Qouhs Tog^dcK OTgdj eihs aurocpucs (fXtnuJV
lov o^ iKTvncolov tfK \myvovTtS
relates, that M wlicn Milton went to fchoole, and
when lie whs very younge, lie fludied very hard, and fate up
very late, commonly tiP twelve or one o'clock; and his father
( rdcred the maid to felt up for him." MS. Afhnol. Muf. ut fupr.
His early reading was in poetical books. See the Notes on the
began ; from which he was not to be deterred either
by the natural debility of his eyes, or by his frequent
head-aches. The union of genius and application
in the fame perfon was never more confpicuous.
In 1623 he produced his firft poetical attempts,
the Tr (inflations of the 1 \4th and 1 36th Pfalms, to
which, as to fome other juvenile productions, he has
annexed the date of his age. It has been uncandidly
fuppofed, that he intended, by this method, to ob-
trude the earlinefs of his own proficiency on the
notice of pofterity. Dr. Johnfon calls it " a boq/i,
of which Politian has given him an example." Mil-
ton and Politian have followed claffical authority,
Lucan u thus fpeaks of himfelf ;
" Eft mihi, crede, meis animus conftantior annis,
* Quamvis nunc juvenile decus mihi pingere malas
H Coeperit, et nondum vicefima venerit aeftas."
But who will deny, that in thefe Tranflations the
dawning of real genius may be difcerned; or that
his Ode, On the death of a fair Infant, written
foon after, difplays, as a poetical compofition, the
vigour and judgement of maturer life, and affects,
by its fenfibility, the feeling mind ! The verfes alfo,
At a Vacation Exercife in the College, written at
the age of nineteen, have been repeatedly and juftly
noticed as containing indications of the future bard,
Tranflations of the 114th and 136'thPfalms in the feventh volume
of this edition. Humphry Lownes, a printer, living in the fame
ureet with his father, fupplied him at leaft with Spenfer and
Sylvefter's Du Bartas.
u Lucanus de feipfo, in Panesyrico ad Calpurnium Pifonem.
Epigr. % Poem. Vet. Paris, 1590, p. 121,
" whole genius was equal to a fubject that carried
him beyond the limits of the world."
Few readers will be inclined to admit that Cowley
and other poets have furpaffed, in " products of
vernal fertility," the efforts of Milton. Few will regard,
without averiion, the unfair x comparifon of Milton's
juvenile effufions with thofe of Chatterton. Milton,
as he is the moft learned of modern poets, may per-
haps retain his princely rank alfo in the lift of thofe
who have written valuable pieces at as early or an
earlier age ; and Politian, Taflb, Cowley, Metaftafio,
Voltaire, and Pope, may bow to him, " as to fupe-
riour Spirits is due."
In the 17th year of his age, diftinguilhed as a
clafiical fcholar, and converfant in feveral languages,
he was fent, from St. Paul's School, to Cambridge ;
and was y admitted a Peniioner at Chrift College on
the 112th of February, 16124-5, under the tuition of
Mr. William Chappel, afterwards Biihop of Cork
and Rofs in Ireland. Here he attracted particular
notice by his academical exercifes, as well as by
feveral copies of verfes, both Latin and Englifh, upon
occafional fubjects. He neglected indeed no part of
literature, although his chief object feems to have
been the cultivation of his poetical abilities. " This
good hap I had from a careful education," he fays ;
" to be inured and feafoned betimes with the beft
* In the Biograph. Brit. vol. iv. p. 59 1. edit. Kippis.
y '* Johannes Milton, LondinenQs, filius Johannes, inftitutus
fuit in Literarum dementis fub Mag ro . Gill, Gymnafii Paulini
Praefe&o, admifiug eft Penflonarim Minor Feb. 12°. 1624, fub
M ro . Chappell, folvitque pro Ingr, 0. 10. 8." Ext raft from the
College ltcgijlcr.
and eleganteft authors of the learned tongues ; and
thereto brought an ear that could meafure a just
cadence, and fcan without articulating ; rather nice
and humourous in what was tolerable, than patient
to read every drawling vernfier."
To his eminent ikill, at this time, in the Latin
tongue Dr. Johnfon affords his tribute of commen-
dation. " Many of his elegies appear to have been
written in his eighteenth year ; by which it appears
that he had then read the Roman authors with nice
difcernment. I once heard Mr. Hampton, the trans-
lator of Polybius, remark, what I think is true, that
Milton was the firft Englifhman who, after the re-
vival of letters, wrote Latin verfes with claffick ele-
gance." Milton's Latin exercifes, which he recited
publickly, are alio marked with char after iftick ani-
mation, From fome remarkable paffages in thefe, as
Mr. Hay ley obferves, it appears " that he was firft
an object of partial fever ity, and afterwards of ge-
neral admiration, in his college. He had differed
in opinion concerning a plan of academical ftudies
with fome perfons of authority in his College, and
thus excited their difpleafure. He fpeaks of them
as highly incenfed againft him ; but expreffes, with
the moft liberal fenfibility, his furprife, delight, and
gratitude, in finding that his enemies forgot their,
animolity to honour him with unexpected applaufe."
But incidents unfavourable to the character of
Milton, while a ftudent at Cambridge, have been
pofitively afferted to be contained in his own words ;
and the poet has been fummoned to prove his own
flagellation and banifhment in the following verfes, in
bis firft elegy :
" Jam nee arundiferum mihi cura revifere Camum,,
<£ Nee dudum vet it i me lark angit amor. —
" q The neceffary trouble of correcting the firft printed
meets of my hiftory, prevented me to-day from paying a
proper refpecl: to the memory of Shakfpeare, by attending
his jubilee. But I was refolved to do all the honour in my
power to as great a poet ; and fet out in the morning in
company with a friend to vifit a place, where Milton fpent
fome part of his life, and where, in all probability, he com-
pofed feveral of his car lie ji productions. It is a fmall village
on a pleafant hill, about three miles from Oxford, called
Foreft Hill, becaufe it formerly lay contiguous to a foreft,
which has fince been cut down. The poet chofe this place
of retirement after his firrt marriage, and he defcribes the
beauties of his retreat, in that fine paffage of his L' Allegro :
Sometime walkings not unfeen,
By hedge-row elms, on hillocks green, —
While the plowman near at hand,
Y\ nifties o'er the furrow'd land,
And the milk-maid fingeth blithe,
And the mower whets his lithe.
And every ihepherd tells his tale
Under the haw thorn in the dale.
Straight mine eye hath caught new plealuic.-.
Whilft the landfkip round it meafures ;
Rllfiet lawns, and fallows gray,
A\ here the nibbling flocks do itray ;
Mountains, on whole barren bread
The labouring clouds do often refl ;
* Lord Tcignmouth's Life of Sir William Jones, i-vo. edit. p. 83.
Meadows trim with daifies pide,
Shallow brooks, and rivers wide :
Towers and battlements it fees
Bofom'd high in tufted trees-
Hard by, a cottage chimney fmoaks,
From betwixt two aged oaks, &c.
" It was neither the proper feafon of the year, nor time
of the day, to hear all the rural founds, and fee all the ob-
jects mentioned in this defcription ; but, by a pleafing con-
currence of circumftances, we were fainted, on our approach
to the village, with the muiic of the mower and his fcythe ;
we faw the ploughman intent upon his labour, and the milk-
maid returning from her country employment.
" As we afcended the hill, the variety of beautiful objects,
the agreeable itillnefs and natural fimplicity of the whole
fcene, gave us the higheft pleafure. We at length reached
the fpot, whence Milton undoubtedly took tnoji of his images ;
it is on the top of the hill, from which there is a raoft exten-
iive profpeCt on all fides : the diitant mountains that feemed
to fupport the clouds, the villages and turrets, partly lliaded
with trees of the fineft verdure, and partly raifed above the
groves that furrounded them, the dark plains and meadows
of a greyifh colour, where the iheep were feeding at large, in
fhort, the view 7 of the ftreams and rivers, convinced us that
there was not a tingle ufelefs or idle word in the above-men-
tioned defcription, but that it was a moil exact and lively
reprefentation of nature. Thus will this fine paffage, which
has always been admired for its elegance, receive an addi-
tional beauty from its exactnefs. After we had walked, with
a kind of poetical enthufiafm, over this enchanted ground,
we returned to the village.
" The poet's house was clofe to the church; the greateit
part of it has been pulled down ; and what remains, belongs
to an adjacent farm. I am informed that feveral papers in
Milton's own hand, were found by the gentleman who was
laft in poffeffion of the eftate. The tradition of his having
lived there is current anions the villagers : one of them
{hewed us a ruinous wall that made part of his chamber, and
I was much pleafed with another who had forgotten the
name of Milton, but recollected him by the title of The
" It muft not be omitted, that the groves near this village
are famous for nightingales, which are fo elegantly defcribed
in the Penferofo. Moil of the cottage windows are over-
grown with fweet-briars, vines, and honey-fuckles ;, and, that
Milton's habitation had the fame ruftick ornament, we may
conclude from his defcriptjon of the lark bidding him good-
Through the fweet-briar or the vine,
Or the twifted eglantine :
for it is evident, that he meant a fort of honey-fuckle by the
eglantine ; though that word i9 commonly ufed for the
fweet-briar, which he could not mention twice in the fame
t( If ever I pafs a month or fix weeks at Oxford in the
furnmer, 1 mall be inclined to hire and repair this venerable
manfion, and to make a feftival for a circle of friends, in
honour of Milton, the moft perfect fcholar, as well as the
fublimeft poet, that our country ever produced. Such an
honour will be lefs fplendid, but more fmcere and refpe&ful,,
*hiui all the pomp and ceremony on the banks of the Avon.
w I have the honour, Sic."
Thit Milton refided at Foreft Hill, I am ready to
admit ; but at periods, I conceive, far diitant from
the composition of L Allegro and II Penferofo. The
tradition that he did rcfide at this beautiful and
beautifully comphtfeuhs, libenter et cupide comeflatum ire." Epift.
B. Bommathao. Profe-Works, vol. iii. p. 325. ed. 1698.
f Itolli has made the following remark on the commendatory
notices of his countrymen. " OfTervifli nclle lodi dagl* Italiani
date a quefto grand Uomo ; com' efli fin d' allora fcorgevano in
lui 1' aha forza d' Ingegno che lo portava al primo Auge di gloria
letteraria nel fuo Secolo c nella fua Nazione; e gliene facevano
gli avverati I'rognoftici." Vita di Milton, 1735. Dennis pays
much compliment to the difcernment of the Italians who dif-
COvered| while Milton was among them, his great and growing
geniut. Set- his Original Letters, &c. 1721, vol. i. p. 78, 80.
k Milton's Smaller Poems, 2d edit. p. 555. But Milton mo-
tions this friend in a letter to Carlo Dati, Epift. Turn. x.
palace of the Trinita de' Monti. Here he remained
five months. Having retracted his opinion, he was
difmifled from Rome ; and the houfe of Monfignor
Piccolomini in Sienna was affigned to him as his
prifon. About the beginning of December, in 1633,
he was liberated ; and returned to the village of Bel-
loguardo near Florence, whence he went to Arcetri,
where, it is probable, he received the vifit of the
Englilh bard. Milton himfelf has informed us that
he had really feen Galileo ; and Rolli, in his Life of
the poet, h confiders lbme ideas in the Paradife LoJl 9
approaching towards the Newtonian philofophy, to
have been caught at Florence from Galileo or his
From Florence he palTed through Sienna to Rome,
where he alio ftayed two months ; feafting, as Dr.
Newton well obferves, both his eyes and his mind,
and delighted with the fine paintings, and fculptures,
and other rarities and antiquities, of the city. It has
been judicioufly conjectured, that feveral of the im-
mortal works of the flneft painters and itatuaries may
be traced in Milton's poetry. They are fuppofed by
Mr. Hayley to have had confiderable influence in
attaching his imagination to our firft parents. " He
had moft probably contemplated them," the elegant
writer continues, " not only in the colours of Michael
Angelo, who decorated Rome with his picture of the
creation, but in the marble of Bandinelli, who had
executed two large ftatues of Adam and Eve, which,
though they were far from fatisfying the tafte of con-
h " In Firenze cortamente egli apprefe dagli Scritti e dalle
Maffimc del Galileo invalorite gia ne' di lui Seguaci, quelle No-
zioni filofofiche fparfe . poi nel Poema, che tanto fi uniforraano
ai Siftema del Cavalier Newton/' Vita, &c. 1735.
noitTeurs, might ftimulate even by their imperfections
the genius of a poet." The deicription of the creation
in the third book of Paradifc Lojl, (ver. 708, 719,)
is fuppofed by * Mr, Walker to be copied from the
fame fubjecl; as treated by Raphael in the gallery of
the Vatican, called " la Bibbia di Raffaello." There
are indeed feveral interefting pictures relating to
Adam and Eve in the Florence collection, together
with " the fall of Lucifer" fuppofed to be the work
of Michael Angrelo, which Milton might have alio
feen. Mr. Dunfter ingenioufly k conjectures the Pa-
radife Regained to have been enriched by the fuggef-
tions of Salvator Rofas mafterly painting oiTlieTemp-
tation. The genius of Milton feems indeed to have
refembled more particularly that of Michael Angelo.
It is worthy of notice, as it mows a ftrong coincidence
of tafte in the poet and the painter, that Michael
Angelo was particularly ftruck with Dante; and that
he is faid to have ' iketched with a pen, on the margin
of his copy of the Inferno, every ftriking fcene of
the terrible and the pathetick; but this valuable
curiofity was unfortunately loft in a fhipwreck. The
learned author of " Tableaux tires de 1" Iliade, de
T ( )dyfsee d' Homcre, et de V Eneide de Virgile," was
never more miftakcn than in fuppofing the Paradifc
Loft incapable of fapplying an artiit with fcenes as
graceful and fublime as can be met with in the poems
of the Grecian and Roman bards: for, in the words
of Mr. Hayley, there is no charm exhibited by
painting which Milton's poetry has failed to equal,
1 Hiii. Mem. on Italian Tragedy, p. iC6.
; Addition to his edit, ol" Var. Reg. 1800.
\ s k
* Gentleman's Magazine, July 1792, p« 6l5. And I learn,
from the obliging information of Mr. Nichols, that this Bible
is now in t he poftrfTion of the Rev. Mr. Blackburn, fun of the
late Archdeacon Blackburn who wrote the Remarks on Dr.
Johnfon's, Life of Milton, l2 ,no Lond. 1/80,
The authenticity of the remarks, and of the Bible
having belonged to Milton, has indeed been y ques-
tioned ; but has been defended not without confider-
able force, by the communicator himfelf, and by
other writers in the valuable mifcellany, in which the
information has been given; to the demonftrations
and conjectures of -whom I refer the reader 2 .
Before we attend to the bufier fcenes of life, in
which Milton, now returned to his native country,
became engaged; let me be permitted to lament
that he never executed the fcheme, which he once
propofed to himfelf in his animated lines to Manfb,
of a " embeliifhing original tales of chivalry, of cloth-
ing the fabulous achievements of the early Britiih
kings and champions in the gorgeous trappings of
epick attire," The delight which he had derived
from the military tales of Italy now perhaps funk into
neglect; though never into forgetfulnefs. In his lateft
poems he feems to look back, not without an eye of
fond regard, to the more diftinguimed compofitions
of this kind; and certainly with ample teftimony of
the attention, with which he had itudied (to ufe his
own words) " thofe lofty fables and romances that
recount in folemn cantos the deeds of knighthood \"
At his return he heard of the death of his beloved
friend and fchoolfellow, Charles Diodati. And he
lamented his lofs in that elegant eclogue, the Epita-
y Gent. Mag. Sept. 1792, p. 789.
2 Gent. Mag. Otf. 1792, p. 900. And Ibid. Gent. Mag.
February 1793, p. 106. Gent. Mag. March 1800, p. 199.
* See Mr. Warton's Preface to the Smaller Poems.
b See particularly P, L. B. i. 579, &c. P. R. B. iii. 336, Sec.
phium Damo)iis, which Mr. Warton has fuccefsfully
defended a^ainit the cold remark of Dr. Johnibn c .
He now hired a lodging in St. Bride's Church-yard,
Fleet-itreet ; where he undertook the education of his
lifters lions, John and Edward Phillips, d " the firft
ten, the other nine years of age; and in a year's
time made them capable of interpreting a Latin
author at light." Finding his houfe not fufficiently
large for his library and furniture, he took a hand-
fome e garden-houfe in Alderfgate-ftreet, fituated at
the end of an entry, that he might avoid the noife
and dilturbance of the ftreet. Here he received into
his houfe a few more pupils, the fons of f his moft
intimate friends ; and he proceeded, with cheerful-
nefs, in the nobleft employment of mankind, that of
initructing others in knowledge and virtue. " As
he was fevere on one hand," fays Aubrey, " fo he
was moft familiar and free in his converfation to thofe
c Note at the end of the poem.
d Aubrey's MS.
e From the Note figned II. in Dr. Johnfon's Life of Milton,
Lives of the Poets, ed. 1794-, vol. i. p. 130, it appears, that there
were many of thefe garden-hou/et^ i. e. houfes fituated in a garden,
efpeciallv in the north fuburbs of London; and that the term is
technical, frequently occurring in the Athen. and Fa ft. Oxon.
The annotator adds, that the meaning may be collected from
the article Thomas Farnabe, the famous fchoolmafter; of whom
the author fays, that he taught in Goldfmith's-rents, in Cripple-
gate pariih, behind Redcrok-ftreet, where were large gardens and
handfome houfes: Milton's houfe in Jewin-itreet was alfo a
garden-houjty as were indeed moil of his dwellings after his {q\~
tlement in London.
f See the laft Note on Lawes's Dedication of Comus to Lord
F- ruck by
whom he muft ferve in his way of education." His
younger nephew has related the method of his in-
struction, and the books employed, Of the Latin,
the four authors concerning hufbandry, Cato, Varro,
Columella, and Palladius ; Cornelius Celfus, the
phyucian; a great part of Pliny's natural hiftory;
the Architecture of Vitruvius ; the Stratagems of
Frontinus ; and the philofophical poets, Lucretius
and Manilius. Of the Greek, Hefiod; Aratus's
Phenomena and Diofemeia ; Dionyfius Afer de fitu
orbis ; Oppian's Cynegeticks and Halieuticks ; Quin
tus Calaber's poem of the Trojan war, continued
from Homer; Apollonius Rhodius's Argonauticks ;
and in profe Plutarch's Placita philofophorum, and
of the Education of children; XenophonV Cyro-
pa?dia and Anabafis ; JElian's Tacticks ; and the
Stratagems of Polyaenus. Nor did this application
to the Greek and Latin tongues impede the cultiva-
tion of the chief oriental languages, the Hebrew,
Chaldee, and Syriack, lb far as to go through the
Pentateuch, to make a good entrance into the Tar-
gum or Chaldee paraphrafe, and to underftand fe-
veral chapters of St. Matthew in the Syriack Tefta-
ment; befides the modern languages, Italian and
French ; and a knowledge of mathematicks and aftro-
nomy. The Sunday exercife of his pupils was, prin-
cipally, to read a chapter of the Greek Teftament,
and to hear his learned expofition of it: to which
was added the writing, from his dictation, fome part
of a fyftem of divinity, which he had collected from
the ableft divines who had written upon the fubjecl.
From the rigid attention which fuch a fyftem required
he occafionally relaxed ; and once in three or four
weeks the hard itudy and fpare diet, of which he was
an eminent example to his pupils, gave way to the
regale of a gaudy day with fome young gentlemen
of his acquaintance ; the chief of whom, fays
his nephew, were Mr. Alphry and Mr. Miller, the
beaus of thofe times, but nothing near fo bad as thofe
now-a-days !" Thefe were the feafons in which Milton
" refolved to drench in mirth that, after, no repent-
ing draws," and in which he would not forfeit his
pretenfions of admiflion into the train of the true
Euphrofyne :
" In thy right hand lead with thee
" The mountain-nymph, fweet Liberty ;
u And, if I give thee hononr due,
" Mirth, admit me of thy crew ;
" To live with her, and live with thee,
u In unreproved pleajures free."
It feems uncandid in Dr. Johnfon to have ridiculed
the academick inftitutions of Milton with the title of
the " wonder-working academy," becaufe no man
very eminent for knowledge proceeded from it, and
becaufe Philips's fmall hiitory of poetry, as he g inac-
curately ftates, is its only genuine product. The
merit of Milton's intention cannot be denied, however
the mode of education, which he purfued, may per-
haps be juftly thought impracticable. His nephew,
with great fpirit and affection, obferves that, if his
pupils h " had received his documents with the fame
acutenefs of wit and apprehenfion, the fame induftry,
alacrity, and thirft after knowledge, as the Inftru&or
was endued with, what prodigies of wit and learning
« See this point further difcufled in the prefent Account.
* Life of Milton, p. xix.
might they have proved ! The fcholars might in fome
degree, have come near to the equalling of the
Mafter, or at leaft have in fome fort made good
what he feems to predict in the clofe of an elegy he
made in the feventeenth year of his age, upon the
death of one of his filter's children, a daughter, who
died in her infancy :
Then thou, the mother of fo fweet a child,
Her falfe-imagin'd lofs ceafe to lament,
And wifely learn to curb thy forrows wild ;
This if thou do, he will an offspring give,
That, to the world's laft end, mall make thy name to live. J>
But, though thus employed in the education of
youth, Milton now began to facrifice his time to the
harm and crabbed employment of controverfy. In
In 1641 the clamour ran high againft the bifhops,
and in that clamour he joined, by publiihing a treatife
Of Reformation, in two books ; being willing to affift
the Puritans in their defigns againft the eftabliihed
Church, who, as he informs us in his Second De-
fence, were inferiour to the bifhops in learning. We
are to re coll eel; that Milton had before attacked the
epifcopal clergy, and had even anticipated the exe-
cution of Archbifhop Laud, in his Lycidas, written
before he was twenty-nine years old. The antipathy,
then clothed in an allegorick veil, now burft into
expreffions of elaborate and undifguifed inveclive,
Of the innovations, caufed in the ceremonies of the
Church by Laud, and which excited the animad-
version of Milton, it may not be improper here to
obferve, that it has been * faid by a great fcholar,
* See the Europ. Magazine, vol. xxviii. p. 379*
and moft excellent hiftorian in ecclefiaftical no lefe
tlian in civil matters, that every ceremony, of which
Laud enforced the obfervation, is to be found in the
ritual of Andrews, biihop of Winchefter, who was
ityled the antipapiftical prelate. Laud, in his fpeech
delivered at the Star-Chamber, when he paffed judg-
ment on Baltwick, Burton, and Prynne, thus vindi-
cates himfelf, p- 4, &c. ka I can fay it clearly and
truly as in the prefence of God, I have done no-
thing, as a prelate, to the uttermoft of what I am
confcious, but with a fingle heart, and with a fincere
intention for the good government and honour of the
Church, and the maintenance of the orthodox truth
and religion of Chrift profeffed, eftablifhed, and main-
tained in this Church of England. For my care of
this Church, the reducing of it into order, the up-
holding of the externall worfhip of God in it, and
the fetling of it to trie rules of its firft reformation,
are the caufes (and the fole caufcs, whatever are
pretended,) of this malicious Jiorme, which hath
lowered fo black upon ?ne, and fome of my brethren.
And in the meane time they, which are the only or
the chief innovators of the Chriftian world, having
nothing to fay, accufe us of innovation ; they them-
felves and their complices in the meane time being
the greateji innovators that the Chriftian world hath
ulmoft ever known. I deny not but others have
k " A Speech delivered tn the Starrc-Chamber, on Wednefday
the \iv' h of June, MDCXXXVII, at the cenfureof John Baftwick,
Henry Burton, and William Prinn ; concerning pretended Inno-
vations in the Church. % the moft reverend father in God,
William, L. Archlalhop of Canterbury. London, printed by
)! Badger, i0'37."
fpread more dangerous errors in the Church of
Chrifl ; but no men, in any age of it, have been
more guilty of innovation than they, while themfelves
cry out againft it : Quis tulerit Gracchos ? And I
faid wel, Quis tulerit Gracchos ? For 'tis moft ap-
parent to any man that will not winke, that the in-
tention of thefe men, and their abettors, was and is
to raife afedition ; being as great incendiaries in the
State (where they get power) as they have ever
been in the Church; Novatian himfelfe hardly
greater. Our maine crime is (would they all fpeake
out, as fome of them do,) that we are bifhops ; were
we not fo, fome of us might be as paflable as other
men." To thole, who would examine attentively the
ecclefiaftical controverfy of this period, I recommend
the perufal of the whole fpeech.
In 1641, the eloquent Hall, bifhop of Norwich,
having publiihed an Humble Remonftrance in favour
of Epifcopacy, five minifters, under the title of
Smeclymnuus, a word formed from the firft letters of
their 1 names, wrote an Anfwer ; of which Arch-
bifhop Ufher publifhed a Confutation. To this
Confutation Milton replied in his Treatile Of Pre-
latical Epifcopacy. And, although he has ungrace-
fully claffed the archbifhop's Confutation with " fome
late treatifes, one whereof goes under the name of
James, Lord Bifhop of Armagh," he has, in his next
publication, complimented the excellent prelate for
1 Stephen Marfhail, Edmund Calamy, Thomas Young (Mil-
ton's preceptor), Matthew Newcomen, and William Spurftow,
the initial letter of whofe Chriftian name is quaintly divided, in
order to produce this celebrated word ! This is to be enumerated
among the few playful tricks of fanaticifm.
his learning. With fuch an adverfary as Ufher, in*
deed, which of the Smeclymnuans would have dared
to cope? This enterpriie none could partake with
Milton. Vehement as he was in his reply to the
two biihops, he alio enlarged this topick of purita-
nical zeal in another performance, entitled The Rea-
fon of Church Government urged again/I Prelacy y
in two books. And, bilhop Hall having publilhed
A Defence of the Humble Re?nonf ranee, he wrote
Animadverfions upon it. Thefe treatifes were the
fruits of his prejudice againft the eftabliihed Church-
in 1641. From the third treatife, The Reafon of
Church Government , we derive fome knowledge of
his literary projects, and of the opinion he enter-
tained of his own abilities ; expreffed, as Dr. John-
fon well obferves, not with oftentatious exultation,
but with calm confidence ; with a promife to under-
take fomething, he yet knows not what, that may be
of ufe and honour to his country. The whole paf-
fage, from which Dr. Johnfon has cited a fmall part
as a fervid, pious, and rational pledge of the Pa-
radlfe Loft, however well known to the admirers of
the poet, is too fublime and interefting to be read
again and again without renewed and encreafed
" m Time ferves not now, and, perhaps, I might feem too
profufe to give any certain account of what the mind at home*,
in the fpacious circuits of her mufmg, hath liberty to propofe
to herfelf, though of highelt hope and hardeft attempting ;
whether that epick form, whereof the two poems of Homer,
and thofe other two of Virgil and Taflb, are a diffufe, and
° Introduction to the fecoud Book,
the book of Job a brief, model ; or whether the rules of
Ariftotle herein are ftricUy to be kept, or nature to be fol-
lowed ; which in them that know art, and ufe judgement, is
no tranfgrefiion, but an enriching of art: and laftly, what
king or knight, before the Conqueft, might be chofen, in
whom to lay the pattern of a chriftian hero. And as Taffo
gave to a prince of Italy his choice, whether he would com-
mand him to write of Godfrey's expedition againft the in-
fidels, Belifarius againft the Goths, or Charlemain againft
the Lombards ; if to the inftin6fc of nature, and the embold-
ening of art, aught may be trufted, and that there be nothing
adverfe in our climate, or the fate of this age, it haply would
be no raftmefs, from an equal diligence and inclination, to
prefent the like offer in our ancient flories. Or whether thofe
dramatick conftitutions, wherein Sophocles and Euripides
reign, mall be found more doctrinal and exemplary to a na-
tion. — Or, if occafion fhall lead, to imitate thofe magnifick
odes and hymns, wherein Pindarus and Callimachus are in
moil things worthy. But thofe frequent fongs throughout
the Law and Prophets, beyond all thefe, not in their divine
argument alone, but in the very critical art of compofition,
may be eafily made appear over all the kinds of lyrick poeiy
to be incomparable. Thefe abilities, wherefoever they be
found, are the infpired gift of God, rarely bellowed, but yet
to fome (though moft abufe) in every nation ; and are of
power, befides the office of a pulpit, to inbreed and cherifh
in a great people the feeds of virtue and publick civility, to
allay the perturbations of the mind, and fet the affeclions in
right tune ; to celebrate in glorious and lofty hymns the throne
and equipage of God's Almightinefs, and what he works, and
what he fuffers to be wrought, with high providence in his
church ; to ling victorious agonies of martyrs and faints, the
deeds and triumphs of juft and pious nations doiug valiantly
through faith againft the enemies of Chrift ; to deplore the
general relapfes of kingdoms and ftates from juftice and
God's true worfhip. Laftly, whatfoever in religion is holy
and fublime, in virtue amiable or grave, whatfoever hath
pafiion or admiration in all the changes of that, which is
called fortune from without, or the wily fubtleties and re-
fluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all thefe things, with
a folid and treatable fmoothnefs to paint out and defcribe,
teaching over the whole book of fanclity and virtue, through
all the inftances of example, with fuch delight, to thofe efpe-
cially of foft and delicious temper, who will not fo much as
look upon Truth herfelf, unlefs they fee her elegantly dreft ;
that whereas the paths of honefty and good life appear now
rugged and difficult, though they be indeed eafy and pleafant,
they will then appear to all men both eafy and pleafant,
though they were rugged and difficult indeed. —
" The thing which I had to fay, and thofe intentions,
which have lived within me ever fince I could conceive my-
felf any thing worth to my country, I return to crave excufe
that urgent reafon hath pluckt from me by an abortive and
fore-dated difcovery ; and the aceomplifhment of them lies
not but in a power above man's to promife ; but that none
hath by more ftudious ways endeavoured, and with more un-
wearied fpirit that none mall, that I dare almoft aver of my-
felf, as far as life and free leifure will extend. Neither do I
think it (hame to covenant with any knowing reader that for
'fome few years yet I may go on truft with him toward the
payment of what I am now indebted, as being a work not to
be railed from the heat of youth, or the vapours of wine,
like that which flows at wafte from the pen of fome vulgar
amorift, or the trencher fury of a riming parafite; nor to
be obtained by the invocation of dame Memory and her Siren
daughters ; but by devout prayer to that eternal Spirit, who
can enrich with all utterance and knowledge, and fends out
his Seraphim with the hallowed Are of his altar to touch and
purify the lips of whom he pleafes : to this muft be added in-
dubious and felecl reading, fteady observation, inflght into
all ft-emly and generous arts and affairs; till which in fome
meafure be compafled, at mine own peril and coft I rcfufe not
to fuitain this expectation from as many as are not loth to
hazard fo much credulity upon the beft pledges that I can give
them. Although it nothing content me to have difclofed
thus much before hand ; but that I trull hereby to make it
manifeft with what fmall willingnefs I endure to interrupt the
purfuit of no lefs hopes than thefe, and leave a calm and
pleafmg folitarinefs, fed with cheerful and confident thoughts,
to imbark in a troubled fea of noife and hoarfe difputes, put
from beholding the bright countenance of Truth, in the quiet
and ftill air of delightfull ftudies."
In 1642 he clofed the controverfy with an Apology
for Sme&ymnuus, in anfwer to the Confutation of
his Animadverjions, written, as he fuppofed, by bifhop
Hall or his fon. He thought all this while, fays
Dr. Newton, that he was vindicating eccleiiaftical
liberty. Yet he has confeffed, that he was not difpofed
to " h this manner of writing, wherein knowing myfelf
inferiour to myfelf, led by the genial power of nature
to another talk, I have the ufe, as I may account it,
but of my left hand. 1 ' This left hand, indeed, has
recorded too many fentiments which we mult reject,
too many expreffions which we muft lament. By his
afperity the repuliive form of puritanifm is rendered
more hideous and diigufting, and the caufe which he
would fupport is weakened. .
At Whitfuntide in 1643, and in his thirty-fifth year,
(as I have before obferved,) he married Mary, the
daughter of Richard Powell, a gentleman who refided
at Foreft Hill near Shotover in Oxfordfhire, and was
a juftice of the peace for the county. He brought his
bride to London ; who, after living only a few w r eeks
with him, obtained his confent to accept the invitation
of her friends to fpend the remaining part of the fum-
h Introduclion to the fecond Book of his Reafon of Church
vol. 1, E
mer with them in the country. He gave her per-
million to ftay till Michaelmas ; but fhe declined to
return at the expiration of that period. The viiit
to her friends was, in fact, only a pretence for con-
jugal defertion. This defertion has been imputed,
by Phillips, to the different principles of the two
families. Her relations, he tells us, " being gene-
rally addicted to the Cavalier party, and fome of
them poffibly ingaged, in the King's fervice, (who by
this time had his head quarters at Oxford, and was
in fome profpecT; of fuccefs,) they began to repent
them of having matched the eldeft daughter of the
family to a perfon ib contrary to them in opinion ;
and thought it would be a blot in their efcutcheon,
whenever that Court ihould come to flouriih a^ain :
however, it ib incenfed our author, that he thought it
would be difhonourable ever to receive her again
after fuch a rcpulfe." The fame biographer intimates,
that fhe was averfe to the philofophick life of Milton,
and fighed for the uairth and jovialnefs to which fhe
had been accuftomed in Oxfordfhire. And Aubrey
relates, that fhe " ° was brought up and bred where
there was a great deal of company and merriment,
as dancing, &c. ; and, when fhe came to live with
her hufband, fhe found it folitary, no company came
to her, and flic often heard her nephews cry and be
beaten. This life was irkfome to her, and fo fhe
went to her parents. lie fent for her home after
fome time. As for wronging his bed, I never heard
the leaft fufpicion of that; nor had he of that any
jealoufie." It has efcaped the biographers of the
c MS. as before.
poet, however, that, while he ingenuoufly admits
" p that every motion of a jealous mind mould not
be regarded," he has not failed to enumerate, among
the realbns which are laid to have warranted divorce
in elder times, " the wilfull haunting of feafts, and
invitations with men not of her near kindred, the
lying forth of her houfe without probable caufe, the
frequenting of theatres againft her hufband' s mind,
&c." If this be not pointed directly at the conduct
of his wife, the following paifage certainly exhibits
his indignation at her continuance under her father '«?
roof, while at the fame time it confirms Aubrey's
account that he did not fufpecl her as faithlefs to his
bed. " q He [Grotius] mews alio, that fornication is
taken in Scripture for fuch a continual headftrong
behaviour, as tends to plain contempt of the hufband,
and proves it out of Judges xix. 2, where the Levite's
wife is faid to have played the whore againft him ;
which Jofephus and the Septuagint, with the Chal-
dean, interpret only of ftubbornnefs and rebellion
againft her hufband: and to this I add that Kimchi,
and the two other rabbies who glofs the text, are in
. the fame opinion. Ben Geribm reafons, that had it
been whoredom, a Jew and a Levite would have dif-
dained to fetch her again. And this I jliall con-
tribute, that had it been whoredom, jlie would have
chofen any other place to run to than to her father's
house, it being fo infamous for a Hebrew woman to
play the harlot, and fo opprobrious to the parents.
Fornication then in this place of the Judges is under-
* Do&. and Difcip. of Divorce, B. ii. Ch. xviii.
* Ibid,
ftood for Jiubborn difobedience againjl the hufband,
and not for adultery?
He fent for her, however, in vain. As all his
letters, defiring her to return, Mere unanfwered ; fo
the merTenger, whom he afterwards employed for the
fame purpole, was difmiffed from her father's houfe
with contempt. He refolved therefore, without fur-
ther ceremony, to repudiate her ; and, in defence of
his refolution, he publifhed four treatifes, the two firft
in 1644, the two lait in 1645. The Doctrine and
Difcipline of Divorce ; The Judgement of Martin
Bucer concerning Divorce ; Tetrachordon, or Expo-
fitions upon the four chief Places of Scripture which
treat of Marriage, or Nullities in Marriage ; and
Co Lifter ion. The laft is a reply to the anonymous
author of " An Anfwer to a Book, intituled The
Doctrine and Difcipline of Divorce, or a Plea for
Ladies and Gentlewomen, and all other Married
Women againft Divorce. Wherein both Sexes are
vindicated from all bondage of Canon Law, and
other miftakes whatibever; and the un found prin-
ciples of the Author are examined and fully confuted
by Authority of Holy Scripture, the Laws of this
Land, and found Rcafon. Loud. 1644/' This
pamphlet was licenfed and recommended by Mr.
Jofeph Caryl, a Preibyterian divine, and author of a
voluminous commentary on the book of Job; whom
Milton, in his reply, roughly ftigmatizes with repeated
charges of ignorance, as he alfo ftyles his aniagoniit
" a ferving-man both by nature and by function, an
idiot by breeding, and a folieitor by prefumption !"
The application of thefe and fimilar terms, in the
difpute, may remind us of the elegant dialogue be-
tween Nym and Piftol in Shakfpeare's r King Henry
the fifth : but there a wife retained, and not a wife
repudiated, is the caufe of fo much eloquence !
There had been another tract written againfl
Milton's doctrine, which he briefly notices at the
beginning of his Colafterion, entitled " Divorce at
pleafure." Nor was he inattentive to the remark of
Dr. Featley, who in the Epiftle Dedicatory to his
" Dippers dipt/' publiihed in 1645, enumerates,
among " the audacious attempts upon Church and
State, a Tractate of Divorce, in which the bonds of
marriage are let loofe to inordinate luft, and putting
away wives for many other caufes befides that which
our Saviour only approveth, namely, in cafe of
adultery." Milton fpeaks contemptuoufly of the
author as having written an " equivocating treatife,"
and as " diving the while himfelf with a more deep
prelatical malignance againft the prefent State and
Church-government." Dr. Johnfon and Mr. Warton
are mifiaken in fuppofing the new doctrine to have
been unnoticed, or neglected : indeed the two Son-
nets, which Milton wrote on the fame fubject, feem
to difcountenance the opinion. It certainly was re*
ceived with ridicule, as we learn from Howel's s Letter
to Sir Edward Spencer. But it gave rife to a band,
not perhaps very formidable, who were called Di-
vorcers, and even Miltonifts. Pagitt, in his " De-
fcription of the Hereticks and Sectaries" of that
period, notices the * former feci; with him, who wrote
r Ad ii. Scene i.
s Letters, 10th edit. p. 455.
1 Herefiography, &c. 1654. p. 12.9. See alfo Ibid. p. 77
And " A brief defcription &c. of Phanatiques in generaU,
l660." p. 33.
the Tractate of Divorce, at their head. The latter
title occurs in " u The Epilogue, lhewing the Pa-
rallell in two Poems, the Return, and the Reftaura-
tion, Addreffed to her Highncffe the Lady Elizabeth,
by C[hriitophei\] W[affe]. 1649." 8vo.
iC Force can but in a Rape engage,
u 'Tis choice muft make it Marriage :
" Hence a conveyance they contrive,
(< Which muft on us their caufe derive :
" This muft attaque, what holds out (till,
" And is impregnable, the Wilk
iC This muft enchant our confcious hands,
" To {lumber in like guilty bands,
u This book was obligingly pointed out to me by Thomas
Park, Efq; to whom the literary world is indebted for fome of
the fweeteft Sonnets in the Englifh language. The fame gentle-
man directs me to the following bitter application of Milton's
doctrine to himfelf by G. S. (whom I fuppofe to be the fame
pprfoh as the author of the weak performance noticed in Mr.
Warton's and my own remarks on the poet's Sonnet to Cyriack
Skinner,) in " Britain's Triumph, for her imparaUel'd deliver-
ance and her joyful celebrating the Proclamation of her moft
gracious incomparable king Charles the fecond &c. 1660." 4to.
G. S. the author, after fatirizing the members of the Rump
Parliament, thus proceeds, p. 15.
" Bat who appears here with the curtain drawn ?
" What, Milton ! are you come to fee the fight?
" Oh Image-breaker ! poor knave ! had he fawn
" That which the fame of made him crye out-right,
u I lead taken counfel of Achitophell,
" Swung himfelf weary, and fo gone to hell.
" This is a fure Divorce, and the beft way;
11 Seek, Sir, no further, now the trick is found,
«< To part a fallen knave from's wife, that day
" He doth repent his choyce ; ftab'd, hang'd, or drown'd,
" Will make all fure and further good will bring,
u The wretch will rail no more againft his King."
u While,, like the froward Miltonifi,
" We our old nuptiall knot untwift :
" And with the hands, late faith did joyn,
" The bill of plain Divorce now figne."
It had been treated alio as an " w errour fo grofs
as to need no other confutation," than the mere men-
tion of it. But before thefe remarks had been made
upon a doctrine, at which the ihafts of ridicule as
well as cenliire might indeed be fairly levelled, the
innovation of the author had alio been oppofed from
the pulpit. The preibyterian clergy had not only
caufed him to be fummoned before the Houfe of
Lords, by whom however he was quickly difmhTed ;
but one of them, in a fermon before the Lords and
Commons on a faft-day, had endeavoured in vain to
excite their indignation agamft him. Milton notices
this attack in the beginning of his Tetrachordon, and
thanks the auditors for not repenting of what the
preacher called their fin, the neglecting to brand his
book with fome mark of their difpleafure. This op-
ponent, who has been hitherto unnoticed, was Herbert
Palmer, B. D. a Member of the Alfembly of Divines,
and parliamentary Mafter of Queen's College, Cam-
bridge. " x If any," fays he to his judicial audience,
w In " A Giaffe for the Times, &c. With a briefe Collection
of the Errors of our Times, and their Authors Names. Col-
lected by T. C. a friend to Truth. Lond. 1648." 4to. Milton
and his doclrine are noticed in p. 6. T. Forde, the dramatick
writer, appears to have entertained no favourable opinion of
incompatibility of temper being urged as a reafon for divorce.
See his letter to T. C. apparently written at the time when
Milton's treatife was firft publifhed, in the collection of his
Letters, 8vo. Lond. 166*0, p. 103 — 106.
x I had examined many fingle fermons of this period, under
" plead confcienee for the lawfulnefle of polygamy ;
(or for divorce for y other cauies than Chrift and his
Apoitles mention ; of which a wicked booke is abroad
and uncenfured, though deferring to be burnt, whqfe
author hath been fo impudent as to Jet his name to it,
and dedicate it to your/elves,) or for liberty to marry
the hope of difcovering the author who had thus publickly
attacked Milton ; but without fuccefs. I am indebted to my
liberal friend, James Bindley, Efq; for pointing out, after a long
refearch alfo, this forgotten difcourfe ; of which I will give the
title : " The Glafle of God's Providence towards his Faith full
Ones. Held forth in a Sermon preached to the two Houfes of
Parliament at Margaret's Weftminfter, Aug. 13, 1644. being an
extraordinary day of Humiliation. Wherein is difcovered the
great failings that the belt are liable unto, &c. The whole is
applyed fpecially to a more carefull obfervation of our late
Covenant, and particularly againft the ungodly toleration
pleaded for under -pretence of Liberty of Confcience, By Herbert
Palmer, B. D. &c."
y And yet it feems, in the ConfeJJio Fidei of the Aflembly of
Divines publifhed in 1656, that Milton's do&rine had not been
entirely neglected. See Cap. xxiv. " De Conjugio et Divortio.
§. 6. Quamvis ea fit hominis corruptio, ut proclivis (it ad ex-
cogitandum argumenta indebite illos, quos Deus connubio
junxit, diflbciandi ; nihilominus tamen extra adulterium ac
defertioncm ita ohjiinatam ut cui nullo remedio nee ab ecciefia nee a
magiftratu civUi fubveniri pojjit, fufficiens caufa nulla eiTc poteft
conjugium difiblvendi." Conf. Fid. 12mo. Cantab. l()5(), p. 6*5.
I am indebted to Mr. Octavius Gilchrift, the ingenious editor
of bifhop Corbet's poetry, for the notice of the following ftroke
of fat ire, evidently pointed at Milton, both in refpect. to this
and to another fubjeer, fo late as in l(>70, in the Preface to
Ecbard's Grounds and Occafions of the Contempt of the Clergy
and Religion; " I am not, I'll allure you, any of thofe occa-
fional writers, that, milling preferment at the Univerfity, can
prefently write you their new ways of education ; or, being
•tormented with an ill-chofen wife, let forth the Doctrine of
Divoiccto be truly evangelical."
inceftuoufly, will you grant a toleration for all this f
Milton now became an enemy to the Preibyterians,
whom he before had favoured. Notwithstanding
their oppofition, however, he proceeded to illuftrate
his opinion more forcibly by paying his addreffes to
a young lady of great wit and beauty, the daughter
of one Dr. Davis, with a defign to marry her ! But
this defire of carrying his doctrine into practice was
not countenanced by the lady. What is more re-
markable, the proceeding contributed to effect a re-
conciliation with the difcarded wife.
In the mean time, Milton purfued his ftudies with
unabating vigour; and, in 1644, at the requeit of his
friend, Mr. Samuel z Hartlib, publiihed his tractate
Of Education ; or plan of academical inftitution : in
which, as he expreffes it, he leads his fcholar from
Lilly to his commencing matter of arts. Mr. Wartou
obferves that a Milton's plan has more of mow than
value. " b Education in England," Dr. Johnfon has
remarked, " has been in danger of being hurt by two
of its greateft men, Milton and Locke. Milton's
plan is impracticable, and I fuppofe has never been
tried. Locke's, I fancy, has been tried often enough,
but is very imperfect ; it gives too much to one fide,
and too little to the other ; it gives too little to lite-
rature." It is perhaps not generally known that
Milton's treatife on this fubject has been tranilated
z Of this remarkable perfon the reader may find an account,
written by himfelf, in Rennet's Regifter, 1728. p. 868. See alfo
Mr. Walton's firft edition of Milton's Smaller Poems, p. 116, &c,
A Life of Hartlib is a defideratum in Englifh biography.
a See his firft edition of Milton's Smaller Poems, p. 117- '
b Bofwell's Life of Johnfon, ed. 1799. vol. iii. p. 382.
into French. The tranflator has beftowed much
eulogium c upon the author. In the fame year,
Milton publiihed his Areopagitica, a Speech for the
liberty of urdicenfed Printing : perhaps the belt
vindication, as Dr. Newton obferves, that has been
publifhed at any time, or in any language, of that
liberty which is the bafis and fupport of all other
liberties, the liberty of the prefs. But the candid
critick adds, that it produced not the defired effect ;
for the Prefbyterians were as fond of exercifing the
licenfing power, when they got it into their own
hands, as they had been clamorous before in in-
veighing againft it, while it was in the hands of the
e " Dans les terns que nous nous propofions de donner ces
Lettres au Public, il nous en eft tombe entre les mains une de
Milton, qui n' a pas encore paru daus notre langue, &c. — Rien ne
fait tant d' honneur a Y Angleterre que de voir que le plus grand
po'ete, et l' un de plus celebrcs philofophes [Locke], qu' elle ait
eus, ont afiez fenti de quelle importance etoit Y education des
c.nfans, pour s' en occuper ferieufement. — Dans cette Lettre il eft
aife de s' appercevoir que c' a ete un des plus fcavans hommes qui
ayent vecu. C'cft par cette vafte erudition, joint a un heureux
genie, qu' il eft devenu le plus grand de tous les poetes modernes.
Aufti fon Paradis Perdu n' eft-il pas 1' ouvrage de fa jeuncfie :
Peut-etre alors en avoit-il concu Y idee ; mais avant que de 1*
executer, il avoit vecu avec les hommes, il avoit connu 1' ufage
et la puiftance des paflions, il avoit 1' efprit orne de la connoiffance
de toutes les fciences & de tous les arts. Sans examiner fi la
maniere d' elcver la jeunefie que Milton propofeeft aifee a reduire
en pratique; il eft fur que fon plan eft rempli de vuiis tn N s-fmes Sc
tr^s-fages, & qu' il paroit contenir tout ce qui eft necefiaire pour
former un citoycn utile a fa patrie & agreablc a la fociete."
Lettres fur [/Education des Princes. Avec une Lettre de MiN
ton, &c. 1746. Preface, pp. lxxv, lxxix.
His father having come to live with him, after the
furrender of Reading to the Earl of Effex in 1643,
and his fcholars now encreafing, he required a larger
houfe ; before his removal to which, he was furprifed,
at one of his ufual vifits to a relation in the lane of
St. Martin's-le-grand, to fee his wife come from
another room, and beg forgivenefs on her knees.
The interview on her part had been concerted. The
declining ftate of the royal caufe, and confequently
of her father's family, as well as the intelligence of
Milton's determination to marry again, caufed her
friends to employ every method to re-unite the in-
fulted huiband and difobedient wife. It was con-
trived that flie ihould be ready, when he came, in
another apartment. Fenton, in his elegant {ketch of
the poet's life, judicioufly remarks, that " d it is not
to be doubted but an interview of that nature, fo
little expected, muft wonderfully affect him : and
perhaps the impreffions it made on his imagination
contributed much to the painting of that pathetick
fcene in Paradife Lqft y in which Eve addrefles herfelf
to Adam for pardon and peace. At the intercemon
of his friends who were prefent, after a fhort reluc-
tance, he generoufly facrificed all his refentment to
her tears :
< Soon his heart relented
' Towards her, his life fo late, and fole delight,
' Now at his feet fubmiffive in diftrefs/
And after this re-union fo far was he from retaining
an unkind memory of the provocations which he had
d Prefixed to his edition of Paradife Loft, firfl publiihed in
received from her ill conduct, that, when the king's
caufe was entirely oppreiTed, and her father who had
been active in his loyalty was expofed to fequeftra-
tion, Milton received both him and his family to pro-
tection and free entertainment, in his own houfe, till
their affairs were accommodated by his intereft in the
victorious faction." Mr. Powell, however, feems to
have fmarted feverely for his attachment to the royal
party. I obferve, in the " Catalogue of the Lords,
Knights, and Gentlemen, that have compounded for
their Eftates," printed at London in 1655, that he
was thus branded as well as fined : " Richard Powel,
Delinquent, per John Pye, Efq; 5761. 12s. 3d." And
his houfe had been before feized by the rebels.
At the time of Milton's reconciliation with his wife,
it was fettled that fhe mould refide in the houfe of a
friend, till his new manfion, which he had procured
in e Barbican, was ready for the reception of his en-
creafed houfhold. When it is confidered that Milton
cheerfully opened his doors to thofe who had treated
him with indignity and breach of faith ; to a father,
who, according to the poet's f Nuncupative Will,
never paid him the promifed marriage portion of a
thoufand pounds, and to a mother, who, according
to Wood, had encouraged the daughter in her per-
verfenefs ; we cannot but accede to Mr. Hayley's
conclufion, that the records of private life exhibit
DOl a more magnanimous example of forgivenefs and
beneficence. They are fuppofed to have left him
■ Sec thf Note; on Lawes's Dedication of Comus.
f Subjoined t<> tins account of the Life In the Notes on
the Will Mr. Warton relates fe.venil particulars concerning
Mr. Powell.
foon after the death of his father, who ended a long
life in 1647; and whofe declining days had been
foothed by every attention of a truly affectionate fon.
While Milton experienced the mortification of
conjugal defertion, and was immerfed in elaborate
difcuffions connected with his misfortune, he was not
without mental amufement. His leifure hours often
paffed fmoothly away in vifits to a lady of the molt
engaging talents and converfation, the daughter of
the Earl of Marlborough ; to whom, as to her huf-
band Captain Hobfon, a very accompliihed gentle-
man, his company was peculiarly acceptable. His
tenth Sonnet, infer ibed to this difcerning lady, is a
grateful acknowledgement of his efteem. His time
alfo had been employed in collecting together his
early poems, both Englifh and Latin, for the prefs.
They were firft publifhed by Humphrey Mofeley, the
general publiiher of the poets of his day, in 1645 ;
who tells us, in his Addrefs to the Reader, that " the
author's more peculiar excellency in thefe ftudies was
too well known to conceal his papers, or to keep me
from attempting to follicit them from him. Let the
event guide itfelf which way it will, I fhall deferve of
the age, by bringing into the light as true a birth as
the Mules have brought forth fince our famous Spencer
wrote ; whofe poems in thefe Engliih ones are as
rarely imitated, as fweetly excelled." Mofeley was not
more difcerning than Milton was modeft. Rut mo-
defty was a principal feature in Milton's character.
He affixed only his initials to Lycidas : he acknow-
ledged, with hefitation, Comus. It is rather iur-
prifmg, that Mr. Warton fhould have s ailerted that,
s In the Prefaces to both his Editions of the Smaller Poems.
for feventy years after their firft publication, he re-
collects no mention of thefe poems in the whole fuc-*
ceffion of Englifh literature ; and that the quantity
of an hemiftich, quoted from them, is not to be found
in the Collections of thofe who have digefted the
Beauties or Phrafes of the Engliih Poets from 1655
to 1738 inclufively. It is my duty pofitively to affert
that in the edition of Poole's Englifh Pamaffus, or
Help to Englifh Poefie, publiihed in 1677, there are
few h pages in which quotations may not be found
from Milton's poetry. In the preface alfo to Ayres's
Lyrick Poems, publiihed in 1687, Milton is thus
noticed :
" If any one quarrel at the oeconomy or ftru&ure of thefe
poems, many of them being Sonnets, Canzons, Madrigals,
&c. objecting that none of our great men, either Mr. Waller,
Mr. Cowley, or Mr. Dryden, whom it was moil proper to
have followed, have ever ftooped to any thing of this fort ; I
fhall very readily acknowledge, that, being fenfible of my own
weaknefs and inability of ever attaining to the performance
of one thing equal to the worft piece of theirs, it eafily dif*
fwaded me from that attempt, and put me on this ; which is
not without prelident : For many eminent perfons have pub-
limed feveral things of this nature, and in this method, both
Tranflations and Poems of their own ; as the famous Mr.
Spencer, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Richard Fanihaw, Mr,
Milton, and fome few others : The fuccefs of all which, in
thefe things, I muft needs fay, cannot much be boafted off
and though I have little reafon, after it, to expe6l credit from
thefe my flight Mifcellanies, yet has it not difcouraged me
from adventuring on what my genius prompted me to."
h And, to the credit of Poole's fele&ion, I may add that the
examples are very often taken from Lycidas, L' 'Allegro and II
Pen/crqfOf and the Ode on the IS utility.
I may further obferve that L 'Allegro and II Pen-
ferofo appear to have fometimes caught the notice of
Robert Herrick, in his Hefperides, publiihed in 1648;
and that both the eale and imagery of theie poems
are certainly copied, in a few initances, by Andrew
Marvell, the intimate friend of Milton. I will cite a
proof from his verfes, entitled The Garden, Poems,
ed. 1681, p. 49.
" Fair Quiet, have I found thee here,
" And Innocence, thy lifter dear !
•1 ' .
forty eight, was pubMied in Englifh in twenty one, in the
book entitled The Rights of the Prelate and the Prince, as
good Roman Catholick divinity, by J. E. with Licence of
Superiors ; and confequently, that John Goodwin and John
Milton were not the firft broachers of it in England. The
ftrain of the whole book is of that nature, and the following
words are part of it, ch. 15. p. 375. And if Kings, who
were not excommunicated nor deprived by the Pope, may
by the Commonwealth be depos'd and kill'd, where they are
intolerable tyrants ; why may not the Commonwealth exercife
the fame power over tyrants excommunicated and deprived
by the Pope, they, after excommunication and deprivation,
being no more Kings, but private men."
The fubjecl; indeed had been before difcuffed in
a very interelting difcourfe, of which the title is,
" Herod and Pilate reconciled: Or, The Con-
cord of Papift and Puritan (againft Scripture,
Fathers^ Councels, and other Orthodox all Writers)
for the Coercion, Depofition, and Killing of Kings.
Difcovered by David Owen, Batchelour of Divi-
nitie, &c. Cambridge, 16 10," 4 to . To this point
I may alio apply an extract from " Foxes and
Firebrands ; or a Specimen of the danger and har-
mony of Popery and Separation ;" attributed by
fome to Dr. Nelfon, by others to Sir James Ware :
" But that which makes the thing plain, is the
difcovery which was made to Sir William Bofwell by
Andreas ab Habnerfeld ; which was communicated
firft by Sir William to my Lord of Canterbury, and
by him transmitted to the King then at York,
Novemb. 1640. The whole is printed by itfelf, and
in l Rufh worth's Collections; and is too long here
to infert ; but the principal parts and matter of the
? Hift. Colled, p. 1314.
plot was this ; That there was a defign on foot, by
the Pap ills, againit the King and the Archbiihop.
That, to effect this, the Scottifh commotions were
raifed, and fomented by the Jefuits ; that they exaf-
perated the Englifh Diffenters by the feverity ufed
againft Pryn, Burton, and Baftwick ; and the Scots,
by the fears of Popery upon the impofition of the
Common-Prayer book ; that Cuneus or Con, the
Pope's Legate, and Chamberlain a Scot Chaplain
and Almoner to Cardinal Richlieu, were the great
negociators of this confpiracy; and that the defign
was to embroil thefe nations in a civil war. The
troubles came on fo faft, as may well be fuppofed, pre-
cipitated for fear of a further profecution of this difco-
very, that the Archbiihop loft his head for refufing a
cardinal's hat, and oppofing the Scottish Covenanters ;
and the King his, becaufe he would not give away the
crown, and put down the mitre, by granting tole-
ration, 2d. edit. 1682, pp. 50, 51." It was one of
the threats of the Covenanters, that " the Enemy
mould be forced either to give Liberty of Confcience
to the Catholicks, or put themfelves in danger of
lofing all, p. 48." Other proofs of the m combina-
tion might be added. The following narrative is too
curious, and too well authenticated, to be here
omitted. It is from the pen of Dr. Bargrave,
(whofe manufcript I have already noticed) who
was particularly acquainted with Ilolftenius, one of
Milton's friends. Being at Rome, he fays,
u Cardinel RoiTetti was fliewed to me to take more pelli-
cular notice of him, becaufe that he had binn almoft 3 yeares
m See more particularly Rennet's Regifter, 1728, pp. 539, 540,
And Lord StrafibrUc's Letters, 1739) vol. ii. p. 74.
in England the Popes Nuntio Incognito, as yon may find in
the Italian Hiftorian mentioned in the margent °.
" An . 1639 There arriued (fayth he) at London, to
refide at the Court as a gentleman traueler, fent by Car-
dinal Barberino, but effectually he was the Pope's Nuntio,
by name Charles Roffetti, an Earle by birth ; whoe had
taken vpon him the Church habite of a Prelate; whoe
was of a greate fpirit, a&iue, and prudent ; able to vndertake
bufinefs of the greateit difficultie. He was valerous of heart,
had a learned tongue, was quick in parts, in breif he was
fuch an one, that his fellow could not be fownde in all the
Court of Rome. His letters were dated at Rome the 16 th .
of Aprill : (and then my Author telleth us a fecret that we are
not to know, viz.) And becaufe that in England he woare a
Secular habit, and tooke vpon him no other name but of
Conte Roffetti, therefore I will allfo hide, where I haue oc-
calion to mention him, his ecclefiafticall title of Monfignore,
and giue him onely the title of his noble famely p . Vpon his
t:omming to Court, and being courteoufly receiued, all things
went well with the Ro : Catholicks ; and thofe Preiits, that
by law were to be punifhed with Death, were onely banifhed.
This was the Spring time of the Catholick Religion in that
kingdome, which florifhed by the fweete favourable blajls of
the Conte Roffetti / Vpon this libels went about that q the
King and Archbifhop were Popifli &c ; wherevpon the Arch-
bifhop aduifed the King to rid his Court of the Roman Mi-
nisters, and to renew the rigour of the law. The Conte
Roffetti, hearing of this, wold not hide the Intereffe for
which he was at London ; but, vpon this occafion, being
made more vigoroufe of courrage in this time of dainger,
thought that now an opportunely was giuen him to captiuate
the Kings foul, and to conduct him to the Catholick Fayth !
vpon which he broke his minde to a confident Courtier of
theires, whoe yet doubted how to effect it. Roffetti, having
II Conte Bifaccione Delle Guerre CiviliD'Inghil terra, Edit,
2*. 1653. p. 17,
? P. 18. q F. 22;
r 2
bin perfuaded by the Queene to write to the Pope for abowt
an 10O000 lb fterling to fupplie the Kings neceffeties, His
Holinefs his anfwer was, r That the Pope was very ready to
fupply the King fo foone as euer he mould declare him felfe a
Cathoiick, the onely auaylable meanes to lofen the chaines of
the Treafurie of the Caitle of St. Angelo at Rome. But, for
a King that mould turne to the bofom of the Church, he
would lay hands upon that Sacred Treaforie, otherwife fhut
vp and impenetrable &c. — Where one may reade a greate
many Intreegues abowt the lending of this mony, s and how
refolutely the King withftood theire attempts, and how Rof-
fetti aifalted the two Archbimops to returne to the Roman
Fayth r . And then we haue mention of RovTetti's letter to
the King to perfvvade him to turn Papift. But he finding
his Ma : tlc vnmooveable and firme as a Rock, that ftrongly
refifteth the fury of ftormes and tempefts, hauing his Faith
fixed and faltned to a more fure foundation ; this Latent
u Nuntio gaue ouer his fruitlefs Defigne. Finding (faith my
Author) that he gaue light viito the blinde, that he [pake to
one that was deaft, and, as the prouerb hath it, wold with
water n'afli a blaekmore white, the (Latent) Nuntio forfooke
him ; and ftole owt of England (for feare of the Parliament
that fented him) by the help of Sig r . Giuftiniano the Venetian
Imbaffador, and at his comeing to Rome fa decorato delta
Porpora Vaticana.
" Though he was forced to be gonn, yet the effects of his
Nuntiature lafted all the Ciuill VVarr, efpecially amongft the
Iriih Rebells w . To difprooue the calomny that was rayfed
upon the King (probably both by Papift and Preibyterians)
he vfed all the meanes he could to fliew that he was a cordiall
Proteftant, as is feene by his mony then coyned. So in the
feuerall Speeches that he made at the head of his Army, one
of them, fayth my Author, hath this pa(Tage x : ' If I tooke a
wife of an other Religion being of the Roman faith, it was
'P. 31. 3 P. 32, 33. l P. 34. u P. 35,
w P. 44. * P. 80,
with a Univerfall Confent: If the Lord Roffetti came to my
Court, I ufed him eourteoufly, as a noble man and a ftrainger,
as it is fitt for Princes to doe, and yet vpon onely fufpition,
and not guilt of any wrong to England, 1 fent him away.' —
My Author in another place y , fpeaking of the death of
Archbifhop Laud on the Scaffold, by way of fcoffe fayth —
It had bin better for him to haue turned Catholick, and to
haue gonn to Rome, as he* had binn aduifed, by the 'prudent
counfell of the Popes zealous Nuntio, Rofetti, now a Car-
dinall z / And, fpeaking of our Kings death, he hath this
paffage — His death was foretould (Jo long ago as when he
was Prince of Wales) when he zvas in Spaine, where he,
going to vijit a holy Nunne, whoe was much efteemed for her
fanttity ; Jhee foretold him, that, if he did not hearken to
the infpirations of that light which his gardian AngellJJiold
injiruci him in, hejhold dye a miferable death, and mine all
his progeny ! This An g ell was Cardinal Rossetti, whoe
by his frequent infpirations, not internally but to the eare and
the eye, by the voice and by writings, by his eloquent and
angelicall fuggeltions, indeavoured his conuerfion to the Ca-
tholik Faith ; Card : Roffetti an Angel in practice ! Greate
Minifter of the Pope, and an Angel by his office, as being
a Nuntio or Alejjenger ; a zealous Nuntio ! Whence it is no
maruell, if what the holy Nunne foretold had its effect ! •
" Card : Barberino at Rome ; This Man his Agent here ;
Card: Mazarino in France; And Gio : Rinuccini Arch-
bifliop of Firmo in Italy, and the Popes Nuntio in Ireland ;
were the Popifli Ecclefiafticks, that by the helpe of the Je-
fuites, in all probabilety, were the men that ruined the King
and Kingdome vnder the new name and Cheate of indepen-
dent ; I being tould beyond Sea by Muncks and Fryars
that I might heare Mafs where I wold among the Indepen-
dents; that Word iignefying onely Independent as to the
Church of England, but Dependent as to the Church of
Rome ; and fo our warr was a warr of Religion to bring in
y P. 124. 2 p. 177.
Popery, and the King was a true martyr (that died for his
Religion) in reuenge for the death of the Queene of Scotts,
his grandmother."
This acute traveller relates alfo that he was at
Rome, on his fourth vifit to that city, when Charles
the fecond was reitored ; which event, he fays, " to
my knowledge, was to the great griefe of the Triple
Crowne and College of Cardinals, who thought to
have binn Mafters of England." In another page
he cites the Italian author, already mentioned, to
{how that " Charles the firft fufpected Mazzarino
and the Imbaflador of France to have had a hand in
his troubles."
From theie communications, which the fubjec~fc of
Milton s book induced me to make, I pafs on to
notice his next publication in 1649; which was
" Obfervations on the Articles of Peace between
James Earl of Ormond, for King Charles I. on
the one hand, and the Irifh Papifts and Rebels
on the other, &c. And Animadverjions on the Scotch
Prejbytery at Belfaft." The new order of things
feemed to be threatened by the defertion of the
Scotch Prelbyterians to the ftandard of Ormond;
and he made thefe remarks to obviate the danger.
He next entered upon his Hiftory of England ; of
which he had written four books, when, without ex^
pectancy or folicitation of preferment, he was invited
by the Council of State to be Latin Secretary ; as
they had determined neither to write to others abroad,
nor to receive any anfweyrs, except in that language,
which was common to them all. Their choice could
not have fallen upon a more perfect mafter of La~
tinity. Dr. Newton wifties that fucceeding princes
had followed this example of Latin correfpondence ;
becaufe, " a in the opinion of very wife men, the uni-
verfality of the French language will make way for
the univerfality of the French monarchy." It may
be added, that Milton himfelf has countenanced the
opinion : " Then began the Engliih to lay afide
their own ancient cuftoms, and in many things to
imitate French manners; the great peers to fpeak
French in their houfes, in French to write their bills
and letters, as a great piece of gentility ; afhamed of
their own : a prefage of their fubje&ion JJiortly to
that people , whofe falhions and language they ajfeBed
fo Jlavijhly V Perhaps in the affectation of her
fafhions and manners, rather than in the ufage of her
language, France may have found, and may yet hope
to find, in other countries, no mean auxiliary to her
deteftable aim of univerfal domination. But Britain
has ftood, and may it ftand to the laft period of time,
u unfhaken, unfeduced," by fuch degrading imita-
tions in a few faithlefs children. That innocence,
and modefty, and tendernefs of heart, by which her
daughters have ever been diflinguifhed ; and that well-
principled conduct;, the true fpirit of liberty and real
love of religion, for which her fons have been re-
nowned; will never, let us hope, fall victims to the
defigns of a pretended philofophy, which confounds
the diftinctions of right and wrong; to
— " thofe new-fangled toys, and trimming flight
" Which takes our late fantafticks with delight V
a Life of Milton.
b Hift. of England, B. vi. edit. 1698, p. 111.
c From Milton's mafterly Verfes At a Vacation Excrcife in the
F 4
About this time the King's impreffive book, en-
titled " Eicon Bafilik6, or the Portraiture of his
Sacred Majefty in his Solitudes and Sufferings,"
having been publifhed ; Milton was ordered to pre-
pare an anfwer to it. He accordingly printed, by
authority, in 1649, his " Eiconoclaftes," or the
image-breaker', the purport of the King's book being,
in his opinion, A " to catch the worthless approbation
of an inconftant, irrational, and • image-doting rabble."
Milton's work has been tranflated into French, It
has been afferted, but not proved, that Milton to-
gether with Bradfhaw prevailed upon the printer to.
interpolate a prayer, taken from Sidney's Arcadia,
in fome editions of the King's book. Dr. Newton
candidly obferves, " I cannot but hope and believe,
that Milton had a foul above being guilty of fo mean
an action to ferve fo mean a purpofe ; and there is as
little reafon for fixing it upon him, as he had to tra-
duce the King for profaning the duty of prayer, f with
College, addrefied to the corrupters of his Native Language,
See the Notes on ver. 18 of that poem,
* Eiconoclaftes, at the end.
e The popularity of the book was unquestionably very great.
And no wonder. Interefting as the fubject is, the ftyle is alfo ex-
tremely elegant as well as forcible. Dr. Symmons in difcufling
the controverted point whether the king or bifbop Gaudcn was the
author of it, relates, from the reft of the biographers, that it
received two anfivers, viz. the fLlxuv ax^aro? in lo'51, and Vindicia?
Carolinae in l6$2. Several other tracts require to be examined,
(and which might be named,) on this fubject. In particular, for
the life of thofe who may hereafter investigate the point, it may be
necefiary to ftate that the Etxwv ccK^m written againft the king,
and the Etx t^™ for him, (both publifhed in 1649,) defervs
wore attention than hitherto has been beftoweci on them.
the polluted train of romances.' For there are not
many finer prayers in the beft books of devotion ;
and the King might as lawfully borrow and apply it
to his own oc canons, as the f Apoftle might make
f This reasoning (though not noticed by Dr. Newton)
occurs in the E^v ccxhccros, The Image Unbroken, an Anfwer
to Milton's book, printed in l6Sl. The pafiage is worthy of
citation. " He [Milton] fayes, herein the worji of kings pro-
fejing Chrijlianifme have byfarr exceeded him, and he gives his
reafon,ybr that the king hath, as it were, unhallowed and unchrijlned
by borrowing to a Chrijiian ufe prayers offered to a heathen god.
" And doth faint Paul excede the worft of kings profeffing
Chriftianifme by borrowing to a Chriftian ufe. the words of an
heathen philofopher, and poet ? did he thereby unhallow and
unchriftian Scripture?
" His [Milton's] meaning is, as followes afterward, that the
king ufed a prayer taken out of Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia.
After the firft edition of his Majefly's booke, the printers,
finding the greate vent of them, in the following editions printed
prayers, and other things in the king's name, not belonging to
the booke. Among thefe prayers, there is a prayer taken out
of the Arcadia. That prayer is neither made by a heathen
woman, nor to a heathen god, but is compofed by the author a
Chrifiian, without any reference to any heathen deitie ; and the
author is not thought to unchriftian prayer by it, the libeller
himfelfe faying the booke in its kinde is full of worth and wit ;
but as his outcry hath noe caufe from the matter, fo heere is
no evidence of the fact, that his Majefty made ufe of that
prayer, or popt into the bifhopp's hands a relique of his exer-
cife, though he might warrantably have ufed it, and profeffed
it." P. 82.
Peck aim res us that he had feen an Englifh edition of the
Eicon, printed in 1648, in which this prayer was not to be found.
Dejid. Cur. ed. fol. vol. ii. lib. xiv. p. 48. I have before me a
Latin tranflation of the Eicon by Dr. Earle, printed in 1649,
in which alfo we feek in vain for this famous prayer. Whether
Milton intended to ridicule the king's book by the following
remark, I know not; " there wanted onely rinte, and that, they
fay % is bejioved upon it lately" Eiconoclaftes, ch. vi.
quotations from heathen poems and plays : And it
became Milton the leaft of all men to bring fuch an
accufation againft the King, as he was himfelf parti-
cularly fond of reading romances, and has made ufe
of them in fome of the beft and lateft of his writings."
Milton's fuppofed impofture has been alfo difcredited
by Dr. Birch 5 .
Having thus diftinguiihed himfelf as the advocate
of republicanifm, the M embers of the Englim council
naturally appointed him to vindicate their caufe
againft the attack of no mean opponent. King
Charles the fecond, being now protected in Holland,
had employed Salmafius, a learned Frenchman, pro-
feflbr of Polite Learning at Leyden, to write a de-
fence of his late father, and of monarchy. " Salma-
fius," Dr. Johnfon obferves, " was a man of ikill in
languages, knowledge of antiquity, and fagacity of
cmendatory criticifm, almoft exceeding all hope of
human attainment ; and having, by exceffive praifes,
been confirmed in great confidence of himfelf, though
he probably had not much confidered the principles
of fociety, or the rights of government, undertook the
employment without diftruft of his own qualifications;
and, as his expedition in writing was wonderful, in
1649 publilhed Defenjio Regia." It is certainly re-
markable that Salmafius, the penfioner to a republick,
fhould write a vindication of monarchy. The States
indeed ordered it to be fupprefled. Before he had
proceeded in his work, he was thus cautioned by his
friend Sarravius : h " Periculofae plenum opus alea?
* See the Inquiry into the Orig. of Par. Loft, p. 233.
h M. Gudii ct C. Sarrayii, Epiftolae. Ultraje&i, 16*97. Sarrav.
Ep. cxcYiii. p. 203.
aggrederis, Defenfionem dico nuper occifi Britanni-
arum Regis; maxime cum veftri Ordines mediam
viam fecent. Laudo tamen animi tui generofum pro-
pofitum, quo nefandum fcelus aperte damnare fuftines*
Hac tamen te cautione uti opus eft, ne ita Majeftatem
Regiam extollas, ut erga fubditos amorem videantur
illis gratis largiri." From the correfpondence of this
learned Frenchman with Salmafius we learn lbme cu-
rious particulars refpe&ing the work, which occafioned
Milton's elaborate anfwer. Sarravius advifed him to
read the king's book, as fubfervient to his purpofe ; a
book, he fays, which he had read with the higheft ad-
miration : i " adeo in ea [icone] plena omnia bonitatis
erga fubditos eximiae, et in Deum pietatis. Ex eo
hbro potueris non pauca depromere Apologetico tuo
firmando." After the Defen/io Regia had been pub-
liihed, he informs him of the blame attached to him
for not having lent a copy to the widowed queen of
Charles ; k who, though poor, would yet have paid
the bearer. Sarravius informs him alio of l reported
antagonifts, long before Milton appeared againft him,
Milton indeed commenced hoftile operation imme-
diately on the publication of Salmalius's defence.
But the various interruptions, which he mentions in
the eloquent Preface to his Defeiifio Populi, pre-
vented his publick difplay of oppofition till the be-
ginning of the year 16£1 ?
* Ibid, Ep. ccv. p. 210.
k Ibid. Ep. ccxxiii. p. 223. " Vidi nobilem Anglum expof-
tulantem, quod omiferis unum exemplum mittere ad defuncli
Carolividuam, quae hie [Paris.] degit; Quamvis enim, inquiebat,
fit in re minime lautd, tamen potuife folvere pretium tabellarii, qui
Mud attul\ffet.' y
1 Ibid. Ep. exxxxvii. p. 235,
Hobbes is faid to have declared himfelf unable
to m decide whole language was beft, or whofe argu-
ments were worft. In Dr. Johnfon's opinion, Mil-
ton's periods were fmoother, neater, and more pointed ;
but he delights himfelf with teazing his adversary, as
much as with confuting him. Milton's book was
burnt at Paris, and at Touloufe. But this procured
it more readers. From a letter of Nicholas Heinfius
to Ifaac Voffius it appears to have been tran dated
into Dutch, and to have been expected alfo in a
French drefs. Into our own language it was trani-
lated, at the clofe of the feventeenth century, by Mr.
Washington of the Temple. Salmafms's book at-
tracted much lefs notice. It has appeared indeed in
w " Uterque, fi Hobbio fides, Latino infignis, at rationibus
vacuus." Comm. de Rebell. Angl.ab an. 1640, &c. a R. Manlio,
Eq. Aur. 8vo. \6&6. lib. ii. p. 226*.
It feems that they accufed each other of grammatical blunders.
I have heard of a copy of Salmafius's book, the margins of
which are faid to be decorated with barbarifms and folecifms
detected by Milton. Without weighing the demerits of this
kind, I will only obferve, that Milton's criticifms appear to
have occafioned the following farcafm of the witty Butler. Sea
Butler's Remains, edit. Thyer, vol. i. p. 220.
fome polemics ufe to draw their fwords
Againft the language only and the words ;
As he who fought at barriers with Salmajius,
Engag'd -with nothing but hisjlyle and phrafes,
Wavd to ajj'ert the murder of a pri?ice y
The author of falfe Latin to convince ;
But laid the merits of the caufe afide,
By thofe that underftood them to be try'd ;
And counted breaking Prifcian's head a thing
More capital than to behead a king;
For which he has been admir'd by all the learn'd
Of knaves conccrn'd, and pedants unconcern'd !
different forms, both Latin and French ; and, as it
ihould feem from the correfpondence of Sarravius,
n in fome editions with flight variations. Salmafius
afterwards endeavoured to defend his caufe, ac-
cording to the teftimony of Ifaac Voffius, by a moft
unjuftifiable attack upon the moral character of
Milton while he refided in Italy : Both combatants
indeed had betrayed too much perlbnal malevolence ;
But it is to the difgrace of Salmaiius that he ihould
fo far have forgotten himfelf as to confound the
champion with the affafiin. Milton, for his per-
formance, was complimented ° at home by the vifits
or invitations of all the foreign minifters at London,
as well as by the more folid approbation of his em-
ployers in the prelent of a thoufand pounds ; and
by encomiaftick letters from the moft celebrated
fcholars abroad. Chriftina, queen of Sweden, is
faid to have treated the defender of monarchy with
coldnefs, after having read the Defence of the People :
And Dr. Newton adds that Salmafius was difmiiTed,
from her Court, with contempt. He was difmiffed,
or rather retired, not with degradation, but, as Dr.
Johnfon obferves, with a train of attendance fcarcely
lefs than regal. Probably for the mean pleafure of
tormenting Salmafms, this capricious monarch had
commended Milton. After Salmafius's death, lhe
n Ibid. Ep. ccxxxvi. p, 234.
« He perhaps loft the friendship of others on this occafion.
Certain it feems that the amiable and learned Earl of Bridge-
water, who had performed the part of the Firft Brother in his
Comits, now difdained his acquaintance. On the title-page of
the Defenjio, now in the Marquis of Stafford's pofieflion, that
Nobleman has written, " Liber igne, Author furcd, digniflimi."
allured his widow, by letter, that the had efteemedi
him as a father, and would never ceafe to honour his
memory. Salmafius died in 1653 at Spa; having
prepared a reply to Milton, without books, and by the
fole help of memory p ; which, left as it was un-
finished, was q publilhed by his fon, with a dedication
to the King, at the Reftoration : It is more diftin-
guifhed for abufe than argument.
It muft not be omitted that Salmafius, in his De-
fenfio Regia, had preffed hard upon his adverfary in
a particular point ; and that Milton, to maintain the
point, was tempted to put on the fragile armour of
untruth. A learned prelate, in modern times, has
detected this diminifhed brightnefs of Milton.
" r When Salmafius upbraided Cromwell's fa6tion with
the tenets of the Brownifts, the chofen advocate of that
execrable faction [Milton] replied, that, if they were
Brownifts, Luther, Calvin, Bucer, Zuinglius, and all the
mod celebrated theologians of the Orthodox, muft be in-
cluded in the fame reproach. A groffer falihood, as far as
Luther, Calvin, and many others are concerned, never fell
from the unprincipled pen of a party- writer. However
fedition might be a part of the puritanick Creed, the general
faith of the Reformers rejects the infamous alliance."
Dr. Symmons, who to the late edition of 8 Milton's
Prole Works has prefixed a life of the author, is
p Vita et Epift. CI. Salmafii, ab. Ant. Clementio, \656.
Vit. p. liii.
*J It appears to have been tranflatcd into Englifh, and pub'
lifted at London in 1660. See bifhop Rennet's Regifter, p. 270.
11 Salmafius's Difleltion and Confutation of Milton."
1 Appendix to Biftiop Watfon's Sermon before the Houfe of
Lords, Jan. 30, 1793, p. 38.
* Published in IKOd
indignant at this accufation ; conceding indeed to the
" l liberal and worthy prelate very unfeigned refpecV'
but at the fame time " protefting againft the rafli-
nefs which incited him to this violent paragraph ;
and with fingular humanity deploring the " u unhappy
infertion" of it, preceded by my " harih imputa-
tion," into this account of the great poet. No lefs
defirous than Dr. $ymmons to avoid mifreprefentation
in fpeaking of Milton, I will copy what he has ad-
vanced in maintenance of his pity and indignation,
and with a brief reply leave the charge of rqfhnefs
to be appropriated as impartiality may direct;.
(f x To refute this incautious charge/' fays Dr. Symmons,
" nothing more can be neceffary than the production of the
paffage in Milton's work, to which the reference is made.
It concludes the fifth chapter of the Defenfio pro Populo
Anglicano, and it ftands independently of any thing which
precedes it. e Quereris enim poftremis hifce feculis difci-
plinae vigorem laxatum, regulam corruptam/ quod uni fcilicet
tyranno, cunSZis legibus faluto, difciplinam omnem laxare,
mores omnium corrumpere, impune non liceat. Hanc doclru
nam ' Bruniftas inter reformatos* introduxiffe ais : Ita Lu-
therus, Calvinus, Zuinglius, Bucerus, et Orthodoxorum quot-
quot celeberrimi theologi fuere, tuo judicio Bruniftce Junt*
Quo aquiore animo tua maledicla perferunt Angli, cum in
esclefia doclores prgftantijfimos, totamque adeo ecclefiam
reformatam, iifdem proph contumeliis debacchari te audiant.
f You complain/ addreffing himfelf to Salmafius, fays Milton,
* that in this laft age the vigour of difcipline is impaired and
its right rule corrupted, becaufe truly it is not in the power
of one defpot, releafed himfelf from the controll of all law,
to relax with impunity the general difcipline and to corrupt
the morals of all. This doctrine, as you fay, was firft intro-
duced among the reformed by the Brownifts ; fo that, by
your decifion, Luther, Calvin, Zuinglius, Bucer, and all the
\ Life, note, p. 321. u Ibid. p. 320. * Ibid. 321.
moft celebrated of the orthodox divines are included among
the Brownifts. The Englifh, therefore, fupport your cal-
umnies with the greater equanimity, when they hear you thus
furious in your invectives againft the moft admirable doctors,
and confequently againft the body itfelf of the reformed
church.' — If we admit the premifes of Milton, can we refufe
our aflent to his conclufion ? If to contend for liberty againft
the tyranny of a fingle perfon be the diftinclion of a Brownift,
the firft reformers were, beyond all queftion, Brownifts ; for
one of the principal objects of their liberal and enlightened
contention was to break the defpotifm of the Court of Rome.
Milton afltrts nothing but the truth ; and he is juftined in
bringing it forward by that part of his adverfary's work to
which he replies. The firft reformers were not only ftrenuous
in their oppoiition to the papal defpotifm, but were on all
occafions warm advocates and fupporters of the civil liberties
of man."
So then the prelate is refuted by the reprefenta-
tion, that Milton is fpealdng only of contending for
liberty againft the tyranny of a iingle perfon ! I cannot
yield to this a pretence of vindicating Milton; nor may
I withhold Salmafius's own words. " y Poftremis vero
faeculis ut in aliis rebus it a et in hac mores, ut jam
dictum, cum temporibus mutati funt, difciplinae vigor
laxatus eft, et regula corrupta. Quinimo extitere
tandem peftes Rerum publicarum, regumque pdriytq,
et omnis a Deo ordinatas poteftatis hoftes, fophifta
quidam qui contrariam illi, quae a Chrifto tra-
dita eft, docirinam introduxerunt de occidendis
quafi jure regibus Ji difplicerent fabje&is. Tales
in Pontificiis Jefuitae, inter Reformatos qui vo-
cantur* Independentes et Bruniftce" Milton's
r Defenfio Regia, edit. 12 m0 * 1650, p. 166.
x See this point illuftrated, in the prefent account, p. 6*4,
& fcq. Salmafius fpeaks correc~tly.
reply is unqueftionably evafive. It is an effort to
vindicate his own party " a upon the fame prin-
ciples," as Dr. Watkins has well obferved, " which
induced the reformers to feparate from the Church
of Rome ; an artful manoeuvre to put rebellion againft
the king, and the reformation from popery, upon the
fame footincr."
That the death of Salmafius was haftened by the
neglect which he is faid to have experienced, on the
appearance of Milton's book, is by no means clear.
His biographer, Clementius, gives a diftinct account
of the diforder which terminated his days, and to
which he had long been fubject, the gout. The fup-
pofed credit of deftroying a b literary antagonift may
indeed be deducted, without injury, from the achieve-
ments of Milton.
The firft reply to Milton's Defenfio Populi was
publifhed in the fame year, and was entitled " Apo-
logia pro Rege et Populo Anglicano, contra Johannis
Polypragmatici (alias Miltom Angli) Defenfionem
deftructivam Regis et Populi." The author was un-
known. Milton directed his younger nephew to
anfwer it, who poffibly prepared the firft draught of
a reply ; which, before it went to prefs, was fo care-
fully examined and corrected by Milton, that it may
a Characleriftic Anecdotes of men of learning and genius, &c.
8vo. 1808, p. 214.
b Bentley juftly obferves, in the Preface to his Differtation
on Phalaris, that " he muft be a young writer, and a young
reader too, that believes Milton and Petavius had themfelves as
mean thoughts of Salmafius, as they endeavour to make others
have." Milton could once avow his refpectful opinion of the?
" indujlry of the learned Salmafius'* Reafon of Ch. Gov. B, u
vol, i„ G
be confidered almoft as his own performance, al*
though denominated cc Johannis Philippi Angli Re-
fponfio ad Apologiam anonymi cujufdam tenebrionis
pro Rege et Populo Anglicano infantiffimam." This
piece appeared in 1652. Bifhop Bramhall is the
ideal enemy with whom Phillips here encounters.
Of fo contemptible and barbarous a compofition as
the Apologia that learned prelate could not be the
author. Since the firft edition of this account of
Milton was publifhed, I have indeed difcovered the
real author ; and the imputation whether of Milton,
or his nephew, applied to this excellent bifhop, mult
never more be named. Dr. Symmons is wholly miftaken
in his fuppofed difcovery of the author. I have the
authority alfo of bifhop Bramhall himfelf on my fide c <
c From the following work we learn the name of the author
of the Apologia : " Polemica five Stipplementum ad Apologiam
anonymaro pro Rege et populo Anglicano, adverfus Jo: Miltoni
Defenfionem populi Anglicani, &c. Per Io: ttowlandum, Pafto-
rem Anglicum. 1653." i2mo. In p. 47, the author begins to
fpeak of his former book, and of himfelf: " ^ftimantur tamen
plerumque libri authorum vel patronorum titulis^ ut divitee
* cui annulus ingens,
* atque ideo pluris quam Cottus agehat/
Ft n'fi typographis hoc fupplementum vili venifTet, qui egenti
et nudo nullam laboris mei mercedem porrigere aufi funt, vel
praeli impenfas facere, fuo lucro metuentes, diu antehac hanc
fecundam Apologiam publici juris fecifiem* Sed fi Salmafius, vel
Heinfius, vel quis magni nominis mea pra?flgeretur, fperno
fprctus, cum Heinfii Socratis pulchro fortafTe pulchritudine
certaret. Sed meam intra anni fpatium decorticare periculum
fecit quidam Johannes, an alter ct idem Miltonus ? Philippus, vet
Pfeudo Phi/ippus? cui ratio non eft quod ipfe fuccenferem, qui,
errando circa authorem Apologia:, me dignitatc epifcopali honoravity
But it was thought fubiervient perhaps to the confe-
quence of the caufe, to exhibit its namelefs opponent
as a man of the moft diftinguiihed talents. In this
year Sir Robert Filmer's Animadversions on Milton's
Defenfw, Hobbes's Leviathan, and Grotius's De Jure
Belli, were likewife publimed. They were unnoticed
by Milton. In 1652 alfo, the following publication
appeared in d Dublin againft him: " Carolus I. a
fecuri et calamo Miltoni vindicatus." And in 1653,
et Epifcopwn Dirrcmim, aulicorum facerdotum primipilum, omni
vitiorura labe maculavit. — .Quoad caetera, Philip-pus, ievis veles,
in tricis et quifquiliis fer& totum fe exercet circa linguae Latinas
puritatem, cum raihi a 14 annis nee grammatica nee dictiona-
rium fuerit, quam quas cerebro meo mecura circumferre poffim ;
et tamen hifce phantafmatibus^ verbis* et tropis incauti leclores
capiuntur, tanquam Prifciani vel Defpauterij caufa ageretur,
qui, quoniam in re tain ieria tam pueriiiter ineptit, non aliud h
me refponfum expcclabit quam quod hoc difticho compra-
hen dam :
Phy notaf ceteris Lippzts m&lus omnibus horis,
Et malus et Lippus, totus malus ergo Philippus.
Non fum enim Johannes Bramalius Epifcopus Dirraeus aulicUS,
Fed Johannes Rowlandus Anglicus* Paftor Ecclefiae particularism
et tamen nominis mei me non pudet, quod in Ecclefias ortho-
doxum, olim in proverbium cefiit, Rotvlmtdus pro Olivero, &c."'
Cap. 5. Ad fin. — I have now to communicate bifhop Bramhairs
own remark, obligingly tranfmitted to me from Ireland by the
Rev. Edward Berwick, (of Efker near Leixlip,) who, in looking
over fome original letters of the bifhefp, difcovered the inform-
ation in one of them addrefied to his fon under an aflumed
name, and dated at Antwerpe in May 16*54. " That filly book
which he [Milton] afcribes to me, was written by one John
Rowland, who fince hath replied upon him. I never read a
word either of the iirlt book or of the replie in my life.'"'
d This is noticed in Rawlinfoivs Method of Judging Hi/lory.
vol* ii. p. 475, I have fought for it in vain,
G 2
at Leyden, " Cafpari Ziegleri Lipfienfis circa Regi*
cidium Anglorum exercitationes. Accedit Jacobi
Schalleri Differtatio ad loca quaedam Miltoni."
Zeigler has thought proper thus to infult the great
poet : " Jam vero, in dictis S. Scripturae interpo-
Jandis et enervandis, quantus artifex eft Miltonus !
Jefuitis felicior, ipfo Diabolo audacior I" Ad Lee*
torem Benevolum ! ! Schaller is not fo much difpofed
to abufe.
Milton, when he was firft made Latin Secretary,
removed from his houle in Holborn to lodgings in
the vicinity of Whitehall ; and was at length fixed,
with his family, in apartments prepared for him in
Scotland-yard; where he loft an infant fon. His
health being impaired, he chofe, however, in 1652,
a more airy iituation ; and occupied a garden-houfe
in Petty-France, Weftminfter, which opened into St.
James's Park ; in which he continued till within a few
weeks of the Reftor ation. In this abode he had not
been fettled long, before he loft his firft wife in child-
bed ; who left him three daughters. He afterwards
married Catherine, the daughter of Captain Wood-
cock of Hackney. She alio died in child-bed of a
daughter, and within e a year after their marriage.
Milton honoured her memory, and foothed his own
fenfibility, in a tender Sonnet.
He had become utterly blind two or three years
before his fecond marriage ; having loft the ufe of his
left eye in 1651, and, according to his biographers,
e " Mrs. Catharine Milton, wife to John Milton, Efq. buried
Feb. 10, 1657." Kifhop Rennet's MS. Collections for St. Mar-
gareft Parifh, Weft miu Her, cited by Mr. Malcolm in his enter-
taining llift. of London, 4to. vol. 4, r>. 128.
that of the other in 1654. But I am inclined to
fuppofe, that he experienced the misfortune of total
darknefs before the latter date. For, in Thurloe's
State-Papers, there is the following pafTage in a letter
from the Hague, dated 20. Junii, 1653. " f Vous
aves en Angleterre un aveugle nomine* Milton, qui
a le renom d' avoir bien efcrit."
His enemies meanly triumphed in his blindnefs ;
and imputed it as a judgement from heaven upon
him for writing againlt the King. But his eyes had
been gradually failing long before, owing to the mid-
night ftudies of his youth. He had been cautioned
by his phyficians, while he was writing his Defence
of the People, to defift from the talk, if he valued
the preservation of his fight; but he was undifmayed
by their opinion, and did not hefitate to prefer what
he thought his duty to his eyes ; and, after their orbs
were quenched, he nobly tells us, that, while he
defpifed the refentment of thofe who rebuked his
darknefs, he did not want the charity to forgive them.
At the defire of his friend Leonard Philaras, a cele-
brated Athenian, and ambafiadour from the Duke of
Parma at Paris, (who had written an encomium of
his Defence?) he fent him a particular account of his
calamity ; not without an expectation, which alas !
was never gratified, of deriving benefit from the
opinion of Thevenot, a phyfician particularly dif-
tinguillied as an oculift. Milton's curious and ad-
mirable letter, which is the fifteenth of his Latin
epiftles, has been tranflated by Mr. Richardfon and
Mr. Hayley. In the more attractive language of
the latter, I fubmit it to the reader.
J Vel. i.p,281.
he is too generous to
remember. But he never having in the leaft provoked you>
for you to infult thus over his old age> to traduce him by your
fcaramuccios, and in your own perfon, as a fchoolmafter^
who was born and hath lived more ingenuoufly and liberally
than yourfelf ; to have done all this, and lay at laft my fimple
book to his charge, without ever taking care to inform yourfelf
better, which you had fo ealy an opportunity to do :— it is
inhumanly and inhofpitabty done; and will, I hope, be a
warning to all others, as it is to me, to avoid (I will not fay)
fuch a Judas, but a man that creeps into all companies to
jeer, trepan, and betray them/'
Marvell, however, was miftaken in attributing the
Tranfprofer Rehears d to Parker; which, as Mr.
Warton remarks, was written by R. Leigh, formerly
of Queen's College, Oxford, but then a player. It
was printed at Oxford in 1673, " for the Affignes
of Hugo Grot his , and Jacob Van Harmine, on
the North-Jide of the Lake-Lemane /" A more fcur-
rilous or indecent publication has feldom difgraced
the prefs. The contemptible writer ridicules the
Paridife Loft, becaule it is written in blank verfe,
p. 30; and for the fame reafon calls Milton a
fchifmatick in poetry, p. 43. He defences the poet
as groping for a beam of liglit in that fublime apof-
trophe, " Hail, My Light, &c." p. 43. And he
reproaches lain as a Latin Secretary and an EngliJIi
Schoolmafter, p. 128. With the obfeenities of this
fcribbler I will not foil thefe pages. I mull add that
the Reproof in which Milton is called a friend of
ours, was certainly written by Parker. But Parker's
** friendly voice" was afterwards changed. Neither
Milton nor Marveli, however, lived to read the
abufe, which Parker beftowed. on both of them in
his pofthumous Comment aril ful temporis; of which
Mr. Warton has given the following tranflated paflage,
relating to the pamphleteers againft the royal party
at Cromwell's acceffion.
" Among thefe calumniators was a rafcal, one Marveli.
As he had fpent his youth in debauchery, fo, from natural
petulance, be became the tool of faction, in the quality of
fatyrift: yet with more fcurrility than wit, and with a me-
diocrity of talents, but not of ill-nature. Turned out of
doors by his father, expelled the univerfity, a vagabond, a
ragged and hungry poetafter, kicked and cudgelled in every
tavern, he was daily chaftifed for his impudence. At length
he was made under fecretary to Cromwell, by the procuration
of Milton, to whom he was a very acceptable character,
on account of a fimilar malevolence of difpoiition> &c."
B. iv. p. 275.
This paflage Was perhaps, written about the year
1680, Paradife Loft, Mr. Warton adds, had now
been publilhed thirteen years, and its excellencies
muft have been fully eftimated and fufficiently known;
yet in fuch terms of contempt, or rather neglect,
was its author now defcribed, by a popular, writer,
certainly a man of learning,, and very foon afterwards,
a biftiop. Parker became: indeed a bifhop ; but he
was alio the obtruded prefident of Magdalen. College,
Oxford; the minion of apopilh king.
From this, account reipe&ing Milton, and his
affociate in office* we may return to the employment
of the great poet, after the days of controversy were
no more. His time now appears to have been de-
Toted to the accomplifhment of three literary projects ;
the hiftory of his country, an epick poem, and a new
dictionary of the Latin tongue. Of this laft work
the preparations, which he had made long before,
and had occasionally continued till his death, were
found fo difcompofed and deficient, as Phillips relates,
that they could not be fitted for the prefs. From
thefe preparations, however, perhaps originated the
Cambridge Dictionary, publifhed in 1693 ; the editors
of which acknowledge, that " they made three large
folio volumes, containing a collection out of all the
bed and pureft Roman authors." They were pro-
bably communicated by Phillips, who is fuppofed to
have been the laft pofTeffour of thefe claffical accu-
In the mean time Milton amufed himfelf with the
publication of fmaller productions ; of a .manuscript
by Ralegh, entitled The Cabinet Council, in 1658 ;
and of two tracts, in the fucceeding year ; the firft
relating to the Civil Power in Ecclejiqftical Cafes, the
laft to The Means of removing Hirelings out of the
Church. It muft here be noticed, as another proof
of his ftudious difpofition, that he had collected a va-
riety of State Papers, from the death of the King
to the prefent period, probably with a view to render
them fubfervient to fome particular or general hiftory
of his times. They were publifhed in 1743 with the
following title: " Original Letters and Papers of
State, addrcfted to Olivet Cromwell, concerning the
Affairs of Great Britain. From the year 1649 to
1658. Found among the Political Collections of
Mr, John Milton. Now firft publifhed from the
Originals. By John Nickolls, Jun. Member of the
Society of Antiquaries, London." They had been
once in the poffeffion of Etlwood. In this collection
are two important letters written by Milton's friend,
Colonel Overton ; and a character, drawn by Captain
Bifhope, of another of Milton's particular friends,
the lord preiident Bradfhaw ; harmonizing, in refpect
to perfonal qualities, with his own molt eloquent
eulogy of that regicide. The collection abounds alfo
with choice efFufions of fanatick zeal, in addrefies to
Cromwell and other fupporters of what Milton
terms u The Good Old Caufe! In a letter to Colonel
Robert Overton, p. 161, is the following parlage :
" Sir, your friends befeech you to be much in the
mount with God, who is the belt counfeler, and will
ther be feen : This is no time to confult with fleih and
blood." Then follows almoft immediately an unfor-
tunate anticlimax to fuch impreffive eloquence, com-
penfated inftantaneoufly, however, by the writer's
blazing refumption of his favourite fubjeft ! " Sir,
there is one Mifs Dawfon prefents herferrAce to you.
To-morrow is kept a very folom day among fom
heer, fatting and praiers ; fum devills are no other
way caft out !"
Oliver being dead, and Richard being obliged to
refign the protectorfhip, Milton, upon the dilTolation
of the parliament by the army, wrote A Letter con-
cerning the ruptures of the Commonwealth. With
a view to prevent the reftoration of kingly govern-
ment, other republican pens were alfo bufily em-
ployed. Not to mentioii the ftrenuous exertions of
u Profe-Work?, vol. ii. p. 797- edit. K&S.
vot, 1. H
Harrington, I have now before me " Idea Deitfff-
cratica, or a Commonweal Platform/' and " A Model
of a Democraticall Government, humbly tendered
to confideration by a friend and well-wilher to this
Common-wealth," both anonymous productions of
1659. They minutely agree with Milton's Brief
Delineation of a Free Commonwealth, addrefled to
Monk in the fame year. But * "the fhip of the
Commonwealth" could no longer be kept afloat:
The gale of popular Opinion was now adverfe. Of
the usurpation there were few who were not eager to
make off the galling chains. The following lines of
Lucretius may be coniidered as no dhTimilar picture
of the prefent period, as well as of the triumphant
reign of Cromwell.
y " Ergo regibus oecifis ftibverfa jacebat
" Priftina majeftas foliorum, et fceptra fuperba ;
" Et capitis fummi prseclarum infigne cruentum
se Sub pedibus volgi magnum lugebat honorem.
* Nam cupide coneulcatur nimis ante metutum.
u Res itaque ad fummam faecem turbafque redibat,
" Imperium libi cum, ac fummatum, quifque petebat*
" Inde magiitratum partim docuere creare,
Juraque conftituere, ut vellent legibus uti :
" Nam genus humanum, defeifum vi colere aevum,
tc Ex inimicitiis languebat ; quo magis ipfum
M Sponte fua cecidit fub leges, aicMque jura."
Milton, however, not long before the King's re-
turn, published The ready and eafy Way to eftahlijh
a Free Commonwealth ; which he hoped might not
contain " the laft words of expiring liberty." The
■ See Milton's Profe-Works, vol. ii. p#789. edit. 169s.
y Lib. v. Ter. 1135.
pamphlet gave rife z both to a ferious, and to a ludi-
crous, reply. He afterwards publilhed Brief Notes
upon a Sermon preached in March 1659-60, by Dr.
Matthew Griffith, called The Fear of God and the
King. Thefe Notes were immediately anfwered by
L'Eftrange in a pamphlet, infultingly denominated
No Blind Guides.
Perceiving the return of the King to be unavoid-
able, he was obliged to quit the houfe which he occu-
pied as Latin Secretary, and in which he had lived
eight years with great reputation; vifited by all
foreigners of diftinction, and by feveral perfons of
quality in his own country, particularly by Lady
Ranelagh, whofe fon had been his pupil. It appears,
from Aubrey's relation, that feveral foreigners had
been induced to vifit England, in order " chiefly to
fee Oliver Cromwell lord protector, and Mr. John
Milton." In the execution of his office Milton had
acquired indeed the higheit credit. His State-Letters>
which are publilhed, are juftly admired by criticks
and politicians, and eminently befpeak the vigour
and fenfibility of his active mind. They are entitled
" Literae Senatus Anglicani, necnon Cromwelli, &c.
nomine ac juffu confcriptae." They have been trans-
lated into Englifh; in which drefs they appeared,
with his Life prefixed by Phillips, in 1694.
Milton at the Reftoration withdrew, for a time,
to a friend's houfe in Bartholomew-Clofe. By this
precaution he probably efcaped the particular pro-
fecution which was at firft directed againft him.
x See the Notes on the 21ft Sonnet, and the Ode to.Rpufe.
H 2
Mr. Warton was a told by Mr. Tyers from good
authority, that, when Milton was under profecution
with Goodwin, his friends, to gain time, made a
mock-funeral for him ,* and that when matters were
fettled in his favour, and the affair was known, the
King laughed heartily at the trick. This circum-
ftance has been alfo related by an hiftorian b lately
brought to light ; who fays that Milton " pretended
to be dead, and had a publick funeral proceffion,"
and that " the King applauded his policy in efcaping
the punifhment of death, by a feafonable lliew of
dying." His Eiconoclajies and Defenjio pro Populo
Anglicano were, however, configned to the moil
publick difgrace. It was the refolution of the Com-
mons, on the 16th of June 1660, that his Majefty
Ihould be " c humbly moved to call in Milton's two
books, and that of John Goodwin, [The ObftntBors
of Jif/iice,] written in j unification of the murder of
the late King, and order them to be burnt by the
common hangman ; and that the Attorney-General
do proceed againft them by indictment or otherwife."
Dr. Johnfon thinks that Milton was not very dili-
gently purfued. It is certain that he very fuccefsfully
concealed himfelf. The proclamation for appre-
hending him, and his bold compeer, particularly
notices that " d the faid John Milton and John
Goodwin are fo fled, or i'o obfcure themfelves, that
no endeavours ufed for their apprehenfion can take
* See his Second Edition of Milton's Smaller Poems, p. 358.
b Cunningham's Ilift. of Great Britain, vol. i. p. 14.
c Journals of the Houfe of Commons.
* See the Proclamation printed at length in Kcnnet's Regifter
and Chronicle, 1728, p. 18Q.
effecl;, whereby they may be brought to legal
tryal, and defervedly receive condign punifhment
for their treafons and offences." Of the profcribed
books feveral copies were committed to the flames
on the 27th of Auguft. Within three days after the
burning thefe offenfive publications, he found him-
felf relieved, by the Act of Indemnity, from the
neceffity of concealment. Goodwin was incapa-
citated, as Dr. Johnfon obferves, with nineteen
more, for any publick trult; but of Milton there
was no exception. He was afterwards, however, in
the cuftody of the Serjeant at arms ; for on Saturday
the loth of December, 1660, it was ordered, by
the Houfe of Commons, " e that Mr. Milton, now
in cuftody of the Serjeant at arms, attending this
Houfe, be forthwith releafed, paying his fees"
And, on Monday the 17th, " a complaint being made
that the Serjeant at arms had demanded exceffive fees
for the imprifonment of Mr. Milton; it was ordered,
that it be referred to the Committee for Privileges
to examine this bufinefs, and to call Mr. Mead the
Serjeant before them, and to determine what is fit
to be given to the Serjeant for his fees in this cafe."
Milton is fuppofed to have had powerful friends both
in Council and Parliament ; as Secretary Morice, Sir
Thomas Clarges, and Andrew Marvell. But the
principal inftrument in obtaining Milton's pardon is
faid to have been Sir William Davenant, who, when
he was taken prifoner in 1650, had been faved by
Milton's intereft, and who now, in grateful return
for lb fignal an obligation, interceded for the life of
c Journals of the Houfe of Commons.
Milton. This ftory has been related by Richardfon
upon the authority of Pope, who received it from
Betterton, the protege" of Davenant. Aubrey, in
his manuicript Life of Davenant f , afcribes his fafety,
without mention of Milton, to two aldermen of
Milton, having obtained his pardon, took a
lioufe in Holborn near Red-Lion-Fields ; but foon
removed to Jewin-ftreet, near Alderfgate. Here he
married his third wife, Elizabeth Minfhull, of a
genteel family in Cheihire. She was a relation of
Dr. Paget, his particular friend, whom he had re-
queued to recommend a proper confort for him. It
may here be obferved, that he chofe his three wives
out of the virgin ftate. Indeed he tells us that he
entirely agreed " g with them who, both in prudence
and elegance of fpirit, would chooie a virgin of
mean fortunes, honeftly bred, before the wealthieft
widow." Soon after this laft marriage, he is faid
to have been offered the continuance of his employ-
ment of Latin Secretary, and to have h magnani-
moufly declined it. It was while he lived in Jewin-
ftreet, that Ellwood the quaker was recommended to
him as a perfon who, for the advantage of his con-
versation, would read to him fuch Latin books as he
thought proper ; an employment to which he attended
every afternoon, except on Sundays.
f Sec the Hid. Account of the Englifh Stage, Steevens's
Shakfpeare, edit. 1793. vol. ii. p. 431.
e Profe-VVorks, vol. i. p. 191. cd. l6'98.
h See the Note f to the Nuncupative Will.
<* At. -my firft fitting to him," this ingenuous * writer in-
forms us, in his Life of himfelf, " obferving that I ufed the
JEnglifh pronunciation, he told me, if I would have the be-
nefit of the Latin tongue, not only to read and understand
Latin authors, but to converfe with foreigners, either abroad
or at home, I mull learn the foreign pronunciation ; to this
I confenting, he inftru&ed me how to found the vowels : This
change of pronunciation proved a new difficulty to me ;
jbut ( labor omnia vincit improbus ;' and fo did I ; which
made my reading the more acceptable to my mailer. He,
on the other hand, perceiving with what earnefl defire I
purfued learning, gave me not only all the encouragement,
but all the help, he could; for, having a curious ear, he
underflood by my tone when I underilood what I read, and
when I did not ; and accordingly he would flop me, and
Examine me, and open the moft difficult paflages to me."
The kind care beftowed by Milton upon the im-
provement of this young man was repaid by every
mark of perfonal regard. The courtefy of the pre-
ceptor ? and the gratitude of the difciple, are indeed
1 " The early life of Eliwood," Mr. Warton has remarked,
** exhibits exactly the progrefs of an enthufiaft. Having been a
profligate youth, and often whipped at fchool twice a day, he
was fuddenly reclaimed by accidentally hearing a Quaker's
fermon. He then had the felicity of following the Heps of St.
Paul, in fuffering bonds and imprifonment. But thofe flight
evils did not reach the fpiritual man. He found the horrours
of a jail to be green and flowery pailures, refrefhed withthe foun-
tain of grace. lie confpled himfelf as Shakfpeare fays, with * a
fnufF in a dungeon/ The hillory of his defultory life, written by
himfelf, and from which I colled thefe anecdotes, is filled with idle
rambles and adventures, foolifti fcraps of poetry, and fanatical
opinions. 1 except thofe paflages which relate to Milton, as
^lfo the bell and moll curious part of the defcription of Bride-
well and Newgate, then the ufual receptacles of preaching ap»
prentices, and frequently more full of faints than felons/'
alike confpicuous. After feveral adventures, which
were no flight trials of patience, Ellwood found an
afylum in the houfe of an affluent quaker at Chalfont
in Buckinghamihire, whole children he was to in-
ftrucl. This fituation afforded him an opportunity
of being ferviceable to Milton. For, when the plague
began to rage in London in 1665, Ellwood took a
houfe for him at k Chalfont St. Giles ; to which the
poet retired with his family. He had not long before
k Dr. Birch, in his Life of Milton, has printed a Sonnet, faid
to be written by Milton in 1665, when he retired to Chalfont in
Buckinghamfhire on account of the plague; and to have been
feen inferibed on the glafs of a window in that place. I have
feen a copy of it written, apparently in a coeval hand, at the
end of Tonfon's edition of Milton's Smaller Poems in 1713,
where it is alfo faid to be Milton's. It is re-printed, from Dr.
Birch's Life of the poet, in Fawkcs and Woty's Poetical Calendar,
1763, vol. viii. p. 6j, But, in this Sonnet there is a fcriptural
miftake ; which, as Mr. Warton has obferved, Milton was not
likely to commit. For the Sonnet improperly represents David
as punifhed by peftilence for his adultery with Bathflieba. Mr.
Warton, however, adds, that Dr. Birch had been informed by
Vertuc the engraver, that he had feen a fatirical medal, ftruck
upon Charles the fecond, abroad, without any legend, having a
correfpondent device. — This Sonnet, I mould add^ varies from
the conftruclion of the legitimate Sonnet, in confuting of only
ten lines, inftead of fourteen,
Fair mirrour of foul times ! whofe fragile (been
Shall, as it blazetli, break; while Providence,
Aye watching o'er his faints with eye unfeen,
Spreads the red rod of angry peftilence,
To fweep the wicked and their counfels hence:
Yen, all to break the pride of luftfull kings,
Who heaven's lore reject for brutifh fehfe ;
As erft he fcourgM JeflideV fin of yore,
For the fair Hittite, when, on ferapVs vdfYgs,
He fent him war, or plague, or famine fore,
removed from Jewin-ftreet to a houfe in Artillery
Walk, leading to Bunhill-fields. On his arrival at
Chalfont he found that Ellwood, in confequence of a
perfecution of the quakers, was confined in the gaol
of Aylefbury. But, being foon releafed, this affec-
tionate friend made a vifit to him, to welcome him
into the country. " After fome common difcourfes,"
fays Ellwood, " had paffed between us, he called for
a manufcript of his, which, being brought, he delivered
to me, bidding me take it home with me, and read it
at my leifure, and when I had fo done, return it to
him with my judgement thereupon. When I came
home, and fet myfelf to read it, I found it was that
excellent poem, which he entitled Paradife Loft?
From this account it appears that Paradife Loft was
complete in 1665.
Next year, when the city was cleanfed, and the
danger of infection ceafed, he returned to Bunhill-
fields, and defigned the publication of his great poem.
Some biographers have fuppofed that he began to
mould the Paradife Loft into an epick form, foon
after he was difengaged from the controverfy with
Salmafius. Aubrey fays, that he began the work
about two years before the Reftoration. However,
confidering the difficulties, as Dr. Newton well re-
marks, " under which the author lay, his uneafinefs
on account of the publick affairs and his own, his
age and infirmities, his not being in circumftances to
maintain an amanuenfis, but obliged to make ufe of
any hand that came next to write his verfes as he
made them, it is really wonderful that he mould have
the fpirit to undertake fuch a work, and much more
that he fhould ever bring it to perfection." Yet his
tuneful voice was
■ " unchang'd
" To hoarfe or mute, though fallen on evil days,
" On evil days though fallen, and evil tongues ;
" In darknefs, and with dangers compafs'd round,
« And folitude." ,
To Milton indeed the days might now feem evil. But
to fo pathetick a complaint cold muft be the heart of
him who can liften without compaffiom It reminds
us of the mufical but melancholy ftrains, addreffed
by his favourite Taffo in a Sonnet to Stiglian, whom
he falutes as advancing on the road to Helicon :
" Ivi prende mia cetra ad un cipreffo :
" Salutala in mio nome, e dalle avvifo,
" CK iofon da gli anni e da fort una opprejjb"
The laft of Milton's familiar Letters in Latin, ad-
dreffed to Peter Heimbach, an accomplifhed German,
who is ftyled counfellor to the elector of Branden-
burgh, (and who is fuppofed, by an expreffion in a
former epiftle from Milton to him, to have refided
with the poet, when he vifited England, in the cha-
racter of a difciple,) relates his confideration on his
prefent circumftances, and his reflection on the days
that were gone, in a moft interelting manner. With
the tranflation of this letter by his moft affectionate
and fpirited biographer, Mr. Hayley, the reader will
be gratified.
" If among fo many l funerals of my couutrymen, in a
ear fo full of peftilence and forrow, you were induced, as
1 Even at Chalfont, whither he had retired from the danger
of infection, infection had appeared. For in the Ilegiflcr of the
you fay, by rumour to believe that I alfo was fnatched away,
it is not furprifing ; and if fuch a rumour prevailed among
thofe of your nation, as it feems to have done, becaufe they
were folicitous for my health, it is not unpleafing, for I muft
efteem it as a proof of their benevolence towards me. But
by the gracioufnefs of God, who had prepared for me a fafe
retreat in the country, I am ftill alive and well ; and I truft
not utterly an unprofitable fervant, whatever duty in life there
yet remains for me to fulfil. That you remember me, after
fo long an interval in our correfpondence, gratifies me ex-
ceedingly, though, by the politenefs of your expreflion, you
feem to afford me room to fufpecl:, that you have rather for-
gotten me, fince, as you fay, you admire in me fo many dif-
ferent virtues wedded together. From fo many weddings I
mould affuredly dread a family too numerous, were it not
certain that, in narrow circumftances and under feverity of
fortune, virtues are moil excellently reared, and are mod
tlourifhing. Yet one of thefe faid virtues has not very hand-
ibmely rewarded me for entertaining her ; for that which you
call my political virtue, and which I mould rather wifh you
to call my devotion to my country, (enchanting me with her
captivating name,) almoft, if I may fay fo, expatriated me.
Other virtues, however, join their voices to affure me, that
wherever we profper in rectitude there is our country. In
ending my letter, let me obtain from you this favour, that if
you find any parts of it incorrectly written, and without ftops,
you will impute it to the boy who writes for me, who is
utterly ignorant of Latin, and to whom I am forced
(wretchedly enough) to repeat every fingle fyllable that I
dictate. I ftill rejoice that your merit as an accomplished
man, whom I knew as a youth of the higheft expectation,
has advanced you fo far in the honourable favour of your
prince. For your profperity in every other point you have
parifh, under the year 1665, two perfons are recorded, as I have
been obligingly informed by letter from the refident clergyman,
to have died of thejicJtnefs ; [fo the Plague was denominated ;]
one of whom is called a ftranger, and died at the Manor Houfe.
both my wifties and my hopes. Farewell. London, Auguft
15, 1666."
After the poem had been made ready for publi-
cation, it is faid to have been in danger of being fup.-
prefied by the licenfer, who imagined that, in the
noble m fimile of the fun in an eclipfe, he had dif-
covered treafon. The licenfer's hefitation is a ftriking
example of Lord Lyttleton's acute remark, that
" n the politicks of Milton at that time brought his
poetry into difgrace ; for it is a rule with the Englifli ;
they fee no good in a man whofe politicks they di/like"
• Licenfed, however, the poem was ; and Milton fold
his copy, April 27, 1667, to Samuel Simmons, for
an immediate payment of five pounds. But the
agreement with the bookfeller entitled him to a con-
ditional payment of five pounds more when thirteen
hundred copies mould be fold of the firft edition ; of
the like fum after the fame number of the fecond
edition ; and of another five pounds after the fame
fale of the third. The number of each edition was
not to exceed fifteen hundred copies. It firft ap-
peared in 1667, in ten books. In the hiftory of
Paradife Lqfi, Dr. Johnfon has obferved that a re-
lation of minute circumftances will rather gratify
than fatigue. Countenanced by fuch authority, I
ra B. i. 594, &c
n Dialogues of the Dead. Dial. xiv.
° Mr. Malone obferves, that the poem was entered in the Sta-
tioners' Book by Samuel Symons, Aug. 20. 1669. Sec the Life
of Dryden, 1800, vol. i. part i. p. 114. The title-pages of
l6G7 and 1668, however, bear in front " Liccnjed and Entered
according to Order.'* 1 have icon fcveral copies with the title*
page of 166*9, in which this notification is omitted.
proceed to ftate that the poem, in a fmall quarto
form, and plainly but neatly bound, was advertifed
at the price of p three {hillings. The titles were
varied, in order to circulate the edition, in 1667,
1668, and 1669. Of thefe thefe there were no lefs
than q Jive. In two years the fale gave the poet a
right to his fecond payment, for which the receipt was
figned April 26, 1669. The fecond edition was not
given till 1674; it was printed in fmall octavo ; and,
by a judicious divifion of the feventh and tenth, con-
tained twelve books. He lived not to receive the pay-
ment ftipulated for this impreffion. The third edition
was publifhed in 1678 ; and his widow, to whom the
copy was then to devolve, agreed with Simmons, the
printer, to receive eight pounds for her right, ac-
cording to her receipt dated December 21, 1680.
Simmons had already covenanted to transfer the
right, for twenty-five pounds, to Brabazon Aylmer,
the bookfeller; and Aylmer fold to Jacob Tonfon
half, Auguft 17, 1683, and the other half, March 24,
1690, at a price confiderably advanced.
Of the firft edition it has been obferved by Dr.
Johnfon, that " the call for books was not in Milton's
age what it is at prefent ; — the nation had been fatis-
fledfrom 1623 to 1664, that is, forty-one years, with
only two editions of the works of Shakfpeare, which
probably did not together make one thoufand copies.
The fale of thirteen hundred copies in two years, in
oppofition to fo much recent enmity, and to a ftyle
P In Clavel's Catalogue of all the books printed in England,
fince the fire of London, in 1666 to the end of 167 2. Fol.
Lond. 1673.
* See the lift of Editions at the end of the Life.
of verification new to all and difgufting to many, was
an uncommon example of the prevalence of genius.'*
This remark will always be read with peculiar grati-
fication, as it exonerates our forefathers from the
charge of being inattentive to the glorious blaze of a
luminary, before which fo many ftars " dim their*
ineffectual light." The demand, as Dr. Johnfon
notices, did not immediately encreafe; becaufe
" many more readers than were fupplied at firft, the
nation did not afford. Only three thoufand were
fold in eleven years ; for it forced its way without
nffiftance ; its admirers did not dare to publiih their
opinion; and the opportunities, now given, of at-
tracting notice by advertifements were then very few.
But the reputation and price of the copy ftill ad-
vanced, till the Revolution put an end to the fecrecy
of love, and Paradife Loft broke into open view
with fufficient fecurity of kind reception. Fancy can
hardly forbear to conjecture with what temper Milton
furveyed the filent progrefs of his work, and marked
its reputation ftealing its way in a kind of fubterra-
neous current through fear and filence. I cannot
but conceive him calm and confident, little difap-
pointed, not at all dejected, relying on his own merit
with fteady confeioufnefs, and waiting, without im-
patience, the viciffitudes of opinion, and the impar-
tiality of a future generation."
Milton indeed may be confidered as an illuftrious
example of patient merit. But his admirers were
not long filent. Witnefs the fpirited verfes of Barrow
and Marvell, prefixed to the fecond edition of the
poem : Witnefs alfo the celebrated hexaftich of
Dryden, which accompanies the fourth edition; as
Well as the liberal acknowledgement of his obligations
to Paradife Loft, made almoft immediately after the
death of Milton in the preface to his State of Inno-
cence : " I cannot, without injury to the deceafed
author of Paradife Loft, but acknowledge, that this
poem has received its entire foundation, part of the
defign and many of the ornaments from him. What
I have borrowed will be fo eafily difcerned from my
mean productions, that I lhall not need to point the
reader to the places ; and truly I ihould be forry,
for my own fake, that any one ihould take the pains
to compare them together, the original being un-
doubtedly one of the greateft, moft noble, and moft
fublime poems, which either this age or nation has
Among the circumftances of Milton's pofthumous
renown may be mentioned, to the no fmall diverlion
of the reader, the curious commendation contained
in the Preface to " Poems in Two Parts ; Firft, an
Interlocutory Difcourfe concerning the Creation, Fall,
and Recovery of Man. Secondly, A Dialogue be-
tween Faith and a Doubting Soul. By Samuel Slater.
Lond. 1679" The author of thefe poems feems to
have thought the gre$t bard, not however without
fome animadverfion of his corretler pen, to have
been worthy his imitation ! " I was much taken" he
fays, " with learned Mr. Milton s caft and fancy in
his book, [the Paradife Loft.] Him I have followed
much in his method, and have been otherwife be-
holding to him, how much I leave thee [Gentle
Reader !] to judg : but I have ufed a more plain and
familiar ftilc, becaufe I conceive it moft proper /"
Thefe compofitions, the children of prepofterous con-
ceit, would have been a valuable addition to the
common-place books of Bayes, who alfo " loved to
write familiarly F To the fame of Milton an elegant
poetical tribute was paid in the fucceeding year by a
writer, whom I have r conjectured to be Francis
Cradock, a member of the fame club with Milton.
The opinion and encouragement of Lord Somers
foon afterwards occafioned the handfome folio edition
of the Paradife Loft, which was publiihed by s fub-
fcription, in 1688; to which is prefixed a lift of
more than five hundred fubfcribers, among whom are
all the moft diftinguiihed characters of that period.
Atterbury exerted himfelf with zealous activity in the
promotion of this honourable publication. In the
preface to the Second Part of Wallers Poems, written
by Atterbury, and printed in 1690; and in that to
The Defign of part of the book of Ecclefiqftes, a
poem by r W. W., printed in 1691, Milton's re-
jection of rhyme is j cdicioufly commended. In 1 692,
another ornamented edition of Paradife Loft, in folio,
was publiihed ; and a third, with the copious and
very learned commentary of Patrick Hume, in 1695*
Thefe evidences of encreafmg celebrity, within thirty
r Sec the Commendatory Verfes on Milton in the prefent
edition of his Poetical Works.
8 Dr. Johnfon has faid, that Dryden's Virgil was the firft con-
fid erable work publiihed by fubfeription. But this edition of
Paradife Loji preceded the Englifli Virgil fome years. Mace's
J\Iufick's Monument, fo\. 1 6*76, was publiihed by fubfeription. Per-
haps Minfheu's Guide into Tongues, fol. 1617, may be confidered
as the firft book, of which the fale was promoted by this method.
x William -Wollafton, author of the Religion of Nature deli-
neated : the poem he endeavoured to fupprefs. See Biog. Brit..
Art. Wottqfion
years after the firft appearance of the poem, I
thought too remarkable to overpafs ; efpecially as the
popularity of Paradife Loft has been fuppofed to
be very confined, till the appearance of Addifon's
Such were the proofs, relating to this fubjec\ which
I had difcovered when I firft publilhed this account
of Milton. I have fince found more. Nor may the
production of them be thought unnecefiary, as the
unpopularity of Milton in the feventeenth century is yet
believed. A very ingenious u author has lately afferted,
that Cowley and Cleveland were «nore popular than
Milton. The affertion has been queftioned in an acute
criticifm, of which the foundation is juft; as the facts
already ltated, and thole which I {hall add, evince.
Nor will Mr. Southey regard, without pleafure, the
evidences that Paradife Loft could be well appre-
ciated even under the Stuarts. " The x affertion
that Cowley was more popular in his day than Milton,
we do not believe, in the more refpectable fenfe of
the word. If popularity mean the opinion of women
and children, or the lower clafs of readers, the novels
of the circulating library are at this day more popular
than Paradife Loft. But, among good judges, Milton
was early and claffically worshipped. He was early
tranflated into foreign languages, — which Cowley,
we believe, never was. At all events, the popularity
of Cowley is to be regarded as an exception to the
rule — that demerit will not be overrated in its own
u Mr. Southey, in the Preface to his Specimens of the later
Engliih Poets, p. xxvii.
x Edinburgh Review, N° xxi. p. 52.
vol, i. I
day,— than a confirmation of the contrary. Cleveland
was never fo popular as Milton, in his own day, of
in any other. The mppoied neglect of Milton among
his contemporaries has been greatly exaggerated.
Neither the iilence of Dryden, nor the political ma-
lignity of Winftanly, prove that the feventeenth cen-
tury was not deeply fenfible of his excellence, any
more than Voltaire's laughing at Paradife Loft proves
his being contemned by the moderns." To illuftrate
what is here advanced, I mention firft that an exami-
nation of Milton's blank verfe, and a proper tribute
to the fweetnefs of his language in the Paradife Loft,
occur in Dr. Woodford's y Paraphrafe upon the Can-
ticles, publiihed in 1679- Next, in the poetical
tranllation of Jacob Catiius's Self-Confict, publiihed
in 1680, the anonymous tranflator obferves, in the
Preface, that " it were a pity gold mould be rejected,
becaufe prefented unto thee in a homely veflel ; or
foveraign counfel, becaufe not fung to thee by a
Cowley, or a Milton ; the very footfteps of either of
which thou art not likely here to find." But, not*
withftanding this modeft depreciation of his labour,
the tranflator has employed, with good effect, many
Miltonick expreflions. We find Milton again the
admired theme of an unknown author in 1683, who,-
in his work entitled The Situation of Paradife found
out, cites with tafte and judgement feveral paflages
from the fourth book of Paradife Loft ; and, by the
application of a remark in S. Athanafius, confirms
the 7 - opinion that Milton, in his defcription of Para-
y See ulfo vol. ii. of the prcfent edition of Milton's Poetical
Works, pp. 277, 278.
* See my Note on rar.'Lq/l, B. iv. 256\
dife, confulted the Fathers. " a As to the eafterly
fituation of this garden," lays the author, " S. Atha-
nafius has a fancy thereupon extraordinary poetical,
and which I take to be more expreffive of its riches,
and its pleafures, than thofe defcriptions the moft
fanciful poets can give of their Elyfmm ; viz. • That
from hence about the Oriental parts of India there
are every where fuch fragrant fcents, and that the
fpices receive their odours, as if blown from that
happy place :' Which is good poetry enough, though
too light for him : And Milton has it,
— - — ■ ( Now gentle gales,
' Fanning their odoriferous wings difpenfe
f Native perfumes, and whifper whence they Hole
< Thofe balmy fpoils.' "
From the happy illuftration of this beautiful pafTage 3
I proceed to notice a b tranflation of the firft book of
Paradife Loft fo early as in 1685 ; and I will clofe
the publick expremons of regard and refpeCl for
Milton, under the Stuarts, with a citation from Poems
to the Memory of Edmond Waller, Efq. By fever al
hands, in 1688, where Milton obtains, from an
anonymous writer, this commendation by comparifon :
Now^ in foft notes, like dying fwans, he'd fmg,
Now tower aloft, like eagles on the wing ;
Speak of adventurous deeds in fuch a ftrain,
As all but Milton would attempt in vain ;
And only there, where his rapt Mufe does tell
How in th' aetherial war th* Apoftate Angels fell.
Of the anecdote, related by Richardfon, refpe&ing
the celebrity which Paradife Loft has been fuppofed
* Pages, 23, 24.
1 See the lift of Tranflations, at the end of this Account.
I 2
to owe to Denham, the accurate inveitigation of Mr,
Malone has detected the improbability.
n e The elder Richardfon," fays this acute and learned
writer, <( fpeaking of the tardy reputation of Paradife Loft,
tells us, (and the tale has been repeated in various Lives of
Milton,) that he was informed by Sir George Hungerford, an
ancient member of parliament, many years previous to 1734,)
that Sir John Denham came into the Houfe one morning
with a meet of Paradife Loft wet from the prefs, in his
hand ; and, being aiked what it was, he replied, * Part of
the nobleft poem that ever was written in any language or
in any age.' However, the book remained unknown till
it was produced about two years afterwards by Lord Buck-
hurft on the following occafion. That nobleman, in com-
pany with Mr. Fleetwood Shephard, (who frequently told
the ftory to Dr. Tancred Robinfon, an eminent phyfician,
and Mr. Richardfon's informer,) looking over fome books in
Little Britain, met with Paradife Loft ; and, being fur-
prifed with fome pafTages in turning it over, bought it. The
bookftller requefled Lis Lordfhip to fpeak in its favour, if
he liked it : for the impreflion lay on his hands as wafte
paper. Lord Buckhurft, (whom Richardfon inaccurately
calls the Earl of Dorfet; for he did not fucceed to that title
till fome years afterwards,) having read the poem, fent it to
Dryden, who in a fhort time returned it with this anfwer :
f This man cuts us all out, and the ancients too! — Much
the fame character (adds Mr. Richardfon) he gave of it to a
north-country gentleman, to whom I mentioned the book,
he being a great reader, but not in a right train, coming to
town feldom, and keeping little company. Dryden amazed
him with fpeaking loftily of it. f Why, Mr. Dryden, fays
he, ("Sir W. L. told me the thing himfelf,) 'tis not in rhyme/
' No; (replied Dryden,) nor would I have done my Virgil
in rhyme, if I was to begin it again- — How Sir John
Denham fhould get into his hands one of the meets of Pa-
c Life of Dryden, 1800, vol. i. part i. p. 112, &c.
rudife Loft, while it was working off at the prefs, it is not
very eafy to conceive. The proof-fheets of every book, as.
well as the finifhed fheets when worked off, previous to pub-
lication, are fubjeft to the inflection of no peribn but the
author, or the perfons to whom he may confide them ; and
there is no evidence or probability that any intimacy fub-
fifted between Sir John Denham and Milton. Here then is
the firft difficulty. The next is, that during a great part of
the year 1667, when Milton's poem probably was palling
through the prefs, the knight was difordered in his under-
ftanding : But a ftronger objection remains behind ; for, on
examination, it will be found that Denham, who is raid to
have thus blazoned Paradife Loft in the Houfe of Commons,
was never in parliament. Let us, however, wave this objec-
tion, and fuppofe this eulogy to have been pronounced in a
full Houfe of Commons in 1667, in which year Milton's
great poem according to fome of the title-pages firft appeared,
whilft others have the dates of 1668 and 166,9. So little
effe6l had Denham's commendation, that we find in two
years afterzcards almoft the whole impreffion lying on the
bookfeller's hands as wafte-paper: during which time Dryden,
a poet himfelf, living among poets, and perfonally acquainted
with Milton, had never feen it ! And to crown all, by the
original contract between Milton and Simmons, the printer,
dated April 27, 1667, it was ftipulated, that, whenever
thirteen hundred books were fold, he ihould receive five
pounds, in addition to the fum originally paid on the fale of
the copy : and this fecond fum of five pounds was paid to
him, as appears from the receipt, on the 26th of April,
1669 : fo that, in two years after the original publication,
we find that, inftead of almoft the whole impreffion then
lying on the bookfeller's hands, thirteen hundred put of
fifteen hundred copies of this poem had been difperfed.
Unlefs, therefore, almoft every fpecies of incongruity and
contradiction can authenticate a narrative, this anecdote mult
be rejected as wholly unworthy of credit."
Before I quit the fubjecl; of the firft appearance
of Paradife Loft, I muft notice a communication,
made to the publick d not long fince by a gentleman
poffeffing the original edition, of the following lines ;
apparently written by a female on two leaves pre-
fixed to the title-page of his copy, and fubfcribed
at the bottom with this fingular remark : " Dictated
by J. M." The communicator obferves, that the
daughter of Milton officiated as his amanuenfis ; and
that, from the remark already mentioned, there is
fome reafon to attribute the lines to the author of
Paradife Loft. Different female hands, it may be
added, appear in the manufcript of Milton, pre-
fer ved in Trinity College, Cambridge. However,
the bondage of rhyme will probably incline fome
readers ' to doubt the authenticity of thefe lines ;
while feveral ftriking fentiments and expreffions, and
the frequent flow of the verfcs into each other, may
perhaps occafion fome alfo to think them genuine,
and that the great poet might have chofen, as an
amufement, to employ once more the " jingling
found of like endings." The fubjecl: alfo had been
a favourite theme of Milton. On Day -Break.
" Welcome, bright chorifter, to our hemifphere ;
u Thy glad approaches tell us Day is near.
f< See ! how his early dawn creeps o'er yon hill,
" And with his grey-ey'd light begins to fill
" The filent air, driving far from our fight
i( The (tarry regiment of frighted Night ;
99 Whofe pale-fac'd regent, Cynthia, paler grows,
" To fee herfelf purfu'd by conquering foes ;
d In the Gentleman's Magazine for Auguft ]7S6, p. 69s,
¥. Yet daring ftays behind, to guard the rear
f< Of her black armies whither without fear
*' They may retreat, till her alternate courfe
f( Bring her about again with rallied force.
f{ Hark ! how the lion's terrour loud proclaims
•*' The gladfome tidings of day's gentle beams,
" And, long-kept iilence breaking, rudely wakes
" The feather'd train, which foon their concert makes,
■ ( And with unmeafur'd notes, unnumber'd lays,
ft Do joyfully falute the lightfome rays.
" But hearken yonder, where the louder voice
" Of fome keen hunter's horn hath once or twice
" Recheated out its blaft, which feems to drill
tc Th' opposing air, and with its echo fill.
" Thither let's hie ; and fee the toilfome hound,
" Willing, purfues his labour, till he 'has found
fC Some hope of what he follows, then with frefht
u And pleating clamour tells it to the reft.
" O Thou, who fometimes by moil facred voice
" Father of Light wert ftyl'd, let my free choice ^~
" (Though all my works be evil, feldom right,)
u Shun loving darknefs rather than the light.
" Let thy effential brightnefs, with quiek glance,
" Dart through the foggy mift of ignorance
(( Into the darken'd intellect, and thence
" Difpel whatever clouds o'erfpread the fenfe;
" Till, with e illuminated eyes, the mind
(i All the dark corners in itfelf can find,
" And fill them all with radiant light, which may
" Convert my gloomy night to fun-ihine day.
" Though dark, O God ! if guarded by thy might
" I fee with intellectual eyes-, the night
" To me a noon-tide blaze, illumin'd by
" The glorious fplendour of thy Majefty !"
e The printed word is illummd. An acute writer in the
JBritifh Critic fuggefts that the metre requires illuminated.
After the publication of Paradife Loft, Milton
refumed his defign of giving an hiftory of his native
country. But he proceeded only as far as the
Norman conqueft. Of this hiftory the firit printed
copies were mutilated; for the licenfer expunged
feveral paiTages, which, reprobating the pride and
fuperftition of the Monks in the Saxon times, were
underftood as a concealed fatire upon the Biihops in
the reign of the fecond Charles. Milton, however,
bellowed a copy of the unlicenfed paiTages on the
Earl of Anglefea; which were publifhed in 1681,
with a preface, declaring that they originally be-
longed to the third book of his hiftory, and which
have been lince inlerted in their proper places. The
fix books, which Milton executed, appeared in
In 1671, he f published the Paradife Regained,
and Samfon Agoniftes. Of the former poem Phillips
lias s recorded Milton's opinion ; not his preference
of it to Paradife Loft, but his h mortification to find
it cenfured as infinitely inferiour to his former epick
production. His pretended preference has been l
recommended by an ingenious writer, with other
f At the price, bound, of two lhillings and fixpence. ClaveTs
Catalogue, l6'73.
8 Lite of Milton, l6'<)4, p. xxxix.
1 In a manufcript note, at the end of Toland's Life of Milton,
communicated to me by Mr. F. G. Waklron, it is related that Pa-
radife Regained was, in the poet's own opinion, the better poem,
though it could never obtain to be named with Paradife Loft ;
nnd that Milton gave this reafon for the general diflike, namely,
That the people had a general f< life of the lofi of Varadifc, but
.mf nn equal gitjt foi lh< regaining of it.
1 Letters of Literature, J 785, p. 41 6,
popular tales believed without vouchers, and with-
out probability, to fupreme contempt. Uncommon
energy of thought, and felicity of compofition, as
Mr. Hayley obferves, are apparent in both the per-
formances of Milton, however different in defign/
-dimenfion, and effect. And Mr. Dunfter, the
learned editor of Paradife Regained in 1795, has
happily advanced the poem from the obfcurity, in
which it had been too long fhrouded ; pleading its
merits with all the mafterly difcrimination of an
eloquent advocate. Mr. Warton and Mr. Hayley
aflert, that the poet planned, or began, it at
Chalfont: Mr. Dunfter argues, that he probably
Jini/Jied it at his temporary refidence,
of y finding fit audience, though few; — " z panels
hujiifmodi le&oribiis contentusT Whether Milton's
avowal of content with a few readers, fuch as Young,
may be thought to favour Mr. a Warton's opinion
that the profe-works of Milton were never popular,
I leave to the reader's decifion. But I do not con-
ceive that thefe profe-works experienced fo much con-
temporary neglect, as we have hitherto been led to
believe. I find the diction, by which they are dif-
tinguilned, thus concifely but ftrongly commended
in 1650 : " b In truth it is very hard to write good
Englifh : and few have attained its height, in this
laft frie of books, but Mr. Milton."
To thefe anecdotes of Milton's Profe-works, I may
be permitted to fubjoin the opinion which, generally
6. The Doctrine and Difcipline of Divorce.
7. The Judgement of Martin Bucer.
8. Colafterion.
9. Tetrachordon.
10. Areopagitica.
y Par. Loft, B. vii. 31.
z The addrefs is written on the margin of the firft title-page
in the volume, part of which has been cut off in the binding,
Mr. Cooper Walker who communicated to me the notice of
this curiolity, informs me alfo that, at the top of the page, is
written the name of a former pofleflbur, Matt. Pilkington,
Stamford, 1693.
a In his concluding note on Milton's Ode to Roufe.
b An Introduction to the Teutonick Philofophie, &c. By C.
Hotham, Fellow of. Peter Houfe, Englifhed by D. F. 12mc.
1650. Preface.
K 2
fpeaking, I entertain of them. Mr. Warton c has
treated the profe of Milton, both Englifh and Latin,
with almoit unrelenting feverity ; conceding only to
the Tractate on Education and the Areopagitica the
meed of commendation.
To fuch decifions I cannot fubfcribe. At the fame
time I reproach not the dillike, and deprecate only
the acrimonious oppofition, of others, to my own
opinion; perfuaded, however, that I fliall not want
the fupport of numbers, when I alTert that there
are various pafTages in Milton's profe, beiides the
Tractate on Education and the Areopagitica, which
fcem entitled to the praife of the molt impreffive
eloquence ; and that, in his Latin performances,
there are abundant examples of pure as well as
animated ftyle. The accurate fcholar rarely ceafes
indeed to be viiible either in the politician, in the con-
troverfialift, or in the fecretary. Perhaps his Englifli
ftyle is, in general, too learned. It is obferved by
an acute critick, that, " d if we allow to Hooker
and Milton occafional majefty and ftrength, and
fometimes a peculiar felicity of expreffiqn, it mult
yet be admitted, that, though uling pure Englifh
words, the elaboration and inverfion of their periods
are fuch as to create, in the mere Englifh reader, no
finall difficulty in the comprehenfion of their mean-
ing ; a fault furely of the moft ferious nature, and
ever productive of averfion and fatigue." Of his
Hi/lory of England Warburton has laid, that " it
is written with great fnnplicity, contrary to his cuftom
c In his note, ut fupra.
4 Drake's Effays, &c. of Englifh Stylo, vol. ii. p. 39.
in his profe-works ; and is the better for it. But he
fometimes rifes to a furprifing grandeur in the fen-
timent and expreflion, as at the conclufion of the
fecond book, Henceforth we are to jlcer, &c. I
never faw any thing equal to this, but the conclu-
fion of Sir Walter Raleigh's Hiftory of the World."
That Milton may be found virulent in thefe civil and
religious fpeculations, will not, perhaps, be denied :
His pen, dipped as it fometimes is, in the gall of
puritanifm, hurries him into the violence of rage ;
and he then condemns without mercy, as he judges
without candour. But, at other times, his pages
breathe the fweeteft language of feniibility; the
abufive fpirit, which the turbulence of the times excited,
finks into calmnefs ; and, without fubfcribing to his
political fentiments, we are led to admire the uncom-
mon felicity of his expreflion*
The hand of Milton may be often difcovered in
the publication of his nephew, Edward Phillips,
entitled " Theatrum Poet arum Anglicanorum> or A
compleat Collection of the Poets, efpecially the moft
eminent, of all ages, &c. * Lond, 1675." Among
many criticifms in this volume, which muft be at-
tributed to Milton, thofe on Shakfpeare and Marlow
are eminently confpicuous. " f Such criticifms,"
Mi*. Warton remarks, c< were not common after the
« Kennet, in his Regifter, mentions this work as published
jn l660, p. 321. See alfo Dr. Farmer's Catalogue, p. 178,
where a copy of this date alfo occurs. But the Imprimatur for
Phillips's work is dated Sep. 14. 1674* And therefore the date
of 1660 cannot belong to this book.
tfift. of Eng, Poetry, vol, iii, p, 44V.
national tafte had been juft corrupted by the falfe
and capricious refinements of the Court of Charles
the fecond." Wood alfo relates, that Phillips's
" Enchiridion Linguae Latinas," and " Speculum
Linguas Latinae," both publiihed in 1684, were g
all or moftly taken from the Latin Thefaurus written
by Milton. The Satyr agauift Hypocrites, a coarfe
but ftriking picture of the times, of which there
have been leveral impreffions, was alfo attributed
to Milton, and once was advertiled for fale as his
production. But his nephew Edward undeceived
the world; not fuffering the leaves of this fuppofi-
titious laurel to be torn from the brow of his brother
John. •" h John Phillips, the maternal nephew and
difciple of an author of moft deferved fame, late
deceas't, being the exacteft of heroic poets, (if the
truth were well examined, and it is the opinion of
many both learned and judicious perfons,) either of
the ancients or moderns, either of our own or what-
ever nation elfe ; from whofe education as he hath
receiv'd a judicious command of ftyle both in profe
and verfe, fo from his own natural ingenuity he hath
his vein of burlefque and facetious poetry, which
product the Satyr againjl Hypocrites, &c." Nor
may it be denied, that both Edward and John
Phillips are the authors of various publications;
although Dr. Johnfon has haftily alferted the brief
hiftory of poetry to have been the i only product of
8 Ath. Ox. vol. ii. p. 1118.
h Theatrum Poet, l675. Modern Poets, pp. 114, 115.
1 I have been favoured by John Nichols Efq. with an Epitaph
" On the excellently learned John Milton," as it appeared iiy
The Daily Gazetteer of Oct. 30, 1738, faid to be written by
Milton's academy. I may defend the great critick
from the cenfure, however, to which fome k writers
have pronounced him fubjecl;, of having affirmed
the hiftory to be written in Latin, which is, with a
Latin title, written in Englifh. For Wood informs
us, that Phillips is the author of l another work
fimilar to the Theatrum Poet arum already men-
tioned, and written in the language which Dr.
Johnfon has related. As Johnfon gives no fpecifick
reference to either work, it is more candid to believe
him right, than to proclaim him wrong.
In the title-page to " Poems on Affairs of State
from the time of Oliver Cromwell, to the Abdication
of K. James the fecond, written by the greateft wits
of the Age," and publifhed in 1697, the name of
an eminent author and one of Milton's pupils. This pupil, how-
ever, appears to have caught none of the Miltonick tafte or
fpirit ; his verfes being miferably tame and profaick.
k The annotator on the Lives of the Poets, edit. 1794, and
^lr. Hayley. See alfo the Gentleman's Magazine, 1789, p. 416.
1 Entitled " Traclatulus de carmine dramatico poetarum, prae-
fertim in choris tragicis, et veteris Comcedias.
" Compendiofa enumeratio poetarum (faltem quorum fama
maxime enituit) qui a tempore Dantis Aligerii ufque ad hanc
astatem claruerunt; nempe Italorum, Germanorum, Anglorum,
&c." Thefe two things, Wood informs us, " were added to the
feventeenth edition of Jo h . Buchlerus his book, entit. Sacrarum
prof anarum que phrajium poeticarum Thefaurus, fyc. 1669." Ath.
Ox. ut fupr. See a lift of the two Phillips's publications, ibid,
and p. 1119. To which, perhaps, may be added a copy of
verfes Upon the incomparable poems of Mr, William Drummoni, after-
wards prefixed to the works of that elegant author printed at
Edinburgh in 1711, and ligned Edw. Phillips, Phillips, in his
Theatrum Poetarum, feems much interefted in behalf of Drum-
inond, and expreffes his forrow that in his time this charming
poet faould be fo. little noticed.
Milton appears. But of Milton not a fingle line
■will be found in this collection. The Index indeed
mentions " Directions to a Painter, (concerning the
Dutch War,) faid to be written by Sir John Den-
ham, but believed to be written by Mr. Milton,
p. 24." But, when we turn to the page, we find the
poem, worthy only the low eft poetafter, afcribed
limply, but doubtlefs as unjuftly, to Denham. Fenton,
the editor of Paradlfe Loft in 1 725, has printed in
a Mifcellany which he publiihed, called The Oxford
Mifcellany and Cambridge Poems, a loofe epigram
under the name of Milton, which had long before
appeared among the poems of Lord Rochefter. On
(lender grounds Peck has attributed to Milton the
tranflation of Buchanan's Baptiftes, which appeared
in 1641, with the following title: " Tyrannical Go-
vernment anatomized, or, A Difcourfe concerning
evil Counfelors : being the Life and Death of John
the Baptift, and prefented to the King's moft excel-
lent Majefty, by the author." Aubrey and Wood,
from different motives, would not have forborne to
notice fo remarkable a production, if it had proceeded
from the pen of Milton. This tranflation has been
m fuppofed, with great probability, to have been in-
tended as a hint, to Charles the firft, of the danger
he then incurred from the counfels of feme about
him : and the hiftory of the Baptift, who loft his head
by the inftigation of Herodias, feems figuratively to
glance at the death of Lord Strafford, and at the
influence of the Queen. Peck might have noticed &
w Biographia Dramatica, vol. ii. p. 387.
political pamphlet, n publifhed in the following year,
V by J. M:" of which the royal counfellors are the
principal theme. From numerous examples I will
cite one : " It is the King's crown that is aimed at,
and not onely lb, but even the very dethroning of
him, and his whole pofterity ; and in truth lb it is,
but by his Mqjejiies evill Councellors ; who, to mag-
nifie themfelves, intend the ruin of the Common-
wealth : And is not that in effect a dethroning of his
Majefty ? All that I mall fay is but this : No Govern-
ment more bleft or happie, if not abufed by the advice
of vile mid malignant Cowifellours, p. 3." From the
following paffage fome readers may fufpec"t J. M., the
author of this pamphlet, to be Milton : " Freedome,
as it is a great mercy, io it ought of temporal blef-
iuigs, next to our lives, to receive the greateft efti-
mate ; the flavery of the body is the ufher to the
thraldome of confcience ; and if we foolifhly furrender
up this, the other will not be long after! p. 12."
But, in p. 20, there is fufficient proof, that Milton
could not have written it : " What have we to do
with Ariitocracy, or Democracy ? God be bleffed,
we nor know, nor defire, any other government than
that of Monarchy /" Peck, therefore, if he had feen
this pamphlet, found that, notwithstanding it harmo-
nized in a confiderable degree with the fubjecl; of the
poetical tranflation, it could not be rendered fubfer-
vient to his hypothecs. Milton, in the account he
gives of himfelf, appears indeed to have been no
n Entitled, " A Reply to the Anfwer (printed by his Ma-
jeiljes command at Oxford) to a printed Booke intituled ' Qb« I
iervations upon fome of his Majefties late Anfwers and Express/
£y J. M* London, printed for M, Walbancke, 1642." 4°.
friend to tranflations : " I nerer could delight in long
citations, much lefs in whole traductions; whether
it be natural difpofition or education in me, or that
my mother bore me a fpeaker of what God made
mine own, and not a tranflator °." He is faid to
have declined tranflating Homer.
Of literary affiftance, afforded by Milton to lite^
rary friends, we have no anecdotes. I conjecture,
however, that the younger Lawrence, to whom he
has addreiTed an excellent Sonnet, had at leaft pro-
fited by his difcourfe ; for Lawrence has given to the
world a treatife on a fubjecl, of which Milton was
particularly fond : " Of our Communion and Warre
with Angels. Printed in 1646." The Sonnet re-
cords their friendly vifits. Lawrence lived in the
neighbourhood of Horton. To Lawrence, as to
Milton, the " p Tufcan long" feems to have been a
principal delight. We may reafonably then fuppofe,
that they fometimes converfed upon the remarkable
effufions of the q Tufcan mufe, (among other autho-
rities,) on the guardianfhip of Angels ; that Milton
perhaps acknowledged the hints he had derived from
his beloved poetry; and that the converfatiori erf-
couraged Lawrence in his defign.
• Profe-Works, vol. i. p. 407, cd. l6"98.
P Sec the Sonnet, ver. 12, and the note on the Sonnet:
* The Addrefies of the Italian Mufe All' Angelo Cvjlode are
frequent. See " Rime del M. A. M. Negrifoli, Vineg. 1552,"
p. 129, and " Sonetti di Diverfi Accadcmici Sanefi, Sien. l608,"
pp. 136, 200, 239, &c. I might alfo add the frequent intro-
duction of a Spirit or Angel as the annunziatore to the early
Italian dramas. See Milton's Vcrfes addreffcd to Leonora
Baroni, his prologue to Camus, and the fame poem throughout*
The remains of Milton were attended to the grave
by " r all his learned and great friends in London,
not without a friendly concourfe of the vulgar." He
was buried next his father in the chancel of St. Giles,
Gripplegate. In Auguft, 1790, the fpot, where his
body had been depofited, was opened; and a corpfe,
haftily fuppofed to be his, was expofed to publick
view. A Narrative of the difmterment of the coffin,
and of the treatment of the corpfe, was publifhed by
Philip Neve, Efq. The Narrative was immediately
and ably anfwered in the St. James's Chronicle, in
Nine Reafons why it is improbable that the coffin,
lately dug up in the Pariih Church of St. Giles,
Cripplegate, mould contain the reliques of Milton.
Mr. Neve added a Poftfcript to his Narrative. But
all his labour appears to have been employed in an
imaginary caufe. The late Mr. Steevens, who par-
ticularly lamented the indignity which the nominal
allies of the poet fuftained, has intimated in his 9 ma~
nufcript remarks .on this Narrative and Poftfcript,
that the difinterred corpfe was fuppofed to be that of
a female, and that the minuteft examination of the
fragments could not difprove, if it did not confirm,
the fuppofition. Mr. Lofft, noticing the burial of
the poet in St. Giles's church, has eloquently cen-
fured " * the fordid mifchief committed in it, and
* Toland's Life of Milton, prefixed to the edition of Milton'*
Profe-works, printed (not at Amfterdam as afierted in the title-
page,) but at London, in 16^8, fol. p. 4o\
8 Now in the poffefiion of James Bindley, Efq; by whom I
have been favoured with the perufal of them.
* Preface to his edition of the firft book of Paradife Loft,
1792, p. xxx.
the market made of the eagernefs with which curiofity
or admiration prompted perfons to poffefs them lei ves
of his fuppofed remains, which, however, there is
reafon to believe, far from being. Milton's, were the
bones of a perfon not of the fame age or fex. It
were to be wifhed that neither mperftition, affecta-
tion, idle curiofity, or avarice, were fo frequently in-
vading the filence of the grave. Far from honouring
the illuftrious dead, it is rather outraging the com-
mon condition of humanity, and laft melancholy ftate
in which our prefent exiitence terminates. Duit and
aihes have no intelligence to give, whether beauty,
genius, or virtue, informed the animated clay. A
tooth of Homer or Milton will not be diftinguiihed
from one of a common mortal ; nor a bone of Alex-
ander acquaint us with more of his character than
one of Bucephalus. Though the dead be uncon-
cerned, the living are neither benefited nor improved :
decency is violated, and a kind of inftin&ive fynv
pathy infringed, which, though it ought not to over-
power reafon, ought not without it, and to no pur-
pofe, to be fuperfeded. But whether the remains of
that body which once was Milton's, or thofe of any
other perfon were thus expofed and fet to fale, death
and diffolution have had their empire over thefe.
The fpirit of his immortal works furvives invulnerable,
and muft furvive. Thefe are his beft image, thefe
the reliques which a rational admiration may cheriib
and revere P
It has been obferved that the original ftone, laid
on the grave of Milton, was u removed not mai)^
Sec before, note 9 p. 125, 126.
years after his interment. Nor were his remains
honoured by any other memorial in Cripplegate
church, till the year 1793 ; when, by the munificence
of the late Mr. Whitbread, an animated marble buft,
the fculpture of Bacon, under which is a plain tablet,
recording the dates of the poet's birth and death,
and of his father's deceafe, was erected in the middle
aiile. To the Author of Paradife Loji a fimilar
tribute of refpecl had been paid, in 1737, by Mr.
Benfon ; who procured his buft to be admitted, where
once his name had been deemed a profanation, into
Weftminiter Abbey. And the reception of the mo-
nument into this venerable edifice became immedi-
ately the theme of the mufes x .
Milton, in his youth, is laid to have been ex-
tremely Y handfome. He was called the Ladv of his
x By the fpirited lines of Dr. George, which are referred to, at
the clofeof vol. 7> and which have been alfo afcribed, as I have
been informed, to the Hon. Thomas Townlhend, father of the
late Lord Sidney : and by the elegant verfes of Vincent Bourne,
noticed in the fame volume, which were fuppofed to be written
by Mr. Keith, but which will be found in the edition of Bourne's
Poems printed in 1772, though in an earlier edition which I
have feen, I do not meet with them.
y The firft publifhed portrait of Milton was that by Marihall,
prefixed to the edition of the juvenile poems in 1645. With the
palpable diffimilitude of this portrait Milton was juitlydifpleafed.
See the Note In Effigiei Sculptorem, vol. vii. p. 303. In the year
1670, there was another plate, by Faithorne, from a drawing in
crayons by Faithorne, prefixed to his Hiflory of Britain, with
this legend ; " Gul. Faithorne a4 vivum delin.et fculpfit. Joannis
Miltoni effigies, ^Etat. 62. l6j0" It is alfo prefixed to the
edition of his Profe Works in I69S. It has been obferved, that
this engraving is not in Faithorne'§ beft manner. The print ha*
College ; an appellation which Mr. Hayley fays he-
been feveral times copied. By an ingenious young artift a new
drawing was taken from Faithorne's picture, (fuppofed to be
the bed likenefs extant of the poet, and for which he fat at the
age of fixty-two,) by the kind permiffion of William Baker, Efq.
in whofe pofiefTion it now is ; from which an engraving was made
for my firll edition of Milton's poetical works. From the fame
picture the neat engraving in the prefent edition is alfo made.
Faithorne's print is copied by W. Dolle, before Milton's Logick,
l6'72. Dolle's print is likewife prefixed to the fecond edition
of Paradife Loft. Faithorne was alfo copied afterwards by
Robert White, and next by Vertue. Mr. Warton has given
many other particulars of paintings and engravings of Milton.
" There are four or five original pictures of our author. The
firft, a half length with a laced ruff, is by Cornelius Janfen, in
l6l 8, when he was only a boy of ten years old. It had belonged
to Milton's widow, his third wife, who lived in Chefhire. This
was in the pofTeffion of Mr. Thomas Hollis, having been pur-
chafed at Mr. Charles Stanhope's fale for thirty one guineas, in
June, 1760. Lord Harrington wifhing to have the lot returned,
Mr. Hollis replied, * his lordfhip's whole eftate mould not re-
purchafe it.' It was engraved by J. B. Cipriani, in 1?60. Mr.
Stanhope bought it of the executors of Milton's widow, for twenty
guineas. The late Mr. Hollis, when his lodgings in Covent-
garden were on fire, walked calmly out of the houfe with this
picture by Janfen in his hand, neglecting to fecurc any other
portable article of value. I prefume it is now in the pofieflion of
Mr. Brand Hollis. Another, which had alio belonged to Mil-
ton's widow, is in the pofieflion of the Onflow family. This,
which is not at all like Faithorne's crayon-drawing, and by fome
is fufpected not to be a portrait of Milton, has been more than
once engraved by Vertue : who in his firft plate of it, dated 1731 ,
and in others, makes the age twenty-one. This has been alfo
engraved by Houbraken in 1741, and by Cipriani. The ruff is
much in the neat ftyle of painting ruffs, about and before 1628.
The picture is handfomer than the engravings. This portrait is
mentioned in Aubrey's manufcript Life of Milton, 1681, as then
belonging to the widow. And he fays, ■ Mem. Write his nana
in red Utters on his pictures uhich his uidoue ha$> to preferve them*
could not relifh ; and I may add that he might I>e
Vertue, in a Letter to Mr. Chriftian the feal engraver, in the
Britifh Mufeum, about 1720, propofes to afk Prior the poet,
whether there had not been a picture of Milton in the late lord
Dorfet's Collection. The duchefs of Portland has [had] a mi-
niature of his head, when young ; the face has a ftern thought-
fulnefs, and, to ufe his own exprefliou, is fevere in youthful beauty*
Before Peck's New Memoirs of Milton, printed 174-0, is a pre-
tended head of Milton in exquifite mezzotinto, done by the fecond
J. Faber: which is characteriftically unlike any other reprefent-
ation of our author I remember to have feen. It is from a
painting given to Peck by fir John Meres of Kirkby-Belers in
Leiceftermire. But Peck himfelf knew that he was impofmg
upon the publick. For having afked Vertue whether he thought
it a picture of Milton, and Vertue peremptorily anfwering in the
negative, Peck replied, * I'll have a fcraping from it, however;
and let posterity fettle the difference.' Befides, in this picture
the left hand is on a book, lettered Paradife Loft. But Peck fup-
pofes the age about twenty-five, when Milton had never thought
of that poem or fubject. Peck mentions a head done by Milton
himfelf on board : but it does not appear to be authenticated.
" The Richardfons, and next the Tonfons, [before Mr. Baker,]
bad the admirable crayon*drawing above-mentioned. About the
year 1725, Vertue carried this, drawing, with other reputed en-
gravings and paintings of Milton, to Milton's favourite daughter
Deborah, a very fenfible woman, who died the wife of Abraham
Clark a weaver in Spitalfields, in 1727? aged 7o\ He contrived
to have them brought into the room as if by accident, while he
was converting with her. At feeing the drawing, taking no
notice of the reft, me fuddenly cried out in great furprife, ' O
Lord, that is the picture of my father ! How came you by it t And,
ilroking down the hair of her forehead, added, * Juftfo my father
wore his hair.' She was very like Milton, Compare Richardfon,
Explan* Notes, p. xxxvi. This head, by Faithorne, was etched
by Richardfon the father about 1734, with the addition of a
Jaurel-crown to help the propriety of the motto. It is before the
Explanatory Notes on the Paradife Loft, by the Richardfons. Lond,
1734. 8vo. The bulls prefixed to Milton's Profe-JVorks by
Birch 1738, and by Baroa 1753, are engraved by Vertue from
lefs inclined to be pleafed with the title, as, at that peridtf,
a bad drawing made by J. Richardfon, after an original caft in
plaifter about fifty. Of this caft Mr. Hollis gave a drawing by
Cipriani to Speaker Onflow in 1759. It was executed, perhaps
on the publication of the Defenfw, by one Pierce aii arlift of
fome note, the fame who did the marble bull of fir Chriftopher
Wren in the Bodleian library, or by Abraham Simon. Mr. Hollis
bought it of Vertue. It has been remodelled in wax by Goflbt.
Richardfon the father alfo etched this bull for The Poems and
Critical E/Jays of S. Say,. 1745, 4to. But, I believe, this is the
fame etching that I have mentioned above, to have been made
by old Richardfon 1734, and which was now lent to Say's editor,
1745, for Say's EJfays.
" There is, however, another etching of Milton, by Richardfon,
the younger, before he was blind, and when much younger than
fifty, accompanied with fix bom baft verfes. ' Authentick Homer*
&c/ The verfes are fubferibed ■ J. 11. jun/ The drawings, as
well as engravings of Milton by Cipriani, are many. There is
a drawing of our author by Deacon : it is taken from a proof-
impreffion on wax of a feal by Thomas Simon, Cromwell's chief
mint-mafter, firft in the hands of Mr. Yeo, afterwards of Mr.
Hollis. This, a profile, has been lately engraved by Ryland.
Mr. Hollis had a fmall fteel puncheon of Milton's head, a full
front, for a feal or ring, by the fame T. Simon, who did many
more of Milton's party in the fame way. The medal of Milton
ftruck by Tanner, for auditor Benfon, is after the old plaifter-
buft, and Faithorne's crayon-piece, chiefly the latter. So is the
marble bull in the Abbey, by Ryfbrack, 1737. Scheemaker'ft
marble buft, for Dr. Mead, and bought at his fale by Mr. Dun*
combe, was profefledly and exa&ly copied from the plaifter-buft.
Faithorne's is the moft common reprefentation of Milton's head.
Either that, or the Onflow pi&ure, are the heads in Bentley's,
and Tickell's, and Newton's editions. All by Vertue. Milton's
daughter Deborah above-mentioned, the daughter of his firft
wife, and his amanuenfis, told Vertue, that " her father was of
a fair complexion, a little red in his cheeks, and light brown
lank hair." Letter to Mr. Chriftan, ut fupr. MS. Br. Muf.
" Since thefe impcrfed and hafty notices were thrown together,
fir Jofhua Reynolds has purchafed a picture of Milton for one
the appearance of effeminacy was attacked from the
hundred guineas. It was brought to fir Joflma, 1784, by one
Mr. Hunt, a printfeller and picture-dealer, who bought it of a
broker ; but the broker does not know the perfon of whom he
had it. The portrait is drefied in black, with a band ; and the
painter's mark and date are ' S. C. 1653/ This is written on
the back. l This picture belonged to Deborah Milton, who
was her father's amanuenfis : at her death was fold to fir W. Da-
venant's family. It was painted by Mr. Samuel Cooper, who was
painter to Oliver Cromwell, at the time Milton was Latin Secre-
tary to the Protector. The painter and poet were near of the
fame age; Milton was born in l608, and died in 16/4, and
Cooper was born in 1(509, and died in 1672, and were com-
panions and friends till death parted them. Several encouragers
and lovers of the fine arts at that time wanted this picture ; par-
ticularly Lord Dorfet, John Somers efquire, fir Robert Howard,
Dryden, Atterbury, Dr. Aldrich, and fir John Denham/ Lord
Dorfet was probably the lucky man ; for this feems to be the
very picture for which, as I have before obferved, Vertue wifhed
Prior to fearch in Lord Dorfet's collection. Sir Jofliua Reynolds
fays, * The picture is admirably painted, and with fuch a cha-
racter of nature, that I am perfectly fure it was a ftriking likc-
nefs. I have now a different idea of the countenance of Milton,
which cannot be got from any of the other pictures that I have
feen. It is perfectly preferved, which (hows that it has been fhut
up in fome drawer; if it had been expofed to the light, the
colours would long before this have vanimed/ It mufl be owned,
that this miniature of Milton, lately purchafed by fir Jofliua
Reynolds, ltrongly refembies Vandyke's picture of Selden in the
Bodleian library at Oxford : and it is highly probable that Cooper
mould have done a miniature of Selden as a companion to the
heads of other heroes of the commonwealth. For Cooper painted
Oliver Cromwell, in the poffeflion of the Frankland family ; and
another, in profile, at Devonmire houfe : Richard Cromwell at
Strawbery-hill : Secretary Thurloe, belonging to Lord James
Cavendifh : and Ireton, Cromwell's general, now or late in the
collection of Charles Polhili efq. a defcendant of Cromwell. The
inference, however, might be applied to prove, that this head is
vol. U L
pulpit : " z We live in an age," fays bifhop Lake,
" wherein it is hard to fay, whether in cloathes men grow
Cooper's miniature of Milton. It has been copied by a female
artift, in a ftyle of uncommon elegance and accuracy."
The genuinenefs of this miniature, as the portrait of Milton,
has been both aflerted, and denied, with confiderable warmth.
See the Gentleman's Magazine for 1791, pp. 399, 603, 806.
The difputants are Lord Hailes and Sir Jofhua hinvfelf. Moll
connoifieurs arc inclined to believe the portrait to be that of
Sclden. Sir Jofhua Reynolds, who died in 1792, makes the fol-
lowing bcqueft, however, in his Will, to the Rev. William
Mafon : " The miniature of Milton by Cooper." See Malone's
Life of Sir J. Reynolds, prefixed to the Works of Sir J. R. vol. i.
p. cxviii, 2d edit.
Two miniatures of the poet, and of his mother, were fold,
at the fale of the Portland Mufeum in 1786> for 34 1. See
Gent. Mag. 17S6", p. 527* In 1792 Mr. Elderton fubmitted
to the publick the outlines of a fuppofed miniature of the poet in
his pofl'emon. See Cent. Mag. 1792,- p^ 17- In 1797 a malterly
engraving,, from an original picture in the pofTeflion of Capel
Lofft efq. believed alio to be that of Milton, was made by G.
Quinton. At Weft Wycombe Manor-houfe, in Buckinghamshire,
there is a fine portrait of Milton, fuppofed to be an original. See
Langlcy's Hid, and Antiq, of the Hundred of Defborough, C°,
of Bucks. 1797, P- 417* I have been indebted to the kindnefs of
the late John Charnock jun. efq. of Greenwich, for an. excellent
original painting, affirmed by fome to have been a portrait of
Milton, by Dobfon, but conjectured by others to have been a per-
formance of Riley, who lived rather too late to delineate Milton.
Some have fuppofed it may be a head of his brother Chriflopher.
It is, however, remarkable, that Mr, Greenfladc, a collector of
paintings, who reiides in Bond-ftreet, London,, has a copy of this
very painting, which has been called a portrait of the poet.
Mr. Waldron is in pofieflion of a painting, which exhibits a
likcnefi of the poet in bis middle age. To the modern en-
gravings of the poet may be added an interesting one by Mr.
Silvefter Harding, from a painting in the pofleffian of the late
Lord Orford.
8 Sermons preached at >Yclls by bifhop Lake, fol. 1(>29, p. 6*7.
more womannifh, or women more mannifh !" Milton had
a very fine {kin and frefh complexion. His hair was
of a light brown ; and, parted on the foretop, hung
down in curls upon his moulders. His features were
regular ; and when turned of forty, he has himfelf told
us, he was generally allowed to have had the appear-
ance of being ten years younger. He has alfo repre-
fented himfelf as a man of moderate ftature, neither
too lean nor too corpulent ; and fo far endued with
ftrength and fpirit, that, as he always wore a fword,
he wanted not, while light revifited his eyes, the {kill
or the courage to ufe it. His eyes were of a greyifh
colour ; which, when deprived of fight, did not betray
their lois : At firft view, and at a fmall diftance, it
was difficult to know that he was blind. The tefti-
mony of Aubrey refpe&ing the perfon of Milton is
happily exprefled : " His harmonicall and ingeniofe
foul did lodge in a beautiful and well proportioned
body." Milton's voice * was mufically fweet, as his
ear was mufically correct. Wood defcribes his de-
portment to have been affable, and his gait erect and
manly, befpeaking courage and undauntednefs. Of
his figure in his declining days Richardfbn has left
the following {ketches. " b An ancient clergyman of
Dorfetihire, Dr. Wright, found John Milton in a
fmall chamber hung with rufty green, fitting in an
elbow chair, and drefled neatly in black, pale but not
cadaverous, his hands and fingers gouty and with chalk
ftones. — He ufed alfo to {it in a gray coarfe cloth coat,
at the door of his houfe near Bunhill-fields, in warm
a Aubrey fays that " he had a delicate tunable voice," and
that " he pronounced the letter R very hard."
b Life of Milton, 1734, p. iv.
I 2
funny weather, to enjoy the frefh air; and fo, a3 well
as in his room, received the vifits of people of dif-
tinguifhed parts as well as quality."
His domeitick habits were thofe of a fober and
temperate ftudent. Of wine, or of any ftrong liquours,
he drank little. In his diet he was rarely influenced
by delicacy of choice. He once delighted in walking,
and ufing exercife ; and appears to have amufed him-
felf in botanical purfyits : but, after he was confined
by age and blindnefs, he had a machine to fwing. in
for the prefervation of his health. In funimer he then
refted in bed from nine to four, in winter to five. If,
at thefe hours, he was hot difpofed to rife, he had a
perfon by his bed-fide to read to him. When he firft
rofe, he heard a chapter in the Hebrew Bible, and
commonly ftudied till twelve; then ufed fome exercife
for an hour ; then dined ; c afterwards played on the
organ or bafs-viol, and either lung himfelf or made
his wife fing, who, lie faid, had a good voice but no
ear. It is related that, when educating his nephews,
il d he had made them fongjiers, and fing from the time
they were with him.' 1 No poet, it may be obierved,
lias more frequently or more powerfully commended
the charms of mufick than Milton. He wifhed per-
haps to rival, and he has fuccefsfully rivalled, the
own obfervations, in his treatife Of Educatioii.
** The interim of unfweating themfelves regularly, and conve-
nient reft before meat, may both with profit and delight be taken
up in recreating and compofmg their travailed fpirita with the
iolemn and divine harmonies of mufick heard or learned, &c.
The like ulj'o would not he unexptditnt after meat, to aflifl and
1 nature in her full concoction, and fend their minds back
to fttidy in good tune and faiisfadion."
* A MS.
fweeteft defcriptions of a favourite bard, whom the
melting voice appears to have often enchanted ; the
tender Petrarch. After his regular indulgence in
rnufical relaxation, he ftudied till fix ; then entertained
his vifitors till eight; then enjoyed a light fupper;
and, after a pipe of tobacco and a giafs of water, re-
tired to bed.
It has been obferved by Dr. Newton that all, who
had written any accounts of the life of Milton, agreed
that he was affable and inftructive in converfation, of
an equal and cheerful temper ; " yet I can eafily be-
lieve," fays the learned biographer, " that he had a
fumcient fenfe of his own merits, and contempt enough
for his adverfaries." Milton acknowledges his own
i( honeft haughtinefs and fdf-efteem" with which,
however, he profefles to have united a becoming
," modefty e ." Aubrey notices that he as " fatyrical."
His literature was immenfe. Of the Hebrew, with
its two dialects, and of the Greek, Latin, Italian,
French, and Spantfh languages, he was a mafter. In
Latin, Dr. Johnfon obferves, his fkill was fuch as
places him in the firft rank of Writers and criticks.
In the Italian he was alfo particularly ikilled. His
Sonnets in that language have received the higheft
commendations from Italian criticks, both of his own
and of modern times f . If he had written generally
in Italian, it has been fuppofed, by the late lord Or-
ford, that he would have been the moft perfect poet
in modern languages ; for his own ftrength of thought
would have condenfed and hardened that fpeech to a
e Profe-Works, vol. i. p. 177* ed. 1698.
f See alfo Algarotti's ingenious criticifm on his works. Opcre
M Conte Algarotti, Ven. 1794, torn. x. p. 39, &c.
proper degree. The Academy Delia Crufca con-
i ulted tiim on the critical niceties of their language.
In nis early days indeed he had become deeply ena-
moured of " the two famous renowners of Beatrice
and Laura E ." It has been rightly remarked, that
he read almoft all authors, and improved by all : He
relates himfelf, that his " round of ftudy and reading
was ceafelefs."
His favourite book was the Book of God. To Mil-
ton, when a child, Revelation opened not her richeft
ftores in vain. To devotional fubjecls his infant ftrains
were dedicated ; and never did " his harp forget" to
acknowledge the aids which he derived from the Mufe
of facred infpiration. The remark of Gibbon that
h the fublime genius of Milton was cramped by the
fyftem of our religion, and never appeared to fo great
an advantage as when he fhook it a little off, will be
admitted by few. It is a juft and admirable obfer-
vation of Mr. Hayley, that, " if fome paffionate ad-
mirers of antiquity feem to lament the fall of paganilm,
as fatal to poetry, to painting, and to fculpture, a
more liberal and enlightened fpirit of criticifm may
rather believe, what is very poffible, I apprehend, to
demonftrate, that Chriftianity can hardly be more
favourable to the purity of morals, than it might be
rendered to the perfection of thefe delightful arts.
Milton himfelf may be regarded as an obvious and
complete proof, that the pofition is true as far as
poetry is concerned." The Meffiah of Klopftock,
and particularly the Calvary of Cumberland, may be
added as fine examples of the connection between
P Profc-Work.% vol. i. p. 177 ? rf |. if, 7)8.
h Efifty on the Study of Literature, 170'1, p. 24.
true religion and poetry. When modern Republi-
canism pretends to confider Milton as her auxiliary,
let her remember, with fhame, the fancldty of manners
which his pages breathe, and the Chriftian leffons
which they inculcate. To him " fight more deteft-
able," than the object of her hopes could not poffibly
be prefented. The deligns of the crafty fenfualift,
and of the befotted ungrateful atheift, it was his con-
ftant endeavour, not to promote, but to overthrow.
" Itmuit gratify every Chriftian to reflect," fays Mr.,
Hay ley, " that the man of our country moft eminent
for energy of mind, for intenfenefs of application, and
for franknefs and intrepidity in afferting whatever he
believed to be the cauie of truth, was lb confirmedly
devoted to Chriftianity, that he feems to have made
the Bible, not only the rule of his conduct, but the
prime director of his genius. — Nor mould I omit his
own manly anticipation of applaufe : " l Hoping that
his name might deferve to appear, not among the
mercenary crew of falfe pretenders to learning, but
the free and ingenuous fort of fuch as evidently were
born for ftudy, and love learning for itfelf, not for
lucre, or anv other end but the fervice of God and
truth, and perhaps that lafting fame and perpetuity of
praife which God and good men have confcnted mall
be the reward of thofe whofe publifhed labours ad-
vance the good of mankind,"
The claffical books, in which he is reprefented to
have moft delighted, were Homer, Ovid's Metamor-
phofes, and Euripides. The firft he could alinoit
entirely repeat. Of the lalt he is faid to have been
' In his Areopagitica.
a reader, not only with the tafte of a poet, but
with the k minu tends of a Greek critick. His Euri-
pides, in two volumes, Paul Stephens's quarto edition
of 1602, with many marginal emendations in his own
hand, is now the property of Mr. Cradock of Gumly
in Leicefterfhire. Of thefe notes fome have been
adopted by Joihua Barnes, and fome have been lately
printed by Mr. Jodrell. In the firft volume, page
the firft, is the name of John Milton, with the price
of the book at 12 s. 6d., and the date of the year
1 634. I have to notice the exiftence of another trea-
fure, bearing alfo the fame date, the price 3s., and the
name of John Milton, written by himfelf on the blank
page oppofite the title ; his copy of Lycophron, with
his own marginal obfervations. Of this remarkable
curiofity I received my information from Mr. Walker,
by whom it had been l infpecred in the library of Lord
Charlemont. From Milton himfelf we learn, that " the
divine volumes of Plato and his equall Xenophon" were
principal objects of his regard; and that he preferred
Sail ult to all the Roman hiltorians. Demofthcnes has
been fuppofed, by Lord Monboddo and Mr. Ilayley, to
have been ftudied by him minutely and fuccdshiily. On
contemporary authors Milton has beftowed little praife.
Dr. Newton notices that he has condefcended, more
than once, to applaud Selden ; but that he feems dif-
pofed to cenfure, rather than commend, the reft. He has
k See Warton's 2d edit, of the Smaller Poems, p. 568. And
Jodrell's Uluftrations of Euripides, 1781, pp. 34, 336.
1 My friend, the Rev. Mr. Meen, has fince been favoured
nith the ufe of this volume. And it is to be hoped, that his
excellent verfion of Lyoophron, accompanied with his own acute
remark-, as well as Milton's marginal obfervations, oil this
author, will foon be prefented to the publick.
extolled however, in his Areopagitica, the merits of
Lord Brooke, who had lately fallen in the fervice of the
Parliament, and had written a treatiie againft the
Englljh epifcopacy, and againft the danger of Setts and
Schifms, in terms of fuperabundant eulogy. He has alfo
fpoken of John Cameron, a learned divine and com-
mentator, in terms of high refpecl;; calling him " m a
late writer, much applauded," as alfo " n an ingenious
writer and in high efteem."
His political principles were thpfe of a thorough re-
publican ; which have been afcribed, by Dr. Johnfon,
to a native violence of temper, and to a hatred of all
whom he was required to obey. The frequent afperity
of this eminent biographer towards Milton, has been
repeatedly noticed, by Mr. Hayley, with reprehenfion
and regret ; and in the following inftance, with all the
eloquence and dignity of fublime inftruclion.
" There can hardly be any contemplation more painful,
than to dwell on the virulent exceffes of eminent and good
men ; yet the utility of fuch contemplation may be equal to
its pain. What mildnefs and candour mould it not inftil into
ordinary mortals to obferve, that even genius and virtue
•weaken their title to refpecl;, in proportion as they recede
from that evangelical charity, which mould influence every
man in his judgement of another.
" The ftrength and the acutenefs of fenfation, which partly
conftitute genius, have a great tendency to produce virulence,
if the mind is not perpetually on its guard againft that fubtle,
infinuating, and corrofive paffion, hatred againft all whole
opinions are oppofite to our own. Johnfon profeffed, in one
of his letters, to love a good hater ; and, in the Latin cor-
refpondence of Milton, there are words that imply a fimi-
Jarity of fentiment ; they both thought there might be a
fan&ified bitternefs, to ufe an expreflion of Milton, towards
m In his Tetxachordon. a Ibid.
political and religious opponents ; yet furely thefe two devout
men were both wrong, and both in fome degree unchriftian
in this principle. To what Angular iniquities of judgement
fnch a principle may lead, we might, perhaps, have had a
moil ftriking, and a double proof, had it been poflible for
thefe two energetick writers to exhibit alternately a portrait
of each other. Milton, adorned with every graceful endow-
ment, highly and holily accomplifhed as he was, appears, in
the dark colouring of Johnfon, a moft unamiable being ; but
could he revifit earth in his mortal character, with a wilh to
retaliate, what a picture might be drawn, by that fublime and
offended genius, of the great moralift, who has treated him
with fuch excefs of afperity. The paflions are powerful
colourifts, and marvellous adepts in the art of exaggeration ;
but the portraits executed by love (famous as he is for over-
charging them) are infinitely more faithful to nature, than
gloomy fketches from the heavy hand of hatred ; a pailion
not to be trufted or indulged even in minds of the higheft
purity or power ; fince hatred, though it may enter the field
of conteft under the banner of juftice, yet generally becomes
jo blind and outrageous, from the heat of contention, as to
execute, in the name of virtue, the worft purpofes of vice.
Hence arifes that fpecies of calumny the moft to be regretted,
the calumny lavimed by men of talents and worth on their
equals or fuperiours, whom they have raftily and blindly hated
for a difference of opinion. To fuch hatred the fervid and
oppoiite characters, who gave rife to this obfervation, were
both more inclined, perhaps, by nature and by habit, than
Chriftianity can allow. The freedom of thefe remarks on two
very great, and equally devout, though different writers, may
pollibly offend the pai -tizans of both : in that cafe my conlb-
latioq will be, that I have endeavoured to fpcak of them
with that temperate though undaunted fincerity, which may
iutisly tin; fpirit of each in a purer ftate of exiltence."
controversy, and by the indulgence of early
prejudices, Milton was undoubtedly loured. But,
If the conceptions of his mind may be taken from
his poetry, he will not be thought to have been by-
nature unamiable. Of Milton, however he might
be miitaken in the means, the conftant aim and end
was liberty. Yet with the love of liberty who will
affert his attachment to Cromwell to have been con-
fiftent ? But he is ° fuppoled to have been deceived
by the matchlefs hypocrify of that ufurper ; and, in
the uprightnefs of his mind, not to have fufpecled
the falfe dhTembler as adverfe to his own fpirit of
freedom. Still it may be wondered that he, who fo
well knew the nature of true liberty, which
" always with right reafon dwells
" Twinn'd, and from her hath no dividual being ;"
it may be wondered that he, I fay, ihould not have
timely perceived the defigns of the tyrant whom he
ferved. Influenced by his uprightnefs, however, he
had before offered to Cromwell, with undaunted
zeal, a folemn and energetick p leffon of conduct
Nor was Milton exactly that friend to the majefty of
the people, which the modern illuminators of the
world have imagined. For, to that pretended fove-
reignty, what greater infult can be offered than the
appellations, with which he has diftinguiihed the
people, of a q " herd confus'd, a mifcellaneous rabble 1"
The well-known expreffion of r Burke muft yield to
thefe kindred phrafes.
e See the Note on Par. Loji, B. iii. 683.
P Def. Sec. Profe-Works, vol. iii. p. 109, ed. 1698.
3 Par. Regained, B. iii. 40.
1 See the Notes on Par. Reg. B. iii. 49. Burke, I may ob-
ferve, was an ardent admirer of Milton. 1 learn, from Mr,
Walker, that this great orator was a diftinguiihed member of a
Literary Club, iniututed in Dublin in 1747, in which he feme-
The theological fentiments of Milton are faid to have
been often changed ; from Puritanifm to Calvinifm ;
from Calvinifm to an efteem for Arminius; and
finally, from an accordance with Independents * and
times held the Secretary's pen, and fometimes filled the prefident's
chair; and that, in the original minutes of this fociety, his early
Miltonick tafte is thus recorded. " Friday, June 5 th . 1747.
Mr. Burke, being ordered to fpeak the fpeech of Moloch, receives
applaufe for the delivery ; it being in characler : Then the fpeech
was read, and criticifed upon; its many beauties illuflrated ; the
chief judged to be its conformity with the character of Moloch :
* No ; let us rather choofe,
■ Arm'd with Hell-flames and fury, all at once
* O'er Heaven's high towers to force refiftlefs way/
The words ' all at once* (the metre not confidered) feemed, to
the whole alTembly, to hurt the fentence by flopping the rapi-
dity, and checking the fiercenefs, of it; making it too long and
tedious. Then was Belia^s fpeech read, to the great delight of
the hearers ; whofe opinion was, that Homer only can be com-
pared to Milton, not only for the beauties that mine in every
verfe, but likewife for the juft and lively colours in which each
character was drawn ; for that none but Homer, like him, ever
fupported fuch fpirit and exa6tnefe in the fpeeches of fuch
a contraft and variety of perfons." Thefe notices will not fcem
tedious ; for they foggelt an opinion, that the fineft oratory of
modern times might owe its origin, and perfection, to the poetry
ef Milton.
1 See before, p. 64. Petit, in his Vi/vm of Purgatory, pub-
lished in ]6'85, introduces Milton in converfation with a Pro-
.,n< ial of the Jefuits, to whom " the fanatical rebels of Eng-
defcribed as M imps 4 /' and, " becaufe Milton was a
mail of fingular eloquence," the author represents him, as fpiri-
tedly expoftulating with the Provincial for being " denied the
honour which is fo eafily granted to men vaitly beneath my merits
and defertl ; for what can any man doe for the promotion, of yvifr
intcrefii that I have not done?" pp, ,98, yy, &c.
Anabaptifts, to a dereliction of every denomination of
Proteftants. From any heretical peculiarity of opi-
nion he was free. Dr. Newton confiders him as a
Quietift, full of the interiour of religion, though he
fo little regarded the exteriour. Dr. Johnfon ob-
ferves, that " he grew old without any vifible wor-
Ihip ; but, that he lived without prayer, can hardly
be affirmed; his ftudies and meditations were an
habitual prayer." From a remark of Toland, that,
" in the latter part of his life, Milton frequented
none of the affemblies of any particular feci: of
Chriftians, nor made ufe of their particular rites in
his family " have arifen aflertions without proofs,
by other biographers, that " he did not life any re-
ligious rite" and that " he never u/ed prayer in his
family." I am inclined to believe that he, who, in
his divine poem, ito carefully defcribes the morning
and evening worlhip of our firft. parents, the firft
and laft hours of the day employed in devotion,
could hardly be negligent of reverence to God in
his own houfhold. I muft not, however, withhold
from notice a ftrange alfertion of Milton, reipecting
prayer : " u I believe that God is no more moved
with a prayer elaborately penned, than men truly
charitable are moved with the penned fpeech of a
beggar !" To his determination of affociating with no
Church we owe the mafterly and judicious obferva-
tion of Johnfon : "To be of no Church is danger-
ous. Religion, of which the rewards are diftant,
and which is animated only by Faith and Hope, will
glide by degrees out of the mind, unlefs it be in-
u Eiconoclaftes, Profe-Works, vol. ii. p* 511. ed. 1698.
vigorated and reimpreffed by external ordinances,
by itated calls to worfhip, and the falutary influence
of example." Of our liturgy, as of epifcopacy,
Milton has often exprefled his contempt. He is
* laid to have been a principal founder of the Calves-
Head Club; a feftival, which began to be held,
during the uiurpation, on the thirtieth of January ;
in cppqfition to Dr. Hammond, and other divines of
the Church of England, who met privately to lament
that day, in Y a form of prayer y little different from
what we now find in the liturgy.
Milton's circumftances were never very affluent.
The eftate left him by his father was but fmall.
In the civil war he fuftained the lofs of a con-
lidcrable perfonal property, which he had lent
to the Parliament. As Latin Secretary he en-
joyed an annual falary of two hundred pounds,
together with an eltate of about fixty pounds
a year which belonged to the plundered abbey
of Weftminfter. Of thefe revenues, as well as
of two thoufand pounds which he had placed in the
Excife-Ofhce, he was deprived at the z Reftoratiom
" See the Secret Hiftory of the Calves-Head Club, 170.Q, p. 17.
y See Kennett's Rogifter, p. 38. See alfo " Private Forms of
Prayer, fitted for the late fad times. Particularly, a Form of
Prayer for the thirtieth of January, morning and evening.
With Additions, &c. Lond. 115601" 12 mo . Dr. Hammond is
fuppofed to be the author.
■ In 179 1 died Jonathan Hartop, of the village of Aldbo-
rough mar Porough-bridge in Yorkfhire, at the great age of
138. He is laid to have " lent Milton fifty pounds, foon after
the Restoration, which the bard returned him with honouiy
though not without much difficulty, as his circumftances were
very low. Mr. Hartop would have declined receiving it; but
He had before loft two thoufand pounds by entruft-
ing it to a fcrivener ; and, in the fire of London, his
houfe in Bread-ftreet was burnt. To Milton, how-
ever, the deficiency of wealth was little difappoint-
ment. He had thirfted more after intellectual
riches. The paucity of his wants, and the frugal
management of what he retained, enabled him to
live without dhtrefs. Of the property which he
left, the publication of his Nuncupative Will has
rectified the miftaken accounts of all his biographers
before Mr. Hayley. If he fold his library before
his death, as fome have afferted, he was perhaps
compelled to it by the pillage it had already fiif-
tained, and by the fear of its total plunder.
Of his family I mail fubjoin a brief account. All
his biographers notice his younger brother, Chrif-
topher, and his fifter, Anne. Of two other fifters the
exiftence has never been related. I have found,
however, in the regifter of All-hallows Bread-
ftreet, the * births of Sarah and Tabitha Milton, and
the pride of the poet was equal to his genius, and he fent the
tnoney with an angry letter, which was found among the
curious poflefiions of that venerable old man." Eafton's Human
Longevity, 8vo. Salifbury, 1799? PP- 241, 242. This curious
anecdote of Milton had appeared in the Wolverhampton Chronicle
and Staff or djhire Advertifer of March 31, 1790, Mr. Hartop
being then living, and the letter defcribed as extant.
a i( The xv th daye of July l6l2 was baptized Sara, the
dawghter of John Mylton, fcrivener. She was buried the vi tb
of Auguft following in the church.
" The xxx th of January, l6l3, [that is 1G13-14,] was bap-
tized Tabitha, the dawghter of Mr. John Mylton.
K The third daye of December l6l5 was baptized Christo-
pher, the fonne of John Mylton of this pifhe, fcrivenor*
Extracls from the Regifter.
the death only of Sarah, to be recorded. Chrife
topher was a royalift, and became, long after his
brother's death, a judge. Through his brother's in-
tereft, he had compounded for his eftate, in the re-
bellion, at the eafy price of b eighty pounds. Anne
muft have been elder than either of her brothers ;
for her birth is not to be found in the regifter
already mentioned: She was probably the eldeft
child, and born before her father fettled in Bread-
ftreet. Milton's Verfes on her daughter, written in
his feventeenth year, ferve to corroborate this fup-
pofition. She was firft married to Mr. Phillips,
afterwards to Mr. Agar, a friend of her firft huf-
band, who fucceeded him in the Crown-Office of
the Court of Chancery. By her firft hufband me
had two fons, Edward and John, whom Milton edu-
cated ; by her fecond, two daughters. His brother j
Chriftopher, had two daughters, Mary and Cathe-
rine; and a fon, Thomas, who fucceeded Mr.
