F129 .C665 F9 mm}- Llarria^e Intentions, \7omens' Meeting, page Marriages, Coeyi^ians M. M. " 19 Removal Certificates, Coeymaiis M. M» " 21 Deaths, » " " " 30 Record of names constitating New Baltimore MontiUy Meeting, Greene Co. " 35 « • "f^O&^f^^ U A RRIA GE IHTEIITIONS '•¥ M E N« S MEETING COEYMANS MONTHLY MEETING ALBANY COUNTY NEW YORK (Erom the establistmient 28 of 12m 1799. to 25 oflOm 1867 ) NOTE. WoDien's meetings took no action on the marriage or dis- ownrr.ent of a member of the men's meeting whereas the men's meeting had to concur in similar matters from the women's meeting. Hence, the women' s minutes are not as valuable as the mens' . Y J j^» \i iiM ••-»•'• - ,1 '£ <1 MARRIAGE IKTENTIOITS "Y; M E N' S M E E T I N G" COEYMANS MONTHLY MEETING Lllen, ) ALBANY COUNTY NEW YORK Spenoer,} Oaleb Spencer and Llary Bedell, Bedell, ) 1st Intention, 1 of 3m, 1800, 2nd Intention, 29 of 3ra, 1800, Reported aocomplished, 25 of 4m, 1800 Spencer, } William Spencer and Susannah Dean, Dean, ) 1st Intention, 25 of 4m, 1800, 2nd Intention, 24 of 5m, 1800, Reported accomplished, 26 of 6m, 1800 Underhill, ) Henry Underhill and Huth Langford, Langford, ) 1st Intention, 25 of 9m, 1800, 2nd Intention, 23 of 10m, 1800, No report, 27 of 11m, 1800 Reported accomplished, 22 of Im, 1801 Haight, ] Anna ^^aight, formerly Jacoc^s, "hath Jacocks, ) Inarried out" Disov,'ned, 22 of Im, 1801 James Haight and Anna Allen, 1st Intention, 22 of Im, 1801, 2nd Intention, 26 of 2m, 1801 No report, 26 of 3m, 1801 Reported accomplished, 23 of 4m, 1801 T 7» O'- -3 i^onag'C cfelfiO vt'i^-'- a , ii 10 U»i f£iQl ^ ^ijL *»l/w'I0^'3 — Ji'xC>v-j3" ,fm -r is.; r- , .roUnaJr. . " r ' r ■ ■ ': r t • ^ . •.sriaiiOjiiOoOJo ;..:;( J iO'-::. ■ r-rrv '^ rr^T J:3nv.-08rCI ; ,a^ '-:iA f^n^-'So , ,:-'?[B;i o Briggs,) . Roclcwell,) LiOore , ) Barney, ) Gould, ) Wickham,) Gurney, Nelson, Trunian , ) Koag , ] Garrit, Hoag, Hoag, Vamey, Catherine V/ilbur, formerly Briggs, reported married out of meeting, (no date) D isow ned, - - -? Sarah Roctovell, formerly Moore, reported married out of meeting Disov/ned, 27 of 2m, 1802 Thomas Gould and Dorcas Barney, 1st Intention, 23 of 7m, 1801, 2nd Intention, 29 of 8m, 1801 Reported accomplished, 24 of 9m, 1801 Abigail V/ickham (maiden name omitted) reported married out of meeting Disov/ned Jacob Gurney and Hannah Nelson, 1st Inten- tion. 25 of Im, 1801, 2nd Intention, 28 of Ira, 1802 Reported accomplished, 26 of 2m, 1802 Acknowledgment from Amey Truman, formerly Hoag" 25 of 12m, 1801 Accepted, 26 of 2m, 1802 Rachel Garrit, formerly Hoag, has married out of meeting Disowned, 27 of 5m, 1802 Philip Hoag and Esther Varnet, 1st Inten- tion, 7 of 8m. 1802, 2nd Intention, 23 of 9m, 1802 Reported accomplished, 28 of 10m, 1802 _f>_ •".'^''■\ -' u :. on I ;fc-£fic jjariv.oui'-. V-r^qr ,„r -l^, -,<■-' >^^^jX f 14.1 J. ^U W^V.^ rnoi . IvvomfoA 1^.. , on VxIcJia'ioi .JrriJBx; iSflOS nnr;t93/n 'io ^jjo •r -\ r^-r c ■nd' ■a ■ ?. ,B9: ^'j:i ,inS io Owl ^ , n£?:'i;Ti ( -3- Anfhony , Irish, Nerrirnore , ) Hoag, ) Braman , :i Powell, ) Halstead,) Fish, Underhill, Bennett, ) McCloud Donel Sstes . i Wilson, Hoa. Hai ag. ) Jabez Anthony and Ruth Irish, 1st Inten- tion, 23 of 12k, 1802, 2nd Intention, -? of Im, 1803. Committee reported they did not attend Lydia Nerrirnore, formerly Hoag, married out of meeting, 23 of 6m, 1803 Acknowledgment accepted Anne Braman, formerly ?, married out of meeting, 25 of 8ra, 1803 Acknowledgment accepted Anna Powell, formerly Halstead, married out of meeting, 29 of 9m, 1803 Acknov/ledgment accepted, 28 of 6ra, 1804 Stephen Pish and Hannah Underhill. 1st Intention, 29 of 9m, 1803. 2nd Intention, 27 of 10m, 1803 Reported accomplished, 22 of 12m, 1803 Prince Bennett and Esther LfcClaud, 1st Intention, 22 of 3m, 1804, 2nd Intention, 26 of 4m, 1804, Reported accomplished, 25 of 6m, 1804 James McDonel and Jerusha Estes, 1st Intention, 25 of 5m, 1804, 2nd Inten- tion, 28 of 6ra, 1804 i^eported accomplished, 26 of 7m, 1804 Eunice 'tVilson, foniierly - - -? married out of meeting. Disowned, 23 of 8m, 1804 Sarah Hoag, formerly Haight married out of meeting, 25' of 4m, 1805, diso\med !^-' ■'['■': "■.(:■ '- ■<* '^^.■■ > ' Ov-;Jl ,m9 " ' \ ■ " "JO i,i;B9^slBH '•'■ ^^ ,^^ .... .. ... .. .oA lo gS jCarisr z t>3ifoc9H , . arfeflqnoocs ba;t'rcq"9^i • grirjoeii' lo iuo ( ? ,:iiQ 10 '^r. ,£-3ffWoer(I i'jjo fcoriisifT ,id"§fBlI ^X'X3fi"i0"i ,5iioxI cfsifiG . , h^.oH ■■' / v , ' lo aS , ■ i'n lo , ,jd|rsH -4- irmstrong, ) Sandy , J ioag, ) king, ) Hoa, W Smith, ) Hoaf Austen Betts M Griffen, ] Dickinson, ) Thorn, : ] ield,) Llosier, ) Wood, ) Golden, Oarr Hull Knovvl Sheff Ruth Armstrong, formerly Sandy, married out of meeting and disov/ned, 23 of 5m, 1805 Mary Hoag, formerly Wing, married out of meeting and disowned, 25 of 7m, 1805 Anna Smith, formerly Hoag, married out of meeting and disowned, 27 of 6m, 1805 Cornelius Austen and Anna Betts, 1st Intention, 26 of 9m^ 1805, 2nd In- tention, — — — r Reported accomplished, 27 of Im, 1806 Seneca Griffen and Catherine Dickinson, 1st Intention, 27 of 11m, 1805, 2nd Intention, 26 of 12m, 1805, Reported accomplished, 23 of Ira, 1806 Elizabeth Thorn, Acknowledgement, 27 of 3m, 1806 Accepted Patience Carr, formerly Hull, married out of meeting and disowned, 22 of 5m, 1806 Mary Xnowles, formerly Sheffield, married out of meeting, acknowledgment, 25 of 3m, 1807 Accepted Gershen Llosier and Ruth V/ood, 1st Inten- tion j 28 of 8m, 1806. (no further mentioned) Keziah Golden, Acknowledgment, married out of meeting, acceDted 24 of 12m, 1806 o, . bbz'i-:. o>- » ' ^i- t ' ' _ l.^> W t' ^J«A^ .'■!. \ t ■ r.,- ,: r < • #^ Cuoi -nl cnS ,'.10 J I ,L":- lo SS ,r[or." . ^no:>;iJ-u , ■ ■ ODOti bdito: j^- ,rto£.. arrr' , i^.v' ji ^:.:iL 10 \3. .norjce^n i . e. e '-' f'*- ^0 VS , .6 iajioc >- jq"900i. j9cfBsrI3. 60 8 1 IBni ,Jbi9ill9irL vI-IDiJIOl ,8 ^ .^ ' - . ,-, — ^, . :;o s.^ .n ,r!3SI lo i^S f;5oq-90oB ^gnilasra lo - '. " ,n-: l.iil ■, , l'3CcO.» V /COO I. .:.-:::o- -5- Herr Powell ick, ] 11, ) Olcut , Nerrimore, Titus. Pov/ell, Dickinson, Fosdyck, Hutbard , Titus, Post, Titus, Bedell, ) litli, ) Smi- Drake , ) Frost Llary Herrick, formerly Powell, married out of meeting and disowned, 24 of 12m, 1806 Ollive Olcut, formerly Nerrimore. married out of meeting and dis- owned, 29 of 10m, 1806 Israel Titus and Hannah Powell, 1st Intention, 24 of 12m, 1806, 2nd Intention, 21 of Im, 1807 Reported accomplished, 25 of 2m, 1807 Jacoh Dickinson and Deborah Fosdyck, 1st Intention, 25 of 3m, 1807, 2nd Intention, 22 of 4m, 1807, Reported accomplished, 21 of 5m, 1807 Abigail Hubbard, formerly Titus ac^owl- edgment married out of meeting, 23 of 9m, 1807, accepted Gilbert Post and Elizabeth Titus, 1st Intention, 26 of 8m^ 1807, 2nd In- tention, 23 of 9m, 1807 Reported accomplished, 21 of 10m, 1807 Hannah Bedell, formerly Smith, married out of meeting, acknowledgement accepted, 24 of 8m, 1808 Gerardus Drake and Catherine Frost, 1st Intention, 23 of 12m, 1807, 2nd In- tention, 27 of Im, 1808 Reported accomplished, 24 of 2m, 1808 dj3I ,i(tSI lo '8LZ hns BfirJDBD 1:0 ^ijo hai': (.eioiariiaU -■ V-' iJ ,'-'-' W i V^ , V- ^ r t ■ 3j3X .mS lo ^^S ,b ^ T, - TO8I ,.. . .re-'--'"- -nu'*:nS',Y ' . 