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I ' ' ,X '-'s ' '■ "''■., ,aN .■'-'•<, ■'-. -y- V' .x> -'-t "., % '■' x^\ ■■ \. ..^ ^ ' ' « ■<« 1 ^ .>^ % -,r. ,,^x ..x^^^' A^X' ,■0' ^ ^■i. H a a a « fk =" . n .5 m H to H H K J H K H n o THE S T E B B I N S GENEALOGY BY RALPH STEBBINS GREENLEE AND ROBERT LEMUEL GREENLEE IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME II CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRIVATELY FEINTED 1904 '^^■ Sarah Warriner ^^a rah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah ! daughter of Edward Stebbins and Lodisa Pearl Gonld, was born July 2, 1861, at Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; died June 1, 1SS7, at Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; married May 15, 1883, at Hadley, Hamp- shire County, Massachusetts, to MELVIN ALEXANDER BERRY, born De- cember 9, 1859. Resided at Hadley and Springfield, Massachusetts, and Westport, New York. CHILDREN: 4729. I. Louis Edward Berry, born :\Iay 23, 1886 ; died April 21, 1887. 2835. FLORENCE MAY STEBBINS » \ Edward stebbins 7 Heman Stebbins e f Lodisa Pearl Gould Sarah Dickinson 29.5 68 9 2 Asaph Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warriner Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 '- ' • V» , Sarah ( ! ■ ■ ] 7 daughter of Edwai-d Stebbins and Lodisa Pearl Gould, was born January 23, 1863, at Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; married August 5, 1891 (T. R.), at Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, to GEORGE HENRY DRURY, born January 1, 1861, at Westhampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, who was a son of George Burder Drury and Sarah Henry Kingsley. Occupation, bookkeeper. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congre- gationalist. Residence, Northampton, Jlassaehusetts. CHILDREN : 4730. I. Howard George Drury, born November 12, 1892; died January, 1894. 4731. II. Mae Kingsley Drury, born January 3, 1896. 4732. III. Ralph Stebbins Drury, born July 14, 1899. FLORENCE STEBBINS DRURY graduated from Hopkins Academy. Had- ley, Massachusetts, in 1881, and for the next nine years was an efficient teacher in district, primary, and grammar schools. GEORGE HENRY DRURY was formerly cashier for the Florence Machine Company, of Northampton, Massachusetts, and is now bookkeeper for Mc- Callum & Company of the same place. 2836. {1417 661 **95 Edward Stebbins 7 Ileman Stelibins 6 Asaph Ste"i)bins 5 Lodisa Pearl Gould Sanib Dickinson Lucy Bardwell 6S 9 2 1 ) John Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah Warriner Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah i daughter of Edward Stebbins and Lodisa Pearl Gould, was born September 702 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 17, 1864, at Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; married August 6, 1892, at Albany, New York, to FREDERICK S. SNYDER, who was a son of Frederick Snyder; divorced January 1, 1899. She is by occupation a com- positor and proofreader. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Franklin, Massachusetts. No children. ANNIE LOUISE STEBBINS graduated at Belchertown, Massachusetts, High School in 1882. 2864. GEORGE JANES STEBBINS ^^ ] Augustine n'olman Stebbins 7 Erastus Stebbins e ( -Mary Ann Janes Ruth Smith 295 68 9 o fnrS R^vriwln^ ° -Tohn Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas s"tebbins 2 LucyBaidwell Sarah Wamner Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 (■ Sarah \ son of Augustine Holman Stebbins and Mary Ann Janes, was born March 11, 1835, at Painted Post, New York; married November 28, 1872, at Cleve- land, Ohio, to ADALINE E. WATKINS, born August 20, 1849, at Cleveland, Ohio, who was a daughter of George Watkins and Eliza Harlow. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, 836 Logan Street, Cleveland, Ohio. CHILDREN : 4733. I. Alice May, born February 1, 1874. 4734. II. Clara Louise, born January 21, 1876. 4735. III. Gertrude Watkins, bom July 3, 1878. 4736. TV. Ralph Gilbert, born January 25, 1882. GEORGE JANES STEBBINS was a musician in the 47th New York Infantry in the Civil War and re-enlisted in the 5th New York Heavy Artil- lery. 2865. SARAH PATRICK STEBBINS » \ Augustine "ebbins T Erastus Stebbins e ( Mary Ann Janes Ruth Smith , 29.^i 68 9 o LucfBardwl?l'° John Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas sTebblns 2 1.HC.V uardwell Sarah TV arriner Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) daughter of Augustine Holman Stebbins and Mary Ann Janes, was born No- vember 4, 1836, at Masonville, New York ; married May 13, 1857, at Mason- viUe, New York, to JOHN NEWTON HOWLAND, born September 30, 1830, at Cannonsville, New York, who was a son of John Howland and Isabella Jones. Occupation, leather merchant. Residence, Ypsilanti, Michigan. CHILDREN : 4737. I. Son, born April 13, 1860 ; died young. EIGHTH GENERATION. 703 4738. II. 4739. III. 4740. IV. 4741. V. ]\Iary Howland, born April 16, 1862; died December 12, 1865. Clara Howland. born July 31. 1864; died Jnly 3, 1865. Cornelia E. Howland, born October 10, 1866. John Augustine Howland, born September 8, 1869; married Lil- lie Wimmer. 2866. DWIGHT PRESTON STEBBINS OS .Tohn .Stoljliins -i Sarah Warriner 1 1429 - Augustine Stebbins ^ \ Mary Ann Janes 9 .T^iseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 666 Erastiis Stebbins R nuth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 295 .\saph Stebbins 5 Lucy Bardwell ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah \ son of Augustine Holman Stebbins and Mary Ann Janes, was born September 4, 1839, at JIasonville, Delaware County, New York; died December 16, 1885, at Cleveland, Ohio ; married April 27, 1859, at New Berlin, New York, to MARY ANN BENNET, born September 13, 1841, at Guilford, New York, who was a daughter of John J. Bennett and Mary Lueina Gilbert. Occupa- tion, musician. Residence, 686 Bolton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. CHILDREN : 4742. I. Howard Sumner, born September 16, 1860 ; married Mary Wil- kinson. -(- 4743. II. Amy Janes, born February 29, 1864; married Edward Allen Wal- lace. + 4744. III. Herbert Clark, born April 19, 1876. DWIGHT P. STEBBINS was a musician in the 47th New York Infantry, and afterwards re-enlisted in the "oth New York Heavy Artillery. 2867. DE WITT CLINTON STEBBINS » \ Auf^ustiue ifolman stebbins 7 Erastus Stebbi / Mary Ann Janes Ruth Smith 68 John Stebbins 6 Sarah Warriner Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ( 295 Asaph Stebbins s Lucy Bardwell 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Augustine Holman Stebbins and ilary Ann Janes, was born December 22, 1840, at Masonville, New York; died November 8, 1888, at Cleveland, Ohio; married November 22, 1871, at Cleveland, Ohio, to ALIDA GALE, born August 10, 1847, at Cleveland, Ohio. Occupation, carpenter and contractor. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Kansas City, Missouri, and Cleveland, Ohio. CHILDREN : 4745. I. Ralph, born September 23, 1873 ; died July 12, 1874. DE WITT CLINTON STEBBINS served four years in the Civil War, 704 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. enlisting first in the regimental band of the 42nd United States Volunteers. He was discharged August 10th, 1862. He re-enlisted July 4, 1863, in Gap- tain Allen Banks' Company, United States Veteran Cavalry, as a bugler. His discharge from this branch of the service is dated July 20, 1865. At the close of the war he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1878, removed to the West. The last ten years of his life were spent in Kansas City, Mis- souri, where he was engaged in business as contractor and builder, and real estate dealer. He was a man of rare integrity and truthfulness. 2868. AUGUSTINE JEROME STEBBINS « ] .\ugiistine Holman Stcbtins 7 Erastus Stebbins e ( Maiy Ann Janes Ruth Smith ■2'do 68 9 2 Asaph Stebbins B John Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warriner Sarah Doiohester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sai-ah — \ son of Augustine Holman Stebbins and Mary Ann Janes, was born July 1, 1843, at Masonville, Delaware County, New York; died December 5, 1891, at Ypsilanti, Michigan; married September 14, 1865, at Marietta, Ohio, to ELIZA HOLDEN SKINNER, born September, 1834, at Marietta, Ohio ; died January 8, 1888, at Ypsilanti, Michigan, daughter of David C. Skinner and Eliza Payson McParland. He married second, April 17, 1890, at Ypsilanti, Michigan, to MARIA R. WELLS. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Repub- lican. Resided at Ypsilanti, Michigan. CHILDREN: 4746. I. Fred Augustine, born June 21, 1867 ; married Kate C. DeMorh. 4747. II. Julia Wells, born November 9, 1868; married Edward John Jen- iiigs.+ AUGUSTINE JEROME STEBBINS was among the first to respond to the call for volunteers for three months' service, entering the army before he had attained the required age, and afterwards re-enlisted for three years in the 1st Ohio Light Artillery. He received injuries during the battle of Chicka- mauga, which permanently disabled him. He was a brave and distinguished artillerist, and won honors in the west- ern army. He went to Ypsilanti in 1866 and soon identified himself with the business interests of the town. He resided there until his death. 2870. HERBERT ROWLAND STEBBINS' -J Angus I Mary . 1429 666 . stine Holman Stebbins i Erastus Stebbins o Mary Ann Janes Ruth Smith -0.-. 68 9 o Asaph Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 Joseph .Stebbins 3 Thnmao <5t<.i,hir.<. •• Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warriner Sarah DorchmVr San nah Wrigi? ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ) son of Augustine Stebbins and Mary Ann Janes, was born October 25, 1847, EIGHTH GENERATION. 705 at Masonville, Delaware County, New York; married 1875, at Cleveland, Ohio, to MARY E. TYLER; divorced in 1882. Residence, Dumont, Colorado. No children. 2872. DWIGHT STEBBINS STRONG » j 1433 Lucy Stebbins 7 Amarlah Elwell Strong 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarab Dorcbester 668 Erastua Stebbins 6 Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 295 68 Asaph Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warriner 1 i ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Sarah ) son of Lucy Stebbins and Amariah Elwell Strong, was born August 31, 1842, at Hatfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts ; mai-ried November 6, 1867, at Hatfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, to LUCY ALMIRA LOM- BARD, born June 25, 1846, at Colerain, Franklin County, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Joel Lombard and Esther Canedy. Occupation, fruit grower. Polities, Republican. Residence, Riverside, California. CHILDREN: 4748. I. Minnie M. Strong, born August 20, 1869 ; married Hiram Roach. 4749. II. Walter R. Strong, born April 4, 1880. 4750. m. Arthur L. Strong, born October 12, 1883. DWIGHT STEBBINS STRONG served in the army nearly three years during the war of the RebeUion. He fiirst enlisted in the 27th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and afterwards in the 2nd Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. WALTER R. STRONG enlisted in the 7th Regiment, California Volunteers, at the breaking out of the war with Spain, but his regiment was never sent to the front, and after waiting six months at San Francisco, they were dis- charged. 2878. CELIA FRANCINA STEBBINS 68 John Stebbins 4 Sarah Warriner I 1435 ■< Ebenezer Smith Stebbins i ( Maretta Landers 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 666 Erastus Stebbins 6 Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 295 Asaph Stebbins 5 Lucy Bardwell ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ]■ Sarah 1 daughter of Ebenezer Smith Stebbins and Maretta Landers, was born August 2, 1849, at Guilford, New York; married March 15, 1876, at Guilford, New York, to CYRUS J. WESTCOTT, born February 5, 1843, at RiehmondviUe, Sehoharia County, New York, who was a son of Alonzo Westcott and Char- lotte Lane. Occupation, commercial traveler. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist Episcopal. Residence, 15 Ford Avenue, Oneonta, Otsego County, New York. No children. CYRUS J. WESTCOTT served in the Civil War from July, 1862, until 45 706 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. the close of the war. He was wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness, but soon rejoined his regiment, the 121st New York Infantry, sixth corps, first division, second brigade, of the Army of the Potomac. 2879. PHILO EBENEZER STEBBINS « | John Stebbins 4 Sarah Warriner 1435 Ebenezer Smith Stebbins 7 Maretta Landers 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 666 Erastus Stebbins 6 Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ( 295 Asaph Stebbins 5 Lucy Bardweli 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Ebenezer Smith Stebbins and Maretta Landers, was born May 22, 1854, at Guilford, New York; married February 6, 1878, at Bainbridge, New York, to EMMA A. ROGERS, born December 25, 1853, at New York City. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Milford and Portlandville, New York. CHILDREN: 4751. I. 4752. II. 4753. III. 4754. IV. 4755. V. 4756. VI. 4757. Vli. 4758. VIII. Wumie Fay, bom November 10, 1878. Maretta L., born January 18, 1880. Celia Westcott, born August 27, 1881. Pearl Daisy, born April 8, 1884. Ralph, born January 26, 1888. Harold Cyrus, born March 22, 1890. Ruth, born December 31, 1894. Norman, born November 10, 1897. 2880. EMMA BAETLETT ' 1436 Ruth Stebbins 7 Lavius Eartiett 9 John Steljbins 4 Sarah Warriner Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 666 ErastLis Stebbins e Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Steljbins 2 Hannah Wright 295 Asaph Stebbins B Lucy Bardweli 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Ruth A. Stebbins and Lavius Hyde Bartlett, was born Novem- ber 5, 1844, at Masonville, New York ; died November 25, 1895 ; married Janu- ary 15, 1879, at Whitesville, New York, to "WTMAN L. EDSON, born October 17, 1849, at Union Centre, Broome County, New York. Occupation, manufac- turer. Resided at Union Centre, New York. 2882. NORMAN STEBBINS BARTLETT » ^ Ruth stebwnf 7 ( Lavius Bartlett 295 Asaph Stebbins o Lucy Bardweli 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 68 John Stebbins * Sarah Warriner Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 666 Erastus Stebbins o Ruth Smith Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright son of Ruth A. Stebbins and Laviiis Hyde Bartlett, was born October 21, 1852, at Masonville, New York ; married November 1, 1873, at Whitesville, New York, EIGHTH GENERATION. 707 to LENA CRANDALL, born May 23, 18-49, at Whitesville, New York, pation, lumber dealer. Residence, Whitesville, New York. CHILDREN : 4759. I. Carl Crandall Bartlett, born March 31, 1875. 4760. II. Harry Herbert Bartlett, born October 27, 1876. 4761. III. Clara Ruth Bartlett, born December 18, 1878. Occu- 2883. GEORGE EDDISON STEBBINS » j 68 John Stebbins 4 Sarah Warriner 1437 Lowell Preston Stebbins 7 Sarah J. Thurher 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 666 Erastus Stebbins 6 Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ( 295 Asaph Stebbins 5 Lucy Bardwell 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah son of Lowell Preston Stebbins and Sarah J. Thurber, was born April 29, 1847, at Masonville, New York; married April 4, 1874, at Masonville, New York, to MARY CLARK LORNBERGBR, born September 20, 1852, at Prank- linton, Schoharie Coimty, New York: died October 12, 1884, at Masonville, New York, who was a daughter of Martin Lornberger and Ann Bagley. He married second, November 25, 1889, at Unadilla, New York, to FANNIE MAY HOUCK, born May 25, 1872, at Unadilla, New York. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Masonville, New York. CHILDREN: 4762. I. Howard Newman, born September 11, 1875 ; married Bertha Matte- son. GEORGE E. STEBBINS served in the Civil "War, enlisting January 19, 1864, in Company I., 16th Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery. He was honorably discharged May 26, 1865. 2884. CHARLES E. STEBBINS 205 Asaph Stebbins 5 Lucy Bardwell 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah |S! 1437 Lowell Preston Stebbins 7 Sarah J. Thurber OS 9 John Stebbins i Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Warriner Sarah Dorchester G66 Erastus Stebbins 6 Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright son of Lowell Preston Stebbins and Sarah J. Thurber, was born November 19, 1851, at Masonville, New York ; married April 9, 1874, at Chester, Geauga County, Ohio, to FLORENCE LYMAN, born May 5, 1849, at Chester, Geauga County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Ira Lyman. Occupation, liveryman. Polities, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Chester Cross Roads, and Chardon, Ohio. 708 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 4763. I. Norman L., born September 6, 1876; married Ella Sampson. 4764. II. Ira Preston, born January 11, 1881 ; died young. 2885. , ^„„^^„^„ „ I 1437 666 295 HOMER L. STEBBINS * < Lowell Preston Stebblns 7 Brastus Stebblns 6 Asaph Stebblns 6 I Sarah J. Thurber Ruth Smith Lucy Bardwell 68 2 1 I John Stebblns 4 Joseph Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Warrlner Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah 1 son of LoweU Preston Stebbins and Sarah J. Thurber, was born October 4, 1859, at Masonville, New York ; married January 24, 1882, at Masonville, New York, to CARRIE BARTHOLOMEW, born March 14, 1861, at Unadilla, New York; died July, 1890, who was a daughter of James Bartholomew and Alcha Van Alstine. He married second, EMMA FITZGERALD. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Masonville, New York. CHILDREN: 4765. I. Thurber L., born June 23, 1884. 2891. t 1471 671 298 MINERVA STEBBINS * \ Frederick Stebbins 7 Caleb Stebblns e Caleb Stebbins 5 ( Sylvia Bdson Mehltable Chapln Elizabeth Warrlner 82 11 2 11 Thomas Stebblns i Edward Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah I daughter of Frederick Stebbins and Sylvia Edson, was born January 31, 1811 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; died April 8 (or 10), 1884, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married June 9, 1831, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, to LEE RICE, born October 22, 1802, at Granby, Hartford County, Massachusetts ; died March 16, 1857, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Metho- dist. Resided at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 4766. I. Sylvia A. Rice, born May 31, 1833 ; married Henry E. Fuller. 4767. II. Sarah M. Rice, born March 21, 1838; married Harvey Seymour. 4768. III. Lottie J. Rice, born October 20, 1844; married Elias S. Keyes.+ 4769. IV. Jesse L. Rice, born April 14, 1847 ; married Emma Dean. 2892. JASON STEBBINS 8 \ Frederick Stebblns 7 Caleb Stebblns 8 Caleb Stebblns 5 ( Sylvia Edson Mehltable Chapln Elizabeth Warrlner 82 11 2 II Thomas Stebblns 4 Edward Stebblns 8 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )■ Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah i son of Frederick Stebbins and Sylvia Edson, was born September 27, 1812 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; died October 31, 1892 (T. R.), at Wil- EIGHTH GENERATION. 709 braham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married November 9, 1837, at Monson, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to ELVIRA COLTON, born August 7, 1817, at Monson, Hampden County, Massachusetts ; died December 10, 1875, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of David Colton and Tami- tha Merrick. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congrega- tionalist. Resided at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 4770. I. Henry Jason, born September 8, 1838; died September 11, 1838. 4771. II. Harriet Elvira, born October 13, 1840; died June 15, 1842. 4772. HI. Ellen Jane, bom June 13, 1843 (T. R.) ; married Ebenezer W. Cummings.+ 4773. IV. Stillman Colton, born May 27, 1846 (T. R.) ; died April 5, 1873 (T. R.) ; unmarried. 4774. V. Arthur Lavater, born February 15, 1848 (T. R.) ; died May 15, 1897 (T. R.). 4775. VI. John Gilbert, born February 23, 1851 (T. R.) ; married Carrie A. Height.+ 2895. ( 1471 671 298 JANE STEBBINS * < Frederick Stebbins 7 Caleb Stebblns c Caleb Stebblns 5 ( Sylvia Edson Mehitalile Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 11 Thomas Stebblns 4 Edward Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns : ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Frederick Stebbins and Sylvia Edson, was born February 12, 1818 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; died April 7, 1848, at Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts; married October, 1841, to PHILIP CHAPIN DAVIS, born June 17, 1810, at Stafford, Connecticut; died April 27, 1879, at Kala- mazoo, Michigan, who was a son of Philip Davis and Elizabeth Chapin. CHILDREN: 4776. I. Charles Frederick Davis, born August 31, 1843; lives at Kalama- zoo, Michigan. 4777. II. Elizabeth Sarah Jane Davis, born February, 1847; died August 21, 1848, at Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. 2897. ( 1471 671 298 SARAH ANN STEBBINS * - Frederick Stebblns 7 Caleb Stebbins « Caleb Stebbins 5 t Sylvia Edson Mehitable Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 1 Thomas Stebbins i Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBB Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wrisht Sarah 3IXS1 i daughter of Frederick Stebbins and Sylvia Edson, was born November 16, 1822 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; married November 2, 1848 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, to PHILIP CHAPIN DAVIS, born June 17, 1810, at Stafford, Connecticut; died April 27, 1879, at Kalamazoo, Mich- gan, who was a son of Philip Davis and Elizabeth Chapin. Residence, Kala- mazoo, Michigan. 710 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 4778. I. George Edward Davis, born January 19, 1851; died October 21, 1872; unmarried. 4779. XL "William Chapin Davis, born January 3, 1854; married Helen CoveU. 4780. in. Horace Stebbins Davis, born March 1, 1856; married Florence Quayle. 2898. GEORGE HENRY STEBBINS » \ Frederick stebbins T Caleb Stebbins c I Sylvia Edson Mehitable Chapin 298 82 11 2 Caleb Stebbins o Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins a Thomas Stebbins 2 Elizabeth Warriner Mai-y Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) son of Frederick Stebbins and Sylvia Edson, was born May 11, 1824 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; died February 10, 1873 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; married April 28, 1850 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, to CYNTHIA A. BILLINGS, born August 31, 1828, at Longmeadow, Hamp- shire County, Massachusetts; died at Jenksville, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Orsemus Billings and Minerva Chapin. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Resided at "Wilbraham, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, born at "Wilbraham: 4781. I. Frederick Leforest, born February 3, 1852 (T. B.) ; married Abbie J. Gassette.-|- 4782. II. Frank Edward, born February 10, 1854 (T. R.) ; unmarried. 4783. III. Fannie AdeUe, born September 3, 1858 (T. R.) ; unmarried. 2909. HANNAH STEBBINS 8 1 -Tobn stebbins 7 Caleb stebbins 6 Caleb Stebbins 5 I Hannah Bliss Mebitable Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins i Edward Stebbins 8 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS I V Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of John Stebbins and Hannah Bliss, was born March 7, 1794, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married August 29, 1811, to NOAH FOOT. CHILDREN: 4784. I. Franklin Stebbins Foot, born December 9, 1812 ; married Deniah Lombard. Son, died in infancy. Angeline Foot, born June 19, 1814 ; married Chauncey E. "White. John Bliss Foot, born April 25, 1816 ; married Maria Russell. He died October 30, 1891. 4788. V. Hannah Foot, born March 7, 1818; married Theodore Dewey. 4785. II. 4786. m. 4787. IV No. 2922. JOHN BLISS STEBBINS. HOME OF No. 2922, JOIIX BLISS STEBBINS, CRESCENT IIILI., SI'ItlNGFIELD, MASS. 711 EIGHTH GENERATION. 711 4789. VI. Frances Foot, born February 21, 1820 ; married Leonard Everett. 4790. VII. Margaret Foot, born June 10, 1822 ; married Chauncey E. White. 2919. ( 1475 671 298 DELIA STEBBINS ^ < John SteWnns 7 Caleb .Stebblns 6 Caleb Stebbins 6 ( ilannali Bliss Mehitable Chapln Elizabetii Warriner 82 11 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of John Stebbins and Hannah Bliss, was born October 3, 1810 ; mar- ried May 6, 1833, to REUBEN T. SAFFORD. CHILDREN: 4791. I. Henry Safford. 4792. II. Fanny Safford; married Erskine AUen. 4793. III. Clara Safford; unmarried. 4794. IV. James Deforest Safford; married May ICirkham. 2921. 1 1475 671 298 MARGARET STEBBINS ^ { .John stebbins 7 Caleb Stebbins 6 Caleb Stebbins 5 ( Hannah Bliss Mehitable Chapln Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 II Thomas Stebbins i Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins = ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of John Stebbins and Hannah Bliss, was born June 15, 1815; mar- ried to ELIAKIM PARKER SCAMMON. CHILDREN : 4795. I. Scammon; married Nathaniel Jones. 4796. n. Scammon; married Walter Lockwood. 4797. III. Scammon; married Auguste Blanchet. 2922. JOHN BLISS STEBBINS * ^ -Tobn stebbins 7 Caleb Steblilns 6 Caleb Stebbins 5 ( Hannah Bliss Mehitable Chapln Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of John Stebbins and Hannah Bliss, was born November 9, 1817, at Spring- field, Massachusetts; died January 13, 1899, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married January 25, 1843, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to MARIA STEB- BINS, born March 27, 1818, at Springfield, Massachusetts; died March 12, 1891, at Springfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Festus Stebbins and Frances Dickinson. Occupation, merchant and banker. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Protestant Episcopal. Resided at Springfield, Massa- chusetts. 4799. II. 4800. III. 4801. IV. 4802. V. 4803. VI. 712 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 4798. I. John Louis, born March 31, 1844; married Ida Isabella Wil- liams.4- Mary Frances, born September 9, 1848 ; died March 22, 1849. Elizabeth Richards, born September 19, 1850; married William Thornton Parker. + Infant, born November 4, 1853 ; died November 4, 1853. Anna Child, born November 13, 1855; unmarried. Fannie Lee, born November 13, 1855; married William Horace Chapin.-}- 4804. VII. Maria Louisa, born August 10, 1857. JOHN BLISS STEBBINS entered the Springfield high school when it was first opened in 1828, being then just eleven years of age. In 1832 he decided to start out in life, and that was the beginning of his long business career. He was first engaged as clerk in the wholesale grocery store of Averill & Pryor in Hartford, Connecticut, the latter member of the firm being his cousin. He received very little remuneration for his labors, except his board. As he was not very strong the heavy work proved too severe and he was very glad to return to Springfield and accept a position as clerk in the hard- ware store of Homer Foot & Company. Their store then stood where the in- stitution for savings now stands. On attaining his majority he started for New York City with his pockets weU filled with recommendations. He found temporary employment with Stout, Ingoldsby & Co., hardware dealers, during the absence of a clerk. When the clerk whose place he had taken returned, MR. STEBBINS received an offer from George Dwight, of Homer Foot & Co., to return, with the prom- ise that he would be given an interest in the business within a few years. He returned to their employ in 1839, and in 1842 the new partnership was formed. He remained with this firm for over fifty years, with the exception of the one year spent in New York. During his long connection with this firm many changes took place in Springfield, and the famous hardware house kept pace with the growth of the city. MR. STEBBINS shared in the prosperity of the firm, and in 1885 retired to devote himself to the Springfield institution for savings, of which he was president, and the manufacturing interests with which he was prominently identified. He was the oldest corporator of the institution for savings, as he was elected a member in 1850. In 1858 he was chosen a trustee, and in 1884 succeeded Colonel Thompson as president. When the Holyoke water-power company was organized in 1859, MR. STEBBINS became a stockholder and was made a director in 1868. In 1886 he was put at the head of this concern, but retired in 1890 so as to be relieved from such heavy cares. Since the organization of the Ludlow manufacturing company in 1868, he was one of its directors, and in later years was its president, and he succeeded to John H. Southworth as president of the Hampshire Paper Company. He was also a director of the City National Bank and the Spring- field Library. He cared little for politics, but served on the board of alder- men in 1853, as a member of the first ward. He was a member of the school EIGHTH GENERATION. 713 committee from 1865 to 1869 and again in 1873. In 1883 he served a term in the legislature. MR. STEBBINS was one of the strong supporting members of Christ Episcopal Church. In 1845 and 1846 he was a vestryman and served as par- ish treasurer from 1847 to 1852. He was elected senior warden in 1853 and served in that capacity until his death. He was always chosen a delegate to the diocesan convention and had also participated in the deliberations of the two general conventions as a delegate. MR. STEBBINS was one of the finest fibered, sweetest natured, most hon- orable and high principled of men. His gracious and cordial courtesy matched his rigid integrity and faithful fulfilment of every task. His home on Cres- cent Hill was the center of a charming and elevated hospitality. His striking, dignified and picturesque figure, Avith white head and long white beard, as he made his daily walk through the streets, will long be remembered. MR. STEBBINS was a gentleman by nature and grace, not by art and studied acquirement. The very genuineness of his character made him see the best in others, and people felt an instinctive desire to deserve the good opinion which he entertained of them. His cordial greeting was stamped with sin- cerity. The opportunity to perform some service for another was such a manifest pleasure as to rob the act of any sense of obligation on the part of the recipient. A little incident will serve to show how soon a stranger came to understand the character of MR. STEBBINS. He was introduced to a man from this region at Virginia Beach, who asked whether The Republican was to be obtained there. The next day, and thereafter during their stay, MR. STEBBINS brought his copy of the paper, with the wrapper unbroken, and with gentle insistence made his new-made friend take the first reading of it. This gentleman in speaking of the incident afterward, said: "There was no denying him. He was the most natural and unafl:"ected gentleman I ever met." Honor and fidelity marked all his business relations ; and in the best in- terests of the community he was a reliable and uplifting factor. He was without the distinction of high public office and was never ambitious of per- sonal preferment, yet none stood higher in the respect of the people of his city. MRS. STEBBINS when a girl attended the famous seminary conducted by Miss Hawkes on Maple Street, and after leaving school spent two years in Washington City. While there she joined the Episcopal Church, and after her return to Springfield, became identified with Christ Church, of which she continued an active and useful member until her death. After their marriage MR. and j\IRS. STEBBINS boarded with Colonel Russell in the Sheldon House on Elm Street, afterwards removing to the house at the corner of Main and Emery Streets, adjoining MRS. STEBBINS' old home. Here they remained for ten years, then spent three years in the Byers Cottage on Byers Street. In 1857 MR. STEBBINS bought of Senator John Mills the residence on Crescent Hill, where they passed the remainder of their lives. It was literally an "open house," and their genuine hospitality made it notable among the homes of Springfield. MRS. STEBBINS' wise and gentle ways, her sunny temper and essential but quiet strength of char- 714 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. acter, made her helpful to an uncommon degree both in her own home and outside of it. MARIA LOUISA STEBBINS is a clever amateur photographer, to whom we are indebted for the very beautiful picture of the family residence, Cres- cent Hill, and the views exterior and interior, of the Pestus Stebbins home-- stead. 2929. CALVIN STEBBINS s | 1478 671 298 Caleb Stebbins 7 Caleb Stebbins 6 Caleb Stebbins 6 Phebe Hitchcocli Meliitabie Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 1 i Thomas Stehblns * Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i v Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Caleb Stebbins and Phebe Hitchcock, born February 21, 1806, at Springfield, Massachusetts ; died February 20, 1870 ; married May 23, 1838, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to NANCY STEBBINS [No. 2920], born January 7, 1813, at Springfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of John Stebbins and Hannah Bliss. Resided at Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : Eliza Beach, born February 25, 1839 ; died January 7, 1872. Marcus Henry, born February 17, 1844; died July 16, 1845. Amy (or Anna) Elizabeth, born May 14, 1846 ; died June 21, 1851. Frederick Marcus, born April 28, 1849; died March 26, 1851. Marcus Henry, born October 12, 1852; died October 9, 1853. Charles Frederic, born October 12, 1852; died unmarried De- cember 2, 1882. 2930. .r^.-r^.-r.-r^.^ ^......-..^^..-.^n „ ( 1*78 671 298 BARNABAS STEBBINS * { Caleb stebbins 7 Caleb Stebbins e Caleb Stebbins 5 ( Phebe Hitehcoclt Mehitable Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 11 Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 8 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah I son of Caleb Stebbins and Phebe Hitchcock, was born, 1808, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married to . Residence, Troy, New York. CHILDREN: 4811. I. Richard B., born 1843 ; died September 12, 1867. 4812. II. Lizzie P., born 1853 ; died September 5, 1868. 4805. I. 4806. II. 4807. IIL 4808. IV. 4809. V. 4810. VI. 2932. 1479 671 298 .Toslah Stebbins T Caleb Stebbins e Caleb Stebbins 5 Sarah Freeman Mehitable Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >■ Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright .Sarah ) son of Josiah Stebbins and Sarah Fi*eeman, was born February 24. 1803, at FREEMAN STEBBINS s -| .i, EIGHTH GENERATION. 715 North East, Dutchess County, New York; died April 11, 1877, at Dryden, New York ; married April 10, 1839, at North East, Dutchess County, New York, to ANTOINETTE MAEIA DAKIN, born May 11, 1811, at North East, Dutchess County, New York; died January 31, 1880, at Dryden, New York, who was a daughter of Caleb Dakin and Sarah Trowbridge. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Dryden, New York (1847). CHILDREN : 4813. I. Isaac, born September 20, 1841; died in infancy. 4814. II. Rebecca, born September 20, 1841; died in infancy. 4815. III. Frederick, born June 26, 1845; unmarried (1899). FREEIMAN STEBBINS was a member of the Presbyterian church at Dryden, New York, and an elder of the session. He was president of the Dryden and Groton Insurance Company, and was manager of the construc- tion of the Dryden Agricultural Society buildings, and also superintendent of the Green Hills Cemetery Association at Dryden. 2935. i 1479 671 "^98 MARION ROXANA STEBBINS * ^ Jnsiah Stehblns T ralel) Stebbins 6 Caleb Stebbins 5 ( Sarah Freeman Mehitable Chapin Elizabeth Warriner 82 11 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 4 Efiwarrl Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Josiah Stebbins and Sarah Freeman, was born July 11, 1817, at North East, Dutchess County, New York; died October 23, 1880, at Hudson, Wisconsin ; married, May, 1843, to SENACA BRIDGES POWERS, bom June 6, 1816, at Moravia (or Sempronius), New York; died January 1, 1860, at Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, who was a son of James Powers and Eunice Clough. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Uni- versalist. Resided at Hudson, Wisconsin. CHILDREN: 4816. I. Frances Caroline Powers, born February 9, 1845; died July 31, 1888. 4817. II. Sarah Augusta Powers, born February 23, 1847; married Will- iam H. Crowe. 4818. III. Libbie A. Powers, born April 11, 1853 ; died August 23, 1859. 4819. IV. Mary L. Powers, born September 7, 1859 ; died October 2, 1859. 2940. 1 1490 676 REV. RICHARD FALLEY CLEVELAND ^^ Margaret Falley 7 Margaret Hitchcock 6 I William Cleveland Richard Falley 300 82 11 2 Ruth Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins : Samuel Hitchcock Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Sarah ) son of Margaret Falley and Dea. William Cleveland, was born June 19, 1804, 716 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. at Norwich, Connecticut; died October 1, 1883, at Holland Patent, Oneida County, New York; married September 10, 1829, at Baltimore, Maryland, to ANNE NEALE, who was a daughter of Abner Neale and Barbara Real. CHILDREN : 4820. I. Anne Neale Cleveland, born July 9, 1830 ; married Rev. Eurotas P. Hastings. 4821. II. Rev. William Neale Cleveland, born April 7, 1832; married Anna Thomas. 4822. m. Mary Allen Cleveland, born November 16, 1833 ; married Will- iam E. Hoyt. 4823. rV. Richard Cecil Cleveland, born July 31, 1835 ; died October 22, 1872 (lost at sea). 4824. V. Hon. Stephen Grover Cleveland, born March 18, 1837; mar- ried Frances Folsom. He was President of the United States 1885-9 and 1893-7. 4825. VI. Margaret Louisa Cleveland, born October 28, 1838; married Norval B. Bacon. 4826. VII. Lewis Frederick Cleveland, born May 2, 1841; died October 22, 1872 (lost at sea). 4827. VIII. Siisan Sophia Cleveland, born September 2, 1843 ; married Hon. Lucien T. Yeomans. 4828. IX. Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, born June 13, 1846. 2944. 1499 68S 301 Charles Stebbins 7 Lewis Stcbbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 5 I Eunice Masters Mary Starkweather Phebe Burt 82 11 2 1 Thomas Stebbins i Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah JOHN STEBBINS « \ < (J son of Charles Stebbins and Eunice Masters, was born October 20, 1825, at Cazenovia, Madison County, New York; died April 29, 1892, at Boston, Suf- folk County, Massachusetts; married September 27, 1860, at Cazenovia, Madi- son County, New York, to KATHARINE FAIRCHILD, born January 15, 1836, at Cazenovia, Madison County, New York. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Resided at Cazenovia, New York. CHILDREN : 4829. I. Sidney F., born November 4, 1861 ; died November 22, 1867. 4830. II. Katharine, born July 25, 1863; married February 12, 1885, Jacob H. Ten Eyck Burr. 4831. III. Helen Lucy, born January 11, 1874; married Arthur W. Ken- nard.+ EIGHTH GENERATION. 717 2945. I 1 4-QQ ftQR ^71 KATHERINE STEBBINS ^ < Charles StebWns 7 Lewis Stebhins 6 Thomas Stebblns 5 / Eunice Masters Mary Starkweather Phebe Burt 82 11 2 1 ) Thomas Stebblns t Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns = ROWLAND STEBBINS i y Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Charles Stebbins and Eunice Masters, was born about 1826, at Cazenovia, Madison County, New York; married to JOHN H. WATKINSON, son of John R. Watkinson and Hannah Hubbard. 2946. CHARLES STEBBINS * ] Charles stebbins 7 Lewis Stebblns e Thomas Stebbins 5 ( Eunice Masters Mary Starkweather Phebe Burt 82 11 2 11 Thomas Stebblns « Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Charles Stebbins and Eunice Masters, was born July 3, 1827, at Caze- novia, New York; married January 13, 1858, at Cazenovia, New York, to MARY MAIRS DOWS, born March 4, 1838, at Albany, New York, who was a daughter of James Dows and Almira Hearsey. CHILDREN : John, born 1858 ; died May 27, 1865. Henry Dows, born September 10, 1860; clergyman; unmarried. George Ledyard, born Jlay 15, 1862; produce commission mer- chant in New York City; unmarried. Margaret Dows, born March 6, 1864. Charles Masters, born February 16, 1868 ; clerk in New York City. Linda, born October 18, 1869. Benjamin Brewster, born January, 1873. Mary, born Jime 26, 1876. CHARLES STEBBINS was graduated from Hobart CoUege, Geneva, New York, in 1846. He was admitted to the bar in 1849 and entered upon the practice of the law at Syracuse, going from there to Cazenovia in 1851, where he won a high rank in his profession as a well informed, discreet, and judi- cious counsellor, and like his father, occupied a prominent place at the bar of central New York. In 1871 he was appointed a commissioner to revise the statutes of the State of New York, which position he held until January 1, 1875, when he resigned to accept the responsible position of private secretary to Hon. Samuel J. Tilden, Governor of the State of New York. His grandfather on his mother's side was the Hon. Josiah Masters, member of Congress from Rensselaer County, and also for many years first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of that County. "Governor Tilden was singularly fortunate in his judgment of men and in the selection of assistants to aid him in the discharge of his onerous duties ; but he rarely, if ever, was more fortunate and happy than in his selection of MR. STEBBINS." 4832. I. 4833. II. 4834. III. 4835. IV. 4836. V. 4837. VI. 4838. VII. 4839. vm. 1506 689 iam Stebbins 7 Zeblna Stebbins 6 718 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. MR. STEBBINS was of medium height, of a nervous, sanguine tempera- ment, and possessed of a sound, tough physical organization. In manner he was quiet, simple, undemonstrative, genial, sympathetic, and kindly; while capable of saying no most emphatically, in the mildest manner. His judg- ment of men and measures was formed with great rapidity and certainty, and he was rarely mistaken or at fault in his conclusions. 2965. JOHN BYLES MARSHALL STEBBINS s \ wni I Sarah Bradish Mary Snow 301 82 11 2 Thomas Stebbins B Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely .Sarah Graves Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah I son of William Stebbins and Sarah Bradish, born May, 1826, at Rochester, New York; died March, 1884, at Big Rapids, Michigan; married to ELIZA EDWARDS; died August, 1850, at Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Edmonds and Mercy Wellington. CHILDREN: 4840. I. James Elmer, born July 19, 1850; married Sophia Flagg.+ 2966. WILLIAM HENRY STEBBINS s ] ( Sarah Bradish Mary Snow .301 82 11 2 Thomas Stebbins B Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of William Stebbins and Sarah Bradish, was born July 1, 1828, at Roches- ter, New York; married August 2, 1852, to EMILY LOUISA EDWARDS, born August 2, 1834, at Rochester, New York, who was a daughter of Edwards and Mary Wellington. Residence, Bangor, Michigan. CHILDREN : 4841. I. Clara J., born September 28, 1853; married John E. Sebring. 4842. II. Myron, born August 16, 1856; married Libbie Leever.+ 1506 689 William Stebbins 7 Zebina Stebbins 8 1 2969. JERUSHA CLARK STEBBINS « j 1510 690 Ralph Stelibins 7 Calvin Stebbins 8 Laura Bridgeman Lois Colton 301 82 11 2 Thomas Stebbins B Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 8 Thomas Stelibins 2 Phebe Burt Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Ralph Stebbins and Laura Bridgeman, was born August 1, 1816, at South Hadley, Massachusetts; died February 15, 1888, at WlUiamsport, \ ^IPVi^^R '** Is nIM ri mBI 1 l^vHB^'V B r ^ ^j^H t ^ No. 2971. THOMAS BRIDGEMAN STEBBINS. MRS. THOMAS BRIDGEMAN STEBBINS, Wife of No. 2971. No. 2994. SAilTTEI, COLTON STEBBINS. 719 MRS. LAURA MERRICK STEBBINS. Wife of No. 2994. EIGHTH GENERATION. 719 Pennsylvania; married May 26, 1844, at East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, to EDWIN WHITE, born February 17, 1818, at Ludlow, Massachusetts ; died February 2, 1874, at WilUamsport, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Lyman White and Annah Granger. Occupation, tinner and hardware merchant. Re- sided at Williamsport and Athens, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 4843. I. Martha C. White, born February 26, 1845; married Jime 2, 1877, F. M. Page; lives at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. 4844. II. Edwin Lyman Wliite, born June 2, 1854; married August 15, 1882, Hannah Hughes ; lives at Philadelphia, Pa. 4845. III. Laura Isabella White, born September 1, 1863; died unmarried November 27, 1888. WALTER STEBBINS \ Ralph SI / Liiuia P. 2970. lolO Stebbins 7 Brldgeman 690 Calvin Stebbins o Knis Colton 301 Thomas Stebbins 5 rhebe Burt 82 Thomas Stebbins 4 Widow Mary BIj 11 Edward Stebbins 3 Sarah Graves Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah son of Ralph Stebbins and Laura Bridgeman, was born February 3, 1819, at West Hampton, Massachusetts ; died August 15, 1891 ; married May 12, 1843, to SUSAN COLLINS, born April 10, 1821, at Abbotsford, Canada, who was a daughter of Henry Collins and Ruth Fifield. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. CHILDREN: 4846. I. Henry W., born July 20, 1844. 4847. II. Harlan J., born August 16, 1848 ; married Mary F. Cope.+ 4848. III. Laura M., born March 5, 1856. 2971. THOMAS BRIDGEMAN STEBBINS « \ Ralph steibms t ( Laura Brldgeman 301 Thomas Stebbins 6 Phebe Burt 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 82 Thomas Stebbins i Widow Mary Ely 11 Edward Stebbins 3 Sarah Graves 690 Calvin Stebbins 6 Lois Colton Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright son of Ralph Stebbins and Laura Bridgeman, was born April 17, 1822, at Troy, New York ; married June 24, 1847, to JULIA ANNAH WHITE, born Septem- ber 28, 1824, at Worthington, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Lj-man White and Annah Granger. Politics, Republican. Resi- dence, Morgan Park, Illinois. CHILDREN: 4849. I. Emma Elizabeth, born November 20, 1854; died November 22, 1854. 720 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4850. II. Mary Elizabeth, born May 10, 1856; married Edward Barker Gale.+ 4851. III. George Lyman, born October 4, 1864; married Dora Elizabeth Wilcox.4- THOMAS BRIDGEMAN STEBBINS, having lost his father when four years old, was taken to raise by a farmer by the name of Asahel Lyman, who lived five miles from the village of Northampton at what was then called South Farms. THOMAS was a regular attendant at church and took pride in being always on time, although the church was situated five miles from his home. In 1854 he removed to Lake County, Illinois, where he lived for six years, being collector of taxes for three years of that time. He afterward removed to Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, where he entered the employ of the Chi- cago & Rock Island Railroad Company. He had been in the employ of that Company twenty-eight years and ten months when he was struck by a train which broke his hip and left him a cripple for life. In April, 1872, under his superintendence, a Union Sunday School was or- ganized in Washington Heights, MR. STEBBINS being chosen the first super- intendent and continuing in that capacity fourteen years. He was one of the organizers on May 5, 1872, of the Union Religious Society, which subsequently changed its name to Bethany Union Society. Of this Society he was chosen trustee and was also chosen deacon. Since 1891 the Church has employed DEACON STEBBINS as distributor of charities and village missionary. He is also agent for The Saturday Sun. 2987. GEORGE MERRITT « \ Tbankful Scott ^ Mercy Ashfey 6 Bbenezer Ashley 5 ( ISenjamin Merrltt Matthew Scott Thankful Parsons 86 12 2 11 Abigail Stebblns 4 Benjamin Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Jonathan Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah i son of Thankful Scott and Benjamin Merritt, was born August 4, 1807, at White Creek, Washington County, New York ; died October 5, 1873, at Irving- ton, New York; married November 5, 1845, at Troy, New York, to JULIA DOUGLAS, born September 17, 1823, at Troy, New York, who was a daugh- ter of Alanson Douglas and Ann Sutherland. Occupation, merchant. Re- ligion, Episcopal. Resided at New York and Irvington, New York. CHILDREN : 4852. I. Douglas Merritt, born December 4, 1847; married Elizabeth Cleveland Coxe.+ Annie Douglas Merritt; died young. Mary Merritt; married John P. Haines. Cornelia Merritt; died young. George William Merritt; married Augusta Temple Scheek. Julia Douglas Merritt; married Benjamin Fred Dawson. 4853. II. 4854. III. 4855. IV. 4856. V. 4857. VI. \ No. 4858. LUCY COLTON STEBBINS. A'o. 4800. LAURA MEERICK STEBBINS. No. 4863. CHARLOTTE HULL STEBBINS. 721 EIGHTH GENERATION. 721 2994. ( 1592 727 SAMUEL COLTON STEBBINS ^ .{ Benjamin Stebblns 7 Gideon Stebblns 6 ( Lucy Colton Mary Hinsdale 325 8S 12 2 Benjamin Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebblns * Benjamin Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Sarah I son of Benjamin Stebbins and Lucy Colton, was born June 25, 1796, at Long- meadow, Massachusetts; died December 12, 1873, at Long Meadow, Massa- chusetts; married September 12, 1821, at Lebanon, Madison County, New York, to LAURA MERRICK, born March 17, 1799, at Lebanon, Madison County, New York; died September 7, 1875, at Longmeadow, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Dr. Constant ilerrick and Experience Burt. Occupa- tion, miller and farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at Longmeadow, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 4858. I. Lucy Colton, born August 19, 1822 (or 1823) ; died September 19, 1864, at Norwich, New York. 4859. II. Laura I\rerrick, born October 16, 1824; died May 22, 1880, at Hartford, Connecticut. 4860. HI. Alexander Field, born January 21, 1827 ; married Mary E. Ani- don.+ 4861. IV. Constant Merrick, born 'May 30, 1829; married Laura Caroline Langdon.-f- 4863. V. Charlotte Hull, born July 22, 1831 ; died September 29, 1866, at Longmeadow, Massachusetts. 4864. VI. Samuel Edgar, born ilarch 29, 1836; married Jennie Elizabeth Porter.4- SA:\[UEL colton stebbins taught school in his younger days, quite a number of his scholars becoming prominent professional men, judges, law- yers, ministers, and missionaries. After his marriage, which took place in New York State, he purchased a team of horses and a wagon, with which he and his bride made the trip to their home in Longmeadow, a distance of two hun- dred and forty miles. Besides attending to a large farm, he was also a large dealer in lumber, and owned a saw mill on the banks of the Connecticut river. He bought his timber in Vermont and New Hampshire and rafted the logs dow^n the Con- necticut river to his mill. He was at that time considered the wealthiest man in the town ; but the hard times of 1837 proved too much for him and he lost all his property. For a time he raised silk worms, but that did not prove a paying industry, although he gathered a considerable quantity of silk. The latter part of his life was devoted chiefly to farming. He was a member of a committee which, in 1839, founded a public library and was for many years its librarian. He was an extensive reader, and was possessed of an excellent memory. He was also a good mathematician. 46 722 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. MR. STEBBINS took a great interest in public affairs, town, state and na- tional. He was captain of a company of State Militia in Longmeadow, and at one time was constable of the town. Wlien the temperance reform struck New England, iu 1842, it found him an active member of the Longmeadow Washingtonian Society. Over one hundred large shade trees, which he planted in his native town, give proof of his love for nature. He thus set an example which it would be well for others to emulate. 2995. 1 1592 727 325 FLAVIA FIELD STEBBINS * ■ Renjamin Stebljins 7 Gideon Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins s ( Lucy Colton Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 1 i Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins s Tbomas Steljbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah i daughter of Benjamin Stebbins and Lucy Colton, was born December 23 (or June 2), 1799, at Longmeadow, Massachusetts; died 1864, at Chicopee, Massa- chusetts; married October 18, 1827 (T. R.), at Belchertovni, Massachusetts, to RITSSELL UNDERWOOD. Occupation, furniture maker. United with the Belchertown, Massachusetts, Congregational Church in 1850. Resided at Granby and Belchertovra, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 4865. I. Russell Stebbins Underwood, born October 13, 1828 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts. 2996 MARY CORDELIA STEBBINS « ] zenas I Grace ( 1594 727 Stebbins 7 Gideon Stebbins 6 Grace Warriner Mary Hinsdale 325 88 12 2 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Zenas Stebbins and Grace Warriner, was born May 8, 1807 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; died September 16, 1852, at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married November 23, 1831 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massa- chusetts, to JONAS HOLLAND, born November 15, 1805, at Belchertown. Massachusetts; died February 19, 1890, at Belchertown, Massachusetts, who was a son of Jonas Holland and Susanna Willard. Occupation, farmer. United with the Belchertown Congregational Church in 1850. Resided at Belcher- town, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, born at Belchertown : 4866. I. William Josiah Holland, born September 12, 1832 (T. R.) ; mar- ried Clara Woods. 4867. II. Horatio Holland, born September 24, 1834 (T. R.) ; married Har- riett Holland.+ MRS. FI,.\VIA I'lKLIi STEBBINS UNriERWOnD No. Sine. .MRS OLIVIA STRP.IilNS GRAVES. No. rnan. .\ii:.s \I.\KIA IIYI>E STE I'.KINS, MOSES LEONAUI) STEHBINS. Wile ..r Nil. 313"). 723 EIGHTH GENERATION. 723 4868. m. Susan Holland, born June 3, 1843 (T. R.) ; died July 9, 1843 (T. R.). 4869. IV. Edward Ely Holland, born June 22, 1844 (T. R.) ; married Hadee Gilbert. 2998. ( 1594 7^7 DOROTHY WARRINER STEBBINS '^ \ Zenas Stebblns 7 r,idpon Stebbins a ( Grace Warriner Mary Hinsdale 325 88 12 2 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Rebecca Day Mary Asliley Abiyall Denton Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah ) daughter of Zenas Stebbins and Grace Warriner, was born November 24, 1812 (T. R.), at Belehertown, Massachusetts; died June 10, 1874, at Belehertown, Massachusetts; married October 22, 1835 (T. R.), at Belehertown, Massachu- setts, to LUTHER HOLLAND, born September 18, 1810, at Belehertown, Massachusetts; died 1862, who was a son of Luther Holland and Clarissa Ash- ley. She united with the Belehertown, ilassachusetts. Congregational Church in 1827. CHILDREN : 4870. I. Harriet Eliza Holland, born August 5, 1837 (T. R.) ; married Horatio Holland. + 4871. II. Martha Olivia Holland, born August 13, 1838 (T. R.) ; died May 17, 1857. 4872. III. Ellen Augusta Holland, born April 11, 1841 (T. R.) ; died Au- gust 23, 1841 (T. R.). 4873. IV. Charles Lyman Holland, born April 4, 1843 (T. R.) ; drowned March 21, 1849 (T. R.). 4874. V. Ellen Sophia Holland, born November 1, 1844 (T. R.). 4875. VI. Caroline Penelope HoUand, born March 18, 1847 (T. R.). 4876. VII. Charles Luther Holland, born February 23, 1850. 4877. VIII. Henry Kirke Holland, born July 6, 1851 ; died November 2, 1851. 2999. HARRIET STEBBINS * \ Zenas Stel)bins 7 (iideon Stebbins o Benjamin" Stebbins 5 I Grace Warriner Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 11 Benjamin Stebbins l Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah | daughter of Zenas Stebbins and Grace Warriner, was born December 15, 1814 (T. R.), at Belehertown, Massachusetts; died October 26, 1876; married Sep- tember 29, 1846 (T. R.), at Belehertown, Massachusetts, to REV. ERASMUS IRVING CARPENTER, of Littletown, New Hampshire, born April 29, 1808 ; died February 10, 1877, at Swanzey, New Hampshire, who was a son of Jonah Carpenter and Hannah Rice. Profession, Congregational Minister. She united with the Belehertown, Massachusetts, Congregational Church in 1831. 724 4878. I. 4879. II. 4880. III. STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : Harriet E. Carpenter, born January 10, 1848. Irving Carpenter, born December 15, 1850. Mary Frances Carpenter, born April 28, 1853; married Alfred Paschal. 3000. ELY WARRINER STEBBINS » \ Zenas Steiwns 7 i Lydla Ely Benjamin Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton 1 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Sarah ( 727 Gideon Stebbins 6 Mary Hinsdale 2 Thomas Stebbins : Hannah Wright son of Col. Zenas Stebbins and Lydia Ely, was born February 28, 1823, at Bel- chertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; died February 18, 1876 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married October 25, 1848 (T. R.), at Belcher- town, Massachusetts, to ARDELIA COWLES, born June 10, 1824, at Belcher- town, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; died November 1, 1879 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Josiah Cowles and Betsey Smith. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN, born at Belchertown: 4881. I. Ella Maria, born December 23, 1850 (T. R.) ; died October 11, 1869 (T. R.) ; unmarried. 4882. II. Frederic Lyman, born October 28, 1854 (T. R.) ; married Bath- sheba Burnett. + 4883. III. Frank Edson, born January 12, 1857 (T. R.) ; married Phila H. Parkman.-f- 4884. IV. Willard Arthur, born July 13, 1865 ; unmarried. 3009. 1599 88 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Mary Ashley 12 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Abigail Denton 727 Gideon Stebbins e Mary Hinsdale 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright LUCY COLTON STEBBINS « \ Samuel Hlnsdale Stebbins T I Nancy Read 325 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Rebecca Day 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Samuel Hinsdale Stebbins and Nancy Read, was born November 2, 1812 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; died January 27, 1901, at Bel- chertown, Massachusetts; married October 10, 1839 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts, to DEACON LYMAN SABIN, born August 15, 1813, at Bel- chertown, Massachusetts ; died March 28, 1897, at Belehertown, Massachusetts, who Avas a son of Thomas Sabin, Jr., and Abigail Durfy. United with the Belchertown, Massachusetts, Congregational Church in 1831. EIGHTH GENERATION. 725 CHILDEEN, all born at Bclchertown : 4885. I. Maria L. Sabin, born August 24, 1840 (T. R.) ; married November 23, 1871 (T. R.), Joshua G. Longley. 4886. II. Abbie Sabin, born July 13, 1842 (T. R.) ; married November 30, 1869 (T. R.), Lewis Williams. Lives at Kent, Ohio. 4887. III. Laura Sophia Sabin, born December 3, 1844 (T. R.). 3010. i 1599 7*^7 3''5 EMILY STEBBINS * -^ Samuel Hinsdale Stebblns T Oldeon StebblDs 6 Benjamin Stebbins 5 / Nancy Read Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 11 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Henjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah — ■ I daughter of Samuel Hinsdale Stebbins and Nancy Read, was born November 10, 1814 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; died December 17, 1893 (T. R.), at Belcherto^vTi, Massachusetts: married May 12, 1836 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts, to CYRUS SABIN BARTLETT, born ]May 6, 1814, at Stafford, Connecticut; died February 25, 1888 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts, who was a son of Cyrus Bartlett and Anna Sabin. United with the Belcher- town, Massachusetts, Congregational Church in 1831. CHILDREN : 4888. I. Eliza Elvira Bartlett, born May 18. 1840; died July 30, 1863. 4889. II. Addison Homer Bartlett, born February 15, 1843 (T. R.) ; mar- ried Violet Isabell Bardwell.+ 4890. III. Julia Annette Bartlett, born April 11, 1845 (T. R.) ; married April 10, 1867 (T. R.), William E. Walker. 3012. 1 l,jOn 727 325 CLARISSA STEBBINS "^ ■) Samuel II in.sdale stebbins 7 Ciiloon Stebbina 6 Benjamin Stebbins 5 ( Nancy Read Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 1 ) Benjamin Stebbins 4 Henjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Mary Ashley Al.lgnll Denton Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Samuel Hinsdale Stebbins and Nancy Read, was born July 25, 1823 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married January 1, 1851 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts, to HENRY MATHER, of Windsor, born April 20, 1822; died August 1, 1884, who was a son of Epaphras Mather and Lydia King. United with the Belchertown, Massachusetts, Congregational Church, in 1837, by letter. 3014. I IGOO 7*^7 3*^5 LOVINA JONES STEBBINS ^ - nenry Stebljlns 7 Oldeon stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins B / Anna Jones Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 1 1 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 y Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Henry Stebbins and Ann Jones, was born September 7, 1815 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married Decemebr 19, 1849 (T. R.), at 726 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Belchertown, Massachusetts, to CARLO M. VUNDALL, of Palmer, Massachu- setts, who was a son of Amos Vundall. She united with the Belchertown, Massachusetts, Congregational Church in 1831. Removed to Palmer, Massa- chusetts. 3017. I 1600 727 325 aiiACE MARIA STEBBINS * i Henry Stebbins 7 Gideon Stebblns 6 Benjamin Stebbina 5 UlWlV/n «i«.Jkx«. wxjj«i.iiiw j Anna Jones Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 1 I Benjamin Stebblns * r.enjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Henry Stebbins and Ann Jones, was born October 3, 1821 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married December 19, 1849 (T. R.), at Bel- chertown, Massachusetts, to ALBERT MOODY, of Granby, Massachusetts, who was a son of Quartus Moody and Mary Towne. United with the Belcher- town, ilassachusetts, Congregational Church in 1835. 3019. I 1600 727 325 JOSIAH JONES STEBBINS^ i Henry Stebbins 7 Gideon Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 5 ( Anna Jones Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day 88 12 2 1 I Benjamin Stebbins i Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Ilanuah Wright Sarah 1 son of Henry Stebbins and Ann Jones, was born November, 1826 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts ; died at Providence, Rhode Island ; married June, 1854, to MARY L. ROBINSON. Resided at Belchertown, Massachusetts. She married second, January 2, 1871, Increase Gilbert. CHILDREN: 4891. I. Daughter, born October 26, 1856 (T. R.), at Belchertown. 3034. 1 1618 731 CLAUDIUS HERRICK STEBBINS ** \ Dennis stebbins 7 Joseph Stebbins 6 ( Lois Hawlcs Lucy Frary 330 89 20 4 Joseph Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !■ Sarah ) son of Dennis Stebbins and Lois Hawks, was born December 14, 1803, at Deerfield, Massachusetts ; died May 29, 1838, at Deerfield, Massachusetts ; mar- ried October 29, 1828, at Montague, Franklin County, Massachusetts, to EMELINE HUBBARD, born September 17, 1809, at Hadley (or Simderland), Massachusetts; died November 6, 1849 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Justus Hubbard and Mary . Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Unitarian. CHILDREN: 4892. I. Albert, born August 5, 1829 ; married Helen Root.+ 4893. II. Oscar P., born August 1, 1831 ; married Sarah E. Warne.4- EIGHTH GENERATION. 727 4894. III. Amanda F., born March 16, 1834; died November 22, 1888 (T. R.) ; unmarried. 4895. IV. Emeline, born August 8, 1836; married January 5, 1858, Loren P. Chace, of Bernardston. 3035. LANSFORD ALPHONZO STEBBINS » \ Dennis SttbWns t John StebMns 6 ( Lois Hawks Lucy Frary 330 89 20 4 Joseph Stebbins o John Stebbins i John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah ) son of Dennis Stebbins and Lois Hawks, was born May 8, 1805, at Deerfield, aiassachusetts ; married November 26, 1828, to ELIZABETH M. PERRY, of Leyden, Massachusetts, born about 1807; died May 10, 1829. He married second, September 10, 1829, SARAH AMES, of Leyden. Residence, Deerfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 4896. I. Henry; settled in Binghamton, New York. 4897. IL Elizabeth. 4898. III. Jane H., born Januarj- 26, 1834; married Ashley Dickinson. 4899. IV. Howard Ames. 4900. V. Lois. 4901. VI. Mary. 4902. VII. Charlotte. 4903. VIII. Charles. 4904. IX. Frank. 3039. T^T^'.'r'.T.m r.i.i'n'.x'm-.'Fr. o 1 1*>18 731 330 DENNIS STEBBINS * < Dennis stebbins T Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 5 ( Lois Ilawlcs Lucy Frary Mary Stratton 89 20 4 1 1 John Stebblns * John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ]■ Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Dennis Stebbins and Lois Hawks, was bom December 25, 1812, at Deer- field, Massachusetts ; died February 13, 1878 ; married January, 1849, to JANE TENERY, who died about 187 — . Settled in Yale, Jasper County, lUinois. CHILDREN: 4905. I. Almira. 4906. II. Leonora. 4907. III. Mary. 4908. IV. Isabella. 3041. I 1618 731 ''*?0 WILLIAM STEBBINS * \ I>enuls stebbins 7 .Joseph Stebbins 6 .Joseph Stebbins 5 / Lois Hawks Lucy Frary Mary Stratton 89 20 4 1 I John Stebblns 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )- Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ( son of Dennis Stebbins and Lois Hawks, born ilarch 6, 1817, at Deerfield, 728 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Massaeliusetts ; died October 8, 1897 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts; mar- ried May 26, 1845, to MARTHA HARPER NIMS, born March 9, 1826 ; died March 9, 1898 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Elisha Nims and Julia Baldwin. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Deerfield, Massachusetts (1896). CHILDREN, born at Deerfield, Mass. 4909. I. William D., born March 25, 1846 (T. R.) ; drowned July 18, 1855 (T. R.). 4910. n. George Wallace, born May 6, 1848 (T. R.) ; married Sweet. 4911. III. Walter Herbert, born November 13, 1849 ; soldier in U. S. Army. 4912. IV. Colton Wellington, born August 26, 1852 (T. R.) ; married Eliza- beth Blodgett.+ 4913. V. Florence Eliza, born August 15, 1860 (T. R.) ; died August 20, 1863 (T. R.). 4914. VI. Charles Albert, born August 28, 1864 (T. R.) ; died July 30, 1882 (T. R.). 3042. i 1618 7S1 ^^O MARY E. STEBBINS * < Dennis Stebbins 7 .Toseph Stebbins 6 .Toseph Stebbins B ( Lois Hawlis I.ucy Frary Mary Stratton 89 20 4 1 1 Jolin Stebbins 4 .John Stebbins 3 .lohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Dennis Stebbins and Lois Hawks, was born September 27, 1819, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married May 19, 1853 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to JOSIAH ALLIS ALLEN, born January 2, 1814, at Deer- field, Massachusetts; died March 13, 1895, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a son of Eliel Allen and Electa Allis. Residence, Deerfield, Massachu- setts. CHILDREN: Fanny Stebbins Allen, born August 10, 1854. Edward Eliel Allen, born November 23, 1855; married Harriet Burnett. Mary Electa Allen, born May 14, 1858. Caleb Allen, born December 29, 1861; married Harriet Vaughn. 3054. WYMAN HAWKS STEBBINS » \ Joseph StlUfus 7 Joseph stebbins 6 ( Laura Hawlis Lucy Frary 330 S9 20 4 Josepli Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mary Stratton llary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS Sarah son of Joseph Stebbins and Laura Hawks, was born September 17, 1807, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died October 6, 1837; married December 8, 1830 4915. I. 4916. II. 4917. III. 4918. IV. -f EIGHTH GENERATION. 729 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to HARRIET P. SPRAGUE, born Sep- tember 29, 1809, who was a daughter of Ephraim Sprague, of Bloody Brook, and Elizabeth Cooley. Occupation, carpenter. She married second, Septem- ber 29, 1839, EDWIN WARE. CHILDREN : 4919. I. Laura, born 1831; died August 18, 1836. 4920. 11. Frances (adopted by Edwin Ware). 3055. ( ICO 731 330 MARTHA STEBBINS ^ < Joseph StebGlns 7 .Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph .Stebbins 5 ( Laura Hawks Lucy Frary Mary Stratton 89 20 4 1 ) John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 P.OWLAND STEBBINS 1 - Mary Iiorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ daughter of Joseph Stebbins and Laura Hawks, was born June 24, 1809, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died April 16, 1888, at Richmond, Virginia; mar- ried October 25, 1831 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to LEJIUEL HENRY RUSSELL, born October 31, 1807 ; died 1838, at Shelbyville, Illinois, who was a son of Lemuel Russell and Hepzibah Hawks. Occupation, shoe- maker. 3056. -r^n-r^T^-r-r ^r^-^'^T^-.-^-rn o ( 1620 731 330 JOSEPH STEBBINS * < .Joseph Stebbins 7 Joseph Stebbins Joseph Stebbins 5 ( I.nura Ilawlss Lucy Frary Mary Stratton S!) 20 4 1 ) John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 liOWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Joseph Stebbins and Laura Hawks, was born May 12, 1811, at Deerfield, Franklin County, ^Massachusetts ; died February 21, 1865, at Richmond, Vir- ginia; married September 4, 1844, at Petersburg, Dinwiddie County, Vir- ginia, to MARY ELIZABETH GRUNDY, of Petersburg, Virginia, born De- cember 6, 1824, at Petersburg, Virginia ; died February 21, 1865, at Richmond, Virginia, who was a daughter of George Grundy and Mary Caroline Smith. Resided at Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia. He and his whole family, save Joseph, were burned to death in his house at Richmond, Virginia. CHILDREN : 4921. I. Laura, born July 19, 1845. 4922. II. Mary Caroline; died in infancy. 4923. III. Joseph, born June 14, 1850; married Willie S. Fourqurean.+ 4924. IV. Henry Russell, born December 5, 1852. 4925. V. Arthur Dudley, born November 3, 1855. The parents of JOSEPH STEBBINS died when he was about fifteen years of age. His father was extensively engaged in manufacturing and merchan- dising and was regarded as a wealthy man, but when his estate came to be settled up it was found that his liabilities, much of which was security for friends, were so great that his children were left with but little, if any, means. 730 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Thus penniless and orphaned at an early age JOSEPH was thrown on his own resources, and as it was a custom in New England in that day to teach every man a trade, he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a carpenter. After attaining his majority he spent several years in his native town work- ing at his trade. Desiring to locate in some other state he spent a year or more in visiting the southern and western states to find a suitable place to make his home. In 1837, together with his sister, Mrs. Martha S. Russell, and brother, Charles Stebbins, he went to Richmond, Virginia. He also lived for several years in the City of Petersburg, Virginia. About 1849 he came back to Richmond to live, where the remainder of his life was spent. For some time he was engaged in the business of builder and manufacturer of sash, blinds, doors, etc., but his factory was consumed by fire about 1849, and thereafter he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, principally as a dealer in china and glassware. On February 21, 1865, the house in which he lived was burned and the whole family perished except one son, Joseph, who was absent from home at the time. MR. STEBBINS was a man of fine natural mind, which had been cultivated by extensive reading, was fluent and entertaining in conversation and courtly in manner and bearing. His character was above reproach and he had a high sense of honor, which characterized his dealings with others. Mrs. Stebbins was a woman of rare personal charm and accomplishment, a sincere and devoted Christian, faithful to the obligations to her husband and children. The influence of her life and example abides with those who came under them. 3058. 1 1620 731 330 CHARLES STEBBINS ® ] .Toseph SteWnns 7 .Joseph Stebbins 6 .Joseph Stebbins 5 / Laura Ilawlis Lucy Frary Mary Stratton 89 20 4 1 " 1 .Tohn .Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John .Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Mary • Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah I son of Joseph Stebbins and Laura Hawks, born October 4 (or 3), 1815, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died May 25, 1869, at Ashland, Virginia; married July 22, 1841, at Richmond, Virginia, to CHARLOTTE CHARTER WALDEN, of Richmond, Virginia, born February 29, 1816, at Manchester, Chesterfield County, Virginia, who was a daughter of John Walden and Esther Galaway. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Resided at Richmond, Virginia. CHILDREN: Edwin Augustus, born April 23, 1842 ; died August 19, 1863. Henry Russell, born December 10, 1843 ; died April 28, 1848. Charles Prentis, born August 19, 1845 ; died June 25, 1846. Julia Walden, born August 23, 1848; married December 16, 1875, William A. H. Weisiger. 4930. V. Charles, born April 20, 1850; married January 12, 1887, Re- becca Keim Macmurdo. 4931. VI. Charlotte Charter, born September 5, 1852; married February 23, 1881, John D. Owen. 4926. I. 4927. II. 4928. III. 4929. IV. EIGHTH GENERATION. 731 4932. Vn. Henry Brockenbrough, born June 24, 1854 ; married Fredericka Kuper.+ 4933. VIII. Wilton Pullen, born July 10, 1857 ; died November 28, 1881. 4934. IX. Shirley Brooks, born July 19 (or September 29), 1859. 3081. I 1624 731 330 GEORGE SHELDON * < faroUne Stebblns 7 .Joseph Stebbins fl Joseph Stebbins 5 ( Scth .Sheldon Lucy Frary Mary Stratton S9 20 4 II John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden .Sarah I son of Caroline Stebbins and Seth Sheldon, was born November 30, 1818 ; mar- ried June 11, 1844, to SUSAN STEWART STEARNS, who died October 7, 1881, daughter of John F. Stearns. Occupation, farmer. CHILDREN : 4935. I. Susan Arabella Sheldon, born April 10, 1845; married March 14, 1871, Edward A. Hawks. 4936. II. John Sheldon, born February 13, 1848; married Ellen Louisa Arms. 4937. HI. Frank Sheldon, born January 21, 1853 ; died January 19, 1859. GEORGE SHELDON lives on the homestead bought by his ancestor, John Sheldon, in 1708. He lived in Chicopee, Massachusetts, from 1853 to 1857, after which he returned to Deerfield. He has been Justice of the Peace since 1857 ; was representative to the General Court in 1867 ; State Senator in 1872 ; Assistant United States Marshal under General Francis Walker in 1870 ; Enu- merator in census of 1880, and Notary Public in 1886. He was one of the founders of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Associa- tion in 1870, and has been its president since the organization. He is the author of the "History of Deerfield," and minor papers on historical subjects. 3095. 1626 731 FREDERICK JOSEPH STEBBINS « \ Baxter stebbins 7 Joseph Stebbins « ( Martha Hawks Lucy Frary 330 89 20 4 Joseph Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Sarah \ son of Baxter Stebbins and Martha Hawks, was born May 16, 1843, at Deer- field, Massachusetts ; married JULIA F. MERRILL, who was bom about 1848, and died April 11, 1876. Resided in Upper Alton, Illinois. CHILDREN: 4938. I. Fanny J., born January 8, 1873. 4939. II. Helen M., born August 27, 1874. 4940. III. Frederick, born August 27, 1874; died September, 1874. 1634 \sa Stebbins 7 Maria Stowell 735 Asa Stebbins e Emilia Harvey 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 732 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3110. EDWARD WILLIAMS STEBBINS ^ 330 89 Joseph Stebbins s John Stebbins 4 Mary Stratton Mary ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ) son of Asa Stebbins and Maria Stowell, was born October 18, 1826, at Deer- field, Massachusetts; died December 27, 1866 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachu- setts; married November 27, 1849, to LTDIA A. (CUTLER) BOSWORTH, widow of Asahel S. Bosworth, born March 5, 1826, who was a daughter of Newel Cutler and Huldah Fairbanks. Occupation, farmer. CHILDREN: 4941. I. Anna Maria, born July 25, 1863 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts. EDWARD W. STEBBINS was prominent in agricultural circles. He was assessor from 1851 to 1864; in 1856 was representative; and was Justice of the Peace in 1858. He built the house now occupied by his brother, Francis W. His grandfather, Colonel Asa Stebbins [No. 735], in 1804, bought lot No. 43 from William Denison, and in 1824, erected for his son Asa the brick house now (1900) owned by Mrs. Lydia A. Stebbins. 3111. FRANCIS WARD STEBBINS « ] Asa stebbins t Asa Stebblnf e Joseph Stebbins B / Maria Stowell Emilia Harvey Mary Stratton 89 20 4 1 ) John Stebbins i John Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ■ ) son of Asa Stebbins and Maria Stowell, born November 8, 1829, at Deerfield, Massachusetts ; married November 17, 1852, to ELLEN WELLS, born Septem- ber 7, 1833; died December 9, 1871 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Colonel David Wells and Helena Frances Thwing. He married second, June 17, 1873, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, ELLEN R. (BURN- HAM) HAWKS, widow of Hilkiah Hawks, daughter of Silas Burnham. Occu- pation, farmer. Residence (1883), Deerfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, all born at Deerfield, Mass. : 4942. I. Rowland, born September 19, 1853 (T. R.) ; married Florence Barney. 4943. II. Joseph, born September 19, 1856 (T. R.) ; died January 18, 1859 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts. 4944. III. Fanny Emelia, born January 19, 1860 (T. R.). 4945. IV. William Wells, born July 11, 1863 (T. R.) ; died July 25, 1864 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts. 4946. V. Helen Maria, born September 22, 1876 (T. R.). FRANCIS W. STEBBINS lives in the house built for Edward on the old homestead. He has acted as town treasurer. HOVAL I.IVlNHSrnN WAItli. COltlNTllA lUUoWNl WAUI). wiiV' ..r N.p. :;rjs. HOMESTEAD OF ROYAL L. WAIU) I No. 3128). No. 3130. \viT.T,i.\Ar \v.\iN\vitii;iri' wakk. Nn.,-.',. FRANK KLMKI! \VAl:l>. 73! .MAl;lll.\ (SANDERSON) WARIi. Will' ..r No. 4;>.%3. EIGHTH GENERATION. 733 3114. _ ( 1G34 733 330 ASA HARVEY STEBBINS * <, Asa SteliWns T Asa Stebblns 6 .Tosepli Stebbins 5 ( Maria Stowell Emilia Harvey Mary Stratton S9 20 4 1 I .Tolin Stebbins 4 .Tobn .sitobblns 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Mary I>orotliy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah 1 son of Asa Stebbins and Maria Stowell, was born April 5, 1839, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died July, 1889; married October 30, 1867, to ALICE UNA SKINNER; died July 26, 1878. Occupation, merchant. Removed to Tomb- stone, Arizona. CmLDREN: 4947. I. Horace Chase, born July 2, 1873. 4948. II. Alice Una, born February 3, 1875; died February 22, 1890 (T. R.), at Deerfield, ]\Iassachusetts. 3115. I 16: HORACE STOWELL STEBBINS » Usa stebwn ( Maria Stow< 1634 . Stebbins 7 ria Stowell 735 Asa Stebbins 6 Emilia Harvey 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 4 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 330 89 Joseph Stebbins s John Stebbins 4 Mary Stratton Mary ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah ) son of Asa Stebbins and Maria Stowell, was born November 15, 1840, at Deer- field, Massachusetts; died August 21, 1867; married January 12, 1865, to LOUISE ODIORNE, who was a daughter of George M. Odiorne, of Boston. Occupation, merchant. Resided at Boston, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 4949. I. Edith, born February 10, 1865. 3116. ( 1637 735 330 JOHN HENRY STEBBINS » ^ Henry stebbins 7 Asa Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 5 uv/xii^i iixjiixvi «x.u.ui^xxi« I Widow Mary Ann Little Emilia Harvey Mary Stratton SO '^0 4 ^ / John Stebbins * John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah 1 son of Henry Stebbias and Mrs. Mary Ann Little, was born August 7, 1833, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married December 18, 1858 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to MARY E. YOUNG, born July, 1835; died April 19, 1870 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Captain Abner Young and Lucy C. Estabrook. He married second, February 14, 1874 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to JANE AMELIA WELLS, born July 7, 1831, daughter of Augustus Wells and Miranda Arms. Occupation, farmer. CHILDREN, all born at Deerfield, Mass.: 4950. I. Mary Jackson ("Daisy"), born December 17, 1861 (T. R.) ; mar- ried March 10, 1887, William D. Harris. 4951. II. Alice Gushing, born May 23. 1864 (T. R.). 734 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4952. III. Henry W., born May, 1868 (T. R.) ; died September 6, 1868 (T. R.). According to a well founded tradition, the council fires of the conference between the English and the Indians of the Six Nations, which was held in 1735, were built on No. 5, the home lot of Landlord Jonathan Hoyt, the place where J. H. STEBBINS now (1894) lives, in the house which was built by his father in 1858. ROYAL LIVINGSTON WARD k 89 John Stebbins 4 Mary 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 3128. 1679 Olivia Stebbins 7 illiam Ward 4 John Stebbins 2 iio Widow Anne Munden Sarah - Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Ui^bccca Leonard 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 336 Moses Stebbins 5 Mercy Hawks son of Olivia Stebbins and William Ward, was born August 21, 1820, at Deer- field, Massachusetts; died May 13, 1890, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married December 12, 1849, at Whatley, Massachusetts, to CORINTHA BROWN, born at Whatley, Massachusetts ; died December 24, 1891, at South Deerfield, Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN: 4953. I. Frank Ebner Ward, born December 3, 1852; married November 28, 1877, Martha Sanderson. He died March 6, 1889. Had a son, William Elmer Ward, born March 3, 1885. 3130. WILLIAM WAINRIGHT WARD IV, 1679 livia stebbins 7 William Ward 20 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 4 40 Ebenezer Stebbins 8 Rebecca Leonard 4 .John Stebbins :; Widow Anne Munden 336 89 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins * Mercy Hawks Mary ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !• Sarah ) son of Olivia Stebbins and William Ward, was born August 21, 1823, at Deer- field, Massachusetts ; died September 11, 1885 ; married September 12, 1860, at Northampton, Massachusetts, to C. C. COLLINS. CHILDREN: 4954. I. WiUiam C. Ward, born February 18, 1867 ; died January 30, 1868. FANNIE GRAVES WARD 89 John Stebbins i Mary i Oliv ( Will 3132. ir.7f) via Stebbins ' iam Ward 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 336 Moses Stebbins 5 Mercy Hawks John Stebbins 2 Widow Anna Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Olivia Stebbins and William Ward, was born January 12, 1827, at Deerfield, Massachusetts ; died June 30, 1891 ; married March 15, 1852, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to BENONI GRAVES, born at Sunderland, Massa- chusetts ; died November 13, 1870. Nil. :;i:;s. MI!S. MAI;riA in'NT S'l'Kl'.ltlNS WIMClll'. AND N.i. i;i;:;:i. MAlillA KSTHLLA WltlciHT EIGHTH GENERATION. 735 CHILDREN: 49'55. I. Francis Dexter Graves, born October 9, 1858; married Emma Turner, September 11, 1879. One child, Harry Benoni Graves, born September 22, 1882. 4956. II. "William Lewis Graves, born February 15, 1863; married Nellie Gardner Learned. Two children, Blanch Graves, bom De- cember 29, 1890, and "Ward Lancaster Graves, bom August 24, 1894. 3135. MOSES LEONARD STEBBINS hi John Stebbins 4 Mary 1681 l>enezer Stebbins 7 Rebecca Elont 20 .Tohn Stebblns 3 Dorothy Alexander 775 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 .Tohn Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden 33G Moses .^lebbins 5 Mercy Uawks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, born May 25, 1814, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died July 10, 1884, in Florida; married ^March 31, 1836, at Sunderland, Massachusetts, to MARLA. JANE HYDE ; died October 29, 1876,- at Live Oak, Florida. Occupation, Express Agent. CHILDREN : 4957. I. Charles Hyde, bom June 22, 1837 ; married Ida Beulah Blount.+ 4958. II. Francis ^lason, bom April 7, 1841 ; married Jennie T Banks.+ 4959. III. :Maria Matilda, bom February 1, 1848 ; died 18, 1867. 4960. IV. Luthera Selina, born July 31, 1857; died December 25, 1859. :M0SES LEONARD STEBBINS was station agent of the Connecticut River Railroad at Greenfield, Massachusetts, continuing there until the fall of 1856, when he accepted a position with a railroad company at Enterprise, Mississippi. On account of bad health in his family he afterward removed to Madison, Florida, where he ran a steam mill for Rufus Dickinson, until it was destroyed by fire. When the first railroad in the state was opened, he secured the agency at Madison, also the express agency. After several years there he accepted the agency at Live Oak, Florida, where he also had the express agency, and was post-master. He continued to reside in that locality the remainder of his life, and was buried near the banks of the noted Suwanee River. ]MR. STEBBINS was industrious, upright, and generous, and was pos- sessed of uncommon qualities of mind and heart. 3136. OLIVLA. STEBBINS 8 89 John Stebblns 4 Mary I 1681 Ebenezer .Stebblns J ' Rebecca Hunt 20 •Tnhn Stebbins 3 I'orothy Alexander I to Ebenezer Stebbins e Rebecca Leonard 4 .Tohn Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden .336 Moses Stebbins 5 Mercy Hawks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was bom June 3, 1816, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died March 15, 1895, at Simderland, Massachusetts; 736 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. married January 21, 1841 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to ELIJAH GRAVES, born March 26, 1816, at Sunderland, Massachusetts; died Novem- ber 13, 1844, at Springfield, Massachusetts, who was a son of Elijah Graves and Rosina Hatch. CHILDREN : 4961. I. Mary Ellen Graves, born February 3, 1842; married Edward N. Smith.+ 3137. « . ■•^■wr-^-r ^r^-^-r^-^^-^-rr, o ( 1681 775 336 SAMUEL STEBBINS * < Ebenezer Stebbins ^ Ebenezer Stebbins e Moses Stebbins 6 ( Rebecca Hunt Uebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 1 J John Stebbins •* John Stebbins s John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born November 14, 1792, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died June 2, 1888; married July 4, 1835, at Greenfield, Massachusetts, to MARY E. PIERCE, born August 14, 1822, at Charlestown, New Hampshire. CHILDREN: Henrietta P., born October 19, 1843 ; married Asa P. Fairbanks. 4- Emma jM., born March 2, 1844; married July 30, 1883, Otis Lacker. Georgia D., born May 23, 1846; married Frank Durkee.+ Julia A., born December 22, 1848; married Timothy Gary.+ John P., born September 12, 1851; married December 22, 1875, Elizabeth Savage. 4967. VI. Caroline L., born March 22, 1857; married George C. Bolton.+ SAMUEL STEBBINS was for many years a worker of iron in forges in Massachusetts. He was then employed as engineer on the Vermont Central Railroad, and was afterwards conductor on a railroad in Florida. 4962. I. 4963. IL 4964. III. 4965. IV. 4966. V. 3138. MARCIA HUNT STEBBINS «lEb I Ke 1681 775 336 Ebenezer Stebbins ^ Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawlis 89 20 4 1 1 John Stebbins 4 John .Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born December 17, 1819, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married November 28, 1838 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, to NOAH WRIGHT, born April 5, 1810, at Northampton, Massachusetts ; died December 15, 1892. She died July 8, 1903, at Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 4968. I. George Wright, born January 17, 1840 ; died April 13, 1840. 4969. II. George Everett Wright, born November 13, 1841 ; married April 12, 1885, Hattie E. Deity. Nu. ;J141. EBENEZER STEBHINS. MI!S. JANE K. FESSEXKEN STEItlilNS. Wife nf No. 3141. No. 3143. MVUA AURELIA (STEBBINS) BATES. 737 MHS. CARRIE M. (MI.XER) STEBBINS. Wife of No. 3144. EIGHTH GENERATION. 737 4970. III. Lewis Hunt Wright, born October 27, 1843; married Abbie N. Pike.+ 4971. rV. Henry Wright, born August 31, 1845; married Mary Ida Gould.-4- 4972. V. Noah Wright, born January 28, 1848 ; died June 28, 1857. 4973. VI. Arthur Eugene Wright, born December 14, 1849 ; married Mat- tie Rockwood.-|- 4974. VII. Austin E. Wright, bom December 12, 1851 ; died July 9, 1857. 4975. Vlil. Elizabeth Frances Wright, born November 13, 1854; married Charles Storrs Dickinson. -f- 4976. IX. Charles Austin Wright, born December 12, 1856 ; married Martha Justina Cook.+ GEORGE EVERETT WRIGHT began running as express messenger for the Thompson Express Company. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted, May 3, 1861, in the 10th Massachusetts Regiment, and was in the engagements at Yorktown and was also with McClellan when he tried to force his way to Richmond. He lay in Chiekamaugua Swamp, where he was taken sick, and with six hundred other soldiers was taken to the hospital in New York. He was discharged November 10, 1862, and returned home. After careful nurs- ing he regained his health and re-enlisted January 1, 1864, in the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry. He was in the Red River battle and remained in the service until after the surrender of the South, then went into office in New Orleans in the employ ot the government, and was finally discharged November 29, 1865. After this he was employed in the express office in Erie, Pennsylvania, and then became general baggage agent on the Texas Pacific Railway. For several years he engaged in the stock business in Colorado, and he is now conductor on the Denver, Lakewood and Golden Railroad. 3140. i 1 RSI TTK ELVIRA LUCRETIA STEBBINS » \ Ebenezer Stebblns T EDenezer Stebblna 6 I Kebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebblns 5 .lohn Stebblns 4 John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Mercy Hawks Mar.v Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah ) daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born March 19, 1823, at Deerfield, Massachusetts ; married November 20, 1844, at Springfield, Massa- chusetts, to JOSHUA LYNDE BRIGGS, born October 17, 1813, at Guilford, Vermont ; died February 3, 1887, at Feeding Hills, Massachusetts. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 4977. I. Eleanor Idaletta Briggs, born September 1, 1841; died July 7, 1849. 47 738 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4978. II. Ella Maranda Briggs, born May 15, 1851 ; married May 15, 1872, Dwight Allen. She died August 22, 1875. 4979. III. Henry Dwight Briggs, born November 1, 1855; married Ida Maria Whittemore.+ JOSHUA LYNDE BRIGGS was among the first passenger conductors on the Connecticut River Railroad. He served for about ten years and was then appointed superintendent and master of transportation. After serving in this capacity for several years, he resigned and spent the remainder of his life in retirement. 3141. I 1681 775 336 EBENEZER STEBBINS * < Elienezer StebblDS 7 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebbins B I Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 1 ) John Stebbins i John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was bom November 21, 1824, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died September 28, 1896, at Springfield, Massachu- setts; married November 18, 1850, at Keene, New Hampshire, to JANE E. FESSENDEN, born June 12, 1833, at Halifax, Vermont, who was a daughter of Salmon Fessenden and Dorothy M. Esterbrook. Occupation, engineer. Re- sided at Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 4980. I. Jennie Maria, born January 29, 1857; married "William Fuller Whiting.+ 4981. II. Hatty Hunt, born February 28, 1868 ; died July 30, 1875. EBEN STEBBINS commenced his business life as a fireman on the Boston & Albany Railroad. Later he was employed as engineer on the Cheshire, Ver- mont Central, Pennsylvania Central, New Haven, and the Boston & Albany railroads. In 1882 he entered the Smith & Wesson Pistol Manufactory as engineer, and remained with that company until a few weeks previous to his death. He was a prominent member of the Independent Order Odd Fellows. 3142. / 1681 775 JULIA ANN STOCKBRIDGE STEBBINS ^ \ Ebenezer stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 I Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stelibins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawl5S Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hiuit, was bom January 8, 1827, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts; died April 28, 1901, at Madison, Florida; married October 4, 1847 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, to RUFUS DICKINSON, born December 22, 1814, at Amherst, Massachusetts; died March 10, 1878, at Madison, Florida. Occupation, merchant. BATES HOMESTEAD. No. H14S. i\o. ;;i44. IIE.NliV T.Y.MAN STEBBINS. 78!) No. 3145. KELLOIiG S. STEKBINS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 739 CHILDREN : 4982. I. Riifus Ebenezer DickinsoD, born August 14, 1848; married Olive Bates Thoinas.+ 4983. II. James Stebbins Dickinson, born November 3, 1850 ; married Lot- tie ParneU Clay.+ 4984. ni. Edward Francis Dickinson, born November 11, 1852; married Ella Montgomery Sawyer.+ 4985. rV. Julia Virginia Dickinson, born December 7, 1854 ; married Henry A. Blackburn. + 4986. V. Elijah Graves Dickinson, born December 22, 1856 ; married first, Fredonia Hines; married second, Lizzie Reed Coffee.+ 4987 VI. Charles Henry Dickinson, bom February 21, 1859; married No- vember 12, 1884, Mamie Susan Wharton. 4988. Vn. Robert Clayton Dickinson, born December 27, 1860; married Carrie Jacobs Hogan.-|- RUFUS DICKINSON, at the age of fifteen, left his father's home in Am- herst, Massachusetts, and went to Georgia. He formed a partnership with Lucien Church, Telfair, and afterwards bought out the stock and moved to Belleville, Florida, also establishing a branch store at Ellenville on the Suwan- nee River. In 1854 he removed to Madison, where he bought a mill and also carried on merchandising. When the Civil War broke out he sold his busi- ness and became Quartermaster in the army, remaining until the close of the war. He then established himself in the business of ginning cotton, carrying it on successfully until his death. 3143. MYRA AURELIA STEBBINS » \ Ebenezer Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 ( Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard :i36 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 6 .T.ihn Stebbins 4 .John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah I daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born September 22, 1828, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married November 18, 1848 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, to GEORGE ANSON BATES, bom January 17, 1820, at GiU, Massachusetts. Occupation, merchant. Residence, Shelbum Falls, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : Infant, born January 6, 1850; died January 6, 1850. Charles Stebbins Bates, bom August 3, 1853 ; married Jennett Ann Pettit.+ Lizzie Loomis Bates, born July 24, 1859; died October 24, 1861. George Elsworth Bates, born January 18, 1863; married Flor- ence Lucretia Ware.-j- 4989. I. 4990. II. 4991. III. 4992. IV. 740 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3144. 1 1681 775 336 HENRY LYMAN STEBBINS » i Bbenezer Stehblns T Ebenezer Stebblna 6 Moses Stebblna 5 ( Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 II John Stebblna * John Stebblns s John Stebblna 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i y Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born September 27, 1830, at South Deerfield, Massacliusetts ; died July 19, 1872 (T. R.), at Pemberton, New Jersey; married July 11, 1850, at Brattleboro, Vermont, to CARRIE ME- LISSA MIXER, born February 17, 1831, at North Adams, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Horace Mixer and Emeline Burdiek. Occupation, Rail- road conductor. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Springfield, Massachusetts (1899). CHILDREN : 4993. I. Ella B., born September 8, 1853 ; unmarried. HENRY LYMAN STEBBINS, at the age of eighteen, became fireman of an engine on the Connecticut River Railroad, and was afterwards employed as engineer on the Vermont Central, Hartford and New Haven, and Ogdens- burg and Northern New York railroads. From 1865 until the time of his death he was conductor on the New Jersey Southern Railroad. ELLA B. STEBBINS graduated June 22, 1878, from the New England Conservatory of Music, and afterwards took a post-graduate course to pre- pare herself for a position as teacher of piano and pipe organ. She was em- ployed for fifteen years in the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, Massachu- setts, and now teaches music in Springfield, Massachusetts. 3145. KELLOGG S. STEBBINS * ] Ebenezer Stebblns 7 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebblns 5 ( Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 II .John Stebblns * .John Stebblns 3 Jnbn Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah j son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born January 22, 1833, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died December 11, 1892; married May 11, 1860, to ANNIE S. LLOYD. Occupation, conductor. CHILDREN : 4994. I. Edna" M., born August 7, 1864 (T. R.) ; married September 9, 1884, Harry L. Englis. [Deerfield Town Records give this name as Mattie H. instead of Edna M.] 4995. II. Jessie E., born January 6, 1872; married Ashley R. 'WTiite.+ KELLOGG S. STEBBINS was a brakeman and freight conductor on the Connecticut River Railroad, and was for many years passenger conductor for No. 3146. SARAH E. (STEBBINS) WHITE. ASIILIOY K. AYIIITE. Husband of No. 3146. 741 No. 4996. ABBIE L. WHITE. No. 4990. JULIA B. WHITE. EIGHTH GENERATION. 741 the same company. In later years he was conductor on the Toledo and Wa- bash Railroad, which position he held at the time of his death. 3146. SARAH E. STEBBINS « \ ei, ( Re 1681 775 336 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 6 Tiebecoa Hunt Ilehecoa Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 11 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 .lohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }- Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born July 8, 1834, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married July 7, 1857 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massa- chusetts, to ASHLEY R. WHITE, born at Charlemont, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 4996. I. Abbie L. White, born May 5, 1858; died January 1, 1874. 4997. II. Minnie E. White, born December 23, 1860; died September 3, 1862. 4998. III. Ashley R. White, born August 3, 1864; married Jessie E. Steb- bins. -f- 4999. IV. Julia E. White, born April 29, 1873. 3147. JAMES WHITNEY STEBBINS » \ Ebenezer stebbins 7 Ebenezer slebbins 6 ( Rebecca Hunt Rf becca Leonard 336 8!l 20 4 Moses Stebbins B .lohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 ,Tohn Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah • — ^ son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born May 17, 1838, at Deer- field, Massachusetts ; married November 24, 1860, at Sunderland, Massachu- setts, to CATHERINE SEARS SANDERSON, born September 16, 1839, at Sunderland, Massachusetts; died January 16, 1876, at Springfield, Massachu- setts, who was a daughter of ApoUos Sanderson and Roxana Bartlet. He married second. May 18, 1899, SALLIE J. COOK, of Jacksonville, Florida. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN: 5000. I. Ida Louisa, born July 12, 1864 ; married Charles Louis Blakesley.+ 5001. II. Inez Louisa, born August 25, 1865; died November 6, 1865. JAMES WHITNEY STEBBINS was first sergeant in Company G., 52nd Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War, serving under General Banks at New Orleans and Port Hudson. After the war he en- tered the employ of the American Express Company and did duty as express messenger on the train running from Springfield, Massachusetts, to Bellows Falls, Vermont, for twenty-one years. At the expiration of his twenty-one years of service for the express company, he was retired on half pay. ( 742 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3148. ELIZA JANE STEBBINS * \ Ebenezer Stebbina 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 8 Moses Stebblns 5 / Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 1 ) John Stebblns * John Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Rebecca Hunt, was born September 13, 1841, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died September 9, 1871, at Jacksonville, Florida; married May 4, 1870, in Florida, to JOHN E. WANDELL, born at Springfield, Illinois, who was a son of Charles Wesley Wandell. CHILDREN: 5002. I. Lilah Wandell, born September 9, 1871 ; married December 7, 1891, Augustus McCullum. 