Author ^^^o/* o 2: -^ **s .47 Hat Title Imprint New York City, » "-^ AND HO IF TO SEE IT; BEING A Compilation of the principal places of interest in the city, accompanied with such full instructions how to reach each one, by the most direct piiblic con- veyance, as to render it invaluable to both stranger's and residents Eutcrcd according to Act of Congress iri'YfttrywrtSCO, By JOSEPH J. LITTLE, In the Clerk's Oflieo of the District Court of the United States for tho Southern District of New Yorlv. NEW YORK : THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 119 AND 121 Nassau Street. 1869. <^ . 55" INTRODUCTION. There are several so called Guides to New York now published, but in reality they are but elaborate descriptions, leaving the stranger, after a perusal, impressed with the grandeur to be seen, but as far from knowing how to proceed as before. This little book will be found a perfect Key to all guides now published, as well as being in itself far more useful to all really wishing to see New York, than any guide now published, al- though selling for one-tenth the amount. Explanation, Turn to the place desired to be visitegl, then by referring to the *'Car and Stage Routes," it will be easily determined which of the convey- ances there enumerated will be most available for you. Illustration : A visitor at the Metro- politan Hotel wishes to visit Central Park — he chooses the Broadway cars as his route ; refers to '' City Horse-Car Routes," and finds they pass up Greene street ; refers again to ''Street Guide," and finds he has two blocks to walk to reach it. Returning, he wishes to go direct to the Custom House ; by reference he finds the Eastern Branch of the N. & E. River Cars is the only direct route. From there he wishes to return to the hotel, and finds the Wall-street stages pass the door. With a fe\v moments' thought, an entire stranger to the city can thus learn how to reach any part of the city without other assistance. STREET GUIDE. Broadway runs nearly North and South, and as all of the Omnibuses and nearly all of the va- rious lines of Horse-cars run through or in streets running parallel to it, we take that as the central starting point. It is not deemed neces- sary to give the name of every street which may run for a short distance only in the same direc- tion, to enable the reader to fully comprehend our purpose ; we therefore take two available points, the cross-streets at which run entirely across the city, from river to river, viz. : at Houston street, and at Twenty-third street. AT HOUSTON STREET. West from Broadway. 1 Mercer 2 Greene 3 Wooster 4 Laurens 5 Thompson 6 Sullivan 7 Macdougal 8 Hancock 1) Congress 10 Bedford 11 Yarick 12 Hudson 13 Greenwich 14 AVashington 15 West East from 1 Crosby 2 Mulberry 3 Mott 4 Elizabeth 5 Bowery G Christie--- Second av. 7 Forsyth 8 Eldridgc 9 Allen- First av. 10 Orchard 11 Ludlow 12 Essex — Avenue A 13 Norfolk Broadway. 14 Suffolk 15 Clinton- Avenue B 1(5 Attorney 17 Kidge 18 Pitt- Avenue C 19 Willett 20 Sheriff 21 Columbia- Avenue D 22 Manhattan 23 Cannon 24 Lewis 25 Goerck 2(J Mauiid E. Maguire. Cor. Prince and Mott Sts. "ake Third Ave., or Fourth Ave., or Bleccker St. Cars, leaving at Prince St. St. 6'^^';^/;^,v/'^\— (Catholic), Rev. E. McGlynn. 93 E. 28th St. Take Broadway, Third Ave., or Fourth Ave. Cars. SV. F?'ancis Xavier.—{CzXh\o\\c), Rev. J. Loy- zance. 36 W. i6th St. Take Broadway or Sixth Ave. Cars. IVie Tabernacle. — (Congregational), Rev. J. P. Thompson. Cor. 34th St. and Sixth Ave. Take Broadway, Sixth Ave., or Seventh Ave. Cars. CJui7rh of the Puritans. — (Congregational), Rev. Geo. B. Cheever. No. 29 Irving Place. Take Third Ave. or Fourth Ave. Cars, leav- ing at i6th St. Fourth Universalist Church. — Rev. E. H. Chapin. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 45th St. Take Sixth Ave. Cars. Chu?rh of All Souls.