°^'-^-V°\. V-^\/ \.'^"^/ \- l\ "^^ A^ ♦'. A V ... ■On -"t^ .. - '^ a\ ' ^^ '^ cv r ° " '^ ^ n V..* # *' .A s. 1 \ I :. /. Annals OF The Fowler Family BEANCHES IN VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY, ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, CALIFORNIA, AND TEXAS. COMPILED AND EDITED BY MRS. JAMES JOYCE ARTHUR (GLENN DORA FOWLER ARTHUR), Member Executive Council Texas State Historical Association, a real Daughter of the Republic of Texas, a Daughter of the American Revolution, a Colonial Dame of America. 1 . • • •• ^c^^.x/'ij ^ /^2^^^^£^^^ AUSTIN, TEXAS: ate Mn i PffTTT i 190L f^'^^^, ^^^v^ (3-^ • ((••« • •••••• Ct « ••••••• •••• • Th:e TOBtnnrg nf Tow ^instUBti STaiit in ?iattlr, Th^tt' NatixiB jL^anri, •I gBdiratB e^ "■Can storied urn or animated bust Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath? Can honoris voice arouse the silent dust; Or flattery soothe the dully cold ear of death f * * * **in ntm^thtng, by ^rntucr rxnri su^- :pItrcttmTi ujttb thanks r^iuing, let gnur requests bt mnit knnmn itnto dtod, and t\n ^mtt: nf dtod, tubtrh pass:etb all unrirr standing, sball kee;i mm bmrts and minds, tbnnigb (Cbrist ^Icsns. * * * **TOTatsQcucr tbings arc true, mbat- soeti^r things arc honest, uihatsueuer things ar:e just, xuhatsn:Etr£r things are pure, mbat- sn^uer things are loueb, xtjliatsneurr things are of good re^iort; if there be anii uirtue, and if there be ani) :praise, think on thrse things'' —and do them!— **and the (Sod of ^eare shall tomitb gDn,''and gonr names njill ht ixjritt:en in the Book of yf e. COJXTENTS. CHAPTER I. Anthentic Notes on the Earliest Fowlers of Virginia; John Fowler the First in America (?); Godfrey Fowler the First — His Will; Military Services of Fowlers in Virginia; Marriage Records 1-18 CHAPTER IT. Joseph Fowler the i^irst ot Wake County, North Carolina: His Will and Descendants; Godfrey Fowler, 8r.; Di\d'^ion of His Lands: Military Services of Captain William Anderson Fowler and Ensign (xodfrey Fowler (Sr.) in the Colonv of North Carolina, 1772-1773 19-20 CHAPTER III. Descendants of Rev. David Fowler of Harde- man County, Tennessee. Interesting Old Papers Belong- ing to His Descendants 27-53 CHAPTER IV. Descendants of Rev. John Fowler of Biouni County, Alabama ; Some Verser Data 54-60 CHAPTER V. Descendants of Godfrey Fowler of near Prince- ton, Caldwell County, Kentucky; Families of John Hopkins Fowler of Red River and Lamar Counties, Texas, and of Joseph Wright Fowler of Princeton, Ky., and Yreka, Cal. . 61-83 CHAPTER VI. Descendants of Judge Wiley Paul Fowler of Princeton and Smithland, Ky.; His Sons Dixon Given, Joseph Henry, Littleton Augustus of Paducah, Ky 84-112 CHAPTER VII. Descendants of Rev. Littleton Fowler of Kentucky and the Republic of Texas; His Son, the Rev. Littleton Morris Fowler, and His Daughter, Mrs. Mary Pitt (Fowler) Smith 113-157 CHAPTER VIII. Descendants of Mrs. Polly Ann (Fowler) Wilson of Trigg County, Kentucky 158-166 CHAPTE:^ IX. Descendants of Judge Andrew^ Jackson Fow- ler of the Republic and the State of Texas 167-192 CHAPTER X. Extracts from Jom^nals and Letters of the Rev. Littleton Fowler, Missionary to the Repviblic of Texas . 194-234 CHAPTER XL Descendants of Bullard Fowler of Wake County, North Carolina: Godfrev Fowl'pr of Blount County, Alabama * 235-245 CHAPTER XII. Descendants of William Fowler of Henry County, Tennessee; Joseph Fowler and Family of Wake County, North Carolina '. 246-274 CHAPTER XIIL Descendants of Martha (Fowler) Vaden of Amelia County, Virginia 275-278 CHAPTER XIV. Descendants of Ellis Fowler of Virginia; Hon. Godfrey B. Fowler of Jonesville, Union County, South Carolina ,279-286 CHAPTER XV. Descendants of Alexander Fowler and Sher- wood Fowler of Virginia (Brothers); Family of THiomas Fowler of Virginia 287-312 CHAPTER XVL Early Kentucky Fowlers from Virginia. . .313-317 APPENDIX. Fowler Genealogy 319 Miscellaneous Sketches of Fowlers 322-325 The Familv of Claiborne Wrioht in Texas 319-322 Farewell .". 327 List of Subscribers to "The Annals of the Fowler Family" 325-.327 ILLUSTRATIONS. Pioneer Home of Godfrey Fmvler near Princeton, Caldwell County, Ky., 1806. Frontispiece. Map of Lands of John and Godfrey Fowler on Appomattox River, Virginia 2 Map of Lands of Godfrey Fowler, Sr., Wake County, North Carolina "" 25 Portraits of Joseph Taylor Fowler, Panola County, Mississippi (Autograph), and John Willis Fowler, Memphis, Tenn. ( Autograph ) 27 Portrait Col. John Hopkins Fowler, Paris, Texas. (Auto- graph) 61 Portrait Mrs. Sue Clara (Fowler) Peterson, Paris, Texas.... 65 Portrait Littleton Fowler, Princeton, Ky., with Two Ladies. . 73 Portrait Judge Wiley Paul Fowler of Kentucky. (Autograph) . 84 Portrait Mrs. Clara Given (Fowler) Warneken, Clarksville, Tenn. (Autograph) <)3 Home of Mrs. Littleton Augustus Fowler, Peducah, Ky 110 Portrait Rev. Littleton Fowler, Republic of Texas. (Auto- graph) 113 Group — Mrs. Taylor, J. L. Fowler, J. H. Fowler, L. M. Fowler. 151 Group— W. C. Wilson, Mrs. Chappell, Mrs. W. A. Arthur, H. B. Fowler . . 158 Home of Thomas B. Wilson, Trigg County, Kentucky, 1846.. 106 Portrait Judge Andrev\' Jackson Fowler, Palestine, Texas. (Autograph) 1G7 Commission of A. j. Fowler, Republic of 'iexas 175 Portrait Miss Nora Estelle Fowler, Paris, Texas 194 Portrait Mrs. Dorothy (Fowler) Gibbons, the Little Bride, Paris, Texas 213 Portrait Godfrey Fowler (Autograph) and Wife, Blount County, Alabama 235 Portrait Joseph Fowler (Autograph) and Wife, Wake County, North Carolina .\ 246 Home of William Fowler near Paris, Tenn. Settled 1826; Re- built 1845 246 Portrait Ernesit Howell Chalkley, Richmond, Va. (Auto- graph) 275 Group — Hon. vjodirey Fowler, Mrs. Holding, Mrs. Norton, J. J. iBrown 281 Portrait Mrs. Glenn, Hons. T. G. and I. C. Fowler, ^Vli's. J. J. Arthur 287 Miss Laura Fov.ler, Palestine, Texas; Cline Wilson, Russell- ville, Ky 317 (ii) PREFACE. More than four years since the Keverend Littleton Morris Fowler of Palestine, Texas, gave into my keeping the journals and letters of his father, the Eeverend Littleton Fowler, who was a Methodist missionary to the Eepublic of Texas, superin- tendent of the Texas Mission, and presiding elder of the Texas Conference of the Texas Republic. I immediately began the labor of compiling and editing "Early Methodism in the Republic of Texas, from the Letters of the Reverend Littleton Fowler," when I became impressed with the import- ance .of the family data of births, marriages, and deaths con- tained in the many family letters so well preserved. An irre- sistible wish to further preserve the interesting facts made me turn aside to the work of a family record, and the training in accuracy of detail thus obtained will prove invaluable in the work originally contemplated. In the preparation of family annals mistakes are inevitable. In nearly all instances I have had my information directly from some member of the family herein represented; there- fore, if errors have crept in T should not be held responsible; my informant should bear the blame. Could I have known what the inaccuracies are, I might have been able to have had them corrected. As it is, in all data tendered me I have honestly endeavored to keep strictly to the text. I am under grateful obligations to the following named relatives for timely and encouraging assistance : The Rev- erend Littleton M. Fowler, for obvious reasons ; Mrs. Wm. A. Arthur of Texarkana, Texas, and Mrs. Rosa Fowler Allen of Forestville, Wake County, Xorth Carolina; also Mrs. Joseph H. Fowler and her daughter Mattie of Paducah, Ky. ; Mrs. Ginsey Cosby (Fowler) Taylor of San Jose, Cal. ; Mr. Em- mett W. Smith of Nacogdoches, Texas; the Honorables Godfrey B. Fowler of South Carolina, I. C. Fowler of Abing- don, Va., and Thcophilus Gilliam Fowler of IJniontown, Ala. ; little cousin Laura Fowler of Palestine, Texas. iv PREFACE. It gives me pleasure to especially mention Mr. Ernest H. Chalkley of Eiehmond, Va., whose interest and aid have enabled me to go back on the early Virginia Fowler line to mine and his earliest known Fowler ancestor of that colony. Such kindness as his should have the appreciation of the entire family. The same gratitude should be freely given to Mr. Cline Wilson, our young family artist, of Russellville, Ky., who has laboriously but artistically worked over dim and fading pictures for some of our illustrations, making them clear and pleasing with his finished skill. His labor, like my own, has been given without money or price, and is purely a labor of love for the family record. May he live up to his ideal in the art world, and may added years bring him happy success. I feel sure that I shall be kindly pardoned by you the ex- pression of my private and lieartfelt thanks to my husband, who has encouraged me all the way, — which has often been long and dreary, — with kindly words and the material help of a dollar or two when nothing else could have turned a wheel. To every kinsman and kinswoman v/ho has cour- teously and painstakingly replied to my letters of interested inquiry I now gladly give my sincere and heartfelt thanks, together with the thanks of the entire kindred, for without such help this family record would have been impossible. Had I possessed the requisite means for genealogical re- search I feel sure I could have traced the Fowler family back to the mother countr}^, old England. As it is, it can l)e said of me, "She hath done what she could.^^ This book, in which I have put so much of my life, my affections, my yearnings for a nobler manhood and womanhood of our blood in this generation and the generations to come, is my only heir to perpetuate my memory after I shall have been gathered to my fathers. May it inspire the good to be better and the bad to turn to the right living. May God in His bountiful mercy bless and help us all. Amen. Glenn Dora Fowler Artiiljr. Austin, Texas, July, 1901. PREFACE. COINXERmNG THE ILLUSTRATIONS. You who have never attempted to write a family record have no conception of the many difficulties I have labored under in the task I voluntarily set myself to do. I have not tried to please myself in a single instance, except in the trust- worthiness of the subject matter. The approximate accuracy, in instances too many to mention, has been attained ofttime in repeated questioning of several persons as to the same date or event. Please be merciful and do not find fault with me wlierein I failed in the lack of trustworthy witnesses, but be generous, put yourself in my place, and applaud me for hav- ing done as conscientiously and as well as I have under the trying circumstances. I am well aware that there are always some knowing ones — even in our family — who could have done better themselves, and to them I have only to say that the field of genealogical research in the Fowler family is ripe for the harvest and they are welcome to enter and labor, and should be worthy of their hire. Mine has been purely a labor of love, and no one else seemed ready or willing. The matter of family portraits has puzzled me greatly, for I have conscientiously wished to do justice to all branches of the family herein represented. The more prominent members are given place for reasons obvious to the most superficial. Other portraits are put in by private subscription, which is perfectly fair and right, because the cost of the book is largely augmented in the illustrations, as all of you know — all who have written books, I mean. Mr. Cline Wilson sketched the old Fowler home near Princeton, Ky., the pioneer home of the founder of the family of that State. He also did the Wilson home in Trigg County, Kentucky, and I presume that the reason he sketched the rear was on account of the thick screen of evergreens in the froiif. Furthermore, he made India ink reproductions of Joseph F. and wife, Godfrey F. and wife, Littleton F., and A. Jack- son F. PREFACE. Some pictures were earnestly sought and never gotten, as in the case of Mrs. Polly Ann (Fowler) Wilson, the grand- mother of the young artist. She was the only daughter of the pioneer Kentucky home t nd of course very much beloved by all her family. Her portrait is known to be in existence, but could not be gotten for any consideration. Other pictures proved too unsatisfactory to give pleasure to anyone, and others still could not be put in the book owing to the added cost, for v\"hich there vras no provision made. I have tried to do the l-'est vrith the pictures and means at hand. I have taken in lateial branches to make the record interesting to a larger circle of readers. My only reason for allowing my own picture to go in the record is because it has been solicited by so many since T began this work that I decided it was the easiest way to send it to all interested. And please let me say that I have in- dividually met the cost of it just the same as if it had been sent in the usual way. I am more painfully aware than any of you can be that 1 am only a plain every-day sort of a woman, with no beauty or genius to plead for me, but if misery loves company — and 1 have heard that it does — I have only to remind you that I am not alone in the family, as I would be were I a genius or a flawless beauty. I have been more than anxious to obtain for the record several pictures of old family homes, for a man's home is an index to his character. In this era of restlessness and change of place, few persons love and revere as they should the old roof-tree of their birth and early childhood. I believe that all children should live in the country at least a part of the year, and in that country home should be treasured the idols of their childhood, such as books, games, pictures, and flow- ers, so that in after years the sad or weary man or woman could return as often as possible for seasons of enjoyment of that childhood's paradise, v/ith all its innocent and softening associations. Through the kindness of Mr. Greer of Paris, Tenn., I have obtained a picture of the old and commodious home of Wil- PREFACE. vii liam Fowler, on Fowler Hill near Paris, Tenn. The Texas homes are always being torn down to make way for newer and more pretentions ones, and hence there are few old in- teresting landmarks left to the modern kodak and the devoted descendant. Miss Irene Fowler Brown of Buntyn, Tenn., — a suburb of Memphis, — has written me that the old home of Col. John W. Fowler of Memphis is still well preserved and one of the noticeable old homes of that city, but I have failed in my endeavor to get it for our record. The elegant old home of Judge W. P. Fowler and family, on the bank of the Ohio River near Smithland, Ky., would have made an ideal picture of the homes of the old South, but alas I it has long since been lost in flame and smoke and no picture is left to posterity. Please let me try to describe it as it hangs in the picture gallery of my girlhood^s memory : A rambling old white house with green blinds on a bold bluff overlooking the beautiful Ohio, with a broad sweep of verdant lawn overshadowed by spreading elms, these noble trees giving the home its name, ''Mount Elm.'^ The front of the house was one story and the rear was two, so suddenly did the eminence of the bluff recede toward fields and meadows. The interior was even more interesting than the exterior, for everything was old, elegant, and rich in memories of other days "befo^ de waw." The master was a courtly old Kentucky gentleman and the mistress was an aristocrat of the old South, both fit dw^ellers of that ideal old Southern home. The home of the family of Mr. "Gus'' Fowler of Paducah, Ky., is attractive enough to need no other reason for being given a place. It is my own property and I put it in the book. Among our representative men I wish to see our representa- tive women, some of whom represent sweetness and strength of character, with elegance and culture, and others are dis- tinguished for beauty of person. N'o family can afford to be without its beauties or its prominent men. INTRODUCTION. If any descendant of John Fowier the First should read these pages with the proud hope that he might here find record, elaborate and embellished, of a soft-handed, silk- stockinged and titled ancestry, he will reap only a bitter disappointment, for all evidence found in my family research tends toward the facts of a plain and unostentatious people who were industrious, honesi, and law-abiding. I am led to believe that they possessed these shining Christian virtues because their descendants have in a great measure inherited these important characteristics.^^espectability, with willing hands and clean hearts, are our richest and highest inherit- ance. I am glad to learn that they were early heads of families and were home-builders; that they owned lands and were as educated as their neighbors, as self-respecting and well-to-do ; and — best of all — that they were moral and God- fearing. ^ The coming of John the First to America from old Eng- land is lost to us in the mists of the past, but copied record shows that he was in the Virginia colony by 1662, for he received that year grants of lands on the Appomattoc/1'5 River. In 1673 he received another grant of land, from Sir William Berkley, Knight, Governor, for the importation and trans- portation of eight persons to the colony of Virginia. By 1683 he had died, leaving three sons who were minors, — John, Mark, and Godfrey, — the youngest finally surviving his brothers. To these Appomattox lands inherited from his father, Godfrey added others, one grant being from A. Spottswood, 1717. Godfrey's will, dated June 29, 1743, shows that he had a son Joseph who had received his portion and moved away, so our Joseph the First might possibly have gone to the colony of North Carolina as early as that date. Subsequent testimony proves that many of Joseph's children who accompanied him to North Carolina were grown before leaving Virginia. INTRODUCTION. Tlie families of John and his son Godfrey must have lived in simple and unpretentious comfort on "Old Town Eunn/"^ nearer Petersburg than Eichmond. Godfrey the Second, son of Godfrey the First, became a Quaker, with other Fowler kindred in that part of the colony. There were many of the name in tide-water Virginia, but we now have no way of knowing how closely the many families were allied. There is rather a pretty but sad tradition in my maternal Fowler line, the line of Sherwood Fowler, which is distinguished by the given name of Alexander. This story runs that a I'owler of England, who was a silk weaver and merchant, won the affections and hand in marriage of a daughter of the noble Douglas family of Stirling Castle, Scotland. It is told that Fowler stole his bride with as much spirit as a Scottish noble- man would have done, such a doughty Lochinvar was he. The sad part of the story was the early death of the young wife, — who was beautiful, of course, as all young ladies were who "dwelt in castle halls,'' — leaving a babe, a manchild, to per- petuate her sad memory. If the romance is true, — and I have no reasons for doubting it, — 1 am inclined to believe that the Lieutenant Alexander Fowler of the "King's Foot'' of the colony of Virginia during the French and Indian wars, was the son of this high-born Scottish lady, for the tradition says that he came to America when 19 years of age, an'd that he had many half brothers and sisters, some of whom may have followed him to the new country. However, we know that near the forest of Wake, on the waters of Little Eiver, Joseph Fowler kindled his hearth- stone fires and set up his household gods in the wilderness of a wild and unknown country. He had children and slaves, with acres sufficient, and there he labored, planned, and hoped for this life; there he sickened and died, leaving all for the heavenly reward of a servant faithful over a few things — I reverently hope and believe. Let us hope, too, that he died full of years and simple honors, wiih a conscience void of offense toward his fellow-man. His name, which may have been handed down to him from generation to generation, INTRODUCTION. -t 7^^ /^>«£?^ ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 93 friends, to his old home, Smithlaiid, where he was laid to rest in the Fowler lot in the cemetery."^ "DlXOi^ GIVEN FOWLER, The eldest son of Judge W. P. Fowler, was born at Prince- ton, Caldwell County, Kentucky, February 8, 1830. He was named for his maternal grandfather, Dixon Given. When he had finished his education at the Kentucky Military Institute, near Frankfort, he began his business career, in 1849, as clerk on the wharf boat at Paducah, which was owned by his uncles, H. F. and D. A. Given, the well known commission men of Watts & Given. He remained in this position until 1855, when he went to Cairo, 111., wdiere he formed a partnership in the wharfboat business with Ecstein Norton, who later became president of the Louisville & Nash- ville Eailroad Company. Captain Dick then returned to Paducah in the latter part of 1856 and secured the contract for carrying the United States semi-weekly mail between Paducah and Evansville. After a twelve-month he bought the Silver Star and made a tri -weekly mail. In another year Gus Fowler, a younger brother, was placed in command of the Star, he being then recognized as the youngest captain on the western waters. A year later Captain Dick went to Pittsburg and purchased the noted sidewheel steamer Dun- bar, of which young Captain Gus was placed in command. The Dunbar and the Silver Star then made daily trips with the mail until the Star was burned at Caseyville. The Dunbar continued as a mailboat to the beginning of the Civil War. During these years Captain Dick was manager of the line. "When the South seceded. Captain Dick, with his brothers White and Gus, gave his allegiance to his native land; he 'The foregoing- facts were furnished by Mrs. J. H. Fowler, of Paducah, at whose home Willie lingered and died. When I visited Judge Fowler and wife, in 1874, "Aunt Sal lie," Willie's stepmother — the judge's second wife — talked frequently and affectionately of my young man cousin so recently dead. 94 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. was made captain in the Confederate ordnance department. Meanwhile Captain Joe Fowler, another brother, kept his interest in the river business, and when Captain Dick re- turned at the end of the war, his brother Joe gave him the command of the Jim Fisk, then running between Paducah and Cairo. Subsequently ho commanded the Idlewild until she was transferred by charter. Captain Dick then took charge of the elegant sidewhcel steamer Pat Cleburne, which took the Idlewild's place in the Paducah trade. On May 17, 1876, in making a landing at Bowles' Mills, near Shawneetown, the Cleburne exploded lier boilers and the gal- lant captain lost his life with others on the ill-fated vessel. He was a perfect type of the ideal steamboat captain, with- out the rough edges; he was kind and generous to a fault, a man whom all delighted to call friend. Captain Dick was a passenger on the fine United States mailboat America, when she collided in mid-river with the United States, near War- saw, Ky. That catastrophe was an appalling one and many lives were lost. One of the boats had on board large quanti- ties of oil, which took fire as it spread over the waters, burn- ing the hapless victims who dashed themselves from the fiery wrecks. Captain Dick, at great personal peril, rescued two ladies from horrible deaths, to subsecpicntly meet a similar fate himself. When the Cleburne was ])lown up he was caught in the wreck and burned to death, with no one near and able to save. No braver man as a soldier or civilian ever lived. God bless the soul of Dixon Fowler."" He married Miss Laura Berry, of Lexington, in 1853. She died, leaving him one child, Laura, who is Mrs. Henry Given of Lexington. In 1858 he married Miss Geraldine Porter of Paris, Tenn., who was a sister of ex-Governor James D. Porter of that State. She bore him six children, — Wiley Paul, Littleton Augustus, Willie Porter, Anna Hor- ton, Clara Given, and Dixie. Wiley, Littleton, and Dixie all died in infancy. Willie was married to Mr. John C. Berryman of Lexington in 1887. She died in 1897, Sep- tember 25th, her husband and two children surviving her — ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 95 two girls, Helen and Anna. Anna Horton Fowler married Spencer Berryman, brother to John C, and is now (1898) a widow; her husband died in 1895. Clara married Gnstav Warneken of Bremen, Germany, but their home is in Clarksville, Tenn., although they are at present visiting in Germany (1898). DIXON GIVEN FOWLER. Ben F. Egan, "Buz,'' writes thus to our river column con- cerning his old partner. Captain Dick Fowler: "Dick was a devoted friend of the South, and, when a captain in the ordnance department of the Confederacy, he built the ram Tennessee at Lafayette, La. Before this powerful gunboat was finished she was destroyed by the Southern soldiery on the night previous to the evacuation of New Orleans. After the war was all over Dick returned to his old home in Padu- cah, married the sister of Governor Porter, of Tennessee, and finally drifted back to river business. In 1876 our gal- lant Dick was commanding the Pat Cleburne, — so named for his old Confederate commander who was killed at Frank- lin, Tenn. Poor Dick lost his noble life vv^ith the explosion of this boat. Manly, generous, impulsive, and brave, he was a model steamboatman of the olden time. He snatched with eagerness any joy whenever he found it; free from care re- garding the future, he was borne lightly on the wave of time till death overtook him at the age of forty-six. He was known as every one's friend. Captain Joe H. Fowler is his brother, and in saying this, 1 could not pay Joe a sincerer compliment.'' From the Cincinnati Times-Star: "That the lower Ohio steamer Dick Fowler is a hummer there can be no mistake. She is attracting the general attention of western steamboat- men. She was named for a former commander in the Evans- ville and Cairo line; she is a monument to the memory of a brave, efficient, and faithful officer. He lost his life a few jears ago when the Pat Cleburne exploded her boilers, but his 9C ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. memory is still green in the hearts of his friends, as is shown in the naming of this new and beautiful boat. Anyone who ever knew Dick Fowler found in him a true and honor- able friend, always ready with a helping hand and prompt to answer to the call of duty/^ THE DICK FOWLER. From a Paducah paper: "The trial trip of the Dick Fowler was heralded a few days ago. As early as 8 o'clock people had begun gathering on the wharfboat and the river bank to anxiously await the first glimpse of the noble craft which bears the name of one of Paducah^s most honored citi- zens, whose memory is cherished and revered in every house- hold. It was 10 o'clock when the factories at Mechanicsburg struck up their whistles, then around the point and down the Tennessee came the Nancy Hanks, with flags and pen- nants flying, making a beautiful and impressive sight. She was greeted by the scream of many whistles, the booming of cannon, and shouts from thousands of throats. The passengers on the Fowler responded with fluttering handker- chiefs and waving flags, presenting an animated picture seldom equaled. Scarcely had she touched the John S. Hopkins, which was moored at the wharfboat, before hun- dreds of its crowded company leaped on the decks of the Fowler, as if their lives depended on being first on board. Many of the leading ladies of the city were among the Fowler's visitors. Captain Joe Fowler, Captain Crumbaugh, and other citizens of Paducah went to Evansville and made the first trip on the Fowler. She is named, as is well known, in honor of Dick Fowler, and to keep green his memory; his tragic death at his post of duty is most vividly and sorrowfully remembered. It is also a deserved compliment to the surviving members of the Fowler family, who, with those that have gone, have done more to develop and advance the river interests of Paducnh and contiguous towns than anv other steamboat combination. There are now three boats ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 97 bearing the names of three brothers, — the 'Gus/ the 'Joe/ and the 'Dick Fowler/ "The Dick Fowler is a most beautiful structure of marine architecture and most elegantly furnished throughout. Her staterooms are models of comfort and elegance, the ladies^ cabin is handsomely furnished in hardwood of antique design, upholstered in embossed leather; the carpets and draperies are rich and costly, and her pantry and dining- room facilities are unexcelled. Altogether she is a beautiful and splendidly equipped steamer and a source of just pride to her owners and Paducah." "While the Dick Fowler was lying at Smithland yesterday, the passengers and crew visited the Fowler lot in the historic old graveyard on the hill, and decorated with flowers the grave of Captain Dick Fowler. This tribute to the memory of the popular captain, whose beautiful marine namesake has, achieved such a proud record, was both touching and ap~ propriate.^^ MRS. LAURA MINTA ( FOWLER ) GIVEN, W^IFE OF HENRY FAYETT GIVEN, OF LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. She is the eldest daughter of the late Dixon Given Fowler, and the only child of Laura (Berry) Fowler, his first wife. Laura Minta (Fowler) Given was born near Lexington, Ky., on March 21, 185tt; her mother died when she was an infant. She was educated at the convent of St. Catherine, Lexington, and of St. Vincent, Union County, Kentucky. She was married in Paducah, Ky., to H. F. Given, March 17, 1874. H. F. Given is a son of Augustus Dixon Given and Clarissa Harlow (Goodall) Given, his wife, of Princeton, Ky. His father was a banker of Paducah for many years, and amassed great wealth, which he lost nearly entirely during the Civil War. He. afterward engaged in the brokerage business in New Orleans, where he died at the age of sixty-seven. Henry 7 — Fowler. 98 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. F.J his soil, was born in Paducah, JanuaiT 16, 185U; was educated in Bremen, Gerinany; and he returned home after his father's financial failure and engaged in railroading, which business he followed man}- years. CHILDREX OF II. F. GIVEX AXD IIIS WIFE, LAURA M. (fOW^LEr). I. JAMES GOODALL GIVEX was born January 1, 1875; was educated at the Lexington schools; he was de- feated in a complete education, which was to have been followed by a profession, on account of his weak eyes; he is a dealer in coal in Lexington. II. MAYME BULLITT, born in Xelson County, Ken- tucky, September 13, 1880; was educated in the schools of Lexington. She has histrionic talent, and contemplates making the teaching of reading and physical culture her profession. III. DIXOX FOWLEK, born in Lexington, August 18, 1884; he is gifted with a fine tenor voice, with musical ability; he has a pronounced fondness for electrical studies; IS now preparing for college with a private teacher. IV. FRAXCES FIELD, born in Lexington, May 4, 1895, consequently is in the kindergarten period of an educa- tion. The foregoing informati(Ui was given by Mrs. Laura (Fowler) Given herself, who most graciously expressed her interest in, and appreciation of my efforts in endeavoring to preserve something in the way of a record of our worthy forbears. Please pardon the quotation of a paragraph re- garding my dead brother, Henry B. Fowler: "One of the pleasantest remembrances of my girlhood is meeting a Texas cousin, Henry Fowler, at the home of my grandfather (Judge W. P. Fowler of Smithland). I learned to love him quite 'dearly, and if he is still living please tell him I often think i.of him and should like verv much to hear from him.'' ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 99 A TOUCHING INCIDENT. "Frankfort, Ivy., June 18, . The citizens of Frank- fort are so accustomed to the striped uniform that the daily sight of it awakens little or no sympathy for the con- victs in the penitentiary, but there are a number of ladies and gentlemen in the State who are working to better the condition of the convicts and lead them to better lives. On stated occasions visits are made by these good people, who take flowers, food, periodicals, and books to the unfortunate inmates of the prison. On last Flower Mission Day Miss Clara Fowler, of Lexington, who is on a visit to friends here, was among the prison visitors. While in the hospital her attention was attracted by an old man named Taylor who was sent from Lexington for malicious shooting. His pale face and distressing cough at once elicited her sympathy, and after satisfying herself that Taylor was a worthy object of her concern, she went to Governor Brown to plead for the old man's pardon, and so effective was the interview that she was able to send to the penitentiary on last Saturday a full pardon ; but it came too late. The dying old man had been taken suddenly worse and was able to understand only that he was a free man once more. Breathing a prayer for the young huly who had so kindly interceded in his behalf, his spirit — yet not his body — passed out and beyond the grim prison walls. The pardon came at two o'clock; Taylor died at five."" THE FOWLER-WARNEKEN WEDDING. From a Paducah paper, March 31, 1896: "By far the j)rettiest event that has taken place in Paducah this winter was the marriage of Miss Clara Given Fowler to Mr. Gustavo H. AYarneken at 9 o'clock last evening at the home of the bride's uncle. Captain J. H. Fowler, 619 Court Street. It was a simple home wedding, but its very simplicity made it beautiful. At the appointed hour Messrs. Malcolm Smith of Clarksville, Tenn., and Saunders A. Fowler of Paducah, a 100 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. cousin of the bride, entered the third parlor and formed an aisle to the front drawing-room with a double row of white ribbons. The first to come down this silken avenue was the Rev. Mr. W. E. Cave, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. He was followed by the four bridesmaids, Misses Reubie Fowler Cobb, Cherrie Morton, Emma Reed, and Adine Morton. Then came the groom accompanied by his best man, Mr. William Borneman. Miss Fowder and her maid of honor, a cousin. Miss Mattie Fowler, entered last. The bride wore a gown of white organdie, over which fell a long bridal veil. Her ornaments were diamonds and she carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Her reputation as a Kentucky belle has gone far beyond her native State, but never before had she shown so much womanly beauty as on the eve of her wedding, when her loveliness surpassed all description. "A pretty event of the occasion was the forming of a circle by the bridal party and relatives present, when the loving-cup was passed round and a toast drunk to the newly- wedded pair. Mr. and ^Irs. Warneken left immediately on a wedding tour to Chicago, Xew York, and other Eastern cities. After a few weeks they will be at home in Clarksville, Tenn., their future residence. Next fall they will go on a visit to his fatherland, where he is a member of an old and honorable house of Bremen. His wife also comes of blue blood, she being a daughter of one of the most aristocratic families of our proud State. The happy couple received hundreds of presents and many telegrams; among the latter were about a dozen cablegrams from Mr. Warneken's rela- tives in the old world. The guests from a distance were Mesdames Spencer Berryman and John Berryman of Lex- ington, sisters of the bride, and others.*' A XOBLE LIFE ENDED. From a Lexington paper, September 25, 1897 : ^^Mrs. John C. Berryman, Jr., died at 1 :30 o'clock this morning, ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 101 at the residence of lier father-in-law, Mr. J. C. Berryman. She died of heart disease after a sudden illness of twenty- four hours. Mrs. Berryman was Miss Willie Fowler, daughter of Captain Dick Fowler of Paducah; her mother V:'as Miss Geraldine Porter, sister of Governor Porter of 7'ennessee. She was the sister of Mrs. Spencer Berryman and Mrs. Henry Given, both of this city, and also of Mrs. Warneken, formerly Miss Clara Fowler, of Clarksville. She was a prominent kindergarten and Sunday-school worker, and was a member of the faculty of Hamilton College, at the litad of the primary school. She was also the teacher of the infant class of Christ church Sunday-school. The death of this lovely young matron, who leaves a husband and two little daughters, Helen and Anna Porter, has caused the deepest grief to a large circle of devoted relatives and friends and the many children who knew and loved her as their gentle teacher and dear friend. The funeral services will be held at the residence of Mr. Berryman, corner of Market and Second streets, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Dean John N. Lewis, of Christ Church Cathedral." A LETTER FROM MRS. CLARA GIVEN ( FOWLER ) WMRNEKEN, OF CLARKSVILLE^ TENJfESSEE. "Lake Mohonk, Catskill Mountains, New York, October 7, 1899. — My Dear Cousin Dora : Your letter written Septem- ber 26th was received just yesterday, as we have been travel- ing several weeks, and this is our first tarrying place where our mail could catch up with us. * * * j think it is perfectly lovely in you to do this work, for it must be very laborious. The entire family should show their apprecia- tion. * * * J ]x2iVQ read some of your letters to Mattie Fowler, consequently fell quite in love with you. When you go to Kentucky you must divide your visit with us; I do not live far from Paducah. Uncle Joe's family is like my own; I have been with them so much of my life I feel like one of them. 102 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. ^'There is so very little about me worth putting in a family record. I suppose you know that my dear father was married twice, — first to Miss Laura Berry of Lexington, Ivy.; she lived only a year and dying left a little daughter named for her. She is now Mrs. Henry Given, of Lexing- ton. She has four children, — a grown son James and daughter Mayme B. ; a son fifteen years of age named Dixon Fowler, for papa, and a little girl of four called Frances. If you care to know more of them, write her (if you have not already done so), in care of Mrs. A^irginia Bullitt. ^^My father married again — Miss Geraldine Porter, of Paris, Tenn. ; she was a sister of James D. Porter, ex- Governor of that State. She died when I was so young. The two sons who died in tender years were Wiley and Gus. Willie Porter Fowler was born in Paris, Tenn., in 18G5, and after mother died she lived with Uncle Gus Fowler until his death; then she lived with Mrs. Given in Lexington until her own marriage in 1885 to John C. Berryman of that city. She died September 25, 1897, of heart trouble. There never lived a nobler, sweeter character, — a devoted wife and mother, and an ideal sister. She died while I was in Europe, so I had not the privilege of being with her in her last days. Her death has left a void in mine and sister Anna's life that no one can ever fill. Her daughter Helen was born in 1886 and Anna Porter in 1891 ; they live with their father and grandparents in Lexington and often spend their summers with us in Clarksville; they are lovely children. "My mother's second daughter, Anna Horton Fowler, was born in Covington, Ky., in 1867; after our mother died we two boarded with a cousin, Mrs. Marion McClelland, whom we loved dearly. Then our dear father was taken from us, but we continued to live \^ith our cousin until 1885, when she, too, was taken; then it seemed that we two were doomed to be left alone. "Anna and I then staid six months in Uncle Joe Fowler's family, then went to live with our half-sister, Mrs, Given. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 103 In 1889 Anna was married to Spencer C. Berrynian of Lexington, a brother of Willie's hnsbancL He died in 1895. Anna is a charming, beautiful woman; she makes her home with me. '•I w^as born in Covington, Ky., in 1869. After I was grown I spent most of my time visiting friends in Southern cities; these friends were lovely to me and made me feel that their homes were mine. The autumn of 1895 I spent with Uncle Joe (Fowler), and remained there to be married on March 31, 1896, to Gustav Herman Warneken, of Bremen, Germany. He was born in 1861: and received his education in Bremen, and completed it in the French part of Switzer- land; he then served one yeiir as a volunteer in the cavalry of the German army, which he left wdiile holding the office of lieutenant. He came over to the United States in the spring of 1888, to study the lobacco trade, as his forefathers had been identified with the foreign trade for which Bremen has been distinguished for several centuries. He met me in the summer of 1893, when I was visiting Uncle Joe's family; he at once decided to make his home on this side of the ocean, and became an American citizen that year. In 1895 he removed to Clarksville, Tenn., wdiere he found it advantageous to his business interests. He is still a tobacco buyer for foreign trade, and he is not only a fine business man but the most cultured and best traveled young man I know. He speaks five or six languages, but he is very modest in view of his many accomplishments; of course I think he is the smartest and dearest person in the world. He and I spent winter before last in Europe with his family, who are perfectly charming people and have such a magnifi- cent home there. "We, I am sorry to say, have no children. We keep house in Clarksville, and, while we entertain and love society, a great deal of my time is devoted to charity. I am leader of the 'Silver Cross Circle of the King's Daughters.' I forgot to tell you in the proper place that Dixie Fowler, the fourth daughter, was born in 1872, I think, in Evansville, Ind., but 104 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. she died in infancy. Our sweet sister Willie is sleeping in the beautiful Lexington cemetery; mother, in Paris, Tenn., and papa, in Smithland, in his father's family lot. Xow, if I have failed in telling you the information you desire, please let me know, and I shall try to do better next time ; history writing is quite foreign to me and something I feel fully deficient in. Gustav joins me in love to you and yours. Your sincere cousin, Clara Fowler Warxeken.'' It may be of interest to some to know that her stationery bears the Warneken crest. JOSEPH IIEXRY FOWLER, The second son of Judge W. P. Fowler, was born in Salem, Livingston County, Kentucky, in 1833. In early youth he had the careful instruction of a noted educator. Prof. James Weller; in 1848 he entered Cumberland College at Prince- ton, Ky. The Waterways Journal, St. Louis, February 5, 1898, contains the following biographical sketch of "Cap'n Joe," as he is fondly and familiarly called: "Captain Joe Fowler, the superintendent of the Evansville, Paducah & Cairo Packet Company, is one of the landmarks of Paducah. He came to that city, then a small hamlet, in 18-19, and at the age of sixteen he took the position of clerk on the first wharfboat Paducah ever had. He soon returned to Smith- land to fill a similar place on the wharfboat there of his uncle, H. F. Given, and company. In 1859 he returned to Paducah and was made a member of the firm of Watts, Given & Co., as manager of the wharfboat. During the Civil War his commercial interests were all confiscated by the Union government because he was suspected of strong Southern sympathies on account of having three brothers in the Southern army. But with pluck and energy he soon got another wharfboat and boat store and resumed business. At the end of that awful war two of his three brothers. Captain Dick and Major Gus, — poor White gave his life for his country, — came back to begin life anew, and in Joe they ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 105 found a true brother, indeed, who enabled them to resume the river business. Captain Fowler has been identified with river interests and steamboating for more than forty years, and has owned an interest in about thirty steamers, com- manding several of them at intervals. He is well preserved for a man past sixty years and bids fair to successfully pass many more milestones on life's highway. He has at all times been a public spirited citizen, encouraging every worthy home enterprise. At present he is the senior member of the firm of Fowler, Crumbaugh & Co., a very extensive boat- supply business, at the corner of First Street and Broadway, Paducah." Another sketch in lighter vein, dated January, 1892, says: "The beautiful Paducah and Evansville steamer, Joe Fowler, is named for our ^Cap'n Joe,' whose witticisms are current from Pittsburg to New Orleans, and whom everybody knows and admires, from the millionaire magnate to the humblest deck-hand. As he is an old-timer, he tells many interesting steamboating and war-time reminiscences, some of which are ofttimes ludicrous yet harrowing in detail. The old town of Salem, which Mr. Fowler is proud to call his birth- place, is also the native home of Roger Q. Mills, of Texas fame; the Hon. Henry Watterson was his classmate at Cum- berland College. Captain Fowler has served ten years as a member of our city council, and to his untiring efforts when' one of our school board is due our present efficient system of public schools. He is now the superintendent of two packet lines, the Evansville and Paducah, with the John S. Hopkins and Joe Fowler making trips on alternate days, and the Paducah & Cairo Packet Company, the Gus Fowler mak- ing daily trips. He is a large stockholder in our new hotel and is interested in city real estate to a considerable extent. He is religiously inclined to the Methodist Episcopal church, that being the preference of his family. In the midst of a busy life Mr. Fowler has created an ideal home; his domestic happiness has never known m shadow. In 1855 he married Miss Mattie Leech of Smithland, a family of six children 106 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. blessing the union : Given, the only son ; Mildred, the widow of the late Dr. Frank T. Davis, formerly of Smith- land; Araminta, the wife of Mr. Cook Husbands; Josephine (now Mrs. E. M. Post of New York City) ; and Misses Mattie and Eosebnd, who live to bless and make l)right the old home on Court Street, Paducah, for their fond parents.'' Mrs. Davis has two children, Mattie and Frank; and Mrs. Post has one, a son, Fowler. Given, the only son of the family, is unmarried. WHEN GENERAL GRANT CAME. "On September 6, 18G1, General Grant and his forces came up from Cairo and captured Paducah. That was a memor- able day to many citizens, who tell a number of laughable incidents that were then only too serious. Captain Joe Fowler witnessed the coming of the conqueror and heard him read his proclamation guaranteeing protection to all the loyal citizens. The old Iniilding made historic by the gen- eral's transactions was afterwards used for a hotel, and later burned — 1875. Mr. Fowler operated a boatstore in the base- ment of the building, and during the war the first story w^as occupied by the then noted banking-house of Watts, Given & Co., and the third floor was a telegraph office, which Grant took charge of immediately on his arrival by gunboat. "Captain Fowler then lived in an historic old house which was pierced by nine shells from passing gunboats. Then a broad lawn intervened between the residence and the river, but now the sad wreck of a once elegant home is almost ready to topple into the land-hungry stream. Mrs. Millie Davis and Mrs. Cook Husbands, daughters of Captain Fowler, were born in this interesting old house.'' THE STEAMER JOE FO^VLER. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: "The new and handsome steamer being built by Ed. Howard at Jefferson- ANNALS OF TEE FOWLER FAMILY. 107 ville for the Evaiisvilie and Paducah trade is being rapidly pushed forward. The coming fine fast boat will wear the loved name of McCracken's distinguished son and marine representative, and from the pilot-house of no man's boat ever flashed the honored name of a better man than Joe H. Fowler. He is the only surviving member of the family of Judge W. P. Fowler. Dick^ White, Gus, and Willie have all laid down their heads until judgment day, when they will come from their graves with no stain upon their manly records or honest souls. Long ago I stepped down and out from steamboating, never expecting to travel on a magnificent sidewheeler again, but I shall take a round trip on this fine new boat for her name's sake.'^ '^Louisville endeavored to propel a steamboat on wheels through her streets during the industrial parade, but she failed. Paducah accomplished the feat last Tuesday with very little trouble. 'Commodore' Given Fowler had a minia- ture Joe Fowler on wheels, with smoke issuing from the chimneys and the wheel making a hundred revolutions a minute.'' Will S. Hays, Kentucky's popular song-writer, in a dedi- catory poem to the Joe Fowler, concludes with the follow- ing : "May the boat be like her namesake, Have a long and bright career." with the closing couplet, — "We'll sigh to miss the steamboat, And weep to miss the man." CAPTAIN joe's wedding. From a Paducah paper: "Just forty years ago to-day, on January 11, 1855, Joseph H. Fowler, a young wharf boat clerk who had just attained his majority, and Miss Mattie E. Leech, a young girl-belle of Smithland, were married at 108 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. the capital of old Livingston. Among the witnesses to their marriage were the groom^s father — the late Judge W. P. Fowler — his stej^mother, his four brothers, the bride's par- ents, her six brothers, and a host of other relatives and friends. Of all that number only three are now alive — the couple which was united that winter evening and one brother of the bride. Colonel W. T. Leech, of Cape Girardeau, Mo. The young wharf boat clerk is now Captain J. H. Fowler of Paducah, superintendent of two steamboat lines and pro- prietor of several wharfboats of his own. Not a single mem- ber of his father's family Ijesides himself has survived the two score years since his wedding; he has not a brother, sis- ter, uncle, aunt, or parent. He is the oldest living repre- sentative of the Fowler family in this State. The Fowler name is one of the most honored and most prominent in the history of Western Kentucky and of the establishment of navigation on western waterways. His wife, a handsome matron, is still in the prime of life, like the stout mariner himself; but only a few friends, who were among the invited guests at their wedding, are still above the sod, and they are swiftly passing away.'' THE POWLEK-POST WEDDING. Extracts from a Paducah })aper: "A wedding which will ever be cited as a leading social event took place at the Broad- way Methodist Episcopal church last evening. The prin- cipals were Miss Josephine Fowler, fourth daughter of Cap- tain J. H. Fowler, and Mr. Edmund M. Post,^ of Kew York city. The prominence of the bride in Paducah society, as well as the beauty and brilliancy of the occasion, made the wedding a notable one in social annals. Invitations had been, issued to six hundred guests. The church had been most beautifullv decorated bv exnert florists. Mr. Carroll Brun- ^Mr. Post died in New York in the fall of 1900, leaving one child, Fowler Post. Mr. Post is lamented by all who knew him, and I am sorry I have no further particulars of his death. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 109 .son presided at the organ and welcomed the members of the bride's family and the near relatives and friends, as they were ushered to reserved seats, by playing the Swedish Wed- ding March. Mendelssohn's March was given as the bridal train made its way to the altar. Lange's Flower Song was softly sung during the ceremony, which was followed by Tannhauser's March as the bridal party left the altar. The ushers were Messrs. G. H. Warneken, C. W. Spillman, Clar- ence Dallam, Wheeler Campbell, Muscoe Burnett, and Powell Nash. The groomsmen were Messrs. Given Fowler, brother of the bride; W. C. Leech, T. C. Leech, Jr., and Saunders A. Fowler, all three cousins of the bride, with John Love of New York, Chas. F. Eieke, William Rieke, and Horace Vaughn. The bridesmaids were Misses Mamie Post, sister of the groom; Clara Fowler, cousin of the bride; Dow Husbands, Adine Morton, Carrie Eieke, Annie Hart, Eubie Cobb, and Cherrie Morton, all of whom were dressed in yellow silk with diamond ornaments, each maid carrying a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. The groom was accompanied by his best man, Mr. E. B. Phillips; the bride leaned on the arm of her sister and maid of honor. Miss Mattie Fowler. The marriage ceremony by the Eev. Mr. G. W. Wilson, pastor of the church, was the pretty Episcopal service which calls for the ring. "The bride, who was ever an attractive brunette of lovely face and form, with charming manners, was attired in an elegant white satin gown en train, with duchess lace garni- ture, and a lace veil. Her only jewel was a diamond pendant, the gift of the groom; her bouquet was bride-roses. Miss Mattie Fowler, as maid of honor, wore a white silk with gauze overdress trimmed in pearl passementerie, diamond ornaments, and her flowers were white chrysanthemums. After the ceremony the bridal party, with relatives and in- timate friends, repaired to the home of the bride's father, on Court Street, near Sixth, where refreshments, mirth, music, and loving congratulations joined together to speed the happy moments away. At 11:30 Mr. and Mrs. Post left for New York, their future home, carrying with them the fond- 110 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. est hopes of many friends. Some of the guests from a dis- tance were Mr. W. Leech and daughter, uncle and cousin of the bride, of Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Miss Post, of New York City; Mrs. Mary B. Campbell, Mr. J. P. Campbell and his wife, of Hopkinsville ; and Miss Clara Fowler, of Big Stone Oap, Va." LITTLETOX AUGUSTUS FOWLER^ The fourth son of Judge W. P. Fowler, was born in Prince- ton, Ky., February 26, 1838. He attended school there until his father moved to Salem, thence to Smithland, where Gus lived till fifteen years old. His ambition and independent views induced him to launch out in a business 'career for himself, and he found employment in the commission house of Fowler, Norton & Co., Cairo, 111., his eldest brother, D. G. Fowler, being the senior member of the firm. He remained with this firm two years ^^ hen he decided to finish his educa- tion; he attended the Kentucky Military Institute two years, graduating in 1857. He went at once to Paducah and en- gaged actively in steamboating, commanding boats before reaching his majority. When the Civil War began he was in command of the fast and beautiful steamer Dunbar, running in the Evansville and Cairo trade. As his S3'mpathies were decidedly with the South, he made several trips carrying contraband goods on board; finally he was forced to run the Dunbar up the Ten- nessee River, when he scuttled her near Florence, Ala., to prevent her falling a prize into the hands of the Federals. He then joined the Confederate army under General John Morgan, and was with that intrepid leader in all his raids until 1862, when young Fowler was captured at Lebanon, Tenn., and sent to prison at Camp Chase, Ohio, where he was confined with other Southern patriots for six months. Upon his release he was exchanged, when he immediately accepted the position of major on the staff of General Loring, where he remained to the termination of hostilities, always ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Ill taking active part in all the battles Loring's command parti- cipated in. After the surrender General Loring went to Egypt to take command of the khedive's army, when he offered Major Fowler a place of prominence if he wonld accompany him to that distant field; but the young man felt constrained to decline the flattering inducement, deem- ing it his duty to return home and endeavor to retrieve family fortunes lost by war. He at once associated himself with a commission house in Apalachicola, Florida,- spending a year there in the cotton- buying business. He returned to Paducah in 1866, resuming the steamboat business. While commanding the Armada, a boat of limited tonnage, he foresaw the needs of the times ,and at once advocated and carried into effect the building of the Idlewild, which he brought out in 1870 and made famous. From the beginning she proved a successful ven- ture, he commanding her in person. By fair and courteous dealing he soon won his way back into the heart of the public, a truth still attested by the pleasing memory of the many who traveled on his boat and the presents and testi- monials of friendship tendered him. In 1873 he retired from .active life on the river to better manage his affairs ashore, in most of which he was wonderfully successful. On August 10, 1878, in the prime of life — at the age of forty years — he -died, and seldom — if ever — was more profound sorrow mani- -fested in Paducah. April 30, 1866, he married Miss Laura Saunders- of Paducah; she and their two children still survive him. Saunders Augustus, the son, is unmarried; Birdie, the daughter, is Mrs. John P. Campbell, and she has one son five years of age, John P. Campbell, Jr. They reside at the elegant Fowler home on BrocHlway, Paducah. "The name of Fowler has long been a household word .among the dwellers of the lower Ohio, ever since the days before the war, when 'steam boating was steamboating,' as ■'Daughter of ])r. Reuben Saunders, a celebrated physician of the .'State of Kentucky. 112 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. they sa}^ Of the five brothers engaged in the steamboat business only one — Captain Joe — is left. Long after the sound of the old Idlewild's whistle — which is now blown by the Dick Fowler — shall fail to awaken memories of bygone days, along with the river echoes, or when the name of Fowler no longer stirs up recollections of the Silver Star, the Dunbar,^ the Armada, the Alvan Adams, the Charmer, the Jim Fisk, the Pat Cleburne, or the Idlewild, some one will remember these Fowler brothers and their good in- fluence, for the examples they set to the ones coming after them ivill live 'unmixed witli baser matter/ ^' The paragraph above, together with the sketch of L. A. Fowler, are contributed by Saunders Fowler, the only son of Captain Gus Fowler. Some additional facts are given by Mrs. J. H. Fowler in the general information written by her. SAUNDERS AUGUSTUS FOWLER, Only son of Captain Littleton Augustus Fowler, was born in Paducah, Ky., March 8, 18(57; was educated at the public schools of that city, graduating from the high school when sixteen years of age, and finishing his education in Central University. At the age of twenty he entered the office of the Fowler Wharfboat Company, and later the firm of Fowler, Crumbaugh & Co., taking the interest left by his deceased father. At present he is president of the Fowler Wharfboat Company, general freight agent and director of the Tennessee and Ohio Eiver Transportation Company, a member of the firm of Fowler, Crumbaugh & Co., president and commodore of the Paducah Yacht Club. He is un- married, and lives with his mother at their home on Broad- wav, Paducah. ^Judge Fowler quoted to me on several occasions some war verses he had composed on "the gallant young captain of the packet Dunbar." CHAPTER VII. 'His strength was as the strength of ten, Because his heart was pure." —[Tennyson. THE REV. LITTLETON FOWLER. [From Southern Quarterly Review, 1861, Thos. 0. Summers, Editor.] [The name of the Rev. Littleton Fowler was inserted in the programme of the "Biographical Sketches of Eminent Itinerant Ministers, distinguished, for the most part, as Pioneers of Methodism within the bounds of the M. E. Church South,'" but the sketch of that excellent man did not reach us in time for insertion in that volume. As it is uncertain when a second volume of Sketches will be issued, we have obtained permission of the author, Mr. F. B. Sexton, of San Augustine, Texas, to print in the Quarterly the following interesting sketch of Mr. Fowler, which will be read with mournful pleasure by his numerous surviving friends. Having been for several years associated with him in the Texas Conference, our acquaintance beginning at the organization of that body in 1840, it affords us a great personal gratification to insert this interesting monograph in the Quarterly, though it is not properly a Review article. — Ed.] My first recollections of the Kev. Littleton Fowler are those of early boyhood. He was my father^s intimate and valued friend. In the earlier years of Texas, when Christian ministers were ^'few^^ and their homes "far between/^ he was always welcome at my fathers house. I distinctly remember, when he was one of our family group, that I was often impressed with his great capacity for interesting and enter- taining the social circle. He was easy and versatile in con- versation, generally instructive, always received without com- pelling attention, was occasionally humorous, but never, when I heard him, trifling or insipid. Mr. Fowler came to Texas as a missionary in the latter part of the year 1837. The Republic was then comparatively a wilderness. Some of his appointments were separated by a distance of several days' journey, which had to be traveled alone, and without reference to weather or accommodations. 