Agar in his office. Of Milton's children, who fur*
vived him, Mr. Warton's concluding Note on the
Nuncupative Will gives a diftincl account. The
feveral branches of his family appear to be now
extinct I may here obferve that the cafe of Debo-
rah, the youngeft, which Mr. Warton deplores with
true fenfibility, was c firft noticed in a very feeling
manner, in MifCs JVeekly Journal, April 29, 1727,
and commended her to part of the little patronage
which file obtained. While it has been obferved,
h So recorded in the volume of Compafitions, already men-
tioned, p. 6o.
r: It is alio printed in the European Magazine for 17&7, p. 6&«
that the Nuncupative Will of Milton prefents indeed
a melancholy picture of domeftick connections, and
that his conduct towards his daughters has been feel-
ingly defended even by an eminent female pen ; it
has not been noticed, that part of the charge
brought againft him, I mean his teaching his chil-
dren to read and pronounce Greek and feveral^other
languages without underftanding any but Englifh,
may be thought more ftrange and unaccountable, in-
almuch as he appears to have been diftinguiihed for
the eftimation in which he once held literary women ;
a circumftance which no biographer of Milton has
hitherto recorded. Doctor Newton, indeed, face-
tioufly tells us, that Milton ufed to fay that one
tongue was enough for a woman ! But contemporary
information will beft illuftrate this curious point in
the hiltory of the poet. " d We believe," fays the
anfwerer to his Doctrine and Difcipline of Divorce,
" you count no xvoman to due coywerfation acceflibk,
as to you, except Jhe can [peak Hebrew, Greek,
Latine, and French, and difpute againft the Canon
law asxvell as you, or at leaft be able to hold difcourfe
with you. But other gentlemen of good qualitie are
content with meaner and fewer endowments, as you
know well enough." — I now recur to the defence of
Milton by the diftinguiihed lady, who fpeaking of
the modern revolutionary fpirit in families, and ele-
gantly enforcing the fubordination of domeftick man-
ners, obferves " that, e among the faults with which
d Anfwer to the Doct. and Difc. of Divorce, 4 t0 . l64,U p. l6\
e Strictures on the Modern Syftem of Female Education, by
Mrs. Hannah More, vol. i. p, 147, 6th edit. 179.9.
vol. i. M
it has been too much the falhion of recent times
to load the memory of the incomparable Milton, one
of the charges brought againft his private character
(for with his political character we have here nothing
to do) has been, that he was fo fevere a father as to
have compelled his daughters, after he was blind,
to read aloud to him, for his fole pleafure, Greek
and Latin authors of which they did not underftand
a word. But this is in fact nothing more than an
inftancc of the ftrict domeftick regulations of the age
in which Milton lived ; and mould not be brought
forward as a proof of the feverity of his individual
temper. Nor indeed in any cafe fhould it ever be
confidered as an hardlhip for an affectionate child
to amufe an afflicted parent, even though it mould
be attended with a heavier facrifice of her own plea-
fure than in the prefent inftance."
From Milton's laft wife, (whofe good name alfo
has been f calumniated,) the early admirers of the
poet learned that he ufed to compofe his poetry
chiefly in winter, and on his waking in a morning
dictated to her fometimes twenty or thirty verfes ;
that Spenfer, Shakfpeare, and Cowley, were his
favourite Englilh poets ; and that he pronounced
Dryden to be a rhymift rather than a poet. Dryden's
beft poems had not yet appeared. To Dryden, who
often vifited him, Milton acknowledged that Spenfer
was his original.
From Aubrey's manufcript it appears that Milton's
" familiar learned acquaintance" were Andrew
Marvell, Cyriack Skinner, and J)r. Paget. I have
1 S*'C Mr. Wai'tcw's notes, fand r, on the Nuncupative WiU v
often wondered that Milton, who has affectionately
recorded the good qualities of many friends, mould
have omitted to grace his pages with a tribute of
refpect to the name of Henry More, the celebrated
Platonift, his fellow-collegian ; by whom Mr. Warton
fuppofes him to have been led to the ftudy of the
divine philofophy, and of whole poetry I am per-
iuaded, he was an g attentive reader.
I muft not clofe this humble account of the great
poet, without venturing to obferve, that Dr. Johnfon,
in ridiculing the notion that a writer Ihould fuppofe
himfelf influenced by times or fealbns, has not only
too haftily decided on the intellectual impulfes of
Milton, but has alfo h contradicted himfelf.
Nor can I here forbear to deplore the unwarranted
afperity, with which the lait biographer of Milton
would confign to oblivion and contempt the critical
labours of Milton's beft commentator. " * For
borrowing two or three exprefiions from II Penferqfo
and the Comus" fays Dr. Symmons, " Mr. Warton
could thus fpeak of Pope : ' Pope was a gleaner of the
old Englilh poets ; and he was here pilfering from
ohfolete Englilh poetry without the leaft fear or
danger of being detected.' A few years, however,
will fweep this acute and candid detector of pla-
giarifm to oblivion ; and will leave the laurel of
Eloifa's poet without the veftige of a ftain." It is
2 See the note on Comus, ver. 429.
h " He [Johnfon] here admits an opinion of the human mind
being influenced by feafons, which he ridicules in his writings "
Bofwell's Life of Dr. Johnfon, S d - edit. vol. ii. p. 264.
Life of Milton, 1806, p. 543.
w 2
not my intention, in defending Mr. Warton, to in*
finuate that any " ftain ihould be fixed on the laurel
of Eloifa's poet ;" nor is it my province here to illus-
trate the beautiful application of his borrowings ;
but I will not helitate to affure the learned biographer
and the world, that the obligations of Pope to
our elder poetry, and efpecially to the poetry of
Milton, are more numerous than have hitherto been
MEMORANDUM, that John Milton, late of
the pariih of St. Giles Cripplegate in the Countie
of Middlefex Gentleman, deceafed, at feverall times
before his death, and in particular, on or about the
twentieth day of July, in the year of our Lord God
1674, being of perfect mind and memorie, declared
his Will and intent as to the difpofall of his eftate
after his death, in thefe words following, or of like
effect : " The portion due to me from Mr. Powell,
my former wife's father, I leave to the unkind chil-
dren I had by her, having received no parte of it :
but my meaning is, they mall have no other benefit
of my eftate than the faid portion, and what I have
befides done for them ; they having been very undu-
tifull to me. All the refidue of my eftate I leave to
[the] difpofall of Elizabeth my loving wife." Which
* [From Mr. Warton's 2d edit, of Milton's Smaller Poems,
* As propounded in the Prerogative Court,
words, or to the fame effect, were fpoken in tfoe
prefence of Christopher Milton \
X [Mark of] Elizabeth Fisher. c
Nov. 23, 1674 d .
The Allegation propounding the Will, on which
Allegation the Witnejfes be examined'',
Negotium Teftamentarium, five probacionis Tef-
tamenti nuncupativi, five ultimae Voluntatis, Joiian-
b John Milton's younger brother: a ftrong royalift, and a
profefied papift. After the civil war, he made his compofition
through his brother's intereft. Being a practitioner in the law,
he lived to be an ancient Bencher of the Inner Temple : was
made a judge of the Common Pleas, and knighted by king James
the fecond ; but, on account of his age and infirmities, he was at
length difmiffed from bufmefs, and retired to Ipfwich, where he
refided all the latter part of his life.
c A fervant-maid of John Milton.
d Regiftr. Cur. Praerog. Cant. This Will was contefted by
Mary, Deborah, and Anne Milton, daughters of the poet's firft
wife Mary, daughter of Mr. Richard Powel, of Foreflhill in Ox-
fordlhire. The caufe came to a regular fentence, which was given
againft the Will ; and the Widow, Elizabeth, was ordered to
take Adminiftration inftead of a Probate. I mull add here, that
this caufe, the fubject of which needed no additional 1 (litre from
great names, was tried by that upright and able ftatefman, Sir
Leoline Jenkins, Judge of the Prerogative Court, and Secretary
of State; and that the depofitions were taken in part before Dr.
Trumbull, afterwards Sir Willam Trumbull, Secretary of State,
and the celebrated friend of Pope. As a eircumftantial and au*
thentick hiitory of this procefs, the following inilruments, which
were otherwife thought too curious to be fupprcfled, are fub-
c Viz. Chriftopher Milton, and John Milton's two fcr-
vant-maids Elizabeth and Mary Fiflier. Witnefles on the part
of the widow.
nis Milton, nuper dum vixit parochise S. iEgidii
Cripplegate London generofi, defuncti, habent, &c.
promotum per Elizabetham Milton f Reli&am, et
Legatariam principalem nominatam in Teftamento
nuncupativo, five ultima Voluntate, di6li defuncti,
contra Mariam, Annam, et Deboram Milton, filial
dicti defuncti.
Thompson. Clements.
f This was his third wife, Elizabeth Minftiull, of a gentle-
man's family in Chefhire. He married her at the recommendation
of his friend, and her relation, Dr. Paget, about the year l66l,
and in his fifty-fourth year, foon after he had obtained his pardon
from the reftored king; being now blind and infirm, and wanting
fome more conftant and confidential companion than a fervant to
attend upon his perfon. The elder Richardfon infinuates, that
this lady, being no poet or philofopher like her hufband, ufed fre-
quently to teaze him for his careleflhefs or ignorance about money-
matters, and that fhe was a termagant. He adds, that foon after
their marriage, a royal offer was made to Milton of the refump-
tion of his old department of Latin Secretary, and that, being
ftrongly preffed by his wife to an acceptance, he fcornfully re-
plied, *f Thou art in the right; you, as other women, would ride
in your Coach. My aim is to live and die an honeji man.'' Life,
&c. p. xcix. feq. edit. 1734. From thefe papers, however, it
appears, that fhe confulted her hufbands humours, and treated his
infirmities with tendcrnefs. After his death in 1674, fhe retired
to Namptwich in Chefhire, where fhe died about 1729* Mr.
Pennant fays, her father, Mr. Minfhull, lived at Stoke in that
neighbourhood. W. Tour, and Gough's Camden, Chefhire,
p. 436. The third edition of Paradife Loft was publifhed in
1678 : and this is the poet's widow, to whom the copy of that
work was then to devolve by original agreement, but who fold
all her claims to Samuel Simmons, his bookfeller, for eight
pounds, according to her receipt given Decemb. 21, 1680.
[Among the letters of Mr. G. Grey to his brother Dr. Zach.
Grey, is the following notice of this lady's death, which has
Secundo Andreae, A. D. 1674. Quo die....
Thompfon, nomine, procuratione, ac ultimus pro-
curator legitimus, dictas Elizabethan Milton, omni-
bus melioribus et effect-ualioribus [efFicacioribus] via,
modo, et meliori forma, necnon ad omnem juris
effectum, exhibuit Teftamentum nuncupativum dicli
Johannis Milton defuncti, fie incipiens, " Me-
morandum, that John Milton, late of the parifli
of S. Giles, Cripplegate. &c." Which words, or
words to the fame effect, were fpoken in the pre-
fence of Chriftopher Milton, and Elizabeth Fifher;
et allegavit confimiliter, et dicens prout fequitur.
I. Quod praefatus Johannes Milton, dum vixit,
mentis compos, ac in fua fana memoria exiftens,
Teftamentum fuum nuncupativum modo in hoc ne-
ojotio exhibitum .... tenoris fchedulae .... teftamen-
tariae condidit, nuncupavit, et declaravit; caeteraque
omnia et fingula dedit, donavit, reliquit, et difpofuit,
in omnibus, et per omnia, vel fimiliter in efYectum,
prout in dicto Teftamento nuncupativo continetur,
ac poftea mortem obiit : ac Principalis Pars ifta pro-
ponit conjunctim, divifim, et de quolibet. II. Item,
quod tempore conditionis, declarations, nuncupa-
tionis Teftamenti, in hoc negotio exhibiti, praefatus
Johannes Milton perfecta fruebatur memoria; ac
proponit ut fupra g .
been obligingly communicated to me by J. Nichols, Efq. from
tin- original in his poflefllon : There were three widow Miltons
there, (ut Nantwich) viz. the poet's widow, my aunt, and
another. The poet's widow died lull fummer." Dated July
so 1731. Todd.]
* Regiftr. Cur. Pr»rog, Cant, ut lupr.
Interrogatories addrefied to the TVitneJJes examined
upon the Allegation.
Decemb. 5, 1674. Interrogatoria miniftrata et
miniftranda ex parte Annas, Marias, et Deboras
Milton, teftibus ex parte Elizabethan Milton pro-
duces five producendis fequuntur.
Imprimis, Alke each witneffe, what relation to,
or dependance on, the producent, they, or either
of them, have; and to which of the parties they
Wuld give the victory were it in their power ? Et in-
terrogator quilibet teftis conjunctim, et diviiim, et de
2. Item, Alke each witneffe, what day, and what
time of the day, the Will nuncupative was declared ;
what pofitive words did the deceafed ufe in the de-
claring thereof ? Can you poiitively fwear, that the de-
ceafed did declare that hee did leave the refidue of
his eftate to the difpofall of his wife, or did hee not
not fay, "I will leave the refidue of my eftate to
my wife ? Et fiat ut fupra.
3. Item, Upon what occafion did the deceafed
declare the faid Will? Was not the deceafed in
perfect health at the fame time ? Doe you not think,
that the deceafed, if he declared any fuch Will, de-
clared it in a prefent paffion, or fome angry humour
againft fome or one of his children by his former
[firft] wife ? Et fiat ut fupra.
4. Item, Alke each witneffe, whether the parties
miniitrant were not and are not greate frequenters
of the Church, k and good livers ; and what caule
h Here feems to be an insinuation, that our poets's difpleafure
againft thofe three daughters, arofe partly from their adherence
of difpleafure had the deceafed againft them? Et
Jiat ut fupra.
5. Item, Aike Mr. [Chriftopher] Milton, and
each other witnefle, whether the deceafed's Will, if
any fuch was made, was not, that the deceafed's
wife mould have £.1000, and the children of the
faid Chriftopher Milton the refidue; and whether
fhe hath not promifed him that they iliould have it,
if Ihee prevailed in this Caufe? Whether the faid
Mr. Milton hath not fince the deceafed's death
confeiTed foe much, or fome part thereof? Et Jiat
ut fupra.
6. Item, Alke each witnefle, whether what is left
to the miniftrants by the faid Will is not reputed a
very bad or altogether defperate debt i ? Et Jiat ut
to thofe principles ; which, in preference to his own, they had
received, or rather inherited, from their mother's family, who
were noted and active royalifts. Afterwards, the defcription
good livers is not to be underftood in its general and proper fenfe,
which could not have offended Milton; but as arifing from what
went before, and meaning much the fame thing, that is, regular
in their attendance on the ejlablijhed ivorjliip.
1 That is, the marriage portion, promifed, but never paid, to
John Milton, by Mr. Richard Powell, the father of his firft
wife ; and which the faid John bequeathed to the daughters of
that match, the miniftrants, Anne, Mary, and Deborah. They
were married in 1643. I have now before me an original
" Inventorie of the goods of Mr. Richard Powell of For-
refthill, in the county of Oxon, taken the 10th of June, A. D.
l6'4o\" This feems to have been taken in confcquence of a feizure
of Mr. Powell's Iloufe by the rebels. His diuretics in the royal
caui'e probably prevented the payment of his daughter's marriage
portion. By the number, order, and furniture ot the rooms, he
appears to have lived as a country gentleman, in a very extenuve
and liberal ftyle of houfe-keeping. This I mention to confirm
7. Aike the faid Mr. Milton, whether he did
not gett the faid Will drawn upp, and inform the
writer to what effect he ihould draw it? And did he
not enquire of the other witneffes, what they would
or could depofe ? And whether he hath not folicited
this Caufe, and pay'd fees to the Proctour about it?
Et fiat ut fupra.
8. Item, Afke each witneffe, what fortune the de-
ceafed did in his life-time beftowe on the miniftrants?
And whether the faid Anne Milton is not lame, and
almoft helpleffe ? k Et fiat ut fupra.
9. Item, Aike each witneffe, what value is the
deceafed's eftate of, as neare as they can guefs ? Et
fiat ut fupra \
Depo/itions and crofs-examinations of the faid
Elizabetha Milton, Relicla et Legataria princi-
palis Johannis Milton defun&i, contra Annam,
Mariam, et Deboram Milton, filias ejufdem de-
what is faid by Phillips, that Mr. Powell's daughter abruptly left
her hufband within a month after their marriage, difgufted with
his fpare diet and hard ftudy, " after having been ufed at home
to a great houfe, and much company and joviality, &c." I have
alfo feen in Mr. Powell's houfe at Forefthill many papers, which
mow the active part he took in favour of the Royalifts : With
fome others relating to the Rangerfhip of the Shotover foreft,
bearing his fignature.
k She was deformed, and had an impediment in her fpeech,
His grand-daughter Elizabeth Foftcr by the third daughter
Deborah, often fpoke of his harmnefs to his daughters, and that
he refufed to have them taught to write.
1 Regiftr. Cur. Praerog. Cant, ut fupr.
functi. Super Allegatione articulata et Teftameiito
nuncupativo Johannis Milton defuncti, ex parte
Elizabethan Milton predictae, in hoc negotio, fe-
cundo Andreas, 1 674, dato m et exhibitis.
Quinto Decembris 1674. Chriftopherus Milton,
villa; Gipwici in com. SufFolcias ortus infra parochiam
Omnium San6torum Bredftreete, London, aetat. 58
annor. aut eo circiter, teftis, &c. Ad omnes articulos
di&ae Allegationis, et ad Teftamentum nuncupativum
Johannis Milton, generofi, defuncti, in hoc ne-
gotio dat. et exhibit, deponit et dicit, That on, or
about the twentieth day of July, 1 674, the day cer-
taine he now remembreth not, this deponent being a
practicer in the Law, and a Bencher in the Inner
Temple, but living in vacations at Ipfwich, did ufually
at the end of the Terme vifit John Milton, his this
deponent's brother the Teftator articulate, deceafed,
before his going home ; and foe at the end of Mid-
fummer Terme laft paft, he this deponent went to vifit
his faid brother, and then found him in his chamber
within his owne houfe, fcituate on Bunhill n within ths
K Sic, ut et infra, pro Milton*
n Sometimes called the Artillery-xcalk, leading to Bunhill
fields. This was his laft fettled place of abode, and where he
Jived longed. Richardfon calls this houfe a " fmall houfe,
where he died about fourteen years after he was out of publick
employ." Ubi fupr. p. xciii. It was here that he wrote or
finifhed Paradift Lojl, Paradife Regained, and Sam/on Agonijles.
13ut in l6'6"j, when the plague broke out in London, he retired
to Chalfont Saint Giles, where his friend Elwood, a quaker, had
taken a hottfe for him ; and the next year, whin the danger was
over, he came back to Bunhill-iields. The houfe at Chalfont,
in which he redded in this Ihort fpace of time, and where ha-
planned or began Paradife Regained, is Hill Handing, fmall, but
parim of S. Giles, Crepelgate, London : And at that
tyme, he the laid Teftator, being not well, (and this de-
ponent being then going into the country,) in a ferious
manner, with an intent, (as he believes,) that what
he then fpoke mould be his will, if he dyed before
his this deponent's coming the next time to London,
declared his Will in thefe very words as neare as this
deponent cann now call to mynd. Viz. " Brother,
the porcion due to me from Mr. Powell, my former
[firft] wife's father, I leave to the unkind children I
had by her : but I have receaved noe part of it, and
my Will and meaning is, they mall have noe other
benefit of my eftate, than the laid porcion and what
I have befides don for them : they haveing been very
undutifull to me. And all the refidue of my eftate I
leave to the difpofall of Elizabeth my loveing wife."
She, the faid Elizabeth his the deceafed's wife, and
Elizabeth Fyiher his the deceafed's then maide-fer-
vant, was [at the] fame tyme goeing upp and downe
the roome, but whether me then heard the faid de-
ceafed, fo declare his will as above or not, he knoweth
pleafantly fituated. See Ellwood's Life of Himfelf, p. 246.
Who calls it " a pretty box."
[Mr. Dunfter, in the additions to his edition of Paradife Re-
gained, remarks that the houfe is not pleafantly fituated. " The
adjacent country is indeed extremely pleafant ; but the imme-
diate fpot is as little picturefque or pleafing as can be well
imagined. Immediately in front of the houfe, a grafs field rifes
fo abruptly as completely to exclude all profpect: and the com-
mon road of the village pafles by the gable end, adjoining to
which is the end of a fmall dwelling, which runs behind that
inhabited by Milton/' Toddu]
And the faid teftator at the premifes was of perfect
mind and memory and talked and difcourfed fenfibly
and well, et aliter nefcit deponere.
Chr. Milton*
Ad Interrogators.
Ad l** Interr. rejpondet, that the party producent
in this caufe was and is the relicl; of the faid decafed,
who was his this refpondent's brother; and the parties
miniftring thefe interrogatories were and are in re-
pute, and foe he beleeveth his the faid deceafed's
children by a former wife : and for his part, he
wilheth right to take place, and foe would give it if
in his power ; and likewife wilheth that his brother's
Will might take effect.
Ad 2 m * Interr. refpondet, that on what day of the
moneth or weeke the faid deceafed declared his Will,
as is above depofed, he now remembreth not pre-
cifely ; but well remembreth, that it was in a fore-
noone, and on the very day he this deponent was
goeing in the country in [the] Ipfwich coach, which
goeth not out of towne till noone or thereabout : and
he veryly beleeveth in his confcience, that the refidue
of his eftate he did then difpofe of in thefe very
words, viz. " And all the refidue of my eftate I leave
to the difpofall of Elizabeth my loving wife ;" or he
ufed words to the felfe fame effecl, et aliter referendo
fe ad pre-depof. nefcit refpondere.
Ad 3 m ' Interr. refpondet, that the faid deceafed was
then ill of the goutc, and what he then f pake touching
his Will was in a very calme manner ; only [he] com-
plained, but without piifiion, that Ms children had
been unkind to him, but that his wife had been very
kind and careful of him ; and he believeth the only
reafon induced the laid deceafed at that time to
declare his Will was, that he this deponent might
know it before his goeing into the country, et aliter
refer endo fe ad pre-depojita nefcit re/ponder e.
Ad 4 m * Inter r. re/pondet, that he knoweth not how
the parties miniitring thefe interrogatories frequent
the church, or in what manner of behaviour of life
and converfacion they are of, they living apart from
their father four or five yeares laft paft, and as
touching his the deceafed's difpleafure with them, he
only heard him fay at the tyme of declareing of his
Will, that they were undutifull and unkind to him,
not expreffing any particulars ; but in former tymes
he hath herd him complaine, that they were carelefs
of him being blind, and made nothing of deferteing
him, et aliter nefcit refpondere.
Ad 5 m ' Interr. refpondet, that fmce this refpon-
dent's comeing to London this Michaelmas Terme
laft pafte, this refpondent's filter, the party now pro-
ducent in this caufe, told this reipondent, that the
deceafed his brother did after his this refpondent's
goeing into the country in Trinity vacacion laft fum-
mer [fay,] that, if Ihe fhould have any overplus above
a 1000/. come to her hands of his the deceafed's
eftate, me fhould give the fame to this refpondent's
children : but the deceafed himfelfe did not declare
any fuch thing to this refpondent at the tyme of his
declaring his Will, the tyme above depofed of.
Ad 6 1 *' Interr. re/pondet, that he beleeveth that
what is left to the parties miniftring thefe interroga-
tories by the faicl deceafed's Will, is in the hands of
perfons of ability abell to pay the fame, being their
grandmother and uncle ; and he hath feen the grand-
father's Will, wherein 'tis particularly dire£ted to be
paid unto them by his executors, et allter nefcit rc-
Ad 7 m ' Interr. re/pondet, that he this refpondent
did draw upp the very Will executed in this caufe,
and write it with his owne hand, when he came to this
court, about the 23d. of November laft paft, and at
that tyme this refpondent did read the fame all over to
Elizabeth Fifher, the faid deceafed's late maid fervant,
and fhe faid me remembered the fame, and in con-
firmation whereof let her marke thereto in manner
as on the fame Will executed in this caufe is now to
be feen. And this refpondent waited on the faid
deceafed's widdow once at Doctor Exton's chambers
about this fuite, at which tyme me wanted fome halfe
crownes, and this refpondent lent her then two halfe
crownes, but more he hath at noe tyme paid either
to Doctor or Proctor in this caufe.
Ad 8 m ' Interr. re/pondet, that he knowethof noe for-
tune given by the faid deceafed to the parties miniftring
thefe interrogatories, befides the portion which he was
promifed with his former wife in marriage, being a
10001. which is ftill unpaid befides the intereft thereof
for about twenty yeares, faveing his charges in their
maintenance and breeding, ct allter nefcit rejpondere,
faveing that Anne Milton interr. is lame and helples.
Ad ult. reddit caufas fcientise fuse ut fupra.
Die prid.
Repetit. cor. Doclore Cur. Milton*
Lloyd Surrog.
Milton con. Milton et Milton
Thompfon. Clements.
Sup. All nis - artic. et Tef-
tamento nuncupativo
Johan. Milton defuncti
ex parte Elizabethan
Milton in hujufmodi
Caufa dat. et admifT.
15°- Dec. 1674.
Maria Fifher foluta famul. domeftica Johan. Batten
habitan. in vieo vocat. Bricklane in Old Streete
ubi moram fecit per Spacium fex hebdomadarum
aut eo circiter, an tea cum Benj amino Whitcomb
Mercatore habitan. in vico vocat. Coleman
Streete London per Spacium 3m. Menfium,
antea cum Guiddon Culcap infra locum vocat
Smock Alley prope Spittlefields per Spacium
unius anni, aut eo circiter, antea cum Johanne
Fayley infra Oppidum Milton in Com. Stafford
per Spacium duorum annorum, antea cum Jo-
hanne Baddily infra parochiam de Milton praed.
per Spacium trium annorum, et antea cum
quodam Rogers Hargrave infra parochiam de
Milton prajd. per Spacium duorum annorum
aut eo circiter, orta infra parochiam de Norton
in Com. Stafford prsed. setatis 23 aut eo circiter,
teltis, &c.
Ad omnes articulos di&ae All nis * et ad teftamentum
nuncupativum Johan Milton teftatoris in hac caufa
defuncti in hujufmodi neg 0, dat. et exhibit, deponit et
dicit, that this deponent knew and was well ac-
VOL. i* N
quainted with the articulate John Milton the teftator
in this caufe deceafed, for about a twelve moneth
before his death, who dyed about a moneth fmce to
the beft of this deponent's remembrance ; And faith,
that on a day hapning about two moneths fince, as
neare as this deponent can remember, this deponent
being then in the kitchen of the houfe of the forefaid
John Milton fcituate againft the Artillery Ground
neare Bunhill Fields, and about noone of the fame
day, the faid deceafed and the producent Elizabeth
his wife being then at dinner in the faid kitchen, hee
the faid deceafed amongft other difcourfe then had
betweene him and his faid wife, did then fpeake ta
his faid wife and utter thefe words, viz. " Make
much of nice as long as I live, for thou knoweft I
have given thee all when I dye at thy difpofal ;" there
being then prefent in the faid kitchen this deponent's
lifter and conteft ° namely Elizabeth Fyfher. And
the faid deceafed was at that time of perfect mind
and memory, and talked and difcourfed fenfibly and
well, and was very merry, and feemed to be in good
health of body, et aliter nefcit.
Marias Fisher
Ad primum Interr. re/pondet, that this refpondent
hath noe relation or dependance on the producent
ilton, that it is indifferent to this refpon-
• i. e. Fellow-witneft, Con-Tcftis,
dent which of the parties in this fuite obtaine, and
would give the victory in this caufe if in her power
to that party that hath moft right ; but which party
hath moft right thereto this refpondent knoweth not,
et aliter nefcit.
Ad fecund urn Interr. re/pondet, that this refpon-
dent doth not remember the day when the deceafed
declared the words by her pre-depofed, but remem-
breth that it was about noone of fuch day that the
words which hee then declared were thefe, viz.
" Make much of mee as long as I live, for thou
knoweft I have given thee all when I dye at thy dif-
pofall ;" then fpeaking to his wife Elizabeth Milton
the party producent in this caufe, et aliter nefcit.
Ad tertium Interr. refpo?idet, that the deceafed
when hee declared the words pre-depofed, was then
at dinner with his wife the party producent and
was then very merry, and feemed to be in good
health of body ; but upon what occafion hee fpoke
the faid words fhee knoweth not, et aliter nefcit.
Ad quartum Interr. refpondet, that this refpondent
knoweth neither of the parties miniftrant in this
caufe faving this refpondent once faw Anne Milton
one of the miniftrants, et nefcit refpondere per parte
Ad quintum Interr. nefcit refpondere.
Ad fextum Interr. nefcit refpondere.
Ad feptimum Interr. non concemit earn, et nefcit
Ad octavum Interr. refpondet, that this refpon-
dent once faw the Interr. Anne Milton but doth not
remember whether iliee was lame or helplefle, et
aliter nefcit %
v 2
Ad 9 m * Interr. refpondet, that this refpondent
knoweth nothing of the deceafed's eftate or the value
thereof, et aliter nefcit.
Eodem Die Signum
Repetit coram Do6tore Marine: Fisher,
Digby Surro. &c. pnte
Tho Welham, N. P.
Eodem Die
Elizabetha Fiflier famula Domeftica Elizabethan
Milton ptis producentis in hac caufa cum qua
et Johanne Milton ejus Marito defuncto vixit
per Spacium 13 Meniium, antea cum quodam
Thoma Adams apud Eagnall in Com. Stafford
per Spacium trium annorum et fex Menfium,
antea cum W m0, Bourne Gen. infra parochiam
de Woolftilftan in Com. Stafford praed. per
Spacium duorum annorum, orta infra parochiam
de Norton in Com. praed. aetatis 28 annorum
aut eo circiter, teftis, &c.
Ad omnes articulos dictse All ni3, et ad teft amentum
nuncupativum Johan. Milton teftatoris in hac caufa
defuncli in hujufmodi negotio dat. exhibit et admhT.
dcponit et dick, that this deponent was fervant unto
3\lr. John Milton the teftator in this caufe deceafed
for about a yeare before his death, who died upon a
Sunday the * fifteenth of November laft at night,
* [She appears to have been miftuken, a fingle week, in her
depofition. bee the Life, p. 125, 120'. Todd.].
And faith that on a day hapning in the month of
July laft, the time more certainly me remembereth
not, this deponent being then in the deceafed's lodging
chamber, hee the faid deceafed, and the party pro
ducent in this caufe his wife, being then alfoe in the
faid chamber at dinner together, and the faid Eliza-
beth Milton the party producent having provided
fomething for the deceafed's dinner which hee very well
liked, p hee the faid deceafed then fpoke to his faid
wife thefe or the like words as neare as this deponent
can remember, viz. " God have mercy Betty, I fee
thou wilt performe according to thy promife in pro-
viding mee fuch dimes as I think fitt whilft I live,
and when I dye thou knoweft that I have left thee
all," there being noebody prefent in the faid chamber
with the faid deceafed and his wife but this deponent :
And the faid teftator at that time was of perfect mind
and memory, and talked and difcourfed fenfibly and
well, but was then indifpofed in his body by reafon
of the diftemper of the gout, which hee had then
upon him. Further this deponent faith, that fhee
hath fevrall times heard the faid deceafed, fince the
time above depofed of, declare and fay, that hee had
made provifion for his children in his life-time, and
had fpent the greateft part of his eftate in providing
for them, and that hee was refolved hee would doe
noe more for them living or dyeing, for that little part
which hee had left hee had given to his wife the arti-
culate Elizabeth the producent, or he ufed words to
that effect. And likewife told this deponent, that
p His grand-daughter Elizabeth Fofter, by his third daughter
Deborah, ufed to lay, that he was delicate, but temperate in
his diet.
there was a thoufand pounds left in Mr. Powell's
hands to be difpofed amongft his children hereafter.
By all which words this refpondent verily beleeveth
that the faid teftator had given all his eftate to the
articulate Elizabeth his wife, and that fhee fhould
have the fame after his deceafe, et aliter nefcit re-
fpondere, faving that the faid deceafed was at the
feveral times of declaring the words laft pre-depofed
alfoe of perfect mind and memory.
Elizab. Fisher.
Ad Interrogators.
Ad primum Interr. refpondct, that this refpondent
was fervant to the deceafed in his life time and is
now fervant to tiie producent and therefore hath a
dependency upon her as her fervant, that if the
ory were in this respondent's power fhee would
the deceafed's eftate equally to be fhared be-
ie the miniftrants and the producent, et aliter
Ad fecundum Interr. re/pondet, that this refpon-
d< lit doth not remember on what day the deceafed
declared the words fifft by her afore depofed, but it
u as about noone of fuch day when he was at dinner
that the precife words as neare as this refpondent;
can remember which the deceafed ufed at that time
nrer^ thefe, viz. " God have mercy Betty (fpeaking
to Ills wife Elizabeth Milton for foe hee ufually called
her) I fee thou wilt perfonnc according to thy pro-
mife in providing mec fuch dilhes as I think fitt
whilft I live, and when I dye thou knoweft that I
have left thee all," et aliter nefcit ; faving that this
refpondent well remembreth that the deceafed de-
clared the words lait by her depoled to the articles
of the allegation to this refpondent once on a Sunday
in the afternoone, but on what day of the month or
in what month the laid Sunday then happened this
refpondent doth not remember.
Ad tertium Interr. refpondct, that the occafion of
the deceafed's fpeaking of the words depoled by this
refpondent in her anfwer to the next precedent inter-
rogatory was upon the producent's provideing the
deceafed fuch victuals for his dinner as hee liked,
and that he was then indifferent well in health, faving
that fome time he was troubled with the paine of the
gout, and that hee was at that time very merry and
not in any paffion or angry humour, neither at that
time fpoke any thing againft any of his children that
this refpondent heard of, et aliter nefcit.
Ad quartum Interr. refpondet, that this refpondent
hath heard the deceafed declare his difpleafure againft
the parties miniftrant his children, and particularly
the deceafed declared to this refpondent that, a little
before hee was marryed to Elizabeth Milton his now
relict, a former maid fervant of his told Mary one of
the deceafed's daughters and one of the miniftrants,
that iliee heard the deceafed was to be marryed, to
which the faid Mary replyed to the faid maid fervant,
that that was noe news to heare of his wedding, but
if ihee could heare of his death that was fomething :
and further told this refpondent, that all his faid
children did combine together and counfel his maid
fervant to cheat him the deceafed in her marketings,
and that his faid children had made away ibme of
his bookes and Mould have fold the reft of his bookes
to the dunghill women; or hee the faid deceafed
fpoke words to this refpondent to the felfe fame effecl;
and purpofe : that this refpondent knoweth not what
frequenters of the church, or what good livers, the
parties miniftrant or either of them are, et alitor
Ad quintum Interr. rejpondet, that this refpondent
doth not know that the deceafed's wife was to have
1000/. and the interrogative children of Chriftopher
Milton the refidue, nor doth this refpondent know
that the faid Elizabeth, the deceafed's wife, hath
promifed the interrogative Chriftopher Milton or his
children any fuch thing in cafe fhee ihould prevaile
in this caufe ; that the faid Mrs. Milton never con-
ferred foe much in this refpondent's hearing, or to
any body elfe that this refpondent knoweth of, et
aliter nefclt.
Ad fextum Interr. refpondet, that this refpondent
believeth that what is left the deceafed's children in
the Will nuncupative in this caufe executed and
meneioned therein to be due from Mr. Powell, is a
good debt ; for that the faid Mr. Powell is reputed
a rich man, et aliter ??efclt.
Ad feptimum Interr. refpondet, that this refpon-
dent did voluntarily tell the interrogative Mrs. Milton,
what (hee heard the deceafed fay which was to the
effect by her pre-depofed, et aliter nefclt.
Ad oelavuni Interr. refpondet \ that this refpondent
knoweth not what the deceafed did in his life time
beftow on the ininiiirants his children, and that the
interrogative Anne Milton is lame, but hath a trade
and can live by the fame, which is the making of
gold and filver lace and which the decealed bred her
up to, et aliter nefcit.
Ad nonum Interr. re/pondet, that this refpondent
knoweth not the deceafed's eftate, or the value
thereof, et aliter nefcit.
Eodem Die
Repetit coram Docfcore
Trumbull Surro. &c.
Tho. Welham, N. P %
Elizabeths Fi'sher.
Deputy Registers,
i Cur. Praerog, Cant. ut fupra,
Grant of Letters of Adminiftration to the widow
Elizabeth r .
Die 25 t0 * Februarii 167$.
quinto Die Februarii ema-
navit Commiffio Elizabethae
Milton Relictae Johannis
Milton nuper Parochiae ult. Julii;
Sancti Egidii Cripplegate in
Com. Mid. Defun&i hentis,
&c. ad Adminiftrand. bona,
jura, et credita dicti defuncli,
de bene &c. jurat, Tefta-
mento Nuncupativo diet de-
functi : aliter per antediclam ult. Dec,
Elizabethan! Milton Alle-
gata, nondum Probato.
JAMES TOWNLEY, V Deputy Registers.
* The reader will compare thefe evidences with the printed
accounts of Milton's biographers on this fubject; who fay, that
be fold his library before his death, and left his family fifteen
hundred pounds, which bis widow Elizabeth feized, and only
gave one hundred pounds to each of his three daughters. Of
this widow, Phillips relates, rather lafhly, that (he persecuted
his children in his life time, and cheated them at his death.
Milton had children, who furvived him, only by his firft wife,
the three daughters fo after named. Gf thefe, Anne, the firft, dc<
formed in ftature, but with a handfome face, married a matter
Guilder, and died of her firft childbirth, with the infant. Mary,
ihe fecond, died fingle. Deborah, the third, and the greater!; fa-
vourite of the three, went over to Ireland as companion to a lady
in her father's life-time ; and afterwards married Abraham Clarke,
a weaver in Spital-fields, and died, aged feventy-fix in Auguft
1727. This is the daughter that ufed to read to her father; and
.was well known to Richardfon, and Profeffor Ward : a woman
of a very cultivated understanding, and not inelegant of manners,
She was generoufly patronifed by Addifon ; and by queen Caro-
line, who fent her a prefent of fifty guineas. She had feven fons
and three daughters, of whom only Caleb and Elizabeth are re-
membered, Caleb migrated to Fort Saint George, where perhaps
he died. Elizabeth, the youngeft daughter, married Thomas
Fofter a weaver in Spittle-fields, and had feven children, who all
died. She is faid to have been a plain fenfible woman; and kept
a petty grocer's or chandler's fhop, firft at lower Holloway, and
afterwards in Cock-lane near Shoreditch church. In April, 1750,
Comus was acted for her benefit: Doctor Johnfon, who wrote the
Prologue, fays, " ihe had fo little acquaintance with diverfion
or gaiety, that fhe did not know what was intended when a be-
nefit was offered her/' The profits of the performance were only
one hundred and thirty pounds * ; although Doctor Newton con-
tributed largely, and twenty pounds were given by Jacob Tonfon
the bookfeller. On this trifling augmentation to their fmall ftock,
fhe and her hufband removed to Iflington, where they both foon
died. So much greater is our tafte, our charity, and general na-
tional liberality, at the diftance of forty years, that I will ven-
ture to pronounce, that, in the prefent day, a benefit at one of our
theatres for the relief of a poor and an infirm grand-daughter of
the author of Comus and Paradife Loft, would have been much
more amply and worthily fupported.
These feem to have been the grounds, upon which Milton's
Nuncupative Will was pronounced invalid. Firft, there was
wanting what the Civil Law terms a rogatio teflium, or a folemn
bidding of the perfons prefent, to take notice that the words he
was going to deliver were to be his Will. The Civil Law re-
f* From the information of my friend, Ifaac Reed, Efq., I am enabled to
add, to Mr. Warton's account, that the Receipts of the Houfe wer«
W7\. 14s, 6d, from which the Expeaces deducted we 801. Todd.]
quires this form, to make men's verbal declarations operate a*
Wills; otherwife, they are prefumed to be words of common
calling or loofe conversation. And the Statute of the twenty-
ninth of Charles the Second [c. iii.] has adopted this Rule ; as
may be feen in the 19th claufe of that Statute, ufually called the
Statute of Frauds, which palled in the year 1676, two years after
Milton's death. Secondly, the words, here attefted by the three
witnefies, are not words delivered at the fame time; but one wifc-
nefs fpeaks to one declaration made at one time, and another to
another declaration made at another time. And although the de-
clarations are of fimilar import, this circumftance will not fatisfy
the demands of the Law; which requires, that the three witneffes
who are to fupport a Nuncupative Will, rauft fpeak to the iden-
tical words uttered at one and the fame time. There is yet ano-
ther requifite in Nuncupative Wills, which is not found here;
namely, that the words be delivered in the laft ficknefs of a party :
whereas the words here attefted appear to have been delivered
when the party was in a tolerable ftate of health, at leaft under
no immediate danger of death. On thefe principles we may pre-
fume Sir Leoline Jenkins to have acted in the reje6tion of Mil-
ton's Will: although tr.e three wilncfies apparently told the
truth in what they depofed. The Judge, deciding againft the
Will, of courfe decreed adminiftration of the Inteftate's effects
to the widow.
For an inveftigation of thefe papers Hn the Prerogative Re-
giftry,for an explanation of their nature and purport, and of other
technical difficulties which they prefent to one unacquainted with
the records and more ancient practice of the prerogative court in
teftamentary proceedings, I muft confefs myfelf indebted to the
kind attention and friendfhip of Sir William Scott. There
are other papers in the Commons belonging to this bufinefs: but
as tli xcvi. Paradife Loft, 12mo. Lond. Vernor. 1789.
t xcvu. The fame, 2 vols. 18mo. Lond. 1790.
v xcviii. The fame, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Newton's.
* xcix. Poems, &c. viz. Lycidas, [as before] the fecond
edition by Mr. Warton, with many alterations and large
additions. 8vo. Lond. 1791.
' c. Paradife Loft, printed from the firft and fecond editions'
collated. The original fyftem of orthography reftored ;
the punctuation corrected and extended. With Various
Readings: And Notes; chiefly rhythmical. By Capel
Lofft, Efq; Book the firft. Bury St. Edmund's. 1792.
Small quarto, of nearly the fame lize as the firft edition.
A learned Preface, and an Appendix, are prefixed to this
book. The fecond Book has been alfo publiihed.
4 ci. Paradife Loft, 2d edit, by Dr. Gillies, with additions.
Small Svo. Lond. 1793.
*'cii. Paradife Regained, 12mo. Alnwick. 1793.
* cm. The Poetical Works, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1794.
' civ. The fame, 3 vols. 12mo. with Tonfons Text of 1711,
&c. Newton's Notes. 1795.
cv. Paradife Regained. With Notes of Various Authors.
By Charles Dunfter, M. A. 4to. Lond. 1795.
evi. The Poetical Works, in Dr. Anderfon's Britilh Poets,
royal 8vo Lond. 1795.
tvn. The fame, in Cooke's Select Britifli Poets, with a Life
of Milton, and Mr. Addison's Criticifm on the Par. Loit,
4 vols. ICmo. 1795.
t viii. The fame, in 2 vols. 8vo. elegantly printed by Bender.
Lond. 1796.
cix. Par. Regained, Samfon, and the Smaller Poems, with
felect Notes from Dr. Newton's, and Mr. Dunfter's edi-
tions. Lond. 8vo. 1797.
' Cx. The Poetical Works, with an excellent Life of the
Author, by William Hayley, Efq. In three folio volumes.
Boydel and Nicol. 1794 — 1797. This magnificent edi-
tion does honour to the tafte and abilities of thofe who
were engaged in the production of it. It difplays every
elegance of typographical execution ; and is accompanied
with molt beautiful Engravings from the defigns of
Weftall. It is a monument indeed worthy of him, whofe
works entitle him to that fupereminence among the poets
of his country, which he has fo happily afligned to his
own glorious " Ifle" among the " fea-girt" domains of
Neptune, in his Comus, ver. £8.
" The greatest and the best of all the main."
Cxi. Comus, A Ma(k, &c. With Notes critical and expla-
natory by various commentators, and with preliminary
illuflrations. To which is added a copy of the Mafk
from a Manufcript belonging to his Grace the Duke of
Jjridgcwater. By the editor of thefe volumes. 8vo. Can-
terbury, 1798.
Cxi 1. Comus, A Mafk, &c. To which are added L' Allegro
and 11 Pctlferofo, and Mr. Warton's Account of the Origin
ot Comus, [and the Account of Ludlow Caftle, with
fome criticifms on the poem, taken from the preceding
rdit ion.] Lond. fmall 8vo. 1799-
(•xiil. Paradife Loft, beautifully printed, with plates by
Richter, 4to. Ldnfl. 1799-
iy. Paradife Loft, td which is prefixed the celebrated
Critique by Samuel .Johnfon, LL.D. with a Sketch of the
1 jfe and Writings of M ilton, by the Rev. John Evans, A. M.
And with Engravings, royal 8vo. Lond. 1799-
cxv. The Poetical Works, in 4 vols. With a Critical EiTay,
by J. Aikin, M.D. fmall 8vo. Loud. 1801.
cxvi. The Poetical Works, in 6 vols. With the principal
Notes of various commentators. To which are added
Illuftrations, with fome account of the Life of Milton, by
the Rev. Henry J. Todd, M. A. (the prefent editor.) Svo.
Lond. 180J .
cxvit. Paradife Loft, 2 vols. 8vo. beautifully printed by
Benfley, and embeliiihed with fine engravings. Duroveray.
Lond. 1802.
ex viii. Paradife Loft, Svo. with Heptinftaii's plates.
Vernor, &c. Lond. 1802.
cxix. The fame, in one vol. 18mo. Mawman, &c. 1804.
cxx. Paradife Loft. Illuftrated with Texts of Scripture,
by Dr. Gillies, 3d edition, 12mo. Mawman, &c. 1804.
cxxi. Paradife Loft, Svo. Vernor, &c. Lond. 1804.
cxx 11. Paradife Loft, 12mo. Lond. 1805.
cxxin. Poetical Works, (in Johnfon's edition of the Britifli
Poets,) with new Biographical and Critical Matter, by
J. Aikin, M.D. 3 vols. Svo. Kearfley. Lond. 1805.
cxxiv. The fame, in 3 vols. ISmo. Kearfley. Lond. 1805.
exxv. Poetical Works, by Thomas Park, 4 vols. 18mo.
with beautiful engravings. Sharpe. Lond. 1805.
cxxvi. The fame, in 2 vols. 32mo. Suttaby. Lond. 1806.
cxx vi 1. Poetical Works, (in Johnfon's edition of the Britifli
Poets,) 4 vols. 24mo. Bagfter, &c. Lond. 1807.
cxlxviii. Paradife Loft, with Johnfon's Critique and Life of
Milton, 12mo. Lond. Tegg. 1807.
ex xix. Paradife Loft, with a Life of the Author, hand-
fomely printed in poft 8vo. with many fine plates. Vernor^
&c. Lond. 1808.
exxx. The fame, in one vol. 3 2mo. Walker, &c. 1808.
cxxxi. Poetical Works, with a Critical Effay, by J. Aikin,
M.D. and the prefent editor's text. 4 vols. 8 vo. Cadell, 1808.
cxxxii. Latin and Italian Poems of Milton, tranflated into
Engliih Verfe, with the Originals ; and a Fragment of a
Commentary on Paradife Loft, by the late William Cowper,
E%. 4to. Johnfon. Lond. 1808.
Greek Tr an flat ions.
1. In 173(5, the celebrated Richard Dawes published propo?
fals for printing, by fubfcription, " Paradifi Amiffi, a ch
Miltono confcripti, Liber primus, Graeca. verfione donatus,
una cum annotation ibus." Thefe propofals were accom-
panied with a fpecimen, which may be feen in the feventh
volume of The General Dictionary, p. 587, and in the
Preface to his Mifcellanea Critica, where he explains his
reafons for not proceeding in his undertaking, and very
ingenuoufly points out the errours of his own performance.
See Biograph. Brit. vol. o. edit. Kippis, p. 20.
ii. Paradifi Amiffi Liber primus Graece, cum celebri verfione
Latina Rev. Gulielmi Dobfon, Oxonienfis, nuper defuncti.
[Dedicated by the tranflator, Dr. Stratford, to the then
biiliop of Deny.] Dublin, 4to. 1770.
in. In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1779, p- 19 1* the
following mention is made of a Greek translation by
£c Thomas Denny, a literary itinerant, particularly fkilled
in Greek. Among the Roman poets, Horace and Virgil
were his chief favourites, as Homer was of the Greek,
whofe ftyle he has well imitated in a translation of the fhft
fix books of Milton's Paradife Loit into Greek ; which,
with a great number of detached pieces on various fubjects,
in that and Latin, Mere preferved by feveral gentlemen of
his acquaintance.' 1
iv. Johannis Miltoni Samfon Agoniftes Graeco carmine red-
ditus cum verfione Latina. A Gcorgio Henrico Glade,
A.M. iEdis Chrifti nuper Aluinno. Oxon. 8vo. 1788.
v. In the Gentleman's .Magazine for 1791, p. 471, a fpeci-
men of a Greek tranllation, dated Hertford, May 1 ], 1791,
by James Moore, Mailer of the Grammar School, is offered
to the pubiick \ according to which fpecimen, " I pur-
pofe," fays Mr. Moore, " publishing Milton's Paradifi
VI. Miltonis Poema, Lycidas, Graec& redditum [A Joanne
Plumptre, tunc Canonico Vigornienfi, nunc autem De-
cano Gloceft.] 4to. 1797-
Latin Tr (inflations.
I. Paradifus AmhTa, Poema Heroicum, quod a Joanne
Miltono Anglo Anglice fcriptum in decern libros digeftum
eft, nunc autem a viris quibufdam natione eadem oriundis in
Linguam Romanam transfertur. Liber primus. Imprim.
Nov. 18. 1685. 4to. Lond. Impenfis T. Dring, 1686.
A dedication to Sir Thomas Mompeffon is prefixed, figned
by J. C.
ii. Johannis Miltoni Paradifi Amiffi Liber primus, ex Angli-
cana lingua in Latinam converfus. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1691.
The dedication is figned by T. P., who is faid to be Thomas
Power, of Trin. Coll. Cambridge. He tranflated into
Latin verfe the remaining books, which exift in manufcript.
See Peck's Memoirs of Milton, p. 68.
in. Paraphraiis Poetica in tria Johannis Miltoni, viri clarif-
fimi, Poemata, viz. Paradifum AmhTum, Paradifum Re-
cuperatum, et Samfonem Agoniften. Autore Gulielmo
Hogaeo. 8vo. Lond. I69O. And at Rotterdam, 1699.
From the dedications of this ingenious and learned
Scotchman, prefixed to his translations of Lycidas and
Comus, we learn that he experienced great diftrefs. He
had publilhed in 1682 " Paraphraiis in Jobum Poetica;"
and afterwards u Satyra Sacra, five Paraphraiis in Eccle-
fiaften Poetica." To this publication he has prefixed a
poetical account of himfelf. He appears to have been a
native of Gowry in Perthihire, and to have known only
misfortune fince he came into England. He publilhed
alfo " Liber primus Principis Ar&uri (a Rich. Blackmore,
Eq. Aur.) Latine red. 1700," and feveral other Latin
verfions of Englifti poems. Of a perfon, who had thus
contributed to extend the fame of Milton, thefe few no-
tices may not feem improper. I wife I could add that his
declining days were comfortable. Part of his facred poetry
has been reprinted in if Poetarnm Scotorum Mnfae Sacra?,
2 torn. Edinb. 1739 :" of which William Lauder is the
editor. Of his Paradife Loft Lauder bafely availed him-
felf. See vol. vi. p. 408.
iv. Paraphrafis Latina in duo Poemata, (quorum alterum &
Miltono, alterum a Clievlando, Anglice fcriptum fuit,)
quibus deploratur mors juvenis praclari et eruditi, D. Ed-
vardi King, qui nave, qua ve&abatur, faxo illifa, in Oceano
llvbernico fubmerfus eft. Autore Gulielmo Hogaeo.
London, printed for the author. 4to. 1694. There is
another Latin tranflation of Lycidas in hexameters, pre-
ferved in the Lambeth MSS. No. 8 41. 8. — I am alfo
poffetVed of a Latin tranflation of Lycidas in manufcript.
v. Lufus Amatorius ; five Mufaei Poema &c. Cui alia?
(tres fcilicct) accedunt nugae poetica?. Authore C. B. e
Coll. Di. Jo. Bapt. Soc. The firft of thefe " nugae po-
etical" is Fragmentum libri quinti Poematis ver& Divini
quod Paradifus Amifla inferibitur, &c. 4to. Lond. 1694.
Peck was mifinformed by .Dr. Birch in dating this publi-
cation 1699.
vi. Comoedia Joannis Miltoni, viri clariflimi, (quae agebatur
in Arce Ludenfi,) paraphraftice reddita, a Gulielmo Hogaeo.
4to. Lond. 1698.
vi t. Paradifus Amifla. ' Poema Anglice fcriptum a Johanne
Milton. Nunc autem ex Au&oris exemplari Latin£ red-
ditum. Per M. B [old, Aul. Trin. Cantab. Soc] Liber
primus. 8vo. Lond. 1702. The translator printed two
oilier title-pages : viz. " Paradifus Amifla. Poema, La-
tino carmine redditum ex ipfo Authore Johanne Milton.
Lib. prim. Lond. 1702." And " Paradifus Amiffa Mil-
fonia, Lat. carmine reddita. Lib. prim. Operis totius
itnen. Lond. 1717." Reprinted in 4to. 1736.
viii. Peek relates that, in 1709, he was informed at Corpus
Chrifti College, Oxford, that Dr. William Tilly, a learned
fellow of that focicty, had tranflatcd a great part of the
Paradife Loft into Latin verfe. See Mem. of Milton,
p. 69.
ix. Part of the fourth book of Paradife Loft,, tranflated
into Latin hexameters, by John Theobald, dedicated to
Francis Douce, M. D. 4to. Lond. Printed by B. Milles.
[Without date.]
x. In Dodfley's Publick Regifter for 1741, p. 85, there
is a tranilation from 11 Penferofo into Latin hexameters,
figned W. R. ; and a fecond, from the fame poem, into
elegiacks, by the fame perfon, in p. 86.
XI. Miltoni Paradifus Amiffus, 2 vols, 4to. Dr. Trapp's
tranflation. Vol. 1ft. 1740, vol. 2d. 1744.
xu. The beginning of the firft book of Paradife Loft tranf-
lated into Latin hexameters, by Mr. Samuel Say. Poems,
4to. Lond. 1745.
Xin. The fame, by L. de Bonneval, Gent. Mag. 1746,
p. 548. The fame number of lines is alfo extracted from
the verfions of Power, Bold, and Trapp, with the addi-
tion of another tranflation, figned I. C. p. 661.
Xiv. Tranflations from Comus in the Carmina Quadragefi-
malia, Oxon. J 748, vol. ii. pp. 25, 73.
XV. A Latin verfion of L' Allegro, by Chriftopher Smart,
Poems, p. 181. edit. 4to. 1752.
XVI. The Ode on May Morning, tranflated into Latin hex-
ameters, in Dodfley's Mufeum, vol. i. p. 217.
xvii. Paradifus Amiffus Poema Joannis Miltoni, Latine red-
ditum k Gulielmo Dobfon, LL. B. Nov. Coll. Oxon,
Socio. 2 vols. 4to. 1753. This admirable tranflation was
encouraged by Mr. Benfon, who had erected in Weft-
minfter Abbey the monument to the poet. Oldys, in his
manufcript notes on Langbaine's Dramatick poets, pre-
ferved in the Britifh Mufeum, fays that Dobfon's reward
was to be a thoufand pounds whan the tranflation ihould
be finiftied, with the intereft of that fum while he was
performing it.
xviii. Imitataa Miltoni L'Allegro Carmina. Dated Lichfield,
Nov. 1, 1794. Gent. Mag. vol. 64, p. 1134.
Italian Tran/lations.
I. The celebrated Mr. Berkeley, afterwards bifliop of Cloynej
had been informed in 1714, that, at Florence, Milton was
then tranflated into Italian verfe. See Mem. of bifliop
Berkeley, 2d edit. p. 54. The younger Richardfon had
alfo feen at Florence an Italian tranflation of Paradife Loft
in manufcript by the Abb6 Salvini, who, in 1715, pub-
liflied an Italian verfion of Addifon's Cato. Whether this
might be the tranflation, of which information had been
given to Mr. Berkeley ; or whether a tranflation of Mil-
ton's other Poems alfo had been made, cannot now be
known. However, fee the next article in this lift of
Italian tranflations. Wright, in his Travels through
France, Italy, &c. in 1720, 1721, and 1722, notices
Salvini's tranflation of Cato, which, he fays, " Mr. Addifon
himfelf declared was the beft tranflation he ever faw." And
he adds, Salvini " fliewed us fome parts of Milton's
Paradife Loft, which he had occafionally turned into Italian ;
and they read admirably well in that harmonious language."
Travels, &c. vol. ii. p. 425. Salvini's tranflation has not
been publiflied. The learned Abbe was extremely fond of
Engliih literature. He thus declares his love, in a letter to
a friend, dated Nov. 18. 1713. " Or che penfate? ulti-
mamente mi fono addato all' Inglefe, e mi diletta, e mi
giova aflaiflimo. E gl' Inglefi, eflendo nazione penfativa,
inventiva, bizzarra, libera, e franca, io ci trovo ue' loro
libri di grande vivacita, e fpirito, e la Greca, e 1' altre
lingue molto mi conferifcono a tenere a mente i loro vo-
caboli per via d' etimologie, e di fnnilitudini di fuoni.*
Lettere d' Uomini illuflri, Venez. 4to. 1735, p. 167. It
appears that Salvini tranflated alfo The Fair Penitent,
and Jane Shore ^ into Italian. Ibid, p. 322.
n. Paradifo Perduto, primo libro, tradotto dal Conte Lorenzo
Magaiotti. MS. Sec the Catalogue <>t Shelbnrnc Papers,
p. 1 17. Lot B(jl. The Conte Magaiotti is thus defcribed
in an Elegy by Henry Newton, entitled Nemora Floren-
Una, 1709.
(< Sed cum cceleftem referat mirantibus orbenr,
" Miltonique comes, nobile furgit opus ;
" Turn fuperum redeunt acies, atque aelia deorum;
(( Refque limul fuperum, verba, modofque legunt."
See Henrici Newton Epijiola, Orationes, et Carmina,
4to. Lucae, 1710. Carin. p. 31. This Henry Newton was
the friend of Lord Somers, and Envoy Extraordinary to the
Court of Tufcany. Pombly Magalotti's verfion might be
that of which Berkeley had received information,
in. Del Paradifo Perduto Poema Inglefe di Giovanni Milton
Traduzzione di Paolo Rolli. Londra, fol. 1735.
iv. II Paradifo Perduto di Giovanni Milton, tradotto in
Verfo Italiano da Felice Mariottini. With the Life of
Milton, and Mr. Addifon's Criticifm ; to both which, ad-
ditions are fubjoined : And with copious annotations. The
firft book only. Lond. 8vo. 1794.
V. II Paradifo Perduto di Giovanni Milton, tradotto in
Verfo Italiano da Felici Mariottini. [The whole Poem, in
two parts.] Lond. 8vo. 1796.
vi. Mr. Walker, in his Hift. Memoir on Italian Tragedy,,
1799, p. 229, relates that the learned Antonio Conti, a
Venetian nobleman, who, with the afliftance of Lord Bo-
lingbroke, had made a free vernon of the whole of Pope's
Rape of the Lock, had tranflated part of Milton's Paradife
Loft ; which, however, is fuppofed not to have been pub-
vii. II Como, Favola Bofchereccia, trad, da Gaetano Po-
lidori, 8vo. Lond. 1802.
vili. L' Allegro, trad, da Gaetano Polidori, 12mo. Lond.
1805. [In this and the preceding tranflation, many paf-
fages are prefented in their foreign drefs with remarkable
elegance and -felicity ; and both ftrongly evince the ability
of Signor Polidori.]
ix. Como, Dramma con Mafchere di Milton, traduzzione
foftenuta ad litteram, 4to. Par. 1806. [Publiilied with a
French literal tranilution alio of Comus. See the Lift of
French Tranflations.]
French Tranjlations*
j. Voltaire, in a letter to Horace Walpole, dated 15 Jnly,
1 768, fays, " I was the firft that introduced Shakfpeare
to the French ; forty yean ago I tranflated fome paifages
from him, as well as from Milton, Waller, &c. See Hift.
Memoirs of Voltaire,, Lond. 8vo. 1777, p. 208.
II. Le Paradis Perdu, &c. Avec les remarques de M. Addi-
fon. Par Monf. Dupre de St. Maur. In profe. 3 vols,
12mo. Paris, in 172Q-
in. Le Paradis Perdu, Le Par. Reconquis, Lycidas, II Pen-
ferofo, et Cantique fur la fete de Noel, &c. 3 vols. J2mo.
Hag. 1730. To this edition are added DifTertation Critique
de M. Conftantin de Magny, which is thought by fome
to have been written by the Abbe Pellegrin, and La Chute
de T Homme, poeme Francois par M. Durand. Several
paflages are reftored in this edition, which in that of Paris
had been retrenched.
iv. Traduction de Milton, Liv. i. ver. 242, &c. i. e. Dif-
cours de Satan precipite du haut de Ciel & la vue de
1'Enfer. [By Mr. Rumgold, a Student in the Jefuits
College, at Paris. In French rhymes. Printed in
Poems by J. Whaley, Fellow of Kings College, Cam-
bridge, 8vo. 1745.]
v. Traduction du Paradis Perdu, chargee de Notes. Par
Louis Racine, en 3 vols. Svo. " Elle eft, en quelques en-
droits, plus fidele que celle de M. Dupre de St Maur ;
inais un n' y fent point, comme dans celle-ci, Y enthouli-
aime de f Hom6re Anglois." Vid. Nouv. Dia. Hift. a
Caen, Racine, (Louis.)
vt. L'AllegtO et Le Penficrofo de Milton. Traduit en vers
Francois. Par Uibouville. 4to. Lond. 1766.
vn. M. el*- Beaulaton a fait paroitre, en 1777 et 1778, une
traduction eil vers Francois de Paradis Perdu, laquclle offrc
des beautes et des defauts. See Nouv. DISl. Hift. k Caen,
Milton, (Jean.)
Vin. Le Paradis Perdu, &c. de St. Main's edit. 3 vols.
18mo. Geneve, 1777.
IX. Le Meme, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1782. To this edition,
befides the Lettres Critiques fur le Paradis Perdu, et fur
le Paradis Recouquis, are added feveral Notes on the text.
X. Le Pere de Mareuil, Jefuite, a donne ime traduction
Francoife, in 12mo. de Paradis Reconquis. See Nouv.
Diet. a\ Caen, Milton, ( Jean.)
XI. Le Paradis Perdu, &c. 2 vols, large quarto, with fine en-
gravings. A magnificent edition. Printed at Paris. 1792.
xii. Paradis Perdu, trad, par M. Monneron.
xin. Les Amours Epiques, &c. [That is, tranflations of
Epifodes on Love, compofed by the beft epick poets.
Accordingly part of Milton's fourth book of Paradife Loft
is here very curioujly done into French /] Trad, par
P. Grandmaifon, 12mo. 1804.
xiv. Paradis Perdu, trad, per Jacques de Lille, Paris &
Lond. 1805.
xv. Comus, Mafque de Milton, traduction litterale, 4to.
Par. 1806. [This and the Italian tranflation of Comus in
1 806 are ftated in a preface by the Hon. and Rev. Mr,
Egerton to have been made by two perfons, whom he en-
gaged in this employment, " dont les talens litteraires font
Dutch and German Ti^anjlations.
I. Jo. Miltons verluftigte Paradies, &c. 8vo. Zerbft. 1682,
[Of this book Vogt gives the following account : * Liber
fumme quid£m rarus, at immerito, cum verfio fit infulfa.
CamTa raritatis procul dubio exinde derivanda, quia autor
Ernft. Gottl. vom Berge propriis fumptibus excudendum
curavit." Catal. Lib. Rar. ed Hamb. 1747, p- 467.
II. Milton Paradys Valooren, 4to. Harlem, 172S. In Dutch
blank verfe. This is prefumed to be the tranflation by Mr.
Theodore Haake, R. S. S., which, Aubrey fays, was
highly approved by Fabricius.
ill. Het Paradys Verlooren. Gefchetft na't Engelfch Hel-
dendicht van John Milton, door- L. P. 8vo. Amfteldam,
1730. [In rhyme; with a few notes, and a life of
IV. Jo. Miltons Verluft des Pardiefes, &c. 8vo. Franck. fund
Leipzig, 1732.
v. Milton's wiedereroberies Paradies, 8vo. Bafil, 1752.
vi. — verlohrnes Paradies, von Zacharia, 2 bande, 8vo.
Altona, 1762.
VII. Daffelbe, von Bodmer. Zurich, 17§9.
viii. Daffelbe, von Bodmer, 2 bande, 8vo. Zurich, 1780.
This excellent German poet has alfo given a critical ana-
lyfis of the Paradife Loft. Of the high efteem, in which
the poetry of Milton was held by Bodmer, and alfo by
Klopftock, fee proofs in " Cara&eres des poetes les plus
diftingu6s de Y Allemagne. Par M. Pfenninguer. Zurich,
IX. Milton's Allegro und Penferofo, 8vo. Enriched with
beautiful head and tail-pieces. Germ, and Eng. Manheim,
x. wiedereroberies Paradies, nebft feinem leben,
anch dramat. und fleinen neuern Gedichten. 8vo. DefTau,
xi. — — veil. Paradies, ubers. v. Burde, 2 Thle, 8vo.
Berlin, 1793.
Spariifli Tranflation.
I. In Los Eruditos a la Fioleta by Don Jofeph Vafques,
publilhed in 1772, part of the firft book of Paradife Loft
is quoted and tranflated. See the Appendix to Twifs's
Travels through Portugal and Spain.
Portuguefe Tranjlatlons.
I. Paraifo perdido, poema heroico de J. Milton, traduzido
em vulgar pelo P. Jofe Amaro da Silva, Prefbitere Vima-
renfe. Com o Paraifo reftaurado do mefmo author.
(With fliort Notes, and Mr. Addition's Criticifm.) Em
Lilboa, 2 vols. 8vo. 1792.
Ruffian Tr (inflation.
1. S torch, in his Picture of Peterfburg, mentions a Ruffian
tranflation of Paradife Loft.
Englifli Tranflations.
1. The Epigram on Salmafius, by Mr. Washington, 169£.
II. The Verfes to Chriftina, in Toland's Life of Milton,
1698. They are afcribed to Fleetwood Shephard in a
worthlefs book, entitled Chorus Poetarum, 8vo. 1684,
They have lately been tranflated alfo in the Monthly Ma-
in. Milton's Italian Poems, tranflated and addreffed to a
Gentleman of Italy. By Dr. J. Langhorne, 4to. 1776.
iv. Some of the Italian Sonnets and the Canzone, have
alfo appeared, either tranflated or freely paraphrafed, in
Aaron Hill's Works, in the Gentleman's Magazine, the
Lady's Magazine, the Annual Regifter, Fawkes and
Woty's Poetical Calendar, the edition of the Poets in
1 779, and in the Monthly Magazine by Capel Lofft Efq.
v. Manfo; from the Latin of Milton; in Englifli heroicks.
In Poems by the Rev. Jofeph Sterling, Lond. Svo. 1789.
vi. Nature not liable to decay. From Milton's Latin Poem,
by the Rev Henry Boyd. Poet. Regift. for 1805, p. 32.
VII. Many fpirited and elegant tranflations from the Latin
poems, by the Rev. Dr. Symmons, in his Life of Milton,
vin. Latin and Italian Poems of Milton, tranflated into
Englifli verfe, &c. By the late William Cowper Efq.
With a Preface by the Editor, [William Hayley, Efq.]
4to. Chichefter, 18 OS. Several admirable tranflations
from thefe Poems of Milton by Cowper, had appeared in
Mr. Hayley s Life of the great poet, in 1794.
Alterations of Milton.
2. The State of Innocence, or the Fall of Man. An
opera, in rhyme, by Dryden. 4to. 1674
vol. x, P
it. Milton's Paradife Loft imitated in rhyme. In the fourth,
fixth, and ninth books ; containing The Primitive Loves,
The Battle of the Angels, The Fall of Man. By Mr.
John Hopkins. Lond. 8vo. 1699. This rhymift opens
his Preface thus: " It has been the misfortune of one of
my name to affront the facred profe of David with intol-
erable rhyme ; and 'tis mine, 1 fear, to have abus'd all-
moft as facred verfe !" — I am clearly of opinion, from a
perufal of thefe rhymes, that John Hopkins is a true de-
fendant of the original John Hopldm, and the worthy
heir of his poetical fame. He was partly induced to put
Milton into rhyme, according to his intimation in the
Preface, in order to oblige the ladies !
in. A Paraphrafe in verfe, on part of the flrft book of
Milton's Paradife Loft, by W. Howard. 4to. London.
Printed for the author, 1738. The title-page was varied.
For the author, an aged and infirm man, in order to re-
lieve his wants, circulated his paraphrafe by printing on
every title-page an addrefs to fome diftinguiihed perfon.
My copy is infcribed to the Dutchefs of Bolton.
iv. Comus, a Maik. Now adapted to the Stage. As altered
from Milton's Malic. By Dr. Dalton. Lond. 12mo. 1735.
This judicious and elegant alteration has been often re-
printed, both in ICmo. and in 8vo. It was received with
the higheft applaufe on its firft reprefentation. The Songs
were fet to mufick by Dr. Arne.
v. Sabrina, an Opera, Ital. and Eng. (the balls of which is
profeffed to be the Maik of Comus) by Paul Itolli, 12mo.
Lond. 1737.
vf. Le Paradis Terreftre. Imite de Milton. Divertiflement
fpii ituel en un A&e. Execute par l'Acatiemie de Mufique
dr Poitiers, le 23 de Mars 1736. See Oeuvres Melees
de M. l'Abbe Nadal, Paris. 1738.
\ 11. L' Allegro and II Penferofo, with a third part, entitled
Moderation, adapted to Handel's Mufick, 1739.
\iw. Par. Loft, attempted in rhime, Book 1. 8vo. Lond.
1740. by A. J aekfon, Bookfeller in Clare-Court, Drury
ix. Samfon, altered, with the admiffion of many paffages
from Milton's early poems, and adapted to Handel's
Muiick, 1742.
x. The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man : Defcribed
in Milton's Par. Loft. Render'd into profe. With Notes
&c. From the French of Raymond de St. Maur. By a
Gentleman of Oxford. Lond. Printed for Ofbofhe, 1745.
8vo. Mr. Steevens ridicules Ofborne for this publication,
as being ignorant in what form or language our Paradife
Loft was written. Shakfpeare, vol. i. p. 72. edit. 1793*
XI. Le Paradis Terreftre. Poeme Imite de Milton, en vi
chants. Par Madame du BoCage. 8vo. Lond. 1748.
xii. There is, in French alfo, La Chriftiade ou Le Paradis
Reconquis, pour fervir de fuite au Paradis Perdu de Milton-
With a large Difcours Preliminaire. In fix volumes, -a
Bruxelles, (or rather at Paris,) 1753.
xiii. A New Verfion of Paradife Loft, &c» In which the
meafure and verification are corrected and harmonifed ;
the obfcurities elucidated ; and the faults, which the author
Hands accufed of by Addifon and other of the criticks,
are removed. With annotations on the original text, to
mew the reafonablenefs of this new Verfion !! By a Gen-
tleman of Oxford. 8vo. 1756. The name of this doughty
reformer, Ihrouding himfelf under a fictitious title, was
Green. See Farmer's Effay on the Learning of Shak-
fpeare, 3d. edit. p. 27- Of this Nezv Ferfion only the
firft book appeared. The performance indeed is a molt
ftriking example of vanity and abfurdity united*
xiv. Tanevot, a learned Frenchman, has been fuppofed to
be indebted to Milton in his tragedy of Adam and Eve,
which is pubrtfhed with his other works in 1765. See
Nouv. Dic~t.. Hift. a Caen. Tanevot, (Alexandre.)
xv. The Recovery of Man, or Milton's Paradife Regained,
in Profe. After the manner of the Archbifhop of Cambray,
author of Telemachus. To which is prefixed the life of
the Author. 12mo. f. 1. 1771.
y 2
xvi. Comus, A Mails. Altered from Milton. By George
Colman, Efq. 8vo. 1772. This alteration alfo has been
frequently reprinted, and is the Comus which now pre
ferves its place upon the Stage.
xvii. Adam, or the Fatal Difobedience. An Oratorio. In
Poems of R. Jago. Lond. 1784.
xviii. Le Paradis Reconquis : Poeme, imite de Milton, par
L. R. Lafaye, Gradue en 1' Univerfite de Paris Maitre de
Langue Franc,oife, en vi chants. 12mo. Lond. 1789.
Detached Pieces of Criticifm relating to Milton,
his editors, 8$c.
I. Annotations on Milton's Paradife Loft. Wherein the texts
of Sacred Writ, relating to the Poem, are quoted ; the
parallel places and imitations of the mod excellent Homer,
and Virgil, cited and compared ; all the obscure parts
rendered in phrafes more familiar; the old and obfolete
words, with their Originals, explain'd and made eaiie to
the Engliih reader. By Pfatrickj H[ume.] $>iko80, 360, 6*47, ix. 540,
addrefs, P.L. v. 868 ; S. A. xi. 333; S. A. 1177; Arc.
731, 37 ; P/: Ixxxvi. 42.
••Is'd, P.P.vi.296 : ix.496, ador'd, P.L. i. 384, iv. 721,
672, 855, xi. 295 ; P. R. ii. 959, v. 805, ix. 547 ; P. R.
301 ; S. ^/. 729; Corn. 272. 11. 1S9, 212.
adhere, P. L. ii. 906, mh. 498. adorers, P. /,. ix. 143 ; P. R. i.
adherents, I'. L. vj. 266, x. 4. 1.
iidoring, P.P.- v. Ml
adorn, P. L. v. 218. viii. 576,
ix. 840.
adorn'd, P. L. i. 371, ii. 446,
1049, iii. 550, iv. 634, vi.
474, vii. 87, 384, viii. 482,
ix. 393, 1030, x. 151, xi.
280; P. P. ii. 137, iv. 35;
S. A. 357, 679.
more adorn'd, P. L. iv. 713.
adorns, P. i>. vii. 445.
Adramelech, P. L. vi. 365.
Adria, P. L. i. 520.
adrift, P. L. xi. 832.
advance, P. L. ii. 682, v. 191,
vi. 234, viii. l63, ix. 148, x.
616, xii. 215; P. P. i. 88,
iii. 143, 144.
advanc'd, P. L. i. 11 9, 536,
563, iv. 90, 359, v. 588, 744,
vi. 109, 399, 884, vii. 626,
xii. 632; P. R. ii. 69 ; S.A.
136, 450; Cow?. 1004; Pf.
lxxx. 44.
advancing, P. _L. v. 2.
advantage, P. P. i. 327, ii- 35,
987, viii. 122, ix. 258, 718;
S.A. 1118, 1259-
no advantage, P. R. ii. 234.
advantaged, P. P. iv. 208 ; S. A.
advantages, P. L. vi. 401, xii.
510; S.^. 1401.
advantageous, P. L. ii. 363.
adventurous, P. X. i. 13, ii.
615, vi. 66. ix. 921, x. 255.
Com. 79.
adventure, P. L. ii. 474, 571,
x. 468.
adventurer, P. L. x. 440.
adventures, S.A. 1740.
adverfary, P. L. ii. 629, iii. 81,
156, vi. 282, ix. 947, x. 906 ;
P. R. i. 33, iv. 527.
adverfary-ferpent,P.L. xii.312.
adverfe, P. L. i. 103, ii. 77,
259- vi. 206, 490, vii. 239,
x. 289, 701, xi. 364; P. JR.
iii. 189; S.A. 1040.
adverfe, 5. A. 102.
adverfities, P. P. iv. 479,
advice, P. L. ii. 197, v.- 88.9;
P. 71. i. 394, iii. 36*4; Com.
advife, P. L. ii. 42, 283, 376,
v. 234, 729, $88, ix. 212,
xii.6ll;P.P.iv. 211;«S'.^.
328 ; Son. xxvii. 7 J -Eur. 2 ;
P/I lxxxi. 55.
advis'd, P. X. v. 523, vi. 674 ;
P.P. ii. 152.
adviling, P.L.u. 292.
adulterers, Dante II. 4.
adulterous, P. L. iv. 753*
adultery, P. P. xi. 717-
advocate, P. L. xi. 33.
aduft, P. X. xii. 635.
/Egean, P. L. i. 746 ; P. P. iv,
jEnon, P. P. ii. 21.
-ffiolian, P. R. iv. 257-
aereal, P. L. iii. 445, v. 548,
vii. 442, x. 667 ; Com. 3.
aery, P. L. i. 430, 775, ii. 407,
536, iii. 741, iv. 568, v. 4,
105, vi. 283, vii. 246, 428,
xi. 1S5; P.P. iv. 57, 402;
S. A. 974 ; II. Pen/. 148 ;
Cow. 208. 231 ; Od. Nat. 103.
aery-light, P. L. v. 4.
more aery, P. P. v. 4SL
JEtna, P. L. i. 233.
Etna's, P. P. iii. 470.
Afer, P. L. x. 702.
affable, P. L. vii. 41, viii. 648.
affairs, P. L. x. 408.
affVa, P. P. vi. 421, x. 653 ;
P. P. iii. 45 ; S. A. 1030.
affecting, P. L. iii. 206, v. 763,
xii. 81; P.P. iii. 22.
affeftion, 5'. A. 739.
affe&s, P. L. \.97; Com. 386.
affirm, P. L. v. 107 ; viii. 117 5
Ep. Hobf. II. 13.
affirming, P. P. i. 253.
afflia, P. P. i. 425 ; S.A. 114,
914, 1252.
afflicted, P.L. i. 186, iv. 939,
vi. 852, x. 863; P. 12. ii. 93 ;
5.^. 6*60 ; Pf. lxxxvin. 61.
afflicting P. L. ii. 166.
afflidion, P. L. i. 57 ; SU- 457,
503, 1257 ; Pf lxxxvii. 37-
afflictions, P. 7?. ii. 92.
afffilts, P. L. xi. 315 ; S.A. 195.
afford, P. L. iv. 46, v. 3 16, ix.
0 x. 117,
xii. 493.
afrefh, P.L. ii. 801.
Africk, P. L. i. 585. P. It. ii.
Africa, P.fl.ii. 199 ; Com.606.
African, P. R. iii. 101 ; Son.
xvii. 4.
after, P. L. i. 319, 476, 631,
ii.228, 290, iii. 161, vi. 866,
vii. 131, 311, viii. 343, 555,
ix. 48, 87, 102, 918, 1028,
x.332, 363, 828, 985, xi. 62,
173, 1S4, 573,846, 856, xii.
131, 194, 436; P. R. ii. 7,
41, 151, 243, 275, iv. 402,
436, 56'9 ; S. A. 337, 526,
583, 104, 1356, 1651 ; Arc.
72; Com. 10, 48, 687, 1006;
Son. xii. 7, xxi. 6 ; Od.Nflt.
236; Or/. /}. /•'. /. 60; £/>.
jl/. JTjji. 9, 49, 64; Pf.
rxiv. 2,
after-age, Son. xiii. 7.
after-Lands, P. L. ix. 761.
afternoon's, P. L. ix. 403.
after-times, P. L. iii. 529.
again, P. L.ii. 82, 173, vi. 842,
vii. 26l, 339, ix.910, 1000,
xi. 883, 893; P. R. i. 259,
ii. 41, iii. 145, iv. 537; S.A.
1128,1355, 1496; Com. 486,
699 ; Od. Sol. Muf. 25 ; Pf
iii. 13, lxxxv. 22.
againft, P. L. i. 42, 667, ii. 28,
63, 72, 202, 320, 463, 693,
728,730,751,853,992, iii.
179, 205, iv. 41, 71, 542,
817, 856,942, v. 662, 885,
vi. 31, 136, 180, 426, 454,
455, 636, 796, 813, 820, 906,
vii. 202, 614, viii. 533, ix.
299, 350, 728, 998, x. 43,
275, 882, 926, 931, 1035,
1045, xi. 218,311, 312,721,
801,809, 810, xii. 289,416,
493, 494, 529 ; P- -R- i. 10,
114, 178, 317, ii- 90, iii. 301,
324, iv. 18, 559, 603; S.A.
640, 802, 890, 937; L'Al.
135 , Com. 99, 1 59, 582, 586,
600, 782, 808 ; Son. xxii. 7 ;
Pf. ii. 5, v. 32, Ixxx. 20,
Ixxxi. 59, lxxxiii. 9, 19,
Ixxxvi. 49.
agape, P. L. v. 357.
agate, Com. 893.
age, P.L.i.698, ix. 44, xi. 538,
665, 809, xii. 243 ; P. R. i.
16, 209, ii. 209, iv. 380;
S.A. 69, 336, 571, 580, 700,
925, 1487, 1488, 1489; U
Penf 101, 167; Cow. 40, 59,
109; Sou, xi. 12, xii. 1 ; Od.
Nat. 135 ; Vac. Ex.69 ; £/'.
W. Sh.'l.
age to age, Pf. lxxxv. 20.
aged, P.R.i.3U,S.A.156&;
If A!. 82; 0d. Nat. lG'O ;
Pf. lxxxiii. 53.
ageuts, P. L. ix. 683.
ages, P. X. ii. 186, iii. 328, vii.
191, x. 647, 733, xi. 326*,
767, xii. 549 ; P. P. i. 48,
ii. 441, iii. 294; S.A. 765,
aggravate, P. X. iii. 524, x.
549; P- £.218; S.A. 1000.
aggravations, 5. *4. 779-
aggregated, P. X. x. 293.
aghait, P. X. ii. 6l6; P.P. i.
43 ; Od. Nat. 160 ; Pf. cxiv.
agitation, P. X. ix. 637-
agony, P. X. ii. 86l, ix. 858,
xi. 482.
Agra, P. L. xi.391.
agreeable, S. A. 1506.
Agrican, P.P. iii. 338.
ah, P. X. iv. 42, 366, x. 822.
Ahab, P. P. i. 372.
Ahaz, P. X. i. 472.
Ajalon, P. X. xii. 266.
aid, P. X. i. 13, 38, iii. 232,
727, iv. 927, vi. 119, 294,
335, vii. 140, viii. 459, 6*42,
ix. 260, 308, x. 271, 919,
944, xi. 651, 800, xii. 542;
P. R. i. 393, ii. 148, iii. 302,
iv. 371, 468,493.
aid, (verb) P. X. i. 235, ix.
208; S.A. 1146; Com. 90,
856 ; Vac. Ex. 15;Pf. lxxxiii.
32, lxxxvi. 22.
aided, P. X. vi. 38.
aidlefs, Com. 574.
aids, P. P. iii. 392.
aim, P. X. i. 41, 168, ii. 28,
128, 712; S.A. 1464.
aim, (verb) P. P. iv. 105,
aim'd, P. X. vi.317; P. P. ii.
202, iv. 208.
aims, P. X. iv. 808.
aim'it, P. &. xi. 884.
air, P. L. i. 226, 5l6, 545, 595,
767, ii. 309, 400, 528, 540,
594, 663, 718, 842, 912,
1045, iii. 72, 76, 254, 429,
489,564,619,715, iv. 153,
1000, v. 79, 180, 270,417,
590, vi. 72, 244., 304, 349,
5S7, 654, 664, vii. 14, 89,
24 ] , 26*5 , 42 1 , 43 1 , 447, 502,
521, 533,560, 629, viii. 141,
476, 626, ix. 446, 459, 530,
658, x. 185, 188, 212, 280,
400, 666, 847, 1073, 1090,
1102, xi. 53, 183, 202, 284,
337, 542, xii. 76, 452,
454, 579, 635 ; P. R. i. 4,
45,63, 366,499, ii. 74, 117,
124,374, iv. 41, 201, 239,
542,585; S.A.S, 176,628,
162 1 , 1 640 ; Lye. 98 ; 11 Per/.
77, 94; Com. 4, 133, 154,
481, 557, 730, 757, 928,
980; Son. viii. 12, xiii. 8,
xx. 12; Od. Nat. 38, 99,
16; Vac. Ex. 41.
airs, P. L. iv. 264, viii. 515,
ix. 200, x. 93 ; P. R. ii. 362 ;
Od. Puff. 27.
ake, Pf. vi. 5.
alabalter, P. L. iv. 544 ; P. P.
iv. 548 ; Com. 660.
alack, Od. D. F.I. 28.
alacrity, P. L. ii. 1012.
Aladule, P. X. x. 435.
alarm, P. X. vi. 549, x. 491.
alarm, (verb) P. L. ii. 103.
alarm'd, P. X. iv. 985, xii. 217.
alarms, Com. 364.
alas, P. X. x. 949, xi. 46l
P, P. ii. 30, 348, iv. 309
S. A. 162, 368 ; Lye. 64
Com. 609 Orf. a>, 12 ; 0d
D. F.I.7; Ep. M. Win. 8
Ep. Hobf. I. 2 ; P/ lxxxviii.
Albracca, P. P. iii. 339.
Alcairo, P. X. i. 718.
Alceftis, Son. xxiii. 2.
alchemift, P. X. v. 440.
alchemy, P. L. ii. 517.
Alcidcs, P. L. 11. 542 ; P. R.
iv. 5^5.
Alcinous, P.L. v. 341, ix.4-11;
Vac. Ex. 49.
ale, UAL ICO ; £/>. Hobf. II. l6.
Ak-ian, P. L. vii. 19-
Alexander, P. R. iv. 252.
Algarfifc, //Pew/ 111.
Algiers, P. L. xi. 404.
alien, P. L. iv. 57\;Pf. lxxxi.
alienate, P. L. v. 877-
alienated, P. L. i. 457, ix. 9,
x. 378.
alighted, P. L. iii. 422.
alights, P. L. iv. 306".
alike, P. L. ii. 187, 453, iii.
593, iv. 70, 640, v. 407, vi.
123, 847, viii. 389, x. 520,
598, 838, xi. 350, xii.519;
P. Ii. iii. 214; S. A. 703,
704, 1074.
alimental, P. L. v. 424.
alive, P. L. xi. S18 ; S.A. 645 ;
Pf. lxxxv. 24.
all, P.L. x. 783, 792.
all (adj.) P.L. i. 3, 18,3/, 6l,
6*7, lOrJ, 136, 141,201, 217,
257, 277, 314, 343, 350, 449,
4 89, 518, 522, 544, 576, 582,
586, 592, 600, 618, 632, 6'35 y
719, 750, 761, ii. 49, 61,
II?, 128,130,135,138,144,
1? 1, 191, 193,238,283,286,
354-, 366, 381 , 384, 388, 414,
416, 120,437,464,465,467,
608, 609, 6 1 3, 624, 625, 72:5,
853, S75,oio, 913, 923,952,
966, 983, 9*7, 999, i». 52,
53, 58, 60, 87, ^J y 98, 100,
122, 139, 171, 187,203,206,
290, 307, 317, 321, 376,328,
390,448, 4-1.455,475,
498, 543, 545, 554, 571,-593,
616, 651, 658, 663, 665, 668,
670, 674, 691, 702,703, iv.
31,48,65,68,105, 109,130,
156,177, 181,206,217,218,
256, 27 1 , 286, 290, 341, 346,
367, 383, 410,411, 412, 417,
620, 639, 640, 658, 67 1 , 679,
993, 1001, v. 28, 44, 103,
253, 261, 272, 287, 323, 357,
472, 497, 535, 586, 600, 60S,
617, 62 1 , 631 , 647, 648, 64-9,
669, 687, 692, 704, 730, 739,
751 , 752, 753, 763, 767, 776,
878, vi. 15,35,57, 140,143,
147, 198, 218, 223, 244, 26] ,
264, 273, 327,334, 350, 351 ,
559, 567, 588, 623,630, 644,
051 , 6*74,678, 704, 712, 7l6,
720, 733, 754, 760, 800, 813,
8 19, 821, 834, 838, 839,850,
882, 905, vii. 49, 89, 92, 140,
372, 47 8, 48 1 , 495, 45)9, 506,
5 1 6, 522, 540, 541 , 548, 549,
562, 593, 596, 597, viii. 19,
24, 63, 135, 222/310, 317,
33S, 357, 36l , 366, 37 1 , 391 ,
488, 494, 505, 531, 551, 556,
575, 581 , 597, 6()2, 633, 637,
643, ix. 46, 84, 86, 106, 108,
109,110,113, 122,132,228,
481, 557, 560, 569, 592, 604,
605, 606, 645, 657, 658, 67S,
1031, 1003, 1139, x. 23,28,
42, 57,66, 83, 89, 134, 151,
176, 178,202,227,259,1319,
335,372,388,39$, 101,406,,
420,422, 434, 452, 489, 493, 407, 445, 4?6, 494, 495, 533,
619, 520, 532, 534, 600, 6*08, 530, 536*, 538, 541, 576', 590,
i) J 2, 627, 644, 71 1, 728, 733, 595, 596, 6l2, 644, 6*48, 6*5T,
738, 750, 794, 806, 817, 820, 655, 6*56, 717, 719, 750, 774,
£25, 82S, 829, 833, 836, 838, 780, 795, 817, S34, 864, 871,
540, 87 1,882, 883, S84, 911, 876, 879, 926, 938, 977,
033, 935, 945, 949, 955, xi. 1018,1035,1050,1051, 1119,
28, 34, 43, 46, 47,67, 77, 1136,1168,1247,1249,1290,
111, 121, 122, 124, 129, 141, 1316,1341,1407,1449, 1482,
150, 166, 168, 174, 189, 26*5, 1486,1492,1558,1559, 1572,
266, 305, 335, 339, 344, 345, 1580,l607,l627,l645, 16*46,
384,420,440,46*9,480, 482, 16*52,1656,1714, 1718, 1730,
541, 562, 577, 589, 592, 602, 1736,1738,1745,1753, 1758 ;
6*16,623,6*73,674,714,726', Lye. 99, 139, 141; IlPenf
739, 747, 748, 753, 755, 76l, 33 ; Arc. 48, 55 $ 82 ; Com.
781,798,806,824,826,828, 21,28, 30,72, 76, 115, 133,
832, 86*2, 873, 878, 888, xii. 137, 217, 243, 283, 409, 463,
58, 112, 126, 133, 138, 147, 603,605,615,640, 660,664,
177,178,180,181,187,189, 66s, 686, 690, 714, 720,
209, 243, 277, 325, 329, 341, 811, 8S3, 950, 955, 981, 9S7 ;
440,446,450,455,458,464, Son. i. 2, vii. 13, x. 13, xii.
470,490,499,501,509,520, 14, xiv. 5, xv. 3, xvii. 8,
532, 555, 565, 576, 577, 578, xviii. 4, xxii. 12, xxiii. 9 ;
580,581,585,596,6*18,621, Od. Nat. 31, 98, 207; 0d.
627,641,646; P. R. i. 3, 5, Paf.34,; Od. Cir. 10; Od.
6, 21, 40, 61, 68, 71 , 75, 92, D. F. I. 20 ; Od. Sol. Muf
Ill, 123, 131, 152, 153, 16*3, 21 ; Vac. Ex. 44, 64 ; Ep»
180,202,205,206,214,218, Hobf.ll. 11, 19, 33; Fore.
258,273,371,382,387,416, of Con. 13; Pf. i. 10, v. 13,
426, 430, 464, iL 47, 53, 31, 33, vi. 15, 16, 21, vii. 30,
112, 118, 143, 147, 174, 192, viii. 6, 18, 19, 20, lxxx. 41,
195, 197, 213, 219, 222, 283, Ixxxi. 3, 54, 59, lxxxii. 19,
305,310,318,324,325,327, 21, 28, lxxxiii. 17, 18, 31,
334, 344, 374, 379, 410, 430, 34, 56, lxxxi v. 27, lxxxv. 7,
465, iii. 5, 18,28,29,30,39, 9, lxxxvi. 29, lxxxvii. 8,
46, 63, 80, 111, 113, 114, lxxxviii. 26, 31,32, exxxvi,
116,118,122,139,148,182, 85. See heaven, mankind,
183,187,204,225,239,280, fides, things.
282, 294, 300, 307, 326, 338, all in all, P. L. iii. 341 , vi. 732.
351, 358, 418, 442, iv. 80, at all, P. L. ii. 48, ix. 757,
88, 89, 96, 97, 105, 136, 148, xi. S9.
150, 155, 162, 168, 176, 186, ail-about, Arc. 58.
202, 223, 224, 225, 277, 293, all-bearing, P. L. v. 338.
296, 302, 304, 307, 313, 315, all -bounteous, P. L. v. 6*40.
334, 347, 352, 360, 379, 436, all-chearing, P. L. iii. 581.
440, 443, 470, 494, 503, 510, all-commanding, Pf. exxxvi. 25.
520, 533 ; S. A. 25, 44, 64, all- conquering, P. L. x. 591,
f 1, 82, 84, 93, 96, 107, 374, all-giver, Com. 723.
all gold, Od. Hor. 9.
all-judging, Lye. 82.
all-knowing, P. L. x. 227-
all-powerful, P. L. ii. 851.
all-ruling, P. L. i. 212, ii. 264.
all-feeing, P.L. x. 6.
all-to, Com. 380.
all-woifhipt, Cotw. 719.
allay, P. L. x. 564 ; S. A. 582 ;
Com. 96.
allay'd, P. L. vii. 67, viii. 7;
P. it. ii. 160.
allaying, S. A. 550.
alleg'd, P.L. iv. 921.
allege, S. A. 1253.
allegiance, P.L. iii. 104, iv.956.
allegorick, P.R. iv. 390.
alley, Com. 311.
alleys, P. L. iv. 626; P.R. ii.
293 ; Com. 990.
allotted, P. X. viii. 148 : P. #.
ii. 123.
allow, P. L. vi. 158.
allowance, S.A. 770 ; Com. 308.
allure, P. J*, i. 179, iv. 112;
S. A. 546.
allur'd, P. L. i. 447, iii. 573;
v. 709, xi. 718.
allurement, P. L. xi. 810 ; P. il.
ii. 134, 409.
alluring, P.L. ix. 588; Com. 882.
allufion, P. X. x. 425.
Almanfor, P. L. xi. 403.
Amalthea's, P. ii. ii. 356.
Almighty, P. X. i. 259, 623, iii.
273, 344, v. 154, 46*9, 676,
vi. 294, vii. 174, 339, viii.
398, ix. 137, x. 6*13, xi. 83.
almighty, (adj.) P. L. i. 44,
144, ii. 6*5, 144, 15)2, 769,
915, iii. 56, 386, v. 86*8, vi.
316, 6*71, 713, 883, vii. 11.
112, x.387-
Almighty's, P. L. iv. 566, v.
585, vi. 11.9, vii. 181.
»lmoft, P. L. vii. 620, viii. 110 ;
S. A. 91 J Pf lxxxiv. 5,
xxxvi. 3.
alms, Son. xiv. 5.
aloft, P. L. i. 226, ii. Q38 y m,
357, 493, 577, iv. 1014, vi..
252, 776, ix. 500.
alone, P. L. ii. 426, 509, 778,
975, iii. 169, 441, 442, 66*7,
684,699, iv. 129,340, 491,
917, 935, v. 50, 875, vi. 145,
420, 820, vii. 28, viii. 57, 89,
365, 405, 427, 438, 445, ix.
105, 303, 336, 457, 480, 736,
766, 978, xi. 222, xii. 404;
P.R. i. 189, 285, iii. 141,
372; iv. 217; 5.^.20,939;
Arc. 17, 42 ; Com. 583, 101 9 ;
Od. Nat. 107 ; Pf- iv. 20, 39,
42, lxxxiii. 6, lxxxvi. 5.
along, P.L.i. 100, ii. 574, iv.
689, vi. 275, vii. 166, viii.
166, x. 250; S.A. 13 16,
1384, 1412; Com. 984; Od.
Cir. 4 ; Vac. Ex. 94.
aloof, P.L. i. 380; P.R. i.
313; S.A. 135, 16*11.
aloud, P.L. i. 126, iv. 2, 4S1,
865, vi. 536, viii. 490, x. 102 ;
S. A. 1639; Pya/. iii. 10,
lxxxiv. 7'
Alp, P. L. ii. 620 ; 6'. A. 628.
Alpheus, Xyc. 132 ; Arc. 30.
Alpine, Son. xviii. 2.
already, P. L.vi. 20, vii. 151,
viii. 85, 420, x. 50, 716, 905,
929; S.A. 707, 1257; Com.
573 ; Pf. vii. 47, Ixxxviii. 59.
alfo, P. L. i. 442, 470, 497, 11.
274, v. 57, 628, vi. 902, vii.
Ill, 117,588, viii. 220, 543,
ix. 750, 874, 881, 1178, x.
361, 494, 795, xi. 94, 406,
453, 757, 797, >ii. 223, 490 v
574, 595, 611, P.R. i. 334,
393; iv. 116, 159,227,440,
560; S.J. 8, 778; Son. xix.
14; Pf. lxxxv. 49.
altar, P. L. i. 384, 431, 473,
493, ii. 244, ix. 195, xi. 18,
432, xii. 354 j P. )(. i. 257,
489 ; S. A. 26 ; II Pen/. 48 ;
Od. Nat. 28.
altars, P. L. i. 384, 494, xi.
323; Od. Nat. 192; Pf
lxxxiv. 13.
alter, P. L. x. 953.
alteration, P. L. ii. 1024, ix.
alter'd, P. L. v. 385, ix. 1132,
x. 171.
altern, P. L. vii. 348.
alternate, P. L, v. 657.
although, P. L. viii. 427; S. A.
always, P. L. i. 681, iii. 517,
704, vi. 724, 725, ix. 467,
xii. 84; P.R. iii. 48, 159;
S.J. 814.
amain, P. L. ii. 165, 1024. x.
675, xi. 742; P. JR. ii. 430,
S.A.637, 1304; Lye. 111.
Amalec, Pf. lxxxiii. 26.
Amalthea, P. L. iv. 278.
Amara, P. L. iv. 281.
amarant, P. L. iii. 352, 353.
amaranthus, Lye. 149.
amarantine, P. X. xi. 78.
Amaryllis, Lye. 68.
amaze, P. L. (fub.) vi. 646;
P.R. ii. 38; S.J. 1645 ;
Od. Nat. 69.
amaze, P. L. (verb) xii. 496 ;
Son. xv. 3.
amaz'd, P.L. i. 281, iv. 820,
ix. 614, 640, 889, x. 452 ;
S.J. 1286; Com. 565.
amazed, Pf. exxxvi. 14.
amazement, i. 313, ii. 758, vi.
198; P.R. i. 107; iv. 562;
Com. 356.
Amazonian, P.L. ix. 1111.
amber, P. L. iii. 359, vi. 759 ;
P. R. iii. 288 ; S. A. 720 ;
L'AL 6l ; Com. 333.
amber-dropping, Com. 863.
ambient, P. L. vi, 481, vii. 89.
ambiguous, P. L. v. 703, vi.
568, vii. 473 ; P. H. i. 435.
ambition, P. L. i. 202, ii. 4S5,
iv. 40, 6l, 92, ix. 168, xii.
38, 511; P.R. iii. 90; S.A.
ambitious, P. L. i. 41, ii. 34,
vi. 160, xii. 25 ; P. R. iv.
137, 495; Vac. Ex. 11.
ambrofia, P. £. v. 57.
ambrofial, P. £. ii. 245, iii.
135, iv. 219, v. 427, 642, vi.
475, ix. 852, xi. 279 ; P. R*
iv. 588, 590 ; Com. 16, 840.
ambufh, P. L. ii. 344, ix. 408.
amend, Pf. vi. 4.
amends, P. L. viii. 491, x. 1032 ;
S. A. 9, 7*5.
amere'd, P. L. i. 609.
American, P. L. ix. 1116.
amiable, P.L. iv. 250, viii. 484,
ix. 899 ; 0d. Hor. 10.
amiably, P. L. iv. 479*
amice, P. R. iv. 427.
amid, P.L. iv. 186, 218, 578,
vi. 664, vii. 48, 262, viii. 326,
ix. 401, 594, xi. 671.
amidfr, P.L. i. 791- "• ^63 s
896, iii. 376, v. 264, 598,
903 ; vii. 132, ix. 502, 66l.
x. 33, xi. 820; P.R. i. 42,
ii. 149, iv. 439, 570 ; S. A.
443, 683; Com. 254, 549,
777, 981, Pf lxxxiii. 45.
amifs, S. A. 239 ; Com. 177.
amity, P. L. iv. 376, viii. 426,
x. 248.
ammiral, P. L. i. 294.
Amnion, P. L. iv. 277 ; -P/*.
lxxxiii. 25.
Ammonian, P. L. ix. 508.
Ammonite, P. L. i. 396; S. A.
ammunition, S. A. 1277'
among, i. 364, 385, 771, ii. 68,
352,423,469, 501, S67, iii.
283, iv. 83, 396, 429, 510,
754, v. 77. 102, 126, 212,
248, 309, 652, 716, S04,
897, 898, vi. 22, 112,312,
487, 62S, 745, 835, 850,
898, vii. 133, 459, 623, viii.
44, 313, 383, 594, ix. 135,
408, 437, 44S, 543, 547,
1118, x. 100, 397,579, 614,
708, xi. 100, 296\ 321, 719,
xii. 57, 108, 247, 281, 284,
286, 353, 481; P. R. i. 310,
368, 413, 432, 445, ii. 6'S,
154,443, iii. 58, iv. 73, 87,
218, 511; S. A. 109, 540,
*77y957, 1162, 1192, 1430,
1529, 1586, l6ll, 1664,
1675; //. Penf. 63; Com.
11, 174, 629, 1007; Pf.
Ixxx. 27, lxxxii. 3, lxxxvi.
25, ixxx vii. l, lxxxviii. 18.
amongft, P. L. iii. 565; Od.
D. F. J. 49 ; Pf- cxiv. 12,
cxxxvi. 34.
amorous, P. L. i. 449, > v - 311,
603, viii. 477, 518. ix. 1035,
1045, xi. 584, 5cS6; P. R.
ii. 158, 16'2 ; S. A. 393,
1007 ; Son. i. 8 ; Od. Nat.
50 ; Od. D. F. I. 5.
Amorrcan, Pf. cxxxvi. 66.
amphifbaena, P. L. x. 524.
Amphitrite's, Com. 921.
ample, P. L. i. 725; iii. 254,
389, iv. 413, v. 393, vi. 255,
vii. 577, viii. 258; P.P. iv. 82.
ampler, P. L. ix. 876.
ampleft, P. L. xi. 380 ; S. A.
amplier, P. L. xii. 544.
amplitude, P. L. vii. 620 ; P.
A. ii. 139-
amply, P. L. viii. 362, x. 388.
A m ram's, P. L. i. 339-
amusM, P. L. vt. 581, 623.
A my mono, P. />!. ii. [88.
Anak, .V. .-/. 528, 1080.
anarch, P. Zr. ii. 988'.
anarchy, P. /,. ii. K<)(>, vi. S73,
x. 283; P. R. ii. 471.
anceitor, P. L. iv. (09, x. 735,
xi. 546.
anccftors, P. L. ii. 895.
Anchifes', Com. 923.
anchor, P. L. i. 206.
anchors, P. L. ii. 289.
ancient, i. 200, 739, ii. 346,
394, 591,970,986, iii. 464,
xi. 10, 11, 862; P.R. i. 4,
ii. 121, 435, iii. 270, 281,
428, iv. 251,268; S.A.653;
Com. 314; Soji. xii. 2, xviii.
6 ; Fitf\ Ex. 98.
anciently, P. L. v. 723.
Andrew, P. #. ii. 7.
Andromeda, P. L. iii. 55Q.
dngel, P. L. i. 125, ii. 991. ftf.
622, 645, 682, 694, iv. 59,
320, 712, 902, 926 , 946, v.
385, 404, 435, 519, 849, vi.
1,92, 152,594, vii. 110, viii.
1, 53, 72, 181, 560, 618,
652, ix. 276, 1081, x. 327,
4+2, xi. 286, 421, 449, 598,
635, 759, 762, xii. 201, 259,
364, 485, 574, 637 ; P. R.
ii. 274, 310, iii. 352 ; S. A.
24, 361, 1431 ; Lye. l63 ;
Com. 214, 658.
arch-angel, i. 243, 593, 600,
iii. 648, v. 660, 694, vi. 203,
257, 594, vii. 41, xi. 23S,
884, xii. 2, 466, 626.
angel-forms, P. L. i. 301.
angel-gueil, P. L. v. 328, ix. 1;
angel-quire, Od. Nat. 27-
angel trumpets, Od. Sol. Muf.
traitor-angel, P. L. ii. 6*89-
angel-wings, P. L. ix. 155.
Angelica, P. R. iii. 441.
angelical, P. L. ii. 548, iii. 462.
angelick, P. L. iv. 550, 977, v.
74,251, 371, 535,650, 834,
vi. 308, 898, vii. 560, viii.
559, ix. 142, 458, x. 18, xi.
76 1 P. R. iv- 505, 593; &
7. 672 j 0. xi. 126.
angels, P. L. i 38, 59, 344,
620, 734, ii. 68, 413, 1033,
Hi. 331, 345, 396, 511,521,
533, iv. 820, v. l6l, 288,
46'5, 4^4, 5S4, 600, 633, vi.
220, 281, 298, 336, 375,
411, 525,638, 776, 802, vii.
133, ix. 146, 308, 392, 548,
937, x. 34, 650, 668, 893,
xi. 70, 213, xii. 367 ; P. P.
i. 129, 131, 163, 237, 243,
371,447, ii. 385, iii. 63, 113,
iv. 197, 200, 474, 557, 582 ;
S. A. 343 ; Com. 455 ; Od.
Nat. 244 ; Od. Pafj\ 4.
arch-angels, P. L. iii. 325.
anger, P. L. ii. 90, 15S, 211,
iii. 237, 263, iv. 916, ix. 10,
300, 1123, x. 114, 802, 945,
xi.878; P.R. i.466; S. A.
818, 963; Com. 667; Son.
ix. 8 ; Pf. ii. 26, vi. 1.
Angola, P. L. xi. 401.
angry, P.L. i. 169, 741, ii. 152,
x. 1095, xi. 330; Pf. lxxx.
19, lxxxv. 17, 18, lxxxvi. 55.
"anguifh, i. 558, ii. 567, vi. 340,
'ix. 62, x. 1018, xi. 778 ;
P.R. iv. 576; S.A. 458,
600 ; Od. Paf}\ 42 ; Pf. vi. 5.
animal fpirits, P. L. iv. 805, v.
animals, P. L. iv. 621.
animate, P.L. viii. 151, ix. 112.
Anna, P. R. i. 255.
annex'd, P. L. xii. 99-
annihilating, P. L. vi. 347.
announced, P. R. iv. 504.
annoy, P. L. vi. 369, ix. 446 ;
P. R. iii. 365 ; S. A.. 57S.
annual, P. _L. i. 447, vii. 431,
x, 576 ; S. A. 987.
annujs, P. L. xii. 428.
anointed, P. X. iii. 317, v. 605,
664, 777, 870, vi. 676, 718,
xii. 359; P.R. ii. 50; Pf.
ii. 12, lxxxiv. 32.
anon, P. L. i. 325, 549, 710,
759, vi. 360, 564, xi. 433,
661, 861, xii. 150; P.R. ii.
285 ; Lye. 169 ; L'AL 131.
another, P. £. ii. 292, 347, 570,
1004, iv. 257, 459, v. 310,
569, 77$, vi. 604, vii. 155,
617, ix. 912, xi. 555, 637,
756, 877 ; P. R. iii- 149, iv.
27, 540; S.A. 330, 501,
559, 56l, 1063, 1352 ; Vac.
Ex. 54 ; Brut. 12 ; Dante II. 5.
another's, P. L. xii. 528.
one another's, P. L. iv. 506.
anfwer, P. L. iii. 693, viii. 285,
436, ix. 226, 552 ; P. R. i.
467, ii. 172, iii. 181, 442;
S.A. 1236, 1322; Lye. 96 ;
Com. 276.
anfwer, P.L. (verb) vii. 119,
x. 862 ; P. R. iii. 146 ; S. A,
1090 ; Od. Sol. Muf 18 5 Pf
iv. 1, lxxxvi. 24.
anfwerable, P. L. ix. 20, xii„
582 ; S. A. 6l5,.
anfwer'd, P. L. i. 127, 272, ii.
816,990, iv. 924, v. 94, 371,
876, vi. 150, vii. 110, viii.
217, 398, 412, 620, x. 67,
115, 264, 383, 596, xi. 515,
625; P.R. i. 357, ii. 322,
392, iii. 386, iv. 170, 485;
Com, 888 ; Pf lxxxi. 29-
anfwering, Od. Nat. 97.
anfw'ring, P.L. iv. 464, 834,
vi. 450, 722, vii. 557 '•
anfwers, P. R. i. 395, 434.
Antaeus, P. R. iv. 563.
antagonift, P. L. ii. 509, x,
387; S.A. 1628.
antar&ic, P. L. ix. 79.
anthems, P. P. iv. 594; 1/
Penf 163 ; (W. JVttf._219.
, antick, II Penf 158.
anticks, S. A. 1325.
antient, P. L. See ancient,
Antigonus, P. /t. iii. 367-
Antioch, P. P. iii. 297-
Antiochus, P.P. iii. l6S.
Antiopa, P. R. ii. 187.
Antipatcr, P. R. ii. 423.
antipathy, P. L. x. 709.
antique, UAL 128.
antiquity, Com. 439-
Anubis, Od. Nat. 212.
annull'd, S. A. 72.
anxious,P.L. viii. 185;£.^. 659.
any, P. it. ii. 82 ; S. A. 4, 296' ;
Com. 78, 273, 497 i PM
lxxxvi. 26.
Aonian, P. X. i. 15.
apace, P. L. xii. 17 ; Lye. 129 ;
Com. 657 ; #or. II. 3 ; Pf
lxxx. 39.
apart, P. £. ii. 557 % P. -R. i.
229 ; S. A. 65 ; Pf. iv. 14.
apathy, P. L. ii. 564.
ape, P. L. viii. 396.
apes, Son. xii. 4.
Apocalyps, P. L. iv. 2.
apology, P. L. ix. 854.
Apollo, P. R. ii. 190 ; Cow.
662 ; Od. Nat. 176 ; Od, D.
F. I. 23, Vac. Ex. 37.
Apollos, Com. 478.
apoftacy, P. L. vii. 43.
apoftafy, P. J*, i. 146.
apoftate, P.L. i. 125, v. 852,
vi. 100, 172, vii. 610.
apoftates, P. L. vii. 44.
apoftles, P. L. xii. 498.
appaid, P. L. xii. 401.
apparent, P. L. iv. 608, x. 112;
P. R. ii. 397.
apparition, P. L. viii. 293, xi.
211; Com. 641.
appear, P. X. ii. 15, 113, 257,
643, 890, iii. 324, 380, iv.
964, vii. 284, 285, 578, ix.
817, xi. 306, 475, 609, 852,
xii. 437, 540 ; P. R. i. 98,
ii. 238, iii. 308 ; S. A. 902,
1318, 1628; L'AL 125; Com.
166, 867 ; Son, vii. 7, xxii.
4; Od. Nat. 83; Pf. ii. 25,
v. 8, lxxxiv. 28, lxxxv. 39.
appearance, P. L. ix. 413 ; P. R.
ii. 41 ; -S. ,4. 1090.
appearances, P. L. viii. 82, xL
appearM, i. 230, 476, 523, 518,
592, ii. 418, iii. 105, 141,
219, 504, iv. 149, 46l, v.
586, vi. 79y 319, 524, 556,
585, vii. 8, 193, 278, 3S3,
463, 489, viii. 313, ix. 11 89,
x. 106, 450, xi. 216, 320,
478, 589; S.A. 1256.
appearing, P. L. v. 265, ix.
354 ; P. R. i. 249, iv. 99-
appears, P. L. ii. 223, 533,
1035, iii. 636, iv. 232, viii.
30, ix. 110, 559, x. 885. xi.
861, xii. 300; S.A. 822.
appear'ft, P. R. iv. 193.
appeafe, P. L. iii. 186, 406, v.
846, x. 79, 792 , xi. 149, xii.
298; S.A. 74,4.
appeas'd, P. L. x. 226, xi. 257,
appellant, S. A. 1220.
appertain, P^Jb. xii. 230.
appertains, P. X. vi. 815.
appetence, P. L. xi. 619.
appetite, P. L. iv. 330, v. 85,
305, vii. 49, 127, 546, viii.
308, ix. 580, 740, 1129, x.
565, xi. 517; P. R. ii. 247,
264, 409 ; Com. 705.
Appian, P. R. iv. 68.
applauded, P. L. vi. 26.
applaufe, (fub.) P. J*, iii. 63.
appiaufe, P. L. ii. 290, v. 873,
x. 505, 545 ; Com. 259; Son.
xxi. 2.
apple, P. L. x. 487 ; P. #• ii.
apples, P. L. ix. 585.
apply, P. L. iv. 26'4, ix. 1019.
apply 'd, P. L. v. 580, vi. 583,
x. 172.
appoint, P. L. v. 606.
appointed, P. L. iii. 720, iv.
619, 726, vi. 565, vii. 167,
x. 421, xi. 550; S.A. 373,
643, 1197: Pf lxxxi. 11.
appoints, P. X. vi. 808. arbitrefs, P. X. i. 785.
apprehend, P. X. v. 518, xii. arborets, P. X. ix. 437-
280; 5. A. 1028 ; Cow. 784. arborous, P. X. v. 137-
apprehended, P. X. ix. 574. arbour, P. X. v. 378, ix. 216.
apprehenfion, P. X. viii. 354, arbours, P. X. iv. 626.
xi. 775. Arcadian, P. X. xi. 132.
apprehenfive, £. A. 624. Arcady, ^rc. 28, Com. 341.
approach, P. X. iii. 42, iv. 154, arch, P. X. vi. 759*
624, v. 359, vi. 256, ix. 191, arch. See angel, chemick,
xii. 206; P. R. ii. 280. enemy, felon, fiend, foe.
approach, (verb) P. X. iii. 382, arched, P. X. i. 726, vii. 438 ;
iv. 563, vii. 173, viii. 546, S. A. 1634; II Penf. 133;
ix. 535, xi. 12 L; P.P. i. Od. Nat. 175.
284, 449, ii. 160 ; S. A. 951 ; archers, P. P. iii. 330; S. A.
Arc. 82; Cow. 616. 1619.
approach'd, P. X. iv. 874, v. arch-fiend, P. P. i. 357*
627, ix. 491, x. 458, xi. 225. Archimedes, Son. xxi. 7.
approaches, P. X. iv. 367. architect, P. X. i. 732, v. 256,
approaching, P. X. vi. 552, viii. viii. 72, x. 356.
.242, 350, x. 102, 864 ; Od. architects, P. R. iv. 52.
Nat. 20. architrave, P. X. i. 715.
approbation, P. R. iii. 6l. Ar&ick, P. X. ii. 410.
appropriating, P. X. xii. 518. arcs, P. R. iv. 37.
approve, P. X. iv. 880, viii. ardent, P. X. ix. 397.
611, ix. 367, 1140, 1159. ardour, P. X. vi. 66, ix. 1032.
approv'd, P. X. vi. 36, viii. ardours, P. X. v. 249.
509, x. 31, xi. 458 ; S. A. Arethufe, Lye. 85; Arc. 31.
421. argent, P. X. iii. 460.
approves, S.A. 510. Argefles, £?. L. x. 699.
April, Com. 67 1. Argo, P. L. ii. 1017.
apt, P. L. viii. 188; Od. Pa J. Argob, P. L. i. 398.
28. argue, P. X. iv. 931, x. 1014,
more apt, P. R. ii. 454, xii. 283 ; P. P. ii. 94 ; Son.
fo apt, P. P. iii. 248. xxii. 6.
apter, P. L. iv. 672. argued, P. X. ii. 562, vi. 238 ;
aquedu&s, P. R. iv. 36. £. ^. 1193.
Aquilo, Od. D. F. I. 8. argues, P. X. ii. 234, iv. 830,
Arabian, P. X. iii. 537 ; P. P. 949, viii. 21 ; S. A. 514.
ii. 364, iii. 274; S.A. 1700. arguing, P. X. vi. 50S; P. J*.
arable, P. X. xi. 430. iii. 4.
Araby, the blefl, P. X. iv. 163. argument, P. X. i. 24, v. 809,
Arachofia, P. P. iii. 316. vi. 84, ix. 13, 28, 42, x.
Araxes, P. R. iii. 271. S00; P. R. i. 172 ; iii. 46,
arbiter, P. X. ii. 909, ix. 50. 401 ; S. A. 283, 658, 903.
arbitrary, P. X. ii. 334. arguments, 5. A. 862 ; Com.760.
arbitrate, Com. 411. Argus, P. X. xi. 131.
arbitrator, P. X. ii. 359. Ariel, P. X. vi. 371.
arbitrement, P. X. viii. 641. Aries, P. X. x. 329,
aright, P. L. vi. 470, x. 156,
xi.578;P.i?. iv.348;S. A.
Arimalpian, P. L. ii. 945.
Arioch, P. L. vi. 371.
arife, P. L. i. 330, iv. 805, viii.
200, xii. 531; P. P. ii. 47;'
S. A. 467; Son. xvi. 11;
Fac. £r. 91 ; Pf. lxxxviii. 42.
arifes; P. L. v. 170.
ark, P. L. i.458,xi. 819,823,
840, 850, 855, 66 1, xii. 102,
25 1 , 333, 340 ; Od. Nat. 220.
arm, P. X. i. 113, ii. 318, iv.
973, v. 64, vi. 239, 316, x.
634; P. R. iii. 387.
arm, (verb) P. L. ii. 173, 56S,
222, vi. 466, 537, ix. 533,
xii. 490 ; S.A. 639; Com.
arm'd, P. L. i. 101, 305, 764,
ii. 61, 447, 652, 757, 825,
i v. 65, 779, vi. 1 10, 168, 364,
400, 430, 655, 688, 697, 737,
760,802, ix.390, x. 0,697,
1023 ; S. A. 20, 347, 623,
1134, 1280, 1494.
armed, P. L. i. 567, ii. 130, vi.
47, 127, 231; S. A. 1189,
1617 ; Od. Nat. 58; Pf
xxxiii. 31.
armies, P. L. i. 272, ii. 334,
594, vi. 44, 138, 204, vii.
295, 296, x. 276; & A. 129,
arming, P. L. i. 553, xi. 374.
Armorick, P. L. i. 581.
armour, P. 7,. vi. 209, 334, 389,
656, vii. 409, xii. 491.
armouries, -S'- A. 1281.
armoury, P. L.w. 553, vi. 321,
vii. 200.
arms, (the) P. L. iv. 506, v.
217, ix. 1103, x. 512, xi.240;
8. AA63S, 16'36; Frtc. /s.r.94.
arms, (weapons) P. />. i. 49, 94,
119, 269, 325, 539, 564, 667,
ii. 55, 63,124,164,395,513,
537,691, 812, iv. 1008, v.
722, vi. 17,32,50, 123, 136,
209,247, 302, 361,418, 43S,
449, 454, 525, 526, 595, 635,
639, 662, 713, x. 541, xi.
641, 643, 654, xii. 222, 431,
644; P. R. i. 174, iii. 20,
166, 305, 388, iv. 83, 112,
235, 368, 405; S. A. 131,
137,1038,1096,1119, 1226,
VAl. 123; Com. 33, 440,
612 ; Son. viii. 1, xv. 1,
xvii. 3 ; Pf. iii. 3.
army, P. L. iv. 953 t vi. 224,
778, xii. 76; P.R. iv. 606;
S. A. 346.
Anion, P. L. i. 399-
Aroer, P. L. i. 407.
arofe, P. L. ii. 767, v. 452, vii.
60, 449, 582, viii. 644.
around, P. L. ii. 900; Od. Nat,
arraign'd, P. L. iii. 331.
array, (fub.) P. il. ii. 219, 386,
iii. 17; S.A. 345; Fac. Ex.
array, P. L. i. 548, ii. 887, vi.
74, 106, 356, 801, x. 535,
xi. 644, xii. 627.
array'd, P. L. vi. 13 ; Od. Nat.
arraying, P. L. iv. 596, x. 223.
arreed, P. L. iv. 962.
arrive, P. L. ii. 409, 979, iii.
197 ; P. P. ii. 426.
arriv'd, P. J,, iii. 520, iv. 720,
792, v. 254, vi. 835, vii. 587.
viii. 112, x. 22, 586.
arrives, S. A. 1075.
arrogate, P. L. xii. 27; P. R.
iv. 315.
arrow, P. L. ii. 811.
arrows, P. L. vi. 546, 845 ;
Com. 422.
arrowy, P. P. iii. 324.
Arfaces, P. P. iii. 295.
arfenal, P. R. iv. 270.
art, P, L. i. 696, 7$3 y ii. 272,
410, iii. 602, iv. 236, 241,
801, v. 297,770, vi.513, ix.
391, x. 312; P.R. ii. 295;
S.A. 1133, 1139; Com. 63,
149, 309 ; Ep. W. Sh. 9.
Artaxata, P. R. iii. 292.
Artaxerxes, P. K. iv. 271.
artful, P. P. iv. 335 ; Com. 494 ;
Sow. XX. 11.
articulate, P. L. ix. 557.
artifice, P. L. ix. 39.
artificer, P.L. iv. 121.
artificers, P. P. iv. 59'
artillery, P.L. ii. 715.
artift, P. L. i. 288 ; S. A. 1324.
arts, P.L. xi. 6lO; P.R. ii.
158, iv. 83, 240, 338, 368 ;
S. A. 748, 749, 1139.
A. S. Fore, of Con. S.
as at, P. L. 'ii. 23a.
as from, P. L. iii. 346, 347, x.
449, 688, xi. 316.
as if, P. L. ii. 503, iii. 114, vi.
195, x. 626; 0d.Nat.60.
as one, P. L. xii. 1.
as when, P. L. i. 33S, 594, 6l2,
675, ii. 285, 488, 533, 542,
636, 714, 943, iii. 431, iv.
159, 183, 814, 837, 980, v.
16, 26l, vi. 73, ix. 513, 634,
670, x. 215, 273, 289, 431,
xi. 760.
Afcalon, P. L. i. 465 ; S. A.
Afcalonite, S. A. 138.
afcend, P. L. ii. 56, 75, iv. 140,
v. 80, 198,49S, 512, vi. 711,
vii. 287, viii. 59^, xi. 143,
366, 371,376, xii. 451 ; S. A.
1508; P/:ixxxviii. 6.
afcend ed, P. L. vi. 762, vii. 564,
x. 18, 445.
afcending, P. L, i. 722, ii. 489,
930, iii. 502, 511, iv. 354, v.
574; P. P. iv. 101.
afcends, P. L. i. 499, iv-. 650.
afcenfion, P.L.x. 187.
afcent, P. L. ii. 81, iii. 486,
524, iv. 172, 545, ix. 936,
x. 224.
afcribe, P.L. viii. 131.
afcrib'ft, P. R. i. 453.
Afdod, S.A. 981.
ames, P.L. iii. 334, x. 566;
S. A. 1691 ; Son. xviii. 10.
Afhore, Com. 932.
Afhtaroth, P. X. i. 422; P.R.
iii. 417 ; Od. Nat. 200.
afhur, Pf. lxxxiii, 29.
amy, S. A. 1703.
Afia, P. L. x. 310 ; P. Jl. iii. 33.
Afian, P. JR. iv. 73.
afide, P. L. iv. 502 ; Com. 168 ;
Od. Nat. 12.
afk, P. L. ii. 957, iv. 632, 832,
908, vii. 69, 95, 121, viii.
53, 66, 201, 614; P.R. i.
326, iv. 552; S.A. 40, 66;
Sow. xix. 8 ; xxii. 9 ; Ep'
Hobf. 1. 17; Pf. ii. 16, lxxxi.
afkance, P. L. iv. 504, vi. 149,
x. 668.
afk'd, P. L. ii. 685, iii. 217, iv.
887, 899, vii. 11 1,635 ; P. R.
i. 436 ; Lye. 91 ; Com. 575.
afks, P. R. ii. 253.
afleep-, P. L. iv. 791, v. 14.
aflope, P. L. x. 1053.
Afmadai, P. L. vi. 365.
Afmodai, P.R. ii, 151.
Afmodeus, P. L. iv. 168.
afp, P. L. x. 524 ;. Son. xi. 13.
afpeft, P.L. ii. 301, iii. 266,
iv. 541, v. 733, vi. 81, 313,
450, vii. 379, viii. 336, x.
454; P.R. iii. 217-
afpe&s, P. L. x. 658 ; Com. 694,
afperfes, P. L. ix. 296.
Afphaltick,£.L.i.411, x. 29S.
afphaltus, P.L. i. 729-
Afphodel, P. L. ix. 1040;
Com. 838. -'-.-
afpire, P. L. v. 484, xii. 64,
vol. I,
560 ; P. R. ii. 417; Com.
12; Od. D. F.J. 63.
afpir'd, P. X. iv. 62, ix. 167 ;
P. ii. i. 215.
cfpirer, P. X. vi. 90.
afpircs, P. X. ii. 7* vi. 383, ix.
169 ; P. P. ii. 469.
afpiring, P. X. i. 38, iii. 392,
iv. 526, vi. 132, 793, 899-
Afpramont, P. X. i. 583.
zk.S.A. 143, 1097;
aflailant, 5. A. 1693.
aflail'd, P. X. x. 417 ; Cow?. 689.
aflail, S. A 756, 1165, 1396.
aflaffin, P.L. xi. 219-
afi'aflinated, S. A. 1109-
afiault, P. X. ii. 343, iv. 190,
vi. 51, 216, vii. 214, ix. 256,
305 ; P. R. iii. 74, iv. 19 ;
S.A. 331 ; Com. 649.
aflaulted, -S. ^. 365.
aflaulting, P. X. xi. 657-
allaults, P. X. i. 277, ii. 953,
x. 882, xii. 492 ; P. R. ii.
195, iv. 570 ; S. A. 403,
afiay, P.L. iii. 90; vi. 153, ix.
747; P. P. i. 143,264, ii.
234, iv. 478 ; Arc. 80.
affay'd, P. X. i. 619, x. 567,
865; 5.^.392, 1625.
aflaying, P. X. iv. 801.
aflays, P. X. iv. 932 ; Com. 972.
affemble,. 'P. X. v. 683, xi.
aflembled, P. X. iii. 330, v, 767,
x. 34.
affemblies, P.L. xi. 722; P/.
vii. 25.
aflcmbly, P.L. ii. 285, 749, vi.
446 ; P. P. i. 34^'.^/. 1315;
P/i. 14, lxxxiisil.
aflembly's, Vac. Ex. 28.
aflent, P. L. ii. 388.
afietUing, P. X. v* 562.
ttifert, P. X. i. -25, v. 801, vi.
157; S.A. 407.
aflcs, P. P. iii. 242; S.A. 1162',
Son. xii. 4.
afs's, S. A. 1095.
affeffour, P. X. vi. 679.
arduous, P. X. xi. 310.
affign'd, P. X. v. 477, vi. 81/,
ix. 231, x. 926; S.A. 1116,
affimilate, P. X. v. 412.
aflift, P. X. ix. 247; P.P. ii.
aflfifting, S. A. 1720.
affociate, P. X. v. 696, ix. 227 ?
x. 395.
aflbciates, P. X. i. 265, viii.
affume, P. X. i. 424, ii. 450, iii.
303, 318, v. 794, vi. 3.53,
730, x. 214; P.P. ii. 483.
afiuming, P. X. xii. 65.
aflure, P. X. v. 553.
afiur'd, P. X. ii. 40, 685, iih
263, v. 262, 553, viii. 449, ix.
981, xi. 872; P.R. ii. 148;
S.A. 739, 800, 1322.
afiures, P. X. xi. 157.
aflwage, S. A. 627 ; Pf. vii.
Afiyria, P. X. i. 721 ; P. R. iii.
Afiyrian, P. X. iv. 126, 285;
P.P. iii. 436; Com. 1002.
Aftaroth, 5.^. 1242.
Aftartc, P.X. i. 439.
afthmas, P. X. xi. 488.
aftonied, P. X. ix. 890.
aftonifh'd, P. X. i. 266, ii. 423,
vi. 838; Pf. lxxxviii. 64.
aftonifhment, P. X. i. 317; Com.
157; £/>. W.Sh.7.
Aftoreth, P. X. i. 438.
aftound, Com. 210.
abounded, P. X. i. 281.
Aftracan, P. X. x. 432.
Aftraea, P. X. iv. 998.
z(lvfLy,Il Penf.69; Pf- i. U
aftronumer, P. X. iii. £§9*
afunder, P. X. ix. 258 ; Vac,
Ex. 77;P/ vii. 5.
at all, 5.^. 295,381.
Atabalipa, P. X. xi. 409.
atheift, P. X. i. 495.
atheifts, S. A. 453,
atheift- crew, P. X. vi. 370.
atheifts, P. X. xi. 625.
Athens, P. X. ix. 671; P. P. iv.
Athenian, Son. via. 14 ; Od. D.
F. I. 9.
atheous, P.P. i. 487*
athwart, P. X. ii. 683.
Atlantean, P. X. ii, 306.
Atlantick, P. X. iii. 559, x. 674;
P.P. iv. 115; Com. 97.
atlas, P. X. iv. 987, xi. 402.
atom, P. X. viii. 18.
atoms, P. X. ii. 900.
atonement, P. X. iii. 234.
Atropatia, P. P. iii. 319.
Atropos, Ep. M. Win. 28.
atrophy, PsX. xi. 486.
attach'd, P. X. xi. 595.
attack, P. X. vi. 248.
attain, P. L. iii. 196, vii. 115,
viii. 70, 412, ix. 726, 935 t
964, xi. 376 ; P. P. i. 265,
485, iii*. 211.
attain'd, P. X- ix. 689, xii.
575 ; P. P. ii. 437, 469, iii*
89, iv. 106.
attains, P. X. viii. 34, ix. 724,
xii. 135.
attempt, P. L. i. 44, 642, in
420, 610, iv. 15, vii. 609, viii.
237, ix. 295, 978, 1149,
1180; x. 8; P. P. i. 113, ii.
205, iv. 180, 625 ; S.A. 1267 ;
Com. 406.
Attempted, P. X. ii. 357, ix. 369 ;
S. A. 1456.
attempter, P. P iv. 603.
attempting, P. L. ii. 377, 450.
attempts, P. L. ix. 481 ; P. P.
iii. 26; S.A. 1221.
attend, P. P. ii. 386, iv. 387 ;
S.A. 1731 ; ^rc. 81; Com.
attendance, P. X. x. 80. Com,
attendant, P. X. vii. 205, 547,
viii. 149.
attended, P. X. i. 76l, iii. 323,
vi. 76J ; Com. 211.
attending, P.P. i.53; Od.Nah
attends, P. X. iii. 270, 658, iv,
597, v. 520, vii. 407, viii.
223, 247, ix. 638, x. 239, xi*
551, xii. 12,354; Son.ix. 9.
attent, P. R. i. 285.
attention, P.L. i. 6l8, ii. 308,
ix. 5^9, 566> x. 459, xi. 422 ;
Com. 258.
attentive, P. L. v. 545, vii. 51.
more attentive, P. L. x. 101U
atteft, P. X. ii. 495, ix. 369 ;
Pv R. i. 37.
attefted, P. R. i. 122.
Attick, P. R. iv. 245 ; iZ Pew/.
126; Son. xx. 10.
attire, P. X. vii. 501 ; Son. xx«
7 ; Od. on Time. 21 ; Fac. Ex.
attrad, P. X. x. 152.
attraded, P. L. v. 47-
attra&ion, P. X. iv. 493,- x. 263.
attractive, P. L. ii. 762, iv. 298,
viii. 124, 587; P. P. ii. 17&
attracls, P. P. ii. 475.
attribute, P.L. viii. 107.
attributed, P. X. viii. 12, ix.
320; P.P. iii. 69.
attributes, P. X. xi. 836.
attributing, P. X k viii. 5t)5»
attrite, P. X. x. 1073.
attune, P. X. iv. 265.
avail, P. X. i. 153, vi. 789, vii.
85, xii. 515.
availM, P. X. i. 748 ; S. A. 558.
avails, P.L. vi. 456, xi. 312;
P.P. ii. 66.
avant, P. X. iv. 962.
avarice, Son. xv. 14.
b 2
audacious, P. L. i.400, ii.930.
audible, P.L. xi. 266.
audibly, P.L. vii. 518; P. P.
audience, P. L. ii. 308, 555, v.
804, vii. 31, 105, ix. 6'74, x.
641, xii. 12.
auditrefs, P. L. viii. 51.
avenge, Son. xviii. 1.
aveng'd, P. L. iv. 718, vi. 676,
ix. 143, x. 374, xi. 458; P.P.
iv. 606.
avengers, P/! viii. 7.
avenging, P. L. vi. 278, vii. 184.
aver, S. A. 3'23.
averfe, P. L. ii. 763, viii. 138,
ix. 67; 5. ^. 1461; Pf, ii.
averlion, P. P. ii. 457-
avert, P.L. ix. 302, xii. 108;
6'. A. 519-
aught, P. L. i. 683, 748, ii. 447,
657, 837, iii- 121, 592, iv.
419, v. 207, 502, vi. 121, 545,
vii. 640, viii. 30, 358, 583,
596, 636, ix. 115, 34,7,573,
969, x. 962, xi. 143, xii. 4 ;
P. R. i. 333, 402, ii. 456, iii.
98, 100, 101, 399, iv. 345,
369, 382, 383, 592 ; S. A.
274, 376, 743, 888, 1387,
1420; Lye. V20;llPenf 11 6.
augment, P. L. ii. 386, 605, vii.
367, x. 964; P.P. iii. 38.
augmented, P. L. vi. 280, ix.
avoid, P.L. i. 505, ix. 294,
364 ; S. A. 505 ; Com. 363.
avo>ded, P. /,. x. 691 ; S. A.
Avon, Vac. Ex. 97.
avow, S. A. 1151.
Auran, P. t. iv.211.
Aurora, P. L. v. 6' ; HAL lp.
A.ufonian, P. L. i. 739-
a u lie re, P. L. ix. 272; S.A.
aulterely, P. £. iv. 744.
aufterity, Com. 450.
authentick, P. L. iii.656, iv.719.
author, P. L. ii. 781, 864, iii,
374, iv. 635, v. 73, 188,397,
vi. 262, vii. 591, viii. 317,
360, ix. 771, x. 236, 356;
S. A. 376.
authority, P. L. iv. 295, viii.
554, xii. 66, P.R. i. 289, ii.
41§ ; S. A. 868.
authors, P. L. iii. 122.
autumn, P. L. iv. 557, v. 394.
autumnal, P.L. i. 302; P. P,
iv. 619.
auxiliar, P. L. i. 579.
aw -ft ruck, Com. 301.
await, S. A. 1197 .
awaited, P. R. ii. 108.
awaiting, P.L. i. 566 y ii. 418,
iv. 550, 864.
awaits, P. X. xi. 193, 710 ; Son.
xv. 9.
awake, P. L. i. 330, 334, v. 17,
20, 40, viii. 464 : Com. 275 ;
Pf. lxxx. 11.
awak'd, P.L. ii. 171, iv. 450,
vi.59; P.R. ii. 272; S. A.
awaken'd, P. P. i. 197.
awak'ning, P. L. v. 672.
awakes, Arc. 57.
aware, P. L. iv. 119, vi. 547-
away, P. P. iii. 366 ; Lye. 155 ;
Or/. D. F. I. 12, 68 ; Ep.
llobf. II. 15.
awe, P. L. iv. 705, 860, v. 135,
vi. 283, viii. 314, 558, ix.
703; x. 712; P.R. i. 22; ii.
220, iv. 6*25 ; Com. 32, 452 ;
Oil. Nat. 32 J /)/«/. 14.
aw'd, P. L. v. 358, xii. 198 ;
S. A. 847 ; Pf. iv. 19.
awful, P. /,. i. 753, ii. 478, iv.
847, 960, viii. 577, ix. 537 ;
Od. Nat. 57.
more awful, P. L. ix. 537 ;
P. P. i. 19.
awhile, Svn. xi. 3.
awry, P. L. iii. 488 ; P. R. iv.
313; S.A. 1041.
axe, 11 Pen/. 136.
axes, P.R. iii. 331 ; Pf. lxxx.
axle, P. X. ii. 926, vii. 381,
viii. l65, x.670', Com. 96.
axletree, Od. Nat. 84.
Ay me, P.L. iv. 86', x. 813. S.A.
330 ; Lye. 5ft, 154 ; Com. 511.
aye, J/ P«(/! 48 ; Orf. Sol. Miff.
7 ; P/l cxiv. 15, exxxvi. 3.
Azazel, P. L. i. 534.
Azores, P. X. iv. 592.
Azotus, P. L. i. 46*4.
azure, P. L. i. 297, vii. 479,
ix. 429; Son. xiv. 11.
azurn, Com. 893.
Azza, S.A. 147.
Baal, P.P. iii. 4 If.
Baal-zebub, S. ^. 1231.
Baalim, P. L. i. 422 ; Od. Nat.
babble, Com. 807.
babe, Orf. JVto. 151, 227, 238,
Ep. M.Win. 31.
Babel, P.L. i. 694, iii. 466;
Pf. lxxxvii. 13.
Babels, P. L. iii. 468.
babes, iy. viii. 5.
Babylon, P.L.i.717, xii. 343,
348; P.R. iii. 280; iv. 336.
Babylonian, Son. xviii. 14.
Baca's, Pf. lxxxiv. 21.
Bacchus, P.L.iv.279, vii. 33;
LAI. \6 ; Com. 46, 522.
back, P. L. i. 171, ii. 699 t
759, 789, iii. 397, 6'24, iv.
17, 480, 820, 914, 965, v.
906, vii. 39, 194, 338, 534,
562, 606, viii. 158, ix. 172,
410, 784, x. 814, xi. 313,
xii. 172,219,345; P.P. i.
153, iii. 435, iv. 30, 396 ;
S.A. 336, 1137; Com. 131,
593, 958 ; Od. Nat. 135 ;
Pf. lxxxv. 4.
back'd, P. ii. iv. 29, 448.
backs, P. L. vii. 286; S. A.
backfide, P. L. iii. 494.
backward, P. L.i. 223, vi. 863;
Com. 81 7.
Bactra, P. P. iii. 285.
Badrian, P.L.x. 433.
bad, P. L. i. 344, ii. 6, 483,
849, iii. 331, i v. 795, v. 695,
ix. 495, 994, 1073, 1091, x.
41, 837, xi. 256, 358, 685,
xii. 106, 336, 538 ; P. R. iii.
114, iv. 1; S.A. 211, 1537;
On Time, 9 5 Pf I 16.
bade, Com. 639.
baffled, S. A. 1237-
bait, P. L. x. 551 ; P. JR. ii.
204; 5.^. x.66.
baited, Cow?. 162.
baits, Com. 537, 700.
Balaam, P. P. i. 49 1.
balance, P. L. i. 349, iii. 482.
balanc'd, P.L. iv. 1000.
baleful, P. L. i. 56, ii. 576,
Com. 255.
ball, P. L. iv. 768, S.A. 9*.
balls, P. L. vi. 18.
balm, P.L. i. 774, ii. 402, iv.
248, v,293,ix.629,xi.546;
S.A. 186, 651 ; Com. 674.
balmy, P.L. iv. 159, v. 23, viii,
255, xi. 706; Com. 991.
Baliara's, P. R. iii. 321.
ban, P.L. ix.925.
band, P. L. i. 356, 758, xi.
646; P. P. ii. 236, S. A.
1753; Com. 904.
banded, P. L. ii. 320, v. 717,
vi. 85, 528.
bandite, Com. 426.
bands, P. L. i. 675, ii. 570, 6\5,
997, iii. 511, iv. 684, v. 287,
651, xi. 20S ; Od.Nat. 228.
iy. lxxxiii. 29. exxxvi. 50.
bane, P. L. i. 692, ii. 808, iv.
167, ix. 123, x. 412; S. A.
63, 351.
baneful, Com. 525.
baniih, Com. 413.
baniuYd, P. L. iv. 317, 573,
xii. 619 ; Com. 692.
banifhment, P. L. xi. 108.
bank, P. L. iv. 262, 334, 458,
vii. 403, viii. 286, ix. 438,
1037, P. P- ii. 25; S.A.3;
Com. 353, 543, 890 ; Fore.
of Con. 17.
banks, P.L. i. 468, ii. 574, vii.
305 ; P. P. iv. 32 ; 5. A.
1609; Arc. 97; Com. 933,
936; Ep. M.Win. 59.
banner'd, P. L. ii. 885.
banners, P. L. i. 545, v. 687.
banquet, P. L. x. 688.
banquets, Com. 701.
Baptitl, P.H. i. 25, 270, ii.2,
iv. 511.
baptifm, P.P. i. 21,273, 278,
ii. 61.
baptiz'd, P. L. i. 582, xii. 500;
P.P. 1.21, 29, 184, iv. 512.
baptizing, P. L. xii. 442; P. P.
i. 328.
bar, P. L. ii. 877, iv. 585, 897,
x. 317; S. A. 147; Son,
xxi. 4.
barbarick, P. L. ii. 4.
barbarous, P.L. i. 353, vii. 32,
P.P. iii. 119, iv. 86; Com.
550; Sow. xii. 3.
barb'd, P. X. vi. 546.
barber's, S. A. 1167.
Barca, P.L. ii. 904.
bard, P. L. vii. 34; Com. 45.
bards, Lye 53; // Peftf ll6.
bare, P.L. i. 379, 6*14, iii. 74,
vii. 286, 313, 314, ix. 1062,
xi. 834; S. A. 902; Com.
6'] 4 ; Son. viii. 14.
bark, P. L. ii. 288, x, 1076;
Com. 354.
bark'd, P. L. ii. 654, 658.
barking, Com. 258.
barn-door, L'Al. 51.
barons, L"^/. 119.
barr'd, P. L. ii. 437, iv. 967 f
ix. 80, xii. 360 ; Com. 343 ;
Pf. lxxxviii. 24.
barren, P. L. iii. 437, v. 219,
viii. 94; P. P. i. 354, iii.
264 ; LAI. 73 ; Pf. lxxxiv. 22.
barrennefs, P. L. x. 1042, S.A.
352 ; Pp. M. Win. 64.
barricado'd, P. L. viii. 241.
bars, P.L. iii. 82, iv. 795, viii,
625, x. 417.
Bafan, P. L. i. 398.
bafe, P. L. ix. 150, 498; P.P.
iv. 132; 5.^.414,415; Com,
698, 778 ; Oc". Nat. 130.
bafer, P.L. ii. 141.
bafes, P. L. ix. 36.
bafeft, P.L. ix. 171.
balks, L'Al. 112.
baftards, Caw. 727.
bate, Son. xxii. 7.
bates, P. L. xii. 1 ; S.A. 1538.
bathe, Cow. 812.
bath"d,P.L. vii. 437.
bathing, P.L. ii. 660.
baths, P. P. iv. 36.
battailous, P. L. vi, 81.
battalion, P.L. i. 569, vi. 534.
battening, Lye. 29.
twice-batter'd, Od.Nat. 199.
battery, P. L. xi. 656; P.P.
iv. 20.
battle, P. L. i. 43, 277, 319,
553, ii. 107, 535, 550, 899,
iv. 12, 927, v. 728, vi. 46,
97, 108, 202, 235, 246, 386,
798, 802, 819, x. 275, 377,
xi. 644,691, 800; P.P. iii.
320,322 ; S. A. 287, 583,
1131; Com. 654; Pf. exxxvi.
in battle, P. L. i. 104, 436,
battlements, P. L. i. 742, ii.
battle's, Od. Nat. 53.
battles, P. L. iv. 1002, vi.2l6,
ix. 31, xii. 26l ; P. R. iii.
73, 392,
battering, P, L. ii. 923.
bawl, Son, xii. 9.
bay, P. £. ii. 289, vii. 399;
P. P. ii, 347, iii. 273 ; Lye.
Bayona's, JLyc, 162.
bays, Ep. M. Win. 57.
be, P.L. ii. 831, ix. 827, 936,
xi. 200,703; P.P. i. 35,54,
61, 62, 180, 204, 267, 342,
343, 379, 383, 399, 405, 428,
454, 458, ii. 36, 53, 88, 93,
136, 144, 146, 407, 485, iii.
100, 189, 202, 207, 209, 214,
223, 229, 230, 232, 238, 240,
368, iv. 13, 107, 108, 147,
151, 196', 221, 346, 373, 612,
6l6; S. A, 84, 91, 124,191,
295, 296\ 300, 337, 355, 440,
465, 502, 598, 604, 606, 645,
964, 1005, 1034, 1064, 1107,
1116,1145,1156, i322,1399,
1408, 1428, 1434, 1437,1483,
1519, 1524, 1529, 1531,1562,
1587, 1625 ; Lye. 184 ; L'Al.
132; IlPenf, 86; Com. 12,
137, 152, 159, 170, 176, 205,
. 242,264,315,320,328,341,
343, 348, 361, 364, 419, 431,
463,482, 488, 489, 519, 500,
589, 596, 6*13, 650, 668, 67 9 t
786, 795, 813, 820, 821, 854,
Son. vii. 10, ix. 11, xii. 12,
xiii. 7, xvii. 6, xx. 4 ; Od.
Nat, 12, 216, 218; Od. D.
P. J. 37 ; Vac. Ex. 55, 74>,
80, 91; Ep. Hobf. II. 25;
Forc.ofCon.il ; Pf. ii. 22, 23,
iv. 22, 25, vii. 9, lxxxi. 3S.
Ixxxiii. 1, 14, l6,lxxxiv. 33 }
lxxxv. 55, lxxxvii. 7, 18,
lxxxviii. 54, cxiv. 15.
be it, P. L. x. 795.
be it fo, P. L. x. 769.
beach, P. L.i. 299, x. 299.
beads, P.L. iii.491 ; Com. 391.
beaked, P. L. xi. 746 ; Lye. 94.
beaks, P. R. ii. 267.
beam, P. L. ii. 399, 493, iii. 2,
583, iv. 590, 1004, viii. 139;
S.A. 83, 163, J 122; Com.
98, 460.
beaming, P. L. iii. 625,
beams, P. L. i. 596. iii. 36l,
378, 551, 616, iv. 37, 150,
644, vi. 15, 82, vii. 363, viii.
97, 255, ix. 106, x. 1070;
P. R. iv. 432; Lye. 170 ;
UPtnf. 132; iSrc. 16; Sew.
xiv. 10; Od. Nat. 111.
bear, P.L. ii. 209, 306, 411,
iii. 652, iv.422, 473, v. 199,
427, 592, 664, vi. 64, viii.
375, 614, ix. 104, 213, x.
726, 835, 916, 950, xi. 363,
766, 776, 804; P. R. i. 13,
135; S. A. 150,. 190, 239,
755, 913, 1353; Com. 568;
Son. xix, 11, xxii. 8; Od.
Nat. 84, 220 ; Od. Paf. 39 ;
Od. Cir. 6 ; 11 Pen/. 87.
bear rule, P. L. x. 155.
bearded, P. L. iv. 982, v. 342 ;
Com. 72.
bearers, £/?. Hobf. II. 20.
bearing, P. L. xii. 311 ; £. ^„
655, 946.
bears, P. I/, iii. 558, iv. 344,
v. 368, viii. 166, xii. 241 ;
P. P. ii. 465, iv. 517; S.A.
57, 974, 1303.
bear'it, P. L. x. 952 ; P. R. iv.
199; 5.^.430, 1100.
beaft, P. L. iv. 177, 600, 704,
vii. 457, 495, 503, 522, viii.
ix. 86, 165, 521, 560,691,
769, x. 176, 604,. 710,' xi.
xii. 67; P.R. iv. 46 1 ; S.A.
37, 127, 1402; Com. 528.
bcafts, P. L. iv. 341, vii. 452,
viii. 438, 594, ix. 94, 543,
556, 571, 592, 768, 769, x.
217, 221, xii. 30; P. It. i.
310, 502, ii. 342, iv. 140;
Pf. viii. 20, lxxx. 55.
beat, P. L. ii. 588 ; Com. 143.
beat oft', P. P. iv. 17-
beat out, P. L. xi. 446.
beaten, P. L. ii. 1026.
beatifick, P.L. i. 684.
beatitude, P. L. iii. 62.
beauteous, P. L. iv. 697, vi.
481, xi.6l3.
beauties, P. Pi. ii. 197 ; 0d.
D. F. I. 31.
beauty, P. L. iv. 490, 498, 634,
713, 845, v. 14,47, ix. 491,
540, 1029, xi. 539; PR- »•
1S6, 194,220; S.A. 1003;
Lye. 149; HAl, 79', Com.
393, 739, 748.
beauty's, P. L. viii. 533, ix.
607; P. R. ii. 212; J/Pctj/*.
became, P. X. xi. l65, 420.
becam'ft, P.L. ii. 765, vii. 528.
breaufe, P. L. iii. 305, 311, v.
539, vi. 814, vii. 168, ix. 280,
x.ol, 175, 19S,xi.97; P.R.
ii. 174, iv. 156; S. A. 1265,
1402 ; Fore, of Con. 1 ; Pf.
v. 22, viii. 6, lxxxvi. 63.
beck, P. P. ii. 238.
beckoning, Com. 207-
becks, l/.V/. 28.
become, P. />. ii. 275, 445, ix.
716, 86*9, 1181, x. 120,722,
xi. 84, xii. 2/5; S. A. 73,
becomes, P. L. v. S43, ix. 122,
xi. 61, xii. 409; P. /U. 288,
iii. 303.
bed, P.L. iv. 710, 761, vii. 290,
viii. 598; S. A. 806, 1021 ;
Lye. 168; UAL 115, 146;
Com. 107, 885 ; Od. Nat. 229 ;
Od. D.F.I. 13,31; Ep. M.
Win. 42 ; Vac. Ex. 63 ; Ep.
Hobf. II. 18; P/. vi. 13;
lxxxviii. 43.
bedeck'd, S. A. 712.
bedew'd, Od. Hor. 1.
bed-rid, S.A. 579-
bedropt, P. L. x. 527.
beds, P. L. ii. 600, iv. 242 ;
L'AL 21; Cow. 998; P/ iv.
bed-ward, P. L. iv. 352.
bee, P. L. v. 24, vii. 490 ; II
Penf. 142.
Beelzebub, P. L. i. 81, 271,
ii. 299, 378.
been, P. L. vi. 218, ix. 806,
923, 1148, xi. 342; P.R. i.
432, ii. 80, iii. 232, iv. 10,
537; 5.^.45,98,875,1077,
1410 ; Lye. 57 ; II Penf. 59 ;
Arc. 85 ; Ep. M. Win. 12 ;
Tore, of Con. 10.
Beerfaba, P. L. iii. 536.
bees, P.L. i. 768; P.R. iv. 24S.
bceft, P. L. i. 84.
beeves, P. L. xi. 647.
befall, P. L. iv. 127, vii. 44,
ix.252, 1182,x.896,xi.771,
xii. 444.
befallen, P. L. ii. 821, ix. 771,
x. 895, 928, xi. 450; S.A.
374, 446.
befel, P. L. vi. 897, vii. 43, viii.
229, x. 28, xi. 7l6\
befits, P.L.x. 86*8.
before, P.L. i. 18, 436, ii. 256,
535, 648, 703, 803, 890, iii.
8, 9, v. 585, vi. 107, 837,
858, vii. 8, 66, 336, 374, 637,
viii. 53, 67, 193, 306, 310,
372, 464, 475, 496, ix. 53,
139, 520, 523, x.75, 126,
146, 160, 212, 586,947, 954,
1088, 1100, xi. 13, 20, 25,
39, 186,478,639, 813, xii.
646 ; P. JR. i. 249, 257, 272,
302, 411, ii. 112, 178, iii.
90, 245, iv. 112, 507, 632;
S. A. 455, 465, 517, 876,
1 147,1448, 1474, 1475,1552,
l6l6, 1618, 1624>-,L'AI. 52;
Com. 1,75; Son. xiv. 3 ; Od.
Nat. 118 ; Od. PaJ)\ 47 ; Od.
D. F. I. 50 ; Ep. M. 7Vin.66 ;
Vac. Ex. 6, 32 ; Pf v. 24,
lxxxiv. 27.
as before, P.P. ii. 299-
before-hand, P. R. iv. 8, 526.
befriend, Com. 135 ; Vac. Ex.
beg, P. L. x. 918, 1089, xi.
506 ; P. It. iv. 630 ; 5. A
707; Com. 623.
began, P. L. i. 83, ii. 118, 680,
iii. 355, iv. 31, 537, 979, v.
144, 152, 396, 562, vi. 56 ,
vii. 63, 86, 246, 636, viii.
250, ix. 192, 204, 531, 675,
678, 794, 1014, 1 123, x. 234,
590, 706, xi. 21, 729, xii.
636; P.P. i. 499, ". 10, 120,
iii. 266 ; Com. 545 ; Pf. lxxx.
beget, P. L. viii. 423, ix. 95,
x. 728, 762, xi. 613 ; Com.
beggery, S. A. 69.
begg'd, P.L.x. 1101.
begging, P.L. iv. 104.
begin, P. L. iv. 832, vi. 278,
viii. 162, ix. 669, 1142, x.
213, xi. 633, xii. 6; P.R.
i. 132, 186, 288, ii. 113, iii.
185, 198, iv. 635, 640; S. A.
274, 1381; Lye. 15, 17;
Com. 1 25, 206.
beginning, P. L. i. 9, iii. 663,
vii. 638, viii. 251, ix. 26;
P.P. i.408, iv.99, 392.
begins, P. L. ii. 1037, iv. 15,
v. 559^ x. 1064, xi. 174, 634 ;
P. R. in. 179; L'Al. 60; Ii
Pen/. 131 ; Od. Nat. 167.
begird, P. L. v. 868.
begirt, P.L. i. 581; P.H.ii.
begot, P. L. ii. 794, v. 603, x.
765, xii. 286; P. JR. ii. 181;
Pf. viii. 13.
begotten, P. L. ii. 782, iii. 384,
x.983; Pf ii. 15. See Son.
beguil'd, P. L. i. 445, iii. 689,
ix. 905, x. 162, 880; P. R.
ii. 169; S.A. 759; Od.PaJl
begun, P. I. vii. 93, viii. 311,
ix. 224, x. 811.
behalf, P. X. iii. 218, xi. 102.
beheld, P. L. i. 309, 607, iii.
64, 554, iv. 117,723, v. 13,
87, 219, vi.607, 681, 825,
vii. 137, 255, viii. 284, ix.
541, 608, 1082, x.454, 863,
xi. 429, xii. 641 ; P. R. i.
295, ii. 31, 338; 5.^. 1543,
beheld'fr, P. L. xi. 700, 819.
Behemoth, P. L. vii. 471.
beheft, P.L. v. 311,xi. 99, 251.
behefts, P. L. iii. 533, vi. 185,
viii. 238.
behind, P. L. i. 286, 446, 596,
ii. 120, iii. 626, v. 119, vi.
578, 864, ix. 277, x. 266,
588, xii. 205 ; P. R. ii. 46,
iii. 78, 323, 423, iv. 193 ;
S.A. 360, 721, 858, 1300,
1375, 1618 ; Son. xiv. 6.
behold, P. L. i. 605, 777, ii.
959, 1046, iii. 236, 387, 672,
iv. 358, 679, 821, v. 45, l6l,
308, 605, 719, 866, vi. 550 f
637, 810, vii. 86, 222, 539,
549, 554, viii. 15, 342, 349,
481, 529, 605, ix. 455, 480,
576, 735, 1080, x. 81, 326,
724, xi. 110, 332, 423, 464,
495,581,711,754,839, xii.
142; P.jR. i. 130,269,386,
ii. 44, 331, iii. 293, iv. 26,
57,237,435;$. J. 206,339,
708, 740, 1473, 1543, l6'0S,
1644 ; // Pen/. 67, Arc. 40 ;
Com. 672, 968 ; Pf. vii. 50,
viiii 9, lxxx. 59.
beholders, P. L. ix. 544.
beholding, P. L. ii. 77, v. 329,
xii. 50.
beholds, P. L. i. 323, iii. 78,
vi. 472, xi. 864.
behold'ft,P.P. iii. 269, iv. 162.
behoof, P. L. ii. 982 ; Od. D.
F. I. 45.
behoves, P. L. ii. 942, iv. 93 1.
being, P.L. i. 154, ii. 98, 147,
440, 585, 865, iii. 374, iv.
483, v. 455, 487, 825, 858,
viii. 174,294, ix.266, x.747,
988, xi.769, xii. 85; P. R.
i. 62, ii. 114; Com. 8, 3/0,
469 ; Vac. Ex. 80 ; Ep. Hob/.
belated, P. L. i. 783.
belch'd, P. L. vi. 586.
belching, P. L. x. 232.
beldam, Vac. Ex. 46.
Belial, P. L. i. 490, 502, ii. 109,
226, vi.620; P. itii. 150,
belief, P. L. viii. 136, ix. 719,
xi. 146; S. A. 117, 1535.
believe, P. L. i. 144, 631, viii.
294, ix. 684, xi. 355, xii.
116, 407, 441 ; S.A. 599>
830; Cow. 2 17, 438; Vac. Ex.
believ'd, P. R. i. 274, ii. 5.
believers, P. L. xii, 520.
believes, P. L. xii. 127.
believ'ft, P.L. vi. 471.
believing, P. L. x. 42.
belike, P. L. ii. 156.
Bellerophon, P. />. vji. 18.
Bellerus, Lye. l6'0.
bellies, LttC, 1 14.
lklloiut, P. /,. ii. 92.
bellow, P. L. i. 177.
bellowing, P. L. vi. 36?,
bells, tyc. 135 ; L'Al. 93.
belly, P.L. x. 177, 514.
belman's, // Pen/. 83.
belong, P. L. v. 167, xi. 1.63.
belongs, P. L. vi. 807, x. 84,
496, xi. 166; P.P. iii. 141;
Lye. 121 ; Com. 85.
belov'd, P. L. vi. 680, x. 70,
489, xii. 308 ; P. P. i. 32,
85, 285, 379, iv. 513.
below, P. L. iii. 600, xi. 068;
11 Pen/. 162 ; Com. 734 ; Od.
Nat. 90; 0J. D. P. J. 49,
Belus, P. L. i. 720.
bench, Sow, xxi. 1.
bend, P. L. i. 6l6, ii. 354, 477,
573, 729, v. 787, 817, xi.
30, Arc. 6; Com. 1015 ;
Brut. 10 ; P/ lxxxi. 40, 62,
lxxxviii. 8.
bended, P. L. vi. 194, vii. 410,
ix. 1105 ; P/ vii. 46.
bending, P. X. iv. 462, xi. 152 ;
Od. Nat. 71.
bends, P. L. iii. 573, iv. 9S1 ;
Com. 899 ; P/ viii. 8.
beneath, P. L. i. 115,355, ii.
1003, iii.30, 332, 526, 739,
iv. 83, 205, 303, 592, vi. 342,
510, viii. 318, 382,411, ix.
1129, x. 687; P. P. ii. 124,
293, iv. 203, 556 ; S. A.
1469, 1652 ; Lye. 16, 167 ;
Od. Nat. 102.
benediction, P. L. viii. 645, xii.
125 ; P. R. iii. 127-
benefactors, P. R. iii. 82.
beneficence, P. R. iii. 133.
benefit, P. L. viii. 90, xii. 426.
benefits, P. P. iii. 137.
benevolent, P.L. viii. 65.
Bengala, P. P. ii. 638.
benighted, Com. 150, 3S4.
benign, P. P. viii. 492, xi.334,
xii. 538.
beniibn, Com. 332.
bent, i. 681, ii. 923, iii. 84,441,
iv. 188, 568, 79*, v. 829, vi.
112,506, 826, ix. 55, 384,
x. 454, 885, xi. 190, 548,
577, 597, xii. 2; P. JR. ii.
-291, iv. 424, 465; S.J.
I486 ; Son. xix. 4 ; Vac. Ex.
bent down, P. L. iii. 58, iv. 460.
benumm, P. L. ii. 74.
benumming, S. J. 630.
bereave, P. L. x. 918,
bereav'd, P. L. vi. 903, ix. 46l ;
S.J. 85, 1294.
bereaving, P. L. x. 810; Pp.
JF. Sk. 13.
bereft, P. L. xi. 628 ; S. J. 48 ;
Com. 277', Son. xxii. 3.
berries, Zyc. 3 ; Com. 168.
berry, P. L.x. 307, 346.
beryl, P. L. vi. 756; Com. 933.
befeech, P. L. xii. 236; S.J.
befeeching, P. L. v. 869, x.
befeeming, Com. 769.
befeems, P. L. ii. 869, iv. 338 ;
P. it. ii. 335.
befet, P. X. ii. 10l6, x. 124,
xi. 702.
befide, P. L. v. 54, vi. 763
P. JR. iv. 202; J/ Pew/. 116;
Com. 287,950 ; Otf. Nat. 224 ;
Od. tfr. 23.
befides, P. X. i. 32, 194, 298,
ii. 20, 221, 504, iii. 598, vi.
626, vii. 125, viii. 25, x. 737,
xi. 300, 527; P.P. H. 408,
iii. 419, iv. 53, 150; S.J.
441, 845, 1361; Lye. 128;
Com. 18; Son. xvii. 9; Ep.
M. Win. 4, 53.
befiege, Od. D. F. I. 4,7-
befieging, P. L. v. 869.
befmearM, P. I. i. 392, v. 356.
befotted, Com. 778.
befought, P. i. ii. l66> v. 848,
vii. 109, ix. 11&5, x. 912,
xii. 238; P. P. iii. 421; Pf,
lxxxi. 43.
befpake, P. L. ii. 849, iv. 1005;
P.P. i. 43; Lye. 112; Od.
Nat. 76.
bell, P. L. i. 247, 691, 765, ii.
40, 230, 280, 357, 458, iv.
203, 309, 398, 738, 776, 852,
v. 19,95,160,333,574,779,
vi. 353, 724, vii. 115, viii.
106, 169, 428, 550, 611, ix.
201, 230, 249, 258, 317, 343,
402, 433, 541, 745, 808, 896,
995, 1092, x. 82, 173, 599t
651, 867, xi. 54, 365, 438,
497, 603, xii. 56*1 ; P. P. i.
105, 186, 288, ii. 113, 382,
iii. 8, 174, 177, 182, 194,
198, 224, 238, 250, iv. 235,
262, 266, 364, 381, 476, 524,
553 ; S. J. 225, 314, 510,
759, 908, 1029, 1034, 1060,
1745, 1748; Com. 28, 171,
377, 487, 573, 90S; Son.
xiii. 8, xiv. 9, xvii. 7, xix.
10, 11.
at belt, Pf. lxxxi v. 36.
beftead, II Ptvf. 3.
beftial, P. L. i. 435, ii. 873, iv,
754, ix. 165.
beftir, P. Li. 334.
beftirs, P. L. v. 337-
beftow, P. L. v. 317, viii. 483;
Pf. ii. 17, lxxxv. 49.
beftow'd, P. L. iii. 673, v. 318,
386, viii. 537; P.P. ii. 395.
beftrown, P. L. i. 311, iv. 631.
beftruck, P. L. xii. 536.
beftud, Com. 734.
beft-refolv'd, S. J. 847.
betake, P. L. x. 922 ; Com. 351.
betakes, Com. 6l.
Bethabara, P. R. i. 184, ii. 20,
iii. 431.
Bethel, P.L. i. 485.
bethink, P. L. ii. 73 ; Com*
Bethlehem, P. R. I 243, ii. 78,
iv. 505 ; Od. Nat. 223.
bethought, P. P. iii. 149-
betide, P. L. xii. 480.
betides, P.il. iv. 451.
betimes, P. L. iii. 186; Son.
xxi. 9.
betokening, P.L.xi.867; P.R-
iv. 490.
betook, P. L. vi. 663, ix. 388,
x. 610 ; P. JR. iv. 403.
betray, S. A. 383, 399, 750,
betray'd, P. L. iv. Il6; 5.^.
33, 379, 840, 1109; Corn.
better, P. X. i. 263, 645, 688,
ii. 114, 196, iii. 680, iv. 167,
385, 915, 938, v. 167, 785.
vi. 30, 440, vii. 189, viii. 33,
ix. 31, 102, 365, 998, x, 593,
1011, 1068, 1086, xi. 42,
502,635,763,xii.302; P.P.
ii. 332, 486, iii. 180, 397, iv.
445; S.A. 182, 579, 584;
Lye. 67 ; Arc. 101 ; Com.
123, 775 ; Son. xvii. 2; Hor.
III. 2.
much better, P. L. xi. 599.
no better, P. P. i. 248 ; iv.
8; S. A. 797, 1163; Son.
xxii. 14.
between, P. L. i. 387, ii. 726,
iii. 70, iv. 699, v. 268, 306,
702, vi. 162, 441, 756, vii.
201,241,439,473, ix. 237,
1107, 1151, x. 179, 180,362,
497, 924, xi. 639, xii. 197,
207, 253; P. R. iii. 36*1;
S. A. 1630 ; Pf. lxxx. 6.
betwixt, P. L. ii. 593, 1018,
iii. 462, iv. 252, 549, 998,
x.328, xii. 3; UAL 82.
bevy, P. L. xi. 582.
bewail, S. A. 151, 182, 955.
bewail'd, Od. D. F. I. 7.
bewailing, P. L. xi. Ill; S. A.
beware, P. L. iv. 559, v. 237,
vi. 894, vii. 42, 545, viii. 638.
beyond, P. L. i.409, 542, 587,
781, ii. 7, 8, 318, 587, iii.
138, 560, 591, iv. 160, v.
159, vi. 140, 629, vii. 120,
viii. 581, 631, ix. 78, 96,227,
424, 627, 1173, x. 245, 292,
434, 463, 681, 805, 840, xi.
828, xii. 555, 560; P.P. ii.
202, iii. 273, 384; 5.^.117;
Lye. 156; Com. 813 ; Brut. 8.
bickering, P. L. vi. 766.
bid, P. L. i. 246, ii. 514 vi.
176, 202, vii. 107, 166,304,
viii. 185, 519, ix. 353, x.
668,672, xi. 590 ; P.P. ii.
274, 326 ; S. A. 1310, 1392;
Lye. 22, 149 ; VAL 46 ; //
Paif 105; Arc. 13; Com.
400; Son. viii. 10, xiv. 13;
Od. Nat. 76, 124.
bidden, Lye. 118.
bidding, P. X. iii. 712, xi. 112,
314; Son. xix. 12.
bide, P. X. iii. 321, x. 738 ;
P. P. i. 59, ii. 304 ; Pf.
lxxxiv. 19, lxxxvi. 38.
biding, Od. D. F. I. 21 ; Pf. r.
bids, P. L. ii. 733, iv. 633, 748,
x. 1067 ; P. P. i. 377, 495 ;
Com. 93.
bidft, P. X. iv. 635 ; Brut. 4.
big, P/i vii. 471.
biggeft, P. L. vii. 471.
bignefs, P. L. i. 778, ii. 1052.
bill, P.L. xi. 859; &>«• i- 6.
billows, P. L. i. 224 ; Com. 932.
bind, P. L. iii. 36l, 602, v. 8 19,
ix. 210, 76O, 761, xi. 881,
xii. 525; S. A. 209; LAI.
87 ; Soil. xvi. 12 ; Pf. lxxxiii.
bind'ft, Orf. Hor. 3.
bird, P. L. iii. 38, iv. 600, 648,
655, 704, v. 40,272, vii. 394,
viii. 342,349,351, 395 f xi.
II Pen/. 61 ; Son. i. 9-
bird of night, P. X. viii. 518 ;
S. A. 1707.
birds, P. X. ii. 4^4, it. 264,
642,651, v. 8,197, vi. 74,
vii. 433, viii. 265, 515, 528,
xi. 186; P. P. ii. 290, iv,
434, 503 ; Od. Nat. 68.
birth, P. X. iii. 285, iv. 15, v.
180, 862, vii. 102, 454, ix.
Ill, 624, x. 207, xi. 768,
xii.360,364;P.P.i. 66, 140,
238,270; ii. 71,413; S.A.
23, 171, 525, 1135, 1431;
L'Jl. 14 ; Od. PaJ. 3 ; Ep.
M.Win. 5, 15,31,67; Vac.
Ex.59; Pf viii. 4.
birth-day, P. L. vii. 256.
birthright, P. L. i. 51.
309 ; P. it. iv. 506.
births, P. X. xi. 687.
Biferta, P. X. i. 385.
bitter, P. X. ii. 598, 808, iv.
24, viii. 328, ix. 172, x. 566;
S. A. viii. 23; Lye. 6; CM.
Nat. 152.
bitterly, 5'. .4. 431.
bitternefs, P. X. xi. 157-
bituminous, P. X. x. 562, xii.
Bizance, P. X. xi. 395.
blab, S.A. 495.
blabbing, Com. 138.
black, P. X. i. 405, ii. 67,
578, 670, 714, iii. 475, vii.
238, 547, ix. 180, x. 702,
847, xi. 738, xii. 41; S.A.
600, 602, 973, 1133; Com.
62, 337; II Pen/. 16, 17;
Od. Pafs. 34 ; Od. D. F. I.
67 ; Od. Hor. 1.
blackeft, P. L. ii, 136, vi. 515;
HAL 2 ; Od. Nat. 207.
Blackmoor, P. R. iv. 72.
blade, Com. 651.
blains, P. L. xii. 180.
blame, P. X, iii. 697, iv. 758,
v. 119, viii. 66, ix. 292,
1143, x. 130, 833.958; S.
A. 848, 1723; Com. 409;
Od. Nat. 41 ; £/>. M. Win.
27 ; P/. v. 34.
blam'd, P. X. x. 959-
blam'it, P. X. viii. 612.
blanc, P. X. x. 656.
bland, P. X. v. 5, ix. 855, 1047-
blandifli'd, S. A. 403.
blandifhments, P. X. viii. 351.
blank, P. X. iii. 48, ix. 890;
P. it. ii. 120; S. A. 471;
Cow. 452 ; Pf. vi. 21.
blafphem'd, P. X. iii. 166, xii.
411; £.^.442.
blafphemies, Com. 77 9 '•
blafphemous, P. X. v. 809, vL
blaft, P. X. i. 708, x. 693, 701,
x\.76;S.A. 972; Lye. 97i
Com. 640.
blaft, Od. Nat. l6l.
blafted, P. X. i. 615, vi. 372,
x. 412; P. it. iv. 181; Od.
D.F.I. I.
blading, P. X. iv. 928 ; Arc. 4£.
blafts, P. P. iv. 18, 31 ; Com*
blaze, P. X. i. 665, iii. 378, iv,
818, vi. 18, ix. 1083, x. 453;
P. R. iii. 47 ; Lye. 1±; Od.
Nat. 9; Arc. 2, 74; Pf
lxxxiii. 56.
blaze abroad, Pf. Ixxxvi.
exxxvi. 5, 43.
blaz'd, P. L. i. 194, vi. 306,
77 S, xii. 633 ; S. A. 528.
blaz'd forth, P. X. x. 65^
blazing, P. X. i. 728, iv. 29, v.
757 9 vii. 575, ix. 639 f xi.
229 ; Ep. M. Win. 70.
blear, Com. 155.
bleating, P. X. i. 489, "• 494,
vii. 472, xi. 649.
bleak, P. R. ii. 74; Com. 26$;
813; Son. ix. 13, xiv. 8
Od. Nat 165 ; On Time, 11,
blifs on blifs, P.L. iv. 508.
blifsful, P. L. i. 5, iii. 69 t 527,
iv. 208, 690, v. 292, x. 225,
xi. 77; Com. x. 10; Od.
Nat. 98 ; Vac. Ex. 35.
blithe, P. L. ix. 625, 886, xi.
615; P.R. iv. 585; L'Al
24, 65.
blood, P. L. i. 392, 451, iv,
S05, x. 527, xi. 447, 543,
791, xii. 176, 292, 293;
P. R. ii. 178; iv. 139; S,
A. 1513, 1726; Com. 610,
810; Son. xii. 14, xvi. 7,
xviii. 10 ; Od. Paf. 40 ; Pf.
lxxxiii. 23.
bloody, P. L. x. 278, xi. 457,
6*51; Son. xviii. j; Pf v.
l6, lxxxviii. 19, cxxxvi. 6l.
bloom, P. L. iii. 43, v. 25, viii.-
45; S. A. 1576; Com. 2 89,
bloom, P. L. iii. 355.
blooming, P. L. iv. 219; Com,
bloomy, Son. i. 1.
blofibm, .Scm. vii. 4; £^. jlf.
Win. 41 ; Pf Ixxxv. 46.
bloffoms, P. L. iv. 148, 630,
vii. 326; Com. 396.
blot, S. A. 411, 978; Com.
133; Od. D. P. /. 12.
blot out, P. L. xi. 891, xii.
blotted out, P. L. i. 362.
blow, P. L. ii. 171, 717, iv.
l6l, v. 192, vi. 60, 140, 370;
x. 166; P. R. i. 317; Com.
993 ; // Penf. 161 ; Od. SoL
Muf. 11; If. lxxxi. 9.
blowing, P. L. i. 540, ix. 629,
x. 289, xi- 842 ; S. A. 10.
blown, P. L. vii. 319, ix. 579;
xi. 16; S.A. 1070 ; Od. D.
F. I. 1.
blowa up, P, L. iv. 809, xi. 313.
blows, P. X. iii. 4S8, v. 22;
Lye. 48, 94.
blue, P. X. xi. 206; Lye. 192 ;
VAl. 21 ; ^/c 51 ; Com.
434; Or/. Nat. 210.
blue-hair'd, Com. 29.
blufh, P.X. xi. 184.
blufhing, P. X. viii. 511.
blufter, P. X. x. 665.
bluftering, P. X. ii. 286, iii.
board, P. X. v. 343.
boar, Pf. lxxx. 53.
.boars, . v. 205, viii.
492; Com. 176; Od. May-
bounties. P. L. v. 330, 398 ;
Com. 710, 987.
bounty, P. L. iv. 437, v. 431,
ix. 1033, x. 54; P. R. iii.
bourn, Cow. 313.
bout* UAL 139.
bow,- P. L. i. Ill, iii. 321, 350,
iv. 151, v. 607 ; vi. 713,
763, ix. 390, xi. 865, 897 ;
P. R. ii. 171; Com. 441,
992; Pf. vii. 45, Ixxxi. 62,
lxxxvi. 30.
bow-bent, Vac. Ex. 69*
bow'd, P.L. v. 144, ix. 524,
xi.249;P.H. iv.418; S.A.
. 1646; // Pen/. 71; Com.
bow'd down, P. L. i. 436.
bowels, P. L. i. 687, ii. 800,
bow'ft, S. A. 698.
bowing, P. L. iii. 736, v. 360,
vi. 746; P.P. i. 497.
bowing down, P. L. i. 434.
>o\ver, P. L. iii. 734, iv. 690,
705, 738, 798, v. 230, 300,
367, 375, viii. 510, 653, ix,
401, 417, xi. 280, xii. 607.
L'AL 87; IlPenf. 104; Arc,
45; Com. 45, 921 ; S071. viii.
9 ; P/ lxxxv. 47.
bowers, P. L. iv. 24#, viii.
305, ix. 244, x. 860, xi. 77-
II Pettf. 27; Com. 536,
bows, P. R. iii. 305.
boy, // Pen/. 124.
boys, Hor. II. 2.
brace, P. £. xi. 188.
brag, Com. 745.
braid, Com. 105.
braided, P. X. iv. 349.
braids, Com, 862.
brain, II Pen/. 5.
brains, S.A. 1241.
brake, P. L. iv. 175, v. 326,
vii. 458, ix. 160; Od. Nat.
brakes, Com, 147.
branch, P. L. vii. 433.
branches, P. jL. iv. 627, vu
575, vii. 325, viii. 265, ix.
590, 802; Com, 969; Pf.
lxxx. 45, 48.
branching, P. L% iv. 1S9, vi,
885, vii. 470, ix. 1104;
P. ft. iv. 405; S,^. 1735;
Arc. 89.
brand, P. L. xii. 643; S. X
967 ; Son. xv. 12.
brandinYd, P. i. vi. 252, xii.
633; Com. 651.
brandifhing, P. L. ii. 786.
brafs, P. L. ii. 645, vi. 576,
xi. 565; S. A. 1120; I/.
Penf. 114.
braveries, 5. ^. 1243.
bravery, S, A.- 717*
bray'd, P. L. vi. 209.
brazen, P. L. i. 724, vi. 211.
vii. 201, 496, x. 697, xi.
713; S.A. 35, 132.
breach, P. L. vi. 879, ix. 6*
bread, P. L. x . 205, 1055, xii.
78; P. R. i. 343, 347, 349;
Pf. lxxx. 22*
breadth, P. X. ii. 893, iii. 56l t
x. 673, xi. 730 ; P. H. iv. 27*
break, P. L. ii. 134, iii. 545,
v. 887, ix. 412; S.A. 116,
750, 1349, 1626; Com. 481,
651 ; Pf. Lxxxviii. 32.
break'tt, Pf lxxxviii. 32.
breaks, S.A. 1050; Com. 435.
break off, Com. 145; Pf. ii.
break loofe, P.L. iv. 8S9-
breaking, P. L. i. 83, ii. 782 ;
S.A. 1115; So*, x. 5.
breaks, P. L. iii. 204, v. 6*12.
breaft, P.L. ii. 568, iv. 16,
495, v. 279, 695, vi. 550,
612, vii. 438, ix. 288, 1131,
x. 975, xi. 154,374; P. R.
i. 185, 301, ii. 63, 167, iii.
15; S. A. 60S, 1722; L'Al.
73; Com. 246, 381, 911.
breaft-plate, P. L. iii. 598.
breads, P. L. ix. 730; 5. 4.
breath, P. L. ii. 170, 214, iv.
641, 650, vii. 526, x. 784,
739, xi. 147, 312, xii. 78 ;
P. it. iv. 258; S. A. 10,
628, 905, 1126, 1555; Arc.
56; Ep. M. Win. 9 j Ep.
Hobf. II. 25.
breathe, P. L. ii. 402, iii. 607,
v. 193, ix. 194,447, xi. 284;
// Pen/. 151 ; Com. 245.
breath'd, P. L. i. 554, iii. 267,
vi. 65, vii. 525, ix. 193, xi.
5, xii. 374.
breathed, Od. Nat. 179.
breathes, P. L. i. 709, ii. 244,
v. 16, 482, xi. 313; L'Al.
breathing, P. L. i. 560, iv. 265 ;
Arc. 32.
breaths, P. L. iv. 806.
breath'ft, P. L. ii. 697.
bred, P. L. ii. 799> iii. 431, v.
4, ix. 1050, xi. 276, 414,
6l8,xii. 115; P. R. ii. 300,
415, iv. 2 -0,509, II Pen/; 2.
breed, Com. 157, 266; Son. xv.
10; Od.D.F. I. 6l.
b*cding, P. L. ix. 1010; S.//.
breeds, P. L. ii. 624.
brethren, P. L. iii, 297, xi.
454, 680, xii, 28, 65, 169;
P. it. iii. 374, 403; S. A,
332, 1413, 1445; Vac. Ex.
brew'd, Com. 696.
Briareos, P.L. i. 199.
brick, P. L. xii. 43.
bridal, P. L. viii. 520 ; S. A,
bridle, Com. 887.
bride, S. <4. 320, II98 ; Com.
bridegroom, Son. ix. 12.
bridge, P. L. ii. 1028, x. 301,
351, 371.
bridges, P. R. iii. 334.
bridging, P.L. x. 310.
brief, P. L. iv. 875, ix. 664, x.
115; P.R. iv. 264, 485.
in brief, P.L. vi. 171; S.A.
briefly, P. L. vi. 566; Com.
brigad, P. L. i. 675.
brigads, P. L. ii. 532.
brigandine, S. A. 1120.
bright, P. L. i. 87, 272, 429,
440, 737, ii- 395, 513, 756,
812, iii. 6, 362, 380, 512,
518, 587, 591, 645, 655, iv.
44, 361, 578, 590, 977, v a
109, 274,481, 587,838, vi.
16,64, 334, 472, 801, 885,
vii. 222, 372, 385, 564, viii.
87, 91, 98, 367, ix. 104,
10S4, x. 63, 187,327, 426,
615, xi.73, 127, 215, 221,
329, xii. 254,627; P. R. i.
128, 252; S.A. \67±;Lyc*
• 30; L'Al. 121; IlPenf. 13;
Arc. 18, 37; Com. 3, 382,
683; Son. viii. 8; Od. Nat.
21, 84; Od. D. F. I. 38;
Ep. M. Win. 61, 69; Od.
May-M. 1 ; Pf. iv. 30, viii.
10, lxxxiv. 42.
bright-hair'd, II Pcnf. 23.
bright-harnefs'd, Od, Nat. 244,
lefs bright, P. L. viii. 376.
hot bright, P. L. viii. 88.
Wighten'd, P.L. viii. 368.
brightening, P. L, ii. 399.
brightens, P. L. ix. 634.
brighter, P.L. vii. 132, x. 450.
brighteft, P. L. iii. 134, 381,
667, iv. 606, v. 644; P.P.
iv. 439 ; Com. 910.
brightnefs* P.L.i. 86, 592, iii.
376, 624, iv. 836, v. 599>
brim, Com. lig.
brimmed, Com. 924.
brimming, P. X. iv. 336.
brimftone, P. X. i. 350.
brinded,P.L. vii.466; Com > 443.
brine, jLj/c. 98.
bring, P. X. ii. 222, 639, 340,
866, 899, iii- 158, 190,235,
657, iv. 38, 470, 796, v. 335,
Vi. 471, vii. 105, 189, viii,
216, 343, 449, ix. 49, 162.
630, 715, x. 655, 933. xi.
.25, 302, 473, 477, 692;
P. R. i. 64, 336, ii. 394, iii.
244, 435; S. A. 183, 519,
931, 1234, 1536; Lye. 142;
L'AL 25 ; II Pen/. 132; Arc.
9, 103; Cow. 186,305,987;
Od. Nat. 4; Ep. M. Win.
54 ; Pf. v. 33, lxxxi. 6, 7-
bring back, P. L. xii. 312;
P.P. iii. 435.
bring down, Pf. lxxxi. 57.
bring forth, P. L. i. 163, 217,
v. 314, vi. 712, vii. 451, X.
194, 195, 203, xi. 428, xii.
bring in, P. L. x. 677-
bring on, P. L. v. 233.
bring to pafs, Vac. Ex. 72.
bringing, P. L. xii. 414 ; P. R.
ii. 268 ; S. A. 1444.
bringing forth, P. L. x. 1052.
brings, P. L. i. 252, ii. 981, iv.
21, v. 217, 312, viii. 323, ix.
47, 770, x. 900, xi. 860,
%9$i Xii. 345, 355 ; P. P.
ii. 422, 460, iv. 323, 325;
S.A. 1063, 1747; Lye. 96;
Son. xv. 5 ; Vac. Ex.38.
brings forth, P. L. v. 583.
brink, P. L. ii. 609, 918, x,
brifk, Com. 67I.
bridled, P. X. vi. 82.
briftles, S.A. 1137-
Britifh, P. L. i. 581 ; P. P. iv,
77; Son. xxi. 1.
brittle, P. L. i. 427-
broad, P. L. i. 286, ii. 1026,
iii. 495. iv. 303, v. 279, vi.
305, vii. 286, 289, 462, 577,
ix. 1087, 1095, 1104, 1111,
x. 298, 304, 473 ; P. R. ii.
23; 6'. A. 1120; Lye. 80;
Com. 354, 979 ; Son. ix. 2.
broadeft, P. R. ii. 339.
broider'd, P. L. iv. 702.
broils, P. L. ii. 837, 1001, vi,
277, xi. 71S.
broke, P. L. ii. 690, iv. 878,
vi. 311, vii. 465, ix. 895, x.
353; P. P. iv. 43, 6ll ;
S.A. 1189; Son. x. 6; Orf.
Sol. Muf 21 ; £p. ifo^. II ;
Pf. iii. 23.
broke forth, P. L. xi. 869.
broke loofe, P. L. iii. 87, iv.
broke off, P. L. x. 1008.
broke up, P. L. xi. 827.
broken, P. X. i. 311, ii. 7S 9
1039; P. P. i- 61 ; 5 A
1335 ; Son. xv. 8.
broken down, Pf lxxx. 50
brood, P. L. i. 511, 576, ii.
863, vii. 417; Od. D. F. I.
55; Pf iv. 27, lxxxiii. 21.
brooding, P. L. i. 21, vii. 235 ;
L'AL 6; Od. Nat. 6' 8 ; P/
lxxxi v. 12.
brook, P. L. i. 11, 420, ix.
1184, xi. 325; P.P. ii. 266,
345 ; S.A. 557; UPtrf 139;
Com.\ 19,495 ; Pf lxxxiii. 3/.
brooking, P. L. ix. 676.
brooks, P. L. i. 302. iii. 30, iv.
237; S.A. 1344 ;£yc. 137;
Pf Ixxxvii. 27.
brooks not, P. L. vi, 274.
brother, P. L. iv. 757, xi. 609,
679; Com. 407, 420; 493,
brothers, Cow. 182, 226, 228;
Vac. Ex. 82.
brother's, P. L. xi. 456.
brought, P. L. i. 3, 100. ii.
598,' iii. 666", 452, iv. 713,
717, 875, 908, v. 51, vi. 267,
395, vii. 537, viii. 36, 447,
500, 521, ix. 11, 224, 392,
462, 475, x. 99, 312, 734,
1037, xi. 168, 434, 837, xii.
8.1, 504; P.P. i. 321, 335,
ii. 269, iii. 34, 266, 350,
389, iv. 22, 25, 396, 398,
553, 577, 638 ; S. A. 269,
375, 449, 451, 453, 821,
955, IO94, 1585, 1600, 1615 ;
Com. 506, 967; Son. xxiii.
2 ; Pf. lxxx. 33.
brought'ft, P. R. i. 10.
brought back, Son. xxiii. 14.
brought down, P. L. xi. 347;
Pf. cxxxvi. 6l.
brought forth, P. L. iii. 707,
vii. 315, xii. 472; Pf. vii.
brought on, P. L. v. 667.
orouze, Pf. lxxx. 55.
brow, 7\ L. iii. 546, iv. 885,
vi. 51, viii. 56*0, ix. 537, xi.
880; P.P. i. 493, ii. 16*4,
216, iii. 214, iv. 367; S, A.
1073; II Pen/. 58; Com. 532,
619; Pf, viii. 7 ; lxxxi. 41.
brown, P. L. ix. 1088; P. P.
ii. 293, iii. 326; Lye. 2;
11 Vcnf 134.
t>rows, P. L. 1. 602 ; Com. 38,
bruife, P. L. v. 887, x. 1.81,
1<>S,499, 1031, x. 191,500,
xi. 155, xii. 149, 233, 383,
385, 391, 430, 433.
bruis'd, P. L. vi. 656; Pf. ii.
20, lxxxviii. 59, 6l.
brunt, S. A. 583.
brufh, P. L. v. 42.9.
brufh'd, P. L. i. 768.
brufh off, Arc. 50.
brutal, P. L. ix. 188, 565.
Brute, Com. 451, 828.
brute, P. L. i. 371, 459, vii.
507, viii. 391, 441, ix. 96,
240,554, 712, x. 165, 495;
P. R. i. 219; S. A. 67$,
1273; Com. 700, 797.
brutifli, P. L. i. 481, vi. 124,
xi. 518; P.R. iii. 86, iv.
128; Com. 70; Od. Nat. 211.
Brutus, Pntf. 7.
bubbles, P. R. iv. 20.
bud, P. L. viii. 45, xi. 277;
Son. vii. 4 ; Ep. M. Win, 22.
budge, Com. 707.
buds, Com. 671.
buffet, 6'. ^. 1238.
build, P. L. i. 401, 751 r ii.
170, iii. 468, iv. 521, vii.
92, 424, viii. 81, 558, ix.
102, xi. 729, 819, xii. 43;
S.A. 1733; Lye. 11, 101.
build up, P. L. ii. 314.
builded, P. L. x. 373.
builders, P. i.. iii. 466, xii. 57.
building, P. L. xii. 6l ; S.A.
builds, P. L. vii. 491.
built, P.L. i. 259, 443, 713,.
749, iii. 449, iv. 212, vii.
270, viii. 101, ix. 100, 152,
485, xii. 102,527; P.R. ii.
343, iii. 276, 290, iv. 239,
2.92; Ep, IV. Sh. 8; Pf.
Ixxxiv. 12.
bulk, P. L, i. 196, vii. 410, xk
729; S.A. 12.37-
.bull (the) Ep. Hobf. I. 8.
bullion, P. L. i.704.
bullock, P. L. xii. 20.
bulls, P. L. iii. 492, xii. 292 ;
S.A. 1671.
bulwark, P. L. ii. 29.
burden, P. L. u. 767, iv. 57,
ix. SOI, x. 835, 961, xi.
767 ; P. Pt. ii. 462 ; S. A.
■ 431; Son. xxi. 13; P/. Ixxxi.
burdcn'd, P.L. v. 452.
burdenous, 6'. A. 567.
bu rdenfome, P. L. i v. 53 ; 5. A.
54; £p. ifo//. II. 24.
burgher, P. L. iv. I89.
burial, 5.^ 1 04 ; Ep.M. Win. 32.
buried, P. L. vi. 652; 5. ^.
101, 103.
burn, P. L. i. 474, iii. 334, v.
713, ix. 1015, xii. 254; Od.
Cir. 8; P/.lxxxv. 12.
burn'd, P. L. i. 228, ii. 70S ;
S. ^. 26.
burning, P. L. i. 210, 296, ii.
169, 436, 576, vi. 832; Od.
ever-burning, P. L.\. 69.
burnim'd, P. £. iv. 249, ix. 501 .
burns, P. L. ii. 538, 595, ix.
467 ; Co??*. 130
burnt, P. L. i. 562, vi. 866.
burs, Com. 352.
burit, P. L. x. 632 ; P. R. i.
