LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.^' .3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. YOUTHS' HISTORY OFTHE UNITED STATES IN VERSE TO WHICH IS ADDED A VALUABLE CHAPTER ON THE GREAT INVENTIONS OF ALL AGES / DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ^ I ^ ' IN THE SAME STYLE K ^' DESIGNED TO CONVEY INSTRUCTION TO THE YOUNG IN AN ATTRACTIVE FORM, AND TO PLACE WITHIN THE REACH OF ADULTS OF ALL CLASSES THE MEANS OF ACQUIRING AND EASILY RETAINING IN THE MEMORY ALL THE IMPORTANT FACTS OF HISTORY. ^^^tea\ Sit L^;J:-y^-^ CAELON & HOLLENBECK, PRINTEE&~aje?' BINDJERS 1883. ^ Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1883, t>y JOSEPHINE THROOP, u^ \ In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The well known fact that subjects treated in the rhythmical flow of verse are more readily committed to memory and longer retained therein than corresponding prose compositions, first sug- gested the production of this little work now offered to the public. The principal historical facts, beginning with the discovery and early settlement of the continent, and following the subsequent history of the United States up to the present time, are so ar- ranged in topics and in chronological order as to make it a con- venient book of reference for all, and it is believed that in the memorizing of dates it will be especially useful. It has also been the aim of the author to give a condensed statement of facts, in simple language and in an easy, flowing style, so as to bring it within the ready comprehension of young children. Nor has the task proposed been unaccompanied with diflBcul- ties, especially in the necessary use of a great number of dates, proper and other names, etc.; for these are, like facts, "stubborn things " to handle in verse. Hoping that we have been able to present these historical facts, usually considered so dry and uninteresting, in a more attractive form, thus laying the foundation for a knowledge of history to be more fully developed in after years, this little work is commended to the public, with the confident hope that it will be found to possess many points deemed of value. (3) 4 PREFACE. Standard authorities on the various subjects treated have been consulted in its preparation, with a view to entire accuracy of statement. Attention is also called to the added chapter on Great Inven- tions, arranged chronologically, and the result of much investi- gation of special writers on the subjects involved. The Author. YOUTHS' HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. VOYAGE AND DISCOVERY. CHAPTER I. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. What is said of the ignorance respecting America until near the sixteenth century? 'Till near the sixteenth century, To Europe was unknown This great land of America, So populous since grown. What was the condition of this country at tliat time, and who inhabited it? The forests were unbroken here, Until the white men came ; And only Indians dwelt here then, Who lived on corn and game. (5) YOUTHS HISTORY OF What did the people of Europe believe at that time respect- ing the size of the world? The people then believed the world To be so very small, That Europe, Asia, Africa Were, with some islands, all. What was believed concerning the shape of the earth? The learned then taught the earth was flat; Columbus said 'twas round ; And he believed a passage west Could 'round the world be found. Who was Columbus, and what can you tell of his voyage? Columbus was a sailor brave ; Though poor, was learned and wise. And in Genoa he was born 'Neath bright Italian skies. Wiee Isabelle and Ferdinand, The Queen and King of Spain, Sent him, with ships and men to search The seas, new lands to gain. From Palos, Spain, this brave man sailed, On one bright summer day ; And with three ships and sailors, came O'er ocean's unknown Avay. But frightened grew the sailors, when No coming land they viewed. As day by day they farther sailed ; Then to return they sued. THE UNITED STATES. ' Fearless, Columbus still kept on Upon his destined way ; His sailors then in secret planned Their Captain soon to slay. Next day they saw sure signs which proved The " Promised Land" was near, And on those ships was wildest joy, Where had been gloom and fear. A beauteous island, where dwelt men Called Indians, they had found, Who were much frightened when the strange White men came on their ground. For soon Columbus came on shore. And kneeling then in prayer. He thanked the Heavenly Father who Had brought him safely there. He then unfurled the flag of Spain, And in that country's name. For Ferdinand and Isabelle To this new land laid claim. When did Columbus first discover the new land, and what did he name it? October, fourteen ninety-two, Columbus first found land; San Salvador, an island in Atlantic Ocean grand. 8 youths' history of What other islands did Columbus afterwards discover? Conception, Cuba, Hayti, all Isles which together lay, He soon discovered ; and them claimed For Spain to rule alway. What effect did the discovery of these new lands have in Europe ? In Europe great excitement spread ; Ship loads of men soon came. Who, in the "New World" settled then, So great had grown its fame. In what year did Columbus first reach South America? The mainland. South America, Near Orinoco great, Columbus first reached in the year Of fourteen ninety-eight. What is said of the discovery claimed by Americus Vespucius? In fourteen ninety-seven, to South America, 'tis claimed, Americus Vespucius came ; For whom this land was named. THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER II. OTHER DISCOVERIES. "When and by whom was North America first discovered? About the year one thousand, first Icelandic sailors came To North America, and they " Vinland" then called its name. Did any important result come from this discovery ? They thought that it was Greenland which Here reached around the sea, And no important event came From their discovery. When and by whom was North America re-discovered ? In fourteen hundred ninety-seven. By Cabot was discerned The land of North America, Of which the world then learned. Who was John Cabot? John Cabot, like Columbus, was Born 'neath Italian skies, And like him, was a sailor, too, So daring, learned and wise. 10 youths' histoky of Who sent John Cabot to explore for new lands? King Henry VII, of England, sent John Cabot to explore For new lands, with five ships and men To sail the ocean o'er. When and by whom was tlie Pacific ocean discovered ? In fifteen hundred thirteen, the Pacific ocean grand Was by Balboa found and claimed For Spain, with all the land. Who was the first man to sail around the world ? The honor of first sailing 'round This globe of ours is due To bold Magellan, near the year Of fifteen twenty-two. W^hen and by whom was the Mississippi river discovered? In fifteen forty-one, from Spain, Came one De Soto bold, And found the Mississippi, while He searched the land for gold. THE UNITED STATES. 11 CHAPTER III. EAELY SETTLEMENTS IN AMERICA, AND THE VIR- GINIA COLONY. When and by whom was the oldest town in North America founded ? St. Augustine, the oldest town In North America, Was founded fifteen sixty-five, By Spain, in Florida. When and at what place was the first French settlement made in North America ? In sixteen hundred five, the French Port Iloyal first did found; Acadia was the name they gave The country lying 'round. When and where was the first permanent English settlement in North America? The year of sixteen hundred seven. At Jamestown was begun The English settlement that first Success o'er trials won. What was the name given by these settlers to their colony ? The land the Jamestown settlers chose. Was soon Virginia named For England's "Virgin Queen," who was Elizabeth, so famed. THE UNITED STATES. One time when out exploring he Was by the Indians caught, And struggling to escape from them, For life he bravely fought. They took him to Powhattan, o'er Their tribes a Chieftain great, Who lived within a village of Twelve wigwams, in much state. Powhattan tried and sentenced him A horrid death to die ; And two stones were made ready, while The savage Chiefs stood by. His head was laid upon the stone. An Indian brave stood by With club uplifted, to crush out His life ; for he must die. Then Pocahontas, merciful, Powhattan's daughter fair, Sprang 'neath the club, imploring them The whit€ man's life to spare. In answer to his daughter's prayer He spared the Captain's life, And sent him to his friends, with vow 'Grainst them to cease from strife. 13 ^'i YOUTHS^ HISTORY OF What became of Pocahontas? Good Pocahontas, for this act Of mercy known to fame, Met Eolfe, an Englishman, whose wife She afterwards became. Did Powhattan keep his promise to be friendly to the English? The Chief, Powhattan, who was true, As well as wise and brave, Kept well the promise to be friends That to the Whites he gave. In what year were Negro slaves first brought to this country? In sixteen nineteen, a Dutch ship First to this country brought Some twenty Negroes, who for slaves The Jamestown planters bought. What article was used by the Jamestown settlers in place of money? Tobacco in Virginia then Was used in place of gold Or silver, as their money, when The settlers bought or sold. What occurred to the colony after Powhattan's death? When good Powhattan died, the Chief Who took that monarch's place Twice made a war, to drive away The hated white man's race. THE UNITED STATES. 15 What did the English soldiers then do? The English soldiers in both wars Subdued their Indian foe; And prosperous their colony Continued then to grow. What is said of the growth of the colony ? From time to time, from England came Great numbers over here, To settle land around Jamestown ; Thus farms spread far and near. 16 youths' history op CHAPTER IV. MASSACHUSETTS. At what place and by whom was the second English colony formed in America ? The second colony was formed By England, in this land At Plymouth, Massachusetts, by The Pilgrim Fathers' band. Who were the Pilgrim Fathers ? The Pilgrim Fathers were a band Of men and women true, Who freedom sought to worship God As conscience bade them do. At what time did the Pilgrim Fathers land here ? In sixteen hundred twenty, those Brave Pilgrims landed here, At Plymouth, on the twenty-first December, of the year. Why did the Pilgrims leave England, and what can you tell of their voyage and settlement here ? The Pilgrims fled from England to This land, to live more free ; And on a ship, the Mayflower called, They crossed the stormy sea. THE UNITED STATES. 