21 *io SS .r' ' * ( |j50-i- A , -6- Potter,] Fov/ell, Prior, Licbman,) Sull , ) Front , ) VsTiite, ) Nelson, Bedell, icks, ] oag, ) Hicks Hoa Powell Carman :i Smith. ) Powell. ) Judith Potter, formerly Si'«hite, married out of meeting ana disowned, E4 of Sm, 1808 Thomas Powell and Esther Prior, 1st Intention, 27 of 7m, 1808, 2nd Intention, 24 of 8m, 1808 Reported accomplished. 21 of 9ra, 1808 Fiary Richman, formerly Bull, married out of meeting. Acknowledgment accepted, 26 of 10m, 1808 Leonard V.liite and Hannah Prouh. 1st In- tention. 24 of 8m, 1808, 2nd Inten- tion, 21 of 9m, 1808 Reported accomplished, 26 of 10m, 1808 Caty i'^elson, formerly Bedell, married out of meeting. Acknowledgment accepted, 21 of 6m, 1809 Barnahas Hicks and Hannah Hoag, 1st In- tention, 21 of 11m, 1808, 2nd Inten- tion, 21 of 12m, 1808 Reported accomplished, 25 of Im, 1809 Hannah Powell, formerly Carman, married out of meeting. Acknowledgment accepted, 22 of 3m, 1809 Caty Smith, formerly Powell, married out of meeting. AcKnowledgiiient accepted, 26 of 7m, "1809 ■J i uxtv ■X, :o finS ,8081 ^.T-V "to VS ,no:?n9jnr 3. , ' ' ,norjn9JnI 8'Jc.I ,r9 lo IS ,f;9rfe'rlr-frio.ooB fcejioqe/l ■Vfo n *' *^ ? ( ,10-- -nl jeI -cfxjoi'? rfGn: -[b e-rcf.. LiBnoei ( ,d"iJ- -. 8 I , I . 1 'to bS ,L-9ff8rIq-ni0tjGii ^9j iO-J 9- f o'-fTSff! ,r.r;^P)eL ,nS:I lo ,iS' ,noi;t t ■;:' A .;-'n^;t99m 10 , ,IIf) ^ -•7^ Bates Bull M Bates, Titus, Haight, ake, ) Fr Drake Dean, Da r rah Rogers ;i Hal 11 day, Jones, Davie (?) Hallock, Nortury , Fosdick, Sarah Bates, formerly Bull, married out of meeting and disowned, 22 of 2m, 1809 Dehorah Bates, formerly Titus, married out of meeting and disowned, 23 of 8m, 1809 Anne Kaight, married out of meeting, but she resided in compass of Butternuts. Gertifioate sent there, 22 of 8m, 18L0 Jacob Frost and Lleribah Drake, 1st Intention, 23 of 5ra, 1810, 2nd Intention, 23 of 6m, 1810, Reported accomplished, 25 of 7m, 1810 Marian Dean, formerly Dean, married out of meeting/ Acknowledgment accepted, 25 of 7m,^1810 Elizabeth Darrah, formerly Rogers, married out of meeting, acknowledg- ment accepted, 26 of 9m, 1810 Llary Halliday, formerly Jones, married out of meeting, 2c of 9m, 1810 to New lork Job Davie (?) and Violetta Hallock. 1st Intention, 26 of 9m, 1810, 2nd Intention, 25 of 10m, 1810 Reported accomplished, 21 of 11m, 1810 John Norbury and Mary Fosdick, 1st Intention, 25 of 10m, 1810, 2nd Intention, 21 of 11m, 1810 Reported accomplished, 26 of 12m, 1810 .b'ja^oB'rb ohb anija^n "io :?jjo ial ^ baQ ;tao'i'5 ioosl f ,jEj-; '■jcor .T,. +n 'c- ^^. •- -*T>-^-!-''^ 900fi Jnsffi brri-!:?:-/ ,ce.' '?.".'10 ^liSl. • t - - V' - r -JJO :.-or v;9H ,89rroo J si .jfo.ol itsIcrV ,.ir3 lo as ,, . _ J. . -^ ;tsl ,ser(:eo" rx-. rn-'cfioM nrfo[. (.-riijcf-. onS! , .mjL lo c^^ -f: .' .jioujao'^ L ^ ^J'^ f ij ^LltJ X^OiliV OWM 'JOw lOQO'^ -8- Dickinson, Dean, Piushmore , ) Underbill, j Wilson, Gurney , Wright , ) Lang ford, ) King, DicKinson, Brayman , Narremore , Palmer, Prior, Fosdick, Quinby, Smith, ) Gamian, ) Zehulon Dickinson and Esther Dean, 1st Intention, 27 of 3m, 1811, 2nd Intention, 24 of 4ra, 1811, Reported accomplished, 22 of 5m, 1811 Phehe Rushmore, formerly Underbill, married out of meeoing and disowned 27 of Sm, 1811 Eunice V/ilson. formerly Gurney. Acknowledgment accepted, 26 of 6m, 1811 Justes T»Tight and Betsy Langford, 1st Intention, 24 of 4m, 1811, 2nd Intention, 22 of 5m, 1811 Reported accomplished, 26 of 6m, 1811 Abigail King, formerly Dickinson. married out of meeting and disowned, 22 of 5m, 1811 Yine Brayman, formerly Narremore, married out of meeting, 22 of 5ra, 1811 Ann Palmer, formerly Prior, married out of meeting and disowned, 24 of 7m, 1811 Henry G. Fosdick and Tamar Quinby, 1st Intention, 25 of 9ra, 1811, 2nd Intention, 23 of 10m, 1811, Reported accomplished, 27 of 11m, 1811 Phila. Smith, formerly Carman, married out of meeting and disowned, 25 of 9m, 1811 I f:-" ,L-. ': .. , M:ierlq:..coo£ odJ"io-. .■■ I)9nwo8rfc ftflB gnrosac! .0 ;jjc ; ,..XrffT ^X'b^niiZ not .H'- ( .nceliVi II3I ,[nc io :-'-' ,r!c::'i:jjnl r •'" •-•,-. -^nc f^ •n"*-!-/-',— n^ ■:cnD5 f;^:^-;-r!'"n^ I ■^^.■Uis. , ,.LI3I ,::.'! 'to oii ,nor;trt9;JciI 'iG , ■ -ti lo jUO II3I ,^ -9- Bedell, Bradtury , Luther, ) Lgton,) Purrim Toumans , Powell, Clactaier, Pish, Baldwin, ] Thorn, Gudney, Youmans , Powell. ) Adams , Thorn, Powell, 9 'iVilliam Bedell and Hannah Bradbury, 1st Intention, 22 of 7m, 1812, 2nd Intention, 26 of 8m, 1812, Reported accomplished, 23 of 9m, 1812 Phehe Luther, formerly Furrington, married out of meeting and dis- owned, 22 of 7m, 1812 Anna Youmans, formerly Powell, married out of meeting and disowned (date not mentioned). Aclmowledgment accepted, 27 of Im, 1819 John 3. Glackner and Hannah Fish, 1st Intention, 27 of Im, 1813 2nd Intention, 24 of 2m, 1813 Reported accomplished, 24 of 4m, 1813 Samuel Thorn and Almy Baldwin, 1st Intention, 24 of 2m, 1813, 2nd Intention, 24 of 3m, 1813, •Reported accomplished, 21 of 4m, 1813 2atah Gudney, formerly Youmans, married out of meeting and disowned, 24 of 4m, 1813 Dorcas Powell, formerly - - -?, married out of meeting, 2 of 5ra , 1^13 Deborah Adams, formerly Thorn, married out of meeting and disov/ned, 26 of 5m, 1813 Hannah Powell, formerly ?, married out of meeting ana disovmed, 27 of 10m, 1813 -P- ^S^.'L , dS ,L'L' oooB b9v ,!'C- . Go -nil \o vo -no' .'^ *!i., '"J .. • 1131 ,:r.- , baii'yriqr.'OOOB boJic ;--i ,11^'- -' .; . ■'-' 0-* oI5X /ff'-i ^0 ( ( -. . 13'iOui ' , ISi ,lD9rife' b^'"^'!.':.'- , snr-.'T'foY ■flT'^'irfo^ ,'^/?rfKyO rfylfi<^ , r J rfTBin , ;- - - ;To"i ,Il3;vc . .lie ' ■■■' ■ - / -,-■-' -V 'v r,-,' - ^ • _ „ Powe Smith Adams , Gue ) Drake , J Dean, Piushmore , Griff en, ) Stephenson) Bed Pow lell. } .'ell, ) Smith, Bedell, Bedell, Jane Powell, formerly Smith, married out of meeting and disowned, 24 of 11m, 1813 Deborah Adams, wife of ^a^"^^. acknowl- edgment accepted, 22 of lI3I .nrSI -^o IS , ,not:Jn3J ^0 ?">. ,h^ bail . . ( .■ 'd^M ,if! 'lo T-'-" ,'fe='rf**I ■■.'■;■■:■ 00J3 ^e^fc : : • ^ r " ■ , ' . i ,:[ooIlBli 5a'9£l\ ( ,:[oc_' -12- Fosdick, Davids, Powell, Halstead, Eedell, ) Dodge , ) Ga Bra i<^e, ] anbury,) Youmans , Powell, Pierce, ) Griifen,. ) Armstrong,) Lisk, ) David Fosdick and Ileteoca Davids, 1st Intention, 24 of Scijei?