fyTM ot}2>J553* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. # =^^ >-J&3" I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.! S>1$ ^> ^> ^^ & eg KS> 35 , ORATIONS iESCHINES AND DEMOSTHENES THE CROWN. ORATIONS JESCHINES AND DEMOSTHENES THE CROWN. MODERN GREEK PROLEGOMENA, AND ENGLISH NOTES. BY ALEXANDER NEGRIS. BOSTON: HILLIARD, GRAY, LITTLE, AND WILKINS, 1829. !> ^V?5\ V* ATZXINOr c KAl A KTH2KPSLNT02 A o'r 2. JHMO^OE'NOTU C THE*P KTH2I®S£nT02, "ll, JIEPf 2TEv, c Tno aaezanapot net ph. 17 t\, $i abrov rov B-ngiou Tahva. pvftxra, fiouvou N&^£*j." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned; " and also to an act. entitled, " An act supplementary to an act, entitled, ' An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprierors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ; ' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." JNO. W. DAVIS, Clerk of the District of Massachusetts. 'Ex T7i{ Tvvroygatytas ^ILzrx,u\(pov koc) 7jg S-eAel diaxgivEi tov Tonov xal ttjv ino/rjv twv ngay{iaTllinnog, ozav r) TVgavvoxTovog tov Ilav- xsavlov %Elg tov ioTa{iaTi]GEv slg ttjv tov Xafxngov tov oxadlov Ei'g- odov. c diddo/og tov Ali^avdgog EixoGaETrjg nagiXa6E ttjv ndigiov fiaadslav, xal dsv iSgddvvEV ano ttjv anaTrjv ixEivovg va EvydXr\, ggov xaTEcpgovovv avxov did to vsagov Tr)g rjhxlag tov, wv slg r\v xal o AtjfioG'&ivTjg, ogTig tov ansxaXsi ndlda xal fiagyiTTjv ' nlrjv amog o naig tm dnrjyysdsv, oti [Asigdxiov I'yivs nsgl OsTTaXlav, xal ngog TOig "A&yvalav teI/eglv dvrjg S-eXei va cpavfj. "AXkr\v fl olov tovt eIu6ev ixgovjv, o xard Tovg (A8yaXav%ovg avxovg Xoysg inanEi- Xwv Tag : 'A&rjvag x^ a §Q°^° ° 'AXi^avdgog ETgsipsv aXXa%0GE tu fils[i{iaTa tov, xal did noXXw Xafingoxsgcov avSgayad'^/JLaTCOV ido^d- G&rj. 2JvyxoiXsGag ensira Tovg c 'EXXi]vag xaxd to nagddsiyfjia tov naigog tov, xa^iVEi xav tov avayogEvovoiv yys^ova tojv sm Tovg Hsgoag ' y Aaxsdalfimv slg avTr/v ttjv nsgloTaGiV rjvavTicoS-r] [iovtj, liyovoa oti dkv t\tov slg avirjv naTgonagddoTOV to va dxolov&fj Tovg dlXovg, alia vol, to va i^fjyrjTai twv dXXcav ' ExnXayivxEg ol D AS-rjvdloi vd tov IdSoi ngo tcov nvlwv xmv, vnsil-av av xal nagd yvw\ir\v, xal tm anivEi/xov ^Eyalrjxsgag an6 Tag ngolaSovTOjg slg tov (DlXtnnov do&sloag Tijidg. HoXspixal nagaoxsval ngog Tovg gxo- novg tov AXs'Zavdgov TjGav anagalxrjToi, xal slg ttjv Maxsdovlav inavigxETai did vd Tag iniTa%vv)] ' aXt iv TavTia pav&dvojv oti VE(3)TEgiC,ELV e&eIovgiv oi °IlXvgiol xal ol TgiBaXXol, xai amav ixgga- zevei, tovq KTvna, xal Tovg naidsvei ' dia6alvsv iiETinEna Tov^lGTgov 1IPQAEE0 MENA. £' dvsv yscpvgrjg sig fxiav vvxTa, Tgsnsi Tovg Fhag sig cpvyijv, olg ij xolfxrj tov togov cpaivsTai nagddo^og, cogzs {ii]ts ttjv ngcoTijv xav £%&QLxrjV sfiBoX^v ds/ovjuL' xa&vno6dXXsi dialog dXXa fidgBaga s-frvrj, ra [itv did tov navixov ov sig ctvza Tovvojid tov i/xnvssi cpo- 6ov, %a ds did tcov Vixycpogcov axnov bnXcov ' xal (x bXag rag tcov ngsoCscov tcov aXa'Qovixdg anoxglosig, %a xdfivsi vd yvcogiGCOGiv sva xlvdvvov noli) nXr\GiEGTsgov xyg tov ovgavov xal tcov aoisgcov mco- ascjg. H anovola tov AXs^dvdgov, xal fila ipsvdrjg (pi]fii] tov S-avdzov tov, sig tooovtov syslgovGi to tcov Oi]6alcov $-dggog, cogTS ovXXa- BovTsg i'ico tijg Kadfislag Tovg agxqyovg ttj£ Maxsdovixijg cpgovgag, AfjivvTUV xal Tifiolaov, o%Tivsg dsv sl%ov ttjv naga^axgotsgav vno- \piav, Tovg qpovsvovai, xal ngogxa&it,ovTai sig tt\v dxgav, anoTSixl- aavTsg tijv [is dmXovv xdgaxa, xal ava\isvovTsg ttjv nagddoalv T7jg. Tolovtov Tol^fjfia dsv sfisivz noXvv xaigbv aTi^cogrjiop ' sig ttjv acpihv tov vsov fia.GiXscog, ogzig [is vnsg6oliX7]v snyX-ds TaxvTi]Ta, tcc I'd la tcov avxol dsv TjdvvavTO vd niGTSvocoGiv ofi^c/.Ta ' xal togov anoTVylovvTai, cogTS itgoTgsno^svoi ano Tivag tcov BoicoTagxcov, xal Tovg oGOi Qvyyvco{ir\v vd svgcoGi dsv rjXm^ov anb tov Als^avdgov cog alxLOt Tijg snavaGTaoscog, a^islovGi vd cocpsXqd-cooi tov xaigov tov bnolov Tolg dldsi ngbg fiSTayvoiav. MsTa Tgitffisgov noXiog- xlav y\ noXig tcov sx ngogSoXyg sig Tag x^ga? nimsi tov Maxsdovog, ogTig Ti]v dqpavl^SL xaTa xgdjog, s^axigxiXlovg tcov xutoIxcov GcpaTTSi, Tovg ds Xomovg nsgl Tgigfivglovg s^avdganodL^STai, xal svavTiov Tr\g cpvGixtjg avTov snisixsiag, t\v axgiQcog Gx*dbv ^xQoda&i] xa& h'kov to diaGTfjfia T(av sxTSTa^svcav tov xaTaxxrjGscov, ojfiwg ngog(psgsTai f xal sig Tovg dXXovg sniTgsnsi GxX^goT^Tag ava.yxa.lag did vd xaXi- vayooy^Gt] Tovg Xomovg svxoXo)Tsgcog "EXXrjvag. Avttj dsv sXsupsv v\ noXiTLXT] vd xdfijj to onoiov o Als^avdgog sixs xaTa vovv anoTS- Xso'fia ' ngsoSslai navTaxo&sv stis^ltiovto tpjiovGai xi]v vnsgaGm- gIv tov ' ai xr\q AhaXlag noXsig sqaXoTi^iovvTO nola vd vnoxax&fj TigoiTr), Gvyyvwfxrjv afoovGai tov nagaGXElv sig tt\v twv Oi]6al(ov snavaGTaGiv xa ana ' xal avTol nagaxLV7]-d-svTsg ano tov Ar\{iddrjV oi A&rjvaioi, Gvvsxdgijoav did idg Xa^ngag vlxag tov vsov fiaoiXsa, Xoywv acpsidovvTsg, sig ovg t\ xagdia tcov to naga^axgoTsgov vd Xd6j] fxsgog dsv rjdvvaTo. c rjysjicov svvo'lxcog ^isv tv\v ngso6slav ds- XSTai, otsXXsi ofitog sniGToXrjV iv TavTco ngbg tov d^ov, '£)jtcov vd 7)' nPOAETO MEN A. xw nagadod-WGLV, o /lrjf.(OG&h")]g, 6 Avxovgyog, Ixt ds 6 c Tnsgldi]g, b UolvEVXTog, 6 Xagyg, 6 °EcpidlTr]g, 6 Moigoxlrjg, 6 Jrjfieov, o Kal- lio&Evrjg, xal ngb ndvxoov 6 Xagldijfiog, cog oXtlov Trjg iv Xaigcovsla fidx^jS, xv-l tr\g rslsvialag twv Ot]6aloov inavaoTaoEfog. Jsvriga ■jiQZoGda nsjXTiETai nagaxalovaa tt(v Gvy/oogrjGiv tSv £rjTOV[iEVtov, OLTiveg .y.cxl xvy/dvovGiv avxijg ano tov Ali'S,avbgov, slis dice %i ngbg rovg ^A&fjvcdovg ivanolEino fievov eti Gs6ag tov, eI't insidi] vano- TEfjt] %a naganiTiTGVTa tcc bndla to [tkya tov i6gddvvov G/tdtov, xal [ii]T al'xiov firjTS ngocpaoiv vdqjijGi] dvgagEGTijGEOjg ij&eIev ' o&ev xal vqjiETca tov ^T^fiaiog tov, [ie ti)v O-oglav fiovrjv Ev%agi- GTovfjLEVog tov Xagidrjpov, 6 bndlog Elg tov (Saadsa xaTECpvys tSv HEgGWV. c O ''Aki^avdgog ijov/og cog ngbg ttjv imxgaTEiav tov, xal %(oglg vnoipiav did xafifiiav yEiTViaC,ovGav dvvafiiv, ETOipa&xai vd inixE- Xeg]] ttjv tov 7EEgicpi][iov fiavxEcag r-g^rjVEtav D AgiGxdvdgov, bgxig, to nsgl AEL6i]d~ga xvnaglxxivov tov Ogcpicog %6avov qpavEV nEgi%vuEVov dnb idgcoxa, to orjfislov ihjyrjOE liyoov, otl o Ali^avdgog -&eIel xa- Tog&(xjGEiv aoidlfiovg xal nEgiGoijTOvg ngd&ig, at bnolau &Evd dco- GbOGi nolvv idgcoTct xal nbvov slg v^ivoxvTag noiiyidg xal ixovoixovg. c Oloxh\gojg lombv slg t1]V ixoxgaiEiav ngogxollaTai Tr\g Aolag, inl- Tgonbv tov tov AvTina.Tgov Elg tt\v MaxEdoviav anodsixvvsi, xal cog Ecp&aoEV i] avoi'£ig, xax EvS-srav ngbg tov c Elly\gnovTOV nogEVETav ' xa& bdbv inioxinTETai xovg Tacpovg tov Al'avTog, tov Axillicog, xal twv allcov rjgoooov, ovg ngoaigELTao vd vnEg6dh]' Tslog slg Tag o%\)ag acpixvELTai tov Egavixov. Ol oaTganai vd tw a[xxfig6v\x r t]GC0Giv anocpaoio{iEvoi to nsgaGfia tov ngogipiEvov anb TavTixgv fisgog' MifAvwv, b c Podtog, cav rjyEfiwv Ti]g nagallag anb tov Aagslov, toIq gvveSovIevs vd {ii] gixpoxivdvvEvoedGL ^d/i]v, alia xaxanaTovv- TEg [is ttjv Xnnov vacpavlocoGLV blov tov %ilbv, vd xavoooGi Tovg iv tjj yfj xagnovg, [xijte twv nolsoov avT(av (pEioo^iEvoi, xal ovtco It^iayx^GavTEg vavayxaGoooi Tov/S-gixov GTgaTEVfia vd avanodiGj]. Ta fiidg nagopolag ov[i6ovlijg anoSdvTa, do&Eloyg xal exteIeg&ei- Gtjg Inl twv oj^iEgav [tag, xd^ivEi vd GToxaG-doo^sv otl dsv J'j&sIev b Als^avdgog nolii vd ngoxwgijGj] dvvrj&qv, dv b Tijg ngbg 'EllygnovTO) fjigvylag vnagxog AgolTiyg, dsv eI/ev EvavTHoS-rjv slg tov Mipivova, liyoov oti dsv S-eIel no.TS GvyxcogrjGEi to vd xaij fi^xs y,la [ibvov olxla twv vnb tt\v i^ovalav tov av&gojnwr. Avxr) 7} yvwfiT) ttjV nPOAErOMENA. & cpgovifiov vnsgloxvas avfx6ovXrjv xov %evov, ov vncanxsvovxo ngbg fiEyaXrjv xwv ol Usgaat (3Xd67]v, oxl va (atjxvvj] xbv noXE^iov iJ&eXev, snl axoTzto xov va nagaoxjj fie avxbv tov xgbnov avayxalov tov sav- tov tov. c AXiHavdgog fi bXov xovxo x^O^S vaxovaji tov Ilag- [isvlcovoc, bg tw nagaoxaivEt tov xlvbvvov ug tov onolov f\ tov rgavi- y.ov did6aoig I'fiTcgoG&sv noXvnXq&Eoxigov axgaxsvfiaxog tov ixxl- S-f]Gi, Tovmxsigi&Tai did fivgltav dvvnEg6XrjT0)v v.axa to qpaivopsvov dvgxoXiav, xaxa6dXXEL xal diuoxognl^EL to Usgaixbv ex ngog6oXi]g vnnixov, b 7tEgis%slXove tov noxa^ibv, snavaxdfinxsL O-alcpvrjg inl to nE&xbv, to bnoiov six an EvxoXfxlav six an ixnXrfciv ejxevev e(itie8ov, to TtEgixvxXovEiy icpogfia, to anoocpdxxEi, xal tioXvteXt} Xdqivg ucpaigEHxai, wv ev (xegog slg xag 3 A&qvag oxsXXei, v.al ngbg tov vabv xrjg A&yvdg [ie xavxr\v avaxl&Tjai- ttjv iniygaqjijV ' AXe£- av d g og b

Gt], xal xtov xov dgi\r{iov vanolavor] nleovEXTTjfidxwv xw tdidov, bxav ano xx\v ol'tjolv xov xal xovq xax oi- xov ez%rgovq, xovg xolaxaq, vnct/S-elg, xal ^i dxovwv xdq av[i6ov- Xdq xov "A}ivvxov, ngodyEi ngbq xov D Ioobv, xal E^inlixExai uq dvq- %aglaq, eiq aq anoxaxaoxavxa xo innixov xov xal xavagl&fxrjxd xov oxgaxEVfiax avwqpElrj, pallov xov i^inodl^ovai nagd xov %gr}Oi- yiEVOVGiv ' Eiq 7iQ0V7iavx7]0iv vnayEi xov fyd-gov xov bnotov etiqetie va ngoqfiEivy, xal fiadl&i ocp&alfioyavwq Eiq xov acpaviopov xov. c O ^Als^avdgog svS"Vq\ avyxalioaq xovq xojv diacpogwv xd&cov ijyEfio- vaq xdlq Idysi, oxi ano xag ixxExapsvag xijg 2Jvgiaq nsdiddaq, 6 Ssbq did vd xolg nagadojGj] xov AagClov xov EcpEgEV Eig oxsvd, onov xo dvayxatov i'oia didaxrj^i rjigioxExo ngbq i&liypbv xcov Ma- xeSovixmv cpaldyyojv, oxi xrylvdgiEg teal (lal&axol ^Aoiavol vd no\EjH]GWOLV eI%ov jis nolEfiioxdg Maxsdovaq, iv hvl loyoj avdga- noda ivavxlov ilEvdigcav, xal o Jagiloq ivavxlov xov ^Ah^dvdgov. Avxa xal alia nagopoia -d-dggoq ivinvEVoav dnEglyganxov' xal xtjV imovoav slq xovq nagaxElEvaxixovq xov fiaoiliojq loyovq, xo oxgaxiooxixbv olov Exga'&v o[io&V[A,adbv, 'C^xovv inl xovq Bag- Sdgovq avvnofiovojq vd odrjy^&j]. Moliq Eig xovg oalniyxxdq nagriyyild-i] vd aijiidvaoi xr\v Ecpodov, xal oi dvxinagaxExayfiivoi avfifiiyvvvxai, nEio [laxwdriq r) iia%r\ ylvExai, allrjlodiadozcog ngog- xgovovoi xal ngogxgovovxaiy nlyv xilog navxeov ixxlivavxsq cpEvyovoi ngoxgonddr\v ol BagSagoi, xal bio xcov xo axgdxEVfxa diaoxEdao&iv xal avvxgup&EV oeixvvei xi]V vnEgo/tjV xrjg xolfiqq inl xov dgi&[iov. C H p?T?jo, r} yvvt], r\ adslcprj, al dvo S-vyaxigsq, xal o vy\niog vloq xov AagEiov, (ievovglv Elq xr\v i^ovGiav xov vixqxov ' avxbq ovxoq 6 /JagEloq did ptovqq anodidgaaxsi, xr\q xa/vx^xoq xov innov xov, xal iiav&avEi dv avxiqq xr\q (xa/rjq vd ^lt]V ala^ovEvyxai nliov Elq xdq dwdjiEiq xov ' o&ev xanEivoid-Elg o vnEgrjcpavog ovxog, Eig dia~ ngay\iaxEiag xginsxab, xal navxoioxgoncog naoziQEi vd xEgdioy xx\v xov D AlE$dvdgov xagblav, ngo6dll(ov fivgia xdlavxa vd nlygcjoy wg Ivxga xwv Ealwxoxav, vd nagaxwgrjGy ndaav xrjv ivxog Evcpgd- xov, xal dldcov avico filav xwv S^vyaxigcov xov vd xov l'%i] cpllov xal av[i[ittZOV. c O 3 Als£avdgoq ^s xoiovxov vnsgonxLxbv dnogglnxEL xgonov xaSs ngo6lr)iJia, wgxz {iova xd Evxv%r\ 8vvavT.au vd xov nPOAErOMENA. id dixaioXoyv\GWGiv ano6dvxa. Q H Kvngog, i] &oivlx?], nagadldovxai, y Tvgog nlnxei [ie& enxafirjvij xal enlnovov noXiogxlav elg xag %elgdg xov, xal r\ Al'yvnxog xa&vno6dXXexai. Ol Gargdnai {I bXov xovxo ovXXeyovGiv wg xdyioxa veovg Gxga- xicaxag, xal cpigovatv exaxovxaxigfivgiovg diacpogcov i&vwv dvd-gia- novg elg xbv Aageiov, og elg xr\v MeGonoxa[Aav nXx\Giov xojv AgQr\- Xwv vndyei vd oxgaxonedevGi], elg (ilav [xaxgo&ev qpaivopevrjv ne- didda, xt]v bnolav ecpgovxioe vd e^o^aXloj], did vd dajGi] negiGGoxe- gav slg xdg xwv Xnnojv ecpodovg xal avaaxgexpag evxoXlav, xal vanoopvyi] xb bndlov ngov$evr]Gev al'xiov, x?jg iv Iggm [idyrjg t0 ydoifiov' dioxi xi]V ngwxi]V anedidev r { GGav tig xa oxevd xyg KiXiy.Lag. Ol ngodgofioi xov AXe^dvdgov dev jjgyrjoav vd xbv eldonoit[o(aoi negl xov diaxgeyovxog' b&ev xal ngoyojgei, xvgiov va Idjj xbv eavxov xs avvno^iovog xijg Aolag, xal Xa^6dvei -&eaiv oXlyov fiaxgdv xov eyd-gixov axgaxonedov. Exazegwoe nagaxi]govvxav ngwxov a[ioi6aLb}g, eneixa xivovvxai, y.al xiXog elg %e7gag egyovxai. Tov nageX&ovxog r\ ev&v[j,i]Gig, y.al i]v eggmxev elg xr\v if/v^rjv xwv Hegowv cpglxrj, ayedbv eiyev avxovg ngb xijg [td%7]g xgaxi]oei ' dib xal 7] vlxr\, [i oXqv xxjv aavfipexglav i\xig dev ecpalvexo va enixgeyji] xxjv eXayloxqv looggonlav, oXlyov xaigbv e'£vyogdxt]GEv ' r\ vo[ii£o[ievri dvva^ig dev sBdoxaoev evavxlov xi]g aXq&ovg avdglag xal xrjg xa- xxixijg xoXfirjg, v.al dev t/gvoifievoe xb nXy-frog nag elg xb va ngo- y,rjd-evai] nXeov aap&ovag elg xi)v oopayijv. Anb xovg Maxedovag nevxaxooioi fxovov ecpovev&i]Gav elg avxr\v xiyv vlxr\v, iv w va xXavooiGiv eiyov ol Higaai xb ydGi^iov evvevr\xovxa yiXiddcov, e'xi de xtjv xaxaXvGiv xqg xoXoooalag xal loyvgdg avxwv agyijg, r\xig noXXovg eiyev i\dr] XdSei xivayfxovg. °0 Aagelog aco&elg (xovog xov y.al cpev- ycav did xwv ogecov xijg Agfxevlag, oXlyag negiaooxegov fjfiegag dvgxv- %e~ig efxeXXev elg xi]V avfiopogdv xov vd em^ay ' avxbg o vixr^evog xal cpvydg (iaoiXevg, b bvo(xd'£cov e'cog xoxe xbv eavxov xov deanoxrjv bXcov xwv av&gojTicjv anb avaxoXwv ^.eygi dvoy.(av, xal anb xovg Idlovg avxov ey&govg xaXovfievog b Meyag BaaiXevg, elg xag nXeov ano[xs[j,axgvG[jevag negienXavdxo xwv enagyiwv xov, oxav o Bijooog e'vag anb xovg oaxgdnag xov xbv eqpovevGe, xal di avxov xov xaxagdxov xoXfiypaxog, anb nXavrjxixrjV dvgxv%rj xal axi(xov xov rjXev&sgwGe £w>jV Oviwg 6 Aagelog exeXevxrjGs nevx^xovxovx^g, Xafingbv nagddeiy^ia xov ev&gavoxov xwv avd-gwnlvwv fxeyaXeicov. i6' nPOAETd MENA. Avxa tu loTogixd avaXsxTa, avTu %a GVfi6E6f]X0Ta ovyxgova tov aycovog twv dvo fiag grjTogoov, tw %gr\Gi[iEVovoiv cog sTio/rj, xal xdfivovoiv EVxaTaXrjTiTa noXXd ngayyaTa, xoc bnola twv avTinaXcav I'xaoTog dvacpigsi ngbg ocpsXog tov. "AXXag tb dsv eXeittov Etg top Aiaxlvrjv xal slg tov /IrjfioG&EvrjV sgidog acpogpal ' g£ EnayyiXyaTog aviltyXoi xal ex qpiXoTi(xlag, asvvacog an^vTcov b slg tov aXXov xal avTETUTTOVTO avTixsifiEVOJV ag%r\yot otmgsojv, si%ov Tovg cpaTgia- GTag, Tovg avfingdxTogag, xal Tovg TieXccTag twv ' inl Tulg among EGnovda^ov dficpoTEgot Ttfiatg, to\ avTa e&rjgsvov d%iia[iaTa, xal to I'd tov XXaaTQOV nuQExlvst xal Tovg dvo tov ngogaXXrjXov vd igyd^wv- Tat dcpavtG^bv, h'xaoTog TtEnEiG[isvog ox Elg [iova tov dvnnaXov tov tcc Egsinia OTV.d-Egtog dvvuTat va xtigt]. H Evvoia tov dr][iov, ijtig avTtTVTKog ETanEtvovs tov Evav OTav vipovE tov aXXov, r)v to figa- 6uov Trig EvyXooTTiag, o&sv xal [is tt\v avxrjv ogfirjv ayiXXwvTat nsgl tovtov ' xal ij^t^s TcoovTt tov xonov, EHEtdtj o E%a)V avxb to (5ga6E%- ov eSugIXevev Etg fitav drjfjoxgaTlav, bnov t\ vnEgTCCTt] dvvay.ig vnr\g~ %ev Elg tov Xabv, xal bnov Tig nsgiGGOTEgav ?/ oXiyooTEgav ei/ev EizovGtav, kutu to jictXXov r\ tjttov otcov vd [lETaxEtgtG&yi Tovg av- S-gojTiovg Tj^Evgs, xal va xivr^Gt] Tag xagdlag * xd&s 7ioXlxr\g bgTig tt\v iiEgl Tovg Xoyovg Ei%s dsivoTrjTa, dnoXmoig dicoxEt nXr]d-og av- ToxgaTogoiv, igaoTcov yiag Tovvopa [ibvov exovorjg avE^agTrjotag, xal ttjv bnolav (J bXov tovt dyhgtog i£rjXoTV7iovv. Oi ^A&rjvalot e6Xe7tov, rjxovov, ij&sXov did tov tcXeov EvyXwTTU g^Togog, xal di exeI- ■vojv 6 grjTbjg diavofiEvg t)to xal xvgiog navTog d^myaTog tioXe- (itxov r] noXiTiv.ov, i^ovGiav ei%ev Etgrjvrjg xal noXspov, xal xaxd tt\v -&fXfjOtv tov Tovg Exa^VEvd nagcooivi] vacprjoco. t to brtXa' fxs avTOV tov Tgonov b nagEigdvofiEVog dv&gwnog eI%e to dtxatcofia va TiEgiovgy Tag yvojpag twv, xal Tr]g xgrjGEwg tov ayanipoTEgov twv ngdyfiaTog, &eXco XiyEtv Tr\g iXEV&Egiag, aTLfiag^Tag vd Tovg VGTEgy. Aev nginEi Xoinov Tig vd ^avfido]], ncog Etg filav (nixgaTEtav ev& 7] iniGTr][ir\ Tr]g nsixrovg anEXd[i6avs togov ydv ngovofiiov ixaXXiEgysl- to [as TOGavTijv ETTifiEXsiav, xal oxi xa&sig cpiXoTtpcog avr]X(axE to n oXvt i [A ote gov tov xu.igov tov, did vd TEXEioTtoirjS-f] xaid ttjv nsgl Tovg Xoyovg viiEgTaT^v Ts%vrjV. Metcc^v tcov Q EXXr]v(xiv gyjTogwv, r] (.idXXov eItieiv, twv A&rjvalojv, ircEidr] dsv EyEwr\GEV aXXovg rj c EXXdg, o/j.o%gov(og ila^yjav b Ar\[io- G&ivyg xal b dvTay(oviGT7jg tov AtGXiVTjg ' to ex ttjq \v7iEg6oXixijg nPOAErO'MENA. ly Tiav £rjXotvnlctQ fiioog, aXXoxe ngbg aXXyXovg xovg £!-(ogyiG8V inl xov fiyfiaxog ' orjfisgov elg xr\v avdyvwoiv ngsnei Tig vd xovg evctiGy, dio- xi, %wglg exaxegovg vaxovoy, xal xovg 8vo a^Lovg axgoaGecag, dsv ifiTiogsl vd xovg xglvy. c Alaxlvrjg, evgv$-pog, yXvxvg, dv&i}gbg> diacpevysi, ngoxaxaXa^Bavsi xal diaXvsi ds&wg xctg ex&gixdg {mocpo- gag, ydvvet xag excpgaoeig xov fie bXag xr\g xaXXienelag xal xi]g im- xoofiijoeojg xag %dgixag, syelgsi xal xivsl noXXdxig xovg dxgoaxdg ' tiXtjv plot dvvajiig dvooxega, [da ^govxwdrjg dsivoxyg, xaxa6dXXsi xa- noxa&laxrjOLV (ag i'y,7iXrjxxov avxbv xal xovg nagovxag bXovg. c Aia/lvrjg diaygdcpeu Xsnxovgycog, svi]dvvei xag dxodg, xal nXtjgs^ov- alcag nmg tig bacov ana$ (p&aosi va elg/cagsar] xag xagdlag negieg- %exai ' o /fr\tioo&ivy)g dv xal oXiycoxegov elg xd wxa, fia&vxsgag bficag tig xrjv yjv%7]v ey/agdxxei, xal acp ov xrjv dianegdaei, avxoyva- fiovcog deano^ei. Hgbg xovxoig o Aioxlvyg glmn navxaxo&ev oniv- &i]gag' ev eJ o drnioo~d'Lvy\g axxtvo6oXsl. ' Oxav axovo) xov Aiv%lv7]P ev/sgotg vava6aXia xi\v xglaiv fiov dsv £y,7iogw, xal o~%edbv xaxadi- xa^oi xov Arjfioa&evTjv [nqxe va xov axovoia &£Xoav ' TtXijV poXig xov ijxovaa, xal xov evglaxca a&uov, xov &av[idtg(o ' xdg dia6oXdg avxbg diaXvsi, xd&e dvgxoXlav anXug anoxbnxei, ex S-eyeXiaiv bXag xdg XsnxoXoylag ev evl Xoyw xal xd aocployax dvaigsl, ag& a>g vscpog acpavi&xai xb yjevdog, diacpavsg anb ^coygoxaxag yivoyievov diav- yslag. Aficpoxegot ft oXov xovxo figovxwatv, av xal fidviaov a(podgox7]xa ' y^xe Xombv b Jt][j,oaS-evr]g nXeov d%ov dvxlnaXov ydwaxo vd/rj, firj& o Al(T/lvr t g nXeov a$iov vixr(ir\v. *Ag \iy\ ov[i- 6ovXsvd-(ij[xsv nsgl xrjg ngogwmxrjg avxcov a£lag xovg l&iovg* inl xav- xov asfivol xal xanuvol, apoi6al(og oxt dev eiv EvyXoaxxou diio~%vgl- ^ovxai, xa&ug ovo^id^(av xbv avxidtxov xov, ngcaxsvovxa xwv ana xov ftr t [jiaxog dyiovi^ofxivoiv, dsivbv dijpiovgybv Xoycav, fidyov, y6i}xa> xal ovopa£6{i£vog b I'diog, dnXovg, slXixgwrjg, aXi]3r}g. Elg tv [xovov ngay^ia dsv efinogsl xig evxolaig vd xglvr\ noiog vmg&aXXu xov aXXov, xal xovx ioxlv v\ iXsv&tgla xoov elg xb vd v6gl^(avxai, xal vd (ir) [iexgid£(OGi xr\v bg^r\v ivbg dxaxaoxsxov 3-vpov ' cpdoxlfiwg b elg xaXel xbv aXXov, ovxocpdvxijv, Trgodoxrjv, [iiagbv, avoaiov, xal pe a[ioi6alav ane%&siav e'^avxXovoi xag v6giGxix(axegag Xoi.doglag ' xag ngodyovoLV ava[xcpi6oX(ag noXXd paxgdv, dg Gxoxaod-(ay.ev y, oXov xovxo, nag elg \iiav dlxrjv noXXov do avxovg a&av, vd xaxansiGWGLV etyov Xabv, vol [iev ay/lvovv, bfiwg ndvxa Xabv, b&ev o xaxaqiaxtxog t<5' nPOAETO MEN A, xbvog xcu o S-aggaXsog xgonog loyvovGiv slg xovg nollovg, ohivsg dsv ToXficooi G%sdbv va vttotttsv&ojgiv, oil avBgcorrog ogxig (vxovojg OfiiXuj xal ixcpigsxai, dvvaxai vd i'xj] ddiy.ov ' q xov d&wov dsiXla, noXXdxig W£ i^iGEia xov iyxXr\[iaxog ofioXoyla vnoxl&sxai, ev w to xov nxaloxov ngonsxsg, ivxsXtjg a&(ooxr]xog anods&g vo^ii^sxai. Hgbg xovxoig 7]&eXe rig slnsiv oxl did vd xaxaGxi]Gj] joiig dvo giJTogag avxovg r) cpvaig slg fisyaX^xsgav Xy&qav, xovg sya^sv oXcog avo^iolovg ' Sloxl xa&cog 7} xcov dia&sosav avaXoyla pag Gvvdnxsi duo, d£0[AGJV donxcov, ovxwg r) diacpoga xwv xXIgeoov 8l dogdxcov (iag XOjgiC,Ei cpga/fiwv. c O AxGxlvr\g, %aglsig, yXvy.v&v[iog, svdid&sxog, ngbg ogyyv icp^fisgog, cpihjdovog, svngog^yogog, noXv va oviMpcovrj- cy dsv i]dvvaxo fie tov Ai}{ioGd-svriv, ooGagov, oxv&gwTtov, dyanwvxa ri]V pova'S.idv, cpiXonovov, avoxTjgbv, ^agv&v^xov, avixavov slg ovdsv va ivdojaj], ndvxoxs ngbg Tag xaxaxg^ustg sxoifiov vavxixsivy, xal [is 8gi[iv Ti £v[iu)[isvov to onolov anoxgovsu xal ano[iay.gvvsi. C H av- xind&sid tcov, nv\yr\ xrjg I'x&gag avxojv v.axd tov (friXoggaxov, noXvv v.aigbv [i oXov xsxo va £wcm> slg agxsxd xaXi)V dgjiovlav T#g aqptjos' teal v.aTa tt\v y.oivJ]V yvwfirjv i'SsGnaos TongojTov r) s'x&ga twv, OTav slg TTjV Maxsdovlav GV[ingsG6sig, txaoTog tov xaXwg fiaGiXsvsiv £sxwgiGTi]v i]&eXi]0S [is&odov slg tov avTao&jj dvvaxai, fisgixbv tmv ngay^iaTcov avTi tov vd dooarj Xoyov, (is Ti]V tcov cpgdoscov tov yXvxvxrjxa -&sX- yoov Tag dxodg, nagsigdysv ni&avbxr\xag, xal nags(i6dXXsi avXXoyi- Gfiovg aXrjS-slg xaxd to cpaiv6{isvov. Ai]/ioG&svi]g xovvavxlov noxs dsv dyivsi to xscpdXaiov ' acp bXa to yvgl^si t« [xsgt], x^Q 1 ^ vano- fiaxgvv&j] to nagafiixgoTsgov ' anodsH-sig avacpsgsi oacpslg, loxvgdg, anodsixTixdg' tIS-tjgiv dgxdg ngodrjXovg' xal Tgafivov dvaviiQgrjTa GVfinsgdo paTa, xaTaSdXXsi TsXog ndvTOov did %r[g svagyslag. c Jlgav- Tcog b /Jr)[ioG&svr}g [xdXXov snaigofisvog nagd Tansivocpgovoov, im- Xa[i6dvsxai xijg svxaiglag, qng tov anaXdxTSi xy\g fisxgioq)goGVV7jg, xal dsonoxixcog an avxbv Xsnxo(isgr\ xcov tj&lxwv xov agsxwv xal xcov noXixixav xov xaxog&wndxojv dirjyrjGiv anaixst ' xal x^Q^S va Xav- &aG&ri [i7\x slg \iiav fiovrjv Xz&v 7]xig iXdoGcav cpaivsxai xcov ioco- Tsgixwv avsnixXtjTOV ovvsidoxog (tagxvgicov, dixaioXoyslxai [is xn\v xoXfxrjV svbg v.axr\yogov, dsv anoXoyslxai [ir)& cog Ixsxsvoov [jir)& oog svoxog, aXX cog dXXog xig 2ooxgdxr\g y cog xvgiog xal s^ovaiaGxrjg toov xgncov tov, ngogTaTTOJv Toaovg xavovag xal vofiovg, ooag anodsl^sig xal Xoyovg sx&sxsi' xal [isxd xovov ngogtjxovxog slg ttjv a&oooxtjxa, (xs vnsgoxov svcofisvrjv a^ioirjxa, (palvsxat oog vd Xsyi]' Kavslg iv dg sxog dsv £• iks i xov vy si xal ttjv avxoepavT lav ! A I 2 XI N o r 'O KATA KTHZI&STNT02 A0T02. rno 0E2T.Z. KTHSIOiVN 'iy^x-^/t ip'/itpttr/zx, " ~2r$tpxva%av, ovht \uxzas trvyXavruv a'trtos iyzvzro, xa) rns vifrrns rrjs Iv Xa^«vj/'«, -xi'tcas pird O'/jGaiuv dgapivovs rov xoXzyov rov tfpas <&iXt->rvov <>T a (tardea a 6 at • iv Tz rut rzXzvratw, on rd Kara, rov ' Axi%avb*gov out ZToXtrivo-aro. Mzrd ravra xa) rod fiiov tfavros rov A'/ipotrfivovs xar/iyo^zt, xa) ^»j xa) K.rno"i(puvros iv oXtyois, Iv ots d%to7 alrov vTtzg lavrov rov rLrycrtipuvra dvo'koyzio'&at. Td f/Xv oZv xMbaXatz ravr la o A'/ipotrO'zvns xaxovovs ten ru "hriy-u, xa) alff^us za) WtftzfAvrrus vrzrfoXi- rzvrai • %id rovro ifftovbatrz u$->ri(> xa) A-/ijjLoa&'zvnS' Ttvzs iWov, on ovx iftzt xarao-xzvhv ro 9rgooiftiov, ovxovv ovTz abrov xararrxivh, " Tir^ rov rd. fzzrpta xa) rd ffwhQn ft'/i y'tyvzcrOat iv rn toXzi. E/ ya(> h atrta rris wpord- o-zus Iffrtv n xaratnczvhi ^id Tz ro rd pir^ta fx.h y'tvzaSat iv ryj rtoXzi at ^z^Tits f xaraffxzvn dv z't'w, "E%zt oz xa) ffvy7tz^airy.a, " 'ILyu oz •xz'XtQ'rivxus nxu " tag rod tl fiU^ov ruv vofjcuv xa) ruv ttxa'tuv" TWN [lev TtagaaxsvTJv ogdrs, 3 avdgss 'Adr}- vaiot, xal jtfv nagwia^iv^ Stir} yeysvjjTai, xal rag xard Tfjv dyogdv deijasi?^ atg xe%g7ivTal tlvss vrcig tov t& (xhgia xal id dvvrfdrj' ptf yiyvz&dai iv jjj TtoXec ' eyco di TtSTiiorevxcog jjxco ngSiov {.isv tois xfrsoLS, dsmsgov di iocs vouois %ai viaiv, qyovfievos KATA KTH21&JINT02. ovdsfiiav naga^xsvTqv ia^vsiv itag vfitv fisiZov tcov vo^icov xal tcov 8ixaicov. = ' E6ovX6{iriv [iiv ow, co dv8geg '^d^vaiac, xal jtfv ftovXrjv, tovs TtevTaxoat- ovg, xal rccg ixxkqaias imo tcov icpsGTfjxoTcov og&cog 5 dwixsiGiOai, xal Tovg vopovg, ovg ivogiodiiijasv 6 JZoXcov Tcsgl T?jg tcov gqiogcov svxocifiias, i(j%v£tv, Zva itjrj TtgcoTov fisv too 7rgsa6vidr(p tcov tcoXltcov, cogneg ol vopot xsXsvoveti, dcocpgovcog in I to firj[.ia nagsk- &6vtl, dvsv &ogv6ov xal raga%rjs, !| i^nsiglag id 10 fiskjiGiTa zjj noXst 0£t&> xal zrj tcoXei xal zS ovgicpigovzL zoo v^tEZEgcp TCoXizsvofiEvovs. Kav zavzijv e%ovzes zr(v Sidvoiav dxoirqzE zcov {aeXXqvzcov gijOi'idEdQai Xoyav, ev oW ozi Sixaia, xal svogxa, xal civ[A(p£govza vfxtv 20 avzois ip7]cpiEL(jOE xal ndcitf zrj tzoXel. IlEgl [liv ovv zijs oXijs xazTf/ogtas [tEzgicos pot iXm^co TigoEigijaOat • 7t£gl Si avzcov zcov vopcov, oi xEivzai itEgl zcov vtzevOvvgov, 7tag^ ovs zo ipjjcpto^ia zovzo zvy%dv£i yEygacpcos Kzi^icpSv, Sid ($ga%£cov 25 ELTtEiv fiovXouai. ' 'Ev ydg zois E^TtgoodEv %govois dg%ovz£s zives zds psyiozas iv zjj ttoXel dg%ds xal zds TtgosoSovs Swlxovvzes, xal ScogoooxovvzES nsgl Exasra zszcov, itgosXa^iSdvovzEs zss ze ix zs [3ov- XEvzrigiov gijiogas xal zovs ix zov Sij^wv, vtogpco- 30 Oev rtgoxaz£Xd[i6avov zds Evdvvas iitaivois xal xk\- gvyfxadtv, cisz iv zats Evdvvats zcov dg%cov, eis 6 AfSXl'NOT ti\v yLsyidTiiv [xiv ditogiav dftxvsictOat rovs xaTiiyo- Qsg, noXv Si etl pdXXov tss Stxas'ds. UoXXol ydg ndvv tcov vTtsvdvvav, in avxo€p6goo xXkitTai toov Sii- {jLOoiiov xQTjfidicdv ovtss i£sXsy%6[isvoL, Stscpvyyavov ix tSv Sixaziigicov slxotcos' i\ayvvovTO ydg (ol^iat) 5 ol Sixadxal, si (pavijasxai 6 amos dvijg iv tjj avr$ ndXsi {rvyov Si xal iv tS avTop iviavTif) Tigcpiiv [isv TtoxB dvayogsvdpsvos iv tols dyatfiv, oil OTScpavov- tcu dgsTrjs s'vsxa xal Sixaiocvvijs vito tov Srfaov %gvTL [iSTgios tSv Ta 7tagdvo[Aa ygacpovTcov), aXX ovv 7igo6dXXovTat ys tl ngo Tip aldyvviis ■ ngossy- ygdcpovtfi ydg Ttgos tcc vjii(pta^aTa, dTScpavovv tov vttsvOvvov, iizsiSdv Xdyov xal svdvvas ttjs dg%yjs Soo. 25 Kal 11 piv noXis to i'&ov dSixii[ia dSixstTat (jcgo- xaTaXa^GdvovTai ydg iitaivois xal dTE(pdvois at svOvvai), b Si to ipijcpictpa ygdcpcov ivSsixvvTai tols dxovovtiiv, oti ysyga(ps [iiv 7tagdvo{ia, aldyvvsTai Si if ots 7tfidgT7]XE, ■ Kiiioiqicdv Si, & dvSgss ^dii-SO valoi, vizsgTiiiSijtias tov vopov tov nsgl tcov vnsv- KATA r KTH2IJtNT0Z. 7 dvvcov ocsifievov, xal ziijv ngocpaaiv, ijv iyco dgzicos 7tgoei7tov vuiv, dveXtov, nglv Xoyov, nglv £vdvvas Sovvat, yiygacp£ [A£zat-v Jr^ioadivriv dgyovza ' > ~ SI c Hgd*xXsis {vitoXdSoL dv tls) , otl tfg^a, fii] dno8r]- 25fLij(jco ; iW ys fiij ngoXaScov xgjjfiaza Trjs ttqXscos, ?j itgd^cLs^ 8ga6[i(d %grftiy. UdXLv vnsvdvvov ovx id tt\v ovalav xaOLegovv, ov8i dvdOrjfta dvadsivaL, ov8* ixnovY\Tov ysviadaL, ovSe 8ia6ea0aL xd iavTOv, ovS* aXXa itoXXd * ivl 8i Xoyco ive%vgd££L toc? ovaias 30 6 vofiodBTrfs rojg tcov vtzevOvvcov, bcos dv Xoyov drto- 8co(jl Tjj noXu. Ntu, dXX! ss'l tls dvdgconos^ as sts 2 10 AfSXl'NOT stXricpzv ovdiv Tav drjiiodiav ovt dvrjXaxe^itgosrjXde di 71QOS Tl TCOV XOLVC0V. Kal TOVTOV OLTtOCpSQELV X£- Xsvsi Xoyov Ttgos tss XoyidTas. Kal itas o y£ jjwfdiv Xa6av fiTfd' dvaXado.s dnoid£i Xoyov zfj noXu ; amos VTioSdlXsi xal didddxu 6 vofios a %gij ygdip£iv ' 5 xsXsvsl ydg avzo tsto iyygdcp£iv, on " Ovt iXa6ov ovdiv Tav ttJs TtoXscos ovt dvijXada*" dvsvdvvov di xal dtjaiiTov xal d^vs^iradjov ovdiv idxi Tav iv tj} TioXei. f 'On di dXrjOrj Xiya, aviSv dxovoars Tav VOfACQV. 10 N O'M 1. e 'Ozav tolvvv [tdXtGra &gadvvr]Tat dr\iLOdQ£vr)s, Xiyav as did Trjv iuldodtv ovx eanv vitsvdvvos. ixuvo avrco vno6dXXsT£ * "Ovxovv sxgf(v d£, a dr\~ [AOGiOsves, iddat tov Tav Xoyidiav xrjgvxa xrjgv^atlb to itdxgiov xal £vvo L uov xrjgvypa tovto, tls fiovXsxai xaTiiyog£ Iv ; sadov dficpisSjiTrjdai dot tov fiovXops- vov Tav tzoXit&v, as ovx inidaxas, dXX and noXXav av s%sis sis trjv t&v tsl%wv olxodofxiav {Atxgd xaTe- Qryxas, dixa TaXa,vza sis TavTa ex zijs noXscos dXri- 20 (pas, Mrj agna'Cs Trjv (piXoTipiaVj [Midi i^aigs Tav dtxadrav zds vjijyovs ix Tav %£igo)v, firjd* S[A7igod6sv Tav v6{iaV) dXX vdTsgos tzoXltsvov • Tavxa ydg ogQot Trjv drtfioxgaTiav" Ugos [iiv ovv ids %£vds ngocpddsis, ds ovxoi^b ngocpadiovvTai, [is%Qt d£vgo ugijdda pot * oti di ovxas rrv vtcevOvvos 6 /li^odOsvyis^ 86* ovtos £isrj- veyxs to vj-qcpid^ia, dg%av fiiv Trjv iizl Ta &£agtxa dg%rjv, dgy v av di tjjv zav Tuyonoiav, ovSeTsgas di na Tav dg%cov Toyiav Xoyov v[ilv ovd* evQvvas 30 dedaxas, tcuV ?jdrj TzeLgddopat v^tds didddxsiv ix RATA KTH2I0SHJNTO2. 11 zav Stj^ocIlcov yga^dzcov, Kal fioi dvdyvcodi, inl ztvog ag%ovzog xal itotov [irjvog xal iv zivi yfiiga xal iv nolo, ixxXrjOia i%£igozovtf6r] zfrjixo- JtNT02\ 13 Tats (pvXais, 7} rdygovs i^egyd^sddai, ij Tgirjgsis vavitTiyuoQai. c, Otl 8* dXridrj Xiyco, l| avrSv tcov NO' MO I. 5 'AvapvjfedriTS 8rj tovs ngoetgi^ivovs Xoyovs, ore 6 fisv vofiodhrfs tovs ix tcov (pvXcov dg%eiv xslsvet doxifiaadivias iv t£ dixadTqgicp, rj 8i Uavdwvls (pvXiq agyovTO, xal tu%otioiov ansdsi^s zfrifiooOivrjv, os ix rijs dLOixtfctsas sis tolvto, e%€c fitxgov 8siv 10 8ixa Takavxa, BTsgos 8' duayogevsi v6[aos dg%rjv vtievQwov [nq OTecpavovv, v[aels 8' oficofioxaie zard tovs vofiovs yj7]q)i£i(jdaL^ 6 8s gjjicog yiygacpe dxs(pavovv tov vtievOvvov, {iiq ngosOels " ijtstSdv Xoyov xal svdvvas Ttjs dg%ijs 8£" iyco 8' i^jftsyt-a 15 to Ttagdvofiov fidgTvgas dfia tovs v6(jlovs xal ra vjijcpLOfxaTa xal tovs dvTt8txovs Ttagsyo^ievos. Ucos oi)v dv tls nsgtcpoLvsaTEgov ijtt8u^sisv dvdgcojtov TiagavofiaTaTa ysyga(poTa ; c J2s Toivvv xal ti\v dvdggy\6iv tov tiTsydvov 20 jtagavoacos iv tS vjijcpia^iaTt xeXevel yiyveodac, xal tovO* vfxds 8i8d%co. c O ydg vopos 8iaggrf8y}v xs- Xevei. idv [aev Tiva tiTEcpavoi jj fiovXrj, iv tS ftov- XsvTrigup dvaxy\gvTTZ dvdg£$ **Adqvaioi, oil 6 piv vo[io- Oiryjs xeXevu iv tS StffMp iv Hvvxl vq ixxXqOiab dvaxi\gvTT£iv tov vito tov drjpov GTEcpavovpEvov, dXXoOi di [xriSapoVi KTrfdicpcov di iv tw ftsdrgco, ov iovg v6[iovs ycovov vjtsgSds, dXXd xal tov totzov liSTSvsyxcDV, ovdi ixxXijaia'CovTmv ^Qiyvaicov, dXXd Tgaymdeov dyovitofiivov xaiv&v, ovd* ivavTiov tov 10 djjfiov, aXX ivavTiov tSv c J&XXtJvgw, iv i^ulv dvvu- daaiv olov dvdga Ti[j,cjfi£v. Gvico tolvvv nsgicpavas 7tagdvo[jia yEygacpeos, nagaTa^Qds [tExd JrjfAOddi- VOVS §7tOl(j£L T££VCCS TOLS VO[lOlS, d? iyCQ SffXcdGCd XCll ngosgto vjjLiv, iva mj XddijTE i^anaTTidivTEs. Ovtol 15 ydg, cos t aiv ovx ditayog£vovCiv ol vopoi tov vtco tov djjfiov ciTEcpavov^isvov flfj XljgVJTUV £%CO TTjS ixxXjjaias, ov% at-ovdi Xiyuv, olaovai Si els Tqv dnoXoyiav tov Jiovvtfcaxdv vo^iov^ xal %gijc>ovTCU ts vofis [ligst Tivl xXItztovtsg Tijv dxgoaoiv vp£v, 20 xal nagi^ovTat vofiov ovdiv TtgogijxovTa Trj ygacpy Tjjds, xal Xst-ovoiv, m slot tj} tzqXu 8vo vopoi xsifisvoi negl tcov xrfgvypdTeov, sis piv, ov vvv iyco Ttagi^ofiaif, diaggrfSyv duayogzvwv tov vtco tov Srj^tov aiecpavov^jiEvov [iij xqgvTTsadai s<~cq Trjs25 ixxXijolas, £T£gov 8* uvai vofiov cp^aovotv ivavTt- ov TovTco. tov dsScoxoTa i^ovalav notEtciOac ttJv dvdggr^iv tov tfT£(pdvov TgaycoSois iv tS &£dTgcp, idv yj?}(piG7}TaL 6 dijfios * xazd 8y) tovtov tov vofiov (ptfosdt yEygacpivai tov KrijijMpcdVTa. *Eya Si 7tgos 30 tccs tovtov T£%vas 7tag£%o[iaL avv7\y6govs tovs KATA* KTH2I®S£NT02. 15 VOflOVS TOVS VflSTSQOVS, 07t£Q dlCCTsXcO OTCOvSd'CcOV nagd nddav z-qv xaTTjyoglav. El ydg tovto ioTiv tokyOis xal tolovtov ados nagaSiSvxsv vficov els zrjv noXiTsiav, Sst dxvgovs vofxovs iv tols xv- 5giois avayeygdcpQaL xal Svo negl (iids ngd^ecos vTCSvavTiovs dlhjlois, zi dv he Tavirjv eXnoi tls eivai Typr itoXuteiav, iv j} ravrd ngosTaTTOvOLv ol vopoi Ttoisiv xal p? Ttoistv j dXX ovx e%et zavQ 3 ovtcos, fitjO^ voxels nors els ToaavTiyv dza^iav 10 tcov vopav 7tgo6alriTS' ovis ^sA^TOtt negl tcov tolovtcov tco vopoOirrf tco tt^v drjpoxgaTtav xa- Ta[jiaTOs. 2Jvvl8cov 8ij tls Tavxa, vo- fiodhris Tidqtii vofxov ovdiv inLxoivcovovvTa tco TTSgl TCOV V7C0 TOV 8rf[jlOV dTECpaVOVfxivCOV VOfJLCO, ovze Xvdas ixuvov (ovde ydg ^ ixxh^dia rjvcoftXsLTO, 5aAAa to &iaigov), ovt ivaviiov tols ngoTsgov xsifjiivoLS robots tlOsIs (ov ydg st-sdTLv) , dXXd its- gl tcov dvsv ipijcpLdpaTos v{AST6gov dTScpavovpivcov V7io tcov (pvXsTav xal SqpoT&v, xal nsgl tcov tovs oixhas dueXevOsgovvTcov^ xal nsgl tcov ^bvlxcov 10 dTsepdveov xal diaggrfdrfv dnayogevs t [itJt olxbti^v dneXsvOegovv iv tco ftsdigco, fjcrfd* vito tcov cpvXeTcov 7j dqfiOTCov dvayogsveddac s'scpavspsvov, (tyd* vn ak- Xov (cpydl) (ATjdsvoSi tJ oltl{xov slvou tov xrfgvxa. "Otcxv oi)v dno8zi^xi tols [asv vtco ttJs fiovXrjs dTS- 15 cpavov pivots els to fiovXavT-qgLov dvaggrjOrjvai, tols cf V7t6 TOV SjjfXOV tiTECpOLVOV{l£vOLS US TT[V ixxXqdiav, TOLS 8' VTCO TCOV SiffAOTtOV 6TS(paVOV[l6VOlS XOL CpvXs- tcov dTtSLTtji fir} x^gvTTSddaL tols Tgaycp8ols, Iva [irjdsls igavl^cov dTStpdvss xal xrjgvyfxaTa vjevdrj, cpc- 20 XoTL^iav xxaTCU, ugosanzvitri ft iv tco vofxcp p^ 3 vno dXXov pqdtvds dvaxrfgvTTSddaL dnovGy\s ftovXijs xal Srtfiov xal cpvXsTcov xal Si^otcov, — oTav 8rf tls to^tcc dcpsXrjTaL, tl to xax aXsL7t6[isvdv idTL 7tXr)v ol %£vlxoI dTEcpavoi; otl 8* dXrjdij Xiyco, fieya 25 druiBLOv v[jllv tovtov l| amcov tcov voficov Em8sL%co. Avtov ydg tov %gvdovv dTECpccvov, os dv iv tco d^eaxgco tco iv adTSL dvaggrjdjj, Ugov slvac Ttjs °Adqvds b vopos xsXsvsl, dcpsXofisvos tov dTecpa- vovfjcsvov. KavtoL tls dv vficov ToXfirjdeis TodavTtfv 30 avsXevdeglav xaTayvcovac tov 8tf[xov tcov ' AQr\yaL~ tov i (ly ydg otl noXis, aXX ov8° dv l8i6tt^s ov8i 3 18 Afzxi'NOr sig omog dysvvjjg ysvouzo, Ssrs ov avTog sdcoxs dTScpavov d^a dvaxijgvTTSiv xal dcpaigsiddai xal xaOisgovv. °AXX oi[aou, did to %svixov slvai tov dTScpavov xal xaOisgcoaig ysysvi^Tai, iva [jirjdslg dXXozgiav svvoiav nsgl nXsiovog uoiov^isvog irjs 5 7taTQtSos 3 %sigcov ysvijTai tt(v vjv%ijv. *AXX ovx ixsivov tov iv tj} ixxXijaia dvaggrfdivTa dTScpavov ovdslg xaQisgoi, dXX° s^sciTi xsxTijodai, iva, [at) povov avTos, dXXd xal ol If ixsivov, s%ovTsg iv r$ otxia to V7t6[iv7f pa, [A7}S EJiOTS xaxol t?)v vjv%tfv sig 10 tov dijfiov ylyvcovTai. Kal did tovto ngogid^xsv b vo(io6iTq$ flui} xrjgvTTsaOai tov dXXozgiov dTSxpavov iv to xtsaTgco, idv (irj xprjcpitiriTtu o Sij^tog, iv ij noXig 7} fisXofiivf] Tivd tSv vfiSTsgcov GTScpavovv, ngidSsig Ttsfitpada dsTjdtf TOV drtflOV, IV 6 XTjgVTTO^JiSVOgl^ fisi^o %dgiv sldjj tov GTsepdvov vpiv, ij zoig OTScpa- vovdiv, on xijgv^ai iitSTgzipaTS. "Oti 8' dXrjdrj Xsyco, zcov vo'fiav avx&v dxovaaTE. N O'M 1. °Eitsi8dv Toivvv i^aitaravTEs v^adg Xsycodiv, «s20 ugogysygauTai iv tS v6{xcp i^slvai 0TE(pavovv, idv vjr^(pi(j7fTat b drjfiog, dTCoinvr\[iovsvsTS amoig imo6a- Xstv, vol, sl yi as Tig aXh\ noXig dTEcpavoi' si ds 6 dfjjiog 6 *A6i]vaiav, djtodsdsLXTat ooi Tonog, bnov dsi tsto ysvsaQai, drtsigrfTai Got t'f » Tjjg ixxXy\<$iag 25 [ijj xrigvTTsadai. To ydg " dXXodi Si [iqdafjiov " S Ti iciTlv, oXijv trjy ?jixigav Xsys • ov ydg dnoSsi^sig, m svvo(.ia ysygacpag* EtiTi 3° vnoXoinov \loi [xsgog zijg xaTqyogiag, icp » pdXisa tfTtsftd'Cto ' tovto d* itirtv q izgocpaoig, 30 St t\v amov d%iol sscpavovaQai. Asysi ydg ovzcog KATA' KTHZI®J£nTOZ. 19 iv xS ip7](pid[iaxii " Kal xov XTjgvxa dvayogeveiv iv xm fteaxgcp 7tgog xsg v EXhrrvag, oxi dxecpavot avxdv b drjfios 6 xav ^ AQryvaiav dgexijg e'vexa xal dvdga- yaOiag " xal to ueyidxov, " on 8iaxe)>ei keyav xal 5 Ttgdxxov xd dgidxa x6 d/ftico" ' AnXovg 8tj itavxd- naoiv b [iexd xavxa r^iiv Koyog yiyvexai. xal v^ilv dxovdadt xgivai ev^iadrjg ■ 8ei ydg 8tj itov xov fiev xaxTiyogovvxa ifii xovd* vpiv ini8eixvvvai, Ss st- dtv ol xaxd A7i^,od6evovg eitaivoi %pev8etg, xal wg \Oovx 7\g%axo Xeyeiv xd fieXxtdxa, ovxe vvv 8iaxeXet Ttgdxx&v xd dv^icpegovxa xS dfya. Kav xsx imSsi- |g), Sixatag 8tj 7Z8 xrjv ygaq)7Jv dXadexai KxTidupav • anavxeg ydg dnayogevsdiv oi vofxoi {MiSeva ipev8rj ygdcpeiv iv xoig di^oalois ipijcptd^adt. Tco 8° dno- \bXoys[ievco xsvavxiov xovxov 8eixxeov idxiv. c T^elg 8' fffiiv ededOe xcov loyav xgtxai "E%et 8' ovxcog. *Eym xov {iiv fiiov xov Aii^ioddevovg i^exd'Cetv paxgoxegov Xoyov egyov Tiyov^iat eivai. Ti ydg 8ei vvv xavxa Xiyeiv, 7$ xd Ttegl xijv xov xgavfiaxog 20 ygaftjv avxS dv[i6s6rixox(x,, ox iygdvjaxo eW Ageiov itdyov Jfifiofiskr) xov Uaiavtea, dvevjiov ovxa eavxw, xal xrjv xrjg xecpalrjs i7Zixo{irjv * 7} xd negl xi\v K7)(pt(jo86xov dxgaxjiyiav xal xov xav veav exnXsv xov els l ' EXXtistcovxov, bxe Big Sv xcov rgtTjgdg^cov 25 A77^tod6ev7ig, xal Ttsgidycov xov axgaxjjydv iitl xijg vem xal dvddix6v xal ovvOvcov xal dvdizevSov^ xal xovxov d^icodelg Sid xo naxgcxbg avxS (plXog etvai^ ovx Sxvrjdev an elgayyeXlag avxov xgivopcevs negl &avdxov, xaxijyogog yeveddai * xal tcci/tcc 7)87] xd 307t£gl Mei8iav xal xovs xov8vkovs, ovg e/.a6ev iv xy bgxtfdxga %og7iyds av, xal a>g dneSoxo xgidxovxa 20 AfSXl'NOT fivSv &pa TTjV T£ £LS aVTOV v6gLV XOl VTJV TOV 8rj[jL8 xaTa%£igoTovlav, rjv iv Aiovvdov xaT£%£igoTov77ds Msi8iov i Tama [iiv ovv pot 8oxco xal TaXka rot tovtols ofiota v7tsg6?jeo (jTsepdvep dTecpavcodjjvai, ij ipiysdOai ; xal di, tov ipsvSrj xal nagdvo^ia ToX^covTa ygdcpsiv, noTega %g7\ xaTacpgovelv tcov 8ixadT7igicov^ 7] 8lxtiv tjj tzoXsl didovai; 15 Ilsgl 8i tcov 8i]{ioS[NT02. 