f «<<<%' 4 4~i\ t «' 4* 4 Wd\ y 4*4* it* 4* I* 4* 4 W LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. dlptp it^ngfii lu A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. POLITICAL HISTORY SINCE 1815 (EXCLUDING THE UNITED STATES). 2 A SYLLABUS OF LECTUR PREPARED FOR USE IN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. BV CHARLES II. LEVERMORE, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of History, DAVIS R. DEWEY, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Economics and Statistics. i BOSTON : W. J. Schofield, Printer, 105 Summer Street. 1889. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, By CHARLES H. LEVERMORE AND DAVIS R. DEWEY, In the Clerk's Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. This book is intended to serve as a basis for a course of lectures upon the outlines of political history in the nine- teenth century. As used in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it is placed in the hands of the students, who follow in its pages the oral lectures upon the same subjects. The lecturer, feeling that his hearers already know the skele- ton of his topic, is at liberty to provide the flesh, blood, and life, wherever and however it may seem best. The students are required also to read selections from the references and from apposite articles in the current reviews and magazines, and to submit abstracts of this reading, periodically, to the instructor. It will be seen, therefore, that no attempt has been made to refer to works that are not to be found in a comparatively small class library. No books have been quoted which are not easily obtainable at a small cost. At the same time, those who are near large libraries can readily expand the reference work, if they so desire. The individual student into whose hands the book may fall, and who may desire more comprehensive guidance, is recommended to resort to the bibliographies of modern history already pub- lished in Dr. G. Stanley Hall's "Methods of Teaching History" (2nd ed.), and in Prest. Charles Kendall Adams's "Manual of Historical Literature." C. H. L. D. R. D. Boston, Mass., Feb. 1, 1889. LECTURES. 1> •.** & Introductory Lecture : Races, Governments, and Religions of Men. .... 1 I-II. England and Her Empire. ... 8 III-IV. English Political Parties 18 V. Canada. The Cape Colony. ... 27 VI. English Colonies in Australasia and Poly- nesia. . . . . . . .32 VII. The Asiatic Empire of England. . . 34 VIII. China. Japan 41 IX. The Russian Empire. .... 45 X-XI. The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. . . 49 XII-XIII. The Ottoman Empire and the Revolted Christian States of the Balkan Penin- sula. ...... 57 XIV. The Present Empire of the Ottoman Turks. The Eastern Question. . . .69 XV. German Confederations and the Growth of Prussia 72 XVI. The German Empire, 1871-. . . .78 XVII. France, 1815-1870 81 XVIII. The Third Republic, 1870-. ... 86 XIX. Italy, and the Struggle for Unity. . . 90 XX. Switzerland. The Netherlands. Belgium. 95 XXI. The Scandinavian Kingdoms. . . 98 XXII. The Iberian Peninsula: Portugal (with Brazil). Spain. .... 101 XXIII. Spanish America, or the Revolted Colonies of Spain 107 XXIV. The African Continent. Colonization and Emigration. ..... 112 BOOKS FOR GENERAL REFERENCE. American Almanac. 1888. Barker's Trade and Finance Manual. 1888. Brace.— The Races of the Old World. New York, 1870. Dorchester. — The Problem of Religious Progress. New York, 1881. Ewald. — The Last Century of Universal History. 1767-1867. Londou, 1868. Freeman. — The Historical Geography of Europe. 2 vols. London, 1882. Fyffe. — A History of Modern Europe. Vols. I and II. New York, 1887. Labberton. — New Historical Atlas. New York, 1887. Lalor. — Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and United States History. Latham. — The Varieties of Man. London, 1850. Latham. — Russian and Turk. London, 1878. Lodge. — A History of Modern Europe. The Student's Series. New York, 1886. Hazell's Annual Cyclopaedia. 1887, 1888, 1889. McCarthy. — A History of Our Own Times, — from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. 2 vols. New York. Meyer. — Hand-Lexikon des Allgemeinen Wissens. Leipzig, 1885. Morris. — The Aryan Race. Chicago, 1888. Mulhall. — The Progress of the World. London, 1880. Muller. — Political History of Recent Times, 1816-1875. With Special Reference to Germany. 1882. Ploetz. — Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern History. Translated, with Extensive Additions, by W. H. Tillinghast. Boston, 1884. Putzger. — Historische Schul-Atlas. Bielefeld und Leipzig, Vel- hagen und Klasing, 1887. via Sergeant. — The Government Year Book. 1888. Stanford. — Compendium of Geography and Travel. London, 1882. 4 vols., namely : Bates. — Central and South America. Johnson. — Africa. Keane. — Asia. Ramsay. — Europe. Stieler's Schul-Atlas. Gotha, 1887. The Statesman's Year Book. — Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilized World. 1888. Vincent. — Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. New York, 1883. POLITICAL HISTORY SINCE 1815. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. RACES, GOVERNMENTS, AND RELIGIONS OF MEN. I. RACES OF MANKIND. 1. Three broad, racial divisions of mankind, — the Negro, the Mon- golian, the Caucasian. " Topinard goes so far as to divide man into three distinct species. The first of these is the Mongolian, distinguished by a brachyeephalic or short skull, by low stature, yellowish skin, broad, flat countenance, oblique eyes, contracted eyelids, beardless face, hair scanty, coarse, and round in section. The second is the Caucasian, with moderately dolichoceph- alic or long skull, tall stature, fair, narrow face, projecting on the median line, hair and beard abundant, light colored, soft, and somewhat elliptical in section. The third species is the Negro, with skull strongly dolichocephalic, complexion black, hair fiat and rolled into spirals, face very prognathous, and with several peculiarities of bodily structure not necessary to name here. Morris : The Aryan liace, pp. 6, 7. a. The Negro includes — African Negroes, Bushmen, and Hottentots. Dravidians of India, Oceanic Negroes, or Melanesians, the Negritos, Pa- cific Ilanders, and the Australian aborigines, — the last five divisions perhaps presenting, in most instances, various de- grees of mixture of Negro and Malay Mongolian bloods. b. The Mongolian includes — Chinese, Siberian aborigines, Tatars, Turks, Finns, Lapps, Basques, Eskimo, American Indians and Malays (perhaps mixed races). c. The Caucasian, probably resulting in its present form, at least, from mixture of the other two, includes Hindoos, Per- sians, Semitic people of Asia Minor, Arabs and people of North Africa, all the people of Europe except Turks, Finns, Lapps, and Basques. Name " Aryan " applied to Hindoos, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Kelts, Teutons, and Slavs. d. European Caucasian peoples classified by differences of languages into four main divisions : — Greek. Latin (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Rou- manian). Teutonic (German, Dutch, Scandinavian, and English), Slavonic (Russian, Polish, Bohemian, Servians, Bulgarian). e. Dark and fair Caucasians. " Of the two sub-races which make up the Caucasian stock of mankind, the Xanthochroi, or fair white, are now found most typically displayed in the north of Europe, mainly in Denmark, Scandinavia, and Iceland. The Melanochroi, or dark whites, have their typ- ical region in northern Africa and southwestern Asia. IJetween these regions an intimate mixture of the two types exists, endless intermediate grades being found ; though, as a rule, the Xanthochroic becomes more declared as we go north, and the Melanochroic as we go south." Morris: The Aryan Race, p. 12. " What, then, was the origin of the two Caucasian sub-races? In response to this ques- tion we may propound the views offered by Mr. J. \V. Jackson, who advances the theory that the Semitic (or, as we prefer to consider, all the Melanochroi) is really a derivative from the Negro race; and the Aryan (or rather the Xanthochroi) is a derivative from the Mongolian. Morris : The Aryan Race, pp. 15, 1G. II. GOVERNMENTS. 1. All Aryan peoples have shown a tendency to organize a govern- ment with three characteristic features. a. National chief, or King, with power more or less limited. b. Council, of nobles, or aldermen. c. Assembly of the whole people, or their representatives. 2. Governments gradually concentrate power upon the office of King, — Despotic Monarchy ; or upon the Council, — Aristocracy (not now existent) ; or upon the Assembly, — Democracy ; or upon all three organs of government in proportion, — Limited Monarchy, Republic, and Federal nations. a. Dkspotic Monarchies. Power of National Chief lim- ited only by force of custom and public opinion, or by fear of revolution. Russia,China, Japan, all Mohammedan and savage nations. b. Democracies. Powers of government concentrated within a parliamentary body representing the people, and controlled completely and speedily by majority votes of that people. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and its Australian, Canadian, and South African colonies. c. (1) Limited Monarchies. Fusion of hereditary monar- chical principle with principle of government by parliamen- tary law expressed through council and popular assembly. Belgium, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Servia, Roumania, Bul- garia, and, in form, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Almost without exception, these nations are imitating England in the concentration of powers upon the popular assembly. (2) Republics. Fusion of same principles as in (1), except that hereditary monarch is replaced by an executive chief elected by people for a limited term. See " Federal Repub- lics "; also, in general, the republics of Central and South America, and, in form, France. Note.— Mexico and the Republics of Southern and Central America, with exception of Chili, and the Argentine Republic, are Oligarchical Republics,— monopoly of power by factious combinations of powerful families and interests. The five Central American Republics, more nearly Democracies than the others in theory, are in reality more nearly Despotisms or Oligarchies. d. Federations. Unions of states (which conform in some large measure to the principle of government by parliamen- tary law) into one comprehensive national life under the traditional governmental forms (vide 1, above). Separation of organs of local government from those of national gov- ernment. May be either monarchical or democratic in type. (1) Federal Monarchies. Austro-Hungary, and the German Empire. (2) Federal Republics. United States, Switzerland, Argentine Republic, Mexico, San Domingo, Venezuela. The Republic of Colombia, formerly a weak confederation under the federal form, is, since 1886, a centralized re- public with some federal characteristics. III. RELIGIONS. 1. Nature Worship. Crude primitive beliefs ; Shinto religion of Japan among the most developed. 2. Confucianism. Ancestor-worship, state, religion of China ; rites observed by all, even by adherents of other religions; Buddhists and Taoists (Mystics) ; bulk of population is Buddhist. 3. Brahmanism. Hindu religion, a social organization, and a religious confederacy. In society, perpetuation of castes ; in religion, combination of cultured philosophic faith of Brahmans with material- istic beliefs of inferior races ; Brahman ideal, a life of ceremonial pu- rity, self-discipline, and restraint ; gradation of castes from low to high. Each caste is, in a measure, a trade guild, a mutual insurance society, and a religious sect. W. W. Hunter: The Indian Empire. 4. Buddhism. Religion of good works; mortification of the will and of bodily desires. Monastic institutions ; China, Japan, peninsula of Farther India, Tibet, Ceylon, Cashmere, Nepaul. Monier Wil- liams: Hinduism, 72-76. 5. Parsee. The worship of an Ideal Good under the image of Light ; sacred writings, the Zend-Avesta. Scattered remnants of ancient Persian race, living for the most part in India. 6. Islam, or Mohammedanism. Creed, " There is but one God, and Mohammed is his prophet." Sacred writings, the Koran ; sacred city, Mecca in Arabia. Secular head of Islam, the Turkish Sultan, the Caliph (i. e., fol- lower, successor, of the Prophet). Ecclesiastical head of Islamism, — under the Caliph, the Sheikh- ul-Islam, chief authority of the Ulema, the men learned in religion and law. Statesman's Year Book, 523. Importance of Shereef of Mecca, — head of family of Mohammed, and Guardian of the Holy Temple, the Caaba, at Mecca. Importance of Ulema of Great Mohammedan Schools. Turkish Empire, Persia, Afghanistan, Russian Turkestan, and parts of Siberia, China, southeastern part of European Russia, parts of India, states of northern and central Africa, and of the east coast of Africa. Principal divisions : a. Soonees, subjects of Turkish Empire in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Accept the Soonah, or oral traditions, in addition to the Koran, and pay equal honors to all Caliphs after Mo- hammed. Stobart: Islam and its Founder, 11)7-199. b. Sheeah, subjects of Persian Empire, found also in India, Turkey, and the Soudan. Number about 20,000,000. Re- ject the Soonah, and regard Ali, the fourth Caliph (656-661), as the rightful successor of Mohammed. Stobart, 199, 200. c. Wahahbees, people of Nejd, State in the center of the Ara- bian peninsula, founded about 1750. Reject all modern innovations and influences, and aim, first, at the revival of the exact beliefs and customs of primitive Islam ; later, at unity and independence of Arabia. Political power broken in 1819. Stobart, 202. d. Sultan of Morocco (lineal descendant of Ali) and his subjects adopt as a text- book of faith a commentary on the Koran by Sidi Bokhari. e. Sufis, Mystics ; in India and Persia. Stobart, 201. 7. Judaism. Religion of the Jews. Monotheism its principle. Doctrines of " a chosen people," and of a future restoration to Pales- tine. Sacred writings, the Law and the Prophets, of the Old Testa- ment. Sacred city, Jerusalem. Found in all parts of the world. 8. Christianity. Origins of creed in Judaism, and in ancient Greek philosophy ; doctrine of the Messiah ; creed, Apostles' creed (see Book of Common Prayer); sacred writings, books of the Old and New Testaments, excluding the Apocrypha. a. The Eastern Christian Church. Constantinople, relig- ious capital ; principal divisions follow national lines, com- prising the most ancient forms of Christian organization, as follows : — (1) The Orthodox Greek Church. Absence of cen- tralized hierarchical authority; parochial clergy married ; monastic orders ; five patriarchates, Constantinople, Alex- andria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Moscow [vide (2), below] ; found in Greece. European Turkey, Georgia, and Asia Minor. Stanley: History of Eastern Church, 4r-17 . (2) The Orthodox Church of Russia. Offshoot of Greek church ; Czar supreme in church as in state ; office of Patriarch abolished by Peter the Great, and the Holy Synod substituted therefor ; beliefs and usages same in general as those of the Greek church. Number of dis- senting communions, — the most considerable known as " Starovers," or Old Believers, more conservative than the National Church. The Orthodox Church of Monte- negro is closely affiliated with the Russian Church. Found in European and Asiatic Russia, the established church of the Russian nation. Wallace : Russia, 426-434. (3) The Orthodox Church of Bulgaria. Offshoot of Greek Church. Orthodox Churches of Slavonic peoples under the rule of Hungary are affiliated with groups (3), (4), and (5). (4) The Orthodox Church of Servia. Offshoot of Bulgarian Church. (5) The Orthodox Church of Roumania. Offshoot of Bulgarian Church. (6) Chaldean or Nestorian Christians, in Kurdistan, on the western borders of Persia. Admit autbority of first two general councils of the primitive Christian Church; reject the third because that council condemned Nestonanism, a dispute about the nature of Jesus. «; (7) The Armenian Church, in Armenia, and scattered throughout the northern part of Turkish empire. Patriarchate of Etchmiazin, in Armenia, their sacred city. Reject author- ity of one out of the seven ancient general councils of the Christian Church. (8) Church of Syria, or Jacobite Church. Admit authority of first three general councils only. Differ from Creek Church concerning nature of Jesus. Patriarchate of Diarbekir; Sacred City, Antioch. The Christians of St. Thomas, in India, are classed with (7) and (8). ('.)) Church of Egypt, or Coptic Church. Descrip- tion same as for (7) ; Patriarch of Alexandria, head of church, lives at Cairo. (10) Church of Abyssinia. Offshoot of Church of Egypt and stands with it ; beliefs and usages more like those of ancient Jews than those of any other Christian church. (11) Melchites. Name applied to churches of Asia Minor and Egypt which remain faithful to the Orthodox Greek Church, and are not affiliated with the National Churches of Syria, Egypt, Armenia, etc. The Roman Christian Church. Developed in 16th century, out of mediaeval European Church, which had grad- ually separated from Eastern Christian Church, between the 8th and the 12th centuries of our era. Rome, the religious capital. Strongly centralized hierarchical admin- istration of the Church culminating in unlimited ecclesiastical power of Bishop of Rome, or Pope. Dogma of papal infal- libility. Clerical celibacy. Monastic orders. Predomi- nance of the Society of Jesus, commonly called "Jesuits." Found in all parts of the world. Strongest in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Bohe- mia, Austria, and the nations of Central and South Amer- ica. Divisions not assimilated : (1) The Maronites, an ancient division of the Eastern Christian Church, belonging to the Syrian Church, and inhabiting Mt. Lebanon. In the 12th century (1181), attached to the Romish Church. Use an ancient ritual of their own. Inferior clergy allowed to marry. Found also iu Egypt and Cyprus. (2) Melchites. Some of the Melchites, though using the Greek rite, profess obedience to Rome. (3) United Greeks, Bulgarians, Ruthenians, Chaldeans (Nestorians), Copts, Armenians, and Roumanians. Sec- tions of the larger divisions of the Eastern Church, which have professed ohedience to Rome. The local rites are used. In some, clergy are married, and communion is allowed to the laity. Service of United Roumanians is in the language of the people, the only instance of the kind in the Roman Church. The Protestant Christian Church. Principally de- veloped in the 16th century, from the mediaeval European Church. Luther and Calvin. Essential principle, asser- tion of the independence of the individual judgment in deciding questions relating to faith and morals. Absence of uniform organization for church government. Principal divisions indicate common preferences for methods of action or expressions of belief. Pound in all parts of the world. Strongest in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and Sweden, Great Britain and colonies, and the United States. Classified according to modes of church government, the principal divisions are — (1) Episcopal, hierarchical government, including — (a) The Anglican Church, the Established Church of England, and its representative in the United States, the Protestant Episcopal Church. (b) The Methodist Episcopal Church, found mainly among English-speaking peoples. Originated in a great relig- ious revival of the 18th century, in England. (c) The Unitas Eratrum, or Moravians, dating from the early Reformation period, and found in Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. (2) Congregational, each church self-governing, includ- ing— Baptists ; immersion, a necessary mode of baptism. Congregationalists, including Unitarians and Universalists. Friends, commonly called Quakers. Methodists. Waldenses, and the Free Church of Italy, Italian Prot- estants. (3) Presbyterian, a system of parliamentary church gov- ernment, without bishops, including — Presbyterians, including the Established Church in Scot- land. 8 Lutherans and Reformed (Calvinist). Most of the Prot- estants of Germany, Scandinavia, Holland, Switzer- land, and France ; the Consistory ; Lutherans strong also in the United States. Methodists. Mennonites. Russian Protestants. Total number of Christians, about 420 millions. Roman Christians, about 200 m. ; esti- mates vary from 152 m. to 218 m. Protestant Christians, about 120 m. ; estimates vary from 115 in. to 130 m. Eastern Christians, about 100 in. Buddhists, about 450 m. Brah- manist Hindus, about 100 m. Mohammedans, more than 200 m. Parsees, about 85,000. Jews, about 8 m. LECTURES I-II. ENGLAND A.N J) lllAl UMPIRE. References: Acland and Ransome : Political History of England to 1887; London, 1888. Amos: The Science of English Politics, International Scientific Series, London, 1883. Bright: History of England, vols, iii, iv ; London, 1888. Buxton: The Imperial Parliament Series, 8 vols. ; London, 1885. Especially, Baxter: England and Russia. Lome: Imperial Federation. Lubbock: Representation. Richard and Wil- liams: Disestablishment. English Citizen Series, 13 vols.; London, 1883. Especially, Chalmers: Local Government. Traill: Central Government. Walpole: Electorate and the Legislature. Walpole : Foreign Relations. Fielden : A Short Constitutional History of England; London, 1882. McCar- thy: A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880, 2 vols. ; New York. Mc Carthy : The Epoch of Reform, Epochs of Modern History Series. Ward: Reign of Queen Victoria; A Survey of Fifty Years of Progress ; 2 vols. ; London, 1887. 1. Component parts of the English Empire. a. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, includ- ing England, NVales, Scotland and outlying Hands, Ireland. b. The Hand (kingdom) of Man. c. The Channel ilands (Jersey, Guernsey, Ahlerney, Sark). Area of a, b, and c, 120,832 sq. mi. A little smaller than the territory of New Mexico. Population, 37,000,000. Density, 303 to the sq. mi. d. Colonies and Dependencies. General References: Cotton and Payne: Colonies and Depend- encies. E. J. Payne : European Colonies. Colonial Policy and Progress in The Reign of Queen Victoria, I, 403-559. C. S. Salmon : The Crown Colonies of Great Britain. C. P. Lucas : Historical Geography of the British Colonies. 