LIST OF OOKS and PRICES Issued by the iperJntendent of Public Instruction In Accordance with Provisions f the Law PROVIDE TEXT-BOOKS ind Regulating the M inner oi Procuring the Same JULY 1, 1917 A \ V ' List of BOOKS AND PRICES Issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction In Accordance With the Provisions of The Law to Provide Text-Books And Regulating the Manner of Procuring the Same. Chapter 43, Laws 1911. * I certify that the publishers and sellers of school text-books, as given in this bulletin, have complied with the provisions of Chapter 43 of the Laws of 1911, of the state of Minnesota, by filing in the office of the Super- intendent of Education prices and sample copies of text-books; also a written agreement and affidavit as required in said chapter. Each of said publishers has executed a bond, which has been approved by the attorney general. The said publishers are authorized and licensed to offer for sale and to make contracts with school boards and boards of education in Minnesota for the sale of their text-books, and to sell the same, all in accordance with the prices and agreements filed in this office, and under the provisions of said Chapter 43, Laws of 1911. Given under my hand this first day of July, 1917. C. G. SCHULZ, Superintendent of Education. St. Paul, July, 1917. Table of Contents Page Copy of Text-book Law 3-5 List of Ainsworth & Company 7-9 List of Allyn & Bacon 9-11 List of American Book Company 11-32 List of D. Appleton & Company 32-36 List of Atkinson, Mentzer & Company 36-37 List of A. S. Barnes Company 37-38 List of Frank D. Beattys & Company 39 List of B. D. Berry Company 39 List of C. C. Birchard & Company 39 List of P. Blakiston's Son & Company 40 List of Bobbs-Merrill Company 40-41 List of Capital Supply Company 41 List of The Century Company 42 List of C. H. Congdon 43 List of Educational Publishing Company 43-49 List of Ferguson Publishing Company 49 List of Flanagan Company. 49-50 List of Ginn & Company 51 -66 List of Goodyear-Marshall Publishing Company 66-67 List of Gregg Publishing Company 67-68 List of A. D. Griffin 68 List of D. C. Heath & Company 68-78 List of Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, New York 78-82 List of Henry Holt & Company 82-85 List of Houghton Mifflin Company 86-88 List of Industrial Book & Equipment Company 88 List of Iroquois Publishing Company, Inc • 88-89 List of Laird & Lee Company 89 List of Laurel Book Company 89-90 List of J. B. Lippincott Company 90-91 List of Little, Brown & Company 92-93 List of Longmans, Green & Company 94-96 List of Lyons & Carnahan 96-99 List of Macmillan Company 99-105 List of Charles E. Merrill Company 105-108 List of Metropolitan Text Book Company 109 List of Newson & Company 109-111 List of A. N. Palmer Company 111-112 List of G. P. Putnam's Sons 112-113 List of Rand McNally & Company 113-116 List of H. M. Rowe Company 116-118 List of Row, Peterson & Company 118-119 List of Benj. H. Sanborn & Company 119-121 List of Sibley & Company 121-122 List of Scott, Foresman & Company 122-125 List of Charles Scribners Sons , 125-129 List of Silver, Burdett & Company 130-137 List of South-Western Publishing Company 138 List of Thompson, Brown & Company 138-140 List of University Publishing Company 140-142 List of Webb Publishing Company 142 List of W. H. Wheeler & Company 143 List of World Book Company 143-145 Jul r , 9I9 Copy of List of Books and Prices Filed in Accord- ance with Text Book Law. COPY OF TEXT-BOOK LAW. Chapter 43, Laws 1911. Section 1. Text-books — Companies or corporations to comply with certain conditions — Before any person, company or corporation shall offer any school text-book for adoption, sale or exchange, in the state of Min- nesota, said person, company or corporation shall comply with the follow- ing conditions: First. File a copy of such text-book in the office of the state super- intendent of public instruction, with a sworn statement of the usual list price, the lowest wholesale price, and the lowest exchange price, based on five-year adoption periods, at which said book is sold or exchanged for an old book in the same subject of like grade and kind, but a different series, to any school board, school corporation or school text-book commission anywhere in the United States. Second. File with the state superintendent of public instruction a written agreement (1) to furnish said book or books to any school board in the state of Minnesota at the said lowest prices so filed, and to main- tain said prices uniformly throughout the state. (2) To reduce such prices automatically in Minnesota whenever reductions are made elsewhere in the United States and guarantee that at no time shall any book so filed by said person, company or corporation be sold in Minnesota at a higher price than is received for such book elsewhere in the United States. (3) That all text-books offered for sale in Minnesota shall be equal in quality to those deposited in the office of the state superintendent of public instruc- tion as regards paper, binding, print, illustrations, subject-matter and all points that may affect the value of said text-books. Third. File with the state superintendent of public instruction a surety bond of not less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) and not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), said bond, in an amount to be fixed by the state superintendent of public instruction, shall run to the state of Minnesota, and be approved by the attorney general. Upon compliance with the fore- going conditions, said person, company or corporation shall be licensed to sell school text-books in the state of Minnesota. Sec. 2. Failure to comply — Duties of county superintendent — If in any case said person, company or corporation shall furnish to any district, books inferior in any particular to the samples on file with the state super- intendent or charge a higher price than was filed with the state superintend- ent, or than the same are sold elsewhere in the United States, then it shall be the duty of the county superintendent on written complaint filed with him by the school board of such district or of the city superintendent of a district having a state high school, or of the principal of schools of a dis- trict having a state graded school, .to inform the state superintendent of the failure of said person, company or corporation to comply with the terms of his contract. The state superintendent shall thereupon notify the said person, company or corporation of said complaint, and if said per- son, company or corporation shall disregard the notification and fail to comply immediately with the terms of agreement filed with the state super- intendent, then the bond of said person, company or corporation shall be forfeited and the attorney general shall upon written request of the state superintendent proceed to collect the full amount of the bond of said per- son, company or corporation. Sec. 3. Books to be chosen from printed list — It shall be the duty of the state printer to print, and of the state superintendent of public in- struction to distribute annually to the school authorities of the state a complete list of the books thus filed with him, giving the usual list price, the lowest wholesale price and exchange price of each; and all books used in the public schools of the state may be chosen from this list, and when- ever the publisher shall prepare an abridged or special edition of any of his books listed with the state superintendent and shall supply such spe- cial edition elsewhere at a lower wholesale price than the wholesale price scheduled with the state superintendent, the publisher must agree to fur- nish such special edition at the wholesale price at which it is furnished elsewhere, so long as it is supplied at the said lower price anywhere outside of Minnesota; and it shall be understood that the bond given by the pub- lisher shall cover this provision as to special edition. In case no action is brought upon such bond, the state, if successful, shall recover the full amount of the bond, which amount shall be paid into the state school fund. Sec. 4. School board to furnish free text-books — The school board of any school district shall, when directed by a vote of the district, or when the board deems it advisable, provide for the free use of school text- books by the pupils of their school or schools, or provide for the sale of them to pupils at cost. But no such adoption or contract shall be for less than three (3) or more than five (5) years, during which time such books adopted shall not be changed. Sec. 5. Proposition to be submited to voters of the district — When- ever five or more legal voters of any common school district shall petition the school board to submit to such district the question of providing free text-books to pupils attending its schools, it shall be the duty of such board to submit the same to the legal voters of such district. Such ques- tion may be submitted at a special meeting by giving ten days' notice thereof, or at any annual meeting. But in any case the notice of such meet- ing shall call attention to the fact that such question will be submitted, and in case a majority at such meeting shall vote in favor of such free text- books, it shall be the duty of the board to provide the same. Sec. 6. School boards to have authority to purchase — The school boards of each school district shall have authority to purchase all necessary books for indigent pupils and pay for the same out of the funds of the district. Sec. 7. Attempted combinations illegal — Duty of attorney general — If at any time any publisher shall enter into an understanding, agreement or combination to control the prices or to restrict competition in the adop- tion or sale of school books, then the attorney general shall institute and prosecute legal proceedings for the forfeiture of the bond of said pub- lisher and for the revocation of his license to sell school books in this state, and each and every contract made by said publisher under this article shall thereupon become null and void at the option of the other parties thereto. Sec. 8. Samples to be placed on file with state superintendent — Pen- alty — Any publisher who shall sell or offer for sale or adoption in the state, school text-books of any kind without first placing samples of the same on file with prices and obtaining a license therefor from the state super- intendent of public instruction, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars and not more than two thousand dollars. Sec. 9. Superintendent to be disinterested party — Penalty for violation — If the state superintendent of public instruction, his assistant or any employe connected with his office, or any member of any school board, who shall accept or receive any money, gift or any property, or favor whatsoever, from any person, firm or corporation offering for sale any text-books, or any agent thereof, or from any person in any way interested in the sale of text-books, shall, upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred (500) dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 10. Teachers, county and city superintendent to be disinterested persons— Penalty for violation— Any teacher in the public school of Minne- sota or any'county or city superintendent of schools, or any member of any school board or board of education, or any person or persons connected with the public school system of Minnesota in any capacity, who shall in any way be interested in the profits, proceeds or sale of any school text- books used in the schools of Minnesota under his charge, or with which he is connected in any official capacity, shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50), nor more than two hundred dollars ($200); pro- vided that this shall not apply nor have reference to royalities or profits received by a person from the sale of school books of which he is himself the author. Sec. 11. Acts repealed— Sections 1427 and 1428 of Chapter 14, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, are hereby repealed. Catalog List Price f. £S Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price o. b. Chicago. $0.25 $0.18 .05 .03| .15 .20 .22 .11 .15 .16* •03| LIST OF AINSWORTH & COMPANY 623-633 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Books may be specified cither by title or by number, and, if not ordered by number, please state whether the paper or cloth binding is desired. Any books on this list will be sent by mail, or express prepaid, on receipt of list price. (No exchange price except where shown.) Title of Book. THE LAKESIDE CLASSIC SERIES An alphabetical list of authors and list of general publications. Addison, Joseph and Steele, Richard — Classics No. 48 — Sir Roger de Coverly Papers, cloth illustrated. Andersen, Hans Christian — Classics No. 157— The Ugly Duckling, The Fir Tree Arnold, Matthew — Classics No. 107a — Sohrab and Rustum, paper sides Classics No. 107 — Sohrab and Rustum, board covers Classics No. 107 — Sohrab and Rustum, full cloth Browning, Robert — Classics No. 43 — The Pied Piper of Hamelin Bryant, William Cullen — Classics No. 2 — Thanatopsis and Patriotic Poems with Selec- tions from Washington, Lincoln, McKinley Classics No. 76 — The Antiquity of Freedom, A Forest Hymm Burns, Robert — Classics No. 5— Containing Secletions from Burns' Poems (14) Burns' Songs (15) Carlyle, Thomas — Classics No. 6 — Essay on Burns Coleridge, Samuel Taylor — Classics No. 86 — The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, illustrated, and Elegy in a Country Churchyard — Gray Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock — Classics No. 158 — Adventures of a Brownie, Rempelstiltskin Defoe, Daniel — Classics No*. 159 — Robinson Crusoe, illustrated, and Humpty- Dumpty, illustrated De La Ramee, Louise — Classics No. 153 — A Dog of Flanders . . ., Dickens, Charles — ■ Classics No. 90 — A Christmas Carol, paper sides Classics No. 90a — A Christmas Carol, new Goldsmith, Oliver — ■ Classics No. 91 — The Deserted Village, illustrated, and The Traveler Classics No. 38 — The Deserted Village, illustrated Hale, Edward Everett — ■ Classics No. 147 — The Man Without A Country Classics No. 147 — The Man Without A Country, cloth, new.. Hawthorne, Nathaniel- Classics No. 133 — The Pygmies, 32 pages Classics No. 134 — The Minotaur, 32 pages Classics No. 135 — The Dragon's Teeth, 32 pages Classics No. 26 — Selections from Hawthorne and the Pied Piper Classcis No. 40 — The Great Stone Face Classics No. 41 — The Snow Image Classics No. 44 — The Great Carbuncle Classics No. 46 — Selections from Tales of White Hills, paper . . Classics No. 46a — Selections from Tales of White Hills, cloth . . Classics No. 87 — Selected Twice Told Tales, paper Holhrook, Florence- Classics No. 138 — -The Every Day Primer, Part 1, illustrated. Classics No. 139 — The Every Day Primer, Part 2, illustrated . . Irving, Washington — Classics No. 61 — Rip Van Winkle Classics No. 89 — Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle Classics No. 30 — Seven Selections from the Sketch Book Classics No. 30a — Seven Selections from the Sketch Book, cloth LaFayette, Gilbert, The Marquis de — ' Classics No. 77 — Story of LaFayette ,15 .11 .04 .03 .15 .11 .15 .11 .10 .07 .05 .03 J .... .05 .031 .10 .07 .10 .07 .22 .16* L-l .10 .07 .05 .031 .10 .07 .20 .15 .05 .03! .05 .03! .05 .03| .15 .11 .05 .03! .05 .03! .05 .032- .15 .11 .22 .16* .10 .07 .15 .11 .15 .11 .05 .03| .10 .07 .15 .11 .22 .16* .05 .03! LIST OF AINSWORTH & COMPANY. Catalog Lowest; Lowest Title of Book. List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price f. o. b Chicago. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth — Classics No. 80— Story of Longfellow Classics No. 144 — Evangeline, paper Classics No. 144a — Evangeline, full colth, new Lowell, James Russell — Classics No. 14 — The Vision of Sir Launfal, The Holy Grail, Tennyson, paper sides Classics No. 15 — The Vision of Sir Launfal, The Holy Grail, Tennyson, full cloth, new Classics No. 84 — The Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems, cloth back Classics No. 84a — The Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems, full cloth, new Macaulay, Thomas Babington — Classics No. 20 — Essay on Milton Classics No. 22 — Essay on Addison Classics No. 24 — Lays of Ancient Rome, illustrated Morton, Edward Payson — Classics No. 140 — Mohawk Valley & Lake Ontario Classics No. 141 — Lake Erie & Commodore Perry Classics No. 142 — -Lake Huron and Algonquins Classics No. 143 — Lake Michigan and French Explorers Poe, Edgar Allen — Classics No. 93 — The Gold Bug, The Raven and selected poems, illustrated Ruskin, John — ■ Classics No. 42 — The King of the Golden River Scott, Sir Walter — Classics No. 106 — Lady of the Lake, with map, cloth Classics No. 106a — Lady of the Lake, paper sides Shakespeare, William — Classics No. 29 — The Merchant of Venice, paper sides Classics No. 29a — The Merchant of Venice, full cloth, new. . . Classics No. 85 — Julius Caesar, cloth back Classics No. 85a — Julius Caesar., full cloth, new Tennyson, Alfred — Classics No. 39 — Enoch Arden Classics No. 92 — Enoch Arden and other poems Washington, George — Classics No. 79 — Story of Washington . . . Classics No. 2 — The Farewell Address with selections from Bryant, McKinley, Lincoln ■ Webster, Daniel — ■ Classics No. 47 — The First Bunker Hill Oration SPECIAL NUMEERS Classics No. 27 — Selections from Lincoln, Hawthorne, Webster, Goldsmith and Tennyson Classics No. 49 — Selections from English Poets Classics No. 99 — Selections from American Poets Classics No. 127 — Studies of American Authors .05 10 22 $0.03f .... .07 .16* 15 .11 22 .16i .15 .11 22 .16J 15 15 15 .11 .11 .11 .15 15 15 15 .11 .11 .11 .11 15 .11 05 .03| 25 20 .18 .15 15 22 15 .22 .11 .164 .11 .164 05 10 .03| .07 05 .03f 15 .11 05 .03f 15 35 10 15 .11 .26 .07 .11 LITERATURE Twentieth Century Shakespeare Series Julius Caesar, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated Macbeth, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated Hamlet, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated Merchant of Venice, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated . . . As You Like It, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated SPELLING Orthoepy and Orthography by H. M. Bell, paper sides Orthoepy and Orthography by H. M. Bell, full cloth HISTORY A Source History of the United States, by Caldwell and Persinger .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .60 1.25 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .45 .03 0.40 .75 READING The Great Lakes Series The Mohawk Valley and Lake Ontario, cloth, illustrated. . : Lake Erie & Commodore Perry, cloth, illustrated Lake Michigan and the French Explorers, cloth, illustrated. Lake Huron and the Algonquins, cloth, illustrated Holbrook, Florence — ■ Philip at School, A Primary Reader,~cloth illustrated . . . . .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 8 LIST OF ALLYN & BACON. Catalog Lowest Lowest Title of Books. List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Erice f. o. b. Chicago. LAKESIDE LITERATURE READERS World Stories for Children, A Third Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 198 pages Stories of Many Countries and Many Times, Holbrook, A Fourth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 251 pages Classic Poetry and Erose, A Fifth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 320 pages Famous Stories and Poerns, A Sixth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth , 348 pages Classical Selections, A Ssventh Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth 372 pages Selected Classics, An Eighth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 306 pages Skinner Studies in Literature and Composition 0.40 0.30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .80 .37 .60 TEXT BOOK LIST OF ALLYN & BACON Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book- Chew — Practical High School Speller Gowdy & Dexheimer — Lessons in English Book I Book II Book III GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION Gowdy — English Grammar Keeler & Adams — High School English Pace — American Literature Pace — Readings in American Literature Pace — American Literature with Readings Scott & Denney — Elementary English Composition. Scott & Denney — New Composition-Rhetoric Syle — From Milton to Tennyson THE ACADEMY CLASSICS Addison — De C-overley Papers Arnold — Essays in Criticism Burke — Conciliation with the Colonies Burns — Selections Carlyle — Essay on Burns Eliot — Silas Marner Emerson — Select Essays and Poems Goldsmith — The Vicar of Wakefield Irving — Selections from the Sketch Book - Irving — Life of Goldsmith Lowell — Vision of Sir Launf al Macaulay — Essay on Warren Hastings Macauley — Essays : Addison Chatham Clive Milton Milton and Addison Johnson Milton — Paradise Lost Milton — Minor Poems Scott — The Lady of the Lake Scott — Marmion Shakespeare — -As You Like It Hamlet Julius Caesar Macbeth Merchant of Venice The Tempest Syle — Four English Poems Tennyson — Idylls of the King Watrous — Selected Poems from Pope, Gray and Goldsmith Watrous — Three Narrative Poems Webster's Reply to Hayne List Net Exchange Price Price Pi ice $0.40 $0.30 $0.24 .50 .38 .30 .50 .38 .30 .65 .49 .39 .80 .60 .48 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.35 1.01 .81 .80 .60 .48 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 .35 .26 .25 .19 .30 .23 .35 .26 .25 .19 .30 .23 .30 .23 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .25 .19 .40 .30 .25 .19 .20 .16 .25 .19 .25 .19 .35 .26 .25 .19 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .2.3 .35 .26 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .25 .19 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .25 .19 LIST OF ALLYN & BACON— Continued. Title of Book. FRENCH Bierman & Frank — Conversational French Reader Chardenal — Complete French Course Dumas — La Tulipe Noire Manley — L'Abbe Constantin Rollins — Preparatory French Reader Super— Readings from French History GERMAN Bacon — Elements of German Bacon — Vorwaerts Bacon — German Grammar for Beginners Bacon — Im Vaterland Bacon — German Composition Baumbach — Der Schwiegersohn Freytag — Die Journalisten Gerstaeeker ■ — Germelshausen Grimm — Maerchen Heyse — L' Arrabbiata Hillern — Hoeher als die Kirche Niebuhr — Griechische Heroengeschichten. Schiller— Wilhelm Tell Schurz — Lebenserinnerungen Storm — Immensee Wildenbruch — Das Edle Blut and Der Letzte Zschokke — Der Zerbrochene Krug and Das Wirtshaus zu Cransac HISTORY Adams & Trent — United States History Andrews — History of England Andrews — Short History of England West — Ancient World West — Ancient World, Part I (Greece and the East) West — Ancient World, Part II (Rome and the West) West — Modern World West — American History and Government LATIN Allen & Phillips — Latin Composition Allen & Phillips — Latin Composition, Part 1 Allen & Philips — Latin Compositi on, Part II Bennett — Latin Grammar Bennett — First Year Latin Bennett — Foundations of Latin ........ Bennett — -Latin Lessons Bennett — Caesar Bennett — Cicero Bennett — Virgil Bennett — New Latin Composition Bennett — New Latin Composition, Part I Bennett — New Latin Composition, Part II Bennett — Preparatory Latin Writer Bennett — Latin Composition Comstock — -Virgil Kelsey — Caesar Kelsey — Cicero Kelsey — Ovid Rolfe — Nepos Nutting — Supplementary Latin Composition Rolfe — Viri Romae Rolfe & Dennison — Junior Latin Book Scudder — Catiline Scudder — Gradatim Smith — Latin Lessons MATHEMATICS Lyman & Goddard- — Computation Tables Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Trigonometry and Tables Slaught & Lennes — Elementary Algebra First Principles of Algebra Elementary Course First Principles of Algebra, Advanced Course First Principles of Algebra, Complete Course Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry List Net Exchang Price Price Price .80 .60 .48 1.20 .90 .72 .50 .38 .50 .38 .90 .68 .54 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .80 .60 .4S 1.25 .94 .75 1.25 .94 .75 1.25 .94 .75 .60 .45 .60 .45 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .50 .38 .90 .68 1.00 .75 .50 .38 .60 .45 .50 .38 1.50 1.13 .90 1.50 1.13 .9C 1.40 1.05 .84 1.50 1.13 .9C 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.50 1.13 .90 2.00 1.50 1.20 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .80 .60 .4C 1.00 .75 .6C .90 .68 .54 .70 .53 .42 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .80 .60 .48 .80 .60 .48 1.40 1.05 .84 1.25 .94 .75 1.25 .94 .75 1.25 .94 .75 1.10 .83 .66 .80 .60 .48 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .94 .75 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .38 .30 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .38 .30 .90 .68 .54 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .65 .49 .39 1.20 .90 .72 .80 .60 .48 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .94 .75 10 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Title of Book. Wilczynski & Slaught — Plane Trigonometry Logarithmic Tables Plane Trigonometry and Tables Plane Trigonometry, Elementary Course Plane Trigonometry, Elementary Course and Tables. . . . BOOKKEEPING Ellis — Practical Bookkeeping Blank Books, Part I Blank Books, Part II Business Forms Vouchers SCIENCE Blanchard — Household Chemistry for Girls Brownlee & Others — First Principles of Chemistry Laboratory Exercises in Chemistry Chemistry of Common Things Carhart & Chute — First Principles of Physics Chute — Laboratory Guide in Physics Fairbanks — Practical Physiography Fuller — Brownlee — Laboratory Exercises in Physics Carlotta Greer — Text Book of Cooking Snyder — First Year Science Walker — Physiology SPANISH De Vitis — Spanish Grammar List Net Exchange Price Price Price 1.00 .7 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .94 .75 .80 .60 .48 1.10 .83 .60 1.35 1.01 .81 .50 .38 .75 .56 .60 .45 .50 .38 .50 .38 .30 1.25 .94 .75 .50 .38 1.50 1.13 .90 1.25 .94 .75 .50 .38 1.60 1.20 .96 .75 .56 1.25 .94 .75 1.25 .94 .75 1.20 .90 .72 $1.25 $0.94 $0.75 TEXT BOOK LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY 330 East 22nd Street, Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. Chicago, Illinois, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board, upon terms and prices herein listed. EXPLANATION OF PRICES Usual List Price (Column I): This is the price at which we will sell the books herein listed, transportation charges prepaid, upon receipt of order and remittance. Lowest Wholesale Price (Column II): This is the price at which we will srll the books here- in listed, f. o. b. Chicago, to s hool boards or boards of education, or to their authorized and re- sponsible purchasing agents. This price is "based on five year adoption periods," in accordance with the provisions of Section I, Chapter 43, Laws of 1911. Lowest Exchange Price (Column III): This is the price at which we will sell the books to school boards or boards of education, or to their authorized and responsible purchasing agents, when adoption is made in accordance with the provisions of the textbook law, and provided in addition to such exchange price the old book actually owned by the pupil and in use in the schools, of like kind and grade but of a different series, is surrendered at the time of paying the exchange price. The old books so displaced under the above exchange conditions, not to exceed in number the quantity of such new books purchased, must be forwarded to the American Book Company, Chicago, at the company's expense. These exchange rates do not apply to supplementary reading, library books, copy books, nor reference books. Books Adopted for a Period Less than Five Years: Any books herein listed which are adopted for a period less than the five year period, as provided in Section I, Chapter 43, Laws of 1911, will be furnished/, o. b. Chicago, Illinois, at a net price equal to 20% less than the "Usual List Price" as indicated in Column I. Usual Lowest Lowest Title of Book. List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price AGRICULTURAL Bricker — Agricultural Education for Teachers $0.80 $0.60 Buffum & Deaver — Sixty Lessons in Agriculture .60 .45 $0.36 Goff & Mayne — First Principles of Agriculture .80 .60 .48 Ivins & Merrill — Practical Lessons in Agriculture .84 .63 .51 Mayne & Hatch — High School Agriculture 1.00 .75 .60 Wilkinson — Practical Agriculture 1.00 .75 .60 ALGEBRA Collins — Practical Elementary Algebra, Without answers 1.00 .75 .60 Practical Algebra — First Year Course, With or without answers .85 .63 .51 Practical Algebra — -Second Year Course, With or without ans. .85 .63 .51 Advanced Algebra — Without answers 1.00 .75 .60 11 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. Downey — Higher Algebra. With answers Hedrick — Algebra for Secondary Schools. Without answers Hull — Elements of Algebra. With answers Complete Algebra. With or without answers Jocelyn — High School and Academic Algebra. Without ans .... Milne — Grammar School Algebra. With or without answers. . . . Elements of Algebra. With or without answers First Year Algebra. With or without answers High School Algebra. With or without answers Milne — Second Course in Algebra Milne — Standard Algebra. With or without answers Standard Algebra Revised. With or without answers Academic Algebra. With or without answers Advanced Algebra. With or without answers Ray — New Higher Algebra. With answers Rivenburg — Review of Alegbra Robbins & Somerville — Exercises in Algebra. Without answers. Somerville — First Year in Algebra. With or without answers.. . Elementary Algebra Revised. With or without answers Tanner — High School Algebra (Modern Mathematical Series) Without answers White — School Algebra. With or without answers ARITHMETIC Bailey & Germann — Number Primer Bookman — Business Arithmetic Chancellor — Arithmetic for Evening Schools Standard Short Course for Evening Schools Dubb — Complete Mental Arithmetic Arithmetical Problems. Without answers, Pupils Edition, Two Parts, each Gibbs — Natural Number Primer Hall — Primary Arithmetic Intermediate Arithmetic Practical Arithmetic Arithmetic Primer Hall — Elementary Arithmetic Complete Arithmetic Hamilton's Arithmetics: (Three Book Series): Primary Arithmetic. With or without answers Intermediate Arithmetic. With or without answers School Arithmetic. With or without answers Two Book Series: Elementary Arithmetic. With or without answers. . .- Complete Arithmetic. With or without answers Harvey — Essentials of Arithmetics: First Book. With or without answers Second Book. With or without answers Three Book Series: First Book. With or without answers Second Book. Part 1 Second Book. Part II .... Harvey — Practical Arithmetic: Book One. With answers ' Book Two. With answers Hunt — Community Arithmetic Jury, O'Connell & Shallow — Graded Exercises in Arithmetic: Fourth Year, First Half. Without answers Fourth Year, Second Half. Without answers Fifth Year, First Half. Without answers Fifth Year, Second Half. Without answers Sixth Year, First Half. Without answers Sixth Year, Second Half. Without answers King — Business Arithmetic. With answers Kirk & Sabin — Oral Arithmetic, Parts I and II, each Lyman — Advanced Arithmetic. Without answers Milne — Arithmetic (Progress in Three Book Series): First Book. Without answers Second Book. With or without answers Third Book. With or without answers Progressive Two Book Series: First Book. Without answers Complete Book. With or without answers Milne — Arithmetics : Standard Two Book Series: Elements of Arithmetic. With answers Standard Arithmetic. With or without answers Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.50 1.12 .90 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .27 .85 .63 .51 1.00 .75 .45 .88 .66 .53 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 1.50 1.12 .90 1.00 .75 .60 .36 .27 .50 .37 .60 ' .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .30 .22 .65 .48 .39 .30 .22 .50 .37 .35 .26 .21 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .25 .18 .15 .35 .26 .21 .60 .45 .36 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .35 .26 .16 .60 .45 .36 .25 .18 .15 .50 .37 .30 .25 .18 .15 .36 .27 .22 .36 .27 .22 .35 .26 .21 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 . .21 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .80 .60 .48 .25 .18 .15 .75 .56 .45 .35 .26 .16 .40 .30 .18 .45 .33 .20 .35 .26 .21 .65 .48 .39 .30 .22 .18 .65 .48 .39 12 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Usual Title of Book. List Price Standard Three Book Series: Primary Arithmetic. Without answers .25 Intermediate Arithmetic. With answers .30 Standard Arithmetic. With or without answers .65 Mental Arithmetic .35 Moore — New Commercial Arithmetic. With or without ans... . 1.00 Ray — Modern Primary Arithmetic .15 Modern Intellectual Arithmetic .25 Modern Elementary Arithmetic .30 Modern Practical Arithmetic .50 New Higher Arithmetic. With answers .85 Van Tuyl — Complete Business Arithmetic. With or without answers 1 .00 Essentials of Business Arithmetic. With or without answers . .70 Werner — -Arithmetics : Book I. Without answers .40 Book II. Without answers .40 Book III. Without answers .50 ASTRONOMY Lockyer — Elements of Astronomy 1 .22 Newcomb — Elements of J Astronomy 1.00 Steele — Popular Astronomy Revised (M. L. Todd) 1.00 Todd — New Astronomy 1.30 BINDERS Losse Leaf Binder "A" 0.36 BIOLOGY Dodge — Introduction to Elementary Practical Biology 1.80 Hunter — Civic Biology 1.25 Elements of Biology 1.25 Essentials of Biology 1.25 Sharpe — Laboratory Manual in Biology .75 BOOKKEEPING AND COMMERCIAL TEXTS Belding — Accounts and Accounting Practice .90 Commercial Correspondence .50 Bexell & Nichol — Bookkeeping and Farm Accounts. Text .65 Blanks. Complete Set .45 Blank No. I .12 Blank No. II .25 Blank No. Ill .08 Eldridge — Business Speeler .25 ^Shorthand Dictation Exercises .65 Bookman — Business Arithmetic .65 Fritz-Eldridge— Expert Touch Typewriting .85 Forms for same .20 Gano — Commercial Law 1.00 Mills — Modern Business Penmanship .30 Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Introductory Course. Test . 1.00 Initiatory Course (Kansas Edition) .54 Vouchers for Same .45 Forms for Same .50 Blanks for Same .40 Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Advanced Course, Revised Text .85 Grocery Business Section .25 Commission Business Section .25 Wholesale Dry Goods Business Section .25 Manufacturing Section .30 Grocery Business Outfit, Comprising Forms and Blanks .38 Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Commission Business Outfit, comprising Vouchers, Forms and Blanks .70 Dry Goods Business Outfit, comprising, vouchers, forms and blanks .78 Manufacturing Business Outfit, comprising vouchers, forms and blanks .90 Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Complete Course. Text 1.50 Modern Illustrative Banking Text .55 Outfit for Same, comprising vouchers, forms and blanks .80 First Lessons in Bookkeeping. Text .70 Blanks for Same .45 Forms for Same .30 Moore — -New Commercial Arithemtic 1.00 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .18 .15 .22 .18 .48 .39 .26 .21 .75 .45 .11 .06 .18 .10 .22 .12 .37 .20 .63 .51 .75 .60 .52 .42 .30 .24 .30 .24 .37 .30 .91 .74 .75 .60 .75 .60 .97 .59 0.27 1.35 1.08 .93 .75 .93 .75 .93 .55 .56 .45 .67 .54 .37 .30 .48 .29 .33 .09 .18 .06 .18 .15 .48 .39 .48 .39 .63 .51 .15 .75 .45 .22 .75 .45 .40 .20 .33 .37 .30 .63 .39 .18 .18 .18 .22 .28 .52 .58 .67 1.12 .75 .41 .33 .60 .52 .31 .33 .22 .75 .45 13 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— 'Continued, Title of Book. New Introductive Bookkeeping Text Blanks for same Forms for same, April and May pad July and August pad September and October pad November and December forms New Practical Grammar (W.& R. Series) Nichols & Rogers — A Short Course in Commercial Law Osborn & King — Seventy Lessons in Spelling Van Tuyl — Essentials of Business Arithmetic Complete Business Arithmetic BOTANY Andrews — -Botany All the Year Round Practical Course in Botany The same, with Brief Flora of the Eastern U. S The same, with Cowles & Coulter's A Spring Flora Apgar — New Plant Analysis Coulter — Plant Life and Plant Uses The same, with Cowles & Coulter — A Spring Flora Coulter — Notebook and Laboratory Manual especially adapted for use with Plant Life and Plant Uses Above with Loose Leaf Binder "A" . . ._ Cowles & Coulter — -A Spring Flora for High Schools Gray — How Plants Grow, with a Popular Flora Lessons in Botany Gray — Field, Forest and Garden Botany (Flora Only) Gray — School and Field Book of Botany (Lessons with Flora) . . New Manual of Botany. Seventh Edition (Flora only) Leavitt — Outlines of Botany The same, with Gary's Field, Forest and Garden Flora Payne — Manual of Experimental Botany CHEMISTRY Avery — School Chemistry Blanchard & Wade — Foundations of Chemistry Clark & Dennis — Elementary Chemistry Laboratory Manual Irish — Qualitative Analysis for Secondary Schools Steele — Popular Chemistry Stoddard — Outline of Qualitative Analysis . . ._ Williams & Whitman — Laboratory Exercises in General Chemis- try : Above with Loose Lead Binder "A" CIVICS Andrews — New Manual of the Constitution Chancellor — History and Government of the United States for Evening Schools _ Standard Short Course for Evening Schools Civic Reader for New Americans Clark — The Government; What It Is; What It Does Forman — Essentials in Civil Government Garner — Government in the United States Hinsdale — American Government, Fourth Edition. . '. McCleary — Studies in Civics Peterman — Civil Government Sharpe — Plain Facts for Future Citizens Stickles — Elements of Government Townsend — Shorter Course in Civil Government Willoughby — Rights and Duties of American Citizenship Wolf son — Outlines for Review in Civics DOMESTIC SCIENCE Conley — Principles of Cooking Nutrition and Diet Kirkwood — Sewing Primer Sewing School Practice Cloth, with folders Morris — Household Science and Arts DRAWING Eclectic Industrial Drawing: Numbers 1, 2 and 3, per dozen Numbers 4 and 5, per dozen Numbers 6, 7 and 8, per dozen Practice Drawing Books, per dozen Tracy — Mechanical Drawing 1.00 .75 .30 .22 .50 .37 .38 .28 .75 .56 .60 .45 1.00 .75 1.25 .93 1.00 .75 .34 .25 .48 .36 1.00 .75 .72 .54 1.00 .75 .25 .18 .52 .39 .60 .45 .30 .22 .36 .27 .60 .45 1.20 .90 1.75 1.31 2.00 1.50 .50 .37 1.80 1.35 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale 3xchang Price Price Price 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 .11 .35 .26 .35 .26 .21 .60 .45 .27 .20 .15 .12 .70 .52 .42 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .45 1.25 • .93 .55 1.50 1.12 .66 1.50 1.12 .90 .55 .41 .33 1.20 .90 .72 1.50 1.12 .90 .36 .27 .72 .54 .60 .45 .36 .80 .60 .48 .94 .70 .57 1.44 1.08 .87 1.80 1.35 1.08 2.50 1.87 1.50 1.00 .75 .60 1.80 1.35 1.08 .75 .56 .45 1.20 .90 .72 1.25 .93 .75 1.10 .82 .66 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 .36 .27 - .72 .54 .60 .32 .36 .27 14 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— ^Continued. Title of Book. ENGLISH LANGUAGE Language Lessons and Grammar Austin — -Lessons in English for Foreign Women Chancellor — Reading and Language Lessons for Evening Schools Standard Short Course for Evening Schools Studies in English for Evening Schools Hoenshel — Progressive Course in English: Book One Book Two Hoenshel — Language Lessons and Elementary Grammar Advanced Grammar Complete Grammar Houghton — -First Lessons in English for Foreigners in Evening Schools Kimball — Elementary English: Book One Book Two Kimball — English Grammar: Structure of the English Sentence Markowitz & Starr — Everyday Language Lessons — Practical English for New Americans Vocabulary of common words in English, Italian, Russian and Yiddish Maxwell — Elementary Grammar School Grammar Maxwell, Johnston & Barnum — Speaking and Writing: Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Metcalf — Elementary English English Grammar for Common Schools Metcalf & Rafter — Language Series: Book One Book Two Morrow — Language for Little People Pearson & Kirch wey — Essentials of English, First Book The same, New Terminology Edition Serl— Primary Language Lessons Intermediate Language Lessons Steps in English: Book One Book Two COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Blaisdell (T. C.) — Composition-Rhetoric (Steps in English Series) Brooks — English Composition Book One The same Enlarged English Composition Book Two Brooks & Hubbard — Composition-Rhetoric Brown & Barnes — The Art of Writing English Buehler — Practical Exercises in English Denney, Duncan & McKinney — Argumentation and Debate. . . . Hill — Beginnings of Rhetoric and Composition Foundations of Rhetoric Hill (D. J.) — Elements of Rhetoric Hotchkiss & Drew — Business English Knight — Primer of Essentials in Grammar and Rhetoric Lewis & Hosic — Practical English for High Schools Maxwell & Smith — Writing in English Perry — Introductory Course in Argumentation Punctuation Primer Sampson & Holland — Written and Oral Composition Thomas — Study of the Paragraph (H) Thomas (R. W.) — Manual of Debate Perry — Introductory Course in Exposition Watkins — Public Speaking for High Schools Winning Speeches of the Northern Oratorical League ELOCUTION Kidd — New Elocution and Vocal Culture McCaskey — Lincoln Literary Collection Southwick — Steps to Oratory ETYMOLOGY Anderson — Study of English Words Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .35 .26 .30 .22 .50 .37 .30 .22 .32 .24 .20 .56 .42 .34 .30 .22 .18 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .18 .50 .37 .23 .50 .37 .23 .75 .56 .45 .40 .30 .15 .11 .30 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .20 .15 .12 .23 .17 .14 .25 .18 .15 .28 .21 . .17 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .25 .18 .15 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .35 .26 .21 .56 .42 .34 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .34 .90 .67 .40 1.00 .75 .45 1.00 .75 .45 1.20 .90 .72 .50 .37 .30 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.08 .81 .65 .25 .18 .15 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .32 1.00 .75 .60 .30 .22 .18 .80 .60 .48 .50 .37 .30 .80 .60 .48 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .60 .40 .30 24 15 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. ENGLISH LITERATURE American Halleck — History of American Literature Long— American Poems Matthew — Introduction to American Literature Painter — Poets of the South Smiley — Manual of American Literature Watkins — American Literature English Baldwin & Paul — English Poems Blaisdell — First Steps with American and British Authors Brooks — English Literature. Revised (Johnson) College Entrance Requirements in English for Study and Prac- tice 1910-1915 Dickinson & Roe — Nineteenth Century English Prose. Critical Essays Halleck — History of English Literature New English Literature Johnson — Outline History of English and American Literature . . Matthews — The Short-Story: Specimens Illustrating its Development McNeill & Lynch — Introductory Lessons in English Literature.. Pallen — Meaning of the Idylls of the King Porter & Clark — Shakespeare Studies, Macbeth Shaw-Backus — Outlines of Literature, English and American .... Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.25 .93 .56 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .75 .44 .60 .45 .30 .60 .45 .36 .35 .26 .21 1.00 .75 .60 .90 .67 .54 .35 .26 .21 .90 .67 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 1.30 .97 .58 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .40 .30 .56 .42 1.25 .93 .75 ECLECTIC ENGLISH CLASSICS New Edition in Cloth Addison- — Sir Roger de Coverly (Underwood) Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum (Tanner) Bunyan — Pilgrim's Progress (Jones & Arnold) Burke — Conciliation with the American Colonies (Clark) Burns — Poems-Selections (Venable) Byron— Childe Harold (Canto IV) : Prisoner of Chillon, Mazeppa and other Selections (Venable).. Carlyle — Essay on Burns (Miller) Chaucer — pi-ologue and Knight's Tale (Van Dyke) Coleridge — Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Garrigues) Cooper — ■Pilot (Watrous) Double Number Cooper — The Spy Defoe — History of the Plague in London (Syle) Robinson Crusoe (Stephens) DeQuincy — Revolt of the Tarters Dickens — Tale of Two Cities (Pearce) Double Number Dryden — Palamon and Arcite (Bates) Emerson — American Scholar, Self-Reliance, Compensation(Smith) Franklin — -Autobiography (Reid) George Eliot — Silas Marner (McKitrick) Goldsmith — Vicar of Wakefield (Hansen) Gray- — Elegy in a Country Church- Yard and Goldsmith's De- serted Village (Van Dyke) Irving — Sketch Book Selections (St. John) Tales of a Traveler (Rutland) Double Number Lincoln — Addresses and Letters (Moore) Address at Cooper Union; and Macaulay's Speeches on Copy- right (Pittenger) Macaulay — Essay on Addison (Matthew) Speeches on Copyright and Lincoln address at Cooper Union (Pittenger) Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hastings (Holmes) Double Number . Lays of Ancient Rome and other Poems (Atkinson) Life of Johnson (Lucas) Essay on Milton (Mead) Milton— L' Allegro, II Penseroso, Comus, Lycidas (Buck) Paradise Lost Books I and II (Stephens) Old Testament Narratives (Baldwin) Poe — Selected Poems and Tales (Scott) Pope— Homer's Iliad, Books, I, VI, XXII, XXIV Rape of the Lock and Essay on Man (Van Dyke) Scott — Abbott. Double Number. Ivanhoe (Schreiber) Double Number Lady of the Lake (Bacon) Marmion (Coblentz) - Quentin Durward (Norris) Double Number "W oodstock. Double Number 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 40 .30 40 .30 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 40 .30 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 20 .15 .20 .15 20 .15 40 .30 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .40 .30 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .40 .30 .40 .30 .20 .15 .20 .15 .40 .30 .40 .30 16 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. Shakespeare — As You Like It (North) Hamlet (Shower) Henry V (Law) Julius Caesar (Baker) Macbeth (Livengood) Merchant of Venice (Blakely) Midsummer-Night's Dream (Haney) Twelfth Night (Weld) Southey — Life of Nelson Double Number Stevenson — Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey (Arm- strong) Treasure Island (Fairley) Swift — Gulliver's Travels (Gaston) Tennyson — Idylls of the King, Selections (Willard) Princess (Shrylock) Thackeray — Henry Esmond (Bissell) Double Number Washington — Farewell Address and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration (Lewis) Webster — Bunker Hill Orations Wordsworth — Poems-Selections (Venable) GATEWAY SERIES OF ENGLISH TEXTS (Henry Van Dyke, General Editor) Addison — Sir Roger de Coverley Papers (Winchester) Burke — Speech on Conciliation (MacDonald) Byron, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats & Browning — Selections (Copeland & Rideout) Carlyle — Essay on Burns (Mims) Coleridge — -Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Woodberry) Emerson — Essays-Selections (Van Dyke) Franklin — Autobiography (Smyth) Gaskell — Cranford (Rhodes) George Eliot — Silas Marner (Cross) Goldsmith — Vicar of Wakefield and the Deserted Village (Tufts) Irving — Sketch Book — Selections (Sampson) Lamb — Essays of Elia — Selections (Genung) Lincoln — Selections from (Draper) Macaulay — Essay on Addison (McClumpha) Essay on Milton (Gulick) Life of Johnson (Clark) Addison and Johnson — One Volume (McClumpha-Clarke). . . . Milton — Minor Poems (Jordan) Scott — Ivanhoe (Stoddard) Lady of the Lake (Alden) Shakespeare — *Vs You Like It (Demmen) Julius Caesar (Mable) Macbeth — (Parrqtt) Merchant of Venice (Schelling) Stevenson — Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey (Blakely) Tennyson — Idylls of the King, Selections (Van Dyke) Princess (Bates) Washington — -Farewell Address and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration (Pine ) ROLFE'S ENGLISH CLASSICS Browning — Select Dramas Select Poems .• Goldsmith — Select Poems Gray — Select Poems . . . ._ Macauley — Lays of Ancient Rome Milton — Minor Poems Wordsworth — Select Poems .30 ROLFE'S NEW EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE All's Well that Ends Well . Antony and Cleopatra. . . . As You Like It Comedy of Errors Coriolanus Cymbeline Hamlet Henry IV, Part I Henry IV, Part II Henry V Henry VI, Part 1 Henry VI, Part II Henry VI, Part III Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .40 .30 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .40 .30 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 TS .15 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 - .30 .45 .33 .45 .33 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .45 .33 .35 .26 .50 .37 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 -26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 EARE .