23 cpoTa y)7j(pi% iv tisdco, xal 7tagij[i£v Tjj vs'sgatcc sis ti\v ixxXyiaiav. 'EvTavda dij 7tgoxaTaXa[i6dvcov Aji^waOh^s to 20 j3rj[ia, ovdevl tcov dXkcov naga'kntcov \6yov, ovdiv bcpeXos %%7]{jiocivv7jv xal xoXaxsiav. Kal ox anys- cav sis 0ij6as, spiaOayaaxo avxois xgia Zsvyrj ogsi- xd, xal xovs TtgsaSsis ngsTtspipsv sis Orf6as, xaxa- 10 yskazov xrjv itoXiv Ttoiciv. c, Iva 8* sitl xijs vnodscis- as fxsiva, Xd6s pot xo iprjcpiGfjia xo itsgl xijs ngos- dgias. W li & 12 'MA. Ovxos xoivvv, 6 dvdgss ' Adrrvaioi, 6 xrflixov-i^ xos xo idysdos ?coAaf, ngSxos Sid xcov xaxaaxoncov xov nagd Xagth'tfjiov izv66[isvos xrjv ^ikimtov xs- Xsvxrjv, xSv {isv $scqv avfinXdaas savxw svvnviov, xaxsipsvciaxo m ov nagd Xagi8tf[xov xo ngaypa TtSTtv >(j[asv 'os., dXXd nagd xov J ids xal xijs ' * AQriv 'as, 20 ovs [tsd° fftisgav §7Ziogx£v, vvxxog (pjjalv iavxco StaXsysadai^ xal xd [isXXovxa sascQai ngoXsysiv^ §636{jlt]v 8" fysgrav xijs ftvyaxgos avxS xsxslsvxi\xvi- as, itglv itsvdijaai xal xd vo{ii'C6[ASva noiijoai, dTStpavaadfjisvos xal Xsvxrjv sodijxa Xa6cov i6ov- 25 Ovxsi xal TtagTjvdpsi, xrjv [lovrrv 6 SsiXaios xal TigSxifv avxov izaxiga Ttgossmovoav drcolsaas' xal ov xd 8vsxv%7(\ia 6vsi8i^o^ dXXd xov xgonov s^sxd- £&>. c O ydg uiaoxsxvos xal Ttaxijg 7tov?]gds ovx dv noxs yevoixo Sfffiaycoyds %g7}tfxos, s8s b xd cpilxaxa 30 xal olxsioxaxa tf&^ara pij axsgyov ovSinod' ^ag KATA* KTH2IfLNT02. 29 nsgl nXsiovos 7ioi7JdSTai tovs dlkoTgcovs, ovdi ys 6 idea itovrigos ovx av uots ysvomo dyifjiodia %gijtii6s, ovd' ostls hlv oixoi cpavXos ovdinoT r\v iv Maxs- dovia xazd tt\v ngsdftsiav xakos xdyados • ov ydg 5 tov TgoitoV) aXXd tov totzov [aovov [leirfkhat-e. UoQsv ovv inl zrjv [isTa6oXriv r)XOs tcov ngay^d- tcov (ovzos ydg idTiv 6 dsvTsgos xacgos), xal ti 7Zot iazl to aiTiov, otl r[koTvnias, xal i\yridaTO, si tcov dvp- &0 7tgsd6sv6vTcov xal tov Qikinnov xaTrjyogos dva- cpavsirj, tov [iiv 0ikoxgaTfiv 7tgod?jlcos aTtoKsldQai, 30 Afzxi'isor tovs 8i akXovs GvfZ7tgid6£is xiv8vv£vG£lv, amos 8° tivd'tncifirftiiiV) xal 7tgo86T7}$ gov tcov cpiXcov xal no- v7}qos, tzkjtqs tS 8tf[A6) (pavtfJ£nT02. 31 c Yfi£ls ydg, © ' AdT\vaioi, uoXkd xal [i£yaka rfii- %ri[iivoL V7i6 Mv^ddg^ov tov XaXxiSias, tov Kak- Xiov xal TavgodOivovs nazgos (ovg ovtos vvvl [Aicidov Xa6av 'AOyvaiovs eivcu ToXfia ygd(p£iv), 5 xal itakiv vnd 0£fiidcovog tov *Eg£Tgd(ds, os ^fiav sigijvris ovdrjs °J2g(07tdv dcpsiXezo, tovtcov ixovres iitiXavdavoiizvoi, £7i£i8iq 8i£6r]dav els EvSoiav 0?}- fiaioi xaTa8ovX6dad6at ids noXeis 7teigc)[isvoi, iv TtivTS r^iigais i6or{dijdaT£ avTOtg, vavdt t£ xal 10 ns^Lxjf SvvdfiEL, xal Ttglv Tgidxovd* r^iigag SuX- dslv vTtodTtdvdovs OijSaiovg dinars, xvgioi ttjs Ev6otas ysvdfASvoL, xal rds tcoXhs avzrjs xal rds noXneiag dnsdoTe SgOcos xal dixaias tols nagaxa- TaOepsvois, ov% ijyov^voi 8ixaiov sivai tt\v ogyijv 15 a7tO[Avr}fiov£veLv iv t£ mdT£v6rjvai. Kal xr(ki- xavO' vcp vfxoov £v 7t£7iovdoT£S oi Xakxt8£is ov rds opocas vfiiv dnk8odav %dgiTas, dXX £7t£idtf Ta%idia dii6rfT£ £ts Ev6oiav UXovTdg%cp fioiydi}OovT£s, tov? {i£v Ttg&Tovs %govovs d,XX ovv ngos£Ttoiovv& v^lv 20£Lvat (pcloi, £7t£i8}j Si Ta%i6Ta £ts Tapvvas 7ta- gr^Xdo^v xal to Kojvkaiov dvo[ia£6p£vov ogos v7t£g£6dXof,i£v, ivTavda KaXkias 6 Xakxt8£vs (ov J-q^ioadivri? [Uddov Xaficov £V£x&piQ%sv) , ogcov to dTgaT07t£8ov to ttJs 7toX£m si'g Tivas 8vs%cagtas xa~ 25TaX£X?.£L6[A£VOV, od£v [irj vtxijdaoi pd%i} v ovx r\v dva^SgrfdLs ov8i fio7}d£[as iXnls ovx ix yrjs ovt ix &aXdddys, dvvayugas i% dnddi^g ttJs Ev6oias fga- T07t£8ov xal vtagd <&ikimtov 8vva^iv ngos[i£Ta- 7t£pvjd(A£vos, o t d8£Xcpos avTOv Tavgoddivqs, 6 30 vvvl ndvTas S^tov^vos xal 7tgosy£Xc3v, tovs @a- xixovs %£vovs 8ia6t6ddas, rjXdov itp* v^xas us aval- 32 A?2XI'N0T g-qtiovxss. Kal si firf ngaxov [iiv &scov xis sctcoae XO tfXgaXOTtsSoV, S7lSid° ol CtXgaXl&Xai OL VfjLSXSgOL xal Tte'Col xal Imtsls dvSgss dyaOol sysvovxo, xal 7tagd xov LTtTtoSgo^ov xov iv TapvvaLs sx Ttagaxd- %scos \i(i%Ti xgaxrfctavTSS dfisaav vnoanovSovs xovs 5 TtoXsfiiovs, ixivSvvsvtisv dv rtftcov ij tcoXls atd^Ldxa TtadsLv • ov ydg xo Svsxv^jjaaL xaxd noXsiiov {isyL- dxov ioxL xaxov, dXX oxav xls ngos dvx ay (awards dva^ias iavxov dcaxtvdvvsvcov ditoxv%q, SLTtXatiiav slxos elvai xt\v avficpogdv. ' AXX Spas v^isls xol- 10 avxa, nsTtovdoxss, itdliv StsXvoaaOs Ttgos avxovs. Tv%cov 8i 7i ag vp&v dvyyvap^s KaXXias 6 XaX- xlSsvs pxgov diahjtcov %govov uakiv r(xs cpsgo^s- vos sis xijv iavxov (pvoiv, Ev6oixov [iiv xo Xoym (jwedgcov sis XaXxiSa tfvvdyav, la%vgdv Si xrjv 15 Ev6oiav if v^ids sgyco nagatixsva'Ccov, i^aigsxov S* avxco xvgavviSa 7tsgi7toLov[ASvos ' xal xavxr\s sXtcl^cov tfvvaycdVLS'tfv 0ckc7t7tov XyipstiOai,, aTtijXOsv sis MaxsSovlav xal Ttsgtjjst [isxd <&ikimzov, xal xSv ixaigcov sis dvofid^sxo. ^ASixfjdas Si ngdg 0iXi7Z7tov noXi^m xal navzeXm dnogcog RATA' KTHZI&JtNTOZ. 37 dtaxsiijisvoi, itiptovdi ngos avTOV T , vco0l8ti^ov tov Xagcyivss viov, tov 8vvas , 6v0avTog tcot6 iv D J2gsa y dsijctopsvov ams to {iiv TakavTOv dtpdvai ijj uoXel^ iuayy6Xko^6vov 8° am® %alx7Jv slxova aTjjascidat 5iv °J2gsS' 6 8* djtExgivaTO tb ]TvGQ(ji8?j[Md : bit iXa- %l0tov %aXxov ovSiv 8soito, to 8i rdXavrov 8cd tb KaXXis £t?7zgdTTBLv. ^ Avayxa'Co^vot 81 oi 'Jlgst- toli xal ovx EVTiogsviss, vjiedsdav amm ts jaXdvjs zds 8ijaoalas ngosoSovg, xal toxov rfvsyxav Ar^io- 10 adsvst tov SagoSoxifoaios 8ga%[ji7}v tov [ajjvos tj\9 fxvds, eas to xscpdXaiov dni8o0av • xal TavT iizgd- %dij {i£Ta ipri ^ v ? ^Tjfio- 0dsviis dnu)l606 togs tSv c JEXhjvcov xal t^s tzqXecqs Ttgd^Eis, a066?J0as [xiv 6ls to legov to iv /tsX SIN T Z. 4 1 zcov dXXav UvXayogav pedsoTTjxoTav, dva6o?jaag tis zcov ^{.icpLGdiav, dvdgomog dasXyeazarog xal (as ipol i iv zS ipavzov fticp. Kal zovg [iiv dXXovg Xdyovg VTC£g6ijao^ai * 15 £7irjXd£ 8* ovv fioi inl ziqv yvcb^iyv, ^vijadrjvat zrjg zap ^A^icpiaaicov inl ziqv yrjv zijv hgdv dM£&£iag, xal avz60£v iazijxag i8£txvvov zoig y A^icpixzvo(jiv (ynoxuzai ydg zo Kiggalov Tt£8iov zS ugco, xal £S*lv £ vavvoitzov) . " c Ogdz£' > ' > hcpijv iyco, U S dv8g£g 20 3 A(A(pcxzvov£g, i§£igyaafiivov zovzl zo it£8iov vno zcov ^Afxcpccfaicov, xal x£gafx£ta ivcpxoSofirjpiva xal inavXia • bgdz£ zolg ofOaXptotg zov i^dyiazov xal indgazov Xi^ikva z£Z£c%iIZMA. Tov SoypaTOS ovv tovtov dnoSoQkvTOS vcp vpcov Tjj fiovkjj xal Ttdktv iv Tjj sxxkijOia tS Srjpcp^ xal 25 rag itgd%£is ffticov dnoSs^apivov tov Srfpov, xal Trjs nokscds itaCYis ngoatgovpLEvris svgeGelv, xal Ar^io- ddivovs vnig tov pEctsyyvwpaTos tov e% *ApcpiG6ijs avTikiyovTos, xal ifiov epavsgeos ivavTiov vpSv i^e- ksy%ovTos, ehelSi] ex tov cpavsgov Ttjv nokiv dvdga- SOnos ovx rfSvvaTo acprjkat, eIse?^6cov eIs to fiovksv- T?jgcov xal pLSTatiTrjodpEvos tovs ISLMTas Excpigeiai 44 Af2Xl'N0r ngoGovXsv^a sig rqv ixxXrjdtav. ngogXaScov T-qv tov ygdipavTog anugiav * to 8* avTO tovto xal iv tt) ixxhydta, 8i£7igdt~aT0 i7Ttvj7^cptd67JvaL xal ysvs- ddai tov dtfpov to vjijcpid^ia^ ijfoy inavadTddy\g Tijg ixxX^dcag^ anshikvdoTOs ifxs (ov ydg dv tiots ins-b Tgeipa) , xal tSv noXXcov Staqjsifiivov * ov to xscpd- Xatov isri ' " Tov 8i i€go[Av?foova ((prjdl) tcov *^idij- vaiav, xal Tovg UvXayogag Tsg sisasl nvXayogovv- Tag TtogsvsaOai sig UvXag xal sig JsXcpsg iv Totg Tsxayptsvoig %govoig vtto tov itgoyoviov" sv7tgS7tSg 10 ys T® ovoycaTi^ dXXd t£ sgycp aid%gcog • xcoXvst ydg dg tov dvXXoyov tov iv IJvXatg dnavTciv, dg i% dvdyxi\g ngd tov xaOyxovTog sfisXXs ygovov yiyvs- ddai. Kal nakiv iv tco avTa vji^cpid^aTi noXv xal cacpiciTsgov xal nixgoTsgov dvyyga^a ygdcpst • 15 " Tov tsgofivrffiova (qjrjdt) tSv ^yidijvatcov xal Tovg UvXayogag Tovg del nvXayogovvTag ^nq fiSTsystv TOig ixst dvXXsyopsvotg, ^iij Xoycov, ^tJts sgyov, ixtjts SoypaTav, firJTS Ttgd^scog [i?j8s[jii&s" To Si firj ps- ts%£ iv ti i OTi ; itoTsga TahyOig Binco, i\ to rjSidTOv 20 dxovdai ; to dXijdig igo ' to ydg del ngog ySovrfv Xsyopsvov ovxcodl ti\v tcoXlv 8iaTsdstxsv. Ovx id [AspvijdOat tSv ogxcov, ovg yjimv ol ngoyovoi copo- dav, ov8i Trjg dgdg, ov8s Tijg tov &sov [xavTStag. c H[i£tg fiiv sv, & dvSgsg ^drfvaloi. xaTSfisivapsv 25 did tovto to iprj(pic>(jia, 01 8* dXXot ^^i^KplXTVOVEg dvvsXsyY\dav sig Uv"kag nXrjv fiidg noXsog (-qg iyco st dv Tsvopta etTTOi^Li^ [17JO* at dv^upogal 7iaganX?j- dtoi ysvoivTO avTrjg fiydsvi t&v c EXXijvav), xal dvv- sXOovTsg iip7f(pLdavT0, inidTgaTevstv inl Tovg ^^-30 cpiddias, xal dxgaT^ydv siXovto KoTTvcpov tov gav, on sx iiv avzS xaXd rd tegd, av & sdiv ngoetdcos tcqv peXXovTcov eaeodat, nglv xaXXtegijaat, 10 tovs ctTgartSras i§ene[.iyjas, noTsgov OTecpavovodai tie del inl rats t^s noXeos aTv%tats, i\ vnegogt^e- ddat ; Toiydgjoi rt tSv dveXntdTav xal dngosdoxjjrcov icp fftiMv ov yeyovev $ ov ydg fiiov ye relets dvdgoi)- J 5 nivov fie6teoxa[icV, dXX eh nagado^oXoytav Tots iao- pivots [xeO* 7}(jLds ecpvpev, Ov% 6 pev tcov UegdSv fiacuXevSi 6 tov "y£Qco dtogv^as, 6 tov c EXXypnov- tov Zev^as, 6 yyjv xal vdag tovs "EXXijvas aheov, 6 zoXftav iv Tats intdToXats ygdcpetv, otl deanozrjs 20 idTlv dndvTcov dvdgancov d

gr](j6pi£V0L, vvv sxstl 7T€gl Ttjs tcov * EXXijvcov 7ty£[iovias dycovifeTai, dXX yjhj Ttsgl tov rrjs naxgidos idd(povs ; xal Tav6° qpilv Gv{i6£6i7X£v a| otov /fr^ioadivris tjj no- lb XiTSia ngossX-qXvdev. Ev ydg nsgi tcov tolovtcov c Haio8os 6 notijTiqs dnocpalv£Tai' Xiy£i ydg nov, TtaiSsvcov rd nXijdTj xal av^i6ovX£vcov Tats itoXedi tovs novrjgovs tcov hj^iaycoycov fiij ngos8£%£Gdai> Ak^co 8i xdyco rot enri ? Sid tovto ydg ofyiai fads 20 Ttatdas ovTas Tas tcov noniTcov yvcoycas ix^iavdavuv^ iv dv8g£s ovi£s avials %gco[i£0a. "UoXXdxt xal ^v^maaa noXcs xaxs dvdgos inavgu^ c 'Ostis dXiTgatv£L xal didaOaXa ^TidaTai. Tolijiv 8* ovgavod£v fxiya nrj[ia 8cox£ Kgovccov, 25 jIoiilqv dftov xal Xipov, dnocpdivvdovGi 8i Xaoi* *H OT£ GTgaTOv £vgvv dnGiX£G£V, 7j TOy£ T£l%OS, ^H vfjas ivl novTco Tti/i^roa ivgvona Z£vs." *Edv 8i, 7t£gi£X6vT£S ts tcoltitov to [ihgov, tcc? yvco- [ias l|£Toc^Tf, otfiat v^iiv 86^£tv ov notr^iaTa c Hoi- 30 68ov £ivai, dXXd %gqxo(pedv 6 ^A&jvuvs, nXsidxov %go- vov xijv tov (3oiaxid£siv vrto^sivas alxiav, gjjxog Uvgavdgos 6 'AvafXvdxios, os hi xal vvv Z>fl ' dXX ojacos ovdsls 7ZC07ZOTS aviovs idvvrjOr] ngoxgs- ipadOai sis tjJv vpsxsgav cpiXlav. To d* aixiov^b oida (j.iv, Xsysiv d* ovdsv diofxai did xds dxv%ias avxSv. AXX, ofyai, S7tsidrf v[i[ia%i(X,s, dXX ov A?][xoddi- vris, iixsl Ttegl ys javxas ids ngd^sis xgia xd itdjv- \§xcov [xsyidia J^fiodOsvqs sis v{xds ify^xdgxyixs. UgCOXOV flEV OIL L).L7t7T8, TO fliv OVO[iaTl TtoXstJlSV- tos -u^iiv, too cT igyco noXv [idXXov [alosvtos Gij6ai-° 89, cos avid xd ngdyiiaxa SsSijXcoxs, (xal tl Set xd nXsico Xiysiv ; -) Tama [j,iv xd xijltxavxa xd (jteysdos 15a7isxgvipaxo* TtgosTtoiTjod^vos Si pLXXsiv xrjv dvp- (xa%iav ysvijdsdOai ov Sid xovs xaigovs, dXXd did xds avxov 7TgsTga~ Tijycov ex tov tfxgazTiyeiov. MtoQocpogcov d* ev tco ^evixcp xevals %togais, xal id dTgaTicoTixd Z9W a " t«x xXeizzcdv, xal tovs [ivgiovs %evovs exfAioOaoas : ' A {icpiG devest, TtoXXd SiafiagTvgopevov xal a^eTXtd-so Iovtos ev xats exxXTioiats iftov, Tcgosefittje cpegcov, KATJ: KTH2I1>s£l$TQ2. 51 dvagnaaQsvTcov tcov §svcov, tov xivdvvov ditaga- oxsvcp rjj tcoXsl. Tl ydg dv ol'sads <&iXimtov iv rots tots xaigotg sv^aoOat ; ov %coglg [ISV TCQOS TljV tzoXltlxi}v dvvaiitv , %coglg d* iv ^A^icpiaa^ ngog Tsg b^svovg StaycoviaaadaL, ddvpovg Si tovs "EXhjvag Xa6stv TTjXixavTip nhjyrjg 7tgoysysvijLisviog ; xal ttjXixovtcov xaxcov aiTLog ysysv^isvog ^fiooOivifs ovx ay and, si lu} Slxjjv SiScoxsv. dXX si xal 111} X9 V ~ oio OTScpdvco OTSfpavcoOijctSTai, dyavaxTsi- ovS* ixa- lOvov ifjTiv avTep ivavxiov vlicov xi^gvxTsaQai, dlX si prf tcov c EXhjvav ivavTiov dvaggvfii\osTai, tst dya- vaxTSt. Qvtcos, cog eolxs, nov^gd cpvoig, iisydfajg it-ovoiag iitika6o^sv7j, Si^oalag djisgydisTai avp- cpogdg. 15 Tgixov Si xat tcov Ttgosigr/psvcov ^syiciTov ioTiv o (asXXcq Xsystv. s£NT02. 53 as 8n as inl zais zfjs noXsas av[xcpogats oz£(pa- vovoOaLy idv 8' ovzos Xiy^ v^els vno[A£V£iz£, xal cvvoLTtodav bit at zots TsXevirfeaoiv (as £oixe) xal ij vftsrega [ivrfpiri ; y£veod£ 8tf ptot puxgov %govov hzrjy Stdvotav firj iv za 8txa(jzi(gta, dXX iv za &ea- zgco, xal vo[Aivjj 20 cpvdiv xal xi\v dX-qdsiav, sx i^anaxrjdrjdsdds ■ ixsi- vcos Si dnoXd6sxs nag avxov xov Xoyov. 'Eyco fiiv fxsd 3 vfxcov Xoyiovfiai a Set vndgt-ai iv xjj cpvdsi xco SrjjAOXixcp dvSgl xal dcocpgovi, xal ndXiv dvxid-qdco nolov xiva sixos is'iv sivai xov bXiyag%ixbv avdgco-25 nov xal cpavXov • vpsis S* dvxidsvxss ixdxsga xov- xcov ftscog-qdax avxov p?} bnoxigov xov Xoyov, dXX bnoxigov xov fiiov ioxiv. Otfxat xoivvv anavxas dv v^tds bfioXoyrjdsiv xdSs Sslv vndg^at xco S^ioxixco • ngcoxov [iiv, iXsvdsgov 30 avxov sivai xal ngos naxgos xal [Myxgos, iva (i?) Sid KATA* K TH21 j£N TO 2. 59 ttjv nsgl to ysvos axv%iav 8vsfisvrjs j} tols vopois, ol acot,ov6i Trjv 8rnioxgaTiav, dsvrsgov 8s, and t6v ngoyovcov svsgysatav Tivd avTco ngos tov dfftiov vndg%siv, jj (to y dvayxaioTaTOv) [ir}8s[iiav s%0gav, 5 iva fir} fiorjOGov tols tSv ngoyovcov dTv%rjpa6c xaxcos sm%sigjj noislv ttjv noXiv • xghov, acocpgova xal [is- jgiov %gr] nscpvxivat amov ngos ttjv xaO* y^isgav diairav, oncos fir} did Trjv ddsXystav Trjs 8andvr\s 8ago8oxrj xard ts 8rjfi8 • TSTagTOV, fsvyvcbfiova xal lOdvvarov sinew, xaXov ydg Trjv [aev didvoiav ngoai- gsictdac rd /3iArtora, Trjv 8i nai8siav Trjv tov grJTo- gos xal tov Xoyov nsldstv tovs dxovovTas, si 8s [xrj, Trjv y svyvcofioavvijv del ngoTaxTsov tov Xoyov • nsfiTiTov, dvdgsiov slvai Trjv yjv%ijv, tVcc fir) nagd tcc IbSeivd xal tovs nokifiovs syxaTokinri tov Sijpov. Tov 8* okiyag%ixov, ndvTa TdvavTia tovtcov s%siv • Tt ydg Set ndliv 8is%dvai ; axsvjaods 8rj xi tovtcov vndg%sc Arnioddsvsi, 6 8i koyt&[i6s sgtco snl naai 8ixaiois* 20 Tovtco naTrjg fisv rjv Ar\ pood svr\s 6 Uaiavisvs* dvrjg iXsvdsgos (ov ydg 8si vjsv8sa6at) • rd 8° duo Trjs fxrfTgos xal tov ndnnov tov ngos [irjTgos ncos s%si avTco, syco cpgaGco. JTvXgov rjv ex Ksgapscov, osTts ngo8ovs tols noXepiois Nv[icpaiov to iv too 25 Uovtco, tots Trjs nolscos s^ovaqs to %(dgiov tovto, cpvyds ix Trjs nolscos syevsTO, &avaT8 xaTayvcoadsv- tos avTOv, Trjv xgiaiv ov% vnopsivas, xal dcpixvst- Tat sis Bosnogov, xdxsl Xa^6dvsi 8cogsdv nagd rcov Tvgdvvcov tovs covopaofisvovs Kijnovs, xal yafist Soyvvatxa nXovaiav psv vrj Jia xal %gvdiov snicps- gopsvqv noXv, JExvdw 8s to ysvos ' it; t\s yiyvovxai 60 Af2Xl'NOT avzS ffvyazEgss Svo, dg ixsivog Ssvgo [iszd noXXcov %gr)fidzcov drtotizsiXag gvvcdxkjs zrjv [tiv izigav dza- fo]7toz£, iv a [iyj noXXolg dnsyfidvoiiai, zi\v d* hs- gav Eyr^iE 7tagi8cov zovg tt]s noXEog vopovg Jijixo- (jOsvtjs 6 UaiavLsvs, If yjg vfiiv 6 itsgisgyos xal dv- 5 xocpdvTfis Szog ysyivyizcu zfj^ioadsvTjg. OvxSv and [dv zov Ttditns zov ngdg pixgdg TioXifiiog dv eltj zco drjficp (ftdvaxov ydg avzov zSv ngoyovcov xazsyveo- Tf), zd 8* and ziig [Mizgog 2xv0y\£ (3dg6agog iXXrivt- %cov zjj (pcsvfj • odsv xal zrjy noviigiav ovx iniya- 10 giog itfzi. Hegl di zijv xa& 7][isgav Statzav zts 1Tog dg irv 6 Sijfiog ; sx, dXXd fxsyaXocpgcov, xdxsivoi ys ol fir] ovzco TSTtfiiifisvoi, Tijs noXscog d%Loi ' ov ydg coovto Sslv iv Toig ygdp- fiatii Tifidadai, dXX iv t$ fivrjfiz) tcov sv tzstcovOo- tcov, 7} arc ixsivov tov %govov fis%gi TijgSs Tijg ijfis- 20 gas dOdvaxog ovaa Stafisvsi • Scogsdg di Tivag iXdfi- Savov, av d%iov ioTi fivyjaOrjvat. r Hdav Tivig %ara Tovg tots xaigovg, ol noXvv vrtOfiELvavTsg tcovov xal fisydXovg xivSvvovg inl tco 2JTgvfjLovc TtOTafAcp ivixcov (jia%6[ASV0L MrjSovg • stol 2bSsvgo dcpixoftsvoc, tov Srjfiov yTiicrav Scogsdv, xal sScoxsv avTolg 6 Sijfiog Tifidg fisydXag, cog tot iSoxsi, Tgstg Xidivovg c Egfiag dT-qdai iv Tjj ciToa tj} tcov c Egficov, iyrjxs Si fir] iniygdysiv xot bvofiaTa ja savTcov, iva fir} tcov dTgaTTiycov, dXld tov drjfiov SO Soxjj sivai to irtiygafifia. "Otl S' dXrjOrj Xsyco, i£ amcov t6v TtovYifidTcov si'dscjQs' iitiykygauTai ydg fi4 AfSXl'NOT STCl [A£V zS JtgtOTCO Z03V ' EgflCOV, ^Hv dga xdxstvot za?.axdg8toi, 01 nozs Mqdcov llaioiv, in 'H'iovt, J£zgv{i6vos dficpl gods, Aipov z atdcova xgazsgov z indyovzss "Ag-qa, Ugcoioi SvsfASviav svgov a^.riy v avLriv • " 5 inl di zco davzigco, " c HysiiovsGOi di fiiadov *Ady\vaiQi zdde dcoxav, *Avz avegysGirjs xal [isydkTfs dgszrjs. MaXkov zis idd* idav xal ineaoo^ivcov idskyjasc 3 A[i12MA. Tovtco to ipr}(pi6LiaTL s^aXsicpSTai ?J tcov xaTaya- yovTcov tov 8tJ[aov 8coged, Ei tst s/sl xaXcog, exst- vo alc»%gcos ■ si ixslvot xckt d^iav sTi^iijdijaav^ sTog dvdt-ios cov GTScpavovTcu. 25 KatTOi nvvOdvo^at y aviov {isXXscv Xsysiv, cog s dixaia Ttotco 7iaga6dXXcov cci/tw Ta tcov ngoyovcov sgya ' ov8s ydg ltNT02. 67 ygafipaiea xal ixeXevov ndfav dvayivioGxeiv tovs vofiss xal to yj7](pi(jfia, xal t)Xl6xovto ol itagdvo^a ygd(povTes sx el ndvias 7tagamih\6aLev tovs vojass, dXX el fxcav [loviiv ovXXa6ijv nagaXXdt-aiev. To 5 Be vvvl yivo^ievov ngay^ia vrtegxaTayeXadTov hiv • 6 per ydg ygafipaTevs dvaytvcofjxei to Ttagdvopov, ol Bi Bixas'al, Ssrceg e7icoh\v 7} dXXoigiov tl ngdy^ia dxgo6[ievoL, ngos hega tlvi ttjv yvapiv eyovGLv. "Hdrj S* ex tcov Teyvcov tcov zfiifioodevovs aldygov lOedos ev tols BLxa^gloLs 7zaga8e%ect0e • [XBTevijvexTai ydg vfiiv tcc Tijs noXecos dixaia • 6 [xev ydg xaTijyo- gos dnoXoyeiiaL, 6 de cpevycov tt\v ygacpijv xaTijyo- get, ol de dtxaGTai ivioie cov [iiv eitfi xgiTal enikav- OdvovTou, cop eT ovx elol Btxadial, negl tovtcov 15 dvayxd'CovTai tt]v ipijcpov (pegeiv • XeyeL Bi 6 cpevycov, edv dga rcod* dipiiiaL tov itgdyfiaios, s% cos evvo^ia yeygacpev, okX cos ydy noii xal Ttgozegov eiegos TOiavTa ygdvjas duecpvyev • icp & xal vvvl pieya (pgovelv dxovco KTijOLcpcovTa. ^EioXpa §' iv vpiv 20 7TOT£ tiefivvveddat '' ' AgctiTocpcov ixetvos 6 'A&jvisvs, Xeycov, otl ygacpds nagav6[icov necpevyev idSopifeov- ia xal TtivTe • dXX ov%i 6 KecpaXos 6 naXatos ixet- vos, 6 Boxav 8i] liOTtx cot aT os yeyovevai, ov% ovicos, dXX! eitl tols ivavTiois icpcXoiifieLTO, Xeycov, oil nXel- 25 z ' EygdcpovTo ydg dXXijXss Tiagavo^cov ov fxovov ol bLaTtoltTevoiievoi, dXXd xal ol cpiXot tovs cpiXss, et tl i^apagidvoLcV els tj\v tcoXlv. ^Exefflev 30 de tovto yvcoaeoOe. ' " Agylvos ydg 6 ix KotXris iygdipaTO nagavo^icov Ogaav6ovXov tov 2JTeigtea^ 68 AfZXl'NOT ygdyjavxd yE 6x£cpavovv nagd xovs vofiovs k'va xSv dvyxaTEXdovTov avxm and @vXrjs, xal slXs, vecdotl yEyEvi^iEvov avxm tcov EVEgyEtiL&v, as ov% vnsXoyL- %ovxo oi dixaaiat • r^yovvTo ydg, Ssnsg tote amovs qpsvyovxas and JtNT02. 71 tov, xal tov Ttsgl tcov xrjgvyfiaTav devtsgov, xgizov ds (psyioTOv &v Xsyco) to gos ovds d^ios idn Trjs dagsds. *Edv fr v^iorv dsriTai ovyycogrjoai avTth itsgl Trjs rd^sco? tov Xoyov, xaTETtayysXX6fi£vos as 5 sitl iff teXevttj tijs duoXoyias Xvasi to Ttagdvofxov, fiij dvy^aygsiTE, pi8* dyvoetO^ oti itdXaia^ia tst eH dixadTijgiov • ov ydg sisavdis tzote 6ovXsTai Ttgos to Ttagdvoiiov ditoXoyutidai, dXX sdsv s/av 8(xaiov siTCSLv, sTsgcov Ttags^GoXrj Ttgayfidiav sis XrjOrfv 10 vpds fiovksTou Trjs xaTiiyogias ifiSaXsiv. c 'J2g7t£g ovv iv tois yv^ivixois dycooiv ogdrs tss itvxTas nsgl Trjs (jTaoscds Ttgos d.XXrjXovs diaycovi^ofisvovs, ovto xal vfists VTtsg Trjs TtoXseos, xal Ttsgl Trjs Taboos av- t& T8 Xoyov {idysGde ohriv Trjv rjptsgav, xal firj iaTS 15 avTov I'|g3 toiJ Ttagavofiov Xoyovs TtEgiiOTaoOaij dXX iyxadrj^svoi xal ivs8gsvovTES iv Trj dxgodou, sissXavvsTS amov sis tovs tov ngdypaTos Xoyovs, xal Tag txTgojids amov tcov Xoycov iitiTiigstTS. *AXX a 8ij (jVfi6rjo£Tai vfiiv, idv tovtov tov Tgonov 20 Trjv dxgoaoiv Ttoirjods, TavO* v^Tv rjBrj dixaios sifjit ngosntsiv. ^Ejtsisd^si ydg tov yoirra xal ^akav- TioTOfiov xal StaiSTfiiixoTa Trjv noXiTEiav • ovtos xXaisi [iiv gdov rj dXXoi ysXeotiiv, sTtiogxsi 8s ndv- T(ov Ttgo^sigoiaja dvOgoizcov • ovx dv &av[id(jai[ii 25 3s\ si [isTa,6aXX6[isvoSi tois e^oj itsgiEtiTrixoGi Xoi- SogrJGETai, (pdaxcov tovs fisv 6Xiyag%ixovs vn av- Trjs Tijs dXriOsias duigidprifiivovs rjxsiv Ttgos to tov xaTiiyogov fiijfio:, tovs 8e otj^iotixovs Ttgos to tov (pEvyovjos. a Oxav 8rj TavTa Xiyy, Ttgos [isv tss ?a- SOoiaoTixovs Xoyovs sxsivo amS vnoGaXXsTE, ot£, u 'i2 Jij fiood eves, el d oi rjtfav bfioiot ol and 0vXrjs 72 Af2Xl'N0T (pevyovTa tov drjfiov xaTayayovTes 1 ovx dv 7tore drjpoxgaTia xaTeiXt- xov ygvdiov xal zd di^ioGta dagodox?j[iaTa" f OXcos di tl za ddxgva j Tis ^ xgavyjj ; tls 6 tovos T?js2o fpcovrjs y ov% 6 [iiv Tijv ygacpijv cpevycov Itfri KttjcH- cpeov, 6 di dycov ovx drifirfTos ; divTog, Ttglv ' ' Als^&:v8gov sis zrjv dg%ijv xazag'ijvat, ovuco dov to Ttsgl Ilavaaviav ivvnvtov ieogaxozog, ovas ngog zijv ' " AQr(vdv xal z?jv a Hgav vvxzmg 8tst- lsy L usvov. Ucog dv ovv syco 7tgosvs8stxvvpjv *Als~ i-dv8g(p j si ys [itf Tamo ivvnvtov syco xal Ji}[Aoa6s- 20 vvp si8o{isv. ' " Mntztiias 8s fiot, si ^tij avvs^ojg, dlld 8ialsL7tcov ngdg zov 8ij^wv 7Zgogsg%optat,' xal zrjv a r §tco(jtv zavzijv otst lavddvstv iftiag {.iszacpsgav ovx sx 8ijiioxgaTiag, dlX f| szsgag Ttolizsiag.. °Ev (isv ydg zatg 6ltyag%iatg ov% 6 ftovloiisvog, dlX 6 8v- 25 vaCTSvcov xaTijyogsi, iv 8s Tatg 8-qfiQxgaTtaig 6 fis- loftsvog xal ozav avzf $Jf $ * xal to ^isv 8td %govs IkyStV tfTtflSlOV EtiXtV, Sill TG)V XaiQCOV Xal TS' tfVLiWS- govTog, dv8gog TtoltTSvopisvov, to 8s fii}8sfuav na- galsiTtsiv ijiisgav, sgya^ofdvov xal [utiOagvovvros, S&Yizsg 8i tov p^sit® xsxglaOat vii s^tov, fi7]8s tSv doixijfidTCQV Tifiagiav V7to(j%siv, ozav xaTaopsvygg 76 AfSXl'NOT inl zovs zoiovzovs Xoyovs, 7} zovs dxovovzas iniX^ dpovas V7Toka[ji6dv£iSi 7} davzov TtagaXoyt^r). Td [isv ydg Ttsgl zovs ^Apcpiddias 7]d£6}jpiva dot, xal zd negl zr}v Evfioiav SagoSoxiiQivTa, %govcov iyysy evil fisv 'cov, iv ols vtc ifiov (pavsgeos i^Xiy^ov, 5 Ideas iXm&is zov Sjjfiov d^vTipovEtv * id Si negl zds Tgijjgeis xal tovs zgi?jgdg%ovs agndypaza zis dv dTioxgvvjOLi %govos Svvavz dv, otb vofjtodsTijdas Ttsgl zcov Tgiaxodlcov vscov, xal davTov nsidas *A6r)vai8s BTtKjTaTijv zd%ai zov vavztxov, i^Xsy^Q-qs vit ips 10 ii-ijxovza xal itivzs vsSv zayvvavz8dcov Tgt^gdgyss vcprtgiiptivos, nXslov zijs noXscas ?)pLcov dcpavi^av vavzixov i] bzs 'Adiivaiot zijv iv Nd^co vav[ia%iav AaxESaipoviovs xal HoXXiv ivixiidav ; ovzco Si zais alziats ivsepga^as zds xazd davzov zL£iagias,15> costs tov xivSvvov slvai firj dot zep dStxiydavTi, dXXd zois ins^iovdi, tzgXvv piv tov 'AXi^avSgov xal 0L- Xntitov iv Tats diafioXais cpsgov, aiziSpsvos Si Tivas i[i7todi£sLv tovs zrjs tiqXzcos xaigovs, dsl to itagov Xvpatvousvos, to Si fisXXov xazsTtayysXXo- 20 fisvos. Ov to zsXsvzaiov slsayysXXsdOat fisXXav VTt i[iov, tijv ' Ava^ivov dvXXi)vjiv tov 3 Slgsizov xazsdxsvadas, tov zd dyogddpaza 'OXvprndSi dyo- gaXovTos, xal tov avTQv dvSga Si£dTgs6Xcodas Tjj davTov %Eigl, ygdvjas avzov xtavaTco ^fucodai ; xal 25 zov.TOv drtixTSivas, xauzoi nagd tS avza iv ^Slgsco %azr{yov, xal duo zijs avzijs Tgans'Cip scpayss xal STtiss xal sdnsidas, xal ttjv Ss^idv ivs6aXss, dvdga qptXov xal %ivov Ttoiovfisvos. Kal Ttsgl tovtcov iv dnadiv ' \AQ?}vaiois i£sXsy%Qsls vtz i[xov xal 5^77-30 0sls ^svoxtovos ov to dds6?i[ia Tjgvrjdco, dXX dns- KATA* KTH2IJtNT02. 77 xqlvov, scp (a dvs66??c>sp 6 8ijlios xal boot %svoi nsgisaTTjciav tt\v sxxXiitfiav • scpijaOa ydg tovs ttjs ttoXscqs dXas Ttsgl TtXsiovos nonjcfaadat ir^g ^splxtJs Tgaitsfys. ^EmsoXds 8s 6iyS vjsv8sls xal xaxaaxo- 5 rtcop (jvXh'jipSLS xal ftatfdvss sit ah tats dvvTtdgxioig, as sllov iisTa tlvcqv sv rjj itoXsi vswTsgl^siv (3ovXo~ lisvov. "EnsiTa sjtsgoTav [as (as syco TtvvOdvoLiai) lisXXsu Tis dv slti tolovtos laTgos, ostis tS vodovvrc [xsrat-v lisp dodspovPTC pi8sp 6vli6ovXsvoi, tsXsv- lOTijaaPTOs 8s avis, sXOcop sis rd svvaroi. Stst-toi ngos tovs olxslovs d STttTijdsvaas vyujs dp syspsTO. JZavTOP 8° ovx dvisgcoids^ tis dv sty SrjLiaycoyos tolovtos, ostis top pip Sfjtiop fttoTtsvciai 8vvaiT0, tovs 8s xatgovs, iv ols ?\p GcoZsoQai, tq)p TtoXtp, dito- 1&8qlto, tovs 8* sv (pgovsvTas xaXvoi 8ta6dXXa)v ovll- 6ovXsvslp, diro8gds 8* ix tSv xlp8vpcop xal ttjp tloXip dvijxsoTOis xaxots TtsgiGaXcov, d^iol OTScpa- vovadai sit dgsTjj, dyaOop flip TtsiroLijxcos llii8sp, ndvTcov 8s Taw xaxSv aiTios ysyovm, snsgcoTmj 8s 20tovs (jvxocpavTijdsvTas ix Trp noXiTsias lit sxsivcov tSv xaigcov, St svtjp tico'Csctdai, 8id tl avTOP ovx sxSXvdap s^aiiagTavstv ; dnoxqivoivTO 8ij to itdv- TCOV TsXsVTaiOV, OTl Tijs [ld%7JS SPCiySVOllSVllS SX SJ£NT0 2. 79 7ZoXiT£V£iaT6)v v^isls piiv as'efdvmiot xal dxrjgvxioi yLfveade, Stos Si XTjgvgdrjfjETai ; xal si [isv tis tSv TgayixSv tzoitjtcqv tcov ptSTa xavxa stzeisiovtcov, Tzoirjaetev iv Tgayco Sia tov SsgaiTijv vuo tSv \BXXvf 5 vaw s'£(pavov i u£vov, ovSsls dv viicav vito^isivsisv, on (p^dlv a 0^gos dvavSgov avTov sivai xal dvxocpav- TrjV aviol d* Srav tov toistov dvdgvmov tfsipavm- Tf , ovx oisaQs sv zais t£v 'JSXXrfvcov So^ais gvqitte- adai ] 01 f.iiv ydg izazsgEs v[x£v zd £vSo§a xal Xap- 10 Ttgd tSv Tigay^idiov avsTidsaav t® ^^fi Tf/ * ® £ Tansivd xal xazaSsiazsga sis tovs gtfzogas tovs (pavXovs sjgsTtov * Kjijaitpdiv o v L ads oisiai Ssiv dcpsXovias rrjv dSo^iav duo Ji^ioadsvss nsgiOsivai iS Sij^icp. Kal (pais piev sviv%sis sivai, cos xal Is^, IbxaX&s uoiovvjss' tp^fisicQs S" vito fiiv ir\s tv%y\$ iyxaTaXsXsZipQai^ vuo Aq^odOsvss Si sv itsnovQi- vai ; xal to ndvrcov aToizaTaTOv, sv tois avzois SixactT^gtots tovs [isv Tag tgjv Scogcov ygafpds aXi- dXO^lSVOVS dziflOVTS, OV § D aVTOl [.UtfdoV 7toXlT£v6[AS~> .20 vov dvvitiTE, 6T£{pav6 av8gsg x ^Adrfvaioi, d[xcpo- zsga xal xaiogdovv xal TtagaxivSvvevuv els ttjv 5 itoXiTuav ov {jedqpgQvovvTsg. "Oil piv ydg inl tcov vvv xaigcov ol TtoXXol joig hXtyoig ngoiad&s jd ttjs drffioxgaitas la^vgd, ovx inaivc) • on d* ov y£yivr^- jai (pogd xad" r^ids grjiogcov Ttovijgav dfxa xal ToXpjgcov, evTvys^tsv. llgoisgov ^iiv ydg Toiavzas 10 ipvasLS i\vsyxs to 8ijii6giov, ai ga8icog ovico xaTiXv- tiav t.oV oiiaov • e%aigs ydg xoXax£v6[i£vog. "E- Ttsix aviov ov% ovg §fo6siio. dXX oh iavTov iv£%€igi%£ xarikvaav • Ivioi 81 xal aviol zeov zgid- xovxa iyivovxo, xal nXeiovs r T 2>. S3 is'iv ov yiygayag zscpavsadai, oiog [it] yiyva)Ox£o'6ai V7T0 XG)V £V Tt£7tOv6oXCOV, OLV f.17] Xtg €01 €fVV£l7tt) j £7iEQG)T7]tfov Siq xsg Sixadxdg, si iyivmdxov Xa6giav xal a Icpixgaxiiv xal Tipodsov, xal nvQs nag avxcov 5 Sid xi xdg dagsds avxoig edoaav xal id? dxovag k's'77- aav j oMavTzs ydg dfia ooi ditoxgivovvxai, oxi Xa~ Sgia [iiv did xrjv Ttegi Nd^ov vavfia%iav, 3 Icpixgd- tsi Si oxi [iogav Aax£Saiaovlov dnsxisivs, Ti[to- Oecp Si did top nsgiTcXovv xov sis Kigxvgav, xal lOaXkoig* Su ixdcfxcp itoXXd xal xald xaid xov noks- [iov h'gya uingaxxai. z/iifxoaOivec S' dvzsgov Sid xi Scoasxs y oxi SagoSoxog, oxi dsihos, oxi xi\v xd^iv sXiits. Kal 7tox£gov xovxov cifAjjosxs, 7} vfids av- XOVS dxi[AG)x a ^ na ' laloxgai, sSi xd SiSaoxaXua, ovS' 7] fiovaixTJ (aovov 84 Af^xi'Nor itai8svsi tove vsoTsgovg, alia nolv (xdlXov jd 8?j- fioata xijgvypaTa. Kijqvttetcu Tig iv iS xfredrgca, oil cUscpavovTcu dgsTjjg svsxa xal dv8gayadlag xal svvotag, dvOgcoitog da^jj^tcov wv tS fiia xal fi8sXv- gos y 6 8s ys vsars'gos to,vt 18cov SisyOdgy 8ixijv 5 xig 8s8coxs 7tov7]gos %al 7togvo6oaxog &S7isg Ktt\£ 8' lit a.vTa xaTacpsvyovrsg tS ).6ycp cog sm nolv 01 Toig sgyoig ttXsicitov dui^ovTsg. a Ozav ovv Id- Stitb gijioga ^svixSv oT8(pdvcov xal xi^gvyfidrcdv sv2b Toig "EXhiaiv ijttdvfiQvvia, sitavdyeiv avzov xs- Xbvbtb xal tov loyov (cagnsg Tag fisSaiwosig toqv TcirjIidTcov 6 v6[iog xsXsvsi noislaQai) sig j3iov d^io- Xgscov xal Tgoizov a6(pgova * otcq 8i roc^rcc {iiy pagTv- qsitoli, [ly fie6aiovTS avxco Tovg ijzaivovg, xal Trjg^o dfiiioxgariixs i7ti[isl?jd7]T£ ?j8rj 8iacpsvyovc>ijg v[ids. K A TA y K TH21 Si N T 2. 87 vcovovs zav SagoSoxripdzcov amS 7tagaxaXfy vno- Xa[i6dveze ogav inl zov fiifaazos, ov vvv idzqxcos iyco Xeyco, dvziuagazezayiievovs 7tgos zqv zovzmv ddeXyeiav zovs zijs izoXeos evegyizas • 2J6Xcova 5 \iiv zov xaXXidzois voftocs xodpjdavza zrjv Sijfio- xgaziav, dvSga cpiXodocpov xal vo^iodezqv dyadov, dco(pgovcos (Ssneg ngosijxev avzS) Seopevov vpoov [irjSsvl zgonco zovs Jq^iodQevovs Xoyovs Ttsgl nXei- ovos noiy\dadQai zSv ogxcov xal zSv vofxcov • " Agi- \§sei§irv Si zov zovs cpogovs zdijavza zols "EXXyjdiv (ov zeXevzrjdavzos zds &vyazega$ e^eScoxev 6 Srj- (xos) o%szXid£ovza inl zeo zrjs Sixaiodvvr\s Tigo7tr\- XaxidfiS, xal iizsgwzcdvza, el ovx ald%vvedde, si oi fjiiv nazeges vficov, "Agd[iiov zov ZeXeizrjv, xopidav- ibza sis zrjv *EXXdSa zo ex MrjSov %gvdiov, irtLSr)- [irjdavza els zrjv tzoXiv, ngo^evov ovza zov Srjfxov zav 'Adrjvaicov, nag ovSiv [iiv r)XQov dnoxzeivai, i^exyjgv^av S* ex zrjs noXecos xal e% dnddiis lis "AQiivaloi dg%ovaiv, vfiets Si Aripoddevriv, ov xo- 20 [iidavza zo ix MrjScov %gvdiov, dXXd ScogoSoxijdav- za xal ezi xal vvv xexzrifievov, %gvd& s'ecpdvco peXXe- ze dzecpavovv • Ge^adzoxXea Si xal zovs iv Maga- 06vi zeXevz^davzas xal zovs iv IJXazatats xal av- zovs zovs zdcpovs zav ngoyovav ovx dv otedde 25 dvaseva^ai, el 6 fxezd zcov fiag6dgav bpoXoycov zols "EXXiidiv dvznzgd%ai dzecpavcodqdezat ; 'Eyco [iiv sv, a yrj xal rjXte xal dgezrj xal dvve- dis xal 7taiSeia, j) Siayiyvadxofiev zd xaXd xal zd ald/gd, /3e6ojjdqxa xal eigrixa. Kal el piv xaXcos ZOxal d^tcos zov dSixrjpazos xazriyogrixa, elnov m i6ovX6fxriv • el Si ivSeedzegm, m eSwd^riv. c Yfiets 88 AI 2XIN0T KATA KTH2 1 $> SINT 2. Si xal ix tcov SLgrjfiivcov Xoytov xal ex tcov naga- ksiTtofiivav avxol zd Stxaia xaX rd ctvpcpsgovTa vnig r^g TtoXecog ipricpitiaade. A hm 2 e'n on 'TIIE'P kthzi®p:ntoz, n iZ IlEPV ZTE^A'NOr AOT02, TflOOESIZ. TEI~X02 ytv o pnruo vttX^ ' ' Ainvctiuv ^rgovZa.Xzro, ruv cvvn&uv tovtHjv ku'i %U!>ov u.ppa,yi yzvmzvo;, ovy^ oyo'iu; ro7; aXXoi;, rhv ijrifisXstav fiov/iv zUvvzyxz jU,'/iv zItuv, oj; oi7 tTrztpxvcoirxi rov Avftortizvyv, zv yJzv xxipoo ro7; Aiovvo-ioi;, h Tz t'ottm too rou Aiovvirov S-zurgtu, iv ol §-zara7; frx^i ro7s "ItLXX'/itriv, ov; 'h irxv'Ayvgt; ffvv/iyayz, xat rovruv ivxvriov a,vzt^rz7v rov xnpvxx, on VTZva, Toiguvo/xctiv-i'zrriyyziXz YLrnirt- tpavri, Xzyav, cl^ovra yzyov'oru, rov A r /i(/.oo~t)zv7iv xat yJ/t Icvra Xoyov, v-zrzvSuvov uvoci, vo/u.ov 1z xzXzvziv, rob; uTZvdvvx; ftb crrzCpccvovv • xa.) -jfaXiv vo/xov vagz^of^zvos rov Xzyovra, iocv fx,'zv nva. o Iriy.os o * AQnvx'iwv ^z(pavo7, zv rn \r.xXncrla, rov fltpavov ccva.yopzvzo-6a.i, la.v oz r, fiovXri, zv tm (hovXzvrnglui, u.XXa.y^'oSt 11 yh z^,z7voci. <&no-i oe xa) rob; ztuivov; shut rob; ztt) too &ny,o Otfiat 8* v k uds, a dvSgss SixadTal, TtdvTas dv bftoXoyijctou xoivov elveu tovtovI tov dyava suoi ts xal KTiyGupSvTi, xal ovSsv iXdmovos a%iov dnsSrjs 2Qi[.ioL IldvTcov uiv ydg dixoaxsgsiGQat Xvmjgov iaTi xal %aks7ioy, dXXas ts xav vit sydgov xa xbto GvyL&aivri, pdXtdxa 8i ttJs nag v{iav svvoias xal (ptXavdg aulas oaa 7isg xal to xv%stv xsxav psyis'ov SdTl. 25 Ilsgl Tovimv 8* ovtos tovtovi tov dyavos, d^ca xal 8so[iaL Ttdvxcov ouotcos viiav^ dxovoai ftov ixsgl xav xaTqyogj^ivav duoXoyovpivov Sixatas, asusg 01 vouoi xeXsvovgiv, ovs 6 Tidsls l| dg%rjs JZoXav svvovs av viilv xal SrifAOTixos, ov povov tw ygdvjat 30 xvgiss cqsto Ssiv slvai, dlld xal tg> tss SixdZovxas vjjids 6[jLco{ioxsvai • ovx dnidxav vfxiv, &s ys pot 92 J HMO 2 Q E'N T2 (patvszai, dXX ogoov ozi zds alzias xal rdg 8ta6o- Xds, als ex zov ugozsgos Xsysiv 6 8i(oxcov iayvsi, sx svi zS (psvyovxi TtagsXdsLV, si firj z6v 8txa%6vzcov sxaozos vjLiSv zr\y rtgos zovs &sovs svGs&siav 8ta- (pvXdixcov, xal zd zov Xsyovzos vgsgov dcxata sv- 5 vo'ixos TZgosds^zat, xal nagaoycov savzov i'aov xal xoivov dfifoiigois dxgoazijv, ovzm zijv 8td / yvcdGiv nonforriai Tisgl Tzdvzeov. MiXXcov 8 s tov zs Id tov (3 tov Ttavzos, eos solxb, Xoyov 8t86vai zr^isgov xal zSv xoivij ustioXuieviis- io vov, povXo^at, xaQditsg sv dgyjj, ndXtv zovs &sovs nagaxaXstiai ' xal ivavziov v^icov svyofiai, ngtozov [iiv oaijv svvoiav sycov syco 8tazsXco zij zs noXst xal ndotv vpiv, zoaavvyjv vudg^at ptot nag* vfiav sis ' zovzovl zov dySva * stzsiO* o zi ^ieXXei ovvoiasiv\^ xal Ttgds svdo^tav xoivjj xal Ttgos svasGstav ixd^eo, zovzo Tzagaozijoai zovs -frsovs ndoiv v[iiv Ttsgl zav- zijal Ttjs ygatprjs yvSvat. El [iiv ovv jzegl d>v iStcoxs [tovov xazijyogqcfsv AldyUnp^ xdym Ttsgl avzov zov 7tgo6ov?»sv{iazos 20 svdvs dv dTCsXoyov^'qv * sitstdij 8* sx sXdzzca Xoyov, zdXXa 8is%id>v, dvdXcoxs, xal zd nXstsa xazsvjsvca- zo [toy, dvayxatov stvai vofii£® xal 8ixatov dua, pgaysa, a dvogss ^AQijvatoi, usgl zovzcov itgazov B17ZSLV, iW [A7$8sls v^iov zots sgaOsv Xoyois qyfiivos, 25 dXXozgicozsgov z&v vnsg zip ygayijs 8ixauov axovrj [10V. Usgl psv 8ij zcov tdteov, otia Xotdogovfisvos (3s- 6Xa6(prj[A?}xs rtsgl ifis, B-satiadOs m ditXa xal 8ixaia Xsyco. El [xsv tazs [is zotovzov, olov ovzos yzidzo 30 (ov ydg dXXodi tcov fisfiicoxa ij nag vfjtfv), fit}8s 'rilE'P KTHZI<1>SLNT0Z. 93 tpcoviqv avatiyrioQs, [irjd* et ndvxa zd xoivd VTtsgsv- 7t£7toXtTSv^taL, dXX dvasavxeg xaTaxpiycpioaads -qfoj • si §i tzoXXcq j3sXtl(o tovtov xal ix ^eXtlovcdv xal [Arjdsvos tcov [isigiav (tVa pjdiv ivraydig Xiyco) 5%£tQova xal ifii xal tovs i^ovg vTtsiXijtpaTS xal yiyvaoxsTS, tstco fiiv fiyd* vnig tcov dXXcov TtigevsTS, drjXov ydg cog ofiotcog duavx iuXduETO • ifiol 8\ r^v nagd ndvxa tov ygovov svvoiav ivdsdeiyds inl TtoXXcov dycovcov tcov Ttgoxsgov ysysvij^ivcov, xal vv- 10 vl rtagaGyetids. KaxoijOtjg d* cov, Aioyivij, tovto navTsXcog evrjOss corjOi^g^ xsg Ttegl xcov mngayaivcov xal 7tS7toXii£V[A8vov Xoyovg dcpivxa ^£. ngos xdg XoiSogtag ids nagd oov igsyjeodai. Ov dij noiijdco tovto, ovy OVTCO TBTV (pOpC/Ll ' dXX VTZSg £l£7/ tcov 15 7t£7ToXasv[ASvcov, a xaieipsvds xal StefiaXsg, avitxa i^ETadco • zijs 3i Ttoftnsiag javrjjs Ti^g dvifojv stcogI ysysviyuiviyg, vdisgov, dv fiovXofjiivois ft Tomoig dxovsiv, fivifodrjciofiai. Td tiiv ovv xairiyogijfjiiva TtoXXd xal Sstvd, xal 207tsgl cbv ivicov psydXag xal ids ioyaxag 1 oi vofioi xaTjovdi Tipcogias ' tov Si nagovxog dycovog ?] ngo- aigecig avxi}, iydgov {iiv irci'igsiav lyei xal v6gtv xal Xoidogiav xal TtgomjXaxia^ov dfiov, xal udvxa jd xotavxa. Tcov (.livzot xaxijyogicov xal tcov alxi- 25 tov xcov 8tgi^i£vcov. si'jisg i\Oav dXijQslg, ovx hvi zij txoXbi dixrfv a^iav Xa6uv, ov8° iyyvg. Ov ydg dcpaigeicdai Set to ngogeXdeiv tco Sfyicp xal Xoyov Tvystv ' ovS* sv 8itijg8ia.g to^u xal cpOovov tovto txoielv, ovts, fid Tovg \tsovg, ogQcog syov, ovts ttoXl- 30 tixov, ovts dixaiov sctTiv, a dvdgeg \A6ijvaioi • dXX if oTs ddixovvza [is scoga Tijv tcoXlv, oval ye 94 jHMOZeE'NQ T2' TrikixovTois, ijlixa vvv ixgaya8ei xal disgysL, xais ex xov v6[acqv xtucogiais nag avxd xa8ixrtfiaxa %g?jtfdai, el ftev elsayyeltas aZ~ta ngdxxovxd pe i6ga, elsayyeXlovxa^ xal xsxov xov xgonov els xgi- (jlv xadcoxdvxa nag vfuy, el Si ygdcpovxa nagdvo- 5 ^ca, nagavopeov ygacpopevov. Ov ydg Sijnov Kxq- dtfcovxa pav 8vvaxai 8t6xetv 81 l t uf, epe 8* eineg e^aXey%eiv evopi&v, avxov ovx dv iygdyjaxo. Kal [iTJv, ei xi tcov dlXov^av vvvt 8ii6alle xal 8ce!-yei, -§ xal dXX oxiovv dSixovvxd [ie vpds ecoga^ elal vo-lQ fioi negl Ttdvrcov xal xipogtai xal dySves xal xgc- aeis, nixgd xal {leydla e^ovdai xd inixtfiia • xal xovxois l^ijv dnaoi xgijadai, xal onqvcxa ecpatvexo roti'ra 7te7toi7}x&$, xal xovxov top xgonov xe%gq[ii- vos xots ngos i[ie\ 6[A,o?.oyeLxo dv tj xaxqyogia xots 15 sgyois avxov. Nvv 8' ixs'ds xqs ogOijs xal Sixaias bdov, xal (pvyav xovs nag avxd xd ngdypaxa iXey%ovs, xoaovxois vaxegov ygovois alxias xal axo^ixaxa xal Xoi8ogtas avpcpogijo 'as, vnoxglvexai. JZtxa, xaxyfyogeZ fiiv efiov, xgivei 8e xovxovi' xal 20 xov [iev dycovos olov xrjv ngos ipe ncos e%6gav ngo- taxaxai' ovSapov 8^ inl xavxr\v dmjvxrjxcos ipol, xijv ixsgov Xpqxuv emxiptav d(peli(j6ai (paivexai. Kaixoi ngos anac>iv, & dvSges * AQr}vaZoi,xoZs allots Stxaiois, ots dv elneZv xis vneg KxrjOMpeovxos e%ot,25 xal xovx hfiotye 8oxeZ xal pdla elxoxcos dv Xeyeiv, oxl xrjs rtfiaxegas e%Ogas f^ids e(p ij{icov avxov 8ixaiov r)v xov e^exaapov noieZadai, ov xd pev ngos dlljjlovs dyavi&odai nagaleinetv •, exegco 8* oxa* xaxov xl 8ca6o{iev "CqxeZv ■ vnegSoltf ydg d8ixias 30 xovxo ye. 'TIIEP KTH2I&J?NT0£. 9& Udvxa ftiv xoivvv xd xaxTfyogjjfiiva ofioiag ix xovxcov dv xig tdoL, avis Sixaiag, ovt iit dXrjOeias ovosfitdg elg^fisva. Bsloficu 8i xal xaQ* IV i'xas'ov avxav i^xdaai, xal [xdMod* oaa vnig xrjg dgtfvrjg 5 xal T7J$ ugsaSetag xax£ip£vaaxo [is, xd it£ngay[i£va iavxcp [i£xd £xo xal xaxd ndvxcov i(pv£xo. c Sis 8i x aXatn cogov[i£voi xep fi7Jx£t xov noXifiov, ol xox£ fxiv fiagug vvv 30 8* dxv%£ig &r}6atot, fav£gol nadirs rjGav dvayxa- tidr}(}6[i£voi xaxacp£vy£iv iq? vpdg, 6 <&iXutTtog, iva 96 JHM0 2 0M'nOT£ flfj T0VT0 ySVOlTO [.ITjSs GVVsXdoiSV Ul 7t6XsiS r VfJLtV /xsv sigijviyv sxsivoig Si jSoijOsiav §7zrjyysiXaT0. Tt ovv GvvifyaviGaTO avzS ngog to Xa6siv, oXiys Ssiv, ixovias vfias s^aTiaxo^isvsg ; q tSv dXXcov c EXXrj- vcov, sits %gr] xaxiav sit dyvoiav sits xal d^(poTS- 5 ga xolvt slusiv • ol\ tzoXs^iov Gvvs%rj xal ptaxgov tioXs^ovvtov vfieov, xal tstov vusg xSv xoivjj naoi ovpupsgovxav, cos £gyf (pavsgov ysyovsv, ovxs %gr\- fiaaiiv ovts GcoaaGiv ovx dXXa ovSsvl tcqv TtdvTcov GvvsXdySuvov vpLiv. Olg xal Sixaim xal ngogj}- 10 xovxcog dgytZofisvoi, sxoificog V7t^xsGaxs xS (PiXimta. 1 H fiiv ovv tots Gvy^cogijQstGa sloijv^ did rct^ra ov Si ifis, cos Stos Sis6aXsv, i7tgd%dfj. Td 8s xov- xcov dSixi^iaxa xal SoigoSoxifaaxa sv avxfj, xcov w- vl nagovicov ixgayfidxcov, dv Tig ijjsxdZtf Sixaicog,l5 aiTia svgijasi. Kal xavxl ndvd* vitsg xrjg dXyjdsiag dxgi6oXoyov{iai xal Sis§sg%ofiai * si ydg slvai Tiva Soxohy xd ^idXiGTa sv tovtois d8ixij[.iaTa^ ovSsv s?i h\uov Ttgog ifiL *AXX 6 ^tsv 7tgSxos stncov xal fivijadsls vvisg Tr^g sigrfvrjg, ^AgiGTooj^uog ijv, 6 20 vrtoxgiTijs ' o 8' ixSs^d^isvos xal ygdipag xal lav- tov [ASTa tovtov fUGdwGag S7zl Tama, 25 itagovTi), JEvSovXos xal Kqcpiaocp&v iyo 3* ovSsv ovSa^zov. ' AXX opens, tovtov xoiovxcov ovxcov xal sit av- xrjg xi\g dX^dslas ovia 8hxvv{jlsvg)v, slg xovd' 7\xsv dvaiSsias cost hoX'fjta Xsysiv, d)s dga syco irgos to 30 xrj? slgijvTf? ahiog ysysvfJGdai, sti xal xExmlvxas z Til tiP KTII2IS£nT0Z. 97 S177V T7\V n6XlV [.ISTd XOtVOV GWs8giS TCOV "EXXljvCOV aviijv TtoujdaaQai ' sit. co — ti av slncov as ns ogdas ngossinoi ; sgtiv oitov Gv nagcov, TiiXcxavTTiv ngd^iv xal Gv}ifia%iav iiXixijv vvv hgay(o8sis xal 5 8ist-jjsis, ogdov dcpatgovfievov [is ttjs noXsas iiya- vdxTiiGas, i\ nagsXdcov, tuvO* a vvv xaTiiyogsis, i8i8a£as ?) 8ist-ijX6ss ; xal [irjv, si to xcoXvGai tt\v tcqv Q EXXi\vcov xoivcoviav insngdxsiv iyco @iXinncp. dot to [ii\ GiyrJGai Xoinov iiv, dXXd [3oav xal 8ia- 10 [lagTvgsGdai xal 8ijXsv tovtoigi. Ov toivvv inoiii- Gas ovdafxov tovto, ov8* ijxovGs gov xavxtiv ti\v cpcoviijv ov8sis ' ovts ydg i)v ngsG6sia ngos ov8sva tots dnsGTaXfisv?) tcjv c EXXi\vav. dXXd ndXai ndv- tss Tjtiav i^sXiiXsy pivot, ovO' stos vyiis nsgl tst&v 15 sigiixsv ov8sv. Xcogls 8s tovtcov, xal 8ia6dXXsi tijv noXiv toc [isyitiTa iv ois vjsv8sTai. El ydg vfisis d[ia tovs [isv dXXovs a EXXiivas sis noXsfiov nagsxaXshs* amol 8i ngos v xaTSipsvaaTo [aov, ov8sv aXi^Qss ov 8sixvvTai. 3 Enst8i] Toivvv inonJGaTo ti)v slgijvrjv y noXis, 30 ivTavQa ndXiv axsvjaads %i ypcov sxaTsgos ngosiXs- TO ngaTTSiv * xal ydg ix tovtcov siGsods tis ijv o 13 98 /IHM02 E r N T 2 &ikt7t7iG) Ttdvia GvvaytoviZofiEvos, xal tis 6 itgdxTcov vizig vfieov xal to Tjj itoXu civfjapsgov Ztjtcov. * Eyci) [isv xoivvv sygayja^ ftsXevov, dnonXsiv rrjv Ta%is"qv TOVS rtgitiSsiS iltl TOVS TOTZQVS, Iv OlS &V OVTCL 01- Xntitov nvvddvcovTai) xal tovs ogxovs ditoXa^i6d-b vscv. Ovtoi #£, hdi ygdipavTos |^e», ravra itoisiv TjOiXjjdav. Ti di tovt ^teaio, a dvdgss ^ Adr\- vaioi, iyco diddc-co. 0iXi7i7tf {iiv tjv Gv^Mpigov, m uXugtov ioV fjLsra^v %govov y£V£G0ai tcov ogxav^ if{ilv ef m ikd%ufiov. Aid ti ; on vpsis piv, ovxlO d(p fjs G){ioc}aTS ftovov fjpsgas. dXX d