1. Geographical distribution of English colonies. For full list with date of acquisition, etc., see Statesman's Tear Book, 286-289, and Hazell under British Empire. Asia 1.84 m. sq. miles ; 261 m. popul. Africa 45 m. sq. miles ; 2.8 m. " America . . . 3.64 m. sq. miles; 6.2 m. " Australasia . 3.26 m. sq. miles ; 3.6 m. " Europe (Gibraltar, Malta, Heligoland) 119 sq.miles ; 177,000 " Total, 9.19 m. sq. mi. 273.6 m. popul. e. Estimate of total figures for the whole empire and its de- pendencies, based generally on census of 1881 : — Area, over 9 m. sq. miles. Popul., 320 m. Revenue, £208 m. Public debt, £1,047,951,000. 2. The Central Government. I. The Crown. "Although Parliamentary Government has existed since the Revo- lution of 1688, the Crown has retained much of its influence, owing to its position as the head of society, to its powers of patronage, and to that love of monarchy which is characteristic of the English peo- ple. The Sovereign has at present many legal prerogatives, most of which are practically vested in the ministry, such as the power of summoning, proroguing, and dissolving Parliament at pleasure, of refusing assent to any bill, of making peace or war, of dealing with foreign nations by making treaties, and receiving aud sending ambas- sadors, of pardoning offenders after conviction, and of creating peers. Many of the feudal and fiscal prerogatives of the Crown, such as purveyance, coining, regulation of markets, and the like, have been surrendered. The Sovereign is, in fact, the head of the Church, the 10 army, and the law, the fountain of justice, mercy and honor, and has, formally at any rate, the supreme executive power, as well as a co- ordinate legislative power with the Houses of Lords and Commons." Feilden, 26. a. Separation of England from Hanover, 1837. Crown of Hanover not to be inherited by a woman. b. Annual expense of royal establishment : — Queen Victoria receives from Treasury £385,000 per year, £00,000 to her own purse, £325,000 for salaries, pensions, alms, and general expenses. Queen Victoria receives from the Duchy of Lancaster about £45,000 per year, and for pensions £1200. Prince of Wales receives from Treasury £40,000 per year, and from Duchy of Cornwall about £65,000. The Princess of Wales receives from the Treasury £10,000 per year. Annuities are paid to surviving descendants of George III, to children of Victoria, and to wives or husbands of these children. Amount uncertain ; estimated about £150,- 000. The Financial Reform Almanac for 1884 estimates total payments in one year to and for the Royal Family at £886,973, and for Royal Parks and Pleasure Grounds at £114,823 in addition per annum. II. The Cabinet. "It is theoretically an inner circle of the Privy Council, though practically distinct from it, but, as a body, is not recognized by thelaw, its members deriving their position from the fact of their being mem- bers of the Council. It was natural for the Sovereign to select cer- tain members of the Council as his more trusted and confidential advisers, and as early as the time of Charles I. we find the actual name, Cabinet Council, in use. Under the present system of minis- terial government, ' the Ministry is in fact a committee of leading members of the two Houses. It is nominated by the Crown, but it consists exclusively of statesmen whose opinions on the passing ques- tions of the time agree in the main with the opinions of the majority of the House of Commons.' At the present time ministers do not wait to be dismissed, as in the last century, but resign together, and the Executive is now so closely connected with Parliament as to represent the nation," Feilden, 44-46, 11 " The most curious point about the cabinet is that so little is known about it. The meet- ings are not only secret in theory, but secret in reality, liy the present practice no official minute in all ordinary cases is kept of them. Even a private note is discouraged and dis- liked. The House of Commons, even in its most inquisitive and turbulent moments, would scarcely permit a note of a cabinet meeting to be read. No minister who respected the fundamental usages of political practice would attempt to read such a note. The committee Which unites the law-making power to the law-executing power — which by virtue of that combination is, while it lasts and holds together, the most powerful body in the state — is a committee wholly secret. No description of it, at once graphic and authentic, has ever been given. It is said to be sometimes like a rather disorderly board of directors, where many speak and few listen, though no one knows." Bagehot : English Constitution, 82. a. The present Cabinet consists of : — 1. Prime Minister, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ; 2. Lord High Chancellor; 3. Lord President of the Council ; 4. Chancellor of the Exchequer; 5. Secretary of State for the Home Department ; 6. Secretary of State for War ; 7. First Lord of the Treasury ; 8. Secretary of State for the Colonies ; 9. Secretary of State for India ; 10. First Lord of the Admiralty ; 11. Lord Chancellor of Ireland; 12. Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; 13. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; 14. President of the Board of Trade ; 15. Secretary for Scotland ; Occasional members are— * 16. Lord Privy Seal (office sometimes joined to that of Post- master-General) ; 17. President of Local Government Board ; 18. First Commissioner of Public Works and Buildings. b. How chosen. "On the resignation or dismissal of a previous ministry, it is customary for the sove- reign to 'send for' some eminent member of one or other of the Houses of Parliament, and to entrust him with the task of forming a new administration. It is his duty to select such minister-designate from the ranks of the majority of the House of Commons, and, further, perhaps (though this is a point on which some latitude of choice must naturally and necessarily exist), to fix upon that one of two or more eligible candidates for the trust who may appear the most likely to be acceptable to the majority of the party to which he belongs. But with the designation of this one person the initiative of the sovereign is at an end. According to modern usage the Premier alone is the direct choice of the crown, and he possesses the privilege of choosing his own colleagues, subject of course to the appro- bation of the sovereign. In the exercise of this privilege the Prime Minister then proceeds, either with or without consultation with other leading members of his party, to nominate the persons to be appointed to the various executive offices. The whole number of persons thus nominated are in strictness entitled to the appellation of Ministers, while those ap- pointed to the more important of these offices compose, either exclusively, or with one or two additions, what is called the CahineU It is to this latter and smaller body that the office 12 of advising the Crown is confined. They, and they alone, :ire in the exact sense of the words ' The Government' of the country. The Cabinet .Minister is. as a matter of course, ' sworn of the Privy Council,' and advises the Sovereign, according to legal theory, in his capacity of Privy Councillor alone, while that council itself al presenl takes no part what- ever in this duty of giving advice, nor is in any way responsible for the advice given by those particular Privy Councillors who form the Cabinet." Traill: Central Govt rnment, 11-13. c. Responsibility to Parliament. (1) Censure and dismissal from office. (2) Impeachment. d. Functions of the different members. (1) The Prime Minister or Premier. " There is no such official known to the language of constitutional law as a ' Prime Minister.' Supreme as is the authority which the so-called ' Premier ' has in course of time established over his col- leagues, and complete as is their subordination to him, he is in theory only one among other ministers of the Crown, and his sole official title is derived from the department over which he nominally pre- sides. This department is usually the Treasury, and the office of First Lord of the Treasury has been held by the Prime Minister, either alone or in conjunction with another, ever since the year 1806." Traill, 31. The First Lord of the Treasury should sit in the House of Commons. The Marquis of Salisbury, the present Premier, is a Peer, and must sit in the House of Lords. When he first became Premier, in November, 18S5, he joined the Premiership to the Secretaryship for Foreign Affairs, which office he now holds. (2) The Treasury Board. "The full official description of the persons who constitute this Board is that of ' Lords Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Treasurer,' the said persons being the First Lord of the Treasury, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and three other officials known as 'Junior Lords.' The Treasury is still a Board of Com- missioners in name, and the patent under which the members of the Board are appointed still represents them as being of equal authority, with powers to any two or more of them to discharge the functions of the whole. But the Treasury has long since ceased to be a Board in anything but name : it is now practically a department presided over by a single head, the Chancellor of the Exchequer." Traill, 32. Of this Board only the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer are, at present, members of the Cabinet. (3) Secretaries of State. " Constitutionally speaking, there is but one Secretary of State ; for the five ministers who divide among them the departmental func- tions are all of co-equal and co-ordinate dignity, all fully authorized to 13 transact, if need be, each other's business, all equally competent to discharge those specific duties to the Sovereign which belonged to the Secretary of State, when as yet there was only one. Thus they are the only authorized channels whereby the royal pleasure is signified to any part of the body politic, whether at home or abroad, and any one of them may be empowered to carry the Sovereign's commands at any time to any person. The counter-signature of a Secretary of State is necessary to the validity of the sign-manual, and this coun- ter-signature may be attached by any one of those five ministers. The Secretaries of State were formerly resident in the royal house- hold, and it is still the practice for one of them to attend the Queen during her occasional visits to parts of the kingdom. It is a rule, moreover, that one of them must always be present in the metropolis. They all have necessarily seats in the Cabinet; and, necessarily, they are members of the Privy Council, and sit in one or other of the Houses of Parliament. The Secretaries of Foreign Affairs, the Colo- nies, and India, are appointed indifferently from either House. The Secretary of War, however, has now for some years been selected from the House of Commons, and an unbroken usage of nearly half a century has confined the Home Secretaryship to the popular Cham- ber." Traill, 60, Gl. (4) Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. " The government of Ireland is formally vested in a Viceroy, usu- ally styled the Lord-Lieutenant, in abbreviation of his full official title of ' Lord Lieutenant-General and General-Governor of Ireland.' He is assisted by a Privy Council, consisting of fifty or sixty mem- bers, whose sanction, like that of the English Privy Council, is neces- sary to give validity to many of the official acts of the Executive. The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland possesses nominally very extensive powers, but his actual freedom in their exercise is by no means com- mensurate with their ostensible extent. He acts under instruction from the Crown, conveyed to him by the ministry for the time bein"-, whose business ' is to direct him in his proceedings, and to animad- vert upon his conduct if they see him act improperly, or in a manner detrimental or inconvenient to the public service, or displeasing to the Crown.' The Cabinet Minister, ordinarily responsible for advis- ing and directing the conduct of the Lord-Lieutenant, was at one time the Secretary of State for the Home Department; and it is presumed that theoretically the responsibility still attaches to him. But in practice it has now devolved wholly, and, considering his sub- ordinate title, somewhat anomalously, on a functionary whose strict 14 official style is that of ' Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant.' The Secretary for Ireland, as he is popularly called, has, since the aboli- tion of the Irish Parliament, hecome essentially the Prime Minister of the Viceroy. He wields great powers, which he is sometimes called upon to exercise without communication with his chief, and he is the minister responsible to Parliament for every act of the Irish administration. He is invariably a Privy Councillor, and has always, at least of late years, been a member of the lower branch of the Legislature ; and the increasing frequency with which this part has in modern practice been associated with a seat in the Cabinet is a testi- mony to its augmented importance, and a proof of its virtual inde- pendence of the control of the Home Secretary." Traill, 78-80. (o) The Foreign Secretary. " The Foreign Secretary is the official organ and adviser of the Crown in its intercourse with foreign powers, and upon him devolves the duty of conducting those international negotiations upon the suc- cess of which the most vital interests of his country, or of Europe at large, may on occasion depend. In affairs of this high moment the general line of policy to be pursued would, of course, be settled by the Cabinet collectively ; but the execution of the particular plans agreed upon must be largely left in his hands, and according to the amount of tact and address displayed by him in directing it, the min- isterial policy may to a great extent be made or marred." Traill, 78. (6) The Leader of the House. The office of Leader of the House falls to some member of the Cabinet, who directs the Parliamentary action of the partisans of the Government, and in concert with the Speaker of the House exercises important control over the duration of debates. This honor is held by the Premier, if he sits in the Commons, but if he is in the other House it is usually given to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, or the First Lord of the Treasury. "It is not to In" wondered at that no constitutional topic has attracted more attention of late years than that of the true relation between the Ministers of the Crown and Parlia- ment. In the first place, this relation is, by its nature, of the most subtle kind, and sets at defiance any attempt at legal definition. In the second place, no analogy or precedent fof the character of the relation, as it exists in England at the present day, is supplied by the experience of any other country. In other countries the Ministers of the frown occupy a position either outside the representative Assemblies, as in the United States ; or in only casual and desultory connection with them, as under even such free Constitutions as those of France and [taly ; or one which is practically adverse to the representative Assem- blies) in reference to which the Ministers merely personate the competing and conspicu- ously jealous attitude of the Crown, — a state of things which seems to be represented in the German Empire." Sheldon Amos: Fifty Years of the English Constitution, p. 336. " The Opposition Party has now its recognized leader, who is the organ of communica- tion, for all purposes of arrangement and simplification of public business, with the leader 15 of the Government, that is, the leader of the House. The Opposition recognizes, equally with the party In power, the duty of loyalty to the clearly-ascertained will of its own major- ity, or to the dictates of its chief, as presumably expressing that will ; and of faithfully submitting to all the compromises or adjustments of business which its own chief, in con- cert with the leader of the House, shall make from time to time, in furtherance of such ends as that of deciding, satisfactorily, complex issues between the rival parties, and of determining whether the party in power continues to possess, on some or on all topics, the confidence of the majority of the House. In spite of the fact that it is the duty and habit of the Opposition to do its utmost to expose the shortcomings of the Government, and in fact to be the organ of the House itself, for the purpose of compelling the Government to acknowledge the rights and claims of the House, and that thereby an irritating hostility, sometimes of a most acrimonious and embittered sort, is engendered,— the existence and nurture of the relations just adverted to between the Opposition and the party in power have the effect of producing an extraordinary amount of unity of spirit and general co- operation between the House itself and the Government. The Government seems to the House to be, and is, the direct product and continuing creature of its own highest and most intense organization." Sheldon Amos, pp. 341, 342. III. The Parliament. a. House of Lords. (1) In 1886 tins was composed of — 5 Peers of the Blood Royal, 29 Viscounts, 2 Archbishops, 24 Bishops, 22 Dukes, 285 Barons, 20 Marquesses, 16 Scottish representative Peers, 118 Earls, 28 Irish representative Peers. (2) These hold their seats : — (a) By virtue of hereditary right ; (b) By creation of the Sovereign ; (c) By virtue of office, — English Bishops ; {d) By election for life, — Irish Peers; (e) By election for duration of Parliament, — Scot- tish Peers. (3) Its Powers. " From the Reform Act the function of the House of Lords has been altered in English history. Before that Act it was, if not a directing chamber, at least a chamber of directors. The leading nobles, who had most influence in the Commons, and swayed the Commons, sat there. Aristocratic influence was so powerful in the House of Commons that there never was any serious breach of unity. When the Houses quarrelled, it was, as in the gr< at Aylesbury case, about their respective privileges, and not about the national policy. The influence of the nobility was then so potent that it was not necessary to exert it. Since the Reform Act the House of Lords has become a revising and suspending house. It can alter bills ; it can reject bills on which the House of Commons is not yet thoroughly in earnest, — upon which the nation is not yet determined. Their veto is a sort of hypothetical veto. They say, we reject your bill for this once, or these twice, or even these thrice, but if you keep on sending it up, at last we won't reject it." Bagehot : English Constitution, 99. " In theory it has a coordinate power with the King, and the House of Commons ; practically, it does not initiate important meas- ures, but confines itself to amending and revising Bills sent up from the Commons ; it is thus a most useful check on hasty legislation, 16 whilst on a matter on which the nation has really made up its minds the Lords are compelled to yield, e. g., the Reform Bill of 1832. It has the sole power of initiating Bills relating to the peerage, but can- not initiate or amend a money Bill." Feilden, 126. b. House of Commons, G70 members, composed of — (a) Knights of the shire, representing counties (377). (b) Burgesses, representing boroughs (284). (c) Representatives of Universities (9). c. Parliament is summoned by the Crown ; new Parliament in seven years. 3. Iland of Man. Manx people are distinct Keltic nationality. Last kings of Man were Dukes of Athole, who sold their revenues in 1765, but did not give up entire rights until 1825, since which time only has Man been a dependency of the British crown. Area, 220 sq. mi., popul., 54,000. a. Government, home rule, consisting of Lieut.-Governor, and an elected Parliament known as the Tynwald Court. Two Houses of Parliament, the Council, and the House of Keys. Acts of this Parliament receive the assent of the British Crown. Must then be proclaimed on Tynwald Hill. (See Introduction to Scott's Peveril of the Peak, and article by W. H. Rideing in Harper s Mag., Vol. 50.) 4. The Channel Ilands. Government, Home Rule. Area, 76 sq. mi. Popul., 87,000. Ilands divided into Bailiwick of Jersey and Bailiwick of Guernsey. Each bailiwick under the control of its own representative legislature called the "States." The British government appoints for each baili- wick a Lieut.-Governor and a Bailiff. (See Ansted's and Inglis's "Channel Islands.") 5. Local Administration of England. pkincipal divisions. a. The Parish. Organization; a Vestry, and Board of Over- seers of the Poor appointed by the Vestry. Poor Law Parish, Highway Parish, and Ecclesiastical Parish. b. The Union. Generally an aggregation of Parishes ; au- thority, Board of Guardians. Most important duties, care of the poor and sanitation. c. The County. Financial, judicial, and administrative di- vision. 17 Chief authorities, — Lord-Lieutenant, Sheriff, Coroner, Justices, and County Councils, the latter a representative legislative and administrative hody created by Act of 1888. d. The City of London. English Citizen Series, Chalmers: Local Government, 139-147. e. The Local Government Board. The central authority for local government. Chalmers, 150, 151. " The local government areas into which England and Wales are divided may be enu- merated as follows : There are 52 counties, 40 in England and 12 in Wales ; 239 municipal boroughs, 70 Improvement Act Districts, 1006 urban sanitary districts, 41 port sanitary au- thorities, 577 rural sanitary districts, 2051 school-board districts, 424 highway districts, 853 burial-board districts, 649 unions, 194 lighting and watching districts, 14,946 poor-law parishes, 5064 highway parishes, not included in urban or highway districts, and about 13,000 ecclesiastical parishes. The total number of local authorities who tax the English rate-payer is 27,069, and they tax him by means of 18 different kinds of rates." M. D. Chalmers: Local Government (English Citizen Series), p. 18. 