8 — Fowler. 114 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. He had often to sleej) upon the ground, with no companion but his horse, and no covering but the canopy of heaven. ]^ot unfrequently was it necessary for him to leave the ordinary roads, or trails (as many of the routes of travel were then denominated), and secrete himself behind some friendly covert to elude the glance of the treacherous Indian. Even' the fire by which he could prepare his evening meal or warm his benumbed limbs, had to be extinguished or smothered, lest it should liglit the way of the savage to his murder. Moreover, the character of Texan society then was certainly not encouraging to the objects of his mission; for although there were many g'ood men and patriots here — men who desired the progress of republican liberty and Christian- ity to be hand in hand — many, even, who doubted whether one could be vigorous and healthy without the other — yet it is not to be denied that there were many others who belonged to a vicious and abandoned stock, who had come here in the hope of breaking over the restraints of moral influence, and with the view of indulging unbridled propensities for crime; and to such the messenger of the gospel was not acceptable. Surroundings of this kind presented many opportunities for the exhibition and exercise of the controlling features of his character, which, if I were called ujion to designate, I should say were unfeigned devotion to God and indomitable energy in the execution of his own purpose. In the midst of these obstacles and privations he never faltered — not even hesi- tated. His appointments were regularly met, whether few or many came to hear him. He was as ready to dispense the word of life to ^'two or three gathered together'^ in the wilderness of Texas as he had been to hundreds in the spacious temples of Tennessee or Alabama. He could pray as earnestly, and with as much solicitude, for the solitary sinner whom he met on the wayside, as for the senators and Tepresentatives assembled in the Congress of the infant Eepublic. In stature, Mr. Fowler was above the ordinary height; according to my recollection, about six feet two inches. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 115 Apparently inclined to leanness, his frame was large and firmly knit. Before liis health became impaired, he had much more than ordinary strength. I have often seen it exercised, and I have seen but few men who could lift as much or wield an ax as powerfully as he. A native of Kentucky, he inherited a full share of the physical power and chivalry of soul for which the sons of that gallant State are justly distinguished. His appearance, too, was striking, and could not fail to attract observation. He was straight as an Indian's arrow; his forehead was high, expansive, and commanding; his eye dark, brilliant, and deeply set; the features of his face, though well defined, were regular, and indicated that firmness of purpose which I have already said was one of the controlling traits of his character. I re- member that in my boyish enthusiasm I often declared "he was one of the finest-looking men I had ever seen.^' Nor, even now, at this distance of time, when sobered to modera- tion by experience, and after having seen many of "the proud sons of men," am I much disposed to modify the expression. In the general intercourse of society, his manner was natural without being awkward, polite without affectation, affable without offensive familiarity. He was totally free from that austerity and frigidity which ministers sometimes, influenced by the most mistaken and pernicious notions of propriety, seem to think it necessary to assume. It is a great mistake in ministers to suppose that by treating men of the world — hardened sinners even — with a cold and supercilious air, they can ever win them to the "paths of peace." Does not human reason teach that, if you would gain adherents to your cause, you must meet men on the same level, and point out to them in friendship and kindness its attractions and benefits? You will not be likely to make your doctrines — whatever inherent good they may contain — acceptable to your hearers if by your actions you say, "Come not near me — I am holier than thou." Our Savior, whose gospel you preach, teaching by example, ate with publicans and sinners. Mr. IIG ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Fowler imitated his Master in this respect. None that he met, whether the chihl of opulence or the victim of poverty, the gifted genius or the illiterate backwoodsman, the un- happy misanthrope or the votary of vice, could fail to be impressed with the kindliness and benevolence of his nature. He considered it his duty to be kind to all. Xor did he fall into the opposite error of tolerating sin in being amiable toward the sinner. He could distinguish between his fellow-r men and their vicious inclinations and sinful practices; the former he loved, the latter iie was ever ready to rebuke; and when he did so, seldom failed to lessen their power and check their progress. The intellectual powers of Littleton Fowler were of a very high order. His views of every subject were liberal and comprehensive. Though his early edtication was defective, he compensated that by close and untiring application after he was admitted to the ministry. During the whole of his life he was a student. He had an excellent memory, which retained with remarkable tenacity the knowledge of whatever he studied. While he was thoroughly acquainted with his own profession, he avoided the error, too frequently com- mitted by professional men, of suffering his mind to become one-sided; he found time to liberalize his by considerable miscellaneous reading. His style of speaking, both in the pulpit and in ordinary conversation, was rigidly correct, so that I was surprised to learn from his own lips that he had never enjoyed the benefits of scholastic training, but that his attainments were almost entirely self-acquired. He reasoned accurately and logically, and seldom failed to convince his auditors of the truth of any position he assumed. He was always inclined to address the judgments of men first, and vv^hen they were convinced, or when he conceived that he had said enough to effect that object, he would follow with an appeal to their emotions and sympathies, which rarely failed of its elfect. He was interesting as a speaker, because he always led his hearers to his conclusions by the same process of reasoning which had brought his own mind to them. 1 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 117 have often heard him commence his sermon in the mildest manner; he would continue for some time as if in conver^^a- tion ^yith his. audience, or as if demonstrating a proposition in mathematics; then warming with his subject, his fine eye would kindle with enthusiasm, his words would enchain every ear, and his sincerity would penetrate every heart. If to be able to instruct, to interest, to hold in breathless silence an assembly, be an orator, then he was an orator. The love of God, the love of man, the eternal happiness of heaven, were his favorite themes; and if you heard him discuss them when his mind and soul were fully aroused, you almost felt the arms of Divine mercy encircling you; you could forgive him whom you thought your direst enemy; you could see the benignant faces of saints and angels round ^'the throne of Him that liveth forever and ever." He seldom spoke of the threatenings of God — and I have always thought that these should l)e the last arguments used by a minister, for in this order they are laid down in the Holy Scriptures — but when he did, the sinner who heard him was awe-stricken and overpowered with a sense of his own unworthiness ; and he who could not be persuaded to do the will of God by his love and promises, was terrified into submission by fear of his righteous judgments. Mr. Fowler was one of the pioneers of the Methodist Episcopal church in Texas. His brother and companion, the Eev. Kobert Alexander, still lives. They were, in verity, "pillars in the temple." Without derogation from the many Avorthy men who have been and still are laboring to extend the influence of Methodism in our State, I think it may be safely said that the church in Texas has not yet produced the equal of either of them. For 3'ears past, I have known nothing of the Western Conference; but in the eastern there is not now, and has not been since his death, such a man as Mr. Fowler. And this, I think, neither the ministers nor members of the church will gainsay. On the 21st of June, 1838, not long after his arrival in Texas, Mr. Fowler was married to Mrs. Missouri M. Porter, 118 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. then of Nacogdoches, a lady whose mind, disposition, and accomplishments rendered her fully worthy of his love and confidence. She made him ever a faithful, affectionate, and devoted wife. After his marriage he settled in Sabine County, where he established a home which was his while he lived, and is that of his family still. As the head of his family he was distinguished for that hospitality, generosity, courtesy, and open-hearted demeanor which everywhere and always characterize alike the gentleman and the Christian. Every good man was welcome at his house. The poor way- faring stranger was never turned away without food and shelter; but more than this, he was made to feel that in re- ceiving them he conferred a pleasure, not that he incurred an obligation. In his neighborhood he was beloved. If he had an enemy, I never heard of it. He obliged the man of the world, w^hen he was his neighbor, equally with the Chris- tian, and both were his friends. I have never known a man more generally esteemed for his social virtues. As a citizen, Mr. Fowler was faithful to all his obligations, public or private. He participated in one or two expeditions against the Indians after he came to Texas, and his officers and companions in arms bear witness that he was a brave soldier. If he reproved them for immorality or intemper- ance, it Avas done in an amiable spirit. When danger came, he was ready to march into the "thickest of the fight'^ to defend the hearths and families of his countrymen, and maintain the honor of his country's flag. Those benevolent institutions which, as auxiliaries to Christianity, are endeavoring to augment the sum of human happiness and diminish the sum of human misery, claimed also a share of Mr. Fowlers attention. He was a zealous and active member of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Free and Accepted Masons. Here, as elsewhere, he merited and received the confidence and attachments of his '^^Brethren and Companions." He was the first grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Texas, and was present at its organization. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 119 The records of the Grand Lodge yet exhibit his name as one of its original members. Mr. Fowler often, and deservedly, held high positions in the church to which he belonged. He was presiding elder of the first district ever created in Eastern Texas, and was con- tinued one of the presiding elders of the East Texas Confer- ence until his death. In the General Conference of 1844 — memorable as being the last ever holden by the Methodist Episcopal Church previous to its division — he was one of the delegates from Texas. His position was a most delicate and responsible one. The delegates had been elected without any anticipation that the dangerous and agitating question of slavery would be the great element in the discussions and deliberations of the conference. They had to ''take the re- sponsibility,'' vote upon their own judgment, Mdthout instruc- tions, and according to their own opinions of their duties to their constituents. His co-delegate, originally from the North, went off with the abolition branch of the church. ISTot so Fowler. He deprecated the division of the church, and most devoutly and earnestly prayed that it might be averted; but when forced by the Northern members to take position, he cofuVd not and would not say by his vote that to hold slaves was necessarily and mherently a sin. He believed that slavery was recognized by, and specific directions given for the treatment of slaves in, the Bible, and hence he could not say that a slaveholder could not be a Christian. But, on the contrary, he believed that a Christian master who treats his slaves with humanity and kindness, with justice and forbearance; who gives them the moral instruction consistent with their capacity and relation, is performing an acceptable and important service in the economy of God's providence. In consistence with his duty as a Christian man and min- ister, Mr. Fowler devoted much reflection to the subject of death. Hence he was not unprepared when disease admon- ished him that his hour was not far off. A year or more previous to his death, he requested his friend, the Kev. Sam- uel A. Williams, to preach his funeral sermon, and himself 120 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. selected the text form from which he desired it to be preached, which was the memorable declaration of St. Paul (Rom. 1-16), "For I am i.-ot ashamed of the gospel of Christ. ^^ His last sermon was preached in the village of Douglass, in Xacogdoches Count}', from the same text. It is said to have been equal to any of his best efforts. He died on the 29th of Januar}', 1846. He was taken sick early in that month, and declined rapidly. From the commencement of his illness, he seemed impressed witli the belief that he would not recover. I visited him several times, and found him always patient under his sufferings, and submissive to the will of God. He seemed to have no regret at dying, ex- cept the thought of leaving jiis family. He would frequently allude to his two small children, the older then being but six years of age, in the most touching manner; but would invariably recall himself to his Christian frame of mind by saying, "God will take care of them; He has promised to be a husband to the widow, and a father to the fatherless.^' There never was any permanent improvement in his condi- tion from the first moment of his attack. The ablest physi- cians of the country endeavored to arrest his disease, but without effect. Death had marked him for his own; and of this he constantly and confidently assured his friends. Late on the day before his death, I heard that it was thought that he could not survive the ensuing night, and I immediately started to see him. It was 8 or 9 o'clock at night when I arrived at his house. As soon as I approached his bedside, he recognized me. Addressing me familiarly, and by my given name (for I was then quite young), he inquired after the health of my mother, which was then very delicate, and my own. I replied according to the facts ; and he then said to me that he was very feeble — that he could not live much longer, but that he did not fear to die — that he was happy — that he hoped I would early embrace the Christian faith — that I would walk in conformity to the precepts of the gospel, so that I might, in death, realize the consolation he was then enjoying. I promised him I would ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 121 try to do so. I saw that the angel of death had put his mark upon him. The sunken e3^e, the pallid countenance, the enfeebled pulse, the quickened breathing, and the chilly perspiration, all told, too plainly, that the spirit was fast forsaking its frail tenement. His intellectual faculties, how- ever, seemed to be in full vigor; and, what is still more re- markable, he retained their exercise almost to the very latest moment of his life. He manifested a great desire to con- verse with his friends, many of whom surrounded his bed- side, insomuch that, in view of his debility, he had frequently to be reminded that he was talking too much. In the morn- ing, previous to my arrival, he had requested that his step- son, Symmes Porter, who was then also quite ill, should be brought into his room, which was done. He then called his own small children to him, and presented each with a Bible, as his dying legacy. To his stepson, then a young man grown, he gave the Bible which he used while attending the celebrated General Conference of 18-i4, accompanying it with some exhortations to lead a pious and useful life; to his daughter Mary, the one which had been presented him as a token of esteem by the American Bible Society; to his son Littleton, the one which he used when he first entered the itinerant ministry in Tennessee; and to his children also he gave some pious admonitions, which they were then too young to understand, and invoked the blessing of God upon their pathway through life in the most affecting and power- ful manner. His stepson was not permitted to survive him very long, but, while he lived, followed his advice faithfully. His children. have been brought up l^y an affectionate mother and by a stepfather (the Eev. John C. Woolam), who has been as devoted to their interests as he could have been, and who has impressed upon them his principles and counsel as thor- oughly as he could have desired. I know them well, and it' gives me pleasure to say that they are an honor to their father^s memory. Not long after my arrival, while one of his physicians, a 122 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. gentleman eminent in his profession, and justly acknowl- edged to possess considerable intellectual ability, though understood to be somewhat skeptical in regard to Christian- ity, was standing at the foot of the bed, he looked earnestly toward him, and said, "Doctor, I have tried the religion of Jesus Christ for more than twenty-five years, and I find it now what I have believed it to be during all that time; it gives me consolation in my dying hour; I have no fear of death; I shall be happy after death, and live in heaven for- ever. 0, I hope you v/ill study the gospel more, and yet believe in it to salvation/"^ Soon after this he requested Mrs. Fowler and his friend, the Kev. Mr. Woolam, to sing one of his favorite hymns, commencing, "0, land of rest, for thee I sigh." They did so, and he united in singing with great fervency. The effect of this scene can not be described; to be realized, it must have been felt. It seemed as if human voices had been permitted, for the moment, to borrow strains from the harmony in which seraphs and angels celebrate the praises of the living God. As the night wore away, he would occasionally, when not too feeble, converse with one and another of his friends, and generally in reference to his death, the truth of Christian doctrines and precepts, and the happiness which faith in them then afforded him. Once he addressed, with great feeling, and with a power of manner and language which no pen can portray, a friend and neighbor who was not a professor of religion, but who had been very kind to him, and said, "I can not tell you how thankful I feel for the many kindnesses you have done me; may God bless 3^ou for them. Will you look after my wife and children ?" The gentleman promised him that he would. "Then," continued Mr. Fowler, "will you meet me in heaven?" His friend hesitated; when, fix- ing his dark and lustrous eyes upon him more firmly, he said, in tones that would have melted a stoic, "0, will you ?" This his friend could not resist, and in tears replied, "I will try." Later in the night, after he had been sinking very rapidly, as we thought, for some time, upon being aroused, he seemed ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 123 to recover strength for a few moments, when he saw that we, who surronndecl him, were ahirmecl. He inquired of his wife if we did not think he was dying; she could not reply. Then turning, calmly but resolutely, to his brother (Judge A. J. Fowler), who was near his bed, said he: "Jack, am I not dying P^ His brother said to him, "I think so/' "WelV said he, "you should have told me so; it does not alarm me; I felt that I must die. Death, to me, has no terrors. I feel that I can walk through the valley and shadow of death, and fear no evil. God is with me." After this, he called all who were in his room to his bedside, took each by the hand, and bade each an affectionate and affecting farewell; ex- horted each, in a few words — but how forcible none can forget — to walk in his paths of piety and virtue, and invoked on each the blessing of Almighty God. He requested his children to be brought to him once more: it was done; but his parting with them and the partner of his bosom I must not attempt to describe; it is sacred from public intrusion. Still later, and after a brief period of repose, he seemed to awake as if from a dream, and, looking around, said: "0, what a glorious sight. I have seen the angelic hosts, the happy faces of Just men made perfect;" and repeated, in a feeble voice, the couplet, "Farewell, vain world, I'm going home; My Savior smiles, and bids me come." Yet later, he inquired of some one if there were no lights in the room. Mr. Woolam told him there were. "Ah, well," said he, "my sight grows dim. Earth recedes. Heaven is approaching. Glory to God in the highest." N'ot long after this, it became evident that he could live but a few moments, and his friends collected around his bed, expecting every breath to be his last. A distressing, silence pervaded the room. Every heart was full. Xot an eye but dropped a tear. Once his wife leaned forward towards him, when he inquired who she was. She answered, "Your unhappy wife." "Ah," 124 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. he replied in a whisper, "I thought it was an angel/' He spoke no more. His eyes slowly closed; the hearings of his chest became one by one more gentle, so that we could scarcely determine when the breath left his body. He died as tranquilly as summers twilight succeeds evening. There was no struggle — no violence ; but there was the "cold reality, too real." The clay alone was left: the spirit had departed to realms of eternal and unclouded light. Short as my experience is, i have several times seen Death subdue his victims. I have seen the wicked man die with blasphemy on his tongue, and turned with a shudder from the scene. I have seen men die in apparent apathy or in- difference as to a future state; but never, never have 1 wit- nessed a death which traced its incidents so powerfully in my memory. Eleven years have passed away since it oc- curred, and yet I can recall them as vividly as if they were of yesterday. I can never recur to them without heing irresistibly impressed with tlie Divine truth of the princi- ples and precepts of Christianity, and with the certainty that the grace of God which follows their observance will sustain us, when the dreadful hour of dissolution comes, with a peace and comfort which no human maxims can impart. JOTTINGS FROM THE OLD JOURNAL OF LITTLETON FOW^LER, waTH BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION. DORA FOWLER ARTHUR. [The authorities consulted are: Redford's "Methoaism in Ken- tucky," McFerrin's "Methodism in Tennessee," Thrall's "Methodism in Texas," and old diaries and letters of the missionary.]^ Littleton Fowler was born in Smith County, Tennessee, September 12, 1802. His father was Godfrey Fowler, of a sturdy old English family of Wake County, North Carolina, ^This sketch was read by Mrs. James J. Arthur, June 17, 1898, before the second annual convention of the Texas State Historical Association, Austin, Texas, and was published in the Quarterly of that association in July, 1898. It was read and published by re- quest. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 125 and his mother was Clara Wright, of an equally respectable family of Tennessee. In 1806 his parents, with their small family of four boys, moved to Caldwell County, Kentucky, and settled near Princeton. Here the old Fowler homestead is still known to this day and generation, as is also known the older Fowler homestead, dating back more than a century, near Wake Forest, Xorth Carolina. The family has claimed Methodist preachers ever since the labors of Wesley and Asbury in America, but lawyers, teachers, writers, and artists have divided family honors. Mr. Eedford says in his "Methodism in Kentucky :'' "One of the sweetest spirits that ever be- longed to the Methodist ministry of the West was Littleton Fowler." The following data are from the same source and from the missionary's old Kentucky diary. He began to preach in 1820, but his health, which was never robust, became so impaired that he was left without an appointment for a few years. In 1828 we find him in charge of the Bowling Green church; in 1829 he was the co-laborer at Louisville of H. H. Kavanaugh, who was later bishop. Here his health again failed him and he was given an easier work, Cynthiana Station, and later, Maysville. At a subsequent date he was transferred to the Tennessee Conference and stationed at Tuscumbia, Alabama. In 1833 he was made financial agent of La Grange College, Alabama, which office he filled for four years, traveling over the South- ern States in the interest of this foremost Methodist college for the young men of the South. It has been said that he did more for that institution of learning than any other man except its president, Eobert Payne, who afterwards became a bishop of the M. E. church. Early in 1837 a call was made in the Alabama conference for volunteers to go as missionaries to the Eepublic of Texas. A tall, slender and delicate Jooking young man of thirty-five years was the first one to volunteer, saying, "Here am I, send me." He was Littleton Fowler. Dr. Martin Ruter, an older minister and a married man with a large family, then took 126 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. his stand by the side of the first volunteer; they were im- mediately joined by Eobert Alexander, a hardy frontiersman, who said, "I am both strong and yonng, let me go/' [These facts have been related in the family circle by the widow of Littleton Fowler, and by A. J. Fowler, the youngest brother of the Texas missionary, who once contributed the same to the Texas Christian (Methodist) Advocate.] Thrall says in his "Methodism in Texas:" "In the early annals of Methodism in Texas, the name of Littleton Fowler will be forever conspicuous/' Two older brothers, John H. and Wiley P. Fowler, had emigrated to the Spanish province of Texas as early as 1818, and had joined a party of Tennessee relatives, George and Travis Wright, on Red River. Wiley P. Fowler soon re- turned to Kentucky to live a long and honorable life as one among the ablest jurists and judges of that proud State. John H. remained on Red River to serve his adopted country in many ways. In 1838 he represented Red River County as Senator in the Texas Congress. Bradford C. Fowler, another brother, was a Red River County vohmteer in the Texas Revolution of 1836. He was a young sergeant in Fannin's command, but he was separated while on detail duty from the main command at the time of Fannin's calamitous surrender, so he escaped the subsequent massacre at Goliad. He went to California in 1849 or '50 to seek gold, but he found a grave instead. Andrew J. Fowler, familiarly known as "Jack Fowler," followed his missionary brother to Texas in 1837 to hold many positions of trust during old Republic days and through her early statehood. He served Red River County as Chief Justice in 1839-'40, and Lamar County as representative in the lower house of the Texas Congress in 1840-'41. When the shadow of the Civil War fell in Texas, the two surviving Fowler brothers. Colonel John H. and Judge "Jack" Fowler, were stanch Union men and Henry Clay Whigs, and, although the youngest one, my father, went to the front as lieutenant- colonel of Bass' Texas Regiment of cavalry, he never again ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 127 adjusted himself to the dominating political conditions of his adopted State. With this introduction of Littleton Fowler and his brothers, in their early connection with Texas history, I quote tlie following from the memoirs of Littleton Fowler written by Hon. Frank B. Sexton of San Augustine, — ^he is now an aged and honored lawyer of El Paso, Texas, — and published in the Southern Quarterly Eeview, 1861, with the accompanying explanation by the editor: "The name of Rev. Littleton Fowler was inserted in the program of the ^Biographical Sketches of Eminent Itinerant Ministers, dis- tinguished, for the most part, as pioneers of Methodism within the bounds of the M. E. Church South,' but the sketch of that excellent man did not reach us in time for insertion in that volume. * =^= * Having been for several years associated with him in the Texas conference, our acquaint- ance beginning with the organization of that body in 1840, it affords us great personal gratification to insert this inter- esting monograph in the Quarterly, though it is not a Review article." Mr. Sexton says: ^'My first recollections of the Rev. Lit- tleton Fowler are those of my early boyhood. He was my father's intimate and valued friend. * * * j distinctly remember, when he was one of our family group, that I was often impressed with his great capacity for entertaining and interesting the social circle. He was easy and versatile, oft*^ times humorous, and generally instructive, and always re- ceived attention without compelling it. * * * When Mr. Fov^•ler cnme to Texas, 1837, the Republic was then a €omparative wilderness. Many of his ministerial appoint- ments were separated by a distance of several days' journey, which often had to be traveled alone and without reference to weather or accommodation? of comfort. He had often to sleep on the ground, with no companion but his horse. Fre- quently it was necessary for him to leave the ordinary roads, or ^Indian trails,' to avoid meeting treacherous Indians. "His appointments were regularly filled, whether "few or 128 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. many came out to hear him. He was as ready to dispense the Word of Life to two or three gathered together in the wilderness of Texas as he had been to the hundreds in the spacdous churches of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. He could pray as earnestly for the solitary sinner whom he met by the wayside, as for the senators assembled in the Congress of the infant Eepablic. "In stature Mr. Fowler was about six feet two inches. Apparently inclined to leanness, his frame was compactly knit. He was straight as an Indian, his forehead was high, expansive, and commanding ; his eyes dark, brilliant, and when stirred with emotion, fall of fire. ''His intellectual powers ^\ere of a very high order. His views of every subject were liberal and comprehensive. Though his early education was defective — simply such as the frontier schools of his day afforded — he compensated that by close and untiring application to study after he was ad- mitted to the ministry. All his life he was an ardent student. His style of speaking, both in the pulpit and in the social circle, was rigidly correct, and I was surprised to learn from his own lips that he had never had the benefits of scholastic training, but that his attainments were almost entirely self- acquired. 'T have often heard him commence a sermon in the mildest manner; then warming to his subject, his fine eye would kindle and his words w^ould enchain every ear, and his sin- cerity penetrate every heart. * * * If to be able to in- struct, to interest, to hold in breathless silence an entire assembly, be oratory, then Littleton Fowler was an orator." On the 21st of June, 1838, Mr. Fowler was married to Mrs. J. J. Porter of N'acogdoches, a lady of great beauty of person and many graces of the heart. She was one of the Lockwoo(S sisters of Newport, Ky., who were noted beauties and belles of Louisville, Frankfort, and Cincinnati. They were the daughters of an army officer, and she was born in 1806, at Fort Madison, La., — which was at Baton Eouge, — while her father was stationed at that frontier military post. Later. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 129 her mother^ being widowed, married Johu Cleve Synimes, author of Svmnies* "Theory of Concentric Spheres/*' which made such a stir in the world about 1825. I have lately read with eager interest a letter from Boston of date 1825, from Anthony Lockwood, the stepson of the lecturer Symmes. The letter mentioned tells of the large crowds that greeted Colonel b-Symmes nightly in Boston, Xew York, Philadelphia, and other cities, to hear him lecture on his "Theory"' of a hole through the earth from pole to pole. Miss Missouri Lockwood married Dr. J. J. Porter,- in Xewport, Ky., and came with him to Texas to make their fortune, in 1835. He became a merchant at the old mission village of Xacogdoches, but ]ie soon met an early and shock- ing death. A large bear had been captured and chained to a tree near the old stone fort. Late at night Dr. Porter was returning home vvhen all others were asleep, when he walked into the arms of the powerful beast and was killed before his cries could bring help. His wife, who had accompanied him to Texas to seek riches, remained to subsequently marry a missionary and share with his many and varied labors, be- coming herself the first ivoman missionary of Texas. For years she was his constant companion, traveling on horseback over Indian trails to minister to sick and dying emigrants and settlers, or to bury the dead. Many a time she fashioned a simple shroud out of a sheet or a curtain, by the light of a tallow dip, wJiJle her husband helped to nail together a rude coffin for some Texas pioneer wdio had died in Texas wilds far from home and kindred. This remarkable woman, the exponent of all that was good, beautiful and true, of native refinement and great culture, possessing rare piety and broad Christian humanity, -The Rev. Ellis Smith, grandson of Rev. Fowler and wife, when pastor of the M. E. church of Nacogdoches, learned that Dr. Por- ter's death did occur from injuries received by a chained bear, but not as I recited it. It seems that he had incurred the beast's hatred by worrying it, and it killed him in the daytime, or rather so injured the doctor that he died. 9 — FoMier. 130 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. lived out her life of rich deeds well beloved throughout all East Texas as "Aunt'' or "Mother'' Woolam, the wife of the venerable Methodist preacher, John C. Woolam. She sur- vived her missionary husband nearl)^ one-half of a century. Her memory is cherished as something beautiful and precious by all her descendants and kindred. Truly, it Avas a privi- lege to know her. The foregoing facts may seem to be too much of a personal nature, but they belong to a sketch of the missionary and to Texas history; old letters and journals, which establish every proof, are in possession of the author of this sketch. Quotations from the journals of the missionary are now begun on his departure from Ahil)ama for the mission field of Texas : "Tuscumbia, Ala., August 22, 1887.— This day I start for the Eepublic of Texas, there to labor as a missionary. I have recently been appointed to this work by the Board of Foreign Missions at New York. The impressions on my heart in the call to go as a missionar}' to '^J^exas were as strong and as loud as was my call to the ministry; consequently I go fully ex- pecting the presence and blessings of God. While view- ing the labours and privations that await me, my soul is unmoved. Eather do 1 rejoice that I am accounted worthy to labour and suffer for my blessed Lord: yet the fact of leaving my country, my kindred, my friends and brethren, fills me with deep sorrow and touching affliction. Eev. Dr. Martin Enter aud Eev. Eobert Alexander are to be my co- labourers in the mission field of Texas. "Tn Arkansas I engaged John B. Denton, a local preacher, to accompany me to Texas to work in the missionary field. * * * We held a camp-meeting near Clarksville, Eed Eiver County, near the first of October. From Clarksville, in the portecting company of three others, we two, with "provisions for four days packed on our horses, struck out ;across Texas for Nacogdoches. We slept in the forest four nights, and arrived at Nacogdoches on October 16, 1837, and preached two sermons. On our way thither we passed the ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 131 unburied body of a man, who had been shot six weeks previously for horse-stealing. "October 19th we reached San Augustine and preached four nights in succession. There I began a subscription for building a church. In less time than two weeks a lot was deeded, $3500 were subscribed, trustees w^re appointed, and the building was under written contract to be finished before the first of next September. Traise God from whom all blessings flow.' '' This was certainly the church, the laying of the corner- stone of which is written of in an isolated part of the missionary's Kentucky journal. It has often been written that Littleton Fowler set up the first Protestant church in Texas. However that may be, here is quoted the isolated entry mentioned : "San Augustine, Republic of Texas, January 17, 1837. [The figure "7"' is evidently wrong, a slip of the pen, and should ])c 8.] — To-day the corner-stone of a Methodist Epis- copal Cliurch was laid in this place, according to the usages of the Masonic order. Between forty and fifty Masons were present, and from five to eight hundred people, about one hundred of whom were ladies. Two speeches were delivered, the first by myself and the second by General T. J. Eusk, in his clear and convincing style. The event was one of moral grandeur. This corner-stone is the first one of a Protestant church west of the Sabine liiver. * * * rpj^-^ is only the beginning, — the first step of Protestantism that will some day march a grand army to the confines of the Eepublic of Texas. ^' During the session of the East Texas Conference held in Palestine last December, 1897, the old bell from this church was presented as a historic relic to that Conference by Mr. Columbus Cartwright of San Augustine. The son of the missionary. Presiding Elder Littleton Morris Fowler, and a grandson, Ellis Smith, preacher in charge of Jefl'crson Station, were requested to convey the bell to the altar and 132 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. there ring out its old voice in memory of early Methodism in Texas. The presentation speech was made by Presiding Elder Thomas J. Smith. The son of the missionary was requested to give the speaker historic data relating to the old bell, but he deferred to the author of this sketch. A few days later, great was my amazement to see the bell presentation written up in the Galveston Xews with the startling assertion that this old bell was first rung on the day of the laying of the corner-stone. I met the Xews correspondent a few hours later, and I told him I was "so glad to learn when the old bell of the first Methodist church in Texas was rung for the first time. All the light I had on the subject was a letter from Judge W. P. Fowler of Kentuck}^, — about 1840, — say- iug that the First Methodist Church of Louisville, which the missionary had served as pastor, would send him its first bell for his first Texas church."^ The News correspondent replied that nobody said when it was rung for the first time in Texas, so he "fixed it up that vray.'' Thus is much of our history writ. Again quotations from the old journal are resumed : "On the night of the 14th November, 1837, I preached in a school house in Washington-on-the-Brazos to a crowded assembly with many people standing before the door. Here Mr. Gay gave two lots, 100x120 feet, for a Methodist church. The Baptists have the frame of a church already up here. "From Washington I traveled (on horseback) to the capi- tal city of Houston. I arrived Sunday morning, November 19th, and preached in the afternoon to a very large assembly. * * * Here I find mucli vice, gaming, drunkenness, and profanity the commonest. The town is ten months old and has 800 inhabitants; also many stores, and any number of doggeries. [Note the old-time Texian word.] "November 21st.— To-day the Senate of the Texas Con- gress elected me chaplain to serve the rest of the session. It is my prayer that this act of the upper house may prove an open door for the entrance of the Gospel into the new Ee- ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 133 public. I pray that God will give me grace, keep me humble, and make me faithful in the discharge of m}^ religious duties. "jS'ovember 34th. — To-day I have been listening to the trial of S. Ehoades Fisher, Secretary of the Texas Navy, in the Senate chamber. He stands impeached by President Houston. Gray and Kaufman are the counsel for the prose- cution, ex-President Burnett and General Eusk for the de- fense. Gray opened the trial by the reading of documents for two hours and one-half. He was followed by Burnett at some length and with much bitterness tow^ards the Chief Executive; his speech disclosed a burning hatred for the President. Eusk spoke in a manly style that was clear, forcible, and full of common sense — the best kind of earthly knowledge. "November 25th. — The trial of Mr. Fisher was continued to-day by Mr. John Wharton in a most furious tirade against President Houston ; it was the bitterest invective I ever heard uttered by man. He was followed by Mr. Kaufman, who was quite respectful to Mr. Fisher ; his whole speech was fair and well-taken. "November 26th. — I preached morning and night in the Capitol to large and respectful assemblies. * * * "November 27th. — Steamboat arrived to-day with 103 passengers from the United States. * * * "November 28th. — The Senate is in secret session on the case of Fisher. * * * 1 gave one dollar for one-half pound of bacon for a poor, sick, and hungry man. * * * [Here occurs a break in the record caused by the serious illness of the recorder. After two weeks the journal re- sumes] : "December 12th. — Many have been my temptations since coming here, but thank God, they have been overcome. I have lived near to God by prayer, preaching, visiting the sick and dying, and burying the dead. "December 19th. — Congress adjourned to-day. "December 21st. — This morning I leave for San August- 134 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. ine. I have obtained a deed to a lot in Houston for a house of public worship. It is situated near the Capitol, and is 125 feet long and 250 feet wide/' Thrall's ''Methodism in Texas'' says: "During the time he — L. F. — was in Houston he received from the Messrs. Allen a title to a half block of ground upon which the church and the parsonage in that city now stand" (1872). His journal tells also of his negotiations for church lots and the erection of church buildings in Xacogdoches and Marshall, in addition to the churches of San Augustine, New Washington, Houston, and other places. As the records between are of church work alone, entries made at Houston during the spring session of Congress are again resumed: "April 5, 1838. — I left Xacogdoches in company of Gens. Eusk and Douglass and Drs. Eowlett and Richardson for Houston, where we arrived on the 12th, after six days of travel over good roads in fair weather. We found Houston much improved and improving. There is much building and a great increase in population. The Senate had organized when I arrived and the Rev. Mr. William Y. Allen, a Presby- terian minister, had been appointed chaplain pro tem. He impresses me as a man of piety. Rev. Mr. Xewell was invited by the Speaker to so serve the House. Mr. N. is an Episcopal minister who is said to be engaged in writing a history of Texas." In a private letter, dated April 21st, Mr. Fowler speaks more freely of the chaplaincy, as follows: "Two days ago there was held an election in the House for chaplain. The result showed one l^lank, four votes for Mr. Newell, fourteen for Mr. Allen, and seven by way of burlesque for an apostate Catholic priest of San Antonio. Had they so handled the sacred office in the Senate, they could have done their own praying so far as I was concerned, for I would not have served them." "Sunday, April 14th. — I preached morning and afternoon ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 135 in the Capitol, Mr. Allen at night. There were large ga:ther- ings at all three services." "April 16th. — To-night I attended the assembly of the Grand Lodge in the Senate chamber. There were about forty (40) members present, and much decorum was ob- served by the fraternity." Here is quoted a paragraph from the memoir by Mr. Sex- ton: "Mr. Fowler was a zealous and active member of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Free and Accepted Masons. Here, as elsewhere, he merited and received the confidence and attachment of his bretliren. He was the first grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Texas, and was present at its organization. The records of the Grand Lodge still ex- hibit his name as one of its original members." "April 23d. — I was invited to dine with President Hous- ton, but declined on account of indisposition and for other reasons. He had about a dozen friends attendant on his hospitality." Again the private letter of date 21st April is quoted from: "To-day is the second anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto, and a fine time for Big Bugs to get drunk without reproach. Happy am I to say that my friend and brother General Eusk is much reformed. Last night a splen- did ball was given at the hotel. About fifty ladies and two hundred or three hundred gentlemen were in attendance. I enclose a ball invitation which may afford you some amuse- ment to see how such things are done in the capital of tn« Kepublic. Please do not infer from this that I am partial to such assemblies." One. more incident copied from his journal and a letter dated May 14th: "So soon as I recovered from my serious illness I took a trip to Galveston Island with the President and the members of Congress, and saw great men in high life. If what I saw and heard were a fair representation, may God keep me from such scenes in future. The island is destitute of timber, but seems to be quite healthy. We were most hospitably entertained. It is destined to be the 136 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. chief point of commercial importance, perhaps the chief city of Texas. On our return on Sunday afternoon, about one- half on board got wildly drunk and stripped themselves to their linen and pantaloons. Their Bacchanalian revels and blood-curdling profanity made the pleasure boat a floating hell. The excursion to me was one of pain and not pleasure. 1 relapsed from this trip and was brought near to the valley of death.'' After the marriage of Mr. Fowler that spring (1838) he <:'ontinued to reside in Nacogdoches .and San Augustine for .several years. Later he placed his family, consisting of his wife, two children, Mary and Littleton, and his stepson, Symmes Porter, on his farm in Sabine County. For their protection during his many and prolonged absences, he en- gaged an illiterate but aspiring and worthy young man, John C. Woolam, promising Mr. Woolain a home and an education in return. He was the same friend to whose keeping Mr. Fowler gave his family when he was dying. So worthy of the trust confided to him did Mr. Wooham prove that he be- came, in the course of time, a husband to the widow and a father to the orphans of the distinguished preacher whose memory he never ceased to revere ''e'en down to old age." Father Woolam was a noble man. Mr. Fowler held responsible positions in his church till his death. After the death of Dr. Enter, in the spring of 1838, Mr. Fowler succeeded him as superintendent of the Texas Mission till the organization of the Texas Conference 'in 1840. He was then made presiding elder of the East Texas district, which embraced Texas territory between Red •River and the Gulf of Mexico and the Sabine and the Trinity .rivers. For nine years Mr. Fowler represented the Texas work in the general conferences of the United States. So stirring w^ere his appeals at those assemblies for co-laborers in Texas that many young men responded to the call, and came out in small companies to die of Texas malaria while preaching the word of God to the Texas pioneers. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 137 Mr. Fowler was co-delegate with a Mr. Clark of Austin to the General Conference held in Xew York in 1844, memor- able for the division of the ]\Iethodist church into N'orth and South. Mr. Clark took his stand with the abolition party, while Mr. FowUr voted with the Southern delegation. His letters to his wife during that troubled session show great anguish of spirit, for he sadly deplored the wrathful separa- tion. He, with his beloved co-worker, Eobert Alexander, was the moving spirit in the founding of Rutersville College, 1838, in memory of the great and lamented Dr. Ruter. He founded Wesley College at San Augustine, 1842, and made his brother Jack Fowler professor of mathematics and ancient languages in that institution. Fowler Institute of Henderson, Rusk County, was so named in memory of Littleton Fowler, and many men of middle life to-day got their education at that East Texas school. Littleton Fowler died at his home in Sabine County, Jan- uary 29, 1846, at the comparatively early age -of forty-four years. This soldier of the cross is fifty years dead and for- gotten by his beloved Texas, but his reward is where noble deeds are never forgotten. His bones lie under the pulpit of McMahon Chapel, which stands in a sequestered spot twelve miles east of San Augustine, in Sabine County. There was where he organized his first Methodist "society" in Texas. Another building has taken the place of the old log church of his burial, but his grave has been undisturbed this half century. A marble slab against the wall bears this inscription : "Sacred to the memory of Rev. Littleton Fowler, Method- ist Missionary to the Republic of Texas. Kentucky was his beloved State; Texas his adopted country; Heaven is his eternal home." With one more quotation — this time from Mr. Thrall, who knew the missionary personally — and this sketch closes : "In forming an estimate of the character of Littleton Fowler, the first thing that strikes one is its perfect symmetry. His 138 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. fine physical form furnished a fitting tenement for his noble mental traits. In his manner, dignity and att'ability were beautifully blended. He had a most benevolent expression of countenance, a keen, piercing eye^ and a musical, ringing voice. His mind was well cultivated ; his religious experience was cheerful; his convictions of the truth and the power of the gospel were remarkably strong. He was the very man for Texas, and when he died Texas Methodism went in mourning. lie was buried under the pulpit of his home chureh where he had so (^ftcn stood as a Christian ambassa- dor." ^iSS^ The Friends and Aoiiuaintances of the late REV. 1.1TTX.ETOK FQ-WLER are invited to attend the Hurial of his Kemains. at Pc^laUon$ tfhapcl from his late residence, in Sabine Oounty, o« To-morrow, at 11 OHTock, A. M. San A'gustine. January 29ih, IS-IG. ^ ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 13& IN MEMORY OF MRS. M. M. WOOLAM. [Written by the Kov. J)r. K. S. Finly, Tyler, Texas, for the Texas Christian Advocate.] "Mrs. Missouri M. Woolani was born at Fort ^Madison (now Baton Rouge, La.), June 10, 1807. Her father was a military otiieer by the name of Loekwoocl, in command of that i)ost, but when a fort was located at Newport, Ky., lie was transferred there, where this daughter was reared and educated. When he died, his widow married later, another officer, John Clcve Symmes. In the Southern Bivouac, a literary and historical magazine published at Louisville, Ky., is a glowing tribute to the Lockwood family, including the youngest daughter, the subject of this sketch; it claims for her beauty of person, grace of manner, and brilliancy of in- tellect. She was married to Dr. J. J. Porter in 1825, when she was eighteen years of age. They moved to Nacogdoches, Texas, a province of Mexico, in 1835, Dr. Porter dying in 1836. In 1838 she was married to the renowned missionary of East Texas, the Rev. Littleton Fowler, whose name is an ointment poured forth in the history of East Texas Meth- odism. "Forty-five years have come and gone since the grave closed upon the mortal remains of that great and good man, yet his name is a household word in Texas; like the name of Robert Alexander, it is confined to no locality, — their names and liistory are the inheritance of Texas Methodism. The lamented Fowlers career was brief but momentous in its results; he did not live to see the temple completed, but lie helped to lay well its foundations. His name will live in the history of Texas Methodism when written five hundred years hence. ''When ]\Ir. Fowler nuirried, he and his wife were both well married. They were not only adapted to each other but to the great work of the mission field already mapped out before their eyes, extending from the Gulf of Mexico on the south to the Red River on the north, and from the Louisiana State 140 ANXAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. line on the east to the Triuity Eiver on the west. Two annual conferences are now embraced in that territory. The missionary was aflame^ soul and body, to meet the responsi- bilities and to magnify his ofEce of superintendent of his wide field white unto the harvest of souls. He was well equipped for the heroic campaign; of an elastic physique, fiery of soul, with magnetic eyes and a trumpet voice highly cultivated, he possessed a will-force that defied defeat. The King's business required haste and a wise utilization of time and talents. The mw country was almost entirely without roads and bridges, which made travel on wheels imprac- ticable; Mrs. Fowler understood the situation fully, so she mounted a hardy steed and became the traveling companion of her missionary husband. She made one entire round of his district, a distance of 800 miles, and subsequently made long trips to different parts of the Republic with him. When it is remembered that the population was sparse and rough as the country itself, we may justly conclude that the "mis- sionary's wife was blessed with great physical powers of endurance and a driving will-force that overcame most for- midable obstacles. Nothing admitted of compromise when duty to God, the church, or her husband was made plain to her. "■Two children — a son and a daughter — were the issue of their marriage. The son, who is now and has been for many years a member of the East Texas Conference, bears worthily the name of his honored father, Littleton Fowler; the daughter, Mrs. Mary P. Smith, lives in Chireno, Xacogdoches County, and is a cultured Christian woman. The Eev. Littleton Fowler died January 29, 1846, in the full prime of his manhood. Dark was the shadow which fell on Texas and the Methodist church when the news went forth, 'Littleto/i Fowler is dead!' The preachers wept as for a father, and the people were sad; a prince had fallen in Israel, a sun had set at noon. "After remaining a widow three years, Mrs. Fowler mar- ried (the third time) the Eev. John C. Woolam. She was ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. . 141 then forty-two years olcl^ in the matured l)loom of woman- hood, and poHsessing imabated zeal and devotion to her Master^s cause. She resumed her place in the conference as the wife of an itinerant preacher, which position she retained with honor and usefulness to the day of her death, a term, of forty-two years. She was eighty-four years of age when she fell asleep in Jesus; her mother lived to the age of ninety. Her death occurred while she and her husband were on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Smith; she was stricken with apoplexy at 8 :30 a. m. and died at 11 :30 the same morning, July 10, 1891. Had she been permitted to recognize the sainted Fowler, the noble husband of her earlier life, another link would have been added to the golden chain of evidence that there is a spiritual world near at hand. Like that flaming torch of evangelism, George Whitefield, she did not give dying testimony to the gospel, for she had given a living one. Adieu, sainted matriarch of the East Texas Confer- ence; may thy mantle fall on the wives of our preachers!" The devotion of mother and daughter was beautiful and touching to see. Mrs. Smith greatly resembled her mother in personal appearance; her tall slenderness came from her father, but she had her mother's dark hair and eyes, as well as her regularity of features; she was a beautiful \voman, and a mother many times. She soon followed her mother to the hind of the blest. "Father Woolam,'' as he was affectionately called Ijy young and old, died a few years afterward at the home of his stepson, Littleton Fowler. All my girlhood I felt an awe and veneration for my Aunt Woolam ; she seemed sup( rior to all others with whom 1 compared her, — so beauti- ful, so sensible, so good. I have knelt by her side in the "amen corner'' when she was asked to lead in prayer, in which she seemed wonderfully gifted. When I think of her I remember her as something precious, tender, and true. ]»q"0TE. — Mrs. Missouri M. Fowler was born Lockwood and she lived in Newport, Ivy., in her days of young lady- hood. She had several sisters and one brother — Anthonv — 142 . ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. with, two stepbrothers, named Americus and Harrison Symmes, and they had a sister Madeline, who married and lived in Toronto, Canada. The youngest of the family was John Cleve Symmes, Jr., a half-brother, who graduated at West Point Military Academy and patented an improved gun. Maria Lock wood was a belle for many years. Her lover whom she intended to wed was killed in a duel, from which shock she never recovered, and she lived to old age without ever nuirrying. ^latilda was married to Frank Honore of Louisville, Ky., and became the mother of Mrs. Potter Palmer, of American fame. Another Lockwood sis- ter — Louisiana — married one of the Taylor family of Ken- tucky; after his death she married Joel Baker, — latterly of Frankfort, Ky. She and her two grown Taylor sons died one summer at Drennan Springs, of typhoid fever, in a few weeks of one another. Her sister ^Lxria then went to live at Mr. Baker's home to help him in his family affairs, but he com- mitted suicide in his prolonged melancholia. Americus Symnies was for many years a prominent citizen of Louisville, and he owned a handsome country seat a few miles out from that city. There was another Lockwood sister, Martha, who married a Scott, and later, Josiah Ram- say of Jefferson City, Mo. In one of Maria's letters to her sister she mentions having dined that day at a dinner given General A. Jackson, in Louisville, wdio inquired most inter- estedly of her mother and the Symnies baby — John C. S., Jr. I have heard that this interesting infant grew up to mature manhood and went to Russia, where he married some titled lady, when his identity became absorbed in the nobility of that kingdom, but I can not vouch for the accuracy of the story; there may be more romance in it than reality. But this I do know, my aunt by ]narriage, Mrs. Littleton Fowler, was a cultured, elegant, sensible Christian woman, and all who knew her intimately can heartily echo my sentiments. Peace to her memory. On afterthought I give a literal transcription of the letter addressed to Miss Missouri Lockwood, N"ewport, Ky., and is ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 143 dated at Louisville, or rather, the date is hlank : "Dear Sister: * * * 1 spent m day in company of Jeneral Jackson who told me he spent the day with Mah and Pah at Jeneral Taylors, he spoke of Mahs lovely baby Boy as he called him. he said he thought him one of the finest children he had ever seen in his life, he thought Mah had changed very little indeed, he was very agreeable indeed and ap- peared very glad to see me and was very attentive, and said I resembled my father very much. I saw him several times after that and spent an evening with him. I did not see Mrs. Jackson, she remained in town But one day and I did not know she was in town untill evening, she was consider- ably called on and thare was a grate menny remarks made about her. the Jeneral had a dinner given him he was very much admired indeed and think by coming hear he has made a number of friends, the people are about commencing to prepare for the reception of Lafyette. he is expected on the 25 of this month. 