170 ; S.A. 1555, 1651.
burit forth, P. L. i. 620.
burit out, Lijc. 74.
biirfting, P. X. vii. 419, ix. 9S,
buriting forth, P. L. ii. 800.
bum, P. L. vii. 323, ix. l60;
P. P. iv. 37.
bufhes, P. L. iv. 176.
bulking, P. L. ix, 426.
bufhy, P. i. iv. 696; Com. 31 2.
bufied, P. L. iv. 876, ix. 518.
bufieft, P. L. xi. 490.
bufmels, P. L. i. 150. iv. 943 ;
P.P. ii. 99; Com. 169 ; Vac-.
. Ex. 57.
Bufiris, P.L 307.
bufkin'd, II Pen/. 102.
buftle, Cow. 379-
bufy, UAL 118 ; Orf. Nat. 92.
buxom, P. L. ii. 842, v. 270;
UAL 24. •
by, P.L. ix. 1147.
cabin'd, Corn. 140.
cadence, P. Z. ii. 287, x. 92.''
Cadmus, P. L. ix. 506.
Csecias, P. L. x. 699.
Csfar, P. P. iii; 385.
Calabria, P. L. ii. 66l.
calamities, S. A. 655, 1331.
calamitous, P. L. ix. 132 ; S. A.
708, 1480.
calamity, P.L. i. 189, x. 907.
calculate, P. £. viii. 40.
Cales, P. P.iv. 11 7.
calf, P. L. i. 484.
Califto, P. ii. ii. 186.
call, P. L. i. 267, 378, iii. 185,
727, iv. 35, 277, v. 48, 107,
658, 76O, vii. 5, 132, 295,
498, ix. 521, 522, 1020, x,
462, 654, 858, xi. 67, 411,
651,660, xii. 121, 140, 152,
169,267, 310; P.P. ii. 27,
385, iii. 434; S. A. 43, 836,
1511, 1678; Lye. 134; U
Pen/. 109; Son. i. 13, viii.
6; On Time, 2 ; P/ iv. 1 ;
lxxx. 76, lxxxi. 26, lxxxvi.
10, 16, 22.
call to mind, P. L. xi. S98.
call up, P. L. iii. 603 ; II Pen/.
call'd, P. L. i. 82, 300,314, 340,
405,438, 740, 757, ii. 312,
34S, 662, 667, 668, 760, iii.
495, iv. 474, 514, 786, 865,
v. 36, 579, 220, 307, 584,
766, vi. 416, 60S, viii. 283,
I 298, 458, x. 102, 425, 5S0,
629, xi. 159, 609, 697, xii.
134, 156, 343, 378, 584;
P.R.I 136, 166,329, ii. 3,
123, ; v. 11 1,301, 516'; S. A.
236; Cum. 131.
call , / . X. x. 649; Com.
207, 485.
calling to mind, P. X. x. 1030.
callow, P. X. vii. 420.
calls, P.X. ii.92, 733, v, 21,
» x . 172, xii. 57; Ep.
M. Jim. 26; Vac. Ex.- 54,:
callTt, P. L. ii. 742, 743, vi.
289, Vitf. 069, ix. 1146;
P.P. iii.403.
calm, P. X- iii. 574, iv. 120, v.
210, 733, vii. 234, 270, ix.
920, 1125; P.P. ii.63, 81,
iv. 425 ; S. A. 604, 1758 ;
Lye. 98 ; Com. 4, 371 ; Od.
Nat. 68.
calm'd, P. X. xii. 595; S. A.
calmer, P. L. ii. 1042; P. P.
i. 103.
calmefr, P. I. vi. 46l.
calmly, P.P. iii. 43, Pf. lxxxv.
calv'd, P. X. vii. 463.
calves, P. P. iii- 4l6.
calumnious, P. I,, v. 770.
Camball, 27 P^/i 111.
Cambalu, P. L. xi. 388.
Ca-n bridge, *S'oh. xi. 14; JSp,
/^/^ I. 8.
Cambulcan, IlPenf. 110.
Came, Ep. M. Win. 59-
came, P. L. i. 354, 379, 438,
446, 457, 490, 522, 760, ii.
507, 508, 675, iii. 464, 46'9,
520, 709, iv. 4, 167, 469,
, 5()'4, 5.98, 918, v. 279,
372, 37 8, 756, vi.75, 110,
536, 655, 76S, viii. 277, 295,
4S4- ; ix.N54,x. 96, 109,309,
,349, xi. 19, 436, 437,
719, 735; P. P. i- 22, 24
, 297, 308, iv. 442;
./. 143, 258, 337, 733,
851, 1449, 1624, 1650, 1692 1
Lye. 90, 108; Ccw?. 191, 292,
510 ; Son. xxiii. 13 ; Ep. l)L
Win: 19, 28 ; Pf. vi. 23.
came down, P. X- iv. 9, vi.
252, ix. 197.
came forth, P. X. vii. 203, 475 ;
P. P. 1. 502, iv. 427.
came off, Com. 647.
came on, P. X. vii. 5S3, XU
came to pafs, Vac. Ex. 45.
camel, P. R. i. 340.
camels, P.R. iii. 335.
cam'ft, P. X. ix. 563 ; S. A,
1227, 1332; Com. 497 1 Od.
P. F. I. 52-
camp, P. X. i. 677> iii- 337, v.
651, xi. 217 ; S. A. 1087,
1436, 1497.
Campanian, P. R. iv. 93.
Camus, Lye. 103.
can, P. X- i. 66, 96, 139, 153,
185, 246, 255, 317, 424, 430,
631,661, ii. 12,37,153,162,
163, 188, 209, 235, 260, 273,
410, 776, 814, 999, iii. 84,
91, 112,233,246,387,619,
682, iv. 22, 98,418, 517,518,
527. 811, 855, 916, 1008,
v* 97,99,160,362,441,505,
678, 794, 797, 895, vi. 158,
298, 349, 443, 464, 695, 703,
734, vii. 107,113,152,179,
603, 608, viii. 14, 365, 384,
397,630, ix. 232, 284, 287,
350, 368, 630,715, 727, 729,
898,908,926,938,949, x. 5,
798, 824, 827, 968, 1086, xi.
179, 302, 309, 388, 507, 773,
xii. 284, 290,395,401,493,
5Q9, 556, 559; P. P. i. 60,
150, 232, 265, 383, 476, ii.
254, 382, 383,480, iii. 1 05,
208, 223, 230, iv. 169,306,
309, 333, 489, 530; S. A. 124,
314, 583, 1005, 1051, 1136,
1534; Arc. 79; Com. 227,
244, 319, 611, 669, 703, 760,
995, 1013 ; Son. viii. 7, xv.
10, xx. 13; Od.Nat. 177,
216, 218, 228; Od. Cir. 7 1
Od. D. F. L 29 ; Vac. Ex. 9,
10,73, 90; Eurip.3, 4, 5,
Eor. III. 2 ; Sen. 1 ; Pf vi.
10, lxxxviii. 49.
Canaan, P. L. xii. 135, 156, 215,
269,309,315; Pf. cxiv. 3.
Canaanite, P, L. xii. 217; S.A,
Canace, II Pen/. 112.
cancell'd, P. L. vi. 379.
Candaor, P. R. Hi. 3l6\
canker, Lye. 45.
canker'd, ^frc. 53.
cannot, P. X. i. 117, ii, 269,
vi. 347, vii. 178, viii. 347,
388, 392, 432, ix, 700, 805,
936, 958, x. 238, 783, 785,
xii. 298, 299; S. .4. 735, 899,
1258, 1426; Com. 226, 328,
818 ; Vac. Ex. 77 ; Pf, Lxxxv.
canon-laws, Com, 808.
canopied, Com. 544.
canopy, P. L. iii. 556.
canft, P. L. iii. 281, iv, 448,
v. 813, vii. 115, viii, 430, ix,
533, xi.870, xii, ll6;P.P t .
i. 471, 496, ii. 419, 421, 445,
iii. 8, 180, iv. 184, 211 ;
S. A. 486, 505, 709, 1593 ;
L'Al. 151 ; Com. 236, 663 ;
Od. D. F. I. 70.
canft not, P. X. iii. 735, v. 76,
vi. 284, xii. 128.
cany, P. L. iii. 439.
capable, P. L. viii. 49, ix. 283.
capacious, P. L. vii. 290, ix.
capacity, S. A. 1028.
caparifons, P. X. ix. 35.
cape, P. i. ii. 6il, viii, 631 o
Cape of Good Hope, P. X. iv.
Caphtor, S.A. 1713.
capital, P. X. i. 756, ii. 924,
xi. 343, xii. 383; S.4> 394,
Capitol, P.R, iv. 47.
Capitoline, P. X. i.x. 508.
Capreae, P. jR. iv. 92.
Capricorn, P. X. x. 677*
captain, Son. viii. 1.
RPenf 121; Son. vii. 3.
careering, P. X. vi. 756.
careful,' P. X. iv. 983, x, 438 •„
carelefs, P. P. iv. 299, 450.
carelefsly, S.A. 118.
cares, P. L. viii. 185 ; P. P. ii.
64,460, iv. g6; S.A. 805.
carefies, P. P. viii. 56.
carTr, S. A. 1488.
Carmel, P. P. xii. 144.
carnage, P. P. x. 268.
carnal, P. P. viii. 593, ix. 1013,
xi. 212, xii. 521 ; Com. 474.
carnation, P. L. ix. 429 ; ■£/>•
M. Win. 37-
carol, P. L. xii. 367 ; Cow. 849-
Carpathian, Corn. 872.
-carpenter, P. P.. ii. 414.
carriage, Ep. Hobf. I. 10.
carrier, £/>. PM/i II. 20, 28.
carries, S. A. 1073.
carry, P. L. v. 870, xii. 671 ;
Ep. Hobf. II. 18.
carrying, .5. A 385.
cart, Ep. Hobf. II. 22.
Carthaginian, P. P. iii. 35.
carvM, P. P. iv. 59-
Cafbeen, P. L. x. 436.
Cafella, Son. xiii. 13.
cafli, P.L. iv. 188.
Calms, P. P. ii. 593.
cafcet, 09£, 753, 1406; Com. 10,
596,841; P/.lxxxi. 18,
lxxxviii. 35.
■/d, P. L. i. 84, 97, 253,
H. 217, 276, iv. 115, 224,
v. 644, vi.6l3, 824, vii. l60,
ix. 505, xi. 712; Com. 69.
changfd, Od* Har* §•
I, /'. L. iv. 405, x. 6'92.
*ing, P. ^/. ii. 1 12, x. 303,
channel, Co?H.895;0//>. 51. 904.
charming, P. i,. iii. 308, v. 6*26>
viii. 2, jx. 5H 5; P. & ii,
36j ; CI'//?. -170
charms, PJL. i\. 666, iv. 4<)8 ;
P. R. ii. 213, iv. 257; S. A.
427, 934, 1040 ; Com. 6l3.
charms, P. L. ii. 556; Com,
150, 664; Son. viii. 5.
charnel, Cow?. 471,
Charybdis, P. £. ii. 1020; Com,
chafe, P. L. i. 557, iv. 341, vi,
288, xi. 191 ; P. R, ii. 342,
iv. 627; Pf lxxxiii. 58.
chaf'd, P. Jl. iv. 429-
chafte, P. i. iv. 761, xi. 12;
Com. 146, 442, 450, 918 ;
Dante II. 1,
chaftening, P. L. xi. 12.
chaftity, Com. 215, 420, 425,
440, 453, 782, 909-
chatting, Od. Nat. 87.
chaunting, S. A, 1672.
chauntrefs, II Pen/. 63.
cheap, P. L. 472.
cheat, Co7W. 155.
Chebar, Orf. Pafs. $f.
Check, P. £. v. 214; P. Jl. i.
477, iv. 434; Com. ?6l ; P/.
lxxxiii. 28.
check'd, P. X. vi. 853.
checks, P. X. iii. 732.
Cheek, P. X. i. 602, iii. 641, v,
10, 385, ix. 887; L'AL 29,
II Pen/. 107; Od. D.F.I. 6.
Cheek, (Sir John,) Son. xi.
cheek-bone, Pf. iii. 21.
cheeks, P. X. x. 1009 Com.
750 ; P/ lxxx. 24.
cheer, P. X, vi. 496. S. A.
1613 ; Pf. lxxxiv. 26.
cheer'd, P, X. iv. l65, v. 129,
Cheerful, P. X. ii. 490, iii. 46,
545, xi. 543 ; Com. 388 ; $o?i.
xxi. 14 ; Pf. Ixxxi. 7.
more cheerful, P. X. v. 123.
cheering, Com, 34S.
cheerly, L'^/. 54.
cheers, S. A. 545.
arch-chemick, P. X. iii. 6©9.
Chemos, P.L. i. 406.
chequer'd, X'4/- $6.
chere, Com. 995.
cheriih, P. X. x. 10$8 ; S. A.
cherifhing, P. X. viii. 569.
cherith, P. R. ii. 266.
Cherfonefe, P. X. xi. 392 ; P. P.
iv. 74.
cherub, P. I. I 157, 324, 534,
iii. 636, iv. S44,£71,vi. 771,
vii. 1£8; II Penf. 54; Od.
Pafs. 38.
cherubjck, P. £. v. £47, vi. 413,
753, ix. 6$, xi. 120; Od. Sol.
Muf. 12.
cherubim, P. £. i. 387, 66$ y
794>, ii- 516, iii. 666, iv. 778,
vi. 102, 535, vii. 218, ix. 6l,
xi. 100, J2S, xii. 254,628;
Od. Nat. 112.
cherubs, Pf. lxxx. 5.
cheft, Od. Nat. 217.
chew, P. I. iv. 335.
chew'd, P. X. X. 066.
chewing, Co?w. 540.
chide, Son. xjx. 6; Pf. lxxxv,
chief, P. X. i. 128, 381, 524,
566, 762, ii. 469, 487, 527,
iii. 29, 168, 664, iv. 550,
864, 920, v. 102, 684, vi.
233, 745, vii. 515, ix. 29, x.
455, 537 ;xi. 493,617; P- P.
ii.464; 5. A. 457, 554; 754,
1249 ; Son. xvi. 1 ; Od. D.
F.I. 3; Ep.Hobf 11.21.
chief of all, P. R. 66.
Chiefeft, II Penf 51 ; Vac. Ex.
chiefly, P. I. i. 17, ii. 7^3, ii
663, iv. 445, 566, 790, S40,
ix. 3/9, 878, 981, x. 401,
xii. 272, 599; P-R- i. 262,
iii. 123; S. A. 1452; Pf
lxxxiii. 11.
child, P.R. i. 201; S.A.9W;
L'Al. 133; Od. Nat. 30; Od.
D.F.I. 71.
child-bearing, P. X. x. 1051.
child-bed, Sow. xxiii. 5.
childhood, P. P. iv. 220, 508.
childifti, P. it. i. 201 ; Vac.
Ex. 3.
chilcllefs, P.L. x. 989, 1037;
Orf. P. P. P. 13.
children, P. X. x. 194, 330, xi,
761, 762; P. R. iv. 330;
5. A. 352 ; Cow. 720, 763.
childrens, P. X. i. 395.
chill, P.L. ix. 890; Arc. 49;
Com. 352 ; Od. Nat. 195.
chill'd, P. X. v. 65.
chilling, P. X. x. 264.
chimaeras, P. X. ii. 628 ; Com.
chimney, UAL 81.
chimney's, X'^/. 111.
chime, P. L. xi. 559 ; Com.
1021 ; Od. tfa*. 128; Od.
£0/. Muf 20.
chiming, P. P. ii. 363.
chin, Od. Nat. 231.
Chinefes, P. X. iii. 438.
Chios, P.P. iv. 118.
chivalry, P. X. i. 307, 7^5, iii.
Choafpes, P.P. iii. 288.
Chaeronea, Son. x. 7-
choice, P. L. i. 26l, 653, 759,
ii. 19,415,423,524, iii. 108,
534, 6'70, iv. 43 1, v. 327, 333,
499, vii. 48, viii. 335, 400,
ix. 214, 620, 992, x. 766,
904,978, xi. 101 ; P.R. iii.
314, iv. 329; S. A. 3, 311,
555,633, 1030, 1654, 1743;
Sun.w. 9; Pf. v.7, lxxxi.48.
choiceft, P. L. v. 127, 368, ix.
840, xi. 438; P. R. i. 302,
ii. 334, iv. 437; S. A. 201 ;
Tac\ Ex. 22.
choofe, P. X. i. 428, ii. 60,
265, iii. 123, v. 333, 534,
787, ix. 221, 316, xii. 225,
646; P. R. iii. 370; S. A,
1478; IlPenf 176; Pf. iv.
choofes, S. A. 513.
choofing, P. X. ix. 26, x. 1005,
xii. 219.
choral, P. X. v. 162, vii. 599.
chords, P. X. xi. 56l.
chorus, P. X. vii. 275 ; P. P. iv.
chofe, P. X. iv. 72, 406, 691,
viii. 54, ix. 88, 1100, 1167,
xi, 587; P. R. i. l65; ii.
397 ; S. A. 878, 985 ; Od.
Nat. 14 ; P/. iv. 13, 14.
chofen, P. X. i. 8, 318, iii. 183 ;
P. R. i. 427, ii. 45, 236, iv,
614 ; S. A. 368 ; Son. ix. 6 ;
P/I cxxxvi. 57-
Chrift, Fore, of Con. 6.
chryfolite, P. X. iii. 596.
church, P. X. iv. 193.
chuf'e, Vac. Ex. 29.
cieling, P. X. xi. 743.
Cimmerian, L'Al. 10.
cincture, P. X. ix. 11 17.
cinders, P. X. x. 570.
cinnamon, Com. 937,
Circe, Com. 50, 153, 253, 522.
Circe's, Com. 50.
Circean, P. X. ix. 522.
circle, P. X. iv. 578, v. 182;
Arc. 15 ; 5W/. viii. 8.
circle, P. X. v. l63.
circled, P. X. iii. 626, v. 862,
ix. 65.
circles, P. L. v. 631, vi. 305,
viii. 107, x. 681.
circlet, P. X. v. 169.
Circling, P. X. ii. 647, iii. 556,
iv. 146, vi. 3, 743, vii. 342,
5S0, ix. 502; P. JR. i. 57,
171 ; 5.-4. 871.
circuit, P. X. ii. 1048, iii. 721,
iv. 586, 784, v. 287, 595, vif„
%66, 301, viii. 100, 304, ix.
323; P. P. iii. 254.
circular, P. X. ix. 498 ; Od.
Nat. 110.
circumcifd, S. A. 975.
circumcifion, P. P. iii. 425.
circumference, P. L. i. 286, ii.
353, v. 510, vi. 256, vii. 231.
circumfluous, P. X. vii. 270.
circumfuf d, P. X. vi. 778, vii.
circumfcribe, P. X. vii. 226.
circumfcrib'd, P.L. v. 825.
circumfpeclion, P. X. ii. 414,
iv. 537, vi. 523.
circumftance, S. A. 1557-
circumvent, P. X. ix. 259 ;
S.A. 1115.
circumvented, P. X. iii. 152.
citadel, P. X. i. 773 ; P. P. iv.
cited, P. X. iii. 327.
cities, P. X. i. 496, ii. 533, xi.
640; P.R. ii. 470, iii. 74,
26l, iv. 363; HAL 117 '.
citron, P. L. v. 22 ; P. P. iv. 1 15.
city, P. X. ii. 924, ix. 445, x.
424, xi. 386, 410, 655, 66l,
xii. 44, 51,340, 342; P.P.
ii. 21, 22, 300, iii. 285, 311,
iv. 33, 44, 238, 243, 545;
S.A 1194, 1449,1561, 1596,
1655 ; Pf. lxxxvii. 9.
civil, P. X. vi. 667, xi. 718, xii.
231 ; P. P. iv. 358 ; S. A.
853, 1367, 1467, Son. xvii.
10; Fore, of Con. 5.
civil-fuited, II Pen/. 122.
civility, P. P. iv. 83.
clad, P. X. i. 410, iv. 289, 599,
v. 278, vii. 315, x. 216, 450,
xi. 17, 24P; P. P. ii. 65, 299,
352, iii. 313; S. A. 129,
1317, 1616; Arc. 92; Com.
421 ; Son. xiv. 10 ; Otf. D.
F. I. 58 ; Ep. M. Win. 73.
claim, P. X. ii. 32, 38, iv. 487,
v, 723, xi. 2$S, xii. 170.
claimed, P. X. i. 533, ix. 1130,
claims, P. X. ix. 566.
claiming, P. X. xii. 35.
claim'ft, P.L. ii. 81 7.
clamorous, P. X. x. 479«
clamour, P. X. vi. 208, vii. 36,
xii. 853 ; P. P. ii. 148.
clamouring, ,5. A. 1621.
clamours, P. X. ii. 862.
clang, P. X. vii. 422, xi. 835 ,
Od. Nat. 157.
clans, P. X. ii. 901.
clarion, P. X. vii. 443.
clarions, P. X. i. 532.
clafli'd, P. X. i. 668.
clafhing, P. X. vi. 209.
clafp, P.L. x. 91 8.
clafping, P. X. ix. 217.
claffick, Fore, of Con. 7.
clatter'd, £. A. 1124.
clay, P. X. ix. 176, x. 743;
P.P. i. 501 ; Com. 339; 0#. xii. 1.
clomb, P. X. iv. 192.
clofe, P. X. i. 646, 795, ii. 485,
537, 638, iv. 347, 376', 405,
708, 800, v. 36, 673, vi. 235,
ix. 191, x. 589, xi. 419;
P. R. ii. 28; S. A. 8, 651,
1748; // Pen/. 139; Com.
197, 349, 548 ; Son. xi. 2,
15; Od. Nat. 100.
clofe-banded, S. A. 1113.
clofe by, P. X. ii. 1053.
clofc-curtain'd, Com. 554.
clos'd, P. X. iii. 144, vi. 330,
875, viii. 459,460; P.R. iv.
481 ; Lye. 51.
doling, P. X. iv. 863, vi. 436.
clothe, P. L. x. 299 ; Son. xx.
7 ; Vac. Ex. 32.
cloth'd, P. L. i. 86, ii. 226, x.
clothing, Vac. Ex. 82.
clotted, S. A. 1728 ; Com. 467.
cloud, P. X. i. 340, ii. 936, iii.
/1 .0,262, 378, iv. 151, v. 122,
257, 686, vi. 28, 539, vii.
247, 422, ix. 425, x. 32, 449,
xi. 205, 229, 670, 706, $65,
882, 8.96, vii- 185, 202, 20:3,
208,256; P. Jt.iti.gft2, iv.
321 ; 11 Penf. 72 y 125; Cow.
221, 333; Son. xvi. 1 ; 0d.
Pay. 56 ; P/ lxxx. 7*
without cloud, P.L. iii. 385,
xi. 45,
clouded, P.L. iv. 607, xii. 333.
cloudlefs, S.A. 1696.
clouds, P. X. ii. 264, 488, 535,
637, 714, iv. 500, 544, 597 y
v. 86, 189, 642, Vi. 56, vii.
287, 599, viii. 146, x. 702,
1073, xi. 739, 841, xii. 77 y
54,5; P.R. i. 41, 81, iii. 327,
iv. 410, 429, 619 ; L'Al. 62,
74 ; Com. 301 ; 0. vii. 118.
commit, P. /,. viii. 26; P. J*.
i. Ill, ii. 233.
committed, P. /,. \. 957 ; 5.^/.
47, 1000, 1185.
committing, /'. R. iv. 95; Son.
xiii. 4.
commits, Com. 25.
coinmodioufly, P. P. x. 10S3.
common, P. L. ii. 371, iy. 752.
v. 435, vii. 426, viii. 583,
597, ix. 931 ; S.A.674,,-777*
856, ll6l, 1416.
commonalty, P. P. vii. 489^
commotion, P. L. iv. 99%, vi.
310, 706, viii. 531.
commune, P. X. ix. 201.
commun'd, P. P. ii. 26l.
communicable, P. P. vii. 12 4.
P. P. i. 419, iii. 125.
communicated, P. L. v. 72, ix.
communicating, P. Z. viii. 150.
communication, P. P. viii. 429-
communion, P. P. v. 637, viii.
compact, P. L. ix. 635.
companion, P. L. v. 673, vi,
companions, P. L. i. 76, vi.
419 ; P. P. i. 398.
company, P. P. viii. 446 ; S. A.
556, 1413; Com. 274,508.
compare, P. X. i. 588, ii. 921,
iii. 138, v. 432, 467, vi. 705,
ix. 228 ; P. R. iv. 346, 563.
compar'd, P. L. iii. 592, vi.
170, viii. IS, x. 306 ; P. P,
i. 200, ii. 348 ; S. A. 441,
comparing, S.A. 464.
companion, P. L. viii. 92.
compafs, P. L. iii. 342, iv. 559,
viii. 33; P.R. iv. 51; S, ^f.
1477 ; Vac. Ex. 56.
compafs'd, P. X. ii. 862, vii.
27; P.P. i. 58.
compafTes, P. P. vii. 225.
com pamng, P. P. ix. 59, xi.
companion, P. P. iii. 141, xi.
compeer, P. P. i. 127.
compeers, P. P. iv. 974.
compel, P. L. vi. 619.
compell'd, P. L. ix. 609, xii*
175; Com. 275, 633.
compels, P. X. iv. 391 ; Lye. 7.
competition, S.A. ^(6.
complacence, P. X. iii. 276,
viii. 433.
complain, P. X. ii. 550 ; S. A.
46, 47, 157; Od. Hor. 6.
complaining, Pf. v. 3.
complaint, P. X. x. 131,719;
S. A. 662.
complete, P. X. v. 352, viii.
548, x. 10; P.R. iv. 283;
S. A. 558 ; Com. 421 ; £p.
M. Win. 12.
completed, P. X. xi. 6lS.
completing, P. X. ix. 1003.
complexions, Com. 749*
compliance, P. X. viii. 603, ix.
994; S.A. 1411.
compliant, P. X. iv. 332.
complicated, P. X. x. 523.
compliments, P. P. iv. 124.
comply, S. A. 1407 ; ^n\ 38.
compofe, P. X. ii. 281.
compos'd, P. X. i. 483, ii. Ill,
iv. 46*9, xii. 596; P.R. i.
407, ii- 108.
eompofition, P. X. vi. 6l3;
P. P. iv. 529-
compofure, P.X. vi . 560,ix . 272.
comprehend, iii. 705, v. 505,
vii. 114.
compulfion, P. X. ii. 80, ix.
4/4 ; Arc. 68.
compute, P. X. iii. 580, vi . 685,
viii. 16.
comrades, S.A. 11 62.
Comus, Com. 58, 522.
concave, P. X. i. 542, ii. 635.
conceal, P. X. iv. 123, viii. 73,
x. 130, 136; Arc. 13.
conceal'd, P. X. i. 641, ii. 187,
iv. 312, v. 20/; S. A. 99S ;
Com. 142.
concealing, P.P. iv. 474.
conceals, P. X. ix. 751 ; P.P.
conceits, P. X. iv. 809 ; P. P.
iv. 295; P/.lxx.xi. 51.
VOL. 1.
conceive, P. X. vii. 281.
conceiv'd, P. X. ii. 627, 766,
796, ix. 945; P.R. i.239,
ii.67; 5.^f.390,1506, 1574;
P/. vii. 52.
conceives, P. X. ix. 449.
conceiving, P. X. i. 234, v. 666 9
vi. 787^; P. it. iv. 597 ;Ep.
W. Sh. 14.
concentring, P. X. ix. 106.
conception, P. X. x. 194, 987;
S.A. 1434.
conceptions, P. X. vi. 512.
concern, P. X. vii. 62, viii. 196,
xi. 144, xii. 272, 599^
concerned, P. X. viii. 82, x.
170; P.R. i. 440; S. A.
1420, 1551.
concerning, P. X. x. 199; P- ■&
i. 261, iv. 557.
concernments, S. A. 969'
concerns, P. X. v. 721, viii
174; P. P. i. 293, iii. 193,
iv. 205; S.A. 1148.
conclave, P. X. i. 795.
conclude, P. X. ix. 1142, xii.
concludes, P. X. x. 839-
conclud'ft,P. P. ii.317.
concocl, P. X. v. 412.
concocted, P. X. vi. 514.
concoclive, P. X. v. 437.
concord, P. X. ii. 497, iii. 371,
vi. 311, xii. 29; S.A. 1008.
concourfc, P. X. xi. 641 ; P. ii.
iv. 404.
concubine, S.A. 537.
concupifcence, P. X. ix. 1078.
concurr'd, P. X. x. 747.
concurring, P. X. ii. 831, x. 44,
condemn, P. X. v. 813; S.A.
condemnation, P. P. iii. 136;
S. A. 696.
eondemn'd, P. X. i. 607, ii,
86, 694, x. 82, 823, xii. 412 ;
P.P. iii. 213; S. A. 1224.
condemning, S. A. 844.
condemns, P. L. ii. 20.
condenfe, P. L. vi. 353.
coudenfd, P. 1. i. 429.
condenfes, P. L. ix. 636.
condefcend, 5. A. 1337-
condefcenfion, P. L. viii. 9, 649.
condition, P. X. iii. 181, viii.
176, ix. 332 ; P. R. iv. 166,
173 ; Co;;?. 6*85.
conditions, P. X. x. 759; S. A.
condole, & A. 1076.
conduct, P. X. i. 130, vi. 777 y
ix. 630 ; P. P. iii. 18 ; CW.
conduced, P. X. xii. 259-
cone, P. X. iv. 776.
confer, P.L. i. 774; P.P. i.
conferr'd, P. X. iv. 430 ; S. A.
conference, P. X. v. 454.
confefs, P. L. v. 329, 608, 818,
viii. 523, x. 1088; P. R. iv.
532 ; S. /A 448, 753, 829-
contciVd, P. X.i. 509, x. 1100;
P. P. i. 431; S.A. 1183,
confeffing, P. L. x. 160.
confide, P. L, xi. 235.
confidence, P. X. vi. 343, 651,
ix. 1056, 1175; P. It. ii.
140; S.A. 1174; Cow. 583.
conrident,_P. R. ii. 211.
confine, P. X. ii. 977; £• ^-
307 ; Od. Raj. 22.
confin'd, P. /-. ii. 859, iii. 711,
v. 78, x.368, xi. 341; P.P.
i. 262; S. A. 9*, 501,006;
Co;;/. 7-
confines, P. X. ii. 395, vi. 273,
x. 321.
Confirm, P. X. i. 663; Pf.
Ixxxiii. 30.
confirm'd, P. X. ii. 353, ix. 830,
xi. 71, 355.
Gpnflagrant, P. X. xii. 518.
conflict, p r £ iv. 995, vi. 212.
conflicting, P. X. vL 24&
conflux, P. P. iv. 62.
conform'd, P. X. ii, 217.
conformity, P. X. xi. 6'06.
confound, P. X. ii. 136, 382,
vi. 315, x. 665,908.
confounded, P. X. i. 53, ii.
996, vi. 871, ix. 1064, xii,
455 ; P. P. iii. 2 ; Od. JVof.
43, Pf. Ixxxiii. 63.
confus'd, P. X. ii. 6l5, 952, vi.
249; P. P. iii. 49; S. A.
196, 1068.
confuf dly, P. X. ii. 914.
confufion, P. L. i. 220, ii. 372,
897, 966, 996, iii. 710, vi.
668, 669, 872, vii. 56, x. 472,
xii. 62, 343j S. 4. 471, 1593;
Pf. vi. 22.
confuted, P.P. iii. 3.
congeal'd, Cow. 449.
conglob'd, P.L. vii. 239.
conglobing, P. X. vii. 292.
Congo, P. X. xi. 401.
eongratulant, P. X. x. 458.
congregated, P.L. vii. 308.
congregation, P. L. v. 766.
congregations, Pf. ii. 3.
conje&ure, P. X. ii. 123, vj*
545, viii. 76 , x. 1033; S. ^.
conjectures, P. R. iv. 292, 524.
conjoined, S.A. 1666.
conjugal, P. L. iv. 493, viii. 56,
ix. 263; S.A. 739.
conjunction, P.L. x. 898 ; P.R.
iv. 3S5.
conjur'd, P. X. ii. 693.
connatural, P. X. x. 246, xi.
connexion, P. L. x. 359»
connive, 6'. A. 466.
conniving, P. 7,. x. 624.
connubial, P. X. iv. 713.
conquer, P. P. i. 159, 222;
Son. xvi. 10; Brwf. 14.
conquer'd, P. L. xi. 797; P.P>
iv. 134; S.A. 1207- •
conajuerour, P. X. i. 143, 323,
472, ii. 208, 338 ; P. R. ii.
196, iii. 85 ; Son. viii. 10.
Conquerours, P.L. xi.695 ; P.P.
iii. 78, 99; S.A.2U.
conqueft, P. X. iu 339, 543, vi.
37; P.R. i,46, 154, ii. 422,
iii. 72, 370, iv. 609 ; S. A.
1206; P/.ii. 18.
Conquering, P. X. iv. 391.
confidence, P. X. iii. 195, iv.
23, viii. 50=2, x. 842, 849, xii.
297,522,529; P. -R.iv. 130;
S. A. 1334 ; Son. xvi. 13,
xxii. 10; Com. 212.
confidences, Fore, of Con. 6.
confeious, P. X* ii. 429, 801,
vi. 521, ix. 1051,
confecrated, P. R. i. 72 ; S. A.
1354; Od.Nat. 189-
confent, P. X. i. 640, ii. 24, v.
121, 555; P. P. iii. 358;
J/ Penf. 95 ; Com. 1007 ; Od.
Sol. Muf. 6>
confented, S. A. 846.
xonfenting, P. R. ii. 130.
confequence, P. X. viii. 328, x.
tonfider, P. X. viii. 90 j P. P.
i. 197, Hi. 231 5 S. A. 1348 ;
Son. xix. 1.
confider'd, P. I. ix. 84, 604 ;
S. A. 245*
confiderate, P. X. i. 603.
confift, P. X. v. 793.
confuted, 6'. A. 780.
confidence, P.L. ii. 941.
conlift, P. X. viii. 589, xi, 6l6.
confifting, P. X. viii. 16.
confiftory, P. R. i. 42.
confifts, Com. 741*
confolation, P. X. xi. 304, xii.
620; P. P. i. 403;$.^. 183,
664, 1757.
confolations, P. X. xii. 495.
confolatories, S. A. 657.
confort, P. X. ii. 963, iv. 448,
(?1Q, vii. 529, viii. 392, ix.
954, xii. 526; P. R. I 51 5
J/ Pew/ 145 ; Od. Nat. 132;
Od £0/. Mm/. 27.
conforted, P, X. vii. 50.
confpicuous, P. X. ii. 258, iii.
385, iv. 545, vi. 299, vii, 63,
xi. 866; P>P. iv. 53.
lefs confpicuous, P. X. x. 10!T«
confpiracy, P. X. ii. 751,
confpire, P/ Ixxxiii. 25.
confpir'cl, P. X. xi. 426.
confpiring, S. A. 892.
conftancy, P. X. ix. 367; P, P»
ii. 226; #. A. 1032.
conflant, P. X. iii. 104, iv. 764,
v. 552, 902, x. 882; P. P. u
148; Com. 371.
conftanteft, S. A. 848.
Conftantine, Da/tfe I. 1, II. 5 2
Ariofi. 4.
conftellations, P. X. iii. 577, vi,
312, vii. 562, viii. 512, x„
311; Od.Nat. 121.
conftrain'd, P.X.ix.l64, 1066.;
P.P. i. 331 ; S.A. 836, 1 198.
conftraining, P. X. x. 568.
conftrains, S. A. 1369, 1370.
conftraint, P. X. ii. 972, x. 132 ;
Xyc. 6.
constraints, S. A. 1372.
confult, P. X. i. 187, 798; v.
768, 779; P.R. in, 12; Pf.
.Ixxxiii. 17.
confutation, P. X.-vi. 445.
confultations, P. X. ii. 486.
confulted, S. A. 1546.
confulting, P. X. ii. 164, vL
673, x. 456; P. P. i. 438, iv,
confume, P. X. ii. 96, xi. 545,
778 ; S. A. 575.
confum'd, P. X, xi. 442; On
Time, 10; Pf. lxxx. 65.
confumes,P.X. v. 325 ; Pf vi. 14.
confummate, P. X. v. 481, vii.
502, viii. 556; P. R. i. 165.
contagion, P. X. v. 880, x. 544;
Xj/c. 127; Com. 467.
d 2
contagious, P. L. ; x. 1036.
contain, P. L. v. 314, 362, 409,
vii. 12 , viii. 93, xii. 559.
contain'd, P. L. viii. 473 ; S. A.
contains, P. JR. iii. 11.
contemn, P. L. ix. 306 ; P. P.
ii. 390, 448, iv. 490.
contemn'd, P. £. vi. 432; P. JR.
iv. 537 ; S. A. 943.
contemning, P. P. iv. 304.
contemns, P. L. x. \Q15\S.A.
contemplate, P. P. i. 386.
contemplation, P. i. iv. 297,
v. 511; P. P. iv. 214; II
• Pe/?/. 54; Cow?. 377-
contemplative, P. Ji. ii. 81 ;
iv. 370.
contempt, P. L. iv. 180, x. 763,
1013, 1018; P. ii. iii. 131;
& A. 7.
contends, P. P. iii. 443.
content, I'. L. i. 399, v. 727,
vi. 46l, xi. ISO, xii. 25;
P. R. ii. 256, iii. 112, 170;
S.A. L322, L39& 1403; Sen.
x. 4, xxii. 1 L
Contented, P. /,. iii. 701, vi.
375, viii. 177-
.contention, P. L. i. 100.
contentment, P. L. viii. 366, x.
contents, /\ /,. vi. 622.
gonteft, P. L. iv. 872, vi. 124,
ix. 1189, x. 756, xi. 80C;
S.A. 461, 865.
contiguous, P. L. vi. 828, vii.
continent, P. L. ii. 587, iii.
423, v. 422, vi. 474, x. 392.
continual, P.L. ix. 814.
continue, P. L. ii. 314, iv. 371 ;
S. A. 592.
continued, P. L. ii. 1029, iv.
175, ix. 63. 138, xi. 744.
continues, S. A. 588, 15l6.
continued, P. L. v. 521.
contracted, P. P. viii. 560 ; S. A.
contraction, P. X. vi. 597.
contradid, P. P. iv. 158.
contradicting, S. A. 301.
contradiction, P. L. vi. 155, x.
799 ; & ^. S9S ; E P- H° b f-
II. 13.
contraries, P. L. ix. 122.
contrarious, S. A. 669.
contrary, P.L. i. l6l, viii. 132,
x. 506; P.P. i. 126, iv. 382;
S. A. 1037.
contribute, P. L. viii. 155.
contrite, P. L. x. 1091, 1103,
xi. 90 ; S. A. 502.
contrition, P. -L. xi. 27.
contrive, P. X. ii. 53; P/.
contriv'd, P. L. v. 334. x. 1034,
xi. 372.
contriving, P. L. ii. 54, ix. 139-
control 1, P. L. v. 803 ; Od. 2W.
controversies, Hor. I. 3.
controverfy, Cow. 409.
contumacy, P. L. x. 1027.
convenient, 5.//. 1471.
converfant, P. P. i. 131.
converfation, P. L. viii. 418;
P. P. iv. 232.
converfe, P. L. ii. 184, v. 230,
vii. 9, viii. 252, 396, 408, ix.
247, 909; P.R. i. 190, iv.
229 ; Com. 459 ; Pf. ii. 24.
convers'd, P. R. ii. 52.
converting, P. X. iv. 639 > viii.
432, x. 993.
converfion, P. X. xi. 724;
Xtonte I. 2.
convert, P. L. v. 492.
converts, S. A. 1564.
convex, P. X. ii. 434, iii. 419,
vii. 266.
convey, P. X. xii. 75.
conveyance, P. X. i. 707, viii.
628, x. 249.
convey'd, P. X. vi. 515, viii.
con via, P. X. x. 83.
conviction, P. X. x. 84, 831 ;
P. R. iv. 308.
convince, P. X. vi. 789*
convinc'd, P. R. iii. 3; Co7W.
convolv'd, P. X. vi. 328.
convoy, Com. 81.
convoy'd, P. X. vi. 752.
convulfion, S. A. 1649.
convulfions, P. X. xi. 483.
cool, P. L. iv. 258, 329, v. 39,
300, 396, 655, ix. 1109, x.
95,847; P. P. iii. 221; S.A.
546; Com. 2S2, 6? 8, 86l.
more cool, P. X. v. 370, x. 95.
cool'd, P. X. xi. 801.
cooling, S. A. 625 ; Com. 186.
copartner, P, X. ix, 821 ; P. P.
1. 392.
copartners, P. X. i. 265.
cope, P. X. i. 345, iv. 992, vi.
215 ; P. R. iv. 9.
copious, P. X. iii. 413, v. 641,
vii. 325; S.A. 1737*
copfes, Lye. 42.
coral, P. X. vii. 405.
coral-paven, Com. 886.
cordial, P. X. v. 12, viii. 466;
Com. 672.
cords, 6'. A. 26l ; P/. ii. 8.
cormorant, P. X. iv. 196.
corn, P. X. xii. 19 ; P. P. iii.
259 ; L'Al. 108 ; Pf. iv. 36.
corner, P. X. iv. 529 ; Com, 71 7.
corners, P. X. x. 665*
corner, P. X. i. 71 6.
corny, P. X. vii. 321.
coronet, P. X. iii. 640.
corporal, P. X. v. 496, 573 ;
P. R. iv. 299 ; 5. A. 616,
1336; Com. 664.
corporeal, P. X. iv. 585.
corps, P. X. x. 601.
corpulence, P. X. vii. 483.
correct, Pf vi. 2.
correfpond, P. X. vii. 511, ix,
corrofive, P. X. ii. 401.
corrupt, P. X. x. 695, 825, xi.
784; S.A. 268.
corrupted, P. X. i. 368, iii.
162, xi. 57; S.A. 386.
corrupting, P. X. xi. 889.
corruption, P. X. iii. 249, x.
833, xi. 428.
corrupts, Od. D. F. I. 30.
corfe, Od. D. F. I. 30.
Corydon, UAL 83.
cofen'd, Com. 737.
coft, P. X. i. 414, iv. 271 i
P. P. ii. 421, iii. 410; S.A.
coftliefl, P. X. iv. 703.
cotes, P. X. iv. 186; Com. 344.
cottage, P. P. ii. 28, 287, 288;
UAl. 81 ; Com. 320, 693.
Cotytto, Com. 129.
couch, P. X. i. 377, ii. 536, iv.
601, ix. 1039, xi.490;P.P.
ii. 282, iv. 585; Com. 276;
Pf. vi. 12.
couchant, P. X. iv. 406.
couch'd, P. X. iv. 123, 351,
876; P.P. i. 501, iv. 225.
couches, P. X. iv. 405.
covenant, P. X. xi. il6, 867,
802, 898, xii. 252, 302, 346;
covenants, Com. 632.
cover, P. X. i. 659, ix. 1088
1096, xi. 257; S.A.84>\.
coverM, P. X. i. 763, v. 430,
vi. 16, vii. 234, ix. 1058,
1120, x. 223, xi. 217,749;
P/. lxxx. 41.
covering, P. X.i.312,ix, 1113;
Com. 712.
covers, P. X. ii. 267.
covert, P. X. ii. 41, iii. 39,
IT. 6>3, vi. 409, ix. 435 ;
P..R. i. 305, ii. 262; flFenf.
139; Com.9±5,
covertures, P. L. x. 337,
covet, P. X. ii. 35, x. 1020.
coveting, P. X. ix. 923.
could, P. X. i. 145,273, 575,
628, 630, ii. 40, 113, 134,
38 1 , 424, 449, 553, 566*, 76*9,
876, iii. 98, 103, 106, 370,
jv. 46, 85, 93, 127, 236,
363, 79*, v. 86, 664, vi.
137, 141, 192, 221, 612,
659, 740, 788, vii. 37, 75,
viii. 26, 109, 2/2, 483, 4£0,
IX. 114, 115, 248, 307, $93,
S33, 9*6, 1170, x. 15, 37,
140, 36*5, 557, 953, xi. 29,
308, 317, 396, 494, 495;
1\ R.\. 137, 149, ii. 73,98,
329,448, iii. 19, 126, 129,
216, iv. 145,488; S. A. 48,
127, 197, 447, 838, 881,
1 524 ; Lye. 57, 5 8 ; LAI. 1 09 ;
^rc.77;Cow. 194, 279,371,
373, 573 ; Od. Not. 84, 108;
Od. D. F. I 33 ; Ep. M. Win.
6 ; Vac. Ex. 70 ; Ep. Hobf.
II. 2.
could'ft, P. X. iv. 950, v. 466,
viii. 448, ix. 1149, *. 834;
P. R. iii. 359; S. A. 543,
D39; Com. 500; Son. xiii. 8.
council, P. L. i. 755, ii. 506,
\i.4l6, 507, x.428, xi.66l;
P. R. ii. 118, iii. 235; Son.
x. 2.
council-table, CW. Nat. 10.
counfel, P. X. i. 66*0, ii. 20,
160, 304, 379, vi. 494, x,
920,944, 1010; P. R. i;40,
127, ii- 145, iii. 13; S. A.
183, 497, 1251; Son. xvii.
1 ; P/. i. 2,
counfell'd, P. X. ii. 227, ix.
counfellers, S; A. 1653.
counfels, P. X. i, 88, 168, 636,
ii. 115, 125, 279, v. 681,
785, vii. 610 ; Pf. v. 30,
lxxxiii. 10.
count, P. X. v. 833, viii. 319;
P. R. ii. 248, 391, iii. 71 ;
S. A. 250, 949, 991 ; Com.
347; Hor. I. 1; i^." iii. 9.
countenance, P. X. i, 526, ii.
422, 756, iii, 385, 730, v.
708,vi. 825, viii, 39, ix. 886,
x. 713, xi f 317; S. A. 684;
Com. 68 ; Pf. iv. 30.
counterfeit, P. X. iv. 117, ix.
1069; S. A. 189; II Pen/.
counterfeited, P. X. v. 171.
counterpoise, P. X. i. 1001.
counterpoif'd, -S. ^. 770.
counterview, P. X. x. 231.
countries, Z 5 . P. iii. 73.
country, P. X. iv. 235 ; P. P.
iii. 102, 176, 366, iv. 355;
S. A. 518, 851, 886, 889,
891, 894, 980, 985, 99*,
1213; LAI. 85; Com. l67,
countrymen, S. A. 154-9.
country's, S. A. 238, 884.
counts, P. X. x. 91.
couple, P. X. iv. 339.
coupled, P. P. ii. 181.
courage, P. X. i. 108, 279, 530,
6*03, ii. 126, vi. 839, ix. 484;
S. A. 524, 1381,1716; Com,
courageous, P. X. iv. 920.
courfe, P. X. i. 349, 786, ii,
044, 980, iii, 573, 720, iV,
164,224, 56l,66l,v.l73,655,
86l, vi. 406, vii. 501, viii.
126, 163, x. 211, 689, xi.
794, 900, xii. 264; P. P.
i. 252, iv. 445 ; S. A. 6J0 ;
Com. 25, 159, 832; Ep.
Hobf. 11. 30; Brut. 11 ; Pf.
vii. 57, cxxxvi. 30.
court, P. L. i. 792, ii. 300;
Com. i. 962.
courted, S. A. 719-
courteous, Co?n. 275.
courtefy, Com. l6l, 322.
court-amours, P. L. iv. 7§7*
courtly, Od. Nat. 243.
courts, P. JC. i. 497, v. 650, vi.
889; P.P. i- 488, ii. 183,
iii. 237; Com. 325, 746; Orf.
Nat. 13; CM. JEfor. 2; Pf.
lxxxiv. 6, 33.
coward, S. A. 347, 1237.
cowering, P. i. viii. 350.
cowls, P. L. iii. 490.
cowflip, Od. May-M. 4.
cowflips, Lye. 147.
cowflip's, Com. 898.
coy, P. L. iv. 310; Xyc. 18;
Cam. 737.
crab, P. L. x. 675.
crabbed, Cow. 47 7«
cradle, Vac. Ex. 46.
craft, P. P. i. 432.
craggy, P. L. ii. 289, iv. 547,
cramm'd, P. i. x. 632.
crams, Com. 779-
crane, P. L. vii. 430.
cranes, P. X. i. 576.
cranks, UAL 27.
crawls, Cow. 295.
craze, P. L. xii. 210; S. A.
cream-bowl, L'^/. 106.
creams, P. L. v. 347.
create, P. i. i. 652, ii. 19,
260, 916, vii. 154, 188, 209,
606, viii. 28, 558, ix. 146,
911, x. 403, 890- t Com. 56l ;
Pf cxxxvi. 18.
created, P. L, i. 202, 573, ii.
349, 623, 679, 832, iii. 89,
iv. 43, 107, 999, v. 100, 373,
414, 471, 511, 549, 838,
894, vii. 64, 227, 232, 391,
527, 529, 535, 607, 627, viii.
623, ix. 147, 346, 557, 799,
942, x. 618, xi. 58, 508, 605 ;
P. R. ii. 324.
creat'ft, P. L. vii. 616.
creating, P. L. ix. 344.
creation, P. L. ii. 36'5, iii. l63,
383, 66l, v. 857, vi. 690,
vii. 223, 449, 601, viii. 236,
ix. 896, 946, x. 168, 852,
xii. 472.
creation-day, P. L. ix. 556.
Creator, P. L. i. 31, 369, ii.
385, iii. 167, 673, iv. 684,
vii. 91, 259, 551, 567, viii.
13,492,ix. 196, 938, x. 486,
649, SS9 ; Od. Nat. 120.
creature, P. L. iii. 151, 387,
442, iv. 468, 5S2, 703, v.
574, vii. 506, viii. 430, 470,
ix. 84, 149, 897, x. 943;
P. R. ii. 406.
creatures, P. L. ii. 355, 498,
834, iii. 230, iv. 2S7, 36'0,
431, 616, 677, 790, v. 164,
vii. 413, 455, 507, viii. 169,
175, 264, 2/6, 370, 409, 41 i,
546, ix. 112, 199,228, 612,
940, x. 871, xi, 873; P.P.
ii. 157, 325; S.A.672; Com.
299; Od. D. F,I. 61 ; Od.
Sol. Muf 21; Pf. cxxxvi. 85,
credit, P. L. ix. 649; P. P. iv.
credulous, P. L. ix. 644; P. P,
ii. 166; Com. 697; Od. Hor.
creek, P. L. vii. 399; P- R. ii.
creep, P. L. ii. 656, v. 201 ;
S. A. 75 i Lye. 115; L'Al.
creeping, P. L. vii. 452, 523,
ix. 180.
creeps, P. L. ii. 950, iv. 259,
vii. 475, 523.
Cremona's, Od. Pafs. 26.
crept, P. L. vii. 392, 484.
crcfcent, P. L. i. 439, *. 434.
creffets, P. X. i. 728.
creft, P. L. iv. 988, vi. 188,
191, ix. 525, 634.
crefted, P. L. vii. 443, ix. 500;
S.A. 141.
creft-fallen, 5. ^. 1244.
Crete, P. L. 514; P. JR. iv. 118.
crew, P. £. i. 51, 477, 688,
751, iv. 573, 952, v. 879,
vi. 49, 277, 806, xi. 474, xii.
38 ; P. R. i. 107, ii. 178, iv.
577; S. A. 891; UAL 38;
Com. 653, 805 ; Pf. cxxxvi.
cricket, II Pen/. S2.
cried, P. L. ii. 727, iii. 5}5 y
vi.536, xi. 449; S. A.1639;
Ep. Hob/. II. 26; Pf. iii.
cried out, P.L. ii. 787.
cried'ft, P.L. iv. 481.
cries, P. L. i. 395, x. 859, 933,
xi. 310; Son. xi. 5; P/
lxxxviii. 7-
crime, P. L. i. 7.9, 606, iii. 215,
290, v. 881, vi. 268, ix.971,
1181, x. 127, 545, 841, xi.
424, xii. 6 19; P. It iii. 212,
213; S.A. 490, 842; Ep.
llobf. II. 7-
crimes, P. L. i. 214; P.P. iii.
cringe, P. I. iv. 945.
cring'd, P. /.. iv. 959.
crifped, P. L. iv. 237; Com.
crocodile, P. I>. \ii. 474.
crocus, P. L. iv. 701.
crofts, Com. 531.
Cromwell, Son. \\i. l,
Cronian, P. L. x. 290.
crooked, P. X. x . 885 ; Vac.
Ex. 69.
crop, P. L. xii. 18; Ep. M.
Win. 39.
crop-full, UAL 113.
crop, P. L. v. 6s.
croft, P. X. ii. 290, xii. 413,
415; Arc. 52; Od. Nat. 152;
Ep. Hobf. II. 19.
crofs'd, P. L. ix. 65, x. 39.
crofs-barr'd, P. L. iv. 190.
crofs-flowing, Com. 832.
crofs-wind, P. L. iii. 437.
croud, P. L. i. 380, 775, v.
357, x. 538.
crouded, P. X. x . 287.
crow-toe, Lye. 143.
crown, P. L. ii. 673, iv. 728;
S.A. 1296, 1579; &*», 9,
973 ;P/ vii. 60.
crown'd, P.L. ii. 542, iii. 365,
iv. 32, 262, v. 260, 445, 636 y
839, vii. 194, 326, 380, ix.
117, xi. 781 ; S. A. 175;
Lye. 86; Cow. 934; Orf. Nat.
47; Od. D.F.I. 54. P/iviii.
crowned, Sow. xvi. 5.
crowns, P. L. iii. 352, iv. 133:
Cow. 26.
crown'lr, P. L. v. 168.
crucified, P. L. xii. 417.
crude, P. L. ii. 941, vi. 4/8,
511 ; P. P. ii. 349, iv, 328;
S. A. 700; Lye. 3; Com.
cruel, P. L. i. 604, ii. 501, vi.
448, x. 782, 927, xi. 652 ;
P.P. i. 149, iv. 139, v. 388;
S. A. 642, 784, 1198; Com.
cruelly, P. ft. i. 425.
cruelties, P. L. Kiii. 494.
cruelty, fir. yi. 616 ; £p. AT.
Win. 29.
qrumble, Com. 61 5.
crumbled, P, I,, vii. 46"8c
croft, P. L. x. 1035, xii. 430;
Pf. cxiv. 17.
cruih'd, P.L.vi.656; Com. 47.
crufhes, P. L. v. 345.
cry, P. L. ii. 514, 654, 795,
iv. 2; S. A. 1524, 1553;
Sow. xii. ll;P/*.iv. 18, vii. 3,
Ixxxiii. 4, lxxxiv. 7, lxxxvi.
18, Ixxxviii. 2, 53.
cryftal, P. X. i. 742, iv. 263,
v. 133, vi. 757, 860, vii. 293,
xii. 197 ; P.P. i. 82, iv. 119;
Com. 65, 673, 931 ; Od. Nat.
125; Pf. cxiv. 14.
cryftalline, P. L. iii. 482, vi.
772, vii. 271 ; S. A. 546.
Ctefiphon, P. P. iii. 292, 300.
cube, P.L. vi. 552.
cubick, P. £. vi. 399.
cubit, P. X. xi. 730.
cuckoos, Son. xii. 4.
cuckoo's, Son. i. 6.
cuirafs, S. A. 132.
cuiraffiers, P. R. iii. 328.
cull, Fac. Ex. 21.
cull'd, Cow. 630.
culling, Com. 255.
culminate, P. L. iii. 6 17.
cumber'd, Com. 730,
cumberfome, P. il. iii. 400.
eumbrance, P. P. ii. 454.
cumbrous, P. jL. i. 428, iii.
715, xi. 549, xii. 1£1.
cunning, P. R. i. 145, iv. 11 ;
HAL 141.
cunningly, S. A. 819.
cup, P.P. ii. 386; £.^.934;
Com, 51, 525.
Cupid, Com. 445.
cups, P.L. v. 444, xi. 718;
P.P. iv. 119; Lye. 150.
curb, P. L. ii. 3^2, 531, iv.
859, xi. 643; Cow. 825 ; Od.
D. F. I. 73.
cure, P. L. ii. 145, 146, 46p,
ix. 776, x. 1079; S.^. 630,
912; Com. 811,913.
£Uifew ? II Pen/. 74 j Com. 435*
curiofiry, 5. ^. 775.
curious, P. L. iv. 242 ; P. R. i.
319, 333, iv. 42; Cow. 714.
Curius, P. R. ii. 446.
curl, Arc. 46.
curl'd, P.L. ix. 517, x. 560.
curls, P. -L. iii. 641, iv. 307;
Com. 608.
current, P. i. iv. 227, v. 808,
vii. 67; S.A.547; Com. 740.
currents, P. -L. xi. 853.
curfe, P. L. ii. 374, 622, x.
174, 640, 729, 734, 822,
1053, xii. 99, 103.
curfed, P. L. i. 389, ii. 1055,
vi.650, 806, ix.904, x. 201,
818,852, 984, xii. 406 ; Com.
609, 653, 939.
curfes, P. L. x. 732 ; Lye. 101.
curft, P.L. iv.7l.
curtain'd, Od. Nat. 230.
Cufco, P. L. xi. 408.
cuftody, P. L. ii. 333, 946 ;
S. A. 802.
cuftom, P. L. i. 640, xi. 810.
cuftora'd, P. L. v. 3.
cut, P. -L. vi. 325, ix. 1110;
P ? P. iii. 269 ; Pf. lxxx. 66,
Ixxxiii. 13, Ixxxviii. 66.
cut off, P. L. iii. 47 ; S. A.
75±, 1157; P/ Ixxxiii. 39.
cuts off, P. £. x. 1043.
Cybele, Arc. 21.
Cyclades, P. L. v. 264,
cycle, P. X. viii. 84,
Cyllene, Arc. 98.
cymbals, Od. Nat. 208.
Cynick, Com, 708.
Cynofure, L'AL 80 ; Cow. 342.
Cynthia, II Penf 5Q.
Cynthia's, Od. Nat. 103.
cyprefs, Cow. 521.
cyprefs-bud, Ep. M. Win. 22*
Cyprus lawn, II Penf. 35.
Cyrene's, P. L. ii. 904.
Cyriack. Son. xxii. 1.
Cyrus, P. P. iii. 33, 284,
Cytherea's, P. £. ix, J9»
daffodillies, Lye. 150.
daffodils, Com. 851,
Dagon, P. X. i. 462 ; S. A. 13,
437, 440, 450, 46l, 468, 478,
1370, 1463.
daily, P. X. iv. 6l8, viii. 1^3,
601, ix. 548, 565; P. R. iv.
142; S.A. 6,76, 114,919,
1261; Lye. 129; Cow. 314,
635 5 P/'. lxxxvi. 9.
daintieft, Fizc. Ex. 14.
dainty, Com. 680.
dairy, P.L. ix. 541.
daifies, X',4/. 75 ; Com. 120.
dale, P. X. i. 410, ii. 944, iv.
243, 538, vi. 641, viii. 262;
P.P. iii. 267; L'AL 68;
Com. 496; Od. JVatf. 184;
Od. May-M. 8 ; Pf. lxxxiv.
dales, P. L. viii. 275, x. 860 ;
P. P. iii. 318.
Dalilah, P. X. ix. 106l ; S. A.
229, 724, 1072.
dalliance, P. L. ii. 819, iv, 338,
ix. 443, 1016.
dally, Lye. 153.
dam, Com. 498.
Damcetas, Lye. 36.
damage, P. X. vii. 152.
Damaico, P. X. i. 584.
Damafcus, P. X. i. 468.
damafk'd, P. X. iv. 334.
dame, P. L. ix. 6l2 ; Com, 130.
dames, L'Al. 52 ; Cow. 347.
Damiata, P. X. ii. 593.
damnation, P.L. i. 215.
damm'd up, Com. 336.
damn'cl, P. L. ii. 482, 496,597,
iv. 392; P.P. iv. 194; Com.
57 1 , 602.
damned, Of/. AW. 228-
damp, P. I/, i. 523, v. 65, ix.
45, x. 283, xi. 293, 544;
& A< 8 ; Com. 470, 6*40.
damps, P. X. x. 848 ; P. H. iv,
damfel, S. A. 721 ; Com. l5S t
829; Od.D.F.I.9.
damfels, P. X. i. 448 ; P. P. ii.
Dan, P. X. i. 485 ; P. P. iii.
431 ; S. A. 332, 976 , 1436.
Danaw, P. X. i. 353.
dance, P. X. i. 786, ii. 664, iii.
580, iv. 267, 768, v. 178,
619, 620, 630, vi. 615, vii.
324, viii. 125, 243, xi. 584,
619J15 ; Arc, 96 :Com. 104,
176,883,952,974; Od.Nat.
210; Pf. lxxxvii. 25.
dane'd, P. X. v. 395, vii. 374,
ix. 103 ; Lye. 34; Vac. Ex.
dancers, S. A. 1325.
dances, Com. 673.
dancing, S. A. 543 ; L'Al. 96;
Od. Mav-M. 2.
dandled, P. X. iv. 344.
danger, P. X. i. 636, ii. 421,
449, 1008, iii. 635, iv. 934,
v. 239, vi. 418, ix. 267, 349,
864,1157, 1172, 1176; P. P.
i.94; S.A. 529; Com. 370,
dangerous, P. X. ii. 107, 342,
vi. 698 ; P. R. iv. 455.
more dangerous, P. X.x. 382,
danger's, S. A. 1522.
dangers, P. X. i. 275, ii. 444,
vii. 27; P. P. ii. 460, iv. 479 i
Od.PaJf. 11.
Daniel, P. R. ii. 278, 329.
Danite, P. J,, ix. 1059.
dank, P.L. vii. 441, ix. 179;
Com. 891 ; Son. xx. 2 ; Od.
Hor. 15.
Dante, Son, xiii. 12.
Danubius, P. P. iv. 79.
Daphne, P. X. iv. 273; P.R<
ii. 187; Com. 66 1.
dapper, Cow. 118.
dappled, L'Al 44.
dare, P. L. iii. 523, iv. 942, ix.
304; P. it. iv. 6l0; S.A.
1254; Com. 427; Od. Nat.
225 ; Fore, of Con. 5.
dar'd, P. L. ix. 922 ; P. P. iv.
dares, P. P. iii. 57 ; Arc. 23 ;
Com. 780.
dar'ft, P.P. ii. 682, vi. 182;
P.P. iv. 178; S.A. 1394.
Darien, P. P. ix. 81.
daring, P. P. vi. 129, ix, 305,
xi. 703; S.A, 531, 16*28,
dark, P. L. i. 22, 213, 456, ii.
58, 264, 405, 464, 486, 588,
6lS, 718, 823, 891, 916, 953,
960, 1027, iii. 11, 20, 45,
188, 380, 424, 498, 544, 6l 1,
iv. 609, 899, v. 208, vi. 380,
415,478, 482, 870, vii. 212,
viii. 478, ix. 90, 162, x. 283,
371, 438, 457, 594, 667, xi.
478,743, 809; P.P. i. 41,
194, 434, iii. 318, iv. 456 ;
5.^.2,75,81, 86,154,591;
Lye. 101 ; L'Al, 10 ; Com.
197, 3S3, 500 ; Son. xix. 2 ;
Od. Nat. 123, 219; Od.PaJf.
7 ; Od. D. F. I. 30 ; Vac. Ex.
71 ; Pf. vi. 14, lxxxviii. 52.
too dark, Od, Pafs. 33.
dark, dark, dark, S. A. 80,
dark'd, Com. 730.
darken, P. L. vi. 57 '.
darkened, P. L. i. 343, 599, "•
491, ix. 1054.
darkeft, II Pen/. 33,
darkens, P. L. i. 501.
darker, P. P, ii. 720, v, 646,
darkifh, Com. 631.
darkling, P. P. iii. 39-
darknefs, P.L. i. 63, 72, 391,
659, ii. 220, 263, 266, 269,
377, 754, 958, 984, iii. 16,
256, 421, 539, 712, iv. 665,
v. 179, 614, vi. 6, 10, 11,
142, 407, 715, 739, vii. 27,
233, 250, 251, 255 } 352, ix,
64, x.383, 394,745, xi. 204 s
xii. 187,188,207,271,473;
P.P. iv. 397,441; S.A. 99,
159, 593 ; L'Al 6, 50 ; Com,
J 32, 194, 204, 252, 278, 335 ;
Ep. M. Win. 10 ; Pf. lxxxii,
18, Ixxxvi. 48, lxxxviii. 27,
49 72.
darkfome, P. L. ii. 973, iv. 232,
v. 225, xii. 185 ; Od.Nat. 14.
dark-veil'd, Com. 129.
darling, P. L. ii. 373, 870.
dart, P. L. ii. 672, 702, 729,
786,854, xi. 491,658.
darted, P. P. ix. 1036.
darts, P. L. i. 568, vi. 213, viii.
62, xii. 492, 536 ; P. P. iv.
366, 424.
Darwen, Son. xvi. 7.
dafh, P. X. ii, 114, vi. 488, x.
577; P. P. iv. 149, 559i
S. A. 1240.
dahYd, P.R. iv. 19; Com. 451;
P/. vi. 21.
date, P. P. xii. 549 ; P. P. iv.
392; Com. 362; Pp. #o£/
II. 29.
daughter, P. L. ii. 817, 870, iv.
660, ix. 291, 653, x. 353,
384, 708; P.P. iii. 342;
S.A. 221; L'Al. 23 ; II Penf.
25; Com. 51, 241,827,922;
Son. x. 1 ; Ep. M. Win. 3.
daughters, P. L. i. 453, iii.463,
iv. 324, ix. 1105; P. P. ii.
154, 180; S.A. 875, 1192;
Arc. 69 ; Com. 837, 982.
David, P. X. xii. 326, 347;
P. P. iii. 358, 383, 408.
David's, P. P. xii. 357 ; P. P.
i. 240, iii. 153, 169, 282,
357, 373, 405, iv. 105, 147,
daunt, II Penf. 137 ; Son. xv. 4.
dauntlefs, P. P. i. 603, ix. 694 ;
Com. 650.
dawn, P.L. ii. 1037, iii. 24,
545, v. 167, vi. 492, vii. 374,
ix. 192, 412 ;L'^/. U;Od.
Nat. 86.
dawning, P. L. iii. 500, iv. 588,
vi. 528, 749, xii. 421, 423.
day, P. L. i. 50, 339, "• 178,
505, 734, iii. 42, 198, 392,
725, iv. 449, 564, 613, 680,
712, 725, v. 33, 162, 168,
170, 229, 313, 558, 582, vi.
8,423, 424, vii. 98, 202, 251,
341, 350, 371, viii. 24, 136,
137, 206, 329, ix. 51, 59,
136, x. 53, 99> 275, 278,
681, 854, xi. 178, 550, 826,
898, xii. 242, 264, 539;
P.R. i. 317, iv. 221, 400;
S. A. 82, 404, 807, 1297,
1299; Com. 95, 382, 978;
Son. i. 5, xx. 4, xxi. 13,
xxii. 1, xxiii. 14 ; Od. Nat.
13, 78, 140, 167 ; Od. Pafs.
33; Pf. i. 6, lxxxi. 11,
lxxxvi. 21.
all day, P. L. ix. 220 ; Com.
688 ; Pf. lxxxviii. 2, 6/.
all day long, P. L. iv. 616.
all the day, Pf. lxxxviii. 39-
all the day long, Pf. cxxxvi.
by day, P. L. v. 53, vii. 347,
viii. 143, ix.209, xii. 203,
257 ; Com. 569.
day by day, P. L. viii. 31.
every day, Pf vii. 44.
fifth day, P. L. vii. 448.
firftday, P.L. vii. 252.
fourth day, P. L. vii. 386.
his day, P. L. xii. 277-
in the day, P. L. vii. 544, ix.
705, 762.
on a day, P. L. v. 579, « • $75.
one day, P. R. i. 189; S. A.
79\, 10H);P/:ixxxiv. 33.
fecond day, P. L. vii. 275.
felf-fame day, P. L. vi, 87.
feventh day, P. L. vii. 592.
unci' the day, P. /,. ix. 1039-
fix th day, P.L. vii. 501, 550.
fummer's day, P. L. i. 44&
that day, P. L. v. 6l 2, 6l8,
662, vi. 246, vii. 593 y 605,
viii. 229, 331, ix. 201, x.
49, 210, 1050, xi. 212,
272, xii. 447; S. A. 265.
third day, P. L. v. 603, vi.
170, 539.
this day, P. L. v. 603, vi.
170, 539, 544, 802, ix. 968,
1021, 1102, x. 125, 773,
811; P. R. i. 130; S. A.
12, 145, 434, 1216, 1388,
1574, 1600 ; Od.Cir.26;
Pf ii. 16.
to-day, Son. xxi. 5.
day-labour, P. L. v. 232 ; Son.
xix. 7.
day-light, P. P. iv. 398 ; L'Al.
99 ; Com. 126.
day-fpring, P. L. v. 139, ▼*•
521; S.A. 11.
day-ftar, Lj/c. 168.
day's, P. L. x. 962, 964, xi.
204, 765 ; I/Pe/?/. 141 ; Od.
May-M. 1.
dayVjourney, P. X. v. 2S4.
dayV\vork, P. X. vi. 809, ix.
224, xi. 177.
days, P. L. ii. 222, 695, iii.
337, 581, v. 618, vi. 424,
502, 684, 685, 699y 871, vii.
25, 26, 342, 568, 601, viii.
69 y ix. 137, x. 178, 202,
576, 680, 1037, xi. 39, 114,
198, 254, 357, 600, 689, 782,
xii. 22, 188, 347, 465, 602 ;
P. R. i. 183, 303,309, 352,
353, ii. 11,12,243,245,276,
315, iii. 234,276, 412; S.A.
191, 702, 762, 1062, 1064,
I0S9, 1741 ; Lye. 72; Son.
vii. 3, x. 9, xix. 2 ; Ep. M.
Win. 11 ; Vac. Ex. 72; Pf
vi. 11, lxxxi. 54, lxxxi v. 36.
dazzle, P. L. iii. 381, ix. 1083.
dazzled, P. L. viii. 457-
dazzles, P. L. v. 357-
dazzling, P. L. i. 564, iv. 798 ;
Com. 154, 791.
dead, P. L. iii. 233, 327, 477,
xii. 190, 460,461; P.R. ii.
77',S.A. 79, 143,984,1570;
iyc. 166 ; Com. S79 ; Otf. D.
F.I. 29; Otf. So/. Mm/14;
P/. vii. 16, lxxxviii. 18, 38,
not dead, P. L. ix. 870.
deadlier, P.L. xii. 391.
deadlieft, P. R. iv. 622 ; 5. A.
deadly, P. L. ii. 577, 712, 811,
iii. 221, iv. 99, ix. 932, xi.
446; S. A. 19, 623; Com.
567; Od.Nat.6.
deaf, #. A. 249, 960.
deafening, P. L. ii. 520.
deal, P.X. vi. 125, xi. 676, xii.
483 ; Com. 683.
dealing, S. A. 1529.
deals, P. L. iv. 70.
dealt, P. L. iv. 68, xfi. 484 ;
S. A. 283, 707.
dear, P.L. ii. 817, 818, iii. 2l6,
276, 297, 403, 531, iv. 101,
222, 486, 756, v. 673, vi.
419, viii. 580, ix. 228, 289,
832, 965, 970, x. 238, 330,
349; S. A. 894; Lye. 6, 173 ;
Com. 453, 564, 790, 864, 879,
902 ; Ep. W. Sk. 5 ; Pf. ii. 5,
v. 17, Ixxxi. 47, lxxxiv. 2,
32, lxxxv. 32, 33.
dear-bought, P. L. x. 742.
dearer, P. L. iv. 412, v. 95.
deareft, P. L. iii. 226, viii. 426,
Lye. 107 ; Od. Paff. 10.
dearly, P. L. iii. 300, iv. 87, ix.
909 ; S. A. 933.
dearly-bought, S. A. 1660.
dearly-loved, Od. D. F. I. 24.
dearth, P. L. viii. 322, xii. l6l ;
Pf. viii. 22.
624, 787, 789, 804, 840, 845,
854, 1024, iii. 212, 223, 241,
245, 252, 259, 299, iv. 197,
221, 425, 427, 518, vii. 545,
547, ix. 12, 283, 685, 695,
977,9^,989,993,1167, x.
278, 294, 304, 407, 473, 490,
1004,1008,1020, 1024, 1028,
1037, 1050, xi. 36, 40, 6l,
466, 468, 491, 529, 537, 547,
601, 676, 709, xii. 398, 406,
412, 420, 424, 425, 428, 431,
433, 445, 494, 571 ; P. R. i.
159, 264, iii. 85, 87, 98, iv.
305, 388 ; S. A. 104, 138,
288,485, 5 13, 575,650, 1 198,
1666, 1724; Com. 562, 608,
Son. xiv. 4, xix. 3, xxiii. 4;
Od. Puff. 20; Od. Cir. 18;
Od. on Time, 22 ; Ep. M. Win.
10; Ep.Hobf. I. 1, 6, 9, II.
11, 26; Pf. vi. 9, vii. 48.
deathful, S. A. 1513.
deathlefs, P. L. x. 775, 798 ;
Com. 973.
death-like, P. L. xii. 434.
death's, P. £. iii. 252, ix. 13,
xi. 258, 676, xii. 392; S.A.
630, 1581 ; Pf lxxxviii. 11,
deaths, P. L. ix. 832.
debar, P.L. ix. 236.
debafe, S. A. 999.
debas'd, P. L. ix. 487, xi. 510 ;
S. A. 37, 1335.
debate, P.L. ii. 42,390, v. 681,
vi. 122, ix. 87; P.R. i. 98 ;
" S A. 363.
debates, Pf. Ixxxii. 4.
debel, P. R. W.605.
debonair, L'Al. 24.
verbal Index.
debt, P. I. iii. 246, iv. 52 ;
S. A. 313, 509.
Decan, P. L. ix. 1103.
decay, Ep. Hobf. II. 5 ; P/.
lxxxvi. 4.
decay'd, P. £. xi. 843.
deceas'd, Pf. lxxxviii. 42.
deceit, P. £* v. 243, ix. 772,
x. 1035.
deceitful, S. A. 202, 537-
deceivable, S. A. 350* 942.
deceive, P. L. ii. 189, 46l, iv.
124, x, 6 ; P. it* ii. 142 ;
S.A. 750; Sow. vii. 5.
deceiv'd, P. L. i. 35, iii. 130,
ix. 404, 998, x. 496", 56*4,
917, 990, xi 783 ; P* R. i.
52; S.A. 211 ; Cam. 221.
deceiver, Cow. 696.
deceiving, Od. Nat. 175.
decencies, P. L. viii. 601.
decent, P. L. iii. 644 ; IlPevf.
deception, P. L. ix. 362,
decide, P. L. vi, 303; -S. ^.
decides, /for. IIL 1.
decifion, P. L. ii. 908*
deck, P. L. v. 189; Cow?. 717-
deck'd, P.L. iv.710,v.379,vii.
478 ; Com. 120 ; Vac. Ex. 26.
declare, P. L. v. 158, 603, vi.
677, viii. 603, x. 462; P. R.
i. 445, iv. 337 ; P/. ". 14,
lxxx. 18.
declar'd, P. L. iv. 300, v. 765,
vii. 181, ix. 6ll, 658, x. 401,
xi. 350, 720 ; P f R. i. 305,
ii. 4, iii. 119, iv. 521.
declares, P. L. iv. 619, 746;
P. ii. ii. 252; Od. Hor. 14.
deciar'ft, P. L. vi. 728.
declaring, PL. ix. 968.
decline, P. L. iv. 792, v. 370,
xii. 97-
declin'd, P.L. iv. 353, x. 99 ;
s. a. m.
decree, P«L. ii. 198, iii. 115,
126, 6S9 t v. 602, 674, 717,
774, 814, vi. 683, x. 43, 68*
772, xi.47, 96, 311; S.A,
85 ; Pf. ii. 13.
decreed, P.L. ii. 160, iii. Il6>
172, ix. 151 % P. P. Hi. 186,
decrees, P. L. v. 884, x. 644,
953 ; P. R. i. 55.
decrepit, P. L. x. 655 ; S.A. 69.
Dee, Fflc. Ex. 98.
deed, P. L. v. 66, 549, vi. 237,
ix. 921, x, 142, xi. 461, iii,
103; S.A. 826, 1267; Lye.
83 ; Son. viii. 3.
deeds, P.L. i. 130, ii. 116, 484,
549, 722, 739, iii. 292, 337,
454, iv. 26, 394, 990, v. 113,
865, vi. 66 , 112, 170, 240,
283, 354, x. 354, xi. 256,
428, 659, 796, xii. 161,322,
582; P.R. i. 14, 215, 233,
386, ii. 139,438, iii. 16,91;
S.A.otf, 248,276,369, 372,
1513 ; Son: ix. 10; Soph. 1, 2,
deem, P. L. vi, 429, viii. 599*
xii. 534; P. R. iii. 150, iv. 44,
deem'd, P. L. ii. 46, 748, iii".
469, vii. 152, ix. 129, 683,
xii. 567; P.P. i. 23; S.A.
deeming, P. L. i. 205.
deep, P. L. i. 28, 126, 152, 177,
314, 601, ii. 12, 79,87,131,
167, 262, 267, 302, 344, 382,
392,421, 431, 578, 591,634,
.773, 829, 891, 934, 961,994,
11 i. 11, 5S6,629,707 iv.76,
99, 123, 574, 674, v. 6 14,
666, 872, vi. 326, 356, 478,
482, 554, 652, 71 6, 862, 898,
vii. 52, 103, 134, 166, 168,
216, 245,289,303,413, ix.
83, 602, x. 245, 299, 301,
A7\,677y 844, xi. 417, 489,
749,826,848, xii. 578; P. R.
i. 90, 108, 190, 36l, iii. 227,
S91, iv. 327, 417, 631 ; Lye,
50; Com. 23, 523, 733, 1000;
Son. xxi. 5 ; Od. Nat. 123,
156 ; Od. Cir. 9 ; Vac. Ex. 33 ;
Ep. W, Sh. 12 ; Brut, 2 ; Pf
ii. 4, vii. 55, lxxx. 38, lxxxi.
29, lxxxii. 11, lxxxiii. 10,
Ixxxviii. 20.
too deep, P. L. vi. 869, S.A,
deep-throated, P. X. vi. 586.
deep-vaulted, P. R. i. 11 6.
deeper* P. X. in. 201, x. 844,
xii. 432.
deepeft, P. X. iii. 678, v. 542 ;
Vac. Ex. 22 ; Pf. lxxxvi. 48.
deeps, Pf. Ixxxviii. 28.
defae'd, P, X. ix. 901, xi. 522.
defamM,^.^. 977.
defaming, P. L. iv. 746.
default, P. L. ix. 1145; S. J.
defeat, P. X. i. 135, vi. 138.
defeated, P.L. vi. 606, xi. 254*
P.R, i.6; S,^. 1571.
defeating, P. X. xii. 431.
defeats, S. A. 1278.
defed, P.L. x. 891.
defective, P. X. viii. 425.
defeds, P. X. viii. 419.
defence, P. X. ii. 362, v. 731,
vi. 337, 467, ix. 325 ; S. A.
560, 1286; Com. 42, 489;
Son. xxii. 11 ; Pf, vii. 40.
without defence, P. X. iii,
defencelefs, P. X. x. 815 ; Cow?.
414 ; Son, viii. 2.
defend, P. X. ii. 1000, vii. 37,
xi. 657, xii. 483 ;4>.
defy, P.X. i. 49; S,^. 1175.
degenerate, P. X. xi. 806 ; P. JR.-
iv. 144; Com, 475.
degenerately, S. A. 419-
degrade, P. X. iii. 304 ; S, A.
degraded, P. X. viii. 552, xi,
501; P. JR. iv, 312; Com.
degree, P, X. v. 490, 707, viii.
176,417, ix. 599, 883,934;
S.A, 414, 1607.
degrees, P. X. iii. 502, v. 473,
591,750,792, 838, vii. 157,
x. 669 ; Com. 462.
dejed, P.R. ii. 219; & ^
213; P/.vi.3.
dejeded, S. A. 338.
dejection, P. X. xi. 301»
deified, P. X. viii. 431.
deify, P.X, i. 112.
deign, P. X. vii. 84, 569^ xii.
281; P.R. ii. 336; &*£•
1226; IlPenf. 56.
deign'd, P. X. v. 221, 365, viii.
deigns, P. X. v. 59, ix. 21.
deities, P. X. i. 273, ii- 11, vi.
157; P. ii. iii. 410, iv.340;
Com. 29.
Deity, P. L. iii. 187, v. 724,
806, vi. 682, 750, vii. 142,
ix. 167, 885, x. 65, xi. 149,
xii. 15; S. A. 465, 899;
Arc. 25,93; Od. D.F. I. 10;
Vac. Ex. 35 ; Pf. vii. 63.
delay, P. L. ii. 60, iii. 635, iv.
103, 311, vii. 101, ix. 675,
xii. 223, 615 ; P. R. i. 56.
no delay, S. A. 1344.
without delay, P.L. x. 163;
S. ^. 1395.
delay'd, P. L. v. 247, ix. 844,
xi. 492 ; Com. 494.
delays, P. L. i. 208, x. 771 ;
P. P. ii. 95.
delegable, P. L. v. (529- vii.
Delia's, P. L. ix. 387, 388.
deliberate, P. L. i. 554.
deliberation, P. L. ii. 303.
delicacies, P. L. viii. 526; P. P.
ii. 390.
delicacy, P. L. v. 333 ; Com.
delicious, P. X. ii. 400, iv. 132,
251, 422, 729, v. 635, vii.
537, ix. 1028, x. 746 ;£. A.
541 ; Com. 704.
more delicious, P. L. xi. 439-
delicioufly, P. L. vii. 491.
delight, P. L. i. 11, 160, ii. 247,
iii. 168, 664, 704, iv. 106,
155, 206, 286, 497, 894, v.
19, 400, vi. 727, vii. 330, viii.
580, ix. 114, 242, 243, 419,
449, 454, 468, 7S7, x. 272,
941, xi. 533, 596, xii. 245 ;
P.R. i. 208, 481, ii. t92,
373, 480, iii. 54, iv. 263,
345; & A, 71, 633, 1490,
1642; UAL 91 ; Com. 262,
812, 967; Son. xxiii. 12;
Vac. Ex. 20; Pf. 1. 5, v.
delighted, P. L. v. 545, 627,
vii, 571, viii. 49, ix. 398.
delightful, P. L. i. 467, iv, 4S7 f
643, 652, 692, ix. 1023.
delightfully, P. £. x. 730.
delights, P. X. iv. 367, 435, v.
431, viii. 600 ; S. A. 916;
Lye. 72; UAL 151; Cow.
846 ; Son. xx. 13.
delineate, P. L. v. 572.
deliver, P. L. iv. 368, ix. 9$9 ;
P. R. iii. 380, 404; S. A.
deliverance, P. L. ii. 465, iii.
182, vi. 468, xii. 235, 600;
P.R. ii. 35, iii. 374; S. A.
225,246,291, 603.
delivered, S. A. 437, 1184 ; Ep.
Hobf. II. 33 ; P/ lxxxi. 24,
lxxxviii. 23.
deliver'd up, S. A. 1158.
deliverer, P. L. vi. 451, xii.
479; S. A. 40, 274, 279,
1214, 1270, 1290.
great Deliverer, P. L. xii.
Deliverers, P. R. iii. 82.
delivery, S. A, 1505, 1575.
dell, Cow?. 312.
Delos, P. X. v. 265, x. 296.
Delphian, P.L. i. 517.
Delphick, Ep. W. Sh. 12.
Delphos, P. R. i. 458; 0
deprive, P. P. iii. 23.
deprived, P. P. ix. 857, xi. 3 iff.
deprives, P. P. xii. 100.
depth, P. L: i. 549, 627, ii.
324, viii; 413; P.P. i. 13.
derided, P. P. vi. 6'33, xi. 817-
derides; P. L. ii. 191, ix. 211 %
derifion, Pi L; v. 7o6 r vi. 608,
xii. 52; S. A: 366.
derive, P. P. xi. 427, xii. 36.
derivit, P. R. ii; 418.
deriv'd, P. P: ix. 83/, x. 77;
965; P.R. i. 289, iv, 338.
defart, P. L. ii. 270, 973, iii.
544, vii. 314, viii. 154,
x. 437, xi. 719\ xii. 139,
216; P.R. i. 9, 193, 296,
501, ii. lOQ, 240, 271, 4l6;
iii: 166, 264, iv. 46*5; Lye.
39; L'AL 10; Com. 269,
387; Pfi Ixxxiii. 24:
deicant, P. L. iv. 6'03 ; S; A.
deicend, P. X. vii. 1, S4, viii.
198, ix; 16*9, x. 337, 394,
39S, 648, xii: 588, 606 ;
P. R. i. 83, ii. 213; S: A.
ddcended, P. P. iv. 54i, x. 90,
xi; 75, 576, xii. 607, 6'28 ;
P. P. i. 31, 282, ii. 110, iv,
defining, P. X. vii. 552.
defolate, P. X. iv. 936, viii.
154. x. 420, 864, xi. 306;
Pf. lxxxii. 13.
defolation, P. X. i. 180, 5. A.
156*1 ; Cow. 428.
defpair, P.X. i. 126, 191,525,
ii. 6, 45, 126, 143, iv. 23,
74, 115, 156, vi.78?,x. 113,
1007, xi. 13.9, 301, 489;
P. P. i. 485; 5. A< 631,
defpair'd, P. L. i. 660, vi. 495.
defpairing, P. X. ix. 255.
defperate, P. X. ii. 107, iii, 85;
P.P. iv. 23.
defperation, P. P. iv. 579-
defpicable, P. X. i. 437, xi.
defpife, P. X. vi. 717, ix. 878;
P. P. iii. 28 ; 5. A. 272.
defpifd, P. X. ii. 481, v. 60,
vi. 812, vii. 422; P. P. ii.
218; 5. A. 16*88; Com. 724.
more defpifd, P. X. vi. 6*02.
defpite, P. X. vi. 340,906, jx.
176, x. 1044, xii. 34; P. It.
iv. 446"; P/' exxxvi. 41.
defpiteful, P.L. x. 1.
defpoil, 5. .4. 469.
defpoil'd, P. X. iii. 109, ix.
411, 1138; P. P. iii. 139;
5. 4. 539.
defpotick, S. A. 1054.
deltin'd, P. L. i. 16*8, ii. l6l,
848, vii. 6*22, x. 62, 646, xi.
387, xii. 233; P. P. i. 65;
i'\9; 5. J. 634; />//c 20.
deftiny, P. X. iv. 58, v. 534;
£>. /My: 11. 3.
deftitute, P. L. ix. 1062 ; P. P.
ii. 305.
deltroy, P. L. ii. 502, 734, 787,
iii. pi, vi. 226, 855, vii. 607,
ix. 477, 939, x. 611, 1006,
xi. 892; S.A. 1587; Pf- v.
deitroy'd, P. LA\. 85, 92, iii.
301, ix. 130, xi. 76l, 875,
xii.3, 262; S.^. 856, 1587.
deftroyer, P. L. iv. 749; 5. A.
985, 1678.
deitroyers, P. L. vii. 697.
deftroying, P. L. ix. 129, 478,
xii. 394.
deftroys, P. L. iii. 301, x. 838 ;
P. P. ii.372.
deftru&ion, P. L. i. 137, ii- 84,
464, 505, iii. 208, v. 907,
vi. 162, 253, viii. 236, ix.
56, 134, x. 612, 1006; P. R.
i. 376, iii. 202 ; S. A. 764,
1514, 1658, 1680.
detain, P. L. viii. 207, x. 367.
detain <1, P. L. iii. 14, 227-
detains, P. L, x. 108.
detect., P. L. x. 136.
deter, P. R. ii. 449.
deterr'd, P. L. ix. 6*99.
determine, P. L. vi. 318, xi.
determin'd, P. £. ii. 330, v.
879, ix- 148; P. R. ii. 291.
determin'it, S. A. 843.
deteft, P./: v. 16.
deteitahle, P. L, ii. 745.
detraction, ^?c. 11.
detractions, Son. xvi. 2.
detriment, P. L. vii. 153, x.
Dcva, Lye. 55.
Deucalion, P. L. xi. 12.
device, P. .ft. iv. 443; Com,
device?, ZV. lxxxi. 52.
Devil, P, L. ii. 496, iii. 613,
iv. 502, 846, ix. 1§8, X.
878 : P. P. iv. 129.
devilim, P. Z. if. 379, iv. 17,
394, 801, vi. 504, 553, 589;
P. P, i. 181.
devils, P. L. i. 373.
devious, P. L. iii. 489.
devife, P. L. vi. 504, viii. 207,
ix. 1091 ; Com. 963.
devifd, P. L. ii. 379, v. 780.
deviling, P. L. iv. 197.
devoid, P. L. ii. 151.
devolved, P. L. x. 135.
devote, P. L. iii. 208, ix. 901,
xi. 821.
devoted, P. L. v. 890 ; Ep. M.
Win. 60.
devotion, P. i. vii. 514, xi.
452; S. A. 1147; Arc. 35.
devour, P. L. ii. 435, 805, ix.
77, x. 606; P/. exxxvi. 53.
devour'd, P. L. x. 712, 980 ;
P. R. iv. 573.
devouring, P. L. v. 893 xii.
183; Vac. Ex. 86.
devours, P. _L. xii. 184; JCj/c.
129; Ocl. on Time, 4.
devout, P. L. xi. 14, 863 ; //
Pen/. 31 ; 0«*. Sol. Muf. 15;
P/C Ixxxviii. 6.
dew, P. L. iv. 614, 645, 653;
22; UPenf. 172; ^rc. 50 ;
CW. 352, 802, 996; Ep. M.
Win. 43.
dew- befp rent, Com. 542.
dew-drops, P. L. v. 746.
dew'cl, P. L. xii. 373.
dews, P. L. i. 771, v . 212, 429,
646, xi. 135; P.R. iv. 406;
Eye. 29.
dewy, P. £. i, 743, v. 56, 141,
vii. 333, ix. 1044, xi. 865.
dewy-feathered, 7/ Ptnf. 146*
dextrous, P. L. v. 741.
dextroufly, P. X. xi. 884.
diaholick, P. L. ix. 95.
diadem, P. L. iv. 90.
dialed, P. L. v. 76I.
diamond, P. L. iii. 506, ;.y,
« 2
554, v. 634, J59, vi. 364;
Com. 881.
diamonds, Com. 732.
Dian, Com. 441.
Diana's, P.P. ii. 355.
diapafori, Od. Sol. Muf. 23.
dictate, P. L. xi. 355 ; Com. 767.
dictates, P. P. ix. 23; P. P. i.
dictator, P. P. i. 113.
Didean, P. P. x. 584.
did, P.R. ii.452, iii. 53; S. A.
36*1, 382, 543, 781, 75)3,
1187, 11S>1> 1210; Lye. (»'(),
108; II Pen/. 115; Cow.
221, 223, 249, 266, 56'3,
624; Son. xii. 1 ; Od. Nat.
5, 75, 92, 94; Od. Paf. 2,
4; Or/. D.F.I. 6; Vac. Ex.
6l ; JEfl. #06/ II. 1; I xxxv.
7, lxxxvii. 12, 46', 47; Od.
49, exxxvi. 1 7, 2 1 , 53 , 57, 69.
didt't, P. P. i. 7, 86, iii. 10,
393, 401, v. 120, 886, 888,
vi. 40, vii. 9, 10, ix. IO67,
1155, 1158, 1159, x. 145,
148, 376, 758, 762, xi. 253,
754; P. R. iv. 467, 605 i
S. A. 421, 689, 883, 895;
Son. xiv. 3; Od. D. /'. /.
42, 44, 59, 64 ; Vac. Ex. 2,
62 ; Pf. iv. 4. vii. 23, Ixxx.
37, lxxxi. 26, lxxxiii. 36,
lxxxv. 5, 10.
die, V V iii. 209, 210, 240,
216, 295, 409, iv. 527, vi-
347, viii 330, ix. ()().), 685,
713,763, 9^7, 928, 979, x.
783,788,792, 1005, xi.459,
471, xii- 1 7 5 K 507 ; S. ./. 32,
1706'; Od. Nat. 137 ; /•>.
//•. Sh. \6) Ep. Hob/. II. 2;
If. Ixxxii. 23, 21, lxxxiii.
6'3 t Ixxxii 5.
died, P. P. xii. 428,445; /'. R.
ill. 422; 8. .1. 287, 1579 i
*j>. iio^- H« 16', 22.
dies, P. L. i.i. 624, iii. 542, ix.,
764, x. 790, xii. 163, 419;'
Lye. J 42.
dicft, P. L. vii. 544.
diet, P. L. v. 495 ; II Pen/. 46.
dieted, P. P. ix. 803.
difference, P. P. iii. 15.
different; P. P. i. 636, viii. 130,
471, ix. 883, xi. 3S2, 574;
Com. 145.
far different, P.P. iii. 89.
differing. P. L: v. 490, vii. 71.
difficult, P. L. ii. 71, x. 593,
.992 ; P. P. i. 298, ii. 428,
iv. 157.
difficulty, P. L. Vi. 449, 102 1 ,
1022, x. 252.
diffidence, S. A. 45*.
diffident, P.L. viii. 562, "ix^o.
diffufe, P. L. vii. 190.
diffufd, P.L. iii. 137, 639, iv.
818, vii. 265, ix. 852; P. Ii.
i. 499, ii. 351 ; S. A. 96,
1.18, 1141.
digeft, P. P. v. 412.
digefiion, P. P. v. 4.
digg'd, P. 7>. i. 690, vi. 51 6.
dight, //J/. 62; II Pen/. ]^9.
dignified, P. P. ix. 940; 5'. .V
dignities, P. L. 1. 359; P. P.
iii. 30.
dignity, P. L. ii. 25, 111, iv.
('1.9, v. 827, viii. 489, x. 151.
digreffions, P. P. viii. 55.
dilate*], /'. L. i. 429, iv. 986,
\i 486, ix. 876.
diligence, P. R. ii. 387 ; .S. A.
dim, P. /,. i. 597, ii. 75.°,, 1036,
in. 26, v. 0S5, ix. 707, 876V
x. 23; Lye. L05 ; // Pen/.
160 ; (Vv///. 5, 2/8; 0*/ f jYV.
198; /'/: Kxwui. 38.
dimenfiou, P, P. vii. 480.
without dimenhon, P. L. ii.
dimenfionkft, /'. P. xi. 17.
*imenhons, P. X. i. 79^.
idiminifh, P.L. vii. 6l2.
diminifh'd, P. X. iv. 35.
diminution, P. X. vii. 369;,
S. A. 303.
dimly, P. X. v. 157.
dimm'd, P. X. iv. 114, xi. 212.
dimple, XVi/. 30.
dimpled, Com. llf).
din, P. L. i. 668, ii. 1040, vi.
408, x. 521, xii. 6l ; UAL
49 ; Or/. Sol. Kluf. 20.
dingle, Co/n. 312.
dinner, P. X. v. 304, 396';
UAL 84.
dint, P. X. ii. 813.
dips, Com. 803.
dipfas, P.L. x, 526.
•dipt, P. X. v. 283, xi. 244.
dire, P. X. i. 94, 134, 189,
624, 625, ii. 128, 589, 628,
820, iv. 15, vi. 211, 248,
665, 7b6, vii. 42, ix. 643, x.
524, 513, xi. 248, 4/4,489,
xii. 175; P. R. iv. 431 ;
vS. ,4. 626, 1544, 16*66; Com.
207, 517.
dire- looking, Arc, 52.
sirred, P. L. i. 34S, ii. 980,
iii. 6l 8, 631, iv.795, v. 301,
508, vi. 719, vii. 293, 5/6,
ix. 216, 974, xi. 190, 7U,
xii. 639 ; P. R. i. 096 ; Coin.
ilire^t againft, P. X. iii. 526. .
directed, P. X. ii. 981, v. 49,
vii. 514- P.P. i. 247.
di redly, P. X. iii. 89 ; S. A.
directs, P. P. i.119, iv. 393.
dirt, Ep. Bob/. I. 2.
Dis, P. X. iv. 2/0.
difabled, P.L. xii. 392; S. A.
di fad vantage, P. X. vi. 431.
difagrce, P. X. ii. 497.
difallied, S. A. 1022.
difappear, V. R. iv, 397»
difappear'd, P. X. vi. 41 4, viii.
4/8, xii. 640 ; P. P. i. 498.
difapprove, S. A. 970.
difapproves, Son. xxi. 12.
difarm'd, P. X. iii. '253, vi.
490, ix. 465, x. 945 ; S. A,
difarray'd, P. X. iii. 396.
difaftrous, P. X. i. 597.
difband, P. X. ii. 523.
di (burden, P. X. ix. fj24 x.
difburden'd, P. X. vi. 878.
difburdening, P.L. V.0I9.
difcern, P. X. i. 326, iii. 682,
iv. 867, ix. 544,681; P.P.
i. 348 r iv. 390 ; 5. A. 1305;
Ep. M. Win. 22.
difcern'd, P. X. iii. 407, iv.
570, v. 299, ix. 573, 1149,
x. 331; P.P. iv. 497.
difeerning, P. X. xii. 372.
difcerns, P. X. i. 78, v. 71 1,
ix. 765.
difcharge, P. X. vi. 56 i, xi.
196; S.A. 1573.
difcharg'd, P.L. iv. 57 ; P/
lxxxviii. 17.
difciples, P. X. xii. 438.
difcipline, P. X. iv. 944.
difciplin'd, P. X. xii. 302.
difclofe, P. X. vi. 445, viii.
diiclofd, P. X. vi. 86l, vii.
difcomfit, S. A. 469.
difcompofd, P. X. v. 10, x.
difconfolate, P. X. xi. 113.
difcontented, P. X. iv. 807.
difcontinuous, P. X. vi. 329,,
difcord, P. X. ii. 967, vi. 210,
897, vii. 217, ix. 1124, x.
difcover, P. L. i. 64, 724, ii.
5/1, xii. 290 ; P.P. iii. 85,
iv. 3.
difcover'd, P. X. iv. $14, vi.
571, x. 10, xi. 267; S.A.
difcovering, P. L. v. 142.
difcovers, P. L. iii. 547.
difcountenance, P. R. ii. 218.
difcountenanc'd, P. L. viii. 553,
x. 110.
difcourfc, P. L. ii. 555, v. 233,
395, 48S, S03, viii. 48, 211,
552, ix. 5, 223, x. 343.
difcourfd, P. R. i. 479-
difcourtcfy, Com. 281.
difcreet, P. R. ii. 157.
difcreeteir, P. L. viii. 550.
difcurfive, P. L. v. 488.
difdain, P. L. i. 98, iv. 82,
770, v. 666, ix. 534; P. R.
i. 406, 492, iv. 170 ; S.A.
difdain'd, P. L. iv. 180, vi.367,
x. 213, 876.
difdainful, P. L. ii. 680.
difdainfully, P. L. iv. 903.
difdaining, P. L. vi. 798 ; P. 21.
i. 448.
difcafe, S.A. 618, 698; Ep.
Hub/: 11. 21.
difcas'd, P. L. xi. 480.
difeafes, P. L. xi. 474; S. ^.
difencumbcr'd, P. L. v. 700.
difenthrall, Pf. iv. 4.
difenthrone, P. L. ii. 229-
difefpous'd, P.L. ix. 17.
disfigurM, P.L. iv. 127.
disfigurement, Co//?. 74.
disfiguring, P. L. xi. 521.
difglorified, S.A. 442.
difgorge, P. 7,. i. 575.
difgorging, P.L. \i.588, xii.
difguife, P.L. x.$3l;Arc.26;
Com. 571 ; Od. Pa If. 19.
difguis'd, p. /,. i. 481, iii. 480,
IX. 522, x. 330; Com. 6 15.
difguifes, P. L. iv.740.
djfhearten'd, P. /,. v. 122;
P. ILu 26'8; f. //. 563.
dimes, P. il. ii. 341 ; Vac. Ex,
difhevell'd, P. L. iv. 306.
diflioneft, P.L. iv. 313; Son.
x. 6.
dilhonour, P. L. ix. 267, 297,
330; S. A. 452, 86l, 1385;
Pf. vii. 18.
diflionourable, P. L. iv. 314
5. A. 1424.
difhonour'd, 6'. ^4. 563.
dishonours, S. A. 1232.
difmherit, Com. 334.
disinherited, P. L. x. 821.
disjoin, P. L. iii. 415, ix. 884.
disjoining, P. J,, v. 106.
diilike, P. L. i. 102, viii. 443,
xi. 720.
diflodge, P. L. v. 669, vi. 7-
diflodg'd, P.L. vi. 415.
diflodging, P. L. iii. 433.
difloyal, P.L. iii. 204, ix. 7,
difmal, P. L, i. 60, ii. 572, 823,
vi. 212, 666, viii. 241, ix.
185, x. 508, 787, xi. 469 ;
P. R. i. 101, iv. 452 ; S. A.
1519; Or/. JVVtf. 210; Fr/c.
£*. 68 5 Pf. Ixxxviii. 14.
difmay, P. L. i. 57, ii. 422, ix,
917, xi. 156; P. R. i. 108,
iv. 579-
difinay'd, P. L. ii. 792, iv. 86l,
x. 35 , xi.449; P. it. i. 268$
S. A. 1060.
difmifs, P.L. vii. 108, viii. 564,
ix. 1159, xi, 113.
difmifs'd, P. L. x. 410, xi. 507,
xii. 195; P. R. ii. 199 i
S.A. 1757.
difmifling, P. L. ii. 282.
di fin ill ion, S. A. 688.
difraounted, P. L. vii. 19.
difobedience, WL. i. 1, v. 541,
888, vi. 35)6, yn, ix. 8;
P. R. 1. 2.
difobedient, P. L. vi. 687, Jfi
difobey'd, P. L. \i. 403.
difobeying, P. L. iii. 203.
difobeys, P.L. v. 611, 6l2.
diforder, P L. iii. ?13, vi.388.
di (order d, P. L. vi. 696*, x. 911.
diibrdinate, 5. -4. 701.
difparage, P. L. i. 473 ; S. A.
difparity, P. L. viii. 386.
diiparted, P.L. vii. 241, x.4l6.
difpatch, P. L. v. 436, ix. 203 ;
P/: lxxxii. 10.
difpatch'd, S. A. 1599 5 Com. 42.
diipatchi'ul, P.L. v. 331.
difpell'd, P. L. i. 530.
diipcls, P.L. v. 208.
difpenfation, 5. ^. 6l.
difpenfe, P. i. iv. 157; 5.-4.
314, 1377-
difpens'd, P. L. v. 330, 571, xi.
776; Com. 772.
difpenfes, P. L. iii. 492, 579.
dispeopled, P. L. vii. 151.
difperi'e, P. L. iii. 54, v. 208 ;
Pf. ii. 20.
difpers'd, P. L. iv. 26 1, v. 7,
651, x. 578, xii. 45; P.P.
iii'. 376.
difplace, P. L. i. 4/3.
dif'plac'd, Cam. 56'0.
difplays, Son. xv. 7.
difplay'd, P. L. ii. 10, vii. 390,
ix. 1012 ; // Pen/. 149 ; 'Od.
Nat. 114.
difplaying, P. P. i. 67.
difpleafe, S. A. 1373.
difplcas'd, P. L. viii. 398, ix.
535, x. 22, 944, xii. 63 ;
S. A. 1084.
dii'pleafure, P. L. ix. 993 , x.
952, 1094; 5. ^. 733; P/.
vi. 2.
diiplode, P. L.vi. 605.
difport, P. L. ix. 520, 1042.
diiporting, P.L. viii. 518.
difpofal, S. A. 210, 506.
difpofe, P. L. i. 246, viii. 170,
xi. 54; P.R. ii. 400, iii.
369 ; S. A. 1382, 1746.
difpos'd, P. L. iii. 115, v. 646,
xii. 349 ; P. P. iv. 56.
difpofer, P. L. iv. 635; P.R.
i. 393.
difpofition, S. A. 373.
difpoffefs, P. L. iv. 961, xii. 28.
d.ifpoffefe'd, P. L. vii. 142.
difpraifo, P.L. vi..3S2, xi. l66.
difprais'd, P.R. iii. 56.
difproportions, P. L. viii. 27»
diiputant, P.P. iv. 218.
difpute, P. L. v. 822, viii. 55,
158; S.A. 1395.
difputes, P. L. vi. 123, viii. 77 9
x. 828.
difrelifli, P. L. v. 305, x. Z69.
difled, P. L. ix. 29.
dilfcmble, Com. 805.
diflembled, P. P. i. 467.
diffembler, P. L. iii. 681.
diffenfion, P. L. xii. 353.
diflent, P. L. v. 679, vi. 146,
ix. Il60.
dififevering, Com. 817.
diffimulation, P. P. i. 498.
dilTipation, P. L. vi. 598.
diffolve, P. L. iv. 955, viii. 291,
xi. S83, xii. 546; P. R. ii.
165; It Pen/. 165.
dilfblV'd, P. L. ii. 506, iii. 457 ;
P. R. ii.436; 5.^f. 729.
diflblves, 5. J. 177.
dilFolutOj P. L. xi. 803; S.^f.
ditfoluteft, P. P. ii. 150.
diliblution, P. L. ii. 127, iii.
458, x. 1049, xi. 55, 552,
xii. 459.
diflbnance, P. L. vii. 32.
diffonant, 5'. A. 662.
diffuade, P. L. ii. 122, ix. 293.
diiifuades,'P. L. ii. 188.
diitance, P. L. iii. 578, vii. 379,
viii. 21, 113, ix. 9, x. 247,
683; S.A. 954,, 1550.
diftances, P. L. iv. 945.
diftaat, P. L. iii. 428, 50 , 566,
6*21, iv. 453, vi, $30, 551.
vii. 87, x. 362, 6J3; P.Pt.ii. 230, 381, 570, vi. 251, x.
353, iv. 454. 836, xii. 157, 199.
diltaiU-, P. L. ix. 0. divides, P. L. iii. 419, vi. 70 5
diltempcr, P. L. vii. 273, ix. ' P. R. i. 401.
887, xi. 53. dividing, P. L. vii. 269; Orf.
diitemper'd, P. L. iv. 807, ix. Fat. 50.
1131, xi. 56'. dividual, P. L. vii. 382, xii. 85.
diftempere, P. L. iv. 118. divine, P. L. i. 683, ii. 99, iii.
diftended, P. L. xi. 880. 44, 141, 225, 384, 411, iv.
diftends, P. L. i. 572. 291, 36'4, v. 67, 159, 256,
jji'ftil, Od. Cir. 7. 278,458,546,625,734, 806,
diftili'd, P.L. v. 56; Cow. 556. vi. 101, 158, 184, 780, vii. 2,
diftintf, P. L. vi. 846, 847, vii. 72, 195, viii. 6; 215, 295,
536, ix. 812 ; S.>4. 1595. 314, 436, ix. 606, 776, 845,
dilti notion, P. L. v. 590. 865, 899, 986, 993, x, 139,
diftinguilh, P.L. v. 892 ; Com. 857, 85S, xi. 319, 354,' 512,
149. 606, xii. 9 ; P. It. i. 35, 14 1 y
jliftihguifhable, P. L. ii. 66S. iv. 588 ; S. A. 44, 210, 422,
dirtorted, P. L. ii. 784. 526, 1683 ; II Pcvf. 100 ;
diftraclt, P.L. iv. 18; S. A. Arc. 4, 30; Cow. 245, 469,
1 55i). 475, 630 ; Od. ±Xat 177; Or/.
dinrachd, P. P. i. 108 ; S. A. D. P.P 35 ; Ode on June, 15 ;
1286, Od. Sol. MuJ\3', Pf. lxxx,
diitrei's, P. L. x. 920, 942, xii. 13, 29, 58, 77.
613 ; S.A. 1330; fy lxxxii. divin'd, P. L. x. 357.
11, lxxxvi. 21. divinely, P. L. vi, 761, viii.
dit'treCt, Com. 905. 500, ix. 489, X. 67 ;' P. P. i.
diftruft, P. P. ix. 6, xi. l66j 26, iv. 357 ; £ v .^. 226'.
P.P. i. 355, iii. 193. divinely warbled, Od. Nat. 96,
dtfturb, (fubft.) P. L. vi. 549. divineft, 11 Pcnf. 12.
u;f!mb,(v(Tb.)P.L.i.l67,ii.l02, divinity, P. L. ixVlOlO.
97 1 , vi. 225 ; ix. 262 ; Lijc. 7. diyifible, P. L. vi, 33 1 .
niliurbance, P. 7>. ii. 3]3. diurnal, P. P. iv. 594, vii. 22,
difturbances, P. P. x. 8O7. viii, 22, 134, x. 1069.
difturb'd, P. l>- ii. 6.37, iv. 879, divulge, P. L. viii. 73; S. A.
994, v. 226, vi. 266, ix. 192, 124 S.
. 918; P, Ii. iv. 409; ^ivulg'd, P.L. viii. 583 j S.A.
U>; Cow?. 820. 201
ditties, P. L. i. 449, xi. 584; divulges, P. It iii. 62.
dizzy, 7 } . L. ii. 573
. 457. do, P. L. i. 1 4-9, 152, 159, 160,
diverfe, P. 7,. iy, 2:>l, x. 284. 414, ii. 199, iii- 105, iv. 392,
diverted, l\ L. ix. 811; P. R. 4 7 5, 855, v. 121, vi. 56*6',
; 19. 600, 683, ()!)5, mil 549, 562,
ide, P. L. iv, 6&8, vii. 2 636, ix. 356, 375, 944, x.
, ix. 21-1- : x. 379; 69,826, 1086, xii. 193, 501 ;
Com. 279; Od* PaJ. 4. . 7'. ii. i. 75, 80, 88, 203, 3)77,
ded, /'. I. iv 111, 233, si- 4 }3, tp5, ji. S5&38& 448,'
- 455, iii. 8, 74, 180, 195, iv.
489 ; S. A. 448, 486, 707,
. 773, 1104, 1385; UAL 74;
II Penf. 173 ; Com. 82, 122,
. 373,392, 407, 438, 800 ; Od.
D. F.I. 56, 76'; Vac. Ex.
17, 25 ; Fore, of Con. 13 ;
Hor. I. 1 ; Soph. 1 ; Pf ii. 1,
iv. 19, v. 23, vi. 1, vii. 36,
viii. 22, lxxxiii. 4, 33,
Ixxxviii. 53.
doat'd'it, P. R. ii. 175.
dodor, S. A. 299.
doctors, Com. 707 ; Ep. Hobf. II.
doctrine, P. P. v. 856, xii. 506 ;
P.R. ii. 474, iv. 290 ; S.A.
dodg'd, Ep. Hobf. I. S.
Dodona, P. X. i. 518.
doer, aS'. ^4. 248.
does, Co???. 223.
doff, 5. A. 1410.
doifd, Od. Nat. 33.
dog, Co???. 405 ; Od. Nat. 212.
dogs, P.L. x.6"l6; 5. .4.694;
60??. xii. 4.
doing* P. L. i. 158, ii. l62, 340,
*.&& ; P. P. iii. 97 ; Com.
doings, P. P. iv. 622, xi. 720,
xii. 50; P.P. i.46'9; S.A.
917 ; ' Ep.HabC. II. 27-
dole, P. L. iv. 894 ; A'. .V. 1529-
doleful, P. £. i. 65.
dolorous, P. L. ii. 619, vi. 658 ;
1^.8. 1. 364; Od. Nat. 140.
dolphins, P. L. vii. 410; .%c.
domain, P. P. iv. SI
domains, Dante, I. 2.
domeftickiP.L.iv.760, ix=31S,
xi. 617 ; S.A. 917, 1048.
dominations, P. X. iii. 392, v.
■ 601, 772, 840, x. 87, 46*0.
pominick, P. L. iii. 479.
dominion, P. P. ii. 978, iii. 732,
iv, 33, 4-30, v. 751, vi. 422,
887, vii. 532 t viii. 545, x.
244, 400, xii. 27, 68 ; P. R.
ii. 434, iii. 296.
dominions, P.L. ii. 11, iii. 320.
donation, P. L. xii. 69 ; P. P.
iv. 184.
done, P. L. ii. 384, iii. 203, v.
462, 844, vi. 241, 805,906,
vii. 65, 151, 164, 506, 637 ',
viii. 203, 56l, ix. 199, 375,
835, 889, 926, x. 2, 15S, 175,
470, xi. 694, 791, xii. 103,
475; P.R. i. 15, ii.444,4S2,
iii. 100, iv. 168,475; S.A.
243, 478, 1104,1128,1594;
Lye. 57, 67 ; L'Al. 115 ;
Com. 137, 1012.
doom, P. L. I 53, ii. 209, 550,
iii. 159, 224, 328, 401, 404,
iv. 840, vi. 278, 378, 38 5 %
692, 817, ix. 763, 953, x. 76;
172,344, 37S, 517,769,841,
926, 1026, xi. 40, 76, 428 ;
Sou. i. 10; Od. Nat. 156;
Od.Cir. 17; Od. D. F.I. 33.
doom'd, P. L. ii. 31 6, iv. 890,
v. 907, x. 796 ; Lye. 92.
door, P.L. i. 504, v. 299, vi. 9,
x. 389, 443, xi. 73-1, 737 ;
Lye. 130; Vac. Ex. 5, 34,
85 ; Pf. Ixxxiv. 38, Ixxxviii,
doors, P. L. i. 723, ii. SSI, iii.
525, iv. 189, vii. 566, xi. 17;
P.P. i. 82, 281; S.A. 950;
L'Al. 113; II Penf. 84; Son.
viii. 2.
within doors, S. A. 77.
Dorado, P. L, xi. 411.
Dorian, P. L. i. 500 ; P. R. iv.
Dorick, P. P. i. 519, 714; %c.
189 J Son. xvii. 11 ; 0d. Nat,
105 ; Pf. vii. 8, lxxxvi. 27.
doll, P. P. i. 355, ii. 417, iii.
44; S. A. 1092, 1178; 0i^
5.-^. 1473.
doubts, P. L. vii. 60; P.R. ii.
dove, P. L. xi. 857 ; P. R. L
30, 83, 282.
dove-like, P. P. i. 21.
down, P. P. i. 46, ii. 935, iii.
651,740, vi. 36l, 593, 839,
865, vii. 15, 73, viii. 157,
ix. I69, 1121, x. 90, 184,
305, 447, 513, 541, 542, 648,
675, xi. 187, 209, 282, 392,
506, 545, 568, 576, 743, 833,
xii. 639; P.P. ii. 128,260,
iv. 555,586, 631; S.A.322 y
327, 569, 698, 1240, 1478,
1493, 1650; Lye. 62, 63;
L'Al. 110; II Ptnf. 107;
Com. 568 ; Od. Nat. 48, 142,
147 ; Od. Pajf. 16, 21 ; Od.
D.F.I. 19; Ep.Hobf. 1.6;
Pf. iv. 38, vii. 15, lxxx. 4o\
66, lxxxviii. 14.
dowfl-caft, P. L. i. 523.
down-dropt, P. L. ix. 893.
downfall, P. P. i. Il6.
downright, P. L. iii. 562.
downs, P.L, iv. 252; Com. 505,
downward, P. P. i. 463, 681,
iii. 722, iv. 591, vii. 237, ix,
79; UPcnf. 43; Com. 53.
downy, P. L. iv. 334, v. 282,
vii. 438, ix. 851.
dower, P.L. v. 218.
draff, P. L. x. 630 ; S. A. 574,
drag, P. L. iv. 965, vi. 358,
xii. 451 ; Com. 6()8.
dragged, P. L. vi. 260.
dragging, *S'. A. 1371.
dragon, P. L. iv. 3, x. 529 ;
S. A. 1692; II Ptnf. 59;
Cow. 131 ; Od. Nat. 168.
dragon- watch, Cow. 395.
drain'd, P. L. iii. 605, vi. 851,
xi. 570 ; P. P. ii. 346.
drank, P. P. i. 352; S.A. 550,
draught, & ^4. 9; Com. 701 y
draughts, P. L. v. 306.
draw, P. L. ii. 25, iii. l6l, 220,
iv. 532, v. 729, vii. 306, 365,
Viii. 348, ix. 822, 914, 9^6,
x. 26'7; P.R.L 372; S.A.
7, 178, 360, 804, 1058, 1267,
1626 ; Lye. 126 ; Arc. 71 ;
Com. 487, 554.
draw off, P. L. iv. 782.
draw on, P. L. ix. 223.
draw out, P. L. x. 801 ; P. R.
ii, 166.
drawn, P. L. i. 664, iii. 379,
509, 517, 522, iv. 63, vii. 14,
x. 262, 5 1 1 , 8 86 ; 77 Pen/. 36.
drawn out, UAL 140.
draws, P. L. x. 245, xi. 205 ;
P. R. ii. 168; S.A. 1041,
1067; Sow. xxi. 6; P/.
Ixxxviii. 12.
draws in, P. L. vii. 21 6.
draw'ft, P. X. iv. 975.
dread, P. L. i. 333, 406, 555,
589, 644, ii. 16, 263, 510,
iii. 326, iv. 82, vi. 59, 648,
ix. 158, x. 998, xi. 248, xii.
14; P.R.i. 53, iii. 306, iv.
576 ; S. A. 342, 1474, l6"73 ;
Lye. 132; Cow. 405, 441;
Od. Nat. 206; Pf. lxxx. 8.
more dread, P. L. ix. 969.
dreaded, P.L. i. 464, ii.
293, 474, 964, iv. 929, vi.
491, ix. 1114; P. R. i. 58;
S. A. 530, 1417; 0d. Nat.
dreadful, P. L. i. 130,183,564,
ii. 426, 672, 706, iii. 393, iv.
426, 990, vi. 105, 225, 828,
pi. 335, x. 121, 521, 779,
814,848. xii. 236, 644; S. A.
1591, 1622 ; Od. Nat. 164 ;
Brut. 13; Pf. lxxx. 67.
dreading, S. 4> 733.
dreadlefs, P. L. vi. 1.
dream, P. L. ii. 315, v. 93, 98,
J 15, 120, vii. 39, viii. 175,
292, 310, 482, xi. 90i xii.
386; P. JR. ii. 283, 337;
Lye. 56; UAL 129 ; //. Pen/.
147 ; Com. 4*57.
dreamed, P.i.iii. 459, v.31, 32.
dreaming, P. L. iii. 514.
dreams, P. L. i. 784, iv. 803,
v. 112, ix. 1050, xii. 595,
611 ; P. JR. i. 395, iv. 291,
408 ; II Pen/. 9 ; Com. 813.
drear, P. L. x. 525 ; II Pen/.
119; Cow 37; Od. Nat. 193.
dreary, P. L. i. 180, ii. 6*18.
dregs, P. L. vii. 238.
drench, P. L. ii. 73; Son*
xxi. 5.
drench'd, P. L. xi. 367.
drenches, Cowz. 996.
drefs, P. X. ix. 205, xi. 583,
drefles, UAL 86.
drafting, Od. May-M. 7.
dreft, Son. xiv. 11.
drew, P. L. i. 472, ii. 308, 692,
iii. 645, v. 710, vi. 798, vii.
144, 480, viii. 284, ix. 434,
57S, x. 629, xi. 845 ; S. A.
736, 1596; IlPenf. 107.
drew nigh, P.L. iii. 646, iv.
86l, v. 82, xi. 238.
drew on, P. L. ix. 739.
dried, P. L. viii. 526; P. #.
iv. 433.
drift, P. P. iii. 4 ; £07*. xvii. 6.
drink, P. L. v. 344, 637, vii.
362, ix. 838, x. 728; P.P.
i. 340, iii. 289, iv. 590; S.A.
557 ; Son. xiv. 14 ; Pf. lxxx.
drink'ft, P. L. xi. 532.
drinks, P.L. ii. 584, v. 451, xi.
473; P. P. ii. 265; S.A.
541, 554 ; Com. 527-
drive, P. L. i. 260, ii. 366, 367,
iii. 438, iv. 155, vi. 52, 715,
vii. 32, x. 290, xi. 105, S53 ;
P. R. i. 153; Od.D.F.1.68;
Ep. Hobf. II. 15.
driven, P. L. i. 223, ii. 86, 366,
772, iii. 677, iv. 753, ix. 62, drudge, P. L. ii. 732; 8, A.
x. 240, 5S3, 843, xi. 842; 513, 1338, 1393.
P. R. i. 300. drudging, L'/i/. 105.
driven back, P. L. vii. 57- drugg'd, P. L. x. 56*8.
driven down, P. L. vi. 738, x. drugs, P. L. ii. 040; Co;w. 255.
1075. Druids, Lye. 53.
driven out, P. X. vii. 185. drums, P. L. i. 394.
drives, P. L. iv. 184, xi. 646 ; drunk, £. A. \6Jo.
Pf. i. 12. dry, P. £• i. 227, ii. 898, 940,
driving, Co.'??. 456; Vac. Ex.5, iii. 652, vii. 284, 292, 304,'
drizzling, P. L. vi. .545. 307, ix. 179, x. 294,' xi. 544,
dromedaries, P. P. iii- 335. 842, S6l, xii. 197; P.P. iii.
drone, P. L. vii. 490; S. A. 567. 264 ; S. A. 582 ; 11 Pen/. 66 3
droop, P. L. xi. 178; S.A.59h Od. D. F. 7.4.
drooping, P. L. i. 328, vi. 496, dry-ey'd, P. L. xi. 405.
ix. 430 ; P. R. iv. 434; L?/c. Dryad, P. L. ix. 387.
1 60 ; Co??? .812. D ry ad es, Com . 964 .
drop, P. L. ii. 6()7, xi. 535. dubious, P. L. i. 104, ii. 1042,
drop ferenc, P. L. iii. 25. duck, Co???. 9J0.
dropping, P. i. iv. 630, ix. due, P. L. i. 569, ii. 453, 454,
5S2; P. P. iv. 434; Co???. 106; 850, iii. 190, 191, 245, 57 8,
Od. Hor. 15. 738, iv. 48, 180, v. 303, 817,
drops, P. L. ii.933, v. 23, 132, vi. 445, vii. 149, viii. 11,
vii. 292, ix. 1002, xi. 416; 385, ix. 566, 800, x. 93,
II Pinf. 130 ; Com. 912. 833, 994, xi. 253, 440, 533,
dropiies, P. L. xi. 488. xii. 12, 152, 264, 399, 400 ;
dropt, P. L. i. 745, ii. 1 13, vi. P. R. iii. 10, 87, 440 ; S, A.
839, vii. 406, xii. 645; 513, 1055, 1225; Lye. 7;
P. R. i. 324; Lye. 191 ; 1JAL37; U Pcnf. 155; Com,
Com. 840; Otf. Po//.' 16. 12, 199, 306, 776; Pf. vii.
drofs, P. L. i. 704; P. P r iii. 57, lxxxiii. 59.
29 ; Od. on Timt, 6. duel, P. I,.' xii. 387 ; P. P. i.
droflieft, P. L. v. 442. 174 ; S, A. 1102.
drove, P. L. i. 418, iv. 169, vi. duell'd, S. ^/. 345.
831, 858, x. 287, xi. 186, dues, Cow?. \3J.
7?>9 ; P. P. i. 90 ; 5. A. 209 ; dulcet, P. L. i. 7 1 2, v. 347.
//'/c 27 ; Com. 115. dulcimer, P. L. vii. 596.
diov'lt, P. L. iii. 396; J^ dull, //,-;/. 42; Co;??. 477, 634„
Lxxx. 3 5. duly, P. L. v. 145 ; L'^/. 100.
droul'e, P. /,. xi. 131. dumb, l\ L. ix. 527; Com.
dn.ulrd, P. L. viii. 2«9- /<)'>; Orf. JW. 173; J^c*
drouth, P. /.. vii. 60 ; P, P. i. 5.
325, iii. 274; Co//;. 66, 928. Dun, T//r. /u-. 92.
n, /'. £,. xi. 894. dun, P. L. iii. 72 ; Com. 127.
dro\vn'd,P. //. \ii.3(),\i. 13,757- Dunbar, Son. xvi. 8.
drowfirtcft, .-//v. 0l. dung, Pf lxxxiii. 40.
drowfy, 11 Penf, 83$ Co;??. 553: dungeon, /'. L. i.O'i, ii. 317,
I «o. £*. 6 ! . 1003, x. ^66, 697 ; 8, A. $9 t
15o, 367; Lye, 97; Cam.
349, 385.
durable, P. L. v. 581, x. 320.
durance, P. L. iv. 899-
durft, P. i. i. 49, 102, 382;
385, 391, iii. 220, iv. 704;
829, vi. 155, viii. 237, ix.
1180; P.R.i. 100, 324 ; iv.
580; S. A. 1110, 1113,
1130, 1255, 1256; Com. 577,
dufk, P. L. ix. 741 ; P. JR. i.
296, iv, 76.
dufky, P. I. i. 226, ii. 488, v.
186, 667, vi. 58; Com. 99;
Od. Nat. 223:
iluft, P. X. iv: 416, v. 516, vii.
292, 525, 577, ix. 178, x.
178, 208, 748, 770, 805,
1085, xi. 199, 460, 46*3, 529 ;
S. A. 141 ; Com. 165 ; Od. Cir.
19; P/ vii. 16, 17.
duteous, P. I. ix. 521.
duty, P. L. i. 3$3, x. 106;
P. P. ii. 326, iii. 172, 1/5;
S. A. 853, 870.
dwarfs, P. L. i. 779-
dwell, K-i. i. 4,7, 66, ii. 86,
398, 841j iii. 249, 335,6/0,
iv. 377, v. 373, 456, 500, vi.
292, 380, 788, vii. 156, 329,
627, viii. 185, ix. 125, 322,
729, x. 399, 492, 587, xi.
43, 48, 1/8, 259, 348, 608,
838, 901, xii. 22, 146, 248,
281, 316, 344,487; P. ii.i.
116, 331, 391, 462; JJAV.
10; II Pen/. 5; Com, 667 ;
Son. xiv. 2; Pf. ii. 8, iv.
42, lxxxiii. 24, lxxxiv. 4,
39, Ixxxv. 40, lxxxviii. 47,
exxxvi. 74.
dwelling, P. L. iv. 378, 884,
viii. 118; P.P. ii. 80.
dwelling-pla.ee, P. L. ii. 57,
vii. 625.
dwellings, P. L. vii. 1S3, 570,
xi. 747; Pf- lxxxiv. l f
lxxxvii. 6.
dwells, P. L. i. 250, iii. 2lG,
225, viii. 103, xii. 84; S.A.
159, 1673; Com. 428, 521,
dwell'ft, P.I. vii. 7; P.H. iv..
466 ; Com. 268.
dwelt, P. L. iii. 5, 570, iv.
214, ix. 836; Od. Cir. 18;
Brut. 9-
dye, Od. D. F. I. 5.
dy'd, P. L. x. 1009.
dying, P. L. iii. 296, 299, 479,
x. 964, 974 ; Od. Nat. 193 %
Ep. M. Win. 42.
Each, P. I. i. 356, 704, 707,
737, ii- 26, 181, 421, 523,
535, 6'70, 711, 714, QOl, iii.
516, 5S4, 720, iv. 114, 120,
240, 408, 696, 697, 1003, v.
1 33, 145, 279, 326, 327, 337,
428, 477, 479, 576, vi. 98f
230, 23 1 , 233, 238, 362, 498,
529, 530, 541 , 542, 578, 753,
782, vii. 327,334, 391, 392 # -
399, 453, viii. 152, 156, 223,
306, 342, 349, 351, 393, 514,
582, ix. 66, 179, ; 259, 428,
438, 449, 45 1 , 660, 673, 674/
800, 1019, 10o2, 1093, x.
176, 324, 440, 604, 678,
xi. 128, 587, 765, 889,
xii. 57, 142, 503. P. R. j.
304, ii. 1 9, 155, 240,- 406,462,
iii.. 327, iv. 4/5; S. A. 65,
1617, 1655 ; Lye. 83 ; Corn.
19, 456, 839;^ So/?, xv. 2,
xvii. 10, 11; Od. Nat. 100,
I96, 234 ; Od. on Tmc, 9 ;
Vac. Ex.35; Ep. W. Sk 10;
Pf ii. 4, lxxxviii. 56. See
each one, Pf iv. 21.
each other, P. L. ii. 502, ix.
220, x. 112, 235, 513,712,
each other's, P. i. x. 961.
each to other's, P. L. iv. 683.
eager, P. L. vi. 378, ix. 740;
Lye. 189-
eagerly, P. L. ii. 947.
eagle, P. L. vii. 423; S. A.
eagles, P. L. v. 271.
eagle-wing'd, P. L. vi. 763.
ear, P. L.L 787, ii. 117, 920,
953, iii. 193, 647, iv. 410,
800, v. 36', 545, 626, 810,
vi. 350, viii. 1,49,211,335,
606, ix. 47, x. 506", 1060, xi.
30, 152, 435, xii. 236'; P.P.
i. 479, iii- 390, iv. 272,
337; S. A. 177, 858, 921,
937 , 1172, 1568; Lye. 49;
L'Al 14S; J/Pew/. 120, l64;
i4fc. 73; Cow. 170, 203,
458, 560, 570, 784; Od. Cir.
3; Pf. v. 1, lxxx. 2, lxxxiv.
30, lxxxvi. 1, 18, lxxxvii.
17, lxxxviii. 8.
earlier, UAL 89-
earlieft, P. L. iv. 642, 651 ;
P. ft ii. 365; Son. ix. 1.
early, P. L. ix. 225, 457, 799,
xi. 275; S. A. 1596; Arc.
56; Son. xviii. 14; Ep. M.
Win. 23; IW. May-M. 9;
Pf. v. 5.
«arl, So/*, x. 1.
carl's, Ej>. flf. 07». 3.
earn, /'. L. ii. 473, x. 1051, xi.
375; l*. R. i- 167; L'Al.
earn'd, P. L x. 592; P. P. ii.
earned, P. 7,. x. 553 ; S. A.
359; fif^ III. 2; i'/. iv. 6.
iueaindi,P. L.i.458,ix.939-
earneftly, P. X. ix. 1141 ; P. it,
ii. 367.
earns, S. A. 1250.
ears, P. L. iv. 982, v. 771, vi?.
35, 70, 177, ix. 736, x. 99 f
780; P. R. i. 199; 5. A.
1231; %c. 77; Cow. 272,
706,997; Son. xiii. 14; Od.
Nat. 94, 126; Fac. Ex. 28;
Pore. 0/' Cow. 17.
earth, P. L. i, 9, 360, 509,
687, 710, 785, ii. 383, 502,
927, 1004, iii. 133,146,274,
322, 335, 444, 520, 528, 651,
685, 715, 724, 731, 739, iv.
152, 228, 341,432, 540, 546,
594, 645, 661, 677, 722, 733,
1000, v. 2,78, 88, 141, 190,
519,574, 578, 649, 752, vi.
218, 516, 640, vii. 63, 90,
269, 276, 278, 307, 309, 312,
389, 451, 452, 453,468, 471,
501,502,522,531,541, 56C,
624, viii. 16, 17, 23, 32, 70,
• 89, 91, 96, 98, 120, 129,
137, 144, l6l, 17S, 274, 306,
338, 36'9, 4S3, 513, ix. 50,
59,99, 149, 153, 273, 605,
65S, 720, 782, 1000, 1011,
x. 22, 36, 57, 69, .94, 325,
638, 647, 653, 669, 776, 835,
xi. 66, 136, 335, 339, 345,
379, 473, 568. 744, 804, S83,
888, 893, 896, 90 1, xii. 29,
147,463, 549, 579; P.P. i.
6*3, 218, 237, 365, ii. 44,
114, 124, 435, iii. 6l, 65,
246, iv. 30, 45, 148, 201,
433, 453, 566; S. A. 174,
1272; Cow. 6, 712,730,797;
Son. xx. 7 ; Od. Nat. 63, 108 ,
63, 108, 1 60, 1 89 ; Od. Paf&. 2,
32; Od. D.F. 1. 17; Ep. M.
Win. 32; Brtit. 3; Pf ii. 2>,
, vii. 15, viii. 2, 24*
Ixxxii. 25, 26, lxxxiii. 68, eafieft, P. L. iv. 47, viii. 183,
lxxxv, 45, cxiv. 9, 15, xi. 119, 549; P. P. iii. 128,
cxxxvi. 14, 22. iv. 36l.
earth-born, P. L. i. 198, iv. eafily, P. L. i. 696, iii. 94, 301,
360; Vac. Ex. 93. vi. 596, vii. 48, 609, x. 31,
earth-making, Com. 869. 136, xi. 141 ; P. R. i. 471,
all earth, P. P. iii. 24. ii. 194, iii. 156, iv. 126, 16'8 ;
from earth, Ep. M. Win. 6. S. A. 48, 291, 409, 9*3,
on earth, P. L. i. 382, ii. 1005, 1466 ; Od. Pafs. 54.
484, iii. 64, 283, 451, 457, eafing, P. L. vii. 430, x. 260.
508, 592, iv. 5, 208, 672, eaft, P. L. ii. 3, iv. 178, 209,
940, v. 164, 224, 329, 576, 595, 623, v. 142, 339, vii.
vi. 195, 299, 374, 893, vii. 30, 245, 370, 380, 583, viii.
23, 345, 398, 534, 581,629, 138, l62, x. 685, 203, xii.
▼iii. 118, 224, ix. 8 13, x. 72, 141; P. R. i. 250, ii. 197;
229, 273, 360, 399, 404, 679, Com. 101 ; Od. May-M. 2.
891, 897, xi. 22, 698, 780, eaftern, P. L. i. 341, iii. 557,
825, xii. 183, 281,437, 528; iv. 542, v. 1, 275, xi. 190,
P. R i. 99, 125, 131, iii. 68; xii. 362, 638, 641; S. A.
S. A. 165 ; Od. Sol. Muf. 17- 548 ; L'Al. 59; Com. 138 ;
earthly, P. L. v. 464, vii. 14, Od. Nat. 22.
82, 179, viii. 120, 453, 522, eaft-iide, P. L. xi. 118.
ix. 1083, xii. 315 ; P. R. iv. eaftward, P. L. iv. 211, v. 309,
612 ; Son. xiv. 3 ; Od. Nat. x. 292, xii. 145.
138. eafy, P.L.u. 81, 256, 1031,
earth's, P. L. i. 778, v. 302, iii. 524, iv. 421, 433, vi.
321, viii. 99, 631, ix. 195, 437, 499, 632, vii. 304, ix.
273, 1041, xi. 384, xii. 371; 24, 569, 734, x. 58, 305,
P.P. iv. 456, 562; Com. 393; P. R'. i. 120, iii. 293:
244, 599, 1014; Od. D.F.I. Com. 286; Ep. W. Sh. 10.
30, 47; Pf. ii. 19, lxxxii. 19. eafy-hearted, Com. l63.
earthy, P. L. iv. 583, ix. 157 ; as eafy, S. A. 583.
Od. on Time, 20. . more eafy, P. X. it. 330.
eafe, P. L. i. 320, ii. 227, 26l, fo eafy, S. A. 95.
458, 878, 1041, iii. 563, iv. eat, P. L. v. 637, viii. 147.
96, 187, 329, 632, 893, v. 309, 320, 322, ix. 595, 657,
59, 439, ix. 129, 245, 801, 660,662,706,762,781,997,
1120, x. 394, 622, xi. 536, x. 122, 143, 162, 178, 200,
794 ; P- P. iv- 97, 299, 378 ; 202, 204, 205, 728, xi. 94,
S. A. 17, 18,271, 917; Lye. xii. 186; P. R. i. 352, ii.
152; Cow. 687; Od.Cir. 11;, 274,275,314,321,336,368,
Ep.Hobf.lL 21. 377;L'AL 102; P/.lxxx. 22
at eaie, P. L. ii. 521, 841, eaten, P. L. ix. 764, 869, x.
868, vii. 407, ii. 201. 121, 199-
eaf'd, P. L. iv 739, xii. 274. eafft, P. L. vii. 544, viii. 329,
euiier, P. L. ii. 345, 5/3, iv. xi. 532.
943, vi. 37, 286, viii. 626, eating, P. L. ix, 79%, 1005;
ix. 699r 978 ; 5. ^. 772. UAL 135.
tats, P. L. ix. 724.
eaves, 11 Paif. 130.
ebb, P. L. xi. 847.
ebbing, Com. 19.
ebon, L'AL 8 ; Com. 134.
Ecbatan, P. L. xi. 3.93.
ecccntrick, P. L. iii. 575, v.
623, viii. 83.
echo, P. X. x. 86 1 ; Co?n. 231,
echoed, P.L. v. 873.
•choes, Lye: 41 ; Orf. Nat. 100;
Otf. Pafs. 53.
echoing, P. L. iv. 681, ix.
1107; L'Al. 56.
eclipfe, P.L. i. 597, x. 413;
& A. SI; Lye. 101.
eclipfel, P.L. v. 776, xi. 183.
eclipfes, P.L. ii. 666.
ecliptick, P. L. iii. 740.
Ecron, S.A. 981.
ecftafies, 1/ Pew/ l65.
rcltaiy. Com. 6'25.
ecftatick, Od. Pafs. 42.
Eden, P. L. i. 4, iv. 27, 132
210, 213, 223, 275, 507, 569,
vi. 75, vii. 65, 5S2, viii; 113,
ix. 54, 77, ^93, 341, x. 89,
xi. H9, 342, xii. 40, 46*5,
649 ; P- P- i- 7.
Eden's, P. L. v. 143.
edge, P. L. i. 276, 460, vi. 108,
! 323 ; P. it. ii. 455; Lye.
| ( ) •■■
tdg'd,&*. AV. 185.
edict, P. L. v. 798.
idiots S. A. 301.
edifice, P. L. viii. 104 J P: P.
iv. 55 ; ,S\ ^i. 1588.
I .1,,!,., P/: Ixxxiii. 21.
i dorafte, P. 11. ii. 423.
Edward (king), Son. xi. i i.
Edwards, P"/-c. "/ Goto. \&,
e'en or even, P. L. i. 1 16, 680,
iii. 586, *. 83, 837,ix. 1079,
x. 191, xi- 1 IS, 418.
P, t, ii. S<#, iii. 6*12, vi.
, vii. 175, viii. 95, ix.
865; P. R. ii. 215; 5/^.
681 ; Com. 630.
effected, P. L. i. 647, ix. 152.
effetfs, P. L. ix. 650, 875, xL
effectual, P. L. iii. 170; P.J?.
iv. 432.
effeminacy, S. A. 410.
effeminate, P. L. xi. 634; P. 2?.
iv. 142.
effeminately, S. A. 562.
efficacious, <5. A: 1437.
efficacy, P, Z>.' x. 660.
effluence, P. L. iii. 6.
effulgence, P. L. iii. 388, v.
458, vi. 680.
effufd, P. L. xi. 447.
effufion, P. L. vi. 765.
egg, P.L. vii. 418.
eglantine, L'AL 48.
egrefs, P. L. ii. 437-
Egypt, P. L. i. 421, 480, 488/
721, iii. 537, iv. 171, xii;
157, 190, 219; P. ft. ii. 76,
79, iii- 379, 384; Com. 676;
Pf: lxxx. 33', Ixxxi. 42 1 ,
lxxxvii. 11, exxxvi. 38.
Egyptian, P. L. v. 274, ix;
4!' 1 ., xii. 182.
Egypt's, P. L. i. 339-
eject, P. L. xi. 52.
ejected, 5. ^. 1207; P. ft. iv
eighth, P. L. ix. 67.
either, P. L. i.424, 644, ii. 96,'
229, 364, 538, 670, 721, iii.
350, 487, 641, v. 131, 284.
vi. 214, 570, 778, viii. 388,
ix.284, 407, 1176, x. Ill,
126, 898, xi. 363, 505; P.R.
iv. 409; 6'. A. 1033, 1292,
1458; Com. 4 S3; Son. xvii.
12,xix. 10. See Side.
El Dorado, P. L. xi. 411.
elaborate, P. J,, viii. 539.
old, Od. D.F. I. 13.
eldeft, P. L. ii. 894, 902 fe
180; S«j. xvii. 14.
Eleale, P. L. i. 411.
elecl, P. L. iii. 136, 184, 360,
vi. 374, xii. 214.
eleded, S. A. 678.
ele&ion, P. L. x. 764.
Ele&ra's, Sorc. viii. 13.
elegant, P. X. ix. 1018.
element, P. L. ii. 490, vii. 16,
viii. 348; P. R. ii. 122; -ft
Pe?if.96'> Com. 299.
elemental, P. X. vii. 265.
elements, P. L. ii. 275, 925,
1015, iii. 715, iv. 993, v.
180, 415, vi. 222, xi. 50;
P. R. ii. 334.
elephant, P. L. iv. 345.
elephants, P. R. iii. 329-
elevate, P. L. ii. 558 ; P. JR. iv.
elevates, P. L. ix. 633.
elfe, Com. 846.
Eli's, P. L. i. 495.
Elijah, P. it. ii. 268, 277.
elixir, P.L. iii. 607.
elops, P.L, x. 525.
elm, P.L. v. 216; Arc. 89;
Co?w. 354.
elms, UAL 58.
elocution, P. X. ix. 748.
eloquence, P. i. ii. 556, v.
149, ix. 671 ; P. JR. iv. 241,
268, 354.
eloquent, Son. x. 8.
elfe, P. L. i. 96, 109, 683, ii.
397, 591, 769, iii. 125, 635,
725, iv. 392, 434, 752, 86*1,
929, v. 63, vi. 593, 896, vii.
49, 74, 129, 639, viii. 10,97,
131, 135, 524, 531, 636, 786,
ix. 975, 1117, x. 678, 689,
806, 1079, 1096, xi. 201,
299, 305, 572, 747 ; P. £.
i. 12, iii. 28, 394, iv. l65,
299; S. A. 6, 315, 586,604,
694,770, 1524; Lye. 120;
J/JEVk/: 116; Arc. 6l 1 Com.
195, 484, 491 ; Od. Nat. 91 ;
Ep. Hobf. I. 3 ; Pf. iv. 12.
elfe where, P. .£. i. 656, iii.
599y x. 959, P. it. i. 458,
iv. 325.
elves, P. L. i. 781 ; Cow. 118.
elude, P. L. ix. 158.
Elyfian, P. L. iii. 359; L'AL
U7 \ Com. 996 ;0d. D.F.I.
Elyfmm, P. L. iii. 472 ; Cow.
Emathian, P. it. iii. 290; Son.
viii. 10.
embaffies, P. it. iv. 67, 121.
embafiy, P. L. iii. 658.
embattled, P. L. i. 129, vi. 16,
550, vii. 322, xii. 213 ; S. A.
embellifhed, P. L. iii. 507.
embers, 1/ Pen/. 79.
emblem, P. L. iv. 703.
embolden'd, P. L. viii. 434*
embofs, P. L. xii. 180.
emboli, S. A. 1700.
emboweird, P. L. vi. 587.
embrace, P. L. viii. 626, xii.
426; Son. xxiii. 13.
embraced, P. L. ix. 990.
embraces, P. L. ii. 793, iv. 322,
471, v. 215, x. 994; S.A. 389.
embracing, P. L. iv. 494, 771,
v. 27, vii. 90, x. 912.
embroidery, Lye. 148.
embroil'd, P. L. ii. 966.
embroils, P. X. ii. 908.
embryon, P. £. ii. 900, vii.
embryos, P. L. iii. 474.
emerald, Com. 894.
emergent, P. L. vii. 286.
Emilian, P. it. iv. 69.
Emims, S.A. 1080.
eminence, P. L. ii. 6, iv. 44,
viii. 624.
eminent, P. L. i. 590, iv. 219,
v. 594, xi. 665, 789 ■> P. -R.
ii. 70, iii. 91.
eminently, P. L, ix. 976; Sew.
ix. 3.
emmet, P. L. vii. 485.
Empedocles, P. L. iii. 471.
emperour, P. L. ii. 510, x. 429 ;
P. R. iy. SI, 90, 126.
emperour's, P. L. i. 378.
empire, P. L. i. 114, ii. 296,
315,327,974, iv. Ill, 145,
390, v. 724, vi. 303, vii. 96,
555, 609, x. 389, 592, ix.
3S7, 397, xii. 32, 581; P. P.
i. 63, iii- 45, 296; iv. 222,
284, 369 ; Od. D. F. I. 16.
empires, P. L. ii. 378 ; P.P. ii.
435, iii. 237-
empire's, P. P. iii. 45, 270.
empirick, P. L. v. 440.
employ, P. t. v. 730 ; 0. vi. 822.
enamelTd, P. L. iv. H9, ix.
525; Lijc. 139; v//c 84.
enamour, P. P. ii. 214.
enamour d, P. L. ii. ?65, iv.
169. v.i:;,!is,
encamp, P.L. ii. 132.
encamp'd, P. i. x. 276, xi. 656,
xii. 591.
encamping, P. L. vi. 412, Pf.
iii. 17.
enchanted, 5. ^.934; Cow?. 517-
enchanter, Com. 645, 814.
enchanting, P. P. x. 353; P. P.
ii. 158; 5.^. 1065; Lye. 5$;
Com. 245.
enchantments, 5.^. 1133; It
Pen/. 119 ; Q#m. 640, 696.
enclofe, P. P. i. 6l7-
enclosed, P. P. ii. 512, iii. 420,
iv. 283, vi. 101, vii. 486, ix.
494, 722; S.A. 194, 1117-
enclofing, P. P. iii. 36l.
enclofure,P. P. iv. 133, ix. 543.
encompafs'd, P. L. iii. 149, v *
876; Py. lxxxi. 30.
encounter, P. P. ii. 718.
encountered, P. L. vi. 664.
encountering, P. P. vi. 220.
encounters, S. A. 1085.
encreafe, P.L. iv. 748, x. 486,
730,731; Ep. Hubf. II. 32 ;
P/>. ill. Win. 51; iy.iv. 36.
encreas'd, P. P. x. 351, xii.
155, P.P. ii. 12.
encroach'd, P. P. ii. 1001.
encroachment, P. L. xii. 72.
end, P. P. i. 164, ii. 89, 145,
157, 186, 538, 56l, 807, iii-
157, 197,406, 633, iv. 39S,
833, vi. 172, 258, 288, 493,
703, 731, vii. 79> 108, 217,-
505, 591, viii. 35, 540, ix.. ")1,
241, x. 53, 167, 446, 641,
1084, xi. 300, 502, 6*05, 755,
786, xii. 6, 556, 605; P. R.
i. 125, 205, 408; ii. 114, 245,
337, iii. 123, 185, 197,211,
350, iv. 20; S.A. 232, 46l,
1008, 1265, 1720; Arc. 7;
Com. 136, 196,' 783, 1014;
Od. D. P. /. 77 ; Ep. Hobf.
ho end, P. L. iv. 442, viii.
189, ix. 7^8, 1189, x.
1004, xii. 330 ; P. R. i.
241, iv. 151 ; Pf lxxxi. 64.
without end, P.L. i. 67, ii.
870, iii. 142, v. l65, 615,
vi. 137, vii. l6l, 542, x.
797; P.R. ii. 442, iv.
391 ; Pf. lxxxv. 17.
endangered, P. L. i. 131, ii.
endear, S. A. 796.
endearing, P. L. iv. 337*
endeavour, P. L. xii. 355 ; P. P.
iii. 353; S. A. 766; Son.
xiv. 5.
endeavour'd, P. L. iii. 192.
endeavouring, P. L. viii. 260 ;
P. R. iii. 399-
ended, P. L. ii. 106, 291, 390,
487j 514, 651, iii. 266, iv.
874, vi. 98, 296, 496, 569,
viii. 1,452, ix. 468, 733, x.
937, 1007, xi. 72, 137, 238,
246, xii. 552, 606 ; P. R. i.
106,309,346; Od. D.F.I.
18; Ep. Hobf. II. 10.
ending, P. L. iii. 729, vi. 702 ;
IlPenf. 129 ; Od.Nat. 226.
endlefs, P. X. i. 142, ii. 30, 159,
897, iv. 52, vi. 694, x. 754,
810, xii. 549; P. P. iii. 178.
Son. xv. 10 ; Od. Sol.Muf. 28.
Endor, Pf. lxxxiii. 39.
endow, P. L. ix. 149.
endow'd, P. L. iv. 715, xi. 5S.
ends, P. L. v. 586, xi. 345,
602; P.P.iv. 410; S.A.62,
893, 1043; Com. 160; Pf.
lxxxvii. 15.
endue, P. L. xii. 500.
endued, P. L. ii. 356, v. 473,
815,-vii. 507, viii. 353, ix.
324, 56l, 871; P.P. ii. 437,
iv. 98, 602.
endu'th, Son. vii. 8.
endurance, P. L. ii. 262.
endure, P. L, ii, 206, iv. 811,
920, 925, ix. 833, xi. 365,
xii. 324, 405 ; P. R. i. 476,
ii. 251, iv. 174; S.A.477;
Pf cxxxvi. 3.
endur'd, P. L. i. 299, ii- 1028,
v. 783, vi. Ill, 431; S. A.
endures, P. L. ix. 269.
enemies, P. L. ii. 157, vi. 466,
677 , 826, x. 219, 625, xii.
318,415, 482; P. it iii.36l,
392,432; 5.^. 34,68, 112,
540, 640, 782, 878, 1159,
1202, 1582, 1711, 1725 ; Pf.
vi. 15, 21, lxxxi. 60.
enemy, P. L. i. 188, ii. 137,
785, iv. 825, v. 239, viii. 234,
ix. 274, 304, 494., 905, 1 172,
xii. 390 ; P. R. ii. 126,330,
372, iv. 525; S.^. 238, 380,
856, 882, 1416; Pf vii. 13,
viii. 7, cxxxvi. 83.
arch enemy, P. L. i. 81.
no enemy, P. L. ii. 822.
enerve, P.R. ii. l65.
enfeebled, P. L. ix. 488.
enforce, S. A. 1223.
enforc'd, P. L. xi. 419 J P* -K-
i. 472, ii. 75.
engage, P. P. iii. 347 ; Pf vii.
engaged, P. L. iv. 954, ix. 400;
Com. 193.
engaging, P. L. ix. 963.
engine, P. L. ii. 65, iv. 17;
Lye. 130 ; .Ep. #06/. II. 9.
enginery, P. X. vi. 553.
engines, P. L. i. 750, ii. 923 ;
vi. 484, 518, 586, §50.
England's, Son. x. 2.
Englifh, Son. xiii. 2.
engrave, P. JL. xii. 524.
engraven, P. L. ii. 302.
enjoin'd, P. L. ix. 207, x. 57-5,
xi. 177; S.A. 6.
enjoin'ft, P. £. v. 563.
enjoining, S. A. S70.
enjoins, P. i. ix, 357.
r 2
enjoy, P. L. iii. 471, iv. 433,
445, 472, 507, 534, v. 503,
viii.365, 523, 623, ix. 1032,
X. 758, xi. 142, 804; P. R.
i. 36'4, ii. 203, iii. 360. iv.
<)4 ; S. A. 807, 991 ; Com.
382, 790.
enjoy'd, P.L. i. 683, viii. 584,
ix. 264; P.P.i. 125; S.A.
enjoy'dft, P. L. xii. 580.
enjoy'ft, P. L. viii. 622.
enjoying, P. L. iii. 306, iv. 446,
viii. 366, ix. 829, S.A. 157.
enjoyment, P. L. vi. 452 ; Com.
enjoyments, P. L. viii. 531.
enjoys, Od. Hor. 9-
enlarg'd, P. L. i. 415, iv. 390.
enlarges, P. L. viii. 590.
enlighten, P. £. iii. 731, iv.
668, xi. 115.
enlightened, P. L. vi. 497, viii.
enlightener, P. L. xii. 271.
enlightening, P. L. viii. 143.
enmity, P. L. i. 431, ii. 500,
ix. 465, 1151, x. 180, 497,
925 ; S. A. 1201 ; Vac. Ex.
Enna, P. L. iv. 269.
ennobled, P. L. ix. 992 ; S. A.
1491 ; I/Peif/ 102.
enormous, P.L. i. 511, v. 297,
vii. 411.
enough, P. L. iv. 124, vii. 125,
viii. 535, 537, ix. 1169, x.
059, xi. 766, 805 ; S. A.
431,455, 1256, 1468, 1592;
Com. 780, 958 ; Son. xiii. 6;
P/! lxxxi. 43.
enow, P. 7,. ii. 504; Lgc. 114.
enrage, /\ L. ii. 698.
enrag'd, P. /,. i.2l6, ii. 95
enrich, Com. 505.
enfanguiiiM, P. />. xi.654.
enflirinc, P, L. i. 719, v. 273,
xii. 334.
enflirin'd, P. R, iv. 59S.
entign, P. L. i. 536, vi. 775.
enfigns, P. £. i. 325, ii. 886, v,
588, vi. 356, 533 ; P. ii. iv.
enflave, P. R. iii. 75.
enflav'd, P. L. ii 333, xi. 797 ;
P.R. 144; £.^. 1041.
enfnare, S. A. 860 ; Com. 700 ;
P/". lxxxiii. 11.
cnfnar'd, P. X. iv. 717; S. A.
365 ; Co?n. 909.
enfue, P. L. iv. 26, 527, v. 682,
vi. 456, ix. 827, 977 1 1185,
xi. 839, xii. 331.
enfued, P. L. iv. 991, vii. 40.
entangled, S. A. 763.
enter, P.L. iii. 26l, iv. 563,
704, v. 464, ix. 90, x. 503,
623, xii. 456 ; S.A. 463, 950.
enter'd, P. L. i. 193, 731, iv;
373, vi. 388, ix. 1 88, xi. 630,
735 ; P. ii. ii. 292 ; 6'. A.
252, 1597; Com. 646; Od.
Paf 17; Od. Cir. 11.
entering, P. L. vi. 326, viii. 40,
xii. 217; P. Ii. i. 174, iv. 62.
enterprife, P. L. i. 89, ii. 345,
46*5; P. ii. ii. 411, iii. 228;
S. A. 1223.
enterprifes, S. A. 804.
enterprifeit, P. L. x. 2y0.
enters, P. L. vi. 10.
entertain, P. L. ii. 526, iv. 382,
v. 328, 383, vi. 6 11; Lye.
entertain'd, P. L. iv. 166, X.
105, 1009.
entertainment, P. L. v. 69O.
enthrall, P.L. ii. 551, iii. 125,
xii. 94.
enthrall'd, P. L. iii. 176, vi.
181 ; Com. 590.
en th raiment, P. L. xii. 171-
entlnon'd, P. L. ii.96l, v. 536;
Com. 1 1.
entice, II Pen/. 146 ; Co???. 940.
entie'd. P.L. i. 412.
enticement, Com. 525.
enticing, P. L. ix. 996 ; S. A.
entire, P.L. i. 146', 671, iii.
265, v. 502, 753, vi. 399,
741, ix. 292, x. 9, xii. 264.
entirely, P. L. vii. 549; Od.
Cir. 22.
entitle, P. L. xi. 170.
entrails, P. L. i. 234, ii. 783,
vi. 346, 517, 588, ix. 1000,
xii. 77 ; S.A. 614. *
entrance, P.L. iii. 50, iv. 180,
546, 882, ix. 6l, 68, 734,
x. 21, xi. 119, 470 ; Com.
518; Son. ix. 14.
entranc'd, Com. 1005.
entreat, Pf. lxxxviii. 39 '.
entwin'd, P. L. iv. 174.
entwining, P.L. x. 512.
envenom'd, P. L. ii. 543.
envermeil, Orf. D. F. I. 6.
envied, P. L. ii. 244, vi. 813 ;
S. A. 551; Fore, of Con. 4.
envier, P. L. vi. 89.
envies, P. L. vi. 900, ix. 770 j
S. A. 995.
envieft, P. L. viii. 494.
envious, P. L. iv. 524, vii. 139,
xi. 15 ; Com. 194.
environ'd, P.L. ii. 1016; P.£.
i. 194, iv. 423.
environs, P. L. ix. 636 ; Son.
xii. 3.
envy, P. L. i. 35, 260, ii. 26,
27, iii. 553, iv. 115, 503,
517, v. 61, 662, vi. 79^, ix.
175, 264, 466, 729, 805, xi.
456 ; P. R. i. 38, 397 ; Arc.
13 ; Son. xiii. 6, xv. 2.
envying, P. L. ix. 254, 593,
enwrap, Od. Nat. 134.
Ephraim, S. A. 282, 988,
Ephraim's, Pf. lxxx. 9.
epicicle, P.L. viii. 84.
Epicurean, P. JR. iv. 280.
Epidaurus, P. L. ix. 5o7
•pilepfies, P. X, xi. 483.
Epirot, Son. xviii. 4.
epithets, P.P. iv. 343, 480, 621.
equal, P. L. i. 88, 91, 292, 6'54,
ii. 47, 67, 200, 4/9, iii- 306* r
iv. 526, 916, v. 726,797,820,
832, 835, 866, vi. 49, 343,
441, 6'90, viii. 6,228, 407, ix.
286, 881, 882, x. 147, 271,
680, 748; P. R. ii. 146, iii.
99, 306, iv. 29, 303, 324;
Com. 410; Pf. lxxxii. 12.
more equal, P. L. ix. 823.
no equal, P. £. vi. 248.
not equal, P. X. iv. 296, v.
equall'd, P. L. i. 40, 248, 4S8,
719, iii. 33, 34.
equality, P. L. v. 763, vii, 487,
xii. 26.
equally, P. L. iii. 306, iv. 68,
v. 97, 792, xi. 362.
equals, P.L. i. 249, v. 796,
820, 832.
equator, P. L. iii. 617.
equinodlial, P. £. ii. 637, ix.
6'4, x. 672.
equipage. P. L. vii. 203 ; P. it
iii. 304 ; Sow. xvii. 9*
equivalent, P. L. ix. 609 ; S. A,
Ercoco, P. L. xi. 398.
ere, P. L. i. 334, ii. 409, iii.
646, iv. 10, 623, v. 133, 685,
699, 700, 871, vi. 108, 278,
492, 521, 659, vii. 108, 304,
335, viii. 112, 204, 242, 246,
444, ix. 674, 931, x. 53, 229,
846, 987, IO69, xi. 29, 356,
769, xii. 51, 421; P. R. i.
98, 158, 209, iii. 32, 196, iv.
236; S.A. 177, 784, 825,
846,1578; Lye. 8, 25; UAL
107; Com. 56, 138,194,548,
558, 573 ; Son. i. 9, xix. 2 ;
Pf. lxxxviii. 54.
ere long, P. L. i. 651 ; iv. 113,
ix. 172, 246, 5&8, xi. 626,
627; S.A. 468; Com. 151,
562; Od.Pof. 10; Od.Cir.
26 ; Od. Sol. Muf. 26 ; Pf
lxxxv. 39.
ere now, P. X. ii. 631 ; Pf.
iii. 20.
ere then, P. X. iv*. 97 1.
ere this, P. L. x. 240.
ere while, P. X. i. 281, vi. 334,
610, x. 106, xii. 275; P. R.
i. 1 ; S.A. 1442, 1702; Com.
317; Od. Pafs. 1.
ere yet, P. X. x. 584.
Erebus, P. X. ii. 883 5 Cow.
erec^, P. X. ii. 986, iv. 288,
289, v. 725, 785, vii. 508,
viii. 432, ix. 353, 501, xi.
509 ; S. A. 1639.
ereded, P. X. i. 6'79 ; P. R> iii.
eremite, P. R. i. 8.
eremites, P. X. iii. 474.
err, P. X. ii. 347, v. 799, vi.
148, 288, viii. 121, ix. 1049,
x. 266; P.P. iii. 71 ; S.J.
369 ; Co???. 223 ; Pf. lxxxv.
errand, P. L. ii. 827, iv. 795,
x. 4,1; S.J. 1285; Cow. 15,
errands, P. X. iii. 652, vii. 573.
err'd, P. X. ix. 1178, xi. 208;
S.A. 211.
erring, P. X. i. 747, vi. 173 ;
P.R. i. 224; Cow. 588.
erroneous, P. X. >i. 146", vii. 20,
x. 9d9>
errour, P.L. iv. 239, ix. 1181 ;
V. II. 11.474, iii. 212, iv. 235.
err'it, P. /.. vi. 172.
tilt, P, L. i. 860, ii. 470, vi.
187, 308, ix. l(>3, 8?6, 1081,
xi. 868 ; P. II. ii. ] L5; ft y/.
f, 1513; 4rc, 9; Od.
Cir. 2.
eruption, V. L. i. 656", viii. 235.
Eiymunth, Arc, 100.
Erythraean, Pf. exxxvi. 46.
Efau, P. X. iii. 512.
efcape, P. X. ii. 444, x. 339.
efcap'd, P. X. iii. 14, iv. 794-,
824, vi. 448, xi. 777.
Efhtaol, S. A. 181.
efpied, P. X. iv. 477.
efpoufed, P. X. iv. 710, v. 18 ;
Son. xxiii. 1.
effence, P. X. i. 425, ii. 215,
iii. 6, ix. 166 ; Od. Cir. 7.
effences, P.L. i. 138.
evTential, P. X. ii. 97, v. 841.
eftablihVd, P.L. ii. 23, xii. 245.
eftate, P. X. xii. 351 ; S. A.
170, 742;P/.lxxxii. 15.
efteem, P. X. iv. 886, ix. 328,
329; P*R- i. 235, ii. 447,
iii. 29, iv. 160,207; IlPenf.
17; Fore, of Con. 10.
efteem'd, Com. 514, 634.
Eftotiland, P. X. x. 686.
eftrange, P/! lxxxviii. 33.
eftrang'd, P. X. ix. 1132.
eternal, P. X. i. 25, 70, 121,
154, 155, 318, 610, ii. 46,
98, 161,695, 896, iii. 2, 18,
127 ,172, 349, 374, iv. 70,
268,99^ v. 173, 246, 711,
vi. 96, 227, 240, 385, 424,
630, 865, 904, vii. 9, 96, 137,
226, 517, 576, viii. 413, x.
32, 68, 597, 816, xii. 314,
551 ; P. R. i. 281 ; iv. 391 ;
S.A. 964, 1717; Com. 596 t
988, 1008 ; Od. Nat. 2. .
eternity, P. X. ii. 148, 248, iii.
5, v. 580, vii. 92, viii. 406,
xii. 556; Com. 14; Od. on
Time, 11.
eternize, P. L. vi. 374, xi. 60.
Etham, S. A. 253.
ethereal, P. L. i. 45, 285, ii.
139,311,601, 978, iii. 7,100,
716, v. 267, 418, 499, 863,
vi. 60, 330, vii. 244, 356,
viii. 646, x, 27, xii. 577;
P.R.i. l63, ii. 121, iii. 28;
S. A. 549; Od. Paf. 1.
ethereous, P. L. vi. 473.
Ethiop, P. L. iv. 282 ; // Pen/.
Ethiops', P/i lxxxvii. 15.
Ethiopian, P. L. ii. 641.
Etrurian. P. X. i. 303.
evade, P. L. x. 1021 ; P. P. iv.
evaded, P.L. vi. 596.
evangelize, P. L. xii. 499 •
evafion, P. L. ii. 411.
evafions, P. X. x. 829; S. A.
Euboick, P. L. ii. 546.
Euclid, £0??. xxi. 7.
Eve, P. L. i. 364, iv. 324, 409,
440, 481, 610, 634, 660, 710,
742, 800, v. 9, 38, 74, 93,
303, 308, 321, 3/9, 387, 443,
vii. 50, viii. 40, 172, ix. 204,
422, 424, 438,456, 495, 517,
528, 550, 568, 6l3, 631, 644,
659, 785, 886, 889, 892, 920,
921, 9^0, 1005, 1013, 1016,
] 017, 1036, 1065, 1067,1 133,
1143, 1164, x. 3, 109, 157,
159, 332, 335, 551, 582,
863, 909, 966, 1012, 1013,
1097, xi. 136, 140,141,159,
162, 181, 192, 193, 224, 226,
265,287,367,476, 519, xii.
594, 607,624; P.P. i. 51,
54, 318, ii. 141,349, iv, 5,
6, 180 ; Com. 843 ; So?i. i. 2.
Eve, P. L. i. 743, iv. 185, ix.
828, 911. x. 183.
even, P. L. i. 349, iii. 42, 179,
iv. 555, v. 202, 425, vi. 245,
544, vii. 252, 274, 338, 435,
550, viii. 165, ix. 582, x. 47,
xi. 276, 348 ; P. R. ii. 268 ;
II Pen/. 38 ; Com. 188, 202,
557,591, 773; Son. vii. 10,
xviii. 3 ; jEp. Hobf. II. 25 ;
Pf. vi. 5, lxxxiv. 9, IS,
lxxxvi. 47-
evening, P. L. i. 289, ii- ^93,
iv. 151,355, 543, 598, 647,
654, 662, 79%, v. 376, 627,
628, vii. 104,260,386,448,
450, 582, viii. 519, ix. 278,
1088, x. 95, xi. 588, xii. 629;
S. A. 1692 ; Lye. 30 ; Arc,
54 ; Com. 540.
evening-itar, P. L. viii. 519, xi,
evening's, P. L. v. 115.
even-fong, II Pen/. 64.
event, P. L. i. 118, 134, 624,
ii. 82, iv. 716, v. 740, ix,
334, 405, 984, x. 969, xi.
593; S.A. 637, 1551,1756;
Com. 411.
events, P. L. iv. 1001 ; P. R.
ii. 104 ; Com. 405 ; Vac.Ex. 70.
ever, P. L. i. 160, 210, 228,
630, ii. 153, 338,744, 914,
iii. 366, 425, iv. 119, 322,
436, v. 19, 446, 810, viii.
649, ix. 1033, x. 71, xii. 563 ;
P.Rr i. 324, iii. 240, iv. 22;
S. A. 446, 904, 925, 1336,
1 735, 1748 ; UAL 138 ; Com.
212; Son. xv, 5; Pf. i. 5,
v. 35, lxxxiii. 63, lxxxiv. 18,
cxiv. 16, exxxvi. 4.
for ever, P. L. i. 250, 330,
608, ii. 182, 776, iii. 244,
249, 318, 333, v. 6ll, vi.
733, vii. 586, viii. 479, x.
637, xi. 95, 96, xii. 324,
429; Lye. 181 ; Son. xiv.
8; Od. on Time, 21; P/I
lxxxiii. 15, 68, lxxxv. 17.
ever-during, P. L. iii. 45, vii.
ever-failing, S. A. 348.
everlafting, P. L. ii. 184, 232,
iii. 395, vii. 565 ; 0. x. 705.
Eurydice, LVi/. 150.
Eurynome, P. L. x. 581.
ewe, P. L. ix. 582 ; P. P. i.
315; Com. 503.
ewes, P. L. xi. 649 ; Pf. cxiv.
exact, P. L. vii. 477, viii. y39,
ix. 1017, xii. 402 ; S.A. 507,
788 ; Son. xix. 7.
exactly, P. L. viii. 451.
exacts, P. L. xii. 590; P. i?,
iii. 120.
exalt, P.L. iii. 313, iv. 525,
v. 829, vii. 150; P/*lxxxiii.8.
exaltation, P. L. v. 90, vi. 727 ;
P. R. ii. 92.
exalted, P. L. i. 736, ii. 5, y\ f
99, ix. 150, xii. 457; P. it
i. 36, ii. 46, 206.
exalter, P/^ iii. 9«
example, P. L. iv. 8S1, v. 901,
vi. 910, vii. 42, ix. 962, x.
840, xi. 809, xii.. 572; P. P.
i. 232; S.A. 166,765,822.
examples, S. A. 290.
exafperate, P. L. ii. 143 ; S. Jk
625, 1417.
exceed, S. A. 8 17.
exceeded, P. L. v. 459*
exceeding, P. L. ix. 961 ; Od.
Cir. 15.
excel, P. L. iii. 133, viii. 542;
P.P. iii. 307; S.A.74>.
excell'd, P. L. ii. 884, iv. 490,
ix. 897, x. 150 ; S.A. 523.
excellence, P.L.ii.350, v. 456,
vi. 637,821, viii. 91, x. 1017 ;
Vac. Ex. 79-
excellent, P. L. viii. 566, x.
1015; P.P. i. 381.
excelling, P.L. i. 359; P- R-
iv. 347.
excels, P. L. ii. 124, 125, vi.
177, 822, viii. 456 ;Com. 63.
except, P.L. ii. 300,678,1032,
iii. 6*84, ix. 545, x. 6*80, xu
808; P. R. iv. 85.
excepted, P. L. xi. 426.
exception, P. R. iii. 119.
excefs, P. X. i. 123, 593, iii.
696, 698, v. 640, ix. 648, xi.
Ill, 498; Com. 771; Od.
Cir. 24.
exceffive, P. X. ii. 779, "*• 380,
vi. 463.
excite, P. X. ii. 567, iv. 522.
excites, P. X. ii. 484, vii. 68,
ix. 264, 472 ; P. R. i. 397,
423, iii. 26.
exclaim'd, P. X. x. 4l6.
exclude, P. X. iii. 202; iv. 584.
excluded, P. X. iv. 105; P. H.
i. 367; S.4. 494.
exclufion, P. X. iii. 525.
exclusive, P. L. viii. 625.
excurfion, P. X. ii. 396, viii.
excuse, P. X. v. 447, ix. 853,
x. 764, xii. 96; S. A. 829,
J831 ; Xj/c. 18.
without excufe, S. A. 734.
excus'd, P. X. iv. 39*.
execrable, P. X. ii. 681, xii.
64 ; S. A. 1362.
execration, P. X. x. 737.
execute, P. X. i. 430, ii. 732,
iii. 399, x. 772.
executes, S. A. 1284.
execution, P. X. x. 853 ; S. A,
exempt, P. X. ii. 318, iii, 370,
ix. 486, x. 1025, xi. 514,
709; S.A. 103, 310,918.
no exemption, P. R. iii. 115.
exempts, Son. xiii. 5.
exercise, P. X. ii. 89, x. 400,
796, 927 ; 5. ^. 612, 1287.
exercis'd, P. X. iv. 551.
exhalation, P. X. i. 711, xi.741.
exhalations, P. X. v. 185, 425.
exhale, P. X. v. 421.
exhaFd, P. X. v. 642, ix. 1049.
exhaling, P. X. vii. 255.
exhaufled, P. X. vi. 852 ; P. #.
iv. 136.
exhilarating, P. X. ix. 1047.
exhorting, P. X. ii. if9,
exile, P. X. 1.632, ii. 207, x.
exil'd, P. X. iv. 106 ; $. A. 98,
exorbitant, P. X. iii. 177*
expanded, P. X. i. 225.
expanse, P. X. ii. 1014, iv. 456,
vii. 264, 340.
expatiate, P. X. i. 774.
exped, P. X. iv. 972, v. 892,
vi. 186, ix.382, xi. 226, 359,
xii. 384, 591 ; S. A. 1352,
1422 ; Lye. 84.
expectance, Vac. Ex. 54.
expectation, P, X. ii. 417, vi.
306, ix. 789, x. 536, 782, xii,
378; P. R. ii. 42, iii. 207.
expe&ed, P. X, v. 811, ix. 281,
x. 1048.
expeding, P. X. x. 439, 504 ;
P. R. iii. 192.
expedite, P. X. x, 474.
expedition, P. X. ii. 342, vi,
86, vii. 193 ; P. R. i. 101 ;
S. A. 1283.
expel, P.X. ii. 140; P. R. iv.
100, 127, 129.
expell'd, P. X. ii. 195, 983,
viii. 332.
experience, P. X. i. 118, v.
826, viii. 190, ix. 807, 988 ;
P,R. ill 238; S. A. 188,
382, 1756; IlPenf. 173.
experiene'd, P. X. i. 56s.
experiment, P. X. x. 967.
expert, P. X. v. 233 ; P. #. ii.
158; S.A. 1044.
expiate, P. X, iii. 207; 5. 4*
490, 736.
expiations, P. X. xii. 291.
expire, P.X.ii.93; Pf. lxxxviii,
expired, P.R. iv. 174,395,568.
explain, S. A. 1583.
explain'd, P. X. ii. 518.
exploded, P. X. xi. 669.
exploding, P. X. x. 546.
exploit, P. X. ii. Ill, iii. 465»
x.407;P.£. i. 102,
exploits, P. L. v. 565, xi. 790;
5.^.32, 525, 1492.
explore, P. L. ii. 971, vii. 95.
explores, P. L. ii. 632, vi. 1 13.
expofe, P. L. ii. 828, x. 130,
xii. 339; PR. i. 142.
expos'd, P. L. i. 505, ii. 360,
iii. 425, iv. 206, ix. 341, x.
407, 9-57 ; P. P. ii. 204, iv.
140; S.A.75.
expofes, P. L. ii. 27; S. A.
exprefs, P. L. ii. 480, iii. 3, v.
574, vii. 528, viii. 6l6, x.
926, xi. 354; P. P. i. 233,
ii. 332 ; Com. 69.
exprefs'd, P. L. iii. 140, vi.
720, ix. 554, 1 164, x. 67 f xi.
597; P.P. iv. 351.
expreffing, P. L. viii. 440, 544,
P. P. iv. 601.
expreflion, P. L. iii. 591, ix.
exprefsly, P. L. ix. 356, P. P.
ii. 3.
expreft, Arc. 12.
expulfion, P. L. vi. 880; P. P.
ii. 128.
expung'd, P. L. iii. 49-
exquifiteft, P. R. ii. 346.
extend, P. X. ii. 326, 493, v.
651, vii. 230, x. 804; P. P.
iii. 65, iv. 223; Pf. lxxxv.
extended, P. L. i. 195, ii. 885,
1047, iii. 557.
extends, P. L. ix. 108, xii.
extent, P. L. vii. 496, x. 808 ;
P. P. 406.
extenuate, P. L. x. 645; S. A.
exteriour, P. L. ix. 336, i
external, P. L. v. 103.
extinct, P. L. i. 141, ix. 829;
8. A. 70.
extin»uifh, V. L. iv. 666.
extinguiih'cl, 6'. //. 10*88.
extol, P. L. ii. 479, iii. 146,
iv. 436, 733, v. 164 ; P. P.
ii. 453, iii. 50.
extolld, P. L. iii. 398; P, R.
iii. 54.
extolling, S. A. 654.
extoll'ft, P. P. iv. 353.
extort, P. L. i. 111.
extorts, P.P. i.423.
extracted, P. L. viii. 497.
extracting, P. L. v. 25.
extraordinary, S. A. 1383.
extravagant, P. L. vi. 616.
extreme, S. A. 1342; C*v. 12, xvi.
3 i Pore. of Con. 9 i Od. Uor. 6.
faithful, P. L. i.264, 611, iv.
933, 950, 952, v. 896, 897,
vi. 204, 371, 803, ix. 265,
983, xi. 64, xii. 113, 152,
462, 481, 571; S.A.951,
1498, 1751; Lye. 121; Com.
944 ; Pf. cxiv. 1, exxxvi. 4,
faithfulnefs, P. L. iv. 951 ; Pf.
lxxxviii. 48.
faithlefs, P. L. iii. 96, v. 891;
S. A. 380.
Falerne, P.P. iv. 11 7.
fall, P.L. i. 16, 642, ii. 1 6, 76,
177, 203, 549, 773, iii. 95,
99, 128, 152, 201, 237, 619,
iv. 91, 101,260, v. 130, 241,
540, 542, 878, vi. 55, 285,
796, 872, 898, vii. 19, viii.
640, ix. 362,941, IO69, x.
16, 44, 184, 451, 1087, xi.
500, xii. 118,391 ; P.P. i.
373, ii. 88, 223, iii. 201, iv.
380, 561, 571, 620; S.A. 55;
Com. 251, 491 ; Od. Paff\ 49 ;
Od.D.F. 1.4*4; Ep.M. Win.
45 ; Pf. 1. 9, v. 29, vii. 60,
lxxxii. 23.
fall clown, P. R. iv. 166, 192,
fall off, P. L. i.30; S.A. 456.
fall out, S. A. 1265.
fall (hort, P.L. ix. 174.
fallacious, P. L. ii. 568, ix.
1046; P.P. iii. 4; X. iii. 130, iv. 731, v.
6l3, viii.551;P. it. iv.TO;
falfe, P. X. ii. 112, 522, 565,
700, iii. 92, 681, v. 694-, 809,
898, vi. 121, 271, ix. 306,
333, 355, 1011, 1068, 1070,
x. 452, 868, xi. 413, xii. 122 ;
P.il. ii. 179, iii- 69, iv 291,
320, 491 ; S. A. 227, 749,
824, 901 ; Lye. 153; Com.
Son. xi, 7 ; Od. on Time, 5 ;
Pf iv. 12, lxxxii. 6.
&lfhood, P. X. iv. 122, 811, x.
873, iii. 443 ;S. A. 955, 979;
Com. 281, 698.
falfe -imagin'd, Od. D. F. I. 72.
falfities, P. X. i. 367-
faltering, P. X. ii. 989, ix. 846,
x. 115; Pf. v. 25.
feme, P. X. i. 651, 695, ii. 346,
iii. 449, iv. 938, vi. 240, 375,
384, x. 481, xi. 386, 623,
698, 699, 793, xii. 47; P. -K.
i. 334, ii. 209, iii. 25, 47, 70,
100, 101, 289, iv. 371 ; S. A.
970, 1248, 1706, 1717 ; Lye.
70, 78, 84; Arc. 8, 41 ; Son.
viii. 6 ; xiii. 12 ; Ep. W. Sh. 5.
fem'd, P. L. iii. 568, xii. 332 ;
P. R. i. 34, iv. 59 ; S. A.
fcimiliar, P. L. ii. 219, 76l, ix.
2, xi. 305.
family, P. L.x. 216; P. R. iii.
families, P. X. xii. 23.
famine, P. L. ii. 847, x. 573,
597, xi. 472, 778 ; P. jR. ii.
famiih, P. L. xii. 78 •
famifh'd, P. il. ii. 311.
famous, P. X. iv. 234 ; P. JR. ii.
7, iv. 221, 241,267; <$.^.
145, 528, 542 ; ^rc. 28.
femoufeft, S, A. 982.
fan, P. X. v. 6, 269, x. 94.
fanatick, P. X. i. 480.
fancied, P. X. ix. 789-
fancies, P. it. iv. 292 ; II Pen/. 6.
fancy, P. X. iv. 802, v. 53, 102,
110, 486, viii. 188, 294, 46l,
ix. 1009; S.J. 601, 794;
Com. 548, 669; Od. Nat.
134; Od.Paf. 31; Vac. Ex,
32 ; Ep. W. Sh. 13.
Fancy's, L'Jl. 133.
fann'd, P. X. v. 655, vii. 432 ;
Pf. i. 11.
fanning, P. X. iv. 157; Xj/c
fans, P. X. vii. 476.
fantafies, Com. 205.
far, P. X. i. 507, 607, 79% ii.
1, 97, 133, 791, 1036, iii.
153, 154, 428, 501, 504, 621 r
iv. 288,453, 545, v. 648, 744,
757, vi. 79, 415, 551, 743,
vii. 71, 145, 220, 272, viii.
231, 359, 382, ix. 642, 772,
1012, x. 150,233,423,593,
xi. 783, xii. 45, 432, 464,
465, 533, 587 ; Ep. M. Win.
69 ; Vac. Ex. 70 ; Brut. 7 ;
Pf. lxxxviii. 70.
as far, P. X. i. 73, iv. 103,
x. 686.
as far as, P. X. i. 59, 138, ix.
79; P. it. iii. 272.
far abler, P. R. i. 151.
far away, Lye. 155.
far-beaming, Od. Nat. 9.
far be it, P. X. iv. 758.
far beneath, P. R. iv. 356.
far beyond, S. J. 527.
far different, P. it. iii, 89.
far diftant, P. X. ix. 576. Se§
far-fet, P. R. ii. 401.
far higher, P. R. iv. 521.
far more, P. it. ii. 483.
far and nigh, P. X. vi. 295 >-
P. it. iv. 123.
far other, P, it. ii. 132.
by far, P. L. iii. 529, vii,
359, viii. 598.
from far, P. L. iii. 570, vi.
487, x. 1077; P.R. iii.
303; Od. Nat. 22; Od.D.
F. I. 17.
how far, P. L. v. 828, ix:
615 ; S. A. 755 ; Son. xii.
far lefs, P. i. ii. 659, viii. 33,
ix. 3S1, xi. 874.
far more, P. L. iii. 311.
not far, P. X. i. 67 0, ii. 1007,
iii. 88, vii. 6l8, viii. 481.
far off, P. L. ii. 582, 636, 643,
1047, iii. 422, 494, 559, iv.
14, vi. 768, vii. 32, viii. 185,
x. 104, 211, xi. 121, 333,
727 ; P. P. iv. 547 ; Com.
229,456, 481; 11 Pen/. 74.
far other, P.L. x. 862, xi. 171;
S.A. 875; Com. 6 12.
far othenvife, P.L. vi. 398, viii.
529, ix. 984.
far remote, P. R. iv. 67.
far renown'd, S. A. 341.
far round, P. L. i. 666, ix. 482.
far worfe, P. P. iv. 320.
fo far, P. L. iii. 476,609, iv.
446, v. 457, 458, vi. 342,
vii. 369, viii. 102, 120, 156,
ix. 433, x. 281; P. R. i.
322, iv. 46 ; Od. Nat. 170.
this far, P. R. iv. 7.
thus far, P. L. See thus.
P. A. ii. 49.
too far, P.L. v. 213; P. P.
iv. 87 ; Cam. 193.
far and wide, P. L. ii. 519,
1003, iii. 614, iv. 579, v.
773 ; P. R. iii. 72.
far WOrfe, Sec worfe.
fare, P. L. v. 495, ix. 1028, x.
735; P.P. ii. 202.
fans, P.L. ii. 940, iv. 131 ,
P. R. iii. 443.
farewell, P. L. i. 249, ii. 492,
iv. 108, 109; S.A. 959.
farms, P. L. ix. 448.
fartheft, P. L. i. 247, ii. 103S,
iv. 892, xi. 401 ; P. R. iv.
69; Com. 227.
fartheft-off, P. P. iii. 397.
fafliion, Cow. 360.
fafhion'd, P. L. viii. 469.
faft, P. L. i. 12, ii.725,754,iv.
171, 190, 796, vi. 543, viii.
240, xi. 851, xii. 631 ; P.P.
ii. 247, iv. 480; S.A. 637 r
1432; II Pen/. 44, 46; Com.
Sl6;0d. Nat. 21 1 ; Od. Pajf.
21 ; Pf. vii. 37, lxxx. 38,
lxxxvii. 2, 20.
as faft, P. L, ii. 675, x. 542 r
xii. 639.
faft by, P.L. ii. 1051, iii. 354 ?
iv. 221, vi. 5, ix. 628, x.
faft-fleeping, P. L. ix. 182.
too faft, P.L.vi. 870, x. 319.
faften'd, P. L. x. 300; S. A.
fafting, P.P. ii. 243, 284.
fat, P.L. xi.439, 648; -S.A
fatal, P. L. ii. 104, 712, 725,
ix. 889, x. 4, 191, 364, xii.
99; P.P. i. 53, 441, iv. 205,
525 ; #. A. 1024 ; Lye. 100 ;
Son. x. 7; Od. D.F.I. 7.
fate, P. L. i. 11 6, 133, 448, ii.
17, 197,232,393,550,559,
560, 610, 809, iii. 33, 113,
120, v. 527, vi. 869, vii. l/3 y
ix. 689, 885, x. 265,480, xi.
181 ; P. P. iv. 26*5, 383, 317,
4/0 ; Arc. 67 ; Od. Nat. 149 ;
Od. D.F.I. 22; E V . M.Win.
13; Ep.Hobf.\\.30.
father, P. L. ii. 727, 743, 810,
864, iii. 56, 139, 143, 144,
154, 227, 262, 271, 372, 386,
401, iv. 495,757, v.246, 403,
596, 663, 735, 836, 847, 855,
vi. 96 } 671, 720, 723, 814,
UK), vii. 11, 137, 19^, 517,
588, viii. 298, 498, x. 32, 63,
66, 6S, 216, 1097, xi. 22, 45,
760, xii. 103, 487, 546 ; P. R.
i.l68, 175,236,486, ii. 414,
iii. 110, 153, 154, 185, 282,
iv. 596; £.^.355,3/3,448,
4S7, 1248 ; II Pen/. 2 ; Com.
57, 828 ; Son. x. 10, xx. 1 ;
Od. Nat. 7.
fatherlefs, Pf lxxxii. 9.
fatherly, P. L. xii. 63.
fathers, P. R. i. 351, iii. 379,
439; 5. A. 667, l4$5',Son,
xviii. 4.
father's, P. L. ii. 730, iii. 393,
398,415, vi. 710, x. 223, xi,
20, xii. 121 ; P. R. i. 31, 93,
283, ii. 85, 99, 259, iii- 175,
219, iv. 552, 603; S.A. 447,
602, 1432, 1459, 1506, 1717,
1733 ; Com. 35, 493, 9*7-
fathom, P. L. ii. 934.
fault, P.L. i. 609, iii. 96, 118,
x. 823, 938; 5.-4.241,431,
faults, P. L. x. 1089, 1101, xii.
faulty, P. L. xi. 509-
Faun, P. .R. ii. 191.
Fauns, Lye. 34.
Faunus, P. L. iv. 708.
Favonius, Son. xx. 6.
favour, P. L. i. 654, iii. 664,
vi. 462, 66l, vii. 72, viii. 202,
ix. 334, x. 1096, xi. 153, xii.
278, 622 ; P. R. ii. 430 ;
S. A. 273, 1357, 1412 ; Com.
184 ; Pf. iv. 30, v. 40, lxxxv.
1, lxxxviii. 8.
favourable, P. L. v. 507, xi.
169; 5.^.921.
favour'd, P. L. i. 30, ii. 350 ;
P. R. ii. 68,91; 5. .4.1046;
Com. 77.
favouring, 5. ^. 3720; Pf.
lxxxii, 7.
favourite, P. X. ix. 175 ; P;R*
iv. 95.
favours, P. L. ix. 949; S. ^>
fawn'd, P. L. iv. 959-
fawning, P. L. ix. 526,
fawns, P. L, iv. 404.
fayes, Od. Nat. 255.
fealty, P. L. iii. 204, viii. 344,
ix. 262,
fear, P. L. i. 558, 598, 788, ii,
627, 783, iv. 108, 190, 574,
822, 854, v. 98, 396, vi. 238,
393, 394, 397, 490, 494, 539,
912, viii. 168, 322, ix. 285,
286, 326, 702, 773, 989, x.
409, 780, 8] 3, 1000, 1024,
1082. xi. 139,212,234,361,
799, xii. 218, 305 562 ; P. R,
i. 66, 69, 223, 422, 451, ii.
47, 257, iii. 385, iv. 189,
196, 454 ; S. A. 740, 1065,
1234,1250, 1374, 1526 ; Com.
327, 364, 405, 410, 412, 565.
800 ; Vac. Ex. 67 ; Pf- ii. 23,
iii. 17, v. 19, lxxxv, 37,
lxxxvi. 39, 52.
fear'd, P. L. i. 628, ii. 82, 470,
v. 135, 905, ix. 331, 511,
536, 1006, x. 51 ; P. R. iv.
488 ; S. A. 79% 900, 939 f
1719; Com. 446.
no fear, P. R. iii. 2-06; Ii
Penf. 30.
without fear, P. R. iv. 617.
not fear'd, P. L. ii. 678, ix.
701, x. 119.
fearing, P. L. x. 340, xii. 15 ;
P. R. iv. 304.
fearlefs, P. L. i. 131, ii. 855,
iv. 14, v, 875, vi. 51, 804, ix.
57, 187, x. 811; S. A. 529,
fears, P. L. i. 275, 530, x. 842,
J003;P.il.i. 110, ii. 53, 64,
70, 467; S.A. 805, 1469;
Com.355 i 511,5\2;Od.Nat.
45 ; Vac. Ex. 27 ; Fore, of
Ccn. 18.
fear'it, P. L. ix. 282, x. 838.
feaft, P. L. vi. 167, ix. 37, xi.
592, 715, xii. 21 ; P. JR. i.
210, iv. 637; S.A. 12,434,
Lye. 117; L'-4/. 127; Com.
102, 479, 777; 5on. xx. 9;
Ep. M. Win. 1 8 ; Vac. Ex. 49 ;
Pf lxxxi. 12.
feaftful, 5. A. 1741 ; So/*, ix. 12.
feafts, P.L. i. 390, v. 467;
P. it. iv. 114; Com. 7*6.
feat, L'^/. 101.
feather'd, P. L. v. 284, vii. 420,
ix. 1117.
feathers, Com. 378.
feathery, Com. 347-
feafts, P. L. ii. 537 ; S.A. 1083,
1278, 1340, 1602.
feature, P. L. x. 279.
features, Com. 748.
fed, P. L. i. 68, 728, ii. 843,
iii. 435, iv* 240, v. 415, 467,
viii. 256; P. R. i. 350, ii.
110, 258, 313, iv. 593; Lye.
24, 125.
fee} Som x. 3, xii. 7-
feeble, S. A. 455 ; Com. 1022 ;
Otf. Pajj: 45.
feed, P. L. ii. 863, iii. 37, v.
417, ix. 597, 779, x. 604 ;
P. ii. ii. 421; S. A. 1562;
Com. 721 ; Pf. lxxxi. 6*5,
exxxvi. 85.
feeder, Com. 779.
fecd'ft, P/.lxxx. 21.
feeds, P. L. v. 416, vii. 490.
feel, P. L. i. 153, 336, ii. 101,
216, 340, 598, iii. 22,iv. 972,
v.892, vi. 157, viii, 282, 6*08,
.x. 120, 315, 680, 913, 955,
983, 1009, x. 243, 811, xi.
46*5, 775 ; P. Ii. i. 198,400,
ii. 252 ; & A. 9, 594, 662,
1155, 1381; Cow. 145, 800,
feel'ft, P. L. x. 951 ; P. it. iv»
feeling, P. L. x. 733 ; P. it. iii.