6. Systems of Colonial Government. a. English colonial governments are of three forms : — (1) Those having neither responsible nor representative government. (2) Those having a representative but no responsible gov- ernment. (3) Those having both responsible and representative gov- ernments. (4) Dependencies. (5) Protectorates. b. Commercial importance. Colonies and Dependencies, 120- 125. The Reign of Queen Victoria, I, 457, 458. One third of British exports goes to the colonies. Colonies and Depend- encies, 121. c. England's colonies compared with those of France and Ger- many. (1) France. 885,000 sq. mi., or less than one tenth of England's. Colonies represented in the French Senate and Chamber of Deputies, and politically form part of the Republic. (2) Germany. Colonial possessions large on the coast of Africa, but as yet not important. Change of policy in 1884, with extensive annexations. 7. Imperial Federation. Marquis of Lome: Imperial Federation (in Buxton's Imperial Par- liament Series). a. Colonial conferences. 18 LECTURES III-IV. i:\(.l ISII POLITICAL PARTIES. 1. The different parties. a. Tories ; Conservatives. b. Whigs ; Liberals ; Radicals. c. Liberal Unionists. d. Irish Nationalists, or Parnellites, or Home Rulers. e. The administrations. Tories ; Conservatives. Whigs ; Liberals. 1812-1830 1830-1834 1834-1835 1835-1841 Lord Liverpool, Wellington. Peel. Earl Grey. Melbourne. 1841-1846 1846-1852 Peel. Lord John Russell. 1852 1852-1858 Derby. Aberdeen, Palmerston. 1858-1859 1859-1865 Derby. Palmerston. 1865-1866 1866-1868 1868-1874 1874-1880 1880-1885 Derby, Disraeli. Disraeli (Beaconsfleld). Russell. Gladstone. Gladstone. 1885-1886 1886 1886 Salisbury. Salisbury. Gladstone. A. Parliamentary and Electoral Reforms. 1. The term reform in English history is used with especial refer- ence to representation in Parliament. 2. French Revolution and its ideas exerted strong influence upon English politics, and diverted attention from domestic questions. Whigs (C. J. Fox) inclined to criticise Revolution more favorably. Tories (Pitt and Burke) violently oppose it and sustain the long war against Napoleon. Popular Revolutionary societies. Bright : His- tory of England, III, 1160-62, 19 3. Attempts at Reform before 1832. Advocated in 1745 ; by Lord Chatham in 1770; by Win. Pitt in 1782; by Earl Grey in 1792. Lecky: History of England in \%th Century, IV, 60-62. Molesworth : The History of England, I, 4-8; after 1816, bills were introduced yearly. Molesworth, I, 11-14 ; 17. Opposition. 4. Rapid spread of Reform principles and of popular discontents after 1815, due to — a. Organization among workingmen. Knight : Popular His- tory of England, VIII, chap. v. b. Success of Irish agitation under O'Connell. See below. c. Revolution of 1830 in France. Peaceful revolution con- ducted by middle classes against reactionary king. See Lect- ure XVII. d. Manufacturing districts of the North of England unrepre- sented in Parliament. Domination of the land-owning class. Triumph of Whigs over Tories in the Act of 1832 for the reform of Parliament. Wellington. Knight: VIII, 262, 263. Bright, III, 1420-22, 5. Character of the franchise and of representation in Parliament. a. Distinction between county and borough franchise. " The knight of the shire was the man of the county which elected him. The borough member was ordinarily a burgess of the borough which he represented. But the rule was not followed in the case of the county. When the position of a member of Parliament became a privilege, rich men evaded the law by being admitted to the free burghership of the town. The election in a borough was not con- ducted on the principle which was uniformly in force in the sur- rounding county. In some towns the whole of the inhabitants, in others the rate-payers, in others again the governing bodies, chose the representatives. Originally, indeed, the borough franchise was probably wide, and included either the whole of the adult male inhab- itants of the borough, or those of them, at any rate, who paid scot and lot, as the local and general taxes were called, or enjoyed the freedom of the community. But it was the policy of the Stuarts to limit the franchise, and the restrictions which were thus introduced were continued by decisions of the House of Commons after the Restoration. In consequence of these decisions, a great variety of franchises existed in different boroughs. These complicated ana difficult franchises made the work of a returning officer no sinecure. When Romilly stood for Horsham in 20 1807, only 73 electors voted ; yet the poll-clerk was occupied for the best part of two days in taking down the description of every burg- age tenement from the deeds of the voters. In Weymouth the right of voting was the title to any portion of certain ancient rents within the borough ; and, according to Lord Campbell's autobiography, sev- eral electors voted in 1826 as entitled to an undivided twentieth part of a sixpence." Spencer Walpole : The Electorate and the Legislature, 52-54. b. Rotten and nomination boroughs. McCarthy: Epoch of Reform, 25. 26. " The members of the House of Commons were mostly returned by decayed towns or little villages, and the inhabitants or electors uniformly supported the nominee of their patron. It was stated in 1793 that 309 out of the 513 members, belonging to England and Wales, owed their election to the nomination either of the Treasury or of 162 powerful individuals. The 45 Scotch members were nomi- nated by 35 persons. In 1801. 71 out of the 100 Irish members owed their seats to the influence of oo patrons. The House of Com- mons, therefore, consisted of 658 members, and of these 425 were returned either on the nomination or on the recommendation of 252 patrons. "Some boroughs had almost literally no inhabitants. Gatton was a park ; Old Sarum a mound ; Corfe Castle a ruin ; the remains of what once was Dunwich were under the waves of the North Sea. But the great mass of boroughs were a little more populous than these places, and contained a dozen, fifty, or even one hundred dependent electors." Spencer Walpole, 55, 56. c. Non-representation of large and important districts. "In 1831 the ten southern counties of England and Wales com- prised a population of 3,260,000 persons, and returned 235 members to Parliament ; the six northern counties contained a population of 3,594,000 persons, and returned 66 members to Parliament; Lan- cashire, with 1,330,000 people, had 14 representatives; Cornwall, with 3,000 inhabitants, had 44 representatives. In round numbers, every 7,500 persons in Cornwall, and every 100,000 people in Lan- cashire, had a member to themselves." Spencer Walpole, 58. d. Restricted suffrage. e. Bribery. 6. Act of 1832. Fyffe, II, 419-421. McCarthy: Epoch of Re- form, ch. 6. Midler, 149, 150. Molesworth, 1, chs. 2, 3, 4, consider the Reform bill in detail. 21 a. 56 rotten boroughs disfranchised. b. 30 boroughs lost one member ; 2 lost two members. c. 22 large towns given two members ; 20 one member. d. County members increased from 94 to 159. e. Changes in the franchise ; extension. "Up to 1832 the county members had been invariably elected by an uniform constituency,— the county freeholders ; the borough mem- bers had been elected by different kinds of electors in different places. The Act of 1832 exactly reversed this condition. The complicated borough franchises were swept away ; and, except for the preserva- tion of the rights of freemen and freeholders, the borough franchise was confiued to householders whose houses were worth not less than ten pounds a year. The county franchise, on the contrary, was enlarged by the admission of copyholders, of leaseholders, and of tenants whose holding was of the clear annual value of fifty pounds." Spencer Walpole, 62. 7. Change of party names. Conservatives and Liberals. McCar- thy: Own Times, I, 28. Sir Robert Peel ; Lord John Russell ; Pal- merston. a. Anti-Corn Law League, 1837-1846. Richard Cobden ; John Bright. Gowinfs Life of Cobden. Morleys Life of Cobden. Molesivorth, II, 178-226. 8. The English Radicals. Chartism. Molesivorth, II, 270-302. Bright, IV, 44-46, 87-89, 176-178. 9. Reform Act of 1867 ; Disraeli ; redistribution and reduction of franchise. For abstract of the Act: Ewald, 232-238. McCarthy, ch. 51, 52, 11, 340-370. Molesivorth, III, ch. 5. 271-355. a. Rivalry of Disraeli and Gladstone. See Kebbel: Life of Beaconsfield. Emerson : Life of Gladstone. 10. Introduction of the Ballot. Ballot act of 1872. Gladstone. Molesivorth, III, 410, 411. Judges of Election Returns, 1868; Cor- rupt Practices Prevention Act, 1883. Hazell. a. " It is still felt by many who are most earnest vindicators of political liberty that the effect of the ballot must be to impair political conscientiousness by hiding out of sight the fact that the franchise is at least as much a trust to be publicly exercised as a right to be privately enjoyed." Amos: Fifty Years of the English Constitution, 39. b. " The ballot is a machine to protect the individual voter, not against the nation on whose behalf he exercises the trust, but against all sorts of illicit pressure, outrage, clamor, intrusivenesg, curiosity and confusion, which, on so solemn an occasion as that of recording a vote for a member of the legislature, may disconcert even the strongest-minded voter, and which voters of average mental strength and intelligence may be wholly unable to bear up against." Amos: Fifty Years of the English Constitution, 39, 40. 22 11. Reform Act of 1885. Gladstone. a. Extension of suffrage. b. Redistribution of Parliamentary seats. Statesman's Tear Book, 212-215. Haxell. c. Result of extension of suffrage in Ireland, the triumph of Home Hule candidates except in Ulster; alliance between Liberals and Parnellites to establish Irish Home Rule. — See below, §i?, 12, c. 12. Woman Suffrage. " At a parliamentary election a woman cannot Vote, neither can she serve as a member of Parliament. But a woman may exercise all local franchisee it' she be qualified in other respects, and she also may fill most local offices. It has been judicially decided that a woman may be a commissioner of sewers, governor of a workhouse, keeper of a prison, gaoler, parish constable, returning officer for a parliamentary election, guardian, and over- seer of the poor. In the case of the oVerseer the judges rather ungraciously intimated that a man ought to be appointed, and that if there was no man available a woman was the next beet thing. " Women have come forward lately in a good many instances to serve on school boards, but with this exception they have not shown much disposition to take part in local affairs." Chalmers: Local Govemnient, pp. 11, 12. 13. Modern English Radicalism ; John Bright, Joseph Chamber- lain, Sir Charles Dilke, Charles Bradlaugh, Republican in tendency ; Reform of House of Lords ; most urgent demands met by Reform Act of 1885, and by Mr. Forster's PMucation Acts of 1869 and 1870, establishing public school systems. Bright, IV, 462-66. See Wemyss Reid's Life of W. E. Forster. B. Ireland and the Irish Question. Popul., 5.1 m. ; area, 32,531 sq. mi.; 4 times Massachusetts. 1. Four ancient divisions of Ireland : Leinster, Minister, Connaught, and Ulster; the three former, Catholic; the latter, Protestant. 2. History of Ireland before the Legislative Union with England (1801). First invasion from England, 1169. First real conquest of the whole iland in the reign of Elizabeth, 1595-1602. a. 1495. Statute of Drogheda. (1) Irish Parliament not to be held except by consent of King of England. (2) No bill to be introduced into Irish parliament except by King's consent. (3) Recent English legislation should extend to Ireland. b. 1597. Rebellion of the Irish. Green: Short History of English People, 449-452. c. 1633. The "Thorough" policy of Wentworth. Green, 509,510. 23 d. 1641. Irish massacre in Ulster; 30,000 Protestants slain. The period of Cromwell. Dearie : A Short History of Ire- land, ch. v ; Green, 558. e. 1652. Act of Settlement for Ireland. Land of the Irish in Ulster, Munster, and Leinster was confiscated and dis- tributed among those who had advanced money for the war, and the soldiers. Papists who had not taken part in the rebellion received land in Connaught. /. 1689-1801. The Roman Catholics of Ireland supported James II. ; after the Revolution treated with great harsh- ness. Roman Catholics excluded from Irish Parliament. Green, 670, 671 ; 772, 773. "A reward of £100 is offered for information against any priest who exercises his religious functions, for which the penalty is impris- onment for life. Every Papist at the age of eighteen is to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, and subscribe the declaration against transubstantiation and the worship of saints, in default of which he is incapable of holding land by purchase or inheritance, and the property is to go to the next Protestant kin. No Catholic is to send his children abroad to be educated. N. B. — This Act was rarely put into practice. Acland and Ransome: Political History, 124. For the whole period before the Union. May : Constitutional His- tory of England, II, ch. 16. Deane, ch. 7. 3. Legislative Union of Great Britain with Ireland, 1801 ; Imperial parliament ; Ireland sent 32 members to the House of Lords, and 100 members to House of Commons. Deane, ch. 10. Green, 772, 773. Pitt not successful in attempt to repeal certain Acts against the Roman Catholics. 4. Emmet's Rebellion, 1803. Deane, 137. 5. Catholic Emancipation, 1829. Deane, 147-156. Green, 778-798. Catholics admitted to all offices except those of Regent, Lord Chancellor of England and Ireland, and Viceroy of Ireland. Daniel O'Connell. McCarthy, ch. 12. Hamilton's Life of O' Connell. 6. The tithe war. Molesworth, I, 293, 303, 373, 385; II, 18. Deane, 156-168, 178. McCarthy: Epoch of Reform, ch. 8. 1838, Irish poor law. " It is shown that the state church included little more than one tenth of the people, that in 150 parishes there was not one Protestant, and in 860 parishes less than 50." 7. Agitation for Repeal of the Union, and for the reestablishment of an Irish Parliament. Beginning of the " Home Rule " movement, 24 1843. Deane, 185-190. McCarthy, 1, 182-203. McCarthy: Epoch, of Reform, 191-194. In this agitation O'Connell condemned the use of physical force, and hoped to dissolve the Union by peaceful methods; this policy was too cautious for the more radical portion of his followers, and there was consequently a secession known as the Young Ireland Movement. McCarthy, I, 302-317. Deane, 196-202. Epoch of Reform, 195. 8. Potato famine, 1847; emigration, chiefly to the United States. Deane, 190-193. McCarthy, I, 277-282. 9. Fenianism. Deane, 203-211. McCarthy, II, 373-390. Reign of Queen Victoria, I, 577-583. Rutherford's Secret History of the Fenian Conspiracy. 10. Disestablishment. Deane, eh. 14. McCarthy, II, 450-454, 463-471. 11. The land question. Deane, ch. 15. McCarthy, II, 471-479. Land owned largely by few persons ; absenteeism ; evictions ; rack- rent system ; Ulster tenant-right ; Clearances, and the Encumbered Estates Act, 1848-49. Deane, 223. McCarthy, II, 473, 474. Bright, IV, 165-168, 192. a. First Land Act, 1860. Attempt to base relations between the owner of the land and the tenant on contract instead of custom, or common law. Reactionary measure against inter- ests of tenants. b. Second Land Act, 1870. For Gladstone's Speech, see Molesworth, III, 385-388. Mc Carthy, II, 477. Deane, 230- 237. Bright, IV, 460, 461. Partly legalized Ulster tenant right. (1) Compensation to tenant for disturbance by landlord, except in case of eviction for non-payment of rent. (2) Compensation for improvements which are presumed to be made by tenant unless landlord can prove the con- trary. (3) Possible for tenants to borrow two thirds of purchase money necessary to buy their holding from the Govern- ment. (4) Landlords might escape these conditions by letting land on long leases. c. Third Land Act, 1881 ; the " three F's." Deane, 238, 239. Muller, 585, 586. (1) "If a yearly tenant thinks his rent too high, he may go hefore the Laud Commission Court, and get a rent 25 fixed. This rent canuot be raised for fifteen years, and then only by the Court which fixed it. This privilege is called ' Fair Rent.' (2) When a tenant has a fair rent fixed, he cannot be evicted by his landlord except for non-payment of rent, for dilapidation, persistent waste, or the breach of some other statutory condition. This privilege is called ' Fix- ity of Tenure.' (3) Every yearly tenant has now an interest in his holding which he can sell. Thus, a tenant wishing to give up his farm can sell the right of succession for a sum equal to several years' purchase of the rent. This privilege is called 'Free Sale.' d. Land Purchase Act of 1885, popularly known as Lord Ashbourne's Act, — renewed and extended in 1888, appar- ently a successful effort to increase the number of land- owners. Deane, 239, 240. "If a tenant wishes to buy his holding, and arranges with his landlord as to terms, he can change his position from that of a per- petual rent payer into that of the payer of an annuity terminable at the end of forty-nine years, the Government supplying him with the entire purchase money, to be repaid during those forty-nine years at four per cent. This annual payment of £4 for every £100 borrowed covers both principal and interest. Thus, if a tenant, already paying a statutory rent of £50, agrees to buy from his landlord at twenty years' purchase, or £1000, the Government will lend him the money, his rent will at once cease, and he will pay, not £50, but £40 yearly, for forty-nine years, and then become the owner of his holding free of all charge." Up to Nov. 30, 1888, 11,920 applicants had received advances amounting to £4,922,100; 3599 of these cases were tenants paying less than £10 rent. No failures to pay installments. 13. The Home-Rule party, 1870. McCarthy, II, 542-545. Isaac Butt, 1870-75; Shaw, 1875-77; Parnell, 1877-. Agitation for restoration of Home Rule to Ireland based on disaf- fection with the system of land tenure. Parnell leads successful revolt of more violent wing of Home-Rule party against conservative leader, Butt. "Obstruction" in Parliament, 1874-77. Bright, IV, 554— 5G0. a. The Land League and National Convention system, 1879. Refusal to pay rents. Agrarian outrages. Appeal to the Irish in the United States. Bright, IV, 560-5G2. 26 (1) W. E. Foster's Coercion Act, 1881. Unparalleled obstructive tactics of Irish members of Parliament. T. Wemyss Reid: Life of W. E. Foster. b. " No Rent Manifesto." Suppression of Land League, Oct. 20, 1881. Organization of National Land League. Objects, polit- ical and industrial independence. The plan of campaign ; Michael Davitt, leader of the agrarian agitation. Doctrine of the nationalization of the land. See HurlbuVs "Ireland under Coercion" especially pp. 161-164; also Proceedings before the Parnell Inquiry Commission, London Times, 1888. (1) Phoenix Park murders, 1882. The " Invincibles." Crimes Acts of 1882 and 1887. Hazell, 1888, pp. 166, 167. The " Closure " to stop " obstruction," 1887. Hazell, 432. (2) Contributions from America. The League in the United States. c. Alliance between Gladstone and Parnell, 1886. Gladstone's Home-Rule Bill, April 8, 1886 ; defeated, 341 to 311. See Hazell, 1887, "Home Ride." Gladstone's Land-Purchase Bill (1886), introduced to accompany Home-Rule Bill, and failed with it. Contem- plated universal purchase by new Irish state with money loaned by English Treasury. (1) Division of Liberal party. (a) Home Rulers ; Gladstone, Morley, Harcourt. (b) Liberal Unionists ; Bright, Hartington, Chamberlain, Goschen, unite with Conservatives to maintain the union of 1801, and to suppress agrarian crime in Ireland. d. Appeal to the country. Defeat of Gladstone in General Election of 1886. Marquis of Salisbury (Conservative), Premier, 1886; A. J. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1887. e. The League " proclaimed " under Balfour's Coercion Act, Aug., 1887. HazelTs Annual Cyclopedia, 1888, p. 386. 27 LECTURE V. CANADA. THE CAPE COLONY. A. Canada. Reference; Payne: European Colonies, ch. 11. 1. Early history. a. Until 1774, governed by England as a conquered province. b. From 1774 until 1791, governed as a crown colony by a Governor under the name of Province of Quebec. c. In 1791, divided into Upper and Lower Canada, the Ottawa River being the boundary between them. In each colony a governor and council were established, but there was no responsible government. Little wisdom shown in the gov- ernment, " The Councils and Assemblies could indeed vote new laws, but their acts might be vetoed by an irresponsible Executive. The Coun- cils and Assemblies voted supplies, but the Executive admiuistered them. No member of the Executive could be deprived of his post by the Council and Assembly ; and however corrupt and unpopular the entire government might be, it was removable only by the Brit- ish Government, which acted through the Colonial office. The Colo- nial office was presided over by an English Secretary of State, who owed his position to the chances of party politics, and was sometimes ignorant of the very names of the colonies whose fortunes were placed in his hands. A system better adapted to degrade and irritate a growing community could not have been devised." Payne, 103, 104. 2. Insurrection of 1837. Causes : «. ID feeling between the French and English. " In Lower Canada there was a chronic animosity between the French and the English. It was a war of races, which so divided the people that they hardly mingled in society, and * the only public occasion when they met was in the jury-box, and they met there oidy to the utter obstruction of justice.' " The Reign of Queen, Victoria, I, 431. b. Misrule. " There was no agreement between the executive and the assembly. In all of them the 28 administration of public affairs was habitually confined to those who did not co-operate harmoniously with the popular branch of the legislature." The Reign of V" ' " Victoria, I, 431. 3. Responsible government (the Union Act) grunted in 1840. Upper and Lower Canada were united. " The subordination of the Executive to the Legislature, as in the mother-country, which was thus secured, received the name of ' Re- sponsible Government.' It was the emancipation of the colony, and rendered it practically as free as one of the United States. It was also the emancipation of the empire, for when secured in one of the colonies it was within the reach of all. This change is the principal event in our modern colonial history. Henceforth it was recognized that the inhabitants of all colonies where Englishmen are the major- ity were entitled to the same political rights as Englishmen at home." Payne, 105, 106. 