\6 Cc^ m This Pamphlet is not the property of any uidividual, but is designed for the use of Town and .hool District Officers in the prosecution of their official duties, and should in all cases by them je carefully preserved and promptly transmitted to their respective successors in office. TITLE 10 OF THE Revised Laws of Vermont, 1880, RELATING TO ■^=^ f ttftliisifeea try §nttfeottty. K U T L A N D : TrTTLB & Co., OFFiriAL PRINTERS AND STATIONERS TO THE StaTE. 18 8 1. Book —■ / d ^ ^ TITLE 10 OF THE REVISED LAWS OF YERMONT, 1880, RELATING TO Public Instruction. Publtsfjeti fig ^utj^orftg. RUTLAND : TUTTLE & CO., OFFICIAL PRINTERS AND STATIONERS TO THE STATE OF VERMONT. 1881. ^ PREFACE. This pamphlet is printed under authority of No. 142, Acts of 1880, Sec. 5, for the use of school districts. CLARENCE H. PITKIN, HIEAM A. HUSE, ASHTON E. WILLAED, Commissioners to edit the Revised Laws. MoNTPELiER, July, 1881. TITLE 10. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Chapter 27. — State and town superintendents. Chapter 28. — Normal schools. Chapter 29. ^-Teachers' certificates. Chapter 30. — Organization, officers, and meetings of school districts. Chapter 31. — School-houses. Chapter 32. — Alterations in school districts. Chapter 33. — Maintenance of schools. Chapter 34. — Sending children to school out of the district in which they reside, and to academies. Chapter 35. — Graded, central, and union schools. Chapter 36. — Town system. Chapter 37. — Text-books. Chapter 38. — Registers and returns. Chapter 39. — School taxes and school monej's. Chapter 40. — Compulsory attendance ; general provisions. Chapter 41. — Instruction of the deaf, dumb, blind, idiotic and feeble-minded. 152 SUPERINTENDENTS. [Titlb 10. Chapter 27. STATE AND TOWN SUPERINTENDENTS. Section , Sectiox 456, 457. Report, how distributed. State Superintendent. 452. Election ; vacancy how filled. 453. General diities. 454. To hold teachers' institutes. 455. May hold educational meetings. Town Superintendents. 458. Term of office. 459. General duties. 460. 461. Account for services. Election ; vacancy. Sec. 452. The general assembly shall elect, at each bien- i87o' Nofi-^^y.'l.^' "^'^^ session, a state supenntendent of education. A vacancy 22, s'l; 1856', No. 5, in said office shall be filled by the governor. vSSl, 9; 1845, No.37, ^3; 1833, No. 19, § 1; 1827, No. 23, § 16. General duties. Sec. 453. The stato superintendent shall devote his whole No.*3M 4%^8^7'^.^No.' time to promoting the educational interests of the state, and i8,j e'; G. s. 22^^^ 3;" shall visit every part thereof during each year, deliver lectures N^'ilJt 2 '; \84'5,^No. upon the subjcct of education, confer with town superintend- '■^7, §7. cuts, visit schools ivith them, and furnish them blank certifi- cates for teachers, and blank forms for collecting school statistics. Teachers' institutes. Seg. 454. The state superintendent shall annually, upon a Naif 1868;£53?' written application for that purpose of twenty-five teachers in § 1 ; 1867, No. 69, § 1 ; any couuty, except Grand Isle and Essex, where the applica- fSl ^85ii^-^^.5^fil tion of fifteen shall be sufficient, hold one teachers' institute in 1849' No. 14, ^^ 3 ; 1845, g^^.^ couiity, for a term not exceeding three days, at a time as far as practicable when the common schools are not in session. He may employ assistants to give efficiency and interest to such institutes, and a sum not exceeding thirty dollars a day paid by him for their services and for advertising and other necessary expenses, shall be paid to him upon the order of the auditor of accounts. Educational meetings. Sec. 455. When application is not made previous to the '' ■ ' first day of July by the requisite number of school teachers, for a teachers' institute, the state superintendent, if after consulta- tion wdth the superintendents of the county, he judges best so to do, may hold in such county, in places where proper arrange- ments can be made, not less than two nor more than five edu- cational meetings, for one day and evening each, and may employ suitable persons as assistants in the meetings ; and for such assistance and the expense of advertising, he shall be paid from the state treasury not more than twelve dollars for each meeting. Report. ' Sec. 456. The state superintendent shall prepare and pre- 1 874- l^f\ ^"^ \ 7 • (^ ill s. 22, §j*3, 4';S8'58, scut to the general assembly, on the first day of each biennial ?°«\ v/-^'i84^%^°" ^•^s^ioii' ^ report of his official acts for the preceding two years, 37, 1 7! ' ' ^' and a statement of the condition of schools and of the expendi- ture of the school money therein, with such suggestions for the improvement of the schools as he deems proper. Chap. 28.] NORMAL SCHOOLS. 153 hundred ?"?{!"!*; number, dis- tribution. Sec. 457. Not more than three thousand five x.u.iu.cu --— - ,-- copies of his report shall be printed, and he shall distribute wt No' 33, ,W; g. them as follows : one copy to each member of the general as- ffV^' ^858, No. sembly ; one copy to each town superintendent ; one copy to each district clerk; and one copy to the principal of each graded, union, or high school; and the remaining copies shall be deposited in the state library for reference, exchange or sale. The copies for distribution, except for members of the general assembly, shall be forwarded to the town clerks, who shall deliver them to the persons entitled thereto. TOWN SUPERINTENDENT. Sec. 458. The term of office of a town superintendent shall Term of office, begin on the first day of April next after his election and con- ?5,fifllsU ^^'i tmue tor one year and until a successor is chosen ^ i; 1845, No. 37, v^ i; 1833, No. 19, § 1 ; 1827, Sec._459. Town superintendents shall visit each public Gelr!i Lwes. school in their towns, at least once a year, shall mform them- ^^(f'JA'JI^'li selves of the disciplme and progress in study in such schools, i9,'^ i; i828, Na i??' advise the teachers, and adopt the necessary measures for the ^ ^' ^^^^' ^°- ^^' ^^ ^• examination, regulation, and improvement in learning, of such schools. Sec. 460. Each town superintendent of schools shall, at the Account for services, close of his term of office make a detailed account of his ser- Pil' ?q ^^ ^' ^• vices, stating the date, time spent and kind of service, and the H i.'4 I'soSNo i", ' number of districts in which a school has been taught durino- ^ ^' ^^^^'^^o- 37, ^li- the year preceding, and shall make oath to the correctness o^f the same before a justice, w^ho shall certify thereto. Such ac- count shall be presented to the selectmen of the town, and the selectmen shall allow so much of said account as is just and draw an order on the town treasurer therefor. The account when audited shall be placed on file in the town clei-k's office. Sec 461. Each town superintendent shall file a duplicate Duplicate to be me,i. copy of his account in the office of the town clerk on or before ^- ^- ^^^ ^ ^^• the day previous to the annual town meetino-. Chapter 28. FORMAL SCHOOLS Sectiox 462. Normal schools continued till 1890. 463. Appointment and removal of teach- ers. 464. Courses of study. 465. State aid refused unless § 464 com- plied with. 466. Examinations. 467. Towns entitled to scholarships. 468. 469. Town superintendent may ap- Sectiox point or recommend for scholar- ,-„ ^ ship; qualifications of appointee. 470. Vacant scholarships, assignment of. 471. Amount of scholarships ; conditions of payment 472. 473. State appropriations. 474. Training school department of graded schools. Sec 462. The normal schools at Randolph, Johnson and schools continued. Oastleton are continued until Auo-ust, 1890. i878, No. lis, § i; No. 20, ^ 1 ; 1866, No. 1, §§ 1, 7. 154 NORMAL SCHOOLS. [Title 10. Teachers. 1, ,^ 2. Sec. 463. The state superintendent of education shall Na2M 2^1866,^X0.' '^^ominate and approve a principal teacher and a first assistant teacher for each normal school, and shall withdraw such ap- proval when the interests of the school demand ; and no person not so nominated, or the approval of whom is withdrawn, shall be employed as such principal or first assistant ; but the prin- cipal may select his other assistants and provide for the dis- cipline of the school. COUESES OF STUDY. Sec. 464. There shall be two courses of study in a normal Each course shall contain such branches as the trustees of the school and the state superintendent shall agree upon ; but no foreign language, ancient or modern, shall be included therein. No study or subject not included in the established courses shall be taught in a normal school. Sec. 465. The state superintendent shall ascertain each term of half year whether the provisions of the preceding sec- tion have been complied with, and in case of non-compliance on the part of a school, or of the trustees or teachers thereof, shall withhold the certificates upon which the auditor of ac- counts is authorized to draw his order for the payment of moneys to such school. Courses of study. w'iNo.'sM'ii See! school, and no more. No. 1, ^ 3. yo state aid unless § 464 complied with. 1878, No. 113, i^ 4. Examinations. 1874, No. 35, « 2, 3 ; 1868, No. 31 ; 1866, No. 1, ^ 5. EXAMINATIONS. Sec. 466. The examination for admission to a normal school shall be controlled by the trustees of such school and the state superintendent. The examination for graduation shall be conducted by a board consisting of the state superin- tendent, the principal of the normal school, and a practical teacher who shall be annually appointed by the governor from the congressional district in which such school is located, and who shall receive four dollars a day and his traveling expenses while in the discharge of such duties. Such board shall attend and assist at such examination ; and shall grant certificates of of graduation to all who pass the required examination in the first course or both courses, but may revoke said certificate upon cause shown. scholarships. Each town entitled to one. 1878, No. 113, i 5; 1876, No. 39, § 3. Town superintendents Sec. 467. Each town shall be entitled to a scholarship in a normal school, and a pereon appointed to a scholarship may attend the normal school in either of the congressional districts. Sec. 468. The town superintendent may appoint to a may appoint ; who may iii,-/»-i -t-ij. ij. /> iteaj)pointed. scholarship, lor the period required to complete a course oi 1876, No. 39, { 4. gtudy in the school, any person who is an inhabitant of the town, of good character, fifteen years of age or more, who de- clares it to be his purpose to complete at least one of the courses of study in the normal school, and to teach in the com- mon schools of the state for two years after graduation ; and upon passing the examination for admission to the school, such persou shall be entitled to the privileges thereof. The town Chap. 28.] SCHOLARSHIPS — APPROPRIATIONS. 155 superintendent shall notify the trustees of the school of such appointment, before the first day of the term in which the appointment is to take effect. Sec. 469. If the scholarship of the town is already filled Town superinteii 1 1 • 1 1 ™*y recommend. through apponitment by himselt or by his predecessor, he may 1876. No. 39, ^ 4. recommend for scholarship to the trustees of either of the nor- mal schools, any person whom he could appoint to the scholar- ship of his town. Sec. 470. A scholarship vacant by the failure of the town Tacant scholarships ; superintendent to appoint a suitable person, or by the unex- iszs^'no.''* 13] ^ 5 . cused absence of the holder of the scholarship, may be assigned, 1376, No. 39, § 5. by the trustees, for one term only, to any person recommended by a town superintendent, and who passes the required exam- ination. But no town shall have more than ten scholarships in one term, and the total number of scholarships in the three schools shall not exceed the number of towns in the state. Sec. 471. A scholarship shall be reckoned at twelve dol- Amount of scholarship; , ^ M' 1 J.1 J. . /• 1 111 conditions of payment. lars a half year; and the trustees of each normal school may i876, No. 39j^ 2, 3. present their claim to the auditor of accounts in the months of June and December for such sum as will be produced by the number of scholarships filled in their school for the half year then current. The state superintendent, during each half year, shall examine the records of each normal school, and if he finds that the scholarships have been granted according to law and only in such numbers as the law allows, and that the provi- sions of law respecting courses of study have been complied with, shall give his certificate to that effect ; and the auditor shall draw his order on the treasurer of the state for the amount of the claim presented by the trustees only Avhen the claim is accompanied by such a certificate from the state superin- tendent. APPROPRIATIONS. Sec. 472. Five hundred dollars a year is appropriated to Regular appropriation, each normal school, to be expended by the trustees thereof jg^^i^Qgl^'.l^.^^'gy.j under the direction of the state superintendent, in aiding such No. 20, ^^ i; 1870, Nu. schools ; and the auditor of accounts shall draw his order ' ^ on the treasurer of the state, for one-half of the above named sum in each of the months of June and December, on the pre- sentation l\v the trustees of such school of their claim therefor, Avith a certificate of the state superintendent that the school has complied with the provisions of law respecting normal schools. Sec. 473. If, in addition to all sums received from the conditional appronri- state by direct appropriation, from state scholarships, from istg^'no. 39, ^^ 6. tuition and from the rent of county grammar school lands, the trustees of a normal school shall, in any year, furnish and use, under the direction of the state superintendent, for the cur- rent expenses of the school, the sum of five hundred dollars, they shall receive from the state an equal sum, which shall be used in paying for instruction in such school. The auditor of accounts shall draw his order for the payment of such sum in 156 STATE CERTIFICATES. [Title 10. half yearly installments, in June and December, upon the receipt of the claim of the trustees therefor accompanied ])y a certificate from the state superintendent that the condition upon which such sum is appropriated has been complied with. Training scliools. 1876, No. 49, ^i 1, 2. TRAINING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS. Sec. 474. A graded school organized in accordance with a special act of the general assembly, and situated in a county in which there is no normal school, may establish, in connection with such graded school, a training school department for the instruction and training of teachers. The state superintendent shall establish two courses of study in such training school, similar to those of normal schools. The examining board for such training school shall be composed of the state superin- tendent, the principal of the school and the examiner appointed for the normal school in the same congressional district. Such board shall have the same powers and be liable to the same duties as the examining board of a normal school. Chapter 29. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. Sectiox State Certificates. 475. Certificates of graduation from nor- mal or training school, effect of. 476. Certificate, how renewed. CoL'NTY Certificates. 477. County examining board, how con- stituted; return of names ; clerk. 478. Board to be paid for services and expenses. 479. Examinations to be held on applica- tion ; notice. 480. Requirements of examination. 481. Qualification for admission to. 482. Certificates to issue to those passing examination. 48.3. Certificate, how renewed. 484. Duty of clerk of board. Town Certificates. 48.5. Town superintendents to meet annu- ally. 48G. Examination questions fixed upon and distributed. Section 487 Examinations, holding of. 488. Certificates to be granted, when. 489. When office of superintendent vacant, who to grant certificates. Town superintendent, how to obtain certificate. Certificates how long of force. Names of persons to whom certifi- cates given, to be i-eturned to state superintendent. 490. 491. 492. General Provisions. 493. Teachers holding certificates, to so inform superintendent. 494. Teacher to obtain certificate before opening school or contract void. 495. District may recover of committee money paid to teacher without cer- tificate. 496. Principals of graded schools do not require certificates. 497. 498. Certificates may be revoked by town superintendent. STATE CERTIFICATES. graduation from the lower t^o'n'feffif.ftof.^''''''""''" ^^^- ^'^^^ ^ certificate of ^ 1876' No. 49, ^n ; 1874, coursc of a normal school, or the lower course of a trainino- No.3o, ^S3; 1866, No. g^j^Q^I department of a graded school, shall be a license to teach in tlie common schools of the state for five years from the date thereof; and a certificate of graduation from the hio-her course of such normal school or training school shall be a license to teach in the common schools of the state for ten years from the date thereof. Chap. 29.] COUNTY CERTIFICATES. 157 Sec. 476. A graduate of a normal school or training school ?