3149. LEONARD STEBBINS s \ samuei i ( Marela 1 1682 775 336 I Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 Boyden Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns * John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 liOWLAND STEBBINS 1 [• Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Samuel Stebbins and Marcia S. Boyden, was born January 18, 1820; died October 20, 1846 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married Septem- ber 26, 1844, to LUANA THWING, born January 4, 1820 ; died November 10, 1848, who was a daughter of Amariah Thwing and Clarissa Chamberlain. CHILDREN: 5003. I. Leonard, bom November 7, 1845; died November 7, 1845. 3154. GEORGE W. STEBBINS * \ Sanmel StehbTns 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebblns 5 ( Marcia Boyden Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 1 ) John Stebblns 4 John Stebbins 3 J,,!in Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Samuel Stebbins and Marcia S. Boyden, was born August 1, 1828, at Conway, Massachusetts; died February 21, 1870, at Rochester, New York; married April 25, 1861, at Rochester, New York, to METTIE E. JONES, born at Rochester, New York ; died March 22, 1878, at Rochester, New York. CHILDREN: 5004. I. Alice Maude, born March 5, 1862; married February 10, 1886, at Joliet, Illinois, James McCaig; lives at Aperfield Court, Cud- ham, Kent, England. Their daughter, Dorothy Estes Mc- Caig, born March 17, 1887. 5005. II. Georgia Althea, born May 26, 1863 ; died March 22, 1887, at Butte City, Montana. GEORGE W. STEBBINS was initiated in Harmony Lodge No. 42, Free ■^ No, 315G. FREDERICK LEON STEBBINS AND WIFE. •TOnX E. WANDELI.. Uiisliand of No. 3148. No. :n4,s. MRS. ELIZA .TANE STEKP.INS WANDELL. 743 EIGHTH GENERATION. 743 and Accepted Masons, at Waterbury, Connecticut, January 22, 1852; passed February 25, 1852 ; raised February 26, 1852 ; demitted June 19, 1856. He was i charter member of Rochester Lodge No. 660. 3156. 1682 FREDERICK LEON STEBBINS of Conway, Massachusetts s \ samaei stebbins ( Mareia Bowden NSi I 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 8 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorotliy Alexander 4 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS Widow Anne Munden Sarah son of Samuel Stebbins and Mareia S. Boyden, was born December 27, 1833 (or 1837), at Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married September 3, 1856, to MARY ANN WAIT, born May 25, 1837, at Deerfield, Massachu- setts; died August 11, 1869, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of David Reed Wait, of Greenfield, Massachusetts, and Patience Thomas. He married second, October 23, 1872, LIZZIE LEDYARD; died June 30, 1890. He married third, February 6, 1894, CLARA B. ARBOGUST, born July 12, 1854, at Xenia, Green County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Charles W. Arbo- gust and R. W. Sellars. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Resi- dence, Dayton, Ohio. CHILDREN : 5006. I. Lovell Wait, born December 28, 1857 ; married Bertha Elizabeth Kehlor.+ FREDERICK LEON STEBBINS was connected with the United States Express Company at Rochester, New York, in the early sixties. For about twenty years he resided in Chicago, being connected most of that time with express companies, as claim agent, etc. He spent two and one-half years in New York City in the employ of the Adams Express Company. In 1896 he removed to Dayton, Ohio, where he settled permanently and is interested in the Stebbins MiUinery Company of that city. 3158. EVANDER GRAVES STEBBINS » \ Zeblna stebbins - Ebenezer Stebbins 6 ( Ruby Graves Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorotliy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah i son of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was born June 8, 1821, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died February 28, 1885 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married December 20, 1848 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to MATILDA CHILDS, born June 19, 1824, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died April 26, 1885 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Henry Childs, of Wapping, and ]Matilda Billings. Occupation, farmer, miller and lumber dealer. Politics, Republican. Religion. Congregationalist. Residence, Deer- field, Massachusetts. 744 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN, bom at Deerfield ; 5007. I. William Herbert, born December 6, 1849 (T. R.) ; married Martha Bruns, of Boston. + 5008. II. Charles Henry, born June 24, 1859 (T. R.) ; married Elizabeth MacMahon.+ 3159. 1683 uby Graves 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN STEBBINS » -I zebina stebbins 7 /Rub 336 89 Moses Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 Mercy Hawks Mary ROWLAND STEBBINS i t Sarah j son of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was born February 21, 1823, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died June 28, 1898 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachu- setts; married October 26, 1853 (T. R.), at Hawley, Massachusetts, to LAURA ALFREDA (GROUT) WARRINER, widow of Justin B. Warriner, bom April 13, 1827, at Hawley, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Samuel Taylor Grout and Laura Joy. Occupation, farmer. Politics, "Whig. Religion, Con- gregationalist. Resided at Deerfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, born at Deerfield, Mass.: 5009. I. Rollin, born June 30, 1857 (T. R.) ; died August 14, 1863 (T. R.). 5010. II. Mary Hamilton, born June 30, 1860 (T. R.) ; died February 19, 1862 (T. R.). CHRISTOPHER STEBBINS was for nineteen years town assessor of Deerfield ; was representative to General Court in 1866 ; senator in 1867 ; and doorkeeper of the Senate in 1868. He was also town treasurer for five years. 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 3161. BENJAMIN ZEBINA STEBBINS s Uebina stebbiL t ( Ruby Graves 336 89 20 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 8 Mercy Hawks Mary — Dorothy Alexander ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) son of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was born March 10, 1827, at Deer- field, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married August 12, 1853 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to MARION ELIZA CHILDS, born August 14, 1833, at Conway, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Deacon David W. Childs and Jane Childs. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Con- gregationalist. Resided at Wapping, Deerfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, all born at Deerfield, Mass. : 5011. I. Ryland Zebina, born August 4, 1854 (T. R.) ; died January 10, 1855 (T. R.), at Deerfield. BENJAMIN ZEBINA WTKHlilN.' MAIilON ELIZA (CHILnS) STEHDINS. Wife of Nn. :il()l. N... ;il.-)H (■iiiiisi(iriii;i: austln stehhini- W ilr Ml Nm, :ii -,h. .^ No. .'.(illL'. I. II. All i\\ ANliKLI.) .MrClI.I.r.M. ANNIE S. ILLDYIl) STKBBINS. Wife cif Kcllojrj; S. Slcbliins. No, ■.U4T No, :;it;i 1;I0N.I.\MIN ZKI-.IXA STi:i 744 51 NS. in'ANUKi: (;i:a\ks stkiuuns. EIGHTH GENERATION. 743 5012. II. Fanny Maria, born January 14, 1856 (T. R.) ; married Edward H. Parker.+ 5013. III. Fred Arthur, born July 15, 1857 (T. R.) ; died December 15, 1881 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts. 5014. IV. Clara Marion, born July 18, 1859; died May 4, 1886 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts. 5015. V. Benjamin Zebina, born October 16, 1860 (T. R.) ; married Eleanor W. Brown.-f- 3163. ABIGAIL MARIA STEBBINS ^ \ Zflilna StebUIns ? Ebenezer Stebbins 8 Moses Stebbins 5 ( Kutij- Graves Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 80 20 4 1 1 .lohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Mary Liorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was born February 7, 1831, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died February 16, 1902, at Greenfield, Massachu- setts; married December 2, 1858 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to JUS- TIN BAICER HITCHCOCK, born November 27, 1824, at Deerfield, Massachu- setts; died January 9, 1890, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a son of Charles Hitchcock and Lois Baker. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. CHILDREN: ' 5016. I. Flora S. Hitchcock, born June 12, 1862 ; died May 4, 1875. 3164. _ 1 1683 775 ^^fi OSMYN GERRY STEBBINS * \ ZeWna stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 3 ( Kuby Graves Rebecca Leonard Slercy Hawks 89 20 4 11 John Stebbins •» John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ( son of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was born August 17, 1833, at Deer- field, Massachusetts; married May 19, 1859, at Kalamo, Michigan, to MARIA F. "WILSON, born 1840, at Kalamo, Michigan, who was a daughter of George Wilson. Occupation, miller. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. CHILDREN: 5017. I. Thurlow W., born March 28, 1861 ; died May 15, 1873. 3165 ORRAMEL GRAVES STEBBINS « \ zehina s I Ituby Gr 1683 775 Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 iraves Rebecca Leonard 336 80 20 4 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Uorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was bom August 17, 1833, at Deer- field, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married August 1, 1860 (T. R), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to ELLEN ELIZABETH CHILDS, born August 7, 1 746 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 1837, at Wilmington, Windham County, Vermont; died March 6, 1864, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Freeman Childs and Eliza- beth Root. He married second, February 11, 1866, at Vermontville, Michi- gan, ADA AUGUSTA CHILDS, born May 14, 1840, at Wilmington, Vermont, who was a daughter of Freeman Childs and Elizabeth Root. Occupation, miller. Politics, Independent. Residence, Vermontville, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5018. I. Nellie Childs, born August 6, 1870. 5019. II. James Howard, born February 23, 1873. ORRAMEL GRAVES STEBBINS received his education at the Deerfield (Massachusetts) Academy and at WiUiston Seminary, at Easthampton, Massa- chusetts. He entered the employ of the Connecticut River Railroad at Green- field, Massachusetts, and also worked for the same company in Springfield. In 1859 he purchased a flour mill at Kalamo, Michigan, which he operated for several years. While residing at Kalamo, he held the offices of Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace, Town Treasurer, and Postmaster. In 1868 he removed his mill to Vermontville, Michigan, and became a large purchaser of wheat and all coarse grains. He applied himself closely to business, but responded to the desire of the people of the village, and in 1871 was elected as first Presi- dent of the Village Board, continuing in this ofSce for six terms. He was elected to serve on the Common Council for nine terms. 3166. LAURAETTE ASHLEY STEBBINS « ] Zeblna StebWns t Ebenezer slebblns 8 ( Ruby Graves Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 5 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn .Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 J ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ^ Sarah son of Zebina Stebbins and Ruby Graves, was born May 18, 1837, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married October 18, 1860 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to THOMAS M. LAMB, who died December 29, 1881, at Worcester, Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN: 5020. I Carrie Stebbins Lamb, born June 28, 1862; married November 5, 1884, George W. Ward. 5021. II. -Alice Boiee Lamb, born May 10, 1868 ; died March 23, 1876. 3167. ELBRIDGE GERRY STEBBINS s \ Eib (Jul 1684 g,-;^ 775 Elbridge Gerry Stebbins ^ Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Julia Boyden ^V^ Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 ' 4 Moses Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Sarah ( son of Elbridge Gerry Stebbins and Julia Boyden, was born July 13, 1824, at No. .-,11 IS. NELLIE CIIILDS STEIUIINS No. 5010. .JAMES HOWARD STEBBLNS. 740 No. :.!ir,r,. t>i;i;A:\ii:i, cuaves STRnniNS. lOl.l.IOM KI.IZAP.ETn (CIIILDS) STERP.IiNS. First wife of No. 310r>. ADA AlF(JtTSTA (CIllI-USi STI-ir.I'.I XS. Wife 111' No. ■.;n;r<. No. rao."). OKRAMEL (iRAVES STEHIilNS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 747 South Deerfield, Massachusetts; died June 8, 1857 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, ■Massachusetts; married November 27, 1855, at Shelburne, Massachusetts, to ANN SLATE, born October 7, 1827, at Shelburne, Massachusetts ; died March 19, 1893, at Worcester, Massachusetts. She married second, William D. Prouty. [See No. 3168.] 3168. ORPHA TAYLOR STEBBINS « ] eh ( .lu .Tohn Stebbins 4 Mary 1684 Elln-idse Gerry Stebbins 7 lia Boyden 20 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander I 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden ( 336 Moses Stebbins 5 Mercy Hawks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Elbridge Gerry Stebbins and Julia Boyden, was born July 27, 1827, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died June 23, 1861, at Worcester, Massa- chusetts; married December 21, 1848 (T. R.), at Soiath Deerfield, Massachu- setts, to WILLIAM D. PROUTY, born October 18, 1822, at Shutesbury, Mas- sachusetts, who was a son of James B. Prouty. He married second, ANN (SLATE) STEBBINS. [See No. 3167.] CHILDREN : 5022. I. Mary Ella Prouty, born October 3, 1849; married Henry C. Nor- cross.+ 5023. II. Alice May Prouty, born October 13, 1851; married George A. Underwood. + 3169. MARTHA STEBBINS s ] ei ( .T\l 89 John Stebbins 4 Mary 1684 775 336 [bridse Gerry Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins « Moses Stebbins 5 lia Bowden Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks -0 4 1 .Tnhn Stel>l)ins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Elbridge Gerry Stebbins and Julia Boyden, was born April 14, 1832, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married September 25, 1855, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to HEZEKIAH H. DEAN, born November 25, 1826, at Kil- lingly, Connecticut ; died July 27, 1897, at Worcester, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5024. I. Annie J. Dean, born April 18, 1856 ; died July 31, 1856. 5025. n. Fred P. Dean, born February 6, 1858; married Effie E. Flagg.-f 5026. m. Gertrude J. A. Dean, born August 22, 1862. 5027. IV. Adaline Dean, born November 18, 1869. 3174. EDWARD WRIGHT STEBBINS ! \ Alvin St( I Eliza Ke 89 John Stebbins 4 Mary John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 16S.5 ■ Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah — — — ( son of Alvin Stebbins and Eliza Kentfield, was born October 18, 1850, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts; married March 11, 1874 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, to MINNA A. EVERETT, born 1852, at Halifax, Vermont; died October 6, 1877 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts. He married second, January 5, 1887 (T. R.) MYRTIE ELLA HAWKS, born August 28, 1862, at Buckland, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5031. I. Florence Annie, born November 4, 1875 (T. R.) ; died June 29, 1896 (T. R.). Jessie Minna, born December 23, 1876. Leon Raj-^mond, born January 13, 1890 (T. R.). Robert Charles, born July 2, 1896 (T. R.). [Deerfield records give name as Roger S.] 5035. V. Charles E. (T. R.), born October 27, 1899 (T. R.). 5032. II. 5033. III. 5034. IV. liuMtol KAIJ i>l- CHAi;l.K-S E. 8TEBBUNS (No. :USU). No. :ilN(i. C'll.Mil.KS rc. STKIiUINS. No. :ilS(l. II.VIiLOTTK KI,IZ.\HK'ni STIOHHINS PETTKS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 749 3185. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON STEBBINS « \ Xloses Stebblns ^ Ebenezer Stebblns « I I^aura Fosdlck Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebblns 5 John Stebblns * John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne MundeQ ROWLAND STEBBINS I V Sarah ) son of Moses Stebbins and Laura A. Fosdiek, was born March 8, 1840, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts; married February 27, 1868 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, to LUCRETIA ORCUTT JEWETT, bora September 28, 1842, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Dwight Jewett and Eunice Orcutt. Occupation, provision dealer. Politics, Inde- pendent. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Holyoke, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5036. I. Harriet B., born February 7, 1869 (T. R.) ; married October 2, 1894, Edward W. Haskins. Had one child, Eunice Haskins, born November 30, 1895. WILLIAM H. H. STEBBINS served three years in the 21st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. 3186. 1686 775 Moses Stebblns 7 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH STEBBINS "* U' ,, ,, „ I Laura Fosdlck Rebecca Leonard 336 80 20 4 Moses Stebblns B John Stebblns * John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah 1 daughter of Moses Stebbins and Laura A. Fosdiek, was bom October 2, 1843, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts; married February 19, 1872 (T. R.), at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, to WILLIAM A. PETTES, born at BeUows Falls, Vermont; died August 18, 1888, at Keene, New Hampshire. 3187. JOHN ASHMUN STEBBINS « \ mo. 1686 775 336 loses Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebblns 8 Moses Stebblns 5 lura Fosdlck Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks 89 20 4 1 I .John Stebblns * John Stebblns 3 .Tohn Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary — Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Moses Stebbins and Laura A. Fosdiek, was born December 7, 1846, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; died June 8, 1872 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massa- chusetts; married September 27, 1870, to FANNY BURITT; died July 1, 1875. CHILDREN: 5037. I. Maud, born July 17, 1871. 750 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3196. CARLOS A. STEBBINS * \ Carlos a. Stetbins 7 Erastus Stebblns 6 Simeon Stebbins 5 ( Cynthia Sargent Hannah Hinsdale 80 20 4 1 1 John Stebt)ms i .Tohn Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Aune Munden Sarah ) son of Carlos A. Stebbins and Cynthia Sargent, was born February 10, 1847, at Arcadia, Wayne Covmty, New York; married July 10, 1879, to HATTIE M. KELLEY, born September 16, 1859, at Sodus, Wayne County, New York, who was a daughter of Forester Kelley and Amanda Myres. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Marion, Kan- sas. CHILDREN : 5038. I. Lucina M., born April 3, 1881. 5039. II. Carlos A., born May 23, 1882. CARLOS A. STEBBINS was elected judge of La Plata County, Colorado, in November, 1876, being the first judge of that county. In 1888-9 he served as supervisor of the town of Arcadia, Wayne Coimty, New York, and was justice of the peace in the same town from 1889 to 1892. He was elected justice of the peace in Clear Creek Township, Marion County, Kansas, on November 6, 1900. 3200. JOHN STEBBINS ^ ] Dwight stebbins 7 Consider Stebbins 6 Simeon Stebbins 5 I Rosiua Freeland Esther Farnsworth Margaret Mighiils 89 20 4 1 1 John Stebbins 4 .John Stebbins s John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i I Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah f son of Dwight Stebbins and Rosina Freeland, was born October 17, 1843, at CentreviUe, St. Joseph County, Michigan; died August 14, 1895, at Shelton, Buffalo County, Nebraska ; married February 21, 1872, at CentreviUe, Michi- gan, to IDA MARIA BROKAW, born October 23, 1851, at Three Rivers, St. Joseph County, Michigan, who was a daughter of William Custard Brokaw and Hettie B. Myers. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Independent. Resided at CentreviUe, Michigan, and Shelton, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 5040. I. William Clyde, born November 21, 1872. 5041. IL Marie Jessie, born April 9, 1875. 5042. III. ELfreda, born August 20, 1877. 5043. VI. Norma, born December 21, 1879. 5044. V. Florence, born September 8, 1882. 5045. VI. Rosina Jane, born July 27, 1885. 5046. VII. Georgia Alice, born August 15, 1889. 5047. VIII. Vera Zathoe, born October 26, 1892. ^ t'v CARLOS LEONARD STEBBINS. No. .iJXi. EDWARD MILLS STEBBINS. 1. Nil. 50.S3. LEON RAYMOND STEBBINS. 2. No, 50:M. ROGER S. STEBBINS. 3. No. 5035. CHARLES E. STEBBINS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 751 3204. I 1707 789 337 LEROY STEBBINS ® \ Epapbroaitus Stebbms 7 Consider Stebblns Simeon Stebbins 6 I Abigail G. Bussey Esther Farnsworth Margaret Mighills 89 20 4 1 ) John Stebbins 4 .Tobn Stebbins s John Stebbins = ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Epaphroditus Stebbins and Abigail G. Bussey, was born July 23, 1863, at Walworth, Wayne County, New York; married September 23, 1891, to MINNIE LEPPER, born July 16, 1869, at Sodus Point, Wayne County, New York, who was a daughter of George Lepper and Elizabeth Piatt. Occupation, baggageman. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Palmyra, New York. CHILDREN : 5048. I. Cecil A., born February 13, 1893. 5049. II. Monroe T., bom September 11, 1894. 5050. m. Myrtle, born October 29, 1896. 3211. 1 1708 789 1 Mary Bills Esther Farnsworth 337 SO Simeon Stebbins s John Stebbins * Margaret Mighills Hannah Allen 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah I son of William Howe Cuyler Stebbins and Mary Bills, was born November 17, 1860, at Macedon, Wayne County, New York. [Was adopted when about five years old, by Tracy S. Clark and wife, Eliza C. Stebbms, daughter of Robert Stebbins 6. No. 1010.] IMarried, December 10, 1883, at Victor, Ontario County, New York, to NELLIE LILLIAN TABOR, born December 2, 1865, at Macedon, Wayne County, New York, who was a daughter of Oscar Tabor and Elizabeth Smith. Occupation, clerk. Politics, Independent. Religion, Christian. Residence, Macedon, Wayne County, New York. CHILDREN: Louise M. Clark, born June 14, 1884. Clarence T. Clark, born December 7, 1886. George S. Clark, born March 13, 1889. Frank E. Clark, born March 25, 1891. Herbert A. Clark, born March 9, 1894. William S. Clark, born September 13, 1896. Arthur J. Clark, born April 15, 1899. 3218. „ ( 1713 793 337 RHODA MARY STEBBINS * - Lorenzo Dow stebbins 7 Robert Stebbins 6 Simeon Stebbins 5 litlVL/A uiAr^i cj.oi.jJiJix'.o ( Ambrosia B. Grinnell Susan Luce Margaret Mighills 89 20 4 1 I John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [■ Hatinah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins and Ambrosia B. Grinnell, was born 5051. I. 5052. II. 5053. III. 5054. IV. 5055. V. 5056. VI. 5057. VII. 752 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. March 24, 1863, at Hillsdale County, Michigan; married December 23, 1881, to JOHN VERBRIDGE, born March 24, 1858, at HoUand, who was a son of Verbridge and Jennie Bushart. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Repub- lican. Residence, Palmyra, Wayne County, New York. . CHILDREN: 5058. I. Clinton J. Verbridge, born August 28, 1885. 5059. II. Howard E. Verbridge, born June 24, 1888 ; died August 28, 1889. 5060. III. Harley Lee Verbridge, born April 19, 1892. 3219. 1713 793 " • Stebblna ^ Robert Stebblns 9 TRACY LORENZO STEBBINS » \ Lorenzo Dowl I Ambrosia B. Grlnnell Sasan Luce 337 89 20 4 Simeon Stebblns 5 John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Margaret Mlghllls Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ( son of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins and Ambrosia B. Grinnell, was born October 6, 1865, at Somerset, Hillsdale County, Michigan; married September 7, 1887, at Palmyra, "Wayne County, New York, to EMMA E. TASKET, born February 14, 1869, at Palmyra, Wayne County, New York; died February 12, 1894, at Rochester, New York, who was a daughter of Harvey Tasket and Olive San- ford. Occupation, locomotive fireman. Residence, 870 E. Main Street, Roch- ester, New York. TRACY L. STEBBINS received his education in the schools of Ontario. He removed with his parents to Palmyra, Wajme County, New York, where for two seasons he cultivated peppermint for the oil. Afterwards he was oc- cupied in farming. He removed to Rochester, New York, where he obtained employment with the Rochester Street Railroad Company, as motorman, which position he held for one year, then went to work for the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, in the capacity of fireman, and is still holding that position. 3233. EDWARD MILLS STEBBINS « ] Sylvester S^tlbblns 7 Sylvester Stebblns e ( Clarissa Johnson EMzabeth Dwelley 339 89 20 4 David Stebblns 5 John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 >■ Sarah ) son of Sylvester Stebbins and Clarissa Johnson, was born March 5, 1824, at Deerfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married May 5, 1853, at Boston, Massachusetts, to LYDIA HOBSON SOMERBY, born December 20, 1827, at Newburyport, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Thomas Somerby and Sarah Dole. Occupation, salesman and manager. Polities, Republican. Re- EIGHTH GENERATION. 753 ligion, Episcopalian. Resided at Deerfield, Roxbury and Boston, Massachu- setts, and Troy, New York. CHILDREN: 5061. I. Edward Somerby, born February 9, 1854; married Penelope Crocker. + 5062. II. Horatio Gates, born May 3, 1856 ; married Mary BuUis. 5063. III. Mary Bartlet, born September 30, 1863; married John Albertson Ingham. 5064. IV. Lydia Gertrude, born April 11, 1866; died young. 3235. I 1725 801 CARLOS LEONARD STEBBINS » \ Elijah Stebblns 7 Sylvester Stebblns « Harriet Leonard Elizabeth Dwelley 339 89 20 4 David Stebblns 5 .lohn Stebblns 4 .Tohn Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 / Sarah 1 son of Elijah Stebbins and Harriet Leonard, was born January 11, 1824, at York, Livingston County, New York; married May 22, 1845, at Pike, Wyom- ing County, New York, to ELEANOR GRIGGS, bom 1819, at Pike, Wyoming County, New York, who was a daughter of Philip Griggs and Rebecca Cain. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Democrat. Residence, Pike, Wyoming Coimty, New York. No children. CARLOS LEONARD STEBBINS remained at home with his parents un- til he became of age. His natural artistic tendency, which was inherited from his mother, began to assert itself, and the young man, in whose veins ran the blood of a people in whom love of color, harmony and beauty is inherent, decided to take up portrait painting as a profession. This vocation he has followed since 1844, and the keen pleasure he takes in his work is a warrant of its success. His fellow citizens are justly proud of their native artist, and many specimens of his skill are to be seen in the cities and villages of western New York, as well as in other states. MR. STEBBINS is also possessed of great mechanical genius, and has patented a sewing machine of his own invention. In his home he has a shop where he amuses himself with cunning handiwork. He is an Odd Fellow and a Mason, having held offices in both orders. MR. STEBBINS is the only sur- viving member of the Board of Trustees who built Pike Seminary, one of the oldest and most successful educational institutions in the state. He was also chairman and working member of its building committee. Recently he has resigned his position as President of the State Bank of Pike, which he had held since its organization, and of which he is still one of the directors. His home is on a farm, one-half mile from Pike. A gentleman of superior mental endowments, blameless morals, and pleasing social qualifications, he stands high in the estimation of aU who know him. 48 754 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3238. GEORGE WILLARD STEBBINS » ] 89 John Stebblns 4 Hannah Allen 1727 Chester Stebblns 7 Anne Wlllard 20 John Stebblns 2 Dorothy Alexander 801 Sylvester Stebblns 6 Elizabeth Dwelley 4 John Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden } 339 David Stebblns 6 Rhoda Sheldon 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Chester Stebbins and Anne Willard, was born March 26, 1828, at York, Livingston County, New York; married June 10, 1853, at Pike, "Wyoming County, New York, to JERUSHA SPENCER, born May 31, 1828, at Pike, New York, who was a daughter of John Spencer and Martha Putnam. Occu- pation, newspaper reporter and author of many short stories in prose and verse. Polities, Republican. Settled at Hartfield, New York. CHILDREN : 5065. I. Spencer, born March 17, 1856; died September 7, 1858. 5066. II. Anne, born December 13, 1859; married, December 16, 1879, Harvey Parker. 5067. III. John Elmer, born July 25, 1862 ; married Nellie Shephard.+ GEORGE WILLARD STEBBINS was drafted during the Civil War, but was exempted on account of the loss of sight of his right eye. Prom his boy- hood he had a taste for literary work, and became widely known in his section of the state as a writer for local papers. One of his productions was "The Story of Benoni Stebbins," a romance founded on fact, which was published in "The Pilot" in five parts. He also wrote abstracts of the lectures of the Chautauqua Assembly, which he regularly attended. 3240. GEORGE BARNARD STEBBINS « 1729 Almerick Stebblns ^ Lydla Barnard 20 John Stebblns 3 Dorothy Alexander 801 Sylvester Stebblns 6 Elizabeth Dwelley 4 John Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden 339 89 David Stebblns 6 John Stebbins 4 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah 1 son of Almerick Stebbins and Lydia Barnard, was born June 23, 1830, at Whately, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married November 11, 1850, at South Dansville, Steuben County, New York, to LOIS M. HUNT, born June 17, 1834, at Governeur, St. Laurence County, New York, who was a daughter of Richard Hunt and Esther Carrington. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Prohibition. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Meadville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 5068. I. William H., born September 27, 1851; married Frances Rice. 5069. II. Julia P., born December 2, 1853; married William Horth. 5070. III. Wilbur J., born August 18, 1857 ; married Addie Earle. 5071. IV. Lydia E., born September 10, 1859 ; married Albert J. Horth. EIGHTH GENERATION. 755 5072. V. Jennie M., born April 28, 1862; married John D. Smitl 507.3. VI. Frank C, born November 12, 1867 ; married Anna King. GEORGE B. STEBBINS removed with his father to the town of York, Livingston County, New York, about 1832. In 1835 he went to Jasper, Steu- ben County, and in 1839 to Dansville, Livingston Coimty. As soon as he was old enough to earn anything he was put to work. In 1847 he went to work in a saw mill in South Dansville, Steuben County, New York. The next winter he worked for his board and schooling at Dansville, and in the spring of 1848 he went back to the saw mill and continued to work there for seven years. He then started out for himself. He soon became a first-class sawyer and stationary engineer. From South Dansville he moved to a place called the Swale, in the town of Canisteo, Steuben County, New York, where there were two steam saw mills, owned by a New York company. In 1854 he removed to Hornellsville, New York, where he worked in several different mills, and went to Rock Creek, Ohio, to place the machinery in a steam saw mill. In the winter of 1858 a hunber company wanted him to go to Cattaraugus County, New York, to finish sawing a stock of lumber they had near Olean, so he moved again. A large lumber firm of Salamanca soon after engaged him to do some circular sawing and he moved to the Hemlock Mills (afterwards Salamanca) in the spring of 1860 and lived there for twenty-six years, where besides saw- ing, he did millwright work. Having acquired the carpenter trade, he took the contract, in 1874, and built one of the large school houses of Salamanca. In 1875 he built a dwelling house for himself and in the fall of that year he went to work as carpenter on the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad, between Salamanca and Day- ton, Ohio. He remained with the railroad company until the spring of 1877, when he went back to the mill. He worked another year for the railroad, then went home to Salamanca, and again worked at the carpenter trade, also doing mill- wright work, driving piles, etc. In 1882 he put the machinery into a wagon factory for W. H. McCleary, and for some time acted as superintendent. In 1886 he bought a small piece of land and tried farming, but not making a successful farmer he again resumed work as a carpenter. MR. STEBBINS is one of those happy mortals who believe that "a con- tented mind is a continual feast." 3246. J -J "TOO SOI 339 Almcrick Stebbine ^ Sylvester StebWns e David Rtebblns 5 Lydia Barnard Elizabeth Dwelley Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns 4 .Tohn Stebbins 8 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [■ Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah . ) son of Almerick Stebbins and Lydia Barnard, was born February 8, 1843, at Dansville, New York ; married March 4, 1874, to EMMA H. SELBY, of Will- iamson, New York. 756 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 5074. I. Lola May, bom March 23, 1875. 5075. II. J. Roland, born September 30, 1876. JAMES K. STEBBINS enlisted in the 33rd New York Volunteer Infantry, May 15, 1861. He was on special detached service at Brigade headquarters, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Corps, for six months, and was one of the ninety-eight who made the heroic charge at Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, 1862, under Hancock. On the night of June 28, 1862, at Golding's farm, Vir- ginia, he was the only one of his company to volunteer to re-establish a picket line which had been withdrawn in the face of the enemy by mistake. This entitled him to the congressional medal granted for special acts of bravery. He participated in the Peninsular and second Bull Run campaigns and was with the regiment every time it was under fire, until, at the battle of Antietam, he was shot through the lungs while near the old Dunkard Church, and left for dead on the field between the fires of the infantry and artillery. He re- gained consciousness, however, and was taken to the hospital, where he re- covered from his wounds. He was honorably discharged April 10, 1863. He was president of the Survivors' Association of the 27th and 33rd In- fantry and 1st New York Veteran Cavalry. He removed to Ashtabula, Ohio, in 1867, where he was made treasurer, and was a deacon in the Baptist Church for twenty-two years. 3248 JOHN WILLIAMS STEBBINS s j \ 1729 801 Almerlok Stebbins 7 Sylvester Stebbins 6 ! Lydia Barnard Elizabeth Dwelley 339 89 20 4 David Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Almerick Stebbins and Lydia A. Barnard, was born January 23, 1848, at Dansville, Livingston County, New York; married March 13, 1872, to CLARA ANJALETTE LYON, born September 16, 1851, who was a daughter of C. Barnes Lyon and Anjalette Nott. Politics, Independent. Residence, Broadcreek, Princess County, Virginia. CHILDREN: 5076. I. Lydia Anjalette, born Dee. 31, 1872. 5077. II. Frances Eleanor, born August 3, 1879; died March 9, 1893. 5078. III. Donald Carlos, born February 4, 1883. 5079. IV. Mary Augusta, born June 4, 1885 ; died Jime 7, 1895. 5080. V. Carl Barnard, born April 21, 1888 ; died May 16, 1888. JOHN WILLIAMS STEBBINS has resided at Nunda, Whitney's Valley, Salamanca, South Dansville and Great Valley, in New York State ; at Morgan, Ohio, and at Jamestown and New Lebanon, in Pennsylvania. In all of these places he attended district schools. Before he was sixteen years old he en- listed in the 9th U. S. Cavalry and served under General Phil Sheridan in No. TiOTS. DONAIJ) CAULOS STKRniNS. Nn. .S24.S. .IIIIIX WILIJAMS S'lMOKIilNS. IIIPMK 111' Nn. .-iiT.-). CLARISSA JANE STKlir.INS 1111,1,. Al'l'l.E RIVER, ILL. EIGHTH GENERATION. 757 the Shenandoah Valley, until the war closed. He was a gallant, dashing cavalry man, and was called the "dare devil" of the cavalry. He was dis- charged in June, 1865, and went to the oil regions of Pennsylvania, witnessing the rise and collapse of Pithole City. From there he went to Hock Creek, Ohio, where he attended his last term in school in a biiilding which he afterward purchased and converted into a carriage shop. He spent some time at Pike, New York, where he studied with his cousin, Carlos Leonard Stebbins. He learned the carriage painter's trade and returned to Rock Creek, Ohio, where he engaged in carriage and ornamental painting, which soon developed into manufacturing carriages, wagons, and sleighs, which business he contin- ued for twelve years. In 1875 he met with business reverses and it cost him his health and nearly six years of struggling to get even with the world again. In 1881 he removed to a farm near Everets, Nansemond County, Virginia, where he lived for four years, farming, lumbering, getting out railroad ties and various other things. He then removed to Churchland, Norfolk County, Virginia, and took charge of an establishment for manufacturing farm im- plements, carts, etc. Wishing to give his children the benefit of a more practical education than he could afford, he and his wife established a small job printing office, which soon resulted in their publishing "The Little Gem Advertiser," and later a newspaper called "The New South." He was then engaged to estab- lish a manufacturing business for 0. M. Styvon & Company, of Norfolk, Vir- ginia, which was merged into the Styvon Fence Company, of which he is superintendent and treasurer, which offices he has held for several years. In 1889 he bought a farm in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and in 1893 he removed to a place about four and one-half miles from Norfolk, Virginia, in Princess Anne County, on the banks of the Beautiful Broad Creek, where he hopes to regain his health, and where he is making himself a home where he expects to enjoy many happy days. MR. STEBBINS became a member of the G. A. R. when only eighteen years of age, and as charter member of the Post was "officer of the day." In 1892 he joined the G. A. R. in Norfolk, since which he has been continually in office. In 1894 he was Post Commander, in 1895 and 1896, Senator Vice Department Commander, and practically in command on account of the ab- sence of the Commander. In May, 1897, after a spirited contest, he was elected Commander of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, by a very large majority. He was one of the first men to offer his services to the Gov- ernor of Virginia in case there was to be war, and took an active part in be- friending Cuba and forcing the Government to declare war against Spain. Two months before war was declared he offered to raise a brigade of minute men to protect a very exposed portion of the coast of Virginia and later foreseeing that little or no danger was to be expected to the coast from the Spaniards, offered to raise a regiment for active service and at once issued orders for every veteran in the two states to begin recruiting men to be of- fered under call of the respective states' governors. The response was as noble as it was unexpected. In thirty days a regiment could have been put in the field, in sixty days a brigade, and by August 1st, a division of yoimg men officered entirely by old, tried and experienced veterans could have been fur- 758 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. nished in case of need. He had the solid backing of his Department, was the only veteran put forward for a command for the Department, but not an ex-Union veteran was given a commission in the state of Virginia or North Carolina, neither by their Governors nor by the President, and the subject of our sketch was left at home with his veterans, secure in the consciousness of having been ready to do their part in freeing Cuba from Spanish misrule and avenging the death of our 266 sailors and marines of the "Maine." DONALD CARLOS STEBBINS was the first "American Guard" in Vir- ginia and was commissioned captain when twelve years of age. 3251. i 1734 803 339 WILLIAM PERRY STEBBINS * \ George Stebblns 7 John Stebbins 6 David Stebblna 5 I Laura Tooker Sarah Sanderson Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 1 I John Stebbins i John Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ( son of George W. Stebbins and Laura Tooker, was born December 7, 1828, at Creston, "Wayne County, Ohio ; married September 26, 1850, to MARY GLIME, born January 16, 1832, at Niagara Falls, New York, who was a daughter of Frederick Glime and Sarah Ann Roberts. Occupation, banker. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Creston, Ohio. CHILDREN: 5081. I. Charles A., bom June 6, 1852; married first, January 29, 1874, Mary E. Victs; married second, December 24, 1896, Kate McGlenen. 5082. II. Ada G., born December 25, 1856 ; married October 25, 1876, John Romich, a banker at Creston. WILLIAM PERRY STEBBINS assisted his father on the farm, driving oxen, burning logs and brush, etc., until grown. He was engaged in the dry goods business for a few years at Jackson, Ohio, a short distance from his home. Afterwards he returned to the farm, where he remained until about 1870, when he entered the banking business, in which he still continues. 3255. 1735 803 liver Sheldon Stebblns 7 John Stebbins e Laura DInsmorc Sarah Sanderson 339 89 20 4 David Stebbins B John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah GEORGE WASHINGTON STEBBINS « \ oiiv I Lau Jo H( ( son of Oliver Sheldon Stebbins and Laura Dinsmore, was born April 13, 1828, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York; died February 18, 1896, at Lockport, Niagara County, New York; married, November 25, 1851, at Royalton, Niag- ara County, New York, to HANNAH D. GASKILL, born April 5, 1832, at New York ; died April 12, 1887, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York, who was a daughter of Silas B. Gaskill and Jane Helen Brown. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Baptist. Resided at Royalton, New York. EIGHTH GENERATION. 759 CHILDREN: 5083. I. George W., born July 26, 1856; married Annie L. Droman.+ 5084. n. Rodna, bom September 23, 1865; married Elma Wilson. 3258. ALVIN DINSMORE STEBBINS « ) \ 1735 803 ; Oliver Sheldon Stebblns T John Stebbins « Laura Dlnsmore Sarah SanderBon 339 89 20 4 David Stebbins 5 John Stebbins t John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Mnnden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Oliver Sheldon Stebbins and Laura Dinsmore, was bom December 20, 1833, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York; married February 15, 1860, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York, to HANNAH GREENE, born March 29, 1839, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York, who was a daughter of Stephen Greene and Arvilla Griswold. Residence, "West Falls, New York. CHILDREN: 5085. I. Frank, born December 3, 1860. 5086. II. HoUis, born August 11, 1863; married Carrie Kluge. 3262. MARYETTE STEBBINS s | 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS l J- Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ daughter of Oliver Sheldon Stebbins and Laura Dinsmore, was born March 20, 1839, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York; married December 9, 1865, to JOHN MACK, born October 10, 1842, at Lockport, Niagara County, New York. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Dysinger, New York. CHILDREN: 5087. I. Laura Ella Mack, born September 13. 1867 ; married George Long. 5088. II. Mary Louisa ^laek, born ;May 22, 1871; married Fred Clayhorn. 5089. HI. Nora Bell :\rack, born January 16, 1874 ; married G. D. Crabtree. 5089a. IV. Charles Mack, born November 12, 1876 ; died September 28, 1877. 1735 803 339 Oliver Sheldon Stebblns T John Stebblns 6 David Stebblns s Laura Dinsmore Sarah Sanderson Rhoda Sheldon 3263. SYLVESTER STEBBINS «] ^h / Ra 1736 803 339 • Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Dexter Stebbins and Eliza Critendan, was born October 3, 1834, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York; married November 26, 18'57, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York, to OPHELIA BROWNELL, born November 5, 1835, at Clymer, Chautauqua County, New York; died Novem- ber 15, 1897, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a daughter of Harry Brownell and Sophronia Coye. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Sherman, New York. CHILDREN : 5152. I. Sabia Adell, born November 1, 1862; married James E. Keith.-|- 5153. II. Artson Lyman, bom September 1, 1871; died November 10, 1895. 5146. I. 5147. II. 5148. m. 5149. IV. 5150. V. 5151. VI. MliS. ASKNATII A. STKKI'.INS UnVM.; No. :j:i05. iMIiS. KAClllOL .TANK ISTICIUII NS I IIUr.l'..\KI). No. 3304. JAMES STEEBINS. MRS. .TAMES STEHBINS (Wifp of No. 3304), AND DAUGIITET!. 707 EIGHTH GENERATION. 767 3288. ( 1747 805 339 MARIA STEBBINS * -J Dexter Stebbins ^ David Stebbins 6 David Stebblns 5 / Eliza Crltendan Irene Collins Rboda Sheldon 89 20 4 1 Jobn Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 .lohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander R'idow Anne Munden Sarah daughter of Dexter Stebbins and Eliza Critendan, was born February 13, 1837, at Sherman, New York; married June 8, 1854, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York, to JOHN C. CHAMBERLIN, born July 16, 1831, at Har- mony, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a son of John Chamberlin and Eliza Peters. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Sherman, New York. CHILDREN: 5154. I. Addie Jane Chamberlin, born May 23, 1857; married Charles Eangsly. 5155. II. Gertrude M. Chamberlin, born May 15, 1868; married Henry Wooster. She died January 1, 1894. 5156. III. Frank A. Chamberlin, born June 15, 1871 ; died February 7, 1882. 3301. SAMUEL IRA STEBBINS * \ Moses stebbins 7 David Stebbins e David Stebbins B ( Sally Decker Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 1 / John Stebbins 4 .lohn Stebbins 3 .lohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >■ Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Moses Stebbins and Sally Decker, was born October 10, 1847, at Sher- man, Chautauqua County, New York; married to LUCY D. FAIRCHILD, who was a daughter of Ira Fairehild and Lucy Ann Fairehild. He married second, October 13, 1880, MARY , born December 16, 1858, at Woodstock, Canada. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Bowling Green, Ohio. CHILDREN : 5157. I. Louis E., born December 8, 1871 ; married Ida M. Dahms.-f- 3304. I 1748 805 WILLIAM LAWRENCE STEBBINS « \ Moses stebbins 7 David stebbins 6 ' s .vioses stebbins 7 Liavia steooin ( Sally Decker Irene Collins 339 89 20 4 David Stebbins o .Tohn Stebbins * John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Bhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )■ Sarah S son of Moses Stebbins and Sally Decker, was born April 4, 1835, at Sherman, New York ; died February 18, 1898, at Farnam, Nebraska ; married December 31, 1857, at Sherman, New York, to SARAH SWETLAND, born January 24, 1838, at Mayville, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a daughter of Silas Swetland and Abigail Rose. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Famham, Nebraska. 768 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 5158. I. 5159. II. 5160. III. 5161. IV. 5162. V. Levi L., born May 10, 1859; married Rose Hamestreet.+ Jay, born May 21, 1861; married Predreckia Ralph.+ Milton D., born January 6, 1862; married Allie Martin.+ Ada, born May 24, 1865 ; died January 29, 1877. Orville R., born December 15, 1868; married Julia Moore.4- 3305. ( 1748 805 339 RACHEL JANE STEBBINS * •? Moses Stebblns 7 David Stebblns s David Stebbins B .Xbn.v>xu:iu UX1..L1XJ uj-xjuo^xx^w ] g^ny j)gp,jer Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 1 I John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns 3 .lobn Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Moses Stebbins and Sally Decker, was born April 1, 1838, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York ; married May 28, 1856, at Sherman, New York, to HENRY HUBBARD, born March 5, 1832, at Steuben, Oneida County, New York, who was a son of Nehemiah Hubbard and Harriet Briggs. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Free Baptist. Residence, Sherman, New York. CHILDREN: '5163. I. Hattie M. Hubbard, born September 24, 1860; married Henry Thomas. Viola E. Hubbard, born July 21, 1863 ; married Halbert Roberts. Dora E. Hubbard, born July 25, 1865 ; married WiU Lord. Devillo H. Hubbard, born March 12, 1868; married Florence Ellis. 5167. V. Effie R. Hubbard, born February 13, 1871; married Ralph Wil- son. 5168. VI. Bertha S. Hubbard, born April 2, 1878 ; married Will Munger. 5169. VII. Lucy A. Hubbard, born December 24, 1879; married Willard Nopper. 5164. II. 5165. III. 5166. IV. 3310 SAFRONIA STEBBINS « j 1749 805 339 Loren Stebblns 7 David Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 5 Eunice Willard Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 II John Stebblns 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Loren Stebbins and Eunice Willard, was born November 24, 1829, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York ; married October 13, 1850, to FRANCIS H. CHAPPBL, born June 23, 1826, at Burlington, New York, who was a son of Hiram Chappel and Rebecca Harrington. Occupation, farmer and school teacher. Politics, Republican. Religion, Free Will Bap- tist. Residence, Oregon, Dane County, Wisconsin. CHILDREN: 5170. I. Delbert D. Chappel, born August 4, 1851; married November 28, 1888, Gertie B. Newton. 5171. IL Dora E. Chappel, born May 11, 1856. EIGHTH GENERATION. 769 3315. CARLOS STEBBINS ^ { Loren Stebblns 7 r.avid Stebblns 8 David Stebblns 5 I Eunice WlUard Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 11 .John Stebblns* John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [■ Harnab Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Loren Stebbins and Eunice Willard, was born January 12, 1844, at Sherman, New York ; married May 11, 1873, at Colebrook, Ashtabula County, Ohio, to LYDIA BUNKER, born September 27, 1851, at Colebrook, Ashta- bula County, Ohio, who was a daughter of William Bunker and Betsey Powell. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Sherman, New York. CHILDREN: 5172. I. Ethel M., born May 3, 1886. 3318. [ ITfll 805 8S0 ALONZO DAVID STEARNS ^ - Callsta stebbins 7 David Stebblns David Stebhins 5 I Sylvester Stearns Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 II John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns s John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [■ Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah I .son of Calista Stebbins and Sylvester Steams, was born November 5, 1833, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York; married March 16, 1859, at Sher- man, Chautauqua County, New York, to JANE E. ANDERSON, born June 7, 1842, at Otsego, New York. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Baptist. Residence, Silver Creek, New York. CHILDREN : 5173. I. Sylvester Stearns, born February 28, 1861. 5174. II. Alice Stearns, born October 16, 1867; married Frank Thomas; lives at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Thomas is superin- tendent of the Harvard Cooperative Society. 5175. ni. Sherman Stearns, bom April 10, 1876. ALONZO DAVID STEARNS removed from Sherman to Westfield, New York, in 1864, and in 1870 went to Silver Creek, where he still resides, having a farm set out to grapes and other small fruits. MR. STEARNS relates the following amusing reminiscence of his Grand- father Stebbins : "Father and mother went to see a sick neighbor, leaving us with Grandpa. In the evening we heard a noise outside, and as wild animals were sometimes around, Grandpa grabbed the big iron shovel, which was used in the fire- place, and said : 'I will see what it is.' Being dark, he could just see something stirring and gave it a tremendous whack, then came running in for the old tin lantern, lit with a tallow dip, to see what prize he had captured. We were aU excitement. Imagine our surprise and Grandpa's chagrin on behold- ing my mother's old pet goose lying dead on the ground." 49 770 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3320. t 17'Sl 805 339 SAJVIANTHA STEARNS ^ \ Callsta Stebblns 7 David Stebbins e David Ste'bbins 6 ( ."Sylvester Stearns Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns i John Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS l > Hannah Allen DorothyAlexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah i daughter of Calista Stebbins and Sylvester Stearns, was bom June 25, 1842, at Sherman, New York; married at Sherman, New York, to LYMAN REX- FORD, born at Harmony, New York, who was a son of Isaiah Rexford and Caroline Powers. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Sher- man, New York. CHILDREN: 5176. I. Carrie Rexford, born December 21, 1865; married Fred D. Cogs- well. 5177. II. Villa Rexford, born March 21, 1873 ; married Artson Stebbins. 3324, CORNELIA STEBBINS « \ a 1752 805 339 Alfred Stebblns T David Stebbins 6 David Stebblns 5 Eliza Fanning Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns 4 John Stebbins B John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Alfred Stebbins and Eliza Panning, was born April 8, 1840, at Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio; married December 23, 1862, to SAMUEL STEVENS, born June 9, 1827, at Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, who was a son of James Stevens. Residence, Bellevue, Ohio. CHILDREN: 5178. I. Clarence Fanning Stevens, born December 7, 1871. 3325. r. . •„•« • n-i^^T^^.x^ o ( l'^52 805 339 SABRA STEBBINS * < Alfred stebbins 7 David Stebblns 6 David Stebblns 5 ( Eliza Fanning Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns i John Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [■ Hannah Allen r)orothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Alfred Stebbins and Eliza Fanning, was bom May 24, 1845, at Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio ; married November 25, 1863, at Bellevue, Ohio, to DAVID BARNARD NIMS, born November 18, 1839, at Bellevue, Ohio. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Belle- vue, Ohio. CHILDREN: 5179. I. Alfred Stebbins Nims, born September 20, 1869; married Jessie G. Wills. EIGHTH GENERATION. 771 3327. SEYMOUR MILLS STEBBINS « ] Chauncey Stebblns 7 Chester Stcb'bins 6 ( Sophia Rice Nancy Burroughs 339 89 20 4 David Stcbblns o John Stebbins 4 John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !■ Sarah \ son of Chauncey Stebbins and Sophia Rice, was born July 4, 1831, at Conway, Massachusetts; married July 5, 1852, at Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan, to RUTH ANN GIBSON, born Augiist 5, 1833, at Otsego County, New York, who was a daughter of Delos Gibson and Louisa Atkins. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Ionia, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5180. I. Estella Louisa, born July 15, 1854; married Robert Weir Math- ews. + 5181. n. Elmer Seymour, born April 15, 1861; married Nettie Van Blas- dell.+ 5182. HI. Elva EInora, bom September 8, 1863. 5183. rv. Ella Sophia, born January 8, 1864; married Jay Rufus Dens- mo re. -{- SEYMOUR MILLS STEBBINS received his education in the primitive schools of his day, and assisted his father in the usual duties connected with farming and dairying. At eighteen his father's death left him the director of the farm interests and his mother's aid in family cares. In 1852 he purchased a farm located on section twenty in Easton township, which for many years was his home, but having purchased a town residence, he has retired from active farm pursuits, although he still has it under his supervision. He has always proved a successful farmer, and a practical, public spirited promoter of the county's interests. He has been notary public, and has held every township ofiSce except that of constable. His several terms of supervisorship, which ofBce he held during the trying times of the Civil War, attest his towns- men's confidence in his ability. MR. STEBBINS business ability, financial success and general Christian charity have won the esteem of all who know him, and insured his comfort in old age. ELVA E. STEBBINS is a graduate of Ionia High School, the State Normal School of Ypsilanti, and of the Kindergarten Department of the West Michi- gan Business College of Grand Rapids. She has taught in the primary depart- ments of the public schools of Michigan for several years with flattering suc- cess. At present she is engaged at Calumet, where interest in the stock market proves a pleasant diversion from the duties of teaching. ELLA S. STEBBINS graduated from the Ionia High School in 1886, and for several years was a successful school teacher. 772 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3331. ( 1769 807 880 GEORGE STEBBINS ^ ] Chauncey Stebblna t Cheater Stebblns e David Stebblna s ( Sophia Klce Nancy Burroughs Btoda Sheldon 89 20 4 II John Stebblns * John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 GEORGE STEBBINS i V Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Chauncey Stebbins and Sophia Rice, was born March 11, 1840, at Essex, Clinton County, Michigan; married February 26, 1862, to ELEANOR ROSINA HARDENBURG, born March 8, 1845, at Ionia, Michigan, who was a daughter of Aaron Hardenburg and Cynthia M. Whipple. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Easton Township, Ionia County, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5184. I. Hattie E., born November 1, 1864 ; died March 1, 1865. 5185. II. May H., born March 12, 1866; married Edwin R. Rathbun.-f 5186. III. Perry H., born October 2, 1874; married Mae E. Conner.+ 5187. rv. Louisa, born January 2, 1883. 3332. 1 1759 807 339 CHESTER H. STEBBINS * S ( liauncey stebbins 7 Chester Stebblns « David Stebblns b / Sophia Rice Nancy Burroughs Rboda Sheldon 89 20 4 1 John Stebbins 4 John Stebblns 8 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah son of Chauucey Stebbins and Sophia Rice, was born December 17, 1842, at St. Johns, Clinton County, Michigan; married September, 1864, at Ionia, Michigan, to EMMALINE PIKE, who was a daughter of Benjamin Pike and Phebe . He married second, November 1, 1870, at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, to BERTHA PORTER, born July 26, 1845, at Bennett's Corners, Medina County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Thomas J. W. Por- ter and Sally M. . Occupation, farmer. Politics, Free Silver Democrat. Residence, Lakeview, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5188. I. Ensign B., born October 24, 1866; married Mattie Fuller. 5189. II. Laura S., born February 19, 1872; married Addison Eartland. 5190. III. Roy, born July 6, 1874 ; married Ehna Gaffield.-f 3336. MARIETTA E. STEBBINS « { Israel stebbins 7 Ralph Stebblns 6 David Stebblns 5 ( Dorothy Allis Submit Sanderson Rhoda Sheldon 89 20 4 11 John Stebblns 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 RtiWLAND STEBBINS 1 }• Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden Sarah — \ daughter of Israel Stebbins and Dorothea Allis, was born September 16, 1841 (or 1842), at Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin; married CYRUS PIN- GREE. She married second, January 31, 1871, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, DANIEL W. FOWLER, born February 25, 1839, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, EIGHTH GENERATION. 773 who was a son of Albert Fowler and Emily Wilcox. Residence, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 3337. r 1T63 ft! O HARRIET SOPHIA STEBBINS » .' Israel Stebblns 7 Ralph Stebblns c ( Dorothy AlUs Submit Sanderson 330 89 20 4 Oavid Stebblns 5 John Stcbblns 4 John Stebhins s John Stebbins 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah I daughter of Israel Stebbins and Dorothy Allis, was bora September 27, 1843, at Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin; died March 22, 1896, at St. Paul, Min- nesota; married February 8, 1865, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to CHANDLER WALDO KIBBEE, born May 22, 1843, at East Randolph, Orange County. Ver- mont, who was a son of Perley Chandler Kibbee and Lucinda Waldo. Oc- cupation, general insurance manager. Politics, Republican. Religion, Uni- tarian. Resided at Minneapolis, Minnesota. CHILDREN : 5191. I. 5192. II. 5193. III. 5194. IV. 5195. V. 5196. VI. May Louise Kibbee, born April 19, 1867 ; died May 27, 1877. Fannie E. Kibbee, bom November 23, 1870; married Philip B. Hunt. Willis Allis Kibbee, born October 30, 1872 ; died May 28, 1877. Ettie Stebbins Kibbee, born October 30, 1872 ; died May 14, 1877. Hattie Kjbbee, bom April 6, 1877; died April 20. 1877. Ellery Channing Kibbee, born April 5, 1880. 3340. ELLEN SUBMIT STEBBINS » i Charles Hitchcock Stebblne t / Charlotte Ellen Jcnks John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander 810 Ralph Stebbins a Submit Sanderson 4 .John Stebbins ; Widow Anne Munden 839 89 David Stebbins s John Stebbins * Rboda Sheldon Sarah Warrlner ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Sarah S daughter of Charles Hitchcock Stebbins and Charlotte Ellen Jeuks, was born October 13, 1849, at Cumberland, Rhode Island ; married January 31, 1883, to LEWIS RICHARD WHITAKER, born May 15, 1831, at Providence, Rhode Island, who was a son of Richard Whitaker and Mary Ann Gilmore. Occu- pation, deputy sheriff and insurance. Politics, Republican. Religion, Con- gregationalist. Residence, Franklin, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5197. I. Charles Richard Whitaker, born September 25, 1884. 5198. II. Ruth Endicott Whitaker, born May 27, 1890. LEWIS R. WHITAKER enlisted for service during the Civil War, first as lieutenant in Company A of the 45th Massachusetts Volimteers, and later 774 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. as captain in the 12th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. He is at present engaged in the insurance business and is also probation ofl5cer of the District Court. 3345. MARY GREEN MEADOWS * ] Saiah .Tones 7 Isaac Jones c John Jones 5 ( Robert Carter Meadows Mary Pond Hannah Bassett 98 24 4 1 i Mindwcll Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebblns 8 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Rev. John Jones Mary (Broughton) Bennet Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Sarah Jones and Robert Carter Meadows, was born October 16, 1819, at Milford, Connecticut; died September 12, 1899, at Powhattan, Bel- mont County, Ohio ; married November 8, 1836, at New Haven, Connecticut, to JAMES M. HOGGAN, born February 3, 1815, at Westville, Connecticut; died November 9, 1892, at Moscow, Ohio. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Resided at Moscow, Ohio. CHILDREN: 5199. I. Martha Lines Hoggan, born September 21, 1837 ; married Thomas B. MeFarland. 5200. II. Sarah Jones Hoggan, bom March 22, 1840 ; married Lewis Gregg Haines.+ 5201. III. Eliza Ann Hoggan, born October 19, 1845; married Heni-y C. Hornbr.ook. 5202. IV. Mary Margaret Hoggan, born July 6, 1849; married Augustus W. Giimian. 5203. V. "William Steel Hoggan, born March 1, 1855; dead. 5204. VI. James Robert Hoggan, born December 16, 1857; married Belle Garrett. 3348. DAVID PERRY * < Ksther Sanford 7 Ann Stebbins c Theophilus Stebbins 5 / Aaron Perry lOIl Sanford Ann Couch 101 24 4 II Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i - Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah S son of Esther Sanford and Aaron Perry, was born November 12, 1806, at West Redding, Fairfield County, Connecticut; died July 21, 1886, at Churchville, Monroe County, New York; married October 13, 1841, at Churchville, New York, to LYDIA RICHMOND, born May 23, 1820, at Churchville, Monroe County, New York; died February 11, 1897, at Churchville, Monroe County, New York, who was a daughter of Joshua Richmond and Abigail Sprague. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Universalist. Resided at Churchville, New York. CHILDREN: 5205. I. Aaron Richmond Perry, born October 20, 1842; married H. Louisa Bangs. EIGHTH GENERATION. 775 5206. II. Anna Esther Perry, born January 12, 1845; died February 16, 1865. 5207. ni. Franklin David Perry, born May 15, 1849; married Jennie Sib- ley. 5208. rV. Truman Andrew Perry, bom September 1, 1856; married Lillian Richmond.+ 3355. / 1797 8^^ 371 JAMES COUCH DENISON * ^ Rebecca Couch 7 Abigail Stebblns e Theophllus Stebbins s ( James Denison Thomas Coach Ann Couch 101 24 4 1 J Benjamin Stebblns 4 r.enoni .Stebblns 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah I son of Rebecca Couch and James Denison, was born January 12, 1815; died 1859 ; married MARGRETTE H. JACKSON. CHILDREN : 5209. I. Cynthia H. Denison ; unmarried ; lives at Mt. Vernon, New York. 3358. ELIZABETH STEBBINS DENISON » \ Rebecca Couck t Abigail Stebblns e ( .lames Denison Thomas Couch 371 101 24 4 Theophilus Stebblns 5 r.enjamin Stebblns * BenonI Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Ann Couch ."^arah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah \ daughter of Rebecca Couch and James Denison, was born October 27, 1822, at Lansingburg, New York; died February 14, 1895, at Amenia, Dutchess County, New York ; married November 26, 1846, at Redding, Fairfield County, Connecticut, to JLXIUS STEPHEN MOREHOUSE, bom July 17, 1814, at Amenia, New York; died June 26, 1885, at Amenia, New York. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Resided at Amenia, New York. CHILDREN : 5210. I. Julia Rebecca Morehouse, born February 20, 1849 ; married Charles Mark Prindle.-f 5211. II. Albina Morehouse, born August 31, 1850; married Gurden Williams Van Rensselaer. 5212. III. James Morehouse, born March 1, 1852; married Caroline Flynn Sherman. 5213. rV. Joseph Jennings Morehouse, born June 18, 1854; married Min- nie Burehard; married second. Bertha St. John. 5214. V. Anna Elizabeth Morehouse, born August 26. 1858. 5215. VI. Henry Stebbins Morehouse, born October 27, 1861; married Bertha L. Umphraville. 5216. Vn. Lillias Josephine Morehouse, born September 29, 1863; mar- ried Edward Beacher St. John. 5217. VIH. Lucy Morehouse, born September 29, 1863; died October, 1863. 776 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3364. ....^r« „.^-^-r,^,-^-rn ^ ( 1S02 834 371 JAMES STEBBINS * { navld StebMns 7 David Stebblns « Theophllus Stebbtns » / Catherine Mclntyre I'olly Cowdry Ann Couch 101 24 4 11 Benjamin Stebblns * Bcnonl Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of David Stebbins and Catherine Mclntyre, was born February 3, 1840, at Hartford, Connecticut; died July 2, 1887, at Hartford, Connecticut; mar- ried October 19, 1882, at Albany, New York, to MARY ANN DAVIES, bom December 8, 1857, at Albany, New York ; died July 1, 1899, at Albany, New York, who was a daughter of George Davies and Mary Ann Hewitt. Resided at Albany, New York. CHHjDREN: 5218. I. Ellen Davies, born February 24, 1884. JAMES STEBBINS was a sailor during the early part of his life, and during the Civil War served on board the Roanoke. 3367. 1802 834 T David stebblns « CATHERINE LOUISA STEBBINS « ^ uavid stebbins ( Catherine Mclntyre Polly Cowdry 371 101 24 4 Theophllus Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benoni Stebblns 3 John Stebblns i Ann Couch Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ) daughter of David Stebbins and Catherine Mclntyre, was born July 30, 1844; married December 22, 1874, to ROYAL G. SKIFF, of Southport, Con- necticut, born about 1841; died September 23, 1883, aged 42 years, 9 months. Residence, Green's Farms, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 5219. I. Frederick Willard Skiff, born June 29, 1877. 5220. II. Henry Rutherford Skiff, born November 14, 1880. 3380. JOHN SPENCER BURT * -J George Burt 7 Sarah Stebblns e Theophllus Stebbins 6 I .leruBha Spencer Asa Burt Ann Couch 101 24 4 1 i Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benoni Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah ( son of George Burt and Jerusha Spencer, was born March 16, 1834, at Hart- ford, Connecticut; married April 12, 1869, at Henry, Illinois, to JULIA CHAPMAN, born at Kiekapoo, Peoria County, Illinois, who was a daughter of Hiram Chapman and Rogers. Occupation, editor. Politics, Demo- crat. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Henry, Marshall County, Illinois. CHILDREN: 5221. I. Robert P. Burt, born November 16, 1870 ; married Elizabeth Smith. 1816 838 Lewis Stebblns t Nehemlah Stebblna « EIGHTH GENERATION. T77 3387. DR. NEHEMIAH DELAVAN STEBBINS 8 j L „, k „ „ . ( Sarah Delavan Elizabeth Hoyt 373 101 24 4 Nehemlah Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benoni Stebblns 3 .lohu Stebblna i .Sarah Jessup .Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 \ Sarah 1 son of Lewis Stebbins and Sarah Delavan, was born February 27, 1802, at Poughkeepsie (or Beekmantown), New York; died June 1 (or 4), 1888; mar- ried August, 1834 (or June 28, 1832), at Rochester, New York, to ELIZA WHITE, born September 13, 1802, at Colchester, Connecticut; died Decem- ber 22, 1859, at Detroit, Michigan, who was a daughter of Samuel "White and Rachel Porter. Resided at Detroit, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5222. I. Dwight Delavan, bom May 24 (or 6), 1835; married Martha Frances Strong.+ 5223. II. Edward Payson, born December 31, 1837, at Troy, Michigan; died August 12, 1874. 5224. III. Theodore, born at Utica, Michigan. NEHEMIAH DELAVAN STEBBINS was engaged, during a part of the years 1820 and 1821, with the corps of civil engineers in the construction of the New York & Erie (Grand) Canal on that portion between Rochester and Lockport. Albion Village is located on the Port (being about twelve miles from the canal), on which he was stationed, under Davis Hurd, as advisory resident engineer, and David Thomas, principal engineer of the western section of the canal extending from Rochester to Buffalo. After this he studied medicine with Dr. A. F. Oliver in the village of Penn Yan, Yates County, New York. He afterwards attended the Hosaek, Mott and Francis Medical School in the city of New York. He first settled in Hammondsport, Steuben County, New York. In the year 1836 he removed to Troy, Oakland County, Michigan. Dur- ing the year 1838 he removed to Utica, Macomb County, Michigan. His health and that of his family drove him from this place in the spring of 1841, to Detroit. Not improving materially in health, in the spring (April) he moved again with his family to Warsaw, Wyoming County, New York. During the summer of 1845, he, with his family, visited his and his wife's friends in New York City and Eastern Connecticut. On their return, by in- vitation of some friends in Detroit (Alanson Sheeley, Esq., J. S. Farrand and others), he was induced to return to Detroit and enter upon the practice of his profession. Soon after removing to Detroit he rented a house at 26 W. Congress street, and afterwards purchased it. He had practiced but little in the last fifteen or twenty years, so that he was better known to an older generation than to many of those now in active life, although not a few of even these have to thank his skill that they sur- vived the perils of childhood. His practice was very extensive and laborious 778 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. and it is no wonder that, with his keen sympathies, his head early whitened with the snow that never melts. Of late years much of his time has been spent in California with an only sister, or with a brother in Dowagiae, in the western part of Michigan. EDWARD PAYSON STEBBINS prepared for college at Oberlin, Ohio, and after his preparatory course entered the Freshman Class. For some reason he gave up his collegiate course and studied law at Detroit. After attending the law school at Ann Arbor University he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Michigan. The War of the Rebellion breaking out about this time, he offered himself, in 1861, as a soldier for his country, and acted as an orderly in one of the companies of the 13th Michigan Volunteers. He was at Shiloh, Mississippi, near Pittsburgh Landing, in the heart of the battle at that place, and after the evacuation of Corinth by the rebels, he was attacked with a severe sickness and was sent home, arriving at his father's house two days before his broth- er's remains arrived in Detroit. Being very ill and broken down in health, the surgeon of Camp Backus, Dr. L. Pitcher, reported him for discharge from the United States Army on account of disability. He was discharged from military service in the summer of 1862. Recovering, measurably, his health, he went to California the following spring and there entered the Army of the Pacific for two years. While on the coast of the Isthmus he was again tiijken down with sickness and sent to the hospital at Panama. The militia left, supposing him dead, but, to his ofiBcer's astonishment, he reported him- self as ready for duty. After the close of the campaign, in which he again acted as orderly ser- geant, he engaged in various enterprises, such as mining, traveling agent and salesman of medicines, etc. He was in partnership with a lawyer and their office was in his house. The house was burned and they lost all their law books, as well as everything else. He gave up all further attempts at law. For a while he traveled with a panorama of the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, giving a description of the battle at each entertainment. He wrote in the Land Office at Marysville. It seems that he always proved faithful to his employers. He finally returned to San Francisco and worked in a sugar refinery the last two years of his life. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of San Francisco. 3389. PIERRE ALONZO STEBBINS S-} Lewis Stebblns 7 Nehemiah^sfebblns 6 ( Sarah Delavan Elizabeth Hoyt 373 101 24 4 Nehemlah Stebblns a Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 .Tobn Stebbins 2 Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah j son of Lewis Stebbins and Sarah Delavan, was born July 8, 1805, at Putnam, Washington County, New York; died May 30, 1882 (or 1881), at Coudersport, Potter County, Pennsylvania; married to ALMIRA BRUNDAGE, born April 1, 1810, at Bath, Steuben County, New York; died November 3 (or October), EIGHTH GENERATION. 779 1873, at Coudersport, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Jesse Abram Brundage. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presby- terian. Lived in Cass County, Michigan; moved to New York, and later to Coudersport, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 5225. I. 5226. II. 5227. III. 5228. IV. 5229. 5230. VI. Abram L., born December 22, 1831 ; married Adeline E. Bailey.+ Eugenia Laura, born November 17, 1833 ; married Isaac Benson.-|- Edward Nelson, born October 27, 1835 ; married Mary Clapp.+ Pierre Augustus, born February 10, 1837; married Mary Mann. Had one child, Elosie. Barnet Fitzallen, born July 11, 1842 (or 1839) ; killed at the bat- tle before Fredericksburg, December 13, 1863. Charles Alonzo, bom January 7, 1849; married Rebecca Glass- mire.-J- 3391. EDWARD FITZALLEN STEBBINS s i i.-wis stewins 7 101 Bptijainln Stebblns * Sarah Mead 838 Xehemiah Stebblns 6 Elizabeth Iloyt 4 ISenoni Stebblns 3 .Tohn Stebblns 2 Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden I S:uab Delavan 24 373 Xehemiah Stebblns B Sarah Jessup HOWI.ANUSTEBBINSl i Sarah ) son of Lewis Stebbins and Sarah Delavan, born June 23, 1809, at Beekman, Dutchess County, New York; married June 10, 1845, to MRS. MARY M. WISNER, born October 23, 1816; died June 27, 1848. He married second, May 6, 1850, to MARY A. ALLERTON, born February 15, 1817, at Pine Plains, Dutchess County, New York; died September 21, 1853, who was a daughter of Cornelius Allerton and Clarissa Heusted. He married third, March 13, 1858, FRANCES A. (MEARS) STEBBINS, widow of his brother, Henry Wallace Stebbins. FNo. 3397.] CHILDREN: 5231. I. 5232. II. 5233. III. 5234. IV. 5235. V. Walter L., born March 16, 1846 ; died February 2, 1847. Edward Fitzallen, bom June 18, 1848. C. Delavan, born March 31, 1852. Mabel Frances, born April 29, 1864; died 1865. Child, born June 22. 1866. 3392. t 1816 R^R THEODORE THOMPSON STEBBINS « \ Lewis stebbins i Nehemlah Stebbins « ( Sarah Delavan Elizabeth Uoyt 373 101 24 4 Nehemlah Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebblns 4 RenonI Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins a Sarah Jessup SaiahMead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah \ son of Lewis StebbiBS and Sarah Delavan, bom October 14, 1810, at Beek- 5236. I. 5237. II. ■5238. III. 5239. IV. 5240. V. 780 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. man, Dutchess County, New York ; died December 14, 1898, at Dowagiac, Cass County, Michigan ; married April 27, 1847, to EMILY WOODRUFF HAST- INGS, born September 13, 1820, probably at Utica, New York ; died February 15, 1871, at Dowagiac, Michigan, who was a daughter of Charles Hastings and Martha Parker. He was married second, August 22, 1872, to FRANCES AMELIA HASTINGS, born March 25, 1830, probably at Utica, New York; died June 19, 1892, at Dowagiac, Michigan, daughter of Charles Hastings and Martha Barker. Occupation, farmer and merchant. Polities, Republican. CHILDREN: Charles Hastings, born May 8, 1850; married Carrie L. Parker.+ Sarah Delavan, born August 3, 1852; died November 5, 1854. Albert Henry, born June 12, 1857; married Gertrude Blake.+ Frank Theodore, born April 22, 1860 ; died August 16, 1861. William Lewis, born July 18, 1862; died July 20, 1862. 3394. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS STEBBINS « i..„isste"/nsT Nv,Kmi«hXbbin»6 Surah Delavan Elizabeth Hoyt 873 101 24 4 Nehemlah Stebblns • Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benonl Stebbins s .lohn Stebblns = Sarah Jeesup .Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Muadea ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ) son of Lewis Stebbins and Sarah Delavan, was born June 14, 1818 (or 1816), at Aurora, Cayuga County, New York; died August 19, 1868, at Dowagiac, Michigan ; married February 20, 1856, at Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Mich- igan, to ELLA M. HALL, born February 8, 1828, at Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congre- gationalist. Resided at Dowagiac, Michigan. CHILDREN : Cornelia Louise, born May 13, 1857 ; married Charles H. MeKeon. Dwight Delavan, born July 9, 1859 ; died October, 1867. Mary Nelson, born March 12, 1861 ; married George C. Glidden. Laura Eugenia, born March 6, 1863; died April 19, 1863. Lewis Hall, born April 23, 1866; married Phoebe Carpenter.4- 3395. I 1816 838 RICHARD NELSON STEBBINS * \ Lewis stebbins 7 Nehemiah Stebbins 6 ( Sarah Delavan Elizabeth Hoyt 373 101 24 4 Nehemiah Stebblns o Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benonl Stebblns 8 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 5241. I. 5242. II. 5243. III. 5244. IV. 5245. V. ( son of Lewis Stebbins and Sarah Delavan, was born February 4, 1819, at Scipio, Cayuga County, New York; married April 25, 1828, at Geneva, Uli- EIGHTH GENERATION. 781 nois, to MARTHA BEERS, born July 4, 1828, who was a daughter of W. A. Beers and Sarah . CHILDREN : 5246. I. Kittie Eugenia, born April 16, 1857. 5247. II. Carrie, born July 16, 1862; died August 13, 1862. 5248. III. Grace. 3397. i 1816 8^8 HENRY WALLACE STEBBINS « \ I-owls Stcbblns ? Nehemlah Stebblns « / Sarah Delavan Elizabeth Hoyt 373 101 24 4 Nehemlah Stebblns 5 Benjamin StebblnB * Kononl Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 Sarah JesBup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Mundcn 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Sarah 1 son of Lewis Stebbins and Sarah Delavan, was born June 7, 1824, at Jerusa- lem, Yates County, New York; died September 18, 1856, at Charlotte, Eaton County, Michigan; married December 16, 1854, to FRANCES A. MEARS. Occupation, merchant. CHILDREN : 5249. I. William H., born August 25, 1855. 3403. i 1S17 S3S 373 SALLY BOUTON * \ KUzabeth Stebblns ^ .Nehemlah Stebblns o Nehemlah Stebblns 6 ( Enoch ISouton KUzabeth Ilo.vt Sarah Jessup 101 24 4 1 j Benjamin Stebblns 4 nenonl Stebblns s .Inhn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Sarnh Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Elizabeth Stebbins and Enoch Bouton, was born probably 1807- 12, at Boutouville, New York; died 1855; married REV. JARVIS STEBBINS. Profession, minister. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Stepney, Connecticut. 3412. {1827 840 Samuel Stebblns T Samuel Stebblns « Sally Ann Barnum Mary Scofleld 373 101 24 4 Nehemlah Stebblns r. Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benonl Stebbins s John Stebblns a Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah t son of Samuel Stebbins and Sally Ann Barnum, was born April 16, 1833, at Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut; died February 5, 1870, at Danbury, Connecticut; married June 12, 1858, at Danbury, Connecticut, to AUGUSTA MEEKER, born December 7, 1833, at Kingston, Ulster County, New York, who was a daughter of George Crane Meeker and Mary Ann Dobbs. Occu- pation, merchant. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at Danbury, Connecticut. 5251. n. 5252. III. 5253. IV. 782 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 5250. I. George Meeker, bom December 11, 1861 ; married Mary A. Ham- ilton.+ Pamiy Belle, born October 12, 1863. Julia Lacey, bom August 28, 1865. Amos Nehemiah, bora June 24, 1870; died April 23, 1897. AMOS NEHEMIAH STEBBINS was among the substantial business men of Danbury, Connecticut, having for a number of years been associated with his father in a general store. He was one of the corporators of the Union Savings Bank of Danbury, and one of its first trustees; and was also water commissioner from the time of the institution of the water works until his death. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. 3415. 1 1829 840 MARY JANE STEBBINS * \ Benjamin Jessup Stebbins 7 Samuel Stebblns 6 ( Catherine M. Pugsley Mary Scofield 373 101 24 4 Nebemlah Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebblns 4 Bcnonl Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ) daughter of Benjamin Stebbins and Catherine M. Pugsley, was born Febru- ary 1, 1854, at Pawling, New York; married October 11, 1876, at Pawling, New York, to REV. ARTHUR REQUA, bom May 19, 1856, at Patterson, Putnam County, New York, who was a son of Isaac Requa and Ellen Crosby. Profession, minister. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Noroton, Connecti- cut. No children. ARTHUR REQUA was in earlier years a very successful teacher, being at different times employed in various schools in the towns of Patterson and Pawling, New York, besides two or three terms in a select school which he established in Patterson. His first experience in teaching, however, was when he attended the Peekskill Military Academy as a cadet. It is worthy of note after his successful pastorate of over twelve years in the Darien Church, that MR. REQUA was made, as ministers were made in the good old times, without college or theological seminary, but by personal application to study, under the guidance of successful pastors. He was ordained at Darien Church, January 24, 1887. He was in the Assembly of 1895, which was held at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and was in the Synods of 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1894. In October, 1892, he was elected Moderator of the "West- chester Presbytery. In 1897 he was at the head of the editorial staff of "The Connecticut Sunday School Record." MR. REQUA is a stalwart Christian Endeavor man, and is chairman of the committee on Young People's so- cieties in "Westchester Presbytery. He is a model Presbyter, never having been absent from any of the regular annual meetings since he was licensed, except once, when he was absent as a delegate to the Christian Endeavor convention at St. Louis. He is kept at the desk as temporary clerk of the Presbytery. REV. ARTITTIR REQUA. Ilusliaml of N Sarab Mead Widow Uannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah — — i son of Abigail Adams and James "Williamson, was born February 19, 1836, at Bedford, Westchester County, New York; died February 23, 1870; mar- ried MARY ELIZABETH SMITH, born October 8, 1838, at New York City, who was a daughter of Samuel Smith and Almyra L. Ward. CHILDREN: 5254. I. Clara Williamson, born October 16, 1860 ; married Varian Banks.+ 5255. n. Lauretta L. Williamson, born July 22, 1864; married William H. Adams. 3422. BETSEY T. SEYMOUR * i Lewis stebbins Scymonr T Heligee Stebbins 6 / Marietta Smith Samuel Seymour 373 101 24 4 Nehemiah Stebbins B Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Brooks Sarah Mead Widow nannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah I daughter of Lewis Stebbins SejTuour and IMarietta Smith, was born June 10, 1833, at Wilton, Connecticut; married CHARLES A. COMSTOCK, born at Fairfield, Connecticut; died 1878, aged twenty-two years and eleven months, who was a son of Mathias Comstoek. She married second, STEPHEN B. BIRCHARD, born 1822; died August 2, 1887, aged sixty-five years, at New Canaan, Connecticut, son of Eli Birchard. 3435. HENRY GEORGE STEBBINS « J John StebWns t Samuel stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 8 / Mary Largin Ruth Wilson Joanna Smith 101 24 4 1 J Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of John Stebbins and Mary Largin, was bom September 15, 1811, at New York City; died December 9 (or 6), 1881, at New York City; married October 8, 1831, at New York City, to SARAH AUGUSTA WESTON, bom July 24, 1808; died April 7, 1893, at New York City, who was a daughter of Val- entine Weston and Saunders. Occupation, banker. Politics, Demo- crat. Religion, Episcopalian. Resided at New York, New York. 784 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 5256. I. 5257. II. 5258. III. 5259. IV. 5260. V. Henry Gerald, born June 30, 1832; died September 8, 1832. Fanny Juliet, born October 12, 1834; married Fitzgerald Noble. Mary Emma, born January 1, 1837; married Charles Alfred Grime.s.+ Cora, born June 17, 1839; married William Pickering Talboys. Charles Henry, born May 12, 1841 ; married Minerva Cook Vail.-l- HENRY GEORGE STEBBINS attended the public schools and in 1826 was one of the pupils at the high school of which D. H. Barnes was principal. It was his father's intention that he should become a lawyer and for that purpose he was sent to a private school preparatory to entering college. While there he was accidentally struck on the head with a heavy ruler, and from the effects of the blow he was sick for a long time. When he recovered his mother woiild not consent to his return to school, so his father, who was then president of the old North River Bank, took him into that institution as a messenger. He exhibited such aptitude for the banking business that he was rapidly advanced. He held subordinate positions in other banks, but before he had reached his majority he began a brokerage business on his own account. His first dealings were in "uncurrent money" of which there was considerable in those days, in both specie and notes of state banks. MR. STEBBINS was elected a member of the Stock Exchange in 1833, before he was twenty-one, being the youngest person ever admitted to that body, and at the time of his death he was the oldest member and his name stood first on the list of directors. He held the office of president of the Exchange for two terms, and was spoken of in the highest terms by all his associates. He suffered reverses occasionally. It is said that in the panic of 1846, he was the only "bear" in the market, and although he succeeded in covering all his ventures and took all the stock he had contracted for, he found difficulty in delivering it, as many of his customers were unable to accept. Another occasion when he is said to have lost heavily was in 1865, when he opposed the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien "corner," organized by Stim- son. After his father's death he formed a partnership with his brother John, and after the latter 's death, his cousin, Russell H. Stebbins, became his part- ner. In 1862 he was the junior partner in the well known firm of McAllister & Stebbins. He withdrew from this firm later and entered into partnership with S. Jandon, well known as the cashier of the United States Bank. After this partnership was dissolved he carried on business in his own name, and later took his son into partnership, the firm being known at the time of his death as Henry G. Stebbins & Son. MR. STEBBINS held many responsible positions and was connected with many of the important financial events and trusts of New York City. He was president of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and was vice- president, and for a long time a director, of the Erie Railway. He was re- elected a director in the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad a few days EIGHTH GENERATION. 785 before his death. With Thomas A. Scott he was one of the original pro- motors of the Texas Pacific Railroad. lie was a member of the Old Light Guard, which was afterward reorgan- ized as Company A of the Twelfth Regiment, N. G. S., New York, and he was later elected Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment. MR. STEBBINS took an active interest in the public parks, and was one of the original commissioners of Central Park and was president of the board for many years. In 1862, MR. STEBBINS was elected a member of the XXXVni Con- gress, from the first district, comprising the counties of Richmond, Queens and Suffolk. He was appointed a member of the committee on ways and means and was enabled on account of his financial experience, to render the Government important service. Because of his patriotic course in Con- gress in opposing the Rebellion, the Democrats refused to renominate him. This induced MR. STEBBINS to resign before he had served more than half of his term. In doing so he published a letter stating that he had been elected by the Democrats, and as his constituents had refused to sanction his course in opposition to the taking of any steps to a peace calculated to weaken the national authority, or that required negotiations with men in rebellion who had not laid down their arms, and as he "should persistently adhere to these same principles and to the same action," he felt it his duty to resign and allow his constituents to elect a person who would represent their views. After he left Congress he was again appointed Park Commissioner, having resigned on election to Congress. On November 23, 1871, he was reappointed Park Commissioner, and after serving six mouths withdrew from the board. "When the new charter was passed, in 1873, Mayor Havemeyer nominated MR. STEBBINS as a Park Commissioner, and he was confirmed and elected presi- dent of the board, which position he held until 1877, when Mayor Ely renomi- nated him for commissioner, but he was rejected by the Board of Aldermen because he refused to allow Tammany Hall to control the patronage of the Board. MR. STEBBINS was made chairman of the "Committee of Seventy" at the time of the Tweed frauds in 1871, and generally had the credit of op- posing Tammany Hall. He was one of the founders and a director of the Academy of Music, and for a time was president of the Board of Directors. He was also president of the New York Philharmonic Soeietj-. He was one of the originators of the Dramatic Fund Association, and it is said that he assisted Clara Louise Kellogg in obtaining her musical education. He was president of the Ar- cadian Club, and at one time a vice-president of the Union League Club, and was also a member of the Manhattan Club. He took an active interest in yachting matters, and was Commodore of the New York Yacht Club, resign- ing that position in February, 1871. He was president of the Mutual Relief Association of the Stock Exchange, which was dissolved shortly before his death. MR. STEBBINS took a lively interest in the "World's Fair project and was one of the trustees and for a considerable time president of the New York Commission. Among the numerous public enterprises in which he in- 50 786 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. terested himself was that of bringing the Egyptian Obelisk to this country, and it was through him, as President of Central Park Commission, that the Khedive of Egypt presented the Obelisk to the City of New York. MR. STEBBINS was identified in a private way with many deeds of char- ity and benevolence. Pew citizens of New York have ever been connected with so many public events of local importance as was MR. STEBBINS. 3436. i 1844 855 '^7'' MARY STEBBINS S ] .rohn Stebblns 7 Samuel Stebbins 6 .Toseph Stebbins 6 ( Mary Largin Ruth Wilson Joanna Smltli 101 24 4 1 , Benjamin Stebbins * Benoni Stebbins s .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V •Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah | daughter of John Stebbins and Mary "Margin, was born September 22, 1813, at New York, N. Y. ; married at New York, N. Y., to JOHN R. GARLAND, born at Lynchburg, Virginia; died 187 [), at New York, who was a son of Hon. James Garland. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episco- palian. Residence, New York City. 3438. ANGELINA STEBBINS « -j .lohn Stebllns t Samuel sfebbins o Joseph Stebbins 5 ( Mary Largin Ruth Wiison Joanna Smith ll'l 24 4 J , Sa?ih Mead''"''''"' ' IvT"' u'^*''''",.^^. . .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 l oaranMead \V idow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Saiah f daughter of John Stebbms and Mary Largin, was born July 26, 1818, at New York, N. Y.; died, 1898, at Bay Head, Ocean County, New Jersey; married ALEXANDER FLEMING, born in Scotland; died, 1867, at Milwaukee, Wis- consin. CHILDREN; 5261. I. Malcolm Fleming; died in infancy. 5262. II. Kenneth Leslie Fleming; lives at New York City. 3440. CAROLINE TOWN STEBBINS « ■! John StebWns 7 Samuel Stfbbins « ( Mary Largin Ruth Wilson 375 101 04 . Joseph Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins " Joanna Smith Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) daughter of John Stebbins and Mary Largin, was born, 1828, at New York, N. Y. ; married 1858, at London, England, to JOHN ROLLIN TILTON, born 1828, at Loudon, New Hampshire ; died 1888, at Rome, Italy, who was a son of Daniel G. Tilton and Sarah Clough. Profession, artist. Politics, Repub- lican. Religion, Unitarian. Residence, Rome, Italy!', EIGHTH GENERATION. 787 CHILDREN: 5263. I. Paul Henry Tilton, born 1859 at Rome, Italy ; unmarried ; lives at Princeton, New Jersey. 5264. II. John Neal Tilton, born 1860. at Rome, Italy, married Emily Larrabee, of Chicago ; lives at La Grange, Illinois. 5265. III. Ernest RoUin Tilton, born 1866, at Hyde Park, New York ; mar- ried Julia L. Sattettswaile ; is at present in the Philippines. 3445. „ I 1S4G 855 37.T EMMA LOUISA STEBBINS ^ -J Willlnm Stehhlns t Samuel Stebbinso .Joseph Stebhins 5 / Hiidfret E. Jordan Itiith Wilson .loanna Smith 101 24 4 1 J liaiijamln Stebbins* Renonl Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 llOWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of William Stebbins and Bridget Eliza Jordan, was born February 5, 1814, at Isle of St. Croix. West Indies; married June 27, 1844, to WILLIAM FERRIS BOWNE, born October 19, 1819, at Westchester, New York; died September, 1873, who was a son of Captain William Bowne and Ferris. Occupation, drug and ship-chandler business. Polities, Republican. Resi- dence, San Francisco. California. CHILDREN : 5266. I. Louise Bowno, boi-n June 20, 1845; died August, 1846. 5267. II. William Stobbins Bowne, born March 18, 1847; died April 17, 1892. 5268. III. James Stebbins Bowne, born October 27, 1848 ; died December 16, 1859. 5269. IV. Kate Bowne. born November 25, 1855 ; died April 12, 1866. 3472. EDWARD CLINTON STEBBINS^ -! .Vntlian stebbins 7 Nathan stebbins c / Ann Eliza Kniffen Uorcas Roctwell 375 101 24 4 .loseph Stebbins « rienjamin Stebbins 4 P.enonl Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 .loanna Smith Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS i t Sarah ( son of Nathan Gould Stebbins and Ann Eliza Kniffen, born January 23, 1854, at East Buffalo, New York; married June 1, 1880, to MARY GERTRUDE AXTELL, born July 18, 1854, at Lockport, Niagara County, New York, who was a daughter of Henry W. Axtell aend Elizabeth Hawkins. Occupation, lawyer, editor and publisher. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregation- alist. Resided at Lockport and Brooklyn, New York, and Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN: 5270. I. Elizabeth Douglas, born April 3, 1881. 5271. II. Anna Cecil, born February 6, 1883. 5272. III. 5273. IV. 5274. V. 788 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Gould Axtell, born September 28, 1887. Edward Clinton, born October 9, 1889. Russell Ellison, born November 19, 1894; died August 25, 1896. 3475. I 1859 856 376 FLORENCE STEBBINS * i David M. Stebblns T Nathan StebWns « .Toseph Stebblns 5 £.u\/Auxiv/xj MxxjuuxxiM ]jy„^^ (,,„( Dorcas Rockwell Joanna Smith 101 24 4 1 I Benjamin Stebblns * Beuonl Stebblns 3 .John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS l f Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah daughter of David Mortimer Stebbins and Julia Ann Clift, was born Febru- ary 10, 1843, at Brooklyn, New York ; married June 20, 1874, at Carmel, Put- nam County, New York, to CAPTAIN EMORY WHITE CLIFT, born Decem- ber 20, 1833, at Skaneatales, Onondaga County, New York; died April 30. 1886, at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who was a son of Henry Clift and Orria White. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Croton Falls, New York. CHILDREN: 5275. I. Arthur Stebbins Clift, born June 6, 1875. 5276. II. Emory White Clift, born February 9, 1879. 3481. _ 1 1861 857 .ITS ANNETTE STEBBINS * < Jesse stebbins 7 Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebblns 5 I Betsey Brltto Abigail Joanna Smith 101 24 4 1 I Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benonl Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Jesse Stebbins and Betsy Britto, was born at Bridgefield, Con- necticut; married October, 1859, at Poundridge, New York, to NELSON KEELER, born May 8, 1838, at South Salem, New York, who was a son of John Keeler and Thamar Jane Bryant. Occupation, shoemaker. Residence, South Salem, New York (1873). CHILDREN, all born at South Salem, New York : James Floyd Keeler, born January 2, 1861. Develous Keeler, born November 29, 1863. William Stebbins Keeler, born February 10, 1866. Frederick Nelson Keeler, born May 9, 1869. Edgar Keeler, born February 3, 1871. 5277. I. 5278. II. 5279. III. 5280. IV. 5281. V. 3483. SARAH CORNELIA STEBBINS » j 1870 860 Eion Stebbins 7 Isaac Stebblns e Harriet Witherell Sailie Sutherland 375 101 24 4 Joseph Stebblns 6 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benonl Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Joanna Smith Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Elon Stebbins and Harriet Witherell, was born December 19, f EIGHTH GENERATION. 789 1831, at LiviBgstonville, Schoharie County, New York; married January 1, 1850, at Pultney, Steuben County, New York, to ARNOLD BABCOCK, born October 3, 1830, at Reading, Schuyler County, New York, who was a son of Oliver Babcock and Chloe Meller. CHILDREN : 5282. I. Hattie Eliza Babcock, born November 7, 1853; married John Hasten. 5283. II. Marcus Eugene Babcock, born February 18, 1856; married Car- oline S. Salt. 5284. III. Dewitt Tanner Babcock, born September 8, 1858; married Jen- nette Armstrong. 5285. IV. Minnie Helen Babcock, born January 10, 1868. 3487. JOHN CALVIN STEBBINS « ] IClon Stebliins 7 James Stebblns 6 .Toseph Stebblne 5 ( Harriet Wltherell SalUe Sutherland .Toanna Smith 101 24 4 11 Benjamin Stebblns* Benonl Stebblns 3 .Tolm Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 f- Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah I son of Elon Stebblns and Harriet Wltherell, was born June 4, 1840, at Pult- ney, Steuben County, New York ; married January 23, 1866, at "Wayne County, New York, to EMMA J. RICHE, born August 29, 1841, at Italy, Yates County, New York, who was a daughter of Thomas Riche and Hannah Lane. Resi- dence, Ovid, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5286. I. Thurston E., born December 29, 1866 ; married Eva G. Thorp.+ 5287. II. Frank B., born September 19, 1868 ; died March 28, 1888. 5288. III. Maude May, born September 7, 1874. 5289. IV. Mabel M., born August 26, 1878. 3491. ISAAC NEWTON STEBBINS » \ WllUara s\?iblns 7 Isaac Stebbi?is 6 .Toseph Stfbbins B I Teressa Waring Sallie Sutherland Joanna Smith 101 24 4 1 1 Benjamin Stebblns* Benonl Stebblns 3 .Tnhn Stobhins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 >• Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah ( son of William Vanness Stebbins and Teressa Waring, was born January 17, 1840, at Carlton, Orleans County, New York; married January 9, 1867, at Rensselacrville, New York, to CHARLOTTE A. GASSMAN, born March 21, 1846, at Rensselacrville, New York, who was a daughter of Peter Gassman and Julia S. Crocker. Residence, Carlton, New York. CHILDREN: 5290. I. Edith C, born September 28, 1873 ; died February 7, 1878. 5291. IL J. Edna, born April 13, 1879. 790 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. ISAAC N. STEBBINS lives on the farm where his father, William Steb- bins, died, and is one of the best known and most respected men of the county in which he lives. He has held the ofBces of Assessor, Supervisor and Justice of the Peace, discharging the duties appertaining to these positions with signal intelligence and ability. He is one of the Directors of the Orleans County Agricultural Society. 