1039 Brewer, William Lyman, 606. Brewster, Bruster, , 700, 974, Abel, 402. Abigail, 286, 402, 533. Albert, 946. Amy, 301. Andrew, 211, 489. Ann S., 861. Anne, 21. Augustus, 861. Benjamin, 21, 87, 574. Betsey, 936. Christopher S., 616. Daniel, 21, 473, 502. Dorothy, 301, 404. Edna, 377. Elijah, 301, 404. Elisha, 616. Eliza, 749, 774. Eliza A., 691. Elizabeth, 21, 50, 301, 402, 404, 489, 502, 574. Elizabeth Delila, 762, 810. Elizabeth H., 974. Erastus, 543, 691. Esther, 543. Eunice, 935. Ezra, 404. Fanny Starr, 616. Frederick, 377. Hannah, 574. Hannah M., 959. Hannah Maria, 674. Hannah S.. 818. Henry, 616. Hepzibah, 377. Hezekiah, 211. Jabez, 404, 502, 705. Tacob, 404. Jedidiah B., 733, 848. John, 502. John S., 762, 810. Jonathan, 21, 24, 49, 87, 210, 211, 404, 641. Joseph, 24, 404, 574. Joshua, 211. Judah, 543. Judith, 24, 49, 211. Laurens, 818. Levi, 616. Loruhamah, 301. Lucinda, 879. Lucinda P., 946. Lucretia, 24, 402, 823, 848. Lucy, 210, 211, 543, 616. Ma rah, 3. Martha, 855. Marvel. 502. Mary, 21, 24, 144, 211, 473. Brewster, Nathan, 404, 774. Nancy, 691, 705. Nancy E., 733- Nancy L., 720. Peletiah, 301. Phebe, 502. Prudence C, 776. Rachel, 402. Ruth, 21, 49, 87, 286. Ruth F., 776. Sally, 543, 616. Sally Lucy, 616. Sarah, 24, 211. Sarah B., 845. Sarah M., 726. Seabury, 616. , Simon, 286. Stephen, 377, 404, 543. . Sybil, 695. William, 2T, 50, 616. Bridgham, Eliza Ann, 860. Hezekiah C, 875. Susan B., 875. Bridgden, Benajah Bailey, 621. Betsey, 620, 621. Betsey A., 817. Cynthia L., 727. Cyntha Lord, 621. George P., 817. George Palmer, 621. John. 620, 621. Sarah Maria, 795. Briggs, Brigs, Azariah, 248. Charity. 248. Daniel, 955. Elizabeth, 813. Hannah, 248. Lucretia, 955. Priscilla, 248. Brigham. Anne, 290. Frederic A., 873. Sarah F., 873. Brighton, Sarah Ann Maria, 875. Brisnahan, Johanna, 955. Michael, 955. Britton, Caroline, 822. William Audley, 822. Brockington, Eliza A., 981. Samuel C, 981. Brockway, Deborah, 55. Susanna, 344. Brooks. Benjamin, 249. Caroline, 797. Delia A., 862. 863. Elizabeth, 678. Elizabeth A.. 821. Elizabeth Allyn, 821. George, 707. Gurdon, 678. 1040 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Brooks, Hannah, 249. Harriet Augusta, 862, 863. Henrietta Frances, 862. Jonathan W., 821, 862, 863. Jonathan Williams, 862. Nancy, 644. Sarah Adeline, 862. Sarah E., 885. Susan C, 853. William Cary, 863. Broughton, Martha, 183. Brown, Browne, Abby, 686. Abby C, 732. Abby M., 901. Abigail, 9, 10, 132, 277, 403. Abraham. 132, 833. Adaline, 808. Agnes, 1002. Alexander James Dallas, 685. Alice, 994. Amanda, 982. Amy, 435. Ann, 331, 595. Ann L., 833. Ann Vernet, 605. Anne, 522. Asenath, 909. Betsey, 522, 717. Caroline, 750. Charles, 479. Charles Cannon, 883. Charles Samuel, 671. Charlotte Fitch, 671, 770. Cyrus, 960. Daniel, 10. Denison L., Jj6. Desire, 634. Dolly, 805, 882, 883. Edmund, 132. Edward Whiting, 605. Elijah, 132. Eliza, 755. Eliza Rogers, 671. Eliza W., 717. Eliza Woodbridge, 671. Elizabeth, 99, 718. Emily E., 917. Eastus, 686. Esther, 792. Frances, 683. Frances Ann, 671, 738. Frances E., 998. Francis, 694. Francis G., 881, 886. Frank, 954. George Alfred, 671. George C, 755. Harriet, 677, 758. Harriet K., 881, 886. Brown, Browne, Harriet S., 993. Henry, 687, 689. Henry S., 677. James A., 998. James F., 589. James Fitch, 671. James Griswold, 671. James N., 683, 694. James Noyes, 331, 420. Jeremiah C, 750. Jesse, 522, 605. — Jesse Howard, 605. John, 89, 146, 402, 582, 808. John C, 973. John P., 792. Joseph, 09. Joseph E., 804. Josephus, 982. Joshua, 99. Josiah, 10. Julia A., 960. L. C, 834. 841, 847, 852, 863-865, 868, 871, 873, 874, 877, 878, 887, 902, 927, 929. Laura 781, 887. Laura W., 973. .Louisa M., 1004. Lucy, 605. Lucy M., 776. Maria F., 951. Martha C, 986. Mary, 13, 90. 99, 167, 329. 33*. 334, 420, 441, 685. Mary Ann, 582, 792, 954. Mary E.. 967, 998. Mehitabel, 101. Molly, 59+ Moses, 403. Nancy M., 859. Nathaniel P. P.. 833, 859. Phylena, 522. Rachel, 743. Richard, 13. Robe, 331. Russel, 522. Ruth, 241. Samuel, 13, 292. Sarah, 99, 292, 458, 466, 479. Sarah A., 887. Sarah E., 847, 949. Sarah Marvin, 671. Susan L., 804. Temperance, 582. Thomas, 761. Thomas C, 732. Thomas Olney, 743. Thomas W., 049. Tristram, 9, 10, 13. Vernet, 605. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1041 Brown, Browne, William, 994. William Henry, 882, S»3- William L., 842. William Perkins, 605. Zerviah, 402, 689. Browning, Eunice W., 1000. Francis F., 905. Jedidiah D., 905. Martha F., 678. Mary L., 828. Potter, 678. Brownson, H., 832. Harriet Amelia, 832- Bruce, Esther, 843- Bruin, Rebecca, 22. Brumley, Bromley. Almira, 635. 899- Anna, 582. Asenath, 881. Avery, 582. Charles, 622. Charlotte R., 833. Christopher, 622. DeJey,' 582, 635. 702, 899. Diana M., 928. Eliza A., 7°7. Eliza Ann, 635- Eliza W., 730. Elizabeth, 73<>- George T., 902. Gurdon J., 881. Hannah, 622. Hannah S., 7*9- Henry, 635- Huldah A., 090. James, 5 82 - John S., 730. John Spicer, 622. Joseph, 721- Josiah, 757- Lucretia, 635, 840. Martha R., 848. Mary. 730. Mary W., 880. Meribah, 800. Nancy, 970. Nancy K., 824. Nancy L., 757- Sally, 760- Sarah, 902. Sophia. 721, 750. Wealthy T., 866. Zerviah, 81 5. Zipporah, 582. Brunson, Edwin, 843. Esther, 843. Brushel, Polly. 743- Samuel, 743- 31 Bryant, Benjamin, 430. Elizabeth, 430. Israel, 430- Jeremiah, 430. John, 430. Margaret Wdks, 430. Mary, 872. Philip, 430- Sarah, 43°- William, 872. Buck, Elisha, 867. Elizabeth, 286. Hannah, 235, 238. Roxana, 867. Buckingham, Frances A., 9»o. Hamlin B., 986. Israel M., 837- Lydia A., 837- _ Budington, George W., 7«°- Lucy Ann, 788. Buell, Buel, Abel, 383- Eunice, 428. Francis, 738. John R., 868. Joshua, 738. Marilla, 868. Sarah, 383- Buebe, Susanna, 153- Bulkeley, Bulkley, Bukley. Adaline, 790- John, 151. 700. John Worthington, 803. Mary E., 823. Orrin, 682. Rachel, 700. Ruth, 682. Samuel B., 823. Bull, Henry, 777- Mary, 813- Mary H., 777- Sybil, 283. tt r Bullard. Charles H., ^^>- Elizabeth, 886. Bump, Bumpos, Hannah, 4 09- Irena, 409- Keziah, 246. Levi, 409. Lydia, 183. Martha, 183. Mary, 184. Patience, 409- Samuel, 183, 409- Sarah, 400- , Q Bumphrey. Rhoda, 718^ Bundy. Bundey, John, 69, 127. Lvdia, 69, 127. Bunnell, Eliza C, 1001. Marshall S., 1001. Burch. Rhoda Ann, »n. 1 042 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Burch, William H., 811. Burdett, Burdet, Charles, 635. Eliza, 635. George, 635. Sally, 635. Susanna, 598. Burdick, Abby, 801. Betsey, 706. Caroline A., 949. Clark H., 912. Elias, 710. Eliza, 710. Elizabeth, 691. Emeline, 775. Frances, 941. George, 691. Henry W., 801. John A., 775. Lucy O., 700. Lydia, 709, 821. Matthew S., 949. Phebe, 643. Randall, 691. Samuel, 821. Sarah, 388, 878. Sarah A., 912. Thomas, 878. William, 941. William C, 700. Burger, Catherine, 965. George, 965. Burgess, Diana, 708. Edwin S., 986. Elizabeth, 594, 718. Jane Elizabeth, 929. Mary J., 986. Philip, 718. Burke, Eliza M., 888. Henry, 888. Margaret A., 931. Burlingham, Sarah A., 766. William, 766. Burley, Burly, Daniel, 157. Edna, 158, 348. Elizabeth, 157, 158, 378. Jonathan, 157, 158. Lydia, 157, 336. Mary, 157. Burnap, Abigail, in. Abraham, in, 112. Daniel, 112. Elijah, 112. Hannah, hi, 112. John, in. Burnett, Rosena, 997. William, 997. Burnham, Burnam, Burnan. Abigail, 231, 281, 413, 528. Amy, 444. Burnham, Burnam, Burnan. Asa, 316, 485. Benjamin, 136, 137, 289, 444. Bethiah, 322. Clarissa, 485. Daniel, 9, 231. Ebenezer, 322. Eleazer, 9, 315, 316. Elias, 321. Elisha, 444. Elizabeth, 9, 100, 121, 281. Esther, 137. Eunice, 281. Hannah, 322. Irena, 231, 471. James, 100, 281, 485, 496. Jedidiah, 289. Jemima, 289, 444. Joanna, 136, 362. John, 322. Joshua, 316. Lydia, 9, 229, Mary, 9, 38, 136, 137, 163, 289, 3i5, 316 322, 447. Nathan, 281. Olive, 727. Philena, 496. Roger, 281, 485. Samuel, 316. Sarah, 9, 200, 281. Susanna, 136, 290. Thomas, 485, 727. Walter, 444. William, 100. Zachariah, 231. Zebulon Perkins, 444. Burns, Catherine, 956. James, 956. Julia, 926. Burrill, Abby B., 898. Burrows, Elizabeth, 246. Grace H., 880. Russell E., 880. Burt, Alvan C, 792. Mary Ann, 792. Burton, Marcy, 127. Mary, 69. Simon, 69, 127. Bush, Charles P., 853, 865, 890, 904, 935, 938, 943. 947, 95 1, 954, 961, 962, 964, 966, 973. 978, 983, 990, 991, 994. 997. 998, 1004. Emma, 840. Hannah, 41. Maria, 936. Bushnell, Aaron, 75, 178, 471, 472. Abby, 748. Abigail, 24, 58, 67, 208, 230, 403. INDEX OF PERSONS. I043 Bushnell, Abigail Burnam, 472. Abigail Tracy, 416. Abisha, 67, 204. Ann, 9, 36, 58, 75. Anna, 528. Anne, 53, 142, 379. Asa, 178, 471. Benajab, 9, 67, 2o4, 258, 396. 416, 511. Benjamin, 90. Betty. 432, 511. Caleb, 9, 58, 142, 373. Caroline, 204, 416, 504. Charity, 142, 386. Charles H., 896. Charlotte S., 637. Clarina, 204. Clarissa. 396. Daniel, 75, 208. David, 24, 67, 284, 494. Debo/ah, 24. Dyer, 559- Ebenezer, 75, 474. Edward, 750. Eleazer, 494. Elijah, 68. Eliza Ann, 888. Eliza T., 698. Elizabeth, 9, 17, 58, 67, 68, 71. 118, 125, 147, 2o4, 208. 229> 258, 280, 363, 416, 490. Elizabeth H., 925. Ephraim, 363. Esther S., 889. Eusebius, 204. Eunice, 284, 465. Ezekiel, 208, 559. Ezra, 204, 511. E, 888, 916. Fanny, 465, 491, 673, 9*9- Frances A., 1005. Gurdon, 465, 559, 725- Hannah, 24, 67, 142, 204, 259, 284, 396. 511, 587, 640. Hannah Griswold, 416. Harriet, 474, 948. Harriet N., 896. Hezekiah Lord, 494. Howlet, 404. Huldah, 363. Irena, 471, 472. Jabez, 142, 640. Jahleel, 439. James, 465, 673. Jason, 363. Jehiel, 204. Jerusha, 24, 37, 284, 432, 453. 519- John, 67, 178, 265, 284, 379. 465. 491- Bushnell, Jonathan, 24, 67, 68, 229, 432, 908. Joseph, 10, 24, 37, 75, 208, 363. Joseph P., 698. Joshua, 471, 472. Judith, 142. Leonard, 465, 474, 839. Lucius T., 1005. Lucretia, 416. Lucy, 142, 416, 465, 491, 502. Luther H., 777. Lydia, 67, 178, 190, 229, 379, 439, 474, 640. Mabel, 373, 641. Marcy, 10. Margery, 178, 472. Martha, 373, 683. Martin, 432. Mary, 10, 24, 27, 58, 67, 68, 115, 128, 174, 284, 472, 717, 839, 908. Mary Ann, 792. Mary B., 996. Matthew, 396. Mehitabel, 75. 90, 363. Nabby Mumford, 494. Nabby S., 725. Nancy Maria, 640. Nathan, 24, 75, 178, 379. Olive, 777. Phebe, 432. Polly, 465. Rachel, II, 24. Rebecca, 24, 63, 65. Richard, 9, 10, 58, 142, 373. Richard W., 996. Roswell, 465. Ruth, 229, 379. Sabra, 465, 805. Sally, 750. Sally Abby, 640. Samuel, 75, 90. Sarah, 208, 265. Sela, 559. Sin da, 673. Susan Hubbard, 637. Susanna, 474, 584. Thomas, 474. Thomas H., 637, 638. William, 90. Zerviah, 67, 297, 396, 494. Zerviah Holden, 396. Zipporah, 58, 185. Bussev, James, 918. Phebe E., 918. Buswell, see Boswell. Butler. Adaline, 798. Benjamin, 355, 356, 481. Betsey, 930. 1044 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Butler, Charles, 767. Charles K., 798. Diadema, 355, 356, 481. Elizabeth B., 746. Ellen M., 1006. Henry, 910. James D., 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1003, 1005-1007, 1010. Jerusha, 355, 483. Lucy Caroline, 767. Margaret, 930. Martha, 727. Minerva, 356, 481. Mortimer S., 727. Rosamond, 3=55, 481. Ruth, 481. Susan M., 910. Theresa H., 992. Thomas, 356. William, 930. Butt, Butts, Abigail, 116. David, 813. Deliverance, 390. Luc ret i a F., 941. Samuel, 116. Sarah, 459. Susan C., 813. Butterfield, Luthera D., 864. Button, Abby A., 833. Abby S., 811. Betsey, 683, 739. Cleveland, 641. Eliza, 886. Elizabeth, 642. Jeremiah, 641. Lucius L., 811. Lucy, 641, 642. Lydia, 763. Margaret, 967. Mary E., 808. Peter, 886. Rachel, 815. Robert, 641. Russell C, 808. Samuel A., 967. Susanna, 641. William, 641, 642. Byrne, Byrnes, Almira F., 814. Betsey, 753. Daniel, 753. George Thomas, 814. Jane Amanda, 814. Thomas, 814. Byrom, Ann, 915. Walter, 915. Cabot, Mary, 321. Cady, Elizabeth, 464. Isaac, 205, 297. Cady, Joanna, 205, 297. Mary, 205, 297. Mary A., 863. Resina, 225. Sarah, 280. Thankful, 408. William O., 984, 985. 999, 1002- 1004, 1007, 1009. Caflin, Emily, 923. Calkins, Caulkins, Colkin, Col- kins, Calkin. Abel, 78, 274. Abigail, 44- 133, 388, 389. Andrew, 107, 377. Ann, 19, 33, 43. Ann M., 648. Anne, 274. Annis, 498. Benjamin, 377, 456. Bethia, 77, 78, 125. Betsey, 300, 448. Charles, 389. Christopher, 456, 457. Daniel, 43, 133. 270, 271. David, 19. Deborah, 33. Durke, 389. Ebenezer, 300. Edward M., 819. Elisha, 78, 344, 448. Eliza, 819. Elizabeth, 19, 43, 45. 125, 133, 370, 380, 497, 498. Emma J., 984. Eunice, 165, 300, 525. Fanny, 604. Frederick, 498. Freedom, 270, 271. Hannah, 5, 41, 125, 456, 457, 499. Hugh, 19, 43. 77, 78, 107, 370, 377. 380, 648. James Whitfield, 271. Jesse, 667, 706. John, 19, 41, 44, 300. John Mason, 271. Jonathan, 165. Joshua, 43, 125, 389. Lois, 43, 77, 200. Lovice, 648. Lucy, 50. 300. Lura, 457. Lydia, 68. 377, 456. Martin, 498. Mary, 19, 67. 133, 237, 344, 448. Molly, 274. 494. Nancy, 667. Naomi, 344. Oliver, 456. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1045 Calkins, Caulkins, Colkin, Col- kins, Calkin, Osman, 456. Phebe, 77, 78, 107, 231, 344, 393, 498. Philura W., 648. Priscilla, 133, 270. Rebecca, 707. Ruth, 41, 344. Sally, 667. Samuel, 19, 41, 456, 667. Samuel D., 984. Sarah, 19, 26, 43, 44, 50, 77, 165, 179. 256, 270, 300, 456. Simon, 78, 300, 456. Sophia, 498. Stephen, 43, 50, 344. Temperance, 389. Theophilus, 133. Thomas, 125, 388, 389. Thomas Sluman, 271. William, 274, 456. Call, Ann J., 962. Emily P., 991. Henry E., 991. Thomas S., 962. Callam, Callum, Collum, Abigail, 71. Benjamin, 71. Bridget, 71, 213. Joanna, 71, 226. Tabitha, 71. Callyhan, Betsey, 583. David B., 583. Mary, 583. Mary E., 754. Rebecca Ann, 816. William, 583. Camp, Bathsheba, 554. John, 448. Campbell, Campell. Alexander, 1010. Anna, 1010. Ellen, 906. Frances J., 939. Maria, 917. Nancy M., 854. Oliver W., 776. Rebecca, 662. Ruth F, 776. William T., 854. Canfield, Elisa, 697. Huldah, 491. Thomas, 697. Capron, Capren, Caprin. Alice, 126. Edward, 887. Elizabeth, 126. Elkanah, 126. Emeline. 887. George W., 878. Capron, Capren, Caprin. Hope, 126. Jeremiah, 471. Jerusha, 471. Lucy Ann, 779. Martha, 360. Mary Ann, 783. Pierpont P., 716, 720. Ruth, 360. Sarah A., 716, 720, 878. Silvia, 333. Susanna, 360, 546. Sybil, 126, 322. Walter, 126. William, 126, 360. Card, Adeline M., 831. Alzada W., 888. Lucy A., 898. Mary, 971. Matilda E., 890. Mercy E., 898. Carew, Abigail, 94, 334. Andrew G., 733. Ann H., 605. Anne, 134, 421, 510. Azariah, 416. Axor, 416. Benjamin, 134, 455, 456. Betsey, 416. Betsey V., 733- Charles, 510. Charlotte P., 790. Daniel, 94, 134, 416, 604. Daniel A., 698. Daniel Augustus, 512. Ebenezer, 134, 510, 671. Eliphalet, 94, 416, 512. Elizabeth, 356, 456. Elizabeth Amelia, 790. Elizabeth Lathrop, 510. Eunice, 435, 510, 548. Eunice Huntington, 510, 603. George, 698. Hannah, 174. Harriet, 635. Henry, 635. John Stedman, 671. Joseph, 134, 435, 456. Joshua Lathrop, 671. Julia S., 990. Lucretia, 512, 604. Lucretia Huntington, 671. Lucretia Hyde, 512. Lucy, 604. Lydia A., 837. Lydia Austin, 671. Maria, 510. Mary, 134, 331, 416. Mary A., 743. Mehitabel, 510. 1046 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Carew, Molly, 416. Nabby, 416. Nancy, 512. Palmer, 174, 390. Prudence, 532, 640. Rachel T., 698. Rebecca B., 944. Rebecca Breed, 671. Richard Hubbard, 456. Sally, 671. Samuel, 174. Sarah, 390, 455. 456. Simeon, 134, 356, 456. Simeon Chapman, 532. Simon, 510. Thomas, 94. Carey, Cary, Caray, Anna, 247. Anne, 529. Deborah, 247. Delia A., 862. Experience, 261. Frederick W., 798, 997. Harriet, 701. Henrietta R., 798. Irene, 608. Jabez, 247. Jemima, 261, 349. Marvin, 1000. Mary E., 1000. Rachel A., 997. Thomas, 529. Zerviak, 689. Carls, Nancy, 793. Carpenter, Alfred, 594. Alfred Arnold, 594. Ann, 972. Anne, 448. Augustine D., 834. Betsey, 448. Charles, 574. Charles Augustus, 449. Charles Wesley, 594. Daniel, 449. Elizabeth, 152, 275, 594, 834. Eunice, 448, 449. Fedrus Aldridge, 594. Gardner, 275, 573, 574. George, 574. George M., 812, 877-879, 882, 886, 894, 902, 905, 935, 936, 938, 960-962, 964, 966, 976- 978, 981, 987, 988, 99T, 993. 994- Henry, 574. Huldah, 85. .Tared Fitch, 448. John, 85, 574. John Constant, 594. Joseph, 275, 448, 449, 986. Carpenter, Lois, 85. Martha, 8. Martha C, 986. Mary, 573, 574, 594, 748. Mary Ann, 449. Mary E., 762. Mary Elizabeth, 574. Mehitabel, 85. Molly, 594. Nancy, 594. Nancy A., 698. Sarah, 85. Carr, Ann, 225. David, 225. Mary, 225, 995. Robert, 225, 995. Sarah, 998. Carrier, Hannah, 87, 151, 171. Martha, 151, 183. Mehitabel, 101. Remembrance, 152. Sarah W., 870. Thankful, 143. Titus, 870. Carrington, Maria, 975. Carroll, Carrell, Carrol, Ann E., 934. Diana, 708. Eliphal, 681. Eliphal T., 680. George H., 934. James, 708. Jared, 680, 681. Jedidiah L., 990. Jedidiah Lewis, 681. Job, 708. Joseph, 819. Julia A., 990. Marilla, 819. Mary, 708. Mary J., 912. Susan, 708, 897. Carter, Betsey, 705, 800. Charlotte Elizabeth, 746, Cynthia Ames, 746. Esther, 153. James, 893. John, 40, 153. Joseph Witter, 745. Louisa, 745, 746. Luther F., 800. M. Louise, 1011. Mary Jane, 886. Samuel, 745, 746. Susanna, 153, 893. Carver, Mary A., 873. Carwer, Jacob, 006. Margaret, 006. Case, Cass, Abby, 628. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1047 Case, Cass, Alice, 104. Ann P., 932. Asahel, 405, 628, 701. Betsey, 405, 598. Calvin, 405, 631. Daniel, 363. Ebenezer, 102, 405, 470, 631. Eleanor, 628. Eliza A., 871. Elizabeth, 451, 755. Elizabeth R., 866. Emma L., 985. Eunice, 405. Frances Susan, 814. George, 631, 866. George Francis, 631. Hannah, 102, 470. Harriet, 631. Harriet A., 771. Jane, 631. Jerusha, 102, 363, 405. John, 102, 363, 451, 509. John E., 810. John Simeon, 631. Lois, 104. Loisa, 628. Luther, 405, 628. 631. 755- Maria, 631. Maria A., 810. Mary, 104, 451, 628, 631. Mary A., 701. Mary Ann, 986. Mary S., 934. Mehitabel, 363, 451. Moses, 104. Nancy, 631, 757. Nancy B., 678. Polly, 631. Prudence, 405, 470. Rosanna, 628. Sally, 631. Samuel, 363, 598, 599. Samuel B., 871. Sarah A., 840. Simeon, 102, 363, 451. 500. Susan, 805. Susanna, 5g8, 599. William, 451. William T., 986. Castle, Hannah A., 927. Caswell, Coswell, Casswell. Betsey, 696. Elizabeth, 539. Hannah, 368, 712. Joanna, 3TI. Joshua, 696. Lucretia, 635. Lydia, 64. Mary, no, 164. Caswell, Coswell, Casswell. Nathan, 368. Cavanagh, Cavannagh. Ellen, 976. Johanna, 979. John, 976. Nancy, 979. Center, Elizabeth, 262. Jeremiah, 262. John, 262. Martha, 262. Cetera, Mary, 942. Chadsey, Anne, 600. William, 600. Chaffe, Lydia, 575. Chaflant, Ann M., 903. Champion, Champen, Champian. Celia Ann, 760. Deborah, 91. Elizabeth, 92. Ferdinand, 760. Mary, 496. Champlin, Champlain. Almira, 973. Alonzo 995. Betsey Good, 6og. Charlotte Washburn, 609. Edmund Lee, 610. Elias Corning, 609. Ellery, 701. F I., 983. Francis Ingersoll, 610. Hannah R., 912. Happy, 610. Happy K., 907. Harriet L., 701. Joseph E., 973. Joseph W., 926. Joseph Witter, 610. Louisa, 926, 1003. Louisa H., 715. Lydia, 609, 610. Lydia Ann, 609, 800. Martha A., 952. Martha Ann, 982. Mary, 800, 827. Mary Jane, 984. Nathan, 609, 610, 1003. Oliver Wolcott, 609. Peter Woodward, 609. Samuel, 912. Sarah C, 983. Sarah E., gg5. Susan C, 813. Susanna Caroline, 609. Walter K., 800. Walter King, 609. Chandler, Marv Anne Griswold. S84. 1048 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Channing, Henry, 586, 620, 667. Chapman, Aaron, 81, 193, 3*3- Abby, 906. Abby P., 704. Abel A., 726. Albert T., 621. Alice, 239, 248. Amaziah, 100. Andrew, 239. Ann, 530. Ann Maria, 954. Anne, 239. Asa, 239. Becket, 239. Benjamin, 100, 101. Caleb, 313, 479. . Caroline Fountain, 601. Charles, 521. Cyrus S., 834. Daniel, 81. Dinah, 381. Dudley B., 791. Elias, 313. Elisha, 239. Eliza Ann, 888. Elizabeth, 100, 101, 521. Elizabeth A., 828. Elizabeth D., 727, 933. Enoch C, 789, 805. Erastus, 239. Ezekiel, 81, 193. Ezra, 479. Francis B., 906. Frances S., 882. Freelove, 479. George C, 978. Grace, 264. Gurdon, 064. Hannah, 278. Harriet, 828. Harriet D., 896. Isaac A., 521. James, 479. Jane, 174. Jane L., 834. Jason, 828. John, 530. John F., 601. John P., 828. Joseph. 81, 100, 101. 313. 521. Joseph N., 828. Joseph R., 942. Joshua, 313. Junia, 248. Keziah, 193, 313. Lavinia, 248. Lois, 521. Louisa, 601. Lucy F., 1009. Chapman, Lucy N., 601. Lydia, 521. Lydia M., 828. Marcy, 81. Mary, 81, 100, 193, 284, 521, 791. Mary Ann, 964. Mary E., 978. Mary L., 960. Moses, 81. Nancy, 705. Nathaniel, 888. Phebe A., 942. Polly, 521, 593. Rebecca, 238, 239, 248. Robert, 479. Sally, 621. San ford, 838. Sarah, 81, 193, 390. Sarah N., 838. Simon, 81, 238, 239, 248. Stephen, 248. Taylor, 100. Wealthy, 479. Wealthy Ann, 740. William, 593, 621. William Eleazer, 621. Zerviah, 414. Chappell, Chappel, Chapell, Chapel. Arnold, 905. Betsey, 753. Caleb, 15. Edward, 837, 838, 886. Elizabeth, 838. Keziah, 246. Lovice D., 886. Martha C, 905. Mary Hannah, 837. Nathan, 246. Ruth, 15, 246. Susanna, 246. Charles, Sally, 750. Charlton, Chalton, Anna, 363. Anne, 207. Betsey, 658. Candace, 207, 507. Charles, 207, 537. Charles H., 821. Charles Henry, 657. Dolly, 657. Eliza Ann, 657. Elizabeth, 207, 537. Emily, 657, 750. Frederick, 657. Howard, 657. Tames D., 895. James Dunton, 657. Jesse, 537. John, 657. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1049 Charlton, Chalton, Lydia A., 895. Maria, 657. Richard, 206, 207. Samuel, 207, 537, 657. Sarah, 206, 207, 537- Sarah E., 821. Chase, Chace, Daniel S., 944- Dimmis, 821. Gilford W., 911- Lucy Ann, 934- Lucy V., 952. Lyman, 821. Mary A., 944- Mary R., 9"> 935- Chavous, Jacob, 860. Mary, 860. Cheney, Cheeney. Abiel, 487, 488. Camden, 487- „ n _ D. B., 835, 839, 845, 848, 851, 925, 927. Elizabeth, 488. Ellen W., 962. Eunice Clement, 487. Harriet C, 862. Joel, 862. Joseph Holland, 487- Joseph M., 897. Katharine, 487. Lucinda, 487, 488. Mary, 487. Olive, 487. Sally, 487- Susan, 897. Chenowith, Hamilton J., t>74- Phebe Ann, 874- Cherry, Albert, 849. Helen, 849- . Chesebrough, Cheeseborough. Dyer L., 1008. EHsha, 673. Eunice W., 684. Keturah, 297. Nancy D., 1008. Nancy H., 819. Sarah L. C, 895. Chester, Adelia E., 920. Albert, 641. Anson Gleason, 641. Charles H., 849- Charles Huntington, 641. Frank, 641. Freelove, 306, 557- Harriet Lee, 641. Harriet Newell, 641. Jonathan, 306. Joseph, 641. Joseph Lemuel, 641. Julia Anna, 849. Chester, Leonard H., 940- Leonard Hendee, 641. Leonard P. W., 59*- Lucy, 306. Lucy C, 946. Prudee, 641. Sabra, 591, 659- Sarah Elizabeth, 641. Child, Alice H., 722. Asa, 697, 700, 122, 727. Julia Goddard, 722. W., 883, 909, 918, 9^, 920. Chimp. Catherine, 934- Choate, Choat, Anne, 594- Elizabeth, 36. Eunice, 594- Jabez, 594. Nabby, 594- Christie, Christi, Christy, Charlotte, 453- Gushing Eells, 454. Ellen, 962. Gurdon, 454. 5 2 8. James, 453, 454, 528. Phebe, 453, 454, 528. Christman, John, 945- Magdalena, 945- Christophers, Joanna, 47- John, 446. Sybil, 446. Church, Abby A., 899. Abigail, 468. Amanda, 982. Anthonv. 671, 672. Caroline M., 818. Clarissa, 708, 817. Elis Armstrong, 672. Elisha, 831. Eliza Ann, 672. Emeline, 870. Eunice, 915. Hannah, 486. Hannah A., 977- Hannah Ann, 694. Harriet Lord, 671. Henry F., 818. Hezekiah, 704. James Anderson, 671. John, 708. Lucy W., 982. Lvman, 900. M'ary, 831. Mary F., 9°°. Mary Thomas, 671. Nancy, 7°4- Rose, 671, 672. Sarah Harris, 672. Tracy, 694. William A., 977- 1050 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Churchill, James W., 856. Vienna, 856. Claghorn, Cleghorn. Augusta M., 756. Augusta Matilda, 593. Caroline Philura Spalding, 593. Eleazer, 227. Eliphalet, 227. Elizabeth, 227. George Spalding, 593. James 227. Jane, 92=;. Joseph Samuel, 593. Philura Pain, 593. Rufus Spalding, 593. Samuel, 593. Sarah, 227. Clapp, Mehitabel, 843. Clark, Clarke, Clerk. Abby, 932. Abel, 70, 286. Abigail, 255, 689. Alice, 768, 769. Amanda M., 718. Ann E., 938. Ansel, 846. Anson, 471. Asa, 312. Beman B., 925. Betsey, 838. Caroline, 578, 801. Caroline M., 712. Catherine 845. Charles, 398. Charles Hiram, 649. Clarissa P., 908. Cyrus, 398. Daniel, 280. David, 280, 470, 471. Desire, 282, 295. Edward Jeremiah, 709. Elijah, 528, 578. x Elisha, 255, 312, 398. Eliza, 714, 849. Eliza A., 925. Eliza Maria, 1012. Elizabeth, 96, 282, 286, 353. 356. 380, 551, 576, 708. Elizabeth R., 1001. Elizabeth W., 971. Esther, 70, 260. Eunice, 70, 286, 578. Fanny L., 935. Frances, 853. George Willet. 649. Hannah, 312, 649. Hannah Ann, 694. Harriet, 578. Harriet Laura, 709. Clark, Harriet M., 935. Henry A., 935. Isaac, 70, 255, 718. James, 176, 380. James S., 845. Jane, 220, 280. Jane S., 829. Jedidiah, 282. Jeremiah H., 708. Jeremiah Harris, 649. Joanna, 70, 245. John, tq, 398, 528. Jolm S.. 801. -v Joseph, 96, 282. Joseph B., 710. Joseph Burnham, 649. Joseph S., 768, 769. Tosiah R., 736. Julia Maria, 688. Keziah, 476. Lucy, 25s, 308. Lucy Ann, 942. Lydia, 282, 461. M. G., 63S, 829, 835, 836, 843. 844, 846-848, 855-858, 872- 875, 881, 897-899, 902-904, 910-912, 916, 917, 924, 925, 927, 928. Marianna W., 1002. Martha, 528. Martha F., 678. Mary, 50, 96, 123, 176, 255, 270, 282, 312. Marv Ann, 710. Mary D., 846. Matthew S., 935. Miriam, 70. Molly, 493. Nabby, 308. Nancy, 785. Nancy E., 753. Nancy Emeline, 649. Nathan, 70, 255. Nathaniel, 356. Newman B., 0^5. Oliver, 70, 353, 380. Olivia Ann, 1012. Peletiab, 282. Peter G., 679. Phebe, 96. Philena'A., 852. Phinehas. 282. Polly, 398. Pomcroy. 832. Rebecca, 255. Rebecca A.. 945. Ruth, 06, 380. Samuel, 942, 1012. Sanford, 528. INDEX OF PERSONS. 105 1 Clark, Sarah, 5, 282, 298, 476, 981. Septimeous, 649. Sterry, 688, 712. Susan C, 800. Susan M., 832. Susanna, 280. Thankful, 282, 356. Thisbe, 528. Thomas, 96, 282. Thomas A., 938. Waters, 398. William, 476. William Henry, 769. Zephaniah, 353. Zerviah, 470, 471. Clegg, , 709- Betsey, 573. Betsey A., 817. Fanny, 573. John, 573. John W., 573- Martha, 683. Martha E., 804. Mary, 573, 709. Sally, 573- Sarah A., 825. William, 573, 683. Clement, Clements, Clemments, Clememants, Edna, 520. Elizabeth B., 703. Elizabeth Backus, 653. Jeremiah, 265. Lizzie, 652, 653. Lodice, 265. Lucinda, 265, 487. Mary, 265. Mary Ann M., 793- Mary Ann Moseley, 653. Molly, 265, 423. Peabody, 265, 493- 652, 653. Rosana, 943. Sarah, 265. Clemishire, Lucy L., 968. William, 968. Cleveland, Cleaveland, Cleavland, Aaron, 453, 457. Aaron P., 676. Aaron Porter, 457. Abiah, 457. Abiel, 309. Ann, 58. Anne, 152, 269. Bela, 153. Burrell, 519. Charles, 457. Curtis, 58, 152, 153. Daniel, 519. Elizabeth, 58. Eunice, 519. Cleveland, Cleaveland, Cleavland. Frances, 457. Frances A., 979. George, 457. Gideon, 152. Irena, 152. Isaac, 58, 152. Jerusha, 453, 5 X 9- Joanna, 177. John, 453, 519. Kezia, 58, 139. Margaret, 703. Mary, 442. Mary H., 676. Mehitabel, 477. Miriam, 58, 257. Moses, 453. Phebe, 453. Polly, 519. Remembrance, 152, 153. Richard F., 727. Sarah, 457. Shubael, 519. Susan S., 777. William, 457. Clifford, Dennis, 890. Eliza, 952. Ellen, 890. Clift, John G., 716. Clinton, Ellen, 911. Cloney, Mary Ann, 949. Patrick, 949, Clossen, Hannah, 232. Clother, Mary, 193. Coates, Coats, A. W., 949- Charlotte Fitch, 770. Cynthia W., 799. Giles Kinney, 770. Huldah E., 949- Mary Jane, 860. Cobb, Cob, Abigail, 215. Alfred, 592. Amos E., 775. Betsey M., 1001. Catherine, 592. Ebenezer, 215. Elkanah, 215. Ellen J., ion. Frances, 592. Gideon, 215. Henry, 371. Henry Hallet, 592. Henry S., 592. Henry Stanton, 371. Jerusha, 371. John, 215. Joshua, 215. Katherine, 371, 372. Llovd M.. 77 e >- Lois E., 871. 1052 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Cobb, Cob, Lois P., 775. Lois Phebe, 775. Margaret, 372. Mary, 372, 592. Nathan, 371, 372, 592. Phebe S., 775- William, 215. Coburn, Charles A., 854. Hannah, 854. Martha D.. 899. Susan, 874. Cochran, Cochrane, Elizabeth, 929. Helen, 849. Lillias, 914. Mary A., 944- Codding, Mary S., 9^9- Cody, Ann, 981. Michael, 981. Coe, Edmund G., 1008. Emoret H., 1008. F. P., 898. Frederic P., 925- Coffin, Eleazer, 466. Eunice, 466. Cogan, Elizabeth, 846. Coggshall, Marcelia, 906. William H., 906. Cogswell, Coggeswell. Ann, 260. James, 386, 498, 5*9. 522, 99°. James M., 768. Mary Ann, 990. Mary H., 768. Coil, Annie. 944. Betsy Ann, 944. Charlotte, 944. George, 944. Isabel, 944. Jane, 944. John, 944. Martha, 944. Mary, 944. William, 944. Coit. Abby, 573. 772. Abigail, 385. 534- 652. Abigail B., 612. Anne, 512. Benjamin, ^,73. Benjamin Billings, 573. Charles Frederick, 573. Daniel. 3S5. Daniel L., 533. Daniel T., 68r. Daniel Wadsworth, 533- Edward, 573. Elisha, 385. Eliza. 533, 625, 626. Elizabeth, 38s, 500. 533. Coit, Emeline Rebecca, 615. Erastus, 512. Esther Clapp, 748. Farewell, 512, 513. Frances, 615. Frances Cornelia, 615. Francis, 573. George, 573, 813. Hannah M., 858. Henry, 533. Hetty Ann, 615. James, 913. Jane G., 681. John, 858. Joseph, 181, 497. Joshua, 533- Levi, 385- Lucy, 418, 500. Lucy Ann, 858. Lydia, 181, 385, 533. 552. Maria, 533. 69a Maria Elizabeth Spalding, 615. Mary, 813. Mary Ann, 913. Mehitabel, 613. Nancy Maria, 765. Olive, 507. Sally, 647. Sally Lanman, 573. Sarah, 385. 560, 556, 573- 784. Sarah A., 919- Sarah E., 942. Sarah Henrietta, 615. Thomas, 454. 784- William, 385, 5oo, 615. William Francis, 615. William Henry. 573. William W.. 765. Colburn, Phebe A.. 898. Cole. Anne, 258. Caroline M., 840. Elizabeth A., 939- John W., 1003. Lucinda, 879. Marv J.. 1003. Otis R. 840. Colebrook, Mary H., 1002. Colegrove. Charlotte. 414. Jairns, 414- Miriam, 414. Nathan, 414. Phebe, 4 T 4. 5*5- Ruby, 414. Uri, 414. Coleman, Colman. Coalman. Ann, iooq. Bacon, 883. Hannah, 43, 421. Jason, 421. INDEX OF PERSONS. I053 Coleman, Colman, Coalman. John, 421. Joseph, 421. Joshua, 421. Mary, 883. Coley, James M., 939, 942, 943, 949. 950, 954, 956-959, 963- 965, 971- 977- 978, 988, 989, 992. Collier, Collyer, Betsey, 379. Cabot, 662. Caroline, 662. Chloe H., 713. Chloe Hyde, 662. Emelia, 662. Francis Augustus, 662. Henry Trumbull, 662. Jemima 662. Jerusha, 378. John, 378, 379. Lucy, 378, 807. Nancy, 662. Prudence, 378, 379. Samuel, 662. William, 378, 662. Collins. Collings, Collens. Abby Ann, 947. Andrew Jackson, 806. Annis E., 973. Augustus B., 816, 820, 854, 900- Betsey S., 911. Bridget, 978. Eliza, 806. Elizabeth, 977. George Washington, 806. Harriet, 792, 935. Henry, 947. Henry Noel, 806. Horace, 911. James Madison, 806. Martha, 977. Mary Ann, 806. Mary M., 894. Miriam, 291. Noel, 806. Patrick, 958, 978. Phebe, 727. Phebe Ann, 806. Sarah, 958. William, 792. William A., 894. William G., 977. Colton, Chester, 680, 688, 689. George. 549. Comer. Sarah, 272. Comstock. Abby, 74T. Caroline, 763. Daniel. 418. Comstock, Edwin Perkins, 693. Elizabeth, 881. Ezlean, 763. Henry C, 904. John, 881. John E., 754. Julia Ann, 806. Levi, 418. Mary 418, 742. Mary A., 843. Mary Jane, 940. Nancy, 693. Phoenriettor E., 904. Sarah Ann, 754. Thomas, 742, 753, 940. Vine, 418. William A., 763. William H., 806. Zachariah, 418. Conant, Shubael, 358, 475. Condall, Mary, 696. Condron, Sarah, 971. Thomas, 971. Coney, Anne, 516, 517. Edward, 516. John Ferret, 516. Lydia, 516. Mary, 516. Sally, 516. Congdon, Abby, 707. Abby L., 859. Ann E., 820. Arabella, 985. Charles. 751. Daniel, 820. David, 707. Eliza A., 988. Fanny, 713. Hannah, 679. Harriet M., 751. Harriet N., 896. Juliette M., 964. Louisa L., 986. Lydia, 820. Mary, 766. Mary E., 1000. Nancy, 757, 765. Olive, 782. Penelope, 690. Reuben P., 757. Roxana. 867. Sarah-, 809. Sarah A., 904. Thomas, 809. William Henry, 766. Connell, Andrew, 958. Bridget, 958. Catherine, 974. Daniel, 973. io54 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Connell, Margaret, 973. Conners, Catherine, 956. Connor, Nancy, 979. Thomas, 979. Contois, Claude, 865. Isabella, 865. Converse, Augustus, 924. Frances D., 879. Israel J., 934. Martha, 934. Sarah L., 924. William M., 879. Cook, Coke, Coock, , 663. Aaron, 862. Abby, 686. Abby L., 725. Abigail, 124, 467, 533. Albert, 802. Alexander G. A., 825. Amy, 467. Anna, 553. Asahel, 581. B., 839. Burnham, 767. Case, 533. Cinderella, 703. Daniel, 214, 466. Elijah, 124, Eliphel, 214. Elisha, 214, 467. Elizabeth, 147, 720, 926. George, 845. Henry, 686. Henry S., 820. Isaac H., 725. Isaiah, 214. James, 96, 147, 214. Jared, 124. John, 170. Juliann, 862. Lucy Ann, 767. Lucy L., 968. Mabel, 147. Maria B., 731. Mary, 124. Mary R., 912. Nathan, 214. Nathaniel, 96, 581. Nicholas, 553. Obed, 13, 06. Olive C, 825. Patience, 581. Phebe, 96. Priscilla, 96, 147. Rebecca, 187, 214. Reuben, 147. Richard, 13, 96, 124. Ruth Ann, 784. Samuel, 140. Cook, Coke, Coock, Sarah, 75, 214, 353, 467, 820. Sarah Ann, 812. Sarah B., 845. Sarah H, 878. Sarah M., 885. Stephen, 214. Susan, 802. William, 720. Zipporah, 466. Cooledge, Louisa, 755. Cooley, Cooly, Abby M., 975. C, J., 940. Charles Ingraham, 588. Ebenezer, 588. Elizabeth, 272. Erastus, 697. Esther, 706, 758. Frances F, 706. Frances H., 976. George W., 885. Harriet, 859. John G, 859. Leonard, 875. Lovisa W, 588, 750. Lucy E., 940. Lydia, 875. Martha A., 924. Mary H., 866. Mary Hall, 588. Pliney Dwight, 588. Prudence, 405. Sarah M., 885. Susan, 697. Coombs, Jane, 666. Coon, Eliza R., 770. Harriet, 828. Miriam S., 861. Sally, 732. Thomas M., 770. Cooper, Catherine, 958. Joanna, 957. John, 986, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1010. Richard, 958. Copp, Cops, Catherine, 54, 475. Dorothy, 306. Lydia, 475. Mercy, 471. Obedience, 6. Prudence, 434. William, 475. Corbin, Corban, Aaron, 805. Phebe E., 919. Sabra, 805. Sahra B., 957. Susan E., 905. Corev, Cory, Charles, 848. Emanuel, 888. John Francisco, 888. INDEX OF PERSONS. I055 Corey, Cory, Lucinda, 848. Lydia A., 895. Manuel, 888. Alary, 898. Philip S., 857. Sophronia S., 857, 985. Susanna C, 888. Corliss, Corlis, Corlas, Absolom, 198. Ann, 198, 199. Anne, 199. Bliss, 199. Dice, 199. John 199. Samuel, 199. Thankful, 198. Timothy, 198, 199. Cornell, Cornel, James J., 768. Lucretia, 693. Maria A., 768. Phebe A., 816. Rhodes, 761. Sarah, 761. Corning, Abigail, 145. Amos, 271, 350. Andrew, 472. Anne, 163. Asa, 163. Benjamin, 271. Bliss, 380. Charles R., 900. Cyrus, 350. Daniel, 163, 249. Elisha, 163, 472. Elisha Parrish, 472. Elizabeth, 472. Esther, 796. Eunice, 653. Ezra, 163. Freelove, 350. Jane, 163. John, 163. Joseph, 271. Josiah, 163, 472. Lydia, 149, 163, 416. Mary, 163, 271, 350, 900. Merab, 488. Nehemiah, 271, 350. Sarah, 163, 412. Sarah A., 716, 720. Sophia, 596. Susan, 698. Susanna, 472. Uriah, 350. Cornwall, Beulah, 764. Corwin, Edward, 497. Esther, 497. Hannah, 328. Corwin, Horton, 515. Phebe, 515. Phineas, 515. Stephen, 515. Cottrell, Cotrill, Abby, 909. Eliza, 872. Elliott P., 872. Lucy Louisa, 797. Lydia W., 788. Mary Ann, 704. Wheaton, 788. Coulter, Jane, 848. Covell, Covel, Eliza, 967. Lovisa, 1008. Nathaniel, 1008. Covert, Mary R., 686. Walter, 686. Cowden, Angeline, 901. Levi F., 901. Cowdery, Cowdrey, Cowdry. Charles Clark, 627. Edward Thomas, 627. Harriet, 627. Lucretia, 627. Mary, 655. Meribah, 654. Susanna, 598. Thomas, 627. Cox, Charles H., 961. Electa Jane, 961. Eliza F., 799. Eloiza C, 864. Georpe H., 751, 864. John I., 729. Maria, 751. Mary, 597. Mary Abby, 597. Mary E., 978. Mary M., 729. Olive, 597. Polly, 597. William, 597. William T., 799. Coy, Coye, Abraham, 95. Elizabeth, 95. Samuel, 95. Zipporah, 95. Craft, Aaron, 290. Rachel, 290. Craige, Craigge, Anne, 439. Lois, 925. Peter S., 925. Robert, 439. Cramer, Adam, 257. Amare, 257. Elizabeth, 257. 1056 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Cramer, Henry, 257. Katherine, 257. Mariam, 257. Mereles, 257. Simon, 257. William, 257. Crandall, Crandal, Crandel, , 644. Eunice, 326. Frances Emily, 984. George B., 764 Harriet, 823. Harriet L., 701. Jarvis, 823, 844. Jerusha, 726. John, 726. John Newland, 984. Ruth Ann, 830. Sarah C, 764. Susan, 697, 908. Crane, Deborah, 8. John, 8. Jonathan, 8. Mary, 8. Sarah, 8, Cranston, Abby H., 929- Acsaph, 680. Anna A., 801. Benjamin T., 993. Charles, 870. Chloe H., 713. Cornelia A., 993. Eliza, 713. Elizabeth, 898. Emeline, 870. James, 801. Lucy Ann, 853. M. H., 886. Margaret O., 872. Richmond, 713. Samuel, 680. Samuel C, 853. Sarah A., 814. Crapo, Susan, 787. Crary, Carery, Creery, Amy, 458. Ann, 75. Betsey, 775. Jane L., 834. John, 458. Margaret, 13. Martha R., 722. Prudence, 923. Crawford, George H., Q35- Miranda E., 935. Sarah, 971. Crawley, Abby, 681. Charles, 787. Emeline, 787. Crawley, Maria, 976. Crayton, Catherine, 843. Crea, Mary, 976. Michael, 976. Crocker, Adonijah, 93, 144. Alethea, 258. Andrew, 28, 258. Ann, 374, 579. Anne, 28, 348. Asa, 48, 299, 347, 348, 459- Betty, 347. Champion, 144. Charles, 299, 369, 459. Charles L., 830. Cordelia, 765. Daniel Wolcott, 375. David, 216. Dyer, 369. Eben, 765. Eliza, 873. Elizabeth, 55, 92, 93, 144, 187, 347, 348 459- Esther, 347. Eunice, 299. Experience, 215, 216. Ezekiel, 48, 369, 445. Frances, 830. Hannah, 48, 54, 55, 266, 369, 689. Hazen, 348. Henry, 347. Huldah, 375. Irene, 28, 387. Israel, 457. Jabez, 48, 55, 215, 216, 299, 459. James, 215, 457, 830. Jared F, 1002. Jemima, 28. John, 55, 92, 93, 144, 457. John H., 889. Joseph, 457. Julia Ann, 981. Lois, 258, 445. Lucinda, 752. Lucy, 144, 347. Lvdia, 28, 369. Lydia A.. 889. Maria M., 820. Marianna W., 1002. Martha, 55, 215, 414. Mary, 299, 459. Mary E., 826. Olive, 37s, 579. Oliver, 28, 459. Phebe, 93, 375- Prudence, 457. Rhoda, 215. Roswell, 28, 322. Russell, 457. Ruth, 48, 290, 341. 