BF 1325. .G8 1899 Copy Clairvoyance J. C. F. GRUMBINE. ' i '"•■ —'■'- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Copyright No. M UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. : - CLAIRVOYANCE A SYSTEM OF PHILOSOPHY CONCERNING ITS LAW, NATURE AND UNFOLDMENT. BY J. C. F. GRUMBINE, President of the College of Psychical Sciences and Unfoldment, Syracuse, N. Y. SECOND EDITION. Published by the Order of the White Rose. 1899 L *XWO COPIES RECEIVER «ary of Conge»e (1) shade of blue corresponds to one (1) shade of red in results of yellow in aspect to white, and ever is this scale the formula of interpretation, because color obeys as it illustrates and embodies, the law of rhythm. White is the solvent and basis of all electrical and magnetic combinations. Black is negative and stands in occultism for matter or materiality/, and in spiritual science for ignorance, evil, earthliness, the alleged sin- ister forces and crude elements of Nature. White is positive, and in occultism stands for spirit or spirit- uality, and in spiritual science for wisdom, good, heav- enliness. Thus the day is in eternal contrast to the night, and forces of the one, which are electrical, ever act in maximum power against and with the mag- netic forces of the darkness or night. Electricity is positive while magnetism is negative in the problem of the soul, immured in matter. Thus the soul or spirit is ever positive to matter and the astral vibra- tions, and has in it the law of sovereigntv. Matter 92 CLAIRVOYANCE. is ever negative to spirit, as black is to white or night is to day. At a time in the solar year in the calendar of earth when the ratio between day and night, between the electrical and magnetic forces, is fixed by a perfect polarity, these seemingly antagon- istic forces play in perfect unity. Then is the hour for spirit communion and receptivity. At all other times, in concentration and centralization, the psyche must exercise a more potent will force to set at naught the outward electrical vibration in aspect to the spirit's negativeness, against which it operates. This is not for a malific end or purpose, but to serve psyche or soul. T v we should teach that all color reveals the polarity of these two forces in aspect to soul, we shall, as we believe, state what is actually true. Spirit establishes by the inherent law of affinity the spheric polarity be- tween electrical and magnetic vibrations, which, as we have taught, designate the white and black, the posi- tive and negative forms of psyche in expression and manifestation. Thus, as electricity and magnetism are modes of motion, fixed by the unchanging Law within the soul, they, through the operation of spirit, give the kaleidoscope of colors, which are so beautiful to sense or behold. And as in number one (1) sphere and plane, the white of the spirit, in yellow expresses itself through red and blue, the psychic lenses or spectrum of mind and body, you have the chemistry of all colors, the seven and three, the two and one, in the myriad of interblendings. Each shade expresses a thought as each thought is an interpretation of psy- che. Thus, at the center of mind and heart, through the white in blue, and the white in red, you have a CLAIRVOYANCE. 93 result in yellow, and the spirit, as well as its aura, shines in the colors of its own expression. Nay, more than this, could the chemistry of material colors be penetrated or known, it would be found, not only that each shade corresponds to a degree in the ray of white or the mystic circle of psyche, that each color, whatever may be its form or wherever it may be found, illustrates a certain number of mathematical vibrations, exact and uniform in harmonial and reciprocal spheres and planes of expression and manifestation, but that- at the center of heart, which is ruled through the mind, and at the center of the mind, which is ruled through the heart, love, the Divine Principle of Psyche, establishes the absolute polarity. So that all color finds its basis and interpretation in this absolute po- larity. Affinity is the law by which this polarity is maintained in all the spheres. You are, by this polar- ity, reaching the apotheosis in love; and each sphere, radiating a color, fixed by this polarity, in the earth or in any other planet, marks the psychic unfoldment. At once it can be seen that if any shade of red, blue or yellow, black or white, purple or green, be your hue or the radiation of the aura, you are allied by electrical and magnetic polarization with all forms that radiate them. So that you have your correspon- dency in minerals, in the flora, in the fauna of the Cosmos. You have, in short, your psychic attractions, so far as color is concerned, to fire, earth, water, air, for was it not said by the Pythagoreans and mystics of Egypt and Asia that earth is red, water blue, fire white and air yellow, and in them is not the soul pre- figured and foreshadowed? And thus, the ascent of psyche by spirituality is made. The white light of love, 94 CLAIR VO YANCB. operating on mind and heart, in a positive and nega- tive polarity of the red and blue of the forces of mag- netism and electricity, evoking by a myriad of combi- nations of color, the angel of the skies. And ever from black, the night of birth, psyche, rises in the lap of earth, which is the red, and above the blue, the water, by the sun the yellow, until by death and re- generation the veil of matter is destroyed and the veil of spirituality, analagous in color is given, fire, not water, white, at last purifying psyche from all black; love, conquering evil, her negative, through the poten- cy of the Divine. CLAIRVOYANCE. 