17 Upon a dreary, foreign shore They landed one bleak morn, And in the wilds, 'mid sleet and snow, Began their homes forlorn. But cold and want and hardships, much Their brave and true souls tried, For, ere the pleasant spring time came Full half their number died. One morning in the Spring they heard A voice proclaiming clear. Upon their little village street : " O ! welcome, English here." Samoset 'twas, an Indian friend. Who loved the white man's race. And pleasant to the English 'twas To see his kindly face. Quite soon there came an Indian Chief Named Massasoit, to see The Pilgrims, whom he promised then Their friend to ever be. And later, other Chieftains came With friendly treaties too, Which they for many after years Kept with the English true. 18 youths' history of How did the country prosper in after years ? In after years came others, by- Desire for freedom led, And soon the country far and near By farms was overspread. What kind of people were these settlers for the most part? The greater number who then came To this new land to dwell, Were Puritans, so brave and true, But stern and strict as well. Did the Puritans ever persecute any one for religious belief? Although they came for freedom here To worship as they chose, Quite soon against their fellow men Their persecutions rose. In what manner did tlie Puritans persecute those who differed from them in religious belief? Both men and women, too, they forced From home and friends in grief, For not agreeing strictly with Their Puritan belief. What noted woman was exiled by the Puritans? Brave Mrs. Hutchinson, who plead That conscience should be free. And was the champion of her sex, They banished by decree. THE UNITED STATES. 19 In what year did three thousand people come here to live? In sixteen hundred thirty-five, Three thousand people came To settle in America, So great had grown its fame. What did these new settlers do ? New settlements they soon had formed, With enterprise so grand, And many towns and villages Sprang up o'er all the land. Mention some of the towns that were settled about this time? At Salem, Charlestown, Dorchester, Roxbury, Boston stand, Also at Cambridge and Concord First towns built in this land. In what year was Harvard College founded? In sixteen hundred thirty-six, A most important year, Was Harvard founded at Cambridge, The oldest college here. In what year was the first printing press brought to this country ? At Cambridge, sixteen thirty-nine. One Stephen Daye by name, Set up a printing press, the first That to this country came. 20 youths' history of In wliat year was the " Salem Witchcraft" trouble? In sixteen hnndred ninety-two, At Salem, was begun The " Witchcraft" trouble, soon by which Much evil there was done. What was the "Salem Witchcraft?" The "Salem Witchcraft" was belief Most strange and curious too, Tkat persons then called "witches," could Great harm to others do. What effect did this superstition have on the people, and what was done? / This superstition, wild and bad. Spread far alarm and fear. And twenty helpless people were For witchcraft hanged that year. What name was given to these settlements and to that of Ply- mouth? The name of Massachusetts, which Word means the "Hills of Bine," Was given these settlements, and that Of Plymouth Pilgrims too. What was the general name given tlie English settlements in America? The English Government the right To rule these lands had claimed ; Thus, the " New England Colonies," These settlements were named. THE UNITED STATES. 21 CHAPTER V. NEW YOKK. When and by whom was New York first settled? In sixteen hundred fourteen, on Manhattan Island, where New York now stands, the Dutch came first To trade, and settled there. When and by whom was New Hampshire first settled? New Hampshire was first settled by An English colony, Near Portsmouth, and at Dover, too. In sixteen twenty-three. When and by whom was Connecticut first settled? Connecticut was settled first In sixteen thirty-three, By Puritans, at Windsor, where They formed a colony. When and by whom was Maryland first settled ? First settlers, English Catholics, Sent by Lord Baltimore, Founded St. Mary's, Maryland, In sixteen thirtv-four. 22 youths' history of What is said of these Catholic settlers of Maryland? They justly bought the Indian's land, And made their country free To all religions, though they should Not with their own agree. And being thus both just and free, Most prosperous they grew ; The Indians loved them, and remained To them both kind and true. What is said of Clayborne's claim "to Maryland? One Clayborne had in Maryland, In sixteen thirty-two. Formed trading posts, and from his claims Strife 'gainst the Catholics grew. When and by whom was Khode Island first settled ? Id sixteen hundred thirty-six. Good Roger Williams made At Providence, the settlement First in Rhode Island laid. Who was Roger Williams and what is said of him? Among the number banished by The Puritan's decree. Was Roger Williams, whose belief Did not with theirs agree. THE UMITED STATES. 23 ^Twas in midwinter he was sent In banishment from home, Through snow and storm, and without food, The wilderness to roam. Canonicus, an Indian Chief, And Massasoit, the kind, Each gave him shelter until he Another home could find. And thinking it was wrong to take Their hunting grounds away. For all the lands good Williams used He gave the Indians pay. So to these people being just. He gained their confidence. And thus they sheltered him until He founded Providence. When and by whom was Dehiware first settled? In sixteen hundred thirty-eight, To Delaware there came Some Swedes, and made first settlement; Christina was its name. When and by whom was North Carolina first settled? In sixteen hundred fifty-one, Virginia people went To North Carolina to explore And form a settlement. 24 youths' histoky of When and by whom was New Jersey first settled ? In sixteen sixty-fouPj began New Jersey's history ; When at Elizabethtown was formed An English colony. When and by whom was South Carolina first settled ? In sixteen seventy, settlers first To South Carolina came From England, and "Old Charleston" to Their town they gave the name. When and by whom was Pennsylvania first settled? In sixteen eighty-one, by Penn, A man both wise and good, Was Pennsylvania settled first ; A name which means " Penn's Woods." Who was William Penn, and what is said of his character? A Quaker and an Englishman, Was peaceful William Penn, Who thought it wrong to lie and cheat, Or kill his fellow-men. He paid the Red Men for their lands. And 'neath a broad elm tree He met, and treaty made with them, That each should peaceful be. THE UNITED STATES. 25 When and by whom was Georgia first settled ? In Georgia, where Savannah stands, In seventeen thirty-three, An Englishman named Oglethorpe First formed a colony. What is said of the men who founded Georgia ? The men who settled Georgia to The Red Men gave their due ; And being JList, they peaceful lived, And prosperous soon grew. 26 youths' history of CHAPTER VI. WARS OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM THE EARLIEST DATE TO THE PRESENT TIME. EARLY INDIAN WARS AND MASSACRES. In what year occurred the first great Indian massacre? In sixteen twenty-two, the first Great massacre occurred Near Jamestown, where the settlers had The Indians' hate incurred. What is said of this massacre and its results ? The Indians 'gainst the white men urged Through jealousy and hate, By treach'rous massacre sought to Their race exterminate. The distant hamlets were attacked One day by yelling bands, And full three hundred settlers were Slain by their murd'rous hands. A friendly Indian, who desired The white men's lives to save, To all the larger settlements A timely warning gave. THE UNITED STATES. 27 Thus being warned, the English fought The Indians with success, And drove them without mercy far Into the wilderness. In what year occurred the second Indian massacre ? A second massacre occurred. In which three hundred more Virginians were by Indians killed, In sixteen forty-four. In what year occurred the Pequod war? In sixteen hundred thirty-seven, The Pequod War occurred, By which that warlike Indian tribe Destruction dire incurred. Who were the Pequods, and what can you tell of that war? The Pequods were a mighty tribe. Near by Long Island Sound, And full seven hundred warriors they Could muster from their ground. As afterwards King Phillip did, This tribe, with other bands. Made war against the Whites because They took from them their lands. Within their fort these Indian tribes In fancied safety lay, When English soldiers made attack Before the dawn of day, 28 youths' history op And set on fire the wigwams light, Inside the fortress wall, When those within were shot or burned; Six hundred souls in all. The war was ended soon by this Disastrous overthrow Of that proud nation, which had been The white man's deadly foe. In what year began tlie first Indian war in Maryland ? In sixteen hundred forty-two, An Indian war began In Maryland, to drive away The hated Englishman. In what year occurred the first Indian war in New Netherland? Stung by ill use, some Indian tribes Joined as one mighty band. In sixteen forty-three, to wage War 'gainst New Netherland. In wliat year began a civil war in Maryland? The Protestant and Catholic Discord, which all deplore, Brought civil war in Maryland, In sixteen forty-four. In what year occurred a second Indian war in New Netherland ? In sixteen hundred sixty-three, A short lived Indian war Occurred in the New Netherland, That country's peace to mar. THE UNITED STATES. ^^ In what year began King Phillip's war ? In sixteen hundred seventy-five, King Phillip's war began, By Indian depredations 'gainst The hated Englishman. Who was King Phillip, and what cr.n yon tell of this war? King Phillip was the second son Of Massasoit the true, Who, long since dead, had left this son To rule, as was his due. But when tine white men's settlements, Extending far and near, Left little to the Red men, of Their hunting grounds so dear. King Phillip's heart was filled with grief, And, joined by other bands, He made a war to drive away The white men from tlieir lands. Farms were destroyed and towns burned by These frenzied Indians wild, Who in this dreadful warfare spared Not woman, man nor child. Within a swamp the Indians made A fort, built strong and well. Where with their families they thought In safety they could dwell. 30 youths' history of But there the Whites attacking them. The Indians fought in vain 'Gainst English discipline, and soon A thousand braves were slain. Men, women, children — wounded — all The fortress then contained. Were burned, and thus, of all those tribes But few that day remained. When all was lost King Phillip sought His home with broken heart, In secret there to die alone, From wife and child apart. But, by a treacherous Indian led, The Whites his refuge found, And 'ere he knew that traitor's hand Had shot him to the ground. In what year began the Coree War? From South Carolina, L^eventeen eleven. In war, were the Corees And Tuscaroras both expelled, By white men's victories. In what year did the Yaraassee war begin ? In seventeen fifteen, was begun War with the Yamasses ; Who were from South Carolina driven By white men's victories. THE UNITED STATES. 