1 do flatter myself I will have the pleasure of seeing him. they intend giving him a ball and dinner. I suppose thare will be a grate parade in Cincinnati on the occation. if they give a Ball I think you had better go for that will be your only oppertunity of seeing him." The town of Newport, Ky., is on the opposite bank of the river from Cincinnati, and lience in easy distance of visiting by "the Misses Lockwood." By the allusion of the coming of the great and revered Lafayette we are able to date the foregoing letter in the year 1824. The writing is in a fine, finical style, as the ladies of quality of that period wrote; the paper is yellow with age, but the ink is not yet very pale. I opine that the spelling is as good as any woman's of that day and generation. The writer. Miss Maria Lockwood, was a belle and beauty of Cincinnati, Louisville, and the military post of Newport, of which post her stepfather. Colonel John Cleve Symmes, was an officer. Her own father had been an ^officer whom General Jackson had known also. 144 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. LETTER OF A ERIEXD SIGXED ''DUFFIELD.''' "Mississippi Springs, July 10, 1854. — Mrs. Woolam : My Dear Madam. — Amid all the excitements of life I have not forgotten my attachments and obligations to my early friends. It has ever been my purpose to remember the children of my dear friend, Littleton Fowler, whom I always loved w^th the devotion of a brother. While time lasts with me I shall never forget that noble-minded man who com- bined all the qualities of a noble, chivalrous, honorable man- hood with the virtues and deep piety of a Christian. How questionable are the decrees of Providence which pass to the tomb the great and good, while unfortunate and unhappy creatures are left to trail in the dust a miserable existence. "I have thought of you and your family so often and intended to visit you when I was last in Texas, but I came by Shreveport instead of San Augustine. I have been here the past month for my health, and I shall leave- next week for Kentucky. I shall be in Texas at the Milam court, when ] shall call on you. "Now I want to send your son (Littleton) to the Military School near Georgetown, Ky. It is one of the best schools in the United States, where military tactics are taught with the collegiate branches of an education. Xow, madam, if you will allow me I would be glad to give your son the means and opportunity of making of himself a splendid man. I have not seen him since he was a small boy, but then his sparkling eye and well-formed head gave promise of great talent and brilliancy, and, as he has the blood of Littleton Fowler running in his veins, he will have energy and per- severance. "His further education shall not cost you one dollar, for I shall esteem it an especial favor, if you will permit me, to pay all his traveling expenses, clothing, tuition, books, and pocket money. He will not be under my control but under the supervision of yourself and Parson Wool am. Your lovely ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 145 little daughter nmst be almost grown; hlie will doubtless make a splendid woman. "My health is about as usual; I suffer much at stated periods, then again I have tolerable health. My daughter whom you saw in Louisville is grown and is a most beautiful and splendid woman; she is nearly eighteen, and beloved by all who know her. She is with me and has been for two years. She is more attached to me than I have ever seen a daughter to a father. She consults my washes in the smallest actions of her life, so you may know how I love her, and what a bright star she is to me in my dark and gloomy life. "I have much to say to yoa when I see you again. I hope you and your family are enjoying happiness and prosperity. '^Most respectfully, Madam, your true friend, "Duffield/' J' It is well to say in passing that the kind offer was not accepted, as the young man was educated at McKenzie Col- lege, Clarksville, Texas. My mother remembers the Duf- lields of early Texas; they were very wealthy, owning fabu- lous numbers of leagues and labors of rich lands, and carry- ing on an extensive trade with Mexico, the gold and silver being conveyed on pack-mules for commercial exchange. The writer of the above must have been one of that family. In studying any character, or subject, it is all the more interesting to see it in all lights and from every point of view ; this letter from a rich worldly man shows how the pioneer preacher, poor m this world's goods, was loved and esteemed by all who came in social contact with him. Deep down in the heart of every man who has the generous im- pulses of a man, there is a true admiration for the Christian graces, when is echoed the beautiful sentiment so happily voiced by Tennyson : " 'Tis only noble to be good; Ivind hearts are more than coronets, And simple faith than Norman blood." 10 — Fowler. 146 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. MRS. MARY PITT ( FOWLER ) SMITH AXD HER DESCENDANTS. Eldest child and only daughter of the Rev. Littleton Fowler and Missouri M. (born Lockwood), his wife, was born in San Augustine, Texas, September 2, 1839. She was given the best advantages of an education which that early settled section of the. State then afforded; she grew up a charming, beautiful youpg woman, inheriting the famous beauty of her mother, who was one of the "beautiful Lockwood girls,'' and also an aunt of Mrs. Potter Falmer. Mary was married to Professor Gilbert Motier Lafayette Smith, of Nacodoches, Texas, on June 39, 1858. He was born March 12, 1836, near Xewnan, Ga. ; was graduated from the University of Vir- ginia, and was a teacher many years at Chireno, Xacogdoches Count}^, Texas, where he and his wife spent the remaining years of their lives. He died there September 28, 1884. Mary Pitt (Fowler) Smith died at Chireno on October 17, 1892, leaving a large family of sons and daughters to reflect credit on the name of Smith and the hallowed memory of their grandparents, vvho were the early messengers and ser- vants of God in the Texas wilderness, viz : I. WOOLAM lEA M., born July 14, 1859, in Sabine County (at the old home of his grandparents, it is pre- sumed) ; he was mostly taught by his father and received a liberal schooling; he entered the medical department of Tu- lane University, New Orleans, in the autumn of 1883, taking his M. D. degree in the Atlanta Medical College in 1886 ; also post graduate courses in New Orleans Polyclinic in 1890, and in N'ew York Polyclinic in 1891, and in Galveston Medi- cal College in 1898. He is now a useful practicing physician of Nacogdoches, Texas. He married Mollie Curl, August 8, 1886, and has four children : 1, Mary Elizabeth, born August 21, 1887; 2, Clarence Thomas, born August 26, 1892 ; 3, Ira Curl, born October 6, 1894; 4, Littleton Ellis, born October 26, 1897. II. MARY ELLEN, born at Mount Enterprise, Rusk County, Texas, August 21, 1860 ; was educated in her father's school, at Chireno ; was married to John Lafavette Pack on ANNALi^ OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 147 October A, 1876. Issue: 1, Thomas J., born January 19, 1878; 2, Laura Miriam, born July 11, 1880; 3, Josephine Maud, born January 11, 1883; 4, Ira Littleton, born October 4, 1886; 5, Gilbert Smith, born January 24, 1889; 6, Eichard Ellis, born January 12, 1892; 7, Emmett W., born January 2, 1896. They reside in Chireno, Texas. Ellen is for her grandmother Smith. III. RUBY, born November 27, 1862; was educated by her father; was married to John M. Weeks on April 5, 1880 ; he was born March 15, 1851. They had issue: 1, Mary Lucile, born February 26, 1881; 2, Elbert Morgan, born March 26, 1883; 3, Maud, born November 10, 1887. Ruby (Smith) Weeks died at Chireno on August 25, 1890. IV. LITTLETON FOWLER, born June 5, 1864, at ]\[ount Enterprise, Texas; was educated by his father, and later in high schools and Alexander Institute, Kilgore, Texas; studied for the Methodist ministry and was a member of the East Texas Conference three years, which he was compelled to retire from on account of bad health; he mar- ried Pet Little, 1885; they had children: 1, Little- ton Fowler, Jr., born March 20, 1889; 2, Charlcie Mary, born June 19, 1891; 3, Ruby Gladys, born August 28, 1895. They reside in Chireno, Texas. V. EMMETT W., born at Sexton, Sabine County, Texas, on February 1, 1866; graduated with the degree of A. B. in the South w^estern University (Methodist), Georgetown, Texas, in 1888; served as principal of East Texas schools three years; graduated from the law school of the Texas University, taking the LL. B. degree, in 1892; is practicing his profession in Nacogdoches, Texas. He is supervisor of the census for the Eighth district of Texas, which comprises seventeen counties of East Texas. He marrie,"" Allie Fall, of Chireno, on January 1, 1890; issue, one daughter, Winnie Davis, born February 23, 1891. VI. ELLIS, born November 27, 1868, at Chireno; gradu- ated from the Southwestern University in 1890, taking the A. B. degree; he was awarded the orator's medal in the junior 148 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY class of twelve contestants; he failed to secure the same medal in his senior year by only one vote. He entered the East Texas Conference in 1891; was ordained deacon by Bishop Hargrove, and elder by Bishop Keener; is at present stationed at Nacogdoches, Texas, the home of his" two brothers, Dr. Smith and the lawyer, Mr. E. W. Smith. He married Pattie Mettaner (born July 17, 1869), on December 24, 1890; they had issue, three sons and one daughter: 1, Herbert Ellis, born April 15, 1892; 2, Holland Mettaner, born December 12, 1893; 3, Mary, born April 10, 1896; 4, Ernest, born November 27, 1898. yil. CLAEENCE, born i;i Chireno on July 3, 1871 ; died April 24, 1887, at the age of sixteen, when a promising student of the Southwestern University. VIII. CLARA BELLE, born January 1, 1874; was mar- ried to John M. Weeks, her deceased sister Ruby's husband, on August 23, 1891. They had issue: 1, Bennett Hill, born September 12, 1893; 2, Ellis Chilton, born August 15, 1895; 3, John McXeil, born March 1, 1898. They reside in Chi- reno, Texas. IX. Florence X., born Xovember 10, 1878 (she is called "Flossie"') ; was married to Kline P. Branch on April 5, 1899, at the home of her brother. Dr. W. I. M. Smith, on Xorth Street, X^acogcloches, Texas. Her husband was born at Linn Flat, X^acogdoches County, on September 19, 1866. They reside in Xacogdoches, Texas. These descendants of the Rev. Littleton Fowler and his venerated wife should fill useful and noble places in life, and guard, as of more value than all things else, their Christian inheritance. They have descended from educated. Christian parentage, with heredity on the side of good. It is their holy duty to live up to the standard of their worthy forbears, which all of them now give promise of doing. XoTE.— Mrs. John D. Claybrook, Elvie (Smith) C. of Austin, Texas, has given me a sad little story to read of her grandmother Smith. Mrs. C. has an elder sister, Mrs. R. C. \Yalker, — called "Miss Patty'' by her intimates, — who lives ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 149 in Austin, also. The story runs tliat about the year 1820, Ellen Peniston, of Petersbaig, Ya., engaged herself to two young men at the same time, in a spirit of harmless coquetry, but the two gentlemen took the matter seriously enough to fight a duel over it. They were named Adams and Boisseau, and the fatal encounter took place just back of the old Blandford church, in a pine grove now marked l)y the graves of the Hamilton family. The two former friends fell dead at the first shot, and the vain and thoughtless girl lived to mourn their hot-headed deed the rest of her life, which continued to a ripe age. Some time later she married Dr. Smith, a physician of Petersburg, and they moved to the wilds of Georgia and became the parents of nine sons, one of whom was Professor G. M. L. Smith of Nacogdoches County, Texas, and another was Mrs. C.'s father. Both Mrs. Clay- brook and Mrs. Walker are admirable women, possessing many graces of heart and much beauty of mind and person. LETTER OF EMMETT W. SMITH OF XACOGDOCHES, TEXAS. "August 2, 1899. — Mrs. Dora Fowler Arthur, Austin. — My Dear Cousin: Your favor of July 13th would have been answered before this had I not been absent from home. [He was in Xew York for medical treatment, his health having been bad for several years.] "I was born at Sexton, Sabine County, Texas, February 1. 1866. [He is the third son of Mary Pitt (Fowler) Smith, who was the only daughter of the Eev. Littleton Fowler.] I graduated at the Southwestern University (a Methodist institution at Georgetown, Texas), in 1888, and took the degree of LL. B. in the law department of the University of Texas, 1892. I am at present supervisor of the Eighth Census District of Texas, which comprises seventeen coun- ties, in connection with my law practice in Nacogdoches. "I married Miss Allie Fall of Chireno, Nacogdoches County, Texas, January 1, 1890. We have one child, a daughter, Winnie Davis, born February 23, 1891. "I shall see other members of the family and get you such 150 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. data as you want. Do you desire details as to every mem- ber living and deceased ? What time will the record be out ? We wish a number of copies. When will you publish your 'Life of the Eev. Littleton Fowler?' We will take several copies of that also. ^'Bishop C. 11. Fowler, of the M. E. Church, told brother Ellis (a Methodist minister) that a Boston house had pub- lished a history of the Fowler family in which mention is made of your father and my grandfather. Ellis has been writing to get it, but has been unsuccessful so far. It would be of some aid to you in your line of work, I dare say. ''There is a short but very instructive history of Littleton Fowler in Johnson's Encyclopedia of Universal Knowledge. 'T greatly admire your industry and family pride in your enterprise and wish you the greatest success. I shall be glad to render you any service in ]ny power. Your cousin, "E. W. Smith." LITTLETOX MORRIS FOWLER^ OF TEXAS^ The only son of LITTLETOX FOWLEE THE FIRST, was born October 15, 1844, San Augustine, Republic of ) Texas; educated at Texas schools and McKenzie College, I Clarksville, Texas; served in the Confederate army through- * out the Civil War; married Augusta Isabella Lynch, of Louisiana, April 18, 1865. Issue, six daughters and two sons : I. MARY BELLE, born June 10, 1866; educated at Texas schools and was graduated from Alexander Institute, Kilgore, Texas; married July 1, 1891, to Jack C. Howard^ of Longview, Texas. Issue, three daughters and one son : 1, GLADYS, born December 7, 1892; 2, TESSIE, born Sep- tember 14, 1894; 3, YAN'ITA,- born August 8, 1896; 4, FOWLER SAYERS, born August 21, 1898. II. ROSA LEE, born July 12, 1867; died May 5, 1868. III. LITTLETON AUGUSTE, born March 21, 1869; married Clota Mowghon, March 9, 1898. First born, Clota Isabel, born Xovember 25, 1899. ^^ HI ■J MRS. GINSEY COSBY (FOWLEK) TAYLOR, SAN JOSE, CAL. 2. JOHN LITTLETON FOWLER, PARIS. TEXAS. 3. JOSEPH HENRY FOWLER, PADUCAH. KY. 4. REV. LITTLETON MORRIS FOWLER, TEXAS. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 151 IV. CANNIE LYNCH (Canning), born July 24, 1870; educated at Alexander Institute; married to James Thomas BuTTraLL, March 3, 1892; he died . Issue, one son, EAYFOED EEMBEET, born July 22, 1893. She married (second time) Dr. Andrew Jackson Gkay, October 7, 1897. Issue, one daughter, CANNIE, born May 23, 1899. V. FANNIE MISSOUEJ, born May 28, 1872; educated at Alexander Institute; married Eev. David Lott Cain^ a Methodist minister, November 9, 1897. Issue, one son, WESLEY MAEYIN, born August 8, 1899, Henderson, Texas. VI. SALLIE, born April 10, 1874; educated at Alexan- der Institute; married to Harry Lovelace, February 16, 1899, Palestine, Texas. First born, Harry,^ December 4, 1900. VII. ETHEL, born August 6, 1875 ; educated at Alexan- der Institute; married to William F. Woodward, February 16, 1899, Palestine, Texas. First born, Isabel, born Novem- ber 25, 1899. VIII. GILBEET SMITH, born July 16, 1877. Augusta Isabella (Lynch) Fowler, died December 14, 1879. LITTLETON MOEEIS FOWLEE married a second time — Eegina Anne AYalker — February 2, 1881; she was born March 1, 1855. Issue, one son and one daughter: I. WESLEY MAEVIN, born December 16, 1881, Jack- sonville, Texas; died December 26, 1882. II. LAUEA, born February 26, 1887. LITTLETO:?^ MORRIS FOWLER Is the only son of the Eev. Littleton Fowler and Missouri M. (born Lockwood), his wife. So much has already been said in these pages of the godly and distinguished parents of this only son, with the only daughter Mary, therefore individual ^Harry Lovelace, Jr., died September, 1900, but a baby girl came to cheer the parents on February 5, 1901. She is named Ethel Fowler Lovelace. 152 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. mention is all that is left for this running sketch. Littleton, Junior, and his lovely and beautiful sister, who was his senior, grew np in the ordinary environment of most Texas children between the years of 1840-1860, with the particu- larly fortunate exception of refined and religious home- training, which many other pioneer children had not, for the hardy and uncultured settlers predominated, according to the eternal fitness of things. The mother gave to her only two Fowler children, with her son, Symmes Porter, the son of a former marriage, the same rare training which she had received from a cultured and distinguished ancestr}^ while the father impressed on their budding minds what he esteemed of more value than all else, — the beautiful virtues taught by the gentle and loving Christ. In 1857 Littleton was placed in McKenzie College, a Methodist school in Clarksville, Red River Count}^ Texas, where he remained until the summer vacation of 1860. It is my impression that he and his cousin, John Littleton Fowler, the only son of Colonel John H. Fowler, formerly of that county, were classmates at that college, for I re- member a picture of the '"two Littletons'' taken together, during their college days. I had a brother, also a Littleton Fowler, who attended that same college, from which he ran away to go into the Confederate army with other boy soldiers. Littleton Morris Fowler, who, by the way, was named for his father's first presiding elder in Kentucky, who after- wards became Bishop Morris, enlisted in the Fourteenth Texas Cavalry, C. S. A., in ihe fall of 1862, in the company of Captain John L. Camp, serving through the remainder of the terrible conflict of arms under Generals Johnston, Bragg, and Hood, respectively. He fought in thirteen battles, among them Chickamauga, Gettysburg, and Jackson, Miss. The last mentioned was the last engagement that he partici- pated in. He married Miss Augusta Isabella Lynch — called "Belle'' )f Tuscaloosa, Ala., April 18, 1865. She was a lady of ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 153 personal beauty and loveliness of character; also a descend- ant of the distinguished Canning family of England. They resided in Greene County, Alabama, seven years succeeding their marriage, and there were born his four oldest children, — Mary Belle, Rosa Lee, Littleton Auguste, and "Cannie" (Canning) Lynch Fowler. He returned to Texas in 1872 and took charge of his father's old home near Milam, Sabine County, where his good father had died. Finally, yielding to the continual prayers of his mother and his own religious convictions, he began to preach, joining the East Texas Conference in 1876. Now, for nearly a quarter of a century, he has been an earnest soldier of the cross, holding many important posi- tions in the gift of the Methodist church of Texas. He has served many years as curator of the Southwestern Univer- sity, and more than a decade as presiding elder of the East Texas Conference. On December 4, 1879, he lost the beloved wife of his youth, who left him four little daughters and two sons, Gilbert Smith Fowler being the sweet babe. The faithful mother of the bereaved husband united her efforts with his in rearing the little flock until the second marriage of Mr. Fowler, which occurred on February 2, 1881, to Miss Regina Walker, who was a neighbor and intimate friend of his first wife. She has borne him a son, Wesley Marvin, who died an infant, and a lovely daughter, Laura, who is dear to all the entire kindred for her many innate graces of person and disposition, together with a distinguishing love for books and music, — she is learning both the piano and violin. His wife Regina is truly n "mother in Israel,'' so devoted is she to the work of the church and to the poor and dis- tressed around her. She has been a perpetual benediction in his home, winning the love of her stepchildren as she does the hearts of all others who enjoy the privilege of association with her. On August 12, 1900, there appeared in the Sunday issue of the Houston (Texas) Post a write-up of the dedication 154 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. services of the third church erected on the same site and named McMahan Chapeh Three portraits accompanied the sketch, one of the missionary who founded the church, one of his son, and another of his grandson. The facts given are about these: "Nacogdoches, Texas, August 9, 1900. — McMahan chapel is in Sabine County, Texas, twelve miles east of San Augustine. It was here that the first Protestant church of the Eepublic of Texas was organized and the second church building erected. The church organization was effected in 1833, by William Stevenson, the first Methodist preacher to penetrate the wilds of Texas, and the house of worship was erected through the influence of the Rev. Littleton Fowler, who was one of the three first missionaries sent by the general Methodist churcli to the new Republic. The first McMahan Chapel was a primitive log building; this gave place to a better one in later years, and the present new and creditable church makes the third house of worship on the selfsame spot. The revered missionary, Littleton Fowler, was buried under the pulpit of the original log church, and the large marble slab, appropriately inscribed to his memory, forms a part of the pulpit, and is an humble tribute to a man so closely connected with the early history of Methodism in Texas, and who was an important agent in the best de- velopment of the State. His old home is only one mile from his beloved church. At the first Texas Conference he was made presiding elder of the San Augustine district. This old church was the scene of many stirring revivals in the early days, and the work and influence of the founder abides and endures. "Littleton M. Fowler is his only son, and he has served Texas twenty-five years as pastor and presiding elder in the Methodist church. Littleton Fowler Smith of Chireno and Ellis Smith, pastor of Nacogdoches Methodist church, are grandsons, being sons of the only daughter of the early missionary. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 155 "On Sunday, July 28, the new chapel was the scene of a remarkable gathering of about one thousand people from Sabine, Shelby, and San Augustine counties. Eev. Littleton M. Fowler preached the dedicatory sermon, by special re- quest of the pastor in charge/^ Other facts were given in this communication, but as they have been given elsewhere, I cheerfully omit them. I also wish to correct an erroneous statement made concerning the portrait of the missionary. The facts as given to me by the son of the missionary are, in substance, the following: The only picture extant of Littleton Fowler, the elder, is a simple pencil profile made by a Mrs. Jones of Louisiana. She was the gifted mistress of an antebellum plantation in Caddo Parish. Mr. Fowler was her guest and she asked him to sit for his picture, which she made rapidly and easiW, but the ear was left unfinished. The drawing was made on the flyleaf of a book she happened to hold in her hand. She sent it to his wife years after, when Mr. Fowler died. The son mourned it as lost for many years, until he and I were going through his father's old papers together, when I hap- pened to find it, exclaiming, "What a quaint old picture I" little dreaming whose it was. Then he told me the foregoing facts, adding, also, the fact that his father had such thin hair he was compelled to wear a wig. In this connection I wish to say that the portrait of Colonel John H. Fowler of Paris, Texas, is very old looking, for the oil and varnish are badly cracked. It was done by Huddle, a Paris boy, who did also the portraits of the Governors of Texas, which hang in the Supreme Court library of the Texas Capitol. The oil portrait by the same artist and owned by Mrs. Peterson, of Paris, was better work, but it was burned with the Peterson Hotel of that city. The old portrait copied in the record belongs to the widow and daughters of John Littleton Fowler, the only son of Colonel Fowler. The picture of Judge A. J. Fowler, of Palestine, Texas, is a daguerreotype made of him al)0ut 1850, when he 15C ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. was editor and owner of th'j Palestine American, a Know- Nothing paper. The daughters of the Eev. L. M. Fowler are comely enough, Mrs. Gray ("Cannie"^) being particularly admired for her fine personal appearance. Fannie Missouri, — named for her dear old grandmother, which fact alone would seem to have brought a blessing with it, — was truly "cut out" for a preacher^s wife, which position she now occupies as the helpmeet of the young Methodist minister, the Rev. D. L. Cain. She is one of the gentlest and loveliest of women. Following are extracts from the newsj)aper account of the double wedding of the two daughters Sallie and Ethel, who came near being twins in age as they are in loving devotion to each other : A DOUBLE WEDDING. "Palestine, Texas, February 16, 1899. — More merrily than over rang the wedding bells on Thursday eve, because they pealed a double happiness. At 8 o'clock on Thursday even- ing, at the Methodist church. Mr. Harry Lovelace and Miss Sallie Fowler, and "Sir. Will Woodward and Miss Ethel Fowler, were uuited in the holy bonds of matrimony. The church was beautifully decorated in smilax and white chrys- anthemums. Just in front of the altar stood a beautiful arch, with a smaller arch nearer the end of each aisle, from which depended large double hearts containing the letters H. and S. in one, W. and E. in the other; while from the center of the main arch swung a beautiful marriage bell made of smilax and white chrysanthemums. "Promptly at 8:30 o'clock Miss Retha Wagner, who pre- sided at the organ, awoke the strains of Mendelssohn's Wed- ding March; the bridal party entered the church, with the ushers on the right, Messrs. Walter Woodson and Yancy Jones, those on the left being Messrs. Young and Matthews. These were followed by Iomy little cushion-bearers. Master ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 157 Spencer and little Miss Grace Jewel Link, and Master Davis and little Miss Gladys Howard.* ''Mr. Lovelace and Miss Sallie Fowler entered the right aisle and Mr. Woodward and Miss Ethel Fowler entered the left one, both couples meeting at the altar. As the sounds of the wedding march died away, and soft flute-like notes alone were heard. Dr. Alexander uttered the ceremony and heard the vows of Mr. Lovelace and bride; then the Rev. Goclbey pronounced the words which united Mr. Woodv\^ard and Miss Ethel. Beautiful and impressive was the scene as the two couples knelt to receive the blessings of the min- isters. "The bridal party, with a few visiting relatives and the 'As You Like It Club,' of which the brides were members, repaired to the home of the brides' parents, where dainty refreshments were served and a delightful evening spent. =:: * * rj^YjQ cutting of an old-fashioned bride-cake af- forded much amusement to the younger guests. * * * We join with their host of friends in wishing them God's richest blessings. May no sorrow darken the sunshine of their lives, and may their life-boats sail gently o'er Time's great ocean, until anchored at last on Eternity's shore. "Relatives of the brides who attended the wedding from a distance were Mesdames Jack Howard and Littleton A. Fowler and Mr. Gilbert Fowler." The many bridal present were both useful and beautiful. The exquisitely dainty bridal robes were made by the skillful fingers of the expectant brides, and I proudly testify that they are worthy of being kept for posterity, for the beautiful tucking and fairy frills of "baby" ribbon on the cobwebby organdie made an artistic creation that any girl should be proud of accomplishing; for artistic conception, with skill to execute, is a gift which money can not buy; and money always seems such a scarce commodity in the homes of God's ministers, and with the gifted of this world also. *The last mentioned is a niece of the bride's, a winsome, golden- luiived darling of wonderfully attractive manners. CHAPTEE VIII. ''Do thy clut}.. that is best; Leave unto thy Lord the rest." DESCENDANTS OF POLLY ANN (FOWLEll) AND THOMAS B. WIL- SON^ OF TRIGG COUNTY^ KENTUCKY. POLLY ANX FOWLEii ^\-as the only daughter of GODFREY FOWLEK, 3\l., and HIS WIFE, CLARA (WRIGHT) FOWLER, and she was born at the old Fowler homestead near Princeton, Caldwell County, Kentucky, April ;;i3, 181-i; was married to Thomas B. Wilson, of Trigg County, December 2, 1830. Mr. Wilson's father came from South Carolina in 1815; he owned many slaves and was a man of considerable wealth. Thomas and Polly Ann had five sons and one daughter: L WILLIAM ALGERNON, born August 19, 1832; married Cyntha Ann Young, June 19, 1859, and became the father of five sons and two ilaughters: 1, William Walter, born May 13, 1860; unmarried. 2, Xannie Elizabeth, born May 11, 1862; married to William Tandy Wadlington, No- vember 3, 1881 ; their children : Lurline Marion, Raymond Brown, Rhoda Rheda, Mary Ella, Tandy, Jr. 3, George Wharton, born June 30, 1864; married Carrie Cox, January 13, 1892, and had issue, Allx-rt AV., Xannie May. 4, Frank Ogburn, born December 25, 1866; married Ora Cox, Feb- ruary 15, 1894, and has one child, Lelia. 5, Emma Chappell, born January 23, 1868; married to Harry Clark, January 15, 1886, and had issue, Wilson Gordon, Xannie Elizabeth, Cyntha Ann, William Tandy, Kate. 6, Wiley Parks, born December 4, 1872; married Emma Crenshaw, December 4, 1894; had a daughter, Emma Crenshaw. 7, Harry Little- ton, born December 31, 1874; married Katie Crune, January, 1896.1 ^This information was given by Wiley Cyrus Wilson, who copied it from his father's Bible. Mrs. Mattie Chappell, of Cadiz, sent additional data. 1. WILEY CYRUS WILSON, BUSSELLVILLE, KY. 2. MRS. MATTIE (WILSON) CHAP- mJri'' ^^^/^' K^- ^- MRS. BELLA (FOWLER) ARTHUR. TEXARKANA TEXAS. 4. HENRY BASCUM FOWLER, PALESTINE, TEXAS. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 159 A Hopkinsvilie paper, dated January 6, 1898, says: "Claude Wadlington, a son of a prominent planter, shot and instantly killed Parks Wilson at G-racy's store late this evening. Xeither of (he young men were drinking. * * * Wilson was one of the foremost young men of Christian County; he was a widower and leaves an infant daughter'^ — named for his dead girl-wife, Emma Crenshaw. II. GEORGE FOWLER, born November IT, 1834; mar- ried Belle Hopson, May 22, 1857; she was born July 25, 1836, and died July 8, 187-1:. He died December 3, 1882. They had two sons and four daughters, namely: I. Clara Ann, born February 22, 1856; married to George Finis Weaks, November 25, 1880. He was born January 31, 1854. They had children : 1, Leonard Bonton, born January 10, 1861; 2, George, born August 4, 1884; died January 23, 1886. Clara x\nn (Wilson) Weaks, died April 24, 1886. (Her husband married Hattie E. Johnson, born July 28, 1863, on December 18, 1888 ; she bore him four sons : Chester Roscoe, Cecil Adair, Harry Johnson, Gilbert Dodd, and died November 14, 1895, her two sons — first and third — surviving her.) II. Emanuel, born September 10, 1860; married Oc- tober 25, 1899, to Josephine McCormick. A clipping from an Evansville paper, sent me by Mrs. R. H. Woolfolk of San Antonio, Texas, a sister of the expectant groom, says: "Coming Nuptials.— On afternoon of October 25 [1899], at the home of the bride's mother, on Clarksville Street, Captain Ed. Wilson, the popular L. & N. conductor, will wed Miss Josie McCormick, youngest daughter of Mrs. Lizzie McCormick, and the Rev. U. G. Foote of the Methodist church will officiate. Miss Archie McCormick, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor. The wedding will be a quiet one, only a few special friends being invited. Immediately after the marriage the happy couple will leave for a trip through the West, after which they will be at home at 416 Third Avenue, Evansville. The Progress in advance tosses a full bouquet of good wishes to them.'' Ill, Georgia Belle, born December 23, 1863; died February 4, 1865, 160 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. IV, Rosa Olive, born February 9, 1868; died April 15, 1887. V, Thomas Byrox, boru Ma}- 4, 1870; died November 28, 1893. VI, Penelope Belle ("Nelle"), born November 1,3, 1872; married July 17, 1895, to Eieliard Harding Woolfolk of Paducah, Ky. ; he was born January 9, 1867. Children: Eobert Owen Wilson, born May 3, 1896; Mary Elizabeth, born October 11, 1898; Xelle Fowler, born 1900. They reside in San Antonio, Texas, for the benefit of Mr. Woolfolk's health. For further particulars of the family of George Fowler Wilson, see extracts from Wilson letters subjoined. III. JOSEPH BEADFOED, born December 1, 1836; died March 14, 1845. IV. CLAEA AXX, born August 20, 1839; died August 27, 1851. V. THOMAS LlTTLEl^OX, born December 27, 1847; married Eleanor Eagan (formerly spelled Eeagan) March 18, 1869. Their children: I, Mattie, born February 1, 1870; married Charles A. Chappell, of Cadiz, Ky., June 10, 1891; issue: Phil Edward, born ; Francis Jeffer- son, born May 20, 1898; Charles A., Jr., born June 22, 1899; died December 19, 1899. II, James Littleton, born No- vember 4, 1872; married Minnie Crane of St. Joseph, Mo., September 16, 1899. They at present reside in Seligman, Ariz. Eleanor (Eagan) Wilson died November 15, 1876. Thomas Littleton Wilson married Sudie Wharton, November 25, 1879, and died May 18, ]880. C. A. Chappell and T. K. Torian are wholesale and retail grocers of Cadiz, Ky., com- posing the firm of Chappell & Torian. VI. WILEY CYEUS, born June 20, 1849; married Alice Darnell, September 29, 1875; died May 4, 1899, leaving wife and seven children. His wife, Alice Elizabeth (Darnell), was born January 17, 1855. Their children : 1, Ernest Dar- nell, born October 12, 1876; died ; 2, Cyrus Cline, born October 29, 1878; 3, Edna Browning, born January 9, 1881; 4, Littleton Fowler, born April 30, 1883; 5, Kathleen, born January 30, 1886; 6, Louise, born December 14, 1888; 7, Wiley Cyrus, born November 19, 1891; 8, Amanda Eliza- ANNALS OF THE FOWLEB FAMILY. 161 beth, born October 28, 1894. Mrs. Wilson and children reside in Russellville, Ky., Vvith the exception of her eldest living son, CLINE WILSOX, who gives much comforting promise to his mother and kindred of a career of usefulness in his chosen profession of art. He says of himself : ""I left college before completing my senior year and came to New York in October, 1897; studied at the National Academy of Design during the seasons of '97-'98, and '98-''99. I studied also, for a time, under A. B. Wenzell, at Chase's Art School.'' He is giving invaluable assistance in the illus- tration of this "liecord,'' in sketching the old Fowler and Wilson homes as they appear in 1898, in ''Ole Kaintuck." His father was so proud of him, and his mother writes: ''Cline is a good son; I wish you knew him.'' EXTRACTS FROM WILSON LETTERS. "Eussellville, Ky., October 19, 1897.— You may know I was only five years old when my mother died. I was sent off to school when my father married again, eight years later, where I remained until I was nineteen. * * * There is a picture of mother taken just before her death, which is in my opinion a very poor one, but it may have been con- sidered good for that time — 1854. * * * I am forty- eight years old; I have a lovely wife and seven interesting children, and I am proud of them. My oldest is a son, Cline; he is at an art school in New York City, and, while he is only nineteen years of age, he has some local reputation as an artist of promise. Your cousin, Wiley Cyrus Wil- son." "Kussellville, Ky., January 20, 1898. — You will see by the inclosed clipping what a deplorable affair has occurred among our relatives. Wiley Parks Wilson, the one who was shot and killed, was the fourth son of my oldest brother, William Algernon, and my namesake ; he was a handsome, gentle- manly little fellow. William's seven children all lived within a radius of a few miles of one another and all seemed to be 11 — Fowler. 162 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. prosperous farmers. Eeferring to my old home in Trigg County, the house was built in 1840, and is owned by Phil E. Kedd; it is still a nice old place. The old Fowler home- stead, built by Godfrey Fowler, is about four miles from Princeton, on the Fredonia road. I have seen the old place a few times. For further particulars of the Wilson family, write to Mrs. Chappell, Cadiz,— she is the daughter of Thomas Littleton Wilson. She is a pretty little woman, and as good as she is pretty. Write to Mrs. Richard Woolfolk, Paducah, for data of George Fowler Wilson's family. The data I send of my father's children are copied from father's old family Bible. You will see by the names recorded there that my mother did not forget her kindred. Your cousin, W. C. Wilson." [Wiley is for her brother, the late Judge Wiley Fowler, of Paducah, Ivy.] So few were the words of encouragement, not to mention letters, I am profoundly indebted to the following : "Cadiz, Ky., December 11, 1897. — Dear Unknown Cousin: Through my uncle, W. C. Wilson, and your letters forwarded me by him, I have learned of you and your great and noble undertaking; for this 1 write to congratulate, compliment, and — if possible — encourage you. Xo other member of the family ever ventured so much. 1 have so much family pride, and feel the more the more 1 know of my kindred. A book like the one you mention can not be over valued. All my near relatives whom I know are honorable, religious, pros- perous people. My husband has a family record which is traced back as far as 1635. We have a son, Phil E. [another since the date of this letter], who, we hope, will appreciate the histories of both families, as all sensible persons should. My husband's family, the Chappells, were French Huguenots, and his mother is a descendant of Thomas Jefferson of Vir- ginia. His father was president of the Cadiz bank from the time of its organization until his death, two years ago. My husband, Charles A. Chappell, is the handsomest man in all Kentucky ! My brother, James Littleton, is my only near ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 163 relative living. He is not married.- Cousinly yours, Mattie W. Chappell.-'- "Eussellville, Ky., August 19, 1898.— Dear Cousin: After reading your letter to my father I at once became very much interested in our family history; up to your writing I had known nothing of my Fowler kinsfolk. My mother belongs to the Randolph family of A^irginia, which is very well known. Mother and I are planning a trip this summer through Trigg and Caldwell counties, when I shall make a sketch of the old Fowler house, which is a ruin, but no doubt will prove of interest to you and other descendants of God- frey Fowler, the founder. Your cousin, Cline Wilson.'^ "Russellville, Ky., September 28, 1898. — My mother and I have taken the contemplated trip through the country, visiting all of the old family homes, and none was more enjoyed than the old Fowler homestead, near Princeton. An old woman living there took great pleasure in telling me all she knew about the old house, its ghost stories — for the house is haunted, — and the neighborhood traditions. She showed me all over the house, even up in the garret, calling my attention to the handwrought nails in the door made by Godfrey Fowler himself; also to the same old steps said to have been made by him, and the old well which he dug. Of course I took a drink from the old 'moss-covered bucket that hung in the well.^ Perhaps it was mostly sentiment, but I thought it the best water 1 ever drank. The old family burying ground is all grown up in trees. I went round in the back yard and made a sketch of the rear of the house. Hoping that you will like the sketches of both the Fowler and Wilson places, your cousin, Cline Wilson." I should like very much to know when the old Fowler homestead passed out of the possession of the family. My father was born there in 1815; Godfrey died there in 1816, and his widow died eight years later, after marrying again. -Married since. 164 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. "Kussellville, Ky., May 10, 1899.— A few weeks since I wrote you that my father was very ill; his sickness is all over now; he died May 4th, in St. Joseph's Infirmary, Louis- ville. A few days before he grew so much worse that we took him there, under the advice of our family physician. He was a good father and a fine business man; he is a loss not only to his family but to his town as well. I hope to be able to finish the drawings (the Fowler and Wilson homes) begun last summer, during this. Your cousin, Cline Wil- son.^' From the Cadiz Telephone : ''Mr. Cyrus Wilson, who was once a prominent citizen of Princeton, died in Louisville, May 4, 1899, after a long illness. His home has been for several years in Eussellville ; he had gone to Louisville for medical treatment. Mr. Wilson was a man who had a big heart, and to know him was only to like him. When he lived here he wa.< in the fiouring-mill business, continuing the same business in Eussellville. He numbered his friends here by the score. He leaves a wife and several children, two of whom received their early education here and are well remembered by many of us.'" Extracts from a letter froiu Cline Wilson: "'Eussellville, Ky., July 31, 1899. — My Dear Cousin : I send you two clippings, one from our local paper and one from the Cadiz Telephone. There were several notices of father's death in the Louisville papers which 1, under the circumstances, failed to save. "In answer to your question regarding my mother's family, she is descended from William Eandolph. * * * j j^^^g made two of the illustrations for our family book; I made them before I left Xew York. Since I have been home I have made only one drawing — a design for the book cover. I hope to make the other drawings for you before the summer is gone. * * * I do not think I shall go back to New York this year; it seems my duty to remain at home and go in business. Your cousin, Cline Wilson." ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 165 From a Eussellville paper: "Wiley Cyrus Wilson died yesterday evening at 7 o'clock at St. Joseph's Infirmary, in Louisville, Ivy. His remains arrived in Eussellville this morning and will be buried at Maple Grove to-morrow morn- ing, after services at his home at 10 o'clock, to be conducted by the Rev. H. C. Settle. Mr. Wilson had been in the infirmary since Sunday; the immediate cause of his death was pneumonia, but he had been sick here at his home about six weeks before he went to Louisville. * * * He was the owner of the Knob City flour mills, and was one of the foremost citizens of our town and State. He was born in Trigg County in 1849, and married Miss Alice Darnell, of Cadiz, in 1875. He moved to Rnssellville in 1891. His wife and seven children survive him: Cline, Edna, Littleton, Kathleen, Louise, Cyrus, Jr., and Amanda. W. C. Wilson was a successful business man, and, being a man of fine character, with noble and generous impulses, he was highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him." VII. JAMES HENRY WILSON, born June 15, 1854; died April 29, 1858. He was the seventh child and youngest born of Polly Ann (Fowler) and T. JB. Wilson. Polly Ann, the mother, died that year; lier husband married again eight years after, but I have no information of later children or of the date of his death. Maple Grove must be near the old Wilson homestead in Trigg County, and its cemetery presumably holds the Wilson dead. Extract from a letter by Mrs. R. H. Woolfolk of San Antonio, Texas: "My father (George Fowler Wilson) owned a very large stock farm — 'the Wilson place' — in Graves County, Kentucky, where he raised thoroughbred horses and other fine stock. He was colonel of a regim.ent in the Con- federate army. I was kept in school in Nashville for six years, and was graduated from St. Cecilia Academy there, and I am a Catholic. My sister Clara married, lived, and died in Water Valley, Graves County, Kentucky, and my 106 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. sister Rosa died there also. My brother Thomas died in St. Louis, of pneumonia. 'Ed' (Emanuel) and I are the only ones living. Affectionately vour cousin, Xelle Wilson Wool- folk.^' r » . ■ ' ' -'—. .■^■^ iTA^ A'l'-A / :, . ,.~--.i.i.;.i- HOME OF THOMAS B. MIJLSON, TKIGG COUNTY, KENTUCKY, 1346. CHAPTEK IX. ''I will try this day to live a simple, sincere, serene life; repelling every thought of discontent, self-seeking, and anxiety ; cultivating magnanimity, self-control, and the habit of silence; practicing economy, cheerfulness, and helpfulness. "And as I can not in my own strength do this, or even with a hope of success attempt it, I look to Thee, Lord my Father, in Jesus Christ my Savior, and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. — [Bishop Vincent. DESCENDANTS OF ANDREW JACKSON FOWLER^ OF TEXAS, AND MARTHA SUSAN ( GLENN), HIS WIFE. He was the seventh son and youngest born child of GODFREY FOWLER, JR., and CLARA (WRIGHT) FOWLER, his wife; he was born at the old pioneer home- stead near Princeton, Caldwell County, Kentucky, on No- vember 11, 1815, and was named for the man who had become the American hero, but who was an old friend and neighbor also of Godfrey Fowler, Jr. He graduated at La Grange College, Alabama, an eminent Methodist institution, the year of his majority (1836). He studied law with his brother. Judge W. P. Fowler, of Princeton. He came to Texas the same year his missionary brother, the Rev. Little- ton Fowler, came (1837), and settled at Clarksville, Red River County, near his brothers, Colonel John H., and Brad- ford, the latter and himself practicing law in that part of the Republic. On February 10, 1841, he married Martha Susan Glenn, a daughter of Captain Nathan Glenn and Mary — ^Tolly^' — Daniel (Fowler) Glenn. Martha was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, near the Appomattox River and Farmville, on her father's farm, ^^Obsloe,'" on August 4, 1825. In 1841 A. J. Fowler represented the new county of Lamar in the House of the Congress of the Repub- lic; in the fall of the same year he commanded a company under General Tarrant in an Indian campaign of North Texas. He died in his seventieth year at his home in Lin- 168 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. dale, Smith County, on March 31, 1885. To him were born nine children : I. CLARA DANIEL, born November 1, 18-11, near the present town of Paris, Lamar County, Republic of Texas; she AA^as educated and studied music in Palestine, Texas; she was married to Dr. William Washington Manning on De- cember 19, 1871. He was born September 22, 1820, Monroe, La., and graduated in the school of medicine in Tulane University in ; he was a physician, druggist, and mer- chant of Angelina County for many years; he founded the old county seat and named it for Homer, in his native State. He died in Lufkin, Angelina County, January 21, 1897, leaving a widow and four children of his last marriage: 1, William W., Jr., born July 31, 1873, at Homer, Texas; he is a fine business man, the comforting strong arm for his mother to lean on; he is unmarried. 2, Clara, born April 25, 1875 ; she was married to Will T. Pittman, Lufkin, Texas, November 29, 1894; their issue is two sons, Willie Manning and Eugene Lindsey. 3, Fowler, born May 6, 1879, at Homer; he chose the profession of pharmacy, as he grew up, so to speak, in his fathers drugstore. 4, Joseph, born July 12, 1884, Homer, Texas. II. NATHAN GODFREY, born at loni (the site of an old loni Indian village), in Anderson County, Republic of Texas, January 15, 1844. He enlisted in the Confederate army when he was about eighteen years of age, serving first in the Fourth Texas Cavalry, First Regiment, Sibley^s Brigade, Colonel Riley, Captain J. W. Gardner; battles en- gaged in: Val Yerde and Glorietta. Fifth Texas Cavalry, Second Regiment, Colonel Tom Green, Captain J. W. Tay- lor; battles fought: Galveston, Bisland, Franklin, Yer- millionville. Carrion Crow, Mansfield, Pleasant' Hill, Blair's Landing, Monette's Ferry, Marksville, Yellow Bayou, Ber- wick Bay, Donelsonville, and many others; last commanders were Colonel Steele and Captain C. C. Horn. Of the original company — Company I, Seventh Texas, Third Regiment — only about seventeen lived through the many sanguinary ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 169 engagemeBts. He lives at Lindale, Texas, with his aged mother and bachelor brother, or brother-bachelor, Little- ton. III. LITTLETON", born at San Angnstine, Texas, July 15, 1846, when his father taught in the Wesley an College, a Methodist institution of that old Texas town. Littleton could have finished his education at McKenzie College had he not left college to join the ranks of Texas boy-soldiers in the Confederate army, when he was about seventeen years old. He is unmarried, and resides with his mother and brother at Lindale, Texas. His war career was short and bloodless, but sufficed to end his college studies. He joined Company A, Second Texas Cavalry, 1864, which disbanded in San Antonio, June 8, 1865. He was the handsome member of his father's large family. IV. HENEY BASCOM, born September 23, 1848, Pales- tine, Texas, when his father was a leading lawyer of that section — East Texas. His last school-days were war-days; when a young boy just in his teens he was the head of the family, his father and two older brothers being in the pro- longed conflict. He went to Kentucky at the end of the war to seek his fortune, when about sixteen; he clerked sev- eral years in the store of the lamented Mr. Leech, the father of Mrs. Martha E. (Leech) Fowler, wife of Captain J. H. Fowler of Paducah. Henry clerked also on Ohio Rivef packets, and returned to Texas — without his fortune — in 1869. He engaged in the steamboat business on the Trinity Eiver during the few brief years of its navigation, the Belle of Texas and the Ida Rees being the boats he was connected witU. He married. May 12, 1875, at Palestine, Edwina Nelms Reagan, daughter of the Hon. John Henninger Reagan, the Texas statesman, and Edwina (Nelms) Reagan, his wife. Two children were born to them : 1, Godfrey Rees, born January 2, 1876; graduated at Palestine high school, June, 1891; graduated at the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, in the department of civil engineering, in 1894; he later took the degree of B. L. L. in the law 170 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. department of the Texas University, in 1897; he then went to Palestine to begin the practice of his profession; soon war was declared with Spain, and he was appointed b}- Gov- ernor Culberson quartermaster of the Second Regiment, Texas Volunteers, but was later elected captain of Company G, Second Texas, Colonel Oppenheimer, and w^as stationed at Mobile, Miami, and Jacksonville. In 1899 he was com- missioned by President McKinley captain of Company F, Thirty-third Eegiment, U. S. V., Colonel Hare, and is now in the Philippines, much to the regret of all concerned. 2, Edwina licagan, born April 11, 1880, Palestine; she and her brother were reared by their fathers sister, Dora, and her husband, Mr. J. J. Arthur. She was educated in the public schools of Austin, with the exception of one year with the Misses Carrington, Austin. Her mother died a few days succeeding tlie birth of her daughter, April 13, 1880, at Palestine; her father died November 9, 1884, at Lindale, Texas, and they both lie in the Fowler and Arthur lot. East Hill cemeter}^, Palestine, Texas. V. MARY VIRGINIA, born January 2b, 185'>, Palestine, Texas; she was educated in Wadeville, Navarro County, where her father taught school just prior to the w^ar between the North and South, and w^here he left his family and few slaves when he and his eldest son, Nathan, joined the Con- federate army. "Mollie'" was married to Henry Clay War- ren^ November IJ:, 1872, Wadeville. He is a descendant of the Warren and Knox families of New^ England, and was born in Georgia on March 6, 1847. Children, five daughters : 1, Elizabeth Glenn ("Daisy''), born December 10, 1873, Palestine ; her education was stopped while she w^as a student of the Texas University in 1893; she is now teaching in the Austin public schools; 2, Janie Farmer, born September 26, 1875, Fincastle, Henderson County, Texas; was educated at the Austin high school and the Sam Houston Normal, Hunts- ville, Texas; is at present teaching in the Austin public schools; 3, Mary Andrew (called "Jack'' and "Jackie," for her grandfather Fowder), w^as born May 8, 1878, ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 171 Homei-, Texas ; educated at the Austin high school ; is teach- ing in Angelina County at the present to pay her own expenses at our State University, which she expects to enter Januar}', 1900; 4, Clara Eeubenia ("Ruby") was born Feb- ruary 18, 1881, Homer, Texas; is attending the Austin high school; 5, Dora, born April 1, 1883, Homer; is in school in Austin, where the family resides. They are all girls of fine minds, and promise to make useful members of society. Daisy, Ruby, and Dora possess musical gifts and voices which they never had the means to cultivate. Janie is the most self-reliant, while Jackie is loved for her amiabihty of character. [Since the foregoing the family live in Brown- wood, Texas.] VI. WILLIE ANDREW— named for Judge Wiley P. Fowler and his own father — was born September 25, 1854, Palestine; died March 14, 1872, Palestine. He was taken seriously ill on a Trinity River steamboat — perhaps the Ida Rees — when returning from Galveston. When the boat landed at Magnolia his cousins in Palestine were informed; Miss Mollie McClure went to Magnolia and conveyed him to the McClure home, where she and her sister Georgia tenderly nursed him. His mother reached him before he died, when he was laid to rest in the McClure family lot in the old cemetery, Palestine. VII. GLENjSTDORA, bor]J July 1, 1858, Palestine; went to school in Wadeville and Palestine; she began teaching school when seventeen and taught four years, a short time at Homer and Elkhart — the latter near Palestine — and two years at Lindale, Smith County, where she met James Joyce Arthur, a druggist of the village, to whom she was married at her father's home in Elkhart on November 26, 1879. He is the youngest son and thirteenth child of Thomas Rhodes Arthur and Rachel (Loftin) who were Scotch-Irish settlers of Virginia. He was born on his father's plantation near Minden, La., on December 29, 1855, and is the possessor of a fine commercial education. He was freight agent at Pales- tine for the International & Great Northern Railroad, which 172 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. office he resigned to accept the secretaryship of the Texas Railroad Commission on its organization in 1891, in Austin, which office he at present fills. jSTo children were born to them, Imt they filled their home with the two orphans of Henry B. Fowler and three of the Warren nieces, Daisy, Janie, and Jackie, successively. They celebrate their twen- tieth marriage anniversary alone this November, their first one alone, as their niece Edwina is absent at the home of her grandmother Fowler, in Lindale, Texas (1899).^ VIII. THOMAS MARSHALL— named for his mother's two brothers — was born October 2, 1860, at Science Hill, Henderson County, Texas, when his father was president of the Science Hill Academy; he died September 11, 1863, at Wadeville, Navarro County, and was buried in the old Rush Oreek Baptist church-yard, now near the present town of Kerens. The church is gone, the burying-ground is a tangle- wood, and even the site of the village of Wadeville is a cotton plantation. IX. FRANK BENTON, born October 15, 1864, Wade- ville, Texas, was educated in Palestine and was graduated from West Point Military Academy, New York, in the class of 1886, when he was commissioned second lieutenant of the Fourth Cavalry, U. S. A., Arizona Territory ; he resigned his commission in 1888, and later returned to Texas; he married Sarah Colver, of Homer, Texas, on August 14, 1893; no children were born to them. He lives in Mexico, following the profession of civil engineer of mines. He is gifted in music, art, and literature. Subjoined is an old land certificate bearing the name of my father and his two cousins: ^'Republic of Texas, Red River County. No. 232, 2nd Class, 640 acres. This is to certify that William L. Fowder is entitled to a conditional Headright of six hundred and forty acres of land agreeable to the provisions of the act passed January 4, 1839, extend- "Since then Mr. Arthur has been tmee promoted in the Texas Railroad Commission service. He is now (1901) expert rate clerk, filling the place of Mr. True, who died December, 1900. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 173 ing donations of land to late emigrants. Given under our hands, this 6th day of December, 1839. A. J. Fowler, Chf. Justice, Eed Eiver County, Exoff. P. B. L. (President Board Land) Commissioners, A. H. Salms (?), Asso. Do., William Wheat, Do. Test: T. G. Wright, Clk. Co. Court, Eed Eiver County, Exoff. Clk. B. L. Coms.^^ The Wright here signed was Travis G., who was a member of the Texas Congress which held at old Columbia, 1837. - A BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH OF AN OLD TEXAS FAMILY. [From the Intelligencer, Dallas, Texas, about 1873. Found also in the old family scrap-book.] "The name of Fowler is extensively associated with the early history of Texas. Colonel John H. Fowler emigrated to this country in 1817, settling at Pecan Point on Eed Eiver, in the present bounds of Eed Eiver County in this State. He was connected with the early organization of the Eepublic of Texas, serving a session in her Congress (1838) ; he now lives an honored citizen of Paris, Lamar County. He and his two cousins, Travis G. and George W. Wright, who came in 18 IG, are among the oldest living Texans. Bradford C. Fowler came out from Kentucky in 1827, settling in the same section of the country, but in 1850 he removed to Cali- fornia, where he died. Eev. Littleton Fowler was one of the first three Methodist missionaries sent out to the Eepublic, arriving in 1837. His unremitting labors in establishing education and Christianity in Texas are profoundly appre- ciated by all old Texans living to-day. Yoakum makes honorable mention of his name in his history of Texas, in connection with the fact that he, Littleton Fowler, estab- lished the first Protestant church ever built in the Eepublic. He was the first chaplain of the Senate of the Texas Con- gresses of 1837-1838, the latter an extra session in the spring, and both held in Houston. He was a warm personal friend of General T. J. Eusk. "Judge A. J. Fowler, the youngest member of the family, 174 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. graduated at La Grange College, Alabama, the foremost Methodist college of the South at that time (1836), and studied Jaw with his brother, Judge W. P. Fowler, in Prince- ton, Ivy., coming to Texas about the end of 183? and locating in Red Kiver County. He was present at the lirst court ever held in this county, when General E. II. Tarrant was pre- siding justice and W. C. Young was sheritl*. Judge Fowler was appointed chief justice of Eed River County in 1839. In 1841 he was elected and served as the representative of Lamar County in the Congress of the Republic. He filled the chair of professor of mathematics in the Wesleyan Col- lege of San Augustine, 18-15-181:6 ; his brother, Littleton Fowler, the missionary, founded this Methodist college. Judge Fowler served Henderson County as chief justice in its early stages of organization in 1848. He was appointed district attorney of the Ninth Judicial District, under Judge Bennett H. Martin, in 1849, the district then including the county of Denton, and he attended the first court — at Pink- neyville — in Denton County. He was a volunteer in several Indian campaigns in 1838-*39-'40-'41, being captain of a company under Brigadier-General E. H. Tarrant, in 1841, in an expedition through the Cross Timbers, near where the town of Denton now stands, by Fort Worth, up the Clear Fork, through the present site of Weatherford, to the Brazos River; English's block-house, the site of the town of Bon- ham, was the outpost of the Red River settlements then. He was the acquaintance and friend of Houston, Rusk, Hen- derson, Anderson, Van Zandt Kaufman, Collin McKinney, John B. Denton, Tarrant, Isaac Parker, Daniel Montague, and W. C. Young, each of whose names is honored by a county in the State. During all these years Judge Fowler has been esteemed for his education and talents, his stern integrity, and moral worth. ^^It is because I have an intimate personal acquaintance with the judge and the Fowler family and know him to be deserving of remembrance for his aid to early Texas, that I say this much in behalf of one who has never been properly ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 175 appreciated on account of his own shrinking modesty; he is eminently entitled to honorable position from hundreds of those \^ho, by their self-assertion, now outrank him.'