Class F5^3 Rnok ./\A^1 Copyright N? COKRlGtlT DEPOSIT. L. MORRILL THE ENTIRE WORLD LOVES MUSIC CHEER THE HEART THE METROPOLITAN WAY ^ VICTROLAS THE WORLD'S LEADING PHONOGRAPH Special Model No. XIV. Price $115.00 The latest product of the Victor people. Made b Mahogany or Oak; in Elnglish Brown Mahogany and Fumed Oak Finish. Size 43 in. high, 20 m. wide, 23 H inches deep. Has every charackoistic d the VICTOR. This NEW MODEL bringi the VICTOR within reach of all. THE VERY LATEST VICTOR RECORDS We carry a complete assortment of all late VICTOR Records both popular and classical. Out supply of old favorites is also "up'to-tke* minute." i j OUR Ifi^ SHEET MUSIC DEPARTMENT We have all the latest popular and dassica) pieces on sale. This departmeni is the BUM com«- plete of its kind in the North- west. FOR GENERATIONS The STEINWAY PIANO has been the STANDARD of the World. Its 6ne tone and quality appearance gives it the UN- CHALLENGED CHOICE of fore- roost musical authorities. OTHER SPLENDID PIANOS CARRIED We carry a comprehensive line of leading makes of ^anos. They are thoroughly guaranteed for tone, quality and appearance. IVERS & POND PIANOS. LUDWIG PIANOS. KAZELTON BROS. PIANOS, BEHR BROS. PIANOS. DYER BROS. PIANOS The right piano at the right price, new or used, to suit every pocket book V METROPOLITAN MUSIC CO. The World's Best Pianos 41-43 South Sixth Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA .....^.■,