|,"g^^^T^ of certificate, department of a graded school, at the end of the term for which such graduate Avas licensed to teach, may be admitted to an examination in the second course of study in said normal school or training school, on the presentation of testimonials showing to the satisfaction of the examinino; board that such o^raduate has taught successfully for twent}^ weeks during each year of the period, or for an equivalent number of weeks during the whole period ; and on passing a satisfactory examination iii said course such person shall receive a license to teach for ten years in the common schools of the state. COUNTY CERTIFICATES. Sec. 477. The town superintendents at their annual county Examining board. hoTf meetings shall choose by ballot one of their own number and i876, No. 30, i*>^s 2* 8. two practical teachers of the county, to constitute an examin- ing board for the county. And the secretary of said meeting shall, within five days after the meeting, make a return to the state superintendent, and to the county clerk, of the names of the persons so elected. The town superintendent on each board shall be the clerk of the board. Sec. 478. Members of the county examining board shall gfe, No.lo'Ta!' receive three dollars a day for each day spent in attending and in going to and from the county examination, and their actual and necessary traveling expenses ; and the clerk of the board shall receive pay for necessary advertising, stationery and postage. Sec. 479. Such board shall hold a public examination at Exar^iinations, jioi.i- some convenient place in the county, lor two days, on appli- i876, No. 50, ^^ 3. cation of five persons qualified for admission to such examina- tion. Notice of the time and place of holding such examination shall be published in all the newspapers of the county at least two weeks prior to such examination. Two such examinations may be held in the county during the year if properly applied for. Sec. 480. Candidates for county liceUses must be exam- Requirements of exam, ined in all the branches required by law to l^e taught in the i876, No. so, ^^ 5. common schools of the state, in drawing, and in methods of teaching. The examination shall be in writing in not less than six subjects. Sec. 481. Candidates for admission to a county examina- Qualifications for ad- „ . „ 1 • 1 i mission to. tion must be twenty years of age, it men, and eighteen years, i876, No. so, ^ 4. if women, must bring testimonials from the town superintend- ents who granted their certificates and from 'the committee who hired them showing that they have taught successfully in the common schools of the state for at least ten weeks and approving their moral character ; or it shall be a sufiicient qualification for admission to such examination if the candidate holds a county license granted in another county. Sec. 482."^ Candidates passing a satisfactory examination who entitled to certifl- shall receive a license to teach in the common schools of the i876, No. so, § 6. county for five years. 158 TOWN CERTIFICATES. [Title 10. Renewal of certificate. 1876, No. 50, ^ 7. Dnty of clerk of hoard. 1876, No. 50, § 8. Sec. 483. The holder of n license granted by a county examining board, at the expiration of the term for which such license was granted, upon showing to the satisfaction of the examining board that he has taught satisfactorily sixty Aveeks during the term of such license, shall l>e qualified for admission to a regular county examination, and passing it satisfactorily shall receive a county license for a further tenii of five years. Sec. 484. The clerk of the examining board shall keep a record of examinations held by the board, and of the names, ages and residences of all persons by them licensed, and of the questions used in the examination. Such record shall be delivered by each clerk to his successor in office, and shall be always open for the inspection of citizens of the county. The clerk shall, within five days after each meeting of the board, file in the office of the county clerk and forward to the state superin- tendent, the date of each license granted, and the name, age and residence of each person licensed. Town superintendents to meet annually. 1874, No. 36, 5sU,2; 1870, No. 12, § 1. To fix examination questions. 1874, No. 36, ^.^ 1,2; 1870, No. 12, §^S 1, 3. Examinations. 1870, No. 12, § 2 ; 1866, No. 8;G. S. 22, i^ 13, 14; 1859, No. 31; 18.58, No. 1, sS 3 ; 1845, No. 37, { 12'; 1833, No. 19, v^ 1 ; 1828, No. 17, i 3 ; 1827, No. 23, § 3. Certiflcate.s, when granted. G. S. 22, ^^ 11 ; 184.5, No. 37, H; 1833, No. 19, § 1;1828, No. 17, ^ 3 ; 1827, No. 23, ^ 3. 35Vt.623. 41 Vt. 3.53, When office of superin- tendent vacant. 1866, No. 7. TOWN CERTIFICATES. Sec. 485. The town superintendents in each county shall meet annually on the first Tuesday in April. In Bennington county the meeting shall be held in the town house at Arling- ton, in the other counties at the county court house. The superintendents so assembled shall choose one of their number to preside at the meeting, and a secretary who shall keep a record of the proceedings. Sec. 486. Such meeting shall decide upon a set of ques- tions to be used in the written examination of teachers, and shall fix the standard of qualifications of teachers for the ensuing year. The secretary shall have printed, at the expense of the state, and shall distribute to each town superintendent lists of the questions so decided upon. Sec. 487. Each town superintendent shall hold two public examinations of teachers annually in the months of April or May, and October or November. Said examinations shall be held on the same day throughout the county, and public notice of the time and place of holding the same shall be given by each superintendent. No examination shall be held at any other time except for the accommodation of teachers prevented by sickness or other unavoidable circumstance from attending the regular examination ; and superintendents shall receive fifty cents from each person applying for examination at any other time than at the regular public examin;ition. Sec. 488. A town superintendent may grant a certificate of qualification to teach in the public schools of the town, to a person who passes such examination satisfactorily, provided the superintendent has satisfactory evidence of the good moral character of such person and of his capacity for the government and instruction of schools. Sec. 489. In case of a vacancy in the office of superintend- ent of a town, the superintendent of an adjoining town may Chap. 29.] GENERAL PROVISIONS. 159 examine, and finding them satisfactorily qualified may grant certificates to persons desiring to teach in the first mentioned town. Sec. 490. A town superintendent desiring to teach in the Town superintendent, town where he resides, may apply to the superintendent of an ^'^^'^ **> o"***'" ^^f^'fl- adjoining town, who shall examine him, and finding him satis- ^q^q^^' ^ ^^' ^^^^' factorily qualified shall grant him a certificate, which shall authorize such applicant to teach in the town where he resides. Sec. 49 1 . All certificates granted by town superintendents certificates, how long shall be good until the first day of June in the calendar year "sys^No. 120 -, 1870, foUowinof the year in which they were granted. No- i2,j 2 ; g. s. 22 o -J .; o ^ 11 . 1845^ jfo^ 37^ ^ 4_ Sec. 492. Town superintendents shall, on or before the Return to state superin. first day of February in each year, lodge in the town clerk's g!'s!'22, ^ 15 ; 1850, office and forward to the state superintendent a list of the names No. 42, ^ 1. of persons to whom they have granted certificates during the preceding year, and the date of each certificate. general provisions. Sec. 493. Every teacher holding a county or state certificate Teacher holding shall notify the superintendent of the town in which he is to superinVnde^nt.*' * ^ teach that he holds such certificate before commencing his school, ^^^^' ^^* ^^^' ^ ^• and shall submit the same to the inspection of such superintend- ent when it is called for. Sec. 494. Every teacher of a district school, except prin- unless teacher hascer- cipals of graded and union schools, shall obtain a certificate 1374, No. 37, \U ; g.' before he opens such school : and contracts for teaching between ^'0^37^^^ 4^8-' liH' the prudential committee of a school district and a school No. 19^ H;' 1827, No. teacher shall be jroid if such teacher does not obtain a certificate 19 vt^igo 29 vt 433 before opening school. 20^.495; 30Vt:586; 27Vt.28'l. 41Vt.353. 28Vt.575. 46Vt.452. Sec. 495. If a prudential committee of a school district committee liable to dis- pays out moneys of the district to a teacher employed therein teacher, when, who has not the certificate required bylaw, such committee j^/^ 39 "' * ' "^ ' •shall be liable to such district for mone^^s so paid, to be recovered in an action on the case ; and the town agent of the town shall prosecute such actions to efiect at the expense and in the name and for the benefit of such district. Sec. 496. Principals of graded and union schools shall J^j«^«?«;»°J'i «*«« »'' not be required to procure a certificate, and contracts for teach- 1874, No. 37, J i. ing made between the trustees of a graded school district or prudential committee of a union school district and their prin- cipal teacher, shall be valid without such certificate. Sec. 497. When, upon personal examination of schools, a Town certificate may town superintendent becomes satisfied that a teacher holding a 186^5, No. 27; G. s.22, town certificate is incompetent to teach or govern his school, ^ i^; 1858, No. 1, § 4. or is setting an evil example before it, the superintendent may revoke such certificate by filing in the town clerk's office a written revocation, giving the reasons therefor, and by deliver- ing a copy thereof to the prudential committee and to the teacher. The certificate thus revoked shall be thereafter void ; 160 ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS. [Title 10. Also state and county certificates. 1876, No. 50, § 10. and the teacher's contract with the school district shall become void therefrom, and the prudential committee shall not pay such teacher for services thereafter performed unless by vote of the district. Sec. 498. A town superintendent may, for any cause for which he may revoke a town certificate, annul for his term of office and the town of his residence only, the effect of a county or state certificate and by the same proceedings and with the same effect. Chapter 30. ORGANIZATION, OFFICERS AND MEETINGS OF SCHOOL DIS- TRICTS. Sectiox 499. Towns to be divided into school dis- tricts. 500. Districts to be numbered; descrip- tion, &c., to be recorded. 501, 502. Districts may be formed of parts of different towns ; whicli town to determine text-books. 503. Districts in organized towns, how organized. 504. In unorganized towns and gores. 505. Inhabitants of one town may be set to district in another ; their rights and liabilities. 506. Districts formed under previous laws to retain powers. 607. School district to be corporation. 508. Officers and term of office. 509. Prudential committee, how may be chosen. 510. Town collector may be elected dis- trict collector. Sectiox 511. Collector to give bonds. 512. If he fails to, office vacant. 513. Moderator's duty; moderator pro tempore. 514. Duties of treasurer and auditor. 515. Duty of prudential committee. 516. Committee in clerk's absence to exer- cise his duties. 517. Clerk's duties. 518. Vacancies in offices how filled. 519. Meetings, when held ; by whom no- tified. 520. Penalty for neglect to notify meet- ing. 521. Requirements of notice. 522. "Meeting" deemed to denote meet- ing legally warned. 523. Voters in district meeting, who are; right to vote, how determined. 524. Women may vote and hold office. Division of towns into districts. G. S. 22, 5 20; II. S. 18, i 2; 1827, No. 23, i 2 ; R. 1797, p. 493, \ 1; R. 1787, p. 130,^ 1. 8 Vt.402. 25 Vt 311. lOVt.480. 33Vt.219. Districts to be num. hered, &c. G. S. 22, § 21 ; R. S. 18, § 3; 1827, No. 23, §2. District lying in two towns. G. S. 22, ^S^ 24,25; 1845, No. 37, § 6; R. S. 18,6 5; 1827, No. 23, f 8 ; 1808, p. 54, ^ 1. 34 Vt. 156. Which town to select text^boolis, &c. 1880, No. 95, § 2. Sec. 499. "When the inhabitants of a town can not be conveniently accommodated in one district, such town shall, at a meeting warned for the purpose, divide the town into several districts and determine their limits. Sec. 500. The districts so formed shall be numbered from number one upwards, and shall be designated by the name of their respective numbers ; and their numbers and descriptions, and alterations made therein, shall be recorded in the office of the town clerk. Sec. 501. Any number of inhabitants of adjoining towns may by a concurrent vote of such towns form the territory occupied by such inhabitants into one school district. A dis- trict so formed shall, for purposes of visitation, returns, and the examination of school teachers and for the adoption of text-books, be held to belong to the county and town in which the school-house is situated. Sec. 502. Whenever it shall occur tl«it the school-house is located partly in each town from Avhich a fractional district Chap. 30.] SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. 161 is composed, the town furnishing the greater number of schol- ars in said district shall have the precedence to select text- books and to examine teachers. Sec. 503. AVhen it is necessary to organize a school dis- Districts, how organ, tuict, three or more voters of such proposed district may apply q^s 22 55 22 24- R in writing to the selectmen of the town in which such district s. 18, ^n. 5; IS27, is located, or, if the district contains parts of two or more ^°i54^'^^i;R.^iV97^_^p; towns, to the selectmen of either town; and the selectmen '*9^' ^ '-^ ; R. 1787, p. shall call a meeting in such district by posting up a notice 11 vt. 607. thereof, specifying the time and place and the business of the meeting, in one or more of the most public places in such dis- trict at least seven days before the time therein specified. One of the selectmen shall preside in the meeting until a moderator and clerk are chosen, when the district shall be held to be organized. Sec. 504. The selectmen of a town, on the application of Organization, in gores ii J. • T • • • 1 / and unorganized towns. three or more voters in an adjoninig unorganized town or gore, g. s. 22, § 23; 1845, may organize, in the manner provided in the preceding section, ^°- ^^• as many school districts as are required in such unorganized town or gore, and may define their limits and number them from number one upwards ; and the selectmen shall be paid a reasonable compensation for their services by the petitioners. Sec. 505. A town, by vote in town meeting, may set setting persons to ad- persons residing in the town to a school district in an adjoin- (j"s"22*"ff 27 ,*28; ing town or gore, if such district, by vote, consents to receive i840' No. 34; r. s^ them ; and persons so united to a school district shall have the § s ; 1826, No. 42. ~ ' same rights and be subject to the same liabilities as the other f^yl'^^oQ liyt'i-s" inhabitants of the district, and as to taxation for school pur- 21 vt. 402.' 37Vt.i96! poses shall be treated as belonging to such district. ^^ ^^' ^^^- ^^ ^^- ^-"• Sec. 506. A school district organized according to pre- Districts formed under vious laws shall remain a legal school district, subject to the g.T."22, fss; r. s. provisions of this title. i^' ^ 24. Sec. 507. When a school district is organized it shall be District to be corpora- a body politic and corporate, with the powers of a corporation g. s. 22, §^ 29, 31 ; r. for maintaining schools in such district, and by its corporate No^^23^^/i5^' ^^"^' name may sue and be sued, and may take, hold and convey personal and real estate. SCHOOL district OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. Sec. 508. Each school district shall elect at its organiza- officers, tion, and at each annual meeting thereafter, a moderator, clerk, ,{^'12,^3 • \^86i! No^^* collector of taxes, treasurer, one or three auditors, and a pru- n; 1854, No. 42; r. dential committee coiisisting of one or three voters in such 23; i827,'no. 23, ^^^7; district; and the member of a prudential committee first }809, p. 96, 6 1 ; r. 1797 D 494 u li * R. elected shall be the chairman thereof. The term of office of 1787', p. m. such officers shall commence at the time of their election andgjyt'w 32Vt'769 continue until their successors are chosen. 20 vt. 495. Sec. 509, A school district not otherwise directed by a committee, how chos- special act of incorporation, may, at an annual meeting, elect a i876, No, 47, H ; 186S, prudential committee of three persons, or, in the case of a union ^°- ^^' ^^ ^' ^• or graded school district, of three, six or nine persons, one- 162 SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. [Title 10. third of which number shall be chosen for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years, and upon the ex- piration of the term of office of any member of such committee, may elect his successor for a term of three years ; and may at an annual meeting fill a vacancy occurring in such board. Town collector may be Sec. 510. A school district may clcct the collector of town g!s!*'227s"33Ti861, taxcs, although he is not an inhabitant of the district, to be No. i2. collector of school district taxes, if he will accept the office ; and the town collector so elected and accepting, shall possess the powers and be subject to the duties imposed by law upon school district collectors. Collector's homi. Sec. 511. Collectors of taxes in school districts, before mSf^d^' ^^^'^' entering upon their duties, shall, if reqnired by vote of the dis- trict or by the prudential committee, give bonds to the district for the faithful performance of tlieir duties, in such sum as may be required. His office, how vacated. Sec. 512. If a coUcctor ucglects for ten days to give bonds, No^iM 2.^' ^^^^' ^^^ refuses, upon the request of the prudential committee, to perform the duties of his office, the office shall be vacant. Moderator. ' Sec. 513. The moderator shall preside at school district ^s f/' 1852!no^38^'u •' mcctiiigs. In case of his absence from a meeting a moderator U s. 18, §9; 1827, ' mav bc choseu to preside at such meeting. No. 23, § 7. -^ ^ , f . Treasurer ; auditors. Sec. 514. The dutics of school district treasurers and 22.'t32? i8M,^o.'42, Jiiiditors sliall be like those of town treasurers and town i^ 1- auditors. Prudential committee. Sec. 515. The prudential committee shall keep each school- fsl; r!'s^Am li'f' ^"^i^ise in their district in good order, and if there is no school- 1827'^No. 23, s^V ; house shull provide a suitable place for each school; shall see n 1787', p! 131^'. ^ ' that fuel and furniture and all appendages and things necessary 24 v*^" 528* ri x^' vn' ^^^ ^^^® school are provided ; shall appoint and agree with a 30 vt'.iso! 38 vt 529*. teacher to instruct the school, and remove him when necessary ; ^'■^ "^'t. 77. j^j-j(j adopt requisite measures, not in conflict with those of the town superintendent, for the inspection, examination, regula- tion and improvement of the school. To perform clerk's Sec. 516. Ill the absciice or disability of a school district g" s.