459. INDEX OF PERSONS. I057 Crocker, Samuel, 28, 54, 93, 215, 3t>9, 374, 375, 370. Sarah, 445, 579, 830. Sarah Maria, 820. Simon, 92, 93. Stephen C, 752. Sybil, 322, 446. Thomas, 48, 374, 375, 376, 579. William, 374, 826. William Loring, 376. Zerviah, 55, 181. Cronan, Mary, 974. Crosby, Crosbee, Crossbee, Crossby. Elizabeth, 306. Experience, 268. Ezra, 499. Hannah, 236. John, 236. Jonathan, 236. Lydia, 499. Mary, 358. Simon, 268, 358. Stephen, 803. Susan E., 895. Thomas, 268. Timothy, 358. Cross, Charles W., 992. Harriet E., 992. Martha J., 1009. Crosson, Daniel, 973. Isabella, 973. Croswell, Andrew, 244. Harry, 891. Crow, Deborah, 81. Lucy, 385. Crumb, Frances, 955. Crumwell, Luther T., 903. Mary A., 903. Cruttenden, Elizabeth, 992. Henry B., 992. Cullio, Ann, 644. Catherine, 644. James, 643, 644. Maria, 644. Martha, 644. Mary, 643, 644. Phebe, 644. Culver, Colver, Culluer, Coluer. Abby Ann, 957. Abigail, 237. Anne, 452. Asa, 452. Benjamin, 452. Betty, 237. Christopher, 597. Edward, 3. Eliza, 597. Elizabeth, 46, 274. 32 Culver, Ephraim, 3. Eunice, 237, 594. Hannah, 452. Helen B., 995. Henry, 452. Hezekiah, 3. Hibbard, 547. James, 740. Jeremiah, 520. Jerusha, 452. John, 3, 46, 47, 995. Jonathan, 452. Lemuel, 46, 237, 547. Lydia, 47, 547, 597. Margaret, 237. Maria, 597, 785. Mary, 47, 237, 280, 452, 547, 597, 687, 968. Mercy, 520. Molly, 237. Peter, 520. Phebe, 547. Roswell, 452. Samuel, 3. Sarah, 3, 46, 47, 205, 547. Sarah C, 764. Sophia, 452, 608. Solomon, 46. Stephen, 46, 280, 547. Wealthy Ann, 740. William D., 968. Culverwall, Culverwell, Abigail, 67, 201. Elizabeth, 182. Cunningham, Cuningham. Andrew, 958. James, 896. Margaret, 896. Marian, 958. Melinda, 611. Currier, Andrew J., 868. Anna R., 868. Curtis, Curtiss, Abigail, 486. Anna Edith, 717. Daniel B., 764. Elijah, 717. Elijah W., 717. Elizabeth, 58. John, 486. Jonathan, 089. Mary, 298, 717. Mary Abby, 717. Matilda, 949. Stephen, 949. Sybil, 764. William, 298. Curtoin, Catherine, 958. Cushing, David L., 911. Sophia K., 911. io 5 8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Cushing, Ursulia A., 740. William L, 740. Cushman, Ascena, 335. Sarah E., 949. Cusick, John, 940. Mary, 940. Cutler, Abby L., 1006. Betty, 490, 491. Charles, 750. Clorinda, 491. Daniel, 490, 491. Daniel Fitch, 491. Dimmis, 927. Eleazer, 491. Leonard, 927. Lovisa W., 750. Lucinda, 491. Nancy M., 789. Phebe A., 942. Ruth, 491. Thomas C, 789. Daboll, Nancy, 711. Daggett, Levi, 893, 898, 902, 906, 936, 938, 940. Daley, Dailey, Dayley, Caroline, 757. Charles C, 727. Elizabeth, 639. Elizabeth M., 776. Elizabeth S., 958. Fanny, 639. Horace T., 851. Lucretia, 725. Lucy L., 727. Lydia, 820. Mary, 723. Prussia H., 851, 948. Sally, 639, 824. Samuel, 958. Sarah E., 876. William, 639, 723. Danforth, Bethia, 240. Daniel, 216. Edward, 216. Elijah, 216. Eliphalet, 216. Elizabeth, 216, 241, 412, 591. Hannah, 216, 240, 241. Harriet, 597. James, 360. Joanna, 240. John, 216, 412, 597. Jonathan, 216. Lucy, 597. Samuel, 216, 412, 597. Sarah, 216. Sarah L., 924. Thomas, 216, 240, 241. Daniels, Albert, 785. Ann, 689. Betsey Wheeler, 707. Buckley, 689. Catherine, 751. Cyrena A., 877. Frances Mary, 785. Frances S., 882, ion. Harriet, 820. Horace, 890. Maria A., 900. Mary Ann, 785. Matilda E., 890. Orin, 882. Susan F., 842. William, 707. Danielson, Francis M., 1004. Jane R., 1004. Darbe, Darby, Darbey, Abigail, 105, 350, 534. Amy, 483. Azariah, 359. Betty, 483, 619, 715, 740. Blanchard, 483, 484. Charlotte B., 997. Chester, 359. Edmund, 619, 699. Elizabeth, 105, 180. Erastus, 483. Harriet, 699. Jedidiah, 359. Harriet, 619. Harry, 619. John, 359. Levi, 619. Lucretia, 359. Lucy, 483. Polly, 619. Priscilla, 483, 484. Roswell, 484. Rufus, 484, 619, 740. Samuel, 359. Sela, 559. William, 105. William Jones, 619. Darling, Lemuel, 796. Lucy, 796. Lydia, 791. Mary Ann, 801, 953. Nelson, 953. Prusha, 780. Darrow, Elizabeth, 687. Reuben, 687. Dart, Anne, 21. Elias, 890. Elizabeth, 7, 881. Henry, 985. Mary S., 985. Ruth, 450. INDEX OF PERSONS. I059 Dart, Sarah Adaline, 890. Davenport, Betsey Ann, 752. Charles, 752. Clarissa, 600. Eliza Nevins, 600. Guy, 752. James, 598. James Martin Seymour, 598. Jared, 600. John, 600. Nancy, 598. Phebe, 600. Prudence C, 776. Sophia, 793. Spicer H., 776. Davis, Abigail, 456. Alfred, 085. Alonzo B., 966. Betsey, 456. Calista, 966. Caroline, 803. Charles, 947. Daniel, 85. Eliza, 787. Eliza J.. 870. Elizabeth, 85, 785. Emeline Eliza, 781. Ephraim, 85. George, 991. Harriet, 963. Harriet E., 992. Harriet L., 967. T?aac. 305. Isaac P., 827. James, 787. John. 456. Jonathan, 85. Lucretia, 848. Lucy, 305. Lucy P., 967. Lydia A., 767. Marsha. 991. Mary, 85, 827. Mary Ann, 966. Mary M., 947. Milo E. 992. Molly, 305. Nancy E., 733. Noah, 781. Pattis P., 992. Percival F., 967. Samuel T., 995. Sarah, 137, 351. Sarah A., 995. Sophronia S., 985. Wealthy Ann, 777. William, 967. William Robinson, 78T. Davison, Davidson, Abby P. 704. Davison, Davidson, Anne Maria, 717. Betsey, 601. Eleanor, 683, 738. Elizabeth H., 974. Erastus, 693. Hannah, 601. Mary, 686. Nancy, 693. Nathaniel, 683. Phebe A., 1005. Rosella W., 722. Susanna, 472. William H., 974. William P., 704, 722. Dawson, John, 867. Lucinda, 867. Day, Asahel, 628. Caroline Matilda, 805. James L., 753. John A., 932. Lovisa, 770. Margaret, 932. Nancy E., 753. Sally, 655. Dean, Deens, Dayns, Daines, Deans, Daynes, Daens, Dane. Abel, 62, 165, 166. Abigail, 63, 177, 178. Abraham, 29, 47. Anne, 192. Anson F., 803. Benajah, 63. Benjamin D., 929. Ebenezer, 29, 63. Eleanor, 63. Elizabeth, 63, 192, 193, 916. Ephraim, 29, 62, 178. Flavel, 62. Hannah, 166, 262. Henry, 62. Jabez, 262. James, 62, 192, 193. Jedidiah, 262. Jemima, 166. Jerusha, 192. Joanna, 6. Joseph, 62, 192, 528. Levi, 193. Lucy, 166. Lydia, 62. Marcy, 63. Margaret, 803. Martha, 262, 661. Mary, 45, 398, 528. Mary Ann, 801. Mercy, 165, 166. Nabby, 262. Nathan, 178. io6o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Dean, Nathaniel, 6. Oxenbridge, 62, 177, 178. Rebecca, 939. Sarah, 29, 47, 62, 192. Sarah Elizabeth, 929. Sarah F., 856. Sarah T., 929. Sidney, 872, 873, 879. 880, 902, 903, 905. 934-936. Simon, 192. Sybil, 262. Zachary, 178. Dearden, Ann, 941. James, 956. Jane, 956, 1000. Decker, Joseph, 74. Sarah, 74. Sybil, ion. Thankful, 74- De Ferrussac, Edmund Frederic, 597- John Daudebar, 597. Melite, 597. Delancy, Almira, 1004. Eunice L., 889. Wilham N.. 889. Demarest, Eliza B., 961. Francis, 823. Prudence, 823. William C, 961. Deming, Demming, Ann Maria, 902. Clarissa, 711. George H., 865. Jane M., 865. Lovisa, 1003. Mary, 207. Dempowolf, August, 969. Sophia, 069. Denher, Christene Maria, 788. Denison. Dennison, . 483. Abby W., 783. Ann, 632. Anne, 475. Belinda C, 762.. Benadam, 47s. Betsey, 679. Caroline S.. 992. Catherine, 660. Catv, 6«?4. Charles, 475. 654. 735. 820. Charles Frederick. 735. Daniel 654, 7*5- Dimmis, 475- Edward C, 023. Elizabeth, 302, 735. Elizabeth L., 73?. 923- Elizabeth M.. 735- Ellen W., 062. Denison, Emily, 654. Frances M., 927. Frederick, 1010. George, 475. George M., 881. George W., 951. Gideon, 483. Gilbert, 608, 609. Gilbert Palmer, 609. Hannah, 387. Harriet, 475. Henry, 483. Henry Culver, 609. James, 475. James P., 962. Jerusha, 483. Jesse B., 783. John J., 685. Louisa Adaline, 654. Lucinda, 881. Lucy, 475, 665. Maria F., 951. Maria M., 820. Mary Ann, 1004. Meribah, 654, 715. Nancy, 715. Nancy Williams, 715. Olive, 685. Phebe, 166. Sally, 677. Sarah M., 824. Sarah Maria, 820. Sophia, 608, 609. Thomas, 654, 677. William H, 992. William T.. 735- Dennis, Denniss, Dennice, Abigail, 584. Anne, 325, 523. Benjamin, 325, 523. Betsey, 584. ' Caroline M., 1000. Cornelia C, 999- Deborah, 325. Desire, 454, 5°4- Emily, 584. Eunice, 522, 523. Fanny, 584. George, 584. George Butler, 584. Hannah, 447. Henrv 5 2 3- Henry Ely, 584. James, 447. Jared, 733, 7^5- 999- Mary, 447. Mary Ann, 584. Nancy, 584. 765- INDEX OF PERSONS. 1061 Dennis, Denniss, Dennice. Oscar, iooo. Russel, 325, 447. Samuel, 325, 522, 523. Sybil, 759- Thankful, 325. Zipporah, 447. Derby, see Darby. Denton, Elizabeth M., 826. Gabriel W., 826. Deringer, George, 904. Susanna, 904. Desant, Antony, 1014. Deshon, Lucretia, 674. Sarah, 513. Desselbruner, Luzia, 800. Destouches, Albertus Siraut, 582. Dethick, Mary, 256. Devotion, Ebenezer, 2> 2 7< 380. John, 496. Martha, 380. Dewey, Francis, 738. Grace Augusta, 871. Harriet N., 749. Holdridge, 749. Louisa, 926. Lydia Brown, 798. Marilla, 868. Reuben Swan, 798. DeWitt. Elizabeth, 661. Harriet R., 926. Harriet Richards, 660. Harriet Smyth, 660. Henry, 660, 661. Jacob, 661. John, 660, 661. Martha, 660, 661, 753. Mary, 661. Mary H., 768. Susan M., 910. DeWolf, Dolph, Dwolf. Lucretia, 650. Rebecca, 238. Sally, 664. Sarah, 918. Dexter, , 131, Dick, Arthur, 8or. John, 920. Mary Ann, 801. Mary McGill, 920. Dickinson, Dickenson, Anna, 31. Harriet S., 993. James T., 753, 754, 760, 761, 763- 766, 770- 772. Thomas N., 993. Dieter, F. J., 970. Margaret, 970. Dike. Abigail, T32. Dike, Bethia, 133. Cornelius, 133. Gideon, 133. Irene, 133. Jonathan, 133. Mary, 133. Sarah, 133. Dillaby, Dilaby, Dilloby. Charles, 699. Harriet, 689. Lucy, 684. Maria, 983. Philip, 684. Dimmock, Dymich, Abigail, 417. Clarissa, 185. Diviney, Alice, 975. Bernard, 975. Doane, Cornelia, 1003. Egbert, 1003. Elisha Willis, 620. Elizabeth H., 751. Elizabeth Howes, 620. Emily Collins, 620. Eunice, 620. Eunice Howes, 620. John, 620. John Gould, 620. Joseph Howes, 620. Marinet Mercy Harden, 620. Mercy M., 625. Patia H., 782. Dodge, , 868. Asa, 538. Bethia, 387. Dorcas Spalding, 538. Edward, 407, 537, 538. Eliza B., 832. Elizabeth, 254, 328, 538. Hannah, 289. Harriet E., 1003. Joel, 538. John, 407. Joshua, 530. Julia S., 660. Lemuel, 530. Lois. 537,' 538. Mary, 846. Mary A.. 732. Mary W. 846. Nehemiah, 612, 627. Rhoda, 6T4. Roger, 538. Sally, 868. Sarah, 530. Sophia K., 911. Talitha, 538. William, 1003. Dolan, Margaret, 891. Michael, 891. 1062 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Dolbeare, Dolbear, Abby S., 811. Eliza G., 785. Hannah M., 794. Samuel, 785. Dolph, see DeWolf. Donley, James, 921. Mary, 921. Donnelan, Margaret, 978. Donohue Ann, 981. Donovan, Ann, 957. Dorchester, D., 878, 953. Daniel, 866. Mary, 1008. Sarah H., 953. Dorr, Elizabeth, 324. Dorrance, Elizabeth S., 952. George A., 984. Lucy, 970. Otis M., 970. Sarah A., 984. Dory, Mary Ann, 729. Douglass, Dowglas, Dowglass, Duglace, Duglass, Douglas, Daniel, 200, 380, 458, 476. Esther, 476. Eunice, 200. Hannah, 200, 510. Hezekiah, 200, 476. Jabez Avery, 476. Jane, 864. Jerusha, 200. Joseph, 998. Julia E., 961. Leland, 864. Lois, 200, 458. Lucinda, 660. Lucy, 780. Margaret, 909. Martha, 380. Mary, 200, 458, 536. Olive, 447. Phebe, 200. Ruth, 75. Sarah, 998. Sarah A., 857. Dow, Amanda L., 961. Beverly A., 939. Caroline, 911. Caroline S., 992. Cornelia J., 936. Elizabeth A., 939. Sarah, 446. Dowd, Doud, Ezekiel, 302. Hannah, 950. Lydia, 302. Noah, 302. Patience, 298. Dowd, Doud, Ruth, 291. Ruth D., 877. Zacharias, 291. Down, Downs, Abigail, 150. Anne, 174. Caroline, 370. Christopher, 150. Delight, 174, 381. Hannah, 27, 150. Jabez, 174, 370. James, 150. Jeremiah, 150. John, 27, 150.- Joshua, 173, 174, 370. Marcy, 174, 392. Mary, 150, 173. Mercy, 173, 174. Sarah, 370. William, 150. Downer, Abigail, 119. Abraham, 135. Andrew, 117, 120, 329. Angeline, 978. Anna, 218. Anne, 117, 218, 308. Ascena, 335. Benjamin, 117. Bethia, 433. Caleb, 119. Caroline, 822. Charles W., 978. Clarissa, 532. Cyprian, 179. Daniel, 119. Edmund, 218. Eliphalet, 135. Eliza H., 836. Emma E., 951. Eunice, 117, 279. Ezekiel, 119. Ezra, 119. Frank Augustus, 951. George H., 990. Hannah, 117, 179. Harriet, 823. Jabez, 218. James, 135. James A., 836. Jason, 329. Jemima, 119. John, 436. Joseph, 135, 179. 335- 357- Joshua, 117. Katherine, 119. Levina, 135. Lucretia, 135, 357, 436. Luther, 335. Lydia, 218. Marcy. 119. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1063 Downer, Margaret, 119, 436. Martha, 117, 179. Mary, 120, 135, 329, 357. Mary N., 913. , Olive, 218. Olive C, 835. Richard, 119, 436. Ruth, 218. Sarah, 117, 120, 226, 433. Sarah M., 999. Stephen, 179. Susan R., 990. Susanna, 135. Sylvanus, 951. Talitha, 433. Thankful, 135, 335. Uriah, 436. William, 135. Zaccheus. 120, 329, 433. Downing, Amasa, 669. Edward Moran, 669. Helen M. W., 862. Mary, 122, 669, 692. Mary Ann, 591. Samuel Gray, 669. Doyle, Ann, 979. Catherine, 979. Patrick, 979. Drake, Eleanor, 957. Hannah, 894. Samuel, 957. Draper, Anna, 883. Dresser, Abel, 971. Lucy H., 971. Driscoll, Daniel E., 945. Nancy, 945. Dugan, Mary, 940. Dunbar, Emeline B., 900. Dunford, Joseph C, 874. Tryphena P., 874. Dunham, Amy R., 865. Daniel, 578. Eliza, 873. Ephraim, 964. Hannah, 578. Henry W., 865. John, 578, 687. Mary, 687. Ralph C, 873. Sarah E., 964. Zerviah, 578. Dunlop, Anna, 980. William, 980. Dunn, Anna, 955. George, 963. Harriet, 963. John, 597. Mary, 597. Dunshee, Edward S., 874. Dunshee, Sarah A., 874. Dunton, Henry C., 853. Susan C., 853. Durfey, Durfy, Elizabeth, 320. Ephraim, 320. John, 320. Keziah, 320. Durkee, Durke, Andrew, 295-297. Anna, 280, 281. Anne, 307. Anne Worth, 295. Barre, 308, 465. Benjamin, .181, 182. Eliphalet, 341, 465. Elizabeth, 125, 194, 204. Eunice, 295-297. Hannah, 183. John, 65, 183, 297, 307, 308. Lois, 295, 545. Lydia, 452. Marcy, 183. Margaret, 182. Martha, 307, 308. Mary, 65, 159, 171, 281, 295, 296, 341- Mercy, 183. Nathan, 280, 281. Parker Hall, 465. Patience, 120. Phineas, 308. Pilgrim, 295. Rebecca, 185, 295. Ruth, 341. Sabin, 341. Sally, 465. Sarah, 106, 181, 182. 194, 341, 430. Thomas, 194. Walton, 341. William, 295, 341. Dwight, Elizabeth, 690, 766, 822. James S., 690. Timothy, 455. Dwine, Catherine, 875. Dver, Dyar, Anne, 537. "Delia A., 814. Eunice, 254. James, 537. John, 470. John N., 876. Nancy, 692. Pamelia, 537. Phebe A., 876. Sarah, 355, 812. Sybil, 184. Thomas J., 814. Eagles, Charles, 742. Charles Alexander, 742. 1064 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Eagles, M. M., 968. Mary, 742. Orville Nash, 742. Eames, Earns, Ems, see also Ames. Abigail, 161. Amy, 245. Ann, 161. Anna, 199, 362. Anne, 495. Betty, 362. Comfort, 362. Cyrus, 362. David, 352, 353. Ebenezer, 55, 245. Elizabeth, 199. Gideon, 362. Hannah, 161. lrena, 352, 353. Jane, 199. John, 352, 362. Joseph, 55, 56, 161. Josiah, 55, 56, 199. Lucy, 362. Lydia, 199, 362, 440. Mary, 31, 199. Rufus, 362. Ruth, 199. Sarah, 161. Thaddeus, 352. Easonhart, Ardelia F., 835. Henry, 835. Eastman, Barsheba, 240. Cyprian, 240. Elizabeth, 240. Enoch, 240. Hannah, 240. Jonathan, 240. Lydia, 240. Philip, 30. Sarah, 30. Eastwood, Marvin, 963. Eaton, Addison, 916. Charlotte Isabella, 848. Eliza, 696. Eliza Williams, 696. Emily A., 916. Giles Mardenbro, 848. Hannah, 931. Jonathan, 131. Lydia, 131, 696. Phebe, 727. Sarah, 913. Sheldon, 727. William P., 606. Eberle, Christine, 940. Eva, 994. Eccleston, Ecclestone, Hiram G, 844. Mary E., 915. Eccleston, Ecclestone, Sarah, 844. Edgecomb, Edgecombe, Edgcomb, Edgcombe, Edgecom, Edge- come. David, 54. Elizabeth, 54. Esther, 223, 224. Hannah, 531, 532. John, 54, 224, 268, 531, 532. Jonathan, 54. Katherine, 54, 224. Keturah, 268. Patience, 54, 224. Preserved, 268. ' Samuel, 54. Sarah, 268, 533. Stephen, 224. Thomas, 54, 223, 224, 268. Edgerton, Abby, 617. Abby M., 975. Abel, 285, 336, 468. Abiah, 367, 368. Abigail, 143, 358, 559. Alice, 60, 152. Alpheus, 161, 397, 552. Andrew, 161, 305, 397, 415. Ann, 46, 158, 159. 3i8, 329- Anna, 34, 409, 502, 623. Anna Lynch, 753. Anne, 106, 161, 278, 394. 4*5- 549- 623. Ariel, 300. Asa, 152, 357, 358. Asenath, 515. Azel, 410. Benjamin, 91, 321. Benjamin Storrs, 358. Bethia, 219, 318, 409, 410, 514. Betsey, 547. Betsey Payne, 470. Betty, 330, 515- Bradford, 219. Catherine Eliza, 753. Catherine R., 752, 753. Charles, 638, 724. Sjivil, 514- Dan, 336. Daniel, 60, 79, 256, 535, 536. Daniel G, 702. Daniel Griswold, 638, 7°2. Daphne, 470. Darius, 394. David, 60, 243, 336. Deliverance, 161, 378, 397. Dilla, 468. Ebenezer, 5, 219, 415. Eleazer, 161, 415. Elijah, 60, 219. Eliphalet, 219, 596. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1065 Edgerton, Elisha, 73, 79 285, 330, 33L 529, 63& Elizabeth, 34, 46, 91, 151, 305, 3i8, 330, 331, 367, 378, 470, 515. Erastus, 341, 515. Esther, 178. Eunice, 79, 178, 435, 529, 596, 616. Experience, 158, 285, 505. Ezekiel, 394. Ezra, 300. Francis Griswold, 638. Freelove, 256, 336, 409, 415, 503. George Albert, 975. George F., 975. George H., 752, 753. George Hosmer, 619. Georgiana Lucretia, 753. Giles, 321. Gurdon, 331, 619. - Hannah, 5, 46, 76, 91, 148, 149, 178, 253, 305, 320, 357, 358, 368, 408. Hannah Maria, 887. Harriet, 767. Henry Hewitt, 619. Hezekiah, 73, 158, 159. 256, 409. 410, 514. Huldah, 320, 501. Irene, 551, 552. Isaac,- 536. Jabez, 73, 468. Jacob, 46, 367. 383- James, 378. Jedidiah, 305, 367. , Jerusha, 320, 556. John, 11, 34, 43, 44. 6o, 79, 106, 305, 3i8, 336, 412, 415, 515- John Waterman, 617. Jonathan, 5. Joseph, 34, 46, 73, 91, 178, 321, 394, 409. Joseph Kingsbury, 161, 551, 552. Joseph Williams, 617. Joshua, 60, 161, 378, 397, 4*5- Laura, 619. Lavinia, 300. Lebbeus, 152, 358. Levi, 514, 559- Lois, 336, 415. Lucretia, 336, 415. Lucy, 79, 91, 283, 321, 331, 332, 340, 341, 394, 514. 515. 634. 638, 667. Lucy M., 702. Luther, 219, 596, 616, 617. Lydia, 34, 46, 52, 152, 300. 357. 3^7, 559. 616, 617. Edgerton, Lydia Lord, 617. Margaret, 105, 106, 161, 318, 397. Martha, 91, 152, 376. Martin, 331, 023. Mary, 1 1, 34, 43, 60, 73, 79, 133, - 149, 178, 2io, 536, 724. Mary Aim, 616. Mary F., 724. Mehitabel, 408. Miriam, 149. Molly, 330, 358. Nathan, 148, 340, 341, 515. Nathaniel, 412. Olive, 33O. Oliver, 256, 357, 394. Patty, 702. Permelia, 470. Peter, 60, 148, 149, 320. Phebe, 79, 291, 412, 536. Philip, 536. Polly, 623, 638. Rachel, 318. Rebecca, 152, 511. Reuben, 559. Richard, 5, 34, 46. — Robert, 536. Roger, 340. Roswell, 357, 415. 515. Ruth, 79, 161, 166, 397, 422,470. Sally, 503. Sally Loring, 616. Samuel, 34, 60, 105, 106, 161, 33*> 336, 47o, 623. Sarah, 5, 34, 35, 73, M9. 158, 219, 320, 321, 33i, 390, 412, 534- Sarah Gager, 596. Silence, 243, 318. Simeon, 91, 367, 368. 1 Simon, 330, 638, 702. Sims, 161, 415. Stephen, 305. Submit, 152. Susanna, 5, 321. Sybil, 514. Temperance, 73, 79, 394. 5M- Uriah, 161, 502. Welthean, 336. Whiting, 559. William, 60, 91, 152, 300, 357, 638, 667. Zebulon, 105, 318, 515, 559- Zerviah, 5, 152, 285, 381. Edmonds, Ursula B., 839. Edwards, Amanda, 925. Ann E., 884. Araminta, 708. Clarinda, 855. Clarissa, 703. io66 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Edwards, Cynthia E., 993. Edward N., 993. Eliza, 693. Elizabeth, 898. Esther, 690. Eunice H., 7H2. George W., 884. Hannah, 25. Hannah A., 962. Hannah E., 950. Henry, 729. Jacob, 752. Julia Ann, 753. Lemuel W., 962. Levias, 925, Lewis, 753. Lois, 738. Lucretia, 970. Mark F., O93. Mary, 729. Mary Ann, 752, 869. Mary M., 962. Nancy S., 804. Pierpont, 962, 970. Tryon, 1014. Welcome, 708. William H., 804, 898. Eells, Cushing, 672. Edward, 672. Edward William, 672. Elizabeth, 672. John, 591, 672. Mary Ann Lanman, 672. Mercy, 399. Mercy Denison, 672. Ruth, 672. Sally, 671. Samuel Huntington, 672. Sarah, 672. Sarah Cushing, 798. Ehinger, Catherine Elizabeth, 914. Frederick Henry, 914. Elderkin, Abigail, 43, 91, 96. Ahira, 228. Alemeth, 228. Amanda, 228. Ann, 228. Anne, 22. Artemas, 493. Bashua, 22. Benjamin, 43, 55. Betty, 228, 406, 475, 493- Cynthia, 228. Deborah, 55, 360. Dyarchey, 236. Elizabeth, 22, 55, 406. Erastus, 415. Fernandez, 236, 496. Frances Drake, 236. Elderkin, Frederick, 400. Hannah, 43. Hodesh, 228. James, 22, 43, 93, 228, 406, 407, 414, 415, 493. Jedidiah, 43, 96, 228. Jemima, 406. Jephtha, 55, 406. John, 22, 43, 96, 235, 236, 406. Joseph, 22, 55, 406. Joshua, 96, 235. Judges, 235, 236. Judith, 43, 228. Lovisa, 228. Lucinda, 415. Lucy, 406. Luther, 235. Margaret, 43. Martha, 406, 407, 414, 415. Mary, 406, 414. Milton, 493. Nancy, 415. Patty, 406, 407. Phebe, 93. Rachel, 406. Rebecca, 235, 236. Rowminer, 406. Roxalana, 236. Rudolphus, 228. Susanna, 235. Vashti, 236. Eldridge, Eldrige, Almira, 928. Esther, 723. Margaret, 733. Nathaniel, 928, Eliot, Elliott. Alexander, 861, Ellen, 861. Jacob, 181, 186, 192, 330. Mary J., 863. Sarah, 996. Thomas, 996. William S., 863. Ellis, Ellice, Abner, 480. Almira, 550. Anna, 623. Anne, 549, 550. Benjamin, 555. Bethia, 383, 499, 550, 555- Betsey, 549, 638. Betty, 387, 388. Clarissa, 890. Damaris, 480. Daniel, 383, 505. Emily, 549. Eunice, 233. Freeman, 388. Gurdon, 550. Hannah, 555. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1067 Ellis, Ellice, Henry Griswold, 612. Irena, 387, 388. James W., 966. Joanna L., 966. John, 345, 383, 392, 414, 462, 469, 471, 480, 488, 492, 496, 497, 499, 50i, 512, 516, 517, 520, 529, 533, 545, 547, 549, 559, 612. John Hubbard, 612. Jonathan, 383. Joseph, 383, 387, 388, 555. Joseph Edge rt on, 612. Lydia Ann, 800. M. Elizabeth, 897. Margaret, 480. Maria, 805. Mary, 549, 670. Mary Jeffers, 612. Oliver, 388. Oliver Wolcott, 612. Philip, 800. Rosanna, 555. Rosanna Thayer, 555. Roxana, 505. Sally, 612. Samuel, 383, 890. Sarah, 348, 383, 723. Sarah Palmer, 555. Selina, 906. Stephen, 383. William, 383, 549, 550, 670. William Marshall, 612. William Nelson, 670. Ellsworth, Elsworth, Chloe, 530. Lucius H., 947. Susan F., 047. Ely, Ela, Alfred, 940. Alfred B., 940. Benjamin, 213. Bridget, 213. Daniel, 213. Ephraim, 213. Hannah, 213. Jonathan, 213. Lucy E., 940. Mary. 600. Zebulon, 490, 590, 600. Emerson, Adeline Augusta G., 783. Andrew, 226. Charles Gilbert, 783. Dudley, 478. Hannah Truman, 478. Harlow, 478. Jabez, 226. John Augustus, 783. Joseph, 478. Mary, 478. Mary Jane, 993. Emerson, Sarah, 226. William, 783. William Henry, 783. Emmons, Alexander H., 786, 965. Elizabeth, 965. Mary A., 786. Nancy A., 698. Noadiah F., 698. Emory, Martha A., 924. Moses W., 924. English, Clarissa, 906. Elizabeth, 868, 965*. Fanny, 692, 791. Jane C, 883. John, 692. William, 906. Ensworth, Answorth, Elizabeth, 13, 77. Katherine, 466, 467. Lydia, 467. Sarah, 480. William, 466, 467. Ervin, Eleanor, 957. Etheridge, Mary, 685. Ettel, Henry, 1011. Sybil, ion. Evans, Daniel, 865. Mary Clarke, 865. Everest. Cornelius B.. 686, 699, 702, 704, 716, 729, 733, 738, 740, 743, 744, 7Si, 752, 756. 758, 762. 764. 766, 76Q. 77i. 774, 77S, 777, 779, 782, 784. 785, 788, 79T. Everet, Averit, Alice, 481. Clarissa, 480. Israel, 481. Jeremiah. 480, 481. Lydia, 480. 481. Oliver, 480. Polly, 597- Vine. 480. Ewen, David, 640. Harriet. 935. Henry C, 872. Joel F., 935. Lois, 640. Margaret O.. 872. Mary, 797. Prudence. 640. Face, Ann W., 820. Fairbank. Edwin I... 838. Maria A., 838. Fairfield, Mary. 000. Fales, Falls. Abigail, or. 191. Ebenezer, 301. Elizabeth, 91, 30T. Isabella. 973. io68 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Fales, Falls, Lucy, 91. Margaret, 91, 366. Ruth, 301. Samuel, 91. Silence, 91, 243. Falvey, Joanna, 976. John, 976. Fance, Jacob, 505. Lydia, 505. Mary, 505. Priscilla, 505. Sally, 505. Stephen, 505. Thomas, 505. Fanning, Abby, 580. Abigail, 580. Andrew Murdock, 587. Anne, 263, 552. Content, 382. Cyrus, 263. Deborah, 437. Eliza Ann, 800. Elizabeth, 790. Elizabeth M., 776. Fanny F., 689. George Edward, 580. George W., 860. Hannah, 263. Harriet N„ 847. Henry W., 825. James Gilbert, 580. Jane Tracy, 790. John, 580. John H., 790. John Howard, 580, 790. John Reynolds, 263. John Thomas, 790. Lucretia, 552, 599. Lucy, 587, 970. Lucy P., 967. Lydia, 552. Martha M., 860. Mary, 729. Mary Ann, 825. Mary J„ 986. Nancy, 614, 791. Nancy C, 627. Sarah, 263. Solomon, 776. Thomas, 263, 552, 580, 587. Thomas Coit, 587. Fansley, George, 980. Mary, 980. Fargo, Fergo, Aaron, 158, 536. Betsey, 630. Daniel, 158. Darius, 5^6. Elisha, 158. Elizabeth, 312, 324, 536. Fargo, Fergo, Eusebius, 536. Ichabod, 158, 324. Jabez, 158, 324, 536. Jason, 158, 536. John Calvin, 536. John Flavel, 536. Lydia, 630. Phebe, 158, 453, 536. Samuel, 158, 536. Sarah, 158, 536. Farnham, Farnam, Farnan. Abigail, 409. Charles A., 1011. Charles N., 926. Clarissa, 409. Cloueanne, 240, Daniel, 409. Ebenezer, 240. Elizabeth, 522. Ephraim, 240, 440. Erastus, 409. Frances, 1007. Henry, 228, 409, 440. Julia E., ion. Lucretia, 900. Lydia, 409, 434. Mary, 318. Mary S. W., 926. Phebe, 409. Ruby, 409. Sarah, 228, 440. Farnsworth, Abraham C, 873. Coddington Billings, 746. Eliza, 873. Eunice W, 746. Ralph, 746. Walter Warren, 746. Farrington, Esther H., 854. William T., 854. Farwell, Lucy N., 897. Faulkner, Faulknor, Bentley, 457. Frances Harriet, 737. Hannah, 457. Jane, 366. Mehitabel, 457. William, 737. Fay, Anna R., 868. Caroline, 643. Charles Henry, 643. Edwin, 643. George Miner, 643. Harrison F., 916. John Wing, 643. Julia H., 091. Julia Huntington, 643. Lorenzo, 643. Martha Wing, 643. Nahum, 643. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1069 Fay, Phebe, 643. Phebe Ann, 643. Sarah D., 916. Fayerweather, Sarah A., 1014. Felix, Edward J., 756. Sybil A., 756. Fellows, Eunice, 456. Hopestill, 456. Lovice W., 588. Lovice Warner, 456. Mary, 73. Warner, 456. Fenton, George B., 900. Hiram C, 952. Lucius C, 1002. Martha A., 952. Sarah B., 1002. Susan M., 900. Fergison, Jonathan, 780. Lucy, 780. Fernald, Benjamin M, 655. John, 655- John W., 655. Olive, 655. Fessenden, Thomas K., 827, 829, 830, 833. Field, Fields, Frances E., 939. Hannah, 979. John W., 939. Fielding, Julia Ann, 983. William H., 983. Fillmore, Fillemore, Filmore, Abigail, 114, 304. 3*5- Adam, 549. Amaziah, 243, 376, 710, 714. Artemis, 499. Artemesia, 376. Benjamin, 143, 467. Brunetta, 376. Calvin, 243. Comfort, TI4, 376, 377, 548, 549. Comfort D., 679, 687, 690, 691, 857, 867, 927. Deborah, 243. Dille, 243, 544. Dorcas, 1T4, 243. Earl, 377, 548. Ebenezer, 143. Esther, 493. Eunice, 403. Hannah, T43, 467, 664. Harriet, too8. Harriet J., 951. Henry, 114, 335- Hiel, 987, 1008. Jane. 925. Jemima, 114. John, 114, 243. 304, 545- Laura Ann, 978. Fillmore, Fillemore, Filmore, Leah, 304. Levi us, 376. Luther, 243, 493. Lydia, 243. Mahala, 967. Margaret, 304. Mary, 114, 551, 622. Mima, 243, 486. Miriam, 114, 414. Nancy, 697. Nathaniel, 114. Richard, 143. Septa, 548. Spiller, 304. Thankful, 143, 335. Timothy, 925. Zerviah, 376, 377, 548, 549. Filstun, John, 951. Margaret, 951. Finch, Abram, Emma L., 243, 985. Robert T., 985. Finney, Susan, 581. Finslay, Finsley, Esther, 937. Henry, 932. Margaret, 932. Finton, James, 974. Luna, 793. Margaret, 974. Firth. Augusta, 913. John, 913. Fish, Abigail, 426, 548. Betty, 450. Calvin, 548. Charles H., 927. Coddington, 978. Deborah, 492. Elizabeth, 387. Hannah, 890. Joseph, 450, 466, 502. Levi, 890. Louisa M., 937. Lydia, 492. Mary, 450, 548. Mary E., 978. Molly, 387. Nathaniel, 450, 548. Phebe E., 927. Samuel, 518. Sarah, 387. Susan J., 024. Walter, 548. William, 387, 450, 492. Fisher. Catherine, 987. Daniel. IQ7. Dinah, 108. Hannah, 197. Jesse, 741. 1 070 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Fisher, Julia, 883. William, 883. Fisk, Fiske, Emily, 789. Franklin, 832, 833, 840, 842, 843, 849, 853, 854, 865, 869, 925. Lucius, 789. Mary Ann, 866. Phineas, 123. Fitch, ffitch, Filch, Finch, Abiah, 52, 361. Abigail, 6, 38, 39. 96, 277, 357. Abijah, 176, 213, 516. Adaline, 796. Alice, 6, 374, 552. Ammi, 283. Amy, 361. Andrew, 283. Anna, 95, 96, 581. Anne, 39, 213, 449, 516. Asa, 96, 648. Azubah, 213. Benajah, 52, 356. Benjamin, 36, 52, 226, 361, 519. Betty, 490. Charles, 348, 581. Chester, 246. Cordilla, 96, 407. Cynthia, 96. Daniel, 6, 39, 226. Darius, 408. David, 357. Desire, 226. Dorothy, 39. Ebenezer, 6, 52, 316, 317, 348. 428, 429. Edward Gould, 581. Edwin, 960. Eleazer, 39, 516. Eleazer T., 959. Elias, 428. Elijah, 356. Elisha, 95, 246, 320, 321. 489, . 558. Elisha Wheeler, 559. Elizabeth, 6, 3,6, 38, 96, 246. 283, 30T. 317, 157. 428. 464, 489. 607. Ephraim, 357, 361. Esther, 277. Eunice, 316, 448, 558, 559, 595, 670. Faith, 357. Gerard, 316. Gideon. 179, 595. Grace, 429. Hannah, 38. 42, 52, 213. 357, 407, 408. 595. Hannah M.. 059. Harriet M., 960. Fitch, ffitch, Filch, Finch, Ichabod, 358, 359. Irene, 519. Jabez, 36, 39, 95, 96, 103, 407, 408, 652. James, 6, 38, 39. Jane, 778. Jared Warner, 796. Jedidiah, 6, Jemima, 361. Jeremiah, 39. Jerusha, 213. Joanna, 428. John, 39, 52, 76, 213, 361, 429, 519, 595- Jonathan, 157. Joseph, 39, 226, 246. Joseph Trumbull, 157. Joseph Williams, 559. Joshua, 157, 357. Lemuel, 226. Lois, 361. Lora M., 715. Lucy, 320, 358, 359, 516. Lucy Maria, 980. Lurena, 95, 96, 290. Lydia, 103, 315. Martha. 277. Mary, 52. 157, 277, 283, 316, 3t7, 320, 321, 348, 428, 429, 438. Mason, 357. Nabby, 316, 581. Nancy, 704. Nathan, 428. Nathaniel, 39, 356, 357. Oliver, 317, 581. Peletiah. 36, 95, 96, 246, 283. Phebe, 460. Priscilla, 30. Rachel, 357, 497. Rebecca, 519. Roger, 316. Rosanna. 243. Samuel, 6, 38. 277. Sarah, T79. 226, 317, 356, 640. Sherwood, 778. Silas. 32T, 558. 559. Simon. 350. Sophia, 778. Stephen, 36. Susan. 581. 648. Susanna. 356. 361, 549. Thomas. 356. Walter. 36. Zippnrah. 226. Fitts, Ann E„ 835. Horace A., 835. Fitztrerald, Rridget. 851. Ellen. 956. James, 85T. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1071 Fitzpatrick, Margaret, 978. Thomas, 978. Flagg, Edward O., 911-913, 921, 954, 955, 962, 963, 965, 98i, 982, 984. Flanders, Charles Martin, 656. David, 656. Elijah, 655, 656. Hannah C. Lincoln, 656. Henry Jarvis, 656. Louis Day, 656. Sally, 655, 656. Sarah C, 656. Fleming, Nancy, 916. Flergo, Eliza, 952. Henry, 952. Fletcher, Alfonzo Borella, 735. Almaria C, 794. Charles Henry, 747. Eliza, 863. Elizabeth, 747. Eunice, 735. Freeborn Olney, 746. Joanna, 955. Joseph, 747. Lamanda H., 819. Mary Ann, 990. Phebe S., 775. Sterry Y., 735. Susan, 746. Susan D., 697. William, 735. William C, 819. William Rowland, 746. Flint, Emily, E., 832. Ephraim L., 991. George A., 820. Harriet S., 820. Julia A., 991. Flood, George, 865. Margaret, 865. Fobes, ffobes, Caleb. 37. Henry A., 964. Sarah, 37, 64. Waity, 964. Foley, Margaret, 974. Mary, 950, 973. Michael, 973. Foot, Sarah, 786. Forbes, Clarissa, 591. Force, Forse, A. M., 994. Helen K., 994. Sarah E., 996. Susanna C, 771. Ford, fford, Abby, 871. Absolum, 339. Adonijah, 194. Amy, 3, 245. Ann, 248. 367, 792. Ford, fford, Anna, 170. Benjamin, 792. Caroline M., 947. Charles, 393. Elizabeth, 168, 194, 339. Ellen C, 948. Emma G., 974. Eunice, 217. Hannah, 168, 400. Hubert, 339. Ichabod, 168, 419. James, 168, 339. John, 3, 168, 170, 217, 393. Joseph, 168, 392, 393. Josiah, 339. Judith 3. Love, 339. Lucy, 217. Maria C, 946. Martha M., 992. Mary, 194, 392, 393. Matthew, 194. Nathaniel, 339. Phineas, 3. Rachel, 339. Roswell, 393. Ruth, 194, 419. Sally, 648. Samuel R., 946. Sarah, 168. Sarah J., 835. Sherwood H., 992. William, 170, 194. Forly, Ellen, 962. Forsyth, Fanny W., 816. James F., 816, 969. Lucy, 969. Foster, ffoster, Forster, Alfred Standish, 809. Angeline, 877. Cyrus, 877. Daniel, 602. Daniel A., 844. Daniel B., 926. Elizur, 880. Eunice M.. 860. Fidelia Welthea, 602. Harriet P., 926. Joanna B., 809. Joanna Lanman, 809. John, 824. La Fayette S., 809, 992. Marcy, 27. Mary, 880. Phidelia, 710. Reba L, 861. Rebecca B., 844. Sally, 824. Sarah A., 890. 1072 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Foster, ffoster, Forster, Welthea Elvia, 602. Fountain, Mountain, Ann, 176, 530. Elizabeth, 175, 176. Mary, 175, 530. Simon Peter, 176. William, 175, 176. Fowler, ftowler, Abigail, 43. Elizabeth, 37, 43. Genett, 734. Jonathan, 37, 43- Joseph, 43, 228. Sarah, 43. Fox, rfox, Abiah, 501. Abiel, 242, 500, 501. Abigail, 117, 232. Alice, 227. Amy, 242. Anne, 264. Anson, 973. Asa, 242. Athelia, 795. Benjamin, 264. Betty, 264. Christian Ferdinand, 795. Clarissa, 501. David, 266. Deborah, 242. Desire, 402. Eliphalet, 33, 413. Elizabeth, 34, 198, 266, 413, 834. Elvin, 501. Erastus, 501. Esther, 227. Eunice, 242. Experience, 215. Findlay M., 834. George, 264. Grace, 264. Hannah, 33, 34, 227, 242, 266, 402, 413. Hezekiah, 242. Isaac, 33, 34, 242, 413. Jabez, 266. James, 264. Janet, 973. Jemina, 402. Jesse, 266. John, 227, 832. Joseph, 266. Martha, 34, 376, 4*3- Mary Ann, 832. Mehitabel, 242. Molly, 264. Nehemiah, 227. Oliver, 264. Polly, 501. Prudence, 335. Rhoda, 501. Fox, ffox, Roswell, 266. Ruth, 266. Sarah A., 789. Simeon, 264. Sybil, 227. William, 227, 402. Zerviah, 347. Foy, Daty B., 705. Francis, Alvah, 883. Anna, 883. Henry, 897. Mary S., 897. Francisco, Hannah, 721. John, 721. Franklin, Abby J., 1000. Cornelia S., 793. Sarah M., 943. Silas, 1000. Sophronia S., 857. Frazell, Lorenzo, 780. Prusha, 780. Frazier, ffresior, Frazer, Colen, 12. Edmund J., 818. Elihu M., 807. Eliza A., 871. Esther S., 807. George W., 781. James Pettes, 383. John, 12. Laura, 781. Lucy C, 797. Maria H., 818. Sarah, 12, 383. Sophia, 792. William, 12, 383, 792. Freeman, Freman, Amos, 285. Caroline, 803. Elijah, 285. Elisha, 285, 359- Frances, 853. Francis, 782. George, 853. Gideon, 285. Hannah, 587. Hezekiah, 587. Horatio N., 814. Israel G., 803. James, 285. Jonathan, 520. Joseph, 541. Laura W., 846. Lucy, 541, 587. Marcy, 359- Margaret, 587. Maria, 876. Maria A., 810. Marietta, 899. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1073 Freeman, Freman, Martha, 587. Mary, 399. Nathan, 541. Olive, 782, 819. Oliver YV., 899. Phebe, 285. Prudence, 823. Sally, 502. Samuel, 587. Samuel H., 576, 786, 807, 858, 1008. Sarah, 520, 587, 809. Sarah A., 814. Silas, 285. Stephen, 285. Zipporah, 476. French, Franch, ffrench, Abel, 348. Abner, 95, no, 372. Alvira, 645. Andrew, 116, 348. Azariah, 385. Azel, 532. Betsey, 645. Charity, 95, 475- Charles, 490, 645, 836. Daniel, 125, 160, 490. Desire, 490. Ebenezer, 356. Elizabeth, 74, 95, 160, 208, 344, 691. Eunice, 160, 398, 533, 645. Ezekiel, 125.. Hannah, 476. Jabez, 356. Jacob, 117. Jane H., 824. Jasper, 385. Jemima, 28, no. John, 74, 95, 116, 117, 344. 348. John S., 824. Jonathan, 95, 257, 385. Joseph, no- 125, 529. Joshua, 1 1 or 476^,. Laura Ann, 869. Lucy, 125, 160, 356, 422. Lydia, 348, 356. Mary, 95, 257, 529, 688. Mary Ann, 645, 836. Nancy, 348. Ozias, 356. Phebe, 116, 117, 348, 35*, 370, 372, 385, 490. Polly, 490. Samuel, 160, 356, 532, 533- Sarah Waterman, 645. Sarah, 95, no, 364. Sluman, no. Susa, 533. 33 French, Franch, ffrench, Susanna, 356, 532, 533. Vaniah, 476. Walter, 476. Frink, ffrink, Abigail, 276. Eunice A., 773. Frederick P., 828. Hannah, 19, 276. Isaac, 987. Jerusha, 122. Lydia, 401. Maria A., 987. Nancy A., 828. Thomas, 276. Frisbie, Abigail, 533. Emeline, 859. Jonathan, 533. Fritz, Eva, 994. George, 994. Frizzell, Frizell, Elvira, 907. James, 791. Lydia, 791. Frost, Ann Maria. 797. Anna Lord, 537. Benjamin, 537. Betsey, 537. Ebenezer, 537. Henry, 537. James Dana, 537, 711. Joseph, 537. Luthena, 537. Polly, 537, 585- Susan, 711. Sylvester, 537. Fuller, Fullar, Abiah, 675. Abigail, 264, 265, 383. Albert N., 1007. Amelia. 707, 884. Anne, 238. Asa, 265. Benjamin, 545. Camilla M., 897. Caroline, 707. Charles Chester, 707. Chester, 707. Cynthia E., 993- David C, 958. David Congdon, 739. Delia, 707, 902. Dolly S., 789- Ebenezer, 496, 809, 926. Edward S., 787. Elisha L., 875. Eliza, 740. Eliza W., 787- Elizabeth, 265. Elizabeth R., 1001. Farnandis, 406. Frances Eveline, 958. George D., 862, 953. io74 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Fuller, Eullar, George Denison, 739. George T., 777. Hannah, 044, 739- Hannah M. 862. Harriet L., 809. Jacob, 238, 383. James Lbenezer, 809. Jesse, 715, 739, 74°. John, 238, 543- John A., 1001. Jonathan S., 675. Joseph, 238. Josephine A., 953. Judah, 264, 265. Lemuel, 265. Lucy, 265. Mary, 172, 707. Mary A., 1007. Mary Ann, 577- Molly, 383- Patty, 383. Polly, 545- Rebecca, 157. Rhoda, 577- Rhoda Witter, 577. Rufus, 577- Samuel, 264, 739. Sarah, 577, 933- Sarah Ann, 739. Sophia B., 875. Susan S., 777. William, 238. Zelotes, 709, 710. Gaffny, Jane, 818. Gager, Gadger, Aaron, 159. Abby, 748. Alvan, 489. Amos, 489. Anne, 490. Asenath, 365. Bethia, 23, 30. Cynthia, 402. Daniel, 159, 443, 748. Eliza, 830. Eliza Backus, 830. Elizabeth, 23, 56, I5°- Freelove, 830. Freelove Eliza, 830, 880. Hannah, 23. Irena, 365. Jason, 159, 402, 449. Jerusha, 159, 323- 402, 443- John, 23, 37, 56, 159, 365, 402, 489, 490, 830. John Brewster, 443. Julia B., 992. Levi, 159. Lucy, 372, 449- Gager, Gadger, Lydia, 23, 36, 159, 365, 489, 490, 491. Mary, 23, 237, 443. Molly, 443. Oliver, 372. Oliver A., 826. Oliver Ayer, 830. Othniel, 365, 401, 49A 597, 635, 651, 708, 717, 739, 740, 772, 812, 820, 823-1014. Rebecca, 56, 57, 401. Rebecca Rudd, 830. Samuel, 23, 56, 57, 159, 372. Samuel Roberts, 402. Sarah, 23, 37, 56, 219, 236, 237, 372. Simon, 159, 236, 237, 372. Susa, 443. William, 23, 56, 443. Zerviah, 402. Gale, Ann M., 682. Azor, 431, 595. Charles, 682. Charles Eugene, 682. David L., 903. David Lord, 682. Eunice, 595, 646. Eunice L, 889. Eunice Lord, 682. George Horace, 682. Horace Eugene, 682. James, 431. John, 431. John H., 943. John Hamilton, 682. Joseph, 430, 431. Lydia M., 903. Mary, 431. Phebe A., 943. Polly, 600. Sally, 595- Sarah, no, 430, 431. Sarah E., 767. Thomas Marshall, 682. William, 431. William Lyman, 682. Gallup, Gallop, Gellup, Amelia Clark, 773. Charles Henry, 773. Dorothy, 240. Ebenezer, 962. Elihu, 773- Ellen, 962. Ellen Elizabeth, 773. Emilv, 773- Emily Clark, 773. Eunice, 522. Hannah, 19. John, 19. INDEX OF PERSONS. I075 Gallup, Gallop, Gellup, Julius Clark, 773. Laura, 855. Martha, 68. Nehemiah M., 855. Galusha, Galush, Amos, 395. Anna, 395. David, 395. Elijah, 395. Jacob, 395, 396. Jonah, 395. Lucy, 396. Lydia, 395. Mary, 395, 490. Olive, 395. Thankful, 30^. 