208 ; S. A. 96.
feels, Od. Nat. 221 ; Od.PaJf.338.
feet, P. L. i. 238, ii. 404, 949,
iii.31, 73, 4S6, i v. 183, 866,
v. 283, vi. 592, vii. 440, viii.
26*1,315, x. 190, 215,911,
942, xi. 759 ; P. R> iii. 224,
253, iv. 621; S. A.. Ill, 336,
732,931,950; IlPenf.155;
Com. 180, 310, 896 ; Od. Nat.
25, 146.
feign, P. R. i. 474.
feign'd, P. i. ii. 627, iii- 639,
iv. 96+ 706, v. 381* ix. 31,
439, 492, xi. 799 ; P- R- ii-
358 ; S. A. 752, 829, 871,
feign'dft, S.A. 1135.
feigning, P. X. xii. 517; P. #•
iv. 397.
felicity, P. it. iv. 297 ; Ep. M.
Win. 6S.
fell,P.L.i. 75, 445,461, 491 *
586, 679, 740, 743, 748, ii.
539,771, 826, 1006, 1023,
iii. 102, 129, iv. 39, 6*4, 230,
231, 905, v. 133, 434, vi. 190,
593, 614, 844, 871, 912, vii.
134, viii. 315, 458, x. 513,
539, 542, 570, 906, 912,1 099>
xi.446; P.R. i. 443, ii. 134,
150, iii. 332, iv. 295, 310,
415, 568, 571, 581 ; S.A.
144, 532, 1580, 1582 ; Com.
50, 53, 559; Pf ii. 10,
lxxxiii. 7, exxxvi. 40.
fell afleep, P. L. v. 92, xii. 614.
fell off, P. JR. iii. 415.
fell'd, P. L. vi. 250, 575 ; S. A.
fellow-fcrvant, P. L. viii. 225.
fellows, P. L. i. 606, ii. 428,
Vi. 160 ; Com, 485.
feilowfhip, P. L. viii. 389, 442,
xi. 80; P. R. i. 401.
felon, Lye. 91.
arch-felon, PL. iv. 179-
felonious, Com. 196.
felt, P. _L. i. 227, ii. 11, 543,
780, iv. 847, vi. 872, viii.
530, ix. 782, 846, 859, x,
36l, 362, 511, 541, 717.
1098 ; P.P. i. 89, 308, 1006;
S. A. 1257, 1636.
female, P. L. vii. 490, 530, viii.
150, ix. 822, 999, x. 897 ;
P. P. i. 151, ii. 219; S. A.
711, HI, 1055, 1060.
female troop, P. L. xi. 614.
feminine, P. L. i. 423, ix. 458,
x.893; S.A. 403.
fen, Com. 433.
fence, P. L. iv. 187; 5. ^. 937 ;
Com. 791 ; P/ Ixxx. 50.
fene'd, P. L. iv. 697, ix. 1119.
fencelefs, P. L. x. 303.
fenel, P. L. ix. 581.
fens, P. L. ii. 621, vii. 417-
ferment, S. A. 619.
fermented, P. L. vii. 281.
ferry, P. L. ii. 604.
fertile, P. L. i. 468, iv. 216,
645, v. 319, vii. 454, ix. S01;
P. ii. iii. 259.
fertility, Com. 729-
fervent, P. L. v. 849.
fervently, P. L. ix. 342; P. P.
iii. 121.
fervid, P. L. v. 301, vii. 224.
Fefole, P. L. i. 289-
teller, 5. .4.621.
fefter'd, S. A. 186.
feftival, 5. A. 1598 ; Ori. JVa*.
teftivals, P. i. vi. 94, xi. 723 ;
S. A. 983 ; Com. 848.
fetch, P. £. viii. 137 ; S. A.
921, 1731 ; Com. 708; ^rc.
54; Od.Nat, 135.
fetch'd, P. P. iv. 589; Ep.
Hob/. II. 18,
fetter'd, S. A. Il60, 1235 ; Od.
Nat. 234.
fetters, S. A. 35 ; Com. 8I9.
fever i(h, Cow. 8.
feverous, P. L. xi. 482.
few, P. L. iii. 496, vi. 148, vii.
31, x. 157, xi. Ill, xii. 13,
480; P.R. iii. 20, 59, 234;
S. A. 1400; Cow. 391, 771;
Son. ix. 3, xvii. 11.
Fez, P. L. xi. 403.
fickle, P. L. ii. 233, ix. 948 ;
S.^. 164; II Pen/ 10.
fie, Fac. Ex. 53.
field, P. L. i. 105, 611, 163, ii.
292, iii. 430, 513, iv. 186,
245, 265, 268, 980, v. 20,
136, 292, vi. 309, 410, vii.
19, 322, 335, 358, 495, 522,
ix. 86, 417, 520, 560, 575,
x. 176, 204, 275, 533, xi.
171,215,429,654; P.R. i.
9, 318, iii. 73, 268, 326, iv.
505; S. -4. 1087, 1094; Son.
xvi. 8 ; P/ viii. 20,
fields, P. L. i. 249, 520, ii. 493,
530, 768, iii. 460, 569, 606,
vii. 460, viii. 145, 301; P.P.
i. 243; Com. 60, 919; Son.
xviii. 11, xx. 2; Od. D.F.I.
40; P/ cxiv. 3.
fiend, P.L.i. 283, ii. 643, 671,
815, 917,947, iii. 430, 440,
498, 524, 588, iv. 166, 285,
393, 819, 857, 924, 1005,
1013, ix. 412, x. 20, 233, xi.
101 ; P. R. i. 465, ii. 323,
iii. 345, 441, iv. 194, 430,
499, 576; UAL 110.
arch-fiend, P.L.i. 156, 209.
fiends, P. L. iv. 953.
fierce, P. L. i. 100, 305, 336,
667, ii. 78, 219, 580, 599,
6l\, 898, iii. 399, iv. 128>
509, 871, vi.93, 201, 220,
356, 610, 765, 194>, 829, vii.
272, ix. 462, 471, x. 556,
703, 709, 739, 865, xi. 483,
641, xii. 631 ; P. R. i. 90, 284, 843, 847, in. 135, 348y
312, iv. 269,412 ; S. A. 6'12, 447, iv. 351, 827, v. 280, vi.
952, 985 ; Com. 426*, 6'54 ; 200, vii. 51, 257, x. 5?0. xi
6'ob. xvii. 4 ;P/ ii. ll,lxxxvi. 77, 888 ; P. ft. ii. 77 ; & A.
11 718, l6l3; L'J/. 23; Com.
fiercely, P. L. x. 478, xii. 593. lj)8, 550.
iiercenels, P. X. ix. 462. fill'd up, P. L. viii. 468.
fiercer, P. L. ii. 45 ; P. P. iv. filling, Son. xv. 2.
567- tills, P. L. iii. 731, vii. 88, xi.
fierceft, P. L. ii. 44, iv. 927, vi. 336 ; S, A. 552.
314; S.A. 127- film, P. L. xi. 412.
fiery, P. L. i. 52, 68, 173, 184, filth, P. L. x. 630.
377, ii- 180, 512, 531, 620, fin, P.R. ii. 345.
635, iii. 522, iv. 402, 978, vi. final, P. L. ii. 142,563, iii. 458,
17, 55, 80, 213, 215, 304, vi. 798, ix. 88, x. 1085, xi.
3.91,479, xii- 208,257, 492, 62, 493; P.R- i. 46l, iii.
644; P. R. i. 311, ii. 16, iv. 211; S.A. 11/1.
424, 581; 6'.^. 27, 549,1690; finally, P. L. iii. 150; S.A.
Od. Cir. 7 ; Pf. cxiv. 18. 1296.
fiery-wheeled, II Pen/. 53. find, P. LA. 165, 320, 648, ii.
fig-tree, P. L. ix. 1101. 83,344,403,525,802,1011,
fight, P.L. ii. 20, 914, iv. 945, iii. 24, 131, 145, 213, 227,
1003,vi.30,48,87, 234,243, 228, 453, 631, 671, iv. 448,
296, 308, 403, 423, 448, 454, 575, 796', 849, 938, v. 9, 28*
531, 537 , 687, 6*93, 786, x. 49, 93, 114, 429, 494, 531,
278, xii. 289,385,386; P. R. vi. 172, 341, 433, 453, vii.
iii. 307, 328, 344; S. //.llll, 31, viii. 97, 366, 375, 433,
1175, 1222, 1226, 1253; Pf. 438, 479, 523, 624, ix. 119,
lxxxviii. 19. 129,160,181,219,257,333,
fighting, P.L. ii. 1015, vi. 249; 370, 381, 414, 421, J071,
P. P. iv. 140. 1176, x. 52, 844, 894, 968,
figure, P. L. vii. 426, xii, 241, xi. 223, 890, xii. 40, 273,
figures, S. A. 105. 295, 522 ; P. R. i. 121, 459,-
file, Son. xi. 6. ii. 59, 131, 208, iv. 130, 333,
files, P. L. \.567, iv. 797, v. #77 ; S. A.40, 304, 423, 6l0 ¥
651, vi. 339, 599. 771, 1716, 1376; Lye. 73;
filial, P. L. iii. 269, iv. 294, vi. L'Al. 5 ; Arc. 1 2 ; Com. 204,
722, vii. 175, 587, xii. 306" ; 304, 500, 606,611 ; Vac. Ex.
P. R. i. 177 ; S.A. 511. 83 ; Brut. 11 ; Soph. 2 ; Pf.
fill, P. L. i. 350, iv. 507, 733, \ . 29, lxxxiii. 50, Ixxxiv. 14.
v. 389, 504, vii. lO's, 397, find out, P. L. ii. 4()6, x. 899;
531, viii. 101, 214, ix. 196, P. R. i 101 ; 11 Penf. 168 ;
595, 1005, 1012, x. 506, 892, Com. 307 ; Fore of Con. 13.
xii. 177, 17«, 558 ; P. R. iii. finding, P. L. iv. 8*99 ; 5. A.
332 ; 7/ Pc///! 4, 128 ; Com. 619 ! Ep. 7/o/;/' I. 11.
548, 931; Sou. i. 3, ix. 10, finds, P. L. iii. 228, iv. 92, v.
xiv. 14; Pf. exxxvi. 26. 531 ; P. R. i. 334, iv, 319 .
fill'd, P. L. i. 495, 707, ii. 129, S.A. 104.6.
&nd% P. L. v. 231, viii. 586;
P. R. i. 495, iv. 4S6\
finelt, Pf. lxxxi; 66.
in fine* 6'. A 702.
finger, P. Pc. i v. 42 8 iOrf.JV^. 95.
fingers, Lye. 4.
finger's, Cow. 914.
lingers', Pf. viii. 9;
fini'fh, P.L. iv. 66l.
finiih'd, P. L ii. 284, 815, iv*
727, v. 559, vi. 141, 522, vii.
548; S. A. 1710.
fi niftier, P. L. xii. 375.
finite, P. L. x. 802.
finny, C'ww. 115.
fins, P. L* vii. 401.
fir, P. L. iv. 139, vi. 574, x*
fire, P. L. i; 48, 77, 151, 229*
234, 280^298, 395, 612, 6'71,
701, ii. 67, 69, 88, 141, 176,
434, 520, 58 1 , 595, 600, 603,
647,9t2*.937, 1013, iii. 594,
715, v. 439, 893, vi. 50, 214,
245, 485, 546, 580, 849, 876,
ix. 392, 634, 1036, x. 1073,
1078, xi 217, 441, 472 ■, 566i
658, 900, xii. 182, 202, 203 ;
P.Ji.*ii.l24, iii.220, iv.201;
S. A. 1435 ; UAL 112; It
Pen/. 94; Com. Ill, 433;
Son. xx. 3 ; Od. Nat. 28, 159 ;
0(L D. f; T. 62 ; Vac. Ex. 40 ;
Pf. ii. 27, vii. 21, lxxx. 65,
lxxxiii. 53, lxxxv. 12*
fire, (verb) P. L. vii. 520.
fir'd, P. L. iv.557; S.A. 1419.
fires, P. L. i. 346, ii. 170, 213,
275, 401, iv. 667, v. 177,
417, vi. 413j 756, vii. 87, xii.
fires, (verb) P. L. ii. 709>.
firm, P. U i. 350, 554, ii. 56,
497, 589, iii. 75, 418, iv. 695,
873, v. 210, 502, vi. 6'9, 242,
399, 534, 911, vii. 267, 362,
443,586, ix. 286, 359, 1160,
x. 295, xi. 71, xii. 127; P.#.
i.4, iv. 292, 534; Com. 588;
Son. xv. 5, xvii. 13; Pf. ii.
firmament, P. L. ii. 175, iii. 75,
574, iv. 604, vi. 757, vii. 26l,
264, 274, 344, 349, 390, viii.
18, xi. 206; Com. 598; P/.
viii. 11.
firmer, P. L. xi. 498.
firmed, S. A. 796.
firmlier, S.A. 1398.
firmly* P. I* vi. 430.
firmnefs, P. L. v. 324, ix* 279,
firft, P. I.i.1,8,19,27,28 33,
376,514,656,6S4,ii. 19, 129*
690, 740, 742, 760, 1002,
1037, iii- 64, 129, 131, 134,
356, 372, 383,419, 464, 549,
562,634, 656, iv. 9> 12, 121,
192, 244, 356, 408, 409, 430,
528, 570, 624, 643, 710, 757,
921,935, 947, 999, v. 124,
137, 16*5, 265, 418, 472, 659,
660, vi. 18, 92, 151, 153, 154,
164, 26'1, 327, 394, 661, 724,
774, vii. 63* 86, 244, 255,
260, 354, 355, 370, 384, 484,
501* 636, viii, 90, 96, 284,
288, 297, 530, 555, 633, ix.
25, 70, 97, 170, 171, 204,
213j 261, 305, 368, 383, 412,
1162, 1186, x,39, 109, 172,
316, 326, 402, 582, 604,652,
707,831,950, xi. 55, 57, 136,
168, 182, 188, 277, 423, 467,
572, 587,591,789, xii. 173,
498; P.R. i. 155, 157, 187,
221,277, 319, ii- 107, 133,
244, 328, 427, iii. 1SS, 195,
278, 295, 363, iv. 129, 176,
293,504; 5.^.219,773,781,
1071, 1435, 1548, 1562,1578,
1594; ij/c.48; UAL 114;
£ 2
• llPenf. 51; Com. 46,82,325,
4&9, 672, 963 ; Son. i. 6, xiii.
2 ; Otf. JVaf . 26, 155 ; Od. Cir.
3,25; Od. Sol. Muf. 24 ;
Vac. Ex. 2, 11. See father,
firit-begot, P. P. i. SO-
firft-born, P. L. i. 48.9, 510, iii.
1, xii. 189; S.A. 391, 1576;
P/. exxxvi. 37.
firft-created, S. A. 83.
at firft, P. P. i. 114; 5. ^f.
883, 1035.
at the firft, P. P. ii. 59-
firft-fruits, P. L. xi. 22, 435.
firftlings, P. L. xi. 437.
firft-mov'd, P. i. iii. 483.
Firft- Mover's, P. L. vii. 500.
iifli, P. L. i. 463, vii. 401, 447,
503, 521, 533, viii. 341, 346,
395, x. 604, 711, xii. 67;
P. P. ii. 344; Pf. viii. 21.
fifhermen, P. R. ii. 27.
fifty, P. L. iv. l6'S.
filt, S.A. 1235.
fit, P. L. ii. 306, iii. 454-, 643,
iv. 816, 953, v. 69, 148, 315,
348, 6*90, vi. 303, 543, 876,
vii. 31, viii. 390, 448, 450,
ix. 89, 489, x. 139, 242,
626, 899, xi. 271,571, xii.
597 ; P. P. i. 73 ; II Pen/.
78 ; Arc. 76 ; Com. 546, 700,
792 ; Od. Pafs. 42 ; Od. D.
F. L 46 ; Vac. Ex. 32.
fitly, P. L. viii. 394; Of/. Pafs.
fits, & .4. 929, 1237, 1318;
Brut. 10.
fitter, P. />• xi. 98, 262.
iittclt, P. L. ix. 89; P.R. iv.
fitting, P. P. iv. 219.
five, r« /-. v. 104, 177, x. 6*57.
fix, P. /,. i. 382, xii. 432;
TlPenf. 41- Pf. Ixxxvii. 20.
fix'd, J'. L. i. 97, 206, 56(),
723, ii. 18, 560, iii. 481, 629,
669, iv. 465, v. 176, 621/
vii. 586, viii. 3, ix. 735, 952,
ll6(), x. 295,553,661,773,
xi. 851, xii. 555, 627; P. R>
i. 127; S. A. 726, 1481,
1637; Com. 819; -S'ow.ix. 9;
OJ. IW. 701, 241.
fixed, IlPenf. 4.
fixes, P. L. iv. 28 ; Com. 529.
flag, P. L. ii. 900 J Com. 604.
flail, UAL 10S.
flame, P. L. ii. 889, iv. 784,
v. 807, 891, vi. 483, 584,
766, ix. 637, x. 232, 1075,
xi. 120; P. R. iii. 26; 5. A.
262. 1351 ; Cww. 129, 79o ;
Orf. JVo/. 81; Ep.M. Win.
20;P/lxxxiii. 55.
ftam'd, P. L. i. 62, x. 562;
P.P. i.216.
Flamens, Of/. Nat. 194.
flames, P. L. i. 62, 1S2, 222,
ii. 61, 172, 214, 754, iii.
470, vi. 58, 75 1; S.A. 1433 ;
Lye. 171 ; UAL 6l ; Com.
flaming, P. L. i. 45, 664, iii.
394," iv. 554, v. 598, 875, vi.
17, 102, 213, vii. 134, viii.
162, ix. 156. xi. 101, 216,
xii. 592, 643; Od. Cir. 1.
flank, P. J,, vi. 570.
flaring, IlPenf 132.
flaming, P. L. vi. 751.
flamy, Lye. 123.
flat, P. L. i. 46*1, ii. 143, ix.
627,987; P.P. ii. 223, iv.
363 ; S. A. 595 ; Com. 375.
flatly, P. L. v. 8 19.
flatter, P. R. i. 474.
flatter'd, P. L. x. 42 ; 0. M. Win. 295, vii. 389, xi. 547, 650 ;
39; jy. lxxx. 45, lxxxi, P. J£. i. 440, ii. 75, iii, 2l6,
66. iv. 629; S. A. 1541; Cvm.
flower-inwoven, Od. Nat. 187, 939, 9?6 t 1013; Son. vii. 3,
flower'd, P. L. vii. 317- xviii. 14; Od. Nat. 236; Or/.
flowerets, P. L. v. 379, 636, vi. on Time, 1 ; Vac. Ex. 28 ; P/.
784 ; Lye. 135. vii. 1, lxxxiv. 15, lxxxviii.
flowering, P. L. v. 293. f 1.
flowers, P. L.i. 771, ii. 245, 359, % back, Od.D. f. I. 60.
iv. 241, 256, 26*9, 334, 438, flying, P. L. ii. 574, 643, 942,
451, 709, v. 126, 212, 482, iv. 913, v. 688, vi. 214,536,
636, viii. 44, 286, 527, ix. vii. 17, 429, x. 276, P. 7i,
193, 278, 408, 437, 840, iii. 323; 6'. A. 254; Com.
1039, x. 603, 679, xi. 273, 829-
327, 594; P. R. ii. 356; fly'it, P. L. iv. 482, v. 175.
5. A. 9S7, 1742; Lj/c. 47, foam, P. L. i. 203, vi. 512.
141 ; L'Al. 147 ; Com. 994 ; foaming, P. L. vi. 391, x. 301,
Ep. M. Win. 57. xi. 643.
flow is, (verb) P. L. iii. 357. foe, P. L. i. 122, 179, 64.9, »•
flowery, P. L. i. 410, iii. 30, 72, 78, 152, 202, 210, 369,
56"9, iv. 254, 626, 772, viii. 463, 722, 769, 804, 1039,
254, ix. 456, xi. 881; P. R. iii. 179, iv. 7, 372, 373, 749,
iv. 247, 586; II Penf. 143; v. 724, vi. 129, 14-9, 363,
Com. 239; Od. May-M. 3; 530, 537, 551, vii. 139, ix.
Vac. Ex. 84; Ariojt. 1. 15, 253, 280, 295, 323, 327,
flowery-kirtled, Com. 254, 36 1, 383, 486, 9^1, x. 11,
flowing, P. L. iii. 640, iv 496, 431, 926, 1033, 1038, xi.
v. 444, x. 910. xi. 846; 155; P. /(. i. 10, 387, 56l ;
P. R. ii. 436; II Ten/. 34; 8. A. 8S-1, 1 193, 1262. 146%
Ep. llubf. II. 31. 1518 ; Od. J). F. 1. 66 ; Vac-
flown, P. L. i. 502, vii. 503, x t Ex. 83 ; P/l vii, 12, lxxx. 26.
422. arch-foe, P. I,, vi. 259*
rocs', S. A. 366.
foes, P. L. i. 437, ii. 504, iii.
258, 3.99, 677, v. 735, 876,
yi. 39, 402, 440, 487, 603,
627, 688, 785, 831, 880, xi.
703, xii. 453; P. It. i. 159;
S. A. 109, 423, 424, 1529,
1586, 1667; Cow. 449; Pf
iii. 1, 21, vii. 21, viii. 6,
lxxx. 8, lxxxi. 57, lxxxiii.
5, lxxxvi. 62.
fog, Com, 269, 433.
foil, P. L. x. 375, xii. 389;
P. It.iv.569; Lye. 79 1 Pf-
cxiv. 10.
foil'd, P. L. i. 273, ii. 330, vi.
200, viii, 608, ix, 1076;
P. R. i. 5, iv. 565 ; P/.
exxxvi, 65.
foils, P. it iv. 13.
iold, P. X. ii. 651, iv. 187,
192, ix. 499 ; S. A. 1665 ;
Lye. 115; Com. 93, 498,
542 ; Sort, xviii. 6, 13.
folded, Com. 343; 0
foreign, P. L. iii. 548, x. 441,
xii. 46; Com. 265 j Vf. lxxxi.
foreknew, P. L. iii. 117-
foreknowing, P. L. xi. 773.
foreknowledge, P. P. ii. 559,
560, iii. 116, 118, xi. 768.
forela,nd, P. L. ix. 514.
forelock, P. X. iv. 302 ; P. it
iii. 173.
foremoft, P. L. ii. 28.
forerun, P. L. i. 677.
forerunners, P. L. xi. 195.
forerunning, P. L. vii. 584.
forefaw, S. A. 737 ; Pac. Ex,
forefeeing, P. L. i. 627, iii- 79-
forefeen, P. L. iii. 121, vi. 673,
xi. 763.
foreiight, P.L. i. 119,xi.368.
forefignify, P. it. iv. 464.
forelkins, S. A. 144.
forett, P. L. i. 547, 613, 782,
iv. 342, vii. 458, ix. 117,
xi. 189; P- P- ii. 359, iii.
208; Pf. viii.20.
forefts, // Pen/ 119 J Cow. 423.
foreftall, Com. 362.
foreftall'd, P. L. x. 1024.
foreflalling, Cow. 285.
foretafted, P. P. ix. 929-
foretel, P. P. xii. 242 ; P. It.
iv. 375 ; -Sow. i. 10.
foretold, P. L. ix. 1171, x. 38,
191,482, 1051, xi. 771, xii.
327, 328, 329, 543 ; P. R. i.
238, 239, 453, ii. 87, iii. 351,
iv. 204, 478, 502 ; S. A. 23,
44, 525, l6()2.
forewarn, P. L. ii. 810, vii. 73 f
ix.6l, xii. 507.
forewara'd, P. L. vii. 41, ix.
forewarning, P. L. x. 876.
forfeit, P. L. iii. 176, x. 304;
S. A. 508 ; 0d. Nat. 6.
forfeiture, P. L. iii. 221.
forge, P. L. iv. 802, xi. 564.
forgery, S. A. 131 ; Com. 698.
forget, P. L. iii. 32, 415, iv.
512, 639, v. 550, ix. 474, xi.
878 ; II Penf. 42 ; Com. 76 ;
Son. xviii. 5.
forgetful, P. X. ii. 74, iv. 54.
forgetfulnefs, P. L. ii. 608.
forgets, P. X. ii. 585, 586.
forgive, S. A. 761,787, 954;
Pf. lxxxv. 8.
forgiven, P. L. x. 956.
forgivenefs, 5. ^. 909, 1376,
forgot, P. L. ii. 747, xi. 807;
S. A. 479; ^o». xxii. 3; Orf.
JVaf . 67.
forked, P. X. x. 518, 519.
forlorn, P. X. i. 180, ii. 6l5,
iv. 374, vii. 20, ix. 9 10, x.
921 ; UAL 3 ; Cow. 39 ; Pf
Ixxxviii. 26.
form, P. L. i. 591, ii. 532, iii.
605, iv. 876, vi. 433, ix.
457, x. 214, 543, 872 ; P. P.
iv. 364, 599; Com. 70, 215;
Son. xi. 2 ; Od. JVa*. 8.
form'd, P. X. i. 705, iii. 124,
iv. 297, 365, 441, v. 516,
824, 853, vi. 690, vii. 276,
356, 524, viii. 469, 596, ix.
149,392, 898, xi. 369, 571.
former, P. X. ii. 234, 585, iv.
94, v. 658, viii. 290, ix.
1006, xii. 105; S. A. 372,
416, 1510.
formidable, P. X. ii. 649.
forming, P. X. viii. 470.
formlefs, P. X. iii. 12, 708.
forms, P. X. i. 358, 481, 789,
iii. 717, v. 105, 457, 473,
573, vii. 455, viii. 223, xii.
534; P. R. iii. 322; Com.
forfake, P. X. i. 368, x. 914,
xii. 118 ; Od. Nat. 198 ; Pf.
Ixxxviii. 57.
forfaken, P. X. v. 878 ; Lye.
forfook, P. X. i. 432, xi. 516;
Od. Nat. 13 ; Od. D. F. I.
fort, S. A. 236.
forth, P. X. v. 712, vi. 749, ix.
413, 847, x. 463, xi. 97,
175, 261, 313; P. R. i. 1,58,
189, ». 43, iii. 305, iv. 62;
S. A. 804; Cow. 710; Pf.
lxxxv. 51.
from forth, S. A. 922.
forth-crept, P. X. vii. 320.
forth-flourim'd, P. X. vii. 320.
forth-iffued, P. X. ii. 786.
forth -iffuing, P. X. iv. 779? ix.
forth-reaching, P. X. ix. 781.
forth-rum, P. X. x. 704.
forth-runYd, P. X. x. 456.
forth-llepping, P. X. vi. 128.
forthwith, P. X. i. 221, 356.
535, 755, ii. 5S5, 874, iii.
326, 327, v. 86, 586, 630,
vi. 335, 507, 637, vii. 243,
399, viii. 271, 291, ix. 724,
x. 1098, xi. 855, xii. 56;
P.R. ii. 236 ;S.^. 329-
fortify, P. X. x. 370.
fortitude, P. X. ix. 31, xii.
570 ; S. A. 654, 1284; Son.
xvi. 3.
fortunate, P. X. iii. 569.
Fortune, P. R. iv, 317; Sba.
xvi. 5.
fortune, P. #. ii. 429; S. A.
169, 172, 1093, 1291.
fortunes, Ep. M. Win. 72.
forty, P. R. i. 303, 352, 353
ii. 253,276,315,316.
fought, P. X. i. 578, ii. 45,
768, vi. 29, 220, 355, 666,
xii. 26l.
foughten, P. X. vi. 410.
foul, P. X. i. 33, 135, 446, 555 f
ii. 651, 748, 793, iii. 177,
692, iv. 118, 571, 840, vi.
124, 388, 588, 598, ix. 6,
163, 297, 328, 329, 331,
1078, x. .086, xi. 51, 124,
46'4, xii. 337; P.P. iii. l6l,
iv. 426; S. A. 371, 902;
Lye. 127; Com. 74-, 383, 464,
608,645,696; Od.Nat.A\;
Od. D. F. I. 14 ; Ep. Hobf.
1.3; Hor. 1.6; Pf lxxxvi.
found, P. L. i. 237, 333, 513,
524, 525, ii. 296, 424, 56l,
617, iii- 308, 310,411, 443,
498, 591,615, iv. 174,450,
799, 875, 900, v. 18, 48,
406, 501, 513, 742, 848, 896,
vi. 19, 420, 500, 513, 518,
635, 694, vii. 298, 302, viii.
240, 254, 288, 309, 4l6, 435,
594, ix. 69, 85, 182, 232,
288, 301, 597, 874, 932,
1053, 1116, x. 256, 420,
480, 816, 888, 969, 970,
1001, xi. 137, 350, 456, 566,
673, 800, 876, xii. 224,
537, 608; P. R. i. 104,
207, 252, 262, ii. 9, 10, 59,
$7, J 31, 154, 273, 283,301),
iii. 230, 305, iv. 217, 346,
373, 447, 532 ; S. A. 20,
193, 387, 425, 789, 1047,
1461 ; II Pen/. 93; Com.
323,579; Od. Pa(i: 25,43;
Ep. M. Win. 16; Pf. v. 37,
viii. 14, lxxxiv. 10.
found out, P. h. i. 621, 703,
iii. 275, viii. 355; P. R. iv.
foundation, P. L. iv. 521 ;
Com. 808 ; Pf. vii. 30,
lxxxvi i. 2.
foundations, P. L. vi. 613, 870;
Od.Nat. 123; Pf. lxxxvi. 19.
founded, P. L. i. 427, iv. f55 t
vii. 230, 618, xii. 550; P. R.
iii, 295, iv.613 ; S.A. 1504;
Dante II. 1.
foundci'd, P. L. ii. 940.
found'ft, P. L. ix. 407 ; & A.
fount, P. L. iii. 357, 535, iv. 237,
xi. 279; P. R. iv. 590.
fountain, P. L. i. 783, iii. St,
375, iv. 229, 760, v. 203,
vii. 8, 364, ix. 73, 420, 597,
628, xi. 78, 322 ; P. R. ii.
184, iv. 289; S. A. 547,
581 ; Lye. 24, 84 ; Co/a. 912.
fountain brim, Com. 119-
fountainleis, P. P. iii. 264.
fountain -fide, P. X. iv. 326\
531, vii. 327-
fountains, P. L. v. 126, 195,
x. 860, xi. 826; Pf. lxxxvih
28, cxiv. 14.
four, P. L. ii. 51 6, 57 4>, 575,
898, iv. 233, v. 192, vi. 753,
827, 845, xi. 128, 737 ;
P. R. iv. 415.
four-footed, P. L. iv. 397-
four-hundred, P. P. i. 428.
four-times, P. L. ix. 65; P. P.
ii. 245,
four-vifag'd, P. P. vi. 845.
fourth, £.,4.402.
fowl, P. P. vii. 389, 398, 447,
451, 503, 521, 533, viii.
844, 395 y x. 274, 604, 710,
xii. 67; P.P. ii. 342; S..A.
16'95 ; Pf. viii. 21.
fowls, P. L. v. 271 ; P. ii. i.
501 ; & ^. 694.
fragile, P. P. iii. 388.
fragrance, P. L. iii. 135, iv
()53 f v. 286, viii. 266, ix.
fragrant, P. L. iv. 645, 695, v.
37.9; P- P. ii. 351 ; CW,
frail, P.JE.ii. 375, 1030, iii. 180,
404, iv. 11, vi.345, IX.&40;
S. t. 056; Lye. 153; Com.
8 ; 0d. Cir. 19.
frailty, P. J,, x. 956, xi
$. A. 369, 783 ; Com. (>\S(>.
frame, P, L ii. 924, iii. 895,
v. 154, vii. 273, viii. 15, 81;
/'/: lxxxvi. 30.
&&md, P. X. iv. 691, v. 256,
460, vii. 355, xii. 249.
frames, P. X. v. 106.
JFrancifcan, P. X. iii. 480.
fraternal, P. X. xii. 26,
fraud, P. X. i. 401, 646, iii,
152, iv. 121, v. 880, vi. 555,
794, vii. 143, ix. 55 y 89, 285,
287, 643,904, 1150, x. 485,
873 ;P.#.i. 97, 372, iv. 3;
S. A. 76 ; Son. xv. 13,
fraudulent, P. L. iii. 6*92, ix.
531 ; P. P. iv. 609.
fraught, P. X. ii. 715, v. 66l,
vi. 876, x. 346, xi. 207;
P.P. i. 38, iii. 336; S. 4-
1075 ; Com. 355.
full-fraught, P. X. ii. 1054.
fray,P,X. ii. 908,iv. 996,xi. 65 1 .
freak'd, Lye. 144.
free, P. X. i. 259, ii. 19, 255,
551, iii. 99, 124, iv. 68,415,
434, 747, v. 235, 527, 549,
791, 792, 819, vi. 292, 451,
vii. 171, viii. 440, 6l0, 641,
ix. 351, 352, 671, 802, 825,
x, 999, xi. 513, xii. 71, 90,
92, 304; P. P. ii. 48, iii.
175, 284,358, iv. 102, 131,
143, 145; .5.^.317, 1235,
1412, 1572; UAL 11, 40,
149; Arc. 34; Com. 818,
1007, 1019; Son. xii. 10, xvi.
13; Fore, of Con. 6; Eurip.
2 ; Pf. lxxx. 34, Ixxxi. 22,
27, lxxxvi. 23, 47.
free-born, Eurip. 1.
get free, P. X. vii. 464.
not free, P. L. iii. 103, v.
532, vi. 181, ix. 372.
free-will, P. L. ii. 560, iv. 66,
v. 236, viii. 6S6 y ix. 1174, x.
freed, P. L. viii. 182, ix. 140;
P. R. i. 220, iii. 102, 428 ;
Son. xv. 11; Pf. vii. 12,
Ixxxi v. 9, lxxxvi. 46, exxxvi.
freedom, P. X. iii. 109, 128, iv t
294, v. 797, vi. 169, viii.
434, ix. 762, xi. 580, 798,
xii. 95 ; P. R. i. 62, iii. 77 ;
S. A 1715; Com. 663; Son,
xii. 9.
freely, P. L. iii. 102, L75, 240,
iv. 72, 381, v. 538, 539, vi.
565, vii. 540, viii. 322, 443,
ix. 732, 988 ; P. R. iii. 126;
S. A. vii. 1373; 0d. Pafs.
freeze, P. L. i. 7l6.
freez'd, Com. 449.
freezing, Od. D. F. I.\ 6.
French, Son. xxi. 8.
frequence, P. R. i. 128, ii. 130.
frequent, P. X. i. 797, iii. 534,
vii. 148, 504, 571, xi. 317,
83S; S.A. 275.
frequented, P. L. xi. 722.
frequenting, P. L. x. 1091,
frelh, P. X. i. 771, ii. 1012,
iv. 229, 326, 623, v. 20,
125, 203, vi. 784, viii. 274,
467, 515, xi. 135, 845,
xii. 15, 423 ; P. R. iv. 435,
567, 570 ; S. A. 10, 547,
1317; Lye. 29, 138, 193;
Com. 670 ; Son. xx. 7; Pf
lxxxvii. 27.
frefh-blown, UAL 22.
freflieft, P. X. ix. 1041.
frefhet, P. R. ii 345.
fret, P. X. vii. 597 ; Son. ix. 7.
fretted, P. X. i. 717-
friars, X'.4/. 104.
friend, P. X. v. 229, ix. 2, x.
11, 60; S. A. 334, 492,
1263; Com. 949; Sow. xxii.
10. P/. lxxxviii. 69.
friendliefl, P. X. v. 668.
friendly, P. X. iv. 36, vi. 22,
viii, 9, 651, ix. 56*4, 772;
S. A. 1078, 1508; Com. 160,
282, 488, 67S.
friends, P. X, i. 264, iv. S66,
vi. 38, 609, xii. 129; P. R>
ii. 422, 425; S.A. 187, 189,
193, 202, 6*05, 1196, 1730;
Com. 76; Son. ix. 12; P/.
lxxxvii. 13, Ixxxviii. 33.
friendship, P. X. xi. 796; S..4.
friers, P. X. iii. 474.
frieze, Com. 722.
fright, P. X. xi. 121 ; J/ Pen/.
frighted, P. X. i. 543, ii. 994;
Com. 553.
fringed, P. X. iv. 262.
fri Iking, P. X. iv. 340.
frith, P. X. ii. 919.
frivolous, Com. 445.
frizzled, P. X. vii. 323.
frock, S. A. 133.
frogs, P. X.xii. 177; 6'on. xii. 5.
frolick, UAL 18 ; Com. 59.
front, P. X. i. 563, ii. 302, 683,
iv. 300, 865, vi. 558, 569 t
6ll, vii. 509, ix. 330, xii.
592, 632 ; S. A. 497 ; Od.
Nat. 39 ; Od. Pa/s. 18.
front to front, P. X. ii. 716, vi.
fronted, P. X. ii. 532.
frontier, P. X. i. 466.
frontiers, P. X. ii. 998.
frontifpiece, P. X. iii. 506.
fronts, Cow. 30.
frore, P.L.ii.595.
froft,P.L.xi. 899;^-^. 1577;
Lye. 47.
froth, P. JR. iv. 20.
froth-becurled, PJ\ cxiv. 8.
froune'd, 7/ Pen/. 123.
frown, P. X. ii. 713, 720, iii.
424, vi. 26() ; S. A. 9^8;
Com. 446, 666 ; P/. lxxx. 59,
frown'd, P. X. ii. 719-
frowning, P.L. ii. 106, iv.924;
P/. lxxxv. 19.
frowns, Com, 667.
frozen, P. X. i. 352, ii. 587,
602, 620 ; Son. xx. 7.
frugal, P. X. v. 324, viii. 26 ;
P. R. iv. 134.
fruit, P. X. i. 1, iv. 147, 219,
249, 422, 644, 652, v. 58, 67,
83, 341, 482, 635, vi. 475,
vii. 311, 325, 540, viii. 307,
320, ix. 577, 588, 6l6, 621,
648, 656 y 659, 661, 686, 731,
798, 851, 869,904,924,929,
972,996,1011, 1023, 1046,
1073, 1101, x. 4, 13, 550,
565, 687, 1053, xi. 86, 125,
413, 535, xii. 184; Com. 186,
396; Ep. M. Win. 30; P/
fruit-tree, P. X. vii. 311.
fruit-trees, P. X. v. 213.
fruitage, P. X. v. 427, x. 56l.
fruitful, P. X. iii. 337, v. 388,
vii. 396, 531, viii. 96; S.A.
181 ; P/. Jxxxiv. 23.
more fruitful, P. X. v. 320.
fruition, P. X. iii. 307, iv. 767 r .
fruitlefs, P. X. v. 215, ix. 648,
fruits, P.L. iii. 67,451, iv. 148,
331,332, v. 304, 390, 464,
viii. 44, 147, 212, 527, ix.
745, x. 603, xi. 26,285,327,
xii. 551 ; P. .R. ii. 356, 369,
iv. 30, 589; Com. 712; P/
lxxxv. 52. See firft-fruits.
fruftrate, P. X. ii. 193, iii. 157.
ix.944,xi. 16; P.R. i. 180;
S. A. 589, 1149-
fruitrated, P. R. iv. 609.
fry, P. X. vii. 400.
fuel, S.A, 1351 ; P/. ii. 27.
fuell'd, P.L. i. 234.
fugitive, P. X. ii. 700, iv. 923,
ix. 16 ; P. R. ii. 308.
fugitives, P. X. ii. 57-
fugue, P. X. xi. 563.
fulfil, P. X. i, 431, iii. 157, vi.
*>75, 729, ix. 230, xi. 573,
xii. 402, 404 ; P. R. iii. 177.
fulfill'd, P. X. v. 245, vi. 729,
vii. 635, viii. 491, xi. 602 ;
P.R. i. 126, iii. 182, iv. 381;
£. ^. 45, l66l.
fulfilling, P. L. xii. 396; P. H.
ii. 108 ; Od. Nat. 106.
fulgent, P. X. x. 449.
full, P. X. i. 372, 660, 797, ii.
24, 147, 388, 688, iii. 332,
378, iv. 29, 687, v. 517,
556, 639, 720, 862, vi. 622,
720, 826, vii. 70, 377, viii.
232, ix. 62, 802, 819, 1126,
x. 65, 503, 951, xi. 815,
xii. 301, 473; P.R, i. 67,
128, 267, 287, 303, ii.34,
130, 201, iii. 383, iv. 582 ;
S. A. 214,310,526,805, S69,
1574; Com, 59, 175, 711,
772, 925 ; Son. xxiii. 8 ; Od.
Nat. 166; Od. Cir. 23; Od.
D.F.I. 10; Vac. Ex. 70 ;
Ep. Hobf. I. 7 ; P/ ii. 19,
iii, 11, lxxxi. 44, lxxxiii.
8, lxxxv. 32, Ixxxvii, 14,
Ixxxviii. 30, cxxxvi. 18, 53,
at full, P. X. i. 641.
full-grown, P. L. vii. 436 ; P. R.
ii. 83.
full-high, P. X. i.536.
full-oft, S.A. 759; Arc. 42.
full-orb'd, P. X. v. 42.
full foon, P. X. ii. 805, vi. 834.
fuil-fumm'd, P. R. i. 14.
fully, P. X. viii. 180, x. 79,
374; P.H. i. 4; S.A. 1712.
fulmin'd, P. P. iv. 270.
fufnefs, P. X. iii. 225 ; P. jR. iv.
fume, P.L. iv. 168, viii. 194.
fum'd, P. X. xi. 18.
fumes, P. X. ix. 1050; 5. ^.
fuming, P. X. v. 6, vii. 609.
fianaions, & .4. 596*
funeral, S. ^. 1732; Ep. M*
Win, 46.
fur. Com. 707.
furies, P. X. ii. 596, 67 1, vi.
859, x. 620 ; P. #. iv. 422.
furies', Com. 641.
furious, P. L. iv. 4, vi. 86, 357,
vii. 213, viii. 244, xi. 854 ;
S.A. 836; P/l lxxxiii. 5.
furlongs, Com. 946.
furnace, P. X. i. 62, ii. 888,
furniture, P. L. ix. 34.
furrow, Com. 292.
further, P. X. iv. 174, 533, x.
555, 1062, xi. 193, 839, xii.
620; S.A. 520, 1252,1499;
Arc. 39; Com. 321, 580.
further on, S. A. 2.
no further, P. L. x. 170, 793.
Fury, Lye. 75.
fury, P.L. i. 179,235, ii. 6l,
728, 938, v. 808, vi. 207, 591,
x. 240 ; Pf. vii. 22.
future, P. X. ii. 222, iii. 78, v.
582, vi. 429, 502, vii. 183,
486, x. 345, 840, xi. 114,357,
764, 774, 870; P. R.u 396i
Vac. Ex. 72.
gabble, P. L. xii. 56.
Gabriel, P. X.iv. 549, 561,781,
865, 877, 886, 1005, vi. 46,
355,ix.54;P.il.i.l29,130 ?
iv. 504.
Gades, P. R. iv. 77.
gadding, Lye. 40.
Gadire, S. A. 716.
gain, P. X. i. 190, ii. 1009, vi.
907, viii. 122, ix. 332, x.901,
xii. 199, 223; P.R. i. 397 j
ii. 419, 435, 486, iii. 29, iv,
211; S. A. 835; Od. on
Time, 8.
gain'd, P. X. i. 471, iv. 512, v.
174, viii. 435, ix. 529, x, 373,
y02; P. R. i. 3P1, ii. 435;
6'o/i. ix. 14.
gaining, P. X. xi. 768 ; P. R.
iv. 471 ; Son. xx. 5.
gains, P. i,. iii. 428, v. 324, ix.
'gainll, P. L. i. 470, vi. 224;
Com. 640; £/>. Hobf.il. 8;
Dtf/rfe II. 2.
gainfay, P. L. ix. 1158.
gait, II Penf. 38.
Galafp, £orc. xi. 9-
galaxy, P. L. vii. 579-
gale, P. R. ii. 364.
gales, P. L. iv. 156, viii, 515 ;
Od.Hor. 11.
Gallia, P. P. iv. 77-
Galilean, P. R. iii. 233; Lye*
Galilee, P.P. i. 135.
Galileo, P. L. v. 262.
gamboll'd, P. L. iv. 345.
game, P. L.vi. 667, xi. 714, xii.
30; P. R. ii. 342; S. A.
games, P. I,. iv. 551, ix. 33 ;
5.^. 1312, 1602.
gamefome, P. L. vi. 620 ; Com.
'gan, P. L. vi. 60, ix. 10l6, x.
710; P.P. iv. 410.
Ganges, P. L. iii. 436, ix. 82,
gangreen, S.A. 621.
Ganymecl, P.P. ii. 353.
gap,"P. L. vi. 861.
gap'd, P. L. vi. 577.
gaping, P. L. ii. 440.
garb, P. L. ii. 226 ; Com. 759-
garden, P. L. iii. 66, iv. 209,
v. 260, 368, 752, vii. 538, viii.
299, 321, 326, ix. 206, 660,
662, x.98, 116,746, xi.97,
118,222, 26l ; P. R. i. I.
garden-plot, P. L. ix. 41 8.
garden-trees, P. L. ix. 657-
gardens, P. L. iii. 568, ix. 439;
P. It iv. 38;!/ Paif 50, 98I.
gardening, P. L. i v. 328, ix. 205-
gardening-tools, P.L. ix. 391.
garifh, 11 Penf. 141.
garland, P. JL ix. 840, 892 ;
Com. §50; Ep. M.Win. 21.
garlands,- P. L. iii. 362, iv. 709,
xi. 594.
garrifon'd, S. A. 1497.
garrulity, S. A. 49 1.
gall), P. L. vi. 331.
gafp, Sow. xi. 11.
gate, P. L. ii. 873, iii. 515, 687,
iv. 178, 542, 568, 579, 870,
v. 253, 254, vii. 411, ix. 389,
x,298,41S,xi. 190, 230, xii.
571, 638, 643; S.A. 560.
See heaven, hell, palace.
gates, P. L. i. 171, 761, ii. 436,
63 1 , 645, 648, 684, 776 , 853,
S84, iv. 382, 89$, 9o7, vi.4,
vii. 206, 565, viii, 331, 241,
x. 230, 231, xi. 640, 66 1 ;
P.P. iii. 287, 311, iv. 6l,
624; S
344, 1070, xi. 537; P.P. iii.
301 ; Com. 595.
gathering, P, L. iv. 269.
gathers, P. L. ii. 590, v. 343,
xii. 631.
gaudy, II Penf. 6; Cum. S51 ;
Od. Nat. 33;
gave, P. L. i. 736, iv. 144, 350,
380, 787, v. 858, vi. 402, vii,
175, 541, viii. 514, ix. 266,
748, 783, 9.96, 1001, 1()66,
x. 122, 143, 430, 650, xi.4Q,
72, 182,2/7,339, 497, xii.
67 ; P.P. 1.66; S.A. 236 ,
822, 1054, 1140; Com. 419,
553 ; Son. xxiii. 3 ; Ep. llobf
II. 11 ; Ariqjl. 4.
gave heed, P. L. iv. 969.
gave up, P. R. i. 069.
gave way, P. L. v. 252.
Gaul, Brut. 8.
gauntlet, 5. A. 1121.
gav'it> P. X. ii. 865, vii. 493*
x. 138.
gay, P. L. i. 372, iv, 149, 942,
vii. 444, viii. 274, ix. 428, xh
582, 615, $66; S.A. 712;
Lye. 47 ; II Pen/. 8 ; Com.
?99, 790.
gayeft, P. X. xi. 18&
gay'ft, Fac. £5;. 21.
Gaza, S. A. 41 , 435, 981, 1558.
1729, 1752,
Gaza's, P. L. i. 466.
gaze, P. L. iii. 613,671, iv. 356,
613, v. 47, vi. 205, ix, 524,
535,539,578,611; SiA.34,
567 ; Arc. 43 ; Com. 736 ;
Od. Nat. 70.
gaz'd, P.L. v. 57, 272, viii. 258,
ix. 735, xi, 845 ; P. H. u
414; Com. 54.
gazing, P. L. iv. 351.
gear, Ohm. 167.
Gebal, Pf. lxxxiii. 25.
Gehenna, P. L. i. 405.
gemm'd, P. L. vii. 325.
gems, P. L. i. 538, ii. 271, iii*
507, iv. 649, vi.475, xi.583*
P. R. iii. 14, iv. 119; Com,
22, 719.
general, P. L. i. 421, ii. 481,
773, iii. 328, iv. 144, 492,
659, xi. 76; S.A. 1524.
generally, P.P. i. 387.
general's, P. X. i. 337-
generate, P. L. vii. 387, x. 894.
generated, P. L. vii. 393.
generation, P. L. i. 653, vii.
generations, P. L. xi. 344.
generous, P. P. ii. 479 J Si A,
Genezaret, P. P. ii, 23,
genial, P. X. iv. 712, vii. 282,
viii. 59S ; 5. A. 594.
Genius, I#c. 183; IlPenf. 154;
Otf. JVa*. 186.
Gentiles, P. L. iv. 277* xii.
310; P.P. i. 455, iii. 425,
\\i 227, 229 ; 6'. A i 150,500;
py.ii. 1.
gentle, P. 2*. iii. 585, iv. 156,
308, 337, 366,404, 488, 806,
v. 37, 130, viii. 287, 515,
648, ix, 527> x. 93,919, xi,
188, 421, xii. 435, 595;
P. R. iii. 215 ; Lye. 19 ; Arc.
26 ; Com. 236,271, 304, 337,
681, 824, 900 ; Son. viii. 6;
Od. Nat. 38.
gentlenefs, Co?n. 843.
gentleft, P. R. ii. 364.
gently, P. L. i. 529, iii. 583,
iv. 259, vii. 81, viii. 293, ix.
431, xi. 298, 758 ; II Penj\
60 ; Com. 575.
Germans, P. R. iv. 78.
Geryon's, P. L. xi. 410.
gefture, P. L. u 590, viii. 489,
ix. 460.
geftures, P. X.- iv. 128 ; Com,
get, P.L. xii. 45; P.P.ii.427»
iv. 193 5 S.A. 798.
ghaftly, P. L. ii. 846, vi. 368,
xi. 481 ; Com. 641.
ghoft, Com. 434 ; Od. Nat. 234.
ghofts, P. P. iv. 422.
giant, P. L. i. 576, 778 ; S. A,
1181 ; Vac. Ex.93.
giant-angels,; P. L. vii. 605.
giant-brood j S. A. L247.
giantfhip, S, A. 1244.
giants, P. L. iii. 464, xi. 642,
688 ; S. A. 148 ; Brut. 9>
Gibeah, P. L, i. 504.
Gibeon, P. L. xii. 265.
Gibraltar, P. L. i. 355,
Gideon, P. R. ii. 439;
giddy, UAL 141 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 164, 182, 185, 186, 187; S;A*
51. 121,359,378,578; Od.Nat.
gift, P. L. iv. 735, v. ip, 366, 78.
vi. 626, ix. 540, 806, x. 138, given up, P. L. x. 488.
xi. 340, xii. 138 ; P. R. ii. giver, P. £. viii. 493 ; P.R. ii.
381, iii. 116, iv. 169 ; S. A. 322 ; Com. 775.
47, 49, 577, 1354, 1500 ; givers, P. L. v. 317.
^rw/?. 3. gives, P. X. v. 119, 403, 404,
gifts, P.L. iv. 715, v.317, viii. viii. 171, ix. 40, 686; Com.
220, 494, x. 153, xi. 57,612, 26; Ep. Hobf. II. 11 ; Pf.
636, xii. 500; P. it. ii. 137, lxxxiv. 42.
391 ; S. A. 358, 589, 679, giving, P. L. iii. 299, vi. 730.
1026; Com. 754, ; SW. xix. giv'ft, P.L. ix. 810.
10. glad, P. L. ii. 1011, iii. 270,
gigantick, P. L. xi. 659; S. A. 630, iv. 150, v. 29, 92, vi.
1249- 258, vii. 291, 386, viii. 245,
gilded, P. L. iv. 53 ; Com. 95. 322, ix. 528, 625, x. 383,
gilds, P. L. iii. 551, vii. 366. 777, xi. 20, 507, xii. 375 ;
gills, P. L. vii. 415. P. R. i. 477, ii. 53, iv. 441 ;
gins, S. A. 933. S. A. 924, 1444 ; Lye. 35 ;
gird, P. £. vi. 542, viii. 82, ix. Arc. 39 ; Son. xxiii. 3; Pp.
1113. Hobf. 1.6.
gird on, P. L. vi. 714. glade, P. L. iv. 231, ix. 1085;
girded, P. -L. ix. IO96 ; P. P. Com. 79-
i. 120. glades, // Penf. 27.
girt, P. L. iv. 276, v. 281, vii. gladlier, P. L. vi. 731, viii. 47.
194, ix. 1116; S.A. 846, gladly, P. L. ii. 1044, vi. 21,
1228, 1415 ; Com. 214, 602 ; viii. 226, ix. 966, x. 775, xi.
Od. Nat. 202 ; Ep. Hobf 1. 1. 332, xii. 366 ; S. A. 259 ;
give, P. L. ii. 14, 153, 157, iii. Com. 413 ; P/I lxxx. 75.
318, iv. 381, 841, v. 206,485, gladnefs, Pf. iv. 32.
693, 822, viii. 319, 339, ix. gladfome, Pf. lxxxiv. 26,
805, 818, xii. 12, 392; P. P. exxxvi. 1.
ii. 393, iv. 104, l6l, 163, glance, P. L. vii. 405, viii. 533,
16*4,315; S.A. 1264, 1453; ix. 1034, xi. 442; S.A. 1284;
UAL 151 ; II Penf. 175 ; Com. 884; Pf lxxxvii. 27-
Com. 243, 276 ; Od. D. F. I. glanc'd, P. L. x. 1054.
76; P/^ v. 1, lxxx. 2, lxxxiv. glancing, Com. 80.
30, lxxxvi. 18. glare, P. L. iv. 402.
give ear, P. L. ix. IO67. glar'd, P. L. vi. 849, x. 714;
given, P.L. i. 347, 776, ii. P.P. h 313.
332, 715, iii. 103, 243, iv. glafs, P. I. i. 288, v. 26l, xi.
430, 56l, 1007, v. 454, 523, 844 ; 11 Penf. 113 ; Com. 65,
740, vi. 322, 887, viii. 386, 651 \ Vac. Ex.71 ;Pf exxxvi.
545, ix. 10, 951, x. 244, 385, 49.
xi. 255, 502, xii. 66, 282, glariy, P.L. vii. 6l9; Com. 86l ;
287, 300, .519 ; P. P. i. 37, Pf cxiv. 17.
431, 442, iii. 251, iv. 104, Glaucus', Com. 874.
glaz'd, P. L. iii. 590.
gleam, P. L. iii. 499, iv. 46l,
xii. 257 ; Com. 225.
gleaming, P. P. iii. 326.
glebe, P.P. iii. 259.
glibb'd, P. P. i. 375.
glide, P. L. v. 200, vii, 402, ix.
glides, P. L. xii. 630.
gliding, P. .L. iv. 555, xi. 568,
xii. 629-
glimmering, P. L. i. 182, ii.
1037, iii. 429; U Pe/if. 27 ;
Od. Nat. 75.
glimpfe, P. L. i. 524, iv. 867,
vi.642, viii. 156; L'A1.107.
glimpfes, P. P. i. 93.
glifter'd, P. L. ix. 643.
glittering, P. L. iii. 550, iv.
645, 653, viii. 93, xi. 247;
Lye. 79; Com. 219.
glitter, P. L. x. 452.
glittering, P. _L. i. 535, iii. 366,
iv. 656, v. 291, 592; P.P.
iv. 54; Arc. 81; Od. Nat.
globe, P. L. i. 291, ii. 512, iii.
418, 422, 498, 722, iv. 723,
vii. 280, x. 671; P.P. i. 365,
iv. 581; Od.Nat. 110.
globes, P. L. v. 259, vi. 590.
globous or globofe, P. L. v.
649, 753, vii. 357.
gloom, P.L. i. 244, 544, ii.400,
858, vii. 246, x. 848 ; llPmf.
80; Com. 132; Od.Nat.77-
gloomieft, P. L. x. 716.
gloomy, P. L. i. 152, ii. 976,
iii. 242, iv. 270, vi. 832;
P. P. i. 42 ; S. A. 161 ; Cow.
470,945; Pf lxxxviii. 51.
gloried, S. A. 334.
glories, P. L. i. 573, 719 ; Od.
Nat. 143.
glorified, P. P. iii. 113.
glorify, P. L. iii. 695, vi. 725,
vii. 116; Od.Nat. 154 ;P/.
lxxxvi. 32.
glorious, P. i. i. 89, ii. 16,
179, iii. 376, 612, 622, iv. 39,
292, 658, v. 153, 309, 362,
567, 833, vii. 370, 574, viii.
464, ix. 961, 1177, x. 391,
474, 537, 721, xi. 211, xii.
334; P.R. i. 8,242, iii. 70,
71, iv. 45, 546, 634; S.J.
36, 363, 855, 1130, 1581,
1660 ; Son. xiv. 12, xvi. 4 ;
Od.Nat. 8; Pf. vii. 27, viii.
2, 24.
more glorious, P. L. vi. 39,
xi. 213.
moll glorious, P. L. iii. 139.
glorioufly, P. L. iii. 323, 655 ;
P.R. iv. 127; 5.^. 200,
glory, P. L. i. 39, 110, 141,
370, 594, 612, ii. 265, 386,
427, 484, 564, iii. 63, 133,
164, 239, 312, 388, 449, iv.
32, 838, 853, v. 29, 719, 738,
839, vi. 290, 383, 422, 680,
vii. 182, 184,187,208,219,
499, viii. 12,ix.l35,ll]5, x,
64, 86, 226, 386, 451, 722.
xi. 333, 384, 694, xii. 172,
371, 456,460, 477,546;P.P.
i. 93, 454, ii. 48, 227, 38 ,
iii. 25, 59, 60, 69, 88, 100,
148, 150, 236, 383, iv. 89,
315, 371, 536; S. A. 167,
179, 475, 597, 680, 1099,
1148, 1429; Lye. ISO; Com.
592 ; Od. Cir. 20 ; Ep. M.
Win. 61 ; Pf. iii. 7, iv. 8, vii.
16, lxxxiv. 42, lxxxv. 39 f
cxiv. 6.
glorying, P. L. iii. 239.
glorv's, P. R. iii. 46; S. A.
glofs, P. L. v. 435 ; S. A. 948.
glofiy, P. L. i. 672.
glow, Od. Nat. 75.
glow'd, P.L. iv. 604, viii. 6l8,
ix. 427, 887.
glowing, P. L. iii. 594, v. 10;
Lye. 145 ; II Pen/. 79 J Cow.
gloz'd, P. L. iv. 543.
glozing, P.L. iii. 93; Com.l6l.
glut, P. L. iii. 259, vi. 580, x .
990 ; Od. on Time, 4 ; Pf. iv.
glutinous, CW. 917.
glutted, P. L. x. 6'33.
gluttonies, P. P. iv. 114.
gluttonous, P. L. xi. 533.
gluttony, Com. 7/6.
gnaftiing, P. L. vi. 340.
gnaw, P. L. ii. 799-
go, P. L. ii. 456', 826, 100S, v.
118, 229, 313, vi. 44, 275,
710, viii. 646, ix. 372, 373,
382, 1156, x. 71, 177, 265,
409, xii. 201, 594, 615, 6l7 ;
P.R. i. 340; S. ,4.954, 961,
1427, 172'5; Lye. 108; LAI.
33; ,4/c 78; Od. Nat. 76;
Pf. v. 1 8, lxxx. 51, 73, lxxxv.
53, lxxxviii. 67-
go on, P. L. xii. 537 ; Com. 779'
goal, P.L. ii. 531; Cow. 100.
goary, Lye. 62.
goat, P. L. ix. 582 ; Cow. 71.
goats, P. L. vi. 857. xii. 292 ;
S.A. 1671.
goblin, P. L. ii. 6S8 ; L'Al.
105 ; Com. 436.
God, P. L. i. 12, 201, 369, ii.
378, 499,622,6*78, 1033, iii.
3, 77,135,316, 341, iv. 152,
2 1 5, 225, 299, 427, 6*12, 622,
636, 6:37, 676, 722, 738, 746,
884, v. 60, 350, 430, 491,
524, vi. 175, 176, 184, 343,
638, 718,796, vii. 232, 243,
249, 259, 26l , 263, 282, 304,
831, 336,337,346*, 352, 387,
. 1-50, 51. ■),. 069, 626, Mil.
112,119, UJ5, 219,227, 231,
353, ix. 1, 102, 107, 23* r
351, 356, 375, 556, 65Q r 65&,
662, 692, 700, 701, 826, 91 1,
927, 938, 943, 948, x. 101,
799, 888, 931, 1022, 1045,
xi. 75, 350, 5/S, 704, 737,
836, 877, 885, xii. 48, 92,
106, 118, 120, 174, 200, 209,
227, 245, 281, 284, 296, 3 1 8,
339, 349, 382, 562, 6*11 ;
P.P. i. 293, 442, 460, ii.250,
253, 311, 475, iii. 426, iv.
203, 304, 348, 495 ; S. A. 58,.
273, 295, 356, 36*8, 437, 440,
441,462,465, 473, 477, 509,
515,517,529, 555, 581, 667,
999,1140, 1145, 1150, 1155,
1503, 1 527, 1532, 1621 ; Son.
xix. 7, 9, xxi. 14 ; Od. Nat„
199; Od.Sol.Muf. 26; Ep.
M. Win. 18; Od. Hor. 16 ;.
P/'iii.6, 19, iv. 2,v.4,9, 16,
29, vii. 1, 7,38, 39,43, 44,
lxxx. 14, lxxxi. 3, 1 5, 38, 39;
41, lxxxri. 1, 25, lxxxiii. 2,
3, 49, lxxxiv. 8, 16, 27, 30,
31, 37, 41, lxxxv. 13, 29,
lxxxvi.7,36';41, 49, lxxx vii.
20, lxxxviii. 1.
God alone, P. L. iv. 202.
God of Hotts, Pf lxxx. 17, 30,
57, 78, lxxxiv. 29, 45.
God of Ifrael, P. R. ii. 42.
from God,. P. L. i. 73, ii. 694,
v. 6*13, 877, vi. 52, 279, ix.
262, xi. 867, xii. 66, 170,
478; P..P.i.238,iii.4l6,
iv. 350,491 ; S. A. 1170.
of God, P. L. v. 26, 42, 383,
402,470,496, ii.49,629,.
iii. 10,6'95, iv. 209, 320,
660, v. 117,26*0,322,447,
536,643,647,650,814, vi.
5,29, 36,68,88, 133,321,
770,803,834, vii. 55, 176,'
200, 235, 527, viii. 67, ix. 717, xii. 427 ; P< R. u
226, ix. 291, 344, 618, 188, 386, Hi. 21, iv. 348,
775, 945, 1081, x. 6, 97, 602 ; S.A. 28 ; Od. Pqf. 24.
i 724, 828, xi. 104, 145, God's, P. L. i> 366, 473, ir.
148, 377, 508, 622, 799, 649, 655, iv. 192, 067, v. 62(>,
817, 880, xii. 235, 307, 883, vi. 811, vii. 226, 5/0,
333, 382, 397, 402, 510, ix. 897, xi. 521, 525, xii.
579, 633 ; P. R. i. 207, 457 ; S. A. 292, 497, 1053 ,
350, 368, 379, ii. 67, 179, Son. xvi. 6 ; Pf lxxxiii. 4/.
iv. 197, 310, 520; S.A. gods, P. L. i. 116, 138, 240,
70, 201 , 222, 293, 378,454; 384, 435, 475, 48 1 , 489, 508,
Pf. lxxxii. 22, lxxxvii. 9. 509, 570, 579, 629, 720, ii.
See Houfe, Son. 108, 352, 391, 868, iii. 341,
the God, P.L. iv. 33, ix. 506 ; iv. 526, 714, v. 70, 71,77, 81,
Pf. lxxxvi. 53, exxxvi. 6* \l 156, 301, 366. 452, 453,
to God, P. L. iii. 306, 531, vii. 329, ix. 100, l64, 48p,
684, iv. 749, v. 512, 520, 547,708,710,712,714,716,
822, vi. 144, viii. 168, ix. 718, 804, 838, 866, 937, x.
280, x. Ill, xii. 73, 239, 90, 502, xi. 271, 696, xii.
477; P.P. ii. 14, iii. 138, 120, 122, 129; P. -R. i. 117,
141, iv. 303, 315 ; S. A. ii. 171, iii. 81, 430, iv. 06,
31, 451 ; Od, D. F. I. 74; 342 ; S. A. 545, 859, 896,
Sen. 2 ; Pf lxxxi. 1, 2. 899 ; H Penf. 46; Arc. 22,
with God, P. L. v. 461, 763 f 67, 79 ; Com. 11,24, 70, 176,
xi. 707, xii. 134; P. R. iii. 445,1007; Od. Nat. 211,
433;5.^.463, 835, 1719; 224; Od. D. F. I. 14; 0d.
Son. xiv. 2. Hor. 6; Pf. viii. 15, lxxxii,
a God, P. L. iii. 470, vi. 99. 3, 22, lxxxvi. 25, 27, exxxvi,
as God, P. R. iv. 192. 6.
as a God, P. L. ii. 478. demi-gods, P. L. i. 796, ix.
goddefs, P. L. ii. 757, v. 78, 937.
381, vii. 40, ix. 547, 732; goes, P. L. iv. 469, xi. 290 ;
L'Al. 11 • //Pew/. 11, 132 ; S. A, 904 ; Ep. M. Win. 25 ;
Arc. 18 ; Cow. 128, 267, 842, Pf v. 24.
865, 902 ; Orf. D. F. I. 48 ; going, P. L. ix. 1157, xi. 290.
Brut. 1. gold, P. X. i. 372, 483, 682.
goddefs-like, P* L. viii. 59, ix. 690, 717, ii. 4, 271, 947, -iii.
389. 352, 506, 541, 595, 6*08, 642,
goddefles, P. L. xi. 6l5 ; P. P. iv. 220, 238, 496, 554, 590,
ii. 156. v. 187, 282, 356, 442, 634'
godhead, P> L. ii. 242, iii. 206, 759, vi. 13,110,475, vii.'4o6,
vi. 722, vii. 175, 586, ix. 790, 479, 577, ix. 429, 501, 57 8,
877, xii. 389; 5. A. 1153 ; xii. 2£0, 253, 363 ; P. P. i'.
Od. Nat. 227. 251, ii. 425, iv. 60, 118,548 ;
godlefs, P.L. vi. 49, 811. S. A. 389, 831, 849, 958,
godlike, P. L. i. 358, ii. 511, 1 114 ; Cok. 394; Son. x: 3;
iih 307, iv. 289, v. 351, vi. Od. Nat. 135 ; Od. Hor. 9.
67, 301, vii. 110, viii. 249, golden, P. L. i. 538, 715, yty),
h 2
ii. 328, 1005, 1051, iii. 337,
365, 572, 625, iv. 148, 249,
305, 763, 997, v. 255, 713,
886, vi. 28, 102, 527, vii.207,
225, 258, 365, 597, 600, xi.
18, 24, 392 ; P. R. ii. 459,
iii. 277, iv. 74; Lye. Ill;
L'Al. 146 ; 11 Pen/. 52 ; Com.
Son. xiv. 7, xvii. 8 ; Vac. Ex.
3S ; Od. Hor. 4.
golden- trefled, Pf. exxxvi. 29-
golden-winged, Od. D. F. I. 57-
Golgotha, P. L. iii. 477.
Goliah, 5.^.1249.
gone, P. L. iii. 544, iv. 994, v.
91, vi. 670, ix. 1055; P. R.
ii. 10,39, 116, iv. 459; S.A.
1350 ; Lye. 37,38 ; Ep. Hobf
II. 33 ; Pf. lxxxii. 21.
gone forth, P. L. v. 885.
gone well, P. L. xi. 781.
gonfalons, P. L. v. 589.
good, P. L. i. 159, 163, 165,
418, ii. 152, 253, 562, 623,
848, 940, 1033, iii. 310, iv.
44,48, 109, 110, 203, 222,
414, 838, 895, v. 63,71,153,
-826, 827, 878, vii. 188, 191,
249, 309, 337, 353, 395, 512,
543, 549, 556, 6l6, viii. 93,
324, 361, 443, 445, 651, ix.
1 22, 233, 234, 354, 465, 605,
967,973, 1072,1139, H54,
x. 138,618,752,758, xi. 35,
85, 87, 89, 142, 358, 493,
616, 685, 710, 809, xii. 47,
336, 470, 47 1 , 476, 538, 565,
696,612; P.R. 1.204,381,
iii. 11, 57, 88, 114, 125, 133,
139, 21 1, iv. 525, 535; S. A.
350, 811,867, 1048, 1 l6'3,
1381,1454, 1537, 1538 ; Lye.
J 84 ; Arc. 33 ; Com. 277,307,
489, *97, 609, 658, 665/703,
704, 740, 764, 765 ; Son. x<
1, xi. 4, xii. 12, xiv. 5, xxu
10; Od. D.F.I. 56; Od. on
Time, 14 ; Od. Sol. Mvf 24^
Vac. Ex. 59 ; Ariojl. 4; Hor.
I. 1; Pf. iv. 15, 26, lxxx.
70, lxxxiv. 43, lxxxv. 50,
lxxxvi. 13, 6l.
as good, P. R. i. 437.
goodfieft, P. L. iv. 147, 323,
viii. 304, xi. I89.
goodly, P. L. iii. 548, viii. 15,
ix. 576, xi, 509; Com. 968.
good-morrow, L'Al. 46.
goodnefs, P. L. i. 218, iii. 158,
165,688, iv. 734, 847, v. 159,
xii.469;P.#.iii. 124; 5.^.
76O ; Com. 849 ; Son. xxiii.
11 ; Pf vi. 8, lxxxv. 25.
good-will, P. L. vii. 182, xii.
477 ; Pf v. 40.
gor'd, P. L. vi. 387.
Gordiau, P. L. iv. 348 ; Vac.
Ex. 90.
gore, P. L. xi. 460 ; S. A. 1728,
gorge, P. L. iii. 434.
gorg'd, P. L. x. 632.
gorgeous, P. L. ii. 3, v. 250,
vi. 103, ix. 36 ; P. R. iv.
114; S. A. 1119; H Penf
97 ; Com. 777.
Gorgon, P. L. x. 527 ; Com. 447.
Gorgonian, P. L. ii. 6ll, x.
Gorgons, P. L. ii. 628.
Goriien, P. L. i. 309.
gofpel, Son. xvi. 14.
got, P. /,. i. 365, ix. 594, 1072,
xi. 87, 579; P. R- ii. 28,
64; Son. xii. 8; Od.D.F.L
9; Ep.Hobf 1.6.
govern, P. L. v. 802, vii. 30,
510, 546; P. R. iv. L35.
govern'd, P. />. vi. 706.
government, P. L. x. 154, xii.
88, 225; P. i{. iv. 358;
Cum. 25.
governows, S. A. 242.
governs, P. L. ii. 910, vi. 178;
P. R. ii. 477, iii. 112.
gourd, P. L. v. 327, vii. 321.
gowns, Son. xvii. 3.
grace, P. L. i. 1 11, 218, ii. 238,
499, 1033, iii. 131, 142,145,
302, 401, 639, iv. 94, 298,
364, 490, 845, vi. 703, vii.
573, viii. 43, 215, 222, 488,
x. 767, 1081, IO96, xi. 3,
23, 255, 359, 890, xii. 305,
478, 525 ; P. R. i. 68, ii. 34,
176, iii. 142, 205, iv. 312;
I7AI. 124; Arc. 104; Com.
243, 451, 938 ; Son. vii. 13 ;
Vac. Ex. 10 ; Pf. lxxx. 13,
29, 77, lxxxiv. 42, lxxxvi.54.
grac'd, P. L. xi. 168.
graceful, P. L. ii. 109, viii. 600,
ix. 459, x. 1066 ; P. H. ii.
graces, P. X. ii. 762, iii. 674,
v. 15 ; P. R. ii. 138 ; S.^.360,
679; Ep.M, Win. 15.
Graces, (the) P. L. viii. 6l ;
HAL 15; CW986.
gracious, P. L. iii. 144, v. 134.
viii. 337, 436, x. 118, 1047,
xii. 271; S. A. 1173; Pf
lxxxvi. 1.
gracioufly, PfAxxxv. 1, lxxxvi.
gradual, P. L. v. 483, ix. 112.
grain, P. L. iv. 8 17, v. 285,
430, vi. 515, viii. 17, ix.
450, xi. 242, xii. 184; S. A.
408 ; II Pen/. 33 ; Com. 750.
grand, P. L. i. 29, 122, ii. 507,
iv. 192, v. 149, x. 427,
1033 ; P. R. i. 159.
grand-child, P. X. x. 384, xii.
153, 155.
grandeur, P. R. iv. 110.
grandfire, 6'ow. xxi. 1.
granges, Com, 175.
grant, P. £. v. 831 -, Com, 36 1 ;
Pf. ii. 16, Ixxxi. 44; lxxxvi.
granted, P. jR. ii. 302.
granting, P. I». iv. 104 ; S. A,
grants, P. L. xii. 238.
grape, P. L. iv. 259, v. 307,
344 ; Com. 46.
grapes, Pf. lxxx. 56.
grapple, P. it. iv. 567.
grafp, P. L. iv. 989; Com. 357.
grafped, P. L. i. 66'7'
grafping, P. L. vi. 836.
grafs, P. L. iv. 350, vii. 310,
315, ix. 450, 502 ; Com. 624 ;
Od.Nat. 215.
grafly, P. L. iv. 601, v. 391, vii.
463, ix. 186, xi. 324, 433;
P. P. ii. 282; Cow. 280.
grate, P. L. ii. 881 ; Lye. 124.
grateful, P. L, iv. 55, 165, 647,
654, v. 645, vi. 8, 407, vii.
512, viii. 55, 650, ix. 197,
580, xi. 323, 442, 864; S.A.
more grateful, P.L. iv. 331,
viii. 606.
gratefully, P. L, viii. 4, xi. 370.
gratify, P. L. x. 625.
gratitude, P. L. iv. 52 ; P. R.
iv. 188.
gratuiate, P. R. iv. 438 ; C. ikf. Win.
47 ; P/*. v. 28, vi. 10, lxxx viii.
12, 20.
gravely, P. L. iv. 907.
graven, P. L. i. 716, xi. 573.
graver, Vac. Ex. 30.
graveft, P. #. iv. 218.
gray, P. L. iii. 475, iv. 598,
v. 186, vii. 373, xi. 540, xii.
22/ ; P. 11- i. 498, iv. 427 ;
Lye. lS7;L'AL7l;^rc.54>' 9
Com. 392.
gray-fly, Lye. 28.
gray-headed, P. L. xi. 662.
gray-hooded, Cotn. 188.
graze, P. L. vii. 404, ix. 571,
grazed, P. L. i. 486.
graz'd, Cow/. 152.
grazing, P. L. iv. 253, xi. 558.
great, P. L. i. 24, 62, 118, 294,
ii. 137, 202, 258, 385, 392,
452,515, 527, 722,922, iii.
696, iv. 62, 63, 212, 684, v.
544, 560, 583, 609, 660, 663,
vi.95, 257, 303, 311, 675,
702, 775, 799, vii. 70, 98,
307, 346, 353, 363, 38 1, 391 ,
500,557, 567,588,602, viii.
72, 90, 151, 278, 635, ix.
022, x. 236, 284, 306, 350,
440, 456, 469, xi. 19, 225,
450, 695, 720, 790, 833, xii.
59, 141,225,244,378,467,
503,56*7,600,612; P. P. 1.
70, 136,145,158, 174, 210,
240, ii. 1C1, 412, 426, iii.
39, 73, 74, 299, iv. 45, 169,
252; S.J. 28,32, 243,436,
523; 1118,1315,1356,1430,
1439, 1499, 1500, 1537,
1756; VAl. 60; Are. 33,
36; Com. 868; Son. vii. 14,
xxiii. 3; Od.Nat. 120; Od.
Cir. 21; Ep. W. Sk. 5; Hot.
III. 1 ; jyTj. 4, iv. 7, viii. I,
23, Ixxxii. I, lx xxiii. 29,
ixxxvi. 33, 45, ixxxviii. 20.
greater, P.L. i. 4, 25S, v. 172,
vi. 199. vii. 145, 347, 359 f
604, 607, viii. 29, 87, ix.
621, x. 515, xii. 242, 533 ;
P. R. i. 279, ii- 482 ; S. A.
1357, 1644; Arc. 104; Od.
Nat. 83.
no greater, P. R, ii. 27.
greateil, P. L. i. 367, 695, ii.
29, x.247, 528; P.P. i. 69,
ii. 139, 208; S. A. 1131;
Cum. 28.
greatly, P. L. x. 193, xi. 869,
xii. 557, 558.
greatnefs, P. L. ii. 257, iii.
165, viii. 557; P.P. ii.418.
Grecian, P. L. iv. 212.
Greece, P. L. i. 739, iv. 240,
270, 338, 360; x. 307;
Com. 439.
greedier, P. R. iv. 141.
greedily, P. L. ix. 791, x. 560.
greedy, P. L. ix. 257 ; Od. on
Time, 10; Pf. lxxxiii. 55.
Greek, P. L. ix. 19; P. K.iii,
118; .So#. xi. 14.
green, P. L. iv. 133, 325, 458,
626, v. 480, vii. 316, 337,
402,46*0, 479, v 'iii. 286, 6*31,
xi. 435, 858, xii. 186; P. R.
ii. 185, iv. 435, 5^7; 8. A.
1735, Li/e. 42, 140; //./
58; Ili'tnf. 66; Are. 84;
CW. 232, 294, 311, 710',
8.94; Son. ix. 2 ; G& 2VW.
47,214; Od.JSlay-M. 3; P/'
lxxx. 41.
green -ey'd, "Fi/C. E.r. 43.
greet, P It. ii. 281 ; Od. AV.
26, 94:0(/. 6« Time, 11;
£/>. Ji. "ftfto. 24.
greeting, P. L. vi. 18$.
greves, S. A. 1121.
grew, P. L. ii. 705, 720, 784.
iii. 356, iv. 195, 221, 694,
vii. 336, viii. 47,470, x. 551,
561, xi. 152; P. P. i. 208;
S A. 10*12.
grew up, S. A, 637.
griding, P. L. vi. 329.
grief, P. L. ii. 586', iv. 358,
ix. 97, xii. 373 ; P. R. i.
110, iv. 574,; S. A. 72, 179,
330,659,1562, 1578; Cow.
562, 565 ; Od. Pajf. 54; P/.
vi. 14.
griefs, S. A.617.
grieve, P. L. i. 167, xi. 754;
P/ lxxxv. 7.
griev'd, P. L. iv. 28, xi. 887.
grieving, P. L. vi. 792.
grievous, P. L. x. 501, xi.
776, xii. 508; S.A.69I.
griev'ft, P. P. i. 407.
grim, P. L. i. 396, ii. 170, 682,
804, vi. 236, x. 279, 713,
xi. 469 ; Lye. 128 ; Od. D.
F. I. 8.
grind, P. L. x. 1072; 5. ^. 35,
grinu'd, P. L. ii. 846.
gripe, P. L. vi. 543, xi. 264.
grip'd, P. L. iv. 408.
gris-amber-fteam'd,P.P. ii. 344.
grifly, P. £. i. 670, ii. 704, iv.
821; P. R. iv. 430; Co?».
603 ; Od. Nat. 209.
groan, P. L. iv. 88, vi. 658, ix.
1001; S.A. 1511.
groan'd, P. X. xi. 447-
groaning, P. L. xii. 539.
groans, P. £. ii. 184, xi. 489;
So?i. xviii. 5.
grooms, P. L. v. 356.
grofs, P. L. i. 491, ii. 570, vi.
552, 66l, xi. 51, 53, xii. 77;
Arc. 73 ; Com. 458.
groffer, P. L. v. 41 6, ix. 1049.
grofsnefs, 06 ; Son. xi. 10,
xviii. 10; Pf. lxxx. 39,
lxxxii. 8.
grow up, S. A. 676, 1496.
growing, P. L. ii. 315, 7o7, iv.
438, ix. 202, 8?7, x. 244,
715, xii. 164; P. P. i. 227;
Son. ix. 7.
growling, P. L. i. 280, x. 177.
grown, P. X. ii. ?6l, 779, v i»
66l, ix. 564, 742, 807,
1154, x. 529, xii. 11 6, 164,
351; P. R. iv. 137; S. A.
260 ; Com. 968 ; P/. vi. 22.
grows, P. X. iii. 356, iv. 425,
v. 72, 319, viii. 32 J, ix. 208,
617, 776 ; Lye. 78 ; Cow.
467, 891 ; Pf i. 7, lxxxviii.
growth, P. X. i. 6l4, iv. 629,
v. 319, 635, ix. 113, 211 ;
P. R. i. 67; Cow. 270.
grudging, Cow. 725.
grunfel, P. X. i. 460.
gryphon, P. X. ii. 943.
guard, P. X. ii. 1033, iv. 280,
vi. 412, viii. 559, xi. 122;
Com. 42, 394, 487, 695 ;
So;*, viii. 4.
guarded, P. X. ii. 947-
guardian, Com. 219-
guardians, P. X. iii. 512, xi,
guards, P. X. ii. 6ll, iv. 550,
862, x. 18, xii. 590, ix.269;
S.A. 1617.
Gucndolcn, Com. 830.
guerdon, .Lye. 73.
guefs, P. X. viii. 85 ; S. A,
1540; Com. 201, 310.
guefs'd, P. X. v. 290 ; Cow.
gueft, P. X. v. 313, 351, 383,
507, vii. 14; 69, 109, viii.
646; P. R. ii. Xj/e. 118.
guefts, P. X. xii. 166, 167;
S.A. 1196.
Guiana, P. X. xi. 410.
guide, P. X. ii. 975, iii. 194,
iv. 442, v. 91, vi. 711, viii.
298, 312, 613, ix. 646, 808,
x. 146, xi. 371, 674, 785,
xii. 204, 482, 490, 647;
P. R. i. 336, ii.473; 6'. A.
1428, 1630 ; Cow. 32, 171,
911 ; Son, xxii. 14.
guided, P. X. vii. 15, viii. 486 ;
P. R. i. 250; S. A. 1547 ;
Cow. 570 ; Son. xvi. 3.
guides, P. L. v. 708, xii. 362 >
Cow. 279.
guiding, S.A.I; II Penf. 53. '
guile, P. X, i. 34, 121, 646, ii.
41, 188, iii. 92, iv. 349, ix.
306, 466, 733, 772, x. 114;
P. R. i. 123, ii. 237 ; S. A.
guileful, P. X. ix. 567, x. 334;
Cow. 537 ; Pf. v. 16.
guilefully, P. X. ix. 655.
guiles, P. R. ii. 391.
guilt, P. X. ix. 971, 1043,
1114, x. 112, 166, xii. 443;
P. it. iii. 147; S. A. 902;
Cow. 456.
guiltlefs, P. X. ix. 392, x. 823,
824 ; Com. 829-
guilty, P. X. iii. 290, iv. 313,
ix. 785, 105S, x. 340; Od.
Nat. 39 ; Vac. Ex. 96 ; Pf.
v. 29.
guife, P. X. i. 564, xi, 576;
Com. 962.
gulf, or gulph, P. X. i. 52,
329, ii. 12, 441, 592, 1027,
iii. 70, v. 225, vi. 53, ix. 72,
x. 39, 253, 366, xi. 833.
gulphy, Vac. Ex. 92.
gummy, P. L. x. IO76.
gums, P. L. iv. 248, 630, xi,
327; Cow. 917.
gurge, P. L. xii. 41.
gum, P/: cxiv. 18.
gufhing, P. X. xi. 447 ; Xye.
gufi, P. X. x. 565, 698; Xyr.
93; //Pew/. 128.
gymnick, S.A. 1324.
gyves, 6'. ^/. 1093.
habergeon, S. A. 1120.
habit, P. X. iii. 643, P. /?. iv.
6()1 ; S. A. 122, 1073, 1305.
habitable, P. X. viii. 157-
habitant, P. X. viii. 99, x. 58S%
Habitants, P. X. ii. 367, iii.
460 ; Com. 459.
habitation, P. X. ii. 573, vi.
876, vii. 622; P. P. i. 47;
Com. 339; Pf. vii. 27-
habitations, P. X. vii. 186, xii.
habits, P. X. iii. 490 ; iv. 68 ;
Cow. 157.
habitual, P. X. x. 588.
Habor, P. P. iii. 376.
Hades, P. L. ii. 964.
Haemony, Com. 638.
hag, Cow. 434.
Hagar's, Pf. lxxxiii. 23.
hail, P.L. i. 171, 250, ii. 589,
iii. 1, 412, iv. 750, v. 205,
385, 388, vi. 589, x. 698,
1063, xi. 158, xii. 181, 182,
379 ; P. P. ii. 67, iv. 633 ;
11 Pen/. 11, 12; Com. 128,
265; Od. MayM. 5; Vac.
Ex. 1.
hail'd, S. A. 354.
hair, P. X. ii. 710, iii. 640, v.
131, vii. 323, 497; 5.^.59,
1135, 1355, 1496;iyc. 69;
Com. 863 ; Od. Hor. 4.
hairs, S. A. 1136 ; Com. 392.
hairy. P. X. iv. 135; Lye. 104 ;
L'Al. 112; II Pen/. 169.
hal'd, P. X. ii. 596.
half, P. X. i. 598, 617, 649,
ii. 941, 942, iv. 112, 494,
495, 782, 785, 820, 903, v.
95, 229, 559, vi. 325, 770,
853, vii. 21, 463, viii. 595,
ix. 141, 545; S. A. 9; Arc.
12 ; Com. 724 ; S071. xix. 2 ;
Od. Nat. 170 ; Vac. Ex. 4.
half-dead, S. A. 100.
half-glad, Ep. Hob. I. 6.
half-loll, P.L. ii. 975.
half-moons, P. P. iii. 309.
other half, P. X. iv. 488, v.
half-raifd, P, X, v . 12.
half-regain'd, L'AL 150.
half-round, S. A. 1606.
half-rounding, P. L. iv. 862.
half-fpied, P. L. ix. 426.
half-flooping, P. L. ix. 427.
half-ftarv'd, P. L. x. 595.
half-funk, P. L. vi. 198.
half-told, i7Pe«/. 109.
half-way, P. X. iv. 777, vi. 128.
hall, P. X. i. 762, 791, ix. 38,
x. 444, 522, 667 ; Com. 45 ;
649, 835 ; Od. Nat. 148.
halleluiah, P. X. x. 642.
halleluiahs, P. X. ii. 243, vi.
744, vii. 634.
halloo, Com. 226, 481, 487,
hallo w'd, P. X. iii. 31, iv. 964,
v. 321, vii. 592, xi. 106;
P.P. iii. 116; S.A. 535;
II Pen/. 138 ; Arc. 55 ; Od.
Nat. 28 ; Pp. W. Sk 3.
halls, Cow. 324.
halt, P. X. vi. 532.
Kamath, P. X. xii. 139.
hamlets, L'AL 92.
hammer'd, S. A. 132.
Hammon, Od. Nat. 203.
hamper, S. A. 1397.
hand, P. X. i. 732, ii. 3, 369,
727, 738, 775, iii. 455, iv.
365, 417, 488, v. 17, 344,
641, vi. 3, 139, 231, 579-
683, 807, vii. 224, 500, viii.
27, 300, ix. 344, 385, 438,
780, 850, 892, 997, 1037, x.
140, 458, 772, xi. 28, 93 t
248, 276, 372, 421, 436,
P. R. i. 171, ii. 144, 429,
449, iii. 168, 187, iv. 59;
256 ;S. A. i. 359, 507,668,
684, 951, 1105, 1159, 1230,
1233, 1302, 1581;^rc.77;
Com. 397, 711, 903; Son.
xv. 9, xviii. 13, xxii. 7; Od.
Nat. 222; Od. D.F.I. 23;
Pf. ii. 6, viii- 17? lxxx. 70,
lxxxi.59,lxxxri. 34,lxxxviii.
23, 49, cxiv. 4, cxxxvi. 37,
hand-in-hand, P. L. iv. 321,
689, v. 395, xii. 648; Pf.
lxxxv. 44.
at hand, P. L. ii. 674, iv.
552, vi. 537, vii. 202, viii.
199; P- &• »• 35, 238;
S.^4. 1306; Pf. lxxxv. 38.
each hand, P. X. i. 222, v.
252, vi. 307, 770,xi.659-
either hand, P. L. vi. 800,
xii. 637.
in hand, Pf. i. 10.
kft hand, P. L. x. 322.
right hand, P. L. ii. 174,
633, 869, iii. 279, v. 606,
864 ,vi. 154, 747, 762, 835,
892, x. 64, xii. 457 ;L^/.
32 ;Pf. Ixxx. 61,69.
to hand, S. A. 142.
handed, P. L. iv. 739-
handling, P. P. i. 489-
handmaid, Od. Nat. 242.
handmaids, Son. xiv. 10; P/*.
lxxxvi. 60.
hands, P. L. i. 459, 686, 699,
ii. 712, 9*9, iv. 629, v. 214,
854, vi. 458, 508, 646, viii.
362, 469, 470, ix. 203, 207,
246, 623, x. 373, 1002,
1058, xi. 669, 863; P. JR.
i. 370, iv. 557; S.A. 259,
1185, 1260, 1270, 1299,
1526, 1584; Com. 13, 143,
875 ; Od. Pajf. 45 ; Vac. Ex.
90 ; Pf. vii. 9, lxxxi. 23,
lxxxii. 3, 14, lxxxiii. 31,
lxxxviii. 40.
hang, P. L. ix. 798 ; Lye. 147.
banging, P. L. ii. 1051, ix.
hangs, P. L. ii. 637, v. 323 ;
Ep.M. IVin.M.
hap, P. L. ii. 837, ix. 56, l60,
•1/21 ; Vac. Ex. 68, 83.
haplefe, P. L. ii. 549, v. 879,
vi. 785, ix. 404, x. 342,
965; Lye. 164; Com. 566;
Ep. M. Win. 31 ; Od. Hot.
haply, P. L. i. 203, iv. 8, 378,
vi. 501, xi. 196; 5.^. 62.
happen, S. A. 1424 ; Vac. Ex.
happen'd, P. L. ix. 1147.
happens, P. R. i. 334.
happier, P. L. ii. 24, 97, 446,
507, 775, v. 76, vii. 117, viii.
282, ix. 697, x. 237, xi. 88,
xii. 464, 465, 587; P. A. iii.
179 ;Od. Nat. 108.
happieft, P. L. iv. 317, 638,
774, x. 904; P.P. iii. 225;
S. A. 171 8; £o/i. xiii. 11.
happinefs, P. X. i. 55, ii. 563,
iii. 450, iv. 417, v. 235, 504,
vi. 741, 903, vii. 632, viii.
^65, 399, 405, 621, ix. 254,
340, S19, x. 725, xi. 58;
P.P. i. 417; Com. 343, 789.
happy, P. L. i. 29, 85, 141,
249, ii. 224, 347, 410, iii.
66, 232, 417, 532, 567, 632,
679, iv. 60, 128, 247, 339,
370, 519, 534, 562, 727, v.
74, 75, 143, 234, 364, 504,
520, 536,611, 830, vi. 226,
viii. 200, 285,331,512,621,
633, ix. 326, 337,347,975,
1138, x. 485, 720, 874, xi.
270, 303, 593, 782, xii. 6*05,
642; P.R. i. 1, 360, 416,
iv. 362; S. A. 354, 1049;
Com. 592, 977 i Od. Nat.
1, 167; Od. Cir. 3; Pf. ii.
28, Ixxxiv. 17, 19.
happy-making, Od. on Time,
thrico happy, P. L. iii. 570,
vii. 625,631.
Haran, P. L. xii. 131.
harangues, P. L. xi. 66'3.
1 lamp ha, S. A. 1068, 1081.
harbinger, P. L. ix. 13, xi.
589;P.#. i.7l, 277 ;S. A.
721 ; Od. Nat. 49; Od. May-
M. 1 ; Pf. lxxxv. 54.
harbour, P. X. i. 185, v. 99, ix.
288; P.R. iii. 100; 5.^.
459 ; F«c. £*. 88.
harboured, P. ii. i. 307.
hard, P. X. ii. 255, 433, 444,
1021, iii. 21, 200, 575, iv.
45, 432, 584, 932, v. 564,
vi. 452, 495, 622, viii. 251,
x. 468, 751, 992, xi. 146;
P. R. i. 264, 343, 469, 478,
iii. 132, iv. 478; S.A. 865,
1013, 1528 ; Lye. 92 ; Com.
972 ; Son. xvii. 6, xx. 5 ;
Od. Pafs. 14 ; Pf. lxxxv. 3.
too hard, Od. Pafs. 14.
hard-befetting, Com. 857.
hard-by, P. X. i. 417, x. 548 ;
UAL 81 ; Cow. 531.
harden'd, P. X. iii. 200, vi.
more harden'd, P. X. xii.
hardening, P. X. i. 572.
harder, P. X. ii. 1016; 6'. A.
1014 ; Sow. xi. 8.
hardeft, P. P. ii. 168.
hardihood, Com. 650.
hardly, P. X. ix. 304 ; P. Jfc. i.
bardmip, P. Jl. i. 341.
hardy, P. X. ii. 425, iv. 920 ;
S. A. 1274.
harlot-lap, P. L. ix. 1060.
harlot's, P. i*. iv. 344.
harlots, P. L. iv. 766.
harm, P. X. iv. 791, 843, 90 1,
vi. 656, vii. 150, ix. 251,
326, 327, 350, 1152, x.
X055; S.A. 486, 1187; Jl
Penf 84; Com. 591.
no harm, P. R. ii. 257.
harrn'd, P. R. i. 311, ii. 407.
harmlefs, P. X. iv. 388, 458 ;
Com. 166.
Jiarmonick, p. £. iv, 687,
harmonies, P. X. vii. 560; Cow.
harmonious, P. X. iii. 38, vii.
206, viii. 106 ; P. R. ii. 362.
harmony, P. X. ii. 552, v. 625,
vi. 65, viii. 384, 605, x. 358 ;
P. JR. iv. 255; Arc. 63;
Od. Nat. 107, 131 ; Vac. Ex.
harms, Arc. 51 ; £o«. viii. 4.
harnefs'd, P. X. vii. 202.
harp, P. X. ii. 548, iii. 414, v.
151, vii. 594, xi. 560, 583;
Od. Pafs. 9 ; Pf lxxxi. 8.
harpies, Com. 605.
harpies', P. R. ii. 403.
harping, Od.Nat. 115.
harps, P. X. iii. 365, 366, vii.
37,258,450,559; P. R. iv.
336 ; Od. -So/. ITm/. 13.
harpy-footed, P. X. ii. 596.
harrafs, S.A. 257*
harrow'd, Com. 565.
Harry, Son. xiii. 1.
harm, P. X. ii. 882, ix. 987;
S. A. 662, 1461 ; Lye. 3 ;
Com. 477 ; Od. So/. Muf 20.
harfhly, P. X. xi. 537; Com.
hart, P. X. xi. I89.
harveft, P. X. iv. 981, xi. 899;
S. A. 1024.
harveft-queen, P. X. ix. 842.
hafte, P. X. i. 357, ii. 838, iii.
500, iv. 560, v. 136, 211,
308, 326, 331, 686, 777, vii.
105, 294, viii. 519, x. 17,
456, xi. 104, 449, xii. 366;
P.R. iii. 437; S.A. 1027,
1441; VAl. 25; Arc. 58;
Com. 568, 920, 956; Od.
Nat. 23; Vac. Ex. 17; Pf
vii. 5.
in hafte, P. ii. iii. 303 ; S. A f
1678; X'-4Z. 87; Dante II.
5 ; P/: vi. 23.
hailed, P. X. iii. 714, vi. 254,
vii. 291, ix. 853, xi f 81.
Jiafon, P. X. iii. 329, v. 846,
x. 857 ; S. A. 576.
haften'd, P. X. i. 675; S. A.
958; Ep.Hobf. II. 14.
haftening, P. X. xii. 637; Ep.
M. Win. 46.
halting, P. X. iv. 353, 867, vi.
85; P. P. iv. 64; Son. vii. 3.
hafty, P. L. i. 730.
hatch, P. X. vii. 418.
hatching, P. X. iii. 378.
hate, P. X. i. 58, 107, 417, ii.
120, 249, 336, 577, iii. 298,
300, iv. 37, 69, 99, v. 738,
vi. 559, 734, vii. 54, ix.466,
471, 475, 491, 492, 1123,
x. 114, 906, xi. 553, 601 ;
P. R. iv. 386 ; S. A. 400,
790, 839, 939, 966, 1266;
Com. 760 ; Son. i. 9; Pf.
lxxxi. 6l, lxxxiii. 7.
hated, P. X. xi. 702, xii. 411 ;
P.P. i. 47, iv. 97; Son. xi.
13; Od. D.F.I. 51.
hateful, P. L. i. 620, ii. 859,
iv. 505, vi. 264, ix. 121, x.
869 ; Com. 92.
hatefulleft, P. X. x. 569.
hates, P. X. ii. 857.
hating, P. R. iv. 97.
hatred, P. X. i. 308, ii. 500,
x. 928 ; S. A. 772.
hat'ft, P. X. vi. 734 ; Pf. v. 14.
have, P. X. i. 608, iv. 485, 66l,
v. 377, 558, 628, vi. 626,
818, viii. 281, 408, ix. 274,
280, x. 501, 1004, 1030, xi.
99, xii. 558; P. R. i. 146,
165, 377,379, 382,391, ii.
33, 46, 52, 67, 131, 182,
193,307, 437; iv. 56, 116,
531, 553; S. A. 72, 174,
211, 215, 318, 377, 379,
444, 449, 451, 484, 497,
4Q8, 907, 93?, 994, 1096,
1104, 1128, 1132, 1323,
1347, 1453, 1457; Lye. 57,
1Q0; Arc. 43, 104; Com.
530, 814, 821, 888, 967 i
Son. i. 8, vii. 13, x. 9, xvii.
1 1, xxii. 3, 10 ; Od. Nat. 26,
239; Od.Pafs. 35; Ep. M.
Win. 48; Vac. Ex. 12, l6;
Ep.Hobf. I. 9; Od.Hor. 14;
Arioji. 3 ; P/. ii. 12, v. 32,
vi. 20, vii. 7, 9, 11, lxxxi.
64, lxxxiii. 31, Ixxxvi. 6,
27, 52, 58, lxxxviii. 71.
haven, P.R. iii. 321.
having, P.R. i. 259.
havock, P. X. ii. 1009, vi. 449,
ix. 30, x. 617.
haughty, P. L. iv. 858, vi. 109,
ix. 484; S.A. 1069; Com. 33.
more haughty, P. X. v. 852.
haunt, P. X. iii. 27, iv. 184,
vii. 330, xi.271, 835; P. R.
ii. 296; IlPenf. 138; Co???.
haunted, P. X. iv. 708 ; L'AL
130; Od. JVatf. 184.
haunts, P. P. ii. 191 ; Com.
haut, P/ lxxx. 35.
hawthorn, UAL 68.
haycock, VAl. 90.
hazard, P. X. i. 89, ii. 453,
455, 473, iv. 933, v. 729,
x. 491 ; P.P. i. 95; S. A.
hazardous, P. R. iii. 228.
hazel, Xyc. 42.
he, P. X. i. 34, 84, 87, 143,
257, ii. 689, iv. 104, 297,
299, viii. 312, ix. 137, 143,
151, 1 52, 346, 352, 509, 750,
758, 950, x. 65, 85, 95, 164,
1047, xi. 318, 320, xii. 228,
246, 369, 393, 402, 405, 41 1 ,
419; P. R. i. 76, 88, 106,
121,124,146,147,150, 186,
193, 239, 286, '299, 303, 3 19,
337,346, 367, 36*8, 371, 373,
412,497; ii. 13, 39,40,40,
54,95, 96, 98,99, 101^ 120.
198,199,201,205,231,235, 1155, x. 133, 181, 44£, 499
263, 266, 270, 271, 273,'277, 523, 732, 735, 815, 934, 955,
285,288,291,297,337,465, 1032, 1035, xi. 534, 864,
466,472, iii. 40, 41,64, 67, xii. 150, 388, 430, 432;
110, 144, 147, 150, 187, 251, P. R. i. 55, 60, 82, 98, 267,
310,438, iv. 26, 288, 294, ii. 64, iv. 48, 406, 407;
299,306,325,394,447,449, S. A. 119, 192, 197, 535,
541, 556, 561, 571, 610, 609,727,1024,1125,1636,
626; S.A 58, 115, 118, 135, 1639 ; Lye. 51, 102, 147,
178, 274, 315, 337, 369, 370, I69 ; L'Al. 145 ; II Pen/. 71 j
465, 663, 1070, 1074, 1075, Com. 355, 744, 799, 836, 885,
1156, 1157, 1250, 1253, 898, 934; Od. Nat. 80;
1255, 1256, 1264, 1277, Od. Pafs. 15 ; Od. D. F. I.
1284, 1309, 1350, 1377 49; Ep. M. Win. 41; Vac.
1480,1534,1580,1582,1589, Ex. 64; Pf. iii. 9, vii. 58,
1623, 1626, 1630, 1635, Ixxx. 44 ; Pf. cxiv. 8.
1637, 1650, 1675, 1687, headlong, P. L. i. 45, 750, ii.
1749, 1755; Lye. 10, 12,91, 374, 772, vi. 864; P. R. iii.
107, 110, 167, 175, 188; 430, iv. 575; Com. 568, 887;
L'Al 20, 104 ; II Pen/. 28 ; Od. Pafs. 5.
Com. 24, 29, 56, 217, 381, heads, P. L. i. 435,459, ii. 178,
383,488,533,572,614,623, iv. 35, 699, vi. 653, 757,
624, 630, 632, 638, 650, 840, x. 1040; P. R. i v. 463;
653 ; So?i. viii. 5, 7, xix. 6, S. A. 242, 552, 679, 1589,
xx. 13; Od. Nat. 10, 12, 1652, 1696; Pf lxxxiii. 8.'
45, 83, 216, 221 ; Od. Pafs. headftrong, P. R. ii. 470.
12; Od. Cir. 10, 18; Od. heal, P. L. ii. 401 ; Arc. 51 .
D. P. I. 10, 17, 19, 76 ; heal'd, P. L. vi. 344, 436, viii.
JEp. M. Win. 19, 21 ; Fac. 468.
Ex. 36, 79, 80, 81; Ep. healing, P. L. ix. 290; S.A,
Hobf I. 4, 6, 7, 13, 15, II. 605 ; Com. 621.
2, 4, 10, 15, 17, 22, 26, heals, Com. 847.
28, 29; Od. Hor. 5; ino/?. health, S. A. 554; P/ lxxxv.
1 ; Hor. I. 1; Eurip. 3; P/I 13, 27-
i. 7, ii- 8, 11, 25, iii. 11, iv. healthful, P. L. xi. 523.
16, vii. 5, 49, 51, 55, 56, heap, P. L. i. 215, ii. 590, iii.
lxxxi. 65, lxxxii. 4, lxxxv. 709, iv. 815, vi. 389; P. R*
31, 33, 55, lxxxvii. 23, ii. 427-
exxxvi. 2, 37, 42, 57, 6l, heap'd, P. X. iii. 83, v. 391,
65, 69, 74,, 78, 85. xi. 668, xii. 338.
head, P. L. i. 193, 211, 357, heaps, P. L. v. 344, x. 558;
ii. 672, 711, 730, 754, 758, S. A. 1530; Com. 398, 771,
943, iii. 86, 220, 286, 319, 799-
626, iv. 134, 283, 443, 826, hear, P. L. i. 274, ii. 65, 846,
953, v. 606, 830, 842, 893, iii. 185, 195, 701, iv. 410,
vi. 346, 350, 556, 6%5 7 779, $66, v. 411, 555, 600, 602,
vii. 470, viii. 292, 574, 810, vi. 567, vii. 52, 101,
ix. 184, 189, 428, 499, viii. 3, 204, 208, ix. 281,
862, 966, x. 27, 731, xi. 31,
359, xii. 61, 367; P.P. i.
198, 211, 333, 385,481, 484,
ii. 83, iii. 349, iv. 123, 254,
500; S.^. 110, 176,766,845,
1232, 1424, 1456, 1553 ; Lye.
36; UAL 41, 147, II Pen/.
64, 74 ; Arc. 72, 104 ; Com..
91, 343, 458, 480, 792;
San. xx. 11; Od. D. F. I.
37; Vac, Ex. 68; Pf. iv. 6,
18, v. 3, 6, lxxxi. 3, 33, 45,
lxxxiv. 29, lxxxv. 21, 30,
lxxxvi. 2.
heard, P. L i. 275, 331, ii.
290, 477, 519, 580, 993, iii.
710, iv. 2, 681, v. 546, 557,
659, vi. 28, 208, 557 , 6l8,
769, 782, 867, 909, vii. 51,
68, 181, 221, 296, viii. 10,
203, 205, 242, 452, 500, ix.
518, 888, 1128, x. 23, 97 t
1047, xi. 74, 153, 252, 266,
322, 560, 663, xii. 103, 529,
598,624; P.P. i. 259, 270,
330, ii. 3, 33, 107, 182, 235,
362,403, iv. 116,502,513;
S. A. 215, 649, 1082, 1449,
1515, 1524, 1631; Lye. 27,
87; II Pen/. 137; Com. 44,
227, 252, 264, 533 ; Son. i.
6; Od. Nat. 53, 101, 183;
Od. Cir. 3; Vac, Ex. 65; Pf.
iii. 12, vi. 18, lxxxi. 20.
heard'ft, P. L. vii. 56l.
hearers, Ep. Hobf. II. 19-
hearing, P. L. vii. 118; Pf.
lxxxvi. 20.
hearken, P. L. iii. 9^; P.R.U.
428; Com. 169, 625; Pf.
lxxxi. 33, 46.
hearken'd, P. L. ix. 1134, x.
hears, P. L. vii. 100, x. 506;
Lye. 176; 11 Penf. 47.
hear'ft, P. L. iii. 7, v. 224.
heart, P. L. i. 18, 151, 400,
444, 571, 788, iv. 154, 4S4,
86l, vi. 113, 346, 350, vii.
60, 114, 150,486, 513, viii.
266,322,475,590, ix. 189,
550, 734, 845, 876, 913, 955,
x.6, 357, 358, 915,940,966,
973 , 1061, xi. 27, 92, 150,
288, 448, 494, 595, 866, 887,
xii. 25, 193,274, 524; P.P.
i. 216, ii. 103, 169, 410, iii.
10; S*A. 298, 487, 609,
1368 ; Son. i. 3, xxii. 8 ; Od'
Cir. 2S ; Ep. W. Sk. 10; Pf.
iv. 15, 31, vii. 42, viii. 11,
lxxxiv. 7, lxxxvi. 39, 43.
hearten'd, S.A. 1317-
heart-grief, S. A. 1339.
heart-fick, P. L. xi. 482.
heart-ftruck, P. L. xi. 264.
one heart, P.£. viii. 499, ix,
hearth, S. A. 566 ; II Penf. 82 ;
Od. Nat. 190 ; Vac. Ex. 60.
heart's, P. L. viii. 451,xii.6l3.
hearts, P. L. v. 448, 532, x.
1091, 1103, xi.4, xii. 4S9 ;
P. JR. i. 222, 463, ii. 162 ;
S. A. 455, 792, 1613, 1669 ;
Pf iv. 20, vii. 39.
heat, P. L. i. 453, ii. 219, iv.
668, v. 231, 369, 437, ix.
1108, x. 6l6, 653, 656,691,
1037, 1077, xi. 589, 899,
xii. 634; Com. 358,917-
heath, P. L.\. 615.
heaths, Cum. 423.
Heathen, P. L. i. 375, x. 579
P. R. ii. 443, iii. 176, 418
S.A. 451, 693, 1430; PJ,
ii. 18.
heathenifl), P. R. iii. 419.
heave, P. L. xi. 827 ; S. A.
197, 1626; L'Al. 145.
heaved, II Penf 136.
heav'd, P. L. i. 211.
Heaven, P. /,. i. 27, 136,212,
255, 509, 517, 633, ii. 14,
102, 110, 268, 273,298,310,
316", 328, 343, 358, 397, 836,
1004, 1006, 1047, iii. 88, 133,
146, 257, 26l, 335, 347, 381,
390, 552, 572, 657, 685, 729,
iv.29, 78,208,371,539,676,
722, 1009, v. 44, 362, 700,
vi. 7, 11, 13, 114, 164,272,
273, 291, 303, 406, 563, 564,
737, 749, 783, 868, 878, vii.
86, 146, 151, 167, 205, 232,
274, 283, 288, 358, 499, 574,
617, viii. 66, 70, 79, 88, 120,
172, 178, 257, 483, 488, ix.
99, 103, 107, 123, 124, 534,
604, 811, x. 17, 125, 467,
59$, 638, 647, 889, 914, 933,
xi. 194, 335, 681, 740, 849,
901, xii. 618; P.R. i. 30,
55, 81, 87, 281 ; iii. 62, 65,
iv.383;S.A.l49; I I Pen/.
171; Com. 419, 486, 489, 665,
938,970, 1023 ; Son. xxi. 11 ;
Od. Nat. 19, 147 ; Od. Pafs.
32; Od. D.F. 1.33, 48, 6l,
63 ; Pf. cxxxvi. 14.
all Heaven, P. L. iii. 136,
216,272, vi.217,585,669,
viii. 511 ; P. R. i. 168,
237; II Pen/. 166; Od.
Nat. 108.
for Heaven, P. L. i. 244, iv.
372, vi. 62, xi. 7.
from Heaven, P. L. i. 37,
491,680, 74.1, iii. 323, iv,
571, 581, v. 55, 240, 311,
383, 542, vi. 379, 640, 868,
vii. 1, 131, viii. Ill, ix.
334, x. 184, 648, xi. 142,
441,457, xii.35, 270,391,
485,504,545; P.R. i. 32,
284, 289, ii. 137, 312, iv.
273, 512, 539, 598, 605,
620 ; S. A. 23, 525, 565,
• 1134, 1212, 1217, 1438;
Cum. 81; Pf. lxxx. 58.
in Heaven, P. L. i. 43, 82,
263,270, 360, 638, 651,
680, 733, 749, ii. 25, 37,
46, 247, 251, 346, 479,
090,749, 768,819, iii.218,
274, 322, 371, 416, 477,
691, 701, 737, iv. 2, 41,
837, 886, 904, 944, 997 ',
v. 163,283,330,426,456,
554, 608, 659, 707, 742,
810, 8l6,vi. 184, 208,259,
263, 375, 524, 698, 705,
776, 814, 893, 897, vii. 43,
54, 99, 124, 180, viii. 160,
210, 224, ix. 488, x. 5, 57,
69, 375, 481, xi. 879, xii.
59, 361, 458, 463, 579%
P. R.'i. 182,249,253,420,
iii. 68, iv. 382; Lye. 84;
L'Al. 12 ; Com. 198 ; Son.
xxiii. 8 ; Pf. ii. 8.
of Heaven, P. L. i. 30, 73,
104, 124, 171, 174, 255,
316, 321, 439, 610, 635 9
654, 669, ii. 11, 18, 129,
194, 229, 430, 457, 509,
538, 687, 696, 759, 772,
iii. 1,60,71,205,358,427,
503, 515, 716, iv. 355, 456,
531, 552, 620, 649, 97 6 9
993, v. 251,254, 361,374,
519, 560, 575, 586,635,
644, 765, 790, 824, 837,
863, vi. 51, 77, 168, 203,
.228, 359, 474, 672, 685 y
855, 860, 865, vii. 63, 162,
256, 340, 344, 349, 390,
viii. 16,92, 181, ix. 8, 176,
273, x. 321, xi. 372, 825,
xii. 34, 347,380,509; P.R.
i. 78, 416, iv. 410, 455 ;
S.A. 10, 1046, 1509 ; Com.
94,417,600; Sow. vii. 12.
to Heaven, P. L. iii. 356,
517, iv. 688, v. 80, vii. l6o,
329, viii. 613, 652, xi. 14,
143, 554, 864, xii. 44,
455, 777 ; Son. xviii. 10.
tvith Heaven, P. L. ii. 9,
977, v. 432, vii. 511, xi.
66 ; Od. Sol. Muf. 26.
heavenly, P. L. i. 6, 138, 36l,
ii. 499, 757, 813, 824, iii. 19,
213, 217,298, iv. 118,361,
686,711, v. 286,316, 397,
500, vi. 165, 723, 788, vii. 7,
39, 69, 210, viii.217, 356,
379, 453, 485, 592, 6l5, 646,
ix. 151, 457, 607, 730, 1082,
x.624,641,xi. 17,207,208,
230, 871, xii. 256; P. R. i.
28, 221, iv. 637; S.A.373,
635, 1035; Com. 459, 515;
Son. ix. 4 ; Od. tfflf. 15, 100 ;
Od.Paf.3-, Od. D.F.I. 55;
P/. lxxxv. 47-
heavenly-born, P. L. ii. 860.
too heav'nly, P. L. x. 872.
heavenly-guided, Od. on Time,
Heaven of Heavens, P. L. iii.
390, vii. 13, 553, xii. 451 ;
P. R. i. 366, 410.
heaven-banifh'd, P. L. x. 437.
heaven-bom, Od. Nat. 30.
Leaven-fallen, P. L. x. 535.
Heaven-gate, P. L. iii. 541, v.
198, vii. 618, x. 22, 88.
Heaven-gates, P. L. i. 326, ii.
heaven-gifted, S. A. 06.
heaven-lov'd, Od. D. V. I. 65.
Heaven-towers, P. L. xii. 52.
heaven-warring, P. L. ii. 424.
Heaven's, P. L. i. 131, 297,
510,612, 682, ii. 57,62,137,
166, 1 90, 236, 264,319, 353,
851,992, iii. 395, 484, 4S6,
iv. 41,6*8, 111, 060,973, v.
19,220, 467, 583,676,7X0,
vi 2,267,425,480,712,716,
tii. 215. 373,381, 585, viii.
100, x. 387, 389. xt. 68, 25 1 ;
P. R. i. 20, n. 121 ; S.A.
$49,632; L'/c. 31 ; U Pen/.
70; Cow. 243; Sow. xxiL7$
Od. Nat. 2, 10, 1 16, 130, 201,
240 ; Od. Pafs. 44 ; Od. Qir.
10; Od.Sol. Muf. 1; Vac.
Ex. 34, 44.
Heaven's King, P. R. i. 421.
Heavens, P. L. i. 9, iii. 9, 390,
651, v, 156, 578, vii. 562,
566, viii. 76, 115, ix. 103,
125, x. 692, xii. 371, 549;
Pf. viii. 3, 9, 21, exxxvi. 18.
heavier, P. L. iii. 159, iv. 101,
ix. 57, x. 835.
much heavier, P. L. x. 836.
heavieft, P. L. vi. 265 ; S. A*-
445 ; Od. PaJ'. 13.
heavinefs, Ep, Hohf. II. 22.
heavy, P.L. ii. 902, vi. 551, x.
741, xii. 103, 531 ; Lye. 37 ;
Od. on Time, 3.
Hebe, Vac. Ex. 38.
Hebe's, UAL 29 ; Com. 290.
Hebrew, P. II. iv. 336 ; S. A.
1319, 1540, Pf. exxxvi. 50.
Hebrews, S. A. 1308.
Hebrides, Lye. 156.
Hebron, 5. ^. 148.
Hebrus, Lye. 63.
Hecat', Com. 135.
Hecate, Com. 535.
Hccatompylos, P. JR. iii. 287*
hedger, Co?n. 293.
hedge-row, L'^/. 58.
hedges, Pf. lxxx. 49.
heed, P.L.x. 1030; S.^.1230;
L'Al. 141.
heel, P. L. v. 284, x. 181,498,
xii.385,388,433, 631;£\^
140; Lye. 34.
heels, P. L. ii. 135 ; P. I*, ii.
420; S.A. 1235.
heinous, P. L. ix. 929, x. 1 ;
S. ,4,493, 991.
heir, P.L. v. 720, vi, 707, 708,
887; P.H. iii. 405, iv. 633;
Com. 501 ; Od. Nat. Il6' r
Ep.M.l!i,t.3; Ep.lV.Sh.5.
held, P. L. 1. 200, 508, 6l8 P
734, 755, ii. 417, 76l, iii-
643, 690, iv. 860, 887, v. 82,
83, 771, vi. 2, vii. 100, ix.
443, x. 411, 800, xi. 6.93;
P. R. i. 221, iii. 33, iv. 10;
S. A. 410, 863, 1081, 11.94;
IlPenf. 26, 41; Arc. 24;
Com. 834; Son. xii. 7, xvii.
2; Od.D.F. I. 14; Vac. Ex.
held on, P. X. ix, ISO.
Helena, Cow. 676.
Helicon, Pp. M. JFi». 56.
Hell, P. X. i. 251, 255,666, ii.
49, 61, 84, 135, 167, 268,
293,313, 326, 433, 459, 541,
554, 644, 671,676, 7 19, 723,
788, 1002, iii. 70, 255, 332,
678, iv. 20, 75, 78, 358,381,
918, v. 450, 542, vi. 276,291,
867, 874, 876^ ix. 467, 476,
487, x. 322, 365, 392, 437,
598; P.R. i. 46; IlPenf.
108 ; Od. Nat. 139, 218 ; Pf
lxxxvi. 47.
from Hell, P. X. ii. 1029, iw>
P. R. i. 409.
in Hell, P. X. u 262, 263,
270, 691, 751, ii. 32, iii.
322, iv. 909, 937, vi. 183,
186,705, x.57; P. P. i.
420, iv. 623.
of Hell, P. X.i.28, 151, 255,
315,345,381, 405, ii. 176,
519, 631, 918, iii. 82, iv.
89,795,871,967, viii. 231,
x. 230,288, 299, 408, 6l6,
621,636, xii. 42; P.R.i.
180, iii. 220.
lo Hell, P.X.i. 418, iii. 160,
223, iv. 12,508,823,914,
x.305, 346; P. R. i. 153,
ii. 12S ; Com. 518.
with Hell, P. X. ii. 383;
Com. 581.
hell-born, P. £. ii. 687-
hell-doom'd, P. L. ii. 697,
Hell-fire, P. X. ii. 364.
Hell-gate, P. X. ii. 725, 746*,
x. 415.
Hell-gates, P. X. x. 282, 369.
Hell-hounds, P. X. ii. 654, x.
Hellefpont, P. X. x. 309.
hellifh, P. X. ii. 504, 735, iii.
298, 300, vi 636, ix. 409, x.
5S5, 873; P. P. i. 175; iv.
422; Com. 613.
Hell's, P. X. i. 542, ii. 510, x.
594; P.R. i. 116.
helm, P. X. vi. 543, xi. 245.
helmed, P. X. vi. 840 ; 0 X. iv. 979 ; ^>'c. 33.
hemifphere, P. X. iii. 725, vii.
250, 384, ix. 52, xi. 379.
hence, P. X. i. 260, iii. 731, i v.
522, 872, vi. 275, 288, vii.
• 366, x. 200, xi. 3 15, xii. 557,
590,617,619,621; P. P. i.
336, ii. 56, 317 i S.A. 15,
224,1229,1263,1447, 1481,
1572, 1731; Lye. 18; UAL
1 ; ft Pen/. 1 ; Com.. 441, 696,
824; Od.D.F. I. 67.
from hence, P. X. iii. 540,
723, v. 257, viii. 332, ix.
TOL. 1.
henceforth, P. L. i. 187, 643,
iii. 414, iv. 378, 4S6, <)(>6\ v.
77, 881, vii. 569, ix. 79.9,
1081, 1140, x. 379, 872, xi.
170,547,771, xii. 11,561 ;
P. R. i. 142, 456, 462, iv.
610 ; S.A.967; Lye. 183.
herald, P.R.Yi. 279; %c. 89.
heraldry, Od. C*>. 10.
herald's, P. L. ii. 518.
heralds, P. i.i. 752, xi. 660.
herb, P. i. iv. 253, 644, vii.
310, 336, viii. 254, ix. Ill,
186,206,572, x. 204, 711,
xii. 184 ;S. A. 626; II Pen/.
172; Com. 541, 621.
herbs, P. L. iv. 709, vii. 317,
viii. 527, x. 603; S. A. 1727;
UAL 8*5 ; Com. 255.
Herculean, P. L. ix. 1060.
herd, P. L. iv. 396, 652, vi.
856, ix. 522, xi. 647 7 xii. 19,
481 ; P. R. ii. 287,288, iii.
49, iv. 630; Com. 152.
herdman's, Lye. 121.
herds, P. L. ii. 494, iii. 44, iv.
754, vii. 462, ix. 1109, xi.
.557, xii. 132; P. P.iii.260;
Lye. 46; Com. 731, 844 ; P/!
viii. 19.
herdfman, P. X. ix. 1108.
here, P.L.i. 71, 258, 260,321,
ii. 86, 314, 328, 697, iii. 266,
458, 600, 606,^61 1, 613,659,
iv. 235, 251,416, 703, 708,
884, v. 69, 74, 294, 373, 500,
778, vi. 12,258, 292, vii. 157,
541, 548, viii. 118,277,311,
322, 381, 528, 530,532, ix.
1 24, 230, 476, 542, 648, 77$,
806, 1084, 1149, 1174, x.
1007, xi. 178, 180,317,322,
350, 368, 459, .002, 602, 78(),
xii. 2, 144, 270, 616; P.P.
i. 324, 338, 351, ii. 143,249,
,311,313, 316, 416, iii.
145, 269,275, iv. i) f 9 } 281,
466,531 5 S.A.9, 74,323,
326, 337, 435, 479, 488, 573,
807,1308,1380, 1443, 1446,
Arc. 7 ; Com. 7, 40, 169, 334,
483, 497, 502, 579, 61 1, 667,
960,968,972; Od.Nat. 12,
106,239; Od. Paf 45; Od.
53, 55; Vac. Ex. 7; Ep.
Hob/. I. 1, 2, 4, II. 1 ; P/
vii. 23, lxxxviii. 36.
here and there, P. R. iii. 263 ;
Com. 936.
hereafter, P. L. iii. 444, vii.
488, viii. 79, xii. 156 ; P.R.
i. 164, iv. 625.
hereby, P. L. iv. 672; S. A.
hereditary, P. L. xii. 370.
herein, P. P. iv. 356 ; S.A. 6l.
hereof, S. A. 1145.
hereticks, Pore. 0/ Con. 11.
Hermes, P. L. iii. 603, iv. 717>
xi. 133; 17 P™/: 88; Co;/?.
Hermione, P. L. ix. 506.
hermit, Com. 390.
hermitage, // Pen/. 168.
Hermon, P. L. xii. 141, 142.
Hero, Od. PaJ. 13.
Herod, P. R. ii. 424.
heroes, P. L. i. 552, xi. 243;
S.A. 1131; Vac. Ex. 47.
heroick, P. L. i. 557, ii. 549,
iv. 551, vi. 66, ix. 3 4,25,29,
32,40,485, xi. 69O; P. ii.
i. 15, 216; S.A. 125, 318,
527, 1279, ITU.
heroic kly, S. A. 1710.
herfe, Ep. M. Win. 58.
Hefebon, P. £. i. 408.
Hefperian,P. L. i. 520, iii. 568,
iv. 250, viii. 632 ; Com. 393.
Hefperides, P.R. ii. 357-
Hefperus, /\ L. iv. 605, ix. 49 ;
Cum. 982.
hew, Com. 994.
hewing, P. L. xi. 728.
hewn, P. L. i. 293, v. 759, vi.
hid, P. L. i. 673, 68S, iii, 39,
624, 707, iv. 278, 497, vii.
600, viii. 126, 167, ix. 76,
436, x. 100, Il7,7i6,xi. 316,
579, 6'99; S. A. 89; Com.
239, 571 ; Od. Nat. 80 ; Od.
D. F. I. 32 ; Ep. W. Sh. 3 ;
Pf. lxxxv. S.
hidden, P. L. ii. 271, vi. 442,
516; L'AI. 144; Com. 248 ,
hide, P. L. iv. 35, vi. 555, ix*
90, 162, 1090, 1092, 1113,
iii. 21; S.A. 1749; II Pen/.
141 ; Son. xix. 3 ; Od. Nat.
39; Od. D.F.I. 49; Pf
Ixxxiii. 12, lxxxviii. 58,
cxiv. 8.
hideous, P. L.i.46,313,ii.l77,
656, 726, 788, vi. 107, 206,
577, xii. 56; P. R. i. 362;
6'. ^. 1509 ; Lye. 6l ; Cow.
520; Od. Nat. 174; P/.
lxxxviii. 24.
hides, P. L. i. 27; Com. 383.
hie, Pf. lxxxviii. 55.
hierarch, P. L. v. 468, xi. 220.
hierarchal, P. L. v. 701.
hierarchies, P. X. v. 591, 692,
vii. 192.
hierarchs, P. L. v. 587.
hierarchy, P. L. i. 737 ; Fore,
of Con. 7.
hies, P. L. ii. 1055.
high, P. L. i. 98, 132, 161,212,
304, 366, 463, 528, 733, 749,
756, ii. 1,62,111,319,343,
359, 472, 558, 635, 874, 909,
iii. 58, 77, 116, 126, 146,
205, 254, 31 1, 369, 503, 533,
655, iv. 30, 90, 95, 181,219,
226, 28*, 359, 371, 395, 546,
551, 099, 809, 544, v. 90,
543, 563, 588, 643, 707, 717,
732, 757, vi. 26, 71,99,228,
401, 554, 745, 899, vii. 141,
] 48, 326, 340, 373, 428, 553,
viii. 12,50, 55, 101, 121, 126,
172, 198, 238, 303, ix. 170,
962, 1107, 1122, 1123, x. 13,
86, 259, 308, 385, 445, 505,
583, 953, xi. 72, 81,251,562,
575, 688, 70S, 793, 851, xii.
P. R. i. 37, 142, 229, 232,
370, ii. 5, 30, 66, 92, 115,
202, 280, 286, 410, 411, iii.
26,228, 252,265, iv. 26, 51,
16'0, 266, 545 ; S. A. 47, 170,
450, 506, 525, 6S9, 1221,
1458, 1492, 1599,1606,1612,
1613, 1740; Lye. 25, 54,
172; L'AL 56,78, 120; 11
Ptnf 86, 163 ; Arc. 58 ; Com.
20,78,516,654, 746, 785,
956; Son.\i\. 11; Od. Nat.
10, 148; Od. Cir. 19; Od.
D. F. I. 39; Ep. M. Win. 1 5 ,
6l ; Eurip. 3; Pf. Ixxxiii. 8;
Ixxxvii. 1, 20, cxiv. 11.
as high as, Pf. lxxx. 43.
on high, P. L. vi. 891; P.P.
iv.417; Pfiv.17, vii. 28;
lxxxiv. 45, exxxvi. 93.
from on high, P. L. ii. 826,
« vi. 60.
fo high, P. L. iii. 556, iv.
49, v. 812, vii. 53, 87,288,
ix. 940; Com. 798.
high-arch'd, P. L. x. 301.
high-bleft, P. L. xi. 145.
high-built, -S. A. IO69.
high-climbing, P. L. iii. 546.
high-em bow'd, II Penf 157.
high-honour'd, P. L. ii. 54b.
high-rais'd, Od. Sol. Muf 5.
high-reaching, P. L. ii. 644.
high-roof'd, P. R. ii. 293.
high-feated, P. L. vii. 585.
i 2
high-tower d, P.R. iii. 26l. 69, 641, 7S -1, vii. 3, 300, viii.
high-up, Od. Nat. 55, 26*2, 514, ix. 116, xi. IS?,
MoftHigh, P.P. i. 40, v. 210, 229, 30*7, 377, 381, xii.
699, vi. 906,vii. 1 82, x. 31, 591, 606, 626 ; P. P. i. 303,
xi. 705, xii. 120, 36"9, 382; ii. 217, 267, 285, 333, iv.
P. P. i. 12S, iv. 633; Pf. 247, 447; %c. 23 ; L'AI.
vii. 04, lxxxii. 22, lxxxiii. 55 ; Com. 295 ; So/*, ix. 4 ;
67. Od. May-M. 8 ; PC. ii. 13.
higher, P. £. ii. 72, 300, iv. 50, hill-top, P. L. viii. 520.
142, 146, 694, v. 422, viii. up-hill, P. L. iv. 777.
358, 551, 586, 598, ix. 42, hillock, P.P. iv. 254.
174, 483, 690, 934, xi. 381, hillocks, P. L. vii. 469, x. 860 ;
xii. 576; P. R. ii. 203, iv. UAL 58.
198, 258, 546; Lye. 87 ? II hills, P. L. i. 293, ii. 540, -in
Penf. 22 ; Cow*. 1021 ; Son. 435, iv. 26l, v. 26l, 547, vi'.
xiii. 12. 528,639,644,663,664,781,
higher and higher, Pf, lxxxiii. vii. 8, 288, 326, viii. 275, xi.
55. 575, 740, 829, 852, xii. 146 ;
higheft, P.L. i. 517, 667, ii. P. P. iii. 26*0, 20*7, 332 ; Lj/c.
27, 429, 479, 630, 693, iii. 190 ; Com. 424, 927 ; Son.
305, 657, iv. 51, 182, 195, xviii. 9; Pf. lxxx. 42, cxiv*
v. 86*5, vi. 13, 112, 114, 205, 12.
724, vii. 83, viii. 178, ix. 164, hilly, Com. 531.
683, 1086, x. 889, 1027, xi. him, P. L. i. 44, 127, 203, 238,
297, 378,693,829, xii. 570 ; 271, 370, 396, 46*7, ii. 231,
P. R. i. ^, 139, ii. 438, iii. 511, 731, iii. 77y 91, 139,
30, iv. 106, 549, 553 ; S. A. 343, 400, 477, iv. 54, 386",
6l, 175, 339, 6*85, 1101 ; 11 436, 799, 810, v. 165, 298,
Penf. 68. 606, 607, 608, 6l 1 , 835, vi.
highly, P. L. i. 30, 666, ii. 130, 294, 339, 532, 886, vii.
387, 845, xi. 170, xii. 308 ; 184, 186, 196,221,259,587,
P. R. ii. 6*7; S. A. 1148; viii. 16*8, 16*9, 280, 634, ix.
Ep. M. Win.. 65. 149, 154,727,816,949,1014,
highth, P. L. i. 24, 92, 282, x. 86,224,226, 376, 402, 485,
552, 723, ii. 95, 1 90, 324, 533, 76*4, 828, 878, 106"0,
i<93, iii. 58, iv. 95,138, 564, 1082, 10S4, 1088, xi.49,291,
vi. 132, 300, 793, vii. 215, 322,330,421,66*8,705,772,
viii. 413, 430, 454, ix. 167, xii. 1 14, 120, 417, 420, 422,
510, 675, 677, x/724, xi. 440, 542; P.P. i. 10, 28, 2.9,
730; P. II. i. 231, ii. 45, 436, 80, 123, 246, 276, 277, 318,
iv. 39 ; 6'. A. 384, 6*83, 1349; 370, 425, 440, 447 ; ii. 3, 6,
Arc, 75. 9, 40, 50, 52, 55, 56, 73, 97,
liightcn'd, P. J,, vi. 6*2.9, xi. 793. 112, 116, 131, 170, 171,26*1,
hill, P.L. i. 10,231,403, ll6, 266, 276", 298,301,314,425,
670, 6S9, ii. 4<)5, 557, 941, 472, iii. 6, 6*2, 93, 129, 149,
in. 28,546,iv. 172, 182,224, 251, 281, 371, iv. 13, 129,
243, 538, 681, v. 186,203, 130,131,177,301,447,450,
604, 619,732, 757, vi. 25, 57, 530, 541,573,583, 586, 587>
604; S.A. 40, 116, 275,329,
339, 37 1,46*9, 585,708,1067,
1070,1 147,1247, 1451, 1481,
1484, 1497, 1499, 1501,1503,
1580, 1598, l6l6, l6l8,l6'20,
2623, 16*24, 1629, 1635,1719,
1733; Lye. 173, 178; UAL
110; IlPenf.52; Com. 56,
6l, 81, 576, 651; Son. viii.
4, x. 6, xix. 11 ; Od. Nat.
18,32; Od. D.F.I.75; Od.
on Time, 18; Od. Sol. Muf. 8,
28; Ep. M. Win. 66; Vac.
Ex. 78 ; Ep. Ilobf. I. 2, 15,
17, II. 11, 12, 23 ; P/ iii. 6,
iv. 18, v. 10, vi. 4, vii. 10,
11, 14, 40, 41, 47, 48, viii.
13, 14, 16, 17, lxxxi. 62,
himfelf, P. L.i.39, 79,215,219,
iii. 234, 409, iv. 18,22,397,
934, v. 353, 665, 774, vi. 238,
viii. 251, ix. 57, 331, 348,
673, 895, x. 62, 510, 799,
845, 878, xi. 820, xii. 6*5,
70, 76, 91, 228; P. Pui. 76,
ii. 98, 110, 237, 244, 466,
471, iii. 139, 140, 144, 147,
iv. 302, 312, 327 ; S. A. 42,
121, 130, 299, 309, 346, 347,
1585, 1658, 1709, 1717; Lye.
11 ; Com. 385 ; Son. x. 4 ;
Od.Nat.76, 79,154; iy. iv.
hind, P.L. xi. I89.
hinder, P. L. vii. 465.
hinder'd, P. L. x. 8^
hinders, P. L. ix. 778 ; S. A.
1533; Hor. II. 2.
hindmoft, Com. 190.
hinds, Com. 174 ; Son. xii. 5.
hinges, P. L. ii. 881, v. 255, vii.
207; P. P. iv. 415)0^. Nat.
Hinnom, P. L. i. 404.
hippogrif, P. P. iv. 542.
Hippotades, Lye. 96.
hir'd, S.A 1H4,
hireling, Son. xvi. 14.
hirelings, P. L. iv. 193.
Hifpahan, P. _L. xi. 394.
hifs, P. L. i. 768, vi. 212, x.
508, 543, 546, 573.
hifs for hifs, P. L. x. 518.
hitting, P. L. x. 522.
hift, I£ Pen/. 55.
hiftorian, P. L. viii. 7.
hit, P.L. vi. 592; S.A.10U;
IlPenf. 14; 2*rc. 77; Com.
hither, P. L. ii. 857, iii. 445,
457, 46*3, 698, iv. 796, 908,
v. 308, vii. 159, 364, viii. 313,
347, xi. 475, 647 ; P. R. i.
494, iii. 350 - 9 S.A. 335,821,
1070, 1445, 1536, 1539 ; Lye.
134, 139.
hitherto, P. L. ix. 28, 797 »
S. A. 1640.
hitherward, P. L. iv. 794,
hitting, S. A. 1568.
hive, P. L. i. 770.
hoar, UAL 55 ; Arc. 98.
hoarded, Cow. 739.
hoarfe, P.L. ii. 287,661, v. 873,
vii, 25, xii. 58.
hoary, P. L. ii. 891, xi. 899 i
Com. 871.
Hobfon, Ep. Ilobf. I. l, 18.
hog, Com. 71.
hogs, Sew. xii. 8.
hold, P. L. i. 657, ii. 12, 362,
895, iii. 84, 46l, iv. Ill,
907, v. 347, 395, 537, 72S,
vii. 532, viii. 408, x. 135,365,
406, 751, xi. 635, 900, xii.
6*8; P. R. ii. 125, iv. 16S,
232, 480, 494; S.A. 12, 796,
802, 1349; Lye. 119, 162 ;
UAL 120 ; II Pen/. 90 ; Arc.
65 ; Com. 94, 919 ; Eurip. 4 ;
Pf. lxxxi. 15, lxxxviii. 46.
holding, UAL 32.
holds, P.L. i. 124, ii. 497, 54H,
1043, iv. 26*3, v. 103, 441,
537, vii. 382 ; P. R. iii. 296,
iv. 628; S.A. 1369; Cam.
holds on, P. L. xi. 633.
hole, Com. 338.
holiday, Com. 959.
holier, Com. 943.
holieft, P. L. iv. 759, vi. 724 ;
P.P. ii. 110.
Holieft of Holies, P. JR. iv.
285, 518, 953, vi. 484, 552,
578, vii. 257,289; P.H. iv.
124 ; Son. xvii. 6 ; CM. iVaf.
102, 178 ; Pf. lxxxviii. 44.
hollow'd, P. L. vi. 574.
holocauft, S. ^. 1702.
holy, P. L. i. 390,683, iii. 1,
v. 147, 386, 593, 604, 712,
vi. 272,743, vii.91, 584,594,
631,ix.8Q9,xi.606, xii.109,
340; P.H. i. 195,486,489,
iv. 545; S. A. 362, 497,
1358 ; II Pcnf. 41 ; Com.246,
767; Od. Nat. 5, 133, 190;
Od. Pafs. 41 ; Od. Sol. Muf.
15; Pf. ii. 13, iii. 12, v. 20,
lxxxvii. 1.
holy-day, L'Al 98.
holy-days, S.A. 1421.
Holy Ghoft, P.P. i. 139.
Holy Land, P. L. iii. 536.
Holy One, P. L. vi. 359, xii.
248; 6*.^'. 1427.
Holy Writ, P.P. ii. 8.
homage, P. P. ii. 376.
ne, P. 7v. ii. 457, 458, vi.
622, x. 1085, xi. 154, 692;
P.P. ii. 79, iv. 639; S. A.
518, 579, 1733; Cton. 76;
»S'o/?. xv. 6; P/i l.xxxiv. 15.
home- felt, Com. 262.
at home, P. P. ii. 415, iii.
833, iv. 281 ;5. //. 805, 810,
917, 1458; Ep. J J ohf. I. 11.
homely, P. L. x. 605 J Pj/c.
• ,Con. 748.
jlomcr, P. iv. iv. 259.
homeward, P. L. v. 688, xii,
homicide, P. L. i. 417.
honeft, Com. 322.
honefty, Co???. 69 1 •
honey, P. L. vii. 492; Pf.
lxxxi. 68.
honey-fuckle, Com. 545.
honied, 6'. A 1066; Lye. 140;
ZZ Pe?// 142.
honour, P. L. i. 533, ii. 453,
iii. 343, 660, 738, iv. 289,
314, 390, v. 188, 289, 315,
365, 462, 817, 844, vi. 422,
676, viii. 58, 508, 577, ix.
332, 1057, 1074, xi. 617;
P. P. i. 75, 251, ii. 66, 86,
202, 227, 422, 464. iii. 95,
iv. 122, 207, 368; S. A.
412,449,992, 1101, 1166,
1178, 1276, 1315, 1360,
1715; UAL 37; Arc. 27,
35; Com. 38, 220; Son. vii.
3, xiii. 10; Od. Nat. 20;
Od. D.F.I.S; Pf viii. 16,
lxxxi. 40, lxxxiii. 59, lxxvi.
honourable, S. A. 1108.
honoured, P. P. v. 73, 663, vi.
8 16, viii. 227,649; P.P. i.
329; & ^- 939; Lye. 85;
Co???. 564 ; Son. x. 14 ; P/?<
M. Win. St', Ep.JV.Sh. 1.
honouring, P. L. viii. 569.
honour's, S. A. 372; Cw». 864-.
honours, P. P. v. 7S0 ; P. Ii.
iv. 536.
honour'fl, Son. xiii. 9»
hoods, P. L. iii. 490.
hook, Com. 872.
hooked, Or/. Nat. 56.
hope, P. L.i. 66,88, 120, 190,
275, ii. 7, $9, 142, 221,232,
iii. 630, iv. 60, 105, I OS,
092, 938, 9&>, v. 119, vi.
131, 287,497,787, vii. 121,
viii. 209, 481, ix, 126, 25f|
422, 424, 475, 476, 633, x.
463, 838, 1043, xi. 138,
271, 308, 493, 599, 779, xii.
376, 576; P.P. i. 105, ii.
30, 57, 58, 165, 417, iii-
204, 359, iv. 3 ; S.A. 120,
46'0, 4/2, 647, 838, 1453,
1455; Lye. 73; Com. 213,
400, 410, 412 ; Son. i. 3, ix.
11, xxii. 8; Ep. M. Win.
25 ; Fore, of Con. 13 ; Dante
II. 3.
no hope, P. R. iii. 206.
without hope, P. X. x. 995.
hop'd, P. X. iii. 740; P. P. iv.
hopeful, P. X. iv. 984, x. 972,
xi. 543; S.A. 1575.
hopelefs, P. X. ii. 186, ix.259;
S. A. 64S ; Son. i. 10.
hopes, P. X. i. 637, iii. 449, iv.
808, ix. 985, x. 1011; S.A.
523, 595, 1504, 1571 ; Od.
Hor. 11.
hoping, P. X. vi. 258, x. 339.
horizon, P. X. iii. 560, vi. 79,
vn. 871, ix. 52, x. 684;
Od. Pafs. 23.
horizontal, P. X. i. 595.
horn, P. R. ii. 356, iii. 327;
Lye. 28; X'^/. 53 ; Arc. 57;
Od.Nat. 203; Dawfe II. 2.
horn'd, P. X. x. 525, xi. 831.
horned, Pf. exxxvi. 33.
hornets, S. A. 20.
horns, P. X. i. 439, iv. 978, vii.
366, x. 433.
horny, P. P. ii. 267.
Horonaim, P. X. i. 409.
horrent, P.X. ii. 513.
horrible, P. X. i. 6l, 137, ii.
846, vi. 210, x. 472, xi. 465 ;
S.A. 1649.
horribly, S.A. 1510.
horrid, P. X. i. 51, 83, 224,
392, 563, ii. 63, 644, 676,
710, iv. 996', vi. 207, 252,
305, 66$, ix. 185, x. 540,
789, xi. 465 ; P. R. i. 296,
iv. 411; S. A. 501, 1542;
UAL 4 ; Com. 429 ; Od. Nat.
158; P/ lxxxviii.28.
horrour, P. X. ii. 67, 220, 616,
703, iv. 18, 989, v. 65, vi.
307, 863, ix. 890, x. 539,
S. A. 1550; Od.Nat. 172.
horrours, P. X. i. 250, ii. 177,
x. 843.
horfe, P. X. ii. 887, x. 590, xi.
645; P. R. iv. 66; S. A.
horfes, P. X. v. 356 ; P. P. iii.
Hofanna, P. X. vi. 205.
Hoianna's, P. X. iii. 348.
hofpitable, P. X. i. 504, v. 332;
P.P. iv. 242; Cow. 187.
hofpital, P. P. ii. 262.
holt, P. X. i. 37, 136, 541, 635 9
754, ii. 519, 759, 824, 885,
993, iv. 606, 922, v. 535,
583, 710, 744, 874, vi. 38,
633, 647, 830, vii. 132, ix.
441, x. 259, 437, xi. 230,
xii. 196, 209; P. R. i. 4l6,
iii. 300; S.A. 262; Od.Nat.
21; Od. D. F. I. 57; Od.
Sol. Miff. 18 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 36,
cxiv. 10, exxxvi. 65.
hoftile, P. X. ii. 1040, v. 904,
vi. 50, 260, xi. 796, xii. 31;
S. A. 531, 692, 893, 1210,
1561; Od.Nat. 57.
hoftility, P. X. ii. 336; S.A.
hotting, P. X. vi. 93.
.holts, P. X. vi. 800.
hot, P. X. ii. 898, ix. 467, x,
694, xi. £68, 845.
hovereft, Od. D.F.I. 38.
hovering, P. X. i. 345, ii. 717,
v. 140, ix. 639, x. 285 ;
II Pen/. 9', Com. 214.
hovers, P/I lxxxviii, 27.
hounds, ZA4/. 53.
hour, P.L. i. 697, ii. 91, 848,
934, 1055, iv. 581, 6l0, 779,
963, v. 170, 330, 6*6*7, vi.
10, 150, 396\ viii. 213, 512,
ix. 225, 406*, 596', 739, x.
93,440,771, 923, xi. 203,
xii. 589; P. R. iv. 522;
S. A. 36'4, 1056*; II Pen/.
85 ; Son. xxi. 14.
hourly, P. L. ii. 796, 797.
hour of night, P. R. ii. 260.
hours, P. L. ii. 527, iii. 417,
iv. 26'7, vi. 3, vii. 444, viii.
69, ix. 1188; P.R. i. 57;
Com. 986'; Son. i. 4; On
Time, 2.
houfe, P. L. ii. 823, vi. 877,
vii. 576, x. 465, xii. 121 ;
P. R. iii. 175, 282, iv. 273,
552, 639; S. A. 447, 518,
1733; Co?n.S5; Od.Nat. 14;
lip. M. Win. 54; Hor. i. 5 ;
Pf. v. 19, lxxxiv. 10, \7,
lxxxviii. 24.
houfc of God, P. L. i. 470,
496, xii. 349.
houfe, (verb) Ep. M. Win. 10.
houfes, P. L. ix. 446; P. R.
iv. 56; p/: ixxxiii. 47.
houfhohJ, P. L. ix. 233, x.908,
xi. 820; S.A. 566.
how, P. L. 1. 9, 75, 84, 187,
740, ii. 153,280, 338, 356,
357, iv. 236, 237, 452, 1012,
v. 21, 22, 24, 155,226, 227,
564, 566,715, 783, vi. 901,
vii. 62, 555, 556, 636, viii.
526, 45, 250, 277, 280, 448,
615, jx. 9ft L38, 2()l, 230,
2SS, 326, 56*3, 686, 698, 761,
900, 902, 903, 908, 964,
1053, 1054, 1080, 11 14, x.
0, 20, 28, 120, 211, 480,
580,775,777,796", 821, 827,
p60, 968, 1070, xi. ()% 70,
282, 284, 46*5, 528, 548, 754,
7S5, 802, xii. 263, 284;
P. R. i. 137, ii. 113, 183,
iii. 323, iv. 187, 231, 233,
311,472; 5.^.48,59,118,
422, 493, 604, 707, 8 19, 854,
S55, 944, 946, 1148, 1350,
1415, 1547, 1579, 1583;
Lye. 113, 117, 119; UAU
53, 105 ; 11 Pen/. 3 ; Com.
365, 476, 497, 508, 567,
581, 6l6, 618, 1020; Son.
vii. 1; Od. Nat. 22; Vac. Ex.
36, 53 ; Pf. viii. 23, lxxxiv. 1 .
however, P. L. iv. 911, v. 258,
vi. 292, 56*3, ix. 683, 952,
x. 134, 578, xi. 373; P. P.
ii. 135, iv. 321 ; S. A. 6*01.
how far, S. A. 755.
how many, P. R. ii. 193; S.A.
194; Pf. iii. 1,2.
how much, S. A. 16*7 ; Dante,
I. 1.
how oft, Od. Ilor. 5.
how often, P. L. iv. 680.
howl, P. L. ii. 799 ; Com. 533.
howl'd, P.L. ii. 658; P. P. iv.
hubbub, P. L. ii. 951, xii. 60.
hue, P.L. i. 230, 527, iv. 14S,
256, vii. 445, viii. 619, xi.
557; P. P. ii. 352; II Pen/.
16; Or!. Nat. 207.
hues, P. L. iv. 698 ; Lye. 135.
hug, Com. l64.
huge, P. L. i. 57, 196, 209,
547, 710, ii. 434, 473, 709,
874, vi. 193, 251,364, 552,
873, vii. 285, 410, 496, x.
531, xi. 729; P. K. ill- 26*1,
iv. 51 ; Com. 423 ; Od. Pafs.
14; Od. Or. 27.
huge-bellied, P/' rxiv. 11.
lb huge, S* A. 65.
hugeft, P. LA. 202, vii, 413.
hull, P. I. xi. 840.
hum, UAL 118; Of/. Nat. 174.
human, P. P. i. 359, 393, 482,
iii. 44, 402, iv. 206, 475,
751, v. 227, 459, 518, 565,
572, vi. 300, 896, vii. 75,
177, 368, 640, viii. 119, 250,
392, 414, 587, ix. 197, 241,
554, 561, 712, 714, 871, x,
793, 908. xi. 147, 694, xii.
10, 71 ; P. R. i. 298, 308.
ii. 137, 246, iii. 231, 402,
iv. 265, 599; S.A. 690,79%,
1113 ; II Pen/. 14 ; Arc. 73 ;
Com. 68, 297; Od. Nat. 126;
Od. Paff. 14 ; Od. D. F. J. 58.
humane, P. P. ii. 109, ix. 732;
P.R.I. 221.
H umber, Vac. Ex. 99'
bumble, P. P. ii. 240, vii. 322,
viii. 378, x. 912, xi. 295;
P.R. iii. 189; S. A. 511,
965 ; Od. Nat. 24.
bumbled, P. P. vi. 342, xi,
150; P.P. iii. 421.
humbler, P. L. xii. 193.
humbling. P. P. x. 576.
humbly, P. P. x. 1089, HOC
humid, P. P. iv. 151, v. 425,
vii. 306, ix. 193; Com. 992.
humiliation, P. P. iii. 313, x.
1092, 1104; P. P. i. 160.
humming, P. R. iv. 17.
humour, P. P. iii. 610, vi. 332,
vii. 280; Son. xiii. 8.
humours, S. A. 600.
hundred, P. JR. iii. 287; Arc.
22 ; Son. xviii. 13.
hundreds, P. P. i. 760.
hung, P. P. i. 287, 342, ii. 78,
1005, iii. 367, iv. 250, 302,
554, vi. 190, 246, 763, vii.
242, 325, viii. 307, ix. 430,
594, xi. 247; S. A. 59,
1736; IlPcnf. 118; Od. Nat.
122 ; Ep. Hobf. II. 3 ; Od. Hor.
hung forth, P. L. iv. 997.
hung over, P. P. v. 13.
hunger, P. £. iv. 184, v. 437,
viii. 213, ix. 586, x. 556,
568 ; P. P. i. 308, 325, ii.
252, 255, 319, 333, 373, 389,
406, iv. 121, 592.
without hunger, P. P. ii.
hunger-bit, P.P. ii. 4l6.
hunger'd, P. R. i. 309.
hungering, P. P. ii. 244, 259,
hungers, P.R. ii. 231.
hungry, P. P. iv. 403; Lye,
hunt, IlPenf. 124.
hunter, P. P. xi. 188, xii. 33.
hunting, P. L. xii. 30.
huntrefs, Cow. 441 ; Brut. 1.
hurdled, P. P. iv. 186.
hurl, Com. 153.
hurrd, P. P. i. 45, ii. 180,
374, vi. 665, x. 636; Lye.
hurling, P. L. i. 669.
hurried, P. P. ii. 937, v. 778',
P. P. iv. 402 ; Od. Pafs. 50.
hurried back, P. P. ii. 603.
hurt, P. P. ix. 700, 727, xii.
418; S.A. 1676; Com. 589.
hurtful, P. L. ii. 259; ^rc. 53.
hufband, P. P. vii. 490, viii. 52,
ix. 204, 234, 268, 482, x. 4,
336, xi. 291 ; S. A. 755,
883, 940; Son. xxiii. 3.
hufband's, P. L. ix. 385, x.
hum, Cow. 88.
hulk, P. P. v. 342.
houfwife's, Com. 751.
hyacinth, P. P. iv. 701, ix,
1041; Com. 998.
Hyacinth, Od. D.F. I. 25, 26.
hyacinthine, P. L. iv. 301.
Hyaena, S.A. 748.
hyaline, P. P. vii. 619.
Hydafpes, P. P. iii. 436.
Hydra, Son. xv. 7*
Hydras, P. L. ii. 628; Com*
hydrus, P. P, x. 525,
Hylas, P. P. ii. 353.
Hymen, P. L. xi. 591 ; L'Al.
Hymenasan, P. L. iv. 711.
Hymettus, P. P. iv. 247.
hymn, P. X. iv. 944 ; P. P. iv.
341 ; Son. xiii. 11; Od. Nat.
17; P/.lxxxi. 5.
hymning, P. L. iii. 417, vi. 96,
vii. 258.
hymns, P. L. ii. 242, iii. 148,
v. 656, vi. 745; P. P. i.
169 ; Od. Sol. Muf 15.
hypocrify, P. L. iii. 683; S, A.
hypocrite, P. L. iv. 957 J P- P.
i. 487.
hypocrites, P. L. iv. 744.
Hyrcanian, P. P. iii. 317.
Hyrcanus, P. R. iii. 367.
I. J.
I am, P. L. vii. 168.
Jabin's, Pf. lxxxiii. 36.
Jacob, P.P. iii. 510, xi. 214;
P. R. iii. 377 ; Pf lxxxv. 4.
Jacob's, P/lxxxi.3, 15,lxxxiv,
3, lxxxvii. 7«
jaculation, P. P. iv. 665.
Jael, S. ^. 989.
jail, 5. A. 9*9 ; Orf. JNta. 233,
Iambick, P.P. iv.262.
jangling, P. P. xii. 55.
.(anus, P. P. xi. 129-
Japhet, P. L. iv. 717.
jar, P. L. v. 793.
jarr'd, Od. Sol. Muf. 20.
jarring, P. P. ii. 880, vi. 315.
jafper, P. P. iii. 363, 519, xi.
Javan, 5.^. 7 16.
, /'. /,. i. 508.
/'. /;. iv. 402.
javelin, P. L. xi. 658,
S. /I. 1*3, n
P. L. x. 569, 637.
Iberian, P.P. ii ? 200, iii. 318;
Com. 60.
ice, P. P. ii. 591, 600, x. 291,
697, 1063, xii. 193.
icy-pearled, Od. D.F.I. 15.
Ida, P.P. i. 515, v. 382.
Ida's, IlPenf.29.
idea, P. P. vii. 557.
idiots, P. P. iii. 474.
idle, P. P. iv. 6l7, vi. 839, vii.
279; S.A. 566, 579; IlPenf,
4 ; Son. xxii. 4; Od JVfl£. 55,
idlenefs, P. P. x. 1055.
idly, P.L. x. 236, xi. 645.
idol, P. P. i. 396, vi. 101 ;
S. A. 1672 ; Od. Nat. 207.
idol-worfhip, P. P. xii. 115;
S. A. 1365.
idolatrefies, P. L. i. 445.
idolatries, P. P. i. 456, xii.
337; P. P. iii. 418.
idolatrous, P. P. i. 144; S. A.
443, 1364, 1378.
idolatry, S. A. 1670.
idolifms, P. P. iv. 234.
idolifts, S. A. 453.
idol's, S. A. 1297.
idols, P. P. i. 375, 446, ii.
329 ; P. P- iii. 426, 432 ;
S. A. 456.
jealous, P. P. iv. 503, x. 478 ;
Son. xv. 3.
jcaloufies, P. P. v. 703.
jealoufy, P. P. v. 449; S. A.
791, 1375.
Jehovah, P. LA. 386,487, vii.
602; Pf ii. 24, iii. 11, iv.
17, 24 y v. 1,6, 37, vii. 29,
64; viii. 1, 23, lxxxiii. 66.
Jehovah's, Pf. vii. (>1, cxiv. 5.
Jephtha, P. JR. ii. 439; S. A.
Jericho, P. R. ii. 20.
Jerafalem, P. R. iii. 234, 2S3.
jefiamine, P. P. iv. 693 ; Ljjc.
1 1.;.
jcir, /////. 26.
jefter, S. A. 1338.
Jefus, P.L. ix. 183, xii. 310;
P. R. ii. 3/8, 432.
Jefus Meffiah, P. P. ii. 4.
jet, Lye. 144.
ignoble, P. L. ii. 227, xii. 221 ;
S. A. 416,
Jew, P. R. iii. 118.
jigs, Com. 952.
ignobly, P. L. xi. 624.
ignominious, P. L. vi. 395 ;
S. A. 417.
ignominy, P. L. i. 115, ii. 207,
vi. 383 ; P. R. iii. 136.
ignorance, P. L. iv. 519? ix.
774, 809; Com. 514.
ignorant, P. Z. ix. 704, xi.
764 ; P. P. 300.
Iliffus, P.R. iv. 249.
Ilium, P.L. i. 578.
ill, P. L. i. 160, ii. 224,381,
445, 462, 935, iv. 48, 222,
320, 932, v. 113, vi. 150,
262, 738, viii. 324, ix. 845,
1055, 1147, H52, x. 735,
950, 952; P.R. i. 200,321,
423, ii. 469, iv. 135, 339,
419, 464 ; S. A. 209; Arc.
48; Com. 217, 271, 683;
Dante I. 1; Pf. vii. 10, 58.
ill luck, Com. 845.
no ill, P. L. iii. 688, 689, x.
ill-boding, P. R. iv. 490.
ill-fenc'd, P. L. iv. 372.
ill-fitted, 5. A. 122.
ill-tbrefeen, P. L. xi. 763.
ill-founded, S. A. 1504.
ill-got, Dante II. 4.
ill-greeting, Cow. 406.
ill-manag'd, Co??*. 172.
ill-meaning, S. A. 1195.
illaudable, P. L. vi. 382.
liiimitable, P. L. ii. S92.
ill-join'd, P. L. iii. 463.
ill-mated, P. £. xi.684.
ill news, P. ft. i, 6'4.
lil-fecur'd, P. L. iv. 370.
ill-worthy, p, £, xi. 163.
illuminate, P. L. vii. 350,
illuminated, S. A. 1689.
illumine, P. L. i. 23.
illumined, P. L. i. 666.
illufion, P. L. x. 571 ; Com,
illufions, P. L. iv. 803.
illunrate, P. L. x. 78 ; P. it i.
illuftrates, P. L. v. 739-
illuftrious, P. X. iii. 627? vi.
773, vii. 109, ix. 962, x.
367 ;S. A. 957, 1318.
more illuftrious, P. L. v. 842.
Illyria, P.L. ix. 505.
ima^v-P. L. i. 371, 440, 459,
ii. 764, iii. 63, iv. 292, 472,
480, 567, v. 95, 784, vi. 736,
vii. 519, 526, 527, 627, viii.
221, 424, 441, 544, xi. 508,
514, 515, 518, 525; P. R.
imagination, P. L. vi. 300;
S. A. 1544.
imaginations, P. L. ii. 10, v.
imagined, P. L. iii. 599> v. 263,
x. 291,881.
imagine, Com. 415.
imagining, P. L. x. 553.
Imaus, P. L. iii. 431.
imbalm'd, P. i. ii. 842, xi.
imbark'd, P. L. xi. 7<53 ; £. A.
imbathe, Cow. 837*
imblaze, Com. 733.
imblaz'd, P. L. i. 538, v. 502.
imblazon'd, P. X. ix. 34.
imblazonry, P. L. ii. 513.
imbodied, P. L. i. 574, vi.
imbodies, Com. 468.
imborder'd, P. L. ix. 43S.
imbofom'd, P. L. iii. 75, v. S97>
imbower, P. L. i. 304-.
imbower'd, P. £. ix. 103S ;
Qom. 62,
imbrown'd, P. X. iv. 246.
imbrute, P. L. ix. 166.
im brutes, Com. 46S.
imbued, P. X. viii. 2l6; Son.
xvi. 7.
imitate, P. X. ii. 270, v. Ill ;
Com. 112.
imitated, P. X. ii. 511; P. H.
iv. 339.
imitation, P. X. v. 764, vi.
immanacled, Com. 665.
immature, P. X. vii. 277.
immcafurable, P. L. i. 549, vii.
211; S.A. 206.
immeasurably, P. X. ii. 844.
immediate, P. X. ii. 121, vi.
584, vii. 176, viii. 6l7, x.
52, 1049.
immediately, P. X. vii. 285, xi.
477, xii. 87; S.A. 1614.
immedicable, S.J. 620.
immenfe, P. X. i. 790, ii. 829,
iv. 52, v. 88, vi. 704, vii.
196, 620, x. 300, xii. 469.
imminent, P. X. vi. 317, ix.
409, xi.725.
immortal, P. X. i. 53, 107,
559, 622, ii. 13, 553, iii. 67,
267, 353, 373, vii. 77, ix.
291, 1166, xi. 50, 285, xii.
435;L'Al. 137; II Pen/. 91;
Arc. 75; Com. 2, 463, 5l6,
841 ; -Sow. xiv. 14, xx. 12;
Od . Sol.Muf. 13; Vac. Ex.
39 ; Ep. Uobf. 28.
immortality, P. X. iv. 201, v.
638, xi.59.
immoveable, P. X. ii. 602, x.
immur'd, Com. 521.
immures, P. X. ii. 435.
immutable, P. X. iii. 373, v.
524, ix. 1165.
immutably, P.L. iii. 121, vii. 79-
imp, P. X. ix. 89.
imp, (verb) Son. xv. 8.
impair, P. X. vii. 608, xii. 10.
impair'd, P. X. iv. 850, v. 73,
665, vi. 6*01, ix. 144; P. £.
iv. 592 ; Com. 38.
impal'd, P. X. ii. 647, vi. 553.
imparadif d, P. X. iv. 506.
impart, P. X. v. 677, vii. 81,
ix. 728; P. #. ii. 397, iii.
imparted, P. X. viii. 441 ; S. A.
impartial, 5. A. 827.
imparts, P. X. v. 423 ; P. il.
impafiable, P. X. x. 254.
impafliori'd, P. X. ix. 678.
impaHive, P. X. vi. 455.
impatience, P. X. x. 1044.
impearls, P. X. v. 747-
impediment, P. X. vi. 548.
impendent, P. X. ii. 177, v.
impenetrable, P. X. ii. 647, ix.
impenetrably, P. X. vi. 400.
impenitence, P. X. xi. 816.
impenitent, P. il. iii. 423.
'imperfect, P. X. ix. 338, 345,
xii. 300; Vac. Ex.3.
impertedtion, P. X. viii. 423.
imperial. P. X. i. 536, ii. 310,
446, v. 584, 801, vii. 585;
P.R. iv. 33, 51; Com. 21.
imperious, P.L. vi. 287; #.^.
imperimable, P. X. vi. 435.
impertinence, P. X. viii. 195.
impervious, P. X. x. 254.
impetuous, P. X. i. 175, ii.
880, iv. 560, vi. 591, xi.
744; S.A. 1422.
impious, P. X. i. 43, 342, 686,
v. 813, 845, vi. 188, 831;
P.R. iv. 173 1 S.A. 891-
impioufly, P. X. vii. 6*11 ; 6\ A,
implacable, P. X. vi. 658 ; S. A*
implanted, P. X. xi. 23»
implements, P. X. vi. 488,
implicit, P. X. vii. 323.
implied, P. X. iv. 307.
implies, P. X. iv. 901, x.
implor'd, P. X. viii. 377.
implore, S. A. 521 ; Cow. 903.
implores, P. X. vii. 38.
imploring, S. A. 512.
import, P. X. ix. 731.
important, P. X. xi. 9 ; S. A.
imports, P. X. viii. 71 ; Cow.
importun'd, S.A. 1680.
importune, P. X. ix. 610, x.
933; P.P. ii. 404; 5.^.
importunity, P.P. iv.24 ; S. A.
51, 397, 779, 797.
impos'd, P. X. ii. 241, v. 6?9 ,
vi. 407, vii. 545, ix. 235, xi.
172, xii. 397; S.A. 565,
1343, 1640.
impofe, P. X, i. 567, viii. 30,
xi. 227; S.A. 1258.
impofition, P. X. xii. 304.
impoflible, P. X. ii. 250, iv.
548, vi. 501, vii. 58, ix. 360,
x. 800.
impoftor, P. X. iii. 692 ; Cow.
impotence, P. X. ii. 156'; S.A.
impower'd, P.X. x. 369 ; P. .R.
ii. 130.
impregnable, P. X. ii. 131 ;
P. JR. iv. 50.
impregn'd, P. X. ix. 737.
impregns, P. X. iv. 500.
imprefs, P. X. iv. 558.
imprefs'd,P.X. iii. 388, iv. 150,
vii. 294, xi. 182.
imprefles, P. X. ix. 35.
impreffion, P. R. j. 106 : Ep.
W. SL 12.
imprifon'd, S. A. 8, 158.
imprifonment, S.A, 155,
improv'd, P. X. v. 498, ix. 54.
improve, P. R. i. 213.
imprudence, P. X. xi. 686.
impudence, S. A. 398.
impudent, P. R. iv. 154 ; Dante,
II. 3.
impulfe, P. X. iii. 120, ix. 5S0,
x. 45; S.A. 223.
impulfion, S.A. 422.
impure, P. X. iii. 630, iv. 746,
vi. 742, x.756; S.A. 1424.
impurpled, P. X. iii. 364.
impute, P. X. x. 620 ; P. P. ii.
imputed, P. X. iii. 291, xii.
295, 409.
imput'ft, P. X. ix. 1145.
inabflinence, P. X. xi. 476.
inaceeffible, P. X. ii. 104, iii.
377, vii. 141; P.P. iii. 274.
inbreath'd, Od. Sol. Muf. 4.
inbred, P. X. ii. 587.
incapable, P. X. ii. 140, v. 505,
vi. 434.
incarnate, P. X. iii. 315, ix. 166.
incenfe, P. X. ii. 94, vii. 599,
ix. 194,692, xi. 18, 25,439,
xii. 338, 363; P.P. i. 251.
incens'd, P. X. ii. 707, iii. 187,
v. 847, vi. 130, via. 235, ix.
incentive, P. X. vi. 5 J 9.
inceffant, P. X. i. 698, vi. 138>
xi. 308 ; Lye. 64 ; Pf. lxxxvi.,
inceflantly, P. X. iv. 323.
inceftuous, P.L. x. 602; S.A.
incident, 5. A. 656, 774.
incited, P. X. viii. 125.
inclement, P. X. iii. 426, x.
inclinable, P. X. ix. 742.
inclination, P. X. ii. 524, x.
incline, P. X. iii. 402, x. 106l,
xi. 145; Com, 412; Pf.
lxxxvi, I.
inclin'd, P. X. iii. 405, xi. 250,
596; P.P. iv. 212; S.A.
lb'36"; Son. xxiii. 13.
inclines, P. X. ii. 314, iv. 6l5.
inclining, P. X. x. 46.
included, P. X. ix. 4l6.
incompos'd, P. X. ii. 989*
incomprchenfible, P. X. viii. 20.
incontinence, Com. 397-
inconvenient, P. X. v. 495.
incorporate, P.X. x. 8l6; S.A.
incorporeal, P. X. i. 789, v.
413, viii. 37.
incorrupt, P. X. xi. 56.
incorruptible, P. X. ii. 138, ix.
298, 6'22.
in create, P. X. iii. 6.
incredible, P. L. iv. 593 ; S. A.
1084, 1532, 1672.
Incubus, P.P. ii. 152.
incumbent, P. X. i. 226.
incumber'd, P. X. vi. 874, ix;
1051 ; Com. 774,.
incur, P. X. viii. 336, ix. 992.
incurable, S. A. 1234.
incurrM, P. X. x. 15.
incurfions, P. P. iii. 301.
incurft, P. X. iv. 913.
Ind, P. X. ii. 2 ; Cow. 606.
indamagM, P. P. iv. 206.
indebted, P.X. iii. 235, iv. 57-
indecent, P. X. vi. 601.
indeed, P. X. i. 114, ii. 99, iii,
702, iv. 444, 477, v.706, viii.
524, ix. 650, 656, 1071, X.
152, 1036; P.R. ii. 316, iii.
165, iv.354; S.A. 158,527,
i ;i-7, 1571.
indefatigable, P. X. ii. 408.
indented, P. L. ix. 496.
India, P. X. v. 339; P. ii. iv.
Indian, P. L. i. 781, iii. 435,
ix. 1108 J P.R. iv. 75; Co///.
Indians, P.X. ix. 1102.
indignant, P. X. x. 311.
indignation, P. X. ii. 707, vi#
811, ix. 666, x. 418; P/.
lxxxv. 15.
indignities, S.A. 371, 1168,
indignity, P. X. ix. 154; *S.^.
indirect, P. X. xi. 631.
indiflblubly, P. X. vi. 69.
indite, P. X. ix. 27-
individual, P. X. iv. 486, V.
610 ; Od. on Time, 12.
indors'd, P. P. iii. 329.
induce, P. X. ii. 503.
indue'd, P. X. viii. 253.
inducement, P. X. ix. 934 J
S. A. 1445.
induces, P. JR. i. 105.
inducing, P. X. vi. 407.
induftive, P. X. xi. 519-
indulgence, P. X. ix. 1 166.
indulgences, P. X,. iii. 492.
indulgent, P. X. v. 883, ix. 3.
Indus, P. X. ix. 82; P. P. iii.
induftrious, P.X. i.75l,ii. Il6,
viii. 137 ; S. A. 1274.
ineffable, P.X. iii. 137, v. 734.
ineffably, P. X. vi. 721.
ineflfe&ual, P. X. ix. 301.
inelegant, P. X. v. 335.
inevitable, P. X. ii. 197, 322;
S. A. 1587-
inevitably, P. X. viii. 330 ; 5. A.
inexorable, P. X. ii. 91 ; S. A.
inexperience, P. X. iv. 931.
inexpert, P. X. ii. 52, xii. 218.
inexpiable, S. A. 839.
inexplicable, P. X. x. 754.
inexpreflible, P. X. v. 595, viii.
J 13.
inextinguifhable, P. X. ii. ^^
inextricable, P. L. v. 528.
infallible, P. L. xii. 530 j P.fl>
iii, 16.
infam'd, P. L. ix. 797-
infamous, S.A. 417; Com. 424 ;
O&D.F.L 12.
infamy, P. .L. vi. 384.
infancy, P. P. iv. 508 ; S. A.
968 ; Od. Nat. 152 ; Od. Cir.
infant, P. L. xii. 168 ; P. P. ii.
78; Son. xviii. 8.
infant-blood, P.L. ii. 664.
Infant-God, Od. Nat. 16.
infant-lips, Vac. Ex. 4.
infantry, P. L. i. 575.
infant's, Od. Nat. 222; Od.
infeft, P. P, x. 608.
infeded, P. X. i. 453.
infeftion, P. £. i. 483 ; Od.
Paf 55.
infer, P. P. vii. 116 ; Com. 408.
inferiour, P. P. ii. 26, iii. 420,
iv. 59, 362, viii. 382, 410,
541, ix. 825, x. 468; P. P.
ii. 135; S.A. 73, 672; Arc.
77; Od.Nat. 81.
infernal, P. P. i. 34, 251, 657,
792, ii. 66, 387, 507, 575,
742, 850, 881, iv. 793, 965,
xi. 483, 667, vii. 238, ix. 136,
x. 259, 389, 464; P.P. i.
107, iv. 422, 6l 8 ; Od. Nat.
infers, P. L. viii. 91, ix. 285,
infeft, S.^. 423.
Infidel, P.L. i. 582; 5. ^.221.
infinite, P. L. i. 218, ii. 405,
797, iii. 12, 373, 706, iv. 74,
415, 734, 916 v. 596, 874, vi.
241, vii. 191, 602, viii. 410,
420, x. 79^ 802, 907, xi.
167, 692, xii. 469.
infinitely, P. L. iv. 414.
infinitely good, P. L. vii. 76.
infinitude, P.L. iii. 711, vii.
infirm, P. L. v. 384.
in firmer, P. £. x. 956.
infirmity, S.A. 776; Lye. 71.
infix'd, P. L. ii. 602, vi. 837.
inflame, P. P. ii. 581, ix. 1031 $
S.A. 1739.
inflam'd, P. R. iii. 40.
inflamed, P. X. i. 300, ii. 630*
791, iv. 9, vi. 26l.
inflames, P. L. iv. 818; P. R.
i. 418.
inflaming, P. L. ix. 1013,
inflammation, & A. 626.
inflexible, S. .4. 816.
inflid, P. L. i. 96, x. 341.
infliaed, P. L. ii. 335, x. 51 3
P. P. i. 54; 5.^f. 1170.
influence, P. P. ii. 1034, iii*
118, iv. 669, v.695, vii. 375,
viii. 513, ix. 107, 309, x.
662; UAL 122; Com-. 336;
Od. Nat. 71.
inform, P.P. iii. 247; Com.
inform'd, P. L. iii. 593, vii,
639, ix. 275; S.A. 1229-
informidable, P. L. ix. 486 3
S. ^. 335.
informing, P. P. xii. 232.
infring'd, P. P. i. 62.
infuriate, P. L. vi. 486.
infus'd, P. P. v. 694, vii, 236,
viii. 474, ix. 836.
ingender'd, P.L. x. 530.
ingendering, P. L. ii. 794, iv;
inglorious, P. P. i. 624, iii. 253,
ix. 141, xii. 220; P. P. iii.
42; £.^. 580; Od. D.F.I.
ingorg'd, P. P. ix. 791.
ingraft, P. X. xi. 35.
ingrate, P. P. iii. 97, v. 811 ;
P.R. iii. 138.
ingrateful, P. P. v. 407, ix.
^1164; £. ,4. 697.
ingratitude, Com. 77S.
ingredients, P. L. xi. 417-
ingrofVd, P. P. v. 775.
ingulf d, P. P. iv. 225, v. 6l4.
inhabit, P. L. ii. 355, vii. 162,
inhabitant, P. L.ii. 860, v.46l.
inhabitants, P. L. iv. 5, viii.
inhabitation, 5.^. 1512.
inhabited, P. X. x. 6"90.
inherit, 5. ^. 1012.
inheritance, P. L. ii. 3S ; P. P.
iii. 382 ; S. A. 1476.
inhofpitable, P. L. xi. 306;
5. ^. 989.
inhofpitably, P. L. xii. 168.
inhuman, P. L. xi. 511 ; S. A.
inhumanly, P. L. xi. 677.
inimitable, P. £. iii. 508 ; Arc,
iniquities, P. JC. xii. 107.
iniquity, Pf. vi. l6, lxxxv. 5.
injunction, P. L. x. 13.
injure, P. L. x. 1057.
injur'd, P. L. i. 98, v. 450.
injuries, P. L. x. 925 ; P. ii.
iii. 190, iv. 387.
injurious, S. A. 1003.
injury, P. L. i. 500, vi. 434.
inlaid, P. L. vi. 758.
inland, P. L. x. 423.
inlay, P. £. iv. 701 ; Com. 22.
inlet, Com. 839-
inly, P. L. xi. 444 ; P. P. i.
228, 466, iii. 203.
inmate, P. L. ix. 495, xii. 166.
inmix'd, S. A. l65J.
i?.moft, P. L. i. 16'8, iv. 738, v.
302, ix. 1048, xi. 418 ; S. A.
611 ; II Penf. 29 ; Com. 536.
inn. P.Jt i. 248; Ep. Uobf. I.
inner, P. it. ii. 477.
innocence, P. /,. iv. 318, 388,
745, v. 445, vi. 401, viii. 501,
ix.373,41 1,459, 1054,1075,
xi. 30; Cow. 607, 831 ; 0m. 702 ; Oil. Nat. 39-
innumerable, P. i.i. ioj,338,
699, iii. 147, 565, v. 585,
745, 898, vi. 82, 508, vii. 88,
156, 400, viii. 297, ix. 1089,
x. 268, 507, 896; I LA. 60S;
Com. 713.
innumerous, P. L. vii. 455;
Com. 349.
inoffenfive, P. X. v. 345, viii.
164, x. 305.
inordinate, P. L. iv. 808, xii.
inquir'd, P. P. i. 458.
inquire, P. L. iii. 57 i, viii. 225.
xii. 362 ; P. P. iv. 42.
inquifition, P. P. iii. 200.
inquifitive, S.A. 775.
inroad, P. L. iii. 421, vi. 387.
inroads, P. X. ii. 103.
inroll, Pf. lxxxvii. 23.
inroll'd, P. L. xii. 523; S. A.
653, 1224, 1736.
infatiable, P. P. iii. 148.
infatiate, P. L. ii. 8, ix. 536.
infcrib'd, P.P. iv. 335; I#c.
infeft, P. i. iv. 704, vii. 476,
xi. 734.
infenfate, P. L. vi. 787; 5. A.
infenfible, P. L. viii. 291, x,
infenfibly, P. L. vi. 692, viii.
infeparable, P. L. x. 250.
infeparably, P. i. iv. 473;
S. A. 154.
infide, P. P. iv. 58 ; Hor. I. 6;
P/ v. 27.
infight, P. P. iii. 238.
infinuating, P. L. iv. 348.
infifted, P. P. i. 468.
infolence, P. X. i. 502 ; S. A\
infolent, 5.^. 1422.
inflection, p. L. ix. 83.
infpher'd, CW. 3.
infpire, P. L. i.7;P,ft.i,ll;
Od. May-M. 5.
itifpir'd, P. X. iv. 273, v. 322,
vi. 155, 503, viii. 476, ix.
189, x.785, xl 7; P. P. i.
492, iv. 275, 350.
infpires, P. X. iv. 154, ix. 23 ;
Od. Nat. 180.
infpiring, P. X. iv. 804.
initant, P. X. vi. 549, x. 210,
inftantly, P. X. viii. 458.
inftead, P. X. i. 553, iii. 45, iv.
105, 316, vii. 188, x. 538,
565, 1040, xi. 5, xii. 54 ;
Com. 529.
inftill'd, P. X. vi. 269, xi. 4>l6.
inftind, P. X. ii. 937, vi. 752,
x. 26*3, xi. 562; S.A. 526,
inftin&ive, P. X. viii. 259.
inftrucl, P. X. i. 19, x. 1081 ;
P.P. n439.
iiiftruaed, P.X. xii. 239, 557;
S.A. 757; Od. Pajj: 48.
inft ruder, P. X. v. 546", xi.
inftruftion, P. X. vii. 81.
inftructs, P. X. v. 320.
inftrument, P. X. ii. 872, vi.
505, x. 166; P. P. iii. 388.
inftru mental, P. X. iv. 6*86, vi.
inftruments, P. X. xi. 559.
infufferably, P. X. ix. 1084.
infult, S.^. 113,944.
infulting, P. X. ii. 79, iv. 926;
P. P. iv. 138.
infults, P. P. iii. 190.
infuperable, P. X. iv. 138.
insupportable, P. X. x. 134.
infupportably, S. A. 136.
infuire&ion, P. L. ii. 136.
integrity, P. X. v. 704, ix.329.
intellect, P.L. vi. 351.
intellectual, P. X. ii. 147, v.
485, ix. 483, 768.
intelligence, P.L. viii. 181.
intelligent, P. X. vii. 427 J P. P*
iii. 58.
intelligential, P. X. v. 408, ix
intemperance, P. X. xi. 472 ;
Com. 975.
intemperate, Com. 67.
intend, PL. ii. 457, 713, v„
867, x. 58; S.A. 911, 1259.
intended, P. X. i. 652, viii. 447,
555, ix. 45, 295, x. 689;
P. R. i. 61 ; P/ vii. 47.
intends, P. X. i. 14, ii. 727, 740,
iv. 898, v. 693, 725, xii. 73;
Son. xxi. 8.
intenfe, P. L. viii. 387.
intent, P. L. I 787, iii. 192, iv,
810, v. 332, vi. 503, ix. 162,
462, 786, 1035 ; P. R. i. 291,
ii. 95, iv. 528; S.A. 1078,
1754 ; ^rc. 34 ; Fore, of Con.
inter, Ep. M. Win. 1 .
intercede, P. X. xi. 21 ; S. A,
intercept, P. X. v. 871, vi. 193,
ix. 410, x. 429.
interceffion, P. X. x. 228.
interceflbur, P. X. iii. 219, x.
96, xi. 19.
interchange, P. X. ix. 115.
intercourfe, P.L. ii. 1031, vii.
571, ix. 238, x. 260.
interdict, P. P. ii. 369.
interdicted, P. X. v. 52, vii. 46.
interdiction, P. X. viii. 334.
interfused, P. X. vii. 89.
interlunar, S.A. 89.
interminable, S. A. 307.
intermiffion, P. X. ii. 802, iv.
102; S.A. 1629.
intermit, P. X. ii. 462.
intermits, P. X. ix. 223.
intermitted, P. X. ii. 173, ix.
intermix, P.L. viii. 54, xi. 115.
intermix'd, P. X. vii. 598, ix.
internal, P. X. viii.46l, ix. 711 j
S. A. 1334, 16*86*.
interpofe, P. L. ii. 854, xii. 4 ;
Son. xx. 14.
interpos'd, P.L. iv. 253, v. 258,
vi. 336', x. 323, xii. 270;
P. P. iv. 39-
interpoies, P. P. iii. 728.
interpofeft, P.L. ii. 738.
interposition, iii. 222.
interpret, P. P. xi. 33.
interpreted, P. L. v. 762.
interpreter, P. P. iii. 657, -vii.
interpret'^, 5. ^4. 790.
interrupt, P. P. ii. 371, viii.
184, ix. 512, xii. 317-
interrupted, P. L. xi. 286.
intertwined, P. P. iv. 405.
interval, P. L. vi. 105.
intervein'd, P.P. iii. 257-
intervene, P. L. ix. 222.
interview, P. X. vi. 555 f xi.
intervolv'd, P. L. v. 623.
interwove, P. L. i. 621 ; Cow.
interwoven, P. P. ii. 263.
inteftine, P.L. ii. 1001, vi.259,
xi. 484; S. A. 1038.
intimate, S.J. 223.
intoxicate, P. R. iv. 328.
intoxicated, P. L. ix. 1008.
intrane'd, P. L. i. 301, xi. 420.
intrench'd, P. P. i. 601.
intricacies, P. L. viii. 182.
intricate, P. P. ii. 877, v. 622,
ix. 632.
introduce, P. P. iii. 36S, v. 797 ,
xii. 241.
introdue'd, P. L. x. 709.
introduction, P. /{. iii. 247.
intrude, Lye. 115.
intrufion, P. P. xii. 178.
intuitive, P. L. v. 488.
invade, P. L. ii. 342, iii. 726,
xi. 102; P. II. ii, 127.
invaded, P. />. vi. 653.
invaders, P. L. xi. 801.
invading, Pf. exxxvi. 83.
invalid, P.L. viii. 1 16.
invafion, P. P. iii, 365.
inveigh, Com. 538.
invent, P. P. vi. 464 ; Com. 682.
invented, P. L. ii. 70, iv. 524,
ix. 767.
inventer, P. L. vi. 499.
inventers, P. P. xi. 610.
invention, P. P. vi. 498.
inventions, P. P. vi. 6*31, vii.
invert, P. P. iii. 10.
invefted, P. P. vii. 372.
invefts, P.L. i. 208, xi. 233.
invincible, P. P. i. 140, iv. 846,
vi. 47; P.P. ii. 408; S.J.
341, 1271.
invincibly, P. L. vi. 806.
inviolable, P. P. iv. 843, vi,
inviron. See environ,
invisible, P. P. i. 369, iii. 55,
375, 586, 684, v. 157, 565,
599 t vi. 681, vii. 122, 589,
viii. 135, x. 444; Vac. Ex.
invifibly, P. P. iv. 476.
invitation, P.P. ii. 067.
invite, P. P. ii. 278, v. 3/4, ix.
402; S.J. 1684; L'Al.i)2;
Com. 538.
invited, P. /,. xii. 160.
invites, P. 7,. iii. 188; P. P.
i- 72.
inviting, P. P. viii. 208, ix.
777 \ P. P. ii.311,
invocate, S. J. 1146.
inundation, P. L. xi. 828.
invoke, P. P. i. 13, xi. 590.
invok'd, P.P. xi. 492, 591, xii.
112; P. P. iv. 203; Cow.
invoking, Ep. M. Win. 19.
involve, P. L. ii. 384.
involv'd, /\ P. i. 236, ii. 807,
v. 879, vii. 277, 483, ix. ?5j
/'. P. i. 41.
inure, P. L. viii. 239-
inur'd, P. L. ii. 21 6, xi, 362 ;
P. R. i. 339, ». 102, 139;
Com. 735.
inutterable, P. L. ii. 626.
invulnerable, P. L. ii. 812, vi.
inward, P. L. iii. 52, 584, vi.
861, viii. 221, 293, 539,542,
608, ix. 97, 600, 762, 895,
1125, x. 221, 871, xii. 101,
495; P.P. i. 463, iv. 145;
S. A. 162, 330, 1006, 1026,
1689 ; Com. 466 ; Son. vii. 7.
inwardly, P. L. iv. 88; Lye.
inwards, P. L. xi. 439.
inwove, P. L. iii. 352.
inwoven, P. L. iv. 693.
inwreath'd, P. L. iii. 36l.
inwrought, L^c. 105.
Job, PR. i. 369, iii. 64, 67,
jocund, P. L. i. 787, vii. 372,
ix. 793; S. A. 1669; X'^/.
94 ; Com. 173.
jog on, Ep. Hobf. II. 4.
John, P. L. iii. 623 ; P. P. i.
184, ii. 84.
join, P. L. ii. 718, iii. 282,
370, v. 164, 197, vi. 294, ix.
882, x. 660, xi. 652, 686,
xii. 516; S. A. 456; UPe/f.
45 ; Od. Nat. 27.
join'd, P. L. i. 90, 577-, iii-
152, iv. 687, 863, v. 335,
513, 834, vi. 62. 108, 206,
494, vii. 4S8, viii. 58, ix.
398,243,259, 909, x. 310,
359, 925; P. R. iii. 258,
426, iv. 298, '567 ; S. A.
265, 1037, 1342.
joining, P. L. v. 106, x. 302,
joins, P. L. xii. 38, 388; S. A.
joint, P. L. i. 246, ii. 668, viii.
625, x.405,40S; S. A. 110.
joint- by-joint, S. A. 953.
ointed, P. L. vii. 40£.
oint-hands, P. L. ix. 244.
oint-racking, P. L. xi. 488.
oints, P. L. viii. 269, ix. 89I3
S.A.6U, 1142.
joking, Hor. III. 1.
jollity, P.L. xi. 714; L'Al.
26 ; Com. 104.
jolly, Son. i. 4.
Ionian, P. L. i. 508.
Johnfon's, L'AL 132.
Jordan, P. L. xii. 145 ; P. P.
i. 24, 119, 329; ii. 2, 25,62,
iii. 438, iv. 510; Pf. cxiv.
Jordan's, P. L. iii. 535; Pf.
cxiv. 9.
Jofeph, P. P. i. 23, iii. 377:
Pf. lxxxi. 18.
Jofeph's, Pf. lxxx. 4.
Jofliua, P. L. xii. 310.
Jofiah, P. L. i. 418.
Jove, P. L. i. 198, 512, 514,
741, iv. 277, ix. 396, 508, x.
584, xi. 185; P.P. ii. 215,
iii. 84; Lye. 16, 82; II Pen f.
30 ; Arc. 4>4> ; Com. 20, 41,
78, 803, 1011.
Jove-born, Com. 676.
Jove's, P. L. iv. 719 ; P. P. iv.
565; II Penf 48; Co?w. 1.
Son. i. 7, xxiii. 3.
journey, P. X. ii. 985, v. 559,
viii. 36, ix. 479, xii. 1. 204 ;
P.P. iii. 276; S.A. 149;
Com. 303.
journey, (verb) P.L. vii. 246,
xii. 258 ; Pf. lxxxiv. 25.
journey 'd, P. L. iv. 17 3.
journe}r's, P. L. iii. 633; Ep.
UobfA. 12.
journeys, P. L. viii. 88.
juft, P.L. ix.37.
joufied, P. L. i. 583.
joy, P. L. i. 123, 250, 524,
788, ii. 371, 372, 387, 495,
586, 765, iii. 67, 68, 137,
265, 338, 34-7, 417, iv. 92,
k 2
155, 3^9, 50$, v. 638,641,
vi. 23, 94, 200, 607, 774,
vii. if 1, 256', viii. 266, ix.
115, 4*8, 633, 770, 843,
882, 990, 1081, x. 103,
345, 350, 351, 457, 577 ,
1052, xi. 43, 80, 139, 36l,
625, 628, 869, xii. 22, 372,
468,504, 551; P. R. i. 417,
ii.37, 57, 119, iii- 437; S.A.
1505, 1531, 1564, 1574;
Com. 102, 677, 1011; 0J ;
Ctr. 4 ; Od. Pafs. 5 ; Orf. o»
TiW, 13 ; 0\, 153, viii.
393, ix. 560, 721, 1101, \.
248, xi. 337; P.M. iii. 22 r.
5. ^. 1236; Cow. 187; Ep.
Hobf. I. 14; P/. vi. 12,
exxxvi. 2.
kindle, Com. 794.
kindled, P. L. ii. 170, ix. 637.
kindles, P. L. x. 1076.
kindlieft, P. L. v. 336.
kindly, P. L. iv. 228, 668, vii.
419 ; Od. Nat. 90.
kindnefs, Pf. lxxxviii. 45.
kindred, P. L. xii. 122.
kinds, P. L. iv. 397, 671, v.
341, vii. 393, viiL 343, 597,,
x. 612, xi.582.
kine, P. L. ix. 450, xi. 647.
king, P. L. i. 131, 392, 444,
471, 484, 735, ii. 43, 229,
978, 992, iii. 317, 374, iv.
41, 111, 821, 973, v. 220,
640, 664, 690, 769, 777, 818,
870, vi. 42, 227, 357, 70S,
718, 886, vii. 122, 208, 608,
viii. 239, ix. 442, x. 387, xi.
218, xii. 165,205,326,359;
P. R. i. 75, 99, 254, 372,
421, ii. 76, 82, 463, 467, iii.
36, 167, 226, 299, 441, iv.
283, 36*4; II Pen/. 115;
Son. xi. 4; Od. Nat. 209;
Vac. Ex.75; Sen. 3; Pf. ii.
J2, v. 4, lxxxi. 2, lxxxiv.
16, exxxvi. 54.
Eternal King, P. R. i. 236 ;
Od. Nat. 2.
King of kings, P. P. iv. 185.
kingdom, P.L. ii. 325, 36*1, vi.