95 NINTH EXPERIMENT. Read clairvoyantly the color of anyone's mental and spiritual anra. What color does the spirituality make? In making this experiment attention should be given to color waves which pass before the clairvoyant vis- ion. Sometimes the vision of these color waves is sensed rather than perceived, and is shown in symbols which must be interpreted. Note that coarse colors give disagreeable sensations, while fine and delicate tints impress one happily. Note also that the domi- nating color is the one which manifests the spiritual state, while the colors which are absorbed or occult furnish the background for definition and interpreta- tion. 96 CLAIRVOYANCE. LESSON X. CLAIRVOYANCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS In Relation To Spiritual Perception. That clairvoyance and consciousness have a relation to the spiritual perception is the evident fact of this series of Teachings. Whatever may be the illumina- tion or penetration of clairvoyance, aud whatever may be the state or unfoldment of consciousness that the spiritual perception uses and foreshadows. The spir- itual perception is the "reason" of the spiritual con- sciousness and b} r reason we do not refer to cause or source but to law. As the mind has reason, so the spirit in its interior operations has reason. In other words reason is to mind what the spiritual perception is to the spiritual consciousness. Intuition and tuition refer to spheres of knowledge, the latter to knowledge acquired throngh the senses and the former realized through divine inspiration. Intuition and tuition have to do with consciousness in the sphere of clairvoyance, but reason is the law of tuition as the spiritual percep- tion is the law of intuition. The law is one and unchang- ing in both forms of consciousness. In psychology, rea- son is closely affinitized to intuition, and so is it, and so should it be, in all spheres of consciousness. Reason CLAIRVOYANCE. 97 may well be called the exterior or posterior guide of spirit, for it is by reason that spirit unfolds. Intuition is higher in its sphere; it has to do with consciousness in the enfolded, unfolding and unfolded spiritual states; it is ever adjudged by reason before it is made the mode or rule of action, occult as the decision may be, yet it is focused through reason and reaches the mind or outward consciousness in this wise. You may walk by reason in both the outward and inward sense, but never do you walk by either one alone. Always do they interact, and when they harmoniously interact in a perfect polarity, then there is perfect spiritual devel- opment. The spiritual perception as the "reason" of the spir- itual consciousness has to do with clairvoyance and consciousness, not in the outward but the inward sense. In the mind and all that relates consciousness to it, reason is regnant, and it is through reason that both tuition and intuition are extended. As long as reason balks the way to progress and unfoldment in the in- terior sense, it no longer waits upon intuition and has become habituated to one mode of action or thought; in other words, it seeks for conformity in uniformity by conforming variety to a segregated form of unity. One word will explain reason in this aspect, and it is prejudice. Prejudice is reason subsidized. Reason should in the natural and spiritual sense be free to act according to evidence or facts. But where it is con- formitory in its action, it is disarmed of its power and prerogative and is a terrible engine for evil. Where reason is open to or receptive of divine inspiration and acts harmoniously with conscience and perception in the light of both tuition and intuition, you have a 98 CLAIR VO YANCE. sphere of consciousness, beautiful to behold and more beautiful to realize. It has been said that reason is a more potent guide to knowledge than intuition but the statement is not wholly true. Each can and does guide, but together they are absolute. One may be guid- ed by reason, witness the scientist and experimentalist, or by intuiton, witness the mathematician musical com- poser, artist, seer; or by both; and in each case excellent and beneficent results are attained. But the absolute test of power and being is in the latter case, where, as is illustrated by the adept, the field of vision and action becomes the whole sphere of consciousness, where rea- son through intuition and intuition through reason, is utilized, and humanity thus attains the ideal or spiritual state. Thus, both clairvoyance and conscious- ness should wait upon both reason and intuition in this twofold sense, and for reasons which we shall now specify. Firstly, that a line of demarcation should be drawn between that which belongs to the sphere of mind in the realm of tuition and that which belongs to the mind in the realm of intuition. Secondly, that one may discern that which is the natural seeing and natural perceiving, and that which is spiritual seeing and spiritual perceiving. Thirdly, that one may know that which is from intuition and tuition in the sphere of telepathy and divine inspiration. Fourthly, that one may perceive impressions, clair- voyantly received, through the action of the perception on finer ethers in concentration on spirit and spiritual things, and that which is the actual impression of an operating spirit intelligence. CLAIRVOYANCE, 99 Thus, by such analysis, one will have acquired a facility for scientific methods and spiritual penetration far beyond the most ardent dreams, and besides, one will have attained the rapport of seers, seeing and perceiving in the sphere of clairvoyance and conscious- ness whether in the bodv or out of it. J 100 CLAIRVOYANCE. TENTH EXPERIMENT. As a test we offer this experiment: Make compari- sons of the specifications here enumerated and observe the sources and methods of reason and intuition. CLAIRVOYANCE. 