31 CHAPTER VII. INTER-COLONIAL WAES. In what year began King William's War? In sixteen hundred eighty-nine, King William's War was made ' Tween France and England : when the French Secured the Indians' aid. Can you tell what occurred to Mrs. Dustin in the war? A Mrs. Dustin, being sick, Was captured thus one day By Indians ; who destroyed her child, And then forced her away. She, and two other prisoners, while The Red men slept at night. Killed ten of them, and then escaped For home before daylight. In what year began Queen Anne's War ? Between the English and the French Another trouble grew. That brought Queen Anne's War, in the year Of seventeen hundred two. 32 youths' history of What is said of the conduct of the Indians during Queen Anne's War? The Indians, in Queen Anne's "War, made The frontier desolate, Destroying farms and villages In their revenge and hate. In what year began King George's War? In seventeen hundred forty-four, Began King George's War, Between the English and the French ; The country's peace to mar. What was the most important event of King George's War? The most important event Of King George's War, was when The English captured Louisburg, With some four thousand men. THE UNITED STATES. 33 CHAPTEE VIII. EAELY DOMESTIC EEBELLIONS. In what year occurred Clayborne's Eebellion? From sixteen forty-five to six, Was Maryland uptorn With discord and rebellion, led By one William Clayborne. In what year occurred Bacon's Eebellion ? Virginians in rebellion rose 'Gainst England's unjust laws In sixteen hundred seventy-six; When Bacon led their cause. What is said of Bacon's death, and the result? The noble Bacon dying, ere The people's cause was gained, The English Governor triumphed, and His tyranny maintained. Some twenty patriots then were hanged For fighting to be free; ' Mong whom was Thomas Hansford, first To die for liberty. 3 34 youths' history of In what year occurred Culpepper's Rebellion? In sixteen seventy-seven, led by John Culpepper, arose Rebellious North Carolinians; Unjust laws to oppose. In what year occurred a Eebellion in South Carolina? In sixteen hundred eighty-six, Unjust laws to oppose, The South Carolina colonists In a rebellion rose. In what year occurrred Leisler's Rebellion ? In sixteen hundred eighty-eight, Unjust laws to oppose, NeAV York men, under Leisler's lead, In a rebellion rose. THE UNITED STATES. 35 CHAPTER IX. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAE. In what year did the French and Indian War begin? In seventeen hundred fifty-four, ' Tween France and England came The " French and Indian War," about Lands, to which each laid claim. What did the French first do ? The French built forts to hold vast lands, Claimed by them in the West; The English 'wished the French to leave; And sent them this request. Whom did the English send to the French with this demand ? The man, through whom the English sent The Frenchmen this demand, Was young George Washington; who was Surveyor of the land. Did George Washington perform his work well ? He, knowing well the forest lands. And being good and brave, Did well the work he undertook; And satisfaction gave. 36 youths' history of Did the French give up their claims ? The French would not give up their claims, And war was then begun, Which lasted full five years before The English people won. In what year did General Braddock lead an expedition against Fort Du Quesne ? The English General Braddock led His troops 'gainst Fort Du Quesne * In seventeen fifty-five ; but failed That fortress then to gain. Wluit can you tell of this expedition and its results ? The English troops in spirits gay, "While through the forest led, Were fired upon by Indians hid; And in confusion fled. Their leader. General Braddock, fell By mortal wound to die; George Washington then took command, And fought with courage high. And rallying his Virginia troops. He drove the Indians back ; Thus saving from destruction dire. His men, in this attack. * Doo-Kane. THE UNITED STATES. 37 In what year were the peoi^le of Acadia driven from their homes? In seventeen hundred fifty-five, The English Gov'ner sent Seven thousand French Acadians To cruel banishment. For what purpose was this wicked work done, and what became of this poor people ? The English drove this people thus From homes, by right their own, In order to subdue their land To England's rule alone. Mothers from children, husbands from wives. Were separated by This man, who to the colonies Sent them from want to die. When did the English capture Quebec, and what was the result ? In seventeen hundred fifty-nine, September, thirteenth day, The English took Quebec ; and thus Soon gained all Canada. Who were the leaders of the two armies at the capture of Quebc. and what is said of them ? The English soldiers at Quebec, Fought under Wolfe's command ; The French were led by Montcalm, both Of whom were heroes, grand. 38 youths' histoey of Resolved " To conquer or to die," Wolfe led, \vith wounds severe, Until at last, pierced in the breast, They took him to the rear. *' They run ! " the dying hero heard, By many voices cried ; ''Who run?" he asked; "The French," they said ; " I die content," he sighed. Montcalm as bravely fought 'till he A mortal wound received, While leading a last rally, that His loss might be retrieved. When told that he must die, he said : " So much the better, then I shall not live to see Quebec Possessed by Englishmen." In what year did the French and Indian War close? The French and Indian War was closed In seventeen sixty-tliree, By treaty, through w-liich England gained Here, the supremacy. In what year occurred Pontiac's War? In seventeen sixty-three was formed A league by Indians, Vvhen licd on by Pontiac, they waged War 'gainst the Englishmen. ^■^„. THE UNITED STATES. 39 CHAPTER X. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. For what purpose and with whom was the Revolutionai-y War fought ? The Revolutionary War, By which this country sought To gain its Independence, was With England's Kingdom fought. What was the principal cause of tlie Revolutionary War? The English King unjustly taxed Americans, and sent His soldiers over here, to force The people to consent. What is said of the other causes which led to the Revolutionary War ? By many acts oppressive, dtnie For years by England here, Was brought at last, the war which gave Us Independence dear. In what year was the Stamp Act passfd '■' The Stamp Act, by which England would Large revenues derive From the Americans, was passed March, seventeen sixty-five. 40 youths' iiistory of When and where did the " First Colonial Congress " meet? The " First Colonial Congress " met 'Gainst their wrongs to inveigh, lu New York, seventeen sixty-five, October, seventh day. Mention one way in which the English King unjustly taxed the Colonists. One way in which the English King Unjust taxation made, Was when on paper, paint and tea And glass, he duty laid. In what way did the Colonists resist this tax? The people would not pay this tax ; Refusing then to buy These luxuries, of which they vowed They would themselves deny. What noted event did the taxing of tea cause at Boston ? At Boston, men as Indians dressed. Seized three ship-loads of tea That in the harbor stood, and sank The chests into the sea. In what year did the event called the " Boston Tea Party " occur? December sixteenth, in the year Of seventeen seventy-three, Occurred the " Boston Tea Party," Of great celebrity. THE UNITED STATES. 41 Mention some of the leading patriots. Some leading patriots of those days, Were Otis, Henry, Paine, Jay, Adams, Franklin, Washington, Hale, Warren, Prescott, Wayne, Reed, Rutledge, Sherman, Jefferson, Greene, Putnam, Morgan, Stark, Wirt, Morris, Hancock, Livingston, Gates, Schuyler, Ward and Clark. Where and wlien was tlie first blood shed in the Kevolutionary War? In April, seventeen seventy-five, At Lexington was shed The first blood of this war, in which So many patriots bled. When was the battle of Bunker's Hill fought? June seventeenth, seventeen seventy-five, Occurred at Bunker's Hill, A battle which the Patriots lost ; Though they fought with great skill. Who was chosen Commander in Cliief of the American Array ? George Washington was chosen, o'er Our army to command ; Formed by the Patriots to resist The King's unjust demand. 42 youths' history of When did the Patriots attempt to capture Quebec? In seventeen hundred seventy-five, The last day of the year, The Patriots attacked Quebec, But met repulse severe. Who was the Patriot leader in this attack, and what is said of him? Montgomery, their leader, to The Patriots then said : "Men of New York, you will not fear - When by your General led ! " Then charging o'er the icy ground, Through blinding snow, as well, A storm of grape shot burst on them, And brave Montgomery fell. When was Boston surrendered by the British? March seventeenth, seventeen seventy-six, Was Boston City gained From British troops, by Washington, Through siege for months maintained. AVhen did the British retire from the siege of Chaileston? June twenty-fifth, of seventy-six, With courage we admire. From Charleston's siege, the Patriots forced The British to retire. THE UNITED STATES. 43 When did the American Colonies declare themselves inde- pendent of England? In seventeen hundred seventy-six, July the fourth^ quite free Of England's rule, these Colonies Declared themselves to be. How many Colonies were there at this time ; and what name did they take ? These thirteen Colonies then joined; Each being called a State ; And the "United States" they named This Union, now so great. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 'Twas Thomas Jefferson who wrote The Declaration, grand, Of Independence, which has been Revered in all the land. How was the Declaration of Independence received by the people of America? This Declaration was received With joy unbounded here; Bonfires were burned, and cannon roared, While bells rang loud and clear. What did the English King do after the Declaration of Inde- pendence was made ? When for their Independence, thus The Colonies declared. To conquer them, the English King Still greater means prepared. 44 youths' history of When was the battle of Long Island fought? In seventy-six, the twenty-seventh Of August, a defeat In battle at Long Island, forced The Patriots to retreat. When was the battle of Trenton fought? In seventy-six, the twenty-sixth December, Washington At Trenton, o'er the British troops A glorious vict'ry won. When did the battle of Princeton occur? The Patriots won a battle o'er The British, which occurred At Princeton, seventeen seventy-seven, On January the tiiird. What is said of the battles of Brandywine and Germantown? In seventeen seventy-seven, defeat Was on the Patriots brought At Brandywine and Germantown, Where they, the British fought. What brave Frenchman came to aid America in 1777? The brave young Marquis Lafayette, Came here in freedom's cause From France, to aid America, To fight 'gainst unjust laws. THE UNITED STATES. 