3493. _ I 1871 860 375 GEORGE C. STEBBINS * < Wiinam StebWns - Isaac Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins o I Teressa Waring SalUe Sutherland Joanna Smith 101 24 4 II Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [• Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of William Stebbins and Teressa Waring, was born February 26, 1846, at East Carlton, Orleans County, New York; married 1868, at East Carlton, New York, to ELMA MILLER, born October 5, 1848, at Rensselaerville, Al- bany County, New York. Profession, evangelistic singer. Religion, Protest- ant. Residence, Brooklyn, New York. CHILDREN : 5292. I. George Waring, born June 16, 1869; married June 1, 1898, Caro- line T. Worth. GEORGE C. STEBBINS was associated for twenty years with the Evan- gelists Messrs. Moody and Sankey, singing with them in their work, in both Great Britain and America. He was also one of the authors of their series of hymn books known as Gospel Hymns. GEORGE WARING STEBBINS is a musician of considerable local repute, being the organist and choir master of Plymouth Church, of which Henry Ward Beecher was formerly pastor. He has also achieved good success as a singer and voice teacher. 3494 CHARLOTTE ELLA STEBBINS » I win ( Tere 1871 860 lam Stebbins 7 Isaac Stebbins 6 \ \ Teressa Waring Sallie Sutherland 375 101 24 4 Joseph Stel)blns 6 Benjamin Stebbins i Benoni Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Joanna Smith Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of William Vaness Stebbins and Teressa Waring, was born July 5, 1852, at East Carlton, Orleans County, New York ; married 1872, to ROSCOE D. MILLER, born April 1, 1851, at Davenport, Delaware County, New York, who was a son of Moses B. Miller and Roxanna Simmson. Occupation, dealer in bicycles and sporting goods. Residence, Catskill, New York. CHILDREN: 5293. I. Clark W. Miller, bom August 17, 1873; died, unmarried, Febru- ary 9, 1899. No. .-i-jSi. ('IIAl:l.i:s IIKXKY STKIilU.NS. No. 3493. (!KOI!(iK ('. STKCRINS. No. 37S0. ARTHUR CORTLAND STEBBINS. 791 \.., :;7;i:;. KDWIN .TOSKI'II STEBBINS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 791 3501. _„-.~»,.,., ,, ^-.-.■r^-,, ^ i 1873 860 375 RUSSELL H. FINCH * ■! Kptsey Stebhlns 7 Isaac Stebbins o Joseph Stebblns b ( Jehlal Finch Sallie Sutherland Joanna Smith 101 24 4 1 ) Uenjamln Stebblns * Benonl Stebblns 3 Jnhn Stebblns 2 UOWLAND STEBBINS i [■ Sarab Mead Widow Hannah Kdwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Betsy Stebbins and Jehial Finch, was born July 2, 1857, at Owego, Tioga County, New York; married September 4, 1888, to STELLA DEYO, born February 1, 1870. at Tioga, Tioga County, New York, who was a daughter of William Deyo. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Meth- odist. Residence, Oswego, New York. CHILDREN : 5294. 1. Maud Finch, born September 24, 1892. .5295. II. Selinda Finch, born April 27, 1894. 3506. i 1875 S60 FRANCES LORAINE STEBBINS '^ - r.ewls St.-bblns 7 Isaac stebbins <■. I I.aura Turrell Sallie Sutherland 375 101 24 * Joseph Stebblns 5 I'.i'njamln Stebblns 4 Benonl Stebblns s John Stebbins 2 Joanna Smith Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden FIOVVLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ) daughter of Lewis Stebbins and Laura Turrell, was born May 10, 1848, at Carlton, Orleans County, New York; married November 21, 1866, to JOHN B. GROAK, bora June 2.3, 1842, at Lincolnshire, England. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Universalist. Residence, Charlotte, Michigan. CHILDREN : 5296. I. Helen Groak, born August 14. 1869 ; married February 16, 1893, Charles Shepard. 5297. H. Lewis Groak, born May 10, 1872; died October, 1898. 5298. HL George Stebbins Groak. born December 25, 1875. 5299. IV. Harry Groak, born January 14, 1886. LEWIS GROAK served in the 35th Michigan Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish-American War, being standard bearer of his company. He died in Lancaster hospital. 3507. ELBERT EUGENE STEBBINS » \ Lewis StebWns 7 Isaac stebbins 6 Joseph Stfbbins 5 I I.aura Turrell Sallie Sutherland Joanna Smith 101 24 4 1 1 Benjamin Stebblns * Ccnoni Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden Sarah ( son of Lewis Stebbins and Laura Turrell, was bom December 17, 1853, at Carlton, Orleans County, New York ; married November 29, 1879, to HELEN E. RAMSEY, born October 9, 1856, at Meredith, Delaware County, New York, 792 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. who was a daughter of Stephen Ramsey and Diana Halsey. Residence, Dav- enport Centre, New York. 3513. I 1886 864 882 MARTHA WRIGHT ^ < Joslah WriKht ? Asa Wright 8 Hannah Walt B lTi«.r\.xxi«. YT«,x«**x I Amy Cornish Esther Wright Asa Wright 118 27 4 1 I Elizabeth Stebblna * Thomas Stebblns s John Stcbblna 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS I [• William Walt Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah I daughter of Josiah Wright and Amy Cornish, was born March 7, 1804, at Northampton, Massachusetts; died July 29, 1843, at Middletown, Connecti- cut; married November 28, 1822, at Northampton, Massachusetts, to SAM- UEL STARR, born December 11, 1802, at Middletown, Connecticut, died August 2, 1861, who was a son of Samuel Tallman Starr and Lydia Coe At- kins. CHILDREN: 5300. I. Emily Hannah Starr, born April 22, 1823; married Luther Bowers. 5301. II. George Henry Starr, born June 27, 1826 ; died April 6, 1828. 5302. III. George Edgar Starr, born August 24, 1828; married Sarah J. Mallory.+ 5303. IV. Edward Clapp Starr, born May 4, 1831; married first, Hannah O'Brien; married second, Ellen Hunyan. 5304. V. Samuel Austin Starr, born February 15, 1833. 5305. VI. Mary F. Starr, born December 25, 1836; married R. V. Sin- gleton. 5306. VIL Benjamin Starr, born July 22, 1839; died April 16, 1865. 5307. VIIL Infant; died July 30, 1845. 3521. ELUAH STEBBINS ^ { Elijah Stebblns 7 Elijah Stebbins e Joseph Stebblns B ( Roxana Parmenter Beulah Dickinson Thankful Belding 122 27 4 11 Joseph Stfliblns 4 Thomas Stebblns 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Maiy Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of Elijah Stebbins and Roxana Parmenter, born October 9, 1819; mar- ried June 5, 1843, to BATHANA (or BETHANY) KNIGHTS, born May 25, 1818, who was a daughter of Jesse Knights and Betsey Dickinson. Residence, Vernon, Vermont. CHILDREN: 5308. L Ella; dead. 5309. II. Elijah; merchant at Fitchburg, Massachusetts. ELIJAH STEBBINS enlisted for the term of three years during the war of 1861-5 from Vernon, Vermont. He was first sergeant of Company K, 9th Vermont Volunteer Infantry. EIGHTH GENERATION. 793 3522. 1 1900 873 391 JOSEPH STEBBINS * < ElUab SteUUlns 7 Elijah StehMng n Joseph Stebl.lns 6 I Roxana I'armenter Beulah Dickinson Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 I Joseph Steblilns * Thomas Steliblns 3 John Stehblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS X >• Mary Williams Kllzabeth WrlKht Abl^rall Bartlett Sarah t son of Elijah StebbLns and Roxana Parmenter, married LUCY BOND, of Guilford. Residence, Vernon, Vermont. 5310. I. Lucy. CHILDREN: 3527. ( 1902 CHANDLER H. STEBBINS « \ r.eorse r. stebbins 7 ( Sarah Perry 122 27 4 Joseph Stebbins * Thomas .Stebbins 8 .John Stebbins 2 Mary Williams Kllzabeth Wrlcht Abigail Bartlett 873 Elijah Stebbins 8 Beulah Dickinson 391 Joseph Stebbins 5 Thankful Beldlng 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah I son of George R. Stebbins and Sarah Perry, was bom January 31, 1818, at Vernon, Vermont; died January 9, 1901; married LAURA TITUS. He mar- ried second, MARY DICKINSON. 3528. GEORGE ROBINSON STEBBINS' I 1902 ■i George R. stebbins 7 ( Sarah Perry 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright 873 Elijah Stebbins o Beulah Dickinson 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 391 122 Joseph Stebbins d Joseph Stebbins * Thankful Beldlng Mary Williams 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Sarah I son of George R. Stebbins and Sarah Perry, was born May 24, 1820, at Ver- non, Windham County, Vermont; died April 17, 1896, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married July 21, 1852, at Bellows Falls, Windham County, Vermont, to ARETIIUSA B. KENDALL, born July 10, 1831, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts; died January 1, 1888, at North- field, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Robert Kendall and Hannah Thayer. Occupation, ferryman. Politics, Republican. Religion, Unitarian. Resided at Vernon, Vermont, and Northfield, Massachusetts. 5311. CHILDREN : I. Eva Isabel, born March 1, 1856; married Benjamin Daniel Cal- lender.+ When a young man, before the days of railroads, GEORGE R. STEBBINS drove a six-horse team from Northfield, Massachusetts, to Boston, carrying farmers' produce and bringing back groceries and general merchandise for the country stores. This expedition, in those times, lasted about a week. In 1840 there was great political excitement over the presidential election, and MR. STEBBINS was one of the musicians in the march of the people from Brattleboro, Vermont, to Stratton, Vermont, where the great orator, 794 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Daniel Webster, gave an address. The instrument he played was a B bugle which he afterwards presented to the Pocumtuek Valley Memorial Associa- tion of Deerfield. MR. STEBBINS assisted his father at the ferry, and afterwards became owner, being in constant attendance for over forty years. In 1883 he re- moved to Northfield street, selling the ferry, which afterwards became the property of the Mt. Hermon Boys' School. MR. STEBBINS spent considerable time during the last years of his life in travel. He was always faithful to his duties and a useful and reliable citizen. 3534. ( lOO*^ 873 SHERMAN BILLINGS STEBBINS » < George StebWus t Elijah Stebblns 6 ( Sarah Perry Beulah Dickinson 391 122 27 4 .Joseph Stebbins .^> .Toseph Stebbins * Thomas Stehbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Thankful Belding Mary Williams Elizalieth Wright Abigail Bartlett 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Sarah i son of George R. Stebbins and Sally Perry, was born August 23, 1833, at Ver- non, Vermont; died March 12, 1901; married June 23, 1867, to ELIZABETH BONEBRAKE, born November 3, 1841, at Canton, Ohio, who was a daughter of Elijah Bonebrake and Sheerer. Occupation, blacksmith. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Presbjrterian. Resided at Bartlett, Kansas. CHILDREN : 5312. I. John E., born September 11, 1869. 5313. II. Bessie, born March 11, 1871 ; married T. R. Tulles. 5314. III. Jessie, born November 25, 1876; died November 13, 1898. SHERMAN BILLINGS STEBBINS served through the Civil War and was thrice Avounded. 3536. CHARLES HOWARD STEBBINS s \ Wllliam stebbins r Elijah Stewfins e ( Nancy Newell Beulah Dickinson 391 122 27 4 Joseph Stebbins 6 .toseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Thankful Belding Mary Williams IClizaheth Wright Abigail Bartlett ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of William Stebbins and Nancy Newell, was born January 12, 1825, at Vernon, Vermont; died September 2, 1862, at Masonville, New York; mar- ried December 7, 1848, at Masonville, New York, to ELIZABETH RANDALL, born March 18, 1826, at Masonville, New York, who was a daughter of Thomas Washington Randall and Ruth Stafford. CHILDREN, born at Masonville, New York: 5315. I. William, born January 11, 1850; died March 5, 1864. \ EIGHTH GENERATION. 795 •5316. II. Chrissie, born October 6, 1852. 5317. III. Charles Howard, born October 9, 1862. 3537. , 1905 873 391 JOHN HUNT STEBBINS * < WUliam Stebblns T Elijah Stebbins 6 .Joseph Stebbins 6 junn JXUX1J. oxjaoiJiiiM j Nancy Newell Beulah Dickinson Thankful Beldlng loo 27 4 1 „ I .Toseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Mary Williams i:iizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ! son of William Stebbins and Nancy Newell, was born December 3, 1827, at Vernon, Vermont; died December 15, 1880, at Melrose, Jackson County, Wis- consin; married April 7, 1853, at Masonville, New York, to NANCY MA- TILDA RANDALL, born December 12, 1827, at Masonville, New York; died January 29, 1858, at Masonville, New York, who was a daughter of Thomas Washington Randall and Ruth Stafford. He married second, HULDA CLARK, liorn June, 1836 : died ^March 26, 1863, age twenty-six years, nine months and eighteen days. 3538. i 1905 873 391 ARAD STEBBINS * S William Stebbins 7 i;iiiali Stebbins ■• .Joseph Stebbins 6 I Nancy Newell Beulah Dickinson Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 I .Toseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins a .lohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i • Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah 1 son of William Stebbins and Nancy Newell, was born January 17, 1831, at Vernon, Vermont; married January 2, 1855, at Masonville, Delaware County, New York, to MARY JANE CONNELLY, who was a daughter of Charles Connelly. He married second, September 14, 1871, HATTIE SUTTON DUN- HAM, widow of John T. Dunham, born August 5, 1838, at Wheeler, Steuben County, New York, daughter of Hadley Norton Sutton and Matilda Ann Courter. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. CHILDREN: 5318. I. Ida, born June 20, 1858; married first. Benton Jones; married second, John Avery. -)- 5319. II. Charles Norton, born July 7, 1873 ; married Maggie Fabian. 5320. III. Chrissey Maud, born January 27, 1877; died December 19, 1881. ARAD STEBBINS served three years in Company I, 4th Wisconsin Cav- alry. 3542. CAROLINE STEBBINS^ [■ Solomon stebbins r Eliakim Stebbins G .Joseph Stebbins 5 ) Nancy Perry Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 I .Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins ?. John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah I daughter of Solomon Stebbins and Nancy Perry, was born April 23, 1818; married OTIS ASHLEY, born August 7, 1813, at Genesee, New York; died 796 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. October 12, 1854, at Aurora, Illinois, who was a son of Stephen Ashley and Boxana Pitcher. CHILDREN: 5321. I. Harrison Ashley. 5322. II. Charles Emerson Ashley, born May 10, 1841; unmarried. 5323. III. Emulous Ashley ; died early. 3547. AMANDA ARETHUSA LEE « \ Rebecca SteSblr. ( Eli Lee 875 391 ilnsT Ellaklm Stebblns 6 Joseph Stebblns 5 Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 11 Joseph Stebblns i Thomas Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i 5- Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah j daughter of Rebecca Stebbins and Major Eli Lee, was born February 8, 1819, at Vernon, Vermont; died October 19, 1888, at Canton, New York; married February 14, 1840, at Vernon, Vermont, to ROWELL STODDARD WOOD, born November 25, 1816, at Vernon, Vermont; died June 3, 1880, at Vernon, Vermont. CHILDREN: 5324. I. Jarvis Roswell Wood, bom January 15, 1842; died September 26, 1894. 5325. II. Theodore Erving Wood, born August 20, 1842; died August 6, 1849. 5326. in. Harriet Elizabeth Wood, born June 21, 1851; married Rev. Dr. Henry P. Forbes.4- 5327. rv. Eugene Lee Wood, born April 15, 1856. 3548. REV. JOHN STEBBINS LEE « j Rebecca s'tebLs 7 EliaklmS^Ibblnse Joseph StebLs . ' Ell Lee Rebecca Hawks Thankful Belding Mo^J" M-^fr,'*'"^ * Thomas Stelibins 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah j son of Eli Lee and Rebecca Stebbins, was born September 23, 1820, at Vernon, Vermont; married February 22, 1848, at Westmoreland, Cheshire County,' New Hampshire, to ELIMINA BENNETT, born September 3, 1821, at West- moreland, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, who was a daughter' of Moses Bennett and Nancy Wheeler. Profession, clergyman and professor. Poli- tics, Republican. Religion, Universalist. Residence, Canton, New York. CHILDREN: 5328. L Ida Elmina Lee, born June 11, 1850; died September 19, 185L 5329. II. Leslie Alexander Lee, born September 24, 1852; married Eliza- beth Tibbetts Almy.+ 5330. III. John Clarence Lee, born October 15, 1856; married Lucy Helen Crumett.+ EIGHTH GENERATION. 797 5331. IV. Frederic Schiller Lee, born June 16, 1859; unmarried. 5332. V. Florence Josephine Lee, born September 4, 1862; married Ed- mund Allen "Whitman. -f- 5333. VI. Lulu Gertrude Lottie Lee, born July 15, 1864; unmarried. JOHN STEBBINS LEE in early childhood evinced an intense love for books and read everything obtainable. He determined to obtain a college education and enter upon a profession. He attended the common schools imtil he was sixteen, and, besides the common English branches, pursued the study of Latin. When sixteen years of age he was qualified to teach school, but his parents thought it best for him not to commence until he was eighteen, at which age he taught his first school, in Guilford, Vermont. He afterwards taught two terms in Vernon, Vermont, in 1839 and 1840, and one term in Deerfield, Massachusetts, in 1842-3. He entered Amherst College, July, 1841, and graduated in 1845, with a standing among the first ten in a class of thirty. In 1845-6 he taught in Swanzey, New Hampshire, as principal of Mount Caesar Seminary. In July, 1846, he commenced his theological studies with Rev. Dr. Hosea Ballon, 2ud, at Medford, JIassachusetts, the first President of Tuft's College. He was ordained June 24, 1847, at West Brattleboro, Vermont, where he was pastor of the Universalist Society for two years, 1847-1849, and was also principal of Melrose Seminary in 1847-8. In 1849-50 he was pastor of the Universalist Society of Lebanon, New Hampshire, also teaching one term there. He was associate pastor of the Union Society in Montpelier, Vermont, in 1850-51. and was assistant editor of "The Christian Repository." In March, 1852, he moved to South Woodstock, Vermont, and was principal of Green Mountain Institute for over five years and was also pastor of the Universalist Society of Woodstock during the years 1857-58-59. In April, 1859, he accepted an invitation to become Professor of Latin and Greek in St. Lawrence University, at Canton, New York (a new institu- tion, in which both sexes receive complete classical and scientific educations), where he labored as professor and acting president of the University, of which he was the founder. In 1868, being exhausted by his severe and unre- mitting labor of nine years, he was granted nine months' leave of absence and took a trip to Europe, Egypt and Palestine. He left Canton July 8, 1868, and returned March 19, 1869. His journey was rapid, but he reaped rich fruits from it by reason of his previous extensive reading in history and the classics. He lectured extensively on his travels in New England and New York, and published articles in many periodicals. At the request of friends he prepared and published in January, 1871, a book entitled "Nature and Art in the Old World, or Sketches of Travel in Europe and the Orient." He prepared and published a series of lectures, which he delivered to the theological students and afterwards collected in book form, entitled "Sacred Cities, Narrative, Descriptive, Historical," which treats of fifteen Biblical places, from Jerusalem to Rome. He has also written elaborate articles for the "Repository" and "Universalist Quarterly," and other periodicals, on 798 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. literary, theological and scientific themes, during a period of nearly half a century. In April, 1869, ME. LEE accepted the position of Professor of Ecclesiasti- cal History and Biblical Archaeology in the theological department of St. Lawrence University, where he is still teaching, having taught in all sixty-one years, with the exception of three years spent in college. His tour in the East was a special preparation. for this work, and frequent lectures were delivered by him to his students on subjects connected with his observations there. In 1875 MR. LEE received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity, from Buchtel College, Akron, Ohio. LESLIE ALEXANDER LEE was graduated from the classical depart- ment of St. Lawrence University in 1872. He afterwards took a special post graduate course in Harvard University. He was an instructor in Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vermont, in 1873-74, and in Dean Academy, Franklin, Mas- sachusetts, in 1874-76. He was then called as Professor of Geology and Zo- ology to Bowdoin College, in which position he has remained until the present time. In 1885 he received the degree of Ph. D. from St. Lawrence University. JOHN CLARENCE LEE was graduated from St. Lawrence University in 1876, and from Harvard University in 1878. In 1876-77 he was an instructor in Dean Academy. He graduated from the theological department of St. Lawrence University in 1880, and was pastor of the Universalist Society in Perry, New York, in 1880-83, where he was ordained February 22, 1881. He was pastor of St. Albans, Vermont, in 1883-84, after which he was called to be Professor of Homiletics and English Literature in Lombard University, Galesburg, Illinois. He was elected President of that institution, but declined the honor. From 1896 to 1899 he was President of St. Lawrence University. In 1895 he received the degree of Ph. D. from his Alma Mater and in 1896 he received the degree of D. D. from Tuft's College. FREDERICK SCHILLER LEE was graduated from St. Lawrence Uni- versity in 1878, and pursued a post graduate course of .study in biology at Johns Hopkins University for four years from 1881 to 1885. a portion of that time acting as instructor, and received the degree of Doctor of Philos- ophy. In 1879-81 he was Instructor of Physical Sciences in Fort Plain Insti- tute, New York, and afterwards spent a year in special study of biology, at Leipsic University, Germany. In 1887-92 he was Associate Professor of Physiology in Bryn ]\Iawr Col- lege, and then accepted the position of Associate Professor of Physiology in the medical department of Columbia College, which position he still holds. FLORENCE JOSEPHINE LEE was graduated from St. Lawrence Uni- versity (classical department) in 1882, and was Instructor of Natural Sci- ences in Fort Plain Institute in 1882-84. She was a student in vocal music in Boston and New York, and was for three years (1885-88) in the Leipsic Con- servatory of Music, also studied imder private teachers in Leipsic, Germany, and with Mr. "William Shakespeare in London. She was Instructor of Vocal Music in Knox Conservatory of Music, Galesburg, Illinois, for five years EIGHTH GENERATION. 799 (1889-95). In 1884 she received the degree of A. M. from St. Lawrence Uni- versity. She still continues to teach music in various choirs. LULU GERTRUDE LOTTIE LEE was graduated from the classical de- partment of St. Lawrence University in 1885, and was Instructor in Latin in Westbrook Seminary in 1885-87. She pursued a three years' special course in the Student's Art League, New York, 1887-90, and then became Instructor of Art in the State Normal School at Fredonia, New York, where she re- mained two years. She then went to Paris, France, where she continued her art studies for three years. From 1895 to 1898 she taught art in New York City. She now resides in Canton, New York, where she still teaches art. MARSHALL LEE » J , 3549. 1908 875 391 Kebecca Stebblns " Kllakim Stcbbins o .losepli Stebbins s ' Ell Lee Kebecca Hanks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 II .Joseph Stebblns i Thomas Stebblns 3 .Tohn Stebblns 2 ROWL-iND STEBBINS 1 > Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright .\blgall liartlett Sarah \ son of Rebecca Stebbins and Eli Lee, was born August 30, 1822, at Vernon, Vermont; died November 5, 1894, at Vernon, Vermont; married January 1, 1852, at Northfield, Massachusetts, to ELIZABETH LYjVIAN, born October 18, 1822; died January 28, 1875. He married second. June 4, 1878. at Shelburne, Massachusetts, POLLY ALLEN. CHILDREN: 5334. I. Ida Elizabeth Lee, born June 30, 1853 ; died September 24, 1869, at Vernon, Vermont. 5335. II. Emma Diana Lee, born April 21, 1855; died August 30, 1872, at Vernon, Vermont. 5336. III. Forest Marshall Lee, born January 19, 1857 ; died July 23, 1869, at Vernon, Vermont. 5337. IV. Minnie Sara Lee, born Jiuie 30, 1858; married Jerome C. Edgar.4- 5338. V. Charles Frank Lee, born June 7, 1862; died March 17, 1863, at Vernon, Vermont. 3550. „^^„^ . , „„ . ( 1908 875 391 EDITHA LEE * i Rebecca stebblns 7 Ellakim Stebblns c .Joseph Stebblns 5 / Ell Lee Kebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 ) .Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah • ( daughter of Rebecca Stebbins and Eli Lee, was born January 1, 1825, at Ver- non, Windham Countj'-, Vermont ; married January 5, 1847, at Vernon, Wind- ham County, Vermont, to ADDISON WHITHED, born January 30, 1824, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Ver- non, Vermont. CHILDREN: 5339. I. Isadora Elmina Whithed, born June 22, 1849; married Charles P. Kenney.-f- 800 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5340. II. Hamilton Lee Whithed, born March 6, 1854; married Nellie Houghton.+ 5341. III. Ernest A. Whithed, born October 18, 1856 ; died unmarried, Oc- tober 16, 1871. 3553. I 1909 875 391 ALONZO STEBBINS ^ i John Stebblns 7 Ellakim Stebblns 6 Joseph Stebblns » I Harriet Houghton Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 1 .Joseph Stel)blns « Thomas Stebblns 3 .John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEIBBINS 1 >■ Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah I son of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, was born August 29, 1826, at Ver- non, Windham County, Vermont; married July 18, 1855, to CORNELIA S. HOLLAND. Resided at Vernon, Vermont, and Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5342. I. Emma Florence, born November 14, 1857 ; died March 10, 1876. 5343. II. Agnes Serenco, born July '5, 1860. 5344. III. Etta Louise, born August 14, 1864. 5345. IV. Roland Alonzo, born June 30, 1869. 3555. -r^-w-r-.-^ ...r^'^'r^'n^..,. „ I 1909 875 391 JOHN STEBBINS 8 -^ John Stebblns 7 Ellakim Stebblns 6 Joseph Stebblns n ( Harriet Houghton Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 I .Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebblns s .John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i y Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, was born March 10, 1829, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont; died September 12, 1872, at Vernon, Vermont; married September 19, 1853, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to EM- ILY GOODRICH GLEASON, born September 18, 1828, at Malone, New York ; died March 1, 1862, at Vernon, Vermont, who was a daughter of Gleason and Rhoda Goodrich. He married second HARRIET E. HUBBARD. Resided at Vernon, Vermont. CHILDREN : 5346. I. Alice, born September 11, 1855; unmarried. 5347. II. Alma Felice, born August 14, 1859; unmarried. JOHN STEBBINS was representative from Vernon, Vermont, in 1832, and was elected Justice of the Peace the same year, which office he held for fourteen years. He was also Captain of the State Militia. 3556. HARRIET STEBBINS ^ \ John stebbins 7 Ellakim S^tlbbins e Joseph Stebblns 5 ( Harriet Houghton Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 11 •Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >- Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ■ | daughter of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, was born August 5, 1830, EIGHTH GENERATION. 801 at Vernon, Vermont ; married December 17, 1856, to HENRY A. GOODRICH, of Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Occupation, merchant. Residence, Fitchburg, Massachusetts (1899). CHILDREN: 5348. I. Emma Lenore Goodrich, born May 26, 1858. 5349. II. John Stebbins Goodrich, born July 23, 1864; died July 26, 1865. 5350. lU. William Henry Goodrich, born December 27, 1870; died March 24, 1894. 3557. CALISTA STEBBINS 8 ) .John stebbins 7 KIIaklmStei)blnsc .Toseph Stebbins 5 f Harriet UouRhton Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 > .lo.seph Stehbln3 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 >■ MaryVVlIUams Elizabeth Wright .Vblgall Bartlet Sarah ) daughter of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, born June 29, 1832, at Ver- non, Vermont ; died October 23, 1882, in California ; married in California, to CHARLES LYMAN, who died March 29, 1889, in California. 3558. J 1009 87.5 391 .lohn Stebli'ins ^ Ellakim Stebbins a Joseph Stebbins 6 Harriet Houghton Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 II Joseph Stebbins 1 Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Y Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlctt Sarah ) son of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, was born September 4, 1834, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont; married December 13, 1869, at Dubuque, Iowa, to EDITH LARGE, born October 21, 1845, at Putnam, Ohio, who was a daughter of William P. Large and Sally Rowena Guthrie. Profession, libra- rian. Politics, Republican. Religion, liberal. Residence, Oakland, Califor- nia (1889). CHILDREN : 5351. I. ElwjTi Wilfred, born September 15, 1870. 5352. II. Londa Loleta, born May 30, 1872. ALFRED STEBBINS graduated at Amherst College August 9, 1860, and spent several years teaching in the South and West. In 1863 he went to California, w^here he was employed in the custom house, and was afterwards deputy collector of internal revenue. He was a mounted rifleman in the fron- tier service and traveled many thousand miles. While in California, he was also librarian of the Mercantile Library at San Francisco. 3559. I 1909 87.> ^01 MELISSA STEBBINS * < John stebbins 7 Rllakim Stebbins it Joseph Steiiblns 6 ( Harriet Houghton Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 1 Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i !■ Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah j daughter of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, was born July 29, 1837, at 61 802 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Vernon, Vermont; married November 9, 1870, to WILLIAM STOCKWELL, of New Haven, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 5353. I. Etta Stebbins Stockwell, born April 1, 1874. 5354. II. Alma Lita Stockwell, born June 14, 1876. 3560. LYDIA HOUGHTON STEBBINS -j Jc I Hi 122 Josenh Stebbins 4 Mary Williams 1909 John Stebbins ^ arrlet Houghton 27 Thomas Stebbins 8 Elizabeth Wright 875 Eliakim Stebbins e Rebecca Hawks 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 391 Joseph Steliblns s Thankful Belding ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [■ Sarah I daughter of John Stebbins and Harriet Houghton, was bom July 14, 1839, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont ; married April 14, 1864, at Vernon, Wind- ham County, Vermont, to LAMBERT JONES BRISTOL, born August 24, 1837, at Cheshire, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 5355. I. Arthur Lincoln Bristol, born March 19, 1865. 5356. 11. Harriet Houghton Bristol, born March 11, 1867. 5357. III. Calista Stebbins Bristol, born March 4, 1872. 5358. IV. Grace May Bristol, born March 12, 1877. 3561. GEORGE WASHINGTON STEBBINS « ] 122 Joseph Stebbins 4 Mary Williams 1917 Israel J. Stebbins 7 Sylvia Lewis 27 Thomas Stebbins a Elizabeth Wright 878 Joseph Stebbins 6 Betsey Eddy 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett f 391 Joseph Steliblns 6 Thankful Belding 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis, was born September 27, 1818, at Bridgewater, Pennsylvania; married September 1, 1841, at Mes- hoppen, Pennsylvania, to MARY OVERPIELD GAY, who was a daughter of George Gay and Alphia Blackmer. CHILDREN: 5359. I. Alphia; married Earl Love. 5360. II. Sylvia Jane ; married Peter H. La France. 5361. III. Emma. 3562. _ ( 1917 878 391 HARRIET STEBBINS ^ < Israel J. stebbins 7 Joseph Steliblns 6 Joseph Stebbins B I Sylvia Lewis Betsey Eddy Thankful Belding 27 4 1 Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Elizabeth Wright Ablsaii Bartlett Sarah 122 Joseph Steliliins 4 Mary Williams daughter of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis, was born November EIGHTH GENERATION. 803 11, 1820, at Bridgewater, Pennsylvania; died 1895, at Paxton, Illinois; mar- ried January 13, 1841, to JOHN BIERDSLEE SUTTON, born January 13, 1815, at Bergen, New Jersey; died June 20, 1871, at Gardner, Illinois, who was a son of Mark Sutton and Martha Bierdslee. Occupation, farmer. Poli- tics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. She married second, February 20 (or 28), 1879, at Paxton, Illinois, to SAMUEL HESTER, born 1813, at Colum- bia, Ohio. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. CHILDREN: 5362. I. Emma Sutton. 5363. II. Israel Johnson Sutton; married Marian Thompson. 3563. EMELINE ADELIA STEBBINS « \ u I S.V 1917 878 Israel ,T. StebbinsT Joseph Stebblns 6 ( Sylvia Lewis Betsey Eddy .S91 122 27 4 .Toseph Stebblns .Toseph Stebblns * Thomas Stebblns » John Stebblns 2 Thankful Bcldlng Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah - daughter of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis, was born July 29, 1822, at Bridgewater, Pennsylvania; married February 21, 1843, to MAT- THEW T. McKEEBY, born at Montague, New Jersey. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Baptist. CHILDREN : 5364. I. Leonard Jerome McKeeby, born July, 1853; married Allie Shay; married second, Malvina Tillincan. 5365. II. Rexford I. McKeeby. 3565. il017 878 391 Israel .T. Stebblns T Joseph Stebblns 6 Joseph Stebblns 5 Sylvia Lewis Betsey Eddy Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 I Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebblns « John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah I son of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis, was born March 5, 1828, at Bridgewater (or Montrose), Pennsylvania; died January 15, 1895 (or Janu- ary 13, 1896), at Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania; married July 27, 1857, at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, to CATHERINE HEISLEY, born July 14, 1832, at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of John Heisley and Elizabeth Russell. Occupation, coal merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania (1888). CHILDREN : 5366. I. John Heisley, born July 9, 1858 ; died November 10, 1860. 5367. n. Sanford, born May 6, 1860 ; died July 4, 1862. 804 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5368. 111. Theodore Augustus, born September 1, 1861; married Adelaide Leighton. 5369. IV. Frank Stanley, born June 18, 1866 ; married Rydie Knower Ar- noId.+ 5370. V. Arthur Dean, bom December 29, 1868; married Mary Gene- vieve Mills.+ 5371. VI. Charles Livingston, born December 11, 1875; unmarried. Lives at Cambridge, Massachusetts. CHARLES LIVINGSTON STEBBINS graduated at Harvard College in 1897. He is the author of Harvard Lyrics and other verses. 3566. LEWIS J. STEBBINS « ] isr 1917 878 391 Israel J. Stebblns 7 Joseph Stebblns « .Joseph Stebblns 6 ?.vlvla Lewis Betsey Eddy Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 I Toseph Stebblns * Thomas Stebblns s .Tohn Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >■ Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah I son of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis, was born March 30, 1830; married March 26, 1858, to HELEN M. PLYNN. Politics, Republican. Resi- dence, Blue Lake, California (1888). CHILDREN: 5372. I. Carrie L. 5373. II. George Benton. 5374. III. Jennie M. 5375. IV. Lewis J. 5376. V. Aggie L. 5377. VI. Robert J. 5378. VII. Ora A. 5379. VIII. Charles R. 3567. 1917 878 EDWIN RUTHVEN STEBBINS * \ Israel J. stebbins T Joseph Stebblns 6 t r ■ ■ - - ■ — Sylvia Lyman Betsey Eddy 391 122 27 4 Joseph Stebblns 6 Joseph Stebblns * Thomas Stebbins o John Stebbins 2 Thankful Beldlng Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah i son of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis, was born September 18 (or 8), 1833, at Montrose, Pennsylvania; died January 13, 1896, at Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania; married August 24, 1859, at Bingham- ton, New York, to ALMIRA LEWIS, born July 31, 1841, at Triangle, New York; died at Bridgewater, New York, daughter of Asa Lewis and Nancy Green. He married second, September 23, 1862, at Montrose, Pennsylvania, to ANGELINE HARRIS BOLLES, born May 20, 1838, at Rush, Pennsyl- vania; died November 13, 1888, at Montrose, Pennsylvania, who was a daugh- ter of James Stoddard Bolles and Susan Headly. Occupation, coal merchant. Politics, Republican. No. 3548. UEV. DH. JOHN STEBBINS LEE. No. 5S2!1, LESLIE ALEXANDER LEE. No. 3.-,75. No. 3304. IMKS. MAin M. WILSON TARBELL. FRED D. STEBBINS SOS 5380. I, 5381. II. 5382. III. EIGHTH GENERATION. 805 CHILDREN: Abnira, born July 15, 1863 ; died young. Susan Rosella, born July 16, 1863; unmarried. Emma Pauline, born October 8, 1866; married Judson A. Bush, of Bridgewater, March 30, 1887. 5383. IV. Blemiie, born February 26, 1869 ; married George R. Copeland.+ 3569. t 1921 878 391 LEVI A. STEBBINS * • Daniel Stebblns t .Joseph Steliblns o .Toseph Stebbins 5 ( Asenath Henry Betsey Eddy Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 i Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebblns 3 .lohn Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ]■ Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of Daniel Stebbins and Asenath Henry, was born May 29, 1826, at Parm- ersville, New York; married February 7, 1854, to MARY A. WOOD, born January 14, 1832, at Rhode Island ; died September 18, 1900, at Pawnee City, Nebraska. CHILDREN: 5384. I. Sidney, born March 1, 1857; married Fanny B. Stratton.+ 5385. II. Florence M. : died aged seven years. 3571. HENRY SEARLS STEBBINS * \ Hanlel stebbins 7 .Joseph Stebblns « .Joseph Stebblns s / Asenath Henry Betsey Eddy Thankful Beldlng 122 27 4 1 .Tosepb Stebblns * Thomas Stebbins 3 .John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ■ son of Daniel Stebbins and Asenath Henry, was born November 16, 1835, at Collins, Erie County, New York; died June 22, 1898, at Wauwatosa, Wiscon- sin ; married March 20, 1861, at Lowville, New York, to MARY L. PHILLIPS, born October 19, 1837, at Middletown, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Elijah Phillips and Clarissa Hough. Occupation, map publisher. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at 2829 Michigan Ave- nue, Chicago, Illinois. No children. HENRY SEARLS STEBBINS graduated from the State Noi-mal College at Albany, New York, in 1854. He was School Commissioner of Erie County, New York, for six years. In 1867 he published an "Atlas of Ohio." He engaged in the book trade in Toledo, Ohio, from 1868 to 1872. and in 1874 resumed the map publishing business, continuing in that business in Chicago until 1892, when he retired from active business life. 3575. __ i 1931 880 SQ2 MARY MALVINA WILSON * < Sophla stebbins - Levi Stebblns i; Zebedlah Stebbins 5 ( .John Wilson Adah Gardner Thankful Graves 122 27 4 1 1 .Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i - Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) daughter of Sophia Stebbins and John Wilson, was born March 26, 1826, at 806 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Colebrook, New Hampshire; married December 15, 1856, at Shirley, Massa- chusetts, to SOLOMON TARBELL, born October, 1800, at Lunenbury, Massa- chusetts; died June 12, 1883, at Haverhill, Massachusetts, who was a son of Solomon Tarbell and Mary . Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Haverhill, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5386. I. Mary Ella Tarbell; married July 26, 1887 ( ?) Alexander Pettigrew. MARY M. WILSON TARBELL lived on a farm, excepting twenty years spent in Boston, where she was an active worker in the Temperance cause. She was a member of Atena Lodge, in which she held many oflBces, and a member of the Grand Lodge and Temple of Honor. Aside from that her time has been devoted to her family. 3578. ELLEN SOPHIA WILSON s J i 1931 880 392 Sophia Stebblns T Levi Stebblns 6 Zebedlah Stebblns b ' John Wilson Adab Gardner Thankful Graves 122 27 4 II .Toseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebblns 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah . I daughter of Sophia Stebbins and John Wilson, was born February 20, 1847, at Bennington, Hillsboro County, New Hampshire; married February 20, 1884, to AMBROSE ATWATER DREW, born February 9, 1839, at Addison, Addi- son County, Vermont, who was a son of John Yeaton Drew and Almira At- water. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Burlington, Vermont. 3579. ( 19*^*^ 880 MARY BRACKETT STEBBINS » \ Charles D. stebbins t Levi stebblns 6 ( Martha B. Spauldlng Ada Gardner 392 122 27 4 Zebedlah Stebblns o Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebblns 3 John Stebbins 2 Thankful Graves Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 (• Sarah ■ I daughter of Charles D. Stebbins and Martha Spaulding, was born May 5, 1832, at Lancaster, New Hampshire ; married May 18, 1865, at Lancaster, New Hampshire, to EDWARD EMERSON, born March 6, 1835, at Lancaster, New Hampshire, who was a son of David Emerson and Tirzah Stanley. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Lan- caster, New Hampshire. CHILDREN: 5387. I. Charles E. Emerson, born April 26, 1866 ; married May 31, 1895, Grace Woodington. 5388. II. George H. Emerson, born February 5, 1869 ; died April 29, 1869. 5389. III. Fred W. Emerson, born August 10, 1870; married October 10, 1892, Nellie Hadgdon. EIGHTH GENERATION. 807 5390. IV. Cora B. Emerson, born July 15, 1873 ; married February 1, 1893, Charles E. Green. 3583. SARAH ADELINE STEBBINS » \ cha I Mar 122 Joseph StPbblns * Mary Williams 1932 ries D, Stebblns 7 Martha B. Spaulding 27 Thomas Stebbinss Elizabeth Wright 880 Levi Stehblns 6 Ada Gardner 4 John Stehblns 2 Abigail Bartlett 392 Zebediah Stebbins 6 Thankful Graves 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Sarah \ daughter of Charles Dennett Stebbins and Martha Braekett Spaulding, was born November 19, 1842, at Lancaster, New Hampshire; married September 15, 1869, at Groveton, New Hampshire, to ROSWELL C. CHESSMAN, born September 12, 1838, at Lancaster, New Hampshire, who was a son of Roswell Chessman and Adeline Fuller. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Residence, Lancaster. CHILDREN: 5391. I. Martha Adeline Chessman, born October 31, 1875; married Walter C. Hamilton.-)- 3587. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS « \ Chester stebbins T ( Laura Qulmby 880 liBvi Stebbins 8 Ada Gardner 392 122 27 Zebediah Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 Thankful Graves Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }• Sarah 1 4 John Stebbins : Abigail Bartlett son of Chester Stebbins and Laura Quimby, was born April 12, 1839, at Lan- caster, Coos County, New Hampshire; married June 13, 1860, at Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire, to ADELINE R. BALCH, born August 30, 1842, at Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire; died February 5, 1898, at Lan- caster, Coos County, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of Amos Balch and Esther A. Woodward. Occupation, carpenter and builder. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Resided in Vermont, New Hampshire, Mis- souri, Indiana and Kansas. CHILDREN: 5392. I. Etta A., born January 18, 1863 ; died August 11, 1863. 5393. II. Bert Lawrence, born July 18, 1868; married Eva B. Rydman.-+- 5394. III. Fred D., born March 22, 1875. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS in his early manhood, worked at the car- penter trade with his father, and later was employed in the shops of the Passumpsie railroad at St. Johnsbury, Vermont. In 1871 he removed to Man- chester, New Hampshire, where he lived for six years, pursuing the occupa- tion of contractor and builder, tirst as a member of the firm of Caswell & Stebbins, later continuing the business by himself. In the fall of 1877, he re- 808 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. turned to Lancaster, New Hampshire, his old home, and engaged in the plan- ing mill business, as a member of the firm of Leavitt & Stebbins. This firm did a prosperous business, but on account of failing health, MR. STEBBINS sold his interest in the mill and moved west. He resided at Elkhart, Indiana, in 1886-7, being employed in the locomotive shops of the Lake Shore & Mich- igan Southern Railroad. He afterward removed to Wichita, Kansas, at which place he was employed as general foreman of the Burton Car "Works, and re- mained there luitil 1889. Prom that time until 1893, he was foreman of the building department of the E. F. Halleck Lumber Company, at Denver, Colo- rado. The next two years were spent at Kirksville, Missouri, doing contract- ing and building. He finally returned to Lancaster, New Hampshire, where he still works at his trade. 3588. ( 1033 880 SO** JAMES ALDEN STEBBINS * - Chester Stelitiins 7 Levi Stebbins e Zebedlah Stebbins 5 ( Laura Qulmljy Ada Gardner Thanltful Graves 122 27 4 1 i Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins s John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i )■ Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ( son of Chester Stebbins and Laura Quimby, was born May 22, 1842, at Lan- caster, Coos County, New Hampshire; married September 22, 1880, at Man- chester, Hillsboro County, New Hampshire, to EVA ADA BALCH, born January 3, 1859, at Lancaster, New Hampshire; died April, 1885, at Lancas- ter, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of Amos Balch and Esther A. Wood- ward. Occupation, mechanic. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Lancaster, New Hampshire. CHILDREN: 5395. I. Lila Esther, born May 17, 1881. 3590. HELEN STICKNEY 392 Zebedlah Stebbins B Thankful Graves ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !• Sarah ) STEBBINS 8 \ Chester Stebbins 7 f Laura Quimby 122 27 Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright S80 Levi Stebbins e Ada Gardner 4 .lohn Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett daughter of Chester Stebbins and Laura Quimby, was born October 16, 1850, at Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire; married January 1, 1876, at Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire, to WILLIAM EDWARD INGER- SON, born August 8, 1847, at Lancaster, New Hampshire. Occupation, car- penter. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Lancaster, New Hampshire. CHILDREN : 5396. I. Laura Perkins Ingerson, born February 22, 1877. 5397. H. Ethel Stebbins Ingerson, born August 7, 1880. 5398. III. Helen Wait Ingerson, born March 2, 1885. 5399. IV. Edward Harold Ingerson, born June 29, 1893. EIGHTH GENERATION. 809 3593. 1 1939 884 394 SARAH M STEBBINS * - Clark Stebblns ^ Josiah Stebblns 6 Josiah Stebblns r. OAAAXi J.U. uxj^uuxj.'.M j j^^igjj,, ^vright Martha Belding Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 i Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 ,Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >• Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) daughter of Clark Stebbins and Abigail Wright, was born March 6, 1832, at Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire; married October 8, 1851, to JOSHUA N. NEWTON, born August 21, 1823, at Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont. Residence, East Northfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5400. I. Fred C. Newton, born March 8, 1855. 5401. II. Edward H. Newton, born July 22, 1858. 3594. I 1939 884 394 JOHN HENEY STEBBINS * \ Clark StebWns T Josiah Stebbins 6 Josiah Stebbins 6 I Abigail Wright Martha Belding Mary Howe 122 27 4 I I Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins s .John Stebblns -• ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah i son of Clark Stebbins and Abigail Wright, was born April 2. 1836, at Win- chester, New Hampshire ; married April 16, 1867, at Orange, Franklin County, Massachusetts, to LIZZIE M. ROGERS, born November 9, 1837, at Salem, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Joseph Rogers and Mary Tarbor. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Worcester, Massachu- setts. CHILDREN : 5402. I. Grace H., born May 4, 1868 ; married Henry M. Smith. 5403. II. Leonard L., born August 17, 1870 ; died March 16, 1881. 3602. I 1941 885 394 MARY JANE CORLISS * { Mary stebbins t Arad Stebbins 6 Josiah Stebbins u f Alfred Corliss Mary Kent Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 / Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 .John Stebljins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah \ daughter of Mary Stebbins and Alfred Corliss, was born June 27, 1829, at Bradford, Orange County, Vermont; married October 21, 1848, at Thetford, Orange Coiuity, Vermont, to FREEMAN H. CHASE, born August 28, 1826, at Cornish, New Hampshire, who was a son of Moses Chase and Julia A. Hyde. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Cambridge, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5404. I. Sarah Helen Chase, born October 14, 1849 ; married William L. W. Dow.+ 5405. II. Hattie Edith Chase, born January 11, 1864; died October 4, 1869. 810 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3604. ( 1047 885 394 MART LOUISE STEBBINS * - Arad Stebbins T Arad Stebblns 6 Joslah Stebblns 5 ( Kliza Stoddard Mary Kent Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 I Joseph Stebblns * Thomas Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah I daughter of Arad Stebbins and Eliza Stoddard, was born June 18, 1834, at Bradford, Orange County, Vermont; married November 24, 1859, at Brad- ford, Vermont, to ALDEN P. DAVIS, born February 28, 1836, at Derry, New Hampshire, son of Daniel Davis and Betsey Pressey. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Cataumet, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5406. I. Mary Eliza Davis, born August 18, 1862; married Irving F. Gibbs.+ Henry Alden Davis, born November 13, 1867 ; died May 16, 1883. Bessie Laurietta Davis, born July 3, 1869 ; died June 3, 1883. Anna Genevieve Davis, born June 18, 1871 ; married Harry Gor- don.+ 5407. II. 5408. m. 5409. IV. 3606. MARSHALL BURTON STEBBINS » ] ( 1947 885 Arad Stebblns 7 Arad Stebblns 6 Eliza Stoddard Mary Kent 394 122 27 4 Josiab Stebbins B Joseph Stebbins i Thomas Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 Mary Howe Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Arad Stebbins and Eliza Stoddard, was born September 27, 1845, at Bradford, Vermont; died October 29, 1896, at Maiden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts; married October 28, 1868, at Lowell, Massachusetts, to ETTA LAURA NYE, born April 8, 1846, at Winthrop, Maine, who was a daughter of Albert Nye and Rhoda Snow Totman. Occupation, hardware dealer. Poli- tics, Democrat. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at Somerville and Mai- den, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5410. I. Florence Christine, born September 15, 1873. 5411. II. Henry Albert, born April 8, 1878. MARSHALL BURTON STEBBINS was fitted for college in his native town, and entered Norwich University with the class of 1865. He left that institution at the close of the Junior year to enter Eastman's Business Col- lege at Poughkeepsie, New York, from which he graduated in 1865. He was in business for a year in New York and was for six years con- nected with the Kimball Carriage Company, of Boston. In 1871 he, with Mr. S. H. Davis, formed the firm of Davis, Stebbins & Company, Boston, wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, in which business he continued until his death. EIGHTH GENERATION. 811 3608. I 1953 887 394 JOHN MILLS STEBBINS * ■( EHhu Stebbins 7 Ellhu Stebbins 6 Joslah Stebblns 6 ' Sarah Gay Hooker Lucretla Wright Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 / Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins s John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of Elihu Stebbins and Sarah Gay Hooker, was born December 27, 1825, at Hinsdale, Cheshire County, New Hampshire; died February 11, 1881, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married November 23, 1853, at Hinsdale, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, to HARRIET CORNELIA HAILE, born June 22, 1829, at Chesterfield, Cheshire County, New Hamp- shire, who was a daughter of William K. Haile, of Keene, New Hampshire, and Sabrana Walker. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Democrat. Resided at Hins- dale, New York, and Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5412. I. William Haile, born March 29, 1858 ; died March 2, 1862. 5413. II. Frederick Haile, born May 24, I860; unmarried. 5414. III. Charles Gay, born June 13, 1863 ; died July 7, 1864. 5415. IV. Walter Gay, born June 4, 1865 ; died October 8, 1893. 5416. V. Arthur Walker, born May 20, 1872 ; died May 8, 1872. JOHN MILLS STEBBINS was a student at Amherst College ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1848. He then studied law and built up a success- ful practice in the City of Springfield, Massachusetts. In 1873 he was elected Mayor of Springfield on the Democratic ticket. He served the city well in this capacity and at the end of the year in oiSce he retired and resumed the practice of his profession. At the Centennial celebration of West Springfield he responded very gracefully to the toast, "Springfield, the Mother of Towns." FREDERICK HAILE STEBBINS graduated from Yale CoUege in the Class of 1881. WALTER GAY STEBBINS graduated from Yale College in 1886, with the degree of A. M. In 1892 he graduated from Harvard College, receiving the degree of M. D. 3610. i 1953 887 ^*)4 EDWARD STEBBINS ^ \ Ellhu stebbins I Elihu Stebbins « Joslah Stebbins 5 ( Sarah Gay Hooker Lucretla Wright Mary Howe 122 27 4 11 Joseph Stebbins * Thomas Stebbins s John .stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS l >■ Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of Elihu Stebbins and Sarah Gay Hooker, was born March 10, 1834, at Hinsdale, Cheshire County, New Hampshire; married July 11, 1877, to MARTHA DAVIS (FISKE) WALKER, widow of Henry Walker, born Sep- tember 9, 1843, at Chesterfield, New Hampshire; died November 1, 1893, at Hinsdale, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of John Boyle Piske and 812 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Arabella Robertson. Occupation, real estate. Politics, Independent. Relig- ion, Congregationalist. Residence, Hinsdale, New Hampshire. No children. 3613. ( 10.56 J JULIA C. STEBBINS, of Hinsdale, New Hampshire « \ Lockhart w. stebbins 7 - ( Caroline Basoom I 887 394 122 27 Blihu stebbins e Josiah Stebbins c .Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins J Lucretia Wright Mary Howe Mar.v Williams Elizabeth Wright 4 1 I John Stel)bins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 'r Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) daughter of Lockhart W. Stebbins and Caroline Bascom; married March 18, 1858, to HENRY CLAY TENNEY, born December 26, 1830; died April 24, 1885, who was a son of Calvin Tenney and Tabitha Baker. Profession, one of the founders of the National and Savings Banks; officer and principal of Mettowee Academy. Residence, Orange, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5417. I. Fred C. Tenney, born July 9, 1859. 5418. II. Lockhart S. Tenney, born November 2, 1865. 3614. I 1959 889 394 EBASTUS STEBBINS ^ \ Arad stebbins 7 Eli Stebbins 6 Josiah Stebbins 5 ( Wealthy C. Smith Sibyl Symonds Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 Joseph Stebbins * Thomas Stebbins s John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah son of Arad Stebbins and "Wealthy (Cook) Smith, was born March 8, 1817, at Winchester, New Hampshire; died May 22, 1894; married Jvily 8, 1844, at South Winchester, Massachusetts, to ELIZABETH ANN DUDLEY, born April 8, 1824, at Alton, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of Stephen Dud- ley and Elizabeth Deblois. Occupation, manufacturer of brass works. Poli- tics, Democrat. Religion, Unitarian. Resided at Springfield and Chicopee, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5419. I. Adelaide Augusta, born March 17, 1846; died February 8, 1860. 5420. II. Charles Edgar, born November 27, 1850; married Elizabeth Ella Nye.-f 5421. III. George Erastus, born December 24, 1853; married Ida F. Clif- ford.+ 5422. IV. William Francis, born August 21, I860; married Eva J. Lyon.+ 5423. V. Moro Dudley, born June 21, 1867; unmarried. The E. STEBBINS Manufacturing Company, brass founders and finishers, which have their extensive manufactory at Brightwood, was established by ERASTUS STEBBINS, a pioneer in the trade, at Chicopee, Massachusetts, in 1848. MR. STEBBINS began life as a poor man. At the *ime he established No. 3614. ERASTDS STEBBINS. No. 3651. MRS. SUSAN FIELD STEBBINS PRATT. 1 3711T. i^TT^ ^wr- p.nni»a^ 813 .STICI'.P.I.NS MANTFAfTUIilXG CO.. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Owned by No. 3014. EIGHTH GENERATION. 813 the factory, the work was done in a small wooden shop, the chief articles manufactured being a patent molasses gate and faucet, of MR. STEBBINS' invention. These patents gave him the control of the market, for the first named, and aided him in competing so successfully with the makers of other faucets that he was able to make his business handsomely remunerative, and so very successful in every respect that his competition was seriously felt by older and larger establishments. As business increased, the shop at Chicopee became too small for economical management, and, finding better facilities in the city of Springfield for manufacturing, MR. STEBBINS removed his works there in 1861. The variety of his productions was largely and rapidly in- creased, being supplemented by a general brass foiuidry business. The E. STEBBINS Maniifaetory has long been recognized as one of the leading industries of the Connecticut Valley, and the work produced takes its place with the best fine brass castings and plumbers' supplies manufac- tured in America. He accumulated a handsome fortune and in 1868 he sold out his entire in- terest, shop, fixtures and patents, to Messrs. Hayden, Gere & Company, of Haydenville, ^Massachusetts, and retired from business. After his retirement from business he devoted himself to the care of his large real estate interests. MR. STEBBINS was prominent in to-mi affairs, having been selectman in 1871, and a representative in the legislature twice, being first elected by the "know-nothing"' party, and the second time by the Democratic party. MR. STEBBINS was an organizer and director of the First National Bank of Chicopee, Massachiisetts, and was for several years a trustee of the Sav- ings bank. He was an original charter member of the St. John's Lodge of Odd Fel- lows when it was organized in 1847, and continued his connection with it dur- ing his lifetime. He was also a prominent member of the Chicopee Lodge of Masons. MR. STEBBINS was a zealous advocate of cremation. He had been a member of the New England Cremation Society, and later, when a crematory was established at Forest Hills in West Roxbury, he transferred his mem- bership to that association. Here his body was taken after his death and cremated. 3633. CYNTHIA STEBBINS * \ wniiam Stehblns 7 Eli Stebbins 6 .losiah Stebblns 5 ( Mary Ann Lyman Sibyl Symnnds Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 1 Joseph Stebbins * Thomas Stehblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ( daughter of "William Stebbins and Mary Ann LjTnan, was born April 6, 1835. at Winchester, Cheshire Countj-, New Hampshire; married August 19, 1855, at Hinsdale, Cheshire Coiuity. New Hampshire, to JOHN A. FISHER, born May 31, 1832, at East Northfield, Massachusetts, who was a son of John A. Fisher and Mary Ann Godfrey. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, East Northfield, Massachusetts. 814 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3640. 1 1966 889 394 6E0BGE W. STEBBINS "■{ William Stebblns 7 BllStebblnse JoBlah Stebblns 6 I Mary Ann Lyman Sibyl Symonds Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 i .loseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebblns s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of William Stebbins and Mary Ann Lyman, was born October 14, 1848, at Winchester, Hampshire County, New Hampshire ; married September 15, 1880, at Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, to MARY E. HOLBROOK, born June 8, 1849, at Holden, Worcester County, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of George Holbrook and Sarah Chamberlain. Residence, WoUaston, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5424. I. George H., bom February 5, 1884. 5425. II. Myron R., born April 24, 1889. GEORGE W. STEBBINS was a soldier in the second regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers during the Civil War. 3642. William Stebblns 7 Eli Stebblns « Josiah Stebblns o Mary Ann Lyman Sibyl Symonds Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 ) Joseph Stebblns 4 Thomas Stebbins s John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah — ■ ( daughter of William Stebbins and Mary Ann Lyman, was born August 26, 1853, at Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire; married December 31, 1872, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont, to LOWELL W. BROWN, born October 24, 1852, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont. Occupation, wheelwright. Residence, West Northfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5426. I. Mary C. Brown, born May 23, 1874; married Edward C. Eames. 5427. II. Cynthia L. Brown, born February 10, 1876. 5428. III. Theodore L. Brown, born November 7, 1877. 5429. IV. Reuel S. Brown, born June 14, 1879. 3643. JOSIAH ARAD STEBBINS » ] Wllllam stebbins 7 Eli stebblns e Josiah Stebblns B I Mary Ann Lyman Sibyl Symonds Mary Howe 122 27 4 1 I Joseph Stebblns * Thomas Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Mary Williams Elizabeth WrlRht Abigail Bartlett Saraj ) son of William Stebbins and Mary Ann Lyman, was born May 3, 1856, at Winchester, Cheshire County, New Hampshire; married December 5 (or 4), 1880, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, to NELLIE REED, born July 16, 1861, at Northfield, Massachusetts (or Brattleboro, Vermont) ; died July 31, 1892, at Northfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Walter No. 30r.2. SAMri:i, MKiirtniAN si-i:i!r.i.\s. 815 No. 5442. I.ORA CYNTHIA STEBBINS. EIGHTH GENERATION. 815 Chauncey Reed and Rebecca Ann Parington. Residence, Springfield, Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN: 5430. I. Frank R., born February 7, 1881. 5431. II. Ella E., born May 3, 1884. 5432. HI. Edith M., born April 19. 1890. 3651. SUSAN FIELD STEBBINS « ] 1973 Cyrus Stebbins 7 Mercy Morgan 124 Asahel Stebbins * Sarah Petty 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright 907 399 Asahel Stebbins 6 Asahel Stebbins 5 Susannah Field L.vdia Harwood .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Abigail Bartlett Sarah daughter of Cyrus Stebbins and Mercy Morgan, was born May 28, 1815, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts; died December 12 (or 8), 1894, at Athol, Worcester County, Massachusetts ; married May 13, 1847, at Spring- field, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to REUBEN DEXTER PRATT, born at North Amherst, Massachusetts; died March 2, 1877, at Montague, Massa- chusetts, -who was a son of Job Pratt ( ?) and ]\lary . Occupation, car- penter. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Resided at Springfield and Montague, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5433. I. Charles Dexter Pratt, born April 18, 1848; married Lora Viola Dole. 5434. II. Susan Josephine Pratt, born September 15, 1850; married Charles A. Bates. -f 5435. HI. George L. Pratt, born November 23, 1852; married Eliza G. Jus- tin.-f 5436. IV. Laura Alice Pratt, born October 21, 1855; died September 18, - 1856. 5437. V. Laura Anna Pratt, born October 10, 1859; married Charles A. Bannon. 3652. SYLVANUS MERRIMAN STEBBINS « J 124 Asahel Stebbins 4 Sarah Petty 1973 Cyrus Stebbins ^ Mercy Morgan 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright 907 Asahel Stebbins b Susannah Field 4 John Steblilnsa Abigail Bartlett ( 399 Asahel Stebl)lns 5 Lydla Harwood 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah son of Cyrus Stebbins and Mercy Morgan, was born April 4, 1817, at North- field, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married November 2, 1843, at East Brookfield, Massachusetts, to ADALINE ALLEN, born 1818, at Franklin, Massachusetts; died August 15, 1845, at Springfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Stephen Allen. He married second, April 6, 1846, at Chicopee, Massachusetts, to MARTHA A. DEATH, born 1819, at Wendall, Massaehu- 5438. I. 5439. II. 5440. III. 5441. IV. 544^ V. 5443. VI. 816 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. setts; died November 5, 1853, at Springfield, Massachusetts, daughter of Amos Death. He married third, April, 1856, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to JANE (BALLARD) PAUL, born 1820, at Keene, New Hampshire; died August 14, 1860, at Springfield, Massachusetts, daughter of Ballard. He married fourth, March 7, 1866, at Marlow, New Hampshire, to CALISTA E. SUMNER, born 1837; died September, 1896, at Montague, Massachusetts. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Democrat. Residence, Riverside, Massachu- setts. CHILDREN : Charles Edwin, born June 12, 1845 ; died August 14, 1846. Frederick E., born October 7, 1852 ; died October 29, 1853. Martha Adaline, born September 20, 1853; unmarried; lives at Springfield, Massachusetts. Fredrick E., born September 19, 1857 ; died October 9, 1858. Lora Cynthia, born December 1, 1867 ; died November 4, 1885. Lester Elliott, born September 15, 1869; unmarried; lives at Montague, Massachusetts. 3654. 399 Asahel Stebblns 5 Lydia Harwood 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah son of Cyrus Stebbins and Mercy Morgan, was bom November 29, 1821, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married September 2, 1852, at Hartford, Connecticut, to LAURA SMEAD HOLTON, born March 15, 1827, at Dummerston, Windham County, Vermont, who was a daughter of Loudon Holton and Lydia Laughton. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Rochester, New York. CHILDREN : 5444. I. Sarah Annie, born July 13, 1853 ; married John Thomas Talbot.+ 5445. n. Charles Smead, born August 7, 1858. 5446. III. George Russell, born March 10, 1860. 3664. WARREN SELBY STEBBINS » \ Cyms Stel.'blns ? Darius Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 5 I Nancy Beach Louisa Merricli Anna Chamberlain 124 27 4 11 A.sahel Stebbins 4 Thomas Steliblns 3 .lohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright .Abigail Bartlett Sarah I son of Cyrus Darius Stebbins and Nancy Beach, was born November 27, 1818, at New Marlboi'ough, Berkshire County, Massachusetts; married August 28, 1845, to VENELIA HARRISON BISHOP, born March 14, 1827, at Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Philo Bishop and 1 1973 f CEY STEBBINS s \ Cyrus stebbins 7 ( Mercy Morgan 907 Asahei Stel)bins n Susannah Field 124 27 Asahel Stebbins * Thomas Stebbins 3 Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright ( 4 •Tohn Stelibins 2 Abigail Bartlett EIGHTH GENERATION. 817 Chloe Bassett. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Prohibition. Religion, Prot- estant. Residence, Little Utica, New York. CHILDREN : .5447. I. Mary Jane, born October 18, 1847 ; died 1863. .5448. II. William Bishop, born May 5, 1853 ; married Anna O. Jorolemon.-f WARREN S. STEBBINS enlisted and served through the Civil War and is now drawinfi a pension for disability, the consequence of hard service. 3667. I 1981 911 400 HARRIET LOUISA STEBBINS "i ^'ynisStebbmsv naiiusStebhlnse Thomas Stebblns r, ( Nancy Beach Louisa Merrick Anna Chamberlain l:;4 27 4 1 I .\sahel Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stelibins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright Abigaii Bartlett Sarah I daughter of Cyrus Darius Stebbins and Nancy Beach, was born June 9, 1827, at Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York; married September 22, 1850, at Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut, to GEORGE CORNELIUS LEETE, born September 17, 1829, at Guilford. New Haven County, Connecti- cut, who was a sou of MorrLs A. Leete and Clarinda Graves. Residence, New Haven, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 5449. I. George Henry Leete, born December 17, 1851 ; died April 17, 1886. 5450. II. Charles Edward Leete, born July 18, 1851 ( ?) ; died June 2, 1859. 5451. III. Frederic Leete, born November 17. 1859; died June 7, 1865. 5452. IV. Annie Mary Leete, born June 11. 1861: married Dr. Caryl F. S. White. 3668. WILLIAM HARRISON STEBBINS s ] cym f Nancy Beach Louisa Merriclv 400 124 27 4 Thomas Stebbins 5 .\sahel Stebbins i Thomas Stebbins .^ John Stebbins ■■: Anna Chamberlain Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright Abl.«all Bartlett 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS l ■ Sarah i son of Cyrus Darius Stebbins and Nancy Beach, was born August 29, 1828, at New Paltz, Ulster County, New York ; married January 29, 1851, at Guilford, New Haven Coiuity, Connecticut, to CAROLINE ELIZABETH DAVIS, born November 13, 1828, at Guilford, New Haven County. Connecticut, who was a daughter of Christopher B. Davis and Betsey Hall. Residence, Amsterdam, New York. CHILDREN : 5453. I. Harriet Catherine, born February 18, 1853 -. married September 10, 1874, John Vandenberg Conney. 5454. II. Frederic Lincoln, born February 12, 1861 ; married December 23, 1895, Augustus Martin. 52 1981 911 s stebbins ' Darius Stebbins ' 818 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. WILLIAM HARRISON STEBBINS removed in 1851 from Guilford, Con- necticut, to Greenboro, Oswego County, New York, where he followed the occupation of a farmer, as well as that of a contractor and builder. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 110th Regiment United States Volunteers. He was soon promoted to the office of Sergeant and then to Orderly Sergeant. The regiment was taken from Baltimore to Ship Island, under General Banks, and took part in the Red River campaign. At the siege of Port Hudson MR. STEBBINS was one of the hand grenade volunteers to attack the fort. The regiment went from Port Hudson to Tortugas, where it stopped to recruit, and was sent from there to the southern coast of Florida as drill officers and to organize the Second Florida Cavalry. MR. STEBBINS was promoted to the office of Captain of Company D. After the close of the war he was ap- pointed Provost Marshal at Monticello, Florida, in which capacity he served for about six months, then returned to his home in Greenboro. In 1870 he re- moved his family to Amsterdam, Montgomery County, New York, where he still resides, looking after the interests of his farm. 3669. CYRUS DARIUS STEBBINS ^ 3 Cyrus Stebblns T Darius Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 6 ( Nancy Beach Louisa Merrick Anna Chamberlain 124 27 4 1 I Asahel Stebbins i Thomas Stebbins s Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of Cyrus Darius Stebbins and Nancy Beach, was born March 1, 1831, at Lee, Berkshire County, Massachusetts; married April 21, 1853, to ALMIRA JONES, born February 9, 1829, at Meredith, Delaware County, New York, who was a daughter of Edward Jones and Nancy Churchill. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Vergennus, Ver- mont. CHILDREN: Charles Edward, born October 3, 1855; married Rose Laduke.+ Alice, born April 23, 1857 ; married W. H. Shirland. Frank Henry, born December, 1859 ; married Emma Turner. -f- Lizzie E., born September 14, 1862 ; married Harry P. Woodruff. Grace E., bom June 14, 1867; died February 10, 1878. Freddie, born September 4, 1872 ; died July 13, 1873. CYRUS DARIUS STEBBINS enlisted in the Civil War and remained until the close of the war. He now draws a pension as a slight compensation for the loss of his health. 5455. I. 5456. II. 5457. III. 5458. IV. 5459. V. 5460. vr. 3673. 1985 911 Darius Steliblng c BARNABAS MERRICK STEBBINS « \ Barnabas stebbins I Roxalana Gleason Louisa Merrick 400 124 27 4 Thomas Stebbins 6 Asahel Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins s .Tohn Stebbins 2 Anna Chamberlain Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Barnabas Merrick Stebbins and Roxalana Gleason, was born August EIGHTH GENERATION. 819 14, 1822, at Tyringham, Berkshire County, Massachusetts; married January lo] 1849, at Newark Valley, New York, to JULIA ETTA LINCOLN, born April 2, 1827, at Newark Valley, New York, who was a daughter of Otis Lin- coln and Sarah Slosson. Occupation, underwriter, insurance and real estate. Residence, Owego, New York (1877). CHILDREN : 5461. I. George Turner, born October 5, 1857; married Helen M. Norse- man. 5462. II. Caroline Louisa, born April 21, 1860 ; died April 18, 1875. BARNABAS M. STEBBINS learned the cooper's trade and also worked on a farm. When of age he went into a store as clerk, and later spent two years in Kentucky. Since September 1, 1846, he has been a resident of Owego, New York. He was for ten years a merchant, but his leading occupation has been that of insurance agent and he enjoys the distinction of now being one of the oldest men in his line of business in the state. From 1869 to 1891 he was connected with the Revenue department in that locality and was twice sheriff of the county. 3674. 1985 911 400 LAURA ANN STEBBINS * Barnabas Stebblns 7 Darius Stebblns c. Tbomas Stebbins 6 Hoxalana Gleagon Louisa Merrick Anna Chamberlain 124 27 4 II Asahel Stebblns i Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Petty Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett Sarah \ daughter of Barnabas Merrick Stebbins, of Newark Valley, and Roxalana Gleason, was born June 25, 1825, at Tyrringham, Berkshire County, Massa- chusetts; married January 14, 1847, at Newark Valley, New York, to CHARLES KEYES LINCOLN, born August 6, 1822, at Newark Valley, New York, who was a son of Otis Lincoln and Sarah Slosson. Profession, druggist. Residence, Owego, New York (1877). CHILDREN : 5463. I. Frances Mary Lincoln, born August 19, 1851 ; died October 1, 1853, at Owego, New York. Otis Lincoln, born January 23, 1856 ; married Emma L. Mersenan. William Slossen Lincoln, born January 1, 1860 ; died May 5, 1871. Catharine May Lincoln, born March 9, 1862. Laura Eugenia Lincoln, born May 18. 1864 ; died August 11, 1867. 3685. I 1999 918 SAMUEL HOPKINS BASCOM « \ Cbloe Hubbard T Polly Sheldon c I Artemidorus Bascom Ebenezer Hubbard 409 145 30 4 Daniel Sheldon 6 Mary Southwell 4 Sarah Stebbins a .Tohn Stebblns 2 Mary Harmon .Jonathan Sheldon William Southwell Abigail Bartlett ROWLAND STEBBINS i t Sarah \ son of Chloe Hubbard and Artemidorus Bascom, was bom February 27, 1819, 5464. II. 5465. III. 5466. IV. 5467. V. 820 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. at Orwell, Addison County, Vermont ; died December 5, 1895, at Orwell, Ver- mont; married May 23, 1842, at Orwell, Vermont, to ELIZABETH (CLARK) BASCOM, widow of his brother, Dorus Bascom, born November 25, 1816, at Orwell, Vermont; died December 4, 1870, at Orwell, Vermont, who was a daughter of Moses Avery Clark and Rebecca Wyman. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at Orwell, Ver- mont. CHILDREN : 5468. I. Ann Elizabeth Bascom, born July 6, 1844; married Clayton N. North. .5469. II. Samuel Joe Bascom, born March 17. 1846 ; married Olive J. Longley. 5470. III. Wyman Hubbard Bascom, born March 9. 1848; married Ella Francelia Wyman. 5471. IV. Clarinda Bascom, born March 7, 1850; died March 8, 1853. 5472. V. George B. Bascom, born August 22, 1852; married Alice Chase Whitney. 5473. VI. Robert O. Bascom, born November 18, 1855; married Mary Lar- rabee Piatt. + 5474. VII. Jessie Bascom, born November 3, 1857; died January 21, 1858. 5475. VIII. Cassius Clay Bascom, born September 15, 1861 ; married Ellen Griswold. NINTH GENERATION. 3687. GEORGE HENRY STEBBINS^ 418 Samuel Stebhins s Margaret Stebbins 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright n Samuel Stebbins 5 Mary Knowlton 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 2008 Noah Stebbins s Sophia Hitchcock 41 Samuel Stebbins 4 Hannah Hitchcock 925 Noah Stebbins 7 Anna Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb son of Noah Granger Stebbins and Sophia Hitchcock, was born April 29, 1838, at Quintania, Texas ; married March 20, 1862, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to HARRIET BUGBEE, born May, 1839; died April 4, 1869 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Jesse Bugbee and Mary Ann Ashley. Married second, July 6, 1876, to FLA VIA ELIZA ASHLEY, born August 25, 1845, daughter of Simeon Ashley and Louisa Good- rich. Occupation, clerk. Politics, Democrat. Residence, Springfield, Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN, born at Wilbraham: 5476. I. George Emmons, born June 17, 1865 (T. R.) ; married Louise Ush- man. 5477. II. Hattie Bugbee, born February 17, 1869 (T. R.) ; married Frank M. Cooley. 3703. MILTON WEBSTER STEBBINS 1 liOlS ^ < Luther Holcomb Stebbii ( .Julia Webster 418 Noah Stebbins » Margaret Stebbins 2 Thomas Stebbins ^ Hannah Wright Samuel Stebbins & Mary ICnowiton 1 UOWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 926 )ins s Azariah Stebbins " Moriah Granger 41 6 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb I son of Luther Holcomb Stebbins and Julia Webster, was born August 16, 1846, at Winchester, Litchfield County, Connecticut; married November 23, 1881, at Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, to KATHARINE COLLINS BURNHAM, born November 26, 1853, at Thebodeaux, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, who was a daughter of Captain Edward Truman Burnham and Louisa Delphine Breaux. Occupation, manager The Singer Manufacturing Company. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Resided at Hartford, Waterbury and Bridgeport, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 5478. I. Lucy Delephine, born November 20, 1883. MILTON WEBSTER STEBBINS was financier of the Mohawk Council Hist, of No. 172, Home Circle, Waterbury, Connecticut, in 1895. iii. p.iico. 821 822 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3721. _ _ „ I 2403 944 425 GEORGE J. MORRISON ^ ■{ Electa Stebblns 8 Abyram Stehblns 7 Enos Stebblne s ( Thomas Morrison Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebblns 6 Samuel Stebblns* Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Margaret Bliss Ha'.nah Hitchcock Tiianna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah ) son of Electa Jane Stebbins and Thomas Morrison, was born September 22, 1832, at Groton, Tompkins County, New York; married January 16, 1856, at Groton, New York, to SARAH J. JOHNSON, born April 3, 1832, at Groton, New York, who was a daughter of Lewis Johnson and Margaret Skillings. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Five Corners, New York (1889). CHHrDREN: 5479. I. Ida Elizabeth Morrison, bom February 6, 1857 ; married August 20, 1879, Smith Murphy. 5480. n. Jennie Margaret Morrison, born December 15, 1858 ; married May 29, 1889, J. Adelbert Todd. 5481. III. Cordelia Rachel Morrison, born August 31, 1862 ; died November 25, 1881. 5482. rV". William Thomas Morrison, born October 29, 1864; married Au- gust 12, 1896, Mabel M. Putnam. GEORGE J. MORRISON, in 1857, bought a farm in Genoa, Cayuga Countj', New York, near Five Corners, where he still resided in 1889, on the same farm on which he commenced housekeeping thirty-two years previous. 3723. ( 2044 944 425 HARVEY STEBBINS ^ -J Solomon stebbins s Abyram Stebblns t Enos Stebblns o I Prlscilla Chapman Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns * Samuel Stebblns s Thomas Stebblns 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ; ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 / Sarah t son of Solomon Stebbins and Priscilla Chapman, was born April 13, 1827; died Jrareh 30, 1899, at "West Union, Steuben County, New York; married IMarch IS, 1848, at Spring Mills, Steuben County, New York, to CHARLOTTE COLVIN, born November, 1825; died May 14, 1883, at West Union, Steuben County, New York, who was a daughter of Philo Colvin and Darling. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Resided at West Union, Steuben County, New York. CHILDREN : 5483. I. Melvin Webster, born January 2, 1849; married Susan Kane. 5484. n. Frederick, born October, 1851 ; married Ellen Augusta Wiley. -|- 5485. HI. Ruth, born November 23, 1854; married Homer Hurlburt. .5486. IV. Philo, bom July 6, 1860 ; married Harriet Nye. No. 3721. GEORGE J. MORKISON. No, ;172.5. niRAM .STEBBINS ANIi WIFE. No. 049G. lliA SI. STEP.BINS. 823 No. 3731. WILI.IAM llEXRY HARRISON STEBBINS. (Sou of Abyi-am No. 502). NINTH GENERATION. 823 3725. HIEAM STEBBINS » j 2044 Salmon Stebblns 8 Prlscilla Chapman 41 Samuel Stebhins 4 Hannah Hitchcock 944 Abyram Stebblns T Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stebblns 3 Joanna Lamb 425 Enos Stebblns « Mary Stebblns 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 176 Jonathan Stebblns o Margaret Bliss 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ■ Sarah 1 son of Salmon Stebbins and Priscilla Chapman ; married to Eleanor M. • CHILDREN : 5487. I. Lucetta Alvina, born August 5, 1852 ; married Benjamin Green.-|- 5488. n. Cyrena J., born May 11, 1856; married Charles A. Green.+ 5489. III. Lydia, born January 5, 1862 ; married Paris C. Green.+ 3727. 2045 MARCUS MERRICK STEBBINS ^ ] Abyram stebbins 8 ( Anna Hasbrook 425 Enos Stebblns 8 Mary Stebbins 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 176 Jonathan Stebblns 6 Margaret Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah — 41 Samuel Stebbins * Hannah Hitchcock 944 Abyram Stebblns 7 Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stebblns 3 Joanna Lamb son of Abyram Stebbins and Anna Hasbrook, was born August 5, 1831, at Bar- ton, New York; married April 29, 1856, at Cayuga County, New York, to ELIZABETH A. JOHNSON, born April, 1829, at Peruville, Tompkins County, New York; died May 6, 1898, at Topeka, Kansas, who was a daughter of Lewis Johnson, of Dryden, New York, and Margaret Skillings. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Independent. Residence, Topeka, Kansas. CHILDREN: 5490. I. Lewis Abyram, born June, 1863; married September 14, 1885, Katherine Selden. 3728. 2045 < Abyram i I Anna Hasbrook 41 Samuel Stebblns * Hannah Hitchcock 944 Abyram Stebbins T Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb 425 Knos StohWns 6 Mary Stebbins 2 Thomas Stelibins 2 Hannah Wright 176 Jonathan Stebblns o Margaret Bliss ROWLAND STEBBINS i [■ Sarah ) son of Abyram Stebbins and Anna Hasbrook, was born April 23, 1832, at Chemung County, New York ; married November 7, 1860, to MINNIE MER- RILL, born April 23, 1839, at Candor, New York, who was a daughter of L. F. Merrill and ALmira . Residence, De Gray, Dakota. CHILDREN: 5491. I. "C. L.," born November 1, 1862; married Minnie Parkins.+ 824 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5492. II. Harry, born September 6, 1867 ; married Belle Smith. 5493. III. Fred, born October 6 (or 7), 1879. 5494. IV. Clara. ENOS STEBBINS moved with his father, to the town of Barton, Tioga County, New York, in 1835. He lived with his father on the farm until he was twenty-one years old. Prom that time he followed the occupation of canvassing agent, during the siunmers, and taught school winters, until the fall of 1860. He bought a farm, on which he lived until the fall of 1863 ; and then en- listed in the Eighth New York Artillery, and served during the war. He was honorably discharged, June 16, 1865. He lived at Barton until the spring of 1885, when he removed to Dakota and settled on the lands opened for settlement by President Arthur's procla- mation, known as the Winnebago and Crow Creek Reservation. He and his two oldest sons settled claims in the Big Bend,. March, 1885. A month later President Cleveland revoked Arthur's proclamation, giving them sixty days in which to remove themselves and their effects from the Reservation. Think- ing they had a right to the land, they stayed there until May, 1887, when they were moved by the United States troops, along with others who had located there. They then located on Chapelle Creek, where they are at pres- ent engaged in cattle raising. 3731. 1 2045 944 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON STEBBINS » ^ AUvram Stebbms s AUyram Stebblns 7 I Anna Hasbrook Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebblns e Jonathan Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebbins i Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 UOWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Hannah Wright Sarah I son of Abyram Stebbins and Anna Hasbrook, was born August 24, 1841, at Waverly, New York; married September 29, 1869, at Chemung, Chemung County, New York, to SARAH ELIZABETH LEE, born September 1 (or October 9, 1849), 1850, at Chemung, Chemung County, New York; died No- vember 21, 1887, at Waverly, New York, who was a daughter of Henry B. Lee and Millie Haynes. Occupation, ice merchant. Politics, Republican. Resi- dence, Waverly, New York. CHILDREN : 5495. I. La Cona, born November 18, 1870 ; married March 17, 1893, John Kallbuek. 5496. II. Ida M., born January 10, 1874. 5497. III. Lewis Lee, born April 1, 1882. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON STEBBINS served three years in the army, during the Civil War, in the Eighth Regiment New York Artillery, and in the United States Signal Corps. MR. STEBBINS followed the occupation of farming until 1878, since which time he has been in the ice business at Waverly, N. Y. 1 1 i j 1 [• ;1^HH P Cliilrtrcn of No. 3734, iMltS. S.UtAll STKBUINS FLECKENSTINE. Xo. .-,4!)-,. I-A CONA STEinsiNS KALLBUCK. Xo. r,r>]S. CHARLES AKTIiri! STEBBINS. Xn. .-..jiii;. ISAAC KINNEY STEBBIXS. 825 NINTH GENERATION. 825 3734. SARAH STEBBINS '■> J . f 5498. I. 5499. II. 5500. III. 5501. IV. 5502. V. 5503. VI. 5504. VII. 2045 944 425 ' Abyram Stehhlns s Abyram Stebbins T Enos Stebblns f- ' Anna Hashrook Margaret Stebbins Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonatlian Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toauna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah daughter of Abyram Stebbins and Anna Hasbrook, was born August 16, 1848, at Waverly, Tioga County, New York ; married September 20, 1871, at Waverly, Tioga County, New York, to JACOB FLECKENSTINE, born May 11, 1847, at Orangeville, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Nathan Flekenstine and Catherine Poke. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Protestant. Residence, near Waverly, New York. CHILDREN : Laura Fleckenstine, born July 27, 1872. Jennie Fleckenstine, born December 5, 1873 ; married Frank Wolf. Mary Fleckenstine, born March 5, 1876. Jessie Fleckenstine, born February 28, 1879. Nathan Fleckenstine, born February 23, 1882. Pearl Fleckenstine, born October 17, 1884. Joseph Fleckenstine, born February 17, 1888. 3736. ( 2046 944 BENTON PIXLEY STEBBINS » ] Isaac ICinney Stebbins 8 Abyram Stebbins 7 ( Roxana Fletcher Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebbins 6 .Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcoclc .ioanna Lamb 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Isaac Kinney Stebbins and Roxana Fletcher, was born August 23, 1825, at Lansing, New York, or Barton, Tioga County, New York; married Febru- ary 1, 1849, at Butler County, Pennsylvania, to SARAH ANN LANDIS, born April 27, 1830, at Butler County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Samuel Landis. He was married second February 25, 1872, to [No. 3748] AMELIA STEBBINS (his cousin), born November 1, 1841, who was a daughter of Champion Stebbins and Philenda Webster. Profession, photographer. Poli- tics, Prohibitionist. Resided in New York, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Missis- sippi, Maryland, Virginia and Kansas. CHILDREN : 5505. I. Alfred Benton, born September 2, 1850; married Helen M. Simpson. -(- 5506. II. Isaac Kinney, born March 20, 1852 ; married Florence Munger. 5507. HI. Enos Fletcher, born January 31, 1857. INSi t 5508. IV. 5509. V. 5510. VI. 5511. VII. 5512. VIII. 5513. IX. 826 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Samuel Landis, born August 18, 1859 ; died April 16, 1860. Luella M., born May 3, 1861 ; married 0. M. Baker. Fanny L., born February 12, 1864; married Thomas Argue. Hattie B., born February 26, 1866 ; married Earl Love. Eugene Lawrence, born August 21, 1875; dead. Charles Arthur, born October 31, 1881. For many years it had been known that the limestone rock underlying Page County, Virginia, was furrowed by crevices and in places worn into small caverns; but, previous to 1878, no one thought of finding a cavern ex- celling in beauty of design and ornamentation, all the other known caves in the world. In the summer of 1878, BENTON PIXLEY STEBBINS conceived the idea of a more complete exploration of one of the caves, with a view of making it an object of interest to tourists ; and he invited the co-operation of the brothers, William and Andrew Campbell. They found enough to reward their laborious efforts ; but, after many days their dreams of wondrous wealth vanished, when the law took the part of the poor farmer, who had almost given away his land, without knowing its underground value. During two years of litigation, the price of the land swelled to forty thousand dollars; and the three discoverers gave up their claims to a party of northern gentle- men, who had formed a company to buy up this underground wonder. ISAAC KINNEY STEBBINS served in the regular cavalry for five years in the seventies, fighting the Indians in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. 3738. ( 2046 944 WILLIAM FLETCHER STEBBINS » ] Isaac Kinney Stebbins 8 Abyram Stebblns 7 { Roxana Fletcher Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebblns 6 Jonathan Stebblns t> Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 8 Mary Stebblns Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Hannah Wright Sarah I son of Isaac Kinney Stebbins and Roxana Fletcher, was born March 10, 1834 ; died July 21, 1893, at Erie, Pennsylvania; married November 6, 1856, at Lu- thersburg (or Reynoldsville), Pennsylvania, to SARAH ANN LUTHER, born March 31, 1838, at Luthersfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Roswell Luther and Julia Best. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Elkhart, Indiana. CHILDREN: 5514. I. Mary Alice, born July 31, 1857 ; died July 20, 1872. 5515. II. Calvin Luther, born September 29, 1859 ; died December 13, 1862. 5516. III. Elmer Elsworth, born June 11, 1861 ; married Wavie White.4- 5517. IV. Minnie Minton, born June 1, 1868; married November 24, 1886, William V. Cadmus. X... :;7.;i;. r.EN'i'iix I'lxi.icY sTior.nixs. .\ll;s. SAKAII AN.X LANDIS STDllUIXS. Wife of No. 373G. Xo. :',T4,s. .\II!S. KIONTOX I'lNIJO'l S'I'IOl'.l'.IXS. s.T. 111(1 wii'i' of Xo. .■;7:;(;. N.I. S'lOT. KNUS FLETCHER STi;i!I!INS. X.I. .-i5on. MUS. LUELLA M. STEBBINS BAKER. No. o.jlO. .MRS. KANiNy r.. STEBBINS AUCUE. 827 No. .^..-.11. .MI!S. IIATTIE B. STEBBINS LOVE. NINTH GENERATION. 827 3739. ( 2046 944 425 T^TVTTLY MARY STEBBINS " -s Isaac Kinney Stebbins 8 Abyram Stebhins 7 Enos Stebblns 6 rilUJ^x lUAAi oiiji.i»xj.iw I Roxann Fletcher Margaret Webster Mary Stebblns 176 41 6 2 .Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins s Thomas Stebbins a Margaret Bliss Hannah HltchcocI: Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah I daughter of Isaac Kinney Stebbins and Roxana Fletcher, was born May 8, 1836, at New York ; married at Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, to HENRY AIMAN, born July 8, 1828, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Occu- pation, carpenter. Politics. Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Hutchinson, Kansas. CHILDREN: 5518. I. Ella Aiman; lives at St. Louis, Missouri. 5519. n. Charles A. Aiman, born June 27, 1859 ; married Annie Kreb3.4- 3741. 1 2046 944 CHARLES BREESE STEBBINS ^ < Isaac Kinney Stebblns s Abyram Stebblns 7 ( Koxana Fletcher Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 EnoB Stebblns 6 .Tonathan Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins s Mary Stebblns Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 I Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Hannah Wright Sarah i son of Isaac Kinney Stebbins and Roxana Fletcher, was born September 1, 1840, at Barton, New York ; married March 5, 1860, at New Orleans, Louisiana, to FANNY R. POOR, born about 1840, at Hyde Park, Lamoile County, Ver- mont, who was a daughter of George Poor and Rebecca Fletcher. Profession, surveyor. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Junction City, Kansas. CHILDREN: 5520. I. Emily Lucinda, born July 30, 1861 ; married John Heidy. 5521. II. Mary Louisa, born March 14, 1863; married George Tracy. 5522. III. Charles Manly, born April 7, 1866; married Anna Wehrer. 5523. IV. Chloe Alice, born December 23, 1868 ; unmarried. 5524. V. William Franklin, born May 2, 1873; married Maggie Cox. CHARLES BREESE STEBBINS removed with his father to Concordia Parish, Louisiana, in the fall of 1846. They remained there one year; then removed to Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. Here they lived until 1849, when they moved to Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, settling at Reynoldsville. About the year 1851, CHARLES BREESE STEBBINS went to live with a farmer by the name of Austin Harmon, in Andover, Ashtabula County, Ohio, remaining with him until 1856, when he left to teach school in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. He taught school winters, and went to school sum- mers, until the fall of 1859, when he went to Concordia Parish, Louisiana, and taught school there until 1863. 828 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. In the spring of 1863, he was conscripted into the Confederate army, but did not serve. Having obtained a furlough of thirty days, from the officer who conscripted him, on the 11th of April, 1863, he and his family began their journey as refugees seeking the Union lines. "We append his own story of their flight. "I took my wife and two children with me, going down the river in a skiff. We traveled by night and lay in the bushes during the day. We went to the mouth of Red river, and found three of Farragut's vessels there. I had expected that he would take us on board and care for us, as the Confederates would certainly have killed me, had they caught me. But Farragiit told me that it was against the rules of war to have women on war vessels, and he expected any day to be in a fight, so he would not take us on board, but did what was better for us. He told me of a man, living a few miles above Port Hudson, at whose home I would be safe until that place was taken, or until I could get past it into the Union lines. He gave us provisions and did all he could for our comfort, and, at night, set us adrift again — this time on the Mississippi river. We continued to travel by night and hide by day, until we reached the place to which we had been directed by Parragut. We found this man to be a friend of the Union cause, and a friend he proved to us. He kept us for several days, and then put us into the care of a party that he knew to be in the business of smuggling goods to the Union lines, and we were taken around back of Port Hudson, and entered the Union lines at Baton Rouge. Prom there the government sent us to New Orleans and around to New York; and we made our way to Reynoldsville, Pa., arriving there June 11, 1863, just two months from the time we started. Not finding my mother and brother there, I went to Titusville, in the oil region, where they had moved. ' ' In the fall of 1866, he moved to Carlton, Madison County, Mississippi, and lived there until the fall of 1873, when he moved to Junction City, Kansas. Here he served three terms as County Surveyor, and two terms as County Treasurer. In 1896, he ran for State Representative, on the Republican ticket, but was defeated by a very small majority. He has held the ofiBce of Councilman for several terms; and, at present (1899) is City Engineer. He is also a mem- ber of the school board. 3747. t 2047 944 425 JULIETTE STEBBINS '* < champion Stebbins 8 Ahyram Stebblns 7 Knos Stebbins « I Philenda Webster Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb Hannah Wriglit ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah ) daughter of Champion Stebbins and Philenda Webster, was born November 26, 1839, at Barton, Tioga County, New York; married November 9, 1866, at Wellsville, to ASA GREEN, born July 4, 1813, at Middlesex, Yates County, New York, who was a son of Benjamin Green and Lydia Gardner. Occupa- tion, farmer. Residence, Potter County, Pennsylvania (1894). No. 1)74 1. CIIAKLES BliKESIO STlOIiP.INS. MUS. FANNY U. I'OOU STRItBINS. Wife of No. 3T41. a b c d e f B No. 3741. CIIAItLKS r.IilORSR STKHniNS AND FAMILY. ii. Win. F., li. 1873. O- Cbas. M. I). Wary L. f- C'lias. Bi'eese SteUiins. c. Clildo Alico. li- Mrs. Chas. Breese Stelililus. <1. Eniil.v T,. «2n 5525. I. 5526. II. 5527. III. 5528. IV. 5529. V, 5530. VI, NINTH GENERATION. 829 CHILDREN: Franklin L. Green, born August 28, 1867. Edward Green, born July 20, 1869. Gorton Green, born December 10, 1873. Addison Green, born July 28, 1875. Ella Green, born July 28, 1875 ; married October 21, 1891. Robbison Green, born August 12. 1878. 3749. (Si [ I 2047 944 WILLARD WEBSTER STEBBINS ^ ] champion Stebbins s .\byram Stebbins 7 ( I'bilenda Webster Margaret Webster 425 ITU 41 6 Enos Stebbins n .Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 .Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Marsaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .loanna Lamb 2 1 Thomas Stebbins a ROWLAND STEBBINS Hannah Wright Sarah son of Champion Stebbins and Philenda "Webster, was born February 21, 1843, at Waverly, Tioga County, New York; married April 12, 1866, at Wellsville, Allegany County, New York, to MARY EMILIE VOORHEES, born January 23, 1841, at Wellsville, Allegany County, New York, who was a daughter of Robert Voorhees and Augusta Adelia Higgins. Residence, 119 East Broad- way, Newton, Kansas. CHILDREN : Nora Evelyn, born January 7, 1867 ; married Edwin J. Harvey. Myrtie May, born April 4, 1869 ; married William C. Wales. Lillie Belle, born May 2. 1871 ; married Earl R. Glines. Pearl De Forest, born January 5, 1874; married Dora Brining. Nettie Rosamond, born September 4, 1875 ; married Charles E. Schee. Lena Viola, born November 26, 1879. Rolla Burdette, born October 23, 1881. WILLARD W. STEBBINS enlisted, in 1862, in the 130th New York In- fantry. The regiment was afterwards transferred to the Cavalry service ; and he finished his term in the 1st New York Dragoons. He participated in many hard fought battles, on the hills, slopes, and plains of old Virginia. On July 27th, 1864, at Deep Bottom. Va., on the James river, he received a serious wound, the ball lodging in his chest, where it still remains. After his convalescence was over, he returned to his company; and was present on the field at the surrender of General Lee, April 5th, 1865. After returning home, he engaged in farming in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. In December, 1884, he settled in Kansas. From 1885 to 1895, he devoted his time to evangelistic work, as an ordained minister. Becoming worn and fatigued with his work, he gave it up for a time; but expects soon to accept some branch of religious work. 5531. I. 5532. II. 5533. III. 5534. IV. 5535. V. 5536. VI. 5537. VII. 830 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3758. 1 2049 944 42S liABGARET FIELD ^ < Eleanor Stebbins 8 Ahyram Stebblne 7 Bnos Stebbins « ( Noah Field Margaret Webster Mary StebblnB 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins ! Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wrlcht 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah ! daughter of Eleanor Stebbins and Noah Field, was born April 16, 1842, at Barton, Tioga County, New York; married December 19, 1868, at Barton, Tioga County, New York, to LEVI P. SMITH, born September 13, 1849, at Sheshequin, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Daniel Smith and "Wealthy Towner. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Waverly, New York. CHILDREN : 5538. I. Clinton L. Smith, born June 21, 1870 ; died March 15, 1876. 5539. II. Alice H. Smith, born February 19, 1873; married Lewis R. Clark. 5540. III. Elton W. Smith, born January 1, 1875; married Jennie Harding. 5541. IV. Imogene May Smith, born December 11, 1876 ; died June 21, 1878. 5542. V. Rena Elnora Smith, born August 22, 1878; married Lathom Sickler. 5543. VI. Elbert A. Smith, born June 5, 1880 ; unmarried. 5544. VII. Orley Clinton Smith, born March 80, 1883 ; unmarried. 3760. ( 2049 944 425 HENRY ELISHA FIELD ® Eleanor Stebbins 8 Abyram Stebbins 7 Bnos Stebbins « xuji.ij;t,x xjxj.LMux>. ^^^ Noah Field Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins s Thomas Stebbins t Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Sarah ) son of Eleanor Stebbins and Noah Field, was born March 31, 1847, at Barton, Tioga County, New York; married December 16, 1867, at Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, to LOUISA FANNIE BUNNELL, born January 24, 1842, at Ludlowville, Tompkins County, New York, who was a daughter of George Bunnell and Margaret Houtz. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Prohibitionist. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Ithaca, New York. CHILDREN: 5545. I. Cora Belle Field, born December 18, 1868 ; died March 28, 1880. 5546. II. Susan Maggie Field, born December 3, 1870; married Willis Benjamin. She died February 12, 1883. 5547. m. Horace Luther Field, born January 12, 1879. No. :i7G2. WILLIAM ATIGUSTUS FIELD. No. .■!700. onUAlIKL IIARKISON STKBBINS AND WIFE. .S.-il No. :i7T(). MANILY TUt'KKR BliOWN. SliSIE (IIARIilS) BUOWN. Wife of No. 3770. NINTH GENERATION. 