^ 2nd Intention, 22 of 10m, 1£17 Reported accomplished, 26 of lira, 1817 Ferris Powell and Sarah Halstead, 1st Intention, 25 of Sra, 1818, 2nd Intention, 22 of •4m, 1818, Reported accomplsihed, 27 of 5m, 1818 Susan Bedell, formerly Dodge, married out of meeting- acknowledgment accepted, 25 of 6m, 1818 Isaac Gaige and Ann Bradbury, 1st In- tention, 21 of lOm, 1818. 2nd Intention, 25 of 11m, 1818 Reported accomplished, 23 of 12iii, 1818 Anna Youmans, formerly Powell, married out of meeting; acknowledgment accepted, 27 of Ira, 1819 Jacob Pierce and Lliriam Griffen, 1st Intention, 23 of 12m, 1818, 2nd Intention, 27 of Im, 1619, Reported accomplished, 25 of 2m, 1819 Joshua Armstrong and Llaria Lisk, 1st Intention. 27 of Im, 1819, 2nd In- tention, 25 of 2ra, 1819 leported accomplished, 24 of 3m, 1819 , 1 -:o i;'ji ,0C -:I JjnSi t ■ - t ■ " r ■ - { r -13- Bedell, ] Smith, ) Fearsall, NarriTnore , Powell, Bedell, Stover Dav ver, ) is, ) Bedell, ) Gumejs ) Springsteel, Springsted?, Terry, Nelson Pratt M Powell, Halloo K, Jacot Bedell and Kesiah Smith, lat In- tention, 25 of 2m, 1819, 2nd In- tention, 24 of 3m, 1819 Reported accomplished, 21 of 4m, 1819 Lucie Pearsall, formerly Narriwore , married out of meeting, acknowledg- ment accepted, 24 of 2m, 1819 Hannah Powell, wife of Elisha, reported married out of meeting, acknowledg- ment accepted, 23 of bra, 1819 Phebe Bedell, reioorted cjiarried out of meetin?^a'cknov/ledgement accepted, 26 of Im, 1820 Ec^hert Stover and Elizabeth Davis, "" 1st Intention, 22 of 12m, 1819, 2nd Intention, 26 of Im, 1820, Reported accomplished, 23 of 2m, 1820 Daniel Bedell and Marium (Mirriam ?) Gumev, 1st Intention, 23 of 2m, 1820 2nd Indention, 22 of 3m, 1820 Reported accomplished, 26 of 4ra, 1820 Abigail Springsteel, or Springsted, formerly Terry, renorted married out meeting 21 of 6m 1820. Acknowledg- ment accepted, 25 of 10m, 1820 Jane Nelson, formerly Pratt, reported married out of meeting, 21 of 6m, 1820. Acknowledgment accepted, 27 of 9m, 1820 John Powell and Rebecca Hallock, 1st Inten- tion, 21 of 2m, 1821, 2nd Intention, 21 of 3m, 1821, Reported accomplished, 25 of 4m, 1821 .f^ 29 of 9m, 1819 -nl fcn- ,^'i'jl ,ij.^ J.0 . ' : . TrmS -3-9-'" , ' ■ ::i \ , 910::. ilia i ,IXer.'o-i :w ';9r . .. ,r. ' -. 4.. .-. ■ . r r-, - ., "Oi! ;t: ■ 9 3.1! ,t1 'ic .Cl i - - O'"" J81 - ^,'-i io o-^ .D3daiL. r-D^iocfBn 0^v:>I - - \J0in000B tSolOCrS'"- 1 ■ I ,BrV£' I. ; < w -reonl :rFl . .r- 11:^ 'o^. ;-ir\:Sio^"l: -14- Oapwell,) Hart , ) Lisk, ) Vincent,) Bedell, ) Bedell : Hoag, Bedell, Tompkins, ] Oar man , ) Smith, Gore, Hoag, Gumev , Dobs on, ) Dickinson,) Hicks, Eleanor Oapwell. formerly Hart reported married our of meeting. SS of 8ra, 1821 Acknowledgment accepted, 23 of 10, 1822. Disowned, 27 of llm, 1822 Hanmah Lisk, formerly Yincemt reported married out of meeting. 22 of 8m, 1821 Acknowledgment accepted, 26 of 9m, 1821 Jeremiah T. Bedell and Mary Bedell, 1st Intention, 21 of 8m, 1821, 2nd Intention, 25 of 9m, 1822, Reported accomplished, 23 of 10m, 1822 Burlin?; Hoag and Hannah Bedell. 1st Inten- tion, 25 of 9m, 1822, .2nd Intention, 23 of 10m, 1822 Reported accomplished, 27 of llm, 1822 Elizabeth Tompkins, formerly Carman, reported" married out of meeting, 23 of 7m, 1823. Disowned, 22 of 10m, 1823 inna Smith, formerly Gore, reported married out of' meeting 24 of 3m, 1824 Disov/ned, 21 of 4m, 1824 Ahner E. Hoag and Llary Gurney, 1st Inten- tion, 24 of 3m, 1824, 2hd Intention, 21 of 4m, 1824 Reported accomplished, 26 of 5m, 1824 Eliza Dohson, formerly Dickinson, reported married out of meeting 24 of 3m, 1824 Disowned, 27 of 10m, 1824 Louisa Hicks, reported married out of meeting 24 of 3ra, 1824. Disowned, 21 of 2m, 1824 _-\r_ onBsDi f r^— V'..' V t - :ai, .- c ■ .^,'. I . r:, ?> ^, ■ -Icr/noooB fcetic ^ ' , fro \ i ,ir ■I'rnro.'. r • ' ^•roTSi'i m e A .->-■: r ox 9T0 '^8l'\nr^ Ir 'rno: Bmii.-. no i*x -15- Halsted(J, Titus, Shearman, Miller, Davis, ] Titus, ) Gibson, Eutts, Betts ?) Simons, ) Hallock,) Bedell, Green, ] Browning , ) Gue, ) Gurney, ) Armstrong,} Titus, ) Sarah Halstead, fomierlv Titus, reported married out of mee1;ing 23 of bra, 1824. Disoraed, 21 of 7m, 1824 Sarah Shearm.an, formerly Miller, reported married out of meeting 27 of lUm, 1824. Aclmowledgraent accepted, 21 of 9ni, 1825 Mary Davis, formerly Titus, reported married out of" meeting 24 of 11m, 1824 Disovmed Sarah Gihson, formerly Butts (Betts ?) reported married out of meeting 23 of 6m, 1825. Ninepartnets accepted, .24 of 5m, 1826 Susan Si.ons, formerly Hallock, reported married out of meeting, 21 of 9m, 1825. Disov,Tied, 26 of 4m, 1826 John T. Hoag and llary G. Bedell, 1st Intention, 26 of 10m, 1825, 2nd Intention, 25 of lira, 1825 Reported accomplished, 21 of 12m, 1825 Susan Green, formerly Brov/ning, reported from Creek, married out oi meeting 21 of 12m, 1825 John Gue and Catherine Gurney, 1st Inten- tion. 26 of 7m, 1826, 2nd Intention 23 of 8m, 1826 Reported accomplished, 27 of 9m, 1826 Phehe Armstrong, formerly Titus, reported married out of meeting 21 of 2m, 1827 Disovmed, 23 of 5m, 1827 ^J J. t !-3i':o7ei^ ,~^ . rfs-fBC. { ,nB/n'i ■J- -'J. - - -, •. ^ ' <-> - i- ' ' dS6i ,nG 'to :&b'. ^beJffsoos betTo^e-T .:'f':oIL°-H '.^Iigci-ro'i »8rro..ro rrPRiic [ eno-rrC "iO Juo JbsrTiBEi {,:loGriBH • rr "rtr^ r a- ro , ^Bfr;;' '''-— «*•;-■-;- f r V , o-i. -ij.' Ju. , '±0 SC ^- ■ • ■ ■ -' :' ^-, \ T Halstead, ] Hallock, Powell , ) Davi s , Halstead, Underhill, Diokinson, Stone , Story?, Titus, TorapkiBS , Wilson, Davis, Wilson, Desternell,] Williams, ) Gurney, Hoag, Mary Ann Halstead, formerly Hallock, reported married out of meeting, El of 3m, 1827. Acknowledgment accepted, 25 of 4m, 1827 Dorcas Powell, (llaiden name not given) reported married out of meeting, 25 of 4m, 1827. Acknowledgment accepted, 27 of 6m, 1827 Ann Davis, formerly Halstead, married out of meeting 25 of 4m, 1827. Acknowledgment accepted, 26 of 12m, 1827 Hary Underbill, formerly Dickinson, reported married out of meeting 26 of 9m^ 1827. Disowned, 25 of 10m, 1827 Mary Stone (or Story), formerly Titus, reported married out of meeting, 26 of 9ra, 1827. Disowned, 26 of 12m, 1827 Elizatefh Tompkins, formerly Wilson, reported married out of meeting 26 of 12m, 1827. Disowned, 23 of Im, 18^8 Oaty Davis, formerly Wilscn, reported married out of meeting, 22of 10m, 1828. Disowned, 24 of 12m, 1828 Jane Desternell, formerly Willians, reported married out of meeting 25 of 2m, 1835. Acknowledgment accepted, 25 of 3m, 1835 liiary Gumey formerly Hoag, reported raarri'ed out of meeting 25 of 3m, 1835. Acknowledgment accepted, 4 of 6m, 1835 — '^i ■ — 3nT 10 Ji: o:^?!.