i7t£gikafi6dvovx as xal xss ixaxigcov avfi- fidyovs. HgsoSecs ygidi^av, Ev6ovkos Avacpkv- 25 s'tos, AlayivTis Kodoxtdrfs, Kijcpiaocpcov c Pafivsaios, AijfioxgdxTjs 0kv£vs, Kki(ov Kodaxidrfs" Tavxa ygdvjavxos ifis xoxe, xal xo xrj noksi dvft- (psgov ov xco tpik'untcd 'Cijxovvxos, figayv cpgov- xtaavxss ol ygijdxol ngeaSets sxoi, xaOrjvxo iv Ma- 30 xsdovla xgus okovs firjvas, bos r\k6B ^ikimtos ix ®gdxr\s, ndvxa xaxatfxgByjdfiBvos xdxet, i%ov if fie- 1 00 A HM 20 E'N OT2 gcov Ssxa, [xaXXov Si tqicov ij TSTrdgcov sis tov c \EXXrjS7iovTov dcpfydai, xal rd %cogia ocoaat Xa- 66vjas tovs ogxovs nglv sxslvov l^sXslv avid,. Ov ydg dv jjipaz avzeov, itagovjcov ifticov, 7} ovx dv cdQ%i£o{i£v aviov • Ssts tijs slgqvr^s dv dt^fxagTijxsi^ 5 xal ovx dv dfMpoisga si%s xal njv slgrjvijv xai rd yojgla. To piv tolvvv iv tj} ngsaSsia ngSiov, xXsfifia {isv *PiXi7i7tov, dcogodoxr^ua 8s tov ddlxcov jovicov dvdgconcov xal &sois i%Qgd)v, tolovtov sys- vsro • vjtsg ov xal jots xal vvv xal dsl bpoXoycd 10 noXspsLv xal 8ia(psgsadai tovtols. "Ejsgov cf svQvs scpst-fjs stl tsts fisi£ov xaxsgyrj- fxa d-sdaaaQs. "Etcsl8j} ydg o^oXoyijas ti]v slgijvjyv 6 &iXi7Z7tos sl-siv, 7tgoXa6cov ttjv Ogdxfjv did tov- tovs, ov%i nsioQsvTag tS ipco xpjffpfofiari. TtdXivlb (ovsizai nag avTav, ottos fir} anioaiv ix Maxsbovi- a$ scos dv Td zfjs OTgaTStas rijs snl tovs @coxsas svTgsurj TtonjoaiTO * i'va [itf, Ssvgo dnayysiXdvTov avzav Stl fisXXsi xal Ttagaoxsvd^STai 7togsvsodai v s^sXOocts v{isls xal itsgmXsv 'o avTSs Tats TgirfgsGiv 20 sis UvXas, Ssizsg TtgoTsgov, xXsloolts tov 7iog0[idv, dXX dp axioms TectV dnayysXXovTov v[iiv tstcov xaxslvos svtos sty IIvXcov, xal [zrjdiv s%oid* vpsls Ttoir\oai. Ovtco 8* fjv 6 &lXlti71os sv T0v, 25 Ttgo tov tovs @ooxsas aTtoXsadai dxovaavTss i/^- (pitiaicds fioyjQsiv avTots xal sxcpvyoi toc itgdy^aTa ai)TOv, Ssts ndXiv yaaQovTai tov xaTaitTvdTov tov- tovi, ovxstl xoivij [isTa tSv dXXcov ngsadsav, aXXd Idia xad* avTov, Totavza ngds vj.ids sinstv xal ajzay-Qo yslXai, dt w dnavx dncoXsTO, ' ' A%i(o ds, a dvdgss c mE'P KTH2IdiJtNr02. 101 AOrjvatot, xal diofxat, xovxo fisfivfjddai v[ias nag bXov xov dycova, bxi, firj xax^yogrjaavxos At- 6%iv8 {xydiv s^oo xrs ygacpr\Si s8" av syoo koyov s8s- va §7toi8[iriv s'xsgov • dndaais 8* atxiais xal ftXaocp^- 5 yiais d{ia xexov xs^gr^iEvov^ dvdyxrj xa^iol ngos sxaaxa xoov xaxijyogy^iivoov (iixgd dnoxgcvBGOac. Tivss ovv fjaav ot nagd xovxov Xoyoi xoxs gr^- devxss, xal 8t ovs anavx anooXsxo ; cos ov 8sl &o- gv6stadai xoo nageXrjlvdsvai t WH'$I2MA. " 'Eitl MyqaKpiXov dg%ovjog, ovyxXrrxov ixxXri- otag VTto ajgajiiycov yevo^tsviig^ xal ngviavsov xal jSovXijg yvcoiir), MaifiaxjjigiSvog Sexdirj dmovTog, KaXXioOsvTjs 'Etsovlxov (fiahigsvg unts. M?i8iva 5 \AdTivaiav {MiSe^ta nagevgioei iv ijf %oga xotzaiov yiyvsoOat, dkX iv daret xal Usigaisi, Soot [it] iv zotg cpgovgioig elolv dnoTBjay^dvot. Tstcov 8* ixd- Giovg, rjv 7tagsla6ov id^tv, SiaTfjQSLv, ^ijrs dcpii- [Asgsvovias, pjzs dnoxotjsvjag. "Og^ dv djteidtfoy io tS yjiitpidfiaii rovifi svo%og ego roTg x?Jg ngo8oaiag S7tLTi{.uQi5, idv [dij it dSvvazov kniouxvvri Ttsgl iav- toV ov. Hsgl Si t£v ddwdicov, inixgivkTo 6 inl t£v SttXov aigajijyog xal 6 iitl ttJs StoiXTJasog xal 6 yga^uaTevg jijg fiovXijs. Kajaxofii&iv 8i xal lb rd ix tSv dygmv ndvia T?jv Tayigiiv • rd piv ivios diadtov ixarov sixocnv, els dajv xal lletgaia ' rd di ixzos tfxadicdv ixarov si'xoctiv, elg ' Ekevatva xal tpvkijv xal 3 '^4(pLovav xal c PafjLvsvja, xal JSsviov. Eltcs Kalliadev^g &alr)QSvs." 20 * -Ag iitl javiaig ratg iXjtitfiv ijioteiode ttjv slgtf- viiv, 7) ravr imiyysiXad* vfitv oviog 6 fiioOojog ; Xiys 8* av t^v ijzis'ohjv, i\v 8zvg sizz^s 1 A til nor. 25 " BaoiXevg Maxs8ovov 0tXiTC7tog, ^ AQiivaiov irj ftovXrj xal to 8tf{Ao, %aigsiv. "lefts thiols nage- hiXvddras slgco HvXov, xal id xazd ttjv 0oxi8a vep savrovg Ttsjiotrifiivovg' xal 60a p,iv ixovoicog TigogsTidsjo top nokiOfidiov, (pgsgdg slgayrjOftOTag • 30 id 8i [it] VTtaxovovja, xazd xgd*Tog Xa66vT€S xal c riJEP KT112IrI>l£NT0Z. 103 i%av8ga7todi,(jd[.i£VQL xaisaxdipapiev. ^Axovcov Si xal v^ids Tzagatfxsvd&odai fioijOsiv avTois,yiygacpa vfuv, iva fnj tzXuov svo%kiyjds nsgl tovtcqv. Tots [lev ydg oXois, sSiv uijgiov pot Soxelts tioieZv, ti\v 5£igrfv7(V tivvdifisvoi, xal Quotas avTutagE^dyovTES' xal javja, ovSi av^iXEgiEtlT^i^Evcov tSv (Poxecjv iv rat? xoivaXs i^6v avvQijxais. a SIste idv [iij ipfii- vijte tols cbfioXoyj^iivois, ovSiv ngoTEgifesTE st-co ts icpdaxsvat dSixovvTSs" 10 Axovete^ 6s tfacpcos SyXoi xal Swgi&iai iv zrj rtgos v[xds imfjioXj} 7tgos tovs iavzov av^td^ovs, on " TavT iyd UEUoirixa dxovTcov 'AOyvaicov xal kvjispivav • Sst SLTisg ev (pgovstzE, & Oyfiatoi xal OsTiahol, tovtovs fiiv i%0govs v7zofo]ip£6d£, ifiol Si 15 7ZLGTSV66TS'" ov tstgls rots grjfiacii ygdvjas, javza Si fiovXo^isvos Seixvvvai. Toiyagovv ix tovtcov &XSTO ixuvovs XaSav els to [mjSotlovv ngoogdv tcov psTa ravia ^S^ aloddvEcdai, dkfc idaai ndv- ja xa TTgd/^ar ixuvov v(p iavrS Ttoirjaactdac. 20 '-E£ &v Tatg Ttagovoacs dvfxcpogais ol TaXaiTzagot QijSaioi xs%gijvTai. Z Q Si Tavujs zrjs tilotecos av~ tS dwegyos xal GvvaymviGTrfi, xal 6 Ssvg D ditayyu- Aas Tec vjevSi] xal (pEvaxtaas vfids, ovtos itiTiv 6 rot 0rj6ai€QV oSvgopsvos vvv itdQij xal Su^tcov 6s 25 olxrgd ' xal tovtov xal t6v iv <&ax£V6i xaxav xal oa dXka TtznovQaaiv ol "Elhjvss, dnavTcov avxos 6v aircos. ArjXov ydg on, av piv dXyus iitl tois oiv[ji6£6fix6(jLv, AiG%[v7j, xal tovs Sij6aiovs eXeels, XTr^iaT e%cqv iv tt} BoicoTia, xal yscogycov 30 Ta ixscvcov iyco Si %aigcd, os evOvs i^qTovfiTjv vno tov Tcttrra Tigd^avTos. "Akkd ydg i^n iuj coxa els 1 04 A II MO 2 L'NO T 2 Xoyovs, ovs avxixa fidXXov dgfioaet Xeyeiv tdcos ° inaveific Srj ndktv inl xds anoSsL^sis, cos tcc xovxcov ScogoSoxi^iaxa xal dStxq^axa, xcov vvvl nagovxcov ngayfidxcov yeyovev aixia. ^EneiSij ydg i^ndx^ade fiiv v^ceis vno tov e[xovvTo • el Si 25 [itf yaOdvovTO, exegos Xoyos ovxos, ov ngos ifie. ' Eyco fiiv ydg ngovXeyov xal Sie^iagTvgofi^v, xal nag iffxtv del, xal onoi ne^KpQehjv • at Si noXets ivotfovv, xcov fiiv iv xS noXixeveaOac xal ngdxxeiv ScogoSoxovvxcov xal Siacpdeigo^ievcov inl %g?j[iaot,3Q tcov Si ISicoxcov xal noXXcov, rd ^tiv s ngoogco[A,evcov, c TIIE X P K Til 2 1 STN TO 2. 105 rd Si tj7 xad* 'fjfjtsgav gaGTavrf xal 6%oki} SsXsa'Co- [isvcov, xal toiovtov tl TtdOog Ttsitovdoxcov dnavTav, nXrjv ovx scp* savrovg oio^isvcov sxdoTcov to Sslvov fj!-siv, dXXd did tcov hsgcov xlvSvvcov rd savTow 5 docpaXag dyqdSLv v7toXa[i6av6vT0V^ biav fislavjcu. Elt\ olpai, Gv[x6s6r}xs rots fiiv izhydstiLv, dvrl Trjs 7toXXrjg xal dxaigov gaQvpiag tijv sXsvOsglav dno~ XaXsxsvai, Toig Si 7tgosar^x6ai, xal xaXka nfajv iavrovs oiopsvoLg ncoXsiv, rcgcoTOvg iavrovs itsnga- 10 x6(jcv jjtidfjaOac dvxl ydg (pikcov xal l-svav, d tots avo(id£ovTO ijvexa sScogoSoxovv, vvv xokaxsg xal ftsolg i%6goi xal raXXa d ngogjjxsL 7zdvza dxssdiv. OvSslg ydg, 3 dvSgsg Adr\vaioL, to ts Tigodidovros Gv[Mpigov £t]tg)v, xgrtfjiaTa avaXitixsL, ovS' ivtsiSdv 15 (ov dv itgi7\Tai xvgtos ykvqrai, tS TtgoSozrj av^iGsXcp nsgl t£v Xoirtcov sxi %giJTai' ovSiv ydg tjv dv sv- Sai^iovsdTsgov ngoSoTov. AlX ovx sotl Tavra, ovx sgti. Ilodsv ; tzoXXov ys xal Ssl. *AXX stzsl- Sdv r&v ngayLiaTcov syxgarrjg b Ztjtcov dgysLv xa- 20 tccot$, xal t£v zavTa ditoSopsvcov SsanoT^g sotI, rrjv Si Ttov^glav slSag, tots Stf tots xal [iidst xal dniGTSi xal ngoitrikaxiCsi. 2Jxo71slts Si • xal ydg, si TtagsXyjlvdsv b rav Ttgay{idTG)v xaigos, b tov ys siSivai tog zoiavra xatgos dsl ndgsciTt rots sv (pgo- 2bvov(ji. Ms%gi tovtov Aa6divr(g tpiXog covofid^STO {PiXl7T7Cov, sag TtgovSoxsv "OXvvdov {isygi tovtov Tipolaog, sag anaXsas OijSag • Lis%gi tovtov EvSl- xog xal 2Ji[Aog, ol Aagtatiaioi, sag SsTTaXiav vnd 0iXt7t7tcp iTtocrfdav • sit sXavvo{isv(ov, xal i>6gi£o- SOfjtsvow, xal tl xaxbv ovyl TtaciyovTav, v\ oixov^isvq ndaa fjisaTyj ysyovs ngoSozov. Ti S 3 'Agcdrgaios 14 100 jhmozoe'notz iv 2!ixvSvl i xal tc UsgiXaog iv Msydgoig $ ovx drtEggmiisvoi ; i% &v xal tiacpstiTax av Tig i'8oi, oil 6 fidhaia (pvkdiTcov tt\v savxov 7zajgcda, xal nkzi- cna Tovzoig dvTilsycov, ovtos vfxiv, Altiyiin^ T0 ^ g ugodi8ovtii xal futidagvovtii, to sysiv icp orcp dago- 5 8oxi]tisTS 7tsgi7toLBt° xal did Tovg noXXovg tovtov, xal tovs dvOitiTafiivovg TOig v^STegoig ftovXtf [Adder, vfjisis idTS timot xal s^itidoi, ijzsl did ys v^idg av- tovs, ndXai av dizolcoXsiTE. Kal nsgl fisv tcqv tots Ttgayfi evtov syav sti 10 noXXd Xiysiv, xal Tavd* r^yovfiai tcXsio tSv ixavSv sigfjtidai, AiTiog 8s srog, mnsg ioXoxgatiiav Tivd fjiov Tijs TtovTigias ttJs iavTov xal tSv ddtxrjpdTav xaxatixsddaag, ?jv dvayxaiov tfv ngog Tsg vsoTsgsg tSv nsitgay^isvov djtoXvtiatidai. Jlagr^va^X^tids 15 8s xal vfieis itiag 01, xal Ttglv ipi oxiovv shtsiv, sl8oTsg xrjv tovtov tots (UtiQagviav • xahoi (piXiav tb xal '%svia»v avxijv ovopid^si, xal vvv sins rcov Xs- ycov ' " c Oi^V J AXs%dv8gov %sviav 6vsi8i'C(ov i^iot." ' ' Eyh dot Review 'AXs%dv8gov ; nodsv Xa&ovTi, 7)20 TtSg dJ-iadivTi j ovts &iki7t7tov £svov, ovt °AXs^dv- 8gov (p'ikov eiTtoip av iy® tis * ov% ovtco fiaivo/iai ■ si [jtjj xal tovs $sgitiTas xal Tovg aXXo tl [iitidov TtgdmovTag, (piXovg xal §svovg 8si xaXsiv tcov pa- tid&tia^ivojv. *AXX sx ss'i xavTa,. Uodsv ; noXXs^h ys xal 8sL °A?»Xd {iitiQcdTov iyw tis ^iXimtov rcgo- Tsgov, xal vvv ^ AXs^dv8gs xaXco, xal oStoi Ttdvxsg. El 8° dmtiisig, ig&TTjtiov avTOvs • [idXXov 8° iyco tovO* vitsg tiov 7toirjtia). HoTsgov v^iiv, co dv8gsg 'AOr^vaioi^ [AiaOcoTos Aiti^ivrig, -q %svog slvai °AXs- 30 %dv8gov doxsi ; dxovsts a ksyovdt ; 'rntfp kth2i®j£ntoi:. 10? Bovkofiat Toivvv r^hj xal nsgl Trjs ygacpijs avTrjs aTtoXoyijciaadai, xal 8ts'§skdstv rd nsitgayiisva ifiav- t6 ' iva, xainsg sides? Ala^tvijg, ofdoog dxovarf §i a (prjui, xal tovtcov tcov 7tgo6s68Xsv(jLevcov xal noXXco b[ASi£6vav sti Tsicov dcogsoov, aixaiog stvat Tvy%dvstv. Kai fxoi Xsys rijv ygacpijv avTijv Aa6mv. FPArcc xoivvv irtoXixsvo^v xox iyco • xal ogSv xaxaSovXovfisvov itdvxag dvdgamovg ixsivov, 7Jvavzi8[Aiyv itgoXsyov xs xal Stddaxav ^iij ngotsadai 20 Tai/ra ®iXuntG). L Xal [irjv, ixsivog ys xr^v slgriv-qv sXvds, xd nXola Xa6oov, ov% y noXig, Ala^ivij. s£nto2. 117 do%Ocu Tjj fiovXjj xal tw 8rf[i(p tov ' * Adyvaiwv, inaiviaai /fy^ioddivyv Ay^ooOkvovg Uacavcia, xal (jTScpavSaai xgvGa 6T£(pdva, xal dvayogsvoai tov GTEcpavov iv rep {tsdrgeo Aiovvaioig, Tgaycodotg xat- 5 voig • vi\s Si dvayogsvascog tov aiscpdvov iTti^isXy- Orjvat Tijv ngvTavsvovoav yvXrjv xal tov dycovoOi- Tyv. EiTtev ^ AgiGTovixog (pgsdggiog." "E?iv hv ostis vficov otSi tivo, aio%vvi\v 6V[i6d6av Tjj nolu Sid tovto to ipyqiiGpa, y %XevaG[i6v y ys- loAwra, a vvv ovtos ecpy avfi6yGsodai idv iyco ots- cpavca[iai$ xal [iyv, oTav j) via xal yvcogi^ia ndat Tft ngdy[iaTa, idv ts xaXcog k%y. %dguzog Tvy%dvsi, idv & as higog, Tificogtas * (paivopai tolvvv iyco %dgiTos T£Tv%yxcog tots, xal ov [xspyjseog ovdi TLfxco- Ibgias. Ovxovv [-d%gi fiiv tcov %govcov ixsivav, iv oh tgci)t i7igdy v 6y« ndvTag dvapoXoyyiiai tovs %go- vovg tcc dgtg'a itgdzTUv Tjj tzoXel, tS vtxav^ 6V i6s- XsveoOs, Xiyov xal ygd(pcov * tco xaTaTtga^Orjvat tcc ygacpivTa, xal OTsepdvovs l| avicov Tjj tzoXbc xal 20 i\nol xal ndaiv vfuv yzviodai • tS &vaiag Tolg dsolg xal ngogodovg, cog dyaQcov thtcov ovtcov, v^iag TtBTtoiyGdat. *E7teifo] tolvvv ix Ttjg Evfioiag o ax6{iaia [SaXo^isvos ngos tj} TtoXei, xal £i7]%avjj^aT kindTi'idas BTtoXwgxei. Tov- tcov 8i yiyvoptivcov, o ti [asv Ttgogrpce nouiv fyds, ovx i/tsgcoTijda) • dyjXov ydg iaav dytadtv. *AXXd 5 tis rjv 6 (Soi^Orjdas tois Bv'CavTiois xal dSdas av- tovs j tis 6 xcoXvdas tov c EXXijgTtovTov dXXoTgio- Qijvai xaz ixeivovg Tovg %govovg '; vfisig, a avdgsg Adiivaiot. To d 3 vjisis orav si'7Zco, tt]v noXiv Xiya. Tig 3' 6 Tjj noXsi Xsycov xal ygdcpav xai Ttgdiicov, 10 %al UTtXcbs iaviov sis toc TtgdyftaT dfsidcog dovg ) eyco. *AXXd [xtjv, o)Xixa ravr axpiXiidsv djzavrag, ovx ix Xoyov dei fiaQsiv, dXX' £gy&> TiSTCBigadOe. c O ydg tots ivdids TtoXe^ios, dvev tov xaXrjv Sdt-av ivsyxsiv, iv nddi to is xcltu tov fiiov dcpOovcoTzgois 15 xal svcovoisgois Stijyaysv vads tiis vvv ugijvris, rjv ovtoi xaTa Trjs naTgtdog Tr^govdiv ol %giidTol, iitl Taig fisXXovdais iXitidiv • Sv dmudgTouv, xal [ir] {xeTaoyoiBv cbv vfieig, oi zd fisXTidza (3ovX6ftevoi, tovs &£ovs ahsLTS* [iijdi fisradouv v^uv 2>v avTol20 TtgojJQrivTou. Aiye 8* avTois xal tovs Bv^avTiov dTEipdvovs xal tovs Usgivdicov, ois idTScpdvovv ex T0VTOV TTJV TtoXlV. W II' 12 MA BTZAN Tl'Sl IV. "*Enl lego[Avd{iovog BosTtogiyco^ AapdyriTOs iv2b Tjj dXia sXet-sv, ix rccg ftaXdg Xa6cov gifagav. ^Etcsi- 8ij 6 dd[iog 6 ^AOiivaicov Iv ts TOig Ttgoysvopivoig xaigoig evvoicov diaTEXsi Bv^avTioig xal TOig dvfi- (jtd^oig xal dvyysvsdi Uegiv&ioig, xal TtoXXdg xal [isydXag %dgizag TtaQStiftriTai iv ts tcd TtagsdTaxoTi 30 xaigco, (PiXiitTtov tov Maxsdovos §7tidTgaT8vdavT0s C TUE*P KTH2I®f£NT02. 119 iitl zdv %cogav xal zdv tcoXiv in dvaozdasi Bv'Cav- zicov xal UegivOicov, xal rdv %cogav 8atovzos xal 8sv8goxojiiovzos, ftoijdijoas itXoioiaiv ixa,zov xal ei- xoat, xal aizoi xal fiiXeai xal huXizais^ i^slXszo 5 d'tips ix zav fisydXov xivdvvav xal d/toxazsoizacie zdv itdzgiov TtoXizsiav xal zcos vo^ios xal zos zd- cpcos, 8e8o%0ed zS SdfMp zS Bv'Cavzicov xal UsgivOc- av, ' ' Adi\vaiois 86uev imya^dav, TtoXtzecav, xzdatv yds xal otxcav, ngos8gtav iv zois dycoGi, no6o8ov 10 irozl rdv ftcoXdv xal zov dd^iov nagd zois negl zd hgd' xal zois xazoixstv iOiXovat rdv noXiv, dXsc- zovgyijzois ij^isv itdaav izgosizi Xuzovgyiav • zdaai 8i xal slxovas zgus ixxatdsxaTZifyeis iv zS Bosno- gco, azecpavovftevov zov 8d^iov zav ^Adijvaicav vno 15 Tea dd[iG) zav Bv&vticov xal UegivOlav aTtoazu- Xai 8i xal fisaglas is zds iv zij *EXXd8i navijyvgi- ccs, v IaQ[iia xal Ni^isa xal °OXvfi7iia xal Uvdia, xal dvaxagv^at za s'£(fdva a dvzscpdvazo.L 6 ddpos 6 °A6?jvacav vcp ij^iav^ oitas inizkavzai oi "EXXiyvss 20 navzes, ° Adijvalav dgszdv, xal rdv Bv'Cavzlav xal UegivQiav svyagiaziav." Asys xal zovs Ttagd zav iv XsggovijGa s'scpdvss. WH'<1> 12 MA X E PP NH 21 TSLN. " Xsggovijatzav ol xazoixovvzzs JtJijazov 'EXsovv- 25 t& 3fd8vTov ' AXcoitexovvijaov^ azscpavovatv *A6ij- vaiav zijv fiovXijv xal zov 8ijfiov ygvcfa 6T£jTntoz. 121 ytdXXitiia tcov v7tagy v 6vjcov dsl dsl rd Xoiitd Ttsiga- gOou itgd^iTEtv. c Y[isis tolvvv, 3 avdgsg * AQT\vaiQi, Ao.xsdaiyiovi- cov yrjg xal &aXdiT7]9 dgyovTcov* xal xd xvxXco tt}S 5'Atti7ctJs x£T£ ovd* vno- Xoyuitids. 5 Kal ovx inl tovtcov [xovov Stcos id^TJxars, dlkd ndliv acpaTSQi'Co i £vcQv GriSai&v tt}v EvSoiav, ov 7t£gi£ld£T£, Ov8' COV V7t6 0£[ll(jCOVOS XOl 0£o8cogOV 7t£gl °J2gcQ7tdv 7Jdixri6d£ dv£[jiv?J60r}T£, dXX i6orfdrj- gcit£ xal tovtols, tcov id&ovTcov Tgijfgag%c!)v tot£ 10 TCgCQTOV ]/£VO[l£VCOV Tjj 7t6X£l, COV £LS TjV 8/6 * dXX STtCO 7t£gl tovtcov. Kolitol xaXov fiiv £7iotr\aaT£ xal to acoGcu ttjv vijaov, noXXco S' £ti tovtov xdXkiov TO, xaTadTdvT£9 xvgioi xal tcov acopaTcov xal tcov no- l£cov, dnoaovvai tccvtoc dixaicos amois tols ify- 15 liagT7\x6(jiv £i? v^ids, (jtrjdiv cov qdixrjciOa, iv ois §7Zi6T£v0r]T£ v7toXoytod^i£vot. Mvgia tolvvv £T£ga £ltc£lv £%cov TtagaXuitco, vav- fia%las, i^oSsg 7t£%d$, s'gaTSiaSi xal ndXai y£yovvias, xal vvv icp v[icov amcov, a? an do as y) noXis ttjs tcov 20 aXkcov £V£% ■ E\hr\vcov ik£vd£gias xal ocoT7igias U£itovr\Tai. Eit iyco T£Q£cogr}xcos iv tocsovtols xal tolovtols Ttjv noXtv vjtig tcov tols akXois ov[icp£govTcov id£- Xovoav dycovi&dOai, vitig avTrjs Tgonov Tiva tt?s25 dvfiSsXijs ovar\s, tl s'psXXov x£°k£v6£iv rj tl cvpSov- }.£V6£LV aVT^j TtOL£LV } yLV7lGlXaXsEnto2. 123 da , §7tsl to ys sgyov ovx av vpsls i7toLrjdaTS, dxgi- 6cos iyco 018a • si ydg -))6ov"ksdds, tl -qv ifXTtoSav ; OVX 1%Y\V y OV% V7T7JQ%OV OL TOLVT igOVVTSS OVTOL ,' Bovkofiat xoivvv inavsXQslv icp a tovtcov it-rjs 5 inoluzzvopyv • xal dxonslTS iv tovtols uoKlv av, tl to Tfj TtoXet fiiXjtOTov r\v. 'Ogcov ydg, co av8gss 'Adyivaloi, to vavxixov v[icov xaTalv6(xsvov, xal tovs {isv nhovdiovs, dreXsts and fitxgSv dvahco[id- tcov ycyvo^isvovs, tss 8s [lizgia r\ [iixgd xsxtt^isvss 10toi> tcoXltcov, xd ovra dno'k'kvvT as, stl 8* vzsgi'Csoav ix tovtcov Tt\v noXiv tcov xaigcov, sdi\xa vojiov xad* ov, tovs fiiv toc 8ixaia noisiv 7\vdyxada tovs tiXovglovs, tovs 8s nsvrjTas snavda dScxovpsvovs, Tfj noku 8* (onsg ijv %gye>i[XG)TaTov) iv xaiga ycyvs- 15 ddai Tag nagadxsvds iizoLrjoa * xal ygacpsls tov dyco- va tov tcov 7tagav6[A,cov, sis vfids slsijhOov, xal dns- cpvyov, xal to 7tS[i7iTov [isgos tcov vjijcpcov 6 Sicoxcov ovx sXa6s. KaiTot itoaa %gi]ixaTa tovs i)ys{i6vas tcov dvfifiogicov, rj tovs deviigovs xal Tghovs ocsdds 20 pot dMvai. costs [idXtOTa fxsv fxtj ftslvai (as tov vo- [iov tovtov, si 8s fir}, ^aTOto'aAoVTcc fxs iav iv vnco- (looia y TOdavTa, cb dvdgss ^ Adr(valoi, ooa bxvrj- aatfi av Ttgos v^ias sluslv. Kal toci/t 3 sIxotcos sngaTTOv ixstvoL *Hv ydg avTOts ix [isv tcov ngo- 25 Tsgcov vopcov, dvvsxxai8sxa Xsirovgyslv, avxols (jlsv fitxgd xal ovdsv dvakidxovdi, tovs 8* dnogovs tcov noXiTcov iniTgi&ovciv • ix ds tov i[iov vopov, to ycyvofxsvov >caTa ti)v ovdiav sxadTOv TiOsvac, xal Svolv icpdvrj Tgirjgag%os 6 ttjs (uds sxtos xal dsxa- 30 Tog av ngoTsgov avvTsfajs ' ovds ydg Tgtrjgdg%ovs i7tcov6(ia'Cov savTovs, dXXd dvvxsXsZs. "SIsts 8rj 124 A HM 2Q E'N T2 javxa XvQr\vai xal pi] rd dtxaca noieiv dvayxa- ddrjvai, ovx eo&* o ti ovx edidooav. Kai pot Xeye ngcorov piv to ipricpiapa, xaO* o ehi]kdov T?jv yga- (pr^v, efca tovs xaTaXoyovs, tov ts ex tov ngoTigov vopov xal tov xard tov epov. Aiye. 5 WH'®I2MA. " *EtcI dgyovTos UoXvxXiss, pi\vos Borfigopiavos sxTij enl dixa, cpvXrjs ngvTavevovaris c TTtKodocovTi- 8og, JrjfiQoOsvrfs J^poaOivovs Uatavievs ehrjvey- xe vopov eh to TgtTjgagyixdv dvzl tov ngoisgov, 10 xad* ov at avvieXeiai ijaav t£v Tgii^gagyav • xal eneyeigoTovijaev rj xal 6 dv.pos. Kal dit^- veyxe itagavopcov ygacpijv Jijpoa6ivei IJaTgoxXijs j£l$T02. 125 y Agd ye fiixgd ^oi^drjaac xols itkvKitiiv vpcov Boxco j if {jLixgd dvaXcoaac dv idiXsiv, xov fjnij id 3c- xaia TtoisZv, ol tiXovGiol ; s xocvvv fiovov xco [at} xa- OvcpHvcu TavTOt, 6S[Avvvo{jLaL, ov3i xco ygacpels ano- 5 cpvyeZv, dXXd xal xco dv^Kpigovxa &slvac xov vopov, xal xco itelgav egyco SeScoxsvai. Hdvxa ydg xov 7toXs[iov xcov dnos'oXcov yiyvofievcov xaxd xov vopov xov i[iov, ovy v ixsnjgiav edyxs xgijjgagyos sSels nco- TtoTB cos dSixspsvos nag vplv, sx iv Msvv%ta ixaOi- 10&TO, ov% V7id xcov dnoaxoXicov iSidrf ov xgitfgqs ovt e^co xaxakifcpdsloa djzcoXexo xrj noXsi, ovx av- is dneXetcpdij ov Svvafiivr] dvdysGQac. Kacxoi xa- xd xovs ngoxigovs vofiovs dnavxa xavx iylyvsxo. To & atxtov iv xols nkvijatv ?jv, xco Xuxovgyuv pi} lodvvaadat • itoXXd 8rj xd dSvvaxa ovvs6acvev. 'Eyco 8° ix tcqv dnogcov sis xovs svnogovs fjtexrjvsyxa xds xgajgagyias • ndvx ovv xd diovxa iylyvsxo. Kal prjv, xal xax avxo xovx* dtjios slpi iitaivov xvyslv, oxi ndvxa xd xotavxa Ttgoqgovfijjv noXixsv- 20paxa, dcp gov d[xa dot-ac, xal xipal, xal dwdpsts dvvsSaivov xj} noXsi ' fidoxavov Si xal mxgov xal xaxoydss ovSsv idxc noXtxsvpa ipov, ovdi xansivov, ovdi xi}s noXscos dvdt-iov. Tavxo xocvvv jjdos s%cov sv xs xols xaxd xt}v itoXcv TtoXcxsvfxaot xal iv iocs 2b EXXrfvcxols (pavyjtiofiai. Ovxe ydg iv xjj 7t6Xsc, xds Ttagd xcov tcXovg'ccov %dgcxas pdXXov r\ xd xcov noXXcov Scxaia slXopijv • ovx iv xols ' EXX-qvcxols, xd 0iXi7titov Saga xal xt}v t-sviav jjydmjGa, dvxl xcov xoLvfj Ttdot xols "EXXtjgii (jv^icpsgovxcov. 30 c Hyovfxat xocvvv lontov sivac fioi rcegl xov xr\- gvy(xaios etTtscv xal xcov svQvvcov. To ydg cos xd 126 JHMOZOE'NOTS dgidxa ts sngaTTOv, xal did navTos svvovs sl[xl xal ngodvpos sv noisiv v^ias, IxavSs sx tcov sigrnisvcov dsdyXcoctOai [ioi vofxi^co. Kahoi rd [AsyidTa ys tcov nsnoXiTSv^isvcov xal nsngay^isvcov £[iavT(d nagaksi- tcco, vnola^Sdvcov ngcoTov [asv, ifs^rjs tovs nsglb avTOv tov nagavopov Xoyovs dnodovvai [xs dstv ' scia, xav fiqdiv sinco nsgl tcov Xoincov noXiTSvpd- tcov, biotas nag vfxmv sxdoTov to avvsidos vndg- %EIV [AOl. Tcov [jlsv ovv Xoycov, ovs ovtos dvco xal xaTco dia- 10 xvxcov sXsys nsgl tcov nagaysyga^svcov vofxcov, #T£, [id T8S &E0VS, 0L[A,CU Vftds [lavOaVSlV, OVT CtVTOS wdwdpriv dvvsivai tovs noXXovs. ' AnXcos 8s Tr\v 6g0i]v odov 7tegl tcov hixaicov diaXs^o^iai. Tooovtov ydg dsco Xsysiv, cos ovx sipl vnsvdv- 15 vos (8 vvv ovtos noXXdxis SiiSaXXs xal dicogi&To) , SsO* ajtavTa tov fiiov vnsvdvvos slvai b[ioXoyco, cov 73 3iaxs%sigixa rj nsnoXiTSvixai nag vpiv • cov [isv- Tot y ex Tr\s ideas ovaias inayysiXdfxsvos dsdeoxa tco dTJpcp, ovdspiav ij^isgav vnsvdvvos sivai (pr^ii • 20 dxovs ts, -Ai, vjtevdvvos ?)v, icp oh 8* izecpavsTo, ov% vjtevdvvos ■ ovxovv ov8 y iyco • Tcctra ydg 8ixaid idTi pot negl tcov avtcov tois aXlois Sr^jts. ' EiteScoxa^ xal ijtai-20 vovpat Std za^Toc, ovx cov vjtevdvvos civ iiteScoxa * y\g%ov, xal SeScoxd ye evQvvas ixeivcov, ov% cov ine- dcoxa, V7] Ala. J AXX dSixcos ijg^a ; eha jtagcov, oTe fie elsijyov ol XoyiGTai, 8id xi ov xaTqyogeis ; r, Iva Toivvv eiSrjxe, oxi avxos ovxos fioi fiagxvget,2b icp oh ov% vjtevdvvos l£NT02. 129 dmdvTos, (pvkrjs itgvTavsvovaris Oivifidos, KirfGi- cp&v Ascoodsvovs ' AvacpXvGTtos slitsv. ' Etisl^) J^fiooOsv^s Jff^oaOsvovs Uaiavisvs, ysvofisvos STCl^lsXlJTlJS Tljs TCOV Z£l%G)V £7tl(jXSV7Js, xal ngosava- bXeoGas sis jd sgym and zijs Idias ovtilas Tgia rd- XavTa. sns8oxs zavia iS 8rj[Mp * xal inl tov $sg)- gixov xaTatizadsisj insdcoxs tols ex naocov tcov cpvXmv ftsagixois sxaTov fivas sis xtvtiias * 8e86%dai jjl ftovXj} xal tg) Srfacp tcov ^ Adijvaiov^ inaiviaat 10 Ay[Aood£vrjv JiffAoaOsvovg Uaiavtia. dgsTjjs svsxa xal xaXoxayaOtas, fjs s%cov SmTsteZ sv Ttavxl xatgm sis tov firjiAOv jav * ASqvaiav xal aiscpav^aat XQVti® (jTS(pdva), xal avayogsvaat tov dTScpavov iv to ftsdrgcp, Aiovvaiois* Tgaycp8ots xacvots • tijs 8s 15 avayogsvoscos snifishjdjjvaL tov aycovodsTifv." Ovxovv a fisv ins8a)xa« zavz ioTiv, cov ov8sv dv ysygavjai ' a 8s (prfdiv i] fiovfa'j 8siv dvTi tovtcjv ysvsadat pot, tclvt sgQ* d 8icoxsis. To Xa6sZv ovv Tot did6[j,sva dfioXoycov svvoftov sivou, to %dgtv tov- 20 tcov dno8ovvai, nagavdfiov ygdcpjj ; 6 8s na[xn6vr}- gos dvdgconos, xal &sois i%dgds, xal fidcixavos ov- TCOS, TtOLOS TLS dv SL7j, TigOS &SC0V j OV% 6 T0L0VT0S j Kal [itfv, Tisgl tov ys iv tS -frsdzgcp x^gvTTSdOai, to [isv fivgtdxis {ivgiovs xsx7jgvy v 0ai nagalsinco^ 25 xal to TCoXXdxts amos idTsqiavcoctdai ngoTsgov • ccAAoc, Ttgos &scov, ovtco axatds si xal dvalaQijTos^ Aidftivq, Ssts ov SvvacfGat XoyitfatfOai, oti tg) fiiv ciscpavov[A£V(p tov amov s/si #]kov 6 s'ifftavos, dnoi dv dvaggriQ-q • tov 8s tcov oiscpavovvTcov svsxa 30 Gv^Kpsgovros sv tS ftsaTgrn yiyvsTai to xijgvypa ; ot ydg dxovGavTSS anavTSs sis to noislv sv tijv no- il 130 jhmosoe'notz Xtv ngoTgknovTat, xal tovs drtoStdovTas Tiqv %dgtv fjtdXXov inatvovdt tov azscpavoviikvov • dioAsg tov v6[iov tovtov fj Ttofas yiygacp£. Akye 8° avTov poi tov vojiov XaSeov. NO' MO 2. 5 " "Otiss 6TS(pavov(ji tivss tcov fi-qucdv, zds dvayo- gsvdsts tcov 6T£cpdvcov notuadat iv avTols ixddTOvs tols IStots dtfpots, idv (iij Ttvas 6 Srj[xos 6 tgv *AQy[- volIcqv, iq y fiovX?] dTScpavot' tovtovs d* it-uvat iv T(o ftsdTQCi Atovvtitots dvayogsvsoOou" 10 'Axovus, AiGxiwq, tov vopov XiyovTos tiacpcos, " IlX-qv Idv Ttvas 6 drjfios, i) fj fiovXtf dTScpavoi, th- tovs 8i dvayoge v£o6at;" tc ow, & TaXairccdgs, tivxocpavT£is ,* tl Xoyovs nXaTTUs ; ti aavTov ovx iXksSogi&ts iitl tovtois ; dlX ovd^ al&%vwy\ cpdovs 15 dixrjv dsdycov. ovx dStxyfiazos ovdsvos, xal vopovs, tovs [xiv iiSTaitoicov, tov S* dcpatgav [ligri, ovs oXss dtxatov r\v dvayivadxsGiOcu tois ye 6[iapox6tft xwid tovs v6[xovs yjri25 yivet TtgosetiTtv, ovx ijioL Kahot xal tovto, cq avdgss ^Ad-qvalot • iyco Xot- dogtav xaTK\yogias tovtco Stacpsgetv f/yoiifiat, tS tt^v [xiv xaTTiyogiav ddixrjpaT l%£tv, av iv tois ro- bots st&ly ai Ttpcdgtat • tt^V Si Xotdogtav, fiXaafy- 30 [lias, as xaTd Trp/ uvtcov (pvdtv. Tots i%dgots 7i£gl c TnE'P KTH2IJi]XT0Z. 131 dXXr(Xa)v ovfi6alv£L Xiyuv. OlxoSoprjocu 8i tovs ngoyovovs Tavrt rd 8txaoTrfgta vTtuXtjcpa, ov% ivot, ovXXi%avT£s v^ias ris tovtu dno tSv i8tav, xaxcos id dizoggijTa Xkyco^iEv aXXr^Xxs * dXX iva, it-eksyxco- 5 fisv, Idv tls rfdiMfxas tl Tvy%dvy jrjv tioXlv. Tav- tu tolvvv sldcos AiaxLvqs s8iv tjztov i^£, 7to(jt7t£V£Lv dvTL tov Tcajffyogetv hXeto. Ov (jltjv ovd* ivzavda iXaxTOv €%av dixaios iaxLv dneXOuv. "Hdrj 8* im ravza Ttogsvaofxac, tociovtov amov igcoTTjdas. 10 JJoTsgov els tls, Aid%ivri, jrjs noXecos i%0gov, ij ipov eivat (pjj ; i[iov 8jjXovotl. Eha, s fiiv y\v nag ips 8ixr\v xard tovs vopovs imsg tovtcov Xa6uv, et7tsg ydixsv, i^iXiTtes iv tolls svOvvgus, iv Tats ygacpals, iv Tats dXXats xgitiEdLv • s 8* iyco [xiv ddcpos anadt, \5Tots robots tS %govcp Tjj 7tgod66fjtta v tw x£xgtadat Ttegl ndvTov TtoXXdxLs tovtcov ngoTsgov, tco firfds- ncoitOT i^eXs/xdijvai fiydev v^ids ddtxcov, tj} noXet 8* 7] TtXiov rj eXaTTOv dvdyxi\ tcov y£ dypoata 7ts- rtgayfiivcov [xsTStvat Ttjs 86^s, ivTavda d7irfvT7jxas ; 20 "oga, inq tovtcov [xiv i%0gds ys, ifiol 8i 7igos7totjj. ^Tcetdrj tolvvv, t\ [iiv evcieSrjs xal 8txaia yjjjcpos aitatit 8£8wxTai • 8et 8i [is (as eolxs) xatnsg ov cpt- XoXotSogov ovTa cpvdu, 8td tocs vito tsts ftXadcprj- \das eigrfpivas, dvTt noXXcov xal vj£v8cov, amd ra 25 dvayaatoTaTa elnstv nsgt amov, xal 8stgai tls av xal t'lvcov, ga8icos stcos dg%£t tov xa%©5 Xsyetv, ycal Xoyovs Ttvds 8iai/, 7tgos7toiov[iivois 8s viz dvaiGdTjGias, to tovs dxovovias dXyetv noislv oxav XsycoGiv, s to 8oxsiv tolovtois ilvai usgisGxiv. Ovx ditogcov 8° o ti %gr} itsgl Gov xal tcov Gcovl5 shtslv, duogco tov iigcDTov [ivtigOco. UoTsg cos 6 7taifjg Gov TgofiTjs i8ov"ksvs nag ^Rfaiia, too ngos z& 077G£tcp 8c8aGxovn ygd[i[iaTa< %otvixas na%sias h%cov xal %v"kov ; 7} cos 7) [iTJTTig Gs rots [xsdTifisgivoLS ydyiois iv tco xXiGico, tco Tigos tco KaXa^urr? Tjgco'i, 20 %ged{isv7), tov xaXov dv8gtdvza xal TgaaycoviGTTJv dxgov i^sdgsyjs gs ; dXX cos 6 TgiTigavkTis &og[iicdv, 6 Aicovos ts &gsaggi8 8ovkos, dvs?iiGsv avTiqv dno TavT7\g ttJs xaXiis igyaGias ; dKXd, V7} tov Ala xal T8S {hsovs, oxvco (xtJ nsgl Gov rd ngos7jxovTa Xsycov^b amos ov TtgosTJxovtas ifiavTco 86$-co 7tgor?g7JGdat Koyovs. TavTa [a£v ovv iaGco • dn o,vt£v 8s, cov amos fis&mxsv, dggopai. Ov8s ydg, cov stv%sv, 7\v, dXX 01s 6 8ij[ios ^ara- gaTat. 3 Oyjs ydg uots — dips Xsyco, %6ss [asv ovv so nal Ttgtpiiv, dpa Adyivalog xal g7/Tcog ysyovs • xal c rnE r p kth2I®s£nt02. 133 8vo dvXXa6ds ngosdds, tov piv rtaiiga, dvrl Tgo- ^T0£, inoh\ti£V '^TgOpLTjTOV ' TTJV 8i flT^TSQU, 6£[XVG0S ndw, JTXavxo&iav cdvopaaevi ?}v ^E^tnovdav dnav- tss i'dadL xaXov*[A,ivriv, ix tov ndvia notuv xal nd- 5 c>%siv dqkovoTi TavT7\s ttJs incovvpias z Tv%ovaav. IIoQev ydg dXXod£v ; *AXX o[icos stcos d%dgiGTOS £t xal novyjgos cpvasc, Sst£, iXevOegos ix 8ovXov xal nXovoios ex tctco^ov did tovtovoI y£yovcos, ov% oncos %dgiv amois £%£ts, 10 dXXd [iidd gxj as davTov xard tstcovI noXnevq. Kal rtsgi cov [ziv idTt tis d(Mpis67JT7}dLs, as dga vnig ttjs noXscos dgifxev, iddoo • a 8* vnig tcjv i^Ogcov cpavs- gm dTzeSsfyOr] ngdiTav, ravza dvafivrjdG). Tis ydg vficov ovx oi8s tov dnovj^iddivTa 'Av- IdTicpcovTa, os inayyaXd^vos ^iXinnco rcc vsagia S[A,7tg7J(j£LV tcc vfihsga, els tt}v noXiv yjXOsv • ov Xa- 66vtos ifiov xexgvfipsvov iv Usigaiet, xal xaTadTjj- oavTos els Trjv ixxXrjdiav, fiooov 6 fiddxavos ovtos xal x£xgaym, cos iv §?}[A,oxgaTia dsivd not£, tovs ^y\TV)(7ix6Tas tcjv noXncov vSgi'Ccdv, xal in olxias j3a8i^cov dvev vjrj(pid[iaTos, dfedrjvat inoi^ds. Kal el [xtf r) fisXr] if l| Aguov ndyov to ngdy^xa aiddo- [xivj], xal tt)v vftSTsgav dyvoiav iv s 8iovzi dv[i6e- &i\xviav i8sda, in£&JT?jd£ tov dvdganov, xal dvXXa- 25 6sda inavqyay£v us v[ias, ij-rfgnadz dv tolstos ' xal to 8lxtiv 8ovvai 8ta8vs, i^snifjinsz- dv vno tov d£[ivoX6yov TovTovt. Nvv 8* vfxus aTg£6X6aavT£s amov dn£XT£ivax£^ cos e8£c y£ xal tovtov, Toiyagovv £i8vla TavTa i\ (3ovXr) r\ i% ^Aguov 30 ndyov toc tot£ tovtcq n£ngay[A£va, ^ugoTOVTiadvTcov amov vfjtSv dvv8ixov vnig tov hgov tov iv JriXat 134 AIIM020IZN0T2 (and irjs avTxecOe. c 'Ot£ ydg Ilvdava &lfannos enepvje tov Bvldv- tiov, xal Ttagd tSv avTov dvpfidgav dndvTav dvve- 7te[jiipe TtgedSets, as ev aid%yvg noLijdav t^V nofav25 xal deigav ddexovdav, tot iya [iev tS IIvOavL &ga- dvvo\aeva xal nolla geovTi xad° vpav, ovx el%a sd Y vne%agj}da, dXX oh/avvsg%6fjisvov vvxtos sis Tiqv 15 Sgddcovos oixcav, xal xoivoXoyovpsvov 'Avat-cvcp, os ixgldrf slvat xaTVMxoitos itaga Qikinnov. jLv- xat drcsdod^aav at fiagzvgiai snl Nixiov, c JExa~ TO(i6aicovos TgiTji IdTafisvov." Mvgia Tolvvv STsg shtslv s%cov nsgl avrov, na- 20 gaksinco ' xal ydg ovtco tccos s%si ' noXkd y syco vvv sic tovtov s%ot[iL 8si£ac, Sl cov ovtos hcct sxsi- vovs tovs %govovs, tois [isv s%0gois v7tr}gSTcov, spot 8° smygsdZcov svgsdr} • dXX s TidsTac ravra nag' vpiv sis dxgidij [xvifarfv, ov8* ijv Ttgosrjxsv ogytjv • dXXd 25 8s8coxaTS (sdsi tlvI cpavXco) noXXiqv it-sdiav tco fts- Xofxsvcp tov XsyovTa tl tcov vfitv ovpcpsgovTcov vtco- dxsXi^stv xal GvxocpavTSLv, ttjs snl Tals Xot8ogiais fjSovijs xal %dgLTOs, to Ttjs itoXscos dv[i(psgov dv- TaXXaTTOfisvoi, Aionsg gclov sdTi xal dacpaXss'sgov 30 «ft tois s%6gois vnrigsTovvTa [iicidagvsiv, -q ttjv vnsg v[xcov skofjLsvov Tat-iv noXiTSvsddai. 136 JHMOSOE'NOrZ Kal to fisv Si] ngo ts 7ZoXs[islv, cpavsgcos avvayco- vi&adcu , deivov (jlsv, co yrj xal &eoi, (ncos ydg ov y) xaid tt\s Tiazgidos. Aotb Si, el (SbXegOs, Sots avzco tsto - dXX ETtsih] cpavsgcos ijfrq t& nXota sgsgvXtjto, Xsggovqcios §7Zog6siTQ, ivtl tijv \ 'Atti-5 xrjv §7togsv£T avOgconos, ovxst iv dpicp lsSijtijo if ico zd ngdypaTa v\v, aXX ivsis'fjxst tzoXs^aos • tl fjciv ovv tot sitga^sv vitsg v^icov 6 ftdaxavos ovtogI ia^iSsioygdcpos ovx dv s%oi dsi^ai • ovd^ sGitv ovts [isi'Cov ovt skarrov tprjcpiGfia ov8sv Aitiyivq nsgllQ tcov Gv^cpsgovTcov tj} TtoXst. El 8 s cpTjdi, vvv 8si%d- tco ml tS ifiS vdaTi. ' AXX* sx s?iv s8sv. Kafaoi, dvotv avTov d,vdyxri ffaTsgov, ?j [a,7]8ev tois ngaTTO- lisvois vit iftov tot s%ovTa iyxaXsiv. (at) ygdcpsiv nagd tolvO^ ETsga, ?j to tcov s%dgcov Gv{icpsgov £77-15 TOVVTO,, [17} CpSgSLV SIS [ISClOV TOO TOVTCOV dflELVCO. r Ag ovv ov8s s'Xsysv, cosnsg ov8s sygacpsv, 7\vixa igydtiacidai ti 8soi xaxov vftds ; sfisvovv irv shtslv hsgcp. Kal tcc [xsv dXXa xal cpsgsiv ri8vvaT0 (cos soixsv) 20 if tioXls, a noicov stos sXdvdavsv • IV d* sTCs^sigya- tfccro, co dv8gss Adirvaioi, tolovtov, o jcddc tois TtgoTsgois STcidqxs tsXos * Ttsgl ov tovs noXXovs dvdXcotfs Xoyovs, zd tcov ^AficpiGdscov tcov Aoxgcov Sls^lcov 8oy[iaTa, cos diaGTgiipcov TdXfjdis • to 8* ov 25 tolovtov sgtl ' tcqQsv ; * itoXXov ys xal 8st Ov8s- noT ixvLyjzf ov Taxst nsitgay^xeva GavToo • 8% Stco noXXd igsts. KaXco S* ivavTtov vucov, eb dvSgss AOrjvatoi, tovs ftess azrai/Ta? xal nddas, oaoc T-qv %cogav h^ovdi rqv y Attixt}v, xal tov * AitoXXco tov 30 UvOiov, os TtaTgopos Igti tj} noXsi, xal s7t£v%opai 'TIIE'P KTH2Il£NT02. 