396. Gambrill, Amos G., 918. Lucinda, 918. Gammon, Cynthia Lowell, 852. Gang-win, Catherine, 857. Gardiner, Gardner, Gardener, A., 849. Abb^ Ann, 785. Abel, 841, 843, 866, 869. Abigail, 440. Adolphus M„ 938. Almy, 484. Amy, 345. Ann H., 719. Anna, 346. Bathsheba, 346. Bathshua, 345, 346. Caleb, 496. Caroline M., 947. Charles H., 7.31. Charlotte, 816. Christiana, 865. Clara C, 907. Daniel, 345, 346. Daniel W., 804. Darius, 941. David, 345, -J<8. David A., 947. Elisha H., 996. Elizabeth, 346. Elizabeth D.. 933. Emeline, 938. Emeline S., 734. Eunice C, 844. Ezekiel, 440. Fanny F.. 689. Frances Ann. 824. Georere, 93?. Gilbert B., 885. Gurdon, 440. Hannah, 399. Hannah M., 731, 7^0. Henrv, 943. I duel la T., 894. James, 346, 710. Gardiner, Gardner, Gardener, James M., 731, 7^9. Jemima, 345, ?i8. Jerusha, 804. John F., 722. Letitia, 617. Louisa F., 996. Lucretia F., 941. Lucy E., 861. Lydia, 440, 710. Lydia Jane, 759. Maria, 943. Marianne, 737. Martha R., '722. Mary, 496. Mary G., 893. Mary M., 902. Mehitabel, 510. Nicholas, 865. Preserved, 346. Rowland H, 893. Sarah, 4, 345, 441. Sarah A., 766. Sarah E., 885. Sarah M., 885, 952. Sidney, 689. Stephen. 346. Sylvester, 346. Thomas, 737. Ulvsses S., 861. Vilate C, 731. Wealthea, 645. William, 346. Garfield, Emily A., 916. Garison, Mary R.. 686. Gary. Hannah, 445. Gates. Amy, 784. Ann M., 924. Lucy O., 700. Mary, 266, 917. Oliver W., 1014. Prudence, 118. Rhoda A., 862. Ruth, 75. Samuel P., 924. Simon H., 784. Gavitt, Gavit, Abbv, 854. Abbv C, 732. Almira, 6ti. Arnold, 786. Arnold Pride, 854. Asa. 6T5, 870. Caroline L., 870. Cordelia, 611. Edwin. 854. Eliza. 61 t. Eliza Ann, 788. Fmilv D., 814. Franklin. 834-836, 840, 842, 846, 862, 9T9, 923, 925. 1076 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Gavitt, Gavit, George, 611. Harriet, 615. Harriet B., 781. Mary. 615, 8c 1. Mary Ann, 615. Mary E., 873. Melinda, 611. Melinda H., 700. Polly, 611. Sarah, 786. Thomas, 611. Thomas Jefferson, 611. William, 611. Gay, Hannah, 66. Harriet, 798. Jedidiah R., 708. Joanna, 291. John, 247. Lucy, 247. Mary, 270. Mehitabel, 181. Miriam, 291. Samuel, 291. Gaylord, Gailard, Gayller, Ammi, 683. Josiah, 1. Clarissa, 532. Lucretia, 532. Mary, 144. Roswell, 532. Sally, 683. Geer, Gere Alpheus, 930. Amos, 467, 645. Asenath, 149. Betsey, 683, 684, 739. Caroline E., 902. Charles Henry, 684, 739. Edna A., 900. Elbridge, 960. Eliza Ann, 849. Eliza J., 950. Elizabeth, 149, 150, 173, 649. Elizabeth W., 942. Erastus, 649, 967. Esther, 150. Eunice, 454. George, 649. 683, 684, 739. George W., 684, 739, 942. Jeremiah, 149. Jeremiah C, 791. Jeremiah Cleveland, 649. Levi Orson Merrels, 649. Lucinda, 708, .836. Lucy T., 851. Maria Jane, 1002. Martha A., 996. Mary, 701. Mary Ann, 792. Mary E., 953, 967. Geer, Gere, Mary Jane, 930. Mary S., 985- Oliver, 149, 150, 649. Rezin, 149. Sally, 648, 640. Sally Maria, 649, 691. Samuel J., 950. Sarah, 963. Sarah C, 960. Squire, 149. Thankful, 302. Wheeler, 6j8, 649, 963. William W., 793. William Wheeler, 649. Geisell, Maria, 972. Genolin, Eliza, 849. John, 849. Getchel, Almira, 945. Getcher, Jeremiah, 954. Sarah, 954. Gibbons, Gibbens, Delight, 347. Grace, 559. Mary, 636. Gibbs, Jacob, 311. Sarah, 311. Gibson, Augustus, 687. Ellen, 912. James, 912. John H., 803. Mary, 878. Mary C, 687. Giddings, Giddens, Betsey, 645. Catherine, 646. Cyril, 426. Eli, 1006. Hannah E., 1006. Jasper, 425. Lydia, 679. Mary, 106, 426. Matilda, 426. Nathaniel, 106, 425, 426. Rosinda, J26. Sarah, 106, 425, 426. Walter, 679. Gifford, Gifferd, Abbv Ann, 757. Abel, 387. Abner, 433. Absolum, 129. Abner. 129. Anna. 50. 280, 433, 461. Anne. 206, 258, 373, 438. Anne Lord, 433. Aquilla, 19. Arnold, 670. Asa, 373. Betsey, 670, 1004. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1077 Gifford, Gifferd, Caleb, 59, 387. Delight, 387. Ede, 191. Edith, 388. Eliab, 388. Elijah, 373- Elisha, 258. Eliza Ann, 849. Elizabeth, 68, 262. Experience, 58, 59, 206, 323, 421. George P., 849. Gurdon, 421. Hannah, 19, 22, 41, 59, 236. Hannah Hyde, 59. Ira, 670. James. 59, 373, 374, 387. Jeremiah, 59, 129, 258. John, 19, 68, 191, 388. John Arnold, 670. Joseph, 374. Lois, 59, 309. Lydia, 14, 59. Martha. 68, 129, 191, 433, 642. Mary, 59, 94, 129, 206, 374. Philathete, 433. Richard Hubbard, 387. Ruth, 19, 59, 114. Sally, 670. Sally Abby, 670, 747. Samuel, 19, 58, 59, 206, 258, 373, 433, 438. Sarah, 59, 142, 206, 411, 421, 434-' Stephen, 19, 59, 191, 411, 421. Susanna, 373, 374, 387. Ziba, 59, 388. Gilbert, Gilbart, , 930. Abigail, 67, 650, 651. Anna, 351. Camilla M„ 897. Catherine, 955. Ellen, 650, 651. Esther T., 809. George, 576, 650, 651. George Bradford, 651. Hannah. 650. John, 680. Mary. 67, 310, 850. Mary Jane, 930. Merrit S.. 809. Michael, 850. 055. Nancy, 651, 680. Nathan Goodspeed, 930. Nathan Samuel, 930. Nathaniel, 650, 651. Nathaniel R., 897. Philip. 67. Samuel Alnheus, 930. Wealthy, 651. Gilchrist, Catherine, 921. John W., 921. Gildon, Gilding. Betsey, 583. Charles, 475. Israel, 475. Lucinda, 580. Richard, 475. Gildroy, Margaret, 891. Giles, Benjamin, 374. Ruth, 374. Gilman, Betsey, 772. Charles William, 772. Charlotte Ives., 772. Mary Elizabeth, 772. Oliver James, 772. Philips, 772. Gilmartin, Mary, 850. Gillmur, Philena, 702. Gilson, Augustus, 687. Gilbert J., 733. John H., 789, 792, 7Q4, 801. Margaret, 733. Mary C, 687-. Gleason, Gleeson, Ann M„ 988. Anson, 86q, 872. Bridget, 980. Harriet N., 811. Henry D., o&S. James, 980. Jason, 8ti. Margaret, 980. Thomas, 980. Glover, Anne, 546. Frances Harriet, 822. Hannah, 1. John, 1. Mary. 518. William Henry, 822. Goddard, Alice, 595. Calvin, 505. Fanny, 781. Frederick Bartlett, 781. James B., 760. Jane Newton, 760. Levi Hart, 595. Lucretia, 719. Luther, 719. Marv Newton, 760. Silas. 781. Godfrey. Eveline, 784. Goebel. Elizabeth, 1007. John. T007. Gold, Abigail. 89. Benjamin F., 751. Elizabeth H., 751. Mary, 89. Nathaniel, 89, Goldsmith, Mary S., 1014. 1 078 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Goodell, Anne, 506. Charles, 506. Lucretia, 506. Oliver, 506. Polly, 506. Sally, 506. Silas, 506. William, 506. Goodhue, David, 245. Elizabeth, 245. J. A., 964, 971, 981, 986, 987, 993. 998, 999. 1003, 1005. Jonathan, 245. Nabby, 245. Gookin, Edmund, 105. Samuel, 105. Sarah, 105. Gordon, Abby, 659. Eliza, 659. Elizabeth, 938. Elizabeth W., 785. Ezra, 659. Hannah, 685. Henry, 647. Henry William, 647. James, 632, 659. John, 938. Joseph, 659. Joshua Norman, 647. Lucy, 647. Maria, 659. Mary, 647. Roswell L, 685. Sarah, 843. Susan, 659. William S., 843. Gore, Abel, 207. Amos, 167, 622. Anne, 420. Asa, 215. Daniel, 12, 215. Desire, 167, 207. Dorcas, 218. Dorothy, 167. Elijah, 167. Elizabeth, 167. Esther, 167. George, 215. Hannah, 12, 19, 167, 215, 413, 854. John, 167, 413. Lucy, 215. Lydia, 207. Moses, 207. Obadiah, 215, 376, 413, 420. Samuel, 12, 167, 207, 215, 218. Sarah, T2, 2t$. Silas, 215. Gorman, Margaret, 938. Gorman, Patrick, 938. Gorton, Anthony, 757. Benjamin, 186. Cynthia O., 825. Elizabeth, 186. Hannah, 180. Joseph, 180. Lancaster, 185, 186. Lucinda, 871. Maria Drusilla, 803. Nancy, 757. Priscilla, 185, 186. Sarah, 180. William, 803. Goudielock, Mary, 1008. Goulding, Laura W., 973. Grace, Betsey, 642. Elizabeth, 932. Elizabeth Hamilton, 697. Henry S., 642. John H., 697, 793-805. John Hamilton, 642. Lucretia Huntington, 697. Lydia, 642. Mary Anne, 697. Nancy, 642. Grady, Clarissa, 941. Felix D., 941. Graham, Grahame, Margaret, 841- Mary, 762. Moses, 762. Granger, Dolly, 882. Grant, Elizabeth, 335. Lucinda, 702, 881. Lura Ann, 732. Margaret, 436. Sarah, 311. Susanna, 363. Thomas, 311. Graves, Josiah M. 832, 833, 844. Matthew, 513, 530. Sally S., 818. Sarah E., 914. William, 914. Gray, Grey, Amy, 833. Eliza, 704. Frances, 304. John, 795. Josiah J., 704. Rebecca, 795. Sarah, 304. Greely, Margaret, 955. Green, Greene, Abigail, 406, 598. Almira, 1004. Anna, 381. Apolania, 894. Christopher, 400. David M., 968. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1079 Green, Greene, Eliza, 679. Elizabeth, 378. Eunice, 870. Francis Leonard, 921. Gardiner, 1000. Hannah, 42, 429. Harriet B., 781. Henry, 894. J. Cooper, 1004. Jabez, 42. Jacob D., 925. Janette S., 948. John, 406, 494, 970. Jonathan, 400. Lucy A., 898. Lutina S., 939. Marcy, 381. Martha, 494. Mary, 103, ^00. Mary A., 968. Mary Ann, 747. Mary Jane, 860, 921. Mary R., 1000. Matilda, 925. Nancy, 970. Paul B., 898. Rachel, 332. Roger, 381. Samuel L., 902. Sarah, 987. Sylvia, 902. Theodosia D., 1012. Thomas, 42, 381. Timothy, 663. Wealthean, 400. William, 781, 860. William P., 1012. Greenbanks, Jane, 1000. John, 1000. Greenhalch, Greenhalgh, Daniel, 926. Charlotte Matilda, 926. Eliza S., 852. Robert, 852. Greenleaf, David, 429. Mary, 429. Greenman, Grinman, Molly, 445. Samson, 445. Greenslit, Eleanor, 254. James, 254. Lucy, 254. Greenwood, Joshua I., 952. Sarah L., 952. Gregory, Grigory. Joanna, 87. Miriam, 140. Griffin, Griffing, Griffings, Abby C, 776, 778. Belinda C, 762. Griffin, Griffing, Griffings, Betsey, 611, 612, 678. Charles T., 762. Charles Thomson, 611. Eliza Ann, 849. Eunice H., 819. George R., 849. James, on. Jeremiah, 611, 612. Joseph H., 776, 778, 819. Leonard B., 735, J38. Lydia, 611. Mary A., 735. Mary Ann, 611, 729. R., 887. Richard, 611. William S., 612, 729. Griffith, Anna, 970. Caroline G., 890. Walter S., 890. Grigs, Elizabeth, in. Grist, Griste, Ann, 83, 84. Anne, 450. Delight, 394. Elizabeth, 83. George, 83, 84. Hannah, 83. John, 83, 394. Lucy, 83, 84. Mary, 83, 84. Phila, 587. Sarah, 83, 206. Theophila, 83, 394, 45°. Thomas, 83, 84, 450. Zillah, 83. Griswold, Griswould, Griswoud, Grisswold. Abel, 78, 355, 485, 657, 699. Abiah, 278. Abigail, 78, 116, 384, 420, 584. Adonijah, 116. Alice, 334. Alvin, 500. Amos W., 876. Andrew, 106, 309, 334. Anna, 366. Annavera, 417. Asa, 676. Azel, 334. Benjamin, 106. Betty, 278. Caleb, 366, 867. Daniel, 19, 78, 355, 485, 657. David, 278. Deborah, 8, 18. Ebenezer, 84, 277, 278, 309, 50c Ede, 309. Edwin E., 596. Elijah, 366. Elisha, 84, 278, 511. io8o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Griswold, Elizabeth, 78, 84, 326, 334, 365. 384. Esther, 309, 6.^7. Eunice, 277. Experience, 164. Francis, 18, 78, 116, 485. Hannah, 18, 19, 106, 204, 277, 278, 357. 500, 504 Huldah B., 699. Isaac, 78, 384, 420. James, 366. Jedidiah, 277. Jeremiah, 106. John, 19, 106, 126, 127, 361, 366- Jonathan, 278. Joseph, 19, 106, 107 309. Joshua, 278. Leander, 763. Lucretia, 384. Lucy, 317, 355, 638. Lydia, 18, 309, 334, 355, 5H, 633, 763. Margaret, 18. Mary, 10, 78, 365, 366. Mehitabel, 278. Miranda, 676. Molly, 384. Oliver, 106. Patience, 116, 384, 420. Peter, 309. Priscilla, 334, 417, 418. Rhodilla, 277. Rufus, 500. Ruth, 277, 355. 36i, 485, 657. Samuel, 18, 19, 84, 277, 365, 366. Sarah, 19, 73, 106, 107, 143, 361, 384, 477- Sarah M., 876. Simon, 334 417, 418. Susanna, 18, 19, 106, 127, 278, 321, 511, 867. Sybil, 278. Tryphena, 366. Wyllys, 418. Gronan, Katrine, 995. Louis, 995. Grose, Abiel, 205. Grover, Betsey, 494 Ebenezer, 254. Elizabeth, 254, 494. Joseph, 254, 494- Sarah, 254. Thomas, 254. Guild, Guile, Abigail, 197. Eliza, 819. Eunice, 539. Jacob, 994. Jemima C, 803. Guild, Lovice D., 886. Mary, 156, 994. Sarah, 383, 809. Gulion, Celia, 954. William, 954. Gulliver, Daniel F., 959. John P., 852, 863, 864, 869, 870, 880, 881, 886, 890, 894, 895, 903, 937, 939, 946, 95o, 961, 969, 983, 984, 992, 993, ion, 1012. Mary E., 9=59. Guppie, Marcy, 24. Gusten, Jemima, 348. Guthrie, Mary, 968. Guy. Elizabeth, 931. James, 931. James Orrus. "So. Martha, 931. Sally, 750. Hackley, Andrew, 230. Betty, 257. Catherine, 229, 230. Edna, 229. Ezekiel, 229. Freelove, 229. Hannah, 229, 230, 257. John, 229, 230. Levi, 230. Marshall, 257. Peter, 257. Sarah, 143, 257. Simeon, 229. Haggitt, Haggett, Hagett, Haggit, Abigail, 81. Elizabeth, 378. Jerusha, 344. 345- Love, 81. Moses, 81, 344, 345, 378. Rebecca, 81. Ruth, 81, 322. Hagins, Nancv 866. Hagney, Patrick, 1013. Haig, Barbara, 1013. James, 1013. Hakes, Isaac W., 770. Hale, Haile, Almarine R., 951. Ashbel Bradford, 896. C. Elizabeth, 951. John, 711. Marcy, 361. Mary, 711. Mary Hall, 896. Sarah Ann, 1006. Haley, Angeline, 684. Halford. Anna, 25. Hall, Alice, 439. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1081 Hall, Andrew, 274. Betsey, 674. Betsey Wheeler, 707. Daniel, 439. Ebenezer, 274. Elizabeth, 439. Estes H., 903. Eunice, 47, 273. Hannah, 216. Henry, 788. Ichabod, 39. James C, 674. Jonathan, 439. Joseph, 417, 678. Lucy, 254, 543. Lydia, 47, 417. Maria, 943. Mary, 39, 439, 788. Miles, 39, 47. Nathan, 273. Peggy, 678. Rachel, 273, 274. Sally, 465. Sophronia, 439. Susan J., 903, 976. Susanna, 39. Thomas, 39. Timothy, 273, 274. Hallam, Lvdia, 592. Mary, 588. Hallock, Fanny, 725. W. A., 725. Halsey, Jeremiah, 382. Hamill, James B., 920. Sarah M., 920. Hamilton, Hambleton, Abby Ann, 947. Abby H., 929. Betsey, 474, 642. David, 270, 474. Elizabeth, 270. Hannah, 806. Harriet, 792. John, 270, 474. John F., 811. Jonas, 270, 474, 475. Jonathan S., 929. Lydia, 270, 475. Mary, 793. Polly, 474, 475. Solomon, 270, 475. Susanna S., 811. Ursula B., 845. William, 270, 474. William H., 806. Zerviah, 270. Hamlin, Jabez, 191. Hammond, Haman, Benjamin, 70. Hammond, Haman, Caleb, 3. Eliza, 840. Elizabeth Harper, 889. Jabez, 3. James, 969. Joseph, 70. Marah, 3. Mary, 3. Mary E., 969. Mehitabel, 3. Rachel, 70. Ruth, 3, 319. Hancock, Clement, 782. Rebecca, 915. Sarah, 782. Hand, Aaron H., 814. Elizabeth C, 814. Sarah, 957. Hannas, Mary, 986. Haradon, Marsha, 857. Hardenburg, Hardinburg, Sarah, 878. Susan, 968. Harding, Abigail, 491. Hare, Mary, 972. Harkness, Mary, 547. Harland, Abby L, 683. Elizabeth M., 940. Henry, 683. Harmer, Josiah, 692. Sarah Coit, 692. Harriman, Elizabeth, 327. Jonathan, 327. Nathaniel, 327. Harrington. Herrington, Abby Frisby, 622. Abigail, 432. Ann Eliza, 856. Charles F., 622. Elijah, 432. Emeline, 887. Ezra, 432. George W., 856. Giles, 938. Harriet, 986. Huldah A., 990. Ira, 990. Isaac, 986. James Hyde, 622. Joseph, 432, 978. Julia A., 837. Laura Ann, 978. Marcy, 432. Margaret, 876. Martha, 622. Martha Nevins, 622. Mary, 859. Mary E., 923. Melinda M., 938. 1082 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Harris, Abby Louisa, 655. Andrew, 346. Ann, 166. Anna, 297, 441. Anne, 297, 375, 460. Asenath, 732. Benjamin, 297. Catherine D., 1008. Catherine L., 817. Celinda Dunham, 655. Charles Floreval, 654. Danforth, 844, 950. Daniel, 166, 351, 460. Eber, 1002. Eleanor, 134. Elizabeth, 166, 385, 1012. Emily D., 863. Emily E., 950. Esther, 635. Eunice A., 1014. Eunice C, 844. Evan, 134. George, 375, 618. George D., 618. Gibson, 166, 297. Hallam, 783. Hannah, 460. Happy K., 907. Henrietta, 618. Henry, 134, 868. Henry B., 817. Henry Blake, 618. Ida Ella, 1014. Jacob, 782. James, 795. Jane, 134. Jane Elizabeth, 655. Jeremiah, 501. John Benjamin Wilson, 655. Jonathan, 346. Julia A., 879. Julia Ann, 783. Justin, 907. Loami, 346. Lois, 375. Lorinda, 751. Lucy, 351- Lydia, 501, 783. Maria, 720. Martha, 346. Mary, 134, 166, 351. Mary Anderson, 655. Minerva, 1004. Miriam W., 848. Nancy, 741, 795. Olive S., 909. Olive Smith, 655. Oliver B. S., 1014. Harris, Oliver Brown, 655. Peter, 351. Phebe, 166, 351. Philip, 134. Prudence, 351, 460. Richard, 501: Robert C, 848. Robert Henry, 817. Sally, 654, 655, 868. Samuel, 351. Sarah, 265. Sarah Ann Major, 655. Sarah J., 1002. Thomas, 817. Thomas Langrell, 618. William, 346, 654, 655. William Lloyd Garrison, 655. William M., 1014. William Montfloro, 655. Harrison, Elias, 685. Olive, 685. Hart, Abigail, 629, 630. Asahel, 630. Edwin, 629. Henry, 629, 796. Judah, 629, 630. Judah Belden, 629. Levi, 449, 469, 476, 492, 49S> S04, 5io, 515, 521, 526, 533, 547. 551, 556, 647, 652. Lowry D., 869. Mary, 71. Mary Ann, 796, 869. Mary Riley, 629. Sarah, 292. William, 630. Hartly, Alfred H., 985. Lydia A., 985. Hartman, Charlotte P., 818. Thomas, 818. Hartshorn, Hartson, Abigail, 49, 59, 76, 196, 201, 229, 327, 424- Almira, 973. Amy, 259, 500. Andrew, 248, 259. Ann, 49. Anna, 424, 546. Anne, 259, 354, 442, 529. 54& Asa, 336. Batcheller, 141. Beriah, 140, 141, 259, 424. Beulah, 140, 141, 307. 458. Charles, 553. Chloe, 229. Clarissa, 424. Cynthia, 312. Dan, 336, 337. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1083 Hartshorn, Hartson, Daniel, 248. David, 44, 49, 138, 170, 248, 259, 373- Deborah, 259. Diah, 336. Dinah, 240. Ebenezer, 44, 49, 140, 141, 306, 307, 424, 459, 464, 484. 487, 534, 539, 542, 552, 553, 555, 558, 559- Edna, 311, 508. Eli, 311, 554. Elijah, 248. Eliphalet, 49, 222. Elizabeth, 138, 248, 260, 306, 412, 424. Eunice, 336. Ezekiel, 138, 349. Ezra, 259. Hannah, 76, 133, 138, 204. Hezekiah, 141, 349. Irene, 553, 554 Jabez, 424. Jacob, 138, 248, 373- James, 138. Jemima, 248, 259, 260, 327. Jerusha, 259, 471. John, 76, 138, 348. Jonathan, 72, 76, 229. Joseph, 248. Joshua, 72, 259. Lois, 222, 336. Lucretia, 312, 442. Lucy, 72, 259, 546, 597. Lurene, 349. Lydia, 76, 229, 336, 337. Martha, 89, 138, 298, 554. Mary, 76, 150, 240, 307, 349. Miriam, 140, 141, 307, 349. Molly, 424. Nabby, 424. Nancy, 598. Nathan, 248, 553, 554. Olive, 170, 312. Phebe, 49, 138, 385, 554. Philura, 424. Priscilla, 311, 312, 442. Rebecca, 44, 49. 89, 251, 442. Reuben, 311, 442. Rhoda, 349. Roxalana, 349. Rufus, 49, 259, 260, 327. Ruth, 76. Samuel, 89, 240, 311, 312, 442. Sarah, 89, 138, 248, 373. Silas, 140, 546. Susanna, 89. Tabitha, 23, 49, 249. Voadicia, 222, 442. Hartshorn, Hartson, Wealthy, 349. William, 229. Zebadiah. 49, 336, 337. Zephaniah, 229. Zerviah, 76, 282. Zipporah, 49, 275. Harty, John, 974. Mary, 974. Harvey, Harve, Hervey, Angeline, 924. Elizabeth, 182. Elizabeth L., 913. Elvira, 907. George M., 932. Henry, 907. Lucinda, 687. Lucy, 891. Mary Ann, 686. Nathan, 182. Olivia, 910. Philadelphia, 932. Haskell, Haskoll, Haskel, Hes- koll, Haskall, Haskol, Has- coll, Haskal. Almira, 635, 899. Benjamin, 12. Charlotte, 250. Daniel, 9, 250, 272. Diadema, 250. Elijah, 9, 249, 250. Elizabeth, 96, 249, 272, 347. Gideon, 9. Hannah, 9, 65. Jacob, 250. John, 12. Judith, 249. Mary, 9, 12. Roger, 9, 12. Sarah, 9, 249, 250, 281. Zipporah, 9, 226. Haskins, Haskin, Hoskins, Hos- kin, Hoskons. Abel, 387. Abigail, 423. Ann, 45, 305. Anna, 15, 45. Asahel, 423. Barnabas, 31. Benjamin, 214, 487. Beulah, 213, 214. Daniel, 15, 31, 214, 423. Dille. 487. Dorcas, 15, 134. Eleanak, 15. Elizabeth, 91. Enoch, 31, 386, 387. Esther, 214. Eunice, 214. Hannah, 162. 1084 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Haskins, Haskin, Hoskins, Hos- kin, Hoskons, Irene, 15. John, 45, 898. Lydia, 214. Martha, 15, 31, 214, 371- Mary, 15, 212, 387, 898. Mehitabel, 15, 31, 242. Rachel, 386, 387, 5555- Richard, 15, 213, 214. Roxalana, 423. Sarah, 4. Sybil, 45- Hastings, Haston, Hasting, Has- ten, Charles, 463. Dan, 280. Diah, 181, 463. James, 368. Joseph, 181, 280. Lois, 181. Lydia, 181, 463. Mary, 368, 463. Molly, 463. Oliver, 463. Roswell, 280. Theoda, 181. Zerviah, 181, 280, 497. Zipporah, 181. Hatch, Betsey. 1004. Lucretia, 677. Mary J., 931. Zephaniah, 1004. Haughton, Haugton, Abigail. 131. Ann, 130. Christian, 130, 131. Christopher, 130, 131. Ebenezer, 131. Elizabeth, 13T, 387. Samuel, 131. Havens, Haven, Betsey H., 909. Betsev Howes, 668. Daniel, 668. Daniel William, 668. Desire, 668. Elizabeth, 766. Elizabeth B.. 604. Emily M.. ioio. Fanny, 604. Frances Manwaring, 852. Hannah M., 862. Hannah Maria, 668. Henry Clark. 852. Henry P., 604. Jonathan Collins, 668. Josenh Howes, 668. Oliver G, 1010. Philemon, 604. Philena A., 852. Havens, Haven, Renssellaer N., 766. Robert M., 852. Robert Manwaring, 604. Hawes, Joel, 702. Jo si ah, 748. Otis, 685. Ruth, 685. Hawkey, Mary J., 1005. Thomas, 1005. Hawkins, Emily, 781. George B„ 781. Hawley, Ruth, 672. Sarah, 672. William, 672. Hayes, Anna, 955. Thomas, 955. Haynes, Hayns, Hains, Aaron, 442. Abigail, 278. David, 278. Elizabeth, 278. Hannah, 85, 278. Jonathan, 278. Lydia, 278. Margaret, 381. Miriam, 441. Mary, 442. Ruth. 278. Sarah, 278. Hayward, John, 677. Lucretia. 677, 719. Hazard, Hazzard, Angelina Margaret, 744. Carder, 689. Eliza, 701. John Barnum, 701. Julia S., 718. Phebe, 696. Hazen, Hazzen, Abigail. 5, 6, 201, 528. Alice, 87. Allen A., 714, 715. Andrew, 204, 205, 340. Anna, 511. Anne, 204. 221. Asa, 28?. 585. Asenath, 205. Asher A., 914. Azel, 461. Caleb, 6. Celinda, 330. Daniel, 6. Darius, 285. Edna, 113. Elizabeth, 7, 204, 205, 327, 340, 402. 538, 868. Emily C, 903. Eunice, 528. Frederick, 330. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1085 Hazen, Hazzen, Hannah, 7, 87, 338, 419, 559. Henry L., 706. Henry W., 868. Hephziba, 90. Howlet, 5, 285, 286. Jabe, 285, 286. Jabin, 330. Jacob, 5, 6, 330, 511, 528. Jeremiah, 74. Jerusha, 461. Joanna, 402. John, 6, 7, 511, 528. Joseph, 87, 204, 205. Lavinia, 330. Levi, 340. Lillias, 914. Lois, 340. Lucy A., 714. Lydia, 58, 286, 330, 585. Marcy, 6, 7, 204. Margaret, 6. Martha, 87, 320. Mary, 6, 29, 74, 204, 205, 330, Si 1, 559. 585. Mary Ann, 706. Matilda, 559. Miriam, 540. Moses, 87, 340, 402. Nathan, 340. Nehemiah, 204, 461, 540. Persis, 340, 402. Phylena, 330. Rebecca F., 991. Reuben, 540. Ruth, 48, 340. Sally, 528. Sally P., 715. Samuel, 6. Sarah, 6, 86, 87, 204, 250, 327, 340. Sarah Ann, 832. Simeon, 340. Simon, 6. Temperance, 5, 266. Thomas, 29, 74, 86, 87, 221, 327. William, 330, 340, 559. Zerviah, 285, 286, 494. Heath, Heth, Abigail, 85. Azariah, 168. Bartholomew, 85. David, 85. Eliza, 958. Hannah, 85. John. 85. Jonathan, 85. Josiah, 85, 167, 168. Levi N., 879. Mary A., 879. Mary Esther, 840. Heath, Heth, Mehitabel, 85. Obadiah, 85. Ornon, 840. Rebecca, 167, 168. Thomas, 85. Hebard, see Hibbard. Hedge, Ann E., 984. Charles D., 893. Elizabeth, 843. John B., 695. Maria Jane, 1002. Maria M., 893. Mary Ann, 695. Washington L., 1002. William B., 984. Hefferman, Catherine, 861. William, 861. Helping, Dolly, 657. Hely, John, 829. Rosana, 829. Hemenway, Daniel, 692. Hempstead, Hempsted, Hemping- stead, Catherine D., 1008. Esther H., 854. Lucy, 72, 894. Maria H., 817. Mary, 980. Sarah Adeline, 890. William S., 1008. Henderson, James, 909. Margaret, 909. Hendy, Joshua, 296. Keziah, 296. Mehitabel, 296. Rachel, 167. Rebecca, 167. Henriques, Ellen, 966. John A., 966. Henry, Susan R., 990. Hen son, Abby, 765. Henry, 765. Samuel, 369. Hendricks, Hendrak, Hindrake, Hendrick. Anna, 8. Benjamin, 8, 197. Daniel, 8. Israel, 8. Jabez, 8. John, 8. Samuel, 8. Hepworth, Sarah M., 920. Herrick, Herick Abby, 664. Abby R., 707. Anna, 170, 664. Betsey, 573, 663, 698. Calista, 966. Cyprian, 322. io86 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Herrick, Herick, Elijah, 663, 664. Elizabeth, 663, 664. Ephraim, 170. Eunice, 542. Fanny, 664. Frederick, 322. Lucretia, 664. Lucretia R., 717. Margaret, 375. Mary, 664. Nathaniel, 663, 698. Paulina Eliza, 710. Ruth, 322. Sally, 664. Samuel, 322. Silence, 322. Thomas, 710. Herrington, see Harrington. Herskell, Amos Avery, 752. Avery D., 752. Chester Giles, 773. Clarissa, 752. Clarissa Ann, 752. Eliza E., 773. Giles, 773. Jane, 789. Hewitt, Hewett, Hewet, Hewit, Abijah, 317, 318. Amos, 114. Andrew, 317. Avery, 811. Benjamin, 114, 343. Betty, 317. Elisha, 114, 343, 483. Emily A.. 887. Harriet, 81 1. James, 317, 318. Jedidiah, 114. Jeremiah, 343. John, 114, 345. Laura, 619. Lydia, 114, 217, 377. Marietta B., 873. Mehitabel, 34^. Nancy, 977. Ozias, 343, 483. Phebe E., 927. Roger, 345. Ruth, 114, 318, 361, 445. Sarah, 145, 343. Solomon, 114, 317, 318. Trvphena, 343, 483. Hibbard. Hebard, Hebbard, Hib- ard, Hibburd. Abbv, 693. Abby H„ 789. Abigail. 49. Alfred Y., 760. Andrew, 460. Hibbard, Hebard, Hebbard, Hib- ard, Hibburd, Ann Eliza, 760. Anna, 469. Bela, 460. Caroline, 735. Deborah, 56. Elijah, 56, 407. Eliphaz, 469. Emily, 581. Fanny, 858. Fanny Irena, 578. Frances Ann, 648. George, 578, 760. George S., 760. Gurdon, 578. Harriet, 760. Harriet L, 867. Harriet Lee, 578. Harvey, 648. Henry, 760. Horace, 760. Irena, 578. Ithamer, 451. Jane, 821. Jerusha, 469. Joanna, 177. John, 578. 821. Keziah, 327. Lucy, 581. Lydia, 187, 578, 763. Mary, 407, 460. Mary Abby, 578. Mary P.. 752. Mehitabel. 459, 460. Melicent, 648. Nathan, T85, 459, 460. Nathaniel, 735. Oliver E., 693. Oliver Edwin, 578. Paul, 56. Phebe, 460. Sally, 648. Samuel, 407. Samuel C, 752. Shubael, 581. Susan Rudd, 622. Thomas Fitch, 460. Zipporah, 185, 408, 459. Hidden, David, 525. Dorcas, 525. Nancy, 525. Noah, 525. Otis, 525. Polly, 525. Sally, 525. Higby. Sally Abby, 747. Shaler. 747. Higeins, Harriet M., 1006. Mehitabel R., 851. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1087 Higgins, Samuel, 1006. Sarah N., 838. Higley, Mary, 880. Hill, Hills, Abby, 932. Abigail, 174. Amanda M., 888. Annie Stoddard, 1014. Benjamin W., 956. Caroline, 911. Diaries, 174, 175. Charles C, 932. Clara C, 907. Dorothy, 376. Eleanor, 683. Elisha D., 835. Eliza P., 798. Esther M., 733. Flora Cornelia, 1013. Frances E., 906. Frederick, 1005. George H., 920. George W., 907. Hannah, 174, 680. Hannah E., 956. Harriet M., 864. Ira James, 1013. Jahleel Billings, 1014. James Elisha, 1013, 1014. Jane, 174, 175, 839, 1005. John, 911. John W., 906. Joseph, 937. Josephine, 944. Lorenzo, 975. Lucy, 175, 398. Lydia, 818. Lydia B., 920. Maria, 974. Maria A., 838. Martha, 931. Mary, 975, 997. Mary A., 742. Mary Ann, 832, 990. Mary Cornelia, 1013, 1014. Mary D., 846. Mary J., 937, 1003. Ossian Dodge, 1014. Otis, 974. Ruth, 229. Samuel, 217, 301, 376. Samuel M., 733. Sarah, 329. Sarah J., 835. William H., 997. Hillhouse, James, 161. William, 497. Hilliard, Hillard. Ambrose, 505. Ann S., 861. Azariah, 323, 531. Hilliard, Hillard. Benjamin, 463. Chester, 463. Cornelia Maria, 634. Daniel, 323. Dimmis, 531. Edna, 323. Elizabeth, 323. Experience, 505. Freelove, 179, 180, 256. John, 323, 463. Joseph, 179, 180. Joshua, 323. Levi, 180, 505. Lydia, 180. Martha, 740. Minor, 180, 323. Moses, 740. Priscilla, 189. Sabra, 463. Sarah, 837. Hilton, Charles O., 963. Lydia Ann, 963. Hinchliffe, Aaron, 893. Elizabeth, 893. Hinckley, Hinkley, Abby Ann, 763. Ann, 656, 192. Ann Webb, 779. Asa I., 763. Daniel, 506. David, 506. Edwin Fitch, 779. Elijah W., 597. Frances, 835. Frances Sophia, 778, 779, 805. Frederick Josiah, 778, 779. George Palmer, 779. Hannah, 926. Henry, 759. John, 835' Lois, 276. Lucretia, 506. Lucy Ann, 800. Lydia, 597. Maria, 805. Mary, 203. Mary Ann, 597. Nancy, 967. Rebecca, 597. Russell, 778, 779, 805. Russell Hiram, 778. Russell Whiting, 778, 779. Sabra Ann, 989. Sophia, 778, 779. Susanna Maria, 805. Sybil, 759, 764. William H., 967. Hine, J. Mirrick, 969. Mary S., 969. io88 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Hinson, Azuba, 369. Martha, 369. Sarah, 104, 369. Thomas, 104. William, 104, 369. Hinton, Margaret, 193- Hirschman, Hirschmann, Cather- ine, 972. Mary, 947. Philip, 947. Hiscox, E. T., 873, 874, 887-889, 896-898, 936, 937, 939, 951- 953, 966-968, 985, 986, 991- 995- Joseph D., 991. Mary D., 991. Hitchcock, Edwin, 861. Reba L, 861. Hobart, Nancy D., 673. Hodge, Hodges, Bethia, 139. Deborah, 170. Elizabeth, 139. Ephraim, 139- Hannah, 139. Hogan, Ellen, 882. Hogg, Bridget, 980. Holbrook, Holbrok, Abel, 123. Charles S., 684, 729, 831, IOI5- Hannah, 123. Mary, 123. Sarah E., 979- Supply T., 979- Holden, Catherine, 815. Charles Walter, 674- Hannah, 575. Nancy, 674. Phineas, 297, 575- Ruth Ann, 674. Walter, 674. Zerviah, 297. Holdridge, Nancy, 1006. Randall, 1006. Holiday, Eliza, 951. Hollahan, Margaret, 972. Holland, Abbv, 906. Martha R., 878. Mel^sa, 870. Hollowey, Grace, 15. Holley, Holly, Harriet C, 876. Henry H., 874. Jane, 874. Mabel, 445- Mercy B., 813. Ruth. 380. Holman, Eliza, 795. George W., 885. Harriet E., 885. Robert, 705. Holmes, Holm, Abel, 319. Amos, 319. Charles A., 999. Eleazer, 876. Eliza J., 999. Hannah, 986. Jeremiah H., 866. Joseph Bushnell, 640. Joseph H., 960. Keziah, 319. Louisa, 960. Louisa B., 961. Lucinda, 848. Lydia, 640, 641. Lydia Jane, 640. Maria, 876. Mary Ann, 728, 866. Moses, 319. Nancy E., 955- Nathan, 640, 641. Sarah Ann, 754. Ursula A., 740. William Harris, 640. Holt, Ann, 972. Charles, 963. Charles H., 866. Lydia, 963. Martha, 642. Martha Gifford, 642. Mary, 853. Matilda, 1007. Sarah G., 866. William, 642, 972. Hood, Abby R, 945. Mary, 890. Mary Ann, 986. William O., 945. Hooker, Asahel, 647. Edward W., 682. Elizabeth L., 910. Faith T., 682. John Winslow, 861. Jonathan W., 861. Samuel, 910. Sophronia, 861. Hopkins, Amanda L, 961. Ann, 899. Betsey, 705. Catherine C, 894. Charles T., 894- Daniel B., 688. Diantha, 876. Edward A., 705. Esther, 758. George, 758. George C, 687. George S., 876. Henry, 885. Jane, 686, 821. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1089 Hopkins, Joseph O., 828. Lucinda, 687. Lucy L., 885. Martha R., 918. Mary E., 688. Mary W., 884. Nancy, 983. Ruth, 685. Samuel S., 961. Sarah, 914. William Wanton, 686. Horner, Cornelia, 1003. Horton, Catherine A., 870. Horsford Hosford, Lucretia, 415. Rebecca, 386. Hosmer, Hosmor, Hosmore, Abigail, 322. David, 321, 322. Hannah, 289. Marston Cabot, 322. Mary, 321, 322, 492. Nancy Adelia, 605. Oliver Ring, 267. Prudence, 267. Ruth, 267. Sarah, 311. Urian, 267. Hosselkus. Caroline L., 870. Timothy L. P., 870. Hotchkiss, Daniel, 773. Louisa Ann, 773. Hough, Hought , 296. Abiah, 65, 107, 308, 367. Andrew J., 869. Azel, 296. Bernice, 431. Charlotte, 869. Daniel, 295. David, 295, 296, 431, 432. Desire, 295, 296. Ebenezer, 370. Elizabeth, 25, 100. Esther, 107, 345- Eunice, 295, 296. Fanny, 431. George, 370. Guy, 431. 432. Hannah, 232, 296. Jahez, 370. , Jemima, 431, 432. John, 1, 107, 296, 613. Lemuel, 295. Lucretia Ann, 829. Martha, 129. Mary, 115. Nancy, 741. Phebe. 107, 370. Samuel, 1. Sarah, 1. 104, 431. 34 Hough, Hought, Simon, 25. Susanna, 1. Thomas, 431. Thomas H., 829. Wade, 296, 431. Walter K., 741. Wetherell, 296, 370. William, 1, 13, 25. Houseman, Christiana, 1006. Houston, Frances H., 845. William N., 845. Hovey, Albert Cleveland, 930. Edwin S., 982. James A., 850, 871, 877, 930. Lavinia L, 930. Susan A., 982. Howard, Benjamin, 302. Betsey, 828. Cordelia, 765. Edmund, 816. Enenor, 507. Eunice, 517. John, 779. Julia Ann, 834. Lucy Ann, 779. Lydia, 302, 516. Martha, 17, 107. Mary, 17. Phebe A., 816. Ruth, 291. Sarah, 17. Stephen, 107. Susan, 828. Thomas, 17. Howe, How, Howes, Amasa, 853. Charles, 740- Charlotte M„ 93 I- Eunice, 620. Louisa, 749. Mary, 853. Howell, Susan Babcock, 805. William, 805. Howland, Julia L., 999. Sarah J., 1002. Howson, John, 898-901, 923, 938. Hoxsie, Hoxie, Hoxy, Abby C, 776, 778. Mary E., 915. Orin, 968. Susan, 968. William C, 9^5- Typhena, 766. Hubbard. Abbv. 6ti. Amos H., 588, 682, 683. Betsev, 601. Caroline Augusta, 601. Caroline R., 900. Charlotte P., T002. 1090 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Hubbard, Eliza, 682, 683. Eliza A., 993. Eliza Hannah, 601. Frances Harriet, 601. Hannah, 601. Isabella, 601, 993. James, 1002. Joseph, 541. Joseph Snow, 689. Juliet, 808. Lucretia, 287, 512. Lydia, 540. Marianna L., 907. Mary, 540, 588, 604, 850. Mary H, 777. Prudence, 378. Russell, 588, 611. Sarah, 455. Sarah Ann, 689. Sarah Coit, 933. Simeon, 601. Susanna, 373, 474. Thomas, 474, 588, 933- William, 541. Hughes, Hughs, Ann, 850. Ann E., 938. Asa, 850. Eunice, 275. Frances H, 780. Hannah, 275, 518. John, 275. Zipporah, 275. Hull, Elisha, 1007. John Backman, 290. Latham, 686. Lemuel B., 685. Mary, 290, 936. Samuel, 290. Sarah, 290. Sarah A., 1007. Humes, John, 976. Susan J., 976. Hunn, Lydia, 309. Mehitabel, 461. Sarah, 440. Hunt, Hannah, 369. Isaac, 292. John, 298. Joseph, 369. Lydia, 298. Mary, 298. Nancy, 680. Thomas, 208. William, 312. Hunter, Asenath, 732. Catherine M., 987. Edward, 987. George, 732. Jerusha, 452. Hunter, John, 452. John A., 943. Mary, 800. Rosanna, 943. Huntington, , 730. Abby Lathrop, 593. Abel, 309, 389, 532^ Abigail, 20, 45, 65, 66, 76, 77, 94, 104, 180, 251, 275, 276, 420, 518, 618. Abigail Abel, 675. Albert W„ 618. Alfred Isham, 579. Alice, 420. Amelia Matilda, 633. Amos, 109. Amy, 435, 436. Andrew, 16, 165, 209, 379, 418, 419. Andrew Backus, 548, 769. Ann, 20, 66, 418, 468, 632, 633. Ann Channing, 418. Ann E., 868. Ann Otis, 997. Anna, 301, 546, 581, 625. Anne, 37, 154, 301, 302, 390, 421, 440, 456, 505, 508, 509, 514, 440, 456, 505, 508, 509, 514, 518, 525, 545, 554. 633. Annis, 180, 498. Asa, 239. Asahel, 302. Asher, 389. Asher P., 525. Azariah, 77, 302. Barnabas, 77, 301, 302, 505, 527, Benjamin, 104, 126, 171, 177, 291, 378, 382, 386, 392, 420, 440, 442, 448-455, 459, 464, 466, 467, 470-472, 474, 477, 480-489, 491, 492, 494-499, 501, 502, 504-513, 5i6, 517, 519, 520, 522-524, 527-534, 536-538, 542, 543. 545, 546, 548-552, 554, 556-558, 573, 575, 577, 582. 587, 591, 615, 620, 639, 659, 677-683, 685- 691, 693-715, 727-737- Benjamin Felix, 625. Benjamin Franklin, 548, 593. 801. Benjamin Newton, 730. Betsey, 390, 485. 525- 612, 639- Caleb, 50, 165, 456. Carlos T., ioti. Catherine Anna, 595. Catherine M., 595. Charles. 389. 300, 464- Charles Isham, 808. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1091 Huntington, Charles Lyman, 618. Charles Moseley, 521. Charles P., 593. Charles Phelps, 419. Charles Webster, 593. Charlotte, 509, 520, 593. Christopher, 1, 2, 37, 48, 49, 76, 77, 144, 275, 276, 379. Civil, 165. Colbert, 485. Cornelia Eliza, 623. Daniel, 5, 65, 66, 171, 251, 283, 293, 420, 440, 468, 586, 638, 639- Daniel L., 729. Daniel Lathrop, 639. David, 390. Dinah, 381. Dorcas, 16, 104, 245. Dorothy, 35, 245, 415. Ebenezer, 36, 80, 209, 293, 390, 579. 623. Edna, 520, 521. Edward, 557. Edward A., 989. Edward Andrew, 623. Edward B., 754. Edward Boylston, 602. Elias, 20, 109, 379. Elijah, 34, 164, 421, 509. Eliphalet, 251, 520, 521. Elisha, 77, 166, 302, 381, 464. 514. Elisha T., 920. Elizabeth, 5, 46, jo. 50, 57, 77, 86, 109, 132, 144, 146, 154, 180, 200, 302, 330, 389, 390, 436. 488, 545, 1006. Elizabeth C, 997. Elizabeth M., 579, 826. Elizabeth Mary, 500. Elizabeth Moore, 418. Ellen J., 1011. Emilv, 579. Emilv B., 857. Enoch, 588. Ephraim Jones, 339. Erastus, 203, 618, 619, 906. Eunice, 20, 3J. 180, 251. 376, 429, 436, J63, 509, 510, 548, 600. 601, 623. Eunice E.. 701. Eunice Edgerton, 548. Eunice Sarah Norris, 769. Ezra, 165, 380, 390, 398. Faith, jt8. Faith T., 682. Faith Trumbull, 418, 602. Fanny. 545. Felix, 283, 508, 509, 610. 625. Huntington, Felix Augustus, 509, 625. Frances, 625. Francis, 485. Frances Perkins, 734. Frederick, 166, 457. Frederick Gilbert, 619. Freelove, 557. George, 440, 514, 610. George Cabot, 618. George Frederick, 600, 660. George Washington, 579. Gilbert, 522, 793. Gilbert Clement, 633. Gurdon, 35, 302, 417, 440, 486, 554- Hannah, 16, 19, 20, 34, 35, 45, 209, 239, 245, 251, 292, 293, 379, 418, 419, 421, 485, 500, 522. Hannah P., 679. Hannah Phelps, 548. Happy, 772. Harriet A., 989. Harriet Denison, 632. Harriet Eunice, 989. Harriet Lucretia, 733. Harriet Smith, 418, 660. Henry, 436, 440. Henry Clay, 730. Henry D wight, 618 Hezekiah. 19, 20, 34, 35, 48, 245, 274, 319. 374, 379, 429, 453, 461, 468, 477, 505. Hiram, 309, 868. Horace, 619. Isaac, 2, 4, 15, 16, 34, 41, 42, 48, 76, 104, 105, 107, 108, 113, 117, it8, 120, i2i, 123-134, 136-143. 145-147, 149, i*5o, 152, 156-160, 163-167, 169- 176, 178, 180-182, 184-190, 192, 195, 197, 198, 205, 206, 208, 210, 211, 216, 224-228, 236, 237, 240, 241, 243, 247, 249, 253, 255-258, 260, 262, 264, 269, 280, 283, 288, 291, 297, 302, 306, 319, 330, 332, 345. 350, 365, 368, 376, 395. 421, 509. Jabez, 16, 48, 209, 418, 421, 422, 440, 582, 602. Jabez W.. 764. Jabez Williams, 500. Jacob, c,7. James. 5. 57, 180, 509, 610, 611. 625. James Denison, 633. James M., 857. 1092 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Huntington, James Monroe, 593. James William, 610. Jane Eliza, 769. Jared, 180. Jedidiah, 16, 209, 418, 468, 525, 602, 772, 808. Jeremiah, 48, 49, 239, 379. Jerusha, 57, 113, 166, 557- Jesse, 518. Joel, 389. John, 37, 45, 49, 66, 165, 180, 435. 5i8, 545, 675. John Bliss, 457. John Caldwell, 619. John Fosdick, 633. John G., 808. John P., 734. John Perit, 593. John Richards, 808. John Webster Perit, 730. Jonathan, 160, 163, 251, 445, 497. 574. 575. 649. Joseph, 5, 104, 290, 418, 490, 548, 600, 601. Joseph C, 660. Joseph Carew, 548. Joseph Hyde, 618. Joseph Otis, 595, 997. Joseph William Norris, 769. Joshua, 16, 36, 209, 468, 485. Judith, 49, 69. Julia A., 900. Julia Porter, 660. Julia S., 660. Julian Claude, 485. Leffey, 166. Levi, 283, 525, 595- Lois, 309, 532, 545. Louis Charles Lambert, 633. Louisa A., 827. Lucretia, 251, 675. Lucretia Mary, 579. Lucy, 35. 80, 233, 251, 283, 302, 418, 419, 435, 440, 505, 508. 