tthor mi Book^. Imprint GPO 1* By F. B, ©Iff E%r Watih BY F. B l4uyn\Jb''nkAjbM ^AjL^^SlAM'hj QAjuLvU-^ Copyright 1915. Woodruff Bank Note Co. 1000 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. All Rights Reserved. ,U45S£^ Death is a friend who, when the work of life is done, just cuts the cord that binds the human boat to restless shores, that it may sail its eternal voyage on smoother seas to fairer lands. — Transcribed by the author from the ancient records JUN26l9i5 C1.D 41235 CAST OF CHARACTERS Doctor Love A Physician. Professor Wise A College Professor. Fred A young man. Alice A young lady. Frank Son of Alice and Fred. Ed A friend of Frank's, Others People at carnival. Burglar Spiritual Beings: Shades Borderland beings. Spirits Greed. Power. Jealousy. Envy. Melancholy. Angels Archangels. Guardian Angels. Fairies. Knowledge. Service. Poetry. Music. Art. Purity. Love. Place: Pasadena. Time, 1915. (3) SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Act I Scene 1. Study of Dr. Love. Act II. Scene 1. City Street-Carnival. Act III. Scene 1. Woodland. {Two years later,) Scene 2. Arcadian Woodland. Act IV. Scene 1. City Street-Carnival. {Fourteen years later,) Scene 2. Frank's Study. {Three years later,) Act V. Scene 1. Study of Dr. Love. {Same as in Scene 1, Act I,) (4) The Ether World Act I. Scene 1. Study of Dr. Love. [Dr, Love arranges some apparatus on the table as if preparing for an experiment. The doorbell rings and he goes to the door. Enter Prof. Wise.] Dr. Love: Why, how do you do, Profes- sor Wise? I am glad to see you. [Grasping his hand.] Come right in and be seated. Let me take your hat. [Takes his hat.] I was just wishing that you would come over because I was about to conduct an experiment, and I wanted your judgment as to the results. Prof. Wise: Well this is fortunate indeed. I hope the experiment is along the lines which we have discussed so much of late. It has been a pleasure to talk over my ideas with you, rather I should say, our ideas, because we have so many of them in common. We seem to reach the same conclusions by different methods of reasoning and experiment, which goes to prove the oft repeated statement: "Truth is a palace of many doors." Dr. Love: I too have enjoyed these con- versations very much, and the fact that you (5) have arrived at the same conclusions that I have, makes me all the stronger in the belief that we have found the truth. Yes, the experi- ment is along the usual lines. You probably remember our discussion about spiritualism and mediumship. You know we both agreed that it would be a great consola- tion and boon to humanity to know — abso- lutely know — and not just believe, that there is a life beyond the grave. We both thought that to obtain such knowledge through medi- ums was harmful both to them and to us. Perhaps you remember my telling you how many cases of insanity had been brought on by mediumship and hypnotism. You remem- ber that I said that many of these cases had started with the Planchette*. You know what a harmless and simple amusement the little Planchette board seems to be; but I believe that a large percentage of those cases of in- sanity began with that little device. Auto- matic writing led to other forms of medium- ship, and mediumship led directly to insanity. There is no question about this in my mind. Mediumship leads to insanity just as sure as the sun is bound to rise, or the ripened apple to fall. Prof. Wise: Yes, I remember your bold statement as to mediumship and insanity. I will have to admit that you had traced those cases very thoroughly. You gave several instances of the proved relation. Have you *0r Ouiji Board. (6) figured out, Doctor, any reason why or how this relation between mediumship and in- sanity exists? Dr. Love: Yes, but before I give you my theory I want you to state to me again your theory of vibration and matter. If you will kindly run over those facts as you found them, I will give you my explanation of why medium- ship causes insanity. I think my theory dovetails in fine with yours. After that we will have our little experiment. Prof. Wise: My theory is that of the vibration principle. That is, things are, or exist in the forms they are in, because of the fineness, or relative size of particles of which they are composed and the rates of vibration their electrons maintain. In other words, the differences in the fineness of the particles com- posing substances or bodies and the differences in the rates of vibrations of the electrons com- posing those substances or bodies, make the differences we see in different things or forms of matter. According to my theory, there are two