I. -^ cT^ A * ,0 \ ' %.^^ ^ '..o' «,■*• 9 I ^ & /. •< -^^0^ f » V "> ^v^K^' ^v'^' v^^ /^^,.^^"'I1N/ID/) EE INDEX F/ICI NO BACK COVEF^^ ^HE trade-mark most familiar to the sportsmen of the Jnited States is the ''U. M. C." of the Union Metalhc 'artridge Co., of Bridgeport, Conn. It stands for the ighest excellence of sporting ammunition for Rifle, ihotgun and Revolver The favorite paper shot shells SOLID HEAD TRADE MARK. •earing the U. M. C. stamp are the ''Trap," ''Smokeless," Walsrode," "Nitro Club," "Black Club," and "New Hub." In your shooting, as in everything else, use the •est. To make sure of the best ammunition, always sk your dealer for U. M. C. goods. + + + The Union Metallic Cartridge Go, i NEW YORK OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, 313-315 Broadway. 5ir-5l9 Market Street. CopjTight, 1895, by Forest and Stream Publishing Co Harnion Dundervetter, who has read the Forest and Stream for over twenty years, and always takes a copy when he goes into the woods. His friend, B. S. , made this snap sliot from the top of the bank looking down on to the water's ed^^e. Quincy, 111, May 22, 1804. THE a3r Game Laws in Brief Laws of the United States and Canada RELATING TO GAME AND FISH SEASONS. For the Guidance of Sportsmen and Anglers, compiled 25y CHARLES B. REYNOLDS. it Editor c^ Forest and Stream. FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHING COMPANY, 346 Broadway, New York. Note — Page 2. 1 g<=f6 THE GAME LAWS IN BRIEF. PURPOSE. — The purpose of the »' Game Laws in Brief* is to give the provisions w^hich relate to seasons for fish and game, the limitations as to size or number, transportation, non= resident requirements, and other restrictions, for the practical guidance of sportsmen and anglers as to shooting and fishing. Method. — The sections are printed in abstract; but better to insure accuracy, the language is that of the original. Thus, the District of Columbia woodcock law is abstracted as indicated by italics : Woodcock. — Sec. 3. That no person shall kill [or expose for sale, or have in his or her possession, either dead or alive] any 7voodcock, bct7vcen the \st day of February and the \st day of July [under a penalty of five dollars for each bird so killed or in possession]. ''Kill " or **catch," or other term used, takes the place of the more comprehensive formula of the statute — "catch, kill, injure or destroy, or pursue with such intent," etc. The laws are general in their application. Numerous local laws obtain in certain of the States. The date of enactment given is of the original statute, but the text is given here as amended to date named on last page facing back cover. If no close season is named for a species the law prescribes none. Penalties, prosecutions, duties of officers, jurisdiction of courts, etc , are omitted as outside the purpose of this work. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Possession or sale or transportation is always unlawful in the season when it is unlawful to capture game or fish; except that after the open killing season closes some States allow from three days to one month for the sale of game. Netting game fish or catching or killing them by drugs, ex- plosives, dams, or by any mode other than angling with hook and line, is forbidden. Birds other than game (except of prey) are protected at all times. Netting or snaring game birds, or killing by any mode other than shooting is forbidden. Nests and eggs of all birds (except of prey) are protected. Night shooting is generally prohibited. Wild pigeons are protected in a number of States. Copyright, i8q6i by Fores, and Sti-eam Publishing Co. The Game Laws in Brief. CAUTION. Always consult the index on last white page (facing inside back cover). This edition is revised to the date of the Index printed on last page. Any change in a law, as it is printed in the body of the book, will be noted in index. Always consult the index. REWARDS FOR ERRORS. The first qualities demanded of a compendium of laws are accuracy and complete- ness. The preparation of this work has involved an examination of more than 800 distinct original and amendatory acts, scattered through multitudinous volumes of the compiled statutes and session laws of the fifty-nine States, Territories and Provinces here represented. The labor of compilation has been largely increased by the often careless and sometimes seemingly contradictory nature of the legislation. The Brief as it appears to-day is the result of a painstaking and conscientious endeavor to furnish an accurate and reliable compendium. The Game Laws hi Brief x"!, believed to be correct and complete within the condi- tions printed on Page 2. I will reward any person first advising me of an error that may be discovered, as follows: For the first notice of an instance where the law quoted in the Brief, prescribing game and fish seasons of any State or Territory, is not the general law in force at the time of this revision, I will give $5. For first notice of an erroneous statement of a game or fish season in any State or Territory, or of an omission of a prescribed season, I will give $1. These offers relate to general, not local, laws, and to recognized game and fish (not, for example, to the Connecticut bobolink, rice bird and robin season). CHARLES B. REYNOLDS. Office of Forest and Stream, New York. -' The Game Laws in Brief. — Massachusetts. MASSACHUSETTS. Pinnated Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, Quail, Woodcock, Wildfowl. — Chap. 205, Laws 1894. — Sec. i. Whoever kills a pinnated grouse at any time, or a woodcock, or a ruffed grouse, commonly called a partridge, between the ist day of January and the 15th day of September, or a quail between the ist day of January and the 15th day of October, or a wood or summer duck, black duck or teal, or any of the so-called duck species, between the 15th day of April and the 1st day of Sep- tember, shall be punished by a fine of twenty dollars. Quail. — Chap. 102, Laws 1894 [approved March 14]. — Whoever during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four takes or kills a quail in this Commonwealth shall be punished by a tine of twenty dollars for every bird so taken or killed. Plover, Snipe, Sandpiper, Rail, Shore, Marsh or Beach Birds, Wild Pigeon — Chap. 276, Laws '86. — Sec. 2. Whoever takes a plover, snipe, sandpiper, rail or any of the so-called shore, marsh or beach birds, between the 1st day of May and the 15th day of July, or a wild or passenger pigeon, or a gull, or a tern, between the 1st day of May and the ist day of October, shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars, Wildfo-wl. — Chap, 102, Laws 1892. — Sec. 2. Whoever pursues any wildfowl with or by aid of a boat propelled by steam or by naphtha, or by aid of a boat or vessel propelled by any mechanical means other than sails, oars or paddles, shall be punished. Chap. 142, Laws 1891. — Sec. 6. Whoever kills any wildfowl or any of the so-called shore, marsh or beach birds with a swivel or pivot gun, or by the use of a torch, jack or artificial light, shall be punished. Export of Game. — Chap. 249, Laws 1890. — Sec. 2. Whoever at anytime takes or sends beyond the limits of the Commonwealth any woodcock, quail or ruffed grouse, shall be punished by a fine. Gray Squirrel, Hare, Rabbit. — Chap. 97, Laws 1894. — Whoever kills a gray squirrel, hare or rabbit, between the ist day of March and the 15th day of September, shall be punished. Deer. — Chap. 169, Laws 1S83. — Sec. i. Whoever hunts or kills a deer within the counties of Plymouth or Barnstable shall forfeit one hundred dollars. Salmon. — Sec. 45. Whoever * * * takes a salmon between the ist day of August and the ist day of May, shall forfeit not less than ten dollars. Trout, Land-locked Salmon, Lake Trout. — Chap. 193, Laws 1890. — Sec. i [as amended by Chap. 138, Laws 1891]. The time within which any person is for- bidden to take a trout, land-locked salmon, or lake trout, shall be between the ist day of September and the ist day of April, except in the counties of Berkshire, Franklin and Hampshire, where such time shall be between the ist day of August and the ist day of April. felack Bass. — P. S. Chap. 91. — Sec. 56. [as amended by Act March 10, 1893]. — Whoever takes a black bass between the ist day of December and the 1st day of June, or at any time, except with naturally or artificially baited hook and hand line, shall forfeit for each offense not less than two nor more than twenty dollars; provided, how- ever, that this limitation of time shall not be applicable to the Connecticut river or its tributaries. Introduced Pheasants. — Chap. 55, Laws 1895. — Whoever takes or kills, or has in his possession, except for purposes of propagation, any Mongolian, English or golden pheasant, at any time within five years from the passage of this act, shall be punished by a fine of $20 for every bird so taken, killed or had in possession. See index for any changes. The Game Laws in Brief. — Nevada. NEVADA. Song Birds. — Chap. 49, Laws 1893. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful to kill any sparrow, bluejay, martin, thrush, mocking-bird, redbreast, cat-bird, wren, robin, meadow-lark or humming-bird, or any song bird, except linnets. Game Birds. — Sec. 2 [as amended 1895J. It shall be unlawful, at anytime between the 1st day of April of any year and before the 15th day of September following, to kill any wild goose, wood-duck, teal, mallard or other ducks, sand-hill crane, brant, swan, plover, curlew, snipe and mud hens; and between the 15th day of March and 15th day of September any partridge, pheasant, woodcock, grouse, quail, bittern or yellow-hammer. Sage Cock. — Sec. 3 [as amended 1895]. It shall be unlawful to kill, between the ist day of March of every year and before the 15th day of July following, any sage cock, hen or chicken. Big Game. — Sec. 4 [as amended 1S95]. It shall be unlawful to kill, at any time after the ist day of January and before the ist day of September of each year, any deer, antelope, elk, mountain sheep, goat or caribou. Beaver, Otter. — Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful to kill any beaver or otter before the 1st day of April, 1897. Scientific Purposes. — Sec, 6. Provided, that nothing in this act shall be so con- strued as to prohibit any person taking any bird, fowl or animal mentioned in this act, at any time, for scientific purposes. Trout, Land-locked Salmon.— Chap. 72, Laws 1891. — Sec. 2 [as amended 1895]. It shall not be lawful, between the ist day of October of each year and the ist day of June of each year, to catch or kill any river, lake or brook trout, or land-locked sal- mon, in any of the streams, rivers, lakes or other waters within this State; provided, that the " close season " as to lake trout in all the lakes of this State shall commence on the 1st day of January of each year and end on the ist day of May of each year; and provided further, that the close season as to the waters of the Humboldt River and its tributaries shall commence on the 1st day of November of each year and end on the 1st day of June of each year. INDIANA. Deer. — Revised Statutes, 1881. — Sec. 2105. Whoever, between the ist day of Jan- uary and the ist day of October in each year, kills any deer, buck, doe or fawn shall be fined. Quail, Pheasant, Wild Turkey. — Sec. 2106. Whoever shoots any quails or pheasants during the period from the ist day of January in any year to the loth day of November, or kills any wild turkey between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of November of any year, shall be fined. Prairie Chickens. — Sec. 2107. Whoever si ots prairie hens or chickens between the ist day of February and the 1st day of September in any year shall be fined. Woodcock, Wild Ducks. — Sec, 2109, Whoever kills any woodcock between the ist days of January and July of any year, or kills any wild duck between the 15th day April and the ist day of September in any year, shall be fined. Exportation. — Sec. 2115. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company, express company or other common carrier, or any other person, to transport or take beyond the limits of this State any deer, buck, doe or fawn, any quail, pheasant, wild duck, grouse, prairie chicken or woodcock. Squirrels. — [Acts 1889, p. 374.] — Any person who shall shoot any squirrels during the period from the 20th day of December in any year to the ist day of June in the succeeding year shall be fined. Fish. - Act approved March 8, 1895. — Sec, i. It shall be unlawful to take any fish from any of the lakes of this State between the ist day of April and the 15th day of June [except for introduction into other waters]. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 6 The Game Laws in Brief. — District of Columbia, Florida. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Quail. — Act of June 15, 1878. — That no person shall kill any partridge, otherwise quail, between the ist day of February and the ist day of November. Ruffed Grouse. — Sec. 2. That no person shall kill any pheasant, otherwise rufifed grouse, between the ist day of February and the ist day of August. Woodcock. — Sec. 3. That no person shall kill any woodcock, between the ist day of February and the ist day of July. Pinnated Grouse. — Sec. 4. That no person shall kill any prairie chicken, other- wise pinnated grouse, between the ist day of February and the ist day of September. Snipe, Plover. — Sec. 5. That no person shall kill any snipe, or plover, between the ist day of May and the 1st day of September. Wildfowl. — Sec. 6. That no person shall kill any wild duck, wild goose, or wild brant, between the ist day of April and the 1st day of September. Sec. 12. That no person shall at any time kill or shoot at any wild duck, wild goose, or wild brant with any other gun than such as are habitually raised at arm's length and fired from the shoulder. Sec. 13. That no person shall kill or shoot at any bird or wild fowl in the night time. Rail, Reed Bird. — Sec. 7. That no person shall kill any water-rail, or ortolan, or reed-bird, or rice-bird, between the ist day of February and the ist day of Sep- tember. Fish. — [There is no prohibition of hook and line fishing at any season.] ARKANSAS. Deer, Wild Turkey, Pinnated Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Quail, Virginia Partridge. — Act of February 23, 1885. Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful to kill any wild buck, deer, doe or fawn between the ist day of February and the 1st day of August; provided, the citizens of this State shall have the right to kill any wild or undomesticated animal upon his premises destroying the crop of any such citizen at any season of the year; and it shall also be unlawful to kill any wild turkey between the 1st day of May and the 1st day of September; and it shall also be unlawful to kill any pinnated grouse, commonly called prairie chicken, between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of September, or any quail, sometimes called Virginia par- tridge, between the ist day of March and the ist day of October [Yell county close seasons: Partridges, quail, March 15-Sept. 15. Wild turkey, April 15-Aug. 15. Deer, Feb. i-iVug. i.] Exportation.— Act April 12, 1889. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to export any fish or game from this State until April, igoi. Fish. — No close seasons. Prairie Chickens, — [Act March 24, 1893, forbids killing prairie chickens for a period of five years from 1893.] Non-Residents.— -Act of 1875 (Mansfield's Digest), Chap. 149.— Secs. 0450-7. A tax of $10 is hereby levied upon all non-resident trappers, hunters, seiners or netters of fish who may follow trapping, hunting, seining or netting of fish in this State. Before any non-resident may be permitted to follow trapping,* hunting, seining or netting of fish in this State, he shall procure a license from the county clerk, counter- signed by the collector of the county in which he proposes to trap, hunt, seine or net fish. [This law is considered to apply only to professional hunters, who follow hunt- ing as an occupation, and not to apply to sportsmen who hunt for pleasure. And it has been held by the court unconstitutional. — Ed. B)icf^ Read pages 2» 3. For any changes see index facing back cover* The Game Laws in Brief. — Wyoming. WYOMING. Chap. g8, Laws 1895. Game and Fish may be Taken only for Immediate Use as Food.— Sfx. 6. The wanton destruction or the wasting of the game and fish of this State during any period of time when the taking or capture of such game or fish is permitted is hereby prohibited and declared a misdemeanor; and any person who shall at any time take capture or destroy any game or fish in excess of the number or quantity thereof which he can immediately use for food purposes shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor Trout, Land-locked Salmon, Grayling.— Sec. 7. No person shall catch or take or have m his possession, from any lake, river or stream of this State, by any means whatever, any speckled trout, land-locked salmon, grayling or California trout, during the months of November, December, January, February, March, April and May, or either of said months in any year. . Size of Trout and Bass.— Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful to kill or destroy, or have in possession for any purpose at any time, any trout or black bass less than six inches in length, taken from any of the waters of this State. Birds. — Sec. 12. No person shall kill, net or trap within this State any snipe, green shank, tatler, godwit, curlew, avoset, or other wader or plover, nor quail, lark,' whip- poorwill, finch, thrush, snow-bird, turkey buzzard, robin or other insectivorous' birds, except that partridges, pheasants, prairie chickens, prairie hens or grouse may be shot from August 15 to November i of each year, and sage chickens may be shot from August I to October 15 of each year. Wildfowl.— Sec. 13. No person or persons shall ensnare, net or trap within this State any wild duck or wild goose at any time. There shall be established from the 1st day of September until the ist day of May an open season, in which ducks, brant, geese and swans may be shot, killed or taken by means of gun shot; and it shall be illegal to kill any of the above-named waterfowl by any other means, or during any other period than above specified. Big Game. — Sec. 14. It shall be unlawful to pursue, hunt or kill any deer, elk, moose, mountain sheep, mountain goat or antelope at any time except during the months of September, October and November in each year, during which months the males of such animals may be killed or hunted under the conditions and restrictions imposed by this section. It shall be unlawful at any time whatever to kill or capture any of the above-named animals mentioned in this section by means of any pit, pitfall or trap. Any person may, during the period permitted and prescribed in this section, pursue, hunt and kill any of the males of the animals mentioned in this section for the purpose only of supplying himself with food, but not for speculative purposes or wantonly. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any non-resident of this State to hunt, kill or pursue any of the male animals permitted by this section to be hunted, killed or pursued herein, without first having procured a license therefor so to do from a justice of the peace of the county wherein said animals are to be hunted. The jus- tices of the peace of this State are hereby authorized and directed to issue such licenses upon the payment of $20 for each license, which shall be good in their county. Such license shall permit such non-resident to pursue, hunt or kill any of the males of the animals mentioned in this section during the months of September, October and November of the current year for the purpose of supplying himself or his family with food during such period. Capturing for Export. — Sec. 15. It shall be unlawfuUat any time to capture or pursue, for the purpose of capturing any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 14 of this act, of whatever age, for the purpose of selling or tlisposing of the same, or of ship- ping the same out of the. State, except by express permission in writing of the State Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 8 The Game Laws in Brief. — Wyoming, Missouri. game and fish warden, and then only for the purpose of supplying public parks, zoological gardens, or places of public amusements. Bison, Buffalo, Beaver. — Sec. i6. No person shall kill, wound, ensnare or trap any bison or buffalo within the State of Wyoming for a period of ten years from and after the approval of this act. No person shall kill or wound, ensnare or trap, any beaver or kitten beaver within the State of Wyoming for a period of five years from and after the approval of this act. Hides, Horns. — Sec. 17. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to pur- chase, or obtain by barter, any green, tanned or untanned hide or hides or horns of any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 14. Transportation. — Sec. 18. It shall be unlawful for any railway, express company, stage line or other public carrier, or any of their agents or employees, or other person or persons, to receive or have in their possession for transportation any carcass or part of carcass, hides, tanned or untanned, or horns, of any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 14 of this act. or to transport the same after the passage of this act; except that nothing in this act shall prevent shipping or transporting in any manner mounted heads or stuffed birds or animals to any point in or out of the State. Dogs. — Sec. 20. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use dogs for the purpose of running or coursing deer, antelope, elk or mountain sheep. MISSOURI. Deer, Birds. — Chap. — , Laws 1S95. — Sec. i. It is hereby declared unlawful to kill any deer in the State of Missouri under one year of age. It is further declared unlawful to kill any deer of any age between the ist day of January and the ist day of October in each year; and for the purpose of preventing the extinction of the species it s hereby declared unlawful to kill any doe within five years after the passage of this ci- It is further declared unlawful to kill any wild song bird or insectivorous bird at ny season of the year, or to disturb, rob or destroy the nests of such birds, or take therefrom any egg or eggs. It is further declared unlawful to kill any wild turkey, pinnated rouse (commonly called prairie chicken), or rufiled grouse (commonly called pheasant or partridge), or any quail (sometimes called Virginia partridge), between Jan. I and Nov. i of each year, or any woodcock, turtle dove, meadow lark or plover, between Jan. z and Aug. i in each year. And it is further declared unlawful at any time or season to catch, take or injure by means of nets, traps, pens or pits or other device, any kind of game as herein described, within this State; and every person who shall kill any wild duck between the ist day of April and the ist day of October, or who shall ensnare, trap or kill by means of any explosive any wild goose or duck, or who shall shoot or kill the same between sunset and sunrise by means of gunpowder or other explosives of any kind, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person who shall ensnare, trap or net wild geese or ducks on his own premises for his own use. Non-Residents. — Rev. Stats. — Sec. 3905. If any person, being a non-resident of this State, shall kill any deer, fawn, wild turkey, pinnated grouse, ruffed grouse, quail, woodcock, goose, brant, duck or snipe, coon, mink, otter, beaver, bear, muskrat or other furred animals, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Shipment of Game. — Act of April 8, 1895. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful, for and during the period of five years next succeeding the passage of this act, for any person to ship from the county where killed to any other county in the State or to any point outside of the State, any quail, pinnated grouse, prairie chickens, deer or turkey. Fish. — No restrictions on angling. Imported Gan'e. — Act March 11, 1895, protects California valley or mountain quail or partridge, Mexican or Texas quail or partridge, of any variety of Messena or IVTontezuma to 1900. Read pages 2. 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. See index for any changes. The Game Laws in Brief. — Connecticut, Maine. CONNECTICUT. Woodcock, Quail, Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, Gray Squirrel. — General Statutes. — Sec. 2530. Every person who shall kill any woodcock, quail, ruffed grouse, called partridge, or gray squirrel, between the ist day of January and the ist day of October * * * shall be fined. Sora, Rail. — Sec. 2538. Every person who shall kill any sora, called rail, in the counties of New Haven, Fairfield, and Litchfield, between the ist day of January and the 20th day of August, and in every other county between the ist day of January and the ist day of September, shall be fined. Wildfowl. — Sec. 2541. Every person who shall kill any wild duck, goose or brant, in May, June, July, or August, or who shall kill any such fowl with any other gun than such a one as is commonly raised at arm's length and fired from the shoulder, or who shall shoot at any such bird, or other wild fowl from any vessel pro- pelled by steam or sails, or from any boat or other structure attached thereto, shall be fined. Rabbits. — [Use of ferrets on premises of another forbidden.] Exportation. — Sec. 2546. No person shall at any time kill any woodcock, ruffed grouse, or quail, for the purpose of conveying the same beyond the limits of this State; or shall transport, or have in possession with intent to procure the transportation be- yond said limits, any of such birds killed within this State. Deer. — Chap. 73, Laws 1893. — Sec. i. Any person who shall kill any deer during the ten years succeeding Oct. i, 1893, shall be fined. Mongolian Pheasant. — Chap. — , Laws 1893. — Ever)- person who shall kill any Mongolian or Chinese pheasants for the period of three years from the ist day of October, 1893, shall be fined. Trout. — Gen. Stats. — Sec. 2498 [as amended 1895]. Every person who shall sell or exchange, or offer or expose for sale or exchange, or have in his possession, any dead brook trout less than six inches in length, shall be fined. Sec. 2499 Every person who shall catch any brook trout except with a hook and line, or shall catch any trout except from the ist day of April to the ist day of July, shall be fined. Bass. — Chap. 310, Laws 1895. — Sec i. Any person who shall kill any small mouth black bass, or any large mouth black bass (commonly known as the Oswego or green bass), between the st day of May and the ist day of July, shall be fined ; and at no time shall any person be allowed to take any bass except with hook and line. Sec 2. This act shall not apply to any person taking such bass from any waters owned or leased by him, or to the towns of Canton and Farmington, or West Hill Pond in the towns of New Hartford and Barkhamsted ; provided, such bass shall not be sold or offered or exposed for sale. LOUISIANA. Deer. — Act No. 60, Laws of 1877. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful to kill any wild duck [buck], deer or fawn, between the ist day of March and the 1st day of October of each year. Wild Turkey.— Sec. 2. That no person shall kill any wild turkey, between th**, 15th day of April and the ist day of October. Quail, Partridge, Pheasant. — Sec. 3. That no person shall kill any quail, par- tridge, pheasant, between the ist day of April and the ist day of October in each year. Fish. — No close seasons. See index for any changes. 10 The Game Laws in Brief. — Idaho. IDAHO. Moose, Caribou, Mountain Sheep, Mountain Goat, Elk.— Act March ii, 1895. — Sec. I. It shall be unlawful to kill any moose, caribou, mountain sheep, mountain goat or elk at any time before the ist day of September, 1897, and after said I St day of September, 1897, at any time except between the ist day of September and the 31st day of December of each year. Deer, Antelope. — Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful to kill any deer or antelope except between the ist day of September and the 31st day of December of each year; or to kill, ensnare or trap any of the animals mentioned in this and the preceding section at any time of the year solely for the purpose of buying or selling their carcasses. Pro- vided that any of the animals mentioned in this and the preceding section may be taken alive, which shall be for scientific purposes only. Dogs Forbidden. — Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful to hunt or chase with dogs any moose, caribou, elk, deer, antelope, mountain sheep or mountain goat; or to own, keep or have in possession any dog or dogs for said purpose. Mongolian Pheasant. — Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful to kill any Mongolian pheasant at any time before the 1st day of August, 1900, and after said ist day of August, 1900, at any time except between the ist day of August and the 15th day of December of each year. Quail. — Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful to kill any quail except between the ist day of October and the ist day of December of each year. Partridge, Pheasant, Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Sage Hen, Fool Hen.— Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful to kill any partridge, pheasant, grouse, prairie chicken, sage hen or fool hen, except between the ist day of August and the 15th day of December a each year. Wildfowl. — Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful to kill any species of wild duck, gocse or swan, or to take or destroy their eggs, between the 15th day of April and the I5tb day of August of each year. Fish. — Sec. 12. It shall be unlawful to catch or kill any species of fish, except salmon, salmon trout and sturgeon, in any of the streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs or waters lying within the State of Idaho, with any seine or other net, or any spear, weir, fence, basket, trap, gill net, net net, otter or any other contrivance, except hook and line attached to a pole or held in the hand. Provided that no fish shall be taken by any method, except for breeding (and home consumption), between the 1st day of November and the 15th day of May of the succeeding year. NEBRASKA. Imported Pheasants protected at all times. Wildfowl.— Compiled Statutes.— Sec. 5666. It shall be unlawful at any time, by the use of any swivel, punt gun, big-gun, or any gun other than the common shoulder gun, or any punt-boat or sneak boat used for carrying such gun, to kill any wild goose, wood duck, teal, canvas-back, blue-bill, or other wild duck. [No close season.] Buffalo, Elk, Mountain Sheep, Deer, Antelope, Grouse, Quail, Wild Turkey. — Sec. 5667. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill any wild buffalo, elk, moun- tain sheep, deer, or antelope, between the 1st day of January and the ist day of October; or to kill any grouse between the ist day of January and the 1st day of September; or to kill quail or wild turkey between the ist day of January and the 1st day of October It shall be unlawful for any person to transport, or ship any such animal or bird at any time of the year. Fish. — No close seasons. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Virginia. ii VIRGINIA. Code of 1887 as amended 1894. Trout.— Sec. 2108 [as amended by Chap. 679, Laws 1894]. It shall be unlawful to capture mountain trout between the 15th day of September and the ist day of April, or at any time except by angling with hook and line. [California trout protected in North, South and Middle forks of Holston River for four years after stocking by U. S. Commission.] River or Pond Bass.— Sec. 2to8 [as amended by Chapter 679, Laws 1894]. It shall be unlawful to capture any river bass (commonly called b'ack bass or black perch) or pond bass (commonly called Southern chub) between the 15th day of May and the ist day of July. [Chap. 545, Laws 1894, forbids taking any fish in the Shen- andoah River or tributaries between April i and May 15.] [For Potomac seepage I2.J Deer. — Sec. 2079. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill any deer, or chase any deer with dogs, from the ist day of January until the 15th day of August. Wild Water-Fowl. —Sec. 2079. It shall be unlawful to kill any wild water fowl (except the summer duck), between the ist day of May and the 1st day of September, or to kill any wild water fowl, except from the land, at any time during the night; or to kill them with a gun which cannot be conveniently raised and fired at arm's length from the shoulder without a rest; provided, that wild geese may be killed either during the day or night; but in no case shall floating reflectors, lamps or lights of any kind be used in shooting them in the night; and nothing in this clause shall apply to the wild water fowl called sora. Non-Residents Killing Wild Fowl. — Sec. 2075. No person who is not an actual resident of this State shall kill any wild fowl in any waters, or on any marshes, islands or beaches within the jurisdiction of the State, below the head of tide water. This section shall not apply to non-residents killing wild fowl within the jurisdiction of the counties of Accomac and Northampton. Sec. 2076. If any person, who is not an actual resident of this State, shall, from a skiff, float, or sink boat, or by the aid thereof, within the jurisdiction of the counties of Fairfax, Prince William, Stafford, King George, or Henrico, shoot or kill any wild fowl, either in the night or day-time, he shall be fined one hundred dollars. Sec. 2077. No person shall be deemed a resi- dent who shall not have resided within the limits of the State twelve months next pre- eding the time when the alleged offense was committed. WILDFOWL IN ACCOMAC AND NORTHAMPTON.-Act of March 5, 1894. Sec. i. It shall not be lawful within the jurisdiction of the counties of Accomac and Northampton to kill any- wild water-fowl at any time during the night, or to kill them with a gun which cannot be conveniently- raised and fired at arm's lergth from the shoulder without a rest. Non-Residents Killing Wild- fowl. —Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person who is not an actual resident of this Stale to shoot atj catch or kill any wild fokvl in any waters or on any marshes or beaches within the jurisdiction of the said counties of Accomac and Northampton. This section shall not apply to such non-residents as are members of the Eastern Shore Game Protective Association, and subject to the charter and by-laws of said Association. [Secretary of the E. S. G. P. A. is Mr. T. W. Blackstone, Accomac C. H., Va. Initiation fee, $1; annual dues, $1.] WILDFOWL IN BACK BAY AND TRIBUTARIES IN PRINCESS ANNE CO.-Act Jan. 24. 1894. Forbidden to shoot wildfowl from sunset to sunrise; to leave landing or mooring before sunrise for shooting; to leave out decoys, floats, sink-boxes after sunset; to kill wildfowl except from land, battery, sink-box, point or blind (except that cripples may be pursued in boats;: to kill wildfowl on a Wednesday or a Saturday; to use deck or cabin boats or float houses; to shoot over decoys between April i and Oct. 20. A "peler" may be shot in any way after Feb. 1. WILDFOWL IN NORTHUMBERLAND.-Chap. 774, Laws 1894. It shall be lawful (for citizens of the county and persons who have bought property for gunning purposes) to shoot geese or ducks from battery, sjnk-box or skiff, in open season, and with shoulder guns only. Marsh Hen, Willet, Gull. — Sec. 2079. It shall be unlawful to kill the marsh hen, or take its eggs later in the season than the 20th of June; or kill or destroy the willet earlier in the season than the 15th of July; or kill the gull or striker before the ist day of September. Woodcock. — Sec. 2079. It shall be unlawful to kill woodcock between the ist day of April and the ist day of November; * * * except in Alexandria and Fairfax counties it shall not be lawful to kill woodcock between the ist day of January and the 4th day of July. 12 The Game Laws in Brief. — Virginia. Pheasants, Wild Turkeys.- Sec. 2079. I' shall be unlawful to kill any pheasants or ruffed grouse, or wild turkeys, between the ist day of February and the 15th day of September, in the counties west of the Blue Ridge (except Rockbridge) and in Rockbridge and the counties east of the blue Ridge (except Prince Edward* between the 15th day of January and the 15th day ol October ; and in Prince Edward between the ist day of March and the 15th day of October ; and in Fluvanna between the 15th day of February and the 15th day of October. [Does not apply to Amelia, Appomattox, Brunswick, Cumberland, Dinwiddle, Greenesvillp, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway and Sussex.) Partridge, Quail. Chap. 148, Laws 1896.- Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or capture any partridges (or quail) in the State of Virginia for the period of two years. Potomac Fishing. — Chap. 627, Laws 1896. Sec. i. That it shall not be lawful for any person to catch or kill any black bass, green bass, rock bass, pike (or pickerel), cr wall-eyed pike (commonly known as salmon\ in Potomac River between the 15th day of April and the ist day of June of each year. Sec. 3. The provisions of this law shall not be applicable below the liitle falls, near Washington. COUNTY CLOSE SEASONS. Following are special county close seasons on quail or partridge after 1897. Also seasons now in force on other game as specified. Pheasant is synonymous with ruffed grouse, hare with rabbit. Accomac and Northampton. — Jan. 1 to Nov. 15. Same for hare. Marsh hens always (their eggs after June 10). Willet to Aug. 15 (their eggs always). Gull, striker always (their eggs after July 4). Woodcock Nov. i to April i. Non-residents may not kill quail without written consent of landowners. Albemarle. — Dec. 15 to Nov. i. Pheasant, wild turkey Dec. 15 to Nov. i. Alleghany .—Ti^c. i to Oct. I. Pheasant, woodcock, snipe, wild turkey, deer Dec. i to Oct. i. Alexandria. — Yi'Ax^s^z.n. i to Oct. 1. Amherst. — Feb. i to Nov. i. Augusta, — Dec. 15 to Oct. 15. Other j^ame same as Alleghany. .5aM. Same as Alleghany. Bedford — Y€a. i to Nov. i. Brunswick. — "Y^h. i to Oct. 15. Deer Feb. I to Sept. i. Wild turkey March i to Oct. 20. Campbell.— I'o Oct. 15, 1895. Hare the same. Caroline. — Feb. i to Nov. i. Mongolian, English pheasant to April i, 1896. Charles City. — Deer Jan. 20 to Oct. 20. Charlotte. — Fch. i to Nov. i. Wild turkey same. Clarke. — To Oct. 31, 1895; thereafter Dec. 26 to Oct. 30 inclusive. Culpeper.—]3.n. 15 to Nov. i. Pheasant, hare, wild turkey same. Deer Dec. 25 to Sept. i. Dinwiddie.—]a.n. 15 to Oct. 15. Wild turkey same. Elizabeth City. — To Nov. 15, 1895; thereafter Feb. i to Nov. 15. Rabbit, woodcock same. Essex — Feb. i to Nov. I. Wild turkey same. Deer Feb. i to Aug 15. Fair/ax. — Same as Culpeper. Floyd. — Jan. 15 to Oct. I. Pheasant, wild turkey, March i to Oct. i. Forbidden to export. Franklin —Feb. i to Nov. I. Frederick. To Jan. i, 1895; thereafter Jan. i to JSov. i. Wild turkey, pheasant l^eb. i to Nov. I. Woodcock Feb. i to July 1. Deer Feb. i to Sept. 15 (dogs forbidden). Hare March 1 to Nov. I. Forbidden to "bait" or "blind" wild turkey, or to export game save by sportsmen as baggage. Gloucester . — Jan, i to Nov. i. Halifax. — Feb. 15 to Oct. 15. Wild turkey same. Hare, opossum Feb. I to Oct. 15. Hanover. — 'i^io.. 15 to Oct. 15. Wild turkey March 15 to Nov. i. Deer Jan. i to Aug. 15. Hare Feb. i to Oct. i. Land owners may shoot hares at any time. Henrico. Hare same as Hanover, Henry. — Feb. i to Oct. 25. Highland.— Deer Dec. i to Oct. i. Isle of Wight. — Feb. 15 to Nov. i. Wild turkey Feb. 15 to Sept. 15. King and Queen.— Y^h. 15 to Oct. 15. Deer Feb. I to Sept. 30. Summer duck April 1 to Oct. i. King George. — Jan. 15 to Nov. 15. Woodcock Jan. 15 to July I. Mongolian, English pheasant to April i, 1896. King IVilliam. — March i to Nov, I. Wild turkey March 15 to Nov. i. Deer Feb. i to Oct. i. Lancaster. — \''e.^<. 1 to Oct. 15. Deer same. Eee. — To Feb. 21, i8g6. Wild turkey, pheasant same. Land owners may shoot quail, wild turkey and pheasant between Oct. 15 and Jan. 15. Non-residents forbidden to shoot prior to 1899. Loudoun.— Jan. i to Oct. 15. Woodcock Jan. i to June 15. Pheasant Jan. i to Oct. 15. Robins May I to Feb. 15. Rabbit Jan. i to Oct. 15. Lunenburg. — Jan. i to Oct. 15. Wild turkey same. Mathews.— Jan. 1 to Nov. i. Mecklenburg.— Feb. 1 to Nov. i. Wild turkey same. Nansemond. — Feb. 15 to Nov. I. Wild turkey Feb. 15 to Sept. 15. Hare March i to Oct. 15. Northampton. — Same as Accomac. Northumberland. -Yeh. i to Nov. i. Nottowzy.— Jan. i to Nov. i. Wild turkey Feb, i. to Oct. i. Deer Jan. 15 to Aug. 15. Hare Jan. i to Sept. i. Orange.— Yi.ax& Jan 15 to Oct. 15. Page Deer Oct. i to Dec. i. Pittsylvania. — Jan. i to Dec. i (except by land owner); export forbidden except as sportsmen's baggage. Forbidden to kill on snow. Wild turkey Feb. 15 to Nov I. Prince George. — Feb. i to Nov. i. Deer Jan. 15 to Sept, i. Wild turkey Feb, 15 to Oct. i. Prince William. — Hare Feb. i to Oct. i. Princess Anne. — Deer Feb. 15 to Sept. 15. Pulaski. — Feb. I to Nov. i. Richmond.— Ytb. i to Oct, 15. Deer same. Roanoke.— To Oct. 15, 1897 Wild turkey, pheasant Feb. I to Oct. 15. Deer, hare Jan. i to Oct. i. Rockbridge — To Jan. 15, 1896. Rockingham. — Dec. 15 to Oct. 15. Pheasant, wild turkey Jan, 15 to Sept. i. Deer Jan. i to Oct. i. Export of game for- bidden. Scott. Same as Lee for all game. Shenandoah. — Jan. i to Nov. i. Pheasant, wild turkey Feb. I to Nov. i. Woodcock April i to July i. Deer Dec. 15 to Sept. 15. Smyth. — To Feb. 21, 1896; thereafter Feb. i to Nov i. Pheasants same. Wild turkey March 15 to Nov. 4. Deer to Feb 4, 1897. Southafnpton. — Yeh. 15 to Nov. i. Wild turkey Feb. 15 to Sept. 15 Spotrsylvania. — Vch. 1 to Nov. I. Mongolian, English pheasant to April i, 1896. Pheasant, wild turkey Feb. i to Nov. 1. Hare Feb. i to Oct. i. Staff^ord.— Y^h. i to Nov. i. Mongolian, English pheasant to April i, 1896. Surrey. -Same as Prince George for all game. Tazewell. — Deer to Feb. 4, 1897. Warren.— Dec. 26 to Oct. 30 inclusive. Washington. — Same as Smyth for all game. Westmoreland. Feb i to Nov i. Wild turkey Feb. 15 to Nov, 15. Wythe. — To Nov. i, 1897; thereafter Jan. i to Nov. i. Pheasant Feb. I to Sept. i. Wild turkey Jan. 15 to Oct. 15. Deer to Feb. 4, 1897. The Game Laws in Brief. — Texas, Illinois. 13 TEXAS. Deer. — Art. 426. It shall be unlawful to kill any wild deer between the 20th day of January and the ist day of August. Wild Turkey. — Art. 426)^. It shall be unlawful to kill any wild turkey between the 15th day of May and the ist day of September. Pinnated Grouse, Prairie Chicken. — Art. 427. If any person shall kill any pinnated grouse (prairie chickens) in the months of March, April, May, June and July, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Quail, Partridge. — Art. 428. If any person shall kill any quail or partridges in the months of April, May, June, July, August and September, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Birds of Plume. — Chap. 71, Laws 1891. — Sec. i. That if any person shall wil- fully kill any seagull, tern, shearwater, egret, heron or pelican, or shall wilfully take from their nests or in any manner destroy any egg or eggs of any seagull, tern, shear- water, egret, heron or pelican, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. ILLINOIS. Deer, Wild Turkey, Pinnated Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Ruffed Grouse, Quail, Pheasant, Partridge, Woodcock, Squirrel. — Act of May 14, 1879. — Sec. I. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hunt, pursue, kill, trap, net or ensnare, or otherwise destroy any wild buck, doe or fawn or wild turkey, between the 15th day of January and the ist day of September of each and every year, or any pinnated grouse or prairie chicken between the ist day of November and the 15th day of September of the succeeding year, or any ruflfed grouse, quail, pheasant or partridge between the ist day of December and the ist day of October of each succeeding year or any year; or any woodcock between the 15th day of September and the 15th day of July of each succeeding or any year; or any gray, red, fox or black squirrel between the 15th day of December and the ist day of June of each succeeding year or any year. Water Fowl. — And it shall be unlawful to kill, hunt, destroy, snare, entrap or to attempt to kill, hunt, snare, entrap or otherwise destroy any wild goose, duck, brant, or other water fowl at any time between the 15th day of April and the 15th day of September of any year. And it shall be unlawful to hunt, kill, trap, ensnare or attempt to hunt, kill, trap, ensnare or otherwise destroy any wild goose, brant, duck, rail or other water fowl between sunset of any day and sunrise of the next succeeding day at any period of the year, and it shall further be unlawful, at any time, to hunt, kill, trap or ensnare or to attempt to hunt, kill, trap or ensnare or otherwise destroy any wild goose, brant, duck, or other water fowl, from any fixed or artificial ambush beyond a natural cover- ing of reeds, canes, flags, wild rice or other vegetation above the water of any lake, river, bay or inlet or other water-course wholly within this State, or in such part of such stream or water-course wholly within this State, or with the aid and use of any device commonly called sneak boat, sink box or other device used for the purpose of concealment in the open waters of this State; and it shall further be unlawful to shoot, kill or destroy, or shoot at any wild goose, duck, brant, or other water fowl with a swivel gun, or from any sail boat or steamboat at any time in any part of the water of any lake, river, bay or inlet or other water-course. Sale, Possession, Transportation. — Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to buy, sell, or have in possession, any of the animals, wild fowl or birds mentioned in section one of this act at. any time when the trapping, netting or ensnaring of such animals, wild fowl or birds shall be unlawful, which shall have been entrapped, netted or ensnared contrary to the provisions of this act; and it shall further be unlaw- ful for any person or persons at any time to sell or expose for sale, or to have in his or iRead pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 14 The Game Laws in Brief.— Illinois, Iowa. their possession for the purpose of selling, any quail, pinnated grouse or praine chicken, ruffed grouse or pheasant, gray, red, fox, or black squirrel or wild turkey, that shall have been caught, snared, trapped or killed within the limits of this State; and it shall further be unlawful for any person, corporation or carrier to receive for transportation, to transport, carry or convey any of the aforesaid quail, pinnated grouse, or prairie chicken, ruffed grouse or pheasant, squirrel, or wild turkey, that shall have been caught, snared, trapped or killed within the limits of this State, know- ing the same to have been sold, or to transport, cairy or convey the same to any place where it is to be sold or offered for sale, or to any place outside of this State for any purpose. Fishing. — Act of May 31, 1887. — Sec. i. That no person shall place or cause to be placed or erected any seine, weir, net, fish dam or other obstruction, in or across any of the rivers, creeks,' streams, ponds, lakes, sloughs, bayous, or other water or water-courses, in such manner as shall obstruct the free passage of fish; and it shall be unlawful to take fish, except minnows for bait, with any device other than a hook and line, within one-half mile of any dam; it shall be unlawful to kill any fish by use of lime, spear, acid, medicinal or chemical compound or explosive; it shall be unlawful to catch any fish in or upon any lakes, while such lakes are covered with ice, with any device or means from the ist day of December to the ist day of March in each and every year. [No other provisions as to seasons.] IOWA. Pinnated Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Woodcock, Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, Wild Turkey, Quail, Wildfowl, Deer, Elk.— 17th G. A. Chap. 156.— Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful to kill any pinnated grouse or prairie chicken, between the ist day of December and the ist day of September next following; any woodcock, between the 1st day of January and the loth day of July; any ruffed grouse or pheasant, wild turkey or quail, between the ist day of January and the ist day of October; any wild duck, goose, or brant, between the 1st day of May and the 15th day of August; or any wild deer, elk or fawn, between the ist day of January and the 1st day of Septem- ber. [Swivel gun for wildfowl forbidden.] Killing Game for Traffic — Lawful Number. — Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill for traffic any pinnated grouse or prairie chicken, woodcock, quail, ruffed grouse or pheasant; or for any one person to kill during any one-day, more than 25 of either kind of said named birds; or to have more than 25 of either kind of said named birds in possession at any one time, unless lawfully received for transpor- tation. Exportation. — Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, company, or cor- portation at any time to ship, or carry out of this State any of the birds or animals named in section 2 of this act ; but it shall be lawful for any person to ship to any person within this State, any game birds named in said section 2, not to exceed one dozen in number in any one day; provided, he shall first make an affidavit before some person authorized to administer oaths, that said birds have not been unlawfully killed, bought, sold, or had in possession, are not being shipped for sale or profit, giving the name and post-ofifice address of the person to whom shipped, and the num- ber of birds to be so shipped. Salmon, Trout, Bass, Pike, Croppies.— Act of April i, 1890.— Sec. 3 [as amended 1894]. It shall be unlawful for any person to take from any of the waters of the State any salmon or trout between the ist day of November and the ist day of April followiiig, or any bass, pike, croppies, or any other game fish between the 1st day of April and the 15th day of May following in each year, in any manner whatsoever. [An act of 1896 forbids use of "more than two lines with one hook upon each line in still-fishing, trolling or otherwise."] Read pages 2, 3. For any changes Eee index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — North Carolina. 15 NORTH CAROLINA. Mountain Trout.— Code of 1883.— Sec. i 122. It shall be unlawful to catch mountain trout by seining at all times. And there shall be no taking of said fish by shooting or otherwise between the i6th day of October and the 30th day of December. Deer.— Code of 1883.— Sec. 2832 [as amended 1893]. Any person who shall kill any deer between the 31st day of December and the ist day of October next thereafter ensuing shall pay a penalty of fifty dollars. [There are numerous county and local laws.] Birds.— Code of 1883.— Sec. 28,34. No person shall kill any partridge, quail, robins, lark, mocking-birds or wild turkeys, between the 15th day of March and the ist day of November. Any person who shall kill any partridge or quail in Currituck county between the ist day of April and the ist day of December shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. [There are numerous county and local laws.] Exportation of Quail or Partridge. — Sec. 2835. No person shall export or transport from the State any quail or partridges, whether dead or alive. Hunting Wild Fowl on Sunday, by Night, or with Big Guns. — Sec. 2837. No person shall hunt or shoot wild fowl on the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, or on any day of the week after the hour of sunset and before the hour of daylight] with gun or fire, or use any gun other than can be fired from the shoulder. Wild Fowl, Blind, Box, Battery, etc. — Sec. 2840. No person shall kill, for sale, any wild fowl in the waters of Currituck, New Hanover, and Brunswick counties between the loth days of March and November of each year, or ship out of the State between said dates any wild fowl killed in the waters aforesaid; and no non-resident shall shoot any wild fowl in any of the waters of New Hanover and Brunswick, Cur- rituck and Dare counties from any blind, box, battery, or float of any kind which is not on land at the time. Wild Fowl Decoys, Exportation, Non-Residents. — Chap. 126, Laws i88g. — Sec. i. That no person shall place in the waters of Currituck county decoys of any kind whatever between the 1st day of April and the loth day of November of any year, or ship out of the State any vi^ild fowl between these dates. Sec. 2. No non- resident shall shoot any wild fowl in the waters of the counties of Currituck and Dare from any blind, box, battery or float not on land at the time. [Supersedes Sec. 2840 so far as it conflicts.] Floating Blinds. — Chap. 115, Laws 1889. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person to put bushes or other blinds on their boats, skiffs, or any float of any character, with the intent of decoying or pursuing ducks in the county of Currituck. NORTH CAROLINA — CURRITUCK. — Chap. 286, La^s 1893 fas amended by Chap. 109, Laws 1895]. — Sec. 2. It shall r.ot be lawful to shoot over decoys of any kind in the waters of said sound between ihe 20th day 01 March and the 20th day ot October of each year, or to sell or to ship any wild- fowl between the said 20th day of March and 20th day of October of each year. Sec. 3. No person shall put out decoys in the waters of said sound before sun-up of any day between the 20th day of October and the 20th day of March each year, and on every W ednesday and every Saturday between the 20th day of October and the 20th day of March of each year no person shall put out decoys of any kind in the waters of said sound. Sec. 4. No person between the 20th day of < ctober and the 20th day of March of each year shall sail or row or propel a boat in any way after wildfowl in the waters of said sound for the purpose of forcing them on the wing, or shoot them with rifle while sailing at any time. Sec. 5. All battery boats shall not leave said landing for the purpose of hunting wildfowl until jsuorise. See index for any changes. i6 The Game Laws in Brief. — Vermont. VERMONT. CHAP. 80, LAWS 1892. Trout, Land-Locked Salmon, Salmon Trout, Longe. — Sec. 15. A person who takes a trout, land-locked salmon, salmon trout, or longe between the ist day of September in one year and the 1st day of May in the next year, shall be fined. Lawful Sizes of Fish. — Sec. 16. Any person who takes a trout, land-locked salmon or salmon trout less than 6in. in length, or black bass less than loin. in length, and does not immediately return the same with the least possiole injury, to the waters from whence it was taken, shall be f^^ed. Black Bass, Wail-Eyed Pike, Pike Perch, White Perch, Muskallonge. — Sec. 17. A person who, between the ist day of January and the 15th day of June, takes a black bass in any of the waters of this State; or who, between the 15th day of Apri) and the 15th day of June takes a wall-eyed pike or pike-perch, white perch or muskallonge, in any of the waters of this State, except Lake Champlain, shall pay a fine. Angling Only. — Sec. i. Angling is defined to mean taking fish with hook and line or rod held in hand, and does not include set lines. Sec. 18. A person who catches trout, land-locked salmon, salmon trout, or longe, except by angling, or who catches black bass, muskallonge, pike, pickerel, or wall-eyed pike (pike-perch), except by angling or when fishing on the ice, and then not with more than fifteen tended lines, shall pay a fine. Ice Fishing. — Sec. ig. No person shall fish through the ice in any of the waters of this State, inhabited by trout or land-locked salmon. Shooting Pike or Pickerel.— Sec. 21. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit the shooting of pickerel or pike (not wall-eyed pike) with a gun held to shoulder, from the 15th day of March to the ist day of May. Deer. — Sec. 40. A person who, prior to the ist day of November, igoo, pursues, takes or kills a wild deer, shall be fined one hundred dollars. Rabbit, Hare. — Sec. 41. If any person shall kill any rabbit or hare, between the ist day of May and the ist day of September, he shall be fined. Game Birds. — Sec. 43. No person shall take a quail, wild duck, wild goose or plover between the ist day of January and the 1st day of September, or any ruffed grouse (commonly called partridge) or woodcock between the ist day of January and the 15th day of September, or pheasant between the 20th day of November in one year and the ist day of October in a succeeding year. Exportation of Game for Sale. — Sec. 44. No person shall kill any woodcock or ruffed grouse, commonly called partridge, for the purpose of shipping or in any man- ner disposing to parties or persons outside of this State for traffic or gain. Imported Birds. — Chap. 106, Laws i8g4.— Sec. i. Any person who, before Jan. I, 1900, takes or kills a sharp-tailed grouse, pinnated grouse, capercailzie, black game, ptarmigan or pheasant, shall be fined $10 for each of the same so taken or killed. But nothing in this section shall be held to prohibit the shooting of pheasants on inclosed and posted lands by the owners of such lands or their licensees between the 1st day of September and the 31st day of December in any year, provided the pheas- ants so shot have been actually bred on such lands in a state of activity. Read pages 2, 3. For any- changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Br ef.— Maine. 17 MAINE. Moose. — Rev. Stats., Chap. 30. — Sec. 9 [as amended 1895]. Whoever hunts, catches, kills or destroys with dogs, jack lights, so called, snares or traps, any bull moose, or in any manner hunts, catches, kills, destroys or has in possession any cow or calf moose, or part thereof, forfeits not less than $100; and no person shall, between the ist days of January and October, in any manner hunt, catch, kill, destroy or have in pos'^ession any bull moose. Deer, Canbou. — Sec. 10 [as amended 1895]. Whoever hunts, catches, kills or -destroys, with dogs, jack lights, so called, snares or traps, any deer or caribou, forfeits $40; and no person shall, between the 1st days of January and October, in any man- ner hunt, catch, kill, destroy or have in possession any deer or caribou, or part thereof, taken in close time, under the same penalty. Any person may lawfully kill any dog found hunting moose, deer or caribou, or kept or used for that purpose. Lawful Number. — Sec. 12 [as amended 1895]. No person shall kill or have in possession, between the ist days of October and January, more than one bull moose, one caribou and two deer. Transportation, Exportation. — Sec. 13. No person or corporation shall carry or transport from place to place any moose, caribou or deer, or part thereof, in close time, nor in open time unless open to view, tagged and plainly labeled with the name of the owner thereof, and accompanied by him. Ducks, Partridge, Grouse, Woodcock, Quail, Plover. — Sec. 21 [as amended 1895J. Whoever kills any wood duck, dusky duck, commonly called black duck, teal or gray duck, between the ist days of May and September, or kills any ruffed grouse, commonly called partridge, between the 1st days of December and September 20, or woodcock, between the ist days of December and September following; or kills any quail between the ist day of December and the 1st day of October following, or pinnated grouse, commonly called prairie chicken, between the 1st days of January and September, or plover between the ist days of May and August, forfeits not less than $5 nor more than $10. And no person shall at any one time kill or have in possession m.ore than thirty of each variety of birds above named, during the respect- ive open seasons; nor shall any person at any time kill any of the above-named varie- ties of birds except for consumption within this State; nor shall any person carry or transport from place to place in open season any of the above-mentioned birds unless open to view, tagged and plainly labeled with the owner's name, and accompanied by him. Introduced Birds. — Chap, 149, Laws 1895. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful for a term of hve years to hunt for, take, catch, kill or destroy any of the following named birds: The capercailzie or cock of the w'oods, so called, black game, so called, or any species of the pheasant except the partridge, so called. Salmon. — Rev. Stats., Chap. 40. — Sec. 41. No salmon shall be taken or fished for within five hundred yards of any fishway, dam or mill-race, * * * except by the ordinary mode of angling with a single hook and line or artificial flies; nor shall hook and line or artificial flies be used at any time within one hundred yards of any fishway. dam or mill-race. Sec. 42. From the 15th day of July to the ist day of April follow- ing there shall be a close time for salmon, during which no salmon shall be taken or killed in any manner; provided, however, that between the 15th days of July and September it is lawful to fish for and take salmon by the ordinary mode, with rod and single line, but not otherwise. Sec. 43. Between the ist day of April and the 15th day of July there shall be a weekly close time of forty-eight hours from sunrise on each Saturday morning to sunrise on the following Monday morning, during which no salmon shall be taken. [Does not apply to Penobscot, Kennebec or Androscoggin rivers or tributaries.] Land-locked Salmon, Trout, Togue, Black Bass, White Ferch.— Sec. 47, There shall be an annual close time for land-locked salmon, commonly so called,. Read pag>es 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. i8 The Game Laws in Brief.— Maine. trout, togue, black hass, Oswego bass and white perch, as follows, viz.: For land- locked salmon, trout and togue, between the ist days of October and the following May, except on the St. Croix river and its tributaries, and all the waters in Kennebec county, in which the close time is between the 15th day of September and the ist day of the following May; and for black bass, Oswego bass and white perch, between the ist days of April and July. Sec. 48. No person shall take, catch, kill or fish for, in any manner, any land-locked salmon, trout or togue, in any of the waters aforesaid, between the ist days of October and the following May; nor in the St. Croix river and its tributaries, between the 15th day of September and the ist day of the follow- ing May; or black bass, Oswego bass or white perch, between the ist days of April and July; provided, however, thar during February, March and April citizens of che State may fish for and take land-locked salmon, trout or togue, and convey the same to their own homes, but not otherwise; provided, further, that the provisions of this and the preceding sections shall not apply to the taking of Dlack bass from any waters which have been stocked therewith for a period of five years. Only Angling Permitted. — Sec. 51. Whoever takes any fish, except suckers, with grapnel, spear, trawl, weir, seine, trap, or set lines, except when fishing on the ice, and then with not more than five set lines, except in tide waters where such methods are not prohibited, or with any device or in any other way than by the ordinary mode of angling with single baited hooks and lines or with artificial flies, artificial minnows, or artificial insects, forfeits $25. [As amended 1895.] Sizes of Fish— Lawful Amount. — Sec. 53. Whoever kills any sea salmon or land-locked salmon less than nine inches in length, or any trout less than five inches in length, forfeits $5. Sec. 54 [as amended 1895J. No person shall catch or have in possession, at anyone time for transportation, more than twenty-five pounds of land- locked salmon, trout or togue in all, nor shall any such be transported except in the possession of the owner thereof. Provided, however, that the taking of one fish additional, when having less than twenty-five pounds, shall not be regarded a violation of the law Black Bass. — Sec. 55. Whoever takes any black bass during April, May and June, or at any time from their spawning beds, forfeits not more than $20. [The Commissioners state (1893) that, as no black bass have been put out within five years, Sec. 47 is practically inoperative as to that species, and that they construe Sec. 55 as being virtually repealed by intent, in so far as it relates to a close season for black bass.] Rangeley Lakes Tributaries. — Chap. 451, Laws 1885. — Sec. i No person shall catch any trout or land-locked salmon in the Rangeley stream between the mouth of the Kennebago stream and the head of the island at the eddy, from the ist day of July to the ist day of May; nor from the head of said island to the Rangeley dam, at any time; nor in the South Bog stream above the dead water at the mouth of said stream, from the ist day of July to the ist day of May; nor in the Bemis stream above north line of letter D 'plantation from the ist day of July to the ist day of May; nor in the Cupsuptic stream between the foot of the first falls toward its mouth and its source, from the ist day of July to the ist day of May; nor in the Kennebago stream between the foot of the first fall toward its mouth and the upper falls at the outlet of Kennebago lake, from the ist day of September to the ist day of May. THE DATE OF THIS REVISION, This vvork is revised to the date given on last index page, facing back cover. Any changes made in a law as printed in the body of the book will be noted on the index page. The Game Laws in Brief. — New Jersey. 19 NEW JERSEY. Chap. 255, Laws 1895, as amended 1896. Lawful Mode of Taking Game.— Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons at any time, either on their own property or that of others, to pursue with intent to kill or injure, or in any manner to attempt to take or injure, any hare or rabbit, quail (frequently called partridge), ruffed grouse (frequently called partridge or pheasant), European pheasant, European partridge, European grouse, wild deer, buck, doe or fawn, gray snipe (frequently called English or Wilson snipe), duck, brant, goose, dove, swan, gray, black or fox squirrel, woodcock, reed bird, rail bird, marsh hen, grass or upland plover, or other game bird or game animal, excepting in the manner usually known as hunting v/ith gun or with dog and gun, the gun being sych as may be held at arm's length and fired from the shoulder without other rests, and at such times as may be permitted in this act, under a penalty of $50. Deer. — Sec. 3. That it sliall be unlawful to kill or have unlawfully in possession any wild deer, buck, doe or fawn, excepting only between the 25th day of October and the 5th day of November, inclusive. Hare, Rabbit, Quail or Partridge.— Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful to capture, kill or injure or have in possession any hare, rabbit, quail (frequently called partridge), except only between the loth day of November and the ist day of January, inclusive. Woodcock, Snipe, Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, Reed Bird, Rail Bird, Marsh Hen, Squirrel.— Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful to capture, kill or injure or have in possession any woodcock except in the month of July, and also between the 1st day of October and the loth day of December, inclusive; gray snipe (commonly called English or Wilson snipe), except only during the months of March and April, and also the month of September ; ruffed grouse (frequently called partridge or pheas- ant), European pheasant, European partridge, European grouse, except only between the 1st day of October and the loth day of December, inclusive ; reed bird, rail bird (or marsh hen), excepting only the month of September ; and gray, black or fox squir- rels, except only during the month of September and also between the loth day of November and the loth day of December, inclusive. Upland Plover, Dove. — Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful to capture, kill or injure or have in possession any grass or upland plover or dove, except only during the months of August and September. Other Birds. — Sec. 7. That it shall be unlawful to capture, kill or injure, or have in possession after the same have been captured, killed or injured, any night hawk, whip-poor-will, thrush, meadow lark, finch, martin, barn swallow, woodpecker, robin, oriole, red or cardinal bird, cedar bird, tanager or other insectivorous bird ; provided that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent the taking or killing of English sparrows, cranes, hawks, crows, ravens, crow-blackbirds, kingfishers or red- winged blackbirds. Wild Fowl. — Sec. 9. That it shall be unlawful for any person hunting after geese, duck or brant or other web-footed wild fowl, to place the boator sink-box or other float- ing vessel in which he lies in wait at a distance of more than one hundred feet from ice or from marsh or meadow, bar or bank or heaped seaweed not covered with water at high tide, the said boat or other floating vessel to be attached to said marsh or meadow by a line ; and it shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to capture or kill geese, duck, brant or other web-footed wild fowl, to hunt after or pursue them in any manner, excepting between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. Sec. 10. That NON-RESIDENTS IN NEW JERSEY. No non-resident license for shooting or fishing is required in any of the counties of New Jersey The charter of the West Jersey Game Protective Society was repealed in 1896. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 20 The Game Laws in Brief. — New Jersey. it shall be unlawful to pursue any goose, brant, duck or other web-footed wild fowl with, or to shoot or shoot at the same from any boat or vessel propelled by any means excepting oars or paddles, or from any boat, vessel or similar structure anchored and staked upon the waters of this State at a greater distance than one hundred feet from ice, marsh or meadow, bar or bank or heaped seaweed, not covered with water at high tide. Sec, ii. That it shall be unlawful to kill or to have unlawfully in possession any goose, duck, brant or other web-footed wild fowl, excepting only between the 30th day of September and the ist day of May. Sabbath.- Sec. 15. That it shall be unlawful to hunt with a gun, or with a dog, or with any firearms or weapons, or to carry a gun in the fields or in the woods on the Sabbath day (commonly called Sunday). Live Game. — Sec. 16. That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent associations or individuals from domesticating or bringing into this State any animals or birds for the purpose of propogating the same, or keeping the same until a season- able opportunity offers for their release. Fishing. — Sec. 17. [Nets are prohibited, but minnows for bait may be taken with seine not over 25ft. length.] Bass.— Sec. 18. That it shall be unlawful to catch, kill, take or have in possession any black bass, Oswego bass, except only between and including the 30th day of May and the ist day of December. Brook Trout. — Sec. 19. That it shall be unlawful to catch, kill, take or have in possession any brook trout, excepting only between and inckiding the 1st day of April and the 15th day of July. Sizes of Fish. — Sec. 20. That it shall be unlawful at any time to kill, sell, expose for sale or have in possession any black bass measuring less than nine inches in length, or any trout measuring less than six inches in length, except for the use of stocking waters of this State therewith, and on license, in writing, first obtained for that pur- pose, under the hand and seal of the fish and game commissioners of this State. Pickerel. — Sec. 25. That it shall be unlawful to catch, kill, take or have in pos- session any pickerel between the 20th day of February and the ist day of May. Ice Fishing. — Sec. 26. That it shall be unlawful to take pickerel, pike or perch through the ice, excepting below the tide-waters of this State, except by the use of a single line or single lines, with a single hook on said line or on each of said lines. Stocked Waters. — Sec. 27. [Unlawful to take introduced fish within three years from stocking.] Trespass.— Sec. 28. That it shall be unlawful to enter or trespass on any land for the purpose of taking fish from any private pond, stream or spring, after the owner, lessee or rightful occupant shall have posted in prominent places on such land, adjacent to such pond, stream or spring, at least ten legibly written or printed notices forbidding such trespassing. Export of Game and Fish. — Sec. 34. That it shall be unlawful at all times to remove or attempt to remove from this State any of the birds, game or fish whose capture is prohibited, or for which a close season is provided by any provision of this act; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to birds, game or fish which may have been captured during such periods as the provisions of this act make lawful for such capture, and that such removal shall not take place excepting within such periods ; and provided that this act shall not apply to common carriers carrying from beyond the confines of this State in unbroken packages to some other point beyond the confines of this State any such birds, game or fish. THE DATE OF THIS REVISION. This work is revised to the date given on last index page, facing back cover. Any changes made in a law as printed in the body of the book will be noted on the index page. The Game Laws in Brief. — New Hampshire. 2i NEW HAMPSHIRE. Introduced Birds. — Act of April 7, 1891. — Sec. i. If any person shall prior to Oct. I, 1896, kill any game or song bird of any species not now to be found in the State, but which may be brought into the State prior to said Oct. i, 1896, he shall be fined. Game Birds. — Rev. Stats., Chap. 132. — Sec. 2 [as amended 1895]. If any person shall, between the ist day of February and the ist day of August, kill any of the birds called plover, yellowlegs, sandpipers, ducks or rails; or shall, between the 1st day of January and the 15th day of September, kill any woodcock, ruffed grouse, partridges or quails, he shall be punished by a fine of $10. And no person shall kill any woodcock, ruffed grouse or partridge during the months of September, October, November and December, or plover during the months of August, September, October, November, December and January, except for consumption as food, within the State. Nothing in the above shall be construed to prevent the shooting of ducks on the sea coast or in salt water during the months of February, March and April. Moose, Caribou, Deer.— Chap. 131. — Sec. i [as amended 1895]. If any person shall at any time, except between the 15th day of September and the 15th day of November following, hunt, kill, destroy or capture any moose, caribou or wild deer, or shall at any time hunt, kill, capture or destroy any of the above-named animals with dogs, he shall be fined $50. The fish commissioners, their deputies or any regu- larly appointed game warden may summarily dispose of any dog found pursuing or harrassing any of the animals protected by this section. Lawful Number. — Act March 26, 1S91.— Sec. 2. If any person during the open season of any year shall kill more than one moose, two caribou or three deer, he shall be punished. Wild Pigeon, Turtle Dove. — Act approved March 28, 1895.— Sec. i. It shall not be lawful for any person to kill, destroy or have in his possession, between the date of the passage of this act and the ist day August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, any passenger pigeon, commonly known as wild pigeon, or any turtle dove. Raccoon, Coon, Gray Squirrel. — Chap. 3. — Sec. 3. If any person shall, between the ist day of January and the ist day of September, kill any raccoon ,or coon, or gray squirrel, he shall be punished. - Hare, Rabbit, Muskrat.— Sec. 4. If any person shall, in any way, kill any hares, rabbits or muskrats, between the ist day of April and the ist day of September in each year, he shall be punished. [Use of ferrets forbidden.] Land-locked Salmon, Lake Trout, Speckled Trout.— Chap. 133. — Sec. 4 [as amended 1S95]. If any person shall take, kill or have in his possession, from any of the waters of this State, any young salmon known as parr, smelt or grilse at any time, or any land-locked or fresh-water salmon, betv.'een the 30th day of September in any one year and the 15th day of April next following, or any lake trout, brook or speckled trout, from the ist day of September to the 1st day of May next following, except lake trout taken with single hooks and lines during the months of January, February, March and April, he shall be fined. Ice Fishing, Lawful Sizes of Fish. — Sec. 6 [as amended 1895]. If any person shall kill or have in his possession any brook or speckled trout, or any land-locked salmon, taken through the ice. frorn the waters of the State, or any brook trout, at any time, of a length less than five inches, or any striped bass, land-locked salmon, aureo- leus or golden trout, or pickerel, of a length less than ten inches, or any black bass less than six inches, he shall be fined. Pike-Perch, White Perch, Black Bass.— Sec. 5. If any person shall take any pi.ce-perch or white perch in any waters except tide waters, during the months of May Read pages 2, 3. For any ciianges £ee index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Oklahoma. and June, or shall take any black bass between the 30th day of April and the 15th day of Tune in any year, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of $10. [As amended 1893.] Muskallonge, Pickerel, Pike, Grayling.— Sec. 6. It shall not be lawful to catch any muskallonge, pickerel, pike or grayUng; during the months of April and May. Salmon, Parr, Smolt, Grilse.— Sec. 7. * * * Nor shall young salmon, known as parr, smolts or grilse be caught or killed. OKLAHOMA. Seasons.— Act approved March 8, 1895.— Sec. i. It shall be unlawful for any person to wound, kill, ensnare or trap, in any manner within this territory, any deer, buck, doe or fawn, or antelope, any prairie chicken, or any grouse, quail, wild turkey, wren, martin, swallow, robin, turkey buzzard or any insectivorous birds, or to pursue the same with such intent, or to have the same in their possession, except it shall be lawful to shoot q.uail, prairie chickens and wild turkeys between the ist day of Novem- ber and the 1st day of February of the following year, and to shoot plover and dove between the ist day of August and the 31st day of December of each year; provided, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons at any time to kill, destroy or have in their possession any wild turkey, quail, plover or dove for any purpose or under any pretext whatsoever except for their own private use as a food. Be it further provided, that it shall be lawful to catch and possess deer, buck, doe or antelope for the purpose of domestication within this territory; and provided, further, that no person shall be permitted to hunt, trap or fish on the premises of another unless he shall have first procured the consent of the owner, occupant or lessee of such premises. Provided, that this section shall not apply to the shooting and killing of hawks and birds of the falcon family that live by preying on other fowls. Exportation. — Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person within this territory to export to any other territory or State or country any game mentioned in Sec. i of this act. Transportation. — Sec. 4. It .shall be unlawful for any railroad company, express company or other common carrier, their ofhcers, agents, servants, or any other person or persons, to receive within this territory any of the game mentioned in Sec. i of this act, or any meat or parts of such game, for the purpose of transporting or carry- ing or in any manner handling the same, or to transport or to carry any of said game or any meat or part thereof, which shall have been captured or killed in this territory. Except that the provisions of this section shall not apply to live birds or animals captured and held for domestic or scientific purposes, and provided that not more than one pair of such birds or animals may be shipped at any one time. Fish. — Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to take any fish wath a gig or spear, net, seine, gun or trap of any kind, or set net, weir or pot in any of the lakes, ponds, rivers or small streams of this territory; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to legitimate fishing with hook, line and pole, or to persons catching small minnows for bait with a seine not over ten feet in length, or to the taking of tish out of the Arkansas river, Cimarron river, or the North or South Canadian rivers, or the Deep Fork or Salt Fork of the Arkansas, between the ist day of January and the 1st day of June of each year, and between the 1st day of September and the ist day of November of each year. Bead pages 2. 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — North Dakota. 23 NORTH DAKOTA. Non-Residents.— Code 1895. — Sec. 1643. It shall be unlawful for any non-resi- dent of this State to hunt, kill or wound in this State any of the wild animals or birds mentioned in the Penal Code, without having first obtained the permit for non-resi- dents hereinafter provided for. It shall be unlawful for any resident of this State, either alone or with another or others, to use any dog in hunting, setting, pointing or retrieving any game unless such resident shall hold a permit good at the place where he so uses a dog, as hereinafter provided. Such permits shall be subject to inspection of any person upon demand. [License fee for non-residents, $25; for residents, 50 cents; license good for one season.] Game Seasons, Methods, Amount. — Sec. 7677. Every person who either (i) shoots or kills any prairie chickens, pinnated grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, ruffed grouse, woodcock, plover, wild duck, wild goose or brant, between the ist day of December and the ist day of September following, or any song bird at any time; or (2) At any time kills or shoots any wild duck, goose or brant with any swivel gun or other gun, except such as is commonly shot from the shoulder, or in hunting such birds makes use of any artificial light or battery; or (3) Uses or employs -^ny trap, snare, net or bird lime, or medicated, drugged or poisoned grain or food, to capture or kill any of the birds mentioned in Subdivision i of this section; or (4) Wantonly destroys any nest of eggs of any of the birds mentioned in Subdivi- sion I of this section; or / (5) Shoots or kills any buffalo, elk, deer, antelope, caribou or mountain sheep be- tween the 15th day of December and the ist day of November following; or (6) At any time uses or employs any hound or dog in running or driving any of the animals mentioned in Subdivision 5 of this section; or (7) Sets any spring or other gun, trap, snare or other device to kill, wound or de- stroy any of the animals mentioned in Subdivision 5 of this section; or (8) Knowingly hunts in any way upon the enclosed or cultivated lands of another without the consent of the owner, or his agent or tenant; or (9) Shoots or kills in any one day more than twenty-five of the game birds mentioned in Subdivision i, or more than five of the animals mentioned in Subdivision 5 of this section, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Fish.— Sec. 7679. Every person who either (i) takes, catches, kills or destroys any fish of any kind in any of the lakes, streams or other v.-aters of this State, except the Missouri River, in any manner other than by angling with hook and line; or (2) Between the ist day of November and the following ist day of May in each year takes, catches, kills or destroys in any manner or by any device, in any of the waters of this State, except the Missouri, any pike, pickerel, perch, bass or muscalonge, for any purpose other than propagating or breeding the same, or (3) Exposes any such fish for sale during such period, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Fishing near Dam and Through Ice; Lawful Limit.— Skc. 7680 It shall be unlawful for any person to take with a hook or line or in any other manner whatever any fish at any time at any of the mill dams, mill races or any of the fishways, sluices or aprons in any of the waters of this State, or within 500ft. measured from the same up stream, or to cut open the ice and remove any fish from the waters through the opening thus made * -s*- * and in no event shall the number of fish taken, caught or killed by any one person exceed twenty-five fish in anyone day. Export. — Sec. 7683. Every person who within this State ships or receives for shipment beyond the limits of this State any of the game birds or animals mentioned in Sec. 7677, or any of the fish mentioned in Sec. 7679, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief.— Colorado. COLORADO. Insectivorous Birds, Mongolian Pheasant, Quail, Ptarmigan, Partridge, Dove. — Act of April 7, 1893. — Sec. i. No person shall kill any robin lark, whip- poorwill, finch, sparrow, thrush, wren, martin, swallow, snowbird, bobolink, redwinged blackbird, crow, raven, turkey buzzard, oriole, kingbird, mockingbird, song sparrow, or other insectivorous bird, or any Mongolian pheasant, quail, ptarmigan, partridge or dove, at any time; provided, that doves may be shot from July 15 to Oct. i. Wild Turkey, Pheasant, Prairie Chicken, Grouse.— Sec. 2. No person shall kill any wild turkey, pheasant, prairie hen, prairie chicken, or grouse, except that they mav be shot between Aug. 15 and Nov. i of the same year. Wild Fowl. — Sec. 3. No person shall kill wild ducks, geese, brant or swans, or other water fowls, except between the ist day of September and the ist day of May following, during which time the same may be killed by means of an ordinary shoulder gun; and it shall be unlawful to use any swivel or punt gun for said purposes. Sec. 5. No person shall during the night time, by the use of any artificial light or any like device whatever, kill any wild duck, wild goose, brant, swan, or other water fowl or fish. Dogs for Big Game. — Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to use dogs for the purpose of running or coursing mountain sheep, deer, elk or antelope. Bison, Buffalo, Mountain Sheep. — Sec. ii. No person shall kill at any time any bison, buffalo or mountain sheep. Deer, Elk, Antelope. — Sec. 12. No person shall kill any deer, elk or antelope at any time, except that those deer, antelope and elk which have horns may be killed between August ist and November ist of the same year, for good [sic] purposes only, and then only when necessary for immediate use, governed in amount and quantity by the reasonable necessity of the person or persons killing the same. "Reasonable necessity " shall be construed to mean not more than one elk, deer, or antelope in the possession of any one person at one time. Trout, Food Fish. — General Statutes, Chap. 40 [as amended 1893]. — That it shall not be lawful to take any trout or other food fish during the months of December, Janu- ary, February, March, April and May. or either of said months; it shall be unlawful to kill any trout, or other food fish during the open season, except for food, and then only when necessary for immediate use, governed in amount and quantity by the reasonable necessities of the person or persons catching such fish. It shall be unlawiul to sell any trout or other food fish, or to ship or transport them out of this State. It shall be unlawful to kill any trout less than 6 inches in length. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK RULES. I. It is forbidden to remove or injure the sediments or incrustations around the geysers, hot springs, or steam vents; or to deface the same by written inscription or otherwise, or to throw any substance into the springs or geyer vents; or to injure or disturb, in any manner, any of the mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonders within the Park. 2. It is forbidden to ride or drive upon any of the geyser or hot spring formations or to turn loose stock to graze in their vicinity. 3. It is forbidden to cut or injure any growing timber. Camping parties will be allowed to use dead or fallen timber for fuel. 4. Fires shall be lighted only when necessary, and completely extinguished when not longer required. I'he utmost care should be exercised at all times to avoid setting fire to the timber and grass. 