-?^^ rrrr* '■b-.-^pJ'-'] J J -TiOA .V •■ u ■ .' J .' J L; i. t-'rT'.Bfr ,j::<-^j■^^ 19.^101 ,RfVB»i nnA vi<:.l .. , K ry - ,, , ■ asm 'io :^XJ0 ' .iiiBli;. , ' ,69nwoeK -.•1, • t ' ^ f r • •' .SBoH ■ .■ ^ «'i '^ 1 >. -17- Sexton, Titus, Street, Wright , Griff en, Gumey , Dodge , Vincent, Palmer, Fosdick, Bedell, Comly, Nelson, Bedell, Vail, Spencer, PlinT Sexton and Hannah Titus, 1st In- "tention, 24 of 8m, 1836. 2nd In- tention, 21 of 9ra, 1836 Reported accomplished, 26 of 10m, 1836 Lydia S. Street, formerly Wright reported married out of meeting 26" of 7m, 1837. Xclmowledgment accepted, 27 of 9m, 1837 Anna Griff en, formerly Guraey, reported married out of meeting, 27 oi 12ra, 1837. Acknowledgment accepted, 24 of Im, 1838 Hannah Dodge, formerly Vincent reported married out of meeting, 24 of Im, 1838. Disovmed, 25 of 4m, 1838 Elizabeth T. Palmer, formerly Fosdick, reported married out of meeting, 21 of 2m, 1838. Acknowledgment accepted, 23 of 5m, 1838 Elizabeth Bedell, formerly Gomly, reported from Stanford married out of meeting 27 of 2m, 1839. Acknowledgment accepted, 24 of 4m, 1839 Catherine Nelson, formerly Bedell, reported married out of meeting 22 of 4m, 1840 Acknowledgment accepted, 3 of 6m, 1840 Tideman Vail and Lucy H. Spencer, 1st In- tention, 21 of lOm, 1840. 2nd Inten- tion, 25 of lira, 1840 Reported accomplished, 23 of 12m, 1840 -\ i.- •. . ,3l ,81/irT n: . '■ ^ { ^p^jsal dS8I ,iT!OI ^0 • -.itToqs-'- J 1 1 £nnA OB 5n X ori'rV vx'^dtrrio'' . "jC rf£r • 8681 ,m».. ..0 i .i^dJqsooB : ■ I - ri I 'iO cIS ,ib0iic:rXfJi:!U00i2 .'.■sJ'. r -V ■ " > ' r -n! J si ,i9orf .jjJ bar, Ij£ '■ , .IrfiV -18- b Gits on. Underhill Millard, Powell, Moore , ) Bedell, ) Joseph and Llary Gitson, reported married out of meeting 24 of Im, 1844. Acknowledgment accepted, 21 of 2m, 1844 Sarah Underhill 's certificate returned to New York with report that she has married and removed to Duanes- hurg 23 of 7ni, 1845. Doanesburg reports her name now Millard David and Jerusha Powell, married contrary to discipline 21 of 5m, 1845. Acknowledgment accepted Ahner Moore and Bliza Bedell, 1st Inten- tion 27 of 9m, 1848, 2nd Intention 25 of 10m, 1848 ^^eported accomplished, 22 of lira, 1848 mans , ] o » / Youmans Hoa Oathe rine Youmans, formerly Hoa^, reported married contrary to discipline, 23 of 3m, 1859. Disowned, 27 of 4m, 1859 -81- Lli I'i' 9C0£ in ^ ': oi ;ilrfh- t •' W^ '^AitXj^A -i. a^i^ <^ V A V/ \^ h# . 'iij„.::.;iiJ3-* ;.:V2^ f;9?'^9oos In 3iiT? f • 9 Iwo n:f oL -In! :I ,/i^i ^0 ??. nori 8!->8I ,;.0I "io :^S ,11 3, vol ,il5£2l ;3JT0 -ai , •.Si'ii-rcv . ,m^ 'io (, ,j^n'^'.n;iioi Cf QUAKER MARRIAGES FROM COEYMANS, ALBANY COUNTY, N.Y. Underbill , Montross, Stratton, riontross , Sexton, itus, ) aleniine,) T Yalen Aaron Underbill of Fienselaerville , Altany Go., son of Henry and Ruth Underhill, (Buth dec'd) Hannah Montross, daughter of Enos and Phete Montross of Goeymans Married 29 of lOm, 1829 at New Ealticiore Willet Stratton of New Baltimore, Greene Co., son of Joseph (dec'd) and Mary Stratton Carah Montross, daughter of Phete atid Enos Montross of Goeymans Married, 1 of 9m, 1831 at New Baltimore A. Pliny Sexton of Palmyra, WajTie Co., New "York, son of Plinv and Salome Hannah Titus, daughter" of Peter Valentine and Sarah of New Baltir.ore, Orange Go. , New York Married, 22 of 9m, 1836 at New Baltimore Yail, Spencer, Tiddeman Vail of MUton, Saratoga Co., son of Isaac and Lydia (hoth dec'd) Lucy K. Spencer of alhany, daughter of John Spencer and Mary (dec'd) of Kingsbury Married, 25 of 11m, 1840 at Goeymans — . - - V 310"-: r;^ " .ts 9S6I ,inOI "io eiOH' ■'79U ,.oi , 10 rrc " ,n:o;^x9C :X .n9 1 '. ^. , fc3rT1£:,; .IfBY - c Moore , Bedell, Abner Moore of New Scotland, Albanv Oo., son of James and Sybel Moore (dec 'a) Eliza Bedell. dauj?hter of Jeremiah and Ruth Bedell (^ec'd), of Goxaking, Greene Go. Harried 26 of 10m, 1848 at her father's house Stevens, Bedell, Isaac Stevens, Jr., of Duaneshurg, Schen- ectady Co., son of Isaac and Jane Stevens Ann 0. Bedell of New Baltimore, daughter of Daniel and Miriam Bedell Married, 26 of lOra, 1853 at Daniel Bedells' Bedell, Bedell, Benjamin Bedell of New Baltimore, son of Benjamin and Catherine Bedell, (hoth dec'd) Mary G.^Bedell, daughter of Daniel and Miriam Bedell Married, 27 of 10m, 1853 at Daniel Bedells' '1?- V, r TO lo , ,tT, .orvrctj.'^ oiJPcT ^B.-iove.*? rn£ f => f-- 1" . QUAKER REMOVAL CERTIFICATES FROM COEYMANS, ALBANY COUNTY, N.Y. Eradbery, Healy, Narramore , Braman , Lav/ ton, Lawton, Hayeks , Shear, Gurney , Phebe Eradbery, (Clear of I'arriage en- g^rnent), fror. Ooe^nnans to Hudson, §4 of 2rn, 1830 ??illiain Healv, from Ooeymans to Pensel- aerville, 2 of 6ni, 1830, (Clear of Marriage engagement) Stephen Narramore and wife Deborah and 3 minor ^rand children, Louisa, Sibyl and Llarcia Eraman, from Goeymans to lienrietty, 27 of 10m, 1830 Abraham Lawton, (Clear of "arriage en- gagement), from Goeymans to Hudson, §3 of 3m, 1831 Ulary Lawton, (Clear of Marriage engage- ment), from Goeymans to Hudson, 27 of 4m, 1831 ' Samantha Hayeks, from Goeymans to Henri- etty, 27 of 4m, 1831 Stephen Shear, from Goeymans to Junius, 21 of 9m, 1831 Jeremiah Gurney, from Goeymans to New York, 23 of 11m, 1831 iiiTEjro jAvo:iSH fi 1 'I U « - -c.«^IO^ ,7ie t ■ ■ , 1 ti.LB3i. □ - 9rir .: .O'^^-. ,Il3voi lo IS* ,T?1 , c-,£oi;}no,: »^ w t^ a. ik^-* 9-« 3li - t ^*, -8- Bedell , Haight, Gurney , Youmans , Spenoer, Smitli, Youmans , Dickinson, Powell, Fosdick, Bedell, Smith, Griff en, Benjamin Bedell and sister Sally and his 2 minor children, Benjamin and Llary, from Hudson to Coeyraans, 20 of 5m, 1847 Elinor K. Haight from Ninepartnets to Goejnnans, 18 of 5m, 1848 Elizabeth W. Gurney, from Saratoga to Ooeymans, 6 of 4m, 1847 Freelove Youmans, from Renselaerville to Goeymans, 28 of 6m, 1849 Jacob Spencer and wife Betsy W. and son Byron LI., from Benselaerville to Goeymans 28 of 12m, 1848 Ann Smith, from Renselaerville to Goeymans, 27 of 12m, 1849 Samuel Youmans and wife Elizabeth, from Lawrence to Goeymans, 29 of Im, 1851 William Dickinson, from Goeymans to Verona, 21 of Im, 1852 Llary Ann Pov/ell, from Goeymans to Verona, 25 of 2m, 1852 Llary Jane Fosdick with her father, from Goeymans to Duanesburg, 25 of 2m, 1852 Matilda 3. Bedell, from Goe.ymans to Philadelphia, 21 of 4m, 1852 Arm Smith, from Goeymans to New York, 22 of 12m, 1852 Abigail K. Griff en, from Ninepartners to Goeymans, 16 of 9m, 1852 , ^'.^ .J c u. *X . -i : .", i < f r : '^ '■' •■■ f _ ij. Ai- ^ 3ia w il^'^JiJ v' ^ oj 3Ln . :ijL ,/!E:U 10 -J r r f ■^-' gp r 30 'va'"' r.ff\-ir^ K^r . j;.U:ji^i,^ foil .dli'p.:!'-!'^. 9'ir.v '^-rr? Brs.fr..'rY' l9x;._-- Oj ££!