*22, ^'i 36 ; 1846, clcrk the prudential committee shall discharge the duties of No. 6. clerk. Clerk. Sec. 517. School district clerks shall, within ten days after No^'ag'-^a I' 22^t37- their election or appointment, give notice thereof and of the 18.56, No. 37, § i'; R. ' number of their district to their respective town clerks, and if 23,^^7? ^ '^^ ^' ^' they fail to do so, shall receive no compensation for their ser- vices. They shall keep a record of the votes and proceedings of school district meetings and certify the same when required ; and if they, or the prudential committee acting in their place, wilfully neglect to do so, they shall forfeit twenty dollars to the district, to be recovered in an action on this statute. FiiHng Tacancies in Sec. 518. When a vacancy occurs in the office of clerk, 1868, No. 36 ; G. s. collector of taxcs, treasurer or prudential committee of a school 11 vt^6i8^^52'vt°"i'o' ^^i'^ti'ict, the selectmen of the toAvn in which a plurality of the 2;vt. 503. " '" inhabitants of such district reside shall fill such vacancy until a new election is made, by the appointment of a resident of Chap. 31.] SCHOOL MEETINGS —VOTERS. 163 such district ; and the district at a special meeting may make a new election. SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETi:>fGS AND VOTERS THEREIN. Sec. 519. The annual school meeting shall be held in each Meetings, district on the last Tuesday in March, and shall he notified hv ?««?■ >?' ^\^*^',!?i the school district clerk, or, in case ot his absence or neglect, No. 2; 1850, No. 40; by one of the prudential committee. Special meetings shall be So.^bfjy | r. 1797, appointed and notified in the same manner, on application in p- 495,'^ 3;' 1795, p.' writing by three or more voters of the district. 20Vt.'487. 23Vt.4i6. Sec. 520. If a person, whose dut}' it is to warn a school Penally for neglect to district meeting, neglects so to do for ten days after application g^'s."22, § 58; r. s. made as prescribed by law, he .shall forfeit, for the use of {^,5 ^ ^^ ' ^^°^' p- ^^' schools in such district, twenty dollars for each ten days' neg- 46"vt. 90. lect, to be recovered in an action in the name of the district. Sec. 521. ISTotices for school district meetings shall be warning. posted up in one or more of the most public places in the dis- §o*28^'r s^'i8^^\''>- trict at least seven and not more than twelve days before the I827, No. 23,(57'; R.' time appointed for such meeting, and shall specify the time and {ygj; J; tit ^ '^' ^' place of holding the same, and the business to be transacted or u v't.m 23Vt.4i6. -• . 1 ^ • 1 J J. 1 ^- 16Vt.439. 43Vt.207. questions to be considered at such meeting. 17 vt. 337. 48 vt. 599. Sec. 522. The word ''meeting" as applied to school dis- rrjieeting" construed, trict meetings wherever used in this title, shall mean a school district meeting notified as provided in the preceding section. Sec. 523. Persons residing in a school district and qualified voters, who are; how to vote in town meeting, shall be voters in school district i87oiNa 17 ;i868, No. meetings; and if a person offering to vote is challenged, the l^'^g^-c^-.^^^j.^^-^jj^^- moderator at such meeting, the clerk and the members of the 23. ^7. prudential committee present shall decide as to his right to "^^ ^ ^' '''^■^" vote. Sec. 524. Women shall have the same right to vote as Right of women, men have in all school district meetings, and in the election of ^^*^^'^°* ^^^' school commissioners in towns and cities, and the same right to hold offices relatinvhen to be kept; ap. struction of the legal scholars in the district in the branches fJso'^No ^gg'^u *'™^"' required by law, for ten consecutive weeks between March 1st and Septem])er 1st and for ten consecutive weeks between September 1st and March 1st, annually ; and if a district does not between ]March 1st and June 1st provide for the commence- ment of such first mentioned term of instruction, or does not between September 1st and December 1st provide for the com- mencement of such second mentioned term of instruction, or discontinues the opportunities of instruction in either case 170 SENDING CHILDREN OUT OF DISTRICT. [Title 10. Selectmen's duty. 1880, No. 98. ^J 2; 1870, No. 14; 1866, No. 5; G S. 22, ^S(j 30, 40 ; 1860, Nos. 1. 4; 1859. No. 32. Right to public moneys, 1880, No. 98, ^^ 3. When district lies in two towns. 1880, No. 98, ^5. before the expiration of the term during which instruction is required to be provided by law, any voter of the district may apply by petition in writing, setting forth the neglect of the district, to the selectmen of the town in which such district is. Sec. 561. When application shall be made as provided in the first section of this act [§ 560], it shall be the duty of the selectmen to fix a time for hearing thereon, not less than six nor more than ten days from the presentation of the petition, which shall be served upon the committee of the district, if the district has elected officers. If the selectmen, upon the hearing, determine that the facts set forth in the petition are true they shall forthwith declare the offices in the district vacant, if the district has elected offi- cers, and shall make provision for the instruction of the legal scholars of the district, either in the district or elsewhere, at the times and for the length of time prescribed in the preced- ino; section, and may without vote of the district assess a tax upon the grand list of the district sufficient to defray the expense of such instruction, including the general expenses of the scholars if they are sent out of the district, and shall make a rate bill therefor. The town collector shall collect such tax, and in such collection shall have the same powers and be subject to the same liabilities as in the collection of town taxes. The moneys collected shall be paid over to the selectmen, who shall defray therewith, and with other moneys coming to their hands appropriated to such district, all expenses incurred in provid- ing instruction for the legal scholars of the district. Sec. 562. If the instruction furnished by the selectmen, in case application is made to them, together with that furnished by the district, if any, before petition is had to the selectmen, equals in any year the amount of instruction required by law to be furnished to the scholars of a district, such district shall be entitled to its share of the public moneys divided equally among the districts, and to so much of the moneys divided according to the aofo;reo;ate attendance, as the selectmen think to be the fair proportion of the district. Sec. 563. In case of a district lying in two or more towns, the application provided for in section one of this act [§ 560] shall be had to the selectmen of the town in which a plurality of the inhabitants of such district reside. CHAPTER 34. SENDING CHILDREN TO SCHOOL OUT OF THE DISTRICT IN WHICH THEY RESIDE, AND TO ACADEMIES. Section 564, 565. District may send scliolars to adjoining district. 566. School directors may send scholars to adjoining town. 567. District may send scholars to adjoin- ing district out of state. Section 568. District may send scholars to acade- my. 569. Limitation of contract. 570. District's right to public money in such case ; how ascertained. Chap. 34.] SENDING CHILDREN OUT OF DISTRICT. 171 Sec. 564. Where a school district is so situated as to be District may send conveniently accommodated for school purposes in a neighbor- diXct!*" *"'J*''"'"' ing school district or districts, it may, by a two-thirds vote of ^^^^^°^^^^' ^ ^' ^^''^• the voters present at a meeting legally warned for that purpose, authorize the prudential committee to arrange for sending its leo'al scholars to the schools of such neio'hborino^ district or dis- tricts, for not more than twenty-six weeks in a school year, and may also by a two-thirds vote pay a reasonable sum for the transportation of such scholars to and from school. Sec. 565. If such scholars are provided with not less than District when deemed twenty weeks' schooling within the school year, including that school! *"•'•'"''**"* in the district of their residence, such district shall be held to 1P^^'°;^'^' ^^2; i87G, have supported a school tor the twenty weeks required by law, and may assess and collect a tax to defray the expenses of such schooling, and for the transportation of the scholars. Sec. 566. The board of school directors of a town using School directors may ,^ . , PIT - 1 c i^ IT /• send scholars to adjoin- the town system ot schools, may provide tor the schooling otina^town. any legal scholars of the town in the public schools of an ^^^^' ^^' ^''' ^ '^' adjoining town if the parents or guardians of the scholars con- sent, and may pay for the schooling firom the school moneys of the town. Sec. 567. When a school district is so situated as to be District may send , . , 1 T J T /« 1 T • scholars out of state. most conveniently accommodated lor school purposes in a 1872, No. 11. school district in an adjoining state, such school district may, at a district meeting, authorize the prudential committee to arrange with the school officers of such adjoining district for the schoolino- of the les^al scholars of such district in this state, for not more than twenty-six weeks in a school year ; and if such scholars are provided with not less than twenty Aveeks' schooling within the school 3'ear, such district shall be held to have supported a school, and may assess and collect a tax to defray the expenses of such schooling, and shall be entitled to its share of the public moneys. Sec. 568. A school district which is within a town in Sendinsr sciioiars to Avhich an academy is located, may, at a district meeting, not 188O, No. 97, n ; 1876, less than seven nor more than twelve days notice thereof ^^- ^^ > ^^^^' ^^- ^' being given, direct its prudential committee to make an ar- rangement with the officers of the academy to instruct in said academy all or part of the scholars belonging to such district in the studies required by law to be taught in the common schools, and such other branches as are provided by law to be taught in the graded schools. Sec. 569. No contract so made by a district with the offi- Limitation of contract, cers of an academy shall be binding on the district for more i869iNo!9,§ 2".' than two years, and may at any time be modified by legisla- tion ; and no such contract shall release a district from the obligation to provide for the instruction of all the legal scholars of the district for the full time required by law. Sec. 570. In calculatino- the share of the public moneys District's risrht to pub- , . , T . . . , . 1 T ~i . V 1 ^ X 1 /.lie money, how ascer- which a district is entitled to receive, the attendance ot any tained. scholar upon an academy, as provided in the preceding sec- JJ^^^^^^g^''' ^^ ^ ' ^^^^' tions, shall be treated as an attendance for an equal length of 172 GRADED SCHOOLS — HIGH SCHOOLS. [Title 10. time upon a public school maintained by the district ; and it is hereby made the duty of the officers of such academy to cause to be ke[)t a correct record of the attendance of those schohirs upon tlie academy, so arranged for by the several districts, and cause the same to be returned to the selectmen of the town wherein such districts are located on or before the twentieth day of March of each year, and if the officers of such academy shall neglect to cause such record to be kept and returned as required l>y this section, properly certified to by the principal teacher of such academy, then both the officers and teachers of such academy shall forfeit their right to collect the tuition of the scholars so arranged for under the provisions of section one of this act [§ 568]. Chapter 35. GRADED, CENTRAL AND UNION SCHOOLS. Sectiox 571. Graded schools. 572. District high schools. Union Districts. 573. Formation ; powers. 574. Schools to be maintained in uniting districts ; admission to union school regulated. 57o. District meetings. 576. Offlcers. 577. Prudential committee, how formed. Section 578. Distilcts, how to imitc with or with- draw from union. Town High or Central Schools. 579. Formation ; powers. 580-584. Prudential committee ; election ; vacancies ; duties. 585. Treasurer; collector. 536. Purchasing land for school-house. 587. Tuition. 588. Tax for supporting school. Graded schools. 1876, No. 44. GRADED SCHOOLS. Sec. 571. A school maintained by a town or school dis- trict for not less than thirty Avecks each year, and consisting of four or more departments, taught by four or more teachers, having an established course of study, and having all the departments under the control of one principal teacher, shall be a graded school, and entitled to the privileges granted by law to graded schools. And a school district supporting such a school shall be a graded school district and entitled to the privi- leges of o'raded school districts. District Uigli schools. (t. S 22, ^S^S 61-65; 1844, No. 5. DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Sec. 572. If the children of a school district are so numer- ous as to require more than one teacher, the district may, at a district meeting, vote to erect as many school-houses and to provide as many teachers as are necessary, and may fix the location of such school-houses ; and may direct the sciences or higher branches of study to be taught in one of such schools. The prudential committee or a committee chosen for that pur- pose may examine as to the ages and qualifications of the chil- dren of the district and designate the school which each shall Chap. 35.] UNION SCHOOLS. 173 attend, and may prescribe the terms upon which children not residing in the district may attend the higher school. UNION SCHOOLS. Sec. 573. Contis^uous school districts may form a union Formation ; powers, district, for maintaining a school for the benefit of the older i84i^'no'. 23, §^u,2,5'. children of such districts, if the voters of each district by a two- thirds vote, at a district meeting, agree to form such union. A district so formed shall assume a corporate name and be a corporation, with the powers and liabilities of common school districts ; may, like common school districts, raise money for providing a school-house and all things necessary thereto, and for maintaining a school ; and the same proceedings shall be had in locating a school-house as provided in the case of com- mon school districts. Sec. 574. The schools in each of the associate districts schools kept in unitinar shall be maintained as if no imion district had been formed, ^vho'^mayattend.**^^*"" ' and only such scholars shall be admitted to the union school as 2t' ^oq^^J ^-^^' ^^*^' are ot the age and possess the qualihcations prescribed by the prudential committee of the union district. Sec. 575. The first meeting of a union district shall be union district meet- called in such manner, and at such time and place, as may be g^s. 22, ^^69,71; agreed upon by the associate districts at the time of forming the l^'^^'o?^""!*' ^^^^' union. The annual meeting shall be held on the first AVednes- " ' '' ' da}' after the last Tuesday in j\Iarch. Sec. 576. The officers of a union district shall be a moder- officers, ator, collector, treasurer and clerk, who shall be elected at each igQ^\ -^q] 24'; ^y. s. ' annual meeting ; and such district may elect a prudential com- 22. ^^| '.^' ^|' l^^°'2o mittee of three, six, or nine persons, as provided in section f 4.' ' four hundred twenty-nine [§ 501)]. A clerk shall be elected by ballot at the first meeting. Union district officers shall hold office until their successors are elected ; and shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as the same officers in common school districts. Sec. 577. If the prudential committee are not elected as committee, how provided in the preceding section, the chairmen of the pruden- as* 22, ^WS; 1858, tial committees of the districts composing the union districts ^o. 1, ^ 10. shall constitute the prudential committee of the union district ; and when the union district is formed of an even number of common school districts, the union district shall elect an addi- tional member to such committee, who shall be a resident of the union district and shall hold office for one year and until his successor is elected. Sec. 578. One of the districts composing a union district uniting with or with- .,,, ^ , . -, j.j.i?j. drawing from union. may Avithdraw from such union by a concurrent vote ot two- g. s. 22, ^s'' 76, 77 ; thirds of the district desiring to withdraAv, and two-thirds of 1852, No. 37. the remaining portion of the union district, at meetings Avarned for that purpose ; and a contiguous district may join a union district by a concurrent vote of two-thirds of such contiguous district and two-thirds of such union district, at meetings warned for that purpose. 174 TOWN HIGH OR CENTRAL SCHOOLS. [Title 10. Formation ; powers. 1878, No. 112, yS 1; 1869, No. 10 ; 1867, No. 16, vS'' 1, 7. Coinniittee, election of. 1880, No. 99, ,J 1 ; 1667, No. 16, § 2. Towns to elect in 1S81. 1880, No. 99, ^S 2. Election of successors. 1880, No. 99, ^N a. A'acancies. 1880, No. 99, ^^ 4. Duties of committee. 1880, No. 99, §5; 1867 No. 16, ^^ 2. Treasurer and col- lector. 1878, No. 112, s^ 1; 1867, No. 16 vS 3. Purchasinar land for school-house. 1878. No. 112. Tuition. 