D 570 .ft2 P35 no. 18 Copy 1 -^ ^ WAR INFORMATION SERIES No. 18 August, 1918 OF THE UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE 1866-1918 Prepared by The Adjutant General's Office U/di ISSUED BY THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION WASHINGTON, D. C. WASHINQTON : GOVERNMENT PRINT:NQ OFFICE : I>I8 i'ected W n« of «». 15 191C \ :^t» y(^^' CHRONOLOGICAL STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION AND SERVICE STATIONS OF REGIMENTS COMPOSING THE UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY Prepared as of July 1^ 1918, by the Adjutant General's Office, at the request of the correspondents' corps, and furnished through the Committee on Public Information. The purpose of this compilation is to place at the disposal of correspondents and editors, for such reference and other use as may be desirable, correct data concerning the development of individual regiments comprising the Regular Army of the United States. Members of correspondents' corps requested that this data embrace some information as to nicknames and outstanding fighting achievements of the older regiments, but it was not found practicable to fur- nish this.- INFANTRY FIRST INFANTRY: Louisiana, 1866 to 1869. Michigan and New York, 1S69 to 1874. • Dakota, 1874 to 1880. Texas, 1880 to 1SS2. Arizona, 1882 to 1886. California, 1886 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba— E and G, I\Iay 10 to 17, 1898. Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 28, 1898. New York, 1898. Alabama, 1898. Cuba- Headquarters and F, December 30, 1898, to August 12, 1900. A and D, December 30, 1898, to September 19, 1899. B, December 29, 1898, to September 19, 1899. C, January 8 to September 19, 1899. E and G, January 8, 1899, to August 12, 1900. H, December 29, 1898, to August 12, 1900. I, December 29, 1898, to September 6, 1900. K, January 8, 1899, to August 7, 1900. L, December 30, 1898, to August 7, 1900. M, December 29, 1898, to August 7, 1900. (Four companies in Kansas and Arkansas, September, 1899, to ' April, 1901.) (3); 4 REGIMENTAL HISTORY FIRST INFANTRY— Continued. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, September 1, 1900, to April 28, 1903. I and M, April 15, 1901, to April 28, 1903. K and L, April 5, 1901, to April 28, 1903. Michigan and New York, 1903 to 1906. Philippines, regiment, Februarj^ 1, 1906, to June 14, 1908. Washington, June, 1908, to May, 1912. Hawaii, regiment, May 10, 1912, to June 10, 1918. * Camp Murray, Washington, June, 1918. SECOND INFANTRY: Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama, 1866 to 1877. Idaho and Washington, 1877 to 1886. Nebraska, Montana, and Dakota, 1886 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba- Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F,G, and H, June 14 to August 15, 1898. I, June 29 to August 15, 1898. New York, 1898. Alabama, 1898 to 1899. Cuba- Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, April 13, 1899, to July 24, 1900. E, F, G, and H, April 13, to September 25, 1899. I, K, L, and M, May 25, 1899, to July 24, 1900. (Four companies in Ohio and Kentucky, September, 1899, to April, 1902.) Philippines — Headquarters and I, K, L, and M, September 1, 1900, to June 6, 1903. A, B, C, and D, April 16, 1902, to June 6, 1903. E, F, G, and H, August 21, 1900, to June 6, 1903. Wyoming and Colorado, 1903 to 1906. Philippines — Headquarters and C, I, K, L, and M, February 10, 1906, to April 19, 1908. A, B, D, E, F, G, and H, February 10, 1906, to May 8, 1908. Kentucky, May, 1908, to March, 1911. (Four companies in Montana to September, 1911.) Hawaii, Headquarters, A, B, C, D, E, P, G, H, March 21, 1911, to ; I, K, L,.M, September 5, 1911, to . THIRD INFANTRY: Kansas, Colorado, and Indian Territory, 1866 to 1874. LoiTisiana and Mississippi, 1874 to 1877. Montana, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 1877 to 1898. Alabama and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 25. 1898. New York, 1898. Minnesota, 1898 to 1899. Philippines, Regiment, February 3, 1899, to April 15, 1902. Kentucky, Ohio, and Illinois, 1902 to 1904. UNITED STATES EEGULAR ARMY 5 THIRD INFANTRY— Contiuued. Alaska — • Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, L, and jM, July 1, 1004, to August 6, 1906. F, July 1, 1904, to October 19, 1906. K, July 1, 1904, to October 6, 1906. Washington, August, 1906, to August, 1909. Philippines, Regiment, August 5, 1909, to April 14, 1912. New York, April, 1912, to May, 1916. (Madison Barracks, N. Y., Headquarters and Second and Third Battalion.) (Fort Ontario, N. Y.. First Battalion.) Texas, Eagle Pass and Del Rio, May, 1916, to . FOURTH INFANTRY: Michigan and New York, 1S66 to 1867. Wyoming, 1867 to 1871. Kentucky and Arkansas, 1871 to 1873. Wyoming and Nebraska, 1873 to 1886. Idaho and Washington, 1886 to 1896. Illinois, 1896 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, .June 14 to August 19, 1898. New York, 1898. Illinois, 1898 to 1899. Philippines, Regiment, January 19, 1899, to January 21, 1902. Texas, 1902 to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, June 1, 1903, to July 19, 1905. Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, and New York, 1905 to 1908. (Four companies in California, July, 1905, to January, 1906, and four companies in Wyoming, October, 1906, to February, 1908.) Philippines, Regiment, March 5, 1908, to June 11, 1910. Nebraska and Arkansas, June, 1910, to February, 1913. Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. Mexico (Vera Cruz), April 24 to November 26, 1914. Texas — • Galveston, November, 1914, to September 4, 1915. Brownsville and vicinity, September 5, 1915, to May 28, 1917. Gettysburg, Pa., May to October, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, October to December, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, December, 1917, to . FIFTH INFANTRY : New Mexico, 1866 to 1807. Kansas, Colorado, and Indian Territory, 1807 to 1876. Montana, 1876 to 1888. Texas, 1888 to 1891. Southern States, 1891 to 189S. Cuba- Headquarters and A, C, F, and Q, August 21, 1S9S, to July 25, 1900. B, D, E, and H. August 21, 1898. to August 9, 1900. I, K, L, and M, August 21, 189S, to September 27, 1899. 6 REGIMENTAL HISTORY FIFTH INFANTRY— Continued. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, and-D, September 18, 1900, to September 12, 1903. E, F, G, and H, April 1, 1901, to November 21, 1903. I, K, L, and M, August 21, 1900, to September- 12, 1903. (Four companies in Illinois, September, 1899, to March, 1901.) New York, 1903 to 1906. - Cuba, Headquarters and E, F, G, H, I, K, L, and M, October 2, 1906, to February 28, 1909. (Four companies remained in New York.) New York, March, 1909, to November, 1914. Canal Zone, Regiment, NoA'ember 15, 1914, to , SIXTH INFANTRY : South Carolina, 1866 to 1867. Kansas and Arkansas, 1867 to 1872. Dakota, 1872 to 1880. Colorado, Utah, and Kansas, 1880 to 1890. Kentucky, 1890 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G. and H. June 14 to August 14, 1898. New York, 1898. Kentucky, 1898. Texas, 1898 to 1899. Philippines, Regiment, May 22, 1899 to June 21, 1902. Kansas, 1902 to 1905. Philippines, Regiment, February 28, 1905, to November 11, 1906. Montana and North Dakota, November, 1906, to December, 1909. Philippines, Regiment, January 5, 1910, to July 11, 1912. California, July, 1912 to April, 1914. Texas, April, 1914 to May, 1917 (El Paso). (Mexico, March, 1916 to February 5, 1917.) Chickamauga Park, Ga., May 20, 1917, to April 5, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, April, 1918, to . SEVENTH INFANTRY : Florida, 1866 to 1869. Utah and Wyoming, 1869 to 1870, Montana, 1870 to 1873. Dakota, Minnesota, and Wyoming, 1878 to 1889. Colorado, 1889 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I, June 14 to August 27, 1898. New York 1898, Michigan Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Nebraska, 1898 to 1900. Colorado, Arizona, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Philippines, and California, 1900 to 1003, . Alaska — A, June 2, 1900, to August 5, 1902, B and I, June 6, 1900, to August 5, 1902. E, .June 25, 1899, to August 5, 1902. F and L, June 25, 1899, to September 30, 1901. "UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 7 SEVENTH INFANTRY— Continued. Alaska — Continued. G, April 24, 1900, to June 4, 1902. K, June 2, 1900, to August 27, 1902. Philippines — C, D, H, and M, March 2.5, 1901, to July 8, 1902. Regiment, October 1, 1903, to December 13, 1905. Montana, 1905 to 190G. Michigan, 1906 to 1909. Philippines, Regiment, May 5, 1909, to January 7, 1912. Kansas, January, 1912, to February, 1913. ' Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. Mexico (Vera Cruz), April 24, to November 26, 1914. Texas (Galveston), November, 1914, to October, 1915. Douglas and Nogales, Ariz., October to December 11, 191.5. Texas (Fort Bliss), December 12, 1915, to May 28, 1917. Gettysburg National Park, Pa., May to November 2, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, November 2, 1917, to March 27, 1918. Camp Merritt, N. J., March 29 to April, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, April, 1918, to . EIGHTH INFANTRY: The Carolinas, 1866 to 1870. New York, 1870 to 1872. Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah, 1872 to 1874. Arizona, 1874 to 1878. California and Nevada, 1878 to 1886. Arizona, 1886. Nebraska and Wyoming, 1886 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, G, and H, June 14 to August 20, 1898, Porto Rico, F, July 28 to December 1, 1898. New York, 1898. Alabama, 1898. Cuba- Headquarters and A, B, C, D, G, and H, December 13, 1898, to July 24, 1900. E and F, December 13, 1898, to July 21, 1900. I, K, L, and M, December 13, 1898, to September 19, 1899. Minnesota, 1900. Philippines — Headquarters and E, F, G, and PI, September IS, 1900, to September 6, 1902. I, K, L, and M, August 21, 1900, to September 6, 1902. (Four companies remained in Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota to July, 1902.) Alaska— A, B, and D. July S, 1902, to August 6, 1904. C, June 4, 1902, to August 6, 1904. I and M. September IS, 1902, to August 0, 1904. New York, 1902 to 1906. Philippines, Regiment, March 5, 1906, to May 12, 1908. California. j\Iay, 1908, to February, 1912. Philippines, Regiment, February 6. 1912. to September, 1917. Camp Fremont, Cal., September 28, 1917, to . 8 KEGIMENTAL HISTORY NINTH INFANTRY: California and Nevada, 1866 to 1869. Nebraska and Ws'oming, 1869 to 1886. Arizona, 1886 to 1891. (Four companies remained in Arizona to October, 1892.) Michigan and New York, 1891 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headqiiarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 14, 1898. New York, 1898 to 1899. Philippines and China — . Headquarters and A, F, G, L, and M, March 24, 1899, to June 20, 1902. C, D, E, H, and K, March 28, 1899, to June 20, 1902. I, March 24, 1899, to June 12. 