worlds. One, in which we are now living, is called the physical world. This world is com- posed of matter of comparatively large particles whose electrons move at comparatively slow rates of vibration. We sense this world through our physical senses. The other world, in which we will live later, is what we call the spiritual world. This (7) world is also composed of matter, but the par- ticles of which it is composed are very fine and the electrons move at very high rates of vibration. We will sense this world through our spiritual senses. Dr. Love: Now, Professor, I will give you my theory. I have come to the conclusion that we have two bodies, a physical body and a spiritual body. Both are composed of matter, but they differ in that one, the spiritual body, is com- posed of much finer particles and whose electrons move at much higher rates of vibra- tion than the other, the physical body. We have both bodies from the moment of birth. The spiritual body fits in and through the xphysical body just like water fills the spaces when poured into a bucket of shot, or like gas will fill the spaces when poured into a bucket of water. To me what we call death is simply the dropping off of the physical body. We shake it off, just like a chestnut leaves its burr. This being the case, we have souls inhabiting physical bodies and spiritual bodies, and souls inhabiting spiritual bodies only. To come back to my explanation of medium- ship. When a person in the physical body hypno- tizes a person in the physical body, we call it (8) hypnotism; but when a person in the spiritual body hypnotizes a person in the physical body we call that mediumship. In both cases it is a deadening process to the will of the person hypnotized. The will is paralyzed, and the individual is under the control of the operating intelligence, whether that intelligence be in the physical or spiritual body. The Ruler of the Universe has given to each a will, and one cannot surrender it to another without bringing upon himself the ultimate loss of will; and this means insanity, sooner or later; and this applies both to hypnotism and mediumship. Perhaps, Professor, you notice what I am driving at. The process of mediumship is that of bring- ing the spiritual world down to the physical world. Now this seems to me to be reversing Nature's order of things. However, as we now possess spiritual bodies, I cannot see how harm can come if we could learn how to sense spiritual things through our own spiritual bodies. Of course the prob- lem is how to awaken the spiritual senses so that they will operate on the spiritual planes, or how to arouse consciousness so that it will be conscious of the reports brought in by the spiritual senses. It was while thinking along these lines that I came across a vial of powder that I had (9) purchased several years ago from an adept in India. I remembered of his telling me of its magical qualities. He said that if I would light it and inhale its fumes that I would be transported to the ethereal regions. It was in hopes that the fumes of this powder might so arouse and exhilarate the spiritual senses and consciousness that I could sense the spiritual world, that I determined to try the experiment. I was about to light the powder when you rang the bell. Now, Pro- fessor, would you like to join me in the experi- ment? Prof. Wise: I most certainly would. If it is the genuine powder which I have read the Yogi of India use, I am sure the experiment will not be without results. [Dr, Love pours the small vial of powder into the urn, turns out the lights, and puts a match to the powder, which hums with a vanishing blue flame. The fumes of the powder fill the room with a delightful fragrance,] (10) Act II. SEEING THIS WORLD FROM THE OTHER SIDE [The inhaling of the fumes of the powder burning in the urn excited and aroused con- sciousness in both Dr. Love and Prof. Wise to such a high degree of activity that they were enabled to sense the spiritual planes of being through their spiritual senses. We are to go with them and view our life, the spiritual side of our everyday life, through their spiritual eyes.] Scene 1. City Street-Carnival Scene. [Enter Fred and his friends. They walk along the booths, buy toys, play games, and throw confetti. The characters wear various colored suits which are illuminated from the under side so that the light radiates through the garments. These illuminated garments show by their color the predominating character or emo- tional attitude of the wearer. This is to represent the aura or mental atmosphere that surrounds everyone.] [Enter Dr. Love and Prof. Wise at the left front of the stage. They stand