101 LESSON XI. HOW THE SENSITIVE IS UNFOLDED In Clairvoyance. The Spirit's Laboratory. This theme is the most interesting as well as the most fascinating in the entire program of Teachings. First, because it reveals the modus operandi of spirit; and, secondly, because the law of adeptship is made practical and operative, The mystery of the law of medial unfold ment is in the fact that spirit is not understood. Were spirit and its nature known, the law of its manifestation and expression would not be involved in mystery; rather, all of its processes would be both open and simple. Viewing Nature from the spiritual plane of vision and operation, the spirit presents a most varied spectacle. It is as if Nature were a vast loom, in which the warp and woof were the life forces, on, through and in which psyche, the soul, by threads of light, so delicate and attenuated that no spectrum of earth could reveal them, weaves the manifestation of form. And so exact is the form as a representation of the idea of the essence or psyche, that, unless counteract- ing agencies mar the perfection of it, it is a copy of the psyche, so far as matter is able to plagiarize spirit 102 CLAIRVOYANCE. or the ideas of spirit. This, however, is most beauti- fully accomplished in the loom of Nature. Few flaws in her handiwork can be found. The chalice of the lily or rose is immaculate in conception and of spot- less purity. The planets and galaxies, as well as the tiniest atom, illustrate the Divinity of Nature and the superiority of her power. No thread fails to carry out the original purpose of the master mind. From the cloister of the spirit where its white light burns in pristine purity, to the shell where it glows in the form of matter, the integrity of the design is intact, and therefore faultless. Could you perceive this by observ- ing Nature in her own laboratory or workshop, you would form an idea or derive a plan of the operation of the spirit in the development of medial powers in sensitives and mediums. Nature is capable of develop- ing the sensitive by an invariable law, which, though slow in its action, is sure in its results; but spirit ex- carnate can assist Nature, that is, while neither in- creasing nor decreasing her balance of power, it can arrange conditions for her results. Let it not be for- gotten that the science of medial unfoldment is not contrary to but in harmony with Nature's law, and that it affords spirits the key to the end which she foreshadows. Thus, when a sensitive, by Nature's law, through experience and education, is ready for the office of adeptship to blossom forth into the practical work of a seer, sensitive or master, and thus discharge the duty which such an one may owe to Divinity, the necessary conditions for such an one's birth and work/ are formed. The kindred souls, those that are affini- tized to the person, and who have been, by a wise Providence, held within the sphere of such an one's CLAIRVOYANCE. 103 attractions, perceive that the hour of deliverance is ap- proaching, and great care is taken that such an one receives the best and finest thought waves and ethereal forces for the new birth or phase of work. The im- mediate time is the most serious and important, for then is- it the duty of the masters on the immortal side of life to see to it that the ph\ r sical frame or or- ganism is adapted to the changes which are being in- wrought. It is as if the person were being readjusted. Yet readjustment, in this respect, is not to be con- fused with Nature's purpose and law; for whatever may be the end or object of adeptship, Nature invar- iably amplifies and perfects it through her causation. What we mean by readjustment of the organism is the adaptation of the outward form to the sphere of the spirit excarnate, that is, in the natural sphere organism reflects what is within and external to spirit, it serves the spirit through matter rather than through the spiritual body, The outward or material form answers the needs of the spirit in its expression and this is why the spirit is "naturalized." The whole establishment of the senses and faculties, comprehended by human nature, is called into existence through the embodi- ment of psyche. Free of the plane of matter psyche needs no material form and no apparatus for reach- ing a material form, such as the nervous system or the sense system, but inasmuch as the sense realm is the reflex of the psyche realm, and could have no ex- is tence and manifestation were it not for their corres- pondencies or correspondency in psyche, the need of them becomes at once apparent. The order in the spir- itual world is the supersentient order in the natural world; that is, spirit incarnate acts outwardly and in- 104 CLAIRVOYANCE. wardly through materiality and a polarity establish- ed through the ratio of forces in their geometrical and algebraic expression in matter, while spirit excarnate in its operation upon matter reaches the sense plane inversely or reversely, as has been declared, through another but supersentient polarity. In the normal man the brain and mind are polarized to balance the subt- ler and finer pS3 r chic forces of the spirit. But in the readjustment the sensitives' organism is depolarized materially, so as to be capable of reflecting all that is possible with the excarnate spirit under its established polarity. This polarization of both planes is only possible with those whose natural sensitivenecs of the organism responds to either order of vibrations and where no injury will be done. Spirit acts normally in both realms, affording all that is needful to the per- fection of the expression of the sensitive so far as ma- teriality is concerned, and affording, also, all that is needful to the perfection of the excarnate spirit in the uses to which it puts adeptship. The organism and spirit of the sensitive are so adjusted to the spiritual body and spirit of the affinitizing spirit or spirits that its thought need but be reflected in the spirit of the sensitive, when the control is affected by the will of the spirit, to be vibrated through the harmonial planes and spheres of psychic, mental and organic spectra, and received in whatever form is designed. Sensitive-* ness is