628. Lucy C, 841. Lucy Coit, 548, 642, 660. Lucy Tracy, 639. Lydia, 16, 36, 37, 80, 109, 395, 408, 417, 421, 486, 509, 525. Lydia C, 6or. Lydia Coit, 548. Lydia Lambert, 633. Lydia Lathrop, 639. Malvina A., 920. Margaret, 77, 269, 273, 309. Margaretta Dunlap, 730. Maria, 503, 611, 801. Maria H., 579, 808. Huntington, Martha, 45, 380, 485, 557- Mary, 5, 50, 65, 86, 104, 109, 132, 134, 144, 167, 180, 209, 302, 316, 398, 416, 420, 487, 554, 573, 602, 808. Mary Ann, 587, 623, 633, 697, 729. 733, 885. Mary Ann M., 793. Mary E., 1007. Mary P., 734. Mary Strong, 660. Matthew, 48, 86, 109. Miller, 545. Nabby, 518, 618. Nancy, 464, 525. Nancy E, 759. Nancy L, 579, 921. Nathan, 109, 435, 436- Nathaniel, 5, 57, 167, 258, 339. Nehemiah, 16, 104, 276, 509, 532. Oliver E., 733. Oliver Ellsworth, 548. Patience, 557. Peletiah Webster, 730. Peter, 57, 166. Peter Chester, 557. Peter Lanman, 602. Phebe, 166, 607. Phila. 587. Philip. 420, 574. 585. 586, 587, 591. 503. 597, 633. 675-698. Philura, 522. Polly, 509, 638. 639. Priscilla, 57, 482. Rachel, 171, 440. Rebecca, 5. 15, 16, 50, 104, 105, 283, 302, 421, 508, 632. Rebecca Monroe, 772. Reuben, 166. Richard, 518. Roger, 293, 522, 632, 633. Roswell, 390. Rufus, 251. Ruth, 1, 22, 37, 48, 77, 166, 209, 275. 481, 514, 549. 006. Ruth L., 734. Ruth Leffinerwell, 593- Sally, 508, 586. 6t8. 619. Sally Ann, 600. 764. Samuel, 5, 50, 104, 109. 239, 292, 309. 380, 435. 485. 522, 542. Samuel Andrew, 593. Samuel Perkins, 734. Samuel Tracy, 623. Sarah, 1, 2, 5", 16, 31. 36. 48, 69, 76, 77, 80, 104, 109, 239, 273, 275, 276, 337- 390, 430, 457. 520, 579, 602. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1093 Huntington, Sarah A., 754. Sarah C, 734. Sarah I., 579. Sarah Lanman, 602, 765. Sarah Learning, 730. Sidney, 520. Silas, 389, 398. Simeon, 166, 557. Simon, 5, 36, 80, 292, 293, 639. Solomon, 165. Susan M., 739. Susanna, 18, 37, 545- Sybil, 180, 283. Theophilus, 77, 309, 532, 549. Thomas, 16, 37, 165, 275. Thomas Dunlap, 730. Thomas Mumford, 500. Uriel, 309. Walter, 579. William, 132, 165, 180, 509, 545, 613. William C, 619. William D., 885. William Henry, 593. William Lathrop, 623. William Stewart, 660. William Tracy, 885. Wolcott, 579. Zachariah, 16, 421, 500. Zephaniah, 166, 514. Zerviah, 435, 610, 61 1. Zerviah Tyler, 610. Ziba, 309. Zipporah, 293. Huntley, Huntly, Andrew, 308. Anne, 308. Betsey, 973. Calvin, 308. Edmund, 308. Elijah, 308. Elisha, 289, 308. Esther F., 1009. Ezekiel, 289, 308, 516. Ezra, 761. Hannah. 867. James T., 867. Lois, 308. Luther, 308. Lydia, 274, 516. Marv, 289, 761, 917. Mary E., 968. Oliver, 712. Solomon, 308. Zerviah. 516. Hurlburt, Hurlbert, Charlotte, 950. Eliza, 779. Joseph D., 950. William, 779. Hums, Lydia, 786. Hutchens, Hutchins, Abiah, 279, 501. Abigail, 37, 220. Azel, 390. Benjamin, 37, 404, 412, 459. Benjamin Dyer, 702. Caroline, 702. Dyer, 702. Eleazer Jewett, 459. Elizabeth, 37, 248, 412. Eunice, 271. Jedidiah, 271. Jerusha, 37. John, 37, 271. Joseph, 37, 459, 861. Joshua, 37. Judith, 404. Lois, 271, 429. Mary, 271, 2779, 390. Mary Esther, 702. Molly, 279. Nathan, 279, 390, 551. Parthenia, 279. Persis, 279. Phebe, 271. Philena, 702. Prude, 429. Rachel, 279. Samuel, 37, 271, 329. Sarah, 399, 459. Susanna, 390. Thomas, 459. William, 429. Huxley, Eunice, 665. Mary, 415. Phineas, 415. Huver. Ann E., 961. Hvde, Hide. , 608. Ahbv L., 683. Abel, 407. Abiah. 230, 457, 633, 675. Abiel, 230, 492, 618. Abigail, 17, 128, 129, 221, 417, 430, 516. 618. Abigail Leffingwell, 589. Abner 61, 113, 256, 257, 367, 407. Alvan, 430. Amy, 210. Andrew, 128, 177, 340, 538. Angenette, 928. Ann, 257. 959- Anne, 53. 8t, 04, 113, 127, 128. 210. 234, 235, 264, 271, 378, 40 t, 407, 492, 634. Apphia, 210. Arunah, 403. Asa, 113, 205, 407, 422, 429. Asaph, 477. 1094 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Hyde, Hide, Asenath, 430. Asher, 422. Augustus, 634, 710. Azariah, 154, 511, 512. Azel, 338. ' Barnabas, 212, 501, 502. Benjamin, 53. Betsey, 523. Betty, 235, 422. Bezaleel, 128. Cabot Hosmer, 492. Caleb, 128. Catherine Brewer, 747. Charles, 523, 698, 734, 740, 748, 75i, 752, 757, 759. 763, 767, 768, 770, 773, 778. Chloe, 530, 607. Christopher, 151. 378. Clarissa, 430, 488. Cynthia, 511. Dan, 542. Daniel, 128, 129, 348. Daniel Rockwell, 614. Deborah, 42, 154, 268, 542. Diadema, 148, 3^5. Ebenezer, 230, 530, 607, 608. Ebenezer John, 608. Eber, 430. Edna, 348, 507. Edward, 523, 675. Eleazer, 42, 145, 475, 542. Eli, 154, 378, 488. Eli ab, 1 45, 230, 633. 634. Elihu, 127, 257, 477. Elijah, 128, 338, 501. Eliphalet, 128. Elisha, 53, 210, 577, 600, 662. Eliza, 714. Elizabeth, 16. 17, 18, 45, 53, 71, 88, 94. 129, 141, 146, 154. 165, 177, 202, 205, 210, 292, 340, 3t8, 362, 378, 488, 517, 607, 634. Elizabeth M.. 743. Elizabeth W., 751. Elizabeth Whiting, 589. Elkanah, 129. Emily, 744. Emily Holbrook, 614. Enoch. 213. Enhraim, 105. Erastus, 523. Esther, 42, T97. Esther Denison, 608. Esther Sophia. 608. Eugene Augustus, ^io. Eunice, 141, 419. Experience, 4, 42, 58. 261. Ezekiel, 177. no. Hyde, Hide, Ezekiel Roger, 234. Ezra, 53, 141, 429. Fanny, 429. Fidelia, 710. Fidelia W, 710. Flavius, 94. George Marshall, 523. Gustavus, 542. Hannah, 53, 94, 99, 105, 205, 210, - 213, 338, 340, 352, 529, 542. Harriet, 634, 1008. Harriet Elizabeth, 747. Harriet Tyler, 747. Hester, 26. Henry, 633. Hiram, 928. Ichabod, 212, 213. Ira, 542. Irene, 213. Isaac, 257, 551. Issachar, 145. Jabez, 16, 17, 18, 71, 131, 165, 177, 182, 297, 547. Jabez Backus, 419. Jacob, 61, 105, 338. James, 42, 145, 154, 186, 230, 419, 523, 542, 621. James Jervis, 513. James N evens, 523. Jane, 16, 61, 119, 146, 450. Jared, 507. Jedidiah, 53, 147, 148, 210, 403. Jerusha, 113, 146-148, 210, 289, 403. 432. Jesse, 507. Joel, 422. John, 4, 5, 16, 42, 141, 205, 281, 362, 422, 449, 530. 542, 589, 590, 614, 7ti, 778. Jonathan, 105. Joseph, T7, 18, 105. 210, 212, 417, 430, 492, 516. Joshua. 407, 511. Julia, 614. Julia Ann. 608. Juliet Foster, 710. Lee, 501. Levi, 4. 542. Levi W.. 959- Lewis, 68t. 685, 692. 6qq, 711, 720, 768, 792, 801, 833. Lewis A., 1007. Louisa, T54. Lovisa, j88. Lucia. 127. Lucretia, T27. T28. Lucretia G., 633. Lucy, 42, 150, 407, 422, 429. Lucy Ann, 634. INDEX OF PERSONS. I095 Hyde, Hide. Lydia, 177, 210, 288, 323, 488, 501, 502, 633, 634- Margaret, 30, 42. Maria Elizabeth, 608. Martha, 148, 362, 407. 523, 547- 622. Mary, 4, 5, 10, 60, 61, 94, 105, 146, 210, 212, 213, 268, 281, 319, 338, 403, 475. 492, 530, 538, 618, 627, 681. Mary E., 1007. Mary P. I., 905. Mary Sarah, 608. Matthew, 42, 145, 154, 542. Mehitabel, 113, 256, 257. Milton, 367. Nabby, *Q2. Nathaniel, 256. Octavia, 378. Olive, 348. 450. Oliver, 129, 417, 430. Patty. 523. Peleg, 128, 5*3- Phebe, 16, 61, 105, 113, 116, 177, 338, 348, 547, 607. Philip, 614. Philip Read, 614. Phineas, 17, 234, 235. Pitt, 403. Priscilla, 94, 146. Rachel, 407, 449. Rachel Tracy, 589. Rebecca, 105, 411, 511, 512, 542. Reuben, 210. Rhoda, 378, 488, 579- Richard, 53, 127, 128, 477, 494. 500. Robert, 551. Rufus, 205. 475. Ruth, 105, 128, 257, 368, 555. Ruth Backus. 419. Sally, 542, 614. Samuel, 16, 45, 113, 257, 407. Samuel L., 590. Salinda, 338. Samuel Leffingwell, 747. Sarah. 4, 5, 16, 141, 145. 205, 230, 274, 338, 383, 477, 501, 523. 530, 553, 589, 590. Sarah E., 882. Sarah Russell, 590. Silas, 4, 407. Silence, 105, 405. Simeon, 4, 523. Simon, 230. Sophia, 551. Susanna, 513. Sybil, 551. Temperance, 367. Hyde, Hide, Theodore, 127, 128, 552 553- Thomas, 16, 60, 61, 146, 348, 507. Thomas W., 403. Uri, 154, 378. Uriah, 141. Vaniah, 146, 542. Walter, 129, 429. Wilkes, 407. William, 16, 26, 53, 94, 150, 160, 403, 512. Wolcott Rosseter, 608. Zebediah, 128, 613. Zerviah, 128, 146, 434. Zilpah, 145. Zinna, 128. Ingalls, Mary, 463. Mary Ann, 1004. Walter A., 1004. Ingersoll, John, 765. Sarah Coit, 765. Ingraham, Engraham, ,375- Abigail, 482. Amos, 375. Betsey, 555. Ebenezer, 274. Eliphalet, 375. Elizabeth, 503. Elizabeth Perkins, 614. Ephraim, 102, 103, 375, 503. Hannah, 102, 339. Henry D., 956. Joseph, 503. Lovina W., 956. Margaret. 375, 5°3- Nathaniel, 274. Phebe, 375. Rachel, 102, 470. Rebecca, 102. Ruth. 102, 103. Sarah, 274. Solomon, 555. Sophia, 647. Sylvia, 375. Ursula Peck, 470. Irish, Benjamin M., 900. Emeline B., 900. Isham, Albert Baldwin, 816. Marv. 808. Sarah. 579. Susanna. 403. Ives, Jesse, 461, 475. 476, 484. 55*- Jack, Elizabeth Amelia, 790. John, 790. Jackson, Abby, 996. Angenette, 928. Betsey, 696. Ebenezer, 352. 1096 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Jackson, Elisha, 352. Elizabeth, 194, 352. Frances E., 999. Genet, 734. George Rodney, 560. Jeremiah, 352. John, 260, 559, 560, 734- Jonathan, 200. Joseph, 352. Louisa F., 996. Margery, 178. Mary, 04, 559, 560. Mercy M., 864. Rebecca, 260. William W., 999. Jacob, Elizabeth, 813. William A., 813. James, Benjamin Allen, 784. Elizabeth, 708. Eveline, 784. Eveline Augusta, 784. Hannah, 980. John Randall, 784. Lydia, 963. Mary Charlotte, 784. Randall C, 784. Samuel M., 784. Jacques, Betsey S., 911. Jarvis, Jervis, Penelope, 321. Susanna, 513. Jeffers, Olive, 685. Sally, 612. Jencks, George W., 1003. Martha L, 1003. Jenkins, Andrew, 895. Barbary, 1013. Frances, 895. Jenner, Elias B., 999. Julia L., 900. Jennings, Ginnings, Gennings. Abigail, 473. Ann, 1009. Azubah, 311. Betty, 311. Charles W., 820. Christine Maria, 788. Edmond William, 605. Elijah, 311. Eliza Smith, 605. Ellen, 912. Esther, 311. Harriet S., 820. James, 788. Jonathan, 311. Keziah, 311. Leicester, 603. Leicester Anderson, 605. Lois Sweetland, 603, 605. Lucinda, 820. Jennings, Ginnings, Geanings, Lucy, 311. Ransford, 603, 605. Rhoda, 603, 005. Royal D., 923. Russell, 814-816, 818, 820-822, 824, 826. Susanna F., 923. William, 1009. Jennison, Isaac, 691, 693. John, 853. Susan, 953. Jepson, Abby Ann, 763. Jewett, Jewet, Jewit, Jewitt, Abigail, 598. Caleb, 52, 187. Comfort, 371. Elam, in. Eleazer, 51, 52, in, 437, 873. Elizabeth, ill, 272, 437. Eunice, 371. Hannah, 51, in, 120. Harriet C, 697. Henry D., 697. Ichabod, 1 11. Irene, 187. Jerusha, 187. Joseph, 437. Joseph Hamilton, 598. L. D., 750. Lee La, 785. Lydia, 437. 449- Margaret, ill, 257. Mary, 39, 51, 52, III. Nancy, 785. Nancy L, 785. Olive, 437. Rebecca, 187. Samuel, 371, 598. Sarah, 29, 51, 103, in, 437, 459, 873. Thomas, in, 371. Tryphena, 371. Tryphosa, 371. Jillson, Abby J., iooo. Almaria G, 794. Amos, 461. Charles, 669, 670. David,- 461. Delsena A., 945. Edward, 670. Edward J., 794. George W., 669. Harriet, 096. Henry, 669. Janet, 670. John, 669. Jonathan, 461. 669, 670. Lucy E., 670. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1097 Jillson, Lydia, 609, 070. Lydia i^., 716. Mary Ami, O70. Mehitabel, 401. Olive, 070, 085. Ricliard, 669. Sally, O53, O69. John, Jacob, 822. Jane Maria, 822. Johnson, Jonson, , 732. Abby Eliza, 880. Abby (.Hyde), 880. Abigail, 51. Abijali, 195, 317. Almira, 999. Ann, 941. Ann M., 838. Anna, 1010. Anne, 186. Araunah, 186. Asa, 123. Bathsheba, 554. Bathshua, 333, 334. Benedict, 828. Benjamin, 91, 171. Bethia, 51, 93, 273. Calvin Tyler, 625. Caroline, 694. Caroline A., 932. Catherine, 857. Chandler, 379. Charles, 797, 858. Charles Coit, 858. Charles J., 941. Charlotte, 554. Chloe, 186. Daniel, 51, 123, 379. David, 186. David A., 949. Deborah, 91-93, 195, 242, 283, 313- Desire, 504. Dorothy, 51. Ebenezer, 51, 91-93, 283. Edward, 603. Edwin, 847. Elizabeth, 370, 379, 474. Esther, 199. Eunice M., 981. Experience, 323. Fanny, 843. Frances, 1007. Frances J., 812. Frank, 884. Frederick, 880. Frederick H., 081. Freelove Eliza, 880. George, 603. George R., 1007. Johnson, Jonson, Gilbert, 953. Hannah, 92, 171, 180, 195, 612. Hannah M., 858. Harriet, 807. Hiram, 965. Isaac, 51, 92, 93, 323. James, 807. Jane, 51, 429. Jemima, 123, 524. Jerusha, 286, 323. John, 51, 195, 298. John B., 705. John S., 720. Jonathan, 713. Joseph L., 952. Joshua P., 709. Julia, 603, 883. Lillian Rebecca, 880. Louisa, 694. Louisa Matthewson, 694. Lucinda, 752. Lucius Elroy, 842. Lucy, 603. Lucy Ann, 690, 802, 853. Lucy D., 812. Lucy V., 952. Lydia, 709, 760. Marcy, 199. Maria, 720. Maria C, 942. Maria E., 938. Marquis L., 857. Mary, 93, 199, 407, 429, 443, 603, 858. Mary A., 1005. Mary Ann, 797, 858, 893- Mary E., 953. Mary Eliza, 842. Mary Jane, 964, 965. Mary Mulligan, 858. Mary Rebecca, 884. Mary S., 949. Melville Edelbert, 842. Mercy, 469. Minerva, 874. Nancy, 693, 705. 795- Nathan, 603, 610. Nicolas, 694. Oliver, 323, 880. Patience, 298. Phebe. 882. Rachel, 700. Rebecca, 921. Reuben, 186. Rhoda, 123. Richard Mentor, 842. Robert, 625. Ruhamah, 199. Ruth, 51, 92, 682. 1098 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Johnson, Jonson, Samuel Hyde, 880. Sarah, 91, 554. Sarah Ann, 812. Sarah £., 847, 897. Sarah S., 864. Shadrach, 554. Stephen, 91, 199, 474. Stephen D., 838. Stephen T., 842. Stephen Warren, 842. Susan, 613. Susanna, 92. William, 51, 186, 195, 324, 504, 554, 921. William G., 694, 695. Zaccheus, 999. Zerviah, 123, 275. Johnston, Maria, 720. Jones, Amos, 179. Anna, 354. Anne, 354, 355. Asahel, 520. Azariah, 139, 355. Benjamin, 372, 373. Caroline, 735. Daniel, 179. David, 373. Ebenezer, 139, 411, 543. Elizabeth, 139, 140, 352, 354, 373, 411, 460, 834. Elizabeth Williams, 543. Esther T., 809. Eunice, 179, 542. Frances Ann, 706. George R, 822. Gurdon A., 717. Hannah, 179, 354, 373. Hannah Maria, 887. Jacob, 311, 520. Joanna, 311, 520. John, 25, 179. John M., 1008. Jonathan, 179. Keziah, 139, 140. Lucinda, 918. Lucretia, 354, 607. Lucretia R., 717. Lucy, 411, 717. Lura, 355. Lydia, 273- Maria C, 946. Mary, 179, 208, 362, 411, 1008. Mary Ann, 373. Mary O., 759. Mary Weeks, 543. Nabby, 354, 443. Parmenus, 139, 290, 542, 543. Persis, 139. Jones, Polly, 619. Rebecca, 520. Rachel Clark, 411. Richard T., 887. Rosanna, 542, 543. Rufus, 139, 354, 355. Sally, 542. Sarah, 179, 368, 467. Sarah Ann, 822. Silvanus, 139, 140, 290, 542. Susanna, 179, 367, 520. Thankful, 27 2 , 373- Tryphena, 140, 354. Walter, 354. Zerviah, 290. Jordon, Marcia Malvina, 685. Marcia R., 685. Simeon A., 685. Simeon Edward, 685. Josselyn, Mary E., 849. Joy, Anne, 636. Asa Williams, 637. Charity, 636, 637. Eliza T, 855. Elizabeth, 594. Frances, 636. Francis Mix, 636. Harriet, 635, 636. Mary, 636. Nancy, 636. Sarah, 587. William, 636, 637. William Kelsey, 637. Judd, John, 774. Matilda, 774. Judson, Ephraim, 442, 492, 506, 521, 523, 603, 643- Philo, 794. Kandy, Daniel Tracy Floyd, 625. Philance, 626. Thomas F., 626. Kahnly, Andrew, 955. Sophia, 955. Kauffmarm, Pauline, 913. Kazar, Eunice, 466. Nathaniel, 508. Rebecca, 508. Keables, Sally, 688. Kearby, John, 859. Mary, 859. Keenan, Anne, 851. Keeney, Ann Maria, 797. Henrietta, 873. Patience, 557. Ralph, 797. Kegwin, Keigwin, Erastus C, 826. Hannah, 826. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1099 Kegwin, Keigwin, John G., 841. Mary J., 841. Kehr, Adam, 980. Athelia, 795. Catherine, 899. Ellen, 980. Isabella, 865. Jacob, 931. Margaret A., 931. Kelley, Killey, Kelly, Kelle, Keley, Abigail, 311. Amy, 352. Asa Howard, 410. Beriah, 297, 410. ' Clarissa, 745. Daniel, 68, 311, 955-959, 971-981. Ebenezer, 410. Edmund, 941. Eleanor, 941. Elizabeth, 352, 410. Emily D., 863. Fanny, 656. Griswold, 330. Hannah Mather, 410. Henry, 833. John, 68, 311, 410, 741. Joseph, 68, 330, 410. Joseph Mather, 410. Lucv, 352. Lydia, 68. Marietta, 833. Mary, 70, 410. Mercy, 352. Nancy, 741. Sally, 410. Sarah. 297, 352. William, 352, 863. Kellogg, Elijah, 769. Margaret, 480. Maria R., 769. Kemp, Lucy F., 967. William S., 967. Kempton, Julia Ann, 806. Kendall. Francis P., 931. Mary J., 031. Rebecca T., 842. Kennedy, Agnes, 244. Amy, 245. Ann, 973. Asa. 360. Benjamin, 244, 359, 360. David, 245. Elisha, 360. Elizabeth, 037. Elizabeth S.', 813. Ellen, 977. John, 244. Man,', 244. Nathan, ^60. Kennedy, Olive, 359, 360. Patience, 244. Patrick, 973. Robert, 244, 245. Ruth, 245, 382, Samuel, 937. Sarah, 244, 245. Seth, 359. Simeon, 360. Kenney, Kenne (see also Kinne.) Bridget, 817. Cyrus, 169. P. T., 807, 817. Kent, Bera, 768. Hannah, 768. Kenyon, Kinyon, Aaron P., 934. Eliza, 934. Eliza B., 859. Eunice A., 928. Joseph, 836. Lorinda, 836. Lydia, 821. Mary, 971. Thomas, 971. Waity, 964. Kerr, James, 987. Mariann, 987. Kettell, Adeline, 925. Thomas, 925. Kibbe, Dorcas, 454. Harriet Ann, 975. Kies, Ellen C, 997. George W., 997. Kilborn, Lydia, 399. Kilgore, Kilgour, Christiana, 778, 865. Robert, 778. Killam, Kellum. Killum, Killon, Benjamin, 97, 98. Hannah, 98, 209, 240, 603. Lucy, 481, 538. Lydia, 98. Mary, 97, 98. Miriam, 523. Killgrove, Mary, 631. Killsev Anne, 636. Kiman, Kimon. Joseph, 821. Julia Ann, 821. Marv M.. 047. Kimball, Kimbal, Kimbol. Aaron, 145. Abby L., 725. Abby P.. 932. Abigail, Ti6. 3T5, 372, 473, 474. Adoniram, 456. Amaziah, 315. Amos L., 971. IIOO NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Kimball, Kimbal, Kimbol, Amy, 525- Andrew, 145. Asa, 526. Betsey, 853. Daniel, 116, 372. Desire, 474. Eleanor, 511. Elizabeth, 116, 145, 315. Elizabeth W., 971. Elkanah, 315. Ely, 526. Enos, 511. Esther, 356. Eunice, 315, 525, 526. Frances E., 998. Hannah, 145, 474. Hezekiah, 511. Jacob, 356. Jedidiah, 525, 526. Joanna, 372. Joel, 526. John, 145. Keziah, 116. Levi, 473, 474, 526. Lucy, 145, 834, 894. Luke, 526. Lydia, 116, 145, 267, 315, 456. Mary, 315. Moses P., 894. Nathan, 456. Nathaniel, 116, 315. Peletiah, 145. Rebecca, 511. Reuben, 526. Richard, 145, 526. Roswell, 526. Russell, 526. Ruth, 372, 484. Sarah, 145, 225. Stephen, 315. Susa, 526. Susan L., 804. Tryphena, 116. Walter, 356. William H, 932. Kimmell, Kimmel, Alexander H., 788. Conrad. 750. Joseph Housten. 750. Lucy. 788. Sarah. 750. Kiner. Abigail, 230. Absolum, 124. Anne. 311. Catherine, 585. 969. Charles Backus, 585. David. 1008. Dorcas, 411. King, Edward, 951. Eliza, 951. Elizabeth, 516. Emilia, 585. Eunice, 653. Eunice L., 798. George Henry, 607. George Porter, 585. Hannah, 124, 153, 393. Henry, 516. Joseph, 311. Lucretia, 607. , Mary, 515, 529, 1008. Nancy, 516. Nancy A., 998, 999. Samuel Hull, 607. Sarah, 585. Sarah Austin, 585. Seth, 607. Susan Maria, 607, 811. Susanna, 515, 516. Susanna Corning, 653. Thankful, 311, 395. Thomas, 311, 515, 516, 653. Walter, 585, 587, 588, 595. 602, 603, 604, 607, 609, 610, 612, 613, 615, 616, 621, 625, 630, 636, 637, 640, 642, 644, 647, 655-659- 671, 850. William, 393. Wills, 393. Kingsbury. Kingsbery, Abigail, 181, 261, 441, 471. Absolum, 108, 417. Andrew, 351. Anna, 108. Anne, 108. Asa, 107, 337. Bela, 519. •Bethia, 490. Charles, 330. Chloe, 180. Daniel, 66, 261, 372, 519. David, 372. Deliverance. 180, 181. Fbenezer. 66. 180. Eleazer, 66. Fphraim. 66, 107, 108, 351. Eunice. 66, 200, 337. Hannah. 66, 105. 372. Irene, 66, 67, 108, 345. Jacob, 329. Tames, 417. John, 68. 330. Joseph. 66. 67, 180, i8t, 199, 261, 330. Joshua. T08. Love, 66, 138. Lucretia, 261. INDEX OF PERSONS. HOI Kingsbury, Kingsbery, Lucy, 337. Martha, 107, 108, 311, 519. Mary, 68, 261. Nathaniel, 67, 68, 329, 330, 490, 519- Obadiah, 108, 372, 479. Phebe, 351. Rebecca, 417. Ruth, 66, 67, 161, 181, 479. Sanford, 181. Sarah, 329, 330. 337, 372, 479. 490. Susanna, 78. Tabitha, 66. Tabitha Hill, 330. Talitha, 108. Thomas, 519. William, 490. Kingsley, Kinsley, Kinsly, King- ley, Kingly, , 746. Abby W., 917. Abigail Williams, 666. Adam Denison, 666. Alice, 335. Alpheus, 714. Arianah B., 888. Bethia, 294, 393. Caroline R., 900. Charles, 761. Chester Kimball, 666. Clara M., 890. Daniel, 310, 486. Diah, 290. Dolly, 451. Dolly A. E., 1012. Dorcas, 714. Dyar, 486. Eleazer, 290, 517. Elijah, 491. Elizabeth, 289, 290, 451, 517, 647, 989. Eunice, 310, 517, 518. Eveline, 761. Gurdon, 517. Hannah, 289, 310, 345, 531. Harriet Ann, 665. 862. Harriet M., 1006. Hezekiah, 304. Irene, 304. J. A. D.. 900. Jabez, 304. Jeremiah, 345. John, 294, 517. John P., 089. Joseph, 665, 666. Joseph Knight, 666. losiah, 289, 200. Junius E., 888. Lebbeus, 345. Kingsley, Kinsley, Kinsly, Kingley, Kingly, Lois, 310. Lucretia M., 829. Lucy, 517, 665, 666. Lucy Elizabeth, 666. Lydia, 517. Mary, 294, 517, 908. Mary Ann, 746. Nancy A., 781. Nancy C, 936. Nathaniel, 284. Polly, 486. Priscilla, 486. Rhoda, 294. Roger, 294. Ruth, 355- Sally, 517. Samuel, 310. Sarah, 284, 491. Silence, 322. Sophia, 517. Stephen, 310. Sybil, 290, 517. Thankful, 294. William, 294. Kinne, Kinney, Kenne, Aaron, T69, 629. Abby, 601, 940. Abigail, 168, 169. Albert B., 988. Anna Salisbury, 743. Araminta, 601. Augusta, 913. Caroline, 602, 801. Catherine, 955. Charles, 602, 6$T, 964. Charlotte B., 964. Comfort, 515. Eliza. 602, 934. Elizabeth M., 743. Emily, 601. Esther, 169. Ezra, 169. George, 6ot, 65 T. George Whitefield, 743. Happy, 65 T, 772. Happy Robertina, 746. Harriet, 651. Harriet N., 749. Harriet Newel, 743. Huldah, 169. Ira, t6o. Jacob Witter, 651. Jemima. 258. Jeremiah, 170. John, 6?t, 746. Toseph, 65 t. Laura S., 746. Laura Sophia, 746. II02 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Kinne, Kinney, Kenne, Lois, 109. Lydia, 601, 602. Lydia Brown, 798. Martha S., 1006. Mary, 199. Mary Ann, 602, 885. Mary E., 988. Mary Elizabeth, 743. Mason, 601. Moses, 168, 169. Newcomb, 651, 746. Phebe, 491. Rachel, 169. Sally, 651. Sally Maria, 651. Sophronia, 807. Susan Maria, 665. Susanna, 665. Sybil H., 982. Thomas, 601, 602, 743. Thomas Clarkson, 743. William, 602, 665. William Branch, 651. William Nelson, 665. William W., 602. Kinoun, Mercy A., 832. Kinsman, Jeremiah, 301. Joanna, 301. John, 301. Joseph, 301. Mary, 136. Robert, 384. Sarah, 301. Thomas, 301. Kip, W. I., 964. Kirtland, Anna, 471. Anne, 109. Daniel, 9, 29, 34, 103, 109, no, 121, 129, 136, 137, 139, 142, 145, 147, 157, 167, 168, 178, 187, 191, 198, 222, 245, 246, 266, 267, 294, 309. Elizabeth, 109. Hannah, 109, 333, 476. Jabez, 109. John, 109, 471. Joseph, 476. Lydia, 109, 486. Martha, 92. Mary, 34, 109, no, 476. Ralph Wheelock, 471. Samuel, no, 471. Zipporah, 476. Kloomph, Amelia, 979. John, 979. Knappinpr, Abby M., 918. Kneeland, L., 734. Knight. Abigail, 121, 220, 496. Anna, 142. Knight, Asher, 331. Benjamin, 48, 120, 121, 272, 331, 357, 392, 406, 854. Betty, 475. Caleb, 121, 331, 461, 557. David, 48, 220, 406, 495, 496. Deborah, 279. Eleanor, 279. Elijah, 392. Eliza Ann, 854. Elizabeth, 121, 248, 327, 461, 557- Eunice, 220. Hannah, 20, 48, 120, 121, 272, 33i. Isabel, 357, 392, 406. Jane, 220, 450. Jedidiah Whitney, 496. Jerusha, 248. John, 279. Jonathan, 48, 121, 248, 406. Joseph, 48, 121, 142, 141. 331, 437, 450. Joshua, 248. Josiah, 392. Judith, 279. Levi, 437. Lois, 331. Lucy, 220. Lurana, 48, 248. Lydia, 121, 317. Margaret, 495, 496. Martha, 331, 392, 494- Mary, 44, 48, 121, 331. Mary A., 732. Olive, 279. Phebe, 392. Polly, 496. Priscilla, 121, 331. Rudolph us, 475. Ruth, 272. Samuel, 220, 475. Sarah, 44, 48, 121, 142, 143, 228, 437- Silas, 406. Temperance, 143. Thomas, 437. Uriah, 331. William, 406. William A., 732. Zenas, 392. Knowles, Mehitabel R., 851. Thomas, 851. Knowlton, Knolton, Anna, 95. Hannah. 31. Mary, 62. Sarah, 31. Thomas, 31. Kranska. Caroline M., 712. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 103 Ladd, Lad, Lydia, 4433, 555. 433, 434, 477- Abner, 157, 433, 434, 477. Albert, 406. Amos Rufus, 866. Amy, 467. Andrew, 368. Anna, 434. Anne, 305, 464. Apphia, 415. Asa, 809, 810. , Asa S., 701. Asahel, 464. Asher, 405. Azubah, 90. Bathsheba, 90. Bathshua, 314. Benajah, 305. Betty, 352. Caroline, 539. Charlotte, 539. Cyrus, 305, 467, 545. Daniel, 133, 157, 415, 463, 464, 555, 556. Darius, 368, 950. David, 90, 91, 157, 314, 315, 352, 539, 543- Dorcas, 134. Dorrance, 728. Dudley, 406. Elijah, 368. Elizabeth, 368, 464. Enoch, 556. Erastus, 433. Esther, 305, 405. Esther E., 728. Eunice, 314, 539, 543. Eunice Peck, 810. Ezekiel, 78, 157, 368, 369. Festus, 433. 900. Washir George Wyllys, 467. Hannah, 90, 133, 352, 415, 464, 555- Harriet, 701. Hazen, 539. Henry. 18. Hepzibah. 90, 91, 425. Jabez, 368. Jacob, 352, 689. James, 464. Jedidiah Perkins, 433. Jeremiah, 90, 304, 305. Jerusha, 304, 305, 545. John, 133, 305, 539, 545. Jonathan, 78. Joseph, 157. 405, 406. Lucy A., 900. George, 900. George Washington, 477. Ladd, Lad, Lydia, 433, 555. Lydia A., 895. Martha, 107. Mary, 157, 314, 315, 368, 950. Mary Ann Lath r op, 809. Mary Ann S., 880. Mary E., 866. Melinda, 545. Nabby, 368, 471. Nancy, 406, 809, 810. Nancy M., 983. Nathaniel, 18. Orion, 477. Phebe, 18, 405. Phylena, 368. Rachel, 555, 556. Rebecca, 434, 463, 464. Roger, 314. Rowena, 545. Ruby, 369, Rufus, 543. Rufus M., 866. Ruth, 368, 369. Sally Allen, 467. Samuel, 18, 133, 134, 136, 157, 352. Sarah, 18, 133, 305, 545. Sarah H., 1003. Sarah Huntington, 810. Silence, 405, 406. Sonhia, 792. Sophia Ann, 809. Susanna, 78, 133. Temperance, 314. Timothy, 18. Wealthy, 305, 477, 545- Wealthy E., 747. Whit on, 539. William, 314, 315. Laid, Samuel, 767. Sarah E., 767. Laird, Jane, 878. Jean, 858. Mary Ann, 907. William, 907. Lamb, Anna, 426. Betsey Ann, 893. Charles Warren, TO13. Charlotte, 252, 950. Charlotte B., 097. David. 49, 324. Drusilla, 778. Ebenezer, 49, 51. Electa J., 1013. Eliza Ann, 949. Elizabeth. 54. Esther, 461^ George N.. 782. Georee Niles. 650. no4 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Lamb, Giles, E., 996. Irena, 650. James G., 1013. Jane E., 968. Jeduthan, 252. Jemima, 252. Jesse, 324. Jonathan, 49, 252. Joseph G., 649, 650. Joseph Griswold, 650. Judith, 324. Julia, 752. Lucretia, 324. Maria, 803. Mary, 49, 51, 795- Orlando J., 968. Otis James, 1013. Patia H., 782. Rodman, 778. Sarah, 76. Sybil, 324. Tabitha P., 771. Washington, 803. Lambert, Lambart, Abigail, 51. Amelia Matilda, 633. Mary, 12. Lancaster, Anna, 241, 580. Elizabeth, 241. James, 241. John, 241, 580. Marcy, 241. Robert, 241. William, 241. Lamphere, Lanfair, Lanphear. Lanpher, Lampher, Lam- phier, Aaron, 441. Abigail, 441. Asa, 232. Bethia, 232. Caroline, 750. Celia Ann. 756. Cornelia, 958. Elijah, 232. Elisha, 293. Esther, 796. Experience, 57. Hannah, 188, 393, 813. James C, 958. Jedidiah, 188. John, 232. Leonard, 441. Lois, 441. Lucinda, 441. Lucy, 188, 232. Lucy Ann, 767. Lydia, 232, 731. Mary. t88. 180, 293. Russell, 44T, 813. Lamphere, Lanfair, Lanphear, Lanpher, Lampher, Lam- phier, Ruby, 293. Ruth, 293. Samuel, 188. Sarah, 293. Shadrach, 57. Solomon, 188, 189, 293. William M., 796. Lane, Francis Ann, 738. Jonan Henry, 738. Langdon, Joel E., 944. Josephine, 944. Langrell, Mary, 319. Thomas, 319. Lanman, Abigail, 642. Ann Louisa, 823. Charles James, 584. David Trumbull, 642. Eliza, 584, 682. George, 585. Harriet, 585. James, 556, 584. 585. 597, 654. James Henry, 585. Jane G., 681. Jane Griswold, 585. Joanna, 556. Joanna B., 809. Joanna Boylston, 584, 585. John Trumbull, 642. Joseph, 556, 642. Mary, 556, 602. Mary Anne Chandler, 584, 726. Mary Anne Griswold, 584, 585. Mary Huntington, 642. Peter, 556, 642. Phebe, 329. Samuel, 556. Sarah, 556, 642. Sarah Coit, 585, 692, 933. William, 329. William T. Williams, 642. Lanory. Nancy, 866. William, 866. Lapliam, David, 362. Deborah. 362. Mary, 362. La Pierre, Lapiere, Anna E., 858. Edwin R., 858. Louis Lafayette, 858. Lararla, Jldefonso Vincent, 814. Nancy Elizabeth, 814. Lark-in, Martha, 809. Phineas, 809. Larrabee, Larahe, Larobe, Lare- by. Laribee. Larebie. Lar- raby, Abigail, 342, 456. Alice, 33, 74. Amy F., 676. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 105 Larrabee, Larabe, Larobe, Lareby, Laribee, Larebie, Larraby, Asa, 342. Betty, 419. Charity, 136. Dorothy, 33. Eliphalet, 54. Elizabeth, 33. Greenfield, 33. James, 54, 136, 342, 456. Jerusha, 54. John, 33, 74. Joseph, 342. Lydia, 136. Margaret, 136, 291, 342. Mary, 54, 419. Nathaniel, 33, 76, 342. Patience, 54. Phebe, 33. Rebecca, 74, 214. Sarah, 76, 136, 342. Silas, 136, 419. Thomas, 33, 54. Willett, 54. Lassell, Hannah, 359. Joshua, 359. Laban, 359. Latham, Lathan, A., 866. Abigail, 384. Albert, 816. Betsey E., 816. Hannah, 843. James M., 886. M. H., 886. Lathrop, Lothrup, Lothrop, Lou- tlirup, Louthroup, , 632. Abby Adgate, 458. Abby W., 917, 918. , Abiah, 71, 126. Abigail, 13, 20, 21, a.o, 45, 72, 76, 126, 221, 249, 327, 333, 339, 420, 421, 426, 427, 458, 594.. Abigail Huntington, 600. Albert Gallatin, 574. Alexander, 574. 658, 684, 686, 692, 691. 698-700, 704, 710, 715, 727, 729, 731, 733, 735. 736, 738-744, 746-793- Almy, 484. Amanda, 57Q. Amy, 112, 334. Andrew, 70, 276, 332, 426, 427. Ann, 10, 80, 177. Ann Matilda, 588. Anna, 249, 284, 446. Anne, 13, 21, 97, 112, 113, 238, 296, 324, 375. 396, 462, 470, 495- 35 Lathrop, Lothrup, Lothrop, Lou- thrup, Louthroup, Anson, 425. Arunah, 82, 207. Asa, 281, 327, 396, 524, 525. Asher, 446, 673. Augusta C., 900. Augustus, 339, 600. Azariah, 339, 420 1 421, 453, 454, 594, 600. Azubah, 80, 213. Barnabas, 40, 71, 72, 76, 189, 270, 35 1- Bela, 477. Benjamin, 40, 82, 207, 208, 392. Bethia, 71, 80, 219. Betsey, 524, 588. Betty, 353. Burrell, 281, 421, 525. Caroline, 740. Catherine, 229. Charity, 198, 22, 389. Charles, 420, 448, 454, 477. Charles Christophers, 448. Charles Henry, 620. Charles Thomas, 677. Charlotte, 339, 421, 593, 731. Chloe, 112, 113. Civil, 494. 495- Cornelia Everett, 677. Cornelia S., 715. Cornelia Sophia, 588. Cyprian, 82. Daniel, 66, 247, 333, 343, 351, 399, 588, 637, 838. Daniel Hyde, 221. Daniel Webster, 797. Daniel Whiting, 448. Darius, 353, 452, 700. David, 121, 198. Deborah, 81, 82, 249, 332, 427, 447- Delight, 121, 394. Denison, 948. Desire D., 838. Dorcas, 245, 270, 454. Ebenezer, 40, 70, 97, 369, 370, 447, 495- Edna, 177, 229. Eleanor, 222. Eleazer L., 677. Eleazer Lord, 524. Elijah, 77, 232, 384, 454. Elisha, 81, 82, 232, 249, 461, 462, 486, 498, 559, 731. Elizabeth, 11, 13, 20, 40, 41, 59, 77, 80, 8r, 82, 121, 221, 223, 270, 275, 294, 370, 452, 497, 524, 525, 693, 711, 803. Elizabeth H., 925. uo6 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Lathrop, Lothrup, Lothrop, Lou- thrup, Louthroup, Elizabeth L., 677, 923. Emily, 541, 662. Emma Adgate, 620. Ephraim, 73, 221. Erastus, 470, 585. Erastus D., 925. Esther, 41, 201, 260, 369. Eunice, 77, 251, 271, 276, 384, 394, 427, 470, 619, 620, 632. Ezekiel, 73, 327. Ezra, 69, 82, 222, 263, 353, 632, 917, 9i8. Fanny, 477, 673, 725. Fanny B., 896. Fanny Leffingwell, 448. Frank Turner, 588. Frederick M., 959, 962. Frederick Moore, 619. George, 477. Gerard, 421, 600. Gideon, 82, 207. Giles, 497. Grover L'Hommedieu, 458. Gurdon, 384, 420, 477, 524. Hannah, 8, 11, 77, 82, 218, 222, 232, 270, 276, 281, 384, 399, 446, 456, 540, 637. 672, 714. Hannah G., 704. Hannah Gardner, 541. Hannah L., 959. Hannah Lord, 677. Harriet, 673. Harriet Elizabeth, 930. Harriet Eunice, 620. Harriet J., 766. Harriet M., 929, 930. Harriet Wadsworth, 448. Hazel, 470. Henry, 477, 486, 669. Henry Utley, 669. Hezekiah, 121, 494. Hezekiah Otis, 494. Huldah, 392. Isaac, 121, 468. , Israel, 13, 20. 40, 73, 177, 221, 285, 333, 343. Jabez, 40, 121, 125, 294, 295, 468. James, 70, 247, 327, 369, 486, 524- James Stedman, 600. Jane Eleanor, 632. Jane Eliza, 588. Jane H., 824. Jane Mehitabel, 930. Jarvis, 470, 637. Jedidiah, 73, g7, 221, 222, 332, 333, 343, 389, 484, 494, 495- Lathrop, Lothrup, Lothrop, Lou- thrup, Louthroup, Jemima, 332, 333, 343. Jeremiah, 70, 271, 470. Jerusha, 247, 384, 458, 540, 598, 677. Jesse, 332, 353, 579. Joanna, 448. John, 13, 20, 40, 70, 71, 80, 221, 306, 370, 425, 458, 600, 619, 620. John A., 797. John Adgate, 619. John B., 929, 930. John Backus, 452. John Lester, 632. Jonathan, 70, 353. Jonathan George, 632. Jonathan John Scudder, 425. Jonathan Lester, 930. Joseph, 13, 20, 40, 41, 112, 150, 189, 247, 351. Joseph Oliver, 918. Joshua, 66, 69, 399, 540, 598. Judith, 389. Katherine, 73. Leonard, 837. Levi, 446. Lois, 177, 202, 203, 394. Linda, 669. Louisa Amanda, 574. Lucinda, 918. Lucretia, 369. Lucretia S., 821. Lucy, 77, 82, 113, 202, 353, 358, 392, 468, 524, 585, 673. Lucy Louisa, 797. Lucy Sophia, 930. Lucy W., 837. Lura, 470. Lydia, 66, 71, 97, 181, 271, 276, 399, 417, 452, 470, 486, 495, 540, 574, 673, 679- Lydia A., 948. Lydia Austin, 540. Lynde, 458. Mahala, 825. Marcy, 40. Margaret, n, 281, 527, 574. , Martha, 13, 20, 40, 77, 112, 427. Mary, 11, 12, 40, 70, 72, 73, 77, 82, 150, 189, 203, 307, 208, 221, 249, 369, 425, 54 1, 632, 670. Mary Ann, 729, 717, 913. Mary Edgerton, 600. Mary Leffingwell, 677. Mary S. W., 926. Matthew, 82, 207. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 107 Lathrop, Lothrup, Lothrop, Lou- thrup, Louthroup, Mehitabel, 41. Mercy, 399, 413. Mills Ely, 600. Mira, 452. Molly, 494. Nabbv, 420. Nabby Lord, 524. Nabby Whiting, 600. Nancy, 454, 477. 619. Nathaniel, 10, II, 112, 113.. 281, 396- Nehemiah, 327. Olive, 333. Oliver, 260, 276, 470. Peggy Fuller, 524. Phebe, 333, 369, 370, 477. Philura S., 700. Polly. 458, 477. 524. 600, 673. Priscilla, 425. Prudence, 285, 457. Rebecca, 15, 40, 80, 104, 121, 307, 632. Rebecca H., 598. Rebecca Jane, 632. Rhoda, 80, 207, 378, 432, 579. Richard Backus, 929. Rodman, 803. Roger, 276, 353. Roswell, 477, 495. Rufus, 77, 508, 548. Ruth, 41, 55. Sally, 477, 687. Samuel, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 40, 41, 81, 82, 198, 221, 222, 394, 409, 574. Sarah, 13, 20, 41, 69, 70, 80, 97, 260, 276, 306, 351, 385, 389. 409, 446, 486, 502. Seth, 370- Sewell S., 693. Simeon, 73, 221, 276, 497. Simon, 11, 77 > 384, 497, 509, 524- Solomon, 41, 112, 249, 477. Sophia, 452. Stephen Sewell, 477. Susanna, 221, 384. Sybil, 97, 287, 327. Temperance, 41, 82, 673. Theoda, 353. Thomas, 11, 66, 221, 399, 540, 541. Triphena, 425. Uriah, 203, 333. Wealthy, 427. William,i 40, 69, 70, 72, 245, 271, 370, 484. 541, 821, 959. William B., 677. William Darius, 930. Lathrop, Lothrup, Lothrop, Lou- thrup, Louthroup, William Gerard, 600. William Porter, 669. Zadiel, 276. Zachariah, 72, 221, 477. Zebediah, 527. Zebulon, 80, 202, 203. Zephaniah, 97, 333, 446. Zerviah, 40, 97. Zipporah, 97, 293. Latimer, Latimore, Daniel R., 904. Elizabeth, 595. John, 595. Mary M., 904. William, _595. Laughtley, Betsey, 497. Mary, 497. Michael, 497. William, 497. Lavender, Mary Jane, 946. Simeon L., 946. Law, Elizabeth Leighton, 722. * Martha, 380. Mary, 722. William Henry, 722. Lawlor, Agnes, 470. Hannah, 470. John, 470. Lawrence, Lawrance, Larantfc, Abigail. 43, 65. Anne, 162. Catherine, 852. Deborah, 64, 162. Elizabeth, 931. Hannah, 64, 162, 198, 435. Isaac, 63, 65. Joanna, 372. John, 162. Jonathan, 64. 162, 372. Josiah, 162, 388. Lucy, 388. Lydia, 372. Mary, 64, 161, 162, 369, 386, 388. Peter, 931. Prentice, 852. Reuben, 372. Samuel, 64, t6t, 162, 408. Solomon, 408, Susanna. 63, 64, 162, Thankful, 408. Zerviah, 372. Lawton, Georpe J., 900. Lucretia, Qoo. Mary J., 841. Lay, Abigail, 26. Mercy, 353. no8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Leach, Leech, Abigail, 227. Betsey, 583, 797- Charles Gilding, 583. Clarissa, 833. Ebenezer, 137. Edwin, 607, 841. Elijah, 341, 451. Eliza M., 888. Elizabeth, 451. Emeline, 775. Eunice, 227. Fanny C, 802. Harriet E, 835. Harriet M., 801. Henry Kelly. 833. Jedidiah, 341. Jeremiah, 341, 583, 585. Joanna, 137. John T., 835- John Thomas, 607. Joseph, 227, 341. Judith, 137. Julia L., 835. Lois, 341. Louisa Ann, 773. Margaret, 841. Margaret M., 861. Martha L., 835. Mary, 137, 227, 905, 98a Matilda, 774. Nancy S., 804. Olive C, 835. Sarah, 137, 193, 341, 474. Sarah H., 835. Susanna, 227. Susanna Carew, 607. Temperance, 607. Thomas, 193, 341, 607. Learned, , 897. Billings Peck, 592. Charlotte, 592. Charlotte P., 1002. Ebenezer, 592. Leavens, Benjamin M., 916. Martha M., 916. Lebret, Abiel, 829. Lucretia M., 829. Ledlie, Amelia, 394. Chloe, 394. Hugh, 394. John, 394. Ledyard, John, 246. Joseph C, 699. Lucy, 587. Lydia, 699. Thomas Coit, 699. William Ebenezer, 699. Lee, Alfred, 768, 864. Andrew, 378, 45 1, 453. 466, 470. 484, 485, 486, 493. 494. 495. 502, 504, 511, 519, 524, 529, 534. 546, 551, 644. 673. 676. Asa Fitch, 648. Benjamin, 768. Caroline B., 961. Charles Jillson, 653. Desire D., 838. Eliza Ripley, 803. Elizabeth, 690, Emily, 753. Esther M., 753. Eunice, 916. George T., 653. George W., 648. Harriet M., 960. Henry J., 653. Hetty, 648. Jane, 16. Jane C, 884. Jason, 661. John S., 884. Julia, 768. Lois, 648. Lois F., 734. Lois Fitch, 648. Loisa, 653. Lyman W., 804. Maria M., 653. Mary, 722. Mary A., 1007. Mary S., 804. Nancy A., 781. Orlando B., 916. Phebe, 93. 337. Sally, 653. Sally M., 653- Susan, 648. Susanna F., 923. William, 653. William S.,V8t. William Spicer, 653. Leeds, Don Alonzo, 759. Eliza Ann, 759. Leffingwell, Abby Caroline, 968. Abigail, 22, 27, 71, 72, 313, 413. Alice, 438, 621. Ambrose, 517. Andrew, 22, 115, 488, 758. Ann, 22, 58. Anna, 31, 647. Anna Brid, 386. Anne, 27. Asa, 172, 391. Benajah, 27, 47, 78, 79, 252, 422. Betsey, 385, 517, 489. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1109 Leffingwell, Billa, 386. Caleb, 22, 247. Caroline, 100. Carloine Mary, 537. Charity, 386, 512. Charles, 517. Christopher, 78, 385, 386, 403, 404, 455. 537, 844, 881, 901, 937, 938, 942, 945. 946, 949- 950, 972, 974, 976, 981, 988, 1004, 1008, 1010. Cynthia, 509. Cyrus, 69. Daniel, 28, 73, 108, 150, 235, 404, 488, 489. Dyer, 438. Ebenezer, 253. Elisha, 79, 438, 606. Eliza, 583. Elizabeth, 22, 27, 38, 71, 108, 114, 115, 141, 235, 263, 385, 386, 403, 404, 422, 455, 488, 489. 517. Emma R., 850. Erastus Mason, 968. Eunice, 100, 172, 373, 512, 583. Faith, 386. Fanny, 455. Frances, 606. Frances A., 648. Frances Harriet, 606. Frederick O., 850. George E., 648. George Henry, 648. George L., 897. Hannah, 22, 69, 180, 235, 238, 253, 312, 39 T , 423. 