French's International Copyrighted (in England, her Col- onies, and the United States) Edition of the Works of the Best Authors '.iiniMiiiriiMiniiiiriiiiiii' '!i,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiriiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiinii!iiii;:i: . 635 3 No. 429 5S67 — ay 1 A Narrow Squeak'' A COMEDY IN ONE ACT BY LILIAN BENNET-THOMPSON AND GEORGE HUBBARD X I 1^ i E i > I - 2 = '-^ll Rights Reserved r> i 5 I Copyright, 1922, by Samuel French Price 30 Cents New York London SAMUEL FRENCH SAMUEL FRENCH, Ltd. Publisher 26 Southampton Street 28-30 Wi'^sr 38th S'jkelt STRAND THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY. The famous comedy in three acts, by Anne Warner. 7 males, 6 females. Three interior scenes. Costumes modern. Plays 2% hours. This is a genuinely funny comedy with splendid parts for "Aunt Mary," "Jack," her lively nephew; "Lucinda," a New England an- cient maid of all work; "Jack's" three chum.s; the Girl "Jack" loves; "Joshua," Aunt Mary's hired man, etc. "Aunt Mary" was played by May Robson in New York and on tour for over two years, and it is sure to be a big success wherever pro- duced. We strongly recommend it. Price, 60 Cents. MRS. BUMSTEAD-LEIGH. A pleasinfe comedy, in three acts, by Harry James Smith, author of "The Tailor-Mcde Man." 6 males, 6 females. One interior scene. Costvimes modern. Plays 2J4 hours. Mr. Smith chose for his initial comedy the complications arising from the endeavors of a social climber to land herself in the altitude peopled by hyphenated names — a liieme permitting innumerable com- plications, according to the spirit of the writer. This most successful comedy was toured for several seasons by Mrs. Fiske with enormous success. Price, 60 Cents. MRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM. A most sviccessful farce in three acts, by^ Frank Wyatt and Wil- liam Morris. 5 males, 4 females. One interior scene stands through- out the three acts. Costumes modern. Plays 2J/2 hours. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" is a sprightly farce in which there is an abundance of fun without any taint of impropriety or any ele- ment of ol¥ence. As noticed by Sir Walter Scott, "Oh, what a tangled web we v.'eave when first we practice to deceive." There is not a dull moment in the entire farce, and from the time the curtain rises until it makes the final- drop the fun is fast and furious. A very exceptional farce. Price, 60 Cents. THE NEW CO-ED, A comedy in four acts, by Marie Doran, author of "Tempest and Sunshine," etc. Characters, 4 males, 7 females, though any number of boys and girls can be introduced in the action of the play. One interior and one exterior scene, btit can be easily played in one inte- rior scene. Costumes modern. Time, about 2 hours. The theme of this play is the coming of a new student to the col- lege, her reception by the scholars, her trials and final triumph. There are three especially good girls' parts, Letty, Madge and Estelle, but the others have plenty to do. "Punch" Doolittle and George Washington Watts, a gentleman of color, are two particularly good comedy characters. We can strongly recommend "The New Co-Ed" to high schools and amateurs. Price, 30 Cents. (The Above Are Subject to Royalty When Produced) SAMUEL FRENCH, 28-30 West 38th Street, New York City New and Explicit Descriprive Catalogue Mailed Free on Reouest "A Narrow Squeak" A COMEDY IN ONE ACT By LILIAN BENNET-THOMPSON AND GEORGE HUBBARD All Rights Reserved Copyright, ly^g, bv Samuel French New York SAMUEL FRENCH Publisher 28-30 West 38th Street London SAMUEL FRENCH, Ltd. 26 Southampton Street STRAND, W. C. 2 ^"b i^^"^,.^^ ^^*' Copyright, 1922, by Samuel French AM Rights Reserved "A NARROW SQUEAK" is fully protected by copy- right, and all rights are reserved. Permission to act, to read publicly, or to make any use of this play must be obtained from Samuel French, 28-30 West 38th St., New York. It may be presented by amateurs upon payment of a royalty of five dollars for each performance, payable to Samuel French one week before the date when the play is Professional rates quoted on application. Whenever the play is produced the following _ notice must appear on all programs, printing and advertising for the play: "Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French of New York." SEP 23 '22 'CI.D (5190 4