a state of mental receptivity as well as organic readjustment to ps3^chic planes of impressibility. The organism, being subject to the law of matter in the natural world, and the law of spirit in the spiritual world, is thus interacted upon, and the most perfect concentration of mind is necessary, where the organism CLAIRVOYANCE, 105 is not responsive to the will of the excarnate intelli- gence, or even where it is in perfect accord, so that no mar or jar may occur in the translation of the idea. Very few, indeed, even of the media, understand the delicacy of the relation, and thus errors are transmit- ted to the material plane and form a large percentage of the pabulum sent to hungry mortals by the spirit, which, were the concentration perfect, or were recep- tivity and impressibility absolute could altogether be avoided. Adeptship is but another name for the abil- ity of spirit to reflect through polarization in reverse relation to its normal life, by a perfect control of or- ganism, so far as its impressibility is concerned, and of mind so far as its receptivity is concerned, that which is given from the subjective, interior, spiritual sphere of Divinity; and enables an excarnate spirit to re- verse the normal order of spirit in the form and apply the process of action that obtains on the ethereal plane. Yet, in all the diversified forms of adeptship, the work of the excarnate spirit is affected by a con- formity to material laws, conditions and elements. Psychic force is used instead of instrumentalities. The sensitive is thus organized and prepared for his work and it is easily seen that the degree of the work done or to be done by the spirit depends entirely upon the absoluteness of the control or guidance. Where there is disharmony or pride, selfishness or vice to con- tend with, not only will the manifestations be impair- ed and distorted, if not dispersed, but the development will be retarted and violent. There is a divine signifi- cation to adeptship. It obeys a law of soul. It obeys a will as eternal and immutable as God. So let it be received. 106 CLAIRVOYANCE. The descent of this light from the higher spheres is a wonderful event to the spirit and it means much for the truth. In the spirit, where this birth or develop- ment is at first seen the process and travail are so delicate and rehned that it is seldom noticed or felt; but when the light reaches and hence operates on the form, in the transfusion and depolarization of the par- ticles of matter, and when the repolarization, in the spiritual sense, of the nerve centers takes place inverse- ly to their normal action, as when the birth throes act on the physical form, then there is more or less pain. Then is it that adeptship is reaching its normal and singular action. To effect this devolopment is to let spirit take its course. All development must be outwrought by the spirit's formula. Galvanic and hypnotic forces may eifect an apparent growth, but the process of incuba- tion in spiritualism is not the real means to the real end. Hypnotism is a dangerous expedient. Adeptship is spir- itual in its sphere, inception and office and can be reach- ed and unfolded best by Nature's invariable formula. Thus, when the masters who are ever alert for the chosen ones, behold any who are about to blossom into medial unfoidment, certain teachers, divinely ap- pointed for their work and qualified for their sphere of inspiration, select out of other affinitized spirits those who are consecrated to the office of adeptship and who, by the elements which they are able to give to the sensitive by means of an inter-psychic harmony, afford a sure and permanent basis of action. Where this guidance is not effected, a sensitive is subject, by a variable polarity of attractions and repulsions, to all kinds of influences, in and out of the body, CLAIRVOYANCE. 107 but where harmon} r of spirit and organism reigns, where the normal equilibrium of spirituality, through the power of self control, is attained, there is perfect action in the law and results of the law of adeptship. The sensitive's brain as a terrestrial magnet, is polar- ized by the magnet or battery of the finer forces, etherial in their nature; the spirits in concentration acting uniformly in thought, which responds spiritually to the poles of the sensitive's brain and the poles of the spirit's external batteries at a center (the solar plexus) of radiation. And thus, through this means, the phenomena, in the material and mental realm, are produced. To effect this polarity is the object of development; and when the physical vibrations in the action of the organism correspond to the mental vibrations in the action of the brain, and all harmonize with the thought of the spirits in the concentration of their forces and batteries, then a sensitive is ready for work. There is this to be said concerning the law that relates spirits to the media as guides cr messengers. There is no selection, as is commonly anticipated or understood among mortals, unless the selection be understood to be the pre-ordained arrangements of Nature. Guides, like atoms, have their attractions. They stand for and embody certain principles, and are as much within the influence of a sensitive to whom they are attracted as the gas designated ox- ygen is within the ethers of earth. There is cause and reason for all attractions. Each soul has its na- tural polarity in the attractions and repulsions of souls; all are not drawn to the same soul sphere nor to the same plane of revealment and manifestation of 108 CLAIRVOYANCE. thought. And as each soul finds its own in the neg- ative and positive relation, so each sensitive in the psychic sphere obeys the law which enspheres its be- loved angels. And as is the degree of the circle of the expression and collateral environments, so the psychic attractions. All great souls, on the excarnate side of life, reach to their own through the ramified and var- ious planes and spheres of spirit, and thus the triangle, the double triangle, or the square and the circle, illus- trate how, from one point to two and from two to one, three lines measure the square of materiality and the circle of spirituality, all souls on all planets re- sponding to one law that draws each and all to one divine center of life, light and love. CLAIR VO YANCE. 