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 17 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. Henry VIII Julius Caesar King John King Lear Love's Labour Lost Macbeth Measure for Measure Merchant of Venice Merry Wives of Windsor Midsummer-Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing Othello Pericles Richard II Richard III Romeo and Juliet Sonnets Taming of the Shrew Tempest Timon of Athens Titus Andronicus Troilus and Cresida Twelfth Night Two Gentlemen of Verona Two Noble Kinsmen Venus and Adonis, etc Winter's Tale FRENCH French Language Bacon — New French Course Decourbey — French Verb Blank. ._ Fontaine — French Prose Composition Francois — -Beginner's French Essentials of French Introductory French Prose Composition Alternate Exercises for Introductory French Prose Composition Advanced French Prose Composition Guerber — -Easy French Prose Composition Joan of Arc — French Prose Composition Muzzarelli — Acadamic French Course, First Year Acadamic French Course, Second Year Brief French Course Syms — First Year in French - Second Year in French Third Year in French French Literature, etc. Augier & Sandeau— Le Gendre De M. Poirier (Roedder) Bacon — Une Semaine a Paris Bruno — Le Tour de la France (Syms) Cameron — -Tales of France Chateaubriand — Les Aventures du Dernier Avencerage (Bruner) Conley — LaFille de Thuiskon Corneille — Le Cid (Bruner) Cramer — Ca et La en France Cremieux — Decourcelle — L'Abbe Constantin (Francois) Daudet- — -La Belle Nivernaise and other stories (Jenkins Tartarin de Tarascon (Fontaine) Dumas — La Tulipe Noire (Brandon) Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge (Sauveur & Jones) Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (Fontaine) Le Trois Mousquetaires (Fontaine) Excursions sur les Bords du Rhin (Henckels) Dupres — Drames at Comedies Erckmann-Chatrian — Madam Therese (Fontaine) Foa— Le Petit Robinson de Paris (Du Bonneville) Foncin — Le Pays de France (Muzzarelli) Fontaine — Douze Contes Nouveaux Francois— Easy Standard French Goncourt — Selections (Cameron) Goodell — L'Enfant Espion and other stories Guerber — Contes et Legendes, Part I The same, Part II. Legendes of the Middle Ages Gyp — Petit Bleu (Meylan) Healy — La Comedie Classique en France Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 1.00 .75 .60 .35 .26 .35 .26 .21 .65 .48 .39 .90 .67 .54 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .80 .60 .48 .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 .40 .30 .50 .37 .60 .45 1.00 .75 .30 .22 .65 .48 .45 .33 .45 .33 .35 .26 .50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .45 .33 .60 .45 .45 .33 .40 .30 1.25 .93 .45 .33 .60 .45 .60 .45 1.50 1.12 .35 .26 .50 .37 18 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Title of Book. Harry — French Ancedotes Hugo — Hernani (Bruner) LaChute (Knapp) LaBedolliere — LaMere Michel et Son Chat (Josselyn) Labiche & Marton — -La Poudre Aux Yeux (Francois) Le Voyage de M. Perrichon (Castegnier) La Brete — Mon Oncle et Mon Cure (White) La Fontaine — Fifty Fables (McKenzie) Laurie- — -Memoires d'un Collegian (Borgerhoff) Legouve & Labiche — LaCigale (Farrar) Mariet— La Clef d'Or (Healy) La Petite Princesse (Healy) La Tache du Petit Pierre (Healy) L'Enfant de la Lune (Healy) Meras — Le Premier Livre . Merimee — Colomba (Williamson) Moliere — LeBourgeois Gentilhome (Roi & Guitteau) Les Femmes Sevantes (Eggert) Racine — Iphigenie (Woodward) Sand— La Mare au Diable (Randall-Lawton) Le Meunier d'Angibault (Kuhne) Sandeau — Mademoiselle de Lax Seigliere (White) Schultz — -La Neuvaine de Colette (Lye) Scribe & Legouve — Bataille de Dames (Eggert) Sevigne — Mme. de Selected Letters (Syms) Shippee & Greene — Stories from French Realists Syms — Easy First French Reader ...._. Le Chien de Brisquet and other stories Taine — -Les Origines de la France Contemporaine (Raschen). . Verne — Les Enfant du Capitaine Grant (Healy) Voltaire — Selected Letters (Syms) Weill — French Newspaper Reader Historical French Reader GEOGRAPHY Brigham & McFarlane — Essentials of Geography, 1st book. . . Essentials of Geography, 2nd book Essentials of Geography, 1st book, Part I Essentials of Geography, 1st. book, Part II Essentials of Geography, 2nd book, Part I Essentials of Geography, 2nd book, Part II Harper — -Introductory Geography School Geog- aphy Maury — New Elements of Geography New Complete Geography Morton — Elementary Geography Advanced Geography Natural Geographies: Introductory Geography The same, Part I The same, Part II School Geography The same, Part I The same, Part II Elementary Geography Advanced Geography Primary Geography, Special Edition Complete Geography, Special Edition Brief Geography, One Book course Rabenort — Geography: North and South America North America and the United Stntes The United States by Groups and States The United States as a Whole Europe Roddy — Elementary Geography Complete Geography COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY Gannett, Garrison & Houston — Commercial Geography Olin — Commercial Geography PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Chamberlin — Field and Laboratory Exercises in Physical Geo- graphy Dryer — High School Geography, Physical, Economic and Regional Parts I and II, Physical and Economic. Half Leather f — Continued. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .70 .52 .35 .26 .30 .22 .30 .22 .35 .26 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .25 .18 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .64 .48 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .60 .45 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .45 .33 .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .35 .26 .60 .45 .30 .22 .75 .56 .50 .37 .40 .30 .72 .54 .44 1.24 .93 .75 .36 .27 .22 .64 .48 .39 .76 .57 .46 .68 .51 .41 .48 .36 .29 1.08 .81 .65 .55 .41 .22 1.25 .93 .44 .55 .41 .33 1.20 .90 .72 .60 .45 .36 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 .60 .45 .36 1.25 .93 .75 .40 .30 .20 .96 .72 .40 .80 .60 .48 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .60 Y 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .00 .50 .37 .30 1.30 .97 .78 1.20 .90 72 19 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Title of Book. Dryer — The same, Cloth Lessons in Physical Geography Everly, Blount & Walton — A Brief Laboratory Course in Physical Geography Above with Loose Leaf Binder "A" Laboratory Lessons in Physical Geography Hinman — Eclectic Physical Geography Maury-Simond — Physical Geography Monteith — New Physical Geography GEOLOGY Blackwelder & Barrow — Elements of Geology Dana — Geological Story — Briefly Told Revised Textbook of Geology Le Conte — Compend of Geology GEOMETRY Campbell — Observational Geometry Conant — Original Exercises in Plane and Solid Geometry Hart & Feldman — Plane and Solid Geometry Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Lyman — Plane and Solid Geometry Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Milne — Plane and Solid Geometry Plane Gemoetry Solid Geometry Phillips & Fisher — Elements of Geometry, Complete Elements of Geometry Abridged Plane Geometry Geometry of Space Robbins — Plane and Solid Geometry New Plane Geometry Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Sander — Plane and Solid Geometry Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Smith — Plane Geometry Developed by the Syllabus Method. . . . Spencer — Inventional Geometry White — Elements of Geometry Smith — 'Solid Geometry Developed by the Syllabus Method .... GERMAN German Language Deutschen Decker & Markisch — Deutschland Und die Deutschen Dresden — German Composition Harris — German Grammar Jappe — Elements of German Grammar Kayser & Monteser — Brief German Course Foundations of German Keller — First Year in German Second Year in German McCollom — German Verb Form Osthaus & Biermann — German Prose Composition Schmitz — Elements of the German Language Complete Stern & Arrowsmith — Aus Deutschen Dorfern Truscott & Smith — Elementary German Composition Worman — First German Book Second German Book German Echo (Conversation) German Literature, etc. Arnold — Ein Regentag auf dem Lande (Dern) Fritz auf Ferien (Thomas) Baumbach — Im Zwielicht Vol. I (Bernhardt) Im Zwielicht Vol. II (Bernhardt) Baumbach & Wildenbruch — Es war Einmal (Bernhardt) Benedic — Der Prozess and Wilhelmi, Einer Muss Heiraten (Lam- bert) Bernhardt — Deutsche, Litteraturgeschichte Freudvoll und Liedvoll Collitz — Selections from Early German Literature Dillard — Aus dem Deutschen Dichterwald Ebner-Eschenbach — Krambambuli and Klaussmann — Memoiren eines Offizierburschen (Spanhoofd) .25 ' — 'Continued. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.00 .75 .45 1.20 .90 .72 .36 .27 .22 .72 .54 .44 .56 .42 .34 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 1.40 1.05 .63 1.15 .86 .69 1.40 1.05 .84 1.20 .90 .54 .80 .60 .48 .50 .37 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .60 .48 .80 .60 .48 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 1.75 1.31 1.05 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .60 .48 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .60 .48 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 .35 .26 .21 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .64 .48 .40 .30 .24 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 1.20 .93 .72 .80 .60 .36 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 .35 .26 .65 .48 .39 1.00 .75 .60 .36 .27 .50 .37 .30 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 24 .90 .67 .25 .18 .30 .22 .65 • .48 .65 .48 .65 .48 .30 .22 .75 .56 .65 .48 1.00 .75 .60 .45 .18 20 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. Fahsel — Allerlei Fick — Dies und Das Hin und Her Neu und Alt Fouque — Undine (Senger) Freytag — -Die Journalisten (Johnson) Gerstaeker — Germelshausen (Busse) . Goethe — Hermann und Dorothea (Hewitt) Grimm — Kinder und Hausmarehen (Vus) Die Sieben Reisen Sinbade Grollen, Inkognito & Albersdorf — Cand. phil. (Lauschmann Lentz) Hauff — Das Kalte Herz (Holzwart & Crose) Hebel — Schatzkastlein Heine — Die Harzreiae I Kolbe) Heyse — Anfang und End ' (Lentz) Das Mad h->n von Treppi. and Marion (Bernhardt) Er soil dein Herr s^-in (Haertel) L'Arrabbiata (Lentz) Hillern — Hoher als die Kirche (Dauer) Holly — -German EpL's Retold Holzwarth — -German Literature, Land and People Keller — Bilder aus der Deutsrhen Litteratur. Revised Kern — German Stories Retold Leander — Traumereien (Hanstein) Traumereien (Arrowsmith) Lessing — Minna von Bamhelm (Lambert) Nathan der Weise (Diekhoff) Meyer — Das Amulett (Glascock) , Meager & Mueller — Kreuz and Quer durch Deutsche Lande . . . . Moser — Der Bibliothekar (Cooper) Muller — Neue Marchen ! Little) Prehn — Journalistic German Ranke — Kaiserwahl Kails V (Schoenfel) Richter — Selections (Collins) Riehl — Das Spicdmannskind and der Stumme Ratsherr (Priest).. Der Fluch der Schoniheit (Frost) Die Vierzehn Ncthelf r and Trostum Trost (Sihler) Ries — Easv German Sto-ifs (Biermann) Roth— Ein Nordis her Held (Boll) Soheffel — -Der Trompeter von Sakkingen (Buehner) Sehanz — -Der Assistant and other stories (Beinhorn) S:henVl — Ekkehard-Audifax and Hadumoth (Handschin & Luebke ) Sch*ll?r — Ballads and Lyrics (Rhoades) Gustav Adolf in Deutschland (Bernhardt) Die Jungfrau von Orleans (Florer) Wilhelm Tell (Roedder) Sehrakamp — Deutsche Heimat Ernstes und Heiteres Seidel — Der Linden baum and other stories (Richard) Die Monate (Arrowsmith) Herr Omnia (Matthewman) Leberecht Huhnohen und Andere Sonderlinge (Bernhardt). . . Spanhoofd — Aus Vergangener Zeit Spyri — Rosenresli and der Toni von Kandergrund Stern — Geschichten von Rhein Geschichten von Deutsehen Stadten, In Two Parts Each Stern & Arrowsmith — Aus Deutschen Dorfern Stifter — Das Heidedorf (Lentz) Stoltze — Bunte Geschichten Lose Blatter Storm — Immensee (Bauer) In Sonnenschein and ein Grunes Blatt (Swiggett) Wagner — Die Meistersinger von Nurmberg (Bigelow) Wilbrandt — Der Meister von Palmra (Henchels) Wildenbruch — Das Edle Blut (Eggert) Der Letzte (Beckmann) Zschokke — Der Zerbrochene Krug (Berkefeld) GREEK Greek Language Babbitt — -Grammar of Attic and Ionic Greek Benner & Smyth — Beginner's Greek Book (Smyth's Greek Series) Gleason — Greek Primer Greek Prose Composition for Schools (Smyth's Greek Series).. Hadley & Allen — Greek Grammar Pearson — Greek Prose Composition Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .25 .18 .25 .18 .30 .22 .30 .22 .50 .37 .35 .26 .30 .22 .60 .45 .45 .33 .40 .30 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 37 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 .63 .48 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .80 .60 .35 .26 .60 .45 .45 .33 .30 .22 .50 .37 .35 .26 .60 .45 .35 .26 .30 .22 .30 .22 .35 .26 .35 .26 .75 .56 .35 .26 .60 .45 .60 .45 .45 .33 .70 .52 .70 .52 .80 .60 .35 .26 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .50 .37 .50 .37 .25 .18 .85 .63 .70 .52 .36 .27 .25 .18 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .70 .52 .80 .60 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 1.50 1.12 .90 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 .80 .60 .48 1.50 1.12 .90 .90 .67 .4 ) 21 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— 'Continued. Title of Book. XENOPHON Harper & Wallace — Xenophon's Anabasis Seven Books Mather & Hewitt — Xenophon's Anabasis Books I-IV (Smyth's Greek Series) Usual List Price Lowest Wholesale Price Lowest Exchange Price 1.50 1.12 .68 1.50 1.12 .90 HISTORY United States History Barnes — Primary History of United States Brief History of the United States School History of the United States Elementary History of United States Chancellor — History and Government of the United States for Evening Schools Eggleston — New Century History of the United States First Book in American History Hart — Essentials in American History McMaster — 'Brief History of the United States Primary History of the United States School History of the United States Newton & Treat — Outline for Review in American History Perry & Price— American History, First Book American History, Second Book Scudder— Short History of the United States Swan — History and Civics, Grade 5A History and Civics, Grade 5B White — -Beginner's History of the United States Pupil's Outline Studies in United States History Ancient History Barnes — Brief History of Ancient Peoples Lewis — Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in Oriental and Greek History Morey— Ancient Peoples Outlines of Ancient History Thalheimer — Manual of Ancient History Wolfson— Ancient Civilization Essentials in Ancient History English History Green — Short History of the English People Lancaster — Manual -of English History Newton & Treat — Outline for Review in English History Niver — School History of England Smith — Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in English History. Walker — Essentials in English History •. General History Barnes — Brief General History of the World Colby — Outlines of General History Swinton — Outlines of the World's History Thalheimer — General History, New Edition Greek History Barnes — Brief History of Greece Fyffe — History of Greece Lewis — Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in Oriental and Greek History Morey — Outlines of Greek History _ Outlines of Greek and Roman History Newton & Treat — Outline for Review in Greek History Mediaeval and Modern History Barnes — Brief History of Modern Peoples Harding — Essentials in Mediaeval and Modern History. . New Mediaeval and Modern History Ogg — Source Book of Mediaeval History Roman History Creighton — History of Rome McKinley — Pupil's Notebook and Study Outline in Roman His- tory. Morey — Outlines of Roman History Newton & Treat — Outline for Review in Roman History .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 .30 .22 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 1.50 1.12 .67 1.00 .75 . .60 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 .25 .18 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .45 .33 .20 .30 .22 1.00 .75 .25 .18 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 1.60 1.20 .60 .45 1.50 1.12 1.20 .90 1.00 .75 .25 .18 .90 .67 .25 .18 1.50 1.12 1.60 1.20 1.50 1.12 1.44 1.08 1.20 .90 .75 .56 .35 .26 .25 .18 1.00 .75 1.50 1.12 .25 .18 1.00 .75 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 .35 .25 1.00 .25 .26 .IS .75 .18 .90 .66 .96 .36 .90 .90 .87 .72 .45 .21 .60 .90 .60 .90 .67 .21 '.60 22 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Title of Book. LATIN Latin Language Abbott — First Latin Writer (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series).. . Brittain — Introduction to Caesar Hammer — Easy Steps in Latin Harkness — Complete Latin Grammar Short Latin Grammar Easy Method for beginners in Latin Jordan — Elementary Latin Writing Mather & Wheeler — Latin Prose Writing (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) Mellick — -Latin Prose Composition Mitchell — The Writing of Narrative Latin Nutting — Latin Primer A First Latin Reader with Exercises Pearson — Essentials of Latin for beginners (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) Latin Prose Composition, Complete Latin Prose Composition, Based on Caesar Latin Prose Composition, Based on Cicero Reiley — Practical Excercises on the Latin Verb Smiley & Storke— Beginner's Latin Book First Year Latin Course , Latin Literature, etc. Harkness & Forbes — Caesar's Gallic War, Seven Books Caesar's Gallic War, Four Books Harper & Tolman — Caesar's Gallic War, Eight Books Caesar's Gallic War, Four Books Mather — Caesar, Episodes from the Gallic and Civil Wars (Mor- ris & Morgan's Latin Series) Riess & Janes — Caesar's Gallic War, Books I and II The same, with Janes's Sight Reading Cicero Bishop, King & Helm — Cicero, Ten Orations and Selected Letters (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) . . . : Harkness, Kirtland & Williams — Cicero, Nine Orations Cicero, Six Orations Harper & Gallup — -Cicero's Orations with Selections from the Letters Kirtland — Correspondence of Cicero Rockwood — Cicero's Cato Maior de Senectute, with Vocabulary Latin Readings Barss — -Third Year Latin for Sight Reading Franklin & Greene — Latin Prose Authors for Sight Reading (Morris & Morgan's Latin Series) Harrington — Roman Elegiac Poets Janes — Second Year Latin for Sight Reading Latin Sight Reading for the Second Year Nutting — First Latin Reader Sturtevant — Terence's Andria Ovid Gleason — Term of Ovid Miller — Ovid Virgil Frieze — Virgil's Aeneid, First Six Books, Revised (Dennison) . . . Virgil's Aeneid, Complete, Revised (Dennison) Harper & Miller — Virgil's Aeneid, Six Books Viri Romae Arrowsmith & Knapp — Selections from Viri Romae MANUAL TRAINING Brace & Mayne — -Farm Shop Work Golden — Laboratory Course in Wood-Turning Ham — Mind and Hand Ilgen — Forge Work King — -Elements of Woodwork Elements of Construction Elements of Woodwork and Construction Constructive Carpentry Inside Finishing f — Continued. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .60 .45 .36 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .60 .48 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .40 .30 .24 1.10 .82 .66 .50 .37 .30 .75 .56 .45 .90 .67 .40 1.00 .75 .45 .50 .37 .22 .50 .37 .30 .25 .18 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 .85 .63 .51 1.20 .90 .72 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.30 .97 .78 .50 .37 .30 .75 .56 .45 .40 .75 .30 .56 .21 .40 .30 .24 1.50 1.12 .90 .40 .30 .24 .30 .22 .18 .60 .45 .36 .72 .54 .44 .75 .56 .45 1.40 1.05 .84 1.30 .97 .78 1.50 1.12 .90 1.25 .93 .75 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .80 .60 .48 1.25 .93 .80 .60 .48 .60 .45 .36 .70 .52 .42 .90 .67 .54 .70 .52 .42 .80 .60 .48 23 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. JRitchey — Manual Training Course in Woodwork. Siekel — Exercises in Woodworking MUSIC Abbott — Rudiments of Music Aiken — Music Course In One Book Part Songs for Mixed Voices Birges Choruses and Part Songs for High Schools Dann — -Music Course: First Year Music Second Year Music Fourth Year Music Christmas Carols and Hymns Musical Dictation, Book One Musical Dictation, Book Two Music Writing Books, Three Number, Each School Hymnal Manual for Teachers, Book One Manual for Teachers, Book Two Manual for Teachers, Complete Earhart — Art Songs for High Schools Johnson — Songs Every One Should Know MacConnell — Standard Songs and Choruses for High Schools. . . Mathews — Songs of All Lands McCaskey — Favorite Songs and Hymns Natural Music Course: (Ripley & Tapper) Note Song Book (First Steps in Music) Charts A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, Each with Stand Harmonic Primer Harmonic First Reader Harmonic Second Reader Harmonic Third Reader Harmonic Fourth Reader Harmonic Fifth Reader, For Unchanged Voices The same, with Bass Melodic First Reader Melodic Second Reader Melodic Third Reader Melodic Fourth Reader Short Course in Music, Book I Short Course in Music, Book II NeCollins — Glee and Chorus Book The same, with Responsive Readings • Rix — The Mastersinger Shirley — Part Songs for Girls Voices Part Songs for Mixed Voices School and Festival Songs Two-Part Songs for Intermediate Grades Siefert — Choice Songs, Book I The same, Book II, Revised Edition Smith (Eleanor) — Music Course: Primer Book One Book Two '. Alternate Book Two Book Three Book Four Standard Musical Library: Aiken — First Studies in Two Parts, Singing The Fairies' Festival Farge's St. Teresa (Bauve) Melody Studies for Primary Grades Barri — Flower Queen (Aiken) Bryant — Christmas Carols Dann — Commencement Trios Mitchell — Ten Familiar Songs Myers — Part Songs for Male Voices Part Songs for Female Voices NeCollins — Institute Songs Romberg — Lay of the Bell (Aitken) Storer — Music Writing Book Usual List Price 1.45 1.00 .20 .50 .65 .65 .60 .32 .44 .45 .50 .65 .10 .50 .50 .65 1.00 .80 .50 .75 .50 .80 .40 4.00 .30 .30 .35 .40 .40 .50 .50 .25 .30 .40 .50 .35 .40 .65 .75 .65 .75 .75 .25 .25 .50 .50 .25 .25 .30 .30 .40 .50 .10 .20 .15 .15 .20 .10 .20 .15 .20 .20 .15 .20 .10 Lowesjt Wholesale Price Lowest Exchange Price 1.08 .75 .87 .60 .15 .37 .48 .48 .12 .22 .39 .39 .45 .24 .33 .33 .36 .20 .27 .27 .37 .48 .07 .37 .37 ..48 .75 .60 .37 .56 .37 .60 .30 3.00 .22 .22 .26 .30 .30 .37 .37 .18 .22 .30 .37 .26 .30 .48 .56 .48 .56 .56 .18 .18 .37 .37 .18 .18 .22 .22 .30 .37 .07 .15 .11 .11 .15 .07 .15 .11 .15 .15 .11 .15 .07 .30 .48 .30 .45 .30 .36 .24 '.i2 .12 .14 .17 .17 .21 .30 .15 .18 .24 .30 .21 .24 .39 .34 .39 .45 .45 .15 .15 .30 .30 .11 .11 .13 .18 .18 .22 MYTHOLOGY Guerber — Myths of Greece and Rome, Illustrated Myths of Northern Lands Legends of the Middle Ages Seemann — Mythology of Greece and Rome 1.50 1.50 1.50 .60 1.12 1.12 1.12 .45 0.90 .90 .90 .36 24 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Title of Book. NATURE STUDY Carter — Nature Study with Common Things Cummings — Nature Study for Primary Grades Nature Study for Lower Grammar Grades Nature Study for Higher Grammar Grades Overton & Hill — Nature Study PEDAGOGY Bricker — Agricultural Education for Teachers Hinsdale — -Art of Study Hewett — Pedagogy for Young Teachers Roark — Psychology in Education Method in Education Economy in Education Seeley — History of Education Turner — Teaching to Read White — Elements of Pedagogy School Management Art of Teaching PENMANSHIP Barnes — Natural Slant Penmanship, Per Dozen Pen and Pencil Scries, Books A, B, and C, Per Dozen Chancellor — Standard Short Course for Evening Schools Healey — Free Arm Movement Writing: Books and Pads (9 of each) for Grades 1, 2, 3A.3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, and for Movement Exercises. Each Complete Manual. Each Manual, Parts I, II and III. Each Per Dozen Copies for First and Second Years, Complete Set. Per Doz . . Mills — Modern Business Penmanship. Each Spencerian Copy Book — -Revised: Tracing Course, Nos. 1 to 4. Per Dozen Shorter Course, Nos. 1 to 4. Per Dozen Common School Course, Nos. 1 to 7. Per Dozen The same, Business Series, Nos. 8 to 11. Per Dozen Spencer — Practical Writing, Nos. 1 to 8. Per Dozen Steadman — Graded Lessons in Writing, Eight Pads, Nos. 1 to 8. Each PHYSICS Adams — Physics for Secondary Schools New Physical Laboratory Manual Aver^ — Elementary Physics School Physics First Principles of Natural Philosophy Elements of Natural Philosophy Avery & Sinnott — First Lessons in Physical Science Cheston, Dean & Timmerman — Laboratory Manual of Physics. . Coleman — New Laboratory Manual of Physics Cooley — Student's Manual of Physics Hammel — Observation Blanks in Physics Harrington — Grammar School Physics Hoadley — Essentials of Physics Elements of Physics Physical Laboratory Handbook Brief Course in General Physics Practical Measurements in Magnetism and Electricity Mumper — Testbook in Physics . Reeve — Physical Laboratory Guide Steele — Popular Physics Woodhull — Elementary Physical Science PHYSIOLOGY Davison — Human Body and Health: Elementary Intermediate Advanced Health Lessons, Book I Health Lessons, Book II Eddy — Text-Book in General Physiology and Anatomy Experimental Physiology and Anatomy, Revised Kellogg — First Book in Physiology and Hygiene Second Book in Physiology and Hygiene. Macy & Norris — General Physiology for High Schools Overton — Applied Physiology Primary Applied Physiology — Intermediate Applied Physiology — Advanced ( — Continued. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .60 .45 .36 .90 .67 .54 .60 .45 .36 .75 .56 .45 .40 .30 .24 .80 .60 .48 1.00 .75 .60 .85 .63 .51 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .60 .45 .50 .37 .10 .07 .20 .15 1.50 1.12 .60 .45 .30 .22 .72 .54 .72 .54 .96 .72 .96 .72 .60 .45 .15 .11 1.20 .90 .72 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 .96 .72 .58 1.15 .86 .69 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 .30 .22 .50 .37 .30 1.25 .93 .56 1.20 .90 .72 .50 .37 .30 1.20 .90 .72 .75 .56 1.20 .90 .72 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .80 .60 .48 .35 .26 .16 .60 .45 .27 1.20 .90 .72 .60 .45 .36 .40 .30 .24 .80 .60 .48 1.10 .82 .66 .30 .22 .18 .50 .37 .30 .80 .60 .36 25 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY-^Continued. Title of Book. Personal Hygiene General Hygiene Tolman — Hygiene for the Worker (Crampton — -Hygiene Series) . Tracy — -Essentials of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene Willis — Essentials of Health Elementary Physiology TEMPERANCE PHYSIOLOGIES New Century Physiology Series: Primer of Hygiene Intermediate Physiology and Hygiene Elementary, Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene for High Schools Pathfinder Physiologies: No. 1, Child's Health Primer No. II, Young People's Physiology No. Ill, Hygiene Physiology (Steele) POLITICAL SCIENCE Jevon— Political Economy Laughlin: — Elements of Political Economy PSYCHOLOGY Dewey — Psychology Halleck — Psychology and Psychic Culture Moore — An Historical Introduction to Ethics Putnam — Textbook of Psychology READERS— GRADED SERIES Alderman — Classics, Old and New: First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Baldwin — School Readers: Five Book Series: First Year Second Year Third Year Combined Fourth and Fifth Years Combined Sixth and Seventh Years Baldwin — School Readers — Eight Book Series: First Year ' Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Year Seventh Year .* Eighth Year _ Baldwin & Bender — Expressive Readers — Five Book Series: First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Reader for Fourth and Fifth Years Reader for Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Years Baldwin & Bender — Expressive Readers — Eight Book Series: First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Sixth Reader Seventh Reader Eighth Reader Brooks — Readers — -Five Book Series: First Year Second Year Third Year Combined Fourth and Fifth Years Combined Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Years Brooks — Readers — Eight Book Series: First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year Usual Lowest Lowest List W holesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .60 .40 .30 .24 .80 .60 .48 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .30 .22 .18 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .60 .35 .26 .21 1.20 .90 .72 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .25 .18 .11 .35 .26 .16 .40 .30 .18 .60 .45 .36 .65 .48 .39 .25 .18 .11 .35 .26 .16 .40 .30 .18 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .30 .22 .13 .35 .26 .16 .45 .33 .20 .55 .41 .33 .65 .48 .39 .30 .22 .13 .35 .26 .16 .45 .33 .20 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .45 .33 .27 .25 .18 .13 .35 .26 .18 .40 .30 .20 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 .25 .18 .13 .35 .26 .18 .40 .30 .20 .40 .30 .20 .40 .30 .20 26 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— -Continued. Title of Book. Brooks — Sixth Year Seventh Year Eighth Year Chancellor — Reading and Language Lessons for Evening Schools Standard Short Course for Evening Schools Golden Treasury Readers (Stebbins & Coolidge): Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader New Education Readers: Book I Book II Book III Book IV Perception Cards to accompany Book I, per set Perception Cards to accompany Book II, per set Perception Cards to accompany Book III, per set Parmly — First Reader Second Reader Third Reader. : Progressive Course in Reading (Aldrich & Forbes): First Book Second Book Third Book Fourth Book The same in Two Parts, each Fifth Book The same in Two Parts, each Sight Reader (Supplementary to First Reader) Sharpe — First Reader for Foreigners Standard Catholic Readers — Five Book Series: First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Standard Catholic Readers by Grades — Eight Book Series: First Year ■ Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fiftji Year Sixth Year Seventh Year Eighth Year Story Hour Readers (Coe & Christie): Primer Book One Book Two Book Three Chart for First Year, 50 Pages Perception Cards for Primer and for First Year, First Half, Complete Set Outline Pictures Sight Words Phonic Words Word Groups Perception Cards for Book One, and for First Year, Second Half, Complete Set Outline Pictures Sight Words Phonic Words Word Groups Story Hour Readers — Chart: Part One Part Two PRIMERS Bailey & Germann— Number Primer Baker — Action Primer Baldwin — Primer Beebe — Picture Primer Practical Primer Brown & Bailey — Jingle Primer Crosby — Our Little Book for Little Folks Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .20 .40 .30 .20 .40 .30 .20 .30 .22 .50 .37 .32 .24 .20 .32 .24 .20 .42 .31 .26 .48 .36 .29 .60 .45 .36 .65 .48 .39 .35 .26 .15 .35 .26 .15 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 2.00 1.50 .75 .56 .50 .37 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .20 .15 .12 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .35 .26 .21 .60 .45 .36 .40 .30 .24 .15 .11 .40 .30 .20 .15 .12 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 .20 .15 .12 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 7.00 5.25 1.65 1.23 .15 .11 .60 .45 .60 .45 .30 .22 2.25 1.68 .15 .11 .85 .63 .85 .63 .40 .30 5.00 3.75 3.00 2.25 .30 .22 .18 .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 .25 .18 .15 .18 .13 .08 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 27 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— ^Continued. Usual Title of Book. List Price Gibb — Natural Primer .25 Hyde — Primer .25 Rose — Primer .30 Stewart & Coe — First Days in School .25 White — Pantomine Primer .24 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Abbott — Adventures of a Country Boy .52 Baldwin — Fifty Famous Rides and Riders .64 Baker — The Children's First Book of Poetry .40 Baker — The Children's Second Book of Poetry .40 Baker — The Children's Third Book of Poetry .40 Coe — School Reader: Third Grade .40 Fourth Grade .50 Dorrance — The Story of the Forest .56 McBreen — America First .64 Pathway — In Nature and Literature: First Reader .25 Second Reader ■. .30 Standard Supplementary Readers: Easy Steps for Little Feet .25 Golden Book of Choice Reading .30 Book of Tales .50 Seven American Classics .50 Seven British Classics .50 Stanley — Animal Folk Tales .52 Fairy Tales and Stories Bakewell — True Fairy Stories .35 Baldwin — Fairy Reader .35 Fairy Stories and Fables .35 Second Fairy Reader .35 Another Fairy Reader .35 Barnard — Language Reader (Paine) .30 Davis & Chow-Leung — Chinese Fable and Folk Stories .40 Eldridge — Child Reader in Verse .25 Farmer — Nature Myths of Many Lands .45 Fox — Indian Primer .25 Holbrook — Round the Year in Myth and Song .60 Lakeside Literature Series (Adams) Book I, Fables and Rhymes .30 Book II, Folk Story and Verse .40 Book III, Myths of Old Greece 50 Lanes — Stories for Cildren .25 Logie & Ueckes — Story Reader .30 Lucia — Peter & Polly in Winter .35 Peter and Polly in Summer .35 Peter and Polly in Spring .36 McCullough — Little Stories for Little People .25 Nixon-Roulet — Indian Folk Tales .40 Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales .40 Pitre — Swallow Book (Camehl) .35 Pratt — Legends of the Red Children .30 Pyle — Prose and Verse for Children .40 Rolfe — Fairy Tales .50 Simm — Child Literature .30 Smythe — Old Time Stories Retold .35 Stafford — Animal Fables .30 Wilkin — The Weaver's Children .36 Wood — Children's First Story Book .25 Moran — Kwahu, the Hopi Indian Boy .50 Famous Stories and Literature Baldwin — Don Quixote for Young People .50 Fifty Famous Stories Retold. . . , .35 Fifty Famous People .35 Golden Fleece .50 John Bunyan's Dream Story .35 Nine Choice Poems .25 Old Greek Stories .45 Old Stories of the East .45 Stories of the King .50 Thirty More Famous Stories Retold .50 Bradish — Old Norse Stories .45 Clarke — Arabian Nights .60 Story of Troy .60 Story of Ulysses .60 Story of Aeneas .45 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .18 .15 .18 .15 .22 .18 .18 .15 .18 .15 .39 .48 .30 .30 .30 .30 .37 .42 .48 .18 .22 .18 .22 .37 .37 .37 .39 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .22 .30 .18 .33 .18 .45 .22 .30 .37 .18 .22 .26 .26 .27 .18 .30 .30 .26 .22 .30 .37 .22 .26 .22 .27 .18 .37 .37 .26 .26 .37 .26 .18 .33 .33 .37 .37 .33 .45 .45 .45 .33 28 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Title of Book. Cooper — Adventures of Deerslayers (Haight) Last of the Mohicans (Haight) Adventures of Pathfinder (Haight) Defoe — Robinson Crusoe (Stephens) Robinson Crusoe Retold (Baldwin) Dickens — Child's Oliver Twist and David Copperfield (Severance) Story of Little Nell (Gordon) Tale of Two Cities (Kirk ) Twelve Christmas Stories (Gordon) Hall — Homeric Stories Kupfer — Lives and Stories worth Remembering Lamb — Tales from Shakespears (Rolfe) Comedies Tales from Shakespere's (Rolfe) Tragedies Comedies and Tragedies, One Volume Scott — Kenilworth (Norris) Quentin Durward (Norris) Talisman (Dewey) Smythe — Reynard the Fox Swif t— Gulliver's Travels Retold Thomas — Words of Abraham Lincoln Webster & Coe — Tales and Verse from Sir Walter Scott William — Choice Literature New Edition : Book One Book Two Book Three : Book Four Book Five Book Six Book Seven Dramatic Readers Johnston & Barnum — Book of Plays for little actors Holbrooks — Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades Knight — Dramatic Reader for Grammar Grades Skinner — Dramatic Stories for Reading and Acting Skinner & Lawrence — Little Dramas for Primary Grades Varney — -Story Plays. Old and New. Books One, Two and Three. Each ' — Continued. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .50 .37 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .45 .33 .50 .37 .50 .37 .60 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .30 .22 .35 .26 .65 .48 .60 .45 .22 .16 .25 .18 .28 .21 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .50 .37 .30 .22 .40 .30 .50 .37 .35 .26 .35 .26 .32 Geographical and Commercial Readers Carpenter — Geographical Readers: North America South America Europe Asia . . Australia, Our Colonies and other Islands of the Sea Africa Carpenter — headers on Commerce and Industry: How the World is Fed How the World is Clothed How the World is Housed Dutton — World at Work Series: Fishing and Hunting In Field and Pasture Trading and Exploring Krout — Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands Two Girls in China Long — Home Geography MacClintock — The Philippines Payne — Geographical Nature Studies Schwartz — Five Little Strangers Shaw — Big and Little People of other Lands Historical and Biographical Readers Arnold — Stories of Ancient People Baldwin — Discovery of the Old Northwest Conquest of the Old Northwest Abraham Lincoln American Book of Golden Deeds Fifty Famous People Four Great American^ Beebe — Four American Naval Heroes Brittain & Harris — Historical Reader Burton — Four American Patriots Story of Lafayette Clarke — Story of Caesar .60 .45 .60 .45 .70 .52 .60 .45 60 .45 .60 .45 .... .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .45 .33 .25 .18 .40 .30 .25 .18 .40 .30 .30 .22 .50 .37 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .50 .37 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 .37 .75 .56 .50 .37 .35 .26 .45 .33 29 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY-^Continued. Title of Book. Cody — Four American Poets Four American Writers Coe — -Founders of Our Country Makers of the Nation Cooke — Stories of the Old Dominion Dutton — Little Stories of England Little Stories of France Little Stories of Germany Eggleston — Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans . Stories of American Life and Adventure Foote & Skinner — Explorers and Founders of America Makers and Defenders of America Guerber — Story of the Chosen People Story of the Greeks Story of the Romans Story of the English Story of the Thirteen Colonies Story of the Great Republic Story of Old France Story of Modern France Haaren & Poland — Famous Men of Rome Famous Men of Greece Famous Men of the Middle Ages Famous Men of Modern Times Home & Scobey — Stories of Great Artists Johonnot — Grandfather Stories Stories of Heroic Deeds Stories of Our Country Stories of Other Lands Stories of Olden Times Ten Great Events in History Kingsley — Four American Explorers Story of Lewis and Clark Lucia — Stories of America: American Discoverers for Little Americans Otis — Colonial Series: Calvert of Maryland , Mary of Plymouth Peter of New Amsterdam Richard of Jamestown Ruth of Boston d Stephen of Philadelphia Otis — Pioneer Series: Antoine of Oregon Benjamin of Ohio .-..., Hannah of Kentucky , Martha of California Philip of Texas Seth of Colorado Perry — Four American Inventors , Perry & Beebe — Four American Pioneers Pitman — Stories of Old France Schwartz — Famous Pictures of Children Scobey & Home — Stories of Great Musicians , Shaw — Discoverers and Explorers Van Bergen — Story of China Story of Japan Story of Russia Wallach — Historical and Biographical Narratives Whitehead — Two Great Southerners Whitney & Perry — ;Four American Indians Winterburn — Spanish in the Southwest Nature Readers Beebe & Kingsley — First Year Nature Reader Abbott — Boy on a Farm Bartlett — Animals at Home Bradish — Stories of Country Life Dana — Plants and Their Children Gilmore — Birds Thru the Year Hawkes — Trail to the Woods Holder — Half Hours with the Lower Animals Half Hours with Fishes, Reptile and Birds Half Hours with Mammals Stories of Animal Life Johonnot— Book of Cats and Dogs Friends in Feathers and Fur Neighbors with Wings and Fins ' Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .56 .42 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .65 .48 .65 .48 .65 .48 .65 .48 .65 .48 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .27 .20 .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 .54 .40 .54 .40 .50 .37 .25 .18 .40 .30 .35 .26 .... .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 -37 . .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .60 .45 .65 .48 .65 .48 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 .37 .55 .41 .35 .26 .45 .33 .45 .33 .40 .30 .... .65 .48 .50 .37 .40 .30 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .17 .12 .30 .22 .40 .30 30 LIST OF AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book. Johonnot — Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers Some Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs Keffer — Nature Studies on the Farm Kelly — Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors Mix — Mighty Animals Monteith — Some Useful Animals Needham — Outdoor Studies Patri — White Patch Pitre — Swallow Book (Camehl) Pyle — Stories of Humble Friends. Rigg — Stories from Lands of Sunshine Stoke — Ten Common Trees Turner — Our Common Friends and Foes Walker — Our Birds and Their Nestlings Patriotic and Ethical Readers Johnson — Story of Two Boys Waste Not, Want Not Stories Marden— Stories from Life Marwick & Smith — The True Citizen Person — Our Country in Poem and Prose Richman & Wallach — Good Citizenship Bible Reading Schaeffer — Bible Readings for Schools Wight — Selections from the Bible SCIENCE-GENERAL Clark — General Science Laboratory Manual in General Science SOCIOLOGY Ellwood — Sociology and Modern Social Problems Small & Vincent — -Introduction to the Study of Society Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .54 .40 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .60 .45 .35 .26 .50 .37 .45 .33 .60 .45 .50 .37 .45 .33 .35 .26 .40 .30 .80 .60 .40 .30 1.00 .75 1.80 1.35 .36 .24 .60 SPANISH Spanish Language Dowling — -Reading, Writing and Speaking Spanish Garner — Essentials of Spanish Grammar Spanish Grammar Monsanto & L^nguellier — -Practical Spanish Course, Revised. . . . Umphrey — Spanish Prose Composition Worman — First Spanish Book, Revised Second Spanish Book, Revised Spanish Literature Alarcon — El Captian Veneno (Brownell) El Nino de La Bola (Schevill) Avellaneda — Baltasar (Bransby) Breton — Quien es Ella (Garner) Calderon — La Vida es Sueno (Comfort) Fontaine- — Flores de Espana Galdos — Dona Perfecta (Lewis) Electra — -(Bunnell) Marianela (Gray) Johnson — Cuentos Modernos Larra — -Partir a Tiempo (Nichols) Moratin — El si De Las Ninas (Geddes & Josselyn) Turrell — Spanish Reader Valera— El Commendador Mendoza (Schevill) Valera — Pepita Jimenz (Cusachs) SPELLING Cronson — Graded Dictation and Spelling Lessons: First Year and First Half of Second Year. Per Dozen Second Year, Second Half and Third Year. Each Half Per Dozen Fourth and Fifth Years. Each Half, Per Dozen Sixth to Eighth Years. Each Half, Per Dozen Harrington — Spelling Book, Complete Hicks — Champion Spelling Book The same, Parts I and II, Each Hunt — Elementary School Speller Elementary School Speller, Part I Elementary School Speller, Part II .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .90 .67 .65 .48 .70 .52 .70 .52 .45 .33 1.00 .75 .70 .52 .90 .67 .60 .45 .40 .30 .50 .37 .80 .60 .85 .63 .90 .67 .00 .1.-, .60 .45 .75 .56 .90 .67 .20 .15 .12 .25 .18 .11 .18 .13 .11 .24 .18 .15 .16 .12 .10 .20 .15 .12 31 LIST OF D. APPLETON & COMPANY. Title of Book. Hunt — Modern Word Book for Primary Grades Progressive Course in Spelling The same, Parts I and II. Each Primary Word Lessons Modern Spelling Book, Vertical Script Edition ,'. Osborn & King — Seventy Lessons in Spelling Patterson — American Word Book Leonard & Fuess — High School Spelling Book '. Rice — National Spelling Book, Part I. Boards The same, Cloth Part II, Boards ' The same, Cloth Sheldon — Word Studies: Vertical Script Edition The same. Slant Script Edition ■ Swinton — Word Book of English Spelling SPELLING BLANKS Barnes — Natural Slant Writing Speller. Per Dozen Spencerian Practical Writing Speller. Per Dozen SURVEYING Raymond — Plane Surveying, Revised TRIGONOMETRY Conant — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with Tables The same, without Tables Plane Geometry with Tables The same, without Tables Logarithmic & Trigonometric Tables Crockett — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with Tables Plane Trigonometry, with Tables The same, without Tables Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables • Loomis — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with Tables Tables of Logarithms Phillips & Strong — Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonome- try with Tables Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry without Tables Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables Robbins — Plane Trigonometry ZOOLOGY Burnet — School Zoology Laboratory Manual of Zoology Davison — Practical Zoology Herrick — Laboratory Exercises in General Zoology Textbook in General Zoology Needham — Elementary Lessons in Zoology Orton — Comparative Zoology (Dodge) Steele — Popular Zoology (Steele & Jenks) Usual List Price .16 .20 .15 .15 .20 .20 .25 .20 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .25 .18 .48 .48 3.00 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .12 .10 .15 .09 .11 .06 .11 .09 .15 .12 .15 .12 .18 .15 .15 .12 .11 .09 .12 .11 .15 .12 .16 .14 .18 .15 .18 .15 .13 .11 .36 .36 2.25 1.80 1.20 .90 .72 .85 .63 .51 .90 .67 .54 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.50 1.12 .90 1.00 .75 .60 1.40 1.05 .84 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 .75 .56 .45 .50 .37 .30 1.00 .75 .45 .60 .45 .36 1.20 .90 .54 .90 .67 .54 1.80 1.35 1.08 1.20 .90 .72 LIST OF D. APPLETON & COMPANY 2457 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book Usual List Price GRADE BOOKS Agriculture James — Practical Agriculture $0.90 Upham — Introduction to Agriculture .80 Arithmetic Appleton — Arithmetic, Primary Book .40 Appleton — Arithmetic, Second Book .40 Appleton — Arithmetic, Third Book .40 Appleton — Arithmetic, Grammar School Book .60 Net Price Under 5-year Written Contract $0.67* .60 .30 .30 .30 .45 Exchange Price $0.54 .48 .24 .28 .28 .36 32 LIST OF D. APPLETON & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book English Firman — Progressive Lessons in English, Book I Firman — Prigressive Lessons in English, Book II Geography . Adam — Elementary Commercial Geography History McLaughlin & Van Tyne — History of the United States McLaughlin & Van Tyne — History of the United States, for Schools, Two-Volume Edition: Book I Book II Southworth — First Book in American History Southworth— Builders of Our Country, Book I Southworth — Builders of Our Country, Book II Language and Grammar Firman — Progressive Lessons in English, Book I Firman — Progressive Lessons in English, Book II Physiology Krohn — -First Book in Physiology and Hygiene Krohn — Graded Lessons in Physiology and Hygiene Krohn-Crumbine — Graded Lessons in Physiology and Hygiene. . Readers Carroll & Brooks — Primer Carroll & Brooks — First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Reader for the Fourth Grade Reader for the Fifth Grade Reader for the Sixth Grade Reader for the Seventh Grade Reader *t>r the Eight Grade Supplementary Readers Atherton — Marco Polo Austin — Uncle Sam's Secrets Austin — Uncle Sam's Soldiers Baskett — Story of the Birds Baskett — Story of the Fishes . . 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Wiley & Edick — Lodrix, the Little Lake Dweller Wiley & Edick— Children of the Cliff Usual List Price .40 .60 1.20 Net Price Under 5-year Written Contract .30 .45 .90 Exchange Price .28 .42 .75 .72 .70 .60 .45 36 .70 .52* .42 .65 .4SJ .39 .65 .48| .39 .65 .481 .39 .45 .331 .27 .65 .48f .39 .35 .26 .25 .60 .45 .42 .65 .481 .39 .30 .22 .21 .30 .22 .21 .35 .26 .25 .40 .30 .28 .65 .48 .46 .75 .56 .53 .45 .33 .32 .45 .33 .32 .50 .37 .35 .50 .37 .35 .50 .37 .35 .60 .43 .80 .60 .85 .63? .70 .521 .80 .60 .65 .49 .40 .30 .45 .33* .50 .37 .70 .52* .30 .22* .80 .60 56 .45 .33! .60 .45 .65 .481 .75 .56 .15 .11 .20 .15 .40 .30 .80 .60 .35 .26J .45 .33| .60 .45 .50 .37 .35 .26 .30 .22* .40 .30 .50 .37 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .30 .22 .30 .22 33 LIST OF D. APPLETON & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Spellers Appleton — Standard Speller, Boards Appleton — Standard Speller, Cloth Felter — Twentieth Century Spellers: 1st and 2nd Years 3rd Year , 4th Year 5th Year 6th Year ' 7th Year Junior High School Book I, Board Book I, Cloth Book II, Board Book II, Cloth Pamphlet Edition, Years 1 and 2 Years 3 to 6, Paper Years 7 and 8, Paper Writing Hammock — Muscular Movement Writing System, Pad Series, Nos. 1-8, inclusive. Per dozen Text-Book Series, Nos. 1-8, inclusive. Per Dozen Copy-Book Series, Nos. 1-8, inclusive. Per Dozen Text-Book Series, Nos. 3-8. 