1869, No. 10; 1867, No. 16, ^ • two-thirds of the voters therein, nor to a district formed by the concurrent votes of two or more adjoining toAvns without the concurring votes of each of said toAvns consenting thereto. MODE OF ABOLISHING TOAVN SYSTEM. Sec. 605. A town having abolished its school district sys- Mode of abolishing tem in pursuance of laAv may at any fifth annual town meeting K.'no. ii5; 1876, 178 TEXT-BOOKS. [Title 10. No. 41, ^^ 1 ; 1872, No. thereafter abolish its town system of schools by a vote of a ^» ^ ^- majority of the legal voters present, and the selectmen of such town shall insert an article for that purpose in the warning for any fifth annual town meeting after such town has abolished its school district system, upon the application in writing of twenty legal voters in such town. Districts restored. Sec. 606. Wheii a towii abolishes its town system of schools, ' ' °' ' ^ "• the town shall be divided into the same number of school dis- tricts, with the same limits and boundaries, and the districts shall be designated by the same numbers, and shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties and liabilities, as before they were abolished by said town. To receive former prop. Sec. 607. When a towu votes to abolisli the towu system W6, No. 41, ^^2; 1872, of schools, the school-houscs and other property formerly '^°'^' ^*' belonging to the school districts, shall become the property of the same school districts respectively, and the selectmen of said town shall fix upon the amount of credits upon its taxes that each of said districts has received, by reason of vaUiation and equal- ization of school property, and expenses in building or repair- ing school-houses in the limits of said districts under the town system, according to the provisions of section five hundred four [§ 590] ; and said selectmen shall equalize the same upon the grand lists of the several districts, when so restored to the dis- trict system, so that each district shall own its school property as before the adoption of the town system ; and the selectmen shall assess a tax on the grand lists of the several school dis- tricts, and cause the same to be collected to carry out the provisions of this section. • Town to elect superin- Sec. 608. At the annual town meeting, at which the town first meeting. ' systciii of schools is abolished, the voters shall elect a town 1872, No. 9, § . superintendent of common schools ; also a clerk for each school district, wdio shall be a voter in such school district. And such clerk shall call the first meeting of said school district, which shall be held on the last Tuesday of March next succeeding said town meeting, by posting up notice as provided by law for holding the annual meetings in school districts ; and said school district may at this meeting elect ofiicers for the year ensuing, and do any business that school districts may do at their annual meetings. Chapter 37. TEXT-BOOKS. Section 609. Text-book committee. 610. Their duty ; printing and distribution of report. Oil. Only boolis recommended to be used. 612. Scholars to be supplied with booI<;s. Section 613. Price of books, how collected of parent. 614. Towns may purchase books. 615. Selection made in 1879 to be in force. Text-book committee. Sec. 609. There shall be in each town a text-book com- 1874^ No." ss,";^!; " ' Hiittee which, in towns using the district system, shall be com- Chap. 37.] TEXT-BOOKS. 179 posed of two inliabittiuts of the town to be chosen at the annual 1872, No. 14; iS6r>,_ town meeting in 1884 and every fifth year thereafter, and offs&iflio.'s^fhH,''' two inhabitants of each graded school district in the town, to No.'i, ^ ii{ 1849,'no. be chosen in the same years by such districts, and of the town ^ 5; 1^33, No. 19, /i; superintendent. In towns using the town system of schools, ^^^7, No. 23, §4. the board of school directors for the year in which a selection of text-books is to be made shall be the text-book committee. Vacancies in a text-book committee may be tilled as vacancies in the office of town superintendent are filled. Sec. 610. The text-book committees shall select and recom- Their duty ; printinsr mend text-books for use in their respective towns, one book of i"78,'No.'*"i22,'[f JT.'^q! a grade, on the subjects required by law to be taught in the common schools, giving preference to books in use ; and if a change is recommended shall decide how such change shall be made ; and shall file a report with the tow^n clerk on or before the first day of Augu.st following their election. During said month of August the town superintendent shall procure the printing and distribution of said report to the families in the town, and shall charge for the printing of the same in his account, but not to exceed one dollar per hundred copies. Sec. 611. The books recommended by the text-book com- Ouiy books recom. mittee shall be the books to be used in the pulilic schools from ws,' No? i'22?T7". the first day of November following the publication of the recommendation until another recommendation is made ; and the use in public schools of any other text-books than those recommended, except as books of reference, shall be unlawful. Sec. 612. If a pupil in a public school is not provided scholars to be supplied with the requisite text-books, the prudential committee or 1870, No. io, j^, 2; school board shall notify his parent, master or guardian ^^^^' ^°' ^^' ^ *' thereof; and if they fail to supply such pupil within one week after such notice, the j^rudential committee or school board shall supply him ; and if such committee fails to supply such pupil within two weeks after his enrollment the town superintendent shall supply him. Sec. 613. The prudential committee, school board, or Price of hooks, how town superintendent shall give notice in writing to the listers i870,*'no.°15^T|3!*4. of the names of pupils supplied by them, the prices of the books supplied and the names of such pupils' parents, masters jor guardians ; and the listers shall add to the next annual tax of such parents, masters or guardians the price of such books, or may omit to add a part or the whole of such amount, if such parent, master or guardian is unable to pay the same. And the amount so added shall be levied, collected and jDaid into the treasury like other town taxes. Sec. 614. Towns may purchase cind hold text-books for Towns may purchase use in their schools, if the town so votes in a meeting warned i878,*No. 122, ^s 9. for that purpose. Sec. 615. The selection of text-books made in pursuance selection of 1879 in of law in the year 1879 shall be binding upon schools in ac- '°"®' cordance with the provisions of law then existing until a new selection of text-books is made in pursuance of this chapter. 180 REGISTERS AND RETURNS. [Title 10. Chapter 38. REGISTERS AND RETURNS. Section 616. State superintendent to prescribe form of register. 617. To furnish copies to town superin- tendents. 618. Town superintendents to receipt or notify of failure to receive. 619. District clerics to obtain i-egisters. 620. Teacher to procure, fill out and re- turn register. 621. Clerk to certify to register; certifi- cate entitles teacher to pay. Section 622. Clerks to fill out and return registers to superintendent. 623. Town superintendent to fill out and return to town clerk. 624-626, Returns for fractional district. 627. Town superintendent to forward sta- tistics to state superintendent. 628. Returns by academies and grammar schools. 629. By certain graded schools. f87T N "u7*^*^6 • ^^^' ^1^- The state superintendent shall prescribe blank i874iNo.33, ^4; 1872, finms for a scliool register for keeping a record of the daily at- ^roQ^-^^ilas'Nol'f?' tendance of children upon the school, and containing printed interrogatories for procuring the statistical information required to be given by teachers, district clerks and town superintend- ents, ilnd for procuring such further information as he thinks desirable. 617. Copies furnished to Sec. 617. The state Superintendent shall annually in the town superintendents. ,i,. t p-i/j^ -j-Ij. j3i • ±. 1874, No. 33, sU; 1872, mouth ot January, mrnish to town superintendents a suincient uog^^'Jss'No.^i W ^1^"^^^^^' of such registers to supply the schools in their re- spective towns. Town snpt. to receipt; Sec. 618. A towii superintendent on receiving such regis- ceire!" ^^ ^^^ ** "" tcrs shall immediately forward to the state superintendent a No*i8^°i2^''' i"eceipt therefor, and if he fails to receive such registers before § 109; 1858,' No. i, ^7. the first day of February he shall immediately notify the state superintendent, who shall supply the deficiency forthwith. District cicriis to obtain Sec. 619. Each district clerk shall annually on or before 1876, No*. 52, 5 1 ; 1874, the first Week in March procure of the town superintendent a ^•^•(il^.'^^g 2^'^^\'i^9' register for each school in his district, and shall be responsible 1858, No.'l,\w'.'' ' " - Teacher to procure, fill out and return register. 1878, No. 117, § 1 ; 1865, No. 30; 1864, No. 58 ; G. S. 22, § 110; 1858, No. 1,^8. 50 Vt. 30. for the safe keeping thereof. Sec. 620. Teachers of common or union schools shall, before commencing school, procure a register from the clerk of the district, and shall keep therein, in the prescribed form, a record of the daily attendance of each scholar, and shall enter therein correct answers to the interrogatories addressed to teachers, and shall lodge such register with the district clerk before the twentieth day of March. Sec. 621. A district clerk shall, when a register is de- livered to him as provided in the two preceding sections 50^ vt 30^^' ^°' ^'^^' [§ ^^^^]» examine the same, and if he finds that said register is The section which filled out as required by law, and properly certified to by K^fe!?Laws%f ^ the teacher, he shall so certify ; and the teacher shall not be passed, was made up of entitled to his Avages, except on presentation of said certificate repealed by i880,^Na of the district clerk to the prudential committee of the district 94, § 3; and has been j^ which the school has been taught. struck out. ^ cieriitofliioutand Sec. 622. School district clerks shall comply with the 1878^'Nof nf^i^ 1 ; requirements made of them in the registers delivered to them Clerk's certificate. 1867, No. 19 ; 1805, No. 30; G. S. 22, Chap. 38.] REGISTERS AND RETURNS. 181 by the teachers, and shall file the same in the office of their i864, No. 58 ; g. s. 22, respective town superintendents on or before the twentieth '^^ ^^°' ^^^^'^°"b ■? 8. day of March in each year. Sec. 623. The town superintendent shall enter in each Town supt. lo ah out register the name of each teacher of the school for the school i878rNo."H7^'^s^^T, 4. year, and the date and origin of such teacher's certificate or license ; and if he finds from the register that the district has supported for the time required by law a school kept by a properly licensed teacher, and that the register has been properly filled by the district clerk, he shall so certify in tlie register, and shall lodge such register in the office of the town clerk before the Friday next preceding the last Tuesday in March. Sec. 624. The clerk of a district formed of parts of two cierk of fractional elis- or more towns shall return the school registers of such dis- register .'"''^^ ^" return trict to the town superintendent of the town in which the school-house is located. Such town superintendent shall, before the Friday next preceding the last Tuesday in March, forward a copy of the certificate which he is required to make in such register, if he finds reason to make such certificiite, to the superintendents of all the towns in which such school dis- trict is situated. Sec. 625. The clerk of a district formed of parts of two statistics returned by or more towns shall, on or before the twentieth day of March, trfct." make return to the town superintendent in each town, specify- No?^'9^i°2t V. I'. 22!^' ing the number of children in the district between the ages of ^^86; 'ti. s. 18, v^33- five and twenty years, the number of said children residing in ^^^' ^^' ^^' ^^ '^' each of the towns composing such district, the aggregate attendance of children in such district residing in each town, the aggregate attendance of the whole number of children in such district residing in each town, and also the aggregate attendance of the whole number of children between the ages of five and twenty years in the district. Sec. 626. Town superintendents shall return the certifi- Return of town supt. to cafes and returns received by them under the provisions of the two preceding sections, to the town clerks of their respective towns before the Friday next preceding the last Tuesday in March annually. Sec. 627. Town superintendents shall annually on or before Return of town supt. to the tenth day of April, make out and return to the state super- iSi.Nol'ss, v^5;G.s. intendent in the form prescribed by him the statistics of the 22, ^112 ; 1858, No. 1, ,1. . /.!• J- j_ 1x1 xxy-^j loot), JN 0. 0, 4 ; schools ni each district of their respective towns, and the state i849, N0.14, ;j6; 1847, superintendent upon the receipt of such returns shall forward No.^24, §^6|^i8J5, No. a certificate therefor to the town superintendent making the^s2; 1833, No. 19^ Ji; , i o ^g27 No. 23, 5 5. return. Sec. 628. Trustees of incorporated academies and gram- Returns by academies mar schools shall cause their principals to return to the state i874^no.'33!| 6 "g.^s. superintendent, on or before the first day of April annually, ^^ ^^^' 1858, No. 1, answers to the statistical inquiries addressed to them by him in the month of January previous. Sec. 629. The tmstees of each graded school district hav- Returns by certain ing a training school department shall, on the thirtieth day of i876*no.*49,^§3. 182 SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES. [Title 10. June ill each year, cause to be made to the state superhiteiicl- eiit a complete report of the number of scholars in attendance in the training school department during the year, and the number of certificates granted in each course of study, with matters pertaining to the regulation and government of said training school department. Chapter 39. SCHOOL TAXES AND SCHOOL MONEYS. 630. 631. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. Section School District Taxes. School, how to be supported; list, how constituted. Committee to lay tax ; rate bill, war- rant. 632. Deduction for payment before da)^ lixed. District may exempt poor persons. District may abate taxes. Board of abatement. Powers of officers in collecting tax. Collector to pay over moneys, and submit tax-book on committee's request. 638. Committee to di-aw orders. United States Deposit Money. 639. State treasurer to receive. 640. To make apportionment. 641. To pay town's share to its trustees. 642. Trustees to give receipt; to manage and report condition of fund. 643. Trustee to give bond; if he fails, office vacant. 644. Trustees to loan moneys. 645. State treasurer to retain and manage shares, when. 646. Town treasurer to give credit for in- come received. 647. Income, how to be appropriated. 648. Towns liable to return moneys. 649. Penalty on towns for neglect to com- ply with law. Section 650. Grand jury to present. 651. Duty of state treasurer in case of moneys loaned by predecessors. Town School Fund. 652. Selectmen to manage and annually account for. 653. Proceedings relative to, to be in town's name ; duty of selectmen. 654. Tax-payer may take acknowledgment of or witness deeds under §§ 652, 653. 655. Securities to be kept by treasurer, &c. Town School Taxes. 656. Towns may lay tax to support schools. 657. State school-tax. 658. Penalty for neglect to lay tax. 659. Disposition of penalty. 660. Grand juries to inquire and present. Division of Public Moneys. 661. Selectmen to divide. 662. Monej^s, how divided. 663. District, when denied share. 664. Montpelier Union District, not af- . fccted. 665. District, when denied share. 666. Share of union and graded school districts. 667. Share of fractional disti-icts. 668. Statement as to division, to be lodged with town clerk. School, how to be sup- ported ; district list. 1864, No. 61; G. S.22, i5H5. 47, 50; 1850, Ko. 44 ; 1849, No. 16 ; R. S. 18, ^§ 15,16, 18; 1833, No. 19, §2; 1827, No. 23, ^U; 1824, p. 10, §2; R. 1797, pp. 495,496, ^i3,i; 1795, p.9; R. 1787, p. 137. 31 Vt. 337. 37 Vt. 196. 32Vt. 769. 43Vt. 123. Committee to make rate bill ; warrant. G. S.22, §47; R.S. 18, ^ 16; 1827, No. 23, § 11; R. 1797, p. 495, ()3; R. 1787, p. 137. 12 Vt. 472. 27Vt.221. 23 Vt. 416. 32Vt.7C9. SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES. Sec. 630. All expenses incurred by a school district for the support of schools in excess of public monej'-s received by the district, shall be defrayed by a tax upon the grand list of the district, which list shall be made up of the polls of inhabi- tants of the district, of the real estate lying in the district and of the personal estate taxable therein ; and real estate shall be taxed for school purposes only in the district in which it is situated. Sec. 631. The prudential committee shall, as soon after the vote of the district for that purpose as the circumstance of the case may require, assess a tax for the amount voted to be raised, upon the district list, and make out a rate bill of the same ; and any justice of a county in Avhich the whole or part Chap. 39.] SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES. 183 of such district is situated, shall, on application, make out a34Vt. 94. 