■ .•'"•■^Ov -ITr. _^ -. • ."^ /roErir:. or' ^' ct r:i3: ,fI^^ro■i rrA — rshi ■ ". : ■ r • ■ ■■ "^ o;t sn OJ «^^»w*X ^o^l ^l^^j. iC -w; -1 .ij:ii....i.jo. .-■HiiC -9- Powell, Ferris Powell and wife L'artha, from Ooejrmans to Verona, 23 oi 2m, 1853 Wing, John B. Wing, from Coeymans to Verona, 23 of §m, 1853 Norbury, Mary Norbury, from Coeymans to Hudson, ^ -^ 27 of %, 1853 ^ Nelson, Eli Nelson and 3 children, Elihu, Spencer and John C, from Eense- laerville to Coeymans, 23 of 11m, 1854 ^ Thorn, Hannah Emily Thorn, from Renselaerville to Coeymans, 25 of 4m, 1855 Young, George Young, from Coeymans to New York, ^ °21 of !im, 1855 Stevens,} Ann C. Stevens (formerly Bedell), from Bedell,* - . - J -/,-^ 185B Pierce, Jacoh Pierce, from - - -? to Coey- mans, 11 of 3m, 1858 Goonley, Ann Goonley, from Coeymans to Altany, ^ 23 of^lOm, 1867 ^ ^ C. Stevens (formerly Bedell), from Coeymans to Duanesourg, 23 of 7m, A U p T A f ■.: V T ^^^1 ,910v /I- , 3T0€ acfJnofa SI fi/ocfe a^B ^'31 .. _ ■:o '■^ ■ .-frrr' '[ ,:;il 1o :^ loib ,1 jIZ'd;! U ,zd 10 o;^£ ,1^^ . r to 31 bsrfe .BUiTrT nsdre:^- ,Birlf^ 81J89Y. C3 3g2 .i-Sai ,^3 lo 5S VI oc 9§B ,^3I .Ml lo ::i i;9f& -2- Quirnby, Hannah Quim"by, daughter of John Quimhy, died 11 of 5m, 1837, age 49 years Davis, Jedidiah Davis, died 23 of 12in, 1836 Bedell, David 0. Bedell, son of Jeremiah, died 13 of 10m, 1839, age 20 years Bedell, Nathan G. Bedell, died 5 of 5i)j, 1841, age 19 years Vincent, Joseph Vincent , son of Levi, died 11 of 3m, 1839, age 74 years Powell, Sarah Powell, daughter of Thomas, died 25 of Im, 1840, a^e 54 years (late residence, to^iTi of V/estorloo, Alhany Co., New York) Wilson, Llary Wilson, wife of Richard, died 18 of 11m, 1844, age 76 years Hoag, Levi Hoag, died 18 of 8m, 1842, age 36 years Bedell, Ruth Bedell, wife of Jeremiah, died 13 of 9m, 1843, age 60 years Powell, Ann Powell, wife of Joshua, died 6 of 10m, 1846 Smith, John Smith, died 4 of 5m, 1841, age ah out 80 years Ealstead, Sarah Halstead, wife of Lavid, died 13 of 7m, 1841, age about 82 years Vincent, Rockenna Vincent, daughter of Llartin, died 24 of 2m, 1844, age 7 years Vincent, Mary Vincent v.'ife of Joseph, died 1 of 11m, 1842, age about 80 years 1^ 32,B ^V'C^L '^'aiG lo LL £9 it 5 I ^N '^ ^ - 1 ,11£/.. v., , itfiaorrrV 31 ;:9ro ,b-: '■ lo alrw ,- - -^- , 10 CI lo o fcaro ^BUffeoi, lo alrw .Ilawol .-rnA 2T. be'rb ,bfvc'~ lo sliw ^ ^0 -^ Jbsib ,n';tr/nc nnoi. e-.:?^ 08 ;}iiod6 jods 3^6 ,1^81 ,;.;. lo .£iac ^niJiB.* lo isJffi'ueb .:tn3onfY Bnn9:-foo:7 ^1£3^^ V 3a£ , "" ,r;l2 lo l^S f)3 fJb 1g I 1)0 • 812 J 31 i ,7 ,;tn3onrY vib-1 : 03B ,SN3I ,:^ll ' ,no8i. r , _,£0H ,Ii3£9c^ .1X3.70^ - 'itslBfl , :trraor:rY , nsoniV ,^ -3- Powell, Powell, Quimty , Grits on, Gitson, Powell, ^.^"^alstead, carles, Powell, Fosdick, Fosdick, Bedell, (jumey , Spencer, Esther Po\vell, wife of Thomas, died 8 of Im, 1841, age 77 years Thomas Powell, died IS of Sm, 1841, age 82 years Job S. Quirahy of Gaxsackie, died IS of 3m, 1845, age 24 years Joseph Gihson, son of Israil, died 30 of Sm, 1847, age 32 years Israel Gibson, died 31 of 12m, 1847 Susanna Powell, daughter of Stephen, died 24 of 7m, 1848 David Halstead, son of Joshua, died 14 of 2m, 1846, and his daughters Phebe and Sophie some time before Phebe Sarles, died 10 of 2m, 1848, "febe" Powell, died 18 of Ira, 1848, age 69 years Samuel Fosdick, died 4 of Im, 1849, age about 86 years Louisa A. Fosdick, daughter of Nathaniel, died 14 of 7m, 1849, age about 12 years Ambrose Bedell, son of Daniel died 15 of 6ra, 1849, age about 13 years Elizabeth Gurney, wife of Jacob '/v.. died 30 of 12m, 1851 Susanna Spencer, died 26 of 12m, 1851, age 93 years -c- 09 K ,1.:' sir- - , ; f ■■->■' r " b 1 ' ' 2 .fro "- t ' -' V:kJi .ctSX !to t L SB-IS I ,n? ^0 ?' -^ ,raV !o > -rrrsauc. .11 - barb , "'o 'V'^ . b *-ybC ,Fi£5D;t2li;- 9101 sY 3Jlir- JlJQi 5 , -'.r , ' ■ '. ■ , ?'J9rfI ,S3IibC: j. u , . ,nl Ic :^ barb .^loibso'^ Ibl'^ao ,:[Gr&2o'^ ,1557 d8 iUOCS 3g£ .l3rnBt3 10 noa , , 11: , v3on3qo -4- Lisk, Gumey , Eedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Young, GrilDSon, Gumey , Nelson, Gonley, Eedell, Gumey , Charles Lisk, died 25 of 12m, 1849 Benjimon Gumey, died 18 of 4m, 1852, age 78 years Timothy Bedell, son of Benjimon Bedell, died 28 of 12m, 1841, age 11 years Catherine Bedell, dauphterffjof Benjimon Bedell, died 30 of 11m, 1842, age 41 years Llary 11, Bedell, daughter of Benjimon Bedell, died ZZ of 9m, 1647, age 9 years Benjimon Bedell, died 9 of 9m, 1852, age 67 years Underbill Young, died 11 of 5m, 1852, age 55 years - - ? Gitson, daughter of Joseph, died ? Sarah Gumey, - - - of Joseph Gumey, died 13 of 7m, 1849 '^atherine B. Nelson, daughter of Robert Nelson, died 10 of 9m, 1848, age 1 year Sarah Gonley, wife of George Gonley, died 24 of 4m, 1852, age 86 years Henry P. Bedell, son of Daniel Bedell, died 8 of om, 1853, age 14 years Fhehe Gumey, ^vife of Egbert Gurney, lied 29 of 7m, 1853, age 21 years ,£i08l3U , I 'io gS bQib ,i-[8rtl aeliBrrO ,-:. J. nOi"-ri: p ,ri9&9-^ y;rf;^orafr ,Il9f)9.? rtc. ' _ ^0^1 , .II iz£l ,1 .Su3I ,.. - .- ,1^- ""15'; GC (.^i^ac.O'j to 19 j;.^jj.;l,' , iiL'..-;;i j - . — — ,-iOL.'.-.. ?— -. _ _ Sa, r ^ ^ , "^ ■^o ol b'^rb 5 C ■i.:^^ I 93B ,^*"9l!' "09^ ^o 9^:?:' .'T^IncO cfBisc ,^/;9liioC ,Il3':I l9rnBCI lo rros .IIo ._ .ingH ^LLsbdZ z-izd'i >I D^B ,:;o3I ,iaS ^o 6 baiib , •v''9rrtJJi -5- Hoag, Bedell, Gurney, Powell, Gurney , Elihu lioag, departed this life (no date) Sally Bedell, died 25 of 4m, 1854, age 67 years Jacot Gurney, died IV of 3m, 1855, age 77 years John Powell, died 19 of 11m, 1854, age 83 years Martha Gurney, died 10 of 2m, 1856, age 76 years t iJ-ii^ iia'ol . v^V,» '_'_•_ _ i4vi liL-, .-^o RECORD OF NAMES CONSTITUTING NEV; BALTIMORE ME E T I N G 1331 Hed ink lines show parents and divisions of families niter, Wilter, Y/ilter, Wilter, Wilber, Wilder, WillDer, Wilber, mter, Gitson, Giljson, Gitson, Gitson, Gitson, Gits on, Gibson, Eenji mon and Catherin e Valber, George v/ilber, Mary Wilber, Abigail IVilber, Sallv Ann Wilber, John V.'ilber, Umphry V*'ilber, Lewis V/ilber, Jacob G. mber. Israel and Sarah Gibson, Ster)hen T. Gibson, Ann Gibson, Joseph Gibson, Jain Gibson, William Henry Gibson, Emily Etta Gibson, ;: i: a 2 ;i A 5 fl I T : K i^O n I T J I: ,"iaJlr. :.rxfi3r^ '(s no:.:r|,n3-.x ,T3dii.. rxe-'T'---- ^13^'' ,19^. ,ri08 r i;c- OB'^. ,i3ilr>t r • r • " •,-,P-r*rr> T-.