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On all books displaced we hereby agree to pay return transportation charges. On all books ordered on other conditions than those specified above, the net price and ex- change price shall be as low as are given in any city or state under like conditions. List Title of Book Price ARITHMETICS The Chadsey-Skinner — Elementary Arithmetic $0.35 The Chadsey-Skinner — Intermediate Arithmetic . . .45 The Chadseu-Skinner — Advanced Arithmetic .50 The Chadsey-Skinner — Complete Arithmetic .65 DRAWING Applied Arts Drawing Books (Seegmiller): Autum Books for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years .10 Autum Books for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th years .15 Spring Books for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years .10 Spring Books for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th years .15 One-Book-Per- Year-Edition: (order by number only). No. 41 for First year .15 No. 42 for Second year .15 No. 43 for Third year , .15 No. 44 for Fourth year .15 No. 45 for Fifth year .20 No. 46 for Sixth year .20 No. 47 for Seventh year .20 No. 48 for Eighth year .20 Net Price Exchange Price 36 LIST OF THE A. S. BARNES COMPANY. List Title of Book Price Mechanical Drawing for High Schools, Book I .65 Mechanical Drawing for High Schools, Book II .80 Constructive Drawing, Book I .80 Constructive Drawing, Book II .95 ENGLISH Davenport — First Year English .90 Beverley — Oral English, Book I .35 Beverley — Oral English, Book II .35 Griswold — Language Lessons .40 Wisely — An English Grammar .60 Wisely — -Studies in Science of English Grammar .60 GEOGRAPHY Dodge— Geographical Note-Books — Parts I, II, III, Iv. Each .15 Niver — Geographical Reader, Book I .30 Niver — Geographical Reader, Book II .30 HISTORY Niver — Great Names and Nations (Ancient) .40 Niver — Great Names and Nations (Modern) .40 Niver — Great Names and Nations (Complete) .65 Niver— Old World Steps 60 Ivanhoe — Historical Note-Book (United States) .30 Ivanhoe — Historical Note-Book (General) -30 Ivanhoe — Historical Note-Book (Ancient) .30 Ivanhoe — Historical Note-Book (Mediaeval and Modern) .30 Ivanhoe — -Historical Note-Book (English) .30 LATIN Hale — First Latin Book (revised) 100 Hale-Buck — Latin Grammar LOO Hale — Latin Prose Composition (Ceasar) .50 MATHEMATICS Shutts — Plane and Solid Geometry (revised) 1-25 Shutts — Plane Geometry (revised) .75 Shutts — Solid Geometry (revised) .75 READING Art-Literature Primer (Grover) .30 Art-Literature Book I (Grover) .30 Art-Literature Book II (Chutter) .40 Art-Literature Book III (Chutter) .50 Art-Literature Book IV (Chutter) .50 Art-Literature Book V (Chutter) .50 Folk-Lore Primer (Grover) .30 Folk-Lore Book I (Grover) .30 Folk-Lore Book II (Grover) .40 First Days in Reading (Van Amburgh) .25 First Book in Phonics (Alin) .25 Sam, or Our Cat Tales (Schaffner) .35 Childhood of Ji-Shib, the Ojibwa (Jenks) .35 With Azir Girges in Egypt (Perry) .40 New German Readers, Book I .40 New Cerman Readers, Book II .50 New German Readers, Book III ' .75 Net Price Exchange Price REVISED LIST OF THE A. S. BARNES COMPANY 381 Fourth Avenue, New York. 623 South Wabash Ave., Chicago To be furnished f. o. b. at New York or Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price BOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Music Bentley— The Song Primer, boards $0.36 $0.27 The Song Primer, Teachers' Book, cloth 1.00 .75 Song Series, Book 1, cloth .40 .30 Song Series, Book 2, cloth .48 .36 $0.21 .24 .2S 37 LIST OF THE A. S. BARNES COMPANY— 'Continued. Title of Book Damon — Primary Elements of Music, cloth Gehrkens— Music Notations and Terminology, cloth. . . . Rix — Assembly Song Book, cloth Junior Assembly Song Book, cloth Junior Assembly Song Book, cloth, Teachers' Edition. List Net Exchange Price Price Price .32 .24 1.20 .90 .72 .54 .43 .48 .36 .28 1.20 .90 Penmanship Hammock — The New Barnes Writing Books: Primer, Grades 1 and 2. Per Dozen 1.12 .84 .... Book 1, grades 3 and 4. Per Dozen 1.12 .84 .... Book 2, grades 5 and 6. Per Dozen 1.12 .84 Book 3, grades 7 and 8. Per Dozen 1.12 .84 The Muscular Movement Drill Book. Per Dozen .80 .60 .... Physiology Hallock — First Lessons in Physiology — Some Living Things, cloth .40 .30 .24 Rettger — -Elements of Physiology and Sanitation, cloth 1.00 .75 .60 Readers (Basal) Dressel, Robbins & Graff — -New Barnes Readers (Silent Method): Primer, cloth Book I , cloth Teachers' Manual, free to teachers. Book 2, cloth Readers (Supplementary) Bentley & Johnson — Child World Primer Bonser — Exmoor Star Lang — DeFoe's Robinson Crusoe Wyss Swiss Family Robinson Miller & Dunne — After Long Years In the Heart of the Forest In the Service of the King Starr — Fillippo, The Italian Boy .36 .36 .48 .40 .40 .40 .40 .60 .60 .60 .40 .27 .27 .36 .30 .30 .30 .30 .45 .45 .45 .30 .21 .21 .28 Spelling Books Mandell — The New Barnes Spelling Books: Two Book Course (in colors), Book One, grades 3, 4 and 5, cloth .32 .24 .19 Book Two, grades 6, 7 and 8, cloth .•••■• • -32 .24 .19 One Book Course (no colors), Grades 3 to 8 inclusive, cloth. . .32 .24 .19 There being no unfulfilled contracts for the sale and delivery of our publications in the State of Minnesota, all titles heretofore filed and not enumerated above are hereby withdrawn. BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS ENGLISH CLASSICS Barnes English Texts Boswell — Life of Johnson (Center) .28 .21 .... Eliot— Silas Marner (Fairley) .28 .21 Poe, Longfellow and Whittles — The Raven, Courtship of Miles Standish, Snowbound (Rhodes) .28 .21 .... Shakespeare — -Julius Caesar (Dawson) .28 .21 .... Macbeth (Vail) .28 .21 Merchant of Venice (Gaston) .28 .21 .... Stevenson — -Treasure Island .28 .21 .... English Grammar Alshouse & Root — Brief English Grammar .28 .21 .... Music ' Rix — Assembly Song Book, cloth .72 .54 -.43 High School Assembly Song Book, cloth .80 .60 .48 Physiology Rettger — Elements of Physiology and Sanitation 1.00 .75 .60 There being no unfulfilled contracts for the sale and delivery of our publications in the State of Minnesota, all titles heretofore filed and not enumerated above are hereby withdrawn. 38 LIST OF FRANK D. BEATTYS & COMPANY. LIST OF FRANK D. BEATTYS & COMPANY 395 Lafayette Street, New York City To be furnished f. o. b. at New York City upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Thorndikes — Exercises in Arithmetic: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Each $0.10 $0.08 $0.08 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (Teacher's Edition). Each .15 .12 .12 ENGLISH TO FOREIGNERS Prices — Direct Method of Teaching English to Foreigners .45 .34 .30 MUSIC Loomis — Lyric Song Book .70 .53 .47 READING Summers — Primer. . . . .32 .24 .22 First Reader .38 .29 .26 Second Reader .44 .33 .30 Third Reader .50 .38 .34 Thought Reader (Primary) .32 .24 .22 Manual for Teachers .50 .38 .... SEWING Goodwin — Course in Sewing:,' Book 1 50 .38 .38 Book II .60 .45 .45 Book III .60 .45 .45 Note — As there are no competing books to our Thorndike's Exercises in Arithmetic or to Goodwin's Course in Sewing, we have no corresponding exchange rates. On these two series, therefore, in the exchange column we have duplicated the net prices, the same as we have done in other states on their request. LIST OF B. D. BERRY COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111. upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange ^Title of Book Price Price- Price Denney & Tobey— English Grammar $0.60 $0.45 $0.40 Thurstone — Freehand Lettering .40 .35 .... A Dramatic. Reader (Ellen Schmidt) .48 .36 .... Elson — Spelling Book (Elson-Haste) .36 .27 .24 Berry — Writing Books — New Edition (1916), in parts — Two books a year: Nos. 1, 1J, 2, 2i, 3, 3|, 4.4J, 5, 5$, 6, 6J. Each .07 .05i Berry — Writing Books — New Edition (1916), one book a year:. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Each .12 .09 Berry — Writing Books — Edition 1906:. Books One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine Each .05 .04 LIST OF C. C. BIRCHARD & COMPANY Boston, Mass. To be furnished f. o. b. at Boston, Mass. upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Laurel Song Book— W. L. Tomlins $1.00 $0.75 $0.65 Laurel Music Reader — W. L. Tomlins (Special Edition) .60 .45 .39 Laurel Music Reader — W. L. Tomlins (Regular Edition) .70 .52£ .45^ School Song Book — Osbourne MeConathy .65 .49 .42| Laurel Songs for Girls — M. Teresa Armitage .80 .64 .56 Junior Laurel Songs — M. Teresa Armitage .55 .41 .35j Laurel Unison Book for Boys — M. Teresa Armitage .60 .45 .39 The above prices are as low as the lowest at which books are sold anywhere in the United States, with the exception of Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Michigan, where contracts have not as yet expired, but at the expiration of such contracts new schedule of prices, as given in above contract, will go into effect. 39 LIST OF P. BLAKISTON'S SON AND COMPANY. LIST OF P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO. To be furnished f. o. b. at Philadelphia, Pa. upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents o f such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Roray — Industrial Arithmetic $0.75 $0.56 1 $0.42 BIOLOGY Hamaker — Principles of Biology 1.50 1.12& .90 BOTANY Gager — Fundamentals of Botany 1.50 1. 12J .90 CHEMISTRY ' Gager — Laboratory Guide .90 .67| .50J Bailey — Source Chemistry, etc 1.60 1.20 .90 Lee — Experimental Chemistry 1.50 1.12J .90 Smith & Keller — Experiments. (Shorter Course) .60 .45 .36 Tower — Qualitative Analysis . . . 1-00 .75 .60 Stoddard — Introduction to Organic Chemistry 1.50 1.12 § .90 Cook — Laboratory Manual .35 .261 .21 HYGIENE— FIRST AID Delano & Mclsaac, cloth 1.00 .80 .56 Delano & Mclsaac, paper .50 .45 .28 Lynch — American Red Cross, First Aid — General, cloth .75 .561 .... Lynch — American Red Cross, First Aid — General, paper .30 .24 .... Lynch — American Red Cross, First Aid — -Woman's, cloth .75 .561 Lynch — American Red Cross, First Aid — "Woman's, paper .30 .24 .... MANUAL TRAINING Pratt — Materials and Construction .90 .67j .50| PHYSICS Tower, Smith & Turton — Principles of Physics 1.25 .93! .70 Ahrens, Harley & Burns — Practical Physics Manual 1.25 .931 .70 ZOOLOGY Galloway — Elementary Zoology 1.25 .93f .70 LIST OF THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Indianapolis upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price AGRICULTURE Benson & Betts — Agriculture $1.25 $0.80 $0.50 BOTANY AND NATURE STUDY Supplementary Baker — Yard and Garden 1.50 .90 COMMERCIAL Campbell — Actual Accounting, Text 2.00 1.50 1.00 Campbell — Actual Accounting, Text and Outfit for Business Prac- tice 6.00 4.50 Campbell — Modern Business Punctuation with Exercises for Punctuation .40 .25 .15 Campbell — Modern Business Punctuation, Text .25 .15 .10 Campbell — Modern Business Punctuation, Exercises .25 .15 .10 Curtis — Modern Business Arithmetic 1.00 .50 .40 Fritch — Quick Figuring .50 .25 .20 Gilbert — Modern Business Bookkeeping 1.50 1.00 .75 Gilbert — Twenty Lessons in Bookkeeping .75 .50 .40 Gilbert — Business Practice Outfit for Twenty Lessons 2.50 1.88 .... Kimball — Modern Business Speller, 2nd Edition .30 .15 .10 Kimball — Modern Business English .50 .30 .25 Nelson — Commercial Arthmetic 1.00 .60 .50 Spelling and Correspondence, combined .75 .45 .35 Superior Spelling Blank .10 ,055 .... Spencer — Elements Commercial Law 1.25 .80 .65 40 LIST OF CAPITAL SUPPLY COMPANY. Title of Book Spencer — Manual Commercial Law 2nd Edition Spencer — Modern Business Law Taylor — Natural Method of Shorthand, 4th Edition Van Benthuysen — Touch Typewriting, 2nd Edition ETHICS Supplementary Lewis — The Golden Hour Marden — Choosing a Career ENGLISH Burton — Forces in Fiction Dye — Letters and Letter Writing Dowden — Shakespeare, the volume Merrill — The Man Shakespeare Perry — Carlyle: How To Know Him Phelphs — Browning: How To Know Him Rives — Tales from Dickens FINE ARTS Supplementary Brook — Architecture and Allied Arts Wheelock — Stories of Wagner Operas GRAMMAR McMurry — Language and Grammar, Book I McMurry — Language and Grammar, Book II PEDAGOGY Betts & Hall — Better Rural Schools Cook & O'Shea— The Child and His Spelling King — The High School Age Kirkpatrick — The Use of Money Lapp & Mote — Learning to Earn O'Shea — Everyday Problems in Teaching Schoff — The Wayward Child Stoner — Natural Education Holmes — Backward Children READING Alexander — Child Classics Readers: Manual Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Primer, Indiana Edition First Reader, Indiana Edition Second Reader, Indiana Edition Third Reader, Indiana Edition Fourth Reader, Indiana Edition Fifth Reader, Indiana Edition Word and Picture Cards, Set No. 1, Primer Phonetic Drill Cards, Set No. 2, Primer Phonetic Drill Cards, Set No. 3, First Reader Seat Work Cards, Primer Seat Work Cards, First Reader READING The Riley Reader List Net Exchange Price Price Price 2.00 1.60 1.00 .75 .60 45 1.00 .80 50 .75 .50 40 1.00 .80 .75 .50 •• 1.00 .67 1.00 .67 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.00 1:25 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 1.60 1.25 .80 .30 .24 15 .40 .32 20 1.35 1.00 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 1.50 1.00 1.25 .75 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 1.00 .80 .25 .20 .30 .24 15 .35 .28 17 .40 .32 20 .50 .40 25 .55 .44 27 .60 .45 HO .15 .1275 07 .15 .1275 OS .20 .17 .10 .25 .2125 13 .30 .255 15 .40 .34 20 .50 .40 .35 .28 .30 .24 .05 .04 .05 .04 .60 .40 LIST OF CAPITAL SUPPLY CO. Pierre, So. Dakota. To be furnished f. o. b. at Pierre upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Lederer — Progressive Drawing Tablets, Nos. 1 to 8. Each $0.20 $0.16 Lederer — Drawing Made Easy Teachers Manual 1.25 1.00 .... The Jones Spelling Book (A Revision of the Child's Own Spelling Book), Parti 20 .16 .12 Part II 20 .16 .12 The Child's Own Spelling Book W. Franklin Jones .25 .18 .15 a LIST OF THE CENTURY COMPANY. LIST OF THE CENTURY CO. 2126 Prairie Ave., Chicago, III. To be furnished f. o. b. publisher upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such boards, upon terms and prices listed below. When a school board or board of education enters into a contract to use exclusively for five years any of the books listed below as basal texts in the subjects and grades for which they are designed, such books will be furnished at the prices quoted in Column II, headed "Net Price". When any of these books are adopted and a contract to use them exclusively for five years as basal texts is not made, they will be furnished at a 20 per cent discount from the list prices given in Column I, transportation at the purchaser's expense. An exchange will not be granted on supplementary reading books. On other books exchanges will be made and exchange prices granted only when the books given in exchange by the purchaser are in the same subject, of like grade and kind, but a different series than those books adopted, and such exchanges will be granted during the introductory period only. Title of Book Long & Brenke Algebra — First Course . ALGEBRA List Price SI. 10 Net Price $.082 Exchange Price $0.66 ARITHMETIC Werremeyer — Arithmetic by Practice . .41 .33 CHEMISTRY Smith — Elementary Chemistry A Laboratory Outline of Elementary Chemistry CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT Forman — Advanced Civics American Republic Kaye — Readings in Civil Government DOMESTIC SCIENCE Kittredge — Practical Homemaking. . A Second Course in Homemaking . The Home and its Management . . ENGLISH AND GRAMMAR Erskine — Written English Hinchman — History of English Literature Holtz — Constructive English Grammar Paul — Parliamentary Law -...".. Winans — Public Speaking GEOMETRY Failor — Plane and Solid Geometry. Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Long & Brenke — Plane Gemoetry . HISTORY Forman — First Lessons in American History. A History of the United States Advanced American History SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Babbitt — Jataka Tales (School Edition) Barstow— Famous Pictures Crommelin — Famous Legends Forman — Stories of Useful Inventions (School Edition). Palmer-Cox — Brownie Primer Retold from Century Magazine. Barstow — The Explorers and Settlers The Colonists and the Revolution A New Nation The Westward Movement The Civil War The Progress of A United People Smith — -Geographical: North America Sharp — Beyond the Pasture Bars Roof and Meadow (School Edition) A Watcher in the Woods (School Edition) A Watcher in the Woods Washburne & Washburne — The Story of the Earth .... 1.35 1.01 .81 .55 .41 .33 1.25 .93 .75 1.10 .82 .66 1.30 .97 .70 .52 .42 .80 .60 .48 1.50 1.12 .90 .40 .30 .24 1.35 1.01 .81 .65 .48 .39 .75 .56 .45 1.60 1.20 .96 1.35 1.01 .81 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .65 .48 .39 1.10 .82 .66 1.60 1.20 .96 .40 .30 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .40 .30 .55 .41 .55 .41 .55 .41 .55 .41 .55 .41 .55 .41 .55 .41 .55 .41 .50 .37 .30 .22 .60 .45 .45 .33 42 LIST OF C. H. CONGDON. LIST OF C. H. CONGDON To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price The Congdon Music Primer No. 1 $0. 10 $0.08 .... The Congdon Music Primer No. 2 .10 .08 The Congdon Pamphlet Readers, Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15 Part 2, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22 Part 2, 23, 24, 27, 29, 39, 45, 55, 64 and other numbers coming out from time to time, all uniform size, 32 pages, each .02J .02 .... Giddings — School Music Teaching 1.00 .80 .... LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 2457-2459 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota , or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below: List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Williams — Mental Drill Book in Arithmetic, 4th to 8th grades, inclusive .' $0.40 $0.30 $0.24 CLASSICS .40 .40 .50 .10 ,30 .30 .37 .071 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .25 .17 .15 .25 Standard Classics — Twenty-five selections from twenty authors. .50 .37 Cooper — The Spy. With introduction and notes by E. I. Revell, 496 pages ; Gaskell — Cranford with introduction and notes. 241 pages. . . . Holmes — Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Complete with intro- duction and notes, 315 pages Chambered Nautilus and Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech, with brief biographical sketches and suggestions for the study of the selections. Special edition, strong manila, muslin back Parkman — Oregon Trail, complete with introduction and notes, 440 pages . Scott — Ivanhoe, complete with introduction and notes, 608 pages Stevenson — Kidnapped, complete with introduction, 283 pages. . Treasure Island, complete with introduction, 221 pages English and American Classics, bound in cloth. Each English and American Classics, bound in paper. Each English and American Classics, bound in paper. Per Dozen.. . . Addison — Sir Roger de Coverley. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Essays and Tales. Edited by Prof. H. Morley. Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton Bacon — Selected Essays. Edited by Henry Evans. Brown — Rab and his Friends. Browning — Pippa Passes. With introduction and notes by Louis E. Boutwell. Cavalier Tunes, Pied Piper of Hamelin, etc. Bryant — Thanatopsis, Sella and other Poems. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Burke — Speech on Conciliation. Edited with introduction and notes. An Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful. With introduction by Prof. H. Morley. Byron — Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Edited by Prof. H. Morley. Prisoner of Chillon. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Bunyan — Pilgrim's Progress. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Carlyle — Essays on Burns. Edited with introduction and notes. Chauser — Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Edited by E. F. Willoughby, M. D. Coleridge — Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Notes and introduction by M. A. Eaton. Table Talk. With introduction by Prof. H. Morley. DeFoe — Robinson Crusoe. Introduction and notes. DeQuincey — -Revolt of the Tartars. Edited with introduction and notes. Dickens — Cricket on the Hearth. Text complete without notes. Christmas Carol. With a sketch of Dickens' Life. Alexander's Feast and other Poems. With introductions. Eliot — Silas Marner. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Emerson — Nature Essays. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Ewing — Jackanapes. Edited by E. Norris. Story of a Short Life. Edited. Franklin — Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Gaskell — Crawford. With introduction and notes. Grimm — Household Tales. Edited for Schools. 43 LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY— Continued. Goldsmith — Vicar of Wakefield. Witt introduction and notes by J. E. Keysor. Deserted Village, Traveler and Good-Natures Man. Notes. She Stoops to Conquer. With introduction and notes. Hakluyt — Voyagers' Tales. With introduction. Hale — Man Without a Country. With introduction and notes by E. I. Revell. Hawthorne — Twice-Told, Tales I. Twice-Told Tales, II. House of the Seven Gables I. House of the Seven Gables, II. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales of a Traveler. 2 Vols. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Johnson — Rallelas, the Prince of Abyssinia. Edited by Prof. H. Morley. Lamb — Essays of Elia. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales from Shakeseare. Vol. I. by Charles and Mary Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. Vol. II. by Charles and Mary Lamb. Longfellow — Hiawatha. With notes. Evangeline. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Courtship of Miles Standish. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales of a Wayside Inn. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Lowell — Vision of Sir Launfal. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Macaulay — Life of Johnson. With introduction and notes by John Downie, M. A. Life of Goldsmith. With introduction and notes by John Downie, M. A. Essay on Milton. With introuction and notes by M. A. Eaton. EB3ay on Addison. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Francis Bacon. With introduction by Prof. H. Morley. Warren Hastings. With introduction by Prof. H. Morley. Lays of Ancient Rome. With notes by Donald G. Mitchell. Milton — Paradise Lost. Books I and II. Edited with introduction and notes. Paradise Lost. Books I-VI. A compendium of Milton's great work, carefully edited, with notes. Minor Poems. Edited with introduction and notes, by M. A. Eaton. Mulock — Little Lame Prince. Edited for children by E. Norris. Poe — Raven and other Poems. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Pope — Rape of the Lock. Edited by Frederick Ryland. Translation of the Iliad. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Ruskin — King of the Golden River. Edited for children by Eloise McVay. Sesame and Lilies. With introduction and notes by Jennie E. Keysor. Scott — Marmion. With introduction and notes. Lay of the Last Minstrel. With introduction and notes. Lady of the Lake. With introduction and notes. Sewell — Black Beauty. Illustrated. Shakespeare — Macbeth. Edited with introduction and notes by H. C. Notcutt, B. A. Merchant of Venice. Edited with introduction and notes by Geo. H. Ely, B. A. Twelfth Night. Edited with introduction and notes by Elizabeth Lee. Henry VIII. Edited with introduction and notes by G. H. Ely, B. A. The Tempest. Edited with introduction and notes by Elizabeth Lee. Midsummer Night's Dream. Edited with introduction and notes by W. F. Baugust. As You Like It. Edited with introduction and notes by Lionel W. Lyde, M. A. Julius Caesar. Edited with introduction and notes by Walter Dent. Hamlet. Edited with introduction and notes by Lionel W. Lyde, M. A. King John. Edited with introduction and notes by F. E. Webb, B. A. King Richard II. Edited with introduction and notes by W. Barry, B. A. Coriolanus. Edited with introduction and notes by Walter Dent. King Henry V. Ed., with introduction and notes by W. Barry, B. A. King Lear. Edited with introduction and notes by Herbert A. Evans, B. A. Cymbeline. Edited with introduction and notes by W. F. Baugust. King Richard HI. Edited with introduction and notes by F. E. Webb, B. A. Shakespeare — Othello. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Romeo and Juliet. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. The Winter's Tale. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Much Ado About Nothing. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Timon of Athens. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Spencer — The Faery Queene. Book I, Vol. I. The Faery Queene, Book I, Vol. II. Edited by William Keith Leask, M. A. Swift — Gulliver's Travels. Voyage to Lilliput. Guliver Among the Giants. Tennyson — The Princess. Introduction and notes. Idylls of the King, I. The Coming of Arthur Gareth and Lynette, Geraint and Enid. With introduction and notes. Idylls of the King, II. Lancelot and Elaine, The Holy Grail, The Passing of Arthur. With introduction and notes. Enoch Arden. Introduction and notes. Whittier — Snow-Bound and other Poems. With introduction and notes. Webster — Bunker Hill Orations. With introductions and notes by M. A. Eaton. List Net Exchange Price Price Price Five Cent Classics — Each in lots of five or more .05 .... .... Five Cent Classics — Per dozen .60 .45 .... 44 LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY— Continued. FIRST GRADE 2. Aesop's Fables, Part I. 3. Aesop's Fables, Part II. 11. Selections from Aesop, Part I. 12. Selections from Aesop, Part II. 73. The Story of the Buds. 74. What Annie Saw. 77. Flower Friends, Part I. 109. The Butterfly's Baby and other Stories. 110. Plant Babies. 143. Babes of the Wood. 144. Babes of the Meadow. SECOND GRADE 7. Little Red Riding Hood, Jack-O'-Lanterns and Old Oak Tree's Christmas Dream. 8. Jack and the Beanstalk. 75. Buds, Roots and Stems. 76. Some Bird Friends. 78. Flower Friends Part II. 79. Flower Friends, Part III. 87. Legends of the Spring-Time. 185. Robinson Crusoe, Part I. 186. Robinson Crusoe, Part II. 187. Robinson Crusoe, Part III. 188. Robinson Crusoe, Part IV. 189. Children of History, I. 190. Children of History, II. 198. The Flower World, with Brush Studies for Seat Work. THIRD GRADE 1. Grimm's Fairy Tales, I. 4. Grimm's Fairv Tales, II. 9. The Story of Bryant. 13. Selections from Grimm, I. 14. Selections from Grimm, II. 20. Stories from Garden and Field, I. 21. Stories from Garden and Field, II. 25. Story of Columbus. 26. Story of General Isreal Putnam. 27. Story of William Penn. 28. Story of Washington. 29. Story of Banjamin Franklin. 30. Story of Daniel Webster and Some Boys and Girls of the Revolution. 31. Sfory of Lincoln. 35. Story of Lowell. 36. Story of Tennyson. 42. Story of Whittier with Rhymes and Little Folks. 43. Story of Peter Cooper. 44. Story of Fulton. 45. Story of Pilgrims. 46. Story of the Boston Tea Party. 48. Story of Eli Whitney. 60. Story of Edison and Sketch of Lawrence Coster, Inventor of Printing. 61. Story of Hawthorne. 62. Story of S. F. B. Morse, or the Story of the Telegraph. 63. Story of Louisa May Alrott. 64. Story of James Watt. The Boy Who Found a Giant in a Tca-Kettle. 68. Story of the Norsemen. 69. Story of Puss in Boots. 70. Story of Stevenson. 71. Story of Irving. With Story, The Rose of Alhambra. 72. Story of Pocahontas. 81. Stories of American Revolution, I. 96. Stories of American Revolution, II. 101. Stories of American Revolution, III. 120. Liberty Bell. The Bell that Rang out our Independence. FOURTH GRADE 22. Hawthorne's Golden Touch. 83. Story of La Salle. 82. Story of Holmes. 89. Story of Longfellow. 90. Story of De Soto 91. Story of Marquette. 98. Story of Boone. 99. Pioneers of the West. 100. Fremont and Kit Carson. 45 LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY— Continued. 103. Stories and Rhymes of the Woodland. Part I. 104. Stories and Rhymes of the Woodland, Part II. 105. Stories and Rhymes of Birdland, Part I. 106. Stories and Rhymes of Birdland, Part II. 107. Stories and Rhymes of Flowerland, Part I. 108. Stories and Rhymes of Flowerland, Part II. 125. Selections from Longfellow. 193. Joan of Arc. FIFTH GRADE 23. The Three Golden Apples. 24. The Miraculous Pitcher. 33. The Chimaera. 34. The Paradise of Children. 92. Story of Audubon. 97. Story of Thomas Jefferson. 102. Story of Nathan Hale. 130. Story of La Fayette. 131. Admiral Farragut. 147. Story of Charles Dickens. SIXTH GRADE 15. Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 16. Rip Van Winkle. 32. King of the Golden River. 47. Rab and His Friends. 50. Christmas Eve. Christmas Day. 54. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. 55. John Gilpin and other Poems. 57. Lady of the Lake. Canto I. 67. Thanatopsis and other Poems. 84. The Minotaur. 85. The Pygmies. 86. The Dragon's Teeth. 93. The Great Stone Face. 94. The Snow Image. 126. Selections from Longfellow. SEVENTH GRADE 6. Lays of Ancient Rome. 10. Enoch Arden. 17. Philip of Pokanoket and Traits of Indian Character. 40. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. 41. Evangeline. 66. Declaration of Independence. Washington's Farewell Address. His Rules of Conduct. 145. Life of Grant. 146. Story of Washington. 175. Story of John Paul Jones. 176. Life of Lincoln. 177. Life of John Hancock. 197. Story of Oliver Hazard Perry. 203. Story of James Madison. 221. Story of Patrick Henry. 228. Whittier's Snowbound. EIGHTH GRADE 19. The Deserted Village. 56. Gray's Elegy, Eton College, Ode and the Bard. 80. Cotter's Saturday Night. 111. The Prisoner of Chillon. 142. Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech and Four State Papers. 84. Story of Thomas Jefferson. 194. Story of Alexander Hamilton. 207. Story of Frederick Douglass. HIGH SCHOOLS 49. L'Allegro and II Penseroso. 88. The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems. 183. The Prophecy of Capys. 46 . LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Title of Book DRAWING Augsburg Teachers — Manual I Augsburg Teachers — Manual II Augsburg Shorter Course Pupils — Tablets No. 1 to 8, incl. Each Augsburg Shorter Course Pupils — Tablets Nos. 1 to 8, incl. Per Dozen Drawing with Colored Crayons Augsburg New Shorter Course Drawing Tablets Nos. 1 to 8, in- clusive. Each Augsburg Complete Course: First Year Text-book Second Year Text-book Third Year Text-book Fourth Year Text-book Fifth Year Text-book Sixth Year Text-book Seventh Year Text-book Eighth Year Text-book Free Hand Drawing a Text for Normal and High Schools PANY- -■Continued List Net Exchange Price Price J rice .75 .56 .75 .56 .15 1.20 .30 .23 .20 .15 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .75 .56 ENGLISH Rankin — Everyday English, Book I . Everyday English, Book II Teachers' Helper Pupils' Word Book .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 .25 .18 .15 .11 GEOGRAPHY Fairbanks — Home Geography for Primary Grades. . Rocheleau — Geography of Commerce and Industry .60 1.00 .45 .75 .36 .60 HISTORY Barnard — -Story of the Constitution of the United States, Grades 6-8 Brooks — Stories of the Red Children, Grades 2-3 Campbell — Famous Presidents, Grades 5-7 Campbell — -Famous American Statesmen, Grades 6-8 Chase — BTsyhood of Famous Americans, Grades 3-4 . . : Davis — Stories of the United States for Youngest Readers Dawes — Stories of our Country, I., Grades 3-4 Stories of our Country, II, Grades 4-5 Forster — Stories of Minnesota Miller — History in Story, Song and Action, Vol. I (History in Story, Song and Action, Vol. II In Press) Pratt-Chadwick : American History Stories, Vol. I, Grades 5-6-7 American History Stories, Vol. II, Grades 5-6-7 American History Stories, Vol. Ill, Grades 5-6-7 American History Stories, Vol. IV, Grades 5-6-7 Sabin — -Early American History for Young Americans Roberts — Outline Manual of American History Wallington — A National Historical Calender 40 .30 40 .30 40 .30 40 .30 40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 40 .30 .50 .37 60 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .75 .56 .25 .19 .40 .30 MANUAL TRAINING Richardson — Elementary Knife Work . Richardson — Advanced Knife Work. . .25 .25 PENMANSHIP Conlon and Hill — Graded Lessons in Penmanship for Elementary Schools (Free Muscular Movement) Book I, 94 pages, 22 Drills. Per Dozen Book II, Part II, 94 pages, 22 drills. Per Dozen Book II, Introduction and footnotes, 28 drills Book III, Footnotes, 36 drills Book IV, Syllabus and footnotes, 36 drills (Books V, VI, VII and VIII in Press.) 1.40 1.05 1.40 1.05 1.50 1.12* 1.50 1.12* 1.50 1.12* 47 LIST OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Smith — -Loose Leaf Copy Cooks, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Each. Loose Leaf Copy Books, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Per Dozen. Loose Leaf Copy Slips. Each Utterback — System of Penmanship. Per Dozen List Price .10 .20 .75 Net Price .15 .60 Exchange Price PHYSICAL CULTURE Toepel — -Graded System of Physical Training Manual for Teachers Eight Pupils' Booklets Nos. 1-8, inclusive. Each. .50 .20 .37 .15 .12 READERS Black — Graded Readers, Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Burke — Foundation Readers, Book I-A Primer Book II Book III Book IV Chadwick — Little People's Sound Primer Klingensmith — Eureka Primer Eureka First Reader Page — Ethical Culture Readers, Book I Book II Sprague — Classic Readers, Book I Book II Book III Book IV, Part I Book IV, Part II Book V, Part I Book V, Part II Book I V, Complete Book V, Complete Standard — Classic Readers: Fourth Year Book Fifth Year Book Sixth Year Book Seventh Year Book Eighth Year Book .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .35 .26 .21 .50 .37 .30 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .70 .52 .42 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33| .27 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 SEWING Krolik — Hand Sewing Lessons . .50 .37 SIGHT AND SUPPLEMENTARY READING Allen — Stories of the Rhine Country Chase and Clow — Stories of Industry Book 8, Grades 5-6-7 .... Stories of Industry, Book II, Grades 5-6-7 Clark — -An At Home on Mt. Parnassus . _. Comstock — Dramatization of Courtship of Miles Standish, Grades 8-9 Dramatization of Lady of the Lake, Grades 8-9 Gardner — -The Land of Make-Believe, Dramatic Reader, Grades 2-4-5 Hawkes — -Nature's Children Holbrook — Five Little Foxes and other Folks La Salle — Dramatization of School Classics, Grades 6-7-8 McCarthy — Plays from the Wonder Book, Grades 5-6 Moore — What the Pictures Say Powers — Little Dialogues for Little Folks, Grades 2-3-4 Pratt-Chadwick — Little Plays for Little Players, (Dramatic Reader) Grades 1-2 Playing School (Dramatic Reader) for Grades 1-3 Action, Imitation and Fun Series: Little Red Hen Three Pigs Three Bears Advanced Primers: Three Little Kittens and Chicken Little Red Riding Hood and Seven Kids Bow-wow and Mew-mew 40 .30 .60 .45 60 .45 25 .19 .15 .11 15 .11 40 .30 50 .37 40 .30 40 .30 40 .30 40 .30 40 .30 30 .22 30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 30 .22 30 .22 30 .22 .30 .22 48 LIST OF FERGUSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. Title of Book First Reader Story Books: Puss in Boots — Reynard the Fox Jack and the Beanstalk, Diamonds and Toads, Sleeping Beauty Hop O'My Thumb— Tom Thumb Jack the Giant Killer Shoemaker — Colonial Plays (Dramatic Reader) Stevenson — Treasure Island Tower — Gold Nuggets of Literature, Book I, Grades 1-2-3 Gold Nuggets of Literature, Book II, Grades 4-5-6 Gold Nuggets of Literature, Book III, Grades 7-8-9 Very — Warp and Woof — Volume I, Linen Industry Williams — -Lessons in Nature, Volume I Lessons in Nature, Volume II SPELLERS Lewis — Utility Speller, Complete Part I Part II McLoughlin, Ed. — Dewey Speller, Complete Washburn — Complete Dictation Spellers, Paper: Book I, For second year Book II, for third year Book III, for fourth year Book IV, for fifth year Book V, for sixth year Book VI, for seventh year Book VII, for eighth year Complete Dictation Spellers, Cloth: Book I, for second year Book II, for third year Book III, for fourth year Book IV, for fifth year Book V, for sixth year Book VI, for seventh year Book VII, for eighth year List Price .30 Net Price Exchange Price 30 22 30 22 30 22 40 30 40 30 30 22 30 22 30 22 30 22 60 45 60 45 25 18 .15 15 11 .09 15 11 .09 25 18 .15 .15 111 -09 .15 iii .09 15 111 -09 15 111 .09 15 Hi .09 15 111 -09 15 Hi .09 25 18 .15 25 18 .15 .25 16 .15 25 18 .15 25 18 .15 26 18 .15 25 18 15 LIST OF FERGUSON PUBLISHING COMPANY 430 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f . o. b. at Chicago, 111. upon order of any school board or board of education n Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Elementary Principles of Agriculture, by Ferguson and Lewis. . . $0.75 $0.60 $0.45 LIST OF A. FLANAGAN COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111. upon order of any school board or board of education n Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price AGRICULTURE Nida — Elementary Agriculture $0.60 $0.45 $0.36 ARITHMETIC Griffin — Arithmetic for Grammar Grades .60 .45 .36 CIVICS Chandler — Practical Civics .60 .45 .36 49 LIST OF A. FLANIGAN COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book COMPOSITION Peterson — First Steps in English Composition DRAWING Tucker — Graded Drawing and Construction Books: Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 Numbers 5,6,7 and 8 List Price .40 ENGLISH Kammeyer — Principles and Practice of Public Speaking. McFee — Studies in English and American Literature . . . HISTORY Gibson — History of United States. Junior History of United States. ORTHOGRAPHY Winchell — Orthography, Etymology and Punctuation READING— SUPPLEMENTARY Banta-Benson — The Brownie Primer The Second Brownie Book The Brownies and The Goblins Boyle — Outdoor Secrets Calendar Stories Bones — Fairy Tales from Anderson Craik — Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew Cooke — Nature Myths and Stories Cowles — Robinson Crusoe Reader De La Rame — Dog of Flanders Nurnberg Stove Ellis — Lives of the Presidents Gardner — Work That is Play George — -Little Journey Series, 19 volumes each. Titles include: Alaska and Canada, China and Japan, Cuba and Porto Rico, England and Wales, France and Switzerland, Germany, Hawaii and the Philippines, Holland, Belgium and Den- mark, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Mexico and Central Ameri- ca, Northern Wilds, Norway and Sweden, Russia and Austria, Scotland and Ireland, Some Strange Places and Peoples In our Southwestern Land, South Africa and Up The East Coast, Through The Great Southwest, Turkey, The Bal- kans and Greece, Our Western Wonderland Howliston — Cat Tails and Other Tales Hale — The Man Without a Country Jacobs — The Art and Life Primer Klingensmith — Household Stories Maguire — Two Little Indians McFee — American Heroes from History Muller — Little People of Japan Little People of the Snow Story of Akimakoo Story of Wretched Flea Nida— Ab, The Cave Man Rochleau — Great American Industries: Minerals Products of Soil Manufactures Transportation Smith — Tale of Bunny Cotton-tail Bunny Bright Eyes Circus Book Little Bear Seventeen Little Bears Hawk Eye — An Indian Reader Mother Goose Stories in Prose Starr — -Mustafa, The Egyptian Boy Stevenson — Child's Garden of Verses South — -Story of Our Country in Poetry and Song O'Brien — Willard Word Book: Book One Book Two Teachers' Manual SPELLING .go Net Price .30 .45 Exchange Price .24 .15 .20 .11 .15 1.00 1.00 .75 .75 .60 .60 1.00 .60 .75 .45 .60 .36 .36 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .30 .22 40 .30 25 .19 35 .26 30 .22 25 .19 25 .19 50 .37 35 .26 .50 .37 .40 .30 .25 ' .19 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .75 .56 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .60 .45 .25 .19 .25 .19 .35 .26 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .15 .11 .0 9 .15 .11 .0 9 .05 .04 50 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY. LIST OF GINN AND COMPANY Chicago, 111. The textbooks listed below will be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon. the order of duly authorized and responsible agents of such board, upon the terms and the prices listed below: EXPLANATION In Column I is given the usual list price. In Column II is given the net. wholesale price to be maintained uniformly throughout the state if the school board or board of education enters into written contract for the basal use of the book or books for a period of five years. The discount allowed from our list price to make the net wholesale price under a five-year contract, is 25 per cent, as shown in the figures given below. On purchases made without contract our discount is 20 per cent. Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five-year List Title of Book Price Written Price Contract BOOKS FOR COMMON SCHOOLS AGRICULTURE Burkett, Stevens & Hill — Agriculture for Beginners $0.75 $0.50 $0.45 Burkett, Stevens & Hill — Agriculture for Beginners, Revised Edition .80 .00 .48 ARITHMETIC Calfee— Rural Arithmetic .30 .22 .18 Cobb— Busy Builders' Book .30 .22 Is Prince — Arithmetic bv Grades, Books I to VIII. Each .20 .15 .12 Smith — Primary Arithmetic .35 .26 .21 Smith — Intermediate Arithmetic .' .40 .30 .24 Smith — Advanced Arithmetic .45 .33 .27 Smith— Practical Arithmetic .05 .48 .39 Smith — Grammar School Arithmetic .60 1 5 .36 Wentworth — Elementary Arithmetic .30 .22 .18 Wentworth — Practical Arithmetic .05 ,48 .39 Wentworth — Mental Arithmetic .30 .22 .18 Wentw-orth-Smith — Essentials of Arithmetic: Primary Book .36 .27 .22 Intermediate Book .40 .30 .24 Advanced Book .45 .33 .27 Grammar School Book .65 .48 .39 Wentworth-Smith — Elementary Arithmetic (New) .35 .26 .21 Wentworth^Smith — Complete Arithmetic, Part I .40 .30 .24 Wentworth-Smith— Compbte Arithmetic, Part II .40 .30 .21 Wentworth-Smith — Complete Arithmetic, Parts I and II (in one volum") .60 \~> .36 Wentworth-Smith — Oral Arithmetic .35 ,26 .21 Wentworth-Smith — Work and Play With Numbers .35 .26 .21 CIVICS Dawes — How We Are Governed 1.00 .75 . .60 Hill — Lessons for Junior Citizens .50 .37 .30 Macy — -First Lessons in Civil Government .60 .45 .36 GEOGRAPHY Frye — First Steps in Geography .65 .48 .39 Frye — First Steps in Geography, Parts I and II. Each .45 .33 .27 Frye — Grammar School Geography 1.25 .93 .75 Frye — Grammar School Geography, Parts I and II. Each .80 .60 .48 Frye — Elements of Geography .65 .48 .39 • Frye — First Book in Geography .50 .37 .30 Frye — Home Geography and Type Studies .36 .27 .22 Frye — Primary Geography .60 .45 .36 Frye — Leading Facts of Geography, Complete Edition 1.10 .82 .66 Frye — Leading Facts of Geography, Book One .60 .45 .36 Frye — Leading Facts of Geography, Book Two 1.00 .75 .60 Frye — Complete Geography 1-25 .93 .75 HISTORY Kemp — History for Graded and District Schools 1 00 .75 .60 Lawler — Primary History of the LTnitcd States .60 .45 .36 Lawder — Essentials of American History 100 ,75 .lit) Montgomery — Beginner's American History .60 .45 .36 Montgomery — Elementary American History . . -75 .50 .45 Montgomery — Leading Facts of American History, Revised Edition 1-00 .75 .60 51 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Usual List Price LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Arnold — With Pencil and Pen .35 Kittredge and Arnold — The Mother Tongue (Language and and Grammar: Book One, Revised .45 Book Two. Revised. . .60 Book Two, Revised with Composition .70 Prince — Practical English Grammar .60 Tarbell — -Lessons in Language and Grammar: Book One .35 Book Two .60 Whitney and Lockwood — English Grammar *70 Potter, Jeschke and Gillet's — Oral and Written English: Book One .52 Book Two .64 MANUAL TRAINING (SUPPLEMENTARY) Foster — Elementary Woodworking .60 MUSIC McLaughlin — Elements and Notations of Music .50 New Educational Music Course: Primary Melodies .25 First Reader .30 Second Reader .30 Third Reader .35 Fourth Reader .40 Fifth Reader. . .50 Song Reader .45 Introductory Chart 6.00 Easel for Music Charts 1.00 Chart Manual .25 Scale Drill Chart .40 Teacher's Edition for Elementary Grades 1.25 Intermediate Song Reader .32 Grammar School Song Reader .50 PHYSIOLOGY Blaisdell — Child's Book of Health Revised .30 Blaisdell — How to Keep Well, Revised .45 Blaisdell — Our Bodies and How We Live, Revised .65 The Gulick Hygiene Series: Book I, Good Health .40 Book II, Emergencies .40 Book III, Town and City .50 Book IV, The Body at Work .50 Book V, Control of Body and Mind .50 The Body and Its Defenses .65 Net Price Under Lowest Five-Year Exchange Written Price Contract .26 .45 .37 .21 .33 .27 .45 .36 .52 .42 .45 .36 .26 .21 .45 .36 .52 .42 .39 .31 .48 .38 .30 .18 .15 .22 .18 .22 .18 .26 .21 .30 .24 .37 .30 .33 .27 4.50 3.60 .75 .18 .30 .93 .24 .19 .37 .30 .32 .18 .33 .27 .48 .39 .30 .24 :30 .24 .37 .30 .37 .30 .37 .30 .48 .39 READING (See also supplementary list below) Ball — Natural Reading Primer Ball — Natural Reading Manual of Instruction Blodgett — Primer (Black and White Edition) Blodgett — First Reader Blodgett — Second Reader Blodgett — Third Reader Blodgett — Fourth Reader Blodgett— Fifth Reader Blodgett — Readers by Grades: Primer (Black and White Edition) Book One Book Two Books Three, Four, and Five. Each Books Six and Seven. Each Burt-Markham — Primer Cyr — New Primer Cyr — Primer Cyr— First Reader Cyr — Second Reader Cyr — Third Reader Cyr — Fourth Reader Cyr — Fifth Reader : .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 .45 .33 .27 .65 .48 .39 .75 .56 .45 .25 .18 .15 .30 .22 .18 .35 .26 .21 '40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .24 .18 .14 .28 .21 .17 .36 .27 .22 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 .70 .52 .42 52 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Usual List Price READING— Continued Cyr — Dramatic First Reader .30 Cyr — Graded Art Readers; Book One .30 Book Two .35 Book Three .50 Cyr — Readers by Grades; Book One .25 Book Two .30 Books Three, Four, and Five. Each .40 Books Six, Seven, and Eight. Each .45 Fassett — Beacon Primer .35 Fassett — Beacon First Reader .35 Fassett — Beacon Introductory Second Reader .36 Fassett — Beacon Second Reader .40 Fassett — Beacon Third Reader .50 Fassett — The Beacon Phonetic and Reading Charts, Complete with Holder 6.00 Finch — Primer .30 Finch — First Reader .30 Hill Readers; Book One .25 Book Two 30 Book Three .40 Book Four .50 Book Five .60 Jones — First Reader .30 Jones — Second Reader .35 Jones — Third Reader .45 Jones — Fourth Reader .65 Jones — Fifth Reader .75 Jones— Readers by Grades; Book One 30 Book Two .35 Books Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven. Each .45 Book Eight .50 Lansing — Child's Word Garden (a Primer) .30 McCloskey — Primer .30 Noyes & Guild .40 Peabody— Step by Step (a-Primer) .30 Richmond — Second Reader .40 Stickney— First Reader .24 Stickney — Second Reader .32 Stickney — Third Reader .40 Stickney — Fourth Reader .50 Stickney — Alternate Fourth Reader .50 Stickney— Fifth Reader .60 T albert — Expression Primer .30 Wade & Sylvester — Primer .30 Wade & Sylvester — First Reader .35 Wade & Sylvester — Second Reader .40 Wade & Sylvester — Third Reader .45 Wade & Sylvester — Fourth Reader .60 Wade & Sylvester — Fifth Reader .65 Young and Field — Literary Readers; Book One (a Primer and First Reader) .36 Book Two .40 Book Three 48 Book Four .52 Book Five .60 Book Six 60 The Young and Field Advanced Literary Reader, Part One .... .65 Part Two .68 READING— SUPPLEMENTARY Aanrud — Lisbeth Longfrock .40 Allen — Industrial Studies, United States .65 Allen — Industrial Studies, Europe .80 Allen — Scott's Say of the Last Minstrel (New Edition) .35 Allen — Geographical and Industrial Studies, Asia .80 Andrews — Jane Andrews' Books; Seven Little Sisters .50 Each and All .50 Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now . . . .50 The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children .50 Stories of My Four Friends .40 Net Price Under Five- Year Written Contract 22 .22 .26 .37 .18 .22 .30 .33 .26 .26 .27 .30 .37 4.50 .22 .22 .18 .22 .30 .37 .45 .22 .26 .33 .48 .56 .22 .26 .33 .37 .22 .22 .30 .22 .30 .18 .24 .30 .37 .37 .45 .22 '22 .26 .30 .33 .45 .48 .27 .30 .36 .39 .45 .45 .48 .51 .30 .48 .60 .26 .60 .37 .37 .37 .37 .30 Lowest Exchange Price .18 .18 .21 .30 .15 .18 .24 .27 .21 .21 .22 .24 .30 .18 .18 .15 .18 .24 .30 .36 .18 .21 .27 .39 .45 .18 .21 .27 .30 .18 .18 .24 .18 .24 .14 .19 .24 .30 .30 .36 .18 .18 .21 .24 .27 .36 .39 .22 .24 .29 .31 .36 .36 .39 .41 53 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Andrews — Geographical Plays Ariel — Those Dreadful Mouse Boys Atkinson — European Beginnings of American History Atkinson — Introduction to American History, (European Begin- nings) Atkinson — First Studies of Plant Life Ball — Star-land, Revised Edition Ballou — Footprints of Travel Beal — Seed Dispersal Bellamy and Goodwin — Open Sesame, Parts I, II and III. Each Bergen — Glimpses of Plant World Blaisdell — History Readers; Short Stories from American History Hero Stories from American History The Story of American History Stories from English History Burt — Little Nature Studies for Little People, Volumes One and Two. Each Candeze — Adventures of Grillo Catherwood — Heroes of the Middle West Chance — Little Folks of Many Lands Chandler — In the Reign of Coyote Coe — Heroes of Everyday Life Comstock — A Dicken's Dramatic Reader Comstock — A Dramatic Version of Greek Myths Classics for Children; Aesops' — Fables (New Edition) Andersen — Fairy Tales, First and Second Series (New Stickney Edition) . Each Arabian Nights (New Revised Edition) Bunyan — Pilprim's Progress Burt — Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers Cervantes — Don Quixote of La Mancha Chamisso — Peter Schlemihl, the Man Who Lost His Shadow.. Chesterfield — Letters Church — Stories of the Old World: Defoe — Robinson Crusoe Epictetus — Selections from Fisk — Irving — Washington and His Country Fouque — Undire Francillon — Gods and Heroes Francillon — Gods and Heroes (New Edition) Franklin — Autotiography Grimm — Fairy Tales, Parts One and Two. Each Grote and Segur — Two Great Retreats of History Gulliver — Friendship of Nations Hale — The Mtn Without a Country Hughes — Tom Brown 1 t Rugby Hugo — Jean Valjean Hyde — School Speaker and Reader Irving — Alhambra Irving — Selections from Sketch Book Jeff eries — Sir Bevis Johnson — Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia Kingsley — Greek Heroes Kingsley — Water-Babies Lamb — Adventures of Ulysses Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare (New Edition) Lawrence — Old Time Hawaiians Litchfield — Nine Worlds Marcus Aurelius Antonius — The Thoughts of Martineau — The Peasant and the Prince Montgomery- — Heroic Ballads Plutarch — Lives Ramee — Bimbi Ruskin — King of the Golden River Ruskin — Selections from Saintine — Picciola Scott; Guy Mannering Ivanhoe Lady of the Lake Lay of the Last Minstrel Marmion Old Mortality . . Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five-Year Exchange Price Written Price Contract .50 .37 .80 .60 1.00 .75 .75 .56 .60 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .45 .35 .26 .75 .56 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 .25 .18 .45 .33 .50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .45 .33 .40 .30 .45 .33 .50 .37 .30 .22 .40 .30 .50 .37 .30 .22 .30 .22 .50 .37 .35 .26 .50 .37 .60 .45 .30 .22 .40 .30 48 .36 .40 .30 .35 .26 .50 .37 .60 .45 .25 .18 .50 .37 .90 .67 .80 .60 .45 .33 .25 .18 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .... .35 .26 .30 .22 .40 .30 .45 .33 .60 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .25 .18 .35 .26 .35 .26 .60 .45 .60 .45 .35 .26 .30 .22 .40 .30 .60 .45 54 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Net Price Title of Book Scott: Quentin Durward Rob Roy Tales of a Grandfather The Talisman Shakespeare — Merchant of Venice Southey — The Life of Nelson Spyri — Heidi Swift — Gulliver's Travels Swift — Gulliver's Travels (New Robinson Edition) White — Natural History of Selborne Williams and Foster — Selections for Memorizing Wyss — Swiss Family Robinson Claude — Twilight Thoughts Collins — History of Vermont Collodi — Pinocchio, The Adventures of a Marionette Comstock — Ways cf the Six Footed Cooper — The Deerslayer Davis — Under Six Flags , Dickerson — Moths and Butterflies Dillingham and Emerson- — Tell It Again Stories Eddy — Friends and Helpers , Faris — Real Stories from Our History Fassett — Colonial Life in New Hampshire Fiske — How the United States Became a Nation Frye — Brooks and Brook Basins Frye — Child and Nature Gayley and Flaherty — Poetry of the People Gould — Mother Nature's Children Greene — Legends of King Arthur and His Court Greenwood — Merrie England Hale — Little Flower-People Hall— Our World Reader, No. I Hardy — Sea Stories for Wonder Eyes Hawkes — Eskimo Land Hitchcock — Louisiana Purchase Hodge — Nature Study and Life Hodskins — Little People's Reader Holden — The Sciences Judd — Wigwam Stories Kastman and Kohler — Swedish Song Games Keller and Bishop — Commercial and Industrial Geography. Laboulayc*— The Quest of the Four- Leaved Clover (Field) . . Lambert — Memory Gems in Prose and Verse Lane — Oriole Stories Lane and Hill — American History in Literature Lansing — Barbarian and Noble Lansing — Patriot and Tyrants Lansing — The Open Road Library; Rhymes and Stories Fairy Tales, Volumes One and Two. Each Tales of Old England Life in the Greenwood Page, Esquire and Knight Quaint Old Stories Lawler — Columbus and Magellan Long — Wood Folk Series; A Little Brother to the Bear Northern Trails, Books One and Two. Each Secrets of the Woods Ways of Wood Folk Wilderness Ways Wood Folk at School Mathews — The Seven Champions of Christendom Meier — School and Home Gardens Moore-Tiffany — From Colony to Commonwealth Moore-Tiffany — Pilgrims and Puritans Morley — Nature Study Series; Insect Folk, Volume One Insect Folk, Volume Two (Butterflies and Bees) Little Wanderers Seed Babies A Few Familiar Flowers Flowers and Their Friends Newell — Outlines of Lessons in Botany; Part I, From Seed to Leaf Part II, Flower and Fruit Usual Under Lowest List Five-Year Exclmng Price Written Price Contract .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 .50 .37 .30 .22 .45 .33 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .45 .33 .40 .30 .75 .56 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .50 .37 1.25 .03 .50 .37 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .80 .60 .50 .37 .60 .45 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .30 .22 .60 .45 1.50 1.12 .24 .18 .50 .37 .75 .56 .75 .56 1.00 .75 .40 .30 .30 .22 .28 .21 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .45 .33 .50 37 .50 .37 .45 .33 .50 .37 .45 .33 .80 .60 .60 .45 .60 .45 .45 .33 .60 .45 .30 .22 .25 .18 .60 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .80 .60 55 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Newell — Reader in Botany; Part I, From Seed to Leaf Part II, Flower and Fruit Noyes and Ray — Little Plays for Little People Patri — Pinocchio in Africa (Cherubini) Porter — Stars in Song and Legend Richmond — America and England Richmond — Egypt, Greece and Rome Richmond — England, Scotland, Ireland Richmond — Mexico and Peru, America, Canada Roth — First Book of Forestry Shaler — Story of Our Continent Shaw — Stories of the Ancient Greeks Smith — Four-Footed Friend? Spyri — Moni, The Goat Boy Spyri — Heimatlos Stickney — Earth and Sky Series; Earth and Sky, No. I Revised Edition Earth and Sky, No. II Revised Edition Earth and Sky, No. Ill Stickney — Bird World Stickney — Pets and Companions Stone and Fickett — Trees in Prose and Poetry Strong — All the Year Round Series; Part I, Autum Part II, Winter Part III, Spring Part IV, Summer Stickney — Wyss's Swiss Family Robinson (New Edition) Thompson — Fables and Rhymes for Beginners Turner — Easy Stories Turner — Short Stories Weed — Seed Travelers Weed — Stories of Insect Life, First Series Weed — Stories of Insect Life, Second Series Williams — Some Successful Americans Wilson — Myths of the Red Children Wiltse — A Brave Baby Wiltse — Folklore Stories and Proverbs Wiltse — Hero Folk of Ancient Britain Wiltse — Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks Wiltse — Stories for Kindergartens and Primary Schools Woods — Animals: Their Relation and Use to Man The Youth's Companion Stories: Geographic Readers: Northern Europe Strange Lands Near Home The Wide World Toward the Rising Sun Under Sunny Skies The World's Progress Readers: Industries of To-day Triumphs of Science Historical Readers: The Ship of State Zitkala-Sa — Old Indian Legends SPELLING Aiton — Descriptive Speller Gove — Spelling Lessons Graves — New Graded Spelling Book Hazen — Complete Spelling Book Hazen — Grade Spellers, Book One '. Hazen — Grade Spellers, Book Two Peirce — Speller, Book One Pierce — Speller, Book Two Peirce — Speller, Complete Spaulding and Miller — Graded Spellers: Books I, II, III, and IV. Each Books V, VI, and VII. Each Spaulding and Miller — Graded School Spellers (Two Volume Edition): Volume One Volume Two , Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five- Year Exchange Price Writent Contract Price .60 .45 .60 .45 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .45 .33 .45 .33 .45 .33 .45 .33 .75 .56 .75 .56 .60 .45 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .30 .22 .35 .26 .60 .45 .30 .22 .45 .33 .30 .32 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .50 .37 .24 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .30 .22 .50 .37 .45 .33 .50 .37 .30 .22 .45 .33 .75 .56 .35 .26 .60 .45 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .30 .22 .40 .30 .50 .37 .22 .16 .13 .18 .13 .11 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .15 .11 .09 .30 .22 .18 .18 .13 .11 .20 .15 .12 .25 .18 .15 .15 .11 .09 .18 .13 .11 .20 .15 .12 .30 .22 .18 56 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book SPELLING BLANKS Ginn and Company — Spelling Blanks: No. 1 (Slant System). Per Dozen No. II (Slant System). Per Dozen Shaylor — Spelling Blanks (Vertical System) Nos. I, II, and III. Per Dozen Shaylor and Shattuek — Medial Spelling Blanks, Nos. I, II, and III. Per Dozen WRITING BOOKS Clark — Public School Penmanship Clark — Graded Writing Textbooks, Book I. Per Dozen Clark — Graded Writing Textbooks, Book II. Per Dozen Clark — Graded Writing Textbooks, Book III. Per Dozen Ginn and Company — -Writing Books (Slant System): Grammar Course, Nos. I to VII. Per Dozen Tracing Course, Nos. I to IV. Per Dozen Shaylor — Book of Alphabets. Per Dozen Shaylor — Vertical Round-Hand Writing Books: Large Size, Nos. I to VII. Per Dozen Small Size, Nos. I to IV. Per Dozen Shaylor and Shattuek — Medial Writing Books: Regular Course, Books I to IX. Per Dozen Shorter Course, Books A, B, and C. Per Dozen GERMAN Gronow — Fur Kleine Leute Usual List Price Net Price Under Five-Year Written Contract Lowest Exchange Price .50 .42 .37 .31 .42 .31 .42 .31 .75 1.60 1.2.5 .60 .56 1.20 .03 .45 .75 .60 1.00 .56 .45 .75 .75 .60 .56 .45 .60 .50 .45 .37 .00 .45 .30 BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS AGRICULTURE (See also supplementary list below). Carver — Principles of Rural Economics Clute — Agronomy Davenport — Domesticated Animals and Plants Waters — Essentials of Agriculture <» AGRICULTURE— SUPPLEMENTARY Hood — Laboratory Manual of Horticulture Sell — Agricultural Laboratory Manual — Soils 1.30 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.00 .35 .97 .75 .93 .93 .75 .'20 ,78 .0(1 .75 .75 ALGEBRA (See also supplementary list below). Beman and Smith — Elements of Algebra Beman and Smith — Academic Algebra. . . Hawkes, Luby and Touton — First Course in Algebra Hawkes, Luby and Touton — Second Course in Algebra Hawkes, Luby and Touton — Complete School Algebra Smith — Algebra for Beginners Wentworth — New School Algebra Wentworth — First Steps in Algebra Wentworth — Elementary Algebra Wentworth-Smith — -Academic Algebra Wentworth-Smith — School Algebra — Book I Wentworth-Smith — School Algebra — Book II Wentworth-Smith — Vocational Algebra 1.12 .84 .67 1.12 .84 .67 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 1.25 .93 .75 .50 .37 .30 1.12 .84 .67 .60 .45 .36 1.12 .84 .67 1.20 .90 .72 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 .50 .37 .30 ALGEBRA— SUPPLEMENTARY Wentworth and Hill — Exercises in Algebra: Part I, Exercise Manual Part II, Examination Manual Wentworth and Hill — -Exercises in Algebra, Complete .35 .26 .35 .26 .70 .52 ARITHMETIC (See also supplementary list below). Beman and Smith — Higher Arithmetic. Wentworth — Advanced Arithmetic .... .80 1.00 .60 .75 .48 .60 57 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— -Continued. Title of Book ARITHMETIC— SUPPLEMENTARY Wentworth and Hill — Exercises in Arithmetic: Part I, Exercise Manual '. Part II, Examination Manual Wentworth and Hill — Exercises in Arithmetic, Complete ASTRONOMY Young — Elements of Astronomy Young — Lessons in Astronomy, Revised Young — Uranography BOTANY Bergen — Elements of Botany, Revised Bergen — Elements of Botany, Revised, without Key and Flora.. Bergen — Key and Flora for Northern and Central States Bergen — Essentials of Botany . . Bergen — Essentials of Botany, without Key and Flora Bergen — Foundations of Botany Bergen — Foundations of Botany, withouth Key and Flora Bergen and Caldwell — Introduction to Botany Bergen and Caldwell — Introduction to Botany, withouth Key and Flora Bergen and Caldwell — Practical Botany Bergen — Botany Notebook (Cloth Edition) Bergen — Botany Notebook (Biflex Binder Edition) Clute — Laboratory Botany Clute — Laboratory Manual and Notebook in Botany Frye and Riggs — Laboratory Exercises in Elementary Botany . . Meier — Plant Study, Revised Meier — Herbarium and Plant Description (Biflex Binder Edition) Pepoon — Representative Plants CHEMISTRY Allyn — Elementary Applied Chemistry McPherson and Henderson— An Elementary Study of Chemistry McPherson and Henderson — A First Course in Chemistry McPherson and Henderson — Exercises in Chemistry (Cloth Edition) .•••••. McPherson and Henderson — Exercises in Chemistry (Biflex Binder Edition) McPherson and Henderson — Laboratory Exercises. Arranged to Accompany First Course in Chemistry (Cloth Edition) . . Ostwald and Morse — Elementary Modern Chemistry Unger — Review Questions and Problems in Chemistry Williams — Essentials of Chemistry Williams — Elements of Chemistry Williams — Laboratory Manual of Inorganic Chemistry CIVICS Boynton — School Civics Macy — Our Government COMMERCIAL BRANCHES (See also supplementary list below) Anderson — American Phonography Anderson — Graded Exercises in Phonography, Revised Atwood — Practical Commercial Speller Brigham — Commercial Geography . . Davis and Lingham — Business English and Correspondence .... Harrison — Spanish Commercial Reader Huffcut — Elements of Business Law Miner — Bookkeeping — Introductory Course Miner — Bookkeeping, Introductory and Intermediate Course . . . Miner — Bookkeeping, Complete Course Miner — Bookkeeping, Intermediate and Advanced Course Miner — Bookkeeping, Banking Course Miner — Bookkeeping Blanks, Introductory Course Blanks for Set V Blanks for Set VI Blanks for Set VII Blanks for Set VIII Blanks, Appendix A Business Forms, Box 1 Business Forms Box 2 Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five- Year Exchange Price Written Contract Price .50 .37 .35 .26 .80 .60 1.60 1.20 .96 1.25 .93 .75 .30 .22 .18 1.30 .97 .78 1.00 .75 .60 .40 .30 1.50 1.12 .90 1.20 .90 .72 1.50 1.12 .90 1.20 .90 .72 1.40 1.05 .84 1.15 .86 .69 1.30 .97 .78 .45 .33 .75 .56 .75 .56 .50 .37 .60 .45 .75 .56 .65 .48 .60 .45 .60 .45 .36 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .40 .60 .30 .45 1.20 .90 .50 .37 .40 .30 1.30 .97 1.00 .75 .90 .67 1.00 .75 .90 .67 1.20 .90 1.40 1.05 1.20 .90 .60 .45 .20 .15 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .15 .11 .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .37 1.25 .93 .75 1.10 .82 .66 .30 .22 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 58 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— ^Continued. Title of Book Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five-Year Exchange Price Written Price Contract Miner — Business Forms, Box 3 .65 Business Forms, Box 4 .65 Incoming Forms, Tablet 1 .16 Incoming Forms, Tablet 2 .20 Incoming Forms, Tablet 3 .25 Incoming Forms, Tablet 4 -20 Blanks for Banking Set .60 Moore and Miner — Accounting and Business Practice (Shorter Course). . ' 1.10 Moore and Miner — Accounting and Business Practice (Com- plete Course) 1.40 Moore and Miner — Corporation Accounting and Banking .80 Moore and Miner — Blanks to accompany Accounting and Busi- ness Practice: Part I — Introductory Blanks -20 Part II — Intermediate Blanks: For Set V .25 For Set VI -25 For Set VII ., 25 Part III — Advanced Blanks: For Set VIII 15 For Set IX 25 For Set X .60 Moore and Miner — Blank Business Forms: No. I— For Sets III and IV .45 No. 2— For Set V -50 No. 3— For Set VI .55 No. 4— For Set VII .60 Moore and Miner — School Currency: Bills. Per Package 1-20 Fractional Currency. Per package .50 Moore and Miner — Incoming Business Forms: Tablet 1 .15 Tablet 2 .20 Tablet 3 .25 Tablet 4 .20 Moore and Miner — Practical Business Arithmetic 1.00 Moore and Miner — Practical Business Arithmetic, Revised 1.00 Moore and Miner — Concise Business Arithmetic -75 Webster — General History of Commerce 1.40 COMMERCIAL BRANCHES— SUPPLEMENTARY Breckenridge, Mersereau and Moore — Shop Problems in Mathe- matics 1-00 Jefferson — Commercial Values .25 .48 .48 .11 .15 .18 .45 .82 .66 1.05 .84 .60 .48 .15 .IS .18 .18 .11 .18 .45 .33 .37 .41 .45 .90 .37 .11 .15 .18 .15 .75 .60 .75 .60 .56 .45 1.05 .84 .75 .18 DOMESTIC SCIENCE (See also supplementary list below). Greer — Food; What it is and Does 1-00 Wardell and White — A Study of Foods -70 DOMESTIC SCIENCE— SUPPLEMENTARY Conn — Bacteria, Yeasts and Molds in the Home, Revised 1.00 Olsen — Pure Foods -80 EDUCATION Davis — Vocational and Moral Guidance 1-25 ENGLISH (See also supplementary list below). Briggs and McKinney— First Book of Composition Fulton and Trueblood — Practical Elements of Elocution Fulton and Trueblood — Essentials of Public Speaking Gardiner, Kittredge and Arnold — Elements of English Composi- tion ■ Gardiner, Kittredge and Arnold — Manual of Composition and Rhetoric Genung and Hanson — Outlines of Composition and Rhetoric... . Genung — Outlines of Rhetoric Hanson — English Composition Hanson — Two Years' Course in English Composition .75 .52 .7.'. .60 .93 .60 .42 .90 .67 .54 1.30 .97 .78 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .80 .60 .48 .90 .67 .54 59 LIST OF G1NN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Kittredge and Farley — Advanced English Grammar Lockwood — Lessons in English Lockwood and Emerson — Composition and Rhetoric Long — English Literature Long — American Literature Prince — Practical English Grammar Whitney — Essentials of English Grammar ENGLISH— SUPPLEMENTARY Ashmore — Manual of Pronunciation Baker and Huntington — Principles of Argumentation Briggs — Laboratory Manual of Letters Frink — New Century Speaker Fulton and Trueblood — Choice Readings from Popular and Standard Authors Fulton and Trueblood — Standard Selections Fulton and Trueblood — British and American Eloquence Gardiner — The Making of Arguments Gayley — Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art, Revised Gayles' and Flaherty — Poetr y of the People Jimperieff — English for Foreigners Painter — Elementary Guide to Library Criticism Scott and Denny — Rhetoric Tablet I Scott and Denny — Rhetoric Tablet II Shakespeare (New Hudson) As You Like It: Julius Caesar; Mac- beth; Henry V; Merchant of Venice; The Tempest; Twelfth Night; Midsummer Night's Dream; King Lear; Much Ado About Nothing. Each Shakespeare (New Hudson Editions) (New Flexible Binding), As You Like It; Hamlet; King Lear; Macbeth. Each. . . . Shakespeare — (Hudson School Shakespeare) (23 volumes, cloth). Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About Nothing; As You Like It; King John; Richard the Second; Richard the Third; Henry the Fourth, Part I; Henry the Fourth, Part II; Henry the Fifth; Henry the Eighth; Romeo and Juliet; Julius Caesar; Hamlet; King Lear; Macbeth; Anthony and Cleopatra; Othello, Cymbeline; Coriolanus: Twelfth Night; "Winter's Tale. Each Standard English Classics, - Addison and Steele — Sir Roger de Coverley Papers Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum Blackmore — Lorna Doone Browning, Elizabeth Barrett — Selections Browning, Robert — Selections from Poems Bunyan — Grace Abounding Bunyan — Pilgrim's Progress Burke — Letter to a Noble Lord Burke— Speech on American Taxation Burke — Speech on Conciliation with America Burns — Representative Poems with Carlyle's Essay . . . : Byron — Selections Carlyle — Essay on Burns Coleridge — Ancient Mariner Cooper — Last of the Mohicans DeQuincy — Revolt of the Tartars DeQuincy — English Mail Coach and Joan 'd Arc Dickens — Tales of Two Cities Dickens — David Copperfield Dryden — Palamon and Arcite Eliot, George — Mill on the Floss Eliot, George — Silas Marner Franklin — Autobiography Gaskell— Cranf ord Goldsmith — Deserted Village Goldsmith — Deserted Village and Gray's Elegy Goldsmith — Vicar of Wakefield Huxley — Selections Irving — Oliver Goldsmith Irving — Sketch Book Lamb — Essay of Elia. . Lamb — Selected Essays Lincoln — Selections Litchfield — Selections from Five English Poets Lodge — Rosalynde, or Euphues' Golden Legacy Macaulay — England in 16S5 Net Price Usual Under List Five-Y"ear Price W ritten Contract .SO .60 1.12 .84 1.00 .75 1.35 1.01 1.35 1.01 .60 .45 .75 .56 .30 .22 1.25 .93 .25 .18 1.00 .75 1.50 1.12 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 1.00 .75 1.50 1.12 .50 .37 .40 .30 .90 .67 .15 .11 .15 .11 .50 .37 .30 .22 .45 .33 Lowest Exchange Price .48 .67 .60 .81 .81 .36 .45 .30 .22 .25 .18 .65 .48 .30 .22 .30 .22 .35 .26 .25 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 .20 .15 .50 .37 .25 .18 .25 .18 .50 .37 .70 .52 .25 .18 .50 .37 .30 .22 .40 .30 .30 .22 .20 .15 .25 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .30 .32 .20 .15 .35 .26 .30 .22 60 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Di- kens — Macaulay — Essay on Addison Macaulay — Essay on Addison and Milton Macaulay — Essay on Milton Macaulay — Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hastings Macaulay — Lays of Ancient Rome Macaulay — Life of Samuel Johnson Macaulay — Speeches on Copyright with Lincoln's Address at Cooper Union Milton — L' Allegro, II Pensaroso, Comus and Lycidas Milton — Paradise Lost, Books I and II, and Lycidas Palgrave — The Golden Treasury Parkman — The Oregon Trail Poe — Select Poems and Tales Pope — Rape of the Lock and other Poems Pope — Translation of the Iliad Ruskin- — Selected Essays and Letters Ruskin — Sesame and Lilies Scott- — Ivanhoe Scott — Lady of the Lake Scott — Quentin Durward Shakespeare — As You Like It Shakespeare — Hamlet Shakespeare — Henry the Fifth Shakespeare — Julius Caesar Shakespeare — Macbeth Shakespeare — Merchant of Venice Shakespeare — Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare — Twelfth Night Shakespeare — Coriolanus Shakespeare — Kins? John Shakespeare — Richard the Second Shakespeare — Richard the Third Shakespeare — Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare — The Tempest Snyder — Selections from the Old Testament Spenser — Faerie Queene Stevenson — An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey. . Stevenson — Treasure Island Tennyson — Coming of Arthur, Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, The Holy Grail, and The Passing of Arthur.. . . Tennyson — The Princess Thackeray — Henry Esmond Thackery — English Humorists Washington — Farewell Address, and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration Wordsworth, Shelley and Keates — Poems in Palgrave's Golden Treasury Wild— Geographic Influences in Old Testament Masterpieces Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five- Year Exchange Price Written Price Contract .25 .18 .30 .22 .20 .15 .35 .26 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .30 .22 .50 .37 .45 .33 .30 .22 .30 .22 .25 .18 .60 .45 .25 .18 .50 .37 .35 .26 .50 .37 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .45 .33 .30 .22 .30 .22 .60 .45 .35 .26 .25 .18 .25 .18 1.00 .75 FINE ARTS— SUPPLEMENTARY Hoyt — World's Painters and their Pictures FIRST YEAR SCIENCE Caldwell and Eikenberry — Elements of General Science Caldwell, Eikenberry and Pieper — Laboratory Manual for General Science (Cloth Edition) Higgins — First Science Book 1.25 .50 .65 .03 .7.3 .37 .48 .60 .39 FRENCH (See also supplementary list below). Aldrich and Foster — Elementary French Aldrich and Foster — Foundations of French Fontaine — Nouveau Cours Francais FRENCH— SUPPLEMENTARY Bruce — Exercises in French Composition Hermanson — French Verb Forms International Modern Language Series; About — La Mere de la Marquise et La Fille du Chanoine. . . . Aldrich and Foster — French Reader Beaumarchais — Le Barbier de Seville Colin — Contes et Saynetes .00 .75 .60 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 .35 .26 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 61 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Usual List Price International Modern Longuags Series: Coppee — On Rend L' Argent Corneille — Le Cid Daudet — La Belle Nivernaise Daudet — Morceaux Choisis Daudet — Tartarin de Tarascon Dumas — Vingt Ans Apres Erekmann-Chatrian — Madame Therese Feval — La Fee des Greves Guerlac — Selections from Standard French Authors Halevy — L'Abbe Constantin Halevy — Un Mariage d' Amour Herdler — Scientific French Reader Hugo — The Poetry of. Jacques — Intermediate French Josselyn and Talbot — Elementary Reader of French History. Labiche — La Grammairc and Le Baron de Fourchevif Labiche and Martin — Le Voyage de M. Perrichon La Fontaine— One Hundred Fables Lazare — Lectures Faciles pour les Commencants Lazare — Cpntes et Nouvelles des Meillieurs Auteurs Con- temporains (Second Series) Lazare — Contes et Nouvelles des Meillieurs Auteurs Con- temporains (First Series) Lazare — Les Plus Jobs Contes de Fees Lazare — Elementary French Composition Lazare — Premieres Lectures en Prose et en Vers Loti — Percheur d'lslande DeMaistre — Les Prisonniers du Caucase DeMaistre — La Jeune Siberienne Marique and Gilson — Exercises in French Composition Maupassant — Ten Short Stories Meilhac and Halevy — Three French Comedies — Carmen and Other Stories Merimee — Colomba Moliere — L'Avare Moliere — Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Moliere — Le Malade Imaainaire Moliere — Les Precieuses Ridicules Pailleron — Le Monde ou Ton s'ennuie Picard — La Petite Ville Racine — Andromaque Renard — Trois Contes de Noel ...... Rostand — Les Romanesques Sainte-Beuve — Selected Essays Sand — La Mare au Diable Van Daell — Introduction to the French Language Van Duell — Introduction to French Authors Vreeland and Michaud — Anthology of French Prose and Poetry Spiers — Manual of Elementary French Spiers — Exercises on Manual of Elementary French GEOLOGY Norton — Elements of Geology GEOMETRY (See also supplementary list below). Beman and Smith — New Plane and Solid Geometry Beman and Smith — New Plane Geometry Beman and Smith — Solid Geometry Betz and Webb — Plane Geometry Wentworth — Plane and Solid Geometry, Revised Wentworth — Plane Geometry, Revised Wentworth — Solid Geometry, Revised Wentworth — Plane and Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonometry Wentworth and Hill — First Steps in Geometry Wentworth-Smith — Plane and Solid Geometry Wentworth-Smith — Plane Geometry , Wentworth-Smith — Solid Geometry GE O METRY— SUPPLE MENTARY Beman and Smith — Geometry Tablet for Written Exercises. . . . Morrison — Geometry Notebook Morrison — Filler for Geometry Notebook Wentworth and Hill — Examination Manual in Geometry Wentworth and Hill — Exercise Manual in Geometry.. . .50 .40 .25 .50 .45 .60 .50 .60 .50 .40 .25 .60 .90 .40 .30 .35 .30 .40 .30 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .45 .30 .35 .40 .40 .35 .60 .40 .40 .45 .50 .50 .40 .40 .40 .15 .35 .35 .35 1.00 .50 1.40 .50 .50 1.40 Net Price Under Five-Year Written Contract .37 .30 .IS .37 .33 .45 .37 .45 .37 .30 .IS .45 .67 .30 .22 .26 .22 .30 .22 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .33 22 .26 .30 .30 .26 .45 .30 .30 .33 .37 .37 .30 .30 .30 .11 .26 .26 .26 .75 .37 1.05 .37 .37 1.05 Lowest Exchange Price 1.25 .93 .75 .1 o .56 .45 .. .56 .45 1.00 .< o .60 1.25 .93 .75 ., 5 .56 .45 .75 .56 .45 1.40 1.05 .84 .60 .45 .36 1.30 .97 .7S .SO .60 .48 .1 o ..36 .45 .15 .11 .65 .4S .25 .IS .50 .37 .70 .52 62 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book GERMAN (See also supplementary list below) Bernhardt— Course in German Composition Bernstorff — Handbook of German Grammar Chiles — German Prose Composition Collar — First Year German Duerr — Essentials of German Grammar Gronow — Jung Deutschland Ham and Leonard — Brief German Grammar Martini — First German Reader Price — Reformlesebuch Seeligmann — Altes und Neues, Revised Stein — German Exercises, Book I Stein — German Exercises, Book II Stein — German Exercises, Book II, with Commercial Exercises.. GERMAN— SUPPLE MENTARY Allen — Hints on the Teaching of German Conversation Dippold — Scientific German Reader, Revised German Exercise Book Hempl — Easiest German Reading for Learners International Modern Language Series; Arnold — Fritz auf Ferien Auerbach — Brigitta Bernhardt — Krieg und Frieden Baumbach — Der Schwiegersohn Baumbach — Marchen und Gedichte Carruth — German Reader Collmann — Easy German Poetry for Beginners Eckstein — Der Besueh im Karzcr und Wildenbueh's das Edle Blut Ernst — Flachsmann als Erzieher Ford — Elementary German for Sight Translation Fossler — Practical German Conversation Frenssen — Gravelotte Freytag — Die Journalisten Freytag — Soil und Haben Fulda — Das verlorene Paradies Fulda — Der Talisman Gerstacl*r — Germelshausen Goethe — Gotz von Berlichingen Goethe — Hermann und Dorothea Goethe — Iphigenie auf Tauris Goethe — Torquato Tasso Hauff— Tales Hauff — Lichtenstein Heine — Die Harzreise, Revised Heyse — L'Arrabbiata Heyse — Anfang und Ende Hillern — Hoher als die Kirche Kleist — Prinz Friedrich von Homburg Lessing — Emilia Galotti Lessing — Minna von Barnhelm Lessing — Nathan der Weise Manley and Allen — Four German Commodies Meyer — Der Schuss von der Kanzel Minckwitz and Unwerth — Edelsteine Mueller — Deutsche Gedichte Muller — Deutsche Liebe Niese — Aus canischer Zeit Riehl — Burg Neideck Riehl — Die vierzohn Nothelfer Riehl — Der Fluch der Schonheit Rossegger — Waldheimat, with vocabulary Rossegger — Waldheimat, without vocabulary SchefTel — Der Trompeter von Sakkingen Schiller — Die Jungfrau von Orleans Schiller — Maria Stuart Schiller — Wilhelm Tell, with vocabulary Schiller — Wilhelm Tell, without vocabulary Schucking — Die Drei Frcier Seume — Mein Leben Storm — Geschichten aus der Tonne Storm — Immensee Storm — In St. Jurgen Net Price Under Usual Five- Year Lowest List Written Exchange Price Contract Lrice .90 .67 .54 .75 .56 .45 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 .so .60 .48 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 .70 .52 .42 .75 .56 .45 .35 .26 .21 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .10 .07 1.00 .75 .30 .22 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .25 .18 .60 .45 .25 .18 .45 .33 .50 .37 .45 .33 .45 .33 .30 .22 .80 .60 .60 .45 ■ .60 .45 .80 .60 .50 .37 .90 .67 .50 .37 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .50 .37 .50 .37 .45 .33 .80 .60 .45 .33 .35 .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .35 .26 .25 .18 .25 .18 .40 .30 .45 .33 .35 .26 .90 .67 .70 .52 .75 .56 .70 .52 .60 .45 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 63 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book International Modern Language Series: Storm — Der Schimmelreiter Super — Elementary German Reader Thiergen— Am deutschem Herde Van Daell — Preparatory German Reader. Volkmann-Leander — Die Traumerein. . . . Zschokke — Der zerbrochene Krug Kellog — German Verb Blank Muller and Wencke back — Gluck Auf .... Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five- Year Exchange Price Written Contract Price .70 .52 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .25 .18 .35 .26 .60 .45 GREEK (See also supplementary list below) . White — First Greek Book. 1.25 .93 .75 D'Ooge GREEK— SUPPLEMENTARY -Greek Composition Tablet .20 .15 HISTORY (Sge also supplementary list below) Breasted — Short Ancient History Cheyney — Short History of England Leadbetter — Ancient History Outlines and Studies Leadbetter — General History Outlines and Studies Leadbetter — Mediaeval and Modern History Outlines and Studies Montgomery — Student's American History, Revised Montgomery — Leading Facts of English History Montgomery — Leading Facts of English History, Revised Montgomery — Leading Facts of French History Muzzey — American History Myers — Ancient History, Revised Myers — Eastern Nations and Greece, Revised Myers — History of Rome, Revised Myers — History of Greece Myers — Rome; Its Rise and Fall Myers — General History, Revised Myers — Short History of Ancient Times Myers — Short History of Mediaeval and Modern Times. ....... Myers — Mediaeval and Modern History, Revised Myers — Outlines of Nineteenth Century History Myers — Middle Ages Myers — The Modern Age Robinson — Introduction to the History of Western Europe, Complete In two volumes; Volume I Volume II Robinson — Middle Period of European History Robinson and Breasted- — Outlines of European History, Part I. . Robinson and Beard — Outlines of European History, Part II. . . Trenholme — Syllabus for the History of Western Europe, Com- plete Trenholme — An Outline of English History. HISTORY— SUPPLEMENTARY Cheyney — Readings in English History Hitchcock — Louisiana Purchase Hodder — Outline Maps for Historical Atlas of the U. S Robinson — Readings in European History, Vol. I Volume II Abridged Edition Tuell and Hatch — Readings in English History 1.10 .82 1.40 1.05 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 1.40 1.05 1.12 .84 1.20 .90 1.12 .84 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 1.50 1.12 1.10 .82 1.10 .82 1.50 1.12 .75 .56 1.10 .82 1.25 .93 1.60 1.20 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.20 .90 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 .60 .45 .50 .37 1.80 1.35 .60 .45 .40 .30 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 1.50 1.12 1.40 1.05 .66 .84 .84 .67 .72 .67 .90 .90 .60 .60 .75 .75 .90 .66 .66 .90 .45 .66 .75 .96 .60 .60 .72 .90 .90 LATIN (See also supplementary list below) . Allen and Greenough — Cicero; De Senectute Allen and Greenough — New Latin Grammar Allen and Greenough — Shorter Latin Grammar Allen and Greenough — Caesar's Gallic Wars, Books I-VII Allen and Greenough — Caesar's Gallic Wars, Books I-IV Allen and Greenough — Cicero; Select Orations .60 .45 .36 1.20 .90 .72 .95 .71 .57 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.40 1.05 .84 64 LIST OF GINN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Allen and Greenough — Cicero; Select Orations and Letters Allen and Greenough — Cicero; Six Orations Allen and Greenough — Ovid Collar and Daniell — First Year Latin Collar and Daniell — First Latin Book D'Ooge — Latin for Beginners D'Ooge — Latin Composition, Complete D'Ooge — Latin Composition, Part I Based on Caesar D'Ooge — Latin Composition, Parts II and III Based on Cicero. D'Ooge — Latin Composition to Accompany Second Year Latin. Greenough, D'Ooge and Daniell — Second Year Latin Greenough and Kittredge — Virgil's Aeneid, Books I-VI Lotham — Latin Lessons LATIN— SUPPLEMENTARY Browne — Memory-Test Latin Word-List Browne — Memory-Test Notebook Collar — Gate to Caesar Collar — New Gradatim Collar — Via Latina D'Ooge — Easy Latin for Sight Reading D'Ooge — Latin Composition Tablet Ginn and Company — Classical Atlas; Boards Cloth Gleason — Gate to Virgil Moore — Porta Latina Paxon — Two Latin Plays MANUAL TRAINING— SUPPLEME] Goss — Bench Work in Wood, Revised Ross — Wood Turning MUSIC Chapman and Whiting — The Apollo Song Book Hoff — Coron* Song Book Levermore — Abridged Academy Song Book Levermore — Academy Song Book Levermore — The Students' Hymnal Musical Art Series: Baldwin and Newton — Standard Song Classics Seven Pamphlets. Each PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Davis — Elementary Physical Geography Davis — Physical Geography Davis — Practical Exercises in Physical Geography Davis — Atlas in Physical Geography Trafton — Laboratory and Field Exercises in Physical Geography Wright — Field, Laboratory and Library Manual in Physical Geography .75 Wright — Field, Laboratory and Library Manual in Physical Geography with Notebook 1.00 NetTPrice Usual * Under Lowest List Five-Year Exchange Price Written Price Contract 1.30 .97 .78 1.00 .75 .60 1.50 1.12 .90 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 36 .50 .37 .30 1.25 .93 .7.'. 1.50 1.12 .90 .90 .67 .54 .75 .56 .15 .11 .40 .30 .50 .37 .75 .56 .40 .30 .15 .11 1.25 .93 2.00 1.50 .45 .33 .60 .45 .45 .33 TARY .70 .52 1.00 .75 .80 .60 .48 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 .94 .70 .56 .50 .37 .30 .60 .45 .36 .10 .07 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .45 .33 .30 .22 .40 .30 .56 .75 PHYSICS Cavanaugh, Westcott and Twining — Physics Laboratory Manual Higgins — Lessons in Physics. Higgins — Simple Experiments in Physics Hill — Essentials of Physics Millikan and Gale — First Course in Physics Millikan and Gale — First Course in Physics, Revised Millikan and Gale — Laboratory Course in Physics Millikan, Gale and Bishop — Laboratory Physics, Cloth Edition Millikan, Gale and Bishop — Laboratory Physics, Biflex Edition Smith, Tower and Turton — Manual of Experimental Physics . . . Wentworth and Hill — Textbook of Physics Wentworth and Hill — Laboratory Exercises in Elementary Physics, Revised .70 .52 .90 .67 . 54 .35 .26 1.10 .82 66 1.25 .93 75 1.25 .93 75 .40 .30 .50 .37 .80 .60 .80 .60 1.15 .80 69 .25 65 LIST OF GOODYEAR-MARSHALL. Title of Book. PHYSIOLOGY Blaisdell — Life and Health Blaisdell — Practical Physiology Hough and Sedgwick — Human Mechanism, Complete Edition. . Hough and Sedgwick — Human Mechanism; Volume I, Elements of Physiology Volume II, Elements of Hygiene and Sanitation Jewett — Health and Safety Jewett — Physiology, Hygiene and Sanitation . . . Jewett — The Next Generation PSYCHOLOGY Buell — Essentials of Psychology Phillips — Elementary Psychology TRIGONOMETRY Taylor — Five Place Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables Taylor — Plane Trigonometry Taylor — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Wentworth — Plane Trigonometry Wentworth — Plane Trigonometry and Tables Wentworth — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Wentworth — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Tables .... Wentworth and Hill — New Five Place Logarithmic and Trigo- nometric Tables, Seven Table Edition Wentworth and Hill — New Five Place Logarithmetic and Trigo- nometric Tables, Complete Edition Wentworth-Smith — Plane Trigonometry and Tables ZOOLOGY Linville and Kelly — Textbook in General Zoology Linville and Kelly — Guide for Laboratory and Field Work in Geology Meier — Animal Study Meier — Animal Study Sheets, Pages 1 to 36 Net Price Usual Under Lowest List Five- Year Exchange Price Written Contract Price .90 .67 .54 1.10 .82 .66 2.00 1.50 1.20 1.25 .93 .75 1.25 .93 .75 .40 .30 .24 .65 .48 .39 .75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 .75 .56 .45 :75 .56 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 .90 .67 .54 .85 .63 .51 1.20 .90 .72 .50 .37 1.00 .75 .60 1.10 .82 .66 1.50 1.12 .90 .35 .26 .75 .56 .25 .18 LIST OF GOODYEAR-MARSHALL PUBLISHING COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Cedar Rapids upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book . Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Marshall and Goodyear — Inductive Commercial Arithmetic. .. . $0.90 $0,674 $0.54 BOOKKEEPING AND BUSINESS PRACTICE Goodyear — American Bookkeeping Series (divided into units as listed below) : Principles, Rules and Definitions for Bookkeeping, text .60 Unit One — Pamphlet and Outfit .25 Unit Two — Pamphlet and Outfit .30 Unit Three — Pamphlet and Outfit .35 Unit Four — Pamphlet and Outfit .40 Unit Four A — Pamphlet and Outfit .90 Unit Four D — Pamphlet and Outfit .30 Unit Five — Pamphlet and Outfit -60 Unit Five A— Pamphlet and Outfit 1.00 Unit Five B — Pamphlet and Outfit -70 Unit Five C— Pamphlet and Outfit. . .50 Unit Six— Pamphlet and Outfit -70 Unit Six C— Pamphlet and Outfit 1-35 Unit Seven D — Pamphlet and Outfit 2.40 Bank Accounting Text -60 Outfit for Bank Accounting, less text 1-80 Farm Accounting, Pamphlet and outfit 1-00 Sixty Lessons in Business, text .60 Outfit for Sixty Lessons, less text -20 .45 .36 .18f .22J .26J .30 .674 .224 .45 .75 .524 .374 .524 1.01| 1.80 .45 .36 1.35 .75 .45 .36 .90 66 LIST OF THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY. Title of Book. Goodyear and Marshall — New Inductive Bookkeeping, complete text New Inductive Bookkeeping, Part I, text New Inductive Bookkeeping, Part II, text Box Outfit for New Inductive, Part I, less text Box Outfit for New Inductive, Part II, less text Goodyear — Progressive Business Accounting, text Paper For Exercises 1-25 Progressive Business Accounting Outfit for Set A, Progressive Business Accounting Outfit for Set B, Accounting Outfit for Set C, Accounting Progressive Business Accounting Short Course, text and outfit Marshall — Corporation and Voucher Accounting, text Outfit for Corporation and Voucher Accounting, less text .... Double Entry Drills, text ENGLISH Marshall — Business English and Letter Writing Marshall — Business English, Part I of above Marshall — Letter Writing, Part Two of above PENMANSHIP Goodyear and Marshall — Business Forms for the Writing Class . . SPELLING Marshall — Business Speller and Technical Word Lists Marshall — Technical Word Lists List Net Exchange Price Price Price 1.20 .90 .72 .75 .56 .45 .i .> .56 .45 1.50 1.12 L.50 1.12 1.00 .75 .60 ' .20 ' '.15 1.10 .82* .45 .33J .75 .563 1 Id 1.05 .84 .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .30 .22* .18 .85 .64 .51 .60 . .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .25 .60 .25 .is? .45 .18| .36 LIST OF THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ARITHMETIC Will — Commercial Arithmetic $1.00 $0.67 $0.50 BOOKKEEPING Lockyear — Bookkeeping .60 .40 .30 ENGLISH Hagar & SoRelle — Applied Business English and Correspondence (exercises included) 1.00 .67 .50 Hagar & SoRelle — Applied Business English and Correspondence (without exercises) .75 .50 .38 Hagar — Exercises in Applied Business English .25 .17 '3 Raymond — English Progressive Studies .50 .33 .25 COMMERCIAL LAW Trow — The Parliamentarian .75 .50 .38 Whigam — Essentials of Commercial Law 1.00 .67 .50 OFFICE TRAINING SoRelle — Office Training for Stenographers (manual only) 1.25 .84 .63 SoRelle — Office Training for Stenograpgers Exercises .75 .50 .38 PUNCTUATION AND BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE Hagar & SoRelle — Applied Business Correspondence and Punc- tuation .60 .40 .30 Hagar — Exercises in Applied Business Punctuation .15 .10 .08 Hagar — Applied Business Punctuation and Business Forms .10 . .27 .20 Kennedy — Punctuation Simplified .15 .10 .08 SHORTHAND Brown — Factors of Shorthand Speed .75 .50 . .... Gregg — The Gregg Shorthand Manual 1.50 1.00 .75 Gregg — Progressive Exercises in Gregg Shorthand .50 .33 .25 Gregg — Gregg Speed Practice 1.00 .67 .50 67 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY. Title of Book. Gregg — The Gregg Reporter Gregg — Gregg Shortland Dictionary Gregg — Gregg Shorthand Phrase Book Gregg — Hints and Helps for the Shorthand Students Gregg — Reading and Writing Exercises in Gregg Shorthand .... Gregg — Gregg Shorthand Reader Gregg — Lessons in Shorthand Penmanship Hawthorne — The Great Stone Face (written in Gregg Shorthand) Henry — Beginners' Letter Drills Irving — The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (written in Gregg Short- hand) Irving — Rip Van Winkle (written in Gregg Shorthand) Lorimer — Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son (written in Gregg Shorthand) McClure — Practical Drills in Shorthand Penmanship Pani — Taquigrafia Fonetica Gregg-Pani Rasmussen — Graded Dictation Rutherford — Practical Pointers for Shorthand Students SoRelle — Advanced Practice, Part I (written in Gregg Shorthand) SoRelle — Advanced Practice, Part II (written in Gregg Short- hand) ' SoRelle — Advanced Practice, Part III (written in Gregg Short- hand) SoRelle — Expert Shorthand Speed Course Whitford — Factors of Success (written in Gregg Shorthand) .... SPELLING SoRelle & Kitt — Words, Their Spelling, Pronunciation, Defini- tion and Application SoRelle — Words Exercises Book TYPEWRITING Cutler & SoRelle — Rational Typewriting, Single Keyboard Edi- tion Cutler & SoRelle— Rational Typewriting, Remington Edition. . Cutler & SoRelle — Rational Typewriting, Underwood Edition. . . Cutler & SoRelle — Rational Typewriting, Smith Premier Edition Cutler & SoRelle — Rational Typewriting, Oliver Edition Cutler & SoRelle — Rational Typewriting, Abridged Edition- Single Keyboard Cutler & SoRelle — Rational Typewriting, Abridged Edition — Double Keyboard List Net Exchange Price Price Price 1.50 1.00 .75 1.00 .67 .50 .75 .50 .38 .50 .33 .25 .50 .33 .25 .25 .17 .13 .10 .07 .05 .15 .10 .08 .10 .07 .05 .25 .17 .13 .15 .10 .08 .50 .33 .25 .15 .10 .08 1.50 1.00 .75 1.00 .67 .50 .50 .33 .25 .50 .33 .25 .50 .33 .25 .50 .33 .25 1.00 .67 .50 .15 .10 .08 .25 .17 .13 .25 .17 .13 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 .50 .50 .33 .33 .25 .25 LIST OF A. D. GRIFFIN To be furnished f. o. b. at Kasota, Minn., upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price First Lessons in English Grammar $0.33 $0.25 .... (Freight paid on large orders.) LIST OF D. C. HEATH AND COMPANY 1815 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. D. C. HEATH AND COMPANY agrees to sell its text-books, f. o. b. Chicago, Illinois, to dealers and to School Boards in Minnesota, or to their authorized and responsible agents, at prices as follows; List Title of Book Price SCIENCE Arey, Bryant, Clendenin & Morrey — Physiography $1.44 Barto — Agriculture-Soils and Crops .60 Brown — Good Health for Girls and Boys .48 Brown — Health in Home and Town .64 Chute — Physical Laboratory Manual 1.00 Coleman — Text-Book in Physics 1.40 Colton — PhysiologyExperiment and Descriptive 1.40 Wholesale Wholesale Price Price Without With Exchange Exchange $1.08 $1.01 .45 .36 .34 .48 .45 .75 .70 1.05 .98 1.05 .98 68 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Colton — Physiology-Briefer Course Colton — Practical Physiology Colton — Physiology-Practical and Descriptive Colton — Elementary Physiology and Hygiene Colton — Zoology-Descriptive and Practical Colton — Zoology-Part I-Deseriptivc Colton — Zoology-Part Il-Practical Colton and Murbach — Physiology and Hygiene Ebbinghaus — Psychology Elhuff — General Science Elhuff — Laboratory Manual in General Science Hoag — Health Studies Halligan — Fundamentals of Agriculture Linebarger — Text Book of Physics Linebarger — Laboratory Manual of Physics Newell — Descriptive Chemistry Newell — Descriptive Chemistry, Part I containing descriptive text Newell — Descriptive Chemistry, Part II containing 158 experi- ments Newell — Experimental Chemistry Newell — General Chemistry Newell — General Chemistry, Part I containing descriptive text . . Newell — General Chemistry, Part II containing 214 experiments Newell — Inorganic Chemistry for Colleges Newell — Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry Pepoon, Mitchell and Mawxell — Plant Life Remsen — Organic Chemistry Richards — Hygiene for Girls Sever — Elements of Agriculture Smith, Stahl and Sykes — Exercises in Physiography Stevens — Introduction to Botany Stevens — Key and Flora Stevens- — Botany with Flora Torelle — Plant and Animal Children Walters — Physiology and Hygiene Weed — Farm Friends and Farm Foes Weed and Riley — Crop Production Whitney, Lucas, Shinn and Smallwood — Study of Animals MATHEMATICS Atwood — Complete Graded Arithmetic, Part I Part II Atwood — Work for each grade, bound separately; Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Cohen — Differential Equations Fite — First Course in Algebra Fite — Second Course in Algebra Fite — College Algebra Gardner and Murtland — Industrial Arithmetic Heath — Beginner's Arithmetic Heath — Primary Arithmetic Heath — Complete Practical Arithmetic Lewis — Farm Business Arithmetic Lewis — Primary Arithmetic Joy — Arithmetic without a Pencil McCurdy — Exercise Book in Algebra Miller & Lilly — Analytic Mechanics Nichols — Analytic Geometry Osborne — Differential and Integral Calculus Short & Elson — Secondary School Mathematics: Book I Book II Short & Elson — Introduction to Mathematics Walsh — Arithmetic for Upper Grades Walsh — Graded Mental Arithmetic Walsh — Introductory Algebra Walsh — New Arithmetics: New Primary Arithmetic New Grammar School New Grammar School, Part I New Grammar School, Part II Wholesale Wholesale List Price Price Price Without With Exchange Exchange 1.00 .7."> .70 .60 .45 .12 1.60 1 2 ) 1.12 .Ml .6 ) .56 L.60 1.20 1.12 1.20 .00 si .60 .45 .12 111' .84 .70 1,41) in:, .OS 1.28 .00 .90 .48 .36 .72 .54 .51 1.41) 1.05 .OS 1.40 1 .05 .98 l.DO .7o 1.28 .o.; .00 1.12 st .79 .48 .30 .3 1 1.32 .00 .03 1.28 .00 .00 1.12 .84 .70 -■> .:>! .51 2.00 I 50 1.40 .hi .48 .00 .4.") 1.52 1.14 1.07 .so .60 .00 . 