1902. B, March 28, 1899, to October 31, 1905. New York, Kentuckj-, and Pennsylvania, 1902 to 1905. Philippines, Regiment, except B, May 2, 1905, to August 13, 1907. Texas, August, 1907, to April, 1910. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H,' April 5, 1910 to July 11, 1912. I, K, L, and M, April 5, 1910, to August 13, 1912. Kentucky, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, July and August, 1912, to March, 1914. Texas, March, 1914, to September, 1917. Laredo and Fort Sam Houston, Tex. — Pleadquarters, First and Second Batallions, and L and M, March 19, 1914, to May, 1917. I and K, March 19, 1914, to September 17, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y. — Headquarters, First Batalliou, and E and F, May 20 to September 6, 1917. G, H, L, and M, May 20 to September 17, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, September, 1917, to . TENTH INFANTRY : Minnesota and Dakota, 1866 to 1869. Texas, 1869 to 1879. Michigan and New York, 1879 to 1884. Colorado and New Mexico, 1884 to 1894. Oklahoma, 1894 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 16, 1898. New York, 1898. Alabama, 1898. Cuba — Headquarters and E, F, and G, December 11, 1898, to February 28, 1901. A, December 23, 1898, to February 17, 1901. B, December 11, 1898, to February 17, 1901. C and D, December 17, 1898, to February 17, 1901. H, December 23, 1898, to February 28, 1901. I and IM, December 23, 1898, to September 25, 1899. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 9* TENTH INFANTRY— Coatinnecl. Cuba — Continued. K find L, December 17, 1S9S, to September 25, 1899. (Four companies in Nebraska and Vv^yoming, October, 1899, to March, 1902.) Pliilippines— Headquarters and E, F, G, and H, Marcli 1.5, 1902, to September 17, 1903. A, April 5, 1901, to September 17. 1903. B, C, I, K, L, and M, INIarch 18, 1901, to September 17, 1903. D, March 15, 1901, to September 17, 1903. California, 1903 to 1906. Hawaii — • I and K, November 25, 1905, to .June 28, 1907. L and M, June 30, 1905, to June 28, 1907. Alaska — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, F, G, and H, July 6, 1906, to July 24,' 1908. E, July 6, 1906, to May 22, 1908. I, K, L, and M, June 28, 1907, to July 24, 1908. Indiana, July, 1908, to March, 1911. Texas, March to September, 1911. Canal Zone, Regiment, September, 1911, to May, 1917. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. — Headquarters, and Second and Third Battalions, May, 1917, to , (Second Battalion at various places in West Virginia on guard duty since February, 1918.) First Battalion, May, 1917,' to February, 1918. Rock Island Arsenal, 111., First Battalion, February, 1918, to , ELEVENTH INFANTRY (organized April, 1869) : Texas and Indian Territory, 1869 to 1876. Dakota and Montana, 1876 to 1887. New York, 1887 to 1891. Arizona, 1891 to 1898. Alabama and Florida, 1898. Porto Rico — Headquarters and' K, July 23, 1898, to December 5, 1900. A, C, and D, July 22, 1898, to August 12, 1900. B, July 23, 1898, to August 12, 1900. E, P, G, and H, July 23, 1898, to April 8, 1902. I, July 23, 1898, to December 3, 1900. L and M, July 22, 1898, to December 5, 1900. New York, Vermont, District of Columbia, and Georgia, 1900 to 1901. Philippines — ■ Headquarters and I and :\I. April 5, 1901, to March 14, 1904. A, B, C, and D, April 15, 1901, to IMarch 14, 1904. E, F, G, and H, April 21, 1902, to March 14, 1904. K and L, May 25, 1901, to March 14, 1904. Wyoming, 1904 to 1906. Cuba- Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, October 10. 1906, to March 1, 1909. E, F, G, ind II, October 9, 1906, to March 1, 1909. (Four companies remained in Wyoming.) 71788°- IS — -2 10 EEGIMENTAL HISTORY ELEVENTH INFANTRY— Continued. Wyoming, March, 1909 to February, 1913. (Texas, Mar. 10, to July 18, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to December, 1914. Douglas, Ariz., and vicinity, December, 1914, to May, 1917. Ghickamauga Park, Ga., May, 1917, to April, 191S. American Expeditionary Forces, April, 191 S, to . TWELFTH INFANTRY: District of Columbia and Virginia, 1866 to 1869. California and Nevada, 1869 to 1878. Arizona, 1878 to 1882. New York, 1882 to 1887. Dakota and Nebraska, 1887 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquartere and A, B, O, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 23, 1898. ■ New York, 1898. Missouri and Kansas, 1898 to 1899. Philippines, Regiment, February 19, 1899, to April 26, 1902. Utah, Arizona, and Texas, 1902 to 1904. Philippines, Regiment, March 1, 1904, to May 15, 1906. New York, May, 1906, to June, 1909. Philippines, Regiment, July 6, 1909, to February 11, 1912. California, February, 1912, to April. 1914. Arizona, April, 1914, to May, 1917. Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., May, 1917, to January, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., January, 1918, to . THIRTEENTH INFANTRY: Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, 1866 to 1874. Southern States, 1874 to 1880. Colorado and New Mexico, 1880 to 1888. Indian Territory, 1888 to 1894. New York, 1894 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 14, 1898. New York, 1898 to 1899. Philippines, Regiment, April 28, 1899, to July 19, 1902. California, 1902 to 1905. Alaska, I, May 8, 1903, to August 6, 1904. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, October 5, 1905, to October 15, 1907. E, F, G, and H, October 5, 1905, to October 29, 1907. Kansas, October, 1907, to September, 1911. (Texas, March 9, to July 8, 1911.) Philippines, Regiment, October 5, 1911, to July, 1917. Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., August, 1917, to October, 1917. Camp Fremont, Cal., October, 1917, to FOURTEENTH INFANTRY : Arizona, 1866 to 1869. Tennessee and Kentucky, 1869 to 1870. Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, and Wyoming, 1870 to 1884, Washington, 1884 to 1898. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 11 FOURTEENTH INFANTRY— Continued. Alaska, B and H, February 26, 1S9S, to May 24, 1899, Philippines and China — Headquarters and E and F, May 25, 1898, to August IS, 1901. A, C, and D, May 25, 1898, to April 26, 1900. B, June 24, 1899, to April 26, 1900. G, I, K, L, and M, August 4, 1898, to August 18, 1901. H, June 24, 1899, to August 18, 1901. (Four companies in Michigan from April, 1900.) Michigan, Minnesota, and New York, 1901 to 190.3. Philippines, Regiment, February 28, 1903, to April 24, 1905. Washington, 1905 to 1907. Philippines, Regiment, January 6, 1908, to March 16, 1910. Montana and North Dakota, March,. 1910, to January, 1913. Washington — A, B, C, D, January, 1913, to June, 1914. Headquarters, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, January, 1913, to May, 1916. Alaska, A, B, C, D, June 25, 1914, to . Douglas, Ariz., and vicinity. Second and Third Battalions, Headquarters, May, 1916, to May, 19l7. Vancouver Barracks, and Camp Lewis, Wash., Headquarters, Second and Third Battalions, May, 1917, to January, 1918. Fort George Wright, Fort Lawton (and various places in and about Wash- ington on guard duty). Second and Third Battalions, Headquarters, January, 1918, to -. FIFTEENTH INFANTRY : Alabama, 1866 to 1868. Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico, 1868 to 1882. Dakota, 1882 to 1891. ' Illinois, 1891 to 1896. (Four companies in South, May, 1890, to May, 1891.) Arizona and New IMexico, 3896 to 1898. Alabama, 1898. Cuba — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, November 28, 1898, to January 9, 1900. E, F, G, and H, November 28, 3898, to October 20, 1899. (Four companies in New York from October, 1899.) New York and Vermont, 1900. (Four companies remained in New York to February, 1902.) China and Philippines, Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, July 17, 190O, to September 11, 1902. Philippines — I, K, L, and M, August 1, 1900, to September 11, 1902. E and F, February 16 to September 6, 1902. G and H, February 16 to September 11, 1902. California, 1902 to 190.5. Philippines, Regiment, November 0, 1905, to December 12, 1907. Utah, December, 1907, to November, 1911. (Texas, March 7 to July 16, 1911.) Philippines and China, November 6, 1911, to . 12 REGIMENTAL HISTORY SIXTEENTH INFANTRY (organized April, 1869) : ' Southern States, 1869 to 1877. Kansas, Texas, and Indian Territory, 1877 to 1888. Utah and Wyoming, 1888 to 1896. Idaho and Washington, 1896 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba — Headquarters s^nd A, B, C, D. E, F, G, and H. .June 14 to August 18, 1898. I, July 14 to August 18, 1898. (Organized in Cuba.) K, July 13 to August 18, 1898. (Organized in Cuba.) New York, 1898. Alabama, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska, 1898 to 1899. Philippines — Headquarters and A, C, D, E, F, I, K, and L, May 30, 1899, to July 8, 1902. B, G, H, and M, May 30, 1899, to August 12, 1902. New York and Georgia, 1902 to 1905. Philippines, Regiment, May 31, 1905, to September 16, 1907. Nebraska and Arkansas, September, 1907, to June, 1910. Alaska, June. 29, 1910, to July 22. 1912. California, July, 1912, to April, 1914. El Paso, Tex., and vicinity, April, 1914, to June, 1917. (Mexico March, 1916, to February, 1917.) American Expeditionary Forces, .June, 1917, to . SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY: New York, 1866. Texas, 1866 to 1869. Virginia and North Carolina. 1869 to 1870. Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming, 1870 to 1894. (Three companies i-emained in Wyoming to October. 1895.) Ohio, 1S94 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 21, 1898. New York, 1898. Ohio and Kentucky, 1898 to 1899. Philippines — Her.dquarters and E and P, February 19. 1890, to March 31, 1902. A and C, February 19, 1899, to July 22, 1902. B, I, and M, .January 19, 1899, to April 2, 1902. D, February 3, 1899, to July 22, 1902. G. January 19, 1899. to March 31, 1902. H. February 3, 1899, to March 31. 1902. K, February 3, 1899, to April 2, 1902. L. February 3, 1899, to July 17, 1902, Washington and Idaho, 1902 to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, July 1, 1903, to August 9, 1905. Georgia, 1905 to 1906. (Four companies remained in Georgia.) Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, October 8, 1906. to January 18, 1909. Georgia, January, 1909, to March. 