F 5^s .68 .A 1 C 5 ufiim BEAUTI F UL 5 UBUR.BAN TOWN S Issued DY- 11)6 rh-ssenqer /J6par£nen/ o/^' - -THE CHICAG0a.l?rNOR_TH WESTERN RAILWAY. • A, ' C 5" COPYRIGHT 1909 BYSi- CHICAGO 6'NORIH WESTERN RY. AUi 26 1909 .^^ ^Williams Bay (/''^^r\ \LAKE ^''''f/ \ GENEVA '^'K Lalie , ^ Leighton \ \ V V..J \C i I m e r,!-A _ - i- — \ -'1 N _| \ Ron'dout \> V Skokie JcA I Everett^'! LAKE \FOREST V V\v.Fort Sheridan Algonquin! j -^ ■'''l.-l Carpenters--!.- ville'y^' L ' k /"reemanl "1 ^.O I \ /'\ jLyLake ZuVich ~ " ' t- ^ \\ "^ Vf Highvood \i ; S \ \\ ^-/^^^H.gMand O >Ela SBarrlngtor^^ ,^-.aPark ^ lodgetl \ " vDeerfield,\' ^--.-v-.X I ^ -Ax \\V \ ,rO£ \^ Wheeling/ A\ ( ?1, "iSA ^•.^^v.e^ 1>'K, •' Dundee ArllngtoiT Heights^. \Clenvlew/ " r\r°rJ^*?«^.> \ aO^ 1 _:i _ ^ ^ ^ Mount P^ospecfv Schaumburfi *" "^ ^ r-i U.J Morton/ ^tn\ CroveS S\ .>" South Elgin j < N V ' LiiS Bartlett\ ^^Roselle Im \ V > V, ParkRidgeW%\,^ 4be#'i\fe*V \ I Wayne I \ \ St.Charle ?i.' Ingalton ! Lr-1 ■^^ Edisorj Parl^C\^ >>,\ ~' Norwood \^ f\ Wooddale \ 5! jefferso^^^' i j- ^^gnsenville* « Park / "X.^ * -* Maylfai? •^ '~~- \ J ■ FrankHn.J'"' ' Pa •T-l. Gretna ,' Addison ^ \ | Hayes - ■ > ^ » Crag Cloverdale [jQioo^jng. r • • V rial.. L.-J N dale 4», 0< is*^*- < MIWAUKEE DIVISION CROSS PARK CUYLER RAVENSWOOD SUMMERDALE KENMORE ROGERS PARK EVANSTON WILMETTE KENILWORTH WINNETKA HUBBARD WOODS GLENCOE NORTH CHICAGO RAVINIA HIGHLAND PARK HIGHWOOD FORT SHERIDAN LAKE FOREST LAKE BLUFF WAUKEGAN MAPLEWOOD AVONDALE IRVING PARK MAYFAIR WISCONSIN DIVISION JEFFERSON PARK NORWOOD PARK EDISON PARK PARK RIDGE BARRINGTON DES PLAINES MOUNT PROSPECT ARLINGTON HEIGHTS PALATINE NILES CENTER AUSTIN OAK PARK RIVER FOREST GALENA DIVISION MAYWOOD MELROSE PARK ELMHURST LOMBARD GLEN ELLYN WHEATON WINFIELD WEST CHICAGO ,^ CHICAGOJS^^ SUBURBS •^f^fj-^ 1 ^..^^ HREE handsome groups of suburban towns adja- cent to Chicago are served by the train service of the Chicago & North Western Railway. These groups are located on the Milwaukee Division, which skirts northward along the beauti- ful shore of Lake Michigan; the Galena Division extending directly west, and the Wisconsin Division running between the two to the northwestward. These suburban towns are especially commended to those who are seeking a location for a permanent home with all the natural advantages of suburban surroundings, including well shaded streets, w ide lawns, convenient access to golf and country clubs, and an abundance of fresh air and pure water. Perhaps the most important question in selecting a suburban home is the one of railway transportation. The suburban service of The North Western Line includes fast schedules, numerous trains and convenient arrivals and departures. The train equip- ment is of the highest standard. Mm^' '"^m n 7 UJ ^ lU 111 _> O l« c tf Ul < = o DC o 03 CO d o Mo o u>QC ~o o ^ rt _l ^ o nr Crt rt c O > "O - o = 5 s ^<- J/ / ^ ^ // / ^ : /^ ^ a °" -^ -^ -r ir 03 a< 5 — M RAVENSWOOD AND ROGERS PARK EVANSTON 3^ J iJiSt'ALE: 1 Mile to the inch. Railroad Lines RED Sheridan Road GREEN Paved Streets and Automobile Roads.... BLU E Wagon Roads BLACK EVANSTON WILMETTE