481, 489- Harriet L., 899. Hart, 160, 385. Henry, 517. Henry Edward, 606. Henry H., 899. Hezekiah, 27, 57, 78, 386, 509. Isaac B., 537. Isaac Beers, 537. Jabez, 512, 648. Jabez R, 648. Jane, 583. Jeremiah, T72. 422, 423. Jeremiah Wetherell, 386. Jerusha, 404. Joanna, 47, 69, 78, 79, 252, 404, 422, 448. John, 27, 71, 100, 253, 517. Jonathan, 22, 28, 29, 73. Joseph, 78, 252, 386. Joshua, 253. Judith, 69, 172, 173, 235. Leffingwell, Juliann, 583. Lucretia, 252, 404, 438, 503. Lucy, 100, 253, 308, 385, 422, 616. Lucy Huntington, 438. Lucy R., 648. Lydia, 57, 97, 115, 386, 391, 403, 404, 468, 509, 583, 648. Lydia A., 648. Lydia Turner, 386. Lyman, 911, 914, 915, 918, 919, 921. Marah, 235. Marcy, 73. Maria S., 537. Martin, 115, 488. Mary, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 61, 62, 7h 73, 78, 100, 116, 150, 247, 284, 422, 583. Mary Ann, 830. Mary E., 808. Matthew, 100, 386, 512, 583. Mehitabel, 235. Mercy, 352. Nabby, 489. Nancy, 438. Nathaniel, 28, 29, 31, 61, 116. Oliver, 115, 422, 488, 512. Phineas, 100, 386, 517. Polly. 583. Pruda. 386. Rachel. 30. Rebecca, 583. Reuben, 386. Richard, 47, 79, 422. Rufus, 172, 173. Ruth, 100, 335. 455- Sally, 438. 583. Sally Maria, 537. Sally T, 758. Samuel, 22, 29, 31, 57, 69, 172, 173, 235, 238, 391, 413. 595, Sarah, 22, 57, 71, 73, 80, 108, 172, 175, 217, 247, 342, 391, 422. 423. Sarah R, 897. Sarah Russell, 489. Silence, 108. Simeon, 517, 583- Sophia, 509. Sybil R, 583. Thomas, 27, 57, 114, 115, 488, 583, 606. William, 385, 536, 537. Zerviah, 27, 57, 67. Legg, Ellen, 882. John, 882. I no NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Leonard, Leonand, Lenard, Len- nard, Leanard, Abiel, 415. Abigail, 95, 229. Catherine, 845. Charity, 9. Dorothy, 415. Elizabeth, 96. Jemima, 129. Lydia, 109. Rebecca, 89. William, 960, 961, 963, 968, 985, 987, 999, 1000. Le Ray, Electa A., 740. Robert P., 740. Lester, Abby, 741. Alexander H., 818. Benjamin, 629. Charles Fitch, 607, 686. Charlotte, 682. David, 594. Deborah, 639. Eliza, 629. Elizabeth, 594, 595, 607, 608, 735- Elizabeth Good, 608. Frederick, 629, 673. Gerard Carpenter, 608. Hannah, 629, 637. Hannah Maria, 674, 675. Harriet, 594. Harriet M, 929, 998. Henry Parker, 607. Isaac Huntington, 608. James, 741. Jane, 818. John H., 845. Jonathan, 530, 607, 608. Jonathan Edward Augustus, 608. Joseph Huntington, 608. Joseph Paine, 594. Joseph W., 675. Louisa, 749, 960. Lucy Ann, 942. Lydia, 629. Maria, ^94. Mary, 583, 686. Mary Ann, 797, 858. Mary E., 762. Mehitabel, 595. Nancy D. H., 673. Silva, 333. Simeon, 594, 674, 675. Thomas, 682. Ursula B., 845. Wait, 333. Walter, 762. William, 333, 594, 595, 629. -, 756. Lewis, Leuis, Abby A., 899. Abby Jane, 987. Asenath, 881. Belinda, 789. , Bradford, 981. Charlotte E., 981. Charles H., 1010. Cornelia J., 936. Eliphal T., 680. Eliza, 945. Eliza Ann, 854. Emeline, 788. Emer, 858. Frances E., 999. Giles, 789. Hannah, 550. Hannah B., 1010. Hannah D., 998. Happy, 911. Harriet, 932, 986. Harriet Bliss, 718. Harriet C, 876. Jacob, 918. Jane Elizabeth, 965. John, 718, 876. John H., 971. Joseph P., 899. Judah, 171. Julia A., 998. Lucinda, 918. Martha E., 858. Mary, 559. Mary M., 904. Maxson P., 936. Prince, 945. Rhoda, 718. Roxy Ann, 733. Sarah A., 789. Sarah M., 971. Sarah N., 881. Sarah P., 896. Silvanus S., 789. Thankful, 444. William, 718. L'Hommedieu, Abigail, 586. Benjamin, 680. Elizabeth, 680. Giles, 586. Grover, 680. Maria, 680. Nancy, 680. Polly, 458. Sarah Ann, 851. Stephen, 680. Susan, 659. William, 680, 710, 716-727, 922. William T., 851. Lias, Ellen, 845. INDEX OF PERSONS. IIII Lias, John, 845. Libby, Mary, 853. Lilley, Lillie, Lilly, Anne, 500. Celia, 954. Jacob, 643. Joanna, 643. Julius, 1009. Lucy F., 1009. Maria, 500. Mary, 392. Lillibridge, Clark, 1014. Jennie E., 1014. Mary S., 1014. Lincoln, Linkom, Elizabeth, 182. George, 815. Hannah, 515. James, 515. Lavinia, 768. Rachel, 815. Ruth, 712. Lindsay, Lindsey, David, 859. Eliza, 859. Harriet, 871. Janet, 878 Rebecca, 939. Theodore S., 939. William, 871. Linnemann, Anton, 1000. Maria, 1000. Linton, Margaret, 932. Lippitt, Andrew C, 871. Lois E., 871. Norris G., 1006, 1009. Listhus, Augustus, 1003. Barbie W., 1003. , Little, Ephraim, 183. Thomas, 57. Littlefield, Elizabeth S., 952. John M., 952. Sarah E., 964. Livermore, Eliza, 873. Livesey, Richard, 772, 893, 896. 897, 904, 906, 908-910, 912, 914-916, 920. William, 783, 784, 787, 788, 791- 799, 802, 805. Locke, Hannah B., 1010. Rebecca A., 945. Lockwood, Lydia, 507. Logan, Eli, 825. Sarah A., 825. Lombard, Joseph G., 794. Lydia E., 794. Sarah S., 959. Long, Elizabeth, 1006. Mary, 942. Michael, 942. Walter R., 1006. Longbottom, see also Bottom. Abigail, 54, 121, 194, 195, 471. Amaziah, 194. Amy, 195. Ann, 54, 164. Anna, 358. Anne, 118. Asa, 252. Azel, 318. Betty, 194, 362. Daniel, 54, 164, 244. Darius, 252. David, 54, 252, 471, 524. Dorothy, 264. Elijah, 164, 264. Elizabeth, 35, 54, 164, 194, 195. Eunice, 524. Jacob, 54, 267, 268. James, 54, 116, 194, 195, 318. Jesse, 252. John, 54, 244. Joseph, A7i. Joshua, 244. Judith, 164, 264, 324. Lemuel, 264. Lucy, 252. Lydia, no, 164, 247, 267, 365. Mary, 54, 69, 164, 194, 318, 453. Peletiah, 194. Priscilla, 116, 194, 318, 483. Rebecca, 244. Roswell, 318. Sarah, 264. Silas, 252. Silvina, 318. Simon, 264. Walter, 252. Zerviah, 252. Loomer, Lomar, Lomer, Anna, 45. 46. Daniel, 46, 428. Dorastus, 428. Ebenezer, 46. Elizabeth, 45, 78, 231. Esther, 279. Eunice, 428. George N., 857. Hannah, 278, 279. Jemima, 662. John, 46. Jonathan, 278. Joseph, 46. Levi, 279. Mary, 18, 35, 46. Phebe, 278. Samuel, 45, 46, 275. Sarah A., 857. Simeon, 279. Stephen, 46, 278, 279. III2 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Loomer, Lomar, Lomer, William, 428. Zerviah, 275. Loomis, Abigail, 713. Amos, 789. Anna Bingley, 802. Anson, 823. Dolly S., 789. Emily A., 823. Fanny, 714. George, 754, 802. George Matson, 713. Henry W., 866. Jemima S., 754. Jerusha, 739. Joseph, 714. Joseph N., 848. Louisa Lathrop, 802. Martha R., 848. Mary Ann, 923. Solomon, 713. Wealthy T., 866. Lopes, Rebecca, 921. Lord, Abiel, 493. Abigail, 135, 361. 4&2. Andrew, 41. Ann, 41, "84, 85. Anna, 433- Anne, 320. Asa, 134, 361, 482. Benjamin, 41, 84, 85, 108, 115, 118, 124, 125, 127-129, 134, 136, 141, 142, 146, 154, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 171, 174, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183-185, 190, 200, 208, 210, 2 1 6, 223, 224, 236-238, 240, 253, 256, 257, 259, 275, 280, 284, 291, 298, 308, 309, 314, 334, 434. 460, 468, 471, 472, 478, 482, 485, 487, 488, 491, 493, 494, 497, 498, 502, 504, 505, 509, 511, 512, 513, 521, 523, 524. 525. 529, S3i, 536, 546, 549. 558, 594, 604, 615. Benjamin Adgate, 320. Betsey, 838. Betsey C, 813. Caroline, 608. Charles, 482, 494. Charlotte Matilda, 926. Cyprian, 41, 42. David, 482. Ebenezer, 85, 394. Eleazer, 134, 135, 321. Elias, 608. Elisha, 41. Eliza, 309, 521. Lord, Elizabeth, 41, 42, 84, 114, 321, 330, 524 Elizabeth C, 741. Elizabeth Coit, 608. Eunice, 394. Frances Harriet, 608, 737. George, 494. Gurdon, 482. Hannah, 320, 361, 482, 518. Henry, 493, 821. Henry Loring, 608. Hezekiah, 122, 135, 164, 199, 347, 427- Irene, 608. Jabez, 493, 494. James C, 813. Jerusha, 427. Joseph, 85, 320, 479. Lucy, 30S, 309, 320, 479, 647- Lydia, S7, 134, 452, 453. Mary. 42, 482, 492, 647. Mary Nevins, 821. Molly, 493, 494. Molly Chesebrook, 361. Nabby, 321, 505. Nancy, 494. Nathan, 135, 482. Peggy, 482. Polly, 493- Richard, 493. Rufus Lathrop, 482. Sally, 635. Sally Hall, 4 53- Samuel, 42. Sarah, 427. Sarah A., 943. Sarah B., 821. Simon, 41. Susanna, 384. Temperance, 394, 445. Thomas, 453. William, 394, 452, 453. Wyllys, 309. Zerviah, 134, 13c;, 285, 578. Loring, George, 578. Henry, 578. Isaac, 578. William, 578. Zerviah, 578. Love, Eunice, 525. Lovegrove, Edward, 486, 487. Mime, 486. Polly Hampton, 486. Lovejoy, John, 941-943, 948-958, 962-965, 972, 973. Loveland, A. L., 969, 970, 983-985, 1013. Lovell, Adelaide A., 783. Alfred, 783. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1113 Lovell, Andrew, 826. Betsey, 745. Caroline, 826. Freeman, 745. Harriet, 745. Sarah, 820. Sarah Chapman, 783. Lovett, Abigail, 350. Anna, 351. Anne, 141. Deborah, 170, 171. Esther, 141, 309. Hannah, 171. John, 141. Joseph, 170. Noah, 170, 171. Priscilla, 116. Samuel, 141, 291, 350. Sarah, 171. Lowe, Harriet P., 926. Lowny, Ellen, 980. Lowry, Charles Henry, 744. George Griswold, 744. James, 744. Joshua, 744. Lydia, 744. Marinette, 744. Lucas, Abby Jane, 987. Benjamin, 1010. Betsey, 838. Caroline, 792, 797. Ephraim, 837. Julia A., 837. Mary, 975. Noah, 987. Samuel, 838. Sarah J., 1010. Luce, Lucy, Abiah, 308. Abigail, 259, 308. Cornelius, 972. Esther, 301. Hannah, 259, 308, 972. James, 270. Lot, 270. Mary, 270, 368. Simeon, 259, 308. Thomas, 301, 308. Ludington, Marcy, 63. Lusk, Sylvester Graham, 758. Elizabeth Freeman, 758. Lyman, Limon, Daniel D., 1003. Eliphalet, 584. Elizabeth, 651. Hannah, 228. Harriet A., 989. Sarah H., 1003. Lymas, Julia Ann, 821. Lynch, Linch, Bridget, 851. Lynch, Linch, Dennis, 972. Ellen, 956. Hannah, 972. Margaret, 972. Lyon, Abigail, 91, 327. Asa, 91. Ebenezer, 91. Hannah, 227. Henry, 819, 824. Lois, 91, 338. Lucy, 394. Martha A., 913. Orlando, 913. Sybil, 91. McAllister, Duncan, 818. Mary, 926. Sally, 818. McCabe, Anna, 980. McCall, Archippus, 823. Catherine A., 823. Elisha, 758. Lavinia H., 758. Lydia, 452. McCarty, Catherine, 861. Ellen, 977. George, 733. Harriet E., 1003. John, 420, 977. Lucy, 733. Mary, 420. Mary Ann, 706. Nancy, 420. William, 420. McClellen, Lucretia Mary, 579. McClure, Betsey Ann, 944. McCorry, Mary, 1001. McCoy, Patrick, 957. Sarah, 957. McCracken, Agnes, 966. Jane, 966. John, 966. Margaret, 951. McCurdy, Anne, 507. John, 506, 507, 544. Lydia, 507, 544. Lynde, 506, 507, 544. Mary, 544. Nancy, 507. Sarah, 507, 714. Ursula, 506, 507. McDaramott, Mary, 995. McDavid, Ellen, 981. George, 996. Sarah E., 996. McDonald, Alexander, 474, 957. Anna, 957. Catherine, 980. James M., 919. 1 1 14 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. McDonald, Sarah, 474. McDougald, John A., 905. Susan E., 905. McGillis, Mariann, 786. McGoughlin, Eleanor, 941. Mclntyre, Elizabeth, 1007. McKay, Ann Azuba, 901. Charles, 901. McKenna, Alice, 975. McKenzie, Andrew, 367. McKinnon, Hannah, 721. M. Eliza, 896. McKnight, Margaret, 969. Robert, 969. McKown, Sarah, 532. McMahon, Catherine, 956, 974. John, 974. Patrick, 956. McManus, Jane, 969. Margaret, 969. Mariann, 987. Sarah, 996. McMarrow, John, 995. Mary, 995. McMasters, Hannah, 726. John, 726. McNaught, Jane, 948. McNeil, McNeal, Christiana, 778. Janet, 973. John, 981. Margaret, 981. McNelly, Henry, 883. Jane C, 883. Jane Currie, 883. John, 968. M. M., 968. McPherson, Alexander, 896. Margaret, 896. McQuire, Amanda C, 928. James, 928. McWhirr, Ellen E., 920. Robert, 920. McWilliams, Jane, 931. Mabrey, Mabry, Amelia, 884. Ann M., 838. Ann Maria, 716. Anna, 716. Caroline, 964. Elisha L., 905. Elisha Lyman, 716. Esther Lyman, 905. James Oramel, 905. Louis, 905. Mary E., 905. Mary L, 763. Oramel, 716. Sarah Cook, 905. Mabrey, Mabry, William H, 884, 964. William Henry, 716. Mac, Bridget, 958. Macaffree, David, 884. Mary W., 884. Mackie, Mary H. G., 823. Mary Rebecca, 884. Macklane, Hannah, 197. Madison, James, 675. Sybil A., 756. Magaw, Mary Jane, 919. Maglaughlin, Margaret, 896. Mahon, Ann, 973. Main, Maine, Mayne, Abby J., 880. Lavinia, 768. Nancy, 1006. Paulina Eliza, 710. Russell, 768. Malbone, Solomon, 481. Maleady, Rebecca, 795. Mallery, Abby, 765. Samuel S., 773, 775, 776, 778, 779-781, 783, 784, 786-792, 810. Mallison, Desire, 504. Julia Maria, 504. Nathan, 504. Malony, Anne, 851. Jane, 976. Martha L., 909. Philip, 851. Richard, 909. Mangold, Katrine, 995. Manley, John, t86, 187. Marv, 186, 187. Sarah, 187. Manning, Anna, 461, 930. Anne, 258, 461, 478. Asa, 461, 930. Betsey, 930. Charles H., 860. Charles Murphv, 930. Charlotte F., 860. Cornelia, 930, 958. Dan, 699. Diah, 258, 461, 930. Edna A., 909. Edward A., 909. Edward Augustus, 930. Elmira, 461. Eunice, 258, 461, 473, 646. Harriet, 577. Harriet M., 751. Joanna, 461, 643. John, 478. Joseph Terry, 461. josiah, 278. INDEX OF PERSONS. III5 Manning, Lemira, 694. Lucy, 478. Lucy L., 719. Lydia L., 699. Mansur, 480. Martha, 278, 478. Mary, 278. Mary Ann, 577, 895. Nancy M., 983. Olive, 478, 6n. Polly, 576, 577- Rockwell, 480. Roger, 258. Sally, 480. Samuel, 258, 461, 478, 576, 577. Sarah, 225, 326, 480. William, 461, 478. William D., 983. William Diah, 930. Mansfield, Achilles, 537. Amy, 529. Caroline, 529. Dorcas, 529, 714. Elisha H., 714. Elisha Hyde, 529. Eliza, 529. Eliza Caroline, 815. Freelove, 529. Hannah, 529. Hannah H., 626. John Wesley, 815. L. H., 1007. Lydia, 529. Nancy, 529. Polly, 529. Sarah, 714. William, 529. Manson, George, 705. Manuel, Ellen Fails, 812. Frank, 812. Manwaring, Anne, 293. Caleb Baker, 584. Charles W., 994. Eleanor R., 1005. Eliza, 965. Elizabeth, 584. Lucretia, 591. Mary Ann, 994. Robert, 584, 1005. Sarah, 236. Susanna, 584. William Hubbard, 584. Maples, A. A., 868. Abby Jane, 1005. Almira, 718. Angeline, 715. Anna, 647, 702. Betsey, 599. Charles, 599, 630, 771. Maples, Elisha, 599. Eliza, 892. Elizabeth, 816. Emily, 781. George A., 902. George Washington, 647. Hannah, 599. Harriet, 787. James, 821. Jemima, 630. Jemima S., 754. John, 630, 819. Joshua, 599, 702. Leonard T., 892. Lucinda, 770. Lucretia Ann, 829. Lucy, 599. Lucy A., 714. Lyman, 770. Mary, 599. Mary Ann, 647. Mary M., 902. Mary P., 752. Nancy A., 821. Nancy H., 819. Olive, 727. Orrin, 787. Prudence, 532. S. L., 868. Sally, 688. Stephen, 647, 728. Tabitha P., 77^- Thomas, SQQ. William, 688. Mariner, Mary, 39. Marion, George W., 943. Sarah M., 943. Marks, Deborah, 7. Markum, Martha, 219. Marrow, Esther, 556. Thomas, 556. Marsh, , 557- Abby, 665, 716. Abigail, 202. Abram, 866. Alice, 552. Charles H., 950. Eunice, 665. Eunice H., 819. Fanny. 665. Fanny Elizabeth, 715. Hannah, 292, 665, 674. Hannah S., 8x8. Hart, 665. Jonathan, 292, 552, 665. Joseph, 292, 665, 715, 716. Julia, 665. Louisa M., 916. Lora M., 715, 716. 1 1 16 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Marsh, Lucy, 552. Maria R., 769. Martha A., 950. Mary, 292, 711. Mary H., 866. Oliver Ripley, 665. Peter, 916. Phineas, 665. Polly, 552. Sally, 552. Sarah, 292. Marshall, Marshal, Marshell, Abiah, 65. Abiel, 65. Amy, 667. Ann M., 682. Ann Manwaring, 503. Anna, 65, 135. Anne, 293, 508. Betsey, 596. Freelove, 503, 525. George T., 909. Hannah, 667, 737. Jane, 878, 909. John, 65. 293, 878. John Ellis, 503. Lncretia, 293. 508. Lucy Freelove, 525. Mary G., 710. Polly. 667. Sally, 503, 506. Sally Edgerton, 503. Sarah, 65, 230, 293. Thomas, 65, 293, 503, 508, 525. William. 503, 525. William S., 710. Martin, Anna E, 858. Caroline L., 927. Elizabeth A. H., 836. Ellen R.. 971. George H., 914. J. Walter, 836. Margaret T., 925. Martha M., 860. Mary A., 928. Nancy, 711. Sarah, 914. William P., 925. Marvin, Catherine M., 673. Elihu, 673, 674. Eliza, 673, 674. Elizabeth, 672, 674. Miriam, 190. Penelope, 673. Sarah, 673. Susan, 673. Theophilus Rogers, 67^- Maryott, Harriet, 924. Mason, , 20, 139. Mason, Ann E., 868. Anna, 374. Anne, 20, 123. Daniel, 20, 123. David, 123. Dorothy, 123. Elizabeth, 6, 20, 123. Ellen, 845. Jeremiah, 123. John, 20. Mary, 123, 889. Mary B., 755. Nancy P., 948. Priscilla, 20, 39. Rachel, 20. Sally, 755. Samuel, 20. Sarah. 868. Susan R., 830. Thomas, 889. Masters, Sarah E., 995. Mather, Eleazer, 557. James, 941, 943. 945. 948, 950, 953- Mathewson, Matteson, Amelia, 826. Catherine C, 894. Edwin W., 952. Harriet A., 952. Louisa, 694. Rufus W., 843, 845, 849, 851, 894. 897. Thomas, 302. Matthews, Mathews, Charles C, 697. David, 907. Isaac, 455. Lydia, 455. Mary, 907. Susan D., 697. Maxion, Harriet H., 874. May, Ann, 930. Georgianna, 839. John, 930. Mary Hall. 806. Maynard, Mayard, Mainard. Charlotte E., 966. Clarinda, 855. Hannah A., 962. Hannah L., 671. Hannah Lawrence, 670. James Lawrence, 670. Jedidiah, 670. Jesse, 855. Lucretia, 970. Maria L, 883. Martha A., 947. Mary L, 835. Roswell, 670, 671. Roswell Edson, 671. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 1 17 Maynard, Mayard, Mainard, Samuel E., 895. Sarah Ann, 671. Sarah L. C, 895. Sarah Maria, 835. William H., 947. Mayo, Joshua C, 932. Sarah C, 960. Sarah N., 932. Meach, Meech, Appleton, 695. Arabella W., 762. Charles L., 816. Cynthia, 645. Dwight T., 928. Eliza W., 944. Emily B., 857. Emily Brewster, 695. George A., 934, 935, 946, 953. George Appleton, 695. James Munroe, 695. Jane E., 968. Levi, 72^. 780, 092. Lucv, 788. Mary, 816. Alary A., 928. Mary Ann, 710. Sanford Billings, 710. Sarah H., 953. Sarah Plumer, 695. Sybil, 695. William, 695. Meacham, Meecham, Benjamin, 173. Bethia. 173. Deborah, 173. Jeremiah, 173. Mary, 173. Nehemiah, 173. Samuel, 173. Seth, 173. Zeba, 173. Mead, , 1014. Benjamin Franklin, 1014. Franklin, 852. George Everett. 1015. George Willard, 1015. Isadore Seymour, 1014. Lewis Brown, 1014. Mary Ann, 852, 1014. Mary Elizabeth, 1015. Mary Jane, 921. Sarah Louise, 1015. Stephen Howard, 1014, 1015. Theodore Franklin, 1014. Meadowcraft, Nancy Ann, 949. William. 949. Meagee, Jane, 956. Medbery, Frances M., 927. Joseph P., 927. Meeker, Catherine, 660, 852. Catherine Denison, 660. Ellen, 906. Hannah, 587. Joseph 587, 660, 906. Josiah, 587. Mary Elizabeth, 660. Meigs, Eunice, 178. Mendall, Mendal, John, 272. Mary, 272. Noah, 272. Sarah, 272. Meriam, Caroline C, 919. Otis W., 919. Merr, Sophia, 969. Merrick, Merick, Marcy, 26. Mary, 26. Stephen, 26. Merrill, Merril, Merrils, Abigail, 313. Elizabeth, 340, 926. Giles, 496. Hannah, 277. ... Jedidiah, 190. John T., 926. Mary, 190 Peter, 100. Ruth, 190. Susanna, 278. Thomas, 622. Merriman, George, 591. Merryfield. Eloiza C, 864. Maria, 751. Merwin, Samuel, 674. Metcalf. Emma, 840. Henry F, 840. Metzger, John, 853. Mary, 853. Meyers, see Myers. Messenger, Messinger, Benoni, 182. Beulah, 182. Billy. 182. Caroline, 182. Ebenezer. 182. Eunice, 628. Gideon, 182. Hiram, 182. Joanna. 226. John, 182. Mary, 182. Nathan, 182. Nathaniel, 226. Oliver, 226. Metcalf, Metcalfe, Benjamin, 41. Ebenezer, 41. Hannah, 41. Lucy, 169. Lydia, 41. iii8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Metcalf, Metcalfe, Mary, 206, 251. Mickiel, Helenia, 984. Middleton, Eliza, 881. Margaret, 932. Miller, Barbie W., 1003. Benjamin, 51. Catherine, 965. Catherine R., 752. Catherine Richards, 650. Electa Jane, 961. Eliza H., 7\6. Eliza Huntington, 650. Elizabeth Delilah, 762, 810. Jacob, 946. John H., 959- John Staniford, 650. Lucretia, 650, 724. Lucretia Dolph, 650. Lydia, 51. Maria, 946. Mary E., 959- Priscilla, 57- Thomas, 650. William Billings, 650. Mills, George, 897. Joseph, 511. Mehitabel, 511. Rebecca, 511. Ruth, 897. Sarah, 511. Minard, Minord, Mynard, Abiathar, 721. Anne, 557- Anne C, 867. Electa A., 740. Eliza W., 787. Harriet, 801. Orland, 801. Sophia, 721. Minarel, Eliza Ann, 759. Miner, Minor, Abby, 854. Abby M., 901. Abigail, 164. Andrew, 335- Anna, 363, 364. Anne, 364. Asher, 364. Charles H., 839. Clement, 164. Daniel, 164, 858. David, 335. Eliza T., 895. Elizabeth, 363, 557, 607. Emeline, 787. Esther, 135. Eunice G., 773. Fanny. 858. Harriet, 811. John, 901. Miner, Minor, Jonathan, 792, 793. Julia, 1004. Martha H., 838. Martha M., 002. Mary Ann, 995. Mary S., 804. Nancy, 705. Nancy M., 824. Olive B., 839. Priscilla, 335. Roswell, 335. Sarah, 364. Seth, 363, 364, 557. Stanton B., 854. William H., 1004. Mirer, Catherine, 899. Nicols, 899. Mitchee, Elizabeth, 907. Mitchell, Albert A., 945. Alfred. 604, 618, 619, 676, 681- 683, 686, 688-691, 693-696, 699, 711, 714, 715, 726, 734, 737, 748, 749. 850. Almira, 945, 999. Donald Grant, 749. Elizabeth Mumford, 749. Elizabeth W., 942. Frances, 955. James W., 963. Jennett E., 963. John, 955. John H., 606. Lois, 749. Lucretia M., 748, 749. Lucretia W., 824. Lucretia Woodbridge, 748. Margaret. 896. Mary, 696, 1014. Mary J., 1005. Mary Perkins, 749. Robert, 1014. Stephen Mix, 748. William, 1014. Mix, Meex, Meeks, Abigail, 42. Ann, 42. Bathsheba, 514. Betsey, 479. Catey, 479, 480. Daniel, 42. Dolathry, 42, Ebenezer, 479, 480. Elizabeth, 42, 479. Gurdon, 479. Hannah, 42, 61. James, 42. Joanna, 514. John, 272, 273, 479. Lois, 479, 586. ■ Lydia, 470, 479. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1119 Mix, Meex, Meeks, Mary, 272, 2/3, 320, 636, 664. Molly, 514. Nathan, 272, 479. Rebecca, 42, Reuben, 514. Robert, 514. Rufus, 272, 273. Seth, 514. Thomas, 42. Zebediah, 42. Mony, Angeline, 684. Frederick A., 684. Moody, Martha, 802, Martha E., 858. Moore, More, Abby, 801. Abel, 67. Amanda C, 928. Ann, 418. Asa, 660. Augustus, 977. Benjamin, 660, 793. Catherine A., 870. Charles, 627, 723. David, 627, 789. Delight, 381. Edward T., 804. Elizabeth, 17, 699. Elizabeth P., 914. Experience, 17. George, 627. Hannah, 660, 908. Henry N., 883. Jane, 789. Jane R., 1004. Joseph, 381, 997. Lucinda, 660. Lucretia, 997. Lucy, 856. Lydia, 67, 597. Margaret, 574. Maria, 660, 879. Maria L., 883. Martha, 17. Martha E., 804. Mary, 581. Mary Ann, 627, 964. Nancy, 614, 619, 627, 723, 793, 977- Nancy T., 819. Olive, 655. Rachel, 272,. Willard, 856. William, 17. William J., 870. Moran, Ellen, 976. Morgan, Abigail, 247. Albert Rawson, 912. Almira, 928. Morgan, Angelina, 906. Ann H., 605. Anna, 45. Augusta C, 900. Charles, 743. Daniel, 585. Darius, 178, 560. Elihu, 107. Elisha, 507, 896. Eliza T., 698. Elizabeth, 178, 179, 474. Elizabeth T., 859. Eunice, 179. Frances A., 979. George W., 982. Hannah, 247. Harriet D., 896. Henry W., 900. Jemima, 107, Joanna, 560. John, 107. John A., 912. John Calvin, 912. John P., 835. Joseph H., 728. Joshua, 107. Lois, 107, 178, 537. Lydia L., 585. Margaret, 247. Martha, 56. Martha M., 916. Mary, 86, 728. Mary A., 743. Mary E., 866. Mary L., 835. Nancy, 723. Nancy D., 1008. Nathan D., 906. Olive, 507. Peter, 178, 179, 698. Polly, 585. Priscilla, 107, 334. Roswell, 560, 605, 712, 714, 824. Ruth, 87, 450. Samuel C, 979. Samuel Strong, 912. Sarah, 244, 560. Sarah E., 821. Silvester, 585. Susanna, 107. Sybil Beal, 912. Sybil H., 982. Talitha, 107. Tirzah, 178, 179, 505. William. 247, 585, 723. William F., 838, 911-915, 921, 922, 929-933. 946, 949- Zedekiah, 178, 450. . Zerviah, 107. II20 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Moriarty, Johanna, 976. Morrarty, John M., 1010. Rebecca A., 1010. Morris, Daniel, 675. Eleanor, 675. John, 905. Mary, 905. Susanna (James), 675. Morrison, James, 950. Margaret, 865. Mary, 950. Morse, Avery, 623. Betsey, 624. Carpenter, 575. Charles, 961, 962, 964, 970, 994. Daniel, 624. Edwin Henry, 832. Elizabeth, 590, 711. Elizabeth W., 751. Eunice Phelps, 590. Eanny, 624. Frances E., 905. Frances Emily, 590. Hannah, 926. John, 590, 623, 624, 812. John Carpenter, 575. Julia, 590. Julia Maria, 688. Keziah, 476. Loring, 590, 832. Lydia £., 940. Lydia Elizabeth, 711. Maria, 590. Mary, 575. Mary Amanda, 832. Mary Eliza, 575. Noah P., 751. Noah Pomeroy, 575. Susanna, 623. 624. Otis, 926. Sarah Ann, 832. Seymour, 575, 711. Susanna Amanda, 590. Mory, Mary, 358. Mosch, Ignatz, 993. Mary Jane, 993. Mosher, Moshier, Mozier, Alpheus C, 909. Cornelia S., 793. Elijah, 793. Jane, 874. Maria L., 909. Moseley, Mosly, Mosely, Abisha, 99, 163. Abner, 163. Daniel, 269. Deborah, 163. Edna, 90, 177. Increase, 90, 99, 163. Moseley, Mosly, Mosely, Jacob, 269. John, 90. Jonathan, 269. Mary, 90, 99, 265, 268, 269. Peabody, 90, 268, 269. Samuel, 177, 368, 507. Sarah, 90, 155. Thomas, 90, 99. Zerviah, 269. Mott, , 732. Abigail, 515. Alvan, 805. Ann 88. Austin T., 717. Gershom, 88, Harriet, 813. Jeremiah, 515. Malinda H., 700. Mary, 88. Mary Anne, 717. Mary T., 845. Mehitabel, 515. Samuel, 545, 582. Samuel R., 700. Susan, 805. Mowry, Ann R., 863. Cornelia, 836. Eliza H., 716. Emily Louisa, 007. James D., 907. Rebecca, 716. Samuel, 716. Mueller, John, 989. Mary, 989. Mulkey, Asenath, 909. Mary E., 781. Sophia, 750. William B., 750, 909. Mullane, Ann, 957. Thomas, 957. Mullen, Mary, 995. Mulligan, Mary, 858. Mullony, Margaret, 955. Patrick, 955. Mumford, Momford, Munford, Abigail, 135, 361. Hannah, 500. Munchinger, Carl Gotilet, 913. Pauline, 913. Munger, Henry J., 988. N. Maria, 988. Munroe, Agnes, 847. Angus, 830. Nathaniel, 847. Ruth Ann, 830. Munsill, Munsell, Anna, 93, 94, 218. Benjamin, 279. Daniel, 93, 279. INDEX OF PERSONS. II2I Munsill, Munsell, Dilla, 468. Elisha, 93, 94. Pumice, 279. Hannah, 279. Henry, 93. John, 94, 468. Lois, 93. Lydia, 93, 94. Phineas, 94. Murdock, Charles, 802. Fidelia R., 802. Frances, 615. Jonathan, 451, 612, 613, 620, 632, 662. Thomas J., 929. Murgley, Mary, 972. Michael, 972. Murphy, Murfey, Ann, 959. Bridget, 978. Catherine, 875. Daniel, 972. Ellen, 956, 972. James, 980. John, 875. Judith Ann, 1013. Mary, 980. Nancy M., 969. Timothy, 956. Murray, Murry, Abby Fuller, 644. Catherine, 977. Elizabeth, 575. Eunice, 670. Hannah, 644. Hannah A., 779, 810. Hannah Amanda, 644. Janet, 834. Jean, 908. John, 575, 644. Juliet, 644, 939. Mary A., 1010. Mary Ann, 644. Philena, 575, 618. Rosena, 997. Sarah, 782. Sarah E., 847. Sarah Eliza, 644. Seymour, 575, 670. Stewart, 908. Thomas, 977. Murtagh, Anna, 958. Maria, 959. Patrick, 959. Thomas, 958. Musgrave, Elizabeth, 927. Mussel, Christian, 926. Mary, 926. Muter, Jane, 895. John, 895. Muzzy, Benjamin H., 756. 36 Muzzy, Celia Ann, 756. Lawson, 866, 871, 872, 874, 876, 879, 884, 890, 893, 937, 942, 947. 948, 969, 970, 974, 977- Myers, Meyers, Meirs, Meier, Austin W., 856. Anna Johanna, 808. Charles G., 990. Dennis W., 981. Julia Ann, 981. Julia Y., 856 Maria, 990. Pattis P., 992. Myhin, Jeremiah, 926. Julia, 926. Nash, Harriet L., 967. Needham, Daniel, 220, 297. Elias, 226. Hannah, 297. Isabella, 226. Margaret, 226. Mary, 298. Neff, Nift, A. Martin, 976. Eunice, 770. Frances H., 976. Lucia, 796. Luna, 793. Mary, 793. Sally, 760. Thomas, 760. Waterman, 793. Nelson, Abby F, 840. James Alexander, 943. James M., 840. Levi, 789, 870. Margaret, 943. Nancy M., 789. Sarah F., 873. Nevins, David, 540, 583, 584. David Henry, 591. Elizabeth, 583. Frances, 540, 643. Henry, 540, 591. James, 540. Lucretia, 591. Martha, 523. Mary, 482, 540, 583, 584, 591. Polly, 540. Richard, 584. Rufus, 583. Russell Hubbard, 540. Samuel, 540. William, 584. Newbury, Mary, 173. Nathaniel, 173. Newcomb, Agnes, 1002. Alfred M., 1002. Alvira C, 700. 1 122 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Newcomb, Amanda, 791. Angelina, 993. Elizabeth, 256. Harriet, 807. Harriet E., 885. Jemima, 252. Newfield, Anna, 979. Catherine, 972. Conrad, 972. Newhall, Frederick A., 825. George N., 913. Phebe G., 825. Sarah W., 913- Newton, David, 234. J. W., 777< 779. 78o, 785, 786, 794, 797- Jane, 168. Lydia, 234. Mercy, 711. Palmer, 711. Roger, 509. Sarah, 230. Susanna, 234. Nichols, Nicolls, Nickels, Nich- olds, Nickle. Alexander, 432, ion. Asenath, 841. Elizabeth, 549, 670. Filena, 441. Hannah, 549. Harriet M., 753- Isabella, 1011. John, 245, 44i, 549. 753- Mary, 441. Mary E., 859. Simeon, 245. Thankful, 245. Niece, Eliza, 831. Niles, Harriet, 771. Jesse Y., 771. Nobles, Anne, 256. James, 256. Sarah, 310. Norman, Catherine, 382. Content, 382, 383. Elinor, 382. Hannah, 382. Joseph, 383. Joshua, 382, 383- Lucy, 382, 647. Mary, 116, 315, 382. Norris, Jane Eliza, 769. Northrup, Northrop, Northop, Northup, Josephine A., 953. Lucy F., 967. Lydia Ann, 963. Mary R., 911. Northrup, Northrop, Northop, Northup. Sarah A., 878. Norton, Abijah, 875. Calvin Tyler, 759, 860. Caroline G., 890. Elizabeth, 959. Ella Maria, 860. Emeline, 759, 859, 860. Emeline Frisbie, 860. George B., 959. Henry B., 759, 860. Henry Barker, 859. Henry Frisbie, 860. Isabella Farnsworth, 860. Jane D., 876. Mary Elizabeth, 860. Mary Fowler, 860. Sarah Ann Maria, 875. Timothy P., 876. Nott, Diodat, 483. Eliphalet, 1000. Lucretia, 483. Samuel, 398, 402, 450, 452, 464, 468, 471, 483, 497, 499, 503. 505, si 1, 543, 549, 575, 57g, 580. 585, 618, 641, 664, 665, 669, 681, 699, 754, 830. Sukey, 483. Nottage, Eliza T., 855. John S., 855. Noyes, Noyse, Abigail, 491. Amy, 833. Charles C, 811. Charlotte Elizabeth, 920. Courtland, 81 r. Fanny, 919, 920. Harriet Ann, 833. Harriet N., 898. Jane, 948. Jane Elizabeth, 898. Jesse D., 873. John D., 948. Joseph B., 919, 920. Lucy H., 971. Mary, 795. Mary E., 873. Robert, 898. Samuel, 491. Sarah, 11. Susan Maria, 811. William C, 833. William S., 795. Nugent, Martha, 929. Nutter, Polly, 621. Sally, 621. Nye, Nigh, Eliza P., 1001. Harriet E., 791. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 123 Nye, Nigh, Horatio N., 791. Spafford B., 1001. Oakman, Sarah, 409. Oaks, Sarah D., 916. Oatley, Otley, Agnes, 972. Catherine, 921. Elizabeth, 836. Hannah, 924. Jean, 908. Nason E., 989. Stephen H., 989. Susan M., 989. Obenauer, Margaret, 970. O'Brien, Obrien, Ann E., 835. Catherine, 979. Hannah A., 977. O'Connell, Margaret, 974. Olcott, Harriet F., 964. James H., 964. Olin, Betsey Ann, 893. Elias, 893. George, 698. Susan, 698. Oliver, Adaline, 798. Olmstead, Holmsted, John, 10. Olney, Frederick, 909. Mary Ann, 775. Olive S., 909. O'Neil, Edward, 976. Jane, 976. Ormsby, Olmsby, Ormsbery, Anne, 364. Caleb, 168. Dinah, 108. Elizabeth, 100, 364. Ephraim, 108, 555. Eunice, 364. Ezekiel, 168. Hannah, 102. Jemima, 123. John, 24, 108, 168. Keziah, 193. Lucy, 168, 555. Luther, 555. Lydia, 364. Mehitabel, 168. Nathaniel, 108, 364. Phebe, 555. R"th, 555. Sally, 364. Samuel, 108, 364. Sarah, 85. Susanna, 24, 29. Tabitha, 401. Zerviah, 108, 372. Osborn, Orsborn, Osbuyrn, Os- borne, Abby L., 822. Abigail, 613. Ann, 792, 915. Anna, 272. Betsey, 797. Catherine, 843. Daniel, 272. David, 769. Elizabeth, 272. Emma, 914. Hannah, 910. Hugh, 843. Isaac. 272. James, 876. Janet, 878. Joanna, 723. Lydia Ann, 965. Malina, 613. Maria Vail, 845. Marietta, 833. Mary, 839. Nathaniel, 797. Olive, 613. Rachel C. 769. Thomas, 613. William, 272, 613, 723. Osgood, Daniel, 445. Erastus, 864. Jeremiah, 445. Lydia, 445. Maria Ann, 869. Ruth, 445. Sarah S., 864. Otis, Ores, Anna, 889. Benjamin I., 964. Delight, 121. Dorothea, 889. Elizabeth Hammond, 889. James Foote, 889. John James, 889. Juliet M., 964. Mabel, 402. Mary, 889. Mary M., 962. Richard, 985. Samantha, S., 985. Owen, Hannah, 282. John, 170. Josiah, 282. Zerviah, 282. Oxford, William, 723. Packard, Packer, Paker. Abram W., 738. Azubah, 223. Charity, 223, 496. 1 124 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Packard, Packer, Paker, Elizabeth, 223. Emeline M., 738. Esther R, 771. Hannah, 559. John, 223. Lucy Ann, 858. Martha A., 853. Robert W., 771. Sarah, 120. Talitha, 223, 433. Paddock, Benjamin H., 1008, 1009. Benjamin Henry, 743. Caroline H. C, 1008. Emily, 743. Frederick Cooke, 1008. John Adams, 743. Lewis Sloat, 743. Seth B., 589, 683, 685-690, 693, 697, 710, 710-718, 722, 723, 725, 729, 734, 735, 738, 740, 743, 744, 747, 748, 753, 755, 756, 758, 760, 765, 767, 770, 772, 780, 783, 785, 787, 788, 793, 796-805, 811, 812, 814, 816, 819, 821-823, 826, 829, 830, 834, 837, 843, 848-850, 861, 862, 865, 868, 876, 878, 879, 884, 890, 894, 896, 909, 912, 922. William Flagg, 743. Page, , 907. Betsey E., 954. Elizabeth, 773. John P., 954. John Philemon B., 773. Mary Elizabeth, 773. Mary E. D., 859. Philemon, 772,. Susan M., 832. Susan Maria, 773. Pain, Payn, Paine, Elizabeth, 470. Hannah, 826. Jemima, 374. John, 826, 828, 830, 845, 849. Lois, 925. Mary A., 872. Roger, 374. Sophia A., 942. Stephen, 374. Palmer, Abigail, 189, 559. Alfred, 983. Amos, 879. Amy, 446. Ann M., 903. Anna, 175, 471. Anna E., 840. Anne, 446. Anthony, 954, 955. Palmer, Asa, 446. Asher, 696. Betsey, 800. Charles E., 999. Chauncey, 817. Christopher S., 824. Clarissa A., 882. Cyrus, 443. Cyrus D., 856. David, 189, 198. Desire, 435. Deborah, 198. Diah, 198. Elias, 189, 446. Eliza A., 756. Elizabeth, 755, 804, 938. Esther, 443. Eunice B., 983. Eunice L., 877. Fanny B., 806. George F, 884. Hannah, 198, 435, 446. Henry, 731. Isabella. 817. James W.. 848. Jedidiah, 175, 443. Joanna, 696. Job, 189, 190. John, 122, 558. John Davis, iq8. John H., 756, 896. Joseph, 175, 446. Joseph C, 1004. Judith, 443. Leland, 877. Lewis O., 903 Lois, 189, 392. Louisa M., 1004. Lucy, 443- Lucy F., 847. Lydia, 198, 443, 731. Lydia R., 721. Lvdia W., 848. Mary, 175, 188, 443, 474. 827, 855. Mary E., 998. Mary Tane. 856. Mary S., 898. Molly, 435. Nathaniel, 189, 190. Noah, 827. Olive. 43, 777. Pardon B., 804. Phebe A., 876. Priscilla, 189, 190. Prudence M., 824. Reuben, 679, 680, 681, 696, 708. Robert, 721. Robert M., 796. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 125 Palmer, Roswell, 840. Roxana, 796. Samuel, 175, 435, 474. Sarah, 122, 123, 175, 356, 443. 446. Sarah E. C, 943. Sarah Elizabeth Coit, 731. Sarah M., 999. Seth, 446. Susan E., 895. Sybil, 846. Thomas, 122, 123, 175, 474. Walter, 443. William, 639. 658, 680-682, 684, 686, 693, 694, 696, 698, 700- 702, 707-709, 715. 718-728, 73*-733, 738, 741-743, 746, 748-7^8. 761-766, 768, 779, 771, 785. 811, 833, 837, 844- 8si, 8s6, 8^7, 8^9, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 877, 879, 882, S84, 887-897, 904-909. 913- 919, 935, 950, 951, 956", 966, 974, 988. William H., 882. William S., 895, 998. Zipporah, 474. Palmes, Elizabeth, 497. Palmeter, Palmetor Palinetor, Patimetor, Patinetow, Abigail, 161. Amma, 31. Anna, 199. Daniel, 31, 396. Lydia, 71. Mary, 31, 386. Rebecca, 31. Sarah, 31. Paneras, Eliza, 701. Park, Parke, Parks, Parkes, Abby Maria, 919. Abiathar, 820. Abigail, 9. Alice, 33. Asher, 429. Austin W., 1003. Cyrus, 880. Daniel, 253, Delilah. 1003. Esther, 253. H. R., 774- Hannah, 215, 429. Harriet, 871. Jane, 880. John D., 947, 954, 974, 095, 1000, 1001, 1013. Joseph, 429. Keziah, 198. Lemuel, 937. Park, Parke, Parks, Parkes, Louisa M., 937. Lydia, 306. Martha A., 947. Mary, 429. Nathaniel, 253. Patience, 325. Paul, 550, 645. Peleg W., 732. Persis E.. 774. Phebe, 459. Rachel, 30. Rebecca, 30, 74. Robert, 30. Sally. 732, 820. Sarah, 214. Parker, Ann, 639. Anna E., 840. Betsey, 998. Charles, 998. Deborah, 530. 639, 640. Ebenezer F.. 800. Ebenezer Fitch, 640. Elizabeth, 640. Elizabeth Ann, 640. George, 1002. Henry, 640. Henry Lester, 800. John, 640. John Ford, 800. John Henry, 640. Margaret Jane, 1002. Mary Ellsworth, 640. Mercy, 495. Nancy S.. 851. Nathan J., 901. Phebe, 901. Robert Bottum, 800. Sarah, 640. Susan C, 800. Timothy, 530, 639, 640. Walter Farnsworth, 800. William W., 851. Parkerson, Ann J., 1013. Josiah, 936. Maria, 936. Mary Eliza, 842. Parkhurst, Charlotte M., 931. Edwin H., 931. Esther, 388. Lucretia, 955. Parkis, Eliza, 8oi, 945. John. 774. Lavinia, 774. Mary Ann, 775. Simon, 801. Zebulon, 775. Parrish, Parish, Parriss, Abigail, 252. 1 126 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Parrish, Parish, Parriss, Andrew, 193, 416, 577, 578. Anne, 458. Archippus S. 758. Clarissa, 679, 708. Dinah, 252. Ebenezer, 101, 458. Elijah, 193, 458, 649. Elizabeth, 193, 472. Eunice, 649. Harriet, 577, 649. Jane Corning, 577. John, 38. Judith, 101. Julia Ann, 783. Keziah, 193. Lemuel, 101. Lucy, 472, 679. Lydia, 416, 499, 577. Marcy, 38. Mary, 101, 124. Mary Ann, 578. Mercy, 472. Nancy, 649. Nathaniel, 38, 193, 472, 679-681. Nehemiah, 38. Rebecca, 38. Samuel, 38, 101, 472. Solomon, 38, 252. Susan C, 758. Susanna. $77, 578. Parsons, Persons, Almira, 718. Caroline, 976. Dolly, 805. Francis, 976. George P., 718. William G.. 805. Partenheimer, Apolania, 894. Partlow, Isaac, 807. Sophronia, 807. Partridge, Patridge, Caroline E., 902. Eli B., 961. Elisha, 902. Mary E., 961. Pasmoth, Sarah, 62. Patten, Pattin, Paton. Charles, 962. Ellen, 962. Margaret L., 841. Nathaniel, 473. Sally, 614. Patterson, Charlotte, 689. Thomas, 689. Payson, Marshall H., 919. Mary Jane, 919. Peabody, Pabodie, Asa, 253, 293, 294, 518. Amasa, 294. Peabody, Betsey, 518. Catherine, 585. Cornelia Ann Elizabeth, 634. Cornelia Maria, 634. Elizabeth, 286. 365. Fanny, 518. Frances, 683. Francis, 694. John, 90. John Ting, 294. Joseph, 286. Julia B., 823. Lucy, 293. Mary, 253, 293, 294, 346, 518. 920. Molly, 294. Nancy, 518, 653. Nathaniel, 365. Nathaniel Prentice, 253, 294, 518. Oliver Franklin, 634. Peggy, 294. Prentice, 518. Sarah, 90. William, 518, 634. Wiliam Nathaniel, 634. Peale, Charles S., 870. Eliza J., 870. Henry, 840. Maria, 840, Pease, Bethia, 173. Mary, 762. Peaton, Elizabeth, 310. George, 310. Mary. 310. Sarah, 310. Peck, Abby, 68t. Abihu, 185. Ambrose. 450. Anna, 289. Asa. 344. Azel, 411, 451. Bela, 152, 591, 592. Benjdmin, 27, 183, 184. Pester B., 701. Bethiah, 234, 400. 499. Betsey, 591, 592. Bradford. 498. Charlotte, 591, 592. Cynthia. 152, 499. Cyril. 185, 499. —Daniel, 27. 284, 289. Darius, 234, 498, 499. David, 306. Dolly. 451. Ebenezer, 27, 185, 306, 326, 499. Eleanor, 41 1. Eliel, 326. Elizabeth, 27, 151, 152, 185, 289, 450, 607. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 127 Peck, Esther, 284. Eunice, 234, 529. Gates, 450. Gideon, 151, 411, 533. Hannah, 151, 289, 498, 499. Harriet, 592, 624. Irena, 411, 533. Jabez, 326. Jahleel, 151, 234, 326, 450. James, 451. Jedidiah, 289. Jerusha, 289. Joanna, 308. John, 27, 207, 234, 450, 499- John Henry, 931. Jonathan, 27, 234, 450. Joseph, 27, 151, 152, 308, 344. 