1". .42 .80 .60 1.10 1.05 .OS .00 .45 42 1.00 1.20 1.12 .04 .IS .45 1.2S .00 .00 1.12 M .88 .00 .:_' .54 .40 .30 .28 .72 .54 .51 .32 .24 .23 .32 .24 .23 .32 .24 .23 .32 .24 .23 .32 .24 .23 .32 .24 .23 2.00 1.50 1.40 .00 .07 .03 .00 .07 .63 1.48 1.11 1.01 .0 1 ,17. .12 .40 .30 .28 .40 .30 .28 .68 .."»1 .is .48 .36 .34 .40 .30 .28 .44 .33 .31 .72 .7>4 .51 2.00 1.50 1.10 1.40 1.0.3 .OS 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 .00 .45 .42 .52 .30 .37 .60 .15 .42 .40 .30 .28 .68 .51 48 .44 .33 .31 .52 .39 .37 69 LiST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Walsh — Practical Methods in Arithmetic Walsh — Mathematics for Common Schools: Elementary Arithmetic Intermediate Arithmetic Higher Arithmetic Primary Arithmetic Grammar School Arithmetic Grammar School Arithmetic, Part I Grammar School Arithmetic, Part II Walsh-Suzzallo — Arithmetics : Fundamental Processes Essentials Business and Industrial Practice Practical Applications Series by Grades, Six Books. Each Watson and White — Arithmetics; Elementary Complete Primary Arithmetic Intermediate Arithmetic Grammar School Arithmetic Wells — Academic Arithmetic Wells & Hart — First Year Algebra Wells & Hart — Second Course in Algebra Wells & Hart — New High School Algebra Wells & Hart — Plane Geometry Wells & Hart — Solid Geometry Wells & Hart — Plane and Solid Geometry Wells & Gerrish — Beginner's Algebra Wells — Academic Algebra Wells — Higher Algebra Wells — High School Algebra Wells — First Course in Algebra Wells — Algebra for Secondary Schools Wells — Text Book in Algebra Wells — Essentials of Algebra Wells — New Higher Algebra Wells — Advanced Course in Algebra Wells — New Geometry, Plane and Solid Plane Solid Wells — Essentials of Geometry, Plane and Solid Plane Solid GERMAN Deutsches Liederbuch (Hohlfeld) Fraser & Van der Smissen — German Grammar Geschichten und Marchen (Foster) Gore — German Science Reader Harris — German Lessons Harris — Selections for German Composition Hastings — Studies in German Words Hatfield — Materials for German Composition. Each Based on Immensee and Hoher als die Kirche, each 32 pages. Heath — German-English and English-German Dictionary Hodges — Course in Scientific German Holswarth — Gruss aus Deutschland Huss — German Reader Joynes-Meissner — German Grammar Joynes-Meissner — Shorter German Grammar Joynes — Shorter German Reader Joynes-Wesselhoeft — German Grammar Krueger and Smith — German Conversation Book Manfred — Ein praktischer Anfang Marchen und Erzahlungen I (Guerber) Marchen und Erzahlungen II (Guerber) Meissner — German Conversation Mosher-& Jenney — Lern und Lesebuch Nix — Erstes deutsches Schulbuch Pattou — An American in Germany Schmidhof er — Lese-Ubungen fur Kinder Schmidhofer — Erstes Lesebuch Schmidhofer — Zweites Lesbuch : Spanhoofd — Elementarbuch Spanhoofd — Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache Spanhoofd — Erstes deutsches Lesebuch List Price 1.36 Wholesale Wholesale Price Without Price With Exchange Exchange 1.02 .40 .30 .28 .44 .33 .31 .68 .51 .48 .40 .30 .28 .68 .51 .48 .36 .27 .26 .48 .36 .34 .40 .30 .28 .44 .33 .31 .52 .39 .37 .68 .51 .48 .36 .27 .26 .40 .30 .28 .68 .51 .48 .40 .30 .28 .48 .36 .34 .68 .51 .48 1.12 .84 .79 .96 .72 .68 .96 .72 .68 1.28 .96 .90 .80 .60 .56 .76 .57 .54 1.32 .99 .93 .60 .45 .42 1.20 .90 .84 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.20 .90 .84 1.08 .81 .76 1.28 .96 .90 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.20 .90 .84 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.54 1.15 1.08 1.32 .99 .93 .80 .60 .56 .75 .56 .53 1.32 .99 .93 .80 .60 .56 .75 .56 .53 .96 .72 .68 1.20 .90 .84 .45 .33 .90 .67 .63 .70 .52 .49 .60 .45 .42 1.20 .90 .84 .15 .11 .11 1.60 1.20 .80 .60 .56 1.00 .75 .80 .60 .56 1.25 .93 .88 .90 .67 .63 .70 .52 .49 1.25 .93 .88 .30 .22 .21 1.25 .93 .88 .65 .48 .65 .48 .70 .52 1.25 .93 .88 .40 .30 .28 .75 .56 .53 .36 .27 .26 .44 .33 .31 .60 .45 .42 1.15 .86 .81 1.15 .86 .81 .80 .60 .56 70 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Stuven — Praktische Anfangsgrunde Wesselhoeft — Elementary German Grammar Wesselhoeft — German Composition ' Wesselhoeft — Conversation and Composition Alltagliches (Lambert) Anderson — Marches (Super) Vocabulary Arndt — Deutsche Patrioten (Colwell) Vocabulary Arnold — Aprihvetter (Fossler) Vocabulary Arnold — Fritz aui Ferien (Spanhoofd) Vocabulary Auf der Sonnenseite (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Aus Herz uud Welt (Bernhardt) Baumbach — Die Norma (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Baumbacb — Habichtsfraulein (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Baumbach — Nicotiana (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Baumbach — Waldnovellen (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Benedix — Die Hochzeitsreise (Schiefferdecker) Vocabulary Benedix — Nein (Spanhoofd) Vocabulary Benedix — Plautus und Terenz, Sonntagsjager (Wells) Benedix — Der Prozess (Wells) Vocabulary Bluthgen — Peterle von Numbers (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Bohlau — Ratsmadelgeschichten (Havernich) Vocabulary Campe — Robinson der Jungere (Iberahoff) Vocabulary Carmen Sylva — Aus meinem Konigrcich (Bernhardt) vocabulary Chamisso — Peter Sehlemihl (Primer) Dahn — Ein Kampf um Rom (Wenckebach) Dahn — Sigwalt und Sigridh (Schmidt) Der Weg zum Gluck (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Deutscher Humor (Betz) Vocabulary Die Schildburger (Betz) Vocabulary Drei kleine Lutspiele (Wells) Ebner-Eschenbach — Freiherren von Gemperlein (Hohlfeld) Eichendorff — Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Osthaus) Voca- bulary Elz — Er ist nicht eifersuchtig (Wells) Vocabulary Freytag — Aus dem Jahrt. d. grossen Krieges (Rhoades) Freytag — Aus dem Staat Friedrichs des Grossen (Hager) Freytag — Nest der Zaunkonige (Roedder and Handschin) Freytag — Die Journalisten (Toy) Freytag — Die Journalisten (Toy) vocabulary Freytag — Soil und Haben (Files) Frommel — Eingeschneit (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Frommel— Mit Ranzel und Wanderstab (Bernhardt) Fulda — Der Talisman (Prettyman) German Lyrics and Ballads (Hatfield) German Selections for Sight Translation (Mondan) Gerstacker — Germelshausen (Lewis) Vocabulary Gerstacker — Irrfahrten (Sturm) Vocabulary Goethe — Das Marches (Eggert) Vocabulary Goethe — Faust (Thomas) Part I Goethe — Faust (Thomas) Part II Goethe — Torquato Tasso (Thomas) Goethe — Meisterwerke (Bernhardt) Goethe — Hermann und Dorothea (Adams) Vocabulary Goethe— Egmont (Hatfield) Goethe — Iphigenie (Rhoades) Goethe — Sesenheim (Huss) Vocabulary Goethe — Dichtung und Wahrheit, Books I-IV (Buchheim) Grillparzer — Der arme Spielmann (Howard) Vocabulary Grillparzer — Der Traum ein Leben (Meyer) Grimm — Marchen; Schiller's Der Taucher (Van der Smissen Vo- cabulary Hauff — Das Kaltc Herz (Van der Smissen) Vocaulary Hauff — Lichtenstein (Vogel) Hauff — Der Zwerg Nase (Grandgent) Hebbel — Agnes Bernauer (Evans) Heine — Die Harzreise (Vos) Vocabulary Heine — Poems (White) Heyse — Madchen von Treppi (Joyncs) Vocabulary Heyse — Hochzeit auf Capri (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Heyse — L'Arrabbiata (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Heyse — Niels mit der offenen Hand (Joynes) Vocabulary Hillern — Holier als die Kirche (Clary) Vocabulary Hoffmann — Gymnasium zu Stolpenburg ( Buehner) Jensen — Die braune Erica (Joynes) Vocabulary Keller — Fahnlein der Sieben Aufrechten (Howard) Keller — Kleider machen Leute (Lambert) Vocabulary Keller — Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe (Adams) Wholesale Wholesale List Price Price i'rice Without With Exchange Exchange .80 .60 1.00 .75 .70 .50 .37 .35 ..-,.", .41 .39 .80 .60 ..",.-, .41 .Ill .30 .45 .33 .36 .26 .hi .30 .30 .22 .35 .26 .1.-. .33 :.v, .26 .in .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 .30 .22 .10 .30 .1.-, .33 .45 .33 .ID .30 .40 ,30 .60 .45 .30 .22 .45 .33 .45 .33 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .80 .00 .30 .22 .1.-. .33 .70 .52 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .80 .60 .17 .12 .35 .26 .50 .37 .35 .26 1.25 .93 1.50 1.12 .80 .60 1.25 .93 .711 .52 .70 ..',2 .65 .48 .35 .20 1.10 .82 .40 .30 .45 .33 .50 .37 .45 .33 .80 .60 .35 .26 ..'.0 .37 .50 .37 .80 .60 ,10 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .:;:. .26 .:;:, .26 .45 .33 .40 .30 .45 .33 ,10 .30 .40 .30 71 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Korner — Zriny (Holzworth) Leander — Traumereien (Van der Smissen) Vocabulary Lessing — Emilia Galotti (Winkler) Lessing — Minna von Barnhelm (Primer) Lessing — Minna von Barnhelm (Primer) Vocabulary .... Lessing — Nathan der Weise (Primer) Liliencron — Anno 1870 (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Lohmeyer — Geissbub von Engelberg (Bernhardt) Vocabulary. . . Ludwig — Zwischen Himmel und Erde (Meyer) Meisterwerks des Mittelalters (Wenckebach) Meyer — Gustav Adolfs Page (Heller) Meyer — Jurg Jenatsch (Kenngott) Moricke — Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag (Howard) Moser — Der Bibliothekar (Wells) Vocabulary Mosher — Wilkommen in Deutschland Munchausen — Reisen (Schmidt) Vocabulary Novelletten — Bibliothek, I, II, (Bernhardt). Each Raabe — Eulenpfingsten (Lambert) Vocabulary Riehl — Burg Neideck (Jones) Vocabulary Riehl — Der Fluch der Schonheit (Thomas) Vocabulary Rosegger — Der Lex von Gutenhag (Morgan) Vocabulary Salomon — Ges chichte einer Geige (Tombo) Vocabulary Scheffel— Ekkshard (Wenckebach) Schefiel — Trompeter von Sakkingen (Wenckebach) Schiller — Lied von der Glocke (Chamberlin) Vocabulary Schiller — Der Geisterseher (Joynes) Vocabulary Schiller — Neffe a!s Onkel (Beresford-Webb) Vocabulary Schiller — Wallenstein's Tod (Eggert) Schiller— Wilhelm Tell (Deering) Schiller — Wilhelm Tell (Deering) Vocabulary Schiller — Maria Stuart (Rhoades) Vocabulai y . Schiller — Jungfrau von Orleans (Wells) . Schiller — Jungfrau von Orleans (Wells) Vocabulai y Schiller— Ballads (Johnson) Seidel — Aus goldenen Tagen (Bernhardt) Vocabulary. , Seidel — Leberecht Huhnchen (Spanhoofd) Vocabulary Spyri — Moni der Geissbub (Guerber) Vocabulary Spyri — Rosenresli (Boll) Special Vocabulary Spyri — Was der Grossmutter Lehre bewirkt (Barrows) Vocabu- lary Stille Wasser (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Stokl — Alle Funf (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Storm — Geschichten aus der Tonne (Vogel) Vocabulary Storm — Immensee (Bernhardt) Vocabulary Storm — In St. Jurgen (Wright) Vocabulary Storm — Pole Poppenspaler (.Bernhardt) Vocabulary Sudermann — Der Katzensteg (Wells) Sudermann — Frau Sorge (Leser & Osthaus) Vocabulary Sudermann — Heimat (Schmidt) Sud,ermann — Jo.hannes (Schmidt) Sudermann — Teja (Ford) Vocabulary Till Eulenspiegel (Betz) Vocabulary Unter dem Christbaum (Bernhardt) Volkmann — Kleine Geschichten (Bernhardt) Wichert — Als verlobte empfehlen sich (Flom) Vocabulary Wildenbruch — Das edle Blut (Schmidt) Vocabulary Wilde nbruch — Der Letzte (Schmidt) Vocabulary Wildenbruch — Die Rabensteimerin (Ford) Wildenbruch — Harold Wildenbruch — Neid (Prettyman) Vocabulary Zinnecker — Deutsch fur Anfanger Zschokke — Abenteuer der Neujahrsnacht (Handschin) Zschokke — Das Wirtskaus zu Cransac (Joynes) Vocabulary . . . . Zschokke — Der Zerbrochene Krug (Joynes) Vocabulary FRENCH Anecdotes Faciles (Super) Bowen — First Scientific French Reader Brigham — Materials for French Composition (Based on Saus Famille) Bruce — Grammaire Francaise Bruce — Lactures Faciles Capus — Pour Charmer nos Pctits Comfort — Exercises in French Prose Composition Davies — Elementary Scientific French Reader Delpit — L'Age d'Or de la Litterature Francaise Wholesale Wholesale List Price Price Price Without With Exchange Exchange .40 .30 .45 .33 .65 .48 .05 .48 .70 .52 .90 .67 .45 .33 .45 .33 .70 .52 1.35 1.01 .30 .22 .70 .52 .40 .30 .45 .33 .80 .60 .35 .26 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .45 .33 .35 .26 .60 .45 .55 .41 .25 .18 .40 .30 .35 .26 .70 ■ .52 .65 .48 .80 .60 .75 .56 .65 48 .80 .60 .65 .48 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .45 .33 .35 .26 .40 .30 .45 .33 .65 .48 1.00 .75 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 1.25 .93 .88 .40 .30 .35 .26 .30 .22 .30 .22 .21 1.00 .75 .70 .15 .11 .11 1.25 .93 .88 .70 .52 .49 .50 .37 .35 .26 .25 .45 .33 .32 .90 .67 72 LIST OF d. c. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book List Without Duval — Histoire de la Litterature Francaise 1.20 Fontaine — Livre de Lecture et de Conversation l.on Fraser and Squair — French Grammar 1.25 Alternative English Exercises .20 Abridged Grammar y -jr, Elementary Grammar 1.00 Shorter French Coucsc \\\>i) French Anecdotes (Giese and Cool) .4.", Grandgent — Materials for French Composition .15 Grandgent — Selections for French Composition .on Heath — French-English and English-French Dictionary 1.60 Hennequin — French Modal Auxiliaries .50 Hotchkiss — Premier Livre de Francais .40 Knowles & Favard — Grammaire de la Conversation 1.25 Marcou — French Review Exercises :;n Perfect French Possible (Knowles and Favard) .40 Snow & Lebon — Easy French, for beginners .65 Super — Preparatory French Reader ,80 About — Le Roi des Montagues (Logic) .45 About — Le Roi des Montagnes (Logic) Vocabulary .55 About — La Mere de la Marquise (Brush) Vocabulary .5(1 Balzac — Le Cure de Tours (Super) Vocabulary Balzac — Le Pere Goriot (Sanderson) 1.00 Bazin — Contes Choisis (Francois) Vocabulary .45 Beaumarchais — Le Barbier de Seville (Spiers) .40 Bedolliere — Mere Michel et son Chat (Wrench) Vocabulary. . . . .35 Berthet — Le Pacte de Famine (Dickinson) .30 Boileau — Selections (Kuhns) .55 Bornier — La Fille de Roland (Nelson) .35 Bruno Les Enfants Patriotes (Lyon) Vocabulary .30 Bruno — Tour de la France par deux Enfants (Fontaine) .50 Chateaubriand — Atala (Kuhns) Vocabulary .to Contes des Romanciers Naturalistes (Dow & Skinner) .60 Corneille — Cinna (Matzke) Corneille — Horace (Matzke) .35 Corneille — Le Cid (Warren) .45 Corneille — Polyeucte (Fortier) .:;."> Daudet — Choix de Contes (Fontaine) .35 Daudet — Choix de Contes (Fontaine) Vocabulary .45 Daudet — Le Petit Chose (Super) Vocabulary .45 Daudet — Trois Contes Choisis (Sanderson) Vocabulary .30 Daudet — La Belle-Nivernaise (Boielle) Vocabulary .35 Daudet — Tartarin de Tarascon (Hawkins) Vocabulary .50 Desnoyer — Jean-Paul Choppart (Fontaine) Vocabulary .45 Diderot — Selections (Giese) ,55 Dumas — L'Evasion du Due de Beaufort (Kitchen) ,35 Dumas — Les Trois Mousquetaires (Spiers) Vocabulary .50 Dumas— Monte-Cristo (Spiers) Vocabulary .15 Dumas — La Tulipe Noire (Fontaine) .45 Dumas — La Tulipe Noire (Fontaine) Vocabulary ,55 Enault — Le Chien du Capitaine (Fontaine) Vocabulary .40 Erckmann-Chatrian- — Conscrit de 1813 (Super) Vocabulary .50 Erckmann-Chatrian — Juif Polonais (Manly) Vocabulary .35 Erckmann-Chatrian — Madame Therese (Manly) Vocabulary. . . .45 Erckmann-Chatrian — Waterloo (Super) .40 Feuillet — Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre (Bruner) .55 Fleurs de France (C. Fontaine) .40 France — Abeille (Lebon) .HO French Fairy Tales (Joynes) Vocubulary .40 French Lyrics (Bowen) .65 French Prose of the XVII Century (Warren) 1.10 Greville — Dosia (Hamilton) Vocabulary .50 Guerber — Marie-Louise .35 Halevy — L'Abbe Constantin (Logie) .15 Halevy — Mariage d'Amour (Hawkins) Vocabulary .35 Historiettes Modernes (Fontaine) Volume I .40 Historiettes Modernes (Fontaine) Volume II .40 Hugo — La Chute (Huss) Vocabulary .35 Hugo — Hernani (Matzke) .65 Hugo — Les Miserables (Super) 1.00 Hugo — Les Travailleurs de la Mer (Langley) 1.00 Hugo— Quatre-vingt-treize (Fontaine) Vocabulary .55 Hugo — Bug Jargal (Boielle) .45 La Brete — Mon Oncle et mon Cure .50 Labiche — La Grammaire (Levi) Vocabulary .30 Labiche — Poudre aus yeux (Wells) Vocabulary .35 Labiche — Voyage de M. Perrichon (Wells) Vocabulary .35 Wholesale Wholesale Price Price With Exchange Exchange .90 7.". .93 .15 .93 .75 .*»< » .11 .45 1.20 .37 .30 93 .22 .30 .48 .00 .41 .37 .20 .75 .33 .30 .26 .22 .41 .26 .22 .37 .30 ,15 .26 .26 .33 .20 .20 .33 .33 .22 .20 .37 .33 .41 .20 .37 .33 .33 .41 .30 .37 .20 .33 .30 .41 .30 .22 .30 .48 .82 .37 .26 .33 .26 .30 .30 .26 .48 .75 .75 .41 .33 .37 .22 .26 .26 .711 .70 .84 .32 .11 ,12 .35 .28 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Laboulaye — Contes Bleus (Fontaine) Vocabulary La Main Malheureuse (Guerber) Vocabulary Lamartine — Graziella (Warren) Lamartine — Jeanne d' Arc (Barrere) Vocabulary Lamartine — Revolution Francaise (Super) Vocabulary Laurie — Memoires d'un Collegien (Super) Vocabulary Legouve and Labiche — La Cigale (Witherby) Lemaitre — Contes (Rensch) Vocabulary Lesage — Gil Bias (Sanderson) Loti — Pecheur d'Islande (Super) Vocabulary Mairet — La Tache du petit Pierre (Super) Vocabulary Maistre — La Jeune Siberienne (Fontaine) Vocabulary Malot — Sans Famille (Spiers) Vocabulary Marivaux — Jeu de 1' Amour (Fortier) Vocabulary Maupassant — Huit Contes Choisis (White) Vocabulary Meilhac & Halevy — L'Bte de la St. Martin (Francois) Merimee — Colomba (Fontaine) Merimee — Colomba (Fontaine) Vocabulary Miehelet — Extraits de L'Histoire de France (Wright) Moinaux — Les deux Sourds (Spiers) Vocabulary Moliere — L'Avare (Levi) Moliere — La Tartuffe (Wright) Moliere — Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Warren) Moliere — Les Femmes Savantes (Fortier) Moliere — Le Misanthrope (Eggert) Moliere — Les Precieuses Ridicules (Toy) Musset — Pierre et Canaille (Super) Pailleron — Le Monde ou Ton s'ennuie (Pendleton) Racine — Esther (Spiers) Vocabulary Racine — Andromaque (Wells) Racine — Athalie (Eggert) Racine — Les Plaideurs (Wright) Racine — Phedre (Babbitt) . . . Recits de Guerre et de Revolution (Minssen) Recits Historiques (Moffett) Vocabulary Rostand — La Princesse Lointaine (Borgerhoff) Saintine — Picciola (Super) Vocabulary Sandeau — Mile de la Seigliere (Warren) Vocabulary Sand — La Mare au Diable (Sumichrast) Vocabulary Sand — La Petite Fadette (Super) Vocabulary Sardou — Les Pattes de Mouche (Farnsworth) Vocabulary Souvestre — Un Philosophe sous les Toits Fraser) Vocabulary . Souvestre — Le Mari de Madame de Solange (Super) '. Thiers — Bonaparte en Egypte (Fabregou) Vocabulary Verne — L'Expedition de la Jeune-Hardie (Lyon) Verne — Tour du Monde en SO Jours (Edgren) Vocabulary. . . . Verne — Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (Fontaine) Vigny — La Cachet Rouge (Fortier) Vigny — La Canne de Jonc (Spiers) Vigny — Cinq-Mars (Sankey) Voltaire — Zaire (Cabeen) SPANISH Alarcon — El Capitan Veneno (Ford) Vocabulary Alarcon — Novelas Cortas (Remy) Vocabulary Asensi — Victoria (Ingraham) Vocabulary Bransby — Spanish Reader Caballero — Un Servilony un Liberalito (Bransby) Vocabulary Cervantes — Don Quijote — Selections (Ford) Vocabulary Cuentos Castellanos — (Carter & Malloy) Vocabulary Echegaray — O'Locura o Santidad (Geddes & Josselyn) Ford — Exercises in Spanish Composition Galdos — Marianela (Geddes & Josselyn) Vocabulary Gutierrez — El Trovador (Vaughan) Vocabulary Hills & Ford — Spanish Grammar Ingraham-Edgren — Breif Spanish Grammar Marion and Garennes — Lengua Castellana Matzke — Spanish Reader Macdermott — El Deletreador para Principiantes Nelson — The Spanish-American Reader Nunez de Arce — El Haz de Lena (Schwill) Padre Isla — Gil Bias (Geddes & Josselyn) Vocabulary Remy — Spanish Composition Spanish Anecdotes (Giese & Cool) Vocabulary Spanish Short Stories (Hills & Reinhardt) Tamayo — Lo Positivo (Harry & De Salvio) Vocabulary Wholesale Wholesale List Price Price Price Without With Exchange Exchange .40 .30 .30 .22 .45 .33 .40 .30 .45 .33 .55 41 .25 .IS .35 .26 .50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 .5.0 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .30 .22 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .40 .30 .30 .22 .25 .18 .45 .33 .35 .26 .40 .30 .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 .30 .22 .50 .37 .45 .33 .50 .37 .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 .45 .33 .55 .41 .25 .IS .40 .30 .35 .26 .50 .37 .50 .37 .30 .22 .45 .33 .65 .48 .35 .26 .55 .41 .39 .55 .41 39 .55 .41 39 .75 .56 53 .55 .41 39 .SO .60 56 .60 .45 42 .45 .33 .35 .26 25 .90 .67 .45 .33 1.25 .93 88 1.10 .82 77 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 70 .36 .27 1.25 .93 .65 .48 .90 .67 .60 .45 42 .60 .45 1.12 .84 .50 .37 74 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Valdes — Jose (Davidson) Vocabulary Valdes — Capitan Ribot (Morrison & Churchman) Valera — Pcpita Jiminez (Lincoln) Vocabulary Waxman — A trip to South America Ybarra — Pracitcal Method in Spanish PHYSICAL TRAINING Bancroft — School Gymnastics, Free Hand Stoneroad — Gymnastic Stories and Plays LATIN Barss — Writing Latin, Book I, Revised Barss — Writing Latin, Book II Dotey — Exercise Books on Caesar, Books I, II, III, and IV. .ea.. Gildersleeve-Lodge — Latin Grammar Gildersleeve-Lodge — Latin Grammar (School Edition) Jenks — Latin Word Formation Moulton — Introductory Latin Smith — Elements of Latin Towle & Jenks — Caesar's Gallic War, Four Books Seven Books (Contains text, notes, grammatical appendix and vocabulary) Tunstall — Cicero, Six Orations Tunstall — Cicero, Eleven Orations Wholesale Wholesale List Price Price Price Without With Exchnage Exchange .90 .67 .'.HI .67 .'in .67 .50 :;: l.UO .75 1 Ml 1.20 .12 .so .60 .50 .56 .42 .40 .SI) .60 .56 .28 .21 .'JO 1.40 1.05 .'.IS Mill .7.'. .70 ..".«; .12 .10 LOO .75 .70 I.iki .75 .70 1.20 .'.Ml .84 1.40 1.05 .98 1.20 .90 .84 1.40 1.05 .'IS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Allen — English Grammar, for advanced grammar grades and high schools Allen — Review of English Grammar, for secondary schools Benson — English Derivatives Bowman — Essays for College English Buhlig — Business English Duncan, Beck & Graves — Prose Selections Espenshade — Composition and Rhetoric Gerrish & Cunningham — Practical English Composition Hyde — Two Book Course in English, Book I Hyde — Two Book Course in English, Book II Lockwood — The Freshman and His College MacE^an — The Essentials of Argumentation Manly-Bailey — Lessons in English, Book I Manly-Bailey — Lessons in English, Book II Manly-Bailey — Lessons in English, Book I, Sections 1 and 2. . . . Manly-Bailey — Lessons in English, Book I, Sections 3 and 4 . . . Manly-Bailey — Lessons in English, Book II, Sections 1 and 2. . . Manly-Bailey — Lessons in English, Book II, Sections 3 and 4. . . Manly-Bailey — Junior High School English, Book I Pearson — The Principles of Composition Penniman — New Practical Speller Richards — Primary Speller Richards — Garmmar Grade Speller Sandwick & Bacon — High School Word Book Sandwick & Bacon — Briefer Course Sandwick & Bacob — Junior High School Speller Spalding — Principles of Rhetoric Slater — Freshman Rhetoric Taylor — Beginnings in English. Woolley — Handbook of Composition Woolley — Exercises in English Woolley — The -Mechanics of Writing Woolley — Written English ENGLISH LITERATURE Arden — Shakespeare ; Hamlet Coriolanus Macbeth As You Like It Julius Caesar Twelfth Night The Tempest Cymbeline The Merchant of Venice Richard II .64 .48 1.1 .68 .51 .48 .IS .36 1.32 .99 1.16 .87 .82 1.16 .87 1.20 .90 .84 1.24 .03 .87 .40 .30 .28 .(it .48 .45 .80 .00 1.32 .'.Hi .93 .48 .36 .34 .01 .48 .45 .32 .24 .23 .32 .24 .23 .40 .30 .28 .40 .30 .28 .64 Is .45 .64 .48 .45 .21 .18 .17 .28 .21 .20 .24 .23 .44 .33 .31 .28 .21 .20 .28 .21 .20 l.os .81 .76 1.20 .90 .44 .31 .SO .60 .56 .0) .48 .45 1.12 .84 .79 1.12 .84 .79 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 75 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Arden — Shakesrjeare: Richard III King Lear King John Henry IV, Part I A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado about Nothing Henry V Henry VIII Addison — Sir Roger de Coverley Papers (Hudson) (Includes 36 papers, 9 full page illustrations and map) Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum (Castleman) Bacon — Essays (Howe) Bronson — History of American Literature Burke — Speeches on the American War (George) Burke — Conciliation with America (George) Burns — Select Poems Carlyle — Essay on Burns (George) Carlyle — Heroes and Hero Worship (Murch) Coleridge — Rime of the Ancient Mariner (George) Briefer Edition Cooper — Last of the Mohicans (Wight) Crawshaw — The Making of English Literature De Quincy — Flight of a Tartar Tribe (Wauchope) De Quincy — Joan of Arc and English Mail Coach Dickens — Tale of Two Cities (Moore) Dryden — Palamon and Arcite (Crawshaw) Franklin — Autobiography (Davidson) George Eliot — Silas Marner (Wauchope) Goldsmith — Traveller and Deserted Village with Gray's Elegy. . Goldsmith — Vicar of Wakefield (Hudson) Hall— Beowulf, Cloth Hall — Beowulf, Paper Hawthorne & Lemmon — American Literature Howes — Brief American Literature Howes — Brief English Literature Hudson — Study of Literature Irving — Life of Goldsmith (Coblentz) Irving — Sketch Book (Davidson) Lamb — Essays of Elia (Coblentz) Lincoln — Select Speeches and Letters (Prince) Macaulay — Essaj on Addison Macaulay — Essay on Milton (Walker) :•_••• Macaulay — Essay on Clive (Hudson) .'. . . Macaulay — Lays of Ancient Rome (Shackford) Macaulay — Essay on Warren Hastings (Hudson) Macaulay — Life of Johnson (Walker) Milton — Minor Poems (Walker) Milton — Paradise Lost, I and II (Walker) Milton — Paradise Lost, Briefer Edition, containing Books I & II Moulton — Short Introduction to the Literature of the Bible .... Pope— Iliad (Shorey) I, VI, XXII, XXIV Ruskin — Sesame and Lilies (Gaston) Scott — Ivanhoe (MacClintock) Scott — Lady of the Lake (Syle) Scott — Quentin Durward (Brewster) Stevenson — Treasure Island (Gaston) Tennyson — Enoch Arden and the two Locksley Halls Tennyson — Idylls of the King (Beatty) Tennyson — The Princess (George) Tennyson — The Princess, Briefer Edition Thackeray — English Humorists (Bumby) Washington — Farewell Address and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration Webster — First Bunker Hill Oration (George) Webster — Speeches (George) READING Alger — Primer of Work and Play Bass — Child's First Book Bass — The Beginner's Reader Bass — First Reader Bass — Plant Life Bass — Animal Life Bass — Stories of Pioneer Life Davis-Julien Readers: Finger Play Reader, Part I, Pupil's Edition , Wholesale Wholesale List Price Price Price Without With Exchange Exchange .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .36 .27 .28 .21 .40 .30 1.00 .75 .70 .60 .54 .28 .21 .80 .60 .28 .21 .80 .60 .32 .24 .24 .18 .50 .37 1.50 1.12 .28 .21 .28 .21 .50 .37 .28 .21 .50 .37 .36 .27 .28 .21 .44 .33 .80 .60 .32 .24 1.24 .93 .52 .39 .37 .52 .39 .37 1.36 1.02 .36 .27 .50 .37 .40 .30 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .48 .36 .28 .21 1.12 .84 .28 .21 .36 .27 .50 .37 .36 .27 .50 .37 .40 .30 .28 .21 .28 .21 .40 .30 .28 .21 .40 .30 .28 .21 .28 .21 .SO .60 .36 .27 .32 .24 .28 .21 .36 .27 .40 .30 .44 .33 .44 .33 .36 .27 76 LIST OF D. C. HEATH & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Davies — Julien Readers: Finger Play Reader, Part II, Pupil's Edition Sea Brownie Reader, Part I Sea Brownie Reader, Part II Evenings with Grandma, Part I Evenings with Grandma, Part II Evenings with Grandpa, Part I Evenings with Grandpa, Part II . Days with Uncle Jack, Part I Days with Uncle Jack, Part II Fairbanks — The Western United States Fuller — Illustrated Primers Gordon — New Readers, Book I Book II ' Book III Book IV Book V Teacher's Manual, with word lists and phonic lessons. Grubb & Taylor — Industrial Primary Reader Haliburton Readers — Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader - Fifth Reader Harrington — 1st Book for Non-English Speaking People . 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Plass — Civics for Foreigners . . . . .80 .60 .56 .IS .36 .31 .96 .72 .68 .60 .45 .42 77 LIST OF HINDS, HAYDEN & ELDREDGE, NEW YORK. Title of Book HISTORY Bourne & Benton — Introductory American History Bourne & Benton — History of the United States Hodgon — First Course in American History, Book I Book II Thomas — Elementary History of the United States History of the United States History of England Warren — Stories from English History Webster — Ancient History Early European History, Complete Early European History, Part I EDUCATION Chanceller — Our City School, Their Direction and Management.. Our Schools, Their Administration and Supersision Davenport — Education for Efficiency Dewey — How We Think Goldwasser — Method and Methods in the Teaching of English.. 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Net Exchange Price Price .28 .25 .24 .21 .40 .35 .48 .42 .28 .25 .32 .28 .36 .32 .24 .24 1.00 .40 .63 .60 1.20 .53 1.05 .72 .63 .88 .77 .80 .80 .48 .52 .70 .70 .42 .46 .80 .52 .80 .80 .70 .46 .70 .70 .30 .28 .32 .25 .24 .40 .35 .60 .52 .48 .42 .24 .21 .80 .70 .80 .70 .52 .45 1.00 .87 .72 .63 .40 .35 1.04 .91 .80 .70 .20 1.00 .27 .23 .42 .36 .60 .52 .40 .35 .40 .35 .50 .43 .30 .31 .36 .31 79 LIST OF HINDS, HAYDEN & ELDREDGE, NEW YORK— Continued, Title of Book Geography, 6A and 6B Grades (Niver & Farrell) Geography, 6A Grade (Separate) Geography, 6B Grade (Separate) Geography, 7A Grade (Separate) Geography, 7B Grade (Separate) Brief Physical Geography Brief Commercial Geography Houston — New Physical Geography (new edition, 12 mo.)... . Houston — New Physical Geography (4th edition) old edition. 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List Net Exchange Price Price Price .95 .70 .07 1.60 1.20 1 .05 .95 .7(1 .07 .95 .76 .67 1.10 .88 .77 1.00 .80 .70 .93 .76 .67 .95 .7(1 .07 .(»:, .70 .07 1.00 .80 .70 .55 .44 .39 .55 .44 .39 .55 .44 .39 .55 .44 .39 .55 .44 .39 LIST OF HINDS, HAYDEN & ELDREDGE, NEW YORK Title of Book Chase & Stuart — Virgil Eclogues (notes and vocabulary) Brooks — New Virgil Aeneid (with vocabulary) Chase & Stuart — Cornelius Nepos (notes and vocabulary). . . . Chase & Stuart — Juvenal Satires Chase & Stuart — Livy Books 1, 21, 22 (notes and vocabulary). Chase & Stuart — Pliny Letters (with notes) Chase & Stuart — Sallust (notes and vocabulary) Chase & Stuart — Terrence Andria and Adelphie (with notes).. Chase & Staurt — Tacitus Germani and Agricola (with notes).. MUSIC 100 New Kindergarten Songs and Games Most Popular Home Songs, School Edition (Cloth) Most Popular National Songs, School Edition (Cloth) Most Popular Hymns, School Edition (Cloth) Most Popular School Songs with College Flavor Most Popular Songs of The Flag and Nation MYTHOLOGY Edward — Handbook of Mythology .95 .70 .67 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Houston — Easy Lessons in Natural Philosophy Houston — Intermediate Natural Philosophy Houston-Seal — Elements of Physics NATURE STUDY How Nature Study Should be Taught (Bigelow) Nature Study Lessons (Crawford) PENMANSHIP Columbia Practical (Slant System) Nos. Per Dozen Columbia Vertical Nos. 1-7 Common School Course. Per Doz.. Columbia Vertical Nos. 1-2 Tracing Course. Per Dozen Columbia Vertical No. 8 Business Course. Per Dozen Columbia Vertical Nos. 1-2 Tracing Course. Per Dozen Model Vertical System Copy Books, 1-7. Per Dozen Rational Slant System Copy Books, Nos. 1-4. 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Title of Book Character Building Readers (Kenyon-Warner) First Reader Part I — Parental Love Same, Teacher's Edition First Reader, Part 2 — Industry Same, Teachers' Edition Second Reader, Part I, Co-operation and Helpfulness Second Reader, Part 2, Courage Third Reader — Personal Responsibility Fifth Reader — Adaptability Sixth Reader — Fidelity and Justice Seventh Reader — Aspiration and Self Reliance Eight Reader — Self and Duty Donovan — The Very First Book Our City — (A City Reader) . Approved Selections for Reading and Memorizing, Grades 1 to S. Each Reading Made Easy for Foreigners (Hulshof) First Reader Second Reader Third Reader SPELLING Columbia — Graded Speller (Primary) Columbia — Graded Speller (Advanced) Graded Spelling Books for City Schools, Gardes 1-S. Each .... 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Giese — Graded French Method Koren — French Composition Koren & Chapman — French Reader Olmsted — Elementary French Grammar French Reading Text About — Le Roi des Montagnes Augier et Foussier — Un Beau Manage Bruno — Le Tour de La France Buff um — -French Short Stories Compayre — Yvan Gall Corneille — -Le Cid (Joynes) vocabulary Daudet — Neuf Contes Choisis Feuillet — Le Roman dun Jeune Homme Pauvrc (novel) Halevy — L'Abbe Constantin Halevy — Morceaux Choisis Hugo — Les Miserablcs Labiche ct Martin — La Poudre aux Veux, vocabulary Malot— Sans Famille Merimee — Colomba Michelet — Histoire de France Racine — Esther (Joynes) vocabulary List Net Exchange Price Price Price 1.50 1.12 1.05 2.00 1.50 1 Hi l.2fi .93 ,87 I no . / o .70 I .in .07 ill .I'll 36 .27 .28 .21 .36 .27 .48 .36 .32 .24 .40 ,30 ,28 .21 .48 .36 .CI) .1.-, .36 .27 .48 .36 .40 .30 .52 .39 .(it) .45 .36 .27 .52 .:«) .32 .24 .44 .33 .32 .24 .28 .21 .11 .33 .in ,15 .36 .27 .(id .45 .32 .-'1 .32 .21 .32 .21 .::_' .21 .32 .2 1 .IS .36 .60 .45 .11 .33 ,11 .33 .36 .27 .28 .21 .60 .15 .Hi .30 .80 .50 .56 1.16 .87 .si .so .60 .5(1 .SI) .60 .56 .80 .60 .511 1.16 .87 .81 .so .60 .56 ,80 .60 56 1.16 .87 ,81 ,60 .15 .:;:, .26 .IS .36 1.00 .75 .40 .30 ,10 .30 .11 .33 .5.". .41 .IS .3(1 .48 .3(1 1.26 .93 .36 .27 .48 .36 .52 . 1.10 .82 .40 .30 S3 LIST OF HENRY HOLT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Renan — Ma Soeur Henriette . Sand — -La Petite Fadette .... Theuriet — Trois Contes List Price .40 .55 .45 Net Price .30 .41 .33 Exchange Price GERMAN Allen — -Herein _ Allen — Daheim Allen — German Life Allen — ■ First German Composition Allen — Auf den Ufern des Rheins Allen & Phillipson — Easy German Conversation Boezinger — Erstes Aufsatzbuch Boezinger — Zweites Aufsatzbuch Gohdes & Buschek — Sprach-und Lesebuch Pope — German Composition Pope — Writing and Speaking German Prokosch — German for Beginners Prokosch — Introduction to German Prokosch — Deutsches Lese-und Ubungsbuch Prokosch — Deutscher Lehrgang, Erstes Jahr Prokosch & Purin — Konversations und Lesebuch Rhoades & Schneider — Erstes Sprach und L iebuch Scherer — Deutsches Lesebuch. . Schneider — Zweites Sprach und Lesebui ) Schrakamp — Das deutsche Buch fur Anlr nger Stroebe & Whitney — Geschichte der deutschen Literatur . Thomas — Practical German Grammar Vos — Essentials of German, Revised Whitney & Stroebe — Easy German Composition .80 .80 .80 .96 1.00 .96 .80 .92 1.00 .96 .96 1.12 1.15 .60 1.00 .96 .40 .60 .44 .80 1.15 1.25 1.00 .60 .60 .60 .72 .75 .72 .60 .69 .75 .72 .72 .84 .86 .45 .75 .72 .30 .45 .33 .60 .S6 .93 .75 .72 .56 .56 .56 .67 .70 .67 .56 .64 .70 .67 .67 .78 .80 .42 .70 .67 .28 .42 .30 .56 .80 .87 .70 .67 German Reading Text Anderson — Bilderbuch ohne Bilder Arnold — Einst im Mai Baumbach — Sommermarchen Baumbach — Der Schwiegersohn Baumbach — Das Habichtsfraulein Eichendorff — Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts Frenssen — Peter Moors Fahrt nach Sudwest Freytag — Die Journalisten Fulda — Unter vier Augen, with Benedix — Der Prozess German Poems for Memorizing Gerstacker — Irrfahrten ; Gerstacker — Germelshausen Goethe — Hermann und Dorothea Hauff — Das Kalte Herz Heyse — Anfang und Ende Heyse — Das Madchen von Treppi Heyse — Vetter Gabriel Heyse — L'Arrabbiata Heyse — L'Arrabbiata (New Edition) Heyse — Die Blinden Hillern — Hoher als die Kirche Keller — Legenden Leander — Traumereien *. . . Lessing — Minna von Barnhelm (Nichols) vocabulary Meissner — Aus meiner Welt Meissner — Aus deutschen Landen Mogk — Deutsche Sitten und Brauche Moltke — Die Beiden Freunde Moser — Der Bibliothekar Moser — -Ultimo Nichols — Two German Tales Riehl — Der Fluch der Schonheit Riehl — Burg Neideck Saar — Die Steinklopfer Schiller — Wilhelm Tell, vocabulary, revised Schiller — Maria Stuart, vocabulary. Schiller — Die Jungfrau von Orleans, vocabulary Schiller — Der Neffe als Onkel Schwarzwaldleut Storm — Immensee Storm — Pole Poppenspaler Storm — In St. Jurgen Sudermann— Frau Sorge, vocabulary Werner — Heimatklang Wichert — Die verlorene Tochter Wildenbruch— Das Edle Blut .30 .40 .40 .48 .48 .48 .48 .44 .40 .40 .48 .36 .60 .40 .48 .40 .45 .36 .40 .44 .40 .45 .44 .75 .40 .48 .44 .45 .44 .45 .48 .40 .40 .40 .75 .75 .75 .36 .45 .40 .44 .45 1.00 .50 .35 .40 .22 .30 .30 .36 .36 .36 .36 .33 .30 .30 .36 .27 .45 .30 .36 .30 .33 .27 .30 .33 .30 .33 .33 .56 .30 .36 .33 .33 .33 .33 .36 .30 .30 .30 .56 .56 .56 .27 .33 .30 .33 .33 .75 .37 .26 .30 84 LIST OF HENRY HOLT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Wildenbruch — Kindertranen Wilhelmi — Einer muss heir a ten, with Benedix, Eigensinn HISTORY AND ECONOMICS Fite — -History of the United States Hazen — Modern European History Larson — Short History of England Seager — Economies, Briefer Course Walker — Political Economy, Elementary Course Walker — Political Economy, Briefer Course LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Blount & Northup — -Language Lessons for Intermediate Grades. Blount & Northup — Elementary English Grammar Blount & Northup — Elementary English Grammar with composi- tion Blount & Northup — Composition for Grammar Grades Blount & Northup — English Grammar for High Schools MATHEMATICS Bocher & Gaylord — Trigonometry Finney & Brown — Modern Business Arithmetic, Brief Course. . . Finney & Brown — Modern Business Arithmetic, Complete Course Rietz, Crathorne & Taylor — School Algebra, 1st Course Rietz, Crathorne & Taylor — School Algebra, 2nd Course Young & Schwartz — Plane Geometry Lisi Net Exchange Price Price Price .10 .30 .40 .30 L.60 L.20 1.11' 1 75 1.31 1.22 1.50 112 1.05 1.75 1.31 1 22 I. (10 .7.-, .70 1.50 1.12 l.o:, .45 .33 .3 1 .65 .48 .!.", .<;.-) .48 .I.". .:,n .37 .37) .'.10 .67 .63 1.00 .75 .70 .85 .63 .59 1.10 .82 .77 1.00 ,75 .70 .7.", .56 .52 .85 .(13 .59 MECHANICAL DRAWING Babbitt — Working Drawings SCIENCE Atkinson — Botany for High Schools Atkinson — Practice Key and Flora Barber — First Course in General Science Fitz — Physiology and Hygiene Kellogg — -Elementary Zoology Kellogg — First Lessons in Zoology Kellogg — The Animals and Man Kellogg & Doane — Economic Zoology and Entomology Martin — The Human Body, Briefer Course Martin — The Human Body, Elementary Course. Remsen — Introduction to Study of Chemistry, Briefer Course Remsen — Chemical Experiments Salisbury — Physiography for High Schools, Briefer Course Salisbury — Elementary Physiography Salisbury, Barrows & Tower — Elements of Geography Salisbury, Barrows & Tower — Modern Geography Smith — Commerce and Industry SPANISH Crawford — Spanish Composition Harrison — Spanish Correspondence Hills — Spanish Tales for Beginners Olmsted & Gordon — Abridged Spanish Grammar Ramsey — Elementary Spanish Reader Spanish Reading Texts Alarcon — Las Paredes Oyen Alarcon — El Sombrero de Tres Picos Ayala — Consuelo Caballero — La Familia de Alvareda Hartzenbusch — La Coja y el Encogido Ibanez — La Barraea Lope de Vega — La Moza de Cantaro Mesonero Romanos — Selections Morrison — Tres Comedias Moderna? Selgas — La Mariposa Blanca Tellez — Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes Valdes — La Hermana San Sulpicio Warshaw — Spanish-American Composition Book .7."> .70 1.32 .09 .92 .40 .30 1.25 .93 .87 1.12 .84 .78 1.50 1.12 1.05 1.20 .00 .84 1.25 .93 .87 1.50 1.12 1.05 1.25 .93 .87 .80 .110 .56 1.36 1.02 05 .56 ,12 .39 1.(10 1.20 1.12 1 .36 1.02 .95 1.(10 1.21) 1.12 1.32 .99 .92 1.40 1.05 98 .75 ,56 .52 1.00 75 .70 L.OO .75 .70 1 . 1'.", .93 .87 1 .00 .75 .70 .75 .56 .90 .(17 .60 .45 .75 .5(1 .60 .45 .90 .07 .70 .52 .50 .37 .60 .15 .60 . 15 .75 .56 .50 .37 .90 .67 .6 '<, 85 LIST OF HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY. LIST OF HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 623 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. EXPLANATION OF PRICES To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Illinois, upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Minnesota, or upon order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board, at prices as follows: On orders for regular basic class use under five year contracts or adoption, at a net discount of twenty-fiye per cent (25%) from the list price as given in "List Price" column, with introductory exchange price as given in the second price column, headed "Exchange Price" when exchanged for an old book in the same subject, of like grade and kind, but of a different series. Nj_ exchange price will be given under any conditions on books marked "No Exchange", or listed without quotation of specific exchange price in exchange columns. List Title of Book Price ARITHMETIC Hoyt and Peet — First Year in Number $0.35 Hoyt and Peet — Everyday Arithmetic Three Book Course: Book I (For 3rd and 4th Grades) . . . . .40 Book II (For 5th and 6th Grades) .40 Book III (For 7th and 8th Grades) .45 Two Book Course: Book I (For 3rd and 4th Grades) .40 Book II (For 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grades) .72 Madden and Turner — Rural Arithmetic .65 Vincent — -Vocational Arithmetic .60 CIVIL GOVERNMENT Fiske — Civil Government in the United States 1.00 Guitteau — Preparing for Citizenship .75 Guitteau — Government and Politics in the United States 1.00 Guitteau — Government and Politics in the United States, Briefer Course '. .95 Hill & Davis — Civics for New Americans .80 COMMERCIAL TEXT Dwyer — The Business Letter .85 COMPOSITION Ashmun — Prose Literature for Secondary Schools .80 Ashmun — Modern Prose and Poetry for Secondary Schools .... .85 Lomer and Ashmun — The Study and Practice of Writing English 1 . 15 Miller — Practical English Composition: Book I .35 Book II .35 Book III .35 Book IV .45 Webster — English for Secondary Schools .90 Webster — Elementary Composition .65 Webster — English Composition and Literature .90 DEBATING Foster — -Essentials of Exposition and Argument .90 GRAMMAR (High School) Webster — Elements of English Grammar .55 HISTORY Davis — History of Mediaeval and Modern Europe 1.60 Fiske — History of the United States 1.00 Larned — History of the United States 1.50 Larned — History of England 1.25 Tappan — American Hero Stories .60 Tappan — -Elementary History of Our Country .65 Tappan — England's Story .85 Tappan— Old World Hero Stories .80 Tappan — Story of the Greek People .75 Tappan — Story of the Roman People .75 Thwaites and Kendall — History of the United States 1.00 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Webster-Cooley — New Course in English: First Book (For 4th and 5th Grades) .40 Second Book (For 6th, 7th and 8th Grades) .60 Net Price Exchange Price $0,244 .28 .28 .314 .28 .50% .45| .42 .70 .52* .70 .664 No. Ex. .59-J .56 .244 .244 .244 .314 .63 .454 .63 .63 .384 1.12 .70 1.05 .874 .42 .454 .594 .56 .524 .524 .70 .28 .42 86 LIST OF HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Webster-Cooley — New Course in English by Grades: Part One (For 4th Grade) Part Two Part Three (For 6th Grade) Webster — Essentials of English Grammar and Composition LITERATURE Ashmun — Prose Literature for Secondary Schools Ashmun — Modern Prose and Poetry for Secondary Schools .... Lomer and Ashmun — The Study and Practice of writing English Richardson — Primer of American Literature Simonds — History of American Literature Simonds — History of English Literature Tappan — History of America's Literature, with Selections from Colonial Writers Tappan — History of England's Literature Tappan — History of England's and America's Literature College Requirements for Careful Study PHYSIOLOGY Woods Hutchinson — Health Series: The Child's Day Community Hygiene Handbook of Health READING The Riverside Readers: The Riverside Primer The Riverside First Reader The Riverside Second Reader The Riverside Third Reader The Riverside Fourth Reader The Riverside Fifth Reader The Riverside Sixth Reader The Riverside Seventh Reader The Riverside Eighth Reader Jenkins — -How to Teach Reading Akin — Word Mastery Beginners' Primary Readers: The Beginners' Primer The Beginners' First Reader Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Fifth Grades. Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Sixth Grade.. Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Seventh Grade . Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Eighth Grade American Classics for Seventh and Eighth Grade Reading American and English Classics for Grammar Grades Literary Masterpieces Masterpieces of American Literature Masterpieces of British Literature Masterpieces of Greek Literature Masterpieces of Latin Literature O'Brien — English for Foreigners, Book I O'Brien — English for Foreigners, Book II Tappan — Industrial Readers Series: Book I. The Farmer and His Friends Book II. Diggers in the Earth Book III. Makers of Many Things Book IV. Travelers and Traveling Stevenson — Dramatic Reader Series: Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book I Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book II Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book III Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book IV Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book V Twin Series of Geographical Readers: Perkins — The Dutch Twins Perkins — The Japanese Twins Perkins — The Irish Twins Perkins — The Eskimo Twins Perkins — The Mexican Twins Perkins — The Cave Twins RHETORIC Lomer and Ashmun — The Study and Practice of Writing English Webster — English for Secondary Schools Webster — English, Composition and Literature List Net Exchange Price Price Price .30 No. Ex. .30 No. Ex. .30 No. Ex. .55 .38J .80 .56 .85 .594 1.15 .so; .50 .35 1.10 .77 1.25 .874 .85 .594 .90 .63 1.20 .84 .80 No. Ex. .40 .28 .65 .454 .65 .454 .30 .21 .35 .244 .40 .28 .50 .35 .55 .384 .55 .384 .55 .384 .55 .384 .60 .42 .35 No. Ex. .28 No. Ex. .36 .25S .40 .28 .40 .28 .40 .28 .40 .28 .40 .28 .75 .524 .55 .384 .80 No. Ex. 1.00 No. Ex. 1.00 No. Ex. 1.50 No. Ex. 1.50 No. Ex. .50 No. Ex. .70 No. Ex. .50 No Ex. .50 No Kx. .50 No Ex. .50 No Ex. .35 No Ex. .35 No Ex. .40 No Ex. .50 No Ex. .60 No Ex. .56 No Ex. .56 No Ex. .56 No Ex. .56 No Ex. .56 No Ex. .56 No Ex. 1.15 .804 .90 .83 .90 .63 87 LIST OF INDUSTRIAL BOOK & EQUIPMENT COMPANY. Title of Book SPELLING Bailey-Manly — Two Book Course in Spelling: Book I (For Grades 2-4) Book II (For Grades 5-8) Bailey-Manly — One Book Course in Spelling CLASSICS For Grade and High School The Riverside Literature Series: Single Numbers, Paper Binding Single Numbers, Cloth Binding Double Numbers, Paper Binding Double Numbers, Cloth Binding Triple Numbers, Paper Binding Triple Numbers, Cloth Binding Quadruple Numbers, Paper Binding Quadruple Numbers, Cloth Binding Quintuple Numbers, Cloth Binding Extra Number DD, Cloth Binding Extra R. & Y., Paper Binding Extra Numbers R. & Y., Cloth Binding Extra Number J, Cloth Binding Extra Number L, Board Binding Extra Number P, Cloth Binding Extra Number V, Cloth Binding Extra Number W, Cloth Binding List Price .16 .20 .25 Net Exhcngae Price Price .in .14% .174 .16 No Ex. .28 No Ex. .32 No Ex. .44 No Ex. .48 No Ex. .52 No Ex. .52 No Ex. .64 No Ex. .80 No Ex. .36 No Ex. .20 No Ex. .32 No Ex. .40 No Ex. .44 No Ex. .40 No Ex. .48 No Ex. .52 No Ex. LIST OF INDUSTRIAL BOOK & EQUIPMENT COMPANY Indianapolis, Ind. To be furnished f. o. b. at Indianapolis, Ind., (except list price which includes delivery) upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book List Price MANUAL TRAINING— BENCH WORK Bench "Work for Grammar Grades, Book One (Burton) $1.00 SEWING— DOMESTIC ART Constructive Sewing Book One (Mary E. Fuller) .60 COOKING— DOMESTIC SCIENCE Cooking, Book One (Lilla P. Frich) 1.00 Cooking, Book Two (Lilla P. Frich) 1.00 Basic Principles of Domestic Soience (Lilla P. Frich) 1.00 AGRICULTURE Soils and Fertilizers (C. L. Quear) .75 39 Experiments in Soils (C. L. Quear) ; . .35 62 Experiments in Crops (C. L. Quear) .35 Net Price $0.80 .80 .80 .80 .60 .28 .28 Exchange Price $0.60 .30 .60 .60 .60 LIST OF IROQUOIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. To be furnished f. o. b. at Syracuse, N. Y., upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below: List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price See and Say Phonetic Series (Arnold, Bonney & Southworth): Book One $0.36 $0.27 $0.22 Book Two .36 .27 .22 Book Three .36 .27 .22 Teachers' Manual for See and Say, Book One .60 .45 .36 Teachers' Manual for See and Say, Book Two .60 .45 .36 Teachers' Manual for See and Say, Book Three .60 .45 .36 LIST OF LAUREL BOOK COMPANY. Title of Book The Mastery of Words (Miss Sarah Louise Arnold): A complete speller 1917 edition Part I Part II The Alvord & Davis — Drill and Problem Book in Arithmetic (Al- vord & Davis) A Laboratory Guide for Physics (Ackley & Collister) 1017 edition New Syllabus Geography Note Books (H. E. Reed): Fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Year Syllabus Topics in American History (H. E. Reed) Great Cities of the United States (Southworth and Kramer). . . . List N et Exchange Price Price Price .32 .24 .19 .28 .21 .17 .24 .18 .15 .45 .33 .27 .35 .26 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .20 .15 .70 .52 LIST OF LAIRD & LEE COMPANY 1732 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Net Exchange Price Price To SchoolsTo Schools and and School Pupils Boards List Title of Book Price ARITHMETIC Tallant-Umholtz — Common School Elementary $0.35 Common School Advanced .55 LANGUAGE SERIES Williams — Reading Conversation and Composition .40 Graded Language Exercises -45 SPELLING Common School Spelling Book. Potter .20 SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Supplementary Readers will be furnished to all schools at the prices named. Air Castle Don. Ashley -40 Tan Pile Jim. Ashley ." -40 Fireside Battles. Brown -40 The Heart of a Boy. De Amicis .40 Two Chums. Thorpe -40 The Squirrel's Pilgrim's Progress Williams .40 $0.28 .44 .32 .36 .1.1 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 $0.21 .33 .24 .27 LIST OF LAUREL BOOK COMPANY 623-33 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agcnt3 of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Title of Book Price WRITING Economy Method of Writing Plan A (Tablet, copy, envelope, but no paper) $1.60 Plan B (Tablet, copy, envelope, 25 sheets paper) 2.16 Plan BB (Tablet, copy, envelope, 50 sheets paper) 2.72 Economy System of Penmanship Plan A (Tablet, copy, envelope, but no paper) 1.20 Plan BB (Tablet, copy, envelope, 50 sheets paper) 2.16 (The above prices have not been raised on the books, Plan A. The increase has been on the paper which goes with the books.) READERS The Laurel Primer, Revised -36 The Laurel First Reader -40 89 Net Mce Exchange Price $1.20 1.62 2.04 .96 1.73 .27 .30 $0.22 .24 LIST OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price GRAMMAR Practical Studies in Grammar .6S .51 .41 ARITHMETIC Farm Accounts, Cloth Bound .40 .30 .... SONG BOOK Songs for Common Schools .48 .36 .29 LIST OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Illinois, upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such boards upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book AGRICULTURE avis — Productive Farming Lewis — Poultry Keeping Patterson — Twenty Lessons on Poultry Lewis — Productive Poultry Husbandry Gay — Productive Horse Husbandry Sears — Productive Orcharding Day — Productive Swine Husbandry Woll — Productive Feeding of Farm Animals Craig — Diseases of Farm Animals Lloyd — Productive Vegetable Growing Montgomery — Productive Farm Crops Pellett — Productive Bee-Keeping Washburn — Productive Dairying AGRICULTURAL MANUALS Anthony — Dairy Laboratory Manual and Note Book. Eastman & Davis — Soils Laboratory Manual Woll — Feeding Laboratory Manual Dyne — Farm Crops Laboratory Manual ALGEBRA Perrin — Drill Book in Algebra . . . Lippincott — Elementary Algebra . ARITHMETIC Lippincott — Mental Arithmetic. . ._ Lippincott — Elementary Arithemtic Lippincott — Practical Arithmetic Lippincott — Practical Arithmetic, Part I. . Lippincott — Practical Arithmetic, Part II . Lippincott — -Practical Primary Arithmetic : First Book for 1st and 2nd Grades Second Book for 3rd and 4th Grades. . . . List Net ExcLange Price Price Price S0.96 S0.72 S0.60 1.00 .75 K2A .60 .45 37* 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.31J 1.75 1.31} 1.75 1.31} 1.75 1.311 1.75 1.311 1.75 1.311 1.75 1.31} 1.75 1.31} 1.75 1.31} .