TT 967 .L44 Copy 1 ESSAY ON- *_-*' Razors, Razor H nn AUG >iq 1894 AND ~ RAZOE HONIHG f IF&7& Illustrations,) -BY- KANSAS CITY, MO. » PRICE, 35 CE^TS. ^K ■■■mum mi ii in nigh— — — ^^> ESSAY ON BARBERS' RAZORS RAZOR HONES, RAZOR STROPS ■AND- EAZOE HONING. (Illustrated.) NAPOLEON LEBLANCf ^ op Auii C °#£ ^ r *£

< HOFFA & CO., tx> Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in BARBER'S CHAIRS, BARBER'S FURNITURE, BARBER'S SUPPLIES. Sole Importers of the Famous "KOYAL" EAZOK Which is positively the finest ever put on the market. We have hun- dreds of testimonials, from all parts of the U. 3., speaking loud praises of its superior merits. The price asked for it is not higher than is asked by other dealers for inferior razors. We will send them prepaid to any part of the U. S. on receipt of the following prices: Per single razor, $1.75; one-fourth dozen, $5.00; one-half dozen, $9.50; one dozen, $18. It will pay you to send for our catalogue. ZE3IO^^.iL- cfc CO., FIFTH and MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. 29 Razor Honing Made Easy Keep your razors sharp and good business is sure to follow. Buy a Worden Razor Honing Machine And you will have no more trouble. All kinds of razors honed per- fectly, rapidly and easily, and the results are always certain. Send for catalogue and full information. Trial machines shipped on receipt of price, if not satisfactory money will be refunded. The Worden Machine Co., 216 Havemeyer Building, NEW YORK. 3° Curtin's Razor Strop MT'g Co., LEWISBURG, OHIO. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Canvas & Hose Strops. Our improved process enables us to offer a -superior strop, ready for use. We give a written guarantee with each strop. Sent by mail on receipts of 65 cents. Write for circulars and testi- monials. ' G. N. W. WILSON & CO., Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Bq-ffbetfs' Supplies S^ Fiqe Cutleries. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE "Shark Hide" Razor Strop. A Razor Strop worth reading about. Saves time and labor. Once used you will use no other. Wilson's world-renowned "SHARK HIDE" combination razor strop. One trial will convim the user of its superiority over all other makes and will save three to five times the ordinary honin;, " BEWARE OF IMITATION ;" none genuine without G, N, W, Wilson's name and trade-marl *' SHARK HIDE," Registered, stamped on each strop. PRICE, $2.50. Mailed upon receipt of price (f 2 50 each) from leading Barber Supply Dealers, or the Manufac- " turers direct. 208 Octavia St., SAN FRANCISCO., CAL. ^lEEir ^t^ti^ts.'" Awarded Medal and Two Diplomas at World's Fair. McNeal's Hair Tonic Is endorsed and prescribed by the Medical Profession. Fie st and Only Hair Grower That ever received an award at any International Exposition. Grows hair, removes dandruff, cures humors and prevents the hair falling or combing out. Barbers, write for particulars or send $3.50 for one half dozen and. circulars with name printed on them. Address, THE D. W. McNEAL CO., 51! 67th Street, Station O, CHICAGO, ILL. Florentine Camphor Cream, I ALWAYS FULL STRENGTH. ALWAYS READY FOR USE. ALWAYS HEALTHFUL. Much depends upon these conditions. The superiority of Florentine Camphor Cream is not limited to ODOR alone, tests made under the widest possible range of climatic influence have- shown that no other preparation of liquid camphor is so permanent, so trustworthy. The perfect incorporation of Camphor with Glycerine, gives this preparation a wider scope of usefulness than any other, for it is the purest and most effective Skiu Purifier and Beautitier on the market. It is so because it strikes at the root of all Complexional Disfigurations, viz: The clogged and irri- tated, inflamed or sluggish "pores." It is the most soothing, cooling and healing application for summer rashes or bites and stings of insects, chafing, undue perspiration, blackheads, pimples, tan,, freckles, sunburn or anything in this order which is removed by an outward application. Ask the Barber of any city, town or village about it, they all use it and keep it for sale. Writi ■ for prices. Prepared only by the MOHAWK VALLEY CHEMICAL CO., UTICA, N. Y. 32 The Aluminum Steel Razor. WITH PURE ALUMINUM HANDLE. We Invite the Attention of the Trade The material in this instrument is the perfected result of experiments begun a few years since, by eminent scientists and metallurgists to determine the advantages of an alloy of steel and aluminum. The tests proved the