137 7td(jt tstols, si fisv alrjdij ngos vfias £i7tai[ii, xal SlTtOV TOT SvOvS iv TCO drjflCO, OTS 7TQCQT0V SidoV TOV- Tovl tov fiiagov tovtov tov ngdyfiaTOs aitTOfisvov (syvcov ydg, svdscos syvcov) • svTv%iav fiot dovvai 5 xal (jCdTTjgiav • s i ds ngos s%Ogav 7} cpiXovsixias ide- as svsxa< ahiav indyco tovtco vjsvdrj, itavTcov tcov dyadcov dvoviiTov fis itoifftiai. Ti ovv tolvt lnr\- gafiai, xal diexeivdfnffv ovxcoal depodgcos ; oti xal ygdfifiaz s%cov iv tco diffiodtcp xsifisva, i% cov lOravr inidsl^co daepcos, xal vfias sidcos tcc nsngayfis- va uvrffiovsvovx as, ixstvo cpoSsifiai, fir} tov sigya- dfisvcov avTco xaxcov 8Tos iXaTTcov vTtoXrfcpdjj * onsg TtgoTegov dvvs6rf, ots tovs Tokatncogovs @coxsas inouidsv ditoXstiOai, zd vjsvdij dsvg° dnayysikas. 15 Tov ydg iv ^Aficpiddxf noXsfiov, dt ov sis ^Ekdzstav fjlds Qikutnos, xal di ov fjgeOff zcov *Afitpwzv6va>v rfysficov, os duavT dvsTgsvjs Ta tcov Q Elh)vcov, stos itiTiv 6 tivyxaTatixsvdtias, xal itavTcov sis dvrjg tcov fisyidTcov aiTtos xaxcov. Kal tot svdvs ifiov dia- 20 fiagivgofisvov xal ftocovTOS iv ttj ixxlrftiia ' " Ho- Xsfiov sis ztfv 'Attixtjv dysis, Ai(j%ivif, noksfiov AficptxTvovixov •" oi fisv ix TtagaxXrfdscos dvyxadij- fisvoi ovx sicov ps ksysiv, ot ds idavfia&v, xal xsvtfv ahtav Std tt]v id lav s%Ogav indysiv fis vne- 25?.du6avov avTco. a Hzis ds if cpvdis, co dvdgss 'AOtf- valoi, ysyovs tovtov tcov itgayudzcov, xal zivos stvsxa zavTa dvvsdxsvddOif, xal ncos s7Zgd%Qrf, vvv dxovtiaxs, iitsidrf tots ixcoXvOiyzs. Kal ydg sv* ngdyfia dvvTsOsv ovjsoQs, xal fisydka cocpefajaeode 30 Ttgos idTogiav tcov xoivcov • xal Stiff dsivoTtfs rfv iv too &i}.i7t7tG>, ftsadaads. 18 138 jhmozoe'notz Ovx ijv ts ngog ifids noXsus nigag a# 3 dnaXXa- yil l0el8i]s, p/qvjos ^AvOsCTrjgicovos exTTf inl SsxaTjj" 15 Ads 8tf {ioi Trjv imsoXrjy, ^V, cos ov% vmjxsov ol 0i}6aL0i, itkyntu ngos tovs iv IIsXoTiovvijca) av^d- %ovs 6 i%gi noggco ngoijyayov ovxoi to 25 ngdypa. *Ev ols 8' ijxs y8f} xa ngos ecAAr/Aovs, tovtcovI tcov vjijcpid^idxcov dxovaavxss xal tcov dno- xgiascoVi si'ascids. Kai [iol Xsys tcc^tcc XaScov, WH'&I2MA. i; °Enl dg%ovTos * HgonvQa, pjvos 3 EXacpi^oXico- SOvos sxxq cpdivovxos* (pvXrjs ngvxavsv86y\s " Egs%Qr{i- 8os^ [BovXrjs xal CTgaTTjycov yvcoprf ' snsi8r^ &ifan~ 144 dHM020l!N0T2 Ttos, Tivds [isv ycaisilrjcps itoXus tSv ddzvysiTovcov^ Tivds di Ttogdu, x£cpaXaico Si, iitl xr\v *Attixt)v Tta- gaax£vdX,£Tai Ttagaytyv£o6ai, nag ovdiv ^yov^vos xds 7J[A£T£gas dvvdjjxas, xal tovs ogxovs Xvsiv iiti- 6dXX£Tai xal tt\v slgtfvrfv, nagaSaivcov id? xoivds 5 Ttl(jT£lS ' Ssdo^dat Tjj (SovXj] XOl T(0 SrffjKp Tl£[XTt£lV Ttgos avjov ngioSas, oltiv£s avrco SiaXit-ovTai, xal TtagaxaXiaovaiv amov, {idXidTa fiiv ttJv Ttgos fads bpovoiav dcaiTjgHv xal ids owOtfxas ■ u di ^ Ttgos to fiovXwdatidai dovvai %govov tj} noXu, xal 10 rds avoids Ttoir^daadai {i£%gi tov OagyrfXicavos ppos. c Hgidjjdav ix ttjs fiovXijs, JZipos 'Ava- yvgdaios, EvOvdr^ios i- Xntnos Ttoiir]0o[isv, sfaa (po6ov[iai, [ir\, Ttgosdsi-api- 15 vow tcov vvv dvOsdiijxoicav avi&, xal (iia yvco[ir[ Ttdviav vpiliTtTiiadvT&v, sis tt]v ' Attlx^v sXOaciv dfjMpoisgoL *Av fiivioi 7tsidQ6£vaa fiiv, ovx EitEiaa 8i 0y6aiovs - d\X duo tI2MA ZlHM0 2 0E'N0TZ. " ^ EtiI dg%ovTos NavtitxXsovg, (pvXrjg ngvTavsv- sdiig AlavTi8og, JZxigocpogicavog sxtij inl 8sxa, Ani- 10 (AOtiOsvys JrjtAOGidevovs Uaiavisvg slnsv. ^Ertufo] &iXi7CTtos, 6 Maxs8ovav fiatiiXsvg, sv ts t<5 nagsXri- XvOotl %gova nagaSalv&v cpaivsTat rag ysysvyj^is- vas aurai tfwdrjxag ngog tov AQiivaiav 8tj[aov nsgl Tijs slgrfvris, V7tsgt86v t#s b'gxsg, xal toc nagd Ttdtiilb tols c, EXXrf(ji vo[u£6[isva sivai dtxaia. xal noXsig nagaigshai ovdiv avTcp Ttgogrjxovcsag, Tivdg 8s, xal 'AQrjvai&v sdag, 8ogvaXaTsg nsnoivixsv, s8iv ngoa- ScXTjOslg V7TO TOV 8lj[A0V TCQV 'AdilVaiOV * SV TS T(0 nagovTi, inl noXv ngodysi tji ts fiia xal tj} g;^ot7?-20 ti • xal ydg c ElX7ivi8ag noXsig, dg fisv ificpgovgovg TtoisT, xal rets noXiTsiag xaTalvsi, Tivag 8s xal s%av8gauo8iC,6iisvog xaTaaxdnTSt, slg sviag 8s xal dvTl Q ElXytvav BagSdgovg xaTOixiCsu inl ra tsgd xal Tovg Tacpovg indyav, s8iv dXXoTgiov noiSv sts25 t^s savTOv 7taTgi8og, ovts tov Tgonov. xal tj} vvv avTcp nagovdj) tv%tj xaTaxogag %g6[isvog, iniXsXri- tijisvos iavTOv, otl ix [itxgov xal tov Tv%6vTog ys- yovsv avsknidTcog (isyag * xal sag piv noXsig scoga jragaigovfxsvov avTov fiag6dgovg, xal i8iag, vns-S0 Xd(i6avsv 6 Adqvaicav 8rj(iog HaTTov slvai to slg TIIE*P KTHZIftSENTOi:. 151 amov itXrj^iisXslcdai • vvv 8s bgcov EkXr)vt8as no- Xsis, zds fjtsv v6gi£o(xsvas, zds 8s dvaozdrovs yiyvo- fisvas, Ssivov rjyeiTai slvai xal dvd^iov Trjs tcov ngoyovcov Soltys, to nsgiogav tovs r EXXrivas xaia- 5 8ovXov[isvovs ' 810 8i8oxTai Tjj fiovXjj xal tco 8?jfico tcov * AQrrvaicov, sv^a^isvss xal ftvoavTas tois &sois xal rjgcoai tols xaTS%ovai Trjv ttoXiv xal Trjv %cogav tcov * AQr\vaiG)v, xal ivOvprjdsvTas Trjs tov ngoyo- vcov dgsTrjs, 8ioti nsgl nXstovos snoiovvxo Trjv tcov 10 c EXkrjvcov sXsvdsgiav 8iaTrigsiv rj Trjv idiav Ttargi- 8a, Siaxooias vavs xadsXxsiv sis Trjv ftdXaTTav, xal tov vavagyov dvanXsiv svtos IIvXcov, xal tov OTgaTriyov xal tov imtagyov rotg ns^ds xal ras Imttxds Svvdfieis *Elsv6iva8s s^dysiv ■ nipy/ai Si 15 xal 7tgio6sLs 7igos tss dXXovs °ElXrrv as, ngcoTov 8s ndvTcov Tigos 0r]6alovs, 8 id to syyvTaTco slvai tov 0iXi7C7iov Trjs sxsivcov %cogas ' nagaxakslv 8s av- tovs, }irf8iv xaTaitXaysvTas tov ^ikimtov, dvTS- ^sddat Trjs savTcov xal Trjs tcov dXlcov Q EXXrjvcov 20 sXsvdsgias, xal oti b \Adr\vaicov Srjfxos, ov8sv [ivritii- xaxcov, st tl ngoTsgov ysyovsv dlloTgiov Tats tcoXs- 6i ngbs dXkrjXas, fioiiQrJGsi, xal 8vvd[is6i, xal %grf[A[t[m%iay 9 xal im- 1 yapiav uoir\daddai, xal ogxovg dovvai xal XaGsiv." nPE f 2BEI2. " z/7^ioadevri§ JjjfiodOivovg Uatavuvg, c YrtsgiSffg Kksdvdgs JZcpiJTTiog, MvijaiQeifop .Avxicpdvsg % V7tifi£ivav ol ngoyovoi, tls ovyl xaT£itTvd£v dv dov i [at] ydg tfLNT02. 157 8i ngdrrovcu, Ttgosdeixevrfv, dcKpaXcos 8ovXevstv * dXX dycovL&fASvr} nsgl ngcozsicov xal n^s xal 86- ifys, xivdvvsvovda ndvra rov alcova StarsrsXexe, Kal ravd* ovzco ds[xvd xal ngosrixovra rots faers- 5 gois i\0e(jlv vfisZs vrcoXa^ avers slvcu, Sste xal rcov ngoyovcov rovs ravra itgd^avras fxdXidr enaiveire. Eixorcos * ris ydg ovx dv ayddairo rcov dv8gcov exeivcov rr\s dgerrjs, ol xal rrjv %cogav xal nqv tzoXlv exXinelv vitspsivav, sis ids rgnjgsis e^Sdvres, vjteg 10 rov (xtj ro xeXevo\ievov noir\dai ; toV pev ravra dvfi6ovXevdavra OspidroxXsa* drgar^yov iXofisvoi* rov 8* vnaxovsiv rots STttrarro^svocs a7to(prfvd[isvov KvgdiXov xaraXtdcodavres ' s povov avrov, dXXd xal at yvvalxes at vfxeregat riqv yvvatxa aim*. Ov ydg 15 i£rJT8v ol rore *Ady\vaioi, sre gr\roga, sre zgazrjydv, 8 1 brov 8ovXevdovdtv evxv%cos * dXX ov8e Zjjv jjt-isv, ei prj per eXevOegias avrols e^edrai rovro itotelv. c Hyelro ydg avrcov exaaros ovyl roo nargl xal rrj [irfrgl povov ysysvijadac, dXXd xal rij 7targl8i. At- 20acpegei 8s rij on 6 fiev rots yovevdi \iovov yeye- vr\dQat vofii^cov, rov rr\s slpagixsvijs xal rov avzofia- rov &dvarov TtegipeveL • 6 8i xal rij nargi8i, vnsg rov fir} ravnjv ijtidsiv 8ovXevovdav dnodvrpxeiv idsXipst, xal tfavdzov (poSsgoorigas rjytfdsrat rds 25 v6gets xal rds dnpias^ as iv 8ovXsvovdrj rfj noXsi cpsgsiv dvdyxy\. Ei [jlsv roivvv rovz e7te%eigovv Xeyecv, as iyco 7tgor\yayov v^ids d%ia rcov ngoyovcov cpgovetv, ovx ednv osris ovx dv eixorcos i7iLri{ir]dsis [ioi. Nvv 30 8* iyco {xiv vfisrsgas rds TOtai/Tas ngoaigsdsis ano- (patvco, xal deixvv/u ore xal 7tgo ipov rovr sT%s to 158 AHM02Q&N0T2 cpgoviftia rj itoXis ' ti\s \jlsvtoi 8iaxovias z^g scp sxd- (jTOIS TCOV 7lS7tgay[.lSVCOV, Xal S^taVTiO [iSTStvai CpTlllL ' ovtos 8s tcqv SXcov xaTi\yogcov, xal xsXsvcov v^ias spot mxgcos sysiv, cos cp66cov xal xiv8vvcov ahicp Ttj ttoXsl ysysvypsvcp, Trjs [liv sis to nagov Tigris i[is5 d/ioOTsgrjcfai yliysTai, id 8* sis dncLvxa, tov Xoniov ygdvov syxco^iia vficov clcpaigsiTcu. El ydg, cos ov tcI ftskcifa, ifis 7to?uTsvaafisv8 i ts81 xaTavjycpisloOs, r^iagxijxsvai do^srs, ov rrj jr^s Tvyjv\s dyvcoixodvvr^ tcI (jv[i6dvTa itaOstv. °AXX sx ss'iv, ovx ss'tv oncos 10 rtfidgTSTS, dv8gss ^AO-qvaioi, tov vusg t^s dndvTcov sXsvOsgtas xal dcoTTigias xivdvvov dgdpsvoi, • ov pd tovs sv MagaQcovi ngoxiv8vvsvdavT as tccv ngoyo- vcov, xal tovs sv JTXaTaiais uagaTa%a[isvovs, xal tbs sv SaXayuivi vav^iayrioavTas, xal tovs stc °Ag-i5 Tspi(jLcp, xal noXXovs hsgovs tovs sv tols drffiodtois fivriixaac xsiyisvovs, dyadovs dvdgas, ovs dnavTas oaoios f] itoXis vf]s avzrjs d^icooaca, Tifiijs, sdayjsv, Alay'ivr}, ovyl tovs xaTogOcoctavTas avxcov, ovds tss xgaTifcavzas [xovovs • dcxatcos, °0 piv ydg rjy dv-20 8gcov dyaOSv sgyov, anatii Ttsngaxxai • tj} Tvyjj 8s, ijv 6 8ai[icov dusvsL^isv sxdciTQis, TavTxi xsygr^vTac. " Ensii , co xaTagaTS, xal ygaixpaToxvcpcov, av fisv vr\s Ttagd tovtcovi Tiuijs xal cpiXavdgcoTtias spi ditoOTsgfitiai (3ovX6[.isvqs, Tgonata xal ^xdyas xal 25 TtaXaid sgya sXsyss ' cov zivos 7tgoss8sizo 6 Ttagcov dycov ovtqol ; syis 8s, cb Tg it ay cov idi a, tov nsgl tcov TtgcoTSLcov ovfifiovXov Tjj noXsi nagtovTa, to tlvos (pgovriixa Xa66vTa dva6aivsiv sue to fir^ta s8sc ) to tov dvd!-ia tovtcov sgovvzos ; 8txaicos fisvz dvso dnsdavov. C TIIE*P KTH2I®S£NT02. 159 "Ertsixa, ov8° v^ds, dv8gss ^Adrivatoi, and zrjs avzrjs 8cavotas 8si zds zs tdias 8ixas xal ids dyfxo- dlas xgivstv dXXd zd psv zov xaO* fytsgav fitov 6v[i66XaLa, inl zcov ISlcqv vdpcov xal sgycov dxonsv- 5 zas, zds 8s xoivds ngoaigsosis, sis zd zcov ngoyovcov dnoSXsnovx as a^ico^aza ' xal nagaka^avsiv ys, dfia zjj fiaxTJjgta xal zcp v ag dgidTcov avTog Tovg &sovg i/toufcaTO [idgTvgag, tcci/# d cog ■ ovx agiGTa vvv v^iag d^toZ vji7cpL(ja(jdaL, Tovg 6f.iofjL0X0T ag Tovg &sovg • si di [at} itagv { v, nag ovx djtoXoXivat itoXXaxig sotI §1- 30 xatog, si, if olg s%aigov oc aXXoi, TavTa sXvksZto ogcov j Xsys 87) xal Tocvra toc vj77cpiG[iaTd fioi. 21 162 jhmozoe'notz WH0 l'2MA TA O TZIJILN. Ovxovv rjpELS [xiv iv ftvoieus rj[i£v tots, 6fy6euo« Si iv tS Si ifcias (jstf&tfdcu vopi&iv * xal TtEgiEis'-qxEi tols fiorideias dsfjcteadai Soxsglv, dcp cbv IngaTTov ovtol, amols fioydsLV higoLs, i^ wv iitEtaQriTE poL. 5 °AXXd (jiqv, oias tote ijcpisi (pcovds 6 @lXltctcos, xal iv oiais 7\v Taga%ai$ inl tovtols, ix tojv imaToXav t&v ixslvov {jtadijciECiOe, av els UeXotzovvjiGov etce^l- yj£. Kai pot Xsys Tavras Xafioov, iv elStJte otl i) ifin l'2MATA. 15 TavTt toc ipiicpLCtfAaza, 6 dv8gss * AdiivoXoi, tocs avTds ovXXa6d? xal toc avTd gijfiaTa s%st, dnsg ngoTsgov [Mv ^AgtdTovixos, vvv 8s KTiiGKpSv ysyga- cpsv ovTOOt ' xal tolvt Alo/cviis ovt s8ia^sv avTos, ovzs tcq ygavjapsvco dvyxaTiiyogiicts. Kaixot tots 20toV ArjpopsXiiv, tov TavTa ygdcpovxa, xal xov *Ytis- gtSrjv (sirtsg dXiiOrj pov vvv xaxTiyogst) pdXXov dv sixoxcos i) xov8* i8tcoxs. Aid xi ; oxi xa fxiv sot dvsvsyxslv in ixscvsg, xal xds xav Sixatixiigtav yvcoasis, xal to xovxov avxov sxslvcov fxrj xaxTiyo- 25 Qqxivai xavxd ygavjdvxcov, ansg ovxos vwl, xal to tovs vopovs pjxsxi sav nsgl xSv ovtco 7tga%0sv- tcov xaxiiyogstv, xal noXXd sxsga. Tots 8* avxo to ngay^i dvsxgtvsxo i(p savxov, itgiv tl tovtov itgoXaSsiv. 'AXX sx i)v {olaai) tots, a wvl noisi, 30 sx TzaXateov %govcov xal vjijcpidfidxcdv noXXcov sxXs- |avra, a [itJxs 7tgoq8si [iifisls, [irJT dv mid?} xrj- 164 AUM020tiN0T2 (asqov grjOrjvaij SiafidXXEiv • xal [LSZEvsyxovza zovs %govovs, xal ngocpdosis dvzl zov dhr\d(ov vjevdsis pszadivza zois mngayfiivoLs, doxstv zi ?Jysiv. Ovk yv zozs zavza' dXX inl zrjs dtydsias, iyyvs 8ta xovxois idxtv. *A 3 3 oi Ttdvxss vfists i'dxs, xavx ydy Xe^co. Msxd ydg x?jv fid%'qv evdvs 6 Srjpos, etScos xal icogaxcos TtdvO' oda ingaxxov iyco, iv avxots xols Selvols xal cpo6sgois iftSeS^xcos, ijvixa ovd* dyvco-5 [lovrjdat xc &av[xadxov ?)v xovs noXXovs ngos ipi, ngcoxov ^isV, Ttsgl dcoxrjgtas Ti]? TtoXeas xds ipds yvo- fias i%EigoxovEi • xal izdvO' b'aa xrjs (pvXaxijs evsxa ingdxxExo, y Scarabs xcov cpvXdxov, at xdcpgoi, xd sis xd xei%i\ xgtfftaxa, did xSv ifjtSv ipyyidfjidxcov 10 iyiyvExo. v EuEixa dcxovqv aigovpevos, ix itdvxcov ifii 6 drjpos i%Eigoxovi]de. Kal [t£xd rociJra dv- Gxdvxcov, ols tjv S7ZLfX8Xs$ xaxm ipi tcoielv, xal yga- 15 fidXtad^ v7tsXd[A,6avov dyvo^OTJdEddat (tdxs ydg fo\- nov xal iis^vij 8' bias [iev osjis, dvdgconos g5j>, dvdgconco tv%7iv ngocpegei, navTeXcos dv6y\Tov fjyovpai. "Hv ydg b rd j3eXTL0Ta ngaTTeiv 20vo[al£cov, xal dgitiTiiv e%eiv otopevos, ovx ol8ev el (ievei TQiavTi\ pi'/gt T ^l g itirtiQUS, n ®s Z9V nE 9 L t&v- ty\s leyeiv, i\ ncos 6vei8i£eiv hegco ; enet8y] 8" ovtos ngos noXXois dXXois xal negl tovtcov vnegricpdva %eygj)Tai tco Xdyco, axevjaaOe^ a dv8ges 'Adyvaioi, 25 xal {hecogrjctaTe besco xal dhideGTegov xal dvdgconc- vazegov iyco negl zrjs tv^ijs tovzov StaXe^dijaofiai. 'Eyco r^V {iev vf\s noXecos Tvxrjv, dyaOjjv ?iyovpai, xal tovO* bgca xal tov Ala tov Aco8covatov vptv, xal tov *AnoXXco tov Uvdtov [xavTevcfievov • r?p fxevToc 30 xw ndvTcov dvOgumav, ?j vvv eneyei, %aXe7tr]v xal detvijv. Tis ydg 'EXX-qvav, rj tis Bag6dgcov, 172 /1HM0 2QE'N0T2 ov noXXcov xaxcov xal fxeydXov iv x£ itagovxi ne- uugaxai xaigcp ; to fiiv xoivvv ngosleadai xd xdX~ Xiaxa, xal to, xcov oirjOevTav c JEXXtfvcov, el ngouvxo i^cas, iv svdcupovta Sid§£iv, avxcov ixuvcov d(X£ivov ngdxx£iv, xr\s dya6r\s xvyrfs xi\s nolscos eivut xidq- 5 lit • to 8i ngosxgovaai, xal [ii] itdvQ* cos yfiovXo- [xsQ* fftiiv 6vfji6rjvai, xijs xcov dXXcov dvdgcoTtcov xvyy\s to iitiSdXXov icp i^ias [legos ^uxuXricpivai vo^iiCco xtfv noXiv. Trjv 8' iSiav xvyy\v xi\v i\n\v, xal xrjv ivos iftitov ixdaxov iv xois idiots i£exd£siv Sixaiov 10 elvai vofii^co. *Eyco [xiv ovv ovxcocfl 7iegl xi\s xvy^s i^exd'Cstv dt-ieo. ogOcos xal 8ixaicos* cos ifxavxcp 8oxco, vofd^G) di xal v[xiv cfvv8ox£iv. c O di, xrjv i8iav xvyr\y xr\y i{irjv, xr\s xoivrjs xrjs noXecos xvgicoxigav Etvac (p7ioa/lopp, im%uguv Xiyuv. 'Eyco {iiv Si\ toilxvtt} xat 174 JHMOZOtiNOTS Ttgorj/spcDv, xal xcxxocpogos, xal Xixvoyogos, xal xd xoiavxa V7to xSv yga'Cdiav Ttgosayogevofisvos, (jlioOov XapSdvcov xsxcov evOgvitxa xal axgeitxss xal vsifaa- xa • i(p ols xis ovx dv 6s dhjdm avxov svdatfxovi- (jscSj xal x?jv avxov xv%tjv ; insiStf S* els xovs 87^x6- 5 ras ivsygdcpys otzcjsS^tioxs (lea ydg xovxo), insiStf yovv Evsygdcp-qs, evdias xd xallitixov i|f Af|63 tcqv sgycov, V7toyga[.ipaxsvsLv xal vTXTjgsxuv xots dg%i- dtois. c J2s 8* dnrikXdyris itoxi xal xovxs, ndvd\ & xav dXXav xaxfjyogeis, avxos 7ioi?J6as, ov xaxfoxv- 10 ^a?, fid /it, sdiv xcov 7tgovTi^gyfi£V(ov xS [izxd xav- xa fiico • dXXd fiiaQaaas tfavxov xots (SagvGxovois In ixakov pivots ixscvocs vnoxgixais, 2Jtp[Avxa xal 2?coxgdxst, ixgixayoovioxsts, cvxa xal (Soxgvs xal iXaias tivXleycov, Ssitsg onogovris^ ex xSv dXXoxgi- 15 cov xcogtav, TtXstco Xafi6dvcov and xovxcov xgavfiaxa, ?} xav dyavav, ss vpsts nsgl xfjs vjv^ijs ^ycovi^sGde • y\v ydg danovdos xal dx?jgvxxos vfiiv 6 ngos xovs fteaxds nolspos * i)(p ov xd noXXd xgavptar siXrj- cpcos, slxoxcos xovs dnetgovs xcov xoiovxav xivdvvcov 20 as dsiXovs dxanxsis. *AXXd ydg nagsls If cov xi\v nsvtav alxidaavi dv xis, ngos avxd xd xov xgonov Gov fiadiovfiai xaxy\- yogyjfiaxa. Toiavxrjv ydg ei'Xov noXixsiav, insc8jj 710X6 xal xsx inijXds dot noirJGat, 8i ijv, evxv/sorjs 25 [/,iv xrjs naxgidos, "kayo j3tov £'£tys, dedicos xal xgi- [icov, xal del nXijyqaeddai ngos8oxcov iq? ols davxo avvydeis ddixsvxL * iv ols j£nto2. 175 UoXXd toivvv ereg elnelv e%cov negl avTOv, na- gaXeiipa. Ov ydg oa av dsit-aific ngosovT aid%gd tovtoo xal ovetdifr ndvT ofyiac 8eZv ev%egcos "keyeiv, alX oda [irjdiv ala%g6v Isiv sinew ifxoL 'E^hadov 5 toivvv nagdXhfta id dol xal [xol (SeSicofiiva, ngd- as xal [irj nixgoos, Aid%ivri ' £ ^ T iQ&Tqdov tovtovol, T-qy bnozegov TV%rjv av ekoiO' exadros avTtov. °E8i8adxes ygdfipaTa* eyco 8° icpocicov. *Eze- leis ' eyco 8° hsXovfirjv. 'Efldge'ves ' eyco 8' £%°Qrf~ lOysv. ' Ey g apfzar ev es ' eyco 8* exxhjdlaZov. 'JErgi- Taycovidxeis ' eyco 8* eOecbgovv. °Et-en litres * eyco 8' idvgiTTOv. c Tneg tcov e%Ogcov nenoXhevdat ndv- xa % eyco 8e vneg rrjs nargtSos. °Eco TcLXXa. *AXXd vvvl jjjfiegov, eyco uev vneg ts dTecpavcoOrjvai 8oxt- 15 [id'Co[.iai, to 8e [at]8otiovv dSixeZv dvcopoXoyrfftai' dol 8e dvxocpdvxrf [tiv elvat 8oxeZv vndg%si • xtv8v- veveis 8e, ei're 8el de art tovto noieZv, eixe i\8ij ne- navdQai, firj fiexala66vTa to nkyrnxov psgos tcov iprjcpcov. ' AyaOjj 8e {k% ogds ;) Tv%rf dv{i6e6ccoxcos r 20i7Jg e^rjs cos cpavhjs xaryyogeZs. @ege 8ij, xal zds tcov Xetzovgyicov {lagTvgias, cov keXeizovgyrjxa, vpZv dvayvco n do as ' nagavdyvcoOc 8* i^iZv xal dv tocs gjjdeis as iXvpaivov • " a Hxco Xincov xevOfxcova xal dxoTOv nvXas • " 25 nut " Kdx dyyeXeZv fiiv tddt [irj fteXovrd fxe ■ " xal, — xaxov xaxcos ds [idXidTa pev oi &eol, enema 8e ovtol ndvres dnoXideiav, novqgov ovra noXiTriv, xal ngo8oT7iv xal TgiTayoovidT-qv, Aeye 30 tccs inagTvgias. 176 /IHMOZOtfNOrZ MAPTTPl'Al. *Ev [iiv Toivvv tols ngos tt^v tcoIlv* tolbtos syco ' sv 8s Tots idiots, si fitf itdvTSs tss ore xotvos xal cptX- dvdgcortos, xal Tots 8sofjtsvots snagxeov, diconco, xal ov8sv dv ei7toi[ii, ov8s itagad%oipiv dv Ttegl tovtcov 5 ovSsfiLav fiagrvgiav, ovx si' Ttvas sx tcov noXs^ticov iXvddiiJjv, ovt at Tide &vyaTsgas dvvs£s8coxa, ovts tcov TOisTcov ov8sv. Kal ydg ovtco ncos vnstkricpa ' syco vopiXco tov [tsv sv nadovTa 8siv fAS^ivijddat top itdvTa %govov ' tov 8* sv TiotijdavTa svdvs smXs- 10 XffdOat, si 8s t tov fxsv ^gijaTs, tov 8s [a?} (xtxgo\pv%8 Ttoistv sgyov dvdgcoitov. To 8s tocs i8tas svsgysdtas V7io[ii[jivtf(j}C£iv xal Xsystv, {iixgov 8slv b^totov sdTi tco 6vst8t£stv. Ov 8rj uoaqdco toiovtov ov8sv, ov8i 7tgoa%d?jao[AaL * AlX oitcos noQ^ vnsthniiiat nsgl\5 tovtcov, dgxst [lot. Bovlopat 8s tcov 18 tov ditaXlaysls, stl ptxgd Ttgos vfids stTtstv Ttsgi tcov xotveov. Ei piv ydg S%SIS, Aid%lV7] : TCOV V710 TOVTOvl TOV jjltOV SUtSlV dvOgcoitcov, osxts ddcoos ttJs (PiXimtov TtgoTsgov, xal20 vvv Trjs *Als%dv8gov 8vvadTsias ysyovsv, ?j tcov c EXXr^vcov, f} tcov Bagfidgcov, sotco • dvy%cogco dot ti\v Ipp, site Tv%rjv, sits 8vsTv%iav dvoftdZsiv fiov- Xst, ndvTcov ahtav ysysv-qdOat. Ei 8s xal tcov [itj- 8s7tcoitoT l86vTcov sps, ttr}8s epeovr^v dxrptooTcov 1^8,25 nolXol noXXd xal 8stvd nsnovBadt, prf povov xaT dv8ga, dXXd xal TtoXsts oXat xal sOvq, nodco 8txatoTsgov xal dXijdsdTsgov, xrjy andvTcov (cos sotxsv) dvQgcoizcov Tvyr\v xotvr^v, xal cpogdv Tiva TzgaypaTcov %aXs7Z7]v, xal ov% oiav s8st, tovtcov SO ahtav riysidQat ; dv toivvv zavr dcpsls, ips tov c niE'P KTH2I&SZNT02. 111 Ttagd TovxoLol nenoXizeviievov atria • xal zavz e t- dcos bzi, xal el p? to oXov, {legos y im6dXXei zrjs fiXao^filas aitaGi, xal pdXiozd ooi. El [tev ydg iyco xaz ifiavzov avzoxgd,zag av negl zcov ngaypd- 5 zcov eSovXevopjv, i)v dv zois akXois gijzogaiv vfttv ifzi alziaadai * el 8e nagijze pev iv zais ixxX-qciais dnddais del^ iv xoivS 8e zd avficpsgov ?J noXis rcgszi- Oet dxoneiv, naai 8e xavx edoxei zoze dgioza elvai, xal (idXiozd dot • (ov ydg en evvoia y ipol Ttage- iO%cogeis i}.7TidcQv, xal &jXov, xal ztficov, a ndvza ngosrjv zois zoze ngazzo^evois viz i^iov ■ dXXd zrjs dhjdeias i}zza[ievos 8ijXov6zi, xal zco {iijSiv e%eiv elneiv fiekziov •) ncos ovx d8ixeis xal deivd noieis, zovzois vvv iyxaXcov, cov zoze ovx ei%es Xeyeiv 15 fieXzico i Uagd [iiv zoivvv zois dXXois eycoy ogco naoiv dvdgcoitois SieogiOfieva xal zezaypeva ncos zd zoiav- za ■ ddtxec zis excov $ ogyr} xal zificogia xaz avzs • i^iagze zis dxcov ; avyyvcop\ dvzl zrjs zi^icogias 20zovzcp. Ovze d8ixcov zis ovz i^apagzavcov, els zd naoi 8oxsvza ovpcpegeiv eavzov dss, ov xazcogOcooe ped* dndvzcov $ ovx 6vei8l%eiv ov8i Xoi8ogeia6at zco zoiovzcp 8lxaiov, dXXd ctvvd%6eo0ai. ezai zoivvv zavza ndvza ovzcos, ov fiovov iv zois vouois* 25 akXd xal r\ cpvtiis avztf zois dygdcpois vofiipois xal tols dvdgconlvois i\deai 8icogixev. Aio%ivris zoivvv zoaovzov vneg6i6Xr}xev anavzas dvQgconovs copo- zr\zi xal dvxocpavzia, cosze xal cov avzos as azvyjr^- fjidzcov ipefivrjzo, xal zavz ifiov xazrfyogeL. 30 Kal Ttgos zois alkois, Ssiteg avzos anXm xal [xez* evvoias ndvzas eigrjxcos z&s koyovs, (pvXdzzeiv 23 178 /lHMOZQE'NOTS sfis, xal Tqgsiv ixsXsvsv, oncos ^ nagaxgovdo^iaL [i7}8 J i^anaTqaco, dsivov, xal yoy\ia, xal oocpiOT-ijv, xal rd joiavxa ovopd'Ccov • tog, idv ngoTsgos tls bltzol id ngosovd* eavrco nsgl aXXov, xal di] ravd* ovtos 8%ovxa, xal ovxstl tovs dxovovras dxsvjofisvss tls 5 noz avzos Iotiv 6 ravza Xsycov. 'Eyco di old' ore yiyvcoGXEie tovtov anavTSS, xal noli) tsico paXXov ^ ipol vopi&TS tocvtoc ngosslvaL ' xdxslvo d* sv old' otl ttjv ifirfv dsivoirjTa, (sotco ydg ' xalzoi sycoys ogco Tfjs tgcv XsyovTcov dwd^xscos tovs dxovov- 10 xas to nXsloTov fisgos xvgiovs ovras' as ydg av vpsls dnodsfyods, xal ngos exaaiov iyj}^ svvoias, ovtcos 6 Xsycov sdo<*s cpgovslv) si d" ovv laxi xal nag ifxoi tls ifinsigia TOLavTii, Tamiiv [iiv svgijcsTS ndvTSS iv tols xolvols ii-STa&fisvijv vnig vficov cca\i5 xal ovda^xov xad' vficov, ovd" Idia ' ti]v di tovtov rovvavTcov, ov [AQvov to XsysLv vnig tSv i%6geov, dXXd xal sl tls iXvniias tl tstov, ij ngossxgsas ns, ^cctcc tovtov. Ov ydg aviij dLxaicos, ovd' icp a ovjjMpsgsL Tjj noXsL, ygijiaL. Ovts ydg ti}v 6gyqv^20 ovts T-qv s%0gav, ovts dXXo ovdiv tcov tolstcov. tov xaXov xdyaQov noXmiv dsl tovs vnsg tov xolvov sissXqXvdoTas dLxas'ds d^Lsv avTcp (3s6aLsv, sd* vnsg T8T(ov sis vfids slsLsvaL ' dXXd [idfas-a piv prf s%slv zavT iv Tjj cpvtiSL' si d' aga dvdyxii^ ngacos xal us- 25 Tgicos dLaxsLfxsvov i%SLv. °JEv tlolv sv 0(podg6v slvaL tov noXLTSvopsvov xal tov gijioga dsl $ iv ols tov SXcov tl XLvdvvsvszai Tjj noXsL, xal iv ols ngos z«s ivavziovs ioTL tl tS dijixa • iv tovtols ' TavTa ydg ysvvaiov xal dyadov noXfaov. Mr^dsvos di ddLXjj-so [xaTos nconoTS dyfiooLOv, ngosdijctco di firjd' idis, di- C r//£'P KTH2IQSLNT02. 179 xtjv dt-teooavTa XaSslv itag ifiov, {itfd* vuig rrjs no- Xecos, fxrjd^ vrtsg avzov, zscpdvov xal Inaivov xaT7\- yogtav vvv fjxsiv ovvecixevaofiivov, xal toGovtovgI Xoyovs avjiXcoxSvai, Idias s%dgas, xal qpOovov, xal 5 fxixgoipv^cas iarl Giifisiov, ov8svos %gy\* ov t<5 tolovtco ; tl 8i [xsc- t,ov e%ol tls dv ecTtstv d8ix7][ta %ar' dvSgos grJTogos, 30 rj to ft?] Tavxd xal cpgovscv xal Xiyeiv ; av tolvvv toiovtos evgidris. 180 /lHM020tiNOT2 JStza av cpOiyyjf, xal fiXirtstv els zd zovzavl ngogcoita zoXftag ; nozzg ov% i)yjj ytyvaGxstv av- zovg b'gztg etj ?} zogstov vtcvov xal kvjBqv anavzag s%stv, Sst ov ftspvrioOcu zovg Xoyovg ovg iSrjiirjyo- QZLS Iv zS hftlCQ, XaTOLQG){l£VQS xal diOfXVVflSVOS p?-5 8iv etvat Got xal <&iXimtcp Ttgdypa, dXl* ipi zrjv alziav Got zavzijv ijzdystv, k'vsxa zr\g t8tag h'%dgag. ovx ovGav ahj6r\', m ff dnriyyiXd^ zdy^tGO* t\ [td- %7j, ov8sv zovzcov (pgovztGag, svdvg a^jtoXoystg^ xal TtgosBTtOLs cptXlav xal t-svtav etvat Got ngog avzov^lQ zij {Atadagvla zavia ixszaztdi^svog zd ovopaza. *Ex noias ydg i'tfrfs ^ 8txaiag ngofpdaecog, ^H * a l * v avro tovtco, aavTov dyvcofiova xal dvxocpdvTTiv ovTa xal puagov. Aky£. 182 AHM020tiN0T2 'EIIl'rPAMMA. " OlSs ndxgag i'vsxa Gcpsxigag, stg df\giv edevxo "OjtXa, xal dvxmdXcov vSgiv djcsaxidaaav. Magvd^ievoi 8* dgsxrjg xal Xr^iaxog, ovx iodatiav *Fv%dg, dXX aCfojv xoivov k'Oevxo figdSriv, 5 Ovvexsv c EXXiyvcov, cog ^, Zvyov av%kvi &ivxsg Jovlotivvip, Gxvyegdv dficplg eycooiv vSgtv. rata Si naxglg s%sl xoXnoig xodv nXuaxa xa^iovxov 2J6[iax\ ijtsl ftvyxotg ix J tog yjSe xgiGig. MrjSiv dpagxuv icfn &s&v xal navxa xaxogdovv 10 *JEv fiioiff. Motgav tf ov xi cpvyetv snogev." * Axszig, AigiJ6ouz£ ' ovxos x , st Sixaia inolsi, ovx dv evsxa xrjs ngos ifxi a%Qgas, xd [ikytoxa xcov vfisxigav xaXav e6Xanxe xal dU6aXXsv. 'AXXd xi xavx inixifxco, noXXco a^sxXiaxsga dXXa xaxrjyogyxoxos avxov xat xaxsyjevaixivov ; os ydg 1 5 ifiov (piXinni(j{A6v, cb yr\ xal #cOt, xaxijyogu, xi sxos ovx dv unoi ; xaizoi, viq xov ' HgaxXea xal ndv- xas xovs &eovs, sty In dXijdelas diot oxonscGdai, xd xaxayjsvdeodat xal 81 6%6gav xi Xkyuv dveXovx as ix fxecfov, ZLV8S as aXijOas slgiv, ols dv slxoxas xal 20 Sixaias xy\v xav yeysvij^ivav alxiav inl xijv xt(pa- Xrjv dvadstev anavxss • xss bfioiss xsxco nag ixds'r} xov noXeav evgot xis dv, ovyl xovs i[xoc. Ot, 6V i{v dad svri xd (PiXtnnov ngdypaxa xal xoptdrj fiixgd, noXXdxis ngoXsyovxav qpcov, xal nagaxaXovvxav, 25 xal didactxovxav xd fiiXxLs , a, xr]s ideas evex alo%go- xsgdsias, xd xoivjj av^icpsgovxa ngouvxo, xss vndg- %ovxas exas'oc noXixas e^anaxavxss xal diacpOsigov- t«s, eas SovXovs inoLTjctav • SsxxaXovs, Jdo%os, Ktveas, Ogaavdacos * 'Agxddas, Ksgxtdds, c Iegco- SOvvpos, EvxaXnidas- * Agyziovs, Mvgxcs, TsXdda- [ios, Mvaaias' 'HXuovs, Ev^iQsos, KXeoxipos, 184 JHM020E'N0T2 ' Aql<3tcu%[ios • Msoaijviovs, ol JtNT0 2. 185 OfJLOlCOS VfJLlV, &S7t£Q OLV si SV TgVTaVt}, gSTlCDV S7tl TO Xrjpfia ov[i6s6ovXsvxa, dXX arc ogGrjg xal 8ixaiag xal d8iacpdogov tt\s vjv^g itdvTa [aol nsitgaxTai • xal psyidTcov 8ij ngayiiaTtov tcov %wi iftavrdv dv- bdgconcov TtgodTag, itdvTa lavd* vyicog xal 8ixatcog 7tS7ioXLT£V(iai. Aid zavr d%ico ztfiaadai. Tov 8s t£i%W[tdv tovtov, ov dv fxov 8isdvgsg, xal Ttjv xacpgsiav, d%ia [tiv %dgnog xal inaivov xgivco • (jtcog ydg ov ;) noggco [aevtoi nov tcov i^iaviS ns- 10 tcoXitsv[xsvcov TiOspai. Ov ydg Xidoig hsi%ida ti\v tzoXlv, ov8i nXivdoig syco\ ovo^ snl tovtols [isytdtov tcov ipavTOv cpgovco • dlX idv tov ifiov TSiyid^iov fiovXsi 8ixaicog dxoitsiv, svgtfdsig onXa, xal noXsig. xal TOTtovs, xal Xipivas, xal vavs* xal imtovs, xal IbnoXXovg Tovg V7tig tovtcov d[ivvofisvovg. Tavza ngovSaXopjv iyco itgo ttJs 'AttlxiJs, odov yv dvdgco- itivto Xoyidfxeo 8vvaTov, xal tovtols STSiyida tijv yco- gav, ovyl tov xvxXov fiovov tov Ilsigaicog ov8s tov ddTSog. Ov8s y 7]ttt^v iyco zoig Xoyidpoig <&i- 20 Xinnov (noXXs ys xal 8 si), ov8s Talg nagadxsvaig * dXX 01 tcov dvpfidycov dTgaTi^yol xal al 8vvdf.isig Tjf iv%y. Tivsg ai tovtcov drco8si^sig ; - ivagyslg xal cpavsgai * dxonsiTS 8s. Ti %gv\v tov svvovv noXiT7\v ixoisiv ; ti tov [isTa 25 7zddrjs ngovoiag xal ngodv^iiag xal 8cxaiodvj^g vTtsg TT\g naTgiSog TCoXiTsvopsvov j ovx ix [aev $oc~ XdiTTig T7}v EvSoiav 7tgo6aXsd0ai 7tgo Ttjg ATTixijg, ix 8s Tr\g [isdoysiag tijv BoicoTiav, ix 8s tcov ngog HsXoTtovvqdov totccov, Tovg bpogovs za^T^ ; - ov zip? SOdiTOTtOfjtTtsiav, OTtcog itagd uddav cpiXiav d%gi tov Ilsigaicog xofjiidOrfdSTai 7tgo'C8id6ai j xal za ^isv dS- 24 186 /IHM020E'N0T2 aai tcov v7tag%6vTcov, sxnsfntovTa fiorjdsiag, xal As- yovTa xal ygdcpovTa roiavia, rrjv ITgoxovifOov, tt[v Xsggovifetov, xiqv Tsvs8ov • xd 8* oncog oixsia xal dv{ifA,a% VTzdgt-y, ngd^GU, to Bv^dvTiov^ ti\v "A6v- 8ov, rrjv Hsgivdov ; xal tcov [isv tols s%Qgolg vitag- 5 %ovdodv 8vvd[iscov Tag [isyltiTag d(pslstv, cov 8* svskt- 7te t# 7t6Xsi, rai/ra ngogOstvac ; TavTCL tolvvv v^llv clrcavTa nsngaxTai Totg s/xocg xpricpiafiaai xal tols sixolg 7iohTev^aatv. "A xal (3s6ovXsv(iiva, co avdges Adrjvaiot, lav dvsv cpQovs Tig fisXrjTat tixo- io ttsiv, ogdcog svgijdsi, xal 7tS7zgay[isva nady dixatoav- vzj, xal tov ixdg'ov xaigov ov TtagsdsvTa, s8* dyvo- rjdsvTa, ov8i itgo8odsvTa vii ifiov, xal oaa sig dvSgog ivog 8vvafj.iv xal Xoyia^ov fjxsv, s8sv iXXsi- (pdev. Ei 8* ij 8alfxovog Tivog i\ ti^s ivpyvaTo Tolg oXoig, sag dvsTgsvjs, tc A7\ixo(jdsv7ig d8txst , si 8\ olog r\v syco nag vfitv ^ocm ttjv ifiavTOv raf^, sig iv sxdtiTt} tcov c EXlrfvt8cov noXscov dvyjg sysvsTO, 20 [xdlkov 8\ si sva [aovqv dv8ga OsTTakia, xal sva dv8ga 3 Agxa8ia, Tama cpgovsvTa sa%ov ifiol, s8slg ovxs tcov f|o HvXoov c EXX-qvoov, ovts tcov si'dco, Totg nagovai xaxoig sxs%g7}T dv * dXXd ndvTsg dv ovTsg iXsvdsgot xal avTovopoi, fisTa ndGy\g d8siag, ddcpa'2b Xcog, iv sv8ai[AQvia, rets savTcov &xsv 7taTgi8ag, tcov TodsTcov xal tolovtcov dyadcov, vfxcv xal Tolg dXXoig AQr\vaioig s/ovTsg %dgcv 8t sps. r 'Iva 8* si8i]TS otl noXXoo Tolg Xoyotg sXaTTOOi %gco[Aai tcov sgycov, svXaSsfisvog tov (pOdvov, Xsys fxot TavTl, xal cb/cc-30 yvcodc Xa6cov tov dgidixov tcov ftorjdsioov xaxd xd sfid ipqcp id fiaT a. c r/Z£'P KTH2IltNT0 2. 187 'API0MCJ2 BOHOEIStlS. Tavxa xai xd xoLavxa itgaxxuv, Ai(j%ivri, xov xaXov xdyadov uoXixiiv Ssl' (av xaxogdov^iivav piv, a yrj xai &soi, iv [xsyis'ois dyadols dvapcpisSri- 5 xrjxas V7tf]g%£v eivai, xai xo Sixaias ngosTp/ • as ixsgas Si dvfiSdvxav, xo yovv svSoxl^ihv nsgieaxt, xai xo prfSiva psficpsodcu xrjv tioXlv, fjiriSi xrjv TtgoalgedLv avxr\s, dXXd xrjv xvyr\v xaxi&iv, xrjv ovxa xd ngdy^axa xgivaaav •) ov, fid Ji\ dnosdv- 10 Ta xav avfxcpsgovxav xj) niiku, (xiadaoavxa S° avxov xols evavxiois, xovs vnig xav i%6gav xaigovs, dvxl xav vitig xfjs TtaxgiSos, &£ga7tsvsiv • ovSi xov fiiv Ttgdypaxa dfya vr\s noXeas vnoGxdvxa XiysLv xai ygdcpSLv xai fiivsiv em xovxav, jSadxatveiv • idv Si I5xis ISta xl Xvmfoji, xovxo [ispivrloOai xai xrigscv sS\ rjov%iav dysLv ddixov xai vnovXov, as cv tcoius TtoXXdxLS. ' ' Rs£ntq2. 189 *A\X iva [Atf Xoyov ex Xoyov "keycov, tov nagovxos ifiavrov exxgovdco, nagaXelvjco ravia. *AXX oxi ye ov%l dt evdetav ovx ertedcoxas, ix tovtcov SijXov ' dkXd cpvl&TTcov to [xrjdiv evavTiov yevidQai nagd 5 dOV XOVTOIS, OLS dltaVTa TtoXcTSVT}. *Ev Ttdiv ovv dv veavias, xal niivixa lanugos} rjfifix av einelv ti xard tovtcov dioi, ev tovtois Xap- ngocpcovoTaTOS, {ivqiiovixcoTaTOs, vTtoxgtTijs dgidTOs, Tgayixos Seoxgivip. Efoa tcov ngoTegov yeyevrnie- lOvcov dvdgcov dyadcov {jLepviidai • xal xakcos noieis. Ov fisvTOi dcxaiov idTiv, ch dvdges °A6r)vaioi, Ty\v ngos tovs TSTshsvTTjxoTas evvoiav imdg%ovdav ngo- J.ol66vto, nag vp&v, Ttgos exeivovs igsTd&iv xal naga6dXkeiv l^i£, tov dvt,covTa ped* vficov. Tis ydg lb OVX Olds TCOV TtaVTCOV, OTl TOIS [ISV %COdl TtdcitV VTteSl tis ii\ nleicov -q eX&TTcov cpQovos, tovs TsOvecoTas Si ovde tcov e%Qgcov sdels stl fiidel ; stcos ovv 1%6vtcov tovtcov Tjj cpvdei, itgos tss vtgo ifxavTs vvv iyco xgi- vofxac xal &ecogov[iai ; ^Tida^icos ' ovts ydg Sixaiov 20 ovt i'dov, Aic>%ivri) dXXd itgos oi, xal oXkov ei Tiva fiovXei, tcov rairra dot TCgoygrftievcov, xal ^covtcov. Kdxelvo dxonei ' noTsgov xdXkiov xal dfieivov tj} noXei, did zccg tcov ngoxegcov evegyedias, sdas vneg- (AsyiQsiS) ovfisvovv eiitoi tis av r(kixas, rag enl tov 25 TtagovTa fiiov yiyvopevas, sis dy v agi?iav xal ngoTCTh- laxidfiov dyeiv • rj nddiv, odoi ti {jlbt evvoias ngaT- Tovdi, tt\s nagd tovtcov ti[A7Js xal cpilavdg comas [i£TStvai j xal (irjv, ei xal tovt aga del fie eineiv, ?) [iev e{ii} noXuzeia xal ngoaigedis, av tis ogdcos dxo- 30 7r$, Tats tcov tots e7tatvov(xevcov dvdgcov ofioia, xal zavra fishofAevt) cpavyidexai • t) 3e di\, Tals tcov tovs 190 JHM020gNOT2 tolovtovs tots dvxocpavTovvTcov. /ir(kov ydg otl xal tcut sxsivovs y\($av tlvss tovs %govovs, ol biadv- gOVTSS TOVS OVTC&S TOTS, TOVS 8i TtQOTBQOV ySySVTjpi- vovs sntfvovv, fidtfxavov ngdypa xal tolvto noiovv- tss dot. Eha XiysLs as ovdiv opoios slfiL sxslvols 5 syco • civ 8' opoios, Ai~\ turn proclamations to pur- 10 poses of interest. ? JEgy oXd6og } o cplavqoig Ttgayfiaav xgw^tEvog naga rolg qi']toq(jl, '/.(/.I ov/ 6 vnig tivojv i'gycov yia&ov la[i6avix)V y.al £%cov jovg ovvsgya&pEVovg, w? i] ovpi']&eiu. Bekker. Anecdd. p. 259. 5. IJvvxY] Uvi>$ Tonov oiWf.ux, iv w 8ij/xog exxlrjaia^av Gvvi]yz- \ 4 to. A place wlicre the people sometimes held their assemblies. Some say that the oblique cases were declined nvxvbg, llvxvl, for euphony ; but I see no discord in saying nvvxl, and at the same time we avoid the ambiguity arising from the word nvxvog. Still however, it is probable that it takes its name from nvxru ixn avreldur, to assemble often ; or from tcettvv- c&ai, to be prudent. Notwithstanding its decrees were not always dictated by prudence. Kalzoi ^.vqimv ixst avotjTcov xal fidElvgojv noXldxig EXxhjdLaodi'TCOv, xai (31u6eqoc rjj uoXel iprjcpioa- tihuv. Woliius. 20. xUmovTzg Tt)v axgoaaiv] by stealing aivay your atten- tion ; or deceiving your ears. Homer employs the word xXimo), in the same sense, Iliad, A. 131. Mi] 8 ommg, ixyadog tleq ecov, &eoeIxeI AyiAXEV, Klim.E VOO)' ETtEi OV 7tUQElEVUEvog] The month of May. During this month 25 they celebrated the feast of Diana, called Elaphebolia anb xov iXayovg (3(xXXhv, because they sacrificed deer to this goddess. 2. IdoxXtimw] Demosthenes, without a precedent, summoned the Senate of Five Hundred on a festival day, during which there ^SCHINES. 207 25 was always a vacation, as upon the days ansvxxol or aTioygccdsg y/xsgcu, days of ill omen. Here I have departed from the com- mon text, and chosen among different readings, that which seemed the best in every point of view. 23. iyivovTo dircal ixxX^alai *] All the editions have ds al in- stead of 8ltxuL One is so much like the other, and it is so probable that it was mutilated in the manuscript, that we may, without fear, adopt the latter, which renders the sense clear and flowing. But by leaving ds at, the whole phrase is without a consequent, avanodoxog ; it would have stood thus: when then the feast of Bacchus was passed, when the assemblies were held, and there had been read in the first of them, fyc, and the follow- ing sentence not answering to the preceding insidrj, the remain- der of the sentence must have been wanting. According to my text it reads thus, when the feast of Bacchus was passed, two assemblies were held ; and in the first of them they read a common decree of the allies, of which I will mention the princi- pal points in a few words. Reason, and what follows, requires it to be so. 28. avayxouoTsgav ij xaXXla] Here the comparative is used idiomatically. By thinking that the peace was rather necessary than best ; the sense is, that the peace was necessary, but not good, avayxaiav [isv, ov xaXrjv ds. 26 27. anoQQTJScu, a. x. X.] to tear the alliance from the peace, that is to take away ; or rather to make a peace without conclu- ding an alliance. The metaphor being too bold and harsh, gives JEschines some reason to blame the expression. 27 12. nQoxadsL,6^svoq^\ equivalent to nQosdysveov, president, which is its signification here, and not xa&s£6[j.svog, simply holding a seat in the assembly, since in speaking of Demosthe- nes, just below, he says, tig 6 xocvxa sTxuprjcplaag Tigosdgog. 28. avTopoXovGiv] a military term applied to deserters ; here used metaphorically instead of avxipsxaSaXXofiivoig, those who changed their party in the government. 28 5. Trooedglav] It means here that they gave them the first seat, the place of honor. The strictness of a republican would not be shocked at this politeness, but it seems to me 208 NOTES. that there was the baseness of flattery in spreading cushions, 28 ngogxfqxxlcutt, and hanging round the purple tapestry, cpoinxldag. 