45 When was the first battle of Stillwater fought? The first Stillwater battle fought, 'Till nightfall was maintained, September nineteenth, seventy-seven ; When neither vict'ry gained. When was the last battle of Stillwater fought ? The last Stillwater battle, which 'Till nightfall was maintained, October seventh, in seventy-seven, Was by the Patriots gained. When did Burgoyne surrender to the Americans? Burgoyne, in seventeen seventy-seven, October seventeenth, when Hemmed in at Saratoga, Surrendered all his men. What did the Patriots gain by this great victory? Large quantities of warlike stores. The Patriots obtaihed. And near six thousand prisoners, By this great vict'ry gained. What did the British at one time plan to do? One time, the British laid some plans They thought v\^ere very wise ; To march upon the Patriots' camp. And take them by surprise. 46 youths' hlstory of But Lydia Darrah, who o'erlieard Their plans, resolved to save The Patriots, and to them, she A timely warning gave. So, when the British came to fight The Patriots, they found Their army ready formed in line Of battle, on the ground. The British 'twas who this time met A very great surprise; And they returned from whence they came, More sad, and yet more wise. Did the Patriot army suffer greatly ? The Patriots often suffered much For food and clothing warm, And shelter from the biting cold Of winter's furious storm. What is said of the sufferincrs of the Patriots at Valley Forge? The dreary wnnter spent in camp By Washington and men. At Valley Forge, brought suffering Untold by tongue or pen. THE UMITED STATES. 47 CHAPTER XI. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION— Contintted. What country sent a fleet to aid America ? In seventeen hundred seventy-eight, France sent a fleet to aid America, and in this land, Great hope and joy this made. WBen did the Massacre of Wyoming occur? Wyoming massacre, the work Of Indian vengeful hate, Occurred the fifth day of July, In seventeen seventy-eight. When and by whom was Stony Point captured? In seventeen sevenly-nine, July Fifteenth, with Wayne to lead. The Patriots captured Stony Point; A brave and daring deed. In what year did the Patriots besiege Savannah ? In seventeen seventy-nine, a siege AVas to Savannah laid By Patriots, w^ho lost greatly there, Though France then gave them aid. 48 youths' history of What brave Polander was killed at the siege of Savannah? From Poland came Pulaski, who Was at Savannah slain, While aiding the Americans Their liberties to gain. When did the British capture Charleston? In seventeen eighty, Charleston was Besieged with shot and shell ; And captured May the twelfth, although The Patriots fought well. What occurred after Charleston was captured by the British? The Southern country was o'er run By British soldiers, who, Though conquering, found the people still To liberty were true. Who were the two leadins^ men in the South at this time? While thus the South was overrun, Two men, well known to fame, Brave Sumpter and bold Marion, The leaders there became. After the fall of Charleston, who was first sent so help the Southern States ? When Charleston had been captured by The British, General Gates Was with an array, sent to aid The suffering Southern States. THE UNITED STATES. 49 In what battle did General Gates suffer defeat ? In seventeen eighty, the sixteenth Of August, a defeat Of Patriots at Sander's creek, Became a rout complete. What brave foreigner was killed while fighting in this battle for our liberties? The brave De Kalb, while fighting for Our liberties, so dear, Received in battle, ere he fell. Eleven wounds severe. After General Gates' defeat, what other General was sent to help the South Brave General Greene was sent to give The Southern Patriots aid ; And with his army, he quite soon Great change for better made. When was the battle of Cowpens fought? At Cowpens, seventeen eighty-one, We fought the enemy. On January seventeenth, and Gained a great victory. Mention some important battles fought in the South. At Guilford Court House, Hobkirk's Hill And Eutaw Springs, the brave Americans met British troops ; And to them battle gave. 4 50 youths' history of What effect did these battles have on tlie British? To Charleston and Savannah, were The British troops compelled Soon to retire; the only posts That in the South they held. What did the British do in the North? The British in the North, entrenched Themselves at Yorktown strong ; But there they were surrounded by The Patriots, ere long. Who commanded the Britisli at Yorktown ? The British were commanded by A General, whose name Was Lord Cornwallis ; who to fight This war, from England came. What occurred at Yorktown ? The Patriots besieged Yorktown, And loud the cannon roared, As from the land and from the ships, The shot and shell were poured. How long did the siege of Yorktown continue? For near two months, the British troops Resisted this attack ; But, finally, they were compelled Their swords and guns to stack. THE UNITED STATES. 51 When did Cornwallis surrender? Cornwallis' troops surrendered at Yorktown, to Washington, October nineteenth, in the year Of seventeen eighty-one. How did this surrender take place? The British soldiers, being brought Into an open field. Laid down their guns and swords, themselves As prisoners to yield. When did the British army withdraw from this country ? In seventeen hundred eighty-three, The British troops withdrew. And left this country free of them, And British rulers, too. What is said of the end of this war? This war of seven long years, was thus Brought to a happy close ; And all enjoyed that happiness Which peace alone bestows. In what year did the Miami War hegin? In seventeen ninety, war began, Which lasted some four years. With tlie Miami Indians, on The North and West frontiers. 52 youths' history of In what year did the war witli Barbary begin ? Our Government began a war, In eighteen hundred three. With Barbary, whose pirates robbed Our vessels on the sea. When was the battle of Tippecanoe fought? A great defeat to Indian tribes. By Harrison was given At Tippecanoe, November seventh, In eighteen hundred eleven. THE UNITED STATES. 53 CHAPTER XII. WAR OF THE UNITED STATES WITH ENGLAND IN 1812. In what year did the second war with England begin? A second war with England America declared, In eighteen twelve ; and rapidly For battle then prepared. What were the causes of this war with England? The English ships seized commerce of Americans, at sea ; And often forced our sailors, in Their wars, to soldiers be. What is said of the battles of this war? This war caused many battles on The land, and on the sea ; Now British, then Americans, Would gain a victory. Who helped the British in this war ? The Indians helped the British in This war, and with them fought. To drive the White men from the land The savage Red men sought. 54 youths' histoey of When and by whom was the battle of Lake Erie fought? September tenth, eighteen thirteen, Was won a victory By Perry on Lake Erie, o'er The British enemy. Where was a great Indian leader killed? In battle at the river Thames, Tecnmseh, their great Chief, Was killed, and then the Indians fled; Filled with dismay and grief. Mention some of the important battles fought during this war. At Plattsburg, Queenstown, Pensacola, The Thames and Horseshoe Bend, Were fought great battles in this war; Our country to defend. When was the battle of Lundy's Lane fought ? At sunset, July twenty-fifth, Scott met, in the cam})aign Of eighteen fourteen, British troops; And fought at Lundy's Lane. When did the British burn the Capitol at Washington City? Our Capitol at Washington, And many buildings, were. In eighteen fourteen, burned down By the British troops, while there. THE UNITED STATES. 55 What place did the British next attack? When Washington was captured, soon The British made attack On Baltimore ; but from that place Were bravely driven back. What great song was written during the siege of Baltimore? The great " Star Spangled Banner " song Key wrote, amid the roar Of cannon, while the British troops Bombarded Baltimore. When was the battle of New Orleans fought? In eighteen fifteen, January, The eighth day, Jackson fought The battle of New Orleans, which Defeat to England brought. What is said of the breastworks at New Orleans ? The breastworks at New Orleans, were Of cotton bales and sand. Protecting our men, who could thus The British charge withstand. When did this war end ? This battle ended then, this war, And once again came peace; For both the countries had agreed Hostilities should cease. 56 youths' histoky of When did Congress declare war against Algiers? In eighteen fifteen, Congress made A war against Algiers, Whose pirates bold, had robbed our ships At sea, for many years. In what year occurred the "Black Hawk War?" With Indians in the North and Vv^est, A six months warfare grew, Known as. the " Black Hawk War," the year Of eighteen thirty -two. In what years began the Seminole Wars ? In eighteen seventeen, and again In eighteen thirty-five, The Seminoles, in w^ar, dared against Our Government to strive. THE UNITED STATES. 57 CHAPTER XIII. WAR WITH MEXICO. In what year did the Mexican War begin ? In eighteen forty-six, was by Our Country, war begun With Mexico, in which our mcii Near every battle won. \\niat was the cause of the War with Mexico? The war with Mexico was caused About disputed land. Which Mexico and Texas, each Claimed near the Rio Grande. Mention some of tlie principal battles of the Mexican War. At Buena Vista, Vera Cruz, Also at Monterey And Cerro Gordo, our men fought And bravely won the day. In what year did we conquer California? In eighteen hundred forty-seven, From Mexico we gained By conquest, California, with S]i":ht loss by us sustained. 58 youths' history of Where were the last great battles of the Mexican War fought? The last great battles of this war, Were fought near Mexico, At Churubusco, Chapultepec And San Antonio. When was the City of Mexico captured by the Americans? In eighteen hundred forty-seven, September, fourteenth day, Our army captured Mexico ; Which at its mercy lay. When was the treaty of peace made with Mexico? In February, forty-eight, The terms of peace were signed, By which large tracts of land were to America resigned. Who commanded the American armies in the Mexican War? The armies of America Were under the command Of General Scott, in Mexico; While fighting in that land. THE UNITED STATES. 59 CHAPTER XIV. THE GEEAT CIVIL WAR FROM 1861 TO 1865. EVENTS OP 18C1. What is said of the bad feelings that existed between the North and South. For many years, much anger and Bad feelings, had been rife Between the North and South ; from which, At last, came open strife. What was the chief cause of the bad feelings between the North and South? The chief cause of this trouble was The slavery question, grave ; For in the Southern States, always The Negro had been slave. In what way did this make trouble between the North and South? A number in the North believed That slavery must be wrong, While Southern people thought the Blacks Should to the Whites belong. What did this difference in belief at last cause? From this wide difference in belief, The great Rebellion grew ; And from the Union many States, In anger, then withdrew. 