5. Hunting, capturing, injuring, or killing any bird or animal within the Park is prohibited. The outfits of persons found hunting or in possession of game killed in the Park will be subject to seizure and con- fiscation. The Game Laws in Brief.— Pennsylvania. 2$ PENNSYLVANIA. Elk, Deer, Antelope, Venison.— Act of June 3, 1878.— Sec. i. That no persoo shall kill in any part of this State any elk or wild deer, save only from the ist day of October in any year to the 15th day of December next following, and no person shaM have in possession, or offer for sale or transport any elk, wild deer, antelope, or fresh venison, save only from the ist day of October in any year, to the 30th day of November next following. No person shall, at any time, kill any fawn when in its spotted coat. No person shall pursue any elk or wild deer with dogs in any part of this State, or shall kill in the water any elk or wild deer or fawn which has bee« driven thereto by dogs. Squirrels. — Sec. 2. No person shall kill any gray, black or fox squirrel, betweea the ist day of January and the ist day of September. Hare, Rabbit. — Sec. 3. No person shall kill any hare commonly called rabbit, between the ist day of January and the ist day of November. [Ferrets forbidden.] Wild Turkey. — Sec. 5. No person shall kill any wild turkey, between the ist dajr of January and the 15th day of October following. Plover. — Sec. 7. No person shall kill any upland or grass plover, between the ist day of January and the 15th day of July. Woodcock. — Sec. 8. No person shall kill any woodcock, between the ist day of January and the 4th day of July. Quail, Virginia Partridge. — Sec. q. No person shall kill any quail or Virginia partridge, between the 15th day of December in any year and the ist day of Noveai- ber next following. Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, Prairie Chicken. — Sec. 10. No person shall kill any- ruffed grouse commonly called pheasant, or pinnated grouse commonly called prairie chicken, between the ist day of January and the ist day of October. Rail, Reed Bird. — Sec. ii. No person shall kill any rail bird or reed bird, except in the months of September, October and November. Wildfowl. — Act of May 17, 1883. — Sec. i. That it shall be lawful to kill web-footed wildfowl only from the ist day of September to the ist day of May in each year. Sec. 2. That is shall be unlawful to kill any web-footed wildfowl from or with any craft or boat propelled by steam or sails. Speckled Trout. — Act of June 11, 1885. — That it shall be unlawful for any per- son to catch any speckled trout, save only from the 15th day of April to the 15th day of July. Trout Size for Sale — Stocked Waters. — Act of June 10,1881. — Sec. 3. That no person shall at any time catch any speckled trout or California mountain trout for sale less than five inches in length; and it shall be unlawful for any person to fish ia any stream for a period of three years, in which brook trout have been planted by the Fish Commissioners. Salmon, Grilse. — Act May 12, 1891. — Sec. i. That no person shall catch salmoa or grilse, save with rod, hook and line. Sec. 2. No salmon or grilse shall be takea under three pounds in weight. Sec. 3. No person shall catch any salmon or grilse save only from the ist day of March to the 15th day of August. Lake Trout. — Act of 1878.— Sec. 20. No person shall kill any lake trout in the months of October, November and December. Carp. — Act of May 23, 1887. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful to catch German carp during the months of May, June, July and August. Black Bass, Wall-Eyed Pike, Rock Bass, Pike, Pickerel. — Sec. 4. No per- son shall catch any black bass or wall-eyed pike under six inches in length, or any rock bass under five inches in length. But should any such fish be taken it shall \>c Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 26 The Game Laws in Brief. — Pennsylvania, the duty of any one taking or capturing the same to return the fish immediately to the water; and no person shall catch any pike or pickerel between the ist day of February and the ist day of June. [Act May 28, 1889, Sec. 4, as amended by Act April 15, 1891.] Black Bass, Rock Bass, Wall-Eyed Pike, Susquehanna Salmon. — Sec. 5. No person shall catch any black bass, rock bass or wall-eyed pike, commonly known as Susquehanna salmon, between the ist day of January and the 30th day of May; provided that neither this nor any of the preceding sections shall apply to fishing in the waters of Lake Erie. [Act May 28, 1889.] Green, Yellow, Willow, Lake Erie, Grass Bass. — Act June 3, 1878.— Sec. 25. No person shall by any means or device whatsoever catch or kill in any waters of this State any * * * green bass, yellow bass, willow bass, * * * Lake Erie or grass bass, * * * between the ist day of January and the 1st day of June; pro- vided this section shall not apply to the waters of Lake Erie, except in the ponds on the island or peninsula forming the north and east shores of the harbor of Erie. Delaware River. — Act May 22, 1889 — Sec. 6 No person shall catch in the Del- aware River any black bass, rock bass or wall-eyed pike, commonly known as Susque- hanna salmon, between the 1st day of January and the 30th day of May. Sec. 7 [as amended 1895]. No person shall catch or kill, in the Delaware River, any black bass or wall-eyed pike under nine inches in length, or any rock bass under five inches in length. But should any such fish be taken, it shall be the duty of any one taking or capturing the same to return the fish immediately to the water. BEDFORD COUNTY —Act June 26, 1895.- Sec. i. No person within the county of Bedford shall kill, take or have in possession any wild deer, wild turkey, woodcock, quail or Virginia partridge, pheasant or prairie chicken, squirrel or rabbit, save only from the 15th day of October to the 15th day of December, inclusive. HUNTINGDON COUNTY.— Act of June 27, 1895.— Sec. 1. No person shall kill any wild deer within the county of Huntingdon between the 15th day of December and the 15th day of October fol- lowing. Sec. 2. No person shall kill any squirrel between the ist day of January- and the 15th day of October. PIKE COUNTY.— Deer.— Chap. 205, Laws 1878. — Sec. i. No person shall kill any deer, save only between the ist day of October and the ist day of December following. Squirrel, Rabbits, Game Birds.— Secs. 2-8. No person shall kill any gray or black squirrel, save only between Sept. i and Dec. 15 ; or any gray rabbit, save only between Oct. i>5 and Dec. 15 lor at any time use ferrets) ; or wood or summer duck, save only between Oct. i and Jan. i ; or woodcock or mud snipe, save only between July 4 and Dec. 15 ; or quail or Virginia partridge, save only between Oct. 15 and Dec. i ; or ruflfed grouse (commonly called pheasant), save only between Sept. 15 and Dec. 15. Salmon, Speckled Trout, Pike, Pickerel.— Skc. n. No person shall catch any salmon or speckled trout, save only between the ist day of May and the ist day of August following. Sec. 12. No person shall catch any pike or pickerel, save only between the ist day of June and the 15th day of February following. TIOGA COUNTY.— Act of June 26, 1895.— Sec. i. It shall be unlawful to catch, take or kill, for the purpose of sale, any grouse, pheasant, quail, partridge, woodcock, wild pigeon, speckled trout or black bass. Sec 2. It shall be unlawful, during the period of three years from the passage of this act, to catch or kill any deer or fawn. Always go by Index on page facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Rhode Island. 27 RHODE ISLAND. Lark, Robin, Wood Duck, Gray Duck, Black Duck, Grouse, Heath Hen. — Revised Statutes, Chap. 94. — Sec. i. Every person who shall kill any lark, robin, wood duck, gray duck or black duck between the ist day of February and the ist day of September; or any grouse or heath hen between the ist day of January and the ist day of November, shall be fined. Woodcock, Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, Quail, Plover, Wild Duck. — Sec. 4 [as amended 1S95J. Every person who shall take or kill, sell, buy or offer for sale, or have in his possession any woodcock from the ist day of January to the 1st day of October ; any ruffed grouse or partridge from the ist day of January to the ist day of October ; any quail from the 1st day of January to the 1st day of October ; any Bar- tram's tattler or upland plover, commonly known in Rhode Island as grass plover, from the ist day of April to the 1st day of August ; any dusky or black duck from the 1st day of March to the 1st day of October ; any wood duck or summer duck from the 1st day of March to the 1st day of October ; any blue or green winged teal from the 1st day of March to the ist day of October, shall be fined. Birds not Protected. — Sec. 5. All fresh water ducks other than those before mentioned, all sea ducks, geese, crows, kingfishers, crow blackbirds, cow blackbirds, herons, bitterns, plovers, except as in the preceding section, all curlew, rails, sand- pipers, snipe and all birds of prey, exept fish-hawks or ospreys, may be killed at any time. Rabbit, Hare, Gray Squirrel. — Chap. 95 — Sec. i. Every person who shall kill any rabbit, hare or gray squirrel between the ist day of January and the ist day of September, shall forfeit the sum of five dollars, [Use of ferrets or weasels forbidden.] Black Bass. — Chap. 150. — Sec. 7. No person shall take fish of any kind from any of the inland waters of the State, set apart by the commissioners of inland fisheries for the cultivation of fish, except at such times and in such manner as is hereinafter provided. Sec. 8. The prohibition of the catching of fish by hook and line from fisheries stocked shall extend during the term of three years after the time when such fishery was established; provided, that fish may be caught through the ice only, and with hook and line only, in those ponds set apart for the cultivation of black bass, during December, January and February, until the expiration of the aforesaid term of three years. Sec. 9. After the expiration of said three years, no black bass shall be taken in any of the waters of this State, except Sneach Pond in the town of Cumberland, and Moswansicut Pond, in the town of Scituate, between the ist day of Man h and the 1st of July. Weekly Close Time in Waters Set Apart. — Sec. ii. No person shall take any fish from any of the waters of the State legally set apart for the cultivation of fish, during the times in which they are allowed to be taken by this chapter, except on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, during said term, except during the months of December, January and February. Trout. — Revised Statutes, Chap. 147. — Sec. 27 [as amended 1894]. Every person who shall take any trout after the 15th day of July and before the ist day of April shall forfeit $20, and every person who shall have in possession any trout less than six inches in length shall forfeit $20. THE DATE OF THIS REVISION. This work is revised. to the date given on last index page, facing back cover. Any changes made in a law as printed in the body of the book ■will be noted on the index page. 28 The Game Laws in Brief. — South Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA. Buffalo, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Mountain Sheep. — Act of Feb. 4, 1893. — Sec. t. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill, ensnare or trap in any form or manner or by any device whatever, or for any purpose, any buffalo, elk, deer, antelope, or mountain sheep from and after the passage and approval of this act until the ist day of September, 1896. Prairie Chicken, Grouse, Snipe, Plover, Curlew, Wild Duck, Song Birds.— Political Code, Art. VII., Sec. 2366 [as amended by Act of Feb. 21, 1893]. It shal be unlawful for any person within this State to shoot or kill any prairie chicken, or pinnated grouse, or sharp-tailed grouse, or ruffed grouse, between the ist day of Janu- ary and the ist day of September, or any wild duck, or snipe, or plover, or curlew, between the 15th day of May and the ist day of September, or any song bird at any- time. Sec. 2367. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time or at any place within this State to shoot or kill for traffic any prairie chicken, wild duck, snipe, plover, or curlew, or for any person to shoot or kill during any one day more than twenty-fiTC of either kind of said named birds, or for any one person, firm or corporation to haTc more than twenty-five of said named birds in his or their possession at any one time unless lawfully received for transportation. Quail. — Chap. 95, Laws 1890 [as amended by Act of Feb. 21, 1893]. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to trap, ensnare or destroy by any means whatever any quail in this State for a period of five years from and after the 1st day of January, 1893. Fish Seasons, Export.— Act approved March 12, 1895. — Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful to kill, take or have in possession any trout, bass, carp, shad or croppies taken or killed in any of the waters of this State during the months of October, November, December, January, February, March and April, or either of said months in any year. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale at any time any trout or other food fish taken or killed in any of the waters of this State, or to ship or trans- port them out of the State. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Act of Congress, May 7, 1894. Sec. 4. That all hunting or the killing, wounding or capturing at any time of any bird or wild animal, except dangerous animals, when it is necessary to prevent thea from destroying human life or inflicting an injury, is prohibited within the limits of said Park; nor shall any fish be taken out of the waters of the Park by means of seines, nets, traps, or by the use of drugs or any explosive substances or compounds, or im any other way than by hook and line, and then only at such seasons and in such times and manner as may be directed by the Secretary of the Interior. Tne Game Laws in Brief.— California. CALIFORNIA. Penal Code as Amended in 1895. Valley Quail, Bob White, Partridge, Robin, Wild Duck, Rail.— Sec. 626, Every person who, between the 15th day of February and the 15th day of October in each year, shall kill or have in his possession, whether taken in the State of California or shipped into the State from any other State, territory or foreign country, except for purposes of propagation, any valley quail, bob white, partridge, robin, or any kind of wild duck or rail, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Mountain Quail, Grouse. — Sec. 626A. Every person who, between the 15th day of February and the 15th day of August in each year, shall kill or have in his posses- sion, whether taken or killed in the State of California or shipped into the State from any other State, territory or foreign country, except for purposes of propagation, any mountain quail or grouse, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Doves. — Sec. 626B. Every person who, between the 15th day of February and the 1st day of July in each year, shall kill or have in his possession any dove or doves, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Male Deer.— Sec. 626c. Every person who shall kill any male deer between the 15th day of October and the 15th day of July of the following year shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Female Deer, Fawn, Antelope, Elk, Mountain Sheep.— Sec. 626D. Every person who shall at any time kill any female deer, or spotted fawn, or any antelope, elk or mountain sheep, shall be guily of a misdemeanor. Hides and Venison.— Sec. 626E. Every person who shall at any time buy, sell •r offer for sale the hide or meat of any deer, elk, antelope or mountain sheep, whether taken or killed in the State of California or shipped into the State from any other State or territory, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; provided that nothing m this section shall be held to apply to the hide of any of said animals taken or killed in Alaska or any foreign country. Sec. 626F. Every person who shall buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, transport or carry or have in his possession the skin, hide or pelt of any deer from which the evidence of sex has been removed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Pheasant. — Sec. 6260. Every person who shall, within the three years next after the passage of this act, kill or have in his possession, except for the purposes of propa- gation, any pheasant, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Bore of Gun. — Sec. 627. Every person who shall use a shotgun of a larger caliber than that commonly known and designated as a No. 10 gauge shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. The proof of the possession of said gun in the field, on marsh, bay, lake or stream, shall h^ prima facie evidence of its illegal use. Trespass. — Sec. 627A. Every person who upon any inclosed or cultivated grounds which are private property, and where signs are displayed forbidding such shooting,, except salt-water marsh land, shall shoot any quail, bob white, pheasant, partridge, grouse, dove, deer or wild duck, without permission first obtained from the owner or person in possession of such grounds, or who shall maliciously tear down, mutilate or destroy any sign, signboard or other notice forbidding shooting on private property, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Exportation. — Sec. 627B. Every railroad company, express company, transporta- tion company or other common carrier, their officers, agents and servants, and every other person who shall transport, carry or take out of this State, or shall receive for the purpose of transporting from the State, any deer, deer skin, buck, doe or fawn, or any quail, partridge, pheasant, grouse, prairie chicken, dove or wild duck, except for purposes of propagation, or who shall transport, carry or take from the State, or receivc^ for the purpose of transporting from this State, any such animal or bird, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Read pages 2> 3. For any changes see index facing back co^er. 30 The Game Laws in Brief.— California, New Mexico. Song Birds. — Sec. 627c. Every person who shall at any time kill or have in his possession, except for the purpose of propagation, or for educational or scientific pur- poses, any English sky lark, canary, California oriole, humming bird, thrush or mocking bird, or any part of the skin, skins or plumage thereof, or who shall rob the nests, or take or destroy the eggs of any of the said birds, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. Striped Bass, Black Bass. — Sec. 628. Every person who takes or has in his possession any striped bass of less than three pounds in weight is guilty of a misde- meanor. Every person who, between the 1st day of January and the ist day of July, takes or catches, buys, sells or has in his possession, any black bass, is guilty of si misdemeanor. Trout. — Sec. 632. Every person who at any time takes or catches any trout, except with hook and line, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 633. Every person who takes or has in his possession any speckled trout, brook or salmon trout, or any variety of trout, between the ist day of November and the ist day of April in the following year, is guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however, that steelhead trout may be pos- sessed at any time when taken with rod and line in tide water. Every person who buys or sells, offers or exposes for sale, within this State, any kind of trout less than six inches in length, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Salmon. — Sec. 634. Every person who, between the 31st day of August and the 1st day of November of each year, takes or has in his possession any fresh salmon, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Supervisors' Ordinances. — Supervisors are empowered to provide by ordinance, not in conflict with the general laws of the State, for the protection of fish and game, and may shorten the close season for the taking or killing of fish and game within the dates fixed by the general State laws, but shall not lengthen them. NEW MEXICO. Trout, Food Fish. — Chap. 53, Laws 1889. — Sec, 4. That it shall not be lawful to kill any trout or other food fish during the months of November, December, Janu- ary, February, March and April. For Food Only. — Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful to kill any trout or food fish except for food, and then only when necessary for immediate use, governed in amount and quantity by the reasonable necessities of the person or persons catching such fish. Deer, Elk, Antelope. Act of Feb. 16, 1895. — Sec. i. No person shall kill anj deer, elk, fawn or antelope between the ist day of January and the ist day of October. Wild Turkey, Quail. — Sec, 2, No person shall kill, ensnare or trap any wild turkey or quail between the 1st day of March and the ist day of October; provided, further, that it shall be unlawful so ensnare or trap quail at any time. Wanton Killing, or for Skins. — Sec. 4. No person shall wantonly kill any of the game, birds or animals mentioned in this act; nor shall it be lawful at anytime to kill any elk, deer, fawn or antelope for the sole purpose of securing the hide or skin of any such animal. Export. — Sec. 5, That it shall be unlawful for any railway, express company or any common carrier, or their agents or employees, to transport outside of the territory, or receive for such transportation, at any time, any of the flesh or meat of any of the birds or animals named in this act that may be offered for transportation at any station or place in this territory. CAUTION.— Always consult index on last page. The Game Laws in Brief. — Montana. 3^ MONTANA. [CAUTION. — The Secretary of State advises us (July 17, 1895) that the act adopting the Code of 1895 did not repeal the Act of March i, 1893. The conflicting provisions of the two laws (and conflict- ing Sees. 701 and 702 of the Code) protect game during the following periods: Bison, buff"alo, quail. Chinese pheasant, to 1903. Moose, elk, otter, beaver, to 1899. Deer, goat, sheep, antelope, Dec. 15 to Sept. 15 following. Grouse, prairie chicken, pheasant, fool hen, sage hen, partridge, snipe, Nov. 15 to Aug. 15 following. Wildfowl, Jan. i to Sept. i. Speckled trout. May and June.] Act Approved March i, 1893. Bison, Buffalo, Quail, Chinese Pheasant, Moose, Elk, Otter. — Sec. r. That any person who shall kill for the period of ten years from and after the passage of this act, any bison, buffalo or quail or Chinese pheasant, or who shall kill for the period of six years from and after the passage of this act, any moose, elk, otter or beaver, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Deer, Sheep, Goat, Antelope. — Sec. 2. That any person who shall kill any white-tail deer, black-tail deer, mule deer, mountain sheep, Rocky Mountain goat and antelope, between the 15th day of December and the 15th day of August of the following year, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sex:. 6. That any person who shall kill at any time any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 2, for the purpose of procuring the head or hide only, or for speculative purposes, or for market or for sale, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Pheasant, Fool-Hen, Sage Hen, Partridge, Snipe. — Sec. 9. That any person who shall kill any grouse, prairie chicken, pheasant, fool-hen, sage hen, partridge or snipe, between the 15th day of November and the 15th day of August of the next ensuing year, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Wildfowl. — Sec. 10. That any person who shall kill any wild geese or wild ducks, brant or swan, between the ist day of January and the 1st day of September of each year, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Fish. — Sec. 4. That a hshing tackle consisting of a rod or pole, line and hooks, shall be the only lawful means by which fish may be taken from any of the waters of the State, provided, that no speckled or mountain trout, or other small fish, shall be taken, except from private ponds by owners, in any manner during the months of May and June. Exportation of Skins. — Act of March 12, 1885. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful to ship, carry or cause to be carried in any manner whatsoever, from the Territory of Montana to any other Territory or State, the skin of any moose, deer, elk, bison, buffalo, antelope, or mountain sheep; provided, that nothing in the provisions of this act shall prevent the shipment of any specimens that are stuffed or mounted as curi- osities. Penal Code, Pt. I., Chap. I., Title XV., approved Feb. 19, 1895. Buffalo, Elk, Otter, Beaver, Quail, Chinese Pheasant, Moose.— Sec. 700. Every person who kills any bison, buffalo, quail or Chinese pheasant, or any female moose, female elk, otter or beaver; or who, between December 15th of one year and September ist of the following year, kills any male moose or elk; or w-ho, in a single open season, shall kill more than two bull moose, or three bull elk, or one hundred grouse or prairie chickens, is punishable by a fine. Deer, IVIountain Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goat, Antelope. — Sec 701. Every person who kills any deer, mountain sheep. Rocky Mountain goat or antelope between the 1st day of January and the 15th day of September of the same year is punishable by a fine. Deer, Mountain Sheep, Mountain Goat, Antelope. — Sec. 702. Every person who, between January ist and September ist of each year, kills any deer, mountain Go by index on last page. 32 1 he Game Laws in Brief. — Montana, Utah. sheep, Rocky Mountain goat or antelope, or who in any single calendar year's open season kills more than eight deer, eight mountain sheep, eight Rocky Mountain goats, or eight antelope, is punishable by a fine. Use of Dogs. — Sec. 703. Every person who willfully hunts, chases, or runs with dogs any of the animals mentioned in the three preceding sections at any time, is punishable by fine. The use of dogs, however, to capture any such animals after they have been wounded is not a violation of this section. Prairie Chicken, Fool-Hen, Grouse, Pheasant, Partridge. — Sec. 704, Every person who, between the ist day of January and the 15th of August of each year, kills any grouse, prairie chicken, fool hen, pheasant or partridge; or who at any season ol the year shall, for speculation, market or sale, kill any of the above mentioned birds, is' punishable by a fine. [For lawful number see Sec. 700.J Wildfowl. — Sec. 705. Every person who kills any wild geese or wild ducks between the :st day of May and the 15th day of August of the same year is punishable by a fine. Other Birds. — Sec. 706. Every person who kills any robin, meadow-lark, bluebird, thrush, oriole, woodpecker, mockingbird, goldfinch, snowbird, cedarbird, or any other of the small birds known as singing birds, is punishable by a fine. SOUTH CAROLINA. Deer.— General Statutes. — Sec. 1687. It shall not be lawful to kill any deer, or to worry them with dogs, between the 1st day of February and the ist day of Septem- ber, except in the counties of Clarendon, Georgetown, Colleton, Williamsburg, Marl- boro, Kershaw, Horry, Darlington, Marion and Berkeley, in which counties it shall not be lawful between the ist day of February and the ist day of August. Fire-Hunting. — Skc. 1690. Every person who shall hunt with lire in the night time, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding $10. V/iid Turkey, Partridge, Quail, Woodcock, Pheasant, Dove.— Sec. 1694. It shall not be lawful, between the ist day of April and the ist day of November, to kill any wild turkey, partridge, quail, woodcock, or pheasant; or between the ist day ©f March and the ist day of August, any dove; or, at any time during the year, to kill, by firelight, any of the birds named. INDIAN TERRITORY. Revised Statutes of the United States, 1878. — Sec. 2137. Every person, other than an Indian, who, within the limits of any tribe, with whom the United States has existing treaties, hunts or traps, or takes and destroys any peltries or game, except for subsistence in the Indian country, shall forfeit all the traps, guns and ammunition in his possession, used or procured to be used for that purpose, and all peltries so taken; and shall be liable in addition to a penalty of $500. GEORGIA. Birds and Deer. — Act approved Dec. 20, 1893. Sec. i. It shall be unlawful to kill any wild turkey, pheasant, snipe, partridge or any insectivorous or singing bird, except English sparrows, crows, larks, rice birds, wheat birds and doves, in any county in this State, between the ist day of April and the ist day of October; and it shall be unlawful to kill any dove between the ist day of April and the 15th day of July; and it shall be unlawful to kill any deer or fawn between the ist day of January and the ist day of October; and it shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any wild deer, wild turkey, pheas- ant, snipe, partridge, dove or other game bird killed within the dates aforesaid in violation of the pro- visions of this act. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Oregon. 33 OREGON. Act of Feb. 28, 1895. Elk, Moose, Mountain Sheep, Deer.