831 3762. _ ( 2049 944 WILLIAM AUGUSTUS FIELD » < Eleanor Stebbins 8 Abyram Rtebhins T WXiiiiiJiiTi iiuwudiuu J. J.JJ.ui' I Noah Field Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Bnos Stebbins 6 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins J Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 \ Hannah Wright Sarah ' son of Eleanor Stebbins and Noah Field, was bom June 8, 1853, at Barton, Tioga County, New York; married January 11, 1881, at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, to MARY ARDALL SHAW, born February 23, 1855, at Lyons, Wayne County, lUinois, who was a daughter of Jacob Shaw and Abi Fralick. Resi- dence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 5548. I. Le Grand Jacob Field, born December 19, 1881. 5549. II. Minnie Myrtle Field, born February 23, 1884. 3766. ORRAMEL HARRISON STEBBINS ' jLe I Ph 425 Enos Stebbins e Mary Stebbins 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 176 .Jonathan Stebbins 5 Margaret Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 2050 ,emuel Stebbins s Phebe Maria Carpenter 41 Samuel Stebbins* Hannah Hitchcock 944 Abyram Stebbins t Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stebbins s Joanna Lamb son of Lemuel Stebbins and Phebe Maria Carpenter, was born January 7. 1840, at Bingham, Potter County, Pennsylvania; died October 9, 1894, at Barton, Tioga County, New York ; married October 28, 1868, at Beaver Dam, New York, to CELIA UPDIKE, born April 2, 1845, at Beaver Dam, New York, who was a daughter of Archibald Updike and Fanny H. Stevens. Occupa- tion, farmer. Politics, Prohibition. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Waver- ly, New York. CHILDREN : 5550. I. Willis Revillo, born August 28, 1873; married Ella Louisa Hulett.4- 3767. MARGARET JERUSHA STEBBINS » Lemuel stfbwns s Phebe Carpenter 425 176 41 Enos Stebbins 8 .Tonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins* Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah - 944 Abyram Stebbins t Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stebbins t Joanna Lamb daughter of Lemuel Stebbins and Maria Carpenter, was born December 10, 1846, at North Barton, New York ; died September 28, 1897 ; married Septem- ber 8, 18G9, to EUGENE N. REED, born July 17, 1847, at North Barton, New York, who was a son of Stephen Reed and Catherine Schoonover. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Resided at North Barton, New York. 832 t*" 5551. I. 5552. II. 5553. III. 5554. IV. STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : Perry Eugene Reed, born September 2, 1870. Burton Willett Reed, born December 9, 1871; married Mary D. Cooley. Lena Josephine Reed, born September 6, 1873. Jennie Dell Reed, born November 29, 1876; married James 6. Gary. She died since 1897. 5555. V. Edmund Watson Reed, born October 11, 1881. 3770. 2050 944 425 MANTLY TUCKER BROWN ^ Emily Stebbins 8 Abyram Stebbins 7 Enos Stebbins r, Chester Brown Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 .lonathan Stebbins Tj Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS ; Sarah ISi [■ son of Emily Stebbins and Chester Brown, was born September 29, 1844, at Barton, Tioga County, New York; married August 11, 1869, at Rush, Monroe County, New York, to SUSIE A. HARRIS, born July 6, 1846, at Mendon, Mon- roe County, New York, who was a daughter of Reynolds Harris and Fannie Moyer. Occupation, Manager Publishing House. Polities, Republican. Re- ligion, Congregationalist. Residence, Davenport, Iowa. CHILDREN: 5556. I. Jesse Harris Brown, born November 19, 1871. 3772. FANNY REED WOOSTER » \ Fannv I .lohn 1 "\ 20.52 945 425 ay Reed Stebbins 8 Brainard Stebbins ^ Enos Stebbins 6 1 Wooster Margaret Reed Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 .lonathan Stebbins .'. Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .loanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS Sarah daughter of Fanny Reed Stebbins and John Wooster, was born October 11, 1833, at Loudon, New Hampshire ; married May 11, 1851, at Granby, Essex County, Vermont, to GEORGE ASHLEY APPLETON, born November 23, 1823, at Granby, Essex County, Vermont, who was a son of Ashley Appleton and Nancy Metealf. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Victory, Vermont. CHILDREN : 5557. I. Flora Luella Appleton, born November 4, 1852 ; married January 22, 1874, David Colby Smith ; she died August 5, 1880. 5558. II. Fayette Gilman Appleton, born July 24, 1854; married Ella Louise Wirt.-f- No. 5550. JESSE HAIiRIS BliOWN. No. 3791. M1!S. LILI,A LOUISE STEI'.P.INS I'lRRCE. No. :)80i!. IMKS l'niI,i>Mi:i,A E. FliENC'H ABBOTT. 833 NINTH GENERATION. 833 5559. in. John Ashley Appleton, born February 15, 1856; died June 30, 1883, at Victory, Vermont. 5560. IV. Lilla Estelle Appleton, born November 9, 1858. 5561. V. George Stebbtns Appleton, born March 25, 1862; married Mary Fitzgerald. -}- GEORGE ASHLEY APPLETON was a farmer in moderate circumstances. Before establishing a home of his own, he had frequently taught country schools, and had traveled through a considerable portion of the state of Ver- mont in the interests of benevolent institutions and religious periodicals. 3773. i 2052 945 4*^5 ELLEN M. WOOSTER » ■ Fanny Reed Stebblns 8 Biainard Stebbins ^ Enos Stebblns 6 / John Wooster Margaret Eeed Maiy Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !■ Sarah ) daughter of Fanny Reed Stebbins and Rev. John Wooster, was born Septem- ber 5, 1836, at Plainfield, Washington County, Vermont; married November 19, 1857, at Granby, Essex County, Vermont, to WILLIAM W. THOMPSON, born February 18, 1833, at Sutton, Caledonia County, Vermont; died Febru- ary 28, 1887, at West Burke, Vermont. Residence, West Burke, Vermont. CHILDREN : 5562. I. Frank W. Thompson, born May 19, 1860; married Helen M. Smith. 5563. II. Mary EUey Thompson, born April 17, 1866 ; died July 8, 1868. 5564. HI. Helen May Thompson, born January 23, 1870. 3774. QUINCY A. WOOSTER ^ \ Fanny Reed's'tebblns 8 Bralnard Stebbins 7 Enos Stebbins 6 I John Wooster Margaret Reed Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins 6 .Samuel .Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah ( son of Fanny Stebbins and John Wooster, was born September 14, 1839, at Walden, Caledonia Coimty, Vermont; married October 5, 1862, to CATHER- INE M. MONROE, born July 1, 1839, at Bradford, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of James LI. Monroe and Roxie Willis. CHILDREN: 5565. I. Alfred Quincy Wooster, born June 14, 1863 ; married Lucy Cox. 5566. II. Fremont M. Wooster, born May 26, 1866; married Ida Stein- man. 5567. III. Nellie M. Wooster, born October 7, 1867; married Charles H. Wheeler. 53 834 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5568. IV. Levi P. Wooster, born June 3, 1869 ; married Nora Boyd. 5569. V. George C. Wooster, born March 9, 1871; married Mamie Iddings. 5570. VI. Ida J. Wooster, born August 31, 1872; married William A. Shuekengaust. 5571. VII. Fanny R. Wooster, born April 2, 1874 ; married Steve Steinman. 5572. VIII. John L. Wooster, born February 6, 1876 ; married Jessie Brown. 5573. IX. Dora E. Wooster, born April 14, 1873 ; married George E. Rich- mond. 5574. X. Martin E. Wooster, born February 11, 1884; died October 8, 1894. 5575. XI. Ellen M. Wooster, born May 1, 1889 ; died July 24, 1889. 3776. DELIA WIGHT » ] f I Si ( 20.57 948 425 I PhoebeLavlDia Stebbinss Bliss Stebblng 7 Knos Stebbins s Simeon Wight Betsey R. Cossitt Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 J Jonathan Stei)blnB B Samuel Steliblns 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Phoebe Lavinia Stebbins and Simeon Wight, was born June 21, 1827, at Williamstown, Vermont ; died February 27, 1892, at Paris, Tennessee ; married March 19, 1856, at Franklinton, North Carolina, to WILLIAM BOR- DEN JONES, of Johnston County, Georgia. CHILDREN: 5576. I. Lavinia Prances Jones, born January 1, 1857; married first James Shelton ; married second, Thomas B. Walker. 5577. II. Wight Borden Jones, born December 21, 1859 ; died June 24, 1860. 3785. 2059 948 ' Cortland Stebbins 8 Bliss Stebbins 7 ARTHUR CORTLAND STEBBINS f Eliza Smith Betsey R. Oossitt 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebbins 6 .Jonathan Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins « Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 J Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Cortland Bliss Stebbins and Eliza M. Smith, was born July 16, 1860, at Lansing, Ingham County, Michifran ; married 1886, to RENA HENRIETTA STOWELL, born January 19, 1865, at Rollin, Lenawee County, Michigan; died June 16, 1890, at Lansing, Michigan, who was a daughter of James H. Stowell and Sarah V. Wood. He married second September 22, 1892, to ANNA BURGOYNE, born May 13, 1867, at Woodhnll, Shiawassee County, Michigan, daughter of John Burgoyne and Antoinette Foote. Occupation, manufacturer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Lansing, Michigan. '4 KKSIDEXCE OF Nil. :i7NS, FKANCIS (!. STEBRIXS, ADRIAN, MICH. No. 3788. FHANCIS G. STEBBINS. 835 MI!S. MARY LAVINIA STEBBINS COLVIX. NINTH GENERATION. 835 CHILDREN, born at Lansing, Michigan: 5578. I. StoweU Cortland, born July 29, 1886. 5579. II. Cortland Bliss, born April 23, 1888. 5580. III. Francis Burgoyne, born November 9, 1895. ARTHUR CORTLAND STEBBINS was educated in the Lansing public schools; was two years in the Michigan Agricultural College, and two years in the State University of Michigan. In 1882 he accepted the office of clerk for the Lansing Wheelbarrow Com- pany, organized in 1881, in which his father had a considerable interest. In a short time he was the first clerk to the superintendent, and two years later, was made superintendent, secretary and treasurer. The first two years he doubled the business, and, at this time (1899), the sales amount to about two hundred thousand dollars per year, while the company gives employment to about two hundred men. ANNA BURGOYNE, his second wife, is a graduate of Hillsdale College, and was a teacher in the Lansing schools. She has a large acquaintance, and is highly esteemed by all. 3788. 1 2061 Q4R FRANCIS GILBERT STEBBINS » \ Francois R Stebbins s Bliss Stebblns 7 I Mary E. Myer Retsey R. Cossitt 425 176 41 6 Enos Steblilns « .Tonathan Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Uitchcock .Toanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Hannah Wright Sarah ■ — — I son of Francois Rene Stebbins and Mary E. Myer, was born April 23, 1842, at Adrian, Michigan ; married March 17, 1868, to DEBORAH JANE HALL, born May 5, 1845, at Epsom, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of John C. Hall and Martha Rand. CHILDREN : 5581. I. Robert Loveland [adopted]. 3789. MARY LAVINA STEBBINS » \ ; 2061 948 425 Francois R. Stebbins 8 Bliss Stebblns ^ Enos Stebblns e ' Mary E. Myer Betsey R. Cossitt Mary Stebblns 176 41 6 2 .Tonathan Stebblns B Samnel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Francois Rene Stebbins and Mary E. Myer, was born October 31, 1843, at Adrian, Michigan ; married June 10, 1868, to MAJOR HERVET A. COLVIN, born at Hudson, Michigan; died March 31, 1885, at Adrian. Michigan, who was a son of Isaac Colvin. 2061 948 423 Francois R. Stebbins » Bliss Stebbins 7 Enos Stebblns 6 Sarati L. Briggs Betsey R. Cossitt Mary Stebbins 836 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 5582. I. William Beals Colvin, born September 13, 1877; banker, Adrian, Michigan. Since June, 1898, as clerk to Major S. Howell, additional paymaster U. S. Volunteers, Headquarters, At- lanta, Georgia. 5583. II. Hervey Colvin, born March 22, 1885, attended Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. 3791. LILLA LOUISE STEBBINS » \ f 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins i Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins i Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah l daughter of Francois R. Stebbins and Sarah Louisa Briggs, was born Novem- ber 1, 1854, at Adrian, Michigan; died September 27, 1890, at Hingham Cen- ter, Massachusetts; buried at Adrian, Michigan; married June 23, 1881, to EDWIN J. PIERCE, born at Walpole, New Hampshire. Resided at Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN: 5584. I. Thomas Stebbins Pierce, born March 11, 1882; lives at Chicago; employee of the Western Electric Company. 5585. II. Anita Louise Pierce, born June 4, 1883. 5586. III. Francis Edwin Pierce, born November 5, 1885. LHjLA LOUISE STEBBINS PIERCE was a graduate of Adrian High School, class of 1873. 3792 FREDERICK BRIGGS STEBBINS » \ Fra I Sar: 2061 948 nrois U. Stebbins 8 Bliss Stebbins 7 Sarah L. Briggs Bet.sey R. Cossitt 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebbins 6 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hltchcoclc Joanpa Lamb 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Francois Rene Stebbins and Sarah Louisa Briggs, was born October 6, 1856, at Adrian, Michigan ; married October 31, 1895, at Adrian, Michigan, to MYRA ELOISE BLISS, born May 27, 1859, at Adrian, Lenawee County, Michigan; died January 15, 1902, at Adrian, Michigan, who was a daughter of Almond L. Bliss and Almira A. Goff. Residence, Adrian, Michigan. FREDERICK BRIGGS STEBBINS attended private and public schools in Adrian until eighteen years of age, when he entered his father's furniture and carpet store in Adrian, and acted as salesman therein until his father's death in 1892. The three brothers, Francis G., FREDERICK BRIGGS, and Edwin J., con- MltS. MYHA ELOISE BUSS STKKBINS. Wife of No. 3792. No. 3792. PREDEHICK BRIGGS STEBBINS. No. 3830. LUCIEN STEBBINS. 837 NINTH GENERATION. 837 tinued the furniture and crockery business until 1S9S, when the partnership was dissolved, the oldest brother. Francis G., carrying on the business, which had been established in Lenawee county for over half a century. FREDERICK BRIGGS STEBBINS entered the abstract office of his father- in-law, Almond L. Bliss, at Adrian, where he is at present engaged as manager of Real Estate and Insurance. When in his teens he traveled extensively with his father. He acquired from his father a taste for collecting various curios and at present has inter- esting collections of antique arms, coins, stamps, china, etc. During the last fifteen years he has devoted considerable of his leisure time to gathering historical and genealogical items on the Stebhins, Briggs and Cossitt families. His material pertaining to the Stebbius family was very graciously placed at the disposal of the compiler of the present work, and he has done all in his power to add to the completeness of the same. MYRA ELOISE BLISS STEBBINS was graduated from the Adrian high school with the class of 1S77, and later received a diploma from the music school of the college. She was active in social, church and charitable work : and. in her quiet, characteristic way, completed a career that had been one continuous round of benefactions in the interest of others. She was a director of the Adrian Woman's Club, a member of the ^londay ^lusic Club, and only a week previous to her death Mas unanimously chosen president of the Home "Workers' Society of the Presbji:erian church, of which she was a valued member. 3801. LT«.rT ( 2068 ^CH 8 < Sarah Stebhins 1 Cyrus French 950 425 s Enos Stebhins r Enos Stebhins c dndace Crocker Marv Stebhins 41 Samuel Stebhins -i Hannah Hitchcock 6 Sjimuel Stebhins s .Toanna Lamb 2 Thomas Stebttins 2 Hannah Wright 176 ■Tonathan Stebhins 5 Margaret Bliss ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ) daughter of Sarah Jones Stebhins and Cyrus E. French, was born January 7, 1839, at Sharon Centre. ]\ledina County. Ohio: married January S. 1865, at Sharon Center, Ohio, to ALANSON HEWES ; born :\ray 7, 1837, at Medina, Ohio; died September 6, 1875, at ^lontville. Ohio, who was a son of John Hewes and Lucy Thayer. Occupation, farmer. Politics. Prohibition. Relig- ion, Congregationalist. Residence, Medina, Ohio. CHILDREN : 5587. I. Lillian Candaee Hewes, born March 29, 1866: married Frederic jMabry. 5588. n. Marion Eliza Hewes. born August 27, 1867 : died October 19. 1886. 5589. in. Sarah Adelaide Hewes, born May 26, 1869; married Walter Busher ; lives at Akron, Ohio. 5590. lY. Ora Kirke Hewes, born ^^larch 22. 1872: unmarried; lives at Me- dina, Ohio. 838 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5591. V. Asa Bird Hewes, born December 27, 1873 ; unmarried. 5592. VI. John Cyrus Hewes, born December 14, 1875 ; unmarried. 3802. PHILOMELA ELIZA FRENCH » Sarah StebUlns 8 Enos Stebblns 7 Enos Stebblns 6 ' Cyrus French Candace Crocker Mary Stebblns 176 41 6 2 .lonathan Stebblns 6 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah I daughter of Sarah Jones Stebbins and Cyrus E. French, was born May 13, 1841, at Sharon, Medina County, Ohio; married April 3, 1873, at Sharon, Me- dina County, Ohio, to EDWIN KIRPCE ABBOTT, born December 27, 1840, at Hatley, Canada, who was a son of Abiel Boynton Abbott and Sabrie Young. Residence, Salinas, California. CHILDREN : Dana Leale Abbott, born February 12, 1874. Mary Edith Abbott, born August 13, 1875 ; died August 10, 1877. Elsie Ruth Abbott, born October 14, 1879. Frederick Abiel Abbott, born April 7, 1882. Bertha Philomela Abbott, born August 17, 1884. 3804. •ra. . .wtT, . ■nr-.^-r ■, . r,.T,-^-,^-,^-,-^Tr, „ 2070 953 425 KATE AMELIA STEBBINS ^ Edward stebbins 8 Seth Stebbins 7 Enos Stebblns 6 Harriet Goddard Jemima Hutchinson Mary Stebblns 176 41 6 2 .Tonathan Stebblns 6 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns ; Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ) daughter of Dr. Edward Sawyer Stebbins and Harriet Goddard; was born November 4, 1846 ; married January 29, 1868, to LEWIS E. WING; born July, 1841 ; died May 28, 1877. CHILDREN : 5598. I. Harriet Shirley Wing, born October 17, 1870. 3805. MARY FLORENCE STEBBINS » \ e, 5593. I. 5594. II. 5595. III. 5596. IV. 5597. V. 2070 953 Edward Stebbins 8 Seth Stebblns 7 larriet Goddard Jemima Hutchinson 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebblns 6 Jonathan Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns s Mary Stebblns Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Hannah Wright Sarah • I slaughter of Edward Sawyer Stebbins and Harriet Goddard, was born Decem- ber 29, 1848, at Worcester, Massachusetts ; married November 7. 1872, at Niles, NINTH GENERATION. 839 Berrien County, Michigan, to HA^MILTON SHELDON MeMASTERS, bom December 30, 1842, at Dansville, Livingston County, New York, who was a son of Robert McMasters and Lucy Louise Hamilton. Residence, Dowagiac, Michigan. CHILDREN: 5599. I. Gertrude Louise McMasters, boru August 17, 1873; married Wil- liam Edward Sweet. 5600. II. Edward Sheldon McMasters, born April 12, 1875. 5601. in. Robert Parker McMasters, bom September 1, 1876. 3809. i 2071 953 CHARLES K. STEBBINS a ] George Hutchinson Stebbins 8 Seth Stebbins 7 ( Caroline A. Knowlton .Jemima Hutchinson 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebbins 6 .lonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Uitcheock Joanna Lamb 2 1 i Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of George Hutchinson Stebbins and Caroline A. Knowlton, was born Sep- tember 13, 1849, probably at Worcester, Massachusetts; married to EMMA DELIA CHASE. He married second, . Occupation, building contractor. CHILDREN: 5602. I. Florence L., born 1879. 5603. II. George, bom 1881 ; died 1882. 5604. III. Helen Chase, born 1885. 5605. IV. Dorothy, born 1895. 3810. ANNA A. STEBBINS *•] George Hutchinson stebbins s Seth Stebbins T Enos Stebbins « I Caroline A. Knowlton Jemima Hutchinson Mary Stebbins 176 41 6 2 Jonathan Stebbins s Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ( daughter of George Hutchinson Stebbins and Caroline A. Knowlton, was bom July 20, 1854 ; married to LOUIS W. RICE, born April 2, 1856, at Hopkinton, Massachusetts, who was a son of Dexter Rice and Mary Ann Adams. Occupa- tion, building contractor. CHILDREN: 5606. I. Edward D. Rice, born 1880. 5607. II. Nettie M. Rice, bora 1882. 5608. III. Blanche M. Rice, born 1886. 840 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3839. _„„„_ _ „_,-,_T,_„~ i 2101 980 440 EUFUS L. STEBBINS* ^ Willlam Stebblns s Gilbert Stebbins 7 Eldad Stebbins 8 ( Nancy Murdock Betsey Wood Ann Badger 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins > Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ( son of William "W. Stebbins and Nancy Murdock, was born July 11, 1827; married March 1, 1849, to S. M. WOODWARD. CHILDREN : 5609. I. Horace L., born May 28, 1850 ; married February 23, 1871, Ella C. Ackley. 3844. ■• . ■,r^r, „m'r,-^-,^-r^Tr, ^^.t« „ ( 2102 984 440 JAMES STEBBINS KING ^ ] Emellne Fitch Stebbins o IDldad Stebbins 7 Eldad Stebbins 6 ( Alexander C. King Lydia Pitch Ann Badger 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins s Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins •: Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ] son of Bmeline Fitch Stebbins and Alexander Carlton King, was born May 9, 1836, at Terre Haute, Indiana; married December 31, 1860, at Lemont, Cook County, Illinois, to MARY ELIZABETH CARTER, born October 12, 1842, at St. Catherines, Canada, who Avas a daughter of John Carter and Margaret Telyea. Profession, physician and surgeon. Politics, Prohibition. Religion, Episcopal. Residence, Decatur, Illinois. CHILDREN: 5610. I. Cora B. King, born May 30, 1862 ; married Frank P. Roach. 5611. II. Le Roy Carlton King, born August 2, 1867. JAMES STEBBINS KING received his education in the common schools and select schools, and taught school for two years. In 1857 he commenced the study of medicine under Drs. Noble and Coleman, at LeRoy, Illinois. He continued his studies at Rush Medical College during the winter of 1858-9, and the following summer practiced with his preceptors. During the winter of 1859-60 he attended the Medical College of Ohio, from which institution he graduated March 1, 1860, and was appointed Resident Physician of St. Johns Hotel for Invalids. He practiced his profession at Lemont, Illinois, until August, 1863, when he entered the service of the United States as Assistant Surgeon in the army. He remained in service until the fall of 1865, in the various positions of Surgeon in charge of the 35th Iowa Infantry and of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, Post Surgeon at Vieksburg, Miss., Surgeon in charge of Officers General Hospital at Natchez, Miss., and Military Health officer of the city of Natchez. He left the service and entered upon the prac- tice of his profession at Natchez, Mississippi, where he remained for ten NINTH GENERATION. 841 years. In 1874 lie removed to Decatur. Illinois, where he has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine ever since, except that on July 12, 1898, he again entered the service of his country as Assistant Surgeon. He was Surgeon in charge of the second Division's Hospital of the Fifth army corps at Santiago, Cuba, and of the Fifth U. S. Volunteer Infantry at the same place, until November, 1898, when he was transferred to HuntsviUe, Alabama, and was Surgeon in charge of the Third battalion of the First U. S. Infantry, with which he went to Pinar del Rio, Cuba, on the 1st of January, 1899, re- maining there until the 15th of June, 1899. During the last four months of this time he was in charge of the Seventh U. S. Cavalry at that place. He v/as then transferred to Ft. Hamilton, New York, where he remained until October 31, 1899, part of the time being Surgeon in charge. After leaving the service he resumed the practice of Medicine at Decatur. He is a member of the different Masonic bodies, including Knight Templars; and is also a member of the various Medical societies. 3850. .__^, 1 2104 085 440 LUCIEN STEBBINS ^ ] Luther Stebbins s r.nther St'ebbins 7 Eldad Stebbins r. / Sophia Shaw Lucina Stebbins Ann Hadger 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Flaanah nitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS i !• Sarah ) son of Luther Lester Stebbins and Sophia Shaw, was born February 1, 1833 (T. R.), at South "Wilbraham [now Hampden], Massachusetts; married Octo- ber 19, 1859, at Clarksville, Missouri, to ELIZABETH P. WALSH, born May 7, 1838, at Providence, Rhode Island; died at Providence, Rhode Island, who was a daughter of Thomas Walsh and Mary R. Perry. Occupation, farmer. Residence, North Platte, Nebraska. CHILDREN: 5612. I. Etta S., born September 28, 1861 ; married John N. Bonner. 5613. II. Rufus P.. born March 9, 1S67. 5614. III. Thomas L., born March 3, 1871. 5615. IV. Gilbert Ross, born November 18, 1878. LUCIEN STEBBINS received his education in the common schools of New England. In the year 1S50 his father emigrated from Massachusetts toward the setting sun, and located at Pittsfield, Pike Coimty, Illinois. MR. STEB- BINS worked on his father 's f ai-m until he was twenty-five years of age. Soon after his marriage he went west, spending some time in Colorado, California, and other western territories, and finally settled on a homestead at North Platte, Nebraska, in 1873. He was a volunteer in the 8th regiment California Infantry during the civil war. He has always been a great mover in progres- sive politics; and is a firm believer in the principles of true populism, being known in western Nebraska, as the "Father of Populism." In 1896 he was elected to the state legislature on the Populist ticket. He is ever striving to present to the people, the fact that fusion is a device of the Democratic party, 842 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. which they are using to destroy the independent organization of the People's party. His writings on this subject are well known throughout the Central and Western states, having been published extensively in papers from Denver to Philadelphia. CYRUS STEBBINS » \ i-ut I Sop: ( 3851. 2104 985 440 uther Steliblns 8 Luther Steblilns T Eldad Stehblns Sarah Bliss Hannah Ilitcheocli Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Luther Lester Stebbins and Sophia Shaw, was born November 11, 1835, at South Wilbraham [now Hampden], Hampden County, Massachusetts; mar- ried September 30, 1858, at Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, to MARY ELIZA- BETH McFADDIN, born February 24, 1840, at Pyrmont, Montgomery County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Isaac S. MeFaddin and Maria Anderson. Politics, mixed. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, 40 Block St., Pueblo, Colorado. CHILDREN: 5616. I. Emma Lola, born December 11, 1862; married Charles A. Wyman. 5017. II. Isaac Lester, born January 1, 1865; married Eva Egnan. 5618. III. Cyrus Lee, born July 29, 1872. 3860. EDWARD E. STEBBINS » ] no I Ell 210S 9S6 440 ISodericlt Stehblns « Calvin Stebbins 7 Eldad Stebbins e Elizabeth Gale Amelia Adams Ann Badger 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebblns * Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hltehcocls Joanna Lamb Elizabeth Wright 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah ( son of Roderick Stebbins and Elizabeth Gale, was born December 14, 1837, at Boston, Massachusetts ; married October 20, 1860, at Elgin, Illinois, to MARIA LOUISA CROSBY, born November 7, 1842, at Keeseville, New York, who was a daughter of Thomas Crosby and Anna Maria Works. Residence, Sandwich, Illinois (1875). CHILDREN: 5619. I. Anne E., born May 23, 1862, at Sandwich, Illinois. 5620. II. George H., born September 23, 1865, at Sublette, Illinois. 5621. III. Frank E., born October 13, 1868, at Sandwich, Illinois. 3864. MARY LOUISE STEBBINS « \ 2110 9S6 440 Horatio Stebbins 8 Calvin Stebbins 7 Eldad Stebblns « Mary Ann Klsher Amelia Adams Ann Badger 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stehblns o Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah (laughter of Rev. Horatio Stebbins and Mary Ann Fisher, was bom June 10, \ NINTH GENERATION. 843 1854, at Fitehbnrg, Massachusetts ; died February 4, 1875 ; married EDWAED S. SCHROEDER. CHILDREN : 5622. I. Edward Roderick Schroeder, born December 25, 1872. 3870. HENRY N. STEBBINS, of Three Rivers, Massachusetts » \ nwight sFebbinB s ( Sopbia Ball 087 440 177 41 Alpheus StebbinsT Bldad Stebblns 6 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Mary Holt Ann Badger Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 J Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V .Toanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Dwight M. Stebbins and Sophia Ball, was born April 21, 1850 ; married March 28, 1871, to SOPHIA BELL ATWOOD, born September 5, 1850, who was a daughter of Samuel Atwood and Sarah Ann Bartholomew. Residence, Palmer, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5623. I. Edith L., bom June 14, 1874. 5624. II. Aletha B.. born September 2, 1880. 3874. LUCINA E. STEBBmS » \ Merzi, I .lulla 1 2125 989 441 Merzias Stebbins 8 Pblneas Stebbins ^ Phineas Stebbins e I Lyman Pbebe Dunham Ann Chaffee 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins t Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Steliblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .loanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Y Sarah ) daughter of Merzias Stebbins and Julia Lyman, was born August 11, 1818, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; married to EDWIN MILLER. CHILDREN: 5625. I. Isabelle Miller. JULIA ANN STEBBINS » \ 3875. 2125 989 441 Merzias Stebbins s Phlneaa Stebbins ^ Phineas Stebbins 6 ' .lulia Lyman Phebe Dunham Ann Chaffee 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .loanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 (• Sarah I daughter of Merzias Stebbins and Julia Lyman, was born October 8, 1820, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; married to THOMAS SHEPAED. CHILDREN : 5626. I. Thomas Shepard. 5627. II. Charles Shepard. 5628. III. Lida Shepard. 844 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3877. i 21'*5 989 441 WALTEK STEBBINS ° \ Merzlas Stebtins s Phineas StebbiDS 7 Phineas Stebbius o / Julia Lyman Phebe Dunham Ann Chaffee 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebblns * Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .loanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Sarah ) son of Merzias Stebbins and Julia Lyman, was born April 2, 1826, at Wilbra- ham, Massachusetts ; married to HANNAH WEBB. CHHjDREN : 5629. I. Fred. 5630. II. James. 5631. III. Julia. 5632. IV. Florence, 5633. V. Charles. 5634. VI. Herbert. 3879. ^n.-r^^-.^ ^.^....^^..^.^r.. I 2125 989 441 DAVID STEBBINS ^ < Merzias Stebbins 8 Phineas Stebbins 7 Phineas Stebbins Sarah Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2130 Claris Brown Stebbins s Margaret Tobey 41 Samuel Stebbins * Hannah HltchcoclJ 991 Walter Stebbins 7 Azubah Carpenter 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 .Joanna Lamb daughter of Clark Brown Stebbins and Margaret Tobey, was born May 18, 1840, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts; married October 31, 1865, at Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, to DANIEL F. REED, born August 2, 1839, at Akron, Ohio, who was a son of Samuel Reed and Marion Aikin. Residence, Evanston, Illinois. 3912. DE LA MONT STEBBINS » De Launey stebbins s Florinda Hubbard 177 41 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcocli 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah ) 441 Phineas Stebbins e Ann Chaffee 2 Thomas Stebbins - Hannah Wright 994 Harvey Stebbins 7 .\xseph Pease 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb son of De Launey Stebbins and Florinda Hubbard, was born February 2, 1838 ; married to ELIZABETH ABBOTT, born September 26, 1839, who was a daughter of Leonard Abbott. CHILDREN : 5671. I. Frank, born December 27, 1866. 5672. II. Fred, born June 8, 1873. 54 850 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3913. I 21 ^S 994 DE LA FOUNT STEBBINS » -^ Oe Launey Stebblns s Harvey Stebbins T / Florinda Hubbard Axseph Pease 441 177 41 6 Phlneas Stebblns 6 Stephen Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins s Ann Chaffee Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 ) Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Hannah Wright Sarah i son of De Launey Stebbins and Florinda Hubbard, was bom October 28, 1844 ; married to EMMA RISLEY. CHILDREN : 5673. I. Lizzie, born June 5, 1869. 3916. ( 2140 944 441 GEORGE P. STEBBINS » ] Lavolry p. SteWUns s Harvey Stebbins 7 Phineas Stebbins e ( Caroline Glazier Axseph Pease Ann Chaffee 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebblns 5 Samuel Steliblns * Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcoclt .Tnanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 (■ Sarah ) son of Lavoiry P. Stebbins and Caroline Glazier, was born July 25, 1847, at New York; died June 7, 1890, at Lawrence, Van Buren County, Michigan; married July 4, 1867, at Niles, Berrien County, Michigan, to SUSAN L. SAL- NAVE, born December 28, 1847, at New York. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Resided at Lawrence, Van Buren County, Michigan. CHILDREN : 5674. I. Minnie M., born May 1, 1869. 5675. IL Gertie A., born February 4, 1871; married Hubert L. 'Dell. 5676. III. Orlo B. L., born February 9, 1873. 5677. IV. Nellie C, born September 4, 1876 ; married Frank Greenman. 3917. ( 2140 fl94 441 CHARLES A. STEBBINS ^ < Lavoiry P. Stebbins 8 Harvey Stebbins 7 Phineas Stebblns 6 ( Caroline Glazier Axseph Pease Ann Chaffee 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 8 Thomas Stebblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ( son of Lavoiry P. Stebbins and Caroline Glazier, was born July 21, 1849, at Madison, Madison County, New York ; married September 25, 1873, to BETSY JANE HOXIE ; born August 12, 1851, at Adrian, Lenawee County, Michigan, who was a daughter of Alexander Hoxie and Jane Vanalstine. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Residence, Lawrence, Michigan. 5678. 5679. I. n. NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN : Grace Isola, born June 11, 1877 ; died March, 1878. Leon A., born February 2, 1879. 851 3918. LILLIE C. STEBBINS •), 2140 944 Lavoiry Stebhins 8 Harvey Stebbins ; Caroline Glazier Axseph Pease 41 6 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 nannali Hltchcocl: Joanna Lamb 441 Phlneas Stebbins o Ann Chaffee 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 177 Stephen Stebbins 5 Sarah Bliss 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 "- Sarah I daughter of Lavoiry P. Stebbins and Caroline Glazier, was bom September 6, 1859, at Lawrence, Van Buren County, Michigan; married October 31, 1877. at Lawrence, Van Buren County, Michigan, to CASSIUS M. BURLINGAME, born May 5, 1856, at Bangor, Van Buren County, Michigan, who was a son of William Burlingame and Mtdinda Smiley. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Lacota, Michigan. CHILDREN : Paul Burlingame, born May 10, 1879. Don Burlingame, born May 27, 1880. Ben Burlingame, born December 24, 1884. Edith Burlingame, born April 19, 1890. Barbara Burlingame, born September 9, 1891. Margery Burlingame, born April 13, 1894. George Adelbert Burlingame, born March 23, 1897. 5680. I. 5681. II. 5682. III. 5683. r^. 5684. V. 5685. VI. 5686. VII. 3929. MARY JANE STEBBINS 442 Zadock Stebbins e Elizabeth Pease 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright I 2149 s lUchard Salter Storrs Stebbins s I Sally Smith 177 Stephen Stebbins 5 Sarah Bliss 1 ; ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 - Sarah \ 41 Samuel Stebhins 4 Hannah Hitchcock 997 Augustus Stebbins 7 Martha (Patty) Bliss 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb daughter of Richard Salter Storrs Stebbins and Sally Smith, was born October 10, 1832, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married May 9, 1854, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to JOSEPH CLARK HANCOCK, born June 5, 1832, at South Wilbraham [now Hampden], Hampden County, Massa- chusetts, who was a son of John Hancock and Selina Cooley. Occupation, superintendent water works. Polities, Republican. Religion, Congregation- alist. Residence, Springfield. Massachusetts. CHHjDREN: 5687. I. Elvie Josephine Hancock, born May 8, 1855 ; married Charles A. Jones.-(- 5688. n. Abbe Jane Hancock, born November 13, 1858 ; died April 24, 1872. vISl (■ 852 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5689. III. Arthur Clark Hancock, bom December 23, 1862; died October 29, 1881. 5690. IV. Harriet Marion Hancock, born August 8, 1866; married Charles M. Slocum.+ 5691. V. Frederick Otis Hancock, born May 27, 1870 ( ?) ; married Nettie E. Bangs.+ 5692. VI. Charles Joseph Hancock, born September 10, 1875'; married Al- berta M. Townsend.+ 3930. ( 2149 997 442 OTIS STEBBINS * \ Richard Salter Ston-s Stebbins 8 Augustus Stebblns 7 Zadock Stebblns c / Sally Smith Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcocic Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 3 Sarah son of Richard Salter Storrs Stebbins and Sally Smith, was born July 26, 1835, at Jenksville, Hampden County, Massachusetts; died February 6, 1899, at Worcester, "Worcester County, Massachusetts; married November 16, 1863, at "Worcester, "Worcester County, Massachusetts, to HARRIET MARIA SMITH, born February 19, 1844, at East Douglas, "Worcester County, Massa- chusetts, who was a daughter of Morton Moore Smith and Mary Knowles. Occupation, foreman of Iron Foundry. Politics, Republican. Religion, Uni- versalist. CHILDREN: 5693. I. Florence Maria, born September 18, 1864; married George Law- rence. Otis Lincohi, born May 2, 1867. George "Washington, born February 22, 1870. Harry Morton, born November 22, 1874. 5697. V. Arthur Henry, born August 2, 1879. GEORGE "W. STEBBINS served as Quartermaster Sergeant of Company C, Second Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, during the Spanish-Ameri- can war; and was at the battle of San Juan and the siege of Santiago. HARRY M. STEBBINS Avas a private in the signal corps of General Lee, Fifth Corps of the Army of Occupation ; and was in Cuba erecting telegraph lines. 5694. II. 5695. III. 5696. IV. 3933. JULIA ANN STEBBINS » ] 2150 997 442 Dana Stebblns 8 Augustus Stebbins 7 Zadoclj Stebbins a Betsey L. Heath Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Dana Stebbins and Betsey L. Heath, was bom March 25, 1833, at ( CHARLES TWOGOOD. Hnsljanfl of No. 3887. Xo. .S887. MRS. .TULIET (STEBEINS) TWOCOOn. No. .•inan. OTIS STERBINS. Xo. 3933. MRS. .TII-IA AXX STEBBIXS AXDROSS. 853 NINTH GENERATION. 853 Monson, Massachusetts ; married November 25, 1852, at Rockville, Connecticut, to WILLIAM W. ANDROSS, born January 29, 1831, at South Windsor, Con- necticut, who was a son of William F. Andross and Julia Bancroft. Resi- dence, Rockville, Connecticut (1892). CHILDREN: 5698. I. Julia Harriet Andross. born September 21, 1855 ; married Thomas Dwight Goodell, professor of Greek in Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 5699. II. Kate Webster Andross, born April 5. 1864; married William W. Sumner. 3937. / '>15*> 997 ANDREW JACKSON STEBBINS » < Austin Stebbms s Augustus Stebbins t f Susan Smith Martha (Patty^ Bliss 442 177 41 6 Zadock Stebbins c Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Pease Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Hannah Wright Sarah \ son of Austin B. Stebbins and Susan Smith, was bom May 7, 1828, at Monson, Hampden County, ]\Iassachusetts ; married January 26, 1854, at Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to .JT'LIA E. WAIT, born July, at Pots- dam, St. Lawrence County, New York ; died ilay 29, 1855, at Colton, St. Law- rence County, New York, who was a daughter of Silas Wait. He married second, August 16, 1866, at East Brookfield, Worcester County, Massachu- setts, to JLlLIA a. peck, born ]\Iarch 16, 1844, at Hawley, Massachusetts; died May 9, 1893, at ]\Iiddleton, ]\Iiddlesex County, Connecticut, daughter of Horace Peck and Wheeler. Occupation, machinist. Politics, Re- publican. Resided at Springfield, Massachusetts, and Bridgeport, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 5700. I. Charles Austin, born November 3, 1854 : married Maria E. Bark- ley.+ 5701. II. Gertrude Cora, born September 6, 1867; married C. C. Lyman. 5702. in. Myrtle Estella, born November 28, 1869 ; married A. C. Wilson. 5703. lY. Mabel Imogene, born November 24, 1870 ; died November 29, 1870. 3941. FRANK L. STEBBINS ^ \ Marcus SrebWns s Augustus Stebbins " Zadock Stebbins r. / Clarissa Griggs Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS i !■ Sarah ) » son of Marcus Stebbins and Clarissa Emeline Griggs, was bom about 1841, at South Hadley. Hampden County. Massachusetts; married October 2. 1862, to LOUISA E. WHEELOCK, born November 27, 1839, at ElUsburgh, Jeffer- 854 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. son County, New York. Religion, Gongregationalist. New York. Residence, Mannsville, 3945. ( 2156 997 HENRY LUTHER STEBBINS » - Rufus StebWns s Augustus Stebl.ins 7 ( Sibyl Maila Luther Martha (Patty) Bliss 442 177 41 6 Zadock Stebblna « Stephen Stebbins Samuel Stebblns •) Samuel Stebblns 8 Elizabeth I'ease Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 f Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Rufus Stebbins and Sibyl Maria Luther, was born March 16, 1844, at Stafford, Tolland County, Connecticut; married November 18, 1867, to LUCY JANE INGRAM, bom March 12, 1843, at Bolton, Tolland County, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Horace Ingram and Rathbone. He married second, ANNA LURENNA PETERSEN, born January 26, 1846, daughter of Peter Nicholas Petersen and Sara Jane Tennant; residence, New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN: Grace Sibyl, born October 27, 1870. Vinnie Emily, born March 2, 1875. Luther Gibson, born May 22, 1876; married Lena Louise Noon. Walter Henry, born June 20, 1878. Nina Louise, born October 11, 1880. Albert Elon, bom March 9, 1883. HENRY LUTHER STEBBINS served in the civil war in Company G., 11th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered out as sergeant. 5704. I. 5705. II. 5706. III. 5707. IV. 5708. V. 5709. VI. 3947. ELVIRA LORANE STEBBINS » 447 Stephen Stebblns 6 Chloe Hale 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 177 Stephen Stebbins 5 Sarah Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2167 Stephen Stebblns 8 Almira Elizabeth Whlteman 41 Samuel Stebblns 4 Hannah Hitchcock 1007 Solomon .Stebbins ^ Zata Stanhope 6 Samuel Stebblns 8 .Toanna Lamb daughter of Stephen Stebbins and Almira Elizabeth Whiteman, was born June 5, 1838, at Attica, Wyoming County, New York; died January 7, 1899; mar- ried to ELLERY E. DENNISON, born July 30, 1826, at Brookfield, Madison County, New York. CHILDREN : 5710. I. Eliza A. Dennison, born August 18, 1860 ; married 0. A. Ford. 5711. II. Nellie D. Dennison. born October 16, 1862; married William H. Forrester. 5712. in. Fred Q. Dennison, bom April 2, 1868 ; unmarried. NINTH GENERATION. 855 3948. ( 2167 1007 447 ■i Stephen Stebblns 8 Solomon Stebbins 7 Stephen Stebblns 6 ( Almira Whiteman Zata Stanhope Chloe Hale 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins s Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins s Thomas Stebblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Ultchcoclt Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah \ daughter of Stephen Stebbins and Almira Elizabeth Whiteman, was bom April 21, 18-40, at New Buffalo, New York ; married December 26, 1871, at Polsom- dale. New York, to PHILIP ALLEN MeCUMBER, born November 30, 1819, at Oneida County, New York, who was a son of Louis MeCumber and Lueretia Baker. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Resi- dence, Canon City, Colorado. CHILDREN : 5713. I. Stephen MeCumber, born July 2, 1874. 5714. II. Ruth MeCumber, born June 13, 1876. 5715. III. Alice MeCumber, born ilay 31. 5716. IV. Ulysses MeCumber, born March 17, 1880 ; died August 27, 1880. 3951. EDWIN ERASTUS STEBBINS » | a 2167 1007 Amariah Stebbins 8 Solomon Stebbins 7 Permelia Thorns Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebbins c, Stephen Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns s Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ItOWLAND STEBBINS i ■ Hannah Wright Sarah i son of Amariah Stebbins and Permelia Thorns, was born September 1, 1836, at Attica, Wj^oming County, New York ; married June 24, 1858, at Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, to MARY ANN KELLEY, born August 26, 1840, at Cincinnati, Ohio, who was a daughter of Thomas Kelley and Hannah Curtis Darling. Occupation, musician. Politics. Republican. Residence, Cincinnati, Ohio. CHILDREN : 5717. I. Mary Ida, born March 25, 1859 ; died December 18, 1875. EDWIN STEBBINS received his education in the public schools of New- port, Kentucky, and has ever since resided in Cincinnati, Ohio. He enlisted in the army for service during the war of the Rebellion; his company was attached to the Third Regiment New York Cavalry. At the battle of Wash- ington, North Carolina, he was shot once in his right leg and four times in his left leg. His left leg was amputated below the knee, and after spending four months in the hospital at New Berne, North Carolina, he was discharged, and went home to his family, a cripple for life. He bore the rank of sergeant. 856 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3953. SYLVANUS HALE STEBBINS » \ Amarlah Stebblns s Solomon Stebblns 7 ( Permella Thome Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebblns 6 Stephen Stebblns 5 Samuel StebblnB 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Amariah Stebbins and Permelia Thorne, was born June 16, 1840, at Cold Springs, Campbell County, Kentucky; married March, 1867, to ANGEL- INE YOUTSEY WILLIAMS, born April 9, 1840, at Covington, Kentucky; died July 29, 1886, who was a daughter of Edwin Williams and Sidney Yout- sey. He married second, June 16, 1895, ANNIE LANGLEY. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Newport, Kentucky. CHILDREN: 5718. I. Charles Edwin, born December 25, 1867; married Mamie Stiles. 5719. II. Laura Inez, born September 12, 1869; married William Caibeet. 5720. III. George Howard, born April 29, 1872; married Florence Keim.+ 5721. IV. Iva Sidney, born October 23, 1874 ; married Charles Hammond. SYLVANUS HALE STEBBINS served in the Civil War as a corporal in Company B., 23rd Regiment, Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, the time of ser- vice being four years and four months. 3960. WILLIAM H. HARRISON CRANDALL » \ i f 2169 1007 ' Mary C. Stebblns s Solomon Stebbins 7 Benjamin G. Crandall Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebblns * Samuel Stebbins 3 Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah son of Mary Stebbins and Benjamin Crandall, was born September 15, 1835, at Belmont, Allegany County, New York ; married May 30, 1872, to HANNAH ELIZABETH CURTIS, born December 1, 1845, at New Hudson, Allegany County, New York, who was a daughter of Gilbert Curtis and Orsavilla Gere. Occupation, blacksmith. Politics, Prohibition. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Belmont, New York. CHILDREN : 5722. I. Albertus Hayes Crandall, born August 4, 1876; married Septem- ber 18, 1898, Mattie Brown. 5723. IL Orsa Elvira Crandall, born July 8, 1881. WILLIAM H. HARRISON CRANDALL enlisted December, 1863, in the 141st Regiment, New York Infantry, joining the regiment at Shellmound, Tennessee. He participated in Sherman's march to the sea, on which he be- came disabled. With his regiment, he took part in the battles of Resaca, Cassville, New Hope Church, and Kulp's Farm, besides a number of skir- NINTH GENERATION. 857 mislies. He was wonuded at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864, and was confined in the hospitals at Chattanooga and Nashville, Tennessee, and at Jetfersonville, Indiana. He was transferred to the Provost Marshal's office and was discharged, July 8, 1865. 3961. MARY A. CRANDALL » \ Mary ( I Benjai ( 2169 1007 447 _• C. Stebbins 8 Solomon Stebbins 7 Stephen Stebbins c Benjamin G. Crandall Zata Stanbope Chloe Hale 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcocis Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah daughter of Mary C. Stebbins and Benjamin G. Crandall, was born August 4, 1837 ; married October 14, 1857, at Belfast, New York, to OSCAR WILSON. CHILDREN, born at Belfast, New York : 5724. I. Edwin Manley Wilson, born March 30, 1860. 5725. II. Edith Wilson, born August 6, 1863. 3962. __ 1 21G9 1007 447 NANCY M. CRANDALL ^ < Mary C. stebbins s Solomon Stebbins T Stephen Stebbins c ( Benjamin G. Crandall Zata Stanhope Chloe Hale 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebbins B Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 l Sarah ■ — \ daughter of Mary C. Stebbins and Benjamin G. Crandall, was born May 10, 1839; died before 1865; married December 31, 1859, to FRANK VANARS- DALE, who died May 14, 1882, at Friendship, New York. CHILDREN : 5726. I. Mae Vanarsdale, born April 24, 1861, at Amity, New York; mar- ried George H. Boyuton. 3963. I 2169 1007 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CRANDALL 9 - Mary C. StebWns s Solomon stebbins r I Benjamin G. Crandall Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebbins e Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss I'aunah Hitcheock Joanna Lamb 2 1 i Thom.-ts Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah \ son of Mary C. Stebbins and Benjamin G. Crandall, was born November 28, 1840; married September 23, 1873, at Millport, Potter County, Pennsylvania, to ANN SEELEY. CHILDREN: 5727. I. George Milford Crandall, born October 16, 1875; died April 18, 1876. 858 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5728. II. Nancy Estella Crandall, born June 3, 1877; married Clark Cole- man. 5729. in. Alice Ruba Crandall, born January 29, 1884. 5730. IV. Claud Judson Crandall, born February 1, 1886. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CRANDALL enlisted in November, 1861, for three years, in the 64th Regiment, New York Infantry. He was under Gen- eral McClellan in the Peninsula Campaign and was at the battle of Antietam. He received a wound at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862; and, after being in different hospitals for some time, he was discharged. He re-enlisted in January, 1864, in the 141st Regiment, New York Infantry, and accompanied General Sherman on his march to the sea, participating in most of the battles. In June, 1865, he was transferred to the 60th Veteran Regiment of New York, and was mustered out July 17, 1865. 3964. 1 2169 1007 447 ■; Mary C. Stebbins s Solomon Stebblns 7 Stephen Stebblns 6 / Benjamin G. Crandall Zata Stanhope Chloe Hale 177 41 6 2 Stephen Stebblns B Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) daughter of Mary C. Stebbins and Benjamin G. Crandall, was born May 11, 1842 ; married August 10, 1862, at Scio, New York, to EDMUND SORTOR. CHILDREN : 5731. I. Cora A. Sortor, born March 28, 1863; married September 26, 1878, Robert Burge. 5732. II. Jessie D. Sortor, born September 1, 1867; married Ora Sherwood. 5733. III. Mary E. Sortor, born January 14, 1871. EDMUND SORTOR enlisted August, 1862, in the 130th Regiment, New York Infantry, and with his regiment, participated in the battle of Deserted House, and the siege of Suffolk, Virginia. He was transferred to the Dragoon Cavalry and Division of General Sheridan's command, and took part in the battles of Todd's Tavern, Yellow Tavern, Big Meadow, Trevelian Station, Cold Harbor, Deep Bottom, and Winchester. He was wounded at Newtown, August 11, 1864, but rejoined his regiment, February 20, 1865, and was at the battles of Five Forks and Sailor Creek, and was present at the surrender of General Lee. He was discharged from the service, June 30, 1865. 3965. i 2169 1007 CLARENDA CRANDALL » \ Mary C. stebbins s Solomon Stebblns 7 I Benjamin G. Crandall Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebblns Stephen Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i S Hannah Wright Sarah i daughter of Mary C. Stebbins and Benjamin G. Crandall, was born November NINTH GENERATION. 859 22, 1844; married February 28, 1865, to PRANK VANARSDALE (late hus- band of her deceased sister Nancy) ; died May 14, 1882, at Friendship, New York, of disease contracted in the army. She married second, CHRISTO- PHER MOLL, of Russell, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 5734. I. Nannie Vanarsdale, born March 30, 1866 ; married June 14, 1884, Frank F. Hamilton. 5735. II. Bertha Vanarsdale, born April 7, 1877. PRANK VANARSDALE enlisted December, 1863, in the 141st Regiment New York Infantry, and joined his regiment near Chattanooga, Tennessee, being under the command of General Sherman. His company was engaged in the battles of Resaca, Cassville, New Hope Church, Kulp's Farm, and in several skirmishes. He was wounded at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864, and was sent to the rear. After some time spent in hospitals, he was transferred to the Provost Marshal's office. He received his discharge July 8, 1865. LELLIS LORAINE STEBBINS ^ 3969. 1 2171 ■: Sylvanus Hale Stebbins 8 f Betsey Aurelia RoflP 447 Stephen Stebbins e Chloe Hale 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 177 Stephen Stel)bins 3 Sarah Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 41 Samuel Stebbins 4 Hannah Hitchcock 1007 Solomon Stebbins t Zata Stanhope 6 Samuel Stebbins s Joanna Laml) daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Betsey Aurelia Roff, was born Febru- ary 16, 1845, at Wheatland, Monroe County, New York; married October 29, 1865, at Portage, Livingston County, New York, to WILLIAM MONROE SPARKS, born September 4, 1843, at Wheatland, Monroe County, New York, who was a son of Aurey Sparks and Nancy . Residence, Canaseraga, New York. Three children. 3971. PHEBE JANE STEBBINS » \ Sylvanus nlle StehWns I Betsey Aurelia Roff 447 Stephen Stebbins g Chloe Hale 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright Betsey . 177 Stephen Stebbins 5 Sarah Bliss 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 '- Sarah ( 41 Samuel Stebbins 4 Hannah Hitchcock 1007 .Solomon Stebbins 7 Zata Stanhope 6 Samuel Stebbins s .Toanna Lamb daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Betsey Aurelia Roff, was bom Au- gust 21, 1848, at Seottsville, Monroe County, New York; married August 22, 1877, at Nunda, Livingston County, New York, to SAMUEL WILSON STRONG, born May 11, 1843. at Pine Creek, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of John Strong and Nancy Wilson. Residence, Wyoming County, New York. 860 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHH^DREN : 5736. I. Ettaslena M. Strong, born June 10, 1878. 5737. II. May Strong, bom May 6, 1880 ; died May 6, 1880. SAMUEL WILSON STRONG was in Company K., 187th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, for one year : and in Company E., 40th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, one and one-half years, when he was honorably discharged. 3972. ANSON PORTER STEBBINS » \ Sylvanus nail Stebbins s Solomon Stebbins 7 ( Betsey Aurel la Roff Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins s Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah HItchcoels .loanna Lamb 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Sylvaniis Hale Stebbins and Betsey Aurelia Roff, was born November 17, 1850, at Wheatland, Monroe County, New York; married November 24, 1875, at Canaseraga, Allegany County, New York, to ISABELLA B. FRITZ, bom September 5, 1851, at South Dansville, Steuben County, New York ; died March 22, 1883, at Canaseraga, Allegany County, New York, who was a daughter of Warren Wood [so given by Anson P. Stebbins] and Betsey Fritz. He married second, June 18, 1888, at Elburn, Kane County, Illinois, to EMMA J. TAYLOR, born July 6, 1848, at Perry, Wyoming County, New York, daugh- ter of William Taylor and Mary Ann Watson. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Prohibitionist. Religion, Methodist Episcopal. Residence, Elburn, Kane County, Illinois. CHILDREN: 5738. L William H., born April 15, 1877; died August 9, 1896. 5739. II. Blanche B., born October 6, 1879. 5740. III. George A., bom July 26, 1881. 5741. IV. Charles W., bom March 22. 1883; died August, 1883. 5742. V. Adelbert L., born March 22, 1890. ALMON LORENZO STEBBINS »] 3973. 2171 1007 Sylvanus Hale .Stebbins s .Solomon Stebbins ' Betsey Aurelia Uoff Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 6 Stephen Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Hannah Wright Sarah \ son of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Betsey Aurelia Roff, was bom May 30, 1853, at Scottsville, Monroe County, Illinois; married September 5, 1886, at Batavia, Genesee County, New York, to SARAH C. RAISH, born July 25, 1864, at Ossian, Livingston County, New York, who was a daughter of John Raish and Maria C. Shearer. Occupation, wood worker. Polities, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Rochester, New York. NINTH GENERATION. 861 CHILDREN : 5743. I. Raymond H., born July 31, 1888. 5744. II. Mildred Ruth, born November 7, 1892. 3976. I 2171 ETTA FIDELIA STEBBINS » ■', Sylvanus Hale Stetihins s ( Betsey Aurella Roff 447 177 41 Stephen Stebbins c Stephen Stebblns J Samuel Stebbins * Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 r Sarah I ;i' 1007 Solomon Stebbins 7 Zata Stanhope 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Betsey Aurelia Roff, was bom August 29, 1858, at Ossian, Livingston County, New York; married November 28, 1878, at Burns, AUegany County, New York, to JAMES A. EDMISTER, bom March 22, 1852, at Birdsall, Allegany County, New York, who was a son of John Edmister and Aehsah Jackson. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Demo- crat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Lily Lake, Kane County, Illinois. CHILDREN : 5745. 5746. II. 5747. III. 5748. IV. 5749. V. 5750. VI. 5751. VII. Alice May Edmister, born November 14, 1879; died February 7, 1881. Ruel A. Edmister, born February 18, 1881. Erwin J. Edmister, bom January 26, 1884; died March 18, 1884. Floyd J. Edmister, born June 6, 1885 ; died October 14, 1886. Bessie A. Edmister, born June 1, 1887. Arlie F. Edmister, born June 3, 1889. Nettie M. Edmister, bom March 5, 1896. SYDNEY MONROE STEBBINS" 447 Stephen Stebbins tJ Chloe Hale 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wrleht Stephen Stebbins j Sarah Bliss 3980. 1 2171 • Sylvanus Hale Stebbins s I Betsey Aurelia Ro£E 41 Samuel Stebbins * Hannah Hitchcock ROWLAND .STEBBINS i Sarah 1007 Solomon Stebbins 7 Zata Stanhope 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 .Joanna Lamb son of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Betsey Aurelia Roff, was bom April 24, 1867, at Ossian, Livingston County, New York; married January 13, 1892, to CORA FARR, bom April 17, 1871, at West Sparta, Livingston County, New York, who was a daughter of Louis F. Farr and Nancy Maria Fulton. Poli- tics, Republican. Residence, GainesviUe, New York. CHILDREN : 5752. I. Lillie Ethel, bom April 22, 1893. 5753. II. Ellen Maude, born September 11, 1895. 862 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 3981. ALICE DAELLE STEBBINS » \ Rufus Stebhlns s Solomon Stebbins t I Hannah I'almer Zata Stanhope 447 177 41 « Stephen Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins r. Samuel Stebbins t Samuel Stebhlns ! Chloe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb - 1 1 Thomas Stebbins : ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Rufus Porter Stebbins and Ilannab Ann Palmer, was born July 21, 1847, at Attica, Wj'oming County, New York ; married December 8, 1863, at Bennington, "Wyoming County, New York, to JOHN R. HOWELL, born February 25, 1841, at Antietam, Maryland, who was a son of David Howell and Margaret Roberts. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Buffalo. CHILDREN: 5754. I. Erwin Rufus Howell, born October 9, 1865; married Ida F. Girven. PARKER J. GOODALE » \ Anna i / Ellzar [ 4032. 2231 1087 500 . Stebbins s .Justus Stebbins v Zerah Stebbins « ar Goodale Abigail Morgan Eunice Dunham 1S6 42 6 2 John Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebhlns a Thomas Stebbins 2 Margaret Brooke Patience Wright Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Anna B. Stebbins and Elizar Goodale, was born September 21, 1837, at Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio; married January 28, 1862, at Tipton, Iowa, to MARY E. M'RACKEN, born October 14, 1842, at Tipton, Cedar County, Iowa; died January 7, 1886, near Tipton, Iowa, who was a daughter of Alfred M'racken and Tacy Howe. Occupation, farmer. Politics. Repub- lican. Residence, near Tipton, loAva. CHILDREN: Elmer E. Goodale, born March 1, 1863 ; mai'ried Mattie Horn. J. Curtis Goodale, born June 5, 1864 ; died April 1, 1873. Joseph Goodale, born November 11, 1865 ; married Mabel Schell. Minnie Goodale, born February 10, 1867 ; married Arthur Collar. Hattie Goodale, born August 21, 1868; married Prank Mayer. Perry Goodale, born March 10, 1873 ; died 1874. Anna Goodale, born May 11, 1875; married Benjamin Tong. Ira Goodale, born December 3, 1876. Parker Goodale, born September 28, 1878. Arthur Goodale, born July 31, 1880 ; died April 10, 1881. Julia Goodale, born November 20, 1881 ; married Walter Tower. 5755. I. 5756. II. 5757. IIL 5758. IV. 5759. V. 5760. VI. 5761. VII. 5762. VIII. 5763. IX. 5764. X. 5765. XI. NINTH GENERATION. 863 4039. HENRIETTA AUGUSTA STEBBINS, of Wales, Massachusetts » 1 2235 li)87 500 186 -< Justus Stelil)lns s Justus Stebblns 7 Zerah Stebbins « John Stebbins s I Adaline Ilildreth Abigail Morgan Eunice Dunliam Margaret liroolis 42 6 2 II John Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Tiiomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Patience Wriglit Abigail Brooks Ilaunah Wright Sarah I daughter of Justus Stebbins and Adaline Hildreth, was born December 7. 1846, at Barre, Massachusetts; married December 26, 1864, at "Worcester, Massachusetts, to LUCIUS HELIi\I CHTLLSON, born April 28, 1840, at Per- kinsville, Vermont; died October 29, 1869, at Wales, Massachusetts, who was a son of Helim Chillson and Elizabeth Clark. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Wales, Massachsetts ; Dorchester, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5766. I. Josephine Augusta Chillson, born January 9, 1866; married Wil- liam C. Harrington.-|- 4040. 1 2233 1087 NATHAN METCALF STEBBINS » ] Justus stebbins ? Ju.stus Stebbins t ( .\dallne Hildreth .\bieall Morean 500 186 42 6 Zerah Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 Samuel Slebhins : Eunice Dunham Margaret Brooks Patience Wright .Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 S Hannah Wright Sarah I son of Justus Stebbins and Adaline Hildreth, was born October 4, 1853; mar- ried to IMARIA D. COLEY, born June 12, 1858, at Coventry, Warwickshire, England, who was a daughter of David Coley and Maria Cheshire. Occupa- tion, machinist. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Wales and Monroe, Massachusetts, and Stafford, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 5767. I. Walter Coley, born October 22, 1876 ; married Grace E. Dickinson.+ NATHAN JIETCALF STEBBINS, besides being an excellent machinist, is quite an accomplished musician and plays the violin and cornet. 4041. MERRICK L. STEBBINS » \ ; 2237 1089 500 Ijoel Stebbins s Ruel Stebbins 7 Zerah Stebbins 6 Martha Uaynes Miriam Sherman Eunice Dunham 186 42 6 2 .John Stebbins B John Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins ? Margaret Brooks Patience Wright Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Loe] Stebbins and Martha Haynes, was born April 21, 1833, at Monson, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married April 8, 1856, at Monson, Hamp- den County, Massachusetts, to MARY E. PALMER, born March 23, 1836, at Monson, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Albert Pabner and Clarissa ( 864 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Perry. Occupation, clothier. Politics, Republican. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5768. I. Archie Roland, born February 12, 1860 ; married Mary E. Gowdy.+ MERRICK L. STEBBINS was educated in the common schools and at Monson Academy. Entering the country store of Newton & Co., in Monson, in 1852, he served three years, and has been in a store most of the time since. In 1864, he removed to Springfield, where he has since resided. For the last twenty-five years he held the position of salesman in the clothing house of Hayns & Co. 4043. t 223S 1089 ALBERT CLARK STEBBINS » ■ ri.inson Stehlnns s Ruel Stebblns 7 I Mary Dearing Clark Miriam Sherman 500 1S6 42 6 Zerah Stcbbins 6 John Stebbins 6 John Stebbins * Samuel Stebblns a Eunice Dunham Margaret Brooks Patience Wright Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Ransom Stebbins and Mary Dearing Clark, was born September 19, 1844, at Monson, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married September 29, 1870, at Brooklyn, New York, to ELIZABETH DENTON SAVERY, born March 15, 1846, at New York, N. Y., who was a daughter of John Stevenson Savery and Lydia M. Dare. Politics, Republican. Residence, Plainfield, New Jersey. No children. MR. STEBBINS is engaged in the manufacture of tools for railway, loco- motive and general machine shop equipments. 4044. MERRILL ALBERT STEBBINS » \ ' \ 2242 1089 Carlton Luke Stebbins s Ruel Stebbins t Martha Logee Baker Miriam Sherman 500 186 ' 42 6 Zerah Stebbins 6 .lohn Stebbins s John Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Eunice Dunham Margaret Brooks Patience Wright Abigail Brooks 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Carlton Luke Stebbins and Martha Logee Baker, was bom August 25, 1853, at "Wales, Massachusetts; married October 19, 1888, to EMMA J. POWERS, born July 4, 1868, who was a daughter of John S. Powers and Par- melia Maxwell. Occupation, farmer and cattle dealer. Residence, Monson, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5769. I. Hazel E., born September 7, 1889. 5770. II. Merrill E., bom September 12, 1897. No. 4041. Mi;i;i;i('K l. stebbins. No. 4044. MEIIRII.ry ALBERT STEBBINS. f^ asisi f ^ ^99 ^f^^ f No. 404,"i. S11I0I!M.\N MOSES S'L'EP.BINS. No. 404(1. LESTER CARLTON STERHINS. NINTH GENERATION. 865 4045. SHERMAN MOSES STEBBINS » \ c 500 Zerah Stebbins 6 Eunice Dunbam o Tbomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 186 John Stebbins 5 Margaret Broolts 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2242 Carlton Luke Stebbins s Martha Logee Baker 42 John Stebbins 4 I'atienoe Wright 1089 Ruel Stebbins 7 Miriam Sherman 6 Samuel Stebbins a Abigail Brooks son of Carlton Luke Stebbins and Martha Logee Baker, was bom May 16, 1855, at Wales, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married May 4, 1887, at East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, to ALFARETTA JANE PISK, born May 7, 1865, at Stafford Springs, Tolland County, Connecticut, who was a daugh- ter of John Monroe Fisk and Jane Eliza Prouty. Occupation, farmer. Resi- dence, Palmer, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5771. I. Myrta Martha, born November 24, 1888, on the old homestead of her grandfather, Carlton L. Stebbins. 5772. II. Bertha Jane, born January 25, 1891. 5773. III. Eula Fisk, born April 19, 1896 ; died May 19, 1897. 1089 Ruel Stebbins T Miriam Sherman 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks 4046. I 0040 LESTER CARLTON STEBBINS » - canton Luke'stebbins s ( Martha Logee Baker 500 186 42 Zerab Stebbins 6 John Stebbins John Stebbins 4 Eunice Dunham Margaret Brooke Patience Wright 2 1 i Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Hannah Wright Sarah 1 son of Carlton Luke Stebbins and Martha Logee Baker, was born February 8, 1857, at Wales, Massachusetts; married June 30, 1884, at Monson, Massa- chusetts, to SARAH A. LAMPHEAR, born November 14, 1854, at Monson, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Gaylord S. Lamphear and Amorett Chafee. Occupation, farmer and cattle dealer. Residence, Monson, Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN: 5774. I. Walter V., born October 6, 1885. 4053. SUSAN ELIZABETH A. STEBBINS » 609 .Tudah stebbins e Ruth Dady 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 188 Levi Stebbins 6 Mary Post 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2242 Wiliiam S'tebblns 8 Phebe Curtiss 42 John Stebbins * Patience Wright 1093 William Stebbins 7 Lydla Branch 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks daughter of William Stebbins and Phebe Curtiss, was born November 9, 1828; died January 17. 1886 ; married July 27, 1859, to RUFUS PUTNAM KING, born June, 1817: died January (or February) 17, 1899, who was a son of 6S 866 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. John King and Betsey Gilson. Occupation, cashier Northwestern Bank of "Warren for several years; clerk in mercantile establishment. No children. 4055. JANE M. STEBBINS 9^ AmaziahStebblnss ( Amanda Anderson John Stebbins 4 Patience Wright 1053 William Stebbins 7 liydla Branch 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Broolts 509 Judab Stebbins s Ruth Dady 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright \ 188 Levi Stebbins 5 Mary Post 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Amaziah Stebbins and Amanda Anderson, was born August 22, 1819, at Pompey, Onondaga County, New York; died February 18, 1900, at San Francisco, California; married at Racine, Wisconsin, to CONSTDBR HEATH, born December 6, 1815, at Galesville, Washington County, New York; died February 1, 1848, at Racine, Wisconsin, who was a son of Abel Heath and Betsey Foster. She married second, JOHN C. BUNNER, from whom she was divorced. She married third, November 1, 1869, at San Fran- cisco, GEORGE CANNING SMITH, of Kenosha, Wisconsin. CHILDREN: 5774a. 5774b. II. 5774c. III. 5774d. IV. 5774e. V. 5774f. VI. Edward Heath, wounded at battle of Gettysburg; died July 4, 1863. Catherine Heath; died in 1851. Jane Heath, born July 27, 1847 ; died August 21, 1895, in Cali- fornia ; married November 16, 1866, at San Francisco, Samuel J. BeaU. Had ten children. William Bunner. Minnie Bunner. Bessie Bunner. CONSIDER HEATH removed from Washington County, New York, to Racine, Wisconsin, in 1837. He was in business there in 1838 in company with his brother, Salmon Foster Heath and Gilbert Knapp. In 1842 he was elected to the state senate, and took his seat in that body on March 6, 1843. 4059. ALEXANDER COLLINS STEBBINS' 509 Judah Stebbins 6 Ruth Dady 2 Thomas Stebbins - Hannah Wrlgtit 188 I,evi Stebbins B Mary Post 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah ( 2246 < Amaziah Stebbins s ( Amanda Anderson 42 .Tohn Stebbins 4 Patience Wright 1053 William Stebbins 7 liydla Branch 6 Samuel Stebbins s Abigail Broolts son of Amaziah Stebbins and Amanda Anderson, was born April 28, 1830, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York ; married February 26, 1851, to MELISSA RAYMOND, born February 11, 1834, at Hartsville, New York, who was a daughter of Elisha Raymond and Esther Bentley. Occupation, dairy man. Politics, Republican. Religion, spiritualist. Residence, Le Mars, Iowa. No. 40G2. HE WAYNE STEBBINS. MRS. .MIXMK A. TOWERS, I Wife ot" No. 40!)1). .Wli li.Mlliri'ER. DOIiOTIIY EUCENIA. Xo. 40iP]. EDWIN IKiSMEII TOWERS. NINTH GENERATION. 867 CHILDREN: 5775. I. Esther, born January 6, 1854; married Prank Ward Guernsey. -|- 5776. II. Martha, born November 9, 1857; married first, Clarence N. Kuapp ; second, Pitt A. Seaman. 5777. III. Jessie, born May 16, 1862; married Ephraim D. Brower. 5778. IV. Raymond, born September 1, 1875. 4062. i '*'^46 1093 509 DE WAYNE STEBBINS ^ < Amaziah Stebbms 8 William Stebijins ^ Judah Stcbblns '■ ( Amanda Anderson Lydia Branch Ruth Dady 188 42 6 2 Levi Stebblns 5 John Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins s Thomas Stebblns 2 Mary Post Patience Wright Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah \ son of Amaziah Stebbins and Amanda Anderson, was born April 5, 1835, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York; died Jiuie 12, 1901, at Algoma, Wiscon- sin ; married 1862, at Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Wisconsin, to PRANCES (ELLIOTT) NEWELL (widow of Jefferson NeweU). born October 8, 1840, at Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, who was a daughter of George W. Elliott and Juliana Crofoot. Occupation, cashier bank. Polities, Republican. Residence, Algoma, Kewannee County, Wisconsin. No children. DE WAYNE STEBBINS went to Racine. Wisconsin, with his parents, when a baby. He received his common school education at Racine, and in 1852 received an appointment to the United States Naval Academy at An- napolis, where he was a fellow cadet of Admiral George Dewey. After three years service he resigned and soon aftcv accepted a position with the American Pur Trading Company, spending one winter as a clerk on Madeline Island in Lake Superior. ^ In 1856 he removed from Racine to Ahnapee, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, now the thriving city of Algoma, and since that time has made that place his home and has been closely identified with all of the material interests of that city. In the late fifties he caught the gold fever and made the trip to the gold fields of California by way of New York and the Isthmus of Panama, return- ing in March, 1861, by the same route. At the breaking out of the civil war he enlisted as a private in Company A of the Twenty-first Wisconsin Infantry which was sent to Louisville, Ken- tucky. Shortly after, in recognition of his naval training, he received an appointment as Acting Master's mate on the ship "Clara Dolson." He served in the same capacity from October 1, 1862, to July 7, 1864, on the famous "Carondelet" and "Mound City," being in all the engagements in which those boats participated during that time. During the storming of Haines' Bluff he was on the "Cincinnati," and on the night of April 17, 1863, ran the gauntlet of the Vicksburg batteries on the "Mound City," and assisted in transferring General Grant's army across the river. Returning to Vicks- burg, he assisted at the siege and was present at the surrender of that confederate stronghold. 868 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. He took part in the Red River expedition under General Banks, in 1864, and saw a good deal of fighting. His ship, the "Mound City," was the first to pass over Bailey's famous dam, which saved the Union fleet on Red River. On July 7, 1864, he was promoted to Acting Master and transferred to the double turreted monitor "Kickapoo," serving as second in command of the ship with the gallant Farragut at Mobile. Later he was transferred to the f ri gate " Portsmouth. ' ' At the close of the war he tendered his resignation to the Navy depart- ment, but they refused to accept it. They granted him a leave of absence for ninety days, and transferred him to the steamer "Michigan" stationed on Lake Erie. He resigned his commission in 1866. Had he remained in the Navy he would doubtless have attained high rank. He returned to Ahnapee and became a partner in the forwarding firm of Boalt & Stebbins, a connection that continued until 1881, when he was ap- pointed cashier of the Bank of Ahnapee, which position he occupied until his death. He was also publisher of The Algoma Record. MR. STEBBINS was a member of the Kewaunee county board for twenty- seven years, and was a controlling spirit of both the county and school boards for many years. He entered state political life in 1870 when he was defeated for the Assembly. Two years later he was elected a member of the Assembly by an overwhelming majority, and has since been a prominent figure at Madison. He was elected to represent the first district in the state senate, and continued in the senate until his death. SENATOR STEBBINS was a much talked of candidate for the governorship of Wisconsin at the last state convention, and was one of the last to pull out of the race in favor of La FoUette. He was a member of the battleship commission which had charge of the launching of the "Wisconsin" at San Francisco recently. The fatigue con- sequent on the long journey across the continent was thought to have has- tened his death. MR. STEBBINS made an enviable record as a public officer, and was held in high esteem by his associates. On April 5, 1901, the proceedings of the Wisconsin State Senate were of a peciiliar character. It was the sixty-sixth birthday of SENATOR STEBBINS, and his colleagues remembered the occasion as well as his service to his state and coiuitry, by presenting him with a gold-headed ebony cane, many bou- quets, floral designs, etc. The presentation speech was made by Senator Miller, as follows: "Mr. President: I ask your indulgence for a few moments this morning. In permitting me to deviate from the regular order of things I know that it is unnecessary to ask the unanimous consent of the members of this body, for it is certain that I am voicing the sentiments of every member present when I state that we can well afford to laj' aside for the time being the affairs of the state, to commemorate, in as fitting a manner as possible, such an important event as the sixty-sixth anniversary of the senator from the first district, SENATOR STEBBINS. ' ' Senator, as you view those bea^^tiful flowers decorating your desk, believe me when I say that we know that to us they seem emblematic of your life, so NINTH GENERATION. 869 near to nature and so free from ostentation and display. And that floral emblem, that anchor, seems to us symbolic of your early life, and emblematic of the safe anchorage you have in the hearts of the people of this state, and more especially of that anchorage you have in the hearts of the members of this body. "Senator, in behalf of all the members of this senate, it is my pleasiu-e to present to you this slight token of our veneration, love and esteem. In presenting you this token I am not unmindful of its inappropriateness ; we well know that you do not need this cane ; we well know that you possess still that vigor of youth that makes this token to you unnecessary; and that you never go lame. It is our hope and our wish that when the figures '66', repre- senting the mile-stones of your life, are inverted, that you may still be with us, possessing the same attributes that you now possess. "We, the younger members of this senate, have found by contact with you and by the verdict of your older colleagues, that, whereas, at times you may be wrong on matters of state and other things, if you are ever wrong it is only when you believe that you ai-e right. We recognize that you possess those noble attributes of loyalty to your friends, loyalty to your country and ever jealous of your own honor. As an associate in early life of that man who immortalized himself in the hearts of his countrymen on that May morn- ing, it is easy for us to believe that had you been there in his stead, in the same quiet but firm way, you, too, would have given the command, 'You may fire, Gridley, when you are ready.' "As one who responded to the call of his country in the hour of danger, and when its dismemberment was threatened — that call emanating from the hero of heroes, the saviour of our land, I feel, in conclusion, like paying to you that tribute which was paid to him by the poet when he wrote : 'Nature, they say, doth dote, And cannot make a man except on some wornout plan, Repeating it by rote. But taking fresh soil from the breast Of the unexhausted West, Shaped a hero, new, brave, generous and true.' " MR. STEBBINS was a member of the ^Masonic fraternity, and was for twelve years master of the lodge at Algoma. He was also a member of the Wisconsin Commandery, Military Order Loyal Legion, and the Grand Army of the Republic, having been commander of the post at Algoma. 4063. i 2250 1093 CHARLES CARROLL STEBBINS » - George W. Stebblns 8 William Stebhius 7 / Sarah Daniels Polly Russell 509 188 42 6 Judah Stebblns 6 Levi Stebblns 5 .John Stebbins * Samuel Stebblns 3 Ruth Dady Mary Post Patience Wright Abigail Brooks 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of George W. Stebbins and Sarah Daniels, was born February 3, 1836, at 870 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Clinton, New York; married to Louise Hoyt, born September 21, 1845, at Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, who was a daughter of William Hoyt and Philadelphia Wood Thomas. Religion, Episcopal. Residence, Ithaca, New York. CHILDREN : 5779. I. George Egbert, born August 23, 1862 ; lives at Racine, Wisconsin. 4066. EVALYN MARSH STEBBINS » \ Edwa ( Lydia .•509 .Tudah Stebbins b Ruth Dady 2 Thomas Stebbins ! Hannah Wright 188 Levi Stebbins 5 Mary Post 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 .Sarah 2251 ard .Stebbins s Lydia Susana Sandford 42 John .Stebbins 4 Patience Wright 1093 William Stebbins 7 Polly Russeii 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks daughter of Edward Stebbins and Lydia Susana Sandford, was born July 24, 1854, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York; married September 26, 1888, at Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin, to WILLIAM MORTON, born March 20, 1854, at Stockport, Cheshire County, England, who was a son of Henry Morton and Mary Travis. Religion, Spiritualist. Residence, Milwaukee, Wis- consin. CHILDREN : 5780. I. Edna Lydia Morton, born August 3, 1890. 5781. II. Lois Charlotte Morton, born July 17, 1897. 4073. MARIA T. STEBBINS 9 188 Levi Stebbins 5 Mary Post 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah \ Ed\ / Jul: 2255 Edwin Stebbins s iia Cory 42 .Tohn Stebbins 4 Patience Wright 1094 .loseph Stebbins ^ Lucy Patterson 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks 509 ■Tudah Stebbins c Ruth Dady 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright daughter of Edwin Joseph Stebbins and Julia A. Cory, was born June 9, 1839, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York ; died at Clinton, New York ; married May 31, 1865, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York, to GEORGE W. KASS- LER, born September 12, 1836, at Canajoharie, Montgomery County, New York; died July 20, 1890, at Denver, Colorado, who was a son of Abram Kassler and Nancy Shrader. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Democrat. Re- ligion, Universalist. Residence, Clinton, Oneida County, New York. Cini/DREN : 5782. I. Edwin Stebbins Kassler, born October 29, 1866; married Olivia Denham Cooper.-|- 5783. II. Charles Moffat Kassler, born January 26, 1870; married Grace M. Stone.+ NINTH GENERATION. 871 4074. ELLERY STEBBINS 9 i Edwin I Julia C 2255 Stebbins s Cory 42 John Stebbins 4 Patience Wright 1094 Joseph Stebbins ^ Lucy Patterson 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Broolcs 509 Judah Stebbins e Ruth Dady 2 Thomas Stebbins i Hannah Wright f 188 r.evl Stebbins s Mary Post 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Edwin Joseph Stebbins and Julia A. Cory, was born May 15, 1844, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York; married May 17, 186.5, at Mt. Vernon, Westchester County, New York, to ALICE B. ALLERTON, born March 7, 1843, at Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, who was a daughter of Anson M. Allerton and Tama H. Lockwood. Residence, Clinton, New York. CHILDREN : 5784. I. Arthur Allerton, born February 10, 1867 ; married Louise A. Mer- ritt.+ 5785. II. Julia, born July 14, 1874. 4091. I 2284 EDWIN HOSMER POWERS ^ \ Eugenia stebbins > I Julius H. Powers 516 Ezra Stebbins e Margaret Bliss 2 Thomas Stebbins : Hannah Wright 195 Ezra Stebbins 5 Margaret Chapin 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah William Stebbins t Mercy Knowlton 1116 Aaron C. Stebbins 7 Emily Calkins 6 Samuel Stebbins s Abigail Brooks son of Eugenia Flavia Stebbins and Julius Henry Powers, was born April 20, 1868, at New Hampton, Chickasaw County, Iowa; married May 28, 1890, at Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin, to MINNIE ADAMS MAYNARD, born March 28, 1867, at Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin, who was a daughter of George B. Maynard and Caroline Smith. Occupation, machinist and tool- maker. Politics, Republican. Residence, Midland, Midland County, Michigan. CHH^DREN : 5786. I. Dorothy Eugenia Powers, born February 15, 1894, at Michigan City, Indiana. 4111. ALBERT HESADIAH STEBBINS » \ ^ I E 2324 1150 Marcus Nelson Stebbins s Hesadlah Stebbins 7 524 Hesadlah Stebbins o Betsey Sessions Babcock 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 21.- Abner Stebbins r. Martha Smith ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ( Emeline E. Moore 48 Thomas Stebbins * Mary Munn Asenath Green 6 Samuel Stebbins a Abigail Brooks son of Marcus Nelson Stebbins and Emeline E. Moore, was born May 15, 1842, at Sheridan, Chautauqua County, New York; married October 1, 1862, at Westfield, Chautauqua County, New York, to CLARA EDITH SMITH, born June 24, 1839, at Lutterworth, Leicestershire County, England; died May 9, 5787. I. 5788. II. 5789. III. 5790. rv. 5791. V. 5792. VI. 872 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 1883, at Silver Creek, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a daughter of William Smith and Mary Atkins. He married second, January 5, 1886, at Sheridan, New York, to NINA E. CONGDON, bom September 1, 1856, at YiUanova, Chautauqua County, New York; died August 13, 1892, at Silver Creek, New York, daughter of Morgan Congdon and Aldula Averill. Occupa- tion, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Silver Creek, New York. CHILDREN : Fannie, born January 17, 1864; died January, 1865. Loren White, born August 7, 1866 ; married Grace A. Bird8ey.4- Schuyler Colfax, born October 10, 1869; married Jessie Mead.-f- Smith Hesadiah, born August 9, 1872 ; married Allio M. Keegan.4- Mary Louisa, born June 18, 1876. Clara Aldula, born May 9, 1888. ALBERT HESADIAH STEBBINS represented Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York, on the board of supervisors from 1886 to 1893. In addi- tion to his other business interests he is owner of a boat on the Great Lakes. 4128. LOANA E. STEBBINS ^ \ Abdlel H. Stebblns 8 Betsey Stebbins 7 I Julia Ewell ^ 624 215 48 6 Besadiab Stebblns e Abner Stebblns o Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was born October 18, 1827, at EUicottville, New York ; died October 11, 1886 ; married October 22, 1844, to JACOB RESER. CHILDREN: Sophronia Reser ; married James Maxwell ; had four children. Alice Reser; died young. Addie Reser; married Prank Crocker; had five children. Frank Reser; married Gertrude Nelson; lives at Wheaton, Illi- nois. 5797. V. Mary Reser; married Joseph Toezier; had one child. 4129. I *^341 1154 LURINDA M. STEBBINS » ] Abdlel H. stebbins 8 Betsey Stebblns ^ I Julia EwcII 524 215 Hesadiah Stebblns 6 Abner Stebblns 6 Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright .Sarah I daughter of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was bom August 23, 1829; ]Jed January 3, 1858 (or 1878) ; married February 8, 1849, to VOLNEY WOOD, who died February 8, 1857. } 5793. I. 5794. n. 5795. III. 5796. IV. 48 6 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns a Mary Munn Abigail Brooks NINTH GENERATION. 873 CHILDREN: 5798. I. William Wood ; married Lanra Brodbeck. He died September 6, 1891. 5799. II. Ida May Wood ; married Henry Hughes. She died September 4, 1883. 4130. HENRY CLAY STEBBINS » \ amm h. I Julia Ewe 524 Hesadlah Stebblns s Betsey Sessions Babcock 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannab Wright 215 Abner Stebblns 5 Martha Smith 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ■ Sarah I 2341 Stebblns s Ewell 48 Thomas .Stebblns 4 Mary Munn 1154 Betsey Stebblns ^ Samuel Stebblns s Abigail Brooks son of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was born February 12, 1831 ; died August 3, 1899, at Melrose, Montana-, married March 24, 1852, to MARY A. POPE. He married second, MARIA BIGNAL. CHILDREN: By first marriage : 5800. I. Emery A. : married Sallie Colbreth ; she died January 10, 1880. By second marriage : 5801. II. Lilly; died young. 5802. III. Nellie; married Samuel Radeliffe; lives at 1262 East 67th St., Chicago. 4132. ( 2341 LOUISA STEBBINS 9-^ Abdiei h. stebbm I Julia Ewell 1154 Betsey Stebbins i 48 Thomas Stebblns 4 Mary Munn Samuel Stebblns 3 Abigail Brooks 524 Hesadlah Stebbins u Betsey Sessions Babcock 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright f 215 Abner Stebbins 5 Martha Smith 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Abdiel II. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was born April 10, 1835, at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York; married April 24, 1860, at Naples, Scott County, Illinois, to JI^LIUS C. WEBBER; died at Vicksbui-g, Mississippi, who was a son of Jonathan R. Webber and Eliza A. Beals. Occu- pation, lawyer. Politics, Republican Religion, Episcopal. She married second, to E. YALE WATERMAN, born November 23, 1838, at Oneida County, New York. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. CHILDREN : 5803. I. William E. Webber, bom June 28, 1861; married Madge E. Morris. + 5804. II. Emery Burton Waterman, born June 13. 1867; married Mabel B. Smith. + 5805. III. Edith J. Waterman, bom June 29. 1870; married Thomas W. Greer.+ 874 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4134. {''341 1154 Abdlel H.'stebbins 8 Betsey Stebbins 7 Julia Ewell • 524 215 48 6 Hesadlab Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins o Tbomas Stebbins 4 Samuei Stebbins s Betsey Sessions Babcocli Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Broolcs 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Hannah Wright Sarah 1 son of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was born at Lisbon, Kendall County, Illinois ; married, 1864, at Ottawa, La Salle County, Illinois, to LAURA LAM- MEY, born March 22, 1844, at Guthriesville, Chester County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Joseph M. Lammey and Hannah Batten. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Perry, Iowa. CHILDREN: 5806. I. Edgar Ambrose, born September 21, 1864. 5807. II. Isadora Ina, born April 22. 1868; married Hubble Shively; lives at Perry, Iowa. 5808. III. Hannah Ethel, born August 21, 1871; married Bennet B. Hop- kins; lives at Marshalltown, Iowa. 5809. IV. Prank True, born October 18, 1874. EMERY JAMES STEBBINS served his country during the civil war, in the eastern department. He was taken prisoner December 4, 1862, at Win- chester, Virginia, and taken to Libby Prison, where he remained until May 1, 1863, and Avas then paroled subject to exchange. 4135. i ''341 1154 EDGAR GREGORY STEBBINS ^ < Abaiel H."stebbins s Betsey stebbins 7 ( Julia Ewell ~ — 524 215 48 6 Ilesadiah Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins » Betsey Sessions Babeock Martha Smith Marv Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 liOWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was born October 3, 1841, at Sen- eca, La Salle County, lUinois ; married to ELIZABETH HOLDERPIELD (or HOLYFIELD). Residence, Kelly, Kansas. CHILDREN: 5810. I. John, born December 25, 1868 ; married Carrie Maud Albert.+ 5811. II. Ida May, born September 10, 1872; married William Sturtevant. She died August 20, 1899. 5812. III. Mamie, born August 5, 1879. 5813. IV. Susan, born October 17, 1880. 5814. V. Nellie, born October 14, 1884. EDGAR G. STEBBINS served in the western department of the army dur- ing the civil war. He was with Sherman when he marched through Georgia, liiosiiuoxt !■; (11-' Ni>. 4i:',ii. Aisrix i:\\i;i,i. siiouui.NS. manatiok, fla. Nu. 42-14. MUS. .IKXNIK CKANE STKRIilNS SMll'll. 875 No. 4102. (IKANT C. STKRBINS. NINTH GENERATION. 875 and took part in many fierce battles, winning honor for himself and his coun- try. EDGAR STEBBINS served his country during the civil war as sergeant of Company M., First Illinois Regiment Light Artillery. 4136. ( 2.341 1154 AUSTIN EWELL STEBBINS •' ■' Abdlel H. Stebblns 8 Betsey Stebbins i / JuUa Ewell ■ 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebbins 6 Abner Stebblns 5 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins J Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was born January 26, 1844, at Mar- seilles, La Salle County, Illinois: married Febraary 5, 1867, at Seneca, La Salle County, Illinois, to LYDIA B. WILEY, born March 3, 1851, at Little Rock, Kendall County, Illinois, who was a daughter of William H. Wiley and Jane E. Morris. Occupation, orange grower. Politics, Republican. Religion, Plymouth Brethren. Residence. Manatee, Florida. CHILDREN : William A., bora November 13. 1867; married Eva Stuart.4- Minnie, born September 2, 1870; died November 10, 1885. Jessie F., bom July 20, 1873; married Willis Whitfield. Charles H., bom September 4, 1876 ; unmarried. Gilbert A., born December 23, 1886 ; unmarried. AUSTIN E. STEBBINS was raised on a farm, receiving very little school- ing and having few advantages, as was the lot of farmer boys in those days. In 1862 he enlisted in the 88th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served through the war, his company taking part in nearly all the battles that were fought in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia, being with Sherman on his march to the sea. After the war MR. STEBBINS went to Nebraska, where he lived for five years. In 1877 he removed to Florida, and from there went to California. After living there two years he returned to Florida, where he expects to spend the remainder of his days. MR. STEBBINS is a successful dealer in real estate, making a specialty of orange groves. 4138. WILLIAM VOLNEY STEBBINS ■' \ Vbdlel H.'stebblns s Betsey Stebblns T /.lulla Ewell 5815. I. 5816. II. 5817. III. 5818. IV. 5819. V 524 215 48 6 Ilesadiab Stebbins 'i .\bner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins i Samuel Stebblns 3 Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Jiunn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah 1 son of Abdiel H. Stebbins and Julia Ewell, was bom March 2, 1853 ; married, November, 1875, to DORA PUTNAM. He married second , who died April 1. 1898. 5820. I. 5821. n. 5822. m. 5823. IV. 5824. V. 5825. VI. 876 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: By first marriage : Nelly ; died young. Grace ; married Elba Ballew. He died August 13, 1899. Mary ; died young. Bertie. Robbie; died young. Garfield; died young. By second marriage: 5826. VII. Ivan Earl. 4139. LYDIA NICKERSON BARRUS » \ Emery Barrus 8 Betsey Stebbins r ( Huldab Abigail Nickerson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins 6 Tbomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ,'■ Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Emery Barrus and Huldah Nickerson, was born October 22, 1834 ; married in 1853 to JOHN DEHART. She married second, April 1, 1857, to PESTUS SPRAGUE, born December 18, 1830; died May 4, 1870, at Grants- ville, Utah, son of Festus Sprague. CHILDREN: 5827. I. Lydia Marilla Dehart, born March 14, 1854. 5828. n. Emily Huldah Sprague, born January 16, 1858. 5829. III. Barbara Barrus Sprague, born January 12, 1860. 5830. IV. Lydia Ann Spragiie, born August 19, 1862. 4141. 1 '*343 1154 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BARRUS " • Emery Ba"rrus 8 Betsey Stebbins - I Huldah Abigail Nickerson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins i Samuel Stebbins 3 Betsey Sessions Babeock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ItOWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah — I son of Emery Barrus and Huldah Abigail Nickerson, was born May 30, 1838, at Catteraugus County, New York; married September 29, 1861, at Grants- ville, Utah, to LOVINA ANN STEELE, born September 29 1844, at Mc- Queen's Mills, Hancock County, Illinois, who was a daughter of Samuel Steele and Elvira S. Thayer. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Latter Day Saint. Residence, Grantsville, Utah. CHILDREN: 5831. I. Benjamin Franklin Barrus, bom August 23, 1862; died October 4, 1863. NINTH GENERATION. 877 5832. II. Emer>' Freeman Barrub, born September 30, 1865; married Martha Tollman. 5833. III. Samuel Leonard Barrus, born January 14, 1868 ; died August 1, 1869. 5834. IV. Orrin Orlando Barrus, born May 29, 1870 ; married Mary Clark. 5835. Y. Lovina Angelia Barrus, bom December 30, 1872; married Ulysses Cline. 5836. VI. Albert Almon Barrus, born June 1, 1875; married Alice Mill- ward. 5837. VII. Mary Luella Barrus, born November 25, 1877; married George Millward. 5838. VIII. Elvira Barrus, born December 9, 1881 ; died March 1, 1882. 5839. IX. Ellen Barrus, born January 17, 1886 ; died May 17, 1886. 5840. X. Calvin Barrus, born October 24, 1887; died January 13, 1891. 4143. MARY HULDA BARRUS =• \ Emery Barrus 8 Betsey Stebbins 7 I Huldab Abigail NIckerson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebbins o Abner .Stebblns 5 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblne 3 Betsey Sessions Babcoek Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ^ Hannah Wright Sarah ) daiigliter of Emery Barrus and Ilulda Nickerson, was born April 8, 1843 ; mar- ried to CHARLES BAILEY, born July 10, 1843, at Beaver County, Pennsyl- vania. CHILDREN : 5841. I. Nancy Elizabeth Bailey, born January 1, 1862 ; married George 0. Taylor. Charles B. Bailey, born June 17, 1867 ; married Sarah Kidd. Huldah Bailey, born September 12, 1870. Rhoda Bailey, born September 20, 1872 ; married Jacob Kinney. Emery Bailey, born January 16, 1874 ; died March 31, 1875. Cynthia Bailey, born March 3, 1876 ; married William Lundholn. Vernum Bailey, born May 23, 1878; married Ella Wixom. MiUie Bailey, born September 22, 1880 ; married Arie Wixom. Susie Bailey, born June 16, 1883 ; married Jet Wixom. George Warren Bailev. bom October 7, 1885. 4144. 1 0343 1154 ORRIN ELEAZER BARRUS"^ Emery Balruss Betsey stebblns T I Huldah Abigail NIckerson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebblns n Abner Stebblns 6 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Betsey Sessions Babcoek Martha Smith Mary Munn Abicai! Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ■ Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Emery Barrus and Hulda Nickerson, was born September 14, 1845, at Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois: married December 11, 1871, at Salt Lake 5842. II. 5843. III. 5844. lY. 5845. V. 5846. VI. 5847. ^ai. 5848. VIII. 5849. IX. 5850. X. 878 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. City, Utah, to CATHERINE WILSON, born February 18, 1856, at Iowa, who was a daughter of W. P. "Wilson and Rebecca McBride. CHILDREN: 5851. I. Emma Catherine Barrus, born October 25, 1872; married James Palmer. 5852. II. Orrin Eleazer Barrus, born March 25, 1874; died October 30, 1882. Fanny Abigail Barrus, born December 25, 1875. Lula May Barrus, born November 16, 1877 ; died March 6, 1897. Ezra Barrus, born November 9, 1879. Laura Barrus, born May 6, 1882. VII. John Elmer Barrus, born February 9, 1884. Benjamin Barrus, born Augiist 15, 1886. Marcus Wellington Barrus, born January 20, 1888; died Febru- ary 9, 1888. Emery Paul Barrus, born February 2, 1890. Stanley Filbert Barrus, born August 13, 1899; died February 24, 1900. 5853. III. 5854. IV. 5855. V. 5856. VI. 5857. VII. 5858. vni. 5859. IX. 5860. X. 5861. XI. 4146. RUEL MICHAEL BARRUS » \ 1 1 2343 1154 Emery Barrus 8 Betsey Stebblns 7 Huldah Abigail Niolserson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadiah Stebblns e Abner Stebblns 5 Tbomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Rtebbins » Betsey Sessions Babeoek Martha Smith Marv Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 ■ Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Emery Barrus and Huldah Niekerson, was born November 14, 1850; married February 1, 1882, at Salt Lake City, Utah, to IDA HUNTER, born October 15, 1856, at Grantsville, Utah, who was a daughter of Edward Hunter and Martha Hyde. CHILDREN: Ida Pearl Barrus, born December 9, 1883; died March 23, 1891. Martha Louisa Barrus, born February 15, 1886. Huldah L. Barrus, born ]\Tay 12, 1888 ; died August 18, 1889. Ruel Melvin Barrus, bom July 2, 1890. Rosel Hyde Barrus, born July 19, 1893. Emery Barrus. Noble Barrus. 4147. OWEN HENRY BARRUS » \ Emery Ba^r?u! 8 Betsey Stebblns 7 ' Huldah Abigail Niekerson Benjamin Barrus r, ., ..^24 215 48 6 Hesadiah Stebbins 6 Abner Rtebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins i Samuel Stebblns s Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah I son of Emery Barrus and Huldah Niekerson, was born December 28, 1853, at Grantsville, Utah ; married February 18, 1877, at Grantsville, Utah, to OLIVE 5862. I. 5863. II. 5864. III. 5865. IV. 5866. V. 5867. VI. 5868. VII. 5869. I. 5870. II. 5871. III. 5872. IV. 5873. V. 5874. VI. 5875. VII. 5876. VIII. 5877. IX. NINTH GENERATION. 879 D. McBRIDE, born February 20, 1859, at Grantsville, Utah; died May 19, 1891, at Grantsville, Utah, who was a daughter of James MeBride and Marion Redden. He married second December 21, 1892, to MARY ANN HUNTER, born July 25, 1874, at Grantsville, Utah. CHILDREN: Owen Lavem Barrus, born March 21, 1878. George WiUiam Barrus, bom November 29, 1879. Henry Francis Barrus, born October 8, 1882; died October 3, 1885. Bertie Barrus, born February 25, 1884. Nellie Louisa Barrus, born April 22, 1888. Edna Abigail Barrus, born January 24, 1890. Edward Hunter Barrus, born October 22, 1893. Edith Marion Barrus, born January 2, 1896. Arthur Leland Barrus, born January 25, 1898. 4148. _ ( 2343 11.54 SARAH ABIGAIL BARRUS •' - Emery Barrus 8 Betsey Stebblns 7 ( Hiildah Abigail Nlckerson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadiah Stebblns 6 Alinir Stebblns 5 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns » Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Emery Barrus and Huldah Abigail Nickerson, was born April 9, 1856, at Grantsville, Utah ; married April 12, 1875, at Grantsville, Utah, to ELEAZER NICKERSON, born May 4, 1848, at Taylor, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, who was a son of Levi Nickerson and Mary Ann Nyman. CHILDREN : Eleazer Freeman Nickerson. born June 13, 1876. Emery Barrus Nickerson, born May 24, 1878. Sadie Nickerson, born April 19, 1880. Levi Stillman Nickerson, born September 19, 1882. Charles Owen Nickerson, bom October 14, 1885 ; died February 11, 1893. John William Nickerson, born March 4, 1888. Samuel Nickerson, born February 1, 1891. 