^ In the appendix to DuvaFs Early Times in Texas, in the list of men under the command of Colonel J, W. Fannin, 1835-^36, occurs the name of Bradford Fowler, second ser- geant. Captain BuUock^s company. The original list, in the handwriting of Dr. Joseph Barnard, assistant surgeon of the division, is now deposited in the Historical Department at Austin, so says Mr. Duval. These were the men who fought in the battle of Encinal del Perdito, on March 9, 1836, under Colonel Fannin, and at the oattle of the Mission del Refugio, March 13, 1830, under Colonel William Ward, says Mr. Duval. AX OLD-TIME TEXAS WEDDIXG AT OLD FOIiT HOUSTOX^ 1841. Early in the year of our Lord 1840 a long emigrant train of white-covered wagons crossed Eed^ River and entered the Republic of Texas, in Red River County. Like the household of Jacob of old, the family of Patriarch Nathan Glenn con- sisted of a goodly number, including those of his daughters and their husbands, Mr. George Gresham and Mr. Alex. E. McClure, with many servants. Mr. Glenn had wandered several years since leaving his old Virginia home in the early thirties. Not by choice did he bid farewell to the dear ola home of his nativity, but by a hard and cruel circumstance in which he was an innocent participator. (See Sherwood Fowler and descendants.) He had tried to find another home similar to the old one, but unrest and discontent had entered his soul and he was still in quest of a place to rest in and call home. After leaving Virginia he had lingered a few years in the fair land of Tennessee; then one brief year in Mississippi, only to return to Tennessee. Still his Canaan beckoned him on until he, with his nearest of kindred, turned his face Texas- ^-, •?\ ^>i > \^ 1 i O^ 1, 1 \^ ■ '^ J; ^ 1 ^ AV> 1 ^ 1 I 1 5;' ^ -v> ^ ^- K fc 1^ 1 ^ u J* •4 s ~x 5s 25- ^ ^ ^ ^ " "V 1 x^ ^ 4 S; ^ ^ "s N, k ^r f l;. V. V ^ ^ 1 ^ V A ^g ^^ ^ X ^ ^ ^ \ 4 "^ ^ 5^ I a ^ i '• ? '- *•> •■^ ■-* i\ K ■- r L.»»l . 03 ^ ^ ! t-^ trS ^ H— ( o y •? O '^ o 1' "^ w u \ % ^ J !; H V t ■ 1^ w H K -^^ ^^ J- 176 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILJ. ward, thinking that country must indeed be fair where eternal summer reigned. When they reached a bord'^r county of the great Eepublic, rich in limitless fertile acres, they w^ere obliged to pause to rest and recuperate, after weeks and months of toilsome travel. They established their encampment near the old town of Clarksville. The settlers of that region visited them, helping the "movers'^ to pass the weary hours, and receiving in turn news of kindred in distant lands separated by every barrier that nature could seemingly interpose. Among the frequent visitors of the camp was the handsome young chief justice of Red Eiver County, Judge A, "Jack'' Fowler. It was soon divined by older heads that the daughter Martha, a very young maiden of fifteen summers, was the chief at- traction to the young Kentuckian, who proved to be both a gentleman and a scholar. In vain did he and Mrs. Glenn endeavor to discover ties of consanguinity in the name of Fowler, yet his interest in them never lessened. That part of the Eepublic was pleasant to contemplate, but the problem of fencing illimitable acres from the cattle on a thousand hills, as well as roving bands of Texas mus- tangs — wild Spanish ponies — had not then been solved by the late invention of barbed wire; so the emigrants again took up their weary journeyings toward southeast Texas, where the forests were exhaustless. At once the young justice decided he had important business in either of the old Span- ish mission towns of Nacogdoches or San Augustine. He proved an invaluable guide on horseback, for he had many times before made the long journey, which experience had made him quite an accomplished woodsman. At length the travel-worn emigrants arrived at a deserted cabin in the forests of Houston County, several miles from the old fort of Houston. By this time — in the early spring — they all, both white and black, had fallen victims to Texas malaria and were down with fevers and agues, therefore could proceed no further. Fort Houston was a blockhouse with a few rude cabins clustered about it, which were occu- ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 177 pied by a few families of the liardiest pioneers who had escaped the tomahawk and the fever. Mr. Fowler proceeded to the fort and reported the sick and helpless condition of the family of emigrants, when the kind-hearted settlers went immediately to help the unfortu- nate newcomers on their v>ay to the protection of the fort. There the only available house for the occupancy of the Glenns was a log cabin aboui one mile west of the fort and settlement, known as the Campbell place, which had been the scene of a horrible IndicUi butchery the preceding Feb- ruary. The sad story is but a repetition of pioneer tales, but as it adds interest to my narrative, I digress to give it. In 1837 an emigrant from "the States'^ had settled one mile from the fort, in a spirit of foolhardiness, or daring, for the forests of the Trinity Kiver were infested with merci- less Indians. But Campbell and his grown son cleared them- selves a cornfield and lived v/ith the wife and mother and a large family of children, without serious event until the death of Mr. Campbell in February of 1839. A week after this calamity, one bright moonlight night the family were alarmed by their horse galloping up to the cabin; directly the Indians announced themselves by the jingling of many small bells worn on their leggings. The mother at once made preparation to aid her son in the defense of her children. She lifted one of the puncheons of the rude floor, directing her grown daughter to take the babe under the house. The Indians were by that time trying to force the cabin door. Mrs. C. then made several ineffectual attempts to fire an old flint-lock gun; at length, in desperation, she seized a brand from the fireplace and applied it to the lock, but the enemy had forced the strong door, and the brave mother was the first felled by the tomahawk. The grown son died by her side and the little children were cruelly slaughtered. The burning brand on the floor was left to complete the work, but after charring a large area of the little room it went out. The daughter and babe escaped to Fort Houston under cover of the forest. 12 — Fowler. 178 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Into this loiiL'l}- cabin, witli its gruesome associations, the sick family must perforce go for other shelter than canvas — top of wagon or tent. fSome died, and many of the servants also. There they lingered until the February of 18-11, when a wedding occurred. In preparation for this event Captain Glenn sent several of his trusty negroes to Austin's colony on the Brazos for hogs and other supplies. The latter were packed on mules, whik' the .>-wine were driven on foot over Indian trails and the old 8an Antonio trace, (ireat was the rejoicing of the family and their neighbors at the fort when the wedding supper inchulid such delicacies as "fatty- bread,-' "shore-'nough" colt'ee, and hog-meat. Many of them had lived months on game without bread, for the s([uirrels ate u}) the small quantity of corn raised the summer Ixfore. The 10th of February, 1841, was so bitterly cold that the expected bridegroom was nearly frozen when he reached the festal scene. You have divined already that he was the young Kentuckian mentioned Ijefore. He had traveled on horseback from Clarksville to Austin, the new capital of the Kepublic, to deliver his saddlebags full of money to the treasury of Texas. Thence he had ridden to Crockett, the seat of justice of Houston County, for his marriage license, which was issued by County Clerk John Collins, M. U. When he reached the Glenn home his ]\lexican blanket was frozen around him by the rain freezing as it fell. He had to be liberated from his icy armor and bodily lifted from his saddle, — in this land of reputed ''eternal summer/' Martha, the bride of sixteen, — no, not quite, — was arrayed in a handsome silk, a relic of old-time Virginia splendor, and she and the groom stood on the charred spot made in the floor under such tragic circumstances just two years pre- viously to the month. Well, they were wed, and merrily went the marriage feast. I wish I could end this story as the stories of my childhood always ended, — ''and they lived happy ever afterwards," — but truth compels me to say that they lived devoted to each other through forty-four years of ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 179 rain, storm, and fair weatlier, rearing eigiit children to maturity. Then the priest of their home-temple lay down his hnrdens of life's sorrows to pass to the better life beyond, while his girl-bride of fifty-eight Februarys gone by lives to tell with trembling voice and tear-dimmed eyes this story of an old-time Texas wedding.'* These two old documents will serve to introduce the writer of the letter following: "Augusta College, December 18, 1834. — This is to certify that the Bearer, Andrew J. Fowler, has been a Student of this Institution about three years, being now a regular member of the Junior Class. His atten- tion to study has been unremitting, and his moral conduct exemplary; so that he has ever possessed, not only the affec- tions of his fellow students, but the esteem of his Instruc- tors. He leaves us, by the desire of some friends, to prose- cute his studies elsewhere. We give him his dismission with regret, and cordially commend him to those who may have the future direction of his education. J. H. Fielding." "June. 9, 1836, A. D.— We do hereby certify that the bearer, Mr. Andrew J. Fowler, has been one of the first and most useful members of the Lafayette Society of La Grange College. Having graduated at this Institution, he leaves with the sincerest friendship and love of his fellow members of the Lafayette Society. We deeply regret the loss of such a member, and we moreover assure Mr. Fowler that he car- ries with him the best wishes of the Society for his welfare, prosperity, and happiness in future life. F. W. Davis, Presi- dent; Wm. H. Saunders, Secretary." "Princeton, Ky., June 22, 1837. — Dear Brother Littleton : *ln J^'ebruary, 1898, I was visiting the place of my birth. .Palestine, Texas, when I spent a day or so with the family of the Hon. John H. Reagan, the noted Texas statesman, who lives at his suburban home near the site of the old Fort Houston, for which his homt is named. The second day of my stay was a perfect rainy day, just the day fb>" reminiscences from the most interesting old "Sage of Palestine," so I lead him on in the paths 1 would have him go, — which went back more than half a century to Fort Houston, — when I remembered that that day was the fifty-seventh anniversary of my parents' notable wedding. 180 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Your favor from Tuscumbia of recent date came to liaiid this morning, together with one for Araminta from you while at Courtland. We lay claim to the remainder of your time while you remain in this country. I am pleased to hear of the flattering prospects for La Grange College. I wish I could have been at La Grange this year, also at the closing exercises of the Female Academy, but that pleasure can not be mine until 1 return to take my second academic degree. I am making tolerable progress in the study of my profession; the greatest trouble I have is my unconquerable fondness for the society of ladies, it is all nonsense, I know, but what can 1 do with my weakness, which seems hereditary, and the example of my elder brothci's ? "The office of clerk of th'.' circuit court became vacant a few weeks since by the dcuith of Colonel Dallam, when young Eezin Davidge was appointed his successor; he has made me his deputy, with the pay of $25 per month. The writing in the office will rccpiirc about one-fourth — or per- haps not so much — of my time; the other time to be given to study. A situation of this kind is said to be of great benefit to a candidate for the bar. The amusing part is to come; Clarence Dallam, son of the deceased, was an appli- cant for the office also, and his defeat so enraged him and all the family against Judge Davidge and his son that they are unfriendly to all who are friends of the latter. Eezin and I stay in one end of the clerk's office and Charles and Henry D. in the other end, but there are no dealings between the Jews and Sanuiritans. Willie approves of my new labors. Call on my friends, Littlejohn, Sykes, and Cheney at the Xashville University. Youi' brother, A. J. Fowler." The erstwhile extravagant, indolent ladies' man, the spoiled and handsome Jack, was my father. He was all his life fond of telling jokes on himself; one I particularly re- member was this : When at La Grange College, at about eighteen or nineteen years of age, he w^ent home with a college chum to visit during vacation. He was then pain- fully afraid of girls, which fear he sul)sequently entirely ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 181 outgrew. After a long and fatiguing horseback journey they reached the friend's home at close of day. My father, whom I shall call Jack, soon proceeded to enjoy a smoke, when his friend joined him in his room. He was so tired that he wished to tilt back his chair, as in college quarters, but the room was so full of furniture he chose a closed door to lean his chair against. No sooner did his weight fall on the door than it flew open, precipitating thoughtless Jack into the middle of tlie adjoining apartment, where a bevy of girls was dressing to soon lay seige to the late arrivals. His chum and host rushed gallantly to the rescue of the humiliated Jack, got him up and out, but the latter vowed he would leave instantly. He got as far as the barn, where, while waiting for his horse to be saddled, the parents of his friend persuaded him to remain till morning. At supper the un- offending young ladies appeared, and so charming did they prove that Jack said no more of leaving the next day, or many days after. He had a serious affair of the heart at Tuscumbia, and came to Texas to heal his wounds. It is true it was only a college love affair, but he continued to speak of the young lady — she was always young to him, even when his head was white — with reverential regard and respect. We often laughed over her name. Miss Mandana Dionitia Indiana Batte, so signed in her letter giving him "the mitten.'' He always consoled himself, as masculine vanity is prone to do, with the thought that she would have accepted him had he not been a penniless suitor. I being the third from the youngest of nine children, re- member him only from his middle life to old age. It is true he had no conception of money, its value financially or socially, and he never sought after it or its influence. With all his charity for his fellow-man, — his crowning virtue was that charity which '^suffereth long and is kind," — he had ever an undisguised contempt for people who had nothing else but money and vulgar ostentation ; he never forgot him- self or his honest rearing to the disgusting extent of toady- ism. In his declining days be was a scholarly dreamer; the 182 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. more disappointed he became in human nature^ the more he retired within his hooks. He gave his entire allegiance to his friends, and was quixotic in his expectations of their unqualified reciprocation. This would have been his most fitting epitaph: "You see we"re tired, 1113^ heart and I. We dealt with books, we trusted uien, We walked too straight for fortune's end, We loved too true to keep a friend; At last we're tired, my heart and I." Among the press notices of Judge A. J. Fowler's death, I select following extracts: "'Judge A. J. Fowler died, after months of painful illness, March 31, 1885, at his home in Lindale, Texas. Judge Fowler^s name and memory belong- to Palestine from the beginning, for he was one of its first citizens. He and his brother-in-law, A. E. McClure, of the old firm of McClure & Reeves, were among the earliest lead- ing lawyers of the East Texas bar. In his earlier manhood he served the same district as attorney which he served in maturer years as district judge. "He was superintendent of the first pioneer Sunday-school of Palestine, and, at the time of his death, he was the oldest Mason of the Palestine lodge, Judges Reagan and Jowers ranking after him ; and owing to his seniority of member- ship. Judge Fowler presided over the laying of the corner- stone of the Masonic Temple, in 1876 (or '77?) [illegible]. "When the clouds of war gathered over our fair Texas, Judge Fowler was an avowed Union man. He had come from a family of Henry Clay Whigs in Kentucky; he had helped as member of the old Texas Congress, together with his eldest brother, Colonel John Fowler of Red River County, to form the government of the Texas Republic; he had watched with anxious solicitude his loved adopted land suing for admission into the Union; he had heard the firing of anvils and sounds of joy when Texas passed into proud statehood; and, having lived her history^ he could not, he ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 183 would not, raise his hand against the protecting flag that then waved over his beloved State. "So convinced was he that the South coukl not win in a war with the Xorth, he made speeches over the State against the secession of Texas. Then he carried his life in his hands, for the war spirit ran so high that he knew not when an assassin's bowie-knife might strilve him down in death. And after he had staked all, — his popularity as a citizen, the friendship of his neighbors, the safety of his own family, even life itself, — and accomplished nothing in the way of staying the tempestuous tide of war, he bowed to the will of the people and got ready for war. "At Corsicana, Texas, he was elected lieutenant-colonel of Bass' Texas Eegiment, under General Ben McCulloch, and he acted as colonel of this regiment all the time he was on the active field. When age exempted him from further military duty, he returned to his home, w^hich was left to the care of his few slaves and a son sixteen years of age (Henry), to take up the duties of tax assessor and collector, impressing all property, over that allowed by law, into use for the soldiers at the front. Again his popularity and safety were hazarded, for many a blatant secessionist who was too cow- ardly to fight in war would have covertly wreaked his old grudge against the judge when lawlessness reigned in the land. But through it all he passed unscathed to live to a ripe old age. "After the war. Judge Fowler never adjusted himself to the changed political conditions. Like his brothers. Judge Fowler of Kentucky and Colonel Fowler of Texas, he had been religiously brought up an old-line Whig, and he never affiliated with the Democratic party. Again he was on the unpopular side, for he never seemed to know or care which was the winning side. Again was he persecuted on account of his personal convictions, and none but the people of that time could ever know how intense and bitter was the feeling against a southern Eepublican. The carpet-bagger was hated as an outcast from Yankeeland, but the southern Eepublican 184 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. was regarded as a traitor to his southland, no matter what had been his deeds of heroism or of sacrifice. "And now, ^after life's fitful fever, he sleeps well.' He had been a Methodist from his youth up and was a licensed minister of that church in the days of the old Republic. Had he remained in the ministry, what a power he could have been in the new State, with his scholarly learning, his fear- less convictions of duty, and his high ideas of manhood and right. "He leaves an aged wife and three sons and three daughters to mourn his loss, his son Henry Fowler, a late citizen of Palestine, having preceded him in death only a few months. His children will revere his memory, and his faith was great enough to assure liim tliat liis wrongs will all be righted in the great beyond."' These letters here produced may prove of general interest, even if the young Fowler vdio figures in them should not hold the attention. In after years — who can tell? — these messages from the far East might be curiously read l)y others outside of the Fowler familv. The young man was much written about in the American and Texas papers and his portrait was given, and hence I insert in this record without further apology. The following appeared in the Daily Visitor, of Palestine, Texas, February 3, 1900. The writer is a Palestine boy, as well as Captain Fowler. A soldier's letter fro."\i the ph.ilippixe islands. "San Fabian, P. I., December 23, 1899. Xorth Firing Line. — Editor Daily Visitor, Palestine, Texas. — It was Sep- tember 30, 1899, when we, the Thirty-third U. S. V. I. Regi- ment, embarked on the transport Sheridan for the Orient. A great crowd was at the ^Frisco wharf to give us a last hand-shake. Though some of us were then thousands of miles from home, these strangers seemed to us like old friends with messages and prayers from our loved ones at ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 185 home. It was a grand sight, that vast throng of men, women, and chiklren, shouting at the tops of their voices and tossing high in the air hats and parasols, and waving hand- kerchiefs and flags, while the regimental band on board struck up the old-time tune, 'The Girl I Left Behind Me/ Then some one shouted, 'Three cheers for the Stars and Stripes and the girl we leave behind us !' The deafening roar in response will never be forgotten. Then we steamed slowly away toward the 'Golden Gate,^ with every vessel in the bay firing us a last salute. "We anchored at Honolulu on October 8th, where we spent three days, and took on coal. We arrived in Manila Bay on October 28th, and remained at anchor until the 30th, when we disembarked and were sent to Loma church, three miles south of Manila, near the waterworks, where we remained only a few days, when Captain Fowler's company. Company F, was put on detached duty and sent thirty miles across Manila Bay to hold Corregidor Island. We were held there until November 15th, when we were ordered to the north firing line, where we are now doing some fine work. "Our company has been detached from the regiment since November 3d, and, as Captain Fowler has proved such a fine commander, I think Colonel Hare is very well satisfied to allow him to act alone. We have been in several battles, and in every one Captain Fowler has shown himself a fearless leader. I shall mention one of his many acts of bravery: On November 22d General Wheaton ordered Captain Fowler to take his company and proceed to a certain province and locate the enemy, not once entertaining the thought of the captain and seveuty-four men making an attack. When we reached the town where the enemy were supposed to be we found to our sorrow that they had retreated to the moun- tains. The captain gained the information from some of the natives that the enemy had gone to reinforce a certain general whose command was located at Mangatarem, which command was a large one. Our captain smilingly stepped to the front of our small column and asked, 'How many of 186 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. you think you can 'iiike'" twenty miles a day?' and all of us answered, 'L,' with the exception of three whose feet were hlistered. "After nesting a short time we continued on in the coun- try, which had not yet been traveled by the American forces. On we marched for two days and nights, in mud sometimes up to our knees, across rivers and ravines, up, over, and down mouiitains, tlirough rice fields, until finally we spied the enem\', on the morning- of the 2-itli. It was 2 o'clock a. m. when their outposts fired upon us: in an instant Captain Fowler commanded. 'Strip for action I' Instantly we were in fighting trim, and we continued to advance while the enemy were popping away at us in volleys. Finally the cap- tain called, Tire at will I" Then the woods did everlastingly ring, and we stepped a double quick, driving the enemy like sheep before us. Every few minutes we could see reinforce- ments coming from the town to join the fleeing Filipinos, when they would make a stand, which was only momentary, for we would again charge them and send them fleeing nearer to the town. '^All along the road we passed over their dead and dying, which fact encouraged us very much, for we knew that we were able to cope with them, even inflicting a heavy loss on them. At length, after hard fighting over four of the longest miles T ever traveled, we came to the city^s edge, where we knew that the hardest part of the battle was to be. All the way they had been turning their cannon loose at us; then we would charge right up to them, but about twenty-five negroes would whirl the gun around and go spinning down the road with it. All this time a heavy firing was kept up in the city square. "After halting a few minutes for a breathing spell. Cap- tain Fowler ordered us to the charge again, and we went right into the heart of the city, yelling as only Texas boys can yell. This was too much for them — the enemy — for they fled in all directions, leaving behind five cannon, 102 Spanish prisoners, 11 American prisoners, and about 100 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 187 of their own dead and wounded. They had gone to the mountains to retnrn no more while we were to remain. There we had been in possession two days before we were reinforced l)y Bell's scouts, when we went np in the moun- tains and had another battle, capturing thirteen more can- non and a lot of tools for the manufacture of ammunition. "One of the happiest hours of my life was when we got to the old convent and found there the American prisoners, who were overcome with joy; they ran out in the public plaza and hugged and kissed us, like our mothers. Some were so overwhelmed with joy that they stood like statues, others wept or sang praises to God. An amusing incident was con- nected with a negro captive of the Twenty-fourth Eegiment. The Filipinos had left him, in their wild haste, and he worked his way back to us. When he came in we all gathered round him, for he made us think of dear old Dixie, as he was a typical southern negro. When he had fully regained his breatKhe said : 'White mens, dey sho kin run ! Dey des got up an' walked on de atmosphere. You cum putty speedy, but you's too slow fur dem 'surgents.' "From Mangatarem we returned to San Fabian and re- mained a few days, when we were ordered on another raid, in which we captured several more towns. We are now awaiting orders. All the while we have acted alone under the exclusive control of Captain Fowler and have only done our duty, as all American soldiers will do. "The climate here is not as disagreeable as we have been led to believe; the nights are cool and sometimes chilly, which causes much sickness. We have all the fruit we can eat, which we pluck from the trees for ourselves. Our rations are as good as could be expected in this distant, bar- barous land. Since we have been here we have lost several of our brave leaders,' — Major Logan, Lieutenant-Colonel Brereton, and Major-General Lawton. Yours truly, "Corporal R. K. Blackshear, "Co. F, 33d IT. S. V. I., Island Luzon.'' 188 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Captain Fowler writes in a private letter that the carriage of the Filipino general ]\IontenegTO was captured with ]\Ian- gatarem. Colonel Hare pays Captain Fowler the compliment of calling him one of his "finest tacticians/' hut that is little comfort to his home-folks, who see no good in this unholy war. If the captain of Company F has acted as a hrave soldier should, as well as the other Texas boys of his little band, we are gratified that much, and pray that this bar- barous war may soon be ended, when all our boys may come marching home again. God help them to be brave men and humane Christians wherever they are. "Corregidor Island, Philippine Islands, November 6, 1899. — Dear Uncle and Aunt: I sent you my last letter from Honolulu, where we remained three days, taking on supplies and coal. I was on duty one day, and one day my first lieutenant was getting ready to return to the United States, which business kept me on the transport most, of the day, but I got to see most of the Hawaiian city, which is beautiful beyond description, and seems to possess every- thing to make life pleasant. I should like to live there, for it is sufficiently American, but no American city could be so beautiful. Their public buildings, statues, and other attrac- tions are of the highest class. "You will be surprised to hear of my being governor- general of Corregidor Island, but no more so than I am. This little island commands and protects the entrance to Manila Bay. It is twenty-seven miles from Manila, while our lines go out beyond the ( ity only seven or eight miles, so we are twenty miles out, while the mainland, which is in- surgent country, is only two miles away across the straits, with one of the enemy's strongholds only three and one-half miles from us. We protect the hospital here — which is the largest in the P. I. — and guard against smuggling. This little dot of an island has a population of almost a thousand, and I am ^dng of the island,' for no native can even go fish- ing without my permission ! ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 189 ''We arrived in Manila on October 27th, and on the 39th we took a position at La Lorna, west of Manila, guarding a front of about four miles of what is known as the ^interior line,' but it is really the only line of defense, the ^exterior line' being the column in the north. We relieved the Twenty-fifth Infantry, whicJi had a big fight in the trenches in front there on the 9th. We had no fighting, but a good deal of picket work, wdiich was w-orrying, but did not amount to anything. There w^ould be firing all nights long, but nothing serious. ^'I was suit over here on the 1st, and do not know the reason why, but the regular officers seem to think I am very fortunate, assuring me it is a complimentary position, but I want to be W'itli my regiment and get into a real fight. I am going to Manila to-morrow^ to try to be relieved of this post. * * * We had a fine trip out; w^e were twenty- seven days on the voyage and had only one Sunday in two weeks, for you know^ that we skipped a day. In Washington they read of our arrival at 10 o'clock on 27th October, at 7 o'clock a. m. on the day before our arrival. * * * The city of Manila is an interesting old place, and some day I hope to have time to w^ite you all about it. G-ive my love to all. Yours affectionately, ^^GODFREY EeES FoWLEK.^' '^San Fabian, Luzon, Philippine Isles, December 21, 1899. — * * '^' I have marched 150 miles and fought in two big battles since I wrote you. Our one company drove Alejandrino, wdth his brigade and two batteries of artillery, out of Mangatarem into the mountains and cap- tured seven pieces of artillery, and released ninety-six Span- ish prisoners and seven Americans, and captured vast stores of ammunition and supplies. This tue did with our one company wJiile forty miles from tlie rest of the regiment. Then, after holding the town for three days, until the Thirty- sixth came from Tarlac, w^e attacked the enemy in the moun- tains, — they had been reinforced by San Miguel and his brigade, — and we cut them to pieces and captured all of their 190 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. supplies^ arsenal, fifteen guns, and over one hundred rifles. * * * Since then I have been up in the northern moun- tains, but have had no fight. I have never seen our regiment since we hmded, as we were so early detached from it and are still so; in fact we are almost independent of it. Our men call ourselves the ^Free Fighters.^ Now and then we get down to the coast for supplies and rest up. T understand that the American press had a good deal to say about our fight. Please save the pajiers, especially the Sun and Jour- nal, for me. * * * 1 have l)cen up in tlie Igarrote coun- try in the mountains; they are a copper-colored people who wear no clothes Ijut a string around their waists; they eat dogs and one another and worship hog-skulls. "Luzon is not so bad as one is lead to believe; during the dry season it is not at all unhealthy. I must close now and go and inspect my outposts. This letter will be taken to Dagupan Ijy a Spanish friar whom we fouiul in tbe moun- tains. We are scouoring the country in tbc hopes of finding Gilmore, either in Banguet or Bayandjorg. I am in fine health. I send Aunt Dora a Manila magazine. Affection- ately 3'ours, Godfrey Rees Fowler. "I have to send this without stamps, for there are no post- offices outside of Manila." Later Captain Fowler returned to the United States with the Thirty ^third Regiment, March, 1901, on the United States transport Logan, and was mustered out of service at San Francisco. He declined a commission in the regular army because he believed that the ones most interested in him did not wish him to remain in the army. President McKinley personally offered a commission for the young man to Judge Reagan, his grandfather, on the occasion of the President's visit to Austin, Texas, in 1901, when the two acquaintances of former years in Washington City met again, which was at a dinner at the Texas Governor's. The young Mr. Fowler has quietly returned to his native town, Palestine, Texas, and industriously resumed his law practice, which had been twice broken off by his military yearnings — his ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 191 burnings to wear a uniform, Jiear cannon, and fight a battle. Good citizenship is the only glory ( ?) that we, his foster parents, wish him to attain. The following appeared in the San Antonio Express, July 25, 1901, during the State encampment at Austin, Texas. I am pleased to add that the young man is modest and re- tiring, unspoiled by his new honors: ''captain fowler, a PHILIPPINE HERO. "Captain G. R. Fowler of Palestine is here in command of the Burkitt Rifles of that city, officially known as Com- pany G, Third Infantry. Captain Fowler came to Camp Mabry in 1898 during the mobilization of Texas' contingent to Uncle Sam's Cuban army as quartermaster of the Second Texas Infantry. A vacancy was created in Company G and Captain Fowler was elected captain and went to Cuba with that command. When the famous Thirty-third Infantry was organized Captain Fowler received a commission as captain of Company F. He went to the Philippines with Colonel Hare and while there won a reputation for nerve and discretion that any man might be proud of, and won a vic- tory for which another secured credit and great honors at the hands of the government of the United States. ''The readers of the daily press of the country will re- member about a year ago a telegram from Manila was pub- lished giving an account of how a company of the Thirty- third Regiment commanded by a Texan entered an insurgent fortified town where 1700 men were stationed and guarding a lot of ordnance and supplies. The company marched into the town in column of fours and routed the whole insurgent forces, who thought they were the advance guard of the whole army. The company captured six pieces of ordnance, 20,000 rounds of rapid fire ammunition and about 200 small arms. He took possession of the town and as commanding •officer sent a message for reinforcements, knowing he could not hold the town if the insurj2^eiits came back in laro-e 192 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. numbers. He also sent a message to General Wheaton, under whose command he was operating. Before his reinforcements came in a certain colonel came up and took command. The captain of that nervy compan}^ of men was Captain G. E. Fowler. Army officers who were in the Philippines and are cognizant of the facts unhesitatingly state that Captain Fowler's action was one of the bravest in the annals of mili- tary achievements. "Captain Fowler comes from nervy stock, and those who know him were not surprised at his daring. He is a grand- son of Judge John H. Eeagan. '•Besides being a fighter, Captain Fowler is a thorough tactician and drill master unexcelled. This is aptly and amply demonstrated by the condition of the company of which he is now in command.'' BETTER THAN GOLD. Better than grandeur, better than gold, Than rank and titles a thousandfold, Is a healthy body and mind at ease, And simple pleasures that always please. A heart that can feel for another's woe. And comforting words that freely flow; With sympathies large enough to enfold All men as brothers, is better than gold. Better than gold is a conscience clear, Though toiling for bread in an humble sphere; DoubTy blest with content and health. Untried by the lusts and cares of wealth; Lowly living and lofty thought Adorn and ennoble a poor man's cot; For mind and morals, in nature's plan, Are the real tests of a gentleman. Better than gold is a thinking mind Which in the realm of books can find Treasures surpassing Australian ore, And live with the good and gi-eat of yore; The sage's lore and the poet's lay, The glories of empires passed away: The world's great dream will thus unfold And yield a pleasure better than gold. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 193 Better than gold is a peaceful home, Where all the fireside loved ones come — The shrine of love, the haven of life, Hallowed by mother, sister, or wife. However humble the home may be. Or tried Avith sorrow by heaven's decree. The blessings that never were bought or sold And center there, are better than gold." — [Father Ryan. 13 — Fowler. CHAPTER X. EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF LITTLETON FOWLER, CON- TAINING FAMILY PERSONALS. Journal No. 1 is very ancient in appearance, being bound m buckskin. No. 2 is more modern in leather binding, and bears on the fly-leaf this inscription in a good hand : "Pre- sented to his Cousin, Littleton Fowler, by J. W. Fowler, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1837."' Following are quotations from No. 1 : "I, Littleton Fowler, was born September 12, 1803, in Smith County, Tenn., from which place my parents moved to Caldwell County, Ky., while 1 was quite young (180G). ^'June, 1819, 1 embraced religion at a camp-meeting held by Cumberland Presbyterians in Caldwell County, Ivy. ; shortly afterwards 1 joined the Methodist Episcopal church, which act I regard the happiest of my life. ''In 1826, at the Louisville Conference, I was admitted on trial in the travelling connection and appointed to the Red River Circuit in the State of Tennessee. In consequence of ill health I did not reach the field of my labours until February, 1827. After making three rounds of my circuit I was attacked by fever which resulted in a long and painful illness of six or seven months. When able to travel I went home to mother's, where I A\as received as one almost risen from the dead. In this severe affliction I expected to die, but how true is the saying, 'Every preacher is immortal till his work is done.' At the Conference of 1827 I was left with- out an appointment in consequence of bodily affliction. "At the Conference of 1828, held at Shelby ville, I was given charge of Bowling Green station, although I was, feeble in health and young in the ministry. [Then twenty- five years old.] "The Conference of 1829, held at Lexington, made me r ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 195 assistant preacher of H. H. Kavanaugh at Louisville station. "The Conference of 1830, held at Eussellville, sent me to Cynthiana station, where I arrived Xov. 11, and began my work under discouraging circumstances. [The journal here tells of the young minister's trouble when he preached the evils of theater-going and other worldly amusements to his fashionable congregation.] ''After preaching this morning I started across the river on the ice, in company of two, to hold services on the oppo- site shore. We had gone about a quarter of the distance when we heard voices of alarm, and stopping, we heard up the river a mighty rumbling like the rapid approach of a tempest; we saw the ice breaking for a mile or two above us, and it was a fearful sight. Peter-like, our faith failed and we made haste for the .shore. "This week we have had .some good services. I have been to too many weddings, for 1 have been less spiritual since; the people are noisy and lively at these places. Lord help me to keep a guard on my tongue and thy fear ever before my eyes. "Dec. 24, 1831. — This day fifteen years ago my father was buried. "In 1832 I was transferred to the Tenn. conference and stationed at Tuscumbia, in North Alabama. "Xov. 24, 1833. — Last July I went on a business trip to Kentucky, also to visit my relatives there. 1 was absent from my station seven weeks, during which time I preached at six camp-meetings, receiving more than one hundred into the church. "The Pulaski Con., Nov. 1833, appointed me financial agent of La Grange College. I left Tuscumbia for Little Eock, Ark. ; after traveling three days I reached my uncle David Fowler's in Hardeman County. With him lives my aged grandmother, who is ninety years old, yet she can see to read without spectacles. She is a member of the Baptist church and very pious. At Memphis I met my cousin, J. W. Fowler, a young man with \A'hom I was much pleased. 196 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY, "I left Little Rock, Dee. 1833, and traveled alone through a lonely and sickly country until I reached Red River and my brother John Fowler's home, where I was received in a brotherly and affectionate manner, but my feelings so overcame me tha: 1 could not speak at our meet- ing again. His wife is in very low health. ^'I went from there to Jonesboro, ]\Iiller County, on Red River, which is disputed ground between Spain and the r. S., where 1 met my brotlier Bradford, a brotlier younger than myself.-' After writing more or less of his work of traveling for LaGrange College, Ala., for which institution of learning he is said to have done more than any other man except Robertus Raine (afterwards lusho})), .loiii'iial No. 1 ceases abruptly, perhaps ijroken off Ijy one of his many serious attacks of illness. Journal Xo. 2 begins on the day he leaves for the Republic of Texas as a missionary, and quoted else- where. An instance oi tlie droll humor of the missionary IS here given to show his human nature, for he was not preaching and praying all of the time, ''To-day we rode 40 miles and stayed all night with a man who scraped so long on an old fiddle that his hearers nearly had St. Vitus' dance; at supper, to return his courtesy, I said a long and loud grace, the fiddler and his wife looked thunderstruck, and we had no more fiddling that night." What could better picture the old-time dread of a "parson?" Journal Xo. 2 says: "From Washington, Hempstead County, Ark., 1 went to Jonesboro through the Choctaw Nation, riding with fever two days; at J. I met my two brothers [John and Bradford?] and other relatives [the Wrights?]. After two weeks of fever I returned to Hemp- stead to unite my brother. J. H. Fowler, in marriage with Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander, Sept. 26, 1837.'' Mr. Fowler then left for the missionary field of the Texas Republic. Many entries intervene relating to the organization of Methodist "societies" and other church work ; also to his ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 197 services as chaplain of tlie Senate of the old Texas Congresses, held in Houston, 1837-1838. Eeturning to Journal No. 2: "June 21, 1838, I was married bj the Rev. L. Campbell to Mrs. Missouri M. Porter, whose maiden name was Lock- wood; she was reared and educated in Xewport, Ivy. The birth, marriage, and death of a person are considered the most important events of one's life; my marriage has been most fortunate and happy. "Late in July, or early in Aug., the inhabitants of Xacog- doehes became much alarmed at the rebellion of the Mexican citizenship, in concert with some Indians; they assembled about twenty miles from town evidently designing an im- mediate attack, when they would burn the town and put the white residents to the sword. The citizens went out under arms to meet the wily enemy, which fled, after killing some whites. ''Sept. 18, 1838, I left liiy family in Xacogdoches and proceeded to the Tennessee Conference, which was held in Huntsville, Ala. ; on my return to Texas, Nov. 1, I found that my wife had fled to San Augustine for safety from the Indians and Mexicans, who were still threatening and alarming.'' Here personal allusions cease, the remainder of the book Deing taken up with the constantly increasing church labors of the missionary. He continued to reside in Nacogdoches until he purchased a farm in Sabine County, about midway Detween San Augustine and Milam, the latter being the seat of justice of Sabine. He died on this farm, January 29, 1846. FAMILY LETTERS TO LITTLETON FOWLER, THE TEXAS MIS- SIONARY. These letters have been kindly loaned me by the Rev. Lit- tleton Morris Fowler, son of the missionary. Extracts con- taining family news and other items of interest to this record are copied ; this is history pure and simple, with no embellish- ment of "word of mouth." 198 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. The first letter of a relaiive is from John W. Fowler, a son of the Eev. David Fowler, a Methodist preacher of Hardeman County, Tennessee. It is dated December 10, 1837, Memphis, Tenn. It was folded and sealed with wax, and addressed on the back, — for it was in the days before envelopes, — to "Eev. Littleton Fowler, Missionary to Texas,^^ — there is no postoffice or other destination in the broad land of the big Republic, — and is marked "paid, 25 cts/' "Brother Joseph was here a few days since* and he seems pretty well satisfied with home in Miss. Brother William was married soon after you left to Miss Adams, the young lady whom lie told you he intended to marry; he is now looking for liimself a rich farm on the Miss. Eiver. You see that Billy is ahead, for we are still in single blessedness. Is there no hope for Littleton and John? My sisters are well."' "Princeton, Ky., Sept. 1-1, 183;. — Brother Joseph and Ginsey are both well. Jackson has license to practice law and he will leave here soon for Texas, to follow his profession. As he will take this to you he can tell you more than I can write. Miss Goodall sends her compliments to you and says she never sings the missionary hymn but she thinks of you. Farewell, my dear brother, Araminta Fowler" (first wife of Judge W. P. Fowler). In the foregoing Mrs. F. tells also of her recent profession of faith and her union with the Methodist church. "Princeton, Jan. 23, 1838. — We have had a wedding in our family which has kept me busy for some time; Clara Goodall and my brother Augustus Given are married and gone to Xew Orleans. She received your letter and said she would write you from there. The day after they were married, when iVugustus was as happy as he could be, and thinking, too, that he was worth at least ten thousand dollars, his business in N. 0. was swept away by fire; nothing was saved except his books, which were kept in an iron box found intact in the ashes next morning. If the insurance office fail, my poor brother will have to begin life anew. ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 199 "Littleton, if you see Jack soon, tell him there is one in Ky. who has a sister's and u mother's love and anxiety for him. He has a good heart, but he has placed it on the pleasures of this world. Give him my love and ask him to write to me. You have always been so courted by the ladies that I do hope you will have a good wife. You are to come back to Ky. and live near us. Sister Polly Ann complains that you do not write to her. Your aifectionate sister, Araminta Fowler." "Jonesboro, Ark., April 13, 1837. — During my travels in Texas I visited many places of interest, — San x^ntonio, San Patricio, Victoria, Columbia, Brazoria, Velasco, and various points on the Gulf. * * * 1 see that the independence of Texas has been recognized by the U. S. and only awaits the signature of the President. This being the case, my lands in Tex. will be worth a double fortune; I have claims for the half of twelve leagues, exclusive of my own head- right. Our relatives here are all well. Cousin George Wright left this morning for Columbia, as you know he is a member of Congress; Travis is in New Orleans; Alexander is grown. Atfec, your brother, Bradford C. Fowler." [These three Wright brothers were the sons of Claiborne W., the brother of Clara, who married Godfrey Fowler.] "Clarksville, Republic of Texas, May 28, 1838.— My Dear Brother Jackson : Our land cases are accumulating, with fat fees. Justicia, alias S., has gone Indian hunting with the fear that he may find one. Our fees now amount to more than $1000. I am more than sorry I can not be present at Littleton's wedding. Kiss my new^ sister for me and bring me some wedding cake. B. C. F." "'Clarksville, Tex. Rep., Aug. 29, 1838.— Dear Brother Littleton: From a letter handed me by Jack I learn that you have bidden farewell to old bachelorhood. Please accept my warmest congratulations. A late letter from Willie (Wiley P. F., of Ky.), says brother Joseph will be here by fall and perhaps Willie with him. * * * Jack and I 200 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. have as good a law library, perhaps, as any in the Repiil)lic. With love to my new sister, your brother, Bradford." "Clarksville, Xov. 12, 1838.— My Dear Sister Missouri: In a letter to Jack 1 learn with pain of your precipitate flight from your comfortable home in Xacogdoches to a smoky cal)in of refuge in San Augustine, while fearing for your life on account of the Indian uprising. I know only too well both Mexicans and Indians; in *36 I numbered one of the Red River Volunteers. Littleton is expected through here daily, as we learn he is in Ark., on his way home. Your brother, Bradford." "Clarksvillr, Red River County. Rep. of Tex., Apr. 11, 1838. — Dear Brother Littleton: My trip home was not the most pleasant; I was on the road twelve days, spending one night in the forest alone. ^ Since my return I find tliere is much business before me as justice of tlie peace, mostly land disputes, so I think I shall decline the appointment as deputy surveyor. While your are in Houston, please send me all the Congressional documents you possiljly can, also the Telegraph. Please have the law firm of Craig & Fowler advertised in Houston and Xacogdoches papers. You may look for me by your wedding day; I am trying to arrange my affairs so as to be there. Some petitions will go up to Congress for the running of the boundary line; so far as consistent, use your influence to enlist advocates. Yours in affection, A. J. Fowler.'^ ''Jonesboro, Ark., Sept. 30, 1838.— Dear Brother Little- ^Well do 1 remember my father telling in the family circle of his night alone in the almost impenetrable forests of early Texas. While lost on Indian trails night overtook him; he lay down to rest at once, so weary was he of continuous horseback travel. His Mexican blanket was his bed and his saddle a pillow. He had tethered his horse — a fine Kentucky animal — to a tree at his head. With his six-shooter in his right hand and bowie-knife in his left, he fell asleep, equally afraid of savage beast and savage man. In the heavy night he was startled by the rearing and plunging of his horse; he was on his feet instantly and beside his wildly frightened com- panion that trembled violently and snorted terribly. Soon all was quiet again, but there was no more sleep until morning light, when my father mounted and followed again his Indian trail ; he often wondered if the intruder of the night were a panther or an Indian. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 201 ton : I was nearly six weeks getting home from Nacogdoches. My health is little better; I still have fever and agues. About the first of this montli a call was made for volunteers to protect the frontier from Indian depredations, — the Caddo, Anadarco, and the Keechi tribes. We were out seventeen days and suffered terribly for water and food for both man and beast. We killed only three red-skins; we could have demolished their villages had not our provisions given out before we reached their settlements. I was very sick during the whole expedition, but I am better now. I shall not at- tempt to go to court in Nacogdoches and Shelby counties, as my health is too feeble and the route by the Cherokee trace too hazardous at present. Brother John expects to call on you in Oct. Remember me affectionately to sister M. Yours in brotherly love, A. J. Fowler." "Clarksville, Nov. 17, 1838.— Mrs. M. M. Fowler: My Dear Sister.— Mr. Phillips, of Ft. Jessup (La.), Mdll take this letter there and send to you for me. I regret to hear that your section of the country is in such a state of danger and confusion, on account of the Indian war, especially so since it has caused my dear sister so much trouble and alarm. Your stay in San Augustine must have been full of anxiety, but I trust the return of brother Littleton from the XJ. S. has brought much comfort to you and Symmes. I was anxious to attend the last district court at Nacogdoches, as many persons were to have been tried for high treason, but I was too feeble to undertake the journey. * * * We are making preparations for an Indian campaign under General Eusk; two thirds of the effective force of our county are assembled at this place, our town presenting quite a military sight. I am one of the volunteers. Tell brother L. that our league of land will come into market soon, as it is within three or four miles of De Kalb, a little town which is being settled rapidly. Bradford and I expect to be at the Nacog- doches spring term of court. With love to you both, aft'ec- tionately, A. J. F." "Clarksville, Feb. 17, '38.— My Dear Brother Littleton: 202 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. John Denton arrived this evening from Hempstead (Ark.), bringing me a letter from you. Jackson is here at my house and your letter has decided him to start to San x\ugustine to-morrow. T avail myself of the opportunity of sending you Nimrod; Jack will ride him. If you can sell my horse for a good price — say $200 — do so at once and deposit the money in Xew Orleans for T. G. Wright, who is just leaving here for that market; he will then bring the money to me. The Land Office is now in operation and Texas lands are going fast; I have as much as I care about. My next object is to resume my mercantile business — this time in company of Shelton and x\lbert Kimball. We hope to have a regular Texas mail soon ; some good friends in Houston have had me appointed post master of Clarksville. Your affectionate brother, J. H. Fowler." "Clarksville, May 26, 1838.— Dear Brother Littleton: H is painful for me to record the death of our friend James Clark; he died on the 2d inst., of quinsy, with the same symptoms our father died of. His brother Gilbert attended his bedside with great solicitude. * * * ^pj^g j.r^f|^ ig now sufficiently cleared for steamboats to pass, so we have them often. Indians are depredating in our neighborhood. Your brother, J. H. Fowler." The following letter is marked on the back, in the upper right hand corner, "Free, J. H. Fowler, M. C." The writer v\'as then a member of the senate of the Congress of the Eepublic of Texas: "City of Houston, Nov. 14, 1838.— Dear Brother L. : I am glad to learn by Mr. Jameson, who parted from you at Xatchez, Miss., that you have returned home to your 'loveliest.^ I went to see her while on my way here; the recent Indian disturbance had frightened her off to San Augustine, and I think her retreat was timely. I left my family well, but have grave fears that the Indian alarms will give them much uneasiness in my absence. Congress is giving all the aid possible to Gen. Eusk, making appropria- tions for a vigorous Indian war, with the hope of a speedy and successful termination. Congress and the Executive ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 203 (President Lamar) are at variance, as usual, — both being in error. Congress requires the President to give his message in writing; the chief proved obstinate; Congress is un- willing to make important enactments for fear of the presi- dential veto. SSo the world wags.' Yours, John H. Fowler.'' "City of Houston, Dec. 22, 1838.— Dr. Greer, my friend, will hand you this; I would send you some documents but he has all he can carry. * * * i have no doubt a Donation Law will pass ; a frontier bill has already passed. I shall not be able to visit you as soon as promised, as the Madam will present me a fine son^ if I hurry my return home. George Wright is recovering finely. Yours faithful till death, J. H. F." The following letter is postmarked with large stencil, "Princeton, Ky., May 5," — in the upper right-hand corner, "Paid, 56+ cts." In upper left corner is written with pen, "Galveston, June 4, '38, ship." Beneath that is stenciled, "Sam Kicker, Jr., New Orleans, Agt. Texian P. 0. Dept." The address is, "Eev. Littleton Fowler, Missionary, Texas." All this is interesting to the student of postal history, for it was prior to the day of either envelopes or stamps; it used to cost something to write to loved ones. The last page of every letter was left blank for the superscription ; the packet was always folded in a prescribed form and the ends sealed with wafers of sealing wax. I remember the endless trouble "during the war," when no matches were to be had and when the fire was out, so no candle or homemade "taller" dip could be instantly lighted to heat the wax for sealing. Matches and mucilage are great luxuries indeed. Here is the letter inside : "Princeton, Ky., May 1, 1838.— Dear Brother Littleton: Your letter dated last Dec. reached me the middle of last -The son promised turned out a daughter, who was christened Susan Clara ; the next child was a son, John Littleton. Both of these children grew up a comfort to their father and a credit to his name and blood. 204 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. month. One came at the same time from John, in which I learn that Jackson had gone to La Grange, Ala., via Xacog- doches, to return shortly to Miller County, Ark. Jack is offended with l)oth Willie (Wiley) and me because we both lecture him on his extravagant habits and his lack of in- dustry. He is tlie youngest and has had neither father or mother to bring him up, and I am afraid we have spoiled him so he will never get over it; he coukl do well if he would. John is unusually urgent fo,- Willie and me to go to Texas and buy lands. I should be glad to go immediately, for times certainly are hard enough here; confidence between man and man is much impaired ; more money difficulties than I ever knew. Gen. Jackson's better currency, which he promised in place of U. S.'s bank notes put down by him, accounts for the money-stringency. We have a little silver which is our standard of valuation. Adieu, in brotherly love. Joseph Wright Fowler." "Princeton, Ky., July 30, 1838.— Dear Brother Littleton: We have received three or four of your very interesting letters and often heard from you by persons from your country. It is a source of fraternal gratification that your reception by the mixed population of Texas has been so kind, and the prospects for advancing the great work which took you there so cheering. If I could receive the long-wished-for informa- tion that you have eschewed old bachelorhood and entered the life of a benedict, my solicitude regarding you would be pleasurably lessened. "We have another one of the finest boys, now five months old, named Littleton Augustus; so you see, if you do not get our letters, we have not been unmindful of you. After this compliment to yourself you should feel constrained to name your first son Willie in flattering return of the honor. "I have had tw-o letters lately from brothers John and Bradford; both say that Jack has good prospects in his pro- fession. If Jack would apply himself and strive to be more energetic, there is no doubt of his ultimate success in the ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 305 law. Write to brother John and urge him to spur Jack up to daily diligent attention to his profession. Bradford writes that he is succeeding finely in the law; I hope he will continue to do wel]. Araminta sends her love to you. Your affectionate brother, W. P. Fowler." "Clarksville, Republic of Texas, Jan. 8, 1839.— Dear Brother Littleton: Our campaign against the Indians has ended without effecting much, notwithstanding our forces were commanded by Gen. Rusk. It is to be hoped that our forces have terrorized the Indians into a temporary peace, at least. Gen. Rusk is now on a visit to the lower end of the county, but will return by the 14th inst. to attend a dinner to be given him here. The remarks of Sam Houston against Gen. Rusk have called down on the heads of the Cherokees the merited indignation of a patriotic people. "Immediately on aeljournment of our county court I shall visit you; I may accompany Gen. Rusk on his return home. Brother John has not returned from Congress yet; Jack is quite well and doing well. Brother Joseph has not arrived yet but is expected hourly. With love to my sister and yourself, your Ijrother affectionately, B. C. Fowler.'' "Steamboat Maria {?), Shreveport, La., May 19, 1839.