— Sec. i. Every person who shall at anj- time between the ist day of December of each year and the 1st day of August of the following- year kill any elk, moose or mountain sheep, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. Every person who shall kill any moose, elk. mountain sheep or deer, for the purpose of obtaining the skin, hide, ham or hams of such animals, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Deer. — Sfx'. 2. Every person who shall kill any spotted fawn sha]l be guilty of sl misdemeanor. Sec. 3. Every person who shall, between the ist day of December \\\ each year and the 1st day of August in the following year, or shall, between one hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise of any day, hunt, kill or destroy any deer^ shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who shall kill any deer at any time^ unless the carcass of such animal is used or preserved, or is sold for food, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Hounds.— Sec. 4. Any person who shall hunt elk or deer with hounds, with intent to kill said elk or deer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Birds.— Sec. 6. Every person who shall, between the ist day of December and the 1st day of September of the following year, kill or have in possession, except for breeding: purposes, or sell or offer for sale, any grouse, pheasant, mongolian pheasant, quail or partridge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however, that it shall be un- lawful to kill any prairie chicken, except during the months of July, August and Sep- tember of each year. It shall be unlawful within the State of Oregon to kill any ring; neck mongolian pheasant, or any of the various kinds of pheasants imported into this State by the Hon. O. N. Denny, or any quail, bobwhite or pheasant in that portion of the State of Oregon lying east of the Cascade Mountains. Lawful Number. — Skc. 8. No person shall in one day kill or destroy a greater number than twenty of the hereinbefore enumerated birds. Export. — Sec. 9. Every person or servant, agents, employees or operatives of any railroad, steamboat, express or other company or corporation, who shall transport oV carry out of the State, or have in possession for the purpose of shipment or carriage outside the State of Oregon, any of the birds named in the foregoing section, except for breeding or exhibition purposes, without written consent for the same having first been obtained, upon affidavit, from the Fish and Game Protector, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Trout. — Sec. 14. Every person who shall, during the months of November,, December, January, February and March of any year, catch any mountain lake^ brook or speckled trout from any fresh water, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Every person who shall catch with any other device than hook and line any mountain or brook trout shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Wildfowl Methods. — Sec. 15. Every person who shall use any sink box on the Columbia River or any lake or river for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese> swan or other water fowl therefrom, at any time, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor. Sec. 16. Every person who shall use any batteries or swivel pivot gun, or any other gun than one to be held in the hands and fired from the shoulder, either from the shore or on a boat, raft or other device, on the Columbia River or on any lake or river, at any time, for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan or other waterfowl, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 17. Every person who shall use or build any blind or other structure in any public lake or river, or in the Columbia River, moie than 100 feet out from the shore or margin of such lake or river, for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan or other water fowl therefrom, at any Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 34 The Game Laws in Brief. — Oregon. time, should be gxiilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. i8. Every person who shall build or use any blind or other structure in any lake other than public lakes, more than loo feet out from the shore or margin of such lake, for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan or other water fowl therefrom, at anytime, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. .Sec. 19. Every person who shall build or use any blind or other structures in any lake, which lake is not wholly owned by himself, or his lessor or licensor, which stands more than 100 feet out from his own shore or margin of such lake, for the purpose of shooting wild ducks, geese, swan or other water fowls therefrom, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 20. Every person who shall at any time between one hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise lire off any gun, or build any fire or flash any light or powder or other inflammable substance upon the margin or in the vicinity of or upon any lake, pond, slough or other feeding grounds frequented by wild ducks, geese, swan or other water fowl, with intent to thereby shoot, kill or disturb any of such water fowl, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however, that it shall be law- ful to shoot ducks and geese in or upon grain fields at any time to prevent the destruc- tion of grain or growing crops; and provided further, that Curry county shall be exempt from the operation of tiiis law. Wildfowl Season. — Sec. 21. Every person who shall, between the 15th day of March and the 1st day of September of each year, kill or have in possession any wild swan, mallard ducks, wood ducks, widgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprig- tail or canvas back duck, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Robin, Meadow Lark, Other Birds. — Sec. 25. Every person who shall kill or destroy or have in his possession, except for breeding purposes, any nightingale, sky- lark, black thrush, gray singing thrush, linnet, goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinch, bull- finch, red-breasted European robin, black starling, cross beak, Oregon robin or meadow lark, or mocking bird, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec, 26. Every person who shall within the State of Oregon, at any tune after the passage of this act, destroy or remove from the nest of any nightingale, skylark, black thrush, gray sing- ing thrush, linnet, goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinch, bullfinch, red-breasted European robin, black starling, cross beak or mocking bird, any egg or eggs of such bird, or have in possession, sell or offer for sale any such egg or eggs, or wilfully destroy the nests of such birds, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 27. That every person who shall wilfully take, injure or destroy any sea gull shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Trespass. — Sec. 28. No person shall at any time enter into any standing or growing grain not his own, with intent to catch, recover, take or kill any bird or ani- mal, nor permit any dog with which he shall then be hunting to do so for such pur- pose, without permission from the owner or the person in charge thereof. It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot upon or from the public highway. [ Read pages 2» 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Minnesota. 35 MINNESOTA. Chap. 9 — Laws 1891, as amended 1895. Birds. — Sec. 6. No person shall catch, take, kill or have in possession or under control for any purpose whatever, at any time, any whippoorwill, night hawk, blue- bird, finch, thrush, linnet, lark, wren, martin, swallow, bobolink, robin, turtledove, catbird, spotted sandpiper, pie bill .crreve or helldiver, cormorant, bittern and great blue heron, gull or any other harmless bird, except blackbirds and English sparrows, except as hereinafter allowed; but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the keeping of song birds in cages as domestic pets. Nor any of the bird's hereinafter mentioned within the periods herein Timited, to wii: Woodcock and Bartram or upland plover, between the 31st day of October and the 4th day of July following. Prairie chickens, or white-breasted or sharp-tailed grouse, between the ist day of November and the ist day of September following. Quail, partridge, ruffed grouse or pheasant, between the 1st day of December and the ist day of September following. Wild duck of any variety, or any variety of wild goose, brant, or any variety of snipe or aquatic fowl whatever, between the 15th day of April and the ist day of September following, except that golden or prairie plover may be caught, taken or had in possession between the 1st day of September and the ist day of June following; but no person shall be permitted to kill any such fowl while nesting, or in localities where they are accus- tomed to build their nests, during the nesting period. Wildfowl Methods. — Sec. 10. No person at any time shall set, lay or prepare any trap, snare net, bird lime, swivel gun or any other contrivance or device whatever with intent to catch, take or kill any of the birds in this act mentioned; nor make use of any artificial light, battery or any other deception, contrivance or device whatever with the intent to attract or deceive any of the birds in this act mentioned; except that decoys and blinds may be used in hunting wild geese and ducks; but no person shall at any time hunt or shoot from any boat, canoe, contrivance or device whatever on any waters in this State between dark and daylight. Elk, Moose, Caribou, Deer.— Sec. 11, No person shall catch, take, kill or have in possession or under control for any purpose whatever, any fawn at any time, nor any elk, moose or caribou before the 1st day of January, 1898; nor any variety of deer at any time between the 20th day of November and the ist day of November follow- ing- except that when the same have been lawfully caught, taken or killed, they may be had in possession or under control for five days after the time herein limited for use, in the manner and for the purpose herein allowed. No person shall take, catch or kill more than five deer during any one open season. All carcasses, saddles or parts of venison, all game, birds and all protected fish enclosed in any covering, when shipped or transported by any common carrier, public or private conveyance, shall be marked in plain letters in the English language — the kind of game, with the full name of the owner, to whom shipped, and the destination of such shipment. Sec. i^^ No person shall kill any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 9 in any other manner than by shooting them with a gun held to the shoulder. Sec. 13. No person shall hunt with dogs any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 9; nor make use of any artificial light or any other deception, contrivance or device whatever, with intent to attract or deceive any of said animals. Trespass. — Sec. 15. No person shall at any time enter into any growing or stand- ing grain not his own, with intent to catch, recover, take or kill any bird or animal, nor permit any dog with which he shall then be hunting to do so for such purpose! without permission from the owner or the person in charge thereof. No person shall at any time enter upon land not his own, with intent to catch, recover, take or kill any bird or animal, after being- notified not to do so by the owner or occupant thereof. Such notice may be given orally, in writing or print, or by posting notices to that effect, in the English language, in conspicuous places on the land sought to be protected. Bead pag^ 2> 3. For any changes see index facing^ back cover. 36 The Game Laws in Brief. — Minnesota. Fish.: — Sec. 16, No person shall catch any variety of trout between the 1st day of September and the ist day of May following; nor any other food tish (except that whitetish, lake trout, lake herring, sturgeon, pickerel and any variety of pike, except that commonly known as glass-eyed or wall-eyed pike, may be caught and taken in all international waters at any time) between the ist day of March and the ist day of May following. [Sec. 20 forbids taking whitefish, wall-eyed pike, trout or bass (except rock bass) less than 6in. in length.] Minnow Nets; Export of Fish. — Sec. 17. Provided further, that a net for catching minnows for bait may be used in all waters uninhabited by any variety of trout. And no person, persons, corporation or association shall at any time catch, take, kill or have in possession or under control any black bass, gray or Oswego bass, silver bass, croppies, rock bass, any variety of pike, perch or trout, taken or killed in the inland lakes, ponds or rivers in the State of Minnesota with intent to ship the same out of this State, or with intent to allow or aid any such shipment. Lawful Amount of Game and Fish. — Sec. 21. No person shall wantonly waste or destroy any of the birds, animals or fish in this act mentioned. The killing of more than twenty-five birds by any one person, or the catching of more than fifty fish, excepting whitefish, lake trout, lake herring and sturgeon, pickerel and any variety of pike, except that commonly known as glass-eyed or wall-eyed pike, caught in inter- national waters by any one person in one day, shall be deemed a wanton destruction of all such birds or fish killed or caught in excess of said number. Export of Game and Fish. — Sec. 22. No person shall kill or have in possession any of the birds, animals or fish killed in this State, except whitefish, lake trout, lake herring and sturgeon, pickerel and any variety of pike except that commonly known as glass-eyed or wall-eyed pike caught in international waters with intent to ship the same beyond the limits of this State, or shall ship or intentionally allow or aid in their ship- ment out of this State. Provided, however, that when any fish other than "whitefish, lake trout, sturgeon and herring" are taken, to be used exclusively for consumption and not for commercial purposes, and not in excess of the number expressly stipulated in the preceding section [Sec. 21], and when the same are actually accompanied by the person who actually caught them, they may be transported or taken out of the State, but not otherwise. Non-Resident License. — Act approved April 25, 1895. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person not a hona-fide resident of the State of Minnesota to pursue, hunt or kill any game bird or animal in the State of Minnesota at any time, without first procuring a license therefor from the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners of the State of Minnesota, and having recorded the same in the office of the Register of of deeds in and for the county in which said game is pursued, hunted or killed. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners of the State of Minnesota to i'jsue a license to any person a non-resident of the State of Minnesota whom they shall find to be a careful and prudent person, and accustomed to the use of firearms, to pursue, hunt and kill game in the State of Minnesota, during the open season, for any term hereafter not exceeding one year, ending on the ist day of Janu- ary of the year next succeeding the application therefor, upon the payment to the treasurer of said Commissioners of the sum of $25. Provided, that this act shall apply only to citizens of such States as have restrictive laws against non-resident hunters. THE DATE OF THIS REVISION. This work is revised to the date given on last index page, facing back cover. Any changes made in a law as printed in the body of the book will be noted on the index page. The Game Laws in Brief. — Maryland. 37 MARYLAND. Partridge, Woodcock, Pheasant, Rabbit.— Public General Laws, Art. 99.— Sec. 13 [as amended by Chap. 401, Laws 1894], No person shall kill any partridge between the 24th day of December and the ist day of November next ensuing in each and every year; nor any woodcock, between the 24th day of December and the 15th day of June; nor any pheasant between the 24th day of December and the 15th day of August; nor any rabbit between the 24th day of December and the ist day of November; but this act shall not apply to any county of this State now subject to a. local law or laws governing the killing of partridges, woodcock, pheasants or rabbits. Wildfowl. — Public General Laws, 1888, Article 99. — Sec. i. No person shall shoot any water-fowl bedded in flocks, either upon the feeding or roosting grounds, or elsewhere, from any vessel, boat, float, canoe, or any craft of any kind what- ever. Sec. 2. No person shall shoot any water-fowl, from any booby-blind, or artificial point erected at a greater distance than one hundred yards from the natural shore from which the same may be extended. Sec. 3. No person shall shoot any water-fowl flying about their feeding grounds or elsewhere, from vessels, boat, float, canoe or craft of any kind. Wildfowl — Chesapeake Bay. — Public Local Laws, 1888. — Sec. 380. All that part of the Chesapeake bay and its waters, lying northward of a line beginning at the light-house on Turkey point in Cecil county, and drawn westward to a point half a mile north of the most northerly part of Spesutia Island, thence westward within half a mile of, and north of the northern end of said island and the adjacent mainland until it reaches the shore in Harford county, at or near Oakington, shall be subject to the operation of the sections following. Sec. 381. The season for shooting wildfowl northward of the line shall be from Nov. i to March 31, and it shall not be lawful to kill wildfowl except from ashore, and southward of a line drawn east from Point Con- cord light-house in Harford county to Carpenter's Point on the western shore of Cecil county, at any other time. Sec. 382. It shall be lawful to shoot teal ducks, mallards, black ducks, bald pates, and all other ducks, known as marsh ducks, in any manner Other than by swivel gun, or big gun, from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset every day from Aug. 15 to Oct. i. Sec. 383. No person shall shoot any wildfowl in the night time. Sec. 384. No person shall shoot at any wildfowl from any ves- sel, boat, float, canoe, sneak-boat, sink-boat, or any other craft of any kind or descrip- tion whatever, within one-quarter of a mile of any shore in Cecil or Harford counties. Sec. 386. No person shall kill wild waterfowl from any boat, box or vessel of any kind or description whatever, with any big or swivel gun, or any kind of gun which cannot be conveniently discharged from the shoulder at arm's length, and without a rest. Sec. 387. No person shall gun for wild water-fowl but three days in each week, until Jan. i, during the season; those days prior to Jan. r, shall be Monday,- Wednesday and Friday; and on and after Jan. I, shall be Monday, Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday, until the end of the season; and each of the said days shall com- prehend the time intervening between one hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset, of each day, and no more, and is not to include any part or period of a night, Sink-Box, Sneak-Boat, License.— Secs. 388, 389. No person shall use any sink-box or sneak-boat of any description on the aforesaid waters for shooting wildfowl, without having first obtained a license from the clerk of the circuit court for Harford or Cecil county. Trout.— Article 39. — Sec. 73. It shall not be lawful to catch any speckled brook trout, or any speckled river trout, except during the months of April, May, June, July and the first fifteen days in the month of August. [Chap. 380, Laws 1892. — Close season in Frederick county, January to March and September to December, in- clusive. Chap. 653. Close season in Baltimore county, July to February, inclusive, and none to be taken under six inches.] Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 38 The Game Laws in Brief. MARYLAND COUNTY LAWS. Local laws forbid the killing of game between the dates specified below. Non-resident license fees (when required) are noted. ALLEGANY. - Pheasant, Jan. i to Sept. i. Partridge, Jan. i to Oct. 15. Woodcock, Feb. i to July 15. Rabbit, Jan. i to Oct. 15. Wild turkey, Jan. i to Oct. 15. Robin, April i to March i. Deer» except in months of August to December, inclusive. ANNE ARUNDEL. - Partridge, quail, woodcock, pheasant, rabbit, Dec. 15 to Nov. 10. Robin, April I to Feb i. Ortolan, sora, rail, Nov. i to Sept. 5. Nonresidents forbidden to hunt at any time except by invitation of landowner. License fee, $6.50. Non-residents may not shoot on Patuxent River and tributary waters anj' goose, duck, snipe, ortolan or other wildfowl, except by permission erf" citizens a jacent. BALTIMORE. -Partridge, rabbit, to Nov. 8, 1895; thereafter, Dec. 24 to Nov. 8 inclusive. Pheasant, gray squirrel, to Sept. i, 1895 ; thereafter, pheasant, Jan. i to Sept. i inclusive ; gray squirrel, Nov. I to Sept. I inclusive. Woodcock to June 15, 1895 *. thereafter, Feb. i to June 15 inclusive. Non- resident license fee $10, except by permission of landowner. CALVERT.— Partridge, to Nov. i, 1895 ; theieafter, Jan. 11 to Nov. i. License fee, $6.50. CAROLINE.— Partridge, Feb. i to Nov. i. Woodcock, I'eb. i to July 4. Rabbit, Jan. i to Nov. i. Sora, water rail, Jan. i to Sept. 20. Wildfowl, April i to Sept. 10. License fee, $4 50. CARROLL. Partridge, pheasant, woodcock, rabbit, Nov. i to Oct. 10, exclusive. Squirrel, Nov. 1 to Sept. 10 exclusive. Non-resident license fee $10, except by landowner's permission. CECIL. — Partridge, rabbit, Jan. 10 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Jan. i to June 10. Rail bird, pheasant, Feb. I to Sept. 5. Unlawful to shoot wildfowl from sink boat or other boat in waters of Elk and Bohemia rivers. CHARLES —Partridge, Dec. 24 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Feb. 24 to July 4. Rabbit, Jan. 15 to Oct. 15. License fee, $20. DORCHESTER.— Partridge, Feb. i to Nov. i. Woodcock, Feb. i to June 15. Rabbit, Jan. 15 to Oct. 20. License fee, $5. FREDERICK.— Pheasant, partridge, rabbit, Jan. i to Nov. i. Wild turkey, Jan. 15 to Nov. 15. Squirrel, Dec. 20 to Aug. 15. GARRETT. — Partridge, woodcock, Dec. i to Oct. i. Pheasant, to Oct. 1, 1897; thereafter, Nov. 31 to Oct. 1. Wild turkey, Jan. i to Sept. 15. Deer, Jan. i to Sept. 30 (use of dogs forbidden at all times). HARFORD. — Partridge, pheasant, robin, rabbit, Dec. 15 to Nov. 15. Rail bird, reed-bird, Dec. 15 to Sept. I. Woodcock, Aug. 10 to June 10 Non-resident license fee $10, unless by landowner's per- mission. HOWARD.— Pheasant, Dec. 24 to Aug. 15. Partridge, Dec. 24 to Oct. 31. Woodcock, Dec. 24 to June 15. Rabbit, Dec. 24 to Oct. 31. License fee, $7. 50. KENT. Partridge, quail. Bob Whites, woodcock, robin, rabbit, except Nov i to Dec. 24. Dove, plover, wild pigeon, except Aug. i to Dec. 24. Snipe, except March 15 to June i. Reed-bird, rail-bird, ortolan, except Sept. i to Nov. i. Non-resident license fee $15, or $5 if invited by a landowner. Ex- port game license, $100. MONTGOMERY.— Pheasant, Jan. i to Sept. i. Partridge, Dec. 15 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Jan. i to July I. Rabbit, Feb. i to Sept. i. Wild turkey, Feb. i to Nov. i. Squirrel, Dec. 15 to Aug. i. Wood duck, Jan. i to Sept. i. PRINCE GEORGE.- Partridge, Dec. 24 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Sept. i to Nov. i, and Dec. 24 to June 15. Rabbit, Dec. 24 to Nov. i. Ortolan, sora, rail, Nov. i to Sept. 5. Robin, April i to Nov. i. License fee, $20. Non-residents on Patuxent same as Anne Arundel. Trout, bass and salmon in Eastern Branch of the Potomac and tributaries. QUEENE ANNE'S.— Partridge, Dec 24 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Feb. i to July 4 Rabbit, Dec. 24 to Nov I. Robin, March i to (Jct. i. ST. MARY'S. Partridge, Dec. 24 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Feb. 24 to July 4. Rabbit, Jan. 1510 Sept. I. License fee $20. SOMERSET.- Partridge, quail, Jan. 15 to Nov. 10; night killing forbidden. Wild duck, April i to Oct. I. Hare, rabbit, Jan. 15 to Nov. 10. Woodcock, Jan. i to June 15. Wild goose, April i to Nov. I. License fee $9 50. TALBOT. -Partridge, Dec 31 to Nov. i. Woodcock, Jan. i to July 4. Sora, water rail and sum- mer duck, Jan. I to Sept. 10 Rabbit, Dec. 31 to Nov. i. License fee $9.50. WASHINGTON. Woodcock, except July 12 to Dec. 25. Pheasant, dove, except Aug. 12 to Dec. 25. Squirrel, except June i to July i and Sept. 15 to Dec. i. Deer, wild turkey, except Nov. i to Jan 15. Quail, partridge, rabbit, except Oct. 20 to Dec. 25. Ferrets forbidden. Bass, perch, cattish, bullhead, pike or pickerel, April i to June 30; forbidden to take any less than 10 inches. Trout (of all kinds), landlocked salmon, whitefish, Sept. i to March 31. Forbidden to take any whitefish, land- locked salmon or lake trout of less than 10 inches, or any other trout of less than 8 inches. W^ICOMICO. Woodcock, Feb. i to June 15. Plover, sandpiper, partridge, quail, Jan. 15 to Nov. 15. Wood or summer duck, Jan. i to Sept. 10. Squirrels, Feb. 15 to Sept. i. Rabbit, Jan. 15 to Nov. 1. Use of light at night for wildfowl forbidden. WORCESTER.— Partridge, Feb. 15 to Nov. 15. Woodcock, Feb. i to July 10. Wood or summer duck, March i to Sept. i. Rabbit, Jan. 15 to Nov. i. Wildfowl, April 10 to Nov. 1. License fee, $10 for wildfowling. Read pages 2> 3. For any chanj^es see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. 39 ARIZONA. Deer, Antelope. — Act of April 12, 1S93. — Sec. i. Any person who shall between the 1st day of January and the ist day of September kill any male or female deer or fawn or antelope is guilty of a misdemeanor. Elk, Mountain bheep, Big Horn. — Sec. 2. Any persen who shall at any time during the period of five years next, subsequent to the passage of this act, kill any elk, male or female, or any mountain sheep or big horn, male or female, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Wild Turkey, Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Partridge, Quail. — Sec. 3. Any person who shall between the ist day of April and the ist day of September in each year kill any wild turkey, grouse, prairie chicken, partridge or quail is guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this paragraph are not to be construed to apply to individuals killing quail on their own premises inclosed. Brook or Mountain Trout. — Sec. 5. Any person who shall between the ist day of November and the ist day of April in each year, take any of the brook or mountain trout is guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this paragraph are not to be construed as applying to rights of individuals over private lakes, ponds or pools. Exportation. — Sec. 7. If any agdnt of a common carrier or private individual have or receive any of the game animals, birds or fishes mentioned in this act, for transportation outside of the limits of this Territory, at any time, they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. KENTUCKY. Deer.— Act Feb. 27, 1894, in effect June 12, 1894. — Sec. i. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to kill any buck, doe or fawn between the ist day of March and the 1st day of September. Squirrel. — Sec. 2. No person shall kill any black, gray or fox squirrel, between the ist day of February and the 15th day of June; provided, gray squirrels may be killed for protection of crops. Wildfowl. — Sec. 3. No person shall kill any wild goose, wood-duck, teal or other wild duck, between the 1st day of April and the 15th day of August. Wild Turkey. — Sec. 4. No person shall kill any wild turkey, between the ist day of February and the 1st day of September. Woodcock. — .Sec. 5. No person shall kill any woodcock between the ist day of February and the 20th day of June. Quail, Partridge, Pheasant. — Sec. 6. No person shall kill any quail, partridge or pheasant between the 1st day of January and the 15th day of November. Dove. — Sec. 7. No person shall kill any dove between the ist day of February and the 1st day of August. Other Birds. — Sec. 8. No person shall at any time kill any thrush, meadow-lark, finch, martin, swallow, woodpecker, flicker, oriole, red-bird, tanager, cat-bird, blue- bird or other song or insectivorous bird, except where the same shall be destructive to the fruit or grain crops. ALABAMA. Ring-Necked Pheasant. — Chap. 365, Laws 1S93. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful to kill any ring-necked pheasant for the term of eight vears from the ist day of June, 1893. ' . • . . Other Game and Fish. — There is no general State law on other game, nor on fish. Read pages 3, 3. For any changes sec index facing back cover. 4© The Game Laws in Brief. — Washington. WASHINGTON. Use of Dogs — Hides or Horns. — Act of Feb. 6, 1890. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful to hunt or chase deer with dogs. Sec, 2, That it shall be unlawful to hunt For aoy changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief.— New York. 43 ~ NEW YORK. Game Code as Amended 1896. All special county supervisors' laws have been repealed except for Suffolk. The following provisions apply to all the State except Long Island. Deer. — Sec. 40. Wild deer shall not be killed except from the i6th day of August to the 31st day of October, both inclusive. No person shall kill or take alive more than two deer'in any season. And in the counties of Ulster, Greene, Sullivan and Delaware no wild deer shall be killed at any time within live years from the passage of this act. [Venison lawfully killed may be possessed to Nov. 10.] Fawns. — Sp:c. 42. No fawns shall be caught or killed at any time. Jacking. — Sec. 43 [as amended 1S96]. Traps or any device whatsoever to trap and entice deer, including salt licks, shall not be made, set or used, and deer shall not be caught, hunted or killed by aid or use thereof. No jack light or any other artiticial light shall be used in hunting or killing or attempting to kill any deer, except from Sept. I to Sept. 15, both inclusive. Hounding. — Sec. 44 [as amended 1896]. Deer shall not be hunted, pursued or killed with any dog or bitch in this State at any time except from the 1st to the 15th day of October, both inclusive. Dogs of the breed commonly used for hunting deer shall not be permitted by the owner or person harboring the same to run at large except between such dates in the forest where deer inhabit. Deer shall not be hunted with dogs in the counties of St. Lawrence, Delaware, Greene, Ulster or Sullivan, except in the towns of Highland, Cumberland, Tusten, Cochecton and Bethel, in the county of Sullivan, deer may be hunted, pursued or killed with dogs from the ist to the 15th day of October, both inclusive. The provisions of this section as to the close season shall not apply to Long Island. If any dog or bitch of the breed used for hunting deer shall be found hunting, pursuing or killing any deer, or running at large in the forests of this State where deer inhabit, except between the 1st and 15th days of October, both inclusive, it shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the violation of the foregoing section by the person or persons owning, using, having or harboring such dog or bitch. Sec. 45. Dogs, while chasing deer in violation of law, may be killed by any person. Venison Transportation.— Sec 46. Deer or venison killed in this State shall not be transported to any point within or without the State from or through any of the counties thereof, or possessed for that purpose, except as follows: One carcass or a part thereof may be transported from the county where killed when accompanied by the owner. No individual shall transport or accompany more than two deer in any one year under the above provision. This section does not apply to the head and feet or skin of deer severed from the body. Crusting and Yarding.— Sec. 47. Deer shall not be hunted, killed or captured by what is commonly known as crusting, nor while they are yarded. Moose, Caribou and Antelope. Sec. 48. Moose, caribou or antelope shall not be killed or possessed or sold during the close season for the possession of deer or venison, after the same have been killed. Black and Gray Squirrels, Hares and Rabbits.— Sec, 49 [as amended 1896]. Black and gray squirrels, hares and rabbits shall not be hunted, shot at, killed or pos- sessed except from the 15th of October to the 15th day of February, both inclusive. The use of ferrets in the hunting of rabbits is hereby prohibited. I'he provisions of this section shall not apply to l*jng Island. The counties of Wayne, Onondaga and Oswego are hereby exempt from the provisions of this section in so far as it relates to the killing or hunting with ferrets of hares and rabbits. Beaver. — Sec. 50. No beaver shall be caught or killed at any time in this State. Wolves and Panthers. — Sec. 52. A bounty of $30 for each grown wolf, $15 for each pup wolf and $20 for each panther shall be paid to any person who shall kill such animals in the State. Wild Fo"wl. — Sec. 70. Web-footed wild fowl, except geese and brant, shall not be killed, possessed or sold between the last day of April and the 1st day of Septem- ber, and shall not be hunted or killed except during the hours in each day com- The Game Laws in Brief.— New York. mencing one hour before sunrise and terminating one hour after sunset. On the Hudson River below the dam at Troy, boats propelled by hand may be used for the purpose of shooting web-footed fowl. Sec. 71. Web-footed wild fowl shall not be killed or caught in any way. save with gun raised at arm's length and fired from the shoulder without other rest; nor from any boat other than a boat propelled by hand or floating device; nor by the use of any bough-house at a greater distance than fifty feet from either the shore or a natural growth of grass or flags. Such fowls caught or killed in any manner prohibited by this section shall not be brought to the shore, sold or possessed. Quail. — Sec. 72. Quail shall not be killed except during the months of November and December. Sec. 73. Quail shall not be sold or possessed except during the months of November, December and January; and they shall not be killed or possessed in the counties of Genesee, Wyoming, Orleans, Livingston, Monroe, Cayuga, Seneca, Wayne, Tompkins, Tioga, Onondaga, Ontario, Steuben, Cortland and Otsego, prior to the ist day of November, i8g8. Woodcock and Grouse. — Sec. 74. Woodcock, ruffed grouse, commonly known as partridge, or any member of the grouse family, shall not be killed except from the i6th day of August to the 31st day of December, both inclusive. Sec. 75. Wood- cock, ruffed grouse, commonly known as partridge, or any member of the grouse family, shall not be sold or possessed except from the i6th day of August to the 31st day of January following, both inclusive. Woodcock, Quail and Grouse not to be Transported.— Sec. 76. Woodcock, ruffed grouse, commonly known as partridge, or any member of the grouse family, or quail killed in this State, shall not be transported to any point within or without this State, from or through any of the counties thereof, or possessed for that purpose, except that such birds may be transported from the county where killed when accom- panied by the owner thereof. Plover and other Birds. — Sec. 77. Wilson's, commonly known as English snipe, plover, rail, mud-hen, gallinule, grebe, bittern, surf-bird, curlew, water, chicken, bay snipe or shore bird shall not be killed or possessed during the months of May, June, July and August. Certain Wild Birds Protected.— Sec. 78. Wild birds shall not be killed or caught at any time or possessed after the same are dead. This provision does not affect any birds the killing of which is prohibited between certain dates by the provisions of this act, nor does it protect the English sparrow, crow, hawk, crane, raven, crow blackbird, common blackbird and kingfisher; and it does not apply to any person holding a cer- tificate under the provisions of this act. Meadow Larks. — Sec. 79. Meadow larks shall not be killed or possessed after they are dead at any time. Destroying or Robbing Nests. — Sec. 80. The nests of wild birds shall not be robbed or wilfully or needlessly destroyed unless when necessary to protect buildings or prevent their defacement. This section does not apply to the English sparrow, hawk, crane, crow, raven, crow blackbird and common blackbird or kingfisher. Snaring, Netting or Trapping. — Sec. 81. English pheasants, ruffed grouse, commonly known as partridge, or any member of the grouse family, or quail, shall not be trapped, netted or snared. Any such net, trap or snare is declared to be a public nuisance and may be abated and summarily destroyed. Mongolian Ring-necked Pheasant. — Sec. 82. ^ No person shall kill, expose for sale, or have in his or her possession after the same has been killed, any wild Mongolian ring-necked pheasant {Phasins iorqttatiis) prior to the year 1900. The provisions of this section shall not applv to Suffolk county. Authority to Collect Birds for Scientific Purposes.— Sec. S3. Certificates may be granted by any incorporated society of natural history in the State, or by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, to any properly accredited person The Game Laws in Brief.— New York. 45 of the age of eighteen years or upwards, permitting the holder to collect birds, their nests or eggs, for strictly scientific purposes only. In order to obtain such certificate the applicant must present written testimonials from two well-known scientific men certi- fying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be intrusted with such privilege. Sec. 84. Such person must pay $1 and nmst file a properly executed bond in the sum of $200, signed by two responsible citizens of the State as sureties. This bond shall be forfeited to the State and the certificate become void upon proof that the holder of such certificate has killed any bird or taken the nest of eggs of any bird for other than the purposes above mentioned. Sec. 85. Such certificates shall be in force for one year only from the date of their issue and shall not be transferable. FISH. Waters not to be Stocked from Streams. — Sec. 103. No trout of any kind, salmon trout or land-locked salmon shall be taken from any of the waters of this State for the purpose of stocking a private pond or stream. Fishing through the Ice in Waters Inhabited by Trout. — Sec. 104. No fish shall be fished for, caught or killed through the ice in any waters inhabited by trout, salmon trout or land-locked salmon during the closed season for the taking of such fish. The provisions of this section do not apply to Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, the Hudson and Niagara rivers, nor to Silver Lake, in the county of Wyoming, from the 1st day of January to the 15th day of February both inclusive. Trout. — Sec. 105. liout of any kind shall not be killed or possessed except from the ibth day of April to tiie 31st day of August, boih inclusive. Length of Trout, Salmon Trout, Land-locked Salmon. — Sec. 116. Trout •f any kind, salmon trout or land locked salmon less than six inches in length shall not be intentionally taken or possessed, and in case any such fish is caught the person taking it shall immediately place such fish back in the waters without unnecessary injury. Salmon Trout and Land-locked Salmon. — Sec. 108. Salmon trout, some- times known as lake trout, and land-locked salmon shall not be caught or killed in the inland waters of this State except from the ist day of May to the 30th of September, both inclusive. Transportation. — Sec. 109. Trout of any kind, salmon trout or land-locked salmon, caught in any of the inland waters of this State, shall not be transported to any point within or without the State from or through any of the counties thereof, or possessed for that purpose, except when accompanied by the owner. * Black Bass, Oswego Bass, Pickerel, Pike or Wall-eyed Pike. — Sec. iio. Black bass or Oswego bass shall not be caught or possessed except from the 30th day of May to the 31st day of December, both inclusive, and shall not be caug^ht in Lake George or Schroon Lake, except from the ist day of August to the 31st day of De- cember, both inclusive; and shall not be caught in the Schoharie River or Foxes Creek within three years from the 31st day of May, i8g6, except in the month of August. Pickerel, pike or wall-eyed pike shall not be caught or possessed except from the ist day of May to the 31st day of January, both inclusive, except as provided in Sec. 141. This section shall not apply to the St. Lawrence between Tibbet's Point lighthouse and the city of Ogdensburgh. * Bass Length.— Sec. hi. No black bass less than eight inches in length shall be intentionally taken from any of the waters of this State, nor possessed, and in case any such fish is caught or taken the person taking it shall immediately return it to the waters from which it was taken without unnecessary injury. * Muskallonge. — Sec. 112. Muskallonge shall not be caught or possessed except from the 30th day of May to -the last day of February, both inclusive. Salmon.— Sec. 113. Salmon shall not be caught or killed between the 15th day of August and the ist day of March following, nor shall such fish taken between those dates in this State be possessed. Sec. 114. No salmon less than eighteen 'li'or special Thousand Inlands law see page 47. 46 The Game Laws in Brief.— New York. inches in length shall be intentionally taken alive from any of the waters of this State, nor possessed, and in case any such fish is caught or taken the person taking it shall immediately place such fish back in the waters from which it was taken without un- necessary injury. Fishing Near Fishways. — Sec. 117. The commissioners of fisheries, game and forest are required to maintain fifty rods from any hshway erected by the State, and on both sides of the stream, signboards containing substantially the notice: "Fifty rods to the fishway; all persons are by law prohibited from fishing in this stream between this point and the fishway." The provisions of this section shall apply to public waters only. Sec. 118. Fishing or attempting to take fish by any device whatever, within fifty rods of such fishway, is forbidden. Salt-water Striped Bass. Sec. 121. No salt-water striped bass less than eight inches in length shall be intentionally taken nor possessed; and, in case any such fish is taken, the person so taking it shall immediately place such fish back into the water from which it was taken without unnecessary injury. Ice Fishing, Spearing, etc. — Sec. 141. Pickerel, bullheads, catfish, eels, perch and sunfish may be fished for through the ice with hooks and lines or tip-ups in Lake Keuka or Crooked Lake, or in any of the waters of the State not inhabited by trout, lake trout, salmon trout, black or Oswego bass, or land-locked salmon or muskallonge, and by set lines in the Susquehanna River, and in the waters of Port Bay, in the county of Wayne. Suckers, bullheads, eels and dog-fish may be caught at any time by means of hooking and spearing in Oneida Lake and Oneida River, or in any of the waters of the State not inhabited by trout, lake trout, land-locked salmon, muskallonge, black bass or Oswego bass. Provided, however, that pike, pickerel and wall-eyed pike may be taken with hook and line or spear, and muskallonge with hook and line, in any of the inland waters of this State not inhabited by trout, or salmon of any kind, during the months of December. January and February, except in waters of Cortland county. Suckers, bullheads and eels may be caught in Seneca Lake with seines, providing that permission so to do has been first obtained from the commissioners of fisheries, game and forests. Taking Minnows for Bait. — Sec. 145. The provisions of this act prohibiting the use of nets shall not apply to taking minnows for bait, but nets for that purpose must not exceed forty feet in length and four feet in depth, with ropes at either end not exceeding thirty feet. This section shall not authorize the use of nets or any other device of a kind used for catching fish in streams inhabited by trout, nor the taking of trout by means of nets or other devices except angling in any waters. Fishing with Nets and other Devices. — Sec. 150. Fishing with nets, seines, fykes, dip-nets or other devices except angling or placing, drawing or using the same in any of the rivers, lakes and inland waters of this State is prohibited except as per- mitted by this act, and except where otherwise provided. Angling Defined. — Sec. 300, Sub-Sec. 5. "Angling" is defined to mean taking fish with hook and line and by rod held in hands, and does not include set lines. In fishing from boats, rods and lines not exceeding two in number may be used by any one person. SPECIAL LONG ISLAND LAW. The following provisions apply exclusively to the counties of Kings, Queens and Suffolk, and Long Island Sound. Wild Fowl.— vSec. 161. Web-footed wild fowl shall not be killed or possessed from the ist day of May to the 30th day of September, both inclusive, nor shall the same be killed between sunset and daylight. Sec. 162. Floating devices may be used for the purpose of shooting web-footed wild fowl therefrom in Long Island Sound, Great South Bay, west of Smith's Point, Shinnecock and Peconic bays, and in any part of said counties said birds may be pursued and killed from boats propelled by hand, and from any sail boats in Long Island Sound, Gardiner and Peconic bays. Plover and other Birds.— Sec. 163. Plover, curlew, jack snipe, bittern, Wilson's, commonly Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. New York. 47 known as English snipe, yellow legs, killdeer, willet snipe, dowitcher, short-necks, rail, sand-piper, bay- snipe, surf snipe, winter snipe, ring-necks and oxeyes shall not be killed or possessed except from the ist day of July to the 31st d ^y of December, both inclusive. Meadow ^ ark, Wi odcock and Grouse.— Sec. 164. Ruffed grouse, commonly known as par- tridge, or any member of the grouse family or meadow larks shall not be killed trom the ist day of Jan- uary to the 31st day of October, both inclusive. Woodcock shall not be killed from the ist day of Jan- uary to the 31st day of July, inclusive. Trout. - Sec. 166. Trout shall not be caught except from the 29th day of March to the 31st day of August, both inclusive. Salmon Trout and Land-locked Salmon.— Sec. 167. Salmon trout and landlocked salmon shall not be caught except from the ist day of April to the 30th day of September, both inclusive. Black Bass, Close Season. — Sec. 168. Biack bass shall not be caught except from the 30th day of May to the 31st day of December, both inclusive. Hares and Rabbits. Sec. i6g Hares and rabbits shall not be killed or possessed except from the ist day of Novemb r to the 31st day of December, both incliisive. _ The use of ferrets is prohibited. Deer. — Shc. 170 [as amended iSq6]. Shooting at, hunting with dogs or otherwise, or killing deer is prohibited, except during each Wednesday in the month of November in each year. Black and Gray Squurels. Sec. 171. Black and gray squirrels shall not be killed or possessed except from the isl day of November to the 31st ciay of December, both inclusive. Jamaica Bay. Sec. 172. Angling shall be lawful in said bay every day of the year. Mead w Hens. Sec. 175. Meadow hens, mud hens, gallinule or water chicken or grebe shall not be killed or possessed from the i6th day of August to the 31st day of December, both inclusive. THOUSAND ISLANDS SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Sees, no, III and 112, relative to bass, pike and muscallonge, do not apply to the St. Lawrence River and Thousand Islands, where the fol owing special provisions obtain: Artie e t > apply to the St. Lawrence River between Tibbet's Point Lighthouse and the City ot Ogdensbugh only.— Sec. 320. This article applies exclusively to the waters of the St. Lawrence ixiver lying between an imaginary line drawn from Tibbet's Point Lighthouse, about four miles southwest from Cane Vincent, to the Snake Island Lighi house, about four miles southwest from the city of Kingston in Ontario, and an imaginary line drawn from the northern part of the city of Ogdensburgh to the nortuern part of Piescott in Ontario, situated on the opposite side of the St. Law- rence River, and to be known for the purposes of this article as " the waters of the Thousand Islands." B:ack Bass, Pickerel, Pike, Wall-Eyed Pike and Maskinonge. Close fceason. Sec. 322. Biack bass, unJer this article, includes small-mouthed black bass and laree-mouthed black bass, other- wise known as Oswego bass. Sec. 323. Black bass, p ckerel, pike and maskinonge, commonly called muskallonge, shall not be fished for, caught, killed or possessed in the waters of the Thousand Islands, between the i-^t day of January and the 9th day of June, both inclusive. Fishing Through the Ice.— Sec. 324. No fish shall be fished for, caught or killed in any manner, or by any device, throii.;h the ice in the waters of the Thousand Islands, between the ist day of January and the 9th day of June, inclusive. Black Bass Length —Sec. 325. No black bass less than ten inches in length shall be intentionally taken alive from the waters of the Thousand Islands, nor shall the same be killed or possessed, and in case any such fish is caught, the person taking it shall immediately place such fish back in the water. Lirr.it as to Catch of Black Bass.— Sec. 326. No person shall take, catch, kill or possess m-ore than twelve black bass of the size permitted by this article in ai y one day. Where two or more persons are fishing or angling from the same boat the aggrega e number of bass taken, caught, killed or pos- sessed by the occupants of said boat in any one day shall not exceed twenty-four. Fishing by Certain Dev.CiS Prohibited.— Stc. 327. No fish shall be fished for, caught or killed in any manner or by any device except angling in the waters of the 1 housand Islands, except that it shall be lawful to take minnows for bait in the manner provided for by Sec. 145 of this act ; provided, however, that if any black bass, pickerel, pike, wall-eyed pike or maskinonge are taken in such nets they shall be immediately returned to the waters alive. Duty of An 'I rs to Exhibit thfir Catch ot Fsh.— Sec. 329. Every person fishing in the waters of the Thousand Islands shall, whenever requested by any fish and game protector, permit such pro- tector to inspect and examine the fish taken by him or in his possession, or in ttie boat ( ccupied by him, and the implements by which the same were taken, and in case of his refusal to permit such examina- tion or inspection he shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and also be liable to a penalty of $25 for each such refusal. Sec. 330. In case any angler or person fishing in the waters of the Thousand Islands shall, upon the request ot any fish and game protector, refuse permission to such protector to inspect and examine the fish taken by him. or in his possession, or in the boat occupied by him, or the imple- ments by which the same were taken, such inspector shall have power and he is hereby authorized, with or without a search warrant, to examine the contents of such boat, or of any box, locker, basket, crate or other package therein, or in the possession of such angler or person so fishing, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this article have been violated, and to use such force as may be necessary lor the purpose 01 such examination. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 48 The Game Laws in Brief. — Ohio. OHIO. Song Birds. — Revisea Statutes. — Sec. 6960 [as amended 1896]. No person shall, at any time, catch, kill or injure, any sparrow, nuthatch, warbler, flicker, vireo, wren, robin, cat-bird, tanager, bobolink, bluejay, oriole, grosbeak, creeper, red-start, wax- wing, woodpecker, hummingbird, lark, cuckoo, thrush, swallow, blue-bird, bunting, red-wing, starling, purple-martin, brown-thrasher, American goldfinch, chewink or ground robin, pewee or phoebe-bird, chick-a-dee, titmouse or eagle. No person shalU at any time, destroy the eggs or nests of any of the birds named in this section. Pro- vided that nothing in this act shall prohibit the killing of the house sparrow at any time, or prohibit the killing of the American robin, by tha owner or tenant of any premises where it is found destroying berries or fruit growing on such premises. Game Birds, Rabbit, Squirrel, Water Fowl. — Sec. 6961 [as amended 1896]. No person shall, on any place, catch, kill or injure, or pursue with such intent, any quail, except between the loth day of November and the 15th day of December, in- clusive; or any prairie chicken, rabbit or squirrel, except between the ist day of Sep>- tember and the 15th day of December, inclusive; or any woodcock, except between the 4th day of July and the 15th day of November, inclusive; or any rail, snipe, kill- deer, plover, coot or mud-hen, or any wild duck, except between the ist day of Sep- tember and the loth day of April, inclusive. No person shall, at any time, catch, kill or injure, or pursue with such intent, any wild duck or wild goose, by the aid or use of any swivel or punt gun, or any other gun than a common shoulder gun; or with the aid of, or from any sink-boat or battery, or by the use or aid of any steam boat, naphtha launch, electric launch sail-boat, steam launch, or any kind of boat whatsoever, except a common row-boat, propelled by oars. No person shall, at any time, catch, kill or injure, or pursue with such intent, any of the birds, game or animals mentioned in this act, with or by the use of any trap, net or snare, or destroy any of the eggs or nests of any of the birds named in this section. No person shall kill any wild duck on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday of any week, on any of the reservoirs belonging to the State of Ohio, or in or upon the waters of Lake Erie, and the estuaries and bays thereof; but nothing herein shall be so construed as to authorize the killing, catching or pursuing with such intent, any wild duck on Sunday. No person shall hunt or shoot or trap, or have in possession in the open air for such purpose, the implements for the hunting, shooting or trapping of the same, on the first day of the week, called Sunday. No person shall shoot at or kill any wild duck before six o'clock in the forenoon, or after five o'clock in the afternoon, of any day. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined as provided in section 6968. Provided that nothing herein shall be construed so as to prohibit the killing of rabbits or squirrel by the owner or tenant of any premises where such animals are found injuring grain, fruit trees, shrubbery or vegetables. Rabbits. — [Forbidden to use ferrets on premises of another without permission.] Deer, Pheasants. — Sec. 6963 [as amended 1896]. No person shall catch, kill or injure, or pursue with such intent, any deer, Mongolian, English or ring-neck pheasant before the loth day of November, 1900; or after said date, except between the loth day of November and the 15th day of December, inclusive. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent persons from having in possession Mongolian, English or ring-neck pheasants, or deer in private inclosures for the purpose of domestication or propaga- tion. Sale, Possession, Transportation. — Sec. 6964 [as amended 1896]. Whoever pur- chases, sells, exposes for sale, or has in his possession any quail, wild turkey and ruffed grouse, except between the loth day of November and the 15th day of December, inclusive ; or any squirrel, dove, prairie chicken, except between the ist day of Septem- ber and the 15th day of December, inclusive ; or any woodcock except between the 4tb of July and the 15th day of November, inclusive; or any snipe, rail, killdeer, plover, coot or mud hen, or any wild duck, except between the ist day of September Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Ohio. 49 and the loth day of April, inclusive ; or any Mongolian pheasant, ring-neck or English pheasant, before the loth day of November, 1900; or after that date, except between the loth day of November and the 15th day of December, inclusive ; or any of the song or insectivorous birds mentioned in section 6960, shall be fined as provided in section 6968 ; provided that the provisions of this act shall not be construed as appli- cable to any common carrier into whose possession any of the birds, game or animals herein mentioned shall come into the regular course of their business for transporta- tion, whilst they are in transit through this State from any place without this State where the killing of said birds, game or animals shall be lawful, but nothing in the pro- visions of this act shall prevent anyone having in his possession wild deer during the time when the killing thereof is made penal. Killing for Sale or Export, Exportation. — Act April i, 1S96. — Sec. i. That no person shall at any time kill any quail, ruffed grouse or pheasant, or any Mongolian, English, or any ring-neck pheasant, for the purpose of conveying the same beyond the limits of this State, nor for the purpose of sale in the markets of this State, or shall transport, or have in possession with intent to procure the transportation beyond said limits, any of such birds killed within this State. The reception by any person within this State of any such birds for shipment to a point without the State shall be prima facie evidence that said birds were killed within the State for the purpose of carrying the same beyond its limits. Bass Length. — Sec. 6968. No person shall catch or have in his possession any black bass of less than six inches in length. Fish Close Season. — Sec. 6968^? (i). Whoever, during the spawning season of brook trout, or salmon, or land-locked salmon, or California salmon, which season is hereby defined to extend from the 15th day of September in each year to the 14th day of March inclusive, in the year following, shall catch any brook trout, salmon, land-locked salmon, or California salmon, shall be punished. WEST VIRGINIA. Deer — Exportation of Deer and Wild Turkey — Code of 1884, Chap. 62. — Sec. I. No person shall kill any deer from the 15th day of December to the 15th day of September following. No' person shall hunt any deer with dogs. No person shall kill any fawn when in its spotted coat. And no person shall at any time kill or have in possession, except while alive, any deer or wild turkey, or any part of the same, with the intention of transporting the same beyond the limits of this State. Jack Salmon, White Salmon, Brook Trout, Landlocked Salmon.— Sec. 4. It shall not be lawful to catch any jack salmon, or white salmon, between the ist day of April and the 15th day of June; nor to catch any brook trout or landlocked salmon, between the ist day of September and the ist day of January. Virginia Partridge, Wild Turkey, Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, Pinnated Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Wildfowl.