1914. (Texas, March 7 to November 8, 1911.) UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 13 SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY— Continued. Texas, March, 1914, to March, 1917. (Various stations on Mexican border, Mexico, Headquarters, First and Third Battalions, April 23, 1916, to February 5, 1917 ; G, September 9, 1916, to February .5, 1917.) Fort McPherson, Ga., Headquarters, First Battalion, E, F, March, 1917, to August, 1917. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. — G, H, and Third Battalion, March, 1917, to March, 1918. Headquarters, August, 1917, to March, 1918. First Battalion, August to September, 1917. E, F, August, 1917, to March, 1918. Charleston, S. C, Headquarters, March, 1918 to . Fort McPherson, Ga., First Battalion, September, 1917, to . Springfield, Mass., Second Battalion, March, 1918, to — . Newark, N. J., Third Battalion, March, 1918, to .. EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY : Nebraska and Wyoming, 1866 to 1869. Southern States, 1869 to 1879. Montana, 1879 to 1885. Kansas and Indian Territory, 18S5 to 1889. Texas, 1889 to 1898. Louisiana, 1898. Philippines- Headquarters and F and H, June 27, 1898, to October 12, 1901, A and B, .June 15, 1898, to July 13, 1900. C and D, June 27, 1898, to July 13, 1900. E and G, June 15, 1898, to October 12, 1901. I, K, L, and M, August 21, 1898, to October 12, 1901. . (Two companies in California, June, 1898, to August, 1898, and four companies in California, .Tune, 1900, to November, 1901.) Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Texas, 1901, to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, April 1, 1903, to February 11, 1905. Kansas, 1905, to 1907. Philippines, Regiment, October 5, 1907, to November 12, 1909. Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, November, 1909, to February, 1913. (Texas, March 9, to July 18, 1911.) Texas, March, 1913, to December, 1914. Douglas, Ariz., and' vicinity, December, 1914, to .Tune, 1917, American Expeditionary Forces, June, 1917. NINETEENTH INFANTRY : Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Indian Territory, 1866 to 1S74. Kansas, Colorado, and Indian Territory, 1874 to ISSl. Texas, 1881 to 1890. Michigan, 1890 to 1898. Alabama and Florida, 189S. Porto Rico, Regiment, July 23, 1898, to June 5, 1899. Pennsylvania, 1899. Philippines — Headquarters and B, D, F, G, H, I, K, and "SI, July 24, 1890, to June 21, 1902. A, C, E, and L, .fuly 26. 1809. to .Tune 21, 1902. California and Washington, 1902 to 1905, 14 REGIMENTAL HISTORY NINETEENTH INFANTRY— Gontiuued. Pliilippines — Headquarters and E, F, G, H, I, K, L, and M, April 1, 1905, to July 28, 1907. A, B, C, and D, April 1, 1905, to June 8, 1907. Texas, Olvlahoma, and Wyoming, July, 1907, to January, 1910. Philippines, Regiment, February 5, 1910, to June 9, 1912. South Dakota, Kansas, Illinois, June, 1912, to February, 1913. Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. Mexico (Vera Cruz), April 24, to NoA^ember 27, 1914. Galveston, Tex., November, 1914, to September, 1915. Fort Sam Houston, Tex. (except E and H), September, 1915, to (and various stations on border). E, various stations on border, September, 1915, to August, 1916. E, Fort Sill, Okla., August, 1916, to January, 1918. E, Fort Sam Houston, Tex., January, 1918, to . H, Fort Sill, Okla., July, 1915, to January, 1918. H, various stations on border at different times. H, Fort Sam Houston, Tex., February, 1918, to . TWENTIETH INFANTRY : Louisiana and Mississippi, 1866 to 1869. Minnesota and Dakota, 1869 to 1877. Texas, 1877 to 1881. Kansas and Indian Territory, 1881 to 1885. Montana, 1885 to 1894. Kansas, 1894 to 1898. Alabama and Florida, 1898. Cuba — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14, to August 23, 1898. I, July 18, to August 23, 1898. (Organized in Cuba.) New York, 1898. Kansas, 1898 to 1899. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, January 26, 1899, to March 13, 1902. E, F, G, and H, January 26, 1899, to March 27, 1902. Ohio and Illinois, 1902 to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, December 1, 1903, to April 5, 1906. California, 1906, to 1909. Hawaii, E, F, G, and H, June 15, 1907, to October 15, 1911. Philippines, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, June 5, 1909, to January 7, 1912. Utah, E, F, G, and H, October, 1911, to November, 1913, Utah, Headquarters, First and Third Battalions, January, 1912, to Novem- ber, 1913. Texas, and various stations on Mexican border, November, 1913, to May 20, 1917. Fort Douglas, Utah, May 24, 1917, to . (G at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., April 25, 1918, to . TWENTY-FIRST INFANTRY : Virginia, 1866 to 1869. Arizona, 1869 to 1872. Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, 1872 to 1884. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 15' TWENTY-FIRST INFANTRY— Continued. Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah, 1884 to 1892. (Three companies remained in Nebrasl^a to October, 1894.) New York, 1892 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, .F, G, and H, June 14 to August 23, 1898. New York, 1898 to 1899. Pliilippines, Regiment, April IS, 1899, to .June 1, 1902. Minnesota and North Dakota, 1902 to 1904. California, 1904 to 1905. Philippines, Regiment, February 1, 1905, to October 17, 1906. Colorado and Arizona, October, 1906, to September, 1909. Philippines, Regiment, September 7, 1909, to May 13, 1912. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., May, 1912, to May, 1916. San Diego, Cal., May, 1916, to . (And various stations on border at difCerent periods.) TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY : Dakota, 1866 to 1874. New York and Michigan, 1874 to 1879. Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico, 1879 to 188S. Montana, 1888 to 1896. Nebraska, 1896 to 1898. Alabama and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to August 20, 1898. New York, 1898. Nebraska, 1898 to 1899. Philippines, Regiment, February 1, 1899, to February 25, 1902. Nebraska, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, 1902 to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, October 31,. 1903, to January 14, 1906. California, 1906 to 1908. Alaska- Regiment, except A, June 20, 1908, to .luly 31, 1910. A, May 3, 1908, to .July 31, 1910. Texas, August, 1910, to December, 1914. Arizona, December, 1914, to March, 1917. (Various stations on Mexican border at different periods.) Fort Jay, Fort Totten,Fort Hamilton, N. Y., April, 1917, to • -, TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY : Oregon and Washington, 1806 to 1872. Arizona, 1872 to 1874. Nebraska and Wyoming, 1874 to 1870. Kansas and Indian Territory, 3876 to 1881. New Mexico, Texas, and Indian Territory, 1881 to 1884. Michigan and New York, 1884 to 1890. Texas, 1890 to 1898. Louisiana, 1898. California, 1898. Philippines — Headquarters, and B, C, and G, June 27, 189S, to December 1, 1901. A, October 17, 18-98, to De('enil)er 1, 1901. D, E, F, and H, June 15, 1S9S, to December 1, 1901. 16 REGIMENTAL HISTOET TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY— Continued. Philippines — Continued. I, K, and M, October 17, 1S9S, to July 27, 1900. L, June 27, 1898, to July 27, 1900. (Four companies in California, June to November, 1898, and four companies in Utah and Wyoming, August, 1900, to November, 1901.) New York, Vermont, Georgia, and Colorado, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, May 1, 1903, to June 12, 1905. New York and Virginia, 1905 to 1908. Philippines, Regiment, February 5, 1908, to April, 1910. Texas, April, 1910, to .January, 1912. Indiana, January, 1912, to February, 1918. Texas City, Tex., February, 1913, to September, 1915. M, February, 1913, to November 16, 1915. Jacksonville, Fla., September to November, 1915. Fort Crockett, Tex., November, 1915, to March, 1916. El Paso, Tex., March, 1916, to May, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y., May to September, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, September, 1917, to ■• TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY: Texas, 1869 to 1880. Indian Territory, 1880 to 1888. New Mexico and Arizona, 1888 to 1896. Utah, 1896 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, June 14 to Setember 3f 1898. Utah and Wyoming, 1898 to 1899. California and Washington, 1899. Philippines — Headquarters and A, F, and H, July 14, 1899, to August 1, 1902. B, October 1, 1900, to August 1, 1902. C, June 22, 1899, to July 22, 1902. D and M, October 1, 1900, to July 22, 1902. E, G, and I, June 22, 1899, to August 1, 1902. K, July 14, 1899, to July 22, 1902. Alaska, L, May 15, 1899, to May 20, 1902. (Three companies remained in Washington and Montana to Septem- ber, 1900.) Montana, 1902 to 1906. Philippines, Regiment, January 25, 1906, to March 17, 1908. New York, March, 1908, to November, 1911. Philippines — Headquarters, A, B, E, F, G, H, and M, December, 1911, to September, 1915. L, December, 1911, to August, 1915. -- C, D, I, and K, December, 1911, to October, 1915. Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. — Headquarters, A, B, E, F, G, H, and M, September, 1915, to February 25, 1916. L, August, 1915, to February, 1916. C, D, I, and K, October, 1915, to February, 1916. Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., February to March, 1916. Columbus, N. Mex., and vicinity, March, 1916 to . UNITED STATES EEGULAR ARMY 17 TAVENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY: Louisiana and Texas, 1869 to 1S80. Dalcota, Minnesota, and Montana, 1880 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, .June 14 to August 22, 1898. New York, 1898. New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, 1898 to 1899. Philippines — Headquarters and F, I, K, L, and M, July 1, 1899, to August 13, 1902. A, C, and D, October 1, 1900, to August 1, 1902. B, July 1, 1899, to August 1, 1902. E and H, June 28, 1899, to August 13, 1902. G, October 1, 1900, to September 6, 1902. Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas, 1902 to 1907. Philippines, Regiment, August 10, 1907, to October, 1909. Washington, October, 1909, to January, 1913. Hawaii, Regiment, January, 1913 to . TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY (organized February, 1901) : Philippines- Headquarters, July 10, 1901, to August 9, 1903. A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, February 36, 1901, to August 9, 1903. E, F, G, and H, July 1, 1901, to August 9, 1903. Texas, 1903 to 1907. Philippines, Regiment, .June 5, 1917, to July 14, 1909. Michigan, July, 1909, to February, 1913. Texas ' City, Brownsville, San Benito and vicinity, February, 1913, to June 3, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, June, 1917 to . TWENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (organized March, 1901) : New York and Georgia, 1901. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, January 1, 1902, to February 12, 1904. E, F, G, and H, January 21, 1902, to February 12, 1904. I, K, L, and M, December .5, 1901, to February 12, 1904, Illinois and Ohio, 1904 to 1906. (Four companies remained in Illinois.) Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, October 8, 1906, to April 4, 1909. Illinois, April, 1909, to February, ]913. Texas City, Tex., February, 1913, to September 1915. • Canal Zone, October 6, 191.5, to January 25, 1916. Philippine Islands, March, 1916, to . TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY (organized March, 1901) : Washington and Idaho, 1901, Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and :M, November 15, 1901, to January 14, 1904. ' B, F, G, and H, November 16, 1901, to January 14, 1904. 71788°— IS 8 18 BEGIMENTAL HISTORY TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY— Continued. California, 1904. . Minnesota and North Dakota, 1904 to 1906. Cuba- Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, October S, 1906, to January 5, 1909. E, F, G, and H, October 7, 1906, to January 5, 1909. (Four companies remained in Minnesota.) Minnesota, January, 1909, to February, 1913. Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. Mexico, Regiment, April 24, to November 26, 1914. Galveston, Tex., and vicinity, November, 1914, to Juiie, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, June, 1917, to -. TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY (organized March, 1901) : Ohio and Illinois, 1901 to 1902. California, 1902. Philippines, Regiment, April 1, 1902, to May IG, 1904. Texas, Utah, Arizona, and Colorado, 1904 to 1907. Philippines, Regiment, August 5, 1907, to September, 1909. New York, September, 1909, to March, 1915. Canal Zone, Regiment, March 17, 1915, to . THIRTIETH INFANTRY (organized February, 1901) : California, eight companies, 1901. Philippines — Headquarters, June 3, 1901, to December 15, 1903. A, B, C, and D, April, 1901, to December 15, 1903. E, F, G, and H, filarch 15, 1901, to December 15. 1903. I, July 24, 1901, to December 15, 1903. K and L, August 19, 1901, to December 15, 1903. M, July 28, 1903^ to December 15, 1903. Nebraska, Arkansas,, and Oklahoma, 1903 to 1907. . . Philippines, Regiment, July 5, 1907, to August 10, 1909, ; California, August, 1909, to May, 1912. Alaska, Regiment, June 1, 1912, to July 28, 1914. California, July to December, 1914. Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., January, 1915, to May, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Eagle Pass, and vicinity. May, 1916, to May, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y., May to October, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, October, 1917, to March, 1918. ^ • American Expeditionary Forces, April, 191^, to . THIRTY-FIRST INFANTRY (organized August, 1916) : Philippines, August, 1916, to . THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY (organized August 7, 1916) : HavN'aii, August 7, 1916, to ■ . THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY (organized July, 1916) : Canal Zone, July, 1916, to . THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY (organized July, 1916) ; El Paso, Tex., and vicinity, July, 1916, to June, 1917. Gamp MacArthur, Texas, June, 1917, to . "UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 19 THIRTY-FIFTH INFANTRY (organized July, 191G) : Douglas, Ariz., July, 1916, to Marcli, 1917. Nogales aud vicinity, March, 1917, to . Headquarters and First and Second Battalions, Marcli, 1917, to , I and K, March to May, 1917. I., Marcli to August, 1917. M, March, 1917, to March, 1918. Yuma, Ariz., I and K, May 20, 1917, to . Lowell, Ariz., L, August, 1917, to . Globe, Ariz., M, March, 1918, to . THIRTY-SIXTH INFANTRY (organized July, 1916) : Brownsville, Fort Clark, and Del Rio, Tex., July, 1916, to May 28, 1917. Fort Snelling, Minn., June, 1917, to . THIRTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (organized July, 1916) : Fort Sam Houston, Tex., July, 1916, to March, 1917. Laredo and vicinity, April, 1917, to . THIRTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY (organized June 1, 1917) : Syracuse, N. Y., June to October, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, October, 1917, to March 11, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, March, 191S, to . THIRTY-NINTTl INFANTRY (organized June 1, 1917) : Syracuse, N. Y., June to October, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, October, 1917, to April, 1918. Camp Mills, N. Y., April to Mciy, 1918. American Expeditionary Foi'ces, May, 1918, to . FORTIETH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Fori Snelling, Minn. — ■ Headquarters and Second Battalion, June to December, 1917. First Battalion, June to November, 1917. Third Battalion, June to November 2, 1917. Fort Sheridan, 111., November aud December, 1917, to . Headquarters and Second and Third Battalions, November and Decem- ber, 1937, to • . Fort Riley, Kans., First Battalion, December, 1917, to . FORTY-FIRST INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Fort Snelling, Minn. — Headquarters and First and Second Battalions, June to October, 1917. Third Battalion, June to September, 1917. Flat River, Mo., D, October, 1917, to March, 1918. Fort Wayne, Mich., F, October, 1917, to April, 1918. Fort Brady, Mich. — E, G, and H, October, 1917, to . F, April, 1918. to . Fort Crook, Nebr.— Headquarters, A, B, and C, October, 1917, to June, 1918. D, I\Iarch, 1918, to June 7, 1918. I, September, 1917, to June, 1918. Camp Funston, Kan.s., Headquarters and First and Third Battalions, Juuej 1918, to . FORTY-SECOND INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Fort Douglas, Utah. June to November, 1917. Camp Dodge, Iowa, November, 1917, to Marcli, 1918. 20 - EEGIMENTAL HISTORY FOETT-SECOND INFANTRY— Continued. New Jersey — Dovei-. Headquarters, E and F, Marcli, 1918, to Tuekuhoe, A and B. March. 191S, to . Delaware — Wilmington, C and M, March, 1918, to — -. New York — Chelsea Piers. G, March, 191S, to . Bayonne, I, March, 1918, to . - Pennsylvania — Philadelphia, D, March, 1918, to . Bristol, K, March, 1918, to . Newport News, Va., H, March, 1918, to Baltimore, Md., L, March, 1918, to FOPtTY-THIRD INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Fort Douglas, Utah, June to November, 1917. Camp Pike, Ark. — Headquarters and Second Battalion, November, 1917, to February, 1918. First and Third Battalions, November, 1917, to January, 1918. New Orleans, La. — Headquarters, February, 1918, to -, First Battalion, January, 1918, to -. Florida — Jacksonville, E, February, 1918, to . Pensacola, G, February, 1918, to . Savannah, Ga., F, January, 1918, to — . Westwego, La., Brunswick, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., H. February, 1918, to . Mooriugsport, La., Camp Nicholls, La., I, January, 1918, to . Naborton, Camp Nicholls, and Slidell, La., K, January, 1918, to . Winton, La., Charleston, S. C, and Brunswick, Ga., L, January, 1918, to . Oil City and Camp Nicholls, La., M, January, 1918, to . FORTY-FOURTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Vancouver Barracks,AVash., June to November, 1917. Camp Lewis, Wash., November, 1917, to . FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. — Headquarters and First and Third Battalions, June to November, 1917. Second Battalion, June to September, 1917. Fort Sheridan, 111., Second Battalion, September to November, 1917. Camp Taylor Ky., Regiment, November, 1917, to April, 1918. Camp Gordon, Ga., April, 1917, to -. FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., June to November, 1917. Camp Taylor, Ky., November, 1917, to April, 1918. Camp Gordon, Ga., April to May, 1918. Camp Sheridan, Ala., May, 1918, to , FORTY-SEVBNTPI INFANTRY (organized May, 1917) ; Syracuse, N. Y., May to October, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, October, 1917, to April, 1918. Camp Mills, N. Y., April to May, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, May, 1918, to . UNITED STATES EEGUI^AR ARMY 21 FORTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Syracuse, N. Y., June to September, 1917. "Newport News, Va. — Headquarters and First Battalion, October, 1917, to — . Second and Third Battalions, September, 1917, to . , FORTY-NINTH INFANTRY (organized May, 1917) : Syracuse, N. Y., May to September, 1917. Camp Merritt, N. J., September, 1917, to . FIFTIETH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Syracuse, N. Y., Jriie to October, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C. — ■ Headquarters and Second Battalion, November, 1917, to March, 1918, First Battalion, November, 1917, to February, 1918. Third Battalion, November, 1917, to December, 1918. Maryland — South Baltimore, Headquarters, March, 1918, to — , Edgewood, G., Marcli to May, 1918. South Baltimore, G, May, 1918 to . ^: Wilmington, Del., A and B, February, 1918, to . Pennsylvania — Chester, C and D, Februai-y, 1918, to . M and F, March, 1918, to . Metuchen, N. J., E and H, March, 1918, to . Washington, D. C, Third Battalion, December, 1917, to , FIFTY-FIRST INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Chickaniauga Park, Ga., June, 1917, to . FIFTY-SECOND INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Chickamauga Park, Ga., June, 1917, to . FIFTY-THIRD INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Chickamauga Park, Ga., June, 1917, to May, 1918. Camp AVadsworth, S. C, May, 1918, to . FIFTY-FOURTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Cliickamauga Park, Ga., June, 1917, to May, 1918. Camp Wads worth, S. C, May, 1918, to . FIFTY-FIFTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Chickamauga Park, Ga., June, 1917, to February, 191S. Camp IMacArthur, Tex., February, 1918, to . FIFTY-SIXTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Chickamauga Park, Ga., June, 1917, to February, 191S. Camp MacArthur, Waco, Tex., February, 1918, to ■, FIFTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (organized .June, 1917) : Fort Sam Houston, Tex., .Tune, 1917 to . (And on Mexican border in Brownsville district.) FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY (organized .June, 1917) ; ' Gettysburg, Park, Pa., June to November, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, November, 1917, to April, 1918. Camp Mills, N. Y., April to May, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, Slay, 1918 to -. FIFTY-NINTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Gettysburg Park, Pa., June to November, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, November, 1917, to April, 1918. Camp Mills, N. Y., April to May, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, May, 1918, to •. 