9. Xwyy ogsixa,] synonymous with ruiioviv.a, of a mule; and not oqlhoc, of the limits. It comes from ogsvg a mule, from ooog, since they are adapted to bear the fatigue of travelling on the mountains. Iliad, A. 50. OvQijccg [isv ngwTov ettco^eto v,al xvvag aqyovg. 17. Xagidi^wv] Charidemus, a native of Oraea in Eubcea, was naturalized at Athens, and chosen general. 23. b6d6(it]v — TSTsfavTrjxvLag,] the seventh day after the death of his daughter. This use of the accusative, instead of the dative, is elegant, and practised by many authors, thus Thu- cyd. VIII. 23. tqIh]V ^iqav avxov yxoviog. 24. nsv^aai] this was to dress one's self in black, to shave, shut one's self up at home, and such like things, which were t« vofu&fisva, the last offices of respect to the dead ; duties that were established by the laio of custom. 25. Uvxi]v tod-rjTcc] We may see from this passage, and a thousand others, that we receive the custom of expressing joy by a white garment, and grief by a black one, from the an- cients ; of these passages I will mention only one, that in Eurip. Phoenis. 328. "dTtsnlog qxxgsav Xevxojv texvov. 26. Tfjv y.6v7\v — xal ngaTrjv'] The word 7tQc6rr h is here a pleonasm, since, being the only daughter, she was the first, as well as last. The order of the words being reversed, would supply this want of gradation. But is there not art in this seeming fault? this striking down his adversary, as with a battle-axe, before the audience, and then adding the second word, to finish the work ? But all that JSschines says in ac- cusation of Demosthenes, on account of his indifference to the death of his daughter, might be turned to his praise, since his country was before every thing, and we well know the stoi- cism of the ancients in this respect. 28. ov to dvgTv%r}[ia oV«67£co,] Eurip. Orest. v. 4. xovx 6vel81- £vog\ According to Plutarch, Solon there applied himself to poetry, as an amusement for his leisure hours ; but afterwards used it for inculcating the most important maxims of philosophy. The same author gives us several fragments on different subjects. If we may believe Diogenes Laertius, he composed more than four thousand verses. 28. iigogTgo7ti]v] imprecation, or invocation of the vengeance of heaven, for the stain of a crime. This word comes from xgonaiov, since those who slew any of the enemy after the trophy was set up, were considered as ngogrgonaioi, synonymous with ivayelg, stained with crime. 214 NOTES. 20. ol Aoxgol] The Locrians were divided into 'O'Colcu, 39 Ozolce, from o^ovaiv olov, and had Amphissa for their capital, ^Afixpiaoav oi/rw xXtjS-eIoccv did to E^inEQLEXEO&ai idlg oqegi Tolg xsifisvoLg ' 'Em&yvQtoi, Opuntians, because they lived by the sea ; and in "Emxvy\iiloioi, Epicnemidii, who lived near mount Cnemis. 8. zov dulfiova xal tt]v jv/rjv,] The first of these words means, 40 the supreme intelligence ; the second, the goddess who presides over events, Fortune. But they are sometimes both used in the last sense, by a mere pleonasm, as in Latin, forte fortuna. 11. Msidlav] This was the same Midias who struck Demos- thenes in the full theatre ; and against whom the latter wrote an oration that is still extant. 12. AvayvquGiov] °Avayvgyg was a borough of the Erecthean tribe, where it was pretended there grew a fetid plant, which gave rise to the proverb dvdyvgov xlveTv, applied to those who touch any thing to their own injury. 13. Aexxlov,] It is commonly written Aeg6lov, but I have prefered Aexxlov, because Asxxog was a borough of the Anti- ochian tribe. 24. xaivov — i$agdGaodai,~] In speaking here of the new temple he does not mean that there were two at Delphi, but refers to the same one, which having been burnt was rebuilt by the Amphictyons. It is said that this temple remained for a long time unfinished, till the emperor Nero, passing that way, finished it. Hence we find nglv E^Eigydad-au and i^EgydaaoS-ca, before the work was finished. But I have preferred the reading t&Qdoao&ai, which means to consecrate, exteIegui rag dgdg, tov- tegtl rag Evydq inl Tcag logvGEGi twv vawv, at eIw&gcoi noiuo&ai. They might accuse the Athenians for consecrating the golden bucklers, in the new temple, before the customary ceremonies had been performed ; but I do not see how they could do so, because they had consecrated them before the work was fin- ished. 26. dnb Mr}dmv xal 0i]6al(av,] The Persians and Medes hav- ing been united by the victories of Cyrus, sometimes the name Medes was given to the Persians. The first time they ^SCHINES. 215 40 came to attack Greece, the Thebans joined them and assisted them in their enterprise. 41 9. o Kgw6vlog ixuvog] The word imlvog, this, is emphatic and shows that Crobylus was well known. Harpocration says that it was a surname of Hegesippus, the orator ; which was probably the case ; xguSvlog signifying in Greek a tuft of hair bound up. But we do not know on what subject, or on what occasion, he had proposed an alliance with the Phocians. 42 2. acpoom "] avrl tov anov.a&aigto, acpccyvl£(Q, Harpoc. J keep our city pure from pollution as to the worship of the gods, or / rescue our country from the guilt of sacrilege. 3. ivriQZTai fxsv xa xava,] word for word, it means, the baskets have begun, but is metaphorically used for the divine service has begun, since there were never any sacrifices without bas- kets in which to put the offerings, knife, and other things ne- cessary in the ceremony ; and the procession always began with carrying the baskets. Many passages would explain the phrase, but it will suffice to mention Eurip. Electr. 1142. Kavovv d ivrjQXTca xal xs&riyfxivT] ocpaylg. Some however think that it ought to be evrigxai or inrjgTai, induced by the passage of Aristoph. Aves, 851. Hal, not, to Kavovv algsoS-s xal xr\v %£gvi,6a. 23. oool inl diexeg ^wdt,] those who attained the age of pu- berty two years since, that is, those who are sixteen years old. 26. Ovxuov] name of a place so called naga to &veiv, as if we should say, the place of victims. 43 9. exxlyoLav — tcov ^AjxcpLXTVovav] The Amphictyons had two sorts of assemblies. In the ovvedgiov, particular assembly, only the deputies from Greece were present ; in extraordi- nary cases they called together sxkItjoIu, a general assembly, where each one might take a. part in the deliberations, but the right of voting was reserved to the deputies alone. The others who were present on the occasion were called to xoivbv Tbsv A}icpLY.Tv6v(x}v, the commonalty of the Amphictyons. 12. xgoi^iivovg tm Ssm.] Those who questioned the oracle. For they said 6 AjioXIcov %ga } in speaking of its responses, and of those who questioned it, xg^vTai. 216 NOTES. 16. nqb xr\g imovarjg ITvlalag] before the approaching assembly, 43 Tr\g GjgiG[isvrjc xal reray{.iEvrjg vnb twv ngoyovwv, at Thermopylae at an appointed time, which was a av/alr/Tog Tlvlala, having a decree which they carried from home, oI'xo&fv insvsyxovTeg. 23. vcp tj/awv] this decree having been rendered by us iLvla- yoQwv * he says we, as being one of those who had been nom- inated deputies to the Council of the Amphictyons. 6. diacpELiisvoov] and the people having been dismissed. This 44 is preferable to the common reading ds acpsifiivwv. 27. nlr)v {nag nolsoog] twv OrjScjv, Thebes, entirely ruined by Alexander. 31. top (Pagoafaov] This does not agree with what is found in a decree cited by Demosthenes, p. 141. 1. 3. from which it seems that Cottyphus was an Arcadian. But Pharsalia was a town of Thessaly, and there was none of that name in Ar- cadia. It might be that Cottyphus was an native of Arca- dia, who had settled in Pharsalia ; and that ^Eschines spoke of his adopted country. 17. 2xv&ag] Philip having a personal quarrel with Atheas, 45 king of Scythia, marched against him, defeated his numerous army, and took considerable booty. 22. yojvag TTQorjxd^svoi ;] having almost uttered human voices. It is formed from the verb livai, and is preferable to the com- mon ngognTTjaa^svoi, since we say acplri^ii cpo3vr\v. 26. r) tmv [avotwv xilzvxr] ;] the death of the initiated. It relates to the circumstance reported on this occasion, that the initiated going into the sea to purify themselves, two were destroyed by a whale. 2. a&VTMV xal axaXfoegrJTav] These two words mean the 46 same thing ; sacrifices with bad auspices, and are one of those elegant pleonasms used to strengthen or weaken the sense ; isga ad-vja, sacrifices that are not sacrifices, to express t« pj xala yevopsva, a common mode of speaking among the Greeks, like fiiog aSlcoxog, xugig a/agig, and many others. 19. o yr)v xocl vdwg — ahuv] It was the customary man- ner among the Persians, when exacting submission of those whom they wish to subject to themselves, to ask for land and water. ^SCHINES. 217 46 31. Aaxzoaipovioi] The Lacedcemonians, having assisted the Phocians in a war which they sustained against several nations of Greece, for having profaned the lands sacred to Apollo, were suspected in the course of the war of having had some share Math the Phocians in first pillaging the temple. 47 3. ofiriQEvoovxsq] To serve as hostages. ''O^gol uglv ol inl Gvp6uoei 8i86(isvoi. Harpocr. The Lacedaemonians wishing to throw off the Macedonian yoke, when Alexander was carrying on war in Asia, revolted and engaged all Peloponnesus on their side. But their attempt did not succeed. They were con- quered by Antipater, who allowed them to send an embassy to the king to learn their fate from his own mouth. 8. fj v.oivr\ v.uTacpvyr] twv c EXXriv(av,~\ ./Eschines, by calling Athens the common asylum of Greece, bestowed on it the highest praise ; but he only used the words of Apollo, who, being consulted by the Lacsedemonians to know whether they should destroy Athens, answered, %r\v tcolvtjv c JEXXadog eoxlav fj,rj 'Aivuv, they should not touch the common asylum of Greece. 16. c Halo8og] The poet Hesiod is commonly thought to have been contemporary with Homer. It is said that he was born at Cuma, a city of ^Eolia, but that he was brought up and edu- cated at Ascra, in Boeotia, which afterwards passed for his country. All the poetry that we have from him is in hexame- ter verse. His works are, 1. Works and Days ; 2. The Theogony ; 3. The Shield of Hercules. From the first of them, the following lines were taken. 20. yvca^iag ix^iavS-diveLV,] For I think it is on this account that, when children, we learn by heart the maxims of the poets. It was an ancient custom in Greece to teach the chil- dren the maxims of the poets. By this kind of study the young exercised their memories, improved their minds, and formed their hearts, which was the principal end proposed ; since they were inspired, early with a hatred of vice and love of virtue. There were many works formed entirely of short sentences ; such were, the moral poem of Theognis, the in- structions of Phocylides, the Golden Verses attributed com- monly to Pythagoras, &c. And in general, the works of the 28 218 NOTES. Greek poets abound in passages proper for instructing men in 47 all ranks and conditions of life. We may say that reading the poets leads to the love of virtue, since seeing the words and actions of great and good men, we wish to resemble them ; for poetry has peculiar charms to attract the mind, and to fix good impressions in the memory and upon the heart. 3. fJiQvvoji'dag, — EvgvBdTog,] The first was a famous cheat 48 and villain, who having executed many fraudulent plans, left his name to be given to others of the same class. ®gvvo)vdag twv E7il Tiovrjgla dia6s6oi][.isv(t)v ' og £ivog wv xaia ra ITeXotiovvt]- aiav.a 8i£tqi6zv 'A&rjvyoiv. The second was from Ephesus, and was sent by Crcesus with a large sum of money, nominally, to be carried to Delphi ; but, in fact, that he might recruit as many soldiers as possible in the Peleponnesus, for a war that the king of Lydia was carrying on against Persia. Eurybatus instead of effecting his mission, betrayed the cause, and re- vealed the whole to Cyrus. This treachery being remarkable among the Greeks, when they wished to reproach any one for his roguery they called him an Eurybatus. EvgvBaxog nov^gog ' a no tov Tisjjcpd-ivTog vnb Kgolaov inl ^EVoXoylav [xetv, ^g^fidxav — ilia f.isTa6allofiivov ngog Kvgov. Suidas. 5. fiayog xal yorjg] These words are in some degree synony- mous ; f-myog, an honorable appellation, as applied to Persian priests, is here used entirely in the signification in which it is employed by the modern Greeks, viz. one who hy sorcery, or rather hy jugglers' tricks? seeks to deceive the world; y6t]g means an impostor who invokes evil spirits? and the dead? that he may more easily ensnare the superstitious and the ignorant. 14. Ogaov6ovXog 6 KoXXvxEvg?~\ KoXXvxog dfyog ion T7jg Aiyrfi- dog (pvlrig, which sufficiently distinguishes him from Thrasybu- lus, the famous restorer of Athenian liberty, who was 2Jzeigisvg. 24. Ttgozgixpaa-d-ai, z. t. X.] to engage them to enter into alliance with us. The ancient enmity between the Thebans and Athe- nians went so far that Pindar having said Xmagal xal doidL^ioi? c EXXddog Egsiofxcc, nXstval *A&r\vai, splendid and celebrated Athens? the hidwark of Greece, was condemned to pay a heavy fine, which the Athenians doubly discharged ; and they also erected a statue of bronze to him. ^SCHINES. 219 49 1. *£XaTsiav] This was a city of Phocis near Thebes. It was an important post both for the Thebans and even the Athenians ; as was shown by the consternation its capture caused among the latter. 13. xa nqay^axa Ssdrjlcoxs,] He hated the Thebans still more, as the event showed, says ^Eschines ; since Philip, after the bat- tle of Chseronea, where the Athenians and Thebans were conquered together, treated the latter much the more seve- rely ; putting a garrison in their city, whilst he concluded a peace with the Athenians, and sent back their prisoners with- out ransom. 20. tzdoTov — BoHorlav — Or t 6aioig,'\ He gave up Boeotia to the Thebans. It must be remembered that Thebes was the capital, and not the mistress of Bceotia. The sovereign coun- cil assembled at Thebes, when the principal towns, Tanagra, Thespiae, Platsea, and several others, sent their deputies called Bceotarchs, chiefs or rulers of Boeotia. 23. BoiwTolq toXs iv Oy6aig,] This is a circumlocution, meaning the Thebans. It is used by the orator to avoid of- fending the ear of his hearers, who had almost always been mortal enemies of the Thebans, and friends of the other Boeotians. It is for this reason that iEschines accuses De- mosthenes of deceiving the people by artful expressions, ovopa- Gi xXstitoov %a ngayiiaxa, the word y.Hmav is here synonymous With XQV71TWV. 50 4. 2TQaTovliv.,~\ No general of the name of Stratocles is mentioned in history as commanding the troops of the Atheni- ans after their alliance with the Thebans. Chares and Lysicles are mentioned as commanders of the Athenian army at the battle of Chseronea; it may, however, have been under the orders of Stratocles in several lesser engagements before that battle. 17. Kad^islav,] The name of the citadel of Thebes. 24. diadataoLav] Dispute concerning priority. /Jiudixa- ala' ov% unlag naoa dim] diadixaala xuXihai, alt iv alq neoi Tivog ajj,cpig67]T)]aig ionv, otm ngogrjHSL (auIXov. Bekkeri Anecdd. p. 236. What the Germans call prioritdtsstreit. 220 NOTES. 29. y.al Tovg (ivQiovg, a. t. X.] Having placed the ten thousand 50 mercenary soldiers in the pay of the inhabitants of Amphissa. I know of no historian who mentions the fact here related by iEschines. 23. liiibiv T7}v tcx&v] An allusion to the cowardice of Demos- 5 1 thenes at the battle of Chaeronea, where he threw away his shield and shamefully fled from his post. 24. o ttHoxiJtbg noXsfAog] Most of the nations of Greece, and in particular the Thebans, declared war against the Phocians, who had profaned, by cultivating them, the lands consecrated to Apollo. This war was very long, and was called the Pho- olan or sacred war. 4. fyeidlag] Phidias, a famous ancient sculptor, who, togeth- 52 er with the greatest skill in his art, possessed a highly cultiva- ted mind. One of his principal works was his statue of Mi- nerva. Alcamenes and he had been engaged to make a statue of this goddess, to be placed upon a very high pillar. When the two statues were finished, they were brought forward and shown in public. The Minerva of Alcamenes, when the spec- tators stood near it, appeared an admirable piece of work- manship and was preferred by all. That of Phidias was thought hideous, and both sculptor and statue were greatly ridiculed. "Place them," said he, " on the pillar where they are to stand." They were placed there by turns, and the Minerva of Alcamenes no longer appeared worthy of ap- plause, while that of Phidias had such an air of grandeur and of majesty that the spectators gazed at it with unwearied admiration. 8. KteoqxZvTog] This is probably the same Cleophon men- tioned in the oration of yEschines on the False Embassy, in the pleadings of Lysias against Agoratus, and against Nico- machus, and in some comedies of Aristophanes, particularly that of the Frogs ; c J2g "AgiOTOTsXrjg a fi7]dsig avioo^dm^] That no one may carelessly ex- pose the persons of the Greeks. The root of this word is G/sdla, a vessel hastily constructed, vavg azaxaay^vaoTog, anb Zvlav [io- vov anzglTTwg avvxed-u^ivij, from axsdbv, nearly, as being nearly, but yet not completely finished. 15. NavaLylu] Nausicles, an Athenian general, distinguish- 55 ed on several occasions by his liberality towards the state. He is mentioned in the oration of Demosthenes. (P. 127, 1. 27.) 18. naliv av] This is an Attic parallelism sometimes used, and preferable to the common reading nahv avxog. (See p. 123, 1. 5.) 19. Ilavaavlov,] Pausanias was a young nobleman of the court of Philip, who had not been able to obtain justice from that prince, and who assassinated him to revenge himself. .ESCHINES. 223 55 19. in ahla tf EvayyEXmv ug &valag xtjv fiovXyv xaxiaxrjGEv,] On account of good news, he induced the senate to make sacri- fices. I have followed my own judgment in thus correcting the text, which is commonly read thus, uq ahlav ds svayysXlwv dvolag ttjv fiovXyv xaxioxijos, which gives the same sense as : ahiaa&ai ds xy\v ftovXip etxoIi]GE xov svayyiha fi-vaai. Some editions have EvayysXlcov aal S-valug, that is, xal &voai ine xaXoig r t yysX^iEvoig. Reiske adds after %axEoxr\os the word noirioai, and I presume that he gives to the word ahla, the same signification as I do. In that case his whole sentence gives the same sense as mine, which being at the same time more concise and more closely according to the text, appears prefer- able. We still say at the present day, inl xlvi ahla tjX&e, what is the motive which made him come, or on what account did he come ; but even giving to the word ahla, the signification accusation, my correction has some advantage. 21. Magylxyv] This word is composed of the negative par- ticle [irj and Igyov, work, thus meaning good for nothing. This name was given to silly persons on account of the satirical poem called Magy Ixrjg' og noXXa fj.sv ^nlgaxo i'gya, xaxtog <5' rjJilgaxo navxa, attributed to Homer and no longer extant. It describes the character of its hero in these terms : Tov 8 ovx ag oxanavija &soav Ssol, ovx agoxijga, Ovx uXXcog xl aocpov. Suidas says that Margites was a man celebrated for his idiocy. He affirms that this prince of fools could not count beyond five ; that after his marriage he was afraid to live with his wife, lest she should tell it to their common friends ; that when he was grown up, he put this curious question to his mother, whether she and he were not children of the same father. 22. oig ov 7iivi]d-i}OExai ex Maxsdovlag,] This prediction of Demosthenes was soon proved false by the extravagant ambition of Alexander, of whom Plutarch relates, that when he heard the philosopher Anaxarchus say that there was an infinity of worlds, he shed tears from the despair which he felt of ever being able to conquer them all, since, as yet, he had been un- able to conquer a single one. 224 NOTES. 23. nelly] Edessa was originally the residence of the kings 55 of Macedonia, and afterwards Pella, still more famous for the birth of Philip and of Alexander. Livy describes at length the advantageous situation of this town, and mentions that the consul Paulus Emilius, after having attentively examined it, declared that it was no wonder the kings of Macedonia had chosen for their capital so strong a place, the only entrance to which was by a bridge, which could be easily guarded by a handful of men. 24. anldyxva cpvlazzovja •] Some critics understand by this passage that Alexander, fearful for his life, examined the en- trails of the victims seeking for good omens for his personal safety. This interpretation appears to me too far fetched to be correct, and I am inclined to think the sense is, he was satis- fied with walking through his capital, and preserving his life, since, naturally, if he lost his entrails he lost his life. It is an idiomatic phrase, and we still say in modern Greek, pj Xolgjiq TuvTsgd gov, in the sense of take care you do not lose your life ; as in Italian, salvar la panda pei fclii, and in German, zu seinen kutteln sorge tragen. 1. Ki&atgcovog] Cithceron, a celebrated mountain in Boeotia, 55 consecrated to Bacchus. It is said to be derived from the Syriac or Phoenician kathar, signifying a rock. 7. ndgaloc] Instead of the common reading nagdlioi. nd~ galog was one of the galleys despatched on public business, and so called from some hero of this name. The crew were called ndgaloi, they received four oboli a day for their service, and remained at home the greater part of the year. They had also some other privileges granted by the city. They were called not only ndgaloi but also nagaXixav. Reiske conjectures ^agodlioi to be the proper word. 9. ''AgiGTLwv IJlaxaLxog,] Aristion, a Platcean. Omog 2d^iog [isv egtiv r\ nlaxaisvg, wg Alvlldg cprjGiv, in [lugaKvlllov halgog /J7][toGd-ivovg. ^Entny&ri ds in awov ngog c H(paiGTL(i)va evsxa diallaycav, wg cpi]GL MaqGvuq iv nspnxco tcov nsgl dli^avdqov* Harpocr. iESCHINES. 225 56 17. vtiotqcxel] This word is used figuratively, and signifies to insinuate, to steal imperceptibly into favor. It is like the Ger- man sicli bey einem einschleichen. 26. axaTuoxsvwv] Used in three manuscripts of Bekker for the common anugaaxsvav, which was probably introduced by the negligence of transcribers ; for the sense of axaTaoxevcov is better and more consistent, while his own affairs were not yet settled, were still in confusion ; it is here almost synonymous with TSTaQ(xy[j.svcov. 57 2. oaviov] Better and more forcible than the common read- ing £0WT\y. 9. ag i$rjQT7}y,Evog in twv dv.y.vvXoov neQirjug,] The letters which, hanging from between your fingers, you showed around to one person after another ; a description of the manner of Demos- thenes, by which the orator meant to say, the letters which you showed with great ostentation and ceremony. 11. xQ V0 ^Q (av > *■ T - *•] H- e ca tt e d nie the bull with gilded horns ; that is, a man on the point of perishing, a man just going to be slain. This is an allusion to the custom of gilding the horns of oxen, when about to be sacrificed. The same thing was done to any large victim. The smaller victims, as the goat and the ram, were merely crowned with leaves of the plant consecrated to each divinity, as the oak to Ju- piter, the laurel to Apollo, the olive to Minerva, the myrtle to Venus, the poplar to Hercules, the ivy to Bacchus. Homer in the Odyssey, book III, speaks of a bull with gilded horns. 12. xaTEOTicpd-ui] I have been crowned like a victim. Thus when Philip consulted the Pythian priestess with regard to his expedition against the Persians, she answered : "EGxzmai usv 6 xavgoq, z%u rslog, egtiv o S-vacav. The event soon showed that the oracle related to Philip, and not to the Persians. 14. d'g Tiva v.aiqov avs6aXXa y,allLo).~\ You waited for a better opportunity, ironically, and as a reproach. Some critics read it interrogatively : ug zlva xcugov avs6allov -nalHoi ; for what better opportunity do you wait ? 17. Kogqa/ov] The different interpreters and commentors cannot agree whether the word Corragus is the name of a man 29 226 NOTES. who commanded the army which was cut to pieces, or the name 57 of a town ; and we have no history sufficiently minute to enable us to decide with regard to these details, and to fix the sig- nification of the word. The negl, however, is favorable to the latter opinion, in coincidence with Ortelius, who in his Dictionary counts Corragus among the towns or fortresses of Macedonia, quoting in his support not only iEschines, but also Livy. 21. 6 ds 'AXs'Zavdgog, a. x. X.] Alexander, after the defeat of Darius, had penetrated into the nothern part of Asia, towards the Arctic pole. The orator, either for exaggeration, or because the Greeks in truth knew nothing beyond this, says that he had passed the arctic pole, and almost overpassed the boun- daries of the universe. 1. "AfinelovgySat, v.. x. L] Some manage the state like a vine- 58 yard; some have cut the shoots of the people; the nerves of busi- ness are severed ; ice are sewed up in narrow places as in mats ; some thread us like needles. These metaphors are very strange, and appear very inelegant, and the more so because they do not at all resemble the style of Demosthenes ; but it is probable that his artful antagonist brings together into a single pas- sage what was said at very different times and in very different places. Let us hear, however, upon this passage, the opinion of a celebrated orator. Cicero, after having spoken of De- mosthenes as an orator full of circumspection, and better ac- quainted than any one else with the exact import and propriety of words, adds : " JEschines, however, attacks him for certain harsh, disgusting, and insupportable expressions ; he does more ; for addressing him by the insulting name of beast, he asks him if these are expressions or monsters. So that Demosthe- nes himself, in the opinion of iEschines, offends the delicacy of an Attic ear. But it is very easy," continues Cicero, "to criticise a. word spoken in a moment of warmth, and to make it a subject of ridicule when the feelings of the hearers have cooled. Demosthenes, too, merely defends himself in a pleas- ant way, and asserts that the safety of the Greeks does not de- pend upon a word or a gesture." The last, expression is com- MS CHINES. 227 58 monly written Tivig ngwxov, but the adverb makes no sense here, and I have therefore preferred to put ^uag. Some read xovg nguxovg, that is, the first magistrates ; there are even some who read yfilv xov ngwxxbv, or ngcoxxov xov ^A&ijvalcov. But this reading gives us an image so ridiculous, and so indelicate, that it is not probable that we ought to lay it to the charge of Demosthenes. 5. y.lvadog ;] When neuter, it signifies an animal whose skin was used in making helmets. It has been thought by some, however, to be a generic term, applied to all kinds of animals, and especially the fox. 2wslmxai ds xb y.lvadog aloinsxa sy.aksv. Klvaidog, the masculine, signifies a debauchee. 59 8. aoslysiav xyg dcmavijg] The irregularity of his expenses, that is, his profusion in licentious and dissolute pleasures. 23. zy. Ksga^sav,] Ksgotfisig was a borough of the Acaman- tian tribe, and had this name anb xqg xsQapiHijg xsyvr\g, xal xov ■dvsiv Ksgdfio) xivl ijga'i. 24. NvfAcpaiov] A village or town of Pontus, which paid every year one talent as a tribute to the Athenians. There was another town of this name in Tauric Chersonesus, be- tween Panticapseum and Theodosia. 29. Kijnovg,] This was a town near the Bosphorus, called Krjnoi, the Gardens. It is very possible that it stood at the same place near Constantinople, which is now called BactzeJcioi, which likewise signifies gardens, in the Turkish language. 60 2. ovvowioe xt]v [xsv ixigav oxcodijnoxE,] He married one of them to I shall not say whom. The name which JEschines here sup- presses through policy, Demosthenes himself reveals to us in the beginning of his second speech against Aphobus. Hgcjxov ph yag, J^fio/dg^g s%(ov adsXcpi)v xyg ifMJg f.ii]xgbg, &vyaxsga ds rvlto- vog. Our orator here acknowledges, then, that he was, by his mother, grandson of Gylon, and that Demochares had married his maternal aunt. This passage must have escaped Plutarch, who seems to doubt what JEschines here asserts, and speaks thus in his Life of Demosthenes : A^ioo^iv^g, 6 naxi]g Ar\- [ioo\}£vovg, i\v fxsv xwv xalcov xal aya&wv avdguv, wg loxogsl Oso- nofLTiog ' insnaXslxo ds ^axaigonoLog, igyaoxrigtov t/cov fiiya, xal 228 NOTES. dovXovg ts%vIt(X$ Tovg xovxo ngdxxovxag. *A d' Alo%lvr\g o gijxwg oO d'gyxs nsgl xijg ^iijxghg wg ix FiiXcovog xwog hi ah la ngodoalag cpvyovxog s| aaxsog ysyovso, %al (3ag6agov yvvaixog, ova s/oixev slnstv, eVx aXy&cog sl'grjzsv, she fiXaocpyiAoov xaxaipsvdofievog. Plu- tarch has doubts with regard to this genealogy of Demosthenes, the truth of which, however, the latter confesses himself, as we have just seen. iEschines, then, said nothing but the truth on that score. 4. nagidojv xovg — vopovg] In spite of the laws, according to which he who was convicted of having married a foreigner, and not an aarfv, was punished for it, as may be seen in the oration of Demosthenes against Necera. 5. o nsglsgyog xal avxocpavxrjg oiiTog] This cunning and ca- lumniating Demosthenes; commonly without the word ovxog which, however, is here emphatic, and gives strength. As to the word avxocpavxrjg it is composed of avxov, Jig, and cpalvw, I declare ; because the Athenians having forbidden by law the exportation of figs out of Attica, thus gave occasion to the lower people to accuse and attack each other in a thousand ways. As these accusations were often ungrounded, and strong- ly resembled calumny, the word sycophant came to be used for calumniator. 12. Xoyoygayog] This was the name given to one who wrote, for a compensation, speeches relating to trials, and differs from the word Xoyonoiog which signifies one who writes a few speech- es and fables. 17. imiisxlviis] The gold of Persia overflowed his expenses, used figuratively for the gold of Persia was furnished abun- dantly for his expenses. 2. Xomhv vizofiVTJoai, v.. x. X.] I have only to remind you of the Q 1 laws against cowards. Tovxovg IdsL xal aixovg xal xovg ix xov- xwv, axl^iovg tivai, v.a\ onoaoi Xlnoav xi]V xaS,iv, r\ aaxgaxslag r\ dsiHag ocpXoisv, i] xip aanlda ano6aXoisv. Andocid. nsgl xojv Mvgi]glcov. Lysias also mentions the same thing against Alci- biades Awioxallag. The Spartans also, notwithstanding their military government, did not punish such persons with death ; but they were degraded, they were declared infamous, it was iESCHINES. 229 61 unlawful to transact any business with them, in a word, they lived as if they were dead in a civil point of view. On this point we cannot avoid condemning Demosthenes, whose si- lence with regard to it is a proof of conviction ; for if he could have denied the fact, he would have done it, and with no little stir. 12. I'|oj tow TtSQiggavxriglav, x. t. I.] Literally, excluded them from the lustral vessels in the forum, or better, excluded them from the purifying ablution used by those who assembled in the forum, or still more freely, excluded them from all par- ticipation in the assemblies. The word nsgiggavxrigiov is com- posed of nsQiy around, and galvca, I water, and signifies the vase in which was kept the purifying water. These were commonly placed in the temples, in the avenues to the forum, and at the places where roads met. Special care was taken also to place them at the doors of private houses, when any one died in the family, and the water was sprinkled over those who, were present at the funeral. A branch of the olive tree was used for this purpose, and the purifying water was consecrat- ed by the plunging in of a lighted brand, taken from the altar, while the victim was burning. Euripides, c llgax. Mcuvoy,. 931. MelXwv 5s daXov %ug\ ds$ia ysgeiv, Elg X£Q vl 6 W S flaipeiw jUxfirjvrjg roxog. In other respects, this water was used for purifying ceremonies of two kinds. The first consisted merely in washing the hands, and was called %egviip, from %elg, hand, and vlmw, I wash. The other extended to the whole body, and was called nsglggavaig. This practice remains in Greece at the present time almost without change from the ancient forms, except in the manner of consecrating the water. 18. isgov tov Jcovvaov] The temple of Bacchus. Tragedies were performed in the temple, and the rewards of crowns were proclaimed there. That decreed to Demosthenes was to be proclaimed there according to custom. 62 8. oiTr\Gug iv ngvTuvdoj] The privilege of being supported in the Prytaneum. This privilege was granted to those who had shown great zeal in the cause of the republic; and it 230 NOTES. was one of the most honorable rewards which a citizen could 62 obtain. 9. xa joiavra] It is my own judgment that I have followed, in correcting thus, instead of leaving nald. 10. xataTieTiXvTai to ngdy^ia,^ All this, from being indis- criminately granted, lias fallen into discredit. This expression is borrowed from fruits or vegetables, which by being continu- ally watered, at last lose their savour and retain but a watery taste ; or from clothes, which are injured by being injudi- ciously washed. 18. Uava&^vaia] The Panathenaa were festivals celebrated at Athens in honor of Minerva, with a great deal of pomp, like the Bacchanalian festivals and those of Eleusis in honor of Bacchus and Ceres. These were the three greatest festi- vals of the Athenians. 19. nayxgaTLov] Critics are not all of the same opinion with regard to the game called Pancratium. Some think it is thus called because the antagonists contended with their whole strength, navzl %qdxu. Plutarch appears to decide the question by saying that it was a mixed sort of contest, consisting both of boxing and wrestling : oil yaq [is{iixtcu to nayxqaxiov i% ts nvy- fjbijg vial italrjg, drjlov. This assertion, as well as the passage of ./Eschines, rj vial alio tl tw fiaovTegajv a&lojv, or some other of our severest contests, are against those who think that Pancra- tium was the same as Pentathlum, including the five modes of contending known by the ancients ; al^a, nodcoxslr^, dlaviov, axovia, Ttaltjv. 27. aywvo&hag] Taken figuratively for the judges. The agonothetcB presided at the solemn games of Greece, or at the private games of each city. They were obliged to swear that they would religiously observe all the laws prescribed in every kind of contest, and that they would do nothing either directly or indirectly against the order and the police established at these games. The agonothetge at Athens, as a part of their duty, had to superintend the proclamation of the crowns grant- ed as rewards to the citizens, as we see in the decrees quoted by Demosthenes. ^SCHINES. 231 63 7. t&vXrjs] Phyle, a fort in Attica, about a hundred stadia distant from Athens. During the domination of the thirty tyrants, a large number of citizens, enemies to a tyranical government and friends to democracy, left Athens, and went first to Phyle and afterwards to the Piraeus, under the com- mand of Thrasybulus and Archinus, whence they finally re- entered the city in triumph. 8. Idgunddfi's] As it was frequently necessary to fit out fleets and to raise troops, Aristides was chosen to determine what sum should be assessed upon each Grecian city. It is a re- markable proof of the disinterestedness of this great man, that after having filled an office of such importance, he left at his death hardly enough to defray the expense of his funeral. The people gratefully took charge of the education and estab- lishment of his daughters. He died about four years after the exile of Themistocles. 20. <5w££«s] This correction appears to me preferable to the common reading, dwQsccg ds Tivag elu^Oavov, a^iov igi [AvrjoS-rjvou. 23. novov] Better than xqovov. Reiske corrects the text thus : ol rrolhovg nolvv vnofislvavxsg /govov xal [i. z. and Taylor ol JiolXovg vno[i. xal p. x. 24. 2?tqv(xovl] It was under the command of Cimon, one of their great generals, that the Athenians fought and defeated the Persians near Strymon in Thrace. The Persians had seized several towns in this country, whence they greatly mo- lested the Greeks. Cimon followed up the advantages of his vic- tory, and drove them thence. JEschines mentions the Medes instead of the Persians, but we have already shown in a former note, how one of these names was often taken for the other. 27. iv xfi GToa tJj tojv ^wy,] In the gallery of the Herman. A Hermes was a statue of Mercury made of a square stone upon which an inscription was written. 28. c jEq[au)v, tcpijxe ds] I have thought proper to place a comma after c Eg^av, and to insert ds, as giving much greater strength and energy to the passage ; the people have granted them great honors, and yet have not permitted them to inscribe, fyc. Other editions commonly have icp Jjts p), agreeing with the word aToa' and others i