60 youths' history of What did the Southern States do, after they withdrew from the Union ? The Southern States in Union joined, To form a Government ; And called it ''The Confederate States;" With Davis, President. What did the Southern people then seize ? They seized some forts and arms, that to The Government belonged ; While soldiers for the Southern cause, To Charleston City thronged. What did the President of the United States then do? The President then made a call, For men to volunteer As soldiers, in a war to fight ; To save the Union dear. Who was the President at this time ? The President, in these bad times Was Lincoln, good and brave ; Who labored earnestly and true, Our Union loved, to save. What occurred in the North, when the President called for soldiers ? The Northern men left shop and plough, And home and dear ones all ; And quickly formed great armies then. In answer to this call. THE UNITED STATES. 61 What did the people of the South do? The South soon raised large armies, too, Against the North to fight. And thus these brethren were at war; A sad and piteous sight. When and in what way was our Civil War begun? Bombardment of Fort Sumpter was By Beauregard begun At Charleston, opening war, the twelfth Of April, sixty-one. When was the first blood shed in the war? In Baltimore, some Union troops, While marching, were shot dead. That being, in this fearful war, The first blood that was shed. When, and at what place, was the first great battle of this war fought ? The first great battle fought, occurred In eighteen sixty-one; When Federal soldiers met defeat In July, at Bull Run. What effect did this battle at Bull Run have upon the Northern people ? The great defeat at Bull Run, caused The North more men to send Into the armies, for this Avar, The Union to defend. 62 youths' history of In what way did the women give aid to our soldiers? The women gave our soldiers aid, By sending to the field Food for the sick, and clothes, from cold Their suffering forms to shield. THE U^sITED STATES. 63 CHAPTER XV. SECOND YEAK OF THE CIVIL WAR— 1862. When was Fort Donaldson captured by the Federals? On February the sixteenth, In eighteen sixty-two, The capture of Fort Donaldson. To General Grant was due. In what year occurred the naval battle between the " Monitor ' and " Virginia ? " In eighteen sixty-two, March ninth, The Monitor was brought Against the great Virginia; when Near Fort Monroe they fought. Give some account of this battle. From Norfolk the Virginia came Against the Fed'ral fleet And sinking two ships, gained at first A victory complete. Next morn the " Little Monitor," Came to the fleet's rescue ; Disabling the Virginia so, To Norfolk it withdrew. 64 youths' history of When was the battle of Shiloh fought ? In eighteen sixty-two, the sixth Of April, was begun At Shiloh, a great battle, which The Fed'ral army won. Who were the Commanders of the different armies at the battle of Shiloh ? The Southern troops, by Beauregard And Johnston, too, were led; While Federals were under Grant, In Shiloh battle dread. Tell something about this battle? For two days there, these armies fought The victory to gain ; And many thousand soldiers fell In wounded, or were slain. When was New Orleans captured by the Federals? On April twenty-fifth, the year Of eighteen sixty-two. New Orleans was surrendered to The gallant Farragut. In what way was New Orleans protected from the Federal gun- boats? New Orleans was protected by Two forts, built strong and well ; That poured upon the Fed'ral ships Incessant shot and shell. THE UNITED STATES. 65 But Admiral Farragut with fleet Safe past these two forts sailed, And to New Orleans brought his ships, Though iron on them hailed. By what name was the Federal army East called, and who was the commander? The Fed'ral army East was called Potomac Army, grand ; In eighteen sixty-one was given McCIellan the command. What Southern city did McCIellan try to capture in 1862 ? McCIellan marched, in sixty-two, Virginia to invade. And take the Southern capital, Which Richmond had been made. When was the battle of Fair Oaks fought? The battle of Fair Oaks was on May thirty-first begun. In sixty-two, when neither side Decisive vict'ry won. When did the " Seven Days' Battles " begin. Beginning June the twenty-fifth, In sixty-two, were fought The " Seven Days' Battles," when our troops To capture Richmond sought. QQ youths' history of Name the battles fought on tliose seven days. The famous "Seven Days' Battles" were Oak Grove, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill and Savage's Station, Glendale and Malvern Hill. When was the battle of Malvern Hill fought? The battle fought at Malvern Hill, In eighteen sixty-two, July the first, the Fed'rals won, And Lee his troops withdrew. What did McClellan do after the battle of Malvern Hill ? McClellan, after Malvern Hill, Continued to retreat To Harrison's Bar ; though he had given Confed'rates a defeat. What did Confederate General Lee then undertake? Confed'rate General Lee then thought To capture Washington; And met the Fed'ral troops, who were Defeated at Bull Run. When was the battle of Antietam fought? September seventeenth, sixty-two, Lee met almost defeat, \Yhen at Antietam, Fed'ral troops Compelled him to retreat. THE UNITED STATES. 67 "When was the battle of Fredericksburg fought ? December thirteenth, sixty-two, The Fed'rals met defeat, And dreadful loss, at Fredericksburg; Compelling a retreat. When was the battle of Stone Kiver fought ? In sixty-two, the thirty-first December, was begun The battle of Stone River, which The Fod'ral army won. What did the Southern General do after this defeat? Confed'rate General Bragg began. At last, a forced retreat ; For once again, the Southern cause Had met with great defeat. 68 YOUTPIS' HISTORY OF CHAPTER XVI. THIRD YEAR OF THE CIVIL WAR-1863. When was the great Emancipation Proclamation made? In January, the first day Of eighteen sixty-three, A Proclamation Lincoln made, Set all the Negroes free. When was the battle of Chancellorsville fought ? May second and third, of sixty-three. At Chancellorsville was fought A battle, which disaster to The Fed'ral army brought. How was the Federal army hard pressed in this battle ? The Fed'ral army was forced back Against a river wide. And then remained in peril, 'till It reached the other side. What famous Confederate General was killed at Chancellors- ville? The Southern Stonewall Jackson, who In war was brave and skilled, While riding past his men at night, By a mistake they killed. THE UNITED STATES. 69 When was the great battle of Gettysburg fought ? In eighteen sixty-three, July The first day, was begun At Gettysburg, a battle which The Fed'ral army won. What is said of this battle? This battle was the greatest in This war, so fiierce indeed ; Lee then commanded for the South ; The North was led by Meade. How many men were in each of the armies in this great battle? Full eighty thousand men were in Each army then engaged ; And terrible, for three whole days, The dreadful battle raged. What was the loss of life in this battle? The Fed'rals lost at Gettysburg O'er twenty thousand men ; Confed'rate loss was greater still, Near thirty thousand then. After this great battle what did the Southern army do? The Southern army was withdrawn. By its commander Lee, Into Virginia; which thus left The Fed'ral army free. 70 youths' history op When was Vicksburg captured by the Federals? In eighteen hundred sixty-three, In July, the fourth day. Grant captured Vicksburg, which had been Besieged by him since May. What did the Union cause gain by this great victory ? Immense supplies of warlike stores, At Vicksburg, were obtained ; And seven and thirty thousand men, As pris'ners. Federals gained. In what year did Confederate General Morgan make his great raid ? In eighteen hundred sixty-three, Confed'rate Morgan made. Through Indiana State, into Ohio, his great raid. When was the battle of Chickamauga fought ? September twentieth, and nineteenth, In eighteen sixty-three. At Chickamauga, Southern troops Gained a great victory. What was the loss of life in this battle ? Some sixteen thousand men, were by The Union army lost ; And even greater numbers on The other side it cost. THE UNITED STATES. 71 "When was the battle of Lookout Mountain fought? The Fed'rals fought above the clouds, When they, in Tennessee, Took Lookout Mount the twenty-fourth, November, sixty-three. What occurred after the Federals were victorious at Lookout Mountain ? As Lookout Mountain had been gained By Fed'ral forces, then Confed'rate General Bragg retired To Georgia, with his men. 72 youths' history o^ CHAPTER XVII. EVENTS OF THE WAR OF 1864. Who was made Commander of all the Federal forces in 1864. In eighteen sixty-four, was Grant The Chief Commander made, Of all the Fed'ral Armies; with Lieutenant General's grade. How many men did Grant have under his command With seven hundred thousand men To move at his command; That year Grant planned two great campaigns, For operations grand. What did the army under General Sherman undertake to do ? One army under Sherman, was Atlanta then to take ; Where, for the South, were shops in M'hich Their war supplies to make. Was there much lighting done by General Sherman's army be- fore taking Atlanta? In marching on Atlanta, there Was ranch hard fighting done; And thirty thousand men were lost By Sherman, ere he won. THE UNITED STATES. 73 When was the battle of Eesaca fought? The battle of Resaca fought By Sherman, was in May Fourteenth and fifteenth, sixty-four ; When Fed'rals won the day. When did the siege of Atlanta begin ? Atlanta, which was reached at last, Was quite surrounded by The Fed'rals, and the siege began The middle of July. How long did the city of Atlanta hold out against the siege? For more than thirty days, that place Resisted Sherman, when At last, Confed'rate General Hood Retreated with his men. When did the Federals take possession of Atlanta? The Fed'rals took Atlanta in September, second day. In eighteen sixty-four, but soon Burned it, and marched away. When did General Sherman begin his great " March to the Sea ?" When Sherman burned Atlanta, and Left with his army, he, November, sixty-four, began His great " March to the Sea." 74 youths' history of Give some account of this march and tell where it came to an end. At Raleigh, tliis march had an end, To which the men were led Through winter storms, o'er rocks and hills, And swamps and quagmires, dread. What is said of the defenses of Mobile, and of its capture by the Federals? Mobile was guarded by a fort On either side the bay ; As well as ships and ironclads That on its waters lay. As at New Orleans they had done, Safe past the two forts sailed The Fed'ral ships, into the bay ; Though iron on them hailed. Lashed to the main top of his ship, The battle to command, Brave Farragut directed there The fight, with courage grand. And when the Tennessee, a ship All iron clad, came down To sink the Admiral's ship, and all His crew to kill or drown. The Fed'ral iron clads soon came To give their Chieftain aid. And fought until the Tennessee Surrender to them made. THE UNITED STATES. 