Class Book. n ^OMPUMEHTS OF i ^ BERWANGER BROS., 305 Fayetteville Street, Opposite Post Oflace, Clothiers, Furnishers AND HATTKRS,3te^ CARRY Tli-e Xjsirgrest Stocils:. RRRT GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. / ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 E. G. HARRELL. J- I^- NEATIIERY. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO Alfred Williams k Co.'s NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE :R-*f^ILiEI<3-X3:, 3>T. o. "^^ Wc can suppl}^ all your wants from llio biggest stock in tlie State. ADVERTISEMENTS. Hardware, Tin Ware, Wood Ware, Willow Ware, Iron Ware, Bird Cages, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Fly Traps, Croquet Sets, &c., &c. SDEN, 220 Fayetfeville Street, RALEIGH^ N, (7. Keeps the largest and best line of Cookirjg arid Heating Stoves IN THE STATE. House Furnishing Goods of all kinds, such as Oil Stoves, Refrigerators, Fly Fans, and a full Stock of Summer and Winter Goods in their Season. TIN, COPPER AM> SHEET IKON WORKED IN EVERY WAY. Makhig (tud liejxiirlHf/ Cop2}er Stills a specialtij. TOBACCO FLUES A LEADING FEATURE. Tin Roofing, Guttering and Piping of the best material and workman- ship. All work warranted five years. Thirty-seven years' experience has taught him how to do a good job. Sincere thanks are returned to his ifiany friends lied to the others, New- bern, Hillsboro, Halifax and* Fayetteville streets were 99 and all the others 66 feet in width. In December, 1794, the General Assembly met in the new State House for the first time. In 1802, an act was [)assed requiring the Governor to reside at the seat of Government, and a plain two story framed building painted white, and an office on the corner, were provided on lot No. 131. This first gubernatorial mansion was subsequently the resi- dence of the late James Coman. The National Bank of Raleigh now occupies the site from which the first Executive office and Mr. Coman's brick store, were successively removed. In 1813, the General Assembly appointed Henry Potter, Henry Seawell, William Hinton, Nathaniel Jones, (Crabtree,) Theophilus Hunter and William Peace commissioners to erect on the public lands, near .the city of Raleigh, a convenient and commodious dwelling house for the Governor, at a cost not to ex- ceed five thousand pounds, to be derived from the sale 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. "HEALTH BY GOOD LIVING." W. R. CRAWFORD, Stall Mo. 1, City Market. CHOICE BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, BACON, CORNED BEEF, TONGUES, &C. POULTRY AND GAME IN SEASON, W. H. HUGHES, DEALER IN China, Crocksry, Glasjsware, Silver Plated Ware, Refrigerators, Tea Trays, 300 Fayetteville street, Jtaleigh, N. C, THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 13 WALTERS, The Tailor, never disappoints his customers— he is always on time. of lots which they were authorized to lay off, and from the sale of lot No. 131, referred to the residence at suc- cessive periods of Governor's Turner, Alexander, Wil- liams, Stone, Smith and Hawkins. The site selected for the new gubernatorial resi- dence, in common parlance — the palace — was near the terminus of Fayetteville street, directly south of and fronting the capitol, and just beyond the southern boundary of the city. The edifice was completed dur- ing Governor Miller's administration from 1813 to 1816 and he was the first occupant. It continued to be occupied by the Executive until 1865, when Sher- man took possession of it as his headquarters. It was finally torn down and the Centennial Graded School erected upon the site in 1885. In 1819, Duncan Cameron, John Winslow, Joseph Gales, William Robards and Henry Potter were author- ized to sell all or any part of the lands purchased of Joel Lane, with the exception of the Stone Quarry, in lots to suit purchasers. The Governor was authorized from the proceeds of the sale, to improve the Slate House under the direc- tion of the State Architect, and in conformity with a plan which he had prepared and submitted to the General Assembly. The old State House, which is believed to have been constructed from the nett proceeds of the sales of city lots in 1792, was described by a writer of the time as a huge misshapen pile In form it was substantially, so far as the body of the building was concerned, though on a smaller scale, very similar to the present edifice. It was divided by broad passages on the ground floor, from north to south, and from east to west, intersecting in the centre 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. [Established in 1875.] E. F. WYATT & SON, 109 East Martin Street, i^.i^i-iEic3-x3:, :^«T. a. Manufacturers and Dealers in Harness and Saddlery OF EVERY DESCRIFTIOA^, THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 15 You are treated kindly at JOHN PESCUD'S Drug Store. at right angles. The offices of the Secretary, Public Treasurer and Comptroller were on the lower floor. The Senate Chauiber and hall of the House of Com- mons, with the offices appurtenani, above as at present. The Executive office, as has beeii suited, was contigu- ous to the palatial residence. The passage and halls of tiie first State House sup- plied all, and more than all, the accommodation to the public contemplated by the founders of this less extensive, but better furnished, and more finally finished ediiice. Divine worship on the Sabbath, balls on festive occasions, theatriial representations, sleight- of-hand |)erformance8, and last but no', least. Fourth of July Orations and Fourth of July dinners, all found their [)laces, and their votaries for a time. These pas- sages and these halls were sup[)lied by the public Treasury of the State. Tiie Tucker Hall emanates from the private exchequer of two brothers, sons of a worthy father, who was a merchant of very limited cap- ital, but with a character for sobriety, inte^irity, indus- try, economy and enterf)rise, worth more than the wealth of ('roesus in incompetent and untrustworthy hands. The construction of the dome, the erection of the east and west porticoes, the additional elevation and covering of stucco given to the dingy exterior walls, the im[)rovement of the interior, and especially the location of the statute of Washington from the chisel of Canova, a noble s[)ecimen of a noble art, commem- orative of the noblest of men in the rotunda, at the point of intersection of the passages directly under the apex of the dome, converted the renovated capitol into a sightly and most attractive edifice. There were but few of the better class of travellers, who did not pause on their passage through Raleigh, to behold and admire it. 16 ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Announcement, SpeciSLl Offering's at -a-F— Dry Goods, WMte Goods, Notions, SHOES, HATS, V/ILISDS, Clothinp-, Shirts and Collars. I call especial attention of Ladies to our line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, which are unsur- passed, in quality and beautiful fitting, and low prices. I call attention of Young Men to our especial line of Hand-Made Lace and Congress Gaiters. Best and Neatest and Latest Styles. Price in French Calf, from $5.00 to $7.50 per pair, and special drive in low cut hand-made shoes in sizes 5 to 7, for $2.50. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT UP STAH^S Has special inducements for buyers as to price, grade and styles, also can fit and please fat men to size 50. Our terms are cash, our prices low, and are anxious to sell goods. Come one and all to JOS. P. GULLEY'S, 233 Fayctteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. THE CITY OF RALKIGH. 17 Fair and honorable dealing have secured for WALTERS, The Tailor, his popularity. The improvements were designed by, and executed under tlie supervision of Capt. William r\ichols re- cently appointed State Architect, and com[)leted early in the summer of 1822. He was a skillful and experi- enced artist, and made the public greatly liis debtor for decided impulse given to architectural improve- ments throughout the State, in private as well as in public edifices. All the buildings of Raleigh, with the exception of the Ca[)itol, were for years of wood. The old Register office, lately occupied by the Evening Visitor, was the next iiouse of brick built after the capitol. Hotels. The hotels, or taverns as they were then called, were of a primitive nature. ^ In 1803 Henry H. Cook ad- vertised tliat at " Wake Old Court House, about a quarter of a mile of the State House, he can accom- modate ten or twelve gentlemen witli board during the session of the General Assembly, and will take a few horses to ie^d at 2s. 6d. a day. In the same year the " Indian Qiiaen " advertised as the best hotel in the city, " with thirteen rooms, nine of which have fire places." This was on tlie site of the present Federal Court House and Postoffice. In 1804 Peter Casso also opened a hotel, and in ad- dition to the usual attractions, advertises that the " Northern and Southern stages leave his door three times a week." On the 1st of July, 1812, Charles Parish opened his new hotel ibr the accommodation of citizens and way- farers. His advertisement speaks for itself, and is an interesting announcement as a matter of history: 18 ADVERTISEMKNTS. rk^^«i^:f3^ - AJfD- 'f No, 12(i 3Io7'ffan Street, RALEIGH, N. C. The Largest and Best Equipped Livery Establish- ment in Raleigh in every particular. Sober, Careful and Polite Drivers. Special Inducements to Parties desiring their horses boarded. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 19 JOHN S. PESCUD'S Popular Drug Store, 118 Fayetteville street. " Eagle Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. "Charles Parish informs his friends and the public that his tavern is now open for the reception of trav- ellers and boarders in the new three-story building north of the State House and fronting Union Square. The house is spacious, completely furnished, and the stables equal to any. For a well supplied table (served from a neat and cleanly kitchen) luxuries of the rooms, beds, attendance, &c., &c., it is determined that this tavern slial) excel any in the Southern States. " Jt^"" N. B. An ice House -and Bathing Rooms will be constructed by next season." The ice house and bathing rooms were probably the earliest introduction of these luxuries among the growing refinements of the city. Old-Time Street Cars. The Raleigh Experimental Railway was the first attempt at a railroad built in North Carolina. It was finished January 1, 1833. It was a cheap strap-iron tramway, costing $22.50 per mile. It was the sug- gestion of Mrs. Sarah Polk, the widow of Col. Wm. Polk, and the mother of Bishop Polk. She was tlie principal stockholder, and the investments paid over 300 per cent. Capt. Daniel H. Bingham was the en- gineer, an accomplished scholar who taught a military school in the old Saunders house, on tlillsboro street, who was assisted by two of his advanced students. Dr. R. B. Haywood, of this city, and Col. Wm. M. Abbott, of Mississippi. The road ran from the east portico of the capitol to the stone quarry, in the remote eastern portion of the city. It was constructed principally for the purpose of hauling stone to build the jjresen 20 . ADVERTISEMENTS. FRED. A. WATSON, 112 Fayetteville Street, RAIvEIGH, N. C, Headquarters in North Carolina for ART NOVELTIES, PAINTS, BRUSHES, CRAYON AND DRAWING PAPERS. Manufacturer of Picture Frames, Window Shades, Cornices, etc. -^DEALER IN— FINE ENGRAVINGS, PAINTINGS, WALL PAPER, MIRRORS, MIRROR PLATES, HOUSE DECORATIONS, UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIAL, Etc. 1^^ All orders have immmediate attention. THE CITY OF RALFJIGH. 21 The best fits you may rely upon getting, every time, at GEO. N. WALTER'S, The Tailor, 234 Fayetteville street. Capitol. A passenger car was placed upon it "for the accommodation of such ladies and gentlemen as de- sired to take the exercise of a railroad airing." The motive power was a horse — warramted not to run away. Early Water Works. In 1815 the question of supply of water was mooted, and for its introduction for the first time in the history of the city a public debt was authorized. A dam was erected on Rocky Branch, east of the Insane Asylum. The working of a water wheel forced the water into what was called a " Water-Tower," situated on the hill east of Sylvester Smith's house, whence the un- filtered water was carried by wooden pipes by force of gravity to Hargett street, thence down Fayetteville street. There were spouts at various points along the street. But the scheme was a failure, owing to the clogging of the pipes with mud gathered from the un- filtered water. Churches. For a long time after the foundation of the city the people worsliipped in the State House or the Court House. The great Methodist Bishop Asbury offiiciated in the former place in 1800. The first church edifice in the city was erected by Rev. Wm. Glendenning, who was an O'Kellyite, what- ever that may be. A Methodist church of wood was next erected on the site where the present building now stands. A Baptist church was built in 1813. It was first on a lot east of Moore Square, (the ''Old 22 ADVERTISEMENTS. WOODELL'S No. 230 Fayetteville Street, OPPOSITE THE MARKET. The only place where you are sure of getting the latest styles and full value for your money. '' Every customer must be pleased," is our Motto. Boots and Shoes, our only study. TOH^N' PRICE &SONr~ Stall No. 4, Citu Market ^ I^-A-LEIG-HI, INT. 0_, —DEALERS IN— BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, PORK, MIXED SAUSAGE, PORK SAUSAGE, VIENNA SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LIVER PUDDINGS, Blood Puddings, Chitterlings, &c. Goods Delivered in any part of the City Free of Charge. THE CITY OP RALEIGH. 23 JOHN S. PESCUD'S Vanilla Extract is the Best. Baptist Grove)." In 1835 there was a division in the church, and l\\e majority holding the building joined tlieinselves to the ''Christians." The minority built the church at the corner of Wilmington and Morgan streets, wliich was afiervvards purchased by the Catho- lics when the Baptists erected the ma ;nificent building now on Salisbury street. The first Episcopal church was erected in 1829, which was sold to the colored Methodists after erecting their present handsome granite structure. The First Presbyterian church was erected in 1826. Rev. Wra. McPheeters, D. D., was the first pastor. Municipal. The first and original " City Fathers," then called "Commissioners," were appointed by the General As- sembly in 1795, and numbered seven. Their namas were: John Haywood, of Edgecombe, Treasurer of the State; John Craven, of Halifax, Comptroller; John Marshall and James Mares, hotel- keepers ; Dou- gold McKethan and John Pain; and John Rogers, a member of the Lt^gisiature from Wake, but not a resi- dent of tlie city. The charier of 1795 was superceded by a per manent one granted in 1803, by which the election of Intendant of Police and seven Commissioners was given to the f)ublic. The qualification of such officers was that they should be seized in fee of land in the city, with a dwelling house thereon, and should be actual residents. Any free male of full age, resident for three months, or owning land in the city, whether a resident or not, could vote. The corporate name of the government was, "The Commissioners of the City of Raleigh." 24 ADVERTISEMENTS. IT WILL PAY, WHILE YOU ARE IK T0W8, TO VISIT LEE, JOHNSON & CO., Successors to the old firm of Pesciid, Lee & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Cor. Fayetteville and Martin Sfs., Opjwsife F. O., RALEIGH, N C, -DEALERS IN — Drugs and Chemicals, Fancy a.nd Toilet Articles. Customers will find a choice selection of Druggists' Sundries, Fine Soaps, Perfumes, Patent Medicines, Combs, Brushes of all kinds. Garden and Grass Seeds, Cigars and Tobacco. Mineral Waters, Hot Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Lime- ade and all the popular Summer Beverages. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. THE CITY OF KALKIGH. . 25 WALTERS, The Tailor, is a true Artist, and his his Clothes fit like those in a Fashion-ptate. In 1856 the charter of 1803 was amended, and the name of Intendent of Police was cliangeci to Mayor, and the name of " Commissioners " to " Aldermen " in 1875. The city comprised but three war(]s until the Gen- eral Assembly of 1874-75 divided it into five, which has since continued. Tl]e following have been the chief officers of the ci*y, either as Intendents of Police or Mayors, as the case may be: Wm. White, Wm. Hill, Dv. (vVilvin Jones, J')hn Marshall, John S Roberteau, Sterling Yancey, Joseph Gale, Western K. Gale?, Wm. C. Car- rington, Thomas Loring, Wni. Dallas Haywood, Wm. H. Harrison, C. B. Root, Wesley Whitaker, Jose[>h W. Holden, John C. Gorman, Joseph FI. Separk, Basil C. Manly, W. II. Dodd, the office being now filled by Alf. A. Thompson. Mr. John J. Christophers was for a long time the faithful and efficient Clerk. He is still living, in the 85th year of his age. Until 1843 protection to Raleigh at night was afforded by the individual inhabitants, who were compelled to serve as " city watch," either in person or by substi- tute, by patrolling the streets. There were no police- men or day watchmen at all, one man, called the con- stable, being regarded sufficient to keep order during the day. The Nat. Turner Insurrection. When Nat. Turner's uiassacre of fifty-five persons occurred in Southampton, Virginia, in 1831, the whole of Riileigh was placed under arms. The able bodied were divided into four companies, each to patrol the streets every fourth night. The old men were organ- 26 ADVERTISEMENTS J. W. WATSON, No. 1,'il Fayetfeville Street , RALEIGH, i^.C. THE BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OLD PICTURES COPIED, ENLARGED AND COLORED TO NATURE. For particulars call at tlie Gallery, next to McKim- mon & Co.'s Drug Store. IMllU. IS Exchange Place, ^f :i|e^ RALEIGH. N. Q, MANUFACTURER OF BREAD, CAKES AND CB ACKERS 0:F ..^I-ilL. DE^XISriDS Specialty made of Wedding and Party Cakes. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 27 Not Pat up in Cans-PESCUD^S Milk Shakes. ized as "Silver Grays." The fortress was the Presbyte rian church, and it was agreed that whenever the State- house bell should sound the women and children were to hasten to its f)rotecting walls. At last, one night O'Rourke's blacksmith shop took fire. It was night, and one of the most fearful scenes ever beheld in Raleigh, it is said, was that of hundreds of women and children flying through the streets to the place of common re fuge. A gentleman, still a resident of this city, then a mere boy, becoming also excited, refused to leave his home, and seizing his deceased's father's sword, bran- dished it in the air and declared liis purpose to there die in the defence of the household. The negroes were frightened more than the whites. They fled and hid under houses, in garden shrubbery, lay between corn rows — anywhere. Tliere never was a time when the colored people of Raleigh would have risen against our people. It is greatly to the credit of both races that notwithstand- ing party animosity and sudden emancipation, the kindly [)e'rsonal feeling between the whites and their old servants has never been interrupted. Burning of the Old Capitol. Ill 1831, occurred an event of momentous conse- quence to the people of Raleigh, which not only caused great loss of itself but according to tradition came near ruining the city. This was the burning of the Ca[)itol. The old State House was constructed in 1792. It was described as wholly without architectural beauty, an ugly mass of brick and mortar. It was repaired in 1822, under the surpervision of Capt Wm. Nichols, an experienced architect, who covered its dingy walls with stucco and rendered it more sightly by the ad- 28 ADVERTISEMENTS. • Pi. STt-INMETZ, Florist and Seedsman, NASFI SQUARE, RALEIGH, N. C. Roses, Pot-Plants, and Cut Flowers. A large stock of choice ever bio -ming roses; green- house and outdoor bedding plants, hyacinths, tulips, aud other bulbs for Fall planting ; ornamental shrub- beries, everiT^reens and shade-trees. FLORAL DESIGNS. Bou.iuets ami Cut Flowers. Tomato, Cabbage and other Plants in Sea-on. IJ^^Send for C'ltalogue. Orders by mail and telegraph promptly attended to. THOS. S. STEVENSON, Practical Plnmber. Steam i Gas Fitter. AND DEALER IN PUMPS, HYDRAULIC RMS, RANGES, GAS FIXTURES, LEAD, IRON AND EARTHEN PIPES, Hakgett 81., 3 DOORS AV. RALKicni Nai\ Bank, RALEIGH, N. C Sanitaiy PluniLiug a Sp(3cialty. JOIJBINU PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. P. 0. Box 289. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 29 The Best Talent only is employed by GEO N. WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. dition of porticos and a dome. The form of the build- ing was similar to the present noble granite structure, which by its unpretending bit statel}^ beauty, fitly represents the solid virtues of North Carolina char- acter. By a freak of liberality, unusual in those good old days, when tlie State never spent over $90,000 a year for all puri)oses, when taxes were six cents on the $100 value of real estate only, and personal property was entirely exempt, the General Assembly had placed in the rotunda a magnificent statue of Wasliington of carrata marble by the great Canova. It was the pride and boast of the State Our people remembered with peculiar pleasure that LaFayette had stood at its base and commended the beauty of the carving and the fitness of the honor to the great man under whom he Imd served in our war for independence, and whom he regarded with a passionate and reverential love. The carelessness of an artisan engaged in covering the roof, lost this great work of art to the State. On the fnorning of the 21st of June, 1831, while thosun shone bright in the heav( ns, flames were seen issuing from the roof. The owls and flying squirrels, which had built their nests among the rafters, hastened through the-ventilator to escape from the doomed building, followed by thick smoke and then by bright flames. With no such |)owerful machine as the Recue engine the progress of the fire was unchecked. A few citizens, incited by a gaHant little lady, Miss Betsy Geddy,who had all the spirit of her Revolutionary father, endeav- ored with frantic haste to remove the statue, but its great weight was too much for their strength. They were forced to witness its destruction. Over half a century has not erased from the memories of some 30 ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1865. .^ '9 Wholesale I Eetail &rocer, COTTON FACTOR — AND— Commissioii Mercliaiit. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and General Merchandise, Corn and Meal, Shingles and Laths of our own Manufacture always in Stock at our Mill, also at Store. THE BES THEART SHIMCLES- 18 and 20 BAST MAliTIN STREET, , 'iOJ: and :iO(; SO UTII WIL3IINGTON STREET. THE CITY OF RALEIGEI. 31 Sold by che Glass— PESCUD'S Limeade. who witnessed the splendor of the closing scene of this draniti. For many minutes the statue stood the cen- tral figure of numherless blazing torches, untouched and majestic, every lineament and feature white-hot, and of superiuitural brilliancy and beauty. Then sud- denly the burning timbers fell and the master piece of Canova was a mass of broken fragments. Andrew Johnson. This distinguished son of North Carolina was born in Raleigh on the 29th of December, 1808. He was apprenticed to Mr. James Litchford, tailor, at the age of ten years. He never attended school a single day of his life. Among Mr. Litchford's customers was a very eccentric gentleman who often visited the shop and read aloud from books or newspapers for the ben- efit of the tailors. Young Johnson took a deep inter- est in these readings, and as subsequent events showed, proved of inestimable value in contributing to his fu- ture success in life. Beginning by liimself the labor of mastering the alphabet, he found it a more difficult matter than he had anticipated, but eventually, ap- plying to one of his fellow-workmen, he obtained much assistance, and finally succeeded in gaining the first steps in the path of knowledge. After working the usual number of hours per day in the shop (twelve), he would devote two or three hours at night each day to his educational labors. In the latter part of 1824, his term of apprenticeship having expired, he left Raleigh and went to Laurens Court House, South Carolina, where he followed his trade for two years. lie became engaged to be married to the (laughter of a gentleman of wealth and [)Osition, but was refused her hand because of his poverty. He re- 32 ADVERTISEMENTS J. H. QIJLLj, PRACTICAL Founder and lacliinist, MANUFACTUREK OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY i^^ P Saw-Miil, Agricultural Machinery, Plows, Plow Castings, Cotton Presses. Tobacco Presses and Elevators FOR WAREHOUSES, RRIZE AN!) STORE HOUSES. Estimates and prices furnished. iiAi.i:i<;ii, IV. c THE CITY OF JtALKIGIT. 33 *' Don't let it escape you," that the Leading Tailor of Raleigh is GEO. N. WALTERS. turned to Raleigh in 1826, but after remaining here but a few months, went to Greenville, Tennessee, where he was married. Up to this time he knew nothing of writing or arithmetic; his wife, however, sedulously labored to instruct him in those branches of rudimentary education, and with success. In 1829 he became an alderman; in 1830 mayor; in 1835 he was sent to the Legislature. Plere he made his maiden speech on {)ublic affairs. In 18il he was elected to the State Senate, and in 1843 he was first chosen as a Re[)rt sentati ve in C\)nv.>ress. Li tliis position he served until 1853. He was twice elected Governor. In 1857 he was sent to the United States Senate for a full term, ending in 1863. And finally, after filling almost every official position in the gift of the [)eofde, he became President of the United States, which last position he obtained, however, by the occasion of Lincoln's death while in office. HIS FATHER. With reference to the death of Andrew Johnson's father, it is said that on a very cold day in the winter of 1811-'! 2, while tolling the Capitol bell for a funeral, he was seen suddenly to fall to the ground, from sup- posed chill and exhaustion. He was taken up and carried, in the first instance, to the office of tiie late Treasurer Haywood, and died at his own residence, in the neighborhood of Joseph Gales, on Saturday, the 4t]i of January, 18 1 2. The following obituary notice is copied from the Star of the 12lh of January, 1812: "Died, in this city, on Saturday last, Jacob John- son, who had for many years occupied an humble but 34 ADVERTISKMIiNTS P. LINEHAN. JOHN II. WINDER. P. LINEHAN & CO. CAROLINA Granite and Sandstone Quarries. Offce: 4:0f) F(UjetteviUe l^t., E,.A.IL.EIG-BC, nSF- C- Contracts taken for all classes of S, Jk is-;r\s7»J IL .^\, \^) @ ,E>;;i iss ^ eO) ^•"'y^ STONE FURNISHED EITHER fX(^\ Zxi an37- ZDe^ig-xi. QUARRIES AT Granite, Vance County, and IVadcsboro, Anson County. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 35 The Best in Town-Segars, at JOHN PESCUD'S. useful station. He was city Constable, Sexton and Porter to the State Bank. In his last illness he was visited by the principal inhabitants of the cit}^ by all of whom he was esteemed for his honesty, sobriety, industry and humane friendly disposition. Among all by whom he was known and esteemed, none lament him more (except [)erhaps his own relatives) than the publisher of this paper, for he owes his life, on a [)ar- ticular occasion, to the boldness and humanity of Johnson." Fires. In 1802 a fire engine was purchased for the city by voluntary contribution, costing $374. Of course it was a hand engine. Sixteen men could work at one time — eight on each side, and it had a throwing ca- pacity of 44 yards, using 80 gallons per minute ! The first great fire on record was in 181G, on the east side of Fayetteville street, extending from Martin street to Hargett, and thence nearly to Wilmington street. In 1821 a second fire broke out near the site where the Market House now stands, consuming the east side of Fayetteville street north, above Hargett, as far as where Tucker's store now stands, and east to Wilming- ton. A fire in June, 1831, destroyed the old Capitol. It was constructed in 1792. In 1822 it was repaired, and the building was much improved by porticos and a dome. After this fire, and before the erection of the present Capitol, the General Assembly at one of their sessions convened in the *' Palace," and at another in the residence of Maj. B. Smith, on Fayetteville street. Another fire broke out in 1841, in Depkin's shoe shop, on Fayetteville street. The flames swept down 36 ADVERTISEMENTS. :H]si}a/iDi±sii.ea. isse, COFFIN HOISE % 1i7 S. Dawson St. Raleigh, N. C. iUNDERTAKING In all its branches attended to in the most ap- propriate manner at the shortest notice. Coffins and Caskets in all Styles. Robes, Shrouds and Slippers, for Ladies, Gents and Children furnished. Funerals Attended in any Part of the City or County. Coffins delivered at any Railroad Depot in the State free of charge. J. w. BROwra, Suijeriiiteudeut luitl ruiieral Director. THE CITY OF JIA LEIGH. 37 The Best Dressed Gentlemen of Raleigh secure their Suits at GEO. N, WALTERS'. Harget street, until cliGv^kcd witliin ono house of Wil- mington street. The hose of the engine was burst soon after it was brought into action. The water flowed on the ground, and mixing with red clay formed a plastic material, which (he ready wilted firemen gathered by handsfui and l)ucketsful, and dashing it against the' walls of a threatened store, formc(i a non- conductor, impervious to heat. The fire was extin- quished, an Jug's, and Printed Forms of Con- tract for tlie proper and ecoMDinicai erec'ion of Cot(aii"t'S, Vlilas, City Dwellings, Clmsdics, Schools, IJaiiks, Holds, Railroaer a^'c was received as a [)artner, and tiie firm of R. Tucker & Son conducted their affairs with their wonted suc- cess, until its dissolution by the death of the senior partner on the 9,h Ai)ril 1851. On the occurence of this sad event, W. H. H. Tucker united his twoyounger brothers, Rufus S. and the late Dr. J. J. VV. Tucker. Witii iiim, thti latter as a silent partner, und<-r the name of W. H & R. S. Tucker. Under this namethev continued iheir pursuits with increasing capital find undiminislied eneri^y with an unavoidable cessalion of two years, durin;^ ihe civil war. A'terthe death -.m' the senior {)artner, \V. II. M Tucker, Major R S Tucker continueL,C<>ll' ges and LodiJ^ps. made to ojrh^r at shr»rt notire. A Speeialty : PLAIN GOLD RINGS. To e2)artmeut Suits to measure, in full blast. A perfect fit guaranteed or no sale. Thanking my friends and patrons for their liberal patronage for the past FIFTEEN YEARS, I respectfully ask an inspection of my present stock and take pleasure in assuring them I shall always endeavor to merit a share of their favors by a careful attention to their wants. Respectfully, D. S. WAITT. THE CITY OF RALEIGH 51 The Best thing to 4o— Look up JOHN PESCUD'S. knows. The Lodges in this city alone, disburse to their sick, and for burying their dead over two hun- dred dollars annually. Besides they are first and foremost in rendering aid wherever and whenever the cry of distress is raised, let tliat cry come from what- ever source it may. The two Lodges and the Encampment have now in their Widows' and Orphans' and General Funds, over five thousand dollars, and are still accumulating to those funds. Their membership embrace the best of our citizens, and no one who connects himself with the Odd Fellows is made worse, but often much better. To give the reader some idea of what Odd Fellow- ship is, w-e append some statistical information derived from the Journal of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, which is the federal head or controlling power of the entire organization, which now embraces, not only every State and Territory in this country, but Canada, Ger- many, Australia and other countries on the continent of Europe. Journal 188G, page 10,332 gives returns for 1885, as follow^s : GrcUid Lodges, 51 ; Gran.d Encampments 44 ; Sub- ordinate Lodges, 7,95G; Subordinate Encampments, 1,947; Rebekah Degree Lodges, L247 ; Lodge initia- tions, 36,340; Encamriment initiations, 7,165; Lodge men] hers, 517,310; Encampment members, 94,376; Rebekah Degree Lodge members, 58,025; Relief by Lodges, $1,960,4 18.00; Relief by Encampments, §205,- 62U.24; l^'elief by Rebekah Lodges, $14,863 69 ; Total relief, $2,180,901.93; Revenue of Lodges. $4,764,111.96 Revenue of Encampments, $473.652 00; Revenue of Rebekah Lodges, $71,92181 ; Total revenue, $5,309,- 688.77. 52 ADVERTISEMENTS. W. J. Ellington, L. H. Royster, Business Manager. Architect and Supt. of Buildings. B. F. Park, in Charge of Shops. ELLINGTON, ROYSTER & CO., AND MAUNFACTURERS OF c oASH, DOORS AND BLIHDS. Sasli, Glazed and Ungiazed, DOORS OF ALL KINDS. croll Work of Yarious Designs. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE BLINDS. Porch and Stair Ballusters Turned or Sawed. Contracts taken an3'where in the State. Tin or slate roofing done to order. Rough and dressed lumber. Moulding and brackets of all kinds. We make all the above items a specialty. Work guaranteed first-class and prices as cheap or cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Give us a trial order this year. Telephone, No, S5, Shops, 101 West St., BaleUjh, N. C. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 53 You'll find it economy to patronize GEO. N. WALTERS, The Tailor, 234 Fayetteville street, Raleig^h, N. C. The officers of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina for the present year are as follows: Wm. A. Bobbitt, Oxford, Grand Master; Rev. J. IT. Cordon, Wilson, Deputy Grand iMaster; Dr. Jno. H. Pool, South Mills, Grand Warden; B. H. Woodell, Raleigh, Grand Secretary; R.J.Jones, Wilmington, Grand Treasurer; Junius Slocumb, Goldsboro, and C. B. Edwards, Raleigh, Grand Representatives to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Growth in Population. The total population in 1807 was 726. In 1810 this had increased to 976. In 1840, the population had grown to 2,240. In 1850, 4,518 — having increased as much in ten years as it had done before in thirty. In 1860, 4,780. In 1870. 7,700. In 1880, 9,223. The population is now, in 1887, conceded to be not less than 16,000. Increase in Values of Property. The increase in the values of reai property has been marked, especially in localities near the Market House. Only a few instances are cited : The lot on the corner of Martin and Wilminglon streets, on part of which the Adams Building rears its imposing front — 140x120, was bought for $2 500 in November, 1851. In 1874 nine-fourteenths of it were sold for $10,050, at the rate of over $22,000 for the whole. 54 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE /S A FAMILY, RELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER, Is i^HK Okkicial Organ ok OVER EIGHTY THOUSAND RORTH CAROLIHA METHODISTS. It goes into almost eveiy community in the State. It is therefore A SPLENDID ADVERTISING MEDIUM — ONE OF THE BEST, if not the best, in the State. A large number of its readers take no other paper. It was established in 1855. RATES OF ADVERTISING REASONABLE. Subscription Rates: One year, in advance, - - - $2 00 Six months, in advance, - - 1 00 Three months, in advance, - - 50 Every Methodist ought to subscribe for the AD- VOCATE, and every business man ought to advertise in it. Sample copies sent free on application. Address REV. F. L RE!D, Editor and Publisher, RALEIGH, N. C. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 55 The Best in Town-Segars, at JOHN PESCUD'S. The ground where the Citizen's National Bank now stands was bought about forty years ago for $2,200. It was sold at auction in 1868 for $8,200. The southeast corner of Fayetteville and Martin streets was sold in 1838 for $750; it sold in 1872 for $10,000 cash. Before the erection upon it of the Bag- ley Building, the ground floor of which is occuj)ied by Lee, Johnson & Co., druggists, it rented for as much as $1,200 per year. THE SURRENDER OF RALEIGH. It was not until the arrival of Sherman's army in Goldsboro, in April 1865, and his long halt at that place, for the purpose of refitting and recruiting his exhausted troops, that tlie people of Raleigh enter- tained any serious apprehensions of being visited by the enemy. Johnson's Retreat. The surrender of General Lee, wliich took place on the 9th of April 1865, rendered it absolutely necessary that General Johnson should retreat as rapidly as pos- sible ta Western North Carolina. The news of Lee's sur- render reached Raleigh on the lOlh, and it was then that our people realized the fact that in our immediate vicinity the closing acts of the greatdrama would take place, and, that in all probability " an array of occupa- tion" would be quartered upon us to destroy what little of our substance remained. We were not long in sus- pence. About the 10th of April the advance ot John- son's retreating army entered and passed through the city. It was truly a sad sight; the band played Dixie, 56 ADVERTISEMENTS. CHAS. D. ARTHUR, Stall No. 16, City Market, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF OYSTERS, CRABS, &c. All orders executed promptly and deliv- ered anywhere in the city free of charge. TELEI^HONE CALL, No. 110, MOSELEY'S £ ^1 i -|5' 120 IFayette-^T-xlle St;3:?oet, RALEIGH, N. C. Boontft Pleasant ! Table Good! Waiters Attentive ! Prices Moderate! A Quiet Place! LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DINING HALL ATTACHED. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 67 The best fits you may rely upon getting, every time, at GEO. N. WALTERS', The Tailor, 234 Fayetteville street. and the worn out veterans seemed to arouse up every muscle to appear in their best plight; their careworn faces, liowever, tohi the sad tale, and silently they wended their way westward. They were several days in passing through, and, as they came, the news was communicated that the ''Yankees" were near at hand Preparations for a Formal Surrender. In the meantime it was considered best that the city authorities should take some steps for the proper sur- render of the city, which Johnson's retreat would neces- sarily leave at the mercy of the enemy. A meeting of the Board of Aldermen, then called Commissioners, was called, and a committee appointed, consisting of several members of that body and some four or five other citizens. The duties of the committee thus ap- pointed were understood to be somewhat as follows : They were expected to meet the advance of the federal army a short distance from the city and formally sur- render the same. The particular manner in which the programme was to be carried out was left, to a great extent, to Mayor W. H. Harrison. The night of the 12th of April was one of extreme anxiety. Gen. Wade Hampton with his calvary force occupied the city, nor did man}^ of them leave until within a few hours of the enemy's approach to the cor- porate limits. Col. Harrison was up the entire night in the discharge of his oflicial duty. It was known that many of Hampton's Cavalry, as was natural un- der the circumstances, were desperate and daring men, and the utmost vigilance on the part of the civil auth- orities was necessary to preserve the peace. 58 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. You are treated kindly at JOHN PESCUD'S Drug Store. Departure of the Committee. The morning of the loth of April was a gloom}^ one indeed. A steady rain had set in and the sky was draped v»^ith black and ominous looking clouds. About sunrise the committee procured a carriage and pro- ceded out on the Holleoaan road to a point where it was crossed by the fortifications. The carriage con- tained, among others, Kenneth Rayner, P. F. Pescud, Mayor Harrison, Dr. R. B. Haywood, and W. R. Rich- ardson, the latter riding on the seat with the driver and carrying a staff to which was attached a white handkerchief to be used as a flag of truce. Arriving at their destination they awaited, amidst a drenching rain the coming of the enemy. The "Yankees" in Sight. About 8 o'clock, from the summit of the hill beyond Walnut creek, near the residence of W. H. Plolleman, Esq., was seen a body of horsemen approaching. Sud- denly they were observed to halt and one of the fore- most leveled a field spy-glass towards the place occu- pied by the committee. Then it was that Mr. Richard- son, who had been assigned the duty of waving the flag of truce, struck the emblem of peace on the top of the fortification. A few minutes after, a detachment rode up to the committee, the officer in charge en- quiring, "What does this mean?" Mr. Rayner repied that they were a joint delegation of city officials and citizens, who, i)i the absence of any military organiza- tions, desired to surrender the city and ask protection for its non-combatants and public and private property. The officer replied that Gen. Kilpatrick alone had authority to arrange terms of surrender. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 59 Fair and honorable dealing have secured for WALTERS, The Tailor, his popularity. An Interviev/ with Kilpatriek. The officer with his escort then returned to the main body of troops, and in a short while Gen. Judson Kil- patriek, the notorious Federal cavalry commander made his appearance before them. Mr Rayner stepped forward and said: "This is Gen. Kilpatriek, I pre- sume." "That is my name," replied Kilpatriek, " whom do I address?" " My name, sir, is Rayner — Kenneth Rayner," replied our spokesman, "and I have been selected to formally surrender the city of Raleigh to Gen. Sherman's army." Mr. Rayner made an earnest and tender appeal for the protection of the city and her people, at which the committee found it difficult to repress their feelings, and tears moistened the eyes of all. Kilpatriek received the words of the speaker with cold indifference. He said he would pro- tect the lives and property of all who yielded "obe- dience to law and order, but should pursue with re- lentless fury all traitors in armed opposition to the in- tegrity of the Union." The committee then returned to the city. At the Enemy's Mercy— An Incident. In a short while after the committee had returned, Kilpatrick's cavalry begun to enter the city. Passing rapidly up Fayetteville street towards the Capitol, all of a sudden they came to a check, and at the same in- stant was heard a loud exclamation, "Hurah for the Southern Confederacy," accompanied by the report of a pistol in the hands of a Confederate officer, mounted and occupying the middle of the street between the residence of the late Dr. F. J. Haywood and the North Carolina Book Store, now the Branson House. He had 60 THE CITY OP RALEIGH. JOHN S. PESCUD'S Popular Drug Store, 118 Fayetteville street. fired at Kilpatrick advance. Attempting to escape, he was cn{)tured and carried before Kilpatrick in the Capitol Square. Said the orderly having the prisonor in cliarge to Kilpatrick: '' General, here is the man who fired at our advance." *' To whose command do 3'OU belong?" said Kil- patrick. *'I belong to Hamilton's Cavalry, and am from Texas," replied the man. "Don't you know, sir, what the penalty is for re- sisting after terms of surrender have been agreed upon?" said Kilpalrick. "I knew nothing about the surrender, and J didn't shoot at anybody." "I understood," said Kilpatrick, " that you are one of these fellows who have been breaking open stores, and committing robbery during last night and early this morning, and your action to-day has endangered the lives of many of tlie citizens of this town ; you deserve death, sir. Orderly," he continued, " take this man out where no ladies can see him, and liang him." Efforts were made by some of our prominent citi- zens to save the man who was about to yield U[) his life for an act of folly, but to no pur[)ose — he was taken to the old Lovejoy Grove, where the Governor's now Mansion r.ow stands, and hung to a tree, under which he was buried. His I'emains were afterwards taken up and de[)osited near the northwest corner of the Confederate Cemetery. A similar incident, ending fortunately in a more pleasant manner* soon after took [)!ace. Early on the morning of the surrender, Lieutenant James, of the Confederate service, who had been at- THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 61 WALTERS, The Tailor, never disappoints his customers -he is always on time. tached to the Provost Marshal's office here, while re- turning on horseback from a visit to lady friends in the northeastern part of tl^e city, was met by some of Kilpatrick's Cavalry who, observing that he wore the uniform of a Confederate officer,- summoned him to surrender. Tiiis he refused to do, but endeavored to defend himself by reaching for his pisto'. He was, however, overpowered and taken prisoner. This was soon after Kilpatrick had so summarily disposed of the unfortunate Texan. Being also carried before Kil- patrick, the latter, looking the young ofiicer sternly in the face, said : " Who are you, sir?" " My name sir, is James — Lieutenant James, of the (he Confederate service," was the reply. " Why are you not with your command ? Wluit are you doing straggling about? Are you a spy?" in- quired Kilpatrick. '' I am no straggler or spy either — I am attached to the Provost Marshal's office in this city," answered James. " Ah, indeed," said Kilpatrick, "so much the worse for you, sir; you must have known of (he. surrender of the city, and yet, as I am informed, you showed figlU when my men attempted to arrest you." •' 1 did not know of the surrender," said James; "I had been visiting, and supposed from the action of your men that a skirmish was going between your ad- vance and some of General Hamilton's rear. Such being my impression, I atteLnj)ted to defend mysejf — I would do so again, sir." " I have just hung a man for an offence similar to yours, sir," said Kilpatrick. 62 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. JOHN S. PESCUD'S Vaniila Extract is the Best. " Very well, sir," said James, " you have me in your power — you can hang me if you like." As this was said, a thrill of terror ran through the bystanders, for there were numbers of our citizens on the spot, who surely thought that the reply would be an order for another execution. Kilpatrick paused a moment, and looking the young officer full in the face — the latter returning the gaze in a bold and de- fiant manner — answered: " No, ril not hang you. Orderly," he continued, addressing the man in cliarge of the squad, "take charge of this young man until further orders." James was taken from the guards and placed in prison. He was released on parole in a few days. Protection Assured. One of the most pressing duties devolving upon those having in charge the surrender of the city was to provide guards for the private residences of the cit- izens. This was an onerous task, because it was nec- essary to have as many houses as possible under strict watch before the regular portion of the army entered the town. Besides, there resided here several gentle- men who had occupied high official positions in the civil service of the Confederate States, and it was feared that, in consequence thereof, their persons and prop- erty might be singled out as special objects of ven- geance by the invading army. Prominent among these was the late ex Governor Thomas Bragg, who had previously filled the office of Attorney General in Mr. Davis's Cabinet. No trouble was encountered in obtaining guards for such citizens as desired them, and for awhile, at least, our citizens felt secure against all harm which they had feared might befall them THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 63 My Clothes Fit, and the Goods are Fine, because they were made by WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. from the enemy. This feeling of complete security lasted until the news reached Raleigh the 15th of April of the Assassination of President Lincoln. The news was received here in a most exaggerated form, and rapidly spread among the soldiers of the army as well as the citizens of the town. As it went from mouth to mouth the dimensions of the affair hugely increased, and the perpetrators of the deed were declared to be prominent officers of the Con- federate Government, acting directly under in- structions from President Davis and his Cabinet. Of course there were not wanting those who sought by the most absurd recitals to add fuel to the flames of excitement, in the hopes of exciting the mob element of the Federal army to wreak vengeance upon the in- habitants of the city, and thereby afiPord an excuse for plunder and other outrageous deeds of violence. In the meantime a few of the citizens endeavored to ob- tain authentic information concerning the assassination from General Sherman, but without avail. A Night of Terror. On the 15th, night fell upon our people in a state of the wildest excitement and alarm. All kinds of ru- mors were afloat as to the intention of the army. Crowds of soldiers were to be seen standing at the cor-, ners of the diff'erent streets, loud in their expressions of indignation, and open in their declarations to have vengaance for what they termed the ** rebel murder." It was a terrible time. Many of the citizens petitioned for extra guards. Hundreds of people sat up during 64 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Everything in Medicine-JOHN : PESCUD^S Drug' Store. the entire night, expecting every moment mob vio- lence. About 9 o'clock additioual alarm was created by the alarm of " fire !" Many thought that the work of" destruction had commenced. Hundreds of citizens repaired to the scene of the flames, but the cause of excitement was liappily discovered to be the acciden- tal burning of a deserted workshop in the remote southeastern section of the city. The remaining por- tion of the night passed off in a comparative^^ quiet manner. It is authoritatively stated that but for the prompt ac- tion of Major General Logan a mob would have sacked the city on the night above alluded to. He had ar- rived in the city duriug the day from Morrisville, and was, in the early part of the night, at the house of a well-known citizen, when he was called out by a pri- vate soldier, who told him that a part of his com- mand, encamped near the Insane Asylum, were on their way to the city for the purpose of burning it. He immediately mounted his horse and met the mob at the bridge over Rocky Branch, where with mingled threats and entreaties ho dissuaded them from their vile purpose. An Editor in a " Fix." At the time of the surrender of the city, among other papers published here, was the Daily Progress. After Sherman's occupation this journal was permitted to continue issuing its regular editions. Col. W. R. Rich- ardson, of Raleigh, was one of the proprietors. A few days after Lincoln's assassination tlie paper was seen to contain an article reflecting upon Sherman for al- lowing private property to be taken for army purposes without compensation. The property alluded to was THE CITY 01^ RALEmH. 65 Go to Geo. N. WALTERS^ The Tailor, for Fine Suits, Raleigh, N. C. the residence of the late Dr. F. J. Haywood, at the head of Fayetteville street. Early in the forenoon of the same day Col. Richardson received the following note from Gen. Sherman, rininingsomewhatasfollows. " To the Proprietors of the Progress : You are hereby ordered to suspend your paper and report at once to headquarters. [Signed] W. T. Sherman. Col. Richardson prepared as soon as possible to obey the summons, while, in the language of that gentle- man himself, '' the ghost of the unfortunate Texan flitted before him, ai^d the case-mated walls of Fortress Monroe angrily frowned in prospect." Appearing be- fore Shernian, the latter said, ''So you are an editor?" and continued: "There is one thing I want you news- paper men to understand and that is, you are not con- ducting a newspaper in Massachusetts or New York, but in a conquered territory; and I'll have you to un- derstand that if you can't'^carry on }our papers with- out reflecting on my army, I am determined that they shall be suspended." An explanation was made by Col. Richardson, which was deemed sufficient to excuse him from what Sher- man thouglit had been almost treasonable, and the Progress afterwards made its appearance as usual. Wise Precaution. Imitating the example of citizens of the South generally, uiuler similar circunistances, the people of Raleigh who were in possession of gold or silver coin, as well as other portable articles of value, adopted the " hiding" process. The usual mode resorted to was that of de[)Ositing in the ground or in some secret place about the house, whatever was thought most likely to tempt the cupidity of the enemy. 66 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Not Put up in Cans-PESCUD'S Milk Shakes. • The story goes that three of our citizens who had been so fortunate during the war as to secure consid- erable piles of specie, entered into an agreement a day or so before the arrival of the enemy to hide it near a culvert on the Raleigh, and Gaston Railroad, in the immeaiate vicinity of the place now occupied by the North Carolina Car Shops. Going one day to discover if their treasures had been molested, one of the gentle- men discovered to his horror a party of Federal so.diers encamped on the very spot that contained nearly all of his earthly possessions. After a confer- ence with his " partner," it was decided to disclose the secret to a Federal officer and solicit his protection for the removal of the hidden property. Ti)is course Vv^as followed with success. Tne party accompanied by the officer, went to the camp, and to the utter astonishment of the soldiers, dug up the glittering pieces over which they had been innocently eating and sleeping for so long a time. It is said they raved at the bare idea of rebels being allowed to rob their camp! Things Settling Down. About the 25th of April Gen. Sherman left the army in command of Schofield, and proceeded to Savannah, for the purpose of directing matters in South Carolina and Georgia, Upon his return to Raleigh arrange- ments were made for the disposition of the forces un- der his command. The Tenth and Twentv-third Corps, together with Kil Patrick's Cavalry Division, were ordered to remain in North Carolina until further orders. Most of the remaining portion of the army was ordered to march to Washington, where a grand review took place on the 24th of May. On the 30th of the same month Sherman issued his farewell orders to his troops. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 67 The Best Talent only is employed by GEO. N. WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. RALEIGH OF TO-DAY. THE CITY A CENTRE, FINANCIALLY, INDUSTRIALLY AND SOCIALLY— THE EDUCATIONAL HEART OF THE STATE— ITS REMARKABLE GROWTH AND CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT. Much of tin's sketch, or rather series of sketches, has had to do with the past history of the capital city, but this deals witli the present of Raleigh. No place has Qiade a more rapid advance, or a more stable founda- tion, and the people of the State have good reasons for regarding their seat of government with satisfaction and pride. Its Growth in Seventeen Years. Raleigh began its real growth in 1870, Tucker Hall, the Metropolitan Building and one or two others had then been erected, but the building of stores, ware- houses and modern private residences on an extensive scale really began that year. In seventeen year? the appearance of the greater part of the city has l)een changed almost entirely, and fully a third of the sixty miles of streets have been laid off and adorned witli buildings. The city has far more than doubled its population in the seventeen years. The number of buildings has^more than doubled, and Fayetteville, - 68 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. " Water Proof," and the Best on the Market — JOHN PESCUD'S Milk Shake. North Blount, East North and Hillsboro streets have become the handsomest thoroughfares m (he South. Only a dozen years ago a great tract of woodland stood at the northeastern limits of the city. It was cleared and opened and now as if by magic, buildings cover it and the city is reaching out beyond its outer line. North- west of the city were fields of stunted pines, which were not considered desirable for residences until 1880. In seven years all is changed, and the former old field has become one of the finest and most desirable por- tions of the city. The increase in the value of land has been steady. There have been no fictitious values, and this stability lias been a prime factor in the city's success and growth. The comments of all persons who spend any time away from Raleigh is, that its growth and development are not surpassed in the State. So much for practical enterprise. Public Enterprises. The public attention is in a large degree fixed upon Raleigh as a point for business or residence purposes. In the past year no less than a thousand persons have added to the population, apart from its natural growth. Public enterprises liave attracted laborers and business men, and the admirable schools and othpr convenien- ces also attract many who place a just value upon such advantages. The city has inaugurated a system of paving, and in December, 1886, opened its street car lines for traflSc. These lines now have a length of over eight miles, and cover the most desirable parts of the city. The result is that suburban property has taken a natural rise in value, and the extension of the city in all directions is accelerated. After careful considera- tion the city has put in operation a system of water THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 69 Buy your Clothes from GEO. N. WALTERS, 234 Fayetteville street ; " the apparel oft pro- claims the man." supply which has everything to commend it. Sixty years ago a supply of water of the most meagre char- acter was furnished in wooden pipes; a sharp contrast to the present system with its magnificent pumping engines, its fourteen miles of iron main, its one hun- dred and twenty douhle hydrants and its hirge resi- voirs' supply of pure, well filtered water. A system of sewerage will in a few months be inaugurated. T!ie city has a complete telephone system, than which none in the country is better managed or more complete. The city is illuminated both by gas and electricity and both systems are excellent. Manufacturing Enterprises. There areabout J,500 persons employed in industrial pursuits, most of them in manufactories. There are few idlers, and this is a plain proof of the vigorous life of Raleigh. Among the manufacturing enterprises which are worthy of special mention are tl)e North Carolina Car Company's Shops, the Pioneer Manufac- turing Company's Shuttle-]31ock, Bobbin and Spool Factory; the North Carolina Phosphate Company's Works"; the Raleigh Cotton Seed Oil Mills and'Ferti- zer Factory; the Raleigh and Gaston Railway Shops; the Plug Tobacco factories of Harvey and Rand, and J . E. Pogue; the Smoking Tobacco factory of the Knights of Labor, and a new factory for the manufac- ture of smoking tobacco and cigarettes on a very ex- tensive scale ; the Ice Factory, witl) twenty tons daily capacity; the Boiler Siiopsof R. N. Mitcljell ; the iron works of Allen and Cram and J. H Gill; the exten- sive clothing factories of William Woolcott & Son and Walker Bros. ; the Raleigh Cotton-gin Manufactory; Only One PESCUD in Medicines-JOHN, the Original. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 71 WALTERS, The Tailor, is a true Artist, and his Clothes^fit like those in a Fashion-plate. the shoe factory of Wetmore & Oo. A cotton factory is to be built. There is here also an extensive candy manufactory — that of A. D. Royster & Bro. This firm began business more than twenty years ago as retail confectioners. For a long time ihey realized the im- portance of furnishing tlieir patrons with pure and wholesome candies, free from all adulterations; and believing the public would appreciate their efforts in that direction, in 1872 they put their idea of manufac- turing into execution. Commencing on a small scale, they soon developed their present large and extensive business, which is now recognized as one of the lead- ing establishments of the kind in the South. Employ- ment is given to from twenty-five to forty operatives, and there is a daily output of from 2,500 to 3,000 pouiids. Their prices are as low as their goods can be purchased for elsewhere, while the quality is pure and absolutely free from adulterations. The Tobacco and Cotton Trade. Prior to the war a few bales of cotton were sold liere. About 1867 the business began, but it did not assume large proportions until about 1872. The high-water mark in receipts was 75,000 bales. A large section of country as tributary to Raleigh in the cotton trade, and the quality of the staple, and the care shown in liandling it both give the market high rank. Tiie to: bacco trade began in 1884 and has assumed large pro- portions. Over 4,000,000 [)Ounds will be sold this season and the weed comes here from over twenty counties. The warehouses and prizehouses are large, and shows how Raleigh has taken hold of this new and very important trade. 