watching the merrymakers.] Prof. Wise: Notice, Doctor Love, [point- ing to the colored auras that surround the charac- ters] the auras that seem to surround everyone, (11) These mental atmospheres which we see surround these people agree perfectly with my vibration theory. Emotional vibrations radiate in all directions from the body, and the color of the aura formed by these vibrations is given by the character of the person from which they emanate or by the kind of emotion the person is feeling. The reason we ordinarily do not see the aura is because our spiritual eyes have not been opened. Dr. Love: Isn't that a beautiful violet light that radiates from that young man? [Pointing toward Fred.] I once made a study of colors and the feelings they represented. I believe that the violet represented the highest degree of unselfishness and service. And there is golden yellow. That represents high intellectual quality and a brilliant in- tellect. Just look at that beautiful rose shade. That indicates the highest and purest love. But see the dull brown of avarice in that other group; and there is deceitful green, and the dark red of anger and hate. Isn't it wonderful how we can see the colors now? Prof. Wise: It seems strange that we cannot sense or see these colors on the physical plane. I can hardly believe my eyes, they are so distinct. Dr. Love: We will sense and see them in a few years. Just as soon as our spiritual consciousness is awakened. These auras are undoubtedly reported by our spiritual senses now, but we are not conscious of them. (12) [Enter Alice and friends, also in illuminated garments,] Why, Professor, there's another violet just like that young man's aura. [Pointing to Alice,] Prof. Wise: Yes, they are of the same plane; their vibrations are similar, that is why their auras are of the same color. They are alike in many respects; they are like two wireless telegraph instruments with the^'same number of vibrations; they are keyed alike; they are of the same quality, i. e., they have the same fineness of hair, same texture of skin, and their vibrations on both the physical and spiritual planes are the same. Such people understand each other, have similar ideals, and live on the same plane of thought; they are naturally mated. Wait until they see each other for the first time; both will get a shock. Dr. Love: Yonder is the light blue of high spiritual thought; and over there is the bright green of agreeableness and politeness. The beautiful yellow shows intuitional powers, while that pearly white near by indicates purity of soul. Prof. Wise: Wouldn't it be wonderful if people could see each other this way in our world? But look at the dingy colors coming in. Dr. Love: Yes, their monstrosity is ap- parent to all the others, though they themselves (13) are unconscious of it, at least they act as if they were. See how the others avoid them. See those awful livid reds of vice, the sallow, melancholy greys, and the revengeful blacks. Prof. Wise: Doctor, did you see both of those violets jump when they first saw each other? Evidently they have been introduced. They are getting along fine. This is what the college boys would call *'A Case at First Sight." (14; Act III [Two years are supposed to have elapsed between Acts II and III,] SEEING THE OTHER WORLD [Dr. Love and Prof, Wise both still being under the exhilarating influence of the fumes of the powder, visit the Spiritual world, and we see that world through their awakened spiritual consciousness,] Scene 1. Woodland Scene. [This is a changing, moving, dimly lighted woodland scene. Black and grotesque figures glide about, hardly discernable in the dim lights. Even the trees and landscapes are out of shape and mixed in a most haphazard way. As the scenes change. Dr. Love and Prof, Wise stand at the left front of the stage and describe them as they pass,] Dr. Love: Professor, we are now on the borderland between earth and heaven. Those vanishing figures you see are earthbound souls, who have not yet been able to free themselves from their physical bodies. Where the ap- petites and passions are strong, it takes some time for Nature to make the change and separate the spiritual body from the physical. Until this is done, the soul is bound to earth and they are known as earthbound souls. (15) Often angels are sent to help the poor victims and teach them to forget their longings for the physical world. This is the saddest part of the spiritual world. Scene 2. Beautiful Arcadian Woodland Scene. [As the Doctor finishes his last lines, the previous woodland scene is removed, piece by piece, until the stage is cleared. Gradually this beautiful Arcadian