4. Canadian Federation. Payne, 162-164. a. 1867, union of Canada, — composed of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, — Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick as a k ' Dominion." Bright, IV, 43;3-435. b. Since then Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, and Manitoba have joined the Confederation. Newfoundland not yet included. " The Canadian federation was a consequence of the American civil war. Not only did there seem to be every prospect of attack, but the action of the home government taught the various colonies of North America that they must rely on their own strength for defense. The necessity was common to all, and the advantages of a defensive union were conspicu- ously brought before them." The h'<_i THE REVOLTED CHRISTIAN STATES OF THE BALKAN PENINSULA — MONTENEGRO, ROUMANIA, GREECE, SERVIA, BULGARIA. References: Laveleye: The Balkan Peninsula. R. G. Latham: Russian and Turk. Lewis Sergeant: New Greece. Lane- Poole : Turkey ; Story of the Nations Series. David Urquhart : The Spirit of the East, 2 vols. A. Empire of the Ottoman Turks to 1878. 1. Early history of the Turks. 58 a. The Ottoman Turks appeared in history in 1240; gradu- ally acquired province alter province from the old Eastern Roman empire ; finally established themselves in Constan- tinople in 1453. Lodge, 19. Fisher : Outlines of Universal History, 352, 353. b. About 1550, the kingdom of the Turks reached its greatest power, including all Asia Minor to the Persian frontier ; Arabia, Egypt, and all North Africa to Morocco ; the whole Balkan peninsula, from the southernmost extremity of Greece to the southern boundary of Poland, including all but the extreme western portion of Hungary, and including the Tatar regions along the north shore of the Black Sea ; 1683, siege of Vienna; Hungary recovered by Austria, 1682-99; Barbary states of North Africa become only nominally dependent during 17th and 18th centuries ; Mon- tenegro (Czernagora) rebelled successfully, 1700. Lodge, 208, 209. Shifting of territory between Turkey, Austria, and Russia, 1768-74, Catharine's first war against Tur- key, by which Russia gained territory in the Crimea, and right of navigation for trading vessels on the Black Sea. Fyffe, II, 258. Lodge, 449. McCarthy, I, 453-455. Wal- lachia and Moldavia restored Xo native rulers, for whom Russia was henceforth to be the Protector at Constantinople. War closed by peace of Kutschouc Kainardji. Fyffe, II, 259, 2G0 ; six important points in this treaty. Ploetz, 412. (1) The Tatars were released from allegiance to Turkey, and brought under Russian influence. (2) Russia obtained a firm footing on the north coasts of the Black Sea (Crimea), pushing back the Turkish fron- tier to the river Boug. (3) The frontier line between the two powers in Asia was left much as it was before the war. (4) Russia stipulated for an embassy at Constantinople, and for certain privileges for Christians in Turkey. (5) Russia exacted promises for the better government of the principalities, reserving the right of remonstrance if these were not kept. (6) Russia obtained a declaration of her right of free com- mercial navigation in Turkish waters. All subsequent controversies between the Porte and Russia may be referred to one of these six heads. Ploetz, 412. 59 c. Gradual encroachment of Russia by successive wars. From the Boug river to the Dniester (1792), then to the Pruth (1812). Miiller, 89, 90. Servia partly autonomous ; England becomes diplomati- cally powerful at Constantinople ; Lord Stratford de Red- cliffe. &. Y. Nation, Dec. 27, 1888, p. 522. d. Egypt becomes only nominally dependent, 1811-41 ; Mehe- met Ali ; England forces from Turkey a promise of justice to Christians, an empty promise. 2. 1821-29, Greek Independence. Lodge, 650-656. Fyffe, II, 268-280, 285-300, 305-312, 345. Miiller, 70-73. For the Eastern question in general before the Crimean war, see McCarthy, I, 433- 461. For a sketch of the previous condition of Greece, see Fyffe, II, 237-262. a. Russian interference after accession of Nicholas in behalf of Christian subjects of Sultan. Loss of territory in Arme- nia. Gradual rise of Servia and the Danubian principali- ties. Treaties of Akerman (1826). of London (1827), of Adrianople (1829). Latham : Russian and Turk, 48-5 1. b. The Turkish Janissaries: their destruction, 1826. Miiller, 88. 3. Crimean war, 1853-56. Miiller, 253-264. Lodge, 743-745. a. Causes : ambition of Nicholas I : protectorate over all Christians of Greek church. McCarthy, I, 475-517. The Reign of Queen Victoria, I, 81-87. "The guardianship and possession of certain places at Jerusalem were for many years the source of contest between Christians belonging to the Greek and Latin churches. These spots, known as Holy Places, are hallowed from a supposed connection with our Saviour, the Virgin Mary, or the early disciples. Amongst them the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, on Mt. Calvary, in which Uie sepulchre of Christ is said to exist, occupies a prominent position. In 1090, this Holy Sepulchre was appropriated to the Latins, and though other Christians might enter for private devotions, the Latins alone were allowed to celebrate mass therein. It afforded constant matter of dispute, and France always appeared as champion of the Latin Church, and Russia in modern times espoused the cause of the Greek, for the conflict was at length confined to these rival sects. In 1740, a treaty was signed between France and the Porte, having special reference to this question. In 1757, a serious outbreak occurred at Jerusalem, and the holy sanctuaries were placed under the protection of the Greek monks. Thus the rights and privileges granted to the Latins by the treaty of 1740 were gradually encroached upon by successive decrees issued at Constantinople in favor of Greek Christians. For many years these matters were fiercely contested at Jerusalem. In 1850, the French government directed their represent- ative at Constantinople to effect some arrangement. The Turkish Government admitted the justice of the French claims, and affairs were progressing when the Emperor Nicho- las, favoring the interests of the Greek Church, wrote a letter to the Sultan, requiring his adherence to the status qua. Pressed by these formidable rivals, the Sultan knew not how to act; and as the discussion was prolonged, Nicholas gradually disclosed his real inten- tions. An arrangement was nearly concluded in 1S52 ; but toward the close of the year the Czar set the forces of his empire in motion. In Feb., 1853, Prince Menschikoff repaired to Constantinople, as extraordinary ambassador from Russia ; and, although the 60 real nature of his mission did not at first transpire, it soon became evident that the ruin of Turkey was intended." Condensed from Ewald, 128, 129. " In his conferences with the English ambassador in St. Petersburg, Sir Hamilton Sey- mour, Nicholas called Turkey a "sick man," whom no doctor could help, so that it was already time to come to some definite agreement about his inheritance. According to his plan, Servia, Bulgaria, and Bosnia were to be made independent states, and with Moldavia and Wallachia, to be placed under the Russian protectorate. If England wished to appro- priate Egypt and Candia, Russia had no objection. In his opinion, England and Russia were the oidy countries concerned, as they were the only ones who had a tangible interest in Turkey, and if they agreed about the transaction, there was no need of consulting the other powers." Midler, 254. b. Peace of Paris, 1856. (1) Russia ceded the mouths of the Danube and a small portion of Bessarabia, on the left bank of the lower Danube. (2) Russia renounced the one-sided protectorate over the Christians in Turkey, and over the principalities of the Danube. (3) Russia restored Kars, and promised not to establish any arsenals upon the Black Sea, nor to maintain there more ships than the Porte. (4) The Western powers restored Sebastopol to Russia, after having destroyed the docks, the constructions in the harbor, and the fortifications. Ploetz, 501. Lodge, 745. Miiller, 264-2G6. McCarthy, I, 517-523. (5) Promise of justice to Christians renewed. Hat Huma- yun, 1856. " England, which had accomplished nothing gr>-at, either at sea or on land, was regarded as on the decline. The Chancellor of the Russian Empire, Prince Alexander Gortschakoff, a brother of the General, in his circular of Sept. 2, 185G, described Russia's new pro- gramme in the words, ' Russia does not repine, she collects herself ' (La Russie ne boude pas, elle se recueille). Against Austria, which had ' astonished the world by its ingratitude,' Russia cherished a most bitter grudge, while it recognized Prussia's favorable attitude by friendly approaches." Miiller, 265. 4. Revolt of Christians in Syria, 1860; temporary occupation by the French. Miiller, 266. 5. Wallachia and Moldavia united as Roumania, 1861 ; a blow to Turkish power. McCarthy, I, 518. Miiller, 266. 6. Revolt of Crete, which led to ill feeling between Turkey and Greece, 1866. Lodge, 448. Western powers interfere. McCarthy, II, 585. Miiller, 398. 7. Continued revolts, 1870-75. Lodge, 749, 750. Virtual inde- pendence of Egypt; revolt in Servia. McCarthy, II, 585, 586. 8. Revolt in Herzegovina, 1874. McCarthy, II, 587, 588. Miiller, 505-508. Lodge, 748. Turkish system of taxation ; demands of the rebels ; a, reform in taxation ; b, native instead of Turkish officials ; 61 c, native militia. Sympathy and support of Servia and Montenegro. Mutter, 511. McCarthy. II, 597. a. The Sultan Abdul Aziz, deposed by the Turkish war party. His successor, Murad V, deposed in thirteen months, for idiocy. Accession of Abdul Hamid II, 1876. The Death of Abdul Aziz and of Turkish Reform ; Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, p. 276. 9. Bulgarian atrocities ; policy of Turkey towards Bulgaria one of repression by harsh abuse and even massacre ; revolt in 1876 ; the Bashi-Bazouks, Lodge, 749. Miiller, 514-517. McCarthy, II, 591- 594. Gladstone : Bulgarian Horrors. a. War declared by Servia and Montenegro, under Russian instigation, 1876: interference by the great powers unsuc- cessful because they demanded rights of guardianship over Turkey, while Turkey would grant nothing but promises of reform. 10. Russia declared war against Turkey. 1877, as protector of oppressed Christians, and especially Slavonic Christians in Turkey. 1877-78, Turco-Russian war. Lodge, 750. Miiller, 518-545. Mc- Carthy, II, 600-603. 11. Concluded by peace of San Stefano, which aroused great oppo- sition from western powers as too favorable to Russian interests. Midler, 545-548. Lodge, 751. McCarthy, II, 602-605. 12. Congress of Berlin, June, 1878. Principal conditions : a. Montenegro, Servia, Roumania, became independent, but the cessions to be made to the two former states were some- what reduced, while the territory which Roumania was to receive in exchange for Bessarabia was somewhat enlarged. h. The principality of Bulgaria was limited to the country between the Danube and the Balkans, including, however, Sofia and its territory. c. The southern portion of Bulgaria, with its boundaries con- siderably narrowed toward the south and west, was left under the immediate rule of the Sultans, with the title Province of East Roumelia, but received a separate mili- tia, and administration under a Christian governor-general ; only in specified cases could it be occupied by regular Turk- ish troops. d. The Russian troops were to evacuate E. Roumelia and Bul- garia inside of nine months, Roumania inside of a year. 62 e. The Porte ceded to Austria the military occupation and administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the military occupation of the Sandshak of Novi Bazar. f. The Porte was advised to cede a part of Epirus and Thes- saly to Greece. g. Russia received in Asia, Batoum, Kars, Adaghan, and some border territories. h. In Turkey, and all the states which had been separated from her, there should be political equality of all confessions. I. Turkey promised reforms in the Armenian provinces, and security of Armenians from attacks of robber Kurds, h and i have not been adhered to. Armenians worse treated than before. Ploetz, 524. Lodge, 7 51. Wilier, 550-552. McCarthy, II, 606-612. 13. Cyprus given to England, 1878. Statesman s Tear Book, 534. a. Intervention of England in Egypt, 1882. B. MONTENKGRO. Area, 3630 sq. mi., about § the size of Connecticut. Popul., 250,- 000 ; same blood as the Servians. History : 1. Declaration of independence of Turkey, 1700. Establishment of hereditary hierarchical government permitted, but not recognized by Turkey. Union of church and state under one head, called Vla- dika, 1700-1851. 2. 1851, the Vladika renounces the priestly dignity and becomes a temporal prince ; war with Turkey. a. Display of friendship for Russia in Crimean war rewarded by yearly payment. b. Accession of Nikita, 1861. 3. Begins with Servia the war against Turkey (1876), which led to the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. a. Independence recognized by Congress of Berlin, with ces- sions of territory, but under restrictions favorable to Aus- tria. Muller, 553, 554. b. The Dulcigno demonstration. Muller, 561-563. 4. Relations with Russia; hostility to Austria and to Albanians. 5. Government. Hereditary prince has absolute power. a. State Council, 8 members, 4 elected by the people. b. Inhabitants divided into tribes, each under elected " Elders." 6. Land laws, to prevent large estates. Laveleye, 281, 282. 63 C. ROUMANIA. Reference: James Samuelson : Roumania, Past and Present. Area, 48,307 sq. mi., about the size of North Carolina. Popul., about 5 J ra. About 4 m. Roumanians live in countries bordering Roumania. A race of mixed origin, the Vlach, or Wallach. History. 1. Known as " Danubian principalities of Moldavia and Walla- chia." First relief from Turkish rule by Russo-Turkish war, 1768- 74. Native rulers, but dependent on Turkey. 2. Greek insurrection begins in the principalities, 1821. Placed under protection of Russia. Treaty of Adrianople, 1829. 3. Autonomy under the suzerainty of Turkey guaranteed at end of Crimean war; union of two provinces under the name of Rouma- nia, and under one elected Hospodar, or Prince, 1859-61. Alexan- der Couza. 4. Navigation of the Danube. The European Commission, 1856. Eugene Schuyler : American Diplomacg, 352-363. Laveleye: Balkan Peninsula, 366, 367. 5. Emancipation of peasants from serf-labor, 1864. A peasant proprietary. The weight of indebtedness, Jewish money-lenders. Laveleye, 344-346. J. D. Bourchier : The Fate of Roumania, Fortnightly Review, Dec, 1888. a. Jewish question. Mutter, 563, 564. Laveleye, 361, 362. 6. Constitution (almost exact copy of that of Belgium), 1866, modified 1879 and 1884, and election of Charles of Hohenzollern- Sigmaringen, as hereditary prince. Laveleye, 342, 343. 7. Alliance with Russia against Turkey, 1877. Important services of Roumanian army at Plevna ; declared independent, 1877 ; and inde- pendence guaranteed by Congress of Berlin, 1878 ; loss of territory east of the Pruth to Russia ; recognized as a kingdom, 1881. 8. Government, hereditary constitutional monarchy. a. Political parties ; Conservatives, pro-Russian ; National Liberals (Jean Bratiano), anti-Russian. Triumph of Conservatives, 1888. Russian intrigues. D. Greece. Area, 25,000 sq. mi. ; 3 times Massachusetts. Popul., 2 \ m. ; about 5^ m. more under Turkish rule. 1. From the 16th century until 1821-29, Greece was governed as a province of Turkey. " The forward movement of the Greek nation may be said, in gen- eral terms, to have become visible during the first half of the eijdit- 64 eenth century. Serfage had then disappeared ; the peasant was either a freeholder or a farmer, paying a rent in kind for his land. In the gradual and unobserved emancipation of the laboring class, the first condition of national revival had already been fulfilled. The peasantry had been formed which, when the conflict with the Turk broke out, bore the brunt of the long struggle. In comparison with the Prussian serf, the Greek cultivator at the beginning of the eighteenth century was an independent man; in comparison with the English laborer, he was well fed and well housed. The evils to which the Greek population was exposed, wherever Greeks and Turks lived together, were those which brutalized or degraded the Christian races in every Ottoman province. There was no redress for injury inflicted by a Mohammedan official or neighbor. If a wealthy Turk murdered a Greek in the fields, burnt down his house, and outraged his family, there was no court where the offender could be brought to justice. The term by which the Turk described his Christian neighbor was k our rayah,' that is, ' our subject.' A Mohammedan landowner might terrorize the entire population around him, carry off the women, flog and imprison the men, and yet feel that he had committed no offence against the law; for no law existed but the Koran, and no Turkish court of justice but that of the Kadi, where the complaint of the Christian passed for nothing." Fyffe, II, 238, 239. a. Phanariotes. b. Klephts. Sergeant, 258-260. c. Hetreria. Fyffe, II, 265-270. d. Ionian Hands under British Protectorate, 1815-62. Ser- geant, 397, 398. 2. The Greek Church. Fyffe, II, 243, 244; 249, 250. 3. War of Independence, 1821-29. Lodge, 650-657. a. Unsuccessful rising of Ipsilanti. b. General revolt. Fyffe, II, 273-285. c. Interference of the Great Powers. Selfish diplomacy of Russia and England. Sergeant, 278-280, 350-352. d. Battle of Navarino. Fyffe, II, 330-334. e. Philohellenism. Sergeant, 312-320. f. Presidency of Capodistrias. Fyffe, II, 345-348 ; disputes over the new boundaries ; civil war. Fyffe, II, 353. g. Crete given back to Turkey, by England's influence. 4. Greece a kingdom, 1830. Lodge, 657. a. King Otho, 1833-63. 65 " A frontier somewhat better than that which had been offered to Leopold was granted to the new sovereign, but neither Crete, Thessaly, nor Epirus was included within his kingdom. Thus hemmed in within intolerably narrow limits, while burdened with the ex- penses of an independent state, alike unable to meet the calls upon its national exchequer, and to exclude the intrigues of foreign courts, Greece offered during the next generation little that justified the hopes that had been raised as to its future. " Poor and inglorious as the Greek kingdom was, it excited the restless longings not only of Greeks under Turkish bondage, but of the prosperous Ionian Islands under English rule; and, in 1SC4, the first step in the expansion of the Hellenic kingdom was accomplished by the transfer of these islands from Great Britain to Greece. Our own day has seen Greece further strengthened and enriched by the annexation of Thessaly. The commercial and educational development of the kingdom is now as vigorous as that of any state in Europe; in agriculture and in manufacturing industry it still lingers far behind." Fi/ffe, 354, 355. b. Representative constitution, 1843. c. Agitation for extending the northern boundary. " Greece was very much dissatisfied with the Peace of Paris, which guaranteed the Turk- ish boundaries. Henceforward King Otho had a difficult position. The nation could not forgive him for having shown no enterprise or military ambition during the Crimean war; and from that time on he was regarded as wholly unfit to carry out the ' great idea' of a great Greece and transfer his residence to Constantinople. "The Hellenes asked themselves whether that which the Italians had striven after with almost complete success was to be forbidden them ; whether they did not have the same right to give ear to their Grecian brothers who were sighing under the yoke of a barbarian people, and unite into one state all the Grecian provinces of the Olympian peninsula." Midler, 266. 5. Revolution and expulsion of Otho, 1862. George of Denmark chosen King, 1863. Cession of Ionian Hands by England. Sergeant, 397, 398. a. Insurrection of Crete in favor of union with Greece, 1866-68; Greater Greece; interference of the Powers; England, chiefly through fear of Russia, aids Turkey to retain Crete. 6. Position and claims of Greece in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877. Restraint by England ; unfulfilled promises of England. Sergeant, 402-413. Muller, 554. a. Greece, by threat of war, obtains Thessaly, 1881. 7. Government, hereditary constitutional monarchy. Single cham- ber. Election of members of the House by Scrutin de liste. Ser- geant, ch. iv. a. Political parties and tendencies. Tricoupis and party of peace and domestic reforms. The desire for expansion, and a vigorous foreign policy. b. Brigandage suppressed. Sergeant, 116-126. c. Greek influence in commerce. Sergeant, ch. vii. E. Servia. Area, 18,750 sq. mi. ; popul., nearly 2 m. History. 1. Subject to Turks, 1389-1806. Gains some powers of local 66 government, with aid of Eussia, 1807-11. Successful resistance to Turkey, 1815-29, under Alexander Milos Obrenovitch, whom Tur- key recognizes as hereditary prince. Annual tribute to be paid. 2. Russian intrigues to prevent growth of national Servian feel- ing. Civil wars, 1839-60. 3. Agitation for complete independence, 1860-68. "Withdrawal of Turkish garrisons, 1867. Accession of Milan, 1868. Liberal con- stitution, 1869. Free press and a re-organized army. Opposition of Russia. 4. Servians and Montenegrins, acting under Russian influence, begin war against Turkey, 1877. Independence of Servia confirmed by treaty of Berlin, 1878. Proclaimed a kingdom (Milan I), 1882. 5. Unsuccessful war against Bulgaria, 1885, caused by Russian intrigues and by envy of Bulgaria's advancement. Servia saved by Austria. 6. Government, hereditary constitutional monarchy. a. Senate, or Council of State. b. The Skuptschina (Parliament), one chamber. c. The Great Skuptschina. d. Communal institutions. Statesman's Year Book, 1888, 454. Laveleye, 182-189. 