72 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. The Best thing to do— Look up JOHM PESCUD'S. The Increase in Wealth. Raleigh has the largest banking capital in the State — half a million dollars—and aiso has the great- est wealth. There is over $1,200,000 in deposits in the banks, subject to check Luxurious homes, ele- gant «quipages, fine cattle and horses, mark the refined tastes as well as the wealth of the people. Men who in 1805 had only energy as capital, are now well on their way to fortune. Several are almost millionaires. Besides the three National Banks, with their $500,000 of ca{)ital, one of tlie city's most important signs of progress is tiie Savings Bank, established in 1887, with $25,000 capital, which is soon to be doubled or perhaps quadrupled. The State of Trade. The dry goods and grocery trade and the commis- sion business are very prominent There is also a very large clothing and hardw^are trade. All branches of business are represented, and Raleigh is very city- like in this respect. Business is good and on a sound basis. No city of anything near the size of Raleigh can show so few failures or business embarrassments as this. The Railways. These thoroughfares of trade have kept pace with other things, and Raleigh now has four lines leading North, South, East and West, and gathering in or tak- ing out heavy freights. Ttie North Carolina, Raleigh and Gaston and Raleigh and Augusta railways give Raleigh quick connections with all points, and in a twelvemonth more the fast through line from Atlanta to New York will give even more rapid transit. The THE CITY OF K A LEIGH. 73 " Don't let it escape you," that the Leading Tailor of Raleigh is GEO. N. WALTERS. 74 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Sold by the Glass-PESCUD'S Limeade railway from Williamston, via Tarboro and Nashville, will als) be built to Raleigh, and no doubt narrow^ guage lines will speedily be constructed. The City Government, &c. The municipal administration of Raleigh has for the past three years been very progressive, while taxes have been reduced and various reforms instituted. The rate of taxation is now lower than in many years, and will compare favorably with that of any city of equal size in the country. The debt is comparatively small, and the sinking fund, thanks to good manage- ment, is large. The city's credit is high. The Public Buildings. At no Slate capital are the public buildings so grouped as here. In plain view- are tlie Capitol, the Agricultural Department, the Supreme Court and Li- brary building, the white and colored Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, the Insane Asylum, the Governors Mansion, Penitentiary, the State Signal Office and tlie Experiment Farm, and the State Fair Grounds. The massive Postoffice replaces the little wooden shanty that up to 1878 did duty in that respect. The city has equal cause to be proud of its own public buildings — the Metropolitan Building and the CVn- tential Graded School. The Schools and Churches. In both an. educational and religious sense this fair city is blessed : such schools as St. Mary's and Peace, with a Southern reputation, the well conducted Ral- leigli Male Academy (the successor of the old " Love- joy School"), the Centennial Graded School, and tlie new graded school in the northeastern part of the THE CITY OF RALKIGH. 75 The Best Dressed Gentlemen of Raleigh secure their Suits at GEO. N, WALTERS\ city. 01 the colored institutions there are the Shaw University, the St. Augustine Normal School, and three graded schools. There are over 3,500 pupils, of both races, in the private and public schools. Of churches there are nearly thirty, some of the buildings being among the handsomest in the State. There are over 8,000 members of the various congre- gations, wliile in the- Sabbath schools there are over 4,000 children. All these figures show the city's growth far more plainly than would any ordinary statement. Literary and Social Features. The public library and special libraries of the Su- l)reme Court and various institutions are all available to readers. The Yo.ung Men's Christian Association, a very influential order, has a library and assembly room. The social attracti^^ns of Raleigh, the beauty and grace and attractivenes of its women, are known all over the State. The city, so well shaded and so charming in every respect, presents many attractions to visitors, which distinguish it from any other place in North Carolina. The development of the city's beauty-spots have really but just begun, and in a few years the lately acquired park and tlie public squares will compare in appearance with any. RALEIGH AS A COTTON MARKET. i It would be useless, if access were liad to every page in this volume, to attempt an exhaustive review of the Raleigh cotton trade for the past quarter of a century. 76 ADVERTISEMENTS. H. H. CROCKER No. .9 East Hurgctf St., — DEALER IN — IMii,. ©fit "" BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, Gents' Furnishing Gocds, NOTBOi^S, ETC. A complete and superior stock of the above goods always on hand, and offered at prices that defy competition Hvery time you buy a pair of boots or shoes without first looking at my stock, it IS MONEY LOST. THE CITY OF RALEIGB. 77 Seed for the Farm— at JOHN S. PESCUD'S Drug Store. m > o m 2 CO H H C H m 78 THE CITY OE RALEIGH. You will find no shoddy goods at G. N. WALT- ERS'— The Tailor-Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh was no cotton market fifty years ago. It was a village then. It had good schools, and it had good merchants, and it had energetic business men, but not until twenty five years later did it begin the success- ful handling of cotton. When the war closed, in the spring of 1865, it opened the gates of hundreds of cotton fields throughout this section, and the lines and the plows were laid down, and a mjijority of those who had been making cotton walked out of the fields\ They \yere free, and for awhile tliey they thouaiit thai all other blessings came with their emancipati(Ui. The}' S'Oii got hungry, however, and were a^ain hack in the cotton fields, and to their credit he it said, they have as a ruh? been striving ever since to maintain, themselves, and to better their con- dition. During the fall of 1865 Raleigh began buying and shi})ping (nitton. Its receipts, of course, were not large, hardly reaehing into the thousands, but it was the in- auguration of a business industry that has been the most substantial power in the upbuilding of the city. The receipts of cotton continued to increase until in a single year they went beyond 76,000 bales. From September 1, 1880, to Septen]ber 1, 1881, Raleigh re- ceived and handled 76,728 bales of cotton. Prices that year ranged between lOJ ar.d llj cents. Seventy-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight average bales of cotton (450 lbs. each), at lOJ cents per pound, amounts to $2,625,398. Calculate the advantages that a city of Raleigh's size derives from handling in one twelve months three millions dollars worth of cash commodity, and the reader will propably admit that this great king of our Southern products has done its part towards changing Raleigh from a village to a city. THE CITY OF RALEIGH 79 The Best thing to do— Look up JOHN PESCUD'S. The Cotton and Grocers' Exchange. In 1874 the merchants here organized the Raleigh Board of Trade, which a few years later grew into the Cotton and Grocers' Exchange. The ohjects of this association have been misconstrued by many of our planters. It has been said that the Raleigh Cotton Exchange met and agreed upon the |)rices that it would pay for cotton, and established rules and regu- lations that were detrimental to the interests of cotton planters. It is deemed almost an insult to the intel- ligence of our planters to paVise long enough to deny such an absurd and erroneous charge. The members of the Raleigh Cotton and Grocers' Exchange had but one general object in view in its organization, and that object was to unite the individual efforts of the cotton dealers and grocers of Raleigh in fostering and main- taining whatever pertained to the advancement of Raleigh as a cotton market and to North Carolina as a cotton producing State. The efforts of the Exchange have been wisely directed, and the surrounding coun- try, as well as the city, has reaped the benefits. It has nothing to do with market manipulations or with the establishment of any fixed prices for cotton here or elsewhere. It never has and never will attempt to control its members, nor any one of them, nor influ- ent' them in any manner in the purchase of cotton, nor in the prices they may pay. It has nothing what- ever to do with an individual member's business, and at no meeting held heretofore, or that may be held hereafter, has anything been said, or any rules estab- lished, that any member of the Exchange would ob- ject to any planter learning or knowing. But in unity there is strength, and the Raleigh Cot- ton and Grocers' Exchange has by combining the ef- forts of its members succeeded in making Raleigh one 80 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. You'll find it economy to patronize GEO. N. WALTERS, The Tailor, 234 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. of the leading interior cotton markets of the South. One of its first acts was the inauguration of a system of cotton-weighing by which the phmter gets his cot- ton weighed on standard and well tested scales, by sworn anrosperous trade, not only in this city but in the surrounding country, and in dis- tant })arts of the State. His store is well stocked with everything pertaining to the trade, embracing a full line of pure drugs and chemicals, }>roprie- tary medicines of tested worth, toilet articles, soaps, fine perfumery, surgeons' instruments, etc. By close attention to business, fair and honorable dealing, THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 97 The '* Heated Naptha" Process is used for Clean- ing or Repairing by P. J. DUFFIN, 107 Fay- etteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. polite and considerate attention to his patrons, Mr. Pescud lias built up a trade of which any might well feel proud. He lias a well developed prescription business, and in this department his house has gained a very enviable reputation, and ranks among tlie fore- most for the purity of the drugs and the accuracy and care with which they are compounded. From an ele- gantsoda-waterfountain are heredispensed all the latest drinks, always ice-cold, with the purest and choicest syrups, and the reputation of the establishment in this respect has secured for it a patronage second to none in the city. See announcement. Wm. WcoUcott & Son, Wholesale and Retail Deal- ers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Millinery Goods, Manufacturers of Clothing, etc, 14 Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. — This bouse is entitled to rank among the foremost in its line of trade not only in this city, but in the State. The premises occupied are remarka- bly spacious, and are always packed full of goods, every department being com[>letely stocked. The establish- ment is neatly fitted up throughout, and has every facility for the accommodation of customers and the display of a mammoth array of goods. The firm make it a rule to buy in large amounts for cash and give their patrons the benefit of low prices. The stock em- braces everything connected with the dry g(^ods trade, together with a large and varied stock of clothing, while ihe notions and fancy goods are here in endless array, of every description. Business in every depart- ment is always brisk and lively, while a large number of polite assistants are kept constantly engaged to wait upon the numerous customers. The prices defy com- 5 98 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. WALTERS, The Tailor, is a true Artist, and his Clothes fit like those in a Fashion-plate. petition. In the manufacture of clothing this house has won an enviable reputation, not only in ihe State but throughout the South, a nunaber of salesmen being constantly on the road to supply the increasing de- mand. The affairs of the house are in a most flourish- ing condition and the soundness and popularity of the policy pursued are calculated to maintain its prosper- ity. Mr. WooHcott has been a resident of- Raleigh since 1872, where he has since been one of our most valuable and enterprising citizens. His son he took into copartnership with him in 1885. He is a young gentleman of fine business qualities, energetic and highly spoken of by the entire community. See page 84. E. F. Wyatt & Son, 109 East Martin St., Raleigh- Henderson and Durham — Manufacturers of Harness and Saddlery. — In a large city, where great numbers of horses are employed in ever> ca[)acity, the harness and saddlery business must always command a liberal support. One of the oldest, most reliable and cele- brated establishments in this line in Raleigh, is that of E. F. Wyatt & Son, at the above location. Here these gentlemen occupy an elegantly fitted up estab lishment, employing ten carefully selecied and skilled hands, who, under their personal supervision i^ni\ in- struction, produce the finest work in the city. Every- thing usually kept in first-class establishments of this kind will be found here. The house is un.ques- tionably one of the leaders of the trade in Raleigh, and fully deserves its tremendous popularity, which is not confined to this city alone, but extends for miles throughout the surrounding country. No orders are delivered but what will bear the closest examination. The members of the firm are both practically ac- quainted with every detail of their calling, and have THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 99 The *' Scientific American" endorses Lewando^s Naptha Process. P. J. DUFFIN is his Agent here, at 107 Fayetteville Street. the most extensive business connections of any in this brunch of trade in this eection, while their facilities for nieeiing the demands of customers are unsurpassed. All work undeitaken is executed promptly, neatly, and at reasonable prices. Orders by mail or other- wise will receive prompt attention, and be filled at satibfa(?tory })rices. Branch houses of this firm are to be found in Durham, in charge of Mr. W. H. Bow- lin, and also in Henderson, under the excellent man- agement of Mr. L. T. Howard, where customers will meet with fair dealing in every respect, and their wants supplied promptly and at reasonable prices. See page 1 4. The North Carolina Home Insurance Company, No. 218 Fayetteville St , Kaleigb, N. C— There is no single interest that affects the business community with a greater degree of importance than that of a sure protection against fire. This, all agree, is secured only through the medium of a well-regulated, hon- estly conducted and sound fire insurance company — one that not only issues a policy, but adjusts aiid pays all losses as soon as properly declared. Notable among such comj)anies is that of The North Carolina Home, which has been established for eighteen years. Con- servative and just in its management, the course of this company has been a most commendable one, which has placed it on a high plane of confidence and success. The following gentlemen, all old residents of Raleigh, well known for their superior financial ability, prudence and integrity, are its officers: Pres- i(]ent, W. S. Primrose; Vice-President, W. G. Up- church; Secretary and Treasurer, Charles Root; Ad- juster, P. Cowper. This responsible company is in LOFC 100 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Buy your Clothes from GEO. N. WALTERS, 234 Fayetteville street ; '^ the apparel oft pro- claims the man.'* every way worthy the attention of all persons desir- ous of placing their property in the hands of a corpo- ration which is abundantly able, and makes a spe- cialty of promptly adjusting^ and paying alllosses as soon as properly determined. See page 10. State National Bank, No. 121 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, Charles Edward Cross, President; Samuel C. White, Cashier. Any attempt to review the manufacturing and commercial resources of any busi- ness centre must give a position of the first importance to the banks and moneyed institutions. The success and ability displayed in their management form an important link by which to estimate and value the commercial standing of the community where their influence is felt, and a close inspection of their re- sources givesavaluableindex to the condition of all busi- ness interests. Among the best managed tiduciary in- stitutions of this city is the State National Bank. This bank was established in 1868 under the National Bank- ing Act, and was the successor of the private banking house of Jno. G. Williams & Co., the senior partner of which was the first president and whose family still holds the greater portion of the stock. The bank has a capital of $100,000. The surplus is $50,000, and the deposits average $300,000. It commands a large patro- nage and every facilit}^ under the modern system of banking is afforded to its customers. The President, Mr. Cross, is a native of Gates county, and has been a resident of this city since 1881, when he was appointed chief clerk in the State Auditor's office, which position he filled with much credit to himself and the State until last October, wlien he was unanimously elected to the honorable position he now occupies. He has THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 101 Book of "Useful Information" on Dyeing and Cleansing^ sent to any address by P. J. DUF- FIN, 107 Fayetteville Street. always been an active and influential spirit in every naovement calculated to advance and imf)rovethe city, and in May last was chosen aldeinaii from {he third ward, and in this position is one of the most energetic, zealous and able representatives in the city councils. He is an able financier, quick in decision, and reliable in judgment, and held in the highest confidence and esteem by the entire community. Mr. White, the cashier, is a gentleman of long experience in banking matters, enjoys the highest reputation and is highly esteemed for his many admirable qualities by all classes and conditions of our people. See page 38. James McKimmon & Co., Druggists, 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C — One of the most prominentand re- liable drug houses in the city of Raleigh is that above mentioned, and than whom none engaged in this line maintains a higher reputation for reliability, fair deal- ing and polite attention. The store is handsomely fitted up, and every facility is provided for the prompt and accurate transaction of business. The stock em- braces pure drugs, chemicals and standard proprietary remedies of every description, the assortment contain- ing nothing but the freshest and purest goods. The display of toilet and fancy articles is rich and attrac- tive, which comports admirably with the reputation of the house for handling only the choiest productions. A specialty is made of the compounding of physi- cians' prescriptions, and the preparation for safe and responsible service in this regard is unsurpassed. An elegantly designed soda-water fountain is one of the leading features, and fine cigars of {)opular brands and superior quality are kept constantly in stock. Mr. McKimmon, the active proprietor of the firm, was for 102 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. The Best Talent only is employed by GEO N. WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. ' many yearg connected with one of the leading whole- sale drug houses of Baltimore, which fact has enabled him to be thoroughly faoDiliar with the trade in all its features. This firm is highly regarded by an ap- preciative public, and it fully merits the large- and increasing patronage and success it has achieved. See third page of cover. W. R. Crawford, Butcher, Stall No. 1, Metropolitan Market, Raleigh, N. C. — One of the best known, most popular and enterprising gentlemen engaged in this line of industries in Raleigh, is Mr. Crawford, whose business is situated at the above men.tioned location. He has been engaged in the business for many years, and by industry, energy, honest and fair dealing, early laid the foundations for a prosperous and remunera- tive traoe. He deals in fresh meats of all descriptions, including the very best beef, veal, lamb, mutton, pork, etc., and all goods sold are guaranteed by Mr. Craw- ford's remarkably fine reputation to be the very primest the market can show and kept in the best condition. Mr. Crawford is the proprietor of a large refrigerator, in which are kept his meats, thus securing to purcha- sers at all times the freshest and most desirable goods. This is a commendable feature of his business which should be remembered. By close attention to. the wants of the public in his line, Mr. Crawford has built up an enviable reputation, and has been rewarded with much success by an appreciative public. See page 12. George N. Walters, Merchant Tailor, 234 Fayette- ville St., Raleigh, N. C. — An establishment in the tail- oring line that has won a most prominent and highly deserving position in Raleigh is that of Mr. George N. Walters. This business was founded in THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 103 Hat and Bonnet Bleaching and Dyeing done by P. J. DUFFIN, Raleigh, N. C. 1885. Its f)rof)rielor brought to it an experience cov- ering a period of ten year.