woodland scene is shifted into place, piece by piece. Colored lights are played upon these changing scenes in the follow- ing order: Deep Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Pearly White, When finally the Pearly White light is thrown, the scene should be all set,] Dr. Love: When the soul drops the physical body, it starts on its upward flight, passing through this borderland, it finally reaches the heights which it is possible for it to attain. That adept that I met in India said there were twelve planes or heights in the spiritual world; it must be these we are passing through now. Prof. Wise: How all this proves my theory of vibration! Under the law of gravity, the spiritual body should rise to the plane or height of its weight; that is, the finer the particles of which it is (16) \ i composed and the higher the rates of the vibration of its electrons, the lighter it will be, and consequently the higher it will rise. Dr. Love: Yes, you are right. And ac- cording to my adept, all good and kind actions, all unselfish and pure thoughts, make the spiritual body lighter; while all mean and un- kind actions, all selfish and impure thoughts, make the spiritual body heavier. He said that unselfish love was the fulfilling of the law of spiritual growth. Money doesn't count here. It is unselfish actions, kind thoughts, and a pure life that give position in the spiritual world. [The Arcadian woodland scene is now set, lighted up with the pearly white light. The characters move easily ahouty with a measureless tread; they are clothed in flowing silk gar- ments, both the men and the women. Some of the men and some of the women have long, beautiful wings attached to the shoulders merely for decoration. Of course these wings are white. Some of the women show eagerness in their movements as if wanting to run on some errand of mercy.] Dr. Love: They are talking. Professor, about sending a guardian angel to watch over a young child. It seems that it is now about two years since Fred and Alice were married, and they have a baby boy. It is evidently the rule here that an angel is assigned to look after every child just as soon as it is born. (17) See, they have picked out that strapping young fellow, and he leaves for his charge. These guardian angels are with the individual during the earthly life. Those angels with the wings are archangels. The wings serve no useful purpose other than to denote the rank of the wearer. Archangels are the highest angels. [During the last lines of the Doctor, small fairy like forms clad in white come fluttering into the assembly of archangels. These little fairies get attention for a minute and then they depart.] Dr. Love: Those fairy forms you see entering and leaving are the bearers of the prayers of those of earth and heaven and of the borderland. Those best qualified for the purpose are sent to answer them. Sometimes those of earth are sent to answer prayers. (18) Act IV [Fourteen years are supposed to have elapsed between Acts III and IV.] Scene 1. City Street-Carnival Scene. [Dr. Love and Prof. Wise are still under the exhilarating influence of the fumes of the powder. Returning to the earth plane they are able to see things with their spiritual eyes that they did not see in their first experiences. The use of their spiritual eyes strengthened them and now many new sights are discernable to them that escaped their first efforts.] [Enter Frank, son of Alice and Fred. Aura of violet color shown around him. He is sur- rounded by a company of silk-robed angels- One of them is the guardian angel who was sent to watch over him during his earthly life. He is not conscious of the presence of these angels, and he walks as if alone along the booths, playing games and chatting with the vendors.] Prof. Wise: Here is our boy, Frank, son of Fred and Alice. You can tell him by his violet aura. He looks to be a lad of twelve or fourteen. But see, Doctor, there are other spiritual beings with him besides the guardian angel who was sent to follow him during his earthly life. Dr. Love: Yes, those are angels who are attracted by his thought. We attract those spiritual beings in the spirit world who are (19) like our thoughts. Thus we are all really surrounded by our personified thoughts. If our thoughts are good and noble, we will be surrounded by a goodly company; but if our thoughts are evil, then evil spirits are waiting on us to suggest and lead us into more evil. But we have the choice; they cannot come unbidden. Thus a man not only lives with his own evil thoughts, but attracts other intelligences on the spiritual side of life of the same evil tendencies as the thoughts