l7ioXig. 4. Ai\iov t al'&cava] A farce and raging famine. The word aid-wv is sometimes employed by Homer as an epithet for a lion, to express its ferocity and violence ; and it is here borrow- ed from the violent and furious temper of a famished person. 12. MsveaS-Evg] Homer speaks thus of Menestheus in the Iliad, B. 553 : Tbj 6* ovTio) Tig o^Lolog £nixd~6viog yivzx avrjg, KoafiTjoai Xnjiovg is zul avigag aoniduaxag. 13. apnedlov,] For iXa[ji[iG)va] Philammon was an Athenian athletes, con- temporary with our orators, who was always victorious over his antagonists. 28. rXavxov] Glaucus, a celebrated athletes from Caristus in Euboea, who, according to common report, was descended from the sea god, Glaucus. The truth is, however, that this descendant of a god was the son of a mere laborer, named iESCHINES. 233 65 Demylus. His ploughshare having one day become loose, Glaucus who was still young, mended it, using no hammer but his fist. Demylus seeing how well his son could strike, thought best to produce him at the Olympic games. At first Glaucus, little accustomed to such exercises, received several blows which greatly injured him; but just when it was expected that he would yield and leave the field, his father cried out to him ; What has become of that hand which hammered our plough so well ? The young man, animated by these words, struck his antagonist so severe a blow, that it decided at once the contest. He conquered on several other occasions at the solemn games of Greece ; twice in the Pythian games, and eight times in the Nemsean and Isthmian. His son caused a statue to be erected to him, made by Glaucias of iEgina. Glaucus was represented in the attitude of an athletes, because it was as such that he had distinguished himself, and had gain- ed the victory over all his contemporaries. After his death, the Carystians buried him in an island which is still called the island of Glaucus. 66 4. HccTmxlMvog] PatcBcion was probably an Athenian minis- ter of no great merit. According to Harpocration and Suidas, he passed for a robber and a thief. The latter adds that he lived upon calumny, and was in the habit of leading rich young men into vicious indulgences. 12. 7iod(tlx&cjv] Child of the earth. The Athenians, like several other nations of antiquity, thought they had first arisen from the earth, probably like mushrooms, or like those insects which appear after rain. It is undoubtedly on account of this idea with regard to their origin, that they give themselves in their writings the names of nalalxd-oveg, avTox&oveg, yrjysvelg, all having the same signification. 17. "Evavlov] A metaphorical expression, borrowed from the effect of the flute. The sound still vibrated on the ear ; that is to say, it was not yet effaced from the memory, and still re- mained there ; freely translated, it was yet the general opinion. 20. Kal yaq ti] Preferable to xal yag roi. 24. sV Tig siglot ygctcprjv] Better than si' Tig elgjjsb ygacprj. 30 234 NOTES. 7. wgnsg inwdliv] A metaphor taken from the epodes in lyric 67 poems, which answers to this ; as if they hear a song. 20. 'AyioToywv] Aristophon, an Athenian general mentioned in the speech of Demosthenes (p. 111. 1. 27.), and who appears to have boasted that he had been oftener accused than any other man, without ever having been convicted. 22. o Kicpaloo] Cephalus, an Athenian minister who was never accused, and who must therefore have been entirely irre- proachable. For in the midst of a republic like that of Athens, where each citizen had the right of accusing any one, and whenever he pleased, and where envy and malignity could find weak places in the most exemplary lives, it was a very difficult thing never to have to sustain a trial. 28. dLanoliTsvo/iisvoi,] Wolfius conjectures avTuiolixzvoyi&voi. But there is a difference between the two words. The first is employed to signify those who hold different political 'opinions in the same country ; the second, those who are of different countries. 1. yQuifjuvTa /s oTBCftavovv nv.ga xovg vopovg] The sense of 58 this is : Thrasybulus, who proposed to crown in an illegal man- ner one of those ivho had returned with him from Phyle. The text is commonly thus : ygaipavzd xi naqa xovg vofiovg, axsqiavsv ha, having proposed something illegal, which was to crown, fyc. But this could not be illegal, since we see a little above that this same Archinus who accuses Thrasybulus, had proposed and carried a decree, according to which all those who had re- turned from Phyle were to be crowned with a crown of olive leaves. Reiske corrects this passage by writing xiva instead of xi ' others place the word gscpavvv between brackets, as if there was some suspicion of its having been inserted by transcribers, and then the sense is ; that Thrasybulus was accused of violating the laws, because one of those who had returned with him pro- posed an illegal decree. This does not appear to me at all probable, for it is neither consistent with good sense, nor with what is written below. The correction of Reiske also does not appear very elegant ; nor do I like the xiva, and the k'vcc x. x. L explanatory of it. The common text being also inconsistent .ESCH1NES. . 235 68 with history, I could not avoid making a correction of my own, which, I dare flatter myself, is at least as good as that of my predecessors. 5. anb 0vl7jg OgaavSovXog xcmjyaytv,] As Thrasybulus had led them back from Phyle to their country. All the glory of so memorable an event belongs to him. For when the thirty tyrants, established by the Lacedaemonians, held Athens in slavery, abusing their sovereign power by pillaging, exiling, and putting to death many citizens who had escaped the fury of war, Thrasybulus was not only the first, but the only one to declare war against them. He retreated to Phyle, followed only by about thirty of his friends. This was the beginning of the deliverance of Athens ; these were the restorers of public liberty. The contempt of the thirty tyrants for Thrasybulus with so small a band, caused his triumph and their ruin. While they slumbered in a dangerous security, he had time to in- crease his strength. He then entered the Piraeus and fortified Munychia. The thirty tyrants twice attacked this post, and were twice repulsed with disgrace. Thrasybulus used his vic- tory with as much prudence as magnanimity, for he forbade his soldiers to attack them in their retreat, holding to the princi- ple that the citizens should spare the blood of their fellow citizens. In a second fight, Critias, the chief of the thirty, fell, while opposing Thrasybulus with great valor. After the defeat of this general, Pausanias, king of Lacedaemon, came to the assistance of those who were in Athens. He effected a treaty of peace between Thrasybulus and the besieged. The conditions were, that with the exception of the thirty tyrants, and the ten whom they had appointed Praetors, and who had been the ministers and accomplices of their cruelties, no one should be exiled, no confiscation of property should take place, and that the government should be restored to the people. Cornelius Nepos said of this great man : Many have desired, few have obtained the happiness of delivering their country from a single tyrant ; Thrasybulus alone delivered his from thirty. 236 NOTES. 9. HanovvTcu'] Solicit, ash the favor. This word is also 68 employed in this sense in Euripides, Androm. 53. *Hjii]os 06l6ov, TiotTQog ov tvvelv dlxrjv, JEt TlOjg TCI TigOG&EV OCpCiXfAttT i$CtlTOV[AEVOg, Oeov Ttagaaxoix ig to Xombv EvpEvrj. 12. iv xoiavTi] tioXel,] Some critics might perhaps be tempted to write instead of tioXei, the word nolixua, on account of the preceding h^oxgaxla. But the word noXixdav, which comes after, being too near, I prefer to leave the text as it is, under- standing 8r)i.ioxQcaov{i£vrj. 15. Tig ovv anooioEixjai] How it is assigned, permitted, prescribed to a just and honest defender to intercede. The words anoSidEiytTv.L and anolilEimui are so similar when written, that there might be some doubts with regard to their genuine- ness, but the sense of the former appears to me so good as not to require any change. In my text I have preferred the trans- position of the following words, which are commonly thus, avdgl dixalco avvrjyoQb) xal ococpgovi ,- the sense in this case does not appear to me clear enough. 18. *Ey%E~ixai, x. t. >L] The first water flows for the accuser. He alludes to the clepsydra, used by the ancient to measure the time each orator was to speak. (See Notes, p. 136. 1. 12.) 22. t?J TtQWTj} yrjcpoi, x. t. X,] If by the first vote the violation of the law is not declared to be nothing in this case, or if the criminal is not acquitted. It must be remembered that in criminal cases the judges pronounced twice. First they decid- ed with regard to the fact ; next they determined the punish- ment. By the first sentence they only declared whether they condemned or acquitted the defendant. If the plurality of votes was for the condemnation, the defendant, if the crime was not a capital one, was obliged to declare himself what punishment he deserved. After that followed a second sen- tence from the magistrates, proportioning the punishment to the crime. 30. diEVE/xEiv,] This has the signification of eve'/xeIv, duoovoii ipriyov, to carry, give a vote. The addition of the preposition oia here makes the word express moreover, to carry a vote, discerning on which side you ought to give it. iESCHINES. 237 69 11. aavldiov] tablet, upon which the accusation was written. 13. aal tI dsl oe, a. t. L] Wliy recur to Demosthenes ? Ms- chines would have much preferred that Demosthenes should not answer him, but Ctesiphon ; as he might much more easily have overcome him than the former, whom he had good reason to fear, as the result showed. 15. xcwovgyov] I was much inclined to prefer the reading navsgyov, which appears to me preferable here ; I have left it on account of the same word, 1. 29, for which there is no various reading. 24. 7tQOQ7zoLr\T(u vfxwv fir) axovsiv,] I have chosen to trans- pose the (XT] on account of the mistake which the reader would make at first sight, according to the common text, eav ds fir) n. v. a. and if he does not feign that he understands you ; where- as the true meaning is, and if he feigns that he does not un- derstand you. 70 1. El xaliao}] Am I to call Demosthenes? I prefer it as more energetic than si y.vXsgoi, which is narrative. 2. xalwv yag] These two words are added, and give not on- ly more strength, but more connexion to the speech. 7. xayw xomiyogrixcc, v.. t. I.] This correction of my own con- sists, with regard to the most common text, in a transposition of some words, in a change of the pointing, and the parenthesis, which renders the sense clear and easy. These are the various readings for this part of the text. 1. ovnsg xayco add nag xa- xtjyogrjxa, Xva nal vnofivi]oa Vfiag. 2. ovnsg y.aya y.aTrjyogrjxa. JEya ds nag y.ctTrjyogrjxa ; i. v.. vn. vpag. 3. ovn. %a. xaj. Kal nag xcmiyogyxa ; cods. 12. an(dsi&a~\ Preferable to snsdsi^a, since the ancient edi- tions have it thus, and it is also similar to the modern Greek expression ansdsi^a rovg vopovg. 71 1- rghov ds, x. t. L] In the third place, (the most important of all that I say) to make his apology in ansioer to my charge of his not being worthy of the recompense. My whole correc- tion consists in the transposition of to and the insertion of w. These are the different readings. 1. tqkov ds to psyioxov Uya, ag tids a$i6g sgt Tt)g dagsag. 2. tqitov ds (to psyigov Xsya) big a&og sgi zr\g dagsag. 3. ag ovdsv avaliog soil. 238 NOTES. 6. ndlmo^a] A lawyer's trick. JJaKala^iaTa t« ayoivlaficna, * 1 oig (}ovIztv.I xig xaTanaluiaai rov avxihwov. What the Germans call fechtcrstreich. 14. oh]v %r\v rjpigav,] I have thought best to place these words after (jLaxsa&s, although others have them after ipsig' the sense thus becomes more clear and natural. 15. nsQi'kaa&ai;'] As if he had said, i^aa&ca nsgl loysg s nqbg to -Jiagdvo^iov anoGHnovjag, to begin speeches which have nothing to do tvith the violation of the laws. 21. §alavxioTonov\ A pick-pocket, a cut-purse, alluding to the charge of yEschines against Demosthenes, that he was guilty of peculation. 25. [xsTaSaXXofievog,] The same as ^EjaGallwv tov tgonov, in changing his manner, that is, from tears passing to insults. 27. dirjQi&fjirifiivovg] This word commonly signifies enumera- ted, but here, separated, distinguished. 2. drjpoxgaila] Some add the article f\. I prefer the passage 72 without it. 4. «x naidslag] of their education; that is to say, having pronounced the best word their education had taught them ; as if he said, ag xovg TiSTtoudtVfibVovg avdgag /grj tovto ttolsIv. This word was the ^17 pvrjaixaxelv, forgetfulness of the past, an expression used in the decrees of the Athenians to put an end to their civil wars. This decree is called by Plutarch, to irjg afivyorlag ip7]cpio[ia, the decree of amnesty, whence the word has passed into the modern languages. 5. eXaoTtoiug,] literally, you produce ulcers, or better, you tear open our wounds. A metaphorical expression for you ex- asperate the minds. 6. av&rjpsgov] The adverb is more commonly used, and is preferable to the adjective av&rniigwv or av&nnegivwv. 15. nsgi/gdipsri fis ex xijg nohxuag ,-] It is better with the in- terrogation. It is also written TiEgiE/gdipaTE and jiEgiygdtyaxE. Reiske writes the future, and adds si. 18. rj ngog] Others omit this ^'. I do not agree with them, but think it very good and even elegant. The most symmetrical is not always the most beautiful. There are ^SCHINES. 239 72 certain apparent irregularities made by skilful artists, which are far more pleasing than the work of the rule and compass. 22. gogpelg] Thou art ready to start, thou art like a vessel just weighing anchor ; ix/mgelv fisXeTag xal anoyevysiv. 27. axl^xog ';] This name was applied to a cause in which the laws did not define the punishment or penalty, the decision being left to the judges. It is in contradistinction to Tiyvrffog, where the laws affixed the penalty, without its being left to the discretion of the judges. Thus, then, o ds ayatv ova axl^xog ; means and the sentence^ can it be arbitrarily given by the judg- es ? or rather, is not the penalty determined by the laivs ? 73 6. ixslgaxo,] The city shaved itself. A metaphor taken from funeral ceremonies ; for after the loss of a dear friend, it was customary for persons, as a sign of their grief, to cut off their hair and lay it upon the body of him whom they mourn- ed. It was a very old custom, and is mentioned by several au- thors of antiquity. Homer speaks of it several times, in describing the affliction of Achilles at the death of Patroclus. Traces of it are also found in the Electra of Sophocles. Bion,, relating the death of Adonis, says : A(iq)l ds (ilv vXalovxsg avaaxsva^ovaLV "jEgcoxsg Ksigd^isvoi %aixv.g six Adwvidu If we were to seek for the probable origin of such a custom, it might perhaps be found in those effects which excessive grief first produces. For in great affliction it is very natural that a person should tear his hair. Other nations, with the same feelings and for the same reason, suffered their hair and beard to grow, in such cases. So true it is that mere fancy is often the rule in such customs, attaching to conventional signs whatever idea it pleases. 9. xa&ocgna £r}loTV7iovv dgsxrjv.] A wretch, who seeks to ap- pear virtuous, but hates virtue in his heart. Ka&agpa properly means an expiatory victim. This name was given to a few abject and useless creatures who were maintained at Athens, so that, in case of any public calamity, as the plague or any thing of the kind, they might be put to death in expiation of the offence which was thought to be the cause of so severe a 240 NOTES. punishment. ZrjXoTvnovv is for fiiaovv. For the word t,r\Xovv is 73 taken in a good sense, and signifies to emulate, whence comes the word £rjXog ' but '^Xotviiuv expresses the invidious hatred which one person bears to another, and is composed of ^ijXog, zeal, and jvnog, impression, who have the impression alone of zeal, but not the reality. 14. fuugav] Some read pixgccv, having in mind this passage of Aristotle : ovdsfilu fiiv xeycdrj [mcqcc, ayad-r\ ' ovx i£ avdyxrjg d aya&tj, r\ psyaXt). 21. TiQogodov] It appears to me that the play upon words in this passage would be complete, if we could find authority to substitute xEcp&Xmov, capital, for the word ngogodov, revenue. It seems to me also more logical, because the head may be like the capital which gives the revenue, but it is not so natural to say that the head is the revenue itself. 2. ifiTilrj^lav] Terror iviih amazement, like a man who is 74 stupefied, being struck by a thunderbolt. 10. (ocpsirjTcu, x. j. X.] Reiske writes thus : wcpiXriT.ctL noXXa, vn ifiov ds nma6i6Xamai. I have preferred the reading found in editions prior to his, and which appears to me incomparably better, the word noXXa being governed by the preposition xara of the verb ; as if it was : fiiGXanxm ds aaia noXXa vn ifiov. 19. y.ul Tag iv rolg yvpvaoloig, x. t. X.] And he blames exces- sively even my conversation in the Gymnasia, with those younger than myself. Those who were fond of letters, loved to go to the Gymnasia, or places where the young men exercised in wrestling or boxing, to talk with them and to instruct them by useful and agreeable conversation. Demosthenes will not attack his antagonist for this taste of his, perhaps somewhat frivolous for an Athenian minister. He will bring forward, however, most of these charges which jfEschines had foreseen with sagacity, and refuted with great address ; but it will be with a triumphant power which ^Eschines certainly did not expect. 23. uXti ivdsixvvfisvoq, x. t. X.] Making a parade of his zeal with Alexander, knowing that he hated Demosthenes. It is not however by the charge that he is paying court to Alexander, iESCHINES. 241 74 that Demosthenes in the very beginning of his speech is to throw suspicion upon the accusation of JEschines, but by re- proaching him for attacking him for things long since past, though he might have accused him while the facts were still fresh in every one's memory. 25. [dlln [is avsQcoxixv,] He will ash me. yEschines here undertakes to anticipate and refute the probable charge of De- mosthenes, that he only meddled with public business rarely and at intervals, (p. 187.) Our orator exculpates himself by two reasons. The first is, his frugality ; for he knows how to be content with little, very different in this respect from his an- tagonist, whose eager rapacity alternately binds and releases his tongue. The second, that he is only using the liberty which a popular government gives to every citizen, to appear and to withdraw, to speak or be silent, as he pleases. 75 9. onoxav — nQogruTTWoiv '] Wlien those ivho hire you, com- mand you. It was proverbially said of such a man, (3ovg inl ylctiTTy p£6r]xe, an ox has mounted upon his tongue ; in allusion to an Athenian coin, stamped with the figure of an ox. This proverb is also sometimes used to signify a man silent from principle, in allusion to the heavy jaw of this large and clumsy animal ; and it is in this sense that Pythagoras was said to place an ox on the tongue of his disciples, to signify the long silence which he imposed upon them. It is said that Demos- thenes was sometimes bribed to be silent ; witness y avvayxn, that very convenient stuffed throat of his, with which he was charged under the name of agyvgayxv> stuffed purse. 14. (PdlTiTiov £vTog,] During the life of Philip, JEschines brought forward his accusation, but the trial did not take place till the sixth year of the reign of Alexander. (See the pro- legomena, p. £.) 30. fx7]diTi(a xsxqIg&cu] When you bring forward the circum- stance that I have never accused you. JEschines had, undoubt- edly, more than once attacked Demesthenes from the tribune, in his speeches, but he had never prosecuted him before a court of law. 31 242 NOTES. 14. UoXXlv] Chabrias, an Athenian general, conquered Pottis 76 near Naxos in a naval engagement. 22. \4vaUvov~] The reason why vEschines disapproves of the conduct of Demosthenes towards Anaxinus, is found in the an- swer of Demosthenes, (p. 135, 1. 3.) With regard to Anaxinus, this is the only place in which his name is found. It is un- known what was his crime. He was undoubtedly guilty ; but it was not for Demosthenes, whose guest he was, to have him condemned, unless the public safety very urgently required his death. 26. tovzov aniujuvag, xahoi] And you have caused his death, although, fyc. If my text is here compared with that of other editions, it will be seen that I have transposed the words com- monly placed after noajfisvog, and instead of ytal, I have written Y.ahot ' my pointing is also a little different from that of the other editions, which do not all agree. I natter myself that the text, as I have it, is more clear, neat, and flowing, and that it pleases the ear more, while at the same time it gives better sense. 31. ^svoxrovog] Assassin of a guest. JEschines could not accuse Demosthenes of a more atrocious crime. For among the Greeks there were no rights more sacred and inviolable than those of hospitality. They gave to a stranger the same claim to protection as relationship, friendship, and neighbour- hood gave to a fellow citizen. 2. rovg vrjg noluog alag] The salt of the city, that is, the ta- 77 bles of Athens. As the common use of salt and the table gives origin to friendship, familiarity, and intimacy, they have be- come emblematic of these feelings. Aristotle says that, accor- ding to the proverb, we cannot mutually know each other f idly, without having eaten together a certain quantity of salt, aaxa ttjv nagoi^dav yag ovx egtlv sidrjOUL alh\lovg, nglv to'? Isyofiivyg alag ovvaloooai. The same author says also in another passage, slg nagoi^ilav elrjlv&sv 6 [isdijivog twv alwv ' the bushel of salt has become a proverb. We may remember also the famous maxim, alag xal rgdn^av fiy TiagaSalvsiv, not to violate the salt and the table. iESCHINES. 243 77 5. v instead of cag, nor that of ayavaxxwv instead of ayavaxTO). The sense appears to me clear enough as the words are. And by the Olympian Gods (if, however, the report I have heard is true), it is about that which I am going to mention that I am most indignant. 78 2. xt)Xe7ox)-(u] In its proper sense this word is employed to express the charm and the t pleasure which we feel, upon hear- ing fine music, particularly the sound of the flute or of a beau- tiful voice. 79 3. ejiEigiovTGJv,] Preferable to the common reading inEigayovxav. 4. OEgGiii]v] Homer speaks of him in the second book of the Iliad. He represents him as a monster of deformity and of cowardice, whose insolent tongue did not spare the chiefs of the army. ^Eschines here makes Demosthenes a Thersites ; but he attacks rather his character than his person. 21. rug fyxvxUovg xogovg] The name of circular or Bacchic choirs was given to the bands of musicians who sung the 244 NOTES. dithyrambus, and danced to the sound of these hymns in hon- 79 or of Bacchus ; sometimes joining hands, sometimes with their hands free. From the service of the altars the choirs were in- troduced into tragedy, which itself was originally only a relig- ious ceremony, and formed a part of public worship. Their origin, therefore, was very exalted, and they anciently held a high station upon the stage, of which they were considered as the principal ornament. As it was inevitable that disputes should arise among the large number of persons who composed these choirs, they had their own proper judges, who investigated their quarrels and settled them. And it is of these judges that iEschines here speaks. 15. xal Tilslovg] Reiske, and the editors who have followed 80 him, write o2 nlzisg. It appears to me very correct as it is, for we ought not to oblige men of genius always to speak by rule and compass. It is very well for a man of a phlegmatic disposition to follow the natural order of things, and to say : and even some were of the number of the thirty tyrants, who put to death fifteen hundred citizens without a trial. Instead of who, to put and, which refers to the word some, at first appears an irregularity, since it was the whole thirty, and not a few of them who caused these citizens to be put to death ; but we must recollect that the will and the vote of a few was equally the cause of their death, and therefore the orator in his vehemence and indignation can very well refer to a few, what was done by the whole band of the thirty tyrants of which they were members. 1. t« Tuxi] vol Tag idcpgyg,] Having palisaded the walls and gj the ditches. It is more commonly written ovds tw? rdcpyovg, and Reiske places the passage between brackets, as suspicious, and others after him omit it entirely. 2. dvslovTa] Having destroyed the public tombs. This word likewise signifies raised; but I have preferred the former meaning, because Demosthenes had not been appointed to raise or rebuild the tombs, but to repair the walls ; and these repairs, which were hastily made, might perhaps require the demolish- ing of some tombs which were in the way, and the materials of which might be employed. ^SCHINES. 245 81 21. imoToXrjv,'] History does not tell us on what occasion the king of Persia wrote to the Athenians the letter here mention- ed by the orator. 82 5- W\v ay.gc/.v] The citadel Cadmeia, which was probably in the hands of the Macedonians. 8. y\ nqa%ig s ytyivr\Tv.i /] We could not improve the opportu- nity. I know of no traces in history of the two facts here mentioned by JEschines. 15. iyitixa] Reiske is in favor of ^e66i]xa. ORATION OF DEMOSTHENES FOR CTESIPHON. "" 1. ITganov] In every age both of the ancient and the mod- ern world, this exordium has been regarded as a master-piece. Demosthenes begins by presenting to his hearers the most grand of all sights. He opens to them Olympus, and he en- gages all the gods and all the goddesses to favor his cause. But while he offers to their mind those objects most capable of exciting wonder and admiration, he does not neglect to bring forward that which may also affect their feelings. In the be- ginning of his oration, he leaves nothing untried to do away the evil impressions which the speech of J^schines might have produced, and to engage the judges to suspend their decision, until they have also heard what he has to say in his defence. Although this demand is a perfectly just one, he takes care to bring forward every thing which can enforce it. He therefore recalls with great skill to the mind of his hearers, the services he has rendered to the republic, services which were certainly a great presumption in his favor ; the oath of the judges, who have solemnly sworn to hold an even balance between the two parties, and to hear both accuser and accused with perfect impartiality ; and two great advantages which iEschines pos- sesses as the plaintiff in this cause, and which ought to induce the judges to lean rather to his own side, if it was right for them to look with greater favor upon one. than the other He finish- es his exordium as he begins it, that is, by imploring the as- sistance of the gods. And this he does, that he may first give the judges a great opinion of his religion, being persuaded that there was no better way to obtain their confidence, than by showing above all things piety, the possession of which ren- ders worthy of credit all the actions and all the words of men. 32 250 NOTES. 2. naoi xal ndocug,] I pray all the gods and goddesses. 90 Demosthenes appears to have had in view this famous line of Homer: (Iliad, o' 5.) KixlvTb fisv TiavTsg re &eoI, naoal T£ S-icavai. These two celebrated passages have not escaped Lucian, who, as is his custom, applies them in a very witty and amusing manner. He supposes that Jupiter, having called an extraor- dinary meeting of the gods, for an affair which is of the last importance to them, is disconcerted at the sight of the pro- digious crowd which is gathering on Olympus, and losing his presence of mind, tells Mercury he does not know whether he ought to begin by the line of Homer which we have just quoted. Mercury, who has some fondness for orators, advises him to take an exordium from the speeches of Demosthenes, altering it a little to adapt it to his subject, as the modern orators do. In another dialogue Lucian introduces Rhetoric, complaining that he has abandoned her for dialogues, and in the speech she makes on the subject, she uses the exordium of Demosthenes. It seems that the ingenious author wishes to give us to under- stand by this, that Rhetoric herself, when speaking in her own cause, could not do better than to repeat the opening of a speech which all ages have unanimously regarded as the most perfect model of eloquence. We must believe, however, that the object of Lucian was not only to eulogize Demosthenes, but also to censure the plagiaries of his time. 6. tovto naQaozi]oui] The sense is as if the passage stood thus : E7TSLT SV%0[lCa Iv ol &EOC tig VOVV VfUV EflSdXcOOL TO (If] TW (xi'Tidl'/.o) av^SovXevocod-ai tzeqi tov tqotiov %cc& ov axovaxsov i(is, 0718Q TOV& V71SQ VflWV IgtI, X. T. X. 11. c O[ioiG)g, x. t. X.] To hear equally both parties. Solon and almost all legislators have made it an express law. But it is a law which nature has indelibly engraved on every heart, and which every one intuitively assents to, the moment it is expressed. It is one of those first principles which carry their own evidence with them. Whoever judges after having heard but one party, even though his decision may be just, is yet guilty of a sort of injustice ; and if he listens to one with more DEMOSTHENES. 251 90 favor than to the other, we may of course say that it is to one only that he gives a fair hearing. Phocylides, in his beautiful poem on the different duties of men, has not forgotten this important maxim : Mr\ n dlxi]V dixdoyg, nglv av a^.(f>o%v fiv&ov axovatjg. The Athenian judges regarded this great rule as the basis and the foundation of their jurisprudence. They engaged them- selves by a solemn oath to observe it with the greatest strict- ness. And in the speech on the Ill-managed Embassy, ./Eschi- nes says to the Athenians, with the express purpose of throw- ing odium on Demosthenes : og hollos nagaxelevacca&ca irgog avdgag ofKOfioxoxag tcov avxidlxcov opolcog apcpOTegcov axovow&ai, jfjv tqv xwdvvevovTog cpcovTjv [it} vno^ieveiv. 91 1. o-lt efiol [iev — ] But to me — we might add xlvdvvog eaxv tcsqI xwv iaxdzctv. This rhetorical figure is called dnoomnriaig. He then says why he did not finish what he had begun to say ; but I will pronounce no words of ill omen in the beginning of my speech. We must remember that the ancients had a su- perstitious fear of certain sinister expressions. To pronounce such words, they called filccocprjfielv. This superstition was re- markably seen in the ceremonies of sacrifices, in which the herald took great care to warn the people to pronounce no un- lucky word. This was also carefully attended to in other places besides the temples. Demosthenes in his oration against Leptines, when speaking of the ancient splendor of Athens says : xoxe fxev rj nohg 7/^wv, xou yrjg rjvnogsi, xal xgrjfidxav ' vvv ds evnogrjaei, del ydg ovxo) Xiyetv, xal p) fikaacprjfAUv. 2. ex negiovolag] He accuses me gratuitously, being at liberty to do it or not. Some have understood by this pas- sage that JEschines, enriched by the money he had received from Philip and Alexander, does not fear to lose his cause, since he can very well afford to pay the fine. I prefer the other interpretation ; that JEschines had it in his power to remain quiet, while Demosthenes must necessarily de- fend himself, and cannot avoid answering : in that case ex negiovolag, becomes almost synonymous with ex negixxov, as if he added, tiegixxov yag efxov [idxyv xad-unxeod-oa not xaxt\yoguv. 252 NOTES. 3. o Ts] Some write also £$dvGao&s. 17. yaq\ After this word comes jtjv elgtjv^v, which I have transposed and placed after Zvsxa • for which last, some also write evexBv. DEMOSTHENES. 259 98 30. rug ngiaOsig] Demosthenes here, by the way, answers the reproaches of ^schines, who charged him with a base com- plaisance towards the ambassadors of Philip, in introducing them to the assembly and public shows. These reproaches may be seen, p. 28. 