<, and is thoroughly conver- sant with the minutest details of his [)rofession. He occupies a neat and attractive store, vv'hich is admir- ably arranged, having sufficietit light to enable his patrons to fully examine his elegant goods. His stock embraces a fine assortment of domestic and imported fabrics, the latter being from the best looms of Europe, in suitings, cassi mere-, diagonals, broadcloths, cheviots, beavers, tricots, vesfings, etc., in their numerous and different varieties. Measures are taken, and the very best fitting garments, trimmed and made in the most desirable manner, and accurate in cut arid fit, are fur- nished at short notice. A large number of experi- enced and skilled tailors are employed, and all work comes under the personal supervision of Mr. Walters, whose elegant taste and judgment combine to make him a connoisseur in this [)articular line. He is well known as a business man of energy and enterprise, and is prompt, reliable and straightforward in all his transactions. See announcement elsewhere. Raleigh Christian Advocate.— Organ of the M. E. Church South, of North C'arolina, — Rev. Frank L. Reid, Editor and Pioprietor. — In these days of cheap print- ing when the newspa[)er has become an essential attri- bute of not only every community but of each organi- zation or society — political, social, religious or com- mercial, which would wish to consider itself worthy of being called by a name, it is a matter of consequence that we find in North Carolina, papers which are the acknowledged organs of the principal associations. Prominent among these is the paper under notice. It was foundeci in 1855, as the " Nortli Carolina Christian Advocate ;" in 1867 the name was changed to '' Episco- 104 THE CITY OP RALEIGH. You'll find it economy to patronize GEO. N. WALTERS, The Tailor, 234 Fayetteyille street, Raleigh, N. C. pal Methodist," and three years later the present name was adopted. The sheet is 30x44, 8 pages, 6 columns. The paper appears weekly, has a circulation of 4,800, perhaps the largest in North Carolina. Mr. Reid was born in Rockingham county, was educated at Trinity College, graduating from the same in June, 1870. For six months he taught the Kernersville High School, and in December, 1870, joined the North Caro- lina M. E. Conference. By special petition he in Jan- uary, 71, took charge of the Madison circuit, his old honae, remaining there three years. On the 3d June, 1873, he married Miss Minnie Card well, of Rocking- ham county, and soon thereafter moved to Louisburg, where he had charge of the Methodist Church for the whole legal term, four year^. While there he was chosen president of the Louisburg Female College, the duties of which position he ably discharged for a year, when his health giving way he rested for some time. Mr. Reid then happily determined to turn his atten- tion to newspaper work. In 1878 he took charge of ihe "Advocate," and along with Dr. Black as his associate, conducted it for six years, in which time the circula (ion rose from 2,600 to 4,800, and on the 19th Decem- ber, 1884, bought the entire interest. Mr. Reid is a gentleman well suited to the position he holds. He comes of a race of men noted for their intellectual at- tainments. His father and grandfather^ were both preachers; the latter during his life was the acknowl- edged leader of the Conference of this State, and the former as a brilliant orator, had not liis equal, of his age. Their descendant, the subject of our present sketch, has inherited their ability. He is one of the most popular of men, and one of the ablest pulpit orators THE CITY OP RALEIGH. 105 Fancy Dyeing of Every Color, and of the Finest Quality, executed by P J. DUFFIN, 107 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. in the Methodist body. He is a Mason ; in 1874-75 was Grand Cfiaplain of the Grand Lodge; he was lately appointed Director of the Graded Schools of Raleigh, N. C , and of the State Penitentiary. See page 54. W. H. Hughes, Dealer in China, Crockery, Glass- ware, etc., 309 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. — This is one of the largest and by far the most enterprising in this line of trade in the city of Raleigh. At this house customers receive every at- tention, and may rest assured of getting the best value for their expenditure in every case. This business has been established several years, and being con- ducted on sound business principles, and its manage- ment characterized by foresight and judicious en- terprise, its career from the start has been a record of uninterrupted success. An exceedingly fine stock is con- stantly carried — china, magnificent glassware in unique and artistic designs, and an endless variety of crock- ery and earthenware, all offered at the most reasonable prices. The best possible advantages are secured both in quality and price by patronizing this house. See page 12. Ernest D. Haynes, Jr., Crayon Artist, 567 New- bej-n Avenue, Raleigh, N. C.— Every city has its recog- nized leader in this art — some prominent representa- tive to whom discriminating people go when they de- sire to have superior work of this character performed. In Raleigh, by common consent, this position is ac- corded to Mr. Haynes. The portraits here turned out are notable examples of perfect workmanship, high finish and faithful resemblance, every point standing forward in artistic devotion to nature, and not ap- proached by any competitor iu North Carolina. Mr. 106 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. WALTERS, The Tailor, never disappoints his customers— he is alwavs on time. Haynes is a native of this city, and has met with much success in his chosen profession. In the execu- tion of his work he yields the palm to none, and is well known to possess the requisite skill, energy and determination to win the best possible success. Speci- mens of his work may be seen in the parlors of many of our most prominent citizens, and also at Watson's art store, in this city. See page 44. W. H. Wetmore & Co., Wholesale and Retail Man- ufacturer of Shoes, 14 West Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. — Among the large and important business houses that do credit to the commercial honor of the city of Raleigh — indeed to the State — in its line of trade, none stand higher than that of W. H. Wetmore & Co. The quality of the work which tiiey turn out cannot be surpassed anywhere. All kinds of shoes, from a brogan to tlie finest ladies' and gents' dress shoe, are made here, which are highly esteemec^ by the trade and public for their excellence, and have no superiors in this or any other market, while they are offered at prices that always attract the attention of the closest and most careful buyers. All orders are carefully and promptly filled. Mr. Wetmore is a gentleman of ex- cellent business and social standing in Raleigh, an honorable and enterprising citizen, and is greatly respected by the community for his business ability and inflexible integrity. See page 4. J. C. S. Lumsden, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges and House-furnishing Goods, etc., No. 226 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — One among the oldest houses in its line in Raleigh is that of Mr. Lumsden, which has been established since 1859. He occu[)ies neat and attractive premises, and the well arranged stock com- THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 107 The Finest Fabrics Dyed or Cleansed without in- jury at P. J. DUFFIN'S, Raleigh, N. C. prises general hardware, stoves, kitchen utensils, table fittings, and a full line of house-furnishing goods. All kinds of sheet-iron, tin and metal work are done to order. Stoves put up, roofs repaired, etc. Special at- tention is given to the manufacturing and repairing of copper stills Tobacco flues are here manufactured in great quantities, and the house consumed last season alone 70,000 pounds of iron in filling orders Irom Wake and adjoining counties for this class of work. By constant attention and strict personal supervision, Mr Lumsden has earned the approbation of resident builders, contractors, and many of the best families in Rcsleigh, and throughout the surrounding country. Ttie worksliop adjoins the rear of the establishment, in which are constantly engaged several employees, where none but the best work is turned out. Mr. Lumsden is one of Raleigli's most prominent and re- spected citizens, is wide and favorably known for his many sterling qualities, and is an efficient member of the Board of County Commissioners, which honorable position he fills with much credit to himself and the county. See page 2. B. H. Woodell, Dealer in Shoes, 230 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — One among the most reliable, well known and popular establishments engaged in this line of trade in Raleigh is that of tliis gentleman. The business was founded in October, 1880, and from the outset of its career has been accorded a patronage both liberal and substantial. Those who deal with him will find tliat he can accommodate them at the very lowest prices, and furnish a neat-fitting shoe that will give the best satisfaction at the most reasonable prices. Mr. Woodell is one of our most prominent and enterprising citizens and business men, and Ral. 108 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Fair and honorable dealing have secured for WALTERS, The Tailor, his popularity. eigh does not number among her people any more universall}' esteemed than this gentleman, and the public may confidently rely upon the most honorable treatment in dealing with him. See page 22. H. H. Crocker, Dealer in Clothing, Underwear, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats, etc., 9 E. Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. — At this establishment the intending purchaser will surely be enabled to make a suitable selection of anything he may wish in the above line. Shirts, undershirts, drawers, socks, col- lars, cufif:^, ties, scarfs, etc., are here found in profusion, of all makes, colors and grades to suit any taste or purse. His stock of clothing is composed of the best foreign and domestic goods, while in fits he has made a reputation which has been amply rewarded by a large and increasing trade. lu the dry goods line the ladies can always be sure of finding anything they may desire, of all tlie latest styles and figures, and at prices which cannot always be duplicated. Mr. Crocker is a native of Raleigh, is a young gentleman of fine business attainments, and held in the highest esteem by all for his fair, honorable dealing, high personal cliaracter and integrity. See page 76. D. S. Waitt, Clothier and Hatter, and dealer in Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc , 213 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — One of the largest, most reliable and best stocked establishments in the above line of trade in the city of Raleigh is that of D. S. Waitt. The business done here is very large, and constantly increasing, and the popularity of the house and its enterprising proprietor is continually growing. The premises occu[)ied are 22x58 feet in dimension, em- bracing two floors, always filled with goods, and con- THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 109 Dresses Dyed Without Ripping, at P. J. DUFFIN'S, Raleigh, N. C. tains one of the most complete and attractive stocks of men's, youths' and boys' clothing to be fonnd in Raleigh. This house carries no trashy goods, prefer- ring to serve their customers with such as are reliable and as will bear the niost searching examination, while the prices are fully as low as those asked for inferior clothing elsewhere. In hats the ver}^ latest and nob- biest styles are here to be found, while in shoes, gents' furnishing goods and neckwear the most fastidious and exacting need fear no disappointment, either in quality or price. Mr. Waitt is one of Raleigh's most prominent citizens, and is accounted one of the lead- ing buifiness men, and held in the highest esteem by all who know him. See page 50. A. Williams & Co., Booksellers and Stationers, 119 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — Here will be found at reasonable prices a choice and well selected stock of books, embracing all the standard works, magazines, daily and weekly papers, the latest novels, etc. In season there are also kept Christmas presents and holi- day goods, in such styles and variety as cannot fail to please the most fastidious. The area of this establish- ment is 22x110 feet, and in the display and arrange- ment of its immense stock is a model. This house was established by Mr. Alfred Williams in 1880. Mr. Eugene Ilarrell, who had for a long time been his chief clerk, was made a partner, the firm assuming its [»resent style name. These gentlemen continued in the successful pursuit of their business until 1885, when Mr. Williams retired in favor of Messrs. Harrell and J, B. Neathery, the present proprietors. Mr. Har- rell is one of tiie foremost men in education in the State — is Secretary of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, and it is universally conceded has done, 110 THE CITY OP RALEIGH. My Clothes Tit, and the Goods are Fine, because they were made by WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. and is still doing, more than any other one man in North Carolina for improvement in the methods of teaching. He is a wide a wake, progressive citizen, of unsullied reputation, and noted far and wide for exemplary christian ciiaracter and high integrity. Mr. Neathery is an old citizen of Wake. He is a prominent Mason. For a long time was Treasurer of the county, and is favorably known for his man3^ ster- ling qualities. See page 1. • Berwanger Bros., Clothiers, 305 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — Until a few 3^ears ago the sale of ready- made clothing was confined to a small volume, the goods handled being made of poor material, badl}^ cut, while in style and finish they bore no comparison to garments of the well-conducted and extensive es- tablishments of the present-day. They were intended to su ply i\\e wants of an uncritical class of trade, and were made to sell rather than to wear. To day, in Raleigh, all this is changed, and the finest productions of the merchant tailor are duplicated by the ready- made dealer, especially if the purchaser obtains his clothing from a house like that of Berwanger Bros. An inspection of the stock discloses the fact that the specialties in fine clotliing shown here are made from tlie finest productions of foreign and American mills, by skilled designers and workmen, while the garments are made up in every particular with the same skill, care and attention which are bestowed upon the same class of goods by merchant tailors to order. The members of this firm are greatly respected by the community for their business ability and inflexible integrity, and this establishment is a lasting source of THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Ill Special attention paid to Finishing of Silks by P. J. DUFFIN, 107 Fayetteville Street. credit to Raleigh, and a monument to their enterprise and industry. See inside cover. Norris & Carter, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goi ds, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, etc., Nos. 206 and 208 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — One of the leading emporiums of fashion in Raleigh is that of Messrs. Norris & Carter. Tliese gentlemen opened business in this city in September, 1883, at 203 Fayetteville street, commencing with a full and ripe knowledge of their business, each hav- ing had an extensive experience-, and immediately entered upon a career of marked prosperity. After some time, so large had their trade grown, not only in this city, but in several contiguous counties, that, in order to accommodate themselves to the demands made upon them, they removed, in February, 1887, to the largeand commodious buiLling which they now occupy. It is one of the largest and most attractive establisliment in the city, having an area of 35x100 feet, while the premises embrace three floors, and c ver 1,000 feet of flooring. The store is splendidly fitted up, having electric lights and" all modern im- provements, the elegant show-windows displaying the largest and richest variety of samples to be seen any- where. The stock of goods is complete, and carefully and judiciously selected in every line, displaying every kind, quality, and variety of material that, have been made popular by personal preference and the decrees of fashion. Mr. Norris is a native of Wake and Mr. Carter of Harnett, both of whom enjoy the warmest regard of the people for their honorable business principles and high personal character. See page 50. T. H. Briggs & Sons, Hardware and House-fur- nishing Goods, Stoves, Ranges, etc., 220 Fayetteville 112 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. The best fits you may rely upon getting, every time, at GEO. N. WALTERS^The Tailor, 234 Fayetteville street. St., Kaleigh, N. C. — Among the active, energetic, re- liable, old-established business houses in this line in the city, is numbered that named in the caption of this article. The business of this house was estab- lished in 1865 by T. H. Briggs, Sr., the father of the present proprietors, and James Dodd, who conducted the same until 1868, T. H. Briggs succeeding that firm, and so continuing until 1871, when the firm be- came T. H. Briggs & Sons. Since 1886 the business has been controlled by Messrs. T. H. Briggs, Jr., and Jas. A. Briggs, the senior member of the firm having died, ripe with honor and usefulness, mourned by all classes and conditions of our people. So thorough had been the training of the present proprietors under their lamented father, and so honorable and upright in their dealings, that the new firm has reaped that degree of reward wliich they have so richly deserved, and today stands unrivaled by an}^ house in its line in the State. Everything pertaining to the hardware business is kept in this mammoth establishment, in- cluding builders' supplies, guns, pistols and sporting goods, paints, oils and varnishes, and wagon and buggy materials, etc. As business men these gentle- men are active, vigorous and diligent, of unswerv- ing honor and integrity ; and as citizens none are more favorably known for those qualities which are the motor powers of all progress and the advancement of a city's welfare. See page 6. W. C. McMaekin, Livery, Sale and Exchange Sta- bles, West Morgan St., Raleigh, N. C. — One of the best equipped and most successful livery establishments in Raleigh is conducted by the above-named gentleman. This business was established several years ago, with THE CITY OF RALEIGH 113 Repairing and Making over of Feathers by P. J. DUFFIN, 107 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. small capital, but by industry, energy, and strict in- tegrity on the part of its proprietor's enterprising and capable management, has had a career of large pros- perity. The long experience and liberal methods of the proprietor have received, as they deserve, the full- est recognition. The stables are well arranged, pro- vided with all modern and necessary conveniences, and the preparation for the satisfactory fulfilment of orders is complete in every particular. Carriages are furnished for balls, entertainments, theatres, and all other occasions of business or pleasure, and calls made, either personally or by telephone, are given prompt attention. So large has Mr. McMackin's patron- age grown that he has recently added another building to his business, greatly increasing his facilities for ac- commodation. A special feature of these stables is the grooming of horses, cutting feed and pumping water by machinery, which is done by a gas engine. The proprietor is well and widely known for his busi- ness and personal qualities, is popular with his custo- mers, and fully merits the patronage accorded him. See page 18. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Nash Square, Raleigh, N. C. — An interesting feature of the growth and prosperity of Raleigh is in the extent of the florist business. This is to be seen in the beautiful establishment of the above-named gentleman. Mr. Steinmetz has two greenhouses, which are always stocked with an infin- ite variety of choice flowers of every description, and other species of the floral kind. He is a florist of vast practical experience, having been engaged in the art for the past eighteen years. He makes a specialty of filling orders for roses and every variety of pot plants, and also does a large business in shipping bou- 114 THE CITY OE RALEIGH. You will find no shoddy goods at G. N WALT- ERS'— The Tailor-Raleigh, N. C. quels and baskets of flowers to all "j>arts of the State, the methods he employs in their preparation insuring their freshness and purity long after they reach their destination. Mr. Steinmetz gives his personal atten- tion to the minutest details of the business, never fail- ing to give satisfaction, and all persons having busi- ness relations with liim will find him honorable and a pleasant and agreeable gentleman with whom to deal. See page 28. J. P. Gulley, Dealer in Dry Goods^, Notions, Cloth- ing, etc., Cor. Fayetteville St., and Exchange Place, Raleigh, N. C. — This ably conducted, substantial and reliable house has been established for many years. Its trade is now large, pros|)erons and |)erma!)ent. Everything in wearing apparel, for both ladies and gentlemen is kept, but to attempt to enumerate the stock would be indeed a task. Handling a fine line of goods and at prices extremely moderate, and devot- ing untiring attention to the wants of purchasers, has built up the splendid trade he now < njoys — not con- fined by any means to Raleigh, but extending for many miles around into adjoining counties. No shoddy goods are to be found at Mr. Gulley 's store. A number of polite clerks are employed, and customers can always rely upoi5 receiving the most courteous at tention. See page 16. W. G. Otey, Tonsorial Artist, Yarborough House Building, Raleigh, N. C. — As a representative, reliable and successful ex[)()nent of this art, the proprietor above mentioned has for many years occupied a lead- ing position. Not to know '' Willie Otey" is equiva- lent to never having experienced a first-clas.s shave or hair-cut in Raleigh, His handsome shop covers an area of 15x70 feet, is elegantly equipped, and equal in THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 115 Dyeing:, Cleansing and Curling of Feathers exe- cuted by P. J. DUFFIN, 107 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. every respect to any in the country, being fitted up with all modern improvements — French plato mirrors, the latest designs in chairs, hot and cold water baths, etc., and a number of polite and- intelligent assistants are constantly engaged. The [)rof)rietor of this estab- lishment enjoys the largest [fatronage of any similar business in the city, and richly merits the success he has worn. See page 40. Henry Archbell (agent), Parent Bread, Cake, and Cracker Fas tory, Ki Exchaitge Place, Raleigh, N C. — The well known and admirably conducted establish- ment of Mr. Arcbell is one of the leading and best equipped bakeries in the city of Raleigh. Although this is but a recently established business, yet it is a positive and f)ermMn(nt success, the trade growing and extending until now it is exceedingly large. The premises occupied are commodious, neat and attractive, and all kinds of bread, crackers and cakes are here found, the best quality being guaranteed in every case, at moderate prices. Mr. Archbell has had a long and valuable experience in this line, understands it thoroughly, and has won a fine reputation for the su- perior quality of his productions. See page 26. J. W. Watson, Photographic Artist, 131 Fayette- ville St., Raleigh, N. C. — The f)hotographic gallery of this gentleQ:ian is among the most popular and thoroughly equipj^ed not only in this city but in the State, and enjoys a large patroiuige coming from the best classes in Raleigh and surrounding country, and indeed from all sections of the State. Mr. Watson was the pioneer of the photographic art in North Carolina, having made the first photograph ever made in the State. He established himself in this line in Raleigh 116 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Go to GEO. N. WALTERS\ The Tailor, for Fine Suits, Raleigh, N. C. iu 1864, and the support and recognition that he has always received have resulted from intelligent enter- prise, stiring energy, and the determination to fully deserve the public favor and preference. The parlor of this establishment is handsomely and appropriately furnished, giving the limit of comfort and convenience to visitors, while the operating rooms are provided with the latest and best devices and appliances, the preparation being complete for a high order of pro- duction. The photographs are perfectly finished, bril- lant, lasting and true to nature in every particular, and nothing is delivered that is marred by the slight- est blemish or imperfection, while prices are as mod- erate as first-class work can be afforded. The success which Mr. Watson has achieved has not only been highly merited, but is such as is accorded to those only who are governed by correct and honorable principles. See page 26. John W. Hinsdale, Attorney at-Law, Citizen's Bank Building, Raleigh, N. C. — Of the many gentle- men engaged in the practice of law in the city of Raleigh, none are more prominent, or have achieved greater success in their profession than Col. John W. Hinsdale. This gentleman is a native of FayetteviUe, but for many years has been a resident of Raleigh, where he has pursued the practice of his profession wilh such success as is accorded to but few lawyers. His practice is devoted principally to railroad, insu- rance, corporation and commercial law. He has a large practice in the United States Supreme Court, and the Federal Courts, and is attorney for the Raleigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line railroads, while he is also retained as regular counsel for several large and influential insurance companies. His law THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 11 7 Indigo Dyeing" and Cleansing of Kid Boots and Slippers, at P. J. BUFFINGS, 107 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. librar}^ is one of the largest in the State, consisting of upwards of 3,500 volumes. Col. Hinsdale is highly esteemed in professional and social circles, is a lawyer of unswerving fidelity to the interests of his clients, a gentleman of sterling integrity, and has ever given a hearty support to all the measures best calculated to advance Raleigh's prosperity, and is one of its most active and enterprising citizens. See page 44. Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C— Rev. H. M. Tupper, President. — This school had its origin in the formation of a theological class of freedmen in the old Guion Hotel, in Raleigh, N. C, December 1st, 1865, and taught by Rev. H. M. Tupper, of Massachusetts, who, with his wife, had arrived in Raleigh the 10th of the preceding October. Early in the Spring of 1866, Northern friends' money w^as contributed, so that, with the aid of the colored people in the way of work, a large wooden building was commenced at the corner of Blount and Cabarrus streets, for the accommodation of the school, where it continued as the Raleigh Insti- tute until 1870, when the Barringer property, com- prising about ten acres with a mansion, was bought for $15,000. In 1872, nearly one-half of the Shaw building was completed at a cost of $15,000, and in 1874 the Estey building, a school for girls, was finished at a cost of $25,000. From 1870 to 1874, 600 pupils attended, and the school was known as the Shaw In- stitute. In 1875, the school was incorporated as the Shaw University. In 1879, the University Hall was completed at a cost of $6,000; all the money, except $650, having been saved from tuition and the board- ing department. Shaw University has five depart- ments — Normal, Scientific, Collegiate, Theological and 118 THE CITY OF BALEI^H. The Best Dressed Gentlemen of Raleigh secure their Suits at GEO. N. WALTERS^ The Tailor. Medical. The latter is known as Leonard Medical Depart.meut. The Faculty consists of the following well known physicians of ability of this city: James McKee, M. D., Dean ; A. VV. Knox, M. D , W. I. Roys- ter, M. D., K. P. Ba.tle, Jr., A. B, M. D. ; R. H. Lewis, M D.; H. B. Bactle, Ph. D. ; A. W. Goodwin, M. D. Special attention has always been given to the moral and religious training of tiie students. Sunday ser- vices are regularly maintained in connection with the institution, besides religious meetings during the v/eek. The daily study of the Bible and frequent lectures upon topics of special interest and adapted to the pe- culiar wants of colored students have done much to develop Christian character, and led to a more intelli- gent and quiet form of worship. Not less than three hundred of the young men and women have been con- verted while pursuing their studies in this school. Robert Simpson, Druggist, corner Hillsboro and South Salisbury St.s , Raleigh, N. 0. — This business was originally established by Mr. Robert N. Partin, of Petersburg, Va , in 1885, with whom the present pro- prietor was engaged until July, 1886, when Mr. Simp- son succeeded him, assuming sole control. This is one of the neatest and best equipped drug stores in the city ; the stock is large, and contains ali those articles that belong to the business of the druggist and pharmacist, including, besides pure, fresh drugs and chemicals, a general line of pharmaceutical prep- arations and proprietary remedies, perfumery and other toilet articles, etc. A tine line of cigars of the best domestic and foreign brands are kept constantly on hand. Mr. Simf)son has had many years' practical ex- perience among drugs and medicines, is familiar with the intrinsic quality and properties of every drug TH*: CITY OF RALEIGH. 119 Lace Curtains Cleansed and Repaired at P. J, BUFFINGS, 107 Fayetteville Street. passing through his hands, and exercises the greatest care in com{)Ounding difficult formulas and phys- icians' prescriptions. See page 4. John Price & Son, Butchers, Stall 4, City Market, Raleigh, N. C. — Among the oldest and most reliable butchers in Raleigh none have succeeded in winning the confidence of the public in their line of trade more than the firm mentioned above. The senior proprie- tor is one of Raleigh's oldest colored citizens, and has been engaged in his present business for a life time, while his son has a full knowledge of the business in all its details. At this stall will be found at all times all the choicest cuts of fresh meats, of fine quality and at moderate prices, while for polite attention the pub- lic may always feel secure. The proprietors have built up a well merited trade from an appreciative public. See page 22. Lee, Johnson & Co., Wholesale and Retail Drug- gists and Seed Merchants, corner Fayetteville and Martin Sts., Raleigh, N. C. — The wholesale and retail drug trade is a most important factor of commercial activity, and one of the most successful and reliable in the city of Raleigh is Lee, Johnson & Co. The premises occupied are very spacious and commodious, and are fully equipped with every facility for the ac- commodation and preservation of the choice and val- uable stock which is always kept on hand. The aim of this responsible house has always been to carry only pure goods at reasonable prices, and that this fact has not been unappreciated is abundantly evi- denced by its extensive and growing patronage all over the State. The neat and orderly appearance of the establishment throughout attracts universal atten- tion, and unmistakably attests the business methods 120 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Have your Clothing made at G. N. WALTERS', The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. and ability of the proprietors. We have great pleas- ure in commending this reliable house to our readers and the trade as one in every way worthy of their con- fidence, and business relations entered into with it are certain to prove as pleasant as they must be advanta- geous. See page 24. Len. H. Adams, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, etc, Corner Martin and Wilmington Sts., Raleigh, N. C. — The store of Mr. Adams is one of the most commodious in the cit3^, and is situated in the Adams Building, at the above loca- tion — the largest and most imposing business structure in Raleigh. The entire building iias 96 doors and windows, a barber shop, shoeshop, skating rink, storage tobacco wareroom, and six or eight law offices, con- nected, while the premises occupied, on tlie ground floor are extensive being 60x80 feet in dimensions. Ten polite and efficient clerks are here employed to gratify the demands of a large trade, and the store is completely stocked at all times with dry goods, cloth- ing, hardware, crockery, hats, shoes, and indeed almost every kind and manner of thing that man can want for convenience and comfort. Mr. Adams also handles a large stock of " Old Hickory" Wagons, manufactured at Louisville, Ky., which for durability, easy running and cheapness have no superior. All kinds of farm- ing implements are here to be found, including the celebrated Ward Plows, of which this house disposes extensively. In the rear of his main business is a large warehouse in which is stored guano, wagons, buggies, liay, etc. This enterprising gentleman is also a very large manufacturer of shingles and laths — of yellow heart pine, for four millions of which he annually finds a market in this State annually. Mr. Adams THE CITY OF KALEIGFI. 121 Blankets Cleansed with Finish like New, at P. J. BUFFINGS, 107 Fayetteville St., Eaieigh, N C. also does a fine business in country produce, such as poultry, eggs, butter, etc., and deals in nothing but the choicest qualities of these goods, while his prices are at all times uniformly reasonable. See page 30. Henry Mahler, Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, etc. (Mahler Building), 228 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — The most creditable, and one among the oldest establishments in this line of business in Raleigh is that of Mr. Mahler, at the above location. The prem- ises are elegantly fitted up, the handsome show cases and other equipments illustrating the judgment and taste of the management, while the superb stock em- braces the best makes of foreign and American watches, a full line of clocks, solid sterling silver and silver- plated ware, jewelry, charms, ornaments, diamonds, and other precious stones, and a fine collection of all those artistic novelties that give character and value to an establishment of this kind. Repair work is ex- ecuted promptly, in the best style of the art. Mr. Mahler has been established in business here for many years, and has acquired a very superior line of custom and won an enviable name. This house stands high in commercial circles, and holds a position in the front rank. See page 42. W. G. Separk, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Mil- linery, Clothing, Hats, Trunks, etc., 16 East Hargett and 208 South Wilmington Sts., Raleigh, N. C— Among the large and important business houses that do credit to the commercial honor of Raleigh, none deserves more favorable mention than that of the gen- tleman above named. This house was established several years ago by Mr. William Woollcott, with whom the proprietor was engaged, but in 1885 Mr. Separk succeeded to the business and has always 122 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. The Best Talent only is employed by GEO. N. WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. commanded a large and substantial patronage. The premises occupied are very extensive, embracing two large connecting stores, completely stocked witij dry goods, notions, millinery, hats, shoes, and in fact, al- most everything that can be desired in wearing ap- parel for either sex. . The stock is s[)lendid and sele^^t, and goods are offered at prices which defy successful competition from even older houses in tliis line of trade. Mr. Separk is one of the youngest merchants in Raleigh, being only twenty-five years of age, but his business ability, energy and skill are such as would do credit to many of greater experience. See page 8. J. H. Gill, Founder and Machinist, Manufacturer of Stoves, Plows, etc., Cor, Davie and McDowell Sts., Raleigh, N. C. — Prominent among the principal man- ufacturing enterprises which in their prosperous growth have constituted important factors in promo- ting the general commercial development of Raleigh, tlie production of iron and other castings occupies a leading place. The above business was established in 1883, since which time it has won its way into the front rank of the trade. This was accomplished by producing a superior class of castings and machinery and selling them at very reasonable prices. For smooth- ness, finish and quality of iron the castings are unsur- passed. One of the most im{)ortant features of this es- tablishment is the manufacture of stoves, both for heating and cooking, and to this end the p»ro}>rietor has incurred great expense. This class of goods is equal in every respect to any in the market, and the (]emand for them is great and couhtanly increasing ^l^roughout the State. Here also are made tobacco and cotton planters, not surpassed in quality or })rice rjj^ywdiere. The trade of this responsible liouse is by THE CITY OF KALKIGH. 123 Crapes Restored, Waterproof Finish, at Short No- tice, by P. J. DUFFIN, Raleigh, N. C. no means confined to Raleigh and vicinity but extends throughout the State. In this establishment there is an engine of fine capacity and three lathes, besides every other facility. Mr. Gill is a native of England, and before coming to this country occupied there a commanding positiong in Her Majesty's Navy Yards. In commercial life he is highly esteemed for his su- perior mechanical skill and personal integrity, and the success which has attended his enterprise is but the just reward of a sound business policy, honorable dealing, and best work at lowest prices. See page 32. T. R. Pumell, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Mahler Building, Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C— This gentleman is a native of Wilmington, in this State, where he resided until 1871, when he removed to Forsyth county. In 1873 he was appointed State Librarian, which positioii he resigned in 1875, to fill a seat in the State Senate. Afterwards he was ap- pointed United States Commissioner, the functions of which office he performed with much ability for a number of years. He has also been the county at- torney for Wake, and for ten years has been attorney for the Richmond and Danville Railroad, in the con- duct of whose important legal transactions he has been eminently successful, having rarely lost a case entrusted to his management. He conducts his business with care, skill and ability, and no lawyer in Raleigh is more solicitous of and attentive to the interest of his clients than Mr. Purnell. He is a gentleman of the highest personal and professional character, an enter- prising citizen, and those desiring his legal services may implicitly rely upon him for the exercise of su- perior judgment in any business he undertakes. See page 42. 