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .37| .80 .60 .50 .40 .30 .25 .48 .36 .30 .72 .54 .45 .48 .36 .30 .48 .36 .30 .28 .21 .m .32 .24 20 CIVIL GOVERNMENT Schwinn and Stevenson — Civil Government 1.00 .75 .62} DICTIONARIES Worcester — New Primary Dictionary Worcester — New School Dictionary Worcester — Comprehensive Dictionary Worcester — New Academic Dictionary .56 .42 .35 .80 .60 .50 1.48 1.11 .92 1.60 1.20 1.00 GEOGRAPHY Morris — Industrial and Commercial Geography 1.20 .90 .75 GENERAL HISTORY Morris — History of the World Boyer — General History Way Marks Morris — Primary History Morris — Elementary History Morris — School History Morris — History of United States (Advanced) 1.60 1.20 1.00 .80 .60 .50 .68 .51 .42* .68 .51 .42J 1.00 .75 .62} 1.12 .84 .70 90 LIST OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Andrews — -History for High Schools Andrews — Brief History (7th and Sth Grades) LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Wilcox — Daily English Lessons, Book I Wilcox — Daily English Lessons, Book II Wilcox — Daily English Lessons, Book III Sewell — Practical English (Complete) Sewell — Practical English, Part I Sewell — Practical English, Part II Patrick — Lessons in Language Patrick — Lessons in Grammar Patrick — Principles of English Grammar New Picture Composition Book NATURAL SCIENCE Sharpless and Philip — Astromony Sharplcss and Philip — Natural Philosophy Sharpless and Philip — Natural Philsophy, with Laboratory Man Culler — First Book in Physics Culler — -Text Book of Physics Culler — Laboratory Manual of Physics Culler — General Physics: Volume I, Mechanics and Heat Volume II, Electricity, Electro-Magnetic Waves and Sound. . Greene — Lessons in Chemistry ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Bert — First Steps in Scientific Knowledge (Complete) Bert — -First Steps in Scientific Knowledge, Book I Bert — First Steps in Scientific Knowledge, Book II Bert — First Steps in Scientific Knowledge, Book III Bert — Primer of Scientific Knowledge PHYSIOLOGIES Lippincott — First Physiology Lippincott — -Second Physiology Lippincott — -Third Physiology READERS Lippincott — Primer Lippincott — First Reader Lippincott — Second Reader Lippincott — Third Reader Lippincott — Fourth Reader Lippincott — Fourth Reader, Part I Lippincott — Fourth Reader, Part II Lippincott — Fifth Reader Lippincott — Fifth Reader, Part I Lippincott — Fifth Reader, Part II SPELLERS Power — Graded Speller, Complete Power — Graded Speller, Part I Power — Graded Speller, Part II Bartlett — Daily Speller, First Grade Bartlett — Daily Speller, Second Grade SUPPLEMENTARY READING Lippincott — Elementary Science Readers, Book I Lippincott — Elementary Science Reader, Book II Lippincott — Elementary Science Reader, Book III (.Each with Object Lessons.) Home Life in All Lands: Volume I, How the World Lives Volume II, Manners and Customs of Uncivilized Peoples Volume III, Our Animal Friends and Helpers Haskins — American Government . George Macdonald — -The Princess and the Goblin The Princess and Curdle At the Back of the North Wind Ouida — A Dog of Flanders The Nurnberg Stove Lewis — -Wonderland Stories Spyri — Moni, the Goat Boy Jones — Keep Well Stories for Little Folks List Net Exchange Price Price Price 1.20 .90 .75 1.00 .7.-, .62* .is .36 .30 ,60 .45 .37* .80 .60 .50 176 .57 .47* .44 .33 .27* .44 .33 .27* .44 .33 .27* .56 .42 .35 .68 .. r )1 .42* .60 .45 1.00 .7.") .62* 1.00 .75 .62* 1.20 .90 .75 .60 .45 .37 J 1.2S 96 .80 .80 .00 1.80 1.35 1.12* 1.80 1.35 1.12* 1.00 .75 .62* .60 .45 .37* .32 .24 .20 .40 .30 .25 .32 .24 .20 .40 .30 .25 .40 .30 .25 .60 .45 .37* .80 .00 .50 .36 .27 .22* .40 .30 .25 .48 .36 .30 .56 .42 .35 .68 .51 .42* .48 .36 .30 .48 .36 .30 .88 .66 .55 .56 .42 .35 .56 ,12 .35 .32 .24 .20 .20 .15 .12* .20 .15 .12* .20 .15 .12* .24 .18 .15 .32 .21 .36 .27 .40 .30 .(H .48 Jit .48 .(il .is .si) .60 .60 .1". .60 .45 .60 ,15 .60 .15 .60 .45 .60 ,15 .60 .60 .45 .45 91 List of ljttle, brown & company* LIST OF LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY, INC. To be furnished f. o. b. at Boston upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. A discount of 25 per cent off the list prices given below will be allowed on books ordered for exclusive basal use under three or five-year contracts, or for orders of not less than one thousand copies. All prices are F. O. B. Publisher. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price AMERICAN LITERATURE Sears — American Literature in its Colonial and National Periods $1.00 $0.80 $0.70 COOKERY AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE Clark — Domestic Science 1.00 Flagg — Handbook of Home Economics .75 Flagg — Handbook of Elementary Sewing .50 Lincoln — School Kitchen Textbook .60 Wellman — Food Study 1.00 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION Abbott — How to Parse .75 Abbott — How to Tell the Parts of Speech .60 Abbott — How to Write Clearly .45 Arnold — Practice in Parsing and Analysis 50 ENGLISH LITERATURE Browning — Lyrical Poems of Robert Browning (Edited by A. J. George) .20 Browning — Select Poems of Robert Browning (school edition) (Edited by A. J. George) .90 FRENCH Rees — Pictorial French Course . .75 GERMAN Rees — Pictorial German Course .75 SPANISH Rees — Pictorial Spanish Course , .75 HISTORY Hunt — Chart of English and American History .15 Thorpe — A Short Constitutional History of the United States. . 1.75 MATHEMATICS Wheeler — Examples in Algebra .90 Wheeler — First Course in Algebra (Complete Edition) 1.15 Wheeler— The Same (Brief Edition) .95 Wheeler — Algebra for Grammar Schools .50 Gifford — Progressive Mental Arithmetic; Part I .30 Gifford — Progressive Mental Arithmetic; Part II .30 PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Amadon — Atlas of Physiology and Anatomy 2.50 PSYCHOLOGY Murray — An Introduction to Psychology 1.60 READING— (BASAL) Blaisdell, E. A. & M. F. — The Rhyme and Story Primer .32 Murray — -The Wide Awake Junior; an easy primer .30 The Wide Awake Readers, 5 volumes: The Wide Awake Primer .30 The Wide Awake First Reader .30 The Wide Awake Second Reader .35 The Wide Awake Third Reader .40 The Wide Awake Fourth Reader .50 .80 .70 .60 .52i .40 .35 .48- .42 .80 .60 .60 .52| .48 .42 .36 .3H .40 .35 .16 .72 .60 .60 .60 .12 1.40 .72 .92 .801 .76 .66^ .40 .35 .24 .24 2.00 1.28 1.12 .25% .22% .24 .21 .24 .21 .24 .21 .28 .24 J .32 .28 .40 .35 92 LIST OF LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book READING-SUPPLEMENTARY Alcott — Louisa Alcott Reader Louisa Alcott Story Book The Little Women Play (school edition) Bigham — Merry Animal Tales Fanciful Flower Tales Biaisdell — Boy Blue Series: Boy Blue and His Friends (school edition) Polly and Dolly (school edition) Tommy Tinker's Book (school edition) Cherry Tree Children (school edition) Twilight Town (school edition) Pretty Polly Flinders (school edition) Bunny Rabbit's Diary (school edition) Burgess — Old Mother West Wind (school edition) Mother West Wind's Children (school edition) Mother West Wind's Animal Friends (school edition) Mother West Wind's Neighbors (school edition) Cox — Beowulf Knight of Arthur's Court Song of Roland Dairy tuple — Little Me Too (school edition) Davidson — Nibbles and Bobtail Doheny — Play Awhile; A Dramatic Reader Eastman — Smoky Day's Wigwam Evenings Indian Child Life Greene & Kirk — Heroes of Chivalry Hale — The Man Without A Country (school edition) Homer's Iliad (school edition). (Translated by Cummings) .... Richards — The Pig Brother and Other Fables Robinson — In Toyland Webster — Daniel Webster for Young Americans (school edition) List Net Exchange Price Price Price .. r .o .40 ..-,11 .40 .48 .36 .50 .40 .50 .40 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .40 .32 .50 .40 .50 .40 .:,ii .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .45 .36 50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .55 .44 .00 .48 .25 .20 1.00 .80 .40 .32 .40 .32 .55 .44 GEOGRAPHY READERS Gibson — In the Golden East Little People Everywhere Series (school editions) : McDonald & Dalrymple; Kathleen in Ireland Betty in Canada Manuel in Mexico Gerda in Sweden Martha in Holland Ume San in Japan Fritz in Germany Hassan in Egypt Rafael in Italy Boris in Russia Donald in Scotland Josefa in Spain Colette in France Chandra in India HISTORY READERS Bevan — Stories from British History Biaisdell & Ball — The American History Story Book (school ed.) The English History Story Book (school edition) The Child's Book of American History (school edition) Heroic Deeds of American Sailors (school edition) Hall — Men of Old Greece (school edition) Hancock — Children of History; Early Times Children of History; Later Times Children of History (complete) Parkman — The Boys' Parkman (school edition) Parkman — Rivals for America (school edition) True — The Iron Star (school edition) MYTHOLOGY Carpenter — Hellenic Tales NATURE STUDY Schwartz — Grasshopper Green's Garden Wilderness Babies (school edition) FIRE PREVENTION Martin & Davis — Firebrands (school edition) ..Mi .45 .30 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .45 .36 .55 .44 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .60 .48 .55 .44 .55 .44 .80 .64 .00 .48 .60 .48 .50 .40 .60 .50 .55 .48 .40 .44 .44 93 LIST OF LONGMANS, GREEN & COMPANY. LIST OF LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. On all books ordered on other conditions 'than those specified in the Minnesota school law, the net price 'will be 80 per cent of the list price, instead of the net price given in the list below. Title of Book Smith — Training for Citizenship. ELEMENTARY BOOKS CIVICS List Price $0.90 GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION AND LANGUAGE Longmans — Briefer Grammar (Smith) Longmans — English Grammar (Smith) Longmans — English Lessons (Smith) Complete . . Longmans — English Lessons (Smith), Fifth Year. Longmans — English Lessons (Smith), Sixth Year. Howe, Pritchard and O'Hair — Gate to English: Book I Book II HISTORY Higginson — Y^oung Folk's History of the United States Tout and Sullivan — Elementary History of England Woodburn and Moran — Elementary American History and Government "Woodburn and Moran — Intro, to American History READERS Horace Mann — Primer Horace Mann — Practice Primer Horace Mann — First Reader Horace Mann — Introductory Second Reader Horace Mann — Second Reader Horace Mann — Introductory Third Reader Horace Mann- — Third Reader Horace Mann — Introductory Fourth Reader Horace Mann — Fourth Reader Horace Mann — Fifth Reader . . . ; Horace Mann — Sixth Reader Horace Mann — Daily Lesson Plans, Book I Horace Mann— Daily Lesson Plans, Book II Horace Mann — Memory Gem Charts (Set of 10) Ives — Illustrated Phonics SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Chatty Readings inJElementary Science: Book I, Nature Knowledge .36 Book II, Nature Knowledge .36 Book III, Nature Knowledge .45 Dodge — Reader in Physical Geography .70 Garrison — Parables for School and Home 1.25 Heller and Bate — Little Golden Hood and Other Stories .30 Higginson — American Explorers 1-20 Hix — Once Upon a Time Stories .32 Hix — Magic Speech Flower .40 Hix and Hervey — Two Little Runaways .32 Hulst — Indian Sketches .60 Krapp — In Oldest England .60 Lang — Dick Whittington and Other Stories .32 Lang — Snowman and Other Stories .36 Longmans — Household Science Reader .42 Longmans — Pictorial Geographical Reader .40 Tucker and Ryan — Historical Plays of Colonial Days .50 SPELLING Alexander — Spelling Book Complete .30 Part I, Grades 1 to 4. . .20 Part II, Grades 5 to 8 .24 HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH LITERATURE Longhams' English Classics Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum .30 Browning — Select Poems .30 Bunyan — The Pilgrim's Progress -30 94 Net Exchange Price Price $0.67 .27 .27 .33 .52 .82 .22 .90 .24 .30 .24 .45 .45 .24 .27 .31 .30 .37 .22 .15 .IS .22 22 !22 $0.63 .44 .33 27 .70. .52 42 .40 .30 24 .30 .22 IS .30 .22 IS .48 .36 29 ,6S .51 41 1.00 .75 70 .78 .58 54 1.00 .75 00 .72 .54 43 .36 .27 21 .34 .25 20 .36 .27 21 .40 .30 24 .40 .30 24 .50 .37 30 .50 .37 30 .56 .42 33 .56 .42 33 .65 .48 39 .65 .48 39 .80 .60 .SO .60 2.00 1.50 .45 .34 LIST OF LONGMANS, GREEN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Burke — Speech on Conciliation Byron — Cliilde Harold Carlyle — Essay on Burns Carlyle — Heroes and Hero Worship Coleridge — Ancient Mariner Cooper — Last of the Mohicans De Quincey- — Flight of A Tartar Tribe De Quincey — Joan of Arc Dickens — Tale of Two Cities Dryden — Palamon and Arcite Eliot — Silas Marner Franklin — Autobiography Gaskell — Cranford Emerson — Essays Goldsmith — Vicar of Wakefield Gray — Elegy Huxley — Autobiography Irving — Life of Goldsmith Irving — Sketch Book Irving — Tales of a Traveller Lincoln — Selections Lowell — Sir Launfal Macaulay — Essay on Milton Macaulay — Speech on Copyright Macaulay — Lays of Ancient Rome Macaulay — Life of Samuel Johnson Macaulay — Johnson and Addison Macaulay — Lord Olive Macaulay — Warren Hastings Milton — L'Allegro etc Milton — Paradise Lost Palgrave — Golden Treasury Parkman — Oregon Trail Pope — Homer's Iliad Ruskin — Sesame and Lilies Scott — Ivanhoe Scott — Lady of the Lake Scott — Marmion Scott — Quentin Durward Scott — Woodstock Shakespeare — As You Like It Shakespeare — Henry V Shakespeare — Hamlet Shakespeare — Julius Caesar Shakespeare — Macbeth Shakespeare — Merchant of Venice Shakespeare — Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare — Twelfth Night Sir Roger de Coverly Papers Southey — Life of Nelson Spencer — Faerie Queene Stevenson — Treasure Island Tennyson — Gareth and Lynette Tennyson — Coming of Arthur Tennyson — Princess Thoreau — Waldcn Webster — First Bunker Hill Oration, etc CHEMISTRY Godfrey — Elementary Chemistry Godfrey — Laboratory Manual Segerblorn — Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Analysis ELOCUTION Marsland — Interpretative Reading GEOGRAPHY AND ATLASES Leete — Exercise Outline Maps: Inited States. Net price per hundred North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa. N't price per hundred Longmans — School Geography GERMAN 1 (avid- —Easy German Stories I ieiblei — Deutsche Sagen List Net Exchnagc Price l'i i' e .30 .22 .30 .22 .:;o .22 :M) .22 .30 .22 .in .30 .in .:;o .:<() .22 .20 in .30 .:io .22 .:',() .22 .no .22 .30 .22 .:io .22 .22 .30 .22 .35 .20 .:{.-. .20 .in .30 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .xii .22 .30 .22 in .:{() .30 .22 .30 .22 .:;t> .22 .in .30 .:;:. .20 .30 .22 .in :m) .30 .22 .HI :m) ,30 .22 .:;:. .20 .10 .::<> .in .:;o 22 .22 .30 .22 :.n) .22 .30 .22 .:',() .22 .::u .22 .::h .22 .30 .22 .in .30 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .22 .:',o .22 .::u .22 :.») .22 1.10 .82 .77 .36 .27 .21 .93 .8 7 1.12 .00 .011 1.50 iin 1.12 .1^ :;n l.o.-. 95 LIST OF LYONS & CARNAHAN. List Title of Book Price GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION Frank — Constructive Exercises in English .50 Frank — High School Exercises in Grammar .75 Knight — Practice Work in English .60 Baldwin — Summary of Punctuation .05 Frank — Elements of High School English .80 HISTORY Bogart — Economic History of the United States 1.75 Day — History of Commerce 2.00 Woodburn and Moran — American History and Government. . . . 1.00 Bourne — Medieval and Modern History 1.50 Howe — Essentials in Early European History 1.50 Knowlton and Howe — -Essentials in Modern European History 1.50 Higginson and Channing — English History for Americans 1.00 Bogart & Thompson — Exercise Book in Economic History of the United States .50 LATIN Ritchie — Fabulae Faciles .75 Ritchie — First Steps in Latin .60 Ritchie — Second Steps in Latin .75 Ritchie — First and Second Steps in Latin 1.25 Tyng — Latin Prose Exercises .60 MATHEMATICS Gore — Plane and Solid Geometry 1.00 Kent — First Course in Algebra . 1.00 Estill — Numerical Problems in Plane Geometry .90 Murray — Essentials of Trigonometry and Mensuration .80 M uxray — Plane Trigonometry .80 Murray — Plane Trigonometry with Tables 1.00 Murray — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 1.00 Murray — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Tables 1.20 Murray — Elements of Plane Trigonometry .75 Murray — Elements of Plane Trigonometry with Tables 1.00 Murray — Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 1.00 Murray — Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Tables 1.25 Nichol — Elementary and Constructional Geometry .75 PHYSICS Hawkins — Applied Physics 1 .00 RHETORIC Baldwin — Writing and Speaking, Complete 1.20 Part I .70 Part II 70 Thomas and Howe — Composition and Rhetoric 1.20 SPELLING Mayne — Business Spelling Book .30 Net Exchange Price Price .37 .56 .45 .45 .03 .60 .48 1.16 1.08 1.35 1.26 .75 .60 1.12 .90 1.12 .90 1.12 .90 .75 .60 .37 .56 .45 .42 .56 .52 .93 .75 .45 .42 .75 .70 .75 .60 .67 .60 .56 .60 .56 .75 .70 .75 .70 .90 .84 .56 .52 .75 .70 .75 .70 .93 .87 .56 .52 .75 .60 .90 .72 .52 .49 .52 .49 .90 .72 .IS LIST OF LYONS & CARNAHAN To be furnished f. o. b. Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Name of Author Price Price Price AGRICULTURE Farm Management Andrew Boss §0.90 §0.67 §0.63 Exercises in Agriculture S. H. Dadisman .60 .45 .42 ALGEBRA First Course in Algebra Williams & Kempthorne 1.00 .75 .70 Second Course in Algebra Williams & Kempthorne .80 .60 .56 Complete Algebra Williams & Kempthorne 1.25 .93 .S7 Key to Algebra. Net 2.00 96 LIST OF LYONS & CARNAH AN— Continued. Title of Book Primary Number Book Modern Arithmetic, Two-Book Series, Elementary Advanced Key for this Series. Net Modern Arithmetic, Three-Book Series, Elementary Advanced, Part I Advanced, Part II Advanced Complete (Parts I and II Combined) Lyons' Calculation Lessons, Parts I, II, and III. Each Modern Commercial Arithmetic New Business Arithmetic Birch's Rapid Calculation Name of Author ARITHMETIC F. H. Umholtz. Henry C. Cox. . Henry C. Cox.. Henry C. Cox. Henry C. Cox. Henry C. Cox. Henry C. Cox. R. H. Rennie . F. J. Sehneck. C. E. Birch. List Price .40 .40 .04 1.00 .40 .44 .08 .20 .85 1.00 .30 Net Price .30 .30 .is .30 .33 .37 .1". .63 Exchange Price .28 .28 ll .311 .35 .50 .7(1 COMMERCIAL LAW Lyons' Commercial Law J. A. Lyons 1.00 .75 .70 Burgess' Commercial Law K. F. Burgess and J. A. Lyons 1.00 .75 .70 COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Twenty Lessons in Letter Writing Modern Business English Carrie J. Smith and D. D. Mayne DICTIONARY Popular Dictionary, cloth Carrie J. Smith Popular Dictionary, leather Carrie J. Smith Shorthand Dictionary; Munson, leather Benn Pitman, leather Isaac Pitman, leather BOOKKEEPING Lyons' Bookkeeping, Complete Text.. . J. A. Lyons & W. L. Read Lyons' Bookkeeping, Part I Text J. A. Lyons & W. L. Read Lyons' Bookkeeping, Part II Text J. A. Lyons & W. L. Read Lyons' Bookkeeping, Part I Outfit Folio J. A. Lyons & W. L. Head Lyons' Bookkeeping, Part II Outfit Folio J. A. Lyons & W. L. Read Modern Accountant, Revised J. A. Lyons & W. L. Read New Complete Accountant Complete Accountant, High School Edition Complete Accountant, Counting House Edition Powers' — First Lessons in Bookkeeping Wholesale Accounting J. A. Lyons Mercantile Accounting W. S. McKinney Modern Corporation Accounting ENGLISH CLASSICS Idylls of the King Margaret Booth Macbeth Mary D. Thompson.. . Burke's Conciliation William X. Otto Julius Caesar Edwin L. Miller and Eva May Kinney. . . Short Stories for High Schools Edwin L. Miller and N. Octavia Plee. . . . .50 .80 .1'.) .50 1.00 1.00 1.(11) 1.00 .Ml .48 1.20 .80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 .7.". 2.00 1.00 1.25 .40 .30 .30 .30 .36 .37 .35 .60 .56 .18 .37 .75 .7.". .75 .75 .70 .60 .56 .36 .33 .00 .60 ./ 5 .70 .7."> .70 . i .> .70 1.20 1.12 .56 .52 1.50 .35 text 1.20 .35 text .93 .35 text .30 .22 .22 DOMESTIC SCIENCE Domestic Science, Book I Bertha J. Austin Domestic Science, Book II , Bertha J. Austin . . . Domestic Science, Book III ' Bertha J. Austin. . . Domestic Science, Books I & II combined Bertha J. Austin. . . 1.00 1.12 .47 .5(1 .711 .78 GEOGRAPHY Outlines in Commercial Geography. . . . George W. Sanford . .en 97 LIST OF LYONS & CARNAHAN— Continued. Title of Book Name of Author GEOMETRY Williams' Plane Geometry J. H. & K. P. Williams Williams' Solid Geometry J. H. & K. P. Williams Williams' Plane and Solid Geometry.. . J. H. & K. P. Williams LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Lessons in English, Book I W. D. Miller and R. G. Kinkead Lessons in English, Book II W. D. Miller and R. G. Kinkead Manual for Books I and II LATIN The Story of the Gallic War J. Remsen Bishop and T. T. Jones Latin Text only, of above PHYSICS High School Physics John 0. Reed and W. D. Henderson. . . Exercises in Elementary Physics W. D. Henderson READING Nature and Life Readers — 5-Book Series: Nature and Life, Primer Pardee and Smith .... Nature and Life, First Reader Pardee and Smith. . . . Nature and Life, Second Reader .... Carrie J. Smith List Price Net Price Exchange Price .SO .72 1.25 .60 .54 .93 .56 .50 .87 .48 .36 .33 .64 .48 .44 Nature and Life, Third Reader Carrie J. Nature and Life, Fourth Reader Carrie J. Nature and Life, Fifth Reader, 6th, 7th, and Sth grades Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading Readers, 5 Book Series: Easy Road to Reading, Primer Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, First Reader Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Second Reader Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Third Reader. Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Fourth Reader Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Higher Reader • .Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, S Book Series: Easy Road to Reading, Primer Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, First Reader. Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Second Reader Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Third Grade Reader Carrie J. Easy Road to Reading, Fourth Grade Reader Carrie J. Easy Road To Reading, Fifth Grade Reader Easy Road to Reading, Sixth Grade Reader Easy Road to Reading, Higher Reader Carrie J. Manual to Easy Road to Reading Carrie J. Perception Cards for Easy Road to Reading Phonic Cards for Easy Road to Reading Smith . Smith. Smith . Smith . Smith. Smith . Smith . Smith. Smith. Smith . Smith. Smith Smith Smith . Carrie 3. Smith . Carrie J. Smith Smith. Smith . SALESMANSHIP Read — Salesmanship H. E. Read SUPPLEMENTARY READING Red Feather, Long Ago Series Margaret E. Morcomb . . Mayne — Pri. & Adv., Complete. . . . Mayne — Sight Speller, Primary Mayne — Sight Speller, Advanced. . . Mayne — Sight Speller, Complete. . . Powers — Speller, Primary SPELLING . . D. D. Mayne. . . . . ,D. D. Mayne. . . . . .D. D. Mayne. . . . . .D. D. Mayne. . . . . .Etta Powers. . . . .50 1.25 .40 1.25 .60 .32 .32 .36 .48 .65 .75 .32 .36 .44 .48 .65 .75 .32 .36 .44 .4S .4S .4S .4S .75 .50 1.60 .40 1.00 .36 .37 .03 .30 .93 .45 .24 .24 .27 .36 .48 .56 .24 .27 .33 .36 .4S .56 .24 .27 .33 .36 .36 36 .36 .56 .37 1.20 .30 .75 .27 .87 .28 .S7 .42 .22 .22 .25 .33 .45 .52 .22 .25 .30 .33 .45 .52 .22 .25 .30 .33 .33 .33 .33 .52 .70 .25 .30 .22 .21 .20 .15 .14 .24 .18 .16 .28 .21 .19 .16 .12 .11 98 LIST OF THE MACM ILLAN COMPANY. Title of Book Name of Author Powers — Speller, Advanced Etta Powers. . . . Powers — Speller, Complete Etta Powers. . . . The Practical Speller Modern Business Speller D. D. Mayne. . , New Business Speller Chas. M. Miller SHORTHAND Manual of Munson Shorthand Elizabeth Van Sant Lessons in Munson Phonography Lessons in Pitman Phonography Exercise Book, Munson Shorthand Exercise Book, Munson Phonography First Reader, Munson Shorthand Second Reader, Munson Shorthand First Reader, Munson Phonography Munson Phrase Book Choice Selections, I, II, III, and IV, each Good Business Letters Shorthand Legal Reader Exercises and Reviews in Munson Shorthand Mrs. Mary. W. Weisman Stenographer's Business Practice Dictation Studies W. I. Tinus; Munson Benn Pitman Isaac Pitman Graham Gregg Dement List Bxchai Price Price l'i ice .20 .IT. .1 1 . -jr, .18 .17 .l'ii .15 .1 1 .30 .2 2 .21 .:;l> .L't .22 1.50 1.12 1.05 L.50 1.12 1.05 l.OI) .7.', .70 .26 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 -r, .66 .30 .22 Mil) 1.20 25 .18 .LT. ,18 .36 .27 .24 .18 .85 .63 :.;') tex 1.00 .7.". .70 Mill .7.". .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .7o .70 1.00 .76 .70 1.00 .7.'. .70 TYPEWRITING Complete Touch Typewriting instruc- tor W. F. Mosher: Remington No. Smith Premier No. 2 Oliver Underwood No. 4 Modern Typewriting Chas. M. Miller: Remington No. 10 Smith Premier No. 10 Underwood-Universal Oliver L. C. Smith & Bros WRITING Modern Business Writing 1.00 .76 .70 1.00 .7.", .70 1.0(1 .75 .70 ! Oil .75 .70 1.00 .76 .70 1 .00 .7.", .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .7o .70 1.00 .75 .70 .32 .21 .22 MISCELLANEOUS Outlines of the History of Commerce . . . George W. Sanford . Commerce and Finance How Business is Done Lyons — Manual of Parliamentary Law. J. A. Lyons .80 .60 1.50 1.12 MID .7.". ..".() .37 LIST OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education In Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Pruce GRADE LIST AGRICULTURE AND GARDENING Dadisman — Elementary Exercises in Agriculture $0.50 80.37 $0.30 French— The Beginner's Garden Book 1.00 .75 .60 Mann — Beginnings in Agriculture -75 .56 .45 Stebbins — Principles of Agriculture through the School and Home Garden 100 .75 .60 99 LIST OF THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Title of Book ARITHMETIC Bigelow and Arnold — Elements of Business Arithmetic. . . Cajori — School Arithmetics, Primary Book Intermediate Book McLellan and Ames — Primary Public School Arithmetic . Public School Arithmetic for Grammar Grades Public School Mental Arithmetic CIVICS Field and Nearing — Community Civics Nida — City, State and Nation 1 — Continued. List Price Net Price Exchange Price .70 .35 .40 .35 .60 .25 .52 .26 .30 .26 .45 .18 .42 .21 .24 .21 .36 .15 .60 .75 .45 .56 .36 .45 ENGLISH Language Baker-Thorndike — Everyday English, Book I Book II Book III Book IV Book V Book VI ...........'.'.'.'.'. Emerson-Bender — English Spoken and Written (Western Edition) Primer Book I Book II .........'. Emerson-Bender — Modern English Course, Book One Book Two Woodley — Foundation Lessons in English, Book One Book Two Composition Canfield and Carpenter — Elementary Composition Huntington — Elementary English Composition EVENING SCHOOLS Mintz — First Reader for New American Citizens New American Citizen Practical Speller for Evening Schools Prior and Ryan — How to learn English; A Reader for Foreigners. . .40 .60 .48 .56 .60 .60 .35 .50 .60 .40 .60 .40 .40 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .55 .30 .45 .36 .42 .45 .45 .26 .37 .45 .30 .45 .30 .30 .37 .37 .37 .37 .18 .41 .24 .36 .28 .33 .36 .36 .21 .30 .36 .24 .36 .24 .24 .30 .30 .30 .30 .33 GEOGRAPHY Tarr and McMurry — New Geographies, First Book Second Book First Book, Part One First Book, Part Two Second Book, Part One Second Book, Part Two Tarr and McMurry — World Geography Supplementary Chamberlain — Home and World Series: How we are Fed How we are Clothed How we are Sheltered How we Travel Chamberlain — Continents and their People Series: Africa Asia Europe North America South America HISTORY Bassett — Plan Story of American History Channing — Elements of United States History First Lessons in United States History Dickson — New American History for Grammar Schools. . Nida — Dawn of American History in Europe Supplementary Elson — Sidelights on American History Hart — Source Readers in American History: Colonial Children Camps and Firesides How our Grandfathers Lived Romance of the Civil War .65 1.10 .40 .50 .65 .65 1.25 .40 .40 .40 .40 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 1.00 .90 .60 .80 .80 .50 .48 .82 .30 .37 .48 .48 .93 .30 .30 .30 .30 .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .75 .67 .45 .60 .60 .37 .39 .66 .24 .30 .39 .39 .75 .60 .54 .36 .48 .48 .40 .30 .50 .37 .60 .45 .60 .45 100 LIST OF THE M ACM ILLAN COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Price McMurry — Pioneer History Stories: On Land and Sea .40 On the Mississippi Valley Ill Of the Rocky Mountains and the West .40 Wilson — History Reader .60 HOUSEHOLD ARTS Williams and Fisher — Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery 1.00 Wilson — Domestic Science in Grammar Grades (Supplementary .60 MANUAL TRAINING AND HAND WORK Parks — Educational Woodworking 1.00 MUSIC Farnsworth — Songs for Schools .60 Same — Public School Edition .38 Rix — Songs of School and Flag .75 Zuchtmann — -New American Music Reader* (In Parts): No. 1, Pupil's Edition .L>5 No. 2, Part 1 .30 No. 2, Part 2 .30 No. 3, Part 1 .35 No. 3, Part 2 .35 Zuchtmann — Music Readers: Number One .38 Number Two .45 Number Three .50 Introductory Four .32 Number Four .50 Accompaniments to No. 4 .90 NATURE STUDY Bailey — First Lessons with Plants .40 Holden — Real Things in Nature .65 Shallow and Cullen — Nature Study Made Easy .40 Supplementary Wilson— Nature Study in Elementary Schools : First Reader .35 Second Reader .35 PENMANSHIP Lister Muscular Movement Penmanship: Primary Book -14 Elementary .16 Advanced -20 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE Coleman — Practical Series of Physiologies: Physiology for Beginners .40 The People's Health (Revised) .75 O'Shea and Kellogg — Health Series: Health Habits ■}•"' Health and Cleanliness •■'■' The Body in Health -65 Making the Most of Life •" Supplementary Millard — Building and Care of the Body .40 The Wonderful House that Jak Has .50 READING Basal and Graded Baker-Carpenter— Language Readers: Primer (Revised) -30 First Year •-•' Second Year -30 Third Year -40 Fourth Y'ear -40 Fifth Year : -45 Sixth Year • (> Blaisdell — Child Life Readers: Primer •-■? First Reader - 2o Nel 'rice 1 xchangc Price .30 .30 30 .45 .7.") 15 .00 .45 28 .56 .18 .22 22 .26 ,26 .33 .37 .24 .37 .67 .30 18 .30 .26 .26 .30 ,56 .33 .11 ,48 IN .30 .37 24 .39 .24 .us ..'1 .45 .27 .33 .39 .39 .22 .18 .18 .15 .1'.' .18 .30 .24 .30 .24 .33 .27 .37 .30 .18 .15 .18 .15 101 LIST OF THE MACMILLAN Title of Book Blaisdell — Child Life Readers: Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Oswell-Gilbert — New American School Readers: Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Literary Reader Sneath-Hodges-Stevens — Golden Rule Readers: Golden Ladder Golden Path Golden Door Golden Key Golden Word Golden Deed Sloan — Readers (New): Primer First Reader Second Reader Supplementary Murche — Science Readers: Books I and II. Each Books III and IV. Each Books V, VI and VII. Each Wright — Heart of Nature Series: Plants and Animals Earth and Sky Birds and Beasts COMPANY-^Conl List Price .35 inued. Net Price .26 .27 .30 .33 .22 .22 .26 .30 .33 .37 .52 .30 .33 .37 .41 .41 .41 .22 .22 .26 .18 .30 .37 .22 .22 .22 Exchange Price .21 .36 .21 .40 .24 .45 .27 .30 .18 .30 .18 .35 .21 .40 .24 .45 .27 .50 .30 .70 .42 .40 .24 .45 .27 .50 .30 .55 .33 .55 .33 .55 .33 .30 .18 .30 .18 .35 .21 iry .25 .40 .50 .30 .30 .30 SPELLING AND DICTATION Chancellor — Graded Citv Spellers: Book One. (2nd, 3rd, 4th Years) .25 Book Two (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Years) .30 Chancellor — Graded City Spellers (Year by Year Edition) : Second Year Grade .15 Third Year Grade .15 Fourth Year Grade .15 Fifth Year Grade .18 Sixth Year Grade .18 Seventh Year Grade .18 Eighth Year Grade .20 Paper Covered Edition: Second Year, Part I .06 Second Year, Part II .06 Third Year, Part I .06 Third Year, Part II .06 Fourth Year, Part I .08 Fourth Year, Part II .08 Fifth Year, Complete .12 Sixth Year, Complete .12 Seventh Year, Complete .12 Eighth Year, Complete .12 Van Wagenen — Dictation Day by Day: Second Year .18 Third Year .18 Fourth Year .20 Fifth Year .20 Sixth Year .20 Seventh and Eighth Year .24 Modern Speller, Book I .20 Modern Speller, Book II .24 HIGH SCHOOL LIST IS .15 22 .18 11 11 11 13 13 13 15 04 04 04 04 06 06 .09 09 09 09 13 .10 13 .1C 15 .12 15 .12 15 .12 18 .14 15 .12 IS .14 AGRICULTURE Bengston and Griffith — Wheat Industry Call and Schafer — Laboratory Manual in Agriculture Eckles and Warren — Dairy Farming Cunningham and Lancelot — Soils and Plant Life Gehr and James — One Hundred Exercises in Agriculture. . Gehrs — Productive Agriculture Harper — Animal Husbandry for Schools .65 .48 .39 .90 .67 .54 1.10 .82 .66 1.10 .82 .66 1.10 .S2 .66 1.00 .75 .60 1.40 1.05 .84 102 LIST OF THE M ACM ILL AN COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Harrison and Stewart — Principles of Agronomy Livingston — Field Crop Production Warren — Elements of Agriculture ..!!!!!!!!! ALGEBRA Cajori and Odell — Elementary Algebra Cajori and Odell — Elementary Algebra, Book II !!!!!!!!! Schultze— Elements of Algebra ARITHMETIC Kelso — Arithmetic for High Schools Stratton and Remick — Agricultural Arithmetic '.' BIOLOGY Bailey and Coleman — First Course in Biology Animal and Human Biology Bigelow and Bigelow — Introduction to Biology Applied Biology Peabody and Hunt — Elementary Plant Biology . Elementary Animal and Human Biology Elementary Plant, Animal and Human Elementary Human BOTANY Bailey — Beginner's Botany Botany for Secondary Schools CHEMISTRY Kahlenberg and Hart — Chemistry and its Relation to Daily life, Morgan and Lyman — Chemistry Laboratory Manual Chemistry and Manual in One Volume Snell — Elementary Household Chemistry CIVIL GOVERNMENT Ashley — American Government The New Civics Beard and Beard — American Citizenship Towne — Social Problems COMMERCIAL SERIES Cahill and Ruggiere-^Office Practice Altmaier — Commercial Correspondence Bigelow and Arnold — Elements of Business Arithmetic Bogle — Comprehensive Bookkeeping Everyday Bookkeeping Thurston — Business Arithmetic Trotter — Geography of Commerce Hoover — Salesmanship ECONOMICS Blackmar — Economics for High Schools Burch and Nearing — Elements of Economics Ely and Wicker — Elementary Principles of Economics GENERAL SCIENCE Brownell — Laboratory Lessons in General Science Rowell — Introduction to General Science GEOLOGY Tarr — Elementary Geology i GEOMETRY Ford and Ammerman — Plane Geometry Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry Schultze and Sevenoak Plane Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry Hendrick — Constructive Geometry I.l-'i Net Price Price 1.40 1.05 1.40 1.05 1.10 .82 .65 .48 .75 .56 .85 .63 .90 .67 .50 .37 1.25 .93 .75 .56 1.10 .82 1,10 1.05 .65 .48 1.00 .75 1.25 .93 .65 .48 .60 .45 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 .40 .30 1.40 1.05 1.2.3 .93 1.00 .7.5 1.20 .90 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .90 .67 .70 .52 .70 .52 .90 .67 .65 .48 1.00 .75 1.10 .82 .75 .56 1.20 .90 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .80 .60 .75 .56 1.40 1.05 Exchange Price .84 .84 .66 .39 .45 .51 .54 .30 .75 .45 .66 .84 .39 .60 .75 .39 .36 .75 .75 .75 .24 .84 .75 .60 .72 .60 .60 .54 .42 .42 .54 .39 .60 .66 .45 .72 .60 .60 .IS .45 .84 .80 .60 .48 .80 .60 .48 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .60 .48 1.10 .82 .66 .40 .30 103 LIST OF THE M ACM ILLAN COMPANY— Continued. List Net Title of Book Price Price HISTORY Ashley — Medieval Civilization 1.10 .82 Early European Civilization 1.50 1.12 American History 1.40 1.05 Ancient Civilization 1.10 .82 Botsford — Ancient Historv for Beginners 1.50 1.12 History of the Ancient World 1.50 1.12 Same, In Two Parts. Each 1.00 .75 Channing — Student's History of the United States 1.40 1.05 Coman and Kendall — History of England 1.25 .93 Elson — History of the United States of America 1.75 1.31 Moore — Industrial History of the American People 1.25 .93 Renouf — Outlines of General History 1.30 .97 HOUSEHOLD ARTS Campbell — A text-book of Domestic Science .90 .67 Kinne and Cooley — Clothing and Health .65 .48 Shelter and Clothing 1.10 .82 Home and Family .80 .60 Foods and Household Management 1.10 .S2 Foods and Health .65 .48 Sheaffer — Household Accounting .65 .48 Williams and Fisher — Elements of theory and Practice of Cook- ery, Revised 1.00 .75 LATIN AND GREEK Baker-Inglis — High School Course in Latin Composition 1.00 .75 Same, Caesar and Cicero, Vol. I, Parts I and II .60 .45 Same, Review, Vol. II, Part III .55 .41 Ball— Elements of Greek 1.00 .75 Inglis and Prettyman — First Book in Latin .90 .67 Kirtland-Rogers — Introduction to Latin .85 .63 Tunstall — Latin Ladder .90 .67 LITERATURE— ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Bates — American Literature 1.00 .75 Cairns — American Literature for Secondary Schools 1.00 .75 Mackenzie — History of English Literature 1.10 .S2 Rankin and Aikin — History and Study of English Literature. . . 1.20 .90 Tisdel — Studies in Literature - .90 .67 Tisdel — Brief Survey English and American Literature .85 .64 MODERN LANGUAGES— FRENCH, GERMAN AND SPANISH Bagster-Collins — First Book in German 1.10 .82 Fuentes and Francois — Practical Spanish Grammar 1.00 .75 Luquien — Elementary Spanish American Reader .90 .67 Maloubier and Moore — First Book in French 1.10 .82 Roux — Elementary French Reader .50 .37 Siepmann — Series of French and German Classics. Each .35 .26 Thieme and Effinger — French Grammar 1.25 .93 Supple — Spanish American Reader 1.00 .75 MUSIC Joannes — The Song Garland .10 .82 Zeiner — High School Song Book .S5 .63 Elements of Musical Theory .20 .15 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Tarr — New Physical Geography 1.00 .75 Tarr and von Engeln — Laboratory Manual of Physical and Commercial Geography .SO .60 PHYSICS Archbold — Laboratory Course' in Practical Electricity 1.10 .82 Black and Davis — Practical Physics 1.25 .93 Black — Laboratory Manual in Physics .50 .37 Crew and Tatnall — Laboratory Manual in Physics .90 .67 Jones and Tatnall — Laboratory Problems in Physics .50 .37 Lynde — Physics of the Household 1-25 .93 POCKET CLASSICS 157 titles. Each -25 .18 Exchange Price .66 .90 .84 .66 .90 .90 .60 .SI .75 1.05 .75 .78 .54 .39 .66 .48 .66 .39 .39 .60 .36 .33 .60 .54 .51 .54 .60 .60 .66 .72 .54 .51 .66 .60 .54 .66 .30 .60 .51 .60 .66 .75 104 LIST OF CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY. List Title of Book Price PSYCHOLOGY Colvin-Bagley — Human Behavior 1.00 Titehener — Beginner's Psychology 1.00 RHETORIC AND ENGLISH COMPOSITION Canby and Opdycke — Elements of Composition 1.00 Laycock and Spofford — Manual of Argumentation and Debate. , .50 Smith — Oral English for Secondary Schools ! ,00 Ward — Oral Composition 1.00 Woodley and Woodley — English Studies in Interpretation and Composition .110 .45 3g SOCIAL SCIENCE Leavitt and Brown — Elementary Social Science. . : .80 .60 .48 ZOOLOGY Davenport — Introduction to Zoology 1.10 Elements of Zoology 1.25 Hegner — Practical Zoology 1.40 Net Price Price .75 .7.", .00 ,60 .76 .37 .75 .75 .60 ' .60 .60 .82 .66 .93 .7.-, 1.05 .84 LIST OF CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. In Column I is given the usual list price. In Column II is given the net wholesale price, to be maintained uniformly throughout the State if the school board or board of education enters into written contract for the basal use of the books for a period of five years. In Column III is given the net exchange price. List Price Title of Book Col. I ENGLISH Albernethy — American Literature $1.20 Albernethy — English Literature 1.50 Blanton — Supplementary Exercises in Punctuation and Compo- sition .36 Blanton — Review Outline and Exercises in English Grammar.. .40 Brubacher & Snyder — High School English: Book One 1.00 Book Two 1.00 Brubacher & Snyder — English: Oral and Written 1.20 Kellogg — Textbook on Rhetoric 1.05 Lee — Lessons in English (The new Reed & Kellogg) Book Two. .08 O'Shea — Eichmann — Composition Book by Grades: Language Work for Second Year .28 Third Year .28 Fourth Year .28 Fifth Year ; 28 Sixth Year 28 Seventh Year .32 Eight Year .32 Reed — Introductory Language Work .52 Reed & Kellogg- — Graded Lessons in English .52 Reed & Kellogg — Higher Lessons in English .70 Reed & Kellogg — High School Grammar .60 Merrill's English Texts Addison, Steele and Budgell — The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers in " The Spectator" Browning — Selected Poems Bunyan — Pilgrim's Progress Burke — Speech on Conciliation with America Byron — Childe Harold, Canto IV, and The Prisoner of Chillon. Carlyle — An Essay on Burns Coleridge— The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and other Poems Coleridge — The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and Lowell — The Vision of Sir Launfal, Combined Defoe — Robinson Crusoe 105 Net Wholesale Exchange Price Price Col. II Col. Ill $0.90 si > 8 t 1.13 1.05 .27 .30 .75 .70 .75 .70 .90 M .79 .74 .51 .48 .21 .20 .21 .20 .21 .20 .21 .20 .21 .20 .24 .22 .24 .22 .39 .36 .39 .36 .53 .49 .45 .42 .35 .26 .30 .23 .40 .30 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .45 .34 .50 .38 LIST OF CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book DeQuincey — Joan of Arc, and The English Mail Coach Dickens— A Tale of Two Cities Eliot, George — Silas Marner Emerson — Essays. Selected Gaskell — Cranford Goldsmith — The Deserted Village, and other Poems Goldsmith — The Vicar of Wakefield Gray — An Elegy in a Country Churchyard, and Goldsmith — The Deserted Village, Combined Hale — The Man Without a Country, and My Double, and How He Undid Me Hawthorne — The House of the Seven Gables Homer— The Odyssev, Books VI to XIV, XVIII to XXIV Irving — The Sketch Book Lamb — Essays of Elia Lincoln — Selections Lowell — The Vision of Sir Launfal, and other Poems Macaulay — Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hastings Macaulay — Lays of Ancient Rome, other Poems, and Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum, Combined Macaulay — The Life of Samuel Johnson Milton — Lycidas, Comus, L' Allegro, II Penseroso, and other Poems Palgrave — The Golden Treasury, First Series Book Fourth Parkman — The Oregon Trail Poe — The Raven, Longfellow — The Courtship of Miles Standish, Whitter — Snow Bound, Combined Poe — Tales and Poems Scott — Ivanhoe Scott — The Lady of the Lake Selected Letters Selected Short Stories Selections from American Poetry Shakespeare — Plays : A Midsummers Night's Dream As You Like It Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry V Macbeth The Merchant of Venice Twelfth Night Stevenson — An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey Stevenson — Treasure Island Tennyson — Idylls of the King Thoreau- — Walden Washington — Farewell Address, and Webster — First and Second Bunker Hill Orations, Combined GERMAN Bacon — A New German Course Merrill's German Texts Freytag — Die Journalisten Gerstai ker — Germ* Ishausen Goethi — Hirma n und Dorothea Hrysi ■ — Hoi bach aut Capri l'.illin- — Hohei als die Kin-he Leasing— Minna von Paruhclm S. hill r— Dei N« ffe als Uukel S 1 ill r— Wilhelm Tell Scid. I & B i si g^er— Edle Herzen Storm — lmmeusce Wildeubruch— Das edle Blut Wildenbruch — Kindertranen: Die Landpertie and Der Letzte. Net List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Col. I Col. II Col. Ill .30 .23 .50 .38 .45 .34 .45 .34 .40 .30 .30 .23 .40 .30 .30 .23 .30 .23 .50 .38 .45 .34 .50 .38 .50 .38 .30 .23 .30 .23 .45 .34 .35 .26 .30 .23 .30 .23 .50 .38 35 .26 .50 .38 .30 .23 .45 .34 .50 .38 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .45 .34 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .45 .34 .45 .34 .35 .26 .50 .38 .30 1.25 .23 .04 .88 .60 .45 .45 .34 .60 .45 .45 .34 .50 .38 .60 .45 .50 .38 .70 .53 .50 .38 .45 .34 .45 .34 .50 .38 MATHEMATICS Algebra Durell — Algebra : Book One Book Two Durell — Introductory Algebra Durell — School Algebra Durell & Robbins — A Grammar School Algebra Evans & Marsh — First Year Mathematics 1.00 .75 .70 .06 .72 .67 .60 .45 .42 1.25 .04 .88 .80 .60 .56 .90 .68 .63 106 LIST OF CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book _ , . _ . , „ Arithmetic Boylan & Smith — Citv Arithmetics: Third Year, First Half Third Year, Second Half \[ Fourth Year, First Half Fourth Year, Second Half Fifth Year, First Half Fifth Year, Second Half '..'.'.'.'.'..'. Durell — Arithmetic: Two Book Scries: Elementary Arithmetic With Ural Work for Grades I and II ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Advanced Arithmetic ' Three Book Scries: Arithmetic, Book One Part I Part II Arithmetic, Book Two Part I Fart II Arithmetic, Book Three Durell & Bobbins — First Lessons in Numbers Durell & Robbins — The Elementary Practical Arithmetic Dmell & Robbins — The Advanced Practical Arithmetic Weidenhamer — A Mental Arithmetic Geometry Durell — Plane Geometry Durell — Solid Geometry Durell — Plane and Solid Geometry Durell & Arnold— Plane Geometry Trigonometry Durell — Plane Trigonometry Durell — Plane Trigonometry and Tables Durell — Plane Trigonometry with Surveying and Tables Durell — Plane Surveying and Tables Durell — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Tables Durell — Spherical Trigonometry Durell — Plane and Spherical Trigononmetry with Surveying and Tables Durell — Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables I I .! Price Col. I It .11 II .11 I I II .28 in .en .11 .11 .(it ,28 .10 .66 .so 1.40 1.1' 5 1.40 1.60 l.oo L.60 .7") Net wholesale Bxohange Price Price Col. II Col, Ml .33 .31 .33 :;i .33 ;;i .33 :;i :;:; ::i .33 .30 :;i ,36 ..->! 50 .12 .39 .21 .20 .30 28 .45 .42 .33 .:;i .33 .31 .48 .45 .21 .20 .30 ,28 49 .46 .20 26 .66 .62 (10 ..Mi l.Ofi .98 .66 .62 .04 .88 l.or. .98 1,20 1.12 .78 .70 1.20 L.12 .86 .53 1.31 1.23 .56 .53 The Writing Hour Copy Books. PENMANSHIP Seven Numbers. Per Dozen . ,60 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE Hutchison — Our Wonderful Bodies and How to Take Care of Them First Book Second Book Hutchison — Physiology and Hygiene Knight — Hygiene for Young People .36 .27 .21 .r.2 .-; i .36 1.20 .'.10 - I .60 .).". .12 READING— BASAL Dyer & Brady — The Merrill Readers: Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Sixth Reader Fourth Reader, Five Book Series Fifth Reader, Five Book Series Bender — The Bender Primer Judson & Bender — Graded Literature Readers: First Book Second Book Third Book Fourth Book Fifth Book Sixth Book Seventh Book . . : .36 .27 .2:. .36 .27 .2.'. .11 .33 .::i .52 .39 .36 ..