497, 499- Lois, 306. Lucius, 681. Lucretia, 450. Lucy, 234, 449, 499, 714- Luna, 344. Lydia, 306, 499, 592. Martha, 183, 184. Mary, 27, 207, 240, 284, 289. Mary A., 701. Mary Ann, 931. Olive, 450. Phebe, 450. Phineas, 234, 456. Rachel, 497. Reuben, 183. Rose Anna, 326. Roxana, 497, 505. Ruth, 326, 400. Sarah, 306, 533. Simeon, 151, 326, 499. Simon, 306. — S perry, 284. Submit, 27. Susanna, 183, 344. Sybil, 234, 551. Ursula, 470. Walter, 326. Welthea, 411. William Billings, 591, 592. Zerviah, 497. Peckham, Alice R., 989. Amelia, 799. Benjamin, 989. Cynthia O., 825. Lucretia S., 821. Luther, 799. Mary, 860. Mary F., 900. Nancy, 711. Oliver, 825. Rowland, 711. Peckham, Susanna, 893. Peebles, Peoples, Abby B., 808. Hannah, 804. Peter, 804, 898. Pelham, Mary Ann P., 835. Thomas A., 835. Pellet, Mary Ann, 903. Pelton, Frederick W., 841. Mary, 283. Mary S., 841. Nancy E., 688. Paul, 283. Pember, Abigail, 201. Andrew, 276. Eli, 276, 277. Elizabeth, 201. Hannah, 276, 542. Irene, 276, 277, 553. John, 10, 276, 277. Lydia, 669. Mary, 10. Phebe, 201. Rene, 10. Thomas, 10, 201, 202. Pender, Hugh, 841. Looce, 875. Margaret L. 841. Pendleton, Abby Taylor, 612. Adam, 674. Benadam, 674. Caroline, 690. Charles Lee, 612. Charles M., 674. Clarissa L., 674. Courtland, 840. Eliza, 714, 840. Gurdon, 714. Hannah, 674. Harriet H., 927. Joseph R., 1009. Joshua, 674. Martha J., 1009. Mary, 633. Nabby, 612. Nancy, 653, 764. Phebe A., 943. Susan B., 875. William, 690, Penhallow, Penhollow, Daniel, 492. Huldah, 491, 492, 527. John, 492, 527. Richard, 491, 492, 527. Samuel, 492. Penniman, Pennyman, Mary Ann Chandler, 726. Marianna L., 889. Obadiah, 726. 1 128 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Pepper, Gilbert, 934. Lucy Ann, 934. Perigo, Perego, Caroline, 763. Susan, 802. Perit, Jerusha, 508. Margaretta D., 730. Maria, 593, 690. Peletiah, 598, 690. Rebecca H., 598. Ruth, 455. Perkins, Pirkins, Perkens, Abiah, 130, 383- Abigail, 267, 370, 433, 435, 464, 535- Abigail B., 612. Abijah, 318. Adelia, 605. Alfred Elijah, 588. Amos Hallam Hubbard, 605. Andrew, 115, 427, 428, 538, 539, 554, 555- Ann, 334, 604, 605. Anna, 56, 147, 637. Anne, 296, 391, 427, 428, 508, 538, 546, 547, 554, 850. Apollos, 393. Asher, 296, 546, 605, 850. Augustus, 628. Azariah, 435, 535. Benjamin, 362. Bethiah, 393. Betsey, 427, 555, 703. Caleb, 147, 271. Charity, 9, 12, 130, 222. Charles, 428, 535, 539. Civil, 147, 494. Clarissa, 535, 711. Clarissa A., 782. Clarissa J., 800. Charles, 661, 711. Charles William, 711. Charlotte, 661. Charlotte Whiting, 662. Cornelia, 836. Daniel, 130, 286. Daniel Bishop, 447. Daniel Buck, 286. Daniel Corning, 435, 535. David, 31. Deborah, 56. Deliver, 31. Durden, 318. Ebenezer, 244. Edward, 554. Edward Henry, 628. Eleanor, 507. Eli H, 098. Elias, 363. Perkins, Pirkins, Perkens, Elijah, 363. Eliphaz, 318. Elisha, 115. Eliza, 612, 696, 847. Eliza Leonard, 662. Elizabeth, 8, 29, 56, 103, 118, 147, 190, 231, 232, 286, 364, 539, 554, 555- Elizabeth Denton, 808. Elkanah, 130. Ellen C, 948. Emily, 652. Enoch, 191. Ephraim, 191. Erastus, 296, 546, 547, 604, 605, 850. Esther E., 951. Eunice, 267, 359. Eunice C, 872. Frances, 539. Frances Mary, 554. Francis, 547, 554, 605, 850. Francis A., 612. Francis Asher, 661. Frederick, 191. George, 703, 808, 835, 869, 874, 876, 895, 908, 917. George Apollos, 628. George L., 662. George Leonard, 661. Gurdon, 546. Hannah, 8, 16, 27, 56, 130, 191, 296, 357, 39i, 407, 476. Harriet, 539, 555- Henry F., 696. Henry Fitch, 662. Hezekiah, 244, 612, 661, 662. Isaac Huntington, 628. Jabez, 8, 9, 12, 130, 244, 296, 390, 391, 401. 546, 604, 637, 850. Jacob, 8, 129, 130, 244, 334, 464, 483, 494, 508. James, 547, 605. 920. James Hosmer, 605. Jedidiah, 130, 266, 267, 464. Jemima, 129, 130, 244, 289. Jerusha, 56, 147, iqi. Joanna, 362, 363, 447. John, 27, 56, 103, 118, 147, 190, 232, 318, 393. John Augustus, 628. John R., 836. Joseph, 56, 115, 128, 129, 271, 362, 363, 588. Joseph L., 824. Joshua, 191, 435, 535. Judith, 8, 244. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 1 29 Perkins, Pirkins, Pcrkens, Julia A., 998. Julius Deming, 711. Leonard, 547. Levi, 147, 507. Levi N., 948. Lucretia Champion, 711. Lucretia J., 823. Lucy. 8, 130, 142, 244, 334, 546, 604, 605, 628. Lucy L., 604, 650. Luke, 247. -Lydia, 115, 147, 190, 296, 318, 321, 384, 390, 637- Maria, 546, 547. Maria A., 768. Maria H., 808. Martha, 40, 56, 100, 147, 393. Mary, 8, 34, 109, 115, 128, 129, 244, 271, 334, 342, 493, S39, 588, 604, 625, 850, 920. Mary Bishop, 427, 554. Mary Brown, 628. Mary Deming, 711. Mary E., ion. Mary Watkinson, 588, 749. Matthew, 56, 191, 357. Nabby, 554. Nancy Adelia, 605. Nancy M., 824. Nathan, 191, Nathaniel, 435, 535. Olive, 447, 576. Phebe, 232. Philip, 286. Polydore, 393. Rebecca, 89, 130, 190, 447. Rebecca Huntington, 628. Robert, 190, 321. Roger, 370. Ruth, 147. Samuel, 130, 191, 598, 784. Sarah, 29, 103, 191, 265, 535, 582, 661, 662. Sarah C, 734. Sarah Coit, 612. Sarah D., 784. Sarah Huntington, 808. Simeon, 129, 370. Simeon Abijah, 628. Simon, 56, 115, 447. Solomon, 115, 549. Susanna, 191, 549. Talitha, 435. Temperance, 266, 267, 473. Thomas, 29, 103, 231, 232. Timothy, 129. Wealthy, 545. Perkins, Pirkins, Perkens, William, 56, 286, 547, 604, 850. Zebulon, 130. Zephanah, 244. Perry, Abby A., 936. Abby C, 963. Abigail, 425, Anthony, 936. Azor, 425. Benjamin, 751. Betsey, 740. Clarissa P., 908. David, 424. Eliakim, 424, 425. Elijah, 744. Elisha, 744, 908. Elizabeth, 425. Elvira, 873. Emily, 750. Emma, 994. Ezekiel, 425. George, 813. George W., 994. Harriet J., 766. Henry, 791. Hepzibah, 424, 425. Izannah, 813. James B. E., 965. Jane Elizabeth, 965. John B., 800, 810. 821. John L., 821, 963. John M. S., 766. Joseph, 744. Katherine, 744. Levi, 750. Lorinda, 751. Mary Ann, 791. Nancy, 744, 967. Ozias, 425. Phillipa, 425. Ruth, 897. Salvanus. 425, Sarah, 424. 425. Sarah J. C., 821. Seth, 425. Simeon, 774. Susan Babcock, 805. Susan E. L., 821. Peters, Abraham, 747. Lathrop, 736. Laura, 736. Mary, 736. Nelly, 747. Samuel, 462. Peterson, Jane, 792. William, 792. Petit, James, 695 Julia Ann, 695. ii30 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Pettengil, Pettengel, Pettengal, Petengel, Asaph, 480. Benjamin, 480. Betsey Patens, 480. Esther, 480. Eunice, 480. Lemuel, 480. Mary, 510. Oliver, 510. William Ripley, 480. Pettes, Pettis, Pittis, Pettice, Abiel, 188. Abigail, 191, 192, 449- Anne, 188. Elizabeth, 187, 188, 366. Experience, 188. James, 191, 397. Jehiel, 192. Joseph, 702. Joshua, 187, 188. Lucinda, 702. Lucretia, 192. Lucy, 191, 372. Margaret, 191, 349- Martha, 188, 547- Mary, 188, 499. Mehitabel, 397. Mercy, 711. Oliver, 191, 192. Peter, 191, 192. Rhoda, 188, 412. Samuel, 188. Sarah, 188. Welthea, 188. Petty, Jenetta A., 767. Phelps, Elizabeth, 590. Hannah, 419. Margaret, 695. Phillips, Philip, Phillip, Philips, , 889. Abby Ann, 870. Benjamin, 802. Betty, 118. Betsey Matilda, 782. Catherine A., 823. Dwight L., 887. ■Elisha, 118. Eliza A. 756. Elizabeth, 831, 937. Emily A., 823. Esther C, 703. Eunice, 799. Fanny C, 802. George, 118. Hannah, 680. Harkless, 680. Harriet A., 998. Harriet N., 811. Phillips, Philip, Phillip, Philips, Huldah C, 812. Jane, 857. Janet, 877. Julia A., 762. Lucinda, 901. Lydia M., 903. "Margaret, 118, Martha C, 827. Mary A., 879. Olive C, 825. Phebe, 887. Prudence, 118. Sarah, 118. Sarah Ann, 872. Walter J., 831. William, 683, 739. William L., 857. Phinney, Barnabas, 747. Elisha, 929. Henry Elisha, 929. Lucy Maria, 929. Lydia Eliza, 929. Phrenotty, Ellen, 890. Pickering, Theophilus, 255. Pierce, Peirce, Ann, 61, 526. Benjamin, 13. Catherine H., 910. Cyprian, 61. David, 254, Ebenezer, 13. Elisha, 266. Elizabeth, 254. Ellen, 650. Ellen M., 885. Eunice, 254. George, 786. Hannah, 61, 526, 575, 606, 6ro. Jane, 254. John, 575. John H., 800. Jonathan, 61, 266. Joseph, 526. Joseph C, 919. Lucy E., 884. Lydia. 115, 786. Lydia M., 919. Margaret, 13. Mary, 266, 415, 632. Meribah, 800. Miranda, 676. Moses, 61. Nancy Ann, 817. Silas, 254. Susan, 756, 9^3. Thankful, 576. Thomas, 526. William B., qto. Pierson, Elizabeth, 899. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1131 Pierson, William, 899. Pike, Elizabeth, 68, 69, 176. Hannah, 68, 224. Isaac, 68. John, 68, 69. Lucy, 468. Maria, 990. Mary, 193. Nathaniel, 68, 193. Samuel, 68. Silas, 69. Pirn, Mary, 989. Pindar, Rebecca, 707. Pinyon, Ellen, 91:. John, 911. Pitcher, Abby, 672, 712. Adaline, 634. Albert, 672, 788. Alexander, 666. Alfred, 672. Anna Ellis, 638. Anna L., 672. Anne, 484. Benjamin, 50. Betsey, 638', 666. Caroline. 638. 690. Charity L., 672. Charles. 703. Charlotte, 636. Charlotte M., 826. Clarissa, 703. Cornelia C, 999. Daniel, 638. Daniel Monroe, 638. David, 636, 666. David Austin, 636. Deliverance, 403. Desire, 634. Elijah. .484. 672. Elisha, 666. Eliza, 636, 638. Eliza L.. 788. Elizabeth, 50, Emily. 634. Ephraim, 634. Ephraim Barker, 634 Eunice Culver, 636. Francis. 636. Francis A., 826. Francis G., 704. Francis H.. 834. Gerard, 666. Gerard Gibbons. 636. Hannah, 672, 685. Harriet Ann, 666. Henry Francis, 704. Hezekiah Edgerton, 638. Tames, 50. James Monroe, 638. Pitcher, Jane, 666, 936. Jane Melissa, 666. Jerusha, 50, 107, 461, 704. Joanna, 50. Jonathan, 397. Joseph Coombs, 638. Julia M., 834. Julia Spencer, 636. Lorin, 638. Lucretia, 638. Lydia, 50, 636, 710. Lyman, 636. Marcy, 220. Maria, 666. Mary, 636. Mary Ann, 634, 704. Mary Ann Clement, 638. Mary Barker, 636. Mehitabel, 397, 551. Oliver Ellsworth, 636. Salinda Baldwin, 591. Sally, 666. Sally L., 672. Samuel, 50. Sarah, 50. Thomas Leffingwell, 638. Pitgood, Harriet, 752. Pitkin. Mabel. 373. Place, Harriet F, 964. Nathan D., 733. Roxy Ann, 733. Piatt, Dennis, 771. Plimpton, Plympton, Maria, 974. Miriam W., 848. Plumb, Plumbe, Elisha, 424. Hannah, 424. Mary, 424. Molly Green, 424. Peter, 424. Sarah, 4T5. Simeon, 424. Plummer, Plumer, Deborah, 323. Emily, 1001, John, 323. John T., 1001. Pollard, Albert, 984. Elizabeth P., 914. Jane, 984. Jane M., 865. Joseph B., 865. Lucy, 641. Sarah S., 865. Uriah A., 914. Mary Ann, 990. William W., 990. 1 132 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Polly, Pally, Polley, Abigail, 2, 21. Ann, 31. Daniel, 2, 25, 31. Ebenezer, 21. Hannah, 21. Jabez, 25. Jerusha, 25. John, 21. Jonathan, 21. Lucy, 21, 235. Matthew, 21. Mercy, 165. Samuel, 21. Thomas, 31. Pond, Margaret D., 894. Pontifract, Mary, 1001. Samuel, 1001. Pool, Charles, 657. Esther, 657. Hannah, 985. John, 657. Mary, 657. Stephen, 693. Theresa Emeline, 693. William, 985. Pope. , 758. Lavinia H., 758. Lucy Ann, 788. Susan, 794. Porter, Abby H., 923. Abby Huntington, 675. Abigail. 163, 455, 551. Annis E., 973. Betsey, 455. Charles Henry, 675. David, 675. Eleanor, 675. Eli as, 282. Elijah, 551. Epaphras, 675. Experience, 163. Francis, 675. George Epaphras, 675. Gideon, 455. Israel, 125. Jane S., 923. Jane Stewart, 675. John. 282. Joseph, 551. Lucretia, 675. Lydia, 455. Margaret Olmsted, 675. Marv. 163. Mehitabel. 282. Moses, 551. Polly, 455. Sarah, 551. Solomon, 551. Porter, William T., 973. Post, , 18. Abigail, 25, 26, 195, 196, 284, 313- Albert, 757. Ann, 144. Caroline, 757. Charles, 581. Charles B., 987. Dorcas, 144. Eliza, 713. Elizabeth, 153. Emily L., 924. Esther, 55, 223, 313. Eunice, 313. Experience, 164. Hannah, 22, 26, 363. Harriet H., 987. Hester, 25, 26. Huldah, 154. Jabez, 55, 195. 96, 362, 581, 713, 786. Jabez Hyde, 55. John, 25, 26, 33, 55, 196, 313, 581, 946. Joseph, 153, 154. Lucretia. 153, 512. Lucy, 164. Lydia, 26. Margaret, 18. Mariann, 786. Martha, 362. Mary, 21, 22, 50, 153, 154. Min dwell, 153. Nabby, 313, 581. Nancy M., 946. Nathaniel. 55, 164, 195, 196. Phineas B., 924. Rebecca 22, 153. Ruth, 55, 124, 144. Sally Bliss, 581. Samuel, 25. 55, 143, 144, 363. Sarah. 21, 33, 143, 144, 153. Stephen, 55, 313. Susanna, 363. Thomas, 21, 22. Potter, Abby Maria, 919. Abraham. 679. Anne. 600. Betsey E.. 8t6. Dnnicl Huntington, 657. Eliza, 679. Eliza Binglev. 6^7. Elizabeth. 657. 886. Esther. 635. 636. Esther H., 724. Eunice L.. 877. Georcre Washington, 598. Harriet, 635. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 133 Potter, Harriet H„ 874. Henry. H., 874. John W., 794- Lucy R.. 826. Mary A., 786. Mary Ann, 994. Olive, 929. Richard Humphrey, 657. Sally, 586. Sallv Ann, 657. Samantha S., 985. Sarah A., 794. Sidney B., 9*9- Sophia W, 844- Thomas, 635. 636, 720, 724- William. 929. Powers, Damaris, 364. Jane, 880. Jennett E., 963. John Robertson, 659. Joseph, 659. Martha, 364. Peter, 350, 35L 364, 365- Sabra, 659- Stephen, 364. Pratt, Eliza. 580. Eliza A.. 925- Emily C, 903. Emily E., 950. Experience, 73. George A., 786. George Alson, 786. George L., 998. Hannah, 867. Harriet A., 998. Harriet M., 935- Julia S., 990. Leslie Willington, 786. Louisa L., 986. Lucinda, 580. Mary A., 786. Mary Ann, 786, 991. Mary E., 869. Nathan, 882, 990. Phineas A., 903. Rachel C., 769- Ruth, 1, 37- Samuel, I, 37. Sarah, 93- Sarah A., 904. Sarah E., 882. Thomas Potter, 786. William, 904. Wlliam H., 986. Zadock, 580. Pray, Ann M., 988. Prebles, Andrew, 813. Mercy B., 813. Prentice Prentiss, Alfred Mitchel, 742. Ann E., 74* • Arthur Clift, 975- Betsey C., 813. Edward, 742. Edward W., 942. Elisha, 489. Eliza, 944- Elizabeth, 3°5- Elizabeth C., 74*. 742. Emma Louisa, 975. Eunice B., 983. Frances Caroline, 742. Frank, 742. Frederick, 742. George L., 74* • Harriet Ann, 975. Harriet Augusta, 975. Henry L., 741, 944- John, 741, 742. Lucy Adelaide, 975. Marcy, 489. Martha, 454- Martha Irene, 742. Mary, 293, 526. Nathaniel, 489. Peleg, 489. Phebe, 79- Sally, 654. 9*3- Sarah, 989. Sarah B., 1011. Sophia A., 942- William C. 975- Pressler, Catherine, 987. Christian, 987. Prest, Hannah, 910. Harriet A., 977- Thomas, 910. Thomas A., 977- Preston, Presson, Aaron, 526. Abraham. 552. Daniel, 287. Elisha A., 857- Hannah, 526. Isabella, 857. Tames, 552. Janet, 834- John, 834. Joseph, 287, 526. Lucy, 552. Marcv, 361. Mary. 287, 526. Mehitabel, 526. Nathaniel, 361. Walter, 552. Price, Charles, 846. Daniel, 952. Elizabeth, 846. 1 134 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Price, Joseph H., 861. Sarah M., 952. Pride, Abigail, 124, 337, 366, 439, 440, 441. Abner, 371, 441. Absolum, 124, 337. Amasa, 371. Anna, 367. Anne, 124, 149, 545. Asa. 371. Bathsheba, 337. Cynthia, 337. Daniel, 149. Elijah, 371. Elisha, T49, 367. Elizabeth, 366. Esther, 370, 371, 493. Eunice, 439. Ezra, 124. Hannah, 124. Herbert. 149, 439. Ira, 149, 366. 439. James, 371. Jane, 124. Jerusha, 371, 469. John, 124, 149. John Cephas, 337. Jonathan, 124, 337, 371. Joseph, 149, 441. Lucy, 417, 439, 440. Lydia, 149, 439. Margaret, 366, 367. Mary. 149, 271, 337. Micajah, 371, Paul, 124. Peter, 149. Reuben, 371. Robert, 439. Sarah, 124, 439. Silence. 366. Susanna. 124. William, 149, 366. 367, 439, 440. Prior. Prier, Abigail, 399. Dille. 487, 544. 545- Dorcas, 545. Dorothy, 88. Elizabeth, 374. John, 544, 545. Joshua, 163, 399. Lucy, 399. Mary, 163. Rosanna, 829. Sarah, 399. Promt, Eliza, 763. George W., 763. Prout, Abbv L., 1006. Nathan E., 1006. Prouty, Fidelia R., 802. Punderson, Betsey, 679. Punderson. Cyrus, 679. Purnal, Emma, 914. Job, 914. Putney, Mary Eliza, 953. Pymer, Anne, 713. John, 713. Quarles, Frances Ann, 783. Francis, 783. Quimby, Sophronia M., 703. William,, 703. Ouy, Lucretia, 997. Mary Ann, 747. Richard, 747. Raise, Louisa, 695. Ralston. Alexander, 879. Lucinda, 879. Ramo, Ann Maria, 598. Arsolees, 598. Betsey, 717. Henry Wamsley, 598. Immanuel, 717. Manning, 598. Sally. 598. Ramsdell. Ramsdale Anna Johanna, 808. Frances Ann, 706. John. 808. William G.. 706. Randall, Randal, Abigail, 44. Eliza, 831. Elizabeth, 44. Enos, 44. Frances E., 874. James, 802. Toseph, 831. Martha, 802, 889. Sarah, 44. Susan, 648. Ranger, Eliza, 1004. Richard, 1004. Ransom, Ranson, Harriet, A., 977. Reuben, 735, 815, 819, 820. Rarr, Nelly, 747. Rathbun. Rathbone, Abel, 852. Ann E., 934. Asa, 484. Beriah S., 897, 898. Elizabeth B., 937. Ellen R., 971. Frances, 933. Hannah E., 972. Helen B., 995. Julia, 1004. Lydia B., 852. Martha D., 899. Phebe A., 898. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1135 Rathbun, Rathbone, Reuben R., 971. Ruth, 484. Sarah M., 876. Rawson, Cybil Beal, 912. Grindall, 693. Lucretia, 693. Mary J., 863. Ray, Abby A., 833. Albert A., 839, 927. Daniel A., 833. Elizabeth S., 935. Hannah, 936. Hannah A., 927. Lucy Ann, 839. Mary C, 927. Sarah, 902. William, 935. Raymond, Raymon, Raymore, Abel, 233. Ann, 103, 195- Azubah, 369. Charles D., 666. Daniel, 233. Dyer, 612, 666, 667. Francis William, 667. Gideon F., 1012. Harriet N., 1012. Henry S., 666. Jane, 932. Jane Elizabeth, 667. Lucy, 233. Lydia, 163, 233, 612. Mary, 173. Mary Ann, 667, 931. Mercy, 173. Olive, 666, 667, 929. Olive B., 666. Rebecca, 56. Richard, 271. Samuel, 163, 233. Sarah D., 784. William, 612. William Spalding, 612. Raynsford, Hannah, 157. Read, Reed, Aaron, 20, 28, 56, 303, 401. Abel, 225. Abiah, in. Abigail, 24, 95, 168. Amelia, 826. Amity, 95. Amos, 209, 558, 674. Amy, 258. Andrew, 226, 227. Anna, 56, 225. Anne, 64. Asa, 209, 491. Benjamin, 255. Read, Reed, Caleb, 558. Charity, 20, 157. Daniel, 56, 558. David, 58, 157, 255. Deborah, 28. Dimmis, 475. Dorothy, 240. Ebenezer, 157. Elijah, 538. Elisha, 255. Eliza W., 730. Elizabeth, 15, 25, 58, 64, 95, 227, 320, 412. Esther, 25, no, 208, 443. Eunice, 225. Experience, 15, 57. Grace, 15. Hannah, 15, 20, 28, 52, 157, 209, 303, 49 1- Isaac, 58, 95. Jabez, 64, 208, 466. Jacob, 58, no, 401. James, 208, 227, 388. Jedidiah, no, 815. Jemima, 258. Jerusha, 2&, 56. Jesse, 263. Jesse Spaulding, 263. Joanna, 64, 268. John, 15, 64, 240, 297, 410, 521. Jonathan, 20, 28, 255. Joseph, 15, 24, 208, 209, 225. Joshua, no, 266. Josiah, 15, 58, no, 826. Judith, 64. Lemuel, 491. Levi, 558, 948. Lucy, 64, 240, 252, 401, 481, 521, 538. Lucy L. 815. Lydia, 64, no, 209, 297, 321, 401, 455, 406, 501. Marcy, 24, 203, 558. Margaret, 226. Mary, 25, no, in, 227, 255, 270. Mercy, 203, 255. Nancy P., 948. Nathan, 56, 270. Phebe, 491. Philip, no. Prudence, 255. Rachel, 521. Rebecca, 226, 227. Roxana, 401, Samuel, 25, 255, 481, 538. Sarah, 56, no, 142, 225, 249, 266, 370, 388, 401, 538. Silas, 64, no, 258. 1 136 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Read, Reed, Solomon, 491. Susanna, 15, 63, 270. Thankful, 64, 208, 209. William, 15, 20, 56, no, ill, 270, 303- Zerviah, 64. Zipporah, 20, 28, 263. Redding, Catherine, 956. Reichbach, Amelia, 979. Reiss, Magdalena, 945. Remington, Martha C, 905. Sarah Ann, 1006. William H., 1006. Revell, Hannah, 980. Robert, 980. Reynolds, Renells, Renall, Ren- alls, Renols, Ranols, Ren- als, Raynold, Renolds, , 935. Abigail, 88, 195, 311, 312, 458, 586. Adoniram, 45, 349. Almira, 990. Alzada W., 888. Ann, 87. Anna, 195, Anne, 263, 458. Charles, 458. Charles L., 862. Clark H, 888. Daniel, 35. Deborah, 87, 262. Elisha, 45, 250, 312. Elisha Lee, 458. Elizabeth, 13, 37, 43, 88, 250, 494- Enoch, 458. Frances E., 939. Frances Susan, 814. Freelove, 339. Gamaliel, 45, 250. George, 814. Hannah, 45, 250, 714. Helen M. D., 862. Henry L., 960. Hezekiah, 339. Janet S., 948. Jemima, 349. John, 12, 13, 3=;, 87, 88, 195, 250, 237- Jonathan, 714. Joseph, 13, 35. 45, 88, 337, 349, 458, 982. Joseph O., 948. Lester, 708. Louisa D., 862. Lydia, 13, 35, Si, 87, 88, 195. Lydia A., 889. Martha Ann, 982. Reynolds, Renells, Renall, Ren- alls, Renols, Ranols, Ren- als, Raynold, Renolds, Martha J., 960. Mary, 13, 35, 43, 63, 195, 294. Mary A., 903. Mary Ann, 708, 953. Mehitabel, 250. Miranda E., 935. Oliver, 45. Peter, 173. Phebe, 337, 458. Phebe E., 970. Priscilla, 294. Rufus, 337. Ruth, 87, 263. Samuel, 63. Sarah, 13, 33, 35, 45, 87, 165, 193, 239, 250, 312, 337, 34V Sarah L., 952. Simeon, 250. Stephen, 13, 35, 63, 294. Susan, 13. Thomas, 63, 294. Zerviah, 45, 250. Rice, Abel, 897. Amanda M., 888. Anna C, 947. Gilbert L, 767. Jennetta A., 767. Jerome, 888. Lorenzo E., 989. Lucy B., 897. Phebe E., 866. Samuel E., 947. Sarah, 989. Sarah Ann, 896. Rich, Emily, 923. Fanny L., 935. Thomas, 923. Richards, Richard, Abby A., 962. Abel, 735. Abigail, 155. Andrew, 98. Ann T., 777. Ann Thomas, 777. Benjamin, 180. Bethiah, 232. Betsey, 455. Catherine, 447. Catherine M., 595. Catherine Mumford, 447. Charity, 180. Daniel, 39. Elizabeth, 557. Elizabeth Huntington, 816. Elizabeth Tracy 777. Emeline K., 874. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 137 Richards, Richard, Esther, 371. George, 455. Guy, 455. Helen K., 994. Hepzibah, 98. James T., 777. Jeremiah, 735. John, 454, 45s. Laura, 736. Lois, 98. Lucinda, 820, Lucy, 98. Martha, 454, 455. Martha A., 872. Mary, 354, 735. Mary K., 776. Mehitabel, 180. Patty Prentice, 455. Peter, 447. Rosella W, 722. Samuel C., 874. Sarah, 39, 98. Sarah D., 884. Sophia, 700. Susan H., 849. Susanna, 39. Thomas Tracy, 777. William H., 885-888, 893. Wolcott, 849. Richardson, Angelina, 993. Ann E., 983. Ann H., 719. Benjamin G., 993. Ebenezer, 987. Hannah, 344. Russell, 719. Sarah, 987. Richmond, Arabella, 085. William, 189, 985. Ricker, Ann Eliza, 856. Rider, Abby A., 936. Clarissa M., 876. Ridgway, Abby, 708. Abby R., 707, 708. James, 707. Lucinda, 708, 836. Thomas J., 707, 708, 836. Riggs, Harriet C, 877. Rindge, Linda, 669. Ring, Prudence, 267. Riordon, Joanna, 978. Mary, 976. Ripley, Riply, Alice, 60. Charles P. Huntington, 734. Daniel Coit, 626. David, 463. Dwight, 625, 626. Eliza, 625, 626. Eliza Coit, 626. 37 Ripley, Riply, George B., 704. George Burbank, 626. Hannah, 148. Hannah G., 704. Harriet, 626. James L., 734. James Leonard, 626. Joseph, 626. Joshua, 127, 148. Lucy C, 694. Lucy Coit, 626. Martha, 626, 734. Mary Perritt, 734. Rachel, 24. Ruth L, 734. William B., 623. William Dwight, 626. Rising, Martin Ham, 839, 840, 850, 852, 857, 865, 868, 870-872, 878, 881, 883, 884, 886, 891, 892, 896, 901, 906, 934, 937. Mary Ann, 839. Risley, Mary, 846. Sidney, 846. Ritchie, Catherine, 815. Robert, 815. Rix, James, 1006. Martha S., 1006. Roach, Ann, 979. Edward, 979. Roath, Roth, Abigail, 25, 286. Almira F., 814. Ann, 899. Anna, 25, 217, 351, 352, 624. Anne, 182, 382, 482. Ardelia F., 835. Asa, 200, 604, 815, 816, 870, 894, 908. Augusta S., 970. Austin W., 767. Azubah, 217, 691. Benjamin, 52. Benjamin Tyler, 609. Betsey, 603. Caroline, 724. Catherine H., 910. Charlotte B., 964. Daniel, 2, 243. David, 53, 182, 183, 392. Ebenezer, 53, 217. Edmond David, 609. Edward M. C, 899. Edwin, 843. Edwin A., 933. Eleazer, 200, 603, 604, 632. Elijah, 697. Eliza A., 767. Elizabeth, 2, 25, 182, 183, 217, 243, 270. n 3 8 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Roath, Roth, Elizabeth A., 828. Emma, Mercy, 609. Ephraim, 524. Erastus, 603. Esther, 524, 631. Eunice, 217, 603, 606, 609. Fanny, 843. Frances, 933. Hannah, 2, 240, 603, 604. Hannah Louisa, 609. Henry Hobart, 609. James, 217. James Huntington, 609. John, 2, 52, S3, 95, 240. Jonathan, 183. Joseph, 29, 52, 182, 523, 524, 591, 632. Joshua, 25. Lucy, 183, 217 465, 524 630. Lydia, 25, 217. Marcy, 392. Maria, 840. Martha A., 950. Martha L, 881, 1003. Mary, 2, 25, 53, 95. 200, 424, 532. Mary Ann, 695. Mary E., 823, 969. Mary Elizabeth, 609, 734. Mercy, 632. Miriam, 523, 524, 591, 632, 695. Nancy, 697. Nancy A., 821. Nancy M., 854. Peter, 2, 25. Rebecca, 604. Rhoda, 217. Robert, 2, 25, 217. Roswell, 606, 609, 667. Roswell Walstein, 609, 734- Rufus, 352. Sabra, 523, 591- Sally, 648. Samurl, 53, 182. Sarat 1, 25, 29, 52, 200, 217, 2! Sarah >,., 865. Steph , 53, 200. Thorn , 35L 352- Zebuli , 524. Zippo to, 217. Robbim Robins, Robbens, Abiga... Campbell, 632. Adelia E., 920. Albert J., 875. Asahel Sessions, 632. Esther, 631, 632. Esther J., 1005. Gurdon, 829. Harriet J., 829. Robbins, Robins, Robbens, Henry Rufus, 632. James, 267. Joseph, 267. Julia Ann, 873. Katherine, 267. Lucy R., 826. Nancy L, 785. Orrin C, 826, 873. Richard C, 787. Rufus, 631, 632. Ruth, 875- Sally, 787- Thankful, 267. W., 785. William N., 920. Zebulon Roath, 632. Roberts, Robbards, Robarts, Abigail, 282, 423. Amy, 667. Caroline M., 910. Elizabeth, 1, 7. George, 667. George Marshall, 667. Hugh, 7. Mary, 7. Roswell A., 910. Samuel, 1, 7, 282. Zerviah, 282, 402. Robinson, Robenson, Robertson, Adaline C, 948. Almira, 964. Amelia, 799. Amos, 307. Anne, 6=;7, 658. Benjamin F., 752. Betsey, 775. Caroline M., 749, 910. Charles, 658. Charlotte E., 967, 981. Chester, 688. Cynthia, 658. Diantha, 876. Elias, 657, 658, 775. Elias Goodell, 658. Eliza, 763. Eliza H., 836. Elizabeth, 344. Elizabeth L., 1009. Elizabeth Lathrop, 738. Emma R., 850. Emma Rogers, 780. Frank A., 754. Galen, 780. Galen C, 992. George Augustus, 738. George Washington, 658. Harriet, 752. Harriet E., 791. INDEX OF PERSONS. "39 Robinson, Robenson, Robertson, Harriet Maria, 738. Henry, 811. Henry W., 749. Horatio Nelson, 780. John, 658. John A. 754. John R., 819. Julia, 863. Julia A., 991. Lucretia C, 092. Lydia, 307, 658, 699. Lydia M., 869. Mary, 658, 846, 950. Mary Ann P., 835. Mary E., 754. Nancy E., 688. Nancy T., 819. Prudence W., 780. Reuben, 307. Sarah, 658. Sarah C, 983. Susan Marvin, 738. Thomas, 738. Thomas Samuel, 738. Rock, Molly, 397. Rockwell, Adonijah, 230. Amariah, 23, 311. Ann, 40. Betty, 230. Charles, 614, 615. Charles William, 615. Daniel, 23, 304. Dorothy, 88. Ebenezer, 304. Elisha H., 996. Elizabeth, 40. Esther, 230, 301. Eunice, 304. Hannah, 21, 27. 40, 88, 167, 267. Jabez, 23. James, 230. Jerusha, 40, 112. John, 21, 40. John A., 749. John Arnold, 615. Joseph, 21, 88. Josiah, 21, 23, 40, 202, 267. Lucretia, 304, 506. Lucy, 202. Martha, 311. Martha A., 996. Mary, 21. Mary Watkinson, 749. Mindwell, 304. Polly, 474- Ruhamah, 304. Ruth, 37. Sally, 614, 615. Rockwell, Samuel, 21, 230. Sarah, 230. Tabitha, 23. William, 88. Zipporah, 230. Rogers, Abby Ann, 785. Abigail, 527. Alexander, 519. Alfred, 653. Alice Blanche, 1013. Amos, 374. Angelina Theresa, 736. Ann, 234. Anna, 702. Anne, 534, 553. Benjamin, 518. Betsey, 374, 509, 635. C. D., 815, 824. Caleb B., 762, 894. Caleb D., 733. Charles J., 1010. Charles L., 780, 893. Charles Spalding, 648. Charlotte, 653. Chr., 862. David, 374. David G., 872. Denison, 539, 653, 654. Desire, 374. Dudson, 323. E. Frank, 1013. Ebenezer H., 861. Ebenezer Hyde, 627. Edward, 553. Edward Lord, 648. Edward W., 894. Eleazer, 539, 634, 635, 684, 969. Eliab, 539, 627. Eliab Thomas, 627. Elisha, 635. Elisha E., 684. Elisha Francis, 684. Elisha L., 929. Elizabeth, 88, 89, 250, 251, 321, 35o, 374, 391, 411, 534. 553, 663. 673, 932. Elizabeth B.. 928. Emily L., 924. Emma. 553, 589. Esther, 657. Eunice A., 684. Eunice Augusta, 684. Eunice C. 872. Eunice W., 684. Ezekiel. 88, 251. Ezekiel C, 723. Fanny, 534. 635, 729. Frances, 534, coo. Francis H., 780. 1140 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Rogers, Frank, 896. Frederick, 684. Frederick W. H., 785. George, 647. George Tyler, 647. Grace H., 880. Hannah, 539, 640. Harriet Maria, 635, 762. Harriet S., 762. Henry, 654, 684. Horace, 684. Iduella T., 894. James, 519, 539, 647, 648, 654. James C, 729. James Coit, 648. John, 250, 251, 321, 491. John Ellsworth, 627. Joseph Fitch, 323. Joseph Snow, 553. Joshua, 654. Judith Ann, 1013. Julian, 862. Lois, 88, 202. Lucretia, 89, 350. Lucy, 539, 634. 635, 654. Lucy C, 723. Lucy E., 893. Lucy Edgerton, 1013. Lydia, 323. 324, 527, 539, 648. M. Eliza, 896. Margaret M., 861. Martha, 929. Martin L., 928. Mary, 627, 643, 831. Mary Ann, 954. Mary A. H.. 881. Mary H„ 899. Mary Hyde, 627. Mary Ingraham, 647. Nancy, 653, 654. Nancy M., 946, 969. Oliver, 323. Paulina H., 856. Penelope, 321, 527. Porter, 684, 932. Prudence, 324, 351. Ruth, m8. Sally, 647, 648, 827. Sally M., 894. Samuel, 635. Sarah, 321, 539, 553, 635, 723, 928. Sarah E., 1010. Sarah M., 1010. Sarah Virginia, 1013. Sarah W., 870. Silence, 519. Sophia, 534, 647. Sophia B., 875. Rogers, Sophia Burbank, 648. Sophronia, 1001. Susanna, 553. Theophilus, 88, 89, 250, 251, 321, 527- Thomas Jefferson, 635. Thomas Mumford, 553. Uriah, 88, 323, 324, 518, 527. Wealthy, 518. Wealthy Ann, 323, 527., Wheeler, 374. William, 654. , William P., 723. Zabdiel, 88, 350, 534, 553, 589. Zilpha, 539. Rood, Roode, Rude, Rode, Abigail, 25, 40, 260, 377. Anne, 260, 377. Asa, 28, 377. Belinda, 789. Benajah, 12. Benjamin, 25, 34. Christiana, 1006. David, 39. Ebenezer, 41, 103, 260, 377. Elizabeth, 39, 192. Experience, 42, 261. George, 41, 42. Hannah, 41, 42. Isaac, 41. Jabez, 28, 39. Job, 39. John, 34. Jonathan, 39, 42. Joseph, 34, 47. Keziah, 42, 193. Lois, 103. Lydia, 103, 282. Marcy, 40. Mariner, 40. Mary, 12, 25, 34, 39, 40, 47, 101, 103, 127, 377. Mehitabel, 28. Mi cah, 34, 47. Nathan, 260, 377. Olive, 359. Oliver, 260, 377. Prudence, 377. Rachel, 34. Reuben, 260, 377. Rufus, 28. Samuel, 12, 34, 40. Sarah, 12, 25, 34, 47, 103, 137 Simeon, 41, 42. Solomon, 41, 137. Tabitha, 12. Thankful, 42, 245. Thomas, 34, 39, 42. William, 1006. INDEX OF PERSONS. 114! Root, 859- Emeline, 803. Erastus, 830. Francis G., 803. Frank P, 984. Harriet L., 899. Lucy, 796. Lucy A., 900. Mary Jane, 856, 984. Susan R., 830. Rose, Amasa L., 952. Anna, 497, 498. Anna Stevens, 498. Asa, 266, 497, 498. Bashua, 137. Betty, 266. Cyrus, 498. Damaras, 266. Elcebeth, 498. Elias, 498. Elijah, 266. Eliza, 704. Elizabeth, 822. Esther, 706. Eunice W., 1000. Hannah, 266, 495. Joanna, 137. John L., 867. Josiah, 137. Julia Ann, 834. Lucy, 684. Lucy A., 952. Lydia, 710. Margaret, 266. Maria, 879. Martha, 137, 266, 718. Mary, 137, 498. Nancy, 867. Oramel, 822. Peleg, 495, 771. 879- Phebe, 887. Prosper, 495. Robert, 495. Sarah, 265, 266, 495. Susanna C, 771, 888. Thomas, 137, 265, 266, 498. Walter, 834. William L., 1000. Rosenbush, Elizabeth, 907. John, 907. Rosewell, Sarah, 51. Ross, Abby Ann, 870. Charles Henry, 870. Enos C, 830. Mary Ann, 830. William M., 870. Rossie, Caroline M., 742. William, 742. Rossiter, Rosseter, Asher, 557. Rossiter, Rosseter, Esther Dennison, 608. Mary, 452. Roundy, Roundye, Abiah, 411, 412. Abigail, 411. Deborah, 313, 314. Elizabeth, 411, 412. Hiram, 411. John, 313, 314 Robert, 411, 412. Rouse, Alice, 239. Ann J., 1013. Asahel W., 1013. Elijah, 419, 420. Elizabeth, 381. Hannah, 410, 420. Harriet C, 862. Isabel, 720. Jabez, 381. John, 419. Margaret, 381. Molly, 420. Vashti, 381. Whiting, 419. Rowe, Abby Ann, 806. Betsey, 678. Jacob, 678. Robert, 806. Rowell, Caroline, 935. Rowland, Roland, Lucy, 407. Susanna, 520. Royal, James, 964. Mary Jane, 964. Royce, Roise, Roice, Abigail, 33. Abijah, 33, 45. David, 33, 83. Deborah, 33, 66, 84. Elizabeth, 33, 83. Elvira, 873. Emerson C, 873. Hannah, 33. John, 33, 35, 83. Jonathan, 33, S3- Martha, 83. Mary, 83. Nehemiah, 84. Ruth, 15, 33, 83. Sarah, 33, 35. Rudd, Abigail, 3, 50, 51, "6, 155. 409. Alice, 335, 330. Andrew, 131, 300, 336. Ann, 51. Anna Lord, 521. Anne, 131, 290, 522. Asher, 206. Barak, 333. 1 142 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Rudd, Bathshua, 333, 334. Betty, 336, 355- Caroline, 87. Charles, 555. Daniel, 50, 206, 251. Deborah, 333. Edna, 155. Elisha, 131, 355- Eliza, 521. Elizabeth, 131, 206, 251, 300, 1012. Eunice, 206, 333. Gideon, 51, 223. Hannah, 333, 336. Hepzibah, 155, 377. Increase, 155, 333, 334- Jabez, 131, 335. Jabez Fitch, 521. Jedidiah, 401. Jeremiah, 155. Joanna, 87, 308. Tohn, 155. John Churchill, 554. lohnson, 334. Jonathan, 2. 3, 50, 87, 290, 401, 554, 555- Joseph, 50, 155. Lebbeus, 336. Lucy, 206. Lurene, 290, 521. Lydia, 50, 51, 131, 176, 300. Marcv, 2, 3. Mary, 3, 8, 50, 61, 89, 131, 206, 251, 300, 528, 554, 555- Nancy, 401, 464. Nathaniel, 3, 50, 131, 151, 300, 335, 336. Patience, 51. Prosper, 290, 521. Rachel, 223. Rebecca, 87, 322, 401. Richardo, 554. Ruth, 355. Samuel, 87, 290. Sarah, 51, 131, 155, 367. Silas, 333- Susanna, 51. Tabitha, 401. Thankful, 223. Thede, 334. Zerviah, 155. Ruffer, S., 794, 795- Ruggles, Lavinia, 774. Thomas, 143, 164. Rumrill, Rumriell, Aaron, 709. Elizabeth, 937. Lydia, 709. Rusher, Hannah, 938. Russ, Rus, Esther, 176. Joseph, 176. Patience, 176. Stephen, 545. Thankful, 545. Zedekiah, 176. Russell, Abram, 765. Caroline Matilda, 805. Edward Cooley, 805. George, 787. Mary, 765. Rebecca B., 944. Sarah, 391. Susan, 787. William S. S., 944. Rust, Jeremiah, 364. Lucy, 364. Matthias, 364. Niel, 364. Oliver, 364. Ryan, Ryant, Ryon, Anne, 514. Fanny, 790. Rebecca. 508. Sarah, 958. Ryley, Margaret, 973. Sabin, Sabens, Saben, Abigail, 232. Ann. 86. Anne, 238, 302. Azariah, 473. Benajah, 238. Chloe, 238. Cvnthia, 473. Eldad, 85, 232. Elijah, 302. Elizabeth, 298. Ellen M., ioo6. Esther, 238. Eunice, 238, 250, 543. Francis, 886. Hannah, 131. Isaac, 85, 86. 250. Jedidiah, 302. Jerusha, 238, 304, 473- John, 131, 208, 238, 473, 732- Lucy, 298. Lura Ann, 732. Lurane, 238. Lvdia, 473- Lydia S., 886. Marv, 154. Meribah, 85. Nabby, 473- Oliver, 250. Peter, 750. 751, 252, 754. 75$, 760, 762, 764. Phineas, 85. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 143 Sabin, Sabens, Saben, Sally T, 758. Samuel, 86. Sarah, 85, 86, 437. Sybil, 86. Temperance, 473. Walter, 302. William, 298. William A., 1006. Zerviah, 250. Ziba, 250. Sackett, Charles D., 918. Sarah, 918. Safford, Abigail, 118, 346. Adaline, 902. Anne, 118, 303. Cornelia A., 993. David, 118. Deborah, 398. Desire, 167. Dorothy, 169. Elisha, 187. Elizabeth, 118, 238. Erastus, 398. Esther, 118. Hannah, 118. Jacob, 118. Jedidiah, 187. John, 120, 187, 246, 286, 415. Joseph, 118. Josiah, 187, 398. Lucy, 118. Lydia, 187. Mary, 369, 386. Mary E., 841. Morgan, 841. Resina, 225. Sabra, 187. Samuel, 118, 369. Sarah, 9, 415. Silas, 187. Solomon, 118, 225. Zerviah, 187. Salisbury, Salsbury, Salisbury, Almira, 964. Benjamin C, 887. Betsey, 706. Hezekiah, 706. Lydia, 601. Robert, 964. Sarah A., 887. Salter, Richard, 467. Samson, Sampson, Abigail, 400. Daniel, 400. Eunice, 400. Joanna, 402. Jonathan, 400. Joseph, 400. Samson, Sampson, Molly, 400. Nabby, 400. William, 400. Sanford, Ann, 462. Anna, 586. Anne, 219. Bethiah, 219, 220, 419. Elisha, 220. Elizabeth, 419, 558. Hannah, 220. Hope, 219. Joseph, 219, 220, 419. Kingsbury, 219, 220. Lovice, 624. Lydia, 219. Mary, 63. Sarah, 219. Velina, 419. William, 419. Sanger, Sangar, David, 277. . Elizabeth, 277, 615. Frances Harriet, 822. lrijah, 277. John, 621, 922. Lydia, 277. Mary, 621, 725, 922. Peter, 277. Polly, 621, 922. Sally C, 621. Sarah Chapman, 783. Sybil, 277, 549-. Sargent, Benjamin, 938. Lois F., 734. Luther P., 734. Maria E., 938. Saunders, Sanders, Edward, 825. Eliza Ann, 849. Eliza B., 961. Eliza W., 717. Elkanah, 587. Eveline O., 852. Harriet N.. 898. Henry, 84.6. Henry F., 717. John, 849. Joshua, 587. Lucinda, 790. Mahala, 825. Mary, 141, 681, 761. Mary L., 917. Sybil, 846. William, 681. Savage, Betsey, 698. Cornelius, 508. Edward, 994. Rebecca, 508. Sally, 620. 1 144 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Sawtell, Joseph W., 913. Sarah, 913. Sawyer, Elizabeth, 374. Jeremiah, 769. Lydia, 769. Mary, 135. Saxton, Sarah, 2. Sayles, Sarah E. C, 943. Willard, 943. Schaller, Catherine Elizabeth, 914. Schemehorne, Schemerhorn, Philip, 910. Rhoda A., 910. Rhoda Ann, 965. Schofield, Scholfield, Elizabeth, 893, 989. Schoonmaker, Caroline, 976. Scott, Abigail, 501. Amanda D., 829. Azarah, 501. Caroline, 792. Caroline L., 927. Cynthia, 392. Cynthia L., 727. Eleazer, 501. Elijah L., 792. Elizabeth, 501. Hannah, 391, 392, 399. Henry, 107. James W., 727. Joseph, 501. Margaret T., 925. Peter, 392. Mary, 107. Melicent, 107. Rebecca, 501. Silas, 501. Susanna, 391. Welcome S., 927. Zebediah, 391, 392, 399. Scudder, Elizabeth, 46. Marcy, 40. Seabury, Charles, 660. Samuel, 206. Seamon, Seaman, Catherine M., 987. Sarah E., 974. Searls, Eliza, 872. Mary Ann, 708. Sarah, 928. Sears, Elizabeth, 816. Elisha Ayers, 592. Henry, 823. James Eldridge, 593. Jerusha, 527. Lucretia, 823. Margaret, 592, 593- Mary E., 961. Mary McCown, 593. Sears, Nathan, 592, 593. Sanford W., 816. Sanford, William, 593. Sarah Perkins, 593. See, Mary Margaret, 953. Service, Isabella G., 991. James, 991. Margaret Jane, 1002. Setchell, , 720. Elizabeth, 720. Elizabeth B., 746. James B., 746. Alary, 72^, 791. Nancy, 629. Seymor, Lamanda II., 819. Shailer, Shaller, Shaler, Davis T., 755. Nathan E., 854, 971. Susanna, 904. Shantup, l J olly, 743. Shaply, Alary, 162. Siiarp, Sharpe, Ann Sprague, 738. Darius, 985. Nancy, 738. Sarah, 985. Sophronia H., 737. William S., 738 Shaw, Abby Jane, 1005. Ann P., 932. Daniel, 1005. William A., 932. Shays, Shea, Jeremiah, 971. Mary, 971, 996. Patrick, 996. Shedd, Rebecca, 244. Sheehan, Joanna, 979. Murtagh, 979- Sheeran, Cornelius, 979. Hannah, 979. Sheffield, Sarah A., 984. Sheldon, Frances, 941. Lucinda, 867. Prudence, 904. Sarah, 844. Susan H., 1009. Shepherd, Shepard, Ann L., 833- Charles I., 1002. Emeline S., 734. Joshua W., 734- Rhoda A., 862. Sarah E., Q79- William, 862. Sherman, Shearman, Shermans, Abby, 719- Abiel B., 690, 718. Betsey, 787. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 145 Sherman, Shearman, Shermans, Charles B., 699. Charles H., 699. Dorcas R., 810. Elijah H., 703. Eliza, 736. Elizabeth, 831, 843. Elizabeth D., 993. Esther C, 703. Frances A., 1005. George P., 1002. Harriet M., 801. Henry C, 869. Hepzibah B., 869.