he harbors and thinks. [Enter Ed, an acquaintance of Frank's, He is surrounded with a dingy brown aura, and attended by a company of silk gowned spirits,] Dr. Love: Notice, Professor, there comes Ed. See, he is surrounded with evil spirits who are quite harmonious with his selfish brown aura. Now if he would change his thoughts, those spirits would leave him in- stantly. They are perfect ladies and gentle- men, and do not come unbidden; yet they always come when thought of. They never sleep. Neither do the angels sleep. There is no sleep in the spirit world. [Frank and Ed meet, shake hands and pass on,] Dr. Love: They meet, but are not congenial companions; neither are their spiritual attend- ants congenial companions. Scene 2. Frank's Study. [Three Years Later,] [Enter Frank, seats himself at table. Shows (20) violet aura around Frank. Guardian angel and other angels in corner of room conferring among themselves.] [Dr. Love and Prof. Wise are standing at the right front side of the stage.] Prof. Wise: The lad, Doctor, has evident- ly got some big problem on his mind. He has a university catalogue before him. He is debating whether to enter college or go into business. He has a letter offering him a fine position. The letter says that there is a big chance to get rich in the business. [As Frank thinks the different thoughts that come into his mind, a spirit y garbed in the appro- priate color to represent that thought, glides into the room, stays during the holding of that thought f and then stands aside with its dismissal. When he is thinking of business the evil spirits come in one by one and form a group. They stay until he begins to think of college, then the evil spirits leave in a body, and the angels come in one by one and form a group.] Dr. Love: Yes, Professor, that is what he is doing. He is thinking now of great riches. [Enter spirit of Greed, clad in brown silk suit.] Dr. Love: It is the spirit of Greed. Listen to what he says. Spirit op Greed: Comes the god of Plenty before thee to plead. Through canopied halls of undying fame, (21) Jewel-clad, dignified, thee I shall lead, And there as Success inscribe thy name. Others come from afar their homage to do. Like a fleet-footed fox, great wealth gives protection From Adversity's hounds; and all life through Thy pleasure will be, like the sweet satis- faction Of the soulless sea. From Time's hard hand, The pinch of Want, freedom I give. Thy castles will be many, and thy herds cover the land. If ye only ask me with thee to live. [Enter spirit of Power, clad in hlack silk suit.] Prof. Wise: Now who comes here? Dr. Love: This is the spirit of Power. Hear him. Spirit of Power: I am the great spirit of Power. I am the son of Avarice and Greed; And those with us who live, no need Shall ever know. I rule by fear; And when in the still night's darkest hour Chilling Power rides forth on his clammy steed. Poor trembling Nature hides in heed. I am the twin-brother of Wealth, And us to gain, men oft use stealth; And even, sometimes, dear life itself They lose in order to get our pelf. (22) But hear me in yon torrent's roar. Know ye that I am Power! Power! Whether in the hell of volcanic shell Or in the mined sea's death-well Or Strangle's grip of poisoned air, *Tis the price men pay to Power for fare. [Enter spirits of Jealousy and Envy, clad in appropriate green silk gowns.] Prof. Wise: Who are these? Dr. Love: They are the spirits of Envy and Jealousy. Jealousy is speaking. Spirit of Jealousy: Sisters, Envy and Jealousy, are we. Great Greed and Power do we attend. From our purpose we never bend. A double-edged sword in us you see. We tell the tales of the imagination. We are the hearth-fire forms, thin air; And when we're challenged we disappear Like fleecy clouds below the sea's horizon. [Enter spirit of Melancholy y clad in grey silk suit] Prof Wise: Who is this lone, sad-looking spirit? Dr. Love: This is the spirit of Melancholy. He speaks. Spirit of Melancholy: I am the shade of Melancholy. And I Like thee once had great girth and stature high. (23) I*m withered fruit that hangs on the bough too long. My life has lost the sweetness of its song. Though the shell of appearance remains, my meat's bitterness; And in all my life there's not a shred of happiness. Envy, Jealousy and Fear separate my kind From me with barbed entanglements. In mind, Am I the dusky grey of the sad, slowly- dying old day. Those who seek wealth and power, I attend unto The mortal end. I'm like the archer, who Overshoots his mark, and all his arrows falling On the other side, with useless bow, sits weeping. [The evil spirits suddenly depart] V Prof. Wise: See the scamps