183, 815, vii. l6l, x. 406 ;
P.P. i. 241, 265, ii. 36, 481,
iii. 152, 171, 199, 242,351,
iv. 151, 369, 389; Od. Nat.
kingdomj, P. L. ii. 384, 403,
xii. 262; P. R. iv. 89, l6'3,
182, 210, 363, 536; L>/c.
kingdom's, l\ R. iv. 282.
kindly, P. L. ii. 673, iii. 505,
xL249; P.R.iu476;Son.
xix. 12 ; Vac. Ex. 39.
kings, P. L. i. 694, 721, ii. 4,
iv. 212, 280, 383, xi. 243,
390, 398, xii. 262, 320,
329, 348; P. R. i. 117, ii.
44, 449, iii. 12, 289, 297,
366, iv. 73, 87; S. A. 281,
-Sow. xv. 4; Orf. JVfitf. 59;
Vac. Ex. 47; Ep. W. Sh. 16*;
Pntf. 13; P/. ii. 22, lxxxii.
2, lxxxvii. 11, cxxxvi. 62.
Kiriathaim, S. A. 1081.
Kifhon, Pf. lxxxiii. 37.
kifs, ytfrc. 33; Orf. D. f.J.6;
Odorc Tz'flie, 12; Pf. ii. 25.
kifs'd, P. L. v. 134; P/ lxxxv.
kifles, P. L. iv. 502.
kift, Od.Nat. 65.
knacks, Har. II. 3.
knee, P. L. i. 112, v. 788, 817,
vi. 194; Pf. lxxxi. 40.
knee-tribute, P.L. v. 782.
kneel'd, P.L. xi. 150.
knees, P. L. iii. 321, v. 608, x.
knew, P. L. i. 93, iv. 828,
1013, v. 35, 287, vi. 327,
viii. 54, 251, 271, 283, 445,
508, ix. 56' I, 792, x. 12, 19,
170, xi. 504; P. R. i. 271,
275, 286, iv. 294, 394,
504; S. A. 221, 222, 281,
803, 1549; Com. 572, 645.
knew'ft, P. L. xii. 577 ; S. A.
knight, Son. viii. 1.
knights, P. L. i. 581, ii. 536,
ix. 30, 36; P.R. ii. 360, iii.
342; UAL 119.
knit, P. L. iv. 267; Com. 143.
knitting, Com. 862.
knock, S. A. 1772; Foe. Ex.
knot, Com. 581 ; Vac. Ex. 90 ;
P/. lxxxiii, 30.
fcnot-grafs, Coin. 5 42.
knots, P. X. iv. 242.
know, P. Z. i. 630, 643, ii.
206, 316, 740, 744, 821, 839,
990, iii. 180, 662, 694, 703,
iv. 86, 113, 517, 523, 565 9
588, 637, 775, 827, 828, 830,
831, 1006, v. 100, 243, 402,
414, 454, 461, 741, 789,
826, 856, 859, 860, 895,
vi. 148, 163, 704, vii. 6l, 97,
125, 127, 131, 631, 639, viii.
328, 373, 406, 548, ix, 368,
709, 726, 758, 773, 804,
1071, 1073, 1137, x. 27,
169, 207, 629, 967, xi. 50,
85, 92, 356, 475, 578, xii.
82, 174, 599,610; P.Jt.i.
47, 89, 150, 203, 234, 292,
356, 384, 464, 494, ii. 231,
240, 305, 474, iii. 7, 52, 53,
193, 249, 347, iv. 146, 160,
227, 286, 287 ,' 294, 538;
S. A. 62, 395, 742, 1075,
1091, 1418, 1534, 1547,
1554, 1556; Lye. 119; drc.
44; Com. 316, 490, 580,
788 ; Son. xvii. 9 ; Od. Paf.
33 ; Pf. lxxxv. 8.
knowing, P.L. iv. 222, vii, S3,
viii. 438, ix. 709, 1055, xi.
307, xii. 127; P. P. i. 356,
ii. 474, iv. 288, 492.
knowledge, P. L. i. 628, iii. 47,
iv. 222, 515, 525, 638, v. 52,
60, 108, 509, vii. 75, 120,
126, 543, viii. 324, 353,
551, ix. 687, 697, 723, 727,
752, 790, 804, 820, 998,
1073, xi. 87, xii. 279, 559,
582; P. R. i. 213, 293, ii.
371, iv. 224, 225. See Tree.
known, P. L. i. 80, 374, 376,
515, 732, ii. 839, iii- 647, iv,
757, 836, vi. 20, 418, 432,
vii. 85, viii. 106, ix. 110,
699,976,1023, 1102, 1150,
x. 5, 156, 684, xi. 88, 307,
xii. 544; P. JR. i. 262, 437, ladies, P. P. ii. 357; S. A,
446', ii. 7, 414, Hi. 433; 16*53; UAL 121; Foe. JEjt.
6'. A. 041, 1082, 1218 ; Com. 60.
724 ; So*, x. 9, xii. 2 ; Ep. Ladon's, Arc. 97.
Hobf. I. 5. lady, ^rc. 105; Com. 319, 507,
knows, P. L. ii. 151, S06, 807, 564, 574, 6l8, 659, 666 7 737,
iv. I03,201,vii.l44,ix.l38, 818, 910, 938,966; Son. ix.
705, 765, 1 146, x.7S7,79'3 t 1 ; £p. M. Win. 47.
xi. 199 ; P. P- i. 176; S. A. lag, P. P. x. 266.
516, 1350; Com. 87 ; Son. lagging, S. A. 337, 1577-
viii. 5 ; P/. i. 8, iv. 16. Lahor, P. L. xi. $91.
know'it, P. P. i. 19, ii. 730, laid, P. L. i. 137, 172, iv. 457,
iii. 276, iv. 426, 584, 895, 521, 741, 791, 815, vi. 33&
926, 1006, vi. 6*89, vii. 493, 572, viii. 254, ix. 408, «.
536, 622, viii. 372, 573, 620, 1046, xi. 438, 479, 732;
ix. 252, x. 72, 948, xi. 335 ; P. It. ii. 26l, iii. 283, iv.
P. P. iii. 7, 201 ; S. A. 1081 ; 343 ; II Pen/. 150 ; Od. Nat.
Vac. Ex. 55. 12, 83S ; Ep. M. Win. 32 ;
Kfar, P. L. xi. 394. £jt». Hobf. I. 2 ; Pf lxxx. 49,
L. laid up, P.P. ii. 104.
lair, P. P. vii. 457.
laborious, P. L. ii. 80, xi. 178; lake, P. X. i. 210, 229, 280.,
S. A. 14,; Lye. 72. 702, ii. 74, 169, 576, iii.
labour, P. L. i. l64, ii. 262, 521, iv. 26 1, 459, v - 186, x.
1021, 1022, iv. 328, 6l3, 562, xi. 847; ?• R - »■ 23 »
6.25, vi. 492, viii. 133, 213, iii. 271; %c 109; Com.
ix. 208, 236, 944, x. 491, 433,865.
670, 1054, 1056, xi. 172, lakes, P. L. ii. 621, vii. 397 7
375 ; P. P. ii. 132 ; S. A. 37, 437.
1365 ; CW.192 ; Ep. W. Sli.2. lamb, P. P. ix. 583, xii. 20.
labour, (verb) P. L. ix. 205, lambs, P. X. iii. 434, xi. 649 ;
302 ; Sen. ix. 4. P/. cxiv. 12.
laboured, Com. 29 1. lament, P.P. viii. 244, xi. 266;
]abours,P.L.ix.214,841 ;P.P. Od. Nat. 183.
iv. 386; aS. A. 709, 1259; lament, (verb) P. L. i. 448, xi.
Cow. 1006; Od. Pajf. 14. 287, 874; lye. 60 ; CM. P>.
labourer's, P. L. xii. 631. F. /. 72.
labouring, P.P. ii. 665, x. 101 2, lamentable, P. P. ii. 617.
Ki. $65, xii. 18; P. Ii. iii. lamentation, P. P. ii. 579;
330 ; S.J. 1298 ; L'Al. 74. 5. y/. 1708, 1713.
labyrinth, P. L. ii. 584, ix. lamented, P. P. x. 845.
183; Com. 2/8. lamenting, J*. L. v. 894, xi.
lack, S. A. 905, P/?. Mo//. II. 675.
24. lamp, P. L. iii. 22, 581, iv.
lackey, (verb) Co???. 45.5. 704, vii. 3?0, viii. 520;
lad, P. P. ii. 4:>9; CW. 619. J* Pen/. 85; Son. ix. 10;
laden, P. L. x. 550 ; Cow. 394. Od. Nat. 242.
lajnps, P. L. i. 728, v. 713,
ix. 104, xii. 255 j Cam. 198.
lance, P. L. i. 766.
Lancelot, P.P. ii. 36l.
land, P. L. i. 227, 228, 343,
519, 739, ii. 589, 940, iii. 75,
440, 531,548, 653, i v. 643,
652, 662, vii. 284, 307, 415,
473, viii. 144, ix. 76, 81,
117, x. 693, xi. 337, xii.
122, 127, 134, 138, 156, 159,
172, 178, 197, 259, 339;
P.ii.iii. 94, 379, 420, 437;
S. A. 99, 257, 710 ; Son. xv.
14, xix. 13; Od. Nat. 52,
221; Od. D.F.I. 26; Brut.
4, 8; Pf ii. 4, lxxx. 40,
lxxxi. 19, 37, 42, lxxxv. 1,
40, 51, lxxxvii. 7, lxxxviii.
51, -cxiv. 3, cxxxvi. 37, 74.
land-mark, P. L. xi. 432.
land-pilot's, Com. 309.
landed, P. L. x. 3l6.
lands, P. L. i. 290, iii. 588, v.
263, vii. 429, xii. 46; Soil
viii. 7«
landikip, P. L. ii. 491, iv. 153,
v. 142 ; L'AL 70.
lane, Com. 311.
language, P. X. viii. 373, ix.
553, xii. 54; P. P. iv. 333 ;
Vac. Ex. 1.
ianguifh, P. P. x. 995.
languifh'd, P. P. vi. 497 ; S. A.
1 19 ; Cw«. 744 ; Ep. M. Win.
languifhing, P. X. x. 996.
lank, Co?ra. 836.
lantern, L'AL 104; CW. 197-
lap, P. P. iv. 254, ix. 1041, x.
77§, xi. 536; S. A. 536 ;
Z?/c. 138; L'AL 136; Cowz.
257; Od. May-M. 3; Fac.
£#. 84.
Lapland, P. P. ii. 665.
lapfe, P. L. viii. 263, xii. 83.
lapfcd, P. L. iii. 176, x. 572.
larboard, P. P. ii. 1019.
large, P. L. i. 135, 213, 285,
444, 790, iii. 430, 495, 530,
iv. 144, 223, 300, 434, v.
317, 318, 343, 558, vi. 309,
vii. 436, viii. 191, 375, x.
244, xi. 626, 732, xii. 21,
305; P. R. i. 365, iii. 10,
73, 262 ; Lye. 184; Fore, (f
Con. 20 ; Pf iv. 5, lxxxi. 43.
large-liml/d, Pf. cxxxvi, 69.
too large, P. P. iv. 700, viii.
largely, P. X. viii. 7, ix. 1043,
xi. 845 ; Pf. lxxx. 23.
larger, P. L. x. 529.
lark, P. P. ii. 279 ; L'AL 41 ;
Cow. 317.
Lars, Od.Nat. 191.
lafcivious, P. L. ix. 1014;
P.P.iv.9l;S.-4. 536.
laft, P.L. i. 376, 490, 571,
ii 324, 416, iii. 134, 259,
278, v. 19, 115, 165, 166,
481, 568, vi. 797, vii. 323,
449, viii. 302, ix. 170, 377,
379, 896, 1079, x. 197, 609,
831, xi. 275, 545, 579, 736,
787, 872, xii. 189, 330, 545,
552, 574; P.P. i. 35, 283,
iv. 300, 509, 622; S. A.
1023, 1389, 1426, 1594;
Lye. 71, 108; Od.Nat. 106,
163; Od. D.F.I. 77; Vac.
Ex. 14, 47 ; Ep. Hobf II.
25; Pf lxxxvii. IS.
laft, (verb) P. L. vi. 693, x.
812; Pf cxiv. 16.
lafted, Ep. Hob/Ah 25.
laft of all, Od. on Time, 10.
at laft, P. L. L 620, ii. 426,
643, 781, 927, 1034, iii.
499, 545, iv. 79, 807, 497,
vi. 78, 874, x. 171, 190,
449, 635, 890, 981, 985, xi.
664, 759, 778, xii. 106,356;
P.P. i. 309; S.A.24>, 275,
944, 1566, 1639; Lye. 192;
IlPe»fl67; Ccwi.6'1; 555,
594, 735; Od. Nat. 109,
165 ; Pf. vii. 42, lxxx. 40.
lading, P. L. i. 55, iii. 449, x.
742; Brut. 11; Pf v. 40.
Jaftly, P. L. iii. 240, x. 402, xi.
280; P. it. iv. 388; S.A.
1590 ; i/yc. 83.
late, P. L. iii. 151, v. 113, 240,
ix. 26, 53, x. 436, 86l, 1073,
xi. 70, 653, 751, 752, 886,
xii. 195; P. R. i. 65, 133,
327; 5. A. 179, 746; Cow.
179, 540 ; Son. vii. 4 ; Vac.
Ex. 20.
of late, P. L. ii. 77, 991, ix.
1115; P. ii. iii. 364 ; Od.
D.F.I. 4,7.
fo late, P. L. i. 113, v. 675,
vii. 92, ix. 982, x. 721,
941, xii. 642; P. R. ii. 3.
too late, P.L. vi. 147, ix. 44,
884, x. 755, 904; P. R.
iii. 42; S.A. 228; &». i.
lately, P. X. ii. 979, 1004, x. 38,
xii. 542; P. it. ii. o, 10 ;
Ep. Hobf.l. 11.
later, P. L. i. 509, x. 6l3 ; P. it.
iii. 284; II Pen/. 101; Sow.
lateral, P. L. x. 705.
lateft, P.L.iv. 567, v. 18; Od.
Pajf. 22; Ep. ifo*/ I. 13;
P/. viii. 4.
Latona, ^/c 20.
Latona's, Son. xii. 6.
latter, P. L. ii. 235, iv. 1004,
v. 489, ix- 558, xii. 105 ;
Vac. E*. 8.
(avers, S.A. 1727; Cow. 838.
laves, htic 175.
laugh, P. L. ii. 204, x. 6*26, xi.
626; P/. 11. 9, lxxx. 27.
laughing, //<;/. ll. 1.
Laughs, P.L. 11. 731.
laugh'ft, P.L. v. 737.
laughter,?. L. vi.603, ^ iii. 78,
188, xii. 59; //.-/'.
laving, P. P. i. 280.
Lavinia, P. L. ix. 17.
lavifh, Arc. 9 ; Cow. 465.
lavifh'd, S. A. 1026.
laureat, Lye. 151 ; Son. xvi. 9.
laurel, P." L. iv. 694; S. A.
laurels, Lye. 1.
law, P. L.ii. 200, iv. 637, 750,
v. 798, 822, vi. 41, 42, ix.
654, 775, x. 83, 805, xi.49,
xii. 29, 287, 289, 290, 297,
300, 306, 309, 397, 402, 404,
416,488; P.P. i. 207,212,
260, ii. 328, iii. l6l, iv.225,
334, 364; S. A. 811, 890,
1053, 1225, 1320,1386,1409,
1425 ; Arc. 70 ; Son. xxiii.
6; Od.Cir. 15, 16 ; Pf. i. 5,
6, lxxxi. 15.
without law, P. L. v. 798.
lawful, P. L. v. 570, viii. 614 ;
P. ii. ii. 230; S. A. 231,
lawlefs, P. L. xii. 173 ; P. P.
ii. 472.
lawn, II Penf. 35 ; Orf. Nat. 85.
lawns, P. L. iv. 252 ; L'Al. 71 ;
Com. 568, 965.
Lawrence, Son. xx. 1.
laws, P. JL ii. 18, 241, v. 679,
680, 693, 819, 844, 883, x.
228, xii. 226, 230, 244, 282,
283,304,521,522; S.A. 309,
314; Lye. 25; Com. 766;
Son. xxi. 3; Hor. I. 2; P/.
lxxxii. 12.
lax, P. L. vii. 162.
lay, P.L. i. 52, 1 96, 209, 301,
312, ii. 168, iii. 628, iv. 28,
\ i. 239, 390, viii. 463, ix. 41 8,
x- 89, 777, 851, xi. 380,506,
xii. 608 ; P. Ii. ii. 204, iii.
255, 332 ; S. A. 395, 1097,
1239, 1702 ; lye. 189; Com.
13; S©». i. 8 ; Orf. iVr//. 25 ;
/■/: 11. 4, ni. 13, iv. 36,
lx.xxiv. 1 1.
lay by, P. L. iii. 339-
lay down, P. R. i. 157, ii. 482.
lay hold, S.A. 1716.
lay on, P. R. ii. 54.
lay out, S. A. I486.
lay fiege, P. X. xi. 656.
lay up, 5. A. 1485.
lay in wait, P. X. ix. 1173.
lays, F.L. vii. 436; P. P. iv.
363 ; Lye. 44 ; Cow. 849.
lays forth, P. X. iv. 259-
lay'ft, P. P. i. 247, ii. 189;
S. A. 849.
lazar-houfe, P. X. xi. 479*
lazy, Od. on Time, 2.
iead, P. X. iii. 255, iv. 100,
v. 37 5 y 684, viii. 86, ix. 631,
696, x. 261,463, 830, xi.364,
468, xii. 17, 309 ; P. R. ii.
474, iii. 239,366; L'AL 35,
89; Arc. 40; Com. 114;
6'ow. xxii. 13 ; Pf. v. 21, 22.
lead forth, P. X. vi. 46, 47-
lead on, P. X. xii. 614 ; Com,
330, 657.
leaden, X" Pew/ 43.
leaden-ftepping, Od. on Time, 2.
leader, P. X. i. 272, ii. 19, iv.
933, 949, vi. 232, 451, 621 ;
P. R. i. 99.
leaders, P. X. i. 357, vi. 67.
leadeft, P. X. xi. 372; Pf.
Ixxx. 3.
leading, P. X. ii. 991, ix. 631,
x. 26*7; P. P. i. I89.
leads, P. X. ii. 433, 525, 976,
iii. 696, viii. 6l3, ix. 215,
x. 266; P. R. iii. 53; ^rc.
76 ; Com. 518 ; $o/j. xxi. 10 ;
Od. Maij-M. 2.
leaf, P. X. iv. 695, v. 747, vii.
317; Com. 622,630; P/.i.9.
leafy, Com. 278.
league, P. X. i. 87, ii. 319, 929,
iv. 164, 339, 375, x. 274,
438; P. ft. iii. 269, 370, iv.
b*9\ .5. ,4. H89; Soji xv.8.
league-breaker, 5. A. 1184,
leagu'd, P. X. x. 868 ; P. #. i.
leagues, P. X. iii. 488 ; P. P.
iii. 392.
lean, S.A. 1632; Xyc. 123;
Com. 585, 709.
lean'd, P. X. iv. 494.
leaning, P. X. v. 12.
leans, Cow. 355 ; Son. xvii. 13,.
leap'd, P. X. iii. 470, 472.
leaps, P. X. iv. 187.
learn, P. X. i. 695, ii. 354, 686,
iv. 400, v. 894, vi. 147, 717,
viii. 68, 190, ix. 275, xi.360,
xii. 56l ; P.P. i. 91, 203,
292, iv. 254, 515,625; S.A.
187 ; Son. xxi. 9; Od. D.F.I.
73 ; Hor. II. 3.
learned, L'AL 132 ; Vac. Ex.90.
learn'd, P. X. ii. 8l6, iv. 533,
v. 856, vi. 367, xii. 440, 575 ;
$. A. 936 ; Xj/c. 120 ; Son.
xvii. 11, xviii. 13.
learning, P. P. iv. 231 ; Son. xi.
13; Fore, of Con. 9.
learnt, P. R. i. 146, iv. 36l ;
Com. 530, 822.
leas, Com. 9^5.
leafe, Pp. M. Win. 52.
leaft, P. X. i. 679, ii. 338, 339,
iii. 120, 277, iv.855, vi. 221,
284, viii. 35, ix. 380, 460, x.
875,951; P.P. iii. 109, iv.
11; S.A. 195, 9^7, 1058,
leaft of all, P. X. v. 811, viii.
at leaft, P. X. i. 258, ii. 22,
iv. 110, 994, vii. 139, viii.
537, ix. 146, 296, 555, xi.
39, 95 ; P. R. i. 60, 224,
380, 459, 485, ii. 136, 371,
iii. 1 03, iv. 494; $.,4. 208,
218, 322,499,951.
not leaft, P. X. iv. 510.
leathern, Com. 6^L
leave, P. L. i. 224, 236, iii. 238, 443,689, 851, vii. 125, yiii,
247, iv. 529, 789, v. 118, 2, 77, 46'0, 478, 534, ix. 142,
669, viii. 168, ix. 265, x. 338, 345, 351, 652, 1051,
819, 820, 1070, xi. 269, 804, 1057, 1185, x. 46, 421, 437,
xii. 110, 186, 339,439, 455, 452, 534, xi. 221, 304, 753 y
5S6; P. P. iii. 78 ; S. A. 11, xii. 6l, 71, 343, 481, 506,
506, 885, 996; Od. Nat. 513,523; P. R. i. 16, 106,
140; P/Mxxxi.49. 248, ii. 62, 116, 280, iii. 206,
leave, (fubft.) P.L. ii. 250, iv. Q56 y iv. 207, 396, 644;
434, viii. 377, xii. 348; P. R. S. A. 1027, 1097, 1480,
j. 409, ii- 302; S. A. 15; 1685, 1712, 1715; Lye. 9 ;
Com. 26 ; Son. xiii. 12. Arc. 41; Co???. 188, 280,
-without leave, P. X. ii. 685, 283; Son. x. 4; Od. Nat.
viii. 237, ix. 725, x. 760. 206. See hand, fide.
leaves, P. L. iv. 747, ix. 621, left out, Com. 137.
1074, x. 434, xii. 129, 153, legal, P. L. xii. 410; S. A,
163 ; P.P. iv. 306 ; L'Al. 87. 313.
leaves, (fubft.) P. X. i. 302, iv. legend, S. A. 1737-
266, v. 6, 219, 480, ix. 519, legion, P. L. vi. 230, 232, viii.
615, 1095, 1110; Lye. 5,44; 232.
J I Pen/. 129; Arc. 57; Od. legions, P. £. i. 301* 632, ii.
Paf. 34; £/>. JF. Sh. 11. 132, 537, 1006, iv. 942, v.
leaving, P. L. x. 711 ; P. P. i. 669, vi. 64, 142, 206, 6*55,
364; Od. Nat. 178, 836. vii. 134, viii. 427 ; P. it. iv.
leav'ft, 6*. ^. 692. 66, 629 ; Com. 603.
Lebanon, P. L. i. 447- legs, P. L. x. 512.
led, P. L. i. 129, 401, 455, leifure, P. L. ii. 1046, x. 510,
678, iii. 698, iv. 268, 476, xi. 254; P. R. ii. 210;
605, 797, v. 215, 356, vi. S. A. 917; II Pen/. 49; Ep.
26, 232, vii. 575, viii. 269, Hop/. II. 23.
302, 485, 511, ix. 473, 644, Lemnos, P. L. i. 746.
1039, x. 188, 324, xii. 639; Lemures, Od. Nat. 191.
P. R. i. 15, 290, 299, ii. lend, P. L. ix. 260, xii. 200;
222, iii. 283, 295, iv. 228 ; P. P. i. 393, iv. 272 ; S. A.
S. A. 365, 6*38, 741, 823, 1 ; Com. 706, 737 ; Sew. xiii.
1623, 1629, 1635; Jl Pen/. 9-
6'9 ; iy lxxxi. 28, cxiv. 4. lends, Co???. 938.
led on, P. L. vii. 6l ; P. P. i. length, P. L. i. 209, 564, ii.
192, 252. 274, 709, $9*, 102S, vi. 7S t
ledft, P. R. i. 8. 107, vii. 483, ix. 79, x. 302,
lee, P. L. i. 207. xi. 730, 782 ; P. R. iii. 275,
Lee, Vac, Ex. 97- iv. 29; S. A. 348, 570; L'^/.
leer, P. L.iv.503. 111.
Ices, Com. S09. at length, P./,. i. 648, ii.
left, P. L. i. 146, 213, 433, ii. 217, .951, iv. 357, 607,
361, 633, 1000, iii. 207, iv. v. 755, vi. 249, 635 t 795,
80, 81, 428, 595, v. 235, vii. 158, ix. 527, 551, 598,
236, 526, 730, vi. 104,309, 792, 89*, 1066, xi. 719,
xii. 191, 258, 504; P. R.
i. 152, iii. 5, 433, iv. 503,
568 ; S. A. 250, 535, 865,
962, 1629 ; Vac. Ex. 43 ;
Pf. ii. 22, vii. 34, 54,
lxxxiii. 1, lxxxiv. 27,
lxxxvi. 57.
lengthen'd out, P. X. x. 774.
lenient, S. A. 659.
lent, P. L. iv. 483 ; Com. 680;
Od. D. F. I. 75 ; P/.lxxxiii.3 1 .
Leo, P. X. x. 676\
leper, P. L. i. 471.
leprous, Od. Nat. 138.
Lefbian, Lye. 63.
lefs, P. L.i. 257, 593, 779, ii.
47, 108, 349, 443, 553, 920,
924, 1040, 1041, iii. 411,
429, iv. 46, 478, 479, 594,
6*17, 854,919, 920, 925, v.
262, 790, 829, 874, vi. 59,
i92, 206, 366', 378, 430, 844,
vii. 348, viii. 88, 224, 539,
543, 544, 566, ix. 14, 126,
320, x. 15, 99S, 1098, xi. 9,
11, 285, 398; P. it. i. 147,
383, 404, iii. 68, 126, 257,
iv. 169, 171, 459; S. A.
305, 620, 772, 792, 1064,
1071, 1245; Arc. 12; Com.
327; Son. vii. 9; P/Ivii. 11,
viii. 15. See Far.
much lefs, P. it iii. 236, iv.
113; Son. vii. 7.
no lefs, P.L. u 144, 647, ii.
295, 414, 509, 848, iii. 119,
626, vi. 468, vii. 85, 126,.
viii. 248, ix. 1065, x. 531,
xi. 774, 784; P. R. ii.
127, iv. 105; S.A. 1142;
Com. 288; Son. xvi. 11.
not lefs, S. A. 988.
leffen, P. L. iii. 304, vii. 6l4 ;
S. A. 767.
lefiens, S. A. 1563.
letter, P. L. v. 101, vii. 382;
Arc. 79-
left, P. L. ii. 468, 483, 701 >
836, iv. 665, 984, v. 244 r
396, 731, 890, vi. 163, vii.
17, 44, 150, 272, 546, viii.
235, ix. 251, 354, 663, 883,
947, x. 133, 252, 783, 784,
872,1024, 1056, xi. 93, 101,
108, 123, 883, xii. 45, 217;
P. R. ii. 140, 145, iv. 558,
631 ; S. A. 794, 952, 1237,
1254, 1451, 1521, 1567;
Com. 156, 406, 940; Son.
xix. 6 ; Pf. ii. 25, vii. 4.
let, P. L. i. 264, ix. 173, 798,
xi. 585, 893, xii. 192; P. R.
i. 143, 230, ii. 53, 233, iii.
151, 171, 431, iv. 130, 209,
223; S. A. 43, 84,116,178,
999, 1632,1715,1725; Lye,
153; L'Al. 125; UPenf. 85,
147, 155, 161 ; Com. 402,
599, 602, 814, 939, 956;
Od. Nat. 128 ; Pf. ii. 6, v.
29, vii. 13, 14, lxxx. 70,
lxxxiii. 42, 44, 50, 51,
6l, lxxxv. 34, lxxxvi. 62 ,
lxxxviii. 5, 10, exxxvi 1, 5,
let be, S.A. 1116.
let down, P. L. iii. 523; Od, D*
F.I. 56.
let fall, P. L. x. 174.
let forth, P. L. vii. 207.
let in, P. L. vii. 566, x. 620 ;
let loofe, P. L. vi. 696.
letpafs, P. L. ix. 479-
let flip, Com. 743.
let there be, P. L. vii. 243,
26l, 339.
Lethe, P. i. ii. 583.
Lethean, P. L. ii. 604.
lets, P. L. ix. 1184, xii. 344?
Com. 378.
lets in, Com. 466.
lets pafs, P. X. xii. 196.
letters, Od. PaJ\ 35 ; £p. //<>£/:
II. 33.
Levant, P. L. x. 704. Son. xviii. 2 yOd. D. F; I. SI;
Leucothea, P. L. xi. 135; Com. Vac. Ex. 36, 62 ; Ep. IV. Sk.
875. 15; P/.iv.40. lxxxviii.4, 20.
level, P. L. i. 726. ii. 634, iv. lies, P. X. ii. 588, 958, 974,
252; Lye. 98. iv. 569, viii, 193, 641, ix.
leveil'd, P. L. ii. 712, iv. 543, 349, 725, x. 987, xi. 177,
vi. 591, vii. 376. 653 ; S. A. 118, 339, 1725 ;
Leviathan, P. L. i. 201, vii. Lye. 80, 151; L'AL 79,
412. 110; Com. 37; Od. Nat. 31,
levied, P. L. ii. 905, xi. 219- 151 ; Od. Paff. 21 ; Ep. Hobf
levity, S. A. 880. I. 1 ; Brut. 8, 9 ; P/ vii. 40.
levy, P. L. ii. 501. lies, (fubft.) P. L. i. 367, iii-
lewd, P. L. i. 490, iv. 193; 93, v. 243, 709, ix. 620, x.
Cwra. 465. 42 ; P. P. i. 375, 407, 408,
lewdly, P. L. vi. 182. 433, iv. 124; Com. 692 ; Pf
lewdly-pamper'd, Com. 770. iv. 12.
liable, P. X. vi. 397; S. A. 55. lieth, Ep. Hobf. II, 1.
liar, P. L. iv. 949; P. R. i. life, P. X. i. 363, ii. 624, iii.
428. 244, 294, 297, 357, 450, iv.
libbard, P. L. vii. 467. 196, 220, 317, 425, 485, 666 9
Libecchio, P. L. x. 706. v. 81, 427, 474, 485, vi.
liberal, P. L. iv. 415, viii. 362, 460, 46l, vii. 239, 526, viii.
ix. 997. 184, 193, 250, ix. 73, 112,
liberty, P. L. ii. 256, iv. 958, 241, 686, 689, 697, 833,934,
v. 793, 823, vi. 164, 420, x. 954, 984, x. 128, 178, 202,
307, 368, xii. 82, 83, 100, 784, 790, 90S, 941, 985,
526; P. R. i. 365, iii. 427 ; 1013, 1019, 1083, xi. 42,62,
S. A. 270, 271, 803, 949, 64, 79, 169, 198, 331,365,
1454; L'AL 36; Son.x.7, 369,416, 446, 502,506, 546,
xii. 2, 11; Eurip. 1; Pf. 548, 553, 6l0, 650, 823, xii.
cxiv. 2. 220,406,407,414,425,429,
liberty's, Son. xxii. 10. 435, 438, 443, 571 ; P> R. i.
lickerifh, Com. 700. 396, ii. 77, 80, 372, iii. 22,
Libra, P. L. iii. 558. 232, iv. 265, 298, 305, 370,
Libyan, P. L. i. 355, iv. 277, 589, 590; S. A. 66, 90, 91,
xii. 635. 100, 107, 108, 512, 521,
Libyck, Od. Nat. 203. 534,592,656,688, 88S, 915,
lice, P. L. xii. 177. 952, 1002, 1005), 1059, 1388,
licence, Son. xii. 11. 1579, 1668, 1711; Lye. 76;
Litlias, P. L. ii. 545. Com. 220, 609, 678 ; Son.
lick up, \\ L. x. 630. xiv. 4, xxi. 9; Ep. M. Win.
lick'd, P. L. ix. 526. 14; Ep. Hobf 11. II, 24;
liclors, P. R. iv. 65. Pore, of Con. 9 ; Pf. iii. 5, 6,
lie, (Cuba.) Pf. vii. 54. vii. 15, lxxxv. 28, lxxxvi. 51,
lie, P. L. i. 26*6, 279, ii- 360, Ixxxviii. 11, 17, 54. See
iii. 243, iv. 631, ix. 76, x. Tree.
276 y xii. 190; P. H. i. 263, life's, P. fl. ii. 372; Ep. M.
473 ; 6*. A. 480, 579; fyc. W%. 52.
53; Arc. 6'8; CW 110, 977; life for life, P.L. iii. 236.
life-blood, P. L. viii. 467.
life-giving, P. L. iv. 199'
lifelefs, P. L. iii. 443, ix. 1154,
x. 707.
lift, P. L. iii. 486, iv. 688, vi.
299 1 P.P. iv. 558; Son. viii.
9 ; Dante II. 2 ; P/ lxxxvi.
lifted. Cow. 601.
lift up, P. L. ii. 393 ; Pf. iv. 29,
lifted high, P. L. vi. 189-
lifted up, P. L. iv. 49.
lifting, P.P. ii. 338, iv. 48.
Ligea's, Com. 880.
light, P. L. i. 63, 73, 85, 181,
245, 391, 729, ii. 137, 220,
1035, 1042, iii. 1, 3,4, 51,
88, 196, 375, 500, 579,
594, 713, 723, 724, 730, iv.
608, 624, 664, v. 4, 42,
160, 179, 208, 250, 423, 600,
643, 714, vi. 4, 6, 9, 481,
660, vii. 98, 243, 249, 250,
251, 254, 339, 345, 352,
359, 362, 363, 365, 377, 378,
viii. 22, 37, 140, 150, 156,
158, 245, 273, 285, ix.
105, 192, 639, xi. 80, 134,
808, xii. 421, 423, 473;
P.P. i. 116, iv. 228, 239,
289, 400, 460 ; S. A. 70,
75, 84, 90, 92, 98, 99,
160, 162, 584, 591, 592;
UAL 6l ; II Penf. 80, l6'0 ;
Arc. 19; Com. 144, 199,
340, 369, 374, 381, 735 ;
Son. ix. 10, xix. 1, 7, xx. 9,
xxii. 3 ; Od. Nat. 8, 20, 62,
73, 110; Od. PaJ. 6; Od.
Sol. Muf. 28 ; Ep. M. Win.
70;Ep.Hobf.I.i6, 11.22;
Pf. iv. 29, lxxx. 7, cxxxvi.
light of light, P. R. iv. 597.
too light, P. L. v. 495.
light, (adj.) P. L. iii. 439, iv.
1012, vi.642, ix. 3S6;P.P.
iv. 239; L'AL 6l ; Com. 144;
Son. xx. 9; Ep. Hobf. II. 22.
light, (verb) P. L. viii. 520, ix.
173, 305, x. 73, 740, 934,
xi. 590, 767 f 858 ; P. R. iv.
light-arm'd, P. L. ii. 902, vi.
light-armed, P. R. iii. 311.
light down, P. L. i. 349.
lighted, P. L. iv. 570, vi. 103,
x. 316, xi. 209.
lighten, P. L. x. 96O ; S. A. 744.
lightening, P. X. i. 175, ii. 66 t
v. 734, vi. 642, 849, x. 184,
1075, xii. 229; P- P. iv.
412,620; S.A. 1284.
lightens, P.P. i. 402.
lighter, P. L. ii. 906, v. 480;
Com. 962,
lighteft, P. i. x. 45.
lightly, P. L. iv. 811, v. 7;
P. P. ii. 282.
lights, P. L. i. 228, iii. 437,
742, iv. 183, 763, 815, v.
276, vii. 343, 346, 382, x.
, 833.
like, P. L. i. 287, 296, 343,
351, 354, 428, 453, 513, 527,
763,780, 793, ii. 349, 391,
708, 721, 888, 1013, 1043,
iii. 363, 367, 445, 568, 588,
593, 600, 660, iv. 17, 33,
196, 379, 448, 474, 612, 800,
806, 825, 833, 858, 987,
v. 55, 241, 281, 285, 378,
576, vi. 8, 354, 467, 505,
573, 620, 662, vii. 15, 44,
140, 240, 329, 414, viii.
407, 418, 424, 511, 553, ix.
99, ISO, 315, 325, 386, 592,
953, x. 184, 241, 248, 457,
544, 550, 56l, 673, 693,
841, 870, 997, xi. 84, 129,
219, 535,743, xii. 38, 154,
324, 373, 44S; P. R. i.
10.5, 258, 282, ii. 143, 156,
4:57, iii. 424, iv. 55, 147,
462, 619; S. A. 19, 150,
53S, 714, 72S, 776, 1137,
1188, 1497, 1699; Lye.
106; II Pen/. 69, 174;
Arc. 16, 18; Cam. 22, 57,
189, 303, 422, 483, 556, 634,
655, 727, 743, 753 ; Son. xi.
10, xxiii. 2 ; Od. Nat. 143 ;
Od. Pqf. 6; £/>. ill. fflfe 67,
72; £;>. If 06/ II. 9; P/ii.
21, iv. 27, vii. 21, lxxx. 3,
lxxxiii. 51 , lxxxv. 45, lxxxvi.
25, 28, lxxxviii. 19, 68,
cxiv. 11, 12.
not like, P. X. i. 296, iv.
too like, P. L. iv. 715.
like, (verb) P. L. v. 97, vi.
56l ; P. ii. ii. 321; & A.
lik'd, P.L. xi. 587; iv. 171.
likelier, P. X. iv. 527.
likelieft, P. X. ii. 525, iii. 659,
vi. 688, ix. 394, 414; P. R.
i. 121, iii. 130; Com. £0,
likely, P. X. iii. 460, iv. 872,
ix"! 935.
molt likelv, P. L. ix. 365.
liken, P.L. "vi. 299.
likenefs, P. X. ii. ()73, iv. 813,
viii. 450, x. 327, xi. 321,
522 ; P. R. i. 3C ; Com. 84,
likening, P. X. i. 4S6, v. 573.
likes, P. X. iv. 738, vi. 353,
717; P.P. i«. 381.
likelt, P.L.U.756, iii. 572, vi.
301; P. R. 11. 237; UPenf.
9; Cow. 237-
lik'it, P. X. iv. 281.
liking, P. X. xi. 587.
lillied, Arc. 97-
Ii I lies, Com. 862.
lilly, 6'on. xx. 8.
limb, P. X. i. 4U6, ii. 668, iii.
638, vi. 352, viii. 625, ix
484 ; S. A. IO89.
limb by limb, P.L. viii. 267.
limb'd, P.L. vii. 456.
limbeck, P. X. iii. 605.
limber, P. X. vii. 476.
Limbo, P. X. iii. 495.
limbs, P. X. iv. 772, x. IO69 ;
S.A. 571,614; Com. 680,
lime-twigs, Cow. 646.
limit, P. X. vi. 140, xii. 145;
Ep. M. Win. 14.
limitary, P. X. iv. 971.
limited, P. X. vi. 229-
limits, P.L. iv. 384, 964, v.-
755; Cow. 316; Od. Nat,
line, P. L. iv. 210, 282, vii. 480.
viii. 102, ix. 64 ; II Pen/. 99;
Com. 923.
lineaments, P. L. v. 278, vii,
477; P.P. i. 92.
lines, Son. xiii. 11 ; £p. W. Sh.
linger, 5. A. 466.
linger'ft, P. P. iii. 227-
lingering, P. X. ii. 56, 702, xii.
63S; S.A. 6lS ; Com. 472.
lining, Cow. 222, 224.
link, P. X. ix. 914.
linked, P.L. i. 328, ii. 1005,
iv. 339, ix. 133, 5)70, x. 905,
xi. 139 ; L'AL 140.
link'd, Com. 474 ; Son. i. 8 •
Ep.Hobf. 11.31.
links, 5.^. 1410.
lion, P. X. iv. 343, 402, vii.
464, viii. 393; P. R. i.313;
S.A. 12S, 139; P/- vii. 4.
Liona, P.L. x. 703.
lionefs, P. X. viii. 393 ; Com.
lip, P. X. ii. 614, viii. 56 ; Com,
752, 915.
lips, P. X.v. 150,675, viii. 218,
ix. 1144; Com. 290, 756.
liquid, P. X. i. 229, 701, iii.
519, iv. 455, v. 25, vi. 34*,
vii. 68, 264, 362, viii. 263, 945, 1479; Lye. 72; UAL
xi. 570; S.A. 557; Com. 30, 39, 152; II Pen/. l?6 ;
980; So/2, i. 5 ; Od. Hor. 1. ^rc. 45, 103 ; Cow. 3, 300
liquour, S. A. 552, 62/ ; Cow. 727, 766; Od. Nat. 90 ; Od.
65, 652. D. F. I. 77; Od. Sol. Muj
liquours, P. L. v. 445 ; Com. 847. 28 ; Vac. Ex. 77, 85.
lift, P. L. ii. 656, 798, iv. 803, live-long, UAL 99 ; Ep. W.
viii. 75 ; £. ^4. 647 ; Lye. Sh. 8.
123; Com. 737, 997; Pf. liv'd, P. L. iv. 198, vii. 204,
lxxxi. 36. viii. 264, 295, ix. 11 66, xi.
lift, lift, Com. 4S0. 764, xii. 117; -P. R- ii- 201,
lifted, P. L. xi. 866 ; 5. ^. iii. 41 ; S. A. 264 ; Son. x. 3.
1087 ; Com 49. livelier, P. L. xi. 242 ; S. A.
Men, P. P. vi. 9O8 ; Arc. 62 ; 1442.
Com. 43, 860, 864, 866, 867, livelieft, P. P. i. 274.
889. lively, P. P. iv. 363, viii, 269,
liften'd, Cow. 55 1 . 311; P'^Z. 49 ; II Pen/. 149 ;
liftens, P. P. v. 627 ; Lye. 89. Cow?. 670 ; Od. Paff. 4>7.
liltening, P. L. vii. 106, 563, x. liver, P. L. vi. 346.
342; HAL 53; Cow. 203 ; liveried, Cow. 455.
Od. C«r. 5 ; Vac. Ex. 37- liveries, P. P. vii. 478 ; UAL 62.
lifts, P. P. iv. 306 ; S.A. 463. livery, P. P. iv. 599; S. A,
lithe, P. P. iv. 347. l6l6.
litter, Cow. 554. lives, P. X. ii. 624, iii. 477, iv.
little, P. L. ii. 1000, iv. 86, 888, ix. 764, 932, 933, xi.
362, 366, ix. 224, x. 320, 468, 337; P.P. i. 349, iii. 98;
968 ; P. R. ii. S2, iv. 291 ; Lye. 81.
S.A. 661, 1599; -fyc. 116; lives, (fubft.)P.L. xi. 621, xii.
27 Pen/. 3 ; Cow. 27, 642 ; 17; P. P.iii.410; S.A. 1707.
Od. Nat. 88; Vac. Ex. 10 ; livid, P. P. i, 182.
Pf. cxiv. 12. living, P. P. i. 433, ii.6l3, 855,
a little, S. A. 1, 2, 1126, 1050, iii. 327, 443, iv. 287,
1537; Lye.152. 605, v. 197,652, vi. 846, vii.
fo little, P. jL iv. 201 ; P. P. 388, 392, 413, 451, 455, 528,
iv. 6; Od. on Time, 7, 8. 534, 566, viii. 154, 370, ix.
too little, P. L. x. 600. 228, 539, x. 277, 788, 974,
Liturgy, Fore, of Con. 2. xi. 160, xii. 1 IS, 527; P. P.
live, P. L. ii. 194,254,318,500, i.460; S. A. 100; 984, 1140,
868, iii. 244, 293, iv. 533, v. l66l, l6'73 ; Son. x. 11 ; Ep.
81, 474, 795, vi. 344, 350, M. Win. 34; Pf. lxxxiv. S,
4-6l, viii. 152, 176, 182, 276, exxxvi. 85.
2S1, 340, 341, 633, xi. 653, liv'it, P. L. xi. 553 ; Com. 230.
688, 829,833,908,910,933, lo, P. L. iii. 486, x. 1050, xi.
1085, x. 269, 919, 923, 1028, 733 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 5, lxxxvii.
xi. 38, 95, 158, l6'l, 180,535, 16*.
554, 629, 802, 872, xii. 299, load, P. L. iv. 972, v. 59, vi.
351,411, 602: P.P. i. 287, 644; P.P. i. 402; S.A. 214;
339, iii- 55 1 S. A. 79, 100, Son. xiv. 3 ; Ep. Hobf II. 21,
vol. 1. 1
loaded, P. L. iv. 147, viii. 307, vii. 159, 328, 450, viii. 242>
ix. 577 ; S. A. 149. 454, ix. 26, 30, 87, 138, 3.97,
loaden, P. R. iv. 418; S.A. 445,601,626,857, 949,106*4,
1243. 1104, x. 115, 189, 323, 352,
loads, Son. xxi. 13. 46'9, 482, 509, 573, 964, xi.
loath. See loth. 494, 581, xii. 146, 26l, 331,
loathed, L'AL 1. 421 ; P. R. i. 28, 55, 110,
loath'd, P. L. xii. 178. ii. 15, iii. 279, 36*0, 389, iv.
loathfome, P. L. iii. 247, xi. 27, 84, 246, 298,6*04; S. A.
524; S.A. 480, 922; Pf. 171, 476, 592, 86*3, 1125,
lxxxviii. 43. 126*9,1554; Lye. 35 ; L'AL
local, P. L. xii. 387. 140; Com. 183*, 1006 ; Son.
lock, Od.Pa/j:4,5. xiii. 4; 0. F. I. 17 ;
locks, P. L. iii. 36l, 626, iv. Od.oriTime, 11 ; 0d.Muy-J\L
301, v. 56, x. 559, 1066; 10; Vac.Ex*7\i P/.lxxx.
S.A.327, 568, 587, 1143, 6*2,lxxxiv. 5,lxxxv.41,cxW.
116*4; Lye. 112, 175; 1/^/. 2.
9 ; Cow. 882. longfince, P.R. i. 399,iv. 189 5
Locrioe, Cow?, 827, 922. ,S. A. 929.
locufts, P. L. i. 341, xii. 185. long-fufferance, P. X. iii, 198.
lodge, P. L. iv. 720, 790, v. 377, long-time, P.L. vi. 245, xii.
vi. 7 ; Cow. 183, 346; Ep. 23, 31 6.
Hobf I. 15 ; P/. vii. 18. long after, P. L. i. SO, 3S3, iii.
lodg'd, P. L. vi. 531, vii. 201, 497, v. 3S7.
viii. 105, xi. 823 ; P.R. ii. not long after, P. L. v. 762.
6; 6'. A. 48; Cow. 315; long before, P.L. i. 748, iv.
Son. xix. 4. 213.
lodges, Com. 246. how long, P. L. xi. I98, 554.
loftieft, P. L. i. 499, iv. 138, not long, P. #. iv. 107, 618 ;
lofts, Vac. Ex. 42. S. A. 474, 1033 ; Ep. M.
lofty, P. L. iii. 734, iv. 395, Win 34.
xi. 610; P.R. iv. 261 ; i^c. fo long, P.P.iii. 601, ix. 18,
11 ; Cow. 934; Pf. lxxx. 44. 841; P. 7*. i. 17, 125, ii.
Logrcs, P. R. ii. 36*0. 32, 304, iii. 41 ; Ep. Hobf.
loins, P. L. i. 352, v. 282, ix. I. 11.
1096, x. 9S3, xi. 455, xii. thus long, P. R. ii. 101, iii.
380,447; Com. 718. 3?8.
lonelincfs, Com. 404. too long, P. L. iii. 473, ix<,
lonely, P. L. ii. 82S, xi. 290 ; 7 Itf; if. P. ii. 189; £p-
// Pat/ 86 j Cum. 200 ; 0J. Wo/;/'. II. 14.
iW. 181. long-U'vcll'd, Com. 340.
lon-i, P. /-. i. 195, 507, 659, long-threak3b, v. 113,355,904, vi.331, longer, P. L iii. 56*1, v. 63, vii.
484,492,538,582,634,6*59, 101, viii. 252, ix. 140, x.
365, 1003, xi. 48, pi, 259,
. xii. 336, 437, 594; P.P. ii.
42 1 ; Com. 577 ; Od. Nat. 225.
Iongeft, P. R. i. 56.
longing, P. L. ii. 55, iv. 511,
ix. 593, 743, x. 877-
longitude, P. P. iii . 576, iv.
539, v. 754, vii. 373.
look, P. L. ii. 106, 307, 418,
680, iv. 28, 458, 460, 46"2,
873, v. 800, vi. 469, ix. 397,
687, 1132, x. 296, 1094, xi.
897; P. P. ii, 2l6, iv.
236; S.A>97i 1065, 1068,
1304; Lye. 163 ; II Penf.
140; Arc. 1; Com. 870,910;
Son. xiii. 6 ; Od. Nat. 24 ;
Vac. Ex.35; Brut. 3 ; Pf.
lxxx. 57, lxxxiv. 31, lxxxv.
look down, P. L. iii. 2o7, 722.
look up, P. P. iv. 1010 ; S.A.
197 ; Lye. 125.
looks, P. P. i. 522, 680, iv.
291, 464, 570, 718, v. 12,
122, 331, viii. 474, 616, ix.
222, 239. 309, 454, 534, 558, -
x. 111,360,608,919; P-P.
i. 43; S. A. 533, 1246; Lye.
13S, 162 ; II Penf. 39; Com.
450, 464, 777.
looks, (verb) P. P. i. 595. .
looks down, P. P. iii. 542.
look'd, P. P. ii. 91S, iv. 178,
v. 54, x. 412, xi. 556, 638,
712, 840; P.P. ii. 86, iii.
look'd found, P. L. vi. 529.
look'd up, P.P. iv. 1013.
looking, P. X. x. 993, xi. 3S1 ;
P. P. i. 295, iii. 61.
looking back, P. L. xii. 641.
looking down, P.P. xi. 887,
xii. 60.
looking forth, P. L. xii. 209.
looking on, P. P. ix. 312.
look'ti, P, L. iv, 33,
loop-hole, Cow. 140.
loop-holes, P. L. ix. 111Q.
loofe, P. P. ii. 887, iii- 362, iv,
497; S.A. 675; Cum. 174,
292, 464, 863 ; Vac. Ex. 90,
let loofe, P. L. ii. 155.
loofely, P. P. vii. 425 5 S. A.
loofening, P; L. vi. 643.
lop, P. P. iv. 629, ix. 210,
lopt, P. P. vi 575.
lopt oft; P. P. i. 459.
loquacious, P. P. x. l6l.
Lord, P. P. ii. 236, 699, iv. 51 61.
943, v. 205, 608, 799, vi.425,
887," vii. 205, viii. 106, 376,
xi.257, xii.34,70, 502, 544;
S. A. 477 ; Son. xviii. 1 ; Od.
Nat. 60, 76, 242 ; Od. Paf.
10; Od.Sol.Mvf.22; Pf.u
15, ii. 5, 9, 14, iii. 1, 7, 15,
19, 23, iv. 13*28, 42, v. 21,
vi.1,3, 7, 18,20, vii. 1,7,31,
viii. 1 , 23, lxxx. 1 7, 78, lxxxi .
41, 6l, Ixxxiii. 60, lxxxiv. 2,
6, 13,29,41, 45, lxxxv. 2, 25,
29,48, lxxxvi. 1,9, 11, 13,
17, 26, 31, 37,41, 53, 63,
lxxxvii. 5,21, lxxxviii. 1 , 39,
53, 57, exxxvi. 2.
Lord God, P. L. x. 163.*
lord, Cow. 492, 966 y Pore. 0/
Co/?. 1.
lorded, 5. ^. 267.
lordlieft, S.A. 1418.
lordly, P. P. ii. 243, iii. 578 ;
S.'A. 1353; P/ viii. is,
lxxxii. 2.
lords, P. L. i. 32, 194, iv. 290,
vi. 451, viii. 339, ix. 60S, x.
467, xi. 803, xii. 93, 349;
S. A. 251, 4S2, 920, 947,
1418,1447,1457,1607,1653 ;
Com. 73 1.
1 2
lore, P. L. ii. 815, ix. 1128; 996, 1292, 1743; Arc. 44;
P. R. i. 483 ; Com. 34. Com. 20, 789; .Son. vii. 11;
Lofe, P. L. ii. 146*, 325, 483, Od. Nat. 99; Pf viii. 15.
6*07, v. 21, 731, vii. 153, viii. loth, P. L. iv.386,ix. 946, 1039,
332, ix. 944, 959, *i. 459, x. 109, xii. 585 ; P. R. hi.
79S, xii. 358 ; P. R. ii. 98 ; 241 ; Com. 177, 473.
S.A. 1103; Com. 288, 468 5 loud, P. L. i. 314, 394, 532,
Od. Nat. 99. ii, 520, 579, 921, iii. 346,
lofes, P. L. viii. 553 ; P. P. iii. 348, 397, 429, v. 193, vi. 23,
J04, 59, 557, 567, vii. 271, viii.
lofing, P. L. iii. 206, 280. 244, x. 455, 641, 699, 845,
lofs, P. L. i. 4, 188, 265, 526, xii.'56, 229; Pi R- "• 235,
631, ii. 21, 330, 440, 770, iii. 290, iv. 488; S.A. 248, 436,
308, 678, iv. 11, 849, 904, 1090,1510, 1552; II Pen/.
vii. 74, viii. 480, ix. 131, 156; Com. 202, 849; Son.
912, x. 752, 1019; P. P. ii. xv. 4, xvi.8; Od. Nat. 115,
29; S.A. 67, 644, 1744; 183,215; Od. Pa J. 26, 55;
£?/c. 49; ^rc. 100; Com. Od.Sol.Muf.il; Vac. Ex.
287; Son. xii. 14; Od. Nat. 99; Pf. lxxxi. 124.
153 ; Od. D. F. I. 72 ; Vac. full loud, P. L. ii. 655.
£.r. 9. louder, P. L. x. 954.
at a lofs, P.P. iv. 366. loudeft, P. L. ii. 954, xi. 8;
loft, P. L i. 55, 105, 106, 136, P. P. i. 275, iv. 339-
243, 270,312, 316, 471, 591, loudly, Lye. 17 ; Vac. Ex. 24.
637, ii. 48, 110, 149, 231, love, P. L. i. 431, 491, iii. 29,
561, 894, 982, iii. 150, 173, 67, 68, 104, 142, 213, 225,
223, 233, 280, iv. 109, 573, 267,298,312,338,410,411,
854, vi. 838, ix. 479, 642, iv. 68, 69, 363,465, 499,509,
784, 900, 1022, 1072, 1165, 728, 743, 750, 763, v. 12,
x. 374, 574, 929, 945, 1036, 449, 502, 515, 539, 540, 550,
xi. 59> 87, 288, 347, 682, 593,900, vi. 94, vii. 195,330,
798, xii. 46, 84, 101, 429, viii. 58, 228, 426, 477, 489,
6*21; P.R. 1, 2, 154, 377, 569,577,587,589,592,602,
378,379, 382, 390,419,ii. 19, 612, 6l5, 621, 633, 634, ix.
97, 416, iii. 204, 377, iv. 188, 240, 241, 263, 286, 319, 335,
"352, 60S; S.A. 152, 914, 357,475,489,490,492,665,
#27, 1489, 1502, I697 ; Com. 822, 832, 858, 882, 909, 96 1 ,
52,271,498,510,919; Son. 970, 975, 983, 99\, 1042,
xxii. 10; Od. Vir. 18$ Pf. 1163, x. Ill, 153, 903, 915,
Ixxxiii. 16. 960, 973, xi, 353, 553, 588,
for loft, P. L. ii. 14. 594, xii. 380, 403, 489, 550,
not loll, /'. L. i. 525, vi. 25, 562,583; P.R. i. 380; S.A.
594. 270,385, 388, 790, 791, 810,
Lot, Pf. Ixxxiii. 22. 81:5,836,837,838,863,873,
Jot, P. L. i. 608, ii. 223, 6 1 7, 923, 1005, 1012, 1033 . tyi,
iv. 44o', 561, 1011, ix. 690, 177; UAL 30; II Pcnf. 108,
881, 932, x. 26l, xi. 765; 157; Cora. 124, 332, 6l0;
P.B. ii. J0 9 $l 9 'ui.57iS.A. 1019; So». i, 7, I3,xiv. i.9,
xxiii. 11 ; Od. Cir. 15, 16;
Od. on Time, 16' ; Od. Sol. Muf.
22; Pf. iv. 10, 11, v. 36,
lxxx. 34.
love-darting, Co?n. 753.
love-labour'd, P. L. v. 41.
love-lorn, Cora. 234.
love-quarrels, S. A. 1008.
love-tale, P. L. i. 452.
lov'd, P. X. iii. 151, ix. 1007;
S.J. 878,939; Lye. 36, 51;
Com. 4,73, 501, 6*23; Pf
Ixxxi. 47, lxxxvi. 6, Ixxxviii.
loved, Pf. Ixxxiv. 4.
lovelefs, P. jL. iv. 766.
lovelier, P. L. ix. 232, 505.
lovelieft, P. L. iv. 321, viii. 558.
lovelinefs, P. L. viii. 547.
lovely, P. L. iv. 152, 848, vii.
502, viii. 471, ix. 504, x.
152; UAL 14; Com. 875;
Od. D. F.I. 5 ; £/>. 3J^. JFw.
24; Pf. lxxx. 36*.
more lovely, P. L. iv. 714,
v. 380.
lover, P. L. iv. 7^9 ; Ep. M.
Win. 16; Pf. Ixxxviii. 6'9.
lovers, P.P. iv. 355.
lover's, P. L. v. 450 ; Son. i. 3.
love's, P. L. iv. 322, viii. 619,
ix. 1042, x. 994,, xi. 589;
S. A. 808, 811 ; Com. 855.
loves, P. L. iv. S8S, ix. 271 ;
M Penf 134 ; Son. xii. 12 ;
Od. Nat. 91 ; P/: lxxxvii. 5.
loving, P. L. viii. 588, x. 993 ;
Pf. Ixxxviii. 45.
lour, S.A. 1057.
iour'd, P. L. ix. 1002.
louring, P. L. ii. 490.
lours, P. L. iv. 873.
lov'ft, P. L. vi. 733.
low, P. L. i. 23, 114, 137,435,
ii. 81, 115, iii. 736, iv. 525,
v. 360, vii. 288, viii. 126,345,
350, ix. 169, 180, 572, 704,
835, x. 92, 6*82, xi. 249,562,
xii. 97; P. Rl 135,497, ii.
2S; S. A. 338, 1239; Lye.
102, 136, 172; Arc. 37, 71;
Com. 319; Pf v. 20, lxxx.
49, lxxxii. 15, lxxxvi. 31,
Ixxxviii. 6l, cxiv. 9-
low-brow'd, L'Al. 8.
low-delved, Od. D. F. I. 32.
low-roof d, P. R. iv. 273 ; 0d»
Pqf. 18.
lovv-roolled, Com. 317*
low-though ted, Com. 6.
lower, P. L. iii. 540, iv. 76,91,
v. 410, vii. 18, 84, viii. 199,
xi. 283 ; S. A. 38, 6S9, 1246*,
lowering, P. R. iv. 398.
lowefl, P. L. ii. 392, 882, iv.
76, 831, v. 158,418, ix. 241,
x. 443 ; P.P. ii. 438 ; S.A.
16*9 ;Pf lxxxvi. 47, Ixxxviii.
lowings, Od. Nat. 215.
lowlicfr, P. L. xi. 1.
lowlinefs, P. jL. viii. 49.
lowly, P. L. i. 434, .iii. 349, v.
144, 201, 46*3, viii. 173, 412,
x. 937 ; Com. 323 ; Od. Nat.
loyal, P. L. iv. 755 ; Cow. 320.
loyalty, P. L. v. 900.
lubbar, HAL 110.
lucent, P. L. iii. 589-
lucid, P. L. i. 46*9, xi. 240.
Lucifer, P. L. v. 760, vii. 131,
x. 425 ; Od. Nat. 74.
Lucina, Ep. M. Win. 26, 2S.
luck, Vac. Ex. 59.
lucky, Lye. 20.
lucre, P. L. xii. 511,
luggage, P. P, iii. 401.
lull, P.L. ii. 287; ^>r. 69;
Vac. Ex. 84.
lull'd,P.L.iv.771; VAL116;
Com. 260.
luminaries, P. L. vii. 1S5, viii.
luminary, P. jL. iii. 576.
luminous, P.L. iii. 420, viii. 140.
lure, P. L. ix. 518.
lur'd, P. L. ii. 66*4, x. 2/6.
lures, P. ft. ii. 19*.
lurk, P. L. iv. 587.
lurking, P. L. ix. 1172.
lurks, P.L. ix. 267.
lurk'ft, P.Jtii. 1S3.
lufcious, Com. 652.
luft, P.L. i. 417, 495, ii. 791,
iv. 753, ix. 1015, xi. 795 ;
P. ft. iv. 137 i 5. ^. 837 ;
Com. 462.
luftful, P. L. i. 415, xi. 619.
luftre, P. L. i. 97, 538, ii. 271,
iv. 850, x. 44-7, xi. 325;
P. P. i. 378; Arc. 76.
lufts, P. Pt. iv. 94.
lultv, P. ft. ii. 178 ; 0<1. Nat.
lute, P. L. v. 151 ; Com. 478 ;
Sow. xx. 11 ; OdPaf.28.
luxuriant, P. L. iv. 260.
luxurious, P. L. i. 498, ix. 209,
xi. 788 ; P. ft. iii. 297, iv.
luxury, P. L. i. 722, xi. 715,
751 ; P. ft. iv. Ill ; Com.
luz, P. L. iii. 513.
Lybia, &c. See Libya*
Lycaeus, ^rc. 98.
Lyceum, P. ft. iv. 253.
Lycid, Lj/c. 151.
Lycidas, Lye. 8, 9, 10, 49, 51,
166, 172.
Lydian. UAL 136'.
lye, P/v. 15.
King, P. ft. i. 4 29-
£yones, p. ft. ii. 360.
lyre, P. L. iii. 17-
Jyrick, P. ft. iv. 257; & A.
1/it, H. A. 16'()'3.
Mab, VAl. 102.
Maccabeus, P. ft. iii. 165.
]\Iacdonnel, £0;?. xi. 9.
mace, P. L. x. 294 ; Com. 869,
JMacedon, P. ft. iv. 271.
Macedonian, P. ft. iii. 32.
Machaerus, P. ft. ii. 22.
machination, P. L. vi. 504.
machinations, P. ft. i. 181
mad, P. L. iv. 129; P. ft. iv.
446; S. A. 1677; Com. 829;
Pf. v. 12.
madam, Sou* x. 11.
madding, P. i. vi. 210.
made, P. L. i. 248, 258, 370,
403, ii. 238, 787, iii. 98,
110, 155, l6'4,'284, 386', iv.
97, 329, 413, 672, 722, v.
204, 524, 525, 56l, 599, 823,
836, 842, vi. 305, 441, 574,
632, vii. 263, 336, 346, 348,
36l, 515, 548,viii.381, 409,
491, 544, 555, 576, 583, ix.
132, 152, 243, 352, 6'32, 749,
931, <)43, 1049, x. 146, 149,
166, 319, 391, 485, 638, 760,
766, xi. 4, 44, 559, 846, xii.
70; P. ft. i. 208, ii. 170,
171, 193, 207, iii. 77, 94,
111, 442, iv. 101; S. A. 34,
56, 309, 481, 555, 803,
1489, 10'22; 11 Pen/. 108;
Arc. 60 ; Com. 472, 6*42,
842; Son. xi. 11 ; Od. Nat.
\\8; Od.D.F.I.A'.Od.SoL
Muf. 21 ; Vac. Ex. l6; Ep,
Hobf. II. 5; Pf. ii. 16, vii.
49, 56, lxx\.72, lxxxvi. 29-
made aniut-r, P. L. v. 735.
Madiah, 5. A. 281.
made lalt, P. L. X. 319, xi.
made gay, P. L. vii. 318.
made halt, P. />. xi. 210.
made hattr, ft. L. x. 29.
made head, P. L. ii. 992.
made way, P. /,. ix. 550.
madnefs, P. L. xi. 486"; S, A 9
553; CW. 26'1.
madrigal, Com. 495.
wad'ft, JP. L. i, 22, iv. 724, x.
lS7lPf.mil 15, 17.
Msenalus, ^rc. 102.
Masonides, P. X. iii. 35*
Maeotis, P. X. ix. 78.
magazine, P. X. iv. 8l6.
magazines, S. A. 1281,
Magellan, P. X. x. 6'87.
inagick, P. X. i. 727; 5, A.
11494 Co??2. 165, 435, 79$.
magician, Com. 602.
magician's, S. A. 1133.
magiltrates, S. A. 850, 1183.
magnanimity, S. A. 1470.
magnanimous, P. X. vii. 511;
P. P. ii. 583 ; S. A. 524.
magnetick, P. X. iii. 583; P. it
ii. 168.
magnifick, P. X. v. 773, x. 354.
magnificence, P. X. i. 718, ii.
273, viii. 101; P. P. iv. 111.
magnificent, P. X. iii. 502, vii.
56'8, x. 153.
magnified, P. X, vii. 6()6 ; S. A.
magnify, P. X. vii. 97-
magnitude, P. X. ii. 1053, vii.
357; S.A. 1279-
magnitudes, P. X. viii. 17.
Mahanaim. P. L. xi. 214.
Maia's, P. X.t. 285.
maid, P. X. v. 223 ; P. R. ii.
200 ; X'^tf/. 95 ; 0
one man, P. L. vii. 155, ix.
545, xi. 219, 808,876.
manacled, P. L. i. 426.
manacles, S. A. 1309.
manag'd, P. L. viii. 573.
management, P. R. i. 12.
Manaffe's, Pf. lxxx. 10.
mane, P. L. vii. 466, 497-
manger, P. P. i. 247 ; P. P- ».
75; Od.Nat. 31.
mangle, S. ^. 624.
mangled, P. L. vi. 368.
manhood, P. L. iii. 314, x.
148, xi. 246. xii. 389; P. -R.
iv. 509; 6'.^. 408; Sow. vii.
manifeft, P. J/, vi. 707, vii.
615, viii. 422, x, 66; S. A.
997 •
manifold, P. L. iv. 435, viii.
29, x. 16.
mankind, P. L. i. 36, 368, ii.
383, iii. 66, l6l, 275, iv. 10,
107, 718, v. 388, 5()6, vii.
530, viii. 358, 57.9, 650, ix.
376, 415, 494, 950, x. 498,
646, 895, xi. 1:), 38,69,500,
696, 752, 891 ; P. P. i. 3,
1 14, 187, 266, 387, iii. 82,
iv. 635.
all mankind, P. L. iii. 222,
286, iv. 315, v. 228, x.
S22,xi. 159, xii. 276, 417, as many, P. L. ii. 938, xii.
6*01. 425.
mankind's, P. L. xii. 235. as many as, P. P. iii. 289-
man-like, P. L. viii. 471. how many, P. J,, xii. 26l,
manlier, P. R. ii. 225. 262; P. P. i. 48 ; P/. iii.
manlieft, P. P. ii. 167. 1, 2.
manly, P.L.iv. 302,490; Cow, fo many, P. P. iii. 6ll, iv.
289. 429, v. 567, vi. 24, viii.
manna, P. P. ii. 113 ; P. P. i. 28, xi. 323, xii. 282,283;
251, ii. 312. P. P. iv. 482; S. A. 65,
manner, P. P. i. 50. 287.
manners, P. P. iv. 83. loo many, S. A. 1401.
Manoah, S. A. 328, 1441, many m.ore, P. X. iii. 473, ix.
1548, 1565. 730 ; P. P. ii. 188.
man's, P. X. i. 1, iii. 215, 218, maple, Com. 391.
304, 355, 410, iv. 317, 692, marafmus, P. L. xi. 487.
v. 483, ix. 106'9, x. 60, 631, marble, P. L. iii. 564; P. P.
823, xi. 632, 634, xii. 265; iv. 60 ; 1/ Pew/. 42; Cow.
P. P. i. 2, 4, 402, iv. 459; 9l6; Od. Nat. 195; Ep.M,
S. A. 656; Son. xix. 10 ; Pf. Win. 1 ; Ep. W. Sh. 14.
lxxxii. 10. march, P. L. i. 413, ii. 574,
manfion, P. L. i. 268, ii. 462, 6l5, v. 688, vi. 72, x. 474;
iii. 699, vi. 738, viii. 296; P. R. i. 115.
II Pen/. #2; Cow. 2; Pf. march'd, P. P. vi. 77.
cxxxvi. 93. marches, P. P. iii. 303.
manfions, Od. Nat. 140. marching, P. L. i. 488, ii. 8S6 5
manflaughter, P. P. xi. 693. xii. 40.
mantle, P. P. iii. 10, iv. 609 ; Marchionefs, Ep. M. Win. 74,
Lye. 104, 192; Od. PaJJl 30. Margaret, Son. x. 14.
mantling, P. P. iv. 258, v. 279? margent, Com. 232.
vii. 439 ; Com. 294. Margiana, P. P. iii. 317.
manuring, P. P. iv. 628, xi. 28. mariner, P. P. iv. 558.
many, P. P. i. 128, 196, 700, mariners, Com. 48.
709, 727, 733, ii. 548, 618. marifh, P. L. xii. 630.
619, 620, 651, 929, iii. 465, maritime, P. L. xi. 398.
642, 741, iv. 164, 229, 234, mark, P. P. iv. 400, 962, v. %\,
v. 101, 346, vi. 76, 77, 336, ix. 92, 528, xii. 50 ; P. P.
387, 624, 658, vii. 144, ix. iii. 349; S. A. 496; Arc. 14;
183, 434, 517, 6l 8, x. 274, Son. xii. 13 ; Pf. vi. 15.
311, 438, 1005, 1084, xi. mark'd, P. L. iv. 129, 401,
254, 256, 351, 467, 468, 568 ; P. P. i. 297.
534, 767, xii. 530, 602 ; marks, P. P. iii. 6l. '
P. P. i. 118, 264, ii. 80, 89, marie, P. L. i. 296.
155, iii. 269, 315, iv. 55, Marocco, P. L. i. 584, xi. 404.
321, 411, 478 ; S. A. 652, marr'd, P.P. iv. lid, ix. 136.
918, 1260 ; L'AL 95, 101; marriage, P. L. v. 223, viii.
Com. 949; Pac. Ex. 74 ; P/. 487, xi. 591; S. A. 224,
pi 4, 15, iv. 25. 320 ; Ep. M. Win, 18.
marriage-choices, S. A. 420,
marriage-faith, S. A. 111^.
marriageable, P. L. v. 217.
marriages, P. X. xi. 684.
married, L'AL 137-
marrying, P. X. xi. 71 6.
Mars, P. R. iii. 84.
mariliall'd, P. X. ix. 37-
martial, P. X. i. 540 ; P. R. iii.
martyr'd, Sow. xviii. 10.
martyrdom, P. X. ix. 32.
marvelling, P. X. ix. 551.
Mary, P. X. v. 387, x. 183;
P.P. ii. 60, 105; Son Ax. 5.
mafculine, P. X. x. 890.
mafk, P. X. iv. 76S; L'AL 128 ;
6'ow. xxii. 13 ; Od. Pqf. 19.
mafs, P. X. iii. 708, vii. 237,
xii. 548.
mafiacre, P. X. xi. 679.
many, P. X. i. 285, 703, ii.
878, v. 634, vi. 195, xi. 565',
S. A. 147, 1633, l6"4S; Lye.
110; II Pen/. 158.
maft, P. X. i. 293.
matter, Com. 725 ; Od. JV'ttf. 34.
mailer-work, P. L. vii. 505.
mafters, S. A. 1215; Cow. 501.
matters', S. //. 1404.
mattering, P. X. ix. 125.
mattery, P. L. ii. 899, ix. 29-
match, P. L. vi. 631; S. A.
346, 1164.
match'd, P. X. ii. 720, xi. 685.
matching, P. X. v. 113.
matchlefs, P. X. i. 623, ii.
487, iv. 41, vi. 341, 457, x.
404; P. P. i. 233, iv. 10;
S. A. 178, 280, 1740; Son.
xvi. 3.
raate,P. L.i. 192, 238, iv. 828,
vii. 403, viii. 578, 594, x.
*<)9; 8, A. 173; Son. i. 13 ;
Gtf. D. F. I. 24.
material, P. 7.. iii. 709.
materials, P. X. ii. 916, vi. 478.
mate*, P. X. vi. 60s.
matin, P. X. v. 7, vi. 526, vii.
450; L'AL 114.
matrimonial, P. X. i x . 319*
5. ^. 959.
matron, P. X. i. 505, xi. 136;
S.A. 722', Od. D. F. I. 54.
matron-lip, P. L. iv. 501.
matrons, £/>. M. Win. 23.
matter, P. L. i. 256, iii. 413,
613, v. 472, 563, 738, vii.
233, ix. 669, 951, 1177, x.
807, 1071 ; S.A. 1638; Soji.
xi. 2.
matters, P. L f viii. 167 ; P. P.
iv.329; S.A, 1348.
mature, (verb) P. L. i. 660, x,
612 ; P. P. iv. 282.
mature, P. X. v. 862, ix. 803,
x. 822, xi. 537; P. P. i. 188,
iii. 37.
matureft, P. L. ii. 115.
maugre, P. L. iii. 255, ix. 56;
P.P. iii. 368.
maw, P. X. ii. 847, x. 601,
991 ; Son. xvi. 14.
maxim, S.A. 865.
May, Son. i. 4; Od. May-M.
may-flowers, P. L. iv. 501.
a-maying, X'^/. 20.
maze, P. X. ix. 499; P- #• ">
246; Od. Nat. 236.
mazes, P. L. ii. 56l, v. 622, x.
830; UAI.U2; Com. 181.
mazy, P. X. iv. 239, ix. l6l.
me ! me, P. X. x. 936.
mead, UAL 90.
meadow, P. P. ii. 185.
meadow-ground, P. L. xi. 648.
meadows, P. X. vii. 46*0; UAL
75 ; Com. 844.
meads, Ftfc. X\r. 94.
meager, P. X. x. 264; Com.
mean, P. X. ii. 684, iii. 272,
iv. 632, v. 723, vi. 120,290,
viii. 527, ix. 553, 860, 1152,
xi. 879 i P. P. i. 155, ii. 6,
*5L 404, iv. l6l ; S. A. 207 ;
HAL 152; Cow, 417, 418.
mean, (adj.) P. L. ii. 981, iv.
02, vi. 421, viii.473, ix. 39,
xi. 9, xii. 351; S.4- 207;
/Sow. vii. 11, xxi. 2.
Meander's, Cow. 232.
meaner, P. L. vi. 367.
meaneft, P. L. iv. 204, xi. 231.
meaning, P. P. vii. 5, ix. 1019;
P. ii. iv. 516; S. A. 813;
Com. 754,
meanly, Od. Nat. 31.
means, P.L. i. l65, iii. 228, x.
1062, xii. 234, 279; P. P.
ii. 412, iii. 89, 355, 356,
394, iv. 152, 475; S. A.
315, 444, 56*2, 603, 795;
Com. 644, 821.
means, (verb) Com. 765 ; Son.
xvii. 10.
mean'ft, P. P. iv. 230.
meant, P. P. iii. 5l6, v. 513,
vi. 854, ix. 690, x. 545,
1033, 1050, xii. 149; P. R.
i. 83, ii. 99; II Pen/. 120;
Arc. 35; Com. 57 8, 591; Pf.
vii. 10.
mean-while, P. L. i. 752, ii.
629, 767 t iii. 333, 418, iv.
260, 539, 633, v. 350, 443,
503,711, vi. 186, 293, 354,
493, vii. 162, 192, 417, ix.
739, x. 1, 229, 585, xi. 133,
738, xii. 315; P. R. i. 183,
ii. 1 ; S. A. 479, 604 ; Lye.
32 ; Com. 102.
meafure, (verb) P. L. vii. 603 ;
Son. xxi. 9-
meafure, P. L. i. 513, v. 517,
639, vi. 265, vii. 128, 640,
ix. 846; S. A. 1439; Son.
vii. 10.
without meafure, P. L. iii. 142.
meafur'd, P. L. iv. 776, xi.
730, xii. 554; P. P. i. 210;
Arc. 71 ; Son. xiii. 1.
meafures, P. L. i. 50, v. 581 ;
P. P. i. 1/0; UAL 70,
meafuring, P. X. vi. 893,
meat, Pf. lxxxi. 63.
meaths, P. P. v. 345.
meats, P. P. v. 451, xi. 473;
P.P. ii. 265, 328, 341.
med'cinal, S.A. 627; Com. 636.
meddling, Com. 846.
Medes, P.P. iii. 376.
Media, P, P. iv. 171 ; P. £.
iii. 320.
mediation, P f L. iii. 226.
Mediator, P. L. x. 60, xii. 240.
meditate, Lye. 66; Com. 547.
meditated, P. L. ix. 55.
meditation, P.L. xii. 605 ; Com,
386; P/v. 2.
meditations, P. P. i, 195. ii*
Medufa, P.L. ii. 6ll.
Medway, Vac. Ex. 100,
meed, Pyc. 14, 84.
meek, P. P. iii. 266, iv. 494,
v. 359, viii. 217, x. 1032,
1104, xi. 162,437, 451, xii.
569, 597; P. P. iii. 217, iv.
401, 636; S.A. 1036; Lye.
178 ; Pf. iv. 15.
meek-ey'd, Od.Nat. 46.
meekly, P.R. ii. 108 ; Son. xiv.
3; 0d.Paff.2l.
meet, P. L. ii. 64, 722, 955,
iv. 530, 913, v. 350, vi.
93, 439, 882, viii. 57, 139,
609, ix. 360, 847, 1176, x.
103. 349, 599, 775, 905, xi.
237, 240; S.A. 1123; Arc.
31 ; Com. 363 ; Son. xx\ 3 ;
P/. viii. 20.
meet, (adj.) P. P. iii. 234, 675,
viii. 448,ix. 711, 1028,xi.6"04.
meeting, P. L. v. 778, x. 350,
879 ; -P. R- iii- 258 ; L'AL
meets, P. P. ii. 931, iv. 154,
540, 784, ix. 271 ; P. P. iv.
320; IlPenf. 120.
meet'ft, P. L. v. 175.
Megasra, P. L. x. 560.
melancholy, P. L. xi. 485, 544 ;
L'AL 1 ; II Pen/. 12,62, 175;
Com. 546, 810.
Melefigenes, P. R. iv. 259.
Melibaean, P. L. xi. 242.
Melibseus, Com. 822.
Melind, P. L. xi. 3.99-
mellifluous, P. L. v. 429 5 P. R*
iv. 277.
mellowing, Lye. 5. '
melodious, P. X. iii. 371, v.
196, 656, xi. 559 ; Lye. 14;
Ocl. Nat. 129; Otf. . TF. Sk. 5; P/*. lxxxiii.
Memphian, P. L. i. 307, 694 ;
Od. Nat. 214.
men, P. L. i. 332,685,740, ii.
288, 483, 497, iii. 268, 283,
287, 331, iv. 4, 295, 675,
753, v. 493, vii. 183, 570,
625, ix. 622, x. 893, xi.477,
577, 585, 662, 676, 680, 688,
838, xii. 30, 48,6*9, 115, 245,
248, 554,438,538; P.P. i.
164, 167,191; 237,250, 322,
341, 386, 464, 482, ii. 27,
133,154, 180, 192,228,437,
447, 470, iii. 85, 105, Ml, iv.
140, 197,200,357,462, 466,
520; S. A. 215, 294, 332,
354, 364, 545, 6*74, 787, 847,
1079,1186,1273, 1407,1682;
L'AL 13 ; Arc. 67 ; Com. 6,
388,445,703; 0rf.JVaM42;
Od. D. F. I. 62 ; Ep. Hobf.
II. 11; Fore, of Con. 9;
Eitrip. 1 ; Pf. i. 14, 16, iii.
22, v. 12, lxxxii. 15, 23,
Ixxxv. 48, lxxxvi. 50.
of men, P. L. iii. 46, 412,
447, 453, 6*79,iv. 323,408,
v. 71, 72, 56*3, 76l, vi. 376,
505, vii. 156, 623, 626,
viii. 218, 297, xi. 360,621,
640, 697, xii. 13, 80.
to men, P. L. i. 26, 51, 374,
ii. 496, iv. 613, xi. 580,
677, xii. 477.
menace, Com. 654.
menae'd, P. L. ix. 977*
mends, P. L. x. 859.
men's, P. R. i. 132.
mens, Com. 208.
mental, P. L. xi. 418.
mention, P.L.ii.820, viii. 200;
P.R.i. 45, iii. 92; S. A. 331,
1254; Pf. lxxxvii. 11, 13.
mention'd, P. L. x. 1041 ; S.A.
merchants, P. L. ii. 639-
mercies, Pf. v. 17, 18, exxxvi.
3, 95.
merciful, P.L. xii. 565; Pf.
lxxxvi. 56.
"Mercury, Coin. 962.
mercy, P. L. i. 218, iii. 132,
134, 202, 401, 407, x. 59,
78, 1096, xii. 346; S. A.
1500; Com. 695; Od. Nat.
144; Pf. Ixxxv. 41, lxxxvi.
15, 45, 58.
mercy-feat, P. L. xi. 2, xii. 253.
mere, P. L, iv. 3l6, ix. 413 ;
P. R. iv. 535; Com, 807.
merely, P. /,. v. 774, viii. 22 ;
Od. on Time, 6-, Ep. Hobf. II.
Meriba, P/*. lxxxi. 32.
meridian, P. /,. iv. 30, 5 1, V.
merit, P. X. i. 98, ".5,21, iii.
290, 309, v. 80, vi. 43,vii. 157,
x.259,xi.35; P.JR.i. l66.
merit, (verb) P. X. i. 575;
P. JR. ii. 455.
merited, P. X. iv. 418, vi. 153,
x. 388*; S.^. 734.
meritorious, S. A. 859*
merits, P. X. iii. 697, vi. 382,
ix. 995, xi. 699.
merits, (fubft.) P, X. iii. 319,
xii. 409.
merriment, Com. 172.
Meroe, P. R. iv. 71.
merry, Co?w. 121.
meffiioe, P. X. iv. 823, v. 289,
290, xi. 299, xii. 174; P. R.
i. 133 ; S. A. 635, 1307,
1343, 1345, 1352, 1391,1433.
meffenger, P. X. viii. 646, xi.
856; P. jR. i. 238; S.A.
meffengers, P. X. iii. 229, vii.
m.eiTes, UAL 85.
Meffiah, P. X. v. 664, 691, 765,
883, vi. 43, 68, 718, 775,
796, 881, xii. 244,359; P. #.
i. 245, 26l, 272, ii. 32,43, iv.
502 ; P/ ii. 5.
met, P. X. i. 574, ii. 742, iii.
613, iv. 231, 322, 496, 863,
vi. 18, 128, 131, 156, 247,
323, 532, 688, ix. 325, 449,
S49, x. 285,321, 349, 390,
37, iv. 22,385 ; S.A. 1588,
Com. 165, 572; Son. xiii. 14 ;
Pf. lxxxv. 42, lxxxvi. 50.
metal, P. X. i. 540, iii. 592,
595, v. 442, xi. 573.
metallick, P. X. j. 673.
metals, Lye. 110.
meteor, P. X. i. 537.
meteorous, P. X. xii. 629-
methinks, P. L. v. 114, x. 243,
1029 ;S.A. 368 ; &w. x.ll.
method, P. #. iv. 540.
methought, P. X. iv. 478, v. 35,
50, 85, 91, viii. 295,355,462,
xi. 151 ; S.A. 1515; Com.
171, 482; Son. xxiii. 1.
metropolis, P. X. iii. 549, x.
Mexico, P. X. xi. 407.
Michael, ii. 294, vi. 44, 202,
250,321, 411, 686, 777, xi.
99, 295, 334, 412, 453, 466,
515, 530, 552, 603, 683, 7$7 9
xii. 79, 285, 386, 466,
mickle, Com. 31.
microfcope, P. R. iv. 57.
mid, P. X. ii. 718, iii. 729, iv.
940, vii. 442; Com. 957;
Son. ix. 13.
Midas, Son. xiii. 4,
mid-air, P. X. vi. 536 ; P. H. i,
mid-courfe, P. X. xi. 204.
mid-day, P. X. viii. 112 ; Com.
middle, P. X. i. 14, 5l6, ii.
653, iii. 16, 46l, iv. 195, v.
280, 339, ix. 605, 1097, xi.
665 ; P. R. ii. 117; Od.Nat.
164; Od. D.F.I. 16.
mid-heaven, P.L. vi. 889, ix.
468, xii. 263.
mid-hours, P. X. v. 376.
midnight, P. X. i. 782, iv. 682,
768, v. 66Y, ix. 58, 159, xii.
189; L'Al. 2; UPenf. 85;
Com. 103, 130 ; Od. Nat. 191.
midnight-march, P. X. v. 778.
midnight-fearch, P.L. ix. 181»
mid-noon, P. L. v. 311.
mid-fea, P. X. vii. 403.
mid-fey, P. X. vi. 314.
mid-volley, P. X. vi. 854.
mid-way, P. X. vi. 91, xi. 631,
Midian, Pf. lxxxiii. 33.
midriff, P. X. xi. 445.
midft, P. X.i.224. ii. 508, iii.
358, v. 165, 251, vi. 28, 99,
417, ix. 184, x, 441, 528, xi.
452; P. JR. ii. 294, iv. 31;
S.A. 1339; Od.Nat. 11.
might, P.L. i. 110, 506, 643,
ii. 192, iii. 170, 398, iv.346,
986, v. 720, vi. 116, 229,
vii. 165,223, 615, x. 404, xi.
689, 830; S. A., 17S, 588,
1083,1271, 1293; Lye. 173 ;
Com. 613 ; Brut. 13; Pf.
17, exxxvi. 25.
mightier, P. L. i. 149, 512, vi.
mightieft, P. L. i. 99, ii. 307,
vi. 112,200, 386/459, 710,
xi.387;P--R.iii. 262;^.^.
mighty, P. L. i. 20, 136, 222,
533, 566, 66*5, ii. 456, 508,
719, 991, v. 735, 748, 836,
vi.62,6'38, 841, 890, vii. 355,
608, viii. 81, x. 455, 650, xi.
642, xii. 33, 124; P. R. i. 40,
186, ii. 448, iii. 167 ; S.A.
556, 706, 1272, 1602; Com.
63 ; Od. Nat. 89 ; Vac. Ex.
51 ; Pf. lxxxviii. 49, exxxvi.
mild, P. L. ii. 220, 397, 546,
iv. 479, 647, 654, v. 16, 371,
vi. 28, vii. 110, ix. 226, x.
67,96, 847, 1046, xi. 151,
234, 286; P. R. i. 310, ii.
125, 159, i v. 134; Lye. 136 ;
Son. xix. 11, xxi. 11; Od.
Nat. 66 ; Od. Paf}\ 53 ; Pf.
lxxxvi. 53.
milder, P. L. ii. 8l6, vi. 98 ;
S071. xiii. 14.
mildew, Com. 640.
mildly, P. L. viii. 317-
mildnefs, P. L. vi. 735, ix. 534.
Mile End Green, Son. xi. 7, 8.
miles, P.L. ii. 938.
militant, P. L. \j, 61 , \. 442.
military, P. /,. iv. p55, vi. 45,
xi. 241 J P.H. in. 312.
milk, P. Z. ix. 5S2.
milk-maid, L'Al. 65.
milky, P. X. v. 306, vii. 579;
S. A. 550.
mill, 6'. A. 41 , 1093, 1 327, 1393.
millions, P. L. 1..609, 664, ii.
55, 997, iv.' 677, vi. 48, 220;
P.P. i. 359; Com. 715; Pf
iii. 15.
mimick, P. L. v. 110.
mimicks, S. A. 1325.
Mincius, Lye. 86.
mincing, Co?n.g64>.
mind, P. L. i. 97, 139, 253, 254,
626, ii.34, 189, iii. 52, 705,
iv. 55,-618, v. 34, 117, 452,
902, vii. 128, viii. 188,525,
541, 557, 604, ix. 213, 238,
603, 77 9, 1120, 1125, x. 8,
825, 1011, 1015, xi. 144,687,
xii. 444; P.R. i. 202, ii. 105,
139, 206,479, iv. 223, 401;
S.A. IS, 52, 185, 412, 600,
611, 745, 792, 1638, 1758;
Lye. 71 ; IlPenf. 4, 91 ; Com.
211, 46l,6l9; Son. xxiii. 8;
Vac. Ex. 33; Pf. lxxxi. 50,
lxxxiii. 18, exxxvi. 1.
mind, (verb) P. L. ii. 212, iv.
612, vi. 477, ix. 358; P.R.
ii. 258.
minded, P. L.iv. 583, viii. 444,
ix. 519, xi. 156; S. A. 1603.
mindlefs, P. L. ix. 431.
minds, P. L. i. 559, ii. 521, iv.
118, 522; v. 6S0, 786, vi.
444, 613, ix. 1053, xii. 15;
S.^,1213, 1279,1336, 1387,
150S, 1676.
mine, P. L. v. 443, xi. 656;
Com. 436.
mineral, P. L. \. 235, vi. 517.
Minerva, Com. 448.
mingle, /'. L. ii. 384, vi. 277 ;
P.R. iv. 453.
mingled, P. L. vi. 513; Com*
minims, P, L. vii. 482.
minifter, P. L: v. 460, xi. 73,
xii. 308 ; P. P. i. 488;S.^.
minifteries, P. £• vii. 149.
minifters, P. L. i. 170, ix. 156,
xi. 6/6; P. P. ii. 3/5.
miniftrant, P. L. x. 87; P.P.
ii. 385.
miniftred, P. X. v. 444.
miniftring, P. L. iv. 664, vi. 167,
miniftry, P. L. xii. 505.
minftrelfy, P. -L. vi. 168; Cow.
mintage, Cow. 529*
minute, II Pen/. 130.
minutes, P. L. ix. 91.
miracle, P. L. ix. 562; P.P. i.
337; S.A. 364, 1528.
miracles, P. L. xii. 501 ; P/I
cxxxvi. 13.
mire, P. L. iv. 1010 ; Son. xx.2.
mires, P. L. ix. 841.
mirrour, P.L. iv. 263, vii. 377 J
5. ^. 164.
mirth, P. X. i. 786, iv. 346, ix.
1009; S.A. 1613 ; UAL 13,
38, 152; IlPenf. 81; Cow.
202, 955; Son. xxi.6; Oc?.
Pa^: 1 ; Od. May-M. 6.
miry, Pf. lxxxi. 23.
mifbecoming, Com. 372.
miscellaneous, P.P. iii. 50.
mi fch an ce, Od. D. F. I. 44 ;
Ep. M. Win. 27.
mifchief, P. L. ii. 141, vi. 488,
503, 636, ix. 472, 633, x.
167, 895, xi. 450; P.R. iv.
440; S.A. 1039; Cow. 591 5
P/. vii. 57.
mitchievous, P.L. ii. 1054.
mif-created, P. L. ii. 683.
mifdeed, S. A. 7*7.
mif-deeds, P. L. x. 1080.
mtf-deem, P. L. ix. 301 ; P. P.
i. 424.
mifdoing, P. P. i. 225.
mifdone, S.A. 91 1.
miferable, P. X. L 157, ii. 98*
752, iv. 73, 126, ix. 1139, x.
720, 839, 981, xi. 500; P. ii.
i. 411, 471 ; S.A. 101, 340,
4S0, 703, 762 ; Pf. v. 27.
more miferable, P.L. x.930.
miferies, P. L. x. 715 ; 3. A*
64, 107, 651.
mifer's, Com. 399.
mifery, P. L. i. 90, 142, ii. 459,
563, iv. 92, vi. 268, 462, 904,
ix. 12, x. 726, S10, 928, 982,
997, 1021, xi. 476 ; P. R. i.
341,398,470; S.A. 1469;
Pf. cxxxvi. 79*
misfortune, Com. 286.
misfortunes, P. L. x. 900.
mifgave, P. L. ix. 846.
mifguided, S.A. 912.
mifhap, P. L. x. 239 ; Lye. 92*
mif-inform, P. L. ix. 355.
mif joining, P. L. v. 111.
miflead, P. P. iv. 309. '
mifleads, P. L. ix. 640.
miHed, P. P. i. 226; Cow.2O0 o
mifliked, Pf. lxxxi. 48.
mifreprefent, S.A. 124.
mif-rule, P. L. vii. 271, x. 628.
mifs, P. L. iii. 735, x. 104, 262 ;
S. A. 917 ; Com. 925.
mifs'd, P. L. vi. 499, ix. 857,
xi. 15; P. P. ii. 486; Pf
lxxxv. 41.
miffing, P. P. ii. 9, 15, 77, iv.
208; IlPenf. 6b.
million, P. P. ii. 114.
miffive, P. L. vi. 519.
mill, P. L. iii. 53, v. 435, vii.
333, ix.75, 158, ISO, x.694,
xii. 629; Lye. 126.
miftake, P. L. x. 903.
mifthought, P. _L. ix. 289.
miftook, Arc. 4 ; Cow. 815.
miftrefs, P. L. ix. 532 ; Arc.
36, 106.
miitruft, P. X. ix. 357, 1124.
miftruftful, P. L. ii. 126.
mills, P. i. v. 185 ; Com. 337.
mifty, P. L. i. 595 ; Vac. Ex. 41.
mi fuied, Com. 47.
miter'd, Lye. 112.
mitigate, P. L. i. 556*, x. 70,
xi. 41.
mix, P. L. v. 1S2, 334, vii. 58,
215, viii. 6l6", 627, 629, xi.
529 ; Com. 594:
mix'd, P. L. i. 58, 579, "• 09,
913, iii. 456, 610, iv. 149,
768, vi. 21, viii. 236, 602, ix.
165, 577, x. 24, xi. 24, 662,
686, xii. 181, 182; S. A.
1031; Com. 526, 674; Od.
Sol. Muf. 3.
mixing, P. L. x. 228.
mixture, P. L. xi. 51 ; IlPenf.
26 ; Com. 244.
Moab, P/. lxxxiii. 23.
JNIoab's, P. L. i. 406.
moan, Od. Nat. 191 ; Ep. M.
Win. 55. '
moans, Son. xviii. S.
moaping, P. L. xi. 485.
mock, P.L. iv. 628; P. ft. ii.
mock'd, P. L. x. 774, xii. 59.
mode, P. It. i. 474 ; ii. 340.
model, P.L. iii. 509, viii. 79.
moderate, P. L. xii. 351 ; Cow?.
moderation, P.L. xi. 363.
modern, P. L. xL 386 ; S. A.
6*53 ; Com. 45.
modeft, P.I. iv. 310; S. A.
modefty, P. ft. iii. 241.
Modin, P. ft. iii. 170.
.Mogul, P. L. xi. 391 ;
raoift, P. /,. ii. 898, iii. 652, v.
325, 422, vii. 408, x. IO66,
xi. 741 ; Lye. 159 i Cow. 825.
moifturc, P. I. vii. 282, viii.
mold. Sec mould,
mole, P. I. x. 300 ; Vac. Ex.
molcft, P. JS. viii. 186; P. ft,
iv. 498; S.A. 1525.
Moloch, P. L. i. 392, 417, ii.
43, vi. 357; Oo\ Nat. 205.
molten, Cow. 931.
Moly, Com. 636.
Mom baza, P. L. xi. 399.
moment, P.L. ii. 448, 907, vi.
239, 509, vii. 154, x. 45 5
P. R. iv. 162.
in a moment, P. L. i. 544,
ii. 6"09, iv. 51; S.^.1559;
Pf. vi. 24.
Mona, Lye. 54.
monarch, P. L. i. 638, ii. 467,
iv. 96O, v. 832, x. 375 ; Com,
monarchal, P. L. ii. 428.
monarchies, P.L. ii. 307; P.P.
iii. 246, iv. 150.
moharchs, P. L. i. 599 ; P.P.
iii. 262; *SWj. xv. 3.
monarchy, P. L. i. 42, v. 79*5,
x.379; P. ii. i. 87, iii. 277.
money, P. Ii. ii. 422.
'mongft, L'AL 4; Od. D. F. I.
monfter, P. L. ii. 675, x. 590,
986 ; P. R. iv. 100, 12S ;
S.A. 230.
monfters, P. L. ii. 795, x. 523 ;
Com. 695.
monurous, P.L. i. 197,479, '*•
625, iii. 456, vi. 86*2, x. 514,
xi. 474 ; Lye. 158 ; Com. 533,
Montalban, P. I. i. 583.
Montczume, P. L. xi. 407.
month, Od. Nat. 1.
monthly, P. 7,. iii. 728.
months, P.L. iii. 581, viii. 69;
Com. 1 14.
monument, P. I. x. 258, xi..
32b; S. /J. 570, 1734; Ep.
JV.Sh. 8.
monumental. 7/ Vcnf. 135.
monuments, P. i,. i. 6y5.
mood, P. L. i. 550, vi. 620, ix.
920 ; P. R. iv, 450 ; S. A.
662; Lye. 87; Com. 371;
Son. xii. 9-
moon, P. X. i. 287 , 440, 5^6,
784, ii. 665, 1053, iii. 459,
726, iv. 6o6, 648, 655, 798 t
v.42, 175, 263, 41 S, 421, vii.
104, 356, 375, viii. 142, x,
656, xii. 266; 5.^. 87; //
Pew/: 67 ; Cow. 1 16, 33 1 , 374,
1017; Son. xii. 7, xxii. 5;
Ep. Hobf. II. 29 ; P/. viii, 10,
Ixxxi. 9, exxxvi. 53.
mooned, P. X, iv. 978 ; Od. Nat.
moon-Wd, Od. Nat. 236.
moon-ftruck, P. L. xi. 486*
moon's, P. JL iv. 273.
moons, P. jL. viii. 149.
moorilh, Com. 433.
moors, (verb) P. jL. i. 207.
moory, P. L. ii. 944.
moral, P. L. xii. 298; P, R. iv.
263, 351 ; Coin. 807.
more, P. L. i. 1 1, 54, 270, 522,
575, 681, ii. 35, 37, 162,
225, 273, 350, 474, 521, 69S,
790, 835, 916, 1017, iii. 26,
200, 309, 312,698, iv. 112,
127, 207, 369, 400, 566, 629,
702, 853, 958, 969, 1014, v.
71, 72, 73, 152, 296, 302,
351, 475, 505, 555, 576, 682,
805, vi. 129, 421, 612, 791,
vii. 96\ 97>6l5, 6l6, viii. 94,
194, 537, 571, 57 3 i 57% 57 6 1
ix. 1, 14, 100, 119, 120,146,
147, 177,207,264,372,384,
398, 444, 453, 469, 483, 521,
580, 614, 623, 822, 1006,
1059, 1090, 1170, x. 16*9,
486, 510, 669, 69O, 886, 8Q6,
xi. 71, 199, 205, 473, 599,
805, xii. 389, 418, 477;
P. R. i. 77, 221, 326, 340,
359, 431, 433, 439, 473, ii.
156, 206, 226, 259, 353, 467,
476, iii. 40, 77, 96, 207,
345, iv. 14,55,71,112,158,
179, 181 ; S. A. 101, 106,
1 14, 207, 270, 305, 388, 510,
736, 757, 842, 960, II69,
1677 ;L' A 1. 15; IlPtnf. 120;
Arc. 40; Com. 57, 297, 636 9
789, 806, 994,; Son. vii. 8, 9,
x. 4, xxiii. 12; Od. Nat.
177; Od, PaJT.20; Od. Cir.
15, 16, 28 ; Ep. M. Win. 6 ;
Ep. Hobf. II. 26 ; Sen. 2 ; Pf.
iv. 31, lxxxiv. 34, lxxxvii. 5.
no more, P. L. ii. 146, iii.
264, 340, iv. 22, 327, 6^37,
775, 838, 1008,
751, 882, vi. 349, vii. 144,
viii. 452, 630, ix. 827, x.
779, 95S, 1041, xi. 200,
312, 745, 850; P. R. i.
419, 455, 457, iv. 210;
5.^.591,677,935; Lye.
43, 131, 182; Com. 594,
806 ; Od. Nat. 82 ; Od. on
Time, 5 ; Pf. ii. 7, lxxxviii.
not more, P. R. i. 496, iv.
once more, S. A. 742 ; Lye.
1 ; Son. xxiii. 7. See once.
Moreh, P. L. xii. 137.
morn, P. L. i. 208, 742, iii. 42,
iv. 641, 650, 773, v. 1, 30,
168, 202, 310, 428, 628, 7 16,
vi. 2, 524, 748, vii. 29, 252,
260, 338, 386, 448, 550, viii.
£11, ix. 191,447,848,1136,
xi. 173, 184, xii. 422; P. R.
ii. 268, iv. 439; Lye. 26,
1 87; HAL 107 ; II Pen/. 112;
Arc. 56; Com. 139, 753; Od.
Nat. 1 ; Od. Sol. Muf. 2S ;
Ep. M. Win. 4,3; Pf. lxxxviii.
morning, P. L. iv. 244, 623, v.
20, 124, 145, 746, vii. 108,
275, 366, ix. 194, 800; P. iv.
ir. 221, 426, 451 ; S. A.
1598; I#c 171 ; Com. 622,
920; Od.Nat.72, HP; P/.
v. 6, 7.
morning-hour, P. L. viii. 111.
morning-light, P. L. xi. 204.
morning-ftar, P. Z-. v. 708 ;
P. 11. i. 294; 0(1 May-M. I.
morning-watch, P. L. xii. 207.
morning's, P. L. v. 211.
Morpheus, 17 Pew/1 10.
morrice, Com. Il6.
morrow, P. L. iv. 588, 623, 662.
to-morrow, Lye. 193.
morrow's, P. L. v. 33.
morfel, P. L. ii. 80S.
morfels, P. L. x. 605.
mortal, P. L. i. 2, 51, 559, 5cS8,
693, 766, ii, 653, 729, 813,
iii. 55, 179, 214, 215, 253,
568, iv. 8, vi. 348, 434, vii.
24, viii. 331, ix. 1003, X.48,
H3, 79b> xi. 54, 273, 366,
xii. 9, ^36, 248, 384; P. R.
i. 86, 234, iv. 318; S. A.
34,9,639, 1102, 1175, 1439,
1682; Lye. 78; Arc. 62;
Cow. 10, 244, 686, 802 ; Orf.
Nat. 14,95; Od.D. F. I.-il ;
Od. on Time, 6; iyi Ixxxv.
48, exxxvi. 94.
mortality, P. L. x. 7/6; Od.D.
F. I. 35.
mortals, P. L. ii. 1032 ; P. P.
iv. 454; S. A. 523, 817; U
Pen/. 153; Com. 997, 1013;
Vac. Ex. 66.
mortification, »S'. A. 622.
Mofaick, P. L. iv. 700.
Mofcow, P. L. xi. 395.
Moles, i>. L. xii. 170, 198,
211, 237, 241, 307; F. H. i.
352, ii. 15.
Moles', P.P. iv. 219, 225.
mofly, P. L. v. 392, ix. 589 5
P. R. ii. 184; It Pay: 175;
Cow. '276.
moft, P. £. i. 187, ii. 12?, 124.
340, v. 412, 489, 624, vi,
126, 166,500, 573, 791, viii.
196, 542, 564, ix. 215,454,
949, 1093, x. 78, 599, 901,
979, 1095, xi.315, 699, xii.
354; P.R. i. 404,440,482,
iii. 307, iv. 465; S. A. 67,
190, 446,972, 1001, 1052,
1704 ; II Pen/. 62 ; Arc. 76 ;
Com. 67, 326, 363, 385, 380,
564,591,592,762; Od.Pa/j:
13; Ep. Hobf. II. 1; P/:
vii. 29, lxxxvi. 37, 53, 56,
lxxxvii. 9.
motes, II Penf. S.
mother, P. L. i. 36, 687, ii.
792, 849, iv. 475, 492, v.
338, 388, vii. 281, viii. 4-98,
ix. 644, 6S0, x. 602, xi. 159,
160, xii. 36S, 379, 621;
P. R. i. 86, 227, ii. 60, iv.
240, 566 ; Arc. 22 ; Cow. 57,
63, 153, 253 ; Son. xviii. 8 ;
Od. Nat. 3,201; Od.D.F.F
motherly, P. R. ii. 64.
mother-tree, P. L. ix. 1106.
mother's, P. L. x. 778, xi. 536;
P.P. ii. 136, iii. 154, iv.
216,639; Com. 523; .fy.il/.
Wiu. 33.
motion, P. X. ii. 75, 151, 780,
v. 581, vi. 192, 302, 532,
vii. 177, viii. 35, 115, 223,
259, is. 674, xii. 592; P. II
i. 290. iv. 601 ; Arc. 71 ; Orf.
Sol. Muf. 22; Fp.IJobj.U.
motion'd, P. L. ix. 229 ; S. A.
motionlcfs, Com. 81 9.
motions, P. £. ii. 191, iii. 582,
v. 625, vii. 500, viii. 130, x.
65S, xi. 91 ; S. A. 1382.
move, P. /,. i. 519, ii. 837, iii.
27, 579, 71.9, v. 177, 554.
701, vi. 6S, 556, 790, viii.
S3, 70, 77. J 30, 276, 281,
585, ix. 1016, x. 297, 652,
xi. 91 ; P.R. iii. 171, 224;
S.A.752; Lye. ISO; Com.
116; Son. xvii. 8 ; Od. Nat.
129; Vac. Ex.2; Ep. Hobf.
II. 2.
mov'd, P. L. i. 29, 56l, ii. 876,
1022, iv. 902, vi. 63, 302,
405, vii. 91, viii. Il6", 132,
264, 293, ix. 6"6Y, 1143, xi.
453,56'0, 830; P.R. i. 170,
424, ii. 407 ; S. A. 895, 1452 ;
Ep. Hobf. II. 9; Pf lxxxii.
moves, P. L. vii. 534, x. 359 ;
P.R. iii. 200; S. A. 726;
Com. 247.
moving, P. L. i. 284, ii. 675,
iv. 409, v. 310, vi. 533, vii.
87, 207, 415, ix. 677; S. A.
mould, P.L. i. 706, ii. 139, 355,
iii. 709, iv. 226, 360, v. 321,
vi. 473, 576, vii. 356, 470,
ix. 485 ; Arc. 73 ; Com. YJ ;
Od. Nat. 138; Pf vii. 53.
mould, (verb) P. L. x. 744.
moulds, P. L. xi. 571.
mound, P.L. iv. 134, 226.
mount, P. X. i. 15, 781, ii.
593, iii. 530, iv. 126, 281,
569 f v. 382, 598, 643, 712,
757, 758, 764, vi. 5, 88, 743,
vii. 584, 600, xi. 216, 320,
402, 829, xii. 142, 144, 227;
P. ii. i. 351, ii. 15, iv. 50,
236, 547; S. A. 988; Lye.
161 ; Arc. 55 ;0d. Nat. 158;
Pf. iii. 12,
mountain, P. L. i. 443, 6l3, iv.
226. v. 766, vi. 197, 575,
viii. 303, x. 1065, xi. 567,
728, 851; P. R. iii. 252,
253, 265 ; iv. 26 ; Com. &9 ;
Ariqfl. 1.
mountaineer, Com. 426.
mountain-nymph, L'Al. 36.
saountain-pard, Com. 444.
mountain-tops, P. L. ii. 488.
mountains, P. L. i. 291, vi.
649, 652, 697, 842, vii. 201,
214, 285, x. 291 ; P. R. iv.
39 ; S. A. 1648 ; L'AL 73,
Son. xviii. 2 ; 0. iv. 260, 453?,
much-humbled, P. X. xi. 181. 1015, viii. 263; P. ii. iii
much lefs, P. X. iii. 220, v. 108; II Pen/. 144.
799, vi 4.Q5, viii. 395, 407, murmur, 1\ X. ii. 284, v. 873,
ix. 346, 533. vii. 68 ; P. Ii. iv. 248 ; Son-
much more, P. X. ii. 22, iii. xix. 9.
402, 405, 553, v. 8, ix. 925, murmur'd, Com. 259.
x. 221, 501, 1024, xii. 476', murmurs, P. X. v. 1 96 ; Arc
6*04; P. P. i. 45, ii. 100, 60 ; Com. 526'.
303, iv. 284, 310; 6'. A. murren, P. X. xiL 179.
1709. M ufa) us, II Pen/. 104.
how much more, P. X. vi. mufe, P. X. i. 6, 376, iii. 19,
223, x. 1060, xi. 814. vii. 37, 52; Lye. 19, 58, 59,
not much, P. X. x. 219- 66, 133 ; Com. 515 ; Son. L
fo much, P. X. i. 92, ii. 2$3, 33-; Of/. JW. 15 ; Od. Pajj.
454, 1008,. iii. 54, iv. 447, 4 ; Vac. Ex. 53.
viii. 600, ix. 487, x. 622, mufe,. (verb) Pf. ii. 2.
1008; P. P. iii. 133, iv. 5; muf d, P. L. ix. 744 ; P. P. ii.
6'.^f. 936, 1031. 99.
too much, P. L. v. 783, viii. mufes, P. X. iii. 27, vii. 6;
538, xi. 531 ; Ep. W. Sk. 11 Pert/. 47 ; Son. viii. 9-
14; Ep.Hobf. II. 12. mufick, P. X.i. 787, v. 548, xi.
mud, Caw. 931. 592 ; P. P. iv. 332 ; II Pen/.
Mulciber, P. L. i. 740. 151 ; Arc. 68, 74; Sow. xiii.-
mules, P.P. iii. 335. 2; 0\ ii. 420, iii. 331 ; S. A. 175, 176, 177, 179, 1$°, 1$2,.
696. 186 r 187, 190, 203, 331,
multitudes, P. X. iv. 471, v. 480; P. P.. i. 59, 91, 96,
716, vi. 31, x. 26; P. R. ii. 263, 476, ii. 225, iii. 363 r
470. iv. 16, 222, 22^, 476 r 540;.
mummers, S. A. 1325. S. A. 32, 50, 468, 479, &40 r
mural, P. X. vi. 879- 868, 902, 945, 12y6;. Lye.
murder, S.A. li%6. 12, 38 j CW/. 82,. 159,. 6'i2 r
murderer, S. A. 832, 1180. 686, 745,786, 805,80^; 0d T
murderous, P. P. ii. 76. Aat. 153 r 156 ; Od Pafj. 8 ^
Vac. Esc, 55 « Fore, of Con. nailed, P. X. xii. 413.
11. nails, P. X. xii. 415.
mull needs, P. X. ii, 277, v, naked, P. X. iv. 290, 319, 496,
556", xii. 10. 713, 772, v. 382, 444,; ix.
fliufter, P. R. hi. 308, 1057,1074,1115,1117,1139,
muttering, P. X. ii. 268, xi. x. 117, 212; 0d.Nat.4>0;
645 ; & A 402 ; Vac. Ex. 44. Vac. Ex. 23.
mutable, P. X. v. 237; & ^. nakednefs, P. X. x. 217, 221;
793, 1407. 0d. Cir. 20.
mute, P. X. i. 6l8, ii. 420, iii. Namancos, Lye, 162.
217, vii. 25, viii. 222, ix. 557 ', name, P. X. i. 412, 462, 738, ii.
563, 672, 748, 106'4, x. 18, 788,96*4, iii. 412, iv.36,950,
xi. 31, 194; P. R. i, 12, 951, v. 658, 707, 776, vi. 174,
459, iii- 2; S. A. 248, 672; vii. 1, 5, 536, viii. 114, 357,
Lye. 32 ; II Pen/. 55, 496, ix. 40, 142, x. 386, 649,
mutely, Vac. Ex. 6. 86*7, xi. 171, xii. 36, 45, 311,
mutiny, P. L. ii. 926. 577, 584; P. R. ii. 346;
muttering, P. X. ix. 1002, 5. A. 331, 475, 894, 975,
mutters, Com. 817- 1101, 1429 ; Com. 738, 749,
mutual, P. X. i. 87, iv. 376, 826, 868 ; Son. viii. 7, xv. 1 ;
727, 728, vi, 506, vii. 429, Od. D. F. I. 77 ; Ep.M. Win.
viii. 58, 385, ix. 1043, 1187 ; 60 ; Vac. Ex. 99 ; Ep. W. S/u
Com. 741 ; Ep, Hobf. 31. 6 ; Pf. v. 36, vii. 63, viii. 2,
myriads, P. X. i. 87, 622, v. 24, lxxx. 76, lxxxiii. 15, 65,
684, vi. 24, vii. 201. lxxxvi. 32, 39, lxxxviii. 16,
myrrh, P. L. v. 23, 292, ix. exxxvi. 5.
'629, xii. 363 ; P. R. i, 251 ; name, (verb) P. L. i. 197, viii.
Com, 937- 2/2, ix. 44, xii. 326.
inyrrhine, P. P. iv. 119. without name, S. A. 677.
myrtle, P. L. iv. 262, 694, ix, nam'd, P. L. i. 80, 574, ii. 579,
219 J Od. ■"#"#. 51. v. 839, vi. 294, vii. 252, 274,
myrtle-band, P. X. ix. 431. vi'i. 352,439, xi.296,xii.62;
myrtles, P. X. ix, 627 ; Lye. 2. P. R. ii. 8 ; £. ,4. 982 ; Com.
myfteries, P. X, xii. 509. 58,-325.
myfterious, P. L. iv. 312, 743, nameleis, P. L. vi. 380.
750, viii. 599^ x. 173; names, P. L. i. 36l, 365, 374,
UPcnf. 147; Cow?. 130. 376, 421, vi, 76, 373, vii.
myfrerioufly, P. X. iii. 51 6. 493, viii. 344, xi. 277, xii.
myitery, S. A. 3/8 ; Com. 785. 140, 458, 515 ; P. K. ii. 1S.9,
myflick, P. X. y. 178, ix. 442. 447, iv. 3l6; S. A. 974;
myitical, P. X. v. 6*20. Com. 208, 627; &w. xi. 10.
naming, P. X. viii. 359, ix,
N. Naptha, P. X. i. 729-
Narciffus, Com. 237.
Naiades, P.P. ii. 355; Com* nard, P. X. v. 293; Cow?. 991.
1254. narrow, P. X. i. 779, ii- 9h),
nail'd, 5. A. £90. iv, 207, 384, 528, vi. 104,
583, ix. 83, 3*23, xi. 341;
S.A. 1117.
narrower, P. L. vii. 21 ; P. R.
iv. 515.
nathlefs, P. L. i. 299.
nation, P. L. xii. 1 1 1 , 1 13, 1 24,
164,414, 503, iv. 362; 5.^.
218, 857, 877, 1182, 1205,
1424, 1494 ; Com. 33 ; P/. vii.
25, lxxxiii. 14.
national, P. L. xii. 317; S. A.
nations, P. L. i. 385, 598, iv.
663,xi. 692,792, xii. 97,126',
147, 277, 329, 440, 446, 450,
499;P.-R. i. 79, 98,442, ii.
473, iii. 12, 76, US, iv. 47,
80,122, 135, 202; S.A. 268,
565,890; Brut. 14; P/. ii.l,
lxxx\ 32, lxxxii. 28, lxxxvi.
29, lxxxvii. 23.
native, P. L. i. 458,634, ii. 76,
1050, iii. 605, iv. 158, 289,
v. 36l, 863, vi. 226, 436, vii.
16, 245, ix. 93, 373, 1056, x.
467, 1085, xi. 2/0, 292, 463,
xii. 54, 129; P. & i. 378,
ji.31.3, iii- 437, iv. 241,333;
Com. 76 ; Vac. Ex. 1.
natiyos, P. L. v. 790.
nativity, P. I. vi. 482 ; P. R.
i. 242; S.A. 1141.
natural, P. L. x. 740, 765, xii.
288, 645 ; Vac. Ex. 87.
nature, P. L. ii. 218, 624, 895,
911,1037, iii. 126, 282,304,
jv. 242, 633, 667, v. 24, 109,
294, 318, 360, 452, 509, 527,
s:'A, vi. 176, 267,442, 511,
vii. 103, 482, viii. 26, 153,
jx. 27, 624, 782, 914, 956,
1001, n. 169, 885, 892, xi.
49,182, 194, 597,602,604,
xii. 29; P.ii. ii- 230, 249,
250, 253, 295, 332, iii. 230,
iv.352; S. /*. 595, 8<)0, 1515;
Ij/c. 60; Arc. 70 ; Com, 198,
411, 559,680,710,762; (V.
Nat. 32, 101 ; Ep. M. Win.
13; Vac. Ex. 47.
nature's, P. L. iii. 49, 455, iv.
207, 314, v. 45, 181, vi.311,
x. 805, xi. 523, xii. 578;
P. R. i. 13, ii. 265, 295, iv.
228 ; Com. 727, 739, 745,
772 ; Od. D. F. I. 45 ; Od.
Sol. Mvf. 20.
natures, P. L. v. 302, vii. 493.
navel, Com. 520.
nay, P. L. iv. 71, ix. 1159;
P.R. iv.6; S.A. 350, 1729;
Com. 659; Pp. Flobf. II. 17.
Nazareth, P. ft. i. 23, ii. 79-
Nazarite, S. A. 1359, 1386.
Neasra's, Lye. 69.
near, P. L. ii. 60fl, iv. 425, 787,
x. 347, 562 ; S. A. 725 ; Com.
146, 56*7; Od. D.F.I. 10;
P/! vii. 48.
near at hand, UAL 63.
near urtiering, Com. 2.79.
more near, P. L. v. 830; Arc.
40 ; Od. O. 28.
fo near, P. L. vii. 55, ix. 220,
221, x. 389; & -rf. 786;
Cow. 6l6 ; So?i. vii. 6; 0,
Nat. 44; iy. Ixxxiv. 4.
too near, Com. 49 1.
nearer, P. X. i. 785, ii. 394,
iOOS, iv. 133, 399* v. 35$,
476, vi. 81, vii. 62, ix. 434,
578; P. R. i. 400, iv. 514;
S.A.7'23, 1229, 1631.
neareft, P. L. i. 192, ii. 958,
iii. 649, iv. 484, v. 622 ; Com.
90 ; Son. xx i. 10.
nearly, P. L. v. 721.
neat, Sou. xx. 9-
neat-handed, L'/tf/. 86.
neatnefs, Od. Hor. 5.
Nebaioth, P. R. ii. 309.
Nebo, P. L. i. 407.
necellary, 5. A. 90.
neceflitate, P. //. x. 44.
necefikuted, P. L, v. 530,
aeeeffity, P.X. iii. 110, iv. 313,
v. 528, vii. 172, x. 131,7^5;
S.A. 1656; Arc. 69.
neck, P. X. vii. 438, ix. 501,
525 ; Son. xvi. 5.
necks, P. X. iii. 395, v. 787, x.
1046; P.P. iv. 418.
necromancer's, Com. 649»
neclar, P. X. iv. 240, v, 428,
633, ix. 838; Lye. 175;
K«c. Ex. 39.
ne&ar'd, Cow. 479, 838; Od.
X>. P. J. 49.
nedarine, P. X. iv. 332.
ne&arous, P. X. v. 306, vi. 332.
need, (fubft.) P. X. v. 629, viii.
419, ix. 260, 311, 731; P. P.
ii. 253, 254, 318, 397; S. A
1107, 1437, 1483 ; Com. 219,
287, 857; Vac. Ex. 81; Pf.
lxxx.2,lxxxvi.4, exxxvi. 86.
need, P. X. ii. 53, 341, 413, iii.
340,iv.4J9,6l7,vi.625, viii.
628, ix. 236, 246, x, 80, 409,
1082; P.P. ii. 249, iii. 385,
399; S.A. 1526; Lye. 122;
Co?n. 362, 394 ; Od. Nat. 82.
needed, P. X. v. 151, 214, 384,
vii. 378.
needing, P.P. ii. 251.
needlefs, P. X. vii. 494, ix. 1 140 ;
P. R. ii. 484 ; Com. 942.
needs, P. L. iv. 235, v* 302,
414, vii. 126, viii. 136, ix.
215, xi. 251 ; P. R. iv. 290,
325; S.A. 1345, 1554; Ep.
W. Sh. 1.
needs muft, P. X. iii. 105, iv.
412, vi. 456, 693, ix. 307,
942, xii. 383 ; S. A. 840,
1044, 1519. See muft.
necd'ft, P. L. viii. 564 ; S. A.
1379; Vac. Ex. 11; £». JT.
SA. 6.
ne'er, S. A. 212 ; Com. 127,
131, 777; Sow. xvii.2; Ep.
Hobf. II. 18; P/. lxxxvii.
negleft, P. X. iii. 199, xii. 426;
Com. 510; Vac, Ex. 16.
negle&ed, S. ^.431, 944 ; Com.
neglc&s, P. X. iii. 738.
Negus, P. X. xi. 397,
neighbour, Cow. 484, 576 ; P/.
lxxx. 26.
neighbourhood, P. X. i. 400 ;
Com. 3U;0d. Paf. 52 ; Hor.
neighbouring, P. X. ii. 395, iii.
459, 726, iv. 145, v. 547, vi.
663, xi. 575, xii. 136; P. P.
iii. 76, 319; X'^i/. 80.
neighbours, S. A. 180.
neither, P. X. ii. 482, 811,912,
939, iii. 682, iv. 509, 650,
1007, v. 146, vi. 322, viii.
596, ix. 124, II61, 1188, x.
791, xi. 773 \ P.R. iii. 44;
Lye. 52 ; -S'o/z.xx. 8 ; EuripA.
Nepenthes, Com. 675.
Neptune, P. R. ii. 19O; Com.
18; Vac. Ex. 43.
Neptune's, P. X. ix. 18 ; Lye.
90 ; (Cow. 869.
Nereus'. Com. 835, 871.
nerve, P. X. xi. 415 ; 7 ; Son. xi. 3, xv. 6", xvi.
11 ; Od. Nat. 18,66; Ep. 31.
Win. 71 ; Fore, of Con. 20 ;
Pf. lxxxi. 9.
new-arriv'd, P. L. x. 26.
new-baptizfd, P. R. ii. 1.
new-born, Od. Nat. 1 16.
new-comer, P. X. ix. 1097.
new-created, P. £. iv, 937, vii.
554, x. 481.
new-declar'd, P. R. i. 121.
new-enlightened, Orf. JV r a/. 82,
new-enliven'd, Cow. 228.
new-entrufted, Co?n. 36.
new-fangled, Vac. Ex. 19.
new-felt, P. L. x. 263.
newrgatherM, P. L. ix. 852.
new-graven, P. P. i. 253.
new-made, P. L. vii.6l7; P/
exxxvi. 26.
newly, Ep. Hobf. I. 18.
new-reap'd, P.L. xi. 431.
new-risen, P. L. i. 594.
new-fpangled, Lye. 170.
new-wak'd, P. L. viii. 4, 253.
news, P. L. vi. 20, x. 21, xi.
263; S.J. 1538.
ill-news, P.R. i. 64.
next, P. L. i. 79, 238, 378,38.5.
406, 446, 457, ii. 19, 43, 439,
909, 965, iii. 239, 383, 466,
iv. 220, 781, 86.4, 948, v. 33,
102, 671, vi. 45, 316, 439 : .
446, 653, vii, 489, viii. 449,
ix. 174, 807, 950, x. 604.
645, xi. 16*9, 436, xii. 332 ;
P.R. iv.273, 295; Com. 185,
501, 916; Ep. MrlVui. 62,
67; Ftfc. &r. 41, 58.
nice, P. L. iv. 241, v. 433, viii.
399; P- ii. iv. 157; Cow.
nicely, P. P. iv. 377*
nicel't, P. J,, vi. 584.
Niger, P. L. xi. 402.
niggard, Co?//. 726.
nigh, P.L. i. 700, ii. 940, iii.
645, iv. 15, 366, 552, vi. 533,
viii. 564, ix. 141, 433, 4.82,
514, 595, x. 159, 632, 864,
xi. 184, 193, xii. 625; P. H.
j. 36, 332, ii. 20, 26'2^ iv. 489,
582; S. J. 178, 1564; Sun,
i. 10; Pf. lxxxviii. 12. See
nigheft, P. 11. i. 332.
nigh hand, P. L. iii. 566.
nigh at hand, P. L. ix. 256 ;
K \\R. i. 20; S. A, 593,
night, P. L. \. 50, 207, 343,
487, 500, 503, 543, ii. 133,
150, 286, 30S, 439, 505, 670,
894,962, 1002, 1036, iii. 18,
732, iv. 550, 557,611,613,
633, 647, 654, 665, 674, 680,
688, 724, 776, 1015, v. 30,
31, 35, 93, 96, 128, 162, 166,
206, 227, 261, 547, 642, 645,
685,699,700,745, vi. 8, 14,
406,416,521, 832, vii. 105,
123, 251, 341, 351, 380, 584,
viii. 24, 136, 139, ix. 52, 58,
65, 140, 211, 635, x. 477,
846, 1070, xi. 173, 826, 898,
xii. 257 ; P. ft. i- 304, 500,
ii. 263, 279, iv. 398, 406,
426, 436,452, 4S1; S.A. 88,
l6l, 404, 807; Lye. 29;
HAL 42, 107; II Pen/. 58,
121 ; Arc.6\ ; Com. 122, 123,
195, 222,224, 250, 285, 335,
347, 404, 580, 956; Son. ix.
13, xxiii. 14; Od. Nat. 6l,
111; Od.Paff. 7, 29; Od.
Cir. 5; Ep.Hobf.L 15; Pf.
i. 6.
n*ght-by-night, Com, 532.
ancient night, P. L. ii. 970,
all night, P. L. vi. 1, vii. 436,
xii. 206.
all night long, P. L. iv. 603,
657 ,v. 657; P/.lxxxviii.3.
by night, P. L. vii. 348, viii.
143, x. 342, xii. 203, 365 ;
P. R. i. 244; Com. 432;
Pf. exxxvi. 33.
this night, Com. 948.
night-founder'd, P. L. i. 204 ;
Com. 483.
night-hag, P. L. ii. 662.
night-raven, LAI. 7«
night-iieeds, Od. Nat. 236.
night-wanderer, P. L. ix. 640.
night-warbling, P. X. v.40 c
night-watches, P. L. iv. 780.
nightly, P. L. i. 440, ii. 642,
iii. 32, iv. 685, v. 714, vii. 29,
580, ix. 22, 47 ; II Pen/. 84 ;
Arc. 48 ; Com. 113,235, 883 ;
Od. Nat. 179 ; Pf- vi. 12.
nightingale, P. L. iv. 602, vii.
435 ; Com. 234, 566 ; Son. i. 1.
nightingales, P.L. iv. 771.
night's, P. L. xii. 264 ; Arc.
nights, P. £. ix. 63, 137, x.
680 ; P. ft. ii. 460.
Nile, P. L.i. 343, 413, xii. 157;
Od. Nat. 211.
Nilotick, P. ft. iv. 71.
Nilus, P. L. iv. 283.
nimble, P. L. iv. 866, vi. 73,
xi. 442.
nine, P. L. vi. 871, vii. 6; ^rc.
ninefold, P. L. ii. 436.
nine times, P. L. i. 50.
Nineveh, P. R. iii. 275.
Ninus, P. ft. iii. 2/6.
nip, £/?. JIT. JFw. 36.
Niphates, P. L. iii. 742.
nipt, S.A. 1577.
Nifibis, P. ft. iii. 291.
Nifroch, P. L. vi. 447.
nitre, P. L. ii. 937.
nitrous, P. L. iv. 815, vi. 512.
no, no, P. L. ix. 913 ; S. A.
nobility, S. A. 1654.
noble, P. L. vi. 189, xii. 221 ;
P. ft. iv. 99; S.A. 218,1166,
1724; y4rc. 82; Com. 31,
451, 966; £ow. x. 12, xxii.
1 1 ; Ep. M. Win. 5, 54.
more noble, P. L. viii. 34.
noblenefs. P.L. viii. 557.
nobler, P. L. ii. 116, iv. 288,
viii. 28, ix. Ill, xi. 411,605;
P. ft. ii. 482 ; Son. xv. 9.
nobleft, P.L. i. 552, iv. 217;
P. ft. ii. 341 ; iv. 52.
nobly, P. R. iv. 239.
nocent, P. L. ix. 186.
no&urnal, P. L. iii. 40, viii.
134 ; Com. 128.
nod, Cow. 9^0.
nodding, Com. 38.
nods, T/^Z. 28.
poife, P. L. i. 394, 498. ii. 64,
657, 896, 957, vi. 211, 487,
587, 667, 867, viii. 243, x.
567, 705, xii. 55; S.A. 1472,
Com. 170, 227 ; Son. xii. 3;
Od.Sol.Muf. 18.
noifes, P. L. ii. 921.
noifing, P. P. iv. 488.
noifome, P.L. xi. 478 ; Arc. 49.
none, P. L. i. 273, ii. 32, Q55,
300, 331, 423, 466, 776, 802,
814, iii. 132, 182, 202, 219,
iv.45, 80, 81,579,675, 704,
737, v. 44, 5% 62, 99, 362,
538, 791, 805, 850, 860, vi.
vii. 124, 333, 378, viii. 233,
285, 624, ix. 92, 118, 1140,
x. 80, 84, 820,998, xi. 231,
6l2,6'73,837,xii.522; PJi.
i. 328, ii. 62, 146, 177, 28S,
289, 315, 318, 358, iv. 184,
315, 487; 5.^. 18,344, 531,
1628 ; Arc. 72 ; Com. 137,
702; Pf. lxxxv. 8,lxxxvi. 25.
nook, P. L. i. 707, iv. 789, ix.
277 ; H Pen/. 92 ; Com. 500.
noon, P. L. i. 743, iii. 6l6, iv.
564,627,v. 174, 231, ix. 210,
401,739, x. 93, xii. 1; P.P.
ii. 156, 292; S.A, 80, 683,
1612; llPcnf. 68.
noon-tide, P. L. ii. 309, iv.
216, ix. 403.
nor, P. L. i. 28, 95, 335, 399,
718, ii. 272, 341, 912, iv.
708, 767, v. 60, 147, 372,
434, 435, 548, 727, vi. 69,
70, 323, 810, 823, vii. 6,
253, 435, viii. 218, 219, ix.
41, 124. 126, 186,231,306,
1005, 1023, 1121, ll6l, x.
1097, xi. 9, 216, 307, 381,
396, 426, 427, 547, 553, 579,
645, xii. 298, 390, 395, 436 ;
P.P. i. 28, 308, 311, 366,
402, ii. 55, 62, 94, 247, 330,
iii. 112, 119, 159,327,330,
337, 420, iv. 110, l6l, 304,
421 ; S. A. 381, 404, 543,
551, 589, 592, 620, 628, 647 #
6'74, 687, 783, 792, 886, 887,
913, 930, 970, 1022, 1023,
1056, 1065, 1258, 1504; Lye.
54, 55 ; Com. 88, 667, 930 ;
Son. xxii. 4, 7; Od. Nat.
216, 224; Vac. Ex. 73; Ep.
llobf II. 13, 16; Eurip. 4;
Pf. i. 14, vi. 2, lxxxi. 39,
46, lxxxii. 17, lxxxvi. 26.
north, P. L. i. 351, iv. 069,
783, v. 689, 726, 755, vi. 79,
x. 654, 6'95 ; P. P. iv. 28,
78, 448 ; Son. xv. 7-
north-eaft, P. L. iv. l6l.
northern, P. R. iii. 338.
northward, P. L. xii. 139-
north-wind, P. L. ii. 489, x »-
Norumbega, P. L. x. 696.
•Norway, P. L. i. 203.
Norwegian, P. L. i. 293.
noftrils, P. L. vii. 525, ix. 196,
x. 280.
not, P. L. i. 94, 335, 336, 442,
717, ii. 212, iii. 106, 624,
iv. 241, 268, 765, 852,925,
v. 32, 540, 548, vi. 345, 402,
403, 809, vii. 172, viii. 48,
49,278, 405, ix. 14, 27, 10,
47, 70, 99, 1H), 140, 185,
242, 470, 475, 487, 505, 701,
819,5)27,1138, 116.9, x. 355,
495, 526, 563, 571, 593, 764,
S08, xi. 9, 213, 239, 336, II. 5; Soph A; Pf. i. 1, 3, 4,
381,443,496,537,547,579, 9, 12, m. 17, iv. 19, v. 9, vi,
681, 891, xii. 25, 30, 78, 1, vii. 45, lxxx. 73, lxxxi.
127, 133,216", 388,394,410, 16*, 17, 27, 45, lxxxii. 17,
493, 514; P. R. i. 35, 77, lxxxiii. 1, 2, 4, lxxxv. 2,
79, 88, 97, 214, 271, 292, 55,
297, 307, 337, 347, 360, 379, not at all, S. A. 245.
437,441, 446, 469, 472, 495, not now, P. L. x. 846; P. R.
496,ii.8,54,6l,94,202,249, iii. 95.
230, 299, 306, 321, 324, 369, not only, P. L. iv. 668, x. 826;
379, 383, 398, 428, 444, 453, S. A. 1654.
454, 458, iii. 38, 42, 52, 53, not fo, P. L. iii. 400, viii. 4l6,
106, 130, 143, 151, 172, 201, x. 795, 910 ; P. R. i. 362 ;
215,236,337,371,385,398, S. A. 818;P/.i. 11.
iv. 131, 165, 286, 287, 303, not yet, P. R. iii. 397, iv. 395.
319, 323, 350, 352, 476, 485, note, P. L. iii. 40, iv. 683.
561, 573; S. A. 56, 96, 193, notes, P. L. 494, 548, iii. \J 9
204, 241, 245, 249, 254, 286, v. 199, ix. 6 ; P. it. iv. 246,
300,315,325,349,404,424, 437; L'AL 139; II Penf.
479, 495, 516, 588, 602, 6*06, 106 ; Son. i. 5 ; Od. PaJ. 9.
671,705,725,738,754,760, nothing, P. L. i. 27, 11-97,
766,769,782,788.808,815, 101, iv. 418, vi. 495, viiu
858, 880, 895,916,920,929, 571, ix. 232, 345, 574, 722,
952,971,1009,1028,1074, 1039, x. 869, 1010, xii.
1076, 1077, 1091, 1104, 186; P. R. ii. 169, iii. 29,
1113, 1130, 1132, 1157, 79, 135, 389, iv. 157, 158,
1182, 1214, 1219, 1229, 292; S. A. 207, 374, 474,
1232, 124-7, 1254, 1255, 801, 881, 9^, 1033, 1163,
1256, 1,322, 1323, 1329, 1239, 1385, 1424, 1484,
1332, 136*5, 1368, 1371, 1528, 1721, 1723; Lye. 129;
1379, 1414, 1418, 1481, Com. 722 ; Vac. Ex. 81; Pf.
1495, 1500, 1502, 1504, iv. 12.
1518, 1526, 1553, 1604, notice, S. A. 250.
1643, 1665; Lye. 10, 12, notion, P. L. vii. 179; Com.
67, 76, 97 ; 11 Pen/. 123 ; 785.
Arc. 23, 33, 109; Com. 16, notions, P. L. viii. 187.
50, 74, 191, 223, 229, 273, notorious, S. A. 1186.
366, 370, 404, 416. 477, 488, Notus, P. L. x. 702.
491, 502, 504, 508, 577, 580, novelty, P. L. x. 891.
585, 590, 633, 663, 6*75, 690, nought, P. L. ii. 6/9, iii. 158,
6*91, 702, 704, 724, 737, 739, 207, 453, vi. 382, ix. 786 ;
788, 802, 809, 820, 899,942, P. R. i. 181, iii. 393, iv. l6l,
946; Son viii. 9, xiii. 3, xvi. 208; S. A. 588, 779, 1215;
2, xviii. 5, xix. 9, xx. 14, Com. 204; Od. Nat 218; Pf.
xxii. 6; Orf. JVrtf. 15, 58, vii. 12.
170, 226; Od. D. F. I. 11, novice, P. R. iii. 241.
64; Vac. Ex. 11, 15, 19, 83; nourifh, P. £. iv. 6'70, v, 183,
Fore, of Con. 4 ; Dante, I. 2, 325 ; P. it. i. 230.
nourifher, P. L. v. 398.
nourifhment, P. L. v. 421, 483,
vii. 130, xi. 533.
now, P. L. i. 54, 90, 279, 323,
361, 571, ii. 276, 311,427,
469, 634, iii. 13, 72, 86,
484, 485, 551, 636, iv. 232,
233, 391, 397, 398, 402, 735,
776, 839, v. 1, 175, 269,
578, 627, 642, 658, 678, 700,
721, 859, 884, vi. 12, 103,
165, 263,304,418, 597, 797,
842,900, 901, vii. 60, 283,
305, 463, 499, 519, 604, viii.
57, 64, 126, 204, 247, 452,
472, ix. v. 9, 51, 54, 70,
436, 453, 469, 480, 493, 523,
594, 664, 680, 742, 786, 90 1 ,
929, 950, 1007, 1017, 1027,
1032, 1076, 1083, 1091,
1126, ,1128, 1138, 1168,
1181, x. 47, 92, 94,98, 120,
191, 212, 215, 231 , 234, 258,
303, 312, 320, 325, 346, 36l,
372, 382, 385, 405, 439, 462,
522, 529, 541, 555, 587, 592,
690, 695, 722, 731, 822, 885,
942, 948, 1064, xi. 30, 52,
90,93, 137, 156, 172, 177,
423, 462, 555, 588, 625, 637,
783, 839, 841, 848, S.K), 852,
874, xii. 130, 135, l64, 240,
273, 276, 3/6, 383, 474, 544,
572, 588, 614, 625 ; P. R. i.
2, 18, 67 ', 103, 143. 150,
164, 174,193,245,271,287,
314, 354, 413, 460, 499, 502,
ii.9, 32, 40, 55, 66, 95, 100,
146, 244, 320, 366, iii. 39,
98, 294, 413, iv. 4.3, .SO, 9<>,
101, 132, 179, 187*365,380,
382,409,432,540, 554, 606,
635; S.A. 22, 40, 73, 158,
188, 195, *133, '267, 338, 355,
998, 1065, 1075, 1081,
1088, 1148, 1305, 1306,
1314, 1348, 1434, 1437,
1452, 1529, 1533, 1547,
1573, 1703; Lye. 37, 38,
163, 182, 190, 191 ; Arc.
10; Com. 43, 82, 92, 94,
107,116,124,150, 171,192,
202, 216, 264, 351, 353, 643,
768, 771, 820, 976, 1012;
Son. i. 9, xi« 4, xx. 2 ; Od.
&at. 19, 104, 167; Od. Pqf.
8, 40; Od. Cir. 6; Ep. M.
Win. 25, 74; Od.May-M.l;
Vac. Ex. 8, 54, 55 ; Fore, of
Con. 11; Od. Hor. 9 ; Brut.
3, 10; Arioft. 2; Pf. ii. 22,
iv. 5, 6, lxxx. 57, 65, lxxxi.
58, lxxxiii. 1, 5, 46, 47,
lxxxv. 29, lxxxviii. 71.
now, now, P. R. ii. 35.
noxious, P. L. ii. 2l6, vii. 498,
x. 660; P.P. i. 313, iv. 460.
null'd, S. A. 935.
number, P. L. i. 571, iii. 706,
iv. 687, v. 843, 901, vi. 49,
769, 809, vii. 147, 6*13, viii.
38, 422, x. 888; S.A. 1667 ;
Com. 148; Ep. M. Win. 11.
number, (verb) Arc. 59.
without number, P. L. i.
791, i». 346.
number'd, P. L. vi. 229, viii.
19, x. 576, xi. 40; S. A.
1478; Ep. Hobf. II. 8.
numbering, P. R. iii. 410; Son.
xi. 4.
numberlefs, P. L. i. 344, 780,
iii. 719, V. 653, vi. 224, vii.
197, 492, viii. 108, ix. 548.
numbers, P. 1*. iii. 38, 332,
.')!()', 380, viii. 1 14, 421, ix.
144, xi. 4S0; P. Ii. iv. 255;
S. A. 1450; Ep. W.Sh. 10.
numbers (verb) Ep, Hobf. II; 7«
numbers numberlefs, P. /i. iii.
numerous, P. L. i. 675, ii. 993,
iv. 385, v. 150, vi. 231, 830,
vii. 418, 621, x. 397, xi.
752, xii. 132; P. R. iii. 344;
Pf. v, 18.
more numerous, P. L. v. 389,
xi. 130.
too numerous, P. L. xii. l67»
numnefs, S. A. 571.
nun, II Pen/. 31.
nuptial, P. L. iv. 339, 710, viii.
487, 510, x. 994, xi. 280,
590; 5.^.385, 1194,1743,
Lye. 196.
nuptials, 5. A. 1023.
nurs'd, Lye. 23 ; Com. 34.
nurfe, S. A. 1487, 1488; Com.
377; Vac. Ex. 61.
nurfery, P. X. viii. 46.
nurling, S. A. 924.
nurfling, S. A. 633.
nurture, S. A. 362.
nut-brown, UAL 100.
nutriment, P. L. vii. 408.
nutriments, P. i. v. 496.
nymph, P. L. iv. 707 ; UAl.
25 ; Com. 54, 230, 422, S24.
nymph-like, P. X. ix. 452.
nymphs, P. P. ii. 355 ; Lye.
50; J/ Pmf. 137; ^rc. 1,
96 ; Com. 883.
Nyfeian, P. L. iv. 275.
O, P. L. i. 17, 75, 84, 128,
622, ii. 119,430, 445, 496,
727, 728, 810, iii. 144, 16'8,
274, 275, 410, iv. 1, 32, 58,
79,358,440,715, 774,866,
904, 950, 951, v. 28, 58, 67 ',
92, 445, 469, 507, 542, 563,
809, 877, vi. 114, 418, 609,
723, vii. 231, 524, viii. 57,
357, ix. 154, 163, 343, 404,
579, 795, 896, 961, 1067,
1084, 1114, x. 125, 235,
354, 720, 729, 741, 771, 78S,
819, 842, 860, 888, 965, xi.
84, 193, 268, 273, 450, 463;
500, 629, 675, 763, 870, xii.
64, 115, 270, 375, 469,
P. P.i.44, 196, 230, ii. 66,
iv. 417, 420, 5Q0; S. A. 23,
36, 52, 67 7 68, 80, 83, 101,
117, 155, 164, 193, 228, 235,
356, 410, 1093, 1508, 1571,
1660 ; Lye. i. 85, 164 ; II
Pen/. 103; Com. 179, 195
213, 238, 250, 501, 507, 562,
566, 580, 706, 815 ; Son. i.
1, 7, xi. 12, xv. 9, xviii. 1,
xxiii. 13; Od. Nat. 24; Od.
Pa& 19; Od. Cir. 15, 26;
Od.D. F.I.I; Od.Hor. 5;
Pf. vi. 7, 8, viii. 1, 12, 23,
lxxx. 30, lxxxi. 33, 50, 55,
lxxxxv. 2, 6, 8, 30, lxxxvi.
1, 2, 10, 26, 37, 4.1, 49, 53,
57, exxxvi. 9.
cak, P. L. vi. 574; P. R. i.
305 ; II Pen/. 60, 135.
oaken, S: A. 1123 ; Arc. 45.
oaks, P. L. i. 613 ; P. R. iv.
417; Lye, 186; UAL 82.
oar, P. L. ii.942.
oary, P. L. vii. 440.
oat, Lye. 88.
oaten, Lye. 33.
oath, P. L. ii. 352.
oh, P.L. ix. 78; S. A, 1516;
Od.D.F. I. 34, 36, 41, 64;
P/. lxxxiii. 49.
obdurate, P. L. i. 58, vi. 790,
xii. 205.
obdured, P. L. ii. 568, vi.
obedience, P. L. iii. 95, 107,
190, 191, 269, iv. 428, 520,
955, v. 514, 522. 537, vi.740,
902, vii. 159, viii. 240, 325,
ix. 36S, xii. 397, 403, 408;
P. It iv. 80; Od. Cir. 25;
Od. Sol. Muf. 24.
obedient, P. L. v. 501, 514,
vii. 498, xii. 246; Ep. Hob/.
ft. 29-
obey, P. L> ii. 865, iv. 636, v.
551, vi. 185, 741, viii. 634,
x. 145, xi. 112, xii. 56 1 ;
S. A. 1372.
obey'd, P. X. i, 337, v. 704,
806, vi. 185, vii. 48, 453,
viii. 272, ix. 570, 701, xii.
86; 6'. A. 895, 900.
obeying, P. X. ix. 868, x. 14 ;
S.A. 1641.
obeys, P. X. ix. 351, xii. 126,
212; P.P. iii. 159-
obey'ft, P. P. i. 452.
object, P. X. viii. 456, 535, ix.
222,361, x.936,996,xi. 201 ;
P.P.ii. 103; S.A. 559, 568.
objed, (verb) P. X. iv. 896,
objects, P. X. iii. 621, viii.
609, xii. 9 ; P. P. ii- 225 ;
S. A. 71.
oblige, P. X. ix. 980.
oblique, P. X. iii. 564, ix. 510,
x. 671.
obliquities, P. X. viii. 132.
oblivion, P. X. ii. 583, vi. S80.
oblivious, P. X. i. 266.
obloquy, P. X. v. 813; P. R.
iii. 131; S. A. 452.
obnoxious, P. X. ix. 170, 1094;
S. A. 106.
obfcene, P. X. i. 406.
obfcure, P. X. i. 429, 524, ii.
132, iii. 15, iv. 840, vii.
229, viii. 192, 230, ix. 159,
x. 366, xi. 2S3; P. P. i. 24,
287 ; P. P. i. 24, 287, iii.
22, 94.
obfcure, (verb) P. X. ii. 406.
obfcur'd, P. X. i. 594, iv. 571,
v. 841, vi. 585, ix. 797,
1086, xii. 86; S. A. 688;
Com. 536.
ob leu rely, P. X. xii. 543.
abfeures, P. R. ii. 101.
•bfequious, P. X. vi. 10, 783,
viii. 509-
obfequy, S. A. 1732'.
obferve, P. X. vii. 78, x. 334 f
xi. 530, xii. 563; P.P. iii,
235, iv. 477.
obferv'd, P. X. i. 588, iv. 849,
ix. 94, x. 430, xi. 191, 228,
obferves, P X. v. 262.
obferving, P. X. iv. 737.
obftacle, P. X. iii. 6l5, viii.
obftinacy, P. X. x. 114.
obftriaion, 5.^.312.
obftrua, P. X. v. 257, x. 636,
xii. 52.
obtain, P. X. iii. 156, 660, iv.
93, vii. 112, ix. 20, x. 75,
xi. 47; P.P. iii. 354; S.A.
obtain'd, P. X. ii. 250, x. 938,
ii. 73, iii. 168 ; S. A. 814.
obtains, P. X. iii. 546.
obtrude, P. P. ii. 387.
obtruded, P. X. xi. 504.
obtruding, Cow. 759.
obtrud'fl, P, P. iv. 493.
obtrufive, P. X. viii. 504.
obtufe, P. X. xi. 541.
obvious, P. X. vi. 69, viii. 158,,
504, x. 106, xi. 374 ; S. A.
occafion, P. X. i. 178, ii. 341,
v. 453, ix. 480, 974; P. R.
iii. 174; S. A. 224, 237,
433, 425 ; Lye. 6 ; Com. $1.
occafionally, P. X. viii. 556.
occafion'd, P. X. xii. 475.
occafion's, P. P. iii. 173.
occahons, S. A. 1596.
ocean, P. X. i. 202, ii. 183,
892, iii. 76, 539, iv. l65,
354, 540, v. 426, vii. 271,
279, 412, 624, ix. 80, xi.
827; Com. 976; Son. xix.
1 3 ; Od. Nat. 66 ; Brut. 7 ;
Vf. cxiv. 13.
Oceanus, Com. 868.
ocean-brim, P. X. v. 140,
October's, Corn. 930.
odds, P. L. iv. 447, vi. 319,
441, ix. 820, x. 374; Arc.
ode, Od. Nat. 24.
odes, P.P. i. 182, iv. 257-
odious, P. L. i. 475, ii. 781,
vi. 408, ix. 880, xi. 704; Pf.
lxxxviii. 34, 35.
odioufly, S. A. 873 ; Ariojl. 2.
odoriferous, P. L. iv. 157«
odorous, P. L. iv. 166, 248,
696, v. 482; 5. X 720; Arc.
56 ; Com. 993 ; Son. ix. 10 ;
Od. p?#: 16*.
odour, P. L. ix. 579-
odours, P. L. ii. 245, 843, iv.
162, v. 293, 349, viii. 517;
P. R. ii. 865 ; S. A. 987 ;
Com. 106, 712; Od.Nat. 23;
CW. Hor. 1.
Oechalia, P. X. ii. 542.
o'eT, P. L. i. 342, 365, 562,
725, 742, ii. 62, 491, 620,
944, 948, 1005, iii. 359, 395,
494, 521,527, 653, iv. 191,
258, 538, 609, v. 140, 279,
vi. 746, 840, viii. 83, 546,
xi. 202, 206, 747, xii. 630 ;
P. R. i. 218, ii. 478, iii. 167,
267, iv. 23, 223, 543 ; S. A.
629 ; L'Al. 64; Arc. 84;
Com. 437, 799, 803, 898,
975 ; Son. viii. 7, xiv. 10,
xviii. 11; Od. Nat. 181;
Od.Paf. 26; Vac. Ex. 75;
Pf. viii. 17, Ixxxiii. 68,
lxxxviii. 23.
overblown, P. L. i. 172.
o'ercome, P. R» i. l6l*; S, A,
51. v
oer-flow'd, P. L. viii. 266.
o'er-fraught, Com. 732.
o'ergrown, Lye. 40.
o'erlaid, II Pen/. 16.
o'er-leap'd, P. L. iv. 583.
o'ermatch'd, P. L. ii. 855.
o'erpower'd, P. L, i, 145.
o'erfhades, P. L. v. 376,
o'erfhadow, P. R. i. 140.
o'erfpread, P. L. ii. 489»
o'erthrew, P. L. i. 306.
o'erwatch'd, P. L. ii. 288.
overwearied, P. L. vi. 392.
o'erwhelm, P.£. vi. 489; S> A.
o'erwhelm'd, P. L. i. 76.
o'erworn, S. A. 123.
Oeta, P. X. ii. 545.
offal, P. L. x. 633.
offence, P. L. iii. 355, 410, v.
34, ix. 726, x. 171, 854;
S. A. 767, 1004, 1218.
offend, P. L. i. 187, vi. 465,
viii. 379, x. 110, xi. 236;
S. A. 1333, 1414.
offended, P. L. v. 135, x. 488,
566, 916, xi. 149, 811;
P. R. iv. 196; S. ^. 515;
-II Pen/. 21 ; Pf. vii. 44.
offending, P. L, ii. 212.
offenfive, P. L. i. 443.
offer, P. L. ii. 469, iii. 237, xi.
327, xii. 363 ; P. R ii. 399,
iii. 380, iv. l6'0, 190 ; S. A.
1255 ; Com. 702 ; P/. iv. 23.
offer'd, P. X. iii. 187, 270,
409, v. 63, vi. 617, ix. 30O,
802, xi.506, xii. 425; P.P.
ii. 328, 449, iv. 156, 377,
468, 493 ; S. A. 246, 390,
offering, P. L. iii. 234, xi. 441,
456; S. A. 26, 344, 1152;
Com. 64.
offerings, P. L. i. 475, ii. 246;
S. A. 519;P/:iv. 23.
o-ffers, P. R. iv. 155, 171.
office, P. L. ii. 859, v. 103, vii.
344, ix, 39, 49, x. 657,
1002, xii. 240, 311; P. P.
i. 374, ii. 463; S. A. 924,
Com. 89, 90S ; Od. D. F. I.
76 ; Ep. Hobf. I. 14.
officer, S. A. 1306.
officers, Com, 218.
offices, P. L. x. 960.
officiate, P. L. viii. 22.
officious, P. L. viii. 99, ix. 104;
P. P. ii. 302.
offspring, P. P. ii. 310, 781,
iii. 1, iv. 385, 751, vi. 2/6',
viii. 86, ix. 273, x. 238, 349,
781, xi. 358, 613, 755;
P. R. ii. 440, iii. 375, iv.
399 J Com. 34 ; Od. D. F. I.
oft, P. L. i. 205, 275, 371, 432,
ii. 131, iii. 185, 532, 599,
66l, 686, iv. 405, 449, 684,
v. 32, 56, 110, 112, 374,
402, vii. 440, 569, 570, viii.
25, 651, ix. 358, 399, 515,
524, 559, 638, 641, 842, 845,
1108, x. 119,567, 570, 851,
xi. 492, 721, xii. 48, 94,
192, 377, 496; P.P. i. 270,
363, 393, 394, ii. 105, 437,
iii. 106, 160, l6l, 273, iv.
248, 303, 565; S. A. 157,
215, 382, 682, 692, 759, 813,
1062, 1 127, 1745, 1749 ; Lye.
30; UAL 53, 125; 11 Penf.
27, 46, 71, 73, 87, 121;
Arc. 42; Com. 252, 323,
376, 459, 471, 494, 623, 843,
999; S071. xx. 14; Hor.
III. 2.
oft-invocated, S. A. 575.
as oft, P. L. ix. 400, 515, x.
568, 852, xii. 319; P. P. ii.
234, iv. 17.
full oft, P. L. ii. 763.
how oft, P. L. ii. 263 ; Od.
Hor. 5.
more oft, P. L. i. 493 ; S.A.
268, 1287-
fo oft, P.L.vi.94, ix. 1082;
P.P. iii. 167, iv. 4, 446.
often, P. L. i. 387; P. jR. i.
199; SL-d 351 ; Co///. 569 ;
Od. Nat. 74.
how ofu-n, P. J,, iv. 680.
lo often, Arc. 29; S. v. 7&2 r
vi. 159, 684, vii, 194, viii.
omnipotent, P. L. i. 49, 273, ii.
398, iii. 372, iv.86, 725, v.
616, vi. 136, 227, vii. 36, 516*,
ix. 927.
omniprefence, P. L. vii. 590,
xi. 336.
omnifcient, P. L. vi. 430, vii.
123, x. 7.
on, P. L. x. 394 ; P. R. i. 29,
82, 134, 138, "299, 303, 304,
339, 479, ii- 5, 16, 23, 25,
217, 386, 410, 424, 440, 462,
iii. 61,173,271,327, iv. 28,
33, 35, 49, 64, 69, 93, 108,
312, 371, 378,416, 506, 523,
582, 583, 585, 587, 634, 638 ;
' S.A. 129,224,241,242,246,
258, 262, 375, 486, 496, 531,
973, 1118, 1156, 1201, 1202,
1330, 1341, 1493, 1617,1677,
1679 ;Lyc. 124,138 ;L'Al. 34,
98, ISO; II Pen/. 44, 66, 115 ;
Arc. 67, 107 ; Com. 209, $93,
599, 635, 651, 652, 684, 721,
881,965 ; Son. vii. 3, viii. 6,
xi. 5, xiv. 9> 12, xvi.s5, xx. 6,
xxi. 1 ; Od. Nat. 122, 159,
190; Od.Paf 5,46,50, 51,
56; Od D.F.L 25; Ep.
M. Win. 46 ; Vac. Ex. 64 ;
Ep. Hobf. II. 4, 14; Od.
Hor. 2; Brut. 3; P/. ii. 13,
17, iii. 21, iv. 29, v. 32, vii.
3, 17, lxxxviii, 46.
once, P. L. i.90, 274, 316, 471,
607, ii. 613, 748, 839, 876,
1023, 1050, iii. 233,353, 689,
iv. 39, 125, 828,959, v. 567,
vi. 270,500, 907, vii. 17, 132,
ix. 1125, x. 296, 526, 572,
587, 729, xi. 369, 508; P. R.
i. 104, ii. 14, 214, iii. 162,
170, 234, 438, iv. 132, 133,
574 ; S. A. 22, 197, 334, 36s,
633, 705, 885, 932, 1005,
1037,1417,1474; Lye. 131 ;
L'Al.20', Cow. 164,637, 822;
Son. x. 1; Od.Nat.5, 126;
Od. Puff: 40 ;0d. D.F.I. 52;
Od. on Time, 19; Od. Sol.
Muf. 19 ; Ep. M. Win. 23 ;
Vac. Ex. 17, 48, 67 ; Ariqft. 2 ;
Pf> ii. 27.
once again, P. L.vi.6l8; P.R 9
ii. 17; S.A. 1174.
once and again, P. L. xi. 857.
at once, P. L. i. 59, 788, ii.
61, 155,475, 476, iii. 59,
543, iv. 56, 143, 853, v.
*S27, vii. 462, 475, ix. 303,
586, 779, x. 892, 945,
999, xi. 76l, 768; P.R.
i. 196, ii. II; S.A. 1587;
Ep. M. Win. 30 ; Pf. iv.
not once, Com. 74.
once more, P. L. i. 268, ii. 721,
985, iii. 175,178,iv.941,xu
75, 125, xii. 211.
one, P. L. i. 4, 32, 62, 79, 252,
v. 783, 784, 821, vi. 23, 24,
viii. 295, 421, ix. 140, 211,
i.2, 4, 216, 307, ii. 216, 300,
iii. 53, 84, 256, 362, iv. 317 ;
S. A. 120, 265, 348, 560, 973,
1017, 1047, 1518 ; UAL 107;
II Pen/. 69 ; Com. 133, 483,
811 ; Son. xi. 7, xix. 3 ; Od.
Nat. 71; Ep. M. Win. 7;
Vac. Ex. 76 ; Ep. Hobf. 1. 3,
II. 1, 20; P/. lxxxiii. 18,
67, lxxxiv. 33.
all one, P. L. vi. l65.
all in one, P. L. vi. 779'
one by one, P. L. v. 697 ; S. A.
ones, P/*. iv, 7»
only, P. L. i. 64, ii. 497, 623 f
vol. r.
728, iii. 65, 105, 155, 268,
274, 281, 398, 683, 701, iv.
91,178, 199,251,299,423,
428,518, 895, v. 5,6*9, 206,
366, 402, 639, 779, 897, vi.
239,491, 810, vii. 123, viii.
14, 155,174, 178,447, 532,
6l6, ix. 28, 129, 327, 380,
923, 1121, x. 220, 832, 841,
921, 931, 9^6, 1043, 1051,
xi. 304, 336,618, 689, 701,
765, 808, xii. 67, 401, 513,
562,581; P. JR. i. 226, 349,
ii. 13, 221, 229, 289,*336,
404, 478, iv. 294, 320, 364,
420, 466 , S. A. 264, 390,
1650, 1743 ; Com. 126, 765 ;
Son. xvi. 2, xix. 14 ; Od. Nat.
37 ; Vac. Ex. 25 ; Ep. Hobf.
II. 34; Pf. lxxxiv. 47, 48.
not only, P.L. iv. 99 1, viii.
338, ix. 681, x. 46l, xii.
447; S. ^.579,617,^654.
onfet, P. L. ii. 364, vi. 98.
onward, P. L. ii. 6*75, v. 298,
vi. 550, 768, 831, x. 811 ;
S. A. 1 ; Son. xxii. 9.
Oofe, Vac. Ex.92.
oofe, P.L. vii. 303.
oozy, Od. Nat. 124.
opacous, P. L. iii. 418, viii. 23.
opal, P.L. ii. 1049.
opaque, P. L. iii. 6l9-
ope, P. L. xi. 423 ; Com. 626.
op'd, S. A. 452.
open, P. L. i. 662, ii. 41, 51,
119; 187, 878, 884, iii. 514,
672, iv. 245, 721, v. 138, vi.
560, 6ll, vii. 390, viii. 460,
ix. 692, x. 187, 232, 419,
533, K)6l ;S.A. 1172,1609
open, (verb) P. L. v. 127, vi
23$, vii. 158, 565, 5^6, 569.
ix. 866, ; 0d. Nat. 148.
opcn'd, P. L. i. 689, ii. 175, 883,
iii. .526, vii. 205, 575, viii.
465, ix. 708,985, 1053, 1071,
xi. 429; -P. #. i- 30, ii. 294,
opener, P. L. ix. 875, xi. 598.
openfl, P. L. ix. 8O9.
opening, P. L. i. 724, ii. 755,
777, iii. 538, vi. 481, 860,
vii. 318, 454, ix. 865, x. 234,
xi. 277, 833, xii. 274 ; LycM.
openly, P. P. i. 288 ; S.A. 398.
opens, P. L. iv. 77, vi. 54.
operation, P. L. viii. 323, ix.
796, 1012.
opes, Lye. Ill ; Cow?. 14.
Ophion, P.L. x. 581.
Ophir, P. L. xi. 400.
Ophiuchus, P.L. ii. 709-
Ophiufa, P.L. x. 528.
opiate, P. L. xi. 133.
opinion, P. L. ii. 471, v. 108 ;
Nor. I. 4.
opinions, P.L. viii. 78.
opium, 6'.^. 630.
opportune, P. L. ii. 396, ix. 85 f
opportunely, P. it. ii. 396 ;
Com. 401.
opportunity, P. P. iv. 532.
oppofe, P. L. ii. 419, 6*10, v.
717, vi. 155, 636.
oppos'd, P. L. i. 41, 103, v. 808,
vi. 254, x. 478 ; P. R. i 96.
oppofite, P. L. ii. 298, ii; 727,
iv. 460, vi. 128, ?Q6, vii. 376,
x. 659; P.P. in. 358.
opposition, P, L. ii. 803, vi.
314, xi. 664; P. R. iii. 250:
iv. 386"; S.A. 1050.
opprefs, P. P. ii. 44; S.A. 232.
opprefsM, P. L. ii. 13, vi. 655,
ix. 1045; P. P. ii. 331 ;
S.A. 1269.
opp relies, P. L. vii. 129-
oppreflion P. L. viii. 288, xi.
oppretfbur, S.A. 1272.
oppreflburs, 6'. A. 233.
opprobrious, P. L. i. 403, ii*
58, x. 222.
Ops, P. L. a. 584.
optick, P. X. i. 288, iii. 590 ;
P. R. iv. 40.
oracle, P. X. i. 12, x. 182 ;
P. 21. i. 460, 463, iii. 13, iv.
oracles, P. JR. i. 395, 430, 456.
oracling, P. R. i. 455.
oraculous, P. 21. iii. 14.
orator, P. X. ix. 670.
orators, P. P. iv. 267, 353.
oratory, P. X. xi. 8 ; P. jR. iv.
orb, P. X. i. 287, ii. 1029, iii.
589* iv. 592, v. 176, 596, 862,
vi. 254, vii. 257, 36l, viii.
152, 156, ix. 82.
orb in orb, P. X. viii. 84.
orb'd, Od. Nat. 143.
orbed, P. X. vi. 543.
orbicular, P. X. iii. 718, x. 381.
orbs, P. X. iii. 25, 420, 668,
670, v. 422, 594, vi. 828, viii.
30, ix. 109, x. 397 ; Sun.
xxii. 4 ; Od. Nat. 75.
Ores, P. X. xi. 835.
Orcus, P. L. ii. 964.
ordain, P. X. ii. 915, vii. 343,
xii. 230; Pf. exxxvi. 21.
ordain'd, P. X. i. 71, ii. 732,
iii. 127, 128, 665, iv. 58,215,
729, v. 526, 615, 802, vi.700,
809, vii. 187, 590, viii. 106,
297, ix. 344, 470, x. 1039,
xi. 164, xii. 226; P. R. iii.
152, iv. 473; S.A.S62; Pf.
lxxxi. 17.
ordiiins, P. X. ii. 201, iv. 636 9
vi. 175 ; Son. xxi. 11.
order, P. X. i. 506, 569, ii. 280,
507, iii. 713, iv. 663, v. 334,
vi. 522,548,885, ix.402, x.
443, xi. 736 ; 5. A. 1447-
in order, P. R. ii. 351 \0d.
Nat. 244.
order'd, P. L. i. 565; S. A. 30;
Oread, P, X. ix. 387.
Oreb, P.X. i. 7, 484, xi.74;
P/ lxxxiii. 41.
organ, P. X. i, 708, xi 560 ; II
Pen/. 161 ; Od. Nat 130.
organick, P. X. ix. 530.
organs, P. X. iv. 802, vii. 5Q6.
orgies, P. X. i. 415.
orient, P. X. i. 546, ii. 399, iii.
507, iv. 238, 644, v. 2, 175,
vi. 15, 524, vii. 254, xi. 205 ;
Com. 65; Od. Nat. 231.
orifice, P. X. vi. 577*
original, P. X. i. 592, ii. 375,
984, ix. 150, 1004, xi.424,
xii. 83.
originals, P. X. vi. 511.
Orion, P. X. i. 305.
orifons, P. X. v. 145, xi. 137.
Ormus, P. X. ii. 2.
ornament, P. X. v. 280, viii.
538; S.A. 1025,1132.
ornaments, P. X. ix. 1076.
ornate, 5. A. 712.
Orontes, P. X. iv. 273, ix. 80,
Orphean, P. X. iii. 17,
Orpheus, Lye. 58; J/ P^
Orpheus', VAl. 145.
Orus, P. X. i. 478 ; Oi. Nat.
ofier, CW?. 89 1.
ofiers, P. JR. ii. 26.
Ofiris, P.X. i. 478; (V. tftf,
oftentation, P. P# iii. 387.
other, P. X. i. 194, 412, 607,
ii. 666,714, 806,977, 1020,
iii. 17, 33, 131, 132, 21 1,
442, 450, 566. 567, 725. iv.
6l, 63, 84, 360, 393, 420,
431,582,616,621, 703,736,
n 2
783, v. 132, 177, 259, 36l, 240, 491, 534,649, 864, 89&
534, 538, 576, 6l8, 884, vi. xii. 28, 67, 6'9, 92, 212, 252>
376, 413, 442, 485, 807, 821, 256, 420, 453, 478, 565,643 ;
823, vii. 228, 364, 378, 444, P. R. iii. 406, iv. 270, 463,
507, viii. 123,139, 148, 169, 543, 595; S. A. 84, 121,267,
175,243,387,411,480,546, 1055, 1530; II Penf. 36,75?
581, ix. 94, 103, 251, 260, Arc. 55; Com. 225; Od. Pafj.
308, 368, 478, 571, 592, 813, 30 ; Pf. lxxxviii. 65.
1012, 1052, 1093, x. 237, over-arch'd, P. L. i. 304, ix.
538, 657, 787, 86l, xi. 60, 1107.
274, 284, 431, 564, 660, xii. over-aw'd, P. L. ix. 460.
57, 337, 626; P. R. i. 338, over-built, P. L. x. 4l6.
348, ii. 71,406,478, iii. 53, overcame, P. R. i. 148, iii,
84,256, iv. 159, 184,486; 325.
S. A. 246, 592, 768, 875, overcome, P. L. i. 109, 189,
916, 973, 1096, 1236, 1252, 649, ii. 215, iv. 857, vi. 126,
1526, 1643; Lye. Il6, 174; ix. 313, 999j xi. 374, 691,
II AL 85; Com. 100, 684, xii. 267, 390 ; S. A. 365.
961 ; Son. xxi. 11 ; Od. Pa[j\ overcomes, P. L. i. 648.
25; Od, D. F. I. 55; Pf. overcoming, P. L. xii. 566.
lxxx. 48. See Side. over-exquifite, Com. 359.
other felf, P. L. viii. 450, x. 128. over-fond, P. L. xi. 289-
no other, P. R. i. 100, 336, over-grown, P. L. iv. 136, 627*
iv. 44, 290 ; S. A. 723. ix. 210.
fome other, P R. ii. 254; over-growth, P. L. xii. 166.
S. A. 1302; Com. 281. over-hardy, Pf. exxxvi. 70.
other's, P. L. xi. 443, 458 ; over-head, P. L. i. 784, iv. 137,
S. A. 1087. vi. 212, ix. 1038.
others, P. L. i. 2l6, ii. 422, over-heard, P. L. ix. 276.
469, 539, 546, 557, iii. 469, over-hung, P. L. iv. 547.
iv. 249, 350, 880, v. 241, vi. overjoy'd, P. L, v. 67, viii.
337, 528, vii. 437, 442, ix. 490
127, 805, x. 982, xi. 558, over-just, S. A. 514.
655, 657, xii. 37 ; P. R. i. over-labour'd, S. A. 1327.
273, ii. 8, 61, 174, 306, 400, overlaid, P. L. i. 714, xii. 250.
iv. 297; S. A. 78, 1191, over-match, P. R. iv. 7.
1464; Lye. 67; Vac. Ex. 81. overlay, P. L. x. 370; P. K.
otherwife, Com. 318. iii. 333.
©ver, P. L. i. 296, 520, ii. 326, over-leap'd, P. L. iv. 181.
409, 437, 604, 1027, iii. 530, over-live, P. L. x. 773.
531, 6*52, iv. 431, v. 370, over-lov'd, P. L. x. IO19.
648, 795, 820, 821, 832, vi. over-match'd, P. P. ii. 146.
75, 76, 406, 757, vii. 127, over-much, P. L. viii. 56*5, is
278,428,429,521,522,533, 1178; S. A. 213.
6*29, viii. 301, ix. 77, 1130, over-multitude, Com. 731.
x. 196, 253, 257, 301, 309, overpafs'd, P. R. ii. 198.
314, 432, 472, 492, 493, xi. overplied, Son. xxii. 10.
over-potent, S. A. 427*
over-power, P. X. ii. 237*
over-powerd, P. X. vi. 419,
viii. 453 ; S. A. 880.
over-praifing, P. X. ix. 6l5.
over-reach, P. X. x. 879.
over-reach'd, P. X. ix. 313 ;
P. P. iv. 11.
over-ripe, P. R. iii. 31.
over-rul'd, P. X. iii. 114, v.
527, vi. 228.
over-run, P. P. iii. 72.
over-thadow, P. X. xii. 187.
over-fhadmving, P. X. vii. l65;
P. P. iv. US.
overfpread, P X. vi. 670 ; P/.
lxxx. 42.
over-ftrong, S.A. 1590.
over-fure, P. P. ii. 142.
overtake, Od. on Time, 13 ; P/*.
vii. 14.
overtafk, Cow. 309.
overthrow, P. X. iv. 905, vi.
overthrew, P. X. i. 135, vi.
601 ; P. R. i. 115.
overthrown, P. X. ii. 992, vi.
856; S.A. 463, 169S ; £p.
Sob/. I. 4.
over-tir'd, 5. A. 1632.
overtook, P. X. ii.792.
over-trufting, P. X. ix. 1183.
overture, P. X. vi. 562.
overturn'd, P. X. vi. 390.
overturns, P. X. vi. 463; S, A.
over-watchM, .
palace, P. X. v, 760, vii. 363,
x. 308, xii. 177; P. P. ii.
300, iv. 51; Com. 14; Orf.
Nat. 148.
palace-gate, P. i. iii. 305.
palaces, P. L. i. 497, xi. 750;
P. R. iv. 35 ; PA lxxxiii. 48,
palate, P. L. ix. 1020.
Palatine, P. P. iv. 50.
pale, P. L.i. 183, 786, ii. 6l6,
iii. 732, iv. 115, vi.393, ix.
894, x. 590, 1009, xi. 446;
Lye. 143; It Penf. 121; Com.
. 333 ; Son. xxiii. 4 ; Od. Nat.
185, 232; Od. May-M. 4;
Pf. lxxxviii. 44.
pale-ey'd, Od, Nat. 180.
pales, P. X. ix. 393.
Faleftine, P. X. i. 80, 465 ;
S, A. 144, 1099.
pall, IlPeJif.gS.
pallet, Cow. 318.
palm, P. X. iv. 139, vi. 885,
ix. 435; S. A. 1735.
palmer's, Cum. 189.
palm-tree, P. X. viii. 212.
palms, P. R. ii. 21 ; Cow. 918;
Od. Sol, Muf. 14.
palmy, P. X. iv. 254.
palpable, P. X. ii. 406, xii. 188.
pamper'd, P. X. v. 214.
Pan, P. X. iv. 266, 707; P. P.
ii. 190 ; Com. 176, 268; Od
Nat. 89.
Pan's, ^rc. 106.
Pandemonium, P. X. i. 756, x.
Pandora, P. X. iv. 714*
Paneas, P. X. iii. 535.
pangs, P. L. ii. 703, ix. 1001 ;
S.A.66O; Od. Cir. 27; Ep.
M. Win. 68.
Panim, P. L. i. 765. See alfo
Panope, Lye. S9-
panoply, P. X. vi. 527, 760.
panfies, P. X. ix. 1040; Co???.
panfy, Lye. 144.
parables, S. A. 500.
parade, P. X. iv. 780.
Paradiie, P. X. iii. 354, 478,
496, 527, 632, 733, iv. 132,
143, 208, 241, 274, 282, 379,
422, 542, 752, 991, v. 143,
226, 275, 446, vii. 45, viii.
171, 319, ix. 71, 406,476,
619,796, x. 2, 17,326,398,
484, 551, 585, 598, 742, xi.
29, 48, 104, 123, 210, 259,
269,342,378, 830, xii. 314,
464, 586, 587y 642; P. R,
i. 3, 52, ii. 141, iv. 604,
608, 611, 613.
Paradifes, P. X. v. 500.
paradoxes, P. R. iv. 234.
paragon'd, P. X. x. 426.
parallax, P. R. iv. 40.
parallel, P. X. v. 141.
paramount, P. X. ii. 508.
paramour, Od. Nat. 36.
parafite, P. R. i. 452.
paranymph, S. A. 1020.
parch, P. X. xii. 636.
parch'd, P. X. x. 556.
parching, P. X. ii. 594>; Lye,
pardon, P. X. iv. 80, v. 848,
x. 1089, 1101, xi. 167; S.A,
521, 738, 771, 814, 825,
1 171 ; Vac. Ex. 7 ; Pf. lxxxvi.
pardons, P. X. iii. 492.
pards, P. X. iv. 344.
parent, P. X. ii. 805, v. 153,
x. 331, 354.
parentage, P. R. i. 235.
parents, P. X. i. 29, 393, 510,
x. 904, xii. 638 ; S. A. 25,
220, 886, 1487-
firft parents, P. X.'iii. 65,
iv. 6.
pari, P. R. iv. 529.
parle, P. X. vi. 296; 5. A. 785.
iii. 428 ; 5. A. 1482.
patron, P. X. iii. 219, iv. 958.
patronefs, P. X. ix. 21 ; Od.
patrons, P. L. xi. 696.
pattern, P. X. vii. 487.
pav'd, P. X. ii. 1026, x. 473.
pavement, P. X. i. 682, 726, iii.
363, vii. 578.
pavilion, P. X. ii. 960.
pavilion'd, P. X. xi. 215.
pavilions, P. X. v. 653 ; Pf. iii. ~.
Paul, Pore. 0/ Con. 10.
pa ufe, P. X. iii. 56 1, v. 562, vi*
162 ; Son, xxi. 7.
paus'd, P. X. v. 64, xii. 2, 466*
paufing, P. X. ix. 744.
paw, P. X. iv. 343, 408 ; Lye*
128 ; Son, xvi. 13.
pawing, P. X. vii. 464.
pay, P. X. iii. 211, iv, 47, viii.
344, x. 1026, xi. 36; P.R.
ii. 375, iv. 80; S. A, 489,
paying, P. X. iv. 53 ; S. A. 432.
Paynim, P. R. iii. 343.
pays, P. X. iv. 56.
peace, P. L. i. 65, 660, ii. 227,
228, 292, 329, 331, 332, 335,
499, 690, iii. 263, 274, iv.
104, v. 210, vi. 267, 560, 617,
vii. 55, 183, 2l6, ix. 333,98] ,
1126, x. 135, 908, 913, 924,
938, xi.38, 117, 153, 507,
580, 667, 781, 784,796, 815,
867, xii. 23, 296, 317, 355,
550, 558 ; P. R. iii. 80, 91,
iv. 425 ; S.A. 60, 966, 1049,
1070, 1073, 1074, 1334,1445,
1757; Lye. 22; L'Ah 120;
11 Pen/. 45 ; Com. 359, 368 ;
Son. xvi. 4, 10, xvii. 5, 14;
Od. Nat. 7, 46, 52, 63 ; Od.
on Time, \6 ; Ep.M. Win. 48 %
Vac. Ex. 84, ; Eurip. 4 ; Pf,
iv. 22, 37, vii. 10, lxxxiii. 2,
lxxxv. 13, 31, 33, 43.
peaceable, P. JR. iii. 76.
peaceful, P. X. ii. 227, 279* *«
946, xi. 600 ; S.A. 709 ; 11
Pen/. 168 ; Od. Nat. 6l.
peal, P. X. ii. 656, iii. 329;
S. A. 235.
peal'd, P, X. ii. 920,
pealing, II Pen/. l6l.
peals, S. A. 906.
pearl, P. X. ii. 4, iii. 519, iv.
238, v. 2,634; P. it.iv. 120;
Sow. xii. 8. •
pearled, Com. 834.
pearls, Ep. M. Win. A3.
pearly, P. X- v. 430, vii. 407.
peafant, P. X. i. 783.
pebbles, P. E. iv. 330.
peccant, P. X. xi. 70.
peculiar, P. X. iii. 183, v. 15,
vii. 368, xii. Ill; P. R. i.
peeling, P. it. iv. 136.
peep, Com. 140.
peer, Lye. 9; Com. 31.
peerage, P. X. i. 586.
peering, Od. JV
Od. D. F. I. 70.
performance, P. X. x. 502.
perform'd, P. X. vi. 695, xi.
440, xii. 505; P. H. ii. 49;
£.u4. 1083, 1218, 1626, 1641.
performing, P. X. xi. 300, xii.
performs, P. X. ii. 595,
perfume, 5. ^f. 720.
perfumes, P. X. iv. 158; Com.
perhaps, P. X. i. 166, 176, 655,
ii. 70, 178, 211, 362, 394,
572, 835, 911, Hi. 588, 700,
iv. 112, 360, 791, 993, v.
3*2,401,496, 569, vi. 438,
460, 616, vii. 85, 487, 621,
viii. 77, 148, 152, 205, 536,
ix. 139, 247, 263, 381, 532,
1148, 1 177, x. 253,582,923,
xi. 74, 75, 226, 343, 406, xii.
4; P.R. ii. 452, iii. 430, iv.
116; S. A. 112, 113, 508,
697, 812, 976, 1077, 1300,
1347,1412, 1414; Lye. 157;
L'Al.79;Com. 229,285, 353;
Son. vii. 5 ; Od. Nat. 91.
peril, P. X. iii. 544, ix. 922, x.
469; Com. 40.
perilous, P. X. i. 276, ii. 420 ;
S. A. 804 ; Lye. 185 ; Com.
period, P. X. xii. 467 ; Com.
periods, P. X. ii, 603.
Peripateticks, P. ii. iv. 279.
perifh, P. X. i. 132, ii 149, iii.
287, x. 785; S.A.676$ P/.
ji« 26, ]xxx. 67.
periuYd, -S. ^. 1512.
permiflion, P. X. i. 212, ix.
378; P.R. i. 496, iv. 175.
permiffive, P. X. iii. 685, viii.
435, x. 451.
permit, P. L. ix. 885, 1159, xi.
554 ; P. H. i. 483 ; II Pen/.
permits, P. L. iv. 1009, xi. 260,
xii. 90.
permitted, P. L. vi. 674, x.
574; P. ii. iv. 183; S. A.
1159, 1495.
permitting, P. X. ix. 4.
pernicious, P. X. i. 282, vi.
520, 849, ix. 981 ; S.A. 1400*
perpetual, P. X. i. 131, ii. 103 f
588, 86l, iv. 760, v. 182, vi.
6, 693, vii. 306, x. 679, xi.
108 ; Com. 479 ', Od. Nat. 7.
perpetuity, P. L. x. 813.
perplex, P. X. ii. 114, x. $79»
perplex'd, P. L. ii. 525, iv. 176,
ix. 19, xii. 275 ;P.il. iv. 1;
Com. 37.
perplexes, P. L. i. 599»
perplexing, P. X. viii. 183.
perplexities, S. A. 304.
perplexity, P. ii. ii. 38.
perfecution, P. L. xii. 531.
perfecutors, P. X. xii. 497.
Perfepolis, P. il. iii. 284.
perfeverance, P. il. i. 148.
perfevere, P. X. v. 525, vii. 632,
xii. 532.
perfevering, P. X. viii. 639*
Persian, P. X. xi. 393 ; P. &
iii. 273.
perfifted, P. X. x. 874; S. A,
perfifting, P.X, iii. 197, ix. 377*
perfon, P. X. ii. 110, ix. 41,
444, x. 156; S. A. 31, 851,
1208, 1211 ; Com. 406; Son.
xxiii. 11.
perfonating, P. R. iv. 341.
perfons, P. R. ii. 240.
perfuade, P. X. ii. 121, ix, 979 ;
P.R. iii. 44; S. A. 5$6,
1495 ; Od. D. F. I. 29.
perfuaders, P. X. ix. 587.
perfuafion, P. X. xi. 1 52 ; P. JR.
i.223, ii. 142, iv.230;6'.^/.
perfuafrve, P. X. ii. 118, ix.
737 ; P. #• iv. 4.
perfuafively, P. X. ix. 8/3.
pert, Com. 118.
perturbation, P. X. iv. 120, x.
Peru, P. X. xi. 408.
perfevere, P. X. ii. 625, 1030,
vi. 37, 562, 706, ix. 405, xi.
701 ; S. A. 737.
pervcrfenefs, P. X. vi. 788, x.
pervert, P. X. i. 164, iii. 92,
xi. 523 ; Pf. lxxxii. 5.
perverted, P. X. x. 3, xii. 547.
perverts, P. X. iv. 203.
perus'd, P. X. viii. 267 ; P. -R.
i. 320.
peft, P. X. ii. 735.
pefter'd, Com. 7.
peiiilence, P. X. ii. 71 1, xi. 487 ;
P. H. iii. 412; Od. D.F.I.
peftilent, P. X. x. 695.
pet, Cow?. 721.
Peter, P. X. iii. 484.
petition, P. X. xi. 10 ; S. ^.
petrifick, P.X. x. 294,
petty, P. X. ix. 693 ; P. R. iv.
87; S.X 1223; Com. 926.
Petzora, P. X. x. 292.
phalanx, P. X. l. 550, iv. 979,
vi. 399-
phantaim, P. X. ii. 743.
phantafms, P. X. iv. 803.
phantafy, Od. Sol. Muf. 5.
Pharaoh, P. X. i. 342, xii. 163;
Pf. cxxxvi. 41.
Pharian, Pf. cxiv. 3.
Pharphar, P. X. i. 469.
Philip, P.it. iii. 32.
Philiftean, P. X. ix. 106l.
Philiftia, Pf. lxxxvii. 14.
Philiitian, S. A. 39, 42, 2l6„
482, 722, 831, 1371, 1655,
Philiftine, S.A. 238, IO99.
Philiftines, S. A. 251,434, 577 ,
1189, 1192, 1363, 1523; Pf
lxxxiii. 27.
Philiflines', S. A. 803.
Phillis, UAL 86.
Philomel, II Petif 56.
philofophers, P. X. iii. 601.
philofophick, P. R. iv. 300.
philofophy, P. X. ii. 565 ; P. i?.
iv. 272 ; Com. 476.
Phineus, P.X. iii. 36.
Phlegethon, P. X. ii. 580.
Phlegra, P. X. i. 577-
Phoebus, P. R. iv. 260 ; Xyc.
77 ; Com. 66, 190 ; Sow. xiii.
10; CW. Pqf.23.
Phoenicians. P. X. i. 438.
phoenix, P. X. v. 272.
phrenzy, P. X. xi. 485 ; S. A.
phylacleries, Pore, of Con. 17*
pick, S.^. 1326.
pickax, P. X. i. 676.
piclure, Od. Hor. 14.
pide, UAL 75.
pieces, P. X. vi. 489 ; P. R- iv.
Piemontefe, Son. xviii. 7.
pierce, P.H. ii. 91 ; S. A. 1568 ;
UAL 138 ; Od. CYr. 28 ; Od.
Sol. Muf. 4.
piere'd, P. X. iv. 99, vi. 356,
435, xi.417.
piercing, P. X. ii. 275, iii. 24.
piety, P. X. vi. 144, xi. 452,
799, xii. 321; S.A. 993.
pilafters, P. X. i. 713.
pile, P.X.i.722, ii.591;P.#.
iv. 547 ; S. A. IO69.
pile, (verb) P. X. xi. 324.
piled, Vac. Ex. 42; Ep. JV.
Sk. 2,
pll'd, P. L. i v. 544, v. 394, 632 ;
P.R. ii. 341.
pilfering, Com. 504.
pilgrim, P. R. iv. 427.
pilgrims, P. L. iii. 476.
pillar, P. L. ii. 302, xii. 202,
203, 208.
pillar'd, P. £. ix. 1106; P. H.
iv.455; Com. 598.
pillars, P. £. i. 714, iv, 549,
vi. 572, 573 ; P. R. iv. 58 ;
S. A. 1606, 1630, 1633, 1648 ;
II Pen/. 158.
pillows, Od. Nat. 231.
pilot, P. L. i. 204, v. 264 ; S. A.
198, 1044 ; Lye. 109.
pinch'd, UAL 103.
pinching, P. L x. 691.
Pindarus, Sow. viii. 11.
pine, P. L. i. 292, iv. 139, «.
435, x. 1076 ; II Penf. 135.
pine, (verb) P. L. ii. 601, x.
597, xii. 77 ; P/. Ixxxvi. 3.
pin'd, P. L. iv. 466, 848 ; P.R.
i. 325.
pines, P. L. i. 6l3, ii. 544, v.
193, vi. 198, ix. 1088, xi.
321; P. R. iv. 416; Com.
pines, (verb) P. L. iv. 511;
Com. 768.
pinfold, Co?tj. 7.
pining, P. L. xi. 486.
pink, Lye. 144.
pinks, Com. 851.
pinnace, P. L. ii. 289.
pinnacle, P. P. iv. 549.
pinnacles, P. L. iii. 550.
pins, P. £. x. 318.
pioneers, P. L. i. 676 ; P.P. iii.
pious, P. L. v. 135, xi. 362 ;
P. R. i. 463 ; S. A. 955.
pipe, P. JL vii. 595, xi. 132 ;
P. P. i. 480 ; Com. 86, 173.
pip'd, Cow. 823.
piping, II Penf. 126.
pipes, P.I. i. 561, 709 i P. £»
ii. 363; 5.^. I6l6; Lye.
pit, P. L. i. 91, 381, 657, ii.
850, iv.965, vi. 866, x.464;
Pf. vii. 55, 56, lxxxviii. 14,
pitch, P. L. ii. 772, viii. 198,
xi. 693, 73l;S.A.l69;Pf.
iii. 18.
pitch'd, P. L. xii. 136.
piteous, P. L. x. 1032 ; Com,
836 ; P/I exxxvi. 78.
pitied, 5. ^. 568.
pity, P. L. iii. 402, 405, v. 220,
x. 25, 1061, xi. 629 ; S. A.
814 ; Son. ix. 8 ; Od. D. F. I.
pity, (verb) P. L. iv. 374; P/
iv. 6, vi. 3, Ixxxvi. 9.
pitying, P. L. x. 211, 1059.
placable, P.L. xi. 151.
place, P. X. i. 70, 75, 253, 254,
318, 625, 759, ii. 27, 217,
235, 260, 317, 345, 360, 830,
832, 840, 894, 977, iii. 442,
591, 720, 724, iv. 23, 79, 246,
385, 562, 690, 729, 745, 759y
840, 843, 882, 891, 894, v.
361, 373, 614, 682, 732, 812,
vi. 53, 176, 405, 782, vii.
135, 144, 240, 284, 535, ix.
69, 119, 444, 1174, x. 148,
953,971, 1086,1 098, xi. 267,
303,318,477,635, 831,836,
xii. 142, 363, 364, 464, 647 5
P. R. i. 252, 321, 412, 416,
ii, 125,396, iv. 101, 373,600;
S.A. 17,254,333,910, 1085,
1117, 1624, 1751 ; II Penf.
78; Arc. 105; Com. 156,
201, 305, 326, 570, 939 ; Od.
D.F.I. 46; Vac. Ex. 25;
Pf. lxxx. 37.
place, (verb) P. L. iii. 194, x,
745, xi. 118.
plac'd, P. L. i. 387, ii. 833, iii.
66 7 90, iv. 294, 416, 580, v.
4,76, 516, vi. 412, 638, vii.
360, viii. 120, 170, 559, 638,
x. 447, 484, xii. 315 ; P. R.
i. 475, ii. 424, iv. 297, 553 ;
Dante II. 3 ; Pf lxxxvii. 4.
places, P. L. v. 364, x. 324, xi.
305, xii. 516, 618.
placid, P. R. iii. 217.
plague, P. L. ii. 174, vi. 505.
plagu'd, P. L. x. 572.
plagues, P. L. vi. 838, xi. 697.
plain, P. X. i. 180, 350, 397,
700, ii. 528, iii. 466, iv. 243,
455, v. 648, 649, vi. 15, vii.
299, viii. 303, ix. 285, 758,
xi. 349, 556, 576, 580, 649,
673, xii. 41, 136, 640 ; P. R.
ii. 27, 87, iii. 254, 332, iv.
27, 193, 296, 543 ; S. A.
1256, 1279 ; Od. Hor. 5 ; Pf.
lxxxiii. 40, cxxxvi. 22.
plain'd, P. X. iv. 504.
plaining, Od. PaJJ. 47.
plaineft, P. R iv. 36l.
plainlier, P. X. xii. 151.
plains, P. X. i. 104, iii. 437, v.