- t ••' r t '"" iioci'j r-v> -2- Powel, Fowel, Powell, Powell, Powel, Powell, Powel , Powel, Post , Post, Post, Smith, Smltli, Smi th , Yincent , Yincent, Yincent , Yincent, Yincent, Yincent , Yincent, John Po\vel, horn 16 of 4m, 1771, Rehecca Powell, horn 13 of 11m, 1780, David Powell, horn 19 of Im, 1800, Phehe Powell, horn 5 of 7m, 1823 Harris Powel, Sarah Powell, Peter Powel, Prudence Powel, James Post, Anna Post, William Post, Stephen H. Smith, horn -? of 4m, 1784, Marj Smith, horn 11 of 4m, 1784, Warren Smith, horn 4 of 5a, 1831, Martin Yincent, horn 11 of 2m, 1790, Hannah Yincent, horn 6 of Im, 1793, Heuhen Yincent, horn 18 of 4m, 1822, Levi Yincent, horn 24 of Im, 1826, Lydia Yincent, horn 7 of Im, 1829, ii'arren Yincent, horn -----? Jane Yincent, horn 16 of Im, 1831, ;009c;3. ;T1 1X9 -Lu ■_ ,1'^ ,Il9-'"0" ,I9 , ?:'0 . J- (iKiVi ^fiii' '1 -i. i ja fc V -^ -) d mod ,0 09 .-I ' t - t • - - • f - . ;I iO ,:^ao-i , f« ? ml' r L • O ^2J ZISC "^naonrY -3- Montross, Eno Montross, l^orn 15 of om, 1779, Montross, PheTje llontross, torn 4 of 4in, 1779, Montross, Sarah L'ontross, torn 16 of 7in, 1802, Montross, Samuel Montross, torn 11 of 9m, 1804, Montross, Doroas Llontross, torn 12 of 6m, 1611, Montross, Jacot G. Llontross, torn 8 of 10m, 1813, Montross , Ja mes P. Montross , to rn 8 of 10m, 1815, PosdJok, Samuel Fosdick, torn 8 of 11m, 1762, Fosdick, Elizatett Fosdick, torn 22 of 4m, 1769, Posdick, Nathaniel Fosdick, torn 17 of 12m, 1799, Fosdick, Detorah Fosdick, torn 18 of 12m, 1799, Fosdick, Elizatett T. Fosdick, torn 27 of 5m, 1820, Posdick, Undertill Posdick, torn 17 of 2m, 1823, Posdick, iirastus P6sdick, torn 22 of 8m, 1824, Nelson, Bloom er E. Nelson, torn - -? Nelson, Anna Nelson, torn ? Gonrey, Hannah Gonrey, torn - — ? Smith, John Smith, Sm.ith, Elizateth Smith, Ealstead, David Hals te ad, Ralstead, Sarah Halstead, O O ^ C ; r-roCi ,eRoi: t ■' ,3 801: « ..... I ^ i »-> r D t* J. •rf- Ol!k C-Lk. illOU ,IfOc2xi>fi CO. 'I , /i y ,:for L* '■ -' • ' lii.. iiLH.i. t' a ^ J c . . c^ U _A_ Hals te ad, Ealstead , Ealstead, Ealstead, Fov/el, Pov.el, Fowel, Pov/el , fowel, Fowel, Fowel, Quimby, Quimby, Quimby , Quimby , Norbury , Norbury , Norbury , Norbury , Fowel, Fowel , Sophia Ealstead, Zilpa Ealstead, Phebe Ealstead, Smith Ealstead, Thomas Fowel, Esther Pov/el, Ellsha E. Powel, Eannah Fowel, Elisha B. Powell, Thomas G. Pov/el, Dorcas Powel, Eannah Quimby, Moses Quimby, Daniel Quimby, Jabe Quimby, Mary Norbury, Itlartha Norbury, John Norbury, Jr., Thom.as S. Norbury, Moses Powel, Phebe Fowel, _,ii>_ 1 se. , bs^iRli: , ii^i^if.. J.:)-.'Oa .V. C! J.:^v>ij . j.3rrr£. , I9v70l 2 320. To " c - £97/0 O' -5- Tov/el, Nelson, Fowel, Vincent , Vincent , Vincent , Fowel, Powel, Fowel, Gurney, Gurney, Gurney , Gurney, Gurney, Gurney , G4e, Gue, Cue, Gue, Gue, Gue, Palmer Powel, Robert Nelson, Sarah Powel, jJoseph Vincent, Mary Vincent , Hannah Vincent , Edward Powel , Mary Powel, Anna Powel, Ben ji men Gurney, born 22 of 4m, 1773, i-Iartha Gurney, born 10 of In, 1780, Anna Gurney, bom 22 of 4i!:, 1773, Jacob Gurney, bom 18 of 3m, 1811, Jeremiah Gurney, born 17 of 10m, 1812, Benjamin B. Gurney, born 28 of 6m, 1824, Daniel Gue, bom 10 of 2m, 1788, Hannah Gue, bora 25 of Sri, 1792, Anna Gue, born 10 of 11m, 1815, John D. Gue, born 24 of 2m, 1821, Joseph Gue, born 4 of 2m, 1823, Sarah Gue, bom S of 3m, 1625, , '.OTO ,9Uv EnaA ,ij-':o - *^ 9U. -6- *o » Gue, Gue, Gue , Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Gurney, Gurney, Gurney , Gurney, Gurney , Gurney, Gurney, Gurney, Egbert Gue, torn 4 of 3m, 1827, Moranda Gue, lorn 16 of 7m, 1829, Patience Gue, torn 20 of Im, 1825, Elihu Hoag, torn 25 of Sm, 1777, lydla Hoag, born 17 of 9m, 1783, Levi Hoag, torn 19 of Sm, 1806, William Hoag, torn 20 of 8m, 1808, Mary Hoag, torn 24 of 6m, 1811, Anna Hoag, torn £S of 11m, 1813, Lydia Hoag, torn 18 of 2m, 1815, Elihu Hoag, torn 20 of 4m, 1818, Sarat Hoag, torn 12 of 12m, 1820, Joseph Gurney, torn 3 of 9m, 1785, Sarah Gurney, torn 29 of 5m, 1785, Phete Gurney, torn 29 of 12m, 1814, Jacob Gurney, torn 2 of 11m, 1846, Jerrutia Gurney, torn 30 of 10m, 1818, John Gurney, torn 26 of 10m, 1820, Amy Gurney, torn 16 of 3m, 1823, Mary Jane Gurney, torn 14 of 8m, 1827 ; r> li , J ' J. t-i-^ -i-vJ 1 X ^' L J_ '^J IC -^_k 3J. ,^iJ • T t - ' • f \. ' -^AA K>J ^/ ^ XJ^*>J <> V^ ^AJ*a* • -. U«4 A,milj -7- Titus, Titus, Titus, Bedell , Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell , Bedell, Gtie, Gue, Gue, Gue, Gue, Robert Titus, born 21 of 4m, 1771, Elizabeth Titus, bom 25 of Sm, 1796, Amy Titus, bom 21 of 6m, 1826, Jeremiah Bedell, bora 19 of 11m, 1777, Ruth Bedell, born 13 of 11m, 1782, Thomas T. Bedell, born 21 of 9m, 1805, Marium Bedell, bom 16 of 8m, 1808, Philuna Bedell, bora 26 of 8m, 1811, Jeremiah Bedell, born 1 of 4m, 1813, Elizabeth Bedell, born 9 of Im, 1815, Sarah Bedell, born 26 of 3ra, 1817, David C. Bedell, bora 1 of Im, 1819, Nathan C. Bedell, born 28 of 5m, 1821, Ruth Ann Bedell, born 11 of 5m, 1823, Huldah H. Bedell, born 15 of 7m, 1825, Matildah Bedell, bora 23 of 3m, 1829, John Gue, born, 28 of 12m, 1786, Cat herine Gue, born 8 of 5m, 1801, Sarah Ann Gue, born 12 of 6m, 1827, Benjiman Gue, bora 25 of 12ra, 1828, Joseph E. Gue, born 5 of 4m, 1831, t -' - - :ioa ,ii3[;3 ,eux r to Li9r3-, , Il9.^ ?'■• ,il9C9- , -J ;, 3 . , 3JJ-G J i J J Ji- -8- Drake , Drake , Coonly, Goonly, Coonly, Coonly, Titus, Titus, Titus, Titus, Titus, Titus, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, John Drake, torn 19 of 3m, 1761, Catherine Drake, horn 18 of 12m, 1762, Daniel Goonly, horn 1 of 7m, 1787, Ann Coonly, horn 13 of lOm, 1788, Sarah Coonly, horn 22 of 3m, 1618, Ivlartha Goonly, horn 18 of 5ra, 1826, Stephen Titus, horn 10 of llm, 1792, Hannah Titus, horn 5 of Sm, 1803, Guley Ann M. Titus, horn 27 of 7m, 1827, Sarah Elma Titus, horn 16 of 3m, 1829, Llary S. Titus, horn 31 of Im, 1831, iSfharles Titus, horn 25 of 2m, 1633, William Bedell, horn 28 of 4m, 1771, Hannah B edell, horn 7 of 2in, 1783, William Bedell, horn 27 of 2m, 1813, Hannah Bedell, horn 14 of 2m, 1814, Phehe Bedell, horn 16 of 12m, 1815, Ahraham Bedell, horn 12 of 3m, 1819, Benjamin Bedell, horn 12 of 4m, 1820, Ellen Bedell, horn 23 of 3m, 1821, -3- i • t • ,3a?I ,:nul 10 CL tno'i ,'(,xu ; ^0 ?S. rric TooO rfeifi. ,tIgooC oO , Bui fT rxo" r .-■ , > -• -• J. , « • • ,52rii ,;;,^ .,.0 .1 cnoii .ajJuri -'i^inl fcjij J r . Il^^re- t ' - ^- t JL9 _Q_ Bedell, Elizateth Bedell, torn 21 of 2in, 1823, Bedell, Henry Bedell, bom 9 of 5m, 1806, Bedell, Oafherine Bedell, born 27 of 3m, 1806, Pierce, Jacob Pierce, bom 3 of - - -? Pierce, Mar i a m Fierce, bom 17 of - — ? Pierce, William Pierce, bora 5 of 11m, 1619, Fierce, Sarah Pierce, born 24 of Sm, 1821, Pierce, Ann Pierce, born 20 of Im, 1823, Fierce, Phebe Pierce, born 18 of 3m, 1825, Fierce, Catherine Pierce, born 31 of 7m, 1829, Hoag, Abner E. Hoag, born 4 of 3m, 1804, Hoag, llary Hoag, born 8 of Im, 1803, Hoag, Henry G. Hoag, bom 15 of 3m, 1828, Hoag, Levi Hoag, born 10 of 4m, 1830, Hoag, Lydia B. Hoag, born 7 of 9m, 1632, Hoag, BenjiminC-Hoag, born 23 of 12m, 1834 , Titus, Isaac Titus, bora 25 of 8m, 1791, Titus, iltergaret Titus, bom 15 of 6m, 1789, Titus, Hollet I. Titus, born 10 of 11m, 1C15, Titus, Samuel C. Titus, bom 20 of 8m , 1820, Hoag, Burling Hoag, born 8 of 4m, 1802, : . :: lo J 3d as. 11.. -y?! 001313. 