99 2. amoiq] Others place this word after agxiTsxTova ' I have transposed it, both on acount of the hiatus, and to render the sense more clear. 3. (v toLv dvdlv oCoXolv] Idiomatic, instead of the genitive dvolv oBololv, for two oboli. They paid two oboli for a place at the spectacle ; and these oboli were probably spent for re- pairing the seats. For the value of the obolus, see Notes, p. 10, 1. 20. 10, c £xaTOfi6ai(ovog] The month of September ; so called be- cause during this month they celebrated the festivals called c ExaTO[i6(u, as if we should say, festivals of the great sacrifices. For the word txaTo/j.6rj, which literally means a sacrifice of a hundred oxen, means, in general, any great sacrifice, any solemn sacrifice. 13. Tigog 'A&rjvalovg,] instead of this, some place the words ngbg zbv A&rjvalwv drjfiov, after uvv&rjxag, I suppose because the same expression is found in 1. 22 ; but with me, that should be a reason for not admitting it, in order to vary the expression. 24. HgsoSeig, x. t. X.] ^Eschines and Demosthenes seem to indicate in their harangues on the False Embassy, that the same citizens who had been upon the first embassy were upon the second, that in relation to oaths. But we see by the decree itself that the deputies of the second were not the same as those of the first, excepting yEschines. To reconcile the two orators with the decree, we must believe that associates were given to the deputies there mentioned, and that these were chosen from among the deputies of the first embassy. ^Eschi- nes says positively that there were eleven deputies in the sec- ond, including that of the allies ; and it is also certain that De- mosthenes was of this embassy. 100 13. (a/j.ol6y->] tne ratner as this is as good, and now used in preference to the other. We say av £%rjg ^av^lav, if you re- main tranquil. 17. aval'/rjolag] insensibility, stupidity, synonymous with avaia&ijaia, unudsta. The Thebans who had aspired, under Epaminondas, to the government of Greece, were not then avata&TjTOL, (p. 104, 1. 10 ;) but by treating them thus harshly Demosthenes was sure of pleasing the Athenians. 20. {izia Taw evdvg ,-] It is found also with the interrogation after iuxa xavxa. DEMOSTHENES. 261 101 26. agog Otj6alovg] Reiske, on some authority, puts ngog Tovg Orj6oclovg — ysyevijoS-ai. 29. KalXia&ivovg] Callisthenes, a citizen of Athens, who engaged in the affairs of government. 1 02 2. av/y.hjjov, x. t. X.] In an extraordinary assembly convoked by the generals. In relation to the assemblies, see Notes, p. 3, 1. 4. They elected ten generals at Athens, each year ; each tribe chose one ; and the elections were held in the Pnyx. They commanded a day each ; and each general of the day held the office of generalissimo. The generals commanded the armies, and in the city were the ministers of war. 4. MccipaxTiiQiwvog] The month of December. We do not know exactly which of our months correspond to the Attic months. There is a great difference in the opinions of the most skilful chrcnologists upon the subject. I have adopt- ed the opinion which seemed to me most probable. The month Mai^iaxTi]QL(av, however, derives its name from Aiog fiocL- fiaxTov, Jupiter, the turbulent, or stormy ; because Jupiter frequently troubles the air, and stirs up tempests in December. 12. inLTiploig,] is here used in a bad sense, and means chas- tisement. In other places it means prize, reward. (See also Notes, p. 188, 1. 26.) As if we should say ; he shall be consid- ered as guilty of treason, and shall receive the reward of it ; which reward would, in this case, naturally be nothing else than a punishment. 13. 6 inl twv onhov GTQaTi]'/6g] The general of the day. There are various opinions as to whether there is any difference between OTgaTfj/og by itself, and when joined with the epithet inl jcav otiXojv ' and probably originally there was none, as in our day we say indiscriminately general and general of an army. Samuel Petit conjectures ingeniously but without proving it by authority, that the first of these words is applied to all the ten generals, and the second to him who, in his turn, held the chief command. According to Taylor, gqaxr\yog inl tmv onXav, might be the commander of the heavy-armed infantry (onXtica), as distinguished from the commander of the cavalry. See the two decrees, p. 127, 128. This relative signification of onXa for bnXl- 262 NOTES. rai, is found in the Anabasis of Xenophon and in Thucydides. 102 The expression that follows, 6 inl Ttjg diowq&sag, after which it is natural to understand ggairjyog, the general who had the admin- istration of the finances, otherwise, the treasurer, leads me to think that each of the ten generals had a particular branch of the administration or command. And in order to reconcile the two opinions I have mentioned, we may believe, with probabili- ty, that it was exclusively reserved for the general of the day to command the heavy-armed troops. The word axgaTrj/og is also applied to civil magistrates, since aigajog, from which it is derived, does not always mean an army, but frequently a mul- titude of men assembled. In this sense it is used by Pindar, (Pyth. 11, 160,) %l1iot15i]v — Kldiagxov,] Philistides and Clitarchus, 112 two ambitious and evil-minded citizens, each of whom enslaved his country to further the views of Philip. 11. Mvawv Xslav] The prey of the Mysians, that is, the prey of the weakest nations, who were themselves pillaged by all others. This proverb arose from the circumstance, that the Mysians, during the absence of their king Telephus, were so weak and defenceless as to be insulted and pillaged with impu- nity by all their neighbours ; hence to express the lowest de- gree of weakness and of degradation, a nation was said to be the prey even of the Mysians, who were themselves the prey of all others. 13. og(avxmvi\ Reiske supports the reading xal ovtoov, and gives his reasons in a note. I agree with Taylor in preserving ogujvTCjv, but am induced to omit the v.vX, being of opinion that some transcriber has written %al ovrav instead of oqwv- jmv, either through inattention, or because, the initial letters being erased, he wrote from conjecture. The omission of xal also gives more force to the language the orator employs. This expression is thus used by Homer, Iliad, A. 88. OvTig, ifiev 'C,wvioq v.al enl x&ovl dsgxopsvoio. 28. JBoiidgopmroc;,] The month of November. It was so named from the festivals celebrated during this month, and call- ed Boydgofua, that is, of ready assistance. The occasion of their institution was that Ion, son of Xuthus, had come in great haste to the assistance of the Athenians, when hard pressed by Eumolpus, son of Neptune. The name of the fes- tival is taken from (3oi), cry, and dgi^co, I run, whence is form- ed (joijdgo^iM, I run at the cry, I fly to the assistance. It was also during the month Bo'edromion, that Theseus defeated the Amazons who besieged Athens. DEMOSTHENES. 267 113 25. fiovlqg yvojfiy,] By the opinion of the senate. If any manuscripts had yvw/Ai] in the nominative, Taylor would have thought these two words transposed, and that they should be written instead of ipr^ioiia, in the twenty-third line. This learned critic is led to form this opinion from the circumstance that an affair discussed in the Senate was called povlrjg yvafiri, and not ipt]cpLOfia. He is right, if the affair is discussed for the first time in the Senate ; for in that case only a fiovtevfia, or rather 7igo6ovlev[ia, preparatory decree was given. But here, as the context shows us, the act in question has passed from the Senate to the people, and by the people has again been referred to the Senate. Such an act ought, as I should think, to be called \f)r]cpLGiia, for it has the sanction of both Senate and people; dsdoz&ciL tjJ (HovXji »k\ rS d^uea, (see p. 99, 1. 15.) We should therefore retain y^cpiofia, and also read yvtofy. The af- fair is an important one. The Senate, desiring it should be discussed with great solemnity, had determined that not only the Prytanes, but also the generals should express to them the wishes of the people ; TigvTdveig %al urgavrjyol — avevsyy.ovTsg, with tig fiovb)v understood. We have elsewhere remarked with regard to the generals, that when they were not with the army, they acted as ministers or civil magistrates at Athens. 114 16. Jaofisdav.] It is found thus written in every edition ; but from what we see, p. 113, 1. 1., it must be a mistake, and should be written Aewddpag, a correction I should not scruple to make in a second impression. 116 5. naga ool yMTslvov,] They lodged at your house. This signification of the verb is retained in this expression, very common among us, nts s%sts to Kaxdlv^id Gag ,• ivhere do you lodge ? 14. d AqkjtovUov] There were two persons of the name of Aristonicus, one of Marathon, and the other of the borough Phrearrhe, or according to Plutarch, of Anagyrus. It is the latter who is here alluded to, the same who decreed a gol- den crown to Demomeles. We see (p. 163, 1. 20,) that De- momeles and Hyperides, before him, had caused a decree to be passed in favor of the same Demosthenes, awarding to him a golden crown, to be proclaimed at the theatre. 268 NOTES. 21. ra(jM]hwvog] The month of March. It was so called H6 because it was the month during which were celebrated the festivals of Juno, called rv.fii]lia, as if they would say marriage festivals, from yafioq, marriage. For Juno was the tutelar goddess in marriage and its consequences. 6. uywo&hrp.] See Notes, p. 62, 1. 27. 117 5. t;y, in(QbiTi]a(a '] Better than the common reading sni-i igoo- 118 T1JOL0. 25. Boqtioqlxw,] JBosporichus is the proper name of the pon- tiff, but it is, notwithstanding, a compound word. The whole decree is in the Doric dialect of the Byzantines, and the name of the pontiff was placed at the head of all decrees, as was that of the Archon at Athens. 26. rj] alia'] This word has given a great deal of trouble to .earned critics, because in the manuscripts it is found written Tsalla. Some have thought it the name of a place ; others have joined it to the iv, and have made a proper name of it, as if it was Damagetus, son of Entealias. Neither of these con- jectures appears correct, and the word can mean nothing else but assembly, in the sense in which Herodotus uses it, odlyv inoivjoavro, they formed an assembly. Those who refrain strict- ly from touching the text, are satisfied with supposing that ts was a peculiarity of the dialect of the Byzantines/who employ- ed it where t« was commonly used by other Dorians ; but in this case I prefer the supposition that they said zjj or per- haps tal allai, with the i not subscribed, and as there was no difference in pronunciation between ai and s the mistake might easily be made in writing from dictation, as is frequently the case. 30. xaQuaq] It is commonly written %gdag. 8. imya^lav,] This word signifies the reciprocal right which 119 persons of different nations have to unite in marriage, a right which was generally provided for by a particular article in trea- ties of alliance. The word nolizslu, which follows, is synony- mous with what we call at present nohjoyQacpla, and signifies right of citizenship. DEMOSTHENES. 269 119 8. xxdoiv yag xal olxlav,] Inmost editions and manuscripts this passage is written ix xag yug, xal oixeiav Tig., which is evidently a corruption of the original text. It has been cor- rected by being written lyxxaoiv yag xal olxidv, the right of oivning lands and houses. For my own part I prefer xxdoiv yag xal olxlav, and thus the correction is, in the first place, near- er to the text, which ought always to be adopted when the sense will allow it ; and, in the second place, when the rights of citizenship and of owning lands were granted to the Athe- nians, it would naturally follow that they possessed the right of owning houses, a right inseparable from the others. If we leave olxdav without correction, as an adjective agree- ing with ngosdolav, it makes very poor sense. I prefer, there- fore, olxlav, and the correction consists merely in the diphthong, which might be a mistake in writing, since el and i are pro- nounced in exactly the same manner. The sense of the pas- sage is, then, as follows ; the Athenians were allowed the right of possessing lands, and the right of domicile ; that is, every Athenian who came to Byzantium, had a right to be accom- modated with a lodging at the public expense, and thus it was truly a privilege which was granted to them. In this way, the sense appears to me perfectly clear and natural. 9. nod-oSov] Doric for ngogodov, and signifies access, admis- sion, right of entrance. 10. nagd xotg nsgl to, Ugd "] near those ivho have the care of sacred things, which I prefer to the Doric ngaxoig, for nga- xoig [isxd xcc Ugd. 12. ndoav ngogixi Xuxovgylav *] And those of the Athenians who wished to dwell in the city, to be, moreover, free from all taxes of every kind. I have thus corrected ngogdxi, instead of the com- mon ngbg xdv, which is even entirely omitted by some editors, and which Reiske corrects by writing naodv ngogxaxxdv leixagyidv. 13. exxaidExamj/sig] to erect three statues of sixteen cubits. We ought not to be surprised at the height of these statues, since it is well known that the ancients, to show their gratitude to their benefactors, frequently erected colossal statues in honor of them. We will merely mention the famous statue of the Sun, 270 NOTES, known under the name of the Colossus of Rhodes, which was 119 of such a prodigious size that vessels could pass with full sails, between its legs; and the statue of Olympian Jupiter, the masterpiece of Phidias which was so large that the god who was represented in a sitting posture could not have stood erect under the roof of the temple. 16. &s(OQlag] In one of the oldest editions which I have be- fore me, that of John Hervage, Basle, 1532, 1 find dcoglag, which does not make sense, but is evidently a corruption of 3-teoglag, in the manuscripts. It has been also written by some dcogedg, and by others Jcoqlevgi, which alteration does not much improve it. We are indebted to Reiske for this very fortunate correction S-ecoglag, deputations to assist at the games. 17. "lad-fiia, x. t.L] The Isthmian games, were celebrated every four years at the isthmus of Corinth, in honor of Neptune. They were restored by Theseus, and continued even after the ruin of Corinth. The Nemean games, which derived their name from Nemea, a town and forest of Peloponnesus, and which were instituted or renewed by Hercules after he had slain the Ne- mean lion, were celebrated every two years near the scene of his victory. The Olympic games were thus named from Olym- pia, also called Pisa, near which they took place every four years, in honor of Olympian Jupiter, and were the most remarkable. They were instituted by Hercules, and every one knows that from them the Greeks dated historical events. The Pythian games were sacred to Apollo, surnamed Pythian on ac- count of the serpent Python which he had slain, and were celebrated every four years, near the famous temple of Delphi. 18. tw GT£(pdvoj co avoTscpuvaToti] Reiske here makes the cor- rection Twg GTScpdvcog, cog iGiecpavcoTcu, in the accusative plural ; for otherwise the text, being left, as it is commonly, in the dative singular tw gsydvm, co ovuTsq)., is extremely obscure. But we must recollect that two nations were here spoken of, the Byzan- tines and the Perinthians, and two crowns which they granted ; thus neither the singular nor the plural would be employed, but the dual, as I have put it, and the whole difficulty arises from a mere mistake in the orthography. As to the word ovaiecpdvcoTcu, DEMOSTHENES. 271 1 1 9 I have not been willing even to alter it, because the preposi- tion (jvv relates to the two nations which joined in crowning the Athenian people ; and to the objection that it should be avvsgs- cpavtoTtti, it is enough to answer, that the past tenses are fre- quently found among the poets without the augment, and this omission, with that of the v of the preposition, is very common in Modern Greek, which preserves a great part of, or rather which is formed from, the JEolico-Doric dialect. 29. nqaxxwv ysyovs] I have made the correction ngaxxmv, instead of the infinitive ttquxxelv, which renders the passage very obscure. I here consider the word yiyovs, as having the same sense as dtsxeXsos, which, joined to the participle, is an idiomatic expression for Inga^s, and the sense thus becomes perfectly clear and simple. To avoid the difficulty, Reiske has made a very ingenious correction, but it is not so near to the text; as some manuscripts have nqaxxuv ai'xiog, he has thence inferred nagodxiog, writing also ps/kit, instead of ^dyigov. 30. ix xr\g fpillTinov,] %sigog, or dvvaoxslag, is understood. 121 3. c r{ielg, x. x. l.~\ The Peloponnesian war was ended. The victorious Lacedaemonians had become masters of Athens, had ruined its walls, destroyed its vessels, and established in it a government of thirty tyrants. All powerful in Greece, they had just sent against the monarch of Persia, Agesilaus, who made him tremble in his palace. One of the governors of Artaxerxes in Asia found means to detach from their party Thebes, Argos, and Corinth. The Thebans sent ambassa- dors to the Athenians to ask their assistance and participa- tion in the league ; and they, though but just delivered from their tyrants, and in spite of their own weakness and the pow- er of their rival, took up arms and marched first to Haliartus, a town of Boeotia, and then to Corinth, near which the Lace- daemonians had a considerable number of troops, under excel- lent generals. All this the Athenians did, although they had good reason to be dissatisfied with the conduct of the Thebans and Corinthians towards them, in the Peloponnesian war. 12. dsxslsixov noksfiov] The Decelian war. Decelia was a borough of Attica. The Lacedaemonians obtained possession 272 NOTES. of it in the nineteenth year of the Peloponnesian war; they for- 121 tified it, and, by means of that advantageous situation, were enabled to do great injury to the Athenians, as long as hostili- ties lasted. The latter part of the war was therefore called the Decelian war, and the fort became so famous that this name was sometimes given to the whole Peloponnesian war which arose between Athens and Lacedsemon. The hostilities of the Corcyraeans against Corinth for their reciprocal pretensions to Epidamnus were the occasion and the pretext, but the alarming and oppressive power of Athens was the true cause of it. All the nations of Greece were drawn into it, some taking one side and some the other. It lasted twenty-seven years, and was called the Peloponnesian war, because the Lacedaemonians who took the principal part in it, inhabited that division of Greece which bore the name of Peloponnesus. 20. olxiaxw] small house, and also bird-cage, a signification which here renders the sense more forcible. 25. ot uiaxEdaifiovlovg] An accusative, to be construed with avsXstv. The Thebans, with Epaminondas at their head, had gained a victory over the Lacedaemonians at Leuctra, and had thus given a severe blow to their power. Under the command of the same general they had invaded and laid waste Laconia, and had caused Sparta itself to tremble for its safety. The Lacedaemonians, having every thing to fear from an enemy who became every day more bold and enterprising, had re- course to the Athenians, to whom they sent ambassadors to implore assistance. The Athenians, on the other hand, had not forgotten the ill treatment they had experienced from Spar- ta on more than one occasion, yet they resolved to succour their former rivals with their whole strength. 1. in Tovxav idsl&Ts,] I have transposed these words, which, 122 in other editions, are found in an inverse order ; and for a very evident reason, that it suits the ear better, a reason which has often influenced me where I have not mentioned it in the notes, as being of little consequence. 7. Tidhv acp. Or}6. rtjv Ev6oiav,] The Thebans in their turn appropriating to themselves Eubcea. He says in their turn, DEMOSTHENES. 273 122 because Eubcea had been coveted by Philip (see p. Ill, 1. 31,) by Athens, and by Thebes. The island was first divided by two factions, of which one asked the assistance of the Thebans, and the other that of the Athenians. The former triumphed at first, but on the arrival of the Athenians the face of affairs was changed. They repelled the Thebans, drove them from Eubcea, restored tranquillity to the island, and were willing to receive in recompense nothing but the glory of having con- quered it, and given it peace. They had, however, much rea- son to complain of Themison, tyrant of Eretria, who, in concert with Theodorus, had taken from them Oropus in time of peace. 123 15. xhv aycova tov twv nag.'] Better than the common rbv ayuva tovtov, or with the preposition slg. 17. to nipTCTov {tigog] It was necessary that the accuser should have at least a fifth part of the votes ; otherwise, he was condemned to pay a fine, more or less heavy, or was subject to some severer punishment. 18. tovq rjyepovag twv ov^oqlwv,^ The number of those who were to contribute to equip the galleys, amounted to twelve hun- dred men. They were divided into twenty classes, called ov^io- qlai, each of sixty men ; and each class was subdivided into five parts, each of twelve men. The richest person of each class was called -^ysfioov, the chief, and the others followed in the or- der of their wealth. Demosthenes, therefore, says that there is nothing which those who, as the richest, held the first, the second, or the third rank, in these classes, would not have given him to suppress the law he had proposed, since it was made to bear upon the rich, and to alleviate the burdens of the poor. 21. vnapoala ;] This word signifies, a delay in the decision of a question, obtained by one of the parties, under pretence of illness, of a necessary journey , fyc. with an oath that he would be present at the judgment of the case. To ask for a delay under any one of these pretences, and to bind one's self by such an oath was called vnoiiwa&ai. 124 28. xQicov nlolcav v.cu VTcrjQSTiy.ov] Three vessels and a boat. The word vji^qetlxov, comes from vno, under, and igsTioi), I row ; that is to say, a vessel which is rowed beloio another, whence 35 274 NOTES. the word vTtrjQsrrjg has also come to signify servant. These 124 same small vessels had also several other names, oxacpou, X16vq- vai, xeXyjeg, ataxia, yavXoi, Xe[i6oi, xdguBoi' from the last of which is derived the modern word xagd6v, vessel, in general. They were also called icpoXxia, from the verb i'Xxw, I drag, for they were fastened by cables to the larger vessels which thus drew them in tow. 2. i&dXsiv,'] This word is by many critics rejected as redun- 125 dant, and in truth it appears so by the obscurity which it pro- duces when placed after noieiv, as it commonly is ; but as I have transposed it, it is neither redundant nor obscure, for the sense is : Do you think it is little, that the rich would be willing to spend, in order to escape doing ivhat is just ? 9. sx iv Msvvx'lu Exad-t'CeTo,] No one has seated himself at Munychium, that is, no one has taken refuge as a supliant in the temple of Diana at Munychium. This was a port of Attica, where was a celebrated temple consecrated to this goddess, which was an asylum to all those prosecuted for debt. The ora- tor says seated himself, because that was the posture of the suppliants. 10. anoGToXkwv] The Athenians gave the name of dnogoXug to the officers who took charge of the naval forces, and held them in readiness for a sudden expedition. The word might perhaps now be translated commissioners of the navy depart- ment. 22. agxovTtav] See the note on agxovrog, p. 201. 126 9. "On ds xavSt hwg e%u, xvX\ I have made this transposition, 127 preferring it to the common reading on 8" omw Tama e/sl, xul. Some manuscripts omit the two last words, and Reiske encloses them between brackets. 12. Nav(jizXr t g, x. t. X.] Nausicles and Diotimus, Athenian generals, who are known only by what Demosthenes says of them. iEschines in his speech mentions a Charidemus ; he may be the same as the one here alluded to (see p. 28, 1. 17, and the note.) Demosthenes, in his oration on the False Em- bassy, speaks of Neoptolemus, a famous comedian, employed on public business. The one here mentioned cannot be the DEMOSTHENES. 275 127 same, for in his oration on the Peace, he expressly declares that Neoptolemus the comedian had gone with all his fortune to Macedonia. 20. fj.oi] This word appears to me better when placed before xa yiiylopazu, than after it, as it commonly is. 30. (Piakwvog,] This Phialon is known to us only by this passage of the decree. 1 28 8. iv xfi enl xov n. p.] In the battle near the river. We do not know what battle nor what river is here alluded to ; it may be, however, some river near Salamis, a town of Cyprus where the Athenians made this expedition, of which we have no account. Possibly, notwithstanding many objections may be made, it refers to what Thucydides relates, Lib. I. 112, TiXsvaavisg vtieq 2alayj-vog xrig iv Kvngoi, (PoIvi^l xal Kvngloig xal Klki^iv ivav^ittx^oav nal ens'Co^nxxrjoav. 21. vTisv&vvog] This word is commonly placed after ensdwxa, but I have preferred to transpose it thus. 24. ol Xoyioxal,] See Notes, p. 7. 1. 30. 31. IIvavEipiwvog] The month of January. So called be- cause during this month were celebrated the festivals of Apollo, called Hvaviipicc, from nvuva, beans, and I'ipeLV, to boil, as if we should say, festival of boiled beans, for these were the offering made to the god. As I have already given a short account of the Attic months, which are all mentioned in these speeches except that of Hoosidewv, I shall take this opportunity of saying that this corresponds to our February, and is so called because it was sacred to Neptune, whose name in Greek, is nooudwv. 129 8« d-zwQMolg] understood xqwmow, the money for the theatres, or the funds for the poor, to enable them to attend at the thea- tres. (See p. 99, 1. 3, and p. 107, 1. 26.) Wolfius, however, supposes it to be masculine, and to signifiy those who receive theatre money, that is, the poor. 130 13. avayogevsaS-otL /] I have followed my own judgment in preferring the infinitive with the interrogation, instead of the common avayoQsvhw, with the interrogation after axecpavol, which is also written oTEcpavojoi]xai. 276 NOTES. 15. iXXsSogl&ig] to have recourse to hellebore, a plant em- 130 ployed as a remedy for a disordered brain. Anticyra, an island in the Propontis, owed its celebrity to the quantity of hellebore which it produced. 16. ddiM]fiaxog ovdsvog,] Reiske adds Xu6uv ii^icoqlav. Gail, thinking that he is not authorized to make this addition, says it would be better to understand ovxog, with admruiaxog, and to regard these two words as a genitive absolute. I see no reason why we should not construe adixruiajog ttdsvog with dlnrj, and say 8ly.i]v adixijtiazog, as well as 81kt\v ydovov, dlarjv fiXu.6riQ, dinrjv xXonr\g. 20. tw drjfioTww,] See p. 58, paragraph dlpai, x. t. X. 25. wqTtsg «| ap&£figj\ As if from the wagon; a proverbial expression signifying, you say indiscriminately whatever comes into your head. There are several opinions as to the origin of this expression, but it is very probably derived from the an- cient comedies, which carried freedom of speech to such a de- gree as to attack not only the most respectable men, but the gods themselves ; as the actors, with a wagon for their stage, insulted all those who passed, the proverb might naturally be taken from this custom. ^ 27. Xoidoglav Y.axr\yoqlag\ Invective is very different from accusation. Demosthenes here points out the different cir- cumstances which characterize each of them. Cicero, who followed the Greek orator as his model, thus expresses him- self in a similar case, in his speech Pro M. Ccelio. " Invec- tive is one thing, accusation another. Accusation must have some crime for its object ; it requires that we should well establish the state of the question, that we should designate in an unequivocal manner the person accused ; that we should prove by reasons, and confirm by witnesses. But invective has for its sole object to wound the feelings. If it is violent, it is called outrage ; if it is gay and witty, it is called pleasantry." 3. ano twv idlav,] From your private occupations. The 131 sense is better than that which is furnished by the reading anb twv Idlojv kvcxgov. DEMOSTHENES. 277 131 15. ngodsa^ila,] an appointed day. When the judges gave their sentence on private disputes, they appointed a day on which it was to be carried into execution, and which was called 7TQo&sa(xia, or twxtij, or xvgla, the word %[iequ being understood. The careless pleaders who suffered that day to pass without conforming to their duty, were called vmgrjfiEgoi rrjg ngo&EGfjtl- ag ' as if we should say bad pay-masters, who are in arrears, who vmit too long before paying. Sometimes the party which gained the cause, gave up something of its rights, granted a delay, and prolonged by favor the prescribed term. This was called ava6dXXso&aL xr\v imegrjfisglav. On the contrary vnEgrjfiE- glav ngd^at, {mEgr][iEglav ElgngdxxEiv, was to exact payment with- out mercy at the appointed time. There were great penalties against debtors who remained long in arrears. The scholiast on Aristophanes asserts that they were condemned to pay four times the amount of the debt. He adds that if they did not pay in money, they paid in flesh and bones, as it depended upon their creditors to keep them in prison and in irons. Thence it became common among the Greeks to call prisoners for debt iyxaXooxsXEig, fettered, or bound. 29. Alay.bg, v.. t. X.] For if the accusers were JEacus, or Rha- damanthus, or Minos. These three kings were so famous for their justice and integrity during their lives, that mytholo- gy has made them the judges of the lower regions, after death. iEacus judged the Europeans, Rhadamanthus the Asiatics, and Minos discussed doubtful points with them, and decided as president. c Puda(xdv&vog v.giaig, a sentence of Rhadamanthus, became a proverb to signify the uncorrupt justice of a sentence. 30. onzgix., Tisgli. ay.,] The first of these words has not here the same signification as it has in the Birds of Aristophanes 579, according to its etymology from enigma, seed, and Xiyw, I collect. It has rather the sense of anslgcav Xoyovg, a sower of words, and means here a babbler. The second expression TzsgkgifAfxa ayogag, signifies broken to the tricks of the bar, or one ivho has passed his life in learning all the arts of chicane, TsigiUjiivog negl xt]v ayogav. It is in this sense that Aristophanes in his Clouds, 446, employs neglig^a dixojv. 278 NOTES. 7. diuyvcoaig twv toiovtwv ,•] I have thus corrected, instead of 1 32 the common reading % p} tolovtcov, xlg didyvcaoig ; or, as others have it, 7] x&.Xwv, nr\ ^ tolovtcov, xtX. 18. %olnxag naxuag] large chains. Elmhv dovXsveiv ainov, %a knofisva xolg cpavXoig twv dovXaw inrjyays, Tag nidag Xsycov ' tovto yag xaXsl %oiviy.ag, to OTgoyyvXov drjXoiv. 19. Zvlov ;] ivooden stocks, in which the feet of the slaves were put, to prevent them from running away. 20. iv tw ylioiw, x. t. X.] In the house of ill-fame situated near the hero Catamites, that is, near the chapel of the hero Cal- amites ; since we very frequently say at the present day ^p slg tov ayiov Fsagyiov, meaning, / have been at St. George's Church, fyc. Thus there is no need of correcting the text as some critics propose iv rcS xXloIm ngog tw tov KaXa^ikov ?/^jw. Nothing is known about this hero Calamites. 22. dl-s&geijje as ;] Some critics add after this word : aXld ndv- Tsg I'oaoL Tama, v,av iyd) firj Xiyca. 29. Ovds yag, (hv eTv^sv, tjv,] Some translators thus interpret this passage : for he was not one of those among whom fortune has since placed him. Although this is the literal sense, and the 'Oips yag, which follows, appears somewhat to favor this in- terpretation, I agree with those who give it the sense of ov twv tv%6vtg)v i)v ' as we still say at the present day, dev rpov dnb Toiig Tv%6vTag, he was no ordinary man, ironically here employed ; and this figure of rhetoric is called, nag vnovoiav, saying some- thing very different from what the audience expect. 30. x&sg — xal Tcgcpqv,] Of yesterday and the day before. A sort of proverbial expression to signify something very re- cent, something of very late date, and very frequently employ- ed by some authors, as well as vvv v.al x&k> in the same sense. 3. Epnovoav] A spectre said to take all forms, which the 1 33 people believed in and were foolishly afraid of. It was in form- er times what the ftgvxoXaxxog, vampire, is now in Greece. 14. anoxjj^cpiod'ivTa *Avt.] The word aTcoipiicpl&G&ca, which commonly means to be acquitted, in a census of the citizens, which was called diaipi'jcpioig, signifies to be rejected from the list, and is nearly synonymous with the word unodoai^so&ai. DEMOSTHENES. 279 1 33 As to Antiphon, it appears that, while the census was making as usual, he had artfully contrived to have his name written down. This interpolation being discovered, his name was cross- ed out, and he was rejected. His mortification was so great that he went over to Philip, to whom he had promised that he would burn all the navy-yards of Attica. 21. avsv iprjcpiGfiocTog,] The opinions of critics are divided as to whether these two words relate to acpe&rjvcu, or to in oixlag §adiC,(xiv. As for me, I should prefer to make it relate to the latter. 22. 'Agslov nu/ov] See Notes, p. 9. 1. 11. 26. diadvg,] This ingenious expression would properly be used of an animal which burrows in the earth, and in general, of any one who as it were, sinks into the earth, to avoid pursuit. 31. avvdixov, x. r. X.] Orator of the republic (before the Amphictyons) to defend your rights in the temple of Delos. The word ovvdixog signified in general an orator who with an associate undertook to defend the same cause. It was said of the one who spoke first and opened the debate, that he ngcaioXo- yel, and this sort of precedence was called ngcoToXG/la. It was said of the second, that he devregoXoyel, and this subordinate part was called dsvTsgoXoyla. The word ovvdixog had also a more peculiar meaning ; for it was used of an orator chosen and deputed to support the prerogatives of a town or of a whole nation, and to be the defender of the law of nations. Thus we read in Plutarch that the Athenians elected Aristides for their syndic, and charged him to plead, in the name of their citizens, the cause of all Greece. Demosthenes tells us in his speech against Leptinus that there was a law expressly forbidding that the same person should be twice chosen syndic, lest this office which was first instituted for the public utility, should insensibly be turned to the advantage of individuals. The moderns have borrowed from the ancients the term syndic, but in another sense, meaning one elected to superintend the affairs of a community, or of a body of which he is a member ; thus the four syndics in the government of Geneva, are, to a 280 NOTES. certain extent, what the President is in the United States, 133 or rather what the Governor is in each state of the Union. 