124 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Go to GEO. N. WALTERS\ The Tailor, for Fine Suits, Raleigh, N. C. The Raleigh Savings Bank, No. 109 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C— J. J. Thomas, President ; W. C. Stronach Vice-President; J. D. Pullen, Cashier. — The latest and one of the most important additions to the banking facilities of the city is The Raleigh Savings Bank, chartered by the General Assembly of 1885. It was opened for business on the 14th of May last, and on tlie first day the business was of enormous proportions — over two hundred accounts being opened, amounting to about $3,300. This institution has steadily increased in business, and gives rich promise of becoming one of the most important and useful en- terprises f^ver established in our city. The officers of the bank are gentlemen of the finest ability and high- est integrity, and are among the most Y>^ofii^ri^'^t financiers and successful business men of Rahigh, who have always been active and influentiel spirits in every movement calculated to improve and build up the city. This bank is the resort of a long list of deposi-. tors, embracing leading men in all lines of mercantile and industrial enterprises, as well as that great body of mechanical and wage working people, for whose benefit the bank was originally opened. The high character of the gentlemen having this high trust un- der control is a sufficient guarantee that all matters intrusted to their care will be in safe and prudent hands. See page 8. A. G. Bauer, Architect, Raleigh, N.C. — Prominent among the best known architects of this city is Mr. A. G. Bauer. This gentleman is a native of Ohio, but before coming to Raleigh, was a resident of Philadel- phia, where foranumberof years he was associated with Mr. Samuel Sloan, one of the most celebrated archi- tects of that city. In 1883 Mr. Bauer came to Raleigh, and he has since built up an influential and lucrative THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 125 Glove Dyeing or Cleansing* by Wholesale or Re- tail, at P. J. DUFFIN'S, 107 Fayetteville St. practice, both here and throughout the State. He has during that time been assistant architect on some im- portant and extensive undertakings in his line, notably the Western Insane Asylum at Morg^anton and that of South Carolina at Columbia, the Governor's Man- sion, the new Supreme Court Building, and the Graded Schools at Raleigh, besides numerous elegant private residences here and in many other parts of the Stale. Mr. Bauer is at all times prepared to give estimates and cheerfully furnish plans to meet the viewsof those intending to build, and can be relied upon to spare no pains or time to fulfill the expectations of his pat- rons. See page 40. Ellington, Royster & Co., Building Contractors, Sash, Blind and Door Manufacturers, 101 S. West St., Raleigh, N. C. — If any one industry can be said to have contributed more than any other to the growth and prosperity of Raleigh within the last few years, it is that of building, and among those engaged in this business, none are more prominent and reliable than the gentlemen composing this firm. Each member of the copartnership brought to tlio enterprise long ex- perience and much practical ability, soon winning an extensive patronage, and to day, are the leading car- penters and builders in the city. They control a bus- iness of vast importance, and attend with promptness and fidelity to all kinds of jobbing, fitting up and altering stores, furnish plans and specifications, and enter into contracts for the construction of all kinds of buildings upon the most reasonable terms. Speci- mens of their work are to be seen in the elegant and handsome residence of C. D. Upchurch, on Fayette- ville street, the Yarborough House and Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum Extensions, residence of R. 126 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Fair and honorable dealing have secured for WALTERS, The Tailor, his popularity. T. Gray, on Blount street, stores of Julius Lewis & Co., Norris & Carter, and in every part of the city. They have established themselves in the estimation of the citizens of Raleigh as thoroughgoing business men, honorable and trustworthy, and have won the confi- dence of all by strict probity and integrity. See page 52. J. W. Brown, (Successor to Henry J. Brown,) Un dertaker, corner Morgan and Dawson Sts., Raleigh, N. C— The vocation of an undertaker is essentially a very delicate one, and it involves for its successful prosecution peculiarly important qualifications, which but comparatively few individuals possess, and it is only by long pxperience, as well as natural aptitude, that a man is enabled to discharge his duty in that relation to the entire and unqualified satisfaction of those most directly interested. The most prominent house engaged in this business here is that above mentioned. Mr. Brown succeeds his honored and lamented father, under whose careful training he learned the business, and into worthier hands it could not have fallen. He is prepared to assume the entire direction of funerals, furnishing everything needful, even to the selection of cemetery lots or graves when desired. As to his suc- cess in business, he isalready reaping the reward of his long experience and careful attention to the duties of his vocation. He is a gentleman of fine business ability, and being a young man, upon the threshhold of business life, with the best possible character and reputation for honorable principles, there is no doubt he will meet with assured success and permanent pros- perity. See page 36. F. A. Watson, Art Store, 112 Fayette ville St., Raleigh, N. C. — As an example of what energy and THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 127 Prices for Dyeing or Cleansing by P. J. DUFFIN, Raleigh, N. C., are the Lowest, consistent with First-Class of Work. enterprise, when properly directed, can accomplish, the establishment of Mr. F. A. Watson stands promi- nently forward. This business was established many years ago by Mr. C. C. Clawson, who conducted it un- til 1880, when lie was succeeded by the present pro- prietor, who has won a high reputation for the su- perior excellence of his large stock and the uniform satisfaction rendered to those having business rela- tions with him. The store has recently been remod- eled throughout, and is now a real gem of art, present- ing one of the most attractive aspects it is hardly pos- sible to conceive for an establishment of this kind. He manufactures picture frames of gold, gilt and bronze of every description and design, cornices, etc., and deals largely in engravings, paintings, window shades, etc Prices are placed at the lowest figures. By strict in tegrity, honorable dealing, energy and enter{)rise, Mr Watson has won an enviable reputation and fully merits the signal success he has achieved in this im portant industry. See page 20. The North Carolina Car Company, Raleigh, N. C. — Gen R. F. Hoke, President; W. E. Ashley, Super- intendent ; Jno. Ward, Secretary and Treasurer. — In the history of the industrial progress of Raleigh the North Carolina Car Company deservedly occupies a most prominent and conspicious position. This busi- ness was inaugurated in 1882, and is the only enter- prise in the Slate possessing facilities for the manufac- ture of cars. The premises cover more than five acres of ground, and the machinery and a[)plianc(.s used in the various departments are of the most improved and best description, and are driven by a 100 horse engine, while in the operation of the works everything is so 128 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. WALTERS, The Tailor, never disappoints his customers -he is always on time. arranged according to complete system as to constitute as near perfection as possible. The capital stock is $50,000 and upwards of fift}' hands are constantly em- ployed. One important feature of this concern is the manufacture of buildings, "ready made," so to speak, every part being so accurately fitted that they can be erected in a short time after being received. It is impossible here to enumerate the man}'' and varied kinds of work executed at this imuiense establishment, and the reader must be referred to the advertisement of tfie same on page 46. The officers composing this company are gentlemen of the highest reputation, and .widely known for their honorable business methods and sterling worth. Creech & Co., Collections and Settlement of Claims and Inheritances — Joseph Alexander Creech, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. — This business was op-ened here by this firm several years since, in obedience to what was thought an urgent need for such an enterprise, with Mr. Creech as General Manager. Their first step was to open communication with able aiid reliable attor- neys it) cvtry county in the United Siates, aiul every court district of Europe, who in their respective local- ities are specially qualified to utidertake the specific business entrusted to them. Through careful researches in the United Spates and Europe, thid firm has ob tained much valuable information as to unclaimed property at home and abroad. Tliey also have espe- cial facilities at their command for making investiga- tions and furnishing information relative to all mat- ters {)ertaining to land in Texas, land-titles, tax-sales, redemptions, etc., as well as the estates of deceased soldiers of the Texan Revolution (1835-37), and early settlers in Texas. They also give attention to THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 129 " Ponpons " Dyed and Cleansed, or Made to Order or Repaired, at P. J. DUFFIN'S, Raleigh, N. C. searching and attending to the recovery of estates of deceased pioneers and Forty-niners of California. This is the only business of this character in the South, and the. patronage with which the firm have met has shown that not only were they correct in their views of opening such a business in Raleigh, but indicates Mr. Creech to be a gentleman who fully understands the important business entrusted to liis care. See page 48. Thos. H. Stevenson, Plumber, Gas Fitter, etc., 15 West Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. — No establishment engaged in this useful branch of activity in Raleigh enjoys a larger measure of public favor than that of Mr. Stevenson. This is an old established house, its proprietor having commenced here in 1869. From the very outset tins enterprise may be said to have bounded into popularity and prosperity, the uni- form satisfaction rendered to all persons holding busi- ness relations with Mr. Stevenson, coupled with push and energy, being the chief features contributing to his succeess. He carries constantly on hand a large stock including plumbing materials, gas fixtures, and steam, gas and water fittings. Plumbing of every de- scription is executed in the most superior manner and at the most reasonable prices. Mr. S. is thorougly in- formed as to all the requirements of his trade, and by integrity and industry has built up a large and flourishing business not onl}^ in Raleigh but in the surrounding country. See page 28. Wharton's Photographic Gallery, 119 Fayette- ville St., Raleigh, N. C — Among the popular, enter- prising photo artists of Raleigh is Mr. Wharton, whose residence among us, although of comparatively recent date, has achieved a reputation second to none. He is 130 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Have your Clothing made at G. N. WALTERS', The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. regarded as an artist of rare merit, and has acquired a very large and prosperous patronage. The premises occupied consists of a very elegantly and handsomely furnished reception parlor, operating, printing and mounting rooms with all the latest improved appli- ances known to the profession, fie is prepared to do all kinds of photographing, from the smallest to the largest life-sizes. An examination of his work dis- closes the fact that iiis pictures are executed by the true artist, an easy, graceful and natural pose and a completenes of finisli being observable which are not always obtainable by those who are not true masters of the art. See page 48. Bosworth C. Beckwith, Attorney at Law, Bagley Building, Cor. Fayetteville and Martin Sts., Raleigh, N. C. — Among the young and promising lawyers of this city who must be mentioned in this review of in- dustrial Raleigh is the gentleman named above. Mr. Beckwith is of an old Raleigh family, about 27 years of age and was educated at Trinity College under Dr. Craven's administration. He studied law under Judges Dick and Dillard at Greensboro, and being licensed by the Supreme Court at February Term 1884, he at once commenced the practice of his profession in this city, and has met with success. He is a gentleman of industry and perseverance, a hard student, and is much esteemed by the people of Raleigh for his good personal qualities. Mr. Beckwith is the efficient Secretary of the Democratic State Committee, which position he has held since 1884. See page 46. Geo. W. Wynne, Boarding, Livery, Sale and Ex- change Stables, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C— In few features of business activity does Raleigh pre- sent such a veritable metropolitan aspect as in the TIIK CITY OF HALKIGH. 131 Ladies ! Your Silks, Laces, Feathers, etc., are rendered Good as New when Dyed by P. J. DUFFIN, Kaleigh, N. C. number and excellence of the livery establishments to be found therein, and prominent among which is the admirably conducted and well equipped establishment above mentioned. It has long ago secured a hold on public favor, and has received a large and substantial measure of merited recognition. Tlie premises occu- pied are large and desirably situated, and are a credit to its management. Mr. Wynne is a native of Wake, and has been a resident of Raleigh for many years. His establishment was formerly on East Morgan street, but has been at his present location about two years. His stables are 60x200 feet in dimensions, and has all modern improvements in the way of water-works, etc. A large force of assistants are employed. A full line of elegant carriages, buggies, etc , are kept, and the teams are as stylish as any in the city. Weddings, funerals, and private parties are supplied at most reasonable terras. Orders b}^ telephone have prompt attention and careful and experienced drivers are fur- nished. The proprietor is also agent for the celebrated '* Frazier Road Cart." Mr. Wynne is widely known for his fine business and high personal qualities, is popular with his customers, and fully merits the large patronage he enjoys. See last page. P. J. Duffin, Agent for Lewando's French Dyeing and Cleansing Establishment, 107 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. — This is a new enterprize in this city, and has been established since the fall of 1875, which has since been continued with the most gratifying suc- cess, the trade growing and extending rapidly, until it is at once large and substantial. Laces, velvets, silks, shawls, feathers, gloves, and indeed every kind and variety of fine ladies' goods are dyed, cleansed. 132 THE CITY OE RALEIGH. You will find no shoddy goods at G. N WALT- ERS'— The Tailor -Raleigh, N. C. renovated and repaired and done up in the most ex- cellent and satisfactory manner, and equal to new. Mr. Duffin does a large business in tliis line not only in the city, but is constantly receiving orders from all sections of the State, and all work is executed promptly and at the most reasonable prices. The establishment of which the Raleigh house is a branch, is one of the most famous and widely known of its character in the United States, the princi[)al places of business being New York and Boston, and having agencies in all parts of the country. Mr. Duffin will take [)leasure in mailing price-lists to all who tnay wish to be eco nomical by taking advantage of ihe inducements held out by this new enterprise. See announcements. Chas. D. Arthur, Dealer in Fish, Oysters and Game, Stall 16, City Market.— This is the leading fish and oyster business in the city market. It was established two years since by Mr. Arthur, who represents the firm of Geo. N. Ives & Co.j which carries on the largest wholesale business of this character in North Carolina, having places of business at Newbern, Morehead City and Beaufopt. At this stall will be found at ail times, and in the best possible condition, trout, bluefish, spots, sheephead, flounders, perch, etc., and in season, mack- erel, mullets, shad and rockfish, as well as soft and stone crabs. Owing to Mr. ArlliUr's unsurf)assed faci- lities, the public can always rely upon here receiving nothing but the very freshest goods and at the most reasonable prices. Orders are delivered anywhere in the city free of charge, liis telephone call being No. ] 16. The proprietors of this firm at the above named places have continually engaged a number of fishing vessels which are going and returning to the capes daily to keep their numerous customers supplied, and THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 133 All orders for Dyeing and Repairing Ladies' Silks, Laces, Feathers, etc., receive prompt attention from P. J. DUFFIN, 107 Fayetteville St dealers anywhere in the State will find it to their in- terest to send them their orders, which will be filled promptly and on the most reasonable terms. Address Geo. N. Ives, from December 1, to May 15, Newbern ; from. May 15 to December 1, Morehead City. See page 56. N. S. Moseley, Ladies' and Gents' Dining Rooms, 120 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C— A leading restau- rant in Raleigh is that conducted by the above-named gentleman. Mr. Moseley has been a resident of this city for nearly tweiUy years, and is well known as pos- sessing the very highest qualifications for the proper management of a resort of tliis character. His prin cipal business is that of furnishing boarding to regu- lar patrons, who comprise some of the most exacting and discriminating people in the city. He also has a large run of transient custom from all parts of the State, who, by long experience, have learned where to obtain the best meals served in the best manner, at the lowest prices. This establishment is neatly and tastily fitted up, and everything that the market affords can be here found, with all the delicacies of the season, prepared in the most delicaleand tempting style. It is conceded by all that Moseley 's fried oysters are the equal of those to be found anywhere. In this feature espe cially the reputation of the establishment is pre emi- nent. Give him a call and you will be sure to do so again. See page 56. A. B, Forrest, Nurseryman and Florist, 517 Polk St., Raleigh, N. 0. — While making reference in this little volume to the different entcr[)rises which are a credit to Raleigh, it is highly proper to direct atten- tion to that of Mr. Forrest, and it is safe to affirm that 134 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. My Clothes Fit, and the Goods are Fine, because they were made by WALTERS, The Tailor, Raleigh, N. C. no gentleman engaged in the above business possesses a more thorough knowledge of all the intricacies of this art than he. We cannot begin to give a description of the magnitude of his business nor an account of the many varieties of plants, trees, slirubs, etc., which are to be found at his place — the reader must be referred to his announcement to be found elsewhere in this book. Mr. Forrest is Superintendent of Oakwood Cemetry, and it is a pleasure to note the fact ihat its present excellent condition and its beauty is owing to his superior skill and untiring industry. In his nursery and florist business he has met with decided success, which has been highly deserved. See next to last page. J. W. Stephens, Plumber and Gas-Fitter, 103 Fay- etteville St., Raleigh, N. C. — This gentleman has re- cently opened his establishment in Raleigh, and hav- ing had a long experience in his line and every facil- ity for prompt and reliable execution of all orders, he will doubtless meet with much deserved success. In- deed, so satisfactory has he performed such work as he has undertaken, that he has been compelled to employ an additional force of employees to complete his orders. He is prepared to do every kind of work in his line, and his charges will always be found reasonable. He has also fitted up a number of neat bath rooms, which is a commendable feature of his establishment, and should be encouraged. Mr. Stephems is a pleasant and agreeable gentleman, and has made quite a num- ber of friends during his brief residence in our city. See next to last page. ADVERTISEMENTS. 135 Foutz's Medicines. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS b ZJ g L] «5^!^%«;4fejf^--^ .<&y.^i^.^v#«5^-" \.-s:^al>?„..:^-.w>i> <; «2L A D\; No HoRSB will die of Colic. Bots or Lunq Fe- pn ^ Jr\ ytn. if Fontz's Powdere are nsed in time. "jn *^ Q ^ T iiitz's Powders will cure and prevent Hog Cholera. ;^ hrf iv. ^^ I V r/.'s Powdera will prevent Gapks in Fowls. -g^ Lj f^ h-^ i.niu's Powders will increase tlie Qunntity of niillv " f^ y an 1 cream twenty per cent., and make tlie butter lirm —pi -^ fj • ni. ! sweet. , — J *^'' rH J jutz's Powdere will cure or prevent almost KYKRT v — Disi.ASK to wliich Horses and ( attle are snhject. ^T^ FOUTZ'S POWDI FvS WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. __. Sold everyM'here. \ ' DAVID E. FOTJTZ, Proprietor BALTIMORE. MD. SHRINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP. Price 25 cents package or boWe. Send for Sample Package by Mail. BINSWANGER & CO, 1427 Main St., RICHMOND, VA., Mixed Paint, Colors, Yarnisli, Brushes, Glue, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, &c. Sashf Doors, UlindSf Lime and BiiUders' Hardware. THE HAXALL-CRENSHAW CO., (H AX ALL MILLS), F». O. Box 19, Richmond, Va., Manufacture and keep for sale, all grades of FLOUR. Water-ground CORN-MEAL (best quality) and MILL-FEED, &c., &c. Orders solicited. 