alloy to be superior to pure steel in every respect. It is impossible to manufacture unalloyed steel and have it free from blow holes. By the addition of aluminum that serious defect in steel has been entirely eliminated, the aluminum causing the destruction of carbonic oxide or dioxide, and converting the combined carbon into graphite carbon, thus producing a metal very uniform in texture and hardness. The presence of alumi- num in steel admits of a temper at a lower degree than pure steel, and insures evenness and positively prevents burning, the cause of crumbling along the edge. The phenomenal disability of a razor to operate at intervals is effectually oblit- erated in ours. Whether this condition is due to changes in the atmosphere or to that insidious force, electricity, is as yet unexplained. However, we forestall the above named forces in the fact that aluminum is not affected by atmospheric ohanges, and being non-magnetic, electrical forces can never alter its molecular structure. The blades in these razors are superior to the best Jessops' English steel. They are tempered at a lower degree than ordinary steel and are entirely uniform. Those who are using these razors to-day, without exception, say that it is the easiest honed razor and that it preserves its keenness longer than any they have ever handled. A few strops easily brings up a fine edge. The handle is made of pure aluminum, is very light and very closely resembles silver, it sustains a high polish and is not tarnished by ordinary acids or impurities in the atmosphere. It will not crack at the rivet holes, thus being superior to rubber, bone, etc. As this handle is purely non-magnetic, it is a safeguard against the blade becoming in the slightest degree magnetized and attracting the millions of small imperceptible particles of metal floating in the atmosphere, and which without a doubt are often the hidden cause of dullness in your razor. The entire instrument is a hand- some article. One of our customers writes that he would not be without them for their weight in gold ; you will find this razor will increase your patronage, it will save time and give entire satisfaction. Every razor is carefully tested before ship- ment. These razors can only be obtained from us, as it is our invention and we are the sole dealers. Mailed to any address in the United States or Canada. PRICE, $2.50 EACH. F. S. ST&]^FIELiD <% CO., Reliable Barber Supply House, 33 THE ALUMINUM STEEL RAZOR. With Pare Aluminum Handle. F. S. Staufield & Co.'s New Razor. CD > o 5 m (L> - >o&'t I i , ( ill ' .!•/■■ \r H n P EL That is Simply Perfect. r\ That is Kept Sharp by One-third Less Honing. Y\ O "7 f| I -1 That is Not Affected by the Atmosphere. I \\£^ \J I That is Far Superior to Ordinary Steel. That is Tempered at a Lesser Degree of Heat. No Barber Should be Without One. No More Trouble with "Tired' 7 Razors. By Mail to any Address, price $2.50. A Handle That Cannot Break or Warp. That Your Blade Will Not Strike. That Has the Appearance of Solid Silver. That Balances Perfectly. That Will Not Corrode. That Will Not Tarnish. That is as Light as Wood. F. S. Stqufield ^ Co., Sole Deqlei^. Note i. — "No business man who does not let the public know what he has for sale can expect to prosper." — P. T. Barnum. Note 2. — "The National Barber and Druggists' Gazette is credited with a higher circulation rating than any other paper devoted to barbers published in America, and no paper devoted to druggists is credited with a higher circulation. These facts emphasize the importance of this paper to an advertiser." — American Newspaper Director}', 1895. 37 CONDENSED SYSTEM . OF arbers' Account Book Copyrighted. Enables Barbers, with or without knowledge of book-keep- £, to easily keep a correct account of all their business :h very little work. Price, book for four chair shop and one porter. 6 months, .75 " •" ' " 1 \ear, $1.00 Price, book for eight chair shop and two porters, 6 mouths, $1.00 '' " " " 1 year, |i-50 oil nuies 01 - a s Next." Copyrighted by Napoleon LeBlanc [Id ornament the walls of all well conducted shops. *e complete and settle all disputes regarding " turns." :o all parts of the United States on receipt of ten .ddress all orders to POLEON LeBLANC, , AMERICAN BANK BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, MO. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 001 231 398 6 i- e- j nr- be /. cents nee, E>^. he has for credited with published in ir circulation. jr." — American