5885. VIII. Mary Huldah Nickerson, bom May 31, 1893. 5886. IX. Loren Nickerson, born May 27, 1896. 5878. I. 5879. II. 5880. III. 5881. IV. 5882. V, 5883. VI. 5884. VII. 880 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4149. i 2343 1154 JOHN NICKERSON BARRUS » i Emery Barrua s Betsey Stebbins 7 I Huldah Abigail Nlckerson Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadiah Stebbins c Abner Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins i Samuel Stebbins 3 Betsey Sessions Babcoclt Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail BroolcB 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah ■ son of Emery Barrus and Huldali Nickerson, was born June 1, 1858 ; married to ALICE BURTON, who was a daughter of Charles Burton and Hannah ( CHILDREN : 5887. I. Charles Emery Barrus. 5888. II. John Barrus. 5889. III. Huldah Caroline Barrus. 4150. EMELINE ABIGAIL BARRUS " \ Emery Ba"rrus 8 Betsey Stebbins 7 ( Jane Zerildah Balder Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadiah Stebbins e Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins s Betsey Sessions Babcocls Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 ( Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Hannah Wright Sarah | daughter of Emery Barrus and Jane Zerildah Baker, was born November 30, 1859, at Grantsville, Utah ; married at Grantsville, Utah, to MARTIN HENRY TANNER, born April 26, 1852, at Salt Lake County, Utah, who was a son of Nathan Tanner and Persis Tabot. Residence, Grantsville, Utah. CHILDREN : Martin Henry Tanner, born September 29, 1879. Nathan Emery Tanner, born January 24, 1881. Jane Zerilda Tanner, born December 23, 1882. Persis Lodisa Tanner, born October 12, 1884. Francis Alva Tanner, born June 4, 1887. Mary Rozeua Tanner, born June 8, 1889. Chloe Irena Tanner, born August 23, 1892. Rachel Winter Tanner, born March 21, 1894. Iva Emeline Tanner, born Jime 3, 1896. 5899. X. James "William Tanner, born July 17, 1898. 4152. 5890. I. 5891. II. 5892. III. 5893. IV. 5894. V. 5895. VI. 5896. VII. 5897. VIII. 5898. LX. JAMES BENJAMIN BARRUS » ] e I Jf 2.343 1154 Emery Barrus 8 Betsey Stebbins 7 ' Jane Zerildah Baker Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadiah Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins a Betsey Sessions Babeock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Hannah Wright Sarah I son of Emery Barrus and Jane Zerildah Baker, was born August 7, 1862, at NINTH GENERATION. 881 Grantsville, Utah; married to CHARLOTTE ANN MATHEWS, born March 26, 1867, at Grantsville, Utah, who was a daughter of William Mathews and Charlotte Swift. CHILDREN : 5900. I. James Mathews Barrus, bom July 26, 1889. 5901. n. Charlotte Hazel Barrus, born December 8, 1892. 5902. ni. Emery Timothy Barrus, born June 23, 1896. 5903. IV. Walter William Barrus, born November 24, 1898. 5904. Y. Benjamin Harrison Barrus, bom December 19, 1899. 4153. ( '*343 1154 WILLIAM TAYLOR BARRUS » \ Emery Ba'mis 8 Betsey Stebblns 7 ( Jane Zerlldah Baker Benjamin Barrus 524 21.5 48 6 Ilesadiab Stebblns 6 Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins * Samuel Stebblns 3 Betsey Sessions Babcock Slartha Smitb Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Emery Barrus and Jane Zerildah Baker, was bom June 1, 1864, at Grantsville, Utah ; married to OLI^TE MATILDA McBRIDE, born March 10, 1872, at Grantsville, Utah, who was a daughter of Amos 0. IMcBride and Mary Trolto. CHILDREN : 5905. I. Mary Estella Barrus, born March 28, 1893. 5906. II. Zerilda lone Barrus, bom April 15, 1895. 5907. III. Olive Lita Barrus, born March 20, 1897. 5908. IV. Gladys Evelj-n Barrus, bom January 31. 1900. 4157. ______ *'343 1154 CATHERINE ROZINA BARRUS » < Emery ea'rrus 8 Betsey Stebbins 7 ( Jane Zerlldah Baker Benjamin Barrus 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebblns e Abner Stebblns 5 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 8 Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Marv Munn .\blgall Brooks 2 1 , ■ Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Hannah Wright Sarah ( daughter of Emery Barrus and Jane Zerildah Baker, was bom February 24, 1877 : married December 24, 1898, at Grantsville, Utah, to HARRY WATSON, CHILDREN : 5909. I. Ethel Zerildah Watson, born December 19. 1899. 4162. ^.ir^... .r^ ..,>.>> ^n „ I 2347 1154 524 EMMA BARRUS " < Michael Barrus 8 Betsey Stebblns T Hesadlah Stebblns 6 / Luclnda Bushee Benjamin Barrus Betsey Sessions Babcock 215 48 6 2 Abner Stebblns 5 Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright 1 i ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 - Sarah I daughter of Michael Barrus and Lucinda Bushee, was born May 29, 1856, at 56 882 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York: married January 2, 1877, at Pre- donia, Chautauqua County, New York, to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BORTH- WICK, born July 27, 1849, at Pine Grove, Warren County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Robert Borthwick and Wealthy Adelaide Robinson. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Democrat. Residence, Sheridan, New York. CHILDREN : 5910. I. Elmer Borthwick, bom November 24, 1878. 5911. II. Grace Borthwick, born December 25, 1879. 1158 Joslab Stebblns T Eliza K. Case e Samuel Stebblns s Abigail Brooks 4181. JOHN PULASKI ABBOTT 9-} Caroline MitUda stebblns 8 I Joseph Howard Abbott 524 215 48 Hesadlah Stebblns 6 Abner Stebblns B Tbomas Stebblns * Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Caroline Matilda Stebbins and Joseph Howard Abbott, was born No- vember 14, 1848 ; married to MELVINA CHAPMAN. CHILDREN : 5912. I. Guy Abbott, bom at Troy, New York. 4187. 1158 Josiah Stebbins t Eliza K. Case « Samuel Stebblns 3 Abigail Brooks 524 Hesadlah Stebblns 6 Betsey Sessions Babcock 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright LIZZIE LUCE 9 \ Clarissa s'tebblns 8 / Charles Addison Luce 215 48 Abner Stebblns 5 Tbomas Stebblns t Martha Smith Mary Munn ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ( daughter of Clarissa Stebbins and Charles Addison Luce ; married to LYMAN LAWRENCE, who was a son of Amos Lawrence. Residence, Marseilles, Illi- nois. 5913. I. Zella Lawrence. 5914. II. Son. CHILDREN : 4192. GRANT CASE STEBBINS » \ Eari bu: I Dencie J 524 Hesadlah Stebblns 6 Betsey Sessions Babcock 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 2368 rr Stebbins s Mullen 215 Abner Stebblns i Martha Smith 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah [ 48 Thomas Stebbins ■» Mary Munn 1158 .Tosiah Stebbins t Eliza K. Case 6 Samuel Stebblns s Abigail Brooks son of Earl Burr Stebbins and Dencie Mullen, was bom March 27, 1862, at Manlius, La Salle County, Illinois ; married April 24, 1888, to KATE CARVER NINTH GENERATION. 883 CRITCHPIELD, born September 24, 1867, at Iowa, who was a daughter of William B. Critehfield and Sarah E. Carver. Occupation, real estate and in- surance agent. Politics, Republican. Residence, Marseilles, Illinois. CHILDREN : 5915. I. Dencie Elizabeth, born December 17, 1888. 5916. II. Gladys Bell, bom November 29, 1891. 5917. III. James Le Ray, born February 17, 1894. GRANT CASE STEBBINS spent his youth on the old homestead ; but, at the age of twenty, he entered the business college at Dixon, Illinois, where his natural business ability was developed. Leaving school in 1883, he went west and entered into the emploj- of the Santa Fe Railroad Company, and at the same time engaged in the real estate business in Kansas and Nebraska, hand- ling thousands of acres of agricultural lands. After spending seven years in the west, he returned to Marseilles, Illinois, and opened up a real estate and insurance office. For over four years he represented the Cincinnati Underwriters Insurance Company as general agent of the west, having ftdl charge of the state, with over one hundred agents. He succeeded in building up an excellent business, and now represents one of the largest insurance agencies in northern Illinois. MR. STEBBINS is a broad-minded, public-spirited man, and has expended his time and money freely for the promotion of the prosperity of Marseilles. As a testimony to his merit, the citizens of ^Marseilles elected him mayor, giving him a large majority. He is a man of keen foresight and executive force, of marked energy and sound judgment. He owns a good stock farm in Brookfield township, and has other investments in the west. He enlisted for the Spanish-American war, and was made lieutenant, but his company was not called upon to perform active service. 4193. EVERETT J. STEBBINS » \ Earl Burr'stebbins 8 .Tosiah Stebbins 7 I Dencie Mullen Eliza K. Case 524 215 48 6 Hesadlah Stebbins 6 .\bner Stebbins r. Thomas Stehbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Betsey Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Broolis 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Earl Burr Stebbins and Dencie Mullen, was born August 29, 1864: died April 12. 1899; married ]\Iarch 4. 1887, to NELLIE EL^aRA AMEY. born August 4, 1867, who was a daughter of Charles Amey and Charlotte . CHILDREN: 5918. I. Edna Lillian, born December 7, 1887. 5919. II. Walter Burr, born November 4. 1889. .5920. III. Velma Amey. born Julv 20. 1895. 884 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4195. DELIA STEBBINS ^ \ Eail Burr S ( Dencie Mull ( 2368 1158 524 • Stebblns s Josiah Stebbins ^ Hesadiah Stebblns a ullen Eliza K. Case Betsey Sessions Babcock 215 48 6 2 Abner Stebblns 6 Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebblns 8 Thomas Stebblns 2 Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Earl Burr Stebbins and Dencie Mullen, was born April 22, 1875; married September 15, 1898, to EUGENE D. ALLEN, who was a son of John H. Allen and Lovina . 4225. I 2416 1201 ARTHUR BARBER STEBBINS » ^ John B. stebbins s Samuel Stebblns 7 / Mary Ellis Barber Sarah Blandln 531 217 48 6 .Totham Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins B Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Phebe Ellinwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 11 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ) sou of John B. Stebbins and Mary Ellis Barber, was bom August 16, 1858, at Brookline, Vermont; died January 19, 1886, at Cumberland Mountains, Ten- nessee ; buried at Brookline, Vermont ; married September 23, 1883, to HATTIE BELL LYON, who was a daughter of Daniel Lyon, of New York. Resided at Vernon, Vermont, and Tennessee. ARTHUR B. STEBBINS passed his minority on the farm, gaining from his father the art of farming, and from his mother, the culture for a noble manhood. He acquired a thorough academic education. In the spring of 1878 he went to clerk in the store of his brother-in-law, in Rochester, Minne- sota, but on account of the severe and prolonged illness of his father and his family, he being the oldest son, was called home to take charge of his father's business. In the spring he remodeled and constructed a new set of banis, and gave the business a new impetus. In the fall of 1880, he returned to Minnesota, as senior clerk for the fii-m, by which he had been previously employed. While there he assisted one of the partners, who was unused to farming, in selecting stock for a farm he had recently purchased near the city. MR. STEBBINS was often consulted about the farm, and it gave him excellent opportunities for developing his genius in this direction. He made the herd books a study, and was sent to New England in the winter of 1882, by some prominent herdsmen of Minnesota, to make a selection and purchase of thoroughbreds. His selections met with such hearty success that he de- cided to resign his position in the store and devote himself to agriculture. His father urged him to remain on tlie farm, but, ambitious to gain an independence by his own efforts, he and his wife left Vermont, October 11, 1883, and upon the arid, fertile plateau of the Cumberland mountains in Tennessee, he bought a tract of land, known in the early history of the coun- try as a favorite retreat of the red man, and in this delightful climate he had commenced to build up and beautify a home, and gain for himself a NINTH GENERATION. 885 laudable notoriety in the agricultural world, but in the bud of his ambition he was in an instant cut down. He and his brother-in-law, George Lyon, were at work in a wood near the house, when a tall oak stub, standing some thirty feet distant, fell and struck MR. STEBBINS to the ground, breaking the spinal colunui at the neck. So quick and sharp the deadly deed was done, that the skin was not even ruptured. This sudden death seemed strange to aU who knew him. His remains were taken home to Brookline for interment. 4228. I 2417 1201 531 ALMY STEBBINS " -^ Samuel EllmwoocI Stebbins 8 Samuel Stebbins t Jotbam Stebbin.s 6 I Laurette Wbltney Sarah BlaDdIn Phebe Ellinwood 217 48 6 2 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel .Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ) daughter of Samuel Ellinwood Stebbins and Laurette Whitney, was born February 16, 1857 (T. R.), at Brookline, "Windham Coimty, Vermont; mar- ried November 25, 1885, at Toledo, Ohio, to ORLIN B. WHEELER, born March 15, 1856, at Castleton, Rutland County, Vermont. Residence, Braden- town, Florida. CHILDREN: 5921. I. Inez Wheeler, born March 20, 1888. 5922. II. Laurette Wheeler, born December 17, 1891. 4242. ioi49 1203 Thomas Stebbins s Bufus Stebbins 7 Harriet Blandln Clarissa Bi.indin 531 217 48 6 Jotham Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins s Thomas Stebbins •» Samuel Stebbins 3 Phebe Ellinwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 j Thomas Stebbins 2 nOWLAND STEBBINS i [ Hannah Wright Sarah \ son of Thomas Stebbins and Harriet Blandin, was born September 21, 1847, at Mansfield, Massachusetts; married September 26, 1871, at Brookline, Wind- ham County, Vermont, to ADELAIDE LOUISE STEBBINS [No. 4224], born July 31, 1849, at Brookline, Windham County, Vermont, who was a daughter of John B. Stebbins and Mary E. Barber. Occupation, hardware dealer. Poli- tics, Republican. Residence, Rochester. Minnesota. CHILDREN : 5923. I. Mabelle Claire, born July 26, 1873; married William Charles Webber. + 5924. II. George Merton, born July 25, 1875. ALONZO T. STEBBINS has been in the hardware business in Rochester, Minnesota, since 1871, during which time he has been honored with the posi- tions of Alderman, Member of the House and Senate of the state, and a mem- ber of the Board of Trustees for the State Insane Hospitals. For ten years he 886 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. has been President of the Rochester Board of Trade, and for many years, President of the Southern Minnesota Fair Association, located at Rochester. He is a member of Rochester Lodge, No. 21, A. F. & A. M. ; Halcyon Chap- ter No. 8; Home Commandery No. 5, and Minneapolis Consistory No. 2, and is Past Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery, and Grand Master of Masons for the jurisdiction of Minnesota. 4244. i **421 1203 JENNIE CRANE STEBBINS » < Chalmer Wlllaid Stebbins 8 Itufu.s Stebbins 7 / Katharine Maria Crane Clarissa Blandin 531 217 48 6 .Totham Stebbins e Benjamin Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 rhebe Ellinwood Jerusha King Mary Munn -Vbigail Brooks 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 UOWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of ChaLmer Willard Stebbins and Katharine Maria Crane, was born August 19, 1846, at Brookline, Windham County, Vermont; married May 31, 1876, at Brookline, Windham County, Vermont, to IRENAENS O. P. SMITH, bom February 5, 1841, at Isles of Shoals (Star Island), New Hampshire, who was a son of Rev. Origen Smith and Betsey Bruce. Occupation, mechanic. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Brattleboro, Vermont. No children. JENNIE C. STEBBINS SMITH was educated at Leland and Gray Sem- inary at Townshend, Vermont. Her school days were succeeded by several years of teaching in the public schools. Since her marriage, she has resided in Brattleboro. At the annual meeting of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, in 1896, she read an original poem, which received high praise. In 1898, she became a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, through the services rendered by her great grandfather, Jotham Stebbins, who enlisted in the Revolutionary war, when but fifteen years of age. His name appears on the Pension Rolls at Washington. 4245. CLARA IRENE STEBBINS » \ cn: ( Ka , „ , 2421 1203 Chalmer Willard Stebbins s Unfxis Stebbins - Katharine Maria Crane Clarissa Blandin 531 217 48 6 .Totham Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Phebe Ellinwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Broolis 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Chalmer Willard Stebbins and Katharine Maria Crane, was born January 12, 1855 ; married July 29, 1884, at Brookline, Vermont, to OZRO J. IIARWOOD. Residence. Montague, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5925. I. Carl Stebbins Harwood, born January 12, 1891. NINTH GENERATION. 887 4246. i 2421 LUTON CHALMER STEBBINSa Uualmer Wlllard Stebbins s ) Katbarine Maria Crane 531 .lotham Stebbins 6 Phebe Ellinwood 2 Thomas Stebbins i Hannah Wright 217 Benjamin Stebbins & Jerusha King ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah \ 48 Thomas Stebbins 4 Mary Munn 1203 Rufus Stebbins ^ Clarissa Blandin 6 Samuel Stebbins J Abigail Brooks son of Chalmer Willard Stebbins and Katharine Maria Crane, was born March 19, 1860, at Brookline, Vermont; married June 8. 1887, to ALICE BRACKETTE SMITH, born September 19, 1859, at Walnut, Bureau County, Illinois; died August 22, 1889, at Brattleboro, Vermont, who was a daughter of Smith and Abbie Braekette. He married second, September 12, 1892, to ADELINE ANTOINETTE jMAPES, daughter of William Henry Mapes and Susan Temperance Bruce. Occupation, milk dealer. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Baptist. Resided at Brookline and Brattleboro, Vermont, New York and Brooklyn. New York. CHILDREN: 5926. I. Harold Edmond, born August 15, 1889. 5927. II. Claudius Luton, born July 22, 1893; died August 4, 1893. 5928. III. Katharine Lillian, born February 19. 1896. 4247. MONROE BELLOWS STEBBINS « Udi ) Cor; 531 .Totham Stebbins 6 Phebe Ellinwood 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 217 r.enjamin Stebbins 5 .lerusha King 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2422 in William Stebbins s Cornelia L. Bellows 48 Thomas Stebbins 4 Mary Munn 1203 Riifus Stebbins T Clarissa Blandin 6 Samuel Stebbins > Abigail Brooks son of Adin William Stebbins and Cornelia L. Bellow.s, was born March 12, 1855, at Bellows Falls, Vermont; married :\Iarch 12, 1878, at St. Charles, Winona County, Minnesota, to CAMILLA E. WHITON; died December 23, 1880, at St. Charles, Minnesota, who was a daughter of F. V. Whiton. He married second, January 1, 1881, MARIETTA WOOD, daughter of John B. Wood. Profession, photographer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, St. Charles, Minnesota. CHILDREN: 5929. I. Bertha Laperl, born 1879 ; died November 23, 1880. 5930. II. Raymond Keneth, born October 10. 1888. 4249. FLORENCE LILLIAN STEBBINS 531 .Totbam Stebbins o Phebe Ellinwood 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ( 217 Benjamin Stebbins o .Terusha King 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah I 2422 •J Adin William Stebbins f Cornelia L. Bellows 48 Thomas Stebbins 4 Mary Munn } 1203 Rufus Stebbins 7 Clarissa Blandin 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks laughter of Adin William Stebbins and Cornelia L. Bellows, was born August 888 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 23, 1864, at St. Charles, Minnesota; married January 21, 1885, at St. Charles, Minnesota, to THOMAS CLARKSON, born September 6, 1849, at Holytown, near Glasgow, Scotland. Residence, St. Charles, Minnesota. CHILDREN: 5931. I. Hugh James Clarkson, born November 13, 1885. 5932. II. Stanley Thomas Clarkson, born June 14, 1889. 4260. I oAoo 1203 FLOYD JAY STEBBINS ^ \ Adln Willlam Stebbins 8 Eufus Stebblns 7 ( Cornelia L. Bellows Clarissa Blandin 531 217 48 6 Jotham Stebblns 6 Benjamin Stebblns B Tbomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Phebe E/lllnwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah son of Adin William Stebbins and Cornelia L. Bellows, was bom June 14, 1867, at St. Charles, Winona County, Minnesota; married February 24, 1889, to JENNIE HILL, bom October 31, 1867, at St. Charles, Winona County, Minnesota, who was a daughter of Edwin Hill and Mary Louise Powell. Pro- fession, druggist. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Thief River Palls, Minne- sota. CHILDREN: 5933. I. Esther Lueile, bom February 21, 1892. 5934. II. Goldie La Pearl, born July 18, 1895. 5935. III. Edwin Floyd, born March 29, 1898. FLOYD J. STEBBINS left school at the age of fifteen, and began to leam the drug business, taking a course in a business college. At nineteen, he had charge of the largest prescription drug store in the state of Minnesota, and also had charge of the laboratory in a wholesale drug house. In 1891 he went in business for himself, at Thief River Falls, Minnesota. He was secretary of the Business Men's Union in that city, for five years, and belongs to the Odd Fellows, Woodmen, Royal Neighbors, and Christian Endeavor societies. 4254. ABBIE IRENE BUTTERFIELD » ] 2423 1203 Sarah G. Steblilns 8 Rutus Stebbins ^ ' Jesse Fletcher Butterfleld Clarissa Blandin 531 217 48 6 .Totham Stebbins « Benjamin Stebblns B Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns a Phebe Ellinwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of Sarah G. Stebbins and Jesse Fletcher Butterfleld, was born No- vember 5, 1860, at Springfield, Winsor County, Vermont; married July 14, 1884, at Rochester, Olmsted County, Minnesota, to MILLARD FILLMORE DOTY, born July 9, 1858, at Eyota, Olmsted County, Minnesota, who was a f NINTH GENERATION. 889 son of Edwin Augustus Doty and Mary Eizabeth Scott. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Eyota, Minnesota. CHILDREN : 5936. I. Archie George Doty, born October 1, 1885. 5937. II. Clarence Edwin Doty, born June 13, 1895. 5938. III. Bernice Elizabeth Doty, born September 8, 1897. 4258. ( 2425 1203 ADA GERTRUDE STEBBINS * < Jonas Blandln StebWns 8 Eufus Stebbins T ( Maria Smith ICandall Clarissa Blaudin 531 217 48 6 .Totham Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Tbomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Phebe Elllnwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 ) Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [• Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Jonas Blandin Stebbins and Maria Smith Randall, was bom February 24, 1864, at Utica, "Winona County, Minnesota ; married September 14, 1887, at Utica, "Winona County, Minnesota, to FRANK aLLEN HAN- COCK, bom January 14, 1862, at "Worcester, Washington County, "Vermont, who was a son of Heman A. Hancock and Maryell B. Cobum. Occupation, contractor and builder. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Morris, Minnesota. No children. IDA STEBBINS was a successful teacher in the city schools of Morris, Minnesota. She is interested in the club, social and musical life of the town. Both she and her husband are members of the Congregationalist choir, of which he is chorister. He is also leader of the Morris orchestra. 4260. .Tonas Blandln Stebbins 8 Rutus Stebbins 7 Maria Smith Randall Clarissa Blandin 531 217 48 6 Jotham Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins » Phebe Elllnwood Jerusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS I J- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Jonas Blandin Stebbins and IMaria Smith Randall, was born December 9, 1869, at Utica, "Winona County, J\rinnesota ; married December 31, 1898, at Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, to MAIA "WINCHELL, bom May 16, 1874, at Milwaukee, "Wisconsin, who was a daughter of S. Robertson "Winchell and Calphurnia Carson. Profession, teacher. Politics, Republican. Relig- ion, Methodist. Residence, "Waukegan, Illinois. CHILDREN : 5939. I. Norma, born February 10, 1900. "WEBSTER JONAS STEBBINS was brought up on his father's farm in "Winona County, Minnesota, near the village of Utica. At the age of seven- teen he entered High School at Morris, Minnesota, remaining there one year. 890 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. He then attended the "Winona high school, from which he graduated in 1890. In 1896 he graduated from Northwestern University at Evanston. Illinois, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He then began to teach, his first posi- tion being that of instructor in Winehell Academy, a private school in Evans- ton. On January 1, 1897, he was chosen principal of schools in Newark, Illi- nois. In September, 1898, he accepted the position of principal of the high school in Wheaton, Illinois, and in 1900, went to Waukegan, Illinois, as prin- cipal of the Central School of that city. 4269. EDGAR WILLIAM STEBBINS » \ William p"f ttbbins s Rufus Stebbins 7 ( Susan Sephronia Codding Claiissa Blandin 531 217 48 6 i?l*^>?'^St*'''''°l " Benjamin Stebbins 5 Tbomas Stebbins -i Samuel Stebbins s Phebe Ellinwood .leiuslia Kmg jiaiv Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 UOWLAXD STEBBINS i , Hannab Wright Sarah . ) son of William P. Stebbins and Susan Sephronia Codding, was born March 30, 1856, at Brookline, Windham County. Vermont ; married May 24, 1880, at Utica, Winona County, Minnesota, to EMMA S. PIKE, born May 24, 1859, at Wilton, Maine, who was a daughter of Aaron Pike and Rehana Bacon. Occu- pation, salesman. Politics, Democrat. Residence, Aberdeen, South Dakota. CHILDREN : 5940. I. Mae Belle Victoria, bom May 10, 1892. 4270. 2S . 1203 JOEL CODDING STEBBINS " ■! Willlam K^Vebbins s luifu.s StebbT^s T ( Susan S. Codding Clarissa Blandin 531 217 48 ft Phl'J^'p'mnwnnl " Benjamin Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Phebe Ellinwood .ferusha King Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of William P. Stebbins and Susan S. Codding, was bom December 15, 1858, at Brookline, Vermont ; married May 4, 1881, at Brookline, Vermont, to EMILY JULIA MELVIN. CHILDREN, born at Brookline, Vermont: 5941. I. Ethel Thirsa, born April 16, 1882. 5942. II. Morgan R., born October 1, 1883. 4280. GERTRUDE HOLLAND » J A.on.o u!^i . r-hebe stem's r .lotham S?e\'bins e ,j^ ' I^"" L. Kmgsbury .loab Holland Phebe Ellinwood ^s'^--= ;!;-?!f£— it^fjib^- ?s=i-^r= ROWLAND STEBBINS i ( Sarah ) daughter of Alonzo Holland and Ella L. Kingsbury, was born November 22, NINTH GENERATION. 891 1867, at Winona, Winona County, Minnesota ; married December 22, 1886, at Winona, Winona Countj-, :\Iinnesota, to LE^T:RETT CALVIN JOHNSON, bom September 16, 1851, at Batavia, Kane County, Illinois, who was a son of Spencer Johnson and Sarah Chaffee. Residence, Winona, Minnesota. CHILDREN : 5943. I. EUa Johnson, born March 22, 1888. 5944. II. Harry Johnson, born September 18, 1891. 4312. 1 2467 1228 HARRY OSMYN STEBBINS ^-^ Wallace.Stet.blnss Osmyn Stebblns 7 f Sarah ICHzabetb Severson Eunice Hitchcock 546 221 48 6 Bethuel Stebbins 6 Bethuel Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins s Patience Hitchcock Mary Shapleigh Mary Munn .\bigall Brooks Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Hannab Wright Sarah ) son of Wallace Stebbins and Sarah Elizabeth Severson, was born March 12, 1860, at Baltimore, Maryland; married July 19. 1884, at Washington, D. C, to ISABEL STANSBURY. born October 15, 1856. at Baltimore, Maryland, w-ho was a daughter of William Thomas Stansbury and Mary Ann Costello. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Resided at Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, and Baltimore, Maryland. CHILDREN : Sarah Elizabeth, bom September 17. 1885. Harry Osmyn, born May 7, 1887. Harriet Electa, bom July 27. 1889. William Wallace, born June 17, 1891. Charles Rowland, born January 1, 1893. 5950. VI. Arthur Vernon, bora April 20, 1894. 4313. CHARLES WALLACE STEBBINS » \ Wallace .s'tebblns 8 Osmyn Stebbins 7 I Sarah Elizabeth Severson Eunice Hitchcock 546 221 48 6 Bethuel Stebbins a Bethuel Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins s Patience Hitchcock Mary Shapleigh Mary Munn .\bigall Brooks 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND .STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Wallace Stebbins and Sarah Elizabeth Severson, was born December 27, 1861, at Baltimore, Maryland ; married to ELLEN FRASER STEWART, bom August 17, 1871, at Baltimore, Maryland, who was a daughter of Alexan- der S. Stewart and Ellen Jane Eraser. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Re- publican. Religion. Presbyterian. Residence. Baltimore, Maryland. CHILDREN : 5951. I. Alexander Stewart, bora October 26. 1894. 5945. I. 5946. II. 5947. III. 5948. IV. 5949. V. 892 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4314. HELEN FRANCES STEBBINS » \ Wallace Stebblns 8 Osmyn Stebblns 7 / Sarah Elizabeth Severson Kunice Hitchcock 546 221 48 6 Bethuel Stebblns a Bethuel Stebblns o Thomas Stebblns i Samuel Stebblns s Patience Hitchcock Mary Shaplelgh Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Hannah Wright Sarah | daughter of Wallace Stebbins and Sarah Elizabeth Severson, was bom May 28, 1864, at Baltimoi-e, Maryland ; married September 24, 1890, at Baltimore, Maryland, to ASA WILLIAMS WHITNEY, born May 31, 1861, at Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, who was a son of James Shields Whitney and Elizabeth Field Knapp. Occupation, expert in cast iron. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Episcopalian. Residence, Philadelphia. CHILDREN : 5952. I. Wallace Brown Whitney, born September 13, 1891. 5953. II. James Stebbins Whitney, born December 4, 1893. 4364. n.n.n-r.'r. ^ .n-... -^ -n -..,» I 2527 1285 578 SOPHIA STEBBINS » ■ James Stebbins s Pestus Stebbins 7 .Toseph Stebbins 6 I Eunice Sylvia Alvord Frances Dickinson Eunice Brewer 241 61 9 2 Joseph Stebblns B Joseph Stebbins * Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Stebblns Kebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !■ Sarah ) daughter of James Stebbins and Eunice Sylvia Alvord, was born April 7, 1858, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married October 30, 1895, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to GEORGE BOWMAN JOSLYN, born May 19, 1866, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachu- setts, who was a son of Joseph Joslyn and Orianna Humprey. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. 4365. 2527 1285 oes Stebbins 8 Festus Stebbins i ( MARY GRANGER STEBBINS » i James ( Eunice Sylvia Alvord Prances Dickinson 578 241 61 9 Joseph Stebblns 6 Joseph Stebblns 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins s Eunice Brewer Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of James Stebbins and Eunice Sylvia Alvord, was born May 5, 1863, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married January 19, 1892, at Springfield, Hampden Coimty, Massachusetts, to CHARLES BREWSTER ATWATER, bqrn July 4, 1857, at Cleveland, Ohio, who was a son of Dr. David F. Atwater and Sarah A. Sears. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5954. I. Margaret Sylvia Atwater, born November 2, 1894. NINTH GENERATION. 893 4366. 2582 61 .Toseph Stebbins 4 Rebecca Colton 1285 Festus Stebbins 7 Frances Dickinson 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester CHARLES JOSEPH STEBBINS oUliariesStelJbinss f Mary Ann Groves o78 241 Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 6 Eunice Brewer Mary Stebbins 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [• Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Charles Stebbins and ]Mary Ann Groves, was born March 30, 1854, at New York ; married September 21, 1893, at Brooklyn, New York, to Frances Brooks Miles, bom August 16, 1873, at Rye, Westchester County, New York, who was a daughter of William H. Miles and Mary E. Gumming. Occupa- tion, nail merchant. Politics. Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Resi- dence, New York City. CHILDREN : 5955. I. Marion Groves, bom December 27, 1894. 4376. 2556 SUSAN A. HAMILTON » \ Mary Steljbins s ( William Hamilton 61 Joseph Stebbins * Rebecca Colton 580 Gad Stebbins a Sarah Buckminster 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 241 Joseph Stebbins 6 .Mary Stebbins 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 1292 Samuel Buckminster Stebbins ^ Sally Warner 9 .Joseph Stebbins s Sarah Dorchester daughter of Mary Stebbins and William Hamilton, bom December 25, 1846 ; married October 21, 1873, at Florence, Kansas, to CLEVELAND HOBART. Residence, Cedar Point, Kansas. 4379. EMILY ANTOINETTE STEBBINS n J 580 Gael Stebbins 6 Sarah Buckminster 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 241 Joseph Stebbins 5 Mary Stebbins 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarali 2559 .Ml'red Stt'bbins s Emily Wheelock 61 Joseph Stebbins 4 Rebecca Colton 1295 Samuel Buckminster Stebbins ^ Sally Warner 9 Toseph StebWns 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Alfred Stebbins and Emily Wheelock, was born November 23, 1851, at Northampton, Massachusetts; married September 1, 1886, to Wilj- LIAM PERRY NORTHROP, born January 11, 1851, at Peterboro, Madison County, New York, who was a son of Rensselaer Northrop and Clarissa Judd. Profession, physician. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Resi- dence, 57 East 79th St., New York, New York. No children. 894 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4380. 1 2560 FRANKLIN MONROE STEBBINS « -^ BptiJaminFrankllnStebbinsS / Abigail Wilcox 1292 580 241 61 Samuel Buckminster Stebbins 7 Gad Stebblns 8 Joseph Stebblns 5 Joseph Stebblns 4 Esther Ladd Sarah Buckmluster Mary Stebblns Rebecca Colton 9 2 II Joseph Stebblns » Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Sarah Dorchester Hanuah Wright .Sarah ) son of Benjamin Franklin Stebbins and Abigail Wilcox, was born June 7, 1837, at Chester, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married August 29, 1865, at Leonora, Fillmore County, Minnesota, to MARY ELLEN MILLS, born January 25, 1843, at Michigan ; died July 4, 1884, at Galena Township, Minne- sota, who was a daughter of Rev. Edward Mills and Phoebe Baldwin. CHILDREN: 5956. I. Ernest Edgar, born November 1, 1866 ; died October 18, 1894. in California. 5957. II. Franklin Charles, born October 6, 1868 ; died December 24, 1869. 5958. III. Irving Monroe, born December 7, 1871. 5959. IV. Abigail Ellen, bom July 26, 1881. FRANKLIN MONROE STEBBINS, in 1856, went to Houston County, Minnesota, and afterwards to Fillmore County, in the same state, remaining there until the war broke out. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the 7th Minne- sota Volunteer Infantry, in which he served until August, 1865. He was mar- ried the same month, and in the spring of 1866, he settled in Rushford, Fill- more County, Minnesota, where he resided until the fall of 1870. He then moved to Martin County. The following March he took up a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, in what is now called Galena township. With the exception of four years spent in Mankato during the grasshopper raid, he lived on the homestead until the winter of 1884-5, when he moved to Minneapolis, and worked at the carpenter trade until 1893. Business became so dull that he left in August, returning to Martin County, where he has since lived. He exchanged his homestead for Minneapolis property, and recently exchanged that for land in Crow Wing County, where he expects to settle. 4382. EDGAR BUCKMINSTER STEBBINS » ] » I Si 2560 Iteujamin Franklin Stebblns s Sarah Clark 1292 -iSO 241 61 Samuel Aiuckmlnster Stebblns 7 Gad Stebbins c Joseph Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbin.s 4 Esther Ladd Sarah Buckminster Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton 9 2 II .Joseph Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns ^ ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Benjamin Franklin Stebbins and Sarah Clark, was born August 20, 1840, at Chester, Massachusetts; married June 2, 1869, at Ilion, Herkimer County, New York, to MAY JEANETTE BARNEY, born August 2, 1852, at Newport, Herkimer County, New York ; died November, 1886, at Chicago, Illinois, who was a daughter of Napoleon Bonaparte Barney and Elizabeth NINTH GENERATION. 895 Pilbeam. Illinois. Occupation, gun-maker. Polities, Republican. Residence, Chicago, CHILDREN : 5960. I. Bertha Louise, born April 23, 1870; died January 21, 1874. 5961. II. Grace "Winifred, born September 23, 1874; died August, 1875. 4384. CHARLES WILLIAM STEBBINS 1292 Samuel Buckminster Stebbins 7 Esther Ladd 9 9 ■! Be / Sa Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 2560 Benjamin Frankiin Stebbins s Sarah M. Clark 580 241 Gad Stebbins o .Toseph Stebbins r. Sarah Buckminster Mary Stebbins 1 61 .Joseph .Stebliins t lieljecea Colton Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )■ Sarah ) son of Benjamin Franklin Stebbins and Sarah M. Clark, was born December 26, 1847, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. He was married first to MARY SOPHIA HITCHCOCK; married second in 1876 to ANNIE M. HASTINGS, who was born in 1855 at Ashburnham, Massachusetts; died in 1884 at New Haven, Conn, and was a daughter of Stephen C. Hastings and Emily Newton Stowell. He married third, MARY STUART. Residence, New Haven, Con- necticut. CHILDREN, born at New Haven: 5961a. I. Lottie H., born in 1882. 5961b. II. Ella M., born in 1884. 4385. SARAH EMMA JOSEPHINE STEBBINS ■' \ 129i Samuel Buckminster Stebbins ^ Esther Ladd 9 2 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright 580 Gad Stebbins « Sarah Buckminster 2560 Benjamin Franklin Stebbins s Ama Ann Breard 241 61 .Tosepii Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbin."; 4 Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS I ■ Sarah \ daughter of Benjamin Franklin Stebbins and Ama Ann Bi-eard. was born May 30, 1853, at Hampden, Massachusetts; married November 4, 1875, at New Haven, Connecticut, to DANIEL WEBSTER ]MELLEN, born April 17, 1851, at Redding Ridge, Connecticut, who was a son of James MeUen and Elizabeth Tillson. Occupation, mason, contractor and builder. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 5962. I. Franklin Stebbins Mellpn, born January 10. 1878: married Bertha Vaughn Doane; lives at Brimfield, Massachusetts. 5962a. II. Florence Louise Rose Mellen. born January 6, 1887. 896 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4387. EDWARD HICEEY » \ Sarah Ingraham s I Yates Uickey 2561 1293 580 [graham s Deborah Stebbius T Gad Stebbins 6 I Uickey Ira lugraham Sarah Buckmindler 241 61 9 2 Joseph Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins t Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Stebbins Kebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah son of Sarah Ingraham and Yates Hickej', was born February 13, 1853; died November 30, 1896 ; married to ELIZA HARDING. f CHILDREN : 5963. I. Yates Hiekey, born 1886. 5964. II. McAlpin Harding Hiekey, born 1887. 5965. m. Alice Hiekey, born 1889. 5966. IV. Edward Howard Hiekey, born 1891. EDWARD HICKEY was for many years at the head of the draughting room of Kellogg & Maurice, bridge builders, whose works were located at Athens, Pennsylvania, with office in New York City. Being an expert, he is easily at the front of his profession. 4388. SAMUEL INGRAHAM HICKEY 9 i sarah mg^riham s ( Yates Hiekey } 1293 Deborah Stebbins 7 Ira Ingraham 580 241 61 9 Gad Stebbins « Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins i Joseph Stebbins » Sarah Buckmlnster Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Sarah Ingraham and Yates Hiekey, was born March 13, 1855, at Roches- ter, Monroe County, New York ; married June 5, 1879, at Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, to KATHERINE LEHMAN BOGGS, born September 17, 1854, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Davis Boggs and Mary Rex Prince. Residence, Arlington, New Jersey. CHILDREN: 5967. I. Kenneth Hiekey, born February 26, 1883. SAMUEL INGRAHAM HICKEY, after receiving a common school train- ing, pursued his studies at Bloomsburg (Pa.) State Normal School, Washing- ton and Jefferson (Pa.) College, and later attended Princeton Theological Sem- inary, graduating from that institution in 1884. In the same year he was ordained a Presbyterian minister, and installed as pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bellevue, Pennsylvania. He became convinced, however, that no human institution could ever approxi.nate the true church of Christ, and in 1886 he withdrew from all ecclesiastical connection. For several years he was engaged in colporteur work. Later on he was traveling representative of New York interests, then became editor of the "Commercial Enquirer," of NINTH GENERATION. 897 New York, and assistant editor of the ' " Dry Goods Chronicle. ' ' Early in 1898, being relieved of all commercialism, he was at last fully convinced, God's Spirit witnessing with his spirit, that Christ meant literally that his disciples were to "labor not for the food which perisheth," to "seek not," any tem- poral thing, but that "all things should be superadded" to one "seeking the Kingdom of God." Hence, his only and all-absorbing occupation is just the striving to enter the Kingdom with Christ. 4389. RICHARD STEBBINS HICKEY » \ Saiah Ing'raham s Deboiah St'ebbins T / Yates Hickey Ira Injtraliam r,b(> 1'41 61 9 (Jad StehDins 6 .Joseph Stebbins 5 Joseph Stelihins t .Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Buckminster Mary Stebbins Hebecea Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins :; KOWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Sarah Ingraham and Yates Hi'/lcey, was bom September 14, 1857 ; mar- ried to ADA DE WITT. Residence, Athens, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 5968. I. Elsie Ingraham Hickey, bom 1884. 5969. II. Frances De Witt Hickey, born 1886. 4392. i 2562 1294 580 DORA STEBBINS ^ ] Charles lierrrck Stebbins s Charles Stebbins 7 Gad Stebbins u ( Mosa Kdwa Henderson .Julia Emily Pease Sarah Buckminster 241 01 9 2 .Joseph Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins -' Mary Stebbins Uebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright 1 I ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 - Sarah ) daughter of Charles Merrick Stebbins and Mosa Edwa Henderson, was born May 4, 1856, at Booneville, ^Missouri : married first. April 8, 1874, at Scarsdale, New York, to JOHN JACOB HELEKER, bom December 3, 1852, at Peekskill, New York; died August, 1887, at Paradise Valley. Nevada, who was a son of Jacob Lent Heleker and Eliza Kipp : married second. Jime 4. 1890, at New Utrecht, New York, to ALEXANDER RA:MSAY TH0:\IPS0N, born March 29, 1854, at Staten Island, New York, who wa.s a son of Alexander Ramsay Thompson and ^Mary Carpenter. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Sears- dale, New York. CHILDREN : 4392a. I. :Marguerite Elise Heleker. born May 12. 1875 ; died April 28, 1876. 4392b. II. Lily Helen Heleker, born February 12. 1879 : married February 14, 1899, William Hamilton Van Kleeck. 57 898 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4396. CHARLES HENDERSON STEBBINS '■> \ \ 2562 1294 Charles Merrick Stebbins s Charles Stebbins ^ Mosa Edwa Uenderson Julia Emily Pease 580 241 61 9 Gad Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins s Sarah Buckminster Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah son of Charles Merrick Stebbins and Mosa Edwa Henderson, was born Decem- ber 20, 1866, at Florence, Italy; married November 27, 1887, at Deadwood, Lawrence County, Soutb Dakota, to ANNIE LAURA GILLETTE, born Janu- ary 11, 1869, at Helena, Montana, who was a daughter of Daniel M. Gillette and Elizabeth Sophia Mason. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Episcopalian. Resided at New York City, France, Italy, Germany, Kansas, Arkansas, South Dakota, Montana and Boston, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 5970. I. Charles Gillette, born September 11, 1888. 5971. II. Blanche, born July 27, 1891. 5972. III. Dorothea, bom February 15, 1893. 4402. ALBERT HOWARD STEBBINS "-j Ilomerr. 'stebbins s Charles StebWns t ( Sarah Kinney .lulia Emily Pease 580 241 61 9 Gad Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Buckminster Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah son of Homer P. Stebbins and Sarah Kinney, was born October 5, 1863, at Oberlin, Lorain County, Ohio; married January 16, 1889, at Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, to LOTTA CAROLINE (Dodson) TINDALL, born January 31, 1869, at Memphis, Tennessee, who was a daughter of Edward Dodson and Nancy Caroline Smithee. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Demo- crat. Religion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN : 5973. I. Albert Howard, born July 9, 1891. 5974. II. William Tindall, born November 30, 1895. 5975. III. Griffice Edward, born April 27, 1899. 4405. ■r -.-r-r -w-r ^.„-^-.^-^-^,^ i 2564 1294 580 LULU STEBBINS ^ < Homer Pease Stebbins s Charles Stebbins 7 Gad Stebbins c ( Sarah Elizabeth Klnnev Julia Emily Pease Sarah Buckminster 241 61 9 2 Joseph Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !• Sarah ( daughter of Homer Pease Stebbins and Sarah Elizabeth Kinney, was bom ( iMKS. I,Y1>IA IIAKMSTON STEBBINS. Wife of No. 4407. 899 No. 4407. CHARLES MATTHEWS STEBBINS. NINTH GENERATION. 899 January 23, 1871, at Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas; married March 11, 1891, at Atchison, Atchison County, Kansas, to GEORGE SCHUNECKER DIVEN, bom February 10, 1860, at Duncannon, Perry County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of William Heine Diven and Sarah Ann Stroup. Profession, minister. Religion, English Lutheran. Residence, Trenton, ^Mississippi. CHILDREN : 5976. 1. George Stebbins Diven, born April 10, 1893. 5977. II. Ruth Alice Diven, born April 1, 1898. 4407. ( *'564 1294 CHARLES MATHEWS STEBBINS » < Homer Pease Stebbins s Charles Stebbins 7 ( Sarah Elizabeth Kinney Juiia Emily Pease 580 2il 61 9 Gad Stebbins o .Toseph Stebbins 5 .loseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Buckminster Mary Stebbins Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [■ Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Homer Pease Stebbins and Sarah Elizabeth Kinney, was borr. January 17, 1876, at Atchison, Kansas : married January 18, 1899, at Kansas City, Kan- sas, to LYDIA HARi\ISTON, born February 13, 1872, at London. England, who was a daughter of Richard Harmston and Eliza . Occupation, clerk. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence. Kansas City, Missouri. CHARLES MATHEWS STEBBINS spent the first ten years of his life in Atchison, Kansas. He was bright in some studies, but generally a little backward. The next four years were spent in Florida with his father, where he attended school for six months in each year, fished, canvassed for political papers, etc. At the age of fourteen he returned to Atchison, where he obtained work on the "Daily Patriot."' carrying papers, etc., and remained with, that paper for a j'ear and a half. In 1891 he was sent to a school of Languages in New York for eight months^ — a venture of his uncle, Charles M. Stebbins. From June until October, 1892, he applied himself to farming in Kansas. He then went to Park College Academy, where he spent the winter, working his wa.v. During September and October, 1893, he was on the chair force at the World's Columbian Exposition. He then bought a lantern and some views, and entered the lecture field, in which he had fair success. After continuing in this bu.siness for a year, he spent a year in Midland College Academy at Atchison. He and his brother then tried farming near Atchison, but did not make a success of it, so gave it up. He then went to Kansas City, where he worked in an art store. In February, 1896, he began to work for the Kansas City View Company, Photographers, remaining with them for sixteen months. In June, 1898, he accepted a position in the Photographic department in the store of D. C. Pruden, optician. A Stereoptiean department was added to the business, and MR. STEBBINS now has charge of that in connection with the Photographic department. He still lectures. He is a very active worker in the Congregational church of which he is a member. 900 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4452. I 2085 1"U4 HOMER FRANKLIN STEBBINS '•' \ Sidney .loel Stebblns 8 Joel S/ebLlns 7 ( Jane Stearns Abigail Beny 594 245 61 9 Joel Stebblns 6 Aaron Stebblns 6 Joseph btebbins i Joseuh Stebblns 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 I Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Sidney Joel Stebbins and Jane Stearns, was born June 15, 1848, at Preeport, Stephenson County, Illinois; married March 27, 1874, to CATHER- INE M. WAKEFIELD, born May 28, 1853, at Bombay, Franklin County, New York, who was a daughter of Homer Wakefield and Adeline Stearn. CHILDREN : 5978. I. Alice J., born October 13, 1875. 5979. II. James H., born August 11, 1878. 5980. III. Franklin H., born April 13, 1884. 4454. I 2585 1304 WARREN WAYNE STEBBINS » < Sydney Joel Stebblns 8 Joel Stebbins 7 ( Jane Stearns Abigail Berry 594 245 61 9 Joel Stebbins 6 Aaron Stebbins s Joseph Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beelje Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah • \ son of Sydney Joel Stebbins and Jane Stearns, was born February 27, 1853, at Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois; married September 30, 1875, at Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois, to MARY ALLEN SCHREIBER, born December 12, 1854, near Ridott, Stephenson County, Illinois, who was a daugh- ter of Andrew Schreiber and Anna Garwig. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Freeport, Illinois. CHILDREN: Lillian Frances, bom April 9, 1876 : married Robert G. Wilson.+ Emma Jane, born January 4, 1878. Anna Jeannettie, born May 18, 1880. Effie Luella, born December 28, 1885. Abbie Ellen, bom April 27, 1888. Ralph Sydney Joel, born September 26, 1890. WARREN WAYNE STEBBINS has always followed farming as an occu- pation. He lived on the homestead until his father's death, then i-emoved onto a farm of his own. He has a pleasant country home, situated five miles east of Freeport, and also owns part of the homestead. 5981. I. 5982. II. 5983. III. 5984. IV. 5985. V. 5986. VI. NINTH GENERATION. 901 4457. SEYMOUR STEBBINS ■* \ Jolm VVayiie Stebbins 8 Joel Stebbins T Jopl Stebblns o ( Amy Olds Abigail Berry Widow Sarah Beebe 1245 61 <> 1' Aaron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright UOWLAND STEBBINS i I Sarah ) son of John Wayne Stebbins and Amy Olds, was born May 11, 1854, at Eden, Brie County, New York; married January 16, 1878, at Silver Creek, Stephen County, Illinois, to MARY E. FOREY, born November 10, 185.5, at Silver Creek, Stephen County, Illinois, who was a daughter of Abraham Forey and Catherine Schultz. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Harrisburg, South Dakota. CHILDREN : Amy, born June 5, 1878. Albert, born October 7, 1879. Emery, born January 25, 1882. Elsie, born April 22, 1885. Florence, born December 27, 1889. Roy, born November 9, 1893. 5987. I. 5988. II. 5989. III. 5990. IV. 5991. V. 5992. VI. 4460. CHAUNCY P. STEBBINS » \ J< I Si 2501 1.306 .Toseph Porter Stebbins 8 Jared Stebbins 7 .Sarah Ann Vaughan Lucinda Howe 594 245 61 !) Joel Stebbins 6 Aaron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah | son of Joseph Porter Stebbins and Sarah Ann Vaughn, was born September 12, 1846, at Machias, Cattaraugus County, New York; married IMay 1, 1859 (or May 2, 1869), at IMartin, Allegan County, Michigan, to EDNA BALLARD, born December 19, 1860, at Machias, Cattaraugus County (or Little Valley), New York, who was a daughter of Stephen A. Ballard and Lydia A. Mc- Intyre. Occupation, well digger. Politics, Republican. Resided at Paris, Kent County, Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 5993. I. Florence Edith, born July 13, 1872; married Frank M. Bliss. 5994. 11. Nettie Emyline, born August 23, 1874; died November 22, 1894, at Grand Rapids, Michigan. 5)02 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4461. ADELBERT STEBBINS » \ Joseph PoTter Stebbins 8 .Tared Stebijins ^ I Sarah .\nn Vaughan Luciuda Howe 594 245 HI 9 .Toel Stebbins « Aaron Stebbins 5 .Toseph Stelihins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright itebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Joseph Porter Stebbins and Sarah Ami Vaughan, was born November 6, 1852, at Maehias, Cattaraugus County, New York; married September 5, 1877, to HELEN S. CHURCH, born February 21, 1853, at Geneseo, Living- ston County, New York, who was a daughter of Calvin Church and Harriet Diipuy. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Crosby, Michi- gan. CHILDREN : 5995. I. Edward, bom November 6, 1878. 5996. II. Abbie, born May 15, 1881. 4465. CHARLES JARED STEBBINS => \ ct 2.597 1307 '"haunry Stebbins « Ira Stebbins 7 Ivoxaua Minerva Stebbins Amy Smith 594 245 61 9 .Toel Stebbins 6 Aaron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 .Toseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wrlglit Itebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins : ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Chauncy Stebbins and Roxana Minerva Stebbins, was born May 22, 1845 ; married October 1, 1865, to OLIVE CLARK, bom March 15, 1849. Re- sided at Marion, Lynn County, Iowa, and Silver Creek, Illinois. CHILDREN : Orrin Arthur, born October 8, 1866. Calvin Henry, born December 28, 1868; died June 9, 1871. Calvin Chauncy, born June 19, 1872. Jessie Olive, bom September 21, 1875. 4466. I 2597 1307 594 AMY ANN STEBBINS ^ i chauncy Onn stebbins s Ira Stebbins T .Toel Stebbins fi f Uoxana Minerva Stebbins Amy Smith Widow Sarah Beebe 245 61 » 2 Aaron Stebbins 5 .Toseph Stebbins 4 Josepti Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) daughter of Chauncy Orin Stebbins and Roxana Minerva Stebbins, was born February 19, 1848, at Silver Creek, Stephenson County, Illinois; married No- vember 21, 1866, to BLISHA FREEMAN, born November 22, 1838, at Orange- ville, New York. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Medford, Minnesota. 5997. I. 5998. II. 5999. III. 6000. IV. NINTH GENERATION. 903 4470. GEORGE EUGENE STEBBINS " ] Nathar f GOOl. I. (iOO-2. II. 6003. III. 6004. IV. 6005. V 6006. VI. 2601 1^07 Nathan S. StelJbins 8 Ira Stehl)ins i issa ElizabetU Wright Lepha I'artridge 594 i;4:i 01 y Joel Stehbins 6 Aaron .Stcbblns 5 .Joseph Stebbins < .Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright liebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 KOWI^AND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Nathan S. Stebbins and Clarissa Elizabeth Wright, was born December 8, 1853, at Machias, Cattaraugus County, New York; married April 23. 1879, at Millington, Tuscola County, Michigan, to RACHEL MONROE, born at New York; died May 31, 1897, at Watertown, Tuscola County, Michigan, who was a daughter of Albert Monroe and Hester Dockum. Occupation, stump puller. Polities. Republican. Residence, Marshall, Tuscola County, Michigan. CHHjDREN : Marion E., born July 19, 1880. Mary M., born October 10, 1881. Lilly A., born June 6, 1884. Dora C, bom August 27, 1886. Bessie E., born December 16, 1888. Melvin M., born February 13, 1891. 4473. I 2601 1307 ORVILLE HENRY STEBBINS » \ Nathan Sylvester Stebbins s Ira Stebbins 7 ( Clarissa Elizabeth Wright Lepha Partridge 594 245 61 .Joel Stelibins 6 .\aron Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbins * .Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright IJebet-ca t olton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i I Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Nathan Sylvester Stebbins and Clarissa Elizabeth "Wright, was born December 30, 1860, at York County, New York ; married at Metamora, Lapeer County, Michigan, to IDA BELL VANTASSAL, born March 1, 1863, at Meta- mora, Lapeer County, Michigan, who was a daughter of Henry Vantassal and Phebe More. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Residence, Pos- toria, Michigan. CHILDREN : 6007. I. Ray, born January 27, 1884. 6008. II. Erney, born May 9, 1886. 6009. III. Carl, born September 1, 1893. 6010. IV. Neala, born April 26, 1895. 6011. V. Golda, born February 8, 1899. 904 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4477. ORIN ELBERT STEBBINS » ■! Nathan Syllreter Stebbins 8 Ira Stebbhfs"? ( Clarissa Elizabeth Wright Lepha Partridge 504 245 61 9 Joel Stebbins 6 Aaron Stebbins s Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >• Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Nathan Sylvester Stebbins and Clarissa Elizabeth Wright, was born March 29, 1871, at Fostoria, Tnscola County, Michigan; married at De Soto, Jefferson County, Missouri, to EVA JANE PHILLIPS, born July 2, 1878, at Benton, Union County, Illinois, who was a daughter of Louis H. Phillips and Priscilla Danellis. Occupation, blacksmith helper. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Christian. Residence, Watertown, Michigan. CfflLDREN : 6012. I. Grace E., bom August 25, 1896. 6013. II. Ruth T., born October 9, 1898. 4481. BERT COLUMBUS STEBBINS » j 2602 1307 Mortimer Erastus Stebbins s Ira Stebbins 7 Emeline Bullock Lepha Partridge 594 245 61 9 Joel Stebbins 6 Aaron Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ]■ Hannah Wright .Sarah j son of Mortimer Erastus Stebbins and Emeline Bullock, was born October 14, 1856, at Newark, Wayne County, New York; married December 25, 1876, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to MARY GLOCKNER, born January 28. 1859, at Davenport, Iowa, who was a daughter of Jacob Glockner and Catherine Lill. Occupation, cooper. Politics, Republican. Residence, Minneapolis, Minne- sota. CHILDREN : 6014. I. Sadie, born November 29, 1877. 6015. II. Victor, born March 5, 1880. 6016. III. Irving, born July 6, 1884. 4483. EMMA STEBBINS '■' \ Mortimer Erastus Stebbins 8 Ira Stebbins 7 Joel Stebbins o / Emeline Bullocls Lepha I'artridge Widow Sarah Beebe 245 (il !) 2 Aaron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !■ Sarah | daughter of Mortimer Erastus Stebbins and Emeline Bullock, was born May 1, 1860 ; married to HENRY ROODS, of Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Occupation, painter and paper hanger. NINTH GENERATION. 905 CHILDREN : 6017. I. Alice Roods; married Parker. 6018. II. Mae Roods. 6019. III. Bert Roods. 4487. 2609 1311 » i 2609 1311 PEREZ GRAVES HOLLISTER » i Uelana Harmony Stebblns s Isaac .Stebbins 7 I Chandler UoUister Hannah Louk i 594 245 61 9 .loel .Stebbins « Aaron Stebbins 5 .loseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Kebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Delana Harmony Stebbins and Chandler Hollister, was born Septem- ber 19, 1884, at Cattaraugus County, New York; married November 29, 1866, at Prairie City, McDonough County, Illinois, to EMMA CARR, born January 27, 1849, in Cass County. Illinois, who was a daughter of James Carr and Mary O. Revis. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Metho- dist. Residence, Loda, Illinois. CHILDREN : Ross 0. Holli.ster, born October 21, 1868; married Pearl Norton. Grace A. Hollister, born February 6, 1875. Claude R. Hollister. born September 11, 1883. B. Pearl Hollister, born ]\Iarch 15, 1886. Judson R. Hollister. born June 29, 1888; died October 10. 1897. 4488. MARY LURENA HOLLISTER " -; Delany Harmony Stebbins s Isaac Stebbins T ( Chandler C. Hollister Hannah Loul; 594 245 61 9 .Toel Stebbins 6 Aaron .stebbins 5 .loseph Stelibins 4 .Joseph Stebl>ins s Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright liebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROW'LAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ( 6020. I. 6021. II. 6022. III. 6023. IV. 6024. V. daughter of Delany Harmony Stebbins and Chandler C. Hollister, w^as born September 2. 1836 ; married to Hermon Chauncy Sanford, born March 5, 1825, at Tomjiklns County, New York ; died February 25, 1884. Profession, lawyer. Politics. Republican. Religion, Methodist Episcopal. Resided at Prairie City, Illinois, and Ne-\v York. CHILDREN : 6025. I. Florence C. Sanford, born June 9. 1856 ; married James L. Skean. Emma L. Sanford. born March 16, 1858 : unmarried. Kate Sanford, born December 9, 1859; married Joel Barnes. Charles E. Sanford, bom October 27, 1861; died October 6, 1863. 6026. II. 6027. III. 6028. IV. ( 906 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 6029. V. Cora Sapford, born August 12, 1863; died October 10, 1864. 6030. VI. Edwin P. Sanford, born January 12, 1865; married August 2, 1890, Mary Powers. 6031. VII. Lena A. Sanford, born March 5, 1867 ; married December 22, 1891, Edward Everett. 6032. VIII. Jessie M. Sanford, born June 5, 1870; married Prank Harrah. 6033. IX. Dora H. Sanford, born November 22, 1871 ; married October 2, 1894, Clara Cahoun. 4493. 1 **609 lit 11 JANE MINERVA HOLLISTER " \ Delana Iirstelihlns 8 Isaac Stel>bins r ( Chandler C. Ilollister Hannah Louk 594 245 61 9 Joel Stebbins « Aaron Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebblna 3 Widow Sarah Becbe Mary Wright Kebeeca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of Delana H. Stebbins and Chandler C. Hollister, was born Novem- ber 22, 1849, at Avon, Illinois; married January 25, 1872, at Avon, Illinois, to WILLIAM H. PARKIN, born October 16, 1843, at Fountain, Hancock County, Illinois. Residence, Good Hope, Illinois. No children. 4494. ( 2609 LAWRENCE AURELIUS HOLLISTER "^ Oelana Harmony stebbins s / Chandler Channcey Hollister 1311 594 245 61 Isaac .Stebbins " .Joel Stebbins o Aaron Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbins 4 Hannah Louis Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wrlglit Rebecca Colton 9 2 11 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ItOWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright .Sarah | son of Delana Harmony Stebbins and Chandler Chauncey Hollister, was born September 3, 1856, at Ellisville, Fulton County, Illinois ; married May 22, 1878, at Avon, Fulton County, Illinois, to ilARY CATHERINE ANDERSON, born March 6, 1859, at Avon, Pulton County, New York; died June 15, 1883, who was a daughter of William Anderson. He married second, October 12, 1895, PAULINE L. YEOMAN, daughter of Daniel Yeoman and Ada McParland. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. CHILDREN : 6D34. I. William Lester Hollister, born March 7, 1879. 6035. II. Maud Lurena Hollister, born May 27, 1881; married Edmond Paul Hactorne. 6036. III. Lucile Ada Hollister, born August 9, 1898. WILLIAM LESTER HOLLISTER was a member of Company D., 6th Illi- nois Regiment, being stationed with General Miles in Porto Rico. PAULINE L. YEOMAN was a teacher in the public schools of Pulton County, for eight years previous to her marriage. NINTH GENERATION. 907 4495. ( 2G10 1311 594 DELANA STEBBINS ^ ] Isaac Stebblns 8 Isaac Wtebbins 7 .TofI Stebbins e I Maryett Bates Ilannab Louk Widow Sarah Beebe 240 61 9 2 Aaron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) daughter of Isaac Stebbins and Maryett Bates, was born June 26, 1858, at Mauley, Pulton County, Illinois ; married April 15, 1875, at Manley, Fulton County, Illinois, to FRANCIS MARIAN COPELAND, born May 6, 1852, in Pennsylvania. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Freewill Baptist. Residence, Manley, Illinois. CHILDREN : 60.37. I. Byard Francis Copeland, born February 3, 1876; married Myrtle Maud Weaver. 6038. II. Ralph Stebbins Copelaud, horn April 22, 1888. 6039. III. Verne M. Copeland, born Jime 7, 1895. 4496. MILPORD HAMILTON STEBBINS' (-Klilah it. stebbins s Orrin Stebbln"s 7 } Lydia A. Roberts Xancy Hancock 5U4 24:, 61 .loel Stebbins o Aaron Stebbins 5 .loseph Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 I Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Hannah Wright Sarah \ son of Elijah H. Stebbins and Lydia A. Roberts, was born September 3, 1860, at Sabinsville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania; married January 19, 1878, to ADUIE C. NEWTON, born May 11. 1860, at Sabinsville, Tioga County, Penn- sylvania, who was a daughter of Moses Newton and Sallie M. Burdiek. Occu- pation, proprietor of cigar factor.v. Politics. Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Wellsboro, Penn.sjdvania. CHILDREN : Gordon Elijah, born January 20, 1879. Clayton Maylon, born October 13, 1882. Hugh Worthington. born July 1, 1885. Ila, born November 10, 1887; died April 11, 1889. Arlon Elder, born April 24, 1890. MILPORD HAMILTON STEBBINS was reared and educated in his native township, attending the district school at Sabinsville, Pennsylvania. Later he attended the Knoxville (Pa.) High School, and Woodhull (N. Y.) Academy, and was successful in passing a regent's examination in New York State. When eighteen years of age, he began assisting his father in a general store and lumber business, and after his father's death he took charge of his business. In 1883 he purchased his uncle's interest in the lumber business, 6040. I 6041. 11. 6042. III. 6043. IV, 6044. V 908 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. and was appointed guardian for the other heirs. He conducted the business under this arrangement until April, 1884, when the estate was divided, he and his brother George taking the mill propertj', the store having been burned in 1881. They conducted the business until 1886, when he purchased his brother's interest and operated the mill until its destruction by fire in 1893. MR. STEBBIXS has held several local to^vnship offices, being auditor of Clynier township for ten years, assessor one term, and assistant assessor two terms. In 1890 he was census enumerator; and in November of that year he was elected county commissioner of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, on the Republican ticket, serving in that capacity for three years. In 1890 he commenced contracting for the erection of buildings, bridges, etc., and in 1891 removed to Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. Upon the expiration of his term as county commissioner, in 1894, he formed a partnership with Mr. C. N. Butts, the firm being known as Butts & Stebbins; and engaged in contracting for stone and brick work, bridges, pile-driving, etc. This part- nership continued until the death of Mr. Butts, in 1897, since which time MR. STEBBINS has conducted the business alone. In January, 1894, he bought a one-half interest in a cigar factory at Wellsboro, forming the firm of C. A. Yale & Co. After one year, he pur- chased his partner's interest in the factory, and has since continued the business as the "Wellsboro Cigar Factory, employing his cousin, Melvin B. Stebbins, to superintend the factory. In 1899 he was elected as one of the Councilmen of Wellsboro, occupying that office for two years. He was appointed by President McKinley, in 1900, as one of the Census Supervisors of Pennsylvania, his district being known as number eleven, and comprising the counties of Cameron, Clinton, Potter, Lycoming and Tioga. At present he holds no office, but devotes his entire time to his business interests. He is an active, energetic and enterprising business man. MR. STEBBINS is a member of Westfield Lodge No. 477, F. & A. M., Westfield Chapter No. 265; and of Tyagaghton Commandery No. 28, and Wellsboro Lodge No. 374, Knights of Pythias. 4499. ( In-in Stellhins 8 Orriu Stebliine 7 Adeline K. Roberts Nancy Hancock 594 245 61 9 Joel stebbins 6 Aaron Stebbins 6 .Tosepb Stebbins 4 .Toseph Stelibins 3 Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca C'olton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Orrin Stebbins and Adeline K. Roberts, -was born September 5, 1860, at Sabinsville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania ; married September 5, 1880, at Sabinsville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, to ROXY A. LUCE, born June 26, 1863, at Cowanesque, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Ira B. Luce and Isabelle Pease. Occupation, traveling salesman. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN : 909 6045. I. Lulu B., boi-n June 8, 1882; died February 22, 1894, at Sabins- ville, Penosylvanici. 6046. II. Jerome W.. boru June 5, 1884 ; died February 26, 1894, at Sabins- ville, Pennsylvania. 6047. III. Max, born November 30, 1887; died March 6, 1894, at Sabins- ville, Pennsylvania. 6048. IV. Earl, born December 28, 1891 ; died March 9. 1894, at Sabinsville, Penns.vlvania. 6049. V. Lola B., born April 4, 1895 ; died October 14, 1900, at Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. 6050. VI. Mildred M., boru March 27, 1898. 4506. ARTHUR WILSON STEBBINS " \ ren.v Daniti stebbi f Kmily E. Curtis 09G Daniel Stebbins s Betsey .Tones o Thomas Stebbins - Hannah Wright Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 61 .Toseph Stebbins 4 Ilebecca Colton 1315 Dan Stebbins 7 Lydla Curtis 9 .Toseph Stebbins z Sarah Dorchester \ son of Perry Daniel Stebbins and Emily B. Curtis, was born February 12, 1852, at Cussawago, Pennsylvania ; married October 28, 1874, at Crossing- ville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to IDA A. BARBER, born November 7, 1855, at Crossingville, Crawford Countj-, Pennsylvania, who was a daugh- ter of Dr. Ira Sanford Barber and Permelia Matilda Sanford. Occupation, painter. Politics, Republican. Residence, Meadville, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 6051. I. Robert Bruce, born September 12, 1876. 6052. II. Eva Deiia, born March 5, 1879. ROBERT BRUCE STEBBINS received his education at the Springboro public schools, and at the Meadville Commercial Business College and Alle- gheny College. He enlisted in Company B, 15th Regiment of the .\ational Guard of Penn- sylvania. He was afterwards transferred to Company C of the same regi- ment, and was made color sergeant of his company. 4507. WILLIS GEORGE STEBBINS 9 \ Perry ( Emilj 596 Daniel Stebbins 6 Betsey .Tones Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright L'4j Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS l Sarah 2617 y Daniel Stebbins s ■y Blanchard Curtis Gl .Toseph Stebbins 4 Rebecca Coiton 1315 Dan Stebbins 7 Lydla Curtis 9 .Toseph Stebbins 3 .Sarah r)orchester son of Perry Daniel Stebbins and Emily Blanchard Curtis, was born May 20, 1853, at Mosiertowai, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married November 2617 1315 Perry Stebbins 8 Dan Stebbins 7 910 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 28, 1895, to MARY W. SAYRE, born September 30, 1860, at Deerfield, Oneida Coiintj', New York, who was a daughter of Job Sayre and Amy Reynolds. Occupation, engineer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Resi- dence, Rochester, New York. CHILDREN: 6053. I. Amy Blanchard, born February 28, 1899. 4508. ADELBERT PERRY STEBBINS « 1 p / Emily B. Curtis Lydia Curtis 596 245 61 9 Daniel Stebbins 6 .\aron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Betsey Jones Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins : ROWLAND STEBBINS i [■ Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Perry Stebbins and Emily B. Curtis, was born March 28, 1855, at Mosier- town, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married August 25, 1885, at Saegers- town, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to ALICE K. ALLEE, born October 7, 1861, at Saegerstown, Pennsylvania, who Avas a daughter of Isaac Fruit Allee and Mary Gage. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion Presby- terian. Residence, Rich Hill, Missouri. CHILDREN : 6054. I. Son, born July 3, 1888 ; died July 25, 1888. 6055. II. Marie Emily, born September 29, 1889. 4521. GEORGE SINCLAIR STEBBINS » \ m ( An 2619 1315 liram Wilson Stebbins s Dan Stebbins ^ ' Anna Sinclair Lydia Curtis 596 245 61 9 Daniel Stebbins c Aaron Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Betsey Jones Mary Wright Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Hiram Wilson Stebbins and Anna Sinclair, was born August 14, 1868, at St. Charles, "Winona County, Minnesota; married September 4, 1887, to MARY E. SANFORD, born April, 1869, at Winona County, Minnesota, who was a daughter of N. P. Sanford and Margaret King. Occupation, commis- sion merchant. Residence, Winona, Minnesota. CHILDREN: 6056. I. Lloyd Hiram, born September 21, 1889. 6057. II. Donald Sanford, born April 12, 1891. 6058. III. Robert Granville, born May 1, 1892. .MI!S. MAliV 10. SANFORD STEBBINR. Wife of No. 4.521. No. 4.J21. GEORGE SINCLAIR STEBBINS. HOME OF No. 4521, GEORGE SINCLAIR STEBBINS, WINONA, MINN. nil NINTH GENERATION. 911 ALFRED WARREN STEBBINS ■' 596 Daniel Stebbins « Betsey Jones 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 245 Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 4522. 2620 Alfred Isham Stebbins s Mary Jane Gill 61 Joseph .Stebbins 4 liebeeca Colton 13ir. Dan Stebbins 7 Lydia Curtis <» .Toseph Stebbins 3 Sarah DorcUester son of Alfred Isham Stebbins and Mary Jane Gill, was born May 6, 1868, at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania ; married September 18, 1895, at Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to ANNA ELIZABETH PRAZ- lER, born June 15, 1868, at IMcadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, who w^as a daughter of K. R. Frazier and j\Iai\v ^I. Hartman. Occupation, assist- ant agent of Pullman Palace Car Company. Residence, 17 Hickory Street, Buffalo, New York. No children. 4523. HOMER DAN STEBBINS a] 2620 Alfred Isham Stebbins 8 Mary Jane Gill 245 61 Aaron Stebbins G Joseph Stebbins i Mary Wright liebeeca Colton ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah \ 1.315 Dan Stelibins J Lydia Curtis 9 Joseph Stebl)ins 3 Sarah Dorchester 506 Daniel Stebbins u Betsey Jones Thomas .Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright son of Alfred Isham Stebbins and Mary Jane Gill, was bom February 24, 1873, at Jlosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married September 15, 1897, at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to MYRTLE ELNORA CLARK, born May 7. 1875. at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Charles H. Clark and Sarah L. Langdon. Profession, teacher. Politics, Prohibitionist. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Mosiertown, Pennsylvania. No children. 4533. SYLVESTER RUFUS WHIPPLE « \ Amanda S^tebblns 8 ( Francis J. Whipple 596 Daniel Stebbins o Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 245 Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 61 Joseph Stebbins 4 Rebecca Colton \ 1317 Lemuel Stebbins 7 Luciuda Greenlee 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Amanda Stebbins and Francis J. Whipple, was born March 6, 1853, at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; died January 2, 1900; married September 1, 1872, to MATILDA LICK, born November 22, 1851, at Edinboro, Erie County, Pennsylvania ; died February 14, 1889, who was a daughter of Aaron Lick and Lettie Darling. CHILDREN : 6059. I. Leland B. Whipple, born February 17, 1874. 6060. II. Jessie L. Whipple, born February 9, 1876; married Clyde Shel- don. -|- 6061. III. Prank H. Whipple, born March 20, 1878. 912 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4539. FLORENCE LUCINDA CLARK 596 Daniel Stebbins a Kachel Blodgett Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 245 Aaron Stebbins 6 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 2626 Lorene Stebbins 8 ilas Claris 61 Joseph Stebbins 4 Itebecca Col ton 1317 Lemuel Stebbins 7 Lucinda Greenlee 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Lorene Stebbins and Silas Clark, was born November 21, 1849, at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married January 1, 1882, at Denver, Arapahoe County, Colorado, to OLIVER SPENCER UNDERHILL, born May 6, 1844, at New York, New York, who was a son of Jolm Underbill and Louisa Spencer. Occupation, hotel-keeper. Religion, Episcopalian. Resi- dence, Pueblo, Colorado. CHILDREN : 6062. I. Olive Lorena Underbill, born May 25, 1886. 6063. II. Florence Clark Underbill, born April 24, 1888. 4547. CLARENCE ALFRED CARRoj 596 Daniel Stebbins 6 Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 245 Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 26,'iO Chloe Rachel Stebbins s Alfred Bennett Carp 61 .Toseph Stebbins • Rebecca Col ton 1317 Lemuel Stebbins T Lucinda Greenlee 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Chloe Rachel Stebbins and Alfred Bennett Carr, was born July 26, 1856, at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania ; married October 19, 1898, to BLANCHE (LANMAN) CHAPMAN, born December 1, 1865, at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, who was a daughter of Joseph Lanman and Cornelia Williams. Occupation, naval ofBcer. 4548. CLARA LUELLA CARR » \ c I A 245 Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2630 hloe Rachel .Stebbins s Alfred Bennett Carr 61 9 Joseph Stebbins 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Rebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 1317 Lemuel Stebbins 7 Lucinda Greenlee 596 Daniel Stebbins c Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright \ daughter of Chloe Rachel Stebbins and Alfred Bennett Carr, was born Sep- tember 28, 1858, at Mo.siertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married No- vember 27, 1897, at Mosiertown, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, to CHARLES COLLIER, born January 21, 1853, at London, England, who was a son of George Collier and Elizabeth Aldiss. Occupation, press steel worker. Politics. Republican. Religion, Spiritualist. Residence, New Castle, Pennsylvania. NINTH GENERATION. 913 4555. i ''639 CLARENCE A. MURRAY » \ Jane E. St'ebbins ( William F. Murr: 596 Daniel Stebbins e Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 245 Aaron Stebbins 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah Murray 61 Joseph Stebbins 4 Rebecca Colton 1318 Ralph Stebbins 7 Louisa Rundel Joseph Stebbins s Sarah Dorchester f son of Jane E. Stebbins and William F. Murray, was born February 8, 1851; married to LILLIE EDWARDS; died June 1, 1895. Occupation, postmaster. Polities, Republican. Residence, Waukegan, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6064. I. Doris Mabelle Murray, born July 10, 1894. CLARENCE A. MURRAY has been an influential member of the Republican party for many years. He was a member of the Illinois State Republican Com- mittee for two terms, and was a delegate to the National Convention held in Chicago in 1884, when James G. Blaine was nominated for the Presidency. He has held the Chairmanship of the Lake County Republican Committee for ten years, and has also served acceptably on the Congressional Commit- tee. In 1889 he was appointed Postmaster by President Harrison, and was again appointed to that office by President McKinley. 4556. 1318 Ralph Stebbins T Louisa Rundel 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester 596 Daniel Stebbins 6 Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright i'^639 Jane E. sfebbins s William F, Murray 245 61 Aaron Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 4 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ( son of Jane E. Stebbins and William F. Murray, was bom October 3, 1857; married to HELEN M. MONTGO:\IERY. Occupation, Chicago & Northwest- em Station Agent. Politics, Republican. Residence, Dixon, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6065. I. William C. Murray, born February 21, 1880. 6066. II. Emilie J. Murray, born July 6, 1882. 6067. III. Clarence A. Murray, bom September 12, 1889. 4561. IRIS HAMMOND WELLS » \ e I s 596 Daniel Stebbins 6 Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 2644 Emeline B. Greenlee 8 Samuel Julius Wells 245 61 .\aron Stebbins s Joseph Stebbins 4 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sar.ih 1320 Mary Wright Stebbins i Edmund Greenlee 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Emeline B. Greenlee and Samuel Julius Wells, was bom September 20, 68 914 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 1861, at Spring ToAvnship, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married August 22, 1883, at Randolph, Fremont County, Iowa, to AGNES MAY COWARD, born May 23, 1863, at Randolph, Fremont County, Iowa, who was a daughter of Charles Coward and Louisa Knickerbocker. Occupation, manufacturer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Oak Park, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6068. I. 6069. n. 6070. m. 6071. IV. 6072. V. Alice Agnes Wells, born November 18, 1884. Lottie May Wells, born March 14, 1887. Clayton Frank Wells, born January 29, 1889. Edith Emeline Wells, bom June 10, 1894. Raymond Iris Wells, bom January 28, 1899. BELLA EMELINE WELLS 596 Daniel Stebblns 6 Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebblns : Hannah Wright 4562. 2644 Emeline Blodgett Greenlee 8 Samuel Julius Wells 245 61 Aaron Stebblns 5 .Joseph Stebblns 4 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ( •ii 1320 Mary Wright Stebblns i Edmund Greenlee 9 .loseph Stebblns 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Emeline Blodgett Greenlee and Samuel Julius Wells, was born May 5, 1868, at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois; married October 11, 1894, at Chicago, Illinois, to ARTHUR GRANT SAYTjES, born March 13, 1867, at Quincy, Illinois, who was a son of Albert Wells Sayles and EUen Angeline Swingle. Occupation, Superintendent Swift & Company warehouse 12. Poli- tics, Republican. Residence, 6332 Sangamon Street, Chicago. CHILDREN : 6073. I. Ellen Angeline Sayles, born September 25, 1895. 6074. II. Frank Wells Sayles, born April 13, 1897. 4567. GERTRUDE GREENLEE » \ Ra i Eli 596 Daniel Stebblns 6 Rachel Blodgett 2 Thomas Stebblns : Hannah Wright 2646 Iph Stebblns Greenlee 8 izabeth Brooks 245 61 Aaron Stebblns o .Joseph Stebblns 4 Mary Wright Rebecca Colton ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah ) 1320 Mary Wright Stebblns 7 Edmund Greenlee 9 Joseph Stebblns 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Elizabeth Brooks, was born Decem- ber 26, 1869, at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois; married September 26, 1893, at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, to JAMES ALLEN LOUNSBURY, bom June 8, 1867, at Weatherford (or Weathersfield), Hartford County, Connecti- cut, who was a son of Cooke Lounsbury and Isabella Spaulding. Occupation, manufacturer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. ^s\ .lAMKS A. LODNSBURY. IliisliiiTiil i>f Xii. 4507. No. 4567. GEnTRIIDE (GREENLEE) LOUNSBURY. t»15 KLIZAIMOTII LOUNSBURY. Danslitcr o£ No. 4307. KAi.rii (iki;i:nlkio i.nrxsr.i.'UY. Scill or No. (.'.(w- NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN : 915 6075. I. Ralph Greenlee Lounsbury, born January 20, 1896. 6076. n. Elizabeth Lounsbury, born May 5, 1899. 4671. DAVID WILLIAM GREENLEE » \ Mary I Willii 596 Daniel Stebblns 6 Rachel Blodgett 2 Tbomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 245 Aaron Stebblns 5 Mary Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 2650 Lucinda Greenlee 8 iam Dallas Greenlee 01 Joseph Stebblns * Keliecca Colton 1320 Mary Wright Stebbins ; Edmund Greenlee 9 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Mary Lucinda Greenlee and William Dallas Greenlee, was born August 2, 1868, at Rundells, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married to ADALINE WHITNEY BRISTOL. Residence, Denver, Colorado. CHILDREN : 6077. I. Marjory Bristol Greenlee, born July 13, 1896, at Pittsfield, Massa- chusetts. 6078. II. William David Greenlee, born November 14, 1897, at Denver, Colo- rado. 4572. 1S20 Mary Wrisht Stebbins 1 Edmund Greenlee 9 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester __ i '*650 LIZZIE MAY GREENLEE ' - Mary Ludnda Greenlee s / William Dallas Greenlee 596 245 61 Daniel Stebbins e Aaron Stebblns 5 .Joseph Stebbins 4 Rachel Blodgett Mary Wright Rebecca Colton 2 1 1 Thomas Stebblns : ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Mary Lucinda Greenlee and William Dallas Greenlee, was bom July 5, 1869, at McKeen, Cook County, Illinois; married at Chicago, Illinois, to CHARLES WISEMAN WOODIiEY. Residence, 441 Irving Avenue, Chi- cago, Illinois. CHILDREN: 6079. I. Esther Mary Woodley, born December 9, 1895, at Chicago, Illinois. 6080. II. Harry Robert Woodley, born October 31, 1897, at Denver, Colo- rado. 4577. FRANCIS STEBBINS LATHROP"] 607 Benjamin Stebbins e Sabra Minor 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 248 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Mary Day 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2665 Lora Stebblns s I>wight Lathiop 62 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Widow Martha Ball 1335 .lara Stebblns ' Elizabeth Brewster 9 .Joseph Stebblns 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Lora Stebbins and Dwight Latlirop, was born November 10, 1806, at West Springfield, Massachusetts; died March 3, 1882, at Madison, New Jer- 916 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. sey; married July 17, 1830, at New York, to CAROLINE GILMORE, born June 7, 1807 ; died about 1891-2, who was a daughter of John M. Gibnore and Sarah Faintor. CHILDREN : 6081. I. Louise Lathrop; married Joseph A. Dean. 6082. II. Frank Lathrop, born December 24, 1832; married Isabelle Gib- bons. 6083. III. Ellen Lathrop, born April 9, 1834; married November 13, 1851, Henry Hopkins. 4580. JERE STEBBINS LATHROP aKorastebbtoss ( Dwight Lathrop 248 62 Benjamin Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Mary Day Widow Martha Ball ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ) 607 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Sabra Minor 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 1335 .lara Stebbins 7 Elizabeth Brewster 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Lora Stebbins and Dwight Lathrop, was born January 26, 1817; died September 4, 1894 ; married October 23, 1838, at Northampton, Massachusetts, to ELIZABETH LONG, bom December 22, 1813, at Newburyport, Massachu- setts, who was a daughter of Charles Long and Elizabeth Gerrish Knapp. CHILDREN : 6084. I. Elizabeth Stebbins Lathrop, born July 9, 1841; married J. Hunt Butler.+ 4581. ELIZABETH BREWSTER CHAMPION »] 607 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Sabra Minor 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 248 Benjamin Stebbins b Mary Day 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2667 Tama Stebbins s Reuben Champion 62 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Widow Martha Ball 1335 Jara Stebbins 7 Elizabeth Brewster 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester f daughter of Pama Stebbins and Reuben Champion, was born April 3, 1818; married December 30, 1852, to PAOLI LATHROP, bom May 14, 1797; died February 23, 1872. CHILDREN : 6085. I. Elizabeth Champion Lathrop, born May 9, 1855; married Timothy Bryant Rowell.-f- 4600. 607 Benjamin Stebbins 8 Sabra Minor I 2677 SOLOMON STEBBINS » \ Charles stebbins s ( Lima Tracy 248 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Mary Day 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Charles Stebbins and Lima Tracy, was born April 13, 1833, at West 62 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Widow Martha Ball 1337 Solomon Stebbins 7 Malah Day 9 2 Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Nil. 4.-.M. Miis.'i'ii r,r!i:\vsTi:i! ciiAMriiiN i;ATni!rn>. No. 4000. SOI^OMON STEBRINS. 917 No. 4C.S0. ICI.I.IOUY r.OTIIS EDWARDS. MKS. ANXIK TLATXEX lOI i\V.\l; 1 1.'^. Wife (it No. 40;!0. NINTH GENERATION. 917 Springfield, Hampden Coimty, Massachiisetts ; married February 18, 1857, at Foxboro, Massachusetts, to ALMYRA LOUISA ALEXANDER, born Novem- ber 25, 1884, at Foxboro, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of James Aldrich Alexander and Jerusha Morse Skinner. Occupation, Custo- dian Art Museum. Politics, Independent. 4603. i 2678 1337 MARY PAINE STEBBINS » \ Heman SteKl.ins 8 Solomon Stebbins 7 ( Sarah May Paine Malab Day 607 248 62 9 Benjamin Stebbins c Benjamin Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 4 .losepli Stebbins 3 Sabra Minor Mary Day Widow Martha Ball Sarah Dorchester 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 } . Hannah Wright Sarah ( daughter of Heman Stebbins and Sarah May Paine, was born February 6, 1829, at South Brookfield, Worcester County, Massachusetts; married Decem- ber 30, 1847, at Providence, Rhode Island, to ALBERT HENRY CAMPBELL, bom October 23, 1826, at Charleston, West Virginia ; died February 23, 1899, at Ravenswood, Jackson Coiuity, West Virginia, who was a son of Mason Campbell and Mary Stone Chaddock. Profession, civil engineer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Ravenswood, Jackson Covmty, West Virginia. CHILDREN: 6086. I. Edward Stebbins Campbell, bom November 24, 1850, at Wash- ington, D. C. ; died February 10, 1863, at Richmond, Virginia, ginia. 6087. II. Fanny Chaddock Campbell, born July 10, 1860, at Liberty, Vir- ginia ; died October 2, 1868, at Bristol, Rhode Island. 6088. III. Albert Mason Campbell, born September 16, 1862, at Liberty, Virginia; civil engineer. 6089. IV. Charles Mitchell Campbell, born December 6, 1864 ; married Eu- genia Chalmers Fairfax. He is an Episcopal clergyman. ALBERT HENRY CAMPBELL turned his attention to the study of civil engineering, a profession for which he had great taste and in which he became a master. He was assistant engineer in the location of the Orange and Alexandria railroad and of the Norfolk and Petersburg; at twenty-five he was chief engineer under the direction of the war department in the explorations made by the government in 1851-2 and 3, for the southern railroad route to the Pacific, and crossed the continent twice in the discharge of his duties, and afterwards located in Washington for several years in connection with his associates in making his reports. These reports may be foiind in the depart- ment at Washington. They fill several volumes and are models in beauty of execution and wonderfully clear in the description of the routes surveyed and the topography of the country along this line. He was also chief of the bureau of roads and highways in the interior department at Washington. 918 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. At the outbreak of tke war he cast his fortune with the side of the Con- federacy, and joined the Confederate army as lieutenant of engineers under General Stevens, chief engineer of the Confederate government. He was promoted to captain and then to major, and had charge of the topographical department of the army of northern Virginia. The war maps of that army were gotten up by him and imder his supervision, and were submitted to him for approval before they were issued. They were models in clearness and beauty of execution and accuracy of detail. He was a warm personal friend of General Lee. He was with him at the evacuation of Richmond and spent the entire day with him at the surrender at Appomatox. General Lee and staff improvised a seat by a fence under the shade of an apple tree, and from that point Lee's negotiations with Grant upon the terms of surrender took place, although the papers were not actu- ally executed there. MAJOR CAMPBELL remarked to his comrades, after the negotiations were concluded, "Gentlemen, this is an historical tree, and I cut the first branch from it," and reaching up he cut from the tree, a branch, which his family still have carefully labeled. Before the soldiers separated at the time of the surrender, trunk, branches, twigs and roots of the tree were gone. MAJOR CAMPBELL was paroled at the surrender and lived for a while in Rhode Island, engaged in newspaper and other work. Li 1869 he returned to Charleston, where he was appointed assistant engineer both in the survey and construction of a portion of the Chesapeake and Ohio rail- road. He was the chief engineer imder the appropriations made by the state of West Virginia, for a survey of the route, by way of Elk River, to the Pennsylvania line, afterwards called the Northern and Southern West Vir- ginia railroad. He was chief engineer of the surveys for the Potomac and Ohio, and Baltimore, Cincinnati and Western railroads, and other lines through the state by the Elk River route. He was the first chief engineer of the Wheel- ing, Parkersburg and Charleston railroad, now the Ohio River railroad. ALBERT M. CAMPBELL was an efficient engineer in the construction of the improvement of the Kenawha River. REV. CHARLES M. CAMPBELL, a pastor of the Protestant Episcopal church, is now located at Ravenswood, West Virginia. 4606. I 0AQ1 1 ^^S RCiT DWIGHT LATHROP ^ i Mary Stebblns s Edward Stebblns 7 Benjamin Stebbins 6 I Dwight Lathrop Catharine Howley Sabra Minor 248 61 9 2 Benjamin Stebblns 6 Benjamin Stebblns * .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Mary Day Widow Martha Ball Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Mary Stebbins and Dwight Lathrop, was born July 27, 1833, at Savan- nah, Georgia ; died December 20, 1866 ; married April 27, 1865, at Macon, Geor- gia, to LOUISE BRANTLY, who died November 8, 1865. NINTH GENERATION. 919 4607. EDWARD STEBBINS LATHROP » Benjamin Stebblns 6 Sabra Minor o Thomas Stcbbins 2 liannah Wright ■^iS Uonjamln ytebblns o Mary Day 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah I 2681 -,' Mary Stebblns 8 ( Dwight Lathrop 62 Benjamin Stebblns 4 Widow Martha Ball 1338 Edward Stebblns 7 Catharine Uowley 9 Joseph Stebblns s Sarah Dorchester son of Mary Stebbins and Dwight Lathrop, was born July 27, 1835; married September, 1862, at Macon, Georgia, to GEORGIA M. BRANTLT. Residence, Atlanta, Georgia. FRANCIS HENRY LATHROP 9| J 607 Benjamin Stebbins t Sabra Minor 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 4608. 16S1 Mary Stebbins s Dwight Lathrop 248 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Mary Day ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 !- Sarah • J 62 Benjamin Stebblns 4 Widow Martha Ball 1338 Edward Stebblns i Catharine Howley 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Mary Stebbins and Dwight Lathrop, was born July 27, 1835, at Savan- nah, Georgia; died 189 — , at Chicago, Illinois; married April 29, 1869, at New York, to Frances A. Macdonough. He married second, June 5, 1883, at New York, JLTLIA PINKNEY BELLINGER. MARY CLELAND LATHROP »] 607 Benjamin Stebbins G Sabra Minor 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 248 4609. 2681 Mary Stebbins s Dwight Lathrop Benjamin Stebblns Mary Day 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah • 62 Benjamin Stebblns * Widow Martha Ball 1338 Edward Stebblns 7 Catharine Howley 9 Joseph Stebblns 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Mary Stebbins and Dwaght Lathrop, was born October 2, 1839. at New York ; married September 26, 1860, to JAMES RENWICK GIBSON, bom October 22, 1833, at New York; died March 4, 1890, who was a son of James Renwick Gibson and Catharine Van Keuren. 4630. ELLERY LOUIS EDWARDS » ( 2721 •; Ellery Channing Edwards s ( Nellie O'Neil 652 Levi Stebblns 6 Amia Pierce 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 294 Edward Stebblns 5 Elizabeth Burt 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah John Stebbins 4 Sarah Warriner 1358 Jane P. Stebbins " Richard Edwards 9 Joseph Stebblns 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Ellery Channing Edwards and Nellie O'Neil, was bom May 14, 1868, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married March 28, 1890, at Chicago, Elinois, to ANNIE PLATNEN, bom October, 1872. who was a daughter of Joseph Plat- nen and Matilda Schroder. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. 920 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 6090. I. EUery Edwards, bom March 1, 1891. 4631. / 2723 EDWARD EDWARDS » \ I'lerre Irving Edwards 8 t Mary Caroline Hecker 652 Levi Stebblns e Amla Pierce 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 294 Edward Stebblns 6 Elizabeth Burt 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 68 John Stebblns * Sarah Warriner 1358 Jane P. Stebblns ^ Richard L. Edwards 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester } son of Pierre Irving Edwards and Mary Caroline Hecker, was born November 12, 1868, at New Orleans, Louisiana ; married May 14, 1894, to EDNA VIOLA EDGEWORTH, who was a daughter of Richard Edgeworth and Lizzie Gantz. Occupation, painter. Residence, Biloxi, Mississippi. 4632. C 2723 135S MARY JANE EDWARDS ^ < Pierre Irving Edwards 8 Jane P. Stebblns 7 I Mary Caroline Hecker Richard L. Edwards 652 294 68 9 Levi Stebbins 6 Edward Stebblns 6 John Stebblns * Joseph Stebbins 3 Amla Pierce Elizabeth Burt Sarah Warriner Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah J daughter of Pierre Irving Edwards and Mary Caroline Hecker, was born Octo- ber 22, 1874, at New Orleans, Louisiana ; married August 20, 1895, to GEORGE MICKEL YOUNG, born July 28, 1872, at New Orleans, Louisiana, who was a son of Thomas Young and Caroline Keifer. Occupation, clerk in wholesale drug house. Residence, New Orleans, Louisiana. 4654. 2759 ALBERT KELLOGG STEBBINS " j Lemuel Dlbble stebbins 8 (. Georgia Anna Green 653 Ithamer Stebbins 6 Deborah Stebbins 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 294 Edward Stebblns B Elizabeth Burt ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 68 John Stebblns 4 Sarah Warriner 1374 Albert Stebbins ' Mary Beebe 9 Joseph Stebblns 3 Sarah I)orchester son of Lemuel Dibble Stebbins and Georgia Anna Green, was bom June 21, 1875, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin; married September 1, 1897, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to ANNA KEMPER WHITTEMORE, bom March 12, 1875, at Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan, who was a daughter of Henry Breck Whittemore and Caroline Whistler Bloodgood. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. CHILDREN: a091. I. Rowland Ward, bom July 8, 1898. 6092. n. Albert Kellogg, bom December 27, 1899. No. 4631. EDWARD EDWARDS. 921 No. 4632. MRS. MARY JANE EDWARDS YOUNG. NINTH GENERATION. 921 The following is an extract from an article in the Milwaiikee Sentinel of October 19, 1899 : "The address of ALBERT K. STEBBINS before the Men's Club at the Ethical building Friday night was a very thorough discussion of the condi- tions in France, which made the Dreyfus case possible and in fact almost in- evitable. MR. STEBBINS not only gave concisely and clearly the facts re- garding the charges, against Captain Dreyfus, the conspiracy of the army staff him, and his two triahs, but a very comprehensive sketch of French history during the past century as explaining the development of conditions which made 'the Dreyfus ease' possible." 4679. ANSON WARNER STEBBINS ■ 638 John Stebbine e SuBanna Warner 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 295 Asaph stebblns 5 Lucy Bardweil 1 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )■ Sarah ) ( 2790 ■' Edwin Adonis Stebblns s ( Eachel Jemima Fleming .rohn stebblns 4 Sarah Warriner 1401 Aaron Stebblns 7 Lacy Chapln 9 .Joseph Stebblns z Sarah Dorchester son of Edwin Adonis and Rachel Jemima Fleming, was bom February 10, 1855, at Madison County, Mississippi ; married January 6, 1876, at Hart Tovm, Yazoo County, Mississippi, to EM:MA E. HART, bom March 17, 1853, at Hart Town, Mississippi, who was a daughter of James Hart and Jane Smith. CHILDREN : 6093. I. 6094. II. 6095. III. 6096. IV. 6097. V. 6098. VL 6099. Vll. 6100. VIII. 6101. IX. Bertha Marion, bom December 5, 1876. Lena May, bom December 16, 1877. Walter James, bom May 14, 1880. • :\Iary Lucy, bom July 26. 1882. Mima, bom March 13, 1884. Edwin Anson, bom April 8, 1886. Frank Charles, bom August 28, 1887. Henrj' Grady, born December 25, 1889. Paul, bom September 13, 1893. 4680. EDWIN MARION STEBBINS » -'^ Edwin Adokls stebblns s ( Rachel Jemima Fleming 68 658 Jolm stebblns e Susanna Warner 2 Thomas Stebblns 2 Hannah Wright 295 Asaph Stebblns 5 Lucy Bardwell 1 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Sarah ) John Stebblns 4 Sarah Warriner 1401 Aaron .Stebblns T Lucy Chapln 9 Joseph Stebblns 3 Sarab Dorchester son of Edwin Adonis Stebbins and Rachel Jemima Fleming, was bom Febru- ary 2, 1857, at Camden, iladison County. Mississippi; married December 1, 1881, at Abbeville, Vermilion County, Louisiana, to !MARY AREA, bom May 1, 1862, at Camden, IMadison County, ^Mississippi, who was a daughter of Wil- liam Franklin Area and Louisa E. McMurtray. Occupation, lumber and hard- •JSi I 922 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. ware merehant. Politics, Independent. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided in Madison and Holmes Counties, Mississippi, and Abbeville, Louisiana. CHILDREN: 6102. I. Maude E., born January 28, 1883. 6103. II. Edwin Wilmer, born November 30, 1884. 4681. I 279** 1401 FRED DANIEL STEBBINS '•> < Chapln Theodore Stebbine s Aaiou Stebbins t I Mary Amelia Beach r.ucy Chapin 658 295 68 9 John Stebbins e Asaph Stebbins 5 .John iStebblns 4 .Toseph Stebbins 3 Susanna Warner Lucy Bardweli Sarah Warriner Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 UOWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Chapin Theodore Stebbins and Mary Amelia Beach, was born February 10, 1868, at Battle Creek, Michigan; married September 4, 1890, at Battle Creek, Michigan, to CHRISTIANA E. BLEASDALE, bom March 11, 1869, at England, who was a daughter of James Bleasdale and Christiana Marrow. Occupation, hardware salesman. Politics, Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Battle Creek, Michigan. CHILDREN: 6104. I. Ethel Mae, born October 18, 1891. 