— {\]n\i:n-\:in), Rev. H. W. Bellows. Cor. Fourth Ave. and 20th St. Take Fourth Ave. or Broadway Cars. Church of the Messiah. — (Unitarian), Rev. G. M. Hepworth. Cor. Park Ave. and 34th St. Take Fourth Ave., or Broadway Cars. AND HOW TO SEE IT. 1 5 Presbyterian Church. — Rev. Dr. Hall. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 19th St. Take Broadway or Sixth Ave. Cars. Brick Presbyterian Chmrh. — Revs. J. O. Mur- ray and G. Spring. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 37th St. Take Broadway Cars. The Tabernacle Chii7'ch. — (Baptist), Rev. R. Kendrick. Second Ave. near loth St. Take Second Ave. or Third Ave. Cars. Baptist CJiui'ch. — Rev. Thomas Armitage. Fifth Ave. near 46th St. Take Broadway or Sixth Ave. Cars, Collegiate, Reformed Dutch CJiurcJi. — Rev. Thos. DeWitt. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 29th St. Take Fourth Ave. or Broadway Cars. South Reformed Dutch Church. — Rev. E. P. Rogers. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 21st St. Take Broadway or Sixth Ave. Cars. Temple Emanuel El. — (Jewish), Rev. Dr. S. Adler and Rev. James K. Guthcrin. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 43d St. Take Sixth Ave. Cars. St. 7'^?///'^.— (Methodist Episcopal), Rev. C. D. Foss. Cor. Fourth Ave. and 22d St. Take Fourth Ave., Broadway, or 42d St. Cars. CLUB HOUSES. The Union League Club. — Cor. 26th St. and Madison Ave. Take Madison Ave., Fourth Ave., or Fifth Ave. Stages, or Fourth Ave. or Broadway Cars, leaving at 26th St. The Manhattan Club. — Cor. of P^ifth Ave. and 15th St. Take Fifth Ave. Stages, or Broad- way or Sixth Ave. Cars. The Travellers'' Club. — 222 P^ifih Ave. Take Fifth, or Madison Ave. Stages, or Broad- way Cars, leaving at 26th St. •16 NEW YORK CITY, The AtJieneum Club. — Cor. Fifth Ave. and 25th St. Take Madison Ave., Fifth Ave., or Fourth Ave. Stages, or Broadway or Fourth Ave. Cars. T/ie Union Club. — Cor. Fifth Ave. and 21st St. Take Madison Ave., Fifth Ave., or 23d St. stages, or Broadway cars. HOTELS. To give a list of all the hotels, would of itself require a hook nearly as large as this little volume ; we therefore give the names of a few only— those which are of such magnifi- cence as to be well worth a visit — not intending it as a guide for those seeking hotel accommodations. As tor House. — Broadway. S. W. cor. of City Hall Park, which see. Metropolitan Hotel. — Cor. Broadway and Prince St. Take Broadway or Bleecker St. line of Cars, leaving at Prince or Houston Sts.; all stages pass the door. .S7. NicJiolas Hotel. — Broadway between Broome and Spring Sts, Take Broadway or Bleecker St. Cars, leaving at Spring St.; all stages pass the door. Prescott House. — Cor. Spring St. and Broadway. Take same as for St. Nicholas. Graniercy Park Hotel. — Gramercy Place, be- tween 20th and 2 1 St Sts. Take Third Ave., Fourth Ave., or 42d St. line of Cars, or Fourth Ave. Stages. Fifth Avenue Hotel. — Intersection of Broadway and P^ifth Ave. from 23d to 24th Sts. Take Broadway or 42d St. line of Cars, or Fifth Ave., Madison Ave., or 23d St. Stages, all of which pass it. Hoffman House. — Broadway between 24th and 25th Sts. Take same as for Fifth Ave. Hotel. AND HOW TO SEE IT. 1 7 S^. James Hotel. — Broadway corner of 26th St. Take same as for Fifth Ave. Hotel. Everett House. — North side of Union Square, corner of 17th St. Take Fourth Ave. or Broadway Cars, or Fourth Ave., Madison Ave., or 23d St. hne of Stages. 77/6' Clarendon Hotel. — Cor. Fourth Ave. and 1 8th St. Take same as for Everett House. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS. 77/6' Astor Library. — Lafayette Place near Astor Place. Take Fourth Ave. Cars, or any of the stages except Bleecker St. line. . The Mereaiitile Libreiry. — In Clinton Hall, junc- tion of Astor Place and Eighth St. Take same as for Astor Library. 