flee. Look, he has picked up the catalogue of the Univer- sity. [The Angel of Knowledge comes in, clad in a yellow silk suit.] Who is the old man with glasses? Dr. Love: That, Professor, is the Angel of Knowledge. You ought to know him. Angel of Knowledge: The spirit of Wisdom am I: the open mind. The joy of learning and the gladness of discovery, I give. (24) They begin eternity's task with whom I live, And by their knowledge bestow great blessings on mankind. Knowledge is endless, and moves not by leaps and bounds. But tomorrow begins where today left off. And thus In Heaven, Character's unfinished garment with us Remains, and we start afresh its reknitting by rounds. Sharp-nosed Inquiry, hoary-headed Phi- losophy leads; Intuition and Reason romp hand in hand o'er the meads Of life. And from the beautiful silken skein of thought A world of peace and happiness by skill may be wrought. [Enter Angel of Service, clad in violet silk suit,] Prof. Wise: And this, Doctor? Dr. Love: This is the Angel of Service. He has quite a speech. Angel of Service: Achievement: the aim of life thou art! Advancement and attainment, the working part! Being precedes doing, just as having, giving; Therefore the necessity of a perfect way of living. So that every part of the life of man Will be developed by following the general plan. (25) All actions are right from which happiness flows, Because only by normal constructive action, a faculty grows. By adding cell on cell and thought on thought The great object: the souVs unfoldment: is wrought. Ask of every thought, impulse, or suggestion: "Will it make me better, happier?" Then action. The growth of the entire man is thy theme. Best accomplished by making the higher facul- ties supreme. The principle: One happiness gains in- directly; By trying to make, not thyself, but others happy. Thus service and giving, use and action. Give growth, increase, happiness — complete satisfaction. The greatest achievement of man is man! More complete, more perfect, the ideal: God's plan. Behold the achievement of man in things! But lo! Watch the improvement in the race of beings! The rythmic Law of being and doing. Of plan and action, of having and giving. Brings great achievement, and soul satisfaction; A perfect way of living. [Enter the Angels of Poetry, Music and Art, clad in blue silk gowns,] (26) Prof. Wise: Who are the beautiful Blues? Dr. Love: They are the Angels of Poetry, Music and Art. Poetry is speaking. Angel of Poetry: We are the ocean wave's expanding smile; Serenity of stars that shine the while. The hope of dawn, and the sunset's bene- diction; Mercy of cooling breeze; Inspiration Of winter's wind; the chivalry of man; The grace of womankind; in these you can Us find. And in the harmony of song. Melody of meter, peace, night long, Are we. Behold, the grandeur of distance! Smell us in the soul of the flower: fragrance. In the hurdling falls, in the bubbles' race, In the smile of God on childhood's face, See us. The fruit's aroma free, And the spirit's refreshing spring, give we. Like elephant stalks bearing shouting boys Of corn, we bring to man his greatest joys. The silence of love; achievement's thrill; We give these to thee, if ye but will. [Enter the Angel of Purity, clad in pearly white gown.] Prof. Wise: Who is this white Angel? Dr. Love: This is the Pearl of Purity. Angel of Purity: Soul of Honor. The White Life. The Right Use Of the Universe. (27) [Enter the Angel of Love, clad in rose silk gown,] Prof. Wise: What a glorious shade of Rose! Dr. Love: That is the Angel of Love. Angel of Love: Spirit of Love am I: God's breath. "Love is the window that lets life in." The larger the love-window, the greater the life-light That enters into the soul of man. Who lives without love, pulls down the shades. He that shuts out the light of love, Sits in darkness, and walks in the valley of the shadow. Eternal life is living continually In the open window of perfect love. Love's magic wand transforms the world. Earth may be Heaven, or Heaven be Hell. It is the presence or absence of love That makes a place either Heaven of Hell. Heaven is where love is. '*A loving thought of a friend is an Angel Of Light sent to carry a blessing to a soul." Therefore, be rich in loving thoughts. Treat everyone as your brother or sister. Be candid in considering own and other in- terest. Ye love another when ye try to help him. When visible helpers are powerless to aid, Ye may call on God and the invisible helpers. ''A loving thought is a prayer." Therefore, love without ceasing. (28) The expansion and expression of the latent love Within us is the ultimate growth of life. Love is the