109 ELEVENTH EXPERIMENT. Make a clairvoyant reading. In making this ex- periment, use the following formula. Note the impres- sions and visions which impinge upon the mind as you touch or enter into communication with the person or thine. FORMULA. 1. Describe the person or thing; the person as to character, temperament and personality; the thing as to size, nature, material. 2. Describe the past, present and future. 3. As to person: Adaptation in life, mental and business endowments. As to thing: Location, migra- tions, uses. 4. As to person: Travel, sickness, changes, accidents, deaths. As to thing: History. 5. As to person: Who are friends or enemies and who are apt to be friends or enemies? As to thing: Its effect on life. 6. Describe the spirit that you see in and out of the body as to appearance. State names, ages, conditions. What message is given? As to thing: W T hat scenes and visions are evoked. 7. General remarks. 110 CLAIRVOYANCE. LESSON XII. The Higher Aspects of Clairvoyance. All powers of the spirit may be abused, that is, not used as the unchanging law of psyche designed. They may be subsidized for purposes which are temporal and not employed for ends which are divine. We here speak of the spiritual powers and of adeptship in contradistinction to talents or genius, or even psychom- etry in its restricted sense or uses; and therefore the sensitive should remember that whatever may be his phase or phases of adeptship, he will be held account- able for and the good that he attains will be perceived and determined by the consecration of these powers to their divine end. The fortune-teller, palmist, card reader, clairvoyante, are doing a work in a sense helpful to humanity, but, ignorant of the import of the science to which they owe their fortune and suc- cess, they pervert, either unknowingly or knowingly its sacred aims, and while vitiating public opinion, at the same time undermine the foundation of faith in the genuine manifestations and inspirations of the spirit. Much more should be said upon this all im- portant feature of the subject than would at first seem feasible, and yet the cause of truth will defend CLAIRVOYANCE. Ill itself by its own work against the enemies outside of or within its own household. The sensitive seeking clairvoyant development is too apt to be affected by the material uses to which clair- voyance can be put, and the practical ends to be at- tained thereby, than by the interior and spiritual blessings which follow a perfect consecration of one's powers to divine ends. Each one seems to be seeking for manifestations, to see something or somewhat, rather than to perceive the subjective or causal sphere of the operations of the spirit and the extended range of forces and principles which make up the sphere of the soul's life and Divinity. It is not to be deplored that this is so, nor is such seeking to be depreciated, but it is strange that all should not unfold a clairvoy- ance in the sphere of which the light and law of the spirit could be perceived and realized. The spirit manifestations on the objective planes and the spirit - ual manifestations in the subjective spheres have a purpose, and that purpose is in the formal way to reveal the expression and consciousness of the soul; not to hold one to a fixed kaleidoscope of phenomena and noumena, simply as an object of pleasure, but to impress upon each one through them the sense of duty. Thus there is a line of demarcation to be drawn be- tween a medium who literalizes or materializes spiritual things, and cares naught for or refuses to be led into the higher Teachings of the spirit, and one who, while recognizing the sphere of mediumship, yet consecrates all mediumship to Divinity; shows by teaching, behavior, works and perception that matter is the vessel into which the spirit pours its forces and 112 CLAIRVOYANCE. light, to open up the interior ps} r chic realms and place the mind upon heavenly things. To be able to see clairvoyantly and give trance or independent tests of spirit presences is well in its place but such work is altogether auxiliary to the real work and office of the spirit on both sides of life. Clairvoy- ance in its higher aspect is divination through a con- sciousness illumined and unfolded by spirituality. Spirituality without or with adeptship is the key to psychic realization. Adeptship through the mental and physical phases proves objectively the deathless consciousness, the pre and postmortem power of spirit, but spirituality here and everywhere makes this an experience and a realization. There are sensitives who are both unregenerate and material; that is, they have not yet been "born of the spirit," baptized with its own fire of inspiration. To those who, like Nico- demus, seek to understand the esoteric significance of the exoteric fact of birth, Jesus points not to the phenomena of embodiment through the generative processes of Nature, but to the awakening of the spirit as out of a sleep into a consciousness of spiritual being. And this awakening is attained through spirit- uality and leads to consecration. There is no question but that the mission of modern spiritualism is to place both spirit and medium ship in a sphere where their uses and purposes will be perceived, and where me- diums as well as their disciples will have no other propaganda than the inspirations of truth. When this shall have been attained, jealous}^, envy, spite, selfishness among the media and workers will have ceased, and the world will reap the peaceful benefits of a spotless and consecrated representation of the CLAIRVOYANCE. 