7. Political parties and tendencies. a. Conservatives, pro-Russian, Ristics. b. Progressist, pro-Austrian, Garashanine. c. Radicals, supposed to be pro-Russian. Laveleye, 194-198. d. New Constitution. Radical triumph, 1888. London (Weekly) Times, Jan. 4, 1889, p. 16. F. Bulgaria (including Eastern Roumelia). Area, 37,860 sq. mi.; popul., about 3 m. History. 1. Under Turkish dominion, 1392-1878. " The Bulgarians, of Turanian race, came across the Danube from the banks of the Volga in the fifth century. They settled in the eastern side of the peninsula and intermingled with the Slavs, whose language and customs they adopted During the ninth and tenth centuries, the Bulgarians struggled victoriously with the Magyars in the North, and the Greeks in the touth. They were then at the height of their power For two centuries, 1018 to 1196, Bulgaria was only a Byzantine province, but Kaloyan re- stored the Bulgarian Empire and decided the defeat, near Adrianople, of the army of the Crusaders commanded by Baldwin. Joanice-Asen II (1218-1241), reigned over almost the whole peninsula, compelled the Patriarch to recognize the autonomy of the Greek Bulgar- ian Church, and besieged Constantinople, which was saved by the Italians in 1236. "The Tatars arrived soon afterwards and ravaged the whole country horribly; then came the Turks, who crossed the Bosphorus and invaded the peninsula. If Greeks, Bulgarians, and Servians could have united, they might, perhaps, have driven them back into Asia ; but they continued to make war wjth each other to the epd, 67 " The Servians, under their great Emperor, Dnshan, joined with the Bulgarians, threat- ened Constantinople and seemed on the eve of constituting a powerful state, 1356 ; but for want of an administrative organization, nothing lasting could be established. The Servians were defeated in the decisive battle of Kossovo in 1389, and Tirnova, the Bulgarian capital, was taken by Tchelebi, son of Bajazet, in 1393. The Turkish domination began, and the Bulgarian church, losing its autonomy, fell again under the authority of the Greek patriarch. The Bulgarian nationality had apparently ceased to exist." Laveleye : The Balkan Penin- sula, 245, 246. 2. Subjection of Bulgarian Christians to Greek Church. Acquisi- tion of ecclesiastical autonomy, 1869-70. Laveleye, 249-252. 3. Insurrection against Turkey, 1876. Cruelty of Turks. See A, § 9, ante. How the promises of Turkish Government to Christian nations were performed. (See A, 1, rf, and A, 3, b, ante.) " The hatti-sheriff of Gulhani, sent by the Porte to satisfy the demands of the Christian Powers, far from affording any relief to the rayas, only made their fate more terrible. ' The only change which resulted,' said Blanqui, ' merely concerned the finances, and was directed with the greatest harshness against the Christians The various taxes imposed on the rayas were added together, and represented by a sum which included them all, but did not increase them; but the unfortunate Christians, however, instead of paying once, were compelled to pay them two or three times. The collectors pretended that they had not received the taxes which the people asserted they had really paid. As they, for the most part, could neither read nor write, they were deceived with receipts which gave smaller sums or fixed earlier dates. Most frequently they had no written receipts, but notches were cut in little bits of wood, always lost or out of the way when they might be useful to a rate-payer ; always at hand when they bore witness against him. After all, it was still the old system of extortion and violence, with hypocrisy added, and a deceptive appearance of legality. That is what the Turkish mind had made of the hatti-sheriff, an atrocious deception Now. in Turkey, those who are behindhand with their taxes have soldiers sent to live in their homes. These soldiers install themselves in the rate- payer's house day and night, rummage everywhere, use everything as if it was their personal property, and leave the inhabitants no peace Europe does not sufficiently understand that at the present time there is not a single Christian woman whose honor is not at the mercy of the first Mussulman whom she has the misfortune to please ! Europe does not know that the Turks enter a Christian's house whenever they like and take what- ever pleases them; that a complaint is more dangerous than resistance; and that the simplest quarters given to the lowest men in the most benighted countries would be immense favors to the inhabitants of Bulgaria." Laveleye, 294-296. 4. Great Bulgaria of the Treaty of San Stefano. Midler, 546. 5. Congress of Berlin (1878) recognizes Bulgaria as self-governing "principality under the suzerainty of the Sultan." Annual tribute (on paper). People to ordain Constitution and elect a Prince. a. No Prince of European reigning house eligible. b. East Roumelia, with an autonomous administration and a Christian Governor-General, left under the control of the Sultan. Midler, 551, 552. 6. 1879, Constituent Assembly of Bulgaria, under Russian auspices. a. Liberal constitution. Single legislative chamber, the So- branje. b. Alexander of Battenberg chosen Prince. Laveleye, 253. 68 c. Separate organization of East Roumelia by Turkish Gov- ernment, under foreign pressure. Mutter, 557, 558. d. Radical or anti-Russian sentiment in the Sobranje. Rus- sian intrigues to keep Bulgaria weak. Tyranny of Russian envoys. Laveleye, 255, 256. Contemp. Rev.. Nov., 1886, pp. 609-615. Suspension of the Constitution, 1881-83. Laveleye, 254. e. Prince Alexander and the National Bulgarian party. Hos- tility of Russia. Contemp. Rev., Oct., 1886, pp. 501-508. 7. Revolution in East Roumelia. Sept. 17, 1885. Union with Bulgaria under Alexander proclaimed. 8. Defensive and successful war against Servia, 1885. Russian intrigues. 9. Aug. 20, 1886, Russian Plot. Prince Alexander abducted. His return and resignation, Sept. 7. Contemp. Rev., Oct., 1886, pp. 583-591. a. Provisional Regency. b. Conference of Ambassadors at Constantinople, 1887. c. Russian candidate, Nicholas of Mingrelia. d. Sobranje elects Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, July 7, 1887, who accepts. Fortnightly Rev., July, 1888, pp. 39-56. e. Attitude of the Powers towards Bulgaria. 10. Government. Form of a constitutional monarchy. Princely title hereditary. Responsible ministry. National Assembly (Sobranje) " elected by universal manhood suffrage at the rating of one member to every 10,000 of the population, 'counting both sexes.'" States- man's Year Book, 539. 11. Political Parties. a. Governmental, anti-Russian, Stambouloff. b. Opposition, pro-Russian, Zankoff. c. Strength of Nationality. Fortnightly Rev., July, 1888, pp. 53-56. d. Influence of Robert College. 12. Railway Connections. Baron Hirsch , s Railway, Fortnightly Rev., Aug., 1888, pp. 229-239. 69 LECTURE XIV. THE PRESENT EMPIRE OF THE OTTOMAN TURKS, THE EASTERN QUESTION. Additional References : J. M. Bugbee: The Eastern Question Historically Considered. Fortnightly Hev., vol. 40 (1886). 563— 547. Sir H. Roberts : Asia Minor and the Caucasus. W. G. Palgrave : Centred and Eastern Arabia. 1. Government and Administration. Area (including nominally dependent States of Bulgaria, Bosnia, and Herzegovina), in Europe, Asia and Africa, 1} sq. mi. ; popul., over 33 m. a. Fundamental laws based on the Koran, the Multeka, sup- posed sayings of Mohammed and his immediate successors, and the " Canon Naraeh," edicts of the Sultans. b. Authority ; Sultan's will absolute ; Head of State and Church alike ; in latter capacity claims to be the Caliph (*. e., successor of Mahomet) of the Mohammedan world ; dignity acquired from last Egyptian Caliph, 1517. Succes- sion usually to the oldest male relative of the last Sultan. The Harem, a State institution. 5,000 individuals constitute Court and Harem, absorbing all revenues of the State. c. Grand Vizier appointed by Sultan at head of administration, President of Divan, or Imperial Council of Ministers. d. Country divided into vilayets (vali, or Governor-General, with Council), provinces, districts, and municipalities. En- tire civil service dependent on central power. " Birth con- fers no privilege, as all true believers are equal iu the eye of the law." Statesman 's Tear Book, 524. e. Sheik-ul-Islam (Elder of Islam), appointed by Sultan, at head of religious administration ; chief of the Ulemas, interpreters of law and Koran. Religious administration includes : 70 (1) Ulemas proper, chief religious and legal functionaries. (2) Mullahs and Kadis (judges and magistrates). (3) Muftis, theologians and expounders of the Koran. (4) Imams, ministers of worship. (5) Sottas, theological students. (6) Hadjis and Dervishes. 2. Religion and education. Under actual Turkish rule, in Europe and Asia together, Mohammedans, 10 m. ; Christians, over 5 m. Annual pilgrimages to Mecca, 120,010 in 18S3. Education in con- trol of Muftis. Foreign Missions and Schools. Robert College. American Missionary schools. 3. Finance and taxation. Country bankrupt since 1875. Excise taxes in hands of a commission of creditors since 1881 ; other reve- nues mortgaged. National debt, permanent deHcit. English loans. Vakoufs, church lands. Laveleye, 317-321. Different forms of land tenure. Statesman's Year Book, 534, 535. 4. Local government under Turkish Empire. a. Egypt. Khedivate hereditary in family of Mehemet Ali since 1841, on condition of annual tribute. TewHk Pasha, Khedive, 1879. Rebellion of Arabi Pasha, 1882, to drive out foreigners, and establish National Assembly. Withdrawal of France. England occupies the country. Constitution of 1883. Mixed courts. Government Year Book, 1888, pp. 588-592. The Mahdi and Gordon in the Soudan, 1883-84. Abolition of forced peasant labor, 1887. Our Task in Egypt; Fortnightly Review, Nov., 1888, p. 629. Egypt and the English Occupation ; Revue des Deux Mondes, tome 90, pp. 054, 890. b. Samos. Limited local control since 1832. Prince (a Greek) appointed by Sultan, and Council of four Greeks. c. Christians of Mt. Lebanon, in Syria, under a Governor of their own faith since 1864. d. Crete has a National Assembly in which both Christians and Mohammedans are represented. A. The Eastern Question. The disposal of the territories of the important Mohammedan states. 1. The question of Turkey in Europe. a. The Race Question. Macedonia. Laveleye, ch. x. b. Claims of Greece. Fortnightly Review, vol. 40 (1886), pp. 404-413. 71 c. Aspirations of Russia. d. Interests of Austro-Hungary. e. Ecclesiastical influences. /. A Balkan Confederation. Laveleye, 330-335. g. The interests of England. The Asiatic question. a. Russia's advance upon Asia Minor. (See Lecture VII, B.) Objective points, the Persian Gulf and the Bosphorus. Fate of Persia. The advance through Circassia, 1799-1878. The advance through Turkestan, or Central Asia, 1846, 1860-84 (Merv and Bokhara) -1887 (Afghan frontier). b. Claims of Greeks and Armenians. Laveleye, 321-323. c. The mountaineers of Asia Minor. d. The English in Cyprus. MiiUer, 552. Hazell, 1888. Fort- nightly Review, vol. 40, 1886, pp. 372-387. e. Interests of European governments (France, Russia) in Palestine. Fortnightly Review, 1882, p. 427; 1883, p. 227. /. Independent Arabia. Beni Shammar, Nejd, Oman. Pal- grave, ch. viii. Fortnightly Review, vol. 33, 1880, p. 141 ; Feb., 1884, p. 191. g. Religious sympathies of Arabs. The Shereef of Mecca. Stanford's Compendium. Keane : Asia, 135,136. h. The English at Aden; occupied in 1838. Keane, 138-140. i. Trade routes. Keane, 140-142. The Turkish question in Africa. a. Algiers nominally subject, 1516; conquered by France, 1830. b. Egypt virtually independent of Turkey since 1841 ; politi- cal importance of Suez canal ; the Red Sea route. c. Tunis, nominally subject, 1531 ; conquered by France, 1881- 82 t . Kairvvan. d. Tripoli, and the hopes of Italy. e. Feeling of Arabs and African Mohammedans towards the Ottoman Turk. Soudanese sects and fraternities. Doctrine of a Mahdi. /*. Mohammedan Missions in Africa. F. W. Blyden: Chris- tianity, Islam, and the Negro Race (2d ed.), 199, 277, 350. Canon Taylor: The Great Missionary Failure, Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1888. g. Arabians and the slave trade in the Soudan. The English at Suakim. (Lecture XXIV.) 72 4. The future of Islam and the Caliphate. Fortnightly Review, vol. 36, 1881, pp. 204, 315, 441, 585 ; vol. 37, 1882, p. 32. See also Bhjden. LECTURE XV. GERM \\ CONFEDERATIONS AND THE GROWTH OF PRUSSIA. References : S. Baring- Gould: Germany, Present and Past. S. Baring -Gould : Germany. James Sime : History of Ger- many (Freeman's Historical Course). Moritz Busch ; Our Chancellor. J. R. Seeley: Life and Times of Stein (Tauch- uitz ed.). M. Grant Duff: Studies in European Politics, chs. iv, v. Sidney Whitman : Imperial Germany. In 1806, the German empire came to an end ; Francis II, Emperor of Germany, forced by Napoleon, resigned and retired to govern his own inheritance, Austria, under the title of Emperor of Austria. New confederation formed. Lodge, 592. Sime: History of Germany, 202. I. 1806-15, Confederation of the Rhine, composed of 16 states which were induced to unite by Napoleon under promise of cessions of conquered territory from the rest of Germany. Lodge, 592-595. The mediatized Princes. Fyffe, I, 295. II. 1815-66. The Germanic Confederation, 39 states, under the hegemony of Austria. See Notes on Austro- Hungary, Lodge, 637, 669, 687. Muller, 7-9. Sime : Germany, 209. Gould : Germany, p. 166. Stipulations of the Federal Act. Grant Duff, 258, 259. 1. Influence of French Revolutionary Epoch upon Prussia, espe- cially after the defeat by Napoleon, 1806-7. a. The Ministers, Stein, and Hardenberg. McCarthy, II, 348. b. Reforms introduced about 1810. Lodge, 605-608. Former social system. Fyffe, I, 33, 34. (1) Abolition of serfdom and prerogatives of feudal nobility. Lodge. Seeley, II, 18-31. 73 (2) Abolition of trade guilds. (3) Abolition of all restrictions to the right of property in land. (4) More equal distribution of taxes. (5) Compulsory education. McCarthy, II, 481. (6) Introduction of the Landwehr system. 2. Increase of Prussian territory at Congress of Vienna, 1815. Ploetz, 482, 483. Character of King Frederic William III, 1797- 1840. Miiller, 10. Relative positions of Austria and Prussia; ques- tion of Alsace-Lorraine. Fyffe. II, 60-74. a. The Burschenschaft, or student fraternity ; murder of Kot- zebue and its suppression. Lodge, 638. Mutter, 13-17. Fyffe, II, 127-129, 139-142. b. In 1815, the King promised the people a constitution ; opposition of Metternich and reactionary party, so that it was never fulfilled. Lodge, 630-637. Mutter, 3-5,9. Fyffe, II, 121-125. Sime, 224. c. Period of depression. d. The Zollverein, 1828-36. Industrial and commercial union of Central and South German States, under leadership and protection of Prussia. Mutter, 164, 165 ; 318, 319. Fyffe, II, 406. " The idea of a uniform system of customs for the German States, first suggested at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, was acted upon by the government of Prussia, which abol- ished all distinctions of customs throughout its territories, May 26, 1818, and invited other governments to unite for a similar purpose. The invitation was generally accepted, and the result was the formation of the Zollverein, by which internal trade was free from all restrictions, and a uniform system of duties agreed on for those states that joined it." Ewald, 84. 3. 1837, dissolution of union between England and Hanover, (1714-1837) ; accession of reactionary King Ernest; relations with Prussia and South German States. Mutter, 162, 163. 4. Frederic William IV, 1840-57, imbecile; 1857, gave way to a Regency; died, 1861. Character. Grant Duff, 202-206. Hopes of reform ; disappointment. Lodge, 688. Mutter, 165-168. Fyffe, II, 496-498. a. "Royal Patent" of 1847. (1) Landtag or Central Diet assembled at Berlin. Lodge, 688-690. Mutter, 168. Fyffe, II, 498, 502. Sime, 233. " Prussia herself had no parliament of the whole monarchy until 1847 ; up to that year there had been only local ' Landes Stande,' estates or diets for the several provinces. The liberal party had two objects to struggle for, — the establishment or extension of free insti- tutions in the several states, and the attainment of national unity. . . . Now, in Ger- 74 many, such liberties had not been known since primitive times ; and there were few seri- ous practical grievances to be complained of. From the time of Frederick the Great the country had been well and honestly administered ; conscience was free, trade and indus- try were growing, taxation was not heavy, the press censorship did not annoy the ordinary citizen, and the other restraints upon personal freedom were only those to which the sub- jects of all the Continental monarchies had been accustomed. The habit of submission was strong ; and there existed in most places a good deal of loyalty, irrational perhaps, but not therefore the less powerful, towards the long-descended reigning houses. It was therefore hard for the liberals to excite their countrymen to any energetic and concerted action ; and when the governments thought tit to repress their attempts at agitation, this could be harshly done with little fear of the consequences. " It was therefore only through the carefully-guarded press, and occasionally in social or literary gatherings, that appeals to the nation could be made, or the semblance of an agi- tation kept up. There was no point to start from ; and it was all aspiration and nothing more ; and so this movement, to which so many of the noblest hearts and intellects of Ger- many devoted themselves (though the two greatest stood aloof), made during many years little apparent progress." James Bryce : Holy Roman Empire, 415-417. b. Development of political parties. (1) Liberals; free institutions; peaceful foreign policy. " Prussia Germanized, and not Germany Prussianized." (2) Conservative ; extreme wing known as " Old Prussian Party "; warlike and ambitious. (3) Junkers. Midler, 306. Grant Duff, 214-216, 243- 245. c. Bismarck. Lodge. 708, 727-730, 737, 751. Miiller, 306- 332, 445-448, 460, 466, 550, 568, 632-639, 645-651. Mc- Carthy, II, 246, 504, 508, 509, 606. Sime, 245. For a sketch of Bismarck in his private life, — Busch: Our Chan- cellor, II, ch. 7. Grant Duff, 233-235. " Distinguished for the acuteness of his political diagnosis, of unbending will, an ardent enthusiast for Prussian and German greatness, at the age of forty-seven he already had a checkered cai-eer behind him. In the United Landtag of 1847, he was the leader of the extreme right, and distinguished himselt by his determined opposition to a national assem- bly and a constitution. He accepted for his party the nickname ' Junker,' and replied to his opponents : ' Be assured that we for our part will bring the name of Junker to respect and honor.' As delegate to the Diet of Frankfurt, in 1851, he had an opportunity to observe Austria's influence over the second-rate and lesser German states, and to appreciate thor- oughly Prussia's false position. Hitherto, in Junker fashion, he had overflowed with praise of Austria, but now ' there fell from his eyes as it had been scales,' as he himself said, and from that time he stood forward as her open and secret adversary. That he might not be compromised by Bismarck's sympathy for the cause of Italy, the King transferred him to St. Petersburg, as ambassador, in 1859. In 1802 he became ambassador at Paris, and had a chance to study his future rival, Napoleon. His words in the Budget committee attracted universal attention : ' Prussia must collect its strength for the favorable moment, which has already been several times allowed to pass. Prussia's borders are not adapted to sound health in the political body. It is not by speeches and resolutions of majorities that the great questions of the times are to be decided, — that was the mistake of 1840 and 1845, — but by blood and iron." Muller, 306, 307. d. Prussia joins in European Revolution of 1848. Overthrow of the Metternich system. Frederic William IV goes with the tide. " Henceforward Prussia takes the lead in Ger- mauy." Midler, 226-228. 75 e. Constitution of 1849-50. " By this step Prussia entered the ranks of modern constitutional States." Mutter, 228- 230. /. Desire of Diet of Germanic Confederation (28 States) to revive German Empire under Prussian King. Fierce oppo- sition of Austria and South German States. Frederic William IV refuses imperial crown, 1849 ; desires no "crown that will horribly pollute the bearer with carrion smell of revolution of 1848." Mutter, 230-232. g. Schleswig-Holstein, and the desire of the German Liberals for national unity. Prussia outwitted and brow-beaten by Austria, Russia, and England. Muller, 213, 218, 219, 245-253. 5. William I, Regent, 1857-61; King, 1861-88; Emperor of Germany, 1871-88. Accession. Mutter, 273. Military reforms. Muller, 304, 305. Promotion of Otto Von Bismarck-Schoenhausen ; definite and vigorous policy. Grant Buff, 233, 234. Whitman, 116- 125. Sime, 245. a. Prussia's commanding attitude in Germany in 1859. Si me, 244. Muller, 283-286. b. Austria repelled in attempts to enter and control the Zoll- verein, 1853, 1864. Muller, 272, 318, 319. Busch, 291-293. c. Revival of Liberal-Democratic party of 1848 in Prussia and Germany (Fortschritts Partei), 1859-62. Grant Buff, 228- 233. d. Lassalle and the Social-Democratic party. Baring- Gould, History of Germany, 410-414, 430-437. Laveleye : Social- ism of Today, ch. v. e. Constitutional conflict between the Ministry (Bismarck) and the Lower House of the Prussian Landtag, 1862-66. Mid- ler, 307. /. The Schleswig-Holstein difficulty, 1863-65. Sime, 246- 249. Muller, 309-325. Prussia and Austria drive the Danes from the Duchies, 1864. g. Difficulty results in Prusso-Austriau War of 1866. Causes : (1) Rivalry for possession of duchies of Schleswig-Holstein. (2) Ambition of each state to be supreme in Germany. Austria to keep the supremacy, Prussia to win it. (3) Suceess of Prussia with the Zollverein. (4) Opposition of two systems of Government. Prussia, more Liberal; Austria, the Metternich system. South 76 German States, together with Hanover, Saxony, Hesse- Cassel, and Nassau, side with Austria ; the remainder with Prussia ; Italy also the ally of Prussia. Sadowa (Koeniggratz), July 3, 1866 ; destruction of the Austrian power. Midler, 326-366. h. Peace of Prague, Aug. 23, 1866. Austria excluded from Germany. End of Germanic Confederation declared, Aug. 24, 1866. South German States recognize hegemony of Prussia. Sime, 255. Baring-Gould, 167. i. Annexation to Russia of Schleswig-Holstein, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Nassau, and Frankfurt. Lodge, 726-730. Milller, 367. McCarthy, II, 244-247. Sime, 255. III. 1866-71, North German Confederation. Lodge, 730, 731. Milller, 368. 