22 REGIMENTAL HISTORY SIXTIETH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Gettysburg Park, Pa., June to November, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, November, 1917, to April, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, April, 1918, to SIXTY-FIRST INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Gettysburg Parlv, Pa., June to November, 1917. Gamp Greene, N. C., November, 1917, to April, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, April, 1918, to SIXTY-SECOND INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Presidio, San Francisco, CaL, June, 1917, to January, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., January, 1918, to . SIXTY-THIRD INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. — B, June, 1917, to January, 1918. Headquarters, A, C, D, F, G, H, and Third Battalion, June, 1917, to . E, June, 1917, to February, 1918. Beuicia Arsenal, Cal., January, 1918, to . Presidio of Monterey, Cal., February, 1918, to SIXTY-FOURTH INFANTRY (organized June, 1917) : El Paso, Tex., and vicinity, June, 1917, to June, 1918. Camp McArthur, Tex., June, 1918, to . FIELD ARTILLERY FIRST FIELD ARTILLERY : HEADQt'AKTERS (organized June, 1907) — Oklahoma, June, 1907, to June, 1911. Hawaii, July 5, 1911, to December, 1917. Fort Sill, Okla., December, 1917, to . Batteey a (organized September, 1901; formerly Thirtieth Battery Field Artillery) — Washington, 1901 to 1903. Minnesota, 1903 to 1907. Oklahoma, July, 1907, to March, 1910. Philippines, March 7, 1910, to July 30, 1913. Hawaii, July 30, 1913, to December. 1917. Fort Sill, Okla., December, 1917, to . Batteuy B (organized June, 1901; formerly Nineteenth Battery Field Artillery) — Kansas, 1901 to 1905. Utah and Wyoming, 1905 to 1907. Oklahoma, June, 1907, to iMarch, 1910. Pliilippines, March 7, 1910, to July 30, 1913. Hawaii, July 30, 1913, to December, 1917. Fort Sill, Okla., December, 1917, to . Batteky C (organized March, 1808; formerly Battery D, Sixth Artillery, and Twelfth Battery Field Artillery) — District of Columbia. 1898. Philippines, July 15, 189S, to September IS, 1901. Utah and Wyoming, 1901 to 1907. Oklahoma, June, 1907, to October, 1910. Philippines, October 5, 1910, to July 30, 1913. Hawaii, July 30, 1913, to December, 1917. Fort Sill, OkhT., December, 1917, to . "UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 26 FIRST FIELD ARTILLERY— Continued. Battery D (formerly Battery E, first Artillery, and First Battery Field Artillery ) New York, 1S66 to 1872. Florida, 1872 to 1875. Rhode Island, 1876. Oklalioma, 1876. District of Columbia and Rhode Island, 1S7G to 1881. Washington and California, 1881 to 1890. Utah and Kansas, 1890 to 1891. Illinois, 1891 to 1896. District of Columbia, 1896 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, June 14 to August 25, 1898. New York, 1898. Missouri, 1898 to 1899. Fhilippines, April 18, 1899, to .July 16, 1901. California, July, 1901, to February, 1910. Oklahoma, February, 1910, to June, 1911. Hawaii, July 5, 1911, to December, 1917. Fort Sill, Okla., December, 1917, to • -, Battery E (formerly Battery C, Third Artillery, and Fifth Battery, Field Artillery) — Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas, 1866 to 1871. South Carolina, 1871 to 1872. New York, 1872 to 1881. Arkansas, 1881 to 1885. District of Columbia, 1885 to 1896. California, 1S96 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba and Porto Rico, July 3 to December 1, 1918. Georgia, 1898. Kansas, 1899. California, 1899 to 1904. Philippines, December 31, 1904, to April 13, 1907. California, April, 1907, to May, 1910. Oklahoma, May, 1910, to June, 1911. Hawaii, July 5, 1911, to December, 1917. Fort Sill, Okla., December, 1917, to . Battery F (formerly Battery D, Fifth Artillei-y, and Ninth Battery, Field Artillery) — Florida, 1866 to 1S69. Massachusetts, 1869 to 1875. Georgia and Florida, 1875 to 1881. New York, 1881 to 1882. Nebraska and Utah, 1882 to 1891. California, 1891 to 1896. New York, 1896 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba and Porto Rico, July 3 to Decemlier 1. 1898. Georgia, 1898. Illinois, 1899 to 1903. Philippines, January 31, 1903, to March 16, 190.5. 24 . REGIMENTAL HISTORY FIRST FIELD ARTILLERY— Coutiuued, Batteey F — ContinnecL California, March, 1905, to November, 1910. Hawaii, November 5, 1910, to December, 1917. Fort Sill, Okla., December, 1917, to -. SECOND FIELD ARTILLERY : Headquaktees (organized June, 1907) — - Wyoming, 1907 to 1909. Philippines, February 17, 1909, to May 12, 1911. Washington, May, 1911, to June, 1913. Philippines, July 5, 1913, to September, 1917. Presidio, Cal., October, 1917, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., February, 1918, to . Battery A (organized June, 1901; formerly Seventeenth Battery, Field Artillery) — Texas, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, January 31, 1903, to March 16, 1905. Washington, 1905 to 1906. Cuba, October 10, 1906, to March 1, 1909. Wyoming, March to December, 1909. Washington, December, 1909, to March, 1911. Philippines, March 6, 1911, to September, 1917. Presidio, Cal., October, 1917, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., February, 1918, to . Battery B (organized June, 1901; formerly Eighteenth Battery, Field Artillery) — California, 1901 to 1903. Pliilippines, January 31, 1903, to March 16, 1905. Washington, 1905 to 1908. Cuba. October 10, 1906, to aiarch 1, 1909. Wyoming, March to December, 1909. Washington, December, 1909, to March, 1911. Philippines, March 6, 1911, to September, 1917. Presidio, Cal., October, 1917, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., February, 1918, to . Battery C (organized June, 1907) — Wyoming, June, 1907, to June, 1910. Philippines, June 6, 1910, to September, 1917. Presidio, Cal., October, 1917, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., February, 1918, to . Battery D (organized .Tune, 1907) — Wyoming, 1907 to 1908. Philippines, .June 5, 1908, to August 12, 1910. Washington, August, 1910, to June, 1913. Philippines, July, 1913, tD February, 1918. Gamp Fremont, Cal., March, 1918, to -. Battery E (o]"ganized .Tune, 3907) — Wyoming, 1907 to 1909. Philippines, February 17, 1909, to August 15, 1911. California, August to November, 1911. Washington, Noveml^er, 3.911, to June, 1913. Philippines, July, 1933, to February. 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., March, 1918, to ~. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 25 SECOND FIELD ARTILLERY— Continued. Batteky F (organized June, 1907) — Wyoming, 1907 to 1909. Pliilippines, February 17, 1909, to May 12, 1911. Waslungton. May, 1911, to June, 1913. Pliilippines, July, 1913, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., March, 1918, to — . THIRD FIELD ARTILLERY : Headquarters (organized June, 1907) — Texas, June, 1907, to July, 1915. Sparta, Wis., July to September, 1915. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., September, 1915, to April, 1918. (Diiring this period services were performed at Eagle Pass, Tex., June, 1916, to February, 1917.) Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . Batteey a (formerly Battery F, Third Artillery, and Sixth Battery, Field Artillery) — Ma.ssachusetts, 1866 to 1869, Florida, 1869 to 1872. New York, 1872 to 1881. Florida, 1881 to 1882. Texas, 1883 to 1896. California, 1896 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba and Porto Rico, July 3, to December 1, 1898. Georgia, 1898. Kansas, 1899 to 1905. Texas, November, 1905, to July, 1915. Sparta, Wis., July to September, 1915. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., September, 1915, to April, 1918. (Eagle Pass, Tex., June, 1916, to February, 1917.) Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . Batteky B (organized March, 1898; formerly Battery M, Seventh Artillery, and Fifteenth Battery Field Artillery) — New York and Virginia, 1898. Porto Rico, July 23, 1898, to June 27, 1899. District of Columbia, 1899 to 1900. Philippines, September 3, 1900, to April 3. 1903. ■ Texas, April, 1903, to July, 1915. Sparta, Wis., July to September, 1915. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., September, 1915, to April, 1918. (Eagle Pass, Tex., June, 1916, to February, 1917.) Camp Stanley, Tex., February-April, 1918. Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . Battery C (formerly Battery F, Fifth Artillery, and Tenth Battery Field Artillery) — Virginia and District of Columbia, 1866 to 1870. Rhode Island, 1870 to 1875. South Carolina and Georgia, 1875 to 1881. New York, 1881 to 1890. • California. 1890 to 1S9G. Kansas, 1896 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, July 3 to August 30, 1898. 26 EEGIMENTAL HISTORY THIRD FIELD ARTILLERY— Continued. Battery C — Continued. New York, 1898 to 1899. Plulippines and China, April 20, 1899, to June 29, 1901. Wasliington, 1901 to 1902. Jlinnesota, 1902 to 1908. Texas, October, 1908, to July, 1915. Sparta, Wis., July to September, 1915. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., September, 1915, to April, 1918. (Eagle Pass, Tex., June, 1916, to February, 1917.) (Camp Stanley, Tex., February to April, 1918.) Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . Battery D (formerly Battery A, Second Artillery, and Third Battery Field Artillery) — California, 1866 to 1869. Kansas, 1869 to 1871. California, 1871 to 1872. IMarylaud and District of Columbia, 1872 to 1885. Arkansas and Kansas, 1885 to 1896. Illinois, 1896 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, June 14 to August 30, 1898. New York, 1898. ' Alabama, 1898 to 1899. Cuba, January 21, 1899, to April 22, 1902. Georgia, 1902 to 1903. Virginia, September, 1903, to May, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., May 15 to June 3, 1916. (Eagle Pass,. Tex., June, 1916, to May, 1917.) Fort Myer, Va., May to December, 1917. Camp McClellan, Ala., December, 1917, to April, 191S. Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . Battery E (formerly Battery F, Second Artillery, and Fourth Battery Field Artillery) — California and Washington, 1860 to 1868. Alaska, 1868 to 1870. California, 1870 to 1872. Norih Carolina, 1872 to 1877. District of Columbia and Pennsylvania, 1877. Texas, 1877 to 1881. Kansas, 1881 to 1896. Rhode Island, 1896 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, .June 14 to August 23, 1898. New York, 1898. Alabama and Georgia, 1898 to 1899. Cuba, January 21, 1899, to August 12,-1900. Fort Myer, Va., August, 1900, to May, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., May to June 3, 1916. Laredo, Tex., June, 1916, to May, 1917. Fort Myer, Va., May to December, 1917. Camp ]\IcClellan, Ala., Decemljer, 1917, to April, 1918. (Camp Forrest. Ga., February to April, 1918.) Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 27 ' THIRD FIELD ARTILLERY— Continued. Batteey F (organized April, 1898; formerly Battery O, Seventh Artillery, and Fourteenth Battery Field Artillery) — Virginia, 1898. Porto Rico, July, 1898, to June 27, 1899. Rhode Island, 1899 to 1900. Philippines, September 3, 1900, to April 3, 1903. Illinois, 1903 to 1906. Cuba, October 9, 1906, to February 14, 1909. Virginia, February, 1909, to May, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., May, 1915, to June, 1916. Laredo, Tex., June, 1916, to May, 1917. Fort Myer, Va., May to December, 1917. Camp McClellan, Ala., December, 1917, to April 22, 1918. Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . FOURTH FIELD ARTILLERY: Headquarters (organized June, 1907) — Washington, June. 1907, to December, 1909. Wyoming. December, 1909, to February, 1913. (Texas. March 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. (Mexico, April 26 to November 26. 1914.) Texas, November, 1914, to March, 1916. Mexico, March, 1916, to, February, 1917. El Paso, Tex., February to May, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y., May to August, 1917. Pine Camp, N. Y., August to October, 1917. Camp Shelby, Miss., October, 1917, to . Battery A (organized September, 1901; formerly Twenty-sixth Battery, Field Artillery) — Washington, 1901 to 1904. Philippines, December 31, 1904, to July 17, 1907. Washington, July, 1907, to December, 1909. Wyoming, December, 1909, to February, 1913. (Texas, March 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. (Mexico, April 26 to November 26, 1914.) Texas, 1914, November to March, 1916. Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917. El Paso, Tex., February to May, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y., May to August, 1917. Pine Camp, N. Y., August to October, 1917. Camp Shelby, Miss., October, 1907, to . Battery B (organized October, 1901; formerly Twenty-eighth Battery, Field Artillery) — Kansas, 1901 to 1904. Philippines. December 31, 1904, to April 13, 1907. AVashington, April, 1907, to December, 1909. Wyoming, December, 1909, to February, 1913. (Texas, March 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. (Mexico, April 26 to November 26, 1914.) Texas, November, 1914, to March, 1916. 28 REGIMENTAL HISTORY FOURTH FIELD ARTILLERr— Coutiuned. Battery B — Continued. INIexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917. El Paso, Tex., February to May, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y., May to August, 1917. Pine Camp, N. Y., August to October, 1917. Camp Shelby, Miss., October, 1917, to Battery C (organized September, 1901; formerly Twenty-third Battery, Field Artillery) — Vermont, 1901 to 1907. Philippines, February 5, 1907, to May 13, 1909. Wyoming, May, 1909, to February, 1913. (Texas, March 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. (Mexico, April 26 to November 26, 1914.) Texas, November, 1914, to March, 1916. Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917. El Paso, Tex., February to May, 1917. Syracuse, N. Y., May to August, 1917. Pine Camp, N. Y., August to October, 1917. Camp Shelby, Miss., October, 1917, to . Battery D (organized October, 1901; formerly Twenty-seventh Battery, Field Artillery) — Vermont, 1901 to 1907. Philippines, May 6, 1907, to May 13, 1909. Wyoming, May, 1909, to February, 1913. (Texas, March 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to September, 1915. El Paso, Tex., Harlington, Tex., and Progress, Tex., September, 1915, to March, 1916. Brownsville, Tex., March 22, 1916, to , Battery E (organized June, 1907) — Illlinois, 1907 to 1908. Wyoming, October, 1908, to February, 1913. (Texas, Mar. 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to March, 1916. Canal Zone, March, 1916, to . Battery F (organized June, 1907) — Illinois and Wyoming, June, 1907, to February, 1913. (Texas, March 12 to July 10, 1911.) Texas, February, 1913, to March, 1916. Canal Zone, March, 1916, to . FIFTH FIELD ARTILLERY : Headquarters (organized June, 1907) — ■ Kansas, 1907. Philippines, September 5, 1907, to J\Iay 13, 1909. Illinois, May, 1909, to November, 19il. Fort Sill, Okla., November, 1911, to June, 1917. (Fort Bliss, Tex., June, 1916, to July, 1917.) American Expeditionary Forces, August, 1917, to . Battery A (formerly Battery K, Fifth Artillery, and Eleventh Battery, Field Artillery) — Florida and Louisiana, 1806 to 1869. Maine, 1869 to 1873. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 29 FIFTH FIELD ARTILLERY— Coutiniied. Battery A — ContiuuecL New York, 1S78 to ISTo. Florida, 1875 to ISSl. New York, 1S81 to 1890. California, 1890 to 1896. New York, 1896 to 1898. Florida, 1898. District of Columbia, 1898 to 1899. New York and Rhode Island, 1899 to 1906. Kansas, 1906 to 1908. Philippines, February 20, 1908, to May 12, 1910. California, May, 1910, to -July, 1911. Fort Sill, Okla., July, 1911, to December, 1914. Naco, Ariz., December, 1914, to January, 1915. Fort Sill, Okla., January to August, 1915. El Paso and Fort Bliss, Tex., August, 1915, to Jul5% 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, August, 1917, to . Battery B (organized March, 1899; formerly Battery O, Seventh Ar- tillery, and Sixteenth Battery, Field Artillery) — District of Columbia, 1899 to 1900. Kansas, 1900. California, 1900. Kansas, 1900 to 1908. Philippines, February 20, 1908, to May, 1910. California, May, 1910, to July, 1911. Fort Sill, Okla., July, 1911, to June, 1916. (Naco, Ariz., and Brovvmsville, Tex., December, 1914, to January. 1915.) Fort Bliss, Tex., June, 1916, to July, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, August, 1917, to . Battery C (organized September, 1901; formerly Twenty-ninth Battery, Field Artillery) — Cuba, September 22, 1901, to .January 7, 1902. Oklahoma and Kansas, 1902 to 1908. Philippines, October 5, 1908, to December, 1910. Port Sill, Okla., December, 1910, to June, 1916. (Naco, Ariz., December, 1914, to January, 1915.) Fort Bliss, Tex., June, 1916, to July, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, August, 1917, to : Battery D (formerly Battery F, Fourth Artillery, an. A, July 25, 1898, to March 29, 1900. B and D, November, 1898, to March 29, 1900. C, February 1, 1899, to March 29, 1900. - E and G, November 9, 1898, to December 4, 1900. F and H, February 1, 1899, to December 21. 1900. I and M, February 1, 1899, to August 11, 1900. 36 KEGIMENTAL HISTORY FIFTH CAVALRY— Contiuued. Virginia and Vermont, 1900 to 1901. Pliilippines — ■ Headquarters and I, K, L, and M, March 18, 1901, to July 10, 1903. A, B, C, and D, Marcli 18, 1901, to October 10, 1903. E, F, G, and H, July 1, 1902, to October 10, 1903. (Four troops remained in United States to July, 1902.) California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming, 1903 to 1909. Hawaii, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M January 5, 1909, to January, 1913. (E, F, G, H, October, 1910, to January, 1913.) (Four troops remained in Utah and Wyoming to October, 1910.) Arizona, January to December, 1913. Virginia, Kansas, and Illinois, December, 1913, to March, 1916. (E, F, G, and H, in Colorado, April, 1914, to January, 1915.) Columbus, N. Mex., March — to March 30, 1916. Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917. Fort Bliss, Tex., February, 1917, to . SIXTH CAVALRY: Texas, 1866 to 1871. Kansas, Colorado, and Indian Territory, 1871 to 1875. Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, 1875 to 1890. Nebraska and Wyoming, 1890, to 1894. Virginia, Kansas, and Nebraska, 1894 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and K, June 14 to August 13, 1898. Porto Rico, H, July 28 to December 1, 1898. (Three troops remained in Florida to August, 1898.) New York, 1898. Alabama, 1898. Kansas, Oklahoma, and California, 1899 to 1900. China and Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, .July 3, 1900, to April 28, 1903. I, K, L, and M, .July 3, 1900, to August 9, 1903. Philippines E, F, G, and H, March 25, 1901, to October 10, 1903. (Four troops remained in California, Washington, and Idaho to March, 1901.) South Dakota^ Wyoming, and Montana, 1903 to 1907. Philippines- Headquarters and A, B, C, E, G, H, I, K, L, and M, September 7, 1907j to January 12, 1910. D and F, December 5, 1907, to January 12, 1910. Iowa, January, 1910, to February, 1913. (Arizona, April, 1911, to January, 1912.) Texas, February, 1913, to September, 1915. (Mexico, I and K, April 29, to November 26, 1914.) Various stations on Mexican border, September, 1915, to November, 1917. (Mexico, April to May, 1916.) Fort Sara Houston, Tex., November, 1917, to March, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, March, 1918, to , UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 37 SEVENTH CAVALRY (orgauized October, 1866) : Kansas, 1866 to 1871. Kentucky, Tennessee, and South Carolina, 1871 to 1873. Dakota and Montana, 1873 to 1888. (Three troops served in Southern States, October, 1874, to May, 1875, and three troops October, 1874, to April, 1876. ) Kansas and Indian Territory, 1888 to 1895. (Four troops remained in Texas, July, 1893, to October, 1895, and two in Illinois, October, 1892, to April, 1896.) Arizona and New Mexico, 1895 to 1898. Georgia and Alabama, 1898. Cuba- Headquarters and E, G, I, and L. .January 13, 1899, to May 22, 1902. A, January 13, 1899, to April 22, 1902. B, January 22, 1899, to April 22, 1902. C, January 13, 1899, to April 17, 1902. D, January 22, 1899, to April 21, 1902. F, H, K, and M, January 22, 1899, to May 22, 1902. Georgia and Virginia, 1902 to 1905. Philippines — Headquarters and I, K, L, and M, June 30, 1905, to July 17, 1907. A, B, C, and D, May 31, 1905, to July 17, 1907. E, F, G, and H, May 2, 1905, to July 17, 1907. * Kansas, August, 197, to January, 1911. (E and F, to April 29, 1911.) Philippines — Headquarters, A, B, C, D, G, H, I, K, L, M, February, 1911, to Novem- ■ ber, 1915. E and F, May, 1911, to November, 1915. Douglas, Ariz. — Headquarters, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, and M. December, 1915, tolNIarcli, 1916. A, B, C, and D, various stations on Mexican border, December, 1915, to March, 1916. Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917. Fort Bliss, February, 1917, to . (P^'irst Squadron, Fort Yellowstone, Wyo.. June to December, 1917.) EIGHTH CAVALRY (organized October, 1866) : California, Neveda, and Arizona, 1866 to 1870. New jMexico and Colorado, 1870 to 1875. Texas, 1875 to 1888. Dakota, Nebraska, and INIoutana, 188S to 1898. Cuba — Headquarters and I and M, November 13, 189S. to March 2, 1902. A, B, and C, November 13, 1898. to January 23, 1900. D, January 31, 1899, to- January 23. 