^ Hezekiah Tracy, 690. James, 843. John, 639, 699, 879. Julia S., 718. Laughton, 783. Laura W., 837. Lucinda, 879. Lucinda P., 946. Lucy G., 780. Lucy L., 885. Lydia, 875. Lydia L., 699. Maria M., 893. Mary A., 887. Mary Ann, 783. Mary H., 1002. Moses W., 787. Nancy, 083. Nathaniel, 837. Nathaniel H., 762. Phebe Ann, 874. Sally, 693. Sarah, 699, 761, 873. Sarah A., 912. Susan, 711. Susan M., 900. Wealthy, 690. William, 983. William L.. 801. Shipman, Abigail, 652. Betty, 263. Elizabeth, 263, 527. Lizzie, 263, 652. Lucretia. 263. Lydia, 263, 552. Lydia Leffinpwell, 652. Nathaniel, 263, 527, 652. Oliver Leffingweil, 263, 527. Ruth, 263. Thomas L., 829, 834, 838, 847, 859, 875. 917- Thomas Leffingweil, 652. Sholes, Shoalls, Shoales, Cynthia, 658. Eliza, 950. Sholes, Shoalls, Shoales, Eunice, 735. Francis J., 793. Hannah, 793. Jonathan, 735. Lucretia, 283. Orin, 658. Sanford H., 950. Shoughrue, Mary, 971. Shumway, Catherine, 751. Nathaniel, 751. Shurburne, Ruth, 937. Sigourney, Lydia, 516. Sill, Horace, 824. Nancy K., 824. Silloway, Frances H., 845. Silsby, Huldah, 349. John, 349. Silver, Mary Ann, 809. Silvester, Mary, 34. Simmons, Simonds, Simons, Simond, Abby, 901. Abigail, 169. Ambrose, 782. Andrew, 236. Bethiah, 387, 539, 540. Betsey Matilda, 782. Caleb, 540. Celia, 910. Edward, 387, 540. Elizabeth, 236. Elizabeth Stebbins, 387. Ellen M., 892. Eunice, 236, 302. George, 910. Harriet S„ 875. Jacob, 302. Jerusha, 302. Jonathan, 236, 387, 539, 540. Mary, 883. Rebecca, 158. Sarah, 830. Westerly, 387. William B., 875. Simpson, Eliza, 812. Sirling, Rachel, 743. Sisson, Sison, Daniel, 723. Esther, 723. James H„ 764. Mary H, 899. Nancy, 764. Noyes, 899. Polly, 576. Skerry, Caroline, 936. Daniel B., 935. Skinner, Alexander W., 827, 843. Charity, 801. Daniel B., 801. 1 146 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Skinner, Isabel, 720. Mary, 795. Mary A., 843. Sally, 827. Thomas, 720. Slack, Mary R, 724. Slate, Abigail, 155. Daniel, 154, 155. Jonathan, 155. Joseph, 155. Lucy, 155. Mary, 154, 155. Thomas, 155. Slater, Eliza A., 988. George F. R., 988. John F., 907. Marianna L, 907. Slattery, Abby, 603. Abigail, 603. Slaughter, Eunice, 371. Sloan, Rosana, 628. Slocum, St. Helena, 709. Sluman, Slonman, Sloman, Abigail, 13. Anne, 164, 302. Betty, 164. Charity, 93, 198. David, 93. Elizabeth, 13, 36. Hannah, 164. Joseph, 93. Joshua, 93, 209. Lydia, 164, 395. Margaret, 93. Mary, 13. Rebecca, 13. Ruth, 209. Sarah, 13, 32, 43, 93, 95, 164. Thomas, 13, 32, 93, 164. Sly, Caroline C, 892. Izannah, 813. Ruth, 906. Small, Eliza, 967. Nathan, 967. Patience, 724. Smallbent, Lydia, 54, 69. Mark, 54. Mary, 54, 69. [Smalley], Smaley, Smallie, Ruth, 267. Sarah, 312. Smart, Richard, 679. Smiley, Isabella, 1011. Mary, 986. Robert J., 986. Smith, , 904. A. A., 868. Abby, 693, 745. Abby Ann, 757. Smith, Abigail, 74. Abijah, 113, 314. Abner, 32, 132, 322, 462, 464. Adelaide Elizabeth, 692. Agnes, 972. Albert, 767. Albert C, 917. Albert Chapman, 678. Alethea, 170, 436. Alfred, 417, 652. Alice, 520, 768. Almon P., 816. Alva, 873. Amasa, 511. Amos, 466. Amy, 361. Andrew, 310, 520. Ann, 260, 462, 775, 915. Ann A., 943. Ann Azuba, 901. Anna, 463, 502, 624, 652. Anne, 261, 310, 361, 403, 652. Asa, 433, 463. Asahel, 132, 432. Asher, 436. Austin, 417. Avery, 888. Azor, 973. Bathshua, 314. Benjamin, 703. Betty, 367, 417, 973- Betsey E., 954. Betsey M., 1001. Bohan, 530. Bradford W., 1010. Caleb, 433. Caroline, 964. Caty, 650. Charles Dwight, 807. Charles F., 977. Charles Frederick, 395. Charlotte L., 744. Cinderella, 703. Clarissa, 745. Cynthia, 432. Daniel, 32, 74, 132, 242, 347, 361, 462, 466, 735. Darius, 432. David, 242, 280, 428, 504. David Frederick, 678. Delight, 347. Dorothy, 242. Eben, 970. Ebenezer, 132, 235, 242, 324, 428, 530. Edna, 113, 114, 310, 558. Edward, 624, 691, 692. Edy, 428. Eleazer, 362. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 147 Smith, Eli, 361, 765. Eliad, 451. Elias, 465. Elijah, 132, 217, 314, 436. Eliphalet, 260, 261. Elisha, 4^2. Eliza, 668, 745, 787, 831, 832. Eliza Ann, 1007. Eliza L., 771. Elizabeth, T13, 150, 176, 177, 217, 280, 323, 361, 362, 365, 425, 428, 511, 661, 804, 814, 929, 977. Elliot H., 1001. Emily Louisa, 907. Emily S., 872. Emma E., 762. Ephraim, 428. Esther, 133, 242, 364, 432. Eunice. 310, 525, 916. Ezekiel, 314. Fanny, 521, 624. Fanny Roath, 826. Francis, 150, 261, 624, 692. Francis Edward, 691. Frank, 977. Frederic, 1007. George G., 953. George H., 942. Gilbert, 624. Gurdon, 652, 668. Hannah, 132, 328, 433, 451, 504, 670, 924, 938. Hannah M., 731. Hannah Maria, 832. Harriet, 436, 463, 624. Harriet Anna, 692. Harriet H., 927. Harriet Newell, 832. Henry, 652. Henry W., 879. Hester, 702. Hiram, 904. Ichabod, 362. Irene, 310, 551. Isaac, 466. Isabella, 865. Jabez, 367, 466. Jacob, 114, 395- James, 32, 132, 466, 745, 858. Tames Nnrris. 832. Jane, 778, 858. Jasper, 117. Jedidiah, 465, 692. Jemima, 630. Jesse, 185, 217. Joanna, 177. John, 32, 176, 177, 324, si 1, 541, 865, 878, 916. Smith, John G, 678. John M., 929. John P., 865. John W., 872. Jonathan, 242, 347, 652. Joseph, 275, 361, 362, 543, 544, 652. Joshua, 32, 113, 114, 243, 261, 425, 451. Joshua Abel, 32. Judah, 113, 367. Judith, 543, 544. Julia, 745. Julia Ann, 983. Lovice, 520. Lucinda, 425, 520. Lucretia, 367. Lucy, 150, 235, 340, 4T7, 436, 520. 585, 745. Lucy Huntington, 767. Lurany, 150. Lydia, 217, 314, 395. Lydia Ann, 914. Lydia C, 977. Lyman Bennet, 597. Marcy, 74, 243, 530. Maria, 983. Maria L., 989. Maria Louisa, 771. Marietta B., 873. Marsha, 991. Martha, 32, 107, 132, 310, 496, 587. Martha A., 872. Martha L., 909. Mary, 28, 74, 277, 417, 419, 428, 469, 504, 735. 878, 917. Mary A., 863, 865, ioro. Mary Ann, 706, 807, 831. Mary Anna, 624. Marv C, 687. Mary E., 988. Mary Eliza. 953. Marv Elizabeth, 678. Mehitabel, 30, 113. Melany, 436. Merilla, 701. Mindwell. 541. Nancy, 681, 717, 757, 916. Nancy B., 678. Nathan, 466. Nehemiah, 927, 983. Obadiah, 32, 113, 310, 520. Olive. 666. Oliver. 261, 367, 465. Oliver Merrcls, 692. Ozias, 520. Patty. 595. Phebe E., 970. 1 148 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Smith, Philomena, 888. Priscilla A.. 810. Prudence, 904. Prudence C. 816. Prudence W., 780. Rebecca 322, 463. Rebecca A., 1010. Roger, 745. Ruby, 942. Ruth, 222, 879. Sally Ann Maria, 691. Sally Maria, 691, 692. Samuel, 74, 132, 133, 241, 242, 347. 4-2% 525. 794- 938. Sanford, 463. Sarah, 74, 132, 133, 177. 185, 217, 241, 242, 304, 347, 367, 394. 933- Sarah B.. 938. Sarah Jane, 831. Sarah M., 996, 1010. Shubael, 541, Silas, 417. Silence, 324. Simeon, 367. Sinda, 673. Solomon. 224. Sophia, 745. Stephen, 428. Stephen C, 757. Susan, 794. Susan C, 987. Susanna, 224, 466, 530. Tamar, 432, 433. Temperance, 556. Thankful, 185, 275. Thomas, 242, 432, 433. Thomas H., 972. Thomas Sluman, 395. Tracy, 428. Tryphena P., 874. Uriah, 177, 224. 314, 436. Varnum. 831, 832. W. B., 863. William, 150, 260, 261, 504, 597. 1010. William H., 924. William Henry, 678. William P., 933. Zebediah, 177. Zedekiah, 280. Zerviah, 465. Zimri L., 771. Smyth. Anna, 958. Maria, 959. Marian, 958. Snell, Ennis B., 8S9- Mary E. D.. 859. Snow, Abby, 871. Snow, Amos W., 871. Andrew J., 1009. Benjamin, 625. Elizabeth, 534. Esther F., 1009. Eunice A., 1014. Frances, 625. Jane C, 963. John, 763. Joseph, 553. Mary L., 763. Rebecca Monroe, 772. Sally, 625. Sarah Ann, 689. Soamen. Abigail B., 758. Thomas, 758. Somers, Summers, Almira, 644, 726. Clark, 644. Marcy C, 644. Nanc 644, 756. Phebe, 644. Samuel, 644. Southard, Greenwood B., 936. Jane, 936. Southwick. Mary A., 968. Southworth, Joseph, 189. Spafford, Spaford, Delight, 387. George C. 991. Jane Elizabeth, 929. Marvin, 929. Rebecca F., 991. Spalding, Spaulding. Almira, 726. Anne Maria, 717. Asa, 552. Charles, 575, 808. Charles Irving, ion. Christiana M., ioit. Elisha, 756. Eliza Ann. 575. Eveline, 761. George, ^75. Harriet B., 675. Harvey, ion. Harvev Addington, toit. J. Lucius, 991. Jedidiah, 726. John W., 716. Julia E., ioit. Tulia H., 991. Juliet, 808. Luther, 575. Lydia. 552, 575. 592. Maria Elizabeth, 552. Mary. 575- Mercelia, 755. Nancy, 756. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 149 Spalding, Spaulding, Sophronia M., 703. Thankful, 545. Sparks, Helen S., 955. Spencer, Emily D., 814. Eunice A., 928. Henry M., 694. Henry S., 845. James N., 814. Job, 928. Lemira, 694. Martha C, 886. Mary, 954. Percia Ann, 764. Richard P., 954. Sarah, 4, 369. Sybil T.. 845- Sperry. Abby, 901. Albert, 700. Catherine A., 764. Sophia, 700. Sylvester W., 901. Spicer, Spisor, Abel, 325. Abel C, 687. Abigail, 298. Allison, 687. Anne, 29, 168, 439. Asa. 158. 40K. Benjamin, 29, 524. Daniel, 168. Edwin, 687. Elderkin, 524. Elizabeth, 325, 834. Freelove, 325. Hannah, 29, 168, 622. Ishmael, 524. Jane, 168. Jemima, 259, 402, 524. Joshua. 29, 335. Junia Eugene, 687. Lucy, 687. Maria M., 653. Martha, 325. Mary, 326, 495, 497. Nathan, 168, 325. Patience, 325, 326. Patty, 702. Peter, 325, 326. Prudence, 325, 335. Samuel, 29, 298. Sarah, 29, 335. Sarah Tryphena, 687. Silence, 325, 519. Simeon, 168. Simon, 325. Susanna, 29, 179. Zerviah, 301. Spiers, Jenette, 837. John, 837. Spink, Spinck, Alice R., 989. Betsey, 611. Spooner, Albert, 798. Spotten, Jane, 969. John, 969. Sprague, Sprage, Abigail, 246, 350. Deborah, 398. Marcelia, 906. Spring, Gardiner, 1012. Springer, Lucy, 467. Mary Clarke, 865. Sarah L., 744. Squire, Squier, Squires. Abiel, 307, 417. Anne, 286. Charity, 801. Daniel, 286, 417. Deliverance, 180, 181, 417. Elizabeth, 536, 551. Filoda, 307. Gardiner, 307. James, 986. Noble, 307. Rebecca, 307. Silvester, 307. Staab, John, 981. Sarah, 981. Stafford, Amanda, 791. Christopher, 791. Clarinda G., 939. Hiram, 939. Stallen, Statten, Ebenezer, ill. Edward, III. Huldah, in. Jemima, III. Simeon, in. Stallman, Isabella, 865. Standish, Abby, 777. Abigail, 312. Amasa, 253, 767. Asa, 349- Caroline M., 858. Content, 253. Dorcas, 380. Elisha, 253. Esther S., 807. Fanny, 790. George W., 921. Hannah, 253. Israel, 253, 380. John, 790. Jonas, 253. Levi, 380. Lois, 43- Lucy, 349- Lydia, 349. Lydia A., 767. ii5o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Standish, Mary B., 921. Nathan, 253. Samuel, 312. Sarah, 349, 380. Sarah F., 897. Silas, 380. Thomas, 349. Stannard, Henry M., 845. Mary T., 845- Stanton, Albertus S., 911. Clarissa A., 882. Elias, 695. Eliza, 950, 965. Elizabeth, 959. Esther, 690. Frances, 551. George H., 955. Hannah, 467, 793, 890. Happy, 911. Helen S., 955- : Henrv, 690. Isabella, 857. Jabez, 551. Jemima C, 803. John, 786, 890. John L., 881, 934. John R., 965. Louisa, 695. Lydia, 786. Martha, 528. Mary, 495. Osmer L., 934. Prudence M., 824. Ralph B., 1001. Robert, 803. Rhoda Ann, 934. Sally K., 702. Sarah, 551. Sarah N., 881. Sophrona, 1001. Staples, Abby, 777- Elias W., 777- John, 480. John Nichols, 785. Maria, 785. Stapleton, Catherine, 980. John, 980. Stark, Anna, 56. Deborah, 226. Ichabod, 226. Mary, 712. Mehitabel, 226. Susanna, 194. Starkweather, Starkwether, Aaron, 719. Asa, 559- Daniel. 559. Elizabeth, 559. Grace, 559. Starkweather, Starkwether, Julia E., 885. Lucy L., 719. Roxanna, 796. Starni, Ann, 930. Starr, Star, Ann, 36, 37. Benajah Leffingwell, 576. Benjamin Douglas, 576. Christopher, 342, 576. David, 37. Edward, 253. Elizabeth, 37, 50, 342, 356. Eunice, 225. Fanny, 342, 576. Hannah, 131. Joanna, 342. Joanna Christophers, 576. Jonathan, 36, 253, 342, 378, 576. Katherine, 36. Lucy, 37. Mary, 225, 253, 378. Nathaniel, 225. Nicholas, 225. Olive, 576. Olive Douglass, 576. Patience, 116. Rebecca Kinsman, 576. Samuel, 36, 37. Samuel Christophers, 576. Sarah, 342. Sarah Leffingwell, 576. Simon Perkins, 576. Vine, 225. Stearns, Aaron S., 903. Mary Ann, 903. Stebbins, Mary E., 908. Mary Jane, 965. Stead, Sted, Daniel, 738. Eleanor, 738. Emma Christiana, 751. Esther Ann, 751. George Owen, 751. Jane Adaline, 751. Lucy Maria, 751. Owen, 751. Roxana Jane, 751. Stedman, Steadman, Abby H., 823. Abigail, 201. Charles J., 814. Charles James, 603. Chloe, 201. Elizabeth, 814. Elizabeth M., 940. Eunice Huntington, 603. Ferdinand C, 940. George T., 923. James, 603, 690. INDEX OF PERSONS. II5I Stedman, Steadman, Jerusha L., 895. John, 201. John A., 801. Joseph R., 887. Laura, 887. Mary, 201, 410. Mary Ann, 801. Mary P. I., 905. Nathan, 201, 526. Prudence, 526. Thomas L., 905. William, 526. Steele, Betsey, 936 Edward, 936. Henry E., 1007. Matilda, 1007. Stein e, Looce, 875. Michael, 875. Stephens, Stevens, Aaron, 310. Alice, 994. Anna, 497. Asa, 101. Clarinda G., 939. Ed. R., 884. Esther, 309, 310, 487. Esther E., 728. Hannah, 310. John, 310, 322, 487. Jonathan, 101. Judith, 24. Levi, 310. Lucy E, 884. 893- Lydia, 309. Lydia M., 919. Mary, 101, 272. Moses, 309, 310, 487. Ruth, 322. Sarah, 322. Zilpha, 322. Stephenson, Stevenson, George, 877. Jennett, 877. Mary Ann, 949. Sterling, Daniel M., 823. Lucretia J., 823. Prudence C., 816. Rebecca Ann, 908. Steusse, Maria, 946. Sterry, Abby Holmes, 656. Anna. 553- Catherine A., 764. Consider, 656. DeWitt, 770. Edward A., 764. George C, 755- George Clinton, 656. James, 750. Sterry, James Madison, 656. Jane, 656. John, 504, 573, 583. 595, 598, 612, 617, 619, 621, 623, 630, 635, 639, 640, 643, 645, 647, 648, 657, 660, 666, 667, 668, 670, 671, 674, 676-678, 687- 689. Lovisa, 770. Margery D., 621. Maria L., 909. Mary, 656. Mary Ann, 656. Mary B., 755. Nancy E., 955. Robert, 726. Samuel Adams, 656. Sarah M., 726. Thomas Jefferson, 656. William P., 955. Stetson, Calvin R., 769. Eliza Jane, 769. Harriet, 801. Maria A., 728. Rachel, 290. Stewart, Steward, Stuart, Abby, 655. Alexander, 209. Amy, 209. Arianah B., 888. Caleb, 655- Charles W., 8?4- Cynthia Lowell, 852. Douglas, 852. Elizabeth. 209. Frances M., 834. George Washington, 655. Harriet, 655. Hepzibah, B., 869. John, 209, 442. Levi, 442. Lois, 442. Lucretia T., 655, 687. Maria, 655. .Mary, 655. Pol, 442. Sarah, 837- Thomas C, 837. William. 655. Stickney, Stickny, Amos. 96. Hepzibah, 96. Stiles, Abby Ann, 957. Arvine C, 957. Stillman, Sophia A., 1005. Stockbridge, Elizabeth, 927. Elizabeth Graham, 927. James. 927. Jane Wilkinson, 927. Stocking, M. Louise, 1011. 1152 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Stocking, S. Stebbins, ion. Stockman, Abigail B., 758. Stockwell, Catherine, 853. Stoddard, Stodder, Azubah, 691. Benjamin, 319. Clement, 319. David, 67, 389. Deborah, 66, 67. Elizabeth, 389. Ellen, 966. Frederick, 691. Hannah, 67, 195, 387. Hezekiah, 67. Isaac, 766, 767, 770, 777. James, 924. Joseph, 66, 205, 319. Lemuel, 137. Lucy, 516. Mary, 337. Moses, 67. Olive B., 839. Phebe, 319, 389. Phineas, 389. Phoenriettor E., 904. Polly, 389. Ruth, 319. Sarah, 67, 137. Solomon, 67, 387. Susan J., 924. Thomas, 66, 137. Stone, , 852. Joseph L., 894. Margaret D., 894. Mary, 95. Mary Jane, 940. Timothy, 480, 543, 544. Storan, Elizabeth, 931. Storer, Emma, 994. Lucinda, 771. Mary, 824. Storrs, Eunice, 358. Story, Storey, Abby Ann, 806. Abel S, 596. Abigail, 38, 269, 277, 298, 360. Amy R., 865. Anna, 596. Asa, 210. Asenath, 487. Avery, 639. Benajah, 211. Benjamin, 360. Betsey, 360, 639. Caroline C, 892. Daniel, 211, ?8o. Deborah, 360, 361, 639. Ebenezer, 360. Edward S., 596. Story, Storey, Elijah, 211. Elizabeth, 38, 286, 773. Ephraim, 112, 404, 405. Eunice, 210. Ezekiel, 38, 210. Frances, 630. Frances Rhoda, 630. Francis, 211, 380. Hannah, 367, 405, 484, 950. Harriet Miriam, 630. Harriet N., 957. Henry, 112, 639. Hezekiah M., 892. Isaac, 630, 736. Isaac Hatch, 630. James, 112, 639. James William, 781. John, 112, 277. Jonathan, 38, 360, 361. Joseph, 38, 405. Laura, 781. Laura Sophia, 596. Levina, 405. Lois, 361, 442. Lucy, 38, 211, 233, 360, 630, 717. Lydia, 210, 399, 405. Lydia C, 977. Mabel, 641. Maria S., 850. Martha, 211, 380. Mary, 38, 112, 210, 211, 404, 405, 406, 668. Mary Louisa, 857. Molly, 405. Nancy, 639. Nathan B., 877. Oliver, 405. Peter Ayer, 380. Phillinpa, 211, 246. Polly, 639. Rebecca, 641, 716. Rhoda, 487. Ruth, 211. Ruth D., 877. Samuel, 38, 360, 404, 596. Sarah, 112, 21 1, 405. Sarah E., 949. Solomon, 112. Sophia, 596. Stephen, 210, 211, 360, 380, 641. Susanna, 361. Thomas, 211. Ursula Maria, 596. William, 112, 404, 487, 847, 877, 892, 950. Zadock Darrow, 641. Zipporah, 447. Stow, Ellen Fails, 812. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1153 Stowell, Stocl, Caroline H., 901. Eunice, 602. James W., 901. Strange, Elizabeth, 312. Eunice, 915. Hannah, 312. James, 312. John, 915. Stratford, Elizabeth, 107. Street, Desire W., 1000. Elihu, 1000. Elizabeth, 916. John, 916. Sarah A., 794. Strickland, Frances Eveline, 958. Frances M., 834. Strimbeck, Elizabeth, 670. Joseph, 670. Strong, , 670. Charles Henry, 599, 739. Cornelia, 509. Delia A., 814. Edward, 824. Elizabeth, 599, 814. Eunice E., 701. Frances E., 874. George Augustus, 599, 600, 739. Harriet Lucretia, 599. Henry, 487, 701. Henry Ellsworth, 702. Joseph, 445, 453, 455, 458, 461, 474, 487, 495, 496, 500, 503, 505, 51 1, 512, 516, 520, 528, 531, 532, 533, 547. 548, 552, 574. 577, 58o, 581, 585-588, 59i, 593, 596, 509, 6oo, 605, 607, 608, 611, 612, 614, 615, 618, 621-628, 632-638, 640, 642-644, 646-651, 653, 654, 656, 658, 663, 671, 672, 675- 680, 683, 685, 690, 694, 696- 704, 715, 716, 719, 724, 725, 730, 733, 734, 739, 744, 748, 763, 769, 777- Joseph F., 591. Joseph H., 599, 600. Lucretia, 599, 600. Lucretia \V\, 824. Mary, 487. Mary Ann, 599, 7^3. Mary E., 959. Mary Eunice, 701. Mary H., 676. Mary Huntington, 487. Susan H., 849. Susan M., 739. Tabitha, 427. Walter J. T., 874. Stroud, Susanna, 577. 38 Studley, Marshall Lincoln, 798. Sarah dishing, 798. Stuese, M. C, 904. Sturtevant, Luke G., 869. Maria Ann, 869. Sullard, Albert, 894. Mary, 658. Mary M., 894. Sullivan, Julia, 976. Mary, 996. Sunderland, Emily, 744. Samuel S., 744. Sutherland, Andrew, 988. Harriet A., 988. Swaddel, Mary, 344. Sarah, 300. Swain, Andrew J., 966. Augusta S., 970. Charles S., 970. Charlotte E., 966. Hannah, 595. Swan, Dimis, 821. Elizabeth, 502, 780. Fanny W., 816. Jabez S., 896. Lathrop W., 878. Lucy W., 837. Martha R., 878. Mary, 816. Mary McGill, 920. Nancy E., 839. Persis, 815, 904. Rhoda A., 910. Ruth, 98, 445. Sanford, 904. Sanford B., 815. William, 445. Swasey, Janet, 985. John, 985. Sweeney, Joanna, 978. Michael, 978. Sweet, Benjamin R., 941. Daniel, 795. Daniel K., 901. Elizabeth L., 941. Lucinda, 901. Mary, 795. Sweetland, Hannah E., 1006. Swett. Ann J.. 962. Swinnerton, A. U., 807, 810, 811, 812, 822. Sydleman, Huldah E., 949. Sykes, Dawson E., 839. Georgianna, 839. Taase, John, 291. Margaret, 291. Tabor, Eliza Ann, 871. Talbot, Elisha, 957. 1 154 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Talbot, Sabra B., 957. Talcott, Talcot, Elizabeth, 459. Jasper, 797. Jerusha, 247. Mary, 797. Ruth, 549. Tally, Jane, 909. Tanner, Asahel, 935. Mary B., 996. Sarah M., 935. Tarbox, Daniel, 862. Henry E., 1005. Lucelia, 862. Phebe A., 1005. Taylor, Tayler, , 686. Alfred H., 967, 1008. Ann, 84. Caroline A., 949. Charlotte P., 818. Cebra L., 872. D., 856. David, 911. Elizabeth, 539. Eunice G., 773. Hannah, 339, 340. Jane, 895. Jerusha, 527. John, 551. Lucretia, 917. Lucy, 340. Maria R., 685. , Mary, 100, 527, 551. Mary A., 872. Mary Ann, 907. Mary E., 884. Oliver, 339. Peggy, 678. Rachel, 339. Roscetta C, 911. Samuel B., 773. Selina, 906. Stephen, 339, 340. Submit, 340. Susan M., 816. Theodore K., 864. William, 906. Tenney, Tenny, Teney, Abigail, 70, 7h 74. 534- Anne, 70, 221. Annis, 534. Asa, 70,~ 332, 556. David, 326. Elijah, 71. Elizabeth, kk6. Hannah, 74, 504. . Jesse, 71, 504. John, 70, 326. Joseph, 70, 71, 74, 288. Tenney, Tenny, Teney, Joshua, 556. Levi, 556. Mary, 332, 556, 575- Olive, 326. Reuben, 332, 534. Sarah, 70. Silas, 326. Temperance, 556. William, 556. Terry, James P., 975. Lucy C, 920. Penelope, 690. Roderick, 920. Seth, 690. Tew, John E., 685. Mary, 685. Thatcher, Thacher, Abijah, 596, 667. Betsey, 596, 667. Burrell M., 780. Burrell Woodworth, 596. Eliza, 941. Elizabeth, 780. Elizabeth Gale, 596. Frances Jane, 506. Joseph Brewster, 596. Thayer, John R., 827. Martha C, 827. Thies, Catherine, 934. Jacob, 934. Thomas, Abigail, 162, 464. Amos G., 935. Anne, 645. Betsey M., 989. Charles, 643," 644. Charles E., 989. Chloe, 509, 510. Clarina, 268. Cornelia A., 813. Daniel, 510. David Y., 813. Deborah, 268. E. Henry, 696. Ebenezer, 162, 268, 509, 510. Edward, 674. Edward Y., 918. Edwin. 989. Eliza J., 823. Elizabeth, 162, 674. Eunice, 644, 645. Frances, 606, 643, 674. George, 510. Gurdon, 644, 645. Hannah, 162, 340, 510. Harriet Deshon, 674. Harriet J., 951. Henry, 510, 643. Jane G., 918. INDEX OF PERSONS. "55 Thomas, Jane S., 923. Jerusha, 510, 645, 677. John L., 951. Joseph, 509, 1005. Julia Anna, 849. Lucretia, 162. Martha J., 960. Mary, 162, 645. Mary Ann, 674. Mary R., 935. Phebe, 696. Ralph, 510. Sarah, 301, 0^4. Simeon, 268, 645, 662, 674, 805- 824. 827, 842. Sophia A., 1005. Thankful, 444. Thomas, 645. Thomas L., 644, 645. Thomas Langrel, 268. William O., 923. Thompson, Thomson, , Abby J., 880. Agnes. 847. Alby C, 921, 922. Alfred M., 857. Almira B., 903. Amos, 714. Amos S., 782. Amy Ann, 844. Anna, 922. Anne, 713. Caroline Hamlin, 922. Catherine, 772. Charles, 844, Charles Hazard, 844. Christopher C, 798, 856. Eliza, 714. Eliza F., 799. Elizabeth Ann, 844. Elizabeth Huntington, 921. Elizabeth L., 774. Ephraim H., 880, 923. Eugene LaRoy, 844, Eunice H., 782. Eunice L., 797, 798. Frank Huntington, 921. Hannah M., 686. Hannah W., 842. Harriet A., 856. Henry G., 796. Isaac, 995. James F., 959. Jane, 946. Joanna L., 966. John W., 946. Joseph, 762. Julia Ann, 762. Lovina W., 956. Thompson, Lucia, 796. Lucretia C, 699. Lucy Ann, 790. Lydia S., 886. Malvina Huntington, 921. Maria Vail, 845. Martha A., 915. Mary, 827. Mary Ann, 774, 923, 995. Mary Frances, 831. Mary Louisa, 857. Mary S., 897. Nancy L., 921, 922. Prudence, 170. Rhoda Ann, 811. Richard, 790. Sally, 750. Sarah S., 959. Thomas D., 845. Urana, 901. Vienna, 856. William, 170. William B., 774. Thorp, Lis, 222. Thrasher, Susan A., 982. Throop, Abigail, 184. Amos, 153. Benjamin, 184. 185, 215, 227, 256, 291, 307, 332, 341, 402, 414, 441, 484, 520, 522, 524, 531, 542, 546, 554. Betsey, 651. Cary, 651, 652. Chloe, 184. Clarissa, 451. Dyar, 184. Elizabeth, 184, 651, 652. Isabella, 184. Jonathan Trumbull, 652. Joseph Lyman, 652. Lucretia, 724. Mary, 652. Mary O., 737. Merab, 488. Octavia, 185. Sally. 651, 652. Sarah, 184. Sarah Maria. 652. Selah E., 73,7. Sophronia A., 737. Sophronia H., 737. Susanna, 441. Sybil, t8j. 18?. Thomas L.. 737. Thomas Lefnngwell. 652. William, 184. William Carv, 737. William Hubbard, 488. William L., 724. 1 156 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Throop, William Lyman, 652. Thurston, Edward Gardner, 709. Gardner, 709. Harriet K., 881, 886. Lucy C, 946. Lydia B., 852. Marietta, 709. Mary, 709. Tibbets, Celia Ann, 760. Tiffany, Anne, 327. Anne Lyman, 327. Elizabeth Smith, 327. Isaiah, 327. Lucy C, 797. Matilda, 914. Oliver S., 797. William, 327. Tift, Tifft, Charlotte, 689. Frances E, 906. Julia Ann, 873. Sally, 787. Tilden, Tildon, Elizabeth, 785. John B., 785. Judith, 543, 544. Tillinghast, Amy Ann, 844. Betsey V., 733. James, 604. Lucy, 604. Thomas, 1013. Tillotson, Eliza P., 1001. Lydia M., 828. Temperance, 673. Tinker, Caroline B., 961. William D., 961 Tisdale, Tisdell, Elizabeth, 606. George, 606. Mary, 988. Mary Elizabeth, 734. Nathan, 606. Titcomb, D., 993. Isabella, 993. Tobias, Thomas, 1014. Toby, Ebenezer W., 644. Nancy, 644. Todd, Jerusha, 458. Jonathan, 178. Martha, 100, 112. Samuel, 458. Thomas, 100. Tompkins, Theodosia D., 1012. Toomey, David, 941. Eliza, 941. Torbush, Henry, 825. Torrance. Isabella G., 991,. Torrey, Torry, Torre, Amelia M., 971. Torrey, Torry, Torre, Edwin N., 871. Eliza Ann, 871. Irena, 650. Jane, 792. Mary, 846. Moses E., 971. Peter, 846, Reuben, 971. Sarah, 188. Tossett, Angeline, 978. Angelina Theresa, 736. Eliza, 863. Ira, 736. Julia, 863. Nancy, 692. Thomas, 692, 863. Totman, Anna. 381. Charlotte, 381. Delight. 381. Esther, 381. John, 381, 442. Lois, 442. Tourtelott, Charles P., 951. Elizabeth. 948. Frances F., 951. Lucy, 856. Sarah F, 842. Town, Towne, Emeline K., 874. Henry, 864. Luthera D., 864. Mary J., 937. Prussia H., 851. Sybil T., 845. Zca Ann, 966. Townsend, Caroline A., 932. Fanny, 518. Hannah, 518. John H., 679, 701, 711, 719, 736, 737, 747, 755. 762, 764. 810. John Hughes, 518. Nathaniel, 518. - Samuel, 932. Tracy, Tracey, , 709. Abel, 544. Abiah, 14, 138. Abiel. 309. Abigail, 32, 72, 230, 231, 269, 287, 580. Adaline, 902. Alethea, 225, 436. Alfred, 622. Alice, 234, 438, 621, 622. Almira, 625. Andrew, 14, 126, 222, 223, 413, 423, 450, 469, 493. Ann, 329. Ann T., 777. Anna, 223, 426, 435, 493. INDEX OF PERSONS. "57 Tracy, Tracey, Anna Huntington, 488. Anne, 38, 127, 192, 202, 269, 652. Arza, 426. Asher, 172. Augustus Converse, 626. Avery, 172. Barton, 598. Benjamin, 202, 612. Bethiah, 273, 350, 417, 749. Betsey, 546, 577, 598. C. Elizabeth, 951. Calvin, 202, 488. Caroline, 504, 656. Caroline Abby, 625. Caroline M., 840. Caroline Mansfield, 626. Charity, 180. Charles, 546, 624, 625, 876. Charlotte, 32^. Charlotte Isabella. 848. Christopher, 10. Civil, 63, 165, 531. Clarine, 504. Clarissa, 329, 531, 600. Cornelia Margaretta, 613. Cynthia, 349, 511. Daniel. 30, 32, 72, 169, 170, 175, 202, 287, 407, 426, 507, 656. David 233. 309, 413, 546, 618. Deborah, 163. Deborah Dorr, 454. Desire. 169. Dorastus, 426, 624, 625. Dorothy, 14, 138, 169, 170, 269, 489. Dudley. 366. Ebenezer. T4, 137, 172, 222, 258. 259. 287, 399. Edward Huntington, 613. Eleazer, 30, 273, 329, 350. Elias. 493. Elijah. 126, 222, 391. 399, 413. Eliphalet. 24, 225. Elisha, 61, 169, 225, 233. 234, 324, 325, 4.S4, 489, 598, 624. 642. 643, 685. Elisha Dorr, 643. Elisha L., 622. Eliza. 625, 668, 840. Elizabeth, 7, T4. 30, 32. 38, 52. 79, 125, 126, 147, 165, 202, 258, 259, 309, 3i8, 324, 325, 350, 366, 39T, 408, 413, 446, 45 T, 454. 488. Elizabeth Backus, 423. Elizabeth D., 729. Elizabeth Dorr, 642, 729. Erastus, 391, 417, 470. Tracy, Tracey, Esther. 362, 370, 371. .^Eunice, 126, 233, 259, 423. / Experience, 434. Faith, 469, 470. Fanny, 624, 656, 729. Frances C, 622. Frances Emily, 984. Francis, 446. Frederick, 192, 799. Frederick U., 622. Freeman, 469. Gardner, 437. George. 546. Gurdon, 391, 489. Hannah, 10. 32, 72, 126, 292, 408, 435, 462, 469, 484, 531. 612, 804. Hannah H., 626, 627. Hannah Phelps, 643. Harriet. 450. Harvey, 624. Henry, 621, 622. Hetty Ann, 683. ^Hezekiah, 38, 172, 366. ' Hiel, 407. Horatio Nelson, 683. Irene, 61, 202, 231, 411. Isaac, 38, 125, 126, 258, 259, 391, 446. Jaben, 625. Jabez, 165, 408. James, 391, 407. James Grant, 437. James Joseph, 613. James Lawrence, 626 Jane, 946. Jared, 192, 401, 436, 437. Jared Winslow, 613. Jedidiah, 176, 469, 504, 625. Jeremiah, 14. 137, 138, 223, 269. Jerusha, 61, 202, 210. Jesse, 222, 469, 470. Job, 63. John. 7, 30. 38. 169, 273, 4*7. 493- John H., 902. Jonathan, to, 52. Joseph, 7. 61, 172, 174, 192. Joseph Winslow, 437, 454, 613. Joshua, 24. 30, 202, 366, 544. 626. 627. Joshua Perkins. 626, 627. Josiah, 7, 24. 30, 38, 202, 349, 350. 370, 371- 489, 507. Juliet. 626. Leander, 175. Lemuel, 233, 307, 493. Leonard, 423. 1 158 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Tracy, Tracey, Lois, 192. Lois Ann, 622, 863. Lorin, 625. Louisa, 329, 624, 625. Lucinda, 426. Lucretia, 234, 287, 489, 627. Lucy, 225, 233, 234, 349. 405. 469. 493. 507, 53i. 598, 656, 909. Lucy Coit, 642, 643. Lucy Huntington, 643, 767. Luther, 598. Lydia, 31, 57, 61, 63, 147, 174- 210, 287, 552, 574, 592. Lydia Huntington, 613. Lysanias, 426. Marcy, 307. Margaret, 30, 61, 160, 223, 229, 269, 273 329, 330, 349, 35o, 401, 436, 437. 455, 489, 527- Maria Frances, 799. Martha M., 794. Mary, 7, 10, 14, 52, 61-63, 137, 138, 165, 172, 174, 176, 222, 273, 325, 399. 407. 473, 538. 546. Mary Ann, 546, 625. Mary E., 621. Mehitabel, 371, 468. Mercy M., 625. Miriam, 14, 70, 324. Miner, 169. Molly, 423. 450, 489- Moses, 63, 175, 362. Mundator, 231, 504, 505, 594. Nabby, 505. Nancy, 507. Naomi, 489, 544. Nathan, 175, 531. Nathaniel, 170, 172, 302, 656. Nehemiah, 24, 202, 324. Olford, 484. Oliver, 170, 417. Peleg, 423. Perez, 24, 202. Peter, 350. Phebe, 504. Philanca, 426, 626. Philemon, 325. Philena, 618. Philura, 234, 522. Phineas, 61. Phineas Lyman, 324. Polly, 391. Prudee, 641. Rachel, 24, 30, 202, 370, 371, 449. 489- Riel, 434. Ruby, 192. Tracy, Tracey, Ruth, 38, 126, 128, 222, 223, 374, 413, 489, 493. Sally, 531. Sally Ann, 683. Sally S., 818. Samuel, 24, 32, 72, 287, 329, 362, 443, 48,1. 594. Sarah, 31, 32, 123, 175, 222, 225, 307, 329, 349. 389, 434. 435, 437. 489. 546 761. Sarah E., 876. Sarah Grant, 613. Sidney, 423. Silas, 233. Simeon A., 622. Simon, 31, 62, 63, 165, 230, 231, 408, soi, 504. Solomon, 24, 31, 32, 175, 269, 329-. Sophronia, 625. Stephen, 138, 269, 434, 493, 807. Stephen Decatur, 643. Susan E., 823. Susanna, 437, 546. Sybil, 287, 329, 362. Theophilus, 30, 434, 435, 489. Thomas, 7, 287, 544. Uri, 407. Uriah, 192, 225, 592. Wealthy, 366, 434, 446, 613. William, 202, 546, 749. William George, 592. William Gidney, 437. William H.. 621. William Sanford, 625. William Swan, 642. Willis H., 818. Winslow, 7, 24, 329, 642. Zabdiel, 423. Zachariah, 175. Zebadiah, 287, 489. Zerviah, 61, 126. Zipporah, 172, 399, 408, 513. Trail, Esther J., 1005. James, 1005. Trainor, Anna, o=;7. Trapp, Trap, Abigail, 448. Anna, 521, 522, 580, 716. Bethuel, 448. Betty, 448. Eddy, 448. Elisha, 521, 522. Elizabeth, 448, 657. Ephraim, 521, 522. Jabez, 448. Mary, 280. Nancy, 627. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 159 Trapp, Trap, Polly, 522. Samuel, 522. Sarah, 522. Thomas, 448. William, 448. Travis, Maria A., 987. Treadway, Tredway, Tradway, Charles F., 934. Charles W. S., 919. Elizabeth P., 934. Ellen E., 920. Frederick W., 919. Frederick Wolcott, 919. George, 889. James, 834. Lucy, 834. Rhoda, 614. Sarah A., 919. Sarah Coit, 919. Treat, David, 818. Lydia, 818. Rebecca, 260. Salmon, 124, 132, 147, 157, 180, 198, 260. Trembel, Fanny, 1009. Trench, William, 853. Trinnaar, Margaret, 943. Tripp, Edwin, 870. Eunice, 870. Truesdell, Truesdal, Jerusha F., 869. Mary, 407. Truman, i rueman, Abby L., 859. Henrietta F., 877. John H., 859- Trumbull, Trumble, Abigail, 253, 642. Charles, 467. Faith, 418. Gurdon, 468. Henry, 467. John, 467, 468. Jonathan, 253. Lucy, 467, 408. Mary, 467. Samuel, 467. Timothy, 467. Tubbs, Tubs, Anne, 348, 359. Daniel, 332, 359. Deborah, 332. Elizabeth, 836. Eunice, 359. Frances, 835. Hannah, 332, 348, 349. Henrietta F., 877. Henry W., 836. Jedidiah Perkins, 359. Tubbs, Tubs, Joseph, 332. Julia Y., 856. Lucy, 807. Maria D., 827. Mary, 332, 404. Oliver H., 877. Samuel, 332, 348, 349. Sarah J., 1010. Temperance, 359. William, 807. Zebulon, 332. Tuck, Ann R., 863. J. Webster, 863. Tucker, Henry P., 815. Jane J., 822. Mary, 473. Sarah, 827. Zerviah, 815. Tufts, Mercy, 808. William F., 808. Tupper, Beulah, 458, 459. Eunice, 326, 327, 459, 525. Hiel, 459. Levi, 326, 327. Nathan, 327, 458, 459. Turner, Adam, 962. Adeline, 925. Anne, 201, 287, 401, 427. Asenath, 841. Bela, 201, 401. Beni, 962. Betsey, 588, 703. Calvin S., 842. Giles L., 972. Hannah E., 972. Henry, 841. John, 201, 405. Lucy, 405. Lydia, 401. Mary E., 884. Matilda, 949. Philip, 201, 405. Susan F., 842. William Pitt, 405. William W., 884. Turney, Albert, 664. Albert Timothy, 664. Hannah, 664. Tuttle, Freedom, 270. Sarah, 285. Tweedy, Edwin A., 813. Harriet, 813. Twichell, Lois Ann, 863. Timothy C, 863. Twist, Albert M., 974. Sarah E., 974. Tyler, Albert D., 871. Betsey, 578, 667. Calvin, 670, 690. n6o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Tvler, Christopher Everett Vail, 589. Daniel, 753. Daniel Putnan, 578. Elizabeth, 462, 606, 992. Elizabeth Olivia, 1013. Emily, 753. Emma, 589, 606, 610, 667, 690, 1012. Emma Rogers, 589, 780. Eunice, 462, 609. Frances D., 879. Frances Dean, 670. Hannah, 462, 557, 575, $76, 582, 589, 606, 610, 667. Harriet, 462, 606, 667. Harriet Maria, 589, 738. Jane D., 876. Jane Denison, 670. John, 462, 470, 502, 528, 530, 532, 557. 574, 575, 582, 589, 591, 606, 609, 610, 614, 618, 628, 631, 634, 640, 641, 650, 656, 659, 667, 773. John Henry, 589, 1013. Lemuel, 666. Lucinda, 871. Mary, 462, 557, 589, 667, 765. Olivia Ann, 1012, 1013. Pascal Paola, 578. Samuel, 462, 589, 606, 610, 667, 1012. Thankful, 670, 690. William S., 1013. William Samuel, 589, 1012. Willis Gray, 690. Zerviah, 462, 610, 667. Underwood, John A., 992. Sarah, 266. Theresa H., 992. Ungemacht, Sophia, 955. Usher, Abigail, 434. John, 434. Prudence, 434. Utley, Abby, 854. Vail, Hannah W., 589. Van Cott, Henrietta M., 999. Isaac H, 896. Sarah P., 896. Vaughan, Alfred H., 949. Eliza Ann, 949. Sarah H, 960. Vergison, Vergesion, Verguson, Uergson, Vargeson, Verg- sion, Verguson, Vergason. Alfred R., 942. Amos. 551. Vergison, Vergesion, Verguson, Uergson, Vargeson, Verg- sion, Verguson, Vergason. Andrew, 368. Ann, 367. Benjamin, 360, 373. Daniel, 368. David Gilbert, 551. Demis, 927. Elijah, 368. Elizabeth, 53, 243, 367, 447. Elizabeth D., 839, 954. Ezekiel, 368, 551. Hannah, 269, 367. Harriet, 787. Isaac, 551. Jabez, 368. James L., 839. Jane, 864. Jedidiah, 981. John, 53, 269, 367. Maria, 945. Maria C, 942. Melinda M., 938. Nancy, 867. Nelson H., 954. Rufus, 368. Sarah, 368, ciji, 981. Solomon, 368. Susanna, 367. Thankful, 197, 360, 372, 373. Vernet, Ann, 595. John, 595. John Till, 595. Lucy, 595. Nancy Brown, 595. Peter C, 595. William Brown, 595. Vibber, Vebber, Anne, 256. Sarah, 374. Vickers, John, 837. Laura W., 837. Viles, Harriet C, 877. Joseph H., 877. Vinton, Emily, 789. Vogt, Beni, 962. Vorce, Abigail, 388. Vose, Amme, 343. Elizabeth, 347. Lemuel, 343. Lucretia, 343. Priscilla, 343. Prudence, 343. Wade, Abijah, 45. Amanda M., 718. Elizabeth B., 928. Henry H, 781. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1161 Wade, James, 718. Lovisa, 1008. Mary E., 781. Phebe, 901. Rachel, 688. Robert, 45. Susanna, 45. Sylvester, 928. Wadsworth, Jonathan, 288. Rebecca, 288. Stephen, 288. Wait, Ann Eliza, 1012. Elizabeth, 1012. John Turner, 916, 950, 965, 992. 1012. Marvin, 1012. Mary Elizabeth, 1012. Sarah D., 970. Walbridge. Wallbridge, Wallbridg, Wallbride, Wallbrig, Wall- brided, Abigail, 43. Amos, 44. Anna, 39, 67, 93, 159, 213, 586. Anne, 292, 303. Asa, 303. Civil, 43. Deborah, 44. Ebenezer, 67, 159, 160, 292. Ede, 43. Eleazer, 39, 257. Elijah, 44. Elizabeth, 292. Eunice, 43, 217, 586. Gustavus, 292, 586. Hannah, 209. Henry, 39, 67, 159, 303, 586. Hezekiah, 292. John, 43, 209. King, 908. Lydia, 44. Margaret, 67, 159, 257. Mary, 9, 39, 44, 159, 160, 289, 314- Polly, 586. Rebecca Ann, 908. Roxalana, 586. Sarah, 44. Silas, 303. Solomon, 303. Susanna, 159, 356. Theoda, 44, 159, 350. Thomas, 44. William, 43, 44. Zebulon, 43. Walcott, Walcutt, Mary, 475. Rachel, 471. Walden, Waldren, Waldon, Abigail, 260, 377. Amanda, 925, Bethiah, 219. Eliza A., 883. Eliza R., 770. Harriet A., 952. Hiram, 895. Prudence, 288. Talitha, 558. Waldo, Abby, 746. Abby W., 746. Abiathar, 164. Abigail, 163, 164. Egbert, 746. Jesse, 164. Jonathan, 164. Samuel, 163. Shubael, 163, 164. Wales, Wates, Elizabeth, 319. Jemima, 440. Mary, 284. Nathaniel, 284. Sarah, 284. Seth, 440. Seth Smith, 440. Susanna, 418. Walker, Albert A., 970. Alvin, 535. Alvira C, 760. Appleton, 841. Asahel, 535. B. M., 951, 955, 957, 958, 962, 963, 972, 973, 975, 978, 990, 991- Benjamin, 760. Clarine, 535. Ebenezer Williams, 628. Eunice, 628, 629. Eunice Abby, 629. Francis Augustus, 815. Hannah, 289. Hezekiah, 535. Hinkley, 535. Isaac, 317. James, 939. Jane Eliza, 629. Jerusha, 535. Joseph, 628, 629. Joseph Willard, 629. Joshua, 289. Levena, 535. Lutina S., 939. Lydia, 317. Mary. 815. Ma ry Ann Caroline, 629. Matilda, 914. Sarah Ann, 905. Sarah D., 970. Il62 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Walker, Sheldon H., 807, 914. Timothy H., 905. William Anson, 628. Z. R, 841. Wall, Walls, James, 466. Lydia, 466, 618. Mary, 466. Phebe, 462, 600. Samuel, 462. Samuel Brown, 466. Sarah, 466. Sarah Brown, 466. Wallace, Andrew, 860. Elizabeth, 803. Eunice, 860. Mary, 788. Sarah Ann, 905. Waller, Elizabeth, 224. Hannah, 224. Samuel, 224. Silas, 224. Walmsley, Wamsley, Wormsley, Eliza Ann, 1007. Elizabeth Lydia, 931. Jane, 931. John Louis, 931. Richard, 931. Sally, 598. Walsh, John, 974. Margaret, 974. Mary, 973. Walsworth, Wallworth, Amos, 375. Elizabeth, 375. Emily, 681. Joshua, 375. Lucinda, 790. Thomas, 375. William P., 790. Walton, Waton, Ann, 88. Anna, 122, 328. Daniel, 328. Deborah, 108, 243. Elijah, 244. Elisha, 243. Elizabeth, 122. Hannah, 328. Henry, 2, 122, 212. Jemima, 122. Jerusha, 286, 344, 452. John, 108. Joseph, 96, 286. Lawrence, 2, 243. Lucretia, 243. Margaret, 2, 212, 243. Mary, 122. Nathaniel, 96, 122, 244, 328. Walton, Waton, Oliver, 122. Phineas, 212. Rachel, 243. Sarah, 243. Silas, 286. Susanna, 96. Tamzon, 212, Thomas, 122. Zerviah, 286. Zipporah, 212. Warberton, Aurelia, 842. Ward, Ann Elizabeth, 759, 760. Ann W., 829. Frances F., 951. Harriet N., 918. Henry, 759, 760. Henry H., 759. Ichabod, 736, 739, 759, 918. Jerusha, 739. John L., 829. Levi Kneeland H., 759. Marilla, 819. Martha, 977. Martha B., 736. Mary, 759. Mary Emma, 739. Matilda, 1010. Nancy E., 759, 760. Nancy Huntington, 739. Sarah M., 935. Thomas Spencer, 759. William Dygert, 739. Windsor, 790. Waring, Abby, 719. Lewis, 719. Warner, Hannah, 498. Irene, 519. Mary, 531. Warren, Warrin, Warran, Abigail, 353, 502. Albert G., 793. Clarissa, 906. Cyrena A., 877. Daniel, 353, 502. Elijah, 144. Eliza B., 832. Elizabeth, 144. Hannah, 502. Horace, 897. Jonathan, 353. Joseph, 502. Lemuel, 353, 502. Lydia, 144, 353. M. Elizabeth Ellis, 897. Mary, 144. Orpah, 144. Robert, 144. Sophia, 793. Walter P., 877. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 163 Warren, Warrin, Warran, William H., 832. Washburn, Albermarl, 702. Albermarl H., 703. Elizabeth Helen, 703. Henry Albermarl, 703. Hester, 702, 703. Mary, 685. William Mortimer, 703. Washington, Caroline, 957. John, 956. Waterman, Watterman, , 737. Abigail, 201, 223, 397. Ad in, 436. Adonijah, 269. Andrew, 143. Ann, 14, 95, 248, 426. Anna. 553. Anne, 17, 81. 262, 297, 377, 500. Anson, 397. Araunah, 151, 481. Asa. 53. 150, 151, 328, 481, 500, 553- Asaph, 397. Azariah, 151, 328, 398, 481. Benjamin, 94, 261, 262. Betty, 73, 228. Calvin, 436. Caroline, 398. Charles, 610. Clarissa, 397. Cyprian, 143. Daniel, 53, 94, 95, 248, 346, 347, 398, 438. Darius, 81. David Basset, 59. David H., 794. Deborah, 151, 328. Diah. 438, 473. Drusilla Maria, 610. Ebenezer, 53, 60, 73, 269, 436. Edwin R., 951. Edwin Ruthven, 610. Eleazer, 59, 136, 436. Eleazer Lord, 610. Elijah, 142, 403, 436, 721. Elijah Williams, 610. Elisha, 53, 143. Elizabeth. 14. r6, 17, 53, 59, 60, 72, 81, 94. 143. 262, 314, 343, 347. 393, 438, 530. Erastus, 398. Esther E., 951. Eunice, 142, 143, 359, 398, 403, 573. 527. 576. Experience, 261, 262. Ezekiel, 73, 397, 398, 436. Ezra, 16, 17, 95, 399. Fanny, 397, 481. Waterman, Watterman, Flavius, 269, 398, 416. Freelove, 81, 306. Hannah, 60, 124, 142, 261, 403, 481. Harriet, 721. Harriet Maria, 721. James Williams, 721. Jedidiah, 81, 353. John, 14, 53, 59, 60, 81, 95, 136, 201, 438, 492, 610. John Oney, 473. Joseph, 14, 16, 17, 481, 610. Judith, 16, 17, 60, 223, 400. Lebbeus, 143. Lois, 142, 258. Lucinda, 438. Lucretia, 481, 553. Lucy, 150, 151,^328, 389, 308, 481. Luther, 436. Lydia, 9, 14, 143, 223, 380, 399, 416, 616, 786. Lydia Ann, 610. Lydia Lord, 492. Margaret, 223. Maria Drusilla, 803. Martha, 14, 136, 532. Martha M., 794. Mary, 59, 94. 95, 151, 223, 261, 299, 346, 403, 438, 492, 532, 742. Mehitabel, 17. Miriam, 14, 269, 324. Nancy, 553. Nehemiah, 53, 142, 403, 497. Nicholas Cook, 553. Parismus, 416. Peter, 60, 136, 532. Phebe, 382. Rhoda, 436. Robert Sterry, 553. Rosinda, 397. Roswell Morgan, 610. Ruth, 136, 360, 610. Samuel, 60. Sarah, 53. 73, 142, 143, 164, 268, 269, 353, 4i r- Silence, 397, 398. Simeon, 492. Simon, 94. Susanna, 73, 363. 403. Sybil, 436. Thomas 14, 53, 151, 398, 481. Timothy, 16, 17, 553. Uriah, 143, 377. William, 60, 8t, 160, 223. Waters, Abby, 712. Abigail, 230. Angelina, 906. 1 164 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Waters, Anne Elizabeth, 688. Charles, 247. Daniel, 230. Elijah, 247. Elizabeth, 230, 247. Erastus, 704. Jacob, 247. Jerusha, 704. Josiah, 247. Levi, 247. Lydia, 247. Marvin, 688, 712, 895. Mary, 157. Mary Ann. 895. Susan, 828. Warren, 828. William, 230, 247. Watrous, Waterhous, Water- house, Watrus, Waterus, Watres, Amos D., 868. Beniamin, 550. Charles, 889. Elizabeth, 41. Hannah, 239. Hannah M., 686. Terusha, 363. John. 686. Joseph, 550. Kezia, 550. Marianna L., 889. Samuel, 163. Walter, 550. Watkinson, Marv, 588. Watson, Benjamin, 714. Esther, 937. Frances, 895. Lucy, 714. William, 937. Watt. Lucy Ann, 790. Wattles, Alden, 931. Andrew L, 621. Anna, 528. Benjamin, 621. Beniamin C, 934. Clarissa, 403. Elijah, 528. Eugene, 799. Eunice, 799. George, 621. Hannah, 03 t. Horace, 528. Jabez Huntington, 799. John, 621. Joseph, 403, 621. Juliet. 621, Keziah, 403. Louisa. 62T. Louisa M., 916. Wattles, Lucy, 528. Luther R., 621. Marcia A., 799. Marjory D, 621. Mary E., 799. Mary S., 934. Oliver C, 799. Oliver P.. 621. Polly, 528. Thomas B., 621. Thomas Jefferson, 799. William, 621. Wawling, Mary S., 949. Wav, Wave, Catherine, 680. Daniel M., 680. Elizabeth, 822. Hammond, 736. Mary, 736. Mehitabel, 168. Weatherby, Weatherly, Wether- bee, Caroline M., 1000. Franklin T., 901. Lydia, 386. Urana, 901. Weaver, F. B., 842. Hannah W., 842. Hiram, 869. Jerusha F., 869. Percia Ann, 764. William, 764. Webb, Web. Abigail, 383, 486. Anna Bingley, 576, 802. Caroline, 438. Charles C, 673. Charles Clark, 576. Chloe, 607. David, 366. Eliza, 576. 740. Eliza A., 883. Elizabeth. ^36, 576. Elizabeth P., 934. George, 835. George Faulkner, 576. George S., 938. Hannah, 320, 437, 438. Harriet S., 875. Jane, 366, 576^ 686. John, p,66, 576. John C. 927. John Perrit, 536. Jonathan, 486. Julia E., 961. Julius, 915. Martha A., 915. Marv, 237. Mary C, 927. Nancv D.. 673. Napthali, 536. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 165 Webb, Web, Philena, 4*. Reuben, 437, 438. Samuel, 607. Samuel Huntington, 607. Sarah, 65, 366. Sarah B., 938. Sarah Maria, 835. Susanna, 366. William, 536. William H, 883. William R., 961. Webber, Margaret, 906. Webster, Adeline M., 831. Ann E., 983. Betty, 511. Edward Z., 932. Isaac A., 807. Jane, 932. Samuel P., 831. William, 983. Wedge, Wedg, Wedges, Abigail, 184. David, 184, 467. Elijah, 184. Elizabeth, 185, 231. Isaac, 62. John, 184. "Joshua, 88, 184, 185, 467. Josiah, 184. Mary, 184, 185. Molly, 467. Nathan, 726. Rebecca, 62. Sarah. 88, 467. William, 139, 185, 341. Zerviah, 185, 402. Weeks, Week, Elizabeth, 541. Friend, 126. Rachel, 126. Rhoda, 126. Rosanna, 542. Sarah, 541, 542. Thomas, 5^12. Ween, Rachel, 7,77. Weirs, Electa A., 879. Welch, Abigail, 74, 176. Ann, 176. Ebenezer, 74, 176, 4^3, 543. Elizabeth, 68. Ephraim, 176. Eunice L., 797. Experience, 74. Hannah, 689. Henry, 689, 797. John, 74, 543. Joseph, 74. 176. Lucy, g 13. Lydia, 176. Mary, 74, 185, 453, 543. Welch, Nathan, 176. Rufus, 176. Sarah, 74, 176. Vine, 176, ^43. Walter, 176. William, 176. Weldon, Nancy, 975. Patrick, 975. Wellman, Mary, 17. Wells, Ann E., 820. Charlotte M., 826. Lucinda, 770. Rose, 671. Wentworth, Wintworth, Aaron, 83, 155, 156. Abby Esther, 667. Abigail, 156, 264, 379. Ann, 305, 306. Benjamin, 83, 101, 148, 399. Catherine, 156, 193. Charles, 615, 667. Charles P., 885. Cynthia States, 667, 668. Daniel, 305. Dorcas, 306. Ebenezer, 83, 305, 306. Edward, 47, 83, ior, 667, 784. Eleanor, 99. Elizabeth, 101, 155, 156, 379, 558, 615, 616. Emeline, 938. Erastus, 616, 667, 668. Esther, 667, 668. Ezekiel, 305. Frances, 615. Frances Ann, 616, 667, 817. Gurdon, 558, 615, 616. Hannah, 47, 148. Horace, 668. Jane Maria, 668. Jared, 101, 379. Jedidiah, 101. John Harkness, 379. Joseph, 148. Julia E., 885. Katherine, 83, 313. Lemuel, 558, 615, 616. Lucy, 616, 663. Lydia, 156. Marcy, 83. Margaret, 193. Martha, 83, 148, 156. Mary, 83, 101, 148, 156, 294, 616, 663. 754- Mary Elizabeth, 668. Mehitabel, tot. 305, 345, 379. Moses, 83, 156. Nancy, 616. Nancy Champion, 668. n66 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Wentworth, Wintworth, Noyes S., 878. Noyes States, 667. Paul, 83. Phebe, 148. Priscilla, 343. Roswell, 615, 616. Ruth Ann, 784. Samuel, 193. Sarah, 12, 83, 148, 156. Sarah H., 878. Sherman, 615. Silvanus, 83, 99. William, 83, 148, 414. Zerviah, ioi, 414, 516. West, Daniel, 203. Deborah, 203. Elder, 635. Elias, 203. Gershom, 204. Jabez, 203. Joshua, 395. Lavina, 871. Lorinda, 836. Lydia B., 920. Marv, 203, 204. Mary Ann, 770. Nathan, 203, 204. Persis, 815. Sarah Ann, 822. Westcott, Emeline G., 954. Weston, Abigail, 218. Amaziah, 547. Betsey, 547. David M., 886. Elisha, 547. Elizabeth, 218. Jonathan, 218. Mary Jane, 886. Wetherell, Jeremiah, 509. Lydia, 386, 509. Wetmore, Andrew, 297. Anne, 297. Augustus, 490. Ebenezer Bushnell, 490. Elizabeth, 490. Izrahiah, 298. James, 298. Keturah, 297, 298, 390. Mary, 297. Nathan, 297, 490. Polly, 524. Prosper, 297, 298, 390, 490. Rachel, 402. Sarah, 298. Whaley. Charles P.. 778. Charles L., 762. David Chancy, 824. Eliza, 731. Whaley. Ellen, 861. Emma E., 762. Erastus, 713. Fanny, 713. Frances Ann, 824. George G., 777. Jane Maria, 822. Levi G., 777, 778. Mary Ann, 825. Wealthy Ann, 777, 778. William H., 778. Wheat, Wheet, A. C, 811. Benjamin, 141, 335, 478, 479. Charles, 514. Elizabeth, 141, 335, 478, 479. George, 514. Hannah Vaughan, 479. Henry, 513. John Deshon, 513. Mary, 141, 335. Samuel, 513, 514. Sarah, 513, 514. Susanna, 141, 478. William, 478. Wheatley, Wheatly, Eliza, 748, 802. Joseph, 748. Wheaton, Jane E., 994. Simon F., 994. Wheeler, Wheler, Ann, 689. Apphia, 303. Betsey, 674. Charlotte F, 860. Clarissa, 817. Edward, 302, 303. Elijah, 119. Eliza, 755. Elizabeth, 86, 303. Emily E., 917. Eunice, 218. George W., 866, 952. Hannah, 303. 504. Henry N., 687. Isabella, 817. Jemima, 478. Jerusha, 119. Joshua S., 755. Lebbeus, 303. Lucretia T., 687. Lucy A. D., 952. Lydia, 763. Martha A., 913. Mary, it8, 1T9, 771. Mcrcelia, 755. Micajah, 303. Nancy, 681. Nancy W., 9T2. Nathan, 118, 119, 302, 478. Olive, 303. INDEX OF PERSONS. Wheeler, Wheler, Oliver, 763. Parla, 303. Perry G., 817. Peter, 882. Phebe, 882. Prosper, 303. Sarah, 303. Susan C, 758. Thankful, 302, 303. Thomas W., 917. Topleaf, 681. Washington, 896. Wheelock, Adelia, 883. Amos W., 883. Eleazer, 197, 256. Whipple, Ann Maria, 954. Asa, 379. Bushnell, 379. Caroline M.*, 742. Charles, 1005. Cynthia W., 799. Daniel, 266. Dorothy, 238. Elisha, 379. Elizabeth, 238. Emelia, 662. Emma J., 984. George, 662. John S., 662. Kezia, 198, 451. Lydia, 379. Marcy, 238. Marv A., 1005. Ruth, 238. Samuel W., 954. Solomon, 198, 379. Timothy, 238. William W., 799. Zephaniah, 198, 379. Whitaker, Whitacor, , 639. Abigail, 51, Anne, 51. Eliza, 944. Elizabeth, 51, 424. Elizabeth L., 1009. George S., 1009. James, 424. Jonathan, 51. Mary, 424. Nathaniel, 424, 442. Sarah, 51, 424. Thomas H., 870. White, Adeline, 808. Charles P.. 708. Clarissa J., 800. Cloueanne, 240. Daniel, 13, 14. Eliza, 774. Eliza P., 798. White, Elizabeth, 13 u . 349- Elizabeth Tenny, 912. George H., 841. Jabez, 664. James T., 912. Lucy, 125. Lucy C, 841. Luke A., 800. Maria A., 912. Philadelphia, 932. Sarah, 14, 223. Seneca, 784. Stephen, 464, 552. Whiteley, John, 580. Rebecca, 580. Whitfield, Abigail, 38. Henry, 38. Whitford, Eliza, 801. Whiting, Abigail, 334. Alathea, 104. Almira B., 903. Amy, 334, 397. Ann, 103, 104, 195. Ann A., 943. Anna, 374, 397, 582. Anne, 338, 449. Augustus, 449. Caleb, 103, 338. Caleb Raymond, 338. Catherine Thompson, 741. Charles, 312. Charlotte, 582. Charlotte Ann, 625. David, 741. David O., 943. David Otis, 741. Ebenezer, 338, 449, 582. Edward, 625, 823. Edward B., 827. Elizabeth, 312, 488. Helen Maria, 741. Hezekiah, 312. Honor, 312. Isaac Harris, 741. Jabez P., 699. Jabez Perkins, 625. Jeffery, 312. John. 103. 195, 353, 397. John Hallam, 741. Lois, 338. Lucretia C, 699. Lucy, 338. Lucy Ann, 741. Maria D„ 827. Martha, 338. Mary, 312, 625. Mary Elizabeth, 741. Mary H. G., 823. NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Jaticy, 741, 779- 779 58, 97L 984, 997. 998. , 1003, 1004, 1006. 103, 195- 353- . 353- .iam, 103, 104, 195, 334. 338, 374- v'illiam B., 397- William Bradford, 334- William E., 903. W'illiam Eaton, 741. Whitman, Alphonso L., 812, 816, 820-822, 827, 828, 834. 835, 838, 839, 846, 847, 859. 863, 869, 870, 877, 878, 896, 907, 908, 913-918, 921. Anne C, 867. John Loring, 847. Mary E., 847. Samuel, 71, 867. Whitmarsh, Edwin D., 960. Harriet B., 960. Henry F., 742. Mary A., 742. Whitney, Amos, 844. Andrew Griswold, 580. Caleb, 229. Daniel, 429. Delilah, 1003. Edith, 579, 580. Henry, 980. Jane, 429. John Mi reck, 579. S80. Joshua, 721. Josiah, 545- Lebbeus, 229. Lucy Maria, 980. Lydia R., 721. Margaret, 229, 495. Mary, 95, +?9- Nancy, 945. Sophia W., 844. William, 95, 229. Whitridge, Louisa S., 931- William C, 931. Whittemore, Whitmore, Benjamin, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1009. Eliza Ann, 849. Elizabeth, 178. Ellen M., 965. Maria H., 818. Thomas, 893. Wiborn, Hester, 50. John, 50. Wickes, Benjamin A., 766. Typhena, 766. Wickham. Alvin, 753. Harriet M., 753. Wickwire, Wickwere, Wickwer, Alpheus, 267. Anna, 267. Betty, 274, 550. Delight, 74. Elizabeth, 74, 274, 275. George, 274, 275. Hannah, 275. Harriet N., 1012. Jedidiah, 267. Jonathan, 74. Lucy, 275. Mary, 267. Patience, 274. Zerviah, 270. Widger, Mary Ann, 752. Wight, Wite, Alice, 374. Ebenezer, 98, Hannah, 333. Jabez, 98, 149, 150, 163, 167, 168, 169, 173, 175, 176, 185, 188, 224, 243, 352, 5 13, 519. John, 98, 374. John Fitch, 374. Joseph, 98, 333. Mary, 98. Ruth, 98. Stephen, 404, 440, 556. Wightman, Abraham, 194, 431. Allen, 194, 432. Amy, 431. Anna, 441. Arunah, 432. Benjamin, 194. Caroline M., 858. Daniel, 98. Freelove, 98. James, 194. Jane, 98, 280. John, 194. John C, 858. Jonathan, 441. Katherine, 98. Lucy, 194. Margaret, 98. Martha, 194. Mary, 98, 441. Nancy, 441. Philena, 441. Rhoda, 432. Sally, 441. Sarah, 194, 441. Silas, J41. Susanna, 98, 431. Valentne, 98. Zerubabel, 98, 441. Wilbur, Wilber, Abigail, 689. Asenath, 836. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1171 Williams, William, Samuel S., 967. Sanford W, 809. Sarah, 52, 283, 288, 307, 394, 534, 537. 963. Sarah B., 1011. Sarah Mariah, 795. Silas, 447. Solomon, 225, 247, 251, 260, 543, 544. 687. Sophia, 774. Susan M., 833. Sybil, 288. 394. Tamar, 432. Thomas, 197, 444, 758. Tobias, 846. William, 173, 522, 592, 624, 738, 745, 932, 990. William Coit, 534. William Peck, 624. William Wheeler, 218. Win slow Tracy, 729. Zipporah, 62, 219, 466. Williamson, David, 812. Lucy D., 812. Willoughby, Wiloughby, Ann, 84, 198. Bliss, 84, 217. Caroline M., 749. Ebenezer, 217. Elijah, 217 490. Hannah, 217. Jared, 217. Jeremiah, 217. John, 84. Joseph, 84. Mary, 490. Reuben, 490. Robert, 400. Samuel, 84. 217. Thankful, 84. Willson, Wilson, Abigail, 379. Amelia M., 971. Benjamin, 706. Caroline, 668. Celia. 910. Dorothy, 489. Ebenezer. 668, 669. Eliza. 886. Elizabeth L., 913. Fanny, 668,, 692. Grace Augusta, 871. Henry. 869. Increase. 450. J. V.. 848. 852-855. James, 827. James M., 913. Jane, 668. Willson, Wilson, Jane E., 994. Janet, 985. Jerusha, 668, 804. Jesse, 727. John, 449, 450, 871. Leonard, 895. Louisa A., 827. Lydia, 449, 450, 669. Lydia A., 805. Lydia M., 869. Maria Frances, 799. Maria. 668, 669, 997. Mary A., 786. Mary Ann, 668, 706, 791. R. J, 908. Sarah, 669. Sophia. 774. Wilton, Margaret, 990. Winchester, Abby, 622, 707. Abby C, 963. Anna, 358. Anne, 358. Caleb, 595. Frances S., 1011. George Washington, 595. Harvey, 574, 622. Isaac L., ion. James, 358, 622. Lois. 595. Lydia, 57*. Mary, 622. Winheimer, Conrad, 800. Luzia, 800. Winship. Windshipp, Abigail. 410. Anne, 258. Elizabeth. 294. 295. Eunice, 454. Francis, 454. George. 410, 595. Terusha A., 982. John, 505. John Stedman, 410. Joseph. 294. 295. 454. 5L5- Lydia E., 704. Lydia Eliza 676. Mary, 410. Nabby, 205. Nannv. 205. Patt\\ 595. Phila, 676. Philathete, 205. Philemon. 205. 410. Philomena. 888. Snrnh F.. 841. Theophihis T. 082. Theophilus Yale, 676. Thnmas D„ 676. Windslow, Mary. 7. "^ IIJ2 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Winter, Abner, 291, 557, 558. Anne, 557, 558. Asa, 558. Clarissa, 557, 558. Elizabeth, 291, 558. Timothy, 291. Wise, Bela, 313. Betsey, 838. Charles, 838. Fanny, 791. Harriet, 1008. John, 313. John Rose, 718. Julia A., 990. Katherine, 313, 732. Martha, 718. Martha R., 902. Mary, 257. William, 718. William H., 718, 791. Withey, Ezra, 767, 968, 988. Harriet, 767. Witter, Amy, 467. Charles H., 853. Dorothy, 404. Esther, 476. Jacob. 374- Martha A., 853. Mary, 14. Mary Ann, 796. Rhoda, 374. Samuel, 256. Sarah, 256. William, 481,. 528, 538. Wolcot, Hannah, 54. Wood, Abel. 468. Abiah, 86. Abigail, 372, 468. Amy, 86, 246. Andrew, 345. 4*3- Ann, 115, 228, 878. Ann Borodil, 345. Anne, 86. 351, 468. Asenath, 328. Augusta M., 756. Bela. 86, 328. Benjamin, 86„ 328, 329. Bethiah, 89. Beulah, 89, 213. F.lvnezer, 89, 246, 265, 878. Eleanor, 140, 279. Elijah, 140, 413. Eliphalet. 115. 255. Elizabeth, 89, 240, 328, 329. Ephraim, 265. Esther, 89, 328, 345. Experience, 86. Hannah. 87, 265, 344, 348. -ibah, 246. Wood, Irene, 276. Isabel, 140, 357, 392. Jacob, 265, 37i- Jesse, 413. Job, 140, 350, 351- John, 89, H5. 344- Joseph, 87. Joshua, 140, 350. Josiah, 140, 386. Levi. 350. Lois, 350. Lucy, 86„ 667. Lydia, 89,, 210. Martha, 86, 140,, 3°7 37*- Mary, 89. 115, 182, 255, 328. Mercy, 413. Miriam, 265, 540. Nathaniel, 89, 265. Olive, 140, 413. Orlando A., 756. Philippa, 246. Phineas, 86, 468. Priscilla, 87, 140, 4*5- Rachel, 345- Rachel T., 698. Rebecca, 386. Richard, 136. Ruth. 86, 345- Samson, 140. Sarah, 136. Solomon, 265. Stephen, 246. Sybil, 345. Thankful, 140. Theoda, 350, 351. Thomas, 86, 345. Zebedee. 86, 345- Woodbridce, Eliza Rogers, 671. Frances Ann. 783. Lucretia M., 748. Samuel. 589. Woodmancy, Sarah M., 824. Sylvester, 824. Woodward, Woodard, Amanda D., 82Q. Caleb N., 829. Daniel J.. 735. Dorcas, 185. Elizabeth. t6, 51. George N., 829. Irena F, 1007. John. 51, 169. John Park. 829. Judith. 60. Lucy R.. 861. Lvdia, 51, 609. Martha, 855. Mary, 51. Mary A.. 7^. INDEX OF PERSONS. 1 173 Woodward, Woodard, Park, 855. Richard, 51. Roswell, 51. Sarah, 51, 282. Susanna, 85. William Henry, 829. William H., 1007. Woodworth, Woodwarth, 728. Abigail, 181. Absolum. 102, 206. Alathea, 104, 170. Amasa, 402. Anne, 102. Asa, 75^ 170, 45 r. Benjamin. 102. Betsey, 595. Catherine, 680. Chandler, 827. Charles, 495. Charles L., 923. Clarissa, 679. Daniel, 101, 102, 205, 206. David, 66. Deborah, 170, 332. Douglass, 198, 376. Dudley, 402. Dyer, 451. Elijah 66. Elisha, 66. Elizabeth, 198, 347, 376, 451. Fanny, 402. Grace, 148. Hannah, 66. Henrietta R., 798. Huldah, 347. Isaac, 4, 75, 76, 198, 376. Jabez, 198, 376. Jedidah, 256. Jerusha. 66. Jesse, 170, 402. Joanna, 170. John, 76, 256. John F., 844. Jonathan, 170, 495. Joseph, 102. Joshua, 241. Keziah, 66. Lois, 728. Lucy, 198, 663. Lydia, 66. Mabel, 402. Martha, 241, 346, 376. Mary, 102, 256. Mary E., 923. Mehitabel, 101, 102, 148, 181. Mercy, 405. Moses, 148, 181. Woodworth, Woodwarth, Nathan, 76. Nathaniel, 102. Nehemiah, 495. Oliver, 347. Rachel A., 997. Robert, 206. Ruth, 75, 76, 241, 827. Samuel, 102. Sarah, 148, 205, 206, 985. Sarah F., 844. Sarah T., 922. Stephen, 170. Sybil B., 917. Theoda, 170, 353. Thomas, 76, 347. William, 102. Zerviah, 76, 347. Zipporahj 241. Worden, Wordan, Werden, Wor- don. Abigail, 251, 501. Bathsheba, 322. Content, 313. Jane, 205. Joseph, 252. Rebecca, 251, 252. Samuel, 306. Sarah, 329. Thomas, 251, 252, 306, 329. Worth, Ann, 61. Lydia, 80. Sarah, 2. Worthington, Charles, 749. Eliza, 749. Emily, 849. Mary, 815. William M., 849. Wright, Albert, 885. Anne, 301. Caleb, 943. Frederick, 820. Harriet, 820. Mary A., 903. Sarah, 422. Sarah A., 943. Sarah M., 885. Wylie, see also Wiley. Elizabeth, 226. Hugh, 226. James, 226. John, 226. Wyllvs, Willis, Cornelia S., 715. Earl S., Qi8. George G., 715. Harriet N., 918. Wyman, Esther Clapp, 748. William Clark, 748. 1 174 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Yale, Gurdon, 692. Mary, 692. Phila, 676. Yeomans, Yeamans, Yeamon, Amos, 348.- Anne, 348. Betsey, 460. Charles, 460. Charles H., 987. David, 460. Elizabeth, 460, 461. Elizabeth Harvey, 712. Elizabeth R, 866. Eunice, 348.- George, 461, 712. George F., 864. Gurdon, 460. Hannah, 167. Harriet, 859. Harriet M., 864. John, 460. Joshua, 460, 461. Laura, 460. Mary, 167. Ruth, 712, 879- Ruth Olive, 712. Samuel, 167. Sarah, 29. Susan C, 987. Susanna, 348. Thankful, 275. Tryphena, 460. Yergerson, Christian, 620. Frances Ann, 620. John, 620. Joseph, 620. Sally, 620, 683. William Henry, 620. Yerington, Yarrington, Charlotte, 682. Emily, 1001. Herbert Lathrop, 940. Lucelia, 862. Lucy Ann, 839. Lydia E., 940. Mary E., 841. Sarah B., 1002. Stephen N., 940. York, Caroline M., 921. Collins, 578. Elisha, 578, ?79- Hiram, 579. James E., 996. John, 579. Lydia A., 985. Mary A. H., 881. Otis A., 881. Sarah, 578, 579. York, Sarah M., 996. Young, Abigail, 473. Barzillai W., 728. Cornelia Ann, 690. Daniel, 472. Edward S., 852. Elizabeth, 473. Elizabeth S., 813. Eveline O., 852. Jane G, 918. Jesse, 472, 473. John, 472, 473, 582. Joseph Jennings, 473. Julius, 912. L. H., 901, 926. Lewis J., 912. Lucy T., 851. Marcus B., 813. Mary, 473, 907. Mary Ann, 728. Mary E., 978. Mary J., 912. Mary R., 912. Stephen, 473. Susanna, 472, 473. William, 472, 473. William H., 851. Zimmermann, Maria, 1000. (no surname). Daniel, 508. Eunice, 468, 508. Sally Ann, 673. Shubael, 508. Susan, 673. William, 673. Indians, Hannah, 365. Negroes, Anthony, 454. Bristow, 453. Chloe, 454. Cuff, 505. Jack, 453. James, 454. Jenny, 453. Jude, 453. Jupiter, 365. Martin, 454. Nancy, 453, 454. Phyllis, 453. Robert, 454. Rose, 454. Silva, 505. Vilot, 453. Zilpha, 453- INDEX OF PLACES Abington, 463. Albany, N. Y. ( 814, 964, 968. Alton, 111., 801. Amherst, Mass., 882. Andover, 789, 998. Andover, Mass., 949. Ashburnham, Mass., 703, 919. Ashford, 188, 379, 657, 759, 813, 840. Athol, Mass., 859. Attleborough, Mass., 865. Augusta, Me., 778. Balboa, Spain, 814. Baltimore, Md., 769, 931, 947. Barnstable, Mass., 826. Bean Hill, 1005. Bennington, 441. Berlin, 753, 800. Berlin, Vt., 944. Berwick, Maine, 705. Bethel, N. Y., 932. Beverly, Ohio, 852. Block Island, 267. Bloomfield, 1001. Bolton, 459, 549. Boston, Mass., 298, 472, 526, 540, 68 r, 689, 691, 722, 738, 748, 786, 795, 844, 845, 848, 871, 877, 886, 894, 898, 911, 920, 932, 940, 943, 954, 959, 1000, 1011. Boylston, Mass., 848. Boxford, 90. Bozrah, 451, 452, 612, 613, 620, 632, 647, 648, 662, 680, 684, 687, 693, 696, 700, 702, 712, 718, 740, 741, 754, 755, 758, 77i, 777, 78i, 787, 790, 794, 803, 807, 817, 821, 824, 826- 828, 830, 834, 838, 845, 849, 861, 863, 864. 965, 867, 869, 876, 882, 895, 899, 901, 902, 921, 928, 938, 942, 946, 949, 954, 981, 992, 993, ion. Bozrahville, 869. Branford, 859. Bremen, Germany, 788, 808. Brewster, Mass., 851, 934. Bridgeport, 606, 768, 983. Bridgewater, 227. Bridgewater, Canada, 599. Brighton, Mass., 901. Brimrield, Mass., 1002. Bristol, Mass., 245, 391, 532. Bristol, Vt., 874. Brookfield, 137. Brooklyn, 545, 800, 878, 894, 909, 918. Brooklyn, L. I., N. Y., 648, 686, 705, 764, 877, 890. Brooklyn, Ohio, 801. Buenos Ayres, S. A., 694, 695. Buffalo, N. Y., 772, 797, 821, 829, 93i, 961. Burlington Flats, N. Y., 988. Burrellville, R. I., 868, 968. Cambridge, Mass., 329, 849, 932. Canaan, 448. Canaan, N. Y., 728, 738. Canada Parish, 603. Canajoharie, N. Y., 484. Canandaigua, N. Y., 780. Canterbury, 77, 110, 116, 157, 185, 203, 297, 309, 312, 315, 318, 351, 353, 378, 386, 407, 466, 470, 476, 480, 485, 486, 519, 537, 575, 594, 655, 673, 736, 782, 784, 813, 815, 820, 867, 897, 929, 930, 987, 997, 1014. Carolina, 526. Central Village, 955, 1005. Chaplin, 621. Charleston, 258. Charlestown, Mass., 685. Charlestown, R. I., 776, 778. Charlotte, N. Y., 834. Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 869. Chatham, 870. Chatham, Mass., 620, 668. Chatham, N. H., 884. Chelmsford, Mass., 931. Chelsea, 441, 442, 506, 523, 528, 530, 532, 533, 575, 582, 585, 591, 606, 618, 631, 667. Chester, 885, 908. Chester, Vt., 947. 1175 1 176 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Chicago, 111, 804, 996. Chilmark, Mass., 262. Cincinnati, O., 849, 923. Clappville, Mass., 913. Claremont, N. H., 901. Cleveland, O., 934, 959- Clinton, 946. Clinton, Mass., 994. Clyde, N. Y., 1009. Colchester, 151, 157, *7ii !73, *74, 183, 193. 289, 351, 403, 579. 736, 738, 747, 762, 764, 769, 808, 810, 816, 836, 853, 861, 868, 874, 891, 897, 914, 928, 936, 95i. 967, 987, 993, 1002, 1009. Copenhagen, 765. Cornwall, 751. Coventry, 203. 290, 335, 401, 4*5, 427, 489, 490, 680, 687, 713. 780. Coventry, R. I., 302, 4*4, 5 T S, 816, 853. Cranston, R. I., 600, 766, 888. Danbury, 491. Dedham, 131. Deerfield, 509. Delta, Ind., 1005. Demarara, 756, 891. 910. Derby, 813. Dover, N. H., 655. Dresden. Me., 062. Dudley, Mass., 990. East Society, 124. Eastford. 966. East Guilford, 178. East Haddam, 284, 369. 694, 698, 736, 786, 787, 814, 838, 909, 920, 992. Eastham, 254. East Hartford, 675, 685, 694, 735- 846, 930. East Lyme, 828, 906, 908, 965. East Windsor, 530, 805, 947- Edinburgh, Scotland, 695. Edwardsburg, Mich., 822. Ellington, 1001. Enfield, 173. 437, 454- England, 790, 805, 836, 995. Essequebo, 582. Essex, 720. 963. 1003. Eustatia, W. I.. 77, *3<>. Exeter, N. H., 772, 934- Exeter, R. I., 690, 769, 827, 828, 905, 100 1. Exton, R. I., 1 001. Fall River, Mass., 859, 880, 949. Farmington, 71, 292, 987. Fleming, N. Y., 994. Fort Scott, Kan., 684. Framingham, Mass., 886. Franklin, 398, 401, 550, 575, 579, 585, 634, 664, 669, 676, 679, 681, 686, 699, 701, 728, 737, 763, 768, 818, 830, 832, 867, 869, 872, 879, 880, 888, 895, 900, 938, 94i, 952, 953. 956, 957, 959, 960, 964, 982, 984, 987, 990, 1008, 1013. Gardiners Island, 399. Georgia, 732, 839, 850, 910. Georgetown, Demarara, 891, 892. Germany, 1006, ion. Glastonbury, 413, 733, 876. Goshen, 380. Grafton, Mass., 890. Grand Haven, Mich., 800. Greeneville, 771, 773, 781, 784, 787, 794, 820, 827, 828, 834 836, 838, 858, 859, 861-863, 865, 869 : 872, 874-879, 884, 890, 893, 896-898, 904, 907, 908, 913-915, 917, 9i8, 921, 925, 927, 931, 932, 935, 937, 938, 942, 947, 951, 954, 961, 966. 968, 970, 971, 973, 974, 977, 984, 985, 991, 994, 997- 999, 1001-1004, 1007, 1010, 1014. Greeneville, 111., 796. Greenfield, 509. Greenfield, Mass., 970. Greenfield, N. Y., 849- Griswold, 680, 695, 708, 7", 7*9, 774, 781. 791, 796, 800, 813, 815, 825. 859. 867, 875, 877. 913, 915, 960, 982. 988, 1010. Groton, 36, 74, 135, 168, 170, 193, 238, 246, 247, 269, 270, 319, 322, 390. 496, 504, 520, 522, 528, 601, 611, 622, 620, 639, 657, 658, 690, 705, 713, 7i6, 726, 727, 730. 732, 735, 740, 755, 774, 778. 7QO, 803, 816, 821, 840. 878. 886, 908. 937, 950, 954- 956, 997, 1005, ion. Guilford, 38. 143. 164. 787- Haddam, 123, 353- Hallowell, Me., 783, 926. Hampton, 597, 603, 772, 820, 991. Hanover, 494, 524, 529- Hanover, N. H., 520. INDEX OF PLACES. 1177 Harrisburg, Pa., 675. Hartford, 247, 373, 385, 484, 497, 591, 694, 702, 756, 774. 789. 820, 829, 857, 862, 908, 912, 920, 996, 997, 998, 1011. Harvard, Mass., 853. Harwich, Mass., 724, 967. Havana, N. Y., 890. Haverhill, Mass., 133, 198, 240, 329 Hebron, 282, 301, 462, 484, 60S, 644, 759, 830, 926, 930, 946, 973- Hingham, 230. Hinsdale, Mass., 643. Hoboken, N. J., 880. Hollis, Me., 911. Holyoke, Mass., 970. Hopkinton, R. I., 388, 691, 756. Hudson, 850. Ipswich, 211, 255. Ireland, 788, 851, 990, 995, 996, ion. Jackson, Miss., 823. Jewett City, 718, 750, 839, 875, 924, 992, 1009. Johnson, Vt., 852, 925. Keysville, N. Y., 964. Killingly, 321, 399, 628, 693, 762, 869, 998. Killingworth, 537. Kittery, Mass., 655. LaFayette, Ind., 1002. Lancaster, Mass., 897. Lebanon, 163, 169, 181, 192, 194, 197, 219, 225, 228, 232, 246, 247, 251, 253, 256, 260, 276, 285, 302, 330, 340, 383, 387, 388, 395, 418, 428, 441, 443, 456, 480, 490, 511, 543, 544, 590, 600, 612, 621, 623, 627, 642, 643, 677, 681, 694, 709, 717, 736, 740, 75i» 774. 778, 800, 823, 827, 857. 866, 867, 894, 895, 896, 918, 935, 945, 954, 977, 1007. Lebanon North Parish, 197. Ledyard, 796, 816, 820, 824, 833, 835, 840, 855, 892, 904, 917, 951. 958, 962, 977, 990, 1006. Lee, 770. Leicester, Mass., 798, 909. Lewiston Falls, Me., 988. Lime Rock, R. I., 873. Limerick, Ireland, 1013. Ljsbon, 378, 546, 576, 652, 697, 707, 712, 743, 747, 750, 760, 762, 763, 774, 789, 807, 810, 812, 838, 857, 864, 869, 870, 876, 884, 894, 900, 902, 919, 900, 1005, 1006. Litchfield, 711, 764. Little Compton, 189. Lockport, N. Y., 749. Long Island, N. Y., 124, 758. Louisville, Ky., 913. Lowell, Mass., 849, 920, 923, 932, 933. 937- Ludlow, Mass., 863. Lyman, Me., 911. Lyme, 116, 150, 190, 204, 239, 289, 309, 317. 324. 337, 344. 353, 384, 407, 557, 661, 68o, 688, 748, 769, 776, 828, 851, 962, 978, 1008. Lynn, Mass., 815, 913, 974. McDonald Township, Mo., 684. Madison, 828, 844, 988, 1008. Maine, 773. Manchester, 797, 807, 842, 873, ^ 892, 936, 960, 973, 975. Manchester, N. H., 992. Mansfield, 107, 358, 362, 371, 422, 467, 475, 58o, 597, 605, 680, 745, 763, 793, 964, 1008. Marlborough, 758, 769, 803. Marshheld, 217, 301. Martha's Vineyard, 280. Martinique, W. I., 462. Massachusetts, 879, 923. Massachusetts Bay, 505. Medtield, Mass., 717. Medway, Mass., 974. Mendon, Mass., 766. Meredith, N. Y., 728. Middleborough, Mass., 342. Middlebury, 9. Middle Haddam, 353, 695. Middletown, 178, 190, 191, 262, 370, 373, 588, 707, 727, 747, 7S3, 860, 886. Middletown, N. ]., 886. Milford, 283, 813. Millbury, Mass., 795, 902. Milwaukee, Wis., 923. Mobile, Ala., 851, 900. Mohegan, 743. Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y., 1014. Monticello, N. Y., 1004. Montrose, Pa., 619. Montville, 594, 616, 650, 663, 681, 689, 694, 704, 713, 722, 735, 739. 752, 762, 763, 771, 773, 1 178 NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Montville, 778, 780, 792, 794, 798 805, 806, 811, 816-818, 831 833, 845, 860, 861, 868, 87a 872, 876, 877, 88i, 890, 893 900, 904, 907-909, 912, 915 916, 928, 929, 936, 937, 94i 945, 947, 954, 965, 966, 971 972, 977, 981-983, 995 998 1004, 1005, ion, 1013. Montville, Me., 1001. Mount Pleasant, Mo., 836, Mystic, 77% 908, 970, 992. Mystic Bridge, 1006. N. H., 948. Nashua, N. H., 851, 869, 944- Natchez, Miss., 785, 822, 823, 941. Newark, N. J., 754. Newberne, N. C, 672. New Britain, 952, 987. Newbury, 444. Newcastle, Del., 696. New Castle, Pa., 874. New Concord, 256, 291, 484. Newent, 170, 221, 225, 228, 249, 260, 264, 389, 410, 493, 525. 558, 559- New Hartford, 938, 939. New Haven, 324, 455. 537, 592, 674. 675, 779, 826, 833, 869, 891, 910, 959, 980, 994, 1001. New Jersey, 704, 997. New London, 47, 67, 79, 89, 103, 121, 173, 174, 177, l8l, 183, 195, 236, 247, 256, 293, 306, 355. 358, 367, 374, 376, 377, 381, 382, 385, 391, 402, 418, 446, 447, 450, 467, 468, 486, 497, 501, 513, Si5, 530, 532, 536, 554, 576, 586, 590, 592, 635, 643, 655, 657, 660, 663, 667, 669, 674, 699, 713, 722, 742, 746, 755, 756, 758, 767. 795, 808, 809, 829, 830, 834, 843, 858, 873, 874, 87S, 890, 900, 901, 910, 912, 915, 916, 919, 924, 933, 941, 948, 956, 977, 978, 981, 989. 992, 995. 1012, 1014. New London North Parish, 161. New Orleans, 783, 793, 837. Newport, R. I., 481, 845, 912, 925. Newton, Mass., 132,- 901. New York, N. Y., 418, 486, 597, 608, 615, 622, 648, 651, 652, 660, 685, 693, 719, 720, 725, 754, 756. 758, 777^ 78o, 788, 798, 7Q9, 802, 806, 812, 8x4, 823, 824, 826. 832, 835. 844. New York, N. Y., 852, 854, 856, 861, 866, 870, 877, 878, 884, 895, 906, 910, 914, 916, 918, 926, 938, 940, 942, 944, 949, 954, 966, 977, 985, 989, 993, 1000, 1004, 1010, ion, 1012, 1 oi 4. Norfolk, Va., 475. Northampton, Mass., 584, 824, 842, 882, 1001. Northbridge, Mass., 787. Northborough. Mass., 868. North Brookfield, Mass., 827. North Carolina, 579, 580. North Groton, 496, 658. North Madison, 971. North Kingston, R. I., 947. North Somers, 975. North Stoninsrton. 177, 700, 708, 723, 768, 786, 828, 854. 872, 882. 917, 919, 927, 947. Norton, 229. Norwalk, 909. Oakham, Mass., 843, 949. Ogden, N. Y., 875. Orleans, Mass., 851. Oswego Co., N. Y., 959. Otsego. N. Y., 685. Oxford, Mass., 751, 811, 874, 932, 939- Oxford, N. Y., 822. Palmer. Mass., 702. Pennsylvania, 320, 500, 835, 889. Peoria, III, 654. Petersburg, Va., 929. Philadelphia, Pa., 692, 693. 765, 8t6, 823, 839, 852, 870, 959, 963, ion. Piermonr, N. Y., 942. Pike. N. Y.. 685. Pittsburg, 766. Pittsfield, Mass., 880, 086. Pittsfield. Vt, 870. 878. 006. Plainfield, 115, 265, 388, 446, 447. 543. 632, 719. 75*. 76o, 77r. 774, 791, 824, 853, 856, 861, 866, 875, 881, 889. 893. 896. 9TT, 913, 927, 93i. 94i. 955. 964. Plastow, N. H., 496. Pomfret, 209, 225, 363. 445. 463. 54"?, 601, 952, 1003. Pompton Plains, N. J., 1002. Poquetonnuck, 949. Portersville, 953. Port Gibson, Miss., 813. Portland, Me., 712, 831, 850, 877. 982, 1004. INDEX OF PLACES. 1179 Portsmouth, N. H., 707. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 932. Preston, 118, 122, 124, 132, 137, 139, 146, 147, 156, 157, 168, 170, 176, 180, 198, 199, 209, 214, 215, 217, 229, 242, 256, 258, 260, 282, 302, 317, 321, 331. 359, 361, 365, 395. 399, 404, 420, 427, 43s, 452, 458, 466, 467. 474, 476, 478, 481, 491, 492, 495, 507, 512, 513, 515, 520, 521, 526, 528, 533, 538, 539, 543, 545, 547, 550, 551, 556, 578, 580, 582, 583, 596, 597, 621, 622, 633, 641, 645, 646, 647, 649, 651, 652, 666, 679, 687, 688, 691, 695, 698, 609, 702, 704, 705, 714, 716, 719, 720, 725, 732, 738, 757, 760, 767, 774. 778, 779, 780, 784, 788, 793, 796, 801, 802, 804, 815, 816, 819, 820, 821, 824, 834, 835, 840, 843, 844, 846, 850, 854, 855, 862, 868, 881, 888, 893, 900, 902- 904, 911, 910, 924, 928, 943. 946, 969. 974, 982, 984-986, 988, 997-999, 1001, 1005. Prince Edwards Island. 1005. Providence, R. I., 534, 553, 604, 688, 712, 732,V37. 742, 747. 785. 844, 870, 872, 887, 889, 008, 911, 934, 937. 943, 971, 993, 1000, 1006, 1009. Provincetown, Mass., 946. Putnam, N. Y., 995. Quinebaug, 971. Reading, Mass., 758. Rhode Island, 542, 686, 764. Richmond, R. I., 888, 982. Richmond, Va., 861. Rochester, N. Y., 977. Rockville, 904, 967. Rocky Hill, 876. Rome, Ohio, 689. Rupert, Bennington Co., Vt, 739. Rutland, Vt., 756, 925. St. Louis, Mo., 861, 944. St. Marys, Ga., 765, 1012. Sacketts Harbour, 596. Salem, 696, 797, 798, 805, 811, 828, 852, 862, 867, 907, 919, 924, 935. 937, 970. Salem, Mass., 890, 935. Salisbury, 828. Salisbury, N. Y., 894. Sandisfield, Mass., 823. Sandstone, Mich., 985. San Francisco, Cal., 880. San Rafael, Cal., 880. Savanna, Ga., 756. Saxonville, Mass., 865. Saybrook, 37, 38, 41, 153, 496, 680, 769, 782, 786, 834. Schenectady, N. Y., 919, 1000. Scituate, Mass., 949. Scituate, R. I., 558, 686, 763. Scotland, 741, 742, 790, 815, 991. Seekonk, Mass., 763. Shaftsbury. Vt., 459. Shelburne Falls, Mass., 998. Sherman, Mass., 924. Slatersville, R. I., 927. Smithfield, R. I., 782, 989, 998. Southbridge, Mass., 836, 900, 916, 953, 957- South Coventry, 939. South Glastonbury, 849. Southington, 832. South Kingston, R. I., 678, 805, 831, 970, 986. South Lee, Mass., 926. Southold, N. Y, 173. South Scituate, R. I., 852. South Windsor, 880. Southwick, Mass., 069. Spencer, Mass., 832, 949. Springfield, Mass., 272, 605, 674, 690, 706, 709, 737, 781, 903, 921. 958. Stafford, 890, 961. Stafford, N. Y., 856. Sterling, 740, 877, 981. Stonington, 19, 167, 218, 272, 297, 399, 41 r, 415, 419, 454, 466, 475, 479. 502, 523, 543, 592, 672, 673. 713, 764, 767, 770, 774. 796. 798, 811, 845, 870, 803, 898. 921, 923, 929, 949, 962. 963. Stony Crick, Canada, 581. Stratford, 140. Strikersville. N. Y., 948. Sturbridge, Mass., 794. Suffield, 528, 762, 1006. Summerville, Mass., 886. Sutton, Mass., 688, 916. Taylorville, Cal., 880. Taunton, Mass., no, 216, 311, 650. Thompson. 32T, 817, 858, 870, 883, 018, ot5. 946, 953, 964, 968. Thompsonville, 968. Tinmouth. Vt, 487. Toledo, Ohio, 879. . n8o NORWICH VITAL RECORDS. Tolland, 727, 809, 866, 871. Troy, N. Y., 957. Trumansburg, N. Y., 837. Turin, N. Y., 689. Uncasville, 932. Union, 222, 418. Upton, Mass., 1010. Utica, N. Y., 675, 944, 960. Uxbridge, Mass., 902, 925. Venus, Erie County, Ohio, 843. Vernon, 843, 880, 956. Voluntown, 240, 358, 775, 888, 890, 893, 955, 991. Wakefield, R. I., 991. Wallingford, 39. Waltham, 947. Walworth, Wis., 967. Warren, Ohio, 703. Warren, Penn., 690. Warwick, R. I., 719, 833, 893, 905. Washington, 829. Washington, D. G, 812. Washington, N. J., 819. Waterbury, 930. Waterford, 686, 752, 817, 877. 881, 882, 966, 998. Watertown, Mass., 947. Webster, Mass., 847, 864, 953. West Society, 409. West Brookfield, Mass., 939. West Cambridge, Mass., 991. Westerly, R. I., 347, 587, 611, 686, 766, 786, 830, 854, 98i, 985. 1009. Westfield, 84, 539, 915. West Greenwich, R. I., 766, 1013. West Killingly, 955, 997. West Rutland, Mass., 1008. West Stockbridge, 834. Wethersfield, 507, 557, 679, 721. Weymouth, Mass., 882, 990. Whately, Mass., 903. Wick, Gloucestershire, Eng., 1012. Wickford, R. I., 932, 935. Wilbraham, Mass., 669, 675. Williamsburg, N. Y., 999. Willimantic, 773, 775, 827, 841, 879, 952, 962, 963, 968, 1013. Willington, 495, 789. Wilmington, N. C, 805, 949. Winchendon, Mass., 802. Windham, n, 59, 76, 103, 160, 163, 171, 177, 185, 220, 254, 258, 265, 269, 273, 276, 293, 319, 320, 328, 329, 344, 348, 358, 368, 370, 372, 374, 380, 383, 393, 395, 401, 404, 405, 4o8, 440, 447, 449, 459, 464, 469, 475. 490, 493, 498, 507, 519, 522, 544, 552, 556, 558, 584, 598, 602, 603, 613, 651, 702, 715, 735, 736, 74i, 749, 759- 76o, 763, 766, 791, 793, 796. 798, 842, 867, 886, 893, 9i8, 935, 942, 958, 973, 990, 991, 995- Windsor, 2,7, 7*- Windsor, Vt, 845. Wiscosset, Me., 962, 982. Woodbury, 403. Woodstock, 153, 248, 415, 579, 584, 643. 738, 805, 807, 829, 832, 836. 905, 957, 989. Worcester, Mass., 802, 838, 848, 853, 879, 925, 926, 931, 935. 950, 955, 959, 969, 984, 1000. 1003, 1009. Yantic, 1007. Yarmouth, Mass., 967, 1008. Zanesville, Ohio, 999. - s , s 0< *^> #' N ' oo' % (I •>* ■ -^ y s 1. ~" \' N A* .** \ ' % ^ ^ 7 % v ^ '% ,0 ^ ^ = ^ ^ O - / ^ ^ , 'v. '<, A 1 ^ ^ ( •^ v* % ** <^ V ^ •J'v