— Dear Brother Littleton: I am this far on my way to New Orleans to purchase goods. I left my family and little Susan Clara well, but brother Bradford is in seriously low health and has been ever since my return from Houston ; and if I hope to see him alive on my return from this trip, it is hope against reason, for I am seriously apprehensive that he can not survive much longer. We have been looking for you and sister much of the sj^ring, and shall be glad to wel- come you both soon on that long visit so often promised. We are pleased at the prospect of peace on our borelers, and I believe we will have a great emigration this fall. May God bless you forever. Amen ! Your brother, J. H. Fowler." "Natchez, Miss., Dec. 9, 1839.— Mrs. M. M. Fowler: My Very Dear Wife.— AVe reached this place on the Sunday after we left you. The Mississippi swamp is not so bad as 206 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. we liad anticipated. 1 have met with many okl and dear friends, to our mutual pleasure. On yesterday Mr. Thomas Wilson, my brother-in-law, reached here in company of one of his brothers, both on their way to Texas; they will leave to- morrow night for Natchitoches, thence on to San Augustine, where they will remain with you until my return. Brother Wilson is a most diffident man, although a most excellent one, as well as a kind husband to my sister. It is needle^^s to a(kl that I esteem him most higlily. 'T am expecting brother Joseph at any iiioiiK'ni : he is on his way to Texas with several negroes for Itrotlier John, i am going to try to retain one with me for a year, at least. * * * Texas will get a good supply of preacliers this Con- ference. * * * My dear ^l., never in my Jifi- have 1 been so anxious to see you, my dear boy,'' and sweet babe [3Iary J. Kiss my child a thousand times for me. It is now only lifteen minutes of 11 o'clock at nighl. (iod Ijless you : good night. Your devoted husband, Littleton Fowler." ''Princeton, l\y., Feb. T, 1840. — My Dear J3rotlier Liulc- ton : I fear my communications failed to reac-h you at Natchez; yours from there came duly to hand. 1 expected brother Joseph to see you there, as he left home with the intention of joining you there and accom})anying you to Texas. I have recently learned tliat he stopped at his farm in Miss., where his business detained him long enough to prevent his visit to our relatives in Texas. 1 presume you have had a visit from Thomas Wilson, as he also left home with the intention of going home with you. We all so much regret that you could not visit us while so near Kentucky, but look forward to the promised favor within the year. ^'How^ do you sustain the i.ew relation of father? Do you not find it, together with husband, far preferable to all your boasted felicity of single blessedness? In my opinion, man never rises to his true dignity in the scale of his being or in society until he becomes the head of a family. * * * We ''Symmes I'orter, his stepson. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 2o7 are now reaping some of the fruits of Gen. Jackson^s policy in destroying the U. S. Bank and recommending those of State establishment. I believe the prospects are fair to break down the unholy dynasty in his unprincipled successor. The old farmer of North Bend, the x^merican Cincinnatus, is uniting the opposition. Under the auspices of his name a redeeming spirit is observed. "I have not heard for some time from our brothers on Red River. I fear Jack is not reading as he should, and giving his time to his practice with energetic force of pur- pose. Spur him up every chance you get. The last letter I had from Bradford he gay 3 me to understand that he was the Curran of the bar of that country, and never failed to make the natives stare and wonder at his powers. I hope there is something in it. Your brother affectionately, W. P. Fowler.^' "Republic of Texas, Red River County, Feb. U, 1840.— My Dear Brother : I have not written you for almost a twelve- month, my silence being caused by ill health, which remains yet, although much improved. Our good God sees that it is good for us to be afflicted so that we may be made to con- template the error of our way in life. Thank God my eyes have been opened, and notwithstanding I am prostrated on a bed of affliction, from which I may never rise, I have had precious time in which to make my peace with Him and obtain His forgiveness in prayer. my dear brother, could I but see you again and enjoy your society for a few days I would be much comforted. Could you spare the time from the Lord's work to make me a short visit, I should rejoice; if you do not come I will know that is the only reason. Our relatives are all well. Our cousin Alex Wright has professed religion and joined the Methodist church; he is a young man universally respected in this part of the country. I would be glad for you to write him a letter just at this time, and I know he would appreciate it deeply. I have been three days writing this. Brother, remember me in your prayers. God bless vou. Your brother, B. C. Fowler.'^ 208 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. "Clarksville, Repuljlic of Texas, Sept. 2d, 1840.— My Dear Brother: It is with a joyful heart that I write you of my recent profession of faith at a Presbyterian camp-meeting on the Sulphur Fork (of the Trinity). It was a glorious meet- ing; many conversions and accessions to the church. My dear brother, I know that you will rejoice with me over the return of the prodigal son ; remember me daily in your prayers. Brother John is now at home. The latest news from Harrison County for a fortnight is most distressing — nothing but anarchy, confusion, and bloodshed. 1 fear Judge Hansford(?) has lost his life, as the latest intelligence re- ceived was to the effect that he was then in the hands of the mob. Have you visited the (ilenns at Fort Houston yet? I am not yet advised of my success or failure. "* '^Write to John Denton on the subject of religion; he is growing very wicked ; 1 feel ])ersiiaded tliat you could be instrumental in reclaiming liim. In your last letter I was happy to learn that sister Missouri had joined the church. Thank God ! I feel like all of us will go on board the old ship of Zion for our eternal home. May God be with you and bless you. Your brother affectionately, A. J. Fowler." "Princeton, Ky., Dec. 20, 1840.— My Dear Brother Little- ton : We are yet in the land of the living and enjoying a reasonable portion of the blessings of Providence, yet at the same time we are solicitous for the welfare and happiness of our kindred in distant Texas. My contemplated visit to you and the others this winter must be given up, as I am com- pelled to call a court in Hickman County for the trial of some criminals; this of course prevents my promised visit. Brother Joseph and his entire family are in Miss, on his farm and they will not return here before March, probably. I have not seen Thomas Wilson since his return from Texas; he and family are well. "We citizens of these United States have just passed through the most heated and excited political contest it has *He was then a suitor of Miss Martha Glenn, — and with success. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 209 ever been my fortune to witness. My position prevented me from any active participation, though I confess I never wanted so much to take the stump; whenever I got a good chance in private circles I always endeavored to make up for all other limitations of speech by giving Yan a knock and ^Old Tip' a lift. You have long ere this learned the result, no doubt, which, in my huml)le opinion, saved our govern- ment from being converted into a despotism. If the party in power had been sustained, together with the latitudinous construction of the prerogatives of the Executive depart- ment, both the Legislative laid Judicial would have had to yield to Executive supremacy and Presidential dictation; our government \Aould have been changed into an elective mon- archy — the worst of all governments. For the first time since the days of Jackson mania, our country has taken her stand on the side of correct principles; the majority of seven- teen which she gave Harrison was hailed with joy and an illumination of the town of Princeton. "I wish you could see your namesake; he is certainly the finest of boys and bids fair to make as handsome a man as his uncle, if not his father. Is your Mary sweet and interesting ? There is no person whom I would like so much to meet and to know as sister Missouri. By the way, since I come to think of it, she is related to our President-elect, is she not? I venture to say she w^as for Harrison, anyway. Tender to her a brother's love. Eeceive assurances of the heartfelt wish yor your happiness from your brother, W. P. Fowler.'' "Princeton, Ky., Feb. 25, 1841.— My Dear Brother: I wrote to you in Dec. and forwarded the letter by hand to Xew Orleans to be there delivered to the Texas agent ; I hope you received it. I regret extremely to learn of your failing health and that your labors are more and heavier than previously. If you were in Ky. this should not be, for I have means enough to render you assistance; we are all truly unhappy over it, and beg you to return to your home and kindred at once. Sister Polly Ann is with us at present and she feels the 14 — Fowler. 210 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. same anxiety J do. Brother Joseph and family^ exeept Elvira and Julia, are still in Miss, on his plantation. I have learned they have had bad health there during the winter, but Jo will risk such things to make money. "I have recently written brother Bradford in terms of severity, in reply to a letter of his in which he informs me that he has joined a company for the invasion of Mexico for the unholy purpose of plundering her stores and churches and dividing the spoils among themselves, as 1 understand it. If he gets my letter in time 1 think he will not go. Yon write brother John to prevent him if possible. He does not realize the disgrace and crime of a filibuster warfare, and in the name of all that is holy he inust be restrained from going. Araminta sends love imd unites with me her pleadings for your immediate return to Ky. We all send love to sister with the hope that she will agree with us in urging your return to us. I pray Heaven to restore you to health and to us. Affec- tionately your brother, W. P. Fowler."" "Hall of the Plouse of Representatives, Austin, Hcpiil)lic of Texas, Dec. 6, 1841. — My Dear Brother Littleton: 1 send by the Eev. Mr. Haynie this short letter simply to let you know that 1 am well but most heartily tired of so much legislation. 1 find my associations here so different from any thing 1 had anticipated I am almost tempted to say I am disgusted with our statesmanship, for everything seems to be effected by intrigue and nothing by honest means. I shall endeavor to discharge my honest duty to my con- stituents, with the pious hope that I may never be called on to serve the dear people again in the capacity of a member of the Texas Congress. I am heartily sick of it all ; I do not believe it is worth the anguish of spirit necessary to combat an always unscrupulous majority. "If Congress does not remain too long in session I hope to pay you a visit at its close, but I seriously fear it will continue to squander time in useless legislation, to the great expense and detriment of the Eepublic. If I fail to go to see you, however, you will understand that a lovely young wife ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 211 is awaiting my home-comi ug, with — perhaps — a beautiful, smiling babe.^ Under these circumstances I know you will readily excuse me. I would send you some Congressional documents if the parson could carry them. Your affection- ate brother, A. J. Fowler.'' "Princeton, Ky., Dec. 8, 1841.— Mrs. Missouri M. Fowler: My Dear Sister. — A^erbal information has just reached me to the effect that my dear brother Littleton is no more. The length of time which has elapsed since 1 last heard from him, together wdth the knowledge of his failing health, doubles the fear that the painful report may be too true, though I pray Heaven it is a mistake. I have not written him for several months for the reason that we have been expecting you both in Ky. at any time, while he journeyed on his way to general confereu'-e. Brother Jackson wrote me in Sept. and he was then under the impression that you both were in Ky. at that time. I have received a paper from him also since his arrival in Austin in attendance on Con- gress; the paper bore date of Xov. 30, and contained the President's message. 1 have had no other news from him; I know he would have written me had he heard the same news of brother Littleton. Be so good as to write me without delay, for I am extremely anxious over the intelligence. "In my last letter I urged upon my brother the propriety of his returning to this country; I also made propositions to him toward making his situation in life more comfortable than it could ever be there, with his failing health and in- creasing labors. If he is not living we are solicitous regard- ing you and are anxious to render you any assistance in our power; we desire most earnestly that you will come and live among us; either brother Joseph or I will go to Texas and °Such was then really the case, but the news had not reached the expectant father. Little Clara was so tiny mat she had to be held on a pillow, and the girl-mother (only sixteen) was so ashamed of her dwarf baby she hid it behind the door when she saw her lord and its father returning from the seat of the nation, flushed with early honors and the eager expectation of young fatherhood. I will add that the congressional honors were never repeated, but those of fatherhood were many times. 212 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. return with you, if you consent to come. I saw Mr. Joseph Gray, of Frankfort, a few days ago when he informed me that Miss Caroline, Mrs. Taylor,^ and your mother had hut recently returned from Ohio to spend the winter in Frank- fort. Think of our painful suspense and let us hear from you immediately. Your brother affectionately, W. P. Fowler/^ "Princeton, Ky., Feb. 26, 1842.— My Dear Brother Little- ton: Your more than welcon^ie letter of Dec. 29, came duly to hand, together with yours written last Aug. ; the later relieved us from the most trying suspense occasioned by the report which reached us that you were dead. I rejoice to know that you are yet among the living; also, tluit you have been spared to see the day when you can claim me as a brother in Christ as well as one accoi ding to the law of consanguinity. On the 14th inst., during a protracted meeting held by the Methodists, C. Presbyterians, and Episcopalians, I made a profession of faith in the pardoning love of the Son of God. Eejoice with me, my brother, and pray that I may be faithful unto the end. Yoiu own feelings will suggest more to you than I can write on this subject. Thos. Wilson has also united with the Methodist church, with sister Polly Ann. It is needless to inform you that is the denomination of my choice. Brother Joseph is much interested also. "No doubt you have seen ere this the intense excitement occasioned in the U. S. hy th_^ disastrous results of the Santa Fe Expedition; we have just learned that young Combs, Kendall, and others of our American citizens have been liberated by Santa Anna; had this not been done I have no doubt but that immediate hostilities would have been the consequences. We are looking for you and your family and praying for your permanent btay among us, your Ky. friends and relatives. You must come to my home at once. Hoping •^Mrs. James Taylor, formerly Miss Louisiana Loekwood, of New- port, Ky. MRS. DOROTHY ( FOWLER ) GIBBONS, PARIS, TEXAS. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 213 to see you soon, — may heaven bless you and yours. Affection- ately, W. P. Fowler/^' "Texas, Panola County, near the Lake, March 22, 1842.— My Dear Missouri: 1 have met with Brother Crawford by going five miles out of my way, so he could hand you this as he passes San Augustine. I have been much fatigued by hard riding the last three days and with Dobbin's lazy, rough traveling, added to feeble health. Saturday I reached the home of my old Alabama friends and remained with them until Monday. I shall be able to reach Clarksville in two or three days more. I have taken dinner with a pleasant family with which I may decide to spend the night, for an- other half -day would take me to the haunts of old Kose ( ?), 'the Lion of the Lake.' I hear he has given himself up and is now in the hands of our civil authorities, but I am not anxious to make the acquaintance of any of his confederates. Do not feel alarmed about invading Mexicans, as I judge it is only a marauding banditti who have taken San Antonio. Do not let any man living have 'Old Plumper' until the Mexicans cross the Attoyac. May God bless you and take care of you. Littleton Fowler.'' "Republic of Texas, Sabine County, Feb. 3, 1843.— Col. J. H. Fowler : Dear Brother John. — This will be handed you by the Rev. John C. Wool am, who is the young preacher appointed to the Lamar Mission which is to be formed south- west of Clarksville. You will find him a gentleman worthy of all confidence, and of course you and your family will receive him and treat him as a brother and friend. He has lived in my family more than a year, and I have as much confidence in him as in any man. I am writing in a great hurry, for I have to start at once for a doctor for my step- "It is interesting to note the back of this letter, which is marked "Paid $1.50. Steamship Neptune," showing the cost and precaution necessary to get a letter to Texas in 1842. Judge Fowler often emphasized the fact that he sent his letters to Texas by the hand of some friend going by steamboat to New Orleans, who was to hand in person to the Texas agent, who would in turn send it on its way if accompanied by a good price. 214 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. son (Symmes Porter), and one is not to be found nearer than sixty or seventy miles. Symmes has been long and sorely afflicted with the dropsy; lie has not walked since fonr months past. Our relations in Kentucky are all well; brother Joseph intends to be at your house this month or next; he will either come or go by. Missouri joins me in love to you and famil}^, also to Bradford and Jackson. I want to write pages, but have time now for only this hasty scrawl. God bless you. Your brother, Littleton Fowler." "Pin Hook, Lamar County, Texas, June 5, 1843. — My Dear Brother Littleton: Shortly after you left I moved in to Pin Hook [now Paris] and took charge of the school, which can be made profitable if thi- money can be collected. Xow, in answer to your proposition regarding the establishment of a college^ under the Methodist influence at San Augustine, it depends on wdiat salary I could get. It would be gratifying to me to live near you so our families could enjoy each others^ society, but 1 am not partial to your section of the Kepublic and less so to the character of society about San Augustine; there may be a change for the better since I knew it. 1 wonder that the church should want the college located there. You say our section of country labors under the disadvantages of no navigation; 1 do not see that yours is any better in that respect. "Ten days ago 1 prosecuted a man for an attempt to poison a whole family — neighbors of mine — by putting arsenic in the steel mill used for grinding their meal. I conducted the prosecution with greater strength than ever before, — it was as good as I ever heard deposed in a court of justice, — yet the court failed to bind him over to the district court for want of sufficient testimony. There was no positive proof, yet the chain of circumstantial evidence was the strongest possible. The escaped criminal, who has had restored to him all the privileges of respectable citizenship, now threat- ®He was made Professor of Ancient Languages; the institution was called Wesleyan College. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 215 ens my life,'-^ and I must confess that my apprehensions are insufferable, because he is the kind of a coward who would always stab a man in the back under cover of the dark. I even sleep with my weapons at hand. He knows I am con- stantly on my guard. I now think that my family and self will be at your home by Nov. : also, that Brad and I shall yet secure that leviathan filly. Our love to yourself and family. Your brother, A. J. Fowler.*' 'Tin Hook, Lamar County, June 3, 18^3. — Dear Brother Littleton: I have just returned from the great country of Arkansas; I passed over the same road you traveled and just behind you all the way to Washington. I heard that you came very near losing your horse — and perhaps your life — in the quicksands of the Red Eiver. I have just finished a week's hard labor in defending a poor fellow — privately, I believe him to be the most depraved of creatures — on a charge of attempted poisoning. No circumstance has caused so much excitement in our vicinity. Jack did his duty to the Republic and made a strong and able prosecution, but I succeeded in having the charge dismissed and in the release of a most dangerous character who ought to have been hung ; but this is law. * * * Present my warmest esteem to sister. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you both in your home very soon. May Heaven bless you both. Truly and sincerely. Brad C. Fowler.'^ "Princeton, Ky., Aug. 10, 1843.— My Dear Brother Little- ton: This leaves all our family in good health, with the exception of brother and sister Wilson, who are a little under the weather. Your letter dated in last spring and one from sister Missouri of last month to Willie [Wiley] and Araminta were read to me wdth deep interest, especially that relating to your stepson and my poor twin brother John, whose earthly happiness seems to bo at an end. Oh how changed are our earthly aspirations ! How firm and steadfast we "The desperado did enter the home of my father one night with the intention of murdering him, but when he found his intended victim prepared to receive him, he fled like the coward he was. 216 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. should Ijo in our affections in things eternal; we should put our trust in God, then then^ would be no disappointments. Elvira (his daughter) is married to E. B. Snelling, of Mis- souri, who is an entire stranger to me, only that he is the son of Yincent Snelling, formerly of this county, Init now living in Platte County, Mo., which is in the northwestern part of that State. Brother Thomas Wilson will probably move there this coming fall. * * =^ I ean not close this letter without telling you of the profession of religion by your namesake in my family; it was at a camp-meeting on Bird Creek, in Trigg County, when Littleton's profession was clear and strong. Help me to thank and praise God for His mercies to me and mine. I am endeavoring to live more humble and more devoted to the religion of Christ than in many years. Pray for me. Should we never see each other again in this world I hope to meet you in Heaven, for through grace I hot)e to get there. Your brother, J. W. Fowler.'' (Joseph AYright Fowler.) "At Shelton's, Lamar County, Tex., Sept. 1, 1843. — Dear Brother Littleton: I have been very anxious to see you again to enjoy that brotherly society I so often crave, espe- cially of a brother fond and true, who has stood up for me through thick and thin and sustained my sinking spirits, as you have always done. Jackson is a friendly cold comforter, while Bradford tends to disconsole me; you alone can soothe me with the affection I need. I am living at Mr. Shelton's; his friendship is highly valued by me. After the coming session of court I may visit in Kentucky awhile. Till death, yours, J. H. Fowler.'' This letter is quite a long one, filled with a business scheme to get his brother Littleton to live with him on some lands near the mouth of the Trinity, also with allusions to his great trouble, — the separation of him- self and wife, who were never reconciled. His daughter Susan Clara and his son John Littleton grew up to be a great comfort to him; he lived with his daughter until death parted them. He died in ripe old age, — October 12, 1873, — as stated elsewhere. His wife resumed the name of ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 217 Alexander, that of her former husband and her first children. She visited her daughter — then Mrs. Peterson — in Paris, after the death of Colonel Fowler, whom she survived some 3^ears. The comparatively early deatli of the Rev. Littleton Fowler was as great a loss to his own family as it is possible to con- ceive, for they all in a measure leaned on him and looked to him for fatherly counsel and loving advice. His was the flawless life of a Christian that could stand the scrutiny of every day association in the family circle. ^Tlarksville, Texas, Sept. 29, 1843.— Dear Brother Little- ton : I hasten to inform you of the final decision of the court this morning, which relieves me of that almost in- supportable suspense which has oppressed me twelve months. The madam is to have all she brought into the firm, but I am to have my children. I look upon it as a righteous de- cision.^^ This is followed up immediately by another brief letter dated October, 1843: "Dear Brother: Mr. Shelton will deed one half of the farm near Clarksville to my two little children as a gift. I have been in council with him and others of my friends, when it was decided that their mother, although divested of every claim, is to remain there and take care of the children; under no circumstances is she to take them back to Arkansas. She was so pleased with this arrangement that she now says she will never again speak evil of me to the children, or anyone else. In haste — farewell. J. H. Fowler." The children did not remain with their mother very long, how- ever, for their father took them with him and kept them ever afterward. "Bowie County, Texas, Oct. 15, 1843.— My Very Dear Missouri : I am at my second camp-meeting since leaving home, which lovely retreat is about 175 miles distant from me now. I have visited our relatives ; John is divorced from his rib; the court gave her the property she had when she married him; to him it gave his children and all of his own property at marriage. My poor brother has suffered greatly 218 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. in what lie lia;s borne, but he seems now greatly comforted. Brother Jack and family wijl be at our house by the lime 1 return home; they go to visit her family; they have only one ehild now. He thinks of moving to Marshall to take charge of the school there, which 1 heartily approve. Brother Chisholm and family'" are now on this camp-ground; this country seems to agree finely with Alabama. I often pray for my little family, their Ik alth and happiness. My love to Symmes and the little (Uies. Adieu, my dear .M. Uod bless you. Your husband, Littleton Fowler." ^'Marshall, Texas, Feb. l(i, 1844.— My Dear Missouri: L arrived here safe and found brother Jack and household gods here, with his sister-in-law, ^'rs. Gresham, a lady with wdiom I am much pleased; she will have charge of the female de- partment of the school, which will begin next month. Jack has fine prospects for a school. His wife is still at her fathers; she has a fine hoy (Nathan Godfrey), aiid both mother and babe are doing well, ^ly health and fiesh are hotli on the increase; my coat is getting too small for me; whenever 1 eat I am constantly made to blush at the enormity of my appetite. I much admire this place for its beauty, health, and good water, witli its fair prospects; then it is only fourteen miles from the point of regular navigation on the lake. I wish to place Symmes here this coming w^inter for a year of study, at least, with brother Jackson. He asks to send his love to yon and the children. I preached here last night to a deeply attentive congregation, many standing through the entire discourse for want of seats. My love to Synnnes, kiss my dear children for me, God bless you, my dear wife. Your husband, Littleton Fowler/^ "New Orleans, Apr. 2, 1844. — My Dear Missouri : I reached this place last night by steamer without misfortune or alarm; met Brother Clark,^^ who got in Saturday; he has already engaged our passage on the American Eagle, a ^"Old friends. "A co-delegate from Texas to the General Conference. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 219 fine, large boat only two years old. This evening I learned that Louisiana [his wife's sister] is at the St. Charles, in company of Mr. Joel Baker, to whom she was married the Sunday before I left home. I have called on them since supper. He is a plain-looking man, who, I suspect, wears a wig [as did the Eev. Fowler]. He is an old beau of Marians; he is a merchant of Warsaw, Ky. This is a city of much noise and stir, of which I am heartily tired after my twenty- four hours' stay. I would be much better contented at home, or with my rifle in the w^ood^ over on the Tebo, than in this celebrated city. I have met many old acquaintances and shall no doubt meet others on their way as delegates to the general conference. "Brother Joseph's father-in-law is here; he tells me that sister Ginsey is very low and has been ever since the birth of her babe some time last month. I heard of brother Willie a few days ago; he was then at Paducah; he was about to dismiss court in consequence of the prevalence of small-pox and a disease called the black tongue^- in that section. All of your brother x4nthony's (Lockwood) family — Kate and the children — have had the small-pox. I find I shall have time to call on your relatives and get to New York in ample time for conference. I shall not visit my kindred until my return in May. My love to Symmes, kiss my dear children for me, and tell them that father will take them something when he goes home. Grod bless you. Your devoted husband, Littleton Fowler." "Steamer American Eagle, Miss. Eiver, 30 miles below Memphis, Apr. 8, 1844. — My Dear M. : My health remains good, but Brother Clark is still indisposed and keeps to his room. I trust that you have set up your altar of prayer, where you will pray night and morning with our children, remembering your absent husband in such fervent prayers as I know come from your heart and will be heard in Heaven. We have a goodly company of fellow-passengers, who are "The cholera. 22(j ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. quite respectable. I preached to them on yesterday — Sunday — at the request of the captain and some of the travelers through him ; they all seemed to listen with interest. Brother C. was too unwell to assist me. Though I do not intend to write you a love-letter, yet 1 do say in my heart that for months past I have loved you more fondly and tenderly than in any period since I have known you. I have thought all along that my attachment to you could not be greater, but I find 1 have been mistaken. This paragraph is for your own eye and heart ; should others see it I would be pronounced silly and childish. I have written a long letter to my cousin John W. Fowler at Memphis. I wrote you before leaving New Orleans of sister Ginsey's death; she left a babe two weeks old. Mr. Gray, her father, showed me the letter con- taining the sad news. My poor brother Joseph ! In such cases I do not know whether it is better to live or to die, when the other is no more.^^ My dear children — do they often speak of father? Tell them that father prays for them and mother every day. May God bless you. Your devoted husband, Littleton F." "Smithland, Ky., Apr. 12, 1844.— My Dear Brother Little- ton : I was more than anxious to see you on your way north ; I remained in town several days on purpose to see you as you passed up, but I happened to go out home the very night you came by. Brother Joseph has been to see us since his great bereavement; he is greatly afflicted, but he tries to become resigned. I hope you are making your plans to return to Ky. to live out your days. Furthermore, I hope the general con- ference will adjust the slavery question; let me hear from 3^ou as soon as anything transpires on that subject, as I am ^■^Their sister Ginsey died March 25. 1844, and her mourning hus- band soon followed her to the better land. The date of his death I have been unable to learn; it is elsewhere stated in a family letter that it was within three months of the death oi his wife's. His family was remarkably delicate and short-lived in consequence of inherited pulmonary weakness, which must have come from the Gray family, as the Texas branches of the Fowlers have no trace of lung trouble, except in acquired consumption, which is unusual with them also. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 221 regarding it with fearful apprehensions. I am afraid it will agitate profoundh^ our beloved church. Our brothers of the North do not understand the situation, therefore they can not appreciate it. They look upon slavery as an evil which will eventually bring calamity down on our nation, while we regard emancipation as equally calamitous to the South. Emancipation without the removal of the negro race will ultimately result in the complete extermination of one of the two races. I pray Heaven to direct aright our church on this subject. May you have grace to take you through what is before you, is the prayer of your brother, W. P. Fowler." "Cincinnati, 0., April 15, 1844.— My Very Dear Mis- souri : The kind providence of God has granted me a safe and pleasant journey to this city, w^here I arrived two days ago. I wrote you a double letter from Natchitoches, two or three from Xew Orleans, one on the boat near Memphis, — all of which I hope you have received. In Louisville I called on your sister Matilda Honore, whom I found in wretched health. Henry, her son, will quit the law and give his atten- tion to the store. On Saturday I took the stage for Hamilton (Ohio), reaching there about dusk; I found Mother Symmes, Americus and family all well; I preached there. Mother S. came with me in the stage and will take the packet in the morning for Louisville to visit Matilda, whom she has not seen in seven years. She promised me to visit you next winter, taking ^latilda or Maria with her. Your sister Mar- tha has been gone about two weeks to visit her son in Mis- souri, hence I shall not see her unless by accident. "From all I am able to learn I truly fear Texas will not be annexed to the U. S., the slave States all being opposed to it. In the morning I shall take the packet for Wheeling or Pittsburg. I think it likely I shall go by Washington City in company of delegates from Ky. and 111. The outlook is a stormy time coming in the conference on the slavery question. I am trying to possess my soul in patience. Your brother John (half-brother, John Cleve Symmes) is still at West Point and will not graduate until next June a year. He 222 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. is the idol of his motlier's heart. Maria^"* is much clianged and speaks of entering a convent in Saint Louis. God save her from such a fate ! I would rather see her dead. "Brother Willie was holding court in Smithland; when our boat passed, before day, 1 learned he was sleeping aljout sixty yards from the landing on purpose to see me; I ran there w^ith a lantern, but found no one but Judge Campbell ; he said Willie had gone out to his home only that evening. Both of the Givens and their wives have joined the Methodist church, Avith many other influential citizens of Smithlaiul. I shall write you from Xew York. ^ly love to Symmes; kiss my dear children and tell them I think of them and pray for them every day. God bless you. Your devoted husband, Littleton Fowler." "Baltimore, Md., April 2;?, 1844.— My Dear M. : From the time we left Wheeling to this Monumental City I traveled over the most romantic and uiouiitainous country I ever saw. At Harper^s Ferry the mighty mountains towered grandly above the railway, presenting a scene of awful sublimity. Tlio cars passed through several tunnels, one more than 400 yards in length, wlien wo were enveloped in midnight dark- ness. * * * J attended church yesterday, morning and cveniug, and I was struck with the apparent hciilth of the people, especially the women. I took note of the dress of the ladies for your benefit ; most of them wore plain silk bonnets like the one you had made in Ky. and took to Texas.^-'^ To- morrow we shall go to Washington to remain more than a day, retuiTiing to this place, whence we shall proceed to N. Y. via Philadelphia. "Maria Lockwood was a Kentucky belle for many seasons. At length, when her affections had become seriously involved, her lover was killed in a duel : hence this change arid sad determination, which she never carried out. She never married, but lived to a ripe old age. I have two old friends in Texas who were young girls in Cincinnati at the time of "Maria's" bellehood. ^^See the humanity of the devout man. No niatter if his wife was leading the life of a woman missionary in remote wilds, he knew she would like to hear how the women of the great world she had left were dressing, so he made notes of fashion accordinglv. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 223 ^'The treaty for the annexation of Texas has been signed b}' the President of the U. S. and the ministers of the Repub- lic, but it is still doubtful whether the Senate will ratify it. May God speed the cause and bring it to a happy issue. I hope to see Gen. Henderson [his San Augustine neighbor and friend] and Mr. Van Zandt [Texas ministers]. "I have just returned from the Nation's capital and shall endeavor to finish this epistle. While in W. I met many friends from many parts of the South, together with many distinguished men of our country. The capitol is the finest edifice I ever saw. The Patent Office is the old curiosity shop of America. I failed to see Gen. Henderson, as I could not find his abode. I very much fear Texas will not be annexed this session. The Senate is a dignified body, while the House is a howling mob, the most uproarious and disorderly parliamentary assembly I ever saw. Just as we reached the door of the House a pistol was fired; the explanation was that two members were fighting, when a stranger was pushed through the door by two other members, the expelled man firing his pistol at his assailants and wounding one man, though not seriously. The proceedings of the House are a disgrace to our country. I saw more disorder there in one hour than in both houses of the Texas Congress during the two years I served them as chaplain. While all of this is interesting, my home, my home in Texas, has more endearing charms than all the world. How I wish myself in the bosom of my family at this moment. Your devoted husband, Littleton Fowler." "New York, May 8, 1844.— My Dear Wife: I rejoice that your last letter brings the comforting assurances that you are all well; it is to me a source of much comfort that you pray night and morning with my children; this is to me the strongest earthly reason to hope that my life and health will be preserved until I again see my loved ones. The bishops are all here in health, with nearly two hundred delegates from the conferences of the U. S. We have had some fine speeches and many very poor ones. The prospects are for a long ses- 224 ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. sion, and my stay from home will be the more protracted. There are five standing committees, and I am on three of them, which keeps me very hard worked. I have preached twice in this London of America. I may see things in a gloomy light, but it is my firjn conviction that the ]\Iethodist church will be broken in twain, — Virginia, Kentucky, and the Southern States one part, all the Northern States the other. If by a sacrifice of my own life I could prevent this calam- itous result, 1 would die without tver seeing my family again. My poor heart is almost broken and my only relief is in tears. There is much excitement among the members and it is daily increasing, with fearful apprehensions entertained by all. We may be here until some days in June. My love to Symmes, kiss our little ones. 'Bishop' (little Littleton) is talking finely by now? Pray for your husband, Littleton Fowler.'" ''Apr. 21, 1845 (at brother Willie's, State of Ky.).— My Dear M. : I arrived here late yesterday evening on the Ambassador, a fine boat which I came up on from the mouth of Eed Eiver. I declined going by New Orleans, as it would give me less time to spend with my relatives here in Ky. Brother Willie's family is well; he left Paducah just one hour before I got there; he is to be gone four or five wrecks; I fear I shall not see him at all. To-day I shall start out to go to see Brother and Sister Wilson [his sister Polly Ann and her husband, Thomas B.], in company of my nephew Littleton [Joseph's son], who is now working in the store of Henry Given, of Smithland. It grieves me to learn that brother Joseph^s estates w^ere much involved; it will not be worth more than $2000 or $3000 when all is settled. This admonishes me to owe no man anything but good will. Ara- minta [Joseph^s daughter], is living with brother Willie; two of the other children are with sister Polly Ann; one with Elvira, in Mo. ; and the others are with the Grays. "Many of my old friends in this part of the world are no more. This is the thirteenth day since I left home, you, and the dear children. Everv cvenins^ since I left vou I have ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 225 looked on the setting sun with emotion, for it is toward the west where my loved ones are; the}' are more dear to me than all this world beside. Kiss the children for me. Tell Mary to pray for her father every day. Tell Littleton to be a good boy, mind his mother, and love his sister. Tell Symmes to be studious, and, if he surpass any in his classes, I shall give him a handsome present after the examination. God bless you. Your devoted husband, Littleton Fowler." "Natchitoches, Louisiana, Nov. 6, 1845. — Rev. Littleton Fowler: My Dear Brother. — I have hoped for the pleasure of visiting you and your interesting family while returning from this trip, but circumstances will prevent. Our case has not yet come up and I am not able to tell now whether it will be disposed of during this term of court. The bar here seems courteous to attorneys from our foreign govern- ment. I shall be able to appear as the attorney in the case, with no doubt of ultimate success. "Cousin George (Wright) and I both will be compelled to return through Arkansas to attend to some matters connected with the business there. I am in fine health, but tired to death with this den of perdition, the chief of vice and im- morality; even more wicked than when I first visited it fifteen years ago. If I am permitted to see Mary Ann [his wife] any time soon, I shall never again remain so long absent from her. This I wrote to her yesterday. Believe me, your brother affectionately, Brad C*. Fowler." This is the last one of the letters to the Rev. Littleton Fowler. He passed to his heavenly reward on January 29, 1846, in his forty-fourth year, wept and mourned for as none but good and generous men are lamented. His years were few, but "We live in aeeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, leels 'he most, acts the best." According to his deeds his life was long and glorious. May we, his blood and kindred, never forget his loving heart, 15 -- Fowler. 226 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. his gentle spirit, his practical Christianity. He and his life have occupied more of these records, from the fact that his writings and his letters from kindred are my sources of information. His wife was a methodical woman, and she saved everything in the fond belief that historians to come would value such material in a written life of the missionary to the Republic of Texas. "The Life and Letters of Littleton Fowler, a Missionary to the Republic of Texas," will follow this family record, prepared by the compiler of this work. It will embrace the early history of the Methodist church in Texas. The year 1846, to which we have arrived in the family letters, finds the lamented Fowler dead, his brother Joseph and wife, of Princeton, preceding him in death more than a year. The youngest brother was living in San Augustine and teaching in the Wesleyan College, which institution was the cherished fruit of the early labors of his missionary brother. The following extracts are from the letter of a Mrs. Tabor, a neighbor and friend from San Augustine, who was visit- ing in Kentucky: "Mrs. M. M. Fowler. — ^^My Dear Sister Fowler: I hardly know how to address you since I have heard of the death of our beloved brother Fowler. His last letter to me lies open before me and I have wept over it. * * * T was at a camp-meeting in this county (Trigg) when 1 met his sister, Mrs. Wilson, and her husband last Sabbath, We had a long talk and wept together. She says she is determined to go to see you, her brother Jack and sister Martha (Jack's wife). I intend to visit her if possible before I leave the State. They are building a large house on the road about half a mile from the one they now occupy. She has two of her brother Joe's children (boys) with her. She says for you to kiss Mary and the Bishop for her. Tell your brother Jack to write to me and tell me all the news, literary, re- ligious, and political. Give my love to Mrs. Sexton and Mrs. Henderson [two old friends of the family in San Augustine]. May God mercifullv soothe vour broken heart. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 227 Truly your friend^ Frances V. Tabor."* Dated September 27, 1846, Empire Iron Works, Trigg County, Kentucky. Bradford C. Fowler's letters come to an end here; he is personally lost sight of in these records. The surviving members of the family, my aged mother among them, say that he went to California during the gold fever, but I have failed in my endeavors to find the exact year of his departure from Texas, the part of California he went to, or where he died there, and when. He left no children, hence this ap- parent lack of interest in him by his brothers and their families. One fact has particularly impressed me in my researches in these family letters, that is, the most important ones on the death of a member are usually missing. I have con- cluded that they must have been passed on to other relatives — by hand — and never returned to the original recipient. The following is to a particular friend of the Fowler family who lived in San Augustine, Texas, and it seems to have been handed the Avidow of the late Littleton Fowler, who re- tained it: '^Mr. F. B. Sexton. — My Dear Sir: I received your kind favour left for me at this place, and I regret much that I did not have the pleasure of a personal interview with you. In compliance with my sister-in-law's request I have made certain arrangements to purchase a slab for my brother L.'s grave. I have written to Frankfort, to Messrs. S [illegible] and Baker, to select a suitable one, — I directed the inscription, — which they w^ould forward to some house in Louisville near the steamboat landing, so you can get it on vour return. There are no tombstones cut in our vicinity; I made the selection of this stone because it is the product of his beloved Kentucky. I have already written sister Missouri the particulars. I need not say that I feel great anxiety for its safe conveyance to Texas. Next to my own I feel a greater solicitude for my lamented brother's family, their necessary comforts, and an education for the two children. I do not know brother Jackson's financial circumstances, but I know 228 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. he will do all he can to aid aud comfort his brother's stricken family. My court duties for the spring term will probably terminate in time for me to see you on your return by Smithland; if so, I shall endeavor to accompany you some distance in order to learn more of the particulars of my brother's death. Adieu. Yours truly, W. P. Fowler." Dated April 18, 184G, Smithland, Xy. The wife of Judge W. P. Fowler, Esther Araminta (Given), died July 1, 184T, but the letter conveying any such intelligence to Mrs. M. M. Fowler is missing. There is a long break from 18-iG to IS-tU, and we take up the personal extracts in a letter from Colonel J. H. Fowler of Paris, Texas, which brings postal history down to envelopes, as this letter is not sealed with wax or addressed on the blank page always left for the superscription. How much sooner envelopes appeared in Texas 1 have no means of knowing just now. Colonel Fowler had been on a visit to his sister-in-law, who was by this time Mrs. John C. Woolam, having married the Eev. Littleton Fowler's i)rotcge, who was another Methodist preacher. "Lamar County, Tex., ^lay 15, 1841). — My Dear Sister: On my return home 1 wrote you a long description of my trip, which was not unpleasant considering the disagreeable season. 1 have just received a letter from brother Willie, in answer to the one I wrote him from your house, in which he confirms the report we had heard, that of his marriage to Mrs. Barnett, a most excellent lady, a childless widow ; for the latter fact he should be most warmly congratulated. * * * My children are doing particularly well at school. * * * The California fever has desolated our part of the country, with many abandojied farms in the land. I wish success to those who go to seek gold, but I do not believe in it. Your Ijrother, J. H. Fowler." "Smithland, Ky., Feb. IT, 1851.— Mrs. M. M. Woolam: My Dear Sister. — I freely confess my great negligence of you and my other relatives >ince the death of my wife. I was so troubled and so immersed in business affairs, which ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 229 called my attention from everything else. I am still living near Smitliland, where I may continue to reside the re- mainder of my life. Dickson, my oldest son, is in the mer- cantile business with his uncle Augustus Given, in Paducah; Joseph is in business with H. F. Given in Smithland; Dick- son has been at Cincinnati some time finishing his education. James Whyte, Augustus, and Willie are all with us at home and going to school; they are all promising boys. * * * Where is brother Jack? Have you seen or heard from my other hrothers lately? [This leads one to infer that Brad- ford was then living.] Though a stranger to me, please tender Brother Woolam my warmest fraternal feelings. My dear sister, forgive me and write to me immediately. Ever your affectionate brother, W. P. Fowler." The following is from the same writer to the same re- cipient, and is dated June 17, 1851, Smithland, Ky. : "Dur- ing last summer, when the great compromise question was pending in Congress and involved in so much doubt, I fixed upon some place in Texas for a refuge for me and mine when the storm should burst. Xow I trust this national trouble has passed over, although I confess that the signs of the times still fill me with grave apprehensions. * * * We have had the cholera among us this season ; among its victims in Princeton was Mr. Gray, brother Joseph's father-in-law. "]^Iy two eldest sons are in business for themselves. Dick- son is below medium height; Joseph will be large and of fine personal appearance; White, Littleton, and Willie are with us; Willie is small and extremely delicate; I fear we shall never raise him. Brother Joseph's oldest son (Little- ton) married a few days ago m Miss (Harriet) Love, of Nash- ville; she is finely accomplished and of a reputable family. You remember my wife, who was Mrs. Barnett when she called on you when you were visiting Mr. A. D. Given. You should remember her as a sensible, agreeable lady with whom you were much pleased. She possesses business qualities of the first order. I hope you both will become better ac- quainted. I am gratified to learn of the progress of 'the 230 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Bishop" and Mary. May the blessings of Heaven be yours. Your brother, W. P. Fowler.'' Again : "Smithland, l\y., March 7, 1852. — My Dear Sister Missouri : I am rejoiced to hear of the progress your children are making in their studies. I have some ditficulty in preventing my' two oldest sons from taking the California fever and leaving at once for that distant region of gold and outlawry. Many have gone and returned with fortunes, while more have failed. ''I started my son James (White) to La Grange College a few days ago; 1 intend that he shall graduate at that in- situation. Littleton A. is living with his uncle Given in Paducah and going to a most excellent school; Willie is at home and going to school; he is one of the most studious of his class. We have a little girl, an orphan and a distant relative of my wife; she is at a female seminary in Union County; so you see I am trying to do something to carry out my theor}^ that an education is a fortune bestowed. My regards to Brother Woolam. My wife desires to be remem- bered in her love to you. May Heaven bless you in this world and the one to come. Your brother, W. P. Fowler."' ''Smithland, Ky., June 28, 1853. — My Dear Sister Mis- souri: My anticipated trip to Texas to visit you and the other relatives is given up for the present, at least. After selling my farms near here T had serious intentions of mov- ing to your country, as Mrs. Fowler was heartily in favor of it. Since that time I have purchased property in town, where I expected to live the remainder of my days; in so short a time those plans seem coming to naught. I seriously fear for my wife's health, which has been generally good; her physician thinks that travel and change of climate may be necessary for its complete restoration; he suggests Cali- fornia for a change. If she must go, one of my sons — per- haps Joseph — will accompany her. If she should find that she must continue there for permanent benefit, I may go there to reside, although it is late in life for such a change in all mv worldlv afi'airs. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 231 "Dickson and Joseph are lully grown; I am pleased with their habits and business capacity. Dickson is a little under medium size but of good personal appearance; Joseph ex- ceeds six feet in height, is finely proportioned, and is pro- nounced handsome; they are both in business for themselves and making money.^^ James W., Littleton A., and A\ l are at home with us and progressing most satisfactorily under one of the best teachers I have ever seen in or out of college. James is well grov/n for his age; he will be only medium size, and bids fair to be the best looking of the family; Littleton will make the largest man of any; he will be homely, though steady, auvl a great lover of money ; Willie is small and slender, rather hard-favored but exceedingly sharp and self-willed. In these remarks I have indulged to the limit the pride and vanity of a father in thus presenting my boys, but your mother-heart will forgive and make all allowances. * * * Brother Thomas Wilson is still liv- ing on his farm in Trigg County. He is quite wealthy. Sister Polly Ann has not had good health for the last few years. The loss of her little daughter (Clara Ann) has been a great affliction to her. * * * Well, my dear sister, we are still trying through grace to live right, and, though we ma}^ never meet again, and though we may be buried far apart, I indulge the glorious hope that we shall meet in joy when all of earth is ended with us. May Heaven's choicest blessings rest on all you hold dear in life. Your brother affectionately, W. P. F.'' Here occurs a break of twenty years' silence ; not that there was a silence of such length, but Mrs. Woolam either ceased saving the family letters, or else they were destroyed, — these of an earlier date escaping the destruction usual in most families. The eldest granddaughter of the family of John Littleton Fowler, of Paris, Texas, — Adella, — has sent to me the last letter — perhaps — ever written to her grandfather, John Hopkins Fowler, by his brother W. P. Fowler, of ^''They must have inherited that quality from the Given family. 232 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Smitliland, Ky. This was written in August of 1873, and Colonel Fowler died the ensuing October. ^^Smithland, Ky., xVug. 2o, 1873.— Colonel J. H. Fowler: My Dear Brother. — Your very welcome favor of the 19 instant reached me on the 2'S, which circumstance seems to reduce the distance between us, bringing Texas to my own doors. 1 regret to learn of the return of your old atliiction (rheuma- tism). As far back as 1 can remember you our father had heated rocks placed in a hole in the ground, over which you were placed wrapped in blankets, when you were steamed for your swollen knees. 1 supposi- the disease is constitutional and will ever remain; to mitigate youi- j);in)xysms is alK)ut all you can ever hope to do, 1 suppose. * * * Yesterday ended a very perplexing lawsuit which has Ijeen pending more than a year. Mis. Fowler loaned a man nearly four thousand dollars of her own means, taking a mortgage on his property to secure herself, lie, his brother-in-law, and two sons all committed i)erjiiry and forgery to defeat the suit for the property. 1 do not think the property covers the debt. * * * In my last letter I deferred mentioning anything on your open polar sea theory while hoj^ing to get a full account of Captain Hall's observations should the Polaris ever be found, or her journals recovered. The cholera has subsided in Paducah and all of our family escaped ; none were even attacked. 1 hope to hear from you often. God bless and preserve you in this life and save you in the next, is the prayer of your Ijrothci", W. P. Fowler.'"' The open polar sea theory was a hobby of Colonel Fowler's. I often heard it discussed in family circles when I was too young to understand or feel interested. In later yeajrs I endeavored to get the privilege of examining some of his wa'itings on the subject, also much of his writing in verse, but I was never so favored. A few years ago Mrs. R. Peterson lost all of her family relics by fire; I now^ se^riously fear that none of the writings are extant. In the summer of 1874, when I was a schoolgirl of six- teen 3'ears, I visited my uncle and aunt in company of my ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 233 brother Henry B. Fowler^ in the year prior to his marriage. "Mount Elm/' the home of Judge and Mrs. Fowler near Smithland, was ideally lovely in its situation on the Ohio River, for I had never lived on a water course. The quaint old house embosomed in noble elms on a bold bluff overlook- ing the ever interesting river, with its continually passing steamboats, makes at the present hour one of the most beautiful pictures of memory. My uncle was so courtly and interesting; my aunt, who was suffering from ill health — as was also my brother — so motherly, kind, and gracious; my brother so jolly and hopeful despite his bad health. All three of my companions of that brief, bright summer have "passed to that silent bourne from whence no traveler re- turns,'' and I alone am left to tell the story of that summer's sojourn "in the land of my fathers" with the only living brother of my father, who was then living also. The charm- ing friends, both young and old, of my dear uncle and aunt are cherished in sweet remembrance yet by the then care-free, buoyant girl, and how like dream-friends in a dream-world they all now seem after a quarter of a century ! Shadowy and dim is the remembrance of our tearful farewell to our wee])ing aunt on the boat landing; the affectionate company of our loved uncle on the steamer as far as Paducah ; a kindly face looking into mine from the back of my chair, as we sat at supper, when uncle introduced my "Cousin Dick,'' — only a few murmured words and he was gone out of my life as suddenly as he had come, like ships that meet and hail "All's well" and pass on their way never to meet again; the wait of several hours in Paducah, when uncle called with us at the home of Captain Dick Fowler, where we met his invalid wife, the vivacious daughter "Lollie" and her young husband, Mr. Given; the next call at the home of Captain Joe Fowler, and the brief meeting with his good wife and the bevy of interesting little girls who hovered affectionately near their grandfather; the last farewell to our dear uncle, "the grand old Kentucky gentleman;" then we were home- ward bound to Texas and Palestine. Was it not all a dream? 234 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Xever, never from that day to this have I met one of the friends or kindred whom 1 met that lotus-eating summer, with one exception.^' He was a staid husband and father who had been "one of the boys"' of Smithland, when I was a visiting girl. My loved umle and aunt have gone to their glorious reward; my good brother is in his grave; and the quaint old house of ''Mount Elm/*' with all its tender asso- ciations, has gone up in flame and smoke. Nothing remains but the remembrance of the kindly and loving interest in tlie little Texas niece. Something beautiful passed through my life when I met and knew Uncle Wiley and Aunt "Sallie Fowler. Mr. John Haynes, in Austin, Texas. 