1900. E and H, January 31, 1899, to April 30, 1902. F, January 31, 1899, to April 30, 1902. G, November 13. 1898, to April 30. 1902. K and L, .January 31, 1899, to March 2. 1902. Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, 1902 to 1905. 38 REGIMENTAL HISTORY ^ EIGHTH CAVALRY— Continued. Philippines — Headquarters and E, F, G, and H, February 28, 1905, to May 15, 1907. A, B, C, and D, June 30, 1905, to May 15, 1907. I, K, L, and M, March 31, 1905, to May 15, 1907. Nebraska, Wyoming, and Arizona. May, 1907, to November, 1910. (D, E, G, and I, to March, 1911.) Philippines — Headquarters, A, B, G, F, H, K, L, and M, December 5, 1910, to August, 1915. D, E, G, I, March, 1911, August, 1915. . D, E, G, I, March, 1911, to August, 1915. Fort Bliss, Tex., September, 1915, to October, 1917. (Various stations on Mexican border.) Marfa, Tex., and vicinity, October, 1917, to . NINTH CAVALRY (organized November, 1866) : Louisiana and Texas, 1866 to 1875. Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado, 1875 to 1881. Kansas and Indian Territory, 1881 to 1885. Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah, 1885 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and K, Juue 14 to August 20, 1898. • (Four trooops remained in Florida to August, 1898.) New York, 1898. Texas, Arizona, and Utah, 1898 to 1900. Philippines — Headquarters and F, G, and H, August 16, 1900, to October 13, 1902. A, B, C, D, and E, August 16, 1900 to October 31, 1902. I, April 15, 1901, to October 31, 1902. ■ K, L, and M, April 15, 1901, to October 13, 1902. (Four troops remained in Utah and Arizona to April, 1901.) California and Washington, 1902 to 1904. Kansas and Missouri, 1904 to 1907. Philippines — • Pleadquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K, and L, May 6, 1907, to June 10 1909. M, August 5, 1907, to June 10, 1909 (one troop remained in Kansas.) Wyoming, June, 1909, to September, 1912. (Texas, March 11, to July, 14, 1911.) Arizona, September, 1912, to December, 1915. Philippine Islands, Februrary, 1916, to • . TENTH CAVALRY (organized February, 1867) : Kansas, Texas, and Indian Territory, 1867 to 1885. Arizona and New Mexico, 1885 to 1892. North Dakota and Montana, 1892 to 1898. Georgia and Florida, 1898. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and I, June 14 to August 20, 1898. (Four troops remained in Florida to August 1898.) New York, 1898. Alabama, 1898 to 1899. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 39 i TENTH CAVALRY— Continued. Texas, 1899. Cuba — Headquarters and A, C, L, and M, May 1, 1899, to April 30, 1902. B, D, I, and K, May 17, 1899, to May 12, 1902. E and F, May 17, 1899, to January 10, 1900. G and H, May 1, 1899, to January 10, 1900. (Four troops remained in Texas, January, 1900, to April, 1901.) Philippines, E, F, G, and H, April 15, 1901, to August 1, 1902. Nebraslia and Wyoming, 1902 to 1907. Philippines — Headquarters and A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, and L, March 5, 1907, to July 25, 1909. B and I, June 5, 1907, to July 25, 1909. (M remained in Kansas to July 15, 1909.) Vermont, July, 1909, to December, 1913.) Arizona, December, 1913 to . Fort Huachuca, Headquarters, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, and M, December, 1913, to — -. (Various stations- on Mexican border.) Fort Apache, Ariz., L, December, 1913, to ■. (Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917.) ELEVENTH CAVALRY (organized March, 1901) : Virginia, Vermont, and Missouri, 1901. Philippines — Headquarters and I, K, L, and M, Jan. 21, 1902, to Apr. 15, 1904. A, B, C, and D, January 1, 1902, to April 15, 1904. E, F, G, and H, December 5, 1901, to April 15, 1904. Kansas and loAva, 1904 to 1906. Cuba, Headquartei-s and E, G, F, H, I, K, and L, October 11, 1906, to Feb- ruary 28, 1909. Ciiba, M, October 16, 1906, to February 28, 1909. (Four troops remained in Iowa to June, 1907, when they went to Vermont. ) Georgia, March, 1909, to March, 1916. (In Texas, Mar. 8, to Nov. 11, 1911.) (Colorado, May 2, 1914, to .January, 1915.) Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917. Fort Bliss, Tex., February, 1917, to May, 1917. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Headquarters, B, C, E, F, and H, IMay, 1917, to . (B and C at Newport News, Va., August to November, 1917.) (H at Little Rock, Arl?., and Camp Taylor, Ky., September to Decem- ber, 1917.) A, D, I, and K, May to August, 1917. G, L, and M, May to September, 1917. Camp Pike, Ark., G, September to December, 1917. Atlanta, Ga., I and K, August to December, 1917. Newport News, Va., A and D, August, 1917, to . Yellowstone, Wyo., G, December, 1917, to . Calexico, Mexico. I and K, Deceml^er, 1917, to ■ — : San Diego, Cal., L and M, December, 1917, to . 40 REGIMENTAL HISTORY TWELFTH CAVALRY (organized April, 1901) : Texas, 1901 to 1903. Philippines: Headquarters, August 1, 1903, to June, 1905. A, B, C, and D, July, 1903, to July 19, 1905. E, F, G, and H, May 1, 1903, to June 12, 1905. I, K, L, and M, August 1, 1903, to September 13, 1905. Georgia, 1905 to 1909. Philippines, Headquarters and B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, and M, April 5, 1909, to February 12, 1911. (A and K, July 6, 1909, to February 12, 1911.) Nebraska, Arizona, South Dakota, Wyoming, February, 1911, to March, 1916. (E,_F, G, H, I, L. and M, in Colorado, April, 1914, to January, 1915.) (A, B, C, and D, Texas December 1913 to February, 1916.) Columbus, N. Mex., and vicinity. Headquarters, E, F, G, and H, March, 19L6, to -. Canal Zone, A, B, C, and D, March, 1916, to . Hachita, N. Mex., and vicinity, I, K, L, and JNI, March, 1916, to . THIRTEENTH CAVALRY (organized May, 1901) : South Dakota and Montana, 1901 to 1903. Philippines — Headquarters and A, B, C, and D, February 28, 1903, to May IS, 1905. E, F, G, and H, June 1, 1903, to May 18, 1905. I, K, L, and M, April 1, 1903, to August 9, 1905. Virginia, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Illinois, 1905 to 1900. Philippines, Regiment, March 6, 1909, to April 11, 1911. Kansas, April, 1911, to September, 1912. Texas and New Mexico, September, 1912, to . I, Fort Riley, Kans., September, 1912, to . (Regiment, except I, in Mexico, March, 1916, to February, 1917.) FOURTEENTH CAVALRY (organized March, 1901) : Kansas, New Mexico, and Arizona, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, Regiment, September 5, 1903, to November 22, 1905. Washington, California, and Idaho, November, 1905, to November, 1909. (D, L, and M, to March, 1910.) Philippines — • Headquarters, A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, K, November, 1909, to April 7, 1912. L and M, March, 1910, to April, 1912. D, April, 1910, to April 7, 1912. Texas — Fort Clark, Tex., Headquarters, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, April, 1912, to April, 1918. Fort Mcintosh, Tex., I, K, L, and M, April, 1912, to April, 1918. (During this period troops performed service on Mexican border at various stations.) Fort Sam Houston, Tex., April, 1918, to •. FIFTEENTH CAVALRY (organized March, 1901) : i California, 1901. Philippines- Headquarters and E, F, I, K, L, and M, December 16, 1901, to No- vember 15, 1903, UNITED STATES EEGULAR ARMY 41 PH'TEENTH CAVALRY— Continued, Pliilijjpines — Continued. A and B, March, 1901, to November, 1903. C, April, 1901, to November 11, ISOS. D, April 1, 1901, to November 15, 1903. G, April 5, 1901, to November 15, 1903. H, December 16, 1901, to November 11, 1903. Virginia and Vermont, 1903 to 1906. Cuba, Headquarters and A, B, C, D, I, K, L, and M, October 7, 1906, to February 10, 1909. (Four troops remained in Vermont to February, 1909, when two of them left for Kansas.) Virginia, Vermont, Illinois, and Kansas, February, 1909, to November^ 1913. Texas, November, 1913, to November, 1915. Philippines, November, 1915, to September, 1917. Camp Fremont, Cal., October to December, 1917. Douglas, Ariz., December, 1917, to March, 1918, American Expeditionary Forces, March, 1918, to , SIXTEENTH CAVALRY (organized June, 1916) : Fort Sam Houston, Tex., June, 1916, to , (And various stations on Mexican border.) SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY (organized June, 1916) : Fort Bliss, Tex., and vicinity, June, 1916, to May, 1917, Douglas, Ariz., and vicinity, May, 1917, to . EIGHTEENTH CAVALRY (organized Jime, 1917; reorganized as Seventy- sixth Field Artillery, October, 1917) : Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., June to NoA-ember, 1917. Camp Shelby, Miss., November, 1917, to March, 1918, Camp Merritt, N. J., March to May, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, May, 1918, to . NINETEENTH CAVALRY (organized May, 1917; reorganized as Seventy^ seventh Field Artillery, October, 1917) ; Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., May to November, 1917. Camp Shelby, Miss., November — to November 29, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, December, 1917, to May, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, June, 1918, to . TWENTIETH CAVALRY (organized June, 1917; reorganized as Seventy- eighth Field Artillery, November, 1917) : Fort Riley, Kans., June to November, 1917, Camp Logan, Tex., November, 1917, to November, 1918. Camp Doniphan, Okla., April, 1918, to . TAVENTY-FIRST CAVALRY (organized June, 1917; reorganized as Seventy- ninth Field Artillery, October, 1917) : Fort Riley, Kans., June to November, 1917. Camp Logan, Tex., November, 1917, to June, 1918. Camp McClellan, Ala., June, 1918, to . TWENTY-SECOND CAVALRY (organized May, 1917; reorganized as Eigtieth Field Artillery, October, 1917) : Chickamauga Park, Ga., May, 1917, to February 1918, Camp MacArthur, Tex., February to June, 1918. Camp McClellan, Ala,, June, 1918, to . 