out-breathing of life. It is the exhalation of life. The in-flowing of the spirit of God Is the in-breathing of life. It is the inhalation of life. There first must be an exhalation, Before there can be complete inhalation. So, too, there must be the out-breathing of love. Before there can be the inflowing of God's spirit. Otherwise, we are as one who runs. And failing to breathe out the life-giving-to- nature air Within him, soon falls unconscious by the way- side. "Every enemy is a failure for you." Therefore love them, whereby ye may change them. As like excites like in all things. So love arouses love. The deeper and stronger love is. The more self-sacrificing it is. He who says that he loves another. Yet injures him, is deceiving himself. The amount of love a man expresses Is a measure of his religion. He loves the most who loses himself In the effective service of others. "Love dispels selfishness like the sunlight disperses The darkness before it." Therefore, sit in the silence of contemplation, And walk in the pathway of love. (29) Love is of God; and God is love. Who lives in love, he lives in God. And God abides in him. [Frank begins to write out his course of study. There is great rejoicing among the angels present,] Prof. Wise: See, Doctor, he has decided to go to college. He is making out his course of study. Dr. Love: Isn't it all wonderful. Professor? Prof. Wise: And so simple. The spirits and Angels obey the Law of Attraction, which is but one of the expressions of the Law of Vibration. Act V Scene 1. Study of Dr. Love. [Dr. Love and Prof, Wise are seated on opposite sides of a tdble^ as we left them in Act /, Both are in a deep trance. A vanishing blue flame burns from the urn on the table. The clock strikes three. A burglar unlocks the door with a skeleton key. He enters stealthily. He is armed with a revolver, which he carries in one hand; in the other hand he has an electric flash light. He is bundled up in a ragged coat, but does not wear a mask. He sees the Dr*s. safe, which, after a few minutes work on the combination, he unlocks, opens the door, and lakes out money and valuables. He is very nervous and easily frightened. He stumbles over a chair. The noise arouses the Dr. and the Prof, who awaken with a jump. The Dr. immediately grasps the situation and turns on the electric lights.] (30) Burglar: Hands up, men. Get 'em up, get 'em up, I say! [The Prof, puts his up, trembling; the Dr. does not.] Dr. Love: Put that gun on the table. Put it on the table! Burglar: Put 'em up, or I'll shoot! [Pointing the revolver at the Doctor.] [The burglar suddenly becomes transfixed. His eyes stare glassily at the Dr. He is petrified and stands with his outstretched arm pointing the revolver at the Dr. While the burglar is in this position, the Dr. walks around the table, takes the revolver out of his hand, and places it in his own pocket.] Dr. Love: Come, give me what you took. [Puts his hand on his shoulder; shakes him.] [The burglar collapses in a heap on the floor. He implores forgiveness, and puts money and jewelry into the Dr.'s hands.] Burglar: Forgive me. Sir, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it! Here they is, every one of 'em! Dr. Love: Come, man, get out. [Shows him the door.] Here, take this. [Gives him a dollar.] Buy something to eat. Don't use it for drink. Hear me! Burglar: I won't. I won't! I won't! [Backs out of the door.] [The Dr. walks over gently lowers the arms of the Prof.y who has been standing with them up all this time.] Dr. Love: Come, Prof. Wise, It's too late for you to go home alone tonight. [Turns out (31) the lights.] Come with me. [Takes him, arm in arm, and starts up stairs,] Come, I've got a good bed for you. Prof. Wise: [Somewhat recovered by this time,] Was it not great the way we captured that fellow? Note by the Author: The only way I can explain the remarkable incidents of this last act is, that when the burglar came near the table upon which the powder was still burning in the urn, he got a whiff of the fumes of that magical mixture. He entered the trance state and saw the spiritual beings which surrounded the Doctor. This, I believe, was the cause of his strange and unlooked for actions. Finis. (32) [i you were interested in WORLD" and would like t( inveattigfttion in a methodical manner, you can do so by ing books: ThiB Harmonics of Evolutii Huntley. The Great Psychological The Great Work, by T. K- These books are published American Book Co., 6707 Chicago, at the uniform price of volume. Ask them for Catalogue. Copies o! "THE ETHER WORLl be had at fifteen cents each, post paid. WOODRUFF BANK NOTE. 1000-1008 Q 8t. /vi:;^:''- •>•' . -y^r