4. 'TTtsgldrjv — ngogha^s •] Some editors write the dative ; the 1 34 accusative, however, is entirely in conformity with the modern dialect. Hyperides was one of the ten celebrated Athenian ora- tors. He was remarkable for the softness and delicacy of his style; he was always an opposer of Alexander (see Proleg. p. ?J.) Antipater, one of Alexander's successors, obliged the Atheni- ans to banish him from their city, pursued him in exile, and finally caused his death. 5. anh 7ov (3oj[jiov — %r\v ipriyov] And that ',' 'when each one had taken from the altar the sign of his vote ; that is, the ball or mark which they used to declare their votes. They took them from the altar only in questions concerning religion. 10. vtieq andvxwv] In the name of in the place of all (the Areopagites). 21. ofioiov ys (ov ydg ,-) oig] similar (is it not ?) to the things of which he accuses me. The expression is ironical. The ov ydg ; has the sense of ova dga, and o^lolov oig is equiva- lent tO 0(.WLOV TOVTOIQ CC €[l&. 23. nv&cova] Python of Byzantium, a great orator, had obtained the rights of citizenship at Athens, and had after- wards embraced the part of Philip. He had a lively and per- suasive eloquence, which it was difficult to resist. He was of great service to Philip on several occasions, but he found in Demosthenes a man fully able to answer him, and who soon could call back the minds of the audience which he had led away. 20. nolld y eyw] I have added the y instead of av which ] 35 some write, while others omit it altogether. 23. nag v[uv] Taylor proposes nag v^iav, but the dative appears to me preferable. 1. opavsgwg] This word is by some editors construed with 136 nolsfislv, and then the place of the comma is changed ; by others with ovvaywvi&ad-ai, whom I have followed in my text. 6. av&goonog,] Markland prefers o avS-ganog. It does not appear to me, however, that the want of the article in that DEMOSTHENES. 281 136 case renders the phrase defective. He says a man (Philip), without saying definitely the man. It is as if we were to say a march was made upon Attica, in an indefinite manner, and the hearers, who were well acquainted with the affairs of the time, knew very well what was meant. There is a parallel case in the third Olynthiac, where we find this passage : ovx wiavza fxsv rjfttov t« xkigia ngosllijcpev uv&Qianog. 9. lafiSsioygdcpog] I should translate this word, defamer, and for this reason ; the Greek word literally means an author of Iambic verses, or an author of satires, for the Iambic measure was formerly employed in sarcastic and libellous pieces, either be- cause it was better adapted than any other to works of this sort, or because it was brought into fashion by Archilochus, who had so much skill and point in his satires, that those whom he attacked became furious, and hung themselves in rage and de- spair. iEschines is not known to have been an author of Iam- bics or of satires, but as they were used to throw ridicule upon people and to defame them, it is very probable that this word was employed to designate a calumniator, who seeks to attack by sarcasm the honor of others. There are some critics, how- ever, who think it must be ia[i6ocpdyog, eater of Iambics, on %a iafi6sla rrjg Tgaymdlag sksysv, VTtoytoixijg mv. Taylor. 12. inl tw ifiM vdan.] Let him show it at the expense of my water, that is while the water which limits the time of my speech is flowing. To understand this expression we must call to mind that every orator was limited as to the time of his speech, by a water clock called aXsipvdgcc, that is, a machine whence water flows by stealth, because at the bottom of the vessel there was a small hole, through which the water fell slowly. The word is composed of jdeniw, I steal, and vdoog, water. Reiske prefers sv tw ifi. vd. I do not agree with him, and inl here appears to me far better. 31. naTQojog] Paternal Apollo, or Apollo to whom the re- public owes its origin. The Athenians honored Jupiter and Apollo under the particular title of &sol tkxtqmol. The scholiast on Aristophanes, Clouds, v. 1458, gives this reason. The Athenians called Jupiter naiguog, because after having been 36 282 NOTES. brought up in Arcadia, or as others say, in Crete, he came 1 36 and settled in Athens. They gave the same name to Apol- lo, because he married Creusa, daughter of king Erechtheus, who bore him a son, Ion. Anolloiv ds on °Egs%&s(x)g dvyaxega syrjfis ty\v Kgsovoav, i£ ^g ylvszai 6 "icav. Meursius thinks that this part of the passage is a corruption, and that we ought to restore the word Sovd-og, which has been omitted by the care- lessness of some transcriber, and thus read ots Zov&og 'Egs- X&sug, %. t. I. What induces Meursius to make this correction is, that a number of ancient witnesses prove that it was Xuthus and not Apollo, who was the husband of Creusa, and the father of Ion. Apollodorus, among others, after saying that Erech- theus had three daughters, tells us in express terms who their husbands were. X&ovlav fisv syi]fis BovTrjg, Kgsovoav 8s £ov&og, Jlgoxgtv 8s Kscpalog, Butes married Chthonia ; Xuthus Creusa ; and Cephalus, Procris. In fact, the scholiast whom we have mentioned, positively asserts a little while after,' that Ju- piter and Apollo were called nargMoi, because the Athenians were the first to receive them, and to honor them by sacrifices. Ovtoj Ti^iajai nag 'A&yvodoig Zsvg naigcoog zal 'Anolleov, dtoc to ngwiovg vnodilaad-ai ra -freco slg tt\v %ojgav, xal dvolag ovvrslsaav aaxa cpgrjigag, xca 8rj[X8g, not ovyysvslag, povovg 'jEXXrfvwv. Thus, independently of historical proofs, this second passage of the scholiast would be enough to show that the first needs cor- rection. It may be observed that the Athenians had not only paternal deities, if we may so call them, but maternal also, that is, those from whom they thought they descended through a female line. This is evident from this passage of Xenophon, Ilgog &sojv najgcocov, ual [xyTgcpav, — navoaa&s afiagxdvovTsg slg Tfjv naxgida' (Hist. Grsec. Lib. II. c. 4.) 17. og\ Reiske prefers o v.a\ dnavx dvsxgsxps xa xwv c Elh]vo)v 1«j7 ngdy\iaxa. 18. o ovyxaxaoxsvaoag,] This signifies one who, by his intrigues and secret machinations concerted with Philip, has excited war. The same expression is used I. 27; see also p. 142, 1. 11, ovy,- ■Magaoasvdoag. DEMOSTHENES. 283 137 21. aysig,] Reiske prefers slgaysig. But besides the pleo- nasm which I find in the preposition slg ti]v ''At. slgaysig, a similar expression found in the modern Greek with the synony- mous verb cpigo), (as we say I'cpsgs tov noXsfiov slg Tip TaXXlav, he has brought war into France,) makes me prefer the other read- ing, which has also the authority of the oldest editions. 22. ol (isv ix TragaxXijoscog ovyxaS:] Those who, at his own invitation, were seated near him ; those who had been brought forward to assist him, and icho were seated near him. 24. v.svr\v ahlav] vain, futile, or groundless accusation. 30. laroglav] In one manuscript it is written ocovrjglav. 31. S-edaaa&e.] Some editors write SsaoEa&s, on account of the preceding oipsa&s, (ayshjosods. 138 18. t« fxsv — , t« 5s] for Tovg (ihv and xovg ds, to deceive some, to persuade others. 20. nsgl t>)v JJvX. Tv.qa.yjp *] Gail says rj IlvXala xagayr], disturb- ance in the assembly at Thermopyla, and afterwards adds, that rj Uvlala alone, an adjective used elliptically as a substantive, signifies also the assembly of the Amphictyons at Thermopylae, (p. 140, 1. 26.) By this it appears that he here takes nvXalav Tagayi)v, as an adjective with its substantive ; but I do not see how he construes the sentence, or to what he makes nsgl ti)v nvlalav Tagayrjv relate, for it cannot be to noXspov noiTJaai, which would make the most ridiculous sense, or rather, non- sense. He seems to me, therefore, to have been mistaken, the construction being as follows : noir^ai noXsjiov Tolg A/xcpiy.Tvoai, xal Tagayrjv nsgl tt)v HvXalav, to excite war against the Am- phictyons, and disturbance in their assembly. We thus see that the case is the same here as elsewhere, and that Tr t v Uv- Xaiav is an adjective used as a substantive, the word ovvodov being understood. 139 2. to TTJg TToXsojg a&cofia Xa6(ov,~] Having obtained this dignity of the state. The expression is exactly the same in our days, a&apa signifying honorable appointment, dignity, office. 4. insgaivEv] He proceeded to accomplish what he had been hired for. iTEgalvoj from nsgag, end, as if it were, he was reaching the end, 8pc. 284 NOTES. 13. nQogxaUoaad-ai] to summon. 1 39 15. xlg ovv iali]T. — ugx^g i\ Who then made the adjournment ? From what tribunal or by what magistrate was the adjournment made ? because ano noiag ag/ijg is for xlvog ag/ovrog or zlva ag/J]v agx® v ' This passage proves two things ; first, that in ancient times no one could accuse another without having first summoned him ; secondly, that to summon him, the authority of a magistrate was necessary. Khpzvuv is the proper word for to summon before a tribunal., to call upon a person to come forward. Kbjxojg or nb}xrjg was the name given to him who sum- moned another , says Ulpian. This he could do in two ways either ex officio, as sheriff, or as a witness on the part of the principal accuser. Hence in law cases y.b]xi]g and (mxqxvq are sometimes equivalent terms. Klyxiigu ?/ pagivgu, says the same scholiast, tout eoxlv ug to dixaoxygiov xalovvxa vnygsxyv. Some- times a man was summoned by the accuser's laying hands on him and dragging him by force to the tribunal. Thus we read in Lucian, that the plaintiff said to his adversary, tnov poi (iiage slg to diy.aoirigiov, follow me, you villain, to the tribunal, to which the other answered ^ uyxov pe, do not strangle me. 23. 7i6ls[iog — iTttgdx&T},] war was excited, or kindled. Some read ingax&rj. 27. rjysfiova riyov\ for tj/sfiorlocv avrjyov, offered the command. 3. nageX&wv wg enl %y\v K.] having set out as if going to \ 40 Cirrhcaa. The wg here expresses deceit, dissimulation. 4. iggmad-au ygaaag noXXa\ having said a long adieu, lit- erally for having got fauly rid of, or more simply, leaving. This expression is very common in Demosthenes, as in his speech against Midias, noXXu sggwd-ai, unwv xdlg vo^ioig Y.al vfiv, after having bid a long adieu to your laws and to you. 6. sv&vg] After this word by some editors is added wg xsx sl- dov oi O. But we must confess that all these additions render the style much less harmonious and flowing, and at the same time take from its force and spirit. As it is by frequent read- ing and declamation that I have determined my choice among various readings, or have made corrections of my own, I have been unwilling to adopt these additions, which have, indeed, DEMOSTHENES. 285 1 40 the authority of some manuscripts in their favor, but which are inferior to what we find in the old editions. My opin- ion is, that transcribers of limited minds have attempted to in- sert in the text what would naturally be understood, in making out the sense, and have thus introduced feebleness in the text, where there was formerly energy. The truth of this re- mark will easily be perceived by instituting a comparison. 8. Nvv ds tots] Now, then. This expression is remark- able inasmuch as vvv which is commonly used for the present time, and signifies now, may also be used for the past time when joined with tote then. Gail, however, says ; " perhaps, for I dare not determine, we ought to say that on account of the idea of the past which precedes, the vvv ds is here used ad- versatively, tvavTio3iiaTiy.bg, and may be translated, but in truth." 18. Tcav^AfupLXTvovajv,] After this word some add xal t« xoivw tcov °Aji(pixTv6vo)v, perhaps because it is in the following decree, 1. 28. This does not seem to me a sufficient reason to authorize the addition ; and we ought also to remark that the second decree is much more important than the first, which makes me believe that one was passed in a ovvsdgiov and the other in an iaxXfjala. (See Notes, p. 43, 1. 9.) 30. fioGMinaTa ve^ovoi '] Here is another expression, cor- rected, probably, because it differs from that 1. 20 ; as if the Greek language were too poor to admit of variations. This expression is moreover similar to that in modern Greek, (jogxovv £w«, they pasture cattle. 141 2. xal tov GTQUTTjyov] Some critics omit the %al making the word ggaTriybv relate, not to TSTgavpaTixaoh but to ngso6svaai>. This is contrary to the common text, nor does it seem probable that the Amphictyons would have sent their own chief to the king of Macedonia. 7. dioTt] for oti. Wolfius. 26. Totg diiiAiovgyoig] To the magistrates ; toiq agxovow ij drjfj,ayo)/dtg. Wolfius. 28. J 0&la h ] See Notes, p. 39, 1. 20. 1 42 2. ovvavTaTs] Lambinus inserts poi on his own authority. I do not think it necessary in the text which I have followed, as the r\iuv,\. 6. is sufficient for the sense. 286 NOTES. 6. Toig 8s ^fiiv, a. x. L] Those who shall have come to meet us 1 42 with their ivhole strength, we will consult ; those, on the other hand, ivlw shall not have joined us, we will punish. This pas- sage in the text is entirely corrupted. It stands thus : Tdlg 8s y,rj ovvaVTrjaaab nuvdypsl xgrjGOfiE&u ' xolg 8s ov[i6ovloig r^uv firj xsiixivoig, ini'£r][iloig. It is impossible to make any sense out of these words. I have followed the correction of Scrimger which is a good one, and generally approved. 20. c O yocg to ansqiia — xwv qjvvxcjv] For he who has plant- ed the seed is the cause of the evils which spring from it. (See Notes, p. 95, 1. 28.) This figure has something great and noble, and has been imitated by Cicero, who says to Mark Antony (2 Phil.) " As, therefore^ the seed encloses the germ of trees and plants ; thus you, the sole seed of this fatal war, are the cause of all the calamities which follow it.'''' 23. nolv xi oxoTog,] Thick darkness conceals the truth from you. The Greek expression is lively and energetic. 28. ax.ovouix£~\ It is also written omovgets and axovoaxe. 2. ngaxxovxcov] One manuscript has cpgovovvxwv. *43 31. fiovlrjg — yvcofiy'] Understood avrjvsx&i] ng6g x6v dfyov. R. 7. avxbv] After this word is added xijgvxct %al, probably be- * ^ cause it is found in the following decree, 1. 23 ; but it has not per- haps been observed that in one the name of the herald is given, 1. 28, and that in the other there are only the names of the ambassadors ; which is a reason clearly against the addition. 16. Movvv/Luvog] The month of June. It was so called on account of the Movvv/ta a festival in honor of Munychian Diana, celebrated during this month. (See Notes, p. 125, 1. 9.) 17. nols^iag/ov yvca^] '] by the direction of the Polemarch. This officer, when with the army, took precedence of the other generals, and acted as generalissimo. (See Notes, p. 11, 1. 2.) 26. Kal yccg vvv — psxglcov.] For thus far it (o drjfxog) has never thought it just to give assistance to any one. Wolfius seems undecided whether ov xixgws relates to Philip, or to the Athenian people, and some translators prefer the former : but with the latter, the sense is much more natural and connected. DEMOSTHENES. 287 145 7. iq> vfuv — algsaiv,] To submit their opinion, or judgment, or will, to yours. 9. g| vnoaTgoq)^]?] changing your road, or abandoning your enterprise, to commence another ; from vno under, and oTgiyco I turn, as if it were, turning bach upon your steps. 21. llvv&ccvofiai — nagaxalov{isvoig.] I hear, nevertheless, that the Athenians are doing every thing to excite you, wishing you to follow their exhortations. 24. v/itov xaTsylyvcoaxov,] I formed an opinion against you. I blamed you. I condemned you. We must here observe the relation between xaTsylyvcooxov v/xcov, with the following imyvovg v/j.ag, as if it were, at first I did not know you, but now having recognised you. 146 6. 'Ekxxuav] See Notes, p. 49, 1. 1. 11. eg Ttsg nyvrdveig,] ig is a correction of my own, instead of the common reading cog. As to the Prytanes, see Notes, p. 3, 1. 3. As an allusion is here made to the report of the taking of Elatea, which reached the Prytanes while they were at table, we must here call to mind that these magistrates were entitled to take their meals at the Prytaneum or state-house, the expense of which was defrayed by a special fund. These meals, howev- er, were very simple and frugal, either in order that they might by their example recommend temperance to their fellow citi- zens, or that in case of any sudden emergency, they might be able to take, without delay, all necessary measures. 28. jjjg xoivijg] Reiske prefers xjj xoivfi r-rjg naiqldog cpcovy. 1 47 5. oi TQiaxooioL *] The three hundred richest citizens were obliged to contribute much more largely than the others to the public treasury, but they likewise enjoyed much greater dis- tinction. 20. irjv — Tu$iv] The post, a military term which Demos- thenes purposely employs in several parts of his speech, as if to show that though he might, as a warrior, have left his post at the battle of Chaeronea, he had never abandoned it as a min- ister at the head of affairs. 30. °_EXaTela] After this word some critics add vvv. 148 21. Tl ovv tprjpl duv;] It is also written Tl ovv q>ripi; del n. 288 NOTES. 25. 6 xlvdvvog •] After this word is sometimes added iglv ^wV 1 48 6. xgrjaaad-aL] In this verb, as well as in those which fol- 1 49 low, I have preferred the infinitive mood to the common xqy\- {jsoSs — dsla&e — enayydlaa&E. 20. 8K, eJjiov fih Tama, v.. x. l.~\ After vx, and each sds, with a comma, we must understand %gw on, and the sense is : it is not the fact, that I have said these things, ivithout moving decrees concerning them ; neither, that I have moved decrees concerning them, without taking the embassy upon me ; neither, that I have taken the embassy upon me, without persuading the Thebans. In this passage there is an instance of what is called in rhetoric climax, of great beauty and almost beyond imitation. Cicero, in his fourth book to Herennius, says that climax is a figure by which we ascend from one word to another, in such a manner that the sense grows stronger and stronger. As in this sentence : WJiat hope of liberty remains to us, if these audacious men can do what they will, if they dare what they can, if they do what they dare, and if what they do, does not excite your indignation. 30. Baxalov ;] Batalus, a flute-player, famous for his de- baucheries. His name became proverbial, and was applied to those who plunged into licentious and shameful pleasures. It was given to Demosthones in his youth, on account of his voluptuous inclinations, and it is to this surname that iEschi- nes alludes (p. 63, 1. 8,) when he says : And Aristides sur- named the just, a surname very different from that of Demos- thenes. See also the note on the Plutus of Aristophanes, v. 1012. 31. KgsacpovTfjv,] A Cresphontes, or Creon, or that CEnomaus. These are the names of the characters in which JEschines played, while he was a comedian. As to the last he says, inhgt- yag, thou hast crushed him, because iEschines, when playing at Colyttus the part of (Enomaus, who pursues Pelops, very awk- wardly fell down. 30. id lag,] It should be taken in the sense of avxov6(iovg. ] 5Q For if translated as their own, it does not make good sense. It has been suspected that it might be xal ov q>iUag or xal ovx DEMOSTHENES. 289 150 Id lag, relating to the Athenians. Auger, however, translates it, of their dependence, dependent on them. 31. o A&rjvalav drjfiog] Transposed, instead of tlaxxov uvau o drjpog 6 'Ad-yvaloov. 151 7. ijgwm] See Notes, p. 4, 1. 2. 154 6. vavxkrigov] This word signifies the owner of a vessel, whilst xv6eQvrJT7)Q means the pilot. 9. twv oxsvav,] By this word we are to understand the whole rigging; viz. masts, yards, sails, and in short, all that belongs to the equipping of a vessel. 18. xfljs pdtfig ysysvi]fiEvi]g] These words are commonly found after Ax%ixy\g. 22. ivijv] Instead of this word several editions have fiiv. Reiske thus corrects the passage on his own authority : dg ol'- eo&e stl vvv av axfjvcu. 25. av ys] It is also written ays, and Reiske, adopting this, also corrects, of himself, ig nsigav. 1 55 15. 'AgLoxgaxog] Aristratus and Aristolaus had undoubtedly taken advantage of the defeat at Chseronea to accuse, each in his own town, those of the Athenian party, who were the inno- cent cause of this disaster. 27. ta gir/P', xal xa undo p.,] fractures and dislocations. Demosthenes very ingeniously compares JEschines to the pains which, after a limb has been broken or sprained, are felt on the approach of any disease ; as if he were an evil disposition inherent in the body of the state, and which shows itself in every disease which attacks it, that is, in every public calamity. 156 11. axovixl,'] equivalent to dvaifiaxl, and gear L 15. si xa pev ngdyfxaxa — nsQisoxi],] If matters had come to the state in which they now are. 157 3. xivdvvzvttaa] We commonly find after this word the com- ma which I have placed before it, where some critics place a xal' the sense is: but the city has continually encountered danger, fighting for preeminence, for honor, and for glory. 13. Kvgolkov] Cyrsilus (called Lycidas by Herodotus, Book IX, § 5.), a senator who was stoned to death, for having advised his fellow citizens to listen to the propositions of Mardonius. 37 290 NOTES. 24. d-avuTu] The old editions entirely omit this word, which 1 57 has been received upon the authority of some manuscripts ; it is placed with the article tov, after the word avuyxr] ' I have transposed it, and left out the article. 12. # pa jovg iv Maga&m'i] With regard to this fine passage, 158 see Longinus on the Sublime, § XVI. 23. yga^fiaToxvcpcav,] for yga^^aTEvg, because ol ygafifxaTEig figogxsxvyoTEg ygdcpovai. It is here taken in a bad sense, and signifies a miserable scribe. 30. tov] This word is added by several editors. I have re- tained it, but have transposed tovtojv, for the sake of euphony. Other editions have to tou tovtojv. 6. uno6. a|.] Transposed by me, instead of c&w^wTa ano6U- 159 novTag. 7. tj] (jc/.xttjqIoc %al toj avfj.66la),] Taking the staff and the symbol. The first of these words is in allusion to the staff which the judges held in their hands in going to the tribunal. The second was a sort of tablet, mvaxldiov, where was written the name of the judge and of the tribunal. See the Scholiast on the Flutus of Aristophanes, v. 277. 27. sUts,] You were going out. Here is again one of those 1 60 words which show what an advantage it would be, if Greek scholars would pronounce the language as do the Greeks themselves. This word is commonly written e^te, as if it were the imperfect of the verb stp, / am. The critics saw the necessity of correcting it, and made it smelts, which Buttmann's Grammar places as an imperfect of the verb eI^ll, I go, but which is in fact the pluperfect middle, the imperfect of this verb being Its, as may be seen in the Grammar of Lascaris. Thus we see that so simple a thing, which has given some trouble to learned commentators, is merely a fault in the or- thography which would have been easily perceived if they had remembered that t\ and i are pronounced, and ever have been pronounced, in exactly the same manner. 14. Tfjv inl Ts 7i. v.vX Ti)v %.] In the tico battles ivhich you fought; 161 one near the river, the other diwing the winter. In alluding to these two battles, Demosthenes was sufficiently well understood DEMOSTHENES. 291 1 6 1 by his hearers, but did not explain himself clearly enough for posterity. 162 5. aviolg] Some correct the passage by aviovg. 9. otl] Omitted by some editors; and the word nlavoi is also written nldvrj ' which evidently was caused by the similar pronunciation of oi and ??. 14. KalUgqaxog] Callistratus, an Athenian orator, whose elo- quent speech on the town of Oropus caused Demosthenes to take the resolution of devoting himself to eloquence. As to Aristophon, Cephalus, Thrasybulus, see Notes, p. 67, 1. 20, 22, and p. 68, 1. 5. 26. Tigovola] Corrected on my own authority, instead of the common ngovoiav, which Reiske also on his own authority al- ters to ngovolag. 163 17. Ugiorovixog,] See Notes, p. 116, 1. 14. 28. avexglvsTo] Some correct it, av exqIvsto, and (cp, which last I have adopted instead of the common aawUovg,Y Sosicles, Philocrates, Diondas, 3Ielanus. History does not explain to us the causes or the effects of the implacable hatred and malicious attempts of these four men against Demosthenes. As to Philocrates, see p. 29. 25. iyvmxoTcov] instead of the common yvovjwv. We also find y.al vneg twv za evogxa yvovicov dixaarmv. 19. yyovpai.] After this word some add ym\ analdsviov. 171 6. to 8s] It is also written t« ds. 1 72 20. ve6gl£(av } ] from rsSglg, buckskin, and not vsvgl'Ctov, from 173 vsvgov, nerve, as it is found in all the old editions. This fault arose from the similar pronunciation of i6 and sv ,• other faults from a similar cause have been noticed above. See my Modern Greek Grammar, Chapter on Pronunciation. 21. cmopaTTtov] for unoipwv, in rubbing, or upon farther search, for tteqitiXuttcov, covering, besmearing, as a ceremony practised in commemoration of the adventure of Bacchus, who was plastered over with gypsum by the Titans, to prevent their being recognised by him. 23. "Ecpvyov, — a^isLvov *] I fled the evil, and found the better. These were solemn words pronounced at the celebration of the DEMOSTHENES. 293 1 73 ceremonies here mentioned, in allusion to the ancient manner of living in Attica, when the inhabitants fed upon acorns, and to their modern delacacies which resulted from their progress in civilization. 27. d-iaoovg] from dsTa, and aoac, to sing divine things, and it is used to signify the crowds which met to celebrate the fes- tivals of Bacchus. 28. [lugd&gcrt — Isvx)],] Crowned with fennel and white poplar. 29. xttg nagslag] °0 nagslag,& sort of serpent called so, nagd xo inrigd-ai xdg nagslag, from having swollen cheeks. It is said not to bite, or its bite to be harmless. It was used in the cere- monies of Bacchus, to excite the wonder of the people. 30. Evol 2a6oi,] The first of these words is composed of sv, well, and ol, to him. The second is a Phrygian word, and means the priests of Bacchus. Ol (xkv 2a6ovg Xiyovoi xovg xe- Xovfisvovg xw Za6aC,lo}, xovx san, tw /Jlovvoo). Harpocr. 31. c 'Tt]g "Axirjg,] Two epithets applied to Bacchus. The first signifying rainy, oxl vow 6 Ssog inl xr\v yivvr\Giv avxv ' be- cause at his birth Jupiter watered the earth with rain. With re- gard to the second there are various opinions ; that which Tour- reil prefers is, that it comes from uti\, injury, dnb xr t g ysvo^h'r\g ex xwv Tixdvcov elg avxov dxrjg xal cp&ogdg ' might it not, however, be derived from dxxco, I leap, as if making his adorers leap ? 174 1. jiixxoy., Xixvoy.,] Ivy -bearer, van-bearer, words which re- mind us that the ivy and the van were sacred to Bacchus. 3. Iv&gvnxa v.al ggenxovg y.al vsi]Xaxa '] Three different kinds of pastry. The first comes from iv&gvnxa, I crumb, because it was made elg oxdcprjv agxovg dia&gvipavxeg. The second, from axgscpoj, I turn, and we understand agxovg ' as we understand aXcpixa, at the word vsyXaxa, which comes from viog, new, dim I grind, as if we said, cakes of meal newly ground. 8. xolg agytdioig.] Tdlg eXaxxooc xutv agyovxav. Wolfius. 12. ftagvoxovoig] Pathetic, from /3agvg, heavy, and givta, I sigh. 15. iXalag] Reiske writes iXdag, and makes a distinction between iXala, olive tree, and iXda, olive. But even if iXda does signify olive, it does not prevent IXala from having the meaning both of olive and olive tree, since it is still used in this double 294 NOTES. acceptation among us. I therefore retain ilalag, for which there 174 are also all the best authorities. 11. D £|£7r. — iavgiTTov.] You were falling (see Notes, p. 149, 175 1. 31,) and I was hissing. We see by this passage that the prac- tice of hissing at public representations, is not of modern origin. 21. Xeitvq.] The testimony of the public offices which I have held. 23. ilv(ialvov *] It is also written iXv^vca. Of the two lines here quoted, the first is from the Hecuba of Euripides ; the second, from the Antigone of Sophocles. It is probable that they are not taken indiscriminately from among the parts play- ed by iEschines, as a comedian, but that Demosthenes singled them out with some malice. 2. iyoj.] Reis. adds this word, which gives more clearness. 176 25. vo^ilfioig] R. prefers vo^ioig, and corrects di(agixsvai. 177 26. diayt£l{isvov] It is also written diaxslfisva. 1 78 4. tz&gag, xal (jd.J Reiske corrects l%&gag svsxa, (p., without 179 the slightest authority, and merely for the pleasure of correct- ing ; for if the text thus altered, is good, unaltered, it is no less so. This is not an uncommon fault in this great Hellenist and critic, who has made magnificent discoveries in his philo- logical researches, but who frequently errs, through his fond- ness for adding. 18. avTijg] understood ayxvgag ' He is not held by the same anchor as the people ; that is, he does not look to the same things as the people for his safety. 22. 7igza6£VT7}g~\ You were going as ambassador. After the battle of Chseronea, the Athenians fearing the power and the anger of the conqueror, sent him an embassy to beg for peace. It is probable that they sent those whom they knew to be his friends, and iEschines was of the number. 28. xaTagaiat] After this word some add y,a$ Exagr\v ixxXqolav. 30. to] I have added this word, and have put in the infin- itive the words which are commonly written cpgovsi xal liyei. Some editions have ?J u pj xama. xal cpgovu xal Xiyei, and oth- ers eI pj Tama a cpgovsl xal Xsysi. 7. svsita] commonly put after idlag, but I have transposed it. 180 15. Inl xw] A transposition, likewise on my own authority ; the text is commonly ml tm to. tovtojvI ov^y. dbacpS-dgEiv, DEMOSTHENES. 2% 180 16. avxolg"] Reiske substitutes for this word avxog ov.vxov, the first on authority, the second, of his own accord. 25. Jripadrjv,] Demades, a celebrated Athenian orator, who was taken prisoner at the battle of Chaeronea. His vivacity and his frankness having gained him the friendship of Philip, he took advantage of it to engage him to make peace with the Athenians. He met with a most miserable end. Cassander, son of Antipater, having intercepted a secret letter written against his father, slew the son of Demades before his eyes, and killed the unhappy man himself, upon the lifeless body of his son. 181 3. sv&f}vovvrav\ While things were prosperous. It is also written evSsvsvxav. 14. iXd-ovxag] It is also written iX&ovxa and vnoY.qivo^vQv. 22. to TtegldeiTTvov] The funeral banquet. This was consid- ered as a religious ceremony, instituted to honor the memory of those whose loss was mourned, and to recall to the minds of the guests the remembrance of death. This custom still remains in Greece, as common as formerly. 182 4. agsxrjg nal Irjpaxog,] Understood [isxct, and it signifies fight- ing with vigor and resolution. The word l^axog is substituted for dslfiaxog which is not so good. In adopting the latter, we should understand ivexa, and make this sense, fighting to pre- serve their warlike virtue, and to inspire terror in their enemies. 11. enoQEv.] nothing can escape fate. This word is also written btxoqov with ol Ssol understood. Reiske, of his own accord, corrects by putting exsqov, and construes thus : xk s£egiv txsgov xl cpvyslv xtjv fxdlgav. 26. xotg yey.] understood im, which some insert in the text. lo4 12. nQOTxsTxojxoxsg,] Having drunk, in a health to Philip, the destruction of Grecian liberty ; figuratively, for having sold or betrayed the public liberty to Philip. 1 85 14. xui Xnnsg,'] We commonly find xul nollsg \nnsg, and Reiske encloses the word nollbg. But placing the word after, as I have done, the sense is so much more natural and simple, that it must have been placed before by the mistake of some transcriber. 1 86 5. TlsQiv&ov ;] Instead of this word we find Ev6oiav, which many learned men consider as corrupt, and which Reiske 296 NOTES. writes between brackets. It is conjectured that the proper 186 word is that which I have here written, although it is not sup- ported by the authority of manuscripts. What Gail says in a note in favor of EvOoiav, does not appear to me convincing, and what is said by Demosthenes, p. 185, 1. 27, Ev6oiav ngo- OaXsa&aL, is a reason for not repeating the word here. 15. dalfiovog Tivog] See Notes, p. 40. 1. 8. 4. aya&oig] a word added upon authority. 1 " • 9. anogavxa] preferable to the common ovx anoaxavza. 14. {3aaxulveiv '] Before this word some add ngoelopsvov. 19. si ;] It is also written ysyovag. *** 26. eig ttjv imxt/xlav '] We might translate this by, to aspire after honorable places, or more at length, wealtli accumulated to enable him to Jill with honor those offices which involve great expenses. 9. Tgayty.bg Oeoy.ghr]g.~[ tragedian Theocrines; who at first wrote 1"9 pieces for the theatre ; but having soon left this employment for that of accuser, or rather calumniator, his name became a proverb, and a Theocrines was equivalent to a calumniator. 2. ol diaovgovxsg] Reiske prefers o2 diiavgov [isv. 1 90 11. ®ddw(dv, — rXocvxov] See Notes, p. 65, 1. 27, 28. 16. oga (ii\ compare me. c Ogav, to see, is here synonymous with 7iaga6dlleLv, avyxglveiv, to compare. 28. Mi] drjx,] Demosthenes terminates his speech as he be- 191 gan it, by invoking the Gods with a confidence which nothing but a good conscience can give. There can be nothing more touching or more pathetic than this whole peroration. We may say that it is in every point according to the rules which rhetoricians give us, or rather that rhetoricians have drawn their rules from this masterpiece of eloquence. THE END. The two following, it is believed, are all that exist in the text : Page 43, line 23, for v^uv, read hpcov " 144, " 16, " Movvix'uvos, " MovvuxiZns In the notes, the following is the only one affecting the sense : Page 267 \ line 34, for to Demomeles, read to Demosthenes c Gc:ccr7--. S^W mmm mm ^3 S33M c crc ~