113 forces of heaven. This is the higher aspect of clair- voyance as viewed from the standpoint of adeptship and the uses to which spiritual power should be put. There is, however, an aspect to clairvoyance as a factor of consciousness which we wish now to men- tion, and which, if fully understood, refers to benefits to sensitives and all who are interested in psychic development. If the exercise of adeptship in the sphere of clairvoyance has material advantages, surely there are spiritual that have not been real- ized. If clairvo3 r ance enables one to see spirits in and out of the body, time and space being no barriers, surely it also enables one to perceive the height, depth and breadth of the sphere of the spirit. And this is the all important aspect to which we wish to call your attention, for two reasons: First, that you may be divinely human in the uses to which you put con- science, will, faculties, functions and prerogatives; second- ly, that you may know your sphere and mission in the cosmos. That clairvoj-ance can procure 3 t ou these benefits is evidenced b} r the facts which it affords of divination. The consciousness, symbol of the All See- ing Eye, is free to perceive the fullness of God. In it God is reflected and revealed, but the quality of the re- flection and revelation depends altogether upon the grade of spirituality. As spirituality deepens and partakes more and more of the essence, it opens the sphere of spiritual light, and in that sphere the spirit per- ceives God. To perceive the object of the unchanging law is not to remove from one planet to another, nor to force the apotheosis by magic, if that could be done, but it is to look into psyche from the plane and 114 CLAIRVOYANCE. sphere in which you manifest, and unfolding yourself into the highest degree in the circle of your expression on earth, to utilize the light that belongs to you. For the mission of spirit through mediumship and adeptship is to show that you are as near to psyche here on this planet, as near to the principle of being, as near to God, as you ever can be, and that since you can really commune with the Divine Presence so you can spiritually commune with spirit in the sphere of consciousness. Forms but veil the spirit; they do not set it at naught; they but manifest it; they do not make communion impossible. The spirit when truly penetrated reveals the law of its embodiments and expressions, and this clairvoyance elaborates and elucidates. It is then man's privilege to penetrate the interior spirit of the universe and grow potent and divine through spirituality. This is the key to the realms on high, the happy gateway to the sky. This is the light of consciousness that men have said never was on sea or land, but is perceived within the curtain of the senses. This is the realm where as from a uni- versal, unchanging and eternal polarity souls swarm to catch the breath of the Light of the World. This is the heart of the White Rose, that fashions each petal white, that the eye may see the divinity of the spirit and know that spiritual unfoldment and realiz- ation lead to freedom, love and peace. CLAIRVOYANCE. 115 TWELFTH EXPERIMENT. Withhold nothing, but perceive how clairvoyance opens the sphere of life eternal in all worlds. Apply the rationale of clairvoyance to the vision and per- ception and enter the temple of the outermost and innermost Reality. 116 CLAIR VO YANCE. BENEDICTION. With this spirit of research you have naught to fear. The temple of wisdom and of the spirit is yours to possess and enjoy. In its pure, white light that burns at its altar there is no shadow or changing. Its inspiration is perfect, its power all embracing, its love surpassingly sweet. Within the cloister or cabinet of its walls angels meet with one accord and spirit; overarching it is unbounded love. Love is its oracle and her law is perfect. Thus make the anabasis of the soul, from the depth to the height, out of the sense realm into the spirit of all things, that the spirit may have no evil between it and God, but that Divin- ity and Humanit3 r may be one in Harmony, Light, Consciousness and Peace. Go forth, and as the chil- dren of the earth, bear your lillies to the upper light and the fragrance of spirituality will reward you for your toil. We shall breathe upon you the melodies of love until all things shall be fulfilled. Trust us! The Order Of The White Rose. AURAS AND C OLORS. An Esoteric Dictionary of Color Meanings, By J. C. F. GRUMBINE. This book on " Auras and Colors' ' contains the fol- lowing series of teachings: Lesson I — Auras, their Origin, Nature and Manifestation. Lesson II — The IM>stery and Mysticism of Color. Lesson III — The Psychology of Auric and Color Formations and Affini- ties. Lesson IV— The Finer Forces and How Per- ceived. Lesson V — The Spirit's Spectrum; how Auras are Manifested, Tinctured and Spiritualized. Lesson VI — Color Alchemization. Lesson VII — A concise Eso- teric Dictionary of Color Meaning. Lesson VIII — How to See and Feel the Aura. Lesson IX — The Photo- sphere and Atmosphere of Spirit. Lesson X — The Aureole or Nimbus of the Saints and Angels; a study of Spiritual Intercession and Introduction. Lesson XI— The Septonate and Illumination. Lesson XII — Light, Consciousness, Divinity. Price, 50c. Easy Lessons in Psychometry, Clairvoyance and Inspiration. By J. C. F. GRUMBINE. A helpful, luminous and concisely written book for busy people interested in the realization of the Divine. Price, 50c. "Immortality." TT is a quarterly, philosophical and occult magazine, and it occupies a unique and special field of labor and minis- tration. It is devoted to the a priori philosophy, is the ex- ponent of Universal Religion and enphasizes the metaphysics of Divine Science, Mental Science, Psychopathy, Theosophy, Occultism, Mysticism