75 When did the Federals capture these two forts In August, eighteen sixty-four, Besieged with shot and shell, These forts surrendered ; though they had Defended Mobile well. When did General Grant march against Richmond? A march on Richmond, made by the Potomac Army grand. In May of eighteen sixty-four, Was under Grant's command. When did the Battle of the Wilderness occur? May fifth, in eighteen sixty-four, Grant was attacked by Lee, And in the Wilderness they fought Three days, incessantly. Where did the next battle occur? At Spottsylvauia Grant attacked Lee's army, and they fought For three days ; whilst the victory By either side was sought. When was the battle of Spottsylvania fought? The Spottsylvania battle was Begun the ninth of May, In eighteen hundred sixty-four; When neither won the day. 76 youths' history of At what place was the next battle fought? Grant then attacked Lee at a place They called Cold Harbor, where The Fed'rals were repulsed with loss, Though fighting bravely there. Wlien was the battle of Cold Harbor fought? In sixty-four, a battle at Cold Harbor was maintained June first and third, when Federals A fearful loss sustained. Where did Grant move his army after the battle of Cold Har- bor? Then Grant moved on to Petersburg, And siege was there begun. Which lasted nearly one whole year Before that place was won. When did General Sheridan win the battle of Cedar Creek ? October nineteenth, sixty-four, With Sheridan to lead. The Fed'rals won at Cedar Creek A vict'ry, great indeed. Tell how this battle began and ended ? AVhile Sheridan was absent, came Confed'rate Early down, And drove the Fed'rals from their camp. Toward Winchester town. THE U>nTED STATES. 77 The Geu'ral heard the battle's roar, And mounting quick his steed, To join his troops, for twenty miles He rode at furious speed. And rallying his flying men Against their enemy, He turned, and charging on them, changed Defeat to victory. December fifteenth, sixty-four, A Fed'ral victory AVas gained by Thomas over Hood, At Nashville, Tennessee. 78 youths' HLSTOIIY OF CHAPTER XVIII. EVENTS OF THE WAR IN 1865. Wlicn did the Federal army take the works of Petersburg? On April second, in sixty-five, After besieging long, Grant carried by assault, the works Of Petersburg, so strong. What occurred at Riclimond, after the defenses of Petersburg had fallen ? When Petersburg was taken, the Confederate President Left Richmond, with the members of The fallen Government, And Lee's retreating army set On fire the fated town ; When all the best of Richmond was, By their own hands, burned down. When did the Federal army enter Petersburg and Richmond ? Both Petersbnrg and Richmond, Grant's Troops entered, the third day Of April, eighteen sixty-five, As Lee's troops marched away. THE UNITED STATES. 79 When did Lee surrender his army to Grant? The uinth of April, sixty-five, At Appomattox, Lee To Grant surrendered all his men ; War prisoners to be. When did Johnston surrender to Sherman? In sixty-five, the twenty-sixth Of April, Johnston, when At Raleigh, forced by Sherman's troops, Surrendered all his men. What is said of the end of this war? Thus ended then this bloody war, Which for four years was waged Between the North and South ; each one Determined and enraged. 80 youths' history of CHAPTER XIX. IMPORTANT CIVIL EVENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FROM THE CLOSE OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR TO THE YEAR OF 1883. What did the patriots do, after the close of the Revolutionary War? When peace had come, the Patriots formed A Government most pure, With Constitution framed to make Their liberties secure. When was our Constitution adopted? Our Constitution, with fifteen Amendments added since, Adopted seventeen eighty-seven, Great wisdom doth evince. What is said of the prosperity of this country after the Revo- lutionary War? Through difficulties, great indeed. This country prosp'rous grew ; And other States were settled soon, That joined the Union too. When did the death of Gen. Washington occur? December fourteenth, ninety-nine, Our great and honored Chief, George Washington, passed from this life. Amid the nation's grief. THE unitp:d states. 81 When did the United States purchase the land west of the Mis- sissippi river? In eighteen hundred three, was bought Of France, the tract of land From Mississippi river west. To the Pacific, grand. When and from whom was Florida purchased? America bought Florida, The "Land of Flowers," from Spain, In eighteen hundred nineteen, and Joined it to our domain. When and in what way was gold first discovered in California? That California earth held gold A laborer first found, In eighteen hundred forty-eight. While digging in the ground. In what year was the Electric Telegraph laid across the Atlantic Ocean ? In eighteen hundred fifty-eight. By Cyrus Field was laid. The great Atlantic Telegraph ; By men of genius made. When and by whom was President Lincoln assassinated ? On April fourteenth, sixty-five, Wilkes Booth, with murd'rous hand, Shot Lincoln, our good President, And thus convulsed the land. 6 82 youths' history of Give some account of the shooting of President Lincoln ? The President had sought relief, Much worn with cares of state, At Ford's Theatre, with some friends, And there met his sad fate. What became of the murderer of President Lincoln ? The murderer fled, but was pursued. And when at last was found, Was shot by Sergeant Corbett, and Fell dying to the ground. When and from whom was Alaska bought ? In eighteen hundred sixty-seven, March thirtieth, was sold By Russia, to our Government Alaska, drear and cold. In what year was the Pacific Railroad completed? In eighteen sixty-nine, was the Pacific Railroad, great. Completed from Nebraska to The California State. Wlien was the Fifteenth Amendment adopted ? The grand Fifteenth Amendment, now Of great historic note, March thirtieth, eighteen seventy, gave Black men the right to vote. THE UNITED STATES. 83 In what year occurred the great Chicago fire? In eighteen hundred seventy-one, October the eighth day, A great part of Chicago burned ; And black and ruined lay. When was the great Centennial Fair held ? When just one hundred years had passed. Of Independence dear, The great Centennial Fair was held, To celebrate the year. In what city was this Fair held ? The great Centennial Fair was held At Philadelphia, where In seventy-six, the patriots did For liberty declare. When and by whom was President Garfield murdered? In eighteen eighty-one, July The second, Charles Guiteau Shot James A. Garfield, President, In Washington depot. When did President Garfield die? September nineteenth, eighty-one, Death set his spirit free; When worn by mouths of suflering, Borne most courageously. 34 youths' history of What became of the murderer of President Garfield ? On June the thirtieth, in the year Of eighteen eighty-two, For Garfield's murder, Charles Guiteau Was hung, as was his due. THE UNITED STATES. 85 CHAPTER XX. DATES OF THE ELECTIONS OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES FEOM 1789 TO 1882. In what year was Washington elected President ? In seventeen hundred eighty-nine, Called by the Nation's voice, First President was Washington ; Two terms the people's choice. Who was elected second President ? In seventeen hundred ninety-seven, Called by the Nation's voice, Was Adams second President ; One term the people's choice, 86 youths' history of Who was elected third President ? The year of eighteen hundred one, Called by the Nation's voice, Third President was Jefferson ; Two terms the people's choice. "Who was elected fourth President? The year of eighteen hundred nine, Called by the Nation's voice, Fourth President was Madison ; Two terms the people's choice. Who was elected fifth President ? In eighteen hundred seventeen, Called by the Nation's voice, Fifth President was James Monroe; Two terms the people's choice. Who was elected sixth President? In eighteen hundred twenty-five, Called by the Nation's voice, Sixth President John Q. Adams was ; One term the people's choice. Who was elected seventh President ? In eighteen hundred twenty-nine, Called by the Nation's voice. Seventh President was Jackson ; Two terms the people's choice. THE UNITED STATES. Who was elected eighth President ? Ill eighteen hundred thirty-seven, Called by the Nation's voice, Eighth President Van Buren was; One term the people's choice. Who was elected ninth President? In eighteen hundred forty-one. Called by the Nation's voice. Ninth President was Harrison ; One term the people's choice. Wlio became President, on the death of Harrison ? The death of Harrison came with One month in office spent ; Vice President John Tyler then Became tenth President. Who was elected eleventh President? In eighteen hundred forty-five, Called by the Nation's voice, Eleventh President was Polk ; One term the people's choice. Who was elected twelfth President? In eighteen hundred forty-nine, Called by the Nation's voice, Twelfth President was Taylor ; for One term the people's choice. 88 youths' history of On the death of Taylor who became President ? When Taylor died, some fourteen months Of his term had been spent ; Vice President Fillmore then became The thirteenth President. Who was elected fourteenth President? In eighteen hundred fifty-three, Called by the Nation's voice, The fourteenth President was Pierce j One term the people's choice. Who was elected fifteenth President ? In eighteen hundred fifty-seven, Called by the Nation's voice, Buchanan, fifteenth Pres'dent, was One term the people's choice. Who was elected sixteenth President ? In eighteen hundred sixty-one. Called by the Nation's voice. Was Lincoln, sixteenth President; Two terms the people's choice. Who became President on the death of President Lincoln? When Lincoln died, but one month of His second term was spent; Vice President Johnson then became The seventeenth President. THE UNITED STATES. 89 Who was elected eighteenth President? In eighteen hundred sixty-nine, Called by the Nation's voice, The eighteenth President was Grant ; Two terms the people's choice. Who was elected nineteenth President? In eighteen hundred seventy-seven, Called by the Nation's voice, The nineteenth President was Hayes; One term the people's choice. Who was elected twentieth President? In eighteen hundred eighty-one, Called by the Nation's voice, Was Garfield twentieth President ; One term the people's choice. Who became President on the death of President Garfield? When Garfield died, four months was of His term of office spent ; Vice President Arthur then became The twenty-first President. NAMES OF THE PRESIDENTS AND THE ORDER OF THEIR SUCCESSION. First President was Washington, John Adams was the second, Whilst third was Jefferson, and fourth James Madison is reckoned. 