136 ADVERTISEMENTS. BOYKIN, CAT MER & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF A/so Dealers in Agricultural Chemicols for Fertilizers. Proprietors of the old and well-known '* Home Fertilizer" and such well-known family medicines as "Ever^^body's" Pills, Dr. " Boy kin's "Worm Killer," Baird's Horse and Cattle Powder, &c. RAGRANT BREATH Meade & Baker's Carbolic Moutli Wasli. An essential requisite for the Toilet. Heals all diseases of tJie Gums. Disinfects decayed Teeth. An excellent garble for Sore Throat. A delicious and fragrant Mouth Wash. Purities the Breath. Prepared only by T. ROBERTS BAKER, Pharmacist, 919 E. Main St., RICHMOND, VA. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. WHAT WS KNOW ABOUT SEEDS. WE KNOW THAT. AS WE DEAL EXCLUSIVELY IN &EASS and FIELD SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, We sell Purer and more Reliable Seeds and at lower prices than can be bought from houses dealing in everytliing. Samples will be sent by mail when requested. W^M. A. NIILLER &- SON, No. 800 Mam St., LYNCHBURG, VA. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 137 RELIGIOUS. Some of our Prominent Ministers. REV. THOS. DIXON, JR , was born in Cleveland county, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. Hiseducation proper commenced in the Shelby High School, at which place he was prepared for col- 138 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. lege. He entered Wake Forest College in 1879, grad- uating in 1883 with the highest honors, taking the de- gree of A. M. He then entered the famous Johns Hop- kins University at Baltimore and took a post graduate course, pursuing such studies as bore practically on his then chosen profession — the law. After this he took a thorough course of elocutionary training in New York. In 1884 he returned to North Carolina aJid commenced the study of law. In the same year, being urged to become a candidate for the Legislature, he did soy being elected by the handsome majority of 1,500. His work and speeches in the House were something phenomenal. The press of the State rang out reports of his brilliancy and eloquence. Some of the best and most aggressive work accomplished by the Legislature of 1885 originated with Mr. Dixon, and the best speeches by far were made by this gentleman. An announcement that he would speak at a certain time would pack the halls, lobbies and galleries to their utmost capacity. His county was doubl}" proud of him. The State at large delighted lo honor him. After the Legislature adjourned Mr. Dixon pursued the practice of law for a time in Shelby. But he did not rest content — he craved a broader field for work, and sought it. The ministry occurred to him again and again, but according to his own statement he fought the ever recurring impression that he should enter it. After a protracted struggle, he gave up law and politics and entered the ministry. In his new work his thought and eloquence became, if possible, more brilliant and powerful than ever before. It seems that he was destined to prove the opinion of Fisher Ames, wlio wrote: "No man ever did or ever will become truly eloquent without being a constant reader of tlie Bible and an admirer of the purity and sublimity of its language." His first service as pastor began with the Baptist Church of Goldsboro soon after his ordination. He THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 139 remained there several months and was then called to the pastorate of the Second Baptist Church of Raleigh in May, 1887, which call he accepted. Since taking charge of that Church the attendance at the services has grown so large as to require greater accommoda- tions, which have been secured by uniting the church building and the Sunday school building into one au- ditorium—about 50x140 feet— with a seating capacity of 1,200. The name of the Church has been changed under his pastorate to the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle. Mr. Dixon is doing a great gospel work in tliis city, accomplishing much good. He is now about 23 years of age. REV. W. C. NORMAN. This greatly beloved pastor of Edenton-St. M. E. Church was born in Davidson county, N. C, June 27, 1847. He is a son of the Rev. Alfred Norman, who for fifty years was a fine type of the true Methodist 140 THE CITY OF KALEIGH. itinerant preacher. He made a profession of religion at the age of 14 3'ears under the ministry of his father. He was licensed to preach in 1868; in 1869 he entered Trinity College, N. C , graduating in 1872. He was first on the Asheboro circuit, and at the ensuing con- ference was sent to the Wentworth circuit, remaining three years; thence to Person-St. Church, Raleigh, four years; thence to Louisburg station, four years; thence to Edenton-St. church, Raleigh, where he is now closing his fourth year. He married Miss Sallie Hargrave, of Lexington, N. C, Nov, 21, 1877. During his pastorate the sum of ^28,867.80 has been raised for all church purposes, and the ability of his church to erect thir present new and handsome edifice has been owing largely to his untiring and individual efforts. While Mr. Norman does not aspire to shine in the pulpit as an orator, he is an able and effective preacher of the gospel, and his sermons are always instructive and edifying. He holds liis own congregation and attracts hearers from other churches, and at the regu lar services which he conducts at Edeiiton Street there are but few vacant seats. But it is as a pastor that he is most beloved— all his people haveconfidencein his piety and his devotion to his work. In the pulpit, in the house of affliction and mourning, among the poor, in the social circle, on the street — everywhere — he is the same devoted man of God, teaching by precept and example his holy re- ligion and how to live a godly and yet a cheerful life. The present year terminates his four years' stay in Raleigh, and his congregation and the people of Ral- eigh will part with him with regret. THE CITY OF RALEIGH, 141 REV. J. L. WHITE. Rev. J. L. White was born in Winston, Forsythe county, N. C, September 6, 1862. In early youth he exhibited marked traitsof religious character, and this, together with his abilities as a speaker, caused his friends to hope that he would enter the ministry. In this they were not disappointed, for the young man soon felt that the cause of Christianity demanded his talents. To further develop the mind that gave promise of so much power, he entered Wake Forest College and immediately took a high stand. His high standing in two schools at least were thoroughly proven by his winning the Whitfield Latin medal and Montague French medal. The society of which he was a member elected him as one of its de- baters for the anniversary celebration of the two Lit- 142 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. erary Societies, February, 1885. Again was he honored with the position of orator for the following anniver- sary. To do hard and faithful work has ever been the purpose of the man, and this brought its just reward in his graduating at the head of his class and deliver- ing the valedictory at the commencement in June, 1886. While temporarily fillir.g the pulpit of the First Baptist Church of Raleigh during the summer of 1886, Mr. White so captivated the hearts of its members and congregation by his eloquence, kind disposition and christian manner that he was called as pastor of the church, and no congregation in this city is more attached to their minister than his. On September 22, 1886, he married Miss D. Z. Poston, of Shelby, N. C. Though one of the youngest divines in the ministry Mr. White is one of the ablest preachers in his de- nomination. Naturally gifted as an orator, he has great power in the pulpit, and a bright future of usefulness lies before him. ADVERTISEMKNTS. 143 Washington Life Insurance Conioany OK NKW YORK:. AssEXS, ABOUT S8,500,0(X). 27 YEAES IN EXISTENCE. 'Hie WasJi i nf/fon /^ ih<' only ("ofnj} f(i( t/ ir/t osi< l>iri- ajmj_jj^_ju__i^__LL,ijL-i-M-Miiui»iiiiii iiiMWii^Miw iiiiw ■ «^— MMi itiiiiMii *r I -»-i iiiir 't -^ I m~^T tt'tttm'i i i f-~n~i dends ((re Ahsvlufelif Xou-Forfrifahle, General Agent for V.rginia, West Virginia and North Carolina. OFFICE : No. 1117 Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. 144 ADVERTISEMENTS. StiORX MINTS ON SOCIAL ETIQUETTE Compiled from the latest and best works on the subject by '' Aunt Matilda." if^i^ice:, 4o ce:nxs. This book sliould be in every family desirous of knowing " tlie joroper thing to do." We all desire to behave properly and to know what is the best school of manners. AVhat shall we teach our children, that tliey may go out into the world well bred men and women? " SHORT HINTS " contains the answer and will be mailed to any address, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. SPECIAL. Until further notice we will nuul each of our friends a coj)y of the above valuable book gratis and free of postage, if they will mail us 15 wrappers of Dobbins' Electric Soap. l)y folding u}) tlie vrrappers as you would a news- paper, the postage will only be 2 cents. Always i)ut your full name and address on the out- side of the bundle and write the word "Etiquette" also, and then we will know who sends it. Z- 3Li. 0:E2-.f^C3-ZlNr SC OO., PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 145 SOME OF OUR SELF-MADE MEN. NEEDHAM B. BROUGHTON, ESQ. One of our most useful and highly public-spirited citizens is Mr. N. B. Broughton. For many years he has stood in the front rank with those who have labored and are still laboring for ihe moral, religious and educational advancement of our city. But his efforts in this direction have not been confined wholly to Raleigh — other sections of the State, yea, the State itself, have shared the benefits of his zeal and ability, put forth for the furtherance of the very best interests of our people. Possessed of strong convictions, and being a man of undaunted moral and physical cour- age, he has always planted himself firmly against the evil and in favor of the good. He pursues no tempo- rizing policy — you always know where to find him whenever the forces of good and evil range themselves for battle: with pen and tongue and purse he boldly takes his position, and no soldier performs more val- iant service than he for any cause in which he en- gages. Mr. Broughton was born in Wake county, near Auburn, on the 14th of February, 1848, and is a son of Joseph and Mary Broughton. His father died when he was but seven years of age, and his wid- owed mother succeeded to the sole care of seven small children — four sous and three daughters. The subject of this sketch was the fifth child, and his mother placed him, in early life, in a printing office to be trained to the business of printing. In 1872 he united with Mr. C. B. Edwards in the establishment of a book and job printing office, which is now one of the largest and most complete printing concerns in the South. In the cause of temperance reformation Mr. Brough- 146 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. TON has been a most prominent worker, and has filler] the highest office in the gift of the Order of Good Templars, having been the Grand Chief Tem[)iar for North Carolina for five years. In every movement having for its object the It^ssening o( ti)e eviis of in- temperance he has taken a most active part Tiie su(v cess of prohibition in the two last eleciions in Hal- eigh township was due in no small degree to his uri- tiring efforts and zeal. In church and Sunday School work Mr. Broughton has been very successful. He is thejeading deacon in the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle, and in all the efforts made by this church to attain its present prom- inence he has always been in the lead. He is also the Superintenlent of the Sunday School of that church, is Secretary of the Ba[»tist State Convention, and for several years has been President of its Sunday School Board. Mr. Broughton is an earnest promoter of the Pub- lic Schools of Raleigh township. For four successive terms, embracing a period of nine years, he has been one of the School Committee, and the efficiency of the Public Schools is due greatly to him and his asso- ciates The rising generation will in the future point back with gratitude to the educational efforts he made in their behalf. In disposition Mr. Broughton is affable, of easy approach, a lover of youth, and a friend to those who are struggling to advance themselves in the walks of life. He possesses elocutionary powers ol a bigb order, and makes a good speech. He is not an aspirant for political preferment, but his numerous friends would be pleased to see him occupying any position within gift of the people. Should he be so induced to accede to their wishes, it is safe to say he would discharge the functions of his position with that sense of integrity and usefulness that have ever characterized him in the past. THE CITY OF RALKIGH. 147 WESLEY N. JONES, ESQ, COMMISSIONER OF LABOR STATISTICS. Mr. Wesley N. Jones is prominent in the ranks of Raleigh's self-made men. By sheer pluck and tireless energy and industry he has won his way steadily, fairly and honorahly to a competence and to position. In tlie best sense of the word he is a self-njade man. A sketch of his career is not only interesting but val- ual)le, as showing what the poor young men of North Carolina have before them if they but liave that pride and courage out of which are born endeavor and suc- cess. He was born in Wake county July 2, 1852, about seven miles from Raleigh, and was apprenticed as a printer when thirteen years of age. He served a regu- lar apprenticeship and became an active member of R'lleigh Typographical Union. He was elected the delegate of that organization in 1875 to the Inter- national Union. Desiring to secure a collegiate edu- cation, by untiring industry and frugality, which he practised for several years, he was enabled, in the autumn of 1875, to enter Wake Forest College, gradu- ating in 1879. He then studied law under Judge Geo. V. Strong, of Raleigh, and was admitted to the Bar in June, 1880. He was elected a member of the Board of Aldermen of Raleigh in 1882, and continued as a mem- ber of such Board until he was appointed Commis- sioner of Labor Statistics by Gov. Scales in March, 1887. He was joint editor of the ** North Carolina Manual of Law and Forms," a publication for the use of business men, magistrates and county officers, which has had a large sale. He was married to Sallie, the only daughter of Rev. C. T. Bailey, proprietor of the Bibli- cal Recorder, in February, 1887. Mr. Jones writes forcibly, has an extensive acquain- tance, and manages ably liis new office, which has to 148 THE CITY OF RALEIGH. do with the labor interests of the State. As an alder- man of this city h© proved clear!}' his ability a^^ a business man, and showed his grasp of affairs. His services to the city, particularly in the way of im- provements and education, placed him high in popu- lar favor and esteem with all classes. As chairman of the School Committee of the Board of Aldermen he originated and pushed through the Legislature the law by which the public schools of Raleigh township were placed under the control of the Board of Alder- men, thereby bringing them up to their present degree of efficiency. Asheville, Reidsville and other towns have adopted the same law and secured its passage through the Legislature. Mr. Jones has a more arduous task before him in his new position, but gives all the evidences of careful work and earnestness of purpose to do his part in ad- vancing the best interests of the State and its people. He is receiving the earnest support not only of the cla^s he expects directly to benefit, but of all others, and his careful pLansfor executing the needs and requirements of labor are securing fruit in the State of valuable in- formation. THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 149 BUSINESS INDEX-RALEIGH Packs. Adams, Len. H., dry goods, clothing, eic 30 — 120 Andrews & Co., R. B., clothing back of cover and 94 Archbell, H,, bread, cakes and crackers 26 — 115 " Advocate, Raleigh Christian" 54 — 103 Arthur, Chasi D., fish, oysters, etc 56 — 132 Bauer, A. G., architect . . 40 — 124 Bank, State National 38 — 100 Bank, the Raleigh Savings .. 8 — 124 Beckvvith, Bosworth C, lawyer.. 46 — 130 Berwanger Bros., clothing, etc inside front cover and no Briggs & Sons, T. H., hardware 6 — in Brown, John W., undertaker 36 — 126 Car Company, the JSJ^orth Carolina 46 — 127 Crawford, W, R., butcher 12 — 102 Creech, Jos. Alexander, lawyer; claims, etc.. 48 — 128 Crocker, H. H., clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc . 76 — 108 Duffin, P. J., dyeing, renovating, etc margin of pages and 131 Ellington, Royster&Co., building contractors, etc.- 52 — 125 Forrest, A. B., florist and nurseryman 151 — 133 Gill, J. H . , founder and machinist 32 — 122 Gulley, J. P., dry goods, clothing, etc. 16 — 114 Haynes, Jr., Ernest D., crayon artist 44 — 105 Hinsdale, John W. , lawyer ...-. 44 — 1 16 Hughes, W. H. , crockery, lamp goods, etc 12 — 105 Insurance Company, The N. C. Home 10 — qg Lee, Johnson & Co. , druggists 24 — 1 1 g Linehan & Co. , quarrymen — 34 — 95 Lumsden, J. C. S., hardware, tinner, etc - 2 — 106 Mahler, H., jeweler 42 — 121 McKimmon & Co., Jas., druggists inside back cover and loi McMackin, W. C, livery, board and sale stables 18 — 112 Moseley, N. S., dining-room .-- 56 — 133 150 . THR CITY OF RALEIGn. Pages. Norris & Carter, diy goods, etc 50 — ill Otey. W. G., barber 40—114 Pescud, John S., druggist margin of pages and 96 Purnel], T. R., lawyer _.. 42 — 123 Price & Son, John, butcher 22 — 119 vSepark, W. G., dry goods, millinery, etc 8 — I2i Shaw University 117 Simpson, Robert, druggist 4 — iiS Sleinmetz, H., florist ._ 28 — 113 Stephens, J. W., plumber, gas-fitter, etc 151 — 134 Stevenson, Thos. S., plumber, gas-fitter, etc 28 — 129 VVaitt, D. S., clothing, shoes, etc 50 — 108 Walters, Geo. N., merchant tailor margin of pages and 102 Watson, F. A,, art store 20 — 126 Watson, J. W., photographic artist 26 — its Wetmore & Co., W. H., manufacturer of hand-made shoes 4 — 106 Wharton, C. P., photographic artist 48 — 129 Williams & Co., A., books and stationery i — 109 Woodell, B. H., shoes 22 — 107 Woollcott & Son, dry goods, clothing, millinery, etc 86 — 97 Wyatt & Son, E. F., h arnessand saddlery 14 — 98 Wynne, Geo. W., livery, sale and feed stables 152 — 130 INDEX TO OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS. Boykin, Carmer & Co., druggists, Baltimore, Md 136 Baker, T. Roberts, "Carbolic Mouth Wash," Richmond, Va. 136 Binswanger & Co., artists' material, Richmond, Va 135 Cragin &Co., "Short Hints on Social Etiquette," Philadelphia, Pa. 144 Foutz's Medicines, Baltimore, Md _ 135 Haxall-Crenshaw Co., The, fiour, meal, etc., Richmond, Va 135 Insurance Co., Washington Life, Richmond, Va 143 Miller, Wm. A., grass and field seeds. Lynchburg, Va 136 ADVERTISEMKNTS. "151 J. W. STKF^HENS, (FORMERLY OF NORFOLK, VA.), I»RACXICAI^ Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter, No. 103 Fayetteville Street, PLUNIBING, GAS KITTING, €~C., In all its Branches, Pumps of all descriptions kept on hand. Repairs promptly attended to, and good work guaranteed. FOR SALE. 3,000 Magnolia Grandiflora, 1,500 Sugar Maples, 1,000 Silver Maples, 2,000 Ash-Leaved Maples, 500 Golden Arbor Vitse, Irish Juniper, Nor- way Spruce, White Spruce, Balsam Fir, Irish Yew, White Pine, Roses, Flowering Shrubs, &c. Other Shade Trees and Evergreens too numerous to mention. My stock is in fine conditior>, and sure to please. Send list of wants and get prices. The best time to plant Evergreens and Magnolias is in the fall, when the soil is a little warmer than the atmosphere — October and November. Deciduous trees can be planted at any time after the fall of the leaf and before the buds swell in the spring. Also best varieties Raspberry and Strawberry plants. Vegetable plants during spring months. A. B. FORREST, 517 Polk Street f Raleiyhf /V. C. 152 A D V K RTIS KM E N TS. c, w B .A.3Sr33 FEED STABLES No, 111 North Side Martiu, bet. Wilmiiig^toii and Blomit Sts., ^^..^LIEIGhH:. INJ". 0-. -DEALER IN- HORSES AND MULES Fine Stock a specialty. Good, sound horses and mules always on hand at rock- bottom prices. No trouble to show stock — give us a call. Extra good harness and saddle horses for hire at moderate prices. Good accommodations for drovers. JAMES McKIMMON & GO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' w^j^^&y ^ ^'^^^^^ \^^ \5SS^^ ^^^^ ~X^^^ ^^*^^V^iP4f: I ^*;^ 133 Fayetteville Street, Keep a full line Pure Drugs, Clieniicals and Pro- prietary Ai-ticles. Mineral Waters on Draught, Fine Cigars and Cigarettes. Everything to be found in a first-class Drugstore. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY AKD CAREFULLY. JAMES McKIMMON k CO. CO* .2 C/O t!^ s on O c/3 U. 33 •oo < a Q . < CO ct:3 QQ ad r, % t III 111) It- ^KB ANDREW ? © W" L.^."* .■^rH.-^.-i. .^ .-H >^/ - ^,^^ ^ ti ^ x i ^ U' V \p N Ki '=^>