and Spiritualism, and is the organ of the Rosicrucians or the Order of the White Rose. It is edited by J. C. F. Grumbine, the author and lecturer, so favorably known to all students of the truth. The magazine contains as special features a homogeneous list of articles from the most brilliant cultists and exponents of these various sys- tems of philosophy and each number is worth the price of subscription. We aim to publish such articles as reflect illumination. Features of the magazine are the Editor's Tripod which is oracular and discusses in a Platonic spirit the leading ques- tions of the times. "The Academy" under the supervision of the editor, through whom is voiced certain rare illumina- tions from the Christ, Platonic and Hermetic sphere and these recitations and rays of divine truth are given in dia- logue through the mouth-piece of ancient seers, hierophants, philosophers, and illuminati. The series of lessons on "How to Unfold all Spiritual Powers" by the editor whose reputa- tion in that direction is world-wide and whose work is pre- eminently successful. This series begins in June number, Vol. II., No. 5. Our book review department is the mirror of the best and approved occult and new thought literature. Reasonable rates for space are furnished the teacher, healer and advertiser. Subscribe now. Subscriptions one dollar a year, single or sample copies 25c. Address Publisher, J. C. F. GRUMBINE, 1718 West Genesee St. Syracuse. N. Y. INE COLLEGE OF PSYCHIGHL SCIENCE AND UNFOLDMENT. J. C. F. Grumbine, President. Miss Loraine Follett, Sec'y and Treas., 1718 Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Board of Directors — Erastus C. Gaffield, L. W. Goode, Samuel L. Carr, Richard B. Gruelle, Dr. J. Swanson. Faculty— J. C. F. Grumbine, B. D., Chair of Metaphysics, Onotology and the Philosophy of Divinity. Mrs. Benjamin J. Harnett, Chair of Sanscrit Literature and Oriental Philosophy. Miss Lucy C. McGee, Ph. B. M. A., Chair of the New Psychology and the Philosophy of Color and Color Forces. Mrs. Etta McK. Mayr, Chair of the Psychology of Music. W. J. Colville, Chair of Mental Science and Healing. Dr. Herbert Parkym, Chair of Suggestive Therapeutics. SPECIAL NOTICE. This school is the only one of its kind in the world, is conducted by J. C. F. GRUMBINE, the author and lecturer. It is devoted exclusively to the System of Philosophy, concerning Divinity, and is connected with the Order of the White Rose, branch of the Rosicrucians. The secrets and mysteries ol Magic and Occultism are revealed; the mystic and potential powers of Divinity, such as Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Inspiration, Psychopathy, Ontology, Hypnotism, Telepathy and Illumination are made operative and practical. Teachings are arranged for out of town students and belong to the College Extension Department. Realization is thus assured in the student's home. The following is the series: TEACHINGS BY CORRESPONDENCE. THE SERIES BY MAIL. FIRST.— PSYCHOMETRY. Sixteen lessons. Ten Experi- ments. Advanced Teachings. Three months' Course, followed by a Post-Course of Four Lessons. Price for Series $12.75 SECOND.— CLAIRVOYANCE. Eight Lessons. Eight Ex- periments. Advanced Teachings. Three months' Course. Price for Series 28.75 THIRD.— INSPIRATION. Twelve Lessons. Ten Experi- ments. Advanced Teachings. Three months' Course. Price for Series 12.75 FOURTH.— PSYCHOPATHY. Twelve Lessons. Advanced Teachings. Three months' Course. Price for Series 12.75 FIFTH.— ILLUMINATION. Twelve Lessons. No Experi- ments. Advanced Teachings. Three months' Course. Price for Course 12.75 None of these series are published in book form and can only be procured through the College of Psyschical Science. For booklet and circulars, Percentage of Psj-chical Power, send a stamped, addressed envelope to J. C. F. GRUMBINE, 1718 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. ft A Book of the Century. (SECOND EDITION.) By J. C. F. Grumbine. ilNCE the publication of Emanuel Swedenborg's books, no ^ greater and more valuable work has appeared than the one entitled "Clairvoyance, Its Nature and Law of Unfoldment," J. C. F. Grumbine. It is a System of inspired teachings concerning Di- vinity, especially Clairvoyance, and how to unfold the clairvoyant vision, to pierce the veil" of sense, see and converse with spirits, enter at will into the spiritual world and become a seer and an adept in mystical science. RECENT BOOK NOTICES. Mr. Grumbine has clearly and logically presented his subject in a manner at once simple and profound. — "Suggestions." "Your work is marvelous, epoch-making." — Lillian Whiting, Bos- ton Correspondent to Chicago Inter-Ocean. "Admirably unfolds the law and nature of Clairvoyance." — Chi- cago Inter-Ocean. "A remarkable book. Originality and depth of thought, com- bined with perspicuity, characterize every page. It is evident in every sentence that this volume is the offspring of inspiration." — Progressive Thinker, "I consider the book on Clairvoyance a most remarkable and practical work on development. It harmonizes well with the Hermetic Schools of Philosophy, in which I learned the mysteries of adeptship." — Prof. George W. Walrond, Astrologer. "It is the best work on the subject of Clairvoyance thus far, and points out an alluring goal of true spiritual development." — Mind, New York City. "It is a revelation." — Light, London, Eng. "There has recently appeared in print an important and most instructive volume on 'Clairvoj-ance, Its Nature and Law of Un- foldment,' from the truly inspired pen of our gifted brother, J. C. F. Grumbine, who writes as the exponent of the Spiritual Or- der of the White Rose. The lessons which constitute the vol- ume are of great use and interest to all who desire to familiarize themselves both with the clearest scientific view of Clairvoyance yet presented to the reading public, and the most efficacious means of developing the faculty in themselves by means of a series of simple and very practical experiments, which many of Mr. Grumbine's students in various places have found highly beneficial in many ways, besides being conducive to attaining the central object for which they are designed. All sincere students of the psychic realm will do well to read and study this excellent volume." — W. J. Colville. The Banner of Light, Boston. Published in golden cloth and sold on order through all book- stalls or an authorized representative of the Rosicrucians, the Order of the White Rose. Send P. O. Order (payable at Syracuse, N. Y.) to J. C. F. Grum- bine, 1718 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. Ask your city librarian and bookdealer for it. PRICE S3. 