90 youths' history of Then fifth, comes James Monroe, and sixth Does John Q. Adams stand ; As seventh and eighth; then Jackson and Van Buren ruled our Land. The ninth was Harrison, and tenth John Tyler came to be ; Polk was eleventh, and the twelfth Was Taylor, as we see. Thirteenth was Fillmore, fourteenth. Pierce, Fifteenth Buchanan came, And sixteenth in the catalogue Stands Lincoln's honored name. Seventeenth came Johnson, eighteenth, Grant; As nineteenth Hayes is classed, While twentieth was Garfield, and Then Arthur comes the last. THE UNITED STATES. 91 CHAPTER XXI. ADMISSION OF THE STATES INTO THE UNION FROM 1791 TO 1876. When did Vermont become a State? In seventeen hundred ninety-one, Into this Union great, Vermont obtained admission, and It then became a State. When did Kentucky become a State ? In seventeen hundred ninety-two, Into this Union great, Kentucky was admitted, and It then became a State. 92 youths' histoey of When did Tennessee become a State ? In seventeen hundred ninety-six, Into this Union great, Was Tennessee admitted, and It then became a State. When did Ohio become a State? The year of eighteen hundred two, Into this Union great, Ohio was admitted, and It then became a State. When did Louisiana become a State? The y_ear of eighteen hundred twelve, Into this Union great, Louisiana was admitted, And then became a State. When did Indiana become a State ? In eighteen hundred and sixteen, Into this Union great, Indiana was admitted, And then became a State. When did Mississippi become a State ? In eighteen hundred seventeen, Into this Union great, Mississippi was admitted, And then became a State. THE UNITED STATES. 93 When did Illinois become a State? In eighteen hiindretl and eighteen, Into this Union great, Was Illinois admitted, and It then became a State. When did Alabama become a State? In eighteen hundred and nineteen, Into this Union great, Alabama was admitted. And then became a State. When did Maine become a State? The year of eighteen hundred twenty, Into this Union great, Maine Province was admitted, and It then became a State. When did Missouri become a State? In eighteen hundred twenty-one. Into this Union great, Missouri was admitted, and It then became a State. When did Arkansas become a State ? In eighteen hundred thirty-six, Into this Union great, Arkansas was admitted, and It then became a Stnte. 94 youths' history of When did Michigan become a State? Ill eighteen hundred thirty-seven. Into this Union great, Was Michigan admitted, and It then became a State. When did Florida and Texas become States? In eighteen hundred forty-five. Into this Union great. Was Florida and Texas each, Admitted as a State. When did Iowa become a State? In eighteen hundred forty-six. Into this Union great, Was Iowa admitted, and It then became a State. When did Wisconsin become a State? In eighteen hundred forty-eight, Into this Union great, Wisconsin was admitted, and It then became a State. When did California become a State? The year of eighteen hundred fifty, Into this Union great, California was admitted, And then became a State. THE UNITED STATES. 95 When did Minnesota become a State? In eighteen hundred fifty-eight, Into this Union great, Minnesota was admitted, And then became a State. When did Oregon become a State? In eighteen hundred fifty-nine, Into this Union great, Was Oregon admitted, and It then became a State. When did Kansas become a State ? In eighteen hundred sixty-one, Into this Union great, Kansas obtained admission, and It then became a State. When did West Virginia become a State? In eighteen hundred sixty-three, Into this Union great. West Virginia was admitted, And then became a State. When did Nevada become a State? In eighteen hundred sixty-four, Into tliis Union great, Nevada was admitted, and It then became a State. 96 youths' history of When did Nebraska become a State In eighteen hundred sixty-seven, Into this Union great, Nebraska was admitted, and It then became a State. When did Colorado become a State ? In eighteen hundred seventy-six, Into this Union great, Colorado was admitted, And then became a State. THE UNITED STATES. 97 CHAPTER XXII. GEEAT INVENTIONS. The common Pump, of which we learn, The principles were known In early Egypt, has increased In use, as arts have grown. A Paper, formed like that in use, We find began to be Known in the East, about the first Of the tenth century. The first Clocks, caused to mark the time By rude machinery, Were made in Europe, during the Eleventh century. 98 youths' history of The Compass, which guides sailors o'er The broad and deep blue sea, Was made by one Di Gioja In thirteenth century. Both Bacon and Di Spina claim, Inventors first to be, Of Spectacles, for failing eyes; In thirteenth century. Not 'till the fourteenth century, Was to the ancients known. The Chimney, which to us has since So necessary grown. Gun Powder, now much used in war^ And pyrotechnic arts. Was made in thirteen twenty, by A German monk named Schwartz.. One Alessandra Curio, As all accounts agree. First made Engravings, in the year Of fourteen twenty-three. To Gutenburg and Coster, we Owe the discovery Of Printing Art, the middle of The fifteenth century. The Watch, first made by Peter Hele,, In fifteen hundred ten. Is an invention now become Most useful to all men. THE UNITED STATES. 99 The Diving Bell, in which men may 'Neath water long remain, Was used in fifteen thirty-eight, First at Toledo, Spain. Thermometers, invented by Sanctorious, were then First used, to show degrees of heat And cold, in sixteen ten. Barometers, which indicate What weather is to be, Were made by Torricelli, first In sixteen forty three. The first improved Fire Engine dates From sixteen seventy-five. In eighteen forty, to use steam, Did Ericsson contrive. Glass Windows were but little used 'Till seventeenth century ; But who invented glass is not Now known to history. In seventeenth century, is most To Galileo due. Invention of the Telescope, Through which the heavens we view. The inventor of the Microscope To us is now unknown ; But by its power, the smallest things In Nature, can be shown. 100 youths' histoky of Newcomen, by his genius, was Enabled to contrive The first Steam Engine, of much use, In seventeen hundred five. James Watt, in seventeen sixty-nine, Some great improvements made In the Steam Engine, since which came Such wonders, by its aid. 'Twas Arkwright made the Spinning Frame, In seventeen sixty-eight, That, in our cotton mills, has made Improvements truly great. Balloons, which rise in mid-air, from Terrestrial objects free, Montgolfier made first in the vear Of seventeen eighty-three. To Mr. Murdock we shall find, In seventeen ninety-two, The beautiful invention of Gas-light was mainly due. The Cotton Gin, which from the seed Makes cotton fibre free, By Whitney was invented first, In seventeen ninety-three. 'Twas Fulton first succeeded in Propelling boats by steam; In eighteen seven, bis rude steamboat Was run m\ Hudson stream. THE UNITED STATES. 101 In eighteen thirty, Stephenson, Improvements, great indeed, In Locomotives made, since which, They run at wond'rous speed. A Reaper was by Ogle made, In eighteen twenty-two. In thirty-fonr, improvement great Was to McCormick due. Steinheil, also Wheatstone and Cook, Did Telegraphs invent, In eighteen thirty-seven, by which Were messages first sent. In eighteen forty, Morse brought out Improvements of great worth. By which his Telegraph and fame Soon spread o'er all the earth. In eighteen thirty-nine, Daguerre First made the process known. Which gave the world the Photograph, Which has so useful grown. Machines for sewing, so much used In every household now. In eighteen forty-six, were first Made by Elias Howe. The India Rubber, as now used So r ych, the wide world o'er, By Goodyear was perfected thus, In eighteen forty-four. 102 youths' history of The Telephone, by which we talk At distance great, quite well, In eighteen seventy-six was first Exhibited by Bell. Sir Humphrey Davy first made the Electric Light, the year Of eighteen hundred one; a light Most powerful and clear. Improvements, which have since been made By Brush, and Edison And others, guarantee success Complete will soon be won. THE UNITED STATES. 103 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. IN CONGRESS, JULY FOURTH, 1770. THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When, in the course of human events, Necessity shall be found Eor one people to sever political bands, Which them to another have bound ; And to assume, 'mong the powers of earth, The equal and separate place. To which nature's laws and nature's God Entitle them, in every case; 104 youths' history of A decent respect for the views of men Requires that they sliould state The various reasons which have impelled Them thus to separate. We hold these truths to be self evident, A 11 men are born equal to be ; By their Creator endowed with unalienable rights Are persons of every degree. 'Mong these are life, liberty, and the pursuit Of happiness, much desired And these to secure, are governments made, With consent of the governed required; That, whenever a form of government Becomes destructive of these Good ends, 'tis the people's right to alter Or abolish it, as they please, And institute a new government That shall all of its subjects bless, With powers and principles, to best secure Their safety and happiness. Prudence will dictate that governments long Established should not indeed Be changed for light or for transient causes; Lest to greater evils it lead. Accordingly, all experience shows That mankind are more disposed To suflfer great evils, than rashly destroy The forms in which they've reposed. But when a long train of abuses and wrongs, Pursued with one object alway, THE UNITED STATES. 105 Evinces design to reduce them beneath Despotic and absolute sway, 'Tis their right, 'tis their duty to throw off such forms Of government, and to secure To themselves such new guards as will ever, In future, their safety insure. Such has long been the patient suiferance Of these Colonies, much abused ; And such the need which constrains them to change The forms of government, long used. Now the history of Great Britain's King Is one of injuries great. And usurpations, with object direct A monarchy here to create. And establish absolute tyranny O'er the people, should they permit. And to prove this charge to a candid world. These facts we will now submit : He has refused his assent to wholesome laws. Much needed for public good. He's forbidden his governors to pass such laws, Though the people in need of them stood, Unless they suspended enforcement thereof Until his assent was obtained ; And, when so suspended, to them always He has utterly failed to attend. For accommodations of large districts Of our people, he's refused outright 106 youths' history of To pass other laws, unless those people Would first relinquish the right Of representative legislation ; A right justly held as their own, Inestimable to them ever more. And formidable to tyrants alone. He has called legislative bodies to meet At places unusual and new, From their public records distant far, And most uncomfortable too ; For the sole purpose of fatiguing them. As was his undoubted intent. Into compliance with his measures. By forcing from them their consent. Pie's dissolved representative houses Quite often, for opposition made, With manly firmness, to such laws as would The rights of the people invade. He's refused to have others elected, For long periods after he made Such dissolutions, whereby powers that In the legislature were laid, Of annihilation incapable, Undoubtedly, in any view, Have returned to the people at large For their exercise anew. The State remaining, in the meantime, Exposed from without to the risks Of foreign invasion, whilst danger might. From convulsions within exist. THE UNITED STATES. 