M3 P3 I Copy 1 63d Congress, ) 'Bd Session. f SENATE. Report No. 391. REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. March 30, 1914.— Ordered to be printed. H.S. Ok^. 2;^,-. , Mr. HoLLiS; from the Committee on the District of CoKmibia, siib- mitted the folio win 2; REPORT. [To accompany S. 4316.] The Committee on the District of Columbia, to which was referred the bill (S. 4316) to regulate the use of public school buildings and grounds in the District. of Columbia, having considered the same, report it back favorably mthout amendment and recommend that the bill do pass. This subject has been studied, the proponents of the legislation have had the advice of such authorities on the subject as Mr. Edward J. Ward, adviser in civic and social center development of the uni- versity extension department of the University of Wisconsin, and the bill now recommended for passage (S. 4316) has the indorsement of the board of education and of more than 100 ^ civic organizations, representatives of which met at the White House on December 1, 1913, at the invitation of Mss Margaret Woodrow Wilson. Miss Wilson, who has for some years been active in promoting social and civic center development throughout the country, is the chairman of the committee representing all of the local organizations advocat- ing this legislation. Following is the letter from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia indorsing this bill : Office Commissionees of the District of Columbia, Washington, February 5, 1914. Hon. John Walter Smith, Chairman Committee on the District of Columhia, United States Senate. My Dear Sir: Replying totlie request of February 4 of the Committee on the District of Columbia of the United States Senate for a report on Senate bill 4316, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia desire to state: They are in hearty sympathy Avith the purposes of the bill and most earnestly and urgently recommend its passage at the earliest possible date. The bill is the same as I This number included women's clubs, philanthropic societies, etc., whereas the 56 organizations re- ferred to in the District Commissioners' letter are local citizens' associations. }2 EEGULATING USE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDmGS;,. Eig. that forwarded by the Pistrirt Comroissioners on December 22, 1913, to youi com- mittee and the Committee on the District of Cokimbia of the House of Representativea with the recommendation that it be enacted into law. It was drafted by a committee of men and women as a .result of a conference attended by the members of 56 civic or