10 oa mc , --'- ^ .sjjjri* .1 JBiIoii ,8ij:frT L • I -^ ,5iJj I . ^Esii ^r -- U - . -10- Koap D I Hoag, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Hannah Hoag, born 1 of 12ni, 1801, Benjiraan B. Hoag, torn 15 of 10m, 1823, John Bedell, born 18 of 5m, 1794, Dorcas Bedell, born 28 of 2m, 1794, James Eedell, bom 5 of 6m, 1815, Jeremiah Eedell, bom 15 of 2m, 1817, Henry G. Eedell, born 31 of 8m, 1618, John G. Bedell, torn 6 of 5m, 1820, Sarah Bedell, born 22 of 12m, 1821, Marium Bedell, born 26 of 12m, 1823, <*eorge Bedell, born 2 of 8n, 1825, Catherine N. Bedell, , born, IC of 5m, 1827, Deborah Jane Bedell, born 25 of 6m, 1831, Eushmore , Morris Bushmore , born ? Rushmore, Cathem Rushmore, torn 20 of 4m, 1793, Rushmore, Duranty Rushmore, bom 3 of 10m, 1815, Rushmore, William Rushmore, bom 25 of 11m, 1818, Rushmore, Oathern A. Rushmore, born 23 of 5m, 1820, Rushmore, Henry N. Rushm.ore, born 4 of 10m, 1823, Rushmore, Jeremiah Rushmore, born 11 of 12m, 1825, Rushmore, Lewis Rushmore, born 3 of 10m, 1827, 10 c;^ :iic ou -/>'f ■ ^ ••> ,i;3L9j ffarLT 9*191 ■. .. ,,1T IL2 rr-> : .[lobe' I 1 -' cj r r^u ''"'■''ill ."i~'r,,. IP," lOd ,9'ro . r['I5Lf^Bi-' ■--r-T-^rfr- I lo S mod , .3o .9J. 310.'3ff8iJ/l ni Ooonljr, George Coonly, Ooonljr, Sarah Coonly, Coonly, Samuel Coonly, Go only, Mary Coonly, Stanton, Sarah Jain Stanton, Terry, Benjiman Terry, Terry, alary Terry, Terry , George Terry, Terry, , James Terry, Terry, John Terry, )Shears, Stephen Shears, Davis, Jedadiah Davis, Eavls, Susan Davis, Andrew , Ephraim Andrew, Saale , Rachael Saale, Spingstead, Ahigail Spingstead, Griffin, Mary Griffin, "born - -?, wife of Uriah, NelvSon, Thomas Nelson, Nelson, Lucy Nelson, Nelson, Joseph Nelson, Nelson, T/illiam B. Nelson, r. . .Urn. + c f • >-'■ flffo^- ,3r7f t I. - i J . • 8 rvx. rTT??- . ■- i . 'wT ^ C ' i. • -12- Nelson, ^^elson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelsom, Nelson, Nelson, Lisk, Lisk, Lisk, Armstrong, Armstrong, Armstrong, Armstrong, Brigs, Goonlj-, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary , •Jeremiah Nelson, "born Liary Nelscn, Ann Nelson, Catherine Nelson, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Henry Eford Nelson, Eliza Nelson, Eli Nelson, Charles Lisk, Freelo ve Lisk, Benjimen Lisk, Maria Armstrong, Charles Armstrong, Ben ji man Armstrong, John Armstrong, Lucinia Brigs, Jacot Coonly, Samuel Gary, _Elizabeth Gary, Joseph Gary, J^avid Gary, --1- i^^-'^rgij ,11 kii.^1* C^"^- Ex ifA - '"d" -,-r*--^-T,-r •»■-:, f - . i^ G .^ */ , n '■ -. I Jbio"; ,n-pr^!i ssrLi .:[e fl 8 3lT£cfC' ,ii8*r " ^Y ^ J -, ^ ^ -Tp - t -- • . • • « o- [l-BlfO ^ i V »^« X 1-' ■ » ,i!IOE. , t ' ';;. r, .j^no'i^t ,rfBw t x, - ■■ t ■;. * ~ ■ -13- Oary, Gary, Wright, Wright, V/right, Vail, Mott, Mott, Llott, Mott, Mott, llott, Thome , Adams , Spencer, Baldwin, Minors : Gary , Gary, Gary, Gary, Maria Gary, Lydia Gary, Justus 'n right , Betsy G. Wright, Phehe Wright, Samuel Vail, Daniel Mott, Isaac Llott, Abhy Mott, Llary Llott, Abigail Llott, Phebe Llott, Stephen Y, Thome, Ustatia Adams, Hannah Spencer, Alma Baldwin, Samuel Gary, Jr., Isaac li. Gary, George Gary, Liary Ann Gary, -:i- , riB^ btt; , 71B^' Jic- , xIBv ,:f:ro.. TTP, l'30i; srtilA I aOv)!! i iT ,.li, . <■ ■; c <. - -• •^ -14- Gary, Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, Gore, Draper, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell , Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Emerson, ) Bedell, j Susan Gary, William Wright, David Wright, Thomas Wright, Lydia Wright, Ann Wright, - - ? Gore, Cinthia Draper, %niel Bedell, horn 26 of 2m, 1800, Mariam Bedell, horn 10 of 10m, 1799, liartha G. Bedell, torn 18 of 5m, 1621, Ahigail Bedell, born 31 of 3m, 1823, Ann Catherine Bedell, horn 27 of 3m, 1826, Benjmine G. Bedell, horn 14 of 5m, 1827, William Bedell, horn 17 of Sm, 1829, i»Iary G. Bedell, born 7 of 6m, 1831, Gulielma Bedell, born 7 of 7m, - -? Henry P. Bedell, bom 8 of 4m, 1838, Ambros Bedell, bom — ? Phebe Bedell, Daniel Emerson, Bedell, j'^ibO nsanl t 1. *'^*-' ■ ,r^ , 3T0-w) -i/ O'v ,-. p , 910 D :iod ,il; f j.-..^j. J -.; J J.L. X'. II: r r ,?-?3I ,.1:9 ■i. -' ui • J- . i i J A- « — lo V nioJ ,Il9.' ■ ■ , I- •- J !. _' - -■- J L -7-V- ^.-i-.' rr-, • lis 119^9' lis; LL3 - J ^ J. vJ -'-*■» *-*'-* *-• - - 3 i jLlij** t *• -15i Underliill, Underhill, Underbill, Stratton, Stratton, Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, r.osecranse , P.osecranse, Eosecranse, Eedell, Eedell, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Yincent, Aron U nderhill , Hannah Underhill, Ann Geennet Underhill, born 4 of 7m, 1831, daughter of Aaron and Hannah Underhill, Willet Stratton, Phehe Ann Stratton, bom 30 of Im, 1832, daughter of Willet Stratton Joseph Gary, Lydia Gary, Eliza Gary, born 16 of 6m, 1833, at Albany Albert Gary, born 2 of 8m, 1835, at Albany Abraham Rosecranse, Almira Rosecranse, Spencer Rosecranse, born 16 of 4m, 1833, at Albany Benjmen Eedell, Catherine Eedell, Timothy Eedell, Benjiman Bedell, Jr., ilary K. Bedell, Martin Vincent, Hannah " nee i: .Hannah Vincent, ,riM-: TrT- ri~^3^.^ . v.- . - 4. 4. _. » .vr aaaBi: rr '-/-,-. -;Q TSOiiDqu , 3snc-xoL L i.'. r ^ r « -^ - ■ « ^ .lie' .n^onr -16- Vincent, Warren Vincent, bom 18 of 6m, 1833, at Goeymans Wilbur, Ben ji man Wilbur, Wilbur, Katharin e Wilbur, Wilbur, Albert Wilbur, born -? of 11m, 1833, at Greenville Fosdick, Nathaniel Posdick, Fosdick, Deborah Fosdick, Fosdick, l^Iary Jane Fosdick, born 19 of 12m, 1833, Fosdick, Louisa Augusta Posdick, born 28 of 8m, 1837, Posdick, David Fosdick, Fosdick, Rebecca Fosdick, Fosdick, John N. Fosdick, bom 21 of 3m, 1833, Spencer, Benjiman Spencer, Spencer, Benjiman Spencer, born 11 of 6m, 1815, Scantleburj/, Samuel Scantlebury, Scantlebury, Sarah Scantlebury, Scantlebury, Thomas Scantlebury, born 22 of Im, 1835, at Albany, Gary, Joseph Gary, Gary, Lydia Gary, Gary, Albert Gary, born 2 of 8m, 1835, at Albany -.61- ,;ja 10 cj. irco-- : ', r.3ii£;/i .Jrison:-; , r.3i' 1-3 lii/i TClBd. ;£;. ,1- . jiiiCxrti 9lIrvn93iQ ;tc ,>' or bee's BODsda/- ,2foib8oT , ..l';I ,md lo II niod .iispaaq-S ni5rairn9d ,ioon: , - • 'i . , . ;-f?I:fasoC , I'iu li a a. J ii£ Gu u« i"jb^ , TjiiL d s I d'nsoi: ,ciS8I ,i"iil lo SS niod ,7itjd9l:tn8o. :.' , iiuddiiaBo'c « % rifiC rrq-3coI. tX'^^'^ '■'■nfiJIA -17- Gurney , Gurney, Gurney , Eoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Hoag, Griffen, Griff en, Griffen, Hoag, Hoag, Bedell, Bedell, Bedell, Griffen, Griffen, Griffen, Jaco"b Gurney, Mary Gurney, Emily Jane Gurney, "born 17 of 5m, 1836, Burling Hoag, Hannah Hoag, Ruth C. Hoag, Iporn 1 of 2m, 1837 Ahner G. Hoag, Mary Hoag, Mariam Hoag, horn 21 of 2m, 1837, Catherine Hoag, horn 3 of 2m, 1841, Jaooh B. Hoag, horn 23 of 8m, 1843, John Griffen, Anna Griffen, Leander Griffen, horn 19 of 7m, 1839, Levi Hoag, Julia S. Hoag, horn 30 of 6m, 1837, Benjimen Bedell, Katherine Bedell, Marv H. Bedell, horn 24 of 9m, 1837, John Griffen, Ann Griffen, Martha Ann Griffem ,horn 25 of 7m, 1841, - ri ' ,330H 71BM , : - , ■ lo S2 HTC .2 JoosC . flail itD n-riov. .neViLid •X- *i- • ,y£C .7:0" - - n IT , .. ^ 1 -ion .3BOH ,.:9l'til-C ^aallriO ,ri3llrT0 •" ^ I'l ' t - - -16- Griffen, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Pov?ell, Powell , Powell, Powell, Gourney, Gournejs Gourney , Sarah Griffen, bom 17 of ICm, 1844, Bloomer Nelson, Kesiah Nelson, George V/ashington Nelson, born 14 of 8m, 1843, "Mary Jane" - - ?, bom 6 of Im, 1844 daughter of "John and Sarah" ? J)avid. Powell, Jerusha Powell, Gurney Powell, born 1 of 7m, 1844, town of New Baltimore, Arthur Powell, bom 10 of 5m, 1647, town of Nev/ Baltimore, Jaco b y/. Gourney, Elizabeth Gourney, Luc key Gourney, born 28 of 2m, 1847, tovm of Goeymans, Gourney, Edward Gourney, 29 of ICra, 1848, Gourney, Ivlary Elizabeth Gourney, 27 of 5m, 1850, Powell, Sarah Emily Powell, bom 24 of 2m, 1850, daughter of David Powell , Joshua Powell, born 3 of 3m, 1852, bn£. nrfol*" ^o laJn-i.UB; ,11^ « ■. r :< (-7 3 -1°- Nelson, Rotert Nelson, Nelson, Catherine Nelson, Nelson, Jacob Nelson, born 5 of 6in, 1841, Nelson, Robert Nelson, Jr., bom 27 of lOra, 1842, Nelson, Hannah Nelson, bom 22 of 7m, 1845, Nelson, Catherine E. Nelson, born 3 of 12m, 1846, Nelson, Elizabeth C. Nelson, born 12 of 9m, 1850. ^I- - 30 .OoSi ,r:T^ '±0 SI niod .ntelsvi ,U liod'jiSiix ; aoalav'I aoslB.i no si all IITDEX >^ Adams, Akely, Allen, Andrew, Ant3aony, Armstrong, Austen, 9-10-22-24-47 24 1 45 3 4-12-15-30-46 4 Baldwin, Barney, Bates, Bedell, Bennett, Betts, Booth, Brad'be(u) Braman, Brayman, Briggs, Brigs, Browning, Bull, Butts, 9-47 2 7 1-5-6-9-10-12- 13-14-15-17-18 20-22-83-26-23 29-30-31-32-33 34-41-42-43-44 48- 49- 51 3 4-15 27 ry, 9-12-21 3-21 8 2 46 15 6-7 15 Callahan, Cap well, Cariaan, Carr, Cary, Cash, Clackner, Coraly, Conley, Conrey, Coonl(e)y, Croclcer, Cudney, Darrah, Davids, Davie. 27 14 6-8-14 4 30-46-47-48-49- 11 9 17 33 37 25-29-30-42-45- 11 9 7 12 7 Davis, 13-15-16-31-45 Dean, 1-7-3-10 De(l) sternell, 15-23 Dickinson, 4-5-8-14-16-23 Dob son, 14 Dodge, 12-17 Donel . 3 Drake, Draper, Emerson, Estes, Fish, Posdiclc, Fosdyck, Froub, Frost, Gaige, Garrit, Gates, Gibbs, Gibson, Golden, Gore, Gould, Gourney, Green, Griffen, 50Gue, Gurney, .46 Haight, Hal li day, Hal lock, Hal stead. 5-7-10-25-42 48 48 3 3-9 7-8-12-17-24- 26-27-25-30-32 37-50 5 6 5-7 12 2 27 11 15-13-32-33-35 4 14-30-48 2 25-52 15-22-24 4-10- H- 12- 17 28-45-51-52 10-15-22-23- 39-40-41 2-3-13-14-15- 16-17-21-27- 28-32-33-34- 39-40-51 1-3-7-28 7 7-11-13-15-16- 3-11-12-15-16 27-31-32-37-38 Ci-6-r-I ,ur.t-CI 1^2 ,^;^"'■:^^- ?;>:.-? I ,.!:i9n':;96*-8(I) VI I ,nnIIA ,fTr- " ■ 5 ,■■■■' -2.r-0I-G-d-e.-I ^ILoheii _ _ _?£_?)!; ' ^l>-.Sii-S^-II^-^£ a 6 v-a • Si'-OS-i'i E5-I':-Gl--ciS: i.i.~o^-e5 -ci-ifx-si-a-s -VS-I2-ri-3I ■ - .:-f,x-ii-v SS-VS-SC-I" - ,::!oi;! ao'^ 5 , JjJOT'i a.r-f' ^a J jsii jJciO'i'?.' V2 , . e- IS -si-e, \;^(^)^ t ro r «'' .^- e .f.' ( - 2 «'"^ ^BC:iXij Si^ « ,r:oy:rx-0 ai ,£n:.:..:. . - ,ns5IoC V-5 .IXn- ,0*2:01; :L ,ad-d-i;a jM;.'o€i ^vor'aoS ?2 ,n£X''^iri?0 .noeiO ^■I f^-' ,fi9?:lJ:i-j t ■-■■■• ' ,9JjtJ03. ^Qh^ -s^. -?^- .ci^-05 II iX"-' ^X^cifvi' •2 ('j-.onjfOBlO VI V5 3^- -e# -':^ -05- -ea-es .•Vifs) Iiioc J --■ II ,to:iooiO e ^XerJiSjO ,^ioc.:X£; . 7 ^dBrf.'.rn''' ,^)?^::. 21 ^3bi\ r. . INDEX -2- Hand, 30 Palmer, 8-17-26 Hart, 14 Pear sail. 13 Hatfield, 11 Pierce, 12-23-29-43 Hayclcs, 21 Post, 5-36 Healy, 21 Potter, 6 Merrick, 5 Powel(l), 3-5-6-9-10-12 Hicks, 6-14-24 13-16-13-23- Hoag, 2-3-4- •6-1 ,4-15- 24-27-28-29- 16-13- .25- 31-34 30-31-32-34- 40- 43- .44- 51 36-38-39-52 Hubbard, 5 Pratt, 13 Hull, 4 Prior, Purrington, 6-3 9 Irish, 3 Quimby, 31-32-38 Jacocks, Jones, 1 7 Quinby, Riclman, 8 6 King, 8-23 Rockwell, 2 Kinagrey, 26 Rogers, 7 Knowles 4 Rosecranse, Rushmore, 49 8-10-23-44 Langford, 1-8 Saale, 45 Lawton, 21 Sandy, 4 Li 6k, 12-14. .33- .46 Sarles, 11-32 Luther, 9 Scantlebury, Sexton, 24-50 17-19-24 McCloud, 3 Shaw, 11 Millard, 18-27 Shear, 21 ^Miller, 15 Shears, 45 Montross, 19-24- .37 Sheaxvaan, 15 Moore, 2-ia-: 20-22-27 Sheffield, 4 Hosier, 4 Simons, 15 Mott, 22- 23- .25- .47 Smith, 4-5-6-8-10-11- 13-14-28-31- ilelson. 2-6-i: 5-17-25- 36-37 26-29-33-37- 39-45-46-52-53 Spencer, 1-17-19-24-28- 32-47-50 ITerriraore, 3-5 Springstead, 45 Harra(e)nore,3-15. -21 Springs ted, 13 Norburg, Zl SiDringsteel. 13 Norbury, 7-29-; 53 Stanton, 25-45 Olcut, 5 Stephenson, Stevens, 10 20-29 - :-8 *T'-* 05 ,jbr£sH ^I jJ-tbH '"■ J. « ■ c, II ,br9rx^r^K ■..-••»- ." , "WO ^. ^-w^ J- - - - ^ liJ ^s-cJ ,ci-Got. s .-I lU t . -'-' '-' f'r~^ e ,yol^-TflK : I~c- I-& C-2 ivj. -I£ >(32-fcI ^^L ■i-C^- - le -i^x^. -gf' ^Oi. p *1 _ f> SI ^ .11;-, o .no^:Sf-i'=t'-«:^*l € ' s • ,- • 'r,-- r If' I , rj-ilf r- I r_^. s t ■ 7 t'<^' c^ M^ -S? -OI-o , ai. t ^ « v-' - - - ':c-rj jcsj'l'ir-rj -i^S .v-xucTe^ rr .v;Br£2 3 1 ^ .b.'-e (J I ( J■-0I-e-?5-s-^ -is-^s-i-i-ei vi':-o£ f'.-^iJ-GI-VI-I Oc'.-V^-S: 5^ t t c.i . .x^- ■jt-es t- 01 ^aoC'i es-os 4^ .K.+inf! ,'ic ony cjd jSiiXL as -, .■ -. (^ -^ *- ■ ' ^ 3-1 »X>'rDT:sns.T IS ,noJ"\y^J c-^-EC-i*!-!^! Q : ' 5 t^ •'--"I .Jbv. ;i ,re^^= ?3-i?>:.-si .as: , _ :--^.^^'-ai-:5 t" ^ ,19X1 ?i.-cS:-c::-^^ -2Sl-ri-^I-?-2 ^no^: -V£-c5-i£-^S ---:>^_-^/ -.~fr_oC e-5 -9n:oiri"'::'-;9»l i:-:-£i-e,9io: ?2 , . . ;; : -'■ -V .•^Tuc'rroi: ,&L'C.ZO i:iDEX -3- stone. 16 Story/ 16 Stover, 13 Stratton, 19-26-49 Street, 17 Terry, 13-45 Thosias, 27 Thompson, 11 Thorn (e) 4-9-26-27-29-47 Titus, 5-7-11-15-16-17 19-22-30-41-42-43 Torapkins, 14-15 Trui-ian, 2 Underhill, 1-3-3-11-16- 18-19-22-26-49 Vail, 17-19-47 Valentine, 19 Vandenburgh ,24 Varney, 2 Vincent, 14-17-31-36- 39-49-50 vmite, 6 Wickhaai, 2 Wilber, 35 Wilbur, 2-50 V/illisuTis, 16-23 Willis, 25 Wilson, 3-3-15-31 Wing, 4-24-29 Wood, 4 Wright, 8-17-25-47-48 Youmans, 9-12-13-28 Young, 29-33 51 ,9r:c-3 SI \AiTO.^-^ ol ^::eyco ^j -62-91 ^noo&sim r* r .^S'^lJ-o' 'Ik-^L j-^iii^T 1 -J r r BJ-i'I ,3nj. r» «' -oS-Ii'-Vl-:;'! ,c^n9oniV C9-3I ,ei:;friXIl;7 as «3iij:x-.' I£-£I-S-e ,no8 :];>' 1^ ,i)oo.' ei- -?>• -2£; -T 1-8 , tc'i^lf^' -C\y^-