107 He's endeavored to prevent the population Of these States, so much desired, By obstructing the naturalization laws, For foreigners ever required ; Refusing to pass other laws that would tend To encourage migrating bands. And raising the conditions of all New appropriations of lauds. He has obstructed the administration Of justice, also, when again Refusing assent to wholesome laws, Judiciary powers to ordain. He has made judges dependent alone On his will, for the tenure too Of their offices, and the amount And payment of salaries due. He has erected many new offices. And sent hither, also, to stay, Swarms of officers, to harass us. And eat out our substance alway. He's kept among us, in times of peace. Standing armies, without our consent; He's affected to place the military power O'er the civil ; of it independent. He has combined witli others to subject us To unjust jurisdiction, because Unknown to our constitution, as well As unacknowledged by our laws ; 108 youths' history of And has given his assent to their acts Of pretended legislation thus : For quartering large bodies of troops, Who, well armed, would remain among us; For protecting them by mock trial From punishment, should they commit Foul murders upon the inhabitants Of these States, when e'er they saw fit. For cutting our trade with all parts of the world; For imposing taxation on us Without our consent; for depriving us Of trial by jury, most just; For transporting us far beyond seas. Our pretended offenses to try ; For annulling the free system of English laws In a neighboring province, thereby Fixing tyrannical rule therein, Enlarging its boundaries great. And making an example and fit instrument To bring absolnte rule in this state; For taking away our charters, also Annulling most valued laws. And altering the forms of government, Fundamentally, without cause ; For suspending our own legislatures. And declaring themselves to be thus Invested with power to legislate In all cases, whatever, for us. THE UNITED STATES. 109 He's abdicated his government here, By declaring us to be far Out of his protection removed, And waging against us a war. He's plundered our seas and ravaged our coasts, Our towns have been burnt by him too, And the lives of our people destroyed, which shows A barbarity equalled by few. He's just now transporting large armies here Of foreign marauders, to be His agents, to finish the work of death. Desolation and tyranny. Already, with instances now begun, Perfidious and cruel, they stand, Scarce equalled in barbarous ages; unworthy The head of a civilized land. He's constrained our people, when captured at sea. To bear arms 'gainst their native land, To become executioners of brothers and friends, Or fall themselves by their hand. He's excited domestic revolt among us. And striven to bring on our frontier, The merciless Indian savages, Thus harassing us everywhere. Whose known rule of warfare ever has been Undistinguished slaughter to Avage, 'Gainst all persons and conditions in life, Regardless of sex or age. no youths' history of Iq every stage of oppression we have For redress most humbly sought; Our repeated petitions have to us, but Repeated injuries brought. A prince whose character thus is marked By every act which may stand As that of a tyrant, is wholly unfit To be ruler of a free land. Kor have we been wanting in attentions to Our British brethren, and have thus Warned them of legislative attempts to extend Unwarrantable rule over us. We've reminded them of the events to our Emigration and settlement due; We've appealed to their native justice and Their magnanimity too, And we have conjured them, by all the ties Of our common kindred now, These usurpations, that would interrupt Our connections, to disavow. To the voice of justice and relationship They have ever been deaf in the past, We must, therefore, denounce the necessity which Compels our separation at last ; And ever henceforth we shall hold them, as Our urgent necessities bind ; Oar foes in war, in peace our friends; As we hold the rest of mankind. THE UNITED STATES. Ill We, therefore, the representatives now, In General Congress convened, Of the United States of America, As to be right by us is deemed, Appealing to the Judge of all the world For the rectitude of our aims, Do, by the power of the good people of These Colonies, and in their names. Solemnly publish and declare, that now, As of right they ought to be. These United Colonies are henceforth Independent States and free. From all allegiance to the British crown, Evermore they shall be absolved ; And all political connection is 'TM-een them and Great Britain dissolved, And, as free and independent States, They have power to levy war. Make peace, alliances, establish. trade. And do all acts of sovereign power. And for the support of this Declaration, with trust In Divine Providence, we allege That to each other our lives, our fortunes, And our sacred honor we pledge. The foregoing Declaration, engrossed By order of Congress, was signed By fifty-six members in all, who came From the following States, we find: The State of New Hampshire first gave three names, And Massachusetts Bay five more, 112 youths' history of the united states. Connecticut four, and Rhode Island two, While the State of New York gave four; From New Jersey there came some five more names, Pennsylvania then followed with nine, From Delaware three, and then Maryland With four soon wheeled into line; Virginia then came with seven more names, North Carolina gave three to the scroll. While South Carolina adds four, and Georgia, With three more, completes the roll. INDEX. Acadians Banished 37 Alaska Purchased 82 Algiers, War witli 56 America, Ignorance Concerning 5 America, Condition of 5 America, South, Discovery of 8 America, North, Discovery of i> American Colonies, Independence of 43 Antietam, Battle of 66 Atlanta "^) 73 Atlantic Cable, Tlie 81 B Balloons, Invention of 100 Baltimore 55, 61 Barbary War 52 Barometers, Invention of 9" Beauregard, General 61, 64 Black Hawk War 56 Boston, Siege of 42 Braddock, General "^^ Bragg, General "'» '^ Brand V wine, Battle of 44 (113) 8 114 INDEX. British Troops Withdrawn 51 Bull Run, Battles of 61, 66- Bunker's Hill, Battle of 41 Burgoyne's Surrender 45 c Cabot 9 California, Conquest of 57 Canonicus • 23 Cai)itol, Burning of the 54 Cedar Creek, Battle of 76 Centennial Fair 83 Chancellorsville, Battle of 68 Charleston 42, 48, 5a Chicago Fire., •• 83 Chickamauga, Battle of 70 Chimneys, First Use of 98 Civil War 59 Clayborne 22 Clocks, Invention of 97 Compass, Invention of 98 Cold Harbor, Battle of 76 Colonial Congress 40 Columbus, Voyage of 6 Connecticut Settled 21 Constitution Adopted 30 Coree War.. 80 Cornwallis, Surrender of 51 Cotton Gin, Invention of 100 Country's Prosperity 80 Cowpens, Battle of 49 INDEX. 115 D Darrah, Lydia 4" De Kalb 49 Delaware Settled • 23 Diving Bell "^ Dustin, Mrs ^^ E Earth, Size and Shape of the 6 Electric Light 102 Emancipation Proclamation 68 Engravings First Made ^° Eutaw Springs, Battle of 49 F Fair Oaks, Battle of ^^ Ferdinand and Isabelle " Fifteenth Amendment •• °-' Fire Engines, Invention of 99 Fleet Sent from France ' 47 Florida, Purchase of ° Fort Donaldson, Capture of ^^ Fredericksburg, Battle of 67 French and Indian War ^^ G Garfield, Shooting and Death of 83 Gas Light, Invention of ^^^ Gates, General 25 Georgia Settled Germantown, Battle of Glass Windows First Used ^^ Gold, Finding of, in California ••• ^1 116 INDEX. Grant, General 64, 70, 72, 75 Greene, General 49 Guilford Court House, Buttle of 49 Guiteau, Hanging of 84 Gun Powder, Invention of 9& H Hansford, Thomas Sfj Harvard College ]9 Henry VII ](V Hobkirk's Hill, Battle of 49 Hutchinson, Mrs 18 I Icelandic Sailors 9 Independence, Declaration of 103 India Rubber, Invention of 101 Islands Discovered by Columbus 7, S Island, Manhattan 21 J Jackson, Stonewall 68 Jamestown Settled 11 Johnston, General 64 K King Phillip's War 29 King William's War 31 King George's War 82 L Lafayette 44 Lake Erie, Battle of 54 Land West of the Mississippi, bought 81 INDEX. 117 Lee, General 66, 69, 78 Lexington, Battle of 41 Lincoln, President 60 Locomotive, Invention of the 101 Long Island, Battle of 44 Lookout Mountain, Battle of 71 Lundy's Lane, Battle of 54 M Magellan 10 Malvern Hill, Battle of 66 Massasoit 17^ 23 Massacres, Indian 26 Massachusetts Settled 16 Mayflower 16 McClellan 65, 66 Mexican War 57 Mexico, City of, Capture of the 58 Mexico, Treaty with 58 Miami War 51 Microscopes, Invention of 99 Mississippi Kiver, Discovery of the 10 Mobile 74 Monitor and Virginia 63 Montgomery, General 42 Morgan's Kaid 70 N Xashville, Battle of 77 New Hampshire Settled 21 New York Settled 21 North Carolina Settled 23 New Jersey Settled 24 118 INDEX. New Netherlands, War in the 28 New Orleans, Battle of 55 New Orleans, Capture of 64 P Pacific Ocean, Discovery of the 10 Pacific Railroad 82 Paper, Invention of 97 Patriots of the Revolution 41 Pennsylvania Settled 24 Penn, William 24 Pequod War 27 Petersburg 70, 78 Photographs, Invention of 101 Pilgrim Fathers 16 Plymouth Colony 16 Pocahontas 13, 14 Port Royal 11 Potomac Army 65 Powhattan 13, 14 Princeton, Battle of 44 Printing, Invention of 98 Printing Press, first brongh there 19 Providence Founded 22 Pulaski, Death of 48 Pumps, First Used 97 Puritans 18 Q •Quebec 37, 42 Queen Anne's War 31 INDEX. 11 9" R Reaper, Invention of the 101 Eebellion, Bacon's 33 Rebellion, Clayborne's 33 Eebellion, Leisler's 34 Rebellion in North Carolina 34 Rebellion in Sooth Carolina 34 Resaca, Battle of 73 Revolutionary War 39 Revolutionary War, Close of the 51 Rhode Island Settled 22 Richmond 65, 75, 7S s Samoset 17 Sander's Creek, Battle of 49 Savannah, Siege of 47 Scott, General 58 Seminole Wars 5S Seven Days' Battles 65 Sewing Machine, Invention of the 101 Sherman 72 Shiloh, Battle of 64 Slavery, Introduction of 14 Smith, Captain 12 South Carolina Settled... 24 Spectacles, Invention of 98- Spinning Frame, Invention of the 100 Spottsylvania, Battle of , 75 St-cir Spangle