40Vt.3i. warrant, directed to the district collector, authorizing and ^*'^*-^^^- *^^^-^^2- requiring him to levy and collect such tax within the time lim- ited therein and pay the same to the treasurer of the district. Sec. 632. A district may by vote, at the meeting at which Deduction for payment a tax is voted, direct the collector to deduct a per cent., to be isji^No! 14^^ " fixed by said vote, from the tax of a person who pays his tax before a day fixed by said vote. Notice of the time and place at which he will attend to receive taxes so voted and allow such deduction, shall be posted by the collector in three public places in the district and advertised by him in each newspaper printed in the district, at least ten days before the time named in the notice : and the collector shall make no deduction in favor of a person who does not pay his tax before the day fixed. Sec. 633. A school district may, by a two-thirds vote of District may exempt the voters present at a meeting, instruct the prudential com- g."s. 22, ^s 46 ; 1844, mittee to omit in making up the tax-bill for the support of^^-*^- schools the names of such persons as are unable to pay their proportion of such tax. Sec. 634. A school district may, by a two-thirds vote of aiay abate taxes, the voters present at a meeting, remit or make abatement on a i8Vj'20;' 1833, No. 19, district tax-bill to an amount not exceeding five percent, of s^ 3 ; 1827, No. 23, ^ 13. the same. Sec. 635. The officers of a school district, except the col- Board of abatement, lector, shall constitute a board for the abatement of school > • • taxes, and as such shall have the powers which the board for the abatement of town taxes has in the abatement of town taxes. A majority of such officers shall constitute a quorum. The prudential committee, when requested thereto by the dis- trict collector, shall call a meeting of said board in the month of March in each year, previous to the annual school meeting, by posting notice thereof in three public j)laces in said district at least five days before such meeting. Sec. 636. The district collector shall proceed in the same Power of collector, &c. 11 ^1 • 1 • 1 11 ^- G. S. 22, 65 49, 51 ; R. manner and have the same powers in levying and collecting g. is, §§ 17, 19 ; I827, district taxes, as town collectors in levying and collecting town ^gT^^'f^^'g^'j^" taxes, and shall within the time limited collect and pay the 1737', p! 137'. same to the district treasurer; and the prudential committee is vt. 439. shall have the same authority to enforce the collection and pay- ment of district taxes that town treasurers have to enforce the collection and payment of town taxes. Sec. 637. A district collector shall, on the written request collector to submit tax- of one of the prudential committee, pay to the district treas- 1874, No. 11, ^^s 2, 3. urer all moneys belonging to the district collected by him up to that time, and submit his tax-book and list to said treasurer for inspection and computation ; and a collector neglecting so to do shall, for every ten days' neglect, forfeit to the district one hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action on this statute. Sec. 638. The prudential committee shall draw their or- committee to draw ders upon the district treasurer for all sums due from the see §^"2713 to 2715. V ^ • / G. S 22, 5 48 ; 1856, district. Nc 38, §1. 184 UNITED STATES DEPOSIT MONEY. [Title 10- UNITED STATES DEPOSIT MONEY. Treasurer to receive. Sec. 639. The treasurer of the state shall receive moneys is", 1*4?;' 18^36', No.^15, belonging to the United States to be deposited with this state i 1. ' ' ' and give a certificate of deposit for the same according to law. Apportionment. Sec. 640. Sucli moncvs shall be apportioned to the several R. s. 18, §5 A 44'. 45; towns, organized and unorganized, and to the gores, in propor- 1836, No. 15, ^'§ 3, 5. -^[q^i to the number of inhabitants in each. When a census is taken under the laws of congress or of this state a new appor- tionment shall be made. If upon such new apportionment it appears that a town has more than its share, the treasurer of the state shall demand and recover from such town such excess ; and if a town has less than its share, he shall make up the defi- ciency to such town. Town's share to be paid Sec. 641. The treasurer of the state shall pay over to the g/s.*22,T99'; R. s. trustccs of the pubhc money in each town which has elected 18^ § 49 ; 1836', No. 15, gy^;!^ trustccs, provided such trustees have executed the re- quired bond, the share of the deposit money apportioned to such town. Trustees' duty. Sec. 642. Such trustces shall receive such town's share 1842,' No. 13,1' 1; i^- ^^ ^he deposit money and shall give the treasurer of the state 12 Y'3^- 18^6^ No ^5' ^ receipt therefor, similar to that given by said treasurer to the ^3. ' ' secretary of the treasury of the United States ; and said trus- tees shall manage such money and report the condition of the same at each annual town meeting. To give bonds. ^ Sec. 643. Such trustecs before entering upon the duties No.i3,'/2,R. s'. 18,'§ of their office, shall execute a bond to the town with at least 4'8; 1836, No. 15, i^2. three sufficient sureties in such sum as the selectmen direct, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties in loaning, managing, accounting for, and paying over as may be required by law, the moneys placed in their charge under the provisions of this chapter. And if a trustee fails to execute such bond his office shall be vacant, and such vacancy may be filled as in other cases of vacancies in town offices. To loan moneys. Sec. 644. The trustccs of the public moiiey may loau the 103^105; 1842, No. 25; same to the town, if the town at a meeting warned for that mr N^' \l^Vf^'^*' purpose authorizes the selectmen to borrow it. If the money , o. 0, . ^^ ^^^^ loaned to the town, the trustees shall loan the same, with sufficient personal security or on mortgage, as they may deem safe, made payable to the respective towns, at an interest of six percent, annually. Such loans shall be made for a term not exceeding one year ; and the moneys may be collected' at the expiration of the terra and loaned to other persons, or the loan may be extended to the same persons for an additional period. The trustees shall annually previous to the first day of March pay to the town treasurer the income received from such moneys, state treasurer, TTiien Sec. 645. The treasurer of the state shall retail! the share ml, No.* 39"**! ■' G. apportioned to towns which have not elected trustees, and the s. 22,j§92^9|; 1845, g^^arcs of Unorganized towns and gores, and shall annually pre- R. s. 18, 5 47; 1836,' vious to the first day of March pay to the treasurer of each ^°" ^^' ^ organized town not electing trustees, and to the treasurers of Chap. 39.] TOWN SCHOOL FUND. 185 school districts in unorganized towns and gores which have maintained schools for the required length of time during the previous year, the interest upon the shares apportioned to such towns and gores. And he shall divide the interest money of each unorganized town or gore among the school districts therein in the manner provided for the distribution of town school moneys among the several districts in towns. Sec. 646. The treasurer of each town shall give credit in Town treasurer to give his account of the school fund, for all sums received by him as g.^s.^'22^5 io5; r. s. income from the town share of the deposit money. 18. § 54- Sec. 647. The income from the deposit money received income, how to be ap- by each town shall be annually appropriated to the support of g. s. 22, ^ I04,_i06; schools in the town. But if a town has other school funds the i836,'no.\^5,"55 ^'e. income of which is sufficient to support schools in all the dis- tricts in such town for six months in each year, such town may appropriate the income received from its share of such money to the support of schools or to any purpose. Sec. 648. Towns which have received their portion of the Town liable to return deposit money shall be accountable for the return of the same, g!'s722, ^ 100 ; r. s. or any part thereof, when required by the treasurer of the state i^, § 50; 1836, No. 15, on requisition of the United States or for the purpose of a new apportionment, as towns are accountable for state taxes. Sec. 649. If a town fails to comply with the provisions of Penalty for neglect to this chapter relative to the management or disposition of g. s. 22, § iotVr. s United States moneys received by such town, it shall forfeit ^^^ ^ ^^ > 1836, No. lo, to the treasurer of the county, for the use of such county, a sum not exceedini? double the amount of the interest of such moneys. Sec. 650. The afrand iury shall inquire how the towns have Grand jury to present, managed and disposed of the moneys so deposited with them, is, ^'57 ;' 1836, No." 15, and the annual interest thereof; and if a town has not complied ] 7. with the provisious of this chapter relative to such deposit money they shall present to the court their indictment therefor against such town ; and notice thereof shall be given to such town as is required in case of indictment for not repairing highways. Sec. 651. The treasurer of the state, in the collection of Duty of state treasurer, the United States deposit mone}^ loaned by former treasurers, ' °' shall adjust and settle the same as is for the interest of the state. TOWN school fund. Sec. 652. The selectmen of a town shall have charge of selectmen to manage, -, -, . . • 1, •iij'i *nd annually account the real and personal estate in such town appropriated as a tuna for. to the use of schools therein, unless otherwise provided for by g y^ ^78. j^'/g. is, v^ law, or unless the person giving any part thereof directs the 27; 1827, No. 23, § 3. same to be managed in some other way, and shall annually ren- ^^ ^^^- ^^^• der an account to the town of their proceedings in connection therewith ; and the selectmen shall lease lands appropriated for such purpose, and loan moneys on annual or semi-annual inter- est, with sufficient security, and for such security may take mortgages or deeds of any real estate in the state. 186 TOWN SCHOOL TAXES. [Title 10. Proceedings as to, to be Sec. 653. The Securities for the payment of the moneys ill town's name ; duty _ n i i • i 1 1 i i • i of selectmen. SO loaned and the interest thereon, shall be taken m the name S.22, 6 78; R. s. 18, of the town, and the selectmen may, in the name of the town, s^ 27. prosecute and defend actions for the recovery or protection of the estate so intrusted to their care ; and if the title or posses- sion of real estate mortgaged or deeded as security is recov- ered in such action, the selectmen may, in the name of the town, lease or sell and convey such real estate, and invest the moneys received therefrom as provided in the preceding sec- tion, knowie^^m'^ntofdeed"' ^^^- ^^4. A pcrsou authoHzed to take the acknowledg- &c. ' ment of deeds may take the acknowledgment of a deed pro- ' "■ ' '' ' vided for in the two preceding sections or may sign such deed as witness although he is an inhabitant and tax-payer of the town. freTs'nrer* Ac**^ ''^^^ '''^ ^^^' ^^^' The securities belonging to the town school fund (i. s. 22, \s 79; R. s. shall be deposited in the office of the treasurer of the town ; and ^' ^ moneys received on account of the same, shall be paid into such treasury ; and a separate account ot the same shall be kept on the books of the treasurer. TOWN SCHOOL TAXES. Town may lay tax to Sec. 656. A towii may at the annual town meetino;, or at support schools. .. i/>jii • j' j_t c G. s. 22, ^ 82; 1842, a meeting warned lor that purpose, raise money tor the use oi '^3i"-T827^is'o^2l*5 22'- schools, by a tax on the list of such town. ii. 1797, p. 497, §'7. State school-tax. Sec. 657. If ill auv year the income appropriated for the 22, 6i 80," 8i', 82 ;' 1842, "se of schools ill a town with any tax voted by the town, after Ko. 20; R. 8.18,^^29. (Jeductiuo: ouc-half the income of the United States deposit 30 31 ■ 1827 No 23 . §59, 22; 1826, No. 44; moucy, amouuts to a less sum than nine per cent, of the grand H)' ''I lA^siV ' ^i!'3' ^^^* " ^^^® town, the selectmen shall, previous to the first day i2Vt. 127. 38Vt.22L of Jaiiuaiy, assess a tax on the grand list, to be collected and 13 vt. 565. paid into the treasury before the first day of the succeeding March, for such amount as such sum is less than such nine per cent., for the use of schools in the town. But this section shall not apply to towns using the town system of schools. Penalty for neglect to Sec. 658. If the Selectmen of a town do not assess, col- G?^s^^2, ij 87; R. s. Icct, or appropriate the tax for the support of schools as pro- ^^%^^-^^!^24^^'^'io^°s3^' "^i^®^ ^^^ this chapter, the town shall forfeit to the county a sum i82i' p. 9o', §1. ' ' equal to double the amount which the selectmen are required to 13 vt. 565. raise by tax, to be recovered by information or indictment in the county court. Disposal of penalty. Sec. 659. Oiie-fourth of such penalty shall be for the use 18, £ 35; 1827, No. 23, of the couiity, and three-fourths shall be paid to the selectmen §18; 1821, p. 90, § 1. for the use of schools in such tov/n ; and the treasurer of the county, immediately after the receipt of such money, shall give notice thereof to the selectmen of the town, who shall forth- with receive, apportion, and appropriate the same to the sup- port of schools in such town, as if it had been raised by tax. Grand jury to present. Sec. 660. Grand juries shall annually inquire Avhether 18, §'36; 1827, No. 23, towns ill their counties have assessed, collected, and expended § 18; 1821, p. 90, § 1. ^he tax for the support of schools, as required in this chapter ; Chap. 39.] DIVISION OF PUBLIC MONEYS. 187 and in case of neglect they shall present their indictment thereof to the court. DIVI8IOX OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Sec. 661 . The selectmen of each town shall, on the Friday moX"^ dlT^fim, next preceding the last Tuesday of March, divide the school No. 51^^^1874, No. 40, moneys in the "treasury of such town among the school districts i864, No.'59;'g'.s. 22, U +^„.,, & 83; 1858, No. 1, ,^ 5; ni such tOM n. |^ s' I8, § 32; 1827. No. 23, § 9. Sec. 662. If the amount of such moneys does not exceed MOT^e}^,^how diTided.^ twelve hundred doHars, one-half thereof, and if it exceeds no. 51;° 1874, No. 40' twelve hundred dollars, one-third thereof shall be divided among ^^ 'g ^§^'^^^3°: %y/' the common school districts in such town equally, except as no5; A No 1, ^^ 6; otherwise provided in the case of districts only partially situated no.^23?^ of R.\?97, in the town. The remainder of such moneys shall be divided pp_493, 497.^s^M|7; among the districts in the town, including union districts, in lysjjpiise.^ ' proportion to the aggregate attendance of scholars between the a<>-es of five and twenty^ years upon the schools of the district during the preceding school year, except as otherwise provided in the°case of districts only partially situated in the town ; such a^crregate attendance to be ascertained from the records thereof kept in the registers of such schools, l)y adding together the number of days of actual attendance of each scholar between the ages of five and twenty years. Sec. 663. The moneys shall be paid over, under the direc- District, when denied tion of the selectmen, to the several treasurers of such districts : iS8o!no. 94, ,^7; 1874, but no union or other district shall receive any of such moneys No 40,^i^ i^s^e. No. unless a school has been kept in such district during the year i849,No.].5,j2';R.s! nextpreceding such distribution, fortwo full terms of ten weeks f^.^fv^g^'p^'^'^g;^^^ each, or their equivalent, nor unless the registers of such dis- 7; R. i787, p. 136. trict' for such year contain the certificate of the town super- intendent that a school has been maintained in such district for the required length of time by a properly licensed teacher, and that the reo-isters have been filled out in compliance with law. Sec. 664. Nothing in the three preceding sections shall ^gp/^;- <'-t'-^«t' -V affect the Montpelier union district. NT5i?il'4,^N^.'4o!' i 1 ; 1866, No. 9, s^ 1 ; Q. S. 22, § 83 ; 1860, No. 5. Sec. 665. No public money of any town shall be distributed ^^^ -'^^ '»--'> to any school district for attendance of scholars at any school isso, No. 100. taught by a teacher who has not the certificate required bylaws except for attendance at an academy in certain cases, as now provided for bv law, nor to any school district whose school register does not contain the certificate of the town superintend- ent as requii-ed by law. Po, * • J Sec. 666. Union or graded schools formed m pursuance of ^|.-^«,lCrdis?ricts. law when the town in which they are located so votes, shall iscs, No. 33, ^ 1. receive the same amount of that portion of the pubhc school money which is distributed equally between the districts as the districts forming such graded or union districts would have received. Sec. 667. When a district is formed of parts of two or share of fractional dis- 188 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. [Title 10. 1874, No. 40, § 2; 1866, more towiis, sucli district shall receive from the treasury of each 86°'r y'ls^'s^s^^' ^^ town a proportion of the moneys so distributed, as follows : 1827, No.'23,'j8; ' I, Of tliat part which is divided equally among tlie dis- 1808, p. o5, ^ 2. tricts, a sum bearing the proportion to the sum severally received by the other districts in sin h town, which the number of children in such district, residing in such town, bears to the whole number of cliildren in sucli districto II. Of tliat part which is divided among the districts in proportion to the aggregate attendance of scholars, a sum bearing the proportion to the whole sum to be divided in such town which the aggregate attendance of the whole number of children in such district, residing in such town, bears to the ao-ofresrate attendance of the whole number of children in such town. statement to be lodged Sec. 668. The Selectmen in the month of April annually, G."s?*S\s 85; 1847, after they have made division of the public moneys, shall lodge No. 24, § 4. ^1^1^ ^jjg town clerk a written statement of the amount of money divided to each district during the current school year. Chapter 40. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE ; GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 669. What children shall attend school; penalty for permitting non-attend- ance. 670. Penalty against children violating this law. 671. Prosecution of parent, guardian or master. 672. Complaint, what it shall state ; ap- peal. 673. Certain children not to Ije employed in mills or factories; penalty for employing. Section 674. No taxation for sectarian schools. 675. Persons under five years of age shall not attend public schools. 676. Use of school-house for certain pur- poses. 677. School year, day, week and month. 678. Evening schools. 679. Tax to be assessed to pay execution against district. What children shall at- tend school ; penalty for permitting non-.it- tendance. 