00. ••••••THE ORDER OF— ••© THE WHITE ROSE. ~t— h BRANCHES. This Spiritual Order is mystic and Rosicrueian, therefore it is non-partisan and non-sectarian. It has two branches, the Spirit- ual Order of the Red Rose, which is the exoteric branch, and the Spiritual Order of the White Rose, which is the esoteric branch, both of which form, or rather lead to The Order of the White Rose, which is the celestial or main branch of the Order. Organization of Chapters of the College of Psychical Sciences and Unfoldment. All who are interested in the cause of universal religion and the ideal of the Order are cordially invited to support the local chap- ters by becoming members. Chapters or members of chap- ters can be found in nearly every centre of civilization in the Western World, and by communicating with the General Secre- tary, Miss Loraine Follett, 1718 West Genessee Street, Syracuse, N. Y., membership can be obtained where you can succeed the best in your personal efforts and aims. THE ORDER OF THE WHiTE ROSE. OBJECTS. FIRST. A spiritual organization to establish Universal Relig- ion generically set forth in the Teachings of the Order of the White Rose, which form a System of Philosophy concerning Divin- ity, and, as further expressed in the spirit of truth contained in the sacred books of all ethnic or racial religions. SECOND. To help humanity to realize, express and control its innate, divine powers as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clair- sentience, psychometry, inspiration, intuition, telepathy, prophesy, prevision, prescience, healing, suggestion, ideality, will, adeptship, illumination, so that error, disease and evil may be checked and avoided and a divine manhood and womanhood be possible. THIRD. To unite kindred spirits by bonds of mutual labor and ministration, so that communion may be a source of profit, mental exaltation and spiritualization, and that the objects and aims of the Order may be advanced and consummated. FOURTH. To meet in the openness of spiritual understand- ing and fellowship and in the silence assist all who are willing and prepared to receive the power of the spirit; this labor to be one of loving ministration. FIFTH. To establish and maintain as a center of propo- ganda and discipleship, "The College of Psychical Sciences and Unfoldment," where students may be taught the path to Nirvana (freedom or bliss) by the teachers of the College, and where they can receive such wisdom through tuition, discipleship and medi- tation as will qualify them for their career. SIXTH. To inform the outer through the spirit of the inner world by telepathy and correspondence, and thus develop the po- tential divinity latent in all mankind. SEVENTH. To organize and foster chapters of the Order where the local work can be conducted through study classes and public meetings and where central flames of light -will be kept burning for all who need guidance. EIGHTH. To promote the success of all similar and kindred organizations by whatever name and in whatever country, realiz- ing that whoever is not against us is for us and that all life is one though men call it variously. NINTH. The Order of the White Rose, the chapters and societies eschew politics and members are urgently requested to foster and maintain its character at all times and in all places. No person's religious or political opinions are asked or compro- mised. MEMBERSHIP TO CHAPTERS. 1. Any active student of "The College of Psychical Sciences and Unfoldment," or graduate of the College or member ot the Order. 2. Dues are twenty-five cents monthly. PRESIDENT. J. C. F. Grumbine, 1718 W. Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. ENDOWMENT FUND. The Order solicits an endowment fund to be set apart for in- digent students, whereby they may receive free the Teachings and Publications of the Order of the White Rose and the College of Psychical Sciences. Mr. Grumbine will act as trustee for said fund. PUBLICATIONS. All publications of the Order of the White Rose are free to its members. Members are graduates. SENDING MONEYS FOR TEACHINGS. All moneys should be made payable to J. C. F. Grumbine, Syracuse, N. Y. NEW II ON PHI PSYGHOMETRY By J. C. F. GRUMBINE. CONTENTS. 1. Introduction. 2. Special Rules and Conditions to be observed. 3. Mediumship and the Spiritual Gifts. 4. The Soul, Its Own Oracle and Law. 5. How to See and Perceive with the Interior or Spiritual Vision. 6. Concentration and Centralization. 7. Sittings. What They Signify. 8. The Silence. The Voice. Divinity. As this is the only practical work of its kind, and the Teacher and Author has been requested by his thousands of students to prepare a primer or text book for the neophyte, the book is destined to satisfy a long felt need. "We could desire nothing better than that every society in England had a copy of this excellent work. The writer may produce more books but better, we do not think, can possibly be hoped for."— Editor The Torch, England. Published in paper and sent postpaid for 50 cents. J. C. F. GRUMBINE, Syracuse, N. Y. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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