18U8. CHAPTER XL 'A shipwrecked sailor, buried on this coast, Bids you set sail; Full many a gallant ship, when we were lost, Weathered the gale. ' — [Theocritus. DESCENDANTS OF BULLAKD AND BATHSHEBA (CRUDUP) FOW- LER, FORMERLY OF WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, LATER OF CARROLL COUNTY, TENNESSEE. BULLARD FOWLER was the fifth son of GODFREY FOWLER, SR., AND RAHAB (COOPER) OF WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. He was born November 28, 1776, presumably in Wake County (as his father God- frey, St., is recorded as being a citizen of that county in 1772). He married Bathshel)a Crudup (who was born April 25, 1783, and who died in October, 1852, in Carroll County, Tennessee). Bullard died in Wake County, March 12, 1823. His widow and nine children moved to Blount County, Alabama, to rejoin BuUard's brother John, an early settler in that county, but they remained there only about two years when they went to Carroll County, Tennessee, near Bul- lard's youngest brother William who had married Mourning Crudup, a sister of Bathsheba. The date of neither removal is given by Dr. Joseph Godfrey Fowler, of Christmasville, Carroll County, or by Mr. J. W. White, of Greenfield, Weak- ley County, both of whom are descendants of Bullard and Bathsheba. They had nine children : Josiah Crudup, God- frey, Jasper, Tillitha, Lucinda, Louisa, Lac}^, Betsy, and Emily, JOSIAH CRUDUP FOWLER was born June 7, 1806, in Wake County, near Raleigh, N. C. ; he married Martha Cooper, daughter of Joseph Cooper, who was born March, 1810, and died March 11, 1868. Josiah C. died in Carroll County, April 4, 1870. (Dr. Fowler, son of Josiah, forgets to enter marriage dates of his grandfather Bullard or his 236 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. father Josiah C.) Josiali C. and Martha (Cooper) Fowler had only three children: 1. JOSEPH GODFREY, ])orn Xovember 10, 1835; studied the profession of medicine in Memphis, Tenn., graduating in the Medical University of Louisville, Ky., in the winter of 1864-'65, and has Ijeen an active and successful practitioner ever since. He married Martha Elizabeth Jouett, daughter of Thomas Jouett of middle Tennessee, in Overton County, October 22, 1861; they had seven children, four daughters and three sons: 1, Alvin Crudup; 2, Xora Alice, mai'iied John X. ^IcDonald in the year 1885 and has five children ; 3, Emma Blanche, married Isaac McDade and has four children ; 4, Martha Edna, mar- ried Robert C. Manly of McKenzie, Tenn., and has one child; 5, Stella; G, James Palmer; 7, Milton. Martha Eliza- beth (Jouett) Fowler died November 12, 18T9. Dr. J. G. Fowler married his second wife, Mary P. Liles, daughter of Daniel Liles, Carroll County, Tennessee, March 30, 1881 ; of this marriage there were four children: 1, Leila Belle; 2, Mary Helen; 3, Joseph Simons; 4, Edward Robert. Their mother, Mary P. (Liles) Fowler, died March 21, 1891. Dr. J. G. Fowler married his third wife, Sallie E. Bowden, daughter of the late E. G. Bowden of Paris, Tenn., on Jan- uary 29, 1895. The foregoing data were given by Dr. J. G. Fowler himself on February 8, 1900, Christmasville, Carroll County, Ten- nessee. He also gives the following: II. SrSAX MARY ELIZABETH FOWLER, eldest daughter of Josiali Crudup Fowler and Martha (Cooper) Fowler, born ^March 25, 1841 ; married Samuel C. Simpsox, of Claybrook, Tenn., in the year 1888, at Martin, Tenn.; she died at Claybrook, June 2, 1890, leaving no issue. III. MARTHA LOUISA, born March 16, 1845; married in the year 1870 J. H. Coleman, who died about 1885, leaving her a childless widow at his old homestead in Mc- Kenzie, Carroll County, Tennessee, where she still resides without remariTing. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 237 Dr. Fowler adds in a postscript to this communication : "In reading an old letter I find that I made a mistake in my former letter to you, which I now take pains to correct. My Uncle Godfrey Fowlers last postofiice was Big Spring, Marshall County, Alabama." In addition to the preceding I quote a few facts recently written me by Mr. H. H. Barcliff of Blountsville, Ala., in response to my many efforts to locate the descendants of the Godfrey Fowler, eldest son of Bullard, in Alabama. Mr. Barcliff says he lived neighbor to the Godfrey Fowler men- tioned, and knew him to be a good moral Christian, a Meth- odist. He was the original producer of the "Fowler apple,'' considered so fine in that State. He lost a son John in the l)attle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. He also states that God- frey Fowler's last postoffice was Big Spring, Marshall County, x41abama. DESCENDANTS OF GODFREY FOWLER AND HIS WIFE, MRS. MARY MARPHREE (bORN CARNS), OF BLOUNT COUNTY, ALABAMA. The following information is also contributed by Mr. John Fowler Musgrove, who has so kindly sent all the data of John Fowler and his descendants of Blount County, Ala- bama. He had not the family data at hand, as Dr. Joseph Godfrey Fowler of Christmasville, Tenn., but his inforuiation is valuable as an auxiliary to the other. It must be remem- bered that Dr. J. G. F. is a grandson of Bullard. "GODFREY FOWLER, SON OF BULLARD, was born about 1800 and came to this State about 1827, as near a>s I can learn. He married Mrs. Mary Marphree, whose maiden name was Carnes. They had three sons and three daughters : "1. JOSIAH BULLARD, born ; he married a Miss Staton and they had several children ; she died and he then married a Miss Jones and had another large family. He has been dead about two or three years; his children live in this and adjoining counties. The address of his son George Fowler is Liberty, Blount County, Alabama. 238 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. "II. MARGAKET, the eldest daughter, died when she had just attained young womanhood. "III. AXGELINE, the second daughter, married Jackson Deaver and had two children; when Deaver died she mar- ried Chandler, and they live in Marshall County (Alabama?). "lY. LUCIXDA, who never married and who lives on her father's old homestead in Blount County, and I think her postoffice is Brooksville. "V. JOHN, second son of Godfrey, was killed in the Civil War (elsewhere stated, in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn.). "JAMES, youngest son of Godfrey, has a family and lives in Blount County, and 1 believe bis j)ost()liice is Snead. I know little of his family." Mr. ]\Iusgrove adds: "Godfrey Fowler was a very firm man. He represented Blount County in tlie Cieneral Assem- bly.'' His features show rugged kindliness, with great de- termination and steadfastness of purpose. Later, Mr. Musgrove writes : "Relative to Godfrey Fow- ler's service in the Alabama Legislature, he was a member of the House of 1836, and I think he served one term in the Senate, but I am not positive as to that. He was a man of fine talents and highly respected. His eldest and youngest sons [ Josiah Bullard and James A. ?] were members of the same regiment with me. Tbey were both privates, but good soldiers. His second son, John, was in another regiment and was killed or died early in the war." [Li the battle of Murphreesboro, Tcnn.] There is something especially attractive in the quaint old picture of Godfrey Fowler and wife, which has been so well reproduced by our family artist, Mr. Cline Wilson of Russell- ville, Ky. The placid old couple sit out under their own apple tree. He shows a worthy pride in the "Fowler apple,'' — which is said to be very iine in the present day, — and for books, one of which he holds in his hand. Could thea-e be a simpler or more unique concent for a picture ? I had a letter from this Godfrev's voun^est and onlv living ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 239 son, James A. Fowler, whose postoffice is Friendship, Mar- shall County, Alabama, but I think he lives in Blonnt County. He promised me data of his own family and of his two sisters, but I have failed to receive the information. He incidentally said that he was born December 1, 1843, and he was kind enough to express the wish for the family record. I regret to have so little to teJl of him. CHILDKEN OF LACY ( FOWLER ) AND JOHN WORTHAM WHITE OF TENNESSEE. John Wortham White was born November 1, 1809; he married Lacy Fowler, daughter of Bullard and Bathsheba (Crudup) Fowler. Lacy was born July 26, 1814; married November 14, 1829; Lacy (Fowler) White died February 20, 1835; she had children: I. JOSIAH CHAELES, born February 12, 1831. II. LOUISA, born February 17, 1833. III. WILLIAM GODFREY, born February 14, 1835. John Wortham White married Louisa Fowler, sister of his first wife, on May 20, 1836; to them were born nine children : I. JAMES EDWARD, born July 3, 1837; he married Elizabeth E. Ray, December 19, 1864; she had two children: 1, Beatrice E., born March 16, 1866; 2, Emma L., born June 16, 1868. J. E. White's first wife died and he married Laura Barton, April 16, 1879, who bore him five children: 1, Edgar B., born March 10, 1881; 2, Conyers, born ; 3, Myrtle L., born September 15, 1884; 4, Grady K, born May 35, 1887; 5, Harry H., born April 1, 1890. II. TILLITHA ANN, born August 6, 1839; married — Perry, and lives near Whitesboro, Texas. III. ELIZABETH EMILY, born July 15, 1841. IV. JOHN WESLEY, born November 11, 1843. (See •elsewhere. ) V. BATHSHEBA CRUDUP, born September 12, 1846. VI. MARTHA VANDALIA, born April 6, 1849. 240 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. VII. ROBERT LAFAYETTE, born August 31, 1851. VIII and IX. FRANCES HASLETINE and AMANDA J. — twin sisters — born January 26, 1857; iVMANDA died young. John Worthani White died May 12, 1878. Louisa (Fow- ler) White died November 14, 1895. She was the last sur- viving child of BuUard and Bathsheba (Crudup) Fowler. Mr. John Wesley White, of the hrni of Mount & White, Greenfield, Weakley Country, Tennessee, is the author of the foregoing. He writes that he went to his sister's in Carroll County to consult the old family Bible so as to make sure of his dates. I sincerely regret that he failed to fill out the data of the families of his 1 brothers and sisters. DESCENDANTS OF J. W. WHITE AND JENNIE (PLUMMER) WHITE, OF GKEENFIELD, WEAKLEY COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Lacy Fowler, a daughter of Bui lard and Batlisliel)a (Crudup) Fowler, formerly of Wake County, North Carolina, later of Carroll County, Tennessee, was married to J. W. White, and after having two sons and a daughter she died; later her sister Louisa — who was the youngest, I believe — was married to the same man. i^uuisa had nine children, one of whom was J. W. White, the Jiead of tliis family, member of the firm of ]\rount & White, dealers in groceries, Greenfield, Tenn. His children: I. JOHN WILLIE, born May IG, 1872; lives in Uvalde, Texas, and is a telegraph operator. II. ROBERT LEE, born July 30, 1874; is railroad agent and telegrapher at Ruddock, La., in about thirty miles of New Orleans. III. JIM PLUM^ilER, born February 20, 1877. IV. JOE BURTON, born April 11, 1879; he is a licensed Baptist preacher. V. MARY LOU, born December 1, 1880. VI. LIZZIE, born February 23, 1884. VII. EDDIE, born November 9, 1887. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 241 J. W. WHITE was bom November 11, 181:3, and JENNIE PLUMMER, his wife, was born September 4, 1845 ; they were married July 30, 1871, in McKenzie, Tenn. A letter from this Mr. J. W. White (I am sorry I have not his name instead of his initials), dated "Greenfield (Weakley (Jounty), Tam., Jan. 1, 1900,'^ from which I extract: "Bill- iard Fowler, my grandfather, married Bathsheba Crndnp of North Carolina; he died in that State and his widow and nine children moved to Blonnt County, Alabama, where they remained about two years; then they moved to Tennessee (Carroll County). Godfrey Fowler, the eldest son of Bul- lard, married and lived in Alabama, dying there about the close of the war between the States. Some of his descend- ants still live in that State. My grandmother, Bathsheba Fowler, died, aged 85, at my father's about forty-eight years ago— about 1852. 'Old Adam,'\ a negro man she owned in North Carolina, who is now about eighty-five, became the property of Josiah in the division after grandmother's death ; he is still living. "All of Bui lard Fowler's children died in Tennessee ex- cept Godfrey, mentioned before. My mother, Louisa (Fow- ler) White, died aged eighty-four, in 1896. I send you a letter from uncle Godfrey to uncle Josiah, for you to read and return to me." [This letter was dated August 25, 1844, in Blount County, and was addressed to Josiah C. Fowler, McLemoresville, Carroll County, Tennessee. It was written in a good, bold hand, having few errors, which showed the writer to be a man of considerable education and refinement. He mentions no one personally but "mother" and "wife." It is an ordinary family letter, containing no news, with kind inquiries of the health and happiness of the family of his brother, also of "mother" and her family, with interest in prices of Tennessee lands. This was folded and sealed with a wafer, as in the days before envelopes and postage stamps, and was posted at Blountsville, Ala.] "Uncle Josiah Fowler was considered well-to-do, for he had about twenty negroes at the beginning of the war. He 16 — Fowler. 242 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMIL'i. had three ehihlren : Dr. Joseph Godfrey Fowler of C^hrist- masville, Carroll County, Tennessee; Martlia, who is Mrs. Coleman of McKenzie, Carroll County, Tennessee; and Susan, who is dead.'' [The writer sends me two faded ])ie- luTes, one of Josiah Fowler and his daughter Marllia (Mrs. Coleman at present), and one of Godfrey Fowler and his wife, of Alabama. Both pietures are very much faded, the features of Josiah being nearly entirely lost, while those of his daughter are plainer, showing rather a eomely young woman. The father has the nol)le and conspieuoiis brow of the family, wbitli is inhcM-ited by tlie present generation. Godfrey is of tall and angular stature, with deeply marked lines of face, resend)ling in a marked degree (V^lonel John H. Fowler of Paris, Texas. Godfrey's wife is a pretty, plaeid-faced old lady in a white eaj). 1 sincerely ho])e that both pictures, although faded and dim. .can l)e used in this record. 'Tis true that they were })lain pioiu'crs of a rude country, yet had they lived in our day, with our advantages of education and culture, they might have made far better and holier uses of them than our ease-loving selves have done. Who knows?] "My father, J. W. White, was a Baptist i)reaeher, and I have one son Joe who is lii-ensed to preach; he is still in school, is twenty years old, and 1 am pToud of him. Bullard Fowler had a brother 'Billie.' who lived for years and died in Henry County, Tennessee. He had three sons, — John, Crudup, and Jim ; of the daughters, Martha married a Dolla- hite; Harriet, Dr. Wm. Greer, whose son lives near Paris, Tenn. ; his name is William and he has a son Charley who is a Baptist preacher and a good young man. T went to school to Dr. Greer when I was five years old; he taught in a log schoolhouse back of fathers field. Another of Uncle Billie's daughters married James Dunn and they have some children in Henry County. John had one son ^vhose address I do not know. [James Edwin Fowler, near Clarksville, Ark.] *Jim' was a captain in the Confederate army ; he married a ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 243 sister of Governor Isliam G. Harris, and he has a son Rich- mond who lives near Paris. "Grandfather Bullard and his brother William married sisters. Josiah Crndnp lived in Xorth Carolina and was a Baptist preacher; he educated James, who is a Baptist preacher and lives in Paris, Tenn. ; he himself told me this several years ago. I do not know whether this Crudnp was a brother of Bathsheba. [Hei- father was Josiah Crudnp, who had a son Josiah who was a Baptist preacher and a member of Congress in 1823, so say Messrs. Kemp T. and H. B. Battle, of Winston, N. C] "The children of Bullard and Bathsheba Fowler were: Godfrey, Josiah C, Jasper (who died a young man in Ten- nessee)"^, Lucinda, Lacy, Tiliitha, Emily, Betsy, and Louisa. Lucinda married Tilman Johnson; her only living child is a practicing physician and a preacher in Texas,— postoffice unknown to me. Lacy married J. W. White and had three children; when she died her sister Louise later married the same man and she had nine children, of which I am one. Father died twenty-two years ago (1878). Modier was the last of the Bullard Fowler children to die, which was four years ago. I have one brother in Greenfield and one sister living near Whitesboro, Texas, and two sisters in Carroll County, Tennessee, while the others are all dead. Tiliitha Fowler died unmarried when al^out sixty-five or seventy years old. Emily married Owen White; had four children; two are living. Betsy married John Yergan; had four or five children." ADDITIONAL AUTHENTIC INFORMATION OF MOURNING AND BATHSHEBA CRUDUP, WHO MARRIED THE T^VO BROTHERS, WILLIAM AND BULLARD FOWLER, OF WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following letter of Dr. Kemp T. Battle, of Chapel Hill, N. C, is here quoted in paragraphs: "I shall have to get my son, Dr. H. B. Battle, of Winston-Salem, N. C, to 244 ANNALIS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. answer your question;., as he has the family tree information. * * * Elizabeth Battle married Josiah Crudup, and their son Josiah Crudup was a Baptist preacher and a member of Congress about lS2o. * >^ * j[ knew years ago a William Fowler in Wake County, but 1 can not, without a glanee at our tree, tell exactly liow he was related to myself; I think he M^as a grandson of Elizabeth (Battle) Crudup. * * * I feel sure that my son will answer your questions to the best of his ability. The name you inquire about is CuUen Battle. Very truly, Kemp T. Battle." Letter of Dr. H. B. Battle of Winston, X. C, dated De- cember i;, 18IM): "My father, \h\ Kemp T. Battle, of Chapel Hill, has referred to me your letter of the lifth instant, as I have been more actively engaged in the details of our family's genealogy. ■•" * =;= ] liaye carefully read your letter, and have tabulated the information you have received, which you will iind in the inclosed sheet, in ink, while my remarks are in pencil. Elizabeth Battle was the sister of one of the ancestors of our direct line of Battles, as follows: Elizabeth Battle jnarried Josiah Crudup; their children were John, Mourning, and Bathshel)a. William Battle, a brother to Elizabeth, had a son Joel, who had in turn a son William, who became the father of Kemp T. Battle of Chapel Hill, X. C. * '•'" * 1 have not yet been able to trace the direct connection between the William Battle who married Chloe Crudup Boddie and our line, though I suppose there may be some. Very respectfully, H. B. Battle.'^ Here follows his chart, or guide: "William Fowder married Mourning Crudup, and had children : Josiah, Piety, &c.'' He mistakes in calling the eldest son Josiah instead of Joseph. To resume : "Ballard Fowler, a brother to William, married Bathsheba Crudup, a sister to ^lourning, and had children : Godfrey, &c. Nancy Fowler, a sister to William and Bullard, married Xathan Verser (with line of descent, left blank). Another sister, Elizabeth, married Boddie'' (according to my information written him, which was an egregious mistake, as corrected ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 245 by Mr. Fred Battle of Arlington, Tenn., in a recent letter. He gives the Boddie line of descent in the Crudup line.) In passing, please let me say that all that is positively known of Elizabeth Fowler up to her marriage is that "she married a Richards and moved to Georgia;''— recorded in the late John W. Fowler papers. Mr. H. B. Battle then asks: "Are you not mistaken in regard to 5w?Zard, as written by yourself? Ballard is a common name in Wake and adjoining counties at this time, and our record gives Ballard, as above.'' In reply, I told him that all the Fowler papers, wills, deeds, division of property, etc., that I have turned to, to more particularly examine, seem Lo be written Bullard, without a single exception. The name goes back in the family to Petersburg, Va., to a son of Joseph the First, as is recorded in an old paper which belonged to the late John W. Fowler of Memphis, Tenn. The mistake of Mrs. Lydia C. Ray, in placing the Boddie line in the Fowler tree has occasioned a great deal of labor lost, with much attendant confusion, and Mr. Fred Battle of Tennessee has my sincerest thanhs for placing me right on that question. Mrs. Ray carries out the Verser line only partly, as fol- lows: "Nathan Verser and Xancy Fowler had a son Daniel who married Chloe Fort of North Carolina, a cousin to my father Benjamin Powell, aud moved to near Denmark, Tenn. They had sons William, John, Calvin, Fort, and Judson, and daughters ]\Iargaret, married — Cleaves, of Oakland, Tenn. ; Adeline, married a Boren ; Lucy, a Marley; and Bettie, a Wilson, I Ijelieve. Daniel Verser lived many years in Tipton County, Tennessee, and dying there he left many descendants in that county." 246 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY HOME or VVILL,[AM FOWLER NEAR PARIS, TENNESSEE, 1845. CHAPTER XII. "The smallest roadside pool has its water from heaven, and its gleam from the sun. and can hold the stars in its bosom, as wol! as does the great ocean. Even so the humblest can live as tlie greatest." DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM AND MOL'KXING (CKUDUP) FOWLER^ FORMERLY OF WAKE COUXTY, XORTH CAROLIX^A, LAT- TERLY OF HEXRY COUXTY, TEXXESSEE. The following is partly a repetition of facts contained in Mrs. Lydia C. Eay"s letter, but in the testimony of more than one is the truth made plainer. Mr. William Hilary Greer, who resides near Paris, Tenn., writes that his data are o:leaned from the old family Bible which belonged to William Fowler, who was the youngest son of Godfrey Fowler, Senior, and Eahab (Cooper) Fowler, his wife, both of Wake County, Xorth Carolina. William and Mourning had twelve children, five sons and seven daughters. "WILLIAM FOWLER was born February 8, 1779; mar- ried MOURXIXG CPtUDrr (born February 4, 1781), on ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 247 April 22, 1800; ^he was a daughter of Josiali and Elizabeth (Battle) Crudup, of Xorlh Carolina. She died in 1852 and he in 1854, both in Henry County, Tennessee, where he had moved in 1826. Their children were: "I. JOSEPH, born February 7, 1801, in North Carolina, where he remained and had a large family; the Fovders of that State at present are all his descendants. (See Joseph Fowler and his descendants.) "11. PIETY HESTEK, born March 18, 1803; married to Jonathan S. Wiggs about 1826 (it was December 21, 1834), and went to Marshall County, Mississippi. (To Holly Springs, 1835.) Tn Memoriam : Died, in Holly Springs, Miss., January 22, 1871, Mrs. Piety H. Doak, wife of B. M. Doak, aged sixty-eight years. She was a daughter of Wm. and Mourning Fowler, and she was born near Raleigh, N. C. She became a member of the Primitive Baptist church when twenty-six years of age. She moved with her parents to near Paris, Tenn., where she married J. S. Wiggs, December 1, 1834, and moved to Holly Springs, 1835, and she has ever since been a resident of this place. Mr. Wiggs died May 27, 1850, leaving her three eons and tw^o daughters. At the expiration of three years she was married to Mr. B. M. Doak. It was during her widowhood that the latent energies of her forcible character were called into exercise, developing her into a perfect womanhood. By perseverance and prayer she trained up her children to become useful and ornamental members of society, and they in return gave her true filial love and devotion. May that love constrain them to emulate her virtues and follow her Christian example, so that tKey too may be ready to answer the summons that must come to us all. She lived a long life in our midst, esteemed by a large circle of friends, who, in a common loss, mingle their tears of sympathy and regret.' The foregoing is a copy in part of the obituary of the subject, which was clipped from a Holly Springs newspaper and sent to me by Mrs. L. C. Ray, a niece of the deceased. An extract from the letter of Mrs. Eliza Helen (Fowler) Powell says: Tiety Hesl'er 248 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Fowler married Jonathan Wiggs. William, their eldest son, is dead; Joseph J., their second son, lives in Little Kock, Ark., and he is a successful seller of drugs; James A., the other son, lives in Memphis, Tenn." (Written July 2, 1882.) "III. CRUDUP BATTLE, born April 2, 1805; never married; died in Henry County, Tennessee, May 9, 1868. "IV. MARTHA HENDERSON, born April 4, 1807; married to Nathan Dollahite and lived in Weakley County, Tennessee. She died September 30, 1874, leaving seven children, as follows : Araminta Helen, Cornelia, Louise Mourning, Mary Jane, Hilary, Joseph Battle, and James Crudup. "V. MASON T., born February 14, 1809; married to William Ragan, then after his death to Bkaddy. She died without issue, in Mississippi; date unknown. "VI. ELIZA HELEN, born July 11, 1811; married to Benjamin Powell (formerly of Wake County, North Caro- lina), on December 22, 1828, in Henry County, Tennessee. She died in Johnson County, Texas, December 22, 1882, on the fifty-fourth anniversary of her marriage; she was aged seventy-one years. She was the mother of nine children: William Dempsey, Joseph I)., Thomas A., Benja Ann Helen ('Bennie'), Georgiana Isabella, John Calvin, Mary Mourn- ing, Lydia Caroline, Eliza Jimmie. "VII. HARRIET E. C, born July 11, 1813; married to H. H. Bondurant^ but had no issue; married to Dr. William Greer of Georgia, and had two children : I. William Hilary, born June 26, 1849; married to Leanah F. Haymes on Feb- ruary 5, 1873; she was born November 2, 1852; they had nine children: 1, William Charles, born January 28, 1874; he is a Baptist preacher, and is attending the Southern Baptist University at Jackson, Tenn. ; 2, Mary Harriet, born December 18, 1875; married to W. C. Clement; issue, one son, William Charles; 3, John, born January 6, 1878; 4, James Hilar}^, born January 11, 1880; 5, Elizabeth Leanah, born March 4, 1882; 6, Stanley Thomas, born. May 22, 1884; 7, Horace Edwin, born July 26, 1887; 8, Evelyn Liela, born ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 249 February 23, 1890; 9, Kalph Haymes, born February 13, 1894; died June 2G, 1894. 11. Mary Elizabeth Mourning, the second child of Harriet (Fowler) and Dr. William Greer, married J. W. Hastingh of Springville, Henry County, Tennessee, where they reside. (See further data.) "VIII. EOINA BEOADUS, born April 5, 1816; died in North Carolina about 1826. "IX. WILLIAM JOHN, born May 5, 1818; married Czarina Duncan, August 25, 1853; they had three children, two of whom died in infancy; the third is James E. Fowler of Clarksville, Ark.; he is married and has a family. (See elsewhere. ) "X. JAMES ELISHA, born May 2, 1820; married on March 6, 1848, to Lucy Caroline Harris, youngest sister of ex-Senator Isham G. Harris of Tennessee; they had three children: 1, Martha Ann Eliza Green, born February 15, 1852; died ; 2, James Richmond, born ; married Martha Davis, January 7, 1891 ; he resides near Paris, Tenn. : 3, William Crudup, born October 23, 1858; died April 8, 1875. James E. Fowler raised a company for the Fifth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers, C. S. A., which he com- manded as captain in the Civil War. He died April 27, 1899, aged seventy-nine years. "XL MARY JANE, born October 14, 1823 ; married to James Dunn; they had several children, four of whom are living, — E. B. Dunn, Bolivar, Tenn. ; J. B. Dunn, who mar- ried Letitia Moody, and has two children, Miss P. T, Dunn, and S. J., who married Minnie Nance, and has two daughters and one son. "XII. CALVIN CROCKER, born January 9, 1825; served through the Mexican War; married Elizabeth Adaline Dunn on January 31, 1850; died March 6, 1852, leaving one daughter, Annabelle, who died an infant. "The following are the members of William Fowler's family who are buried in the old Fowler burying-ground near Paris, Tenn. : . William Fowler and his wife Mourning (Crudup) Fowler, Crudup Battle Fowler, Calvin C. Fowler 250 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. and his infant daughter Annabelle, Dr. William Greer and his wife Harriet (Fowler) Greer. William Fowler came to Henry County, Tennessee, fiom Wake County, North Caro- lina, in 1826. David Fowler, a brother of William, came to this county at one time; while here one of his daughters married William Swor, who subsequently served as colonel of the Fifth Eegiment of Tennessee Confederate Volunteers. Another of his daughters married an Abernathy and lived in an adjoining county. One of her descendants is John Aber- nathy, Mixie, Carroll County, Tennessee. "One of Willianrs brothers (Bullard) married a Miss Cruduj), also a sister of William's wife (Bathsheba Crudup; see Mrs. Ray's letter). You can reach his descendants by addressing Dr. Josiah Godfrey Fowler,^ McKenzie, Carroll County, Tennessee. Mrs. Mattie Coleman, his sister, resides there also. "I should like a record for every one of my eight children. I am glad to aid you in vour undertaking in every way possible. Please indicate the particular line of investigation you wish me to work out for you. All of the relatives I have talked with about the Fowler Eecord are pleased that you are doing this work. With jnany best wishes, — Yours truly, W. H. Greer, Paris, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1899.^^ FAMILY OF MARY ELIZABETH ( GREER ) AND HER HUSBAND, J. W. HASTING^ OF SPRIXGVILLE^ WEAKLEY COUNTY^ TENNESSEE. I. LAURA HARRIET, born May 30, 1873; she graduated with the B. S. degree in 1892, in Clinton, Ky. ; she has been teaching ever since; she is at present teaching in Chat- tanooga, Tenn. II x\ND III. SUDIE AND LEILA— twins— born No- vember 30, 1876. -Leila died at the age of eleven years. ^Dr. Joseph Godfrey Fowler, Christmasville, Carroll County, Ten- nessee. See Bullard Fowler, of Wake County, North Carolina, and his descendants. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 251 Sudie iinislied lier coiiege studies at the Southern formal University, Huntingdon, Tenn. ; she is also a teacher. lY. WILLIAM HILARY, born January 21, 1879; he toolv the degree of A. B. at the age of nineteen and the B. S. at twenty, m the S. IN"^. University, Huntingdon; he is a boold^eeper for the lumber firm of Hasting <& Woodward. V. CORA C, born April 20, 1881; she is a B. S. from the S. N. U., Huntingdon; she is with her sister Laura, teaching music in Chattanooga. VL MARY WILSON, born August 30, 1887. VII. MILDRED, born June 6, 1890. VIII. LANE GREER, born in 1892; died in 1894. The foregoing data are furnished by Mrs. Mary E. (Oreer) Hasting, mother of this interesting family. I am sorry that her innate motherly modesty forbade her entering inla fuller details. How refreshing to find a family of aspiring daughters, like these mentioned. It was not stern necessity that forced them to a useful career, hut noble aspirations to be of use in the world, for their father is comfortably well-to- do. Y'oung women have no more right to fritter away golden youth than their brothers have, or young men to sow their ^Svild oats" than their sisters. This age is approaching a single standard of usefulness and morality for both women and men; if matrimony thrusts itself in the lives of women and will not be bidden doAvn, then she should enter that holy state as thoroughly equipped, mind, body, and soul, as the man; but if it fail to knock insistently and irresistibly at her door, she should fill her life with brightness and use- fulness, for only the idle in the world are utterly miserable. I doff my hat to the Hasting sisters — God bless them ! DESCENDANTS OF MARTHA HENDERSON ( FOWLER ) DOLLAHITE AND HER HUSBAND, NATHANIEL DOLLAHITE, OF WEAKLEY COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Martha Henderson Fowler, the second daughter of W^illiam Fowler and his wife, Mourning (Crudup) Fowler, was born 252 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. in Wake County, North Carolina, April 4, 1807; she moved with her parents to Henry County, Tennessee, in 1823 (1826). She was married to Nathaniel Dollahite in 1825 and resided in Weakley County, Tennessee. She died Sep- tember 30, 1874, leaving seven children, as follows: I. ARAMINTA HELEN, born ; married Fleming Goolsby; they had issue, one son and a daughter; both re- side in Greenfield, Weakley County, Tenn. The son married ; the daughter married William Boon. The son is cashier of the Greenfield bank; his mother is widowed and resides with him. II. COENELIA, born ; married to Robert Mosely; died and left one son, Hilary Dollahite, who resides in Greenfield; he is worth about $50,000 and is thirty-seven years old, but unmarried. III. LOUISE MOURNING, married Andrew Swaim; she died and left six children, four sons and two daughters. Ida,^ the eldest daughter, married Charles Harris ; they have five children and live in Como, Tenn. ; William Swaim is in the American army in Cuba; the other three Swaim brothers live in Greenfield, Tenn. ; they are Joseph, Guy, and Buford. The other daughter — Laura — married Robert Goolsby and has two children; she lives a few miles from Greenfield, Tenn. VlV. MARY JANE, married M. Ezzell in 1863; children: a, Martha ("Mattie'"), married Dr. J. L. Shannon; issue, three sons and one daughter. James, the eldest, married Fanny Moran and lives in Dresden, Tenn. Mr. Ezzell served in the Confederate army as first lieutenant of his company. Y. HILARY, who was in the First Tennessee Regiment -Ida was the eldest daughter of Louise Mourning Dollahite, who maiTied Andrew Swain; she was born at Pillowville, Tenn., January 5, 1859; she grew up in the village school of Gleason, Tenn.; married Charles Byron Harris, her school-fellow and playmate, June 12, 1883. Their children are: 1, Mattie Lou, born May 9, 1884; 2, Philip Dare, born February 3, 1886: 3, Ruth Loving, born September 23, 1888; 4, Will Doan, born December 4, 1890; 5, Joe Looney, born November 18, 1892. These children are attending school in Como, Tenn. Mr. Harris is a son of Perry Harris and Julia Looney. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 253 of the Confederate army. He was in a great many hard battles, and at length was taken prisoner but reported dead; his family never knew any better until he came home. He lives in Lytle, Texas, and has six children. VI. JOSEPH BATTLE^' was in the company of Captain James E. Fowler, his uncle, in the Fifth Tennessee Regi- ment, the first two years, then later in General Forrest's Brigade. He was only seventeen when he enlisted. VII. JAMES CEUDUP left his native State, Tennessee, and went to Santa Anna, Texas, where he died in 1897, leav- ing a wife and five children. His oldest son, Herbert Dolla- hite, is in the Philippine War. All of the foregoing data were furnished by Mrs. Mary J. Ezzell and her daughter, Mrs. Martha Shannon, Greenfield, Tenn. They also give the following kind sketch of Captain James E. Fowler, of Henry County, Tennessee: "James Elisha Fowler was born in Wake County, North Carolina, and was only a few years old when his father William Fowler emigrated to Henry County, Tennessee. He was educated for the profession of the law, but he did not like it, so his father gave him a fine farm on which he lived the rest of his long life. He married Caroline Harris, the youngest sister of Senator I sham G. Harris of Tennessee. James became the father of three children, only one of whom is living — Richmond, a son, who is married and lives on his father's old farm with his w^idowed mother. Captain James Fowler died in April of 1899. He was a brave officer who led his company through some hard battles of the Civil War, and his soldiers all loved him; in truth, he was loved by all who knew him w^ell, for indeed he was a good man. He was also very fine looking. He lost nearly all of his property after the war and he seemed never to have the ambition to renew his financial prosperity. In his last days he delighted most in the Confederate reunions, where he met again his ''Joseph Battle Dollahite also went to Texas, but he left there about ten years ac^o, and, as we never heard from him again, our only conclusion is that he is dead. 254 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. old companions in arms and recounted with them their many victories and defeats in battle/^ ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW OF CAPTAIN '"jIM"" FOWLER OF PIENRY COUNTY^ TENNESSEE^ NEAR PARIS, This is an extract from a letter written by Mrs. Joseph Fowler of Paducah, Ky., in answer to a question from me : ^'You wish to learn something of the Fowler who lived near Paris, Tenn., and whom I mentioned to Rees [Godfrey Rees Fowler] when he was here. Five or six years ago this Captain Fowler came to Paducah. to attend a Confederate assembly of some kind. The hotels were all crowded, and some one went to the store and told your cousin Joe that there was an old gentleman named Fowler who could get no room, so your cousin went over to the hotel at once and invited him to our home. He came and seemed a plain farmer in plain clothes, while in physique he was a facsimile of your uncle Wiley [Judge W. P. Fowler of Kentucky]. He was tall, straight, and broad-shouldered, courteous in manner, and seemed to have great reverence and tenderness for woman, and was proud of his record for honesty and integrity. He and his wife were aged theu, and, from what he said of his son and daughter, I inferred they were on the old maid and bachelor list. He told us that he had once met Judge Fowler and they had traced up a relationship,-- cousins, I believe. I have remembered him for his striking resemblance to one of the handsomest, courtliest, and loveliest of men — Judge Fowler'' [who was her father-in-law]. Another paragraph — answering my same question — dated 'New York, 1899, written by Miss Mattie Fowler, daughter of the writer of the preceding: "The temptation of seeing the immortal Dewey and his magnificent reception was too much for me, so I came from home (Kentucky), arriving here September 26 (1899). The celebration in honor of the great admiral was a sight never to be forgotten. It is also a great pleasure to be here visiting my sister's family," — Mr. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 255 and Mrs. Edmund M. Post and their little son Fowler; the last is a great pet of the doting auntie. She concludes her very interesting letter by mentioning others of the Fowler kindred who were also visiting New York at the time, — Mrs. "Gus" Fowler, of Paducah, with her daughter, Mrs. Camp- bell ; also Mr. and Mrs. Warneken, of Clarksville, Tenn. LETTER OF MRS. MARY JANE EZZELL^ OF GREENFIELD, TENN.^ DAUGHTER OF MRS. MARTHA HENDERSON (fowler) DOLLAHITE. "Greenfield (Weakley County), Tenn., Dec. 18, 1899.— I am very glad you are writing up the Fowler family, for I know very little about my mother^s relatives. I have heard her say with evident pride that she never knew one of the Fowler name to be dissipated, or to do anything to bring re- proach on the name. My mother had fi.ve brothers, and they w^ere all moral in every respect. This pride of hers in her own family is quite pardonable, I think, when we see dissipa- tion running mad riot in so many good families. Honesty and morality are homely virtues, therefore wear well. ^A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.^ "I have been trying to gain some information of Uncle Bullard Fowler's descendants for the Eecord, but so far I have failed. There are two grandsons of Bullard and Bath- sheba (Crudup) Fowler in business here in Greenfield, but they are unable to tell me much; they request me to wait until they can write to Dr. Joseph Fowler's son for full data. They remember that their grandmother was left a widow with eight [nine] children, six girls and two [three] boys. Godfrey Fowler, a son of Bullard, married in Alabama and reared a family in that State. Josiah Fowler,^ the other son, lived and died in Carroll County, Tennessee, leaving a son and a daughter; the son Joseph Godfrey is living at the old Fowler homestead; is married and has several children. ^We know where the name of Godfrey is from. Joslaii is from the Crudup family of North Carolina. 256 ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. There is not a surviving child of Bullard Fowler and there are few grandchildren in this State. I do not know where the other descendants are, if living. "I have my grandfather's (William Fowler) old family Bible, with all the births, marriages, and deaths of himself, wife, and all of his twelve children; if you should wish any of these dates, please let me know. Wishing you success in your labor of love, sincerely your relative, Mary J. Ezzell.^' DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EOWLER AND MARY (sMITH), HIS WIFE^ OF WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. JOSEPH was the eldest child of WILLIAM FOWLER and MOURNING (CRUDUP), his wife. William was the youngest son of GODFREY FOWLER, SR., and RAHAB (COOPER), his wife. Godfrey, Sr., was a son of Joseph THE First, who went from near Petersburg, Va., to Wake County, North Carolina, prior to 1772. Joseph was born in 1801; he married Mary Smitli in 1824; died in 1883. They had eight children, five sons and three daughters: I. W^ILLIAM BROADUS, born 1825; married Amanda Perry in 1879; their issue: 1, Earl Broadus, December 22, 1879; he has attended Wakefield Classical Institute, and Turlington Institute, Smithfield, N. C, and is now in his freshman year in Wake Forest College, where he expects to graduate; 2, a daughter who died in infancy. Amanda (Perry) Fowler died in 188 — ; her husband still resides near Rolesville, Wake County (1899). II. CANDACE AMANDA, born 1827; died in 1897; she never married. III. JOSIAH CRUDUP, born April 8, 1830; graduated from the Philadelphia College of Medicine and Surgery in 1854; served as a surgeon in the Forty-seventh North Caro^ lina Regiment, Confederate army; married Mary Hart m 1865; they reside in Wake Forest; their children are: I, Pettigrew Edward, born in 1866 ; attended Wake Forest Col- lege from 1884 to 1888; married Lizzie Dunn, February 29, ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 257 1888; no children. II, Kosa Clark, born 1869; married J. 'L. Allen, Forestville, Wake County, Xortli Carolina; issue, Junius LeRoy, born January 10, 1894. Ill, William Colum- bia, born March 31, 1876; married to William Willis Hold- ing (born July 3, 1863), a merchant and cotton-buyer of Wake Forest, on , 1892; their issue: 1, Bruce Fowler, born July 13, 1893 ; 2, William Willis, Jr., born December 24, 1895; 3, Kosa Helen, born October 29, 1897; 4, Mary Hart, born January 31, 1899."* A picture of this family in a group shows a venerable looking ffilher and a benign-faced mother, with handsome son and wife, and two comely daughters, with their good-looking husband.-. Dr. J. C. Fowler resides at Wake Forest, where his son Pettigrew and his daughter Mrs. Holding also reside. IV. HARDEMAN DUNN, born in 1832; attended Wake Forest College 1853-'57, graduating an orator from his so- ciety and with the A. B. degree; at the beginning of the Civil War he entered the Confederate service as second lieutenant of the First North Carolina Regiment, and was made captain of the same company; at the close of the war he married Mary Ann Carroll, of Arkansas, and emigrated to California, residing at Duarte, Los Angeles County; they reared five children to maturity : 1, Annie ; 2, Joseph ; 3, Lizzie; 4, Carroll; 5, Hardy; Annie died when about twenty years of age; the others are living in California. (I was anxious to obtain fuller data of the descendants of H. D. Fowler, but this is all I could get him to give me. His picture is that of a tine looking old gentleman with decided Fowler features.) V. MARY ANN, born in 1835; married to Rev. Joshua *Later. — An extract from a letter written June 4, 1901: "My daughter Mary Columbia Allen was born July 18, 1900, in Wake ±t'orest. My sister also has a baby daughter' (5), Minnie Kathryn Holding, born October 8, 1900. * * * Wake Forest College commencement was last week, and we attended. Earl B. Fowler was awarded two medals, one in athletics and the other for the best story published in the college magazine during the past year, i wish to send you a copy as soon as I shall be able to secure one. Rosa Fowler Allen," 17 — Fowler. 258 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Addison Stkadley in lSi)2 ; "lie was the son of a Baptist preacher, Kev. Thomas Stradley, who was a pioneer preaclier of western North Carolina, and he bnilt the first honse on the present site of Asheville" (letter of W. P. Stradlev, San Francisco, September 18, 1899) ; one son, Walter Preston, born December 26, 18G7. (For further data of ^Y. P. S., see subjoined letter, wdiich is very interesting.) l^ev. J. A. S. and wife reside in Oxford, Granville County, Xorth Caro- lina. A'l. POSANNA, born 1837; died young. yil. EDWAKD CPUDUP, born 1845; attended Wake Forest College 18GG-'()9, lacking a year of graduation; mar- ried Cora Powell, of Wake County; their children: I. Mary, married James Alexander McKeitiien, Aberdeen, Moore County, December (>, 1893; he was born in Cumberland County, June 10, 1859, and is a Scotch Presbyterian; his grandparents were native-born Scots; their issue: 1, Lucille, born October 13, 1894; 2, James I-Cdward, born April 11, 1897; 3, Margaret Katlierine, born Aprd 9, 1899. II. Annie Stradley, born Xovember 23, 1874; married D. J. Mc- Pherson, Moore County; issue, one son. III. Edward Crudup, Jr., born 1879. lY. John Powell, born in 1883. V. James Kobert, born in 1885. [These facts w^ere given by Mrs. Mary (Fowder) McKeithen.] VIII. MARTIN LUTHER, born 1847; was a student of Wake Forest College, 1866-^70, taking the A. B. degree; he studied medicine in the Baltimore Medical College; he mar- ried Mary Whitfield in 1873; they had children: 1, John Henry, born in 1874, married Grace Baker in 1898; 2, Wil- liam H., born in 1876; 3, Martin Luther, Jr., born in 1878. Dr. Martin L. Fowler lives on a portion of the old lands of Godfrey Fowler, Sr., on the waters of Little River; his post- office is Rolesville, Wake County. [This information was sent by Mrs. Rosa (Fowler) Allen, as I could not get a reply from the doctor himself.] I am indebted to Earl B. Fowder, who is at present a student of Wake Forest College, for the following informa- ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 259 tJon : "Wake Forest College is a Baptist institution, with a distinctly Christian influence. In 1834 it was founded in the forest of Wake County, under the name of Wake Forest Institute; the name was changed to Wake Forest College in 1838. The Rev. Samuel Wait was its first president; Dr. C. E. Taylor is the present one. These members of the Fowler family have been educated in its halls : H. D. Fowler, 1853- '57; E. C. Fowler, 1866-'69; M. L. Fowler, 1866-'70 ; P. E. Fowler, 188-l-'88.'' The foregoing data have been placed in the proper order, Init the ensuing have not: "Walter Preston Stradley, 1883-'8T; he was a dcl)ater in '86, an orator in '87, and class valedictorian with the degree of A. M. He took a course in Johns Hopkins University, and a law course in Vanfler])ilt.'' It is with pardonaljle pride that I make this record, for my comfortable belief is this: give a child a clean and honest ancestry, a good mind, an education with Christian influences, and he is equijjped for the nolile battle of life with flattering chances for reasonable triumphs. Z\Iy observation of the careers of our most brilliant Fowlers have led me to the con- clusion that genius is always erratic, therefore our approxi- mate family geniuses are rather uncomfortable members to deal with, or to properly "tag" and put in the right niche of the family gallery. SKETCH OF JOSEPH FOWLER. BY HIS GKAXDSOX, EARL BROADUS FOAVLER. The Fowlers of Xorth Carolina came originally from Virginia, in the general drift of emigration southward. They came from England to the colony of Virginia, date unknown. William Fowler, the youngest son of Godfrey, Senior, re- mained on his allotted portion of the old Fowler' homestead until 1826, when he moved to Henry County, Tennessee, where he lived in three miles of Paris until his death in 1854. He was the father of ten children. Joseph, his eldest, remained in Xorth Carolina, and became the father of eight 260 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. children. [See letters of Mrs. Eliza Helen (Fowler) Powell and Mrs. Eosa (Fowder) Allen]. Joseph was born on his father's (William) farm on the banks of Little Eiver, Wake Connty, Xorth Carolina, in 1801. He worked on the farm until he was grown, enjoying only the meager advantages of an education afforded by the "old-field schoolhouse" of that day. In 1824 he married Mary Smith and bought the adjoining farm of his uncle John Fowler, who removed to Tennessee. [Here Mrs. Powell says: "Uncle John Fowler moved to Alabama at an early day and located in Blount County, in the forks of the Black Warrior River.''] Joseph began life for himself with a wife and 137 acres of land, with a log cabin for a home; at the beginning of the Civil War he owned an extensive plantation and forty-seven negroes. Soon after marrying he w^as made deputy sheriff, which office he held fourteen years in succession; afterwards he was appointed magistrate, continuing in that office to the end of the war. During that period he traveled nearly all the time, settling estates and transacting other public busi- ness; by his tact, energy, and executive ability he accumu- lated a considerable amount of property. Stripped by the war of everything but thirty bales of cotton, he began to rebuild his shattered fortunes by resuming his merchandising, which he had begun in 1853, and by building a flour and grist mill, also a cotton gin, on his farm. In 1866 his wife died, and in 1867 he received an injury by being thrown from his buggy from which he never fully recovered, being obliged to walk with the aid of crutches the rest of his life. He vv^as distinguished for a robust and handsome physique, as wtII as an indomitable will. He had fine business intuitions, and his opinions were eagerly sought in questions of every-day law, for he was recognized hj all who knew him as a man of strict honesty and undoubted integrity. At his death he was a faithful and consistent ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 2(51 member of the Kolesville Baptist church.^ He died at the home of his son, Dr. Josiah Crudup Fowler, in Franklin County, Angust 24, 1883, at the advanced age of eighty-two years. WILLIAM BROADUS FOWLER, Eldest son of Joseph Fowler and Mary (Smith) Fowler, which Joseph was the eldes': son of William, the youngest son of Godfrey, Sr., who was the third son of Joseph the First, who is regarded as the founder of the Fowler family in Wake County, North Carolina, because known records go back no farther in Wake County, all evidence pointing to Virginia as the former home of the emigrants, — southern middle Virginia. William B. Fowler was born June 10, 1825 ; his 3^outh was spent on his father's plantation in honest labor, and in obtaining a common-school education under the usual difficulties of the first-born of large families. When he attained his majority he taught school for several yearp before going into business with his father; he Avas so engaged when hostilities between the States began, when he enlisted in Company I, First North Carolina Kegiment, serving in the seven days' battles around Eichmond, at Mechanicsville, Malvern Hill, and Fraunce's Tavern. He was a lieutenant in the home guard stationed near Greens1)oro and Kingston a part of the time of the war. At the end of the war he resumed Imsiness with his father until 1871, when he built a residence on the site of old Antioch (Methodist) church, more than two miles from his father's home, where he began farming. There in 1879, at the mature age of fifty-two years, he married Miss Amanda Perr}^, who bore him two children, a son, Earl Broadus, and a daughter who died an infant. His wife died in 1883. For ■''It is interesting to note that the North Carolina branch of the family are all Baptists, as was the pious Baptist wife of Godfrey, Senior. The Kentucky line is largely Methodist in religious prefer- ence, and the Texas branch decidedly so. 262 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. many years he was widely known as an expert land surveyor, which profession he relinquished several years ago on account of advancing age, which decided him to decline the office of county surveyor to which he had been elected. He has always been known to be thoroughly honest in his dealings Avith his fellow-men, and for his debt-paying proclivities. He is a member in good standing of the Eolesville Baptist church, and at present (1898) he is residing on his farm near Eolesville, Wake County, North Carolina, yet hale and hearty at the age of seventy-three. (Still living in November, 1899, aged seventy-five years.) "Forestville, Xorth Carolina, Dec. 20, 1897.— Mrs. Dora Fowler Arthur: My Dear Relative. — AVhile visiting my uncle, Dr. Martin Luther Fowler, two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of reading your letter of inquiry of the Fowler family in North Carolina at the present time ; I learned that your letter had never been answered, and I now assume the duty of telling you all I know of my own and myself. My grandfather was Joseph Fowder, son of William Fowder and Mourning Crudup. William was a brother of Godfrey (Junior). My great-grancl father, William Fowder, moved to Tennessee some time in the thirties, I think, taking with him all of his family except his son Joseph. Joseph visited him in Tennessee (near Paris), making the whole journey on horseback. Dr. H. B. Battle, of Ealeigh, is a genealogist, also a distant relative of ours in this way : William Fowler mar- ried Mourning Crudup, who was the daughter of Elizabeth (Battle) Crudup. Dr. Battle might be able to give you some assistance; he wants to know something of the Tennessee Fowlers. Can you help him? Hoping to be of service to you, yours sincerely, Eosa (Fowler) Allen [Mrs. J. L. Allen], Forestville, Wake Count}^, North Carolina.'^ From the same writer, as above, to the same person: "T thank you so much for the letter you sent which was written by Mrs. Powell (Eliza Helen Fowler) ; she was the sister of my grandfather, Joseph Fowder. I think there must not have been much correspondence between the families after the ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 263 death of their father William in Tennessee, because my grandfather Joseph had eight children instead of five, as given in her letter. Six of them are still living; a daughter (Rosanna) died young, and another (Candace Amanda) died last February, aged seventy years. My father, Dr. Josiah Crudup Fowler, is the third child of Joseph ; he is sixty-nine 3^ears old (1898) and as hale and hearty as most men twenty years younger. We Xorth Carolina Fowlers are all Baptists.® "I can not send you a good picture of myself, as you re- quest, but perhaps 1 may be able to interest you with a self- description, so here I am, at your service: "A decided blonde, with dark golden hair — almost red ! blue eyes, fair complexion, height 5 feet 4 inches, weight 160 pounds, age 29 years the 6th of next September (1898). My only sister is SIX years younger than myself; was married when only six- teen and is now the mother of three children; her name is William Columbia; she married William Willis Holding, of W^ake Forest ; she is large and handsome, with dark hair and large brown eyes. With much love to you and admiration for your spirit in your laborious undertaking, — this family record, — also with prayers for the safe return of your nephew, Captain Godfrey R. Fowler, whose absence in this Spanish- American war must cause you keen regret, if you are no more patriotic in this strife than I am. Your distant cousin, Rosa Fowler Allen." * * * ^^^ov. 19, 1898.— Who is Miss Nora Estelle Fowler? I saw her photo among ^Types of Fair Women^ in the October Puritan; she must be one of our Texas Fowlers. Rosa Fowler Allen." (See family of J. L. Fowler, Paris, Texas.) "San Francisco, Sept. 8, 1899.— Mrs. J. J. Arthur: My Dear Madam. — Your favor regarding the Fowler family reached me a few days ago. I am ver}^ much interested in your researches in the history of the family, and I should be glad to hear more about ourselves. Will you publish the •^The fruits of the spirit of the pious wife of Godfrey, Senior. She is recorded in the journal of Little'ton Fowler as be^ng a Baptist of great piety. She was Rahab Cooper, of North Carolina. 264 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. record when you complete it ? As for myself : I was born December 26, 1867, in my grandfather Fowler's old home- stead in Wake County, North Carolina. I am the son of Mary Ann (Fowler) and Joshua Addison Stradley; my full name is Walter Preston Stradley. I was reared in Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina. I was prepared for col- lege in the Horner Military Academy, at Oxford; I had attained the rank of captain when I left the school. I entered Wake Forest College, Wake County, North Carolina, where I graduated in 1887 with the degree of M. A. I then studied three years in the department of history and political science of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Then I studied law in Vanderbilt University, taking the degree of LL.B. in 1891. "I located in Waco, Texas, for the practice of law, where I remained only until February, 1892, when I came to San Francisco. I may say, in passing, that I have always been half sorry I left Texas. Since living there I have practiced law and dabbled in politics some. I have canvassed the State for the Democratic party every campaign since I have lived in California. During the second administration of Cleveland I was the Commissioner of Immigration at this port, but I did not agree with ^Grover's' financial policy, so I campaigned for Bryan in 1896: and I am still an enthusi- astic Bryan Democrat. "Alas ! alas ! I am a bachelor. I was once in love with the prettiest girl in Texas, but — I am a bachelor. Will you kindly tell me how much akin we are?' I regret I did not know of you when I was in Texas. I should like to know ^His great-grandfather, William Fowler, was my grandfather God- frey's youngest brother. Three of the other sons 'of Godfrey Fowler. Sr., namely, David, John, and Godfrey, Jr., emigrated to Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky, respectively, leaving William on the old Fowler homestead in Wake County, but he morea to near Paris, Tenn., in 1826. Dr. M. L. Fowler now resides on a part of the old lands of his grandfather Godfrey Fowler, Sr.. on the waters of Little River, Wake County, North Carolina. (See the division of the lands of G. F., Sr.) Bullard was the only son of Godfrey, Sr., who died in his native State, North Carolina. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 265 something of the Fowlers in this State. Of course you know that my mother's brother, Hardeman Fowler, lives in Duarte, Los Angeles County, California, but there are Fowlers in several parts of the State. Are they in any way related to me? I shall be pleased to hear from you again. Yours trul}^, Walter P. Stradley.'' (Walter P. Stradley, attorney at law, 319 Parrott Building, San Francisco.) DESCENDANTS OF ELIZA HELEN ( FOWLER ) AND BENJAMIN POWELL^ FORMERLY OF WAKE COUNTY^ NORTH CARO- LINA^ LATER OF HENRY COUNTY^ TENNESSEE. Eliza Helen was one of the ten children of WILLIAM FOWLER AND MOURNING (CRUDUP). She was born July 11, 1811, in Wake County, North Carolina; married Benjamin Powell, formerly of Wake County, then of Henry County, Tennessee, December 22, 1828; she died in Johnson County, Texas, while on a visit to her two daughters, Mes- dames E. B. Ray and M. L. Norton, on December 22, 1882, the fifty-fourth anniversary of her marriage. Her husband died in 1889, at Eagle Springs, Miss. They had nine children : I. WILLIAM DEMPSEY, born December 19, 1830; married Minerva A. Shoffner in 1857; moved to Arkansas in 1858, where he practiced medicine; he married three other times; died in 1890, near Cotton Plant, Ark., leaving a widow and four children: 1, Helen, married Wardwell; 2, Minnie, married Jerry Henderson; 3, Lily, married Vales; 4, Oscar, unmarried; resides in Pleasant Plains, Ark. II. JOSEPH DEVEREAUX, born December 29, 1833; married Sallie McFadden, December 27, 1870; issue: 1, James; 2, Joe; 3, Stanford; 4, Edna Earle; 5, Sallie; they reside in Collierville, Tenn. He belonged to the Fourth Tennessee Regiment, C. S. A. III. THOMAS A., born December 18, 1835; married Susan Keeble in 1857; their issue: 1, Walter; 2, Ella, mar- ried Samuel Alexander; 3, Nannie, married Potts; 4, 26C ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Mattie; 5, Mollie; 6, William ("Willie"); they reside near Holly Springs^ at Potts' Camp, Marshall County, Mississippi. IV. BEXJA AXX HELEN, born January 13, 1858; married J. W. Keeble of Mount Pleasant, Miss., in 1885; their issue : 1, Eobert Lee, Bono, Texas ; 2, John, San An- gelo, Texas; 3, Bettie (Mrs. Jeff Wagoner), Knickerbocker, Texas; 4, Ruth (Mrs. Wilkins Y. McLaughlin), Bono, Texas; 5, Alma (Mrs. Hull), Hamilton County, Texas. V. GEOEGIANA ISABELLA, born January 17, 1840; married Allen Hill, Collierville, Tenn., May 12, 1861; their issue: 1, Harry, lives at Eolling Fork, Miss. ; 2, Nettie (Mrs. Roemer Johnson), Potts' Camp, Miss.; 3, Mamie, lives with her brother Harry. Georgiana I. (Powell) Hill died October 16, 1899, at Rolling Fork, Miss. VI. JOHN CALVIN, born January 17, 1843; he was a private in Company C, Fourth Tennessee Regiment, and fought so nobly in the battle of Shiloh that he never recov- ered his health; he died September 2, 1862, Lauderdale, Miss., at nineteen years of age, when he should have been in college preparing himself for a useful life; but he died for his country. VII. MARY MOURNING, born November 15, 1845; married James Bell, December 12, 1866; their issue: 1, William Russell; 2, Thomas A.; 3, Fraidc; 4, Joe; 5, Kittie. James Bell died in 1883 and his widow married George Akers in 1894 or 1895, and moved to Woodford, Indian Territory. VIII. LYDIA CAROLINE, born January 16, 1849; married Elisha Boykin Ray (who was born near Chapel Hill, N. C, in 1825) on May 10, 1882. He was an early and worthy settler of Johnson Count}', and he died on his farm at Marystown, Johnson County, Texas, on December 19, 3 899, leaving his wife a childless widow. (See elsewhere her reminiscent letter of much interest.) IX. ELIZA JIMMIE ("JIMMIE"), born July 31, 1852; married M. L. Norton, September 15, 1874, Tippah County, Mississippi; moved to Texas in 1875; died June 13, 1887, ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 267 McGregor, Texas. Her son Iletclier is a worthy and nseful business young man who resides in Waxahachie, Texas, and her daugliter Effie, Mrs. Hanimack, resides in Arlington, Texas. The foregoing data were given in letters of Mrs. Eliza Helen Powell, written in 1882, and the recent letters of Mrs. Lydia C. Eay, a daughter of the former. She states that she was ,named Caroline for the youngest sister of ex-Governor Isham G. Harris, late ex-Senator Harris of Tennessee, who married Captain James E. Fowler of Henry County, Ten- nessee, who was Mrs. Eay's uncle, being a brother to her mother. The Lydia is for a Mrs. Eichmond Harris of the same family. If there are any discrepancies in these facts I am unable to correct them, as 1 give them just as they have been given to me. As a rule women are more prone than men to draw on their imagination when their stock of facts is exhausted, but I have requested facts only in every instance. FAMILY OF MRS. NETTIE m'CULLOUGH (hILL) JOHNSON AND HER HUSBAND^ ROEMER JOHNSON^ TACALEECHI^ OR POTTS^ CAMP^ BENTON COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI Nettie McCullough (Hill) Johnson is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Georgia I. (Powell) and Allen Hill; she was born October 7, 1871, one mile of Collierville, Shelby County, Tennessee; she was married to Eoemer Johnson (who was born July 15, 1859, Tacaleechi, Benton County, Mississippi), on December 23, 1890, at Eagle Springs, Marshall County, Mississippi. Their children : I. THELMA, born November 16, 1891, at Tacaleechi, Benton County, Mississippi. II. V. M., born January 21, 1894, Tacaleechi. III. ^'BULLET'' (not named), born June 27, 1895, Tacaleechi. IV. LOUISE, born December 3, 1896, Tacaleechi. 268 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. The foregoing data were given by Mrs. Johnson when she sent her subscription to the family record in Februar}^, 1900. MRS. ELIZA HELEN" ( FOWLER ) POWELL, THE CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE FOWLERS PAST AND PRESENT. In the summer of 1882 my brother Henry Bascom Fowler was called by business to the little town of Banks, McLennan County, Texas. While there he received an invitation from a Mrs. Powell requesting him to call on her, as she was an old lady and she believed he was one of her Fowler relatives in Texas she was looking for. He called and met a very bright and interesting old lady wdio readily placed him in the family line where he belonged. She told him she was the daughter of William, wlio was the youngest brother of Godfrey, Jr., which made her the cousin of Henry's father. Her delight in meeting a descendant of her long dead Uncle Godfrey was very pleasant to m}^ brother, and should be a lesson to us cold-hearted Fowlers of this day and generation, should it not? We may ask as often as our selfish motives prompt, "Am I my brother's keeper?'' while the fact ever remains that "blood is thicker than water" and the house divided against itself can not withstand its enemies. Mrs. Pow^ell promised to write all she could remember con- cerning the Fowlers who had left the old Xorth State in search of homes in some Southern land more favored. A repetition of her letter would be out of place, as the informa- tion has been embodied in the family data and duly accredited to her as the authority. She was then seventy-one years of age, and she called herself "the last female of the Old Wake County line," meaning, of course, of her generation. She was visiting at the time with her two daughters, Lydia (TVTrs. E. D. Ray) and Jimmie (Mrs. M. L. N'orton), who lived in Marystown, Johnson County, and Banks, McLennan County, respectively. Her letter is dated July 22, 1882, and is in my possession at the present and sacredly valued. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 269 LETTER OF MRS. LYDIA CAROLINE ( POWELL ) RAY^ OF MARYS- TOWN^ JOHNSON COUNTY^ TEXAS. ''Oct. 29, 1899.— Mrs. J. J. Arthur, Austin, Texas: My Dear Relative, — I never met your brother Henry B., but I remember my mother met him in McGregor — the place was called Banks then. He visited her at my sister s, Mrs. M. L. Norton's. Mother died in December of that year (1882) after a brief illness with pneumonia. "I wish you had written me before I visited Paris, Tenn., two years ago; perhaps I could then have gotten an interest- ing sketch of Uncle James Fowler, who was living at that time. I met him in Nashville, at the Centennial and Con- federate reunion. I went home with him and spent a week. I was only five years old when my father moved from Henry Count}^ to Shelby County, Tennessee, and I had never been back since until this visit. Grandpa^s (William Fowler) house, built away back in the thirties, looked just as I had seen it last. His son. Uncle James, was living in the first house he had gone to housekeeping in. He was a captain in the Confederate army; I have his picture taken in his uni- form. "There is no picture of grandpa; he never had any taken. I have only a very poor one of mother [Mrs. Eliza Helen (Fowler) Powell]. I have pictures of Aunt Piety Hester (Fowler) Wiggs, later Mrs. B. M. Doak, of Holly Springs, Miss., and of Aunt Harriet (Fowler) Greer; also Aunt Mary (Fowler) Dunn. I have no family records whatever. I have heard my mother say that her cousin John W. Fowler, of Memphis,, obtained a valuable record of grandpa before his death, in 185-1; the cousin John was preparing a family tree. Could you get hold of that information you would no doubt be greatly aided. I have no idea where any of his descendants are, or what use he ever made of the data. "If you will write to William H. Greer, Paris, Tenn., he might tell you about the kindred in Henry County. His sister, Mrs. Mary Hasting, Springville, Tenn., could also aid 270 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILT. YOU, if she would. Mrs. M. J. Ezzell, Greenfield, Weakley Count}', is a daughter of Aunt Martha (Fowler) Dollahite, and she could tell you of her brothers and sisters. "My grandfather went on horseback from Xorth Carolina to Tennessee in 1823 or 1824. [It was in 1825, quoting Mrs. E. H. Powell as authority.] He laid claim to several tracts of government lands in Henry and Obion counties and then returned to Xorth Carolina for his family, moving them to the former county, where he located very near the present town of Paris, where he continued to reside until his death in 1854, at the ripe age of seventy-five years. "You ask if I ever heard whether the Xorth Carolina Fowlers rendered any military service to that State during the war of the Eevolution. 1 never heai'd it mentioned by my mother, but I rememljer hearing her say that Uncle Xathan A^erser, husband of our Aunt Xancy, was in the war. I also remember hearing her repeat the story of her grand- mother (who was Eahab Cooper, the wife of Godfrey, Senior) about the British when my grandfather was her baby. She and her children were in the kitchen and she was spinning, when, just as she was drawing out a thread, she glanced up the road and saw the British coming; she hastily raised the trapdoor and bade all of the children enter the cellar and keep wonderfully cpiict; she then took her babe — my grand- father — and went up in the attic. The English soldiers entered the house and she could hear them laughing about frightening all the women and children away. They re- mained only long enough to eat up a lot of roasted potatoes and drink all the brandy in the house. They then left with- out discovering either hidiiig place." [It is inferred from this story that the men of her family were in the patriot army; else why should she fear the British soldiers?] "Our great-grandmother was a Miss Cooper; she had one brother — George — who lived on the line between Xorth Caro- lina and Tennessee, near the Virginia State line. He was quite distinguished for his wealth. If you were to inquire through some leading newspapers of Virginia for the Coopers ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 271 of that State, perhaps you could learn much of her and her family. "The Henry County kindred ought to be able to help you with much information, for they have lived there so many years. Do you know anything of the Abernathys, of Henry County? One of great-uncle David Fowler's daughters mar- ried an Abernathy. [Rebecca Fowler, his second daughter, married Smith Abernathy.] My father moved from Henry County in 1854 to Collierville, Shelby County, near Memphis, when I was only five years old. During the Civil War, when the Federals came into the State, they burned our house and destroyed everything except a few relics my mother saved; but our family record was lost. "I was named for the wife of my uncle James E. Fowler of near Paris, Tenn. ; she was Caroline Harris, a sister of the late Senator Isham G. Harris of Tennessee. Lydia is for his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lydia Harris. '^My grandfather William Fowler was the youngest child of Godfre}^, Sr., and Rahab (Cooper), and when he was an infant she wept a great deal over him, because she felt that she would never live to rear him, yet she lived to the age of 105 years and nursed his fifth child's child, who was my brother William Powell. "The descendants of the Eev. David Fowler ought to be able to tell you a great deal about her, for she lived with him in Hardeman County for many years. She died at the home of Mrs. Bathsheba Fowkr,^' widow of her son Bullard, in west Tennessee, — I think it was near Huntingdon. Bullard married Bathsheba Crudup, a sister of Mourning Crudup,' who married his brother William — my grandfather. Bullard died in North Carolina prior to 1825 and his widow and children went to Blount County, Alabama, to live near their father's brother John; from there they came to west Tennes- ^The papers of Col. J. W. Fowler state that she died at the home of the Rev. David, or at Daniel Verser's, near Denmark, Tenn. ; there- fore, both authorities are given. 272 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. see, while two sous. Dr. Josiah and Godfrey, remained in Alabama. "There is a sad romance about the eldest daughter of great-uncle Bullard Fowder; her name w^as Tillitha. She never married, although she w^as engaged three times, but all three terminated disastrously. In the first instance her intended was thrown by his horse and killed w^hile he was on his way to wed her; the next one sickened and died near the wedding-day; the third went to Holly Springs on busi- ness just j^rior to his marriage, and he died there among strangers. She had suitors afterwards, but she never prom- ised to marry anyone again. "Lucinda, the second daughter of Bullard, married Tilman Johnson and reared a large family in either Henry or Weak- ley County, Tennessee. Louisa, the third, married White, and Lacy or Emil}^, one of the succeeding daughters, married her brother-in-law after the death of Louisa. [Corrected elsew'here.] "Have you any record of iJie descendants of John Fowler, another brother of our grandfather? He was a Baptist preacher and emigrated from North Carolina to North Ala- l)ama at an early day and reared a large family there. [It was in Blount County, and the little valley he settled in is known as ^Fowder^s Cove^ to this day. He had a son David, who in turn had a son David, who resides in ^the Cove' at present; the postoffice is Gum Spring.] "Ask me any questions you wish to ask and I shall endeavor to answer them to the best of my knowledge and memory. I am becoming quite interested in the family record. Lov- ingly, Lydia C. Eay."' [Daughter of Mrs. E. H. (Fowder) Powell.] Some w^omen have a decided fondness for family remin- iscences, and I judge that Mrs. Eay has inherited this inter- esting trait from her very interesting mother, wdiose letter set me on my quest for "our ancestors.'' Women, as a rule, have more time for remembering traits and incidents of dif- ferent members of the related families. They talk them over ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 273 as they mingle in the home work; and on rainy days and winter nights something of the dear past is suggested by the snatch of a song, the odor yl a flower, or the similarity of the weather, when one begins, — "It was just such a night as this when'' — and immediately everyone listens. DESCENDANTS OF JAMES EDWIN FOWLER AND ELIZABETH (young) FOIVLER^ NEAR CLARKSVILLE^ ARK. (JOHNSON county). These facts and dates are most kindly given by Joseph Edwin Fowler, who is yet a minor, but the eldest son of James Edwin Fowler: JAMES EDWIN FOWLEK is the only surviving heir of WILLIAM JOHN FOWLEE and CZAEIXA (DUNCAN) FOWLEE. William John was the third son and ninth child of WILLIAM AND MOUENING (CEUDUP) FOWLEE, of Wake County, North Carolina. He was born May 5, 1818 (presumably in Wake County, North Carolina, as his father did not emigrate to Tennessee until 182(3), and he married Czarina Duncan, August 25, 1853, and they had three chil- dren, two of whom died in infancy; the third is James E. Fowler of Clarksville, Ark. (See data of W. H. Greer.) JAMES EDWIN, born January 4, 1856; married ELIZA- BETH YOUNG, November 29, 1876, near Paris, Tenn. His wife was born September 5, 1856. Their children: I. MAEY HALL, born May 21, 1878; died September 10, 1879, near Paris, Tenn. II. JOSEPH EDWIN, born October 5, 1881. A quota- tion from his letter of January 4, 1900, says: "My own education is yet unfinished; what I have was received in the public schools of Arkansas. I intend to enter our State University, at Fayetteville, Ark., and later to study law, per- haps at Little Eock." III. JOHN SAMUEL, born October 15, 1883. IV. HATTIE, born December 23, 1885 ; died January 23, 1895, near Clarksville, Ark. 18 — Fowler. 274 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. V. ELSIE, bom July 3, 1890. YI. PAUL, born September 37, 1894; died October 26, 1895, near Clarksville, Ark. Joseph Edwin furthermore says: "My father has a mod- erately good education; he attended school in Conyersville, Tenn., his native town, also in Paris and McKenzie. He is a Christian, but belongs to ]io denomination; my mother is also a Christian and belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. Father came from Tennessee to Johnson County, Arkansas, in 1881, where he has since remained. He is a farmer and a strong supporter of Democracy." CHAPTER XIII. "Despise not your situation in life; in it you must act, suffer, and conquer. From every point on earth we are equally near to Heaven and the Infinite." DESCENDANTS OF MARTHA ( FOWLER ) AND HENRY VADEN^ OF VIRGINIA. It is with much pleasure that I give here this record, for more reasons than one. Mr. Chalkley has wonderfully en- couraged me with his kind and painstaking interest when all the others were negative and uninterested. Then, too, so few of the Fowler women and their descendants could be traced, for when a woman marries she loses her identity. By the way, what a sensible custom the women of the present day have made for themselves, that of retaining their family name for a middle name after marriage. MARTHA FOWLEE was the youngest daughter and child of- GODFEEY and SUSAXNAH FOWLER of Henrico County, Virginia. She is mentioned in the will of Godfrey, inheriting his leather chair. She married HENRY VADEN" prior to 1735; died prior to 1747, for no mention is made of her in the will of her husband in 1747, the year of his death. He was born September 12, 1694(?). Paul and Clara Vaden are colonists mentioned in the notes on John Fowler the First, for whose transportation to the colony John received so much land, and whose headrights John F. gave in when he patented land in 1673. The name "Vaden" is spelled "Varden'' in the emigrant list, and I presume it w^as spelled as it sounded in the English pro- nunciation. Martha (Fowler) and Henry Vaden had nine children: Joseph, Burwell, William, Ladwick, Henry, Martha, Susan- nah, Mary, Ann. WILLIAM VADEN", third son of Henry and Martha, married Frances Wilson; he died 1776; they had Gardner, 270 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Daniel, John, George, Phoebe, Elizabeth, and Frances. 1, GARDNER, married Frances; died 1794; had George and Frances. 4, GEORGE A^4DEX, son of Gardner and Frances, married Sarah ; had George, Thomas, Francis, Wilson, Michael, Littleherry, Dickerson, Elizabeth, Lncy, and Sarah. Their descendants are living in Skinquarter neighbor- hood, Chesterfield County, Virginia, near where their ances- tors patented land two centuries and one-half ago. II. DAXIEL VADEIS^, second son of William and Fran- ces, married Valinche; he died 1793; they had Herod, Daniel, Appelona, Elizabeth, Masey. Appelona married Marshall Vaden, 1808, in Chesterfield County. III. JOHN VADEX, third son of William and Frances, married Ann ; he died about 1790, in Chesterfield County, Virginia; they had Wilson, Henry, Marshall (who married his cousin, Appelona Vaden, 1808), William, John, Solomon, Ammonett, Aggy, Phoebe, Frances, Betteste, Polly. The first son, Wilson, married Dicey Moore, 1796. Am- monett, the seventh son, married ; he died 1810; had a son Daniel. " V. HEXRY VADEX, fifth son of Henry and Martha (Fowder) Vaden, born February 6, 1725, baptized March 28; he married three times, first, SusannaliTrreen ; second, Judith Hanks, a widow (born Old) ; third, Susannah Smith. He removed early in life to Amelia County, about twenty miles from his birthplace in Chestrrfield. He had Mary and Ann Fowler Vaden by his wife Judith. I. MARY, married BxVRNEs: had several children, one a daughter who married Bkaxcii, and lives in Charlotte, N. C, and a son living in Amelia County, Virginia. She has descendants named BoissEAu living in Richmond, Va. 2, AXX FOWLER VADEX, born about 1785, in Amelia County; died in 1867, in Richmond; she married James Chappell in Amelia County, 1806; they had James A., died unmarried; William, Henry, died unmarried in Xew Orleans before 1860; Robert, died unmarried; Judith Ann; Mary E.; Martha Fowler; Sarah F. ; Eliza, died unmarried. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 277 II. WILLIAM CHAPPELL, second son of James Chap- pell and Ann Fowler (Vaden) Chappell, was born in Amelia Count}^, l)nt moved to Bullitt County, Kentucky, early in the Nineteenth century; he mai'ried Adeline, granddaughter of his uncle William Chappell. He afterwards removed to Lawrenceburg, Ind., and engaged in banking and farming. He died of consumption, leaving two daughters, Sarah and Virginia, who lived to womanhood but died unmarried. Wil- liam Chappell was a man of fine literary attainments and was much beloved. There is now living an old gentleman, who, when asked to describe this William Chappell, replied, "I haven^t language sufficient; he was the true type of a gentleman without spot or blemish.'^ JORDAISr FAMILY. JUDITH ANN CHAPPELL married Noble Jordan, of Powhatan County, Virginia, August 26, 1828; she died in that county March 24, 1881. She was the eldest daughter of Ann Fowler (Vaden) and James Chappell; was born January 10, 1810. She was beloved by relatives, friends, and neigh- bors. She was a Christian who grew old gracefully, and who grew stronger day by day in all the Christian virtues. She had children: William Noble, Annie Ellen, Beverly W., De Witt Clinton, Susan Marion, Eobert Henry, died unmarried; John Oscar, Martha Washington, James Chappell, Frank Lewis. I. WILLIAM NOBLE JOED AN, born June 19, 1829; married Betty Haws Cowghill; had William Chappell, who is married. and has issue, and Mar}^, who married Sledd, and has issue. William Noble Jordan married second wife, Margaret Symington, and lives in North Carolina. II. ANNIE ELLEN JOEDAN, born July 7, 1831; mar- ried John W. Hall; lives in Orange County, Virginia; has Julian A., married Elizabeth AVilson, lives in Henry County, Virginia ; Annie K., married to John Pearson, has daughter Annie and lives in Easton, Pa. 278 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. III. BEVERLY W. JOEDA^, born March 6, 1833; mar- ried Henrietta A. Schrayer ; died . IV. DE WITT CLINTON, born April 4, 1835; married Mary E. Bridgewater; died October 2, 1889, leaving one daughter, Mary Oscar Jordan, who lives in Eichmond, un- married. V. SUSAN MAEION JOEDAN, born February 3, 1837; married to Otway H. Chalkley^ October 12, 1855; had Ernest H., Charles H., and Lyman. 1, EENEST HOWELL CHALKLEY, born March 1, 1857, in Powhatan County, Virginia; married Sarah H. Winn, in Eichmond, April 19, 1881; has Otway H., born December 23, 1883; lives in Eich- mond, Va. 2, CHAELES H., born August 4, 1858, in Pow- hatan County; died in Eichmond, September 13, 1896, when he was a practicing physician of that city. He married Jennie H. Harrison of Eichmond. 3, LYMAN, born October 20, 1861, in Eichmond; married Elinor Breckenridge of Lexington, Ky. ; has a son Lyman and a daughter. He practices law in Staunton, Va., and is judge of Augusta County Court. VII. JOHN OSCAE JOED AN, born October 2, 1842; married Alice Elzy and has several sons and daughters, the eldest named Graham ; they live at Clifton Forge, Va. VIII. MAETHA WASHINGTON JOEDAN married WILLIAM H. CAEHAET of Powhatan County, August 26, 1880; she was born November 29, 1844; died 1899, leaving two daughters, Martha Washington and Willie Chappell Car- hart. IX. JAMES CHAPPELL JOEDAN, born May 20, 1848; married first wife, Alice Murray, and had Noble, Irwin, Francis Lewis; married second wife, Samantha Murray, and had Annie and another daughter; they live in Powhatan County, Virginia. X. FEANK LEWIS JORDAN, born May 4, 1848 ( ?) — [mistake somewhere]; married Minnie ; has no chil- dren; lives in Fort Worth, Texas. MAEY E. CHAPPELL married Samuel H. Jones, ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 279 August 36, 1828, the same day her sister Judith Ann mar- ried Noble Jordan. She was the second daughter of James Chappell and Ann (Fowler) Vaden, and was born in Amelia County; moved to Koanoke County after her marriage, and later remo.ved to Jackson County, Missouri; she died in the latter State in 1884. She and her sister and their husbands lived to celebrate their golden weddings. Mary E. (Chap- pell) and S. H. Jones had: 1, Ann Eliza, married Chas. A. Young, died without issue, 1853; 2, Virginia, married Dr. Thos. H. Barnes, has hve children and live in Carroll County, Missouri; 3, James C, died in Oregon, 1883; 4, Ed- ward Henry, married Betty Walker, lives at Blue Springs, Mo., has a daughter Ida M., v. ho married Miller ; 5, Martha, married Benjamin Conley, died without issue, 1856; 6, Ellen, married D. C. Williams and lives in Texas; 7, Wil- liam Henry, married Lucy Montgomery, lives in Jackson County, Missouri, and has six children ; 8, Robert, a soldier in Confederate army, and disappeared ; 9, Julia, married, first W. H. Smith, second, Geo. Robinson, has two children; 10, Elizabeth, died unmarried; 11, Herbert, married Harriet Hill, lives in Carroll County, Missouri; 12, Fanny, married N. B. Smith; 13, Thomas Chappell, married Minnie Howell, after whose death he went to Colorado. MARTHA FOWLER CHAPPELL married William PucKETT, in Amelia County, Virginia, November 28, 1842. She was born November 27, 1814; died June 14, 1893, in Richmond. She was the third daughter of Ann Fowler (Vaden) Chappell and James Chappell. She had: 1, James Chappell, born August 25, 1843, married , has a daughter, Lena Claybank, born March 25, 1872; 2, Fletcher A., born March 28, 1848, lives in Richmond, unmarried. SARAH F. CHAPPELL married Samuel G. Flournoy. She was the fourth daughter of Ann Fowler (Vaden) and James Chappell; she died in Richmond in 1899; she had Samuel C, Jr., married and has issue in Richmond; 2, Richard, married and has issue ; lives in Newport News, Va. ; 3, a married daughter (name not given). 280 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. As already seen^ the foregoing information is regarding the descendants of Martlia Fowler, the youngest and the second daughter of Godfrey Fowler the First of Henrico County, Virginia. The line of Joseph the First of ^Yake County, i*^orth Carolina, is the other line followed out, and the only one known to this record. Joseph and his sister Martha must have been near to each other in affection as they were in age, he being the youngest son. Martha's first born was named Joseph, and Joseph had a daughter Martha. They each had a son Burwell, as well as daughters Susannah and Mary, the former for their mother, I presume. Each one had a son William also, but it seems that every family has a William, a John, and a Mary. Relative to the Rev. James Chappell, son of Abraham Chappell, I quote from the Chappell genealogy: "He was ordained a minister of the Methodist church, December 24, 1807, and continued actively in the ministry for fifty-five years. He was well known ^ in all of that part of Virginia, and was distinguished for his piety and eloquence. No man was more respected and beloved by both white and black, and he was universally called 'Father Chappell.^ In his- per- sonal appearance he was a typical Chappell — tall and spare, with dark complexion and black hair. He died in Amelia County in 1862.'^ The name of his wife is given as Nancy Fowler Vaden, Ijut Mr. Chalkley gives the name as Anx. Martha Fowler had only one sister and her name was Ann, as seen in the will of Godfrey Fowler, her father. It was to Ann, the elder daughter, that Godfrey willed a "Seal Skin Trunk," while Martha got the "Leather Chair.'' All of their brothers got land by the hundred acres, but then the daughters were supposed to marry their lands, and if they failed to marry, their brothers were expected to support them. ION. GODFREY B. FOWLER, JONESVILLE, S. C. 2. MRS. COLUMBIA (FOWLER) HOLDING, WAKE FOREST. N. C. 3. MRS. JIMMIE POWELL, NORTON, TEXAS. 4. JOSEPH JOHN BROWN, BUNTYN, TENN. CHAPTEE XIV. "The aim in life is what the backbone is to the body; without it we are invertebrate, belonging to some order of being not yet man. ' GODPKEY B. FOWLER^ OF JONESVILLE, UNION COUNTY^ SOUTH CAKOLINA. He writes : ^'I am satisfied that we are of the same family of Fowlers. My father's name was Joseph. He moved to Texas in 1852 and died the same year, and was buried at Rusk Court House, Cherokee County. I was then ahout twelve years old. My mother moved back to South Carolina the same year. My grandfather's name was Godfrey, who was born in Virginia, I think; as to that fact I am not cer- tain, but I know positively that he grew up, lived, and died in this State. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and when all of the pensioners of South Carolina in that war were dead but eight, four of the number were Fowlers, — my father, Godfrey, and his two brothers, Wymac and Mark, with a cousin. The Fowlers of this State were not wealthy men but respectably well to do. '^My great-grandfather was named Ellis Fowler, and he came from Virginia. He was a lieutenant of the company of Captain Sims of Pickens' command, I believe, in the war of the Revolution. He was married a second time when up in years, so I have been told, and when he died his widow left South Carolina, but no one seems to know where, she went. I have heard also that Lieutenant Ellis was a large, stout man, and that he entered the Revolution- ary War when only seventeen years of age; so his father must have been in the prime of manhood, if he was then alive. Ellis had six sons and one daughter, — Wymac, God- frey, Mark, Ephraim, Ellis, and William. His will is on record here ; he gave to Wymac and William the tract of land on which Wymac was then living; to Godfrey, Ephraim, and 282 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Ellis the Ivigert tract; to Mark the tract on which he lived; to his daughter another tract ; and he provided for his widow, giving her also his personal property." Following is a letter from Miss S. A. Sims, of Grindal, Union County, giving the military connection of Captain Charles Sims and Lieutenant Ellis Fowler, also the long- standing friendship of the two families. Miss Sims is a daughter of Major J. S. Sims, who was a member of the secession convention which declared South Carolina out of the Union. She is a lady of high social standing, and they were wealthy before the war : 'The Union-Times, April 24, 1897.— Two Eevolutionary soldiers, Charles Sims and Ellis Fowler, came to South Caro- lina about 1773-1774 and settled on Tinker Creek, which is now in Union County. When war was declared with Eng- land, C. Sims returned to Virginia and raised a company which was mustered into service at Albemarle Court House, in 1777, he holding his commission from Patrick Henry, who was then Governor of Virginia. The company was ordered to upper Carolina and attached to Pickens' command, so I believe. Charles Sims was made captain and Ellis Fowler was first lieutenant. "Lieutenant Fowler was a Virginian of excellent family, and always the tried and true friend of his companion and captain. He was a man of powerful stature, great physical endurance, with unflinching courage; of strict integrity, truthfulness, and fidelity in all things confided to his trust. "When the Tories burnt Captain Sims' house and turned hi? wife and children adrift without clothing or food, as they did so many Whig families, Captain Sims resolved to send them back to Virginia under the escort of Lieutenant Fowler, who conducted them safely through their perilous journey. Just beyond the Xorth Carolina line they sought the hospitality of a Colonel Wymac, who received them with old Virginia hospitality and helped them on their way to the home of Matthew Sims, of Koanoke. Lieutenant Fowler named a son after the military friend, who was a friend ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 283 indeed in the hour of need. I can recall the appearance of Mr Ellis Fowler (son of the lieutenant), a tall, fair man, with a deep and most powerful voice, kindly and gentle m all his ways. I wish I could remember the stories of the Revo- lution ^le was so fond of talking over with my dear old grandfather William Sims, the only son of Captain Charles Sims. S. A. Sims.*" The Hon. Godfrey B. Fowler continues; -'When I was a boy I remember we had a relative m North Carolina whose name was Fowler; it is my recollection that he kept a country store. AVe had kindred m Tennessee, also. Now, as to the family name of Godfrey, let me tell you a little cir- cumstance which made little impression on me at the time, but I recall it since you wish to know about the origin of the name. Just before the secession war, when I was liable to military duty,-being eighteen years of age,-I was elected captain of a militia company. Our muster ground was m the old field of Major J. P. Dawkins. My grandfather God- frey Fowler was in General Dawkins' brigade in the War of 1812, and one of his comrades was a Jessy James, son of an ^old revolutioner,' Sherrod James. Major Dawkins and old Mr. J. James came to see me drill my company. After tire drill was finished they both came to me and called me ^old General Godfrey,' and told me about him. I was modest enough to think they wanted to encourage me, so I simply thanked them and thought no m.ore about it. "My grandfather Godfrev Fowler had six sons and three daughters: James, Thomas, Milligan, Coleman, William, Joseph, and Molly, Betsy, and Kiziah. Joseph, my father, had sons-Hampton E., Adoiphus J., John H., Godfrey B., and Joseph. I am the only living son of Joseph, and I have only one living sister. I have seen the record of a purchase of 400 acres of land by my grandfather Godfrey Fowler m 1818 I do most of the surveying in my section, and it makes me sad to cut up the old Godfrey's lands that have passed out of the possession of the family. "Perhaps you would like to know what became of my 284 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. father's sisters. Molly married John McWhirter, and both Betsy and Kiziah married Charles McWhirter. Two of Charles^ sons moved to Texas, and one bearing his name is a Methodist preacher in your State. I do not know whether he is the grandson of my aunt Betsy or Kizzy. ^'Before passing on, let me say that my grandfather God- frey Fowler married his cousin Nannie Kelly ; I do not know how the relationship came about, but I presume that a Kelly married a sister of Godfrey's father Ellis. Kellys now own a part of the land uhich was willed by Ellis to his children. They keep up the name Ellis to this day. William Fowler, son of Godfrey, died a young man; he was a school-teacher and surveyor. Wymac Fowler named one of his sons Wil- liam ; Mark had a son Ellis ; and Lieutenant Ellis' son Ellis named his son, in turn, ElJis; so you see we keep up the old names, as we presume oui- forefathers did. I have heard that Lieutenant Ellis had a brother Eeuben, and I know my father had a cousin Eeuben called ^little Eeuben.' "My only son is about twenty-eight years old and is named Nathaniel Steedman, the former for my maternal grandfather Foster and the latter for my captain, James B. Steedman (pronounce it Stedman) in the Confederate army. Ella is my stepdaughter, Mrs. Betsill, Crosskeys. You could not see our son's mouth for his mustache in his picture; he has a Fowler mouth, for the front teeth are a little prominent We Fowlers have thin, fine, light hair. My forehead is not as i^ood a Fo^^ ler forehead as Steedman's. o "'My uncle James Fowler was my father's oldest brother; he had an only daughter Sallie, who married a McLuska, of Georgia, and they now live in Arkansas, I think. Before the war cousin Sallie was at school in Salem, N. C, where she met other Fowlers, when she wrote home for information of her family. I do not know whether they made out a clear case of kinship or not, but I remember her father wrote her fully of his family, and could I find her I believe I could go back of Ellis, Senior. "James T. Fowler is a son of Henry Ellis Fowler; he is ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 285 about twenty-eight 3^ears old and a smarts glib talker, but fiery, — our Fowlers are built that way. Some of the family traits are a quick resentment of a wrong, a fearless opinion on any and every question, with a bold fidelity to a relative or a friend/^ Hon. Godfrey B. Fowler was a member of the South Caro- lina Legislature in 1897. Lieutenant Ellis Fowler, of Union County, South Carolina, was a large, fair man, with a deep voice. He was the father of six sons and one daughter: WYMAC, GODFEEY, MARK, EPHRAIM, ELLIS, JR., and WILLIAM; name of daughter not given. Lieutenant Ellis Fowler died abou.t 1808 or 1809. GODFREY FOWLER had six sons and three daughters: JAMES, THOMAS, MILLIGAN, COLEMAN, WILFJAM, and JOSEPH; MOLLY, BETSY, and KIZIAH. He was a soldier of the War of 181:3, and he died in 185 L JOSEPH FOW^LER, son of GODFREY, haa live sons and one daughter : HAMPTON E., ADOLPHUS J,, JO H N H., GODFREY BUTLER, and JOSEPH, JR.- name of daughter not ghen. He was born in 1799 and died in 1852. GODFREY BUTLER FOWLER, son of JOSEPH, was born in Union County, South Carolina, 1837 (January 20) ; served in Confederate army in the company of Captain James B. Steedman; married, in 1865, Mrs. Louisa Jane Horn (born Mitchell),^ widow of Benson Horn, who was killed at the battle of Lookout Mountain, Tenn. His step- daughter Ella, Mrs. J. Fincher Betsill, of Crosskeys, Union County, South Carolina, was educated at Charleston, and married in 1884. NATHANIEL STEEDMAN FOWLER, the only child of GODFREY BUTLER FOWLER, was born in 1867, and educated at Jonesville, Union County, South Carolina; is ^Mrs. Louisa (Mitchell) Fowler is the daughter of Elison Mitchell, and great-granddaughter of the Rev. Elias Mitchell; sne was born in 1844. 286 ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. conductor on the Columbia, Xewberry & Laurens Railroad, and resides in Columbia, S. C; is unmarried. Addresses of other Fowlers of South Carolina: James T. Fowler, a Methodist preacher, of Kelton, Union County. Dr. Wade Fowler died about ten years ago (G. B. F.). James W. Fowler is a brother to the Dr. Fowler men- tioned. 1. MRS. MART DANIEL (FOWLER) GLENN, NEAR PALESTINE, TEXAS. 2. HON. THEOPHILUS GILLIAM FOWLER, UNIONTOWN, ALA. 3. HON. ISAAC CHAPMAN FOWLER, ABINGDON, VA. 4. MRS. DORA (FOWLER) ARTHUR, AUSTIN, TEXAS. CHAPTEE XV. 'O world, as God has made it. All is beauty: And knowing this, is love, and love is duty." — [Broivning. DESCENDANTS OF ALEXANDER FOWLER OF VIRGINIA For the following information I am indebted to Mr. Thos. M. Fowler, of Louisa County, Virginia, and the Hon. Theophilus Gilliam Fowler, of Uniontown, Ala., both o'f whom are members of my maternal line of Fowlers of Vir- ginia. Interesting letters from both of these gentlemen are given place, also, for I am inclined to believe this line of Alexander Fowler, with the Sherwood Fowler line, v/ill throw much needed light on the Virginia Fowlers. ALEXANDEE FOWLEE married MAGDALINE SMITH. He was born August 30, 1755; died November 3, 1821. She was born July 25, 1759; died February 24, 1839. They had eight children, three sons and five daughters, viz. : I. THOMAS, married MAEY SPEAIES; had I. William S., married Martha Ann Sheiton; he was born December 12, 1810; died August, 1896; they had issue: 1, Mary S., mar- ried Preston Quarles and had William B. and John E. ; the latter married Agnes Eust. Mary S. (Fowler) Quarles mar- ried second husband, Elijah E. Kemper, had 1, Charles, died in United States army, Spanish- American war; 2, Mary E.; 3, A. Scott Kemper, dead. II. Thomas Meredith, born Jan- uary 3, 1841 ; soldier in Confederate States army in Civil War; school teacher; took degree B. L. in law school of the University of Virginia and practiced law from 1870-'83; from 1883-'94 was librarian of Virginia State Law Library, Eichmond; resides on his farm near Shelf ar P. 0., Louisa County, Virginia. 3. John S., a gallant and brave cavalry- man in the Virginia army, C. S. A., killed in the battle of Kelly's Ford, 1863. (See T. M. F.'s letter.) 4. David, dead. 288 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. II. Tho]MAS Fowler, Je., second son of THOMAS^ SK., married Fanny Blunt; had Clifford Fowler, who married Card well and had Ida Fowler. II. JACOB, second son of ALEXAXDER F. and MAG- DALIXE (SMITH) FOWLER, married Ware; moved to Louisiana; nothing more known of them. III. MAGDALIXE, eldest daughter of Alexander and Magdaline F., married Thomas Binford, had I, Mary, mar- ried French, and moved to Kentucky, and had Mary, Xannie, and Thomas ; II, William, married Hardenia Adelaide Speairs, his cousin, had Indiana and Adelaide, both died young; III, Hobson, married Maria Salmons, his cousin, had 1, Xannie, married John E. Etcherson, Richmond; had John, Jr., married Lydia Bodker ; 2, Caledonia, or Callie, un- married; IV, John Binford, married and lived in v.estern part of Virginia. IV. XAXCY, fourth child and second daughter of Alex- ander and Magdaline F., married William Salmons^ had 1, Lucien, married Blunt, had issue; 2, Caroline, married Lieutenant Harry Keeling of the United States army of the Mexican War; had issue, some of whom live in Washington, D. C. ; 3, Xapoleon ; 4, Eugene, married Folks, had issue; 5, William, wife's name unknown, had issue; 6, Charles, soldier in United States army in Mexican War, in which he died; 7, Maria, married Hobson Binford, her cousin [See issue of Magdaline (Fowler) B. and Thomas Binford]; 8, Xannie, married Morris, moved south; 9^ Roxana, married James Tanxer of Richmond, had 1, Eugenia, married Harkins; 2, Hattie, married Harry Harvey, had issue; 3, Famelian, married , no issue; 4, Xannie, married Christopher Fleming, had three sons and two daughters, names unrecalled, making nine Harvey chil- dren. Y. DEBORAH, fifth child and third daughter of Alex- ander and Magdaline (Smith) Fowler, married Leonard Speairs, brother to Mary Speairs, who married Thomas, eld- est brother to Deborah; Deborah and Leonard Speairs had. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMIL7. 289 1^ Adolphus, married Watson, moved to northern Mis- sissippi, had issue, but nothing more is known of them; 2, Virgilia, married James, died young, no issue; she was gifted as a verse-writer; 3, Kardenia Adelaide, married Wil- liam BiNEORD, her cousin, had Adelaide and Indiana, both died young; 4, Moorman, married Austin, had nme children, lives in Richmond; 5, Arabella, married William B. Pettit, had, 1, Pembroke, married Wells, had six chil- dren, names not given; 2, liosa, married Nathaniel Harris, nephew of General D. B. Harris, the distinguished military engineer of the Confederate army; they reside at Frederick's Hall, Louisa County (See Mrs. Pettit's letter), and had issue; 3, Leonard, married Kate , had Margaret and Adelaide Bugbee; they reside at Big Stone Gap; 4, William Beverly, married Mrs. Fontaine and reside in Bremo Bluff, no issue; 5, Vera, unmarried, an accomplished young lady; 6, Paul, unmarried, a talented young lawyer; 7, Adelaide, married William Bugbee, no issue. (For more information of the Pettit family, see lettt-rs following.) VI. WILLIAM SMITH, known as '^Big Billy Fowler,'' third son and sixth child of Alexander and Magdaline F., married Ann Fowler, his cousin, daughter of Sherwood and Mary (Wingo) Fowler. He was born September 2, 1782; died January 2, 1862. Ann was born in Buckingham County, Virginia, March 7, 1790; died July 14, 1867, at the home of her son, T. G. Fowler, Uniontcwn, Ala. William Smith and Ann Fowler had fifteen children, the following surviving infancy: 1, Frederick A., born October 15, 1807; 2, George Smith, born August 17, ; was drowned June 15, 1828, after saving young Jennings, a companion, from drowning in James River, opposite Cartersville, Va. ; he was a young man of brilliant promise; 3, Robert Alpheus, born December 31, 1812; died May 5, 1845; 4, Mary Jane, born December 18, 1814; died September 28, 1851; 5, Martha Ann, born Feb- ruary 21, 1817; died 1823; 6, William Smith, Jr., born July 20, 1819; died October 1,, 1863; he married Moore, of St. Charles County, Missouri, had four children; 7, Virginia 19 — Fowler. 29a ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Ann, born March 3, 1821 ; unmarried, still living in Virginia; 8, Thomas Alexander, born February 11, 1823; died May 15, 1877; 9, Theophilus Gilliam, born May 25, 1828; married Mary Frances Terrell, 1859; had, 1, Kate, died in infancy; 2, Annie Terrell, born 18G2, married E. H. Ware, had Thomas Fowler, born 1890; Fannie May, born May 9, 1894; 3, May Terrell Fowler, unmarried, lives with her parents in Uniontown, Ala; 10, John Douglas Fowler, youngest son of William Smith and Ann Fowler, born July 18, 1830 ; was in Confederate Nav}^, Marino corps; was lieutenant in the engagement at Drury's Bluff, when the gunboat Galena at- tempted to reach Kichmond; was an officer of the marines on the Merrimac when the historic fight of Hampton Eoads was fought. He died in Kichmond in 18G3, from a wound received in the first battle of Manassas. 11, Harriet Xewell, born February 10, ]833; died June ]6, 1839; was the young- est child of William Smith and Ann Fowler. VII. MARY, fourth daughter of Alexander and Magda- line (Smith) Fowler, married May, moved west, noth- ing more is known of them. VIII. CAEOLINE, youngest of the children of Alexan- der and Magdaline (Smith) Fowler, married Daniel WoR- SHAM, moved to Alabama, nothing more is known of them; no issue. ^ LETTER OF MRS. ARABELLA (SPEAIRS) PETTIT, OF PALMYRA, FLUVANXA COUNTY, VIRGIXIA. [It is due Mrs. Pettit from me, the compiler of these records, that I beg her pardon for using this letter without her permission, and my reason for so doing is because it gives fuller information of her family and nothing she could possibly object to. Letters of details are like conversation, they make things so much plainer:] ^Alexander and Magdaline (Smith) Fowler had a son Sawney, who was killed in the battle of New Orleans, January. 1815, so writers Mr. T. G. Fowler of Uniontown, Ala. (See his letter.) ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 291 "•Cilen Burnie [the name of her home J, Dec. 28, 1900. — Mr. T. G. Fowler: Dear Cousin.— * * * Thoughts of my cousin Theoph. bring joy and gladness over the wide waste of years, and I see myself, now an old woman, a happy girl again. * * * Are you not glad that you have lived to see this age of improvement that calls forth my astonish- ment and admiration every day of my life? A short time before Christmas I went to Washington to see the Con- gressional Library, and my very soul feasted on the grandeur of the architecture there. It is worth a trip across the ocean to see. I had not been to Washington for several years when Bev. (Dr. W. B. Pettit) 'phoned me to go over that evening and go with him and a party of friends to see the library. In an hour's time I was in my carriage and on my way to Bremo Bluff, where I met the party and went on to Washing- ton. I never had a more delightful trip. There had be(5n so many improvements in every way since I was there that I wanted to see everything, so Bev. and I took a carriage and went over the city to all the places of interest. * * * This has been a very quiet Christmas with us. We usually have all — or nearly all — of the children with us on Christmas day, but we had only Pem and family this year. Leon is now living at Big Stone Gap. He has a lovely home there, and his wife, Kate, is one of the best and most charming of women. They have two dear little girls, Margaret and Adelaide Bugbee Pettit. Will Bugbee and Adelaide have no children, and they are delighted with their little namesake. I am in great distress now since my haby Adelaide will leave me soon to go live at the mine. She has lived at home with us nearly ever since she married, and it will be very hard for me to give her up. The mine now belongs to Mr. Reed, Mr. Craig, and Will Bugbee, so he will build and go to house- keeping there. The mine is a great resort for strangers, as well as the county folks. Mr. Bugbee is one of the nicest men in the world, and Ad could not have pleased me better if she had picked the world over. Pem has six children and two of his daughters are called beauties; they are all good- 292 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. looking^ and good children. Virgilia is very mucli like her aunt Virgilia (the verse writer). Eosa has two grown daughters, who are called very pretty, also. There are three girls and three boys. Natalie quit school last session. Belle is still at the 'Woman's College/ in Eichmond. Nat, the oldest boy, will go next year to Poughkeepsie, to study book- keeping, banking, and stenography. Claude and Genevieve, Pern's only son and oldest daughter, went over to Frederick's Hall 3'esterday, to a party at Eosa's (Mrs. Harris). Claude is a fine business boy. Paul (her son) is still with us, and I do not see how his father could get on without him, for Will is getting old and Paul does most of the active prac'fice. Vera is unmarried and at home with us, and I trust that she and Paul will continue to remain with us. I know I have been blessed in having my children near me. Bev. has no children. I do not see him often, as he has a large practice. Now, about the letter you sent me. Tom Fowler had written me about the same lady, and I wrote him everything I know about my kin. Cousin Lucy Stone, a cousin of William, and who is art teacher at Hollins Institute, sent me a Christmas present of the Douglas coat-of-arms, and — she is quite a student of genealogy — she says there is no doubt of our relation to the Douglas house. She is a fine artist, and the coat-of-arms is beautifully painted and framed. It was an agreeable surprise to me. I .^hould like to know Mrs. Arthur, and am sorry I have no more information to give her. V\^ish- ing you a happy and prosperous New Year, your Co'usin BeUe." LETTER OF THOMAS MEREDITH FOWLER, OF LOUISA COUNTY, VIRGINIA. "Shelf ar, Louisa County, Va. — Mrs. J. J. Arthur : Dear Madam. — The Fowler genealogy as given me by my father was burned in March, 1899, when my residence, with all papers, books, and family portraits, was consumed in the flames. My father, William S. Fowler, son of Thomas Fov^der, eldest son ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 293 of Alexander Fowler, had long cherished this family tradi- tion : An Englishman, Fowler, was a silk weaver in old England, and he at times trafficked in his silk along the borders of Scotland. One time, at Berwick-on-Tweed, he had among his patrons a young Scotch lady of the noble house of Douglas who bestowed on him her purchases and her smiles. Fowlei, the merchant, fell in love with her and finally summoned courage to tell her so, but he well knew that she was of noble blood, while he was simply of gentle birth. The young woman reciprocated his affections and accepted his proposal of marriage. But they both well knew that they must escape to England, for Fowler would be given the claymore in Scotland and she be sent to a nunnery, if they should be apprehended. They made good their elope- ment and were married in England. "She died soon after the birth of her first born, a son. Fowler, the silk weaver and merchant, married again and became the father of several more children, but his first-born, son of the Douglas wife, left England in his nineteenth year and settled in the tide-water portion in the colony of Virginia. My father stated that his grandfather, Alexander Fowler, was descended from that Fowler, but he did not know how near or far was the con- nection. "The lack of fuller knowledge on my father^s part w^as due to the fact that he lost both of his parents in early childhood. He said that his grandfather Alexander Fowler lived in Goochland County, and I think he said he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His wife. Miss Magdaline Smith, was of the Smiths of Meadow Bridges, on the Chicka- hominy River, Virginia. Through this Smith wife the de- scendants of Alexander Fowler are related to Mrs. Virginia Terhune, whose maiden name was Hawes, and who is the writer, Marion Harland. In this line we are also related to General Sterling Smith. *^'My father was a man of bright, quick intellect. He kiiew a good deal of medicine; was fond of and well versed in the science of government, politics, and history. He represented 294 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Louisa County one session in the Virginia Legislature He was an ardent secessionist ; was aid to Governor Letcher dur- ing the war, wdth the ranlv of lieutenant-colonel of cavalry; was volunteer aid to General Pickttt in the battles of Seven Pines and Gaines' Mill. I had papers from General Pickett and Colonels Stithers and Timothy Smith that spoke highly of my father's gallant conduct in this last battle, but they were burned also. ''Two sons of my father, John S. and Thomas M., went into the Confederate army as lieutenants, second and third, respectively, in Company D, Forty-fourth Virginia Eegiment, Colonel J. C. Scott's. x\t the reorganization of the army in 1862 they joined the Cumberland Troop, Company G, Third Virginia Cavalry. Li the winter of 18(32-"63 a portion of Stuart's cavalry made a raid, circling the right of Burnside's army, and at Hartwell's church this portion of Confederate cavalry completely routed a portion of the enemy's cavalry. My brother, John S. Fowler, got the lead in this charge and dashed up to a Yankee w-ho had a pistol leveled at him. Fowler jerked the w^eapon out of his hand and made him a prisoner there and then, for which he received honorable mention on the muster rolls of his company. "The cavalry fight of Kelly's Ford was a very desperate one, lasting nearly all day of March 17, 1863, with 900 Con- federates against 3000 Federals. Tow^ard the close of the day a desperate charge \Yas made along our entire line, and it w^as in this charge that my brother John S. Fowler w^as killed, also his horse and my horse. "The campaign of 1863, in which Meade's army was driven back to Manassas, w^as one brilliant for the Third Cavalry. My name among others was read out on dress parade of the regiment, conspicuous for gallant conduct and action. In the fierce charge at Mitchell's Shop, on the line between Spo'tt- sylvania and Caroline counties, in 1864, tw^enty of us charged Sheridan's cavalr}^, breaking through the solid columns and scattering them in sudden confusion, and only three of the twenty escaped capture; I was one of the fortunate three. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 295 In the cavalry fight at Trevilions ( ?) in June^ 18G4, my left shoulder was fractured by a shot from the enemy, and my arm had to be amputated. After that I was made captain of Home Eeserves until its men were conscripted into active service. At the close of the war I was so poor that 1 taught school to raise the necessary funds to enter the University of Virginia and take the course of law\ [See under head of T. M. Fowler in family list.] "Since the amputation of my arm I have never known comfort or peace on account of the constant twitching and jerking of my wounded shoulder. It is extremely irksome for me to wTite, because I am always very nervous. "My father said he had known several Fowlers with Doug- las as part of their Christian names. One John Douglas Fowler, a native of Goochland County, Virginia, was a near cousin to my father. He settled in Alabama and volunteered in a regiment from that State in the Civil War. At one time he was stationed at Pensacola, Fla., where he became ac- quainted with President Davis. This Alabama regiment was afterwards sent to Virginia and was in the first battle of Manassas, when John Douglas Fowler was seriously wounded. As he lay bleeding on the field he saw President Davis ride by, when, though faint from loss of blood. Fowler raised himself and cheered the President, who dismounted and gave the fallen soldier what aid he could. Afterwards President Davis gave him a commissi(jn of lieutenant in the navy, but Fowler died not long after, m Eichmond, of fever. He was ])Liried near his father in the old family burying g'round in Goochland, Va. "My father stated that one of the first representatives in the United States Congress from Kentucky was a kinsman of his. I think his name was John Fowler. [See mention of Alexander and his son John Fowler, among the early Fowlers of Kentucky.] He also stated that the Hon. I. C. Fowler, who was at one time speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia, and at present United States district court clerk at Abingdon, Va., and his brother, Elbert Fowler, were his 296 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. kinsmen. You doubtless remember that Elbert Fowler was a prominent lawyer of Hinton^ W. Va., and that he was killed by Speed Thompson in a street duel in Hinton. "My family of Fowlers are generally of a high-strung temperament, impulsive, and quick to resent wrong or an encroachment of what they think their rights. They have literary taste and poetical gifts. Virgilia Speairs, daughter of Deborah (Fowler) Speairs, was considered quite a good poetess. Her verses often appeared in the newspapers of her day and were highly commended. She married a Mr. James, and died young. "Mrs. Arabella (Speairs) Pettit was the youngest sister of Virgilia. She resides at Palmyra, Fluvanna County, and her husband is a very able and distinguished lawyer. A few years ago he was an eminent aspirant for the supreme bench of the State, and had he been more of a politician and less of a lawyer, perhaps, he might have secured the place. Mrs. Pettit is a charming woman who delights to entertain in her home after the style of antebellum days in old Virginia. Hon. Pembroke Pettit is a member of the Virginia Legisla- ture, and has been for several terms. He is a fine stump speaker. All of the Pettit family are gifted and prominent. "The John Douglas Fowler before mentioned has a living brother in Uniontown, Ala., the Hon. T. G. Fowler, a talented man who once represented his county in the Alabama Legislature. His only sister. Miss Virginia Fowler, resides in her native home of Goochland. My father also stated that Senator Fowler, in Congress from Tennessee when Andy Johnson was impeached, was another kinsman of his. My recollection is that Senator Fowler voted against President Johnson^s conviction, and if so, I think he did right. I have heard my father speak of his relatives, ^Big Billy' and ^Little Billy' Fowler, and I believe 'Big Billy' was the father of the Hon. T. G. Fowler, of Uniontown, Ala. "Perhaps it would interest you to know my father's physical traits. He stood six feet in his stockings, was slender, and had fine light-colored hair, a high, broad fore- ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 297 head, and a firm chin; and I may add, he had very courtly manners. [This describes many Fowlers I know.] "Beyond a doubt, Sherwood and Alexander Fowler were brothers. I think I remem1)ur hearing my father say that his grandfather, Alexander Fowler, died at the old Fowler home- stead in Goochland, Va. The place is now owned by a Mr. Richard James. My father settled in Louisa County about 1839. I am a descendant of the distinguished English Farrar family in my maternal line; my mother, Martha Ann (Shel- ton) Fowler was a daughter of Sally Farrar, who married Major Thomas Shelton. The Farrars have been traced in an unbroken line of English and Norman descent for six hun- dred years. Nicholas Farrar and his sons, John and Nicho- las, Jr., were prominent officials in the London Colonization Company which colonized Virginia. The meetings of that company were often held in the home of Nicholas Farrar, Sr. 1 had the Farrar Tree reaching down to me; it was printed on vellum, but it was also burned when my home was. "This genealogical information is respectfully submitted by yours truly, T. M. Fowler." LETTER OF HON. THEOFHILUS GILLIAM FOV^LER. "Uniontown, Ala., Nov. 26, 1900.