1867, l^o.35,§§ 1,3. Sec. 669. Every child of good health and sound mind, between eight and fourteen years of age, shall attend a public school at least three months in the year, unless such child has been otherwise furnished with the means of education for a like period of time, or has already acquired the branches of study timght in the public schools ; and a parent, master or guardian who permits his child, apprentice or ward to violate the pro- visions of this section, shall be prosecuted and fined as provided in section five hundred eighty-six [§ 673]. Sec. 670. A member of the prudential committee of a children violating this jjgtnct, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable of a town in 1870, No. 13, ^ 1. which the district is located, may arrest, and shall arrest upon application of three voters of the district, any child who is violating the provisions of the preceding section and who, during a term of the public school in the district in which he resides, is habitually found in the streets or other public place, Proceedings against Chap. 40.] GENERAL PROVLSIONS. 181> having no lawful occupation, or who is an habitual truant ; and shall take him to the school in said district and place him in charge of the teacher thereof; and shall o-ive notice thereof in writing to, and shall therein require the parent, guardian or master to cause the child to attend school regularly. Sec. 671. If such parent, guardian or master does not Prosecution of parent, cause such child to attend school regularly for six days after fgyo* No.**i37t^*^2r' receiving such notice, having no good reason therefor, the officer making the arrest shall make complaint to a justice, and such justice shall issue a warrant directed to any sheriff' or constable in the state, commanding him forthwith to arrest and bring before said justice, such parent, guardian or master, and such child ; and upon proof that the child was liable to arrest as provided in the preceding section and that the parent, guardian or master has received and not complied with the notice and requirement before specitied, the justice shall hue such parent, guardian or master not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars, which shall be paid into the treasury of the town for the benetit of schools in such town. Sec. 672. The complaint shall be sufficient if it states complaint; appeal, that said parent, master or guardian neglects to send to school ^^^*^' ^^' ^^' ^^ ^' ^' as required by law, his child, apprentice or ward, naming such child, apprentice or ward ; and prosecutions under such com- plaint shall be conducted like criminal prosecutions, and an appeal may in like manner be had to the county court. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sec. 673. No child between ten and fourteen years of Employing children in age, who has resided in the state one year, shall l)e employed My.^^ aeon; pen- in a mill or factory unless such child has attended a public ^^^^'■'^°- ^^' ^^^^ -' "^' school three months during tlie preceding year. A person who employs a child in violation of this section shall forfeit not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars, to be recov- ered by prosecution before a justice, one-half to go to the complainant and one-half to the town in which the child resides. Sec. 674. No moneys raised upon the grand list shall be no taxation for sec- appropriated for the maintenance of strictly sectarian or re- \s-T''sT.°i6^' ligious schools. Sec. 675. No person under five years of age shall be xo pupii under five, received as a pupil in a public school. ^^^°' ^°- ^^' ^ ^■ Sec. 676. A school district may allow the use of the use of sciiooi-imise. school-house of such district for meetings for religious wor- ^^^^' ^°' ^*^" ship, lectures, and similar purposes, when not needed for school purposes. Sec. 677. The school year shall commence on the first day school year, day, week of April, and end on the last day of March following. In the i872rNo?i6; G. s. 22, absence of express contract, a session of three hours in the ^^ 38; 1847, No. 24, ^u. forenoon and three in the afternoon shall constitute a school day, five such days a school week, and four such weeks a school ujonth. 190 INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF, &c. [Title 10. Tax to pay execution. G. S. 85, ^4; R. S. Eveiiingr schools. Sis.c. 678. A district mav, at a meetmo- vote to establish 1874, No. 37, ^S 2. • 1 1 1 "^ • . • +1 " 1 r, 1 evening schools, and may maintain the same as day schools are maintained ; and each session of such evening schools shall be treated as a half-day session of a public school. Sec. 679. When demand is made upon a school district 78, sUi; ii. 1797, p. for the payment of an execution issued against it, and the dis- dui.^o; tt. i/o/,p.oi. ^^1^^ j^j^g j^Q available funds to pay the same, the prudential committee shall forthwith assess and collect a tax sufficient to pay the same and the charges and twelve per cent, interest, in the same manner as a tax voted by the district is assessed and collected. Chapter 41. INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF, DUMB, BLIND, IDIOTIC AND FEEBLE-MINDED. Section 680. Commission and board of instruc- tion. 681. Report of commissioner ; compensa- tion. 682. Annual appropriations. 683. Places of instruction. 684. Board of civil authority to certify statistics to county clerk. Section 685. County clerk to make returns to the governor. 686. Powers, of commissioner. 687. Selectmen to execute bond of in- demnity against certain expenses. 688. Town to defray expenses of convey- ance. Commissioner. Sec. 680. The govemor shall be by virtue of his office i 1; 1842*, No. iG^^ 1; commissioner of the deaf, dumb and blind, and of the idiotic R. s. 19, n ; 1833 ^ud feeblc-iiiinded children of indigent parents, and as such 31°^ 2.' 0, o. (^QjjjjjjjggJQjjgp si^^all constitute the board for their instruction. Report, compensation. Sec. 681. He shall annually report to the legislature his 23^tA? 9 Ntili^No. proceedings under this chapter with an account of the expendi- 15, § 2; 1842, No. 16, turcs arisino* therefrom, and shall receive fifty dollars annually V^^3,4; R. S. 19, W7, ^ , . ? , ' . . *^ "^ 8; 1826, No. 52 ; 1825, lor his scrviccs as sucli commissioner. No. 31,'^ 2. ' ' Appropriations. Sec. 682. A suiii uot exceeding five thousand dollars is igi^t H'^isei^No. 12 i ^1^ dually appropriated for the benefit of the deaf and dumb, G.'s. 23, ^ 2; 1861, ' and a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars for the benefit 1833, No. 21, ^ 1 ;'i830, of the blind, and a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars No. 27 ; 1825, No. 31, fQj. ^j^g benefit of the idiotic and feeble-minded children of in- ^ * digent parents, to be used agreeably to the provisions of this chapter. Places of instruction. Sec. 683. Until provision is otherwise made by law the No^40^°'g%^ l^^^^s- ^®^^^^^^^"^^ ^^^^^^^'^^^ "^ ^^^^ chapter shall be instructed at R. s. 19, p ; 1833, 'the foUowinsf places: the deaf and dumb at the American No.^^21, J2; 1825, No. ^sylum for the education of the deaf and dumb at Hartford, Connecticut, or the Clarlve Institution at Northampton, Massa- chucetts ; the blind at the New England institution for the in- struction of the blind at Boston, Massachusetts ; and the idi- otic and feeble-minded children at the Massachusetts school for idiotic and feeble-minded youth, at Boston, statistics certified to Sec. 684. The board of civil authority in each town shall i872*yo!'i9, ^^3; G. ascertain, and certify to the county clerk on or before the first Chap. 41.] INSTRUCTION OF THP: DEAF, &c. 131 day of February annually, the number of deaf and dumb per- s.23, §4; i84i,No. sons and the number ot bund persons ni such town, tlieu ages, i833,No.21, §3;i82o, conditions and circumstances, and the ability of their parents No. 31, §3. to educate them, the names of all idiotic and feeble-minded children between the ages of five and fourteen years residing in such town and the pecuniary ability and circumstances of their parents or the persons bound to support them, and whether in the opinion of such lioard the persons enumerated and named are proper subjects of the charity of the state, and whether they and their parents or guardians are willing they should become beneficiaries of either of the institutions men- tioned in the preceding section, or such other institution as is provided by law for the instruction of such persons. Sec. 685. Each county clerk shall make return to the gov- comi^ty cierk to make ernor, l)efore the first day of March in each year, of the infor- i872?No. 19, H; g. mation he receives from the several boards of civil authority in f^^^'g^.'^' s^^^g^^'s; his county . l?^^ No 21, ^ 3 • 1825, •^ No. 31, § 3. Seo 686. The o-overnor may designate beneficiaries, as Powers of commis- '^, ,. ' r- 1 j_ 1 1 sioner. aforesaid, may direct the auditor of accounts to draw orders on 1372, No. 19, ^5; g. the treasury for any part of the appropriations provided "^ i6-|\^;1^4i^Not'2'2, section five hundred ninety-five [§ 682] ; may superintend and m';II.'s.i^9,'§6; 1833, direct all concerns relating to the education of deaf, dumb, ^^o.^^^^. ^' ^' ^^ °'/ *'• blind, idiotic, or feeble-minded persons, inhabitants of the state, and may allow all or any portion of the expenses of their con- veyance to, and support in, the institutions in which they are instructed for such time as he deems proper ; and he may in his discretion take bonds to indemnify the state against ex- penses which accrue in consequence of the sickness, clothing, or transportation of any beneficiary. Sec. 687. The selectmen of the several towns in this state Bomi of jndemmty. are hereby authorized and empowered to execute in their offi- ' ^ °' cial capacity in behalf of their respective towns, without a previous vote of said town for that purpose, the bond which may be required to be given by the town to indemnify the state against expenses which may accrue in consequence of the sick- ness, clothing or transportation of the deaf, dumb and blind state beneficiaries from such town. Sec. 688. When a person is designated a beneficiary, the Expenses of convey- town in which he resides shall defray the expenses of his con- 1872] No. 19, ^s e ; g. s. veyance to and from the institution in which he is to be 23, §7; 1858, No. 3. instructed if in the opinion of the selectmen his parent or guardian is not able to pay the same. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. COMPENSATION OF TOWN SUPERINTENDENT. School superintendent. Sec 4540. Eacli towii Superintendent of sshools shall ' "■ ■ receive one dollar and fifty cents for eacli day necessarily spent in the discharge of his legal duties ; but such number of days spent in the visitation of schools shall not exceed in any case the number of terms of schools tauo;ht in the town of which he is superintendent. He shall also be allowed the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each day necessarily spent in making his annual report to the state superintendent of education, and in making his annual report to the town meeting, provided such report is either written or printed, and ten cents per mile one way for necessary travel in attending the annual county meeting of town superintendents, as now provided by law. Town may vote snperin- Sec. 4541. A towu iiiay at its aunual meeting or at a tendent more pay. .. t o i\ i j i •> 1865, No. 29. meeting warned tor that purpose vote to pay its superin- tendent out of the town treasury such sum in addition to the pay provided by law for his services as appears reasonaljle. INDEX. INDEX. A. ABATEMENT of school district taxes, §§ 634, 635. ACADEMIES, trustees of, to return statistics, § 628. district may contract for instruction of scliolars at, &c., §§ 568-570. ACCOUNTS, town superintendent's, §§ 460, 461. AGE, children under certain, not to be admitted to public school, § 675. APPROPRIATIONS to normal schools, §§ 472, 473. payment of, conditioned, §§ 465, 471, 473. ARREST, of child not attending school, § 670. ATTENDANCE, compulsory, upon school, provisions as to, §§ 669-672. AUDITORS, of school district, §§ 508, 514. B. BLANKS, state superintendent to furnish, § 453. BLIND, provision for the instruction of, § 680, et seq. BOARD, county examining, §§ 477-484. normal school examining, § 466. BONDS, of school district collector, §§ 511, 512. of trustees of public money, § 643. BOOKS, school text-books, §§ 609-615. (See Text-books.) c. CERTIFICATES, of graduation from normal schools, granting of, § 466. of graduation from normal school, effect of, § 475. of graduation from training school, § 475. teachers' cex'tificates : state certificates, §§ 475, 476. county certificates, §§ 479-483. town certificates, blanks for, § 453. examinations for, § 487 ; issuing of, § 488. how long in force, § 491. of whom obtained when no town superintendent, § 489. of whom town superintendent may obtain one, § 490. list of, granted, to be lodged in clerk's office, § 492. in general, §§ 493-498. teachers to submit, to town superintendent, § 493. teachers must have, or contract void ; exception, §§ 494, 496. may be revoked or annulled, § 497. committee liable for moneys paid to teacher without, § 495. if teacher without, district may not share in public moneys, § 665. CHILDREN, required to attend school, unless, §§ 669-672. under certain age, not to be admitted to public school, § 675. INDEX. CIiERK, of school district, election of, § 508 ; of union district, § 576. to give notice of election or appointment and number of district to town clerk, § 517. neglecting, to receive no compensation, § 517. to be member of board for abatement of taxes, § 635. olfice of, may be vacated if district fails to provide school, § 561. vacancies in office of, how filled, § 518. to warn meetings, § 519. to record proceedings of meeting and certify same, § 517. penalty for neglect, § 517. to record proceedings and returns of selectmen, when, §§ 528, 533. to record proceedings of judge locating school house, § 533. in absence of, committee to perform duties of, §§ 516, 519. liability of, for neglect in certain cases, §§ 517, 520. to procure register of town superintendent, § 619. to certify whether teacher has properly filled out register, § 621. to fill out blanks and return register, § 622. of fractional district, duty of, as to making returns, §§ 624, 625. may apply to judges when divided district fails to agree as to distribution of district propei'ty, § 549. to be elected by town at meeting abolishing town system, § 608. duties of clerk so elected, § 608. school directors under town system to have duties of, § 597. COLLECTOR, of school district taxes; election, term of oflice, § 508. of union districts, § 576. town collector may be, § 510. office of may be vacated if district fails to provide school, § 561. bond of, § 511. neglecting to give bonds or perform duties, office vacant, § 512. vacancies in office of, how filled, § 518. general powers and duties, § 636. meeting of board of abatement of taxes, to be called on request of, § 635. town collector to collect tax assessed by selectmen in certain cases, §§ 531, 561. COMMITTEE. (See Prudential Committee.) COMPENSATION of town superintendent, §§ 4540, 4541 ; town to pay, § 460. COMPULSORY attendance, §§ 669-672. CORPORATION, school district to be, § 507. union district to be, § 573. COUNTY EXAMINING BOARD, §§ 477-484. COURSES of study in normal schools, §§ 464, 465. in training school departments of graded schools, § 474. DAY, school day, § 677. DEAF, provisions for instruction of, § 680, et seq. DEBTS, due to and from districts not affected by alterations in district, § 557. DEDUCTION, for payment of school district tax before day fixed, § 632. DEPOSIT MONEYS, U. S., apportionment of, § 640. treasurer to pay over shares to towns electing trustees, § C41. to retain and manage shares, when, § 645. duties in collection of moneys loaned by former treasurer, § 651. trustees to receive, manage and report, § 642. trustees to give bond for faithful management of, &c. , § 643. office vacant if not given, § 643. loans of, regulated; income to be paid to town treasurer, § 644. town treasurer's duty as to, § 646. INDEX. DEPOSIT MONEYS, U. S. — continued. income from to be appropriated to scliools, except, § 6-47. towns liable to return, § 64:8. towns how liable for misappropriation of, §§ 649, 650. division of income of, § 661 et seq. DIRECTORS, school directors under town system, §§ 594-600. DISTRICTS, school. (See Schools.) DIVISION of public school moneys, §§ 661-668. DUMB, provisions for the instruction of, § 680, et seq. E. EVENING SCHOOLS, § 678. EXAMINATIONS, in normal schools, § 466. in training school departments of graded schools, § 474. of candidates for teachers' certificates : by county examining board, §§ 479-483. ' by town superintendents, §§ 487, 489, 490. by what superintendent made in case of fractional district, §§ 501, 502. EXAMINING BOARD, COUNTY, §§ 477-484. EXECUTION, against district, tax to be assessed to meet, § 679. F. FACTORY, child not to be employed in, unless it has attended school, § 673. FEEBLE-MINDED, provision for instruction of, § 680, et seq. FEES, of assistant judges dividing school-district property, § 556. fixing location of school house, § 533. commissioners to apportion property of fractional district, § 592. normal school examiner, § 466. members of county examining board, § 478. town superintendent, §§ 4540, 4541. town to pay, § 460. examining teacher at other than public examination, § 487. school district clerii, not entitled to, when, § 517. chairman and members of board of school directors, § 600. cleric of school board for making registration returns, § 596. G. GORE, mode of organizing school districts in, § 504. school district in, entitled to share of U. S. deposit money, §§ 640, 645. inhabitants of adjoining town may be set to school district in, § 505. GOVERNOR, to appoint normal school examiner, § 466. to fill vacancies in ofllce of state superintendent, § 452. duties, &c. as to deaf, dumb, blind, &c., § 680, et seq. GRADED SCHOOL, defined, § 571. principal of, not required to have certificate, § 496. training school department of, §§ 474-476, 629. trustees of, to return statistics to state superintendent, § 629. board of school directors may establish, in town using town system, § 597. district, share of public moneys allowed to, § 666. to choose members of text-book committee, § 609. not to be abolished for town system, except, § 604. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, trustees to send statistics to state superintendent, § 628. lands, to be included in quadrennial appraisal and list printed, §§ 312, 313. exemption of, from taxation, § 270, VI. INDEX. GRAJN'D JURY, to present towns for neglect to assess state school tax, § 660. to present towns for misappropriating U. S. deposit money, § 650. GRAND LIST of school district, how constituted, § 630. moneys raised on, not to be appropriated to sectarian schools, § 674. I. IDIOTIC, and feeble-minded, provision for instruction of, § 680, et seq. INSTITUTES, teachers', §464. J. JUDGES, ASSISTANT, of county court : duties and fees in locating school house, § 533. to appoint commission for altering fractional school district, § 547. powers and duties in dividing school district property, §§ 549-556. to appoint appraisers when town abolishes disti-ict system, § 590. to appoint commissioners to apportion property of fractional district, § 592. JUSTICE, may issue warrant for collecting district tax, § 631. to certify town superintendent's accounts, § 460. duties of, in deciding as to dissolution of fractional district, § 547. LANDS, taking of, for school purposes, §§ 534-542. LOCATION of school house, how fixed when district fails to agree, §§ 526-528 533. M. MEETINGS, of school districts : first meeting; in common school districts, § 503; union district, § 575. annual meeting; common school districts, § 519; union district, § 575. special meetings to be called on voters' application, § 519. meetings by whom to be warned, § 519 ; penalty for neglect, § 520. requisites of warning, § 521. " meeting" deemed to mean meeting legally warned, § 522. meetings, proceedings of, to be recorded by clerk, § 517. voters in meeting, who are, §§ 523, 524. right to vote, if challenged, how determined, § 623. MILL, child not to be employed in, unless it has attended school, § 673. MODERATOR, electiou, term of office, § 508; iu union districts, § 576. vacancies in office of, how filled, § 518. to be member of board of abatement, § 635. duties, § 513. in case of absence of, moderator j))'o tern, may be chosen, § 513. MONEYS, U. S. deposit, §§ 639-651. school moneys, division of, §§ 661-668. raised by taxation, not to be appropriated to sectarian schools, § 674. MONTH, school mouth, § 677. N. NORMAL SCHOOLS, where situated; continued till when, § 462. boarding houses for pupils in, not taxable, § 270, VII. teachers in, § 463. courses of study, §§ 464, 466. examinations and examining board, § 466. scholarships, §§ 467-471. each town entitled to one, § 467. INDEX. NORMAL SCHOOLS— continued. scholarships, appointee to, may attend either school, § 467. town superintendent to appoint to, § 468. town superintendent may recommend for, § 469. vacant, maj^ be assigned, § 470. town not to have more than ten iu one term, § 470. number of, not to exceed number of towns iu state, § 470. at what sum reckoned; money how drawn, § 471. appropriations to, §§ 472, 473. payment of, conditioned, §§ 465, 471, 473. certificate of graduation from, to be license to teach, § 475. certificate may be renewed, § 476. NOTICE' for school district meeting, requirements of, § 521. o. OFFICERS, of school districts; election, term of oflice, § 508; in union dis- tricts, § 576. women eligible, § 524. except collector to be board of abatement of taxes, § 635. oflices of, may be vacated if district fails to provide school, § 561. vacancies in office of, how filled, § 518. to retain powers after dissolution of district for paying and collecting debts, § 557. (See under names of particular officers.) ORGANIZATION of school districts : in organized towns, § 503. in unorganized towns aud gores, § 504. by parts of fractional districts after dissolution, § 548. after abolishment of town system, §§ 606, 608. P. POOR PERSONS, district may direct names of, to be omitted from tax-bill, § 633. PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE ; election, term of office, §§ 508, 509. in union districts, §§ 576, 577. in town high or central districts, §§ 580, 582. w^ho to be chairman of, § 508. vacancies in office of, how filled, § 518. in case of town high or central districts, § 583. duties of, in union and town high or central districts, §§ 576, 584. to be members of board for abatement of taxes, § 635. to notify meetings of such board, § 635. to keep school house in order, § 515. if there is none, to provide place for school, § 515. to see that fuel, furniture aud appendages are provided, § 515. to warn school district meetings, when, § 519. penalty for neglect to warn, § 520. to discharge duties of district clerk in his absence, § 516. penalty for neglect, § 517. to adopt measures for school's improvement, § 515. to hire and remove teachers, § 515. their contracts with teacher without certificate, void, § 494. liable to district for moneys paid to an unlicensed teacher, § 495. exception in case of principal teachers, § 496. not to pay for services after certificate revoked, unless, § 497. INDEX. PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE — continued. to pay teacher only on clerk's certificate that register is filled, § 621. to draw orders on treasurer, § 638. may apply to selectmen to locate school house, § 526. to apply when owner of lands taken refuses to convey, § 534. may agree to refer question of damages in such case, § 537. when several schools, to regulate as to admissions, § 572. may arrest children not attending school, § 670. on arresting child, to complain to a justice, § 671. when directed, to arrange for sending scholars to adjoining district or to acad- emy, §§ 564, 567, 568. to notify parents, &c. if child not furnished text-books, § 612. to furnish text-books if parents, &c. neglect, § 612. to notify listers of names of childreu, &c. supplied, § 613. to assess tax to meet execution, § 679. when taxes voted, to make tax-bill, § 631. may be directed to omit poor persons from tax-bill, § 633. may require collector to give bonds, § 511. may require collector to pay moneys and submit tax-book, § 637. power of to enforce payment of tax, § 636. of union district, to regulate admission to union school, § 574. of town high or central, to regulate admissions and tuition, § 587. may assess tax, § 588. directors under town system have powers of, § 597. PUBLIC MONEYS, division of, §§ 661-668. raised by taxes, not to be appropriated to sectarian schools, § 674. TJ. S. deposit money, §§ 639-651. town school fund, §§ 652-655. R. REGISTERS, state superintendent to prescribe blank form for, § 616. state superintendent to furnish to town superintendents, § 617. town superintendent to receipt or notify of failure to receive, § 618. district clerks to procure of town superintendent, § 619. responsible for keeping of, § 619. teachers to procure, fill, and return, § 620. clerk to certify to being properly filled out, § 621. teacher to be paid only on presenting such certificate, § 621. clerk to fill out and return, § 622. clerk of fractional district to what superintendent to return, §§ 624, 502. town superintendent to make entries and certificate in and return to town clerk, § 623. how to return certificate in case of a fractional district, § 624. school moneys divided according to attendance as stated in, § 662. district to receive no moneys unless register contains town superintendent's certificate, §§ 663, 665. RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS, moneys raised by taxes not to be given to, § 674. REPORT, of state superintendent of education, §§ 456, 457. of board of school directors, § 599. s* SCHOLARSHIPS, in normal schools, §§ 467-471. each town entitled to one, § 467. appointee may attend either school, § 467. town superintendent to appoint to, § 468. town superintendent may recommend for, § 469. INDEX. SCHOLARSHIPS — continued. vacant, may be assigned, § ilO. town not to have more than ten in one term, § 470. number of, not to exceed number of towns in state, § 470. at what sum reckoned ; money how drawn, § 471. SCHOOLS, normal schools, §§ 462-473. teachers, § 463; courses of study, §§ 464, 465; examinations, § 466. scholarships, §§ 467-471; state appropriations, §§ 472, 473. effect of certificates of graduation ; renewal of certificates, §§ 475, 476. training school departments of graded schools, §§ 474-476, 629. teachers, certificates, granting of, §§ 475-491, 501. ( See Certificate.) certificates to be submitted to town superintendent, § 493. teachers must have or contract void ; exception, §§ 494, 496. may be revoked or annulled, §§ 497, 498. committee liable for moneys paid to teacher without, § 495. if teacher without, district may not share in public moneys, § 665. prudential committee to appoint, agree with, and remove, § 515. entitled to wages only on presentation of clerk's certificate that register is properly filled, § 621. may ask person annoying school by staying at or near it, to depart, § 4230. person refusing to withdraw how punished, § 4230. institutes and educational meetings, §§ 454, 455. school districts ; organization, meetings, officers, alterations in, towns to be divided into ; division how to be made, § 499. to be numbered; numbers and descriptions to be recorded, § 500. how formed of parts of two or moi'e towns, § 501. districts so formed held to be of what town and county, §§ 501, 502. organization of, §§ 503, 504 ; of union district, § 573. by parts of fractional districts after dissolution, § 548. to be corporations with usual powers, §§ 507, 573. organized under previous law to continue as legal school districts, § 506. may be abolished and town system substituted, § 589. persons may be set to, by vote of district in adjoining town, § 505. union, §§ 573-578. MEETIXGS AXD A^OTERS : first meeting; in common school district, § 503 ; union district, § 575. annual meeting; common school district, § 519; union district, § 575. special meetings, to be called on voters' application, § 519. meetings by whom to be warned, § 519 ; penalty for neglect, § 520. requisites of warning, § 521. " meeting " deemed to mean meeting legally warned, § 522. meetings, proceedings of to be recorded by clerk, § 517. voters in meeting, who are, §§ 523, 524. right to vote if challenged how determined, § 523. officers; election, term of oflice, § 508; in union districts, § 576. ■women eligible, § 524. except collector, to be board for abatement of taxes, § 635. oflaces of, may be vacated if district fails to provide school, § 561. vacancies in office of, how filled, § 518. to retain powers after dissolution of district, for paying and collecting debts, § 557. (See further under names of particular officers.) ALTERATIOXS IX DISTRICTS : towns may by vote divide, unite, and alter districts, § 545. cannot be made unless set forth in warning of town meeting, § 545. when made must be recorded in town clerk's office, § 500. INDEX. SCHOOLS — continued. school districts ; organization, meetings, oflEicers, etc. — continued. ALTERATIONS IN DISTRICTS — Continued. proceedings in dissolving fractional districts, §§ 546, 547. distribution of property and payment of damages, § 5l7. inhabitants of fractions after dissolution may organize, § 548. proceedings when divided districts fail to agree as to distribution of property, §§ 549-556. application to be had to judges, § 549. judges to notify hearing and determine matter, § 550. if propertjr not divisible, may be sold and proceeds divided, § 551. may set property to one district and fix sum to be paid, § 552. such sums not paid, district to which due may recover, § 553. judge when disqualified, § 554; compensation, § 556. judges to make return; same to be recorded, § 555. towns may abolish districts and adopt town system, § 589. distribution of district property in such case, §§ 590-593. districts how may unite with and separate from union districts, § 578. alterations in districts not to affect debts due to and from same, § 557. school house, district may lay tax to provide, or place for school, § 525. union district may raise money to provide, § 573. towns using town system to provide and maintain, § 603. district may vote to erect more than one, § 572. district may elect committee to superintend building, &c. , § 543. school directors under town system to construct, § 603. location of, how fixed, §§ 526-528, 533. in towns using town system, § 603. when district fails to provide, voters may apply to selectmen, § 529. selectmen to hear parties, § 529. may order school house built, § 530. may build it themselves if district neglects, § 531. proceedings of, to be recorded, § 532. location how fixed, if they fail to agree, § 533. prudential committee to keep in order, § 515. to provide furniture, fuel, and appendages for, § 515. to become property of town on adoption of town system, § 590. what town to take, of fractional district, § 591. to be restored to district on abolishment of town system, § 607. district may sell, with lands connected, § 544. directors, under town system, may sell, § 603. district.may allow use of for religious meetings, &c., § 676. taking lands for school purposes, when owner refuses to convey for reasonable price, damages to be assessed by selectmen, § 534. damages to be tendered or paid before entry, § 534. ovs^ner to be given time to remove buildings, fences, &c., § 535. proceedings to be recorded, § 536. owner dissatisfied with damages, reference may be had, § 537. person interested dissatisfied, may apply to court, § 538. proceedings in case of application to court, §§ 538-540. when the lauds selected are mortgaged, § 541. title to vest on payment of damages finally awarded, § 542. maintenance of schools, schools to be maintained in each town, § 558. branches required to be taught, § 558. district may assess tax to support school, § 559; union district, §573. instruction required to be furnished by every district, § 560. INDEX. SCHOOLS— continued. maintenance of schools — continued. if instruction not farnished, voters may applj- to selectmen, § 560. if fractional district, sucli application to wliat selectmen made, § 563. duties and powers of selectmen on application had to them, § 561. if sufficient instruction furnished district ma}^ have moneys, § 562. district may maintain evening schools, § 678. evening session treated as half day session, § 678. district may vote to have more than one school, § 572. may have higher branches taught at one school, § 572. may regulate admission to high school, § 572. schools to be kept in each of districts forming union district, § 574. prudential committee to provide a suitable place for schools, § 515. providing instruction out of district or at academy, §§ 564-570. sending scholars to neighboring district in state, §§ 564, 565. to an adjoining town, by town using town system, § 566. to district in adjoining state, § 567. to academy, §§ 568-570. compulsory attendance, §§ 669-672. what children shall attend, § 669. penalty for permitting children to violate law, § 669. arrest of children for non-attendance, § 670. child arrested to be taken to school, § 670. notice, on arrest, to be given to parent, &c., § 670. parent, &c. not causing child to attend after notice, proceedings, § 671. officer arresting child to complain to justice, § 671. parent, &c. to be fined, § 671. prosecution for permitting non-attendance, §§ 671, 672. graded, higli or central and union schools, gTaded schools, defined, § 571. school directors may establish, in towns using town system, § 597. principals of, not required to have certificates, §496. incorporated, may have training school department, § 474. provisions as to, §§ 474-476; returns from, § 629. incorporated, not to be abolished for town system, except, § 604. districts, share of public moneys allowed to, § 666. to choose members of text-book committee, § 609. district high schools, § 572. union school district, formation, powers, school house how located, § 573. schools to be kept in uniting districts, § 574. union school, who may attend, § 574. meetings, § 575 ; officers, §§ 576, 577. board for abatement of taxes, § 635. districts ho\v to unite with or withdraw from union, § 578. share of public moneys, §§ 662, Q66. principals not required to have certificates, § 496. town high or central schools, §§ 579-588. town system ; abolishing districts and dividing property, §§ 589-593. board of school directors, to be elected when districts abolished, § 594. term of office of; vacancies, § 594. chairman, election; powers of, § 595. clerk of, appointment, duties, § 596. general powers of, § 597. power as to school houses, § 603. may receive students from other towns, § 598. may provide for schooling of scholars in adjoining town, § 566. INDEX. SCHOOLS — continued. town system — continued. board of school directors, to be text-book committee, § 609. to notify parent, &c., if child not famished text books, § 612. to furnish text-books when parents, &c. neglect, § 612. to notify listers of names of parents, &c., in such case, § 613. to make annual report and exhibit of warrants drawn, § 599. compensation of members, § 600. selectmen to assess school tax, § 601. treasurer to keep account of school moneys and pay warrants, § 602. towns to provide school houses, § 603. provisions not to apply to certain graded school districts, unless, § 604. nor to fractional districts, unless, § 604. town system how abolished ; proceedings on abolishment, §§ 605-608. text-books, committee to select, how constituted; vacancies, § 609. duties of committee; report to be printed and distributed, § 610. use of books other than those recommended unlawful, § 611. selection of, what town to govern in fractional district, §§ 501, 502. scholars to be provided with books by school authorities if parent, master or guardian neglects, § 612. price of books to be added to tax