-.t; .42 .39 ,56 .12 .39 ,56 .12 ,68 .51 .is ,72 .:.! .r,o ,36 .27 .25 .28 .21 .20 .40 .30 .28 .48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .52 .39 .36 .52 .39 .36 ,52 .39 ,36 107 LIST OF CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Judson & Bender — Graded Literature Readers: Eighth Book .' Fifth and Sixth Books Combined Seventh and Eighth Books Combined List Price Col. I .52 .76 .76 Net Wholesale Exchange Price Price Col. II Col. Ill .39 .57 .57 .36 .53 .53 READING— SUPPLEMENTARY Alexander & Blake — Graded Poetry: Nos. 1 and 2. First and Second Years No. 3. Third Year No. 4. Fourth Year No. 5. Fifth Year No. 6. Sixth Y r ear No. 7. Seventh Year No. 8. Eighth Year Boswell — Life of Johnson (Selections) Curtis — Readings in Literature Graded Supplementary Reading Series: Diman — Stories from Greek History English History Stories Judson — The Young American Piercy — Great Inventions and Discoveries Turpin — Andersen's Fairy Tales Turpin — Brief Biographies from American History Turpin — Classic Fables Turpin — Grimm's Fairy Tales Turpin — Stories from American History Whitcomb — Heroes of History Holbrook — Poetry for Schools; Book One Book Two Book Three Leland — A Citv Reader for the Fourth Y r ear Merrill — Story' Books: Banbury Cross Stories Carroll — Alice's Adventures in Woderland Craik — Bow- Wow and Mew-Mew Dick Whittington and Other Stories Hall — Jan and Betje Stories from the Far East Weaver — Paul's Trip with the Moon Wiley — The Mother Goose Primer 24 .18 24 .18 24 .18 24 .18 .24 .18 .24 .18 24 .18 .28 .21 .60 .45 .48 .36 60 .45 52 .39 44 .33 .48 .36 60 .45 .32 .24 44 .33 .44 .33 .72 .54 .24 .18 .24 .18 .24 .18 - .56 .42 .28 .21 .36 .27 .32 .24 .36 .27 .32 .24 .36 .27 .28 .21 .36 .27 SCIENCE Pease — A First Y'ear Course in General Science with Manual. . Pease — A First Year Course in General Science without Manual Pease — Laboratory Manual Peters — Modern Chemistry Peters — Laboratory Experiments 1.28 .96 .90 1.08 .81 .76 .24 .18 1.10 .83 ./ i .60 .45 SPELLING Merrill's Spelling Book by Grades: Third Y'ear Fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Y r ear Seventh Year Reed — Primary Speller Reed — Word Lessons Wilson & Winship — The Merrill Speller: Book One Book Two Complete .18 .14 .13 .18 .14 .13 .18 .14 .13 .18 .14 .13 .20 .15 .14 .22 .17 .15 .28 .21 .20 .22 .17 .15 .22 .17 .15 .32 .24 .22 MISCELLANEOUS Montgomery — Modern Bookkeeping: Part I. Single Entry Single and Double Entry Blank Books to accompany Modern Bookkeeping. Per set of six books Montgomery — Modern Bookkeeping and Business Practice Shimmell — Government of the United States Young — Government Class Book .52 .39 .36 .88 .66 .62 .80 .60 1.12 .SI .78 .50 .38 .35 1.05 .79 .74 108 LIST OF METROPOLITAN TEXT BOOK COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. rp-,, c r, , List Net Exchange Title of Book ,,,„.,. Text, Complete Text, Parts I and II . . . Text, Parts III and IV. Text, Sets 1 to 5, Part I . Text, Set 6, Part II Text, Set 7, Part III. . . Text, Set 8, Part III Text, Set 9, Part IV Text, Appendix Metropolitan System of Bookkeeping Cloth Binding Heavy Paper Covers M 60 si I'll $0.90 1.25 .93] .70 1.00 . i .i lill ..-)() .37 J ,45 .33] .25 .18] .20 .1.". .:::, .201 .1(1 .117'. Supplies Sets 1 to 5, Part I, Blanks, Outgoing Papers and Incoming Currency Set 6, Part II, Blanks, Outgoing and Incoming Papers Set 7, Part III, Blanks, Outgoing Papers, Incoming Drafts and Checks Set 8, Part III, Blanks, No Papers Set 9, Part IV, Blanks, Vouchers and Checks, Invoices Set 10, Blanks, No Papers Theory of Bookkeeping Practical Grammar Exercise Pad for Practical Grammar Business Law Business Letter Writing Exercise Pad for B. L. W Munson Shorthand Munson Shorthand Exercise Book Munson Shorthand Reader, No. I Metropolitan Business Speller Metropolitan Business Writing Typewriting by the Touch Method Commercial Arithmetic Ml Jill 1.20 .90 1.00 .:.-> .50 .37] .80 .60 .20 .15 1.25 .93 .7.") ..V) .26] .21 .i:> 11] .85 .0:5; ..-)1 .:,(! ..•57'. .30 .15 .11] 1.25 .93] .7.". .25 .18] 25 is; .2.") .is; .1.", .20 ,i."» .12 1.00 .7.-, .00 .85 63] .51 LIST OF NEWSON COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, 111., upon order of any school board in Minnesota, upon the terms and prices listed below. 1. When three or five year written contracts are entered into between such school boards and Newson & Company, guaranteeing the exclusive and basal use of such books as may be so contracted for, the lowest wholesale prices given in Column II shall apply. 2. The exchange prices to school boards under three or five year exclusive contracts shall be as indicated in Column III. These exchange terms shall be allowed during the introductory period only, and upon an old, but complete and usable book in the same subject, of like grade and kind, but of a different series. List Title of Book Price ARITHMETIC Schuyler & Van Sickle — Haworth Series of Arithmetics: Number Foundations $0.40 Number Relations -56 Number Applications -40 ENGLISH Spaulding & Bryce: Aldine First Language Book .48 Aldine Language Method, Part I .60 Aldine Second Language Book -50 Aldine Language Method, Part 2 -On Buehler & Hotehkiss: Modern English Lessons Modern English Lessons, Part I -32 Modern English Lessons. Part 2 :i - l'i ice With A or 5 Year Contract Lowest Exchange Price .42 .30 $0.24 MA .2 1 .36 .4.". .42 .4.") .29 ' .34 .24 .24 .27 .19 .1<» 109 LIST OF NEWSON & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Bueliler: Modern English Grammar, Revised Modern English Grammar Modern English Grammar, with Composition "Modern English Grammar, with Composition, Revised. Teachers' Companion to Modern English Grammar.. . . Edgar: Sentence Analysis by Diagram McKeon: MeKeon — Graded Composition Lessons; Part One Part Two Part Three Merkley — Modern Rhetoric Merkley & Ferguson — Composition-Rhetoric Tinker— Beowulf Webster, Edward Harlan — English for Business Price List With 3 Lowest Price or 5 Year Exchange Contract Price .68 .51 .41 .60 .45 .36 .65 .49 .39 .SO .60 .45 .56 .42 .34 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 1.00 .75 .60 1.20 .90 .72 FRENCH Alge, Eippmann & Buell: Newson's First French Book Newson's Second French Book Kron — French Daily Life .48 .36 .48 .36 .76 ,Oi GERMAN Alge, Hamburger, Rippmann & Buell; Newson's First German Book Newson's German Reader Kron : German Daily Life German Daily Life, with Vocabulary Meyer-Forster — Karl Heinrich READING Spaulding & Bryee: Aldine Primer Aldine First Reader Aldine Second Reader Aldine Third Reader Aldine Fourth Reader Aldine Fifth Reader Aldine Fourth Grade Reader Aldine Fifth Grade Reader Aldine Sixth Grade Reader Aldine Seventh Grade Reader The Aldine Method: Learning to Read. A Manual Phonic Cards (23 in set) . Per set Sight Word Cards (95 in set). Per set Rhyme Chans (16 in set") Rhyme Cards for the Aldine Primer. Per 100 Seat Work Cards. Nos. 1-2-3 Reading and Phonic Chart, combined, with stand Phonic Chart. Separate, with stand Rhyme Cards for the Aldine First Reader. Per 100. . . .60 .45 .76 .57 .76 .57 .88 .66 .SO .60 .36 .27 .36 .27 .44 .33 .52 .39 .6S .51 .76 .57 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .60 .45 .28 .21 .72 .54 .60 .45 .68 .51 2.00 1.50 8.00 6.00 5.60 4.20 1.28 .96 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Bryee: The Playtime Frimer Short Stories for Little Folks That's Why Stories Fables from Afar Folk Lore front Foreign Lands Davidson & Bryee: Busy Brownies at Work busy Brownies at Play Gibson — Blossom Hosts and Insect Guests Haaren: llaaren — Golden Rod Books; Rhymes and babies Songs and Stories Fairv Life Ballads and Tales Hall & Chester — Panama and the Canal, Revised and Enlarged Edition 36 27 36 .27 40 .30 40 .30 10 .30 36 .27 36 .27 SO .60 12 .09 15 .11 20 .15 25 .19 ,80 .60 110 LIST OF THE A. N. PALMER COMPANY. Title of Book Wray: Little Playmates, Pupil's Edition Little Playmates, Teacher's Edition Seat Work accompanying Little Plaj mat* Standard Literature Scries; Single Number, Cloth Binding Double Numbers, Cloth Binding Triple Numbers, Cloth Binding SEWING Patton: Home and School Sewing, Pupil's Edition Home and School Sewing, Teacher's Edition SPANISH Bonilla — Spanish Daily Life Hall & Chester — Panama Canal Knoflach — Spanish Simplified Valera — Historias Breves SPELLING Bryce and Sherman — Aldinc Speller: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Grades 1-4 Grades 5-8 Townsend — Modern Speller West — Common Sense Speller: Second and Third Grades Fourth and Fifth Grades Sixth and Seventh Grades STORY TELLING (For Teacher's Use) Wyche— Some Great Stories and How to Tell Them 1.00 .75 WRITING Slocum — Graded Course in Penmanship: Copy Slips, Six Numbers. Per dozen .84 .63 .... Exercise Books, No. 1. Per dozen .36 .27 .... Exercises Book, Nos. 2 to 6. Per dozen .48 .... Teacher's Manual .40 .30 .... NEWSON AND COMPANY FURTHER AGREES; 1. To furnish any of said books to any school board in the State of Minnesota at the said lowest prices so filed, and to maintain said prices uniformly throughout the State. 2. To reduce such prices automatically in Minnesota, whenever reductions are made else- where in the United States under similar conditions of contract and distribution, and NEWSON & COMPANY guarantees that at no time shall any book herewith li I of v. bioh has been filed with the Superintendent of Public Iiistruction,»be sold by NEWSON & COMPANY in any School Board in Minnesota at a higher price I Ban is received for such book by NEWSON & ( !< >M- PANY elsewhere in the United States under similar conditions of contract and of distribution. 3. That all text books offered for sale in Minnesota shall be equal in quality to those depi in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as regards paper, binding, print, illustrations, subject matter, and all point that may affect the value oi said text-books. 4. That in case an abridged or special edition of an J d with the State Superintendent shall be prepared by NEWSON & COMPANY, the said NEWSON ft COMPANY shall sell such special edition to School Boards in Minnesota at the whole-ale price at which the said abridged or special edition is furnished elsewhere under similar conditions of contract and of dis- tribution. Price List With :; Price or 5 Year Contract Price .36 .27 in .30 .60 .46 .26 .19 .30 .23 ,40 .30 51 1 .38 en ,46 .88 .00 .80 .60 1.00 .7.", ,36 .27 .24 .18 ,16 .24 .18 ,16 .24 .18 .16 .34 .18 .16 .32 .24 ,20 .32 .24 .20 .25 ,19 ,16 .18 .14 .11 .18 .14 .11 .20 .15 .12 LIST OF THE A. N. PALMER COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Cedar Rapids, Iowa or Chicago, 111., upon order of any Bchool board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and l ing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book Industrial Commercial Geography of the United States Household Accounting Palmer Method of Business Writing Writing Lessons for P. Grades Primer, Palmer Method Series List Net Exchange Price Price $1.25 $1.00 1.00 .75 ,20 .16 .15 .in .30 .24 111 LIST OF G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. Title of Book Spellers, Palmer Method: First Year, 1st half First Year, 2nd half Second Year, 1st half Second Year, 2nd half Supplementary Reader — Greyhound Fanny. List Net Exchange Price Price Price .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 1.50 1.00 LIST OF PRANG COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board of board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List . Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price GRAPHIC DRAWING BOOKS Book I Book II Book III Book IV Book V Book VI Book VII Book VIII Book IX or High School Book TEXT BOOKS OF INDUSTRIAL , Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Note — Since all drawing books previously used perish with their use we make no exchange price. We will, however, take off the hands of the dealers any books on their shelves which are displaced by the adoption of the above books at the prices originally paid for them. $0.15 §0.12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .20 .16 .20 .16 .20 .16 .20 .16 .35 .28 .T .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 List of text books and prices filed by publishers under the provisions of Section 2951, G. L. 1913. LIST OF G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS To be furnished f. o. b. at New York upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ECONOMICS Barker— Cash and Credit $0.50 S0.45 Hadley — Economics 7 2.50 2.25 ENGLISH GRAMMAR West — Elements of English Grammar .70 .63 .... ENGLISH LITERATURE Young — Introduction to the Study of English Literature Grahame — The Cambridge Book of Poetry for Young People. . GEOGRAPHY Bosworth — Cambridge Geographical Readers: The World and its Wonders England and Wales The British Isles Wallis — The Teaching of Geography MATHEMATICS Harding and Turner — Plane Trigonometry . Without Tables Gore — Trigonometry Eamball — Commercial Arithmetic Mercer — Trigonometry for Beginners .75 .6S .90 .81 .40 .36 .50 .4.3 .60 .54 1.00 .90 1.10 .99 .90 .81 1.20 1.08 1.00 .90 1.10 .99 112 LIST OF RAND McNALLY & COMPANY. Title of Book HISTORY Basworth — Cambridge Historical Readers: Volume 1 (Stories Greece and Rome) Volume 2 (Stories of Great Men ami Women of Great Britain) Volume 3 (British History Volume 4 (British History Volume 5 (British History) Innes — History of England Pelham — Outlines of Roman History Putnam — Abraham Lincoln List Net Price .30 .27 .46 .11 16 ,11 .60 .64 .70 L.35 1.22 1.76 1.68 1.60 1.36 Exchange i'i ice LIST OF RAND McNALLY COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. On Basis of Contract for Three or more Title of Book List Price BOOKS FOR COMMON SCHOOLS Arithmetic Felmley and Shutts Arithmetic — Book One $0.35 Rand-McNally — Primary Arithmetic .30 Rand-McXally — Practical Arithmetic ,60 Business Methods Teller and Brown — First Book in Business Methods ."."> Geographies Dodge — Elementary Geography .60 Dodge — Advanced Geography 1.20 Dodge — Geographies by Grades; Book One — Dodge — Home Geography .35 Book Two — Dodge — -Elements of Continental Geography. . ,50 Book Three — Dodge — Principles of Geography ana North America .'■'> Book Four — Dodge — Comparative Geography of the Conti- nents .Hi Dodge — Geography of Minnesota .40 Rand-McNally — Elementary Geography .60 Rand-McNallj — Primary Geography .50 Rand-McNally — Grammar School Geography 1.00 HISTORIES Mace-Tanner — Story of Old Europe and Young America .65 Mace — Beginner's History ,45 Mace — Primary History .65 Mace — School History of the Dnited States LOO Mace — School History of the Dnited States, Part One .60 Mace— School History of the United States, Part Two .65 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMARS McFadden Language Series: Book One, Maximum Course .40 Book Two, Maximum Course .40 Language and Composition Minimum Course .46 Grammar and Composition, Minimum Course .56 Grammar and Composition, Maximum Course l .22 .18 .).-) .36 .22 .26 .45 .45 .36 .90 .72 .26 ,21 .37 ,30 .56 .45 .52 .42 .30 .37 .30 .37 .31) ,75 .60 ,48 .30 .33 27 ,48 .39 .7.". .60 .45 .36 .48 .30 .30 .24 30 .24 28 .42 !". .33 .27 26 .21 .11 .33 .18 .21 IK LIST OF RAND McNALLY & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Holton-Curry Readers: Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Sixth Reader Seventh Reader Eighth Reader Lights to Literature Readers: Eight Book Series: Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Book Five Book Sis Book Seven Book Eight Five Book Series: Book Three Book Four Book Five New Century Readers: Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Book Five Book Six Book Seven Book Eight Little Kingdom Readers: Little Kingdom Primer Little Kingdom First Reader . Curry Literary Readings : PRIMERS AND FIRST READERS Braden — Little Book of Well Known Toys, A Primer Grover — Outdoor Primer Sunbonnet Babies' Primer ' Overall Boys, A First Reader Holton — Primer Sawyer-Funk — Little Kingdom Primer Little Kingdom First Reader Sprague — Primer On Basis of Contract for Three or more years List Lowest Lowest Price Wholesale Exchange Price Price .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .50 .37 .30 .55 .41 .33 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .25 .18 .15 .36 .27 .22 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .48 .36 .29 .60 .45 .36 .75 .56 .45 .17 .12 .10 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .35 .26 .21 .30 .22 .18 .32 .24 .19 .75 .56 .45 .45 .33 .25 .18 .40 .30 .45 .33 .25 .18 .30 .22 .32 .24 .25 .18 Supplementary Canterbury Classics Franklin — Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Edited by Aiton Bates — Story of Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims Brown — Rab and His Friends and other Dog Stories Rab and His Friends (alone) (Paper) Carroll — Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Craik — Adventures of a Brownie de Amicis — Heart of a Boy Ramee — Dog of Flanders Dickens — Christmas Carol Cricket on the Hearth Ewing — Story of a Short Life Kingsley — Water Babies Poe — Goldbug Goldbug (Paper) Ruskin — King of the Golden River Scott — Lady of the Lake Sewell — Black Beauty Stevenson — Tresure Island .45 .33 .40 .30 .25 .18 .10 .07 .30 .22 .35 .26 .45 .33 .25 .18 .35 .26 .30 .22 .30 .22 .45 .33 .25 .18 .15 .11 .25 .IS .45 .33 .40 .30 .40 .30 BIOGRAPHICAL Little Lives of Great Men Series: Hathaway — Cromwell — England's Uncrowned King Napoleon — The Little Cariscan Mace — Lincoln — The Man of the People .35 .26 .35 .26 .35 .26 114 LIST OF RAND McNALLY & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book List Price COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Brooks — Story of Cotton and the Development of the Cotton States 75 Shillig — Four Wonders — Cotton, Wool, Linen, Silk .....!.!!!!! ^50 DRAMATIC READERS Goodlander — Fairy Plays for Children ,45 Hogate and Grover — Sunbonn> eralls, An ( Operetta. ... .40 Mintz — Story Hour Plays ,45 Skinner — Storyland in Play .1.-, Wicks — Stories to Act .15 FOREIGN LANDS AND PEOPLE Lucita— Child's Story of Old Mexico ..">o Grover — Sunbonnet Babies in Holland .50 Smith — Eskimo Stories .40 Holland Stories 50 GEOGRAPHY READERS Bowman — South America .75 Huntington — Asia .75 Nida — Panama and Its Bridge of Water .50 HISTORY Hall— Viking Tales .35 Story of Chicago .50 Mace — History Reader, Book One .35 History Reader, Book Two History Reader, Book Three .38 Pumphrey — Pilgrim Stories .45 INDUSTRIAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY SERIES Dopp — Tree Dwellers .45 Early Cave Men .45 Later Cave Men ,45 Early Sea People .50 LITERATURE AND ART Curry — Literary Readings ,75 Menefee-Bradley — Child Stories from the Masters .30 Payne — Southern Literary Readings .75 MYTHS, FAIRY TALES AND LEGENDS Bigham — Stories of Mother Goose Village .45 Blumenthal — Folk Tales from the Russian .40 Gale — Achilles and Hector .45 Hall— Four Old Greeks , .35 Henderson — Anderson's Best Fairy Tales .45 Judd — Classic Myths .35 Mabie — Norse Stories .40 Warren — King Arthur and His Knights .50 Robin Hood and His Merry Men .50 Washburne — Indian Legends .45 Old Fashioned Fairy Tales .45 Williston— Hindu Tales ■}' I Japanese Fairy Tales, First Series Japanese Fairy Tales — Second Series -50 NATURE AND ANIMAL STORIES Daulton — Wings and Stings -40 Autobiography of a Butterfly .40 Hardy — Nature's Wonder Lore (The Little King and Princess True) 50 Weed — Bird Life Stories, Book One -00 Bird Life Stories, Book Two -60 Jones and Weimer — Chats in the Zoo -40 VERSE Seegmiller — Little Rhymes for Little Readers -50 Stevenson — Child's Garden of Verse -50 On Basis of Contract fur Three or more years Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price .56 .37 .33 ,30 .:« ,33 .37 .37 .30 .37 ,56 .:,r, ,:',7 .2>-, .:;7 .."■, .26 ,26 .33 .33 .33 .:« .37 .56 .56 .33 .30 .33 .26 .33 .26 .30 .37 .37 .33 .33 .37 .37 .37 .30 .30 .37 .15 .15 .30 .37 .37 115 LIST OF THE H. M. ROWE COMPANY. On Basis of Contract for Three or more years Title of Book SPELLERS Sawyer-Funk — -Automatic Speller, Part One Automatic Speller, Part Two Automatic Speller, Complete Aswell, Cook and Gilbreath — Century Spelling Book, Part One . Century Spelling Book, Pnrt Two Century Spelling Book, Complete Sabin — Ear and Eye Speller Hewett — Rand-MacNalley Speller and Word Book Michaux, Matheson and Graham — Phonic Drills WRITING Round — Rapid Writing Books, Seven Numbers. Per Dozen . . . Round — Rapid Social and Business Forms, Two Numbers. Per Dozen List Lowest Lowest Price Wholesale Exchange Price Price .18 .13 .11 .20 .15 .12 .25 .18 .15 .18 .13 .11 .18 .13 .11 .25 .18 .15 .20 .15 .12 .25 .18 .15 .15 .11 .09 .72 .54 .72 .54 BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS CHEMISTRY Linebarger — Elementary Chemistry Elementary Chemistry Laboratory Manual COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY Robinson — Commercial Geography Exercises and References for Robinson Commercial Geography. . COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Kavana and Beatty — -Composition and Rhetoric MUSIC Pease and Lawrence — Choral Song Book Choral Instruction Course SPELLER Hewett — High School Speller 1.00 .50 1.25 .15 1.00 .50 .45 .20 .75 .37 .93 .11 .75 .37 .33 .15 .60 .30 .75 .00 .30 .27 .12 List of text books and prices filed by publishers under the provisions of Section 2951, G. L. 1913. LIST OF THE H. M. ROWE COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Baltimore, Md., upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ARITHMETIC New Essentials of Business Arithmetic, No. 85 (Rowe and Will) Commercial Arithmetic, No. 86 (Sadler and Will) BOOKKEEPING Rowe — Bookkeeping and Accountancy: Complete Text, No. 120 Abridged Text, No. 120-A Advanced Text, No. 120-B Elementary Set: Budget No. 121 Blank Books, No. 122 Outgoing Papers, No. 123 Filing Envelopes, No. 124 Wholesale Set, Complete: Budger No. 125 Blank Books, No. 126 Outgoing Papers, No. 127 Wholesale Set, Part One: Budget No. 136 Blank Books, No. 137 Outging Papers, No. 127 $0.70 .80 $0.52J .60 $0.49 .56 1.50 1.30 .60 1.12| .97* .45 1.05 .91 .42 .60 .30 .15 .05 .45 .22| .111 .03f .60 .60 .20 .45 .45 .15 .64 .64 .20 .48 .48 .15 116 LIST OF THE H. M. ROWE COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Wholesale Set, Part Two: Budget No. 139 Blank Books, No. 140 Merchant's Corporation Set: Budget No. 131 Blank Books, No. 132 Cost Accountancy for Manufacturing Set i Budget No. 128 Blank Books, No. 129 Outgoing Papers, No. 130 American National Banking Set : Reference Book, No. 50 (Text) Budget C. No. 57 Outgoing Papers, No. 58 Blank Books, No. 59 Single Entry Set: Single Entry Text, No. 133 Ledger and Journal Paper for Single Entry Set, No. 134. A Preliminary Drill for Beginners, No. 119 Six Short Sets for Beginners in Bookkeeping, No, L3S Commercial and Industrial Bookkeeping: Reference Book, No. 100 Inductive Set: Budget No. 101 Outgoing Papers, No. 109 Blank Books, No. 1 10 Set of Filing Envelopes, No. Ill Wholesale and Retail Set: Budget No. 102 Outgoing Papers, No. 112 Blank Books, No. 1 13 Jobbing and Commission Set: Buget No. 103 Outgoing Papers, No. 114 Blank Books, No. 115 Manufacturing Set: Text No. 1-A Blanks, No. 51 COMMERCIAL LAW Uniform Business Law (Bush) (Cloth Binding) No. 65 Uniform Business Law (Bush) (Buckram Binding) No. 65. . . Richardson's Commercial Law, No. 90 Drills in Writing Contracts (Rowe) No. 92. , Rowe — Commercial Law, No. 95 ENGLISH AND CORRESPONDENCE Dengler — Lessons and Exercises in English, No. GO Evenson — Lessons in Sentence Analysis, No. 70 Correct English (Baker) No. 78 Earnest — English Correspondence, No. 97 PENMANSHIP Budget of Writing Lessons that Teach ' Lister) No. 96 Lister — Writing Lessons, No. 98 SHORTHAND Rowe — Shorthand, No. 52 Test Exercises in Rowe Shorthand, No. 53 New Rapid Shorthand, No. S9 Exercises in New Rapid Shorthand, No. 81 SHORTHAND DICTATION Booth — Progressive Dictator, Part I, No. 79 Booth — Progressive Dictator, Part II, No. 80 Booth — Progressive Dictator, Part III, No. 82 Dictation Course in Business Literature, Book, 1 Rowe Outlines. (Reigner) No. 170 Dictation Course in Business Literature, Book 1, Gregg Outlines, (Reigner), No. 171 Dictation Course in Business Literature, Book 1, Isaac Pitman Outlines (Reigner), No. 172 Dictation Course in Business Literature, Boot l. Graham Out- lines (Reigner), No. 173 Price Net Price Exchange Price .12 .50 .09 .50 .60 .45 .so .60 ,36 .00 .45 ,27 .'in .10 .60 .15 .07:, ,07 j . 15 .16 .06 .12 .16 .11' .or. Oil .iL' .60 .45 12 .i.ii .10 .25 .05 .45 .117'. .18J ,03| .60 ,20 .50 .45 .15 .37 j .60 .lmi .50 .15 .15 ,25 in .is.; 30 1. 10 1.25 .70 .1.", .90 .in 67j .77 .87 .49 ' .63 .00 .40 .0.'. 35 ,45 .30 .481 .42 .28 ,45 .24 .25 .25 .is; . 18 \ 1.50 .48 t.oo 1.12} .36 .75 I8j 1.05 ' .70 .36 .50 .27 .37 1 .371 1 'ill .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 I llll ,75 .70 117 LIST OF ROW, PETERSON & COMPANY Title of Book Dictation Course in Business Literature, Book 1, Benn Pitman Outlines (Reigner), No. 174 Dictation Course in Business Literature, Book 1, No Outlines, (Reigner), No. 175 SPELLING One Hundred Lessons in Spelling (Walters) No. 64 New Method Speller, No. 94 TYPEWRITING Ross — Lessons in Touch Typewriting, No. 63 Typewriting Progress Cards, No. 63-A (Packages of 50) Miss Smith — Typewriting Lessons, Part 1, No. 74 Miss Smith — Typewriting Lessons, Part 2, No. 75 Miss Smith — Typewriting Lessons, Part 3, No. 76 Miss Smith — Typewriting Lessons, Part 4, No. 77 List Price Net Price Exchange Price 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 .25 .20 .18| .15 .17 .14 .40 .50 .25 .40 .25 .40 .30 .37| .18| .30 .18f .30 .28 ".17 .28 .17 .28 LIST OF ROW, PETERSON COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book List Price AGRICULTURE A Unit in Agriculture, Elliff $0.50 Elementary Agriculture, Hatch and Hazelwood .50 One Hundred Lessons in Agriculture, Nolan .65 Corn Growing, Nolan and Greene .32 Vegetable Gardening and Canning, Nolan and Greene .32 ENGLISH Palgrave — Golden Treasury — Barnes .84 Interpretation of the Printed Page — S. H. Clark 1.25 Exercises in English Form and Diction(Cloth Edition) — Pansier. . .68 Exercises in English Form and Diction (Paper Edition) — Fansler. . .52 The Merchant of Venice, Frush .32 Julius Caesar, Frush .32 Studies in English, by Robbins and Row Work and Play with Language .32 Book I, Language .48 Book II, Grammar and Composition .64 Phonology and Orthoepy — Salisbury .50 Practical English — Scott .64 LATIN A Year in Latin — Montgomery 1.00 MATHEMATICS Plane Geometry — Newell and Harper .85 Solid Geometry — Newell and Harper .75 Plane and Solid Geometry — Newell and Harper 1.32 PHYSIOLOGY Physiology and Hygiene — Blount .75 READING Reading — -Literature Primer — Free and Treadwell .36 Reading— Literature First Reader — Free and Treadwell .40 Reading — Literature Second Reader — Free and Treadwell .44 Reading — Literature Third Reader — Free and Treadwell .48 Reading — Literature Fourth Reader- — Free and Treadwell .52 Reading — Literature Fifth Reader- — Free and Treadwell .56 Reading — Literature Sixth Reader — Free and Treadwell .64 Reading — Literature Seventh Reader — -Briggs .64 Reading — Literature Eight Reader — Shryock -64 118 Lowest Lowest Wholesale Exchange Price Price Five Year Contract $0.38 .38 .49 .24 .24 .63 .94 .51 .39 .24 .24 .24 .36 .48 .38 .48 .75 .56 $0.35 .35 46 .70 64 .60 .56 .53 99 .92 .53 27 .25 30 .28 33 .31 36 .34 39 .36 42 .39 48 .45 48 .45 .48 ,45 LIST OF BENJ. H. SANBORN & COMPANY. Title of Book SCIENCE Foods and Sanitation — Forstcr and Weiglcy Quantitative Chemii al Analysis, a Manual— Frank and Clcmans Elementary and Applied Chemistry with Manual — Irwin, Rivett and Tatlock Elementary and Applied Chemistry without Manual — Irwin, Rivett and Tatlock Elementary and Applied Chemistry Manual — Irwin Food and Clothing — Osborne A Year in Science — Weckel and Thalman Laboratory Manual for A Year in Science — Weckel and Thalman A Year in Science, Briefer Course A Year in Science, Laboratory Manual SPELLING The National Speller — Frazier A Practical Spelling Book Lowest List Wholesale Lowest Price Price Exchange Five Year Price Contract 1.12 .84 .78 .80 .60 .56 1.32 .99 .92 1.12 .84 .78 .50 .38 .35 .80 .til) .56 1.32 .99 .92 .50 .38 .35 1.12 .84 .78 .50 .38 .35 .24 .18 .17 .24 .is .17 LIST OF BENJ. H. SANBORN & CO. 623 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices based upon five year adoption periods, listed below. Where a five year con- tract f or exclusive basal use is not made our regular terms prevail. List Title of Book Price COMMON SCHOOL BOOKS ENGLISH Scott-Southworth — Lessons in English, Book I $0.44 Book II ■ -65 Scott-Southworth — Lessons in English, Revised Edition, Book I .44 Book II -65 HISTORY AND CIVICS Evans — First Lessons in American History .70 Evans — Essentials Facts of American History 1.10 Reinsch — Civil Government -'2 Net Price $0.33 .49 .33 .49 .63 .83 .64 Exchange Price $0.31 .46 .31 .46 .49 .77 .50 MATHEMATICS Southworth-Stone Arithmetics: Two Book Series: Book I Book II Three Book Series: Book I Book II Book III Southworth-Stone — Exercise Book in Arithmetic Stone-Millis — -Arithmetics : Two-Book Series: Primary Complete Three Book Series: Primary Intermediate Advanced READING AND PHONETICS Edson-Laing — Readers : Book One, Busy Folk Book Two, Lend-a-Hand Book Three, Neighbors Book Four — Working Together Book Five, Opportunity Edson — A Manual for Teachers Finley — Blackboard Work in Reading Robbins — Phonetics for Schools .50 .38 .35 .60 .45 .42 .42 .32 .29 .45 .34 .32 .50 .38 .35 .50 .38 .42 .32 .29 .65 .49 .46 .42 .32 .29 .45 .34 .32 .50 .38 .35 .35 .26 .25 .40 .30 .28 .45 .34 .32 .50 .38 .35 .60 .45 .42 .50 ..-.ii .25 .19 119 LIST OF BENJ. H. SANBORN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book SUPPLEMENTARY READING Finley — Little Home Workers Jones — Circus Reader Lay ton — Realistic Reader Rafter — City and Town, Third Reader Rafter — City and Town, Fourth Reader Reinsch — Young Citizen's Reader Tomlinsons — Stories of American Revolution: Book One Book Two List Net Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 .45 .34 .50 .38 .72 .54 .45 .34 .45 .34 SPELLING Pelo and Gardner — The Sanborn Speller: Part I, Grades 1, 2, 3 Part II, Grades 4,5,6 Part III, Grades 7, 8 Grades 1 to 8 (One Volume) .20 .15 .14 .20 .15 .14 .20 .15 .14 .30 .23 .21 HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS ENGLISH Macdonald — Foundation English 1.00 Shackford-Judson — Composition-Rhetoric-Literature 1.20 THE CAMBRIDGE LITERATURE SERIES Addison-Steele — Sir Roger de Coverley Papers .30 Burke — Speech on Conciliation with America .30 Carlyle — Essay on Burns .30 Coleridge — The Ancient Mariner .30 Macaulay — Essay on Milton and Addison .30 Minor Poems .30 Pope-Iliad— Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV .30 Shakespeare — Julius Caesar .30 Tennyson — The Princess .30 FRENCH Bement — Les Malheurs de Sophie .45 Colin and Serafon — Practical Lessons in French Grammar 1.25 Talbot — Le Francais et sa Patrie 1.08 Talbot — -French Composition .80 .75 .90 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .34 .94 .81 .60 .70 .84 LATIN Daniell-Brown — New Latin Composition: Three Parts in One Volume Part I Parts II and III (One Volume) Part III Part I, with Johnston-Sanford Caesar D'Ooge — -Cicero, Select Orations, Letters Fairclough-Brown — Virgil Johnston-Sandford Caesar Johnston-Sanford Caesar — -With Part One of Daniell-Brown Latin Composition Potter — Elementary Latin Course Potter — New Method for Caesar Tuell and Fowler — A First Book in Latin 1.00 .75 .70 .60 .45 .42 .75 .56 .53 .60 .45 .42 1.35 1.01 .95 1.35 1.01 .95 1.50 1.13 1.05 1.25 .94 .88 1.35 1.01 .95 1.15 .86 .81 .60 .45 1.10 .83 .77 MATHEMATICS Stone-Millis — Elementary Algebra : First Course Second Course Complete Course Stone-Millis — Geometry, Revised: Plane Solid Plane and Solid Stone-Millis — Secondary Arithmetic Stone-Millis — Higher Arithmetic Clark — High School Arithmetic 1.10 .83 .77 .85 .64 .60 1.35 1.01 .95 .90 .68 .63 .85 .64 .60 1.35 1.01 .95 .85 .64 .60 1.00 .75 .70 .55 .41 .39 120 LIST OF SIBLEY & COMPANY. Title of Book SCIENCE Hessler-Smith — Essentials of Chemistry, Revised: Without Laboratory Manual With Laboratory Manual Laboratory Manual Teachers' Handbook Hessler — The First Year of Science: Without Laboratory Exercises With Laboratory Exercises Laboratory Exercises Teachers' Handbook . . . .' Hopkins — Elements of Physical Geography: Without Laboratory Manual With Laboratory Manual Hopkins-Clark — Laboratory Manual Merrill — A Physical Geography Notebook SPELLING Daly — Advanced Rational Speller List Price 1.30 1.50 .65 .30 1 .'.". 1.45 .65 .30 1.40 1.60 ,30 X, i Price 98 1.13 .49 .94 1.09 .1'.) Lor, 1.20 .11 .1.-, ,23 Exchange Price .01 1.05 .If, .88 1.02 .40 .'.is 1.12 .21 SPANISH Berge, Soler and Hatheway — Elementary Spanish-American Reader Espinosa — Elementary Spanish Reader 1.24 .'.to 93 .68 LIST OF SIBLEY & COMPANY (Sanborn & Co., Sole Agents) Painter: Introduction to English Literature I Introduction to American Literature, (1911) Revised Editioi . Introduction to American Literature, I 1916) New Edition. . . . Stebbins — Eighth Grade English Stebbins — Progressive Course in English, Two Rook Edition: Book I (For 1st and 2nd years) Book II (For 3rd and -1th years) Stebbins — Progressive Course in English, Three Book Edition: Book I (For 1st year) Book II (For 2nd year) Book III (For 3rd and 4th years) LIBRARY EDITION OF CLASSICS Bates — Ballad Book Burke — Speech on Conciliation Carlyle — The Diamond Neeklance Carlyle — Essay on Burns Coleridge — The Ancient Mariner Cooper — The Last of the Mohicans De Quincey — The Revolt of the Tartars Dryden-Burns-Wordsworth — Browning Selections Dry den — Palamon and Arcite Goldsmith — The Vicar of Wakefield .lohnson — Rasselas Lowell — The Vision of Sir Launfal, etc Macaulay — Essay on Milton and Addison Milton — Paradise Lost, Books I and II Ruskin — Introduction to the Writing of Scott — The Lady of the Lake Scott — Marmion Shakespeare — Macbeth Shakespeare — -As You Like It Tennyson — The Princess Tennyson — Elaine HANDY EDITION OF CLASSICS Addison — De Coverley Papers Burke — Speech on Conciliation, Webster — First Bunker Hill Oration, Washington — Farewell Address (One Volume). . . . Bvron — Prisoner of Chillon, Mazeppa, etc Coleridge — Ancient Mariner, Lowell -Vision oi Sir Launfal, Burns — Cotter's Saturday Night (< >ne Volume) Ouincj Joan of Arc, The English Mail Coach, other S elections. Eliot — Silas Marner 1 .36 s l.o-J $0.9 5 1.32 .99 .92 1.36 1 02 .95 .75 .56 ,53 1.00 .75 .70 .90 .68 .63 ,90 .t.s .03 .(to .68 .03 .90 .68 .03 ,60 .45 . 25 .19 .40 .30 .1'.-, .1!! . 25 .19 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 ,30 ,40 .30 .lit .30 ,40 .30 . 25 .19 .40 .30 .40 .30 ,60 .45 .40 30 .in .30 . Ki .30 .40 ,30 .40 ,30 .25 .19 ,28 .28 .28 .28 .28 28 121 LIST OF SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY. Title of Book Goldsmith — The Traveler and Deserted Village, Gray — Elegy (One Volume) Goldsmith— The Vicar of "Wakefield Irving — Isaac Thomas Selections from Macaulay — The Life of Johnson Milton — Minor Poems, Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum (One Vol- ume) Pope— Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV Ruskin — Sesame and Lilies Scott — The Lady of the Lake ; Shakespeare — -The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare — Macbeth ,_ , Shakespeare — As You Like It. Shakespeare — -A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare — Julius Caesar _ Tennyson, Gareth and Lynette — Lancelot and Elaine — The Pas- ing of Arthur (One Volume) Tennyson — The Princess List Net Exchange Price Price Price .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .28 .21 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .28 .21 .28 .21 LIST OF SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. Chicago, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minaesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms ard prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ENGLISH Herrick and Damon — New Composition and Rhetoric $1.00 SO. 75 $0.60 Heydrick — Reading Reports .15 .12 .... Newcomer — Amercian Literature 1.00 .75 .60 Newcomer — English Literature 1.25 .93 .75 Newcomer-Andrews — Twelve Centuries of English Poerty and Prose 1.75 1.32 Scott and Buck — Brief English Grammar .60 .45 .36 Lewis — American Speech .80 .60 .... THE LAKE ENGLISH CLASSICS Addison — The De Coverley Papers .30 .23 No Ex. Addison and Steele — Selections from The Tatler and The Spec- tator . .35 .27 Browning — Selected Poems and Pippa Passes .40 .30 Bunyan — The Pilgrim's Progress. .30 .23 Burke — Speech on Conciliation with America .25 .19 Carlyle — Essay on Burns .25 .19 Chaucer — Selections .40 .30 Coleridge — The Ancient Mariner ) One Volume .25 .19 Lowell — The Vision of Sir Launf al J Cooper — The Last of the Mohicans .40 .30 Cooper— The Spy .40 .30 Dana — Two Years Before The Mast .40 .30 Defoe — Robinson Crusoe .40 .30 De Quincey — Joan of Arc and Selections .25 .19 De Quincey — Flight of a Tartar Tribe .25 .19 Dickens — A Tale of Two Cities .40 .30 Dickens — David Copperfield .50 .38 Dickens— A Christmas Carol .30 .23 Dryden — Palamon and Arcite .25 .19 Emerson — Essays and Addresses .35 .27 English Poems — Vida D. Scudder, M. A .40 .30 Familiar Letters — Edwin Greenlaw, Ph. D .40 .30 Franklin — Autobiography .30 .23 Gaskell— (Mrs.) Cranford .35 .27 George Eliot — Silas Marner .30 .23 Goldsmith— The Vicar of Wakefield .30 .23 Hart— English Popular Ballads .40 .30 Hawthorne — The House of the Seven Gables .35 .27 Hawthorne — Twice Told Tales .40 .30 Hughes — Tom Brown's School Days .35 .27 Irving— The Sketch Book .40 .30 Irving — Tales of a Traveller and parts of The Sketch Book .40 .30 Irving — Gliver Goldsmith .40 .30 Lamb — Essays of Elia .35 .27 Longfellow — Narrative Poems .40 .30 Macaulay — Essays on Addison and Johnson .30 .23 122 LIST OF SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY— Continued. List Net Title of Book Price Price Macaulay — Essays on Milton and Addison .30 .2:5 Macaulay — Essays on Clive and Hastings .:)."; .'_'7 Macaulay — Essavs on Goldsmith, Frederic the Great, and Madame D'Arblay .30 .23 Milton — L'Allegro, II Penseroso, Coimis and I.ycidas .-.'•"■ . l'.l Milton — Paradise Lost, Books I and II .25 .19 Old Testament Narratives — Chas. E. Rhodes, A. M .40 .30 Palgrave — Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics ,40 .30 Parkman — The Oregon Trail .40 .30 Poe — Poems and Tales .23 Pope— Homer's Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII and XXIV .25 .19 Ruskin — -Sesame and Lilies .25 .19 Scott — I vanhoe . 1 ■"> .34 Scott — Quentin Durward .45 Scott — Lay of the Last Minstrel .25 .19 Scott — Lady of the Lake .30 .23 Scott — Marmion 30 .23 Shakspere— As You Like It .25 .19 Shakspere— Hamlet i .25 .19 Shakspere— Henry The Fifth .25 .19 Shakspere — Julius Caesar .25 .19 Shakspere — Macbeth .25 .19 Shakspere — Midsummer Night's Dream .25 .19 Shakspere — The Tempest .25 .19 Shakspere — Romeo and Juliet .25 .19 Shakspere — Twelfth Night .25 .19 Shakspere — Merchant of Venice -25 .19 Southey — Life of Nelson .40 .30 Stevenson — Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey .35 .27 Stevenson — Kidnapped .35 .27 Stevenson — Treasure Island -25 .19 Tennyson — Selected Poems .35 ■ -• Tennyson — The Princess -25 .19 Thackeray — English Humorists -30 .23 Thackeray — Henry Esmond .50 .38 Three American Poems — Garland Groover, A. M .25 .19 Types of the Short Story — B. A. Heydrick .35 .27 Washington, Webster and Lincoln — J. V. Denney. B. A .25 .19 Exchange Price FRENCH Andre Beziat De Bordes — Elements of French 1.00 Baillot and Brugnot — French Prose Composition .50 The Lake French Readings, with Vocabularies Benton — Easy French Plays -50 Sicard — Easy French History -50 Williamson and Papot — Easy French Stories -o0 GERMAN Becker and Rhoades — Elements of German 100 Manley — Ein Sommer in Dcutschland, A beginning German Reader -90 The Lake German Classics, with Vocabularies Baumbach — Der Schwiegersohn and other Stories, Ed. Manley . . .50 Easy German Stories, Volume I (Alien and Batt) -50 Easy German Stories, Volume II (Allen and Batt) -50 Freytag — Die Journalisten, C. B. Wilson .50 Immensee, Germelshausen and Der Lindenbaum, One Volume, Edward Manley ■•J f [ Lessing — Minna von Bamhelm, Otto Holler -50 Mama Kommt and Die Alto — Frederick Beta -™ Schiller— Maria Stuart— Carl E. Eggert, without vocabulary . . . ..>0 GREEK Burgess and Bonner — Elementary Greek 1-25 Bonner — Greek Composition for Schools 1^0 Murray — Xenophon's Anabasis (with paper text) lt,u LATIN Beeson and Scott — Second Latin Book • 1-28 Janes and Jenks — Bellum Helveticum (with separate paper text) (Revised Edition) J-"" Jones and Drake — First Lessons in Latin i-"J* Jones and Drake — Latin Prose Composition !■'»' Johnston-Kingery — Cicero, Six Orations, with paper text i-UU 123 .75 .38 .38 .38 .38 .75 .68 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .93 .7.". 1.20 .'.11 .60 .30 .75 .60 .96 .75 .75 .60 .75 .60 .75 .60 .75 .60 LIST OF SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Johnston-Kingery— Cicero, Ten Orations, with paper text Knapp — Vergil — with separnte paper text Miller and Beeson — Second Latin Book, with paper text Riggs-Scott — In Latinum (Caesar) Rigps-Scott — In Latinum (Cicero) Scott — Elementary Latin Book Scott and Van Tuyl — Caesar Composition (Cloth) Scott and Van Tuyl — Caesar Composition (Paper) Scott and Van Tuyl — Cicero Composition (Cloth) Scutt and Van Tuyl — Cicero Composition (Paper) Walker — Caesar's Gallic War, Seven Book Edition, with paper text Walker — Caesar's Gallic War, Four Book Edition, with paper text Viri Romae Illustres — With Separate text, M. E. Churchill and F. W. Sanford List Net Exchange Price Price Price 1.25 .93 .75 1.40 1.05 .84 1.25 .93 .75 .50 .38 .30 .50 .38 .30 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .38 .30 .30 .23 .18 .50 .38 .30 .30 .23 .18 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .57 MANUAL ARTS AND DRAWING THE USE OF THE PLANT IN DECORATIVE DESIGN Maude Lawrence and Caroline Sheldon Students' Edition — For the Grades, paper binding ' .35 Students' Edition — For the High School, paper binding .50 Teachers' Edition — For the Gardes, half-cloth binding 1.25 Teachers' Edition — -For High Schools, half-cloth binding 1.25 Pencil Sketches: (1) Tree Sketches, Earl A. Warner, 12 plates, (in a portfolio) (11x14) 50 (2) Antique Building Sketches, Harry W. Jacobs, 14 plates, with text (11x14) (in portfolio) .75 Talks on Drawing, Painting, Making, Decorating, for Primary Teachers — Lou Eleanor Colby. . ., 1.50 Mechanical Drawing for Industrial and Continuation Schools, Philip W. Hutton, (85 plates, 176 pages) .90 New Educational Course in Constructive Design, Edith Phelps and Mabel Arbuckle: Books for Grades, I, II, III, IV, V, VI Per Grade .15 Books for Grades, VII and VIII, Per Grade .25 High School Course .35 Practical Course in Woodwork — S. D. Hendershott: Manual Training, 6th Grade (8 blue prints). Per Set .60 Manual Training, 7th Grade (S blue prints). Per Set '. . .60 Industrial Course, 7th Grade (8 blue prints). Per Set .00 Manual Training, 8th Grade (8 blue prints). Per Set .60 Industrial Course, Sth Grade (8 blue prints). Per Set .60 Art Course for Chicago Public Schools: Fourth Grade Book ■ .10 Fifth Grade Book .10 Sixth Grade Book .15 Seventh Grade Book .15 Eighth Grade Book .15 MATHEMATICS Hall — Arithmetic Reader, Second Grade .20 Hall— Arithmetic Reader, Third Grade .25 Harris- Waldo — First Journeys in Numberland .35 Myers and Atwood — Elementary Algebra 1.00 Myers — Arithmetics, Three Book Edition, Book I .30 Book II .40 Book III .40 Myers — Arithmetics, Two Book Edition, Book I .35 Book II .50 Palmer and Taylor — Plane Geometry .80 MUSIC Lake High School Song Book (Wm. A. White, Editor) .90 Lyric Music Series — Arthur E. Johnstone and Harvey W. Loomis: Primer (Cloth) .25 First Reader (Cloth) .30 Second Reader (Cloth) .40 Third Reader (Cloth) .50 NORWEGIAN Norwegian Grammar and Reader — Julius E. Olson 1.50 .27 .38 .93 .93 .38 .57 1.12 .68 .12 .19 .27 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .08 .08 .12 .12 .12 .15 .19 .27 .75 .25 .30 .30 .27 .38 .60 19 .15 23 .18 30 .24 38 .30 124 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS. Title of Book READING Elson-Runkel — Primer (For Beginners) Elson — Primary School Reader Book I, First Grade Elson — Primary School Reader Book II, Second Grade Elson — Primary School Reader Book III, Third Grade Ebon — Primary School Reader Book IV. Fourth Grade Elson — Grammar School Reader Bonk I. Fifth Grade Elson — Grammar School Reader Book II, Sixth Grades Elson — Grammar School Reader Rook III, Seventh Grade Elson — Grammar School Reader Book IV, Eighth Grade THE LAKE HISTORY STORIES Harding — Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes and Men Harding — The City of the Seven Hills Harding — The Story of the Middle Ages Harding — The Story of England Harding — The Story of Europe Parks — The Expansion of the American People SCIENCE Davis — Chemistry Mann and Twiss — Physics (Revised Edition) Twiss — Laboratory Exercises in Physics Wauchope — Laboratory Manual in Physics Robert — Rules of Order (Revised Edition) (For Deliberative Assemblies) (323 Pages): Half Leather Edition Full Leather Edition List N',t Exchange Price Price Price .32 .24 .20 .32 .21 .20 in .311 21 .1.-. .34 .27 .■4.') .34 .27 ..",(! .30 .oil 30 till .45 .36 1,11 .45 .36 .oil .-,11 .oil .38 .60 .45 ,60 ,45 t;n .1.-, 1 mi .7.". 60 1.25 .93 .75 .80 .CO is. .00 .45 .36 1.00 ,80 1 2.", LOO MISCELLANEOUS Pirie — The Science of Home Making Benezet — The Story of the Map of Europe. .90 .60 68 .45 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 608 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. The books listed herein are to be supplied to any school board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon the terms and prices following the title of each book: (1) The list price shown in the first column is the catalogue list price and books will be sent postpaid upon receipt of-price. (2) The price given in the second column is the price at which the books will be supplied f. o. b. Chicago, Illinois, to any school board of education in Minnesota, or to any duly authorized and responsible agents of such board on a contract period of five years. When no five year con- tract is given the wholesale price to any hoard of education in Minnesota or to any duly authorized and responsible agents of such board shall be four-fifths of the indicated list price. (3) The exchange price given in column three shall apply only one year from date of intro- duction. An old but usable book in the same subject of like grade and kind, but oi difference series, and the indicated exchange price will be accepted in payment for a new book. The price indicate, is to be paid by the pupil when he exchanges a copy of the displaced book for the newly adopted book. _. _, „ , List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price AGRICULTURE Fisher and Cotton — Agriculture for Common Schools $1.12 sus| > "^'_ Kyle and Ellis — Fundamentals of Farming and Farm Life 1.25 .93 .75 ALGEBRA Brookman— Practical Algebra 100 .75 .60 Marsh— Elementary Algebra 100 .75 .00 ARITHMETIC Morey — Elementary Arithmetic '■' •'■'■ r' Morey — Advanced Arithmetic ';.' ■« •;; ■' Morey — Primary Arithmetic •••■_' ■-;' -i Morey — Intermediate Arithmetic ■[■' ■*» •-' Morey — Higher Arithmetic -SO -at ■•J'J Morey — Elementary Arithmetic Part I -25 • lb • lj 125 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS— Continued. Title of Book Morey — Elementary Arithmetic Part II Morey — Elementary Arithmetic Part III Morey — Advanced Arithmetic Part I Morey — Advanced Arithmetic Part II Morey — Advanced Arithmetic Part III Noble and Stevens — Practical Primary Arithmetic Steven's and Butler— Practical Arithmetic CHEMISTRY McFarlands — Practical Elementary Chemistry List Net Exchange Price Price Price .25 .IS .15 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .25 .18 .15 .25 .IS .15 .35 .26 .21 .65 .48 .39 .03 .75 CIVIL GOVERNMENT James and Sanford — Our Government, Local State and National James and Sanford — Government in State and Nation Virtue — Government of Minnesota COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Emery — Constructive English Krapp — Modern English Lamont — English Composition Schuyler and Buck — Art of Composition Sykes — Elementary English Composition Sykes — Elementary English Composition, with Supplement. . . . Sykes — English Composition for Grammar Schools 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .60 .45 .36 .SO .60 .48 1.25 .93 .75 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .SO .60 .48 .90 .67 .54 .65 .48 .39 DRAWING AND HISTORY OF ART Collins — Drawing Construction and Design for Elementary Schools, Pupils Series Grades 1-S, 16 parts Collins — Construction and Design for Elementary Schools, Pupils Series, Grades 1-S, 16 parts, per part without paper. . . Collins — Drawing and Construction Work for Elementary Schools (A Manual) Collins — First Series: Typical Exarhples of Free Hand Drawing for all Grades, 50 Plates 16 to 43G Collins — Second Series: Typical Examples of construction Drawing and Constructive Work for Grades 1-4 (16 Plates 44-49) Collins — Third Series; Tvpical Examples of Construction Draw- ing and Constructive Work for Grades 5-8 (28 Plates 60-87) Reinach — Apollo, A History of Art ENGLISH Grabo — Art of the Short Story FRENCH Ballard — Beginner's French Ballard— Short Stories for Oral French Max Walter — French Lessons Harvett — Contes Divers Sand — La Mare Rudiable Walter Ballard — French Songs Walter Ballard — First French Reader GEOGRAPHY King — Elementary Geography King — Advanced Geography King — Elementary Geography Part I King — Elementary Geography Part II King — Advanced Geography Part I King — Advanced Geography Part II King — Suggestive Lessons in Geography Redway — Commercial Geography Redway — Elementary Physical Geography GERMAN Arnold — Fritz Auf Feries Ballard — Short Stories for Oral German Max Walter — German Lessons Gerstacker — Irrfahrten Strom — Immensee .16 1.20 .90 .35 .60 1.65 1.25 .16 .12 .90 .67 .45 1.24 .93 1.00 .75 .60 .75 .56 .45 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .90 .67 .65 .48 .39 1.25 .93 .75 .45 .33 .27 .48 .36 29 .80 .60 48 .75 .56 .45 .10 .07 1.25 .93 75 1.25 .93 .75 P.50 .37 .80 .60 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 126 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS Title of Book Seidel — Leberecht Huenchen Storm — Pole Poppenspaler Von Wildenbruch — Das Edeleblut Walter Krause — German Songs Von Hillern Hoher — als Die Kirche. . . . Baunbach — Der Schwicgersohn Goethe — Herman und Dorothea Walter Krause — First German Reader. Walter Krause — Beginner's German . . Walter — German Songs — Continued. List Net Exchange Price Price Price .