143, viii. 262, 275, ix. 116,
x. 432; P. H. iii. 319; Com.
plaint, P. X. x. 343, 91^, xi.
499,762; Od.Nat. 191.
plaints, P. X. ix. 98 ; P. R. ii.
29, 58 ; Od. D. F. I. 37.
planet, P. X. vii. 366, viii. 129 ;
II Pen/. 96 ; Arc. 52.
planet-ftruck, P. X. x. 413.
planetary, P. X. x. 658.
planets, P. L. iii. 481, v. 621,
vi. 313, vii. 563, x. 413.
plank, P. X. i. 77^.
plant, P. X. iv. 199,240, v. 58,
194, 327, vi. 475, vii. 335, ix.
Ill, 206, 679, 837; P. H.iv.
434 ; S. A. 362 ; Lye. 78 ;
Cow. 621.
plant, (verb) P. X. i. 652, iii.
53 \S. A. 1734 ; Pf. lxxx. 36*.
plantation, P. L. ix. 419.
planted, P.L. iv. 210, 424, 884,
vii. 538, viii. 305; Pf. i. 7,
lxxx. 62.
planter, P. X. iv. 691.
plants, P. L. iv. 438, v. 22, vii.
473; Arc. 48.
plat, P. X. ix. 456 ; II Penf. 7$.
platan, P. L. iv. 478.
plate, P. X. vi. 368.
plated, S. A. 140.
Plato, J/ Penf 89.
Plato's, P.L. iii. 472; P. H.iv.
plaufible, P. it. iii. 393.
play, P. L. iv. 404, ix. 528, 583,
1045; P. 2*. i. 201; S. A.
719, 1679; Com. 958.
play, (verb) P. L. vii. 10, 410,
viii. 372, ix. 1027 ; P. R- ».
26;S.A. 1340, 1448; L\<4/.
97 ; Coot. 301.
play'd, P. X. ii. 641, iv. 340,
v. 295, ix. 1048; Lye. 99-
playing, £$c. 52.
plea, P. L. iv. 394, x. 30 ; P. it.
iii. 149 ; S. A. 834, 843 ;
Lye. 90.
plead, P. X. xi. 41 ; S. A. 421,
pleaded, P. L. ii.379, viii. 510.
pleafant, P. L. i. 404, iii. 703,
iv. 28, 214, 625, 642, v. 38,
84, 445, vi. 628, vii.3l6, 540,
625, viii. 215, 306, ix. 207,
448, xi. 179, 607; P.R.i.
118, ii. 289, i»- 255; Od.
Hor. 2 ; Pf lxxxiv. 3.
more pleafant, P. L. iv. 215,
v. 42, ix. 418.
pleafanteft, P. L. viii. 212.
pleafe, P. L. i. 423, ii. 270, iv.
378, 640, v. 304, 397, vi. 351,
vii. 49, viii. 449, ix. 9*9 i
P.R.iv. 1 57, 164; 5.^4.896;
LAI. 107 ; Com. 7 l*i Son.
viii. 3.
pleas'd, P. L. ii. 117, 291, 387,
762, 845, iii. 257, iv. l67,
463, 464, 604, v. 825, vii. 11,
viii. 57, 248, 429, 437, **• 26,
580, x. 105; P. K. i. 85, 286,
ii. 395, iv. 337; S. A. 219,
511, 900.
pleafes, P. X. viii. 169, ix. 453 1 ;
P.R. iv. 369; 5.^.311.
pleafing, P. X. ii. 566, ix. 453,
503; P.R. i. 479; S. A.
1008 ; CW*. 260, 526, 546.
more pleafing, P. X. xi. 26.
pleafingly, P. X. ix. 794.
pleafure, P. X. ii. 586, iii. 107,
vi. 459, 641, viii. 50, 402,
593, ix. 455, 470, 477, 596,
1022, 1024, x. 1013, 1019,
xi. 541, 604, 794; P.R. i.
423, iv. 299,305 ;S.A. 534;
II Pen/. 50; Com. 77 ; 0. vi. 280.
precife, P. L. xii. 589-
predeltinatiun, P. L, iii. 114.
predicam »nt, Vac. Ex. 56.
predi&ion, P. L. xii. 553 ; P. R
i. 142, iii. 354, 394; S. A-
predids, P. P. iii. 356.
predominant, P. L. viii. 160.
pre-eminence, P. L. v. 66l, xi„
pre-eminent, P. L. iv. 447, viii
preface, P. L. ix. 676, xi. 251
P.R. ii. 115; S. ^. 1553.
prefer, P. L. i. 17, vi. 144
P.R. iv. 84,303, 1374.
preferr'd, P. L. viii. 52, ix. QQ
S. A. 1019.
preferring, P. L. i. 102, ii. 255
S. A. 464, 1672.
prefix'd, P. R. i. 269, iv. 392
Od. D. F. I. 59-
pregnant, P. L. i. 22, ii. 779,
913, vi. 483; Od.Paf. 56.
prelate, Fore, of Con. 1.
pre-ordain'd, P. R. i. 127-
prepare, P. £. v. 689, xi. 555*
637 ; P. R. i. 272 ; Pf lxxx.
37, lxxxi. 5.
prepar'd, P. /,. i. 70, 6l5, 700 :
iv. 664, v. 303, vi. 738, 780,
vii. 225, viii. 299, ix. 381 , xi.
126,365,571, xii. 144; P. U.
it. 273.
preparing, P. R. iii. 389.
prefage, P. L. vi. 201; S.A.
1387 ; Vac. Ex. 70.
prefages, P. R. i. 394.
prefacing, P.L. i. 627, xii,6l3;
Ep. M. Win. 44.
prc%ter, Fore, of Con. 20.
prefcrib'd, P. £. iii. 82, iv. 878,
909, x. 657; S.A. 30.
ptefcript, P. L. xii. 249 ; S. A.
prefence, P. L. ii. 240, iii. 265,
649, v. 358, vii. 11, viii. 3 1 J
551, ix. 836, 85S,X.100, 144,
xi. 319, 341, 351, xii. 103 r
563; $ 4, 28, 1321 ; Com
950; Pf lxxxviii. 5, cxiv.
prefent, P. L. i. 20, 628, ii. 34,
223, 281, 459, 985, iii. 78, iv.
762, v. 582, vii. 518, ix. 316,
1092, x. 340, 651, 996, xi.
351, 871, xii. 201 ; P. R. i.
258; S. A. 1085,1378; Com.
90, 287, 789 ; Son. xix. 5 ;
Od. Nat. l6;Od.D.F. 1.74.
at prefent, S. A. 1446.
prefent, (verb) P. L. vi. 26, ix.
213 ; S.A. 21 ; Sow. xix. 5;
Orf. So/. Mw/! 5.
preferred, P.L. iii.48, vi. 106,
ix. 974 ; P. R. iv. 38.
prefenting, P. L. xi. 21 ; IlPenf
prefentments, Com. 156.
preferve, P. £. vi. 443, xi. 579,
873 ; Pf. lxxxvi. 5.
preferv'd, S.A. 1 143 ; P/. lxxxv.
preferves, P. P. ii. 372.
prefident, P. P. i. 447 ; Son.
x. 1.
prefs, Pf. lxxxviii. 30.
prefs'd, P. L. iv. 501, v. 346.
prefume, P. L. viii. 121, xii.
530; S.A. 1156.
prefum'd, P. L. vi. 631, vii. 13,
viii. 356, ix. 405,921; P.P.
iii. 345 ; S. ^. 462, 1209-
prefumes, P. L. x. 50.
prefumption, Com. 431.
prefumptuous, P. L. ii. 522, iv.
912, viii. 367 ; S.A. 1531.
prefumptuoufly, S. A. 499.
pretence, P. L. vi. 421, xii.
520; S.A. 1196; Ccw*. 160.
pretences, P. X. ii. 825.
pretend, P.L. v. 244 ;S.^. 212.
pretended, P. L. x. 872 ; S. A.
873 ; Com. 326.
pretending, P. L. iv. 947, V.
pretends, P. R. i. 73.
pretend'ft, P. ii. i. 430.
pretexts, S.A. 901.
prevail, P. L. vi. 795, x.40, 408.
prevail'd, P. i. ix. 873 ; P. P.
iii. 167 ; S.A. 869 ; Ep.Hobf
prevailing, P. L. iv. 973; S.^.
prevails, P. i. x. 258; S. A.
prevalent, P. L. vi.411, xi. 144.
prevenient, P. L. xi. 3.
prevent, P. L. iv. 996, x. 37,
573 ; Sore. xix. 8 ; Od. Nat.
24 ; Vac. Ex. 73 ; P/ lxxxviii.
prevented, P. L. ii. 467, 739;
S.A. 1103; Com. 285.
preventing, P. P. iv. 492.
prevention, P. L. vi. 129, 320.
preventive, Fore, of Con. 16.
prey, P. £. i. 382, ii. 181, 806,
844, iii. 248, 433, 441, iv.
609, xi. 124, 793, xii. 341 ;
S. A. 260, 613, 694 ; Com*
534, 574 ; Pf. lxxx. 25.
prick forth, P.L. ii. 536.
prickles, Com. 631.
pride, P. L. i. 36, 58, 527, 572?
603, ii. 428, iv. 40, 310, 809,
v. 665,740, vi. 341, vii.478 r
x.577 f 874, 1044, xi. 795;
P.P. ii. 219, iii. 84, 311,409,
iv 300,570; S. A. 532 - r Com.
431, 761 ; Ep. M. Win. 37 ;
Pf lxxxiii. 45.
prieft, P. L. i. 494, xi. 25;
P. R. i. 247, 487, iii* 83 ;
S. A. 857, 1419; Son. xiii.
10 ; Od. Nat. 180 ; Od. Pajf.
15 ; Fore, of Con. 20.
priefts, P. L. i. 480, xii. 353 ;
P.R. iii. 16'9; S.A. 1463,
1653 ; Com. 136.
prime, P. £. i. 506, ii. 423, iii.
637, iv.592, v.21, 170,295,
563, vi. 447, viii. 194, 540,
ix. 200, 395, 9^0, x. 356, xi.
245, 598; P. R> i. 413, ii.
200, iii. 123 ; S. A. 70, 85,
234, 388 ; Com. 289-
primitive, P. L. v. 350.
primrofc, Lye. 142 ; Od. D. F. I.
2 ; Od. May-M. 4.
primrofe-feafon, Com. 6j 1.
prince, P. L. i. 128, iv. 871, vi.
44, 281, x. 185, 383, 621, xi.
298, xii. 454 ; P. It. iv. 441 ;
Lye. 8; Od. Nat. 62.
princedoms, P. L iii. 320, v.
601, 77%, 840, x. 87, 460.
princely, P. L. i. 359, ii. 304,
xi. 220 ; Arc. 36; Com. 34.
princes, P. L. i. 315, 735, ii.
313, v. 356, xi. 298 ; S. A.
851; Com. 325; P/ ii. 3,
lxxxii. 24 5 lxxxiii. 42.
principalities, P. L. vi. 447, *•
principled, S. ;4. 760.
principles, Ep. Hobf. II. 10.
print, Od. Nat. 20.
printed, Fore, of Con. 11.
printlefs, CW. 897.
prifon, P. L. i. 71, ii. 59, 434,
iv. 824, 906, vi. 66'0, xi.
725 ; P. R. i. 364 ; S. A. 6,
ll6l, 1480.
prifon-houfe, ,S. A. 922.
prifon'd, Com. 256.
prifon within prifon, S. A.
prifoner, S. A. 7, 808, 1460.
private, P. L. v. 109; P- #• ii.
81, iii. 22, 232, iv. 94, 331,
509, 639; S.A. 868, 1208,
1211, 1465.
privation, P. Jl. iv. 400.
privilege, P. L. vii. 589 ; S. A.
privy, Lye. 128.
prize, UAL 122; P/. iv. 11.
probofcis, P. L. iv. 347.
proceed, P. L. v. 470, x. 824,
xi. 69, xii. 7, 381.
proceeded, P. L. vii. 69, x.
164,913, xi.072.
proceeding, P. L. ix. 94;
P. R. i. 350.
proceeds, P. L. ix. 719, 973 ;
Lye. 88.
proceed'ft, P. 11. iv. 125.
procefs, P. L. ii. 297, vii. 178.
proceflion, P. JL. vii. 222.
proeinc~t, P. X. vi. 19.
proclaim, P. L. i. 754, iii.
325; P. it. i. 70; S. A.
proclaim'd, P. L. v. 663, 784 ;
P. P. i. 275, iv. 474; S. A.
proclaiming, P. X. ii. 499, xii.
proclaims, P. X. xii. 36*1 ; S. A.
proclaimer, P. JR.. i. 18.
proconfuls, P. JR. iv. 63.
procreation, P. .L. viii. 597.
procure, P.L. ii. 225.
prodigies, P. P. iv. 482.
prodigious, P. L. ii. 625, 780,
vi/247, x. 302, xi. 687;
S. A. 10S3.
produce, P. L. i.650, viii. 146,
xi. 687, xii. 470; P.R. i.
150, iv. 184; S.A. 1346.
produe'd, P. L. x. 692, xi. 29;
P.R iii. 122.
produces, P. L. iii. 6l0, v.
producing, P. L. ix. 721.
product, P. L. xi. 6S3.
productive, P. L. ix. 111.
proem, P. L. ix. 549.
profane, 6'. A. 693, 1362.
profan'd, P. L. i. 390, iv. 951,
ix. 930; S.A. 377.
profaner, UPenf. 140.
profefs'd, P. P. iv. 293 ; S. A.
385, 884.
profcfTing, P. L. iv. 948.
proffer, P. L. ii. 425.
profler'd, P. i{. ii. 330.
profit, P. L. vi. 90.9; P. R. iv.
345; 8. A. 126*1.
profits, P. L. viii. 571, ix. 76*1.
profluent, P. L. xii. 442.
profound, (fubft.) P. L. ii.438,
profound, P. L. ii. 592, 858,
vii. 233; P.R. iv. 214; Pj\
lxxxviii. 25.
profoundeft, P. L. i. 251 ; Od.
Nat. 218.
profundity, P. L. vii. 229.
prof ufc, P. L. iv. 243, viii.
286 ; Arc. 9.
progenitor, P. L. v. 544, xi.
progeny, P. L. ii. 430, iii. 96,
v. 503, 600, xi. 107, xii.
138; P. R. iv. 554; Sow.
xii. 6.
progrefs, P. X. iv.976, xi. 175.
progreflive, P. L. viii. 127.
prohibit, P. L. ii. 437-
prohibition, P. L. iv. 433, ix.
prohibitions, P. L. ix. 76*0.
projecting, P. L. ii. 329.
proje&s, P.P. iii. 391.
prolifick, P. X. vii. 280.
prologue, P. L. ix. 854.
prolong, P. X. xi. 547 ; P. P.
ii. 41, iv. 46'9.
prolong'd, P. L. xi.331.
prolongs, Od. Nat. 100.
promifcuous, P. L. i. 3S0 ;
P.P. iii. 118.
promife, P. L. ii. 238, xi. 155,
xii. 137, 322, 487; S. A.
38, 753.
promis'd, P. L. iv. 589, 732,
ix. 843, 1070, xi. 331, 413,
xii. '260, 519, 542, 623;
P.P. i. 265; S.A.635.
Promifed Land, P. L. iii. 531,
xii. 172 ; P. R. iii. 157,
promifes, P. L. iv. 84.
^remontorieg, P. L. vi. .654.
promontory, P. X. vii 414 J
Lj/c. 94.
promote, P. L. ix. 234, x.
745; P. P. i. 205.
promotion, P. P. iii. 202.
prompt, P. L. v. 149, viii.
240, ix. 854 ; Com. 229-
prompted, P. L. vi. 635; P. P.
i. 12; 5. ^. 318.
prompting, S. A. 422.
prone, P. L. i. 195, ii. 478, iv.
353, v. 266, vii. 506, viii.
433, ix. 497, x. 514 ; S. A.
1459; Pf- lxxxvi. 13.
pronounc'd, P. L. ii. 352, 809,
iv. 427, 76l, v. 148, 814,
viii. 333, ix. 154, 553, x.
197, 640, 1022, xi. 83;
P. R. i. 32, 284, iii. 120,
iv. 275, 513 ; Son. xxi. 3.
pronounces, Lye. 83.
pronouncing, S. A. 289.
proof, P. L. i. 132, ii. 101,
686, iii. 103, iv. 350, 520,
1010, v. 865, viii. 535, ix.
298, 967, 1142, x. 385,882;
P. P. i. 11, 130, 400, iv.
533,621; S. A. 526, 1145,
1314, 1475, 1602.
prop, P. L. ix. 210.
prop, (verb) P. L. ix. 433.
propagate, P. L. viii. 420.
propagated, P. X. viii. 580, x.
propenfe, S. A. 455.
proper, P. L. iii. 75, ii. 634, v.
276, 493, viii. 619.
properly, P. L. x. 791*
property, Com. 469 ; Vac. Ex.
prophecies, P. P. iv. 381.
prophecy, 5. ^. 473.
prophefied, P. P. iv. 108.
prophefy, P. L. xii. 325.
prophet, P. L. xii. 375 ; P. P.
i. 70, 80, 328, 491, ii- 51,
270, 312, iii. 352 -, Od. PaJJl
prophetick, P. L. ii, 546; P. R. proftratc, P. L. i. 280, vi;
i. 255, iii. 184; 11 Pen/, 174; 841, x. 1087, 1099; Pf
Od. Nat. 180. lxxxviii. 4.
prophets, P. L. iii. 36", xii. proftration, P. L. v. 782.
243 ; P. P. i. 260, 375, ii. proteft. Son. viii. 4.
18, iii. 178, iv. 226, 356, proteftion, S. A. 887; Pf
503. vii. 3.
propitiation, P. L. xi. 34. protects, P. L. ix. 266.
propitious, P. L. v. 507, viii. protefling, P. L. x. 480.
380, xi. 441, xii. 6l2 ; Son. Proteus, P. L. iii. 604.
i. 4. proud, P. L. i. 43, 533, ii. 10,
proportion, P. L. viii. 385, ix. 533, 691, iii. 159, iv. 536,
711 ; Com. 773. 770, 858, 971, v. 809, 907,
proportional, P. L. ix. 936. vi. 89, 131, 191, 609, 789,
proportion'd, P. L. v. 479 » vii. 609, ix. 383, x. 424,
S. A. 209; Com. 330. 764, xii. 25, 72, 342; P. R.
proportions, P. L. xi. 562. i. 219, 372, iii. 334, iv. 56%
propofal, S. A. 487- 595 ; S. A. 137, 345, 1069,
propofals, P. L. vi. 618. 1462 ; Com. 33 ; Son. xvi. 5 ;
propofo, P. R. i. 212. P/. lxxx. 35, lxxxiii. 7,
propofd, P. L. ii. 380, 447, lxxxvi. 49, lxxxvii. 11.
viii. 64, x. 757; P. R. i. proudeft, P. L. xii. 497; P. P.
371, iv. 199, 370, 572; iii. 99-
S. A. 292, 1200, 1471. proudly, P. L. i. 590, vii. 439;
propofeft, P. L. viii. 400, x. P. A', iv. 34, 580; 5.^.55;
1038. P/*. ixxxi. 58.
propound, P. L. vi. 567; P.P. prove, P. L. ii. 369, 808, iv.
iv. 178. 985, vi. 117, 170, viii. 388,
propounded, P. L. vi. 6l2. x. 66*4, 76l, 963, xi. 123 ;
propriety, P. L. i\. 751. P. R. i. 370; 6'. J. 1181,
profe, P. L. i. 16", v. 150. 1262, 1400; Com. 592 ; Ep.
profecute, S. A. 6*03, S97. Af. Win. 44 ; £/>. //o*/. II. 1.
Profcrpin, P. L. iv. 269. prov'd, P. L. i. 92, iii. 119, "v.
Proferpina, P. L. ix. 396. 48, vi. 90, 271, ix. 333, 6l6;
profpect, P. L. iii. 77, 54S, iv. Pf. lxxx v. 11.
144, 200, v. 88, vii. 423, proverb'd, 5. XJ203.
556, x. 89, 552, xi. 380, xii. proves, P, L. vi. 428, 819; S. A.
143 ; P. P. ii. 286, iii. 263. 64, 1037, 1575.
profpe&ivo, Vac. Ex. 71. provide, P. /,. vi. 520 ; Cow. 1S7.
profper, P. //. ii. 39, vi. 79-^ provided, P. />. viii. 363, x.
xii. 316; Pf. 1. 10. 1058, xi. 6*1.
profper'd,P. L.viii.45, X.360. Providence, P. I. i. 25, l6? 7
profperity, P. L. ii. 39. ii* 559, xii. 564, 647 ; P. P.
proiperous, P. L. ii. 259, xi. j. 445, ii. 54, iii. 440; S. A.
304; P.P. i. 14, 104; S. A. 6*70, 1545; Com. 329; Pf.
191 ; Ccw«. 270. vii. 8.
proftituting, P. /,. xi. 716 ; provident, P. L. v. 82$, vifi
$..4. 1358. 485#
provides, P. L. x. 237.
providing, P. P. ii. 310.
province, P. L. vi. 77 ; P. P.
i. 118, 448, iii. 158.
provinces, P. P. iii. 315, iv.
63, 136*.
proving, S. A. 227.
prcvifion, P. L. ix. 623 ; P. P.
ii. 402 ; Com. 765.
provifions, P. L. xi. 732.
provoke, P. L. i. 644, ii. 82, x.
provok'd, P. P. i. 645, iv. 916,
v. 154, ix. 922; S. A. 46*1,
provokes, P. P. ix. 175.
provoking, P. P. xii. 318.
prow, P. X. xi. 746.
prowefs, P. L. i. 588, vi. 45,
xi. 789; P. P. iii. 19; S. A.
286, 1098 ; Pf. exxxvi. 6*2.
prowelt, P. P. iii. 342.
prowling, P. X. iv. 183.
prudence, P. P. iv. 26*3.
prudent, P. L. ii. 46*8, vii.430.
prune, P. L. iv. 438, ix. 210.
Pfalms, P. P. iv. 335 ; Od. Sol.
Muf. 15.
pfaltery, Pf. lxxxi. 7.
pry, P. L. i. 655, ix. 159.
pr'ythce, Com. 512, 6*15.
Pfyche, Com. 1005.
j)ublick, P. P. ii. 303, 448, iv.
3S9, x. 509, xii. 317, P. P.
i. 204, ii. 46*5," iv. 96; S. A.
$67, 992, 1306, 1314, 1327,
1393, 1615 ; So?i. xv. 12, 13;
Eurip. 2.
in publick, P. P. ii. 52, 84.
publifli, P. L. ii. 238; P. P. i.
188 ; S. A f 777.
publifiYd, S. A. 499.
puiffance, P. L. v. 864, vi. U9.
puiffant, P. L. i. 632, vi. 714,
xii. 322 ; P. P. ii. 425 ; ^rc.60.
pull, S. A. 1626.
pull'd, 5. .4. 1589, 1659 ;.L^/.
103 ; Ep. Hobf 1. 16.
pull'd up, S. A. 146.
pulp, P. P. iv. 335.
pulle, P. P. ii. 278 ; Com. 721.
punctual, P. L. viii.23.
Punick, P.P. v.340; P. P. iii.
punifli, P. L. ii. 159, 1032.
puniOVd, P. P. ii. 213, x. 516,
803; P. P. iii. 214.
punifher, P. L. iv. 103.
puniftiment, P. P. i. 155, ii.
334, 699, iv. 911, v. 881, vi.
53, 807, 904, x. 133, 242,
544, 76S, 949, 1039, xi. 520,
710, xii. 404; S. A. 413,
489, 504, 702, 1225.
puny, P. L. ii. 367.
purchafe, P. L. iv. 101, x. 506,
579 ; Com. 607,
pure, P. L. i. 18, 425, iii. 7,
57, 564, 6*07, iv. 153, 293,
3 1 6, 456, 502, 737, 747, 755,
805, 806, 897, v. 4, 100, 348,
407,475, vi.758,vii.244, 264,
viii. 180, 506, 622, 623, 627,
x. 632, 638, 784, xi. 50, 285,
452, 523, 606, xii. 444, 513 ;
P. R. i. 74, 77, 134, 486, ii 9
63, 370, iii. 27; S. A. 10,
848, 1727; Lye. 81, 175;
II Pen/. 31 ; Com. 16, 794,
826, 912; Son. ix. 14, xiv.
14, xviii. 3, xxiii. 9 ; Od. Sol,
Muf 6; Fore, of Con. 9; Pf.
viii. 11.
purer, P. L. ii. 215, iv. 153, v.
416; Com. 111.
pureft, P. P, ii. 137, v. 406, vi,
660, 661 ; S. A. 613.
purfled, Com. 995.
purgatory, Son. xiii. 14.
purge, P. L. ii. 141, iii. 54, xi,
purge off, P. P. ii. 400, xi. 52,
purg'd, P. L. vii. 237, xi. 414,
xii. 548.
purification, Son. xxif!. 6.
purified, P. P. i. 74.
purity, P. P. iv. 745, ix. 1075; put, P.L.i. 132, ii. 517, iv.
S. A.3\9; Com. 427. 3, 941, 1002, x. 179, +97 ;
purlieu, P. P. iv. 404. P. P. ii. 218 ; S. A. 37 ; Pf
purling, P. P. ii. 345. iv. 32, viii. 18.
purloin'd, P. P. ii. 946. put forth, P. P. i. 641, vi.
purple, P. P. i. 451, iv. 259, 583, vii. 310.
596, 764, vii. 479, ix. 429, put not forth, P. P. vi. 853>
xi. 241 ; Lye. 141 ; Com. 46'; vii. 17 1.
Son. xiv. 10; 0. p. J. 27. put off, P.P. iii. 240; Co/w.
purples, P. P. vii. 30. 82.
purpofe, P. L. iii. 172, iv. 337, put on, P. P. iii. 479? vi- 734,
vi. 675, vii. 614, viii. 337, 735, ix.714.
xi. 195, xii. 301 ; P. R. i. put out, S. A. 1103.
444, ii. 101, iii. 186, iv. 93 ; puts, P. P. iv. 386, 888 ; 5. A.
S.A.569, 1406, 1498. 1271.
on purpofe, P. L. iv. 584. puts forth, S. A. 163.
with purpofe, P. P. ii. 971, puts on, P. P. ii. 6.31, ix. 667.
iii. 90, vii. 78. putting off, P. P. iv. 739, ix.
purpofd, P. P. iii. 404, iv. 373, 713.
ix. 416 ; P. R. i. 127; S. A. Pygmean, P. P. i. 780.
399; Coin. 284; Vac. Ex. 57. pyramid, P. P. ii. 1013; £/>.
purpofely, Pf. vii. 49. /P. 67/. 4.
purpofes, P. P. i. 430. pyramids, P. P. v. 758.
purfd, Com. 642. Pyirha, P. P. xi. 12; Orf.
purfue, P. P. ii. 8, 249, 701, Hor. 3.
iv. 362, vi. 715, xii. 206; Pythian, P.P. ii. 530, x. 530.
P. R. iv. 470 ; S. A. 1275 ; Python, P. P. x. 531.
Com. 503; P/*.vii. 13, lxxxiii.
purfued, P. P. i. 308, ii. 79, Q-
165, 790, iv. 125, 572, vi.
858, ix. 15, 397, xi. 188, quadrate, P. P. xi. 62.
202, 563 ; P. P. i. 195, ii. quadrature, P. P. x. 381.
405 ; Son. xvi. 6. quaff, P. L. v. 638.
purfuers, P. L. i. 326; P. P. quaint, P. L. viii. 78, ix. 35;
iii. 325. S. A. 1303; Lye. 139; ^rc.
purfues, P.P. i. 15, ii. 524, 47 ; Com. 15/ ;0d. Nat. 194.
945, 949, x. 783, xii. 205. qualms, P.P. xi. 4S1.
purfuing, P. P. ii. 998, vi. 52, quarrels, S. A. 1329.
xi. 192, xii. 195. quarry, P. P. x. 2S1 ; 0d> PaJJ\
purfuit, P. P. i. 170, iii. 397, 46.
vi. 538; P. P. iii. 306; Com. quarries, P. P. v. 759-
829. quarter, P. P. vi. 530.
purvey 'd, P. P. ix. 1021 ; P. P. quarter'd, P. P. iv. 202.
ii. 333. quarters, P. P. iii. 7 14, v. 192,
pufh, P. P. iv. 470 ; Pf. v. 31. 689 ; Com. 29.
pufiVd, P. P. vi. 197, x. 6*70, quaternion, P.P. v. 181.
1074, xi. 83 J . queen, P.P. i. 439, iv. 60S, viii.
60, ix. 684; P. P. ii. 212,
iy.<\5;UPtnf. 19; Arc. 94>,
108; Com. 241, 265, 446,
1002 ; Od. Nat. 201 ; Ep. M.
Win. 74.
quell, P. L. v. 740, xii. 311 ;
P.R. i. 218; S. A. 1272;
P/I cxxxvi. 10.
quell'd, P. X. iv. 860, vi. 386,
457, xi. 496 ; P. R. iii. 35 ;
S.J. 286, 563; Pfv. 30.
queller, P. R. iv. 634.
quench, P. X. xii. 492 ; P. P.
iii. 38 ; CW. 66.
quench'd, P. X. ii. 939, in. 25 ;
5. A. 95.
quell, P. X. ii. 830, ix. 414 ;
Arc. 34 ; Com. 321; Od. D.
F. L 18.
question, P. X. iv. 887 ; S. A.
queftion, (verb) P. X. iv. 882,
ix. 720.
queftion'd, P. X. iii. 166; Lye.
queftions, P. P. iv. 21 9.
quick, P. X. iv. 1004, v. 269,
vi. 597, 619, vii. 405, viii.
259, ix. 399, xii. 460 ; P.P.
323 ; Com. 41 , 841 ; Vac. Ex.
quicken, Pf. lxxx. 75.
quicken'd, P. L. v. 85, ix. 587;
Ep.Hobf II. 16.
quickening, P. X. v. 86l.
quickefl, P. P. iii. 238.
quickly, Com. 1014; Od. D.T.I.
42 ; £/?. M. JFit. 16.
quiet, (fubft.) II Pen/. 45 ; Pf.
lxxxiii. 50.
quiet, (adj.) P. L. xi. 272, xii.
80 ; P. R. iii. 360.
quiet, (verb) S. A. 1724.
quietly, P. R. iii. 192.
quills, Xj/c. 188.
Quiloa, P. X. xi. 399.
quintefience, P. X. iii. 716,
vii. 244.
Quintilian, Son. xi. 11.
Quintius, P. P. ii. 446.
quips, L'Al. 27.
quire, P. X. iii. 217, iv. 264,
ix. 198, xii. 366; P.P. i.
242; II Pen/. 163 ; Son. xiii.
10; Od.Nat. 15.
quires, P. L. iii. 666, iv. 711,
v. 251, vii. 254; Od. Soi.
Muf. 12 ; Brut. 6.
quit, P. X. iv. 51, v. 882, vi.
548, vii. 440, xi. 548; P.P.
iii. 244; S. A. 1484, 1709;
Son. xii. 1 ; Od. on Time, 20.
fo quit, P. R. i. 477-
quite, P. X. ii. 93, 96, 282, iii.
50, 173, xi. 258, 712, xii.
28, 54; P. P. ii. 224, iv.317,
352, 366; S. A. 907, 1158,
UAL 149; Com. 527; 0d.
Nat. 67; Pf. lxxxviii. 17.
quitted, P. X. iii. 307. iv. 770,
x. 627.
quiver, P. X. vi. 764, ix. 390.
quiver'd, Com. 422.
quivers, P. X. iii. 367.
quoth, Xj/c. 107 ; Ep. Hobf II.
R s
Rabba, P. X. i. 397-
Rabbies, P.P. iv. 218.
rabble, P. P. iii. 50.
race, P. X. i. 432, 577, 780, ii.
194, 348, 382, 529, 834, iii.
161, 280, 679, iv. 475, 732,
vi. 501, 896, vii. 33, 45, 99,
155, 189, 530, 630, viii. 339,
ix. 416, x. 385, 607, 984,
988, xi. 13, 331, 608, 621,
782, 786, xii. 104, 163, 214,
505, 554; P. JR. ii. 181,310,
iii. 423; S. A. 29, 597 ;\0d.
Paff.56; Od. on Time, 1.
races, P. X. ix. 33.
rack'd, P.X. i. 126; P. P. iii.
racking, P. L. xi. 481.
radiance, P. L. vii. 194.
radiant, P. L. ii. 492, iii. 63,
379, 594, 646, iv. 797, v.
457, vi. 76l, vii. 247, x. 85,
xi. 206; P. R. iii. 237, iv.
428; Arc. i4 ; Com.. 374;
066 t vi. 211,
xi. 444.
rages, S. A. 963.
ragged, UAL 9.
raging, P. L. ii. 213, 600, v.
891, x. 286.
rags, P. L. iii. 491 ; S. A. 415.
rail'd, Son. xii. 6.
rain, P. L. x. 1063, xi. 743,
826, 894 ; P. R. iv. 412.
rain, (verb) P. L. viii. 146;
L'Al. 122.
rainbow, Co?«. 300 ; Od. Nat.
rainbows, P. L. vii. 4l6.
rain'd, P. L. vii. 331, ix. 1122;
P. P. ii.312.
raife, P. L. i. 23, ii. 272, iii.
296, iv. 574, 806, r. 680, vi.
224, viii. 430, ix. 43, 314,
xi. 103, 79^, 877, xii. 123,
162,318,547; P. R. i. 232,
iii. 333; S. A. 625; Lye.
70; // Pen/. 104; Arc. 8;
Son. xv. 6; iy! vii. 62, lxxxii.
1 1.
rais'd, P.L.i. 43,99, 529,551,
ii. 5, 427,468,521, iii. 258,
iv. 60, 226, 416, 590, v. 226,
.'391,758, vi. 138, 856, vii.
157, viii. 258, 300, ix. 177,
314, 669 f 740, x. 457, 1012,
xi. 422; P.R.L 7, 124, ii.
64, 423, iii. 59, iv. 430;
S. A. 273, 1211; Dante.
II. 2.
rallied, P.L. i. 269, vi. 786.
ram, Com. 497*
Ramath-lechi, S. A. 145.
Ramie], P. L. vi. 372.
Ramoth, P. R. i. 373.
ramp, S. A. 139.
rampant, P. L. vii. 466.
rampart, P. X. i. 678.
ramp'd, P. L. iv. 343.
rams, Pf. cxiv, 11.
ran, P. L. i. 451, iv. 240, vi.
642, viii. 268, ix. 891, x. 27,
xii. 608;£. A. 129.
rancour, P. L. ix. 409, x.
random, P. L. iv. 930, x. 628,
at random, S. A. 118.
rang, Od. Nat. 158.
range. P. i. iv. 621, 754, ix.
134, x. 492; P.P.i.S66.
ranged, P. L. ii. 522, vi. 48, vii.
426, xi. 644.
rang'd, P. R. iii. 322 ; S. A,
1137, 1694.
ranging, P. L. vi. 248.
rank, (adj.) Lye. 126; Cow.
rank, (verb) P. L. xi. 278; Pf.
v. 8.
rank'd, P. L. ii. 887, vi. 604 ;
S. A.34>5.
rankle, S. .4.621.
ranks, P. L. i. 616. iv. 140, vi,
71, xii. 213; Arc. 59, 99 i
Od. Nat. 114.
ranfack'd, P. L. i. 6S6.
ranfom, P. L. iii. 221, x. 6l,
xii. 424; S. A. 483, 604>
1460, 1471, 1476, 1573.
ranfWd, P. L. iii. 297.
rapacious, P. L. xi. 258.
rape, P. L. i. 505, ii. 794, xi.
717; Orf. D.F.I. 9^
Kaphael, P. L. v. 221, 224,
56l, vi. 363, vii. 40, viii. 64,
217, xi. 235.
rapid, P. L. ii. 532, i'v. 227, vi.
rapine, P. L. ix. 46 1 ; Son. xv.
rapt, P. L. iii. 522, vii. 23, xi.
706\ 853 ; P. R. ii. 40 ; II
Pen/. 40 ; Com. 794.
rapture, P. L. v. 147, vii. 36,
299, ix. 1082 ; 0
vii. 321, xi. 132; Com. 345.
reeds, P. L. vi. 582; P. P. ii.
26 ; Lye. 86.
re-edify, P. L. xii. 350.
reeking, P. L. viii. 256.
reel, P/*. lxxxiii. 51.
re-embattled, P. i. vi. 794.
re-enter, P. L. ii. 397.
lifer, 5. ^. 1015.
refin'd, P. L. v. 475, xi. 63, xii.
refines, P. L. viii. 58p.
refle&ed, P. 1. iii. 723, iv. 596.
x. 1071.
reflecting, P. L. vi. 18.
reflection, P. L. iii. 428, vii. 367.
re-flourifhes, S. A. 1704.
reflux, P. L. x. 73.9-
reform, P. L. iv. 625.
reforming, P. L. x. 101.
refrain, £. A. 1565.
refrain d, P. L. vi. 360.
refrains, Son. xxi. 14.
Jefrefh'd, P. L. ix. 1027; P. P.
iv. 591, 637.
refreshings, S. A. 665.
refrefhment, P. L. ix. 237;
P. P. ii. 263 ; Com. 687-
reft, L3/C. 107.
refuge, P. L. ii. 168, ix. 119,
x. 839, xi. 673.
refulgent, P. L. vi. 527-
refufal, P. P. ii. 323; S. A.
refufe, P. L. ii. 451, v. 492, vi.
41, xii. 31; P. P. ii. 329.
refus'd, P. L. ii. 470, 471, iv.
743, x. 756; P. P. i. 277, iv.
refuting, P.L.ii. 452.
refute, P. P. iv. 23 ;.
refuted, 8. A. V22<)
refutes, P. L. x. 101 6.
regain, P. P. i. . r >, ii. 230, iv,
605, x. 972; P. R. \U 441,
iii. 163, 371 ; S. A. 1004 -
Com. 274.
regained, P. P. i. 270, iv. 197 ;
P. R. iv, 608.
regal, P. L. i. 640, ii. 515, iii.
339, 340, iv. 869, v. 280,
739, 816, x. 447, xii. 323;
P.P. ii. 183, 340,461, iii.
248, 249, iv. 98; Od. PaJJ\
regard, P. L, i. 653, ii. 281,
iii. 534, iv. 620, 877, x. 866,
xi. 334, xii. l6; P.P. ii,
315, iii. 217; S. A. 684 ;
Com. 620.
regard, (verb) P. L. v. 44, xii.
174, 357; P. P. iii. 427;
S. A. 1333 ; Pf. lxxxii. 9,
lxxxviii. 22.
regarded, P. L. ix. 787.
regardlefs, P. L. iii. 408, xii.
47; P. P. iv. 317; S. A~
regards, S. A. 1157*
regencies, P. L. v. 748.
regenerate, P. L. xi. 5.
regent, P. L. iii. 690, v. 697 ?
698, vii. 371, ix. 60.
regents, P.R. i. 117.
regiment, P. L. i. 758.
region, P. L. i. 242, ii. 443,
619, 982, iii. 433, 562, vi.
80, vii. 425, ix. 1125; P.R.
H. 117, 155; Od.Nat. 10&
regions, P. L. i. 65, iii. 349,
606, v. 263, 748, 750. vi„
223, xi. 77; P. P. i. 22, 392,
iv. 67 ; Com. 4 ; P«c. £*. 41.
rcgifter'd, P. L. xii. 335.
re-gorg'd, S. A. 1671.
regret, P. P. x. 1018.
regular, P. L. v. 623.
Regulus, P. P. ii. 446.
rcjed, P. £. iv. 523, v. 886 ;
P. P. iv. 467; S. A. 5l6 r
rejected, P. I. x. 567, 876;
P. P. iv. 376.
reign, (fubft.) P. L. i. 102, 543,
ii. 963, v. 609, 841, vii. 381,
xii. 330, 370 ; P.R. i. 125,
ii. 123, 442; iii. 178, 179,
184, 216; IlPenf 25; Od.
Nat. 106.
reign, P. L. i. 26l, 262, 263,
ii. 324, 451 < 698, 868, iii.
315, 318, iv. 112, 961, v.
820, 832, vi. 183, 293, 888,
x. 375, 399, xL 543, xii. 91*
286; P. Jt. iii. 180, 195, 215,
385, 404, iv. 492 ; Vac. Ex.
75 ; Brut. 3.
reign'd, P. L. i. 514, v. 341,
449, 578, xi. 751.
reign'ft, Pf. lxxxiv. 45.
reigning, P. L. i. 124 ; P. it.
ii. 480.
reigns, P. L. i. 497, 637, ii- 59,
454, 814, 909, iv. 765, v. 41,
680, vi. 43, x. 549, xi. 187;
P. R. ii. 466, 478 ; Com. 334.
rein, P L. xi. 586.
rein'd, P. L. iv. 858.
reinforcement, P. L. 1. 190*
reins, P. L. vi. 346, 696, x. 672 ;
S.A. 302, 609, 1578; Pf.
vii. 39.
re-infpire, Son. xx. 6.
re-inftal, P.R. iii. 372, iv. 6l5 ;
Od. D.F.I. 46.
rejoice, P. L. ii. 339, viii.392,
639,x.396,xi. 875, xii.475;
S.A. 1455; P/. lxxxv. 23,
Ixxxvi. 10.
rejoic'd, P. L. ii. 848, v. 851,
vi. 878; x. 120, xi. 869;
P. R. i. 228, ii. 37.
rejoicing, P. L. ii. 487, iv. 13,
v. 163, 641, vii. 180,viii. 314.
reiterated, P. L. i. 214.
relapfe, P. L. iv. 100 ; P. it.
ii. 30.
relate, P. L. 1. 746, v. 564, vi.
298, 373, vii. 84, 604, viii. 9,
204, 208, xi. 319, xii. 11;
Son, x. 12,
related, P. L. ir. 875, v. 94;
S. A. 786.
relater, P. I». viii. 52.
relating, P. L. viii. 51, 203.
relation, P. L. v. 556, viii. 247;
P.RAi. 182, iv, 519 ;S.^*
1595 ; Com. 617*
relations, P. L. iv. 756.
relax, P. L. vi. 599.
relax'd, P. L. ix. 891.
released, P. L. xi. 197.
releafe, P.RA. 409 ; Otf. JW. 6.
relent, P. i. ii. 237, iv. 79, vi,
790, x. 1093; S.A, 409.
relented, P. L. x. 940.
relentlefs, P. L. ix. 130.
relents, P. X. xi. 891.
relief, P. L. x, 976 5 P. it. ii.
309; Son A. 12.
relied, P. L. vi. 238.
relies, P.L. ii. 41 6.
relieve, P. #. i. 344.
relieves, S. A. 5, 460, 472*
religion, P. L. xi. 667, xii. 535;
£. ^.412, 854, 872, 1420;
Son. xvii, 13.
religions, P. LA. 372.
religious, P. X. xi. 622, xii.
231; S.A. 1320; 2/ Pen/.
reliques, P. L. iii. 491, v. 273;
Ep. W. Sh. 3.
relifh, P. L. ix. 1024.
reluctance, P. i. ii. 337, x.
reludant, P. £. iv. 311, vi. 58.
rely, P. L. ix. 373; Pf. lxxxiv.
remain, P. L. ii. 320, iii. 124,
263, v. 773, vi. 115, 116, x.
989 ; P. R. ii. 255 ; Pf. lxxxi.
remain'd, P. L. ii. 768, vii. 504,
ix. 464, 808, 1138 ; P. R. ii.
1, 243, 404.
remaining, S. A. 587? 1549;
Com. 72,
remains, P. L. i. 139, 64-5, ii.
443, vi. 38, vii. 21, viii. 13,
ix. 43, X. 129, 502, xii. 14;
P. P. iv. 326' ; S. A. 433,
649,912, 1126; Son. xvi.9;
Ep. Hobf. II. 34.
remark, S. A. 1309.
remarkable, S. A. 1388.
remarkably, P. L. ix. 982;
P.P. ii. 106.
remedilefs, P.P.ix. 919; S.A.
648; CM. Cir. 17-
remedy, P. P. vi. 438, x. 1079,
xi. 62.
remember, P. L. iv. 449, vi.
912, viii. 327, x. 1046; P.P.
i. 46, iii. 66, iv. 374.
remember'd, P. L. x. 12 ; S. A.
remembereft, P.P. lxxxviii.21.
remembering, P. L, xii. 346;
P. P. iii. 434.
remember'ft, P. P. v. 674, 857,
vii. 56l.
remembrance, P. L. iii. 704, iv.
38, viii. 204; S. A. 277, 952;
Pf vi. 9.
remembreft, P/I viii. 12.
remifs, P. L. vi. 458, viii. 387-
remiflion, S. A. 835.
remit, P. L. ii. 210, xi. 885;
S. A. 687, 1470.
remorfe. P. P. i. 605, iv. 109,
v. 134, x. 1098 ; S. A. 752,
without remorfe, P.P. v. 566,
xi. 105.
remorfelefs, Lye. 50 ; Ep. M.
Win. 29.
remote, P. L. ii. 477, iii- 609,
iv. 284, vi. 173, vii. 36*9, viii.
191, ix. 812, x. 274; P.P.
iii. 76.
rcmoteft, Son. xv. 4.
remove, (fubft.) P. L. xii. 593.
remove, P. L. ii. 277, vi. 597,
viii. 119, xL 96 j 260, xii.
204, 290.
remov'd, P.L. i. 73, ii. tit,
32], 835, iii. 356, vii. 272*
x. 211, 934, xi. 3, 412, 727,
889 ; P. P. iv. 87 ; Pf. lxxxv.
9 ; Ixxxviii. 69.
removed, 11 Penf 78.
removes, P. X. ix. 702.
rend, P. P. x. 700, xii. 182.
rend up, P. L. ii. 540.
render, P. L. ii. 130, 459, vi.
602, viii. 6, ix. 823; P. P.
iii. 130; S.A. 1232.
render back, P. P. x. 7^9*
render'd, Pf. vii. 11.
renders, P. P. viii. 196 ; S. A.
rendering, P. P. xi. 551.
renew, P. P. ii. 494, iii. 175;
Od. Sol. Muf. 25 ; Pf. lxxxv.-
renew'd, P. P. ii. 1012, iii. 226,
vi. 783, viii. 337, ix. 321,
1133, x. 543, 638, xi. 66,
116, 140, 499 ; P. P. ii. 367,
iii. 6, 346; S. A. 520, 1357-
renewing, P. L. iii. 729 ; P. P.
iv. 570.
renews, P. L. ii. 389 ; #• A.
renovation, P. X. xi. 65.
renounce, P. P. ii. 312, iii. 291 ,
ix. 884 ; S. A. 828.
renoune'd, Fore, of Con. 2.
renown, P.P. i. 477, iii. 34, vi.
378, 422, xi. 68S, 69S, xii.
154; P.R. i. 136, iv. 8.4;
Pf exxxvi. 62.
renown'd, P. L. i. 507, iii. 465,
549, ix. 440, 670, 1101, xii.
321; P. R.iv.*6;S.A. 125,
341, 988, 1079; Arc. 29;
Son. xvi. 11 ; Pf. lxxxi. 32^
repaid, P. L. ix. 178, 1015, £
218; P. P. iv. 188.
repair, (fubft.) P. L. viii. 457,
repair, P. L. i. 188, iii. 67$,
vii. 152, xi. 144; P. P. iv
267; S.A. 665.
tepair'd, P. X. iv. 773, vi. 878 ;
P.P. iv. 591.
repairing, P. X* vii. 365, x.
1087, 1099.
repairs, Lye. 169.
repaft, P. X. ii. 800* v. 232*
630, viii. 214, ix. 4, 403*
407 ; Cow. 688 ; Son. xx. 9*
frepeal'd, P* X. vii. 59.
repeat, P. X. vi. 318, ix. 946.
repeated, P. X. vi. 601 , vii. 494,
viii. 32, ix. 400; S.A. 645;
Son. viii. 12.
repel, P. L. viii. 643, ix. 284.
repell'd, P. X. vii. 6ll, x. 866;
P. P. iv. 446; Son. xvii. 3.
repent, P. X. i> 96, iii. 190, iv.
93, xi. 255, xii. 474 ; S. A.
repentance, P. L. iii. 191, iv.
80, xi. 724; P. R. i. 20;
S.A. 821.
repentant, P. X. xi. 1 ; P. R.
iii. 435; S.A. 751.
repenting, P. X. ii. 369 , x. 75,
xi. 886 ; 507?. xxi. 6.
repents* P. X. xi. 90.
repine, P. X. vi. 460; P. R> ii.
repines, 5. A. 995.
replenifh'd, P. X. vii* 447, viii.
replete, P. L. ix.733, xii. 46S.
replied, P. X. i. 156, ii. 688*
746, iii. 167, 273, 440, iv.
659, 857, 903, 946, 969, v.
468,506, 852, vi. 171,469,
viii. 4,65, 179, 368,378, 595,
ix. 272, 290, 342, 377, 567 ,
614,655,960, ll6'2,x. 118,
124, 144, 16 1> 602, 966 ,
1012, Xi. 370, 453, 552,
xii. 468, 552, 573 ; P. R. i.
337, ii. 319, 37S, 432, iii.
43, 108, 121, 203, iv. 109,
285, 367, 499; Lye. 77 ; Pj\
iii. 11.
replies, Son, six. 9^
reply, P. X* ii* 467, 1010, viii.
209, ix. 321 ; P. Pt. iii. 3,
iv. 2.
report, P. L. iii. 701, v. 869 ;
S.A, 117, 1090 ; Son.x. 8*
report, (verb) Pi L. xii. 237 >
S. A. 1350; Com. 127.
reported, P. X. vi* 26.
repofe* P. X. iv. 6l2, v. 28,
233 3 ix. 403, 407; P. P. iii.
210; Si A. 406.
repoi'e, (verb) P. X. i. 319.
repos'd, P.X. iv. 450, v. 636.
repofes, Com. 999'
repoflefs, P. X. i. 634.
reprehend, P/* vi* 1.
reprefent, P. L. v. 104, xi. 870.
repreiented, P. X. x. 849*
reprefenting, P. L. viii. 6l0,
xii. 255; P.R. i. 418*
reprefs, S. A. 543.
reprieve, S.A. 288.
reproach, P. L. vi. 34, xi. 165*
811; P.R. iii. 66; 6'. ^.
353,446,823; Od. D.F.I.
reproach, (verb) P. X. ix. 1098*
reproaches, P. P. iv. 387 ; S.A.
reproachful, P*X. xii* 406.
reprobate, P. X* i. 697; P, &
i, 491 ; S. A. 1685.
reprov'd, P. X. x. 761.
reptile, P. X. vii. 388.
repulfe, P. L. 1. 630, vi. 600,
• ix. 384; P.P. iv.623; £. A.
966. •
repulfe upon repulfe, P. P. if*
repuls'd, P. X. ii. 142, x. 10,
910 ; P. P.i.6; 5.^. 1006 ',
: Pf. lxxxiii. 28.
repute, P. L. i. 639, "• 472.
•requelt, P. X. v. 56l, vi. 894,
vii. Ill, 635,xi. 46,47;^.^.
356, 881; Com. 900.
requeit, (verb) P. X, x. 743 ;
£p. M. Win. \7.
vol. 1,
requeued, 5. A. 1630.
require, P. L. iv. 628, v. 408,
ix. 590; P. JR. ii. 412, iii.
17; S.A. 1314.
requir'd, P. L. iv. 308.
requires, P. L. iii. 735, iv. 419,
v. 529, viii. 425, 642 ; P. P.
iii. 113, 117.
requifite, P. P. i. 464.
requital, Com. 6*26.
requite, S.^. 1356; -Sow. viii. 5.
re-falute, P. L. xi. 134.
refcue, P/! vii. 6, lxxxii. 14.
refcucd, P. L. xi. 682, xii. 199.
refcmblance, P. L. iv. 364, v.
114, vi. 114, ix. 538; P.P.
iv. 320 ; Com. 69.
refembles, P. L. ii. 26s, v. 622.
refemblcff, P. L. iv. 839-
refembling, P. L. ii. 1045, viii.
543; P. P. iii. 110.
refent, P. L. ix. 300.
referve, P. L. v. 6l ; P. P. iv.
referv'd, P. L. i. 54, ii. l6l,
332, v. 128, viii. 50, ix. 76'8,
xi. 501.
refervingr, P. L. xii. 71.
refide, P. L. ii. 265, 957, xii.
284; Pf. lxxxiv. 17-
refidence, P. L. i. 734, ii. 999',
viii. 346; Com. 248, 947-
refutes, P.X. viii. 112.
refkling, P. L. x. 607, xii. 114.
refign, P. X. vi. 731, x. 148,
749, xi. 287, xii. 301 ; So?i.
xiv. 3 ; Vac. Ex. 58.
rcfign'd, P. R. i. 27-
rciigns, P. L. iii. 688, xi. 66.
refill, P. LA. 162, ii. 192, 814,
iv. 1013, vi. 323, xii. 491 ;
P.P. i. J51;6'.^.830, 1753.
refinance, P. L. vi. 838.
renftlefs, P. L. ii. 6*2 ; P. R. iv.
268; S.^f. 1404.
refolvo, P. L. i. 120, viii. 14,
ix. 830; Son. xxi. 5.
refolv'd, P. X,. i. 662, ii. 201,
392, v. 668, ix. 97,585*968,
x. 1038; P. P. iv.444;6\^.
305, 408, 1390.
refolving, P. L. xii. 109; Cow.
refoluteft, P. P. ii. 167.
refolution, P. L. i. 191 , ii. 468,
vi. 541, ix. 907, x. 1029;
S.J. 732, 1344, 1410.
reformat, P. L. xi. 563.
refort, P. R. i. 367; S. A. 1738 ;
IlPenf. 81 ; Com. 379, 952.
reforting, P. Z. xi. 81.
rcfound, P. i. iii. 149, v. 178,
x. 862, xi. 592.
refounded, P. L. i. 315, ii. 789,
vi. 218, vii. 56l.
refounding, P. R. ii. 290; Od.
Nat. 182.
refounds, P. L. i. 5/9, viii. 334;
Son. xvi. 8.
refpeft, P. R. iv. 521 ; S. A.
316, 333.
refpeds, 5. A. 86S.
refpiration, P. L. xii. 540.
refpirc, S.A. 11.
refpite, (fubft.) P.L. xi. 272;
Com. 553.
refpite, P. L. ii. 46l, v. 232.
refplcndence, P. L. v. 720.
rcl'plendent, P. L. iii. 36l, iv.
723, ix. 568, x. 66.
refponiive, P. L. iv. 683.
reft, (fubft.) P.L. i. 66, ii.6l8,
802, iv. 6ll,6l3, 617, v. 11,
647, vi. 272, 415, vii. 91, ix.
1120, x. 1085, xi.375, xii.
257, 314, 401, 647; S.A.
406; Com. 689 ; if. M. Win.
50; Brut. 4: Pf. lxxxiv.
reft, (adj.) P.L. i. 507, 589,
671, ii. 54, 455, iii. 184, 185,
721, iv. 547, 900, vi. 162,
662, vii. 240, 492, 510, viii.
71, 105, ix. 564, 653, x. 296,
422, 532, 1008, xi. 710, xii.
112, 260,533, 585 ', P. ii. ii.
233, iv. 48, 86, 344, 511 ;
S.A. U70; Com. 629; Vac.
Ex. 50.
Fell, (verb) P.L. i.185, iv.633,
v. 368, vi. 802, ix. 649, x.
778, xii. 257, 401; P. P. ii.
292; S.A. 459, 59$; L'Al.
74 ; Coin. 36 1 ; Son. xiv. 13,
xxi. 7 ; iy. lxxxiv. 48.
at reft, Od. Nat. 21 6.
without reft, Son. xix. 13.
refted, P. L. vii. 595.
retting, P. L. i. 237, vii. 592,
reftlefs, P. I. ii. 526, viii. 31 ;
S.A. 19; Pf. lxxxiii. 51.
rcftorative, P. ii. ii. 273.
reftore, P. Z. i. 5, xi. 12, xii.
623; P.R. iii. 381; S. A.
1503 ; Com. 69O, 691 ; Pf. vi.
7, lxxxv. 14.
reftor'd, P. JE. iii, 288, 289, x.
971, xii. 3; P. R. i. 220,
405, ii. 36; S.A. 1528.
reftorer, P. L. x. 646.
reftrain'd, P. L. viii. 628, ix.
868, xi. 498.
reftraint, P. L. i. 32, iii. 87, ix,
209, 1170, 1184.
without reftraint, P. L. ix,
791 ; Son. xxiii. 8.
refts, P. L. iii. 389, v. 109, x,
48 ; P. R. i. 39.
refult, P. L. ii. 515, vi. 619.
refume, P. L. i. 278, xii. 456;
P.R. ii. 58.
refum'd, P. L. x. 574.
refumes, P. L. xii, 5.
refurrection, P. L. xii. 436.
retain, P. L. ii. 285, v. 501, vii.
362, x. 532.
retained, P. L. ix. 601.
retaining, P. L. xi. 512.
retains, P. L. vii. 146 ; Com.
retinue, P. L. v. 355 ; P. K. ii.
retire, (fuM.) P. L. xi, 267,
retire, P. L. ii. 686, 1038, vii,
170, ix. 810, xi. 237, xii.
535; P.JR. ii.40, 161; S.A,
106l ; Com. 656.
rctir'd, P. Z. ii. 557 h iv. 532,
611, v. 231, vi. 307, 338,
409, 570, 781, viii. 41, 504,
ix. 537, x. 423 ; P. JR. iii.
166, iv. 91 ; S. A. 253.
retirement, P. L. ix. 250;
P.R. iv. 245.
retires, P. X. v. 108, x. 423.
retiring, P. L. x. 378; P. ik
ii. 106, iii. 164.
retort, P. L. x. 761.
retorted, P. L. v. 906.
retreat, P. L. i. 555, ii. 317*
vi. 237, 799, x. 435.
retreated, P. I/, ii. 547.
retreating, P. L. xi. 854.
retrenched, P. H. i. 454.
retribution, P. jL. iii. 454.
retrograde, P. £. viii. 127-
return, (fubft.) P. L. iv. 42, vii.
604, ix. 250, 399, 405, 839*
844, xii. 541 ; P. R. i. 297,
iii. 132, iv. 64, 438; Com,
return, P. L. ii. 37, 335, 527,
799, 839, iii. 41, 159, 26l,
iv. 481, 534, v. 470, vi.
39, 606, vii. 16, viii. 21,
651, x. 54, 206, 20S, 253,
770, 932, xi. 200, 463,
534, 816, xii. 171,213, 219^
422; P. R. ii. 57, 115, 302„
iii. 129, iv. 374; S. A.
517, 1332; Lye. 38, 132,
133; Com. 194; Od. Nat.
142; Pf. vi. 23, vii. 28,
lxxx. 29, 57, 77, lxxxv. 10,
returned, P. L. ii. 520, 736,
iii. 693, iv. 463, 464, 57 '6 ,
590, v. 30, vi. 25, 187, vii.
135, 552, 567, viii. 245, 285,
337, ix. 57, 58, 67, 226, 278,
401, x. 34, 224, 240, 341,
346, 455, 462, 518, xi. 153,
i>94, xii. 348; P. Ii. i. 318,
324, 439, 467, ii. 61, 79,
140, 172, iii. 181, iv.6'39.
returned, Pf. lxxxv. 4.
returning, P. L. vi. 879, ' x -
850, xi. 859, xii. 6*32 ; P. P.
iii. 130 ; S. A. 1004, 1355 ;
Son. xix. 6\
returns, P. i. i. 140, iii. 41, iv.
812, 906, v. 276, 845, viii.
157; S.^. 1390, 1750; Com.
return'it, P. L. vi. 151, xii.
reveal, P. L. v. 570, xi. 113;
S. A. 50, 383.
reveal'd, P. L. vi. 895, vii. 71,
122, viii. 177, xii. 151, 272,
545; P. R. i. 307, ii. 50 ;
5. ^.29, 491, 782, 800.
reveals, P. P. i. 293.
revellers, P. L. vii. 33.
revelry, L'A/. 127 ; Cum. 103.
revels, P. L. i. 782.
revels^ (verb) P. X. iv. 7&> ;
Com. 985.
revenge, P. X. i. 35, 107, 604,
ii. 105, 107, 128, 129, 337,
371, 987, 1054, iii. 85, 160,
iv. 123, 386, 390, vi. 151,
905, ix. 16'8, 171, 466, x.
242, 1036 ;£. ,4.484, 1591,
reveng'd, P. R. iv. 4 ; S. A.
146'S, 1712.
reverence, P. X. ii. 478, iii.
738, v. 359, viii. 599, ix.
835, 915, xi. 237 ; Arc. 37-^
reverence, (verb) P. X. xi. 346,
reverencM, S. A. 1463.
reverend, P. L. xi. 719; S. A.
326, 1456, 1548 ; Lye. 103.
reverent, P. X. iii. 349, x.
1088, 1100; P. P.ii. 220.
reverfe, P. X. vi. 326, xi. 41.
revile, P. X. x. 118.
reviling, P. JL x. 1048.
revifit, P. X. ii. 13, 21.
rev i fit' it, P. X. iii. 23.
revive, P. L. i. 279, ii. 493, vi,
493, xi. 871 ; Pf. lxxxv. 22.
reviv'd, P. X. vi. 497, ix. 440 ;
Com. 840.
revives, P. X. xii. 420; S. Ac
187, 1704.
reviving, S. A. 1268.
revoke, P. X. iii. 126.
revokes, P. P. iii. 356.
revolt, P. X. i. 33, 6*11, ii. 326,
iii. 117, vi. 262, ix.7; P.P.
i. 359.
revolt, (verb) P. X. vi. 740;
So?i. xii. 10.
revolted, P. X. iv. 835, vi. 31,
x. 534.
revoltcr, S. A. 1180.
revolve, P. P. i v. 281.
revolv'd, P. L. vii. 381, ix. 88;
P.P. i. 259; S.J. 1638.
revolving, P. X. iv. 31 ; P. P.
:. 185.
revolution, P. X. viii. 31, x.
814; Ej).IIobf.U.6.
revolutions, P. X. ii. 597.
reward, P. X. iii. 451, vi. 153,
910, vii. 628, x. 767, xi.
459, 709; P. P. iii. 87, 104;
S. A. 1465.
reward, (verb) P. X. xii. 4-6*1 .
rewarded, S. A. 413.
Rhea's, P. X. i. 513, iv. 279-
Rhene, P. X. i. 353.
rhetorick, P. R. iv. 4 ; Com. 790.
rheums, P. X. xi. 488.
rhime, or rhyme, P. X. i, l6j
Rhodope, P. L. vii. 35.
rhomb, P. X. viii. 134.
rhombs, P. P. iii. 309.
rib, P. X. viii. 466, 469, ix,
912, 1154, x. 884.
ribs, P. X. i. 690, x. 512; Com,
Fich, P,L, u 538, iii. 504, iv.
189, 248,701, v. 355, 636,
vii. 501, x. 292, xi. 407,
793; P. R. ii. 352; S. A.
722; Com. 22, 556; £p. M.
Win. 1 ; Ztoe I. 2; Pf.
lxxxiv. 39.
richer, P. L. xi. 408.
riches, P. L. i. 682, 691, xii.
580; P. it. ii. 427, 449, 453,
458, 484, iv. 298, 536*; Com.
richeft, P. L. ii. 3, x. 446;
S. A. 1479; Orf. Pajf. 44;
Vac. Ex. 21.
richly, P. L. xi. 582; P. it. ii.
340; IlPenf. 159.
rid, P. L. vi. 737-
riddance, P. L. iv. 632.
riddle, P. K. iv. 573; S. A.
1016, 1200.
riddling, S. A, 1064.
ride, P. L. i. 764, ii. 540, iv.
974, x. 475.
ride forth, P. L. vii. 166.
riders, P. it. iii. 314; S. A.
rides, P. L. i. 769, ii. 930;
S. A. 1538.
ridge, P. L. iii. 432, vii. 293,
x. 313, xii. 146, P.R. iv.
29; S.A. 1137.
ridges, P. L. vi. 236.
ridiculous, P. L. xii. 62; P. It,
iv. 342; S. 4. 539, 1501.
riding, P.L. ii. 663.
rid'ft, Com. 135.
rife, P.L. i. 650; 5.4.866;
Com. 203.
rifled, P. £. i. 687.
rift, P. it. iv. 411.
rifted, S. A. 1621 ; CW. 578.
rigg'd, S. 4. 200; Lye. 101.
right, (fubit.) P. L. i. 150, 534,
ii. 18, 231, iii. ill, iv. 881,
v. 728, 794, 795, 815, vi. 43,
452, 709, ix. 611, 676, x.
76, 461, xii, 68, m ; P. ii.
ii. 324, 325, 379, 3S0, iii.
141, 154, 164, iv. 104; S.A.
1056; Son. xv. 11; Pf vii.
26, lxxxii. 5, 27, lxxxiii.
right, (adj.) P. L. i. 247, iii.
62, 98, 155, iv. 443, 541, vi.
42, viii. 572, ix. 352, 570,
x. 747, xi. 666 f xii. 16, 84 ;
Pf. lxxxiv. 44, lxxxvi. 37.
See hand, fide,
right, (adv.) P. L. iv. 202, v.
789, vi. 624, viii. 71; L'Al.
59 ; Com. 854 ; Son. xxii. 9 ;
Ep.Hobf.U. 21.
right againft, P. L. i. 402 ;
L'Al. 59.
right before, P/I v. 24.
right down, P. L. x. 398.
right and left, P. L. vi. 558,
m 569.
right onward, P. L. vi. 831 ;
Son. xxii. 9-
righteous, P. L. i. 434, iii. 292,
vi. 804, x. 30, 644, xi. 701 ;
P. R. i. 206, 425; S. A,
1276 ; Pf. lxxxi. 56.
righteoufnefs, P. L. ix. 1056,
x. 222, xi. 682, 814, xii.
294, 550; Pf. iv. 2, 24, v. 21,
vii. 32 ; Pf. Ixxxv. 43, 53.
rightful, P. L. v. 818; 0.
rightlier, P. X. xi. 697', P. ii.
ii. 123.
rightlieft, P. it. iv. 475.
rightly, P. i. vii. 2. viii. 439,
xi. 159, xii. 418; Od. Sol.
Muf 18.
rights, Com. 125.
rigid, P. L. iii. 212, vi. 83, viii\
334, ix. 685; S. A. 433;
Com. 450.
rigoroufly, P. X. xi. 109.
rigour, P. X. x. 297, 803 ; Com.
rill, P. £.iv. 229; iyc 24,
rills, P. L. v. 6; Xyc. 186;
Cow. 226.
rime, Milton's Pre/, to P. L.
Rimmon, P. L. i. 467.
xind, P. P. i. 206, iv. 249, 335,
v. 342 ; Com. 664-
ring, UAL 93 ; CM. P^ 2 ; P/.
lxxxi. 4.
ring out, Od. Nat. 125.
ringlets, P. P. iv. 306; Arc.
rings, P. X. ii. 495; S. A. 1449;
Son. xxii. 12.
riot, P. P. i. 499, x. 521, xi.
715 ; Com. 172.
riotous, Com. 763,
ripe, P. P. iv. 981, v. 323, xi.
535, xii. 459; P> R> iii. 31,
37; Com. 59, 296.
ripen'd, » v -
2L, viii. 318, x. 448 ; S. A,
1497 ; Vac. Ex. 63 ; Pf. iii.
17, lxxxviii. 67.
rounded, P. L. x. 684.
rounding, P. L. iv. 685.
rounds, P. L. viii. 125.
roufe, P. L, i. 334, iii. 329 ;
HAL 54; Com. 31S; P/. vii.
rous'd, P. Z. i. 377, ii* 287;
S. A. 1690.
routing, S. A. 1382.
rout, P. L. i. 747, ii- 770, 995,
iv\ 3, vi. 387, 59S, 873, vii.
34, x. 534 ; S. A. 443, 674 ;
Lye. 6l ; Com. 533 ; Pf. iii.
put to rout, P. R. ii. 218.
row, P. L. i. 709, 727, iv. 146,
v. 2 12, vi. 572, 6*04, 650, ix.
6'27 ; Od. Nat. 87 ; 0 1009, iv. 522, v.
56*7, vi. 193, 456, 519, 670,
797, 874, ix. 275, 493; P.P.
i. 415, in. 79, iv. 413; S.A.
1043, 126*7,1514,1515,1684;
Son. viii. 14; Pf. i. 16.
ruin, (verb) P. L. iii. 258, v.
228 ; P. R. i. 102.
ruin'd, P. L. i. 593, ix. 906 7
950 ; Od. D. F. J. 43.
ruining, P. X. vi. 86*8.
ruinous, P.L. ii. 921, vi.21t);
P. R. iv. 436\
ruins, P. P. iv. 363.
rule, P.L. iv. 301, 429, v. 297,
vii. 347, viii. 375, x. 582, xi,
031, xii, 24,581; Com. 21. j
rale, (verb) P. X. i. 735, ii.
327, vii. 350, 351, 520, 628,
ix. 1184, x. 196, 493, xi.
339, xii. 226; P.P.ii. 469;
5. A. 56.
rul'd, P. X. i. 5l6, iii. 711, vi.
848, ix. 1127, x. 493, 516;
P. R. i. 49, iii. 159 ; Pf-
cxxxvi. 66.
rules, P. X. xi. 523 ; P. P. iv.
283, 358 ; Com. 759.
rules, (verb) P. X. ii. 351, 907,
vi. 177 ; P.P. i. 236; ii.
466; Com. 876.
ruminating, P. X. iv. 352.
rumour, P. X. ii. 963 ; Lye. 80.
rumour'd, P. X. iv. 817 ; S. A.
rumours, Sow. xv. 4.
run, P. X. iii. 607, 651, v. 181,
vi. 335, vii. 98, 372, viii. 88,
xii. 505 ; P. R. i. 441 ; S. A.
597, 1320, 1522, 1541 ; Com.
147,363, 1013 ; Od.onTime,
1 ; Ep. M. Win. 23.
run back, Od. Nat. 135.
rung, P. X. ii. 655 t 723 y iii. 347,
vi. 204, vii. 562, 633, ix.737.
runners, S.A. 1324.
runneth, Vac. Ex. 95.
running, P. L. vii. 397 ; S. A,
1521 ; L'AL 142.
runs, P. X. iv. 234 ; Od. Nat.
rupture, P. X. vii. 419.
rural, P. X. iv. 134, 247, v.
211, ix. 4,451, 841, xi. 639;
P. R. i. 314; Lye. $2; Arc.
94, 108 ; Cow. 267, 547,952.
rufh, P. X. ii. 534; S.A. 21;
Com. 621.
rum-candle, Com. 338.
rufiYd, P. X. Ji. 726, vi. 215,
600, 749, xi. 743; P. JR. iv.
414; S.A. 1435.
rufhing, P. X. iv. 407, vi. 97,
313; Od.Paf.36,
rumy-fringed, Com. 890.
rufling, P. X. i. 768, ix. 519 i
II Pen/. 129.
ruffet, L'Al. 71.
Ruffian, P. X. x. 431, xi. 394.
ruftick, P. X. xi. 433; P. R. ii.
299 ; Com. 849 J Od. JVaf . 87.
Ruth, Son. ix. 5.
ruth, Lye. 163 ; &m. ix. 8.
Sabbath, P. X. vii. 634.
Sabbath-day, 5. A. 149.
Sabbath-ev'ning, P. X. viii.
Sabean, P. X. iv. 162.
fable, Lye. 22 ; II Pen/. 35 ;
Com. 221,223.
fable-floled, Od.Nat. 220.
fable-vefted, P. X. ii. 962.
Sabrina, Com. 826, 859.
facred, P. X. i. 454, ii. 1034,
iii. 29, 148, 208, 369, iv.
951, v. 557, 619, vi. 25,379,
709, 748, vii. 331, ix. 107,
192, 679> 904, 924, xi. 134,
xii. 21, 341, 509; P. R. i.
231, 488; S. A. 363, 428,
1001; Lye. 15, 102; Arc.
83; Com. 262, 425, 795; Od.
Nat 15,217; Od.Hor. 14;
Pf. lxxxvii. 26.
more facred, P. X. iv, 706.
facrifice, P. X. i. 393, iii. 269,
xii. 232; P. R. i. 457, iii.
83, 116; S. A. 436, 1612;
Sen. 2.
facrifie'd, P. X. xi. 451.
facrifices, S. A. 1312.
facrificing, P. X. xi. 438, xii.
facrilegious, P. R. iii. 140;
#. ^. 833.
fad, P. X. i. 135, ii. 146, 524,
578, 820, 872, iii. 525, iv.
28, 357, 716, v, 94, 116, 564^
vi. 541, ix. 13, 917, 1002,
x. 18, 159, 343, 719, 863,
967, 977, xi. 40, 109, 162,
272, 478, 755, 868, xii. 603,
609 ; P. R. i. 43, 109; S. A.
1551, 1560; Lye. 6, 148;
II Pen/. 43, 103 ; Com. 189,
235, 355; Son. viii. 13, x.
5 ; Od. Paf. 43 ; Od. Cir. 6 ;
Ep. M. Win. 45 ; Vac. Ex.
50; P/lxxxvi. 4.
full fad, P.L. xi.675.
504, 610, 855, xi. 526,
530, 635, xii. 485; P. R. i-
229, ii. 244, iii. 150, 183, iv.
322, 450; Com. 185, 6'32 r
852; Od. Nat. 117; Pf.
lxxxii. ll y Ixxxiii. 45.
faid'ft, P. L. vi. 187, ix. 933,
1157; P. P. ii. 379.
fail, P. L. ii. 422, vi. 534, ix.
515; P. R. iv. 582; Cow?.
fail, (verb) P. L. iv. 159.
fail-broad, P. L. ii. 927-
failing, P. L. ii. 638, iii. 520;
fails, P. L. iii. 439; S. 4. 718.
fails, (verb) P. L. v. 268.
faint, P. L. iii. 484, v. 247, xii.
200; Son. xxiii. 1; Ep. J\L
fainted, Com. 11.
faintly, P. L. iv. 122; P. P.
iii. 93; i/ Pen/. 13; Cow.
453 ; Od. Nat. 42 ; Orf. SoL
Muf. 9.
faints, P. L. iii. 330, 46 1, iv.
762, vi. 47, 398, 742, 767,
801, 882, vii. 136, x. 614, xi.
705 ; P. R. iv. 349 ; S. A.
1288; Lye. 178; Son. xxiiL
1; P/! lxxxv. 32, 33.
faith, P/ ii, 11, viii. 11.
fake, P. L. iii. 238, ix. 993, x.
201, 802, xi. 514, xii. 569;
P. R. iii. 45, 46, 98 ; S. A.
372, 1629; Lye. 114; P/.
vi. 8.
fale, S. A. 1466.
Salem, P. P. ii. 21 ; Od. Paf.
fallow, Cow?. 709.
Salmanaflar, P. P. iii. 278.
fait, P.L. xi. 834; Com. 19.
falvation, P. L. xi. 708, xii. 441 ,
448 ; P. P, i. 167; P/. lxxxv*
&lve, P. R. iv. 12; S. A. 184.
felutation, P. L. v. 386 ; P. P.
ii. 107.
falute, P. P. ii. 67; Od. May-
M.9; Vac. Ex.7,
Samarcand, P. L. xi. 389.
Samaritan. P. P. iii. 359.
fame, P. L. i. 256, iii. 623, iv.
66, 835, v. 83, 490, vi. 176,
viii. 345, 581, x. 571, 826,
xi. 633, 882 ; P. R. u 354 ;
S. A. 232, 786, l6'58 ; Lye.
24 ; Com. 738 ; Son, vii. 11 ;
Vac. Ex. 16; P/. ixxxiii. 67.
Samosd, P, L. x. 696.
Samos, P. L. v. 265.
fampler, Com. 751.
Samfon, P. L. ix. 1060 ; S. A.
126, 341, 438, 445, 733, 766,
1310,1348, 1391, 1563, 1581,
1601, 1615, 1635, 1657,1709,
fan&ity, P. L. vii. 507, viii,
487, x. 639, xi. 837.
fan&ities, P. L. iii. 60.
lanaitude, P. L. iv. 293.
fan&uary, P. L. i. 388, v. 732,
vi. 672, xii. 249; S. A. 1674;
Pf. 1 xxx vii. 3.
fandals, Lye. 187.
iands, P. L. i. 355, ii. 903, iv.
238; Com. 117,209-
fandy, Arc. 97 ; Com. 424.
fang, P. L. iii. 383, vii. 192;
Lye. 186.
fanguine, P. L. vi. 333 ; Lyc.106.
fap, P. L. ix. 837-
fapience, P. L. vii. 195, ix.
797, 1018.
fapient, P. L. ix. 442.
faplings, Arc. 46.
&pphire, P. L. ii. 1050, iv. 237,
vi. 758, 772 ; Corn. 26.
fapphire- coloured, Od. Sol.Muf,
fapphires, P. L. iv. 605*
Samaritans, P. R. iv. 78.
Sarra, P. L. xi. 243.
fat, P. L. i. 360, 602, 639, 735,
795, ii. 5, 300, 304, 417,
962, iii. 63, 408, iv. 30, 196,
v. 299, 433, 597, vi. 100,
446, 747, 763, vii. 587, viii.
41, 287, ix. 1064, 1121, x.
343, 428, 448, 559, 594, 864,
xi. 99> 393; P. P. i. 412, ii.
118,440, iv. 577; & A. 805,
1652; Arc. 43; Com. 293,
453 ; Od. Nat. 59, 87 ; Vac.
Ex.6; Pf.i.4.
Satan, P. L. i. 82, 192, 271,
757, ii. 5, 300, 380, 427,
630, 674, 707, 736, 968, 988,
1010, 1041, iii. 70, 422, 540,
653, 736, iv. 9, 173, 356,
985, 1006, v. 225, 658, 743,
756, vi. 85, 109, 191, 246,
324, 327, 414,469, 557, 607,
900, ix. 53, 75,x. 2, 8, 172,
184, 189, 236, 258, 315, 327,
386, 414, 419, 426, 591, 841,
1034, xii. 391, 394, 430,
547 ; P. R. i. 143, 497, ii.
115, 172, 319, 392, iii. 1,
146, iv. 21, 194, 365, 562,
581, 634.
Satanick, P. £. vi. 392 ; P. R.
i. 161.
Satan's, P. L. xi. 248, xii. 492.
fate, Com. 714.
fated, P. L. ix. 598.
fatiate, P. L. i. 179, vii, 282,
viii. 214, ix. 248, 792.
fatiety, P. L. viii. 216.
fatisfa&ion, P. L. iii. 212, xii.
fatisfied, P. L. ii. 2 12, viii. 180,
x. 79, 804, xii. 535; S. A.
484 ; Od. Cir. 22.
fatisfy, P. L. iii. 295, viii. 584,
x. 803, 991 ; P. R. ii. 229, 785, 867, vii. 249, 309, 337,
254 ; S. A. 837. 352, 395, viii. 43, 26l, 273,
fat'ft, P. L. i. 21, iv. 825; 277,305, 462, 463, 482. ix.
P. P. iv. 425. 592, 646, 1030, x. 184, 334,
Saturn, P. L. i. 512, 519, x. 336,337,448,538,540,715,
583 ; 27 Pen/. 24. xi. 70, 151, 214, 406, 556,
Saturn's, II Pen/. 25; Com. 805. 638, 712, 726, 840, 887;
Satyr, P. R. ii. 191- P- P. i. 79, 319, 330, ii. 60,
Satyrs, Lye. 34. 26'7, 2/0, 288, 289, iii. 310,
favage, P. L. iv. 172, vii. 36, 322; S. A. 793, 1071 ; Com.
ix. 1085; P.P. iii. 23; CW. 182, 291, 294; Od. Nat. 83;
358, 426. J/, cxiv. 7.
favc, (adverb) P. X. i. 182, ii. faws, Com. 110.
814, iii. 427, v. 39, 324, 380, faw'lt, P. L. ii. 796, viii. 446,
655, vi. 691, viii. 409, ix. xi. 471,607, 614,684,707,
478, xii. 258, 291 ; -ft Pen/. 787, xii. 342.
82 ; Ep. M. Win. 7. %, P. L. i. 27, 28, 376, ii. 160,
fave, (verb) P. L. iii. 215, 279, i". 213, iv. 93, 900, 947, v.
307, iv. 855, vi. 538, viii. 512, vii. 40, 640, viii. 228,
82, 133, xi. 820, xii. 410; 505, 549, ix. 562, 566, 617+
P. R. i. 344, iv. 635 ; S. A, 638, 948, x. 158, 575, 668,
24,7, 894; Arc. 48; Com. 396, 671, 755, 808, xi. 879, xii.
&66, 889 ; Son. viii. 14, xvi. 384, 479 ; P. P. i. 450, 474,
13, xxiii. 6; P/I iii. 19, vii. 2, iii. 2, 8,357; S. A. 204, 215,
lxxx. 12, lxxxvi. 7, 60, 337, 799, 1013, 1310, 1392,
Ixxxviii. 1. 1456, 1729; Com. 432, 783 ;
fav'd, P. L. iii. 173; Ep. M. Od. Nat. 15 ; Soph. 1 ; P/. ii.
Win. 36. 6, iii. 5, iv. 25.
faves, P. X. ii. 158, xii. 319, faying, P. X. ii. 466, 871, iv a
P/. vii. 42, Ixxxviii. 29. 536, 797, v. 82, 331, vi. 189,
faving, P. P. ii. 474 ;iy. lxxx v. vii. 395, viii. 300, 644, ix.
13, 27. 179, 385, 780, 834, 900, x.
Saviour, P. L. iii. 412, x. 209, 85, 200, 272, 410; P. R. iv
xii. 393, 544 ; P. P. i. 187, 394, 541.
406, 465, 493, ii. 283, 338, fayings, P. R. ii. 104; S. A. 652,
iii. 43, 121, 181, 266, 346, fay'ft, P. L. v. 818, 853, viii.
386, iv. 25, 170, 285, 367, 612; P. R. iii. 394, iv. 127;
401, 442, 506, 615, 636. S. A. 822, 1580; Ep. Hob/
favour, P. L. ix. 1019, x. 269, II. 25.
xi. 26 ; P. R. ii. 342. fcaffolds, S. A. 1610.
favours, P. L. x. 1043. icalding, P. L. x. 556.
favoury, P. L. iv. 335, v. 84, fcale, P. L. iv. 354, 1014, v.
304, ix. 579, 741 ; L'Al. 84. 433, 509, vi. 245, viii. 591>
faw, P. L. i. 455, ii. 744, 993, xi. 656; P. R. ii. 173.
iih 510, 590, 622, 623, 708, fcale, (verb) P. L. ii. 71.
iv. 1, 127, 179, 286, 847, fcal'd, P. L. iii. 541.
848, v. 456, 491, 714, 715, fcales, P. L. iv. 997, vii. 401,
856, vi. 250, 510, 648, 651, x. 676.
fcaly, P. L. i. 206, ii. 651, vii.
474 ;0d. Nat. 172.
fcan, Son. xiii. 3.
fcandal, P. L. i. 416 ; S. iif . 453.
fcandalous, S. A. 1409.
fcannM, P. L. viii. 74.
fcant, P. L. iv. 628 ; S. A.
1027; Cow. 308.
'fcape, P. £. i. 482, 749, "•
442, iv. 911, x. 5, 1039;
P. P. i. 477 ; S. A. 697 ;
Com. 814;P/.lxxxiii. 64.
'fcap'd, P. L. i. 239, iv. 7, 8,906,
v. 225, xii. 117; 5. A. 1659-
fcapes, P. P. ii. 189.
fear, P. £. ii. 401.
fcarce, P. P. ii. 72, 96, ill- 51,
59, 85, 223, 424, iv. 86;
S.A.6,79, 1546; Ij/c. 119;
Ep. M. Win. 20 ; P/. viii. 15.
fcare, P. L. i. 283, 699, ii. 284,
541, iii. 433, iv. 357, 874, v.
139, 558, 559, vi. 393, 568,
vii. 67, 313, 319, 470, viii.
155, 306, ix. 664, 850, x.
654, 923, xi. 499, 650, 762.
fcarf, Com. 995.
fears, P. L. i. 601.
fcath'd, P.L. i. 613.
fcatter'd, P. L. i. 304, 325, xi.
294, 653 ; Son. xviii. 2.
fcatters, L'^/. 50.
fcene, P. L. iv. 140, xi. 637 ;
P. R. ii. 239, iv. 142.
fcenes, Od. Paff. 22.
fcent, P. L. ix. 587, x. 267,
277 ; S. A. 390, 720.
fcented, P. L. x. 279-
fcents, P. L. ix. 200.
fcepter, P. L. ii. 327, 1002, iii.
339, 340, iv. 90, v. 8 16, 8S6,
vi. 730, 746, xii. 357; P.P.
ii. 486, iii. 405, iv. 480;
S. A % 1303 ; Com. 36, 828 ;
py: ii. 20.
fcepter'd, P. L. i. 734, ii. 43,
xi. 660;// Pen/. 98.
fcience, P. I, i Xs 680.
fchool, P. P. iii. 238 5 5. ^
fchools, P. jR. iv. 251, 277;
Com. 439.
fciential, P. L. ix. 837.
Scipio, P. L. ix. 510; P. P. iii,
feoff, Pf. ii. 9.
fcoffing, P. L. vi. 568, 629-
fcoop, P. X. iv. 336.
fcope, P. X. ii. 127; P.R.U
fcorch, Com. 929.
fcorch'd, P. L. vi. 372.
fcorching, P. L. x. 691.
fcore, S. A. 433 ; Od. Pajf. 4&
fcorn, P. L. i. 178, 619, ii. 697,
iv. 827, 834, 902, v. 904,
906, vi. 632, ix. 299, 951, x,
509, xi. 811, xii. 341; P.R.
i. 415, iv. 550; S. A. 34,
137, 442, 494,646; Pf.W.
8, lxxxvii. 14.
fcorn, (verb) P. L. iii. 199, ir.
966 f ix. 1011; Od. D. F. I.
fcorn'd, P. L. vi, 40, x. 54;
418; S. A. 943.
fcorners, Pf. i. 4.
fcornful, P. L. iv. 536 y vi. 149,
x. 625 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 22.
fcorning, P. L. ii. 134; Com.
fcorns, P. P. iii. 191, iv. 387.
fcorpion, P. L. iv. 998, x. 328,
fcorpions, P. L. ii. 701.
fcorpion's, S. A. 360.
Scots, Son. xvi. 7.
fcour, P. L. vi. 529.
fcourge, P. i. ii. 90.
fcourge, (verb) P. L. iv. 914,
fcourg'd, P. L. x. 311.
fcours, P. L. ii. 633.
fcout, P. L. ii. 133, iii. 543 ;
Com. 138.
fcouts, P. L. vi. 529.
fcowls, P. Lt ii. 49K
fcramble, Lye. 117.
fcrannel, Lye. 124.
fcreen'd, P. R. iv. 30.
fcribbled, P. L. viii. 83.
Scribes, P. R. i. 26l.
fcrip, Com. 626.
fcroll, P. L. xii. 336; Pf,
lxxxvii. 21.
fcruple, P.R. ii. 331.
fcrupled, P. L. ix. 997*
fcrupulous, Com. 108. ;
fcrutiny, P. H. iv. 515.
fculls, P. L. vii. 402.
fculptures, P. L. i. 71 6.
fcum, Cow. 595.
fcumm'd, P. L. i. 704.
fcurf, P. L. i. 672.
Scylla, P. L. ii. 660; Cow.
Scythian, P. P. iii. 301 ; Vac.
Ex. 99.
Scythians, P. R. iv. 78.
fdein'd, P. X. iv. 50.
fea, P. L. f. 208, 300, 451, ii.
287,546,636, 660,912,939,
1011, iii. 363, 440, 472, 518,
604, 653, iv. 161, 432, v.
416, 417, vii. 212, 416,
473, 521, 533, 619, 629,
▼iii. 341, ix. 76, 117, x. 286,
290, 309, 666, 693, 718, xi.
337, 749, 750, 854, 893, xii.
P. R. ii. 344, iii. 258, iv. 28,
72; S. A. 710, 962; Lye,
89 ; Com. 373, 732; Od. Nat,
52; Od.Hor. 16; Pf, vi. 12,
lxxxiii. 28, cxiv. 7.
fea-beaft, P. L. i. 200.
fea-faring, P. L. ii. 288.
fea-girt, Com. 21.
fea-idol, S. A. 13.
feamen, P. L. i. 205.
fea-mews, P. L. xi. 835.
fea-monftcr, P. L. i. 462.
fea-monftcrs, P. L. xi. 751.
fta-nymphs, // Pen/. 21.
fea-paths, Pf. viii. 22.
fea-weed, P. L. vii. 404.
feal, P. L. vii. 409, ix. 1043 5
& ^. 49-
feal, (verb) P. L. iv. 966.
feal up, P. L. x. 637.
feals, P. L* xi. 835 ; Orf. Cir,
Cearch, P. L. ii. 403, iv. 528,
799, ix, 83, x.. 440; ^4rc. 7.
fearch, (verb) P. L. ii. 830, iv.
789, vi. 445, vii. }25 r viii. 66*.
fearch'd, P. L. ix. 76, xii. 377.
fearching, P. R, i. 260.
feas, P. L. iii. 559, vii. 308,
39^, 399, 428, x. 642, 700;
S. A. 96I ; Lye. 154 ; ^rc.
31; Com. 115, 713; Son. viii.
2 ; Od, Cir. 9 ; Ep. Hobf. II.
31; Od. //or. 6.
feaibn, P. L. x. 609; P. Px. ii.
72, iv. 146,380, 468; Lye.
7 ; Z/^/. 89 ; Son. xx. 5 ;
Od. Nat. 35; Pf.i.S.
feafon, (verb) P.L.x. 609.
feafoivM, P. L. v. 850, ix. 200,
xii. 597.
feafons, P. L. iii. 41, iv. 640,
v. 323, vii. 342, 427, 623,
Tiii. 69, x. 678, 1063; P. K.
iii. 187-
feat, P. L. i. 5, 181, 243, 383,
467, 634, ii. 76. 347, 3g4,
674, 931, 1050, iii. 527,
632,669,724, iv. 247, 371 ,
756 y vi. 27, 197, 226, 273,
vii. 141, 329, 623, viii. 42,
299, 557 t 590, ix. 100, 153,
782, x. 85, 237, 424, 6l4,
xi. 148, 343, 386, 388, 407,
408, 418, 575, xii. 457, 642 ;
P. R. ii. 442, iii. 277, 278,
373, iv. 612 ; Lye. l6; Com,
916; Od. Nat. 103, 196; Od.
D F. L 59 ; Brut. 4 ; Pf. i.
3, lxxx. 58, lxxxvi. 35.
feat, (v«rb) P. L. i. 79,0.
Seated, P. L. vi. 644; P. R. iv.
30 ; Pf. lxxxvii. 3.
feats, P. L. i. 383, 796, v. 392,
xi. 82; P. R. ii. 125, iii.
262; S. A. l60J;Co7R. 11.
fecond, P. L. i. 702, ii. 17,
713, iii. 288, 409, 712,
iv. 3, v. 387, vi. 605, 684,
viii. 407, ix. 609, 1001,
x. 591, xi. 64, 859, xii. 7,
13, 35, 162, 321; P. P. ii.
275 ; S. A. 1391 ; Ep. *f.
tf'Mi. 25.
fecond, (verb) P. L. ii. 419, ix.
Secondary, P. L. v. 854.
feconded, P. L. iv. 929, v. 850,
x. 335; S.J. 1153.
fecrecy, P. L. viii. 427 ; S. A.
1002; C. i. 548, vi. 599-
fervant, P. L. vi. 29, x. 214;
P.P. iii. 67; 5. A. 1615 ;
P/.' lxxxvi. 7, 59, exxxvi. 74.
fervant-of-fervants, P. L. xii.
fervant's, Pf. lxxxvi.ll.
fervants, P. L. x. 21-5; S. A*-
1755 ; Cow. 10.
ferve, P. X. i. 263, ii. 999, iii-
680, iv. 943, v. 101, 322,
532, 538, 590, 681, 802, vi.
166, 175, 179,180,183,440,
vii. 1 15, viii. 87, 168, ix. 85,
IO92, x. 727, 767, xi. 517,
881; P.R. i. 316, iii. 375,
431,432, iv. 177; S..A. 267 r
564, 577, 1216; Arc. 105;
Com. 725, 750; Son. i. 14,
xix. 5, 11, 14; Pf. ii. 24,.
lxxxi. 54.
fervM, P. L. i.64, 217, iii. 110,
iv. 398, vi. 599, viii. 34, ixi<
38, 547, xi.60, 518; P. R.
iii. 379; S. ^ 419, 743;
/>,M. /{^ 66\
tferv'd up, Vac. Ex. 14.
ferves, P. L. ii. 385, vii. 614 ;
P. it. ii. 472; 6*. ^.240.
fervice, P. L. i. 149, iv. 45
420, v. 529, ix. 155; P. it.
i. 427, ii. 326; S. ^. 686,
U99; II Pen/. 163; Arc. 38 i
Com. 85; Od. Nat. 194; Vac.
Ex. 30.
ferviceable, P. it. i. 421 ; Od.
Nat. 244.
fervile, P. X. ii. 246, 257, xii.
305 ; P. it. iv. 102 ; S. A. 5,
412,413, 574, 1213.
fervilely, P. L. iv. 959.
fervility, P. L. vi. 169.
ferving, P. it. iii. 378.
fervitude, P L. vi. 175, 178, ix.
141, xii. 89, 132,220; P.P.
iii. 381; S. A. 269, 416,
ferv'ft, S. A. 1363.
feffion, P. i. ii. 514; Od. Nat.
Setia, P. it i v. 117.
fet, P.L. i. 39, 72, 714, iii. 221,
538,587, iv. 51, 6l2, 664, v.
63, 509, 632, vi. 89, 522, 755 y
vii. 349, 376, 385, 583, viii.
67, 227, 324, 382, x. 149,
499, 664, xi. 288, 382, 813,
896; P.R. i. 202, ii. 112,
153, 207, 320, 410, iii. 284,
390, iv. 160, 378, 393, 549,
586, 587, 610; S. A. 255,
317, 496, 1375, 1466, 1624,
1679; L'AU 106, 149; U
Penf. 20; Com. 715; Son. xii.
10, xiii. 12; Od. Nat. 21;
Fore, of Con. 6; Pf. iv. 5, v.
24, viil. 3, 10, lxxx. 62, lxxxi.
22, lxxxv. 44, lxxxvi. 47, 52,
lxxxviii. 26.
fet forth, P. L vi. 310, vii. 427.
fet free, P. L. ii. 822.
fet off, Lye. 80; Com. 801.
fet on, S. A. 1462.
fet open, P. L. Xi. 825,
fet over, P. L. ix. 941.
fet out, P.L. viii. 111.
fet up, P. L. xii. 247.
fets, P. L. ii. 804, v. 357, viil.
632, xii. 52; P. R. iii. 380 ;
S. A. 1572.
fets off, P. L. v. 43.
fetting, P. L. i. 744, iv. 540.
fettle, P. L. i v. 940 ; Son. xvii. 5.
fettled, P. L. ii. 279, vi. 540 ;
Com. 595.
fettlings, Com. 810,
feven, P. L. iii. 481, 648, 654,
ix. 63, x. 673, xii. 158, 255 ;
P. R. iv. 35 ; S. A. 1017.
feven-fold, P.L. ii. 171,iv.9l4 f
feven-times, P. L. v. 223.
feven-times-folded, S. A. 1122,
fevens, P. L. xi. 735.
feventh, P. L. vii. 581, viii.
128, xi. 700.
feventy, P. L. xii. 345.
fever, P. L. ix. 366; Son.xivA,
feveral, P. L. ii. 523, 901, iii.
714, v. 477, 697, vii. 240,
viii. 131 r x. 323, 610, 650;
P.R. iii. 276; Com. 25; Od.
Nat. 234.
fever'd, P. L. ix. 252, 958 ;
Com. 274 ; P/. lxxxviii. 70.
fevere, P. L. ii. 276, 333, iii.
224, iv. 293, 294, 845, v. 807,
ix. 1144, 1169, x. 1095;
P, it. iv. 280 ; Pf. ii. 9, vii.
too fevere, P. L. vi. 825.
feverely, S. A. 788.
fevereft, P. R. ii. l64.
fevering, P.L. i. 704.
feverity, Com. 109*
Severn, Com. 825 ; Vac. Ex. 9$i
fevers, Son. xvii. 11.
fewers, P. L. ix. 38, 446.
fex, P. L. i. 424, iv. 296, viii,
471, ix. 574, 822, x. S9S,
956; S.A.7U, 774,1026.
fexe$, P.L. viii, 151.
textile, P. L. x. 659. ftaggd, Com. 429.
Jhackles, S.A. 1326. &aggy; P. L. iv. 224, vi. 645 ;
ihade, P. I*, iii. 557, 6l5, iv. Lye. 54.
138, 141, '245, 325,451, 532, fhak'd, Od. D. F. I. 44.
672, 693, 868, v. 203, 230, lhake, P. L. vi. 71 2 ; Co//?. 797;
643, vi. 666, 828, viii. 6'53, Od. Nat. 162; P/". Ixxxviii.
IX. 185, 1106, 1110, x. 249, 59, cxiv. 15, cxxxvi. 14.
7l0\ xi. 78 ; P. R. ii. 292, fhaken, P. L. ix. 287.
339 ; S. A. 3 ; Lye. 24, 68 ; flmkes, P. L. ii. 711, \ ii. 4/66 ;
L'Al. 96 • CW. AW. 188; P/ .-//-c. 5S.
lxxx. 41. Shakipeare, XA4/. 133; Ep. /P.
fhude, (verb) P. P. v. 277. 5'4. 1.
ihade to ihade, P. P. ii. 242. iliaUow, P. L. ix. 544 ;. P. P.
fhaded, P. J,, vi. 885, iv. 327 ; UAL 76; Cow. 514 ;
liKides, P. L. i. 6b, 303, ii. 621, Son. i. 6 ; Po/t. «/" Co//. 12.
iii. 734, iv. 23Q, 1015, \ ii. fhaliow-t'earehing, Arc. 41.
331, ix. 408, x. 86l, xi. 270 ; ftiame, P. 7,. i. 1 15, ii. 58, 4p6.
P. P. 1. 194, 296, iv. 243, 564, iv. 82, 313, vi. 340, i\.
404; Luc. 137; L'AL 8; 255, 312. 313, 1058, 10/9,
JlPenf.28; Arc. 42: Com. 1.094, 1007, 1114, 1 lip, x.
62, 1 27, ^66, 335, 429, 52 1 , 113,1 59, 33b'. 540, 555, 906",
580, 984; Son. xiii. 14; xi. 62.9, xii. 102; P. It. iii.
Brut. 1. 136, iv. 14, 189,342; S. A.
fhgwfes, (verb) P. P. ix. 266. 106, 446, 4 57, 597, 1579;
fliadier, I'. L. iv. 705. Son. ix. i I ; (hi. Nat. 40, 80 ;
ihadieft, P. P. iii. 39. Bp. IV. Sh.9\ Pf : vi. 22,
ihridins^, P.P. iii. 357> 509; lxxx. 74, lxxxiii. 60, 64.
P, P. iii. 221. ftiame, (verb) P. L. ix. 384.
ftiadow, P. P. ii. 669, iii. 120, ftiame with flrame, 6'. ^4. 841.
6l9, iv. 470, v. 575, ix. 12, ftiam'd, P. P. i. 401, ix. 1139 ;
x. 264 ; P. Ii. iv. 70. S. A. 563 ; PJ\ lxxxiii. 62.
fhadowM, P.P. v. 284, viii. fliame-fae'd, Od. Nat. Ill,
31 1, ix. J055. ftiamefuVP. L, xii. 413 ; P. /?.
Ihadowipg, P. 7/. vi. 554, 655. iii. 87, iv. 22; S.A. 491,
Jhadows,P.L. xii. 255; //Ptv//! 1043; .So//, xv. 12.
13t; Com. 207,470; Orf. ftiamefully, S. A. 4£9.
Ato. 206, 232. ftiamelefc, CW//. 736.
lVid'.'A v,. P. /,. iv. 776, v. 43, mames, P. /i. iv. 30.).
686, xii. 291, 303 , V. R. iv. fhape, P.P. i, 428, 590, ii.448,
399; L'Al. 108. 64.9, 666.667., 68 1,704, 7 % >6.
It, P. L. iii 377'. 784., id. 631, iv. 288, 305,
'.y./\ L. in. 28, iv. 7:0, v. 398, 461,589, 819,835, 848,
137, 36*7, viii. 262, 286, ix. v. 276, 309, 36'2, \i. 352, viii.
1057 ; P. P .1.30 1 ; 295. 463, ix. 503, 601, x.
Arc. 88 ; Com. 38 ; O/. Nat. 333., 450, 495, 5l6, 574, 86>,
xi. K'9, 239, 297, 467; P.h.
i, P. L. i. 176, iv. 703; ii. 176, Hi. Uj S,A. 1011 ;
P. P. iii Com. 52i 400.
fhap'd, P. L. v. 55.
ihapes, P. L. i. 358, 4-79, 790,
iii.604, v. 105, 111, vi. 753,
ix. 1082, xi. 46'7 ; LAI. 4 ;
II Penf 6 ; Com. 2, 207.
ihare, P. L. ii. 29, 452, x.961 ;
S. A. 53; Com. 76'9; Od.
Cir. 6.
fliare, (verb) P. X. i. 267, ix.
831 ; Son. xv. 14.
ihar'd, P. L. vi. 326"; P.P. iv.S7.
fliarp, P. P. ii. 902, ix. 584, x.
511, 977, xi. 63, 800; P.P.
iii. 324.
fharpen'd, P. P. iii. 620.
fharpening, P. L. iv. 978.
fharpelt, P. L. ix. pi.
(harpeft-figbted, P. P. iii. 691.
lharply, P. P. i. 468.
lhatter, Lye. 5.
fhatter'd, P. P. i. 232, vi. 301 ;
S. A. 1241 ; Com. 799-
(battering, P. X. x. 1066.
lhaven, 6'. A. 540.
Jhaves, P. L. ii. 634.
lheaf, P. P. xi. 435.
{hearer's, Lye. 117.
(hears, Lye. 75, Are. 65 ; Fore.
of Con. l6.
flieaves, P. I* iv. 984, xi. 430 ;
HAL 88.
flied, P. L. iv. 501, viii. 513,
ix.893, x.631 ; P. P. ii.72;
Lye. 149; Cow. 652.
ibed down, P. P. iv. 6'70.
lhedding, P. P. vii. 375.
(beds, P. P. i. 597 ; Com. 323.
Iheen, Cww. S93, 1003 ; Od. Nat.
135; Ep. M. Win. 73.
lheeny, Od. D. F. I. 48.
iheep, Lye. 125; So//, xviii. 6;
Od.Nat.9l; Pf- lxxx. 3.
(heep-cote, P. P. ii. 287, 2S8.
iheep-hook, Lye. 120.
iheep-walks, P. P. xi. 431.
il^er, P. L. i. 742, iv. 182, vi.
325; P. R. iv. 419.
ihcets, Pyc. ill.
(hell, P. L v. 342 ; P. ft. ii,
345; Com. 231, 873.
(hells, P. L. vii. 407.
fhelter, P. P. vi. S43 ; P. P. iii.
221; Cow. 62; Pf lxxxviii.
ftielter, (verb) P. L. ii. 167 ;
P. P. ii. 73.
fhclter'd, P. L. ii. 233, 824 ;
P. P. iv. 406, 407.
ftielters, P.P. ix. 110p.
(Ivelves, Com. 117.
fhepherd, P. P. i. 8, xi. 436;
P. P. ii. 439 ; Lye. 39 ; IA#.
67; Cow. 93, 271,307,321,
330, 493, 509, 615, 619, 823,
908; Pf. lxxx. 1.
(hepherd's, Lye. 65.
fhepherds', Lye. 49; Od. Cir. 3.
(hepherds, P. L. iv. 185, xi.
650, xii. 365 ; P. R. i. 244 ;
Lye. 165, 182; i#rt\ 1, 96;
Cow. 848, 958 ; Od. Nat. 85.
(hew, J7 Pen/'; 171 ; Cow. 512 ;
P/. lxxxv. 26, Ixxxvi. 54,
See alfo (how.
(hew'th, Son. vii. 4.
Shibboleth, S. A. 298.
(hield, P. P. i. 284, 565 f iv.
785, 990, vi. 192, 255, 543,
x. 542 ; P. R. iv. 405 ; S. A.
132, 284, 1122, 1434; Com.
447, 658 ; Od. Nat. 55 ; Pf.
iii. 7, v. 39, lxxxiv. 31, 41.
(hields, P. L. i. 548, 66s. iv.
553, vi. S3, 102, 305, 337,
840, ix. 34.
(hi ft, Cow. 273.
lhifter, Ep. Hobf. I. 5.
Jhifts, P. L. ix. 515; P.P. iv.
308 ;S.^. 1116, 1220; Cow.
fhin'd, Son. xxiii. 11.
fliine, (fubit.) Od. Nat. 202.
(nine, P. P. iii. 52, 134, iv.
657, 675, vi. 74$, vii. I OS,
viii. 155, ix. 104, x. ()52 ;
P.P. i.9'oi0d. D.F.I. 34;
Cd.on Time, 16 ; Pf. lxxx.
15, 31, 79, exxxvi. 33.
fhine forth, Pf. lxxx. 7.
ihincs, P. L. iii. 386, 723, iv.
363, v. 20, vii. 380, viii. 94 ;
5. A. 1052.
fhining, P. X. ii. 757, iii. 668,
670, iv. 283, v. 259, vii. 401;
Arc. 15.
(hip, P..L. ix. 513; 5.^.714.
(hipwreck'd, S. A. 198.
fhiver'd, P. L. vi. 389 ; Pf. ».
(hivering, P. L. x. 1003 ; Pf.
cxiv. 7.
(hivcrs, P. P. iv. 19,
fhoaling, P. L. x. 288.
(hoals, P. L. vif. 400.
(hock. P. L. ii. 1014, vi. 207,
x. 1074 ; Pf. lxxxi. 65.
(hone, P. L. i. 537, 599, 67%
ii. 304, iii. 139, 268, 363,
508, 565, 597, 713, iv. 292,
vi. 720, 768, vii. 196, 499,
x. 682, IO96.
(hook, P. L. i. 105, ii. 353,
672, 882, iii. 394, v.2S6,vi.
219, 833, ix. 1124, xi. 492;
S.A. 1650; Lye. 1J2.
fhoon, Com. 635.
(hoot, Com. 81.
(hoot forth, P. L. vi. 480.
(hooting, P. L. iv. 556 ; Arc. 16.
(hoots, P. L. ii. 1036, iii. 586 ;
Com. 99, 296; Pf. lxxx. 56.
(hops, Com. 7l6.
(hore, P.P. i. 284, 310, 585,
ii. 66l, 912, 1011, iii. 537,
iv. 162, v. 339, vii. 210, x.
666, 696, xii. 143, 199, 215 ;
P. It. iv.93,238, 330; S.A.
537, 96'2 ; Lye. .183; Com.
49; Od.Nat. 182.
without fhorr, P. L. xi. 750.
fhores, P. L. vii. 417, ix. 117,
1118; Lye. 154; Com.2Mj.
(horn, P. X. i. 59o' ; ix. 1062 ;
& A. 1Q24.
fhort, P.L. i. 797, iv. 102, 53*5,
v. 562, ix. 50, 248, 250, 963,
xi. 147, 184,554, 628; P. P.
i. 56, iv. 287; S.A. 670 ;
Son. xiii. 4; 0c?. D. P. 7. 60 ;
Ep. M. Win. 9.
(horten'd, Od. Paff. 6 ; Ep. M.
Win. 52.
(horter, P. P. iv. 595 ; P. P. $;
fhorteft, P. P. x. 1005.
lhortly, 5, ^f. 598.
(hot, P. P. i. 172, ii. 67, iii.
618, iv. 658, v. 141, viii. 62 9
ix. 72 ; P. P. iii. 323.
(hot down, P. P. v. 301.
(hot forth, P. L. v. 15, vi. 849.
(hot through, P. L. vi. 15.
(hot up, Pp. iV/. Win. 40.
(hove, Xyc. 118.
(houlder, P. P. v. 279 ; Pf.
lxxxi. 22.
(houlders, P. X. i. 287, ii. 306,
iii. 627, iv. 303 ; P. R. ii.
462 ; S. A. 146, 1493 ; It
Penf. 36.
(hout, P. P. i. 542, ii. 520, iii.
345, vi. 96, 200, vii. 256, x.
505 ; S.A. 1472, 1510, l620 f
Com. 103.
(houting, S. A. 1473.
(how, (fubft.) P. P. iv. 122,
viii. 538, ix.492, 665, x. 187,
442, 883, 1004 ; P. R. ii. 226,
459, iv. 110; Son.xxi. 12.
(how, P. L. ii. 273, iii. 255,
iv. 558, vi. l6l, 627, vii.
406, viii. 115, x. 870,
1065, xi.357, 384, 709, xii.
123; P.P. i. 141, iv. 554;
S.A. 58, 910, 1340, l60J,
l6'44 ; Arc. 79 r Co?n. 6'2J ',
Od. Nat. 227 \ 0d. D. F. I.
61 ; Pf iv. 26.
(how'd, P. L. vii. 555, xi. 245 ;
Od. D.F.I. 35; Fp. II*lf
Pww'dil, 5'. ^.781*
&ow forth, P.R. iii. 124.
fnovver, P. X. ii. 49 1, vi. 545 ;
It Pen/. 127; Ep.MJVin.40.
fhower, (verb) P. X. x. 662, xi.
883, xii. 124.
ftowerd, P. X. iv. 152, 773, v.
(howers, P. X. iv. 646, 653, v.
190; P. P. iii. 324; %c.
140 ; Pf. lxxxiv. 24.
(howers-, (verb) P. X. ii. 4.
ihowery, P. X. vi. 759.
fliown, P. X. i. 218, iv. 1012,
vi. 247 ; P. R. i. 276, ii. 13,
51, 84, iii. 350, 401, iv. 88;
S. A. 994, 1475 ; Com. 745 ;
Pf. cxiv. 5.
fhow'ft, P. X. ii. 818 ; P. # iv.
Jhows, (fubft.) P. X. iv. 316,
viii. 575.
(hows, P. X. viii. 553, xi. 194 ;
P. R. iii. 286, i v. 220, 221.
fhrewd, Com. 846.
fhriek, Od. Nat. 17S.
fhriek'd, P. P. iv. 423.
Shrieks, UAL 4,
drill, P. X. v. 7 ; L'Al. 56.
ihrine, P. L. iii. 379, vii. 360,
xi. 13; P. P. i. 438; Arc.
36 1 Com. 267; Od. Nat. 17 6.
fhrin'd, P. X. vi. 672.
ftirines, P. X. i. 388.
ihrink, P. X. ii. 205, iv. 925,
xi. 846; P. R. ii. 223; Com.
fhrinks, Or/. JBfaf. 203.
fhroud, P. X. x. 106S ; Lye.
22; Co/w. 316; Od. Nat.
fhrouded, P. R. iv. 419.
fhrouds, P. X. ii. 1044; Cow.
flirub, P. £. iv. 696, v. 349,
vii. 322, viii. 517.
fhrubby, Coin. 306.
fhrubs, P. X. iv. 176.
ihrunk, Lijc. 133.
fhuddering, P. X. ii. 6l6; Com.
fhun, P. X. ii. 531, 810, viii.
327, 328, ix. 483, x. 339,
fhunn'd, P. X. i. 606, ii. 679*
1019, iv. 319, ix. 331,699;
P. R. i. 414 ; -Son. ix. 2.
fhunning, P. L. ix. 1108.
fhunn'ft, II Pen/. 61.
fhut, (fubft.) P. X. ix. 278.
ihut, P. X. ii. 358, 776, 883,
iii. 193, 333, ix. 691, xi.
faft fhut, P. L. viii. 240.
fhut out, P. X. iii. 50.
fhut up, S. A. l60.
fhuts, Com. 978.
Sibma, P. X. i. 410.
Sibyl, Vac. Ex. 69.
Sichem, P. X. xii. 136,
Sicilian, Xyc. 133.
lick, P. X. xi. 490.
ficken, Od.Nat. 137-
iicken'd, Ep. Hobf.\\.l5.
ficknefs, P. X. xi. 524 ; S. A.
fide, P. X. i. 78, 207, 232,
782, ii. 101, 871, 1006, iii.
366, iv. 257, 484, 485, v.
11, 393, vi. 133, viii. 536,
ix. 265, 965, 1153, x. 8S1,
xi. 176, 246, 731, xii. 641 ;
P. R. ii. 136, 184, iii. 154,
255, iv. 25 ; S. A. 1432 ;
L'Al. 55; Com. 185, 283,
295, 1009 ; Od. PaJ. 21 ; Pf.
Ixxx. 45.
fide-by-fide, P. X. iv, 741.
fide-to-tide, Com. 313.
fide, (verb) P. X. ii. 905.
fidelong, P. X. iv. 333, vi. 197,
ix. 512.
each fide, P. X. i. 578, x.
388 ; P. R. iv. 33 ; S. A.
either fide, P. X. ii. 649, iv.
695, vi.221, 844, x. 415.
every fide, P. L. vi. 554; 56l, 683, 828, 867, xi. 19,
P. R. i. 295. 184, 201, 281,413,41s, 448,
hither fide, P. L. iii. 722, xi. 463, 494, 555, 872, 890, xii.
574. 9; P-R- '-271, 310, ii. 56,
left fide, P. L. ii. 755, viii, iii. 351, iv. S6; S. ^. 67, 93,
465. 152, 157, 196, 645, 914,
other fide, P. L. ii, 108, 706, 1117, 1294, 1415, 1542,
iv. 179, 985, ix, 888; 1620, 1687; H Ptnf. 14;
P. R. iv. 159 ; S. A. 246, Son. xxii. 4, xxiii. 8, 10 ; Od.
768, l609, Kat. 109; Od.on Time, 18;
right fide, P. L. vi.327. P/. v. 12, vii. 28, Ixxx. 10.
that fide, P. L. iii. 427- in fight, S. A. 24.
this fide, P. L. iii. Jl f xii. fights, P. L, i. 64, xi. 411;
114; P.P. ii. 23. L'AL iv. 129,
fide-board, P. R. ii. 350. fign, P. X. i. 672, ii. 760, iv.
fide-to^fidc, Son. xxii, 12, 428, 998, 1011, v. 194, vi.
fideral, P. X. x. 693. 58, 776, viii. 342, 514, x.
fide-ways, Ep. M. Win. 42. 1091 , 1 103, xi. 351, 860, xii,
fides, P.L. i.6l,iv. 135; S.A, 442; P. R. ii. 89, 119, iv.
1241 ; UAL 32 f 483 ; Com. 654 ; Pf. Ixxxvi,
all fides, P, L. ii. 1015, vi. 61.
335, x. 507. fignal, P. L. i. 278, 347, 776,
fiding, Com. 212. ii. 56, 717, v. 705, viii. 632,
Sidonian, P. L. i. 441. xi. 72, xii. 593 ; S. A. 338.
fiege, P. L. ii. 343, ix. 121, xii. figns, P. L. i. 605, iv. 429, v.
74. 134, vi. 789, vii. 341, ix. 1077,
fieges, S. A. 846. xi. 182, 194, xii. 175; P. R.
Sierra Liona, P. X. x. 703. i. 394, iv. 489; Com. 5/2,
fift, P. R. iv. 532. 845.
figh, P. L.xi. 147. filence, P. L. i. 83, 56l, 797,
figli'd, P. L. ii, 788, ii. 43 1, 994, iii. 218, iv. 600,
fighing, P. X, xi. 147; 0d. Nat. 604, v. 39, 557, 668, vi. 64,
186; Pf. vi. 11. 385, 408, vii. 106, 2l6, 594,
fighs, P.L. i. 621, iv. 31, x. ix. 895, x. 353,459, xi. 699;
1090, 1102, ix. 5, 23, 31 ; P, It, iv. 22, 43; S. A. 49,
P. R. ii. 65 ; S. A. 392 ; 0d. 236, 428, 864 ; 77 Penf. 55 ;
Cir. 8 ; Pf. ixxxviii. 6\ Com. 250, 552, 557 ; Od. Cir,
fight, P. X. ii. 745, 749, iii. 43, 5 ; Vac. Ex. 5.
^55,61, 256, 554,4)15,655, filent, P.L. ii. 547, 582, iii.
iv. 34, 217, 287, 319, 505, 267, iv. 647, 654, 9^, v. 39,
573, 577 ', 658, v. 46, 138, 202, vi. 523, 882, vii. 444*
257, 308, 448, 536, 6()*5,7H, viii. \63, ix. 195, 1063;
765, vi. 36, 111, 118, 191, P. R. ii. 261; S. A. 87,
792, 86'2, vii. 185, 368, viii. 3732 ; Com. 481 ; If, lxxxiri,
41,63, 120, 461, 527, ix. 91, 1.
294,310,451,517,565,861, filently, P. L. ii, 842, v, 130,
693, x. 223, 524, 350, 538, filk, Com. 710".
*Utvn,P.ll. iv. 76; 5. ^.730;
Od. D.V.I. 2.
filly, Od. Nat. 92.
Silo,- S. A. 1674.
Siloe's,P. L. i. 11.
iilver, P. L. iii. 595, 644, iv.
609, vii. 437 ; Arc. 16; Com;
• 222, 865 ; Od. Nat. 128.
filver-bulkin'd, Arc. 33.
filver-fhafted, Com. 443.
Simeon, P. P. i. 255, ii. 87.
iimilitude, P. L. iii. 384, vii.
520, xi. 512.
Simon, P. P. ii. 7.
iinapie, P. L. xii. 365 ; P. P.
ii. 348.
fimples, Com. 627.
fimplicity, P. L. iii. 687, iv.
fimply, P. L. xii. 569.
fin, P. L. i. 485, ii. 76O, 1024,
iii. 177, 464, iv. 517, 758,
840, vi. 396, 506, 691, vii.
546, ix. 12, 2£)2, 327, 1003,
1044, x. 16', 133, 172, 230,
234, 251, 352, 407, 473,490,
586, 590,631,635,708,791,
xi. 55, 427, 519, 678, xii.
285, 289, 290, 429, 431, 443,
474; P.P. i. 73, 159, iii.
147; S. A. 313, 499, 504,
1357; Con?. 126, 456, 465;
Od. Nat. 138; Od. Cir. 12;
Od. D. F. I. 66; Od. Sol.
Muf. 1 8 ; Fore, of Con. 4 ; Pf.
iv. 19, Ixxx. 74, lxxxiv. 40,
lxxxv, 7p
fin-born, P. L. x. 596.
fm-bred, P. L. iv. 315.
fin-worn, Com. 17 .
Sinaean, P. L. xi. 390.
Sinai. P # L f i, 7, xii. 227; Od.
Nat. 158.
fmcc, P. L. i, 116, 118, 144,
245, 582, ii. 197, 223, 817,
iii. 3, 495, iv. 69, 71, 193,
323, 341, 581, 6l2, 905,
X008, v. 71, 363, 774, 843,
vi. 154, 433, 686, 702, 820,
vii. 80, viii. Ill, 347, 645,
ix. 25, 60, 140, 174, 360,
412, 497, 672, 699, 710,
1019, 1070, x. 170, 233, 241,
251, 793, 853, 962, xi. 74,
85, 148, 160, 393, 509, 524,
xii. 83,90, 6i3; P.P. i. 51,
52, 147, 484, ii. 100, 107,
358, iii. 122, iv. 172, 368;
S.A. 165, 843, 884, 1502;
Od. D. F. I. 8 ; Pf. vii. 38.
fineere, P. L. iii. 103, 192, ix.
320, x. 915, xi. 443; P.P.
ii. 480, iii. 435 ; 8, A. 874.
fmcerely, Com. 454; Od. on
Time, 14.
fincereft, P. L. x. 37.
finews, S. A. 1142 ; Com. 6l5;
Vac. Ex. 1.
finful, P.L. iii. 186, viii. 506,
xi. 105; P.P. i. 162 ; Od.
Nat. 41.
iinfulnefs, P. L. xi. 360.
fing, P. L. i. 6, ii. 242, 547,
553, vi. 744, vii. 24, xi. 619,
xii. 244, 324 ; P. R. i. 2, iv.
339; Eye. 10, 180; VAl. 17;
IlPenf.48, 105, 143; Arc.
65, 86; Com. 623, 983; Son.
i. 9, xiii, 13; Od. Nat. 5;
Od. Paf. 4 ; Od. Sol. Muf.
28 ; Vac. Ex. 45 ; Pf. vii. 63,
lxxxi. 1, 2; lxxxvii. 25.
fmged, P. L. i. 236, 614 ; Com.
fingeth, VAL 65.
finging, P. L. iv. 684, v. 198 ;
P. P. i. 171 ; Lye. 180; VAl.
42; CW. Sol. Muf. 16; Fee.
Pr, 63.
fingle, P. L. iii. 469, iv- 856,
v. 552, 903, vi. 30, 233, vjii.
403, viii. 423, ix. 325, 339,
536, x. S17, xi. 644, 703;
P.P. i. 323, iv. 384, 517;
5.^.344, 1092, 1111,1210,
1222 ; Com. 204, 369, 402;
fingly, P. L. i. 379 1 S. A. 244.
lings, P. X. iii. 39, iv. 769;
L'Al.7; Vac. Ex. 37.
fmg'ft, Cow. 567.
Angular, P. X. v. 851.
Angularly, P. it. iii. 57.
unifier, P. X. x. 886.
fink, P. X. iii. 331.
finks, P. X. ii. ^50 ; Lj/c. 168.
finlefs, P. X. vii. 6l, ix. 659,
x. 690 < P. P. iv. 425.
finn'd, P. X. vi. 402, x. 229,
516, 790, 930, xi. 427.
finners, Pf i.3, 14.
finning, P. X. vi. 66l.
fins, P. X. iii. 233, xii. 283,
316, 416; P.P. i. 266. .
fins, (verb) P. X. iii. 204.
finuous, P. X. vii. 481.
Sion, P. X. i. 10, 386, 442, iii.
30, 530 ; Pf. ii. 13, lxxxiv.
28, lxxxvii. 18.
Sion's, P. X. i. 453; P. it. iv.
347 ; Pf. lxxxvii. 5.
fip, Cow. 811.
fips, //Pew/172.
fire, P.X. ii. 264, 817, 849, i v.
144, 712, 719, v. 350, vi. 95,
viii. 39, 218, 249, xi. 460,
719, 736, 862, xii. 368, 46V;
P. P. i. 86, 233 ; S. A. 326,
1456; L^c. 103; Vac. Ex.
Sirocco, P. I. x. 706.
firs, Son. xi. 8.
Sifera, S. ^. 990; Pf lxxxiii.
finer, P. X. vii. 10; X'^/. 15;
II Penf 18; Com. 350, 36'5,
407, 414, 486.
fitters, P. L. x. 674; lye. 15,
99; i7*. exxxvi. 34.
lifter's; Cow. 40S.
lit, P. X. ii. 54, 56, 139, 329,
359, 377, 859, ni. 315, v.
369, viii. 210, ix. 3, 164,
KH/8, x. 235, 421; P. R. i.
ii, .",6fi. 377, 431. iii.
153, iv. 123, 146; S.A.A,
566, 1017, 1500, 1608 ; II
Penf 170; Arc. 64; Cow.
382, 625, 659; Od. Nat. 11,
68, 144, 244; Od. Paff. 41 ;
Pf. lxxxiii. 3.
fithe, P. L. x. 6o6;L'Al. 66,
fits, P. X. i. 785, ii. 243, 456,
731, 803, 907, iii. 57, v. 25,
vi. 671, 892; Arc. 91; Com.
389, 818, 881,957, 1002 ; Od.
Nat, 202 ; Od. Sol, Muf 8 ;
Ep. M. Win. 18.
fit'ft, P. L. iii. 376, iv. 578, v.
156; Ep. M. Win. 6l ; Pf
lxxx. 5.
Sittim, P.L. i. 413.
fitting, P. X. ii. 164, iv, 829;
P. P. ii. 212, iii. 164, iv.
107; S. A. 1491; // Penf.
40; Arc. 18; Ccwt, 472, 860.
fitting ftill, P. X. viii. 89.
fituate, P. X. vi. 641,
fituation, P. L. i. 60.
fix, P. X. v. 277, vii. 568, 601,
viii. 128, ix. 137; P.P. i.
210; Ep. Hobf. II. 20.
fixth, P. X. vii. 449.
fize, P. X. i, 197, vi. 352;
S.J, 1249.
ikies, X'^/. 43; 7/ Pew/. 39;
Cow. 242; Od.PaJ.U.
fkiff, P. X. i. 204.
fkilful, P. X. ix. 513.
fkill, P. X. ii. 272, viii. 573, ix.
39, 1112; P. P. iii. 17, iv.
40, 52, 552; S. A. 757; Arc.
79 ; Cow. 273 ; Son. xiii. .*>.
fkill'd, P. X. ix. 42 ; P. Ii. ii,
l6l ; Cow. 523, 620.
fkin, //or. i. 6.
ikins, P.X. x. 217, 220.
flcip. Pf cxiv. 11.
fkipt, P/: cxiv. 13.
Ikirt, P. L. vi. 80.
Ikiitcd, P.X. v. 282.
fkirts, P. X. iii, 380, v. 187, xi«
332, 882.
fty, P. X. i. 45, 730, ii. 534,
710, iii. 324, 426, 514, iv.
455, 721, 988 3 v, 189, 267,
. vi. 772, vii. 287, 442, viii.
258, ix, 1002, x. 1064, xi.
209, 742, xii. 182; P. R. ii.
156, iv. 453; S. A. 1472,
1610; Lye. 171 ; Com. 957,
fky-robes, Com. 83.
fky-tin&ured, P. X. v. 285.
pack, (adj.) P. L. ix. 892;
P. R. iii. 398 ; Pf. ixxxv. 2.
viii. 7,
Slacken, P. X. ii. 214 ; P. R. ii.
{lacken'd, & ^. 738.
fiacknefs, P. X. xi. 634.
flain, P. X. x. 217, xi. 455, xii.
414; S.A. 439, 1516, 1664,
1668 ; Son. xviii. 7 ; Sen. 1 ;
Pf lxxxiii. 38, Ixxxviii. 19.
flake, Od. D. F. I. 66.
glanderous, P. X. xii. 536.
flant, P. X. x. 1075.
(lave, S.A. 1224, 1392.
flaveries, S. A. 485.
Slavery, S. A. 418 ; P/ exxxvi.
(laves, P. X. xii. 167; S. A. 41,
367, 1162.
flavifh, S. A. 122; Cow. 218;
Pf lxxxi. 21.
(laughter, P. X. vi. 506, xi.
659; P- #• Hi. 75; 5. A.
1518, 1583.
flaughter'd, S. A. 1530, 1667;
So??, xviii. 1.
ilaugbtering, Od. D. F. I. 68.
flay, Od. D.F.I. 21.
flaying, S.A. 1517.
{leek, Lye. 99 ; X'^. 30; So?z.
xi. 10.
(leek-enamell'd, P. X. ix. 525.
fleek'd, P. P. iv. 5.
fleeking, Cow, 882.
deep, P f X. iji, 329, iv. 449,
614, 658, 735, 826, 883, y.
3, 96, 120, 668, 673, 679,
vii. 106, viii. 253, 287, 458,
ix. 190, 1044, 1049, x. 779*
xii. 434, 611 ; P. R. iv. 409;
S. A. 459, 629; II Penf
146; Com. 122, 554; Od.
Nat. 155.
fleep, (verb) P. X. iv. 678,
773, 826, x. 779, xi. 368 ;
P. iL^ii. 284; Pf. iv. 38,
Ixxxviii. 18.
fleeping, P. X. i. 333, viii. 463,
ix. l6l, xii. 608; P. R. i.
311; S.A. 990, 1113; Od.
Nat. 242 ; Vac. Ex. 64.
fleeplefs, P. X. xi. 173 ; P. £.
ii. 460.
fleeps, P. X. ii. 489, iii. 6S6,
vii. 414, viii. l6"4.
fleep'fl, P. X. v. 38, 673 , Lye.
Aeepy, P. X. ii. 73.
fleet, P. Jl. iii. 324.
fleights, P. X. ix. 92.
flender, P. L. iv. 304; Od.
Hor. 1.
flept, P. X. iv. 707, 771, v. 654,
ix. 187; P. P. ii. 263, 271,
iv. 407, 413 ; Pf iii. 13.
flept'ft, P. X. xi. 639.
flew, P. X. xi. 609, 678.
flew'ft, 6'. ^. 439.
flide, Vae. Ex. 4; P/I lxxxvi.
Aiding, Cow. 892 ; Od. Nat. 47.
flight, P. X. iv. 181 ; P. P. iii.
109, 349, iv. 155; S.A. 59,
1229; Pac. Ex. 19.
flight, (verb) P. X. vii. 47;
5. ^. 940.
flighted, Lye. 65.
flighteft, P. R. iii. 128.
flighting, P.P. ii. 124.
llightly, P. X. iv. 967', P. P. ii.
flime, P. X. ix. l65, x. 298,
flimy, P. X. x. 286.
fling, P. X. x. 633.
flingers, S. A. 1619.
flip, P. X. i. 178; Com. 743;
£ J p. 3^. Win. 35.
flipping, P. P. iv. 216.
flips, Od. Nat. 2S4.
flipt, Com. 498.
flits, Xyc. 76.
flop'd, Lye. 31.
flope, P. X. i. 223, iv. 26l, 591 ;
Com. 98.
floth, P. X. ii. 227, vi. 166, xi.
flothful, P.X.ii. 117.
flough, Ep. Hobf. I. 4.
flow, P. L. ii. 337, 582, 902,
iii. 193, iv. 173, vi. 533, viii.
110, x. 692, xi. 207, xif.
648; P. R. iii. 172, 224;
Lye. 103 ; II Pen/. 76 ; Com.
232, 1015; Son. vii. 9; P/.
lxxxv. 55, lxxxvi. 55.
flow-endeavouring, Ep. IV. Sh.
flow-pae'd, P. X. x. 960.
floweft, P. L. x. 859-
flowly, P. X. iv. 541.
flue'd, P. X. i. 702.
fluce, P. L. v. 133 ; ^rc. 30.
fluces, P. X. xi. 849-
ilumber, P.X. L 377 ; X'^/.
146 ; Com. 110, 260, 1001.
flumber, (verb) P. X. i. 321.
flumber'd, P. X. iv. 24.
flumbering, P. X. i. 203, ix. 23 ;
UAL 54 ; Arc. 57.
flumberous, P. X. iv. 6l5.
fluinbers, P. X. vii. 29.
flunk, P. X. iv. 602, ix. 784,
fly, P. X.iv. 347,537;957, ix.
256,613; P. P.ii. 115; Co///.
525, 571.
foal!, P. X. i. 204, 575, ii, S3,
258,607,5)22, iii. 428, v. 258,
.322, vi. 311, 437, vii. $6&,
486, viii. 92, 105, ix. 6^,
1018, x. 306, xi. 734, 753,
xii. 566; P.R. i. 66 t 403,
iii. 56, iv. 35, 92, 564; S.A.
1223, 1261 ; Com. 295, 620,
629 ; Vac. Ex. 9, 16.
fmaller, P. X. vii. 433.
fmalleft, P. X. i. 779, 789, ii.
1053, vi. 137, vii. 477;
P. R. i. 450.
fmart, P. X. iv. 102 ; Od. Cir.
25 ; Od. D. F. I. 69.
fmear'd, P. X. xi. 731 ; Com.
fmell, P. X. ii. 664, iv. 165,
217, 265, v. 14, viii. 527, ix.
197, 450, 581, 740, 852, x.
272, xi. 38, 281; P.R. ii.
351; S.A. 544.
fmell, (verb) P. L. v. 411.
fmelling, P. X. vii. 319.
fmells, P.X. v. 127, 379; P-#.
ii. 365; Cow. 99 1.
fmelt, //Wo/*. 2.
fmilM, P. X. iii. 364, 6SS, iv.
499, v.378, vi.784, vii. 502,
viii. 265, 851, x. 679; Com.
fmile, P. X. ii. 486, iv. 7^5 f
viii. 368, 618; P. P.ii. 193.
fmile, (verb) P.X. iii. 257;
S. A. 94S, 1057.
fmilcs, P. X. iv. 337, ix. 222,
239, xi- 624 ; VAl. 28.
fmiles, (verb) P. X. iv. l65 r
500, v. 124, ix. 480.
fmiling, P. X. iv. 903, v. 168,
718, xi. 175; P. R. i. 129;
Od. Nat. 151.
fault, P. X. iii. 29.
finite, P. X. vi. 324 ; Xj/c. 131.
fmites, Arc. 52.
fmitten, P. 7i. iv. 562.
fmoaks, UAL 81.
fin oaky, Co;?/. 324.
fmoko, P. X i. 237, 671, ii.
889, 928, vi. 57, 585, 7^ i
Com. 5, 6'55.
fmok'd, P. X. 1. 493.
f moking, Pf. Ixxx. 19.
ftnooth, P. X. i. 450, 725, ii.
8 16, 902, iv. 459, 480, v.
342, vii. 409, viii. 166', ix.
1095, x. 305, xi. 615 ; P.P.
i.479, ii- 16'4, iv. 295;^.^.
872, 1049; Arc. 84; Com.
290, 825 ; Son. xiii. 8 ; Vac.
Ex. 100 ; Pf. v. 28.
fmooth-dittied, Com. 86.
fmooth-hair'd, Com. 716.
fmooth-fiiaven, II Penf. 66.
imooth-iliding, P. L. viii. 302 ;
Lye. 86.
imoothed, P. X.i. 772, iv. 120.
fmoother, Son. xx. 6.
fmoothing, UPtnf. 58.
fmooths, P. X. v. 626.
fmote, P. X. i. 298, iv. 244, vi.
250, 591, x. 295, xi. 445 ;
S. A. 990 ; P/: iii. 20, cxxxvi.
fmouldering, Od. Nat 159.
fmutty, P. X. iv. 817-
fnake, P. L. in. 91, 6l3, 643,
x. 218, xi. 426; S. A. 763.
fnaky, P. X. ii. 724, vii. 484,
x. 559; P. it. i. 120; Od.
Nat. 226.
fnaky-headed, Cow. 447.
fiiare, P. X. iv. 8, xi. 165, xii.
31; P.P. i. 441, ii. 454;
, S. A. 230, 532, 931 ; Com.
fnare, (verb) P. X. x. 873.
fnares, P. X. x. 897 ; P.ii. iii.
191, iv. 611 ; 6'. A 409, 845;
Com. 164; Od Pajj\ 11.
fnatch, P. ii. ii. 56.
fnatch'd, P.L. x. 1025, xi.
670 ; Com. 815.
fneezc, P. ii. iv. 458.
fnow, P. X. ii. 491, 591, x. 685,
698, 1063; Od. Nat. 39;
, Vac. Ex. 32.
fnow-foft, Od. D. F. I. 19.
fnowy, P. L. i. 515, iii. 432,
fnuff'd, P.L.x. 272.
foak'd, 5. A 1726.
foar, P. X. i. 14, iv. 829, v. 270 ?
vii. 3; P.P. i. 230; Com.
1016 ; Fac. £.r. 33.
foar'd, P. X. ix. 170.
foaring, P. X. vi. 243, vii. 421.
foars, P. L. ii. 634; J/Pfw/. 52.
fober, P. X. iv. 599, xi. 621 ;
II Pcnf. 32 ; Com. 263, 766.
fociable, P.L. v. 221.
fociably, P. X. xi. 234.
fecial, P. L. viii. 429.
ibcieties, Lye. 179-
ibciety, P. L. viii. 383, 586, ix,.
249, 1007; P. R. i. 302.
fock, L'^/. 132.
Socrates, P. P. iii. 96, iv. 274.
Sodom, P. X. i. 503, x. 562.
foever, S.A. 1015.
Sofala, P. L. xi. 400.
loft, P. L. i. 424, 551, 56l, ii.
276, 400, 601, iv. 334, 471»
4,79, 615, 646, 667, v. 193,
vii. 436, 59S, viii. l65, 166,
254, 288, ix. 186, 458, x. 98,
865, xi. 584, 848 ; P. R. ii.
364, iv. 583 ; S. A. 1036 ;
Lye. 44; L'Al. 136; Com.
86,258,555,681, 8S2, 1001;
Son. i. 8; Od. Cir. 5; Od.
D.F.I. 2; P/. lxxxvii. 27 ?
cxiv. 18.
foft-ebbing, P. X. vii. 300.
lbft-touching, P.L. v. 17.
foften, P.L. iii. 189; P. ii- »•
foften'd, P. X. viii. 147, xi.
1 10 ; S. A. 534 ; d. Faff. 46.
foftening, P. L. vii. 280.
fofter, 0;
Vac. Ex. 59, 73, 91 ; Ep. JK
Sh. 5-, Pf. lxxx. 71, cxiv. 1.
the Son, Pf. ii. 25.
begotten Son, P. L. v. 835,
vii. 163.
Son of God, P. L. iii. 138, 224,
309, 316, 412, v.662, vi.799,
x.33S;P.£.i. 11,122,135,
173, 183, 335, 342, 346, 385,
ii. 242,303,368,377, iii. 1,
145, 252, iv. 109, 178, 190,
iv. 196, 365, 420, 431, 451,
484, 501, 513, 517, 518,539,
550, 555, 580, 626, 636.
Only Son, P. L. iii, 64, 79,
403, v. 604, 718, 815.
Only-begotten Son, P. L. iii.
fong, P.L. i. 13, ii. 552, 556, iii.
29,368,413, v. 7, 41, 178,204,
619, vi. 167, vii. 12,30, 107,
433, viii. 243, ix. 25, 800, x.
648, 862; P. R. i. 12, 480,
ii. 281, iv. 341, 505 ; S. A.
1737 ; Lye. 36, 176 ; IlPenf
56; Com. 44, S6, 235, 268,
854 ; Son. xiii. 1 ; Od. Nat.
133, 239; Od.Paff. 8; Od,
Cir. 2 ; Od. Sol. Muf 6 ; Od,
May-M. 9 ; Pf. lxxxi, 5.
fongs, P.L. i. 441, iii. 148, iv.
P. R. iv. 336, 347 ; Lye. 123 ;
Com. 878 ; Vac. Ex. 49 ; Pf
lxxxvii. 26.
fonorous, P. L. i. 540.
fons, P. L. i. 353, 364, 406,
495, 501, 654, 778, ii. 373,
692, iii. 290, 463, 658, iv.
213, 324, v. 160, 389, 447,
716, 790, 863, vi. 46, 95,
505, 715, vii. 626, viii. 637 f
x. 819, xi. 80,84,319,348,
410, 622, 696, 736, 75S, 875,
xii. 145, 155, 357, 447, 448 ;
P.R. i. 167, 237, ii. 192, iii.
377, 406, iv. 197, 520,614;
S. A. 240, 528, 12£4, 1485,
1487, 1558, 1713 ; Com. 655 ;
Od.Nat. 119; Od. D.F.I.
47 ; Brut. 12 ; Pf. lxxxii. 12,
Ixxxiii. 32.
foon, P. L. i. 78, 127, 140, 278,
337, 528, 56*8, 688, 705, ii.
140, 376, 8l6, 839, 866,931,
iii. 273, 355, 6*21, iv. 119,
463, 464, 570, 822, 9*6, 995,
v. 210, 667, 892, vi. 98, 344,
432, 436, 528, 532, 547, 585,
736, 777, 878, vii. 56, 59,
129,418,420,viii. 214,256,
336, 388, ix. 132, 182, 189,
468, 470, 589,630, 880, 888,
1053, 1100, 1143, x. 21, 52,
160, 264, 331, 586, 596, 940,
946, 1052, xi. 227, 238, 267,
422, 441, 506, 596,66*3, 711,
xii. 50, 420, 645 ; P. It. i. 25,
262, ii. 37, 57, iii. 149, 244,
iv. 375, 408, 459, 591 ; S. A.
425, 764, IO96, 1155 ; L'Al.
116 ; Com. 6*8, 577, 656, 690,
717,727; &>«. vii. 9, xix.9;
Od. Nat. 137 ; Od. Paf. 53 ;
Od. Cir. 12 ; Od. Sol. ]\Iuf. 25 ;
P/. iii, 11, lxxxi. 57.
foon after, P. L. ii. 1023.
foon as, P. L. ix. 1046.
as foon, P. R. ii. 451 ; Com.
how foon, P. L. iv. 94, 95,
vii. 93, xii. 553; Son. vii.l.
fo foon, P.Pt. iv. 332; S.A.
too foon, P. R. i. 57; S. A.
1566; Ep.M. Win. 8.
fooncr, P. L. vi. 595, x. 613 ;
P. R. i. 441, iii. 179; S. A.
426, 1537; Com. 323.
no fooner, P. L. iii. 344, 403,
x.357, xi. 822; 5.^.20;
Od. D.F.I. 1.
fooneit, P. L. iv. 893, ix. 181 ;
S. A. 1419.
foot, P. L. x. 570.
footy, P. £. v. 440; Com. 604.
footh, P. L. ix. 1006 ; Od, D.
F.I. 51; P/.V.26.
footheft, Com. 823.
foothing, P. P. iii. 6.
footh-faying, CW. 8/4.
Sophi, P. L. x. 433.
forcerer, Com. 521, 940.
forcereis, P. Z. ii. 724 ; S. A.
forcerers, Od. Nat. 220.
forceries, P. L. i. 479; S. A.
forcery, P. L. ii. 566; Com.
ford, P. i. xi. 433.
fordid, Od. D. F. I. 63.
fore, P. L. i. 298, vi. 328, 449,
687, ix. 1124, x. 124; P. P.
i.89,iv. 196, 402; 6*. -4. 287;
Od. Cir. 13 ; Ep. M. Win. 47 ;
Pf. vi. 6, lxxxi. 25, lxxxviii.
Sorec, S.A. 229-
fores, 5. ^. 184, 607.
forrow, P. L. i. 6*5, 558, ii*
578, 6*05, 797, viii. 333, x.
193, 195, 201, 717, 1092,
1 104, xi. 26*4, 301 , 362, 757 t
xii. 613 ; S.A. 214, 1154,
1339, 1347, 1564 ; Lye. 166;
UAL 45 ; Com. 66*8 ; Od.PaJ.
8 ; Od. Cir. 9 ; Pf. lxxxviii.
forrow'd, S. A. l603.
forrowing, P. L. xi. 117; Ep.
31. Win. 53.
forrows, P. L. xi. 90 ; P. P. ii,
69, i v. 386 ; Od. Pajl 33, 55 ;
Od, D. F. I. 73.
forry, S. A. 1346" ; Com. 750.
fort, P. L. iii. 129, iv. 128,
582, vi. 376, ix. 8 16, xi. 574 ;
P. R. iv. 198 ; S. A. 1323,
fort, (verb) P. L. viii. 384.
forted, P. L. x. 65 L.
for ting, P. P. i. 200.
forts, P. X. vii, 541.
fbttilh* P. L, i. 472.
fought, P. L. i. 215, ii. 332, iii.
601, iv. 799, 894, vi. 151,
5295, viii. 457, ix. 75, 380,
417,421, 511, 860, 878, x.
336, 719, 752, 762, 1016, xi.
148, xii. 278; P. R. ii. 19,
77, 485, iii. 16, 342; S. A.
193, 220,401, 658,793, 889;
PA cxiv. 8.
fought'ft, P. L. viii. 316.
foul, P.£.ii. 556, iii.l68,248,
iv. 487, v. 100, 171,486,610,
816, vii. 388, 392, 528, viii.
154, 585, 629, xi. 447, xii.
584 ; P. R. ii. 90, 476, iv.
313; S.A> 156,458; UAL
138, 144; II Pen/. 40, 105 ;
Com. 256, 383, 454, 467,
784; Son. xi. 12, xiv. 2,
x\x.4>;0d.Pqf. 41; Od. D.
F.I. 21, 36; Od. on Time,
19 ; £/?. M. Win. 71 ; Fac.
Ex. 50; P/. vi.6, vii. 5,13,
Ixxxiv. 5, lxxxvi. 5, 11, 12,
46, lxxxviii. 10, 57*
one foul, P. L. viii. 499, 604,
ix. 967; Com. 561.
fouls, P.L. v. 197, vi. 165, 837,
xi. 724; So?i. xvi. 12; Od.
Nat. 98.
foul's, Com. 462.
found, P. L. i. 531,711, 754,
iv. 453, v. 5, 872, vi. 64, 97,
444, 749, 829, vii. 206, 558,
viii. 243, 606, ix. 451, 518,
557, 736, x. 508, 642, xi.
558, xii. 229 ; P- R. i. 19,
ii. 403, iv. 17, 247 ; S. A.
176, 660; Lye. 35; Co?n,
171,345,555,942; Od.Nat.
53, 101, 193; Vac. Ex. 32;
Pf. lxxxi. 10.
found-board, P. L. i. 709-
found, (adj.) P.L. ix. 407.
found, (verb) P. L. v. 1/2,
713, vi. 202, xi. 76; UAL
94; It Pen/. 74; Od. Paf.
founded, P. L. vi. 204.
founded, P. i. viii. 253.
founding, P. L. i. 668, ii. 517;
Lye. 154.
founds, P. L. i. 540, ii. 952,
iv. 686, vii. 399, 597 ; Arc.
78 ; Od. Sol. Muf. 3.
founds, (the) Com. 115.
founds, (verb) P. L. vii. 443,
four, Com. r 109.
fource, P.' L. iv. 750, x. 832,
xi. 169, xii. 13 ; S. A. 64,
fovran, P. L. i. 246, 753, ii.
244, iii. 22, 145, iv. 691, v.
256, 366, 656, vi. 56, vii. 79,
viii. 239, 647, ix. 532, 6l2,
795, 1130, x. 144, xi. 83 ;
P. R. i. 84; Com. 41, 639;
Od.Nat.60; Od.Pajf. 15.
fovranty, P. L. ii 446, xii. 35.
fouth, P. L. i. 354, iv. 782, x.
655,686, 701, xi. 401, xii.
139 ; P. it. iii. 273, 320, iv.
fouthern, P. JR. iv. 28.
fouthmoft, P. L. i. 408.
fouthward, P. £. iv. 223.
fouthweft, P. #. iv. 237.
fouth-wind, P. i. xi. 738.
fow, P. L. xii. 55 ; -Sow. xviii.
fow'd, P. X. v. 2, vii. 358, ix.
1095, 1112; Son. xx. 8.
fown, P. £. xi. 27.
fpace, P.L. i. 50, 650, ii. 717,
vi. 104, vii. S9, 169, ix. 6*3,
463, x. 320, xi. 498, xii.
345 ; P. R. i. 169, ii. 339.
fpaces, P. L. i. 725, viii. 20.
fpacious, P. L. i. 689, 762, ii.
974, iii. 430, v. 36/, 7 C 26, vi.
474, 86l, viii. 102, x. 467,
xi.556; P. R. iii. 254; S. A.
fpade, P. L. i, 676.
fpades, P. P. iii. 331.
fpake, P. L.\. 125, 271, 663,
ii. 50, 228, 309, 42.9, 704,
735, iii. 79, 135, 143, 267,
681, iv. 114, 393, 492, 781,
844, 877, 977, v. 27, 246,
896, vi. 56, 281, 450, 722,
800, 824, vii. 138, 174, 339,
518, viii. 39, 249,271,349,
376, 434, ix. 318, 376, 494,
552, 646, 1150, x.63, 182,
1097, xi. 181,192,225,666,
xii. 466, 624; P. R. i. 129,
168, 256, 262, 294, 320, 465,
ii. 147, 337, iii. 1,145,441,
iv. 365; Son. xiv. 12; Od.
Nat. 58.
fpak'ft, P. L. viii. 444.
i'pan, Son. xiii. 2.
fpangled, P. L. xi. 130; Od.
Nat. 21 ; Pf cxxxvi. 34.
fpangling, P. L. vii. 384.
fpare, (adj.) P. L. x. 511; J/.
Pew/. 46 ; Com. 767.
fpare, P. L. iii. 278, 393, v.
320, vi. 460, x: 23; S. A.
487 ; Son. viii. 10, xx. 13 ;
Pf. iv. 5.
fpar'd, P. L. ix. 596, 647;
Xj/c. 113.
fparely, Lye. 138.
fpares, P. L. ii. 739.
fpark,P. L. iv. 814.
fparkle, ^rc. 27; Com. 80.
fparkled, P. L. ii. 388.
fparkles, P. L. vi. 766.
iparkling, P. L. i. 194, iii. 507;
S. A. 544.
fparrow, Py* lxxxiv. 9.
Spartan, P. L. x. 674 ; (W. -D.
F. I. 26.
fpafm, P. L. xi. 481.
(pattering, P. L. x. 567.
fpawn, P. L. vii. 388 ; Com*
fpeak, P. I. i. 6l6, ii. 42, v.
l60, vii. 16*4, viii. 100, 199,
271, 380, 389, ix. 749,966'
xii. 501 ; S. A. 731, 156*9;
Com. 264, 357, 490, 492;
Vac. Ex. 2 ; Eurip. 2 ; Pf. ii.
10, iv. 20, v. 15, lxxxv. 29,
fpeakable, P. L. ix. 563.
fpeaking, P. L. ii. 705, viii. 3,
222, ix. 1150.
fpeaks, P. L. vi. 765 ; S. A.
178; Cow?. 804; Pf. lxxxv.
fpeak'fl, P. R. iv. 487.
fpear, P. L. i. 292, 347, 436,
565, ii. 204, iv. 785, 810,
929, 990, vi. 195, x. 542, xi.
248; 6'. A. 132, 284, 1121;
Son. viii. 9; Od. Nat. 55.
fpears, P. L.\. 547, ii. 536, iv.
553,980, vi. 83; S.A.1619.
fpear's, S. A. 348.
fpecial, P. L. ii. 1033; S. A
273, 636.
fpecious, P. L. ii. 484, ix. 36l,
xii. 354; P. P. ii. 391; S.A.
fpeck'd, P. L. ix. 429-
fpeckled, Od. Nat. 136.
fpedacle, P.P. i. 415; S. A.
1542, 1604.
fpeclators, P. L. iv. 676,
fpecular, P. R. iv. 236.
fpeftres, P. P. iv. 430.
fpeculation, P. X. xii. 589*
fpeculations, P. £. ix. 602.
fped, P. L. iii. 740; i^c. 122;
P/^ lxxxiii. 41.
fpeech, P. L. ii. 389, 989, iv.
357, 409, v. 459, vii. 178,
viii. 377, ix. 600,749,1133,
xii. 5; P. P. ii. 300.
fpeech es, Od. Nat. 37-
fpecchlefs, P. L. ix. 894.
fpeed, P. L. i. 674, ii. 700,
iii. 643, iv. 13, 568, 788,
928, v. 252, 313, 730,
744, vi. 307, viii. 37, 38,
110, x, 40, 90, 410, xii.
2; P. R. ii. 116; S. A. fpie, Vac. Ex. 6l.
1304, 13l6, 1343, 1345, fpied, P. X. iv. 403 ; Od. D. V.
1728; Com. 573; So?i. xix. 1. If.
12 ; Od. Nat. 79 ; Orf. D. F. fpies, P. X. ix. 815 ; 5. ^. 386,
J. 6'0 ; Od. on Time, 3. 1 197*
fpeed, (verb) P. X. ii. 1008, x. fpies, (verb) P. X. ix. 424.
954 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 42. fpill'd, P. L. xi. 791*
fpeeded, P. P. iii. 267. fpindle, Arc. 66.
fpeed ier, P. X. xi. 7« fpinning, P. X. viii. 164; Cew?.
fpeedieft, P. X. i ii. 229, vi. 715.
534 ; S. A. 1263. fpires, P. X. i. 223, iii. 550, ix.
fpeedily, P. X. v. 692. 502 ; P. P. iv. 54, 548.
fpeeding, S.A. 1539- fpirit, P. X. i. 17, 139, 146,
fpeeds, P. X. v. 267. 679, ii. 44, 956, iii. 389,
fpeedy, P. X.i. 156, ii. 51 6, ix. 553, 630, 691, iv. 128, 531.
260 ; S. A. 650, 1681. 565, 582, 793, 835, v. 221,
fpell, P. P. iv. 385; II Pen/. 209,235,478,497,507,877,
170; Com. 853, 874, 919; vi. 752, 848, vii. 165, 204,
Od. Nat. 179 ; Vac. Ex. 89* viii. 440, 477, x. 784, xi. 6,
fpeird, Son. xvii. 6. 406', 6ll, xii. 53, 303, 488,
fpelling, Son. xi. 7. 497, 514, 519, 523, 525,
fpells, S.^. 1132, 1139, 1149; 533; P.P. i. 8, 31, 189,215,
Com. 154, 537, 646. 282, 358, 462, ii. 150, iji.
fpend, P. X. ii. 144, x. 271, xii. 27, iv. 324, 495; S. A. 1238,
22. 1435, 1675; Lye. 70; ll
fpent, P. X. i. 176, ii. 248, iii. Pew/. 89, 151 ; Od. Paff. 38 ;
417, v. 618, viii. 206, 457, Od. D. F. I. 38.
ix. 145, 1187; P- P- iii- 232, fpirited, P. X. iii. 717, ix. 6.13.
iv. 366, 443 ; S. A. 1758 ; Ep. fpiritlefs, P. X. vi. 852.
Hobf. II. 29; P/. lxxxviii. fpiritous, P. X. v. 475, vi. 479-
54. fpirits, P. X. i. 101, 318, 423.
fpets, Com. 132. 609, 622, 658, 697, 789, ii.
fpher'd, P. X. vii. 247. 482, 553, 687, 696, 825, 960.
fphere, P. X. iii. 416, 482, iv. 1030, iii. 101, 136, 360,46l,
39, 565,v. 169, 620, vii. 22, 654, 737, iv. 83, 36l, 786,
355, viii. 82, x. 808 ; S. A. 805, 823, v. 374, 406', 439,
172; Com. 241 ; Od. Nat. 48 ; 482, 484, 566, 837, vi. 167,
Od. D. F. 1. 39. 333, 344, 596, 660, 788, vii.
fphere-born, Od. Sol .Mvf 2. 189, 199, 610, viii. 466, 6l5,
fphere-metal, Ep. Hobf. II. 5. 626, ix. 876, 1048, x. 890,
fpheres, P. X. v. 477, vi. 315, xi. 124, 294, 420, 545, xii.
viii. 131; Arc. 64; Com. 113; 596; P. R. ii. 122, 374;
Od. Nat. 125 ; Vac. Ex. 40 ; S. A. 594, 613, 666, 1269 ;
Brut. 2. Com. 3, 228, 674, 794, 812 :
fphery, Com. 1021. Son. vii. 8 ; Od. SoL Muf.
fpicy, P. X. ii. 640, iv. 162, 14; Vac. Ex. 22.
v. 298, viii. 517; L'AL fpiritual, P. X. iv. 585, 677, v.
100. 402, 406, 573, viii. 110, xii.
r 2
491, 518, 521 ; P. R. i. 10 ; fpous'd, P. L. v. 2I&
Son. xvii. 10. fpout, P. L. ii. 176.
fpit, P. P. ii. 343. fpouts out, P. L. vii. 416.
fpite, P. L. i. 619, ii. 385, 393, fpray, P. P. iv. 437 ; 5
fpoils, P. P. iv, 159, ix. 151, 274, v. 21,. 394, ix. 218, x.
xi. 692 ; P. R. iv. 46. 6?S, 832, xi. 78; S. A. 1576;
fpoke, P. L. x.5\7;S.A 727 ; L'Al. 18 ; Cow?,. 282, 985 ;.
P/i lxxxvii. 10. .Sow. vii. 4; Od. Nat. 184;
fpoken, P.. P. iii. 1.71 ; P.P. ii. Or/. P^ 52.
90. fp ring-time, P. P. i.769.
fponge, P. P. iv. 329. Spring, (verb) P. P. ii. 381, iii.
fpontaneous, P. P. vii. 204. 334, v. 644, xi. 138, 425, xii.
i'port, P. L. ii. 181, iii. 493; 113, 476; S. A. 584; Lye.
S. A. 396, 1679 ; Lye. 68 ; l6.
VAl. 31 ; Com. 128, 953, fprings, (fubrt.) P. P. iii. 435 ;
fportful, P. X. iv. 396. P. P. ii. 374.
fporting, P. 2,. iv. 343, vii. fprings,. (verb) P. L. ii. 1013,.
405. *» 480, vii. 465, xii. 353 ; PJl
fports, P. P. iv. 139; S.J. lxxxiv. 24.
I6l4. fprinkle, Com. 911.
fpot, P. L. iii. 588, 733, v. 1 19, fprinkled, P. P. iii.. 6 42.
266, viii. 17, 23, ix. 439; fpVout, Jrc^.59.
Com. 5; SW. xxii. 2, xxiii. 5. fpruce, Com. 985*
fpotlefs, P. P. iv. 318. fprung, P.L. i. 331, ii. 758,.
ipots, P. P. v. 419, vii. 479^ iii - 713, v. 98, vi. 312, vii.,
viii. 145. 58, 245, viii. 46, 259, i*.
fpotted, Com. 444. 965, x. 591, xi. 22; Arc
lpotty, P. L. i. 291 • 28 ; Com. 578, 923.
fpoufal, P. L. viii. 519 ; S. y/. fprung up, P. P. x. 548.
389. fpume, P. P. vi. 479.
ipoufo, P. P. iv. 16'9, 742, v. fpun, Com. 83 ; Son. xx. 8.
129, ix. 443. ipuu out, P. P. vii..241 e
fpungy, 'Com. 155. 240, 4>71,?l6, 897, iii- 178,
ipur, Li/c. 70. 622, 650, 654, iv. 64, 66 t
fpurious, S. A. 391, 395, 518, 873, v. 522, 535,
i'pum'd, S. A. 138. 540, 602, vi. 36, 234, 473,
fpurns, P. X. ii. 929. 36*1, 565, 592, 801, 810,
fpy, P. L. iv. 948, viii. 233. vii. 200, viii. 640, ix. 125,
%, (verb) P. P. ii. 970, iv. 827, x. 1003, xii. 198,
936, xi. 857. 265, 473, 527, 555 ; P. R.
Spying, P. P. iv. 1005. i. 473, iii. 219, iv. 551,
Squadron, P. P. i. 356, iv. 863, 554; 6'. A. 1431, l6l0; Cow?.
977- 487^ Soru xi. 7, xix. 14;
fquadron'd, P. L. xii, 367. Od Nat. 70; Otf. D. P. P.
fquadrons, P. L, ii. 570, vi, 16, 6p; Vac. Ex. 81 ; P/. i. 12,
251, 554, xi. 652 ; Od. Nat. v. 12,
21. ftand fait, P. L. viii. 640.
fquare, P. P. ii. 104S, v. 393, ftand (till, P. P. vi. 801, xii.
x. 659 ; Corn. 329. 263.
fquared, P. L. i, 758, viii. 232. ftandard, P. P. i. 5S3, ii. 9S6,
iquat, P. £. iv. 800. v, 701, vii. 297.
fquint, Com. 413. ftandards, P. L. v. 589.
liable, P. ii. ii. 74; Orf, NaL ftandincr, P, P. vi. 243, 593, vii.
243. 23, ix. 677* xi. 847 ; P. P.
ftabled, P. X, xi. 752 ; Com. iii. 328.
534. landing ftill, P. P. viii. 127.
'ltablifh'd, P. P. xii. 347. Hands, P. P. i. 6l5, ii. 854, iv.
(tack, UAL 51. 514, 983, vi. 4S9, x. 818;
iiaff, P. P. i. 535 ; 5. A. 1123, P. P. ii. 220, 463, iv. 238,
1303. 519 ;- S. A. 166, 726, 1558 ;
(tag, P. P. vii. 469. -Lye. 131 ; Pf. lxxxii. 1.
ftage, UAL \3\;Il Pew/ 102; liar, P, P. i. 745, ii, 1052, iii.
Od. Pajl 2. 558, 727, iv, 556, v. 258, vii.
(laid, P. P. iv. 421, 485; Com. 104, 133, 621, viii. 142, ix.
832 ; Son. xiv. 6. 48, 1087, x. 426, IO69, xii.
(lain, P.. L ii. 140, x. 639; 36*0 ; P.P. i. 249, 253, iv.
£. ^. 325, 1166, 1386; II 6l9; Pj/c, 30; II Pen/. 171 ;
Pe/?/. 26. . Cow. SO, 93, 341 ; Son. xxii.
ftain'd, P. P. vi. 334, ix. 1076. 5 ; Od. Nat. 240 ; Od. P>. F,
(tair, P. P. iii. 5l6, 540. J. 43. See Evening, Morn-
ftahs, P. P. iii. 510, 523. ing,
(takes, Cow, 491. ftar-bright, P. P. x. 450.
(talk, P. L. v. 323, 337, 480, ftar-led, Od. Nat. 33.
ix. 428 ; Com. 744. ftar-light, P. P. iv. 656; Cow,
(talking, S. A. L245. 308.
(talks, P. L. iv. 402. (tar-pav'd, P. P. iv. 976.
(lall-reader, Son. xi. 5. ftar-proof, Arc. 89.
(land, (fubft.) P. P. iv. 325, xi. ftar-ypointing, Ep. TV. Sh. 4.
221. ftare, S. A. 112 ; Sow. xi. 11.
ftand, P. P. i. 563, ii. 28, 55, itarlefs, P. P. iii. 425.
ftarr'd, II Pen/. 19.
Harry, P. L. i. 728, iii. 4l6,
580, iv. 606, 64$, 724, 992,
v. 281,620,709, vi. 827, vii.
446, xi. 245 ; P. R. iv. 393 ;
Com.i. 112; Od. Paf 18.
flars, P.P. iii. 61,565,566,718,
iv. 34, 355, v. 166, 176, 745,
746, vi. 754, vii. 133, 348,
620, viii. ip, 80, 123, 135,
x. 412, xii. 422, 576; P. R.
iv. 383; Com. 197,331,734,
956 ; Od. Nat. 69 ; Od. on
Time, 21; Pf. viii. 10.
ftarted back, P. L. iv. 462, 463.
ftarted up, P. P. iv. 81 9.
flartle, UAL 42 ; Com. 210.
ftartled, P. X. v. 26.
Harts, P. X. iv. 813; P. JR. iv.
ftarve, P. L. ii. 600.
Harv'd, P. L. iv. 769.
Hate, P. P. i. 29, 141, 640, ii.
1, 24, 251, 279, 302, 511,
585, iii. 186, iv. 38, 94, 400,
519, 775, v. 234, 241, 288,
353, 504, 536, 543, 830, vi.
89, 900, vii. 440, viii. 176,
239,290, 331, 403, 521, ix.
1155, x. 19, 445, 619, xi. 71,
180, 249, 363, 501, xii. 26,
80; P. R. i.220, ii. 203, iii.
189, 246, iv. 64, 601 ; S. A.
164, 338, 424, 708, 892,
1465, 1603, l6l 6; UAL 60;
II Pen/, 37; Arc. 14, 81;
Com. 35, 408, 475 ; Son. xix.
11; Od. Sol. Muf. 24; Eurip,
5 ; Pf. viii. 16, cxxxvi. 19.
Hate-affairs, P. L. i. 775.
in Hate, Com. 948.
ftatelieft, P. L. iv. 142, ix. 435.
itately, P. L. i. 614, 723, v.
201, vii. 324, P. JR. ii. 350,
iv. 48 ; S. A. 714 ; P/. Ixxxiii.
Hates, P. L. ii. 387 ; Son. xvii.
6; P/ lxxxii. 2.
flation, P. P. iii. 587, vii. 146,
563, x. 535, xii. 627 ; P. R.
i. 360, iv. 584.
Nations, P. L. ii. 412.
ftatifts, P. R. iv. 354.
flatue, Cow. 66*1.
ftature, P. P. i. 222, 570, iv.
988, vi. 302, vii. 509.
flatues, P. R. iv. 37.
flatute, Pf. lxxxi. 13.
flatutes, Hor. I. 2.
flay, P. P. iv. 898, viii. 46, ix.
372,398, 856, x. 921; S.A.
1536; iy.ii.28.
flay, (verb) P. L. x. 253, xii.
436,594, 6l6; P.P. ii. 326;
S. A. 43, 1520; Arc. 26;
Cow. 134, 577 ', 820; Od. ZX
P. /. 63 ; Fee. £r. 25.
at Hay, Pp. Hobf.U.6.
flay'd, P. P. ii. 938, 1010, iii.
571, 742, vi. 325, vii. 218,
224, 589, ix. 1134.
flays, P. L. iv. 470, ix. 268,
xii. 73 ; Com. 892.
Head, P. R. i. 473; S. A. 355;
Com. 611.
fleadiefl, P. L. xii. 377.
Heady, P. P. v. 268..
Health, P. P. ii. 945, ix. 68;
Com. 503.
fleam, P. P. xi. 442 ; Com. 556.
(teaming, P. L. v. 186.
ftedfaft, P.P. i. 58, ii. 927, vi.
833, viii. 129 ; H Pwf. 32 ;
Od. Nat. 70.
fleed, P. L. iv. 858, vfi, 17, xi.
fleeds, P. P. i. 531, iii. 522,
vi. 17, 391, ix. 35, xi. 7C6;
Com. 553.
Heel, P. L. ii. 569; P. R. iii.
305, 328; 5. A. 133, 816;
Co?w. 421.
Hep, P. P. ii. 71,948, iii. 741,
iv. 135, 172, 231, 680, vi.
324, vii. 99, 299; P. R. iv.
575; Lye. 52; Com. 97, 139;
Od. Nat. 178; Pf vii. 6"0,
lxxxi. 31.
fleer, Son. xxii. 8.
fteer'd, P. X. ii. 1020.
fleering, P. X. x. 328 ; S. A.
Ill ; Od.Nat. 146.
fleers, P. X. i. 225, vii. 430, ix.
fteerfman, P. X. ix. 513.
fteerfmate, 6'. .4. 1045.
ftellar, P. L. iv. 671.
item, P. X. vii. 337-
Hemming, P. X. 642.
flench, P. X. i. 237.
itep, P. X. iv. 22, 50, 52,6, ix.
452, 834; S. A. 327; II
Pen/. 38; Arc. 85; P/. v.
ftep by flep, P.R.'i. 192.
without itep, P. X. viii. 302.
ftepdame, P. X. iv. 279 ; Com.
fleps, P. X. i. 295, 296, 562, ii.
828, iii. 501, 541, 644, v. 1,
512, viii. 488, xi. 333, 354,
xii. 648; P. P. iv.4>27;S.A.
2, 1442; Com. 12, 92, 193.
flept, P. X. iv. 820; Com. 185.
item, P. X. iv. 877, 924, v.
171, ix. 15, x. 866; P.P.
iv. 367; Lye. 112; Cow.
446; Od.Hor.l6.
fternly, P. X. viii. 333 ; P. ii.
i. 406.
flicks, P. X. ix. 330 ; P. H. i.
ftiff, P. X. vii. 441 ; P. JR. iv.
418; Fore, of Con. 2.
ftifling, P. L. xi.313-.
Hill, (adj.) P. L. iv. 598, x.
846; P. P. iii. l64; X3/C.
3 87; II Pen/. 78, 127; -Sow.
i. 2; Od. PaJ}\ 28 ; P/. lxxxiii.
3, exxxvi. 49.
ftill, (verb) Com. 87.
(till, P. X. i. 68, 165, 256,
641, 791, ii- 74, 295, 308,
324, 385, 658, 1001, iii.
301, 467, 618, 729, iv. 53,
54, 56, 77, 91, 336, 356,
511, 548, 572, 912, 930,
v. 47, 184, 191, 205, 553 t
vi. 172, vii. 30, 67, 379, viii.
3, 61, 63, 140, 197, 252,
355, 387, 444, 464, 587, 6*10,
651, ix. 205, 206, 266, 326,
353, 622, 973, 1138, 1154,
x. 12, 120, 359, 376, 528,
532, 594, 6*18, 684, 783, 806,
830, xi. 352, 512, 632,
xii. 106, 193,439,517,566;
P. R. i. 33, ii. 242, 404, iii.
92, 354, iv. 13, 121, 141,
304, 523, 601 ; S. A. 77,
807, 913, 1563, 1626; 11
Penf. 41; Com. 560, 842;
Son. vii. 10, xii. 10, xv. 10,
xvi. 10, xxii. 8; Od. Nat. 59,
100 ; Vac. Ex. 65 ; Pf. v. 32,
38, lxxxi. 51, lxxxvi. 8.
ftill'd, P. R. iv. 428.
fling, P. L. ii. 653, iii. 253 ;
S. A. 997, 1007.
flings, P. X. xii. 432; S. A.
flinks, Ariofi. 2.
flint, Pf. viii. 7*
ftir, P. L. v. 224 ; Com. 371.
flir, (verb) P. X. ii. 214, iv. 19;
Com. 5.
flir up, Com. 677*
ftirr'd, P. L viii. 308.
flirr'd up, P. X. i. 35.
ftirring up, P. X. xii. 288.
ftirs> Com. 174.
Stoa, P. P. iv. 253.
flock, P. X. xii. 7, 325 ; S. A.
1079; i J /. lxxxi. 35.
ftocks, Sew. xviii. 4.
Stoick, P. P. iv. 280; Com. 707.
flole, (fubft.) // Penf. 35.
flole, P. X. iv. 158, 719, xi.
847; Arc. 31; Cow. 195,
flolen, P. X. x. 20, xi. 125; Son. flop, (fubft.) P. L. vii. 596;
vii. 2. Cow. ii. 552
ftone, P. P. iii. 592, 59(5, 598, Hop, P. X. iii. 394, x. 291, xii.
600. iv. 702, vi. 517, xi. 324, 166.
445, 484, xii. 119; P. P. iv. flops, (fubft.) P. L. xi. 56l ;
115, 149, 559 ; Cow. 449. Lye. 188; Cow. 345.
ftones, P. P. xi. 658 ; P. P. i. ftopt, P. X. xi. 848.
343 ; Son. xviii. 4; Pp. fF. (lore, P. L. iii. 444, iv. 255, v.
Sh. 2. 128, 322, vi. 515, vii. 226,
ftony, P. X. iii. 189, vi. 576, ix. 621, 1078 ; P. P. ii. 334;
xi. 4; P. P. iv. 414; Arc. UAL 121; Cow. 774; Od.
102; Cow. 8 19. P<7//: 44; P/. lxxxvii. 7,
flood, P. P. i. 300, 357, 379, Ixxxviii. 9.
380, 442, 492, 591, 6ll, 630, ftore-houfc, P. P. ii. 103.
670, 723, ii. 305, 670, 707, flore, (verb) P. L. iv. 816; Cow.
720, 884, 888, 918, 963, iii. 720.
6l, 99, 101, 102, 217, 516, ftor'd, P. L. vi. 764, vii. 492,
555, 711, iv. 59, 218, 326, viii. 152 ; S. A. 395.
356, 455, 720, 779,787, 846, flores, P. P. ii. 175, v. 314; Pf.
863, 926, 986, v. 54, 132, iv. 34.
249, 285, 383, 568, 595, 631, ftoried, II Pen/. 159; Com. 5l6.
vi. 62, 106, 111, 205, 302, ftories, UAL 101.
306, 338,369,391,403,448, ftork, P. L. vii. 423.
508, 526, 555, 579, 580, 581, ftorm, P. L. i. 172, vi. 546, ix.
604,629,633,634,785,794, 433; P. R. iv. 436; S. A.
882, 911, vii. 210, 563, viii. 106l.
3, 261, 292, 464, ix. 277, ftorm, (verb) P. L. xii. 59;
425, 463, 523, 593, 673, 890, 5. ^. 405 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 6.
894, x. 211, 232, 352, 504, ftorming, P. L. vi. 207.
535, 547, 712, xi. 1, 14, 71, ftorms, P. X. ii. 588, iii. 425.
264,321,385,432,564,645, ftorms (verb) P. L.ii-922.
743, 626 ; P. R. i. 169, 258, ftorm'ft, P. P. iv. 496.
ii. 266, 298, iii. 1, 146, iv. 2, ftormy, P. L. x. 698; P. R. iv.
33,561,571 ;S.^.135, l6ll, 418.
1631, 1637, 1659; Cow. 297, ftory, P. L. vii. 51, viii. 265,
565 ; Od. Paf. 39; Od. Sol. 522, ix. 886, xii. 506; P. P.
JUV. 23 ; Ep. M. Win. 21 ; ii. 307, iv. 334 ; Lye. 95 ; //
7-y;. Hobf. II. 19; P/: i. 3, P™/: 110; Son. xiiii 11; Ep.
exxxvi. 49. iii. Win. 62 ; P/* iii. 8.
flood under, P. P. viii. 454. ftoutly, UAL 52.
flood up, P. L. ii. 44, v. 8O7. lloutnefs, S. A. 1346.
ftood'ft, P. P. iv. 837, xi. 759; ftraight, P. L. i. 531, 723, ii.
P. P. iii. 409, iv. 420. 959, iii- 647, iv. 405, 476,
ftoop, P. L. iii. 73, 252 ; S. A. 741, 947, v. 287, vi. 6*13, vii.
468 ; Com. 333, 1023. 453, viii. 257, ix. 632, x. 90,
ftoop'd, P. L. viii. 351, xi. 185. 125, 36l, xii. 126; P. P. i.
Hooping, P. P. viii. 465; .// 259, 275, iii. 256, iv. 581;
Pen/i 72 ; 0d. P xi. 314,
372,526; S.A. 751.
fubmits, P. P. xii. 191 ; S. A.
fubmitting, P. P. ix. 919.
fubordinate, P. P. v. 671.
fuborn'd, P. P. ix. 36l.
fubfcribe, S.A. 1535.
fubfcrib'd, P. P. xi. 182.
fubfequent, S. A. 325. -
fubferve, S. A. 57.
fubfift, P. P. ix. 359, x. 922;
P. P. iii. 19 ; Com. 686.
fubftance, P. P. i. 117, 529, w-
99, 356, 669, iv. 585, v. 420,
474, 493, vi. 330, 657 t xi.
fubftances, P. P. . 408, viii.
fubftantial, P. P. iv. 189, 485.
fubftantially, P. P. iii. 140.
fubftitute, P. P. viii. 381.
fubftitutes, P. P. x. 403.
fubterranean, P. P. i. 231.
fubtle, P. P. i. 727, ii. 815, iv.
786, vi. 513, viii. 192, 399,
ix. 184,307,324, x. 20; P. R.
i. 465, ii. 323, iv. 308 ; Son.
vii. 1.
fubtleft, P. L. vii. 495, ix. 86,
fubtleties, S. A. 56.
fubtlety, P. P. ii. 358, ix. 93 ;
P. P. i. 144.
fubtly, P. P. viii. 207.
fubvert, P. P. i. 124.
fubverting, P. L. xii. 563.
fuburb, P. P. i. 773.
iuburbs, P. R. iii. 170.
fuceeed, P. P. i. 666, iv. 535,
x. 733, xii. 508.
fucceeded, S. A. 908.
fucceediug, P. R. ii. 143.
fuccefs, P. L. ii. 9, 123, iii.
740, vi. i6l, 471, x. 239;
P.R. i. 105, ii. 141, iii. 278,
iv. 1, 23, 578; S.A. 1454;
Son. i. 7.
fuccefies, P. L. iv. 932, x. 396.
fuecefsful, P. L. i. 120, x.463.
fuccefsfully, P. R. i. 103.
fuccefTion, P. L. xii. 331.
fucceffivc, P. L. iv. 6l4.
fucceffour, P. #. iii. 373 ; S. A.
Aiccinct, P. L. iii. 643.
Succoth,* S. A. 278.
fuccour, P. L. ix. 642 ; Pore.
of Coji. 18.
fuch, P. L. i. 70, 145, 230,
237, 282, 317, 399, 523, 55 1,
574, 620, 629, 718, 736, ii.
73, 284, 290, 292, 713, 765,
993, 1025, iii. 100, 107, 202,
637, iv.42, 92, 118,163,364,
372, 379, 526, 580, 705, 796,
887, 996, v. 26, 31, 66, 81,
472, 521, 530, 582, 650, 724,
795, 825, vi. 13, 114, 168,
193, 208, 229, 253, 300,310,
623, 660, 688, 703, 788, 837,
vii. 56, 118, 153, 181, 294,
589, viii. 20, 27,31,36,48,
50, 58, 88, 153, 232, 235,
353, 390, 446, 482, 524,535,
580, ix. 127, 145, 274, 282,
292, 302, 39 1 , 408, 455, 520,
566, 596, 620, 650, 693, 760,
787, 86'7, 994, 995, 1024,
1028, 1102, 1115, 1142, x.
154, 267, 364, 4()1, 648, 899,
1010, 1026, 1078, xi. 163,
ti88, 890, xii. 31, 70,81, 200,
230, 245, 284, 294, 335, 372,
494,622; P.R. i. 209,299,
307, 347, ii. 163, 226, 366,
iii. 18,54, 337, 344, 361,412,
iv. 129, 191, 350; S.A. 332,
354, 678, 825, 857, 1001,
1441, 1643; Lye. IU;UAL
29, 129, 138, 148; IlPaif.
17, 26, 106, 145 ; Arc. 6s,
94,108; Com. 15,173,179,
470, 502,519,677, 703, 795,
856, 962; So?i. viii. 6, xxiii.
7; 0^1^.93,99,101,107,
117, 157; Od. D.F.I. 40;
Vac. Ex. 31, 33, 48 ; Ep. W.
Sk.6, l5,l6;Ep.Hobf.I.5;
Pf. lxxxv. 37.
fuck, Lye. 140 ; Com. 980.
fuck'd, P. L. x. 633.
fucklings, Pf. viii. 5.
fudden, P. L. i. 665, ii. 364,
738, 890, iii. 542, iv. 818, v.
452, 653, 891, vi. 582, vii.
317, viii. 308, 354, ix. 963,
xi. 293 ; P. R. i. 96, ii. 224 ;
S. A. 953, 1691 ; Arc, 2 ;
Com. 452, 552, 954.
more fudden, P. L. vi. 279.
on a fudden, P. L. ii. 752,
879, v. 51, 632, ix. 900.
fo fudden, P.L. iv. 821, x.
fuddenly, P. L. v. 90, vi. 556,
Viii. 292, 468, x. 341, xi. 183;
P.P. ii. 298.
too fuddenly, S.A. 1565.
fue, P.L. i. 111.
fues, S. A. 5/2.
fuffer, P. L. i. 147, ii. 162,
16'3, 195, 199, iii. 248, iv. 78,
x. 213, 623; P. R. ii. 249,
iii. 194, 195; S.A. 233;
Com. 40, 809.
futlerance, P. L. i. 211, 366,
viii. 202; l\ R. i. 160.
fufTer'd, P. L. vi. 701, x. 414,
470 ; P.P. iii. 97, 101.
fuffercrs, 6'. A. 1525.
suffering, P. X. i. 158, ii. 340,
xi. 375, xii. 398, 569; P. P*
iii. 98, 192; S.A. 701.
fufferings, P. X.iv. 26, xi.510;
S. A.4>4>5', Od.Pafl.25.
fuffers, P. P. i. 487 ; S.A. 458.
fiiffer'ft, S. A. 744.
Suffice, P. X. i. 148, ii.411, in.
189, vii. 113, 114, viii. 620.
fuffic'd, P. X. iv. 328, v. 451,
xi. 88 ; P. PL ii. 276.
fuffices, 5. ^: 63.
Sufficient, P. X.ii. 102, 404, iii.
99, vi. 427, vii. 147, viii. 5,
ix.43, x.753,xi.252 ; P. P.
iii. 247; 5.^. 1212.
Sufficiently, P. X. viii. 404.
fiiftVage, P. X. ii. 415.
fuffufion, P^L. iii. 26*.
fogged, P.P. i. 355.
fuggefted, P. X. v. 702.
fuggeftion, P. X. i. 685, iii. 129-
fuggeilions, P. X. ix. 9O; S.A*
fuing, S. A. 965.
fuit, P.X. viii. 388.
fuitable, P. X. iii. 639.
fuitors, P. X. xi. 9-
fuits, Xlor. I. 5.
fullen, P. P. i. 500 ; II Pen/.
76; Son. xx. 4; Od. Nat.
205 ; Ftfc. £#. 95.
fulphur, P. X. i. 69, 674, ii. 69.
fulphurous, P. L. i. 171, vi.
512, xi. 658.
Sultan, P. X. i. 348, xi. 395.
fultry, S.A. 1246; Lye 28.
fum, P. L. vi. 673, viii. 522,
xii. 338, 575; S.A. 1557,
fum of all, P. R. i. 283.
fumlefs, P. J/, viii. 36.
fumm'd, P.X. vii, 421.
fumm'd up, P. X. viii. 473, ix.
fummer, P. X. ii. 309 ; P. Jl.
iv. 246; UAL 130 ; Cow. 928,
Summer's, P.L. iii. 43, vii. 478,
ix. 447, x. 656 ; P. R. i\u
222 ; Od. D. F. I. 3.
fummers, Ep. M. Win. 7.
fummon, P. X. ix. 374 ; P. R 9
ii. 143.
fummon'd, P. X. vi. 75, viii.
fummoning, P. X. iii. 325.
fummons, P. X. i. 757, 798, v»
584, xi. 81; P. R. i. 40;
Com. 888.
fumptuous, P. R. iv. 1 14 ; S.A*
fums, P. X. i. 571, ix. 454.
fun, P. X. i. 594, 744, 769, ii,
492, iii. 8, 551, 572, 609,
623,690, iv. 29, 37, 150, 244,
352, 540, 591, 642, 651, v.
423, 558, 746, vii. 247, 354,
406, 582, viii. 94, 122, 133,
l60, 161, 255, 273, 630, ix.
48,60, 721, x. 92, 329, 529,
xi. 278, 844, xii. 263, 265 j
P. R. iv. 432 ; S. A. 3, 86 ;
Lye. 190 ; L'Al. 60 ; II Penf.
131 ; Com. 30, 51, 98, 141,
374,384,736; Son. xii. 7,
xxii. 5 ; Od. Nat. 36, 79, 83,
229; Pf. lxxxiv. 41, cxxxvL
fun-beam, P. X. iv. 556.
fun-beams, // Penf. 8.
fun- bright, P. X. vi. 100.
fun-clad, Corn. 782.
fun-light, P. X. ix. 1087.
fun-rife, S.A. 1597.
fan-mine, P. X. iii. 616 ; UAL
98 ; Com. 959-
fung, P. X. iii. IS, 372, iv. 603,
71 1 , v. 148, 405, vi. 526, 886.
vii. 182,259, 275, 56o t 573,
601, 633, viii. 519, x. 642,
643, xi. 583, xii. 367; P.P.
i. 1, 172, 243, iii. 178, iv.
258, 506, 637 ; S. A. «K)3,
983; II Po>r 117; 4rc29i
Com. 256 ; Son. i. 11; Od.
Nat. 119; Od. Or. 4; Od.
funk, P. L. i. 436, ii. 81, 182,
594, viii. 593, ix. 48, 74, xi.
758 ; P. P. iv. 398 ; Lye.
102, 167, 172; Cow. 373;
Od. Pajf. 40.
funk down, P.JL.v.91, vii. 289,
viii. 457, xi. 420.
funny, P. L. iii. 28, 625, viii.
262; P.R. iv. 447.
funs, P. L. iii. 589, iv. 578,
673,792, v.273, vii. 361, viii.
139, x. 670 ; Son. viii. 8;
Od. Nat. 19.
funs, P. L. vi. 305, viii. 148.
fuperficially, P. L. vi. 476.
fupcrfluous, P. L. iv. 832, v.
325, viii. 27, ix. 308; So?i.
xxi. 13.
fuperiour, P. L. i. 283, iii. 737,
iv. 499, v. 360, 705, 905, vi.
443, viii. 532, ix. 825, 1131,
x. 147, xi. 636 ; P. JR. iv.
167,324; Com. 801.
fupernal, P. L. i. 241, vii. 573,
xi. 359-
fupernumerary, P. L. x. 887.
fuperfcription, 5. ^4. 190 ; Ep.
Hobf. II. 34.
fuperilition, P. £. iii. 452;
S. A. 15.
fuperftitions, P. X. xii. 512.
fuperftitious, P. P. ii. 296.
fupper, P. L. iv. 331, ix. 225 ;
P. ii. ii. 273 ; Com. 293, 541.
fupplanted, P. L. x. 513 ; P.R.
iv. 607.
fupple, P. L. v, 788, viii. 269.
fuppliant, P. L. i.H2,x.917;
S.A. 1173.
fupplication, P. L. v. 867, xi.
31; S.A. 1459; P/. vi. 19,
lxxxvi. 17.
fupplied, S. A. 926.
fupplies, Pf. exxxvi. 86.
fupply, (fubft.) P. L. xi. 7*0.
fupply, P. i. ii. 834, x. 1001,
fupport, P. L. i. 23, 147, 295,
ix. 427, x. 834; P.R. ii.
250; S.A. 1274, 1634.
fupported, P. L. xii. 496.
fupports, Son. xxii. 9.
fuppofe, P. i. ii. 237, vi. 6l7;
S. A. 334 ; Com. 307, ±77.
fuppos'd, P. L. i. 451, iv. 130,
281, viii. 134, ix. 297, x.
fuppofes, P. R. iii. 355.
fuppofefl, P. L. viii. 86.
fuppofmg, 6'. A. 1443 ; Cow.
fupprefs'd, P. L. vii. 123.
fupremacy, P. L. i. 132, iii.
fupreme, P. X. i. 248, 735, ii.
210, 236, 510, iii. 319, 659,
iv. 91, 956, v. 670, vi. 27,
723, 114, vii. 142, 515, viii.
414, ix, 125, x. 28, 70, 480,
xi. 82; P.R. i. 99, iv. 186 ;
Od. on Time, 17.
Supreme Good, Com. 217.
fups, P. L. v. 426.
fupt, Ep.H&bf. I. 18.
iurburban, P. R. iv. 243.
furceafe, Pf. lxxxv. 35.
furceas'd, P. L. vi. 258 ; S. A.
furcharg'd, P. L. ii. 836, v. 58,
xii. 373; S.A, 728, 769;
Com. 728; P/. lxxxviii. 10.
fure, P. L. ii. 32, 154, 169, v.
168, vii. 267, 586, ix. 756,
xi. 772; P.P. iii. 363, iv.
483; S. ^.424, 465, 1385,
1408; Co?n. 148, 246, 310,
493 ; Son. ix. 1 1 ; Od. Patf.
48; Ep. Hobf. II. 18; P/.
exxxvi. 4, 96.
be fure, P. L. i. 158, ii. 323,
iii. 478, iv. 841, v. 721, vi.
647, ix. 1080, xii. 485.
furely, P. L. iv. 923 ; Od. Nat.
£0; Od. D.F.L 36; Ep.
Hobf.1.9; Pf> lxxxv. 37.
furer, P.L. ii. 39, xi. 856.
fureft, P. L. i. 278, iv. 407.
furety, P. L. v. 538.
furface, P.L. vi. 472 ; Od. Nat.
furfeit, P. L. v. 639, vii. 129,
xi. 795; S. A. 1562; Com.
furge, P. L. i. 173, x. 417.
furging, P. L. ii. 928, vii. 214,
ix. 499; -?•#• iv. 18.
furmife, P.L. ix. 333 , Xj/c.
furmife, (verb) P. L. xi. 340.
furmounts, P. L. v. 571 ; S. A.
furnam'd, P. 2?. ii. 199, iv. 279-
furpafs, P. L. i. 778, ii. 370,
xi. 894.
furpafs'd, P. L. ix. 389-
furpaffeft, P. L. viii. 359-
furpaffing, P. L. iv. 32, vii. 640 ;
S. A. 1313.
furprifal, P. L. v. 245 ; Com.
furprife, P. L. ii. 134, vi. 87-
furprife, (verb) P. L. vii. 547,
xi. 218, xii. 453.
furpris'd, P. L. ii. 753, iv. 814,
vi. 393, 39^ 77±, ix. 354 ;
P. R. i. 108, 155; S. A. 381,
1285 ; Com. 590.
furrender, P. L. iv. 494.
furround, P. L. ii. 796 ; Pf. v.
39, vii. 26.
furrounding, P.L. i. 346; Com.
furrounds, P. L. iii. 46 ; Od.
Nat. 109.
furvey, P. L. viii. 24; 5. ^.
1089, 1227, 1230.
furvey'd, P. L. i. 456, iii. 69,
viii. 268 ; P. it. i. 37.
furvey ing, P. L. vii. 353.
furveys, P. L. iii. 555, vi. 476.
furvives, S. A, 1706,
Sus, P. L. xi. 403.
Sufa, P. L. x. 308 ; P. it. iii,
Sufiana, P. it. iii. 321.
fufpect, P.L. ix. 337, x. 140;
P. R. ii. 399 ; S. A. 272 ;
Fac. E t r. 27-
fufpeded, P. L. xii. l65 ; P. K.
i. 124.
fufpend, P. L. vi. 692.
fufpended, P. L. ii. 554.
fufpenfe, P. L. ii. 418, vi. 580,
vii. 99; S.A. 1569.
fufpicion, P. L. iii. 686, ix.
1124; Com. 413.
fufpicious, P. L. iv. 51 6, ix.
92; P.R. ii. 82, iv. 96;
Com. 158.
fuftain, (fubft.) Pf. iii. 14.
fuftain, P. L. ii. 209, viii. 535 7
ix. 978, x. 950, 1056, xii. 75 ;
P. R. iii. 19; 5. ^. 1258.
fuiiain'd, P. L. v. 415, 904, vi.