22 states in this alliance ; Bavaria, Baden, and Wiirtemherg, states south of the Main, were excluded, but were bound by secret treaties to Prussia, and in 1867 joined the Zollverein. 1. The constitution of the Confederation. a. Military forces were consolidated under the leadership of Prussia. b. King of Prussia as President of the Confederation was vested with the control of foreign affairs, and also with the right of declaring war and peace with the consent of the federal Parliament. c. All legislation for revenue for federal objects transferred to the control of the Parliament. d. Parliament consisted of — (1) Bundesrath or council of 43 members, of which Prussia was entitled to 17; this represented the government. Muller, 379, 383. (2) Reichstag, or popular branch, elected by manhood suf- frage. Muller, 378-383, 368, 381. 2. The Luxemburg Question, 1867. Muller, 370, 371. 3. Strength of desire for German unity among the South German States, 1866-70. Particularism in Ultramontane Bavaria and Hesse, and in democratic Wiirtemberg. National feeling in Baden. Muller, 376-388. 4. War of Prussia with France, 1870. Uprising of the South Ger- mans ; demand for German unity. McCarthy, II, 503-505. Lodge, 7S4r-7S7. Muller, 409-460. Sime, 256-264. 77 5. The Culturkarapf, 1871. Its beginnings. Milller, 165, 166, 272. The May Laws, 1873-74. a. Church officers cannot inflict social or civil penalties. b. Priests must have a secular as well as clerical education. c. Performance of ecclesiastical duties must be authorized by the State. d. 1874, compulsory civil marriage and registration laws. MMer, 499-503, 631-636. Gould, ch. x. 6. Government, hereditary monarchy ; since 1850, constitutional. a. Ministry appointed by King. b. Legislature, the Landtag, two chambers. Herrenhaus, composed of — (1) Hohenzollern princes. (2) Heads of 16 princely houses (mediatized). (3) Heads of territorial nobility (about 50). (4) Life-peers. (5) 8 Noblemen elected in the 8 provinces to represent land-owners. (6) Representatives of universities ; burgomasters of large cities. (7) Unlimited number of members nominated by King. Abgeordnetenhaus, — 432 members, — chosen by electors who represent the great body of voters in ratio of 1 to 250. 7. Education, universal and compulsory. 8. Military organization. Statesman's Tear Book, 108. 9. Character of the Hohenzollerns. Importance in Prussian his- tory. Eulogistic view in Whitman, ch. iv. a. Bismarck and the Emperor Frederic III. Diary of the Emperor Frederic; Pall Mall Budget, Oct. 4, 1888, pp. 24-31. The Morier Incident. N. T. Nation, Jan. 10, 1889, p. 25. 78 LECTURE XVI. Till] GEIUItN EMFIIIE, 1S71-. Area, 211,196 sq. mi.; equal to Colorado and Nevada joined; popul. (1885), 47 m. Area of foreign colonial dependencies, 591,000 sq. mi. Population, about 687,000. 1. Irresistible current of public opinion in Soutb Germany in 1871, in favor of unity with North German Confederation. Influence of war with France. Initiative of Baden, and King Louis of Bavaria. Mailer, 460-468. Proclamation of the King of Prussia as Emperor, and of the new Empire, made at Versailles, Jan. 1 and 18, 1871. 2. Constitution of the German Empire, April 16, 1871. By the terms of the constitution, the states of Germany formed an eternal union under the supreme direction in political and military affairs of the King of Prussia, who, as such, bears the title of *' Deutscher Kaiser." Lodge, 737. Mailer, 463-467. Sime, 267. Baring- Gould: Germany, 168-170. a. The Emperor (Kaiser) represents the nation alternation- ally. (1) Can declare defensive war. (2) Can make peace and treaties. (3) To declare offensive war, the Kaiser must have consent of the Federal Council. Statesman's Tear Book, 101. Lodge, 737. Milller, 463-467. b. The Bundesrath, or Federal Council ; 62 members. (1) Represents the governments, and appointed by them. (2) Proposes legislation. (3) Controlled by Prussia. (4) Supreme administrative and consultative Board for the Empire. Mutter, 382, 383 ; 463 (note). Baring-Gould, 170-172. 70 States of the Empire. Number of Deputies in Reichstag. Kingdom of Prussia .... " " Bavaria .... u 11 w'iirtemberg " " Saxony .... Grand Duchy of Baden " " Mechlenburg-Schwerin " " Hesse .... " " " Oldenburg . " " " Saxe-Weimar " " " Mecklenburg-Strelitz Duchy of Brunswick .... " " Saxe-Meiningen ' ' " Anhalt " " Saxe-Coburg-Gotha " " Saxe-Altenburg Principality of Waldeck " " Lippe .... " " Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt " Sehwarzburg-Sondershausen " " Reuss-Sehleiz " Schaumburg-Lippe " " Reuss Greiz . Free town of Hamburg " " " Liibeck " " " Bremen Reichsland of Elsass-LothriiiRen Total Baring-Gould, 176-178. c. The Reichstag, or Diet ; 397 members, elected by universal suffrage (ballot) for term of three years. Annual sessions. Emperor can prorogue or dissolve. Confirms, amends, or rejects proposals of Bundesrath. Can draft bills and send them to Bundesrath. Without its consent the State can contract no loan. Muller, 463 (note). Baring- Gould, 172, 173. d. Imperial Chancery (Ministry), under control of Imperial Chancellor (Reichskanzler). Ten different departments. " There is no provision in the laws of the Empire for bring- ing the Chancellor to account." Baring- Gould, 173,174. e. Strongly centralized nature of Government. The Hohen- zollern prerogatives. Restrictions upon the Press. Charac- ters of the three Emperors of 1888, William I, Frederic III, and W T illiam II. Busch, II, ch. iv. Muller, 646. Whit- man, chs. v and xiii. 80 " In the royal rescript of January 4, 1882, the emperor, speaking in his character as king of Prussia, says : ' The government acts of the king require the countersignature of a minister, and, as was also the case before the constitution was issued, have to be repre- sented by the king's ministers, but they nevertheless remain government acts of the king, from whose decisions they result, and who thereby constitutionally expresses his will and pleasure. It is, therefore, my will that both in Prussia and in the legislative bodies of the empire there may be no doubt left as to my own constitutional right, and that of my suc- cessors, to personally conduct the policy of my government, and that the theory shall always be gainsaid that the inviolability of the king, which has always existed in Prussia, and is enunciated by article 43 of the constitution, or the necessity of a responsible counter- signature of my government acts, deprives them of the character of royal and independent decisions.' " Midler, 646. 3. Local Governments of Germany. a. Three Free Towns — republican. b. All other States hereditary and constitutional monarchies, except Mecklenburg-Schweriu, which has yet a feudal con- stitution. c. Elsass-Lothringen. Statthalter (Gov. -Gen.) appointed by Emperor, with Council. (1) Feeling in Elsass-Lothringen. Midler, 497, 498. 4. Education. Baring- Gould, 185-187. Whitman, ch. iii. Gould: History of Germany, ch. vii. 5. The Army. Baring- Gould, 181-183. Whitman, ch. vii. Gould, ch. viii. 6. Social Structure. Baring-Gould, ch. viii. Gould, ch. xiv. Whitman, chs. viii and ix. 7. The Culturkampf in Germany. Gould, ch. x. Mailer, 499- 504, 630-636. 8. Financial Policy. Demonetization of silver, 1873. Adoption of Protective Tariff, 1879. Midler, 643, 644. State authorized to purchase railways, 1879. Muller, 643. Tobacco monopoly ; laborer's insurance. 9. Anti-Semitic agitation, 1879. Opposed by Frederic III, 1888. Midler, 648, 649. 10. The Alliance of Central Europe, 1879. a. Its composition. b. Its motives: to push Austro-Hungary eastward, to check Russia and France, to strengthen Italy, to preserve peace. Fortnightly Review, Jan., 1887, p. 1. 11. The Septennate discussion, 1887. Papal action. 12. Social Democracy in Germany. Busch, II, ch. v. Gotdd, 430- 437. a. Programme of the party (1876). Milller, 637. b. Attempts on Emperor's life (1878). Muller, 637, 638. 81 c. Anti-Socialist legislation. Midler, 638-640. d. Growth of the party. 12. Political parties and tendencies. a. Account of. Midler, 495-498, 632, 633, 641, 645, 648. b. Divisions in the Reichstag elected Feb., 1887 : (1) Center (Ultramontane), 101. (2) Elsassers, 15. (3) Poles, 12. (4) German Conservatives, 78. (5) Imperialists (Reichspartei), 42. (6) National Liberals, 97. (7) German Liberals, 32. (8) Social Democrats, 11. (9) Independents (anti-Semitic, Guelph, Dane, "Wilde"), 8. 13. German Colonization, 1884-. a. The East African slave trade. b. Samoa. W. L. Bees: " German Conduct in Samoa" Nineteenth Century, Nov., 1888. LECTURE XVII. FRANCE, 1815-1870. A. Royalty, 1814-48. 1815-30, Louis XVIII and Charles X. 1830-48, Louis Philippe. B. Republic, 1848-52. C. Empire, 1852-70. D. Republic, 1870-. References : The Student's History of France. Lebon and Pelet: France as it is. E. Levasseur : La France avec ses Colonies. J. F. Elton : With the French in Mexico. J. G. Scott : France and Toughing. A. R. Colquhoun : The Tridh about Tonquin. 82 Area, 204,177 sq. mi., twice the size of Colorado. Population over 38 m. Area of colonial possessions, 953,062 sq. mi.; population about 26 m. A. Royalty, 1814-1848. 1. Upon the restoration of the Bourbons. {Fyffe, II, 12-14. Lodge, G38-G41. Miiller, 90), a liberal constitution was granted, which pro- vided for : a. Limited monarchy. Fyffe, II, 15, 16. b. Legislative power vested in two chambers ; the Upper House, or Peers, named by the King, and the Lower House, or Chamber of Deputies, elected by the people. Fyffe, II, 14, 15. King alone proposed laws, but Lower House controlled taxation. c. Property qualification for suffrage. d. Responsible ministers. e. Freedom of the press, " within the limits necessary to pub- lic tranquillity." f. Religious toleration. g. Laud titles not to be disturbed. 2. Reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X. Miiller, 79-102. "Gravitation towards a monarchy resting on the middle classes (bour- geoisie)." Fyffe, II, 14-19, 31-77, 356-368. Lodge, 657-660. a. Domination of clerical influence. Ultra Royalists. b. Interference in Spain in behalf of Holy Alliance, and against constitutional rule in Spain, 1823. c. Conquest of Algiers, 1830. 3. Revolution of July, 1830; "The Tbree Days." Fyffe, II, 368-381. Lodge, 660-662. Miiller, 99-101. a. Causes : (1) Freedom of the press suppressed. Fyffe, II, 368. (2) Representative government restricted ; the number of electors limited by raising the suffrage qualification. Fyffe, II, 368. (3) Control of the King by the " Congregation" (Jesuit and clerical party). (4) Lafayette, Talleyrand, Thiers. b. Results: Cbarles X abdicated ; Duke of Orleans succeeded as Louis Philippe. Miiller, 102-112. " In comparison with the Revolution of 178'J, the movement which overthrew the Bour- bons in 1830 was a mere flutter on the surface. If was unconnected with airy great change 83 in men's ideas, and it left no great social or legislative changes behind it. Occasioned by a breach of the constitution on the part of the Executive Government, it resulted mainly in the transfer of administrative power from one set of politicians to another : the altera- tions introduced into the constitution itself were of no great importance. France neither had an absolute Government before 1830, nor a popular Government afterwards. Instead of a representative of divine right, attended by guards of nobles and counseled by Jesuit confessors, there was now a citizen king, who walked about the streets of Paris with an umbrella under his arm and sent his sons to public schools, but who had at heart as keen a devotion to dynastic interests as either of his predecessors, and a much greater capacity for personal rule. The bonds which kept the entire local administration of France in dependence upon the central authority were not loosened ; officialism remained as strong as ever ; the franchise was still limited to a mere fraction of the nation." Fyffe, II, 379. c. Constitution changed. (1) Religious sects made equal in the eyes of the law. (2) Censorship and all restrictions upon the press abolished. (3) Power of the King to suspend laws taken away. (4) The privilege of initiative iu legislation extended to the Chamber of Deputies. 4. Parties during the reign of Louis Philippe. a. Legitimists, desiring a king of the Bourbon family; their candidate was the grandson of Charles X, the Count of Chambord, also called Henry V. Mutter, 173. b. Orleanists ; since the death of Louis Philippe, his grand- son, the Comte de Paris, has represented the party. Matter, 197. J c. Bonapartists ; in favor of the election of Louis Napoleon, nephew of the great emperor. d. Republicans ; iu favor of a republic. 5. Reign of Louis Philippe; causes leading to his overthrow. Fyffe, II, 414-418, 503. Lodge, 672-679, 682-686. Mutter, 186- 201. a. The laws of September, 1835 (Thiers), to restrict the press, on account of several attacks made upon Louis Philippe ; their unpopularity ; rivalry of Thiers and Guizot. Student's France, 686, 688. k Plotting of Louis Napoleon; 1836, unsuccessful attempt to raise an insurrection among the troops at Strassburg; goes to America; 1841, again landed in France; declared himself emperor ; captured and imprisoned for six years. c. Failure of the government (Thiers), in its support of the ambition of Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, who attempted to make himself independent of Turkey, against the wishes of England, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, 1840. " France proposed that all Syria and Egypt should be given in hereditary dominion to Mehemet Ali, with no further obligation towards the Porte than the payment of a yearly 84 tribute. The counter-proposal of England was that Mehemet, recognizing the Sultan's authority, should have the hereditary government of Egypt alone, that he should entirely withdraw from all Northern Syria, and hold Palestine only as an ordinary governor ap- pointed by the Porte for his life-time. To this proposition all the Powers, with the excep- tion of France, gave their assent." Fyffe, II, 457. d. Charges of avarice on the part of the king ; increased his wealth hy business undertakings. e. Charge that the government was not sincere in its promise to England with respect to the Spanish marriage; this weakened the English alliance. Fyffe, II, 504-506. f. Foolish return of Napoleon's body to France, 1840. g. Scarcity and want in 1847, which aroused the Socialistic classes ; Louis Blanc ; reform banquets, and attempt of the government (Guizot) to prevent them ; riot ; abdication of Louis Philippe. Fyffe, II, 506-513. " On the one hand were the Legitimists, aiming at the i - estoration of the elder branch of the Bourbons ; on the other hand there were the Republicans, who wished to be rid of monarchy altogether. The government of Louis Philippe satisfied neither. It served as a transition, or temporary halting-place, in the progress of France towards the goal of ra- tional and stable republicanism, to which the great revolution tended. It was an ' attempt to put new wine into old bottles.' This inherent weakness of the Orleans rule it would have been difficult by any means to neutralize in such a way as to avert sooner or later a catastrophe. The unbending conservatism of Guizot — as seen in his refusal to extend suffrage — hastened this result. A government over which less tlian half a million of voters of the middle class alone had an influence could not stand against the republican feeling of the country. The middle class, on which the throne depended, became separated from the advanced party, to which the youth of France more ami more rallied. Guizot was personally upright ; but official corruption was suffered to spread in the last years of his administration, and bribery was used in the elections. These circumstances, added to the mortification of national pride from the little heed paid to France by the other pow- ers, weakened the throne. The failure of the government to support the cause of liberty in Poland and Italy was another important source of its growing unpopularity." Fisher: Outlines of Universal History, 502. B. The Second Republic, 1848-1852. 1. Dissensions between Moderates (Lamartine) and Socialists and Communists (Ledru-Rollin, Louis Blanc). a. Constitution. Universal suffrage, single chamber, elected President. 2. Louis Napoleon chosen President ; conflict of parties. a. Monarchist. b. Republican. c. Bonapartist. d. Socialist and Communist. e. Power of the clerical party. f. Coup d'etat in 1851. The Plebiscite. Lodge, 709-715. Student's France, ch. xxxiii. 85 3. Successive changes in the constitution. a. Louis Napoleon's appeal to the people, Dec. 20, 1851. "The number of recorded votes was 7,439,216 to 646,757" in Napoleon's favor. " In the Constitution thus granted to France the form of liberty was maintained) but its spirit was suppressed. It consisted of a Legislative Chamber, a Senate, and Council of State. The Legislative Chamber was to be elected every six years by universal suffrage, and the members of the Senate and the Council of State to be nominated for life. The President was elected for ten years." Ewald, 125. b. Jan. 15, 1852. "The French President promulgated a new constitution ; the whole executive power to be vested in the President, who is to be advised by a state council, a senate of nobles, aud a completely powerless legislative assembly, whose transactions at the demand of five mem- bers may be secret." Ewald, 125. c. Dec. 2, 1852, Louis Napoleon declared " Emperor of the French, by the Grace of God and the Will of the People." C. Empire, 1852-1871. 1. Napoleon strengthened his position : a. By co-operation with England in the Crimean war. b. By assisting Sardinia in ridding Italy of Austrian influence and rule. Acquisition of Savoy and Nice. c. Appeared as protector of Papal interests. 1860, French garrison at Rome. d. General purposes of his foreign policy. 2. Power weakened. a. Dissatisfaction with his arbitrary rule. b. Growing importance and ambition of Prussia, especially after war with Austria, 1866; failure of France in attempt- ing to secure more territory. c. Alienation of Italy, by sending French troops in 1867 to keep Garibaldi out of Rome. Midler, 400, 401. d. Interference and failure in Mexico, 1861-66. Wells : Study of Mexico. 3. War with Prussia, 1870-71. Midler, 409-460. Lodge, 734-736. a. Causes : General Causes : 1. " The idea entertained by a great part of the French nation, and kept alive by histori- ans, poets, and the daily press, of the re-conquest of the left bank of the Rhine. 2. " The French, not understanding the long struggle of the German nation for political unity, saw in the consummation of this union only a forcible aggrandizement of Prussia, and in the victory of the latter state over Austria an impermissible encroachment upon their own military fame." 86 SfEOtAL CAUSES : 1. "The internal troubles of the government of Napoleon III. Growth of Constitutional Party. New Constitution, 1870. Clerical control of Napoleon." Muller, 3 88-394. 2. " The rejection of the ' compensation ' demanded, since 18(iG, from the cabinet of Berlin, for the growth of Prussia, in extent and population. 3. " News of the approaching introduction of an improved weapon for the North German infantry, which threatened to put in question the superiority of the French chassepot.'' Immediate Cause : "The election of a prince of Hohenzollern to the throne of Spain, which was repre- sented in Paris as a Prussian intrigue, endangering the safety of France. The request made by the French ambassador Benedetti in Ems of King William I, in person, that he should forbid the Prince of Hohenzollern to accept the Spanish crown, was refused. After the voluntary withdrawal of the Prince, the French government looked to the King of Prussia for a distinct announcement ' that he would never again permit the candidacy of the Prince for the Spanish crown.' King William refused to discuss the matter, and re- ferred Benedetti to the regular method of communication through the ministry at Berlin. This, and the telegraphic announcement of the proceeding, was represented by the Duke of Gramont as an insult to France." JHoetz, 513. b. Results. Milller, 460. (1) Capture of Napoleon. Fall of the Empire (Sedan), Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 1870. (Death of Louis Napoleon in England, Jan. 9, 1873.) (a) Government of National Defence (Gambetta, Favre) proclaims the Third Republic. Muller, 439-443. (2) Siege and capture of Paris, Jan., 1871. Muller, 457. (3) General election of a National Assembly (Thiers) to meet at Bordeaux, Feb. 12, 1871. Peace, March 1 and 2, 1871. Terms: (a) France ceded to German Empire Alsace and part of Lorraine (4700 sq. mi. ; poptil., 1.5 m.). (b) Indemnity of $965 m. within three years ; until then, Prussian occupation. LECTURE XVIII. I). Till: THIRD IttiPlTBLW, 1870 Presidential administrations : a. Thiers, 1871-73. Muller, 474, 475. b. MacMahou, 1873-79. Muller, 475, 476. c. Grevy, 1879-87. Muller, 620-629. d. Sadi-Carnot, 1887. 87 2. Insurrection and overthrow of the Paris Commune, March 18 to May 28, 1871. " Not until the Commune was suppressed could the French government provide for an orderly and systematic administration of the country. It had before it, at the outset, two aims, — to rid the land, as soon as possible, of the German troops, and to improve the army according to the Prussian pattern. As large sums of money were necessary for the attain- ment of both these aims, a great strain was put upon the taxable strength of the country. The result to be achieved by the increase of the army was not the strengthening of the defensive power of the country, — for a peaceful France had no assaults to fear, — but a war of revenge against Germany. The lost military glory must be restored, and the ceded provinces be regained, or compensation taken elsewhere." Muller, 471. 