77/6' Apprentices'' Library. — No. 472 Broadway. Take Grand St., Bleecker St., or Broadway Cars ; all stages pass the door. 77/6' New York Society Libi^ary. —6'] University Place. Take Broadway Cars, or any of the stages except the Eighth St. and Bleecker St. lines, leaving at 12th St. 77/6' Lyceum of iVatural History. — 14th St. near Fourth Ave. Take same as for Academy of Music. 77/6- Cooper Union. — Junction of Third and Fourth Ave., between Seventh and Eighth Sts. Take same as for Astor Library, with Third Ave. Cars additional. 77/6' College of the City of Neiu York. — Cor. Lex- ington Ave. and 23d St. Take Third Ave. or Fourth Ave. Cars, or Fourth Ave. Stages. New York Historical Society. — Cor. Second Ave. and nth St. Take Second Ave. Cars. 1 8 NEW YORK CITY, Young Mens' Christian Association. — S. W. corner of 23d St. and Fourth Ave. Take same as for Academy of Design. New York Univosity. — East side of Washing- ton Square, which see. Columbia College. — 49th St. near Fifth Ave. Take Sixth Ave. Cars. Rutger's Female College. — Fifth Ave. between 41st and 42d Sts. Take Fifth Ave. Stages, or Sixth Ave. Cars. Neiv York Medical College for Women. — Second Ave. corner of 12th St. Take Second or Third Ave. Cars. Ne%v York Injirmary and Women's Medical College. — No. 126 Second Ave,, between Seventh St. and St. Mark's Place. Take Second or Third Ave. Cars. MARKETS (The largest). Washington Market. — Foot of Vesey St. Take Grand St. Ferry and Courtlandt St. Ferry Cars, Central Park, N. and E. River Cars, Western division, or Bleecker St. Stages. Ask conductor where to leave. Fulton Market.— Yoot of Fulton St., E. R. Take Central Park, N. and E. River Cars, Eastern division, Bleecker St. Cars, or Fifth Ave. Stages. Centre Market. — Cor. Grand and Centre Sts. Take Fourth Ave., Bleecker St., or Grand St. Ferry Cars ; or any of the stages, leaving at Grand St. Jefferson Market.— Qox. of Sixth Ave. and (Greenwich Ave. Take Sixth Ave. or Seventh Ave. Cars, which pass it. AND HOW TO SEE IT. I9 NEWSPAPERS. The New York Ilerakl, Tlie Tribune, The Times, The Staats Zeitmio-, The World, The Sun, and the IJemokrat, all daily morning papers, as well as The Evening Express (daily), Tiie Evening News (daily). The New York Ledger (weekly), and many others of less magnitude, arc all within a stone's throw of each other, in the vicinity of the City Ilall Park. Those whose buildings are noted for architectural beauty arc the following: New York Herald. — Cor. Ann St. and Broad- way. New York Times. — Junction of Park Row and Nassau St. Neiu York Ledger, — Cor. Spruce and William Sts. The Evening Ne-cus. — 17 Chatham St. They are all easily reached by the same conveyances as for City Hall Park. PARKS. Central Park. — Extends from 59th to iioth St. and from the Fifth to the Eighth Avenue. Take Second Ave., Third Ave., Sixth Ave., Seventh Ave., Eighth Ave., Broadway, or Central Park, N. and E. River Cars. City Hall Park. — Extends from Chambers St. to Vesey St., and from Broadway to Park Row. Take Third Ave., Fourth Ave., Sixth Ave., Seventh Ave., Eighth Ave., or Bleecker St. lines of Cars ; all stages pass it. Union Square. — Extends from 14th to 17th St., and from Fourth Ave. to Broadway. • Take Broadway, or Fourth Ave., or 42d St. line of Cars ; all stages, except Eighth St. and lUeeckcr St. lines, pass it. 20 NEW YORK CITY, Washington Square. — (Formerly Potter's Field), extends from University Place to Macdougal St., and from Fourth St. to Waverley Place. Take Broadway or Seventh Ave. Cars, which pass it, or Sixth Ave. Cars, leaving at West Washington Place. Bleecker St. line of Cars also pass it on their upward trip, and within two blocks on their downward trip. Madison Square. — Extends from Broadway to Madison Ave., and from 23d to 25th St. Take same as for Fifth Avenue Hotel. To7npkins'' Square. — (Public Military Parade Ground), extends from Seventh to loth St., and from Ave. A to Ave. B. Take Dry Dock or 42d St. line of Cars, or Eighth St. line of Stages; all of which pass it. Gramercy Park. — Extends from 20th to 21st St., and from Third to Fourth Ave. Take same as for Gramercy Park Hotel. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Grand Opera House. — Cor. 23d St. and Eighth Ave. Take Eighth Ave. Cars, or 23d St. Stages ; both pass it. Academy of Music. — Cor. 14th St. and Irving Place. Take Third Ave., Fourth Ave., or Broadway Cars, leaving at 14th St.; or 42d St. line of Cars, which pass it ; or any of the stages except Bleecker St. and Eighth St. lines, leaving at 14th St. New Yo7'k Circus. — In 14th St. opposite Irving Place. Take same as for Acadcniy of Music. Irving Hall. — Cor. 15th St. and Irving Place. Take same as for Academy of Music. Booth's Theatre. — Cor. 23d St. and Sixth Ave. Take 23d St. Stages, or Sixth Ave. Cars ; both pass it. AND HOW TO SEE IT. 21 IVood^s Muscu7)i. — Cor. Broadway and 30th St. Take 42d St. or Broadway line of Cars, which pass it ; or Sixth Ave. Cars, or Fifth Ave. Stages, leaving at 30th St. Wallack's Theatre, — Cor. Broadway and 13th St. Take Fourth Ave. Cars, leaving at 13th St.; all stages, except Eighth St. and 131eecker St. line, pass the door. Stcimvay Hall. — In 14th St. near Fourth Ave. Take same as for Academy of Music. TJie Olympic TJicatrc. — Broadway, between Houston and Bleecker Sts. Take Bleecker St. or Broadway Cars, leaving at either of the above streets ; all stages pass the door. Nibld's Garden. — Broadway, between Prince and Houston Sts. Take same as for Olympic Theatre, leaving cars at Prince or Houston St. Theatre Comique. — 514 Broadway. Take same as for Olympic Theatre, leaving cars at Spring St. French Theatre. — In 14th St. between Sixth and Seventh Ave's. Take Sixth Ave., or Seventh Ave., or Broadway Cars, or any of the stages, except Eighth St. or Bleecker St. lines, leaving at 14th St. FiftJi Aveiuie Theatre. — In 24th St. near Fifth Ave. Take same as for Fifth Avenue Hotel. IVaverley Theatre. — 720 Broadway. Take Broad- way Cars, leaving at Waverley place; Bleecker St. Cars, leaving at Broadway. All stages except the Bleecker St. line pass the door. The Tainniany. — 14th St. near Third Ave. Take same as for Academy of Music. Sail Francisco Minstrels. — 585 Broadway. Take same as for Niblo's Garden. 22 NEW VORK CITY, BfyauTs Opci-a House. — Tammany Building. Take same as for Academy of Music. New York IMiiscitni of Anatoviy. — 6i8 Broad- way. Take same as for Olympic Theatre. Ladies' New York Miisemn of Anatoiny. — 620 Broadway. Take same as for Olympic Theatre. German Stadt Theatre. — No's 45 and 47 Bowery. Take Second Ave., or Third Ave., or the Branch of the Bleecker St. line of Cars, all of which pass it. Bowery Theatre. — Bowery, between Canal and Bayard Sts. Take same as for New York Stadt Theatre. Tony Pastor's Opera Honse. — 201 Bowery. Take Third Ave. or Fourth Ave. lines of Cars, which pass it, or Bleecker St. Stages, leaving at the Bowery. Central Pat-k Garden. — In Seventh Ave., be- tween 58th and 59th Sts. Take Broadway or Seventh Ave. line of Cars. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The City Hall. — In City Hall Park, which see. The New Con?-t House. — In City Hall Park, which see. Hall of Records. — In City Hall Park, which sec. The Tombs, or Halls of Jnstiee. — In Centre, between Leonard and Franklin Sts. Take Fourth Ave. or Bleecker St. Cars, which pass, or any of the stages, leaving at Franklin St. The Post- Office. — In Nassau St. between Cedar and Liberty Sts. Take any of the stages ex- cept Fifth Ave. and Bleecker, St. lines. AND HOW TO SEE IT. 23 U. S. Sub-Trcasioy. — Cor. Nassau and Wall Sts. Take same as for Post-Officc, leaving at Wall St. The Custoin-Hoiisc. — Cor. Wall and William Sts. Take same as for Sub-Treasury ; also Eastern branch N. and E. R. Cars, leaving at Wall St. The Stock- E.xchans;e. — In Broad St. a few doors south of Wall St. Take Wall St. or any of the South Ferry Stages. Nciu York Produce-Exchange. — Whitehall