6105. II. Russell Chapin, born, December 18, 1895. FRED DANIEL STEBBINS left school at the age of seventeen. Deter- mined to earn his own living, he applied to a grocer and was given a position at three dollars per week; but, after the first week, he struck for higher wages and was told that, if the wages did not suit him, he could look else- where. He soon secured a position with Leon & Jennings, at four dollars per week, which was soon advanced to six dollars. After being with this firm for six months, he was induced to accept a situation on the farm of his step-father, receiving twelve dollars per month, and his board. At the age of nineteen, he began work in the hardware store of Charles F. Bock & Son, remaining with them twelve years. Soon after he entered this store, the firm engaged a lady bookkeeper, who made such an impression on MR. STEBBINS, that he persuaded her to become his bookkeeper for life. In 1898 he went to Bozeman, Montana, where he is connected with the firm of Benepe-Owenhouse Co., as manager of their hardware department. 4699. EVERETT DENNTSON STEBBINS oj 2816 1410 Dennlson Stebbins s Austin Stebbins 7 Marcla Perry Lydia Rice 661 295 68 9 Heman Stebbins « Asaph Stebbins 5 .John Stebbins i Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dickinson Lucy Bardweli Sarah Warriner Sarah Dorchester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah son of Dennison Stebbins and Marcia Perry, was bom November 16, 1843, at } M1!S. ANNA WIIITTEMOKE STEBBINS. Wife of No. 4054. 1 ^ LX WAIiD STEBBINS. Nu. 4G.")4. ALBERT KELLOGG STEBBINS. 023 NINTH GENERATION. 923 Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; married November 25, 1868, at Ludlow, Massachusetts, to CLARA FIDELIA FISKE, born April 26, 1851, at Ludlow, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Otis A. Fiske and Abbie S. Gove. Residence, 27 West Street, Holyoke, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, born at Belchertown: 6106. I. Edward Otis, born February 14, 1870; married NeUie May Spring. 6107. II. Edith Abbie, born ilarch 20, 1872; married Myron Austin Shaw.+ 6108. in. Harold Dennison, born September 9, 1875 ; died August 28, 1876. 6109. IV. Bernard Clinton, born October 1, 1878. 6110. V. Mariah Howard, born April 7, 1881. 6111. VI. Clara May, born April 9, 1884. 6112. Vn. Bessie Lillian, born September 24, 1888. EVERETT DENNISON STEBBINS enlisted in the 16th Massachusetts Battery for service during the civil war. 4700. ABBIE SOPHIA STEBBINS » | Dennison 'stebbmss Austin Stebblns 7 I Marcia Perry Lydla Rice 6G1 295 68 9 Heman Stebbins 6 Asapb Stebbins 5 .Tobn Stebbins t .losepliStebbins 3 Sarah Dickinson Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warriner .'sarah Dorchester 2 1 , Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )- Hannah Wright Sarah ■ ) daughter of Dennison Stebbins and Mareia Perry, was bom September 23, 1846 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married October 15, 1867 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts, to ALVAH S. WALKER, who was a son of Orrin Walker and Mary Sikes. CHILDREN, born at Belchertown: 6113. I. Theda Marcia Walker, born September 30, 1868 (T. R.) ; died September 20, 1896 (T. R.). 6114. II. Mary E. Walker, born April 9, 1870; married March 22, 1898, Albert G. Markham. 6115. III. Perry Stebbins Walker, born January 22, 1873 (T. R.) ; married April 6, 1897 (T. R.), Maud Fitzgerald. 6116. IV. Robert G. Walker, bom August 28, 1874 (T. R.) ; died Septem- ber 18, 1874 (T. R.). 6117. V. Alice Rose Walker, bom January 19. 1876 (T. R.) ; married De- cember 27. 1898. Charles Alvan Guild (T. R.). Mabel Juliett Walker, born May 24, 1878 (T. R.). Dora WaUter, bom August 5, 1881 (T. R.). Chauncey Walker, bom April 19, 1892 (T. R.). 6118. VI. 6119. VII. 6120. VIII. 924 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4701. 1410 Austin Stebblns " CLARA EFFEE STEBBINS » | Oennlson StebWns s (. Marcia Perry Lydia Kice 661 295 68 9 Heman Stebblns 6 Asaph Stebblns s John Stebblns * Joseph Stebblns : Sarah Dickinson Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warrlner Sarah Dorchester 2 1 ) Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Hannah Wright Sarah j daughter of Dennison Stebbins and Marcia Perry, was born June 25, 1848 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married January 2, 1871 (T. R.), at Belehertown, Massachusetts, to LEROY C. WILLL^MS, who was a son of Jesse M. Williams and Emily J . Residence, Gilbertville, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, born at Belchertown : 6121. I. Morris Powers Williams, born August 31, 1874 (T. R.). 6122. II. Leila Clara Williams, born November 17, 1884 (T. R.). 4704. 2818 1410 MARION MINERVA STEBBINS » | Emery StebWns s Austin stebblns ! t Minerva Gould Lydla Rice 661 295 68 9 Heman Stebblns 6 Asaph Stebblns 6 John Stebblns 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dickinson Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warrlner Sarah Dorchester 2 1 -) Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i I Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Emery Stebbins and Minerva Gould, was bom February 11, 1847, at Ware, Hampden County, Massachusetts ; married August 2, 1867, at Spring- field, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to THOMAS W. COBURN, bom June 28, 1846, at Worcester, Massachusetts; died March 8, 1890. Politics, Repub- lican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Brooklyn, New York. CHILDREN: 6123. I. Coburn, born August 2, 1868; married Jennie C. Post. MARION MINERVA STEBBINS COBURN was, from the age of twelve years, a remarkable pianiste, inheriting the musical talents of her father. She now resides at 296 Vanderbilt Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. Her only son is employed in Wannamaker's store in New York City. 4706. > v'n'r . * . «.™, ^n^^.^.-.,^ ., f 2818 1410 661 ANNA JANE STEBBINS ^ - Emery stebblns 8 Austin Stebbins 7 Heman Stebblns « (, Minerva Gould Lydia Rice Sarah Dickinson 295 68 9 2 Asaph Stebblns 5 John Stebblns 4 Joseph Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns ! Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warrlner Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 l- Sarah J , daughter of Emery Stebbins and Minerva Gould, was bom July 16, 1851, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married July 16, 1873, at Spring- field, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to JAMES HENRY CLARK, born De- NINTH GENERATION. 925 cember 3, 1848, at New Hartford, Connecticut, who was a son of Lewis Clark and Celia Webster. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 6124. I. Walter Henry Clark, born December 25, 1875; unmarried. 6125. II. Harry LeRoy Clark, born December 9, 1880 ; died August 15, 1883. 6126. III. Natalie Clark, born April 19, 1885. 4742. HOWARD SUMNER STEBBINSfl< 666 Erastus Stebbins s Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 295 Asaph Stebbins 5 Lucy Bardwell 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 l Sarah j 2S66 Dwight Preston Stebbins 8 Mary Ann Bennet 68 .Tohn Stebbins 4 Sarah Warrlner 1429 Augustine Stebbins '< Mary Ann .Janes 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester son of Dwight Preston Stebbins and Mary Ann Bennet, was born September 16, 1860, at Masonville, Delaware County, New York; married July 22, 1890, at Cleveland, Ohio, to MART HICKOX WILKINSON, born January 26, 1867, at Cleveland, Ohio, who was a daughter of George Wilkinson and Frances Harriet Heward. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Con- gregationalist. Residence, Cleveland, Ohio. AMY JAMES STEBBINS 6G6 Erastus Stebbins a Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 4743. 2866 Dwight Preston Stebbins e (^ Mary Ann Bennet 295 6S Asaph Stebbins 5 .Tohn Stebbins 4 Lucy Bardwell Sarah Warriner ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 1-129 Augustine Stebbins 7 Mary Ann Janes 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Dwight Preston Stebbins and Mary Ann Bennet, was born Febru- ary 29, 1864, at Masonville, Delaware County, New York; married September 9, 1897, to EDWARD ALLEN WALLACE, bom November 5, 1867, at Ypsi- lanti, Washtenaw County, Michigan, who was a son of James N. Wallace and Ellen Davis. Occupation, merchant. Residence, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 4747. JULIA WELLS STEBBINS 9 1 606 Erastus Stebbins « Ruth Smith 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 2868 Jerome Augustine Stebbins 8 Eliza Holden Skinner 290 68 Asaph Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 Lucy Bardwell Sarab Warriner ROWLAND STEBBINS I I Sarah 1 1429 Augustine Stebbins 7 Mary .\nn Jones 9 Joseph Stebbins 3 Sarah Dorchester daughter of Jerome Augustine Stebbins and Eliza Holden Skinner, was bom November 9, 1868, at Ypsilanti, Michigan; married August 9, 1893, at Ypsi- lanti. Michigan ; married August 9. 1893, at Ypsilanti, Michigan, to EDWARD JOHN JENNINGS, born December 4, 1860, at Cliff Mine, Keweenaw County, 926 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Michigan, who was a son of William Jennings and Elizabeth M. Collins. Resi- dence, Fargo, North Dakota. CHILDREN: 6127. I. Evelyn Stebbins Jennings, born December 11, 1894 ; died October 5, 1895. 4768. 2891 Minervia Stebbins 8 Lee Rice 82 Tbomas Stebbins t Mary Ely 1471 Frederick Stebbins '> Sylvia Edson 11 ICdward Stebbins 3 Sarah Graves 671 Caleb Stebbins o Mehitable Chapin 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright LOTTIE J. RICE » 298 Caleb Stebbins 5 Elizabeth Warriner ROWLAND STEBBINS I !- Sarah J daughter of Minervia Stebbins and Lee Rice, was bom October 20, 1844, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married September 4, 1873, at "Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to ELIAS L. KEYES, born No- vember 7, 1839, at Springfield, Massachusetts, who was a son of Dudley Keyes and Jane C. Crane. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Wilbraham, Massachusetts. 4772. I 2892 ELLEN JANE STEBBINS » lasou stebbins s ( Elvira Colton 298 82 Caleb Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 FJIizabeth Warriner Mary Ely ROWLAND STEBBINS i I Sarah ■ J 1471 Eredericli Stebbins i Sylvia Edson 11 Edward Stebbins s Sarah Graves 671 Caleb Stebbins 6 Mehitable Chapin 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright daughter of Jason Stebbins and Elvira Colton, was bom June 13, 1843 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married June 28, 1866, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to EBENEZER WESSON CUM- MINGS, born December 8, 1838, at Ware, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; died May 5, 1895, at Ware, Massachusetts, who was a son of Lewis Gould Cum- mings and Sarah Beers. Occupation, shoemaker. Polities, Republican. Re- ligion, Congregationalist. Residence, 315 Worthington Street, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 6128. I. Ada Elvira Cummings, bom May 21, 1875. 4775. JOHN GILBERT STEBBINS 671 Caleb Stebbins e Mehitable Chapin 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright '.' I Ja (El 802 Jason Stebbins 8 Elvira Colton 298 Caleb Stebbins 6 Elizabeth Warriner 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 82 Thomas Stebbins 4 Mary Ely 1471 Frederick Stebbins ' Sylvia Edson 11 Edward Stebbins 3 Sarah Graves son of Jason Stebbins and Elvira Colton, was bom February 23, 1851, at Wil- NINTH GENERATION. 927 braham, Hampden Coimty, Massachusetts; married June 6, 1882, at Chicago, Illinois, to CARRIE A. HEIGHT, born April 16, 1857, at Chicago, Illinois, who was a daughter of Alexander Bostic Height and Marguerite Ann Gun- ther. Occupation, superintendent Illinois Masonic Orphans Home. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, 447 Carroll Avenue, Chicago. 4781. FREDERICK LEFOREST STEBBINS » \ Ooree Henrv Stebbins 8 Frederick Stebbin.s 7 ( Cynthia A. Billings Sylvia Edson 671 298 82 11 Caleb .Stebbins 6 Caleb .Stebbins s Thomas Stebbins * Kdward Stebbins 3 Mehitable Ctaapin Elizabeth Warriner Mary Ely Sarah (Jraves 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Hannah Wright Sarah ■ J son of George Henry Stebbins and Cynthia A. Billings, was born February 3, 1852 (T. R.), at "Wilbraham, Massachusetts; married February 18, 1875 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, to ABBIE JOSEPHINE GARRETTE, born May 8, 1857, at Holliston, Massachusetts; died September 6, 1891 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Thomas J. Garrette and Sarah R. Gleason. CHILDREN, born at Wilbraham: Son, born October 7, 1877 (T. R.). George Henry, born July 16, 1879 (T. R.). Frederick Ray, bom May 13, 1886 (T. R.) ; died January 7, 1889 (T.R.). 6132. IV. Son, born September 6, 1891 (T. R.) ; died same day (T. R.). 4798. JOHN LOUIS STEBBINS » ] John BMss s"tebbins s Frederiol< Stebbins t ( Maria Stebbins Sylvia Edson 671 298 82 11 Caleb Stebbins 6 Caleb Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Kdward Stebbins 3 Mehitable Chapin Elizabeth Warriner Marv Ely Sarah rjraves 2 1 ) ■ Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ■ Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of John Bliss Stebbins and Maria Stebbins, was born March 31, 1844, at Springfield, Massachusetts; died December 10, 1877. at Springfield, Massa- chusetts; married June 16, 1868, at PougKkeepsie, New York, to IDA ISA- BELLA WHjLIAMS, who was a daughter of Charles Henry Saunders Will- iams and Susan Maria Bryan. Resided at Springfield, Massachusetis, and Poughkeepsie, New York. She married second, Philip Coombs Knapp. CHILDREN : Carl Louis, born July 16, 1869. Paul Crawford, bom December 10, 1870 ; died June 6, 1871. John Winchester, born January 23, 1872. Margaret Isabella, born May 19, 1873. Rowland Williams, born November 27, 1874. 6129. I. 6130. II. 6131. III. 6133. I. 6134. II. 6135. III. 6136. IV. 6137. V. 928 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4800. {2922 John Bliss Stebblns 8 Maria Stebbins 671 Caleb Stebbins 8 Mehltable Chapin 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 298 Caleb Stebbins o Elizabeth Warriner 1 ItOWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 82 Thomas Stebbins * Mary Ely 1475 John Stebbins T Hannah Bliss 11 Edward Stebbins s Sarah Graves } daughter of John Bliss Stebbins and Maria Stebbins, was born September 19, 1850 ; married March 6, 1875, to WILLIAM THORNTON PARKER. Profes- sion, physician. CHILDREN : 6138. I. William Thornton Parker, born January 3, 1876. FANNIE LEE STEBBINS 671 Caleb Stebbins e Mehltable Chapin 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 4803. 2922 John Bliss Stebbins 8 Maria Stebbins OQg go Caleb Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 4 Elizabeth Warriner Mary Ely ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah I 1475 John Stebbins 7 Hannah Bliss 11 Edward Stebbins s Sarah Graves daughter of John Bliss Stebbins and Maria Stebbins, was born November 13, 1855; died April 19, 1890; married June 20, 1889, to WILLIAM HORACE CHAPIN. CHILDREN : 6139. I. Frances Anna Chapin, born March 13, 1890. SARAH AUGUSTA POWERS ^j 671 Caleb Stebbins 6 Mehltable Chapin ft Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 298 Caleb Stebbins 5 Elizabeth Warriner 4817. 2935 Marlon Roxana Stebbins 8 Seneca Bridges Powers 82 Thomas Stebbins 4 Mary Ely 1479 Joslah Stebbins 7 Sarah Freeman 11 Edward Stebbins 3 Sarah Graves ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah daughter of Marion Roxana Stebbins and Seneca Bridges Powers, was born February 23, 1847, at Dryden, New York; married November 24, 1881, at Hudson, St. Croix Coimty, Wisconsin, to WILLIAM H. CROWE, born Sep- tember 28, 1870, at Summit, New York ; died October 7, 1898, at Hudson, Wis- consin, who was a son of Francis Crowe and Hannah Terfening. No children. 4831. HELEN LUCY STEBBINS » JTohnf [ Katha 2944 Stebbins 8 Katharine Fairchlld 688 Lewis Stebbins 6 Mary Starkweather 2 Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright 301 Thomas Stebbins 5 Phebe Bnrt 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah ■ 82 Thomas Stebbins 4 Mary Ely 1499 Charles Stebbins T Eunice Masters 11 Edward Stebbins 3 Sarah Graves daughter of John Stebbins and Katharine Fairchild, was bom January 11, NINTH GENERATION. 929 1874, at Cazenovia, Madison County, New York; man-ied June 30, 1896, at Cazenovia, Madison Coimty, New York, to ARTHUR WOOD ICENNARD, bom November 3, 1870, at Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, who was a son of William H. Keunard and Philena Hubbard. Residence, Boston, Massachu- setts. CHILDREN : 6140. I. Charles Fairchild Kennard, born May 28, 1898. 4840. JAMES ELMER STEBBINS » I John Cylel Marshall Stebbins s William Stebbins 7 ( Eliza Edmonds .Sarah Bradlsh 689 301 82 11 Zebina Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins i Edward Stebbins 3 Mary Snow Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely .Sarah Graves 2 1 I Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of John Byles Marshall Stebbins and Eliza Edmonds, was born July 19, 1850, at Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio ; married April 24, 1870, at Lawrence, Van Buren County, Michigan, to SOPHIA FLAGG, born April 11, 1854, at Frankfort, Herkimer County, New York, who was a daughter of Jacob Flagg and Lorella Grooms. Residence, 891 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6141. I. Son, born April 27, 1871 ; died August 14, 1871. 6142. II. Daughter, born February 5, 1873; married March 6, 1894, James York, of Janesville, Wisconsin. 4842. '..r-rr^^'^.r r,r^-^T.-r,-,-,-r^ ( 2966 1506 689 MYRON STEBBINS 8 ^ William Henry stebbins 8 William Stebbins 7 Zebina Stebbins 6 ( Emily Louisa Edmonds Sarah Bradlsh Mary Snow 301 82 11 2 Thomas Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Sarah j son of William Henr}' Stebbins and Emily Louisa Edmonds, was born August 16, 1856, at Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio; married August 14, 1884, to LIBBIB LEEVER, born May 28, 1858, at Farmland, Randolph County, In- diana. Occupation, miller. Politics, Republican. Residence, Bangor, Michi- gan. CHILDREN : 6143. I. Lawrence, born August 15, 1885. 6144. II. Clarence, born August 15, 1885. 6145. III. Floyd, bom July 31, 1888. 59 930 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4847. HARLAN J. STEBBINS 9 {waiterj } 2970 1510 600 _■ Stebbins 8 Ralph Stebbins 7 Calvin Stebblns 6 1 Collins Laura Brldgeman Lola Colton 301 82 11 2 Thomas Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins * Edward Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Walter Stebbins and Susan Collins, was born August 16, 1849, at New- port Township, Lake County, Illinois; married May 25, 1875, to MARY P. COPE, bom April 9, 1857, at Dakota County, Minnesota, who was a daughter of Elias Cope and Frances Cook. Polities, Republican. Residence, Owatonna, Minnesota. CHILDREN: 6146. I. Ruthella, born May 23, 1877 ; married Carl W. Sorsoleil. 6147. II. Mabel L., bom April 9, 1879. 6148. III. Helen A., bom February 27, 1883. 6149. IV. Katie May, born January 7, 1887. 4850. f 2971 1510 MARY ELIZABETH STEBBINS ^ ^ Thomas Brldgeman Stebbins s Ralph Stebbins T ( Julia Annah White Laura Brldgeman 690 301 82 11 Calvin Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins i Edward Stebbins 3 Lois Colton Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah • J daughter of Thomas Brldgeman Stebbins and Julia Annah White, was born May 10, 1856, at Chicago, Illinois; married January 6, 1881, at Adams, Ne- braska, to EDWARD BARKER GALE, born September 2, 1852, at Fitch, Michi- gan, son of George Gale and Margaret Shaw. CHILDREN: Earl Bjomson Gale, bom December 14, 1881. Elmer Stebbins Gale, born January 1, 1892. 4851. ( ''971 1510 GEORGE LYMAN STEBBINS » < Thomas B"ridgeman Stebbins s Ralph Stebbins t { .Tulla Annah White Laura Brldgeman 690 301 82 11 Calvin Stebbins 6 Thomas Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Edward Stebbins 3 Lois Colton Phebe Burt Widow Mary Ely Sarah Graves 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah - son of Thomas Brldgeman Stebbins and Julia Annah White, was born October 4, 1864, at Morris, Grundy County, Illinois ; married October 10, 1889, at Rem- ington, Jasper County, Indiana, to DORA ELIZABETH WILCOX, born Octo- ber 19, 1863, at Washington Heights, Cook County, Illinois, who was a daugh- ter of William Orson Wilcox and Lydia M. Wilcox. Occupation, commission } No. 48G0. ALEXANDER FIELD STEBIUNS. ■MKS. MAIty E. AM DON S'l'IOIilUNS. Wife of No. 48G0. 'Ml .Nil. 4070. A.VSdX WAItNEU STEBBINS. No. (il.-iS. MA\ LILLIAN STEBIil.NS. NINTH GENERATION. 931 merchant. Polities, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Mor- gan Park, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6150. I. Lena Beatrice, bom March 7, 1889 ; adopted January 9, 1893, niece of Mrs. Dora C. Stebbins. GEORGE LYMAN STEBBINS removed with his parents to Washington Heights, Cook County, Illinois, when he was six years of age. He attended the public school until fifteen years of age, when he started out to make his own way. He worked first as a printer; but, after two years, his health not being good, he went west and spent a year on a farm in Eastern Nebraska. In August, 1883, he returned and accepted a position with George M. How & Co., commission merchants. In January, 1892, he became a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, and is now connected with the Pope & Eckhardt Company, being especially identified with the receiving interests. He was a member of the 1st Regiment, Illinois National Guards, from 1885 to 1887; and is a member of the Local Council of the National Union, and served as its president in 1896. Since his marriage, he has resided in Morgan Park, Illinois. 4852. ^^,.r^-^ .^ -.^^-^■^■^^^^ ( 2987 1576 723 DOUGLAS MERRITT ^ < George MerrUt s Thankful Scott 7 Mercy Ashley 8 } Julia Douglas Benjamin Merritt Matthew Scott 374 86 12 2 Ebenezer Ashley 5 Abigail Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins : Thankful Parsons .Tonathan Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah • son of George Merritt and Julia Douglas, was born December 4, 1847, at New York, New York ; married August 3, 1876, at Buffalo, New York, to ELIZA- BETH CLEVELAND COXE, bom August 5, 1847, at Hartford, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Arthur Cleveland Coxe and Katherine Cleveland Hyde. Residence, Rhinebeck, New York. CHILDREN: 6151. I. Ethel Douglas Merritt, born March 10, 1878. 6152. II. Alan Douglas Merritt, born December 6, 1885. 4860. ( ''994 159'^ ALEXANDER FIELD STEBBINS » < Samuel Colton StebWns 8 Benjamin Stebbins 7 I Laura Merrick Lucy Colton 727 a25 88 12 Gideon Stebbins e Benjamin Stebbins 6 Benjamin StebWns * Benjamin Stebbins 3 Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 )- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Samuel Colton Stebbins and Laura Merrick, was born January 21, 1827; died June 1, 1888 ; married to MARY E. ANIDON, who died in 1899. 2994 1592 Samuel Stebbina 8 Benjamin Stebbins 'i 932 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 6153. I. May Lillian; lives at Southbridge, Massachusetts. 4861. CONSTANT MERRICK STEBBINS » I „ , ^ r - n ,. ( Laura Merrick Lucy Colton 727 325 88 12 Gideon Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins * Benjamin Stebbins 3 Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day JIary Asbley Abigail Denton 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Samuel Stebbins and Laura Merrick, was born May 30, 1829, at Long- meadow, Massachusetts; died June 21, 1883, at Minneapolis, Minnesota; mar- ried May 3, 1855 (T. R.), at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, to LAURA CAHO- LINE LANGDON, born September (or November) 15, 1835, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts (living 1899), who was a daughter of Har- low Langdon and Laura Merrick. Occupation, farmer. CHILDREN : 6154. I. Clinton Merrick, born December 3, 1856 ; died January 29, 1859. 6155. n. Hattie Tallcott, born January 31, 1858; married Harry B. Chess. 6156. III. Henry Constant, born March 19, 1865 ; married Ida Schultz.-f 4864. SAMUEL EDGAR STEBBINS » | samuei I Laura I } 2994 1592 Colton Stebbins 8 Benjamin Stebbins t : Merricif Lucy Colton 727 325 88 12 Gideon Stebbins 8 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Samuel Colton Stebbins and Laura Merrick, was born March 29, 1836, at Longmeadow, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married October 5, 1864, at Rocky Hill, Hartford County, Connecticut, to JENNIE ELIZABETH POR- TER, born May 6, 1837, at Rocky Hill, Hartford County, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Ethan Belden Porter and Julia Griswold. Occupation, clerk, mechanic. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Plainville, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 6157. I. Edgar Porter, born August 9, 1876. 4867. HORATIO HOLLAND » j m». y ( .Tonal 2996 1594 727 ry C. Stebbins 8 Zenas Stebbins 7 Gideon Stebbins 6 .Tonas Holland Grace Warriner Mary Hinsdale 325 88 12 2 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton Hannah Wright ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah son of Mary C. Stebbins and Jonas Holland, was bom September 24, 1834, at } No. 4S61. CONSTANT MERRICK STEBBINS. MRS. LAtlUA C. LANGDON STEBBINS. Wife of No. 4861. ^ No. 0155. MRS. HATTIE T. STEBBINS CHESS. U33 No. C156. HENRY CONSTANT STEBBINS. NINTH GENERATION. 933 Belchertown, Hampshire Count}', Massachusetts; died February 12, 1895, at San Francisco, California; married December 6, 1871, at Belchertown, Massa- setts, to HARRIET ELIZA HOLLAND [No. 4870], born August 5, 1837, at Belchertown, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Luther Holland and Doro- thy Warriner Stebbins. Occupation, lumber dealer. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Congregationalist. Resided at Springfield, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska. CHILDREN: 6158. I. Dorothy HoUand, born July 3, 1877. 4882. FREDERICK LYMAN STEBBINS »| 3000 1594 Ely Warriner Stebbins 8 Zenas Stebbins 7 Ardelia Cowles Lydla Ely 6159. I 6160. II. 6161. III. 6162. IV 727 325 82 12 Gideon Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Ely Warriner Stebbins and Ardelia Cowles, was bom October 28, 1854 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; married December 23, 1881 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts, to BATHSHEBA S. BURNETT, who was a daughter of Addison Burnett and Bathsheba Sanford. He is a deacon in the Congregational church. CHILDREN, born at Belchertown: Ella Adelia, born November 29, 1882 (T. R.). John G., bom October 26, 1885 (T. R.). Child, bom October 27, 1890 (T. R.) ; died October 27, 1890. Child, bom March 15, 1892 (T. R.) ; died March 19, 1892. 4883. FRANK EDSON STEBBINS ^-f Ely warriner StebWns s Zenas Stebbfns 7 ( Ardelia Cowles Lydla Ely 727 325 88 12 Gideon Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins * Benjamin Stebbins 3 Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day Marv Ashley .\bigail Denton 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Hannah Wright Sarah sou of Ely Warriner Stebbins and Ardelia Cowles, was bom January 12, 1857 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; died May 20, 1887 (T. R.), at Belcher- town, Massachusetts; married October 17, 1883 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massa- chusetts, to PHILA H. PARKMAN, who was a daughter of Charles Parkman and Carrie . CHILDREN: 6163. I. Edgar Ely, born August 5, 1884 (T. R.). at Belchertown. 934 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4889. r 3010 1399 ADDISON HOMER BARTLETT ^ < Emlly Stebblns s Samuel Stebbins i I Cyrus Sabln Bartlett Nancy Read 727 a-'5 88 12 Gideon Stebblns 6 Benjamin Stebbins s Benjamin Stebblns 4 Benjamin Stebbins 3 Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day Mary Ashley Abigail Denton 2 1 ) Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Hannah Wright Sarah j son of Emily Stebbins and Gyrus Sabin Bartlett, was bom February 15, 1843, at Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; married November 18, 1868 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, to VIOLET ISABEL BARDWELL, born March 24, 1846, at Belchertown, Hampshire Coiuity, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Antipas Steward Bardwell and Caroline Cook Sikes. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Belchertown, Massachusetts. CHHjDREN, bom at Belchertown: 6164. I. Lizzie Maria Bartlett, bom June 16, 1871 (T. R.) ; married Thomas Allen. 6165. II. Marion Estella Bartlett, born August 13. 1874. 6166. III. Alice Isabel Bartlett, bom August 4, 1876; died August 30, 1877 (T. R.). 6167. IV. Henry Addison Bartlett, born July 3, 1878 (T. R.) ; died May 11, 1888 (T. R.). 6168. V. Dwight Stebbins Bartlett, born August 15, 1880 (T. R.). 6169. VI. Francis Alonzo Bartlett, born November 13, 1882 (T. R.). 6170. VII. Edward Payson Bartlett. born October 17, 1884 (T. R.). 4892. ._.__,.„„ „ ™r^ .„.„.,«.,„ „ ( 3034 1618 731 ALBERT STEBBINS ^ -{ Claudius Herrick Stebbins s Dennis Stebbins 7 .Joseph Stebbins c [ Emeline Hubbard Lois Hawks Lucy Frary 330 89 20 4 Joseph Stebbins 6 John Stebbins * John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS i f- Sarah ) son of Claudius Herrick Stebbins and Emeline Hubbard, was bom August 5, 1829, at Montague, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married March 4, 1858 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to HELEN MARIA ROOT, bom Decem- ber 19, 1834, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Hiram Root and Caroline Hanson. Occupation, mechanic. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Greenfield, Massachusetts. No children. OSCAR F. STEBBINS 9 I cb 4893. 3034 1618 Claudius Herrick Stebbins 8 Dennis Stebbins r . Emeline Hubbard Lois Hawks '31 330 89 20 Joseph Stebbins c Joseph Stebbins s John Stebbins 4 John Stebl)ins 3 Lucy Frary Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1) .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 S- Widow Anne Munden Sarah j son of Claudius Herrick Stebbins and Emeline Hubbard, was born August 1, p No. 4864. SAMUEL EDGAR STEBBINS. MHS. JENNIE E. PORTER STEBBINS. Wife of No. 4864. No. 4889. ADDISON HOMER BARTLETT. No. i;iri7. EDGAR PORTER STEBBINS. 1135 NINTH GENERATION. 935 1831, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married June 11, 1863, at St. Louis, Mis- souri, to SARAH E. WARNE, bom August 25, 1843, at New York City, who was a daughter of Marimus Willett Warne and Mary Scott Tenbrocke. Occu- pation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Settled in Springfield, Illinois. CHILDREN: 6171. I. Mary W., born June 16, 1864; married May 19, 1884, Hermon Brown, of Springfield. 6172. II. Marimus Willet, born May 6, 1866. 4898. JANE H. STEBBINS 9 i ransf ( Sarah } 3035 1618 731 Qsford A. Stebbins s Dennis Stebbins ^ .Joseph Stebbins 6 [ Sarah Ames Lois Hawks Lucy Prary 330 89 20 4 Joseph Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Lansford A. Stebbins and Sarah Ames, was born January 26, 1834, probably at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married December 5, 1855 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to ASHLEY GRAVES DICKINSON, born March 8, 1824, at Whately, Massachusetts, who was a son of Lyman Dickinson and Experience Graves. Occupation, carpenter. Resided at Westfield and Whate- ly, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, all born at Westfield : 6173. I. Gertrude L. Dickinson, born December 26, 1856; married May 23, 1879, John B. Hill. She died March 24, 1894, at Whately. 6174. II. WiUiam A. Dickinson, born October 8, 1858; married January 20, 1883, Jennie Gillespie ; lives at Newark, New Jersey. 6175. III. Catherine M. Dickinson, born April 17, 1862: died July 28, 1873. 6176. IV. Jennie S. Dickinson, born February 24, 1866 ; married September 13, 1892, Henry Leigh. Lives at Buffalo, New York. 4912. ( 3041 1618 COLTON WELLINGTON STEBBINS » < William stebbins s Dennis Stebbins ^ I Martha Harper Nims Lois Hawks 731 330 89 20 Joseph Stebbins 6 Joseph Stebbins 5 John Stebbins * John Stebbins 3 Lucy Frary Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Widow Anne Munden Sarah J son of William Stebbins and Martha Harper Nims, was bom August 26, 1852, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married ]\Iay 11, 1881, at Deerfield, Massachu- setts, to ELIZABETH BLODGETT. CHILDREN: 6177. I. Ruth H., born August 25, 1883. 6178. II. Daughter, born December 30, 1885. 936 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 6179. III. Harland, born October 7, 1889. 6180. rv. Son, born November 27, 1892. 6181. V. George D., born November 9, 1894. 4923. ■,^^-^-^,, n.^-rm^v^x^. „ f 3056 1620 731 JOSEPH STEBBINS * -i Joseph Stebblns 8 .Joseph Stebblns 7 .Joseph Stebbins o (. Mary Elizabeth Grundy Laura Hawks Lucy Frary 330 89 20 4 Joseph Stebbins 6 John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns 3 John Stebblns 2 Mary Stratton Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ) son of Joseph Stebbins and Mary Elizabeth Grundy, was bom June 14, 1850, at Petersburg, Dinwiddie County, Virginia; married July 24, 1872, at Black Walnut, Halifax County, Virginia, to WILLIE S. FOURQUREAN, born No- vember 7, 1849, at Black Walnut, Halifax County, Virginia, who was a daugh- ter of Reuben D. Fourqurean and Mary Boxley. Occupation, banker and wholesale dry goods merchant. Residence, South Boston, Virginia. CHILDREN: 6182. I. Son, born December 6, 1873 ; died in infancy. 6183. II. Joseph, born November 5, 1874. 6184. III. Charles Russell, bom August 1, 1877 ; died September 6, 1877. 6185. IV. Laura May, born September 16, 1878. The youth of JOSEPH STEBBINS up to the age of fourteen, was spent in the city of Richmond, Virginia. The first school he attended, beginning in 1855, was taught by Miss Virginia Danforth. He attended one session dur- ing the winter of 1859-60, a preparatory school at the home of Col. Thomas Taylor, in Goochland County, and afterwards he attended the classical school of R. H. L. Tighe, in Richmond. In 1864 he secured a position in a country store at Black Walnut, in Hali- fax County, Virginia. After he had been there several months the terrible catastrophe occurred, which deprived him of parents, sister and brothers. He continued at this place, working himself up by degrees, until on January 1, 1871, he was admitted to an interest in the business. In 1872 the firm opened a branch store at Turbiville, Virginia, of which he was given charge. In 1876, having previously sold his interest in the business at Black Walnut and Turbiville, he removed to South Boston, Virginia, which was then just begin- ning to show some little evidence of growth and prosperity, and he has con- tinued to live here ever since — in a certain measure having grown up with the town. In the quarter of a century that he has been here he has seen the town grow from a little straggling village of probably two hundred inhabi- tants to a town of four thousand people, with paved streets, electric lights, water works, etc. Ever since his removal here he has been a member of the firm of Stebbins & Lawson, who for a long time did the largest mercantile business in this section of Virginia. For the past seven years he has been in the wholesale dry goods and notion business, being President and General Manager of the Stebbins, Lawson & Spragins Company. He is also President 938 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHARLES HYDE STEBBINS assisted his father in various railroad ofl&ces. He served in the civil war, and was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga and left on the field as dead. He was found by a comrade and carried to the hospital at Menan, Georgia, where he was nursed to health by his devoted mother ; but all his life he sulTered from the effects of the wound. He was a man of excellent character and great ability. 4968 FRANCIS MASON STEBBINS ^ i Moses Leonar'd (. Maria Jane Hy } 3135 1681 lard Stebbins s Ebeuezer Stebbins t '. Hyde Itebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins i John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Dorcas Hale Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Widow Anne Munden Sarah son of Moses Leonard Stebbins and Maria Jane Hyde, was born April 7, 1841 ; died February 7, 1886; buried at Madison, Florida; married in Tennessee to JENNIE F. BANKS, born in Georgia; died September 30, 1870, in Florida. He married second, September 24, 1873, at Madison, Florida, GEORGIA COFFEE, born October 9, 1851. CHILDREN: Luthera Salina, born February 27, 1866 ; died August 12, 1867. James Bell, born July 25, 1867; married Frances Angelina Vivian. Eula, born October 26, 1874. Cora, born November 12, 1876. LiUa Lucy, born December 3, 1879. Coffee, born March 1, 1882. Frank Mason, born March 1, 1884. Anna, born December 26, 1885. 4961. MARY ELLEN GRAVES ^ \ Ollvia stebbins s Ebenezer Stebbins 7 ( Elijah (Jraves Rebecca Hunt 775 336 S9 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Dorcas Hale Mary Doroth.v Alexander 4 1 ) .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Widow Anne Munden Sarah j daughter of Olivia Stebbins and Eli.jah Graves, was bom February 3, 1842; died October 11, 1896, at Watertown, Massachusetts; married May 9, 1865, to EDWARD N. SMITH, of Sunderland, Massachusetts; died September 12, 1900, at Watertown, Massachusetts, who was a son of Nathaniel Smith. Occu- pation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion. Congregationalist. CHILDREN: 6206. I. George Nathaniel Smith, born March 25, 1869. 6198. I. 6199. II. 6200. III. 6201. IV. 6202. V. 6203. VI. 6204. VII. 6205. \nii. No. 4071. IIRNRY WRIGHT. JIRS. MARY IDA GOULD WRIGHT. Wife of No. 4071. X(i. in.s:i. .KISKI'II S'l'KIilUNS. NINTH GENERATION. 939 6207. II. Frederick Elijah Smith, born October 19, 1872; died August 15, 1873. 6208. III. Hattie Graves Smith, born August 11, 1875 ; married July 6, 1898, at Watertown, Massachusetts, Harry Chester Lymau, born Nov. 23, 1872. They have a son, Frederick Arthur. l)orn July 13, 1899, at Watertown. 6209. IV. Bessie Henderson Smith, born March 17, 1879. 6210. V. Ida Eliza Smith, born June 10, 1884; died September 15, 1893. 4962. , „ C 3137 1681 HENRIETTA P. STEBBINS^-^ Samnel SteWilnss Ebenezpr Stebbins 1 I Jlaiy E. Pierce Rebecca Hunt 775 ;f.36 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 6 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .Toljn Steblilns 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBI> Widow Anne Munden Sarah INSi l daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Mary E. Pierce, was born October 19, 1843 ; married July 9, 1863, at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to ASA F. FAIRBANKS, born November 13, 1840, at Lowell, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 6211. I. Frederick R. Fairbanks, born February 19, 1865; married Decem- ber 24, 1892, Genevieve R. Smith. They had one child, Ethel, born May 8, 1894. 6212. II. Emma L. Fairbanks, horn July 10, 1866; married July 3, 1895, Joseph L. Kerr. 6213. III. Frank E. Fairbanks, born February 13, 1872; married February 12, 1896, Catherine Griffin. 4964. Samuel Stebbins s Ebenezer Stebbins 7 Mary E. Pierce Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 .Tohn Stebbins t John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawlts Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 " .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND .STEBB1> Widow Anne Munden Sarah JINS 1 l daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Mary E. Pierce, was born May 23, 1846, at Greenfield. Massachusetts; married December 19, 1871, at St. Albans, Ver- mont, to FRANK DURKEE, who died January 24, 1873, at Middlefield, Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN: 6214. I. Annie W. Durkee, born September 10, 1872 ; married Charles Wells. 940 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4965. JULIA A. STEBBINS ^ji } 3137 1681 775 Samuel Stebblns 8 Ebenezer Stebliins ^ Ebpnezer Stebbins 6 Mary E. Pierce Rebecca Hunt ICebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebblns 5 John Stebblns 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Mary E. Pierce, was bom December 22, 1848, at Greenfield, Massachusetts; married September 11, 1872, at Bernardston, Massachusetts, to TIMOTHY GARY, born December 4, 1844, at Westminster, Vermont. CHILDREN: 6215. I. Julia A. Gary ; married December 15, 1889, James M. Shears. 6216. II. Arthur R. Gary, born February 16, 1880. 4967. CARLINE L. STEBBINS 9 j Sam { Mar 3137 1681 775 muel Stebbins 8 Elienezer Stebbins 7 ICben-ezer Stebbins 6 y E. Pierce Ilebecca Hunt Kebecca Ijeonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawiss Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah j daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Mary E. Pierce, was born March 22, 1857, at Burlington, Vermont; married November 24, 1874 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to GEORGE C. BOLTON, born September 20, 1846, at New York, New York. CHILDREN: 6217. I. George Dean Bolton, born March 22, 1876. 6218. II. Corinna M. Bolton, born July 17, 1885. 6219. III. Lauranee T. Bolton, born February 17, 1888. 6220. IV. Pearl L. Bolton, born November 25, 1892. 4970. ( 3138 1681 LEWIS HUNT WRIGHT " -I Marcla Uunt Stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 ( Noah Wright Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Widow Anne Munden Sarah son of Marcia Hunt Stebbins and Noah Wright, was born October 27, 1843, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married December 16, 1864, to ABBIE N. PIKE, born April 3, 1842, at Newburyport, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6221. I. Caroline Nichols Wright, born September 27, 1867; married De- cember 7, 1886, Charles Francis Grant; one child, Guy Carl- ton Grant, born September 17, 1887. } NINTH GENERATION. 941 6222. II. Stephen Cliapiu Wright, boru May 27, 1872. 6223. III. Frances Elizabeth Wright, born February 24, 1879. 6224. IV. Kenneth Tyler Wright, born February 10, 1884. LEWIS HUNT WRIGHT has been in the employ of the Boston and Albany Railroad for thirty-six years, in the different capacities of water boy, brake- man, baggage master, ticket agent, and sleeping parlor car and passenger train conductor, having sei'ved as the latter for twenty-four years. 4971. ,,^»^.,>,» ■.■.■^■^■r^-r,^ „ ( 3138 1681 775 HENRY WRIGHT ^ < Marcla Hunt Stebbins s Ebenezer Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 ( Noah Wright Kebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard 3B6 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Aiexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS i l Sarah ■ — j son of Marcia Hunt Stebbins and Noah Wright, was born August 31, 1845, at Springtield, Massachusetts; married September 28, 1869, to MARY IDA GOULD, born April 21, 1849, at Ware Village, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : Edwin W. Wright, born October 17, 1870. Henry Noah Wright, born December 16, 1871 ; died July 7, 1872. Henry Wright, born June 21, 1875. George Everett Wright, born July 26, 1876. Frederick Charles Wright, born December 31, 1877. Ida May Wright, born March 4, 1885. Infant, born September 7, 1884; died September 9, 1885. WRIGHT when eighteen years of age enlisted in the navy for service during the civil war, and was assigned to duty on the gunboat Day- light. He was at the siege of Fredericksburg, and was then cruising along the coast of North Carolina to close the blockade of ports. He with several companions, was out with smaU boats trying to eaptiire a rebel vessel in shal- low water, when their boat was capsized and they were obliged to get to the shore, where they were taken prisoners. He was confined in Libby prison three weeks, and was then exchanged, and put on another war vessel, which was sent to New Orleans. Here he was transferred to the flagship Hartford with Farragut, and was in the fight at the taking of Mobile. After serving three years he was honorably discharged. 4973. C ^t^ft IftSI ARTHUR EUGENE WRIGHT » { Marcia Hunt stebbins s Ebenezer Stebbins 7 I Noah Wright Rebecca Hunt 775 33G 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Aiexander 4 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Widow Anne Munden Sarah son of Marcia Hunt Stebbins and Noah Wright, was born December 14, 1849, 6225. I. 6226. II. 6227. III. 6228. IV. 6229. V. 6230. VI. 6231. VII. HENRY } 942' STEBBINS GENEALOGY. at Springfield, Massachusetts; married May 25, 1871, to MATTIE ROCK- WOOD, born at Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6232. I. Arthur Blake Wright, born August 25, 1873. 6233. II. Daisy Wright, born November 16, 1877. ARTHUR EUGENE WRIGHT when seventeen years of age entered the employ of the Powers Paper Company. After two years of service, they put him on the road to solicit commercial work, giving him a salary of one thou- sand dollars a year and expenses. When he was twenty-two years of age they doubled his pay. He remained with them for twelve years, when his health failed and he became totally unable to work. After recovering his health to a certain extent, he accepted a position as bookkeeper ia the South Deerfield depot, where he remained for five or six years, then secured similar employment with his brother, Charles A. Wright, at Springfield. 4975. _ r 3138 1681 ELIZABETH FRANCES WRIGHT » < Marcia Hunt Stebljins 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 I Noah Wright Uebeeca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebene/or Stebbins o Moses Stebbins B .John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mer;y Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Widow Anne Munden Sarah j daughter of Marcia Hunt Stebbins and Noah Wright, was bom November 13, 1854, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married October 29, 1873, to CHARLES STORRS DICKINSON, born April 5, 1852, at Amherst, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: Ella Wright Dickinson, born June 6, 1875. Maude Stebbins Dickinson, born January 29, 1877 ; married April 3, 1901, Albert T. Mitten, of Amherst, Massachusetts. Florence Marcia Dickinson, born June 5, 1879. Walter Ebenezer Dickinson, born September 25, 1885. 6234. I. 6235. II. 6236. 111. 6237. IV. 4976, CHARLES AUSTIN WRIGHT » { 3138 1681 Marcia Hunt Stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 ^ Noah Wright Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins b John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 11 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah — j son of Marcia Hunt Stebbins and Noah Wright, was born December 12, 1856, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married January 5, 1880, at Springfield, Massa- chusetts, to MARTHA JUSTINA COOK, born December 19, 1857, at South Manchester, Connecticut. MUS. RUZAUKTII )•'. iWIilCHTl IUCKINSON. CIIAIiLES STORRS DICKINRflN. Husband of No. 407."!. L No. 41I7G. ClIAItLKS ATTSTIN WRICHT. !i4a MItS. MAKTIIA .[. COOK WKHillT. Wile of No. 4fi70. NINTH GENERATION. 943 CHILDREN: 6238. I. Henry Thomas Wright, born March 4, 1882. 6239. II. Mareia Estella Wright, born December 20, 1885. 6240. III. Charles Austin Wright, born June 7, 1887 ; died July 26, 1887. 6241. IV. Evelyn Justina Wright, born April 28, 1891. 6242. V. Charles Austin Wright, born March 13, 1893. CHARLES AUSTIN WRIC4HT commenced his business career in 1874 as a clerk in a store carrying groceries, meats and provisions. In 1886 he bought out the business, which under his supervision has become so extensive that it requires the employment of eighteen clerks, and eight teams are kept in con- stant use. 4979. HENRY DWIGHT BRIGGSsJe 6243. I. 6244. II. 6245. III. 6246. IV. 6247. V. 3140 1681 Elvira Lucretia Stebbins s Ehenezer Stebbins ' Joshua Lynde Briggs Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 .Tobn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 1 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i "- Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Elvira Lucretia Stebbins and Joshua Lynde Briggs, was born Novem- ber 1, 1855, at Springfield, Massachusetts ; married January 4, 1881, at Spring- field, Massachusetts, to IDA MARIA WHITTEMORE. CHILDREN: Eva Whittemore Briggs, born March 23, 1882 ; died April 7, 1882. Ella Martha Briggs, born September 28, 1883. Charles Dwight Briggs, born September 5, 1887. Raymond Henry Briggs, born December 16, 1890. Claude Whittemore Briggs, born May 30, 1895. 4980. JENNIE MARIA STEBBINS ^ < Ebene'.er stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebbins r ( Emily Jane Fessenden Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 6 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary — Dorothy Alexander 4 1 1 ,Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i J- Widow Anne Munden Sarah J daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Emily Jane Fessenden, was bom January 29, 1856, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts; married March 8, 1877, at Spring- field, Massachusetts, to WILIjIAM FULLER WHITING. CHILDREN: Albert Stebbins Whiting, born June 21, 1878. Frederick William Whiting, born February 21, 1879. Charles Fessenden Whiting, born August 10, 1882; died Decem- ber 15, 1893. 6251. TV. Hattie Bell Whiting, born November 12, 1885. 6248. I. 6249. II. 6250. III. 944 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. RUFUS EBENEZER DICKINSON »|; 6252. I. 6253. II. 6254. III. 6255. IV. 6256. V. 6257. VI. 6258. VII. 6259. VIII. 3142 1681 Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebblns 7 . Uufus Dickinson Uebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 6 .John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 ISebecta Leonard Mercy Hawks llary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 liOWLAND STEBBINS i l Widow Anne Munden Sarah j son of Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins and Rufus Dickinson, was born August 14, 1848, at BellviUe, Florida; married October 12, 1871, to OLIVE BATIB THOMAS, born at Madison, Florida. CHILDREN: EUa Blanch Dickinson, born September 12, 1872. Amanda Whitloek Dickinson, born January 9, 1876. Jvdia Virginia Dickinson, born August 1, 1880. Rufus Ebenezer Dickinson, born October 22, 1882. Hattie Louisa Dickinson, born April 22, 1885. Isaac Plumley Dickinson, born January 6, 1887. Robert Clayton Dickinson, born September 17, 1890. Louis Ashton Dickinson, born August 26, 1893. 4983. ( 314'^ 1681 JAMES STEBBINS DICKINSON » ■{ Julla Ann Ste'bblns 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 ( Uufus Dickinson Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins e Moses Stebbins 5 .fohn Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Jlercy Hawks Mary Dorotliy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Widow Anne Munden Sarah J son of Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins and Rufus Dickinson, was born No- vember 3, 1850, at Bellville, Florida; married February 24, 1880, to LOTTIE PARNELL CLAY. Occupation, clerk, commercial traveler. CHILDREN: 6260. I. Thomas Clay Dickinson, born June 21, 1881 ; died March 7, 1886. 6261. II. James Stebbins Dickinson, born February 16, 1884. 6262. III. Annie Lottie Dickinson, born October 28, 1889. 4984. C 3142 IfiSl EDWARD FRANCIS DICKINSON ^-^ Julla Ann stockbridge stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebbins i ( ICufus Dickinson Rebecca Hunt 775 :rM 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 .John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks .nary ■ Dorothy Alexander 4 1 .John Stebbins = ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 widow Anne Munden Sarah } son of Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins and Rufus Dickinson, was bom Novem- NINTH GENERATION. 945 ber 11, 1852, at Bellville, Florida ; married July 21, 1881, at Newmarket, Ten- nessee, to ELLA MONTGOMERY SAWYER. Occupation, planter, sheriff. CHILDREN : 6263. I. George Dial Dickinson, born July 21, 1881. 6264. II. Edward Francis Dickinson, born September 1, 1884. 6265. III. Charles Henry Dickinson, born January 29, 1888. 4985. JULIA VIRGINIA DICKINSON" -^ Julla.\nnStockbridgeStebblns8 Ebenezer Stebbins T ( Itufiis Dickinson Rebecca Hunt 775 336 S9 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins o .Tobn Stebbins * .John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah J daughter of Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins and Rufus Dickinson, was bom December 7, 1854, at Madison, Florida; mari-ied January 14, 1875, at Madison, Florida, to HENRY A. BLACKBURN, born at Live Oak, Florida. Occupa- tion, merchant. Residence, Live Oak, Florida. CHILDREN : 6266. I. Nellie May Blackburn, born January 14, 1876 ; married Decem- ber 7, 1895, Dr. William S. Airth. Harry Dickinson Blackburn, born July 24, 1878. Charles Horace Blackburn, born October 24, 1880. Julia Eleanor Blackburn, born August 28, 1883. Frank Tolriage Blackburn, born June 29, 1886. Freddie Andrews Blackburn, bom April 1, 1889. Lottie Pliunley Blackburn, born October 7, 1891. 6273. VIII. Jennie Maude Blackburn, born July 15, 1894. 4986. i 3142 1681 ELUAH GRAVES DICKINSON"^ -Inlia Ann stockbridge stebbins s Ebenezer Stebbins 7 I Kul'us Dickinson Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 .John Stebbins i .John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 .Tobn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Widow Anne Munden Sarah ■ son of Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins and Rufus Dickinson, was born Decem- ber 22, 1856, at Madison, Florida; married March 3, 1881, to FREDONIA HINES, who died Jime 1, 1884. He married second, March 31, 1887, LIZZIE REED COFFEE. Occupation, machinist. CHILDREN: 6274. I. Jennie Elizabeth Dickinson, born November 21, 1881. 6275. II. Fredonia Inglish Dickinson, born February 28, 1884. By second wife : 60 6267. II. 6268. III. 6269. IV. 6270. V. 6271. VI. 6272. VII. 946 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Susan Ovena Dickinson. Willis Airth Dickinson, born January 11, 1891. James Edward Dickinson, born July 25, 1892. Mattie Myrle Dickinson, born December 8, 1894. 4988. ROBERT CLAYTON DICKINSON*^ Juiia Ann st (. Kiifus Dlcklr 6276. m. 6277. IV. 6278. V. 6279. VI. } CHARLES STEBBINS BATES »| 3142 1681 1 Stockbrldge Stebblns 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 ; DlckinBon liebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebblns b John Stebblns * John Stebblns 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Widow Anne Munden Sarah son of Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins and Rufus Dickinson, was born Decem- ber 27, 1860, at Madison, Florida; married December 6, 1893, to CARRIE JACOBS HAGEN. Profession, druggist. Residence, Thomasville, Georgia. CHILDREN: 6280. I. Robert Clayton Dickinson, born September 9, 1894 ; died February 18, 1895. 6281. II. Robert Clayton Dickinson, born November 22, 1895. 4990. 3143 1681 Myra Aurella Stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebblns 7 George Anson Bates Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebblns s John Stebblns 4 John Stebblns s Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Myra Aurelia Stebbins and George Anson Bates, was bom August 3, 1853, at New York ; married September 29, 1890, to JENNETT AJSTN PETTIT, born November 14, 1863, at Hempstead, Long Island. Occupation, conductor on Long Island railroad. CHILDREN: 6282. I. Jessie Kellogg Bates, born March 6, 1892. 6283. II. Myra J. Bates, born November 20, 1893. 6284. ni. Charles Anson Bates, born June 10, 1895. 4992. { 3143 1681 GEORGE ELSWORTH BATES » \ Myra Aurella stebblns 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 ( George Anson Bates Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebblns 5 John Stebblns i John Stebblns 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Myra Aurelia Stebbins and George Anson Bates, was born January 18, 1863 ; married October 22, 1883, at Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, to FLOR- Nil. 4!i:mi. ClIAKt.KS STF.BBINS BATES. JANETTE ANN (PETTIT) BATES. Wife of No. 4090. i-i,(ii:i:\(i-; h'cketia (\vai!i:i bates. Wife of No. 4902. 047 .Nci, -i' (UOOlilllO lOLSWOliTII BATES. NINTH GENERATION. 947 ENCE LUCRETIA WARE, born April 3, 1866, at Shelbume Falls, Massachu- setts. Occtipation, cashier of boot aud shoe house of A. J. Bates & Co., New York City. CHILDREN: 6285. I. Earl Elsworth Bates, bom July 12, 1885. 4995. JESSIE E. STEBBINS 9 J Kellogg Stebbins 8 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 ( Amice L. Lloyd Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard 336 89 20 4 Moses Stebbins 5 .lohn Stebblns 4 John Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ■ j daughter of Kellogg S. Stebbins and Amice L. Lloyd, was born January 6, 1872; married January 9, 1890, to ASHLEY R. WHITE [No. 4998], born August 3, 1864, who was a son of Ashley R. White and Sarah E. Stebbins. CHILDREN: 6286. I. Jessie A. White, born December 26, 1893 ; died March 3, 1894. 6287. IL Ashley K. White, born April 27, 1895. 5000. IDA LOUISA STEBBINS » < James Whitney Stebblns 8 Ebenezer Stebblns 7 ( Catharine Sears Sanderson Rebecca Hunt 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins a John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Widow Anne Munden Sarah J daughter of .James Whitney Stebbins and Catharine Sears Sanderson, was born July 12, 1864, at Sunderland, Massachusetts; married September 26, 1894, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to CHARLES LOUIS BLAKESLEY, born September 3, 1862, at Russellville, (?) Massachusetts; died May 2, 1897, at Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6288. I. Catherine Sanderson Blakesley, born September 3, 1895. 5006. ( 3156 1Rft2 LOVELL WAIT STEBBINS » ^ Frederick Leon stebbins s Samuel Stebblns 7 I Mary Ann Wait Marcia Boyden 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebblns 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 y Widow Anne Munden Sarah . j son of Frederick Leon Stebbins and Mary Ann Wait, was born December 28, 1857 (T. R.). at Deerfield, Franklin Coiuity, Massachusetts; married January 28, 1886, at Kenosha, Wisconsin, to BERTHA ELIZABETH KEHLOR, born 948 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. April 2, 1862, at Kenosha, Wisconsin, who was a daughter of John Christie Kehlor and Bella Remes. Occupation, wholesale grocer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN, born in St. Louis: 6289. I. Loulie Richmond, born November 21, 1886. 6290. II. John Kehlor, born November 10, 1890. 5007. WILLIAM HERBERT STEBBINS » 1 1 775 Ebenezer Stebbins o Rebecca Leonard 4 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Miinden 336 Moses Stebbins 5 Merc.v Hawks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 3158 Evander G. Stebbins s Matilda Childs 89 .John Stebbins 4 Mary } 1683 Zebina Stebbins " Ruby Graves 20 .John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of Evander G. Stebbins and Matilda Childs, was born December 6, 1849, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married October 16, 1877, at Boston, Massachu- setts, to MARTHA BRUNS, of Boston, born July 31, 1855, at Eloafeld, Ger- many, who was a daughter of Frederick Bruns and Predericka . Pro- fession, paying-teller Peoples Bank. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presby- terian. Residence, :^ast Aurora, New York, 'auo^-t^v^ ^^»>j+^c4/3 Xv, CHILDREN : * n- 6291. I. 6292. II. 6293. III. 6294. IV. 6295. V. 6296. VI. 6297. VII. Ernest Bruns, born September 1, 1878. Ruby Graves, born June 29, 1880. William Herbert, born April 12, 1883. John Dexter, born May 25, 1886. Martha Bruns, bom March 28, 1889. Katharine Elizabeth, born Jime 1, 1891. Robert Childs, born September 10, 1895. WILLIAM HERBERT STEBBINS received his education at the high school in Deerfield, during the winter terms. In 1867 he went to Buffalo, New York, where he resided in the family of Mr. Henry Childs until he came of age. He then entered the office of Smith's Exchange Bank. In 1873 he ac- cepted a position as assistant cashier of the Third National Bank, and in 1889 became paying teller of the People's Bank, which position he still occupies. 5008. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS »{ 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 336 Moses Stebbins 5 Mercy Hawks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 3158 Evander Graves Stebbins s Matilda Childs 89 John Stebbins * Mary 1683 Zebina Stebbins T Ruby Graves 20 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of Evander Graves Stebbins and Matilda Childs, was born January 24, 1859, at Deerfield, Franklin County, IVIassaehusetts ; married July 30, 1880 (T. No. r.oin. i;i;n.ia.\iin ■/.. stkiuiins. .ti:.. wifk anh son. l-|;i:ii nsIlDltNK S'L'i;iU!INS. Nc. .-.14N. WILLIS .\1. S'I'lOl'.r.lNS .\Mi I'W.MIl.Y. *■ N No. U-JS.'>. KAKL E. I'.ATKS. r / FANNY MAIllA ( STKHBIXS i rAUKIOl!. !)4n NINTH GENERATION. 949 R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to MARY ELIZABETH MAC MAHON, born November 15, 1858, at Rochester, New York, who was a daughter of Thomas Mae Mahon and Ellen Hayton. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Deerfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN, born at Deerfield : 6298. I. Harold Childs, born September 30, 1883 (T. R.) ; died January 19, 1890 (T. R.). 6299. IL Florence Copeland, born October 18, 1888 (T. R.). 6300. III. Leo Crawford, born February 24, 1892 (T. R). 1 5012. * x*...,*,*..^ x,^«.*.*^ ~-— --..« , Benjamin Z. StebWns s Zehina Stebblns 7 ( Marion B. Childs Ruby Graves 775 336 89 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbina 6 .Tohn Stebbins ■* .Tohn Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Benjamin Z. Stebbins and Marion E. Childs, was born January 16, 1855, at Deerfield, Massachusetts; married January 15, 1883 (T. R.), at Deerfield, Massachusetts, to EDWARD H. PARKER, born at Reading, Massa- chusetts. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN : 6301. I. Barbara S. Parker, born October 27, 1883. 6302. II. Arthur E. Parker, bom January 11, 1886 ; died February 13, 1892. 6303. HI. Martin P. Parker, bom September 3, 1887. 6304. IV. Francis M. Parker, born July 31, 1890; died March 24, 1891. 6305. V. Infant, bom August 29, 1895 ; died September 1, 1895. 5015. BENJAMIN ZEBINA STEBBINS S-f Benjamin ZeWna stebbins s Zehlna Stebbins 7 ( Marion Eliza Childs Kuby Graves 775 336 S9 20 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Moses Stebbins 5 John Stebbins * John Stebbins 3 Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary Dorothy Alexander 4 1 I John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of Benjamin Zebina Stebbins and Marion Eliza Childs, was born October 16, 1865, at Deerfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts ; married March 9, 1898, at Kalamazoo, Michigan, to ELEANOR WEBSTER BROWN, born December 9, 1875, at Corry, Erie County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Fred Brown and Isadore Osborne. Occupation, railroad station agent. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Deerfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6306. I. Fred Osborne, bom February 23, 1899 (T. R.). 950 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5022. 1684 Elbridge G. Stebblns 7 Julia Boyden 20 John Stebblns 3 Dorottiy Alexander MARY ELLA PROUTY ^ j Orpha Taylor stebblns s [ William D. Prouty 775 336 89 Ebenezer Stebblns 6 Moses Stebblns 5 John Stebblns i Rebecca Leonard Mercy Hawks Mary 4 1 ) John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Orpha Taylor Stebblns and "WiUiam D. Prouty, was born October 3, 1849, at Worcester, Massachusetts; married November 3, 1873, to HENRY C. NORCROSS, born January 27, 1850, at Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 6307. I. Bertha Orpha Norcross, born March 4, 1876; married in 1901, Ed- ward Bartlett Arms, of South Deerfield, Massachusetts. 5023. ALICE MAY PROUTY 9 I Orpha Taylor stebblns s ( William D. Prouty 336 89 Moses Stebblns 6 John Stebblns 4 Mercy Hawks Mary 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 775 Ebenezer Stebblns a Rebecca Leonard 4 John Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden 1684 Elbridge G. Stebblns 7 Julia Boyden 20 John Stebblns 3 Dorothy Alexander daughter of Orpha Taylor Stebbins and "William D. Prouty, was born October 13, 1851, at Worcester, Massachusetts ; married August 4, 1873, at Worcester, Massachusetts, to GEORGE A. UNDERWOOD, born October 16, 1851, at Hopkinton, Massachusetts. CHHiDREN: 6308. I. Grace Ella Underwood, born July 11, 1874; married April 29, 1901, at Worcester, Massachusetts, Arthur Alexander Berger. 5025. FRED P. DEAN 9 1 336 Moses Stebblns 5 Mercy Hawks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 3169 Martha Stebblns s Ilezekiah H. Dean 89 John Stebblns 4 Mary 1684 Elbridge G. Stebblns 7 Julia Boyden 20 John Stebblns 3 Dorothy Alexander 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 .John Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden } son of Martha Stebbins and Hezekiah H. Dean, was born February 6, 1858, at Worcester, Massachusetts; married March 31, 1877, at Worcester, Massachu- setts, to EFFIE E. FLAGG. CHHjDREN: 6309. I. Bertha Lillian Dean, born December 29, 1878; died January 7, 1880. 6310. n. Clara Adalma Dean, bom October 15, 1880. NINTH GENERATION. 951 5028. r 3 HARRY DENVER STEBBINS « \ Edward w I Jane Alice 3174 ('. Stebbins 8 Denver 775 Ebenezer Stebbins 6 Rebecca Leonard 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 336 Moses Stebbins 5 Mercy Hawlis 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah John Stebbins 4 Mary 1685 Alvln Stebbins T Eiiza Kentfleld 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander [ son of Edward W. Stebbins and Jane Alice Denver, was bom August 4, 1862, at Springfield, Massachusetts; married January 29, 1890, at Roxbury, Massa- chusetts, to MART ELIZABETH ROLLINS, born September 2, 1865, at Hyde Park, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Richard Taylor RoUins and Eliza- beth Jane Boswell. Occupation, telephone business. Religion, Unitarian. Residence, Melrose, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 6311. I. Robert Ordway, born Jime 12, 1891. 5061. EDWARD SOMERBY STEBBINS" SOI Sylvester Stebbins 6 Elizabeth Dwelley 4 .John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 339 David Stebbins 5 Rhoda Sheldon 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah ■ 3233 Edward Mills Stebbins s Lydia Hohson Somerhy 89 .John Stebbins t Hannah .\lien 1724 Sylvester Stebbins ^ Clarissa Johnson 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of Edward Mills Stebbins and Lydia Hobson Somerby, was born February 9, 1854, at Boston, Massachusetts; married February 4, 1880, at Chicago, Illi- nois, to PENELOPE CROCKER, born May 12, 1852, at Galena, Illinois, who was a daughter of Richard Crocker and Penelope Hazel. Profession, architect. Politics, Republican. Religion, Episcopal. Resided at Boston, Massachusetts, Troy and Saratoga Springs, New York, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. CHILDREN : 6312. I. Vera Penelope Lydia, born September 23, 1882. 6313. II. Mary Somerby, born July 27, 1884. 5067. JOHN ELMER STEBBINS " j 801 Sylvester Stebbins « Elizabeth Dwelley 4 •John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 3238 George W. Stebbins s Jerusha Spencer 339 89 David Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 • Sarah ) 1727 Chester Stebbins 7 Anne Willard 20 .John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of George W. Stebbins and Jerusha Spencer, was born July 25, 1862, at Portland, New York ; married November 23, 1880, at Mayville, New York, to NELLIE SHEPARD, born October 29, 1867, at North Evans, Erie Coimty, New York, who was a daughter of Mathias Shepard and Irene Wood. Occu- pation, farming. Politics, Republican. Residence, Mayville, New York. 952 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 6314. I. 6315. II. 6316. III. 6317. IV. 6318. V. 6319. VI. John Elmer, born February 23, 1882. Earl Mathias, born November 23, 1884. Jessie, born June 28, 1888. Ethel Madge, born June 7, 1891. Irma Pern, born August 26, 1893. Benoni Floyd, born April 26, 1898. 5083. 3255 GEORGE W. STEBBINS " | George Washington Stebblns 8 [ Hannah D. Gaskill 803 John Stebhins e Sarah Sanderson 4 John Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden 339 David Stebbins 6 Rhoda Sheldon 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 89 John Stebblns i Hannah Allen 1 1735 Oliver Sheldon Stebbins 7 Laura Dinsmore 20 John Stebblns 3 Dorothy Alexander son of George Washington Stebbins and Hannah D. Gaskill, was born July 26, 1856, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York; married January 18, 1882, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York, to ANNIE L. DROMAN, born July 14, 1864, at Royalton, Niagara County, New York, who was a daughter of George Droman and Mary Louisa Van. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Re- ligion, Baptist. Residence, Middleport, New York. CHILDREN: 6320. I. Nettie, born April 19, 1886. 6321. II. Howard, born April 9, 1889. 6322. III. Eddie, born August 2, 1892. 5091. 1736 Sheldon Stebbins 7 Rachel Holland 20 John Stebblns 3 Dorothy Alexander 803 John Stebbins e Sarah Sanderson 4 John Stebblns 2 Widow Anne Munden SHELDON STEBBINS » [ Sylvester s'tebbins 8 ( Lucretia D. Collam 339 89 David Stebblns 5 John Stebbins 4 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 I Sarah ) son of Sylvester Stebbins and Lucretia D. Collum, was born July 4, 1868, at Milan, Monroe County, Michigan ; married December 25, 1895, at Toledo, Ohio, to IDA K. SWEENY, born December 3, 1863, at Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Robinson Sweeny and Sarah Ann Humbert. Occu- pation, miller. Politics, Republican. Residence in Wayne County, Ohio. 5094. ALFRED LINCOLN FRASER< 803 John Stebblns o Sarah Sanderson 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 339 David Stebbins c Rhoda Sheldon 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 3268 Gertrude Stebbins 8 Lewis Eraser 89 .John Stebbins 4 Hannah Allen 1738 Hollis Stebbins 7 Sarah Vedder 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of Gertrude Stebbins and Lewis Fraser, was born February 22, 1861, at NINTH GENERATION. 953 Royalton, Niagara County, New York ; married December 15, 1887, at Roches- ter, Monroe County, New York, to GEORGIA ELIZABETH OSGOODBY, born December 28, 1865, at Nunda, Livingston County, New York, who was a daughter of "William W. Osgoodby and Electa Laura Irwin. Occupation, rail- road man. Polities, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Yonkers, Westchester County, New York. CHILDREN: 6323. I. Georgia Marguerite Eraser, born April 9, 1889 ; died July 17, 1889. 6324. II. Dorothy Electa Eraser, born June 10, 1894. 6325. III. Anne Gertrude Eraser, born July 20, 1895. ALFRED LINCOLN ERASER, shortly after becoming of age, entered the service of the Hughson Manufacturing Company, of Brighton, New York, re- maining with them until September, 1883, when he resigned to accept a posi- tion with the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company at Roches- ter, New York, and from there he was called to the office of the Assistant Gen- eral Freight Agent of the same Company, in New York City. On May 1, 1892, he was made Chief Clerk of the General Freight office of the Rome, Water- town & Ogdensburg Railroad (N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., Lessee), and when that ofSce was consolidated with that of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad proper, he took an important position in the Traffic Department of that company, which position he still holds. MR. FRASER is a careful stu- dent of transportation, and is the author of the work, "Rules and Regulations Governing Freight Traffic," which is considered authority both here and abroad, and has been translated and published in the Russian language by Russian railway officials. LOTTIE ROSALIA HILLS sjcja 5096. S275 1745 Clarissa Jane Stebbins s Lyman Stebbins ' llliam nill Almlra Bggleston 805 339 89 20 David Stebbins s navid Stebbins b .Tolin Stebbins -4 .John Stebbins 3 Irene Collins Rhoda Sbeldon Hannah .411en Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ] John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i '> Widow Anne Munden Sarah I daughter of Clarissa Jane Stebbins and William Hill, was born October 30, 1857, at Jo Daviess County, Illinois; married January 16, 1878, to LEWIS BYRON WOOD. Residence, Slayton, Minneapolis. She married second, February 6, 1900, ALFRED GEORGE WOODWARD. CHILDREN : 6326. I. Arthur Lewis Wood, born December 19, 1886. 954 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5100. f 3*'75 1745 PERLIE SYLPHINA HILL » \ Clarlssa Jane Stebbins 8 Lyman Stebbins r I William Hill Almlra Eggleston 805 339 89 20 David Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Clarissa Jane Stebbins and William Hill, was bom June 15, 1865, at Apple River, Jo Daviess County, Illinois ; married March 12, 1865, to WALTER JAMES HIRST, born at Ogdensburgh, Sussex County, New Jersey, who was a son of Edward Hirst and Mary Ann Brooks. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Residence, Meriden, Cherokee County, Iowa. CHILDREN: 6327. I. Birdie May Hirst, born June 3, 1886. 6328. II. Jennie Lucelle Hirst, born June 9, 1888. 6329. III. Pearl Etta Hirst, born March 10, 1890. 6330. TV. Mary Ann Hirst, born February 24, 1892. 6331. V. Myrtle R. Hirst, born November 27, 1894. 5102. ISABELLE LUELLA STEBBINS "j f 3276 1745 David Stebbins 8 Lyman Stebbins " Elizabeth Jane Martin Almira Eggleston 805 339 89 20 David Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen I)orothy Alexander 4 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Widow Anne Munden Sarah daughter of David Stebbins and Elizabeth Jane Martin, was born March 13, 1858, at Galena, Illinois ; married January 24, 1883, at Clinton, Clinton County. Iowa, to JOHN DANN ALVIN, born March 8, 1854, at Dewitt, Clinton County. Iowa; died July 15, , at Correctionville, Woodbury Coimty, Iowa, who was a son of Thomas Alvin and Sarah Dann. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Warren, Illinois. CHILDREN: 6332. I. Elledo Belle Alvin, born March 7, 1884. 6333. II. Thomas Ray Alvin, born October 26, 1888. 5116. f 3*^79 1745 LILLIAN VENONA THORNTON » ] Martha Annette stebbins 8 Lyman Stebbins t ( Charles John Thornton Almira Eggleston 805 339 89 20 David Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 6 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .John Stebbins 3 Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen IJorothy Alexander 4 1 ) .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Martha Annette Stebbins and Charles John Thornton, was born April 15, 1858, at Galena, Jo Daviess County, Illinois; married February 1, NINTH GENERATION. 955 1881, at Stromsburg, Polk County, Nebraska, to CHARLES CHRISTIAN BENSE, born March 6, 1848, at Germanville, Iowa, who was a son of Bense and Sarah E. Evers. Occupation, himberman. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, Clay County, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 6334. I. Charles Frederick Bense, born December 1, 1882. 6335. II. Thornton Bense, born February 6, 1890. The following reminiscences by ]\Irs. Bense will prove interesting: "One day I was wading in a mud puddle, long after I had been told to get out of it, and Grandfather [No. 1633, Lyman Stebbins] informed me I would get warts on my fingers if I didn't stop playing with frogs and mud. I did not stop until I was quite read}% and when I was neat and trim, showed him my hands, which were unblemished. 'Never mind,' said he, 'the warts are sure to come, some day.' Year after year passed away; no warts came. Grand- father died, and my fear of warts was removed. When I was quite a yoimg lady, and teaching school, warts appeared on my right hand — the hand that had played with the frog-s — and as I first noticed them my imagination could hear Grandfather say, 'Never mind, they are sure to come, some day.' "I early acquired a distaste for piecing quilts because my Grandmother Stebbins kept me busy out of school hours hemming impossible handles on impossible baskets, and I faithfully promised her that I would never piece a quilt when I was grown up, to which promise I have adhered, as life is too short to fritter away on quilt piecing." Mrs. Bense taught school several years before her marriage. She is greatly interested in reform movements of all kinds, and is a member of the W. C. T. IT., Equal Suffrage Association, and Ralston Health Club. 5135. MINNIE ALICE LEWIS ' \ Ilairlet Almlra Stebbins 8 Lyman Stebbins 7 ( .Tames Sawyer Lewis Almira Eggleston S05 339 89 20 David Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 5 .Tohn Stebbins * .Tohn Stebbins 3 Irene Collins Rhoda Slieldon Hannah Allen Dorothv Alexander 4 1 ) .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ]■ Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Harriet Almira Stebbins and James Sawyer Lewis, was born Octo- ber 27. 1866, at Apple River, Jo Daviess County, Illinois; married November 24, 1898, at Rush, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, to SHERMAN IRA POOL, born May 20, 1864, at Upper Sandusky, "Wyandot County, Ohio, who was a son of Ira Pool and Lucy Eggleston. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Re- ligion. Protestant. Residence, Rush, Illinois. MINNIE ALICE LEWIS received her education in the public schools of Jo Daviess County, and the State Normal University at Normal, Illinois. For twelve years she was a successful teacher in the public schools of Jo Daviess County, teaching seven years of that time in one school. Taking a great interest in genealogy, in the summer of 1897 she spent 956 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. three months in making a pilgrimage to the homes and graves of her ances- tors in Ohio and New York, visiting the oldest members of both her father's and mother's families, hunting up old family records and documents, in which she was most kindly and cordially assisted by all whom she visited, and suc- ceeded in securing much valuable information in regard to family history. After her marriage, she and her husband took up their residence on a farm ad- joining that of her brothers', which MR. POOL purchased and named "Clover- nook. ' ' Both MR. and MRS. POOL are great workers in the Sunday School and Christian Endeavor Society, and take an active interest in the study of litera- ture, being members of Chautauqua Circle classes of 1901-2. MR. POOL is very much interested in the politics of the country, and is a great student of History. 5148. ...-rr ^r -rn ■..■ r,,„-r,-^-^,-^T^ „ I 3286 1747 805 WILLIS IVl. STEBBINS ^ \ .lohn C. Stebblns 8 Dexter Stebblns 7 David Stebbins 6 / Polly J. Swetland Eliza Critendan Irene Collins 339 89 20 4 David Stebbins s John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebblns 2 Ehoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander \\idow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 l Sarah J son of John C. Stebbins and Polly J. Swetland, was born January 20, 1863, at Wattsburgh, Erie County, Pennsylvania; married January 1, 1891, at Has- tings, Adams Coimty, Nebraska, to AVIS A. WILCOX, born February 14, 1870, at Albany, Orleans Covmty, Vermont, who was a daughter of Schuyler C. Wilcox and Olivia Cheney. Occupation, hardware merchant. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Gothenburg, Nebraska. CHILDREN: 6336. I. Verna A., born October 20, 1891. 6337. II. Guy L., born April 19, 1893. 6338. III. W. Irl, born March 29, 1895. WILLIS M. STEBBINS attended the country schools and Sherman Acad- emy, until he was nineteen years of age, when he commenced teaching. He taught two terms in New York state, and, in April, 1884, went west and located near Farnam, Nebraska, on a homestead and timber claim. He worked on the farm during the summer months, and taught school in the winter, until the fall of 1889, when he proved up on his land, sold his homestead, and, with the money derived, with what he had saved from teach- ing, he started a hardware store in Gothenburg, Nebraska. He has been suc- cessful in that business, and owns a good home in the town, besides his busi- ness property. For the last five years he has served the community on the school and town boards. NINTH GENERATION. 957 5152. SABRA ADELL STEBBINS '■* ■! Aaron DavTd Stebbins 8 Dexter Stebbi'ns 7 ( Ophelia Brownell Eliza Critendan 805 339 89 20 David Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 5 .John Stebbins 4 .lolin Stebbins 3 Irene Collins Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander 4 1 ) .John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i } Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) daughter of Aaron David Stebbins and Ophelia Brownell, was bom Novem- ber 1, 1861, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York; married November 5, 1879, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York, to JAMES E. KEITH, born at Sherman, Chuatauqua County, New York; died December 27, 1895, at Ripley, New York, who was a son of Orsou Keith and Philet Ploss. Occu- pation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Rip- ley, New York. CHILDREN: 6339. I. Earl Floyd Keith, bom October 13, 1890 ; died April 30, 1891. 6340. II. Floyd B. Keith, born November 23, 1893. 5157. LOUIS E. STEBBINS 9 -! Samuel Ira stebbins 8 Moses Stebbins 7 David StebbVns 6 ( Lucy D. Falrchild Sally Decker Irene Collins 339 89 20 4 I lavid Stebbins 6 .lohu Stebbins i .lohn Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Sarah J son of Samuel Ira Stebbins and Lucy D. Fairchild, was born December 8, 1871, at Panama, New York; married August 16, 1893, at Moline, Illinois, to IDA M. DAHMS, bom June 30, 1873, at Davenport, Iowa, who was a daughter of John Dahms and Ida M. Verich. Occupation, traveling salesman. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Chicago. 5158. „ „ ^ r 3304 1748 805 LEVI STEBBINS ^ i Wllliam Lawrence Stebbins s Moses Stebljins 7 David Stebbins 6 I. Sarah Swetland Sally Decker Irene Collins 339 89 20 4 David Stebbins 5 John Stebliins i .lohn Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander Widow Anue Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS i l Sarah J son of William Lawrence Stebbins and Sarah Swetland, was bom May 10, 1859, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York; married November 21, 1883, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York, to ROSE HAMESTREET. CHILDREN : 6341. I. Gertrude, born July 31, 1887. 958 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5159. JAY STEBBINS » \ w (Sa 3304 1748 illiam Lawrence Stebbins s Moses Stebblns 7 Sarah Swetland Sally Decker 89 20 John Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander 805 David Stebbins s Irene Collins 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden } 339 David Stebbins 6 Rhoda Sheldon 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah = son of William Lawrence Stebbins and Sarah Swetland, was born March 21, 1861, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York; married September 30, 1891, at Holdredge, Phelps County, Nebraska, to FREDRECKIA RALPH, bom April 25, 1868, at Predonia, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a daugh- ter of William H. Ralph and Victoria Peck. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Farnam, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 6342. I. Floyd H., born October 20, 1892. 6343. n. Edna A., born November 23, 1893. 6344. m. Hardy J., born September 1, 1895. 6345. IV. Forest D., born September 11, 1897. 5160. MILTON D. STEBBINS 805 David Stebbins 6 Irene Collins 4 .John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden < Willia / Sarah 3304 iam Lawrence Stebbins 8 Sarah Swetland 339 89 David Stebbins 5 John Stebbins 4 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 i Sarah I 1748 Moses Stebbins 7 Sally Decker 20 John Stebbins s Dorothy Alexander son of William Lawrence Stebbins and Sarah Swetland, was born .January 6, 1862, at Sherman, New York ; married August 23, 1892, at Stockville, Frontier County, Nebraska, to ALLIE MARTIN, born June 23, 1872, at Prentice, Mor- gan County, Illinois. Occupation, dealer in agricultural implements. Politics, Republican. Residence, Farnam, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 6346. I. Dwight D., born December 8, 1893. 6347. II. Isaac E., born March 29, 1897 ; died December 8, 1897. 6348. III. Cora B., born November 22, 1898. 5162. ORVILLE R. STEBBINS 805 David Stebbins s Irene Collins 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Mnnden 3304 William Lawrence Stebbins 8 Sarah Swetland 339 89 David Stebbins John Stebbins 4 Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah ■ — - 1748 Moses Stebbins " Sally Decker 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of William Lawrence Stebbins and Sarah Swetland, was born December 15, 1868, at Sherman, Chautauqua County, New York; married October 25, NINTH GENERATION. 959 1892, at Farnam, Dawson County, Nebraska, to JULIA MOORE, born May 11, 1872, at Parker City, Butler County, Pennsylvania, wbo was a daughter of Norman Moore and Lydia Blocher. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Farnam, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 6349. I. M. Leroy, born August 11, 1893. 6350. II. Orra, bom August 8, 1895. 6180. < 3327 ESTELLA LOVISA STEBBINS » \ Seymour Mills Stebbins 8 ( Ruth Ann Gibson 807 Chester Stebbins 6 Nancy Burroughs 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 339 David Stebbins 6 Rhoda Sheldon 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 89 John Stebbins 4 Hannah Allen 1759 Cbauncey Stebbins 7 Sophia Rice 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander , was born July 15, 28, 1879, at Ionia. born September 15, Illinois, who was a Republican. Resi- daughter of Seymour Mills Stebbins and Ruth Ann Gibson 1854, at Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan; married August Ionia County, Michigan, to ROBERT WEIR MATHEWS, 1848; died April 26, 1882, at Chester, Randolph County, son of William Mathews and Mary Ann Weir. Politics, dence, Ionia, Michigan. CHILDREN: 6351. I. Ella Annetta Mathews, born September 12, 1881. ESTELLA LOVISA STEBBINS MATHEWS completed the course in the Ionia High School in 1878. ROBERT WEIR MATHEWS was Superintendent of Public Schools at Chester, Illinois, and she assisted in the High School of that place. After the death of her husband, MRS. MATHEWS with her in- fant daughter, returned to her parental home in Michigan, and later entered the teachers' ranks at Petoskey. She afterwards taught for some years at Ionia. ELLA ANNETTA MATHEWS is now a senior in the Ionia schools, at which place MRS. :MATHEWS resides. 5181. 332 ELMER SEYMOUR STEBBINS " I Seymour Mills stebbins 8 ( Ruth Ann Gibson 807 Chester Stebbins 6 Nancy Burroughs 4 John Stebbins 2 widow Anne Munden 339 David Stebbins E Rhoda Sheldon 1 ] ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah J 89 John Stebbins 4 Hannah Allen 1750 Cbauncey Stebbins ~ Sophia Rice 20 John Stebbins 3 Dorothy Alexander son of Seymour Mills Stebbins and Ruth Ann Gibson, was born April 5, 1861, at Ionia, Michigan ; married February 14, 1894, at Paris, Dominion of Canada, to NETTIE VAN BLASDELL, born January 29, 1876, at Webster, Province of Ontario, Canada, who was a daughter of Benjamin Blasdell and Margaret Van Sickle. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Residence, Stan- ton, Michigan. 960 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. ELMER SEYMOUR STEBBINS graduated from Poucher's Business Col- lege at Ionia, and in 1887 accepted a position as bookkeeper for J. W. S. Pier- son & Company, of Stanton, Michigan, the leading hardware merchants of Montcalm County. When that company was incorporated in 1891, he became a stockholder and was elected secretary and treasurer, which office he con- tinues to hold. He is an active member and officer in Lodge Number 79, Knights of Pythias. He has held the offices of City Clerk, Alderman and School Inspector, and is also Notary Public. 5183. {3327 1759 Seymour Mills Stebbins 8 Chauncey Stebbins 7 Ruth Ann Gibson Sophia Rice 807 339 89 20 Chester Stebbins 6 David Stebbins 5 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Nancy Burroughs Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander 4 11 John Stebbins 2 ItOWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ daughter of Seymour Mills Stebbins and Ruth Ann Gibson, was born January 8, 1867, near Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan; married January 20, 1892, at Ionia, Ionia Coimty, Michigan, to JAY RUFUS DENSMORE, born April 18, 1866, at Saranac, Ionia County, Michigan, who was a son of Cornelius E. Densmore and Delia M. Smith. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Wesleyan Methodist. Residence, near Saranac, Michigan. CHILDREN: 6352. I. Lee Stebbins Densmore, born March 3, 1893. 6353. II. Max Cornelius Densmore, born February 7, 1896. 5185. „»^^» .„^ „„*-„,.., , George Stebbins 8 Chauncey Stebbins 7 I Eleanor Rosina Hardenburg Sophia Rice 807 339 89 20 Chester Stebbins 6 Dayid Stebbins 6 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Nancy Burroughs Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander 4 1 1 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) danghter of George Stebbins and Eleanor Rosina Hardenburg, was born March 12, 1866, near Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan; married July 15, 1885, to EDWIN R. RATHBUN, born June 8, 1863, near Saranac, Ionia County, Michigan, who was a son of Ransom Rathbun and Sarah Richmond. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Saranac, Michigan. 5186. PERRY H. STEBBINS » j George stebbins s Chauncey^sfe^bbins 7 ( Eleanor Rosina Hardenburg Sophia Rice S07 339 89 20 Chester Stebbins c David Stebbins 5 .Tohn Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stebbins 3 Nancy Burroughs Rhoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Dorothy Alexander 4 1 1 .Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWLAND .STEBBINS 1 V Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of George Stebbins and Eleanor Rosina Hardenburg, was bom October XIXTH GENERATION. 961 2, 1874, at Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan ; inarried December 2, 1896, at Ionia, Michigan, to ilAE EDITH CONNER, born October 21, 1871, at Ionia, Michi- gan, who was a daughter of Thomas E. Conner and Jane Mary Pike. Occu- pation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Bol- ster, Ionia County, Michigan. CHILDREN : 6354. I. Elvoy George, born September 1, 1898. 5190. ( a332 17.59 807 ROY STEBBINS '^ i ("hester II. Stebbins s Cb.aunce.v Stebbins 7 Chester Stebbins 6 I Bertha Porter Sophia Kice Nancy Burroughs 3:;:t SO .'O 4 !)avid Stebbins 5 .lohn Stebl)ins 4 .lohu Steljbins 3 .John .stebbins - Ithoda Sheldon Hannah Allen Horothy Alexander Widow Anne Munden 1 I ROWLAND STEBBIXSl - Sarah son of Chester H. Stebbins and Bertha Porter, was born July 6, 1874. at Lake- view, Montcalm County, ^Michigan ; married November 28, 1897, at Lakeview, Michigan, to ELMA GAFFIELD, born August 26, 1875, at Coral, Montcalm County, ilichigan, who was a daughter of Wesley Gaffield and Kate . Occupation, bookkeeper. Politics, Free Silver Democrat. Residence, Lake- view, Michigan. 5200. SARAH JONES HOGGAN" -j Mary Meadows s Sarah .Tone'sT ( .Tames M. Iloggan Robert Carter Meadows S13 sen OS •-•4 Isaac .Tones .Tubn Jones 5 .Mindwell Stebbins* Benoni Stebbins 3 Mary Pond Hannah Bassett Rev. .lohu .Tones Mary iBroughton) Bennet 4 1 i •Tohn Stebbins 2 ROWL.\ND STEBBINS i '- Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ daughter of Mary Jleadows and James i\I. Hoggan, was born March 22, 1840, at "Woodsfield, IMonroe County, Ohio; married August 18, 1864, to LEWIS GREGG HAINES, born April 20, 1842, at Belmont, Belmont County, Ohio. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Cambridge, Ohio. CHILDREN : 6355. I. Lora 'Slay Haines, born July IS, 1865 ; married Anthony Wayne Cook.+ 6356. II. William A. Haines, born October 18, 1866. 6357. III. Franklin Gregg Haines, born August 22, 1871 ; married IMabel Richards. 6358. IV. Fred Lewis Haines, born October 1, 1875. 61 962 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5208. ( 3348 1791 TRUMAN ANDREW PERRY » ] navld Vewy s Esther Sanford 7 ( L.vdia RkhniODd Aaron Perry 831 371 101 24 Ann Stebblns 6 Theophilus Slebblns s Henianiin Stebbins 4 Kenonl Stebblns 3 Ell Sanford Ann Couch Sariih Mfad Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 I John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 '• Widow Anne Munden Sarah ) son of David Perry and Lydia Richmond, was born September 1, 1856, at Chm-ehville, Monroe County, New York; married March 18, 1885, at Wilson, Niagara County, New York, to LILLIAN RICHMOND, born January 7, 1860, at Wilson, New York. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Residence, Churchville, New York. CHILDREN: 6359. I. Lillian May Perry, born May 18, 1888. 6360. II. Frank Richmond Perry, born June 7, 1894. 5210. I 3358 1797 JULIA REBECCA MOREHOUSE " - KH^mieth stebbins nenlson 8 liebecca Couch 7 ( .fulius Stephen Morehouse .lames Dennlson 833 371 101 24 Abigail Stebblns 6 Theophilus Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebblns 3 Thomas Couch Ann Couch Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 j John Stebblns 2 UOWLAND STEBBINS 1 J- Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ daughter of Elizabeth Stebbins Denison and Julius Stephen Morehouse, was born February 20, 1849, at Amenia, Dutchess Count}', New York; married November 25, 1875, at Amenia, New York, to CHARLES MARK PRINDLE, born August 18, 1851, at Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, who was a son of Samuel Joseph Prindle and Alary Ann Brown. Occupation, farmer and ice dealer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Sharon, Connecticut. CHILDREN : Alary Elizabeth Priudle, born October 17, 1876. Samuel Jay Prindle, born October 18, 1878 ; died January 28, 1890. Robert Northroj) Prindle, born August 23, 1880. Alice Louise _Prindle, born June 28, 1882. Bertha Ruth Prindle, born March 16, 1884. Charles Henry Prindle, born Alarch 25, 1885. 5222. DR. D WIGHT DELAVAN STEBBINS " \ Xebemiah^sfe'bblns s Lewis stebblns 7 / Eliza White Sarah Delavan 838 373 101 24 Nebemlah Stebblns c Neheraiah Stebblns 6 Heniamin Stebblns 4 RenonI Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Hoyt Sarah .lessup Sarah Mead AVidow Hannah Edwards 4 1 , John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Dr. Nehemiah Stebbins and Eliza White, was born May 24 (or 6), 1835, at Warsaw (or Hammondsport), New York; died July 18, 1862, at Cairo, Illi- 6361. I. 6362. n. 6363. HI. 6364. IV. 6365. V. 6366. YI. NINTH GENERATION. 963 nois; married November S, 1860, to MARTHA FRANCES STRONG, boni Au- gust 6, 1837, who was a daughter of Col. Nelson Strong and Lucy West Russell. CHILDREN : 6367. I. Emily D wight Russell, born October 4, 1861, at Detroit, Michigan. DWIGHT DELAVAN STEBBINS graduated at Aim Arbor, Michigan, in the literary department ; after which he attended two courses of medical lec- tures at the same universitj': in the mean time attending two courses of med- ical lectures in the city of Detroit, under Drs. A. B. Palmer and Zina Pitcher. He then spent a j-ear in the Alms House Hospital in the city of Buffalo, as assistant physician. He attended the medical lectures in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York, attending in the meantime, the Bellevue and New York hospitals. In the spring of 1860, he received the degree of M. D. from this hist school of medicine which he attended. He then returned to Detroit and commenced practicing his profession with his father. During the war of the rebellion, it was the wish of DOCTOR STEBBINS to see our army and do something himself for the good of our soldiers. He volunteered his services to the Soldiers' Aid Association of ilichigan, to take supplies to the Michigan troops in the Western army on the ^Nli.ssissippi River and Valley, Ben.iamin Veruer, Esq., being secretary, and Charles Bupe, presi- dent. His services were accepted by W. A. Butler and others, and he was promised the assistance of L. B. Willard, Esq., to accompany him. They left Detroit January 4, 1862, with sujiplies for Michigan Regiments, then in Ten- nessee and ^lissi.ssippi. They proeeeded to Corinth, jMississippi, and distrib- iited to the tenth, twelfth, fourteenth, and fifteenth regiments, the tenth and fourteenth being at Big Springs, a few miles from Corinth. After dis- tributing to these regiments their quota of supplies, he acted as assistant physician in the tenth regiment, in the absence of one who had left on account of sickness; and it is said he overtasked liimself in his care of the sick. He was taken sick ^^^th the prevailing fever, called "Walking typhoid fever," with which many were known to die while walking about. He was attended by Drs. Ratwell and Sparling of the fourteenth regiment. An at- tempt was made to remove him to his home in Detroit, Ity railroad from Cor- inth to Columbia, on the ^lississippi ; and then by steamer to Cairo, Illinois, under the care of Lieutenant Van Stan. On arriving at the wharf at Cairo he was found to be sinking. Physicians were called, but were of no avail, and at about 12 a. m., July 18th, 1862, he died. The funeral services took place at his father's residence, Reverend Doctor Duffield ofticiating. He was buried beside his mother in Elmwood Cemetery. He had made a profession of religion many years before, and was still a mem- ber of the first Congregational church of Detroit. On being questioned by Lieutenant Van Stan, who had charge of him at the time of his death, he said he should die and go to Heaven, and offered up, audibly, a fervent prayer, at an interval of a return of reason. His death produced a profound sensation in the city of Detroit, and was the subject of remark from a number of pul- pits on the Sabbath after the news of his death. 964 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Bishop Samuel McCrosky remarked after the funeral, that he had never witnessed so deep feeling and sj'mpathy on an occasion of the like character, especially for a young man, who had no military eclat or anything of the kind to distinguish him from any other citizen, simply a retiring young pro- fessional man. The members of the Delta Phi Fraternity in the vicinity of the city of De- troit, assembled on the occasion of the death of DR. DWIGHT D. STEBBINS, ordered a memorial record to be entered on the minutes of the Chapter of which he was a founder, in the University of IMichigau, and to be sent to the other Chapters, and to his sorrowing family. 5225. ABRAM L. STEBBINS ^ ] Vien-e AIi^uzo Stebblns 3 Lewis Stebbins 7 ( Ahnira Brundage Sai-ab Deiavaa 838 373 101 24 Nehemiah Stebbins 6 Neliemiali Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 Eiizabeth Hoyt Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards < 1 I John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ■ Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Pierre Alonzo Stebbins and Almira Brundage, was born December 22, 1831, at New York ; died September 4, 1894, at Detroit, Wayne County, Michi- gan; married December 13 (or 15), 1859, at Bangor (or Milford), Maine, to ADELINE E. BAILEY, born January 3, 1834, at Milford, Maine, who was a daughter of Amos Bailey and Sallie Baloard. Occupation, lumberman. I :. L CHILDREN: 6368. I. Addie A., born March 18, 1861; married William Cook Wilson.+ 6369. II. William Pierre, born September 7, 1863. 6370. III. Lizzie, born October 23, 1864; died November 20, 1864. 6371. IV. Laura E., born May 10, 1872 : died August 16, 1872. ABRAM L. STEBBINS, when a young man, left his home in New York and went to Port Huron, Michigan, and afterwards removed to Detroit. For nearly a quarter of a century he was connected with the lumbering interests of Avery & Murphy, as one of their most valued and trusted agents; and, when the death of Mr. Newell Avery occurred in 1877, he was made one of the executors of his -will, and aided in settling up an estate running up into the millions. Subsequently he was appointed Receiver of the E. T. Barnum Iron & Wire Works, and of the Huyett & Smith Manufacturing Company, adjusting the large business of both of these concerns to the satisfaction of all parties with whom he had dealings. During the last seven years of his life he was associated as confidential agent, with David Whitney, Jr. In all these important relations he was not only a capable and successful business man, but an honorable man, discharging his duties with scrupulous fidelity. For a number of years he was a member and trustee of the First Congrega- tional Church of Detroit. No. ."iiion. JIRS. SAUAH .TONKS IIIMICAN IIAINRS. Nc:. :,:i■» .Nehemiah Stebblns 8 Nehemiah Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Kenoni Stebblns 3 Elizabeth Hoyt Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 ) John Stebblns 2 llOWLAND STEBBINS i '■ Widow Aune Munden Sarah ) son of Theodore Thompson Stebbins and Emily WoodrufJ Hastings, was born May 8, 1850, at Charlotte, Eaton County, Miehigaji; married December 27, 1882, at Paw PaAv, Van Buren County, jMiehigan, to CARRIE L. PARKER^ born December 18, 1867, at Paw Paw, Michigan, who was a daughter of O. Frank Parker and Margaret Lyle. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congrega- tion;' list. Residence, Dowagiac, Michigan. CHILDREN : 6389. I. Margretta, born June 27, 1884. 6390. II. Theodore Lyle, born June 18, 1888. 6391. III. Frank Parker, born June 18, 1888. 