— My Dear Madam and Cousin : It gives me pleasure to take up some of the broken links of my life and tell you of our kindred. My motlier, Ann Fowler, and your grandmother. Tolly' (Mary), were the daughters of Sherwood and Mary — Tolly' — (Wingo) Fowier, and they were born in Buckingham County, Virginia. Theirs was a large family, and uncle ^Little Billy' was the only one of mother's brothers who remained near his birth- place; one or more went to Tennessee and settled near Nash- ville, several sons of whom were gallant Confederate soldiers; some served as officers with General John H. Morgan. Uncle Tittle Billy' had one daughter who married a Mr. Lightner and moved to southwest Kentucky; they had several children. Some years ago a son of Aunt Polly (Fowler) Glenn, Mar- 298 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. shall, corresponded with us iind sent ns his photo. He was at the time a member of the Texas Legislature. I presume he was your mother's brother. [He was a brilliant lawyer of Palestine, Texas, where he died.] "My father, William Smith Fowler, had a brother Jacob and a brother Sawney. Uncle Sawney never married, and he was one of the few killed in the battle of Xew Orleans. [He forgets to name the eldest brother, Thomas.] My brother, George Smith Fowler, was arowned in the James Eiver at Cartersville. He had just graduated at the University of Virginia and was on his return home wdien he stopped at Cartersville, within three miles of his home, and went in bathing, and was drowned in saving young Jennings. He sw^am with his friend nearly to shore and sank exhausted, but by that time Jennings was sufficiently recovered to save himself. George was a young man of great promise and had a bright future. "My father and his brothers were in the war of 1812-''14 ; my father was in the brigade of General John Cocke. I served through the war ]Jet^\'een the States, leaving my wife and a babe three months old, who was four years old when I came back. [Here Mr. Fowler repeats the same information relative to his brother, John Douglas Fowler, given in the letter of Mr. T. M. Fowler.] "I am quite familiar with the traditions of my ancestry, but I have lost the name of the English ancestor of this country whose mother was of the Stirling Castle Douglas family. You see that the name of Douglas was remembered in our branch of the family in the name of my brave brother who was so seriously wounderi at the first battle of Manassas, and which at last caused his death. "T left Virginia in 1859 (May) and settled in Marengo County, which adjoins this. Perry. In January, 1859, I married here in Uniontown. ]\Iy wife was a Miss Terrell, whose parents came to this State from La Grange, Ga. My daughter Annie married a prosperous merchant and business man, E. H. Ware, and they, with their two children, Thomas ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 299 Fowler and May Terrell, live just across the street from us. May Terrell, my youngest daughter, is unmarried and is the light of our home. I am postmaster here and she makes a model assistant, making out all my reports most system- atically. [The picture of this young lady shows a very charming personality.] "I brought my mother to this State with me, and she is buried in the Terrell lot here. She died July 14, 1867. My sister Virginia (who is eighty years old) is boarding In the family of her cousin, Eugene Salmons, the son of father's sister Xanc}', in Goochland County, Virginia. '^General Thomas Fowler, who was many years a resident of Mobile, Ala., and his younger brother Frank, now of Cincinnati, 0., claimed relationship with me; I knew tliem quite well. Some time before his death. General Tom was hunting a missing link in the Fowler family which w^ould establish proof of our right to one of those fabulous fortunes awaiting us in the Bank of England. So far I have not laid hands on any part of it ; have you ? With much affection, your cousin, Tiieophilus Gilliam Fowler."" The foregoing is necessarily condensed, as is the letter of Mr. Thomas M. Fowler, only facts of importance to this record being given. DESCENDANTS OF SHERWOOD AND MARY ''pOLLY'" (w^INGO) FOWLER^ OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY^ VIRGINIA, AND LATER OF BEDFORD AND MARSHALL COUNTIES, TENNESSEE. SHEEWOOD FOWLER was born in Virginia, January 1, 1759; married Mary Wingo in Amelia County, 1782; died in Marshall County, Tennessee, September 29, 1837. Mary W^ingo was born June 26, 1765; died September 29, 1837. They had sons: Sherwood (called "Woody''), who married and had a family; John, married and had a family; Coleman, was a Methodist preacher; Abbott, married and had children; Jacob, was an old bachelor; William (called "Little Billy Fowler"). It seems that he was the only son 300 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. who continiud to live in Virginia; he was pros^Derous, and lived in Goochland County. The daughters of Sherwood and Mary were Jane, married ; Ann, born March 7, 1790; married her cousin, William Smith Fowler (called "Big Billy''), who was a son of Sherwood's brother, Alexander F. [See descendants of William Smith F. and Ann (Fowler).] Mary Daniel, born in Buckingham County, A'irginia, married Nathan Glenn, of Cumberland County, and had Mary, Ann, Martha Susan, Thomas, and Marshall. [See Glenn family.] The foregoing facts are given by my mother, Martha Susan (Glenn) Fowler, wife of Judge A. "Jack" Fowler, of Texas, with some assisting data from Hon. T. G. Fowler, of Uniontown, Ala., her cousin. She left her native State of Virginia in the year 1833, "when the stars fell,'"' and her memory is of course very vague and dim relative to these facts, for they are only childish impressions. I have tried my best to get more information from persons supposed to be interested, but up to the present I have failed utterly. She remembers more clearly her grandparents who visited her parents when they lived in Tennessee. I presume fhat the old couple never returned to Virginia but remained with their sons in Tennessee. Her parents lived at the time of this visit, in Marshall County, Tennessee, and it was between 1833 and 1840 (prior to 1837, Mary's death). She remem- bers, also, that her grandfather was an old "revolutioner," for she has seen him taking part in patriotic celebrations among the honored veterans. Yoakum, the Texas historian, who was an old friend of my father, remembered Sherwood Fowler far better than my mother does, as he knew the "old revolutioner" in man- hood, and he often laughed over some of Sherwood's verses taking off the shams and follies of society in his da}-, for Sherwood delighted to "drop into rhyme." When I wished to join the Daughters of the American Revolution on my great-grandfather Sherwood Fowler's mili- tary record, X found that I must give proof of such service — and I had none. I thought of the pension office and wrote ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 301 for proof, if any were to be had in that department. I re- ceived the following letter of facts: "Bnrean of Pensions, Washington, D. C, May 28, 1897. — Sherwood Fowler made application for pension on December 5, 1832, at which time he was residing in Bedford County, Tennessee, and he was then seventy-three years of age. His pension was allowed for six months- actual service as a private, corporal, and sergeant in the Virginia troops, Eevolutionary War; a part of the time he served under Captain Walker and Colonel Willis. He enlisted in Powhatan County, Virginia. H. Clay Evans, Commissioner.^^ Additional information was given that "the last payment of pension was made in 1839, when Sherwood Fowler lived in Marshall County, Tennessee." Thus we know that he was born in 1759; married in 1782, when twenty-three years old, and at the close of the war ; claimed a pension when he was seventy-three ; died when he was eighty, in the State of Tennessee. Later Mr. Fowler of Alabama gave me exact data, which are given above. Mr. Chalkley of Richmond, Va., sent record of the mar- riages of two Fowlers in Amelia Count}^, viz. : "Sherwood Fowler and Mary Wingo, 1782; Edmund Fowler and Sarah Clements, 1784."^ I regret not having exact wedding day of Sherwood and Mary Wingo. I do not know whether Edmund was akin to the former, but circumstances lead me to believe that he was. My mother is the only surviving child of Sherwood^s daughter Mary ("Polly"), and she has never returned to her native State even on a visit. She is seventy-seven, and re- tains her physical and mental faculties remarkably. DESCENDANTS OF MARY DANIEL (fOWLER) AND NATHAN GLENN^ OF CUMBERLAND AND PRINCE EDWARD COUNTIES, VIRGINIA, AND LATER OF lONI, ANDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. Nathan Glenn was a son of James Glenn of Cumberland County, Virginia, who held live grants of land in Botetourt 3u2 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. and New Kent counties. Mr. Thomas Allen Glenn of Ard- more^ Pa., who is a genealogist, says that the Glenns of Pennsylvania and Virginia were of the Scotch-Irish emigrants from Ulster County, Ireland. Fiske, historian, says, in "Old Virginia and Her Neighbors,'' that these emigrants were edu- cated artisans and tradespeople who came to America for con- science's sake, as did the Priritans and Huguenots, and who proved so important in the better civilization of this country, especially in the godless and effete aristocracy of cavalier Virginia. If any one thinks this opinion of A^irginia aristoc- racy too severe, let him read Bishop Meade's "Old Churches and Families of Virginia." Nathan Glenn was an educated old school Presbyterian, but he accommodated himself to his wife's church, either because he liked it as well, or that his own did not follow him fast enough in his western settlements. His wife was a refined old Virginian, a model housekeeper, and a capable mistress of her husband's many slaves. Their A^irginia home was on the Appomattox Kiver, in Prince EdAvard County, near Farmville, and it was named "Obsloe" by their friend and neighbor, the erratic "John Kandolph of Eoanoke;" but Roanoke was not that statesman's nearest plantation to Obsloe. Grandfather was such an ardent admirer of Ran- dolph that he named his Texas dogs and horses for those of his Virginia favorite. Nathan Glenn served in the war of 1812-'14, and was stationed at Norfolk, Va. He was always called Captain Glenn by his Texas neighbors, but my mother does not know if he held that position in the war. I know it is a threadbare story, but it is nevertheless true in this instance. Captain Glenn went security for a friend, who, as usual, failed. Obsloe was seized by the unfortunate man's creditors, also the live stock and many of the slaves. Mr. Glenn started out to begin life anew in Tennessee, re- taining only a few servants. He first went to Lincoln County, then to Marshall County, Mississippi, then back to Tennessee, to Marshall Countv, but each in turn failed to fill the heart ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 303 of the homesick man, and he moved on to the new El Dorado of Texas, the hind of spring and summer. He was a hot-lieaded Democrat, and mother remembers many distinguished men who lingered under his hosjDitable roof, among them Governor Polk of Tennessee. His eldest daughter, Mary (Mrs. Gresham), was equally as ardent a Whig, and her father invited both to his table, for he was j^roud of his daughters brilliant conversational powers. Tradition says that even in that far-away time she dared to argue Scripture with the parson or talk politics with the leaders, even the Governor ! Ann was his handsome daughter. He reached the Kepublic of Texas in 1840 and settled at old Fort Houston, which was then a blockhouse and a stock- ade for protection from the Indians, many of whom still lived in the forest fastnesses of East Texas. He brought with him his two married daughters, Mesdames Gresham and McClure, and their families, together with many negroes. It was at this fort in the Texas wilds where my father and mother were married in 1841. (See old-time Texas wedding, in "Descendants of A. J. Fowler.") He subsequently bought a plantation on loni Creek, about fifteen miles from Fort Houston, at the old loni Indian vil- lage, in a league of land owned by my father, who came in 1837. In a spirit of grim humor the new home was chris- tened "Hard Bargain." Mr. Gresham and family settled near, and Mr. McClure and family settled in the new-born town of Palestine, where he became one of the leading lawyers of the State. Despite its name, my grandfather's home was my child- hood's Eden, with its locust-shaded walks, vine-screened porches and windows, its rows of bee-hives, its orchards, and the plum "nursery," where I could reach up in the tangle- wood and pluck the fruit for myself. Then, too, their table was always laden with the most delicious preserves, honey, and all other good things, for my grandmother prided herself on her Virginian housewifery skill. I often forgot to eat in open-eyed consternation at grandfather's alarming appe- 304 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. tite. Elic, a black manservant, always stood behind "''ole Massa's'" chair and devoted himself to the hearty old gentle- man's wants. Whenever 1 questioned my mother on the reason grandpa ate so much, she always said it was because ]ie was "an old Virginia gentleman/' from wdiicli I concluded that he was specially favored by somebody. He w^as large and fair, robust, loud, and bustling. I was afraid of him because he emphasized his orders and conversation with many oaths, another phase of the old Southern type, which trait my own father abhorred. He and his quiet, gentle old wife died on this Texas plantation, he about 1861 and she in the early 70's, beloved and lamented by their former slaves, many of wdiom had continued to live with "ole Mass and ole Miss,'' and by their neighbors. They lie buried in the Glenn and Gresham burying-ground in front of the gate of the Gresli^m homestead. May God bless their memory to their few re- maining descendants ! They sleep with their Glenn, Gresham, and Wright kindred. Their children w^ere : I. MARY, married GEORGE GRESHAM, of a fine old Georgia family. (See Greshams.) II. AXX, married ALEXANDER EWIXG M'CLURE, of a prominent North Carolina and Tennessee family of Irish ancestry. (See MeClures, further.) III. MARTHA SUSAN, married ANDREW JACKSON FOWLER, of a good Kentucky family of English ancestry. (See "Descendants of A. J. Fowler of Texas.") IV. MARSH, married MOLLIE DUPUY, daughter of an Anderson County (Texas) planter; they lived very de- voted to each other; were married at mature age, both of them; they had no issue. He was educated in Palestine Academy and at McKenzie CoHege, Clarksville, Texas. He had a fine brain, but he never attained the brilliant future predicted for him by his admiring friends. He was captain of Company A, Second Texas Cavalry, Pyron's Regiment, in the C. S. A. He died in Palestine, Texas, June 26, 1889; his widow still survives him. He w^as for many years a promi- nent lawyer of that town, and one term he represented his ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 305 county in the Texas Legislature. Like his father^ he was large and fair, possessing an inexhaustible fund of sparkling wit and kindly humor. Peace to his memory ! He was his own worst enemy, for we all loved him. y. THOMAS GLENN was the eldest son; he married Laura Smith, and had Ida and another daughter; they are all dead. Thomas died of pneumonia in Little Eock, Ark., while he was a soldier of the Confederacy. His was a genial, sunny nature, and his early death was long and sorely mourned by his parents and kindred. His home, given him by his father, is in the old loni neighborhood, where not a single Glenn descendant lives to-day (1901). VI. VIRGINIA, died in childhood and was buried at old Fort Houston. VIL WILLIAM, died in childhood and buried at the fort also, 1840 ('41?). My mother, Mrs. A. J. Fowler, is the only surviving child of Mary Daniel (Fowler) and Nathan Glenn, and my father was the last of the sons of Godfrey Fowler, Jr., and Clara (Wright). THE GRESHAM FAMILY. L MARY GLENN married GEORGE GRESHAM, of Georgia, before 1840; they had children, — sons, — Otey, Richard, James, Thomas Glenn, George Marshall. Otey died during the Civil War, while a soldier of the Confedeiracy, at Clarksville, Tenn. ; "Dick'' was killed in battle in Louisiana, at or near Thibideaux; James was a brave captain of a Texas company and lived to return to his heart-broken parents; he married Fanny Shipp, of Van Alstyne, Grayson County, Texas, and had sons, George Harris, Pink, and Robert; they live in Temple, Texas, and are the editors and owners of the Temple Times; they are married and have families, except George Harris Gresham, who is an old bachelor. Thomas Glenn Gresham (always called "Jog"), married ■ Wagoner and had several sons ; he and his wife are dead. 20 — Fowler. 300 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. George Marshall Gresham, the youngest son and child of Mary (Glenn) and George Gresham, is married and lives in Temple also, and has children, the eldest, George Harris. G. M. Gresham is a druggist there. Virginia Gresham, the eldest daughter, married Hinchman Wright of Anderson County, Texas, and had sons, Glenn and Charley Dick, and daughters Fanny G., Virgie Lee, Julia, and Maggie, all of whom are married. She died 23rior to 1890. Mary ("Mol- lie'^) Gresham, second daughter, married Benj. Conway, had issue, and died; George Aliord Conway was reared by his grandmother and her two sons, Jog and George Marshall Gresham, and died when about grown, being the last of his family. THE m'CLURE family. II. ANIS^ GLENX married ALEXAXDEE EWIXG Mc- CLURE of Tennessee, and had issue: 1, Eobert, married Puss Woodward (nee Skelton), and had Annie, married Joe Summers, had Kathleen, and died; 2, Dr. Marsh McClure, married Annella Boyd Armstrong, now dead; he is a popular physician of Alto, Cherokee County; 3, Quarles, unmarried; 5, Phila, married Hurter, lives in Mineola, Texas. Mr. R. McClure married a second time. Miss Elizabeth Ivirbey, and has a son Kirbey; they reside in Rusk, Cherokee County, where he is an active lawyer. 11. "Mollie,'' Mary Ellen MeClure, married Hamlett, and lives in Mont Alba, Ander- son County, Texas; she has Annie Laurie. III. Georgia Virginia McClure married Robert Broyles and had Daniel, Marsh, Xellie, and others; they live in San Saba County, Texas, Cherokee postolhce. She was a very gifted and popu- lar young woman, reared in Palestine, Texas, the home of her parents. IV. William McClure married and died, leav- ing one daughter, Glenn McClure. V. Alexander Purdoni McClure married Minnie Lawrence and had two daughters; he died in 1889, and is buried in his father^s family lot in the old Palestine cemetery. VI. Thomas McClure married ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 3u7 and lives in Texas. VII. George Ewing, unmarried and lives in Palestine. Mr. and Mrs. Gresham lived on their farm on loni Creek. Nearly all the family was scattered by marriage and death as far back as I am able to remember. Mrs. Gresham, ''Aunt Mary/^ and her two youngest sons, Jog and George, together with the little orphan grandchild, George Alford Conway, made up the household as [ knew it best. She was a very intelligent and refined lady, and had great strength of character. "Cousin Jennie'' (Mrs. Wright) and her good husband, with their little baud of children, lived on a farm not very far from the Gresham homestead, and it was the delight of my girlhood to make my vacation rounds among my country cousins, in company of Annie Glenn, now Mrs. AY. H. Hewett of Palestine, who was a very distant relative, but who has ever been very near to the family in times of mirth and sorrow. Ah, the simple pleasures of bouyant youth ! How they brighten in flight. For twenty years, ever since I have been a married woman, I have not revisited those happy scenes of my girlhood. Mr. and Mrs. McClure lived at the old homestead ir the town of Palestine, and my Aunt Ann died before I could remember her. She was known as the handsome Glenn daughter, and she was greatly beloved by the kindred. My cousin Mollie, a handsome, musical girl, was the mistress of the home as I remember it. Cousin Georgia, the younger daughter, was a continual delight to my admiring heart, for I thought her so "smart"" and vivacious. Alex., the third son, was my favorite of all my cousins because he made more of the unattractive little girl than the rest of them. Mr. McClure was a prosperous, public-spirited man, a lawyer and office-holder. There were many merry reunions of Gresham, McClure, and Fowler young folks in the "good old days before the war,'" when fiddling and dancing, with singing, horseback riding, and all other simple pleasures of happy, unpretentious family life, filled the long days and nights of happy-do-nothing. I remember some of it after "Uncle 3<)8 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. Tom" Glenn, Otey, and Dick Gresham had marched away to war with their brother James, Robert McClure, brother Nathan Fowler, and "Uncle Marsh'' Glenn, '^to live or die for Dixie,'' and tliree of them never came hach! DESCEXDAXTS OF THOMAS FOWLER OF VIRGIXIA. These data are given by Hon. Isaac Chapman Fowler of Abingdon, A"a. : Thomas Fowler of Virginia was born about 1727; he moved from Virginia to South Carolina, and from there he removed to Tennessee. He died about October, 1826, aged ninety- nine years. He had a son. Dr. Thomas Fowler of Parrotts- ville, Tenn., who married Mary Baldridge, who survived him many years. His gravestone in his native to^vn bears this inscription : "In memory of Dr. Thomas Fowler, Born April 11, 1770; Died October 28, 1840. For near 50 years he was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church." Of his wife, Mary (Baldridge) Fowler: "In memory of Mary Fowler, who died JSTovember 10, 1854, aged 54 years, 10 months, and 21 days. A member of the Methodist Episcopal Church 50 odd years and died in great peace, and her works do follow her. Farewell, my dear Mother, we will meet again in the Resurrection Morn." The eldest son of this Christian couple was another Dr. Thomas Fowler, who was born also at Parrottsville, Tenn., in July, 1798; educated at Washington College, Tennessee, studied medicine under Dr. Elkanah Dulaney, at Blountville, Tenn., and attended medical lectures at Transylvania Univer- sity (Kentucky) in 1824; he then went to Tazewell Court- House, Va., where he married in 1826 Priscilla Chapman of Ripplemead, Giles County, A^irginia. In September, 1835, they moved to the mouth of Indian [omitted — Creek? or River?), Monroe County, A^irginia, where they resided until their respective deaths, the husband in 1858 and the wife in 1876. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 309 Dr. Thomas Fowler the First, son of Thomas Fowler the First, had children : 1. Dr. Thomas Fowler, born July, 1798; married Priscilla Chapman, 1826; died April, 1858, in Monroe County, Virginia. 2. John F. Fowler, born 1800. 3. Mary Ann, born 18—; married William Alexander. 4. Levi, born 18—; died m Texas, about 1880 (in Johnson County). 5. Samuel, born ; married and moved to Indiana. 6. Abijah, born 1808; died in Monroe County, Tennessee. Author, in collaboration with his brother Josiah, of Fowler^'s Arithmetic, the old "Federal Calculator,"- which was much used in the early schools of Tennessee, Virginia, and Georgia. ■ From Johnston and Brown's Life of Alexander H. Stephens is quoted : "He could read vvell and spell almost every word in Webster's Spelling-book. He could write, and had ciphered as far as the Single Rule of Three in the old federal Calculator.'" "Little Aleclr' was then twelve years old (1826). Again, on page 46, he tells in his diary that he studied arithmetic with Mr. Welch of Locust Grove Academy : "I read and exercised daily m writing, but arithmetic was the main study. But in 1827 I commenced at the beginning of the old Federal Calculator, reviewed all the rules, and went regularly through the book, writing out a careful tran- script of every problem or sum. At the end of the term in June I was through, and master of the book." I have seen a time-worn, thumbed, and dingy old copy of that old book, which is now venerated by Mrs. Emma (Burnham) Quebe- deaux of iVustin, Texas, who is a granddaughter of Josiah Fowler, the younger author of the Federal Calculator. He^' copy is a revision of the other editions, and bears date of 1834, if I mistake not. 7. (To continue the number and names of the Fowler -Abijah and Josiah Fowler of Tennessee must have reeopyrighted and revised the old Federal Calculator, as the dates show that they were too young to have been the original authors. 310 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. children) : Dollie, born 1810 : married Malo}% and died in Arkansas. 8. Josiah, born July 16, 1811; died July 4, 1888, in Salado, Bell County, Texas. In 1853 Josiali Fowler moved from Cocke County, Tennessee, to Burnet County, Texas, near Marble Falls, on the Colorado River, where he built himself a marble residence (of the native marble, which is destined to outlast many generations, and is still in posses- sion of the Fowler family). Sarah Jane Fowler, daughter of Josiah, married Jesse Burnham, a son of an early and brave pioneer of Texas, of whom much has been written in Texas. 9. Francis F., born September 26, 1813; died October 1, 1840, Greenville, Tenn. Going back a little on this Fowler line, it is learned that the Thomas Fowler who went to South Carolina from Vir- ginia had a brother Joseph or Josiah, for he was called "old Joe,^' and he died in Cocke County, Tennessee, but had lived in South Carolina, likely in Greenville District, with two other brothers named Aaron and Eichard. "I have seen the graves of Josiah and Levi Fovrler, in Laurens District, South Carolina, and they were sons of the before mentioned x^aron or Richard; some of them lived in Spartanburg District. Many of them light complexioned, with sandy hair, and they would work all day and nearly all night. Joe and Levi were w^orthy." So says an authority quoted. Another note says that "Dr. Francis F. Fowler, ninth child of Dr. Thomas Fowler and Mary (Baldridge) was born September 26, 1813 ; married Jane Malon}', December 28, 1837, in Greenville, Tenn. He died October 15, 1869. He attended the school of medicine of Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky." Signed W. F. Fowler, Greenville, Tenn., March, 1893. Dr. Thomas Fowler and Priscilla (Chapman) had children as follows : 1. Albert Chapman, born December 6, 1827; died October 29, 1832. ANNAL8 OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 311 2. Ann Eliza, born Xovember 22, 1829; died November 1, 1830. 3. Isaac Chapman, born September 2, 1831 ; married Kizzie McDonald Chapman, December 6, 1854. 4. Thomas Baldridge, bor.n January 5, 1834; died July 26, 1867, Johnson County, Texas. "5. Mary Ann, born September 1, 1836; married J. D. Johnston, November 13, 1855. 6. Amanda Louisa, born January 31, 1839; married R. A. Pearis, January 1, 1856. 7. Allen, born July 18, 1841; lives ^in Salt Lake City (1898). 8. Elbert, born November 24, 1843; died February 23, 1885 ; was murdered. Isaac Chapman Fowler and Kiziah McDonald (Chapman) had children: 1. Nannie Belle, born March 25, 1860; married Stuart F. Lindsey, and has children. Dawn F. and McDonald. 2. Mary Louise, born February 29, 1868; married David A. Preston; they have children: Louise, born September 2., 1893, and Icelia May, born . 3. Priscilla Chapman, born January 8, 1871 ; married P. Agee Goodwyn; they have one child, Allen A., born October — , 1898. Hon. I. C. Fowler of Abingdon, Va., in courteous reply to my anxious inquiries : "I was born in Tazewell, Va., 1831; educated partly in Parrottsville, Tenn., and at Emory and Henry College, Virginia. My public acts as a citizen are: I was mayor of Bristol, Va., 1869-1875; then became a member of the Virginia House of Delegates; was made Speaker of the House 1881-1882; have been clerk of the United States Circuit and District Courts at Abingdon for sixteen years. I am ranked as a man of whom naught that is evil can be said, except in politics, and, in the latter, no man can say I ever did a dishonorable act; they can only say occasionally that my opinions are wrong. 'My wife is a very much revered and respected -Aoman. In the aristocratic line 312 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. and idea (do not speak it loud) she is a lineal descendant of King Eobert Bruce of Scotland. But what is this worth compared to being a natural queen and a wife of one of the royal line of the House of Fowler ? Some time since I started my autobiography, and, if I ever get time to finish it, I shall send you and my cousin Emma [Mrs. Emma (Burn- ham) Quebedeaux, elsewhere mentioned] complimentary copies.^' CHAPTEE XVI. "Oh be swift to love while ]t is to-day, for to-morrow we pass away! Be ever ready with the warm hand-clasp and the welcoming smile; be responsive, be kind; in a word, he loving." EARLY KENTUCKY FOWLERS FROM VIRGINIA. The following is copied from the introduction to the "Journal of Jacob Fowler;'' narrating an adventure from Arkansas through the Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, to the source of Rio Grande del Norte, 1821-'22. Edited, with notes, by Elliot Coues, and published by Francis P. Harper, New York, 1898. Mr. R. T. Durett, in the introduction, says: "The author of this Journal is Major Jacob Fowler. * * * j obtained the manuscript some years ago from Mrs. Ida Symmes Coates, daughter of the late ximericus Symmes, now residing at her country seat near Louisville. Mrs. Coates is a great- granddaughter, on the maternal side, of Jacob Fowler. The MS. descended to her in a direct line from her mother, Frances Scott, who was a granddaughter of Jacob Fowler, and who had obtained it in the same way from her mother, Abigail Fowler, the only daughter of Jacob Fowler. * * * - — Pioneers by the name of Fowler were early in Kentucky, and some of them were owners oi large tracts of land. In 1783 Alexander Fowler entered 10,000 acres on the Little Ken- tucky River; and in 1784 John Fowler, who was the first member of Congress from Ashland District, located 1536 acres on Brush Creek and on the dividing ridge between Pitman^s Creek and Robertson's Run. I do not know whether Jacob Fowler was of this family of Fowlers, but he was certainly akin to them in so far as the love and ownership of lands was concerned. Besides other possessions, he owned 2000 acres of the site of the present city of Covington, Ken- ton County, Kentucky. He was one of the pioneers of what 314 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. afterward became Kenton County, before the city of Cov- ington was incorporated. A census of the male inhabitants of this locality shows him to have been residing here in 1810, with his sons Edward and Benjamin. Had he been permitted to retain these Covington lands, he might have become a multi-millionaire. His kind heart, however, led him to be- come the indorser of those who made a clean sweep of his fine estate. A large brick dwelling, handsomely furnished, in the midst of ample grounds, planted with trees and shrub- bery, flow^ers and blue-grass, went with his lands to pay the debts of others. Had he written his name as indorser as illegibly as he wrote the names of others in his Journal, there might have been some ground for what lawyers call the plea of non est factum, to clear him of liability. But such was not the case, and his security for others swept away his large icstate. "Major Fowler married the widow^ Esther Saunders, nee •to Kentucky in early life, a line specimen of physical man- ■hood, fully equipped for the office and duties of surveyor. His surveying instruments were the best of their day, and ■elicited no little envy from those who used the common ■Jacob's staff, compass, and chain of the times. He had the reputation of being an accomplished surveyor, and did much in his line for the United States government. His survey- ing extended to the great plains and mountains of the far West, before civilization had reached these distant wilds. He w^as there when wild animals and wilder savages were the only tenants of the wilderness. '^Major Fowler married the widow Esther Saunder, nee de Vie, of New|3ort, Ky. She was of French descent, and a lady of great beauty and accomplishments. She made his home one of happiness and hospitality. She sometimes ac- companied him on his surveying expeditions, and bore domestic charms to the tent in which they lived as she did to the palatial home. She was a woman of fine business capacity, who, when her husband was not at home, at- tended to his affairs, and especially to his farm in the ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 315 suburbs of Covington. Here fine stock and abundant crops owed much to her constant care and supervision. The grapes that grew on the place were made into wine and the apples into cider, in accordance with the knowledge she had inherited from her French ancestors. Her great-grandchildren of to-day tell of her camp life with her husband. The tent floor was carpeted; a comfortable bed invited to repose after the toil of the day; dainty china, bright cut-glass, and shining silverware, handsome enough to be preserved as family heirlooms by their descendants, were used on the camp table. It was something of Parisian life in the dreary wilderness. "Major Fowler died in Covington in 1850. His life as a surveyor and explorer in the far West subjected him to many hardships, but a constitution naturally vigorous was preserved with care until he reached his eighty-sixth year. He has numerous descendants in Kentucky, Ohio, and other States, some of whom occupy high social positions. Mrs. Coates, to whom I am indebted for this manuscript Journal, is, in her paternal line, a granddaughter of Captain John Cleve Symmes, author of the '^Theory of Concentric Spheres,^ 12mo., Cincinnati, 1826, and great-grandniece of Hon. John Cleve Symmes, a member of Congress from New Jersey, who pur- chased of the United States government that vast body of land in the State of Ohio, lying on the north bank of the Ohio Kiver between the two Miamis. * * * " I have copied quite fully the foregoing introduction be- cause it is interesting, and it will enable one to the more clearly remember the pioneer Fowlers of Kentucky, dis- tinguishing among those from New York, Virginia, and North Carolina. Alexander and John Fowler, who are men- tioned as taking up large tracts of land there about the close of the Revolutionary War, are beyond a doubt members of the Alexander line of Virginia Fowlers, — my maternal line, — as is proved by other evidence in the family mentioned. The Rev. Littleton Fowler, Methodist missionary to the Republic of Texas, married Miss Missouri Lockwood, who 316 ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. was a step-daughter to Captain John Cleve Symmes of New- port, Ky., and consequently a step-sister to the late Americus Symmes, the father of Mrs. Coates of near Louisville. Quite a degree of affection seemed to exist between Mrs. Fowler and her step-brother, judging by the many cordial letters which passed between them, many of which I have read. ( See fuller mention in the Littleton Fowler chapter.) The Journal of Jacob Fowler mentions Robert Fowler, a brother to the major. Jacob is also a distinguishing name in the Alexander Fowler line. ANOTHER BRANCH OF KENTUCKY FOWLERS. In 1900 Mrs. Charles E. Davis of Nacogdoches, Texas, furnished the following data in the hope that I might be able to help her to find her family niche, wdiich I have vainly endeavored to do, but I insert her data here in the wish to have other members hunt up the connecting link. Mrs. Davis writes: "My grandfather, William Fowler, went to Kentucky during its early settlement. I presume that he Avas born in Virginia. He was born January 30, 1807. He married Xancy Carrawa}', whose birth was January 9, 1811; they had eight children: James C, Wesley T. (my father), Martha E., William B., Sarah D., David E., Mary L. Grandfather was a large slave-owner in Kentucky. At the time of my grandparents^ death, also my parents, they lived in Collin County, where they helped to start the town of McKinney. My father and mother were both reared in Trigg County, Kentucky. They came to Texas in 1868. "Wesley T. Fowler, born August 14, 1833; married Eliza- beth McWaters, June 18, 1859; they had seven children, viz: William Y., born June "^0, 1860; Jabe B., born March 1, 1863; Bradford A., born August 31, 1865; Isaac D., born February 39, 1868; David D., born January 7, 1871; Nannie E. (myself), born October 3, 1873 ; Sinthy Belle, born August 3, 1876, died 1879. I think that my mother died about 1879 and father in 1882. I can find out, if you wish. Father was MISS LAUllA rOWLER, Athens, Texas. CLINE WILSON, Russellville, Texas. ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY. 317 an architect and owned a large cattle ranch. Three of my brothers are doctors, one a lawyer, — Dudley Fowler, who completed his law studies in Austin eight years ago [in State University?]. I married Chas. E. Davis, April 18, 1893, and our one child, a son, is named Fowler Edward Davis." Mr. Davis was editor of the Nacogdoches Sentinel at the time Mrs. Davis wrote. I met Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Fowler of Brownwood, Texas, at the Texas-Colorado Chautauqua, in the 'summer of 1900. They both impressed me as very pleasant and cordial. Dr. Fowler was then a helpless invalid in a wheeled chair, having never recovered from an injury sustained while traveling on a railroad. He is large and fair, over six feet tall, as are so many of the name. His wife was Miss Mabel Looney, and is a very estimable woman. WHICH ARE YOU? There are two kinds of people on earth to-day, Just two kinds of people, no more I say; Xot the sinner and saint, for 'tis well understood That the good are half bad and the bad are half good. Xot the rich and the poor, for to count a man's wealth One must first know the state of his conscience and health. Xot the humble and proud, for in life's little span Who puts on vain airs is not counted a man. Xot the happy and sad, for the swift-flying years Bring each man his laughter and each man his tears. Xo; the two kinds of people that I mean. Are the people who lift and the people who lean. Wherever you go you will find the world's masses Are always divided in just these two classes; And oddly enough, you will find, too, 1 wean. There's only one lifter to ticenty icho lean. In which class are you? Are you easing the load Of overtaxed lifters who toil up the road? Or are you a leaner, who lets others bear Your portion of labor, worry, and care? — [Ella Wheeler Wilcow. -}y\ ^^ APPENDIX. FOWLER GEXEALOGIES. The following list was most kindly given me by Mr. Charles Evan Fowler, Bridge Engineer, Youngstown, Ohio. He says: '"The books on the Fowler family, of which I am aware, are as follows: 'The Fowler Familv. Descendants of Philip and Mary Fowler of Ips^s-ich, -G^.,' by M. A. Stickney: 247 pages; record from 1.590-1882, with portraits and indexes. * (Also the coat-of-arms elsewhere referred to, — the one granted to Eiehard Fowler by Richard the Lion-heaited. ) "Genealogical INlemoir of Descendants of Ambrose F. and Captain William Fowler of New Haven. 1857,:' 27 pages. H. W. Dutton & Sons. -Wm. Fowler, the Magistrate of Milford, Ct.; 1639 to 1867. By Wm. Chauney Fowler." 12 pages. 'Our Predecessors and Their Descendants," by Robert Ludlow Fowler. 78 pages. 1889. Xew York. •Memoir of Descendants of Captain William Fowler of Xew Haven, Ct.:' 1870, by D. W. Fowler, 42 pages, Starr & Sons. Milwaukee." Mr. Fowler furthermore says : "My ancestors came from Frfderick County, Maiyland. to Ohio, in 1815; so far I have been unable to make any connection with either the Maryland or Connecticut Fowlers. ' There is a family tradition that my ancestors moved to Maryland from Xew Jersey, but I can not learn more as to that. This' is my family line: "Benj. Fowler, b. about 1720. wife Ales. — Pipe Creek. Md.! had sons John and James. John moved west. James, b. 5/9 1758, d. 1/31 1848: wife Mary Ogborn, descend, of Gustavus Adolphus; they had children: James. Caleb, b. 1792, d. 1861: Joseph. Sam"l.' Rebecca. Lydia, Sarah, Elizabeth. Ales. Caleb had sons. — Lindley M. and Chalkley T., the foiTaer had Addi- son J., b. 1860. m"d Adora Booth; issue, Irene, Ernest (he is a lawyer in Denver. Colo.) : the latter had Chas. E., b. Feb. 10. 1867, m'd Lucille H.. and had children. — Harold. Louise. Margaret, and Robert." * ^ THE WRIGHT FAMILY. EARLY SETTLERS OF RED RIVER COUXTY, TEXAS. [Written by George Wright for an old Texas Xewspaper. Found in A. J. Fowler"s "Family Scrap-book.""] "On March 5, 1816. Claiborne Wright shipped his family on board his keelboat called the Pioneer, in Smith County. Tennessee, just ■above the mouth cf Clear Fork of the Cumberland River. His family consisted of himself, wife, two daughters, and four sons (Trav- is. George W., Columbus, and Alexander), with a negro servant girl, all destined for Pecan Point, on Red River. He had loaded on board iTo the foregoiag genealogical reference Mr. Chalkley adds the Douglas genealogy, with others already mentioned. 320 APPENDIX. his boat, which was to be his habitation for months, breadstuffs and bacon sufficient for a two-years' supply. Among other indispensables were several good rifles and a large quantity of ammunition. He cut cable on March 5th, and floated down the Cumberland to the Ohio, thence to the Mississippi, then onward to the mouth of the Red, up that river to the 'great raft,' through that formidable obstruction to the mouth of Pecan Bayou, to the point called Pecan. We landed there on September 5th, having been on the way just half a year. The site of Memphis was then an Indian village; no whites living there at that time. Claiborne Wright had traveled on the first steam- boat when it made its trial trip on the Mississippi. "At Natchitoches, on Red River, Mr. W. met some old friends who told him it was impossible to get a boat through the great raft, as men on horseback crossed over on it as though it were a bridge. There seemed absolutely no hope of getting the Pioneer any farther on her way, but Mr. W. sought an Indian guide, for the native red man knew how to get his canoe over obstructed streams. He at last found one of the Pascagoula tribe, who said he had passed through the raft in his canoe, and who agreed to pilot the Pioneer through for a stipulated price. After three months of herculean labor, our 'boathouse' was througn the almost impassable collection of tree- trunks and brush and out in the open river again. All were in fine spirits once more; the past three months we had seen nothing but a waste of water, the great mass of timber forming the obstruction, with countless alligators and mosquitoes. "The third day after leaving the raft we got to a village of Cooshatie Indians, who stole several hundred dollars worth of sup- plies from the boat. Not a white man nad been seen since we left camp. At Long Prairie we found four families, — Jolm Berry's and Morris May's, the others not remembered; we spent a few days there, finding it as beautiful a landscape as any we had seen. The lowlands of the Nile can not be any richer than this Red River land; Long Prairie is about twelve miles in lengtli and four in width, and is the garden spot, truly. It was at that time 250 miles above the raft, but the obstruction has been accumulating so near that the overflow has driven all of the planters from their homes. I have seen as many as twenty-seven gins in 'the Prairie,' working to their utmost capacity at the same time. (It was here that the writer, Mr. George W. Wright, was a very large planter for many years. ) "As the old boat, the Pioneer, moved up the river, its little com- pany of pioneers saw only a howling wilderness, until Dooley's Ferry was reached. There is a high point of land on which the Delaware Indians were living, with one white family, — that of Bob Musick. This was probably 200 miles from the last settlement, Long Prairie. From there further up the river was Pecan Point, where the Wil- mans and Colonel William Mabbit had established a trading house for the various tribes of Indians. All on board the Pioneer were sick, except Mr. Wright, the head of the family. W^e at once put up a cabin for shelter for the family, but how we subsisted Avith no horse, hog, or cow, and not an ear of corn in all the country, may seem a mystery to many. We lived on mid meat for two years, and without bread. After the second year fatjier raised some corn; we were never without corn bread after that. We had been APPENDIX. 321 there but three weeks when the old Pioneer sprung a leak and settled in the river, settling the Wright family also, for there was no way to get away, as the nearest settlement was about 100 miles from us. It was about this time, I believe, when five families arrived and encamped on the landing. "The country was then under Spanish dominion and so continued until 1819, when the Mexicans succeeded in driving old Spain's troops from the territory, when we became subjects of the Mexican Republic. In 1818, some more families came to the neighborhood, bringing with them horses, cows, hogs, and seed corn. These settlers were: Walter Paul and four children, two sons and two daughters; Jonathan Coachman, wife, and one son; Charles Bookhem and family; Chambers Wright and family; Stephen Willey, with four sons, three of whom were Indian traders ; Colonel Mabbit had a family; the Wilmans had none then. Occasionally we had some single men who usually hunted for a living; among them I remem- ber Martin Vasmer, Henry Jones, John Cropton, George Crusim, Charles Campbell, and Bill inglish." In 1817, John Hopkins Fowler and his younger brother, Wiley Paul, made their voyage of discovery to Texas, making, I believe, no permanent settlement anywhere for a time. J. H. Fowler re- miained a citizen of Texas from that time, but his brother returned to Kentucky, to become an honored and prominent citizen in the State of his father's adoption. The following is from the Paris Advocate, March 6, 1898: "In 1816 a family by the name of Wright moved from Tennessee to the Spanish province of Tehas, settling in the eastern part. Among their children was a boy then only four years old, — George W., — who afterwards founded Paris, Texas. Twenty years later, George W. had grown up and married and moved to this part of Red River County, which afterwards became Lamar County, and settled on a section of land now embraced within the corporate limits of Paris. Here Colonel Wright established a store, in connection with his farming interests. The county cf Lamar was formed in 1836; the town of Paris received its name in 1840; prior to that time it was called 'Pin Hook.' " Descendants of George Wright and his brothers live in this part of Texas, and are prosperous and honorable citizens. I beg pardon for here recounting a little incident with the hope that it may prove of sufficient interest to deserve its place. In June, 1901, the Texas Woman's Press Association met in annual convention in Paris, Texas. The City Federation of Women's Clubs selected Mrs. Samuel J. Wright, wife of a son of Colonel George W. Wright, to deliver the address of welcome to the pen women of Texas, as she was at that time w^earing the honor of the presidency of the city federation of clubs. And the singular coincidence was that Mrs. J. J. Arthur of Austin was appointed by the president of the Press Association to respond to the welcoming address. Mrs. Arthur had been so long delving in family archives that she knew and felt the circumstances, the fact of being welcomed to the very town founded by a Wright, but whose first school was taught by her own father, A. J. Fowler, a first cousin to the founder. The little cross- roads store and settlement was at that time called Pin Hook in derision by a rival settlement of the high-sounding name of Vernon, 21 — Fowler. 322 APPENDIX. for the home of the great Washington. But Pin Hook thrived and won despite its name, and a daughter of one of its first citizens was welcomed to the old home by the wife of a son of the founder, — ^vas given the hand of cordial greeting to that part of Texas which belonged hj right of discoveiy, so to speak, to the descendants of both Wrights and Fowlers for the many and worthy parts they had taken in its civilization. When Mrs. Arthur rose to reply in the usual speech on such occasions, she was so forcibly impressed with all these — to her — interesting facts, that she voiced the thoughts she so keenly felt, touching here and there the salient facts only, and in the belief that she would prove recreant to the memoiy of her ancestry should she repel her heart's promptings. She and Mrs. Wright had never met before that day, but the coincidence served to bring the two together in bonds closer than an ordinary acquaintance. Several Fowlei descendants were present in the audience, descendants of Colonel John H. Fowler, the earliest member of the Fowler family who emigrated to "Tehas,'" and of other early "Pin Hookers." "Bastrop, Tex.. Aug. 25, 1897. — Mrs. Dora Fowler Arthur, Austin, Texas: My Dear Madam. — Your favor of the 23d instant was duly received. I take great pleasure in furnishing you all the informa- tion in my possession concerning my father's family. ]\Iy father's name was William Fowler; he was born in either Spartanburg or Laurens District (they are now counties), in South Carolina, in 1795. and he resided in one or the other of those districts and near the dividing line until 1853. when he moved to Travis County, Texas, where he resided until his deaths in 1867. "I understand (but I may be mistaken) that he had four full brothers, — Joel, Perry, George, and Sam, — and seven half brothers, of whom I can not recall a single name. My fathei's. father's name was Joel Fowler, and he was born in Wales, but came to America before the War of the Revolution. My father died when I was quite young and my mother died many years ago; I have no brothers or sisters or any relative known to me who could give me any further information; a part of the foregoing was obtained from an old negro woman who is now about ninety years of age and who be- longed to my father. 1 regret that my information is so meager and uncertain; if it could be relied on it seems I can not claim descent from your family of Fowlers. "There was a family of Fowlers residing in Spartanburg and Laurens districts, which was not related to my father's family originally, but finally became so by intermarriage. If I can discover any means of obtaining more definite information I shall gladly avail myself of the earliest opportunity^ and shall let you know at once. Yours respectfully, J. P. Fowler, "Attorney at Law, Bastrop, Texas." PERSONAL SKETCH OF HON. J. P. FOWLER OF BASTROP, TEXAS. He was born in Laurens County, South Carolina, March 11, 1850; came with his parents to Travis County, Texas, in the winter of 1853- '54, and lived near Webberville; was educated at the Webberville Academv and the Live Oak Academy, at Spencer's Business College APPENDIX. 323 and Columbian College, Washington, U. C, taking his degree of Bachelor of Laws at Columbian College in 1870. He married on Janvuiry 2, 1872, Maud Maynard of Bastrop, daughter of C. B. Manard, deceased, ex-clerk of the district court, and sister of W. E. Maynard. ex-district attorney; he has seven living children (whose names and ages I failed to get). He was elected mayor of Bastrop in 1874, and served one term; was made county attorney in 1S80; in 1882, was elected State sena- tor from the district composed of Bastrop, Fayette, and Lee coun- ties, which he held four years; but having no taste for office-holding, he declined to stand for re-election. Since that time he has been actively engaged in the practice of his chosen profession. He is a collector of books, and has one of the finest private collections in the State. This Mr. Fowder is certainly akin to the Texas family of the same name, which came from South Carolina to Tennessee, thence to Texas, tnat of Captain Josiah Fowler of Burnet County. One link in the chain of evidence is the name of Pleasant, contracted to "Fet." How good is the old-fashioned name, together with Peaceful, Constance, Temperance, Thankful, etc. There is another Fowler family whose niche I am unable to find with the scarce data in hand. Mr. J. C. Fowler of Houston, a Confederate veteran, is a son of Henry Harrison Fowler of Kentucky, whose father was Richard Fowler of that State. In turning back to the early Fowlers of Kentucky from Virginia, one is inclined to the belief that the Alexander and John there chronicled must have been the ancestors of this branch of the name, as well as of the William Fowler of Kentucky, who has so many descendants in this State. THE JOSIAH FOWLER LINE OF TEXAS. Mrs. J. Walter Quebedeaux of Austin, Texas, was a Miss Emma Burnam of Burnet County, Texas. She is a daughter of Sarah Jane (Fowler) and Jesse Bennett Burnam; the latter, born March 15, 1831, was the youngest child of Captain Jesse Burnam, w^ho was a conspicuous figure among the Texas pioneers of his part of the State- Mrs. Quebedeaux is authority for the following data. Josiah Fowler and his brother Abijah Fowler were authors of "Fowlers Arithmetic,"' wdiicli was much used in Tennessee and other Southern States in our grandfathers' day, 1830 or 1840. They w^ere sons of Dr. Thomas Fowler and Mary Baldridge,- who had children here named: 1. Dr. Thomas F., Jr., married Priscilla Chapman. (See Hon. Isaac Chapman line.) 2. John F., married Sallie Davis of Tennessee. 3. Mary Ann, married L. D. Alexander of Tennessee. «John Baldridge, the father of Mary, was born in Ireland, and came to Amer- ica at maturity. He was a weaver by trade. He married "Peggy" (Margaret) Faris, and they had fifteen children. It was through the Baldridge line that the Fowler descendants endeavored to lay claim to the bequest of Lord Wil- liam Holmes, which has so long been accumulating in the Bank of England, but there is a missing link somewhere. 324 APPENDIX. 4. Samuel, married Faiibion of Tennessee and moved to Indiana. 5. Dolly, married Jacob Maloy of Tennessee. 0. Levi, married Dinela Huff of Missouri, died in Texas. 7. Abijali, born 1808, died in Monroe County, Tennessee, 1880; married Elizabeth Cureton of Tennessee. 8. Josiah, born July 16, 1811 ; married Rebecca M. Yett, October, 1837; she was born June 27. 1814, died in Belton, Texas, March 1, 1890. Josiah, died July 4, 1888, at his home in Salado, Bell County, Texas. 9. Dr. Francis F., born September 26, 1813; married Jane Malony, December 28, 1837; died in Greenville, Tenn., October 1, 1840. Attended medical lectures at Transylvania University, Ken- tucky, Josiah Fowler, with mfe and several children, came to Texas in 1854 and settled in Burnet County, on the Colorado River, when Austin,^ the Capital, was the nearest village, forty miles distant. There they reared a family of ten. Four of their sons went to the Civil War, the youngest being hardl}- seventeen, and served the Confederacy three years. One son, Lieutenant Pleasant A. Fowler, was killed instantly in an engagement with Federal gunboats at Blair's Landing, La., while serving under General Tom Green. An- other son, Colonel Thomas Newton Fowler, the eldest, of Mobile, Ala., was shot fourteen inches through the body, and his cavalry boots were filled with blood; he was thought to be dead when carried off the field. Afterward, he was commissioned major-general by the Governor of Alabama. General Fowler was graduated from the Emory and Hemy College of Virginia in 1850; he died in 1886 or 1887, at his home in jNlobile. Another son of Josiah and Rebecca (Yett) Fowler is Hon. William J. Fowler of Eve's Mills, Monroe County, East Tennessee. Fourth son, Hannon, residing at Liberty Hill, Williamson County, Texas; Wesley, residing at Double Horn, Burnet County, at the old Josiah Fowler residence; Frank Fowler is the youngest son^ and lives in Cincinnati, O. The daughters were Sarah Jane, Mary Priscilla, Laura (married P. Hammersmith, lives in Belton ) , Cora ( married J. Morton Smith, lives in Belton, Texas, also), and Graves. Mary Priscilla Fowler was married to the Rev. George W. Graves, son of a local Methodist preacher in Copiah County, Mississippi; born July 4, 1839. They were married May 23, 1866, at the home of Captain Fowler, "Rock- vale," in Burnet County; they had: 1. Marvin L. Graves, educated at the Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, and Bellevue Medical College, New York City; is a practicing physician of Waco, Texas; married Laura Vashti Ghent, daughter of Dr. H. C. Ghent of Belton, Texas; she is a graduate of the class of '88 at Ward Seminary, Nashville, Tenn. 2. Flora E., married to Edward McCullough of McLennan County, Texas. 3. George W., Jr., graduated with distinction in his class in Southwestern LTniversity; married Kate, daughter of Hon. W. L. Davidson, judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals, Georgetown, May 10, 18 — ; is a prominent young lawyer of Waco, Texas. The re- maining children are J. Henry, Minnie B., Eugene Fowler, Ralph A., Newton M., Pet (for Pleasant), and Gladys G. APPENDIX. 325 Rev. G. W. Graves died June 11, 18—, deeply lamented by his Georgetown neighbors and the Texas Conference. His widow and younger children continue to reside in Georgetown, Texas. Mrs. Quebedeaux is a bright, interesting little woman. Her only child, Arnim, is a manly son of some twelve years, a handsome and attractive boy; has served the last two sessions of the Texas Legis- lature as page of the Senate. John Fowler of Greenville District, South Carolina, and Wiley Young Fowler of Texas. John was born March 7, 1791; married Elizabeth Moore of Laurens District, about the year 1822; he died December 5, 1847. His wife was born in 1792, died 1872. They had sons: Wade Alexander, born 1823; Wiley Y^ung, born September 12, 1825; he lives in Burnet County, Texas, a venerated old man; John Faris, born 1827, died 1871; Wesley Williamson, born 1831, killed in the Confederate army; daughters: Emeline, born 1829; Louisa, born 1833, died 1841. ' Wade Alexander Fowler married and had Louisa, Maston, Dexter Florida, Josephine, and Dr. Wade Fowler, of Laurens and Green- ville counties, South Carolina. Wiley Young Fowler married Mary Jane Yett, March 23, 1848; they had Rebecca McCamie, born January 5, 1849; Francis Chapman, born June 9, 1851; Robert Burnam, born October 10, 1855; Josiah Moore, born May 25, 1858; Mary Lou, born August 24, 1860, died 1898: Ada Pet, born November 30, 1863. The last mentioned is unmarried and lives at home with her parents, the light and joy of their declining years. My object in giving place to different branches of the Fowler name is to help the lost descendants to "discover themselves" with the aid of the guide posts here given, for the land of Fowler genealogy in the South is so wild and untraversed by any plain or well-marked path, some early explorer should at least "blaze the way" in order | that others may have some clue to follow, however dim and vague { it may be. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THE "ANNALS OF THE FOWLER FAMILY." This list is given because the fond hope is indulged by the compiler that after generations will appreciate this genealogical record as it should be, for the labor has been great in the new and unworked field: 1. Emmett W. Smith, lawyer, Nacogdoches, Texas. 1. Dr. Woolam Ira M. Smith, physician, Nacogdoches, Texas. 1. Rev. Ellis Smith, Methodist minister, Crockett, Texas. 1, Mrs. Pack (Mary Ellen Smith), Chireno, Nacogdoches County, Texas. ^ 1. Mrs. Weeks (Clara Belle Smith), Chireno, Texas. 1. Mrs. Edward G, Gibbons (Dorothy Fowler), Paris, Texas. 4. Mrs. William A. Arthur (Delia Fowler), Texarkana, Texas. 1. Mrs. Robert E. Harris (Johnetta Fowler), Temple, Texas. 1. Miss Nora Estelle Fowler, Paris, Texas. 4. Saunders Augustus Fowler, Paducah, Ky. 32« APPENDIX. 2. Hon. Isaac Chapman Fowler, clerk U. S. court, Abingdon, Va. 1. Hon. J. P. Fowler, attorney at law, Bastrop, Texas. 1. Hon. Godfrey B. Fowler, Jonesville, Union County, South Carolina. 1. Miss Irene Fowler Brown, Buntyn, Shelby County, Tennessee. 1. Mrs. Ginsey Cosby (Fowler) Taylor, 266 S. Seventh St., San Jose, Cal. 5. Wilfred M. Taylor, Manila, Philippine Islands. 2. James Edward Wheeler, Yreka, Siskiyou County, California. 2. Mrs. G. H. Warneken (Clara Given Fowler), Clarksville, Tenn. 2. Cline Wilson, art student in New York, from Russellville, Ky. 1. Mrs. Charles A. Chappell (Mattie Wilson), Cadiz, Ky. 1. Little Miss Laura Fowler, daughter Rev. L. M. Fowler, Athens, Texas. L Mrs. J. C. Howard (Mary Belle Fowler), Longview, Texas. 1. Walter Preston Stradlev, lawver, San Francisco, Cal. it^- 1. Mrs. W. W. Holding (Columbia Fowler), Wake Forest, Wake^" County, North Carolina. 1. Dr. Josiah Crudup Fowler, physician. Wake Forest, N. C. L Mrs. J. L. Allen (Rosa Fowler), Forestville, Wake County, North Carolina. L Mrs. Alex. McKeithen (Mary Fowler), Aberdeen, Moore County, North Carolina. L Mrs. R. H. Woolfolk (Nellie Wilson), San Antonio, Texas. 2. Mrs. R. Peterson (Susan Clara Fowler), Paris, Texas. 1. James Littleton Wilson, Seligman, Ariz. 1. Mrs. Henry L, Given (Laura Fowler), Rand Avenue, Lexing- ton, Ky. 1. Miss Janie Warren, Brown wood, lexas. 1. John W. Stovall, Stovall, Coahoma County, Mississippi (mer- chant and planter ) . 1 Mrs. Lydia (Powell) Ray, Marystown, Johnson County, Texas. 1. David H. Fowler, planter, Longtown, Panola County, Mis- si.:.3-ppi. 1. -Captain Joe H. Fowler, capitalist, Paducah, Ky. L Mrs. Mildred Glenn (Fowler) Davis (Dr. F. Davis, deceased), Paducah, Ky. 1. Given Fowler^ Paducah, Ky. 2. Mrs. Josephine (Fowler) Post (E. M. Post, deceased), Padu- cah, Ky. 1. William Hilary Greer, Box 16, Paris, Tenn. 1. Mrs. Mary E. (Greer) Hastings, Springville, Henry County, Tennessee. \. Stonewall Jackson Dunn. Van Dyck, Henry County, Tennessee. \. Richmond J. Fowler, Paris^ Tenn. L J. Alex. Austin, Memphis, Tenn. L Joseph Edwin Fowler, Denning, Franklin County, Arkansas. L Mrs. Mary J. Ezzell, Greenfield, Weakley County, Tennessee. 2. Godfrey Rees Fowler, lawyer, Palestine, Texas. 1. J. W\ White, grocer, Greenfield, Weakley County, Tennessee. 1. Dr. Joseph Godfrey Fowler, physician, Christmasville, Carroll County, Tennessee. APPENDIX. 327 1. Mrs. Araminta (Fowler) Criibbs, Gage, Ballard County. Ken- tucky. 1. George W. Swor, dealer in general merchandise, Owen's Hill, Tennessee. 1. Fletcher Norton, Waxahachie, Texas. 1. Mrs. Roenier Johnson, Tacaleechie, Benton County, Mississippi. 1. Mrs. E. P. Coleman (Lyde Lou Caruthers), Como, Panola County, Mississippi 1. Miss Florence Grubbs, Killeen, Bell County, Texas. 1. Hon. T. G. Fowler, Uniontowij, Ala. 1. James A. Fowler, Friendship, Marshall County, Alabama. 1. John Fowler Musgrove, Bangor, Blount Countj^ Alabama. 1. Ernest H. Chalkley, Richmond, Va. 7. Rev. Littleton M. Fowler, Athens, Texas. FAREWELL. "Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first was made; Our times are in His hand Who saith^ 'A whole 1 planned, Youth shows but half; trust God: See all, nor be afraid!' All that is, at all, Lasts ever, past recall; Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure: What entered into thce^ That was, is, and shall be: Time's wheel runs back or stops: Potter and clay endure. So, take and use Thy work. Amend what flaws may lurk, What strain o' the stuff, what warping past the aim! My times be in Thy hand! Perfect the cup as jilanned! Let age approve of youth, and death complete the same!" — [Broioning. MAY 31 1902 5« :m/, =o •.^ "^ ♦N O, .0' ^^ ',X /.i:^^> /.J^:^-. ISS^ N.MANCHESTER.