423, ix. 336, x. 1083.
fuftenance, P. it. i. 429.
fwaddling, Od. Nat. 228.
fwage, P. L. i. 556; S. A. 184.
fwain, P. P. i. 337; Lye 92,
113, 186; Com. 84,497,634,
852, 900 ; Ep. M. Win. 38.
f wains, Arc. 26; Com. 951.
fwallovv, Pf. lxxxiv. 11.
fwallow'd up, P. L. i. 142, ii.
149, ix. 642 ; Od. Pqf 7*
fwallows, P. L. xii. 196.
fwan, P. L. vii. 43S.
fwarm, P. L. vii. 400 ; P. it. iv.
15; S.A. 19.
fwarm, (verb) P. L. ii. 903 ;
,S. A. 192.
fwarm'd, P. L. i. 676, 776, x.
fwarming, P. L. vii. 489, x. 522-
fwarming down, P. L. xii. 185.
fwart, Co???. 436.
fwart-flar, Luc. 138.
fway, P. L. ii. 984, iv. 308, vi.
234,251, ix. 113i; P. it. iii.
60, 405 ; 5'. A. 791 ; Corn.
18; Od.Nat. 170.
fway, (verb) P.L. viii. 635, x.
376, xi. 405; Son. xviii.
fway'd, P. L. x. 1010 ; S. A.
10591 Od. Sol. Muf. 22; Pf.
ii. 18.
fways, P. L. iv. 983 ; Com. 825.
fweat, P. L. viii. 255, x. 205,.
xi. 172; Od.Nat. 195.
fweaty, P. L. xi. 434.
Swede, Son. xxi. 8.
iweep, Lye. 17.
fweeping, II Pen/. 98.
fweet, P. L. i. 712, ii. 492, 608,
820, iii. 42, 346, 367, iv. 272,
298, 311, 328, 439, 641, 646,
656, v. 25, 59, 134,170,212,
296, 346, 630, 637, vii. 319,
375, 596, viii. 184, 214, 603,
ix. 115, 171,238, 250, 272,
32 1 , 407, 408, 456, 46l , 473,
899, 909, 986, x. 228, 359,
994, xi. 281, 303, xii. 5;
P.P. ii. 160, 265, iv. 16,242,
438 ; S. A. 10, 1737 ; Lye.
179; UAL 36; IlPenf.6l,
151 ; Arc. 68 ; Co?n. 47, 230,
878, 1005 ; Od. Nat. 23, 93 ;
Od. D. F. I. 71 ; Ep.M. Win.
15, 50 ; Vac. Ex. 52; Arioft.
2; P/.lxxxv. 43.
more fweet, P. L. ii. 555, v.
68, xii. 221.
fweet-briar, UAL 47.
fweeten'd, Com. 495.
fweet-fm'elling, P. L. iv. 709,
xi. 327-
fwcet-fmiling, Od. D. F. L 53.
fweeter, P. L. viii. 211.
fweeteft, P. L. v. 41, ix. 200,
581, x. 609; UAL 133"; II
Pen/. 57 ; Com. 230.
fwcetly, Com. 249 J Od. Cir. 4 ;
Pari Ex. 63.
fwectnefs, P. L. v. 152, viii.
216,47 5 ;UAl.l40;IlPatf.
164 ; Son. xxiii. 11.
fweets, P. L. iv. 166, 760, v.
294 ; Com. 123, 479.
fwell, P. P. iii. 81 ; Com. 732 s
iy. lxxxiii. 12.
fwelling, P. L. iv. 495 ; vii.
321; P. P. iv. 343.
fwerve, P. L. v. 238, 902, xi,
359 ; Pf. lxxxi. 16.
fwerv'd, P. L. vi. 386.
fwet, UAL 105.
fwift, P. L. i. 326, ii. 529, 631,
902, iii. 582, 652, 714, iv.
556, 593, v. 907, vi. 190, 192,
320, 326, 596, vii. 295, 469,
viii. 21, 133, ix. 633, x. 224,
xi. 127; P. P. ii. 385; Lye.
63; Com. 80, 114,579,855;
Vac. Ex. 96.
fwift-rufliing, Od. D. F. I. 67.
more fwift, P. L. vii. 176.
fwifter, P.L. ii. 791.
fwifteft, P. L. vi. 535, x. gu
fwiftly, P.L. ix. 631 ; Vac. Ex.
fwiftnefs, P. L. viii. 38, 107.
fwill'd, Com. 178.
fwim, P. L. i. 202, ix. L009,
xi. 625, 626.
fwims, P. L. ii. 950, vii. 414.
fwindges, Od. Nat. 172.
fwine, P. R. iv. 630; Cow. 53.
fwing, S. A. 1240.
fwinifh, Com. 776.
fwink'd, Com. 293.
fwollen, P. P. iv. 499 ; S. A.
532 : Lye. 126.
fwooning, Ep. Hobf. II. 17.
fwoonings, 6'. >4. 631.
fword, P. L. ii. 294, vi. 250,
278,320, 324, 329,714, xi.
120, 247, xii, 592,633; P. R.
ii.9l;S.A. 143,692,1165;
Com. 601 ; Son. xvii. 12 ; Pf.
vii. 46.
fworded, Od. Nat. 113.
f word-law, P. L. xi, 672.
lVvord-players, S. A. 1323.
fwords, P.L. i. 664, vi. 304.
fwore, P. L. iv. $6.
fworn, P.L. i. 322, v. 607,814,
xii. 346; Cow. 1011.
fwura, P. L. ii. 753, vii. 503,
xi. 745, 753.
Syene, P. L. iv. 70.
fyllable, Coin. 208.
Sylvan, P. L. iv. 140, v. 377;
P.P. i. 480,ii. 191; 1/ Pew/*.
134; Co???. 26"S.
Sylvanus, P. L. iv. 707.
Sylvefter, Ariqft. 4.
fympathize, Cor?*. 796 ; Od. JVaf.
fympathy, P. L. iv. 465, x. 246,
fymphonies, P. L. i. 712, v.
162, xi. 595.
fymphonious, P. L. vii. 559-
iymphony, P. L. iii. 368 ; Od.
Nat. 132.
fynod, P. L ii. 391, vi. 156, x.
661, xi. 67.
Syrens', Arc. 63.
Svrens, Com. 253, 878; Od.
"Sol.Muf. 1.
Syrian, P. L. i. 421, 448, 474,
xi. 21S ; Ep.M. Win. 63.
Syrinx, P. P. ii. 188 ; Arc. 106,
fyrops, Co??». 674.
Syrtis, P. L. ii. 939-
tabernacle, P. L. vii. 248, xii.
247 ; P. P. iv. 599-
tabernacles, P. L. v. 654 ; P/I
lxxxiv. 3.
table, P. L. v. 391, 392, 443 ;
P. P. ii. 340, 3S4, 402, iv.
tables, P. L. v. 632 ; P. R, iv.
tacit, 5. ^. 430.
tackle, P. L. ii. 1044; S. ^.
ta'en, Com. 541 ; £/>. #06/ I.
tail, P. L. x. 523 ; 5. ^. 360.
taint, P. L. iv. 804, v. 704, x.
6*31, xii. 512; S. A. 312;
Son. xxiii. 5.
taint-worm, L3/C. 46.
tainted, P. L. xi. 52.
take, P. L. xi. 100 ; P. P. iii.
140; 5.^.928, 1570; Com.
84, 321.
take heed, P. L. viii. 635.
take root, P. L. ix. 1105, xi.
take up, Od. Pajf. 51.
taken, P. L. x. 207, xi. 98,
262; P. P. ii. 177.
takes, P. L. iv. 622 ; P. P. ii.
236, 241 ; Vac. Ex. 20 ; Pj.
v. 9, lxxiii. 53.
tale, L'^/. 67 ; i7 Pen/. 100 ;
Co???. 44.
tales, L'Al. 115.
talent, iSo/z. xix. 3.
talk, P. L. v. 115, ix. 1, 237;
P.P. iii. 55, iv. 171, 307;
S. A. 1S8 ; Cow?. 464.
talk, (verb) P. L. iv. 744, 970;
P. P. i. 485, iv. 313.
talk'd, P. L. iii. 483, ix. 613,
xi. 322, 444; P. P. ii. 6;
iv. 484.
talking, P. L. i. 192, iv. 6S9;
tall, P. L. i. 534, iv. 2SS, 477,
xi. 728 ; Arc. 46; Pf. lxxx.
talleft, P. L. i. 292 ; P. P. iv.
talons, P. P. ii. 403.
tame, P. L. vi. 686; P. P. ii.
163; S.A.538, 1695.
tam'd, P. L. xii. 191 ; #• A.
1093 ; Co?«. 443.
tamely, P. L. ii. 1028.
tames", P. P. ii< 406.
tangled, P. it. ii. 162; S. A.
1665; Com. 181; Od. Nat.
tangles, P. L. ix. 632 ; Lye. 69.
tangling, P. X. iv. 176.
tann'd, UAL 90.
Tantalus, P. P. ii. 6l4.
taper, UAL 126; Cow. 337.
tapers', Od. Nat. 202.
tapeftry, Com. 324.
Taprobane, P. P. iv. 75.
tardy, P. P. x. 853.
targe, P. P. ix. 1111.
Tarpeian, P. P. iv. 49.
Tarfus, P. P. i. 200; 6*. ,4. 715.
Tartar, P. P. iii. 432, x. 431 ;
II Pen/. 1 1 5.
Tartarean, P. L. ii. 69.
tartareous, P. P. vii. 238.
Tartarus, P. L. ii. 858, vi. 54.
talk, P. P. i. 159, ii. 246, iv.
437, v. 564, 854, ix. 13, 207,
221 ; P. P. i. 427, iii- 36S ;
S. A. 5, 35 ; Com. IS, 1012 ;
Son. xv. 9, xxii. 11; Vac.
Ex. 8.
tafk-mafter's, Son. vii. 14.
taffell'd, ^rc 57-
tafie, (fubft.)P.P. i. 2, ii.613,
j\. 2 1 7, 25 1 , 369, v. 304, 336,.
viii. 527, ix. 747, 777, 786,
931,986, 1017, x. 563, 566,
xi. 85, 541, 618; P. R. ii.
731; S. A. 54,5; Com. 714;
£W. xx. 10.
tafte, P. P. ii. 686, iii. 199, iv.
217, 25 1, 36'9, 423 ,427,51 5 ,
527, v. 59, 61, 77, 86, 369,
397, 411, 432, 464, vii. 539,
viii. 3^7, 401, ix. 476, 651,
732,742,753, 866, 881,925,
931, 988, x. 4, 13,26*8; S.A.
1091 ; Com. 66, 67, 702,
rafted, P. P. v. 65, vii. 543, ix.
688,770, 788, 86*4, 86'7, 874,
x. 687; P-R- i. 308, ii. 131,
247 ; CW. 52.
taftes, P. P. v. 335, vii. 49;-
P. P. iv. 347.
tafting, P. P. v. 412, ix. 585 r
883, 935, 972, 1024.
taught, P. P. i. 8, 685, iii. 19,
iv. 915, v. 204, 508,698,826,.
viii. 182, 190, ix. 748, 1068,
x. 66l, 861, xi. 531, 612,
735, xii.572; P.P. ii. 269,
295, iii. 97, iv. 220, 261, 3*57,
36l ; S. A. 872; Com. 515;
Son. xiii. 2, xxi. 3 ; Fore, of
Con. 8 ; Pf. ii. 23.
taught'ft, Son. xi. 14.
Taurick, P. P. iv. 79*
Tauris, P. P. x. 436.
Taurus, P. P. i. 769, x. 673.
tawny, P. P. vii. 404; P/.
exxxvi. 54.
tax, £'..4.210.
teach, P. L. v. 786, 865, x.
1062, xi. 836, xii. 440, 446 ;.
P. R. i. 224, 461, iv. 309;.
II Pen/. 80 ; Com. 1020 ; Hor,
II. 1; Py.lxxxvi.37.
teacher, P. P. xi. 450.
teachers, P. P. xii. 508 ; PR,
i. 213, iv. 262; Hor.ll. I.
teaching, P. P. iv. 220 ; P. P,
iv. 357.
team, 0 269 ; S.A.
243,531, ii. 81, 94,329,514, 943; Com,. 56, 7*9, 946,
634, iv. 3, 403, 970, v. 15, 1016; Od. Nat. 74; Vac. Ex.
269, 446, 447, 624, 866, 894, 9 ; Pf vii. 27, lxxxii. 8.
vi. 103, 21S, 243, 244, 275, thenceforth, P.L. iii. 265, 333,
742, vii. 131, 224, 239, 313, ix. 602, 870, x. 214, xi. 802,
317, 380, 435, viii. 126, 278, xii. 109 ; P. JR. i. 79, iv. 514 ;
290, 397, 403, 408, 446, 614, Son. xiv. 13.
ix.37, 75, 134, 178,201,301, theologians, P. L. v. 436.
331,337,364,378,436,470, there, P. L. i. 47, 76, 185, iii.
$79, 562, 631, 606, 701, 703, 249, iv. 468, v. 645, 689, vi.
707,732,753,758,761,773, 11, 117, 2/7, 339, vii. 20,
778, 827, 830, 884, 1080, 627, viii. 144, 148, 173, 175,
1137, 1158, 1162, 1175, x. ix. 541, 642, 849, 1105,
40,168,173,182,185,211, 1148, 1154, x. 26*9, 376,
414, 638, 724, 756, 768, 786, 399, 421 , 427, 547, 586, 599,
792, 827, 895, 999, 1028, 778,933, 108S, xi. 221, 292,
1041, xi. 17, 156, 188, 253, 385, 834, 838, xii. 137, l63,
257, 340, 438, 515, 538, 540, 224,, 344, 453, 455 ; P. P. i.
572,589,591,728,754,781, 157, 211, ii. 291, iii. 285,
829, 863, xii. 5, 208, 345, 288,291, iv. 151, 247,249,
358, 451,456, 463, 466, 482, 253, 373,396, 421, 549, 551 ;
469,515,524,547,585,640; Lye. 178; L'AL 21, 125;
P.P. i. 23,38, 109, 137,403, 11 Pen/. 41, 139, l6l ; Com.
446, ii. 319, 453, 484, iii. 951, 9S0, 988, 992; Od.
233, 251, 382, 413, iv. 221, Pqf 19, 41 ; Ep. M. Win.
419, 586; S. A. 252, 5l6, 71 5 Brut. 8, 11, 12; Son. 1;
882; L'AL 100, 110, 131; Pf. lxxxiii. 25, lxxxiv. 9,
Com. 188, 56S ; Son. xvii, 7 ; 11, lxxxviii. 26.
Od.Rat.88, 165 1 Od. D.F.I, thereafter, P. L. ii. 50; P. R.
71; Ep. IV. S/i. 13; Ariojl, ii. 321.
1; Pf. i. 13, ii. 9, v. 33, thereat, P. L. x. 487.
Ixxx. 16, 80, Ixxxi. 26, 49, there be, Com. 12; Ep. Hobf. IL
57, lxxxiii. 65, lxxxv. 46, 25 ; Pf. iv. 25.
49, lxxxvi. 62. thereby, P. L. iii. 695, iv. 197,
thence, P. L. i. 12, 82, 210, ix, 128, xi. 360, 792; S. A.
234, 404, 415, 418, 515, ii. 941 ; Od. D. F. I. 12, 62.
442, 521, 603, 929, 983, iii. therefore, P. L. ii. 187, 456,
53, iv. 194, 230, 453, 474, iii. Ill, 131, 281, 313, iv.
582, 806, 856, v. 480, 666, 103, 935, v. 229, 372, 404,
vii. 109, 510, 536, 554, 616, vi. 385, 464, 6'99, 817, vii.
viii. 233, 466, 608, ix. 62, 5l6, viii. 198, 228, 442, 60S,
81, 812,1185, x. 344, 399, ix. 212, 279, 700, 881, x,
480, 583, 675, 969, xi. 107, 3.93, 603, 1016, xi. 30, 0^
514,520,702, 801, xii. 12,
90, 96", 287, 307, 388, 588 ;
P. P.i. 176,206, ii. 18,140,
225, 407, iv. 105, 146, 209,
287, 312, 53S; S. A. 233,
425, 79o, 825, 834, 895, 900,
1053; IlPenf 15; Com. 58,
78; Son. ix. 11, xvii. 13 ;
Pf. cxxxvi. 74.
therein, P. L. i. 652, ii. 833,
iii. 390, v. 522, 575, viii.
340, 584, x. 4S3, xi. 838,
895, 896, xii. 250; P. R. ii.
463, iii. 109; Pf. exxxvi.
thereof, P. L. viii. 329, ix. 663,
706, 724, x. 200, 202, xii.
thereon, P. L. xi. 326 ; S. A.
1505; Od. Sol.Muf 8.
Theffalian, P. L. ii. 544.
Theftylis, L'AL 88.
Thetis, Com. 877.
thick, P. L. i. 302, 311, 548,
767, 775, ii. 264, 412, 754,
iii. 25, 61, 362, 507, 577,
iv. 174, 532, 980, vi. 16,
539, 751 9 vii. 320, 358, viii.
653, ix. 426, 446, 1038, x.
522, 526; P. JR. ii. 263, iv.
343, 405, 448; II Pen/. 7 ',
Coin. 62, 470.
thick-ramm'd, P. L. vi. 485.
thick-warbled, P. L. iv. 246.
thick-woven, P. L. ix. 437.
thicken'd, P. L. xj. 742.
thicker, P. L. x. 559-
thickeft, P. L. ii. 537, iv. 693,
vi. 308, ix. 1100, 1110, x.
101, 411; Com. 132; Od.
PaJ. 30; Pf. lxxxviii. 27-
thicket, P. L. iv. 136, 681, vii.
458, ix. 179, 62$, 784 ; Arc,
58; Com. 185.
thickets, Od. Nat. 188.
thick fet, Com. 893.
thief, P. L. iv. 188, 192 ; P. P.
iy. 6'04 j &w. vii. 1,
thievifh, Com. 1Q5,
thigh, P. L. vi. 714; IlPenf
thighs, P. L. i. 664, v. 282.
thin, P. L. xii. 76; P. P. i,
499, iv. 345.
thin-fpun, Lye. 76.
thing, P. L. ii. 741, iv. 563, vii f
523, 534, ix. 449, 813, 824,
x. 605 ; S. A. 350, 443 ; Com.
456 ; Od. on Time, 9, 14; Pf
lxxxv. 50.
things, P. L. i. 16, 389, 693,
ii. 25S, 392, 625, 962, iii. 55,
448, 6ll, iv. 203, v. 43, 103,
455,474, 511, 575, vi. 137,
298, 477, 673, 893, vii. 53,
70, 82, 122, 227, 240, 244,
452, 636, viii. 10, 121, 159,
191, 196, 199, 414, 565, ix.
171, 604, 605, 682, 695,
1025, x. 248,306, 651,707,
xi. 579, 712, 870, xii. 140,
271, 341, 567; P. P. i. 69,
137, 206, 258, 300, 489, ii.
103, 195,305,324,379,400,
426, 447, iii. 51, 111, 122,
183, 239, iv. 224, 296, 31S,
435, 56'4; S. A. 250, 926,
942, 1358, 1451, 1532; Com.
703 ; Od. PaJ): 28 ; Od. Sol.
Muf 4 ; Vac. Ex. 45 ; Hor.
III. 1 ; Pf. iv. 12, lxxxvii. 9.
all things, P. L. ii. 190, 278,
844, iii. 155, 446, 448,
675, iv. 434, 599, 611,
667 y 692, 752, 999, v. 46,
183, 470, 581, 837, vi.
708, 736, vii. 591, viii. 265,
340, 363, 476, 493, 524,
ix. 194, 343,402,539, 722,
804, x. 7, 26'9, 380, 850,
xi. 56, 160,161,309,900,
xii. 6l 8.
think, P.P. i. 66l, iii. 480, iv.
366, 432, 675, 759, 835, v.
433, vi. 13.5,271, 282,437,
495, vii, 635, viii. 174, 224 ?
-S81, ix. 303, 370, 830, 938,
xi. 292, 465; P. R. i. 387,
iii. 109, 399, iv. 286;
■S. A. 295, 445, 930, 1335,
1534; Com. 366, 755, Od.
Nat. 105 ; Od. PqJJ\ 55 ;
Od. D. F. I. 74, ; Ep, Hobf.
11. 32.
thinking, P. L. x. 564, 1021 ;
P. R. iv. 496 ; Ep. Hobf. I.
thinks, P. L. iii. 6SS.
think'it, P. P. viii. 110, 403,
x. 592; P. Pt. ii. 177, iii.
163 ;Pf. viii. 13.
thinner, P. P. viii. 348, ix.
third, P. L. i. 705, iv. 869, v.
283, vi. 699, 748, x. 82, xii.
267, 421; P. Pt. iv. 296;
S. A. 1466; Brut. 3.
third part, P. L. ii. 692, v. 7 10,
vi. 156.
thirft, P. X. iv, 228, 330, v.
305, vii. 68, viii. 8, 202, ix.
586, x. 556, 568, xi. 846;
P.P. i. 339, iv. 120, 593;
S. A. 551, 5S2, 1456; Com.
68, 678.
thirfted, P. L. iv. 336.
thirity, P.L. v. 190 ; Com. 524 ;
Pf. lxxxiv. 21.
thirty, S. A. 1186, II96; Vac.
Ex. 94.
Thifbite, P. P. ii. 16.
thiftles, P. P. x. 203; Com.
thither, P. L. i. 183, 357, 655,
656, 674, ii. 354, 596, 954,
979, 1054, iii. 573, iv. 452,
456, 555, 593, 890, 963, v.
266, 7^7, 770, vii. 290, 513,
572, ix. 630, x. 629, xi. 200,
344, 433, 837, xii. 75, 366 ;
P.R.i. 250, ii.291,iv.374;
S. A. 1450, 1521, 1738;
Com. 987; Vac. Ex. 12;
Brut. 10.
thither-ward, P. L. iii. 500, viii,
Thone, Com. 675.
thorn, P. P. iv. 256; S. A.
thorns, P. P. x. 203 ; P. P. ii.
thorough fore, P. P. x. 393.
though, P. P, i. 53, 87, 97,
105, 125, 141, 153, 262, 279,
361, 394, 444, 507, 576, 624,
631, 763, 791, ii- 13, 18,
112, 147, 224, 251, 254, 321,
337, 349, 358, 432, 457, 498,
682, 790, 813, 835, 99?,
1044, iii. 99, 152, 159, 17'6,
192, 245, 278, 286, 305,428,
465, 530, 552, 585, 602, 686,
690, iv. 13, 62, 167, 169,
281, 295, 375, 392, 663, 674,,
675, 706, S90, 941, 973,
1009, X.75, 358,374, 394,
426\ 428, 553, 574, 580, 833,
8/5, 903, vi. 11, 36, 91,
118, 124, 144,226,229,265,
297 \ 304, 377, 405, 429, 435,
457, 593, 660, vii. 18, 25,
26, 31, 50, 99, 112, 148,
170, 331, 356, 368, 497,
552, viii. 92, 108, 117, 129,
485, 500, 506, 598, ix. 70,
304, 377, 390, 428, 432, 468,
485, 490, 551, 60 1, 610, 648,
664, 715,746, 805, S 10, 930,
945, 1065, x. 91, 109, 135,
362, 557, 592, 600, 690, 692,
716,741,759,794, 830,836,
878, 977, xi. 31, 40, 71,
117, 173, 177, - 1 80, 272, 330,
332, 459, 492, 496, 509, 5S5,
604, 6ll, 760, 886, xii. 2,
37, 96, 140, 201, 307, 403,
410, 494, 514, 51/, 576, 603,
621 ; P. R. i. 52, 92, 177,
232, 377, 494, ii. 8, 63, iii,
20, 123, 154, 303> iv. 23, thoufand thoufand, P. L. \\v
290, 417, 488, 512, 612; 383.
S. A. 248, 323, 333, 844, ten thoufand, P. L. i. 545, ii.
933,1238, Arc. 100, 106; 934, iii. 488, vi. 836, vii.
Com. 338 ; Sow. x. 9, xvi. 1 ; 559; P. P- iii. 411.
P/. ii. 12, lxxxvii. 7. ten thoufand fold, P. .L. xi.
thought, P. L. i. 54, 56*0, iv. 678.
50, 198, 320, 457, 7.94, v. ten thoufand thoufand, P. X.
37, 159, 384, 576, 665, 727, v. 588, vi. 767.
828, vi. 20, 98, l6'4, 192, twenty thoufand, P. L. vi. 769.
236, 430, 500, 538, vii. 53, thoufands, P. L. i. 760, vi. 48,
82, 139, 603, 611, viii. 3, 148, 270, 373; P. R. iii.
280, 506, ix. 319, 555, 790, 304; Son. xix. 12.
857, 898, 977, 1004, 1110, by thoufands, P. L. vi. 594.
1179, x. 219, 788, 1017, Thracian, P.L. vii. 34.
1 049, xi. 400, 770, xii. 558 ; thraldom, S. A. 946.
P. R. i. 204, ii. 13, 146, thrall, P. L. x. 402; P. P. i.
266, 481, iv. 11, 495, 520; 411 ; $. A. 370, l6'22 ; Pf
S. A. 117, 231, 302, 659, lxxxi. 28.
870, 871, 908, 1092, 1531, thralls, P. L. i. 149-
1688 ; Com. 408, 505, 566 ; Thrafcias, P. L. x. 700.
Sow. xxii. 13 ; Od. Nat. 88; threads, S. A. 26 1 ; ^rc. 16.
Oo 7 . P>. P.P. 10; Pf. vii. 7. threaten, P. P. iv. 464.
thought following though t,P. R. threaten'd, P. L. iv. 968, vi.
i. 192. 359, ix. 715, 870; S. A. 852.
thoughts, P. L. i. 88, 557, 659, threatening, P. £. ii. 177, 705,
6'S0, ii. 115, 148, 283, 354, iii. 425, iv. 77, ix. 939, xi.
421, 526, 558, 630, iii. 37, 641; P. R. iv. 489; S. A.
171, iv. 19, 95, 062, 688, 1198; Sow. xvi. 12.
807, v. 28, 96, 209, 232, threatenings, Pf lxxxviii. 62.
552, 676, 712, vi. 90, 367, threatens, P. L. ii. 441 ; P. R.
581, 629, viii. 40, 167, 183, ii. 128.
1S7, 414, 590, ix. 88, 101, thrcatener, P. L. ix. 687-
130,213,229,288,471,473, threats, P. L. iv. 968, v. 889,
572,603,843, 918, x. 608, vi. 283, 287, ix. 53, 685;
975, 1008, xi. 498, xii. 275, Com. 39, 586.
377 ; P. P. i. 190, 196, 227, three, P. L. ii. 645, 646, v. 382,
2229, ii. 107, iii. 227; S. A. viii. 130, x. 323, 324, 364,
19, 459, 524, 623, 1383; xi. 4l6, 736, 866, xii. 188;
Com. 192, 210, 371, 383, P. R. ii. 433, iii. 412 ; Com.
669 ; Od. Nat. 92 ; Vac. Ex. 953, 969, 982 ; Son. xxii. 1.
2.3. three and twentieth, Son. vii. 2.
thoufand, P. L. i. 796- ii. 967, three-bolted, P. L. vi. 764.
v. 249, vii. 382, viii. 601 ; threefold, P. L. ii. 645.
Lye. 135; UAL 63; Com. threefcore, P. P. iii. 411.
205, 627,926; Od. Nat. 100; three times, Ep. M. Win. 7.
Od. Sol. Mvf 12 ; Pf Ixxxiv. threAYd, L'Al. 1 08.
36". threfliing- floor, P. L. iv, 9S4.
threshold, P. L. x. 594,; Com. 1.
threw, P. L. ii. 5-45, 755, iv.
40, 609, vi. 639, 804, vii.
threw down, P. L. iii. 391.
thrice, P. L. i. 74, 619, ii. 645,
iv. 115, ix. 16, 64, x. 855;
S. A. 392, 396, 1222 ; Com.
Q14 915.
thrice-great, II Pen/. S3.
thrift, Com. l67.
thrilling, Od. Nat. 103.
thrive, P. L. ii. 26l.
thriv'd, P. JR. i. 114; £. A
thrives, P. L. x. 236.
throat, P. X. xi. 713 ; Pf. v.
throes, P. L. 780; Pp. M. Win.
throne, P. L. i. 42, 105, 639,
ii. 1, 23, 68, 104, 138, 241,
267, 320, 445, 959, iii- 148,
314, 350, 649, 655, iv. 89,
597, 944, v. 163, 585, 656 f
670, 725, 868, vi. 5, 88, 103,
133, 426, 679, 758, 834, vii.
137, 556, 585, x. 28, 382,
445, xi. 20, 82, 389, xii.
323,370; P. R. i. 171, 240,
ii. 212, 424, 425, 440, iii.
33, 153, 169, 357, 383, 395,
408, iv. 100, 108, 147, 271,
379, 471,603; Arc. 15; Od.
Nat. 84, 164 ; Od. D. F. I.
56; Od. on Time, 17; 0d.
Sol. Muf. 7 ; Vac. Ex. 36.
thron'd, P. L. i. 386, iii. 58,
305,377, vi. 772, 890; P. R.
iv. 596; Od.Nat. 145; Od.
Cir. 19.
throned, P. L. i. 128.
thrones, P. L. i. 360, ii. 310,
430, iii. 320, v. 363, 601,
749, 772, 840, vi. 199, 366,
723, 841, vii. 193, x. 86,
460, xi. 232, 296; P. R. ii.
121, iv. 85.
throng, P. L. iv. 831, v. 650,
vi. 308, vii. 297, ix. 142, x.
453, xi. 671 ; P. R. i. 145;
S. A. 1609; Od. Nat. 58.
throng, (verb) P. L. i. 780;
Com. 206.
throng'd, P. L. i. 76l, vi. 83,
857, xii. 644; P. R. iii.
thronging, P. L. i. 547, ii. 555;
S. A. 21; Com. 713.
throngs, UAL 11 9.
throttled, P. P. iv. 568.
through, P. L. i. 118, 177, 288,
366, 375, 395, 464, 518, 544,
567, 595, ii. 148, 156, 262,
406, 412, 464, 473, 544, 6l 8,
641, 663, 684, 771, 783, 829,
943, 948, 953, 974, 1001,
1014, 101S, iii. 16, 52, 87,
133, 254, 358, 378, 400, 544,
564, 574, 590, 605, 651, 657,
685, 729, iv. 223, 224, 227,
976, v. 11, 50, 225, 251,
692, 874, 904, vi. 1, 7, 166,
203, 248, 330, 368, 384, 392,
749, 873, 8S9, vii. 92, 134,
229, 246, 299, 373, 404, 574,
viii. 141, 421, ix. 179, 520,
637, 641, 676, 783, 789, 891,
1110, x. 188, 394,407,411,
667, 709, 830, 846, 897, 902,
xi. 17, 68, 562, 673, xii. 49,
208, 216, 226, 313, 449, 452,
455, 489, 649; P> R. i. 5,
16, iii. 62, 65; S. A. 45, 96,
97, 369, 670, 1050, 1489,
1599 ; L'Al. 47, 56 ; II Pen/.
70; Com. 333, 425, 569,
906, 945, 972 ; Son. xxii. 13 ;
Od. Nat. 4,8, 52, 156; Vac.
Ex. 39 ; Brut. 1 ; Hor. I. 6 ;
Pf. vi. 14, viii. 24, lxxxi.
19, lxxxi v. 23, IxxxviiL 37,
throughout, P. L. i. 754, v.
726, vi. 344, 833, vii. 237,
532; P.R. iv. 150.
throw, Lye. 139; 0d. Nat. 42;
Od. Puff. 30; Pf. lxxx. 28,
Ixxxv. 51.
thrown, P. L. i. 741, iv. 225,
vi. 843 ; P. R. iv. 3 ; S. A.
thrown off, P. L. iii. 362;
Pore, of Con. 1.
thrown out, P. L. x. 887.
throws, P. .L. i. 56, iii. 562,
thruft, P. L. ii. 857, iv. 508 ;
S. A. 367.
Thummim, P. it. iii. 14.
thunder, P. L. i. 93, 174, 258,
601, ii. 66, 166, 294, 477,
S82, iii. 393, iv. 928, v. 893,
vi. 606, 632, 713, 764, 854,
ix. 1002, x. 33, 666, 780,
xii. 181,229; P.P. i-90, iv.
410; S. A. 1651, 1696; Arc.
51; Com. 804; Od.Nat. 156;
Vac. Ex. 42; Pf. lxxxi. 29.
thunder-bolts, P. L. i. 328, vi.
thunder-clafping, Pf. exxxvi.
thunder-ftruck, P. L. vi. 858 ;
P. R. i. 36.
thunder, (verb) P. L. x. 780.
thunderer, P. L. vi. 491.
thunderer's, P. L. ii. 28.
thundering, P. L. i. 233, 386,
vi. 487, x. 814; S. A. 1353.
thunderous, P. L. x. 702; Vac.
Ex. 36.
thunders, P. L. ii. 267, vi. 836,
vii. 606.
thus, P. />. i. 83, 127, 192,
266, 272, 327, 559, 746, 789,
ii. 10, 92, 118, 142, 164,
389, 429, 466, 486, 506, 6' 14,
«71, 914, 968, 988, iii. 40,
79, 135, 143, 152, 156, 167,
736, iv. 31, 105, 114, 246,
357, 359, 374, 409, 440, 467,
476, 504, 505, 560, 576, 610,
903,924, 977, 1005, v. 17,
27, 67, 93, 94, 152, 155,
460, 561, 562, 594, 599, 672,
718, 771, 808, 843, 852, 876,
vi. 28, 113, 130, 150, 171,
200, 261, 281,417, 450, 536,
557, 608, 620, 679, 706, 722,
800, 893, vii. 69, 109, 110,
626, 634, viii. 4, 7, 65, 159,
337, 349, 356, 367, 368, 378,
434, 500, 521, 595, 644, ix.
82, 97, 98, 144, 158, 204,
220, 226, 272, 321, 322, 341,
472, 474, 531, 535, 536, 527,
552, 567, 610, 614, 6*46, 659,
678, 726, 744, 794, 807, 855,
886, 894, 920, 922, 960,
1143, 1187, x. 33, 67, 85,
264, 353, 383, 545, 572, 590,
596, 602, 706, 7 1 9, 756, 823,
837, 845, 863, 866, 913, 914,
946,966, 1012, xi. 1,21,41,
83, 140, 162, 170, 192, 225,
250, 269, 286, 289, 295, 334,
370, 422, 449, 452, 453, 466,
503, 504, 507, 597, 603, 628,
676, 683, 698, 762, 785, 787,
869, xii. 6, 61, 63, 79, 105,
190, 244, 269, 285, 386, 468,
502, 552,574, 609; P. R. i.
43, 129, 195, 397, ii. 58, 120,
152,378,432, iii. 6, 64, 164,
346, 386, iv. 170, 367, 426,
450, 485, 550, 560, 636;
S.^. 85, 98, 965; Lye. 186;
L'Al. 115; II Penf. 121;
€om. 153, 897, 911; Od.
May-M.9; P/.iii.5,lxxxviii.
thus far, P. X. i. 587, ii. 22,
21 1, 321, v. 803, vi. 700, vii.
230, viii. 177, 437, x. 370.
thus high, P. X. ii. 7, 8.
thus low, P. X. ii. 81.
thus much, P. X. iv. 899.
thwart, P. X. viii. 132, x. 703,
thwarting, Arc. 51.
thwarts, P. X. iv. 557.
Thyeftean, P. X. x. 6*88.
thyme, Lye. 40.
Thyrfis, X'^/. 83; Com. 494,
512, 657.
tiar, P. X. iii. 625.
Tiberius, P.P. iii. 159-
tide, P. X. xi. 854.
tidings, P. X. v. 870, x. 36,
346, xi. 226, 302, xii. 375,
504; P. E. i. 109, ii. 62;
S. A. 1567.
Tidore, P. X. ii. 639.
tie, S. A. 308; L'Al. 143.
tiger, P. X. iv. 403, vii. 467 ;
P. H. i.313; Com. 71.
tigers, P. X. iv. 344; Com.
Tigris, P. X. ix. 71.
tiles, P. X. iv. 191.
till, P. X. i. 4, 227, 299, 325,
347, 365, 418, 776, ii. 527,
537, 717, 740, 755, 778, iii.
125, 458, 499, 712, 742, iv.
40, 534, 606, 912, v. 31, 35,
vi. 2, 10, 246, 262, 268, 396,
479, 650, vii. 36, 107, 157,
313, 380, 435, 551, viii.
190, 258, 518, ix. 72, 207,
219, 246, 575, 596, 622,
803, 894, 1016, 1044, 1065,
x. 101, 206, 352, 513, 574,
£07, 632, 938, 1084, xi.
40, 61, 82, 178, 498, 534,
535, 550, 586, 588, 664,
744, 758, 795, 828, 900, xii.
24, 58, 106, I69, 194, 199,
207, 267, 351, 539, 555;
P. R. iii. 85, 284, iv.
282, 544; S. A. 250, 304;
L'Al. 99 ; II Pen/. 42, 173 ;
Com. 136, 252, 321, 459,
463, 468, 570, 643, 840, 888,
943, 1007 ; So?i. x. 5, xv. 11 ;
Od. dr. 18; Od. on Time,
1 ; Pf. lxxxiii. 14, 56, 59.
till now, P. X. ii. 744, iv. 466,
vi. 208, 429, 432, ix. 858,
1023, x. 369.
till then, P. X. i. 93, 638, ii.
690, viii. 206, ix. 766, 787,
x. 646, xi. 198, xii. 90, 333 ;
P. R. iii. 382.
till, (verb) P. X. vii. 332, viii.
320, xi. 97, 26l.
tillage, P. X. xi. 434.
tilth, P. X. xi. 430.
tilting, P. X. ix. 34, xi. 747.
timber, P. X. xi. 728.
timbrel, Pf. lxxxi. 6.
timbrell'd, Od. Nat. 219.
timbrels, P. X, i. 394 ; S. A.
time, P. X. i. 36, 253, 769, ii.
210, 274, 297, 348, 603, 774,
894, iii. 284, iv. 6, 489, 639,
v. 38, 493, 498, 580, S48,
859 f vii. 177, viii. 474, ix.
70, 464, x. 24, 74, 91, 345,
606, xi. 244, 859, xii. 152,
l6l, 301, 554, 555 ; P. P. i.
56, 58, 109, 269, 286, ii. 43,
iii. 182, 183, 396, 433, 440,
iv. 15, 123, 174, 282, 378,
22, 402 ; Com. 435, 743 ; Son.
vii. 1, 12, xx. 5, xxi.ll ; Od.
Nat. 135, 239; Od. on Time,
1,22; Ep. M. Win. 9; Ep.
Hobf.il. 7,8, 15, 23;P/iv.
18, lxxx. 2, lxxxi, 11, 64,
any time, Ep. Hobf. I. 7.
each time, S. A. 397.
for a time, P. JR. ii. 14.
in time, P.P. iii. 298; 5. A.
no time, 5. A. 1708.
fecond time, P. P. ii. 275.
timelefsly, Or/. P>. P. I. 2.
timely, P. P. iii. 728, iv. 6l4,
vii. 74, x. 1057; S.A 602;
Com. 6'S9; S™. i- 9-
timely-happy, Son. vii. 8.
times, P. P. xii. 243, 437 ; P. P.
i. 228, iii. 94, 187; 6*. .4.
406, 6'95.
time's, Vac. Ex.71.
Timna, S. A. 219, 383, 795.
Timnian, S. A. 1018.
timorous, P. P. ii. 1 1 7, Vi. 857 ;
P. P. iii. 241 ; S. A. 740.
tin&uxe, P. L. vii. 367.
Tine, Pac. P*. 98.
tine, P. P. x. 1075.
tinfel, P. L. ix. 36.
tipfy, Cow. 104.
tipt, P. L. vi. 580.
tir'd, S.A. 1326; Cow. 688.
tire, P.P. vi. 605.
Tirefias, P. P. iii. 36.
tiffued, Od. Nat. 146.
tifiues, P. P. v. 592.
Titan, P. P. i. 510.
Titanian, P. P. i. 198.
title, P. P. xi. 163, xii. 70;
P. P. iv. 199-
title-page, Son. xi. 6.
titled, P. P. xi. 622; P. P. ii.
179, iii- 81.
titles, P.P. ii.311,v.773,801,
xi. 793, xii. 516.
tittle, P.P. i. 450.
titulur, P. P. v. 774.
to and fro, P. P. i. 772, ii. 605,
1031, iii. 533, vi. 328, 643,
toad, P. P. iv. 800 ; Son, xi. 13.
Tobias, P, I. v. 222.
Tobit's, P. P. iv. 170.
toe, L'Al. 34.
toes, Cow. 962.
together, P. P. v. 696, vi. 215,
316, 857, ix. 1095, 1099,
1112, x. 287, 290, 785, xi.
739; S.A. 1521; Lye. 27 ;
Pf ii. 4.
toil, P. P. i. 319, 698, ii. 1041,
iv. 327, vi. 257, ix, 242;
P.P. ii. 453; S.A. 5; Com.
687; Pf. lxxxi.21, cxiv. 2.
toil'd, P. P. vi. 449.
toil'd out, P. P. x. 475.
toils, S. A. 933.
toilfome, P. P. iv. 439, xi.
toil'ft, P. P. iv. 498.
told, P. P. vii. 178, 179, vi".
521, ix. 863, 886, x. 40, xi.
298; P. P. i. 245, iii. 184,
iv. 472 ; S. A. 1433 ; Ep.
M. Win. 8 ; Vac. Ex. 48 j
Ep. Hobf. II, 23 ; P/ lxxxiii.
told'ft, P. P. i. 137; Com. 694.
tolerable, P. P. ii. 460, x. 654>
tomb, S. A. 986, 1742 ; Ep. M.-
Win. 34; Ep.W.Sh. 16.
tones, P. P. v. 626; P.P. iv.
tongue, P. P. ii. 112, vi. 135,
3 54, 297,360, vii. 113, 603,
viii. 219, 272, ix. 554, 6*74,
749, x. 518, 519, xi. 620;
P. R. i.479, "J- 5 5, iv. 5;
S. A. 1066 ; Com. 6*92, 76l ;
Son. xiii. 8 ; Vac. Ex. 2, 10;
Pf v. 28, lxxxi. 20.
tongue-batteries, S. A. 404.
tongue-doughty, S. A. 1181.
tongues, P. P. vii. 26, x. 507,
xii. 53, 501 ; P. P. i. 374,
iii. 55, 280; Cow?. 208.
took, V. L. ii. 554, 872, iii. 365,
vi. 549, 79o t vii. 225, 35&
viii. 300, 465, 536, ix. 455,
347, 1004, 1043, xi. 82, 223,
517, xii. 649; P. P. iii. 251,
iv. 394 ; S. A. 227, 86*9,
1183, 1203 ;0d. Rat. 20, 9$;
Ep. W. Sh. 12; Ep. Hobf.I.
took in, Com. 20, 56 1.
took leave, P. L. iii. 739.
took'ft, P. L. ii. 765; 5. A.
838, 1591.
tools, P. L. xi. 572 ; 5. A. 137 ;
P/: vii. 48.
top, P. L. i. 6, 289, 515, 614,
670, ii. 545, iii. 504, 742, v.
59S, vii. 6, 585, viii. 303, xi.
378, 851, xii. 44, 227,588;
P. R. ii. 217, 286, iii. 265 ;
S.A. 167; Lye. 54; Cow. 94.
topaz, P. L. iii. 597-
Tophet, P. L. i. 404.
tops, P. L. iv. 142, v. 193, vi.
645, vii. 287, 424, xi. 852.
topt, P. R. iv. 548.
torch, P. L. xi. 590.
torches, Com. 130.
tore, P. L. i. 542, ii. 543, 783,
vi. 588, vii. 34; S.A. 128,
torment, P. L. iv. 893, viii. 244,
ix. 121, x. 998; P. it. iv.
305, 632 ; S. A. 606.
torment, (verb) P. L. x. 781,
xi. 769.
tormented, P. L. vi. 244.
tormenter, P. It. iv. 130.
tormenters, S. A. 623.
tormenting, P. X. iv. 505.
torments, P. L. i. 56, ii. 70,
169,274, iv. 88, 510; P. R.
iii. 208.
torn, P.L. i.232, ii.926, 1044,
iv. 994; Od. Nat. 187-
torn up, P. It. iv. 419.
torrent, P. L. ii. 581, vi. 830,
vii. 299.
torrid, P. L. i. 297, ii. 904,
xii, 634.
tortuous, P. £. ix. 516.
torture, P. -L. i. 67, xi. 481 ;
S. A. 1569.
torturer, P. L. ii. 64.
tortures, P. L. ii. 63, ix. 469.
torturing, P. L. ii. 91.
tolling, P. L. i. 184, xi. 489-
toft, P. L. iii. 490, ix. 1126,
x. 287, 71S.
total, P. L. iv. 665, vi. 73, viii.
627, x. 127; S.A. 81.
touch, P. L. iii. 608, iv. 686,
812, vi. 485, 520, 584, viii.
579, 617, 663, ix. 1143, x.
563, xi. 561 ; S. A. 549 ;
Arc. 87 ; Com. 406.
touch, (verb) P. L. v. 411, vi.
566, vii. 46, viii. 530, ix. 651,
742,925, x.45; S. ^. 951 ;
Arc. 87; Com. 270, 663, 91 8 ;
Od. JVta. 127 ; 0d. So/. Mm/:
touch'd, P. L. iv. 811, vi. 479,
vii. 258, viii. 47, ix. 380, 688,
Lye. 77, 138; Son. xx. 11;
Od. D. F. I. 10.
touches, P. L. i. 557.
touching, P. R. ii. 370.
tough, P. It. i. 339.
tour, P. L. xi. 185.
tour, or tower, (verb) P. L. vii.
tournament, P. L. ix. 37, xi.
toward, P. L. i. 284, 669, ii.
642, iii. 435, 739, viii. 231,
257, ix. 495, x. 64, xi. 38 ;
S.A. 682; Lye. 31; Arc. 81;
Sow. vii. 12 ; P/. lxxxiv. 16,
lxxxvi. 45, cxiv. 14.
towards, P.L. ii . 477, 5 1 6, 63 1 ,
873, iii. 89, 350, 581, iv. 27,
29, vi. 648, ix. 375, x. 28,
258, 941, xi. 848, 854, xii.
40, 215, 296; S. A. 334,
668, 772, 792, 911 sP/v. 20,
lxxxv. 16.
tower, P. X. i. 591, iv. 30, xii.
44, 51, 73 ; II Pen/. 86 ; Com.
935; Son. viii. 11.
tower, or tour, (verb) P. X. vii.
tower'd, P. X. i. 733, ix. 498 ;
L'Al 117; ^rc. 21.
towering, P. X. ii. 635, v. 271,
vi. 110; P. ii. ii. 280.
towers, P. X. i. 499, »• 62, 129,
1049, iv. 211, v. 758, 907,
xi. 640 ; P. H. iii. 329 ; iv.
34, 545; S. A. 266; L'AL
77 ; Od. Paf. 39-
town, P. P. i. 332, iii. 22 ; Son.
xi. 3.
towns, P. X. xi. 639 ; P. Jl. iii.
toy, P. X. ix. 1034 ; P. .R. ii.
223 ; Com. 502.
toys, P. R. iv. 328 ; // Pen/. 4 ;
Ftfc. X*. 19.
trace, (fubfl.) P. X. vii. 481.
trace, P, X. ix. 682, xi. 329 5
Com. 423.
tracM, P. X. iv. 949.
traces, Com. 292.
tracing, P. R. ii. 109.
track, P. L. i. 28, ii. 1025, v.
498, vi. 76 t ix. 510, x. 314,
367, xi. 354; P.R.i. 191.
tradt, Com. 30.
trade, Pf. vii. 58.
trading, P. X. ii. 640.
tradition, P. X. x. 578.
traditions, P. X. xii. 512 ; P. P.
iv. 234.
tradue'd, S. A. 979-
tragedians, P. R. iv. 26l.
tragedy, // Ptnf. 97-
tragick, P. X. ix. 6.
trail, & J. 1402.
train, P. L. i. 478, ii, 873,
iv. 349, 649, v. 166, 351,
767, vi. 143, vii. 221, 306,
444, 574, ix. 387, 516, 548,
x. 80, xi. 862, xii. 131 ;
P. R. ii. 355, iii. 96$ j & A.
721; IlPenf. 10; Com. grTs ;
-Sow. i. 14; Ep.M. Win. 37,
train' d up, P. X. vi. 167.
training, P. X. vi. 553.
trains, P. X. xi. 624 ; S, A,
533, 932; Com, 151,
traitor, S. ^4. 401, 832; Com,
traitrefs, 5. A. 725.
trample, P. X. iv. 1010.
trampled, P. X. ii. 195.
trampling, Od. Nat. 215.
trance, P. X. viii. 462 ; Od. Nat.
179; 0d.Pqf.42.
tranfacl;, P. X. vi. 286.
tranfeend, P. X. v. 457.
tranfeendent, P. X. i. 86, ii.
427, x. 614.
transfer, P. X. x. 165 ; 6'. A.
transferr'd, A X. v. 854, vi.
678, x. 56.
transfix, P. X. i. 329-
transfixed, P. X. ii. 181.
transform, P. X. i. 370.
transformed, P. X. ii. 785, iv„
824, ix. 507, x. 519; Son,
xii. 5 ; Od. D. F. I. 27.
transforms, Com. 527*
transfus'd, P. X. iii. 389, vi.
tranfgrefs, P. X. i. 31, iii. 94,
iv. 880, vi. 912, vii. 47, viii.
643, ix. 902, xi. 253; Oct.
Cir. 21.
tranfgrefs'd, P. X. viii. 330, ix.
tranfgrefics, S. A. 758.
tranfgrcfling, P. X. v. 244, ix.
tranfgreffion, P. X, x. 49, xiL
399 ; S. A. 1356.
tranfgrcfTions, P. X. iv. 87.9 J
S.A. 820.
tranfgreflbur, P. X. xi. 164.
tranfgrciTours, P. X. x. 72.
tranfient, P. X. xii. 554.
tranfition, P. X, xii. 5.
tranfitory, P. L. iii. 446; P. JR.
iv. 209.
tranflated, P. X. iii. 46 1 ; Com.
iranflucent, S. A. 548 ; Cow.
tranfmigration, P. X, x. 26l.
tranfparent, P. X. vii, 265.
tranfpicuous, P. L. viii. 141.
tranfpires, P. X. v. 438.
tranfplanted, P. X. iii. 293, vii.
tranfported, P. X. viii. 529,
530, ix. 474, x. 626.
tranfporting, Od. Pajf. 38.
tranfports, P. X. i. 231, iii. 81,
viii. 567*
tranfubftantiate, P. X.v. 438.
tranfverfe, P. X. iii. 488, xi.
trap, Cow. 699.
trappings, P. X. ix. 36.
travel, (fubft.) P. X. x. 593 ;
Ep. M. Win. 49.
travel, P. X. ii. 980, v. 222.
travell'd, P. X. iii. 501.
traveller, Com. 64, 200.
traveller's, Com. 332.
travelling, P. X. viii. 138.
travels, Pf. vii. 51.
traverfe, P. X. i. 568.
travers'd, P. X. ix. 434.
traverfmg, P. X. ix. 66.
treacheroufly, 5. A. 1023.
tread, (fubft.) P. L iv. 866, vi.
73; 5. ^. 111; Com. 91.
tread, P. X. ii. 828, iv. 632, v.
201, x. 190, xi. 630; P.P.
i. 488; Com. 899; Pf- vii.
tread down, P. X. i. 327.
treading, P. X. ii. 941.
treads, Com. 635.
treafon, P. L. iii. 207; S. A.
391, 959.
treafonous, Com. 702.
treafure, P. P. ii. 427 J Cow.
399; Vac. Ex.18.
treafures, P. X. i. 688 ; P. It
iii. 29.
treafury, Son. x. 2.
treat, P. L. xi. 588; P. it. ii.
335, iv. 264 ; S. A. 482, 591.
Trebifond, P. L. i. 584.
treble, P. L. i. 220.
tree, P. X. i. 2, iv. 195, 395,
427, 644, v. 51, 57, vii. 46,
542, viii. 306, 321, 323, ix.
73,576, 591,594,617,644,
651, 660, 661, 723, 727, 834,
850, 863, 1026, 1033, 1095,
x. 121, 143, 199, 554, xi. 320,
426, 858; P. P. iv. 147, 434;
Com. 983 ; Ep. M. Win. 30 ;
tree of knowledge, P. X. iv.
221, 423, 424, 514, ix. 751,
752, 848, 849.
tree of life, P. L. iii. 354, iv.
194, 218, 424, viii. 326, xi.
94, 122 ; P. R. iv. 589-
trees, P. L. iv. 147, 217, 248,
421, v. 309, 426, vii. 324,
459, viii. 304, 313, ix. 618,
795, 1118, x. 101,558, 1067,
x. 28, xi. 124, 832 ; P. P.
ii. 263, 354 ; L'Al. 78 ; Com.
trees of God, P. X. v. 390, vii.
trees of life, P, X. v. 652.
tremble, P. X. xii. 228 ; S. A.
trembled, P. X. ii. 676, 788,
ix. 1000.
trembling, P. X. iv. 266 ; Lye*
77 : P/: ii. 25.
Tremifen, P. X. xi. 404.
trench, P. X. i. 677.
Trent, Fac. £#. 93 ; Fore, of
Con. 14.
trepidation, P. X. iii. 4S3.
•trefpafsj P. X. iii. 122, ix. 6g3,
889, 1006; S. A. 691 ; P>
lxxxv. 36.
trefles, P, L. iv. 305, 497, v. 10,
ix. 841, x. 511 ; Co?n. 753,
929; Od.JSfat. 187.
trial, P. L. i. 36*6, iv. 855, viii.
447, ix. 316, 366, 370, 380,
iv. 206; S. A. 1175, 1288;
Com. 329, 592; Pf i. 13.
tribe, S.A. 217, 265, 876, 1479,
tribes, P. L. iii. 532, vii. 488,
xi. 2/9, xii. 23, 226; P.P.
iii. 374, 403, 414 ; S. A. 242,
tribulation, P. L. xi. 63.
tribulations, P. P. iii. 336 ;
P.P. iii. 190.
tribunal, P. L. iii. 326.
tributary, Com. 24.
tribute, P. P. v. 343, viii. 36;
P. P. iii. 258.
trick'd, IZ Pen/. 123
tricks, Pore, of Con. 13.
tricks, (verb) Lye. 170.
trident, P. P. x. 295.
tridents, Com. 27.
tried, P. L. iv. 896, v. 532, vi.
120,418, vii. 159, viii. 271,
ix. 317, xi. 63, 805; P. R.
i. 4, iii. 189; S. A. 1086;
Com. 970; P/I lxxxi. 31.
tries, P/. vii. 38.
trifle, P. P. iv. 165.
trifles, P. P. iv. 329-
triform, P. X. iii. 730.
trills, P. P. iv. 246.
trim, S. A. 717 ; L'AL 75 ; 11
Pen/. 50 ; Com. 120; Od.Nat.
trimming, Fac. Px. 19-
Trinacrian, P. L. ii. 66l.
Trinal, Oc/. Nat. 11.
trine, P. L. x. 6*59-
trip, UAL 33-, Arc. 99; Com.
triple, P. L. ii. 569, v. 750, vi.
572, 650; Sou. xviii. 12.
triple-colour'd, P. P. xi. 897'
tripp'd, P. R. ii. 354.
tripping, P. L. xi. 847; Fee
Ex. 62.
trippings, Com. 961.
trips, Vac. Ex. 3.
Triton, P. P. iv. 276.
Triton's, Com. 873.
trivial, P.P. ii. 223; S.A.
142, 263 ; Com. 502.
triumph, P. P. iii. 254, vi. 886,
vii. 180, x. 537, 546, -xi. 695,
788; P.P. i. 173, iii. 36, iv.
138,624; S.A. 426, 1312.
triumph, (verb) P. L. ix. 948 ;
Com. 9?4> ; Pf. v. 36.
triumphal, P. P. vi. 881, x.
390 ; P.P. iv. 37.
triumphals, P. P. iv. 578.
triumphant, P. P. iv. 975, v.
693, vi.889, x.464,xi.491;
Od. Cir. 2.
triumph'd, P. L. x. 186, 572.
triumphing, P. P. iii. 338, xii.
452 ; Od. on Time, 22.
triumphs, P. P. xi. 723 ; L'AL
triumphs, (verb) P. P. i. 123.
trod, P.L. ix. 526; P. P. ii.
307; Com. 569, 96 1; Sow.
xiv. 6; P/I lxxxvi. 5.
trod down, P. P. iv. 620.
trodden, P. P. i. 682, ix. 572.
troll, P. L. xi. 620.
troop, P. L. i. 437.
troop, (verb) P. P. vii. 297 ;
Com. 603 ; Od. JVflf. 233.
trooping, P. P. i. 760.
troops, P. R. iii. 311; S.A.
138 ; Xj/c. 179-
trophies, P. P. i. 539, x. 355 ;
P. P. iv. 37 ; S. A. 470,
1736; IlPenf. 118; Sow.
xvi. 6.
Tropick, P. I. x. 675 ; P. ft.
iv. 409.
trot, Ep. Hobf. II. 4.
trouble, P. L. v. 34, 96, \u
6*34, xi. 103; P. JR. ii. 87,
126; S.A. 1300; Pf vii. 52,
lxxxi. 25, lxxxviii. 9.
trouble, (verb) P, L. vi. 272,
xii. 209; Pf ii. 11.
troubled, P. L. i. 557, ii. 534,
h: 19, 315, v. 882, vii. 216,
x. 36, 718; P.P. ii. 65, 333,
iv. 1; S. A. 185; Pf. vi. 6;
Ixxxiii. 6l, 62, cxiv. 7.
troubles, P. L. iv. 575 ; P. P.
ii. 460 ; Pf v. 27.
troublefome, P. L. iv. 740.
Troy, P. L. ix. 16; 1/ Pen/.
100; Bra*. 11.
truce, P. L. ii. 526, vi. 407, 578,
xi. 244; P. R. iv. 529.
true, P. £> iii* 104, iv. 98, 196,
250, 251, 282, 294, 295, 750,
900, v. 305, vi. 430, viii. 384,
589, ix. 788,982, 1024, IO69,
x. 494, 789, xi. 361, 790, xii.
83, 145, 274,358; P. R. i.
231, 35S, 433, iii. 60, 63,
139, 373, 405, 441, iv. 290,
347, 596', S.A. 91, 418,
430, S23, 1756; Com. 10,
170, 3S5, 511,905, 997; Son.
x. 13, xix. 6 ; Od. Nat. 227 ;
Od. D. F.I. 41, 45;Eurip.
1 ; Pf lxxxvi. 56.
more true, P. R. i. 431.
trueft, lxxxvi. 8.
trufted, P. L. i. 40, vii. 143, x.
877; ^.^.199.
trufting, P.L. vi. 1 19, xii. 133 ;
S.A. 1178.
truth, P. L. iii. 338, iv. 293, v.
771, 902, vi. 32,33, 122, 173,
381, ix. 738, x.755, 856, xi.
667, 704, 807, xii. 303, 482,
490,511, 533, 535; P. R. i.
205, 220, 453, 462, 464, 472,
478, ii. 473, iii. 183, 443;
3*^.215, 870, 1276; Com.
691,971; Son.\n. 5, viii. 4,
xii. 10, xiv. 12, xv. 11, xvi.
4, xviii. 3 ; Od. Nat. 141 ;
Od.on Time, 16; Od. D. F.
I. 54; Ep. Hobf. I. 5,
II. 8; Ariojl. 3; Hor. II.
1 ; Pf lxxxv. 41, 45, lxxxvi.
truth's, P. L. xii. 569; P. P.
iii. 98.
try, P. X. i. 269, iv. 941, v.
727, 865, vi. 120, 818, viii.
75, 437, ix. 860, x. 254, 382 ;
P. R. i. 123, 224, ii. 225, iv.
198, 532 ; 6'. A. 1399 ; Co?n.
793, 806, 857.
tub, Com. 708.
tube, P. L. iii. 590.
tuft, P. L. iv. 325, ix. 417-
tufted, Lye. 143 ; UAL 78 ;
Com. 225.
tufts, P. L. vii. 327.
tugg'd, S. A. 1650.
tumble, Cow. 927.
tumid, P. L. vii. 288.
tumours, S. A. 185.
tumult, P. L. ii. 966, 1040, vi.
674; Com. 202, Pf ii. 1
tumults, P. X. v. 737.
*©!,, I,
tumultuous, P. L. ii.936, iv. 16.
tun, P. L. iv. 8l6\
tune, P. L. v. 196 ; 5. A. 66 1 ;
Arc. 72; Od Paffl 8.
in tune, Od. So/. Mnf. 26.
tuneable, P. L. v. 151 ; P. P.
i. 480.
tun'd, P. L. iii. 366, vii. 436,
559, ix. 549; P. P. i. 182.
tuneful, P.P. ii. 290 ; Son.
xiii. 1.
tunes, 7/ Pen/. 117 '.
tunes, (verb) P. P. iii. 40, v. 41 .
tunings, P. P. vii. 59S.
tun'ft, Sow. xiii. 11.
turbans, P. P. iv. 76.
turbulencies, P. P. iv. 46*2.
turbulent, P. L. ix. 1 126 ; P. P.
iv. 461 ; S. A. 552, 1040.
Turcheftan-born, P. L. xi. 396.
turf, P. L. v. 391, xi. 324;
Lye. 140 ; Com. 280.
turkis, Com. 894.
Turkifti, P. L. x. 434.
turms, P. P. iv. 66.
turn, (fubft.) P. L. vii. 380, viii.
turn, P. P. iii. 582, v. 413, 441,
497, 630, vi. 234, 291, 562,
x. 668, 672, 1093, xi. 373,
806, xii.471, 510; P. R. ii.
220; S. A. 708; Lye. 21;
Arc. 66 ; Od. D. F. I. 67 ;
Pf. vi. 7, lxxx. 13, lxxxi. 59,
lxxxv. 14, 21, lxxxvi. 57.
turn afide, P. L. xi. 630.
turn forth, Com. 222, 224.
turn'd, P. L. iii. 500, 582, 624,
646, 71 8, 736, iv. 410, 480,
502, 536, 721, 741,978, v.
420, 906, vi. 284, 509, 649,
881, vii. 213, 228, viii. 257,
507, ix. 527, 603, 834, 920,
x. 192, 546, 688, 909, xi.
675,714, xii. 176; P. it. ii.
37, iii- 138; S.J. 139,396,
539, 1614.
turneys, IlPwf 118.
turning, P. L. ii. 63, 96S, v.
255, P. R. m.293;Od.Nat.
turnings, Com. 569.
turns, P. L. i. 495, ii. 876, v.
332, vii. 129, ix. 330 ; Com.
462 ; Pf. vii. 58.
by turns, P. L. ii. 598, vi. 7.
up-turns, Pf. lxxx. 54.
Turnus, P. L. ix. 17.
turret, P. X. ix. 525.
turrets, P. P. iv. 54.
turtle, Od. Nat. 50.
Tufcan, P. P. i. 288 ; Com. 48 ;
6'ow. xx. 12.
tufked, Pf. lxxx. 53.
twain, S. A. 929; P3/C. 110;
Com. 284.
in twain, Pf. exxxvi. 45.
Tweed, Vac. Ex. 92.
twelve, P. P. iii. 597, xii. 155,
226; P. P. ii. 96.
twenty, P. L. vi. 769 5 -Ep*
Jfcri/. I. 3.
twice, P. P. ix. 859 ; P* P. i.
210, ii. 314, iii. 281; S.A.
24, 361, 635 ;Pf lxxx vii. 17.
twice-batter'd, Od. Nat. 199.
twice-ten, P. P. x. 669.
twigs, P. L. ix. 1105.
twilight, P. L. i. 597, iv. 598,
v. 645, vi. 12, vii. 583, ix.
50; IlPcnf. 133; Arc. 99;
Com. 856; Od. Nat. 188.
twin- born, Son. xii. 6.
twine, P. P. iv. 318 ; Od. Nat.
twines, P. P. v. 21 6.
twin'd, P. L. xii. 85.
twins, P.P. x. 674; Com. 1010.
twifted, LVi/. 48 ; Co?n. 862.
twitch'd, Pyc. 192.
'twixt, P. L. i. 346, v. 589, vi.
104, ix. 51; S.A. 562; Od.
D. F. I. 69.
two, P. L. ii. 714, iii. 33, 65,
iv. 288, 382, 404, 505, 732,
786, 790, 820, 874, 1002, r.
13$, $66, vi. 305, 313, 366,
684, 685, 688, 699, vii. 201,
&46, viii. 151, ix. 203, 211,
x. 82, 289, 1072, xi. 57, 186>
454, 565, 600, xih 169, 197,
254, 431 ; P. R. u 159, iii-
$55,377iS>A.l606 9 l633;
Lye. 110; Com. 291, 578,
1010; Son. xvii. 8; Vac,
two and two, P. L. viii. 350.
two-handed, P. L> vi. 251.
only two, P. X. ix. 415.
thefe two, S. A. 209.
us two, P. L.x. 924,, 990,
you two, P. L. x, 397.
ty'd, P. X. i. 426.
type, P. L. i. 405.
types, P. L. xii. 232, 303.
Typhoean, P. L. ii. 539-
Typhon, P. L. i. 199 ; Orf. Fat.
tyrannick, P. P. i. 219 ; S. A,
tyrannize, P. L. xii. 39.
tyrannous, P. X. xii. 32.
tyranny, P. L. i. 124, ii. 59 ',
xii. 95; 5. ^. 1291.
tyrant, P. L. x. 466, xii. 96*
173 ; Son. xviii. 12.
tyrants, P/I exxxvi. 10.
tyrant's, P. L. iv. 394.
Tyre, Pf. lxxxiii. 27, lxxxvii.
Tyrian, Com. 342 ; Od. Nat. 204.
Tyrrhene, Com. 49.
uglier, P. L. ii. 662.
ugly, P. L. x. 539. xi. 464.
ugly-headed, Coin. 695.
ulcer, P. Li xi. 484.
ultimate, P. P. iii. 210.
Ulyfles, P.L. ii. 1019; Coot.
Ulyfles', Vac. Ex. 50,
Umbrage, P. L. ix. 108/.
umbrageous, P. X. iv. 257.
umpire, P. L. ii. 907, iii - 195.
unable, P. L. x. l65 f 750 ; 6'. A.
unacceptable, P. X. ii. 251.
unaccomplished, P. L. iii. 455.
unacquainted, Com. 180.
una&ive, P. L. iv. 621, viii. 97 ;
P. P. ii. 81 ; S. A. 1705.
unadmoniuYd, P. L. v. 245.
unador'd, P. X. i. 738.
unadorn'd, P. jL. iv. 305, vii.
unadorned, Com. 23.
unadventurous, P. P. iii. 243.
unaffeded, P. P. iv. 359.
unagreeable, P. L. x. 256*
unaided, P.L. vi. 141.
unalterably, P. L. v. 502.
unalter'd, P. P. i. 4Q3.
unamazed, P. L. ix. 552.
unanimous, P. L. iv. 736, vi.
95, xii. 603; P.P. i. 111.
unanfwerM ; P.L. vi. 163.
imappaU'd, P. R. iv. 425.
unapparent, P. L. vii. 103.
unappeafable, £. A. 963.
unapproached, P. jL. iii. 4.
unapprov'd, P. L. v. 118.
unargued, P. i. iv. 636.
unarm'd, P.P. iv. 6265 S. A.
126, 263, 1111.
unarmed, P.L. iv. 552, vi. 595 ;
Com. 582.
unauail'd, Com. 220.
unaflay'd, P. L. ix. 335.
unattempted, P. L. i. 16.
unattended, P. L. viii. 60.
unattending, Com. 272.
unaware, P. £. ii. 156, iii. 547,
ix. 362.
unawares, P. L. ii. 932, v. 73 1 ;
S.A. 1522.
unbarr'dj P. L. vi. 4.
unbecoming, P. 2/. vi. 237«
unbefitting, P. L. iv. 759.
unbegot, P. L. x. 988.
t 2
unbeheld, P. L. iv. 674.
unbelief, Com. 519-
unbenighted, P. L. x. 682.
unbenign, P. L. x. 66l.
unbefought, P. L. x. 1058.
unbid, P. L. x. 204.
unblam'd, P. L. iii. 3, ix. 5,
xii. 22.
unblemifh'd, Cow. 215.
unblench'd, Com. 4-30.
unbleft, P. L. i. 238, x. 988 ;
Com. 907 ; Pf v. 14.
unborn, P. L. iv. 663, vii. 220,
xi. 502.
unbofom, Od. Paff. 53.
unbofom'd, S. A. 879'
unbottom'd, P. L. ii. 405.
unbound, P. L. iii. 603.
unbounded, P. L. iv.6*0, x.471.
unbroken, P. L. ii. 691.
unbuckled, P. Z. xi. 245.
unbuild, P. L. viii. 81, xii. 526.
uncall'd, P. L. ix. 523.
uncelebrated, P, L. vii. 253.
uncertain, P. L. iii. 76 ; P. H.
iv. 326; Cow. 360.
unchang'd, P. L. vii. 24.
unchangeable, P. L. iii. 127.
unchafte, S. A. 321, 325 ; Com.
uneheck'd, P. L. viii. 189.
uncheerful, P/l lxxxviii. 11.
uncircumcis'd, 8. A. 260, 640,
uncircumfcrib'd, P. L. vii. 170.
unclean, P. L. ix. IO98 ; S. A.
321, 324, 136*4.
unclouded, P. L. x. 65.
uncolour'd, P. L. v. 189.
uncompaffionate, &'. /tf. 818.
uncom pounded, P. L. i. 425.
unconcern'd, P. L. xi. 174.
unconfirm'd, P. R. i. 29.
unconform, P. L. v. 259.
unconjugal, 6'.^. 979-
unconniving, P. jR. i. 363.
unconquerable, P. L. i. 106,
Ti. 118.
unconquer'd, Com. 448.
unconfcionable, S. A. 1245.
unconfum'd, P. L. i. 69, ii. 648.
uncontrollable, S. A. 1754.
uncontrolled, Com. 793.
uncovered, P. L. ix. 1059-
uncover'ft, 5. A. 842.
uncouth, P. L. ii. 407, 827, v.
98, vi. 362, viii. 230, x. 475 ;
S. A. 333; Lye. 1&6;UA1.5.
uncreate, P.L. v. 895, ix. 943.
uncreated, P. L. ii. 150, vi. 268*
uncropt, P. L. iv. 731.
unction, P. X. vi. 709.
unctuous, P. L. ix. 635.
uncull'd, P. L. xi. 436.
undaunted, P. L. ii. 677, 955 t
iv. 851, vi. 113; S.A. 1623.
undazzled, P. L. iii. 614.
undeck'd, P. L. v. 380.
undefil'd, P. L. iv. 76 1.
undelay'd, P/. vii. 59.
undelighted, P. L. iv. 2S6.
under, P. L. i. 130, 207, 313,
345, 477, 602, 659, ii- 1S3,
26l, 322, 498, 886, iii. 242,
275, 319, 322, 424, 514, 640,
iv. 88, 122, 239, 282, 325,
451, 47S, 496, 572, 721, v.
137, 288, 46*3, 587, 609, 687,
698, 776, 830, vi. 67, 142,
777, 779,832, vii. 159, 283,
402, 408, 422, viii. 470, ix.
208,492, 774, 925, x. 154,
190, 445, 1003, xi. 320, 511,
725, 740, 749, xii. 24, 39,
320, 539,6*18; P. R. i. 305,
ii. 262, 354 ; iv. 404 ; S. A.
49, 636 ; Lye. 26 ; UAL 68 ;
11 Pefif. 94; Arc. 31, S8 ;
Com. 184, 294, 562, 604;
Vac. Ex. 41, 78; Pf. vii. 2.
underfoot, P. L. iv. 700.
undergo, P. L. i. 155, ix. 953,
971, x. 126,575; Od. Patf.
12; Pf. lxxxviii. 63.
undergone, P.R. ii. 132.
under-ground, P. L. vi. 196,
666,~vii. 301, 469, ix. 72, xi.
570, xii. 42.
under-growth, P. L. iv. 175.
underling, Vac. Ex. 76.
undermine, P. R. i. 179.
underminers, S. A. 1204.
underneath, P.L. i. 701, iii.
518, iv. 22.5, v. 87, vi. 659,
vii. 268 ; P. R. iv. 454, 456* ;
Vac. Ex. 95.
underftand, P. L. vi. 625, viii.
345,540,xii.376; P/.lxxxii.
underftanding, P. X. v. 4S6, vi.
444, ix. 1127.
understood, P. L. i. 662, iv. 55 t
v. 450, vi. 626, viii. 352, ix.
1035, x. 344, 883, xii. 58,
514; P.R. i. 436, 437, ii.
100; S.A. 191.
undertake, P. L. ii. 419.
undertook, P. L. i v. 935, x. 74;
P. Pt. i. 100, 374, ii. 129.
underwent, Com* 841.
undeferv'd, P. X. xii. 27-
undeiervedly, P. L. xii. 94.
Undefirable, P. L. ix. 824.
undetermin'd, P. JD. ii. 1048.
undimininYd, P. 7^. i. 154, iv.
undifcording, Od. Sol, Muf.
undifguis'd, P. JR. i. 357-
undifrnay'd, P. L. ii. 432, vi.
undififembled, S. ^. 400.
undifturbed, Od. Sol. Muf 6.
undo, P. L. ix. 926, 944 ; Com*
undone, P. I/, iii. 235.
undoubted, P. L. i. 679 ; P. #.
i. 11.
undoubtedly, P. L. x. 1093.
undrawn, P. L. vi. 751.
undreaded, P. L. x. 595.
undying, P. L. vi. 739.
unc-arn'd, P. £. ix. 225.
uneafy, P.L. i . 295 ; P.£. i v.584.
uneloquent, P. L. viii. 219.
unemployed, P. X. iv. 617;
S. A. 580.
unenchanted, Com. 395.
unendear'd, P. L. iv. 766.
unenvied, P. L. ii. 23.
unequal, P. L. vi. 453, 454;
6'. A. 346.
unequall'd, P. L. ix. 983.
unequals, P. L. viii. 383.
unefpied, P.L. iv. 399, vi. 523.
uneffential, P. L. ii. 439.
uneven, P. R. ii. 173.
unexampled, P. L. iii. 410.
unexempt, Cow. 685.
unexpected, P. L. vi. 774, xi.
268 ; P. R. ii. 29.
unexpectedly, 5'. A. 1750.
unexperienc'd, P. L. iv. 457 ;
P.P. iii. 240.
unexpreffive, Lye. 176; Od.
Nat. 116.
unfaithful, P. L. xii. 46l, 481.
unfaftens, P. L. ii. 879.
unfear'd, P. L. ix. 187.
unfeign'd, P. i. vi. 774, viii.
603, x. 1092, 1104.
unfelt, P. L. ii. 703, viii. 475.
unnnifh'd, S. A. 1027.
unfit, Pf. lxxxviii. 16.
unfold, P. L. iv. 381, v. 568,
vi. 558, vii. 94, xi. 785 ;
P.P. i. 82, ii.239; II Pen/.
8y ; Com. 786 ; Sow. xvii. 5 ;
P/. lxxxviii. 48.
unfolding, P. X. x. 63.
unforbid, P. L. vii. 94.
unforeknown. P.L. iii. 119.
unforefeen, P. L. ii. 821.
unforewarn'd, P. L. v. 245.
unform'd, P. X. vii. 233.
unfortunate, P. L. x.970; P. it.
i. 358; S. A. 74,7, 1743,
unfound, P. L. vi. 500.
unfounded, P. L. ii. 829-
unfrequented, P. £. i. 433 ;
S.A. 17.
unfriended, P. R. ii. 413.
unfulfilled, P. L. iv. 511.
unfum'd, P. L. v. 349.
unfurl'd, P. L. i. 535.
ungodly, P. L. vii. 185 ; S. A.
898 ; Soph. 2.
ungovern'd, P. L. xi. 517.
ungraceful, P. L. viii. 218.
ungratefully, Fac. Ex. 78.
unguarded, P. L. vi. 133, x.
419 ; Com. 283.
unhallow'd, P. i. ix. 931 ;
Com. 757.
unhappily, P. L. x. 917.
unhappy,P.L.i.268, ix. 1136;
Com. 511.
unharbour'd, Com. 423.
unhardy, P. P. iii. 243.
unharmonious, P. L, xi. 51.
unhazarded, S. A. 809.
unheard, P. X. i. 395, 738, iii.
Unheeded, P. L. iv. 350.
unheedy, £p. M. Win. 38.
un-hide-rbound, P. L. x. 601.
unholy, P. L, xi. 106; L'J/,
unhop'd, P. L. x. 348.
unhord, P, L. iv. 188.
unhous'd, Od. JO. F, I. 21.
urihumbled, P. R. iii. 429.
unhurt, P. X. vi. 444.
unimaginable, P. L. vii. 54.
unimmortal, P. L, x. 6ll.
unimplor'd, P. Z«. iii, 231, ix.
uninform'd, P. T*, viii, 486,
uninjur'd, Com. 403.
uninterrupted, P, /^. iii. 68,
unin vented, P. />. vi. 4/(1.
union, P. L. ii. 36, v. 6*12, vi.
63, vii. l6l, viii. 431, 604,
627, ix. 966 ; Od. Nat. 108 ;
Pi'. Ixxxiii. 20.
unifon, /'. L. vii. 599.
unite, P. L. iv. 263, ix. 314,
x. 2 17; Od. Sol. Muj\ 27;
Pf. Ixxxiii. 19,
united, P. L. i. 88, 560, 629,
iv. 230, v. 610, 831, ix.608 ;
P.P. iii. 229; S.A. 1110.
unites, P. L. x. 364, xii. 382.
Unity, Od.Nat. 11.
unity, P. L. viii. 425.
univerfal, P. L. i. 541, ii. 951,
iii. 48, 317, 676, iv. 266, v.
154, 205, vi. 34, 797, vii.
257, 316, viii. 376, ix. 6l2,
x. 505, 508, xi. 821 ; S. A.
1053, 1511; Lye. 60; Od.
Nat. 52.
univerfallv, P. L. ix. 542; S. A.
univerfe, P. L. ii. 622, iii. 584.
721, vii. 227, viii. 360, ix.
684; P. P. i. 49, iv. 459.
unjointed, S. A* 177.
unjuft, P. L. ii. 200, iii. 215,
v. 818, 819, 831, xi. 455,
xii. 294; P.P.ii,45,iii.9S;
S. A. 695, 703 ; Com. 590 ;
Sen. 3 ; Pf. vii. 46.
unjuftly, P. L. vi. 174.
unkindly, P. L. iii. 456, ix.
1050 ; Com. 269.
unkindnefs, P. L. ix. 271.
unknown, P. L. ii. 443, 444, iii.
496, iv. 830, vi. 262, vii. 75,
494, ix. 6lQ, 756, 757, 86*4,
905, xii, 55, 134 ; P. P. i.
25, ii. 413,444; S.A. 180;
Com. 361, 634.
unlaid, Corn. 434.
unlefs, P. L. ii. 236, 915, iii.
210, viii. 186, ix. 44, 125,
X. 1032 ; P. R. iii. 352, iv,
351 ; S.A. 295, 66*3; Com,
26*7, 417.
unlet ter'd, Com. 174.
Unlibidinous, P, iv. v. 449*
unlicensed, P. £. iv. 909.
unliehtfpme, P. X. vii. 355,
unlike, P. L. i. 75, vi. 517, ix.
1114; &4. 815, 1510.
unlimited, P. L. iv. 435.
unlock, P. I, ii, 852 ; Cam, 852,
unlock'd, S. A. 407 ; Com. 756.
unlook'd, P. R. ii. 31.
unmake, P. X. iii. 163.
unmanly, £. A. 417.
unmark'd, P. X. x. 441 ; P. #.
i. 25.
unmeafur'd, P. X. v. 399.
unmeditated, P. L. v. 149.
unmeet, P. X. viii. 442.
unmerited, P. X. xii. 2/8.
unminded, P. L. x. 332.
unmindful, P. X. vi. 369, - X] "»
6ll ; Cow. 9 ; Od. #or. 12.
unmix'd, P. X. vi. 742 ; P. #.
iii. 48.
unmov'd, P. X. i. 554, ii. 429,
iv. 455, 822, v. 898, viii. 532,
xi. 192 ; P. R. iiii. 386, iv.
unmoulding, Com. 529.
unmuffle* Com. 231.
unnam'd, P. X. vi. 263, x. 595 t
xii. 140.
unnumber'd, P. X. ii. 903, vii.
unobey'd, P. X. v. 670.
unobnoxious, P. X. vi. 404.
unobfcur'd, P. X. ii. 265.
unobferv'd, P. X. iv. 130; P. #.
iv. 638.
unoppos'd, P. X. vi. 132.
unoriginal, P. X. x. 477.
unown'd, Com. 407.
unpaid, P. X. v. 782.
unpain'd, P. X. vi. 455.
unparallel'd, *S'. A. 165 ; ^rc. 25.
unpeopled, P. X. iii. 497.
unperceivd, P. X. iii. 681, xi.
unpierc'd, P. X. iv. 245.
unpillow'd, Com. 355.
unpitied, P. X. ii. 185, iv. 375;
P. #. i. 414.
unplaufible, Com. 162.
unpolluted, P. X. ii. 1395 Com.
unponefs'd, P. X. viii. 153.
tmpradis'd, l\ X. viii. 107.
unprais'd, P. X. ix. 232 ; P. #•
iii. 103 ; Com. 723.
unpremeditated, P. X. ix. 24.
unprepar'd, P. X. viii. 197.
unprevented, P. X. iii. 231.
unprincipled, Co?/?. 367*
unproclaim'd, P. X. xi. 220.
unprofit, S. A. 119.
unpronounc'd, Vac. Ex. 4.
unpurg'd, P. X. v. 419.
unpurged, Arc. 73.
unpurfued, P. X. vi. 1.
unquenchable, P. X. vi. 877;
S. A. 1422.
unquiet, P. X. v. 11, x. 975.
unrazor'd, Com. 290.
unreal, P. X. x. 471.
unrecorded, P. il. i. 16.
unreform'd, P. ii. iii. 429.
unrein'd, P. X. vii. 17.
unremov'd, P. X. iv. 987.
unrepentant, P. H. iii. 429.
unrepented, S. A. \3j6.
unrepriekv'd, P. X. ii. 185.
unreprov'd, P. X. iv. 493.
unreproved, L'AL 40.
unrefpited, P. X. ii. 185.
unreft, P. X. ix. 1052, xi.
unrevok'd, P. X. v. 602.
unrighteous, P. X. iii. 292.
unrivall'd, P. X. iii. 68.
unfafe, P. X. vi. 309.
unfaid, Com. 5S6.
unfavoury, P. X. v. 401 ; Com.
unfay, P. X. iv. 95, 9*7 ; P. H.
i. 474.
unfea re liable, P. X. viii. 10.
uniearch'd, P. X. iv. 789.
unfeafonable, P. X. viii. 201.
unfedue'd, P. X. v. 899.
unfeemliel't, P. X. ix. i094.
unfeemly, P. X. x. 155 ; tf. A.
uni'cen, P. X. ii. 659, 841, iii.
585, iv. 130, 67S, viii. 485,
x. 21,448, xi. 205, 071, mi.
49,361; L'Jl.57; II Pen/.
65, 154; Com. 230.
unfettled, P. R. iv. 326.
unfhaken, P. L. iv. 64, v. 899 ',
P.P. iv. 421 ; Son. xv. 5.
unfliar'd, P. L. ix. 880.
unlhed, P. L. xii. 1/6.
unfhorn, 5'. A. 1143 ; Fac. P*.
unfhower'd, Od. Nat. 215.
unfightly, P. L. iv. 631, vii.
314, xi. 510; Com. 629.
unfkilful, P. L. xi. 32.
unfleeping, P. P. v. 047.
unfmoothly, P. L. iv. 631.
u 11 fought, P. L, iii. 231, viii,
503, ix. 366, 370, x. 106 ;
P. P, ii. 59 ; Cow. 732.
unfound, P. L. vi. 121.
unfpar'd, P. L. x. 606.
u'nfparing, P. L. v. 344.
unfpeakable, P. L. iii. 662, v.
156, vi. 297.
unfphere, II Pen/. 88.
unfpied, P. L. iv. 529.
unfpoil'd, P. P. xi. 409.
unfpotted, P. L, iii. 248 ; Com.
unliable, Pf. v. 25.
unftain'd, 6'om. x. 3 ; 0. ix. 430.
uatam'd, P. L. ii. 337.
untaught, P. L. ii. 9.
untcrrified, P. P. ii. 70S, v.
unthank'd, Com. 723.
u nth ought, P. L. ii. 821.
unthread, Com. 6l4.
unthrone, P. P. ii. 231.
until, Ep. Hobf. II. 6.
untold, Arc. 41.
untouch'd, P. L, ix. 621.
untraceable, P, L. x. 476,
untrain'd, P. P. xii. 222.
untried, P. L. iv. 934, ix,
860; P. P. i. 177; Od. Hor.
untrod, P. L. iii. 497 ; P. P. i.
398 ; Od. Nat. 19.
untroubled, P. L. viii. 289;
P.P. iv. 401.
unt witling, L'Al. 143.
unvalued, £/>. W. Sh. 11.
unvanquiih'd, P. L. vi. 286.
unveil'd, P. L. iv. 608.
unviolated, & A. 1144.
unvihted, P. L. ii. 398.
unvoyageable, P. L. x. 366.
unus'd, S. A. 1231.
unufual, P. L. i. 227 ; Com.
unutterable, P. L. xi. 6,
unwaken'd, P. L. v. 9.
un wares, Od. D. F. I. 20.
unwary, P. L. v. 695, ix, 614,
x. 94-7 ; S. A. 930 ; Com. 538,
Unwearied, P. L. vi. 404, vii.
unweeting, P. L. x. 335, 9l6";
P.P. i. 126; Cow. 539; 0. P, I. 23.
unwectingly, S. y/. l680.
unwelcome, P. L. x. 21.
unwept, Lye. 13.
unwholefome, *S'. A. 9.
unwieldy, P. L. iv. 345, vii,
411; S.A.54,.
unwilling, P. L. xii. 6l7,
unwillingly, S. A. 14.
unwife, P.L. vi. 179 ; P. R- "i.
115; Soji. xx. 14.
unwifer, P. X. iv. 716.
unwithdrawing, Com. 711*
unwonted, Od. ifor. 8.
unworfhipt, P. X. v. 670.
unworthy, P. X. x. 1059, xii.
91, 622; P. R. iv. 346;
6'. ^. 1424.
unwounded, P. X. vi. 466 ; S, A,
up, P.L. x. 503; P. JR. i.432,
ii. 117, 285, iv. 541; S.4-
1215, 1349 ; Com. 979 ; Son.
ix. 6; P/i lxxxviii. 55.
up and down, P. X. ii. 841, iii*
441, x. 287.
up or down, P. X. iii. 574.
upbore, P. X. vi. 72 ; P. jR. iv.
upborn, P. X. ii. 408, xi. 147.
upbraid, P. X. vi. 182 ; S. ^.
upbraided, P. X. iv. 45, ix.
updrawn, P. X. iv. 228.
updrew, P. X. ii. 874.
upflew, P. X. iv. 1004.
upgrew, P. X. iv. 137-
upgrown, P. X. ix. 677 ; P. #*
i. 140.
upheave, P. X. vii. 286.
upheav'd, P. X. vii. 471.
upheld, P. X. i. 133, 639, »i«
178, ISO, v. 336; Sow.xvii.7.
uphold, S. A. 666, 892.
upland, UAL 92.
upled, P. X. vii. 12.
uplift, P. X. i. 193.
uplifted, P. X. i. 347, ii. 7,
929, vi. 317, vii. 219, xi.
746, 863 ; OdSoL Muf. 11.
uplifting, P. X. vi. 646.
upper, P. X. i. 346, x. 422,
upraife, P. X. ii. 372.
uprais'd, P. X. x. 946.
uprear'd, P. X. i. 532.
upright, P. X. i. 18, 221, ii.
72, iv. 837, vi. 82, 270, 627,
vii. 509, 632, viii. 260 ;
P. R. iv. 551 ; Com. 52 ; Pf.
i. 15, vii. 29, 42.
uprightnefs, P. X. iii. 693.
uprifen, P. X. v. 139.
uproar, P. X. ii. 541, iii. 710,
vi. 668, x. 479.
uproll'd, P.L. vii. 291.
uprooted, P. X. vi. 781.
uprofe, P. X. ii. 108, vi. 525,
vii. 456.
upfent, P. X.i. 541.
upfpringing, P. X. v. 250.
upfprung, P. X. iv. 143, vii.
upfland, Pf. ii. 2.
upftart, P. X. ii. 834, xii. 88.
upftay'd, P. X. vi. 195.
upftays, P. X. ix. 430.
upftood, P. X. vi. 446, vii.
uptore, P. X. vi. 663.
upturn, P. X. x. 700.
upturn'd, P. X. x. 279.
upturns, P. X. x. 701.
upward, P. X. i. 462, ii. 101S #
iii. 61 8, 717, vi. 649; Com.
98 ; Pf. lxxx. 47.
upwhirl'd, P. X. iii. 493.
Ur, P. X. xii. 130.
Urania, P. X. vii. 1, 31.
urchin, Com. 845.
urge, P. X. viii. 114; Pf. vii.
urg'd, P. X. ii. 120, vi. 622,
864, ix. 588, xi. 109 ; P. R*
i. 469; 5. ^.223,755,852,
urges, P. X. i. 68, ix. 250.
Uriel, P. X. iii. 648, 654, 690,
iv. 125, 555, 577, 58Q, vi.
363, ix. 60.
Urim, P. X. vi.76l.
urn, Lye. 20.
urns, P. X. vii. 365 ; Ocf Nat,
us, P. X. v. 721, 729, vii. 142,
519, x. 490, xi. 67, 84.
ufage, S. A. 1108; Com. 681.
ufe, P. X. iv. 204, 692, v. 323,
vii. 346, viii. 29, 192, ix.
ufe, (verb) P. X. ix. 718, x.
1078 ; P. P. iii. 394 ; S. A.
1139, 1499; Lye. 67, 136;
Fac. .Ear. 8.
us'd, P. X. iii. 196, iv. 199,
346, 762, 975, v. 386, viii.
434, 525, ix. 2,519, x. 552;
P. P. iii. 356; S. ^. 1203;
Com. 821.
ufeful, P. X. ii. 259, viii. 200 ;
S. A. 564.
ufelefs, P. X. iii. 109, viii. 25;
S. A. 1282, 1501; Sen.
xix. 4.
ufes, P. X. viii. 106.
ufeft, P.X.vii.8l6.
ufher, P. X. iv. 355, x. 94.
ufher'd, 1/ Pew/. 127.
ufurp, P. X. xi. 827, xii. 421.
ufurpation, P. X. ii. 983; S. ^.
ufurp'd, P. X. x. 189, xii. 66;
■ P. P. iii. J69, iv. 183.
ufurped, Od. Nat. 170.
ufurper, P. X. xii. 72.
ufurping, P.X. i.514, ix. 1130;
Com. 237.
utenfils, P. R. iii. 336.
Uther's, P. X. i. 580.
utmoft, P. X. i. 74, 103, 399,
521, ii. 95, 301, 1029, iv.
539y v. 517, vi. 293, ix. 314,
59h x. 30, 437, 1020, xi.
332,397, xii. 376; P.P. i.
94, ii. 148, iv. 75; 6'. A.
1153, 1514; Com. 136, 6l7;
Pf. ii. 19, lxxxvii. 15.
Utter, (verb) P. X. i. 626, ii.
87, v. 683, ix. 131, xi.704;
P. /{. iv. 172; S.A. 1566.
Utter, P. X. i. 72, ii. 127, 440,
iii. 16,308, v. 614, vi. 716.
utterance, P. X. iii. 62, iv. 410,
ix. 1066 ; P. R. iii. 10.
utter'd, P.L. ix. 33, x. 615;
P. Jt. i. 320; S. A. 1645;
Com. 786.
utterd'ft, P. X. xi. 762.
uttering, P. L. iii. 143, 347.
uttermoit, P. X. vii. 266, x.
uxorious, P. L. i. 444; 5. A.
Uzzean, P. P. i. 369.
Uzziel, P. X. iv. 782.
vacant, P. J,, ii. 835, vii. 190,
xi. 103; P. P. ii. 116; S.A.
89 ; Com. 718 ; Od. Hor. 10,
vacation, Ep. Hobf. II. 14.
vacuity, P. X. ii. 932.
vacuous, P. L. vii. 169.
vagabond, P. X. xi. l6.
vagaries, P. X. vi. 6l4.
vain, P. X. i. 44, ii. 9, 19T,
234, 378, 565, 933, iii. 109,
446, 448, 465, 467, iv. 87,
466, 808, 860, v. 737,
vi. 90, 135, vii. 610, 187, ix.
1113, 1189, x. 50, 337, 829,
xi. 92; P. P. iii. 105, 387,
425, iv. 20, 24, 307 ; S. A.
322, 350, 570, 1227, 1504;
Lye. 18; II Pen/. 1; Com.
513; Son. xxii. 13; Od. on,
Time5',Pf. ii.2,iv*12.
in vain, P. X. iii. 23, 457,
601, 602, iv. 67 5, 833, v.
43, ix. 296, x. 515, xi.
726, xii. 377; P. P. i. 459,
ii. 24, 388, iv. 407, 498;
S. A. 841, 914; Son. xv.
13; Od. Nat. 204, 208,
vain-glorious, 7\ X. vi. 384,
vainly, P. L. ii. 811.
Valdarno, P. L. i. 290.
vale, P. X. i. 224, ii. 6l8, 742,
vi. 70, x. 530, xi. 567, xii.
266; P. R. i. 304; S. A.
181, 229; Com. 233; Pf.
lxxxiv. 21.
vales, P. X. i. 321, iii. 569;
Son. xviii. 9«
valiant, P. It, iv. 143 ; S. A.
1101, 1738.
valid, P. L. vi. 438.
valley, P. X. i. 404, ii. 4p5,
547, iv. 255, v. 203, vi. 784,
ix. 11$, xi. 349; P. ii. ii.
185, iv. 586; Com. 282.
valleys, P. X. vii. 327; P. R.
iii. 332 ; Lye. 136.
Vallombrofa, P. X. i. 303.
valour, P. X. i. 554, iv. 297,
vi. 457, xi. 690 ; P. R. ii.
431;^.^. 1010, 1165, 1740.
value, P. X. iv. 202, viii. 571 ;
S, A. 1029.
valued, P. X. ii. 679.
valuefr, P. R. iv. 156.
van, P. X. ii. 535, v. 589, vi.
107; #.^.1234.
Vane, Son. xvii. 1 .
vanguard, P. X, vi. 558.
vanifh, P. X. iv. 368.
vanifiYd, P, X. vi. 14 ; P. R. ii.
vanity, P. X. iii. 447, x. 875,
P. II. iv. 138 ; Od. Nat. 136 ;
P/. iv. 10, vii. 51.
vanquifh, P. R. i. 175.
vanquiuYd, P. X. i. 52, 476, iii.
243, vi. 365,410; S. A. 235,
281, 562.
vanquifher, P. X. iii. 251.
vanquishing, P. R, iv. 607.
vans, P. X. ii. 927.
vapour, P. X. ii. 2l6, ix. 159,
635, 1047, x. 694, xi. 741.
vapours, P. X. iii. 445, iv. 557,
v. 5, 420, xii. 635 ; Arc. 49.
variable, P. X. xi. 92.
varied, P. X. v. 431, ix. 51 6.
variety, P. X. vi. 640, vii. 542,
various, P. X. i. 374, 375, 706,
ii. 967, iii. 582, 604, 717, iv.
247, 423, 669, v. 89, 146,
390, 473, vi. 84, 242, vii.
318, viii. 125, 370, 609, ix.
6 19, x. 343, 1064, xi, 557,
xii. 53, 282 ; P. R. ii. 240,
iv. 68; S.^. 71,668; Com.
various-meafur'd, P. R. iv. 256,
varioufly, P. X. viii. 6l0.
varnifh, P. R. iv. 344.
varninYd, S. A. 901.
varninYd o'er, P. X. ii. 485.
vary, P. X. v. 184.
vaffal, P. it. iv. 133.
vaflalage, P. X. ii. 252.
vaffals, P. X. ii. 90.
vaft, P. X. i. 21, 177, ii. 254,
409, 539, 652, 832, 932, iii.
711, iv. 777, 267, vi. 109,
203, 256, vii. 211, 229, viii.
24, 153, x. 471,601; P. JR.
i. 153, iii. 286; S. A. 54,
1238 ; Pf. iv. 6.
vaftnefs, P. X. vii. 472.
vault, P. X. i. 669, iv. 777.
vaulted, P. X. i. 298, vi. 214;
S.A. 1606.
vaults, Com. 47 1.
vaunted, P. X. iii. 251 ; Com.
vaunting, P. X. i. 126, vi. 363;
S. A. 1360.
vaunts, P. X. iv. 84; P. H. i.
veers, P. X. ix. 515.
vegetable, P. X. iv. 220.
vehemence, P. X. ii. 954; Com,
vehement, P. X. viii. 526, x.
veil, P. X. iv. 304, V. 383, 646,
ix. 1054; S. A. 730; Od.
Nat. 42.
veil, (verb) P. X. iii. 382, vi. 1 1.
veil'd, P. X. iii. 26, v. 250, ix.
52, 425 ; Son* xxiii. 10.
veils, P. X. xi. 229.
vein, P. X. vi. 6*28 ; Od. Nat.
veins, P. X. i. 701, iv. 227, vi.
516, ix. 891, xi. 568.
velvet, Com. 898.
venereal, S. A. 533.
vengeance, P. X. i. 170, 220,
ii. 173, iii. 399, iv. 170, vi.
279, 808, xii. 541 ; Com.
vengeful, P. X. i. 148, x. 1023 ;
Od. Cir. 24.
venial, P. X. ix. 5.
venom, P. X. iv. 804.
venom'd, Com.916.
vent, P. X. vi. 583, xii. 374;
P. P. i. 433, iv. 445.
vented, P. JR. iii. 391.
ventur'd, P. X. iv. 574.
venture, P. L. iii. 19, iv. 891 ;
Com. 228.
ventures, P. P. i. 177.
venturing, P. X. ix. 69O; S. A.
venturous, P. X. ii. 205, v. 64;
Coin. 609.
Venus, P. P. ii. 214 ; L'Al. 14;
Com. 124.
verbal, P. P. iii. 104.
verdant, P. X. iv. 697, vii. 310,
viii. 631, ix. 501, 1038;
P. P. iii. 253 ; Cow. 622.
verdia, S. A. 324, 1228.
verdure, P. X. vii. 315, xi.
verdurous, P. X. iv. 143.
verge, P. X. ii. 1038, vi. 865,
xi. 881.
verify, P. P. i. 133, iii. 177.
verified, P. X. x. 182.
vcrmeil-tinctur'd, CW?. 752.
vermin, S. A. 574>.
vernal, P. X. iii. 43, iv. 155,
264 ; S. A. 628 ; Lye. 141 ;
Ep. M. Win. 40.
ternant, P. X. x. 679*
verfe, P. X. v. 150, ix. 24 J
Cow. 516; Sow. xiii.9; Od.
Nat. 17; Od. Paf. 22, 47;
Od. Sol. Muf. 2.
Vertumnus, P. X. ix. 395.
very, Pf. vi. 4.
vefiel, P. X. ii. 1043, ix. 89, xi.
729, 745, xii. 559; S. A.
veffels, P. X. v. 348.
veil, P. X. xi. 241.
Vefta, II Pen/. 23.
veiled, P. P. i. 267; Sow.
venture's, Arc. 83.
vex, P. X. ii. 801.
vex'd, P. X. i. 306, ii. 660, iii.
429, x. 314; P.P. iv. 416;
Com. 666.
viands, P. X. v. 434; P. P. ii.
vial'd, Com. 847.
vice, P. X. i. 492, ii. 116, xi.
518; Com. 760.
vicegerent, P. X. x. 56.
vicegerent's, P. X. v. 609.
vices, P. P. iii. 86, iv. 340;
S. A. 269.
vicious, P. X. xii. 104.
viciflitude, P. X. vi. 8, vii.
vidor, P. X. i. 95, 169, ii. 144,
vi. 124, 410, 525, 590, 880,
x. 376; P. P. iv. 102, 571,
637; S. A. 1290.
victories, Son. xvi. 10.
victorious, P. X. ii. 142, 997,
iii. 250, vi. 886, vii. 136, x.
634; P.R.i.9 t 215; S. A.
1663; Com. 974; Od. Sol.
Muf 14.
victor's, P. X. ii. 199, xii. 385,
victors', P. P. iv. 337.
vi&ors, P. X. vi. 609.
viaory, P. X. ii. 105, 770, vi.
201,240,630,762, xii. 452,
$70; P.R.'u 173, iy. 594;
Son. x. 6, xv. 6.
?iew, P. X. i. 27, 563, ii. 190,
394, 890, iii. 542, iv. 27,
142, 247, 399, vi. 18, 81,
603, vii. 6l8, x. 1030, xi.
761; P. R. iv. 514; S. A.
723; Son. xxii. 2; P/.
Ixxx. 9.
view, (verb) P. X. iii. 59, ix.
482; P. P. iv. 250; 6'. A.
view'd, P. X. ii. 6l7, vii. 211,
549; P. ii. ii- 131, 198,297,
iii. 233.
viewing, P. X. ii. 764, ix. 1052,
x. 235.
viewlefs, P. X. iii. 518; Com.
92 ; Od. Faff. 50.
views, P. X. i. 59, 288, 569,
ii. 190, iii. 56l, iv. 205.
view'fl, P. X. x. 355.
vigilance, P. X. iv. 580, ix. 157,
x. 30.
vigils, P.P. i. 182.
vigorous, S. A. 1704.
vigour, P. X. i. 140, ii. 13, vi.
158,436, 851, viii. 97, 269,
ix. 314, x. 405 ; S. A. 1280.
vile, P. X. ii. 194, v. 782, x.
971, xii. 510; S. A. 376,
377, 1361 ; Com. 907.
vileft, S. A. 73, 74.
vilified, P. X. xi. 5l6.
village, P. R. i. 332; Com.
villager, Com. 166, 304, 576.
villages, P. X. ix. 448.
villatick, S. A. 1695.
vindicate, P. JR. ii. 47 ; S. A.
vine, P. X. iv. 258, 307, v. 215,
427, vii. 320; UAL 47; Com.
294 ; P/. lxxv. 33, 36, 60,
vines, P. X. i. 410, v. 635,
mintage, P. ii. iv. 15.
viol, Od. Pqf. 28.
violate, P. X. iv. 883, ix. 903 5
S. A. 428.
violated, P. X. x. 25 ; P. JR. iii.
violating, S. A. 893.
violence, P. X. i. 496, iv. 901*
995, v. 242, 905, vi. 35, 274,
371, 405, ix. 282, x. 1041,
xi. 671, 780, 812, 888;
P. R. r. 219, 389, iii. 90,
191, iv. 388; S. A. 1191;
Son. xv. 11; Pf. vii. 59,
lxxv. 52.
violent, P. X. ii. 782, iii. 487,
iv. 97, ix. 324, xi. 471, 669,
xii. 93; P. R. iii. 87; Pf.
Ixxxvi. 50.
more violent, P. X. vi. 439/
xi. 428.
violet, P. X. iv. 700; Lye.
violet-embroider'd, Com. 233.
violets, P. X. ix. 1040 ; V Al.
viper, S. A. 1001.
virgin, P. X. ix. 396, 452, x,
676, xii. 368, 379; P.P. i.
134, 138, 239; S.A. 1035;
7/ Pe»/. 103; Com. 148,
350, 427, 448, 507, 582,
689, 826, 856, 905; Son.
ix. 14 ; Od. Nat. 3, 327; Od.
D. F. I. 21; Ep. M. Win.
virgin-born, P. R. iv. 500.
virgin fancies, P. X. v. 297.
virgin majefty, P. X. ix. 270.
virgin modefty, P. X. viii. 501,
virgin feed, P. X. iii. 284.
virginity, Com. 437, 738, 787.
virgins, P. X. i. 441 ; S. A.
virtual, P. X. viii. 6l7, xi.
virtue, P. X. i. 320, ii. 483,
551, iii. 5S6 9 iv. 198, 671,
848, v. 371, vi. 117, 703, vii.
236, viii. 95, 124, 502, ix.
110, 145,310, 317,335, 374,
6l6, 649, 6'94, 778, 973,
1063, x. 372, 884, xi. 623,
690, 790, 798, xii. 98, 583 ;
P.R. i. 68, 165, 177, 231,
483, ii. 248, 431, 455, 464, iii.
348, iv. 297, 298, 301, 314,
850; S. A. 173, 756, 870,
1010, 1039, 1050, 169O,
1697; Com. 9, 165, 373,
761, 1019, 1022; So?i. xv.
virtue-proof, P. L. v. 384.
virtues, P. L. ii. 15, 311, v.
601, 772, 840, vii. 199, ix.
745, x. 460 ; P.R. ii. 217,
iii. 21, iv. 98; Son. ix. 7 \
Ep. M. Win. 4.
virtue's, Com. 367.
virtuous, P. L. iii. 608, ix. 795,
1033 ; P. ii. i. 382, ii. 468,
iv. 301; S. A. 1047; UPenf.
113; Com. 211, 621 ;Son. xx.
1 ; Ep. M. Win. 60.
virtuoufeft, P. L. viii. 550.
vifage, P. X. ii. 989, iii- 646,
iv. 116, v. 419, vi. 26l, x.
511; Lye. 62 ; II Pen/. 13 ;
Com. 527.
vifages, P. i. i. 570, x. 24.
Vifcount's, Ep. M. Win. 3.
viable, P. L. i. 63, iii. 3S6, vi.
145, vii. 22, ix. 604, xi. 321.
vifibly, P. L. iii. 141, iv. 850,
vi. 682; Com. 21 6.
virion, P. L. i. 455, 684, v.
&3, viii. 356, 367,^.599,
xii. 121 ; P. It. i. 256, iv.
41 ; Lye. l6l ; Co?/». 457.
vifions, P. L. xi. 377, 763.
\ifit, P. L. iii. 32, 230, 532,
66l, v. 375, vii. 570, viii. 45,
xii. 48; S. A. 1742 ;0d. D.
F. I. 52; Pf. lxxx. 6'0,
vifitant, P. L. xi. 225,
vifitants, S. A. 56f.
vilitation, P. L. ix. 22, xi. 275«
vifited, P. L. x. 955.
vifiting, P. L iv. 240.
vifits, Com. 844.
vifit'ft, P. i. vii. 29 ; Pf. viii.
vifor'd, Com. 698.
vifual, P. L. iii. 620, xi. 415;
S. A. 163.
vital, P. L. iii. 22, v. 484, vi.
345, vii. 236; ^rc. 65.
vitiated, P. X. x. 169; S. A.
vocal, P. i. v. 204, ix. 198,
530 ; Lye. 86 ; Com. 247.
voice, P. L. i. 274, 337, ii,
188, 474, 518, iii. 9, 370,
710, iv. 1,36, 467, v. 15,37,
705, vi. 27, 56, 782, vii. 2,
24, 37, 100, 221, 513, 598,
viii. 2, 436, 486, ix. 199,
551, 561, 653, 871, 1069,
x. 33, 97, 116, 119, 146,
198, 615, 729, 779, xi. 321,
xii, 235, 265; P. R. i. 31,
35, 84, 172, 275, 283, 490,
ii. 314, iv. 256, 512, 539,
627; S. A. 1065; Lye. 132;
Arc. 77; Com. 492, 563;
Od. Nat. 27, 96, 174, 183;
Od. Sol. Muf. 2 ; Pf. iv. IS,
v. 3, 5, vi. 17, lxxxi. 46,
Ixxxv. 21, lxxxvi. 12.
voices, P. L. i. 712, ii. 952, iii.
347, iv. 682, v. 197.
void, P. L. i. 181, ii. 219, 238,
829, iii- 12, iv. 97, vi. 415,
vii. 233, ix. 1074, x. 50, xi.
790, xii. 427; P. ii. iv. 189s
Brut. 10.
volant, P. L. xi. 56l.
volatile, P. L. iii. 603.
volies, P. L. vi. 213.
vollied, P. L. iv. 928.
volubil, P. L. iv. 594.
voluble, P. L. ix. 436; S. A,
voluminous, P. P. ii. 652;
P. P. iv. 384.
voluntary, P. P. iii. 37, v. 529,
x. 6l; P. P. ii. 394.
voluptuous, P. P. ii. 869; P. P.
ii. 165 ; S. A. 584.
votarift, Com. 189.
vote, P. P. ii. 313, 389; P. P.
ii. 129.
vwuch'd, P. P. v. 66*.
vouchfafe, P. P. v. 312, 365,
vi. 823; P. P. ii. 210; P/.
lxxx. 14, 30, 78.
youchfaf'd, P. P. iii. 332, iii.
175, v. 463, 8S4, vii. 80,
viii. 8, 581, xi. 318, xii. 622;
P. P. i. 490.
vouchfafes, P. P. xi. 877, xii.
120, 246.
vouchfafTt, P. P. xi. 70.
vow, S. A. 319, 379, 1386;
Ep. Hobf. II. 19.
vow'd, Od. Hor. 13; Pntf. 6.
vowing, P. P. i. 490.
vows, P. P. i. 441, iv. 97, xi.
493; £. ^f. 520, 750; Arc. 6.
Pore, of Con. 2.
voyage, P. P. ii. 426, 919, vii.
431, viii. 230; P. P. i. 103.
voyag'd, P. P.x.471.
Vulcan, Com. 655.
vulgar, P. P. iii. 577; P. P.
iii. 51 ; 5. A. 1659.
vulture, P. P. iii. 432.
wades, P. P. ii. 950.
waft, P. P. i. 104; Py£. 164.
wafted, P. P. iii. 52 U
wafting, P. P. xii. 435.
wafts, P. X. ii. 1042.
wage, P.P. i. 121.
wag'd, P. P. ii. 534.
waggons, P. L. iii. 439; P- P.
iii. 336.
wail, 5. A. 66, 1721.
wailing, 5. A. 806.
wain, Cow. 190; Ep. Hobf. II.
wait, P. P. ix. 55, 505, iii,
485, viii. 554 ; P. P. ii. 49.
102, iii. 373; Arc. 107;
CW. 921 ; Son. xix. 14.
in wait, P. P. iv. 825.
waited, P. P. viii. 6l, ix. 409 ;
P. P. i. 269.
waiting, P. P. i. 604, ii. 223,
iv. 471, ix. 191, 839.
waits, P. L. v. 354; Pf. vii.
wake, P. P. iii. 686, iv. 678,
734,; S. A. 952; II Pen/.
151 ; Com. 317. Pf. vii. 22.
wak'd, P. P. v. 3, 26, 92, 657,
vi. 3, viii. 309, 478, ix. 739,
106l, x. 94, xi. 65, 135, xii.
608; P. P. ii 284; &w.
xxiii. 14 ; Pf. iii. 13
wakeful, P. P. ii. 463, 946, iii.
38, iv. 602, xi. 131 ; Od. Nat.
waken, P. L. iii. 369, xii. 594*
wakens, Com. 124.
wakes, (fubft.) Com. 121.
wakes, P. P. iv. 23, 24, v. 44,
110; Com. 124.
waking, P. P. iii. 515, v. 14,
121,678; P.P.i.311;Cow.
wak'ft, P. P. xi. 368.
walk, (fubft.) P. P. ii. 1007,
iv. 627, 655, v. 49, vi. 647,
ix. 434; P. P. i. 311, u.
153, 261.
walk, P. P. iv. 528, 677, 685,
v. 36, 200, ix. 246, xi. 707,
xii. 562; P. P. i. 478;
£. ^. 1530; II Penf. 65 ;
-Sort. xi. 7; P/'. Ixxxi. 56.
walk on, Pf Ixxxii. IS.
walk'd, P. P. i. 295, iii. 430,
441, vii. 443, 459, 503, viii.
264, ix. 114, xi. 581 ; 6'. A,
343, 530, 1089; Lyt. 173 ;
Son. xi. 3 ; Pf i. 1.
walking, P. L. x. 98 ; P. il. iv.
447 ; L'Al. 57.
walks, (fubtt.) P. X. iv. 586,
viii* 305, 528, ix. 1107, xi.
179, 270; II Pen/. 133 ; Com.
walks, P. L. iii. 422, 683, v.
351, xii. 49; Com. 211, 384,
walk'ft, Brut. 2.
wall, P. L. iii. 71, 427, 503, iv.
143, 146, 182, 697, vi. 860,
vii. 293, ix. 16, x. 302, xi.
657 ; P. it. iii. 275 ; Od.
D. F. I. 47 ; Od. Hor. 14.
wali'd, P. #. ii. 22.
wallowing, P. L. vii. 411.
walls, P. L. ii. 343, 1035, x.
423, xi. 387, xii. 197, 342 ;
P.R. iv. 250; Son. viii. 14;
Pf. cxxxvi. 49.
walls, (verb) P. L. iii. 721.
wan, P. L. iv. 870, x. 412 ;
Lye. 147 ; Son. xiii. 6.
wand, P. L. i. 294, iii. 644 ;
Com. 614, 653, 659, 815;
Od.Nat. 51.
wander, P. L. i. 501, ii. 148,
iii. 27, 458, vii. 20, 330, xi.
282; Lye. 185; Com. 351.
wander'd, P. L. iii. 499; P. R.
i. 354; Od. D.F.I. 17.
wanderer, Cow. 524.
wandering, P. L. i. 365, 481,
ii. 404, 523,830,973, iii.631,
667, iv. 234, 531, v. 177, vii.
50, 302, viii. 126, 187, 312,
ix. 634, 1136, 1146, x. 875,
xi. 779, xii. 133, 334,648;
P. JR. ii. 246, 313, iv. 600;
S. A. 302, 675; II Pen/. 67 ;
Com. 39, 193, 1006; Vac.
Ex. 53 ; Pf. lxxxi. 50.
vvannifh, Od. Faff. 35.
want, (fubft.) P. L. ii. 806, ix.
755; P. Ii. I 331, ii. 331,
431; 5.^.289, 905; Com.
369, 768.
want, P. L. i.715, ii. 272, 341,
iv. 676, v. 365, 514, xii.
396; 5.^.916.
wanted, P. L. iv. 338, 989, v.
147, vii. 505, viii. 355, ix*
601; P.R. iii. 327; S. A.
315; Com. 689.
wanting, P. L. i. 556, ix. 199,
x. 271 : P. R. ii. 450', S. A.
wanton, P. L. i. 414, 454, iv.
306, 629, 768, ix. 211, xi.
583; P. R. ii. 180; Lye.
137 ; L'A1.27, 141; Arc.47 ;
Com. 176 ; Od.Nat. 36; Od.
£>. P. J. 14.
wanton'd, P. Z. v. 295.
wantonly, P. X. ix. 1015.
wantonnefs, P. L. xi. 795.
wants, P. L. ii. 271, iv. 730, v.
348, vii. 98, viii. 296, ix.
821, x. 869.
war, P.L. i.43, 121,129, 150,
645, 661,668, ii. 9, 41,51,
283, 329, 330, 533, 711, 767,
iv. 817, vi. 19,236,242,259,
274, 312, 339, 377, 408, 506,
667,695,702,712,897, vii.
55, x. 374, xi. 219, 220, 641,
713,780,784, 797, xii. 31,
214, 218; P.R. iii. 17, 90,
336,388,401 ; S. A. 1278;
Son., xv. 10, xvi.2, 11, xvii.
7 ; Od. Nat. 53 ; Vac. Ex. 86.
war, (verb) P. L. ii. 230, vi.
92, x. 710.
warble, P. L. v. 195 ; L'Al.
1 34 ; Son. xx. 12 ; Pf. cxxxvi.
warbled, P. L. ii. 242 ; 11 Pcnf.
106; Arc. 87; Com. 854.
warbleft, Son. i. 2.
warbling, P. L. iii. 31, v. 196,
vii. 436, viii. 265 ; S. A. 934 ;
Lye. 189-
wardrpbe, Vac. Ex. 18.
wards, P. L. ii. 877-
ware, P. L. ix. 353 ; Com.
warfare, P. X. vi. 803 ; P. R.
i. 158.
warlike, P. X. i. 531, iv. 780,
902, vi.257; P.P. iii. 308;
5. A. 137.
warm, P. X. vii. 279? viii. 4,66 ;
P.P.i. 318; Od.May-M.6.
warm, (verb) P. X. iv. 669, v.
warm'd, P. X. ix. 721, xi. 338.
warmly, P. X. iv. 244.
warms, P. X. iii. 583; £orc.
viii. 8.
warmth, P. _L. ii. 601, v. 302,
vii. 236, viii. 37, x. 1008 ;
P. R. ii. 74.
warn, P. X. ii. 533, v. 237, vi.
908, viii. 327, x. 871, xi.
195, 777 ; P. R. iv. 483.
warn'd, P. X. iii. 185, iv. 6,
125, 467, vi. 547, viii. 190,
ix. 253, 363, 371, 1171;
P.P. i. 26, 255; S. ^. 382;
Orf. Nat. 74.
warning, P. X. iv. 1.
warping, P. X. i. 341.
warrant, S. A. 1426.
warranted, Com. 327*
warr'd, P. X. i. 198, 576.
warring, P. X. ii. 905, iii. 396,
iv. 41, v. 566, vi. 225.
warriour, P. X. iv. 576, 946,
vi. 233; S. A. 542, 11 66.
warriours, P. X. i. 3l6, 565, vi.
537, xi. 101, 662; S.A. 139;
Od. Cir. 1.
wars, P. X. ii. 501, 897, ix. 28.
wary, P. X. ii. 917, v. 459-
wain, P. X. iii. 31 ; Lye. 155.
warn off, P. P. i. 73; S.A.
waih'd, P. X. x. 215, xi. 569 ;
P. P.iv. 28$ I' Al. 22', Od.
Paff. 35.
wafhing, P. X. xii. 443 ; S. A*
wafhy, P. X. vii. 303.
waffailers, Cow. 179.
wafte, P. X. ii. 650, 1045, iv.
304, 538, v. 281, vi. 36l, ix.
1113, xi. 791; P. R. i. 7,
354, iii. 283, iv. 123 ; Com.
403, 729, 942 ; Son. xii. 14.
wafte, (adjed.) P. X. i. 60, iii.
424, x. 282,434; P. R. iv.
wafte, (verb) P.L. ii. 365, 695,
x. 617, 820, xi. 784 ; Son.
xx. 4.
wafted, P. X. xi. 567 ; P. P. iii.
102, 302 • Pf. lxxxiii. 34.
wafteful, P. X. ii. 961, vi. 862,
vii. 212, x. 620; P. R. iv.
46l ; Pf. exxxvi. 58.
wafting, P. X. ii. 502 ; P. R. ii.
watch, P. X. ii. 130, 462, iv.
406, 562, 685, 783, v. 288,
ix. 62, 68,363, 814, x. 427,
438, 594, xii. 365 ; Com. 89,
543; Od. Nat. 21.
watch, (verb) P.L. i. 332, vii.
106, 409, ix. 156.
watch-tower, UAl. 43.
watch'd, P. X. xi. 73 ; P. B. iv.
408, 522.
watches, P. X. vi. 412 ; Com,
watches, (verb) P. X. ix. 257.
watchful, P. X. v. 104, xi. 128;
P.P. iii. 173; Com. 113;
Od. Cm 3 ; Fac. £#. 40.
more watchful, P. X. ix. 31 1.
watching, P. X. ii. 413, iv. 185,
826; P. P. i. 244; £..4.232.
water, P. X. ii. 612, vii. 502,
xi. 749; P.P. i. 81, ii. 124,
iv. 412; Pf.vi. 13, lxxxi.31.
water, (verb) P. X. xi. 279.
water-nymphs, Com. 833.
water'd, P. X. iv. 230, vii. 334 ;
P. ft. iv. 277.
watering, P. L. x. 1090, 1102.
waters, P. L. iii. 11, iv. 260,
454, v. 200, 872, vi. 196,
645, vii. 262, 263, 268, 270,
277, 283, 290, 308, 387, 393,
397, 446", viii, 301, x. 285,
xi. 79; S.J. 164,7 ; U Pen/.
144; Com. 896, 993; Od.
Nat. 65.
watery, P. L. i. 397, ii. 584,
iv. 46"1, 480, vii. 234, 297,
viii. 346, xi. 779, 844, 882 ;
Lye. 12, 167; Pf. i. 8, lxxxiv.
wattled, Com. 344.
wave, P.L. i. 193, ii. 1042, iii.
539, vii. 298, 402, ix. 496,
xi. 845 ; Com. 659, 86l, 887 ;
Od.Nat. 68, 231.
wave, (verb) P. L. v. 193, 194,
687; UPtnf. 148.
wav'd, P. L. i. 340, iv. 306, vi.
304, vii. 406, 476, xii. 643.
waver, S. A. 456.
wavering, S. A. 732 ; Com. 11 6.
waves, P. L. i. 184, 306, ii.
581, vii. 214, 2l6, x. 311,
xi. 747, 830, xii. 213; P. it.
iv. 18; Lye 91, 173; Corn.
258, 924; Od. Nat. 124;
Vac. Ex. 44 ; Pf lxxxviii.
31, 32, 68, exxxvi. 45.
waves, (verb) P. L. iv. 764, xii.
waving, P. L. i. 348, 546, iii.
628, iv. 981, vi. 413, 580;
S. A. 713, 1493; Com. 88;
Od.Nat. 51.
waxen, P. L. vii. 491 ; P/*. vi.
waxing, P. L. iv. 969; Com.
way, P. L. i. 621, ii. 40, 62, 71,
83, 134, 407, 432, 523, 683,
782, 949, 958, 97'o, 1007,
1016, 1026, iii. 87, 228, 437,
564,735, iv. 126, 174, 177,
66*7, 889, v. 508, 904, vi. 2,
196, 780, vii. 158,298,302,
426, 576, 579, viii. 183, 6l3,
ix. 69, 410, 493, 496, 512,
626, 640, 809, 847, 865, x.
262, 267, 291, 310, 325, 397,
473, xi. 15, 203, 223, 462,
889, xii. 216, 649; P. R- i.
104, 297, iv. 470, 638; S.A.
481, 781, 823, 838, 1039,
1091, 1332, 1530, 1591 ; It
Penf. 70 ; Com. 36, 183, 305,
539; Son. ix. 2, xviii. 13,
xxi. 10 ; Pf. i. 2, 15, l6, ii.
26, lxxxvi. 37.
another way, Vac. Ex. 54.
both way, P.P. iv. 70.
every way, P. R. iii. 348.
no way, P. L. iii. 618, x.
844 ; P. R. iv. 206 ; S. A.
one way, P. L. xi. 646 ; Od.
Nat. 71.
other way, P. L. x. 414, 894,
xi. 527 ; P. P. i. 338.
fome way, S. A. 1252.
this way, P. L. iv. 867, v.
310; S.A. 111,301; Com.
which way, P. L. iv. 73, 75,
982; P.P. i. 187, ii. 417;
S. A. 756, 1015, 1541.
way-lay, P. R. ii. 185.
ways, P. L. i. 26, ii. 574, iii.
46, 544, 680, iv. 620, 934, v.
50, viii. 119,226, 373,413,
433, ix. 682, x. 323, 6l0,
643, 1005, xi. 468, 721, 812,
xii. 110; P.R. i. 478; S.A.
293, 300, 1407 ; Son. xx. 2 ;
Ep. Hobf. I. 3 ; Pf. v. 24,
Ixxx. 74, lxxxi. 56 y lxxxiv.
20, 44, lxxxvi. 6.
weak, P. L. i. 157, iv. 856,
1012, viii. 532, ix. 1186, xi.
540, xii. 291, 567; P. Jl.ii.
221, iii. 4; Vac. Ex. 1; Ep.
lxxxviii, 15,
Weakening, P. X. ii. 1002. viii. 605, ix. 828, 1030; Od,
weaker, P. X. vi. 909, ix. 383 ; Nat. 3 ; Otf. D. P. L li.
II Pen/. 1 5. wedge, P. X. vii. 426,
weakeft, P. X. vi. 117; 5. -4. 56. wedges, P. P. iii. 309*
weakly, S. A. 50, 499- wedlock, 5. ^. 353.
weaknefs, P. X. ii. 357, x. 801 ; wedlock-bands, S. A. 98&
P. P. i. l6l, iii. 402 ; S. A. wedlock-bound, P. L. x. 90L
5235, 756, 773, 778, 7S5, 829, wedlock-treachery, S. ^. 1009.
830, 834, 843, 1722; Com. weed, Com. 189, Orf; D. P. X
582. 58.
weal, P. X. viii. 638, ix. 133. weeds, P. X. iii. 479; P- •& i<*
wealth, P. X. i. 722, ii. 2, iv. 314; 5. A. 122 ; X'^/. 120;
207, xi. 788 xii. 133, 332, Com. 16, 84, 390; Od. Hon
352 ; P. P. ii. 202, 427, 430, 1 5.
436, iii. 44, iv. 82, 141, 305, weekly, Ep. Hobf. I. 10,
368 ; Com. 504, 726; Son. ween, P. X. iv. 741.
xii. 14; Dante II. 4. ween'd, P. X. vi. 86*
wealthy, Dawte I. 3. weening, P. X. vi. 795.
weanling, P. X. iii. 434. weep, Pi X. i. 620, ix. il21j
weapon, S. A. 142, 263. xi. 627 ; Lye. 165, 182 ; Pf
weaponlefs, S. A. 130. lxxxviii. 3.
weapons, P. X. vi. 439, ^97, weeping, P. X. x. 937 5 Oc?.
839; Com. 612. J\ 7 a£. 183 ; Od. Faff* 51 ; Pf>
wear, P. X. iv. 740; Com. 26, vi. 17.
722 ; Od. Sol. Muf 14 ; Pf. weeps* & A. 728.
ii. 7. weigh, P. X. viii. 570$ xi. 545 J
wear out, S. A. 762. Pf. v. 2.
wearers, P. X. iii. 490, weighed, P. X. iv. 990, 1012 ;
wearied, P. X. i. 320, iii. 73, P- R. iii. 51, iv. 8; S. A.
vi. 695, ix. 1045, xii. 107, 76S.
614 ; P. R. iv. 591 ; S. A, weighs, P. X. ii. 1046j iii. 482i
1583 ; Pf. vi. 11. weigh'ft, P. R. ii. 173.
wearied out, S. A. 405 ; Com. weight, P. X. i. 227* ii; 307*
182. 41 6, iv. 615, vi. 621, 652, xj
wearing, 0d, Nat. 123. $68, xii. 539; P- P. i. 26'7*
weariforne, P. X. ii. 247 ; P. P. ii. 465, iv. 282 ; Com. 728 ;
iv. 322. Ep. Hobf. II. 9, 26.
wears, Lye. 147; -Ep* 3X. Win. weights, P. X. iv. 1002*
43. welcome, P. X. x. 771, xii 140;
weary, P. X. xi. 310, xii. 10; S. A. 260, 576 ; Caw. 102,
5. ^. 596; Cow, 64, 280; 213; Od. Nat. 18; £/>. ilX
Vac. Ex. 25. JPwt 71 ; Od. May-M. 9.
weather-beaten, P. X. ii. 1043. welkin, P. X. ii. 538 ; Com.
weave, Com. 716. 1015.
weaver's, S. A. 1122. well, P. X. i. 334, ii. 390, iii.
wed, P. X. v. 216; S. A. 216, 196, 276, 370, 555, iv. 426*
220; Od. Sol. Muf. 3. 926, v. 3l6, 46" 1, 508, 793,
wedded, P. X. iv. 750, v. 223> 88S, vi. 11, 2& 150, 4^.
542, 543, 625, vii. 128,546.
viii. 388, 440, 540, 568, 573,
588, ix. 141,205,229,353,
492, 826, 1035, x. 887, si.
xii. 505 ; P. R. i. 47, 286,
301, iii. 51, 66, 196, 26*1,
267, iv.275; S. A. 289, 381,
408, 413, 483, 655, 1207,
Lye. 15 ; Com. 210, 235, 488,
620, 623; Com. 772; Son.
xiii. 1, xx. 11.
as well as, Com. 201.
how well, S. A. 204 ; Lye.
not well, P. L. v. 335, ix.
fo well, P. L. iii. 639, viii.
396, 548, ix. 1021, 1027;
P.P. i. 114, iv. 337; Com.
791 ; Son. x. 12.
too well, P. L. i. 134; S.A.
878, 879 ; Com. 563.
yet well, P. L. x. 725.
well-aim'd, P L. ix. 173.
well-attir'd, Lye. 146.
well-balanc'd, Orf. Nat. 122.
well-being, J?. L. viii. 36*1.
well-couch'd, P. P. i. 97 '•
well done, P. L. vi. 29, xi. 256.
well-feafted, 5. ^. 1419-
well-govern'd, Com. 705.
well known, P. L. iv. 581.
well-lighted, Ep. M. Win. 20.
well might, P. L. ix. 785.
well-plac'd, Com. l6l.
well pleas'd, P. L. iii. 841, iv.
164, v. 617, vi. 728, x. 71,
xii. 625.
well pleafmg, P. L. x. 634.
well-practis'd, Com. 310.
well fcem'd, P. L. x. 154.
well-ftoek'd, Com. 152.
well-ftor'd, P.P. ix. 184.
well-trod, LAI. 131.
well us'd, P. L. iv. 200.
w«ll-woven, P. R. i. 97.
welter, Lye. 13.
weltering, P. L. i. 78 ; Od. Nat.
went, P. Iv. i. 651, ii. 49, iv.
126, 223, 456, 739, 858, vi.
782, 884, vii. 588, viii. 48,
208, ix. 847, 1099; S.A.
1617; Lye. 103; Son. viii.
12; Ep. Hobf. II. 22; Pf.
lxxx. 48.
went'ft, P. R. iv. 21 6.
went down, P. L. x. 414.
went forth, P. P. vi. 12, 6"S6,
viii. 44, 59.
went on, P. P. iv. 484.
went up, P. L. vii. 334; S. A.
went'ft, P. L. xii. 6l0.
wept, P. L. iv. 24S, ix. 991,
1003, xi. 495; P. P. iii. 41;
Com. 257 ; Od. Cir. 9 ; Ep.
M. Win. 56.
weft, P. P. v. 339, vii. 376, viii.
163, ix. 80, x. 6^5^ xii. 40;
P.P.iii.2?2,iv.7l, 77,448;
Com. 306; Brut. 7.
full weft, P. P. iv. 784.
weltering; Lye. 31.
weltern, P. P. iv. 597, 862, x.
92, xi. 205, xii. 141 ; Lye.
191 ; Pf. lxxx. 45.
weftward, P. P. iv. 237-
weft-winds, Com. 989*
wet, P, L. v. 190 ; P. P. i. 318,
iv. 433, 486; Pf. viii. 21,
lxxx. 24.
wether, 6'. A. 53S ; CW 499.
wetting, S. A. 730.
whales, P. L. vii. 391.
what d'ye call, Fore, of Con. 12.
whate'er, P. L. i. 150, ii. 11)2,
442, 733, 955, iv. 425, 744,
891, v.414, vi. 489, vii. 475,
viii. 273, 622, ix. 92, 695,
898, x. 11, 141, 245, 60£,
757 ; P. R. i. 83, 178 ; S. A.
1034, 1156; Arc. 79-
whatever, P. R. iii. 213, iv.
tfOO; S.A. 904>; Son. \iu. 8;
Pf lxxxv. 50.
whatsoever, P. L. iv. 587.
wheat, Pf. lxxxi. 6*6.
wheel, P. L. iii. 741, vi. 326,
751, viii. 135; Lye. 31 ; Ep.
Hobf. II. 9; P/ lxxxiii. 49.
wheel, (verb) P. L. iv. 783,
xii. 183.
wheel'd, P. L. vii. 501 ; P. R.
iii. 323.
wheeling, P. L. iv. 785 ; Fac.
E.r. 34.
wheels, P. X. i. 311, ii. 532,
iii. 394, iv. 975, v. 140, 621,
vi. 210, 358, 573, 7H, 755,
832, 846, vii. 224; P.P. ii.
16 ; Com. 190 ; Od. P^! 36*.
wheels, (verb) P. L. i. 786.
whelm'd, P. L. vi. 141, 651.
whelming, Lye. 157-
whelp U, P.L. xL 751.
whence, P. L. i. 75, ii. 213,
1006, iii. 618, iv. 158, 295,
407, 452, 96*3, v. 99, 237,
419, 486, 643, 856, vi. 27,
477, 678, 6*93, 879, vii. 59,
512, viii. 200, ix. 1078,1 13 ,
x. 88, 115, xi. 98, 158,26*2,
343, 558, xii. 167, 531,610;
P.R. i.446, ii. 418, iii. 107,
407, iv. 26, 571 ; S. A. 12 16,
1752 ; Com. 202, 532 ; Son,
xx. 10.
from whence, P. R. i. 81 ;
iii. 340; S. A. 1744; Pf.
lxxxi. 16.
whenever, P. L. ii. 809, x. 771.
where, P.L. i. 6*5, 250, 256,
379, 442, 496, ii. 88, 282,
357, 594, 868, 893, 894, iii.
27, 105, 358, 376, 689, 738,
iv. 99, 451, 470, 509,578, v.
$78, 6*54, 688, vi. 6, 111,
758, vii. 35, 200, 298, 305,
329,457,517, viii. 270, 284,
ix. 1, 71, 76, 81, 181, 214,
215, 217, 259, 267, 414, 417,
425, 442, 446, 514, 542, 592,
617, 671, 1086, 1090, x.80,
103, 106, 258, 276, 315, 342,
534, 562, 599, 86*4, 922, 1087,
IO99, xi. 18, 42, 214, 246,
566, 653,751, xii. 76, 158,
183,222,384,607, 646; P.R.
i. 121,470, ii. 26, 231, 245,
iii. 206, 407, iv. 238, 348,
460, 524, 6l6; S.A. 339,
519, 916, 980, 1086, 1094,
1097, 1 136, 1317, 1368,1369,
1588, 1609, 1623, 1725 ; Lye.
50, 53, 55, 136, 157, l6l,
174; L'Al. 6, 60, 72, 119;
Jl Penf 79, 120, 140 ; Arc.
82, 85; Com. 34, 179, 191,
234, 240, 320, 325, 351,377 ,
410, 425, 630, 747, 860, 891,
948, 978, 999, 1015; Son.
xviii. 11, xx. 3; Od.Paf). 39;
Od.Sol. Miff. 10 ; Vac. Ex. 6 ;
Brut. 9 ; Dante 11.3; Pf. v.
24, Ixxxiv. 18, lxxxv, 8,
lxxxvii. 11.
no where, P.L. iii. 411, 620,
iv. 44S; P.P. iv. 472.
other where, Od. Paf)\ 25.
whereat, P.L. i. 6l6, ii. 389,
v. 851, vi. 202, viii. 309, xi.
444, 868, xii. 636.
whereby, P. L. iii. 621, v. 411,
viii. 579; P. R.i.396.
where'er, Lye. 155; Od. D.F. I.
38 ; Pf. iv. 10.
wherever, P. L. vii. 535, viii.
170, ix. 325, xi. 79 t 177,
385, xii. 449 ; P. R. iv. 404 ;
S. A. 54,7, 1202.
wherefore, P. L. i. 264, ii. 159,
450, iv. 42, 657, 917, vi.
116, ix. 331, x. 762; P.R.
iii. 21, 23; S. A. 23, 356,
1441 ; Com. 710.
wherein, P. L. i. 523, ii. 76S,
iii. 78, 262, 335, 408, iv. viii. 32, 165, 208, 210, 234,
999, viii. 68, 391, 589, ix. 283, 380, ix. 4, 217, 220,
725, x. 149, xi. 255, 479, 312, 673, 754, 890, 1004,
608, 6l6, 901, xii. 41 ; P.P. 1022, x. 99, 129, 236, 329,
i. 58; S. A. 564, 780; Com. 393, 427, 649, 682, 923,
135; Son. x. 10; Od. Nat. 1059, 1065, xi. 178, 225,
2, 62. 368, 369, 523, xii. 13, 14,
Whereof, P. L. i. 650, ii. 584, 117, 205 ; P. R. i. 197, iv.
723, iii. 504, iv. 119, 235, 264, 339, 424; S. A. 805,
419, 937, vi. 518, vii. 64, 1143, 1282,1538, 1592; Lye.
viii. 342, ix. 967, x. 122, 187; L'Al\9, 63, 123; II
xii. 150; P.R. ii. 276; S.A. Pen/. 126; Com. 357,361,
1174. 665, 938 ; Son. i. 4, xi. 7,
whereon, P. L. i. 474, iii. 510, xv. 14, xvi. 7 ; Od. Nat. 19,
519, iv. 521, v. 510, 764, vi. 68, 120, 159, 196 ; Vac. Ex.
473, ix. 526, x. 919, xi. 38, 50 ; Pf. v. 34, vii. 3.
382, 430, 556, 858, 897; P/. a-while, P. L. ii. 918, iii.
Ixxxi. 11. 280, v. 364, 395, vi. 556,
wherefo, P. L. xi. 722. 634, viii. 2, 258, ix. 744.
wherefoe'er, P. JR. iii. 79- x. 447, 504, xii, 350 ; P. R.
whereto, P. L. i. 156, vi. 469, i. 37, iii. 2; 5. A. 115,
viii. 398, xii. 63. 363, 1636 ; Com. 551 ; Son.
wherewith, P. L. iii. 148, ix. xi. 3.
101 1 ; S.A. 585 ; Com. 443, all the while, P. L. i. 539, ii.
449, 881 ; Od. Nat. 10; Od. 363.
Pajf. 2. for a while, P. L. ii. 567.
wherewithal, P. L. ii. 468. one while, P. it. i. 216.
whether, P. L. i. 133, 178, ii. the while, P. L. ii. 731, vii.
41, 152, iii. 523, iv. 592, 907, 249, ix. 431, 838 ; P. R
v. 14, 189, 532, 741, 86*7, iii. 180; S.A. 1728.
viii. 70, 159, 160, ix. 145, whilere, Od. Cir. 10.
215, 237, 261, 788, x. 57, whilom, Com. 827; Od. V. F. L
xi. $96, 566, 569, 786, xii. 24.
47, 46*3, 474 ; P. R. i. 303, whilfl, Lye. 154 ; HAL 70 ; U
ii'. 109, iii. 214, iv. 198, 596; Pen/'. 30 ; Com. 896 ; Of/. So/.
Lye." i 56, 159; £'^. 17; Afy/' 23 ; £/?. A/. Jfm, 6l ;
&>w.i. 13, xvii. 5 ; Od.D.F. I. Ep. IV. Sh. 9-
39; Vac. Ex. 91. whip, P. L. ii. 701.
whets, VAL 66; Pf. vii. 46. whirl'd, Od. Pajl 37.
while, P. L. i. 15, 207, 215, whirlpool, P. L. ii. 1020.
308, 380, 450, ii. 54, 1?8, whirlwind, P. L. ii. 541, 589,
309,315,458,463,489,665, vi. 749; Pf Ixxxiii. 57.
754, iii. 15, 135, 187,258, whirlwinds, P. L. i. 77, ii. 182.
395, 688, iv. 6,89, 114, 266, whifper, P. L. iv. 158.
447, 508, 533, 621, 685, v. whifper'd, P. L. v. 17, viii. 5l6.
) 70, 300, 537, 568, 848, 858, whifpering, P. L. iv. 326, v. 26 ;
vi. 157, 306, 337, 443, 564, P. R. ii. 26, iv. 250; VAl
5*0, 633, vu. 28. 56'4, 6l 1, 1 16 ; Od. Nat* 66.
whifpers, Lye. 136.
whift, Od. Nat. 64.
whittle, Com. 346.
whittles, L'Al. 64.
whit, Com. 774.
white, P. L. iii. 475, vii. 439,
xi. 206; P.R. iv. 76; S. A.
327, 973; I#c. 144; 5on.
xxiii. 9; Od. Nat. 42; Od.
Paff. 35.
whited, ifor. I. 6.
white-handed, Cow. 213.
white-robed, Od. D. F. I. 54.
white-thorn, Lye. 48.
whither, P.L. iii. 272, vi. 531,
viii. 283, ix. 473, x. 922, xi.
282, xii. 610; P.R. ii. 39,
iv. 510; S. A. 1541.
whoever, P. L. x. 14, 73.
whole, P. L. i. 569, ii. 123,
353, 365, 594, iii. l6l, 209,
280, iv. 207, 284, vi. 655,
727, 875, vii. 273, ix. 416,
xi. 874, 888, xii. 269 ; P. R.
i. 208; S.A.262, 265, 809,
1059,1110,1476, 1512,1651 ;
Pf. lxxxvi. 43.
wholefome, P. L. iv. 330, x.
847 ; P. R. iv. 458 ;Forc. of
Con. 16.
wholly, P. L. ix. 786.
whomfoever, P. L. ix. 106S.
whore, Fore, of Con. 3 ; Dante
II. 3.
v/hofo, P. L. ix. 724.
why, P. L. ii. 741, ix. 703,
704, 1152, x. 753, 771,773,
774,789, 822, 854, 888,1003,
xi. 201, 203, 502, 503, 51k,
xii. 280; P. R. i. 355, ii.
485, iii. 134,199; S. A. 93,
205, 358, 800, 882, 965 ; Com.
So«.i.xii,xi. 8; Od.D.F.L.
42; P/.ii. 1.
wicked, P. L. iv. 856, v. 890,
vi. 277, xi. 812, 875, xii.
541; P. ll.iw 95; S.A.S26,
1285; Sat. 3; Pf. i. 2, 11,
12, Ixxxii. 15, 26.
wickedneis, P. L. xi. 60S ; S.A.
834; P/. v. 10, vii. 8, 35.
wicker, Com. 338.
wicket, P. L. iii. 484.
wide, P. L. i. 724, 762, ii. 133,
150, 440,571, 641,655,755,
884, 888,961, 1047, iii, 528,
538, iv, 77, 284, v. 88, 142,
254, 2S7, 648, vi. 2, 54, 77,
241, 510, 577, 860, vii. 89,
148, 205, 270, 301, 575, viii.
78, 100, 141, 467, ix. 134,
203, 245, x. 232, 280, 283,
419, xi. 68, 638, 844, xii.
224,371; P.R. i. 44, 118,
ii. 232, iii. 254, 337, iv. 27,
81; UAL 76; II Penf 70;
Com. 945 ; Son. xix. 2 ; Od.
Nat. 147 ; Vac. Ex. 4,1; Brut.
7 ; Pf. Ixxx. 47. See far.
wide-encroaching, P.L. x. 581,
wide-hovering, P. L. xi. 73>9*
wide-enclos'd, P. L. viii. 304,
wide-interrupt, P. L. iii. 84,
wide-wafting, P. L. vi. 253, xi.
wide-water'd, II Penf. 75.
wide-waving, P.L. xi. 121.
wider, P. L. iii. 529, v. 648,
xi. 381.
wideft, P. L. iv. 382.
widow'd,S. A. 806.
widowhood, .
iii. 259; S. A. 443, 541, M.Win. 36.
1418, 1613, 1670 ; Cow. 47, wintery, OrZ. P^ 6.
106 ; So;?, xx. 10 ; Pf. iv. 36. wip'd, P. L. v. 131, xii. 643.
wineroft'e rings, P. L. xii. 21. wipe, Lye. 181 ; Od. D.F. 1. 12.
ume-preis, P. Ji. iv. l6. wire, P.L. vii. 597.
win .3, P. it. iv. 1 1/ ; S. J. 553. wires, Od. Sol. Muf. 13 ; Vac.
wing, P. L. i. 332, 617, ii. 72, Ex. 38.
132, 634, iii. 13, v. 268, vi. wifard, Com. 571.
362, 535, 778, vii. 4, 394, wifards, Od. Nat. 23.
429, viii. 351, x. 3l6 ; P. R. wifard's, Com. 872.
iv. 5S2 ; II Pen/. 52 ; So?i. wifdom, P. L. i. 565, iii. 50,
vii. 2, xiii. 9 ; Od. JVaf. 50; 170, 686, 706, iv. 293, 491,
Od. Pajf. 5, 50. 914, vii. 9, 10, 83, 130, 187,
wing, (verb) P. L. ii. 842, iv. viii. 194, 552, 563, ix. 725,
936, vii. 425, ix. 45. x. 373, xi. 636, xii. 154,
on wing, P. L. i. 345, ii. 529, 332, 576 ; P. R. i. 68, 175,
vi. 74, 243. 386, ii. 34, 431, iii. 91, iv.
without wing, P. R. iv. 541. 222, 319, 528 ; S. A. 54, 57,
wing'd, P.L. i. 1/5, 674, 752, 207, 936, 1010, 1747; Pf.
ii. 944, iii. 229, iv. 576, 788, exxxvi. 17.
v. 55, 247, 277, 468, 498, wifdom-giving, P. L. ix. 679>
744,, vi. 279, vii. 199, 572, wifdom's, P. L. iii. 687, i*,
x. 91, xi. 7, 706 ; Com. 730. 809 ; II Pen/. 16 ; Com. 375.
winged, S. A. 12S3 ; Od. Cir. 1. wife, P. L. i. 155, 193, 202, iii.
wings, P. L. i. 20, 225, 76S, 680, iv. 886, 904, 907, 910,
ii. 408, 631, 700, S85, 906, 94S, viii. 26, 173, ix. 338,
949, 1Q46 ? iii. 73, 382, 627, 679, 683, 7 $9, 773, 867, 938,
x. 7, 881, 889, xi. 666, xii.
568; P.P. i. 486; ii. 454,
468, iii. 1 1, 1 15, iv. 143, 322,
535; S.A. 652; Arc. 20;
Com. 448, 705, 813 ; Son. ix.
14, xii. 12, xxi. 12; Vac. Ex.
48 ; Pf. ii. 22, vii. 41, lxxxi.
leaft wife, P. L. viii. 578.
more wife, P. L. vii. 425, ix.
wifelier, P. L. x. 1023.
wifely, P. L. viii. 73 ; Son. ix.
2 ; Vac. Ex. 70.
wifer, P. R. i. 439.
wifer far, P.P. ii. 205.
wifeft, P. L. i. 400, viii. 550;
P. R. ii. 170, iii. 240, iv.
276, 293 ; S. A. 210, 75%
867, 1034 ; Od. Nat. 149.
wifh, P. L. ii. 157, vi. 493, 818.
viii. 451, ix. 25S, 423, x.
834 ; P. R. iv. 376 ; S. A.
228, 1077, 1127, 1539-
wifh (verb) P. .L. ii. 606, viii.
43,63; S.A. 14,16; Ep.W.
Sh. 16.
wifh'd, P. X. vi. 150, 842, ix.
421,422,714,1025, x. 454,
xi. 181 ; Com. 558, 574, 950.
wifhed, P. L. i. 208.
wifhes, P. jL. x. 901 ; Arc. 6.
wit, P. X. ix. 93 ; L'Al. 123;
Cow. 790.
witcheries, Com. 523.
witches, P. L. ii. 665.
withal, P. £. v. 238, xii. 82;
P. R. iv. 128 ; S. A. 58.
withdraw, P. L. vii. 612, ix.
261, xii. 107; P. it- ii. 55;
S. A. 192.
withdraws, P. L. v. 686.
withdrew, P. L. ix. 386.
wither'd, P. L. i. 612, vi. 850,
xi. 540; P.P. i. 316.
withers, Com. 744.
withheld, P. £. vii. 1 17, x. £03 ;
Od. Nat. 79 1 Pf- lxxxiv, 43.
withhold, P. L. v. 62; S.A
withholds, P. P. ii. 380 ; S. A.
within, P. X. i. 388, 705, 725,
792, ii. 12, 236, 295, 659, iii.
194, iv. 20, 64, 182, 461,
586, 964, v. 270, 303, 410,
554, vi. 5, 158, vii. 65, 120,
167, 204, 305, viii. 242, 440,
642, ix. 96, 121, 315, 333,
3122, x. 230,231,243,369,
717, xi. 470, xii. 91, 488,
523,587; P. P. i. 41, 198,
ii.64,466, 471, iv. 284 ; S.A.
77, 429, 584, 595, 663, 1038 ;
Com. 147, 231 , 316 ; Son. viii.
4; Od.Nat. 217; P/. iv.22,
lxxxv. 40, lxxxvii. 8.
from within, P. L. v. 713.
without, P. L. See bound,
delay, dimenfion, end, hope,
law, leave, meafure, num-
ber, opening, recal, reftraint.
And P. R. i. 199, 353, ii.
119, 125, 250,306,433, iii.
90, 193, 356, 371, iv. 106,
231,392; S.A. 53,77, 82,
157, 288, 312, 1006, 1238,
1481, 1625,1642, 1659 ; Coin.
310, 509, 688, 8 16, 96O ; Son.
xix. 13, xxiii. 8 ; Vac. Ex. 27 ;
Ep. Hobf. II. 7 ; Pf. lxxx. 59.
from without, P. L. x. 714,
xii. 93.
withftand, P. L. vi. 253 ; P.P.
iii. 250; S.A. 127, 1111.
withftands, P. L. ii. 6l0.
withftood, P. L. v. 242, vii. 300.
witnefs, P. L. i. 503, 635, ix.
317,334; P. R. i. 26, 29,
ii. 435, iii. 107 ; S. A. 239,
906, 1752 ; Lye. 82 ; Ep. IV.
Sh. 6; Hor. 1.4.
witnefs, (verb) P. L. iii. 700,
v. 202>, vi. 563, 564, vii. 6l7,
x. 914, xii. 101.
witnefsM, P. L. i. 57.
wits, P. JR. iv. 24,1 ; Vac. Ex.
wives, P. L. xi. 737 ; P. -R- ii.
171 ; S. A. 957.
woe, P. L. i. 3, 64, 414, ii. 87,
l6l, 225, 608, 6'95, 872, iii.
633, iv. 5, 70, 368, 369, v.
543, vi. 877, 907, viii. 333,
638, ix. 11, 133, 134, 255,
645, 783, 831, 916, x. 465,
555, 935, 96'1, 980, xi. 60,
351, 813; Lye. 106; Son.
xviii. 14 ; Od. Paff. 9, 32 ;
Pf lxxxv. 6.
woes, P. L. iv. 535, x. 742,
754 ; Com. 836 ; Pf. lxxxviii.
woful, P. L. x. 984 ; Lye. 165.
wolf, P. L. iv. 183 ; Lye. 128 ;
Com. 70, 504.
wolves, P. X. xii. 508; Cows.
534; Son. xvi. 14.
woman, P. L. ii. 650, viii. 496,
ix. 233, 343, 481, x. 137,
158, 179, 192, 837, xi. 496,
633, xii. 379 ; P. R. i. 65,
ii. 208 ; S. A. 50, 202, 236,
379, 7*9, 903, 1114; Son.
xxii. 6.
womankind, P. jR. ii. 175.
woman's, P. L. iv. 638, xi.
116,617, xii. 327,543,601;
P. it. i. 64 ;S. ^4. 783, 1012.
womb, P. L. i. 673, ii. 150,
657,766,778,798, 91 1, v.
181, 302, 388, vii. 276, 454,
x. 476, 1053, xii. 381; S.A.
634, 1703; Od. D.F.L 30;
Orf. orc Tme, 4 ; £p. Jf. Jfw.
33 ; Pf. vii. 53.
women, P. L. iv. 409, ix.
1183, xi. 582; P. #. ii. 68,
71, 153, 169, 204; 5. ^.
won, P. X. ii. 762, 978, iii. 12,
iv, 853, vi. 122, viii. 43,
503, ix. 131, 674, 734, 991,
x. 372, 459, xi. 375, xii.
262 ; P. R. i. 63, 279, 426,
iii. 33, 156, 297, iv. 5; S.A.
470, 1099, 1102; L'Al. 148;
Son. xx. 4 ; Od. Nat. 104 ;
Pf cxiv. 2.
wonder, P. L. i. 777, iii. 542,
552, 606, iv. 205, 363, v. 9,
vi. 219, vii. 70, viii. 11, ix.
533, 566, x. 487, xi. 733,
xii. 468; P. R. i. 38, 481,
ii. 209, iii. 24, 280 ; S. A.
1642 ; Com. 265 ; Od. Nat.
64>;Ep. W.Sh.7.
no wonder, P. L. i. 282, iv,
577; P. R. iii. 229; Pf
vii. 4.
what wonder, P. L. ix. 221.
wonder, (verb) P. L. v. 439,
491, ix. 532 ; P. U. ii. 303 ;
S. A. 215; Arc. 43; Cow.
wonder'd, P. Z. ix. 856, x.
wonderful, P. L. iii. 702, ix.
862, x. 482.
more wonderful, P. L. xii.
wondering, P. L. i. 693, iii.
273, iv. 451, v. 54,89, viii.
257, x. 20, 510.
wonderous, P. L. i. 703, ii.
1028, iii. 285, 663, 665, v.
155, vi. 377, 754, vii. 483,
viii. 68, ix. 650, x. 312, 348,
xi. 819, xii. 200, 500; P. R.
iii. 434; S. A. 167, 589,
1440 ; II Penf. 114 ; Pf viii.
1, 23, lxxxviii. 50.
wonderoufly, P. L. iii. 587.
wonders, P. X. vi. 790, vii.
223 ; S. A. 753 ; Pf. lxxxvi.
33, lxxxviii. 41, cxiv. 6.
wons, P. i. vii. 457.
wont, P. £. i. 332, 764, iii.
656, 737, v. 32„ 123, 677,
vi. 93, ix. 842, x. 103 j P. K.
i. 12, ii. 264 ; S. A. 4, 1485, 349, iii. 122 ; S. A. 83, 200 ;
1487 $ Pf lxxxi. 9. Com. 32 I ; Son, xi. 5.
wonted, P. L. i. 527, v. 210, words, P L. i. 82, 150, 528,
705, vi. 783, 851, viii. 202, 621, 663, ii. 50,226, 735,
ix. 1076; T. R. iv. 449; 737, iii. 266, 930, v. 66, 113,
S. A. 748 ; II Penf 37 ; Com. 544, 616, 703, 810, 873, vi,
549; Od. Nat. 79, 196. 490, 5:8, vii. 113, viii. 57,
wont'll, Com. 332. 215, 246 379, 492, 60% ix.
wood, P. L. iv. 342, 538, vi. 290, 379,550, 733, 73. , 855,
70, 575, ix. 1100, x. 333, 920, IO06, 1134, 1144, x.
xi. 440, xii. 119; P. P. ii. 459, 608, 865, 940, 968, xi.
184, iv. 448, 449; L'Al. 56; 32, 141, 295, 499, xii. 55,
II Penf. 154 ; Arc. 32, 45 ; 374, 609 ; P. R. i. 106, 222 ;
Com. 37, 60, 181, 270, 312, 228, 320, ii. 34, 301, 337,
520; Pf. lxxx. 53, lxxxiii. iii. 6, 9, 346; S. A. 176,
53. 184, 235, 277, 472, 729,
woodbine, P. L. ix. 2l6 ; Lye. 905, 1351 ; Com. 781, 801 ;
146. Son. x. 12, xiii. 3; Od. Nat.
wood-gods, P. R. ii. 297. 175 ; Sopk. 2 ; Pf v. 1.
woodman, Com. 484. wore, P. L. iii, 641, iv. 305,
wood-notes, L'AL 134. v. 277, vii. 303 ; Com. 448.
wood-nymph, P. L. v. 381 ix. wore out, P. R. ii. 279-
386. work, P. L. i. 674, 731, iii.
wood-nymphs, P. R. ii. 297- 505, iv. 380, 6l8, 726, v.
woods, P. L. vi. 645, vii. 35, 112, 211, 255, 853, vi. 453,
326, 434, viii. 275, 5l6, ix. 507,698, 76l,vii. 93,353,551,
116, 910, 1086, x. 700, 860, 56"7,56'8,590,59t,593,595,
xi. 187, 567; P. R. i. 503, viii. 234, ix, 202, 208, 230,
ii. 374, iii. 332; S. A. 1700; x- 255, 270, 312, 391, xii.
Lye. 20, 39, 193; // Penf 62, 119; P- P. i- 223, ii.
63 ; Com. 88, 150, 187, 446, 112, 295, iv. 634 ; S. A. 70,
.549 ; Son. i. 2 ; Od. May-M. 226, 565, 680, 1260, l66'2 ;
7. // Penf 143 ; Son. xvi. 6, xix.
wwoiy, P. L. iv. 141, viii. 303, 10; Od. Nat. 7. See Days,
ix. 1118; P. P. ii. 246, 294; work, (verb) P. L. i. 151, 646,
JI Penf. 29- ii. 26l, iii. 635, v. 478, ix.
woo'd, P.L. viii. 503 ; -Son. xiii. 131, 255, x. 555; P. R. i.
13. 266; 5'. ^. 367; Com. 715;
wooes CM AW. 38. Od. PaJ. 31 ; Pf vi. 16.
woof, P. L. xi. 244 ; Cow. 83. workers, Pf. v. 13.
wool Com. 75 1 . working, P. L. xii. 489.
vvoom, Com. 131. workmanfhip, Co?;?. 747-
Worcefter's, Son. xvi. 9. work-matter, P. X. iii. 696.
*ord, P. L. iii. 144, 170, 227, W<*k«, F. £• >• 20], 431, 694,
708, iv. 81, 401, v. 836, vi, ii. 370, 1039, i», 49, 59,
32, vii. 163, 175, 208, 217, 277,447,455,663,665,695,
Viii. 223, x. 856; l\ li. i. 702, i v. 314, 566, 679, v. 33,
153, 158, vi. 274, vii. 97,
112, 159, 516, 543, 602,
629, viii. 68, ix. 234, 783,
897,941, x. 644, xi. 34, 64,
578, 639, xii. 306, 394, 410,
427, 536, 565, 578, 579;
P. P. iii. 80; S. A. 14,955;
Son. xiv. 5 ; Pf. viii. 17,
Ixxxvi. 26, 28.
works, (verb) P. L. viii. 95,
525, ix. 512; P. R. ii. 371.
world, P. X. i. 3, 32, 251, 375,
ii. 262, 347, 403, 442, 572,
667, 1004, 1030, 1052, iii.
11, 74, 89, 308, 334, 419,
464, 494, 543, 554, iv. 34,
107, 113, 272, 391, 413,
937, v. 154, 171, 389, 455,
569,577,vi. 146, vii. 62, 71,
155, 220, 231, 269, 554,
568, 617, 621, 636, viii.
15, 123, 151, 332, 472, ix.
11, 153, 568„ x. 257, 303,
318, 322, 372, 377, 381, 392,
422, 467, 481, 489, 500, 6l7,
689, 721, 836, 892, 984, xi.
134, 283, 328, 406, 627, 701 ,
xii. 3,6,105,449,537, 547,
554, 580, 646; P. R. i. 34,
44, 162, 392, 46l, ii. 443,
iii. 18, 39, 225, 236, 393,
iv. 89, 150, 163, 182, 203,
210, 223, 252, 311, 372, 379,
415; Lye. 80, 158; Arc. 71,
Com. 720 ; Son. xix. 2 ; Od.
Nat. 54, 82, 122 ; Od. Cir.
11; Od. D.F, 1.32,55,63;
Ep. M. Win. 51 ; Brut. 14;
Pf. exxxvi. 26.
worldly, P. L. xi. 803, xii.
568 ; P. R. iv. 213.
world's, P. L. iii. 562, 709, v.
188, xii, 313, 459, 467; Son.
xxii. 13 ; Od. Nat. 163 ; Od.
D.F. I. 77; Pf. vii. 30.
Worlds, P. L. i. 650, ii. 916,
iii. 566, 567, 674, v. 268, vi.
36, vii. 191, 209, viii. 175, x.
237, 362, 441 ; P. R. iv. 633 ;
II Penf 90.
worm, P. L. iv. 704, vi. 739,
vii. 476, ix. 1068 ; P. R. i.
312; S. A.74>; Arc. 53.
worms, Com. 715.
wormy, Od. D. F. I. 31.
worm, P. L. x. 573, xi. 243.
worried, S. A. 906.
worfe, P. L. i. 119, ii. 49, 83,
85, 113, 163, 169, 186, 196,
293, 626, 996, iii. 91, iv. 26,
40, 100, vi. 607, viii. 397, ix:
102, 128,265,715, 1122, x.
717, 780, 1055, xi. 268, xii.
106, 484; P. R. iii. 205,
207, 208, 419, iv. 486 ; S. A.
68, 284, 399, 418, 433, 485,
893, 904 ; Son. xi. 13 ; Od.
Paff. 11 ; Fore, of Con. 14.
far worfe, P. L. vi. 34, 863,
x. 903.
much worfe, P. L. ix. 123,
xi. 601.
worfe, (verb) P. L. vi. 440.
worfhip, P. L. ii. 248, ix. 198,
xi. 318, xii. 532; P.P. iii.
worfhip, (verb) P. L. v. 194,
vii. 515, 628, ix. 6ll, xi.
578, xii. 119; P.P. ii. 475,
iii. 416, iv. 167, 176, 179,
192; Brut.5;Pf.v.20.
worlhippers, P. L.\. 46l, vii.
613, 630, ix. 705; S. A.
wormipt, P. L. i. 397; Com.
302 ; Son. xviii. 4; Od. Nat.
worft, P. L. i. 276, ii. 100, l63,
224, iv. 204, v. 742, vi. 462,
ix. 269, 979, x. 73 ; P. R.
iii. 200. 223; S.A. 105,155,
195, 1264, 1570, 1571; Vac.
Ex. 12.
at worft, Com. 484.
worth, P. L. i. 378 t 529, ii-
429, viii. 502, ix. 1183;
P. U, i. 231, 370, ii. 227;
Arc. 8; Com. 793 ; Son. xiii.
5 ; Vac. Ex. 79 ; Pf. cxxxvi.
worth, (adj.) P. L. i. 262, ii.
223, 376, v. 308, x. 488 ;
P. P. iii. 51,393, iv.86,329,
514,539 ;S.A. 250; Com. 505.
worth or not worth ; P. R. iii.
worthier, P. L. v. 76, vi. 180 ;
ix. 100; P. JR. i. 27, in. 195.
worthies, P. R. iii. 74.
worthier!, P. L. i. 759, iii. 310,
703, vi. 177,185,707, 888;
P. R. iii. 226; 5. 4. 276,
369 ; ^4rc. 74.
worthiefs, S. A. 1020.
worthily, P. L. xi. 524.
worthy, P. L. iv. 241, 291, v.
557, vi. 420, viii. 568, 584,
ix. 746, xii. 161 ; P. R. i.
17, 141, ii. 445, iii. 70;
S.A. 1164; Lye. 118; Cowz.
wove, P. L. iv. 348, ix. 839;
Arc. 47.
woven, Son. xi. 2.
would, P. Z. iii. 106, iv. 889,
vi. 615, viii. 503, ix. 913,
946, 1134, x. 517, 775, 777,
821, xi. 323, 505, 547;
P. R. i. 27, 35, ii. 216, 331,
iii. 13, 18, 140, 209, 219,
430, iv. 378, 441, 453;
S. A. 66, 249, 355, 804,
860,871, 1214, 1400, 1455,
1466, 1535; Lye. 10, 35;
L'Al. 148; Com. 219, 305,
309, 373, 390, 623, 625, 702,
772, 1018, 1023; Sort, xi.
11; Od. PaJJ\ 46, 49, 53;
Ep. W. Sh. 16; Ep. Hobf.
II. 16; Fore, of Con. 10; Pf.
lxxxi. 44, 55, 57, 65.
would'ft, P. L. iv, W, 957,
ix. 300, 367, x. 763; P. H,
ii. 321, 426, iv. 495 ; S. A,
794,941, 944, 1104, 1105,
1128; Com. 699-
wound, P. L. i. 447, 689, iii,
252, vi. 329, 348, 405, 435,
viii. 467, ix. 486, 782, xii.
392; P. R. i. 53, 59, iv.
622; S.A. 1581; Com. 1000.
wound, (verb) P. L. ix. 589,
xi. 299.
wounded, P. L. i. 452 ; Od,
Nat. 204.
wounding, Od. Cir. 25.
wounds, P. L. ii. 168, iv. 99,
vi. 368, xii. 190, 387; P.P.
i. 444; S.A. 186, 607, 620.
wrack, P. I>. iv. 994, vi. 67O,
xi. 821; P. R. iv. 452.
wracking, P. L. ii. 182.
wrapt, P. L. ii. 183, ix. 158 ;
Com. 546; Od.Nat. 31.
wrath, P. L. i. 54, 110, 220,
ii. 83, 688, 733, 734, iii.
264, 275, 406, iv. 74, 912>
v. 890, vi. 59, 826, 865, ix.
14, x. 95, 340, 795, 797,
834, 951, xi. 815, xii. 478;
S. A. 1683 ; Com. 803 ; Od.
Cir. 24; Od. D. F. I. 66;
Pf. ii. 10, 27, lxxx. 19,
lxxxv. 11, lxxxviii. 29, 65.
wrathful, Pf. cxxxvi. 10.
without wrath, P. L. x. 1048.
wreath, P. L. ix. 517 ; P. R- ii.
459 ; Son. xvi. 9.
wreath 'd, P. L. iv. 346, ix.
892; P. P. iv. 76; Cow.
wreathed, L'Al. 28.
wreaths, P. L. vi. 58 ; Cow.
849 ; Od. Hor. 4.
wreck, P. L. iii. 241, iv. 11 5
S. A. 1044.
wreck'd, P. Ji. ii. 228.
wrench, Son. xxi. 4.
wrefted, P.L. xi. 5C3; P. J?.
i. 470 I S. A, 384,
wreftlers, S. A. 1324.
wretched, P. L. x. 985, xi.
501, xii. 74; P. JR. i. 345;
Lye. 124.
wring, 5.^.1199.
wrinkled, P. L. xi. 843 ; LAI.
31 ; Com. 871.
wrifts, Com. 834.
writ, P.P. i. 260, iii. 184;
S. A. 657 ; So?t. xi. 1, xiii.
7 ; Fore, of Con. 20.
write, P. L. iv. 758, xii. 489 ;
P. R. iv. 227, 383 ; Od. Paf.
34; P/. lxxxvii. 21.
writh'd, P. L. vi. 328, x. 569*
written, P. L. xii. 506, 513;
P. JR. i. 347, iv. 175, 556,
wrong, P. L. ix. 300, 666, xii.
98; P. #. i. 389; 5. A.
76, 1030; P/. lxxxii. 6,
lxxxiv. 9'
wrong, (verb) P. X. iv, 387.
wrong'd, P. L. iv. 387-
wrongs, P. P. iii. 93; 5. A.
105; Od.Paff. 11.
wrote, P. P. iv. 226.
wroth, Od.Nat. 17 1.
wrought, P. L. i. 642, ii. 295,
iv. 49, 699, v. 901, vi. 6'57,
691, 76l, viii. 507, ix. 70,
513, 939, x. 1080, xi. 55,
524, 572 ; P. JR. ii. 215, iii.
415; S. A. SIS, 850, 1095,
1532 ;Pf. vii. 9, lxxxv. 6.
wrought on, P. L. x. 300.
Xerxes, P. L. x. 307.
yawning, P. L. vi. 875, x. 635.
yea, P. L. i. 387, iv. 207;
P. P. i. 117; Cow. 428,
591 ; Od. Nat. 141 ; Vac. Ex.
year, P. L. iii. 40, v. 583 ; Lye.
5; £0/1. i. 11, vii. 2, xxii.
5 ; Pf. iv. 33.
yearly, P. X. i. 452, x. 575.
years, P. L. iii. 581, vii. 342,
viii. 69, ix. 45, xi. 534, xii.
345 ; P. R. i. 48, 206, 210,
ii. 96, iii. 31, 37,40; Com.
114; Son. xviii. 1, xxii. 1;
£^. M. Win. 64.
y'clep'd, ZA4J. 12.
yell'd, P. ii. iv. 423.
yelling, P. L. ii. 795 ; P. £. iv.
yellow, P. L. xi. 435.
yellow-fkirted, Od. Nat. 235.
yes, Com. 584.
yefterday, P. i. v. 675.
yet, P. L. i. 62, 94, 153, 269,
337, 364, 380, 415, 463, 493,
631, ii. 21, 105, 117, 137,
206,304,331,338, 500, 566,
627, 648, 656, 658, 739, iii.
26, 65, 83, 160, 174, 178,
246, 267, 381, 444, 590, 637,
iv. 13, 48, 61, 124, 142,
478, 503, 512, 534, 663, 774,
822, 850, 915, 997 , v. 99,
116, 140, 158,237,359, 366,
420, 430, 465, 467, 550, 552,
570, 577, 623, 66 1, 685, 773,
782, 791, 826, 889, vi. 24,
115, 125, 182, 186, 232, 283,
344, 378, 383, 452, 466, 492,
500, 501, 602, 615, 691, 813,
853, 912, vii. 21,28, 61,67,
82, 98, 115, 145, 146, 247,
276, 33 1 , 440, 504, 505, 506,
536, 551, 589, viii. 13, 48,
98, 155, 206, 294, 335, 429,
501, 446, 607, 610, ix. 13,
104, 108, 185, 186, 235, 349,
658, 659, 668, 688, 707, 737,
743, 757, 769, 818, 845, 905,
912,927,932,946, 1167, x.
24, 51, 77, 135, 160, 171,
5255, 362, 534, 556, 589, 755,
9S7, 988, xi. ,8„ 11, 108,
117, 139, 146, 156, 233, 266,
330, 349, 409, 427, 469, 527,
613, 6l6, 889, xii. 8, 13,
82,97, H4, 117, 120, 127,
140, 280, 36*0, 380, 530, 604,
620; P.R.I 183,201,209,
ii. 17, 160, 309, 441, 446,
476, iii. 37, 42, 100, 140,
142, 149, 313,375, 397, iv.
23, 165, 395, 420, 439, 443,
451, 460, 509, 546, 622;
S.A. 43,55,75,101, 103,195,
205, 215, 240, 300, 402, 433,
1265, 1377, 1401, 1408,
1500, 1532, 1535, 1578,1592,
I66O, 1/1 8 ; Lye. 1 ; II Penf.
22, 30 ; Arc. 78, 107 ? Com.
12, 44, 326, 410, 438, 537,
793, 802, 809, 820 ; Son. vii.
9, x. 11, xv. 9, xxii. 5,
xxiii. 7; Od.Nat. 151, 155;
Od. Puff. 20, 46 ; Od. D. F.
I. 22, 29; Ep.M. Win. 11;
Vac. Ex. 67,76, 80, 82, 85;
Ep. Hobf. II. 32 ; Pf. iv. 13,
26, viii. 12.
yield, P. L. i. 108, 179, ii- 332,
573, iii. 245, v. 401, 428, vi.
483, viii. 575, ix. 248, 1021,
xi. 42, 526, 623 ; S. A. 259,
593; P/i.9, Ixxxiii. 59. .
yielded, P. L. i. 729, «. 24,iv.
309, 310, 333, 489, ix. 902,
x. 62S ; S. A. 407, 848.
yielding, P. L. vii. 310,311.
yields, P. L. v. 39, 338, vii.
88, 541; P. R. ii.409; S.A.
yoke, P. L. ii. 256, iv. 975, v.
786, 882, x. 307, 1045;
P. R. i. 217, ii. 48, iv. 135 ;
S.A. 39, 42; 11 Penf. 59;
Pf. lxxxvii. 12.
yok'd. 6'. A. 410.
yon, P. L. i. 180, 280, ii. 183,
iv. 626, 1011, xi. 205 5 11
Penf. 52 ; Son. i. 1.
yonder, P. L. ii. 684, iv. 626,
v. 367, 620, ix. 218, x. 617,
xi. 229, 328, xii. 142, 591 ;
S.A. 3.
yore, II Penf. 23.
young, P. L. iv. 279, vii. 420,
xi. 668 ; P. Jl. ii. 18, 329,
iii. 34, 3'5, 101 ; Lye. 9 ;
L'Al. 97; Com. 492, 755,
999; Son.\n.l;Od. D.F.I.
25, 26 ; Pf lxxx. 63, lxxxiv.
younger, P. L. iv. 279, vii.
420, xi. 668 ; S. A. 336.
youngeft, P. L. iii. 151.
youth, P. L. i. 770, iii. 638, iv.
552, xi. 246, 539,542, 594;
P. R. ii. 197, 200, iv. 508 ;
L'Al. 264, 938; Lye. 164 ;
L'Al. 95; Com. 55, 609,
970 ; Son. vii. 1 ; Od. D. F.
I. 53; Od. May-M. 6; Od.
Hor. 1.
youth's, P. R. i. 67.
youthful, P. L. iv. 338, 845, x.
218; S.A. 1442; L'Al. 26;
Com. 289, 669.
zeal, P. L. ii. 4S5, iii. 452, v.
593, 805, 807, 849, 900, ix.
665, 676, xi. 801; P.R. iii.
171, 172, 175, 407, 412;
S. A. 895, 1420.
zealous, P. L. iv. 565.
zenith, P. L. i. 745, x. 329-
Zephon, P. L. iv. 788, 834,
854, 868.
Zephyr, P. L. iv. 329, x. 705.
Zcphyrus, P. L. v. 16*.
zodiack, P. L. xi. 247,xii.255.
zone, P. L. ii. 397, v. 281,
560, vii. 580; P.R. ii. 214.
Zophdel, P. L. vi. 535.
Zora's, 6*. A. 181.
Verbal index
Ay>Mx t Pf cxiv. 1.
Jk&aov, Pf cxiv. 22.
AlyvTrliov, Pj\ cxiv. 2.
alvot, Pf. cxiv. 12.
clKy.u%> Phil, ad Reg. 5.
uKuy,, Pf cxiv. 9, 16.
apcc, Pf cxiv. 10.
u(ascQs7, In Eff. 1.
ccj, In Eff 2.
avx, Phil, ad Reg. 1.
dvxcrx'ipTr.crav, Pf. cxiv. 10.
c&^'a!^x^pT7}^raT , , P/l cxiv. 17.
«v^po;y, Phil, ad Reg. 1 .
«Ttrsipecria, P/*. CXIV. 8, 15.
ccwixfieoc, Pf cxiv. 2.
«tto, P/. cxiv. 22.
«p, P/ cxiv. 6, 13, 17 ; Phil
ad Reg. 4.
clpyvpouSix, Pf cxiv. 7 5 14»
«pwf, Pf cxiv. 11, 18.
«S9j, Phil, ad Reg. 3.
avTotpvls, In Eff. 2.
*(p&oio, Phil, ad Pveg. 3,
Gouortfea, Pf cxiv. 10, 17.
@ctf£u.fG P/fo7. tfd Peg. 4*
'lax«£», P/! cxiv. 1.
'lo^aMj, P/I cxiv. 14,
'iopS&ij?, P/: cxiv. 7.
'12^, P/. cxiv. 3.
? f0 ?, py: cxiv. 7, 14.
fts, PAH. ad Reg. 1 .
(Atyx, Pf cxiv. 4.
ptyctX, Pf. CXIV. 19.
pi*, 2ȣf. 1.
fwrspi, Pf cxiv. 11, 18.
{AopiA-vpovToii;, Pf. cxiv. 21.
fuW, P/l cxiv. 3.
tO^CTE»f> P/*t7. GC? Pfg. 3.
ir, pf cxiv. 6.
©fyw, PM. aa" P$, Pf cxiv. 12.
cff£pwvy/xov, Phil, ad Reg> 5.
Wrpj?, P/ cxiv. 22.
*™y^, P/*. cxiv. 7, 14.
•ero^io?, P/«7. ad Reg. 5 j J» Fff. 2.
«roTa^y;, iy*. cxiv. 21.
«tot», P/*. cxiv. 7, 14.
«rfo 5> P&7. ad Pfg* 4.
jn'ihw, Phil, ad Reg. 3;
/o9»a, P/". cxiv. 6, 13.
P/- CXIV. 10.
T£o>, P/^7i at/ Peg. 4.
T»l&, J«P/f. 1.
tJ, Pf. cxiv. 17.
t»/, Pfo7. ad Reg. 1.
T'wrle, P/I cxiv. 12.
t^t, p/: cxiv. 15.
«■», PAz7. ac? Peg. 3.
tow, P/*i/. ad Peg. 5.
t^, P^i/. ad Reg, 1 ; InEf.3>
tote, iy. cxiv. 3.
rpiuo-a, Pf cxiv. 19.
Tolas', P/^ cxiv. 20.
feTe?, Pf cxiv. 3.
fytfAss, P/. cxiv. 17.
V7TCC70V, Pf. CXiv. 20.
vvl 9 Pf cxiv. 11, 18.
vrtpov, Phil, ad Reg. 3.
f «»ij?, Iw Pif. 2.
Quite) In Eff. 4.
0»?w>, P/. cxiv. 11, 18*
£fto», /« P^. 3.
&c. 6n
abhinc, EL iii. 6*4.
abibam, Epit. Da. 73,
abigat, ^d J. #0. 36.
abire, EL iv. 104.
abiret, jEpi*. Da. 199.
abis, ^ /. Ho. 69.
ablata, £/. vii. 76.
A bra, JEpi*. Da, 176.
abreptumj £/. vii. 83. Add.
EL vii. 3.
abrupto, £/. i. 42.
abftulit,' £/. iv. 36.
Academia, EL ii. 21. ;rfoU £/.
vii. 5.
Academi, De Iff. P/, 35.
siccepimus, £/. ii. 6',
accipe, EL iv. 53. In Qainf*
Nov. 130.
accire, £/. ii. ll.
acer, Nat. ike. 39.
Achabi, EL iv. 99.
Achaemeniae* EL i. 65.
Acheloiades, ^4d Leon. iii. 2.
Acheronte, In Qui?it. Nov. 7.
Acherontteo, I« Quint, Nov.
Achillei, EL ii. 15.
acies, EL ii. 11. Ad Patr. 106.
acres, I«. Qwi/tf. Nov. 222.
afta, i\ T ar. &c. I.
Adaea, Ad J. Ro. 60.
aftus, EL iv. 120. ^rf. Pafr.
acuiffe, jE7. iii. 29.
acumen, Manf. 77*
adamante, El. vii. 89. Nat*
Sec. 5. Ad Patr. 23.
adamantinus, In Quint. NuV6
adcitos, In Quint. Nov. 131.
addere, Ad Patr. 82.
addideratque, EL vii. 25, 26».
addidit, Ad Patr. 53.
addimus, £/. vi. 33.
addit, In Quint. Nov. 215.
additur, El. vi. 63.
addu&um, EL vii. 35.
aderat, Epit. Da. 12.
ades, EL v. 86, 88, 94. Epit*
Da. 208.
adefdum, Ad Salf. 6.
adeflet, EL iv. 48.
adeft, EL v. 6, 7. £p#. £><*.
adeunda, Ep. P. JB. iii. 2.
adhibebit, Ad. J. Ro. 84.
adhibete, In Quint. Nov. l64.
adhuc, EL vii. 15* In Quint.
Nov. 135. Zw 06. Pr. EL
adiifle, £/> i. 17.
adituras, De Id, PL 19»
adivit, Ep. P. B. ii. 5. iUa/j/".
adjicere, In. Quint. Nov, 17.
adjuveris, Ep. P. B. ii. 9.
adjuvet, £/* v. 74.
admiffum, Add. EL vii. 6.
admoram, £/?zY. Da. 157=
Adoni, EL i. 62.
adoperta, JS/. v. 25.
adfit, Manf. 83.
adulto, EL vi. 55.
adultum, Manf. 77>
*a 2
adunco, Epit. Da. 103.
adufque, Ad Salf. 41.
adventum, El. v. 28.
adverfa, In Quint. Nov. 46*.
adytis, Ad J. llo. 52.
JEaci, In Ob. Pr. 45.
aedibus, In Quint. Nov. 121.
^Egaeam, Nat. &c. 2.3.
^Egaeona, Nat. &c. 5.9.
/Egeriain, Ad Salf. 35.
Mgieli, In Ob. Pr. 20.
a-gide, El. iv. 111.
/Egle, £piV. D«. 88.
/Egon, Epit. Da. 70.
aegro, ^/r/ Leon. ii. 11.
^Emathia, Jrc 06. Pr. 12.
semulus, JManf. 22.
bolides, £/.'v. 51.
i^Bolii, Man/: 23.
yEolon, £/. iv. 6.
aequa, In Quint. Nov. 198. Ad
Patr. 110.
aeqiKTvus, .De /a. 51.
aeftivum, /« QttZftf. iVor. 180.
aetas, Add. El. \ ii. 4. ^«/ 7. iio.
aetatcm, In Quint } Nov t 2 J 9.
ceterna, Nat. Sec. 13.
seternaque, El. iv. 96*.
ceterna, Jw Quint.' Nov. 139*
aeternseque, Ad. Patr. 31.
reternis, Man/'. 7.
yEternitas, Dc It/. P/. 4.
asterno, £/. vii. 21.
asternorum, Ad J. Ro. 54.
ceternos, In Quint. Nov. 199.
aeternum, In Ob. Pr. EL 68.
Nat. &c. 41. Ad Salf. 34.
Epit. Da. 111. 217.
reternus, De Id. PL 9.
sethera, EL iii. 11. Man/. 95.
Epit. Da. 203, 294.
aethere, EL vi. 85.
anherea, EL ii. 14. In Quint,
Nov. 167.
setheream, Ep. L B. 2.
aethereas, Ep. P. B. iii. 12.
aethereis, Ad Leon. i. 2.
sethereo, In Quint. Nov. 8.
Man/. 100.
acthereos, Ad Patr. 18. Ep?V.
Da. 206.
sethereum, Nat. &c. 46.
a^thereus, [n Quint. Nov, 221.
/Ethiopas, El. v. 31.
/Ethon, £/. iv. 33.
sethra, 77. iii. 60.
^tnaea, la Ob. Pr. 46.
/Etnceo, ^d Patr. 49.
/Etna, 7/j Quint. Nov. 6.
aevi, Ad Patr. 31.
a?vo, ^/rf Leo;* ii. 3. ^/?o/. 5
2va*. &c. 10. Ad Pair. 120.
a?vum, IWtf. &c. 65. Man/. 25.
JEpiV. Da. 173. Ad J. jKo.
afline, Ad Patr. 63.
afflata, £/. iii. 19.
agam, £/. vi. 79, SO.
agatur, 77. v. 19.
age, EL v. 137, vi. 7.
agens, Jd Leon, i. 07. Nat. &c,
agglomerata, 7;* Quint i Nov
agilis, El. vii. 71.
agis, Epit. Da. 147.
agit, EL v. 12. In Quint. Nov.
agitabile, Ad Pair. 88.
agitant, El. v. 38.
agitata, P/?i£. X)«. 6l.
agmen, Epit. Da. 24.
agmina, El. iii. 59. irc Quint.
Nov. J 74. Pp*Y. £)«. 100.
agmine, In Quint. Nov, 46.
Ad J. Ro. 39.
agni, Epit. Da. 18, 26, 35, 44,
50, 57, 62, 68, 74, 81, 87y
93,112,124, 139,161,179.
agor, El. vii. 58.
agris, El. iv. Ll6, vi. 19.
agro, El. iii. 37. ^tf Salf. 30.
agros, £/. iii. 18, iv. 2, v. 124,
Ep. P. B. i. 8. i« Quint.
Nov. 32. £/h*. D«. 58.
ah, £/. i. 59, 55, v. 75. .4a 7 .
ico/i. ii. 3. E/>*Y. Da. 142,
ait, El. v. 43. Ep. P, B. iii.
5. Apol. 9.
aiunt, JE/hY. Da. 83.
aid, El. v. 69.
Alauni, Epit. Da. 175,
alba, El. iii. 56.
albenti, iVaf. &c. 46.
albentia, 7« Quint. Nov. 25.
albis, £/. iv. 87.
Alciden, Man/. 58.
Alcinoi, El. iii. 44.
ales, £/. vii. 93. Ad Ledn. i. 2.
alentes, ^d P//r. 48.
algentes. In Salm. 2.
alii, El. iv. 22. Pp. P. 5. ii. 9.
£p/f. Da. 190.
aliena, Epit. Da. 107.
aligerae, El. iii. 65,
aliis, P/. vii. 6l.
alimenta, El. iv. 91.
alio, Epit. Da. 96,
alipes, El. ii. 14.
uliqua, itfon/. 97.
aliquis, P/. v. 41.
aliquorf, El. v. 8.
alis, Ad Pat r. 4. JEJpzV. Da. 188.
alit, £/. vi. 30.
aliter, El. iv. 97-
alium, i)/a/{/l 3. -Epzlf. Da.
alligat, Nat. &c. 7.
allifa, Nat. &c. 97.
alloquiis, Epit. Da. 47.
alloquitur, /« Quint. Nov. 200.
aluiffe, P/. i. 5.
alluit, £/. i. 9.
alma, El. i. 82, iv. 26, v. 73.
almaque, Ad J. Ro. 30.
Alpes. In Quint. Nov.
Alpemque, Epit. Da. 114.
Alphefibaeus,- Epit. Da. 69.
alta, El. iv. 122, v. 46. Epit.
Da. 64, 119. Ad. J. Ro. 70.
altam, Maw/. 22. Epit. Da. 7.
altari, p/. vii. 97.
altaria, Man/. 44.
altera, EL iv. 19, vii. 79. Ad.
Leon. ii. 1. Ad. Pair. 65,
Epit. Da. 156.
alternat, Ad. Salf. 5.
alterno, Nat. &c. 49.
alternos, EL 1. 92.
alti, Ep. P. B. i. 5.
altis, Ad. Pair. 74. J2/wY. Da.
alto, El. iii. 31, v. 117. In.
Quint. Nov. 220. De Id. PL
altus, El. v. 52.
alumno, £/, iv. 25. In 0&. Pr
alumnum, Jlfaw/. 10.
alumnus, Ad. Salf. 9.
alunt, £/. iii. 26.
alvo, In 0b. Pr. 28.
amabit, Epit. Da. 32.
amoenitates, In Ob. Pr. EL 67.
amsenos, Ad. J. Ro. 62.
amans, El. i. 6, vii. 74, 100,
amant, Ad. Patr.'Zl.
amantes, In Quint, Nov. 16.
amanti, El. i. 33.
amaror, EL i. 40.
amat, EL i. 36, vi. 14.
amata, El. iii, 44.
Arnathufia, El. vii. 1.
amatori, EL vii, 22.
amatos, £/. vii. 87.
amaturos, E/. vii. 102.
amavit, Epit. Da, 86.
ambiguas, In Quint. Nov. 212.
ambitos, Nat. &c. 38.
ambo, Epit. Da. 137? 138.
amborum, ikfaw/1 20.
ambrofiis, irc Q«wi#. Nov. 136.
©mica, EL i. 64.
arnica, Nat. &c. 43.
amici, EL I 91. Man/, 15, 63.
^tf. J. Ho. 69.
amicire, In Salm. 4.
amico, Ad. J. Ro. l6l
amicos, In Quint. Nov. 13.
amiclu, EL iii. 57.
ami&us, /« Quint. Nov. 131.
amicum, Man/. 78. £/»7. Z^c,
16, 96.
aimffos, EL iii. 12.
amiffum, EL vii. 81. EpY. -Dtf.
arane, E/. i. 4. ^i J. Ro. 36.
amcen&, ^4d Leon. iii. 5.
amceni. £/. v. 109.
amoma, EL v. 6'0.
Amor, EL i. 60, iv. 70, vi, 52,
vii. 4, 17. Epit. Da. 191.
amor, EL i. 12. 36, v. 76 , vi, 7-
Epif. Da. 13, 78.
Arnore, £/. vii. 20.
amore, EL i. 42. Ad Leon.
ii. 2.
amorem, Epit. Da. 85.
Amores, EL vii. 85.
amores, E/. v. 67, 71? 95.
Maw/ 2.
amoris, EL vii. 93.
ampla, Epit. Da. 172.
amulaque, In Quint. Nov, 176.
Amphiaraus, EL vii. 84.
Amphitryoniaden, I/j Quint,
Nov. 28.
amplexa, E/. iii. 6l.
amplexus, EL v. 56. In Quint
' Nov. 69.
Amyntas, Epit. Da. 70.
Amyntorides, EI. iv. 27.
augelus, Ad Leon. i. 1.
angit, EL i. 12.
Angli, In Quint. Nov. 197.
Anglia, In Quint. Nov. 122.
Angliacas, In Quint, Nov. 211.
Angliaco, EL iii. 4, iv. 52.
Anglica, In Quint. Nov. 4.
Angligenum, Ad J. Ro. 32.
Anglos, In Quint. Nov. 128.
anguis, EL vii. 46.
anguiferos, ^d Pair. 107.
Anguillae, /» 06. Pr. EL 14.
anhela, ^o 7 Salf. 13.
animce, E/. iv. 19, 96. Ep.
P. B. iii. 1.
animalia, EL iii. 25.
anirnam, EL iii. 30.
animas, EL iv. 45. X> Jo 7 . P/»
19. JSpif. £>a. 23, 107, 198,
animat'que, In Ob. Pr. EL 37.
animo, EL iii. 2. ^yW. 10,
Ad. Pair. 114.
animos, EL iv. 105. J» Qtwtf.