of parent, &c., § 613. towns may keep, for use in schools, § 614 ; authorized list, § 615. registers and returns, §§ 616-629. registers, state superintendent to prescribe blank form for, § 616. state superintendent to furnish to town superintendents, § 617. town superintendent to receipt or notify of failure to receive, § 618. district clerks to procure of town superintendent, § 619. responsible for keeping of, § 619. teachers to procure, fill, and return, § 620. clerk to certify to being properly filled out, § 621. teacher to be paid only on presenting such certificate, § 621. clerk to fill out and return, § 622. clerk of fractional district to what superintendent to return, § 624. town superintendent to make entries and certificate in and return to town clerk, § 623. how to return certificate in case of a fractional district, § 624. school moneys divided according to attendance as stated in, § 662. district to receive no moneys unless register contains town superin- tendent's certificate, §§ 663, 665. returns to be made by clerk of fractional district, § 625. town superintendents to return certificates and returns received under sections 624, 625, to town clerk, § 626. returns to state superintendent, blanks for, § 453. to be made by town superintendents, § 627. state superintendent to receipt for, § 627. to be made by academies and grammar schools, § 628. to be made by certain graded schools, § 629. school taxes and school moneys, §§ 630-668. SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES, list ou which assessed, of what to consist, § 630. persons annexed by vote of one town to district in another to be taxed in such district, § 505. all expenses of supporting school, above public moneys received, to be ( defrayed by tax on district, § 630. tax, may be laid for expenses of scholars sent out of district, §§ 565, 567. may be laid to provide place for school, § 525. may be laid to meet execution, § 679. INDEX. SCHOOLS — continued. school taxes and school moneys — continued. SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES — Continued. tax, selectmen, may assess to build school house, when, § 531. may assess to provide for instruction of scholars, when, § 561. when voted, committee to make rate-bill, § 631. disti'ict may instruct committee to omit poor persons, § 633. warrant for collection of, § 631. district may allow deduction for payment before day fixed, § 632. duty, liability, &c. of collector, in collecting, § 636. town collector to collect when laid by selectmen, §§ 561, 531. abatement of, by district, § 634. board of abatement of, § 635. town high or central school district taxes, § 588. TOWN SCHOOL TAXES, may be voted by town, § 656. selectmen to assess certain tax (state school tax) annually, § 657. town liable to forfeiture, if such tax not assessed, § 658. grand jury to present, § 660; disposal of forfeiture, § 659. selectmen to assess tax annually in towns using town system, § 601. TOWN SCHOOL FUND, powers and duties of selectmen as to, §§ 652, 653. selectmen may take and execute deeds, in care of, §§ 652, 653. tax-paj^ers may take acknowledgment of, or witness such deeds, § 654. securities where kept; account of moneys; treasurer's duty, § 655. UNITED STATES DEPOSIT MONEY, apportionment of, § 640. treasurer, to pay over shares to towns electing trustees, § 641. to retain and manage shares when, § 645. duties in collection of moneys loaned by former treasurer, § 651. trustees to receive, manage, and report, § 642. trustees to give bond for faithful management of, «&c., § 643. oiSice vacant if not given, § 643. loans of, regulated ; income to be paid to town treasurer, § 644. town treasui'er's duty as to, § 646. income from, to be appropriated to schools, except, § 647. towns liable to return, § 648. towns how liable for misappropriation of, §§ 649, 650. DIVISION OF PUBLIC MONEYS, Selectmen to make, § 661. how to be made, § 662. moneys to be paid to district treasurers, § 663. share, of fractional districts, § 667. of union and graded school districts, §§ 666, 662. of district sending scholars to academy, § 570. of district in which selectmen provide schooling, § 562. of district sending scholars out of state, § 567. evening session of district school to be reckoned half day, § 678. district when denied share, §§ 663, 665. public moneys not to be given to sectarian school, § 674. statement as to division to be lodged with town clerk, § 668. miscellaneous, school day, week and month, § 677. session of evening school deemed half day, § 678. children under five years not to attend school, § 675. children, certain, not having attended school, not to be employed in factory, § 673. women, right of, in school matters, § 524. SECTARIAN SCHOOLS, money raised by taxes not to be given to, § 674. SELECTMEN, to draw orders for pay of town superintendent, § 460. to organize school districts on application, §§ 503, 504. INDEX. SELECTMEN — continued. to All vacancies in certain school distiict oflfices, § 518. to fix location of school house, when, §§ 526-528, 533. to order district to build school house, when, §§ 529, 530. to build school house on neglect of district ordered to build, § 531. duties in appraising school land damages, §§ 534-536. to insert in warning article as to dissolving district, when, § 546. duties when applied to in case of neglect to provide instruction, § 561. how to distribute public moneys in case they provide instruction, § 562. to purchase land for town high or central school, § 586. to insert in warning article as to adopting town system, when, § 589. to appraise property of fractional district, when, § 591. to fill vacancy in board of school directors, § 594. to assess annual school tax if town uses town sj^stem, § 601. to insert in warning article as to restoring district system, when, § 605. duties as to equalization of property on abolishing town system, § 607. to approve bond of trustees of public money, § 643. powers and duties in management of town school fund, §§ 652, 653. to annually assess state school tax, § 657. how to dispose of penalty received for not assessing state school tax, § 659 duties in making division of school moneys, §§ 661-665. to lodge statement as to division of moneys in town clerk's office, § 668. STATE SUPERINTENDENT OP EDUCATION, election of, § 452. vacancy in office of, how filled, § 452. duties in general, § 453. his report ; what to state, § 456. contract for printing, § 4556. ; number of copies to be printed, § 457. who entitled to copies, § 457. to hold teachers' institutes and educational meetings, §§ 454, 455. to furnish blanks, §§ 453, 616. to furnish registers to town superintendents, §§ 617, 618. to appoint and remove teachers in normal schools, § 463. to fix courses of study in normal schools, § 464. to stop state appropriation unless law as to studies complied with, § 465. to regulate noi'mal school examinations, § 466. to be member of examining board, § 466. to certify whether scholarships have been lawfully granted, § 471. to direct as to expenditure of normal school appropriations, §§ 472, 473. to make certificates on which appropriations to be drawn, §§ 472, 473. to establish courses of study in training schools, § 474. to be member of examining board of training school, § 474. STATE TREASURER, to apportion U. S. deposit money, § 640. duties in collection of deposit moneys loaned by predecessor, § 651. to pay shares to towns electing trustees, § 641. to manage shares when, § 645. STATISTICS, state superintendent to furnish blanks for, § 453. town superintendents to return, § 627. to be returned by academies and grammar schools, § 628. to be returned by certain graded schools, § 629. STUDIES, required to be taught in schools, § 558. district maintaining more than one school may have higher branches taught, §572. coui-ses of study in normal schools, §§ 464, 465. courses of study in training schools, § 474. SUPERINTENDENT. (See State Superintendent. Town Superintendent.) INDEX. T. TAX-BILL, prudential committee to make, § 631. committee to omit poor persous from, when district so orders, § 633. TAXES, SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES, list ou wMch assessed, of what to consist, § 630. persons annexed by vote of one town to district in another to be taxed in such district, § 505. all expenses of supporting school, above public moneys received, to be defrayed by tax on district, § 630. tax, may be laid for expenses of scholars sent out of district, §§ 565, 567. may be laid to provide place for school, § 525. may be laid to meet execution, § 679. selectmen, may assess to build school house, when, § 531. may assess to provide for instruction of scholars, when, § 561. when voted, committee to make rate-bill, § 631. district may instruct committee to omit poor persons, § 633. warrant for collection of, § 631. district may allow deduction for payment before day fixed, § 632. duty, &c. of collector, in collecting, § 686. town collector to collect when laid by selectmen, §§ 561, 531. abatement of, by district, § 634. board of abatement of, § 635. town high or central school district taxes, § 588. TOWN SCHOOL TAXES, may be voted by town, § 656. selectmen to assess certain tax (state- school tax) annually, § 657. town liable to foi-feiture, if such tax not assessed, § 658. grand jury to present, § 660; disposal of forfeiture, § 659. selectmen to assess tax annually in towns using town system, § 601. TAX-WARRANT, for collecting district tax, § 631. TEACHERS, state certificates, §§ 475, 476. county certificates, examinations for, §§ 477-484. issuing of; how long in force, § 482. town certificates, examinations for, § 487. issuing of, § 488 ; how long in force, § 491. of what su}3erintendent obtained for fractional district, §§ 501, 502. of whom obtained when no town superintendent, § 489. of whom town superintendent may obtain one, § 490. list of, granted, to be lodged in clerk's office, § 492. chairman of school board may grant, § 595. holding state or county certificate to notify superintendent, &c., § 493. must have certificate, or contract for teaching void, § 494. exception ia case of pi'incipal teacher, §§ 494, 496. certificate of, may be revoked or annulled; efi"ect, §§ 497,498. if without certificate, district not entitled to public moneys, § 665. if without certificate, committee liable for moneys paid to, § 495. prudential committee to appoint, agree with and remove, § 515. school directors to appoint under town system, § 597. to procure registers from district clerk, § 620. entitled to wages only on presenting clerk's certificate that register is properly filled, § 621. in normal schools, how appointed, § 463. training school for instruction of, § 474. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES, and educational meetings, §§ 454, 455. TEXT-BOOKS, for schools, committee to select, how constituted, § 609. duties of committee; i-eport to be printed and distributed, § 610. use of books not recommended, unlawful, § 611 ; authorized selection, § 615. INDEX. TEXT-BOOKS — continued. selection of what town to rule in fractional districts, §§ 501, 602. scholars to be provided with books by school authorities when, § 612. price of books to be added to parents', &c. tax, § 613. towns may keep text-books for use in schools, § 614. TOWN", may by vote divide its territory into school districts, § 499. may set inhabitants to district in adjoining town or gore, § 505. may alter school districts, § 545. may abolish districts and adopt town system, § 589. may abolish town system and restore districts, § 605. may establish high or central schools, and fix bounds of districts, § 579. forming high or central schools, to have powers of union districts, § 579. to fix compensation of school directors, § 600. to pay compensation of town superintendent, § 460. may vote additional compensation to superintendent, § 4541. to elect text-book committee, § 609. may purchase and hold text-books, § 614. may vote tax for support of schools, § 656. may borrow U. S. deposit money, § 644. entitled to scholarship in normal school, § 467. TOWN AGENT, to sue prudential committee for sums paid unlicensed teacher, § 495. TOWN" CLERK, to distribute state superintendent's report, § 457. to record numbers, descriptions and alterations in school districts, § 500. proceedings of selectmen in building school house, &c., § 532. proceedings of selectmen in taking lands for schools, § 536. justices' order of dissolution of fractional district, § 547. county judges' return on division of district property, § 555. TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OI* SCHOOLS, term of office, § 458; fees, § 4540; town to pay, § 460. towns may vote extra compensation to, § 4541. account for services, § 460 ; duplicate filed with town clerk, § 461. to visit schools ; duties in general, § 459. of which town to visit school in fractional district, § 501. his measures to govern if in conflict with committee's, § 515. may appoint and recommend for normal scholarships, §§ 468, 469. annual county meeting of superintendents, § 485. to decide on and have printed examination questions, § 486. to elect county examining board, § 477. secretary of meeting to make return of names, § 477. duties of superintendent as member of examining board, §§ 477, 484. each to hold two public examinations annually, § 487. may examine teachers at any time, § 487. fee for examining at other than public examination, § 487. to grant certificates, § 488. may grant certificates to teach in adjoining town, when, § 489. of which town to grant certificates for fractional district, §§ 501, 502. when office vacant, superintendent of adjoining town may license, § 489. wishing to teach, of Avhat superintendent to get certificate, § 490. certificates granted by, how long in force, § 491. to make returns as to certificates granted, § 492. to lodge list of certificates granted, in clerk's office, § 492. teachers having state and county certificates, to notify, &c., § 493. may revoke and annul certificates, §§ 497, 498. to be member of text-book committee, § 609. , to have printed and distribute committee's report, § 610. to charge for expense so incurred, in his account, § 610. INDEX. TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OP SCHOOLS — continued. to supply scholars ^yith text-books, when, § G12. to notify listers \yhen scholars so supplied, § 613. to receive registers from state superintendent, § 617. on receiving to forward receipt, § 618. not receiving to notify state superintendent, § 618. to distribute registers, § 619. to make entries and certificate in register v^hen returned to him, § 623. to return register to town clerk, when, § 623. duty as to making returns, &c., in case of fractional district, §§ 624, 626. to fill blanks for statistics, and return, § 627. entitled to copy of state superintendent's report, § 457. chairman of school board to have powers and duties of, § 595. TOWN SYSTEM, abolishing districts, and dividing district property, §§ 589-593. board of school directors, to be elected when districts abolished, § 594. term of office of; vacancies, § 594. chairman, election ; powers of, § 595. clerk of, appointment, duties, § 596. general powers of, § 597. power as to school houses, § 603. may receive students from other towns, § 598. may provide for schooling of scholars in adjoining town, § 566. to be text-book committee, § 609. to notify parent, &c., if child not furnished text-books, § 612. to furnish text-books when parents, &c. neglect, § 612. to notify listers of names of parents, &c. in such case, § 613. to make annual report and exhibit of warrants drawn, § 599. compensation of members, § 600. selectmen to assess school tax, § 601. treasurer to keep account of school moneys and pay warrants, § 602. towns to provide school houses, § 603. provisions not to apply to certain graded school districts unless, § 604. nor to fractional districts, unless, § 604. town system, how abolished; proceedings on abolishment, §§ 605-608. TOWN TREASUBER, to keep separate account of moneys of town school fund, § 655. to give credit in account of school fund for income of deposit money, § 646. to keep separate account of school moneys in towns using town si^stem, § 602. to pay warrants of members of board of school directors, § 602. to be treasurer of town high or central district; duties as such, § 585. TRAINING SCHOOL department of graded schools, §§ 474-476. returns by, § 629. TREASURER, school district ; election, § 508 ; union district, § 576. vacancies in ofiice of, how filled, § 518. to be member of board for abatement of taxes, § 635. general duties, § 514. prudential committee to draw orders on, § 638. collector to submit tax-book to, &c., on committee's request, § 637. taxes collected to be paid to, §§ 631, 636. (See State Treasurer. Town Treasurer.) TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC MONEY, duties, §§ 642-644. INDEX. UNION SCHOOL, districts;. formation, powers, § 573. school house liow located, § 573. schools to be kept in uniting districts, § 574. union school, who may attend, § 574. meetings, § 575; officers, §§ 576, 577. board for abatement of taxes, § 635. districts how to unite with, or withdraw from union, § 578. share of public moneys, §§ 662, 666. principals not required to have certificates, § 496. UNITED STATES DEPOSIT MONEY, §§ 639-651. (See Schools.) UNORGANIZED TOWN, mode of organizing school district in, § 504. district in, entitled to share of IT. S. deposit money, § 640. treasurer to retain and manage share, § 645. Y. VACANCIES, in office of state superintendent, how filled, § 452. in school district offices, how filled, § 518. in office of prudential committee of town high or central school, § 583. VOTERS, in school district meeting, who are, §§ 523, 524. right to vote when challenged, how determined, § 523. WARNING-, of school district meeting, requisites of, § 521. who to warn meetings, § 519. penalty for neglect to warn, § 520. WARRANT, for collection of tax in common school district, § 631. for collection of tax in town high or central district, § 588. WEEK, school week, § 677. WOMEN, rights of, in school matters, § 524. Y. YEAR, school year, § 677.