AND KENILWORTH SCALE: 1 Mile to the i Railroad Lines RED Sheridan Road GREEN Paved Streets and Automobile Roads ■••• BLUE Wagon Roads BLACK IVINNETKA. HUBBARD WOODS AND GLENCOE RAVINIA. HIGHLAND PARK AND HIGHWOOD FORT SHERIDAN A MAGNIFICENT ARMY POST LAKE FOREST LAKE FOREST LAKE BLUFF AND WAUKEGAN MAYFAIR, JEFFERSON PARK. NORWOOD PARK AND EDISON PARK IRVING PARK PARK RIDGE AND DES PLAINES ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, PALATINE AND BARRINGTON AUSTIN OAK PARK RIVER FOREST, MAYWOOD AND MELROSE PARK -?/- ^^i'xSm^^sf'^ '-n:*-.^ ■ ELMHURST, LOMBARD AND GLEN ELLYN WHEATON AND WEST CHICAGO MILWAUKEE Milwaukee Counl.y Club ^W.iodmont Country Club Park Golf Club RACINE le Golf Club r^ t^ KENOSHA Kenosha Country Club IWAUKEGAN 'WdukCLjan Country Club LAKE BLUFF LAKE FOREST "-1 GENEVA va Golf Club ) .-f , *\\Onwentsia Clul I VOhIGHLAND PARK *^ ' UV«moor Country Club ^-> v\glencoe Skokie Country Club LMETTE :VANSTON chwood Golf Club fjewater Golf Club RAVENSWOOD enswood Golf Club .-, '^ .•\CHICAGO ^\i""" .oO^.'o OAK PARK^ ° MA^^ ,»C\^ Oak Park G\ll Club Westward Ho.Golf Club Double track I One of the most agreeable features of life in the suburban districts is the convenient location and the attractive build- ings and grounds of various golf and country clubs. Special attention is given to travel to and from these clubs, the city and the various suburbs, particularly during the sum- mer season. Fast suburban trains with parlor and cafe cars and stand- ard day coaches are operated on schedules especially adapted to the convenience of club patrons throughout the season, and low commutation rates are in effect the year round. THE SHERIDAN ROAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL NORTH SHORE The Sheridan Road is a beautiful, well-built boulevard, ex- tending from Chicago to Waukegan, passing through Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe, Ravinia Park, Ravinia, Highland Park, Highwood, Fort Sheridan^ Lake Forest, Lake Bluff and North Chicago. Beginning at the northern extremity of Lincoln Park, reaching northward along the Lake Shore, its entire length of thirty odd miles is through a succession of charming views, overlooking the blue waters of Lake Michigan, with broken hills still clothed with native forests, dark ravines and romantic glens profuse in natural beauty. In the midst of these natural advantages there have been built up sonie of the most handsome suburban towns in the world, placed within easy reach of the city by the superior train service of The North Western Line. Reliable and efficient real estate dealers are to be found in each of the communities on The North Western Line and they will gladly negotiate with those who are in search of suburban homes. Fullinformati on regarding suburban rates, (rain service, etc., upon applica- tion to ticket agents at suburban stations^at City Ticket Office, 212 Clark Street (Telephone Central 721), or at Wells Street Station, Chicago. HIRAM R. McCULLOUGH Vice-President W. B. KNISKERN C. A. CAIRNS Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger and Ticket Agent CHICAGO, ILL. ,