Nov. 99.
animus, EL v. 19.
aula, EL ii. 13.
annis, EL iv. 125,
anno, In Quint. Nov. 226.
annoriimque, Nat. &c. 13,
J/fl///*. 86.
annos, Ad Patr. 11 6.
annosa, Epit. Da. 169.
annua, E/. v. 103.
annua?, ^/rf Sa//". 37.
Antichrifti, In Salm. H. 6.
antiqua, Man/. 42. Epit. Dq,
128. Ad J. Ro. 72.
antique, EL iv. If.
antiquis, El. iv. 11 6.
antiftes, In Quint. Nov. 156.
antra, EL iii. 26, v. 17, vi. 70.
Epit. Da. 5.
antri, In Quint. Nov. 151.
antro, De Id. PL 4. Ad Patr.
15, 49.
antrum, In Quint, Nov. 152.
153. Man/. 60.
anxia, EL iv. 105,
Aoniae, Ad Patr. 75.
aonidum, Ad J.Ro. 21.
Aoniis, EL vi. 17.
Aonios, EL iv. 29.
Apenninus, In Quhit. Nov.
aperto, In Quint. Nov. 113.
apex, Nat, &c. 30.
Apolline, I/i 06. Pr. 29.
Apollinea, ^ /. Ro. 35.
Apollo, is/, vi. 34. Manf. 57-
apparat, In Salm. 5.
apparent. In Quint. Nov. 2(?.
aptd, EL v. 107.
aptius, Ad Patr. 8.
aptos, Ad Patr. 58.
aquas, EL v. 80. De Id, PL
20. £j»f. Da. 149.
aquae, EL iii. 22.
Aquilo, Nat. &c. 55.
aquis, EL iii, 32, v. 82. Nat.
&c. 65. E/>^. Da. 53.
Arabum, EL iv. 99, v. 59.
E/wf. Da, 186.
Aracyntho, In Quint. Nov. 65,
aras, Ad Patr. 26.
arbitraris, In Ob. Pr. EL 31.
arbore, Ad Patr. 45.
arborea, EL v. 134.
arboribus, EL v. 123.
arbutus, Epit. Da. 72.
arcana, Ad. Patr. 24.
arcani, De Id, PL 33.
arcano, El. v. 11.
arce, El. ii. 14. In Quint. Nov.
53, 168, 181.
arceat, Epit. Dn. 25,
arces, Ep. P. B. iii. f. Nat,
&c. 16.
archetypus, De Id. PL 22,
arcis, EL iv. 113.
ar&is, EL vi. 7.
Ardo, I» Quint. Nov. 1. Ma/*/;
Ar&oas, EL v. 32.
Ar&oi, Ad Chr. 2.
arcum, £/, vii. 35. Epit. D$*
arcus, EL vii. 95.
ardentes, EL v. 86.
ardere, E/>#. Da. 197.
ardua, £/. v. 15, 6\. In Quint*
Nov. 172, 180.
area, Ad Patr. 69.
arena, EL iii. 46.
arenas, EL iv. 13.
arenofam, EL iv. 120.
areolas, ^/?o/. 4.
aret, ApoL 6.
argentea, EL iii. 45.
argenteus, Man/. 32.
arguitur, EL iv. 59.
argumento, Epit. Da. 184.
arguta, EL vi. 38. J» Quint*
Nov, 213. £/>#. Da. 148.
arida, Ad Patr. 11.
Arionii, ^c? Patr. 60.
Ariftoride, In Quint. Nov. 185.
arm a, EL iv. 74. vii. 9 . 1.
B, 3. Epff. Da. 167, 192.
armat, In Quint. Nov. 14.
armata, In Quint. Nov. 146.
armiferos, Nat. &cc. 54.
armis, EL iv. 107, 109- Ad,
Chr. 4.
Armoricos, E/>#. Da. l65.
armorum, Dj Quint. Nov. 39*
Ami, Epit, Da. 129.
arridentem, Man/. l6\
arripui, £/?z'r. Da. 146,
arfit, EL vii. 91.
arte, EL ii. 10, vi. 40. Ep. P.
J5. ii. 9. In Quint. Nov. 42.
artes, EL vi. 33. /« Quint,
Nov. 83. Ad Pair. 63. Epit.
Da. 34.
artefque, Epit. Da. 152, 153.
artibus, In Ob. Pr. 38.
artis, In Salm. II. 3. Epit. Da.
Arturo, Epit. Da. 1 66.
Arturumque, Manf. 81.
artus, In Quint Nov. 92. Manf.
arundiferum, £/. i. 11.
arundine, EL v. 113. JE/mY.
Da. 104.
arva, £/. i. 13, iv. 76, v. 31.
J?2 Quint. Nov. 25. JEpxV.
JDc 63.
Arviragumque, Epit. Da. 164.
A fide, In Quint. Nov. 170.
Afopus, In Quint. Nqv. 66.
afpera, EL v. 136. Epit, Da.
afpernabere, Man/. 2J.
afpice, El. v. 67.
afpicit, In Quint. Nov. 32.
affiduis, Epit. Da. 5.
aflinjilare, IVatf. &c. 6.
jaffueta, £;;/£. Da. 15.
aitUeto, ^/?o/. 6.
affuefcere, ./4(Z -Lcott. i. 8.
affumptaqae, Epit. Da. 167.
^(Tumptis, I« Quint. Nov. 80.
Affyrios, P/. iv. 114. Manf.
Aflyrius, De Id. P/. 29.
aftantem, £/. vii. 18.
aftanti, Manf. 88.
^ftaret, iWaw/! 87-
aftat, E/. iii. 5:3.
aftitit, In Quint. Nov. 80.
tfjra, £/. i. 77, iv. 94. JKp. P.
n:ii.6, iv.3. InObi.Pr. El.
48. u44 Pa*/\ 34. Epit. Da.
aftris, /« Quint. Nov. 22, 173,
Tto. &c. 33.
aftrum, P/>*7. Do. 78, 79.
atfrvps, #e /
Da. 142.
Atbos, In Quint. Nov. 174.
Atlante, De Id. PL 24.
Atlantiique, Manf 72.
Atlas, y4d Pa.tr. 40.
atra, Zw 0/;. Pr. EL 32.
atria, £/. i. 88. v. 37. £/>>
P. £. i. 5. Irc Quint. Nov.
Atridoe, EL ii. 16.
atris, In Ob. Pr. 39.
atrium, In Ob. Pr. EL 64.
atrocem, In Quint. Nov. 2S.
atros, In Quint. Nov. 126. Ad
Salf 33.
attamen, In Quint. Nov. 220.
attonitis, EL vii. 14.
attonito, Nat. &c. 28.
attonitos, In Quint. Nov. 66*
In 0b. Pr. EL 25.
attulerat, EL vii. 14.
attulit, Ad J. Ro. 4.
atrum, In Quint. Nov. 153.
auctaque, EL vii. 55.
audacibus, Ad Pair. 4.
audebitis, Ad Pair. 11 6.
audet, Nat. &c. 5.
audibit, In Quint. Nov. 124.
audire, Epit. Da. 132.
audis, Ad. Salf. 26. Epit. Da,
audiffe, J» 06. Pr. £/. 25.
auditur, El. i. 29.
auditurque, El.'iv. 121, vi. 39.
audivi, In 0b. Pr. EL 45.
auget, J« Q?«»if. JViw, 193.
auc;ur, El. iii. 25, vi. 66. De
Id. PL 26.
aula, EL i. 46. Nat. &c. 21.
aulac, In Quint. Nov. 137-
aulam, £/, vi. 73. Adj. Ro. 46.
aura, EL iii. 47, 48, v. 90. In.
Ob. Pr. EL 26. Manf. 4.
auram, Nat. &c. 64.
auras, In Quint. Nov. 11 9,
16J,2Q§. InOb.rr.El.W.
auratis, Ad Pair. 32.
aurato, EL vii. 47.
auratos, EL iii. 55.
aurea, EL i. 60, iii. 66, v. 32,
135. ^d Lea/*, ii. 6. Ad
Pair. 14, 27, 70. Epif. £>a.
aureis, In Ob. Pr. EL 58.
aurem, Ad Salf. 5.
aures, Ad Pair. 53, 72.
auribus, In Quint. Nov. 182.
auriga, In Ob. Pr. EL 50.
auro, EL iii. 7, iv. 33, v. 110,
vi. 37.
auroque, EL i. 79*
Aurora, El. v. 49.
Auroram, E/.vi. S8. Epit. Da.
aufa, Man/. 29-
aufis, I«. Quint. Nov. 221.
Aufoniae, I/i Quint Nov. 49.
Aufonias, A/a??/. 12. Ad J.
Aufoniis, EL i. 70.
Aufter, EL iv. 36. Epit. Da.
Auftriaci, Ad Pair. 94.
aufus, Ep. P. B. i. 2. Epit.
Da. 133.
author, E/. vii. 38.
authorefque, In Quint. Nov,
authorum, Ad. J. Ro. 71 •
avaritiam, Apol. 11.
Averni, EL ii. 17.
avertunt, EL iv. 67.
aves, E/. v. 70.
Aventino, In Quint. Nov. 109-
avos, EL i. 46.
avia, In Quint. Nov. 21. Nat.
avidas, Ma;./. 1 9.
avid os, Epit. Da. 42.
avis, £?. iii. 24. Epit, Da.
avitas, ^d Pair. 93,
avitum, J« 06. Pr. 27*
avium, EpY. Da. 76.
axe, E/. vi. 25. Ep. I. B. 2,
Maw/. 26. Epit. Da. 51.
axis, EL v. 92.
Babylonius, In Quint. Not,
bacchantur, Epit. Da. 21 9.
Bacchum, E/. vi. 14.
Bacchus, EL vi. 14.
baculo, EL ii. I .
Balearica, Nat. &c. 59.
balfama, Epit. Da. 186.
barba, In Quint. Noiu 81.
barbara, EL i. 32. I;* Qw/tf.
Nov. 95.
barbaricos, ^o* Pajfr. 84.
barbitoque, Ad J. Ro. 9.
barbitos, EL vi. 37.
barathri, In Ob. Pr. 36.
barathro, Nat. &c. 30. Manf.
bafia, In Quint. Nov. 112.
Baucidis, Epit. Da. 88.
beatam, In Quint. Nov. 31,
beatas, Epit. Da. 218. ^0" /
Ro. 76.
beatum, Ad Pair. 76. Ad Salf.
Belinum, Epit. Da. 164.
Belgia, EL iii. 12.
bella, EL iv. 72, 121, vi. 55,
vii. 6. Nat. &c. 32. Manf. 81.
belli, E/. iv. 83.
bellipotens, Ad Chr. 1.
belligeros, In Quint. Nov. 128.
bellis, In Quint. Nov. 113.
bello, In Quint. Nov. 29.
bellua, Ep. P. B. ii. 2.
Belon, De Jo 7 . P/. 31.
bene, E/. vi. 9. Ep. P, B< i\,
10. 3to/ 79*
bibet, EL iv. 110.
bibiffe, EL iv. 38.
Biblia, EL iv. 44.
bifidi, EL iv. 30.
bifidoque, Ad J. Ro. 66.
bifidumque, EL v. 9.
bilemque, In Ob. Pr. EL 28.
bilinguis, In Quint. Nov. 141.
bilis, Epit. Da. 71 '.
bin a, Epit. Da. 183.
Bionis, Epit. Da. 2.
bis, Epit. Da. 9, 86.
bifque r £/. iv. 35, 36.
blanda, EL vii. 1. Man/. 63.
blanditiae, Ep. Da. 91.
blanditiafque, EL v. 70.
bombis, In Quint. Nov. 178.
bone* Epit. Da. 147.
bono rum, Man/. 94.
bonum, /« Quint. Nov. 195.
bonus, /« . P. J3. i. 1. i»
Quint. Nov. 202.
Britonam, Man/. 84.
Britonnicum, jEpi/. Da. 171.
Britonum, Epit. Da. l65.
Bromiique, In Quint. Nov.
Biornius, In Quint. Nov. 64.
brumalem, Man/. 37-
brumaque, EL v. 139*
brutos, Ep. B. B. ii. S.
bubulcos, Mat{f. 59-
bufto, In Ob. Pr. EL 43.
cacumen, EL v. 9.
cacumina, //« Quint. Nov. 13$.
cadat, £/. iv. 105.
cadavera, In Quint. Nov. 144,
cad it, EL i. 42.
cado, £/. vi. 32.
caeca, £/. v. 20. Ep. I. B. u
Ad Leon. ii. 9.
caeci, El. i. 85. In Quint. Noil.
caecis, In Quint. Nov. 216.
caecitas, De Id. PL 25.
caeeos, In Ob. Pr. EL 27.
caedes, EL v. 39 In Quint*
Nov. 203.
caelato, EL vi. 37-
caelaverat, Epit. Da* 184.
caelicolum, Manf. 95.
caementa, In Quint. Nov. 143,
casrula, EL v. 82.
casruleae, In Quint. Nov. 24.
caeruleamque, EL iv. 7.
caeruleum, Epit. Da. 188.
caeruleumque, Nat. &c. 50,
Caefar, Irc Quint. Nov. 97.
casfe, i>* Ob. Pr. 28.
caefo, Ad Salm. 25.
csetera, £/. v. 96, vii. 43. Ad
Leon. 10.
caeteraque, EL i. 11,
calcabit, Irc Quint. Nov. 111.
calceis, Jra Quint. Nov. 85.
Calchanta, £/. vi. 69.
Caledoniis, In Quint. Nov. 4.
Caledonio, Man/. 48.
calet, EL vii. 12.
caligine, In Quint. Nov. 139-
callebat, Epit. Da. 76.
callidus, Irc Quint. Nov. lit.
callo, u4 /. Ro. 42.
calor, El.\i. 46.
calthaeque, i» 06. Pr. 4>6.
caluere, In Quint. Nov. l63.
Calumnia, In Quint. Nov. 140.
Ad Pair. 107.
Cami, EL i. 89.
Camoena, Ad Salf 7.
Camoenae, Man/. 4.
camcenam, El. vi. 3.
Camcenas, Ad Pair. 67 ' >
Camcenis, Epit. Da. 170.
campo, In Ob. Pr. 48.
campos, El. iii. 45, iv. 75.
Camum, El. i. 11.
canat, El. v. 28.
Candida, £/. iii. 55. J5p#. -D«*
candidiora, El. ii. 55.
cane, El. vi. 58.
canebant, Manf. 43-
canebat, ^d Patfr. 46.
canendo, ^c? Par>. 54.
canentem, Ad Leon. ii. 5.
canentum, In Quint. Nov. 62.
cani, In Quint. Nov. 196.
canimus, El. vi. 81.
Canis, In Quint. Nov. 180.
canis, In Quint. Nov. 80.
canifque, In Quint. Nov, 118.
caniftris, Mavf. 39.
canit, JEJ. vi. 28, 57. .Maw/.
11. £pz>. Da. 143.
cannabeo, Jrc Quint. Nov. 84.
canorum, ^4c? PaYr. 59- Epit*
Da. 34.
cantabit, In Salm. H. 8.
eantabitur, El. v. 23.
cantantes, Ira Quint. Nov. 65.
cantavit, El. vi. 22.
cantus, Ad Pair. 52. Epit.
Da. 218.
cantu, El. v. 115. ^47-
chara, EL iv. 42. Mm?/. 15.
chare, EL i. 1. Ad. Patr. Ill,
chari, ^rf Patr. 77,
charior, EL iv. 23.
charis, Ad Salf. 31. Epit. Da,
charo, Ira 0b. Pr. El. 5 Ad
Pair. 62.
Charontis, In 0b. Pr. 35.
charta, El. i. 2. ^ P^r. 13 .
chartaeque, In Salm. 5.
chartis, Manf. 7 ,
charus, Manf. 72.
chelys, EL vi. 38.
Chironis, Manf. 60.
Chlori, EL iv. 35.
Chloris, El. iii. 44. Epit. Da*
chorea, El. vi. 44.
choreilque, Epit. Da. 218.
choro, EL v. 120, vi. 18. Dc
Id. PL 28. Manf. 2.
choros, £/. i. 52. In Quint,
Nov. 225. Ad Patr. 52.
Epit. Da. 85.
Chrifli, EL vi. 87.
Chrifticolas, El. iv. 18.
Chriftina, Ad Chr. 2.
cibos, El. vi. 60.
cicutae, .E/nY. Da. 135.
cicutis, £/. vi. 89. Epit, Da,
ciere, EL ii. 2. ^c? P
clafiem, In Quint. Nov. 102.
claudebam, Epit. Da. 141.
claudebat, In Quint. Nov. 77*
Claudii, In Salm. 6.
claudis, EL 1. 75.
claudos, EL vi. 8.
claudum, Ad Salf. 1.
clauia, EL iv. 95.
claufus, In Quint. Nov. 36.
clavis, In Quint. Nov. 101.
clientes, In Salm. 9.
Cliniadi, EL iv. 24.
Clio, Ad Patr. 14.
Clioque, El. iv. 31.
Clius, Manf. 24.
clivofo, EL v. 79.
Cnidon, El. i. 83.
coa&a. EL i. 92.
ccelefte, El. v. 35.
coeleiti, El. vi. 81.
cceleflive, El. iv. 45.
cceli, El. v. 15. Ad Leon. I. 5.
Ep. P. P. i. 5, ii. 1, 10. It*
Quint. Nov. 98, 180. JVafc,
&c. 24, 47, 68. De Id. PI
17. Ad Patr. 18, 32. Epit,
Da. 207.
ccelicoiaB, Epit. Da. 211.
ccelifugam, El. vi. 10.
coelique, X>e Id. PL 6.
ccelo, £/. i. 77y iv. 93, v. 131.
Ad Patr. 86*, 87- In Ob. Pr.
El. 35. Manf. 57. Epit. Da.
coelos, In Quint. Nov. 166.
Nat. &c. 38.
ccelum, £/. vi. 55 , vii. 81. £/>,
P. J5. ii. 7. In Ob, Pr, EL
49. Nat. &c. 15. Ad Pair.
ccena, Ad Pair. 43.
coercebat, In Ob. Pr. El. 57-
coercet, Ad Patr. 23.
coerulei, Ad J. Ro. 19.
cogar, El. iv. 20.
cogis, El. iv. 90.
cogit, Nat. &c. 46.
cogitat, In Salm. 4.
cognatas, Ad Patr. 63:
cogrritas, Ad Salf. 15.
cohors, In Quint. Nov. 202.
cohortes, El. iv. 117.
colamque, El. vi. 5.
Colchis, El. iv. 10.
colende, In Ob. Pr. 41.
colimus, Manf. 38.
colit, El. vi. 84. Epit. Da. 203.
^rf J. Jio. 64.
colitis, Zrc Ob. Pr. 4.
colla, Irc Quint. Nov. 111.
collaque, £/. i. 57.
co lie, Jrc Qwm£. Nov. 109.
colles, ^tf 7 &*(/*. 28.
collibus, El. vi. 17. Manf. 68.
colligit, Iw 06. Pr. El. 36.
collimat, Epit. Da. 196.
Colni, Epit. Da. 149-
coloni, Apol. 9.
colonis, El. i. 73.
colonorum, v4 Salf. 37.
colonos, JE^sY. Da. 164.
colonus, Epit. Da. 54.
colore, Nat. &c. 48.
coluere, El. vi. 10.
coluiffe, £;>#. Da. 33.
columbas, £/. vii. 5.
columbis, £/. i. 81.
colunt, El. i. 66.
.comans, El. iv. 79*
comas, £/. v. 86. Manf. 93.
£/»*. Da. 175.
comes, £/. vii. 40. De Id. PI.
6. Epit. Da. 38.
comitante, El. iii. 1.
conut&tam, £1. iv. 7.
comitataque, 2s/. vi. 43*
comitem, El. iii. 60. JJ Pair*
commaduiffe, El. vi. 54.
commemoret, De Id PL 30*
commendat, Ad Patr. 19.
comminuere, Epit. Da. 28,
commifit, Ad Patr. 98.
commune, Ad Patr. 77»
communior, De Id PL 13.
compage, Epit. Da. 158.
compeicit, Ad Patr. 38.
compita, In Quint. Nov. 224*
comple&itur, Nat. &c. 50.
componi, Manf. 90.
componis, Ad Patr. 58.
compofito, El. vi. 36.
compofitos, In Quint. Nov. 77 '•
Epit. Da. 122.
compofuiffe, Ad Leon. ii. 10.
compulit, Ad Pair. 55.
conamina, In Quint. Nov. 168.
conari, In Salm. H. 2.
concedat, Manf. 78.
concepit, In Quint. Nov. 19*
conceffa, EL iii. 27.
concefiit, EL iv. 77-
concha, Nat. &c. 57.
concitaque, is7. v. 11.
concordia, Manf. 6.
concubitu, In Mor. 1.
concutiat, El. iv. 106.
condendi, Ad Patr. 70.
condiderant, El. iii. 36.
condis, Ad Salf. 22.
condita, EL vi. 32.
conditione, 2s7. i. 20.
confer, Ad Patr. 93.
confidis, In Quint. Nov. 193.
confinibus, In Quint. Nov. 184.
conjuge, El. iv. 41, v. 11 7.
conjungere, In Quint Nov. 159-
conjunxerat, In Quint. Nov. 4„
conjurata, In Quint. Nov. 202.
conicia, El. i. 44. In Quint,
Nov. 150. JW. &c. 65.
conGlix, In Quint. Nov* 164*
eonfilium, In Quint. Nov. Il6.
Nat. &c. 7-
confiftit, In Quint. Nov. 53.
confpergere, In Qnint. Nov.
confpicienda, EL i. 74, viL 64.
confpicuae, EL i. 79«
conf'picuos, Ad Pair. $1.
confpicuus, EL ii. 1.
confortia, Ep. P. B. ii. 5.
conftabitque, Epit. Da. 29-
confulit, EL v. 128. Ad Patr.
confulta, Et. vi. 57-
confuluit, JVaf. &c. 34.
contemners, ^d Ptt^t^ 56.
conteratrixque, In Quint. Nov.
eontendite, In Quint. Nov.
contermina, EL iii. 21.
contigerit, Ad Patr. 62.
contingant, El. iii. 68.
continuiffe, £/. vii. 60.
contra, Nat. &c. 17-
contra&a, Nat. &e. 10.
contundere, In Quint. Nov.
convenere, In Quint, Nov.
convenit, EL i. 14.
conveniunt, EL vii. 6.
convertunt, Epit. Da. 67.
convexi, In Quint. Ncv. 98.
Nat. &c. 20.
convivia, Ad Patr. 44.
convocat, EL v. 118.
coquit, jBpzV. Da. 77,
Corallaeis, EL vi. 19.
coram, EL vii. 88.
corda, EL vi. 34, vii. 44, 73,
Ad Leon. i. 7.
cordatior, «4d j". #0. 82.
corde, Ad Leon. ii. H»
cordi, ^rf 6W/; 7.
Corineida, Man/. 46.
cornea, £/, iv. 119,
cornu, iVof. &c. 49.
cornua, EL v. 99. Ep. P. B,
iii. 4. Ad Patr. 27.
corond, Ep. P. B. iii. 3. £jwf.
Da. 215.
coronatur, £/. v. 6l.
Coronides, EL ii. 10.
coronis, Ad Patr. 32.
corpora, EL v. 90. ^ £eo«.
iii. 4. I/i Quint. Nov. 104,
corpore, £/. v. 16.
corpori, Ad Salf. 18.
corpus, De Id. PL 19.
corrumpere, In Quint. Nov,
cortice, Epit. Da. 180.
Corus, Nat. &e. 53.
corufca. £/. v. 100. Epit. Da.
corufcat, El. vii. 55. .Naf. &c.
corylos, £p?*f. Da. 69.
corymbos, EL vi. 15.
coftodia, In Quint. Nov. 101*
crapula, El. vi. 42.
cratibus, Epit. Da. 141.
creata, £/. vii. 89.
creatos, In Quint. Nov. 117.
crebra, In Quint. Nov. 4<7,
credam, Epit. Da. 45.
crede, EL i. 5, v. 91, vi. 6l,
43, vii. 91. £jp. P. J5. ii.
credimus, Man/. 31.
' credite, -4 a 7 Leon. i. 1.
creditur, El. i. 81, iv. 82, v*
104. £/?. I. B. 3.
credula, Jtfd Leon. iii. 1.
cremabit, /« Quint. Nov. 110*
cremata, £/. iii. 10.
Creontis, EL i. 46.
crepufcula, EL v. 119- In
Quint. Nov. 54. £/»7. Da. 6l.
crefcant, In Ob. Pr. 43.
erefcentefque, In Quint, Nov*
ereta, In Ob. Pr. EL 33.
Creui'a, Ad J. Ro. 60.
crimen, EL iv. 57, v. 53.
crimina, EL iv. 62.
criminis, EL i. 43.
crines, EL iv. 14. Ad Patr,
45. Man/. 33.
crinibus, EL i. 38.
criftata, Nat. &c. 40.
crocos, Epit. Da. 151.
crocum, £/. v. 108. Man/. 40.
crocus, £/. iii. 20.
cruci, In Quint. Nov. 104.
erudelia,. EL iv. 65. In Quint.
Nov. 30.
crudelibus, In Quint* Nov.
cruentatum, EL l. 37.
cruor, EL iv. 76.
cruore. EL iv, 110. In 0b.
Pr. 11.
cryftaUinam, Ira 0&. Pr. El.
cubili, EL iii. 35.
cubito, In Salm. 10.
cucullos, In Salm. 6.
cucullus, Ep. P. B. ii, 7. In
Quint. Nov. 82.
cui, EL vi. 90. P" 06. Pr. SO.
Ira QwVtf. .flfoB. 27, 98. De
Jo 7 . P/. 98. Ad Salf. 7, 99-
Ad J. Re. 56.
cuilibet, In Quint. Nov. 192.
cuique, EL v. 111.
cujus, Ad Leon. ii. In Quint.
Nov. 112. Ad J. Ro. 50.
culmen, In Quint. Nov. 180.
culmiaa, EL vii. 13. IVaf. &c.
culmus, Epit. Da. 9.
culta, Epit. Da. 63.
cultior, EL v. 107-
cultoribus, De Id PL 31.
cultu, Ad J. Ro. 1.
cultus, Ad Salf. 22.
cum, El. iii. 41, 66, iv. 41,
117, v. 34,39, 6*0 83, 119,
vi. 52, 84. Ep. P. B. i. 14,
In Quint. Nov. 7, 55, 77,
137- Man/. 47.
cum, £/. iii. 27, 37, 40, v. 42,
79,93. In 0b. Pr. 38. In 0b.
Pr. EL 7, 39. Ad Patr. 30,
42, 79- Ad Salf. 4. Epit. Da.
47, 52, 129, 142. Ad J. Ro.
cun&a, Ad Leon. i. 9. Epit. Da*
cun&aque, Ad Leon. i. 9.
cunctarum, Nat. &c. 66.
cuncti, Epit. Da. 210.
cupiam, Ad Patr. 1.
cupiat, £/. v. 1 12.
cupide, In Quint. Nov. 165.
cupidine, In Quint. Nov. l63.
cupidineas, EL vii. 3.
Cupido, EL v. ^)9, vii. 65.
cupidus, El. v. 127.
cupis, Man/'. 18.
cupit, El. v. 56, 57, 129. Ep.
P. B. iv. 4. Ire Qwi/tf. JVot>.
cur, EL v. 81, vii. 99.
cura, £/. i. 11, vi. 49. Epit,
Da. 15.
curse, Ad Patr. 105. Afa;?/,
88. Ad J. Ro. 51.
curaret, Manf. 90.
curas, ispif. Da. 46.
curis, EL i. 18, iv. 105.
curre, EL iv. 1.
currit, EL v. 97. Nat. &c. 44.
curru, £;,. P. £. i. 6. iVfltf. &c„
currum, £/. iii. 33.
currus, EL iv. 120, vi. 25. Ad
Pair. 99. In Ob. Pr. El. 50.
curf'u, EL v. 81. In Quint.
Nov. 209.
curfuque, EL iv. 39.
curvare, EL vii. 3.5.
curvaniine, In Quint. Nov,
curvi, Ad Salf. 41.
eufpide, In Quint. Nov. 39-
cufpis, El. iv. 110, vii. 102. In
Quint. Nov. 39.
cuftoditaque, Ad Pair. 71.
cuftos, EL iv. 112. Ad J. Ro.
Cybele, El. v. 126.
Cydoniufque, El. vii. 37.
cygnos, Manf. 30.
Cyllenius, EL iii. 13 #
Cynthia, El. v. 46.
Cynthius, Manf. 55.
cypariffa, EL v. 121.
Cypri, Nat. &c. 63.
Cyprida, El. iii. 20.
Cypridos, is/, vii. 48.
Cyprius, EL vii. 11.
Cypron, EL i. 84.
Cytherea, EL v. 112.
da, El. iv. 61.
dabis, Ep. P. B. iii. 6.
dabit, Nat. &c. 28. ^ /. ilo.
Damafcus, £/. iv. 11 6.
damna, El. vii. 30. Apol. 8.
damnarit, E/>. P. B. iv. 2.
damnas, ^4d Pair. 72.
damnofum, -<4d #. Da. l6.
denfas. £/. iv. 11 7.
denfi, Epit. Da. 97.
denfus, El. iii. 51.
dent, El. 4. 8.
dentis, In Quint. Nov. 39«
Deo, El. v. 66. In Quint. Nov.
26, 223.
deorum, El. vi. 40, 57 * Nat.
&c. 4. Man/. 42. £p/f. Da.
deos, El. iv. 6, 68, v. 118, vi.
36, 66, 86. Ep. P. B. ii.
8. Ad Leon. iii. 8. Ad Patr,
deplorans, Jn Quint. Nov. 135.
deque, EL iv. 118.
derifit, Ep. P. B. iii. 1.
defcribis, Man/. 21.
defers, is/, v. 49.
deferta, In Quint. Nov. 21.
deferto, Epit. Da. <)«/.
defipuifiet, ^/d Icon. ii. 8.
defit, Im Quint. Nov. 83.
defpice, ^ Patr. 17.
deipicit, I« Qwfof. Nov. 167.
deiUnatam, F/J 06. Pr. 9.
defuper, £^zV. D#. 49.
deteftabile, In Quint. Nov. 213,
detinet, Ad Leon. iii. 8.
detinuifie, EL v. 76.
detonat, El. i. 32.
detur, EL iiL 18, vii. 87.
deturbata, Nat. &c. 24.
Deum, El. v. 18, vi. 10, vii.
18, 64. Ad Leon. i. 4. De
Id PL 6.
Deus, El. iv. 92, v. 122, vii.
93. Ad Leon. i. 5, 9. 7«
Q?///tf. JVov. 199. Nat. &e.
43. ^ /. Ro. 25.
Deva?, £/. i. 3.
devenit, El. iv. 11.
devexo, Nat. &c. 43.
devia, EL iv. 98.
devius, Ad J. Ro. 9.
devoto, EL vi. 69.
devovens, iw; 0b. Pr. EL 1 7.
devoverat, Ep. P. B. iv. 1.
dexter, Epit. Da. 208.
dextera, In Ob. Pr. 9.
dextra, In Quint. Nov. 51,
dextrain, Epit. Da. 121.
dextri, Ad I. Ro. 69.
diademaque, In Qubit. Nov.
diarnque, Ad I. Ro. 63,
Dianam, El. v. 101.
dicam, Man/'. 82, 88. Epit.
Da. 163.
dicere, EL iv. 47, 48. Epit,
Da. 31.
dici, ;!/«/// : 10.
dicite, Z>c / P/. i. Epit.
Da. 3.
dicetur, Man/. 54.
dicitur, £/. iv. 15, vi. 76.
didu, Zn Qvf/tf. JVor. 214.
didueit, £/. iv. 6*3.
diebus, Ad Salf. 10.
diei, Ad Patr. 99.
diem, EL vii. 14. J» 06. Pr.
£/, 39. fyif. Da. 43.
4tes, EL vii. 55. In Quint. Nov.
226.Epit.Da. 11,51, 110.
difflentur, In Quint. Nov. l6l.
digitumque, El. vi. 47.
digna, £/. iv. 95, 96, vii. 8. In
Qui?it. Nov. 196.
dignatus, Manf. 3.
digniffime, El. lii. 13.
dignum, El. vii. 20.
dignumque, Epit. Da. 24.
dignus, El. i. f, 89.
dii, El. v. 40, 131, 134.
diis, EL vi. 77. De Zd\ P/. 23.
iWaw/: 70, 73.
dilapfa, Nat. ike. 19.
dileefca, I# Qwz'wf. Jtfiro. 26.
dilecte, Manf. 7.
dimidio, 2s7. iv. 20.
diminui, El. iv. 62.
dimotaque, Ad Patr. 90.
dinumerans, J/i Quint. Nov.
Diomedeam, ^4d El. vii. 10.
dira, 2s7. iii. 6, iv. 100. I«
Qamf. Nov. 12. In Ob. Pr.
El. 23.
Dircseo, Ad Leon. ii. 7*
D'ircaeus, De Id. PI. 26.
diriora, In Ob. Pr. El. 19.
diris, £p. P. B. iv. 1.
difcite, /» Ob. Pr. 1.
Difcordia, Irc Quint. Nov. 142.
difcors, £pzY. Da. 107.
disjeftam, 2w Quint. Nov. 102.
difpertire, ^4rf Patr. 64.
difpertit, iVaf. &c. 48.
difplicui, Epit. Da. 134.
difponere, In Quint. Nov. 115.
diffiluere, PpY. Da. 158.
diffipare, 2>* -Sg/w. H. 7.
diffultabit, lYaf. &c. 30.
diftat, In Quint. Nov. 170.
diilento, El. vi. 2.
ditem, i\ T a£. &c. 31-
ditefcere, Ad Patr. 73.
ditior, £/. iii. 46. Nat. Sec.
dius, El. iv. 14.
diu, El. iv. 69, v. 133. In
Quint. Nov. 44.
diurno, El. v. 81. JVa^. &c. 37,
diva, El. iii. 16, iv. 80, v. 66,
In Quint. Nov. 198.
divafque, In Quint. Nov. 129.
diverberat, Nat. &c. 56.
diverficoloribus, Epit. Da. 1 88*
divefque, In Quint. Nov. 5.
dividit, Epit. Da. 23.
divina, Epit. Da. 187*
divinum, El. iii. 56. Ad Patr*
divitis, In 0b. Pr. El. 9.
divos, In Quint. Nov. 129.
divofque, Ad Patr. 22. Epit*
Da. 205.
divulfis, Nat. &c. 29.
divdm, AdSalf. 23. Manf. 11,
divumque, El. vi. 77.
dixi, El. vii. 5. £pi7. Da. 142.
dixifie, %£f. Da. 123.
dixit, El. iii. 65, vii. 47* In
Quint. Nov. 41, 131. £/>*7.
Da. 77.
docebit, jEpzY. Da. 4>5.
docebunt, El. vii. 43.
docet, El. iv. 40. Ad Leon*
doda, £/h7. Da. 89.
do&ae, ^rf Pafr. 181.
dodaeque, Ad Salf. l6.
doctiffime, El. iv. 23.
dodo, Ad J. Ro. 16.
doctus, El. iv. 18.
docuit, J/i Sabn. H. 2.
doiendo, 2s7. i. 39.
dolet, 2s/. vii. 81.
dolique, 2~7/ 0/3. Pr. 7.
dolo, ^rf J. Po. 14.
dolorem, Epit. Da. 17*
dolos, El. vii. 66". I/j Quint,
Nov. 213.
dolofi, lira Sabn. H. 5.
doluit, In Qi/i/tf. iVau. 33.
* b 2
dolum, In Ob. Pr.dE/. 21.
dolus, El v. 39. In Quint.
Nov. 145. Epit. Da. 10*8.
dominaberis, In Quint. Nov.
domini, Ad Pair. 117-
domino, Apol. 2, 1 . Epit. Da.
18, 26, 35,44, 50, 57, 62,
69,74, SI, 87,93, 112,124,
139, 101, 179.
dominus, In Quint. Nov. 7$,
domitor, In Quint. Nov. 74.
domum, El. v. 134.
domos, El. iv. 82, vi. 75.
domuit, In Quint. Nov. 89.
domum, Epit. Da. 14, 18, 26,
35, 44, 50, 57, 62, 68, 74,
81, 87, 93, 112, 139, l6l,
179- Manf 56.
domus, El. i. 45, iii. 50. Ep.
P. B. iii. 2.
dona, El. v. 24, vi. 87- Ad
Pair. 65, 112. Manf. 21.
donaque, Ad J. Iio. 59.
donafie, Ep. P. B. ii. 1.
donaffet, Ad Patr. 96.
donee, Nat. &c. 67.
donis, El. vii. 97. JE>. P. #•
ii. 4. ///. Qui?it. Nov. 32.
Ad Patr. 8, 10.
Dorida, JE/. iv. 7.
dormis, In Quint. Nov. 92.
dorfo, Nat. Sec. 59.
dote, El. v. 71.
dracones, J« Ob. Pr. EL 58.
Dfuides, Manf. 42.
Druidum, Manf. 41.
Dryades, £/. v. 123.
Dryopcquc, Epit. Da. 88.
dubiam, /in Quint. Nov, 54.
dubitant, £/. v. 131.
dubitavit, In Quint. Nov, 28.
dubites, El. iv. 125.
dubito, Epit. Da. 159.
dubius, EL vii. 78.
ducat, £/. iv, 94. Maw/. 91,
ducere, £/. iv. 15, 70.
duces, EL iii. 12, iv. 74, vi.
56. £ptf. Da. 164.
duci, EL vii. 6.
ducis, EL i. l6\ iii. 9-
ducit, In 06. Pr. EL 41.
dudum, EL i. 12. •
dulce, Eh v. 4, vi. 28, vii. 19.
^rf Salf 23.
duleedme, /fy?o£. 3.
dulei, EL iv. 41. J Salf. 32.
£>/V. Da. 118.
dulcia, EL vi. 35. ^/o 7 Pair.
dulcibus, £/7z7. Da. 47.
dulciloquum, Manf 8.
dulces, EL iv. 38.
dulcis, £>Y. Da. 13, 199-
"Dulichium, £7. vi. 72.
dum, EL i. 36, 85, iii. 5, 31,
51, iv. 99, US, 119, !20,
v. 26, 128, vi. 25, 43. Ad.
Chr.5. In Ob. Pr. EL 5,57.
In, Quint. Nov. 66, 94. Ad.
Patr. 38. Epit. Da. 7, 32,
51, 116, 141. Ad. J. Ho, 7-
dumque, EL iii. 57. In Quint.
Nov. 97.
duobus, Ad Pair. 64.
duos, EL vii. 102.
dupiici, El. vii. 12.
dura, Ad Chr. 3.
duri, El. i. \5.
duris, /<>Y. Do. 39-
dnro, El. iii. 64, vii. 89. Ad
Patr. 23.
duros, Manf 64.
durum. jEpitf* Da. 106.
eadem, JVa/. &c. 44. £pfr. Da.
ebulliebat In Ob. Pr. EL 16.
cbur, EL vi. 43.
ecce, El. iii. 53, v. 6l. In Ob.
Pr. EL 23.
Echidnas, In Ob. Pr. 26.
Echionio, In Quint. Nov. 65.
ecquid, Epit. Da. 115.
editus, Ad J. Ro. 25.
edomitis, El. vi. 70.
cdomui, EL vii. 32.
effari, In Ob. Pr. EL 65.
effera, In Quint. Nov. 142.
efflat, In Quint. Nov. 37.
effoetas, Nat. &c. 42.
effcetique, In Quint. Nov. 218.
effoeto, EL v. 50.
effudi, In Ob. Pr. EL 4.
effudit, Epit. Da. 4.
effugit, El. iv. 100.
effundit, In Quint. Nov. 192.
effulis, EL i. 3S.
effuibs, EL v. 65.
egelida, EL v. 87.
egena, EL v. 72.
egenus, EL iv. 86.
egreditur, EL v. 109-
egregiam, ^4d /. Ro. 68.
ejus, £/. iv. 37.
elata, ^4d. P«f/\ 81.
Eleg'eia, EL ii. 23.
Elegia, EL xl 49.
elegis, £/. vi. 51.
elementa, Nat. &c. 51.
Eleo, EL vi. 26".
Eleufina, E/. iv, 12.
eliibs, EL vi. 86.
eludeie, Manf. 19.
elufus, J?z 06. Pr. EL 31.
Elyfio, I/* 06. Pr. 48.
eminetj I« Quint. Nov. 182.
emirabitur, ^d 5a//: 33.
emotasque, Ma;?/". 68.
en, EL iii. 3. E/wt. -Da. 214.
Endymioneae, EL i. 78.
enfe, In Ob. Pr. 16.
enfis, Ira 06. Pr. £/. 54.
enutrita. Man/. 28.
Enyo, EL iv. 75.
€|0, £/. v. 16.
Eoas, In Quint. Nov. 133.
Eoo, EL iii. 34.
ephemeridas, De Id. PL 6.
epulse, EL vi. 20.
epuJas, EL v. 9, vi. 9' dd
Patr. 41.
eques, EL vii. 36. In Salm. 3.
equis, EL vii. 84.
equitis, In Salm. 9.
equo, EL v. 92.
equorum, £/. iv. 121.
equos, EL iv. J8. v. 44, 54.
eram, EL iii. 1. 37, vii. 74.
£/?*Y. Da. 1 29.
erant, E/w£. Da. 137.
eras, EL ii. 11.
erat, £/. iv. 24, v. 65, vi. 20,
vii. 13, 38, viik 50, 62. In
Quint. Nov. 50, 62. Nat.
&c. 32. £/>ir. Pa. 115.
Eratoque, £/. vi. 51.
Erebi, In Quint. Nov. 69.
Erebove, In Ob. Pr. EL 33.
Erectheides, Ad J. Ro. 57.
erect um, Epit. Da. 195.
eremo, In Quint. Nov. 86.
ergo, Nat. &c. 19. Ad Patr.
101. Ad Salf. 9. Man/. 24,
49. Ad J. Ro. 6 ! .
ergone, Nat. &c. 8.
erigit, De Id. PL 23.
Erinnye, In Ob. Pr. El. 33,
eripuifle, In Ob Pr 40.
eris, EL iv. ill, vi. 90, vii.
28, 98. Epit. Da. 209.
erit, Ep. I. B. 3. Man/. 88.
Epit. Da. 27.
errant, £/. iii. 25.
errantes, Ad Leon. ii. 9«
erraticorum, Ira 06. Pr. El.
erraverat, In Quint. Nov. 9*
erraveris, Ad. J. do. 39.
error, Ad EL viii. 3. EjhY.
Da. 113.
erroribus, Nat. &c. 1.
efuriet, Nat. &c. 15.
etemm, EL iv. 107, v. 97. vi.
Euan, EL vi. 23.
Eumenidum, In Qxdnt. Nov. 8.
eunt, £/. i. 48, v. 138.
eunti, EL iv. 3.
Euoe, EL vi. 17.
Eur us, EpzY. Da. 60.
Europe, In Quint. Nov. \7\.
Eurum, El. iv. 39-
Euribates, El. ii. 15.
Eurypyli, In Ob. Pr. 24.
Evandri, Ad Salf. 28.
evehere, Ep. V. B. iv. 4.
evehitur, £/. iii. 24. I». Quint.
Nov. 57.
cverfo, £/• vi. 25.
evocat, In Quint. Nov. 156.
In Ob. Pr. El. 38.
evolat, EL vii. 4S.
exanguifque, In Quint. Not»
excepto, Ad. Patr. $6.
excipit, El. i. 27.
excitant, In Ob. Pr. EL 38,
excitat, In Quint. Nov. 177.
excors, EL vii. 77.
excubias, EL v. 38.
excultam, Ad Patr. 73.
execrantia, In Quint. Nov.j)l.
execratus, In Ob. Pr. EL 21.
exemiffe, Nat. &c. 18.
fcxemit, Epit. Da. 8.
exemplar, De Id. PL 10.
exemplo, EL vii. S7, 92.
exemplum, EL v. 95- Manf.
exequor, ^/cZ C/\ 6.
exercet, Ad Salf. 13.
exercita, Epit. Da. 106.
exercuit, £/>zY. Da. 5.
exhibuere, EL iv. 85.
exiguum, In Quint. Nov. 183.
Ad Patr. 7.
cxiguus, IT/, vi. 71.
exilii, EL i. 20. Manf. 64.
exilia, Jw Quint. Nov. 206,
exilium, £/. i. 17.
eximium, EL i. 59.
exit, EL iii. 32.
exonerare, Epit. Da. 17.
exofa, In Quint. Nov. 158»
expatiantur, EL v. 124.
expecto, £jw£. Da. 60.
expedivit, In Salm. H. 1.
expertis, EL vii. 29.
exponere, EL iv, 89-
expugnatae, In Quint. Nov. 30 ?
extat, In Ob. Pr. EL 14.
extende, Ad. Patr. 107.
extenfceque, EL iv. 107,
extera, EL i. 72.
ex tern am, £/. iv. 90.
extinda, Nat. &c. 27.
extinctis, Add. EL vii. 7.
extis, ^4d Pflff. 29.
extrema, In Quint. Nov. 1.
extremis, EL iii. 49. Im Quint,
Nov. 11 6, 184. £/»Y. Da,
extremum, £/)#. D<7. 121.
exuit, EL v. 55.
exul, EL i. 22. I/z Quint,
Nov. 8.
exulantis, I» Salm. II. 4.
exulat, £/. v. 34.
exules, De Id. PL 37.
exululat, 7/i Quint. Nov. 64.
exululant, !« Quint. Nov. 150,
fabulator, De Id P/. 38.
face, £/. iii. 6.
facem, E/>. I. B. 2.
faces, £/. i. 56, v. 98. Epit,
Da. 19:.
facefiere, In Qui?it. Nov. 124,
faceffet, Ad. J. P^o. 80.
iaciam, El. vii. 30, 89.
facieque, EL vii. 53.
fades, 17. vii, 19, JVaf, &c. 9,
faciles, EL v. 6~.
facili, Epit. Da. 145.
facilis, El. vii. 101.
facilifque, Ad Leon. i. J.
facis, El. vii. 68.
faciunt, P/. iv. 22.
facia, P/. vii. 94. J« Qwwf.
JVor. 214. Nat. &c. 4.
fa&ique, I« Quint. Nov. 123.
fa&is, ^d Pair. 112.
facundia, ^rf Pa^r. JQ,
facundus, Man/. 23.
fagineo, El. vi. 6l.
fagos, JSpif. Da. 136.
falce, PZ. iii. 8.
fallax, PZ. i. 60. In Quint.
Nov. 91.
fallere, I» 06. Pr. 21. PjhY.
Da. 46.
fallit, P/. i. 34. Ejwf. Da. 198.
fallor, El. v. 5, vii. 56. Epit.
Ep. P. P. i. 3.
fall a, J/i Quint. Nov. 79.
f alius, il/flw/". 6l.
Fama, El. iv. f 1. J« 06. Pr.
El. 7. In Quint- Nov. 195.
fama, In Quint. Nov. 86, 201,
Ad Salf. 15. Man/. 51.
Famae, Pz Quint. Nov. 172.
fame, PZ. iv. 96'
fames, JYY/£. &e. 13.
famulas, Man/, 55.
famulos, El. v. 118.
fana, El. v. 18, vi. S6. Ad
Leon. iii. 2.
fando. J&piY. Da. 43.
fana, P/j/Z. D«. 102,
fas, In Quint. Nov. 115. Epit.
Da. 201.
fa fees, El. i. 67.
fafcinat, Ejn£. Da. 78.
fafia, iYaZ. &c. 1 1 .
faflb, El. iv. 61.
faftis, In Quint. Nov, 130.
faftos, De Id PL 6.
faftu, Epit. Da. 89.
faftus, In Quint. Nov. 99.
fata, EL v. 99- ^ Pfl/r. 28.
M«///: 98. Epit. Da. 2, 104.
fatali, Epit. Da. 166.
fatetur, P/. iv. 59, v. 53, vii.
fati, Nat, &c. 7. In 0b.
Pr. 1.
fatidicamque, Man/. 4>7.
fatis, Epit. Da. 106.
fatifcit, Nat. &c. 1. PwY. Da.
fatorum, JVtfZ. &c. 35.
fatum, Ira 06. Pr. 17.
fatur, I« Quint. Nov. 156.
fauces, In Quint. Nov. 146*
faucibus, In 0b. Pr. 40.
Fauni, Ad Salf. 27.
Faunus, Epit. Da. 32.
faufta, EL i. 86 ^ Salf. IJ.
fauftaque, El. vi. 82.
fauftus, In 0b. Pr. El. 47.
Fauxe, Ep. P. P. i. 2.
fave, P^zY. Da. 208.
favebit, ^fZ Sa# 37 '.
fa vent, P/. vi. 34.
favente, P/. iv. 31. ^#. Da. 135.
fiftula, Epit. Da. 156, 169.
fixa, In Quint. Nov. 104. Ad
Salf. 20. ilfaw/. 65.
flabra, ^o* 5a//. 13.
flagello, P/.iv. 101. J« Qwwtf.
Nov. 70.
flagrabit, JVfl*. &c. 69.
flamina, El v. 6*8.
flamine, In 0b. Pr. El 26.
flammifque, In Quint. Nov.U 0.
flamma, Nat. &c. 67.
flammae, In Quint. Nov. 24.
Ad Patr. 20.
flaramantia, Epit. Da. 194.
flammaque, El vii. 74.
flammas, El. i. 51. Ep. P. P.
iii. 8.
fiammeus. El iv. 33.
flammis, Add El vii. 8.
flammivolifqne, Ep. P. B. 1. 6.
flava, El. v. 53. P/;zY. Da. 70.
fluminaque, jEpzV. Da. 6.
flumine, £/. i. 83. Man/. 30.
fluvio, £/. iii. 21.
fluvios, Ad Patr. 53.
fluviofque, Epit. Da. 120.
focis, In Quint. Nov. 224.
foco, El. v. 102.
focos, El. vi. 12, vii. 82.
foecundum, EL vi. 31.
fascundus, EL i. 31.
feedere, Ma/?/. 82.
frediflima, Ad Patr. 108.
fcedum, In Ob. Pr. El. 46.
foedus, Ep. P. B. ii. 7. In
Quint. Nov. 3.
fcemina, EL i. 72.
foemineis, El. i. 74.
foeta, Epit. Da. 39.
foetus, EL iv. 89. ApoU 12.
foliis, £/. v. 25.
foliumque, Epit. Da. 151.
fonte, El. vi. 62.
fontes, Ad Patr. 1. 23pz'£. Da.
71. ^c?. J. #0. 20.
fores, In Quint. Nov. 175. In
In Ob. Pr. EL 62.
foret, EL i. 21. Ad Leon. ii. 4.
Epit. Da. 116.
foris, £/>#. Da. 49.
formae, El. i. 53.
formseque, Epit. Da. 197-
formam, £/. v. 103.
formaque, El. $7*
formidabilis, EL vii. 95.
formofas, El. vii. 23.
formofi, EL i. 76.
formofms, El. v. 57-
formofus, Nat. &c. 45.
foro, El. i. 32.
forfan, Ad J. Ro. 41.
forfitan, El. iv. 43, vii. 89. Ad
Patr. 119. Manf.91. Ad J
Ro. 83.
forte, EL iv. 41, v. 41, vi. 2,
vii. 6l, 90. In Quint. Nov.
9. De Id. PL 21. JSpiY. Da.
75, 147, 157.
fortes, El. vii. 10.
fortius, Nat. &c. 33-
fortunate, Man/ 49.
forum, Ad Salm. 8.
foffor, Epit. Da. 104.
fovet, El. v. 98, vi. 30. Nat.
&c. 42.
fra&sque, ifyzl. Da. 6l.
fraena, ^d Pa£r. 99. Ad Salf.
fraenantem, EL iv. 5.
frasnaffe, ^j?o/. 11.
fraenis, In Ob. Pr. EL 58.
fragor, In Quint. Nov. 39.
fragore, Nat. Sec. 51.
Francinus, Epit. Da. 137.
Francifcus, In Quint. Nov. 86.
frange, In Quint. Nov. 99.
franget, In Quint. Nov. 110.
iratemaque, Nat. &c. 32.
fratifque, El. iii. 9.
fratribus, Ad. J. Ro. 13.
fratris, El. v. 48.
fratrum, In Quint. Nov. 58.
Ad J. Ro. 39.
fraude, In Quint. Nov. 114.
Epit. Da. 166.
fraudumque, In Quint. Nov.
fremitufque, In Quint. Nov.
frenduit, Ep.P.B. iii. 3.
frequens, El. v. 109, vii. 53,
Man/. 52. Epit. Da. 176.
freta, El. vi. 72. In Sahn. 2,
frigida, In Salm. 2.
frigora, El. v. 83.
frigore, In Ob. Pr. El. 52.
frigoribus, Epit. Da. 3$.
frigus, Add. El. vii. 9-
fronde, El. v. 121, Ad J.
Ro. 2.
frondentis, Epit. Da. 21 6.
frondet, Ad Half. 29-
frondofa, I» OA. Pr. 31.
frondofaque, Manf. 6l.
fronte, El. i. 65.
frons, £/. v. 6l. JEpY. Da. 84.
frontis, El. i. 59- Maw/. 76.
f nidus, ^0/. 3.
frui,E/.iv.l25. In Ob. Pr. EL
fruor, El. i. 20.
fruticetaque, £J. v. 125.
fuco, Manf. 48.
fudit, El. iv. 114. AdJ.Ro.
fuerint, £/. ii. 5.
fugaces, In Ob.Pr. El. 39.
fugam, El. iv. 115.
fugare, In Ob.Pr. IS.
fugafle, £/. iii. 33.
iugax, In Quint. Nov. 205.
fugi, El vii. 57.
fugiens, £/. v. 31.
fugiffe, /id ?fl/r. 92.
fugit, El. iv. 10, 81, S6, v.
fugitivus, Manf. 57.
fugiunt, El. v. 20.
fuiflent, Ad Pair. 97.
fuifti, In Ob. Pr. El. 13.
iuit, El. iv. 55, 69, vii. 2, 20,
64. Add. El. vii. 4. ^0/.
9. £/>#. -Da. 41, 79, 213.
fulgent, In Quint. Nov. 4t7.
fulgente, El. ii. 1.
fulgentia, In Quint. Nov. 109.
fulgentibus, El. iv. 107.
fulgens, Epit. Da. 188.
fulgentia, EL v, 75.
fulget, JV«. 177.
fulbs, Man/. 75.
fufumque, EL vi. 33.
fufus, ^4rf Leon. i. 9'
futura, £/. vii. 101. Epit. Da.
futuri, Ad. Pair. 24. ispsY. Da.
futuros, Jra Qnint. Nov. 11.
^Zd J. Ho. 24.
futurum, Epit. Da. 82.
Galli, Man/. 4.
galii, iw Mor. 1.
Gallia, ^d Pdtfr. 82.
Gallica, El. vi. 12.
Gallus, In Quint. Nov. 126.
Gangetidis, EL iii. 49*
garrula, EL 1, 28. irc Quint.
Nov. 215.
gaudebant, In Quint. Nov. 112.
gaudebunt, E^zY. JDa. 32.
gaudens, Ad J. llo. 1.
gaudere, EL v. 47.
gaudes, Ad Salf. 2.
gaudet, Man/. 10,
gaudete, Ira 5a/;«. 1.
gaudia, EL i. 42, iii. 64, y.
109, vi. 11, vii. 80. Epit.
Da. 206.
gazae, Ad J. Ro. 55.
gelida, Man/. 28.
gelidi, Epit. Da. 71, 12p.
Gelonos, Nat. &c. 54.
gelu, El. v. 4. ^. Pr. £/. IS.
ibimus, ^a 7 Pa£r. 32.
ibis, Epit. Da. 123. Ad. J. Ro,
6'2, 6'3, 67.
ibit, I» Q«wf. JV r or. 44. Nat,
&c. 11, 66. Ad Salf. 3S.
£/>#. Da. 22.
Icaris, EL iv. 56.
ida, El. vi. 38.
idaque, In Quint. Nov. 3£.
idu, Nat. &c. 20. ^d Pafr.
id us, EL iv. 67. Epit. Da.
id, ^d Salf. 21. EpzV. Da. 33;
Idaeam, El. v. 62.
idem, Ad Salf. 17. Maw/I 56.
Idumanii, Epit. Da. 90.
Iefum, El. iv. 103.
igitur, _E/. ii. 21,' iv. 39- In
Quint. Nov. 68, 122.
ignaviimque, Epit. Da. 25.
igne, EL v. 9S, vii. 2, 12, 96.
In Quint. Nov. 120.
ignei, In 0b. Pr. EL 50.
ignem, Ep. P. B. iii. 1. Nat.
&c. 50.
ignes, EL v. 52. 2» Quint. Nov.
35, 199.
ignefcunt, Jm Quint. Nov. 38.
isjneus, -4d Patr. 35.
igni, El. v. 93. Ep. P. B. iii.
11. Epit. Da. 47.
ignifluo, In Quint. Nov. 7.
ignobile, Epit. Da. 19-3.
ignotaque, In Ob. Pr. 22.
ignotas, Epit. Da. 113.
ignoto, EL iv. 84.
ignotus, Epit, Da. 173.
Hi, EL i. 45.
Iliaca, EL ii. 13.
Iliacae, £/. i. 68.
ilice, ifara/". 62.
Ilion, In Ob. Pr. 14.
illaetabile, In Quint. Nov. 132.
illic, EL i. 35, iii. 39, vi. 20.
^d jCeora. ii. 7. Irc Q«m£ iVbt?.
13, 127. Ad J. Ro. 70.
illuc, EL iv. 78. Ira Quint.
Nov. 160.
illuni, Ira Quint. Nov. 22.
illuftre, ^d J. Ro. 17.
ima, JVaf. &c. 56. Ad Patr.
22, 101.
imagine, Ira Quint. Nov. 79*
De I^. P/. 7.
imago, EL iii. 3.
imbelles, EL vii. 5.
imber, EpY. Da. 60.
imbre, Ira 06. Pr. EL 3.
imbue, El. v. 86.
ime, E/. vi. 75.
imis, Ira Quint. Nov. 1 21.
imitabere, JVaf. &c. 25.
imitandaque, Ad Pair. 4>6.
Man/. 43.
immania, Man/. 67.
immemor, Ira Quint. Nov. 93-
immenfa, Ad Patr. 42.
immenfos, Ad J. Ro. 22.
fmmenfum, EL iv. 1. In Quint.
Nov. 9. Epit. Da. 17.
immerito, Ad Salf. 8.
immerfa, JVa/. &c. 2.
imminentes, ^d j". Ro. 34.
immiti, Ira Quint. Nov, 186.
Epit. Da. 20.
immobilis, Ad Patr. 31.
immortale, ^ef Pa/r. 37- Man/.
immortales, Epit. Da. 217.
immortali, -4c/ Leon. i. 8.
immundafque, ^c/. J. Ro. 33.
immundo, E/. v. 84.
imo, Manf. 65.
imoque, Nat. &c. 30.
impafti, Epit. Da. 18, 26*, 35,
44, 50, 57, 62, 68, 74, 81,
87,93, 112, 124, 139, l6i f
impellit, Ira Quint. Nov. 70.
imperio, Ira Quint. Nov. 17.
impervia, Ira Quint. Nov. 190.
impetus, E/. iv. 69, vii. 58.
impia, Ep. P. B. iv. 1. Ira
Qwiref. iVw. 201. ^e Id. PL
inceptos, E/. vii. 86.
incertaque, Ira Quint. Nov.
inceffu, ^t/. 5a// 2.
inceftos, EL i. 46.
incipiamus, EL v. 27.
incifas, Nat. &c. 5.
includitur, EL vi. 7.
inclyta, Ad. J. Ro. 50.
inclytumque, De Id. PL 31.
incolit, i» Quint. Nov. 157.
incolitis, Iw Sa//». 2.
incorruptus, De JW. PL 9*
Incredibili, Apol. 3.
anculto, El. i. 32.
incultum, Man/. 35.
incunabula, ^c? J. Ro. 18.
inde, £/. vi. 53, vii. 70.
indelibata, £/. i. 41.
indeplorata, Epit. Da. 28.
indigenas, Manf.79-
indignaro, In Quint, Nov, 159»
Indis, Nat. &c. 45.
indocilifque, Add, EL vii. 4.
indolem, ^d 5a//I l6. ^d J".
JRo. 26.
induit, In Quint. Nov* 205,
induitiirque, EL v. 3.
indulgentia, EL i. 85.
indulfit, Ad J. Ro. 10.
induxitque, EL iv. 34.
inenarrabile, ^ri Pair, 37»
inerme, £/. iv. 109, vii. 72.
iners, EL vi. 42. ifd Leo«. ii.
8. Apol. 6.
inerti, ^d. P? Quint. Nov. 132.
infandum, £/>. P. />. i. 2.
infeliciter, £/. vii. 91.
infelix, EL i. 41, vii. 85.
infenfos, EL vi. 66.
inferni, Ep. P. B. ii. 6.
infeftat, In Quint. Nov, 23.
inflat, £/. vi. 23.
iufulas, £/, iii. 56,
ingenio, EL i. 16.
ingenium, EL iii. 38, v. 23,
^tf J. #0. 74.
ingeniuraque, EL v. 5, vi. 29,
Man/, 77.
ingens, £/. vii. 39. De Id, PL
22. Man/. 50.
ingentique, iWtf. &c. 69,
inglorius, Epit. Da. 174,
ingratus, EL iv. 104.
ingreditur, In Quint, Nov.
ingrefia, EL iii, 5.
ingruat, EL v. 140.
inhumata, In Quint. Nov, 144
inique, In Quint. Nov, 185.
inje&o, In Quint. Nov, 121.
innocuos, EL iv. 89, vi. 60.
innuba, Epit. Da. 65.
innumeris, El. iii. 48. In Quint,
Nov. 182.
Inogeniae, Epit, Da. 163.
inopefque, Ad Pair. 57*
inopina, Epit, Da, 110.
inopfque, EL iv. 84.
inque, EL iv. 115. Epit. Da.
inquietum, 7w 0£. Pr. £/. 15.
inquit, EL v. 81, vii. 27.
inianientis, Ad. Salf. 12.
infano, Ad Leon. ii. 2.
infatiable, Nat. &c. 14.
infcia, Maw/. 8.
infcius, El. vii. 38.
infcripfit, Man/. 7.
infequitur, I» Quint. Nov. 21.
iniidet, £/. vii. 70.
infidiafque, In Quint. Nov. 19,
infidiis, In Quint. Nov. 2l6.
infidiofa, EL vi. 74. Ep. P. B,
ii. 4.
infignia, In Sahn. 7.
infilit, EL vii. 70.
infoliti, EL vii. 73,
inibnat, El, vi. 38.
in ions, Ad J. Ro. 9.
infonuere, EL v, 99,
itoftar, Ei. vi. 90.
inftitoris, Ad J. Ro. 42»
inftituis, El. v. 26.
inftrepitant, In Quint* Nov.
infula, In Ob. Pr. EL 13.
infulis, Ad Pair. 72.
infulfi, AdJ.Ro.42:
integer, El. vi. 8
integro, Ad J. Ro. 84.
intempeitivis, El. iii. 10.
intententque, EL iv. 108.
interdum, EL i. 40.
interea, £/. i. 91.
interfluus, Ad Pair. 87*
interiora, EL v. 18.
interjecti, EL iv. 21.
interponere, £p*Y. Da. 11 9.
interque, /?* 06. Pr. 47.
intexit, £/. v. 63.
iniima, EL vi. 33.
intonat, Epit. Da. 29.
intonfos, Ad. Pair. 45.
intonuit, ^tf J. Ro. 11.
intortis, J* Qmm£. Nov. 145.
intra, £/. i. 75.
jntremuit, EL iii. 58.
intuiturque, EL v. 19.
intus, EL v. 12, vii. 74.
inulta, In Quint. Nov. 44.
inultus, Ep. P. B. iii. 5.
inutile, 77. ii. 19. Man/. 35.
invadat, In Quint. Nov. 126.
invecta, EL i. 81.
inveni, In Quint. Nov. 41.
invenies, EL iv. 41.
invenit, Epit. Da. 108.
invia, Ad Chr. 5.
jnvitfa?, Man/. 82.
inviclam, EL v. 101.
invida, EL iii. 27.
invidae, In Ob. Pr. 13.
invidia, Ad J, Ro. 76.
invidiaque, Ad Patr. \06.
inviolabile, Ep. P. B. i. 7. I»
Quint, Nov, 3,
invifam, EL v. 55.
VOlo I.
invitum, E/. i. 10.
Io, EL iv. 81, v. 28, 106..
Iogernen, Epit. Da, 166.
Ion, Ad. J. Ro. 56, 60.
Icnio, EL i. 23.
Iordanios, Ep. P. B. i. 8.
Jove, £/. vi. 55. In Ob, Pr.
16. In Quint, Nov. 36. Ad
Salf. 13.
Jovem, EL i. 64, ii. 6, vi.
Jovi, EL iii. 16, iv. 26, vii. 22,
EpJl.B. 4.
Jovis, £/. i. 54, v. 37, v ii* 42.
De Id. PL 5, 13. Ad. Patr.
80. Ad J. Ro. 46.
Jovifque, In Ob. Pr. EL 40.
ira, I« 06. Pr. EL 15.
iras, £/. iii 17, vii. 11, 25. In,
Ob. Pr. EL 30.
irata, In Ob. Pr. 38.
iratos, El. iv. 68.
ire, EL ii. 12. In Ob. Pr. 8.
Ad Patr. 68, 76. Epit. Da.
41, 114.
irrigat, Ira Quint. Nov. 136.
irriguas, v4d Patr. 2.
irriguos, Ma/^. 6l.
irrita, EL i. 4&.
irritus, In Quint. Nov. 114.
irruens, Ad Salf. 39.
irruet, £/. vi. 43.
Ifidis, De Jrf. PL 3.4.
Ifidos, I/i Qtfin^. Nov. 186.
ita, 2rc Quijit. Nov. 156.
ltalas, A r a£. &c. 29.
Itali, Ad Salf. 14.
Italus, Ad Patr. 83.
ite, Epit. Da. 18, 26, 35, 44,
50, 57, 62, 68, 74, 81, 87,
93, 112,124,139,161,179,
iter, EL iii. 34, iv. 4 . v. 33.
Ep. P. B. ii. 10. Manf. 53
AdJ.Ro. 17.
iterat, £/. i. 43.
iterum, El. i. 90, iv. 126, r.
104. In Quint. Nov. 128.
Ad J. Ro. 43,
iterumque, El. v. 7»
itidem, Man/. 13. Ad J.Ro.
itque, EL vii. 54,
iture, EL vi. 66.
jubar, EL iii. 54, vii. 16.
jubebas, Ad Pair. 68.
jubeo, In Qtiint. Nov. 160.
Maw/. 25. ^frf J. #o. 75.
jucunda, Ad Patr. 75.
judicia, Ad J. Ro. 83.
judicis, EL vi. 90.
judicium, In Ob. Pr, 41.
juga, EL v. 124.
jugales, El. iv. 9, v. 137*
jugera, £ptY« Da. 149-
jugi, £/. iv. 30. In Quint. Nov.
jugiter, Ad J. Ro. 1$.
jugo, ^d J. ite. 66.
jugum, Add EL vii. 6.
juncofas, EL i. 89.
juncti, Ad Patr. 62.
jungat, JE7. v. 114.
Junonia, EL iii. 81. Nat. &c.
Junonis. Ad Salf. 5.
junxit, Manf. 7.
Jupiter, EL v. 117, 135, vii. 41.
Nat. &c. 16. Ad Patr. 96.
Manf. 70.
jura, In Quint. Nov. 96. Ad
Patr. 72. Manf. 86. Epit.
Da. 207.
jure, Epit. Da. 146.
jurgiaque, In Quint. Nov. 146.
juris, Ad Patr. 109.
jus, EL iii. 18.
juffa, El. i. 8, ii. 16. In Quint.
Nov. 124.
juflit, EL iv. 104. JVaf. &c.
jufius, El. ii. 11.
jufta, EL iv, 82. /» 0b. Pr. El.
jultiffima, Nat. &c. 66.
jufto, ^d J. Ro. 48.
juvabit, -4rf Patr. 50.
juvant, £pi/. Do. 66.
juvat, £/. i 5, 39t iii. 28, v,
50, vii. 80.
juvencae, In Quint, Nov. 185.
juvenci, Epit. Da. 94.
juvenes, EL v. 105. In Quint.
Nov. 217.
juvenefcere, EL ii. 7«
juveni, ^d Patr. 98.
juvenile, A T af. &c. 41.
juvenilia, Ad Patr. 115.
juvenilis, EL vii. 58. 7w Quint.
Nov. 225. ^(/ J. Ro. 5.
juvenis, EL vii. 21. Manf. 26.
juventae, .Epil. D«. 83.
juventam, £/. v. 3.
juventus, El. vi. 63. Epit. Da.
212, 126.
juventutis, Ad Salf 16.
labe, EL vi. 64. £jhY. D«. 212.
labiis, £7. vii. 70.
labor, In Quint. Nov* 114.
Manf. 96.
labore, EL iii. 64.
labores, Ad J. Ro. 73. Manf.
labra, 2sp«7. Da. 157»
laceratus, £/. iv. 101.
lacrymabile, In Quint. Nov. 4$.
lacrymae, Epit. Da. 202, 203.
lacrymans, EL iii. 31.
lacrymante, In 0b. Pr. 16.
lacrymas, Ad Patr. 55.
lacrymis, EL i. 40, ii. 22.
ladeas, In Ob. Pr. El. 60
laenea, El. iv. 34.
lffifitfet, In 0b. Pr. 25.
keta, EL iv. 32, 93 f v. 45.
laetaque, Epit. Da. 21 6.
laetare, Ad J. Ro. 43.
lseto, El. ill. 58. Epit. Da. 140.
laetus, El. i. 20. In Ob. Pr. 34.
In Quint. Nov. 45. Man/.
IsevEi, ^Jc? El. vii. 1.
laeve, 2s7. iv. 2.
lambunt, is/, iii. 45.
lampade, Nat. &c. 27.
lances, Nat. &c. 35.
languentem, El. v. 81.
languentefque, £/. v. 93*
lapfa, El. vi. 48.
lapfu, Nat, &c. 37*
lapfus, El. iii. 22. ^d /. Ro.
lare, JE7. vi. 69.
lares, is7. iv. 126.
laris, El. i. 12.
larga, EL vi. 55.
largus, In Salm. 5.
larva, In Ob. Pr. 15.
lafciva, El. v. 95.
lata, Jra Qzmtf. .Nov. 173. Ad
Patr. 69.
late, El. i. 74, iv. T5. In
Quint. Nov. 187. iVa*. &c.
67. Ad Patr. 47- Man/. 32.
Jatebra, <<4d /. ito. 41
latemus, El. i. 47-
latent, Epit. Da. 54.
latentes, ira Quint. Nov. lp.
lateque, Ira Quint. Nov. 2.
lateri, £/. vii. 42. Ad Patr. 76.
Epit Da. 38.
lates, Ep. P. B. ii. 2.
latet, El. v. 129. Itt Qwi/tf.
Nov. 201.
Latiale, £p. P. B. iii. 3.
latices, £/. iv. 31. Epit. Da.
Latii, Ad Patr. 80.
Latinag, Ad J. Ro. 71.
latit&nfque, El. v. 129-
latitant, In Quint. Nov. 151.
kto, £/. iii, 37. -fa QwVtf. J\ T ov.
latrata, El. vi. 58.
latuere, EL v. 123.
latuit, El. vii. 67.
latus, £/. iv. 109.
laudato, El. i. 63.
laudavit, Ep. J. B. 1.
laudes, In Quint. Nov. 19U
Ad Patr. 55, 11 9. Manf.
43. £piY. Da. 31.
laudi, Man/. 1.
laureta, ^d Patr. 16,
lauri, Maw/. 92. Epit. Da,
lauro, 2i7. v. 13, vi. 16.
laurofque, Ad Patr. 102. Manf,
laus, 2s7. i. 24.
lauto, El. vi. 29.
laxatum, Ad Patr, 3#
laxus, Ad Salf. 39,
lecta, Apol. 2.
le&as, Maw/. 41.
leclo, EL vii. 17- J» Quint*
Nov. 106. Man/. 87*
ledum, Ad Salf. 5.
legat, Epit. Da. 175*
lege, .Epzf, Da. 95, 165.
legentum, u4d J". Ro. 80.
legeris, ^c? /. Ro. 70.
leges, EJ. vii. 1. Nat. &c. 5.
De Id. PI. 5. -4a 7 Patr. 7U
Manf. 9.
legibus, In 0b. Pr. 2.
legit, Apol. 2.
Lemniacos, El. vii. 82.
Lemnon, JWcif. &c. 23.
lene, £/. v. 89.
leni, In Ob. Pr, El. 26*
lenibat, Manf, 64.
lenire, Epit. Da. 45.
lenta, Epit. Da. 180.
lente, EL v. 137.
lento, El. iv. 56. ife/. 74.
leo, ls7. iv. 64.
leones, In Quint. Nov, 8&
Epit. Da. 41.
c 2
Leonora, Ad Leon, i. 3, ii. 1, 3.
lepidos, El, vi, 12.
lepidum, El, i. 7«
lepores, Epit. Da. 56.
lepori, Epit. Da. 14-3.
Lepos, Epit. Da. 127 '.
Lefbium, Ad Salf 22.
Lethaeo, Epit, Da, 201.
lethalia, El. v. 99-
Lethen, In Quint, Nov, 132*
Ad J. Ro. 45.
Lethes, De Id. PL 20.
letho, Epit. Va, 103.
levamen, Ad Salf. 30.
Jevare, EL iv. 58.
leve, EL v. 69.
leves, El, v. 11 6. In Quint*
Nov. 14-9, 161.
levi, EL iii. 44. ,
leviora, iWtf. &c. 53.
levis, EL iii. 47, vi. 49. JEpiY.
Da. 146.
leviflima, In Quint. Nov, 183.
leviter, El, vii. 44.
libafle, Ad Pair, 92.
libata, Epit, Da. 213.
libebit, ^d Pair, 89.
libelle, ^/c? J. Ro. 37.
libens, £p£. Da. 102.
libenter, Ad Salf. 26.
Jiber, El, iv. 16, vi. 51. Ad
J. Ro. i. 13.
libera, El. i. 25.
libet, El. i. 15.
Libitina, El, iii. 4.
libri, £/. i. 26.
libris, EL vi. 82.
Libyco, EL iv. 26.
Libycofque, In Quint. Nov.
licent, El, vi. 53.
licet, El. i. 25, ii. 5, vii. 41,
86. Epit. Da. 171, 172.
licet, De Id. PL 29- Ad Pair.
89. Manf, 58. Epit. Da,
174. Ad J.Ro. 2, 37.
iicuiffet, Epit. Da. 121.
licuit, EL iv. 37.
lilia, £/. iii. 19.
limina, Manf 55.
limine, Nat. &c. 24.
limpida, In Ob. Pr. 20.
lingua, Ad J. Ro. 79.
linguae, El. iv. 38. Ad Patr*
linguas, E^tV. Da. 76.
Unguis, J?i Quint. Nov. 191.
Linon, £/. vi. 68.
linquens, Ad, Salf. 10. Epit.
Da, 111.
linquere, £/. i. 86.
linquis, Epit. Da. 21.
liquentis, In Ob. Pr. EL 3;
liquidam, Ad Leon. iii. 1.
liqujcla, EL v. 15.
liquido, EL iii. 23. Irc Quint.
Nov. 45.
liquit, Ep. P. jB. i. 8.
lite, El. i. 31.
litera, £/* iv. 1.
littora, Epit. Da. 186.
littore, El. iii. 34, iv. 52.
£pc*. Da. 99.
littoreamque, Ad Leon. iii. 3.
littoris, El. iv. 88.
littus, El. v. 106.
liventi, Ma/?/. 89.
livore, Ad J. Ro. 85.
loca, In Quint. Nov. 188, 21 6.
Nat. &c. 42. £piY. Da. 8,
locat, In Quint. Nov. 19.
loci, EL i. 50. la 06. Pr. EL
67. De Id. PL 15.
locis, El. iv. 72, vii. 72.
loco, Ad Salf. 3. Manf. 66.
locorum, In Quint. Nov. 63,
locos, El. iii. 51.
Locro, In Ob. Pr. 16.
locum, In Quint. Nov. 148.
locus, El. i. 14. In Quint. Nov*
Londini, Ad Salf, 9.
Londinum, EL i, 73*
longa, EL v. 36, v. 2. In
Quint. Nov. 155. Manf. 37-
longaeva, Manf. 74.
longam, Epit. Da. 46.
longe, Ad J. Ro. 79-
longeque, In Ob. Pr. El. 56.
longinqua, El. i. 7.
longiffima, In Quint. Nov. 58.
longo, Apol. 5. In Quint. Nov.
166, 197.
longos, De Id. PL 30.
longinquum, Ad J. Ro. 11.
longum, Manf. 25.
longumque, Epit. Da. 29.
ioquacis, Epit. Da. 51.
loquax, In Quint. Nov. 191.
loquelam, Ad. Pair. SO.
loqui, El. iv. 50, vii. 88.
loquitur, Ad Leon. i. 10. Ad
Patr. 85.
lora. El. v; 39.
loro, Ad. Salf 39.
Loxo, Manf 46.
lubrica, Epit. Da. 198.
luce, EL 39, vii. 55. In. Quint.
Nov. 188. Nat. &c. 44. Ad
Patr. 100.
lucem, In Quint. Nov. 54. In
Ob. Pr. EL 38.
lucemque, Ad Patr. 117.
lucentia, In Quint. Nov. 6l.
lucida, Ad Chr. 2.
lucidi, In Ob. Pr. El. 51.
luciferas, El. v. 46.
Luciferi, El. Hi. 50.
luco, El. v. 6*1.
lucos, Je? Salf. 33. Ad J. Ro.
lucratur, Manf. 75.
lucri, Ad Patr. 69.
luchbus, Epit. Da. 8.
luctu, El. vii. 85.
lu&uofa, In Quint. Nov. 43.
Lucumonis, Epit. Da. 128.
lucus, EL i. 49, v. 132, 133.
iudit, EL v. 117.
liadunt, Epit. Da. 94.
luge, El. ii. 21.
luget, Jw Ob. Pr. 3L
luimus, ^4d J. Ro. 27.
kit, £/. i. 46.
lumbos, In Qui?it. Nov. 84.
lumen, De Id. PL 25.
lumina, EL i. 55, iv. 37, v. 88,
94, vi..68, vii. 15, $9- dd
' Leon. ii. 7. In Quint. Nov.
154, 186, 187. In Ob. Pr.
El. 2. Ad Patr. 98. Epit.
Da. 194. Ad J. Ro. 71.
lumine, i>* Quint. Nov. 134,
Manf.71, 99-
luminibus, £/. vii. 59*
lima, Epit. Da. 140.
lunse, De Id. PL 18.
lupos, I» Qwi/iJ. .BToiu 89.
EpzY. Da. 42.
lupus, Epit. Da. 27.
lurida, Ep. I. B. 3. Nat. &c,
luridum, /# Quifit. Nov. 35.
lu fit, <4d. /. Pio. 8.
luftra, Ira Quint. Nov. 87.
luftrabam, ££. iv. 30.
luftmlibus, EL vi. 65.
luftrarit, Manf 71.
luflrifles, In Ob. Pr. 35.
lufus, Apol. 7, ^ P^r. 115.
lufuque, Epit. Da. 85.
lutea, Manf. 39.
lux, £/. vi. 88, vii. 14, 62.
Epit. Da. 156.
.luxi, EL iii. 13.
luxu, Ad J. Ro. 28.
luxuriat, EL v. 125.
luxuriofa, EL v. 58.
luxus, ^ Salf 39.
Lyaeum, £/. vi. 21.
Lycambis, In Ob. Pr. EL 21. .
Lycaonius, EL v. 35.
Lycidae, Epit. Da. 132.
Lydorum, Epit. Da. 138.
lympha, El. v. 83, vi. 6l.
lynces, Manf. 69.
lyra, Epit. Da. 218.
ivr», Ad Leon, ii. 6.
Lyricen, El. vi. 27.
Machaon, In Ob. Pr. 23.
machina, Nat. &c. 69.
maculofi, Man/, 69.
madeant, EL ii. 22.
madens, £/. vi. 27*
madentes, Jw 06. Pr. EL 1.
madidis, Mff«/. 87.
madidos, EL v. 63.
Maenalius, EL v. 125.
magis, In Quint. Nov. 33. -^c?
Patr. 19, 25, 73. jEpif. Da.
magifter, In Salm. H. 3. J»
Qtwwf. i^ov. 17.
magiftra, ^(dd. £/. vii. 4.
magittri, EL i. 15, vi. 59»
magiftro, Epit. Da. 154.
magiftrum, Epit. Da. 67*
magna, EL ii. 17, iii- 14.
magnanimo, EL iv. 124,
magnanimos, Manf. '83.
magni, Mmtf* 24.
magnis, Ad Salf. 3, 8.
magniloquis, ^fi Pa£r. 81.
magno, Manf, 6, 73.
magnos, Epit, Da. 41.
magnum, Manf. 58.
magnus, £/. iv. 25. In Quint.
Nov. 11 6. De Id. PL 33.
Epit. Da. 190.
Maie, El. vii. 14.
major, Ep. J. B. 3. -4&? Leon.
i. 3. Jm 06. Pr. 29. De /g 7 .
P/. 24.
majora, ^tf 1 Pa^r. 78, 95.
mala, £/. iv. 124, vi. 19. Ep.
P. B. u 4. Manf. 39. ^d J.
Jlo. 37.
matt, E/. i. 14, v. 129, vii. 59.
Nat. &c. 11. Ad Patr. 71.
uialedidtio, In Quint. Nw, 100.
male fid ae, EL i. $7.
malefidus, Ira Quint. Nov. 131 =
malefanus, /4c? Patr. 93.
mali, ££ vii. 62. In Ob. Pr.
EL 7.
male-, ApoL 1. JVatf. &c. 18.
malorum, EL iv. 71,
malum, ^/?e>/, 4.
malus, £/. vii, 65. Add, EL
vii. 3. -E/ttY. Da. 48.
mane, Nat. &c. 47.
manent, Is/, vi. 49. Epit, Da,
Manes, In Quint. Nov. 149.
Ad Patr. 23. Maw/ 15.
manet, EL v. 51.
manibus, Jra Quint. Nov. 59*
manifeftum, EL iv. 57.
Manfe, Manf. 1, 2, 25.
manfuefcit, ^d Pa/r. 3£.
manfueti, Manf 60.
Manfus, £/>#. Da. 182.
manu, £/. vi. 38. Ad Chr. 6.
manus, EL iii. 28, iv. 52, 67 t
100, vi. 64, vii. 40. ApoL 8«
Ad J. Ro. 4.
manufque, In Ob. Pr. 2.
marcefcant, EL iii. lp.
marcefcet, Nat. &c. 8.
marcefcit, Epit. Da. 65.
Mareotidas, In Quint, Nov,/
mari, EL v. 104.
maria, Epit. Da. 119*
Mariana, In Quint. Nov. 127,
Marini, Manf. 51.
marine-, In Quint. Nov. 26.
Marinum, Manf 8.
maris, E/«f. Da. 185.
marmor, -^d Patr. 8S.
marmore, £/. iii. 5. Manf 91,
marmoreas, £/. v. 105.
Maro, £/. i. 24.
Mars, EL iv. 78.
marfupii, In Salm. II. 4.
Marte, In Quint, Nov, 115.
itfflfi/. S3.
Martem, EL iv. 77.
Maurufius, Ad Pair, 40.
Maffica, EL vi. 31.
mater, EL v. 82, 126. Nat.
&g. 9- De Id. PL 3.
maternae, Ad Leon. ii. 6.
matre, £/. vi. 52.
matris y EL v. 96. Jrc Quint.
Nov. 181.
matutino, £/. iii. 40, v. 54.
matutinum, EL vii. 16.
mavis, I» Quint. Nov. 106.
Mavortigenae, /» Quint. Nov.
maxima, Ad Pair. 9.
maxime, EL vii. 4.
maximus, De /d. P/. 38.
Mecaenatis, Man/. 4.
medentum, In Ob. Pr. 22.
E^r. Da. 150, 153.
medias, £/. i. 80, vii. 54.
medica, EL ii. 9.
medicos, £/. v. 73. Epit. Da,
mediis, In Ob. Pr. 32.
medio, In Quint. Nov. 12.
Epit. Da. 51, 185.
meditata, EL vi. 89. J« Quint,
Nov. 203.
meditantur, Manf:l.
meditatur, Ad Patr. 7.
Melanchsetemque, J» Quint.
Nov. 71.
meliora, £p. P. 5. ii. 3.
melioribus, EL iv. 125.
melius, £/. v. 85, vii. 43. Ad
Patr. 40.
mellitafque, EL v. 68.
melos, In Salm. H. 8. Ad
Patr. 37. ^ Salf. 22. ^ft*
/.Bo. 11.
membra, EL iii. 35, iv. 101.
InOb.Pr. 41.
membratim, J/t Quint, JVcw.
memento, £/. iv. 123.
memini, EL iii. 9, J£,
meminifle, Epzf. D«. 125.
meminiftis, Epit. Da. 2.
meminit, El. vii. 33.
Memnoniamque, EL i. 66*.
memor, 22/. iv. 50, vii. 65. In
Quint. Nov. 102.
memorant, Man/. 46.
memoraffe, In Quint. Nov*
memoria, De Id. PL 3.
Menalcam, Epit. Da. 132.
mendaces, Epit. Da. 167.
mendax, In Quint. Nov. 192.
mendicantum, In Quint. Nov,
mens, EL v. 15. Ad Leon. i. 5.
Nat. &c. 2. £piY. Da, 14.
men fa, 22/. vi. 29.
menfas, Man/ 82.-
menfus, £/. iii. 34.
mente, ^aW. EL vii. 1, Man/,
98. £ptf. Da. 145.
mentem, ^a 7 Patr. 73.
mentes, Epit. Da. 197.
menti, De Id. PL 12. Ad
Patr. 114.
mentis, El. vi. 30. Maw/*. 77-
meofque, In Quint. Nov. 202.
meque, EL i. 10. Ire Quint,
Nov. 202.
merces, £/>/£. Da. 173.
meremur, Epit. Da. 173,
merenti, Ad Patr. 111.
merito, EL iv. 59. Ad Patr,
Merlini, Epit. Da. 168.
mero, EL iv. 32, vi. 54.
merui, Ad Chr. 3.
meruifti, In Quint. Nov. 194?.
merum, El. vi. 24.
meffes, El. v. 59. 22piY. Da,
metallis, Epif. Da. 177.
metiri, Nat. &c. 4.
metra, EL vi. 32.
metu, In Quint. Nov, 125«
metuenda, EL iii. 6.
metuit, EL iii. 8. Add. El.
vii. 9.
metus, El. iv. 106, vii. 50.
micant, El. v. 100.
micuerunt, In Quint. Nov. 80.
migrabis, De Id. PL 39- '
miles, EL i. 30.
milite, El. i. 82, iv. 93. In
Quint. Not. 108.
milites, In Ob. Pr. El. 47.
nrilitiae, El. vi. 8.
mille, EL Hi. 25, vii. 72. In
Quint Nov. 75, 147. Ad
' Patr. 58.
millenifque, In Quint. Nov.
millia, EL iv. 108.
3 millibus, Ad Patr. 59. ,Ep*V.
Da. JOS.
Milto, ^/ &?//: 9.
milvas, J5p£. D«. 103.
rcinaci, EL vii. 49.
minantis, EL vii. 19.
minas, El. i. 15, vii. 26. Jw
06. Pr. El. 28.
minatus, Z?i Salm. H. 7-
minax, Ep. P. B. iii. 4.
jViinervse, Manf. 21.
miniftra, £/. i. 78.
miniftros, In Quint. Nov. 164.
minorem, Nat. &c. 58.
minuit, In Quint. Nov. 193.
minus, El. vii. 96. ^ Salf. 3.
miracula, £/. i. 53.
mirandus, Epit. Da. 103.
mirantur, Epit. Da. 82.
mirata, El. i. 35.
miratus, In Ob. Pr. El. 6l.
miretur, EL iii. 22.
miror, EL iii. 52.
mirum, El. vi. 35. Ad Leon. i.
3. Ad Patr. 6l. Epit. Da.
mifcebor, Ad Patr. 103.
mifcet, El. vii. 22. -E/hY. Da.
mifer, £/. vii. 27, 100. ^/^
Xeo//.- ii. 3. In Ob. Pr. EP
31. Epit. Da. 4, 86.
miferat, El. iv. 92.
miferatus, Ad. I. Ro. 26.
miferefcit, In Quint. Nov. 220.
miferis, EL v. 135.
mifero, EL vii. 75.
miferius, In Salm, 3.
mifi, EL vii. 59-
mifimus, Manf. 41.
mifit, jE/. iii. 62, iv. 11(>,
miffa, In Ob. Pr. El. 35.
miliums, Ep. P. B. i, 5.
miffus, EL ii. 14, iv. 12.
Manf. 26. ^rf J. Jlo. 15.
mifta, El. vi. 18. Epit. Da.
mite, I?i Ob. Pr. 45.
miti, JJfe/. 71 .
mitia, £/. v. 60.
mitis, Ep. P. B.\. 3.
mittet, EL iv. 52.
mitto, El. vi. 1,
modeftos, EL iv. 49.
modico, ^d Pair. 43.
modis, £/. vi. 22.
modo, EL iv. 48, 6l, v. 24, vi.
79, vii. 51, 52, 101. Ep. P.
jB. iv. 1. In Salm. H. 6. In
Quint. Nov. 193. Manf 83.
Epit. Da. 37. Ad J. Ro. 25.
modos, El. i. 92, ii. 23. Epit.
Da. 89.
modulamen, Ad Patr. 50.
modulantes, Manf. 30.
modulantefque, EL vi. 85.
modulatur, El. v. 113.
modulis, E/. vi. 7, ^/c? Pa£r,
modulos, EL v. 26.
mcenia, El. i. 75, 86 iv. 14.
mcenibus, EL iv. 113.
mcerct, El. i. 45.
mcefta, EL ii. 24. J/* 0&. Pr.
EL 5. In Quint. Nov. 11.
moellaque, In Quint, Nov. 135.
inoeftas, EL iv. 66.
mceftus, El. iii. 1.
mole, In Ob. Pr. EL 37.
Nat. &c. 58.
moleftum, Ad Pair. 92.
molle, Epit. Da. 48.
molles, El. i. 13.
raolli, Ire 06. Pr. 42. In QwVtf.
JNTor. 76.
mollia, El. vii. 6.
mollior,£/. v. 87- Epit. Da. 130.
mollique, Ad J. Ro. 28.
mollis, Man/. 12.
molliter, £Z. vi. 38. Man/. 90.
Molyos, El. i. 88.
mone, Ire Quint. Nov. 123.
monitis, El. iv. 40.
monftra, De Id. PL 36.
monftrificam, El. vi. 73.
monftrofus, In Quint. Nov. 37.
monte, Ep. P. B. ii. 2.
montes, EL iv. 29.
montibus, El. v. 1 S . IVa £.&c. 64.
monumenta, De Itf*. P/. 5.
AdJ.Ro. 51.
Mopfus, iipif. Da. 75, 76.
mora, El. iii. 35, v. 33, vii. 69.
Iji Quint. Nov. 208.
mora?, In Ob. Pr. 8. Ad Pair.
moras, EL iv. 3, 70.
moratam, In Mor. 2.
morborum, Ad Salf. 24.
mordaces, Epit. Da. 46.
more, In Quint. Nov. 211.
Ad Pair. 44. Manf. 45.
morem, De Id. PL 14.
mores, £/. vi. 64.
morefque, Manf. 21.
Mori, In Mor. 1.
moriens, Maw/. 13.
morientibus, Epit. Da. 40.
morientis, Epit. Da. 122.
morigeramque, In Mor. 2.
mors, £/. ii. 4, iii. 6, 16. In
Ob. Pr. 5. I« OK Pr, EL
31, 32.
mortalia, Ad Leon. i. 7.
mortalibus, EL vii. 63.
mortem, In Ob. Pr. 10.
mortis, In Ob. Pr. 40.
mota, EL vii. 18. ^o/. 6.
motu, EL v. 11. I?i Quint,
Nov. 199.
movens, 17. i. 44.
movent, EL v. 68.
movere, -4d Leow. ii. 6.
mo vet, JSpzV. Da. 92.
movit, Ep. P. B. iii. 4.
mox, Ire QttzVtf. iVox?. 213. Ad
J. Ro. 10.
mucrone, El. vii. 47.
mugentium, In Salm. 9.
mulcebit, £Z. v. sg. Ad Salf.
mulcentem, EL iv. 42.
mulcenturque, Manf. 69.
mul&ralia, In Quint. Nov.
multa, Ad Salf. 17.
multaque, EL vii. 7.
multam, EL iv. 47.
multicolore, £/. iii. 42.
multis, I« Quint. Nov. 6l.
multo, ^c?d El. vii. 8.
multorum, £/. vi. 49.
multum, EL i. 5. 2?pzf. Da*
133, 170.
mundi, Nat. &c. 37, 69. Ad
Pair. 47. Jlfe/. 36, 97.
munditieque, Ad J. Ro. 3.
mundo, In Quint. Nov. 40.
munera, EL v. 76. Ep. P. B.
ii. 3. Ad Pair. 8, 113. Mmj/;
38. Epit. Da. 134.
munere, EL v. 6, 7. «^fl? Pair,
muneribus, £/. v. 76.
muniffe, Nat. &c. 17.
munus, EL i. 91. Ad Salf.
murmur, EL i. 90*
murmura, Ad Leon. iii. 6. I?i
Quint. Nov. 184, 212. Epit.
Da. 4, 130.
murmuraque, El. iv. 122.
murmure, Nat. &c. 53.
muros, EL iii. 7. In Quint.
Nov. 176.
Mufa, El. i. 69, v. 30, yi. 3,
22. Ad Pair. 5. Ad Say. I,
Man/. 8.
Mufae, El- vii. 45.
Mufam, Mow/. 27.
Mufarum, ^d /. #<>• 02.
Mufas, EL v. 41. ^<* i^r.
56. Man/. 55. ^d /. &"•
mufcarum, Irc Qmm*. Nov. 173.
mufco, Epit. Da. 7 U .
JHufis, £/. i. 25, ii. 18, iv. 51.
EjuY. Da. 126.
mufta, El.Vu 12.
mutata, Ep. P. B.iv.3. JEp**.
Do. 170.
mutavit, ^d ieon. m. o.
mutua, In Quint. Nov. 14.
mutum, El. iii. 26.
inutus, Ad Leon. i. 10.
Mycalen, Man/. 22.
Myrmidonum, £/. iv. 28.
myrti, Man/. 92.
myrteti, Epit. Da. 66
reyrtos, Epit. Da. 131.
nablia, El. iii. 65.
na&us, Epit. Da. 73. Ad J.
Ro. 69.
ngenia, El. ii. 24.
Naiade, El. vii. 24.
Narcifius, Nat. &c. 6l.
nafcentem, Man/. 71.
Nafo, £/• vi. 19- I» ^ ™
£/. 18.
nafum, El. i. 34.
■avita, £*. v. 115.
nata, El. iii. 48. In Ob. Pr.
E/. 34. In Quint. Nov.
Natalibus, El. vi. 87.
natat, In Quint. Nov. 95.
nate, El. iii. 63, 64, 96. In
Quint. Nov. 92.
nati, In Quint. Nov. 60. Nat.
&c. 25.
nato, Ad Patr. 97, 98.
natura, In Quint. Nov. 158.
Nat. &c. 9. De Id. P/. 13.
natus, Man/. 22.
Neapoli, Ad Leon. iii. 1.
necdum, El. iv. 37-
necem, El. iv. 108. I» Ob. Pr,
El. 24
neci,' JEUv. 16. In Ob. Pr. El.
necis, El. vii. 38.
ne&are, El. i. 58.
neftens, Man/. 91, 92.
nedum, -<4d Patr. 10.
nefas, .JVa*. &c. 17.
nefandos, Ad J. Ro. 29.
negantia, El. i. 13.
negas, In Quint. Nov. 107.
negavit, In Quint. Nov. 158.
neget, In Mor. 2.
negle&o, £pjV. Da. 65.
nemoris, Ad Patr. 16.
nemorum, De Id. PI. 1.
nemorumque, Epit. Da. 6.
nemus, El. iv. 26. £j"*. D««
130, 176.
Neobulen, /« Ob. Pr. El. 22.
nepos, Man/. 72.
nepotes, /» 06. Pr. El. 4. ^(*
JT. Ro. 81.
Neptunia, /« Qwwtf. -Nov. 27.
Neptuno, J» 06. Pr. El. 10.
nequid, I» Quint. Nov. 12$. ^
nequit, El. iii. 38, iv. 58, vii,
nequitiae, Add. El. vii. 2.
Nereus, JVtf*. &c 27%
nervis, Eh v, 99.
nefcio, EL vji. 100, Epit. X>a.
nefcis, El, vii. 31.
nefcit, EL i. 36.
Neffi, In Ob. Pr 9 11.
neve, £/. i. 24, iv. 70, v, 40,
yii. 60, 86.
ni, 4<* P^r. 9?-
nidantibus, In Quint. Nov. 22.
nidum, Ad Salf, 10.
niger, In Quint. Nov. 78.
nigra, EL ii. 22. 4d Pair. 118.
Maw/. 62.
nigri, In Quint. Nov. 135.
nigro, EL vi. 75.
nihil, ^Zd Pair. 18, 108.
nil, £/. iv. 3, 4. ^Zd Pafr. 19.
Ep#, Da. 91, 92, 154.
nimbifer, In Quint. Nov. 50.
nimbos, EL v. 136.
nimii, Ad J. Ro. 6.
nimis, EL ii. 18.
nimium, EL i. 75. 4c? &*£/*•
Ninon, EL i. 66.
nifi, EL vi. 21. % P. B. iii.
8. ^ Patr. 14. £p#. P«.
27, 147.
nitens, EL vi. 65. Ad J. Rot3.
nitentes, Irc Ob. Pr. EL 62.
nitido, EL iii. 54.
nitidum, £p#. Da. 215.
•nitor, .4 a 7 C^r. 5.
nitrati, Z« Quint. Nov. 120.
nituit, -E/. iii. 42.
nivofam, Epit. Da. 114.
nobile, Man/. 60.
nobileque, £/. iii. 29.
nobilioris, Ad J. Ro. 55.
nobilis, EL i. 45, 50.
nocenda, In Ob. Pr. EL 29*
nocere, EL vii. 34.
node, EL iv. 10, 114, v. 39,
43. In Quint. Nov. 22.
Men/. 37.
fiodem, EL vii. 15. Nat, &c.
3, Epit, Da. 8.
nodes, EL v. 13$, J» QmnU
Nov. 76.
no&is, £/. v. 33. In Ob. Pr. EL
32. Man/, 31.
nodurno, EL v, 115.
nodurnos, Iw Quint. Nov, 138.
nomen, £/, i. 19, iv. 15. In
Quint. Nov. 27- In Ob. Pr.
EL 14. Ad Patr. 120. Man/.
nomenque, J» Salm. 7*
nomina, Man/. 7. Epit. Da,
136, Ad J. Ro. 70.
nomine, De Id. PL 32. Man/.
24. £p#. Da. 21,210.
nominis, -4c? Pttfr. 60.
nondum, In Ob. Pr. EL 2. Ad
Patr. 42.
nonne, El. iii. 17.
noram, El. vii. 1.
n6rint, £piY. Da. 211.
norit, iWa«/. 79-
nofcere, El. vi. 80.
n.6fle, Ad Patr. 89.
nota, ^4c? Patr. 43. £?**. Z)*.
notabam, El. vii. 6l.
not&rat, Epit. Da. 75.
noti, £/wY. Da. 138.
nova, I'm Qwi?tf. Nov. 102. 4i
J. Ho. 43.
novam, Im 06. Pr. EL 6l.
novellis, £/. v. 25.
Novembris, In Quint. Nov.
noveni, El. vi. 18. De Id. PL 2,
novimus, Ad Patr. 7.
novis, £/. v. 99. Epit. Da. 157.
novo, EL iv. 34. 35. v. 100. In
Quint. Nov. 5. Man/. 69.
novos, EL i. 35. v. 2.
novum, El. hi. 6l.
novus, Ad Patr. S3.
nox, In Quint. Nov. 69.
noxamque, El. iv. 59.
noxas, Ad J. Ro. 27.
noxque, EL iii. 36.
nube, Ad Fatr. go. Epit. Da.
nubes, El. iv. 16. In Quint,
Nov. 48. 209.
nubila, Epit. Da. 84.
nucibus, Epit. Da. 48.
nuda, El. i. 13. Man/. 48.
nudaque, ^4f/ Pctfr. 91.
nuditatem, 7/i aSa/w?. 4.
nulla, P/. iv. 110. Irc Quint.
Nov. 226. Epit. Da. 213.
nullis, P/. iv. 10$.
nullo, El. iii. 1.
nulloque, In Quint. Nov. 152.
Nat. &c. 6.
huIIus, P/. vii. 91.
num, iVctf. &c. 12.
Nnma, ^ Sfljf. 34.
numen, P/. vii. 4. Ep. P. B.
ii. 3.
numenque, In Ob. Pro. 21.
numerabant, Epit. Da. 10.
numerabere, El. vii. 29.
numeravimus, AdPatr. 13.
numerique, ^/d Pfitfr. 51.
numero, Epit. Da. 22.
numeroque, Ad J. Ro. 48.
numeros, El. vi. 23, 50. ^g?
Fatr. 58.
numero fo, In Quint. Nov. 108.
numina, El. v. 132, 133. In
Quint. Nov. 130. hi Ob. Pr.
El. 29. Ad Fatr. 48. JE/wY.
Da. 19.
numine, £7. vi. 36\
numinis, De Id. PL 2.
nummi, Ad Pair. 70.
numquid, Epit. Da. 147.
nunc, El.v. 37,97, 113, 119-
vi. 37, 57, 58. vii. 28, 69.
Apol. 12. In Ob. Pro. 31. In
Quint. Nov. 141, 193. Ad
Fatr. 1, 36, 93. Epit. Da.
143, 144. Ad J. Ro. 78.
nuncia, El. i. 2.
nunquam, El. i. 20. JEJpjf. Da.
nuntia, P/. iv. 71, 93. J/i (?3»
P/\ P/. 8.
nuntius, El. ii. 12.
nuntii, Ad J. Ro. 37.
nuper, Ep. P. P. i. 1. In Quint.
Nov. 105. 7« 06. Pr. El. 4,
Man/*. 28.
nurus, El. i. 68.
nutantia, In Quint. Nov. 187.
nutat, Manf. 66.
nymph a, El. v. 128.
nymphae, El. i. 67. Epit. Da.
53, 82.
nymphas, El. vii. 23.
nymphis, P/. iv. 7.
oberrat, P/. v. 9. vii. 71,
oberro, Epit. Da. 58.
obitque, Nat. &c. 49-
obliquo, Epit. Da. 80.
oblita, Ad Fatr. 4. JEpiY. Da*
1, 170.
oblite, Jw Quint. Nov. $3.
obliviofas, De Id. PL 20.
objecit, El. vii. 65. Epit. Da.
obfeuris, Epit. Da. 22.
obfcuros, Ad Pair. 103.
obfecrante, ^rf J. Ro. 16.
obfeffum, ,4d Salf. 38.
obfita, IVtfi. &c. 8.
obfitus, P/. iv. 107-
obftet, EL iv. 3.
obftitit, In Quint. Nov. 221.
obtigit, Ad Leon. i. 2.
obvia, EL vii. 59-
obvius, JVfl*. &c. 20.
occidua, P/. i. 3.
occiduis, J« Quint. Nov. 157 •
occifo, EL iv. 15.
occifum, In 0b. Pr. 14.
occultique, In Quint, Nov. 6*
occultam, El. vi. 78.
occurrit, In Quint. Nov, %%6.
^ceani, Nat. &c. 58. Manf
ocellis, In Quint. Nov. 145.
Manf. 87.
do ratis, Nat. &c. 45.
odoratos, £/. vi. 44.
odorem, Nat. &c. 6l.
odoriferas, El. iii. 47.
odoriferum, Epit. Da. 185.
Odryfios, EL iv. 78.
Oedipodiniam, iVa^. &c. 3.
Oeta, Jfo 05. Pr. 12.
officia, Jlfog/: 18.
officio, EL ii. 4, vii. 94.
officium, EL iv. 60, v. 48.
Ogygiiimque, El. vi. 68.
olentia, In Quint. Nov. 35.
olim, EL i. 63, iii. 14, iv. 97-
Add. El. vii. 1. I» 06. Pr.
EL 49. jVW. &c. 39, 68.
y4a\ J. Ho. 5.
oliva, £/. iv. 79-
«3ivifer&, In Quint. Nov. 15.
olli, In Quint. Nov. 182.
Olympi, I» Ob. Pr. EL 63.
Olyrapius, Nat. &c. 21.
Olympo, £/. v. 19, 79, U7,
vii. 21. /« Qwiwi. iVVc'. 8.
Nat. kc. 46. Maw/. 100.
Olympum, Ad Pair. 30.
Olympus, Epit. Da. 190.
omne, £/. iv. 58, v. 26. In
Sahn. 8. Epit. Da. 25, 176.
•mn«R),.I» Qwi/tf, iVov. 21 9,
omnes, £/»V. Da. 95, 177.
omnia, El. iii. 39. i«. Quint.
Nov. 224. JEpz'f. Da. 171,
omnibus, EL v. 3.
omniferas, £/. v. 58.
omniparum, Nat. &c. 10.
omnis, EL vii. 100.
omnipotens, JVa£. &c. 33.
onagri, EjmY. Da. 98.
onus, EL vii. 68. Ad Patr.
opacse, £/. v. 33.
ope, EL i. 88, v. 48. Ep. P. B.
ii. 6.
opem, £/. iv. 86, vii. 46.
operata, Manf. 42. Epit. Da.
operifque, In Quint. Nov. 164.
operofa, Ad J. Ro. 3.
operofo, Manf, ]6.
operum, -<4d /. Ro. 54.
opes, £/. iii. 41, 47, iv. 36, v«
78. Ad Patr. 93.
opibufque, In Quint. Nov. 31.
Opim, EL v. 62.
oportet, Manf. 70.
opprimit, In Quint. Nov. 92.
optaret, EL vii. 63.
optat, Ad Salf. 17. ^ /. Ko.
optatas, .EZ. vi. 4.
optatos, £/. v. 72.
optime, Ad Patr. 78.
opulenta, Ad J. Ro. 58.
opum, Ad Patr. 13.
opus, EL iv. 40, 46, v. 8, 30.
I« Qu*/?£. JVov. 214. Ad
Pair. 7, 17- %'*- Da. 41,
ord, JS/. i.3, 38, 11, 15, iv. 32,
v. 84, vi. 78. Ad Chr. 4.
!« Qiwtf. Nov. 91. Ad Patr.
2, 80. Manf. 52. £jwf. Da.
oras, El. iv. 11, 115, Manf
34. Epit. Da. 113.
©rbe, Ml. v. 9T-
orbem, In Ob. Pr. 3. In Quint.
Nov. 9. Nat. &c. 67. Manf.
©rbes, Ad Pair. 35. Epit. Da.
173, 195.
©rbi, Ad J, Ro. 21.
orbis, El. i. 76. In Quint. Nov.
Orcada, El. v. 127-
Orcades, Epit. Da. 178.
Oreo, Epit. Da. 201. Ad Patr.
118. Manf. 18,
Orcum, El. vii. 83.
ordine, Nat. &c. 35.
•rdines, In Ob. Pr. El. 49*
De Id. PI. 17.
ordinibus, Ad Leon. i. 2.
©re, £/. ii. 2, iii. 15, 54, 62,
iv. 10, v. 21, 53, 59 f vii. 49.
In Ob. Pr. 44. In Quint.
Nov. 37. Ad Patr. 83. ^4d
Sff£/: 22. Epit. Da. 207.
©rgia, In Quint. Nov. 65. Epit.
Da. 219.
ori, El. vii. 69.
origine, Ad Patr. 19*
Orion, El. vii. 59- /» Ob. Pr.
El. 54. ytfd Patr. 39.
©ris, £/. iii. 49. In Quint. Nov.
©riundus, In Ob. Pr. EL 66.
ornare, Ad Patr. 41.
©rnata, Ad Leon. iii. 7.
ornavit, El. iii. 43.
orni, Manf. 68.
ornos, JEptf . Da. 69*
Orphea, Ad Patr. 52.
Orpheon, El. vi. 70.
orta, El. v. 104. Maw/ 72.
ortus, Ad Patr. 18.
©fcitantia, Ad J. Ro. 38.
©fcula, El. vii. 23. In QwVtf.
Nov. 52.
Ofiridem, De Id. PI. 31.
ofia, £/. iv. 106, vi, 46. Ift
Qw&tf, Nov* 144. ifeftm/*
Oflae, In Quint. Not. 174.
oftendit, De Id. PI. 28.
oftentat, Eh v. 77,
otia, £/. i. 18. Ad Patr. ?5<
otiofa, De Id. PI. 4.
otium* Ad J. R*. 28.
oves, El. iv. 18. £jm*. Da. 117,
ovilia, In Quint, Nov. 179.
ovium, Epit. Da. 66.
Oxonia, Ad J* Ro, 64.
pabula, Epit. Da. 97.
pace, In Quint. Nov. 15, 31.
Manf 93.
paciferum, El. vi. 8.
pacificufque, In Quint. Not,
pacla, El. vi. 82.
Paean, Ad Salf 25.
pagina, El. vi. 24. ^e? PafcV
Palaeftinus, Ad Patr. 85.
Pales, Epit. Da. 32*
Palladi, El. ii. 18.
Palladis, Iw Ob. Pr. 13.
Palladium, El. ii. 2.
Pallas, JVaf. &c. 22.
Palladiufque, Epit. Da. 34.
Palladio, In Ob Pr. 33.
Palladis, De Id. PI. 11.
pallentes, itfd Patr. 25.
palmae, £/>&. Da. 216.
paludes, El. i. 89.
palus, Epit. Da. 152.
Pan, Epit. Da. 52.
pandens, In Quint. Nov. 133*
pandit, £/. iii. 31, v. 58.
Pandrafidos, Epit. Da. 163.
pangit, Ad Patr. 26.
panificofque, In Quint. Nvt*
Papas, In Salm. H. 6. In
Quint. Nov. 124.
Papicolum, In Quint. Nov.
Papiftarum, In Quint. Nov. 201.
Paphia, Man/. 92.
Paphiis, El. v. 60.
Paphio, EL vii. 2.
Paphon, El. i. 84.
papyrinos, In Salm. 5.
par, Ad Pair. 10.
parafie, El. iv. 74.
paratu, £/. vi. 29.
Parca?, //« 06. Pr. 2.
Parcam, ^o* Pa£r. 29-
Parcarum, Man/. 19.
parce, EL viL 93. £p. P. B.
ii. 4.
Parcis, £p. P. B. i. 8.
parcius, In Ob. Pr. EL 20.
parem, Epit. Da. 108.
parens, El. iv. 87. .^po/. 12.
In Ob. Pr. 18. ^ Pair. 87.
parenti, -4d Pafr. 65.
parentis, Ad Pair, 5, 77, 119.
-4d /. Ho. 58.
parere, In Ob. Pr. 1.
paribus, Nat. &c. 50. Epit.
Da. 98.
parili, Maw/. 53.
parit, EL v. 22.
pariter, In Quint* Nov* 162,
217, 218. Nat. &c. 45.
Parnafii, Ad J. Ro. 66.
Parnaffide, Man/. 92.
Parnaflides, Ad Patr. l6.
paro, EL i. 86.
pars, EL iv. 19, vii. 78. Ad
Patr. 101.
parte, EL iv. 22, 58. E/>. P. £.
i. 3. Irc Quint. Nov. 49.
Marc/. 97. Epit. Da. 190.
partes, E/. vii. 71.
participes, In Quint. Nov. 11.
Parthenopes, Ad Leon. iii. 2.
Paribus, £/. vii. 36.
partu, In Quint. Nov. 142.
parva, EL iv. 68. ^j?of, 10.
Man/. 90.
parve, £/. vii- 7. «^<* /• £•
parvum, EL i. 91.
paruere, In Quint. Nov, 165.
parum, In Quint. Nov. 209-
pafcere, EL iv. 18, 37.
pafcua, Nat. &c. 47* £/>#•
Da. 58.
pafleribus, EL vii. 7-
paffer, JBpi*. Da. 101.
pafiibus, Nat. &c. 11.
paffus, EL iv. 70.
pallor, JEX iv. 41, v. 113.
paftorem, Epit. Da. 12.
paftores, Epit. Da. 30, 126,
paftorefque, Epit. Da. 54.
pailoribus, Epit. Da. 7$.
patebit, Ep. P. B. iii. 8.
patent, EL v. 18. In Quint.
Nov. 175.
patentia, In Quint. Nov. 2.
pater, EL iv. 78. In Quitit.
Nov. 8, 221. Nat. &c. 33.
^rfParr.6, 68,78,95, 111.
Man/. 25.
patet, I» Qawtf. Nov. 98. Ad
Patr. 69*
patitur, Man/. 37.
patre, EL vi. 84. In Quint.
Nov. 72. In Ob. Pr. EL 32,
patrem, Nat. &c. 15.
patres, In Quint. Nov. 118.
patria, EL i. 10, iv. 87.
patrieios, In Quint. Nov. 117.
patrii, EL iii. 63, iv. 85.
patriis, EL vi. 89. Epit. Da.
patrio, Ad J. Ro. 10.
patrios, EL i. 17, iv. 126.
patris, EL i. 34, ii. 14. In Ob.
Pr. EL 41. Ad J. Ro. 19.
patrium, Ad Patr. 30.
patronus, EL i. 31.
patrum, El. iv. 43.
patuere, El. iv. 62.
patuit, Apol. 7. Ad Patr.
patuli, In Quint, Nov. 1S4.
pauca, Ad Salf. 6.
paiicaque, El. i. 92.
paulum, El. iv. 49. Epit. Da.
Paulus, El iv. 102.
paupere, El. vi. 83.
Paufilipi, Ad Leon. iii. 6.
pavidi, In Quint. Nov. 151.
pavido, El. iv. 11 7.
pavidos, El. iv. 63.
pecorifque, Epit. Da. 14.
pecorumque, In Quint. Nov.
pe&ine, Ad J. Ro. 10.
pe&ora, El. i. 44, iv. 65, v. 1 1 ,
vii. 45. -4o*o\ £/. vii. 8. Ad
Patr. 1, 110. Ma?//. 48.
Mpit. Da. 45.
pedtore, El. iii. 31, iv. 124. In
Ob. Pr. El. 19. Nat. &c. 3.
Epit. Da. 107.
pedtus, El. i. 6, iii. 29, vi. 78,
vii. 12, 72. -fa Qwm£. IV01?.
18. In Ob. Pr. El. 15.
pedtvifque, Epit. Da. 193.
peculi, Ad J. Ro. 48.
pecus, El. iii. 26. iVaf. &c.
46. Epit. Da. 25.
pede, El. iv. 98. £p#. Da.
204. AdJ.Ro. 12.
pedem, £/. vii. 78.
pedes, El. v. 128, vi. 8, 40.
pedibus, In Quint. Nov. 111.
In Ob. Pr. El. 56.
Pegaseo, Ad J. Ro. 36.
J>elagi, El. iv. 21. Epit. Da.
Pelidis, In Ob. Pr. 15.
Pelion, In Quint. Nov. 174.
pellacefque, El. i. 6l.
pelle, Ep. P. B. ii. 7.
pellere, In Ob. Pr. 9.
p«llefcit, EL vii. 23.
peilice, El. iii. 67. i» Quint,
Nov. 76.
pellit, £/. vi. 42.
pellitur, El. iv. 102.
pellueentes, El. iii. 52.
pellucida, El. vi. 6l.
Pelopeia, El. i. 45.
Pelopis, £/. i. 57.
Pelori, Nat. &c. 56.
penates, El. i. 17, iv. 85.
Maw/. 54.
pendetque, In Quint. Nov. 82.
pendulum, In Oh. Pr. 3.
pendulus, El. i. 76.
pene, ^4d J. Ro. 32.
Peneide, £/. v. 13.
Peneidos, El. vii. 33.
Peneium, Man/. 62.
Penelopeia, El. iv. 56.
penetralia, El. v. 17.
penetralibus, Jw Qwwi. Nov,
penetraverat, J« Qwi«f. Nov.
penetraveris, JEp. P. B. iii. 7.
penitus, /;» Quint. Nov. 159.
Ad Salf. 18.
penitufque, Epit. Da. 174.
penna, Ad J. Ro. 46.
pennis, El. iii. 24, 59. J»
Quint. Nov. 45.
penfare, £/?. P. jB. i. 4.
Pentheo, Ad Leon. ii. 7.
pependit, El. vii. 68. .
pepercit, Ad Salf. 21.
peperere, ^d Patr. 15.
peperifle, £/. vi. 36.
peperit, El. iv. 26. i>* Quint.
Nov. 142.
pepulit, I« Quint. Nov. 137-
peradtam, Man/. 20.
peradtis, In Quint. Nov. 68.
pe rages, Epit. Da. 217.
perbeata, De Id. PI. 2.
percenfere, Ad Patr. 114#
percipies, El. vi. 45.
percita, In 0b. Pr. El, 30s
perculfes, Nat. &c. 52.
perculfoique, In Quint. Nov.
percurres, Epit. Da. 150.
perdit, Epit. Da. 78.
perdita, Epit. Da. 89.
perditas, Ad Leon. ii. 4.
pereant, Epit. Da. 153.
peregit, Nat. &c. 34.
peregrina, El. iv. 86.
peregrinus, Man/. 26.
peremit, /« 06. Pr. 15.
perenne, De Id. PL 55.
perennes, Nat. &c. 18. Epit.
Da. 205.
perenni, Nat. &c. 5.
perennis, El. v. 30. Iw 06. Pr.
pererrans, JEjtMf. Da. 8*
pererrat, De Id. PI. 17.
pererrato, In Quint. Nov*
perferre, El. i. 15.
perfun&am, Ad J. R0.76.
perfundit, Manf. 33.
perge, Ad Patr. 56.
perhibet, Manf. 40*
periere, Apol. 12.
perire, El. iv. 96.
peritius, El. vii. 35.
perituris, Nat. &c. f.
perittfs, Ad Patr. 57.
perlita, In Ob. Pr. 25*
perluis, EL v. 84.
perluftrare, In Quint. Nov*
permeat, El. vi. 46.
permenlas, Manf. 85.
perofa, El. iv. 80*
perpetui, Manf* 51.
perpetuis, Nat. &c. 1.
perpetuo, El. v. 1.
perpetuoque, El. iv. 79* i»
Q//i«£. Nov. 14-9.
perpetuos, i4(Z P«^/\ 116.
perpetuum, Nat. &c^ 36.
perque, El. v. l6, 17> vi. *7> 7$*
Perfeiae, El. vi. 73.
perfentiat, EL iii. 17*
Perfephone, In 0b. Pr. 37.
perfolvi, In 0b. Pr. EL 5*
perfohat, El. iii. 60,
perfonet, EL ii. 24.
pertulit, EL i. 2.
Periianaque, ^?c? Patr. $4.
perufta, £jo. P. B. iii. 12.
pervelit, £/. v. 130.
pefvenere, EL i. Ii
perverfae, In Quint. Nov. l6S,
pervolitaut, EL v. 120.
peflimus, Ad Sdlf. 11.
peftem, Ad J. Ro. 36.
pete, EL iv. 2.
petenda* £/. ii. 20, vii. 44.
petis, Epit. Da. 128.
petit, EL i. 4. J« Q*mtf* JVov e
180. Epit. Da. 86, 105.
Petro, In Quint. Nov. 62.
Phaetonteo, EL v. 92,
phalanges, Manf. 84.
pharetra, £/. vii. 10, 18. Ad
J. Ro. 35.
pharetrae, Epit. Da. 391.
pharetramque, E/. iv. 45.
pharetrati, /« Quint. Nov. 96 .
pharetrigero, £/. i. 82.
Pheretiadas, Maw/. 57.
Phlegetontius* In Quint. Nov,
Philomela, EL v. 25*
Phihe&mque, Ad J. Ro. 36.
Philyreie, In Ob. Pr. 25.
Philyreius, El. iv. £7.
Phocarum, Epit. Da. 100,;
Phoebadesj ^J Pain 25.
Phoebados, £/. ii. 73i
Phcebaeo, Ad Patr. 76.
Phcebaaos, Manf. 78.
Phoebaeus, EL vii. 46.
Phcebe, EL v. 44, 56, 67, Si 4
85, 93, 137. Nat. &c. 25,
63. ^ 6a//. 24.
Phoebi, Man/, ii. 24. Ad J. Ro.
Phoebicolis, El. i. 14.
Phoebo, EL ii. 12. Man/. 35,
Pboebura, El. vi. 15, 33, 45,
vii. 33. iVaW: 38.
Phoebus, EL iii. 34, v. 49, vii.
66. Nat. &c. 41. ^d! iV/-.
64". Man/. 71.
Phoenix, JE/«7. Da. 187.
Phoni, 7?/. Quint. Nov. 141,
Phrica, /« Quint. Nov. 73.
Phyllis, E/. v. 114.
pia, 7ft Q'tfinl. iVou. 83, 223,
Munf. 17.
picamque, ///. Salm. II. 2.
piceis, J» Quint. Nov. 45.
pidta^que, £/?zY. Da. 191.
pi&is, E/. vii. 17.
Pieria, Ad Leon. ii. 5.
Pierides, Manf 2.
Pierios, ^o* Patfr. 1 .
Pieriofque, EL iv. 31.
pietas, Manf. 15.
pietate, Ep. P. B. i. 4.
pietatis, £/. iv. 17.
pigebit, In Quint. Nov. 196.
Epit. Da. 125.
piger, In Quint. Nov. 97.
pignora, EL iv. 42.
Pindaricofque, EL vi. 23.
pinea, EL v. 6*2.
pingues, In Quint. Nov. 32.
pinu, Epit. Da. 169.
pios, EL vi. 56".
pifcium, In Sain?. 1.
pifcdfaeque, K/. iv. 103.
piumque, £/?*7. Da. 33.
pins, 7/i Q7«7t^. IVoi>. 1. In Ob.
Pr. EL 4.
placat, EL iv. 68, v. 115.
placebat, El. vii. 75.
placent, EL i. 13, vii. 52,
placere, El. v. 64.
placidas, Epit. Da. 72*
placidis, EL i. 25.
placido, El. iii. 62.
placidufque, Epit. Da. 208.
plaeuft, El. v. 66. Mar;?/. 59.
plaad, De Id. PL 21. ilio///.
plagas, El. v. 32. Ep. P. B.
iii. 12. In Ob. Pr. El.60.
plaudit, EL v. 69.
plaudunt, EL iii. 59.
plaultrum, EL v. 35.
plaufumque, Manf. 52.
plauius, EL i. 28.
plebs, I/i Quint. Nov. \77-
pledtro, Ad Pair. 33.
pledrum, EL vi. 43.
Pleiones, De Id. PL 27.
plena, El. i. 70, vii. 22.
pleno, El. vi. 1.
plorata, Epit. Da. 2.
plumbo, Epit. Da. 80.
plumis, EL ii. 5. I« Quint.
Nov. 206.
plura, £/. iii. 2. Jrc Quint. Nov.
204. JSpiY. Da. 101.
plurima, £/. iii. 23.
plufquam, EL iv. 19.
pluvium, Epit. Da. 204*.
pocula, El. vi. 31, 62, vii. 22.
Epit. Da. 181.
poenas, In Quint. Nov. 222.
poefin, EL vi. 13.
poetae, Manf. 73. Ad J. Ro. 6.
poetam, Ad Leon. ii. 1. Ad
Patr. 61. Manf 1 6.
poetas, De Id. PI. 37.
poetis, EL vi. 53.
poli, Ad Chr. 2. Ad Patr. 34,
pollenti, In Ob. Pr. 39.
pollicitum, Ad J. Ro. 4p.
polo, El. v. 38, 140. De Id.
PI. 9-
polos, Nat. &c. 68.
polus, EL i. 56. Nat. &c. 21.
Epit. Da. 190.
poma, ^0/. 1.
pompa, El. i. 27.
Ponipeianas, El. i. 6$.
ponar, EL vii. 92.
pondera, Man/. 6f.
pondere, Nat. &c, 35.
ponderibus, Ep. P. B. iii. 10.
pondus, El. ii» ig.
pone, El. v. 88, 94* I« 06. Pr.
£/. 27.
ponens, P/. v. 47. In Quint.
Nov. 131.
ponere, El. vi. 86.
ponet, In Quint. Nov. 109.
Pontia, J# Mor. 1 .
pontique, .4d Patr. 88.
ponto, IVa£. &c. 28.
pontum, EL iv. 1. In Quint.
Nov. 108.
poplite, In Quint. Nov. 57.
populabitur, Nat. &c. 67.
populatur, PZ. iv. J5.
populeumque, Epit. Da. 130.
populi, Ad Chr. 6". Jra Quint.
Nov. 169, 220. ./4d J". Ho.
populo, ^d Patr. 103.
populos, /« Quint. Nov. 2, 23.
populoi'que, Jw Ob. Pr. EL 10.
populum, In Quint. Nov. 34.
porrigit, EL vii. 46.
portas, Jw Quint. Nov. 133.
portat, I/* Quint. Nov. 56.
portitore, De Id. PL 24.
Portumni, Ad Salf. 41.
pofcere, In Quint. Nov. 29*
polcit, EL v. 8, 72.
pofcunt, Ad Patr. 78.
pofita, EL i. 30. In Quint.
Nov. 172.
pofiti, Ad Patr. 47.
poffe, P/. i. 72, ii. 8. iv. 126, v.
■ 64. Ad Leon. i. 8. Ad Patr.
112. Ad J. Ro. 44.
poffem, ApoL 11. JSpzf. Da.
118, 119.
poffint, In 0b. Pr. 18. Ad
Pair. 9,
poffit, EL i. 54, vii. 28. hi
Quint. Nov. 100, 101 .
poiTant, In Quint. Nov. 43.
Ad Patr. 8.
poft, EL iv. 94, vi. 67, vii. 36.
In Quint, Nov. 11, 210.
Man/. 4. PpzY. Da. 31, 207.
pofteritas, Ad J. P.O. 86.
pofthabita, Ad J. Ro. 65.
pofthabitura, EL i. 84.
poithaec,. EL vii. 101.
poftquam^ Ad Patr, 111. IZpiV.
-Dfl. 20, 154. Ad J. Ro. 08.
pofui, EL iii. 35. Add. EL
vii. 2
potat, Epit. Da. 206.
patens. El. vii. 96.
potentem, j» 06. Pr. EL 17 ,
potentior, In Quint. Nov. 42.
potentique, In Ob. Pr. 19.
poteras, Ad Leon. ii. 10.
poteris, EL iv. 9. J» Quint 9
Nov. 119.
poterit, £//. P. P. ii. 3. Man/.
poterunt, EL viii. 45.
potes, EL vi. 2. Man/. 19.
poteftas, P/. iii. 27.
poteftis, Ad Patr. 108.
potiora, Ad Patr. 97.
potius, Ep. P. B. ii. 7*
potor, EL vi. 71. Epit. Da.
potuere, PpzY. Da. 158.
pouri, £7. vii. 60.
potuitne, Nat. &c. l6.
potum, EL vi. 85.
prsebeat, EL vi. 60.
prasbet, P/. v. 74.
prasbuit, Ad Leon. ii. 6.
praecipitaris, P/. v. 80.
prsecipitata, EL vii. 82.
prascipiteique, In Quint. Nov*
praecipiti, Nat. &c. 26.
praecipue, I. iii. 13.
praeeonem, El. ii. 3.
• d 2
praeconum, EL ii. 3.
praecordiifque, Ad Salf. 20.
praecordia, Epit. Da. 80.
praecurfant, In Quint. Nov. 46.
pra?dam, In Quint. Nov. 21.
praedatorque, In Quint. Nov.
prasdatur, El. v. 127.
praeeunt, In Quint. Nov. 57*
praeferentes, In Sahn. 6.
prsefuit, Ad J. Ro. b6.
praelarga; EL iv. 43.
praelia, EL iv. 51.
pra3mia, Man/. £4. Epit. Da.
praemifib, In Quint, Nov.
praeoptas, Ad Patr. 94.
proepes, De Id. PL 28.
praeponere, EL v. 131.
praepofuiffe, EL vi. 16.
prasreptum, Epit. Da. 7.
praefentem, Ad Leon. i. 4.
praefentia, Epit. Da. 146.
praefepibus, Epit. Da. 42.
praefes, In Ob. Pr. 41.
prcefides, De Id. PL 1.
praefidet, Ad J. Ro. 53.
praeful, EL iii. 13, 53, iv. 18.
prafulis, In Ob. Pr. EL 6.
praetereuntis, EL iii. 22.
praeteriiiTe, El. i, 52.
praetervolavi, In Ob. Pr. El.
praetulit, Ad Salf. 8.
praeunti, EL iv. 2.9.
praeverte, EL iv. 39*
praeverte re, In Quint. Nov.
prata, Ad Salf. 32. Epit. Da.
pravo, Add. El. vii. 4. Ad J.
Ro. 80.
prece, Ad J. Ro. 69.
preces, El. iv. 66, v. 68, vii.
I rtcor, EL iv. 3, v. 134. Ep %
P. B. ii. 4. In 0b. Pr. 41.
Ad Patr. 56.
prefia, EL vi. 89.
preffit, El. iv. 98.
pretium, £/. v. 75.
pridem, Maul. 6.
prima, £/. i. 24, 71, vi. 88.
Nat. &c. 37.
prim am, EL vii. 14.
primatum, In Saint. II. 6.
primd, El. v. 42. In Quint.
Nov. 211.
primus, El. iv. 29, vii. 92.
De Id. PL 7, 36V
principium, El. vii. 62.
priores, Adj. Ro. 27-
prifca, El. iv. 16.
prifcamque, Epit. Da. 33.
prifcique, In Qui?it. Nov. 50.
prifciimque, De Id. Pl.31. Epit.
Da. 164.
priicus, Nat. &c. 6l.
prifrinam, Ad J. Ro. 26.
prius, Epit. Da. 6*3.
pro, £/. vi. 5.9.
probrofse, 2/j Quint. Nov.
procaces, J» Quint. Nov. 99.
procacibu-s, Epit. Da. 63.
procax, Ad J. Ro. 79-
procerum, EL iii. 5. In Quint,
Nov. 117.
procubuifie, El. v. 50.
procul, EL i. 87, vii. 67 '. In
Quint. Nov. 67. De Id. PL
3. Ad Patr. 74, 105. Epit.
Da. 25, 10'9, 203. Ad J.
Ro. 36.
procus, El. i. 30.
prodidit, El. vii. IS.
prodigus, EL i. 29.
proditionis, In Quint. Nov.
Prodotseque, In Quint. Nov*.
Prodotes, In Quint. Nov 152.
producit, In Quint. Nov. 76.
produ&as, EL v. 139.
profana, Ep. P. B. ii. 8.
profanis, i;t Quint. Nov. 111..
profanos, Ad Pair. 104.
profecere, 7i/j*r. Da. 154.
Profuerint, £/. v. 24.
Profugam, £/. vi. 69.
Proiugi, El. i. 19.
Profunda, EL vi. 58. Ad Salf.
profundarn, De Id. PL 25.
<4rf /. lio. 44.
profundis, JW. &c. 2.
profundo, //* Qz/z/i^. JVbtf. 103.
profrjudos, Ad Pair. 22.
prognatam, In Quint. Nov.
progredior, EL vii. 77.
proh, In Ob. Pr. EL 7.
prole&at, EL vi. 3.
proles, EL iii. 41, vi. 81. In
Quint.' Nov. 27. -^a/. &c.
23. De Id. PL 12.
prolixus, Man/. 11.
Promethean, ^ Pair. 20.
pro mill a, I« Quint. Nov.
pfomptior, JB/. vii, 12.
pronepos, EL iv. 24.
pronior, Ad Patr. 6 l J.
prono, EL i. 4.
pronos, JE/. iv. 64. itp#. .Dtf.
pronus, Nat. &c. 27.
propago, In Quint. Nov. lG2.
prope, EL vi. 61. £/>. P, f?.
iii. 2. ^d Pafr. 62. Man/.
properant, Maw/". 68.
propofiti, In Quint. Nov. 123.
proprias, Apol. 4.
propter, Ad Leon. ii. 4.
Proferpina, In Ob. Pr. 46.
profpiciens, EL iv. 92.
Proteos, £/. iii. 26.
Proteus, Epit. Da. 99.
protiiius, El. iii. 3, vii. 73.
4>o/. 6. Jn Ob. Pr. El. l6,
/« Quint. Nov. 1 22.
providos, EL ii. 59-
proxima, £/ vii. 62.
prudens, In Quint. Nov. 158.
pruinofas*, In Quint. Nov. 48.
pfallit, El. vi. 43.
publica, Nat. &c. 9. Ad Patr.
pudet, £/. iv. 60.
pudica, £/. v. 102.
pudor, Epit. Da. 212.
puduit, EL vi. 15.
puella, £/. v. 43, 110. In
Quint. Nov. 105.
puella;, EL i. 65, 79- In Quii.t.
Nov. 217. Mcmf. 45.
puellares, £/. vi. 47.
puer, JE/. i. 41. iv. 12, vii. 5.
-rfrfrf EL vii. 9. I» 06. Pr.
28. 2S T • P. £• iii. 9. I»
Qwi/tf. JVoi\ 174. i\ 7 a^. &c.
41. Ad Patr 83. ^/d Salf.
4. £#i* Da. 63, 94. Ad J.
R,o. 56, 84.
quamlibet, El. iii. 24.
quamquam, Epit. Da. 123.
qu Unique, EL iv. 25. .^d Salf.
quamvis, £7. iv. 53, 107- Ad
Patr. 9, 97. Epit. Da. \\6.
quandoque, EL iv. 125. Nat.
&c. 19.
quandoquidem, Manf. 3.
quanto, Ad Leon. ii. 3. ^0/. 9.
quantum, EL vi. 42. Manf.
quantus, £/;*£. Da. 129.
quaque, EL v. 89.
quafcunqne, El v. 77, vii. 71.
quafque, Epit. Da. 152.
quaffat, EL i. 38.
quatiens, £/. vii. 47.
quatit, EL iv. 120.
queant, In 0b. Pr. 21.
queas, El. vi. 6.
queat, In Ob. Pr. El. 65. Ad
Patr. 11.
queis, EL iv. 11. In Quint*
Nov. 183.
quemlibet, EL vi. 50.
quemque, Ep. P. B. ii. f)„
quercubup, Ad Patr. 53.
quercus, EL iii. 21.
querebar, El. iii. 15.
querebunda, EL ii. 23.
querebundus, EL vii. 77>
querela?, Ad Pair. 105.
querelis, Epit. Da. 5.
quereris, EL vi. 13.
queritur, Epit. Da. 7 < Ad J.
Ro. 49.
quicquarn, EL i. 23. In Quint.
Nov. 43.
quicquid, El. i. 76, vii. 20. In
Salm. 1. Ad Pair. 86, 88.
£p#. Da. 27. ^ J. lio.
quicum, Epit. Da. 101.
quicunque, Epit. Da. 208.
quid, El. i. 36, iii. 28, iv. 57,
v. 19, 21, 22, 50, 57, 83,
84, 136, vi. 3, 13, 21, vii.
9, 28, 85. Ad Leon. i. 3, iii.
1. iw Q?/ivtf. JVofl. 100, 101.
In Ob. Pr. El. 29. Ad Patr.
50, 6l. Epit. Da. 33, 37,
77, 82, 83, 92, 147, 155,
171. ^d J. ilo. 86.
quie.s, El. iii. 66."
quiefcam, Man/. 93.
quiefcant, Z/z Ob. Pr. 42.
quietem, ^frf Leon. ii. 11.
quin, £/. ii. 19. Man/. 34.
£^zY. Da. 136, 207. ^ /.
Ro. 37.
quintoque, Jw Qwmf Nov.
quique, £/. iv. £}3.
Quirini, In Quint. Nov. 53.
Quirites, El. vii. 51.
quis, EL v. 8. Jw Salm. H. 1.
/rc 06. Pr. El. 65. -De !
vii. 33. 3/ay//:' 44. Epit.
Da. 142.
quotque, i?i Quint. Nov. 130.
quotquot, is/, i. 56. In Quint.
Nov. 163.
rabies, El. v. 23.
racemiferis, El, iii. 51.
racemiferumque, EL vi. 21,
racemo, Epit. Da. 65.
racliabant, EL iii, 39*
radians, EL vii. 13.
radiant, EL i. 80.
radiante, EL iv. 11.
radianti, In Quint. Nov. 190.
radiata, Ad Patr. 100.
radios, £/. v. 47.
ramoise, Epit. Da. 59»
rapere, Man/. 18.
rapias, EL ii. 19.
rapiat, J« Quint. Nov. 20.
rapido, JEjt)/£« Da. 40.
rapidos, £/. v. 137 . Ad Patr.
rapient Ad J. Ro. 118.
rapietque, Nat. &'c. 15.
rapis, -^d Patr. 71.
rapit, £/. ii. 4, iv. 64.
rapiunt, £/. i. 26.
rapta, El. vi. 67.
raptantur, In Quijit. Nov. 222.
raptaque, El. vii. 80.
raptat, In 0b. Pr. EL 42. Nat.
&c. 38.
raptatur, El. v. 15.
raptos, £/. iii. 11.
j-aptus, Ep. P.B.I. In Ob. Pr.
El. 49.
rapuerunt, Epit. Da. 20.
rara, EL v. 38.
rafo, In Quint. Nov. 83.
ratas, De Id. PL 5.
rauc?e, EL i. 90.
rauci, Ad Leon. iii. 6.
rebellis, In Quint. Nov. 41.
rebus, Ad J. Ro. 83.
recepit, EL iv. 55.
receffit, EL v. 39.
recetfus, EL iv. 29. Irc Ob. Pr,
36. Epit. Da. 6.
recipit, EL v. §2.
recitem, £/. vi. 90.
reconditas ; Jw 06. Pr. £/. 37-
re&6rque, In Quint. Nov. 78.
recubamus, Epit. Da. 148.
recubans, EL v. 41.
recumbis, De Id. PL 4.
recuib, £/. i. 19.
redamemque, EL vi. 5.
reddiderant, /« Quint. Nov.
reddimus, I» Quint. Nov. 19S.
reddita, £/. v. 24.
redditur, Ad Pair. 11.
redditus. Ad Salf. 31.
redeunt, £/. v. 5.
redeunte, ^4e? J. Ro. 23.
redeuntem, £/>>z7. Da. 75.
redeunti, In Quint. Nov. 134.
rediere, El. v. 29.
redimita, El. v. 65.
redimitus, ^ Pa//*. 45.
redis, £/. v. 136.
reditque, EL vii. 51.
reditura, £/. vii. 76".
rediviva, EL v. 55.
redolet, EL v. 108, vi. 24.
refer, Ad Salf. 7.
referam, Epit. Da. 160.
referant, EL v. 135.
referet, Epit. Da. 56.
jreferre, £/. iii. 38, vii. 78.
refers. £/, vi. 11.
refert, EL iv. 71, vi. 55.
reflua, EL i. 9.
refovenda, EL iii. 35.
refugam, EL vi. 13, vii. 15.
refulferit, In Salm. B. 5.
regi, EL iv. 28.
regiam, In Ob. Pr. EL 63.
regibus, Ad Chr. 8.
regiua, EL ii. 17, vii. 64. Ad
Chr. 1.
regis, £/. iii. 50, jv. 99. />*
Salm. H. 4. Mqnf. 5$.
regales, Ad Pair. 41.
regat, £/. vi. 40.
rege, El. iv. 11 7.
regem, Ep. P. B i. 1.
reges, Z» Quint. Nov. 57, 112.
^ &*//*. 38. Man/. 80.
regna, £/. iv. 8, vi. 58, 84. In
Quint. Nw. 2. In Ob. P>\
EL 43. Nat. kc. 48. Ad
Pair. 94. Ad Salf. 41.
regnans, i/J Quint. Nov. 7.
regnante, J« Quint. Nov. 105.
regnaque, //? Quint. Nov. 15.
regni, £/. iii. 62. /w Quint.
Nov. 11.
regnum, 7« Quint. Nov. 132.
£/?&. Dtf. 16*3.
regum, In Quint. Nov. 74.
relatis, In Quint. Nov. 2l6.
relegatas, /id J. Ro. 31.
relicti, Epit. Pa. 14.
reltgionis, £/. iv. 46.
relinquam, iWfftf/. 86.
reliquis, Ad J. Ro. 14.
reliqmt, El. i. 41. ifl Quint.
Nov. 69, 210. De Irf. PL
34. A/a*/! 14. £pz7. Da.
relligione, £^7. P. B. iii. 6.
relliquias, //* Quint. Nov. 110,
remanet, £/. vii. 79'
remeare, EL i. 89.
remigat, In Quint. Nov, 20S.
retnoretur, EL iv. 4.
remota, De id. P/. 21.
remotas, EL i. 5.
remotis, EL iy. 91.
renes, Ad Salf. 19.
reor, Ad Patr. 6S.
reparat, EL v. 103.
reparata, EL v. 3.
rependere, Ad Patr. 112.
repentinus, EL vi. 46.
repetitaque, Ad Patr. 113.
repetunt, Epit. Da. 53.
reponere, Ad Patr. 114.
reponi, Ad J. Ro. 53.
reptantefque, Ad Patr. 48.
requiem, Ad J. Ro. 76.
rerum, Nat. &c. p, 34, 66.
res, EL iv. 40.
referata, In Quint. Nov. 98.
refpexit, EL vii. 83.
refpicit, £/?#. Da. 189*
rei'pondere, Jd Pa/r. 9, 10.
refponfat, In Quint. Nov. 67.
refumit, El. v. 45.
retardat, Epit. Da. 147.
retegunt, Ad Patr. 24.
retia, EL i. 60. In Quint. Nov.
115. Epit. Da. 143.
retinens, Ad Patr. 20.
retinebat, Epit. Da. 13.
retineret, £/. v. 44.
rettulit, EL ii. 16. Man/.
reverentior, /4d Chr. 7.
revin&us, £/. v. 121.
revifens, Epit. Da. 102.
revifere, EL i. 11.
revocabis, De Id. PL 38.
revocaret, £/. ii. 9^
revocat, £/. v. 2.
revocent, £/. vi. 42.
revocet, Ad J. Ro. 30»
revolubile, EL v. 1.
rex, El. v. 75. J« Quint. Nov.
116, 162. InOb.Pr. EL 13.
JVaf. &c. 57.
ri&us, £/. iy. 63. .4d Pafr.
ridens, Mfnf. 99,
ridet, In Quint. Nov. 95, l68*
rigat, El. iv. 76.
rigent, Ad EL vii. 8.
rigida, In Quint. Nov. 165.
rigidi, EL i. 34, vi. 64.
riguas, El. i. 83.
ripa, Ad Leon, iii, 3. Ma/?/ 65.
ripae, ^ Pa*r. 75. Epit. Da.
rifuro, £/. vii. 49.
ritu, El. vi. 67.
rivi, £/. vi. 71.
rivos, Add. El. vii. 5.
rivum, Ad Patr. 3. i¥a»/ 62.
rogante, £/. ii. 10.
rogiinti, EL iv. 6l.
rogis, EL iii. 10.
rogo, ^4c? Leon. iii. 4« J» 06.
Pr. El. 5, JVta. &c. 69. Ad
Patr. 117.
Roma, Ep. P. B. ii. S, iv. 1.
Romano, Ad Salf. 21.
Romanus, EL vi. 27.
Romuleae, Ad Patr. 79.
Romulidum, Ad Leon. iii. 7«
rore, EL iv. 45, v. 86. In Ob.
Pr. EL 1. Ad Salf. 27.
rofa, £/. iii. 20.
rofce, J» 06. Pr. 43.
rofas, EL v. 90.
roiaque, El. vi. 21.
rofcida, EL v. 42. Epit. Da.
rofcidus, El. iii. 32.
rofea, In Quint. Nov. 133.
rofeam, £/. i. 84.
rofis, EL iii. 48, v. 60.
roftro, Epit. Da. 104.
rota, Nat. &c. 37.
rotas, EL v. 46.
rotarum, Nat. &e. 44.
rotat, El. i. 38.
rotatus, £;?. P. 5. iii. 11,
rotis, Ep. P. B. i. 6.
Roiifi, Ad J. Ro. 78.
Roufio, Ad J. Ro. 87.
Rouiius, Ad J. Ro. 47t
ruant, Nat. &c. 20.
rubent, EL iii. 40.
rubefcit, EL v. 42.
ruber, EL i. 62.
rubri, Epit. Da. 185.
ruentum, EL iv. 121.
rugis, Nat. &c. 8.
ruina, Nat. &c. 26.
ruinae, I» Quint. Nov. 218.
ruinofa, J/* Quint. Nov. 140.
rumpe, £/. iv. 3.
rupe, In Quint. Nov. 67.
rupes, Nat. &c. 52. .Maw/.
66. £;>#. Da. 114.
rupibus, In Quint. Nov. 25.
rupit, In Ob. Pr. 37. J» Quint.
Nov. 34.
rupt&, EjDiY. Da. 158.
rura, £/. v. 120, vii. 52.
Man/. 57. Epit. Da. 32,
ruris, EL vii. 11. De Id. PL
ruri'us, Ad J. Ro. 63.
rufticus, Apol. 1.
rutilante, Epit. Da. 215.
rutilat, JVa£. &c. 40.
rutilis, In Quint. Nov. 173.
rutilus, Ad Patr. 38.
Rutupina, Epit. Da. 162.
ruunt, El. v. 96.
Sabini, In Quint. Nov. 50.
facer, El. v. 12, 22, vi. 77.
In Quint, Nov. 62. Ad J,
Ro. 21.
facerdos, EL v. 77. De Id. PL
29. >4. Da. 54.
fepofiti, ^d P#. Da. 33, 109, l68 f 175.
^d /. Ro. $6.
fibila, #af. &c. 28. Ad Pair.
fibilat, Epit. Da. 47.
Sibylla?, <4d Patr. 25.
fie, £/. iii. 15, vi. 71, vi. 63,
64, 81, 91. Ad Leon. i. 1.
In Quint. Nov. 127, 160.
Nat. &c. 65. Epit. Da. 17,
21, 97.
Sicana, El. v. 66.
Sicanio, EL iv. 5.
ficca, Iw Ob. Pr. EL 2.
ficcine, EL iv. 89, 90. jE>. P.
£. ii. 1. £/>*£. Da. 21.
Sicelicum, Epit. Da. 3.
Siculi, Nat. &c. 56.
fidera, El. i. 51, v. 38, 115.
Nat. &c. 14. £^V. Da. 76.
fidereum, £/. iii. 51.
fideris, Ad Patr. 36.
fiderum, In Ob. Pr. El. 59.
De Id PL 16, 24.
Sidoni, El. iv. 110.
Sigeius, EL vii. 21.
figna, Nat. &c. 44.
fignaque, In Quint. Nov. 109.
fignum, EL iv. 33.
filente, El. iv. 114. De Id. PL
filentia, In Quint. Nov. 149.
filentum, In Quint. Nov 78.
Epit. Da. 25.
filet, £/. v. 26. In Quint. Nov.
filvae, Epit. Da. 6l, 160, 186.
iilvas, El. v. 45. Manf. 67.
Epit. Da. 120.
filveftres, Ad Patr. 52.
filveftrique, In Quint. Nov. 88.
filvii'que, Epit. Da.211.
fim, Ma?{/: S3. £p*7. Da. 159,
fi miles, Epit. Da. 94-.
fmrillima, El. vii. 53.
Simoentis, JS/. i. 83.
iiinpliei, Ad J. Ro. 1.
fiuiplicitas, Epit. Da. 200.
fimul, El. v: 27, 28. Ep. P. B.
i. 1. In Quiitt. Nov. 51.
Man/. 100. £ptf. Da. 15.
Ad J. Ro. 71.
fimulachraque, ^4d. Pa£r. 54.
fimules, Ad Patr. 67*
finceram, EL iv. 53.
fine, EL v. 71, vi. 64-, vii. 26.
£/>. P. P. iii. 2. Jw Ob. Pr.
34. £j»Y. Da. 2 J, 212. Ad
J. Ro. 31.
iingula, JVaf. &c. 36.
finis, £/. iii. 24, iv. 91. Ad
Patr. 76.
finiftra, In Quint. Nov. 49.
finiftro, Ad Salf. 39.
linit, EL i. 85, vi. 4.
finu, Ep. P. B. iv. 2. -De Ia\
PL 26. ^d. J. Po. 84.
fmunt, Man/. 9S.
finuofi, EL i. 27.
fiiius, £/. v. 58, 100, vi. 48,
vii. 48. In Quint. Nov. 81.
Sionsece, EL iv. 113.
Sionaeo, Epit. Da. 219»
Siopen, In Quint. Nov. 72.
fiqua, El. vii. 101.
fiquando, Manf. 80.
fiquid, £/. vi. 80. Ad Salf.
Sirena, ^4rf Leon. iii. 1.
fis, £/. iv. 50, 107, vii. 93. Ad
Patr. 60.
lit, EL i. l6>36,72,iv.40, 47,
53. In Ob. Pr. 45. De Id.
PL 13, 33. Epit. Da. 101,
fiti, Epit. Da. 40
litu, Epit. Da. 64.
fitufque, JVaf. &c. 13.
fmaragdis, In 0b. Pr. EL 64.
fobriaque, EL vi. 6*2.
focia, Nat. &c. 38.
fociabitur, Epit. Da. 22.
fociali, Manf. 82.
ibciantes, .^d Patr. 33.
focio, £/><£. Pa. 105.
focios, In Quint. Nov. 10, 164.
fociumque, Epit. Da. 34.
Socraticos, Add. EL vii. 5.
fodale, £ptf. Da. 118.
fodalem, EL i. 7.
fodales, Epit. Da. 95.
fol, £/. v. 31.
fola, EL vi. 70, vii. 75. In
Quint. Nov. 41. Epit. Da. 8.
folantia, Epit. Da. 91 •
fole, £/. iii. 40, v. 42. Epit.
Da. 40.
folebant, ^e? Patr. 41.
folebas, E/. ii. 1. Epit. Da.
folebit, Epit. Da. 43.
foleis, Jra Quint. Nov. 112.
folum, £/. vii. 83.
folennes, EL vi. 9.
folenni, J« Quint. Nov. 68.
folent, £/. iv. 62.
folers, De Id. PL 8. Ad J. Ra.
folet, EL iv. 47, vii. 36. In
Quint. Nov. 139. iVa*. &c.
56. £^7. Da. 70.
foli, In Quint. Nov. 190. Ad
Salf. 14. Ma;*/. 13, 14.
folis, El. v. 98. Ep. I.B. 2.
J/i Qtwtf. Nov. 6, 210. I»
06. Pr. EL 55.
folitas, £/. v. 37. Manf. 67*
folito, In Quint. Nov. 211*
iYa^. &c. 39.
folitoque, Nat. &c. 51.
follennes, Ad Patr. 26.
follicitabo, EL iv. 6.
follicitatus, Ad J. Ro. 69. .
folo, EL iii. 4, iv. 84. Apol,6.
folubile, Nat. &c. 6.
folum, EL iii. 42. Jm Quint*
Nov. 40.
folus, £/. iv. 84, v. 124, vii.
6*0, 98. In Quint. Nov. 87-
Epit. Da. 58, 141,
folnta, El. v. 4.
folutos, Manf.%9..
folvere, Epit. Da. 31.
folvit, In Quint. Nov. 91.
folvuntur, In Quint. Nov. 223.
fomni, Ad Patr. 15.
fomnia, El. iii. 68, v. 10. In.
Quint. Nov. 138.
fomno, In Quint. Nov. 22,
fomnos, El. iii. 67. In Quint.
Nov. 137-
fomnum, Epit. Da. 52.
ibmnus. El. v. S7» In Quint,
Nov. 77.
fonabat, Epit. Da. 155.
fonabunt, Ad Patr. 34.
fonant, El. v. 106. Epit. Da.
fonantem, El. vi. 47.
fon antes, Epit. Da. 120.
fonans, In Quint. Nov. 173.
fonat, El. iv. 118, v. 21. Ad
Leon. i. 4.
fonitum, In Quint. Nov. 183.
fonitus, El. v. 12.
fono, £/. iii. 58. Ad Leon. i.
8. Nat. Sec. 19.
fonoram, In Quint. Nov. 207,
fonorum, El. iv. 39.
fonos, El. iii. 62, iv. 38. In
Ob. Pr. El. 25. Ad Patr. 58.
Epit. Da. 159.
fontes, In Quint. Nov. 154.
ibpor, In Quint. Nov. 92.
fopprque, El. iii. 36.
fordet, El. i. 6l.
foror. In Ob. Pr. 20.
fororibus, In Ob. Pr. El. 11.
fortem, Ad J. Ro. 68.
fortemve, El. i. 19.
fors, Man/. 78. Epit. Da. 103,
, 109.
fpargit, In Quint. Nov. 212.
In Ob. Pr. El. 9. Epit. Da.
fparfi, £1. iv. 32.
fparfifti, £/. iv. 35.
fpatiantur, El. vii. 51.
fpatiarier, El. iii. 37.
fpatiere, In Ob. Pr. 48.
fpatio, De Id PI. 15.
fpatium, In Quint. Nov. 170.
ipe, ^0/. 7.
fpeftacula, £J. vi. 41, vii. 57.
fpectanda, Ad Patr. 90.
fpectans, Ad Salf. 35.
fpe&antia, In Quint. Nov. 18S.
fpe&are El. vii. 87.
fpe&afie, £/. i. 39.
fpeclat, In Quint. Nov. 171.
fpedlo, El. i. 39.
fpei, Ad Salf. 37.
fpelunea, In Quint. Nov. 141.
fperabam, Epit. Da. 145.
fperare, El. iv. 123. Ad Patr.
116. Ad.J.Ro.75.
fperaflfe, Epit. Da. 172.
fperavis, Epit. Da. 110.
fpernunt, J/i Quint. Nov. 96.
fpes, JS/. iv. 105. In Salm. H.
5. Ad. Patr. 70. Epit. Da.
92, 198. Ad J. lio. 44.
fpicas, Man/. 39.
fpicula, El. vii. 42. £/w7. Da.
fpirans, ^d £eorc. ii, 2.
fpirantia, £/. i. 59, vi. 78. /4
fulcantibus, Nat. &c. 8.
fulcata, Man/. 36.
fulphur, In Quint. Nov. 35.
fulphureo, Ep. P. B. i. 6.
fume, £/. iv. 9, 105.
fumm&, EL vii. 1. In Quint.
Nov. 181. JEpft. Xte. 11.
fummae, £/. vii. 13. Nat. &c.
Summanus, In Quint. Nov. 23.
fummas, Epit. Da. 131.
fummo, iVctf. &c. 35.
fummus, El. vii. 98.
fumptu, Ad Pair. 78.
fumptum, EL vi. 24.
fuperam, ^d /. Ro. 45.
fuperantia, £/. i. 55.
fuperaque, Nat. &c. 21.
fuperas, EL iv. 82.
fnperaffe, EL v. 101.
fuperaverat, In Quint. Nov.
fuperbci, Ad Sal/. 15.
fuperbum, £/. vii. 31.
fupereminuiffe, El. vii. 6l.
fuperefle, Ad Pair. 11 7.
fupereft, £/. iv. 123.
fuperi, Ad Pat r. 21.
fuperimpofitum, In Quint. Nov.
fuperirijeSis, El. v. 7$>
iuperis, El. vii. 98. A/w//. 73.
iup'eros, Ep. P. B. iv. 4>. Nat.
&c. 32.
fuperfit, Epit. Da. 168.
fuperftes, In Ob. Pr. 34.
fuperum, EL vi. 57* Ep. P. B.
iii. 2.
fupino, .<4* Quint. Nov. 37.
tabo, £/. iii. 19.
tacebo, In Ob. Pr. El. 65.
tacitae, Ma;/./: 85.
tacitas, In Quint. Nov. \9*
tacite, EL vii. 77-
tacito, In Quint. Nov. 187.
taciturn, £/. vi. 45.
taciturna, In Quint. Nov. 69*
tacitus, El. iii. 1.
taedet, Epit. Da. 66.
taedis, In Quint. Nov. 69.
Taenarib, EL v. 66.
Tsenarioque, Ep. P. B. iv. 2,
Tsenaro, /« 06. Pr. 5.
Tago, £/. iii. 46.
talem, De Id. PL 34.
* f
tales, In Oh. Pr. EL 25.
tali,EZ. iii. 57 '. In Quint. Nov.
talia, EL iii. 31, 68.
talibus, El. vi. 53. In Quint.
Nov. 23.
talis, EL ii. 13, 15, iii. 49, iv.
28, 101, vii. 21, S3. In
Quint. Nov. 86.
talos, EL iii. 55.
Tamara, Epit. Da. 178.
tamen, £/. ii. 7, v. ill. J«
Quint. Nov. 113, 194. De
Id. PL 14. AdPatr. 12, 67.
Jlta/ 56. E/nY. Da. 158,
15p. AdJ.Iio. 6.
tangere, E/??Y. Da. 121.
tangunt, £/. v. 75.
tanta, £/. iii. 27-
tantaeque, In Quint. Nov. 18.
tanti, El. vi. SO. EjmY. JDa.
tantum, Ad Salf. 7- Man/. 4,
tapetia, E/. vi. 39*
tarda, In Quint. Nov. 85. In
Ob. Pr. EL 52. Ad. Salf. 2.
tarde, El. iv. 139.
tardior, Nat. &c. 39.
tardus, E/. iv. 59*
Tarpeia, El. i. 69.
Tartara, EL v. 20. Ad Pair.
Tartareo, E/. iii. 16. Ep. P. B.
III. 11.
Tartareoque, In Quint. Nov.
Tartari, In Ob. Pr. EL 43.
Tartefliaco, El. iii. 33.
Tarteflide, El. v. 83.
Taffo, Man/. 6.
toda, EL v. 129. Man/ 6l.
Epit. Da.\0<2.
te&o, E/. i. 47.
teftus, In Quint. NiM, 79»
teget, In Quint. Nov., 81. Ad
Pair. 38.
Teia, EL vi. 22.
tela, E/. iv. 108, v. 100, 136,
vii. 3, 34, 43. In Ob. Pr.
27. Epit. Da. 195.
Telamonis, EL iv. 24.
Telegoni, In Ob. Pr. 18.
telluris, In Ob. Pr. 3.
tellus, EL i. 7. E/. v. 55, 95.
In Quint Nov. 150.
temeraria, EL v. 71. In Quint,
Nov. 192.
temerk, In Ob. Pr. El. 29.
Temefaeo, In Quint. Nov. 207.
temnes, Ep. P. B. III. 5.
temone, ZVatf. &c. 43.
temperabit, Ad Salf. 40.
temperat, In Quint. Nov. 199'
tempeftates, In Quint. Nov*
templa, In Quint. Nov. 6l.
Ad Pair. 32. Ad J. Ro. 58.
tempora, EL i. 25, 48, ii. 5, v,
138. Manf. 85.
tempore, Add EL vii. 7-
temporis, JVtf£. &c. 17, 48.
temporum, Ad J. lio. 23.
Tempus, EL v. 1. Nat. &e,
tendebas, Ad J. Ro. Yf.
tendit, El. i. 60. In Quint,
Nov. 20. Epit. Da. 143.
teneat, El. vi. 41. ^d" J. Ro.
tenebras, E/. vi. 4. In Ob. Pr,
tenebris, El. i. 43, iii. 66, iv.
95, v. 34. In Quint. Nov.
tenebrifque, Nat. &c. 2.
tenellas, EL iv. 45.
tenellus, E/. vi. 52.
tenemus, ^. P. #•
IV. 3.
Tomitano, El. i. 22.
Tonantis, i« Quint. Nov. 204.
tonitrua, iw Quint. Nov. 47.
tormit, jE/. vii. 49.
tori, Epit. Da. 213.
toro, EL v. 50.
toros, £/. v. 72.
torpefcere, In Quint. Nov. 106.
torpidam, J» Quint. Nov. 73.
Torquati, Manf. 50.
Torqaatum, Ad Leon. II. 1.
torqueat, EL vii. 41.
torquens, Epit. Da. 104.
torquere, Ad Patr. 2.
torre, El. i. 44.
torfiffet, ^(/ Leorc. II. 7.
tortilis, ^d P«tfr. 106.
torvi, In Quin. Nov. 141.
tot, El. 1.77, iv. 113. In Ob.
Pr. 39. In Quint. Nov. 104.
Epit. Da. 119, 120.
tota, EL iii. 12.
tota, Ma/?/: 98.
totam, J« Quint. Nov. 55.
totidem, £;;?Y. Da. 10.
totidemque, i/t Qwiwf. Nov.
toties, £/. i. 63, ii. 2.
totis, £/. ii. 24. Ad. J. Ro. 32.
toto, EL v. 19, 37, 97- In
Quint. Nov. 226.
totos, El. vi. 48.
totum, El. i. 26.
totumque, Ad Patr. 2.
totus, £/. vii. 74. Ad Leon. II.
trabea, /;* Qumf. JVov. 118.
Trachinia, Manf. 66.
tractum, Ad Salf. 11.
tradidit, Manf 10.
tragoedia, EL i. 37.
trabentes, In Quint. Nov. 60.
trahit, In Quint. Nov. 183.
trajedla, In Quint. Nov. 144,
tranato, In Quint. Nov. 2$.
transfige, EL vii. 5j.
tranflucent, In Quint. Nov. 176*
tranftulit, Apol. 4.
tranfverfo, Ad Pair. 106.
traxit, Epit. Da. 113.
Treantae, JSp?Y. Da. 17 6.
tremebunda, JV r a^. &c. 12.
tremebundaque, Ad Patr. 21.
trernendo, Nat. &c. 19.
tremendus, De Id. PL 23.
tremente, In Quint. Nov. 200.
tremit, In Quint. Nov. 66.
tremuere, In Quint. Nov. 217-
tremula, EL vi. 40.
tremulae, Ad Patr. 25.
tremulofque, EL i. 59.
trepidam, In Quint. Nov. 21.
trepidos, EL v. 128.
tres, El. vi. 36.
Tricorouifer, In Quint. Nov .
trifidum, Ep. J. B. 4.
triformem, In 0b. Pr. EL 57.
trina, Ep. P. B. III. 3.
Trinacria, In Quint. Nov. 36.
trino, De Id. PI. 32.
trinum, In Ob. Pr. 21.
Trione, Manf. 36.
trionum, Ad Chr, 1.
triplex, In Quint. Nov. 94.
triplici, Ad Pair. 23.
tripodas, Ad J. Ro. 59>
Triptolemus, EL iv. 11.
trifle, El. v. 100. Ep. P. B.
III. 8. Ad Pair. 108. Epit.
Da. 61.
trifles, El. ii. 23.
trifti, £/. iii. 15.
triftia, El. iii. 2, vii. 88.
triumphali, -E/. iii. 60.
triumphos, El. vii. 7-
Troja?, Iw Qimtf. JVov. 30.
trophasa, El. vii. 8 Add. EL
vii. 2.
truces, EL vii. 26. ^4d Cfo\ 8.
Epit. Da. 84.
trux, Nat. &e. 55.
tuba, E/. iii. 60.
tubam, £/. iv. SO. In Quint.
. Nov. 207.
tubicen, Nat. &c. 58.
tueri, In Quint. Nov. 169. Ad
Pair. 117.
tuifque, Nat. &c. 63.
tulerat, Epit. Da. 11,
tuliffe, ^/;o/. 10.
tuliflet, El. i. 21.
tulit, £/. vi. 88, vii. 11. Ep.
I. B. 2. In Quint. Nov. 88.
Epit. Da. 104.
turn, Ad Pair. 44. Maw/I 54,
65, 94. Epif. £>«. 16*, 55,
140, 145, 157, 166, 168,
174, 181. Ad J. Ro. 85.
tumere, EL iv. 72-
tuniidiifque, y4d $«//". 36.
tumulis, In 0b. Pr. El. 17.
tumulo, Man/. 18.
tumultus, Ad J. Ro. 29«
tunc, EL iii. 9. Iw 06. Pr. El.
15. ^ P«ifr 30.
tu.nica-que, EL v. 107.
tuque, El. i. 73. jDc Id. PL 2.
I» 0/;. Pr. 29. ^d Sa//. 24.
turba, EL i. 78, 80, ii. 20, v.
06', vi. 18, vii. 53. In Quint.
Nov. 225. Ad Tatr. 108.
Ad. J. Ro. 80.
turbae, In Quint. Nov. l6§.
turbatos, El. iii. 67.
turbine, Ep. P. B. I. 8. In
Quint. Nov. 24.
turgebant, In 0b. Pr. EL 3.
turgentes, In Quint. Nov. 99.
turgidulus, Epit. Da. 159-
turmae, EL iii. 65.
turmas, El. vi. 85.
turpe, In 0b. Pr. 13.
turpem, In 0b. Pr. El. 21.
turres, El. iii. 5.
turrigerum, El. i. 74.
turris, El. v. 62. In Quint. Nov.
turrita, El. 1. 65.
tuta, El. v. 126. Ad Patr. 97.
tutela, .4d J. Ro. 78.
tutius, £/. vii. 27.
tutus, EL iv. 3. ^ P'jfr. 100.
Typhlonta, In Quint. Nov. 71.
tyrannus, In Quint. Nov. 7-
Tyrrhenum, In Quint. Nov.
V, U.
vaca, EL iii. 64.
vacaus, El. vi. 63. ^(i Patr.
vacat, ££. iv. 51. Epit. Da. 15,
18, 26, 35, 44, 50, 57, 62,
68,74, 81,87,93,112,124,
139, 161, 179.
vacui, Ad Leon. I. 5. Ad J.
Ro. 73.
vacuis, Ad Patr. 11.
vacuo, £/. iv. 118.
vacuos, In Quint. Nov. 63.
vacuum, El. i. 18, vii. 2.
vada, El. v. 11 6, vi. 74.
vade, El. iv. 39.
vafer, E/. i. 33, vii. 67.
vaga, E7. iv. 71. In Quint.
Nvo. 198. In 0b. Pr.EL 5.
vagabatur, In Quint, Nov.
vagas, EL v. 16.
vagitumqw, El. vi. 83.
vagos, Epit. Da. 6.
vagum, El. i. 64.
vagus, EL v. Q7- In Quint.
Nov. S. Epit. Da. 113. Ad
J. llo. 7.
vale, Epit. Da. 123.
valeret, In Ob. Pr. 10.
valet, EL vii. 10. Ad Pair. 22.
Jlf<2«/*. 4.
valle, ^c? J. Ho. 64.
valles, £/. i. 83.
vallibus, Ad. Salf. 9g. Epit.
Da. 59.
van a, Ad EL vii. 2. Man/. 40.
varia, iUa/?/. 20.
variant, JVa. 90.
vicinior, In Quint. Nov. 173.
vicinis, Ad J. Ro. 12.
vida, El. iv. 10.
viclo, EL i. 24.
\ictus, £/. vii. 39, 85. Afaw£
videas, EL i, 52.
videbis, El. iv. 13.
videbit, £/^. Da. 27.
videbo, Man/ 97.
videnda, EL i. 80.
videntur, EL v. 70. In Quint.
Nov. 147.
video, EL v. 13.
videor, In 0b. Pr. EL 25.
viderat, EL iv. 33.
videre, El. iv. 126.
videri, El. v. 129, vii. 63.
viderit, In Ob. Pr. 38.
vides, EL iv. 40.
videt, EL v. 46. «T/j Quint. Nov.
16, 52.
videtur. El. v. 47.
vidi, £/. i. 55, In 05. Pr. EL
vidimus, Man/. \6.
vidifle, Epit. Da. 115.
vidiffet. In Oh. Pr. 14.
vidit, El. iii. 2. De Id. PL 26.
vigebit, Epit. Da. 29.
vigens, Man/. 77.
vigefcit, El. v. 7.
vigiles, Ad Patr. 105.
vigor, Nat. &c. 60.
vili, Ad J. Ro. 41.
vilifque, Epit. Da. 100.
villae, EL vii. 13.
villarum, EL vii. 52.
vim, ^dd. El. vii. 10,
vimina, Ejm£. Da. 144.
vina, £/. vi. 21.
vincant, £/. i. 5/.
vince, El. iv. 124.
vincere, EL vii. 30.
vincla, JEywV. Da. 135.
vino, £/. vi. 13.
viuofo, Ad Salf. 27-
violabitur, El. iv. 109.
violas, In Ob. Pr. El. 29.
vipereo, ^c? Pa£r. 110.
vires, EL v. 5, vi. 30, vii. 29.
In Quint. Nov. 107*
virefcit, £/. v. 4.
vireta, £Z. iv. 30. Ad J. Ro.
virga, In 0b. Pr. 20. Epit.
Da. 23.
virginei, £piV. Da. 214.
virgineos, £/. i. 52, v. 110, vi.
virginibus, EL i. 71.
virginis, ££. vii. 69.
virgo, £/. i. 35, iv. 81. Ad
Chr. 1.
viri, E/. iv. 18.
virides, El. iv. 6.
viridi, El. v. 51. £p#. Da. 9.
viro, £/. iv. 56'.
virorum, J» Quint. Nov. 56.
In Salm. 10. Maw/i 52.
viros, El. iv. 114, vii. 10.
Man/. 79-
virofque, Ad Salf. l6\
virtus, Maw/. 96. Epit. Da. 21 >
virtutis, Jw Quint. Nov. l6\
virum, £/. iv. 76, 122, v. 112,
vi. 72. Ad Salf. 15.
virum, In Quint. Nov. 144.
vis, EL v. 39. ■£/»*. Da. 83.
vifa, El. iii. 37, v. 64.
vifaque, In Quint. Nov. 191.
vifcera, In Salm. II. 4. In
Quint. Nov. 14. Nat. &c.
vifere, Ad J. Ro. 6l.
viferet, Epit. Da. 116.
vifum, Majf. \J.
vifus, El. iii. 36. In Quint.
Nov. 138.
vita, El. i. 26. Epit. Da. 168.
vitabuntque, Ad Patr. 104.
vita;, El. iv. 20. Manf. 85.
vitam, Manf. 1, 225.
vitamque, In Quint. Nov. 60.
vitare, EL i. 87. Maw/. 59.
vitibus, EL iii. 51.
vitis, El. vi. 20.
vitream, Jw Ob. Pr. El. 27.
vitreis, In Quint. Nov. 66.
Epit Da. 189.
vivas, EL iv. 95.
vivat, El. vi. 60.
vivere, EL ii. 8, iv, 20.
vivi, EL i. 57-
vivida, Manf. 75.
vivis, £/. iv. 84.
vivit, EL iv. 17.
vivitque, Ad Leon. III. 5.
vix, El. v. 126, vi. 6. Ep. P.
B. II. 10, III. 10. In Quint.
Nov. 77. Manf. 28. Epit.
Da. 108. Ad J. Ro.12.
vixiffe, EL vi. 67-
vixiflet, In Ob. Pr. 19.
ulciicere, In Quint. Nov. 102.
villus, El. vii. 11, vii. 50.
ulmo, EL i. 49. Epit. Da. 15.
ulnis, Nat, &c. 50.
ultima, El. ii. 3. Nat. &c. 67 '.
Epit. Da. 182. Ad J. Ro.
ultor, EL i. 43.
ultra, Epit. Da. 202.
ultrix, In Quint. Nov. 181.
ultro, In Salm. H, 8.
umbra, EL i. 50, v. 85, 140.
Ep. P. BAIL 12. AdChr.7.
umbra, Epit. Da. 52.
umbracula, Epit. Da. 2l6.
umbra?, Ad Patr, l6.
umbrarum, EL vi. 76. In
Quint. Nov. 78.
umbras, EL- iii. 51, v. \7.
Man/. 31. Epit. Da. 11.
Ad J. Ro. 7.
umbrafque, EL i. 13.
umbris, In Quint, Nov, 153.
Epit. Da. 22.
umbrofa, Add. EL vii. 5,
una, £/. vii. 102.
una, Ad Leon. I. 10.
unanimes, In Quint. Nov. 13.
unda, £/. i. 9, iv. 88. Ad Leon.
III. 5. Epit. Da. 185.
undarum, ^(/ /Sa//*. 40.
undas, Jra Quint, Nov. 171.
£pi*. Da. 172.
tinde, Add. EL vii. Q. Epit. Da.
undecima, Epit. Da. 156.
undis, EL ii. 9, vi. 65. It* Ob.
Pr. 32. 1/2 Qwiwf. Nov. 66.
Epit. Da. 178, 189.
ungue, EL iv. 64.
unguibus, Ad J. Ro. 34.
ungula, EL iv. 119.
uni, Epit. Da. 171, 172.
unicuique, Ad Leon. I. 1.
unius, De Id. PL 14.
univerfis, De Id. PL 10.
uno, In Salm. H. 7.
unquam, Ep. P. R. III. 7.
unum, EL v, 111. jSptf. Da
unus, £/. vii. 92.
unufque, De Id. PL 10.
vocabere, Epit. Da. 211.
vocantem, In Ob. Pr. EL 45,
vocans, Nat. &c. 47.
vocaris, Epit. Da. 208.
vocarit, In Ob. Pr. 6.
vocat, EL i. 28, v. 116, vi. 50.
In Quint. Nov. 117. Epit,
Da. 69-
voce, Ad Leon. II. 5. -4^ Patr^
84. Maw/. 64.
vocem, Ad Patr. 59.
voces, £/. i. 2. Ira Quint, Nov,
91, 212. £pft. Da. 4.
vocibus, Epit. Da, 137*
volafle, EL iv. 82.
volatilefque, /rc Ob. Pr. EL 4>7-
volat, EL vi. 26. ira Quint,
Nov. 46.
volatu, Ma?/. 53. Epit, Da,
volens, ^c? Patr. 64. ^ £a//l
volet, In Quint, Nov, 169.
volitare, Manf. 29»
volitet, Epit. Da. 102.
volucres, -4d ^. ilo. 33.
volucrum, Epit. Da. 100.
volui, EL iv. 57, vii. 78.
voluhli, Ep. P. B. I. 3.
voluit, ^d J". Ro. 53.
volumina, £/. iv. 43.
voluptas, Epit. Da. 213.
volutat, Nat. &c. 55.
volvebas, In Quint. Nov, 186*.
volvere, Ad Pair. 3,
volvrt, £/. i. 56. Nat, &c. 3.
volvo, EL iii. 31.
voracem, Apol. 11.
vorago, Ad Patr. 42.
vorticibufque, Epit. Da. 76.
vortunt, In Quint. Nov. 154.
vofque, Ad Sal . 27.
vota, InOb.Pr. EL IS. Ma/?/.
14. Epit. Da. 30.
votis, £/?. Pa. 109.
votum, El. v. 111,779-
vox, Ad Leon. I. 4.
Upin, Man/. 47.
urbano, Apol. 2. Ad Patr. 74.
urbe, El. i. 47, iv. 12, 102, v.
27, vii. 51. Epit. Da. 13,
128. Ad J. Ro. 15.
urbem, In Quint. Nov. 55.
urbes, El. v. 105. In Quint.
Nov. 23, 211. In Ob. Pr.
El. 9.
urbis, De Id. PL 37.
urbs, £/. i. 9, 73.
urget, £/. v. 54.
urna, Mg?/. 90.
urnis, Man/. 32.
ufque, ,4d Chr. 8.
Ufa, £pif. Da. 175.
ufus, El. i. 88, v. 73. £j>. P.
£. II. 6. Epit. Da. 144.
ut, El. iii. 21, 40, iv. 91, v. 45,
65, 114, vii. 102. Apol. 7.
JVojf. &c. 39. De Id. PI. 33.
^d Patr. 4.
utcunque, ^c? Pafr. 6.
uterque, El. i. 56, v. 28. iVaf.
&c. 21.
uteris, £/. v. 93.
utinam, EL vii. 87.
utque, El. iv. 47. -^^ Chr. 4.
A T a£. &c. 56.
utrique, El. v. 27.
utrumque, Man/. 17.
Vulcaniofque, ^rf 5a^! 2.
vulgat, Jh Quint. Nov. 213.
vulgi, JSpif . Da. 193. AdJ.Ro*
vulnifico, is/, iv. 64.
vultu, EL iv. 37- In Quint.
Nov. 186.
vultus, EL vii. 88. Ad Chr. 8.
In Ob. Pr. ELM. Ad Patr.
91. Man/. 91, 99. Epit. Da*
vultufque, 22/?if. Da. 84.
uva, jfyzf. Da. 65.
uxori, £/. vii. 38.
Wintoniaeque, EL iii. 14.
Wintonienfis, In Ob. Pr. El..6%
Wintonius, El. iii. 53.
Zephyri, Epit. Da. 72.
Zephyro, El. iii. 44.
Zephyros, El. v. 2.
Zephyrus, 2s7. v. 69*
abbaglian, Son, iv. 6.
accorto, Son. vi. 6.
accoftandofi, Canz. 2.
ad, Canz. 10.
adorne, Son. iv. 10.
agghiaccia, Son. v. XI.
ago, Son. vi. 14.
al> Son. ii. 14, iii. 1.
Alba, Son. v. 14.
alle, Canz. 12.
alma, Son. iii. 5.
alpeftre, £orc. ii. 10.
alta, Son. ii. 8.
altera, Son. iii. 8«
alti, Son. iv. 8.
alto, jSow. vi. 11.
altre, Canz. 8.
altri, Canz. 7, 8.
altrui, Son. iii. 11.
amabil, &>/?. iv. g.
amante, Son. vi. 1.
amanti, Son. v. 7.
Amor, Soti. iii. 6, 11, 12. vi.
amor, Sow. ii. 7; Cc»2. 4;
Sow. iv. 2.
Amore, C«wz. 15.
amorofi, Canz. 1.
amorofo, Sow. ii. 14.
arco, Son. ii. 7.
arene, Sow, v. 4*
arma, Son, vi. 8.
A mo, Son. iii. 10.
arrivi, Ctfwz. 6.
afpettan, Canz. 8.
afpro, Son. iii. 1 .
atti, Son. ii. 6.
attorno, Cawz. 2 ; So/?, v. 11.
avezza, Son, iii. 2.
auventa, -Sow. iv. 13>
bagnando, Soft, iii. 3.
bei, Son, v. 1 .
bel, Sow. ii. 1, iii. X0«
bella, Son. iii. 3.
bellezza, Son. iv. 7«
ben, Sow. iv. 12.
bene, Son, ii. 3.
buon, Son. iii. 9, 14.
buono, Son. vi. 6.
burlando, Ca«z. 7.
caddi, 5o«. iv. 4.
caldo, -Sow. v. 5.
cangio, Son. iii. 10.
cantar, Son, iv. 11.
canti, Son. ii. 9.
canto, £o«. iii. 9.
canzon, Canz. 13.
cela, Son. v. 9.
certo, Sow. v. 1, vi. 4.
cetra, Son. vi. 12.
che, Son. ii. 6, 7, 10, 14, iii.
4, 10, iv. 2, 11, 14, v. 2, 7,
8, vi. 2.
chi, -Sow. ii. 12, iii. 14, v. 4.
chiaman, Son. v. 8.
chioma, Cawz. 10.
ciafeun, Son. ii. 11.
del, Son. iii. 14.
ciglia, Son. iv. 8.
colle, Sow. iii. 1.
colma, Son. v. 14.
colui, Son. ii. 3.
come, Canz. iv ; Sow. v. 3.
con, Son. iv. 1.
cofa, Son. iii. 12.
cofi, Son. iii. 6 ; Canz. 7.
coftante, Sow. vi. 5.
cui, Sow. ii. 1 . Canz. 9«
cuor, Sow. ii. 14, iii. 13, iv. 7>
vi. 3.
cuore, Canz, 14.
dabben, Son. iv. 4,
deh, Son. iii. 13.
defta, Son. iii. 7.
diamante, Sow. vi.
dice, Canz. 14.
dinne, Canz. 5.
Diodati, -Sow. iv. 1.
diro, Son. iv. 1.
dirotti, Canz. 13.
difio, Sow. ii. 14.
difufata, Son. iii. 4.
divoto, Sow. vi. 4.
dolcemente, Sow. ii. 5.
donna, Sow. ii. 1 ; Canz. 14 ;
Sow. v. 1.
donne, Canz. 1.
dono, Sow. vi. 3.
dubbio, Sow. vi. 2.
duole, Sow. v. 6.
duro, Sow. ii. 10, iii. 13, vi,
e, Sow. ii. 3.
ei, Sow. v. 3.
entrata, Sow. ii. 12.
efler, Sow. v. 2.
eterne, Canz. 11.
far, Sow. v. 13.
faro, Sow. vi. 4.
faticofa, Canz. 12.
favella, Sow. iii. 7*
fedele, Sow. vi. 5.
fia, Canz. 14.
finche, S&n. v. 14.
fior, Sow. iii. 7.
forfe, Sow. v. 7> vi,
forte, Sow. v. 3.
fofs', Sow. iii. 13.
frondi, Canz. 11.
fuggir, Sow. vi. 2.
fulgor, Canz. £).
fuoco, Canz. 13.
fuor, Sow. iii. 5.
fuora, Sow. ii. 5.
gentil, Sow. ii. 4.
gia, Sow. iv. 4.
giovane, Sow. vi. 1.
giovani, Canz. 1.
giovinetta, Sow. iii. 2.
gran, Sow. iv. 13, vi. 7.
gratia, Son. ii. 13.
guancia, Son. iv. 5.
guardi, Son. ii. 11.
guiderdon, Canz. 11,
bebbi, Sow. vi. 5.
hemifpero, Sow. iv. 11.
herbetta, Son. iii. 3.
herbofa, Son. ii. 2.
honefti, Son. iv. 8.
honora, Sow. ii. 1.
hor, Canz. 10.
humil, Son. vi. 3.
huom, Son. iv. 4.
idea, Sow. iv. 6*.
ignota, Canz. 3.
imbrunir, Son. iii. 1.
immortal, Canz. 11.
impiglia, /Sow. iv. 4.
inanti, Son. ii. 13.
incerar, Son. iv. 14.
indarno, Son. iii. 12.
indegno, Sow. ii. 12.
infiora, Son. ii. 8.
ingegno, Son. vi. 10.
ingiela, Son. v. 11.
irmamora, -Sow. ii. 4.
infanabil, /Sow. vi. 14.
infu, /Sow. iii. 6.
intero, Son. vi. 8:
intefo, Son. iii. 9.
intrepido, Sow. vi. 5.
invecchi, Sow. ii. 14.
invia, Son. v. 4.
invidia, Son. vi. 9.
io, Sow. iii. 8, 11, iv. 2, v. 8,
vi. 4.
lacci, Son. iv. 3.
lato, -Sow. v, 6.
leggiadra, Son.il 1.
leggiadro, Son. vi. 6*.
legno, Son. ii. 10.
lento, Son. iii. 13.
Libia, Sow. v. 4.
lidi, Canz. 8.
lieta, Sow. ii. 9.
lingua, Sow. iii. 6 ; Canz. 3, 15;
Sow. iv. 10.
loco, Sow. v. 12,
lor, Sow. v. 4.
luna, Son. iv. 12.
ma, Sow. iv. 6, v. 12.
madonna, Sow. vi. 3.
mai, Son. iii. 12; Canz* 5*
mal, Sow. iii. 4.
maraviglia, Sow. iv. 1.
me, Cawz. 13; Sow. v. 13, vi. 2.
meco, Sow. iii. rj.
men, Sow. vi. 13.
mentre, Sow. iii. 8, v. 5.
mezzo, Sow. iv. 11.
mi, Canz. 7 ; Sow. iv. 3, 14 v
2, 6, 10.
mia, Son. v. 1, 14.
miglior, Canz. 6.
mio, Sow. iii. 9, 13; Canz. 14;
Sow. v. 2, vi. 3.
mile, Sow. vi. 14.
mondo, Sow. vi. 7.
monftra, Son. ii. 5.
mover, Sow. ii. io.
mufe, Sow. vi. 12.
natia, Sow. iii. 5.
ne, Sow. iv. 5, v. 5.
nero, Sow. iv. 9.
nobil, Sow. ii. 2.
nome, Sow. ii. 1.
non, Sow. v. 2, 8.
notti, Sow. v. 13.
nova, Sow. iv. 6,
novo, Sow.ii. 7.
o, Son. ii. 9.
occhi, Son. ii. 11, iv. 13, v. l,
ogni, Son. ii. 3.
onde, Canz. 8.
orecchi, Son. ii. 11, iv. 14.
oro, Son. iv. 5.
ofi, Canz. 4.
ove, Son. v. 6, vi. 14.
quefta, Canz. 15.
quivi, Son. v.
Rheno, Son. ii. 2.
rinchiufa, S'un. v. 9
rifpondi, Canz. 13,
ritrofo, Son. iv. 2.
rivien, 5ow. v. 14«
rofe, Son. y. 14.
parco, Son. ii. 6.
parli, Son. ii. 9.
parole, 6'ow. iv. 10, v. 7*
parte, Son. v. 9, vi. 13.
paftorella, Son. iii. 2.
pellegrina, Son. iv. 7.
penfieri, Ca«z. 6 ; Sow. vi. 6.
per, Son. v. 1, 4.
perche, Canz. 2, 3, 12.
percuoton, Son. v. 3.
pefo, Son. iii. 11.
petto, Son. v. 10.
piano, Son. vi. 1.
pianta, Son. iii. 14.
piavofe, Son. v. 13.
poco, &m. iv. 14, v. 10.
poi, Son. vi. 2.
popol, Sow. iii. 9, vi. 10.
portamenti, Son. iv. 8.
pofla, Son. ii. 10.
pria, Son. v. 5.
primavera, Son. iii. 5.
prove, Son. vi. 4.
puo, Son. iv. 12, v. 2.
qual, Son. ii. 4, iii. 1.
quando, Son. ii. 9, vi. 7.
quanto, Son. v. 12, vi. 11.
quel, Son. iv, 2, 9,
faette, Son. ii. 7*.
fcarco, Son. ii. S-
fcocca, Son. vi. 7.
fcoflb, Son. Vo 10.
fcrivi, Canz. 2, 3.
fe, Canz. 5 ; Son. vi. S.
femplicette, Son. vi. la
feno, Son. iii. 13.
fenti, Son. v. 5.
ieppi, Son. iii. 12.
iera, Son. iii. 1.
fereno, Son. iv. 9-
fi, Son. n$. 13, v.3, 8, 9,
fi, Son. iv. 6.
fia, Canz. 5 ; Son. v. 8*
fian, Son. v. 2.
ficuro, Son. vi. 9.
inella, Son. iii. 6.
fo, Son. v. 8.
foavi, Son. ii. 6.
i'ol, Son. vi. 13.
fola, Son. ii. 13.
fole, Son. v. 2.
folea, Son. iv. 2.
foma, Conz. 12.
fon, Son. ii. 7.
fono, Son. vi. 2.
fonora, Son. vi. 12.
ibfpir, Son. v. 8.
fotto, Son. iv. 6.
foverchia, Canz. 12*
fpalle, Canz. 12.
tfpande, Sow. iii. 4.
fpeme, Canz. 5.
fpera, Son. iii. 4.
iperanze, Son. vi. 10,
fpeffo. Son, iv. 3.
fpinge, Son. v. 6\
fpirto, Sow. ii. 4.
fponde, Cawz. 9»
fpreggiar, Son. iv. 2.
ipuntati, Canz. 10.
fte-ffo, Sow. vi. 2.
ftrana, Sow. iii. 3 ; Canz. 3«
ftrania, Sow. iii. 7«
fua ? Sow. iii. 5.
fui, Son, ii. 6.
fuo, Canz. 14.
fuoi, Sow. iv. 3, 13.
fuol, Sow, v. 13.
fuole, Sow. v. 3.
Ill, Sow. vi. 13.
talhor, Sow. iv. 4.
Tamigi, Sow. iii. 10.
tante, Sow. vi. 4.
tanto, Sow. vi. 9.
terreno, Sow. iii. 14.
timori, Sow. vi. 10.
traviar, Sow. iv. 12.
treccie, Sow. iv. 5.
trovar, Sow. v, 12.
troverete ? Son. vi. 13.
trouva, Sow. ii. 12.
tu, Sow. ii. 9.
tua, Son. ii. 8 ; Canz. 5,
tuo, Sow. ii. 4.
tuono, Sow. vi. 7-
turbida, Sow. v. 9.
tutte, Son.Y* 13,
va, Sow. iii. 3.
vaga, Sow. ii. 9.
vaglia, Sow. ii. 13.
vago, Sow. vi. llo
val, Sow. ii. 2.
valor, Sow. vi. 11.
valore, Son. ii. 3.
van, Canz. 7.
vana, Canz. 5.
vanta, Canz. 15.
vapor, Sow. v. 5.
varco, Sow. ii. 2.
verdi, Canz. 9.
vermiglia, Sow. iv. 5.
verfeggiando, Canz. 4.
vezzofamente, Sow. iii. 8«
virtu, Sow. ii. 8.
una, Sow. iv. 10.
voi, Sow. vi. 3.
volfe, Sow. iii. 11, 12.
voftr', Sow. v. 1.
ufcendo, Sow. v. 10.
ufe, Sow. vi. 10.
Pxinted by Law and Gilbert, St. John** Square, Clerkemrell,
Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process.
Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide
Treatment Date: March 2009
111 Thomson Park Drive
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
(724) 779-2111