5238. ALBERT HENRY STEBBINS " ] Theodore Tho'mpson Stebbins 8 Lewis Stebbins i ( Emily Woodruff Hastings Sarah Delavan S38 373 101 24 Nehemiah Stebbins 6 Nehemiah Stebblns 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins J Elizabeth Hoyt Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 1 John Stebbins = ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Wldow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Theodore Thompson Stebbins and Emily Woodruff Hastings, was born June 12, 1857, at Dowagiac, Cass County, Michigan; married June 25, 1879, to GERTRUDE BLAKE, born June 12, 1857, at Lee Center, Lee County, Illi- nois, who was a daughter of Blake and Sarah . Occupation, clerk. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Hammond, In- diana. CHILDREN' : 6392. I. Emily Madge, born December 18, 1881. 6393. II. Gertrude Lucile, born November 6, 1883. 6394. HI. Joseph Niel, born January 17, 1886. 6395. IV. Helen Anabell, born June 30, 1897. 5245. LEWIS HALL STEBBINS ^ \ FrederlckAileu stebbins 8 Lewis Stebbins T ( Ellen .M. Hall Sarah Delavan 838 373 101 24 Nehemiah Stebbins s Nehemiah Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins i Benoni Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Hoyt .Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 I John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i '■ Widow Anne Munden Sarah \ son of Frederick Allen Stebbins and Ellen M. Hall, was born April 23, 1866, at Dowagiac, Cass County, Michigan; married October 4, 1887, at Aurora. 968 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Kane County, Illinois, to PHOEBE CARPENTER, born March 16, 1862, at Leland, La Salle County, Illinois, Avho was a daughter of David Carpenter and Olive Ray. Occupation, yard master. Politics, Independent. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6396. I. Olive C, born July 26, 1889. 5250. GEORGE MEEKER STEBBINS ^ | Amos Nehemfah StetUinss Samuel StelM.ins 7 ( Augusta Meeker Sally Aiin EriMium 840 373 101 '^-i Samuel Stebbins e Nebemiah Stebbins 5 Ilenjamin Stebbins * Benonl Stebbins 3 Mary Scofield Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 j John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i / Widow Anne Munden Sarah • \ son of Amos Nehemiah Stebbins and Augusta ileeker, was born December 11, 1861, at Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut; married April 14, 1888, at Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut, to MARY ADELE HAMILTON, born December 2, 1864, at Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut, who was a daughter of George Morris Hamilton and Mary Eliza Thorpe. Occupation, tip printer and trimming stock clerk, hat factorj\ Politics, Democrat. Resi- dence, Danbury, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 6.397. I. Samuel, born January 15, 1895. 5254. CLARA WILLIAMSON ' - George Williamson s Abigail Adams ? Nancy Stebbins 6 ( Mary Elizabeth Smith James wniiamson Nathan Adams 373 101 24 4 Nehemiah Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Eenoni .Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Brooks Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah ( daughter of George Williamson and Mary Elizabeth Smith, was bom October 16, 1860, in Westchester County, New York; married to VARIAN BANTCS, born April 28, 1863, at Brooklyn, Kings Countj', New York, who was a son of William Harvey Banks and Ann Matilda Lyon. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Sing Sing, New York. CHILDREN: 6398. I. Florence Williamson Banks, born May 6, 1885. 6399. II. Eunice Ward Banks, born May 14, 1886. 6400. III. Richard Varian Banks, born March 31, 1893. NINTH GENERATION. 969 ( 5258. MARY EMMA STEBBINS '•' Henry Ueoi-ge Stebbins 8 / Saj'ah Augusta Weston 375 101 .Toseph Stebbins 6 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Joanna Smith Sarab Mead 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Sarah ) 855 Samuel Stebbins 6 Kuth Wilson 4 John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden 1844 John Stebbins T Mary Largin 24 Benoni Stebbins 3 Widow Hannah Kdwards daughter of Henry George Stebbins and Sarah Augusta Weston ; died 1865 ; married to CHARLES ALFRED GRDIES, born 1831, who was a son of John Randolph Grimes, of Louisiana, and Suzette (Bosque) Claiborne (widow of Governor Claiborne, of Virginia). Residence, New York. CHILDREN : 6401. I. John Randolph Grimes. 6402. II. Mable Grimes: married Dr. Ilenneberger, I'. S. N. She died 1883. 5260. CHARLES KENRY STEBBINS* -J Henry George stebbins s ( Sarah Augusta Weston 855 :)75 101 Samuel Stebbins « Joseph Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Ruth Wilson Joanna Smith Sarah Mead 1844 John W. Stebbins 7 JIary Largin 24 Benoni Stebbins 3 Widow Hannah Edwards John Stebbins 2 Widow Anne Munden ROWLAND .STEBBINS i Sarah son of Henry George Stebbins and Sarah Augusta Weston, was born May 12, 1841, at New York City ; married April 10, 1872, at New York City, to MIN- ERVA COOK VAIL, born June 5, 1846, at Brooklyn, New York, who was a daughter of Henry Farnham Vail and Julia Ann Culver. Occupation, banker. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, New York City. CHILDREN : Ethel, born February 1, 1873. Ernest Vail, born :\rarch 9, 1874. Emma ]Mabel, born February 8, 1876. :\rildred Gladys, born :\ray 8. 1880; died Jime 9, 1881. Rowland, born August 22, 1882. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS' life was passed in engrossing business until past its meridian, and he has since passed his time between this country and Europe. ERNEST VAIL STEBBINS served as gunner's mate on the United States ship "Yankee," Captain Bronson, during the Spanish-American war, being a member of the second division, first battalion New York State Naval Militia. "Yankee" assisted at the first bombardment of Santiago, and was in a num- ber of other engagements. 6403. I. 6404. IL 6405. III. 6406. IV. 6407. V. 970 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5286. THURSTON E. STEBBINS ° \ .lolm Calvin .SlebUins 8 Eli.n Stebblns 7 ( Kmma J. Riche Harriet Wltherell 8G0 375 101 24 Isaac Stebblns c Josepli Stebbius 5 lienjamin Stebhius 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 Sallle Sutherland .loanua Smith Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 > John Stebbins 2 UOWLAND STEBBINS i [- Widow Anne Miinden SaVali ) son of John Calvin Stebbins and Emma J. Riche, was born December 2, 1866, at Jerusalem, Yates Count}', New York; married JIarch 14, 1894, to EVA G. TIIORP, born December 10, 1863, who was a daughter of David Thorp and Clara Woodworth. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Pro- testant. Residence, Owosso, Michigan. CHILDREN : 6408. L Frank D., born May 20, 1897. 6409. IL Vera Helen, born February 7, 1899. 5302. :!.j13 1886 864 < aiartua Wright s .losiah Wright 7 Asa Wright 6 ( Samuel Starr Amy Cornish Esther Wright 382 118 27 4 Hannah Wait 5 Elizabeth Stebbins 4 Thomas Stel)bins 3 ,Tohn Stebbins 2 Asa Wright William Wait Elizabeth Wright Abigail Bartlett 1 / ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 ' Sarah I son of Martha Wright and Samuel Starr, was born August 24, 1828, at Mid- dleto\vii, Connecticut ; married February 3, 1851, at New London, Connecticut, to SARAH ISABELLE MALLORY, born December 31, 1832, at New London, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Nathan Mallory and Sarah Stockman. CHILDREN : George S. Starr, born January 4, 1853; unmarried. Florence Starr, born May 17, 1856 ; died August 19, 1856. Charles S. Starr, born October 14, 1858; married Helen Heeley. William Starr, born September 16, 1860; married Marion Stall. Carrie Starr, born October 28, 1862; married C. D. Parkhurst.-j- Benjamin Starr, born February 3, 1867; unmarried. 5311. I 3.".28 1902 EVA ISABEL STEBBINS ^ -i Oeorge Roiilnson stebbins 8 George R. Stebbins T / Arethusa Bartlett Kendall Sally Perry 813 391 122 27 Elijah Stebbins 6 .Toseph Stebbins 5 .Toseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 Beulah Dickinson Thanliful Belding Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright 4 1 I .John Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 - Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) daughter of George Robinson Stebbins and Arethusa Bartlett Kendall, was born March 1, 1861, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts; married May 24, 1894, at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, to BENJAMIN 6410. I. 6411. II. 6412. III. 6413. IV. 6414. V. 6415. VI. NINTH GENERATION. 971 DANIEL CALLENDER, born September IS, 1864, at Nortlifield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, who was a son of Joseph B. Callender and Elizabeth Field. Polities, Republiean. Religion. Unitarian. Residence, Grafton Center, New Hampshire. CHILDREN: 6416. I. Robert Stebbius Callender, born April 15, 1895. 6417. II. Benjamin Richard Callender, born August 24, 1896. 6418. III. P>ederic Daniel Callender, born September 10, 1897. 6419. IV. John Pierce Callender, born November 4, 1898. EVA ISABEL STEBBINS graduated from the Westfield Normal School in 1880, and was emploj'ed as a teacher for several years. She was afterwards employed as accoimtant. correspondent, and organist. After her marriage, she lived in Northfield, ^Massachusetts, until 1897, when thej- nwved to Grafton, New Hampshire. 5318. , 3.138 1005 „.„ IDA STEBBINS 9 ^ Arad StebblDs s William Stelihlns 7 Klijah Stehhins 6 Mary Jane Connelly Nancy Newell Deulah Dickinson 391 122 27 4 .Tosepb Stebbins 5 .Toseph Stebbins * Thomas Stehbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Thankful Belding Mary Williams Kli7..Tbeth Wright Abigail Rartlett 1 I ROWLAND 8TEBBINS 1 - Sarah I daughter of Arad Stebbins and Alary Jane Connelly, was born June 20, 1858, at Melrose, Jackson County, Wisconsin ; married July 29, 1875, at Black River Falls, Jackson County, Wisconsin, to BENTON JONES. She married second, June 17, 1888, to JOHN AVERY. Residence, Melrose, Wisconsin. CHILDREN : 6420. I. Edna Jones, born August 17, 1878 : died December 25, 1881. 6421. II. Eva Jones, born June 20, 1883. 5326. I 3547 inns HARRIET ELIZABETH WOOD ■' i Amanda Arethusa Lee s liobecca Stebbins 7 ( Koswell S. Wood Eli Lee .S7.T Sill 122 27 Eliakim Stebbins '". Jnseph Stebbins 5 .losepb Stebbins 4 Thnmas Stebbius 3 Rebecca Hawks Thankful Belding Mary Williams Kliziibeth Wright 4 1 ) ' John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS I Abigail Bartlett Sarah ) daughter of Amanda Arethusa Lee and Roswell S. Wood, was born June 21, 1851; married September 12, 1876, at Vernon, Vermont, to REV. DR. HENRY P. FORBES. CHILDREN : 6422. I. Henry Wood Forbes, born March 17, 1880. 6423. II. Leila Gav Forbes, born August 23, 1887. 972 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 6424. III. Ruth Dorothea Forbes, born September 11, 1889. 6425. IV. Phyllis Katharine Forbes, born January 31, 1892. 6426. V. Portia Standish Forbes, born January 31, 1892. 5329. .,_____ , - „,^ . ,T.,^„„ , ^.„ ( 3548 1008 875 LESLIE ALEXANDER LEE • - -Tohn Stebbins Lee 8 Rebecca Stebbins 7 Bllakim Stebbins « / Elmina Bennett Eli Lee Kebecca Hawks 301 i:;i; 'n 4 .Toseph Stebbins 6 .lusppb Stebbins 4 Thomas Steljbins 3 John Stebbins 2 Thankful Belding JIar.v William.s Blizaljelh Wright -\bigail Bartlett nOWLAND STEBBINS 1 t Sarah i son of John Stebbins Lee and Elmina Bennett, was born September 24, 1852, at Woodstock, Vermont; married August 28, 1877, at New Bedford, Massa- chusetts, to ELIZABETH TIBBETTS ALMY, born December 7, 1854. CHILDREN : 6427. I. Sylvia Knowlton Lee, born November 15, 1879, at New Bedford, Jlassachusetts. 6428. II. Richard Ahny Lee, born May 11, 1886, at Brunswick, Maine. 6429. III. Elizabeth Berkley Lee, born March 16, 1888, at Berkley, Califor- nia. 5330. / 3548 1008 JOHN CLARENCE LEE ^ ■,' .Tohn stebbins Lee s Rebecca Stebbins 7 I Elmina Bennett Eli Lee 875 391 122 27 Eliakim Stebbins 6 .Toseph Stebbins s Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 Rebecca Hawks Thankful Beldinp; Majy Williams Elizabeth Wright 4 1 I John Stebbins 2 ItOWL.\ND STEBBINS i - Abigail Bartlett Sarah I son of John Stebbins Lee and Elmina Bennett, was born October 15, 1856, at Woodstock, Vermont; married November 25, 1889, at Hj'de Park, Massachu- setts, to LUCY HELENA CRUMETT, born January 7, 1867, at Stoughton, JIassaehusetts, who was a daughter of Charles Henry Crumett and Lucy Tis- dale. CHILDREN : 6430. I. Cuthbert Crumett Lee, born June 26, 1891, at Ilyde Park, Massa- chusetts. 6431. II. Dorothy Crumett Lee, born January 27, 1896, at Galesburg, Illi- nois. 6432. III. Constance Crumett Lee, born August 25, 1899, at Canton, New York. NINTH GENERATION. 973 FLORENCE JOSEPHINE LEE' 5332. -, John Stebbins Lee s ( iOlmina Eenuett 875 Eliakim Stebbins c Rebecca Uawks 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett ■Ml Joseph Stebbins r. Thanlsful Belding 1 I^OWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 12:; Joseph Stebbins 4 .Mai'y Williams lyos Rebecca .Stebbins 7 Eli Lee 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizalieth Wright daughter of John Stebbins Lee and Ehnina Bennett, was born September 4, 1862, at Canton, New York ; married June 27, 1895, at Canton, New York, to EDMUND ALLEN WHITilAN, born June 11, 1860, at Lawrence, Kansas, who was a son of Edmund Burke Whitman and Lucretia Clapp. CHILDREN, born at Cambridge, ilassachusetts: 6433. I. Allen Lee Whitman, born June 24, 1897. 6434. II. Frederic Bennett Whitman, born September 1, 1898. 5337. MINNIE SARA LEE 9* Marshall llefs 190S flebecca Stebbins 't Lee Elizabeth Lyman 122 " 27 Joseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright .875 Eliakim Stebbins 6 Rebecca Hawks 4 John Stebbins ~ Abigail Bartlett ,^91 Joseph Stebbins o Thankful Belding 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah \ daughter of IMarshali Lee and Elizabeth Lyman, was born June 30, 1858 ; mar- ried February 19, 1885, at Vernon. Vermont, to JEROilE C. EDGAR. Resi- dence, Pierre, South Dakota. CHILDREN : 6435. I. Clarence Lee Edgar, born December 13, 1886. 6436. II. Forest Jerome Edgar, born April 8, 1889. 6437. III. :\lildred Loraine Edgar, born July 15, 1S94. 5339. ISADORA ELMINA WHITHSD » \ iMitha lA^f I Addison Whithed Eliakim Stebbins o Rebecca Hawks 4 John Stebbins c Abigail Bartlett .391 Joseph Stebbins 5 Thankful Belding 1 TJOWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah Joseph Stebbins 4 Mary Williams 190S Rebecca Stebbins T Ell Lee 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright daughter of Editha Lee and Addison Whithed, was born June 22, 1849, at Ver- non, Windham County, Vermont; married May 14, 1878, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont, to CHARLES FREDERICK KENNEY, born January 4. 1847, at Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts. Occupation, banker. Polities, Republican. Religion, Universalist. Residence, Danvers, MassachiLsetts. No children. 974 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5340. HAMILTON LEE WHITHED » J 875 EUakim Stebbins 6 Rebecca Hawks 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 391 Joseph Stebbins o Thankful Beldiug ROWLAND STEBBINS i t Sarah \ 3550 Editha Lee 8 Addison W'hithed V22 JoFeph Stebbins * Mary Williams son of Editha Lee and Addison Whithed, was born JIarel Windham County, Vermont; mari'ied September 3, 1885, cester Connty, Massachusetts, to NELLIE HOUGHTON, 1860, at Worcester, Worcester Conntj', Massachusetts, wh Charles C. Houghton and Elvira L. Newton. Occupation, Grand Forks, North Dakota. 1908 Rebecca Stebbins 7 Ell Lee 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright 1 6, 1854, at Vernon, at Worcester, Wor- born December 17, o was a daughter of banker. Residence, CHILDREN : 6438. I. Houghton H. Whithed, born March 5, 18S8. 6439. IL Ruth E. Whithed, born March 11, 1891. 5369. FRANK STANLEY STEBBINS »- omn Dean stebbins f Catherine Heisley 878 Joseph Stebbini t Betsey Eddy 4 John Stebbins 2 .\blyail Bartlett 391 Joseph Stebbins 5 Thankful Belding 1 ROWLAND STEBBI> Sarah Joseph Slebblns 4 -Mary Williams 1917 Israel J. Stebbins ^ Sylvia Lewis 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright SBBINSi i son of Orrin Dean Stebbins and Catherine Ileisley, was born June 18, 1866, at Pittston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania; married July 17, 1895, at Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, to RYDIE KNOWER ARNOLD, born De- cember 22, 1861, at Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of George Arnold and Julia A. Smith. Occupation, teacher. Poli- tics, Democrat. Residence, South Berwick, Maine. CHILDREN : 6440. L Arnold, born February 5, 1900; died June 8, 1900. FRANK STANLEY STEBBINS was graduated from Harvard College in 1890, and in 1893 was graduated from the Harvard Law School. The follow- ing year was spent in a law office in New York City. From 1894 to 1896 he taught school in Tunkhannock, Penn.sylvania. He was Principal of the High School at Sandwich, Massachusetts, in 1896-1898, and in 1898 accepted the position as Principal of the Berwick Academy at South Berwick, Maine, which position he still holds. NINTH GENERATION. 975 5370. ARTHUR DEAN STEBBINS » r 356; ^ Orin Deau Stt ( Catherine He S7S .loscph Stebbins c Betsey Eddy 4 .Tohn Stebbins ~ Abigail Bartlett •To.sepli Steliliinp :■ Thankful Belding 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 3565 Stebbins 8 isley 122 .Tuse[>h Stebliins 4 Mary Williams 1917 Isr.iel .T. Stebbins i Sylvid Lewis 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 ICIizabeth Wright son of Orin Dean Stebbins and Catherine Ileisley, was born December 29, 1868, at Pittston, Pennsylvania ; married June 26, 189.'). at Tunkhannoek, Wj'oming County, Pennsylvania, to MARY GENEVIEVE MILLS, born March 21, 1871, at Tunkhannoek, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Oscar Bertine IMills and Eniil.v Pike. Occupation, railroad man. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Baltimore, Maryland. 5383. INS 1 I ■r,-^ -^^-r^T-^-^ ^^^^-^^..^^ ( 356T 1H17 S78 BLENNIE STEBBINS ^ - Edwin Ruthven Stebbins 8 Israel .T. Stebbins 7 Joseph Stebbins 6 I Angeline Harris Bolles Sylvia Lyman Betsey Eddy 301 122 27 4 .Joseph Stebbins 5 Joseph Stebbins i Thomas Stebbins 3 John Stebblni t Thankful Belding Mai'y Williams Elizabeth Wright Abiffail Bartlett 1 ROWLAND STEBBI> Sarah daughter of Edwin Ruthven Stebbins and Angeline Harris BoUes, was born February 26, 1869, at i\Ioutrose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania ; married September 17, 1896, at Oxford, Chenango County, New York, to GEORGE ROBERT COPELAND, born September 20, 1865, at Greene, Chenango County, New York, who was a son of Asher Copeland and Thankful Mary Youngs. Religion, Christian Scientist. Residence, ilontrose, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : C441. I. Louise Copeland, born June 21, 1897. 6442. II. Asher Copeland, born January 17, 1900. 5384. 1021 Daniel Stebbins 7 Asenath Henry 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wri^^ht 878 .Toseph Stebbins 6 Betsey Eddy 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett SIDNEY STEBBINS 9 ji-evi stebiln^s ( Mary A. Wood 301 122 Joseph Sletibins 5 Joseph Stebbins 4 Thankful Belding Mary Williams ROWLAND STEBBINS i I Sarah ) son of Levi Stebbins and ]\Iary A. Wood, was born March 1, 1857; married June 20, 1894, at Pawnee City, Nebraska, to FANNY B. STRATTON, born September 2, 1866, at Christianburg, Ohio. CHILDREN : 6443. I. Florence Lee, born June 2, 1895. 6444. II. Henry Searles, born January 17, 1897. /! 976 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5391. , 35Sa 1932 MARTHA ADELINE CHESSMAN » < SaraU a. Stebblns s Charles D. Stebblns t i Uoswell Chaudler Chessman Martha B. Spaulding S8C) a'.'- V22 'II Levi Steblilus 6 Zebedlah Stebbins o .Toseph Stebblns i Thomas .Stebbins 3 Ada Gardner Thankful Graves Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright 4 1 ) John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i \ Abiyail Bartlett Sarah ) daughter of Sarah A. Stebbins and Roswell Chandler Chessman, was born October 31, 1874, at Northumberland, New Hampshire ; married November 28, 1894, at Northumberland, New Hampshire, to WALTER C. HA^MILTON, born September 19, 1862, at Chatham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, who was a son of Warren G. Hamilton and Mary M. Mossman. Occupation, sea captain. Politics, Republican. Residence, Groveton, New Hampshire. CHILDREN: 6445. I. Pauline Chessman Hamilton, born December 14, 1896. 5393. BERT LAWRENCE STEBBINS » | Charles Henry stebbins 8 Chester Stebbins 7 ( Adeline R. Balch Laura Qulmby 880 ;;U2 122 2T Levi Stebbins 6 Zebediah Stebl)ins 5 .Tnsf ph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stel)bins 3 Ada Gardner Thanliful Graves Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright 4 1 1 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 \ .\bigail Bartlett Sarah ) son of Charles Henry Stebbins and Adeline R. Balch, was born July 10, 1868, at Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire; married September 18, 1888, at Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana, to EVA BELLE RYDMAN, born February 16, 1867, at Lima, Allen County, Ohio; died November 26, 1896. at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, who was a daughter of John W. Rydman and ilary L. Truesdale. BERT LAWRENCE STEBBINS received his education in the Ash Street School in Manchester, New Hampshire, and in the graded schools and the Academy in Lancaster, New Hampshire. When 'sixteen years of age he obtained his parents' consent and went west. Before he was twenty-one j'ears of age, he was foreman of Mill No. 1 of the Burton Car Company at Wichita, Kansas. He is noAv settled at Elkhart, Indiana, where he is emplo.yed as draughtsman and pattern-maker for the Kelly Foundry & Machine Company. He designed the Baldwin Block, one of the most pretentious business blocks in Elkhart. MR. STEBBINS was elected a member of the Masonic fraternity when twenty-one years of :i :". and now has taken all the York Rite degrees, and the 32nd degree of the Ancient Association Scottish Rite. At present he is a member of the Indiana Consistory of Indianapolis. He is very much interested in field sports and amateur photography. NINTH GENERATION. 977 5404. SARAH HELEN CHASE ^ -i Mary .lane Co ( Freeman II. C rliss s base 1941 Mary Stebblns Alfred Corliss .:u .Toseph Stebblns 4 Mary Williams Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabetli Wright N,S5 T .\.rad Stebliins 6 Mary Kent 4 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett .Josiah Stebhins 5 .Mary Howe 1 liOWLAXD STEBBIXS 1 !- Sarah • j daughter of ilary Jane Corliss and Freeman II. Cliase, was born October 14, 1849 : married WILLIAJI L. W. DOW. CHILDREN : 6446. I. Hattie Edith Dow, born November 1, 1875. 6447. II. Helen Gertrude Dow, born November 1, 1875. 5406. MARY ELIZA DAVIS » \ .Mary LoiUse Stebbins 8 Arad Stebb'ins 7 Arad Stebbias s ( .\lden P. Havis Kliza Stoddard Mary Kent ;'.1>4 l:;2 L'T 4 Josiali Stelil)ins 5 .T.iseph Stebbins 4 Thomas Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Mary Howe Mary Williams Elizabeth Wright Abigail Barflett 1 ROWLAND STEBBI> Sarah daughter of Mary Louise Stebbins and Alden P. Davis, was born August 18, 1862. at Bradford, Vermont; married July 5, 1888, at Chicago, Illinois, to IR.VIXG FOSTER GIBBS, of Omaha, Nebraska, born March 31, 1862, at Po- casset, i\Ia.ssaehusetts, who was a son of Captain Paul E. Gibbs and Maria E. Barlow. Residence, Cataumet, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: IXS 1 I 6448. I. Paul Davis Gibbs, born May 15, 1889. 6449. II. Jesse Stebbins Gibbs, born April 30, 1891. 5409. ANNA GENEVIEVE DAVIS " -| Mary LouUe^Stebbins 8 ( -ilden P. Davis S8.5 ?.;i4 122 Arad Stebbins o .Tosiah Stebliins 5 .Toseph Steiiijins 4 Mary Kent Maiy Howe Mary Williams John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett ROWr^AND .STEBBI Sarah -} 1947 Arad Stebbins 7 Eliza Stoddard 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright daughter of Mary Louise Stebbins and Alden P. Davis, was born June 18, 1871, at Somerville, ^Massachusetts ; married October 4, 1893, at Cataumet, Massachu- setts, to HARRY GORDON, born August 20, 1866, at Lawrence, Massachu- setts, who was a sou of George Augustus Gordon and Ann Farley. Residence, 4064 ]\Iichigan Terrace, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6450. I. Genevieve Gordon, born September 29, 1894. 62 978 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5420. CHARLES EDGAR STEBBINS ^ \ e (e: 889 Ell Stebblns 6 Sibyl Symonds 4 John Stebblns 2 Abigail Bartlett 304 Josiab Stebblns 5 Mary Howe 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 3614 rastus Stebblns s Elizabeth Ann Dudley 122 Joseph Stebblns 4 Mary Williams 1959 Arad Stebblns 7 Wealthy Cook Smith 27 Thomas Stebblns 3 Elizabeth Wright } son of Erastus Stebbins and Elizabeth Ann Dudley, was born November 27, 1850, at Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married July 9, 1884, at Berlin, Washington County, Vermont, to ELIZABETH ELLA NYE, born February 12, 1849, at Berlin, Vermont, who was a daughter of Sylvanus Field Nye and Eliza Perrin. Occupation, station agent. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Congregationalist. Residence, Chicopee, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6451. I. Annie Elizabeth, born December 6, 1885. 6452. II. Albert Nye, born September 24, 1888. GEORGE ERASTUS STEBBINS » 889 Eli Stebblns e Sibyl Symonds 4 John Stebblns 2 Abigail Bartlett 394 Josiah Stebblns 6 Mary Howe 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 5421. 3614 Erastus Stebbins s Elizabeth Ann Dudley 122 Joseph Stebbins t Mary Williams 1959 Arad Stebbins ^ Wealthy Cook Smith 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright I son of Erastus Stebbins and Elizabeth Ann Dudley, was born December 24, 1853 ; married April 18, 1889, to IDA F. CLIFFORD. CHILDREN: 6453. L Marvel, born November 3, 1891. 6454. II. Adelaide Augusta, born January 18, 1895. 5422. WILLIAM FRANCIS STEBBINS » {Erastus Elizabel 889 Eli Stebblns c Sibyl Symonds 4 John Stebblns 2 Abigail Bartlett 394 Josiah Stebbins 6 Mary Howe 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS i [ Sarah J 3614 s Stebbins 8 Elizabeth Ann Dudley 122 Joseph Stebbins * Mary Williams 1959 Arad Stebbins 7 Wealthy Cook Smith 27 Thomas Stebblns 3 Elizabeth Wright son of Erastus Stebbins and Elizabeth Ann Dudley, was born August 21, 1860; married May 5, 1886, to EVA J. LYON. CHILDREN: 6455. I. Carlton Erastus, born August 29, 1888. 6456. II. Pauline, born November 25, 1893. NINTH GENERATION. 979 5434. SUSAN JOSEPHINE PRATT ' 907 Asahel Stebhlns 6 Susannah Field 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 399 Asahel Stebbins 5 Lydia Harwood 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 3631 Susan F. Stebbins 8 Reuben Dexter Pratt 124 Asahel Stebbins ■» Sarah Petty 1973 Cyrus Stehblns T Mercy Morgan 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright daughter of Susan F. Stebbins and Reuben Dexter Pratt, was boi-n September 15, 1850, at Nortlifield Farms, Franklin Coiuity, Jlassachusetts ; married De- cember 23, 1875, at Athol, Worcester County, Massachusetts, to CHARLES ASA BATES, born December 2, 1847, at South Deerfield, Massachusetts ; died December 3, 1894, at Athol, Massachusetts, who was a son of Alonzo W. Bates. Occupation, pocket-book manufacturer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Uni- tarian. Residence, Athol, Massachusetts. CHILDREN: 6457. I. Alice S. Bates, born March 15, 1877. 6458. II. James C. Bates, born April 16, 1881. 6459. III. George Stebbins Bates, born March 2, 1SS9. 5435. 1973 Cyrus Slebbins 7 Mercy Morgan Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright 907 .\sahel Stebbins s Susannah Field 4 .John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett GEORGE L. PRATT ^ -[ Susan F. stebbins s ( Reuben Dexter Pratt 399 124 Asahel Stebbins 5 Asahel Stebbins -t Lydia Harwood Sarah Petty ROWLAND STEBBINS i I Sarah ■ ) son of Susan F. Stebbins and Reuben Dexter Pratt, was born November 23, 1852, at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts; died at Springfield, Massachusetts; married August 8, 1889, to ELIZA GROVES (FIELD) JUS- TIN, born July 4, 1853, at New York City, who Avas a daughter of Charles Pomero.y Field and Mary Jane Rosenbary. Occupation, mechanic. Polities, Democrat. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. No children. 5444. SARAH ANNIE STEBBINS » jcharlesChauncey stebbins s ( Laura Smead Holton 399 124 Asahel Stebbins 5 Asahel Stebbins 4 Lydia Harwood Sarah Petty 1 -] ROWLAND STEBBINS i - Sarah ) 007 Asahel Stebbins 6 Susannah Field 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 1973 Cyrus Stebbins 7 Mercy Morgan 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright daughter of Charles Chauncey Stebbins and Laura Smead Holton, was born July 13, 1853, at Mystic Bridge, New London County, Connecticut; married April 22, 1875, at Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, to JOHN THOMAS TALBOT, born April 26, 1850, at Birmingham, England; died September 10. 1883, at Whitneyville, New Haven County, Connecticut, who was a son of 980 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. William Talbot and Phoebe Heath. Occupation, machinist. Religion, Episco- palian. Residence, Whitueyville, Connecticut. 6460. I. 6461. II. 6462. III. 6463. IV. CHILDREN : William Talbot, born May 10, 1877. Elizabeth Talbot, born September 22, 1878. John Eugene Talbot, born November 30, 1880. Laura Nellie Talbot, born December 5, 1882. 5448. WILLIAM BISHOP STEBBIN S 9 I Wa I Ver 911 Darius Stebbins 6 Louisa Merrlcli 4 Jolin Stebbins - Abig-iil Bartlett 400 Thomas Stebbins 5 Anna Chamberlain 1 ROWLAND STEBBIN Sarah 3664 rren Selby Stebbins s enelia II. Bishop 124 Asahel Stebbins -4 Sarah I'etty 1981 Cyrus Stebbins ^ Nancy Beach Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright -} son of Warren Selby Stebbins and Venelia H. Bishop, was born May 5, 1853, at Granby Center, Oswego County, New York; married November 23, 1892, to ANNA OLIVE JOROLEMON, born November 7, 1871, at Plainfield, Bremer County, Iowa, who was a daughter of Henry Conklin Jorolemon and Susan Spalding Vosselles. CHILDREN : Theodore Allen, born May 10, 1S7S. Frank Eldred, born October 16, 1881. Harry Clark, born May 20, 1886. Charles Edwin, born May 1, 1894: died May 8, 1894. Edith May, born June 1, 1895. G464. I. 6465. II. 6466. III. 6467. IV. 6468. V. 5455. CHARLES EDWARD STEBBINS =' 911 Darius Stebbins o Louisa Merrick 4 John Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 4011 Thomas Stebbins 5 Anna Chamberlain 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah :i069 Cyrus Darius Stebbins s Almira -Tones 124 Asahel Stebbins 4 Sarah Petty 1981 Cyrus Stebbins T Nancy Beach 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright son of Cyrus Darius Stebbins and Almira Jones, was born October 3, 1857, at Granby Center, New York; married February 21, 1882, to ROSE LADUKE, who was a daughter of Joseph Laduke and . Occupation, butcher. Politics, Republican. Residence, Vergennus, Vermont. 5457. FRANK HENRY STEBBINS » \ry lAl 911 Darius Stebbins o Louisa Merrick 4 .Tohn Stebbins 2 Abigail Bartlett 400 Thomas Stebljins r. .\nna Chamberlain 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah ,^.669 yrns Darius Stebliins 8 mira .Tones 124 Asahel Stebbins * Sarah Tetty 1981 Cyrus Stebbins 7 Nancy Beach 27 Thomas Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Wright son of Cyrus Darius Stebbins and Almira Jones, was born December 18. 1859, NINTH GENERATION. 981 at Fultou, Oswego County, New York ; married October 15, 18"J0, at Tyler City, New Haven County, Connecticut, to EMMA FRANCES TURNER, born July 21, 1871, at Oregon, Long Island, New York, who was a daughter of Theodore Albert Turner and Hester Maria Dayton. CHILDREN: 1 6460. I. :\lyra Agatha, born December i;5, 1891. : * 6470. II. Irving Randolph, born ilay 3, 1894. • -"j 6471. III. Hester Churchill, born February 3, 1897. 5473. i ROBERT 0. BASCOM ^ \ Samuel Ilopklns Bascom 8 Clilne lUilibard 7 Polly Sheldon <■• ( Elizabeth Clark Bascom Artemidonis Bascom Ebefiezer Huljbard 409 145 .^() 4 Paniel Sheldon 5 Mary Southwell J Sarah Strliliins 3 .Tohn Stebhins 2 Mary Harmon .Tonatliau Sheldon William Southwell Abigail Bartlett 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 •Sarah son of Samuel Hopkins Bascom and Elizabeth Clark Bascom, was born No- vember 18, 1855, at Orwell, Addison County, Vermont; married December 20, 1882, at Shoreham, Addison County, Vermont, to MARY LARRABEE PLATT, born August 22, 1857, at Glens Falls, Warren County, New York, who was a daughter of Myron Piatt and Sarah Elizabeth Larrabee. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Fort Edward, New York. CHILDREN : 6472. I. Wyman Samuel Bascom, born February 14, 1885. 6473. II. Robert Piatt Bascom, born December 29, 1886. 6474. III. Fred George Bascom, born June 15, 1895. TENTH GENERATION. 5484. ( 37*^3 ''044 FREDERICK STEBBINS ^'^< Harvey Stebbins 3 Solomon Stebblns 8 I Charlotte Colvin PriscUla Chapman 044 425 176 41 Abyram Stebblns ^ Enos Stebbins 6 Jonathan .Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 ) Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 [ Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Harvey Stebbins and Charlotte Colvin, was born October 27, 1851, at Wileyville, Steuben County, New York; married to ELLEN AUGUSTA WILEY, born September 6, 1847, at WileyviUe, Steuben County, New York, who was a daughter of Almanzo Wiley and Annette Perry. Politics, Repub- lican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Canister, New York. CHILDREN : 6475. I. Charlotte Annette, born June 23, 1876; married Lee Dennison.-j- 5485. r 3723 '^044 944 RUTH STEBBINS '" -^ Harvey stebblns 9 Solomon Stebbins » Abyram Stebblns 7 ( Charlotte Colvin I'riscilla Chapman Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebblns s Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 ) Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Harvey Stebbins and Charlotte Colvin, was born November 23, 1854, at West Union, Steuben County, New York; married July 4, 1874, at Knoxville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, to HOMER HURLBURT, born Sep- tember 13, 1853, at Harrison, Potter County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Hiram Hurlburt and Mary Dibble. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Whites Corners, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 6476. I. Floyd Hurlburt, born September 8, 1880; married Vina Isabel Cor- nell. 5487. LUCETTA ALVINA STEBBINS loj 3725 2044 Hiram Stebbins 9 Salmon Stebblns s . Eleanor M Prlscllla Chapman 944 425 176 41 Abyram Stebblns ^ Rnos Stebblns 6 .Jonathan Stebbins 6 Samuel Stebblns 4 Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins = ROWLAND STEBBINS i Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright .Sarah daughter of Hiram Stebbins and Eleanor M. , was born August 5, 1852, 982 No. .■.4S4. FREDERICK STEBBINS. No. .-).-,n5. AIJ'rtED nENTON STEBBINS. RESIDENCE OE No. .".oO.-. 083 ALFRED BENTON STEBBINS, CANISTEO, N. Y. TENTH GENERATION. 983 at Independence, Allegany County, New York; married August 2i, 1868, at Ulysses, Potter County, Pennsylvania, to BENJAMIN GREEN, born February 9, 1846, at Warren County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Asa Green and Mary Ann Vincent. Occupation, farming and lumbering. Residence, Ray- mond, Potter County, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: Orville L. Green, born Deeeml)er 2, 1870. Bell Green, born December 11, 1873. Buel Green, born June 21, 1877. Eliza M. Green, born February 26, 1880. Herman Green, born August 4, 1882. Charles Green, born October 19, 1884. 5488. f STU.") 2044 044 CYRENA J. STEBBINS '" -^ Hiram Stebbias Salmon Srebblns s Abyram StPbblns T ( Eleanor M TrlsciUa Chapman Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebbins 6 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbin3 -t Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebblns Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock .Toanna Lamb 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS Hannah Wright Sarah 6477. I. 6478. II. 6479. III. 6480. IV. 6481. V. 6482. VI. NS 1 l daughter of Hiram Stebbins and Eleanor M. , was born May 11, 1856, at Bingham, Potter County, Pennsylvania; married April 7, 1872, at Genesee Potter County, Pennsylvania, to CHARLES A. GREEN, born March 16, 1849, at Andover, Allegany County, New York, who was a son of Clark Green and Abi- gail S. Green. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Raymond, Potter County, Pennsylvania (1894). CHILDREN: 6483. I. Hiram C. Green, born February 14, 1874. 6484. II. Oscar U. Green, born November 6, 1877. 6485. III. Lottie L. Green, born September 16, 1884. 5489. ( 372.') 2044 944 LYDIA STEBBINS"' Iliram stebbins Salmon Stebbins s Ahyrani Stebbins 7 I Eleanor M rriscllla Chapman Marzaret Webster 42.'> 170 41 6 Edos Stebbins 6 .Tonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hann.ih Hitcluock Joanna Lamb 2 1 ) *■ Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i '- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Hiram Stebbins and Eleanor M. , was born January 5, 1862, at Whitesville, Allegany County, New York; married September 16, 1876, at Ulysses, Potter County, Pennsylvania, to PARIS C. GREEN, born May 19, 1857, at Anderson, Allegany County, New York, who was a son of Clark Green and Abigail Green. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Raymond, Potter County, Pennsylvania (1894). SS-i STEBBIXS GPLXEALOGY. CHILDREN : C486. I. Eleanor A. Oreen, born November 7, 1877. 6487. II. Elva E. Green, born April 7, 1881. 6488. III. Viola B. Green, born May 10, 1886. 6489. IV. George B. Green, born June 30, 1890. 5490. , 3727 1-'04S LEWIS ABYRAM STEBBINS >" Mm-cusM. Stebbinso Abyram Stebblns » i Elizabeth A. .lohnson Anna Ilasbrook 044 425 17li 41 .T.''vram Stebbius 7 Enos Stebbins 8 .Tonathan StPbbins 3 Sanniel Stebbins * Ma'i^aret Webster Mary .Stebbins Margaret Bliss Ilannab IlitchcoclJ 15 2 1 } Samuel Stebbins 3 Tboraas Stebbins = HOWLAND STICEIilNS i V Joanna Lamb UaiinaU Wright Sarah J son of ]\Iarcus II. Stebbins and Elizabeth A. Johnson, was born June 1, 1863, at Warren, Pennsylvania (or Bradford, Pennsylvania) ; married September 14, 1885, at Alma, Kansas, to KATHERINE SELDEN, born June 20, 1863, at Wabamisee, Kansas, Avho was a daughter of Ilezekiah Maye Selden and Chris- tina Terrass. Profession, lawyer. Politics, Independent. Residence, Topeka, Kansas. CHILDREN : 6490. I. Inca Lucile, born January 16, 1887. 6491. II. Selden Lewis, born July 16, 1890. 6492. III. Marcus John, born July 13, 1892. 6493. IV. Julia Elizabeth, born August 2, 1895. 5491. C. L. STEBBINS '" -^ Enos Slebbiiis Abyram .s'tebbins 8 Abyram Stebbins V { Minnie Merrill .\nua ilasbrook Margaret Webster 425 17G 41 6 Euns Stebbins Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Steb)>ins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb - 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 }■ Hannah Wright Sarah j son of Enos Stebbins and Minnie Merrill, was born November 1, 1862, at Bar- ton, New York ; married December 8, 1886, at Pine Island, Dodge County, Minnesota, to MINNIE F. PARKINS, born November 7, 1867, at Pine Island, ]\IinnPsota, who was a daughter of Thomas Parkins and Ann E. Ross. Occupa- tion, farmer. CHILDREN: 6494. I. Murray E., born September 3, 1887. 6495. II. Flora A., born February 9, 1889. 6496. III. Ross B., born November 3, 1892. 6497. IV. Owen M., born August 17, 1894. No. r>4nn. Xd. or.oo. No. o-ins. MYRTLE LUKLLA. (iEORfiE FLETCHER. JIAE RELLE. No. (i4!IS. AL\E BELLE STERRINS. No. luri:). JIYUTLE LIIELLA STIOl'.IilNS. TENTH GENERATION. 985 5505. ALFRED BENTON STEBBINS 1« i Benton Pil'ley Stebbins Isaac Stebbilfs s I Saiah Ann Landis lioxana Fletcher :'4-l 425 176 41 Abyram Stehhins " Enos Stebbins 6 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins -t Margaret Webster Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS : Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah son of Benton Pixloy Stebbins and Sarah Ann Landis, was born September 2, 1850, at Allegheny City, Pennsylvania ; married .July 22, 1875, at Jasper, Steuben County, New York, to HELEN 'S]. SLMPSON, born January 1, 1851, at Jasper, Steuben County, New York, wlio was a daughter of Almon B. Simp- son and Maria Antoinette Fisher. Oceupatioii, photographer. Politics, Inde- pendent. Residence, Canisteo, New York. CHILDREN : 6498. I. Mae Belle, born February 23, 1878. 6499. II. Myrtle Luella, born April 16, 1879. 6500. III. George Fletcher, born Oetobm- 11, 1887. 5507. ENOS FLETCHER STEBBINS I'> -[ Benton rSey StebWns s Isaac StelTl^it'^s s I Sarah Landis Koxana Fletcher ■'44 42.-, 17,; 41 Abyram Stebbins T Knos Stebbins o .Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samnel Stebbins 4 Marsaret Webster Mary Stelibins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hit-hcock 6 2 1 1 Samnel Stebbins 3 Tliomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ]■ Joanna Lamb Hannah Wrisht Sarah I son of Benton Pixley Stebbins and Sarah Landis, was born January 31, 1857; died October 15, 1887; married . CHILDREN: 6501. I. John Alfred. 6502. II. Charles Fletcher. 6503. in. William. 5516. ELMER ELLSWORTH STEBBINS l« i Willlam FmLt stebbins » Isaac StehSn'^s s I Sarah Ann Luther Roxana Fletcher f'-'-l 42.5 176 41 Abyram Stebbms 7 Enos Stebbins e Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Margaret ^\ el)ster .Mary Stebbins Jlarsraret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1-1 Sanniel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWL.WD STEBBINS i >- Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah J son of William Fletcher Stebbins and Sarah Ann Luther, was born June 11, 1861, at Pleasantville, Pennsylvania; married :\rarch 19, 1885, at Corry, Penn- sylvania, to WAVIE WHITE, who was a .laughter of Theodore White and Abbie A. . Residence, Hillsdale, :\Iiehigan (1897). CHILDREN: 6504. I. Harry Leroy, born April, 1886. 986 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5517. MINNIE MINTON STEBBINS io| 423 Edos Stebbins o Mary Stebbins 2 Thomas Stebbins : Ilannali Wright 3738 William Fletcher Stebbins o Sarah Ann Luther 176 .Jonathan Stebbins o Margaret Bliss ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 20-16 Isaac Stebbins s Roxana Fletcher 41 Samuel Stebbins * Hannah Hltchcocls fl44 Abyram Stebbins ^ Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stel)bins3 Joanna Lamb daughter of William Fletcher Stebbins and Sarah Ann Luther, was born June 1, 1868, at Pleasantville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania; married November 24, 1886, at White Pigeon, jMichigan, to WILLIAIM V. CADMUS, born Septem- ber 25, 1859, at Cincinnati, Ohio, who was a son of Charles Crosby Cadmus and Cummings. Polities, Republican. Residence, Erie, Pennsylvania. 5519. ( 3739 2046 944 CHARLES A. AIMAN '"- I-"mily Mary stebbins » Isaac Stebbins 8 Abyram Stebbins 7 i Henry Aiman Roxana Fletcher Margaret Webster 425 176 41 6 Enos Stebbins 6 .Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i - Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Emily Mary Stebbins and Henry Aiman, was born June 27, 1859, at Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania; married December 29, 1885, at Manhattan, Kansas, to ANNIE KREBS, born October 2, 1862, at Taylor- ville, Illinois. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Republican. Religion, Metho- dist. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6505. I. Charles Le Roy Aiman, born September 9, 1889. 5550. WILLIS REVILLO STEBBINS i"! 944 Abyram Stebbins 7 Margaret Webster 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb 423 Enos Stebbins "> Mary Stebbins o Thomas Stebbins : Hannah Wright 3766 Orramel Stebbins » Celia Updilie 176 Jonathan Stebbins o Margaret Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah 2050 Lemuel Stebbins s Phebe Carpenter 41 Samuel Stebbins * Hannah Hitchcock son of Orramel Stebbins and Celia Updike, was born August 28, 1873, at Bar- ton, Tioga County, New York; died April 16, 1897. He married second. May 18, 1889, at Barton, Tioga County, New York, ELLA LOUISA HULETT, born August 2, 1874, at "Waverly, Tioga County, New York, daughter of Theophilus Hulett and Eliza Arnold. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Resi- dence, North Barton, Tioga County, New York. CHILDREN: 6506. I. Henry Harrison, born April 7, 1897. TENTH GENERATION. 987 5558. 3772 2052 ( 3772 2Uo2 FAYETTE GILMAN APPLETON ^"-^ Fanny need Woostero Fanny Reed Stebbins 8 (. George Ashley Appleton John Wooster 945 -i-o 176 41 Brainard Stebbins ^ Enos Stebblns 3 Jonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebblns * Margaret Eeed Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS lUOIUils i?ieouiiia - ixyj w i^^xi^ u o i i:.Aji>i.> o 1 j Hannah Wright Sarah ) Joanna Lamb son of Fanny Reed Wooster and George Ashley Appleton, was born July 2, 1854, at Victory, Essex County, Vermont; married September 24, 1885, at Albion, Orleans County, New York, to ELLA LOUISE (JOHNSON) WIRT, born June 12, 1852, at Albion, Orleans County, New York, who was a daugh- ter of • Johnson. Profession, minister. Religion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN : 6507. I. Frances Wirt Appleton, born April 12, 1887. 6508. II. Harold Gilmau Appleton, born July 24, 1889. FAYETTE GILMAN APPLETON 'S grandfather, Rev. John Wooster, was a Congregational Minister, and the one influential in building the church where the Appletons for two generations attended worship. Among the earliest recollections of FAYETTE, is the memory of riding to this church, in the family carriage, to listen to two long sermons, while the Sunday School hour was sandwiched in between. FAYETTE, with his two sisters and two brothers, thought it no hardship to attend these services ; but, rather, counted it a pun- ishment to be required to remain at home. Religious books and periodicals were provided in the home, and received a good degree of attention from this farmer boy, during his leisure moments. With the exception of twenty-five or thirty weeks of schooling in St. Johns- bury Academy, his schooling, while at home, was limited to such advantages as home and the winter terms of country schools afforded. The heavy work on the farm had disabled him somewhat, and he naturally turned his mind away from farming as a means of gaining livelihood. In September, 1875, having acquired his majority, he began to give some serious thought to the matter of acquiring an education ; and, having earned his first money, ninety dollars, he made his way to the college town of Oberlin, Ohio, with no very definite plans for the future in view. The spirit of the place, however, soon awakened all his old desires for an education, and led him to undertake the laborious task of "working his way" through college. At the time of his conversion and his joining his home church young APPLETON had some pre- sentiments that he ought to devote his life to the work of the Christian min- istry ; but not until one year had been spent at Oberlin, did he fully decide to do so. Doubting somewhat his ability to accomplish so great an undertaking without financial help, and fearing that any avowal of his plans might be interpreted as schemes of an impostor to secure financial aid, he determined to keep his own counsel in the matter. Not even his mother became aware of his determination until he was about to enter upon the study of Theology. After nine j-ears of patient work and study, MR. APPLETON was able to graduate from the theological department in 1884, receiving the degree of 988 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Bachelor of Divinity. He at once entered upon his work as a home mission- ary in South Dakota, where, during the six years of his labors in that state, he was able to organize one new church ; complete the erection of two church biiildings, dedicating them free from debt, and assist in the building of one parsonage. In December, 1890, he accepted a call to become the pastor of the First Congregational Church of Lyons, Colorado ; and in June, 1894, he re- ceived a call to his home church in Vermont, where he remained for three years. On account of the severity of the New England winters, he tleeided to return to the western states, which he accordingly did, becoming pastor of the church at Linwood, Nebraska; and in the following year (1899), became joint pastor of the Linwood and Arlington Churches. MR. APPLETON'S labors as a pastor have been uniformly successful, and he has personally con- ducted four or five revivals on his own fields, and assisted in others. He is frequently called upon to address bodies of students; and has represented his local association in the National Council, besides doing his share of ofSeial work in religious bodies. As an author his efforts have been limited to have a score of printed sermons on topics of jjopular interest, a few newspaper articles, one or two short stories, and a volume not yet published. As a pub- lic speaker, he nught be characterized as forcible, rather than flowing or especially eloquent. 5561. GEORGE STEBBINS APPLETON lO i Fanny RefdWooster o Fanny Reed Itebbins 8 ( George Ashley Appleton John Wooster 943 42.-. 176 41 Brainard StebWns T Knos Stebbins 6 .Tonathan Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Margaret Reed Mary Stebbins Margaret Bliss Hannah lUtchcock 6 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ^ Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Fanny Reed Wooster and George Ashley Appleton, was born ilarch 25, 1862, at Victory, Vermont; married November 1, 1893, at Bozeman, Jlontana, to MARY FITZGERALD, born at ]Madison, Wisconsin. Profession, architect. Residence, Spokane, Washington. 5639. , Isaac Biuiey stebbins Orrin Stebbins s ( Charlotte S. I'atterson Nancv Burley 989 441 177 41 Phineas Steljbins 7 Phineas Stebbins o Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel stebbins 4 Phebe Dunham Ann Chaffee Sarah Bliss Hannah Ilitchcnck 6 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINf .Toanna Lamb Hannah Wright S'arah son of Isaac Burley Stebbins and Charlotte S. Patterson, was born August 26, 1847, at Grand Rapids, ]\Iichigan; married May 25, 1868, at Grand Rapids, JTiehigan, to CLARA HARDY, born January 26, 1851, at Plymouth, Wayne County, Michigan ; died April 22, 1889, at Black Hawk, Colorado, who was a daughter of Nelson Hardy and Rosina Peekham. Profession, physician. Re- sided in Michigan, Golden, Colorado, and Tampa, Florida. CHILDREN : 6509. I. Infant, born 1869 ; died in 1869. INSi I TENTH GENERATION. 989 6510. II. Harry Frank, born August 14. 1870: married ;Mary Dunlop Cobb.+ 6511. III. Helen Hardy, born September 1, 1S72; married Robert Douglass ^IcLeod. 6512. IV. Infant, born 1874; died in 1871. 6513. V. Genevieve, born July 25, 1875; married De Sota Fitz Gerald. + 6514. VI. Elizabeth, born September 3, 1S7S. 6515. VII. Charles, born ISSl ; died 1882. 5642. _ f 3SSG FRED LOUIS STEBBINSl" ^ Isaac Burley SteUbins (. Chai-lotte Susan I'atte 989 Phineas Stebbins ~ Phebe Dunham 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb 441 Phineas Stebbins a .\na Chaffee Thomas Stebbins 2 Hannah Wright tterson 177 Stephen Stebbins 5 Sarah Bliss 1 ROWLAND STEBBIN Sa I'ah 21 26 Orrin Stebbins s Nancy Burley 41 Samuel Stebbins 4 Hannah Hitchcock '■} son of Isaac Burley Stebbins and Charlotte Susan Patterson, was horn ilarch 30, 1856, at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Jlichigan; married September 4, 1879, at Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado, to ALICE :M0TT, born September 4, ISGO, at West Saud Lake, Renssalaer County. New York, who was a daughter of Henry Matt and ?ilargaret ilerick. Occupation, druggist. Politics, Silver Republican. Residence, Pueblo, Colorado. CHILDREN : 6516. I. Walter Albert, born November 18, 1882. 6517. II. Clarence Wilbur, born December 26, 1894. 5654. IDA VIOLA STEBBINS ( .'',8X9 1" ^ Henry C. Stebbi (. Catharine Elizal 989 Phineas Stebbins " Phebe Dunham 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Joanna Lamb 441 i'iiiueas Stebbins o -•inn Chaffee '2 Thomas Stebbins •-' Hannah Wright .•',889 ns Elizabeth Bowers 177 Stephen Stebbins : Sarah Biiss 2126 Orrin Stebbins s Nancy Burley 41 Samuel Stebbins 4 Hannah Hitchcock UOWLAND STEBBINS 1 Sarah daughter of Henry C. Stebbins and Catharine Elizabeth Bowers, was born August 3. 1853, at Pompey Hill, Onondaga County, New York; married Octo- ber 27, 1870, at Grand Rapids, Michigan, to AURELIUS LANSING WALL, born October 20, 1848, at Hornby, New York, who was a son of Cornelius Al- pheus Wall and Olive Bonham Stanton. Occupation, lumber dealer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Fargo, South Dakota. CHILDREN : 6518. I. Henry Cornelius Wall, born January 18, 1879: died January 20. 1879. 6519. II. Lottie Eva Wall, born :\rarch 9, 1885, in Binghamptou, Barnes County. Dakota. 990 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5667. ( 389'^ 2130 THEODORE OLERC PERRY l*-| Jane Emeranca Brown Stebblns 9 Clark B. Stebblns 8 (. Theodore Perry Margaret Topey 991 441 177 41 Walter Stebblns 7 Phineas Stebblns o Stephen Stebblns 5 Samuel Stebblns 4 Azubab Carpenter Ann Chaffee Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 ) Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBIXS i V Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Jane Emeranca Brown Stebbins and Theodore Perry, born July 13, 1855, at Lacon, Illinois; married August 1, 1881, at Chicago, Illinois, to CARRIE STEWART BONNELL, born August 26, 1858, at Corning, New York, who was a daughter of David Bonnel and Adaliue Pew. Profession, mechanical engineer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : 6520. I. Arthur Clerc Perry, born August 10, 1883. 6521. II. Carleton Bonnell Perry, born February 11, 1885. 6522. III. Donald Strong Perry, born April 10, 1890. 5687. ELVIE JOSEPHINE HANCOCK l" -[ Mary Janeftebblns 9 (. Joseph Clark Hancock 2149 997 442 177 Richard Salter Storrs Stebbins s Augustus Stel>bins " Zadock Stebblns e Stephen Stebbins o Sally Smith Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease Sarah Bliss 41 6 2 1 1 Samuel Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ^ Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of J\Iary Jones Stebbins and Joseph Clark Hancock, was born May 8, 1855; married at Springfield, Massachusetts, to CHARLES A. JONES. Resi- dence, Hartford, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 6523. I. Abbe May Jones, born February 25, 1875; married October 20, 1897, John Matthew Simpson ; lives at East Boston, Massa- chusetts. 6524. II. Edward Joseph Jones, born August 1, 1882; employed by the city engineer of Hartford. 5690. HARRIET MARION HANCOCK l" | Mary Janfs?ebblns 9 ( Joseph Clark Hancock 2149 997 442 177 Richard Salter Storrs Stebbins 8 Augustus Stebbins 7 Zadock Stebbins e Stephen Stebbins 6 Sally Smith Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease Sarnh Bliss 41 6 2 1 •) Samuel Stebbins i Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ^ Hannah Hitchcock Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah J daughter of Mary Jane Stebbins and Joseph Clark Hancock, was born August 8, 1866; married September 10, 1S86, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to TENTH GENERATION. 991 CHARLES MILLS SLOCU^r. Occupation, city engineer. Residence, Spring- field, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6525. I. Arthur Philo Slocuni, born August 10, 1S87. 5691. ( 3029 '>149 FREDERICK OTIS HANCOCK "' -^ Mar.v -Tane Stohbins ;> Richard Salter Storrs Stebbios 8 (. Joseph Clark Hancock Sally Smith } 097 442 177 41 Augustus .Stebbtns T Zadock Stebbins c .'Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 " 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah son of Mary Jane Stebbins and Joseph Clark Hancock, was born May 27, 1870 (?); married October 6, 1890, at West Springfield, Massachusetts, to NETTIE EDITH BANGS. Occupation, employed in water works. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6526. I. Endua Rae Hancock, born February 23, 1898 (adopted). 5692. ( 3029 2149 CHARLES JOSEPH HANCOCK l^'- Mary Jane stebbins o Richard Salter Storrs Stebbins 8 ( Joseph Clark Hancock Sally Smith 007 442 177 41 Augustus Stebbins T Zadock Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 ) Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 > Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of ]\Iary Jane Stebbins and Joseph Clark Hancock, was born September 10, 1875 ; married November 22, 1898, at Springfield, ilassachusetts, to AL- BERTA MAUD TOWNSEND. Occupation, employed in city engineer's office. Residence, Springfield, IMassachusetts. CHILDREN : 6527. I. Leslie Clark Hancock, born February 13, 1900. 5700. ( 3937 '^152 CHARLES AUSTIN STEBBINS l" ] Andrew J. stebbins 9 Austin Stebbins 8 ( Julia E. Wait Susan Smith 007 442 177 41 Augustus stebbins 7' Zadock Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins * Martha (Patty) Bliss Elizabeth Pease Sarah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah son of Andrew J. Stebbins and Julia E. Wait, was born November 3, 1854, at Chicopee, Massachusetts; married August 23, 1S79, at Crazy Mills, St. Law- rence County, New York, to MARIA E. BARKLEY, born January 7, 1852, at St. Lawrence County, New York; died November 13, 1884, at South Colton, New York, M'ho was a daughter of John Barkley. 992 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 6528. I. Mabel E., born July 16, 1S80. 6529. II. Chester A., born August 2, 1882. 6530. III. Alvin E., born May 12, 1884. 5701. / 3037 *'152 GERTRUDE CORA STEBBINS l'^ - .Vndiew j. Stebbins 9 .\ustin Stebbms 8 (.Tiilia A. Peck Susan Smith iiST 41:; 177 41 Augustus Stebbins 7 Zaiiock Stelibius <; Stephen Stehbins 5 Samuel Stebhins 4 Martha tPatty) Bliss Elizabeth IVase S.nrah Bliss Hannah Hitchcock 6 2 11 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins = KOWLAND STEBBINS i }■ .Toanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah J daughter of Andrew J. Stebbins and Julia A. Peek, was born September 6, 1867, at Springfield, Hampden County, I\Iassachnsetts ; married February 9, 1887, at Hartford, Connecticut, to EDWARD EVERETTE LYMAN, born De- cember 31, 1864, at Hartford, Connecticut, wdio was a son of George W. Lyman and Emeline M. Jordan. Residence, Bridgeport, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 6531. I. Ethel Gertrude Lyman, born November 13, 1888. 6532. II. Raymond Everette Lyman, born ]\Iarch 1, 1891. 6533. III. Harold Sidney Lyman, born ISIarch 10, 1897. 6534. IV. Clarence Victor Lyman, born December 9, 1898. 5720. ( HSC.n 2168 GEORGE HOWARD STEBBINS '"-^ Sylvanus Haie stebbins t. Amariah Stebbins 8 ( Angeiine Youtsey Wiliiams Permelia Thorns 1(107 447 177 41 Solomon Steb))ins 7 Stephen Stebbins 6 Stephen Stebbins 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 Zata Stanhope Chioe Hale Sarah Bliss Hannah lUtchcock G 2 1 ) Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 >- Joanna Lamb Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Angeline Youtsey "Williams, was born April 29, 1872, at Cold Spring. Campbell County, Kentucky; married December 15, 1891, at Newport, Kentucky, to FLORENCE IvEIM, born May 5, 1872, at Cincinnati, Ohio, who was a daughter of Charles T. Keim and Catherine Breece. CHILDREN : 6535. I. George Howard, born October 5, 1898 ; died April 24, 1899. 5766. ( 40.3ft 223.5 JOSEPHINE AUGUSTA CHILLSONl^i Henrietta Augusta stebbins » Justus Stebbins s ( Lucius Ilelim C'hillson Adaline Hildreth 1087 500 186 42 Justus Stebbins 7 Zerah Stebbins o .John Stebbins 5 ,Tohn Stebbins 4 Abigail Morgan Eunice Dunham Margaret Brooks I'atience Wright 6 2 1 ) Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins = ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 >- Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah J daughter of Henrietta Augusta Stebbins and Lucius Helim Chillson, was born TENTH GENERATION. 993 January 9, 1866, at Ware, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; married No- vember 16, 1887, at Ware, Massachusetts, to WILLIAM CONVERSE HAR- RINGTON, born February 18, 1863, at Brimfield, Hampden Coiuity, Massa- chusetts, who was a son of Michael Harrington and Catharine Burns. Occu- pation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Resi- dence, Dorchester, ]\rassachusetts. CHILDREN : 6536. I. Grace Harrington, born August 29, 1891. WALTER COLEY STEBBINS 1087 Justus Stebbins " Abigail Morgan 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks 500 Zerab Stebbins 6 Eunice Dunbam o Thomas Stebbins : Hannah Wright 5767. 4040 Nathan Metcalf Stebbins 9 Maria Coley 1S« .John Stebbins 5 Margaret Brooks 1 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Sarah 2235 Justus stebbins s Adaline HildretU 41 .Tolin Stebbins 4 I'atience Wright son of Nathan 3Ietcalf Stebbins and Maria Coley, Avas born October 22, 1876, at Wales, Hampden County, Massachusetts ; married May 22, 1895, to GRACE ELIZABETH DICKINSON, born July 11, 1877, at Tolland, Tolland County, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Francis Palmer Dickinson and Lucy C. Noyes. Occupation, weaver. Politics. Republican. Religion, ^lethodist. Resi- dence, Wales, ^lassachusetts. CHILDREN : 6537. I. Elsie Grace, born June 3, 189G, at Springfield, Massachusetts. WALTER COLEY STEBBINS, besides following his vocation as weaver, is a fine cornetist, and is leader of the Wales band. 5768. ARCHIE ROLAND STEBBINS 'o (• 4041 < Merrick L. Stebbins ( Mary E. Palmer 10S9 Rnel Stebbins " Miriam Sherman 6 Samuel Stebbins 3 Abigail Brooks 500 Zerah Stehl)ins '3 Eunice Dunham 2 Thomas Stebbins : Hannah Wright ISG John Stebbins .'■ Margaret Brooks 1 ) ROWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Sarah J 2237 Loel Stebbins 8 Martha Haynes 41 .Tohn Stebbins 4 Patience Wright son of Merrick L. Stebbins and Mary E. Palmer, was born February 12, 1860, at Mondon, ilassaehusetts; married April 19, 1879, to :\rARY E. GOWDY, born at Springfield. ^lassachusetts, who was a daughter of Julius B. Gowdy and Mary Maguire. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 6538. I. Lena L., born June 30, 1880. 6539. II. Fred B., born July 15, 1882. 6540. III. Albertus P., born :\Iay 28, 1884. 63 994 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5775. ( 40.J9 2246 ESTHER STEBBINS 10 i Alexander c'ollms SteUbins o Amaziah Stebbins ! ( Melissa Raymond Amanda Anderson 1053 .",09 188 42 William Stebbins 7 .ludah Stebbins 6 Levi Stebbins 5 John Stebbins * Ljdia Branch Kuth Dady Mary Post I'atience Wright 6 2 11 Thomas Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Elizabeth Wright Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Alexander Collins Stebbins and ilelissa Raymond, was born Janu- ary 6, 1854, at Racine, Wisconsin ; married June 14, 1876, at Le Mars, Ply- mouth County, Iowa, to FRANK WARD GUERNSEY; born .July 6, 1850, at Janesville, Rock County, W^isconsin, who was a son of Orrin Guernsey and Sarah Coolej'. Occupation, county treasurer. Politics, Reimbliean. Religion, Unitarian. Residence, Dayton, Washington. CHILDREN : 6541. I. Clarence Elon Guernsey, born December 23, 1884. 6542. IL Raymond Stebbins Guernsey, born -Jiuie 10, 1893. FRANK WARD GUERNSEY graduated from the University of Michigan in 1873. In 1896 he was cashier of the Columbia National Bank. 5782. EDWIN STEBBINS KASSLERl"! Maria stebbins 9 Edwin stebbins s ( George Kassler .lulia Cory 1094 509 188 42 .Joseph Stebbins " .ludah Stebbins 6 I,evi Stebbins 5 .John Stebbins 4 Lucy Fatterson Ruth Dady Mary Post Patience Wright 6 2 1 ) Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }- Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of iMaria Stebbins and George Kassler, was born October 29, 1866, at Den- ver, Colorado; married September 6, 1892, at Denver, Colorado, to OLIVIA DENHAM COOPER, born August 4, 1868, at Greenville, Bond County, Illi- nois, who was a daughter of Ex-Governor Job A. Cooper, of Colorado, and Jennie 0. Barnes. Occupation, financial agent. Polities, Republican. Relig- ion, Episcopalian. Residence, Denver, Colorado. CHILDREN : 6543. I. Ruth Kassler, born July 21, 1893. 6544. n. Edwin Stebbins Kassler, born September 12, 1895. 5783. {407.3 *'''51 Maria T. Stebbins o Edwin Stebbins s George W. Kassler Julia Cory 1094 109 188 42 .Joseph Stebbins ^ Judah Stebbins e Levi Stebbins 5 .John Stebbins 4 Lucv Patterson Ruth Dady Mary Post Patience Wright 6 2 11 Thomas Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ^ Elizabeth Wright Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Maria T. Stebbins and George W. Kassler, was born .January 26, 1870, TENTH GENERATION. 995 at Denver, Colorado ; married January 26, 1892, to GRACE M. STONE, born January 26, 1872. CHILDREN : 6545. I. George W. Kassler, born November 30, 1892. 6546. II. Charles M. Kassler, born tSeptember 12, 1897. 5784. ! ( 4074 2255 ARTHUR ALLERTON STEBBINS '" \ Elleiy Stebblns s Edwin Stebbins s ( Alice R. Allerton Julia Cory 1094 30'J 188 42 .Tosepb Stebbins T JudaU Stebbins « Levi Stebbins 5 ,7obn Stebbins 4 Lucy I'atterson Ruth Dady Mary Post Patience Wright 6 2 1 ) Thomas Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }- Elizabeth Wright Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Ellery Stebbins and Alice R. Allerton, was born Febi'uary 10, 1867, at Clinton, Oneida County, New York; married April 8, 1889, at New York City, New York, to LOUISE ALLERTON :\IERRITT, born August 2, 1871, at Fordham, New York, who was a daughter of William H. Merritt and Mary Allerton. Occupation, life insurance. Polities, Independent. Residence, Man- chester, New Hampshire. CHILDREN : 6547. I. Edwin A., born June 21, 1890; died February 18, 1892. 6548. II. Alice A., born June 19, 1892. 6549. III. Marjorie, born July 20, 1895; died July 21, 1895. 5788. ( 4111 2324 LOREN WHITE STEBBINS '"-^ Albert lUsadlab stebbins 9 JIareus Nelson Stebbins s t Clara I-^dith Smith Emeline E. Moore 1150 .->24 215 48 Hesadiah Stel)blns 7 Ilesadiah Stebbins o Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins i Asenath Green Betsy Sessions Babcocli Martha Smith Mary Munn 6 2 11 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i >- Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah ) sou of Albert Hesadiah Stebbins and Clara Edith Smith, was born August 7, 1866, at Sheridan, Chautauqua County, New York; married July 31, 1888. at Silver Creek, Chautauqua Coimty, New York, to GRACE ADELE BIRD- SEY, born May 20, 1866, at Silver Creek, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a daughter of Elmer Jerome Birdsey and I\Iary Augusta Cockburn. Residence, Silver Creek, New- York. CHILDREN : 6550. I. 6551. II. 6552. III. 6553. IV. Edith Mary, born April 1, 1890. Inez Emiline, born October 13, 1891. Dorothy ]\Ierle, born January 19, 1895. MoUv Birdsey, born October 28. 1900. 996 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5789. SCHUYLER COLFAX STEBBINS'" JAita (. Clara 4111 Albert Ilesadlah Stebblns 9 la Edith Smith li324 lino 524 215 Marcus Nelson Stebblns s Ilesadlah Stebblns T Ilesadlah Stebblns 6 Ahner Stebblns 5 Emellne E. Moore Ascnath Green Betsy Sessions Babcock Martha Smith 48 6 2 1 ) Thomas Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stelibins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS 1 >- Mary Munn Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Albert Hesediah Stebbins and Clara Edith Smith, was born October 10, 1869, at Forestville. Chautauqua County, New York; married January 6, 1892, at Forestville, Chautauqua County, New York, to JESSIE MEAD, born Febru- ary 14, 1869, at Forestville, New York, who was a daughter of Stephen L. Mead and Margaret Wilson. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Resi- dence, Silver Creek, New York. CHILDREN: «554. I. Albert Mead, born May 12, 1897. 5790. f 4111 2.?'>4 SMITH HESADIAH STEBBINS ^"-l Albert Ilesadlah Stebblns » Marcus Nelson Stebblns 8 I Clara Edith Smith Emeline E. Moore 1150 524 215 48 Hesadlah Stebbins " Hesadiah Stebblns 6 Abner Stebblns 5 Thomas Stebblns -i Asenath Green Betsy Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn 6 2 1 ■) Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i }- Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sai'ah j son of Albert Hesadiah Stebbins and Clara Edith Smith, was born August 9, 1872, at Sheridan, Chautauqua County, New York : married August 11, 1896, at Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, to ALCINDA MARGARET KEE- •GAN, born March 6, 1874, at Oakfield, Genesee County, New York, who was a daughter of Lawrence P. Keegan and Lorinda Martin. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Brooklyn, New York. SMITH HESADIAH STEBBINS graduated from Cornell University in 1895. He is a civil engineer in the employ of the New York City government. WILLIAM E. WEBBER!" |lo Iju 5803. 4132 2341 lOuisa Stebbins a Abdiel II. Stebbins 8 NSi l iiiius B. Webber .Tulia Ewell 1154 524 215 48 Betsy Stebbins " Hesadiah Stebblns o Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins + Betsy Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn 6 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBI Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah son of Louisa Stebbins and Julius B. Webber, was born June 28, 1861 ; mar- ried to MADGE E. MORRIS. CHILDREN : €555. I. Grace Louisa Webber, born June 18, 1890 ; died November 9. 1897. TENTH GENERATION. 997 5804. ( 413** '*341 EMERY BURTON WATERMAN '" i Louisa Stebbins 9 Abdiel U.'stebbins 8 I K. Yale Waterman .Iiilia Ewell 1154 r.24 21o 48 Betsy Stebbins 7 IlesadiaU Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins s Thomas Stebbins * ■ Betsy Sessions Babeock Martha Smith Mary Mvinn JSi l 6 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBIN Abigail Broolis llaunah Wright Sarah son of Louisa Stebbins and E. Yale Waterman, was born June 18, 1867; mar- ried MABEL SMITH. Residence, Sionx City, Iowa. CHILDREN : 6556. I. E. Yale Waterman, bora December 21, 1897. 5805. ( 4132 2.341 EDITH J. WATERMAN '0 4 Louisa stebbins 9 Ahdiel II. Stebbins 8 ( K. Yale Waterman .Julia Kwell 1154 524 215 48 Betsy Stebbins 7 Hesadiah Stebbins 6 Abner Stebbins 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 Uetsy Sessions Babeoels .Martha Smith Mary Munn 6 2 1 Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWL.\ND .STEBBl Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of Louisa Stebbins and E. Yale Waterman, was born June 29, 1870; married to THO:\IAS W. GREER. Residence, Chase City, Virginia. CHILDREN : Hazel E. Greer, born March 11, 1891. Viola Greer, born April 11, 1893. Gwendolyn G. Greer, born October 2, 1894. Thomas W. Greer, born July 30, 1896. Homer Yale Greer, born February 8, 1898 ; died June 30, 1898. 6562. VI. Gladys EvpIjti Greer, born September 20, 1899. 5810. ■r^^-r-^-r ^ rr,T^ -r^-^ t-.^^ ( 4135 2:!41 1154 JOHN STEBBINS '" ■{ Kdgar (i. stebbins 9 Alidlel H. Stebbins s Betsy Slebbius 7 ( Klizabeth Holderfield Julia Powell -} 6557. I. 6558. II. 6559. III. 6560. IV. 6561. V. 524 215 48 G Ilesadlah Stebbins e .\bner Stebbins 5 Tlioraas Stebbins * Samuel Stebbins 3 Betsy Sessions Babeock Martha Smith Mary Munn Abigail Brooks 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i ]- Hannah Wright Sarah ) son of Edgar G. Stebbins and Elizabeth Holderfield, was l)i>rii December 25, 1868, at Cleveland, Tennessee; married to CARRIE MAUD ALBERT, born August 22, 1875, at Holt, Clay Count3% ^Missouri, who was a daughter of Elias Albert and Delana Cox. Occupation, grain dealer. Politics, Democrat. Re- ligion, Universalist. Residence, Kelley, Kansas. CHILDREN: 6563. I. Grace Beatrice, born May 18, 1893. 6564. II. Alvin Lawrence, born August 30, 1894. 998 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 6565. m. Lloyd, born February 8, 1897. 6566. IV. Cecilia Fay, boru August 6, 1898. 5815. WILLIAM A. STEBBINS 1" i Austin E. Stebbins » Ahdiel H.~Stebbins 8 ( Lydla B. Wiley .Tulla Ewell 1154 524 215 48 Betsy Stebblns 7 Hesadlah Stebblns e ,\liner Rtebblns s Thomas Stebbins 4 Betsy Sessions Babcock Martha Smith Mary Munn 6 2 1 ) Samuel Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebblns 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Abigail Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah ) NSl I son of Austin B. Stebbins and Lydia B. Wiley, was born November 13, 1867, at Nebraska; married May, 1892, to EVA STUART, born 1873, at Indiana, who was a daughter of Stuart. CHILDREN : 6567. I. Winnie, born March 12, 1893. 6568. II. Geraldine, born December 21, 1895. 6569. III. Austin, born April, 1898. 5923. MABELLE CLAIRE STEBBINS '"^ AIonzoTlwmasSteblnnsn Thomas s'tebliins s ( Adelaide Louise Stebbins <■> Harriet Blandin 1203 531 217 48 Rufus Stebbins 7 Jotham Stebbins 8 Benjamin Stebblns :■ Thomas Stebbins 4 Clarissa Blandin Phebe Ellinwood Jerusha King Mary Munn 6 2 1 " Samuel Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebblns = ROWLAND STEBBIN6 Abiiiall Brooks Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of Alonzo Thomas Stebbins and Adelaide Louise Stebbins, was boru July 26. 1873, at Rochester, Olmsted County, IMinnesota ; married July 26, 1898, at Rochester, Minnesota, to WILLIAM CHARLES WEBBER, born December 1, 1872, at Linden, New York, who was a son of William Sherman Webber and Lucy Smith. Occupation, book-keeper. Polities, Republican. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Menominee, Michigan. 5981. f 4454 *'585 LILLIAN FRANCES STEBBINS '" ^ warren Wayne StebWns n Sydney .To"el Stebbins s I Mary Allen Schreiber Jane Stearns 1304 5!)4 245 61 .Toel Stebblns 7 .Toel Stebbins e Aaron Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbins 4 Abigail Berry Widow Sarah Beebe Mary Wright Rebecca Colton 9 2 1 .Joseph Stebblns 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBI> Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah daughter of Warren Wayne Stebbins and Mary Allen Schreiber. was born April 9, 1876, at Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois; married January 11, 1899, at Norris, ]\Iadison County, Montana, to ROBERT G. WILSON, born February 2, 1872, at Yellowstone, Lafayette County, Wisconsin, who was a son of Robert George Wilson and Martha Norris. Residence, Norris, Montana. LILLIAN FRANCES STEBBINS received her education in the public schools, and at Evansville Seminary of Evansville, Wisconsin, where she was INSl I TENTH GENERATION. 999 sent at the age of fifteen, and at tlie age of eighteen began teaching in the common schools. She taught one term in Dane County, Wisconsin, then re- turned home and taught for eleven terms in Stephenson County. 6060. ( 453;{ 262.1 1317 JESSIE L. WHIPPLE '"■{ Sylvester Rufiis Whipple a Amanda Stebbins s Lemuel Stebbins 7 I Matilda I. lok Kran'is .1. Whipple Lucinda Greenlee 596 245 61 9 Daniel Stebblna 6 Aaron Stebbins 5 .Joseph Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbius 3 Rachel Blodgett Mary Wright Kebecca Colton Sarah Dorchester 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 KOWL.iND STEBBIXS i ^ Hannah Wright Sarah J daughter of Sylvester Rufus Whipple and ?ilatilda Lick, was born February 9, 1876, at Manchester, Illinois ; married November 15, 1893, to CLYDE SHEL- DON, born August 8, 1872, at Springboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Edgar A. Sheldon and Clara E. Sheldon. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Springboro, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : ti570. I. Floy Sheldon, born February 28, 1894. 6571. II. Edgar R. Sheldon, born March 17, 1896. 6572. III. Cecil M. Sheldon, born November 14, 1898. 6573. IV. Mildred Sheldon, born August 19, 1900. 6084. r 4580 2665 ELIZABETH STEBBINS LATHROP ' ' ^ Tore StehWns J.athrop 9 Lora Stebbins s ( Kliiabeth Long Dwlght I^athrop 1335 607 248 .62 .Jara Stebbins T Hen lamin Stebbins o Henjamiu Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 KUzaheth Brewster Sabra Minor Mary Day Widow Martha Ball 9 2 1 ] .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ItOWLAND STEBBINS i > Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Jere Stebbins Lathrop and Elizabeth Long, was born July 9, 1841; died May, 1890. at Flushing, Long Island: married June 16, 1870, at North- ampton, Massachusetts, to J. HUNT BUTLER. CHILDREN : Stephen Lathrop Butler, born April 9, 1871. Marianne Elizabeth Butler, born October 11. 1872. Harold Butler. Gertrude Butler. 6085. ( 4581 ELIZABETH CHAMPION LATHROP"' J Elizabeth Brewster champion ^ ( Paoll I^athrop •>667 133.". 607 24S I'ama Stetibins « -Jara Stebbins 7 r.enjamin Stebbins a Benjamin Stebbins 5 Reuben Champion Elizabeth Brewster Sabra Minor Mary Day fto 9 2 11 Benjamin Stebbins 4 .Joseph Stebbins 3 Thomas s'tebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Widow Martha Ball Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wright Sarah ; daughter of Elizabeth Brewster Champion and Paoli Lathrop, was born May 6574. I. 6575. II. 6576. HI. 6577. IV. 1000 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 9, 1855 ; died September 28, 1895, at West Springfield, :Massachusetts ; married September 1, 1880, to TIMOTHY BRYANT ROWELL. CHILDREN : 6578. I. Elizabeth Lathrop Rowell, born January 11, 1882. 6579. II. Philip Lathrop Rowell, born February 15, 1885. 6107. EDITH ABBIE STEBBINS lo-f Everett] I Clara F. 4699 2816 : I). Stebliins o Dennison Stebbins s . Flsk Marcia Perry 1410 661 295 68 Austin Stebbins 7 Heman Stebbins 6 Asaph Stebbins 5 .John SteMilns < Lydia Rice Sarah Diclcinson Lucy Granby Sarah VVaniner 9 2 1 ) .Toseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wrigtit Sarah ) daughter of Everett D. Stebbins and Clara F. Fisk, was born iMarch 20, 1872 (T. R.), at Belchertown, Massachusetts; died July 1, 1898; married December 12, 1891 (T. R.), at Belchertown, ^Massachusetts, to JIYRON AUSTIN SHAW, who was a son of AVilliam B. Shaw and Julia M. Gaiumell. CHILDREN, born in Springfield, Massachusetts: 6580. I. William Everett Shaw, born May 27, 1893. 6581. II. Bertram Eugene Shaw, born October 29, 1894. 6156. f 4861 2994 HENRY CONSTANT STEBBINS "M <^'onstant StebWusa Samuel stebbins s ( Laura Ijangdon Laura Merricl: 1592 727 325 88 Benjamin Stebbins 7 Oideon Stebbins o Benjamin Stebbins s Benjamin Stebbins 4 Lucy Colton Mary Hinsdale Rebecca Day Mary Ashley 12 2 1 •) Benjamin Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Abigail Denton Hannah Wright Sarah J son of Constant Stebbins and Laura Langdon, Avas born ilarcli 19, 1865, at Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut; married August 26, 1890, at Minne- apolis, Minnesota, to IDA SCHULTZ, born February 14, 1867, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, who was a daughter of C. C. Schultz. Occupation, Miller. Poli- tics, Republican. Residence, Hartford, Connecticut, ^Minneapolis, and Monte- video, Minnesota. CHILDREN : 6582. I. Helen, born October 5. 1891. 6199. ( 4958 3135 JAMES BELL STEBBINS I'N Francis Mason stebbins o Moses L. Stebbins s I Jennie F. Banlts Jtaria .Tane Hyde 1681 775 336 89 Ebenezer Stebbins 7 Ebenezer Stebbins « Moses Stebbins 5 .John Stebbins 4 Rebecca Hunt Rebecca Leonard Dorcas Hale Mary 20 4 11 .John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i > Dorothy Alexander Widow .\nne Munden Sarah I son of Francis Mason Stebbins and Jennie F. Banks, was born July 25, 1867; TENTH GEiNERATION. 1001 married March 3, 1890, at Fort Myers, Florida, to FRANCES ANGELINA VIVIAN. CHILDREN : 6583. I. Milton Leroy, born April 22, 1891. 6584. II. Charles Clayton, born November 25, 1893. 6355. T /^T» A i>/rAT.Tr tt a T»T-i-ir< , . ( ^200 3345 1781 LORA MARY HAINES '" -^ Sai ah .Tones lloggan 9 Mary Meadows s Sarah Jones 7 (. Lewis Gregg Haines .lames M. Hoggan Robert Carter Meadows 813 365 98 24 Isaac Jones « .John Jones 5 Mindwell Stebbins * Benoni Stebbins 3 Mary Pond Hannah Bassett liev. John Jones Mary (Broiighton) Bennet 4 1 1 John Stebbins 2 ItOWLAND STEBBINS i }■ Widow Anne Munden Sarah j daughter of Sarah Jones Hoggan and Lewis Gregg Haines, was born July 17, 1865, at Loydsville, Belmont County, Ohio ; married September 15, 1S92, at Cambridge, Guernsey County, Ohio, to ANTHONY WAYNE COOK, born August 30, 1855, at Cooksburg, Forest County, Pennsylvania, who was a son of Anthonj- Cook and Rebecca Maze. Occupation, lumberman. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Universalist. Residence, Cooksburg, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 6585. I. Anthony Wayne Cook, born January 13, 1897. 6368. ( 5225 3.389 1816 ADDIE A. STEBBINS 1" -^ Abram L.'stebhins 9 Pierre Stelibins s Lewis Stebbins 7 ( Adeline E. Bailey Almira Briindage Sarah Delavan 838 373 101 24 Nehemlah Stebbins 6 Neheraiah Stebbins 5 Benjamin Stebbins 4 Benoni Stebbins 3 Elizabeth Hoyt Sarah Jessup Sarah Mead Widow Hannah Edwards 4 1 John Stebbins 2 HOWL.^ND STEBBIN.= Widow Anne Munden Sarah • . Histo- bemg tacken it then Resteth due to the towne ffrom good man STEBIN. 'icai Soe'v 1. 16. 10." coiiJc- tions VI The nuncupative will of Thomas Scott of Hartford, which was recorded p- •'•^■ November, 1643, is mentioned as "yt was spoken by him to EDWARD STEB- ^P^f- BING" Tymothy Standley who were sent for by him for that end": and MR. ^^^;„t STEBBINS was appointed one of the overseers. ',T°3' At a meeting of the General Court, October 25, 1644, "The pr'positions p. 112. conserneing the mayntenaunce of scollers at Cambridge, made by the said Comissio'rs is confirmed, and It is Ordered that 2 men shalbe appoynted in every Towne w'thin this Jurisdiction, who shall demaund what every family will give, and the same to be gathered and brought into some roome, in 1008 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Oonn. Histor- ical Soc'y Collec- tions VI p. 71. Colo- nial Rec- ords of Ct. I p. 121 p. 135. Conn. Histor- ical Soc'y Collec- tions 1 p. 110. Colo- nial Rec- ords of Ct. VI p. 8G. p. 90. p. 95. I p. 259. Conn. Histor- ical Soc'y Collec- tions VI p. 109 p. 107. p. 109. p. 110. Colo- nial Rec- ords of Ct. I p. 29S p. 321. Conn. Histor- ical Soc'y Collec- tions VI p. 123. p. 334. p. 34S. March; and this to continue yearely as yt shalbe considered by the Comis- sio'rs. The p'rsons to demand what will be given are For Hartford, Nathaniell Waird and ED: STEBBING." "The 18th of november 1644," at a town meeting it was ordered that EDWARD STEBBINS and three others "shall have full power to viw the land from that fenc alredy dune up to podunk." On the 5th of February, 1644, he was appointed by the court to inspect the commerce on the Connecticut River at Hartford; and on the same day "EDWARD STEBBING at Hartford, is appointed to collect tariff on grain which is exported." "Dece'ber the first 1645, ED. STEBBING of Hartford is appoynted to receive notice of the kylling of hogge or swyne, " for Hartford. On April 9, 1646, Samuel Martin and William Andrews gave bond to "answer the complaints of EDWARD STEBBING for lading 97 bush of Come aboarde a vessell at Hartford wch dep'rted the harbor without entering the said come according to order." He served as a selectman of Hartford, in 1647-8, and on March 9, 1648, rendered his account as selectman. On March 13 of the same year there was "payd out of the rate to William wadsworth & EDWARD STEBING, 00. 08. 06." He was one of the persons appointed February 5, 1650, "to make the ratte." At a "Generall Courte of Electyon, the 18th day of May, 1654, EDWAR STEBBING & Tho : Coleman are appointed to draw up some rules for sealing leather," etc. MR. STEBBINS also acted as sealer of leather in 1659. On February 15, 1654-5, EDWARD STEBBINS was appointed on a com- mittee for "Byinge or Bilding a Hoose for a schole Hous." December 18, 1655, "GOOD STEBING" was chosen one of those who were to take account of the money which Mr. Goodwin received of the town for building "a scoole Hous"; and on January 23, 1655-6, he was one of a committee to "end the Biusenes Between mr. Goodwin and the Town about a Schole Hous." It is recorded on February "15, 1655, that he was one of the "men that wanted Leaders" [ladders]. The General Court, on May 21, 1657, approved the place for a farm for Mr. Haines at Pocumtuek, which "EDWARD STEBBIN & John White have loocked out for him." At a session of the General Court at Hartford. August 18, 1658, "Mr. John Allyn, EDWARD STEBBING, Nath: Ward, John Bernard, are appoynted to take in the account of the charge respecting al ye Elders attending the last Council, and the man yt was maimed, and to distribute it by way of rat-e upon both parties, viz: the church at Hartf : and ye withdrawers." He was elected "chimney veiuer for North side," February 11, 1658. On March 9, 1658-9, he was one of five men appointed "to levy the rate for the charge of the last ( "iincil according to former order and to make provision for the entertaynement of this Councill. " On November 9, 1659, "Mr. Willis, Talcot, Stone, and EDWARD STEB- BING are desired by the Court to goe downe to Middle Towne to inquire ye nature of ye troublesom differ 'nc fallen out there, and to endeavor a com- position thereof." DEACON EDWARD STEBBIXS OF HARTFORD. 1009 lie seems always to have been iiuieh interested in educational matters, p- ■'^-■ November 20, 1660, he was appointed on a committee "to consider what way may be best for ye earing and end of a free schole." March 14, 1660-1, the Court "haveing heard the case respecting Jeremie ^m' and John Adams and EDWARD STEBBING, respecting the sale of ye Ilomelot ^^^^ „, of Thomas Greenhill, at Hartford, doe sentence and conclude, that ye said ^'3^0 sale of yt lot by EDWARD STEBBING to Mr. Goodwin is a legal sale : the sale being acknowledged by EDWARD STEBBIN in open Court." He M-as a man in whom the people ever placed great confidence ; and he was frequently asked to settle the estates, and care for the widoAvs and children of his neiahbors. While he appears to have been somewhat air"res- Trum- '^ buH's sive, most of his legal controversies were for the benefit of others rather than H'st. of himself. In 16C2 he was appointed administrator of the personal estate of ford Mrs. P M'othy Chester, and was to pav the debts, the remainder to be at his p-234.' ,. , Hinman's disposal. Puritan On the decease of Governor Hopkins, :\IR. STEBBIXS was appointed one p- 162. of the trustees to dispose of his estate. "At a session of the Generall Assembly at Hartford, [October] the 8th, 1663," it was recorded that, "This Court doth approve of DEACON STEB- BING and Lut Tho: Bull paying what doth [appear] to be due from I\Ir. Hopkins estate to Jlr. Bournes and ilr. Dallye with what [ jencv mav bee." It is recorded January 18. 1663-4, that "DEACON EDWARD STEBBING Coio- and Lu't Thomas Bull doe engage themselves to pay unto the eomittee of k«;^ the towne of Hartford the sume of fower hundred pounds out of ;\Ir. Hop- «' ct- kins estate in currant pay, this spring, to be improved by the sayd eomittee in p- 543. the towne of Hartford, for promnteing of learning according to the will of o'r honoured freind :\Ir. Hopkins." December 3, 1664, "MR. EDW. STEBBING" mstor- was appointed a trustee for the "Worshipfull ^ifr. Edw. Hopkins fund of four sw'y hundred pounds," and other funds "to bee employed in this Towne for the ficnrvi promotaing of Learning." p. 144. He continued as deacon of the church until his death. No dignity, except pu?itan^ that of the minister, equaled the office of elder or deacon in colonial times. ^^^^qV^ DEACON STEBBINS is frequently mentioned as a man of note, and of more than ordinary worldly possessions. His cattle mark was "a slitt downe the top of both eares." In addition to the ones already noted, he held numerous offices, and administered various estates, etc. His name was placed on the monument erected by the Ancient Burying Ground Association of Hartford, in memory of the First Settlers. Comparatively little is known of his wife. Her name appears first in the list of sistei-s in full communion with the Second Church of Hartford, in 1670. There is a tradition that she was a woman of such dignity and godli- ness and that, as a tribute to her worth, her name was given the place of honor on the church roll, preceding even that of the wife of the minister, n. y. & n. e. Her will, dated November 12, 1673, is given below. He™'' ^ D 569 The exact date of death of DEACON EDWARD STEBBINS is not known ; he probably died in 1668, as his son-in-law, Thomas Cadwell, mentions in his will that his wife Elizabeth "was the only child living of" EDWARD STEB- 64 1010 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. BINS "when he deceased in 1668." The inventory of the estate of DEACON EDWAKD STEBBINS was taken 10, 1668. WILL OF DEACON EDWARD STEBBINS. "Hartford August the 24th 1663" "In the name & Feare of God I Edward Stebbius being weake in body but haveing my understanding & memory remayninge wth me (through ye mercy of God) yet not knowing the day of my death iloe here make my Last will & testamt. And I shall here speake only to ye things of this life, wch ye Lord hath bestowed upon mee : First I give & bequeath unto my welbe- loved wife ffraneis, my bowsing & Lands in Hartford (except such Lands as are hereafter mentioned as appoynted to be sold) wch Shee is to enjoy for terme of her naturall life as also ye two best Cowes : & three of the swine : as also ye use of the household stuffe or soe much of it as shee shall see need to make use of : also in ye end of her naturall life shee shall have liberty to dis- pose of Forty pounds aecordinge as shee shall thinke fitt: Item I give & bequeath unto our beloved son [son-in-law] Mr. John Chester the summe of forty pounds of my estate here : to be paid wth in two yeeres after my decease my debts beinge paid : to be paid also in this Countrey to him if he come over at his arrivall or to his assignes Also I give & bequeath after my wives decease my housing & my Lands (vizt such of my Lands as shall not be sold to pay my engagemts) I say I give them to Edward Cadwell my son Cadwells child & John Wilson & in case John Wilson should dy before he attayne ye age of 21 yeeres yn the half of ye said house & Lands I give to Samuell Wilson at ye age of 21 yeeres & if Edward Cadwell dy before he attayne ye like age then that halfe shall pas to ye rest of my Daughter Cadwels Children & if John & Samll Wilson should both dy before such age as aforesaid then the whole shall pass to my Daughter Cadwells children the one half to be equally devided amongst them: Also I give to my son & Daughter Cadwell for ye use & benefitt of their chil- dren ye sum of twenty pounds to be paid in a feather bed & furniture & such other household stuffe or goods as shall seenu^ meet to my executors hereafter mentioned : to be paid within one yeere after my decease : Also I give unto John Wilson a feather bed & furniture & such things as belong to my shop & trade. Also I give & bequeath to Sanuiell Wilson the summe of thirty povmds to be paid that mare yt is in William Phelps his hands wch is to be prized quickly after my decease & the rest to be paid out of other estate as the executors see good : this estate to be paid to him at 21 yeeres of age together with the prnfitt yt shall come of ye mare in such regard he is to stand to ye venture of the mare : Also I give & bequeath unto the 4 children of my Deare Sister Holyoke 40/8 a yeere to be paid within one yeere after my decease excepting Johns part wch is to be paid vsm he shall attayne ye age of 21 yeeres: Also I give to my son Gaylers children Joseph & Benjamin & Joanna 8 pounds apeece to be paid into ye fathers hands for .ye use wth in two yeeres after my decease & if eyther of his said children shall dy before they come to age vizt the sons to 21 yeeres & ye Daughter to 18 that part or parts shall pass unto the rest to be devided DEACON EDWARD STEBBINS OF HARTFORD. 1011 equally between them Also Mary Gnyler I doe order to be wth her (Jraiid- motlier & I give iiuto her the suinme of twenty pounds at 18 yeeres of age : provided she carry it dutyfully to her (grandmother: if otherwise it shalbe in the power of my executcn-s to abate aeeordiug to ye discretion: Also I doe appoynt that John Wilson shalbe wth his (Jrandmother to helpe her accordinge to his best skill & ability during the tyme of her naturall life, during well tyme also I desire my executors that care may be taken that he he instructed in my trade by Caleb Stanley according as it may stand wth my wives comfort And after her Decease I desire my executors to take order yt he be pfected in his trade: And I doo ordayne & appoynt my welbeloved wife to be my executrix of this my last will & testamt : also I doe ordayn appoynt & desire ye honnoi'd Mr. Samuell Willis & my wellieloved brother & freinds Elizur Holyoke & Leiut Bull & Leiut Robert Webster to be execu- tors of this my last will & Testamt: To whom or to any two of them I give power to see the Legacyes above mentioned discharged & my just debts paid & to gather in wt debts are owing to nice & to make sale of wt of my stock is hereby undisposed of & if that will not satisfy to pay my debts then to sell that parcell of Land jt I l)ought of Deacon Parks wch was mr Chaplaines lying up in the Long meddow : about ten acres wth ye Lott : & yt overplus shalbe found of my estate after the Legacyes above mentioned by paid & my debts discharged after my wives decease shalbe disposcil of to my Daughter Cadwells Children & to John Wilson & Mary Gayler accordinge to ye judgmt & discretion of my executors or any two of them: also I give to Richard Weller twenty shillings haveing formei'ly delivered into his hand about thirty pounds for the benefitt of his children And to my said executors I give the summe of ten pounds vizt 50 '8 apeece : and in witnes hereto I have sett my hand Edward Stebbing This will & ti'staiiient of Edwai-d Stelibing was subscribed by him in ye pres- ence of Elizur Holyoke. An Inventory of ye estate of ]:)EAC()N EDWARD STEBBING late of Hartford deceased taken August lOtli 16tJS Imprim's. His purse & apitarell & plate 15.13.00 In ye Parlour Two tables & chairs and joynd stooles 1.15.00 6 Cushions a pr Stelliards Andirons 1.08.00 A cupboard 00.12.00 In ye Parloiu- Chamber A Bedstead & furniture for a bed 05.02.00 Bookes 02.00.00 remnants of home made cloth 03.00.00 another remnant of cotton & wool cloth 01., married TRUMAN HART. Their daughter, LUCY ELIZA HART", born 1808, at Cairo, New York; died 1869, at Colebrook, Connecticut : married ABNER WILCOX, born April 19, 1808. at Harwinton, Connecticut; died August 20, 1869, at Colebrook, Con- necticut. Their son. SAMUEL WHITNEY WILCOX s. born September 19, 1847, at Lihue, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands; married October 7. 1874, EMMA WASH- BURN LYMAN, born September 16, 1849, at Hilo. Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, daughter of David Belden Lyman, of New Hartford, Connecticut, anil Sarah Joyner, of Royalton, Vermont. CHILDREN : Ralph Lj'man Wilcox '■>. Lucie Etta Wilcox", born October 9, 1877. at Lihue. Kauai. Hawaiian Is- lands, now of Wellesley, Massachusetts. Elsie Hart Wilcox'. Charles Henry Wilcox'. Gaylord Parke AVilcox ". :\Iabel Isabel Wilcox '\ 4. SARAH DAY-, daughter of Editha Stebbins > and Robert Day, killed by Indians September 19, 1677, at Hatfield. IMassaehusetts ; married first, Sep- tember, 1658, Nathaniel Gunn ; married second, November 24. 1664, SAMUEL KELLOGG, of Hartford, Connecticut, born in England; died 1711. Their son, NATHANIEL KELLOGG-, born April 4, 1671. at Hatfield, jMassaehusetts ; married first. MARr^ARET , who died December 1.5, 1747; married second, Priseilla Williams, of Colchester. Connecticut, where he had removed from Hatfield about 1700. He had eight children. Their son. NATHANIEL KELLOGG ^ born May 8, 1703; married ELIZA- BETH WILLIA:MS, born February 13, 1702; died September 13. 1725. daugh- ter of Charles Williams. Their eldest child, CHARLES KELLOGG ', born September 17, 1726 ; mar- ried April 24, 1748, SARAH HITCHCOCK, daughter of John Hitchcock, of Colchester, Connecticut. They resided at Lebanon and Bolton, Connecticut. Their second child. CHARLES KELLO(iG «. born April 10, 1751; died July 11, 1828; married 1775, MARCY SDIONDS, daughter of Colonel Benjamin Simonds and ilary Davis. They resided at Williamstown, ^Massachusetts, and Granville. New York. Had eleven children. Their eighth child, MARCIA KELLOGG ", born February 7, 1793; died Au- gust 9, 1849 ; married May 7, 1812, NATHAN HOYT RAYI\IOND, son of Wil- liam Raymond and Ruth Iloyt; died August 6, 1874. Resided at Granville, New York : moved westward several times, and in later years lived at Cam- bridge City, Indiana. They had twelve children. Their third child, EDWARD RAY:\rOND «, born February 5, 1816 ; died December 18, 1886 : married first, Januarv 15, 1838, MARY PUTNAM HAMIL- 1020 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. TON ; died March 4, 1879, daughter of Zeyu Alasman Hamilton and Sylvania Putnam ; married second MRS. PERSIS E. BELDEN. Resided at Cambridge Citj', Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois. Only two children reached mature life, viz.: I. Amelia Raymond ^ ; married J. C. Richards. Their only child married Charles "Webster Shippey '", and has two children, "Webster Batcheller Shippey i', and Raymond Shippey". II. MARCIA RAYMOND », born April 24, 1847 ; married September 2, 1869, ROBERT E. JENKINS. Resided in Chicago. Their children are: George Raymond Jenkins^"; Helen Mary Jenkins'", who married Edgar L. Masters, and Edith Daisy Jenkins '". Tnim- EDITHA STEBBINS, sister of Deacon Edward Steljbins, was mentioned Hart- in his will as his "Deare Sister Holyoke." John Maynard's Avill was dated cact.^ January 23, 1657-8; inventory, February 24, same year, £450.4. He names ^' "°" Avife Editha, her eldest son Thomas Day, youngest son John Day, daughters Sarah and Mary Day. John Day received the property of ^Mayuard, and it is probably in remembrance of him that he named a son Maynard Da.v. He gives his dwelling-house and lands in Hartford to his wife, and after her de- cease to go to her youngest son, John Day. JOHN STEBBINS OF WATERTOWN. 1. JOHN STEBBINS, of Watertown, born 1601-5 ; died about 1685, prob- ably at New London, Connecticut; married MARGARET (or MARY) ; died January 1, 1678-9, probably at New London, Connecticut. Resided at Watertown, Massachusetts, and New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 2. I. John, born March 25, 1640; ["John the son of John and Margaret Stebbin, borne 25—1, 1640." Watertown Records, p. 8.] mar- ried Deborah Moore. -f 3. II. jMary, born August 6, 1641; ["Mary the daughter of John and Mary Stebin. borne 6. 6. 1641." Watertown Records, p. 9.] mar- ried Thomas IMarshall. of Hartford, Connecticut. 4. III. Daniel. The General Court on March 1, 1634, order that records of every man's water- houses and land should be taken, entered in the town book, and a transcript m^ss'. thereof handed into court, and that such record should be a sufficient assur- p.^js. ance of title. In the first inventory taken, JOHN STEBBINS owned "An p. ee. Homestall of Seven Acres more or les bounded the South with the highway the North with Justinian Holden the East with Christofer Grant & the West with Richard Iloldeu." In 1639 he still pos.sessed the same land. p. i4o. JOHN STEBBINS appears to have been among the first settlei's of New mst. of London, Connecticut. He is mentioned as one of the advance party' who were vuie." engaged in laying out and fencing lots as early as 1645. p.^.iie. JOHN STEBBINS and Isaac Willey mowed the marshes and meadows at Hist, of Upper Mamacoek, in the vicinity of New London, in the summer of 1645. London, It is recorded in 1647, that "JOHN STUBENS and Robert Hempsteed are "P'^*- chosen to view the fences for this year." ^' On February 22, 1648-9, "The inhabitants of Peciuit plantation have chosen lust. of by a joynt consent Mr. John Winthrop, Robert Hempsteed, Carie Latham, vine JOHN STUBENS, and Thomas Miner for this yeare following to act in all ^*^^' towne aft'aires as well in the disposing of lands as in other prndentiall occa- sions for the towne." In 1649, "Waterhouse and STUBENS were chosen overseers of the wears Hist, of for the year." London p .59 "At a town meeting at Namearke [later called Pequoet, and afterwards pies. New London], the 25th of February, 1649 [1649-50], JOHN STUBBINES is chosen Constable for the towne Nemearke." He again occupied this office in 1660. He and three others were chosen "townsmen," February 25, 1650-1. The name of "JNO. STUBBIN" appears in a list of "all yt wrought at the Mill '^' 'f' Dam," July, 1751. "' '^' 1021 1022 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. p. 95. Hist, of Mont- ville p. 419. Col. I!ec. of Ct. p. 360. p. 365. Hist, of New liondon p. 259. Col. Kec. of Ct. II p. 523. Hist, of New London p. 143. Col. Rec. of Ct. II p. 558. He had one of the mo-st extensive grants of huul north of the town, on the west bank of the river. His house-lot hiy northwest of .John Winthrop'.s, on the upper part of what are now Williams and .Main streets. In 1652, a small island "at the mouth of Mistick, " containing nearly twen- ty acres of marsh, was granted to JOHN STEBBINS and Robert Hempsteed. At a session of the General Court, at Hartford, Connecticut, ]\Iarch 14, 1660, it was ordered that "Mr. Tinker, James Kogers and ilathew Griswold shal examine STEBBINS aeeo't of N. London, and returne their appr'hensions about it to ye next Session." It is recorded that, a Court of Election held at Hartford, May 16, 1661, "accepted and doe coniirme the conclusions of ye Comittee respecting the accounts of George Tong & JOHN STEBBIN." JOHN STEBBINS was among- those who received grants of land on April 23, 1663. His name is found in a list of freemen, of New London, taken in 1669. He was one of the men chosen on November 29, 1669, to lay out the "King's highway between New London and the head of Niantick River." At the County Court in Hartford, March 12, 1671-2, Mr. Matthew Gris- wold and Lieutenant William Waller, presented complaints against "sundry of New London," for attempts "by violence to drive them off their lands," resistance to authority, and assault. Among the names of the persons charged is found the name of "JOHN STEBBING." Col. Rec. of Ct. II p. 116. 