42 REGIMEJ^TAIi HISTORY TWENTY-THIRD CAVALRY (organized Ma3', 1917; (reorganized as Eighty- first Field Artillery, November, 1917) : Chickamauga Park, Ga., May, 1917, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., Febriiary, 1918, to . TWENTY-FOURTH CAVALRY (organized June, 1917 ; reorganized as Eighty- second Field Artillery, October, 1917) : Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., June to October, 1917. ' Camp Logan, Tex., November to December, 1917. Fort Bliss, Tex., December, 1917, to . TWENTY-FIFTH CAVALRY (organized June, 1917; reorganized as Eighty- third Field Artillery, October, 1917) : Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., June, 1917, to February, 1918. Camp Fremont, Cal., February, 1918, to . ENGINEER TROOPS AND ENGINEER REGIMENTS In 1916 the existing companies of Engineers were broken up to form the units for the organization of the Engineers into regiments. In 1917 this was again done in the organization of additional regiments, ENGINEER TROOPS COMPANY A: New York, 1866 to 1898. Philippines, June 26, 1898, to August 18, 1901. New York, 1901. Kansas, 1901 to 1905. Philippines, June 30, 1905, to September 16, 1907. California, 1907 to 1908. Hawaii, November 5, 1908, to May 13, 1909. District of Columbia, May, 1909, to May, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., June 24 to 28, 1916. Harlingtcn, Tex., June 28, 1916, to . €OMPANY B : New York, 1866 to 1899. Philippines, July 13, 1899, to December, 1901. Missouri and Kansas, 1901 to 1905. Philippines, June 80, 1905, to September 16, 1907. California and Washington, 1907 to 1909. District of Columbia, May, 1909, to May, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., June 24 to 28, 1916. Harlington, Tex., June 28, 1916, to . COMPANY C : Missouri, 1866 to 1871. New York, 1871 to 1S9S. Florida, 1898. Cuba, June 14 to August 28, 1898. New York, 1898 to 1900. Philippines, August 1, 1900, to December 23, 1901. New York, 1901 to 1902. . Kansas, 1902 to 1905. California, 1905 to 1907. Philippines, July 5, 1907, to August 10, 190J. District of Columbia, August, 1909, to April, 1916. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.. April to June, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., June, 1916, to , "UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 43 COMPANY D : Philippines, June 7 to December 23, 1901. Missouri and Kansas, 1902 to 1905. California, 1905 to 1907. Philippines, July 5, 1907, to August 10, 1909. District of Columbia, August, 1909, to . COMPANY E (formerly Company C) : New York, 1866 to 1898. Florida, 1898. Cuba, June 14 to August 28, 1898. New York, 1898 to 1901. riiilippines, June 25, 1901, to December 15, 1903. District of Columbia, 1908 to 1906. Cuba, October 2, 1906, to June 29, 1907. District of Columbia, 1907 to 1909. Philippines, June 5, 1909, to April, 1912. Kansas, April, 1912, to February, 1913. Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1914. Mexico, April 24 to November 26, 1914. Texas, November, 1914, to November, 1915 (Galveston). Fort Sam Houston, Tex., November, 1915, to March, 1916. Mexico, March, 1916, to . COMPANY F (formerly Company D) : New York, 1866 to 1867. California, 1867 to 1871. New York, 1871 to 1901. Philippines, June 25, 1901, to December 15, 1903. District of Columbia, 1903 to 1906. Cuba, October 2, 1906, to April 4, 1909. District of Columbia, April to May, 1909. Vanvouver Barracks, Wash., May, 1909, to March, 1915. Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., March to June, 1915. Santa Rosa, Cal., June to September, 1915. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., September, 1915, to \ COMPANY G (organized March, 1901) : Nev/ York, 1901. Philippines, June 25, 1901, to July 10, 1903. District of Columbia, 1903 to 1906. Cuba, October 2, 1906, to April 5, 1909. District of Columbia, 1909. Hawaii, May 5, 1909, to April 14, 1912. Kansas, April, 1912, to February, 1913. Texas, February, 1913, to November, 1915 (Texas City). Fort Sam Houston, Tex., and vicinity, November, 1915, to June, 1916. Mexico, June, 1916, to . COMPANY H (organized March, 1901) : New York, 1901. Philippines, June 25, 1901. to July 10, 1903. District of Columbia, 1903 to 1906. Cuba, October 2, 1906, to June 29, 1907. District of Columbia, 1907 to 1909. Philippines, June 5. 1909, to April 14, 1912. Kansas, April, 1912, to February, 1913. 44 REGIMENTAL HISTORY COMPANY H— Continued. Texas City, Tex., February, 1913, to November, 391.5. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., November, 1915, to Marcli, 1916. Mexico, Marcli, 1916, to . COMPANY I (organized May, 1901) : New Yorli, 1901. District of Columbia, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, May 1, 1903, to September 13, 1905. ' Kansas, 1905 to 1907. Cuba, February 6 to June 16, 1907. Kansas, June, 1907, to March, 1912. (Texas, Mar. 9 to July 15, 1911.) Hawaii, March 5, 1912, to . COMPANY K (organized July, 1901) : New York, 1901. District of Columbia, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, May 1, 1903, to September 13, 1905. Kansas, September, 1905, to December, 1911. (Texas, Mar. 9 to July 15, 1911.) Philippines, January, 1912, to . COMPANY L (organized July, 1901) : New York, 1901. District of Columbia, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, October 1, 1903, to September 13, 1905. Kansas, 1905 to 1907. Cuba, February 6 to June 16, 1907. Kansas, June, 1907, to December, 1911. (Texas, Mar. 9 to November 7, 1911.) Philippines, January 5, 1912, to . COMPANY M (organized March, 1901) : New York, 1901. District of Columbia, 1901 to 1903. Philippines, October 1, 1903, to September 13, 1905. Kansas, 1905 to 1907. Cuba, February 6 to June 16, 1907. Kansas, June, 1907, to April, 1910. Wyoming, May, 1910, to March, 1911. Texas, March 10 to July 15, 1911. Kansas, July, 1911, to February, 1913. Texas, February, 1913, to April, 1915. Canal Zone, April 28, 1915, to . ENGINEER REGIMENTS FIRST REGIMENT (organized July 1, 1916) : Fort Sam Houston, Tex., July 1 to 13, 1916. Brownsville, Tex., Headquarters and A, July, 1913, to April 4, 1917. B, July 13, 1913, to March 16, 1917. Ringgold, Tex., B, March to April, 1917. Laredo, Tex., C, July 13, 1916, to April 4, 1917. Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., D, July to October, 1916. Eagle Pass, Tex., E, July 13, 1916, to March, 1917. F, July 13 to November, 1916. Fort Sam Houston, Tex., F, November, 1916, to May, 1917. UNITED STATES REGULAR ARMY 45 FIRST REGIMENT— Continued. Washington, D. C. — ■ D, October, 1916, to August, 1917. Headquarters, A, B, C, E, and F, April to August, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, August, 1917, to . SECOND REGIMENT (organized July 31, 1916) : Columbus, N. Mex., July, 1916, to February, 1917. (A, B, C, D, in Mexico, July 31, 1916, to February 5, 1917.) El Paso, Tex., February to August, 1917. American University, Washington, D. C, August to September, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, October, 1917, to . THIRD REGIMENT (organized— Headquarters, A, B, C, D, August, 1916; E and F, July, 1916) : Philippines — ■ Headquarters, August 1, 1916, to October 15, 1917. A and B, August 1, 1916, to . Hawaii — C and D, August 15, 1916, to . Headquarters, November, 1917, to . Canal Zone — E and F, July, 1916, to . FOURTH REGIMENT (organized June, 1917) : Vancouver Barracks, Wash., June to December, 1917. Camp Greene, N. C, December, 1917, to April, 1918. American Expeditionary Forces, May, 1918, to . FIFTH REGIMENT (organized May 21, 1917) : El Paso, Tex., May 21 to June, 1917. Brownsville, Tex., D, E, and F, June to November, 1917. Corpus Christie, Tex. — • Headquarters, A, B, and C, June, 1917, to -. D, E, and F, November 20, 1917, to . SIXTH REGIMENT (organized May 15, 1917, Washington Barracks, D. C.) : American University, Washington, D. C, May 27 to August, 1917. Washington Barracks, August to December 2, 1917. American Expeditionary Forces, December, 1917, to . SEVENTH REGIMENT (organized May 15, 1917) : Washington Barracks, D. C, May 15 to 23, 1917. • Fort Leavenworth, Ivans., May 26, 1917, to February 25, 1918, American Expeditionary Forces, March, 1918. EIGHTH REGIMENT (organized — Headquarters and A, August, 1916; B and C, May 21, 1917) : Mexico, Headquarters, August 1, 1916, to February, 1917. Columbus, N. Mex., A, August, 1916, to Februar,y 1917. Headquarters, February, 1917, to February 7, 1917. El Paso, Tex., Headquarters and A, February 10, 1917, to . B and C, May 21, 1971, to . NINTH REGIMENT (organized May 21, 1917) : El Paso, Tex., May 21, 1917, to . (Headquarters, A, B, and C.) COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION Washington, D. C. (Establisliecl by order of the President, Apr. 14, 1917.) I. RED, WHITE, AND BLUE SERIES 1. How THE Wae Came to AinsEicA. 32 pages. (Translations into German, Polish, Bohemian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Yiddish, and Croatian. 48 pages.) 2. National Seevice Handbook. 246 pages. (15 cents.) 8. The Battle Line of Democracy. A collection of patriotic prose and poetry. 134 pages. (15 cents.) 4. The Peesident's Flag Day Speech, with Evidence of Germany's Plans. 32 pages. 5. Conquest and Kultue. Quotations from German writers revealing the plans and purposes of pan-Germany. 160 pages. 6. German War Practices : Part I — Treatment of Civilians. 91 pages. 7. War Cyclopedia: A Handbook foe Ready Refeeence on the Great War. 321 pages. (15 cents.) 8. German Treatment of Conqueeed Teeeitoey : Paet II of " Geeman War Peactices." 61 pages. 9. Wae, Laboe, and Peace : Some Recent Addeesses and Wettings of the Peesident. American Reply to the Pope ; Address to the American Fed- eration of Labor ; Messages to Congress, December 4, 1917, and January 8, 1918. (In press.) (Other issues are in preparation.) 10. German Plots and Inteigues in the United States Dueing the Period OF OuE Neutrality. By E. E. Sperry and W. M. West. 64 pages. II. WAR INFORMATION SERIES 101. The Wae Message and the Facts Behind It. 82 pages. 102. The Nation in Aems. Two addresses by Secretaries Lane and Baker. 16 pages. 103. The Goveenment of Germany. By Charles D. Hazen. 16 pages. 104. The Great War : From Spectator to Participant. By A. C. McLaughlin. 16 pages. 105. A War of Self-Defense. Addresses by Secretary of State Lansing and AgsLstant Secretary of Labor Post. 22 page.s. 106. American Loyalty. By American citizens of German descent. 24 pages. 107. Amerikanische BtJRGEETREiTE. German translation of No. 106. 108. American Interest in Popular Government Abroad. By E. B. Greene. 16 pages. 109. Hojirj Reading Course for Citizen Soldiers. Prepared by the War De- partment. 62 pa^es. (Out of print.) 110. First Session of the War Congress. Complete sununary of all legisla- tion. 48 pages. 111. The German War Code. By G. W. Scott and J. W. Garner. 16 pages. 112. American and Allied Ideals. By Stuart P. Sherman. (In press.) 47 48 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 113. Geeiian Militaeism and Its German Critics. By _ ^^^ ^ press.) ® ®20 913 104 3 114. The Wae foe Peace. By Arthur D. Call. Views of American peace organ- izations and leaders in the present war. ( In press. ) 115. Why America Fights Germany. By John S. P. Tatlock. (In press.) (Other issues are in preparation.) 116. The Study of the Great War. By S. B. Harding. A topical outline. 9G pages. 117. The Activities of the Committee on Public Information. 20 pages. III. LOYALTY LEAFLETS 201. 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