— Sec. ii. It shall be unlawful to kill any quail or Virginia partridge, between the 20th day of December and the ist day of November following; or any wild turkey, between the ist day of January and the 15th day of September; or any ruffed grouse, pheasant, pinnated grouse or prairie chicken, between the ist day of January and the ist day of November; or any blue-winged teal, mallard or wood duck or any other wild diick, wild goose or brant, at any time between the ist day of April and the ist day of October; or any snipe, except be- tween the 1st day of March and the ist day of July; or any woodcock, except between the 1st day of July and the 15th day of September. And it shall be unlawful, by the use of any swivel or pivot gun, or any other than the common shoulder gun, or by the aid of any push boat, or sneak boat, used for carrying such gun, to kill any wild duck, goose or brant. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. CO The Game Laws in Brief. SOUTH CAROLINA. Sale of Game. — Act approved Dec. 22, 1892 [as amended by Act approved Dee. 22, 1893]. Sec. I. It shall not be lawful to sell, or expose for sale, any partridge, quail, woodcock or pheasant, deer or wild turkey, within the State of South Carolina for the space of five years. Export of Game.— Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful to export out of the limits of the State of South Carolina, any partridge, quail, woodcock or pheasant, deer or wild turkey for the space of five years. Non-Resident Licenses. — Sec. 3, All persons not citizens of the State and visiting in the State for the purpose of shooting game of any kind, shall pay a license of $25 to the county treasurer of the county where the visitor may be. Any person not obtaining said license before hunting or shooting, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $50, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days for each offense: Provided, that this act shall not apply to any person hunting or killing game on his own land. Mongolian Pheasants, — Act of Dec. 22, 1893. Sec. 2. For the space of tea years from the date of the passage of this act it shall be unlawful to kill at any time any Mongolian or ring-neck pheasants. For other game seasons see index. MICHIGAN. Export of Fish and Game.— Chap. 196, Laws 1893. — Sec. 2. No person shall at any time kill any of the birds, game or fish of this State, the killing of which is at any time or at all times prohibited by law, with intent to ship the same beyond the limits of this State. Deer in Certain Counties. — Chap. 97, Laws 1893. — Sec. i. No person shall kill any deer in counties of Lapeer, Huron, Sanilac, Tuscola, Macomb and St. Clair, until after Jan. i, 1903. Mongolian and English Pheasants. — Act No. 38, Laws 1895. — Sec. i. No person shall kill any Mongolian and English pheasants until the 1st day of November, 1900, and then only from the ist day of November to the 15th day of December in- clusive in each year. Sec. 2. No person shall for a period of 10 years from the passage of this act sell or ship or transport outside of this State any Mongolian or English pheasant. License for Hunting Deer.— Chap. 276, Laws 1889.— Sec. ?.t [added by Act approved June 8, 1S95]. Every non-resident of the State of Michigan who engages in the hunting or killing of deer in any county of the State of Michigan shall be required to take out a license from the county clerk of the county where he proposes to locate ills camp during the open season. Each and every person not a resident of the State of Michigan shall pay a license fee of $25. Such license shall allow such person to hunt or kill deer in any county of the State for the open season of the calendar year of which the license bears date. Sec. 27 [added 1895]. Every resident who has resided in the State of Michigan for six months, who proposes to hunt or kill deer in the State, shall take out a license from the county clerk of the county where he resides, which license shall be certified to by two witnesses or by the county clerk of said county, showing that the person to whom it is issued is a bona fide resident of the county where the license is issued. The fee for the issue of such license to a resident of the State of Michigan shall not exceed 50 cents. All licenses shall continue in force only during the hunting season of the year in which such license shall be issued. No person licensed under this act shall be allowed to kill more than five deer in any one year, and there shall be attached to each deer or part of deer shipped one coupon from said license, which coupon shall be signed and detached by the person to whom the license is issued in the presence of the shipping agent at the point of shipment. Bead pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Michigan. 5i MICHIGAN. Deer. — Act of July 6, 1889. — Sec. i [as amended 1895]. No person shall pursue or kill any deer in this State, save only from the ist day of November to the 25th day of November, both inclusive, in each year. Sec. 2. No person shall kill at any time any deer when it is in its red coat, or any fawn when it is in its spotted coat. Sec. 3. No person shall, at any time, kill or capture any deer in the waters of any streams, ponds or lakes. Sec. 4. No person shall kill or capture any deer by means of any pit, pitfall or trap. Sec. 5. No person shall make use of any artificial light in hunt- ing deer. Sec. 6. No person shall make use of a dog in hunting, pursuing or killing a deer. Wild Turkey. — Sec. 8. No person shall kill any wild turkey at any time except from the ist day of November to the 15th day of December inclusive. Woodcock. — Sec. 9. No person shall kill any woodcock, save only from the 15th day of August to the 15th day of December. Wildfowl, Snipe. — Sec. 10. No person shall kill any wild duck, wild goose, or Other wild water fowl or snipe,- save only from the ist day of September in each year to the 1st day of January in the year following; provided, that it shall be lawful to hunt and kill jack-snipe, red-headed, blue-bill, canvas-back, widgeon [and] pin-tail ducks and wild geese, between the ist day of September in each year and the ist day of May next following. Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, Colin, Quail.— Sec. 12. No person shall kill any ruffed grouse, sometimes called partridge, or pheasant, except from the ist day of November to the 15th day of December inclusive; or any colin or quail, sometimes called Virginia partridge, save only from the ist day of November to the 15th day of December inclusive; provided, that in the Upper Peninsula, partridge, or ruffed grouse, may be killed from the ist day of October to the ist day of January in- clusive. Pinnated Grouse, Prairie Chicken. — Sec. 13. No person shall kill any pinnated grouse or prairie chicken until the ist day of September, 1894, and thereafter only in the months of September and October in each year. Punt Gun, Battery — Dogs in Close Season. — Sec. 15. No person shall make use of any swivel or punt gun or sink-boat or battery for killing wild duck or other wild waterfowl, nor shall any person or persons molest, harass or annoy, any game bird during the closed season by any means whatever, nor shall any person break, train or practice, any dog upon any game birds during the closed season. Exporting from the State. — Act No. 151, Laws 1881. — Sec, i. No person shall, at any time, kill or expose for sale, transport or have in his possession, any deer, ruffed grouse, colin or quail, pinnated grouse, nor wild turkey, or any part of the carcass of the same, after the same has been killed, for any purpose except for con- sumption as food within this State. Trout, Landlocked Salmon, Grayling, Muskallonge, Bass. — Act of May 24, 1889. — Sec. I. No person shall catch any speckled trout, landlocked salmon, grayling or California trout, from the ist day of September in each year, until the ist day of May following thereafter; nor shall any person catch any muskallonge, or any black, strawberry, green or while bass, by any means whatever, except by hook and line, from any such lake, river or stream, from the ist day of March in each year to the ist day of July following thereafter. Size of Fish. — Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful to kill any brook trout, speckled trout, California trout, land-locked salmon or grayling, of a less size than 6 inches in iength. Bead pages 2* 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 52 The Game Laws in Brief.— Utah. UTAH. Act March 30, 1896. Fish. — Sec. 12. It shall be unlawful for any person to take any fish, except carp, chubs, suckers and mullet, from any of the waters of this State, by 'any means or device whatsoever, except by means of hook and line, commonly known as angling, and that only between the ist day of July of each year and the 15th day of January following. Sec. 13. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, kill, destroy or to have in his pos- session at any time, any hsh except carp, chubs, sunfish or silverside less than eight inches long, or to take or have in his possession any trout or bass whatever at any time after the 14th day of January and before the 15th day of July following. Sec. 15. It is hereby made unlawful for any person to take, kill or have in his possession any shad, catfish, whitefish, perch, rock bass, crappie, rainbow trout, goldfish, silverfish or silver eels, for a period of three (3) years after the passage of this act. [For lawful amount of trout see Sec. 27.] Big Game. — Sec. 22. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill, wound, ensnare or trap within this State for a term of three (3) years from the passage of this act any elk, deer, buffalo, bison, antelope or mountain sheep, or any fawn or young of any of said animals. Sec. 23. It shall be unlawful for any person to pursue with any dog or dogs any of the animals mentioned in Sec. 22 of this act. Partridge, Pheasant, Prairie Chicken, Grouse.— Sec. 24. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill, ensnare, net or entrap, or have in his possession within the State any partridge, pheasant, prairie chicken or grouse after the ist day of December and before the ist day of August following of any year ; or to rob or destroy the nest, eggs or young of any of the birds mentioned in this section. [But as to prairie chicken (pinnated grouse) see Sec. 30.] Sage Hen. — Sec. 25. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill or have in his pos- session any sage hen after the ist day of March and before the ist day of August fol- lowing in any year. Insectivorous Birds.— Sec. 26. It shall be unlawful for any person to kill, ensnare, net, entrap, at any time in any year any gull, owl, hawk, dove, lark, whippoorwill, thrush, swallow, snowbird, bobolink, woodpecker, or other insectivorous birds, except the English sparrow, or to rob or destroy the nest, eggs or young of any of said birds men- tioned in this section. Wild Fowl; Size of Gun ; Lawful Catch of Trout.— Sec. 27. It shall be un- lawful for any person to take, kill, wound, destroy, shoot at, or have in his possession any wild goose, wild duck, snipe, brant or swan, between the 1st day of April and the 1st day of October followisg, or to rob or destroy the nests, eggs or young of any of said birds mentioned in this section, or to take, kill, wound or shoot at any of the birds mentioned in this section between sunset and one hour before sunrise ; and it shall be unlawful for any person to use any gun larger than a ten (10) gauge while lawfully hunting for fowl or birds during the open season ; and it shall be unlawful for any per- son to take, kill or have in his possession in any one day more than fifteen pounds of trout. Export of Game and Fish.— Sec. 29. It shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons at any time to ship or cause to be shipped, carried or transported out of the State any of the animals, birds or fish, except carp, chubs, suckers and mullet, or any part thereof mentioned in this act. Mongolian Pheasant, English Pheasant", Pheasant, Pinnated Grouse, Quail. — Sec. 30. Any person who shall hereafter at any time within the State wilfully kill, wound, ensnare, trap, shoot at or have in his possession any birds commonly known as the Mongolian or Chinese pheasant, English pheasant or any pheasant, pinnated grouse or quail, except the quail found in southern Utah commonly known as the Cali- fornia quail, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Bead pages 2* 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. The Game Laws in Brief. — Delaware, Kansas. 53 DELAWARE. Partridge, Quail, Pheasant, Rabbit. — Act April 30, 1895. — Sec, i. It shall be unlawful to kill any partridgfe, quail, pheasant or rabbit before the ist day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1895; and after the 31st day of December. A. D. 1895, it shall be unlawful Reed-Bird, Ortolan, Rail, Wildfowl, Woodcock. — Chap 507 Vol. 17.— Sec. i [as amended 1S93]. It shall be unlawful to kill any reed-bird, ortolan or rail, in either of the counties of this State, between the ist day of February and the ist day of Sep- tember; or any wild goose, swan, brant, or any wild duck, except the summer or wood- duck, between the 15th day of April and the ist day of October in any year; provided that nothing in this act shall prevent the shooting of woodcock between the ist day of July and the 15th day of September. f Woodcock. — There is no close season for woodcock.] Wildfowl — Swivel Gun — Artificial Light. — Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful to kill any wildfowl with a swivel or punt gun, or with any gun other than such as are habitually raised at arm's length and fired from the shoulder, or to kill any of said birds with the aid of any artificial lights or lantern. Chap. 655, Laws 1893. — Se(.:. 2. It shall be unlawful to shoot any species of ducks on the marshes in or bordering on this State in the night time — that is to say, from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. Game Protected in Snow.— Chap. 100, Laws 1887. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, kill or destroy, while the ground is covered with snow, any partridge, grouse, quail, woodcock, rabbit or hare. Non-Residents. — Chap. 100, Vol. 18. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person not a citizen of this State to hunt, kill, take or destroy any partridge, grouse, quail, woodcock, rabbit or hare, reed-bird, ortolan or rail, unless he shall have first obtained a license from the " Delaware Game Protective Association." [Delaware Game Protective Association, Wilmington, Del. License fee, first year, $5; afterwards $2 per year.] Exportation— Non-Residents. — Chap, 137, Laws 1 891. — Sec. i [as amended by Chap. 654, Laws 1893]. That it shall be unlawful for any person to ship, take or carry out of this State any quail, partridge, robin, woodcock or wild rabbit, dead or alive, for purposes of sale or otherwise. And it shall also be unlawful for any person who is a non-resident of this State to ship or carry away any quail, partridge, robin, woodcock, Wilson or English snipe, or wild rabbit, dead or alive, from one county to another county in this State, for the purposes of sale or otherwise. [Black Bass, Trout. — There are no restrictions as to season for hook and line fishing, nor as to size of fish taken with hook and line.] KANSAS. Birds. — Chap. 97, Laws 1893. — Sec. i. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, at any time to catch, kill, shoot, trap or ensnare any partridge, prairie chicken, grouse, quail, pheasant, oriole, meadow lark, redbird, mockingbird and blue- bird; provided, that no provisions of this act sha 1 apply or interfere with persons who may have in their possession or ra.se for saU any b'rds as >ets, or may at any time catch, kill or entrap any of vne birds mentioned in this section on his or her own premises, contro'led by such person for his or he. own use. [l^o close time is pre- scribed for wildtowl, snipe, plover and curlew.] Black Bass.— Act in effect April 5, 1895.— Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to capture any black bass between the 1st day of April and the 1st day of July; oa- at any time to take any black bass of less than eight inches in length. 54 The Game Laws in Brief.— Florida, Tennessee. FLORIDA. Deer. — Act approved June i, 1895. — Sec. 2. The county commissioners of each county shall select eight consecutive months in each year within which deer shall not be killed. They shall publish said order in some newspaper of the county in two issues, and one copy shall be posted at the door of the courthouse. Any person who shall kill, except upon his own enclosed premises, any deer during the months a> designated shall be fined. Fire-Hunting Deer. — Act of May 19, 1891, — Sec. 3. That no person shall at any time hunt wild deer in the night time by means of fire, lamp or any artificial light. Wild Turkey, Quail, Partridge. — Sec. 3. No person shall kill, except upon his own enclosed premises, any wild turkey, quail or partridge, save only from the 1st day of November until the 15th day of March of any year. No person shall kill, except upon his own enclosed premises, more than four turkeys and no more than twenty-five quail, and no party more than fifty quail in one day. Transportation. — Sec. 4. Any person who shall ship any venison, wild turkey or quail beyond the limits of the county in which the same was killed shall be punished; provided, hunting parties may take their own game home with them in this State, but not for sale. Pheasant. — Any person who shall kill a pheasant at any time within the next five years shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and any person who shall hunt upon the en- closed or unenclosed and posted lands of another, without permission, shall be like- wise punished. Birds of Plume. — Chap. 4050 (No. 41, Laws 1891). — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill in this State, for the purpose of sale or commercial traffic, any of the following named plumed birds: that is to say, any crane, egret, ibis, curlew or heron. Fish. — There are no close seasons. TENNESSEE. Deer. — Chap. 171, Laws 1889. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful to kill deer fcg profit in the State of Tennessee; provided, however, that all citizens of Tennessee be allowed to kill deer for their own consumption, from the ist day of August to the ist day of January of each year. Quail, Partridge. — Sec. 2. That it shall be unlawful to kill quail or partridges for profit in the State of Tennessee; provided, that any citizen of this State may kill quail or partridges for profit on his own land, but not elsewhere, nor at any other season of the year than from the ist day of November to March the ist of each year. Fire-Hunting. — Code of 1884. — Sec. 2201. Every person hunting deer or other animals by fire and with a gun, in the night time, is liable to a penalty of fifty dollars. Deer, Wild Turkeys. — In certain counties. — Act of March 29, 1893. — Sec. i. That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill any wild deer in Bledsoe, Cumberland, Rhea, Fentress, White, Hamilton, Warren, Johnson, Hancock, Unicoi, DeKalb and Montgomery counties from Dec. ist to Sept. 30th of each year; and that it shall be unlawful for any non-resident of the State of Tennessee to hunt, kill or capture any wild turkeys in Bledsoe, Rhea, Fentress and White counties from May 1st to October 1st of each year. [With respect to counties named this act supersedes Chap. 171, Laws 1889.J County Laws. — Chap. 159, Laws 1S95, forbids killing partridges in Grainger and Hamilton counties from April i to Oct. I. Chap. 161 forbids killing deer for a period of five years in counties of Anderson, Clairborne, Campbell, Cocke, Morgan, Scott and Union. The Game Laws in Brief. — British Provinces. 55 The British Provinces. CANADIAN DUTY ON GUNS AND RODS. The duty is 30 per cent, of the appraised value. Memorandum. No. 492 B. Customs Department, Ottawa, July 4, 1891. — Collector of Customs: I am now instructed by the Honorable the Minister of Customs to authorize you to accept entry and duty on the guns, fishing rods and other equipments of parties visiting Canada for sporting purposes, with the condition that the duty so paid will be refunded on proof of exportation of the same within a period of two months from the date of entry. J. "Johnson, Commissioner of Customs. Memorandum. No. 556 B. Customs Department, Ottawa, June 14, 1892. — Collector of Customs: Refer- ring to Memo. No. 492 B, of July 4, 1891, re sportsmen's guns, etc. * * * You will also inform all entering their outfits that if they expect under the terms of the memorandum a refund of the duty paid, it can only be granted on condition that the claim bears a Canadian customs officer's certificate of identification and the usual evi- dence of exportation, W. G, Parmelee, Commissioner of Customs. ANGLERS' PERMITS IN INLAND WATERS OF CANADA. Order in Council, Adopted June 30, 1894. 1. No person, other than a British subject, shall angle for fish or take any bass, maskinonge, pike-perch (pickerel) or trout, in Canadian waters, without having first obtained therefor an angler's permit, issiued by the local fishery officer in each district, under the authority of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. 2. Each person, not a British subject, shall pay for such angler's permit, a fee of $5 for a period of three months, or a fee of $10 for a period of six months. 3. One angler's permit only shall be issued to each applicant. Such permit shall not be transferrable, and can be legally used only by the person whose name appears thereon. Each holder of an angler's permit shall be required to produce and exhibit his permit when called upon to do so by any fishery officer. 4. No person shall use, under an angler's permit, more than one fishing line, pro- rided with not more than three hooks. 5. No person shall, under an angler's permit, take, catch or kill in one day, more than 12 bass or pike-perch (pickerel), 20 trout, or 4 maskinonge. 6. No bass or pike-perch (pickerel) shall be retained or kept out of the water, which shall measure less than 10 inches in length, and no trout shall be retained or kept out of the water under 6 inches in length, but every person who takes or catches any of the fish mentioned, of a less size than the minimum measurement named, shall im- mediately return such undersized fish to the water from which they were taken, and shall, if possible, liberate such fish alive. 7. No person holding an angler's permit shall export, sell, or offer for sale any fish caught with hook and line. g. Nothing in these Regulations shall affect the rights of any person or persons holding leases of fishing rights from either the Federal or Provincial authorities. 10. Foreigners, when temporarily domiciled in Canada, and employing Canadian lK)ats and boatmen, shall be exempt from the Regulations requiring permits. 56 The Game Laws in Brief. ONTARIO FISHING LAWS. Pickerel. — General Fishery Regulations, July i8, 1889.— Sec. i. No one shall -catch any pickerel(dore) between the 15th day of April and the 15th day of May, both days inclusive. Maskinonge. — Sec. 2. No one shall catch any maskinonge between the 15th day of April and the 15th day of June, both days inclusive. Whitefish, Salmon-Trout. — Sec. 3. No one shall catch any whitefish or salmon- trout between the ist and 30th days of November, both days inclusive. bpeckled Trout. — Sec. 4. No one shall catch any speckled trout between the 15th day of September and the 1st day of May, both days inclusive. Bass. — Order in Council, May 13, 1893.— Skc. 2. After the ist day of January, 1894, the close season for bass in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec shall be from the 15th day of April to the 15th day of June, both days inclusive, in each and every year. Bass— Tourists.— Act of April 9, 1892.— Sec. 4. The word "Tourist" or "Summer Visitor" when used in this act shall include all persons who may be tem- porarily visiting, boarding or lodging in aliy locality at a distance of over five miles from their usual place of residence. Sec. 5. No tourist or summer visitor shall take in any Provincial water or carry away a greater number than one dozen bass upon any one day. Sec. 6. Anv summer tourist who shall catch in such waters bass of less than ten inches in length, shall forthwith return the same to the water without unnecessary injury. Speckled Trout. — Sec. 7. No person shall catch in any Provincial waters or carry away a greater number than fifty speckled or brook trout on any one day, or more speckled or brook trout than in the aggregate weigh more than Hfteen pounds on any one day. Sec. 8. No person shall in such waters kill or retain or carry away any speckled or brook trout of less than hve inches in lengtli. But when any such trout of a length less than five inches shall be taken or caught, the same shall be forthwith returned to the water without unnecessary injury. Nepigon. — Non-residents must take out a license ($5) to fish in the Nepigon. Apply to the Chief Warden. Non-resident Angling Permits.— See last page index, "Angling Permits." For Thousand Island Waters angling permits are not required. ONTARIO GAME LAWS. Deer not to be Hunted in the Water.— Chap. 193, Laws 1896.— Sec. i. No person shall at any time hunt, pursue, kill, wound or capture any deer in the waters of any rivers or lake within the limits of the Province of Ontario, or immedia'.ely after leaving such waters, and any person carrying a rifie, carbine or shotgun, and stationed in a canoe, skiff, punt or boat of any kind, at or near any place where hunted deer are likely to enter the water during the open season, s,\\'A\ prima facie be deemed to be en- gaged in hunting or pursuing deer within the meaning of this section. Resident's License to Hunt Deer. — Sec. 2 No person who is a resident of and doiniciled in the Province of Ontario shall hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy any deer without first having obtained a license in that behalf Every such license shall be signed by the Chief Fish and Game Warden and countersigned by the Provincial Sec- retary or his deputy, and shall be in force for one season only, and the fee for such license shall be $2. Deer, Elk, Moose, Reindeer, Caribou.— Game Protective Act, 1S93 —Sec. 2. No deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou shall be killed between the 15th day of November and the ist day of November of the following year ; but no moose, elk, rein- deer or caribou shall be killed before the 25th day of October, 1900. No one person Read pages 2, 3. For any chang^es see index facing back cover. The Game Lav^s in Brief. — Ontario. 57 shall during any one year or season kill more in all than two deer, elk, moose, rein • deer or caribou. Game Birds, Squirrel, Hare.— Sec 3. It shall be unlawful to kill any grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl or partridge, woodcock, snipe, rail, plover or any other water fowl or other game bird or animal (including black and gray squirrels and hares) not herein otherwise provided for, at any time between the 15th day of December and the 15th day of September in the following year. Or any quail or wild turkeys between the 15th day of December and the 15th day of October of the following year. Or any swans or geese at any time between the ist day of May and the 15th day of the following month of September. Or ducks of all kinds at any time between the 15th day of December and the istday of the following month of September. Notwithstanding anything in this section contained, no wild turkeys shall be killed at any time before the 15th day of October, 1897, and no prairie fowl or English or Mongolian pheasants before the 15th day of September, 1S97. Notwithstanding anything in this section contained, any person may at any time kill that species of hares coijmonly known in this Province as the cotton-tail rabbit or any species of rabbits. Wildfowling Methods. — Skc. 4. None of the contrivances for killing swans, geese or ducks, which are described or known as batteries, swivel guns or sunken punts, shall be used at any time, and no ducks or other water fowl shall be hunted, taken or killed from sail boats or steam yachts Night Shooting. — Sec. 4. (2) No person shall kill or shoot at any bird or wild fowl protected by this act, between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise. Export of Game.