3. Strife of parties. Failure of attempt for Bourhon Restoration, 1873. Muller, 474, 475. Royalists help elect MacMahon President and establish a Republican Constitution, intending it to be temporary, Muller, 611-613. 4. Constitution of 1875. Lebon, 75-84. Levasseur, 835-839. a. The Executive ; President of the Republic. (1) Elected by National Assembly, composed of Senate and Chamber of Deputies. (2) Term of office is seven years ; reeligible. (3) Powers ; among others, initiates legislation concur- rently with the two chambers ; cannot veto. (4) Assisted by Ministers (11 in number), who form the cabinet ; these responsible to the Chamber of Deputies. b. The Legislature ; Senate and Chamber of Deputies. (1) Senate, 300 members. " The election of Senators is by an indirect process. In the first instance, the communes or municipalities of France, large and small, elect by a majority of their members, each one delegate or more, according to population. The delegates, after a lapse of two months, meet together, along with the members of each departmental Council-General, and the deputies of the department, who are e.c-offieio senatorial electors, to choose the Senators. No other qualification ig required for a Senator than to be a Frenchman, at least forty years of age, hut by the act of 1884, all princes of deposed dynasties are precluded from sitting in the Upper House. Generals or admirals on active service are also debarred." Statesman's Year Book, 63. (2) Chamber of Deputies. " The Chamber of Deputies is elected by universal suffrage, under the ' scrutin de lis/, ,' adopted by the National Assembly, June 16, 1885. Each department forms a single cir- cumscription or electoral district, and chooses deputies in the ratio of one deputy to 70,000 inhabitants, foreigners not included. The total number of deputies is 584,-568 for France, 6 for Algeria, 10 for the colonies. The Chamber of Deputies is elected for the term of four years. The President is bound to convoke them if demand is made by one half the number of members composing each chamber. The President can adjourn the chambers, but the adjournment cannot exceed the term of a month, nor occur more than twice in the same session. The Senate has, conjointly with the Chamber of Deputies, the right of initiating and framing laws." Statesman's Year Boole, 63, 64. 5. Elections for Chambers, 1876. Monarchical Senate and Repub- lican House. a. Reactionary policy of MacMahon under Clerical and Royal- ist influence. Gambetta, Republican leader. Muller, 613- 617. Appeal to people, Oct. 14, 1877. " The bishops also took part in the campaign, and threw the whole weight of their posi- tion on the side of the government. A three days' supplication was decreed for the favor- able issue of the elections, and papal absolution offered to all who rendered assistance to the marshal. The electoral proclamations of the Republicans were for the most part con- fiscated by the prefects of the departments in which they were issued. On the 12th of October, two days before the election, the President issued a second manifesto, in which the voters were appealed to in the following- language : ' You will vote for the candidates whom I recommend to your free choice. Go to the polls without fear. Follow my sum- mons. I myself am your security for the maintenance of peace and order.' The elections resulted in the return of about 320 Republicans and 210 Royalists, 112 of whom were Bona- partists." Muller, 616, 617. 6. Jan. 5, 1879, Republicans elect majority of the Senate. Mac- Mahon resigns, Jan. 30. Grevy, President. Gambetta, Speaker of House. a. Amnesty to Communards, Blanqui, Rochefort, and "Z'itt- transigeant.' 1 '' Muller, 620, 623. b. Removal of Legislature from Versailles to Paris. c. The Culturkampf (Jules B^erry). Secularization of educa- tion. Muller, 621, 622, 625. Lebon, 142-145. 7. Effect on Bonapartist party of death of Prince Imperial, June 1, 1879. Midler, 629, 630. 8. Acquisition of Tunis, 1881-82. Lebon, 290-295. a. Political motives of French colonial policy. Muller, 625- 627. 9. Scrutin de lisle vs. scrutin d ' arrondissement. Lebon, 78. Death of Gambetta, Dec. 31, 1882. 10. Claims upon Madagascar. 1882-85. Lebon, 307-310. D. WiUoughby : French Aggression in Madagascar ; Fortnightly Review, March, 1887, p. 432. 11. The Tonquin War, 1882-84. a. Early history of Anam and Tonquin. In 200, B.C., Chinese invaded Farther India, and conquered a large portion of it. For 1000 years Anam a part of Chinese empire. In 1418, a revolt occurred and the Chinese power overthrown. In 1674, the kingdom of Anam split into Anam and Tonquin, with the two capitals, Hue and Hanoi. Both countries soon admitted the supremacy of China. b. French interference. Conflicts and rivalry of Tonquin and Anam. Emperor of Anam forced to flee to Siam, where he met a French bishop, through whom he made treaty 89 with Louis XVI of France, in 1787. France to reinstate the Emperor of Anam, and Anam to cede a small portion of territory to France. Reinstatement of Emperor. French revolution suspended operations, and not until 1858 did France again push her claims. In 18G2 and 1867, cession of six provinces called Cochin China. In 1867, French pro- tectorate of Cambodia. In 1874, French protectorate of whole Anamite Empire by treaty. c. Fertility of Chinese province of Yunnan; reached only by Red river through Tonquin. d. Tonquin war began in 1882. China re-asserted her old supremacy. The Black Flags. Scott, 12, 13, 26-37. 12. Government of French Colonies. Lebon, 276, 277, 311-316. a. Relations with Siam and India. Scott, 308-314, 369-372. 13. Death of Count of Chambord, 1883. Fusion of Monarchists. a. Expulsion of the Orleaus and Bonapartist Princes, 1886. Hazell, 1887. 14. Administrative scandals, 1887. Resignation of Grevy. Elec- tion of Sadi-Carnot. 15. Boulanger and his followers, 1887. a. Demand for " revenge." b. Demand for revision of Constitution. France and Boidang- ism ; Westminster Review, vol. 129, pp. 748-764. Fort- nightly Review, Sept., 1887, p. 360; July, 1888, p. 10; Feb., 1887, p. 161. 16. Administration of Government. Levasseur, 784-787, 825, 835-839. Lebon, ch. iii. a. Finance and taxation. Nominal capital of National Debt, over five billions of dollars. Lebon, 248-262. Levasseur, 806-819. 17. The churches of France. Levasseur, 832-835. Lebon, ch. iv. 18. Political parties and their tendencies. Lebon, 84-95. Nine- teenth Century, Mar., 1887, p. 340. S Legitimists. French Carlists. Naundorffists. 7 t> t « 4 ( Jeromists. o. Bouapartists : 1 . Lower House. ( Victoriens. ) c. Conservative Republicans. Party of Center. About 60 in House. United Right, or Con- servatives. About 180 members in the 00 d. Opportunists (Gambetta, Ferry). About 150 in House. e. Extreme and Radical Republicans (Clemenceau, Floquet, Freycinet), Party of Left. About 160 in House. Socialists. Communists. f. Intransigeants g. Boulangists. LECTURE XIX. ITALY, AND THE STRUGGLE FOR UNITY. References : A. Gallenga : Italy, Present and Future. E. Dicey : Vic- tor Emmanuel (the New Plutarch series). J. Theodore Bent: Life of Giuseppe Garibaldi. M. Francesco Crispi et sa poli- tique, Revue des Deux Mondes, Jan. 1, 1889. Area, 114,410 sq. mi., size of Arizona. Popul., about 30 m. 1. Italy in 1815. Midler, 23, 24. By the Congress of Vienna, Lombardy and Venetia were ceded to Austria. a. In northern part of Italy the three duchies of Tuscany, Parma, and Modena ruled by princes of the Hapsburg House, and the duchy of Lucca ruled by a Bourbon prince. b. In central Italy, the Papal States. c. Kingdom of Naples, called " Kingdom of the Two Sicilies," ruled by a Bourbon line. Fyffe, II, 178-180. Lodge, 631, 632. d. Northwestern provinces, ruled by the King of Sardinia. ( 1 ) History of the House of Savoy. Dicey : Victor Em- manuel, 18-25. (2) In 1815, kingdom of Sardinia consisted of Sardinia, Piedmont, Savoy, Nice, Turin, and Genoa. 2. Reactionary policy and influence of Metternich in Italy after 1815. Austrian influence supreme. Dicey: Victor Emmanuel, 1q- 17. Muller, 23-28. Lodge, 643, 644. 91 a. Old constitutions re-established. b. The inquisition. c. Restriction of the press. d. French ideas extirpated. 3. The Carbonari, in Naples and Sicily (1817), secret society. Fyffe, II, 180-182. Lodge, 644. Muller, 24, 25, 29, 129-131. 4. Attempts at revolution, 1820-21, 1831. Both suppressed by Austria. Lodge, 671. "The revolution of 1831, which affected the States of the Church, Modena and Parma, had been suppressed, like the still earlier rebel- lions in Naples and Piedmont, by Austrian intervention. If revolu- tion had fair play in Italy, it was sure of the victory. It was only foreign power for which it was not yet a match. Hence, all the hatred of the Italians was directed against foreign rule as the only obstacle to the freedom and unity of the peninsula. As in the times of Bar- barossa and his grandson, so also in the forties the watchword was : 4 Death to the Germans ! ' by which the Austrians were now meant. The secret societies and the exiles in communication with them — especially Joseph Mazzini, who issued his commands from London — took care that the national spirit should not be buried beneath mate- rial interests, but should remain ever wakeful." Muller, 202. 5. Political parties, 1840 : «. Red Republicans; Mazzini Society of Young Italy. Fyffe, II, 468. Miiller, 170. Lodge, 692. Garibaldi, " caor d'oro, ma testa di hove" " The Italian cause from the beginning- was not political, but national. Its champions, from Dante to Allien, were all aristocrats. It was Mazzini who, in his impatience and self- conceit, raised the senseless cry, ' Dio e Popolo!" But Mazzini was not a democrat; he was an autocrat. Had he ever had his way, the cry, like Mahomet's, would have beeu, * God is God, and Mazzini is His Prophet.' " GaUeftfla, I, 183. b. Federalists. Federation with liberal constitutions favored by Pius IX (1846). Fyffe, II, 471-474. Lodge, 692. c. Constitutional Monarchists. State a constitutional monarchy under the King of Sardinia, Charles Albert. Fyffe, II, 469, 470. 6. Revolution of 1848. Muller, 202-211. a. In Sardinia, King Charles Albert leads the revolutionary movement. Constitution of 1848. War with Austria and defeat. Abdication of Charles Albert in favor of his son, Victor Emmanuel. Muller, 208-211. Lodge, 693, 700. b. Revolution in Rome ; sympathy for Sardinians, and demand 92 that Pius IX declare war against Austria ; refusal. Lodge, 633, 695. Republicans force the Pope to withdraw ; French assistance to the Pope; French occupation. c. Revolution in Naples. Lodge, 693. d. General failure. Lodge, 700, 701. "All Italy was again brought under its old masters. The expelled princes returned ; the Austrians occupied Bologna and Ancona ; and, owing to the valor of their armies and the skill of their generals, their dominion seemed invincible. The storm that had raged over the whole peninsula had subsided, and the Italian sun smiled once more ; but Italian hatred of foreign rule grew ever darker and darker. They thought that they now knew the country which under more favorable constellations would renew the fight with Austria. Notwithstanding Custozza and Novara, the Savoyard cross continued to be the hope of Italy." Muller, 211. 7. Growth of Sardinia (Piedmont). Lodge, 111. a. Siccardi laws, 1851. Abolition of ecclesiastical jurisdiction. b. Cavour, Prime Minister, 1852. Policy of Sardinia's share in Crimean war, 1854-56. " The keystone of Cavour's policy was a conviction that the freedom of Italy could only be achieved with external assistance. He made it his object to obtain for Piedmont the respect and the friendship of the European powers, and he sternly repressed the revolu- tionary projects of Mazzini and his associates, which alienated all upholders of orderly government." Lodge, 717. c. Relations between Cavour and Napoleon III. France sup- ports Sardinia in war against Austria, 1859. Muller, 275-291. Lodge, 719-721. (1) Causes: Austria perceived that her influence in Italy was rapidly disappearing. Napoleon's foreign policy. " A subscription was raised in the chief towns of the peninsula to assist in the fortifica- tion of Alessandria. Austria was bitterly exasperated, and the Austrian minister was recalled from Turin. It was evident that the struggle could not long be delayed. Sardinia could not hope to contend single-handed with Austria, and relied for assistance upon the sympathies of Isapoleon III. •' Austria refused to allow that Sardinia should be represented at a Congress to settle the aifairs of Italy, and finally sent an ultimatum to Turin demanding disarmament within three days, under penalty of immediate war. This was exactly what Cavour was waiting for." Lodge, 717, 719. (2) Result. Lodge, 720. Ploetz, 502. Treaty of Zurich, 1859. (a) Emperor of Austria ceded Lombardy to Napoleon III, who surrendered it to Sardinia. (b) Italy to form a confederation under Presidency of Pope. 93 (c) Sovereigns of Tuscany and Modena who had been expelled were to be reinstated. (d) Revolted portions of Papal States (Bologna) to be restored, " but without foreign intervention." d. Last three provisions not observed. Uprising of Northern Italian people for union with Sardinia. Annexations. Lodge, 722. France takes Savoy and Nice. Garibaldi (Campaign of the One Thousand) overruns kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Lodge, 723, 724. e. 1861, Victor Emmanuel assumed title of King of Italy ; all Italy, except Venice and Rome, under his rule ; Florence made the capital. Cavour died, June 6, 1861. 8. Italy as a kingdom. a. 1861, the first Italian Parliament. b. Italy allied with Prussia in war of 1866 ; Venetia added to Italy as a result. Lodge, 731. c. 1871, French troops recalled from Rome during Franco- Prussian war; Victor Emmanuel seized Rome. 9. Political supremacy of Party of Left and Left Center, 1876 ; Rattazzi, Depretis, Crispi (1887). Gallenga, I, 189-195. a. The condition of Sicily and Naples. Secret Societies in the Two Sicilies ; Fortnightly Review, vol. 42, pp. 649-664. 10. " Italia Irredenta," 1878. First alliance with Germany and Austro-Hungary. 11. Extension of suffrage, 1880-82; 2,112,563 electors instead of 621,896. Gallenga, I, 195-200. 12. Dissatisfaction with France ; Tunis, 1881-. a. Colonial policy. Assab (1883), and Massowah (1885). War with Abyssinia, 1887. Gallenga, I, chs. 3, 6. Italy and Abyssinia; Westminster Review, vol. 129, 1888, pp. 319-331. 13. Railway Legislation. Hadley : Railroad Transportation, ch xii. 14. The Triple League of Central Europe, 1887, probable terms. Hazell, 1888. Fortnightly Review, May, 1887, p. 617. a. Prime Minister Crispi. Revue des Deux Mondes, Jan. 1, 1889, p. 203. 15. Political parties. Moderates. a. The Ministerial Left: Progressists. b. The Opposition Left, including some Socialists, Moderates, and Irredentists. > Liberals. 94 c. The Right, Clericals. Conservatives. (1) Attitude of Clericals. Policy of Abstention. 15. Government of Italy. a. Constitutional monarchy. Constitution granted to Sardinia in 1848. b. Executive. King, who rules by responsible ministers. c. Legislature. (1) Senate, composed of the princes of the royal house and of unlimited number of life members nominated by the king ; " a condition of the nomination being that the per- son should either fill a high office, or have acquired fame in science, literature, or other pursuit tending to the benefit of the nation, or finally should pay taxes to the annual amount of about §600." Senate also has judicial powers. (2) Chamber of Deputies, elected by ballot and by scrutin de liste, by citizens who can read and write and have a small property qualification. Members of either House unpaid, but travel free. (3) Sits for five years; can be dissolved at any time by king, but he must convoke another within four months. 16. San Marino. Independent Republic since 11th century; 32 sq. mi. ; 8000 people. Last treaty with Italy, 1872. 17. Education. Conventual property confiscated (1866) and used for schools. Compulsory primary education, under state control. Law of 1884. Gallen.rja, II, chs. 1, 6. 18. The position of the See of Rome. a. The Supreme Pontiff. " By the terms of the royal decree of Oct. 9, 1870, which declared that k Rome and the Roman provinces shall constitute an integral part of the kingdom of Italy,' the Pope or Roman Pontiff was acknowledged supreme head of the Church, preserving his former rank and dignity as a reigning prince, and all other prerogatives of independent sovereignty." Statesman s Tear Book, 338. b. College of Cardinals, limited in number to 70. c. Sacred Congregations, at present twenty in number, the most famous being the Congregations of the Inquisition, Propaganda, Index, Indulgences, and Sacred Relics. 95 LECTURE XX. SWITZERLAND, NETHERLANDS, HKM.HII. A. Switzerland. Area, 15,800 sq. mi.; popul., 3 m. 59 per cent of population Protestants ; 41 per cent of population Catholics. 1. Increase of territory by Congress of Vienna. New constitution (1815) aristocratic, and tending to disunion. League of 22 Cantons. Lodge, 630, 669. a. Neufchatel, both Swiss and Prussian. b. Domination of city patricians, 1815—30. 2. Revolution, 1830. City vs. County. Democratic success. " Siebener-Concordat " (1832). Liberal League overthrows " Sarner Bund." Conservative League, 1834. Lodge, 670. Mutter, 127, 128, 169. a. Liberal demand for Constitutional revision. b. Right of Asylum. c. Religious dissensions, 1834-45. Midler, 170. Lodge. 687. 3. Civil war between Liberal and Protestant Cantons, and Catholic and Conservative Cantons (Sonderbund), 1847. Overthrow of Son- derbund and establishment of a National Government in place of old League. " All the cantons had to yield, and accept the conditions of peace which were dictated to them. Among these were payment of the expenses of the war, a change of government in the cantons, the dissolution of the Sovdertnind, and the expulsion of the Jesuits. In a few weeks all was accomplished. Then the reform of the Helvetian constitution was proceeded with, and in 1848 the new federal state was established. The Standerath forms a sort of upper house, which is to represent the governments of the several cantons ; while the Na- tionalrath forms a lower house, which is elected by the people in proportion to the popula- tion. By this united congress the highest tribunal of Switzerland — the Bundesrath — is chosen, and at the head of this is a president." Mullet, 172. 4. Culturkampf, 1873-80. Strength of Old Catholics in Switzer- land. Liberal revision of Constitution accepted, 1874, in interest of educational and ecclesiastic reforms. Midler, 491, 492. 96 a. Clerical political agitation prohibited. b. Freedom of burial. c. Compulsory civil marriage. The Railway Question, 1886-87. a. The Tunnels. Mutter, 609. Government. Federal Republic. See §3, ante. a. Nationulrath, 145 members, chosen by manhood suffrage. b. Standeratk, two members from each canton. The two chambers elect : c. Bundesrath. Federal (Executive) Council, for three years. d. President and Vice-President of Republic and Council, for one year. e. Bundes- Gericht. Federal Tribunal, for six years. f. The Referendum. 7. Local Government. a. Cantonal Sovereignty. b. The Landesgemeinde. B. The Netherlands. References: T. C Grattan: History of the Netherlands. J. T. Rogers: Holland (Story of the Nations Series). Area, 12,648 sq. mi. ; popul., about A\ m. Area of colonial posses- sions, 766,137 sq. mi. Population of colonial possessions, over 28 m. 1. 1795-1806, Batavian Republic. 2. Kingdom of Holland, 1806-15. Louis Bonaparte, king. Eng- land seizes colonial possessions of Holland. 3. 1815, Kingdom of the Netherlands equalled former Holland and Austrian Belgium ; under William I. a. Cape Colony and Ceylon retained by England. b. Luxemburg given to personal charge of King of Holland, as head of family of Orange-Nassau. Fyffe, II, 387, 388. " The kingdom of the Netherlands, created by the Congress of Vienna, had been formed by the enforced union of two utterly different elements, the Protestant commercial state of Holland, which was of like nationality with its sovereign, and the Catholic manufacturing country of Belgium, which was divided between the Flemish and Walloon nationalities, but was pervaded by French culture." I'loetz, 489. 4. Separation of Belgium, 1830. (See below.) 5. The Luxemburg Question, 1866-70. Miiller, 369-371. a. Again, from 1884 (death of Prince of Orange) to 1889. 6. Government. Constitutional hereditary monarchy, King, Minis- try, and two Houses of the States-General. Liberal Constitution, 07 1814; revised in 1834-36, 1848-87. Iu 1887, extension of suffrage. 7. Local Government. a. Communal Councils. b. States Provincial. 8. Education. 9. Political parties and tendencies. Religious, theological, and educational questions, the main causes of difference. a. Liberals, in control generally since 1815. b. Anti-Liberals, Catholics and Orthodox (extreme) Protest- ants. C. Belgium. 1. Separated from Holland, 1830. Nine provinces. Area, 11,373 sq. m. ; popul., about 6 m. 2. Cause of the insurrection was the underlying discord always present between the two sections of the country. The two countries, Holland and Belgium, did not have the same language or the same religious or commercial interests. Fyffe, II, 381-390. " The Belgians complained that they were saddled with part of the burden of the enor- mous national debt of Holland ; that they contributed to the building of Dutch ships and other objects from which they derived no benefit whatever. Their discontent was also increased by the unpopular government of King William I, who treated Belgium like a conquered country." Ewald, 79. " The antagonism between the northern and southern Netherlands, though not insuper- able, was sufficiently great to make a harmonious union bet%veen the two countries a work of difficulty, and the Government of the Hague had not taken the right course to conciliate its opponents. The Belgians, though more numerous, were represented by fewer members in the National Assembly than the Dutch. Offices were filled by strangers from Holland ; finance was governed by a regard for Dutch interests ; and the Dutch language was made the official language for the whole kingdom. But the chief grievances were undoubtedly connected with the claims of the clerical party in Belgium to a monopoly of spiritual power and the exclusive control of education. The one really irreconcilable enemy of the Protest- ant House of Orange was the Church ; and the governing impulse in the conflicts which preceded the dissolution of the kingdom of the Netherlands, in 1830, .sprang from the same clerical interest which had thrown Belgium into revolt against the Emperor Joseph forty years before." Fyffe, II, 382. Midler, 112-121. 