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .65 .48 .7.", .56 .90 .67 .54 1.00 .7.", .60 .37 HISTORY Other than United States Adams — Civilization During Middle Ages Goodspeed — History of the Ancient World Schevill — Political History of Modern Europe Seignobos — History of Ancient Civilization Seignobos — History of Mediaevel and Modern Civilization Seignobos — History of Contemp. Civilization Thatcher and McXeals — Source Book Thatcher and Schevill — Europe in Middle Ages Thatcher and Schevill — General History of Europe United States American History Series, 7 Volumes: Fisher — Colonial Era Sloane — French War Walker — Making of a Nation Burgess — Middle Period Burgess — Civil War and Constitution, 2 Volumes Burgess — Reconstruction and Constitution Gordy — American Beginnings in Europe Gordy — American Leaders and Heroes Gordy — Colonial Days Gordy — Stories Early of American History Gordy — Stories Later of American History Gordy — Elementary History of United States Gordy — History of the United States Gordy — Stories of American Explorers James — Reading in American History James and Sanford — American History Morse — Causes and Effects in American History Report of the Committee of Eight on the Teaching of History in Elementary Schools INDUSTRIAL SUBJECTS Allen and Cotton — Manual Training for Common Schools Beard — Little Folks Handy Book Fales — Manual of Dressmaking Pierce — Woodworking for Little Folks Dage and Cooley — Occupation for Little Folks Weed and Emerson — School Garden Book LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Gordy and Mead — Language Lessons Gordy and Mead — Grammar Lessons Krapp — Elements of English Grammar LATIN Chickering and Hoadley — Beginner's Latin Robert and Rolfe — Essential Latin Lessons Robert and Rolfe — Cicero Robert and Rolfe — Caesar's Gallic War LITERATURE Burton — Literary Leaders of America Moody and Lovett — First View of English Literature Moody, Lovett and Boynton — English and American Literature Mikel — Short Stories for High Schools Simon — American Literature through Illustrative Readings Stories from American Authors Wendell and Greenought — History of Literature in America. . . . .50 .40 2.00 1.60 1.60 1.20 1.50 1.12 1.35 1.01 1 .35 1.01 1.35 1.01 1.85 1.38 2.00 150 1.50 1.12 .90 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 1.25 . 2.50 1.87 1.25 . .7.". .56 .45 .60 .45 .36 .50 .37 .30 ..-il .37 .30 X,i .48 .39 .65 .48 .39 1.00 .7.', .60 .50 .37 .30 1.60 1.20 1.40 1.05 .84 1.25 .93 .7.'. 1.12 .84 .80 .60 1.50 1.12 1.00 .75 1.00 .7.", 1.25 .93 .40 .30 .24 .65 .48 .39 .80 .60 .48 .7.") .50 .45 1.00 .75 .CO 1.50 1.13 .90 1.25 .93 .7") 1.10 .82 .66 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 .93 .75 .90 .67 1.12 .84 .68 .i 5 .56 1.50 1.12 .90 127 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS— Continued. List Title of Book Price PHYSICS Miller and Foerste — Elementary Physics 1.25 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE Eadie — Physiology and Hygiene for Children .45 Eadie — Physiology and Hygiene for Young People .65 READERS The Howe Primer .20 The Howe First Reader .20 The Howe Second Reader .25 The Howe Third Reader .35 The Howe Fourth Reader .40 The Howe Fifth Reader .50 Howe Readers by Grades, Book VI .56 Howe Readers by Grades, Book VII .60 Howe Readers by Grades, Book VIII .60 The Natural Method Manual .50 The Natural Method Primer .32 The Natural Method First Reader .37 The Natural Method Second Reader .44 The Natural Method Third Reader .50 The Natural Method Fourth Reader .56 Word Cards for Natural Method Primer 1.00 Phonic Cards for Natural Method Primer .92 Phonic Cards for Natural Method First Reader .88 Phonic Cards for Natural Method Second Reader 1.00 SPELLING Greenwood — English Word Book : . . . .25 Kelly and Morse — Natural Speller .25 Kelley and Morse — Natural Speller, Lower Grades .15 Kelley and Morse — Natural Speller, Higher Grades .20 Nivers — Classified Speller Book I .25 Nivers — Classified Speller, Book II .25 Nivers — Classified Speller in 6 parts. Each .08 SPANISH Ballard-Stewart — Short Stories for Oral Spanish .80 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Andrews — Perfect Tribute (Linen Binding) .25 Andrews — Perfect Tribute (Board Binding) .50 Ballard— The Aeneid of Virgil .85 Bryce — Child Lore Dramatic Reader .35 Bryce — Storyland Dramatic Reader .40 Bryce — Robert Louis Stevenson Reader .40 Burt and Howell — A Literary Primer .30 Carpenter — Foods and Uses .60 Gilson — Wealth of the World Waste Places .65 Harris and Cooley — Eugene Field Reader .40 Harris and Gilbert — Poems, by Grades, Volume I .65 Harris and Gilbert — Poems by Grades, Volume II .65 Keeler — Ethical Reading of the Bible .40 Morey — Little Folks Number Book .36 Mott and Chubb — Indoors and Out .32 Pritchard and Turkington — Story of Thrift .60 Redway — All Around Asia .65 Rice and Ketchum — Our Story Reader .45 Scott — Ivanhoe (Edited by Cross) .80 Skinner — Nursery Tales from Many Lands .50 Stevenson — A Child Garden of Verses .45 Stevenson — Country Life Reader .60 SCRIBNER'S ENGLISH CLASSICS Burke — Speech for Conciliation .30 Carlyle — Essay on Burns .30 Coleridge — Ancient Mariner .30 Washington — Farewell Address. • • 11 Volume .30 Webster — Bunker Hill Oration. ... J Addison — Essays in Johnson .30 Shakespeare — Julius Caesar .30 Shakespeare — Macbeth .30 Browning — Shorter Poems .30 Net Price .93 Exchange Price .33 27 .48 39 .15 12 .15 12 .18 15 .26 21 .30 24 .37 30 .42 34 .45 30 .45 30 .37 .24 20 .27 23 .33 27 .37 30 .42 34 .75 .69 .66 .75 .18 15 .18 15 .11 00 .15 12 .18 15 .18 15 .06 .60 .18 .37 .63 .26 .30 .30 .22 .45 .48 .30 .48 .48 .30 .27 .24 .45 .48 .26 .60 .37 .34 .45 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 128 LIST OF CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS Title of Book Scott — Lady of the; Lake Milton — Shorter Poems Mrs. Gaskell — Cranford Eliot — Silas Marner Selections from the Spectator Byron — Select Poems Macaulay — Lays of Ancient Rome . > — Continued. Wi Exchange Erice Price Price .30 .22 .30 .22 .80 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 SCRIBNER'S ENGLISH TEXTS Stevenson — Treasure Island Stevenson — Travels with a Donkey Stevenson — An Inland Voyage Stevenson — An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey .30 .22 .30 .22 .30 .22 .40 .30 SCRIBNER SERIES OF SCHOOL READER Uniform Binding Baldwin — Hero Tales .50 Burt — Herakles, The Hero of Thebes Burt — Odysseus, The Hero of Ithaca .50 Cable- — Story Book .50 Cervantes — Don Quixote .50 Custer — Boy General .50 Dodge — Hans Brinker .50 Eggleston — Hoosier School Boy .50 Field— The Eugene Field Hook .60 Harraden — Things Will Take a Turn .."iii Howell — Story Book .:,u Lanier — -The Lanier Book ..",(1 Mathew — Poems of American Patriotism .50 Page— The Page Story Book .50 Pyles — Some Merry Adventures of Robin Hood .".n Roosevelt — The Roosevelt Book ,60 Seawell — Twelve Naval Captains .50 Seton - Krag and Johnny Bear .50 Seton — Lobo Rag and Vixen ,50 Sloi urn — Around the World in Sloop Spray ..">(! Stevenson — A Child Garden of Verses .60 Stockton— Fanciful Talcs .50 Van Dyke— The Van Dyke Book .60 Wright — Children Stories of Amerii an History .60 Wright — Children Stories in American Literature, Volume I. . . . .50 Wright — Children Stories in American Literature, Volume II. . . .50 Wright — Children Stories of American Progress .50 Wright — Ben the Black Bear .60 Varnej — Robin Reader .35 TEACHERS' BOOKS Bett — Social Principals of Education 1.25 Collgrove — The Teacher and the School 1.25 Dutton — School Management 1.00 Forbush— Child Study and Child Training 1.00 Holtz — Nature Study 1.50 Rapeer — Teaching Elementary School Subjects 2.00 Johnston — High School Education 1.50 Pearson — Reveries of a School Master 1.00 Seerley — The Country School 1.25 TRIGONOMETRY Ashton and Marsh — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry .85 Ashton and Marsh — Logarithmic Tables, 5 Place .60 Ashton and Marsh — Plane and Sperhical Trigonometry with Tables 1.20 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .-,7 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .:;7 .37 .37 .37 .::7 .37 .37 .37 .20 .03 .93 .7". ,7o 1.12 L.60 1.12 .7.'. .93 .63 .45 .90 .51 .30 .7_' 129 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY. LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY 623 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY agree to furnish the following list of text-books f. o. b. cars, Chicago, Illinois, upon the order of any School Board or Board of Education in Minne- sota, or upon the order of their duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents, at the terms and prices and under the conditions as follows: (1) Column I denotes the list price. (2) Wherever any Board of Education and SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY enter into written contract, providing for the adoption and the exclusive and continuous use of any publi- cation as a basal text for a period of at least five years, the wholesale price will be as given in Column II. Where no such written contract exists the f. o. b. Chicago price will be four-fifths (4-5) of the price given in Column I. (3) Wherever books for first introduction in any subject displace those of a different series in the same subject and a complete and usable copy of the displaced book of corresponding grade is offered in exchange as a part settlement for a new book, SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY, during an introductory period not to exceed three months, will, upon "surrender of such displaced book to them, render a credit on the account of original purchaser equivalent to the difference between the wholesale price at which the new book was billed and the price shown in Column III, which is called the exchange price. Title of Book and Author List Price Col. I. Wholesale Price under 5-year Contract Col. II. Exchange Price Col. III. READING Arnold — The Arnold Primer $0.35 Arnold and Gilbert — Stepping Stones to Literature: A First Reader -34 A Second Reader -42 A Third Reader .50 A Fourth Reader .60 A Reader for Fifth Grades .60 A Reader for Sixth Grades .60 A Reader for Seventh Grades -60 A Reader for Higher Grades .60 A New Fourth Reader .60 A New Fifth Reader .60 Arnold — Learning to Read .40 Baum — The Little Helper: Book I -30 Book II -34 Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer — Progressive Road to Reading: Story Steps •' -32 Book I -36 Book II 42 Introductory Book III -44 Book III 48 Introductory Book IV -50 Book IV -55 Book V 60 Plan of Work -25 Perception Cards: First Set -50 Second Set -60 Third Set -35 Fourth Set -45 Phrase Cards: First Set -2f Second Set -25 Third Set -25 Fourth Set -lo Phonetic Element Cards: First Set -55 Second Set -40 Third Set 20 Eginton — A First Practice Reader -3b Harvey — The American Normal Readers: First Book -36 Second Book -40 Third Book -4» Fourth Book -5° Fifth Book - 60 Powers and Balliet — The Silver Burdett Readers: First Book -30 Second Book ■ -40 Third Book 44 Fourth Book -50 Fifth Book - 60 $0.27 $0.25 26 .24 32 .30 .38 .35 45 .42 45 .42 .45 .42 45 .42 45 .42 45 .42 45 .42 30 23 .21 26 .24 .24 .23 .27 .26 .32 .30 .33 .31 .36 .34 .38 .35 .42 .39 .45 .42 .19 .38 .45 .27 .34 .19 .19 .19 .12 .42 .30 .15 .27 .26 .27 .26 .30 .28 .36 .34 .42 .39 .45 .42 .23 .21 .30 .28 .33 .31 .38 .35 .45 .42 130 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book and Author Thompson — Word from Word Readers: Book One Book Three Wallach — English for Foreigners: A First Book A Second Book Ward — National Method in Reading: Primer First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Fifth Reader Manual of Instructions Phonetic Drill Cards: First Set Second Set Third Set Sight Word Drill Cards: First Set Second Set Ward and Barnum — Rational Method in Reading: Additional Primer Additional First Reader Additional Second Reader Evans and Duncan — Farm Life Readers: Book Four (Revised Edition) Book Five I Revised Edition) Field and Coveney — English for New Americans. . Serl and Evans — Primer Wholesale Price 1. 1-1 under Exchange Price 5-year Price Col. I. Contract Col. II. Col. III. .36 .27 ii .33 .31 .46 .34 .32 .55 .12 .39 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 II .33 .31 .48 .36 .34 .54 .11 .38 .58 .11 .41 .36 .27 .36 .27 .48 .36 27 .72 .54 .60 .45 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 .40 .30 28 .55 .42 .39 .60 .45 .12 .65 .49 .36 .27 .26 MATHEMATICS Phillips and Anderson — Silver-Burdett Arithmetics: Three Book Series: Book One Book Two Book Three Two-Book S irii a: Book One Complete Book Answers to Series Sharpe — A Practice Book in Arithmetic Van Amburgh — First Days in X umbers Pierc< — First Steps in Arithmetic The Elements of Arithmetic An Intermediate Arithmetic ALGEBRA At wood — Grammar School Algebra Boyden — A First Book in Algebra GEOGRAPHY Deane and Davis — Elementary Inductive Geography Advanced Inductive Geography Sutherland and Sanford — Practical Exercises in Geography: Book One ENGLISH Bartlett — First Steps in English Elements of English Grammar Brautigam-Harper-Kidd — Progressive Composition Lessons: Book One Book Two Book Three Book One, Part One Part Two Book Two, Part One Part Two Book Three, Part One Part Two .44 .33 .31 .46 .35 .33 .52 .39 .37 .44 .33 .31 .68 .51 .48 .10 .us .20 .15 .36 .27 .26 .40 .30 28 .in .30 28 .50 .38 .35 .60 ,45 .42 .60 15 .42 .72 ,54 ..'.1 1.00 7.". .70 .60 .45 12 .lit .30 .28 .60 .1". .42 .40 .30 28 .45 .34 .32 .45 .30 .23 .21 .30 .23 .21 .30 .23 .21 .30 .23 .21 .30 .23 .21 .30 .23 ,21 131 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY— 'Continued. Title of Book and Author Gilbert and Harris — -Guide Books in English: Book One Book Two Gilbert and Harris — English Lessons: Book One Book Two HISTORY Chancellor — A Textbook of American History Dynes — Socializing the Child '. Hall — Our Ancestors in Europe Manual for Our Ancestors in Europe MacCoun — An Historical Geography Mowry — First Steps in the History of Our Country Essentials of United States History A History of the United States Redway — The Redway School History Mowry — -First Steps in the History of England SPELLING McCullum and Horn — New Century Spelling Book Parlin — The Quincy Word List Ward and Johnston — Rational Method in Spelling Manual for Teachers Phillips and Chandler — Silver-Burdett Speller PHYSIOLOGY Conn — The Conn Physiologies: Introductory Physiology and Hygiene Elementary Physiology and Hygiene Physiology and Health: Book One Book Two One-Book Course Wholesale Price List under Exchange Price 5-year Price Col. I. Contract Col. II. Col. III. .50 .38 .35 .65 .49 .46 .50 .38 .35 .65 .49 .46 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 .76 .57 .54 .25 .19 1.00 .75 .65 .49 .46 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 .70 .53 .49 .28 .21 .20 .28 .21 .20 .36 .27 .26 .30 .23 .30 .23 .21 .36 .27 3 .26 .60 .45 .42 .45 .34 .32 .70 .53 .49 .75 .57 .53 WRITING Farley and Gunnison — Normal Review System of Writing: Intermediate Slant Copy Books: Standard Course, per dozen : Standard Course Movement Book, per dozen Short Course, per dozen Short Course Movement Book, per dozen Business Forms, per dozen Social Forms, per dozen Farley-Whitehouse-Gunnison — Progressive Steps in Writing: Textbooks, Nos. 1 to 8 inclusive, each Copy Books, Book One, per dozen Books 2 to 8 inclusive, each per dozen Movement Books, per dozen Business Forms, per dozen Social Forms, per dozen Charts, per package Whitehousc — Whitehouse Educational System, per dozen CIVICS Hoxie — How the People Rule Lansing and Jones — Government: Its Origin, Growth and Form in the United States Mowry — Elements of Civil Government With State Supplement GERMAN Kuttner — German Conversation Course '. Muller — Deutsches Lese unci Sprach-Buch: Erste Stufe Zweite Stufe Loesberg — Sprache und Gesprach .60 .45 .96 .72 .48 .36 .72 .54 1.08 .81 1.08 .81 .10 .08 .48 .36 .60 .45 .96 .72 .96 .72 .96 .72 .20 .15 .72 .54 .00 .38 72 .54 .51 72 .54 .51 90 .68 .63 40 .30 .28 45 .34 .32 72 .54 .51 132 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book and Author MUSIC Alexander — Songs We Like to Sing Birge — Supplementary Song Series, Number Three Supplementary Song Series, Number Four Supplementary Song Series, Number Five Griggs — Beacon Song Collection, Number One Beacon Song Collection, Number Two Parker-McConathy-Birge-Miessner — The Progressive Music Series; Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Teachers' Manual, Volume I Teachers' Manual, Volume II Teachers' Manual, Volume III Smith — The Modern Music Series: Primer First Book Second Book Third Book Alternate Third Book Fourth Book, For High Schools Common School Book of Vocal Music Tufts — Cecilian Series of Study and Song: Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four Tufts and Holt — The New Normal Music Course: Book One • Book Two Book Three Music Copy Books for Primary and Grammar Grades, per doz.. Music Copy Books for High Schools and Classes, per doz Johnson — Songs of America and Homeland Songs of the Nation Marshall — -The Halcyon Song Book Miessner and Fox — Art Song Cycles: Book One Book Two Complete Book Students' Edition McConathy — Favorite Songs from Shakespeare Graves — The School Hymnary Morgan — The Students' Hymnal Cole — Songs without Words Cole and Lewis — Harmonia Tufts — Polyhymnia The Silver Song Series: Number One Number Two Number Three Number Four Number Five Number Six Number Seven Number Eight Number Ten Number Twelve Number Thirteen Number Twenty-three Number Twenty-four Number Twenty-five Number Twenty-six Sacred Songs for School Use Songs of Devotion and Patriotism White — Harmony and Ear Training Harmonic Part Writing Fryberger — Listening Lessons Miessner — Music Motif Cards (Set of Six with Plan of Work, Complete) Series I-II-III, per series Series IV-V-VI, per series Plan of Work Wholesale Price List under Exchange Price 5-year P rice Col. I. Contract Col Col. II. .III. .40 .30 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .75 .57 .53 .75 .57 .53 .34 .20 .24 .40 .30 .28 .44 .33 .31 .64 .48 .45 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .30 .23 .21 .35 .27 .25 .40 .30 .28 .50 .38 .35 .50 .38 .35 .75 .57 .53 .40 .30 .28 .40 .30 .28 .50 .38 .35 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .34 .26 .24 .44 .33 .31 .55 .42 .39 .60 .45 1.20 .90 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .78 .59 .55 .30 .23 .30 .23 1.25 .94 .20 .15 .10 .08 .52 .39 .37 .60 .45 .42 .20 .15 .54 .41 1.25 .94 .15 .12 .15 .12 .1.", .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 .12 .1.", .12 .25 .19 .15 .12 .30 .23 .15 .12 .30 .23 .30 .23 .15 .12 .15 .12 1.50 1.13 1.50 1.13 1.25 .94 3.00 2.25 .60 ,15 .40 .30 .25 .19 133 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY--Coiitinued. Title of Book and Author List Price Col. I. HIGH SCHOOL LIST CIVICS Lansing and Jones — Government: Its Origin, Growth and Form in the United States Mowry — Studies in Civil Government ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE Bullock — Elements of Economics Introduction to the Study of Economics Andrews — Institutes of Economics ENGLISH Copeland and Rideout — Freshman English and Theme, Correcting Simons — First Year English for High Schools Clippinger — Composition and Rhetoric Teachers' Manual to Accompany Above ' ELOCUTION AND ORATORY Espenshade — Forensic Declamations GRAMMAR Mead — The English Language and Its Grammar Milne — An English Grammar LITERATURE Pattee — Foundations of English Literature History of American Literature Mooney — Foundation Studies in Literature The Silver Series of Classics: Addison — Sir Roger de Coverly Papers Arnold — Sohrab and Rustum Baldwin — A book of Elegies Choice English Lyrics The Famous Allegories Six Centuries of English Poetry Burke — Speech on Conciliation with the American Colonies. . . . Burns — Selected Poems Carlyle — Essay on Burns Chesterfield — Letters Coleridge — Rime of the Ancient Mariner Cooper — The Last of the Mohicans De Quincey — Revolt of the Tartars Dryden — Palamon and Arcite Eliot — Silas Marner Goldsmith — The Traveler and the Deserted Village The Vicar of Wakefield Irving — The Sketch Book Keats — The Eve of St. Agnes Kinard — Old English Ballads Lamb — Essays Macaulay — Essay on Addison Essay on Milton The Lays of Ancient Rome Milton — Paradise Lost Select Minor Poems Old Testament Stories Poe — Selected Poems and Tales Pope — Essay on Man and Essay on Criticism Translation of Homer's Iliad The Rape on the Lock Ruskin — Sesame and Lilies Scollard — Ballads of American Bravery Scott — Ivanhoe The Lady of the Lake Shakespeare — As You Like It Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry the Fifth Macbeth (Pattee) Macbeth fSprague) The Merchant of Venice Midsummer Night's Dream The Tempest Twelfth Night .50 Wholesale Price under 5-year Contract Col. II. Exchange Price Col. III. .72 .96 .54 .72 .51 .68 1.00 1.50 1.10 .75 1.13 .83 .70 1.05 .77 1.00 .65 1.00 .20 .75 .49 .75 .15 .70 .46 .70 .38 .35 .70 .53 .49 .80 .60 .56 1.50 1.13 1.05 1.50 1.13 1.05 1.25 .94 .88 .30 .23 .30 .23 .40 .30 .45 .34 .40 .30 .40 .30 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .50 .38 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .50 .38 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .45 .34 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .35 .27 .50 .38 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .35 .27 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 134 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book and Author Shelley — Adonais and Alastor Southey — Life of Nelson Tennyson — Holy Grail Idylls of the King In Memoriam The Princess Webster — First Oration at Bunker Hill Wordsworth — Selected Poems LATIN Gunnison and Harley — Latin for the First Year The First Year of Latin Caesar's Gallic War Cicero's Orations Burton — A Latin Grammar FRENCH Corneille — Le Menteur Dike — A Scientific French Reader Douay — A French Reader France — Monsieur Bergeret ■.••••. Cameron — Selections from Jean Richepin Sanderson — Through France and the French Syntax Thiers — La Campagne de Waterloo Cardon — Practical French Course GERMAN Dippold — A German Grammar , Fischer — Germany and the Germans Heyse — TJnter Brudern Jacobsen and Kraner — Two German Tales Lutz — An Elementary German Reader Schiiler — Die Braut von Messina Loesberg — Gems of German Literature SPANISH Ford — A Spanish Anthology Howland — Zaragueta Loiseaux — An Elementary Grammar of the Spanish Language. An Elementary Spanish Reader Spanish Composition Wilkins and Luria — Lecturas Faciles LAW White — Business Law Greene — The Woman's Manual of Law Wilson and Tucker — International Law Wholesale Price List under Exchange Price 5-year Price Col. I. Contract Col Col. II. 111. .30 .23 .40 .30 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 .30 .23 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.25 .94 .88 1.25 .94 .88 1.00 .75 .70 .50 .3S 1.25 .94 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.25 .94 .65 .49 .50 .38 1.25 .94 1.25 .94 .88 .60 .45 .42 .40 .30 .40 .30 1.00 .75 .70 .60 .45 .40 .30 1.25 .94 .50 .38 .35 .90 .68 .63 .90 .68 .75 .57 .53 1.00 .75 1.25 .94 .8S 1.50 1.13 2.50 1.8S 1.75 MATHEMATICS ARITHMETIC Sensenig and Anderson — The New Complete Arithmetic Sisk — Foundations of Higher Arithmetic Thurston — Practical Tests in Commercial and Higher Arithmetic. ALGEBRA Atwood — Standard S-hool Algebra Exercises in Algebra GEOMETRY Bush and Clark — The Elements of Geometry The Elements of Plane Geometry ASTRONOMY Howe — Elements of Descriptive Astronomy BIOLOGY Conn — Biology .90 .65 .50 .68 .49 .38 .63 .46 .35 1.25 .75 .94 .57 .88 .53 1.25 .75 .94 .57 .88 .53 1.50 1.50 1.13 1 13 135 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book and Author CHEMISTRY Appleton — The Young Chemist Lessons in Chemical Philosophy Qualitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Wholesale Price List under Exchange Price 5-year Price Col. I. Contract Col. II. Col. III. .75 .57 .53 1.40 1.05 .75 .57 .53 1.25 .94 .88 PHYSIOLOGY Conn and Buddington — -Advanced Physiology and Hygiene .... 1.25 BOOKKEEPING Hall — The Art of Accounts .80 Bookkeeping Blanks, per set of five .50 AGRICULTURE Voorhees — First Principles of Agriculture .72 POLITICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY Dealey — The Development of the State 1.50 Sociology, Its Simpler Teachings and Applications 1.50 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Maeterlinck — The Blue Bird for Children .55 Perkins — Peter Pan .50 Bretano — Gockel, Hinkel and Gackeleia .45 Wiley — Mewanee, The Little Indian Boy .35 Serl — Work-A-Day Doings on the Farm .36 In the Animal World .45 Serl and Evans — Work-A-Day Doings .36 BIBLICAL Heermans — Stories from the Hebrew .45 BIOGRAPHY Mowry — American Heroes and Heroism .60 Wiley — Mewanee ' .35 Scandlin — Hans, The Eskimo .42 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Carroll — Around the World: Book One .40 Book Two .45 Book Three .50 Book Four .55 Book Five .60 Dunton — The World and Its People: Book One .40 Book Two .40 Book Three .52 Book Four .60 Book Five .60 Book Six .60 Book Seven .65 Book Eight .70 Book Nine .70 Book Ten .70 Book Eleven .60 Book Twelve .55 Cause and Carr — Panama 1.50 Willard — Along Mediterranean Shores .55 HISTORY Chandler — The Bird Woman .40 Dawes — Colonial Massachusetts .54 Hazard and Dutton — Indians and Pioneers .60 Mowry — American Pioneers .70 Ellis — Historical Readings .60 Burton — Story of the Indians of New England .60 .94 .60 .38 1.13 1.13 .42 .38 .34 .27 .27 .34 .27 .45 .27 .32 .30 .34 .38 .42 .45 .30 .30 .39 .45 .45 .45 .49 .53 .53 .53 .45 .42 1.13 .42 .30 .41 .45- .53 .45 .45 .51 136 LIST OF SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Price and Gilbert — Heroes of Myth Price — Wandering Heroes Maitland — Heroes of Chivalry Price — Lads and Lassies of Other Days Tomlinson — Boys of the Revolution The Young Defenders Horsford — Stories of Our Holidays Newell — Indian Stories FOLKLORE Foster and Cummings — Asgard Stories Mickens and Robinson — A Mother Goose Reader Serl — -In Fableland NATURE STUDY Robinson — At the Open Door Brown — The Plant Baby and Its Friends Clyde and Wallace — Through the Year: Book One Book Two Foulke — Braided Straws Twilight Stories Hall — Red Letter Days • Norcross — Springtime Flowers POETRY Lovejoy — Nature in Verse Poetry of the Seasons Schiller— William Tell Shute — The Land of Song: Book One Book Two Book Three Skinner — Selections for Memorizing SCIENCE Heilprin — The Earth and Its Story Mo wry — American Inventions and Inventors Proctor — Stories of Starland Giant Sun and His Family MANUAL AND PHYSICAL TRAINI Larsson — Elementary Sloyd and Whittling Barnard — Tools and Machines Enebuske — Progressive Gymnastic Days Orders NATURE STUDY Babcock — Bird Day Engell — Outlines in Nature Study and History Thompson — A Nature Calendar PEDAGOGY Arnold — Plans for Busy Work Reading: How to Teach It Way marks for Teachers Skinner and Burgert — Lessons in English Barry — Hygiene of the Schoolroom Bryan — The Basis of Practical Teaching Fundamental Facts for the Teacher Culter and Stone — The Rural School: Its Methods and Manage ment Chapman and Rush — Scientific Measurements of Classroom Pro ducts Gilbert — What Children Study and Why Hoyt — Studies in the History of Modern Education Gilbert — The School and Its Life Magnusson — Psychology as Applied to Education Pyle — Science of Human Nature Welch — Literature in the School Wilkinson — Rural School Management Wholesale List Price Price under Exchange Col. I. 5-year Price Contract Col. III. Col. II. .50 .38 .50 .38 .00 .42 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .36 .27 .50 .38 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .45 .34 .50 .38 .40 .30 .40 .30 .45 .34 .36 .27 .50 .38 .36 .27 .65 .49 .65 .49 .44 .33 .40 .30 .50 .38 .55 .42 .70 .53 1.00 .75 .68 .51 .55 .42 .oo .42 NG .75 .57 .60 .45 .75 .57 .50 .38 .50 .38 .40 .30 .5.5 .42 1.00 .75 1.25 .94 .50 .38 1.25 .'.14 1.25 .94 1.00 .75 1.50 1.13 1.25 .94 1.50 1.13 1.50 1.13 1.25 .94 1.50 1.13 1.25 .94 1.25 .94 1.50 1.13 137 LIST OF SOUTH-WESTERN PUBLISHING COMPANY Cincinnati, Ohio To be furnished f. o. b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, upon order of any school board or board of educa- tion in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price 20TH CENTURY BOOKKEEPING SERIES Complete Text $1.00 $0.75 $0.55 Introductory Text .60 .45 .35 Introductory and Intermediate Text .75 .56 .50 Advanced Text .50 .38 .30 Blanks and Vouchers Introductory Set 1.00 .75 .... Blanks and Vouchers Intermediate Set 1.60 1.20 Blanks and Vouchers Adv. Cor. Set 1.75 1.31 Blanks and Vouchers Adv. Cost Accounting 1.25 .94 .... Peters — Business Speller -.24 .18 .14 Peters — Commercial Law .80 .60 .48 Ross — Business English .60 .45 .36 Hausam — Pedagogical Writing Course .20 .15 .12 30th Century Business Writing .10 .08 .06 LIST OF THOMPSON, BROWN & COMPANY Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price COMMERCIAL Meservey A. B., and Meredith, A. J.— New Bookkeeping $1.25 $0.94 $0.75 Blanks for Bookkeeping 1.00 .75 .... Business forms for Bookkeeping (2 sets) each .50 .38 .... Meservey, A. B. — Bookkeeping, Single and Double Entry .80 .60 .48 Blanks for Bookkeeping, Single and Double Entry, 8 in set. . . .80 .60- .... Bookeeping, Single Entry alone .65 .49 .39 Blanks for Bookkeeping, Single Entry alone, 6 in set .65 .49 .... Bookkeeping, Double Entry alone .70 .53 .42 Blanks for Bookkeeping, 6 in set, Double Entry .65 .49 .... Key to Single and Double Entry .80 .60 .... Key to Single Entry .65 .49 .... Bookkeeping, Abridged Edition .20 .15 .... LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Dunton, Larkiu and Kelley, Augustus, H. — First book in English Language Lessons for Grammar Grades English Grammar and Composition Montgomery, Geo. R. — Talking English MATHEMATICS Bradbury, Williams F. — New Elementary Arithmetic Sight Arithmetic Practical Arithmetic Cogswell, Frances. — Lessons in Number Nichols, Wilbur F. — New Graded Lessons in Arithmetic Books I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Book VIII New Graded Lessons in Arithmetic, Bound in Three parts. Part One Part Two and Three. Each Progressive Arithmetic. Part One Part Two Part Three New Arithmetical Problems HISTORY Stone. A. P. — History of Ensland .So Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Indepen- dence. With Illustrations and Historical Notes. .25 138 .35 .27 ..21 .40 .30 .24 .50 .38 .30 .90 .68 .30 .23 .IS .35 .27 .21 .80 .60 .48 .25 .19 .15 .28 .21 .16 .32 .24 .19 .40 .30 .24 .44 .33 .26 .35 .27 .21 .45 .34 .27 .55 .41 .33 .42 .32 .25 LIST OF THOMPSON, BROWN COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book CIVICS McCarthy, Chas., Swann, Flora., and McMullin, Jennie Elementary Civics List Price .75 Net Price .56 Exchange Price ,45 PENMANSHIP Gilman, J. W. C, — Adjustable Copy Book, Nos. 1 to 6. justed Copies, per dozen Renewal Copy Books, Nos. 1 to 7, per dozen Ad- .7.', .95 PHYSICS Gifford, John B. — Elementary Lessons in Physics Elementary Lessons in Physics, Teacher's Edition. . . .60 .7.-, .45 .56 .3 READING Metcalf, Robert C, Call, Arthur D., and others. The Metealf-Call Readers— A Primer A First Reader A Second Reader A Third Reader A Fourth Reader A Fifth Reader 30 .23 .18 30 .23 .18 35 .27 .21 45 .34 .27 55 .42 .33 65 .49 .39 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Burt, Mary E. — Poems Every Child Should Know Book One .50 .38 Book Two .50 .38 Book Three .50 .38 Cobb, Bertha B. — Around the Year with Father Time — ■ Grade II .35 .27 Greet, Ben. — Shakespeare — As You Like It .50 .38 The Comedy of Errors .50 .38 The Merchant of Venice .50 .38 Julias Caesar .50 .38 Kennedy, Sarah B. — Told in a Little Boy's Pocket, Grade 3... . .45 .34 Nash, Louis P.— The Fable Reader (Grade I) .20 .15 Grover, Eulalie — School Edition of Arabella and Araminta by Gertrude Smith (Grades 2 to 3 ) .40 .30 Nixon, Lillian E. — Fairy Tales a Child Can Read and Act .50 .38 Paine, Ralph — The Greater America (Grade 8) .75 .57 Stevenson, Burton E. — Poetry Reader 1.00 .75 Prose Reader 1.00 .75 SPELLING Willard, E. L., and Richards, F. W. — The Ideal Speller- The Ideal Speller for Primary Grades (Revised) The Ideal Speller for Grammar Grades (Revised). . . . The Ideal Speller for (Grade 3) Book Three The Ideal Speller for (Grade 4) Book Four The Ideal Speller, Book Five (Grade 5) The Ideal Speller Book Six (Grade 6) The Ideal Spell?r Book Seven < Grade 7) The Ideal Speller Book Eight (Grade 8) TEACHERS Ayrs, Leonard P. — Open Air Schools Hemenway, H. D. — How to Make School Gardens Munroe, James P. — New Demands in Education .30 .23 .18 .30 .23 .18 .16 .12 .10 .16 .12 .10 .16 .12 .10 .16 .12 .10 .If, .12 .10 .16 .12 .10 1.20 .90 1.00 .75 1.25 .94 HIGH SCHOOL TEXTS MATHEMATICS Gradbury, William P. — Elementary Algebra with many problems Algebraic Problems, a carefully complied collection of over 1,200 problems taken from examinations papers of Harvard, Mass. Inst . of Technologn, Yale Bradbury, William F. — Elementary Geometry, with review ques- tions, problems, etc Trigonometry and Surveying Academic Geometry. Plane and Solid .05 .55 .80 .60 .48 1.35 1.02 .si 1.30 .97 .78 139 LIST OF UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY. List Title of Book Price Emery, Greenville C. — Algebra for Beginners .65 Academic Algebra. A revision retaining all the clearness of definitions and statement of principles that made the original text famous and successful 1.15 Fairbank, C. A. and Hebden E. — Elements of Algebra .80 Designed for Pupils taking up Algebra for the 1st time. MODERN LANGUAGES Graded Modern Languages Series. Each .45 A new Series of textbooks in French and German, bound in cloth. Graded Shorter French Texts. Each .30 Edited with notes and vocabularies for class use lists sent on request. COMMERCIAL Meservey, A.B., and Meredith, A. H. — New Bookkeeping Blanks for Bookkeeping Business Forms for Bookkeeping (2 sets) each (For additional under Bookkeeping see first section of the Elementary Books listed herewith.) PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE Gaines, Charles K. — New Cushing's Manual of Parliamentary Practice -. .75 Net Price .87 .60 Exchange Price .39 .69 .48 .34 .23 .25 .95 .00 .75 .50 .38 .75 LIST OF UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Chicago and Lincoln To be furnished upon order of any Board of Education or School Board in Minnesota, or upon order of any duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon prices and terms given below, in accordance with the Minnesota Law of 1911. Price Explanation List Price: These are the prices at which the books named will be furnished, transportation charges prepaid, to any school district or individual upon receipt of order and remittance. Net Price: These are the prices at which books will be furnished in quantities f. o. b. Chicago or Lincoln to Boards of Education or School Boards, or to their authorized and responsible purchas- ing agents. Exchange Price: This is the price at which books wilJ be furnished to school districts when adoption is made in accordance with the provisions of the textbook law, provided, in addition to such exchange price, an old book actually in use, of like kind and grade, but of a different series, is offered in exchange for book bought. Used books so displaced under these exchange conditions are not to exceed the number of new books purchased and must be forwarded to The University Publishing Company, at the company's expense. A book to be accepted in exchange must not have missing pages or binding. In other words, must be in such physical condition that it could have been used another term had the text not been changed. Exchange prices do not apply except where prices are so listed. Title of Book AGRICULTURE Bessey, Bruner and Swezey — New Elementary Agriculture . ATHLETICS Clapp and Pound — Basket Ball Rules for Women BOOK COVERS Reynold's Sanitary Book Covers — Number 1, per thousand net Number 2, per thousand net Number 3, per thousand net Number 4, per thousand net Number 5, per thousand net Number 6, per thousand net BOOKKEEPING Bishop — A Short Course in Business Training Teacher's Manual List Price $0.64 Net Price $0.48 Exchange Price $0.38 .10 .96 .52 .12 12.50 12.50 12.50 20.00 25.00 25.00 .72 .57 140 LIST OF UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY— Continued. Title of Book Bessey — Elementary Botany .40 .30 .24 List Price BOTANY Net Exchange Price Price CLASSICS — Questions On Abbott — Sesame and Lilies .16 .12 Searson — Romeo and Juliet; King Lear. . . .16 .12 Searson — Enoch Arden; Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Vision of Sir Launfal .16 .12 Sheldon— Hamlet .16 .12 Sherman — Case of Evans .16 .12 Taylor — Macbeth .16 .12 Taylor — Ivanhoe .16 .12 Taylor — Burke's Speech on Conciliation .16 .12 Towne — Idylls of the King .16 .12 Van Camp — Julius Caesar .16 .12 Van Camp — Silas Marner .16 .12 EDUCATION AND TEACHERS' BOOKS Caviness — -Attendance and Book Register .40 .30 Fowler — Special Day Programs .28 .21 King — Attendance Register, 120 names .60 .35 King — Attendance Register, 216 names .76 .57 King — Teachers'. Class Record, 120 names .60 .45 King — Teachers' Class Record, 216 names .76 ..">7 Searson and Delzell — Ne-ss-ho Class Record, 4-week plan .36 .27 Searson and Delzell — Ne-ss-ho Class Record, six-week plan .36 .27 Teachers' Daily Plan Book .40 .30 ENGLISH LITERATURE Sherman — Elements of Literature and Composition 1.28 .96 .76 Sherman and Reed — Essentials of Teaching Reading 1.28 .96 !76 GEOGRAPHY Condra — Geography of Nebraska .96 .72 University Series of Outline Maps. The following maps are included in the series: United States, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the World: The prices are: Less than 100 No list (1 cent each plus postage) Per 100 No list net $1.00 Per 500 No list net 4.00 Per 1000 No list net 7.00 GEOMETRY Cornell — Geometry Pad .20 .15 GERMAN Grummann — Practical German Lessons 1.28 .96 .76 HISTORY Caldwell — Outlines of American History 1.28 .96 Persinger — Students' Outline of American History, Second Semester .24 .IS Persinger — Student's Outline of American History, First Semester .24 ,18 Sheridon — History and Stories of Nebraska 1.00 .75 '.'.'.'. LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Driggs — Live Language Lessons: Three-Book Series: First Book Second Book Third Book Two-Book Series: Elementary Advanced Two-Book Series: Book One Book Two Nine Weeks Course in Grammar .52 .52 .64 .39 .39 .48 .31 .31 .38 .45 .60 .33 .45 .27 .36 .52 .60 .16 .39 .45 .12 .31 .36 141 LIST OF WEBB PUBLISHING COMPANY. Title of Book MUSIC Wilson — The Rhetoric of Music Wilson — Harmonic and Melodic Technical Studies . List Price 1.28 .52 Net Price .96 .39 Exchange Price READERS Searson and Martin — Studies in Reading; Five-Book Series: Fourth Grade Reader Fifth Grade Reader Sixth Grade Reader Seventh Grade Reader Eighth Grade Reader Three-Book Series: Book One or Fourth Reader Book Two or Fifth Reader Book Three or Advanced Reader SPELLING Crabtree — The Crabtree Speller Crabtree — Roll of Honor Word Book Crabtree — The Contest Speller Crabtree — The Crabtree Spelling Tablet. Per dozen . . , .52 .39 .31 .52 .39 .31 .52 .39 .31 .60 .45 .36 .64 .48 .38 .60 .45 .36 .65 .48 .39 .65 .48 .39 .24 .18 .14 .24 .18 .14 .12 .09 .60 4.5 ..... List of text books and prices filed by publishers under the provisions of Section 2951, G. L. 1913. LIST OF WEBB PUBLISHING COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at St. Paul, upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. List Net Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price AGRICULTURE Davidson — Agricultural Engineering $1.50 $1.12 $0.90 Green — Popular Fruit Growing 1.00 .75 .60 Green — Vegetable Gardening 1.00 .75 .60 Koos — Farmer's Law .50 .37 .30 Martin — Dairy Laboratory Guide .50 .37 .30 Parker — Field Management and Crop Rotation 1.50 1.12 .90 Pickard— Rural Education 1.00 .75 .60 Plumb — Beginnings in Animal Husbandry 1.25 .93 .75 Sheppard & McDowell — Elements of Agriculture 1.00 .75 .60 Shutts & Weir — Agricultural Arithmetic .80 .60 .48 Smith— Profitable Stock Feeding 1.50 1.12 .90 Tottingham & Ince — Chemistry of the Farm and Home 1.25 .93 .75 Whitson & Walster — Soils and Soil Fertility 1.25 .93 .75 Wilson — Elements of Farm Practice 1.00 .75 .60 Wilson & Warburton— Field Crop 1.50 1.12 .90 DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ART Bailey — Domestic Science, Principles and Application 1.00 .75 .60 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 1 .50 .37 .30 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 2 .50 .37 .30 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 3 . . ."*. .50 .37 .30 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 4 .50 .37 .30 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 5 .50 .37 .30 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 6 .50 .37 .30 Blair— Sewing Tablet No. 7 .50 .37 .30 Farnsworth — Rural School Lunch .25 .18 .15 Sheppard— Laundry Work .60 .45 .36 INDUSTRIAL Pickard — Industrial Booklets .40 .30 .24 Pickard — Industrial Work for Boys .40 .30 .24 Pickard— Industrial Work for Girls .40 .30 .24 Roehl — Problems in Carpentry 1.00 .75 .60 White & Colgrove — Industrial Arithmetic .80 .60 .48 All books will be furnished at net prices when formally adopted by contract. Books ordered without contract will be supplied at 20 % from list prices, f . o. b. St. Paul. 142 LIST OF W. H. WHEELER & COMPANY. LIST OF W. H. WHEELER & COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible purchasing agents of Buch board upon terms and prices listed below. Special state prices mil be given for exclusive state adoption for basic use in all public schools, for a term of five J I Title of Book price Price Price* 6 Wheeler — Graded Readers, A Primer $0 30 $0 22 J $0 IS Wheeler — Graded Readers, A First Reader .' * .:{ii ' )s Wheeler — Graded Readers, A Seer, ml Header 'id [%Q ' ■> ( Wheeler — Graded Header-, A Third Header ,50 '371 "an Wheeler — Graded Readers, A Fourth Header . .;,() '371 '30 Wheeler — Graded Readers, A Fifth Header , ,QQ ).">" iili Wheeler — Elementary Speller ,25 is 1'-, LIST OF WORLD BOOK COMPANY To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago or other shipping points upon order of any school board or board of education in Minnesota, or upon the order of duly authorized and responsible pui agents of such board upon terms and prices listed below. Title of Book List Price FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ARITHMETIC Chancellor: Primary Arithmetic $0.44 Intermediate Arithmetic Grammar School Arithmetic .80 Cole — Garded Arithmetic: Book Three .10 Book Four .In Book Five II Book Six .11 Book Seven ,60 New — World Arithmetic: Everyday Number Stories II Longan-Greenwood- -Elementary Arithmetic .48 Markley-Greenwood — A Common School Arithmetic .76 Net Price Exchange Price $0.35 .38 .31 .64 .56 .32 .28 .32 .28 .3.-. .31 .35 .31 .4S .1.' .33 .:;i .36 .34 57 .53 DRAWING Thompson-Cooper — Making Faces with Pencil and Brush: Book I Book II ENGLISH Bcshgeturian — Foreigner's Guide to English Carson — Handbook of English Composition HISTORY Barrows — History of the Philippines A Decade of American Government in the Philippines. . . Curtis — Indian Life and Indian Lore: Indian Days of the Long Ago In the Land of the Head-Hunters Elson-MacMullan — Foundation History Series: The Story of Our Country, Book I The Story of Our Country, Book II The Story of the ( lid World McGovney — Stories of Long Age in the Philippines .18 .18 .12 .12 .70 .60 57 .15 '.42 1.50 .60 1.00 .40 1.00 1.00 .80 .80 .04 .68 .72 .48 .48 .51 .54 .38 .15 Is .50 HYGIENE, SANITATION AND PHYSIOLOGY Ritchie-Caldwell — New-World Health Series: Primer of Hygiene .48 Primer of Sanitation .56 Primer of Physiology .68 Primer of Sanitation and Physiology ,96 Human Physiology .96 Ritchie-Emerson : Public Health — Indiana Edition .60 Public and Personal Health — Indiana Edition .96 Tuttle: Principles of Public Health .60 .36 .34 .42 .39 .51 .1^ .72 .07 .72 .67 .45 .42 .72 .07 143 LIST OF WORLD BOOK COMPANY- Title of Book READING Bailey — Sure Pop and the Safety Scouts Bo wen — Old Time Stories; A Story Reader for Second Year. Brown — Nature and Industry Readers: Stories of Woods and Fields Stories of Childhood and Nature When the World Was Young Burks — Barbara's Philippine Journey , Chadwiek-Freeman — Chain Stories and Playlets: The Cat that was Lonesome The Mouse that Lost her Tail The Woman and Her Pig Chancellor — An Easy Road to Reading: A Book of Animals A Book of Children A Book of Fun and Fancy A Book of Letters and Numbers Fee et al — The First Year Book Hawthorne — Classics (Hale): American Essays American Stories Ballads and Ballad Poetry English Essays English Stories Greek Myths in English Dress Longer Narrative Poems Shakespearean Comedies McGovney — Stories of Long Ago in the Philippines Sims-Harry — Dramatic Myths and Legends: Book I, Norse Book II, Greek and Roman White — The Story Readers: Primer ; First Year Continued. List Net Exchange Price Price Price .44 .33 .52 .42 .60 .45 .56 .42 .52 .39 .60 .48 .16 .13 .16 .13 .16 .13 .IS .12 .18 .12 .18 .12 .18 .12 .42 .34 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .48 .38 .36 .29 .36 .29 .36 .27 .25 .40 .30 .28 SPELLING Bowen — English Words as Spoken and Written: For Primary Grades For Upper Grades Rabenort — Spelling and Dictation by Grades: Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Year Wohlfarth-Pratt-Wetherow — Everyday Words Wohlf arth-Rogers — New-World Spellers : Grades One and Two Grades Three, Four and Five Grades Six, Seven and Eight : Grades Three to Eight Wohlf arth- Rogers — New World Spellers: Grades One, Two and Three Briefer Course (Grades 3-8) One Book to a Grade (Grades 1-8). Each Wohlf arth-Rogers — New-World Spellers: Revised Edition: First Book, Grades One, Two and Three Second Book. Grades Four, Five and Six Third Book, Grades Seven, Eight and Higher 28 .22 .20 36 .29 .25 16 .13 .11 16 .13 .11 16 .13 .11 16 .13 .11 36 .27 .25 30 .22 .21 24 .18 .17 24 .18 .17 32 .24 .22 36 .27 .25 30 .22 .21 .16 .12 .11 36 .27 .25 36 .27 .25 36 .27 .25 FOR HIGH SCHOOLS ALGEBRA Sampson — Algebra Review . .40 .30 CIVICS Reed — Form and Functions of American Government. 1.50 1.05 CLASSICS Hawthorne — Classics: See list and prices under "Reading": English Classics — Star Series: Addison and Steele — The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers from Spectator Burke — Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies Carlyle — Essay on Burns Coleridge — The Rime of the Ancient Mariner .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 144 LIST OF WORLD BOOK COMPANY- Title of Book ] Cooper — The Last of the Mohicans Eliot — Silas Marner Goldsmith— The Vicar of Wakefield Macaulay — Essays on Milton and Addison Milton — L'Allegro, II Penseroso, Comus and Lycidas Pope — The Iliad of Homer Scott — Ivanhoe Shakespeare — Julius Caesar Shakespeare — Macbeth Shakespeare — The Merchant of Venice Tennyson — The Princess COMPOSITION AND GRAMMAR Carson — Handbook of English Composition Harris — Advanced English Grammar LITERATURE Lawton — Introduction to the Study of American Literature. . . . Scudder — Introduction to the Study of English Literature PHYSIOLOGY Ritchie — Human Physiology Ritchie — Sanitation and Physiology Laboratory Manual for use with Human Physiology; Cloth Paper SPANISH Hall — All Spanish Method: First Book Second Book Complete Book .■•.••• Wessely-Girones — English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary Contin ued. List Net Exchange Price Price Price .72 .54 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .72 .54 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .42 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.44 1.08 1.01 .96 .72 .67 1.44 1.08 1.01 .68 .51 .44 .33 1.00 .75 .70 1.20 .90 .84 1.C0 1.20 1.12 .96 .72 145