— Sec. 6. No person shall at any time kill any deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou, partridge, quail, woodcock, snipe, ducks of all kinds and any other game bird or animal, for the purpose of exporting the same or export the same out of Ontario. But any person not a resident and domiciled in the Province who has for any year been granted a license under the provision of Sec. 14 of this act, and paid the fee therefor, shall, so far as the authority of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario extends, be at liberty to export out of the Province the two deer which under the pro- visions of this act he is allowed to kill. [But see Export under New Brunswick ] Non-Residents. — Sec. 14. No person not a resident and domiciled in the Province of Ontario shall be entitled to kill any moose, elk, reindeer, caribou or other deer, otter, sable, beaver, or any other game animal or bird referred to in this act, or any other bird or animal, whether protected by this act or not, without having first obtained a license in that behalf ; every such license shall be signed by the Chief Fish and Game Warden and shall be in force for one season only ; the fee to be paid therefor shall be $25. Any non-resident who shall obtain a license to hunt in Ontario pursuant to the pro- visions of this section shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this act con- tained, be at liberty to take with him out of the Province fifty ducks or any less number lawfully hunted and taken by him ; provided that before so doing he shall obtain from the Chief Warden or any of the wardens a permit authorizing him so to do. The Pro- vincial Secretary, any member of the Board of Fish and Game Commissioners, or the Chief Fish and Game Warden may grant a permit to a guest of a resident of the Province free of charge for a term not exceeding one week. [See note to Sec. 6.] Sunday. — Sec. 24. No person shall on the Lord's day hunt game animals or birds. ICE FISHING FOR TROUT IN CANADA. Order in Council of June 16, 1892,— Fishing for speckled trout {Salvelinus fontinalis) through the ice is prohibited in Canada. Read pages 2, 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 53 The Game Laws in Brief. — Manitoba. MANITOBA. Game Seasons. — Act of 1890. — i. None of the animals or birds mentioned in this section shall be killed within the periods limited: (a) All kinds of deer, including cabri or antelope, elk or wapiti, moose, reindeer or caribou, or the fawns of such animals, between the 15th day of December and the 15th day of October following, (b) All varieties of grouse, including prairie chickens, pheasants and partridge, between the first day of December and the 15th day of September, (c) Woodcock, plover, (except the golden plover) snipe and sandpipers, between the ist day of January and the 1st day of August; provided, that as to upland plover, said period shall be between the ist day of January and 15th day of July, (d) Any kind of wild duck, sea duck, widgeon, teal, between the 1st day of May and the ist day of September. Quail, Pheasant, Wild Turkey.— Chap. 13, Daws 1893. — No quail, pheasants, or wild turkeys shall be killed for a period of three years from the 1st day of April, 1893. Wildfowl Batteries, Etc. — 2. None of the contrivances for taking or killing the wild fowl known as swans, geese or ducks, which are described or known as batteries, swivel guns, sunken punls or night lights, shall be in the possession of any person, nor shall they be used at any time. Exportation. — 6. No person shall kill any of the animals or birds mentioned in this Act for the purpose of exporting the same out of the I'rovince of Manitoba. 7. No person shall export out of the li.nits of the I'rovince any of the animals or birds mentioned in this Act excepting on a special permit from the Minister, and then only incase of live animals or birds for purposes of domestication. Killing for Private Use. — Act of 1888. — Skc. i. No person shall kill any prairie chickens or pheasants, and partridges, except for private use. 4. No person or common carrier shall carry such grouse or partridge, except such shall be accom- panied by or properly billed by a person claiming to have a right to the same under the provisions of Section i of this Act. Non-Residents. — Act of 1890. — 8. No person not having a domicile in this Province shall, at anytime, kill any of the animals or birds mentioned in this Act without being authorized so to do by a license granted by the Minister of Agriculture and Immigra- tion, and for which license a fee of $25 shall be payable. Such license shall be valid for the whole of the calendar year in which it is issued, unless the said Minister deems it necessary to cancel it; provided, that in the discretion of the said Minister a permit may be granted to a guest of a resident of the Province free' of charge for a term hot exceeding three days. Fish. — General Fishery Regulations, July, 1889. — Sec. I. No one shall catch any pickerel (dore), between the 15th day of April and the 15th day of May, both days inclusive. Sec. 4. No one shall catch any speckled trout between the ist day of October and the 1st day of January in each year. UNORGANIZED TERRITORIES. Act July 23, 1894, in effect Jan. i, 1896. fAct applies to those portions of the Northwest Territories not incuded in Assiniboia, Alberta anrf .^asketchewan. It applies to Keewa>in. Buffalo, bison, shall i or le killed until 1900. Close seasons: Musk ox, March 20 to Oct. 15. Klk, wapiti, caribou, deer, mountain sheep, mountain goat, April i to- July 15 and Oct. z to Dec. i. Grouse, partricge, pheasants, prairie chicken. Jan. i to Sept. i. Wild swan, ducks, geese, Jan. 15 to Sept. i. Indians, inhabitants, are exempt, ana travelers, explorers and surveyors in need of food.] PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Trout.— General Fishery Regulations, July 18, 1889.- Sfx. 7. No person shall catch any trout between the ist day of October and the ist day of December, botn days inclusive, in each vear. The Game Laws in Brief. 59 NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. Game Seasons. — The Game Ordinance of 1893. — Sec. 2. No elk, moose, caribou, antelope, deer, or their fawn, mountain sheep or goat, ^hall be killed between the 1st day of F'ebruary and' the ist day of October, (i.) No person shall take more than six head of the aforesaid animals in one season except for food for himself or family. .Sec. 3. No person shall kill: (i.) Any buffalo; (2.) any grouse, partridg^e, pheasant or prairie chicken between the 15th day of December and the 15th day of September; (3.) any kind of wild duck between the 15th day of May and the 23d day of August; (4.) any plover, snipe and sandpiper between the 1st day of January and the ist day of August. [One person may kill in a day only twenty of the birds named in sub-sec- tion (2).] Wildfowl Methods. — Sec. 5. None of the contrivances for the taking or killing; of the wildfowl, known as swans, geese or ducks, which are described as swivel guns, batteries, sunken punts, or night lights, shall be used at any time. Export. — Sec. ii. No person shall export out of the limits of the North-west Territories any grouse, partridge, pheasant, prairie chicken, elk, moose, caribou, antelope, or their fawn. Non-Residents. — No person, who is not a resident of the Territories, shall kill any of the aforesaid animals or birds unless he has obtained from the Lieutenant- Governor-in -Council a license on payment of $5, which license shall expire on the 15th day of May in each year, (a.) Provided that a license may be granted to a guest of any resident free for a term not exceeding five days. Fish. — General Regulations, July, 1889. — Sec. i. No one shall catch any pickerel, (dor6) between the 15th day of April and the 15th day of May, both days inclusive. Sec. 4. No one shall catch any speckled trout {Salvelinus fontitialis) between the 1st day of October and the ist day of January. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Game Protection Act, 1895. Cow Elk and Moose, Ewe of Sheep, Hen Pheasant, Quail, English Par- tridge and other Birds. — Sec. 3. None of the following animals or birds shall be killed at any time, viz.: Cow wapiti (commonly known as elk), cow moose, ewe or lamb of the mountain sheep, fawn, English blackbird, chaffinch, hen pheasant, linnet, skylark, thrush, robin, all species of quail, English partridge, and gull, or any bird known by any of these names, except as regards robin, as is provided in sub-section ( 3. For any changes see index facing back cover. 64 The Game Laws in Brief. — Quebec. Maskinonge.— Order in Council, April 12, 1892. — No one shall fish forany maski- nonge between the 25th of May and the ist of July. Salmon.— Sec. 7. (a) Salmon shall not be fished for, caught or killed, between the 31st day of July and the ist day of May ; provided always, that it shall be lawful to fish for, catch and kill salmon with a rod and line in the manner known as fly-surface fishing between the ist day of Febiuary and the 15th day of August in each year. In non tidal waters no one shall fish for salmon, or any other fish, between g o'clock in the evening of every Saturday and 6 o'clock on the following Monday morning. Speckled Trout.— Sec. 8. (a) No person shall fish for any speckled trout between the ist day of October and the 30th day of April. Gray or Lake Trout, Landlocked Salmon.— Sec. 10. No one shall fish for any gray trout or lake trout, and landlocked salmon, between the 15th day of October and the 1st day of December, both days inclusive. Winanish.- By an order in Council the close season is from Sept. 15 to Dec. i. Non-Residents. Revised Statutes, Art. 1378. — 2. Persons having their domicile in the Province of Quebec do not require licenses to angle in the waters of the lakes and rivers which are not under lease, and which are the property of the Crown. 3, Any person not having his domicile in the Province of Quebec who desires to fish therein must, before beginning to fish, procure a license to that effect from the Com- missioner or from any person by him authorized. The fee required is determined in each case by the Commissioner,' but it shall never be less than $10. [Angling Permits, .see index on last page.] NEWFOUNDLAND. Caribou. — Deer Preservation Act of 1889. — I. — Hereafter no person shall kill any caribou, except from the 15th day of September until the 15th day of February, both inclusive. II. — No one person shall, during any one year or season, kill more than five stag and three doe caribou. Non Resident Licenses. — III. — No person not actually resident in this Colony or its Dependencies shall kill caribou without having first procured a license, issued for the season, ^id shall pay for such license an annual fee of $100. V. — The license required by this^Act may be issued by a Stipendiary Magistrate, Collector or sub- Collector of Customs, a Justice of the Peace and such other officers or persons as may be empowered by the Governor in Council for that purpose, the person requiring the license first paying therefor a fee of one dollar. Exportati n. — VIII. — No person shall export or carry with him out of this Colony any venison, or the heads, antlers, skins or other parts of caribou, without first clear- ing the same at some Customs House. Dogs. — XI. — Any person who shall hereafter kill any caribou with dogs, shall be liable to a fine of $25. Ptarmigan, Willow Grouse, Partridge. — I. — No person shall kill any ptarmi- gan or willow grouse (commonly called partridge), or any other kind of grouse or par- tridge, within this Colony between 12th January and 15th September. Migratory Birds. — Act of June 11, 1890. — Sec. 2. No person shall kill any cuhew, plover, snipe or other wild or migratory birds (excepting wild geese) between the 1 2th day of January and the 20th day of August. Moose, Elk. — V. — No person shall kill any moose or elk, for a period of ten years from the ist of January, 1886. Rabbit, Hare. — VIII. — No person shall kill any wild rabbit or hare from the 1st March until ist September. Salmon, Grilse, Parr, Trout. — Chap. 102. — Sec. ii. No salmon shall be taken before the ist dav of May, or after the loth day of September. Trout, Char,'Whitefish, Landlocked Salmon. — Chap. 7, Laws 18S8. — Sec. i. No person shall catch any kind of trout, char, whitefish. landlocked salmon, or any fre-;h-water or any mifi-atory fish between the 15th day of September and the ist day of February. Pictures From "Forest and Stream jj DOK IN IHE WATER. From a photograph by Mr. George Shiras, 3d. (Forest and Stream Amateur Photography Competition.) The illustrations have been selected from the generous list contained in recent numbers of " Forest and Stream." They are noteworthy for artistic merit and fidelity to nature. And as for the "Brief's" advertising pages, they present the handsomest series of advertisements in this special line ever put into print. All the illustrations are copyrighted by the Forest and .Stream Publishing Co. dJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin lis-" 5 1 1 i ^ I £ . i ^ 0> ^ ^ -f. = .. 5 5 E « - 3 ^ c ^ = b« S^S:?x=^5.S .i ^ = 4>^*eOM^C'5y«*'O3'0 -^ i ^ >. - - .E s : ^s - ^ = 1 8 = u- o «« ^ •s fc^ '^ > « 5 « V * Eh ^ (Tt Z/l "Z eOCOOQOCDlO^COCOOiCQ P^ O O. -H ^ go :::::::::::::::::::::: : ^^ •:••:::::::.::::::::::: X! . :•:•::::•:::::::::::::: C£gH :::::::::::::::::::::;: < ^ « z :•::::::: s-i ^ ::::::::::;::::;.::..:: w I |?!*li!|"=li!|3i:|a!3!:l!^3!^!3!2iald!3!s! E < C^ ::::::::::::::::.: CQ ::: : rr :::::::::::::::::wcQ:h-&h ■^^ -^^ _- ^^ -^ o I H z- -. I ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ HAZARD'S I GUNPOWDER. = T^HIS is an article which has contributed to a greater extent than most people = S 1 imagine toward the prosperity of this country; it having taken the lead in = S leveling and cutting for railways, tunnels, canals, aqueducts, parks and driveways, = = as well as for the most effective service in large and small cannon, rifles, pistols, = = bombs, torpedoes, and signal lights by the Army and Navy; for long distance line = ~ throwing by the Life Saving Service, and by firework makers for high soaring E = rockets and special exhibition pieces. = = It has been the favorite with frontiersmen and cowboys. Hazard Powder is = S largely responsible for the disappearance of game, and the appearance of Game = = Laws, and occupies a leading position in rifle practice, trap and live bird shooting, = = as well as in forest and field sports. Its manufacture is conducted at one plant = E under one supervision, and it is not permitted to leave the works until by tests each E = packing is shown to be neither above nor below the proper standard. E E 1 All prominent RIFLE MATCHES won with HAZARD'S powder. E E All important TRAP prizes won with HAZARD'S powder. — = HAZARD'S KENTUCKY" RIFLE for shotguns or rifle, properly grained for long or short = ^ range, muzzle or breechloaders. — E HAZARD'S TRAP POWDER, a new and special make fur trap shooting. The best powder = — ever manufactured for shotgun cartridges. — E HAZARD'S DUCK SHOOTING. Nothing better for general field use. = E HAZARD'S ELECTRIC. Extra in quality and price, burns extremely quick and clean. — = HAZARD'S BLASTING and MINING (green label*. Made of refined materials, thoroughly = — incorporated, thus producing a powder comparatively free from smoke, of extra strength — — and a favorite among miners, quarry men and railroad contractors. r: E GOVERNMENT CANNON and MUSKET powders, also special grades for export of ;.ny re- = — quired grain or proof. — E HAZARD SMOKELESS "BLUE RIBBON "BRAND, introduced early in i8q5, is becom- E = ine a great favorite. To briefly state sime points of excellence, must convince the most ^ — critical that it is perfect in its desirable qualities : It is smokeless ; the quickest, cleanest and — != safest powder of this class the world has produced ; contains no ingredient that will injure the z: E €un barrel, foul the locks or impair the eyesight of the sportsman ; grains are hard and not — ZZ afifected by moisture or atmospheric changes (advantages not to be obtained m many other = — nitro powders); gives the most even pattern and deepest penetration with a minimum pressure — — and recoil. Hazard Smokeless is safe, reliable and pleasant to use. E E Magazine and Fresh Powder at all Principal Points. E = When ordering from merchants, specify "HAZARD'S" E E In ordering cartridges from Cartridge Loading Companies, or from merchants, E E insist that they contain " HAZARD "; otherwise powder of other makes may be E E substituted. " HAZARD'S " should cost no more than other brands. = E Special attention of Sportsmen is called to our great reduction in prices of E E Electric, Duck Shooting, and Canister Powders. E i "°^" adLss THE HAZARD POWDER CO. I E .... 46 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK CITY, | E OR BRANCH OFFICES: E E R. S. WADDELL, Agent, Cincinnati, O. W. McBLAlR, Agent, St. Louis, Mo. E = F.J. WADDELL, Age Chattanooga, Tenn. H. P. COLLINS, Agent, Baltimore, Md. = = E. d. RICE, Agent, Chicago, 111. J. F. SCHMELZER & SONS' ARMS = E CO , Agents, Kansas City, Mo. — iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Please mention Game Laws in Brief. ,'%/%%^/%/%,A GUN POWDER. ORANGE ' RIFLE » EXTRA. Manufactured Under Patented Process. This powder is quick and strong and burns with such perfect combustion that the only residuum left in the barrel after shootincr is a dark oily substance easily removed. Very little smoke. ORANGE RIFLE EXTRA Powder sells at the same price as any other brand of Rifle Powder and is superior to any made. Weight and quality guaranteed. Be sure and order Shells loaded with ORANGE • RIFLE • EXTRA • POWDER. * "TROISDORF" * t SMOKELESS SHOTGUN POWDER i Less smoke, less recoil, less noise, and residuum than any Powder in use. [ess Laflin & Rand Powder Co. NEW YORK, N. Y. ST. LOUIS, no. CHICAGO, III. CINCINNATI, O. DUBUQUE, Iowa. PITTSBURGH, Pa. BALTinORE, Md. NASHVILLE, Tenn. DENVER, Col. -V%/V%%^^V^^%/%,'%/%^V%'V^'V%k'V %^%/vW I hf I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co, WILMINGTON, = DELAWARE. GUNPOWDER. Du Pont's Crystal Grain. Unequalled in strength and cleanliness, Du Pont's Eagle Ducking. Unsurpassed for penetration and pattern; burning slowl}^, strong and very clean. - - . _ . Du Pont's Choke Bore. Specially adapted for prairie and upland shooting; burns slowly, strong and moist; gives good penetration with a close pattern. --.___ Du Pont's Trap Powder. Marked V. G. P.; strong, quick and clean. Medium fine grain. Has become a favorite with all who use a gun at the trap. - -...,_. Du Pont's Rifle. For general shooting, either in muzzle or breech loaders, nj DU PONT'S SMOKELESS. | The Safest, Strongest, Quickest and Cleanest NITRO ^ Powder in the market. ^ Military Powder and Gun Cotton. | Of a quality to meet requirements of U. S. Army and Navy. |]| Mining and Blasting Powder. | . - . _ Send postal for Illustrated Catalogue. n| ^SHHH5E5HHHHHHiEHHHa5H5HSH5H5H5E5H5ESHSE5H5E5HHE5H£ p5^ WM. READ & SONS, FINE GUNS 107 Washington St., A Specialty. BOSTON. SCOTT'S IVIONTE Ci^RLO, Latest .A^ulotnatic Ejector Hammerless. FIG 154 OTHER GUNS TAKEN TRADE. ^^"At the Monte Carlo 1895 meeting for ihe International Pigeon Shooting the SCOTT GUN took no less than ELEVEN of the prin- cipal prizes, which speaks volumes as to its reputation and praise. ^^^^^ AGENTS FOR GENUINE W. & C. SCOTT «& SON'S Ejector and Non- Ejector Safety-Block Hammer- less and Low Circular Hammer GUNS Also Wesley Richards, Lefever, Parker, Greener, Grant, Colt, Clabrough, Purdey, Fore- hand and Wadsworth, L. C. Smith, and all others. Also 100 Gov't WALL TENTS, size 9x12, good second-hand condition, of real Government duck; price, with poles and pins, $8. 50, or with- out, $7.00. These tents cost originally $20.00. Are just right for camping and bargains at price. pJ A full assortment of GOLF goods of best Eng- pj lish make. pj Manufacturers of the popular g "NEW MAIL" Bicycles FISHING RODS and TACKLE of every variety and cost. SPLIT BAMBOO RODS from $2.50 to $25.00. $ "BAITS'" of all kinds. Luminous and S other, Flies, Lines, Reels, etc. \ All the Different American Rifles. FINE FIELD AND HARINE GLASSES. All prices. Special Long Range Pocket Glass,$7.5o. Ditto large size Military Glass, $20.00. Sportsmen's Outfits, Tourists' Knapsacks, Tents, Rubber Blankets, etc. Fine Swedish Leather Jackets. Job Lot 200 genuine Colt Metal- J. lie Cartridge, Navy Size, Revolving Pistols, 7J^in. ) barrel, .38-caliber; price, $5 each. These have } been in use by our Government- original cost $20 J — and to any one wanting an accurate, reliable > weapon for target practice, or to take into the i woods, are bargains. - - _ » X /-^ r I B. G. I. GUN IMPLEMENTS -^ Standards of Excellence. ^ Handy Closer, Biidd-Petniecky Cleaner. FAR SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Send for complete catalogue, which illustrates and describes the Improved Rapid Loader, Micrometer Powder and Shot Measures, Special Hand Loading Outfits, Walsrode Measures, Han= dy Closers, Cleaning Rods, Loaders, Etc. This price list also contains "pointers'- on ♦♦ How to Clean Guns, Rifles and Revolvers," and ♦* How to Load Shells." Sent to any address on receipt of 4 cents in stamps. B. Q. I. Bicycle Sundries for 1896. Tany=Ho Bicycle Lanterns, Cyclom= eters, Wrenches, Saddles, Bells, Handle Bells, Star Pedals, Star Toe Clips, Star Lantern Brackets, Brook= lyn and Simplicity Bicycle Stands, Sandow Lock, Standard Oilers and Whistles. = = = = = Complete List will be ready about December i. Model B— Bell Cyclometer. THE BRIDGEPORT GUN IMPLEMENT CO. ^ 313 and 315 Broadway, New^ York. ^ Please mention Game Laws in Brief. From "Forest and Stream." 'IS THIS GOOD TO EAT?" " POUTERS" GIVEH AWAT FREE TO all who are lovers of the RIFLE, PISTOL, or SHOTGUN, or who take pleasure in hunting, and desire to economize by making- their own ammunition, we will send a copy of " The Ideal Hand Book" of useful information to shooters, FREE. This book will tell you what powder is best adapted to the different calibers, what shells to buy, and how to preserve them; how to make your own bullets, what alloy to use; how to use your molds to get the best results; how to prepare your own ammunition that will be cheaper and more reliable than factory cartridges. The book contains valuable tables giving the twists of the rifling in all arms as now made by the various arm manufacturers; also gives the names of all cartridges, their calibers, weight of powder, weight of bullets, their composition and correct diameters. Table showing their measurements in thousandths of an inch, and what arms they can be used in; table reducing drachms to grains, showing powder measurement for rifles and shotguns with N'itro and Black Powders, also how many shells of all the various calibers can be loaded with one pound of powder, the same with shot; how to find out the twist in any rifle barrel, etc. It also contains a full illustrated descriptive price list of all the Ideal Cartridge Reloading Tools, and much other useful information to shooters, including special instructions on Loading Shotgun Shells with Nitro Powders, and the points of superiority claimed for The New Ideal Shot Shell Loading Machine AND HIGH GRADE STRAIGHT-LINE CLOSER ^<».<:», HE IS DEAD! To his own interest who deals in Arms and Ammunition, or who shoots a Rifle, Pistol, or Shotgun, and has not the IDEAL HAND BOOK It is the recognized authority on matters pertaining to Arms and Ammunition. No Dealer or Shooter should be without it. It contains go pages of solid information gleaned through 25 years' experience. No charge for the Pointers it contains, still stamps for postage will not provoke us. Be alive and send for one. Address IDEAL MANUFACTURING CO., Kindly mention Game Laws when you write. jVew Havoi, Conn., U. S. A. GAME HERE. TWO OF A KIND. i PARKER GUNS 5 ARE WINNERS at tlie trap and in the field. Get a PARKER if you want to ? ? • • win everything in sight. • • ^ IT IS THE LEADER. Write us for Catalogue. PARKER BROS., • • • Meriden, Conn New York Salesroom, 96 Chambers Street. L. C. SMITH Ejectors in all Grades from $75.00 to $500.00. We are the only manufacturers in the world who guarantee their guns to shoot any NITRO POWDER made and not get loose. Send for our new catalogue. HUNTER ARMS CO., = Fulton, N. Y. .The Progressive Qun Makers Please mention Game Laws in Brief. ^Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillilllllllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilillillilllillililllll^ i Cheapest • House • in • America 1 ™" GUNS. I ^ I AGENT FOR REMINGTON, PARKER, L. C. SMITH, LEFEVER, Etc. THE H. H. KIFFE COMPANY, 523 Broadway, ••• -f New York. Send for GUN CATALOGUE, FREE. Mention Game Laws in Brief ElllllMllinillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllliilllllllllllllllll^ I TRIUMPH * GUN. | = Everybody ..^:^ ^^^ Have a Good Hammerless Cun How 1 = -'"■; ; ^.sH^I^ A&jK VOLR LOCAL DEALER FOR IT, = and if he has not got it, serd direct to us. — When you get the gun if you are ^ not satiafled, send it ripht back t our expense. = THE TRIUMPH HAMMERLEj^S GUN is manufactured under S a patent owned by Charles Lancaster, the greatest of English gun makers. = It is anota>le example of what American skill and machinery f*an do in = fine gun making. The TRIUMPH is strong and simple In construction, — and shoots hard and close. It easily leads all other guns at the trap or in — the field, and is produced in such quantity as to be sold far below other Haramerless auns. = S We keep the bestof everything in Sportsmen's Supplies, and are principal distributing = ZS agents for the following Guns, Revolvers, Rifles, etc.: Colt, Amith «& Wesson, Winches- — = ter, DIarlin, Crescent, Parker, Baker, Remington, Francotte and Columbian. ^ = BoxlngGlovesingreat variety, including all Oorbett styles. Loaded shells 30cts ner box of — = 25. Sole agents for DICTATOR and ZEPHYR Wheels. Discounts to all clubs. = = THE H. D. FOLSOM ARMS CO., 314 Broadway, J^. Y. = ?iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^^^^ Photo by C. E. H. Brelsford. "Forest and Stream" Amateur Photos. BREAKFAST. dJiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Spratts Patent GAME MEAL • • • AND • • POULTRY MEAL. Prairie • Meat • Crissel, the best food for game birds. Supplies the place of insect food. The best foods in two worlds. Used with unpre- = cedented success. Send for particulars to address below. I . * SPRATTS PATENT * = Dog Cakes, Puppy Cakes, Pet Dog Cakes, Cod Liver Oil Cakes, = Pepsinated Puppy fleal, and a\\ kinds of Dog Foods. I SPRATTS PATENT DOG SOAP = Death to Flea** Perfect ior the Coat. #\f --g- . I —READ THIS— New York,' Aug. 4, 1894. Spratts Patent^ Neiv York: Gentlemen: You will remember that on Aug. i I purchased from your house some of your "Mange Cure" to be used on my Great Dane dog Nero. Although the case was an aggravated one, it gives me pleasure to inform you that three applications made a complete cure. You are at liberty to use this letter in any way you wish. Yours truly, D. D. Stevens, M.D., 170 West 54th St. Spratts Patent Do§: MEDICINES Are the Best in the World. GENUINE ^^Send for gratis pamph- let on dog diseases, etc., to —AND THIS- Washington, D.C., U. S. A., Oct. I, 1804 Spratts Patent Limited: ' Dear Sirs In my expedition to the Arctic regions, we used large quantities of your biscuits, dog cakes and "armebis." "Armebis" is the best combina- tion fi od - bread and meat I ever saw. It is simply ideal. Our men liked it exceedingly, and never tired of it. If necessar>', we could have sustained life and maintain- ed strength upon it alone, and a surprisingly small quantity at that. _ Our draught dogs thrived amazingly upon your dog cakes. For our next expedition you may be sure your goods will be ordered in still larger quantities. Sincerely yours, Walter Wellman. I SPRATTS PATEXT, 239-245 E. 56tli st.. New York City. | ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii:;iiiiiiiiiiini[{;!iii!iiiiiM BRUIN IN THE TOILS. 'Forest and Stream" Amateur Photos. r^}^7^^^^^i«!ei«i^^i«^^^^5e5^^«i^^7}«}B^^^^^^v^ TRAPPERS * HUNTERS AND RANCHMEN. ONEIDA COMMUNITY, LIMITED, are the largest makers of Animal Traps in the World. They manufac- ture over forty different kinds and sizes, suitable for catching all kinds of animals, from Grizzly Bears to Gophers. Illustrated Cata- logues, Special Circulars, and Price Lists sent to any address upon application. Natural Game Preserves ^^ North America are the Country Tributary to the NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. A Day"s Hunt in the Lake Park Region, Minnesota. » THE BEST 4 Shooting and Fishing is found in MINNESOTA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDAHO, WASHINGTON, OREGON and NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. r A Fallen Monarch— Montana. In the Antelope Country - North Dakota. Splendid Train Service . . and • • FAVORABLE RATES . TO • SPORTSMEN. For pamphlets and information address CHAS. S. FEE, Gen'l Pass. >t Ticket Agt , Northern Pacific R. R. -^ St. Paul, Minn. Please mention Game Lmvs in Brief. » THE FINEST DUCK and QUAIL Shootingf IN AMERICA / /■ Y EASTERN VIRGINIA • and • NORTH CAROLINA. THE IDEAL WAY of i^ettincr there is bv the superb steamships of the -OLD DOMINION LINE, Leaving Pier 26 N. R., New York, almost daily for OLD POINT COMFORT, and NORFOLK. fiJ Write for particulars to -^ THE OLD DOMINION S. S. CO. i-pr Pier 26 N. R., New York. W. L. GUILLAUDHLI, V. P. & T. M. Please mention Game Laws in Brief. 3 £JlllllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIlinnilllllllllllllllllllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIiMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ I f4^\ W. HyiRT& CO. I No. 5 West Third St. (Broadway,) ^ NEW YORK.<^ TRXIDEH]V[ISTS. o . NEW SCHOOL, o . Birds, Animals, Heads and Fish Mounted in Artistic, l-ifelike Manner, and Guaranteed Against Moth. Gentlemen's Dens, | Clubs, Libraries, | Etc., Etc. I Furnished with | Game Heads, | Fur Rugs and j Bird Panels, i = inPORTERS OF LION, TIGER, POLAR BEAR, LEOPARD AND = I OTHER ANiriAL SKINS. = = Our Taxidermic Department is fully equipped, by having onJy the = = Best Artists employed. Custom Work a specialty. Rugs and Robes E = mounted, lined and repaired at reasonable prices. Goods sent out of E = town on approval. Instructions for Skinning and Preserving mailed E = on receipt of stamped envelope. • « « Send for Illustrated Catalogue. E iiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiinMiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii^ Please mention Game Laws in Brief. CHARLES DflhY HnMIUEI^liESS GUNS. 1 I These Guns are the most carefully fitted, superbly finished guns in the market. The action works easier and smoother than any other gun. The shooting qualities, including penetration, even distribution of shot, are equal, if not superior, to any t I B .;-:^' °o Z-:^;'^-^