3. Independence was recognized by the foreign powers, and, in 1831, Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg was chosen king; reigned until 1865. 4. Clericalism. Educational and political power of the clergy. Midler, 490, 604. 5. Culturkampf, 1878-. Liberals vs. Ultramontanes. a. Liberal regime, 1878-84. Influence of French politics upon Belgium. Muller, 604-606. (1) "Liberal" Education Act, 1879, deprived clergy of school supervision. 98 b. Clerical reaction, 1884. Partial control of primary educa- tion given to communes. c. Agitation for universal suffrage, 1886. Industrial disturb- ances, 1886-87. Hazell, 43. 6. Political Parties. a. Clericals (Catholics). b. Liberals. c. Radicals, Socialists, advanced Liberal programme. Constit- uency mainly unenfranchised. 7. Hereditary constitutional mouarchy. Property qualification for suffrage. Statesman' s Year Book, 35. 8. Relations of Belgium to France and Germany. Fortnightly Review, Jan., 1887, pp. 24-28. a. Luxemburg, upon the death of the present King of the Netherlands. LECTURE XXL THE SCANDINAVIAN KINGDOMS. A. Sweden and Norway. References : B. Moses : The Crown and Parliament of Sweden, in The Berkeley Quarterly, Oct., 1880. Home Ride in Norway, Nineteenth Centttry, Jan., 1888. E. C. Otte : Scandinavian History (to 1872). H. H. Boyesen : Norway (Story of the Nations Series). J. W. Burgess : Recent Constitutional Cri- sis in Norway, Political Science Quarterly, I, 259-294. Area (Sweden), 170,979 sq. mi. Population, 4.7 m. (Norway), 123,205 sq. mi. Popuh, about 2 m, Total area a little larger than Texas. 99 1. Union of Calmar, 1397 ; Sweden, Norway, and Denmark united under princes of Denmark. Independence of Sweden established under Gustavus Vasa, 1521-23. a. Territory in 1800, Sweden, Finland, Pomerania. 2. Peace of Tilsit, 1807. Russia seizes Finland. Representa- tive constitution established in Sweden, 1809 ; ancient Diet of the four classes, or estates, preserved. Napoleon's Marshal, Bernadotte, chosen Crown Prince of Sweden, 1810. Lodge, 598, 599. «. The Four Estates. Moses, 8-11, 25. 3. Treaty of Kiel and Vieuna, 1814. Loss of Pomerania. Acqui- sition of Norway from Denmark. cu Norwegian resistance and claim of independence unsuccess- ful. Nineteenth Century, Jan., 1888, p. 55. " Union of the two kingdoms declared indissoluble and irrevocable without prejudice to the separate government, constitution, and code of laws of either Sweden or Norway." Statesman' s Tear Book, 482. 4. Constitutions and government. «. Sweden, 1809, 1810, 1866. Hereditary constitutional mon- archy. King must be a Lutheran, possesses legislative power in matters of political administration. Responsible ministry. Diet of two chambers, the first elected by prov- inces and municipalities. b. Norway. Hereditary constitutional monarchy. Responsible ministry. King has only a suspensive veto on legislation, and is restricted in power of appointment to office. Large legislative and judicial powers of the Assembly, or Stor- thing, elected indirectly ; meets annually. \ tion. (8) Intransigentes, Republicans (Zorrilla). ) (9) Autonomists, Federalist Republicans, Carlists. 9. Government, and Constitution of 1876. Webster, 1G2-1G9. a. Monarchy, controlled by a constitution. Responsible minis- ters. b. The Legislative power is the Cortes, composed of a Senate and Congress which are equal in authority. Senate com- posed of hereditary, official, and elected members. c. Local institutions. The Republic of Andorra. 10. Colonies. The Cuban Question. a. Relations with Morocco. b. Gibraltar. 11. Condition of Education and Religion. Webster, ch. vii. Field, ch. xvii. 12. Financial policy. The Tariff Question. Webster, 174-180, 231-235. 107 LECTURE XXIII. SPANISH AMERICA; OR, THE REVOLTED COLONIES OF SPAIN. References: William Eleroy Curtis: The Capitals of Spanish America. Lalor : Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and United States History. D. A. Wells: A Study of Mexico. Florence C. Baylor : Hidalgo, the Washington of Mexico; New Princeton Review, 1888. C. B. Heller : Reisen in Mexiko, in den Jahren 1845-48. J. F. Elton: With the French in Mexico. Antonio Garcia Cubas: The Republic of Mexico in 1876 (translated by G. E. Henderson). Edouard Seve: Le Chili Tel QiCil Est. K. B. Murray: Commercial Geography, pp. 150-163. H. W. Bates: Central and South America (Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel). Laurence Oliphant: Patriots and Filibusters, pp. 170-242. C. W. Doubleday : Reminiscences of the Filibuster War in Nic- aragua. Geo. F. Tucker: The Monroe Doctrine. A. Mexico. Area, 742.000 sq. mi. ; or one fourth of the United States, excluding Alaska; popul., over 10 m. 1. Colonial period. Authentic history dates from 1521. Until 1821, a province of Spain. "During these three centuries the attitude of the masses was one rather of sulleu sub- mission than of active resistance to grinding oppression." Valued by Spain simply on account of its metals. Country worked for the benefit of the Spanish crown. System of repartimenfos, or distribution of the aborigines on the plantations ami in the mines. Wells : Study of Mexico, ch. 3. 2. Revolt in 1810 under Hidalgo. Wells, 67. " Liberator," Itur- bide. Curtis, 9-13. Independence declared in 1821. 3. Mexico as an independent nation, 1821—. 108 a. Revolutionary spirit throughout the whole period. An- archy. Dictatorships. "Since the establishment of her independence in 1821, Mexico, down to the year 1844, — a period of sixty-three years, — has had fifty- five presidents, two emperors, and one regency, and, with some three or four exceptions, there was a violent change of the government with every new administration." Wells, 69. b. Constitution adopted in 1824, modelled after that of the United States. 19 states and 5 territories. Gen. Santa Anna, 1824-57. Revolt of Texas, 1835-36. c. War with United States in 1846, by which Mexico lost nearly one half her territory. d. Reforms introduced to correct prevailing evils. Amended constitution, and "War of Reform" for three years, 1857- 60. Triumph of Liberal Party under Benito Juarez. Financial embarrassment. e. 1861, suspension of specie payments. Obligations largely held in Europe. Interference of France, England, and Spain. Napoleon's ambition to obtain power. England and Spain withdrew. In 1863, the French army entered Mexico, and established an hereditary monarchy. Arch- duke Maximilian of Austria made emperor. f. Demand of the United States, upon the close of the civil war, that the French troops withdraw from Mexico. Monroe doctrine. Compliance, and fall of Maximilian. In 1867, the Emperor captured and shot. g. Presidency of Juarez (died 1872). Confiscation of church property. Banishment of religious orders (Jesuits) ; civil marriage obligatory. Supremacy of Liberals since 1867. Juarez, 1867-72. Lerdo de Tejada, 1872-76. Porfirio Diaz, 1876-80. Manuel Gonzalez, 1880-84. Porfirio Diaz, 1884-88, 1888-. Curtis, 26-32. 4. Political Parties. Liberals and Clericals. a. The Indian race. Cubas, 61-64. Bates, 26-28, 84, 85. Wells, ch. v. 5. Government of Mexico. A republic of 27 states, 1 territory, and 1 Federal District. Similar to that of the United States. 6. Indebtedness and financial distress. Railway connection with the United States. Influence of the United States and of European nations. Wells, chs. x and xi. 109 7. Ship Railway scheme. Across Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in southern Mexico. Captain Eads. B. Central America. 1. Composed of five republics: Costa Rica, 23,200 sq. mi. ; popul., 203,780. Guatemala, 46,800 sq. mi. ; popul.. 1,400,000. Honduras, 46,400 sq. mi. ; popul., 460,000. Nicaragua, 49,500 sq. mi. ; popul., 275,815. Salvador, 7225 sq. mi. ; popul., 651,130. Total popul., about 3 m. 2. Acquired their independence in the first part of this century, Salvador and Guatemala taking the lead in 1821, and endeavor- ing to found the Federal Republic of Central America. Frequent attempts to unite them under one government as a confederation ; but, with exception of a short period, unsuccessful. 3. Clericals vs. Liberals. Morazan, Carera, 1840-70. Curtis, 79, 80, 135-137. a. Jose Rufino Barrios, President of Guatemala, 1873-85. (1) Overthrow of the Clericals. (2) Compulsory Education. (3) Development of trade. (4) Encouragement of immigration. (5) A Central American Union. Curtis, 75-78, 81-88, 103-113. 4. Relations of United States and England to Nicaragua, 1848-60. a. Walker, the filibuster, 1854-57. Olvphant, 195-210. Doubleday, ch. xi. b. Nicaragua Canal project. Scheme revived in 1879. Treaty with the United States proposed (1884), by which the United States was to be empowered to build a canal. Eng- lish objections based upon Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850. Activity of Nicaragua Canal Co. (U. 8.), 1888-89. Tucker, ch. v. 5. Indian supremacy in San Salvador. Bates, 120. Curtis, 176- 178, 187. 6. Costa Rica, "Mariana." Tomas Guardia, 1872. Curtis, 204- 212, 219-223. C. Northeastern South America. Colombia : area, 504,773 sq. mi. ; popul., about 4 m. Venezuela : area, 632,695 sq. mi. ; popul., over 2 m. Ecuador : area, 248,370 sq. mi. ; popul., over 1 m. 110 1. Revolts from Spain began, 1810. Simon Bolivar, a Venezuelan. Curtis, 266, 269. a. The Monroe Doctrine, Dec. 2, 1823. 2. Federal form of government in Colombia. Triumph of Cen- tralization in 1886-87. Curtis, 255, 256. 3. Panama Canal project. In 1878, government of United States of Colombia granted concession to a company to build a canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Isthmus of Panama. De Les- seps interested. Financial failure, 1888-89. 4. Overthrow of clerical domination in Venezuela, 1874. Guzman Blanco. Curtis, 269, 270, 275, 286-291. 5. Ecuador, dissociated since 1831 from Colombia and Venezuela. Political anarchy since 1874. "It is the only country in America in which the Romish church survives as the Spaniards left it." No railroads, no coaches, no wagon roads, no secular schools, one news- paper, one telegraph line. Curtis, 306-308, 317-319,333-337, 341. D. The Western South American Republics. Peru: area, about 500,000 sq. mi.; popul., about 3 m. Bolivia: area, about 800,000 sq. mi. ; popul., about 2:} m. Chili : area, about 293,970 sq. mi. ; popul., about 2^- m. 1. Peru declared independence, 1821, won it (San Martin, Coch- rane), 1824. 2. Overthrow of clerical supremacy, 1869-76. Curtis, 361. 3. Defeat and ruin of Peru in the '"saltpetre war," by Chili against Peru and Bolivia, 1879-83. Futile interference of the United States (Sec. Blaine), 1882. Cession to Chili of southern provinces, rich in guano, nitrate of soda, and silver. Lalor, III, 164-166. Curtis, 388-401,431-438. a. Financial depression; worthless paper currency. "You give a $20 bill to your boot black, and $250 an hour for a hack. It costs about $600 a day for board at the hotel, and $50 for a bunch of cigarettes." Curtis, 365. b. Revival of clerical influence. Curtis, 493. 4. Henry Meiggs. Present condition of the Oroya Railway and the silver mines. Curtis, 401-409, 419. 5. Lack of organization in Bolivia. Succession of military dicta- torships. Loss of sea coast to Chili, 1879. Priestly supremacy. Bo- Ill livia and Ecuador are the only Spanish American nations now under political control of the priesthood. Curtis, 442-451, 493. a. Relations with the Argentine Republic. Curtis. 512. 6. Chilian independence declared, 1810 ; war, 1810-18. An aggres- sive, united nation. " There has not been a successful revolution in Chili since 1889." Curtis, 475. a. Acquisition of guano and nitrate districts by war from Bolivia and Peru, 1879-83, and of jurisdiction over Straits of Magellan by treaty with the Argentine Republic, 1881. Curtis, 472-476. b. Hostility towards the United States. Curtis, 455. 7. The Culturkampf in Chili. Curtis, 493-496. C. The Southeastern Republics. The Argentine Confederation: area, 1,125,086 sq. mi. ; popul., 3^- m. Paraguay: area, 91,970 sq. mi.; popul., 5 m. Uruguay: area, 72,150 sq. mi. ; popul., over |- m. 1. War for independence in the La Plata region, 1810-19. Con- tinued importance of the State of La Plata and its capital city, Bue- nos Ayres. Blancos and Colorados. The Gauchos. Lalor, I, 114. Curtis, 570-572. Bates, 392-396. a. Dictatorship of Rosas, 1829-52. Curtis, 572-574. b. Conflicts between Buenos Ayres and other parts of the con- federacy. Constitution of 1853 ; revised, 1860. Enormous progress since 1860. (1) Immigration and trade. Curtis, 569, 581-590. (2) Relations with Chili. Curtis, 528, 529. (3) Relations with the United States. Curtis, 550-559. 2. Paraguay. Ruled by Jesuits, under suzerainty of Spain, 1611- 1767. Revolt from Spain, 1811. Dictatorship of Francia, 1811- 40 ; policy of isolation. Lalor, III, 49. a. Lopez I and II, 1842-70 ; brutal tyranny. Ruinous war with Brazil, the Argentine Republic, and the Colorado party of Uruguay, 1864-70. Curtis, 624-627. 3. Uruguay (Banda Oriental). After revolt from Spain controlled by Brazil until 1825 ; 1830-72, almost continual revolution and civil war. a. Trade and commerce. Curtis, 599-601. b. Conflict with clerical influence. Curtis, 612-614. 112 LECTURE XXIV. THE AFRICAN CONTINENT. COLONIZATION AND CURRENTS OF EMIGRATION. References: Keith Johnston: Africa. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel). C. P. Lucas: Historical Geography of the British Colonies. H. M. Stanley: The Congo and the Founding of its Free State. Daniel De Leon: The Confer- ence at Berlin on the West African Question, l^olitical Science Quarterly, I, 103-189. E. De Amicis : Morocco, its People, and Places. E. W. B/yden : Christianity, Islam, and the Negro Pace. A. B. Wylde: '83 to '87 in the Soudan. John Eliot Bowen : The Conflict of East and West in Egypt, Polit- ical Science Quarterly, I, 295-335, 449-490, 636-677, with bibliography, pp. 676, 677. 0. Crawfurd: Slavery in East Central Africa, Nineteenth Century, Sept., 1888. H. H.John- ston: British East Africa, Fortnightly Review, Oct., 1888. England, Germany and the Slave Trade, Spectator, Nov. 3, 1888. W. M. Torrens: lite East African Slave Trade, Fort- nightly Review, vol. 43, 691. Joseph Thomson: Mohammedan- ism in Central Africa, Contemporary Review, Dec, 1886, p. 876. R. Bosivorth Smith: Mohammedanism in Africa, Nineteenth Century, vol. 22, 791. Grant Allen: A Glance at North Africa; Canon Mac Coll : Islam and Civilization, Contempo- rary Review, April, 1888, pp. 526-559. Area, nearly 12 m. sq. mi. ; popul., estimated from 60 m. to 200 m. A. The Division of a Continent. 1. Share of the Turkish Sultan. a. Tripoli (including Barca and Fezzan) ; Turkish authority reasserted, 1835; Turkish garrison strengthened since French occupation of Tunis ; power of politico-religious frater- nities ; the Senoosiya, 1830- ; claims of France and Italy 113 b. Egypt and the Soudan. 1805-49, destruction of feudal regime of the Mamelukes ; rule of the Albanian, Mehemet Ali, whose great grandson, Tewfik, is now Khedive. Con- quest of the Soudan, 1870-73 ; its revolt (Al Mahdi) 1881- ; Political Science Quarterly, I, 626-645. Gordon at Khar- toum, 1884-85. Political Science Quarterly, 653-659. Emin Pasha (Dr. Schnitzler), at Wadelai, on Lake Albert Nyanza. Stanley's expeditions, 1887-89. (1) Interferences of England; to drive out the French, 1801 ; to check Mehemet Ali, 1840 ; to purchase the Khedive's Suez Canal shares (nearly half the whole), 1875. Bright, iv, 516, 517. To manage (together with France) Egyptian finances, 1875-76. Political Science Quarterly, I, 314-334. To suppress Arabi Pasha's rebellion, 1882, (end of the dual control). Political Science Quarterly, ], 474-484, 487. To check the Mahdists (Khartoum, Suakim), 1884—. "She has shrunk all along from the final step of annexation, but she remains the virtual suze- rain of Egypt." Political Science Quarterly, I, 674-676. For unfavorable view of England's present policy in the Soudan, see Wylde, II, ch. viii. 2. Share of England. (Lecture V.) Lucas, 111. Imperial British East African Co. in Zanzibar. H. H. Johnston. Egypt (ante, § 1, and Lecture XIV). 3. Share of Italy. Massowah given up by Egypt, 1885-86; trou- bles with Abyssinia. (Lecture XIX.) Wylde, I, 340-342. 4. Share of France. Algiers and Tunis, the Senegal valley and coast, 1856-88; French Congo (De Brazza), and (assumed) protec- torate of Madagascar. Lebon : Prance As It Is, 895-300, 303-307. (Lecture XVIII.) 5. Share of Spain. The future of Morocco ; its people. De Amicis, 280-284. Area, about 219,000 sq. mi.; popul., estimated from 2^ m. to 8 m. Grant Allen, 533-536. Powers of foreign consuls at Tangiers. 6. Share of Portugal. Lower Guinea and Mozambique ; undevel- oped. 7. Share of Germany. The Kameroons, Damaraland, and, on the coast of Zanzibar, concessions to the German East African Company. (1) German East African Company and the Arabian slave traders, 1888-89. 114 8. Independent states. a. Morocco, see ante, § 5. b. Liberia, founded 1822, by American Colonization Society. Republic on model of United States. E. W. Blyden, 221— 223, 228-253, 392-432. c. Congo Free State. The African International Association, 1877. Staidey's Explorations, 1879-84. Stanley, I, cbs. ii and iv. (1) International Congo Conference, Berlin, Feb., 1885. The state defined, declared neutral and free to trade of all nations ; controls valley and mouth of Congo. Area, over 1 m. sq. mi. ; popul., 27 m. Stanley, II, ch. xxxviii. d. The Dutch Republics. (Lecture V.) e. Madagascar. (Ante, § 4, Lecture XVIII.) f. Zanzibar, subject to Muscat, 1784-1870; since 1870 inde- pendent. Limits determined, 1886-87, by Joint Commis- sion (Great Britain, Germany, and France). g. Abyssinia (Habesh, Ethiopia). Estimated area, 150,000 sq. m. ; popul., 3 m. Group of semi-independent states. Christianized about 321*. (1) Theodore, 1855-68, takes title of Negoosa Negust, that is, King of Kings. English influence and missionaries. War with England, 1867-68. Bright, iv, 436-438. (2) King John II, 1872- ; "His Majesty Johannis, made by the Almighty King of Sion Negoosa Negust of Ethi- opia and its dependencies." Ilewett's Treaty. (a) Repel's Egyptian invasion, 1H75-77. Wylde, 1,312- 329. (b) Treaties of alliance with Egypt and England against the Mahdists, and against the slave trade (Ilewett's Treaty), 1884. Wylde, II, 38-65, 304-309. (3) The people. Wylde, I, chs. x-xv. h. Central African States. In Guinea, Ashantee (wars with England, 1864, 1873. Bright, iv, 372, 497-499), and Da- homey. In Eastern Africa, Uganda, the Gallas, and Som- alis. In Southern Africa, Hottentots, and Kaffirs. In Central Africa, Mandingoes, Bornous. Foulahs, and the tribes of the Eastern Soudan. Blyden, 312, 350, 356. " We must not lose sight of the fact that there were many races in Africa — that the typ- ical Negro with prognathous jaw and woolly hair, who has been so eagerly sought as a slave in all ages, is quite as diBtinct from the Kaffir, and from many of the races described by travellers in the interior, as from the diminutive Bushman, the feeble remnant of an older race now extinct." Blyden, :!17. 115 B. The Slave Trade and Mohammedanism. 1. The extent of Islam in Africa. Its civilizing powers. Varieties. The Mahdis. See especially, Bosivorth Smith, 795, and Blyden, 199- 216, 350-378. " Whatever may be the case in Arabia, there is an irrepressible activity — intellectual, commercial, political, and religious — among the adherents of the creed in Nigritia." Blyden, 377. 2. The competition of Islam and Christianity. For faulty methods of the latter, see Thomson ; hut for general presentation of the subject, see Blyden, 1-53, 277-297. 3. The Trans-Arabian slave-traffic. Importance of the outlets at Suakim, Masbowah, and Zanzibar. Spectator, Nov. 3, 1888. a. Reasons for Egyptian failure to control the Soudan and suppress the slave-trade. Wylde, II, 65-68. b. Complicity of Turkey and responsibility of England. Wylde, II, 242-266. 4. The Trans-Sahara slave traffic. Crusade of Cardinal Lavigerie of Algiers, 1888. C. Colonial Empiees of Today, and the Routes of Trade. 1. England, France, Holland, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Denmark, and Italy. (Map exercise). Lucas, chs. vi, vii, with maps. 2. The world's commerce. K B. Murray: Commercial Geography, pp. 15-19; especially 89-113. John Yeats: Recent and Existing Commerce, part iv. D. Currents of Emigration. 1. Most important inter-continental emigration is from Germany, Scandinavia, Great Britain, Italy, and China to the United States, Argentine Republic, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, Uru- guay, and the Pacific Hands. For study of emigration from nearly all European countries, see United States Consular Reports, vol. xxii, 1887, No. 76. For Den- mark, Consular Reports, 1884, pp. 672-675. Report of German Imperial Emigrant Commissioner, Consular Reports, vol. xxvi, 1888, pp. 233-239. See also Richmond Smith : The Control of Immigration, Political Science Quarterly, vol. iii ; also same authority on The Influ- ence of Immigration on the United States of America, Bulletin de Li ' Institut International de Statistique, tome iii, 2 6me livre, 1888. Total immigration into the United States, 1820-87, about 14 m. Of these about 6 m. were from the British Hands. Largest number in one year, 788,992 in 1882. Total immigration into the United 116 States from China, 1855-87, 274,458, of whom probably one half have returned to China. For Chinese in Australia, see Sir John Pope Hennessey: The Chinese in Australia, Nineteenth Century, vol. 23, p. 617. 2. Most important trans-continental emigration is in the United States and Canada towards the West, and into the United States from all parts of British America ; and, in Russia, to the East and South (Siberia and the coasts of the Black and Caspian Seas). Walker and Gannett'' s Report on the Progress of the Nation, in Rand's Selections Illustrating Economic History, pp. 286-307. See also Tenth United States Census, vol. i. liomahy OF CONGRESS 015 826 162 5 t$^^$$$>