St., between Water and Pearl Sts. Take 23d St., Fourth Ave., or Eighth St. line of Stages, which pass it. Police Headgiiarfers. — No. 300 Mulberry St., between Houston and Bleecker Sts. Take any of the stages or Bleecker St. Cars, leav- ing at Bleecker St. Headquarters Metropolita?i Fire Depart- ment. — 127 and 129 Mercer St. Take Broad- way Cars or any of the stages, leaving at Prince St. Hall of the Board of Education. — Cor. Elm and Grand Sts. Take Fourth Ave., or Grand St., or Bleecker St. line of Cars, or any of- the stages, leaving at Grand St. House of Detention for Witnesses. — 203 Mul- berry St. Take Third Ave., Fourth Ave., or Bleecker St. line of Cars, or any of the stages, leaving at Spring St. PUBLIC WORKS. Croton Resa'voir. — Fifth Ave., between 41st and 42 d Sts. Take Fifth Ave. Stages or Sixth Ave. Cars, 24 Nii\V YORK CITV, High Bridge. — Upon which the Croton Acque- duct is conveyed across the Harlem River, is reached by Third Ave. Cars to Harlem, and thence by steamboat ; or by Harlem Railroad from Fourth Ave. and 26th St. depot, which is reached by Fourth Ave. Cars or Stages. Ha7'lc)ii Bridge. — Crossing the Harlem River at the termination of Third Ave., uniting New York and Westchester Counties, is reached by Third Ave. Cars ; or in Summer, by Har- lem steamboats from Peck Slip, which is reached by Second Ave. Cars, or by Branch of Bleecker St. Cars, or by the Eastern divi- sion of the Central Park, N. and E. River Cars. RESTAURANTS (The most fashionable.) Taylor'' s Saloon. — No, 555 Broadway, between Spring and Prince Sts. Take same as for St. Nicholas Hotel. Deh)ionico''s Saloon. — Cor. Fifth Ave. and 14th St. Take Fifth Ave. Stages, or Broadway or Sixth Ave. Cars. Riley^s Saloon. — Cor. University Place and nth St. Take Broadway Cars, or Fifth Ave. Stages, which pass it. Maillard's Saloon. — 621 Broadway, between Houston and Bleecker Sts. Take same as for Olympic Theatre. Clark'' s Saloon. — 835 Broadway. Take Broad- way or Fourth Ave. Cars, leaving at 13th St. All stages, except Eighth St. and Bleecker St. lines, pass it. STORES. It would be an almost endless labor to give the location of each one that is worthy of mention ; aa Broadway from Wall street to Fourteenth street (about two miles), as well as a V AND HOW TO SEE IT. 2$ few hi<,^lier up, is but one continuous line, each, newly- erected one gtriviug to excel the last. A ride in any of the staijes, or a stroll down Broadway, is. time well spent to the sightseer. Only a few of the most noted are here given. Knox^s Hat Store. — Cor. Broadway and Fulton St. Take Third Ave., Fourth Ave., Sixth Ave., or Seventh Ave. Cars; all stages pass it. A. T. Stcwaji &= Co.^s, Wholesale Store. — Cor. Chambers St. and Broadway. All stages pass it. Mercha7its^ Union Express Building. — 365 and 367 Broadway, Cor. Franklin St. All stages pass it. Halsted, Haines 6r* Co. — Dry Goods. 376 Broadway, corner White St. Take Bleecker St. Cars, leaving at White St., or Courtlandt St. Cars, leaving at Broadway ; all stages pass it. Tiff, Griswold &^ Co. — Dry Goods. 443 and 445 Broadway, between Grand and Howard Sts. Take Grand St. Cars, leaving at Broad- way ; all stages pass it. Devlin &^ Co. — Clothing. S. W. corner Grand St. and Broadway, and Lord &^ Taylor. — Dry Goods. N. W. corner Grand St. and Broadway. Grand St. Cars and all stages pass them. V. HaugJnuout ^ Co. — China. Cor. Broome Si. and Broadway. Take Bleecker St. or Broad- way Cars, leaving at Broome St.; all stages pass it. Grover &^ Baker. — Sewing Machines. 495 Broadway. Take same as for last mentioned. C. G. Gunther &^ Sons. — Furs. 502 and 504 Broadway. Take same as for last mentioned. 26 NEW YORK CITY, Ball, Black &^ Co. — Jewelry. Broadway, Cor. Prince St. Take same as last mentioned, leaving cars at Prince St. H. T. Helm bold. — Drugs. 594 Broadway, be- tween Prince and Houston Sts. Take same as for Metropolitan Hotel. IV.