2. JOHN STEBBINS ^ son of John Stebbius and Margaret born May 21, 1640, at Watertown, Massachusetts; died in 1707; married about 1660, DEBORAH MOORE, supposed to have been a daughter of Miles Moore and Isabel Joyner. Removed from Watertown to New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 5 I. John, born February 11, 1661; married Phebe Minor. -f 6 II. Daniel, born 1675; married Bethia Comstock.-f "A Generall Assembly at Hartford [Conn.], Octob'r 14th, 1669. Presented for freeman, Stratford, JOHN STEBBINGS, JUNR." 5. JOHN STEBBINS 3 .Tobn Stebliins 2 Deborah Moore .Tolin Stebliins i. of Watertow XIai'sjaret "[ son of John Stebbins and Deborah Moore, was born February 11, 1661 ; mar- ried June 17 (or 16), 1697, PHEBE MINER, born April 13, 1679, who was a daughter of Clement Miner and Martha Wellman. Residence, New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 7. I. John, horn July 18, 1698. 8. II. Clement, born ]\Iarch 8, 1700 (or 1701} ; married Sarah .Aiiner.-f 9. III. Thomas, born August 22, 1702. 10. IV. Jilartha, born August 10, 1705 (or 1706) ; married Thomas Miner.-f- 11. V. Christopher, born 1707. 12. VI. Lydia, born May 4, 1709; married Sylvester iMiner, 1748. JOHN STEBBINS OF WATERTOWN. 1023 JOHN STEBBINS was of the Company to whom the iMohegaa Sachems made the munificent grant of a large part of Hebron and Colchester, Con- necticut. [Caulkins' New London, Connecticut, p. 314.] 6. DANIEL STEBBINS J .Joliu Slcliliius :: JuUn Stelil)ins 1, of Watertown ( j Deborah Moore JIargaret ) son of John Stebbms and Deborah :\roore ; married BETIHA COMSTOCK, daughter of Daniel (or Gideon) Comstock and Peiatiah Elderkin. Resided at New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 13. I. Christopher, born July 7, l(i4!); married Abigail Allen. -(- DANIEL STEBBINS was of the company to whom the Mohegan Sachems made the munificent grant of a large part of Hebron and Colchester, Connecti- cut. [Caulkins" New London. Connecticut, p. 314.] 8. CLEMENT STEBBINS ^ \ i''^'^ ''''.''"'"' ' f"'?" '"t*"^',""'' ' I rhene Miner Deborah Sloore .Tohn Stebbins i, of Watertowu / Margaret j son of John Stebbins and Phebe i\Iincr, was born iu 1700, at New Loudon; married November 28, 1727 (or 1729), SARAH MINER, daughter of William Miner, of Lyme, Connecticut. Resided at New Loudon, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 14. I. Sarah, ))orn January 25, 1728 (or 1734). 15. II. Joseph, born August 20, 1730 (or 1740). 16. III. John, born October 16, 1732; married Sarah iliner.-j- 17. IV. Ann, born July 18, 1736 (or 1743). 18. V. Christopher, born January 28, 1738 (or 1737) ; died young. 19. VI. Christopher, born September 13, 1739 ; married in 1758, Sarah Miner. 20. VII. Rebecca, born 1741. 10. MARTHA STEBBINS * \ '"'"^ ^J5.'^^'"^ ' •/;";" •^r'j';'"' ' i I'hebe Miner Deborah Moore John Stebbin.s i. of Watertow Margaret daughter of John Stebbius and Phebe iliuer, was married November 21, 1727, at New London, Connecticut, to THOjMAS JIINOR, of Lyme, Connecticut. -\ 13. CHRISTOPHER STEBBINS ' \ ]^l J™;:." I'Srit" John Stebbins i, of Watertown ( Margaret ( son of Daniel Stebbins and Bethia Comstock, born July 7, 1694, at New Lon- don ; died February 18, 1785, at Springfield, IMassachusetts ; married Decem- ber 22, 1720, at New London, Connecticut, to ABIGAIL ALLEN; died July 1024 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 22, 1754, who was a daughter of Samuel Allen and Lydia Hastings. He mar- ried second, December 1, 1754, to LYDiA STEBBINS, daughter of John Steb- bins. Kesided at New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 21. I. Lydia, born January 8, 1723; married Amariah Lyon.-|- 22. II. Jabez, born I\Iay 17, 1728; married Sarah Turner. -f- 23. III. Abigail, born August 19, 1730. 24. IV. Bethia, born December 22, 1735 [see Unidentified B.]. 25. V. Christopher, born September 13, 1739. 26. VI. Ann, born March 1, 1742. 1 fi TOWN STrRRTNS 5 i t'lement Stel>l'ins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 ] Saiab Minor I'helie .Miner Deborah Moofe John Stebbins i. of Watertown } Mar;;aret j sou of Clement Stebbins and Sarah Miner, was born October IG, 1732, at New London ; married July 18, 1754, to SARAH MINER, daughter of Joseph Miner, of Lyme, Connecticut. Resided at New London, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 27. I. Lucy, born IMay 25, 1755; married Jabez Miner, grandson of Wil- liam Miner, of Lyme.+ 28. II. Clement, born February 21, 1760 ; married Sarah Miner [see Clement Unidentified C.]. 29. III. Samuel, born iMarch 19, 1762. 30. IV. John, born July 11, 1764; died young. 31. V. Joseph, born April 22, 1767. 21. LYDIA STEBBINS » j 'j^^^^^Zn"'''''''' ' Daniel Stebbins s .Tohn Stebbins - Bethia Comstock Deborah Moore John Stebbins i. of Watertown f Margaret j daughter of Christopher Stebbins and Abigail Allen, born Janiiary 8, 1723; married AilARIAH LYON, who was probably a son of Thomas Lyon. Occu- pation, farmer. Resided at Montville, Connecticut. CHILDREN: John Lyon, born about 1747 ; married Elizabeth Moore. Anson Lyon ; served in the Revolutionary War ; never returned. Josiah Lyon. Amariah Lyon ; died prior to 1785. Thomas Lyon ; served in the Revolutionary War ; died. Christopher Lyon ; served in the Revolutionary War. Ephraim Lyon ; served in Revolutionary War ; never returned. Abigail Lyon ; married Peter Clayton. 32. I. 33. II. 34. III. 35. IV. 36. V. 37. VI. 38. VII. 39. VIII. JOHN STEBBINS OP WATERTOWN. 1025 22 JABEZ STEBBINS " ■) C'^i''^t''Pli^i' Stebbins * Daniel Stebblns o John Stebbins 2 ] Abisail Allen BelUia Comstock DeboraU Moore John Stebbins i. o£ Wateitowu (^ Margaret j son of Christopher Stebbius and Abigail Alleu, born May 17, 1728 ; married May 19, 1748, SARAH TURNER, of New London, Connecticut, daughter of Thomas Turner and Patience Bolles. Occuiiation, farmer. Resided at North Parish of New London. CHILDREN : Joanna, born November 21), 174'J ; married William Maples. -j- Lydia, born February 14, 1750; married Joseph Adams, of Gro- ton. Edward, born November Ki, 1751; married Ann Bishop. -|- Patienee. born January 27, 1754; married Joseph Chapel. Abigail. Iiom February 6, 1758; married John McKnight. Sarah, ))orn April 2, 1764 ; married Adams. Christoplier, born February 8, 1766. 47. VIII. Jabez, born May 22, 1767. 40. I. 41. II. 42. III. 43. IV. 44. V. 45. VI. 46. VII. stebbins 5 Clement Stebbins * John Stebbins 3 ner Sarah Miner Phebe Miner 27. LUCY STEBBINS fi I •^;^|:°^^^J',' John stebbins 2 John Stebbins i, of Waterlown (^ Deborah Moore Margaret | daughter of John Stebbins and Sarah ]\liner, born .May 25, 1755, at New Lon- don or E. Pladdam, Connecticut ; married September 15. 1771, at New London, Connecticut, to JABEZ MINER, born October 10. 1748, at East Haddam, Middlesex County, Connecticut ; died 1797, at New London, Connecticut, son of Elihu Jliner and Kesiah Willey. Occupation, farmer. Resided at New Lon- don and East Haddam, Connecticut. CHILDREN : Joseph ^liner, born Februai-y 10, 1772; married Olive Prentis.-j- Lucy Miner, born March 13, 1776. Jonathan Miner, born June 22, 1778. Clement Miner, born May 20, 1780. John ]\Iiner, born February 14, 1781. 40. JOANNA STEBBINS « -j ■^'"*? ^;!''""'°^ ' ?• " n 1' n '' '''"""°' * j Sarah Turner Alugall Allen Daniel Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 John Stebbins i, of Watertown j Bethia Comstock Deborah Moore Margaret j' daughter of Jabez Stebbins and Sarah Turner, born November 29, 1749 ; mar- ried WILLIAM MAPLES, born June 15, 1727; died April 13, 1821, son of Stephen Maples and Patience Fargo. Occupation, farmer. Resided at Mont- ville. CHILDREN : 53. I. Lucretia Maples, born April 29, 1781 ; married Lebbens Lathrop. 48. I. 49. II. 50. III. 51. IV. 52. V. 1026 STEBBIXS GENEALOGY. Jabez S. Maples, born Jlay 7, 1783. Abel Maples, born January 30, 1785; married Lavina . Mercy Maples, born ilarch 5, 1787 ; married Ebenezer Lincoln. Eleanor Maples, born January 5, 1789 ; married William Moore. 54. II. 55. III. 56. IV. 57. V. 42. EDWARD STEBBIWis -^ ^^,,^^ ^^„.^^^ ^^^j^^j, ^i,^^ Ijaniel Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins 2 John Stebbins i, of Water Bethia Comstock Deborah Moore Marcaret [■town I son of Jabez Stebbins and Sarah Turner, born November 16, 1751 ; died April 6, 1832; married January 13, 1774, ANN BISHOP; died July IG, 1833, daugh- ter of Eleazer Bishop and Ann . Occupation, farmer. Resided at the old homestead, Montville, Connecticut. CHILDREN: Hannah, born July 20, 1775 ; married Comstock Chapel.+ Eleazer, born November 4, 1777 [see Unidentified E.]. Turner, born February 6, 1780; married first, Desire Dart; mar- ried second, Rebecca Darrow. Susanna, born June 28, 1782. Edward, born January 12, 1785; died September 19, 1805; un- married. Sarah, born January 26, 1787 ; married Robert Dart. VII. Bishop, born April 2, 1789. Nancy, born February 20, 1792; married Jared Turner.+ Lydia, born September 16, 1794; married Daniel Darro\v.+ Mary, born November 26, 1796; married Oliver Comstock. XL Selina, born January 3, 1799; married Caleb Lyon.-|- AO TACtPUTT TUTT'M'in'D 7 i I^iic.v Stebbins « .Tolin stebbins 5 Cleraent Stebbins -4 48. J ObEFH MINER -^ ,^j^^^ ^^.^^^. ^^,.^,, ^^.^^^. ^^^^^ j,.^^^ John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 John Stelibin: Phebe Miner Deborah Moore Margare 58. I. 59. II. 60. III. 61. IV. 62. V. 63. VI. 64. VII. 65. VIII. 66. IX. 67. X. 68. XL 'Ijbins 1, of Watertown | t \ son of Lucy Stebbins and Jabez Miner, was born February 10, 1772, at New London, New London County, Connecticut ; lost at sea in the year 1803 ; mar- ried 1792, OLIVE PRENTISS; died April 6, 1841, who was a daughter of John Prentiss and Bridget Rogers. Occupation, farmer and seaman. Relig- ion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN: 69. I. Joseph ]Miner, born July 4, 1793; married Frances M. Griffing.-f- 70. II. John iliner. 71. III. Charles ]\Iiner; married (Jarhaiu; married second, • Warner. 72. IV. LtK'V ^.linf-r: married Andrev/ Tlogan. JOHN STEBBINS OF WATERTOWN. 1027 j Edward Stebbins o Jabez Stebbins ] Aun Bishop Saiah Turner •iR TTANMAH STFRRTNS ^ ( Edward Stebbins o Jabez Stebbins 5 .'D / Christopher Stebbius 4 Daniel Stelibins 3 John Stebbins ;; .Toha Stebbins i, of Watertow Abigail Allen Betbia Comstocl; Deborah Moore Margaret daughter of Edward Stebbins and Ann Bishop, born July 20, 1775 ; married COMSTOCK CHAPEL, born ilareh 9, 1768, son of Jonathan Chapel and Elizabeth Comstock. CHILDREN : 73. I. Sarah Chapel; married Abraham Adams. 74. II. Joshua Chapel; married Sarah Ann Comstock. 75. III. Mehaleth Chapel; married Moses Dart. CK WAXTriv aTfTJUTTMO 7 ( Edward Stebbins e .Tabez Stebbins 5 Christopher Stebbins 4 bO. INAJNOY blJliUlSlJNSS -| ^^y Bishop Sarah Turner Abigail Allen Daniel Stebbins 3 .Tohn Stebbins :; John Stebbins i, of Watertown ( Bethia Comstoclj Deborah Moore Margaret j daughter of Edward Stebbins and Ann Bishop, born February 20, 1792; died September 6, 1851; married JARED TURNER, born April 1, 1790; died Janu- ary 18, 1861, son of Isaac Turner and Anna Comstock. Occupation, farmer and merchant. Resided at East Lyme, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 76. I. Nancy !Maria Turner, born October 20, 1814; married Peter H. Comstock. Harriet Turner, born IMay 24, 1817: married John D. Otis. Henry E. Turner, born September 1, 1819; married Mariette S. Pitch. Albert G. Turner, boi-n September 18, 1821 ; died young. Jared Turner, born December 6, 1823 ; married Emeline S. Turner. Mary Ann Turner, born January 8, 1829 ; died March 18, 1832. /»/» T VT^TA ^TP'R'RT'M^ " ^ IMward Stebbins 6 Jabez Stebbins 5 Christopher Stebbins 4 ) Ann Bishop Sarah Turner Abigail Allen Daniel Stebbins 3 .John Stebbins 2 John Bethia Comstock Deborah Jloore Marg daughter of Edward Stebbins and Ann Bishop, born September 16, 1794 ; died December 4, 1852; married December 31, 1817, DANIEL DARROW, born August 10, 1790; died May 6, 1868, son of Nicholas Darrow and Sally Rogers. Occupation, farmer. Resided at Montville, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 82. I. Sarah Ann Darrow-, boi-n October 12, 1818 ; died young. 83. II. George Rogers Darrow, born September 29, 1820; married Char- lotte Brooks Harris; married second, Julia Theresa Turner. 84. III. Turner Stebbins Darrow, born September 24, 1822; married Mai-y W. Whaley. 85. IV. Lydia Ann Darrow, born November 10, 1827 ; married Henry A. Latham. 77. II. 78. III. 79. IV. 80. V. 81. VI. stebbins 1. of Watertown ) :aret \ 1028 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CO OfTT-KTA GT-CT3T3TXTO T ) >^dward StebWns B .labez Stehblns 5 b«. biLUNA blJliiJmJNb' -J A„„u|^i,„p saiah Tiuuei- CUiislopber Stebbius i Dauiel Stebbius ■> .lobn Stebhins -^ John Stebbins i, of Watcrtown | Abigail Allen Betbia Comstock IJeborab lloore Margaret j" daughter of Edward Stebbins and Ann Uishop, born January 3, 1799 ; died December 1, 1877 ; married August 5, 1820, CALEB LYON, born January 17, 1801; died July 13, 1882, son of Caleb Lyon and Lovice Thompson. Occupa- tion, farmer. Settled at Montville, Connecticut ; removed to Palmertown, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 86. I. Orlando Lyon, born December 21, 1823 ; married Martha Wheeler; married second, Mary Whipple; married third, Ruth Cobb. Lovice Lyon, born March 27, 1826 ; died young. Edward S. Lj'on, born Jul}' 2, 1828; died young. Ellen Lyon, born April 9, 1831; died young. Orrin Lyon, born November 1, 1832; married Sarah Ann Avery. Ann Lyon, born March 15, 1836; married Green Brown. Harriet Lyon, born December 23, 1838 ; married George Avery. Erastus D. Lyon, born April 25, 1841 ; lives at Palmertown (1896) ; unmarried. 87. n. 88. in. 89. IV. 90. V. 91. VI. 92. VII. 93. VIII. wn I aa TnavDll ■M'T'Krc'D s ! Joseph Miner 7 I-ucy Stebbins o .Tohn Stebbins 5 ba. dUbJ'.i'tl raiJNJlilC- ■^Qij^^p^.^^ji^g .Tabez Miner Sarah Miner Clement Stebbins 4 John Stebbins 3 John Stebbins 2 John Stebbins 1, of Waterto Sarah Miner Phebe Miner Deborah Moore Margaret son of Joseph Miner and Olive Prentiss, born July 4, 1793, at New London, New London County, Connecticut ; died September 15, 1848, at New London, Connecticut; married September 7, 1817, at New London, Connecticut, FRANCES M. GRIPPING ; died March 26, 1863, at New Loudon, Connecticut, daughter of James Griffing and Hannah Strickland. Resided at New London. CHILDREN: Prances M. Miner, born August 11, 1818; married I. Penner. Ellen E. Miner, born August 22, 1822 ; married N. G. Richards. William N. Miner, born September 10, 1824 ; married Mary E. Leeds. Charles Henry Miner, born September 1, 1827; married Lucretia H. Comstoek.+ Olive Prentiss Miner. George M. Miner. 94. I. 95. II. 96. III. 97. IV. 98. V. 99. VI. 97. CHARLES HENRY MINER 9 j ^o^ Joseph Miner « Joseph Miner 7 Frances M. Griffing Olive Trentiss Lucy Stebbins John Stebbins 5 Clement Stebbins 4 .Tohn Stelibins 3 .Tabez Miner Sarah Miner Sarah Miner Phebe Miner John Stebbins 2 John Stebbins i. of Watertown ( Deborah Moore Margaret j son of Joseph Miner and Prances M. Griffing, born September 1, 1827, at New London, New London County, Connectieiit ; married October 31. 1854, at New London, Connecticut, LUCRETIA H. COMSTOCK, born at New London, JOHN STEBBINS OF WATERTOWN. 102!) Coniiectieut, daughter of Christopher Comstock and Ursula Harris. Poli- tics, Democrat. Keligiou, Congregationalist. Residence, New Loudou, Con- necticut. CIHLDREN : 100. I. Christopher C. Miner; unmarried. 101. II. Lawrence W. Miner ; unmarried. 102. HI. Frances M. iliner; married Dr. Charles B. Graves. 103. IV. Charles W. Miner; died young. 1. JOHN STEBBINS f])robal)l.y same as John, sou of John, of Water- town]. CHILDREN : 2. I. Deborah; married Joseph Grimes. -)- 3. II. Mary; married Samuel Williams. -(- 4. III. Margaret; married John Howard. -(- 2. DEBORAH STEBBINS, daughter of John Stebbins ; died January 21, 1712; married November (or October) 24, 1686, at Wethersfield, Connecticut, JOSEPH GRIMES, of Hartford. CHILDREN: 5. I. !Mary Grimes, born April 3, 1688. 6. II. Henry Grimes, lioru .January 9 (or 19), 1691; married Mary Sey- mour, August 2, 1711. 7. III. Joseph Grimes, born 1693 ; died January 22, 1712. 8. IV. Josiah Grimes, born December 17, 1696. 9. V. Hezekiah Grimes, born September 26, 1700. 10. VI. Deborah (irimes, born ]May 24, 1706. 3. MARY STEBBINS, daughter of John Stebbins ; married June 24, 1697, at Wetherslield. Connecticut, SAIMUEL WILLIAMS, son of Thomas Williams. CHILDREN: 11. I. Amos AVilliams, born :\Iarch 27, 1698. 12. II. Elizabeth Williams, born April 28, 1700. 13. III. Samuel Williams, born February 3, 1702. 14. IV. Deborah Williams, born April 18, 1704. 15. V. Susanna Williams, born October 3, 1707. 16. VI. Mary Williams, born ilarch 7, 1709. 17. VII. -Joseph Williams, born .January 29, 1713. 4. MARGARET STEBBINS, daughter of John Stebbins; married Novem- ber 12, 1702, at Wethersfield, Connecticut, JOHN HOWARD. 1030 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 18. I. 19. II. 20. III. 21. IV. CHILDREN: Mary Howard, born October 11, 1703. Sarah Howard, born November 20, 1705. Lydia Howard, born January 28, 1708. Jonathan Howard, born January 1, 1714. Savage's Gen. Die. N. E. H. & G. Reg. XIV p. 49. From the Town Records of Roi- bury, Mass. N. B. H. &G. Reg. XVIII p. .326. XIX p. 139. N. E. H. & G. Reg. VIII p. 242. JOHN STEBBINS, of Roxbury, born about 1611 ; died December 4, 1681, at Eoxbury, Massachusetts; married April 17, 1644, ANNE MUNKE, born about 1630; died April 3, 1680, at Roxbury, Massachusetts. "JOHN STEBBINS, aged .seventy yeares, died the 4th of December, 1681. AN, who was his first wife, lieth by him aged 50 j-eares, died April ye 3d 1680.'' [John Stebbins married Anne Munke in 1644.] Roxbury Burial Ground. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 14, p. 54. He was married second, June 4, 1680, to WIDOW REBECCA HAWKINS. [We have been unable to find records of any children.] JOHN STEBBINS was made a freeman of Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1647. "Feb this 23, 1648. It is agreed with John Woody Constabell: the sayd John is to Fenc in the buring plas with a Fesy ston wall sefighattly don for strenk and workmanship as allso to mak a doball gatt of 6 or 8 fott wid and to hing it and to Find all stuf stons and workmanshipe and he is to ed by the first of June next, and in Considerashan of this work he is to have six pounds, and he is to pave himself oute of the town Ratt, in wittus we have hereto sett to our hands the day above Ritten. pr me John Wooddey pr me Joshua Hawes pr me John Johnson, the penalty M'as putt att [ ] Witnesse pr vs. JOHN STEBENN Benjamin Child." JOHN STEBBINS was granted six acres of land in Roxbury in 1648. He was called "Goodman" in 1662. The estate of John Ruggles, Jr.. of Roxbury, IMassachusetts, was indebted to JOHN STEBBINS for bran, September 20, 165S. On April 25, 1668, he was a witness to the will of Edward Denison. at Roxbury. "JOHN STEBENCE" is named in "A list of Captain Samuell Mosselys Company taken at Dedham the 9th of Xber 1675." CANADIAN BRANCH. , Probably all of this branch are descendants of JOHJN bltiUmiNb LJ^O- '^UJj Widow Anne Munden Saiah j and Dorothy Alexander, whose children were captured by the Indians and taken to Canada. Tauquay's "Dictionaire Geuealogique Des Families Cana- diennes, " VII, pp. 219 and 558, gives the following: "I. Stebbens, Jean. Alexander, Dorothee. Abigail — Marguerite (Mariee par un ministre a Dearfield, elle viut s'etablir a Boucherville avee son mari, sergeut dans la compagnie de TontJ^ Elle eut pour parrain le gouverneur Rigaud de Vaudreuil, et pour marraine Marguerite Bouat, espouse d'Antoine Pacaud, eommis-tresorier des Deniei's du Roy.) nee 4 Janvier 1684, a Dearfield, Noiivelle — Angleterre; b. 28 mai 1708, a jMontreal; m. 14 fevrier 1704 a Jacques Desnoions (De Noyan). Therese — Louise [Thankful] (Filleule de Francois Hertel de Perigny et de Louise De la Valtrie.) nee vers 1685, dans la Nouvelle — Angleterre; b. 23 avril 1707, a Chambly; m 4 fevrier 1711, a Adrien Grain-Lavallee, a Boucher- ville. Elizabeth, b. m. 29 juillet 1715, a Iguace Raizenne, au Lac-des- Deux-Montagnes, Joseph b. ni. 1740 Jlarguerite Sansoucy. 1740. II. Stebbins, Joseph (Jean I). Sansoucy (Elle epouse, le 25 Janvier 1761, Jean-Bte ilenard, a Chambly) Marguerite. Suzanne, b. m. 26 Janvier 1761, a Claude Benoit, a Chambly Jean- Baptiste, b. m. 5 fevrier 1762, a Marie-Joseph JIace Francois, b. 11 juillet 1751. — Marie-Anne, b. 25 mai 1753. 1762 (5 fevrier) Chambly. III. Stebbens, Jean-Bte. (Joseph II.) lSla.ce (Voy. Masse Marie-Joseph, y b. 9 juillet 1746, filleule de Francois Masse et de Mandeleine Robert) Marie- ^■^°^- Joseph (Francois II) b. 1746." The ^Modern English translation of the above is as follows: 1. JOHN STEBBINS [No. 20] and DOROTHY ALEXANDER. CHILDREN : 2. I. Abigail Marguerite (married by a minister at Deerfield. She went to live at Boucherville with her husband, who was a sergeant 1031 1032 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. in the Touty Company. She had for her ji:o(l-ffither Governor Rigaud de Vandrenil and for her godmother Marguerite Bonat, wife of Antoine Pieaud, who was treasury Clerk of the king.) born 4 January, 1684, at Deerfield, New England; baptized 28 May, 1708, at IMontreal; married 14 February, 1704, to Jacques Desnoians (De Noyau). 3. II. Therese Louise [Thankful] (god-daughter of Francois Hartel of Perigny and of Louise De la Valtrie), born about 1685, in New England; baptized 23 April, 1707, at Charably; married 4 February, 1711, to Adrien Grain-Lavallee, at Boucherville. 4. III. Elizabeth, born ; married 29 July, 1715, to Ignaee Raizenue of the Lake-of-the-Two-Mountains. 5. IV. Joseph, born ; married 1740, ^Marguerite Sansducy. 5. JOSEPH STEBBINS (son of Jean I) [see No. 94] and MARGUERITE SANSOUCY. (She married second, January 25, 1761, Jean-Baptiste Menard, of Chambly.) CHILDREN : 6. I. Susanne, born ; married 26 January, 1761, to Claude Benoit, of Chambly. 7. II. Jean Baptiste, born ; married 5 February, 1762, to Marie- Joseph Mace (or Masse, born 9 July, 1746, daughter of Fran- cois Masse and Madeline Roberts). 8. III. Francois, born 11 July, 1751. 9. IV. Jlarie Anne, born 25 ]May, 1753. 1. ALEXANDER STEBBINS, born in Canada; married MARY FOUN- TAIN. CHILDREN: 2. I. Charles S. 3. II. Alexander, born October 21, 1830; married Louisa i\Iiller.+ 3. ALEXANDER STEBBINS, son of Alexander Stebbins and :\rary Fountain, was born October 1, 1830, at Montreal, Province Quebec, Canada; died May 4, 1889, at Kankakee, Illinois; married 1851 (or 1850), at Montreal, Canada, LOUISA IMILLER, born in 1832, at Montreal, Canada; died June 14 (or May 20), 1888, at Kentland, Newton County, Indiana, who was a daugh- ter of Louis (or Peter) Miller. Occupation, carriage maker. Politics, Demo- crat. Religion, Catholic. Resided at ^Montreal, Kankakee, Illinois, Kentland, Indiana. CHILDREN: 4. I. Alexander G., born October 7, 1852 ; married Rachel Stebbins. + 5. II. Louisa, born 1853 ; died 1853. 6. III. Louis, born October 11, 1858; married Jennie Boljiek. 7. IV. Peter, born 1860; died July 7, 1867. CANADIAN BRANCH. 1033 8. V. Mary, born 1802 ; died 1«74. 9. VI. Anna, born 1864; married Marshall Budrean. 10. VII. Tilla, born 1872 ; married William Warren. 4. ALEXANDER G. STEBBINS, son of Alexander Stebbins and Louisa Miller, was born October 7, 1852, at ^Montreal, Quebec, Canada; married Sep- tember 29, 1877, at Fowler, Benton County, Indiana, RACHEL M. STEBBINS, born April 27, 1862, at Kankakee, Illinois, who was a daughter of Louis Steb- bins and Freezie Fountain. Occupation, Stockman and Real Estate. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Catholic. Resided at Kankakee, Illinois, Remington, and Kentland, Indiana, and Leon, Kansas. CHILDREN: 11. I. Fred A., born August 11, 1879. 12. II. Lilly ]\r., born September 5, 1881. 1. BECHYES STEBBINS, by occupation farmer; in religion Catholic, had a son : 2. ABRAHAM STEBBINS, who was born January 1, 1826, at St. Johns, Canada; married in 1847, at Au Sable Porks, Essex County, New York, to ROSIE LAMORGE. Occupation, farmer. Religion, Catholic. CHILDREN : Senia, born 1837. Joe, born 1839; drowned. Julia, born 1841 ; nuirried Domas Stebbins. Noah, born 1843; married Harriet Stebbins. Lewica, born 1845; married Lewis Rendio. Helen, born 1847; married George Gregwove. Andrew, born 1849; married Sophia Bayton.-f- 9. ANDREW STEBBINS, son of Abraham Stebbins and , 3. I. 4. IL 5. III. 6. IV. 7. V. 8. VI. 9. vn. born 1849, at Au Sable Forks, Essex County, New York; married in 1871, at Springfield, Massachusetts, to SOPHIA BAYTON, born 1849, at Quebec, Can- ada, daughter of George Bayton and Lewisa Bayton. Occupation, butcher. Religion, Catholic. Residence, Lull, Michigan. CHILDREN : Hattie, born ilarch 30, 1873; married Nathan Fitzpatrick. William, born November 28, 1878; drowned August 6, 1899. Frank, born April 5, 1880. Wilbert, born April 20, 1882. Gilbert, born April 20, 1882. Bertha, born November 8, 1885. ANDREW STEBBINS was somewhat of a wanderer iu his early years. He went to Canada, then returned to New York state, afterwards going to 10. I. 11. IL 12. III. 13. IV. 14. V. 1.5. VI. 1034 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Vermont, Avhere he was employed iu a marble quarry. Later he went to Massachusetts, where he was variously employed, being connected at different times with a cotton mill, the Lamb Knitting Jlachine Company, and the Springfield Gun Works. He then went to Connecticut and worked for a cutlery company. Returning to Massachusetts, he obtained employment in a machine shop at Chicopee. He removed to Shelburu Falls and worked on a farm ; and after- wards followed the same occupation in Canada. Coming back to the United States, he kept a boarding house at Chicopee, Massachusetts, worked in the Springfield Gun Works, and worked on a farm in Shotticville ; then he con- cluded to try his fortune farther west, so removed to Port Huron, Michigan, where he farmed. Soon after this he located at Lull, Michigan, where he has resided for twenty-three years. On January 27, 1900, he received his appointment as postmaster at Lull, his son Gilbert being appointed assistant postmaster. 1. CHARLES STEBBmS, born [1770 or 1780] in France (?) : died 1834 (or 1836), at Troy, New York; married before 1805, CATHERINE HAGA- DONE, who died about 1858. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Catholic. Re- sided at Troy, New York. CHILDREN: 2. I. John, born February 6, 1809 ; married Adeline Ackerman.4- 3. II. Harmon ; married Liza Asbron ; lived at Camillus, New York ; chil- dren : William, died in Civil War, Caroline and Daniel Web- ster. 4. III. Peter; married Clark; lived at Syracuse, New York; had a son William. 5. IV. Lydia ; married Charles Brooks; lived in Minnesota and had chil- dren, Charles, jMary and Delwin. 6. V. Mary ; married John Walker ; lived in Wisconsin ; had son Francis, who went to LeMars, Iowa. 7. VI. Charles; went to California. 8. VII. Christopher; lived at Clifton, California. 2. JOHN STEBBINS, son of Charles Stebbins and Catherine Hagadone, was born February 6, 1809, at Northumberland, Saratoga County, New York; died September 20, 1877, at Pittsford, Monroe County, New York; married May 1, 1831, ADELINE ACKERMAN, born August 22, 1816, at Northumber- land, New York ; died October 18, 1895, at Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, who was a daughter of Henry Ackerman and Nancy Hill. Occupation, stone mason and farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Protestant. Resided at Syracuse, New York. CHILDREN: 9. I. Charles Henry, born December 15, 1834; married I\Iary Henrietta Fisher.+ CANADIAN BRANCH. 1035 10. II. I.ydia ilargret, born 1840; married Walter Williamson. 11. III. .Mary Eliza, born January 16, 1845; married John Frederick Fisher. -)- 12. IV. Sarah Jane, born January 24, 1847 ; married Andrew ]\IeCormick.4- li. V. John Mar((uis. born December IG. 1848; married Louisa Jane Per- kins. -(- 14. YI. George Lyman, born July 30, I860; married Sarah Hallet.+ 9. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS J ^n^!! A^^^La. Cai;;::-:^ H^aLne [ sou of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman, was born December 15, 1835, at Onoudago, New York ; married ilay 31, 1866, at Pittsford, Monroe County, New York, to ilARY HENRIETTA FISHER, born August 20, 1847, in Ger- many, who was a daughter of John Fisher and Sophie Airhart. Occupation, Brick-layer. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Fairport, New York. CHILDREN: John Henry, born February 7, 1867; married Georgia I. Martin. Sarah Annetia, born February 7, 1869; married William H. Arm- strong. Franklin Charles, born October 26, 1872; died July 3, 1881. Willie Harmon, born September 8, 1873; died April 12, 1881. Janette, born February 24, 1875 ; died April 19, 1881. Edward Sanford, born August 3, 1878. alary Isabel, born IMarch 1, 1881. George Arthur, born November 26, 18S4. Roy Fred, born June 20, 1886. 24. X. Charles Truman, born December 11, 1889. 11. MARY ELIZA STEBBINS ]^°^ Ca^^^InTSooe daughter of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman, was born January 16, 1845, at Greece, Monroe County. New York; married July 4, 1865, at Monroe, New York, to JOHN FREDERICK FISHER, born October 4. 1844. in Germany; died October 5, 1874, at Pittsford, Monroe County, New York, who was a son of John Fisher and Sophie Airhart. Residence, Pittsford, New York. CHILDREN : 25. I. Charles Henry Fisher, born April 23, 1867 ; married Alice Spellman. 26. II. John IMareus Fisher, born August 17, 1869. 27. III. Adaline Sophie Fisher, born January 23, 1872. 12. SARAH JANE STEBBINS { lt;;^—„,„ ^;:^^^^... \ daughter of John Stebbins and Adaline Ackerman, was born January 24, 1847, near Rochester, New York; married February 11, 1868, at Rochester, New York, to ANTDREW MeCOR:\riCK, born IMareh 29, 1837, at Ottawa, Can- ada, who was a son of John McCormick. Residence, Harvard, New York. 15. I. 16. II. 17. HI. 18. IV. 19. V. 20. VI. 21. VII. 22. YIll. 23. IX. 28. I. 29. II. 30. III. 31. IV. 32. V. 33. VI. 34. VII. 35. VIII. 36. IX. 37. X. 1036 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: William Henry McCormick, boi-D November 12, 1869 ; unmarried. Edward James McCormick, born ;May 6, 1872; died August 5, 1886. James McCormick, born March 12, 1874 ; died IMareh 21, 1874. Stella Virginia ]McCormick, born May 16, 1875; married George Gepford; she died November 24, 1895. Sheridan Shelly McCormick, born February 13, 1877. Roscoe Conklin ]\IcCormick, born July 7, 1878. Alice .Josephine McCormick, born September 6, 1880. ilaggie Marr ilcCormiek, born August 29, 1883. Frank Fred McCormick, born September 25, 1886. Charles Lewis McCormick, born July 18, 1892. 13. JOHN MARQUIS STEBBINS J Itnne'Ar^man '^^^^^^on. \ son of John Stebbios and Adeline Ackerman, was born December 16, 1848, at South Greece, Monroe Coimty, New York; married November 8, 1870, at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, to LOUISA JANE PERKINS, born April 6, 1853, at West Palls, Erie County, New York, who was a daughter of Nelson D. Perkins and I\Iarcia Huntley. Occupation, stationary engineer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Rochester, New York. CHILDREN: Nelson -John, born April 6, 1874. ]\Iyra Louisa. Carrie Elizabeth, born July 20, 1878. Lois Adeline. Everrett Raymond. 14. GEORGE LYMAN STEBBINS, son of Johu Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman, born July 30, 1860; married in 1883, SARAH HALLET. Resi- dence, Fisher Station, New York. CHILDREN : George, born June 7, 1885. William, born October 13, 1886. Charles, born October 20, 1887. Child, born August 8, 1888. Carrie, born October 2, 1890. ]\Iary, born June 17, 1893. 1. JOSEPH STEBBINS married DESUAGE ilALLOUX. Their son : 2. JOSEPH STEBBINS, died at Abbotsford, Province Quebec; married MARGARET CADIEUX. Occupation, joiner. Polities, Liberal. Religion, Catholic. 38. I. 39. II. 40. III. 41. rv. 42. V. 43. I. 44. II. 45. III. 46. IV. 47. V. 48. VI. 3. I. 4. II. 5. III. 6. IV. 7. V. 8. YI. 9. VII. CAXADIAN BRANCH. 1037 CHILDREN : Joseph. Lewis, boru October 13, 1819 ; married Rosetta Sharkey. + Pierre; married ilargaret Sansonsie. Timothy (?). Mary; married ]\Ioise Deroche. Margaret. Adeline. JOSEPH STEBBINS was at the battle of Plattsburgh, in 1812, being Avith the British Army. 4. LEWIS STEBBINS, sou of Joseph Stebbins and :\Iargaret Cadieux, was born October 13, 1819, at St. ]\Iathias, Province Quebec ; married October 23, 1849, ROSETTA SHARKEY, born July 8, 1825, who was a daughter of Francis Sharkey and Maryette Camber. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Lib- eral. Residence, Abbotsford, Province Quebec. CHILDREN : Francis, born August 1, 1850; died January 5, 1854. ]\Iary A., born July 21, 1852; married Joseph Dufresne. Henry L., boru Jlaj' 1, 1855 ; married Arzalie Baupree. Adeline E., born September 25, 1857 ; married William Lucier. Rosina M., born December 18, 1859 ; married Octave Larose. Julia v., born November 16, 1862 ; married Pierre IMonnard. Joseph, born June 5, 1865 ; married Emilia Brillon. Arthur, born Jime 18, 1868; died April 5. 1869. Emma, born July 3, 1872; married Delphis Choiniel. LEWIS STEBBINS worked as a millwright in New York state for several years. LEWIS STEBBINS [brother of Charles] died at St. Johns, Canada. Re- sided at Vergenues, Vermont, and St. Johns, Canada. CHILDREN : 1. Charles; lives at Boston. Massachusetts. 1. CHARLES STEBBINS [brother of Lewis], born in Province of Que- bec, Canada; died 1873, at Rutland, Rutland Coiinty, Vermont; married DELIA P0T\T:N, born at Longale, Quebec, Canada; died 1871, at Rutland, Vermont. CHILDREN: 2. I. Jeremiah, born June 15, 1838: married Alice G. Baker.+ 3. II. John, born June, 1844. 4. m. Charles, born 1848. 5. IV. Tillie, born 1850; married Eugene Snyder. 10. I. 11. II. 12. III. 13. IV. 14. V. 15. VL 16. VII. 17. VIII. 18. IX. 10:58 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 2. JEREMIAH STEBBIMS, .son of Charles Stebbius and Delia Potvin, born June 15, 18o8, at Vergennes, Addison County, Vermont; married Janu- ary 2, 1866, at Ballston, Saratoga County, New York, ALICE G. BAIvER, daughter of Erastus C. Baker and Adaline Benedict. Residence, Castleton, New York. CHILDREN : 6. I. Edith E., born .May 27, 1871. 7. II. Hiram Allen, born August 12, 1875. 8. III. Walter Benedict, born June 23, 1884. JEREiMIAH STEBBINS, when a young man, left home and never returned to live at home. He went to Glen Falls, New York, and entered the service of Sheldon Benedict, where he learned the saddlery and harness trade. He i-e- mained there until September 24, 1861, when he enlisted in Company F, 77th N. Y. S. v., which regiment was organized at Saratoga Springs. Wlien the regiment reached Washington, it was assigned to the Army of the Potonuie. Mr. Stebbins with his regiment was engaged in a number of battles. For three years he was in the Third Brigade, 2nd Division of the noted Gtli Corps. He wears a medal which was given him for taking part in the battle of Gettj's- burg. He rose from the rank of 3rd sergeant to that of captain, which ofBce he held at the time he was nmstered out, April 28, 1865. He went to Ballston, New York, and in 1867 went to Battle Creek, .Michigan, where he engaged for a short time in the grocery business, then went to Greenbush (now Rensse- laer), New York, where he engaged in the saddlery and harness business, in which he continued over twenty-eight years. During this time he Tuiited with the First Presbyterian Church, of which he was an Elder and trustee for nearly twentj' years, and treasurer for ten years. In 1888 he purchased a summer home at Castleton, New York, Avhere he has since resided, with the exception of several winters spent in Sandy Hill, New York. 1. PIERRE STEBBINS Avas born in 1806, at St. :\Iachias, Quebec ; died September 26, 1892, at St. Cesaire, Province Quebec; married in 1828, at St. Cesaire, to SCHOLASTIQUE VINCENT, born in 1808, at St. Mathias, Que- bec; died in 1888 at Falls River, Massachusetts. Occupation, gardener. Re- ligion, Catholic. CHILDREN : 2. I. Pierre, born January, 1829; married Seraphine Denomville.+ 3. II. Soline, born January 27, 1831 ; married Cesarie Papineau de Mon- tigny.+ 4. III. Napoleon, born January, 1833 ; died. 5. IV. Edmond ; died. 2. PIERRE STEBBINS, son of Pierre Stebbins and Scholastique Vin- cent, born January. 1^29, at St. ]\rathias, Quebec; married in 1850, SERA- PHINE DEN0:VIVILLE, born in 1837, at St. Pierre, Quebec. Occupation, iMRS. OIMIHMA nUrUKS STEHBINS. Wife (if NapiiliMiTi L. SlfbliiiiR. NArOT.ICIlN L. STEP.P.INS. 1039 MRS. HEIIWICE I,ANnNE STEBBIXS. Wife cit Napoleon L. Stelililns. CANADIAN BRANCH. 1039 farmer. Polities, Liberal. Religion, Catholic. Residence, Fall River, ilassa- chusetts. CHILDREN : 6. I. George. 7. II. Victoria. 8. III. Louisa. 9. IV. Freeey. 10. V. Wildy. 3. SOLINE STEBBINS, sou of Pierre Stebbins and Scholastique Vincent, was born January 27, 1831, at St. Mathias, Province Quebec; married Septem- ber 26, 1853, CESARIE PAPINEAU DE MONTIGNY, born July 9, 1832, at St. Cesaire, Province Quebec; died June 9, 1895, who was a daughter of An- toine Papineau de Montigny and Mariane Benoit. Occupation, contractor and carpenter. Polities, Liberal. Religion, Catholic. Residence, St. Cesaire, Province Quebec. CHILDREN : Antoine, born October 4, 1854 ; married ^larie Robert. Clarisse, born February 12, 1856; married J. B. Mongeau.+ Clara, born April 21, 1857 ; married Antoine Farreau. Caroline, born February 9, 1859; married Alphonse Chaput. Napoleon A., born May 19, 1861. Napoleon L., born January 11, 1863 ; married first, Ophelia Du- pres ; married second, Hedwige Lanone.+ "William L., born November 18, 1866 ; married Emma Laliberte.+ George, born ilay 30, 1869 ; married Rosanua Bousquet. 19. IX. Georgianna, horn August 10, 1873. 12. CLARISSE STEBBINS, daughter of Solime Stebbins and Cesarie Papineau de ^loutigny, born February 12, 1856, at St. Cesaire, Province Que- bec ; married November 28, 1896, J. B. MONGEAU, born March 21, 1836, at St. Cesaire, Province Quebec, who was a son of Mathias Mongeau and Celeste Desforges. Occupation, shoemaker. Politics, Liberal. Religion, Catholic. Residence, St. Hj'acinthe, Province Quebec. No children. 16. NAPOLEON L. STEBBINS, son of Soline Stebbins and Cesarie Pa- pineau, born January 11, 1863, at St. Cesaire, Quebec; married ]\Iarch 4, 1883, at Troy, New York, OPHELIA DUPIUS, born March 3, 1866, at Cohoes, Al- bany County, New York; died at Green Island, New York. He married second, September 25, 1895, HEDWIGE LANONE, born April 2, 1878, at Lacadie County, Canada. Occupation, tailor. Polities, Republican. Religion, Catholic. Residence, Green Island, New York. CHILDREN : 20. I. Hector, born September 7. 1885 ; died September 25, 1886. 21. II. Arthur, born April 15, 1887. 11. I. 12. II. 13. III. 14. IV. 15. V. 16. VI. 17. VII. 18. VIII. 1040 STEBBIXS GENEALOGY. 22. III. Albert, born Juih-, 1889. 23. IV. Pihea, born September Ki, 1891 ; died .May 14. 1892. 24. V. Napoleon L., boru August 2, 1S9G. 25. VI. Hedwige K., boru Deeember 25. 1897 ; died July 30, 1898. NAPOLEON L. STEBBINS, when twelve years old, was sent to St. Andrea Commercial College, at St. Cesaire, Canada, where he remained three years. He was then apprenticed to a tailor, and. in 1880, Mas made a member of the Tailor's Union of Troy, New York. In 1881 he became a member of St. Joseph Society of Cohoes, and three months later was clet'ted financial secretary of that society. He was ad- mitted to the St. Jean Baptistc Society in 1882: and, in 1883, was one of the organizers of the Napoleon Club of Green Island, New York. In this society he has been president, secretary, and has held other offices. He organized the Star Snow Shoe Club of Green Island, and was made its president. This club took i)art in the Winter Carnival, which was held in Albany, Ncm- York, in 1888. and was awarded the first prize as the best uni- formed club in line. In 1894 he organized a French Dramatic Club, of which he was made Director and iTanager. Among other plays given by this club was the Bruno le Jeuiu^ Chasseur, ou Le Dramme Sanglant, which was written by 'SIR. STEBBINS. He has played with the Troy Dramatic Club, and also does fancy shooting. 17. WILLIAM L. STEBBINS j-i::::;^;^-^ :^;;::i:^;:;;:n^oceut \ sou of Soline Stebbins and Cesarie Papiueau, born November 18, 1866, at St. Cesaire, Roiiville, Province of Quebec ; married April 20, 1891, E!\IMA LA- LIBERTE. born February 17, 1870, at Marlborough, :Middlesex County, Massa- chusetts. Occupation, tailor. Polities, Republican. Religion, Catholic. Resi- dence, Green Island, New York. CHILDREN : 26. I. Louis, born April 5, 1892. 27. II. Rhea, born February 17, 1894. 28. IIL Julia, born February 11, 1896. 29. IV. :Maria, born November 27, 1898. 1. TOSAINT STEBBINS married MARY . Their son : 2. LOUIS STEBBINS, born June 7, 1^32, at Montreal, Canada ; married FREEZIE FOUNTAIN, born at St. :Mary. Canada. Occupation, shoemaker. Politics, People's Part\ . Religion, Catholic. Residence, Wakefield, Kansas. CHILDREN: 3. I. Louis Stebbins. born 1852; married Josephine Lagne.-|- 4. II. ^leadows. born 1856; married Emma Willis. 5. III. Sarah, born 1858; married Dan Parents. CANADIAN BKANCH. 1041 6. IV. Isaac, born I860; iiiari-icd ]\Iary ScxtDii. 7. V. Clover, born ]^iJ2; married Lizzie Deleand. 8. M.. Rachel M., born 1864; married Alexander G. Stebbins.+ T /->TTTO omTTiTjTjTXTC! j l-i>ul« Slebblns Tosalul Stebblns | LOUlb bTEBBINS (,,,„^^,^ j,,„„m^,„ ^^.y ^ son of Louis .Stebbins and Freezie Fountain, was born January 26, 1852, at St. Sazar, Canada County, Canada ; married February 1, 187li, at Kankakee, Kan- kakee County, Illinois, JOSEPHINE LA CUE, born October 29, 1856, at Bour- bonnais, Kankakee County, Illinois, wlio was ;i daughter of John Batisse La Cue and Joye Suprenant. CHILDREN : Olivine, born December 10, 187:5; married George Sanasack. Ameline, born August 9, 1875; unmarried. George, born April 24, 1877. Wilfred, born January 10, 1880. Lilly May, l)orn February 3, 1882. Ida, born May 13, 1885; died April 5, 1888. Arthur Logan, born July 23, 1887. Elmer, born October 19, 1889. Pearl, born July 18, 1894. Raymond, born October 20, 1896; died July 7, 1897. 9. I. 10. II. 11. III. 12. IV. 13. V. 14. VI. 15. VII. 16. VIII. 17. IX. 18. X. UNIDENTIFIED. The unidentitied have been arranged in families and placed in alphabetical order according to the head of each family. In eases where there are strong probabilities, although not positive proof of connection, we have indicated [in square brackets following the name] the probable connection. Noble Gen. ABIGAIL STEBBINS, of Cummington, Massachusetts, married MOSES Loomis Gen. LOOMIS. He was born in 1774 ; died in 1806, while on a visit in Canada, and was a son of Enos Loomis (of Southwiek, Massachusetts and North Gran- ville, New York) and Elizabeth Noble. vital ABIGAIL STEBBINS ; married September 24, 1797, at Providence, Rhode Records of > t- i ; Rji- Island, to JOSEPH SAUNDERS. p. 177. 1. ABRAHAM STEBBINS was born probably between 1740 and 1750; married :May 10, 1770, LYDIA DAMON. Religion, Congregationalist ; joined church at Morrisville, by letter, February 27, 1806, and became a deacon. Resided at Northampton, I\Iassachusetts ; Eaton or Morrisville, Madison County, New York. CHILDREN : 2. I. James, born 1773; married Lydia Tyler.4- 3. II. Lydia, born August 12, 1783 ; married Rufus Locke. + 4. III. Abraham ; married Hannah . ABRAHAM STEBBINS sold property in the towns of Hawley and Buck- land, Franklin County, Massachusetts, in 1791 and 1800. "Abraham Stebbins, Jr., and wife Hannah" united with the church at Morrisville, New York, in 1807. 2. JAMES STEBBINS, son of Abraham Stebbins and Lydia Damon, was born in 1773; died in 1861, at Peterboro, Madison County, New York; married to LYDIA TYLER, who was born in 1776 ; died in 1862, at Peterboro, JMadison County, New York. Religion, Jlethodist. Both united with the church at Morrisville, New York, in 1807. Resided at Morrisville and Peterboro, Madi- son County, New York. CHILDREN : 5. I. Asa. 6. II. Hannah, born in 1800; married James Anderson. She died in 1857. 1042 8. IV. 9. V, 10. VI. 11. VII. 12. VIII. UNIDENTIFIED. 1043 7. III. Joel, born in 1802; married Mary Ann Hunt. Willard, born in 1804; died in 1886. Sumner, born in 1809 ; married j\lary Ann Bennett Peirce.-|- John, born in 1809; died in 1830. Emily, born in 1810; married Walter Keeler Smith. -|- Frances, born February 12, 1812; married John Spring and others. + 13. IX. Harriet; married L. D. Coburn. She died in 1841. 14. X. Allen, born in 1817; died in 1823. 3. LYDIA STEBBINS, daughter of Abraham Stebbins and Lydia Damon, was born August 12, 1783, at Buekland, .Massachusetts; died September 24, 1848; married April 1, 1801, at Saugerfield, Oneida Coimty, New York, to RUFUS LOCKE, born December 25, 1779, at Rdudge, New Hampshire; died May 8, 1850, at Camillus, New York, who was a son of Ebenezer Locke and Phebe Mores. He married second, AZUBA BENTON. CHILDREN : 15. I. Betsy Locke, born February 21, 1802, at Schuyler, New York; married April 12, 1827, Felix Benton. 16. II. George Locke, born February 10, 1805 ; died July, 1835 ; unmarried. 17. III. Calvin Locke, born March 24, 1807 ; resided at Sherburne, New York. He died in 1841, leaving a widow, who married — Kinney. 18. IV. Rufus Locke, born April 7, 1809, at Eaton, New York; married ]\rarch 27, 1835, to Persis Jewett. 19. V. Charles Locke, born May 11, 1811 ; married first, January 13, 1834, Arvilla Titus; second, November 30, 1847, Julia Ann Stevens. 20. VI. William Locke, born December 24, 1813; married October 14, 1841, Alida C. Edick. 21. VII. JTarinda Locke, born ilay 29, 1816, at Eaton, New York : married December 11, 1839, Homer A. Richmond. 22. VIII. Oliver E. Locke, born February 29, 1820; married April 15, 1836, Sibyl Gillet. 23. IX. Henry Locke, born .June 15, 1821; lived at Elijah's Creek, Boone County, Kentucky, in 1853. 24. X. Levi Locke, born May 24, 1824, at Lenox, New York. He was a carpenter ; unmarried in 1852 ; lived at Canton, New York. 25. XI. Edward Locke, born August 17, 1826, at Lenox, New York ; un- married ; clerk in a store at Canton, New York. 9. SUMNER STEBBINS ) ^^i^'"^ "XZ^:::"'''' \ son of James Stebbins and Lydia T.yler, was born ]\Iny 12, 1809, at Cazenovia (or near Petersboro), Madison County, New York; dieil .Tuly 12, 1884, at Ken- 29. IV. 30. V. 31. VI. 1044: STEBBINS GENEALOGY. nett Square, Chester County, Pennsylvania; married September 3, 1842, to MARY ANN BENNETT PEIRCE, born December 10, 1811, at Kennett Square, Chester County, Pennsylvania ; died October 7, 1897, who was a daughter of Joshua Peiree and Susanna Bennett. Profession, physician. Polities, Re- publican. Resided at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania; Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Marshall, Michigan ; Unionville, Pennsylvania ; East Marlborough Township, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN : 26. I. Joshua Peiree, born May 30, 1843 ; married Elizabeth Richards. 27. II. Channing, liorn December 26, 1844; married Sarah Parnsworth Smith. 28. III. Sidney Peiree, born November 24, 1846; married Adolphus Darwin Woodward. + Charles Sumner, born March 1, 1848; married Sarah Ann Stubbs.-|- George Peiree, born June 10, 1850; married Mary Knight. + Mary Agnew, born ]\Iay 16, 1852; died November 11, 1853. SUMNER STEBBINS learned the trade of tailor. He settled near Ken- nett Square, Chester County, Pennsylvania, and afterwards taught school. He studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, and prac- ticed in Lionville, Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1834, and in Kennett Square, from about 1840 to 1856. He retired and moved to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he was soon made president of the school board. He read law and was admitted to the bar, in Mt. Pleasant, but did not engage in its practice. In 1859, he moved to Marshall, Michigan, where he practiced medicine and edited the "Marshall Statesman." Returning to Pennsylvania in 1860, he engaged in the practice of medicine in Unionville, Chester County, until 1881. He was one of Chester County's most distinguished and beloved resi- dents. As a debater, he was particularly strong and vigorous — an incisive speaker, and few men could stand up before his powerful invective, and his burning sarcasm. He fought slavery and intemperance with all the force of an im- petuous, energetic nature, both with his voice and pen. An essay written by DR. STEBBINS, about 1867, on "The Fruits of the Liquor Traffic and the Results of Prohibition," won the first prize offered by the National Temper- ance Society. During these years of discussion, hoAvever, the physician did not give place to the politician. The following is copied from "Proceedings of the Yearlj' IMeeting of Pro- gressive Friends" held at Longwood, Chester County, Pennsylvania, January, 1885. "SUMNER STEBBINS." "Among those who were a year ago with us and of us and now rest from the labors of this life is DR. SUMNER STEBBINS. During a long, active, earnest career he gave freely of his talents, strength and energy to the cause of the poor and weak. His was a commanding and courageous spirit which UNIDENTIFIED. 1045 in moral warfare cheered and inspired his followers and wou the respect aud admiration of his enemies. From youth to age liis armor Avas always on and he wielded the sword of the spirit against our two great national ini- quities, chattel slavery and the rimi oligarchj-. Though earnest and almost violent in eontiict his spirit was always generous and wore no taint of malice. Judged by eeelesiasticism he was not a religious man, but if pure and unde- iiled religion is to visit the widow and the fatherless he was such a man. He subscribed to no theological creed, but every fibre of his soul was alive with tender human .sympathies and his strong arm was extended to those who were ready to perish. His life has been a blessing to the earth and his memory should inspire us to press forward in every good work." 11. EMILY STEBBINS J .Tames .Stebbins Abrabam Slebbins j I L.vdia Tyler Lydia Damon J daughter of James Stebbins, of Hadley, Massachusetts, aud Lydia Tyler, was born May 11, 1810, at Peterborough, New York; died December 7, 1862, at Cazenovia, New York; married November 7, 1833, to WALTER KEELER SMITH, born September 29, 1808, at North Salem, New York, who was a son of Nehemiah Smith and Rhoda Keeler. CHILDREN : 32. I. Henry Hazard Smith, born December 13, 1834, at Nelson, New York; married Anna Louise Francisco. 33. II. Rinaldo Augustus Smith, born October 14, 1837 ; married Elizabeth Ann Evans. 34. III. Josephine Emily Smith, born ]\[arch 10, 1850, at Newark, New Jer- sey; married Judson Embury Elden. 12. FRANCES STEBBINS ) .Tames Stebbins Abraham Stebbins I I liydia Tyler Lydia Damon j daughter of James Stebbins and Lydia Tyler, was bom January (or Febru- ary) 12, 1812, at Cazenovia, Jtadison County, New York: died December 14 (or 17), 1888, at Outville, Licking County, Ohio; married, 1832, to JOHN SPRING, born about 1810, at Cazenovia, Madison County, New York; died September 5. 1847, at Newark, Licking County, Ohio. She was married sev- eral times, but names of her other husbands are not known. CHILDREN : 35. I. Gage Sherwin Spring, born May 30, 1834; married December 30, 1862, Marietta Metcalf. He died August 27, 1901. They had one .son. 36. II. Louisa Marie Spring; married William H. Smith. -f- 37. III. Hattie Spring. 1046 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 38. IV. Hattie Spring (2nd), born October 2, 1842; married Jonathan J. Smith.+ 39. V. Henry Spring, born August 1, 1846 ; married Amanda Stigers.+ 40. VI. John Spring, born May 29, 1847 ; married Mary Wright. GAGE SHERWIN SPRING was born at ilorrisville. New York, and re- moved with his parents to Newark, Licking County, Ohio, when only four years of age. He grew to manhood on a farm near the latter place, attending the district schools near his home. At the age of nineteen he commenced teaching in the di.striet schools of his county, in the meantime devoting his evening hours to the study of the higher branches in order to prepare himself for college. He spent one year in the study of higher mathematics at Dennison Universitj', Granville, Ohio. Soon after leaving college he was elected surveyor of Licking County, which ofiSee he held four years. The goal of his ambition at this time was eminence in the profession of law, and every hour which could be spared from his duties as teacher and surveyor, was devoted to the study of those works which would make him proficient in that profession. His perseverance was rewarded and he was admitted to the bar in 1865, and accepted a partnership with Attorney White of Newark. In March, 1867, he purchased a tract of land near Harrisonville, Cass County, Missouri, and removed there. He occupied many positions of trust in the county ; he was road commissioner in 1869, and assistant siirveyor, holding these positions for eighteen months. In 1872 he was elected super- intendent of schools, and continued to discharge the duties of that office for six years. In 1878-9 he represented Cass County in the State Legislature, filling the office with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. In 1879 he was nominated by the Greenback party of his congressional district for member of congress, and also became the editor of The Vindi- cator, the Greenback organ of the county, which he conducted with merit and energy. While canvassing the district during the campaign, he was thrown violently from his carriage and received injuries which compelled him to give up the race and withdraw from public life. Hoping that the ocean breezes would prove beneficial to his health, he removed in 1888 to Oregon, settling on a farm in the vicinity of McMinnville. In 1892 he removed to Tulare County, California, but in 1898 returned to McMinnville, near which place he died. lary Ann Bennett Peirce Lydla Tyler 28. SIDNEY PEIRCE STEBBINS J ^';7°'^^"'™'"' .Tames Stebblns Alirnliiim Stebbl T.ydfa Damon ns I son of Sumner Stebbins and Mary Ann Bennett Peirce, was born November 24, 1846; died May 6, 1891; married to ADOLPHIIS DARWIN WOODWARD, born in 1841 at Chester County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Albert UNIDENTIFIED. 1047 M. Woodward and Harriet ^l. Parker. Occupation, farmer. Resided at Nor- way, Chester County, Pennsylvania. 29. CHARLES SUMNER STEBBINS j ^I^'^;!;:-, ,,,,,, i^r X'"' ALiiaham Stebliius / Lyilia Pamou i SOU of Sumner Stebbins and ]\Iary Ann Benuett Peirce, was born ilarch 1, 184^, at Iveuuett Square. Chester County. Pennsylvania ; married April 11, 1872, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to SARAH ANN STUBBS, born Febru- ary 14, 1S46, at Fulton Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Anier Stubbs and Martha Lamborn Furuiss. Religion. Free. Residence, Omaha, Nebraska. CHILDREN : 41. I. Eunice, born December 'J4. 1S72; graduated at Cornell University; teacher in Omaha High School. 42. II. Joel, born July 30, 1878; graduated at ITniversity of Nebraska. 43. III. Milliceut, born July 11, 1883; graduated at Omaha High School. Occupation of CHARLES SUMN'TIR STEBBINS. 1884-1870. teacher in Delaware and Chester Comity, Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia ; 1870, Book- keeper in Philadelphia: 1870, 1887 and 1894-1898, with Union Pacitie Rail- road Company. Omaha, Nebraska: 1887-1890, ^Fanager Ecpiitable Life Assur- ance Society of New York at Omaha, Nebraska: 1890-1893, Secretary Trans- portation ^lissouri Passenger Association. Kansas City. Missouri: 1870-1872, Secretary to General ^latiager; 1872-18S0. Clerk in Passenger Department; 1880-1887, General Ticket Ajent; 1894-1898, Accountant in Auditing Depart- ment. 30. GEORGE PEIRCE STEBBINS j :;;;;:;Tr n^ullL rei.ce ^^X X'"^ .\liraliaiu Steliblns ( Lydia Damon j' son of Sumner Stebbins and ^lary Atui Beiniett Peirce, was born June 10, 1850, at Keiuiett S(iuare, Cliester County, Pennsylvania; married February 2, 1888, to MARY KNIGHT, born June 30, 1861, at Pontiae, Oakland County, J\richigan. who was a daughter of Zephaniah Reall Knight and Sarah Richard- son. Profession, Traffic Manager. Pacitie Express Company. Politics, Repub- lican. Residence, St. Louis, Missouri. CHILDREN : 44. I. Sidney K. 45. 11. Frederic L. 46. III. Sumner. oa T rtTTTOf TWA-DTC OT>T>T'Mn ( Fiaiioos SteW'liis James Stt'Wiius .Vtualiara Stebbins | 36. LOUISE MAKli 5sPKl]NG ^,,,,^^1,^,^, I.vdia Tylor™ j" dausrhter of Frances Stebbins and John Spring, was born Mav 24. 183L), at 104S STEBBINS GENEALOGY. New York; died November 6, 188.1, at Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois; married September 27, 1859, at Newark, Licking County, Ohio, to WILLIAM HENRY SMITH, born May 2, 1832, at Newark, Licking County, Ohio; died March 23, 1873, at ^leMinnville, Warren Count.v, Tennessee. Occupation, farmer. CHILDREN : 47. I. Phoneta Smith, born June 29, 1861 ; unmarried. 48. n. Fannie Smith, born February 20, 1861 ; married A. L. Pitts. OQ TTArrTT'E' CDUTMri j ^I'SDc^s Stebbins James Stebbins Abraham Stebbius | d». ilAllUL R>i'«l«U-j John Spring Lydia Tyler Lydia Damon f daughter of Frances Stebbins and John Spring, was born October 2, 1842, at Newark, Licking Countj-, Ohio ; died September 15, 1895, at Hazel Dell, Cum- berland County, Illinois; married April 3, 1862, at Newark, Licking County, Ohio, to JONATHAN JAMES SMITH, born November 1, 1837, at Newark, Ohio. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Christian. Re- sided near Hazel Dell, Illinois. CHILDREN : 49. I. Charles Henry Smith, born April 6, 1863 ; married Priscilla C. Free- land.+ QO XTTPWDV CDTJTWf J Frances Stebbins .Tames Stebbins Abraham Stebbins | ay. ninttX aritinU ^ j^^^ gp^j^g Lydia Tyler Lydia Damon f son of Frances Stebbins and John Spring, was born August 1, 1845, at NeAV- ark, Licking County, Ohio ; married October 9, 1867, at Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, to AMANDA L. STIGERS, born April 10, 1847, at Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, Avho was a daughter of John Stigers and Lucinda Eaton. Residence, Belleville, Illinois. CHILDREN : 50. I. L. Gi-ace Spring, born August 19, 1870. Hattie Spring Frances Stebbins Jonathan James Smith John Spring 49. CHARLES HENRY SMITH J James Stebbins Abraham Stebbins ( Lydia Tyler Lydia Damon f son of Hattie Spring and Jonathan James Smith, was bom April 6, 1863, at Newark, Licking County, Ohio; married July 14, 1889, at Hazel Dell, Cum- berland County, Illinois, to PRISCILLA C. FREELAND, born June 27, 1869, at Hazel Dell, Cumberland County, Illinois; died March 6, 1899, at Hazel Dell, Illinois. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Resided near Hazel Dell, Illinois. UNIDENTIFIED. 1049 CHILDREN : 51. I. Raymond Russle Smith, born September 13, 1890. 52. II. Roland Charles Smith, born August 25, 1892. 53. III. Lulu Inez Smith, born October 3, 1897. 2. I. 3. IL 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. 1. ALANSON STEBBINS [possibly son of Asahel, No. 218], was born at Monsoii, Hampden County, Massachusetts; married to ELIZABETH SHAPER. CHILDREN : Columbus, born April 30, 1825; married ]\Iary Elizabeth Lemen.+ A. B. ; lives at 4226a Blaine Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. Mary ; married Murphy, a southerner ; married second, Potter. Elizabeth ; married IMcNeil. Catherine ; married McNeil. Ellen ; died unmarried. Elizabeth and Catherine both married the same man, one marrying after the decease of the other. 2. COLUMBUS STEBBINS, son of Alauson Stebbins and Elizabeth Shafer, was born April 30, 1825, at Cincinnati, Ohio ; died December 21, 1878, at Hastings, Dakota County, Minnesota; married November 2, 1858, at Ridge Prairie, St. Clair County, Illinois, to MARY ELIZABETH LEMEN, born January 31, 1833, at Ridge Prairie, Illinois, who was a daughter of Rev. James Lemen and Mary l^ulliam. Occupation, editor. Polities, Republican. Re- ligion, Baptist. Resided at Hastings, Minnesota. CHILDREN : Mary Ellen, born September 30, 1859; died ]\Iay 31, 1871. Kate Laura, born December 2, 1867; died November 7, 1884. Jessica Jlaud, born January 30, 1874; abstract clerk United States Mint, Denver, Colorado. When COLUMBUS STEBBINS was two years old, the family moved to u. s. Bio- Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, twenty-five miles from Cincinnati, and there Dictionary he was reared on a farm. At nineteen years of age he removed to Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, and there spent two years in farming. MR. STEBBINS belonged to the class of self-made men. Possessed of a very ordinary common school education, at the age of twenty-one he pur- chased the Spirit of the West, and learned the printer's trade, editing his own paper from the start. In a few years he changed the name of the paper to The Independent. In the spring of 1857 he removed his establishment to Hastings, Minnesota, dating the first issue there on the 25th of July, 1857. After managing it alone for ten or eleven years, a partner was associated with him in its publication, and the name was changed to The Gazette. This 8. I. 9. II. .0. III. 1878-9. 1050 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. partnership continued until ilareh 4, 1878, when MR. STEBBINS disposed of his interest in the paper. It has been and is a journal of much influence. MR. STEBBINS was a Republican of whig antecedents, and attended the State convention in Indiana which organized the Republican party — one of the first state conventions of the kind in the countr.v. He was chairman of the Republican State Central Committee of Minnesota, in 1868, and was ever an efficient worker for the party. He was chairman of the Republican Cen- tral Committee in the first judicial district. Just after the civil war he spent two winters at Washington, D. C, as clerk in the "House" department. He lived the life of a pioneer printer. When he started in the business in Indiana, that part of the state was only partially settled; and when he went to ilinnesota, it was a territory. The year after he located at Hastings, the state constitution was adopted, and the sovereignty of the state was recog- nized by congress. For twenty years, with voice and pen, he strove manfully to build up the young commonwealth, which will not be likely to forget his services. Tale Gen. p.116. ALFRED STEBBINS was married May 31, 1836, to RUTH YALE, born January 24, 1818, who was a daughter of Levi Yale, of Lennox, Massachusetts, and Augusta, New York, and Mehetible . ALFRED STEBBINS was married January 28, 1830 (T. R.), at Brimfield, Records of Brlmfleld, Massachu- Massachusetts, to MARY BUTTON setts. CHILDREN : I. Daughter, born March 22, 184G (T. R.). II. Abba, born November 4, 1848 (T. R.). Spaulding Gen. p. 808. ALICE MARIA STEBBINS was born February 13, 1850, at Mansfield, New York; married September 10, 1879, to LUZERNE SPAULDING, born March 10, 1848, at Ashford, New York, who was a son of Hervey Spaulding and Clarissa Haskins. Profession, photographer. CHILDREN: I. Lutie Ethel Spaulding, born July 17. 1873, at Otto, New York. BlUs Gen. p. 215. ALLEN TRIMBLE STEBBINS was born April 10, 1827, at Euclid, Ohio ; married November 18, 1852, at Delphos, Ohio, to ELIZABETH BL0D6ETT COLTON, born October 1, 1832, who was a daughter of Harvey Colton and Sarah Bliss. CHILDREN : I. Allen Trimble, Jr., born April 24, 1856, at Fort Wayne, Indiana. II. Anna Jane, born March 4, 1859, at Delphi, Indiana; died February 20, 1863, at Toledo, Ohio. UNIDENTIFIED. 1051 ALVIN N. STEBBINS ; died September 22, 1853, at Springfield, ]\Iassachu- setts; married November 25, 1852, to ALMA EASTON. Resided at West Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : I. Alvin N., born July 19, 1854-, married November 11, 1875, Ida J. Smith. AMASA STEBBINS [probably son of Benoui (:\Iehnnian. IMehiunan). See Unidentified M.J ; died in 1853. His son: 2. ALBERT VANLONE STEBBINS, was born January 17, 1811, at Say- brook, Conueetieut: died September 2, 1865; married to ORPHA NEW- BERRY, born February 12, 1811, at Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, New York, who was a daughter of Samuel Newberry and Tamasa Bishop. Re- sided at Potsdam, New York. CHILDREN : 3. I. Mary A., born October 23, 1834 ; married H. A. Boyd.+ 4. II. Jane E., born in 1836. 5. III. Albert Polk, born in 1838. 6. IV. Orpha E., born in 1846 ; married Spencer Wright. 7. V. Harry T., born in 1850; married May Howard. 3. MARY A. STEBBINS] o;.p;;'^;^°'°°^^^^^^ Amasa Stebbins ) daughter of Albert Vanlone Stebbins and Orpha Newberry, was born October 23, 1834, at Denver, Arapahoe County, Colorado ; married to H. A. BOYD, born December 19, 1830, at Russell, St. Lawrence Countj', New York, who was a son of Bartholomew Boyd and Anna Herron. CHILDREN : 8. I. Albert H. Boyd, born February 1, 1858; married Lilly Williams. 9. IL Sam S. Boyd, born ^ 26, 1860; died October 13, 1882; unmar- ried. 10. III. Robert Briggs Boyd, born July 6, 1864 ; died September 19, 1892 ; unmarried. 11. IV. Henry James Boyd, born October 20, 1869; died December, 1881; unmarried. 12. V. Charles Boyd, born October 4, 1873; married Marianne Murphy. 13. VI. Fred Boyd, born November 12, 1875; married Hattie Thomas. ANN STEBBINS was married July 19. 1726, at New London, Connecticut, to JOHN EAMS, JR. ARTEMAS STEBBINS, of Somerset, Massachusetts; married (published Gen.^p°236. 1052 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. March 14, 1813) at Somerset, Massachusetts, to CONTENT WINSLOW (WEB-^ STER?), of Swansea, Massachusetts. N. Y. Gen. & loTsn^' ^^^ STEBBINS, of Brooklyn, New York, was married to JANE CATH- ARINE BEEKMAN, born July 11, 1813, who was a daughter of John Beek- man and Catharine Kiersted. B. Kiiby Gen. BENONI STEBBINS, of Northampton, Massachusetts, was born about p. 38. Hist. ' ^ ' NewMiiford 1G89 ; died "November 14, 1758, in the 70th year of his age"? at New Mil- ford, Connecticut; married December 19, 1717, at Milford, Connecticut, to MARY KIRBY, of Milford, born June 10, 1693, at Connecticut; died Febru- ary 17, 1771, at New ]\Iilford, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Joseph Kirby and Sarah Markham. CHILDREN : 1. Stebbins Sanford, born November 27, 1733; died April 1, 1757. He was an adopted son, being the son of Benoni's sister, Bethia Steb- bins, who married Nathaniel Sanford [No. 1899]. 2. Rebecca Herriek, an adopted daughter; married Gamaliel Baldwin. + ^l^- BENONI STEBBINS removed from Northampton, Massachusetts, in the ^"770** spring or summer of 1713, to New Milford, Connecticut, for in October of that year he purchased a Right of land there and is said in the deed, to be of New Milford. He became an influential man in that town, and held a number "• ^'- of minor offices, among which were the following, as shown by the records of New Milford. "December, 1713. At a town meeting BENONI STEB- BINGS and Stephen Noble were chosen hawards, or field-drivers." p-69. "December 16, 1723, BENONI STEBBINS & others, gave James Hine one acre of land apiece in consideration that he settle at New Milford and become their smith for a term of four years." poS- In 1724 he was given "nine pound fifteen shillings" to provide the min- ister, Mr. Boardman, with sufficient wood for the year. p3i- BENONI STEBBINS' was one of the twenty-three families who signed the petition to establish a meeting house at New Jlilford, Connecticut. p-si- "December 28, 1740. James Lake not attending the worship of God for some time before, he was named by Benjamin Bunnell and BENONI STEB- BINS to appear at the public worship." P- 101- BENONI STEBBINS was one of the sixty-four who purchased the New Milford North purchase, 1741. P-®*- The lot on which he built his dwelling was number eight in the Town Plot. He became a prosperous farmer, buying all the land adjoining his, his farm and home being noted unto this day. p- SOT. The inscriptions on the gravestones of ]\IR. STEBBINS and his wife, in the New Milford Cemetery, read as follows: UNIDENTIFIED. 1053 In memory of Mrs. ]\Iary, the wife of Jlr. BENOXI STEBBINS. deceased February ye 17, A. D. 1771, in the 78th year of her Age. Here lies buried ye body of MR. BENONI STEBBINS who died Nov. ye 14, 1758 in the 70th year of his age. Behold, all you that pass by. As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death, & follow me. In his will he gave a legacy in land to the first society of New Milford, P- ^''^^ which was sold to Jlrs. Stebbins and Zachariah Sanford in 1759, for two hundred pounds, money, and a school-house was erected in harmony with the following : "Voted, that there may be a school-house built between Doet. John Car- rington's dwelling-house (which was a little way west from ilr. William Bostwick's present dwelling) and Daniel Burrit's shop, to keep a school in for improvement of MR. BENONI STEBBINS' donation, given to this so- "' ^"• ciety for that purpose." The school house was known by the name of "Steb- bins School-house," and the school kept was a kind of free academy for some years, and, so far as we can learn, was one of the first free schools in Connecticvit. 2. BETHIA STEBBINS (sister of Benoni, of Northampton, Massachu- setts) was married about 17:20, at New Milford, Connecticut, to NATHANIEL SANFORD, born about 1682, at New ]\rilford, Connecticut; died August 20, 1771, aged 89, at Southbury, Connecticut [his first wife died in 1720], who was a son of Epliraim Sanf(n-d and Mary . CHILDREN : Zachariah Sanford, born December 8, 1722 ; married Rachel Gould.-j- Joseph Sanford. Mary Sanford. Stebbins Sanford, born in 1833; was adopted by Benoni Stebbins. Susie Sanford. Mercy Sanford. 3. ZACHARIAH SANFORD, son of Bethia Stebbins and Nathaniel San- ford, was born December 8, 1722, at Woodbury, Connecticut; died 1802, at Sanfords Ridge, Warren County, New York: married May 28, 1761, at New Milford, Connecticut, to RACHEL GOULD, born ilarch 12, 1735, at New Milford, Connecticut; died April 8, 1813, at Sanford 's Ridge, New York, who was a daughter of Job Gould and Sarah Prindle. Occupation, farmer. CHILDREN : 9. I. Benoni Stebbins Sanford, born March 2, 1762; married Prudence Bostwick. 3. I. 4. 11. 5. III. 6. IV. 7. V. 8. VI. 1054 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Mary Sauford, boru January 2, 1765; married Charles McDonald. David Sanford, born November 14, 1769 ; married Amey Hartwell.+ Phebe Sanford, born in 1770; died aged three years. 10. II. 11. III. 12. IV. 11. DAVID sanford] Zacliariali Sanford Bethia Slebbins Uachel Gould Natbaniel Sanford son of Zachariah Sanford and Rachel Gould, was l)oru November 14, 1769, at New Milford, Connecticut; died April 4, 1815, at Sanford 's Ridge, Warren County, NevF York; married July 1, 1790, at New Milford, Connecticut, to AMEY HARTWELL, born August 18, 1773, at New :Milford, Connecticut; died 1835, at Sanford 's Ridge, Warren County, New York, who was a daugh- ter of Joseph Hartwell and Rebecca Sherman. Occupation, farmer. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Sanford 's Ridge, Warren County, New York. CHILDREN : 13. I. Rebekah Sanford, born April 4, 1791; married John H. Hitch- cock. 14. II. Rachel Sanford, born July 2, 1793; married Abraham L. Vanden- berg. 15. III. Henry Sanford, born July 11, 1798; died aged fifteen years. 16. IV. Elijah Sanford, born October 25, 1801 ; died young. 17. V. Delia Maria Sanford, born June 11, 1803; married Nehemiah Sheldon. 18. VI. George Sanford, born October 25, 1805; married Louisa C. Gibbs.+ 19. VII. Emily Frances Sanford, born May 7, 1809. 20. VIII. Amy Emeline Sanford, born October 10, 1811 ; married Orlin Mead. 1C n-Vf\i>mp o A ■MT'r»T>'r» ) IJ"'*'''! ''^''°f°''<' Zacliariali Sanford Bethia .Stebbins I 1». LriiUKLflii &AJNJ;UKU^^„,^yi,3,.j„g„ itachel Gould Nathaniel Sanford f son of David Sanford and Amey Hartwell, was born October 25, 1805, at San- ford's Ridge, Warren County, New York; died ]\Iareh 24, 1862, at North Gran- ville, Washington County, New York; married January 8, 1834, to LOUISA C. GIBBS, born May 24, 1812, at North Granville, Washington County, New York; died March 3, 1857, at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who was a daughter of Leonard Gibbs and Betsey Roberts. Profession, physician. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Presbj'terian. Resided at Glens Falls and Syracuse, New York. CHILDREN : 21. I. Emma Louisa Sanford, born July 24, 1835 ; married Byron Rice. 22. II. George Henry Sanford, born December 14, 1836; married Helen B. Stevens. 23. III. Leonard Gibbs Sauford, born February 1, 1839; married Lillias J. Rumsey.-f- 24. IV. Edward Rollin Sanford, born ilay 14, 1840; married Julia A. Wright. 25. V. David Sanford, born December 29, 1845; married Adele W. Abbey. Kethia Stebliius / Xathaniel Sanford j UNIDENTIFIED. 1055 26. VI. Harriet Elizabeth Sanford, born September 12, 1848; died April 15, 1871; unmarried. 27. VII. Orlin Mead Sanford, born May 13, 1856; married Hetty B. Reid. 23. LEONARD GIBBS SANFORD V, "'"■''" ,^^"•?;■'' David sanford j I..imsa ( . Gibbs Aniey Hartwell Zaehariali San£ord Rachel Gould son of George Sanford and Louisa C. Gibbs, was born February 1, 1839, at Glens Falls, Warren Count.y, New York ; married May 20, 1874, at Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York, to LILLIAS J. RUMSEY, born at Seneca Falls, Seneca Count}', New York, who was a daughter of John A. Rumsey and Anna Freeland. Residence, Seneca Falls, New York. CHILDREN : 28. I. John Rumsey Sanford, born June 9, 1876; Assistant Paymaster United States Navy. 29. II. Anna Louise Sanford, born February 1, 1879; died February 4, 1883. BETHIAH STEBBINS [probably daughter of No. 13, Christopher, of John of Watertown branch] ; married November 7, 1751, at New London, Connecticut, to CHRISTOPHER STRICKLAND. CARLOS A. STEBBINS had a daughter, JANE E. STEBBINS, who was born in 1827 at Xmvark, Wayne County, New York; married to HENRY NOVESS, who was born in England. CHILDREN : I. Henry C. Novess. II. Frank E. Novess. III. Ira F. Novess. IV. Alonzo C. Novess, born .January 3, 1859: a photographer at Mt. Clem- ens, Michigan. V. Amelia F. Novess. 1. CHARLES STEBBINS, was born probably between 1800 and 1820. Occupation, sailor on Lake Erie. CHILDREN : 2. I. Ebenezer: married Jennie Balleu.4- 3. II. Lucinda. 4. III. Sarah. 5. IV. Hattie. 6. V. Charles. 1056 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 2. EBENEZER STEBBINS, son of Charles Stebbins, was married 1868, at Princeton, Mercer County, Missouri, to JENNIE BALLEU, born at Prince- ton, Mercer County, Missouri. CHILDREN : 7. I. Pocahontas; married ChiIberge.-(- 8. II. ]\Iartha J. ; married Joseph Staral.-f- 9. III. Charles: died, aged one year and eight months. 7. POCAHONTAS STEBBINS ] j^^™''^'gJ,'J|J''''°'' cuai-ies stebbin s » daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Jennie Balleu; married CIIIL- BERGE. CHILDREN: 10. I. William Chilberge. 11. II. George Chilberge. 8. r/IARTHA J. STEBBINS V,^'""Tm / .lennit' Ball Stebbins Chai-les Stebbins leu ■ daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Jennie Balleu; died aboiTt 1895; married to JOSEPH STARAL. CHILDREN : 12. I. John Staral ; dead. 13. II. Otto Staral. raicott N. Y. CHARLES STEBBINS was married to ELIZABETH NEALY, who was a Families' daughter of David Nealy and Roxa Goodrich. p. 532. strong Gen. CHARLES AUGUSTUS STEBBINS, of Westfield, Massachusetts, was stebbins born probably between 1839 and 1841; married December 14 (or 13), 1867 (or 1866), at Huntington, ^Massachusetts, to ELLEN RUTH SANFORD, born January 18, 1841, who was a daughter of Daniel Sanford and Rhoda Laurinda Clapp. Occupation, organ builder. 1. CHARLES FREDERICK STEBBINS was born in 1806 at Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island; died October 10, 1864, at Providence, Provi- dence County, Rhode Island ; married to ANGELINE THORPE, born at Cum- berland, Providence County, Rhode Island ; died December, 1870, at Cxaa- berland. Providence County, Rhode Island, who was a daughter of George P. Thorpe and Mary Fiske. Occupation, Overseer. Politics, Democrat. Resided at Providence and Woodsocket, Rhode Island. CHILDREN : 2. I. Mary Frances, born 1835. 3. II. Charles Henry, born February 17, 1837 ; married Adelia Mitchell. + UNIDENTIFIED. 1057 3. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS, son of Charles Frederick Stebbins and Angeliiie Thorpe, was born Februarj^ 17, 1835 (or 1831), at Smithfield, Providence Coimty, Rhode Island; married 1853, to ADELIA :\IITCHELL, born 1840, at Woonsocket, Rhode Island; died August 10, 1893, at Staten Island, New York, who was a daughter of Patrick [Mitchell. Occupation, mechanic. Politics. Democrat. CHILDREN : 4. I. Cora E., born February 17, 1857: married Charles Olney Arnold. -]- 4r A ■!:> arn-cns-DTXTC! i Charles Henry Steliliins Charles Frederick Stebbins | . CORA £. SlEBlitNS^_^j^,i_,^Ii,^bell Anseline Thorpe f daughter of Charles Henry Stebbins and Adelia Mitchell, was born February 17, 1857, at Providence, Rhode Island; married November 26, 1874, at Woon- socket, Rhode Island, to CHARLES OLNEY ARNOLD, born April 19, 1855, at Woonsocket, Rhode Island, who was a son of Amasa Smith Arnold and Ann Eliza Whitaker. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. R-eligion, Uui- versalist. Residence, Woonsocket, Rhode Island. CHILDREN : 5. I. Charles Amasa Arnold, born October 22, 1895. CHESTER STEBBINS [probably son of Moses, No. 181]; married to Treat ^.^ ELIZABETH MARSTON HARROD, who was born June 8, 1776; died June "'° '' '' ' 16, 1862, and was a daughter of Joseph Harrod and Anna Treat. Occupa- tion, printer, member of the firm of Greenough & Stebbins. Residence, Boston. 1. CHRISTOPHER STEBBINS [possibly son of Sherman Stebbins. See g^^'°j;'fi4. L^nidentified S.J, was born January 24, 1797; died January 13, 1875; married January 20, 1820, to SOPHRONIA GREENT^EAF, born August 17, 1799, at Northampton, Massachusetts, or Augusta, Oneida County, New York; died September 23, ISSO, who was a daughter of Tilly Greenleaf and Polly Spof- ford. CHILDREN: 2. I. Amelia, born November 15, 1820; married Henry Stillman.-(- 3. II. Joseph, born November 7, 1822 ; married Farrington. 4. III. William Alonzo, born August 28, 1824; married Eliza Manchana Farrington,-J- 5. IV. ilary Eliza, born April 15, 1827; married November 3, 1846, James Keyes. She died June 19, 1847. 6. V. Eugene, born August 24, 1829 ; married 1846 . 7. VI. Ruth S., born December 15, 1831 : married James Keyes. + 8. VII. Lucy, born December 18, 1834 ; married 1856 Wakely. She died September 30, 1861. 9. VIII. Frank. 07 1058 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 2. AMELIA STEBBINS, claiighttT of Christopher Stebbins and Soph- ronia Greenleaf, was born November 15, 1820; married to HENRY STILL- MAN. CHILDREN: 10. I. Franklin Stillman. 11. II. Engene StiUman. 12. III. Alice Stillman. 13. IV. Dwight Stillman. 14. V. Ella Stillman. 15. VI. Charles Stillman. 4. WILLIAM ALONZO STEBBINS, son of Christopher Stebbins and Sophronia Greenleaf, was born Axigust 28, 1824; married to ELIZA JIAN- CHANA FARRINGTON, born September 27, 1826. CHILDREN : 16. I. Orlando A., born January 26, 1845; married Bell Carrol; had two children. 17. II. Ada G., born May 7, 1858 ; married Cogan. No children. 7. RUTH S. STEBBINS, daughter of Christopher Stebbins and Sophronia Greenleaf, was born December 15, 1831; married December 3, 1853, to JAMES KEYES. CHILDREN : 18. I. Emery A. Keyes, born August 6, 1855; married October 6, 1879; lives at Deansville, New York. 19. II. Jessie Eliza Keyes, born June 27, 1858; married November 6, 1883, Jenks. 20. III. Mary Gertrude Keyes, born 1865; died March 26, 1866. 21. IV. -James De Laney Keyes, born August 6, 1867 ; lives at Deansville, Oneida County, New York. CLEMENT STEBBINS [perhaps son of John = (Clement ^ John », .lohn 2, John of Watertown)], Avas born at New London, Connecticut; married [2d (?)] to CHARLOTTE AIL WOOD, born at Boundbrook, New Jersey. Had a son, JASON STEBBINS, who was born June 8, 1823, at Hector, Tompkins County, New York; married to PRANCES C. SIMITH, born June 15, 1835, near South Lyon, Oakland County, IMichigau, who was a daughter of Nehemiah Smith and Hawks. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. Charlotte Eliza, born August 21, 1866, at Detroit, Michigan; married F. M. Briggs; lives at 3635 Rhodes Avenue, Chicago. II. Jason, born November 16, 1867, at Greenfield, Wayne County, Michigan. UNIDENTIFIED. 1059 III. Nehemiah, born July 20, 1869. IV. Mary, bom February 5, 1874, at Detroit, Miehigau; married W. R. Fer- guson. V. Sarah, born January 28, 1876. VI. Frances, bom September 21, 1877, at (ireenfielcl; married J. C. Tapp. JASON STEBBINS moved to Seneca County, x\ew York, about 1827 ; and, in 1833, moved to Howell, ilichigan. In 1838 he went to Ann Arbor, where he lived about seven years, then moved to Detroit. After a residence of thir- ty-live years in that city, he removed in 1893, to Chicago. D. 1. DANIEL STEBBINS [probably brother of Rufus (see Unidentified R.) and Thomas (see Unidentified T.)] was born [about 1750-60?]; married to RUTH GOOD WELL (or GOODWILL). CHILDREN, born at Wilbraham: 2. I. John Alden, born 1784 : married Phillips. + 3. II. Daniel, born January 19, 1786 (T. R.) ; married Sally Goodwin. -j- 2. JOHN ALDEN STEBBINS, son of Daniel Stebbins and Ruth Good- well, was born 1784; died about 1830, at Sackett's Harbor, New York; mar- ried to Phillips. Occupation, blacksmith. CHILDREN, born at Ft. Edward : 4. I. Nancy, born in 1793 ; married Joseph Phillips. -f- 5. II. Daniel R., born in 1808; married Mary Palmer. 6. III. Solomon Alden, born July 31, 1810 ; married Rachel Maria Lincoln. -j- 7. IV. John ; unmarried. 8. V. ]\Iary ; unmarried. JOHN ALDEN STEBBINS emigrated to Sackett's Harbor about 1820. Solomon A. and Daniel R. went to Buffalo about 1833 (or 1835), then to Mau- mee and Toledo, Ohio, about 1836. Daniel R. died there in July, 1873, and left one child, Sarah, who married James Paige. Sarah (Stebbins) Paige died September, 1896, at Toledo, Ohio. JOHN ALDEN STEBBINS was in the war of 1812, from Ft. Edward, Vermont. In 1813 he removed to Sackett's Harbor, New York. His father, DANIEL STEBBINS, served in the Revolutionary war, and was with Marion in the Carolinas. His son, DANIEL R. STEBBINS, went to Buffalo, New York, in 1833, with his brother, Solomon, and to Maumee City, Ohio, in 1836. Soon after- wards he removed to Toledo, Ohio, at which place he died. In 1848 he built and partly owned the fine steamer G. P. Griffith, which was destroyed by fire, June 17, 1850. Three hundred lives were lost. The following is copied from his obituary: lOGO STEBBINS GENEALOGY. "jMR. STEBBINS gallantly stood by his post at the engines until the last hopes of saving the boat was abandoned, and then after a severe scorching yielded to the rapidly advancing flames. He secured a boat and conveyed a lot of passengers to the shore, instilling courage and fortitude into them by his own demeanor. He returned again and again, carrying away large loads each time. His overexertions at this terrible period provoked an attack of paralysis, which at last caused his death." He left no family but a wife and daughter, who have since died. 3. DANIEL STEBBINS, of North Chester, JTassaohusetts, son of Daniel Stebbins and Ruth Good well, was born January 19, 1786 (T. R.), at Wilbra- ham, Massachusetts ; died March 8, 1863, aged 77, at Covington, Tioga County, Pennsylvania; married SALLY GOODWIN, born June 4, 1792, at Amesby, Essex County, IMassachusetts ; died June 15, 1843, at Chester, Massachusetts. He married second, MARY HULBERT. Religion, IMethodist. CHILDREN : 9. I. Randall Sissou, born October 3, 1808; married Isabel W. Carpen- ter.+ Sarah Almina ; married "William Gillmore. Ruth Elzina; married James Tillson.-)- John Goodwell, born March 14, 1814; married Betsey Everett.+ Rocena (or Rowena), born in 1816; married Isaac Berry. James K. Polk. George M. Dallas. 6. SOLOMON ALDEN STEBBINS J !!^'^;';,fir''" RuttGoodwen' [ son of John Alden Stebbins and Phillips, was born July 31, 1810, at Fort Edward, New York; died February 19, 1882, at Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; married November 6 (or 2), 1833 (or 1834), at Oswego, New York, to RACHEL MARIA LINCOLN, born January 31, 1814. at Utica, New York; died July 21 (or 12), 1881, at Tobdo, Lucas County, Ohio, who was a daugh- ter of Calvin Lincoln and Maria Hickox (or Rachel Cory). Occupation, ma- chinist. Politics, Republican, Religion, Methodist. Residence, Jefferson County, New York, Toledo, Ohio. CHILDREN: Henry Harrison, born August 12, 1834; married Angelina Martin. Addie M., born April 12, 1837; married James Van Duyii.+ Cornelia Ann, born August 24, 1842; married Albert Whitlock. Charles Howard, born August 27, 1845 for 1846) ; married Lillian Cleveland. 20. V. Edward Albert, born November 20, 1848 ; married Harriet A. Green- away. 20a. VI, Solomon A. ; died young. [See Unidentified G.] 10. II. 11. III. 12. IV. 13. V. 14. VI. 15. VII. 16. I. 17. II. 18. III. 19. IV. UNIDENTIFIED. 1061 SOLOMON ALDEN STEBBINS lived at Sacketfs Harbor, New York, from 1813 until 1839, wlien he removed to IMaumee City, Ohio. He was a machinist, and built the machinery for the steamboats "St. Louis," "Judge Wolcott," and "General Harrison." The last twenty-five years of his life were spent in Toledo, Ohio. His son, EDWARD D., enlisted February 12, 1864, in Company B., 25th Ohio Veteran Vohuiteer Infantry. He was wounded at Columbia, South Carolina, and was mustered out in June, 1866. SOLOMON STEBBINS removed to Wisconsin in 1852, and a year later went to Maumee, Ohio. He remained there only a year, then removed to Toledo, Ohio, where he purchased eighty acres of land where Woodlawn Cemetery is now situated. MAMPV ^T'P'R'RT'W^ i ■^°^^ Alden Stebbins Daniel Stebliins Kutb *;oo(l\veII daughter of John Alden Stebbins and Phillips, was born 1793, at Fort Edward, New York; died May 20, 1865, at Adams, Hillsdale County, Mich- igan; married 1814, near Sacketfs Harbor, New York, to JOSEPH PHILLIPS, born 1789, at Vermont; died 1863, at Adams, ^Michigan, who was a son of Charles Phillips and Anna Stebbins. CHILDREN : 21. I. Jane Ann Phillips, born September 9, 1817; married Rufus John- son. 22. II. Hannah Phillips, born May 16, 1819 ; married James Smart. 23. III. Joseph Richardson Phillips, born Jlareh 12, 1821 ; married Cather- ine Day.-j- 24. IV. Daniel S. Richardson Phillips, born September 27, 1823 ; married Almeda Cook. 25. V. William R. W. Phillips, born April 27, 1825; married Esther St. John. 26. VI. John Albert Phillips, born August 16, 1827; unmarried. 27. VII. Almond Phillips, born October 9, 1829 ; iinmarried. 28. VIII. JIaria S. Phillips, born January 7, 1831 ; married Orson Carpenter. 29. IX. Lydia A. Phillips. 30. X. Roderick C. Phillips, born January 26, 1839. 31. XI. Chester R. Phillips, born January 26, 1839. 9. RANDALL SISSON STEBBINS ] g^,';|.'J,'^, stebbins Daniel Stebbins } odwin Kutb Goodwell \ son of Daniel Stebbins and Sally Goodwin, was bom October 3, 1808, at Mid- dlefield, Massachusetts ; died March 6, 1888, at Pittsfield, 3Jassachusetts ; mar- ried April 10, 1834, at New Lebanon, New York, to ISABEL WHEELOCK CARPENTER, born July 6, 1S12, at New Lebanon, New York; died April 8, 1889, at Pittsfield, [Massachusetts, who was a dan.ehter of Rufus Carpenter and Tersa Cowles. 32. I. 33. II. 34. III. 35. IV. 36. V. 37. VI. 38. VII. 39. VIII. 40. IX. 41. X. 42. XI. 1062 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : Sarah Isabel, boi-n February 7, 1834 ; married Calvin C. Robinson. Elziua, born April 23, 1836; married Elislia Converse Tower.4- Dan Randall; died young. Rovvena, born April 2, 1839; married Charles Presby. Caroline Matilda ; died young. Charles "Wesley, born April 26, 1843; married Mary K. Remick.-|- Ella Cynthia, born June 28, 1847 ; married :May 30, 1868, Marcus M. Watkins. Lorenzo Hand; died young. Martha Josephine. Caroline Josephine, born October 6, 1853; married George Ayer. John Carpenter, born August 21, 1857; died unmarried. 11. RUTH ELZINA STEBBINS J ^:^l^^ "^l^^ \ daughter of Daniel Stebbins and Sally Goodwin, was born IMarch 1, 1815; married November, 1840, to JAMES TILLSON, born November 17, 1818, who was a son of Caleb Tillson and Betsey Thurston. Occupation, machinist. Resided in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. CHILDREN : 43. I. James Lafayette Tillson, born July 29, 1842; died December 28, 1856. 44. II. Caroline Elizabeth Tillson, born October 18, 1843; married April 14, 1868. Adelaide Elzina Tillson, born October 8, 1845; unmarried. Malinda Rowena Tillson, born February 28, 1847; married April 4, 1868, Francis Marion Weaver. Imogene Tillson, born November 18, 1854 ; died February 24, 1863. John Charles Eremont Tillson, born May 26, 1856. 45. III. 46. IV. 47. V. 48. VI. 12. JOHN GOODWELL STEBBINS | Daniel Stebbins Daniel Stebbins | Sally Goodwin Ruth Goodwell |" son of Daniel Stebbins and Sally Goodwin, was born March 28, 1814, at Fitch- burg, Massachusetts ; died April 19, 1S75, at Covington, Tioga County, Penn- sylvania; married March 17, 1837, to BETSEY SEVER EVERETT, born April 14, 1815, at Massachusetts; died April 28, 1886, at Marshalltown, Iowa, who was a daughter of Andrew Everett. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Methodist. Resided in Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 49. I. Marietta, born April 13, 1839; married David Berry.+ 50. II. Dan Andrew, born April 8, 1841 : married Mary Furman.+ 51. III. Lovina C, born March 21, 1843; married Charles D. Westlake.-f- 52. rV. Phebe E., born October 12, 1845 ; married Bennett Leseuring ; she died April 30, 1882. UNIDENTIFIED. 1063 53. V. James Franklin, born October 6, 1847 ; married Lettie MeCurdy.+ 54. VI. John Wesley, born Jlarch 12, 1850; mari-ied Susan A. Munk.+ 55. VII. Rosa M., born May 19, 1853; married Oliver C. Talpey.+ 56. VIII. Delia, born May 27, 1857. JOHN GOODWELL STEBBINS engaged in farming, and also took large contracts for cord wood and hemlock bark. At dififerent times he ran a saw mill and burned charcoal. Early in the spring of 1853 he removed from his home in Massachusetts, to Covington, Pennsylvania, where he obtained em- ployment in the Tannery of Isaac Berry. The business did not prove agree- able to him, so he remained there only three years. He had obtained a process of tanning deer skin white, which he made into gloves and mittens for gen- tlemen's wear. When the Civil war broke out, he enlisted in Company H, 50th New York Volunteer Engineer Corps. This company was sent ahead to construct pontoon bridges. Through the exposure incident to this work he contracted pneumonia and was for some time confined in the hospital. After a brief furlough he returned to his company, but soon secured his dis- charge. He never fully regained his health. After his death jMRS. STEB- BINS went west to live with her sons. 117 A r»T»TP TUT 0'T>TiT>T>TTVTO ( SoIomoD Alden Stebbius .ToUn .\lden Stebbins 1{. AUDli M. bTSBBIJNS-^,;^^^^,jj^,.i3j,„^,,i^ riiiUips Haniel Stebbins ( liiith Goodwell \ daughter of Solomon Alden Stebbins and Rachel ilaria Lincoln, was born April 12, 1837, at Sackett's Harbor, New York; married July 12, 1857, at Wida. Wisconsin, to JAMES VAN DUYN, born July 26, 1833, at Clinton, Indiana. Residence, Silver Plume, Colorado. CHILDREN : 57. I. Charles Van Duyn, born June 21, 1858. 58. II. ]Mary Van Duyn, born September 16, I860; married J. Smith. 1Q r'TTATJTTPO limi7-AT>Tk CT1?-DT!TTVTO j Solomon .\Iden Stebbins John Alden Stebbins 19. CHARLES HOWAED STEBBINS ^^ ^,^^^^^^ j,^..,^ j^j^^^i^ p^inip^ Daniel Stebbins ( Ruth Goodwell j son of Solomon Alden Stebbins and Rachel Maria Lincoln, was born August 27, 1846, at Buffalo, Erie County, New York ; married February 8, 1875, at Toledo, Lucas County. ()hio (or Monroe, ^fonroe County, Michigan), to LIL- LIAN ANN CLEVELAND, born May 24, 1856, at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, who was a daughter of Ward Cleveland and Ann Bryant. Occupation, banker. Polities, Republican. Residence, Toledo, Ohio. CHILDREN : 59. I. Charles Cleveland, born February 12. 1876 (or April 28, 1877) ; died July 4, 1877. 1064 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 60. II. Lotta Rachel, born April 1, 1881. 61. III. Howard Lincoln, born February 28, 1884. 62. IV. Alden Hubert, born October 10, 1887. CHARLES HOWARD STEBBINS was a member of Company K, 25th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, enlisting March 19, 1863. He was wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and was mustered out, September 2, 1863. 20. EDWARD ALBERT STEBBINS I':';^7M;^•faT™" '°''° ^ rminp?"" Daniel Stebbins Kuth Goodwell son of Solomon Alden Stebbins and Rachel j\Iaria Lincoln, was liorn Novem- ber 20, 1848, at Buffalo, New York ; died November 30, 1899, at Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio; married December 13, 1871, at Monroe, ]\Ionroe County, Mich- igan, to HARRIET A. GREENAWAY, born April 7, 1852, at Devonshire, England, who was a daughter of Thomas Greenaway and Harriet Taylor. Occupation, engineer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Baptist. CHILDREN : 63. I. Edward S., born October 5, 1873 ; married Cara Ashe. 64. II. Harrison T., born September 15, 1878. 65. in. Ella H., born January 5, 1885. EDWARD ALBERT STEBBINS removed to Toledo, Ohio, with his par- ents, when he was six years old, and spent the remainder of his life in that city. One of his early pastimes was catching crickets, and we should .judge that he was very industrious in this respect, from the fact that his older sis- ter states that one summer he i;sed up twenty-seven straw hats in his en- deavors to catch the crickets. At the age of fifteen he enlisted in the 25th Regiment Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, his age not being questioned, as at that time he measured six feet three inches. He served two years and five months. Shortly after returning from the war, he went on the great lakes with his brothers, and later learned engineering on the lakes. After his marriage he left the lakes and worked at stationary engineering. He early evinced an interest in Christianity, and when twenty-three years of age, joined the Olive Street Baptist Church of Toledo, continuing an active and influential member until his death, at which time he was Chairman of the Board of Trustees. He lived a quiet life — always at home with his family. He was buried in WoodlaA\^l Cemetery, the site of his boyhood home. 23. JOSEPH RICHARDSON PHILLIPS ■! ^'"°^^ th'^;'"'' John A lden stebbins ( Joseph Phillips Phillips Daniel Stebbins | Ruth Goodwell ( son of Nancy Stebbins and Joseph Phillips, was born ^larch 12, 1821, at Saekett's Harbor, New York: married September 22, 1856, at Adrian, Mich- UNIDENTIFIED. 1065 igan, to CATHARINE DAY, born April 8, 1838, at Waterloo, New York. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Jlethodist. Residence, Hudson, jMiehigau. Vi VJ 7TKA ^STFRRTN^ i Itamlall Sisson Stebbins Dan Stebbins Daniel Stebbins ) OO. j:i1jZiJ_L>A OirjCCliNO -j jggli^l ^.^ggl^^^ ,,gj.ppjjj^i. sally Goodwin Kuth Goodwell J daughter of Randall Sisson Stebbins and Isabel Wlieelock Carpenter, was born April 23, 1836, at Chester (or Hinsdale), Massachusetts; married July 4, 1856, at Hinsdale, Massachusetts, to ELISIIA CONVERSE TOWER, born December 10, 1834, at Worthingtou, Hampshire County, Massachusetts; died August 7, 1886, at Worthington, Massachusetts, who was a son of Lyman J. Tower and Lucy C. Converse. Occupation, manufacturer. Politics, Demo- crat. Residence, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 66. I. Clifton Elisha Tower, horn August 30, 1857; married Caroline Cooley. 67. II. Meda Isabel Tower, born May 6, 1859; died ]\Iay 31, 1896; un- married. 68. III. Hugh Randall Tower; died young. 69. IV. Addie Imogene Tower, born August 16, 1862; died August 22, 1863. 70. V. Willard R. Tower, born September 16, 1864; died September 16, 1865. 71. VI. Rosa Georgiana Tower, born July 20, 1866; married Harry Humphrey Read.-|- 72. VII. Eva Elzina Tower, born May 6, 1868 ; died September 19, 1869. 73. VIII. Mame Tower; died yoinig. 74. IX. Maud Josephine Tower, born September 7, 1873; died September 17, 1874. 37. CHARLES WESLEY STEBBINS - f^f f' ^'■'";° ^'"'^^'"^ , ?''° l^'^^^"^ j Lsabel \^ beelock Carpenter Sally Goodwin Dan R aniel Stebbins j uth Goodwell j sou of Randall Sisson Stebbins and Isabel Wlieelock Carpenter, was born April 26, 1843, at Hinsdale, Berkshire County, Massachusetts ; married March 17, 1871, at Lawrence, Massachusetts, to MARY K. REMICK, born July 22, 1848, at Danville, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of John Remick and Hannah Brackett. Occupation, clerk. Politics, Republican. Religion, Pro- testant. CHILDREN : 75. I. Charles Randel, born March 27, 1873. 76. II. Harriet May, born July 30, 1874; died November 17, 1877. 77. III. Hannah Isabel, born November 8, 1876 ; died August 7, 1877. 78. IV. John Remick, born January 31, 1878; died July 22, 1878. 79. V. 80. VI. 81. VII. 82. VIII. 83. IX. 84. X. 1066 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Mary Isabel. Nina Josephine, born ]\Iarch 5, 1882. John Wesley, born October 18, 1883. Hannah Ella, born July 5, 1885; died July 17, 1887 (?). Georgiana, born January 12, 1888. Ella Rowena, born April 17, 1897. CHARLES WESLEY STEBBINS served during the civil war as a mem- ber of the 27th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Aa -vr A-DT-PTT A OTf 13 15X1*10 I Tolm Goodwell Stebbins Dan Stebbins Daniel Stebbins ) 4». MAKUlillA £)lJ!.UliiJNb^3^j^^yg^^^^,.j,^^j.^jj Sally Goodwin Ruth Goodwell \ daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett, was born April 13, 1839, at East Cummington, ^Massachusetts ; married August 7, 1853, at Elmira, Chemung County, New York, to DAVID BERRY, born January 23, 1823, at Eaton, Madison County, New York ; died July 10, 1893, at Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Residence, Elmira, New York. CHILDREN : 85. I. Marietta Elma Berry, born June 17, 185-1; married Fred Harvey Pelham. 86. II. Sarah Ida Berry, born ]\Iarch 28, 1856; married Charles Edward Thompson. 87. III. George Webster Berry, born February 26, 1858 ; died iinmarried. 88. IV. Ella Irene Berry, born March 18, 1862 ; died May 18, 1863. 89. V. Charles Fred Berry, born January 9, 1871; unmarried. MARIETTA STEBBINS BERRY was always very ambitious, and when only three years old began to piece a quilt of which she became the proud pos- sessor. Since her marriage she has made her home in Elmira with the ex- ception of two years spent in Covington, Pennsylvania, where MR. BERRY went to make repairs on a Tannery belonging to his brother. She now resides with her son, Charles F. Berry, who is a distributor of advertising matter. 50. DANIEL ANDREW STEBBINS j '^^^^J^l f Goodwell Stebbins Dan Stebbins Seaver Everett Sally Goodwin Daniel Stebbins Ruth Goodwell son of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett, was born April 8, 1841, at Massachusetts; married July 3, 1S62, at Elmira, New York, to MARY AMANDA FURMAN. CHILDREN: 90. I. Fred Charles, born August 3, 1863; married Clara Delight Phil- lips. + 91. II. William, born September 3, 1864. 92. III. Hattie, born December 13, 1867; married August 10, 1883, Walter McCord ; lives at Chicago, Illinois. UNIDENTIFIED. 1067 93. IV. Fannie, born July 8. 1877: married September 12, 1S99, William Burke; lives at Chicago, Illinois. •^1 T nVTNA P ^TTT'R'RT'N'^S I Jolin Goodwell Stebbins Dan Stebbins Daniel Stebbins I Oi. ijUVUNA I/. ^■'■■'^^•"•'•■'•^►S ■) Betsey Seaver Everett SallyGoodwin Ruth Goodwell j daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett, was born March 21, 1843, at Worthington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts ; married June 10, 1865, at llorseheads. Chemung County, New York, to CHARLES DUNN WESTLAKE : died October 4, 1891, at Addison, Steuben County, New York, who was a son of John Ellis Westlake and Elizabeth Harrison. Re- ligion, Presbyterian. Residence, Addison, New York. CHILDREN : 94. I. Hattie Belle Westlake, born January 25, 1869 ; married Frank A. Bryan. -j- 95. II. Henry Ernest Westlake, born December 11, 1871 ; died April 19, 1872. 96. III. Elizabeth Estella Westlake, born October 16, 1873. 53. JAMES FRANKLIN STEBBINS )^;t«^:::'™r sX^^d^L Daniel Stebbi Ruth Goodwell ns I son of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett, was born October 6, 1847, at Hinsdale. Berkshire County, Massachusetts; married July 1, 1868, at Yorkville, DeKalb County, Illinois, to LETTIE McCURDY, born January 21, 1847, at Derry County, Ireland, who was a daughter of Fred McCurdy and Nancy Collons. Occupation, retired farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Batavia, Kane County, Illinois. CHILDREN : 97. I. Ida 'Slay, born September 15, 1870 ; married John P. .Johnson. She died December 15, 1893. Bertie F., born June 7, 1873. James Albert, born August 8, 1876 ; lives at 1310 West 11th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Fannie Viola, born April 16, 1887. Nellie Pearl, born November 9, 1889. JAMES F. STEBBINS started out from home at the age of twelve years, to earn his own living. At the age of sixteen he gave his father four hundred dollars for his time, and offered his services three times before being accepted as a volunteer. He served two terms in the war of the Reliellion, from 1863 to 1865. He was in the raid with Sherman, the three days' battle of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor, and at Weldon Roads, Suffolk, and at Fort Darling or Dewey's Bluff. He was taken prisoner and confined at Libby, Andersouville, Charlestown, 98. II. 99. III. 100. IV. 101. V. 1068 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. and Florence, for ninp months. "While confined in Libhy prison, he bent the bars at the windows, intendina; to make his esoape; but, before he could do so, he was removed to Andersonville. When he was released from prison, he was a walking skeleton, weighing only ninety-six pounds. 54. JOHN WESLEY STEBBINS ] „"';° Goodwell Stebblns Dao Stebbins tsey Seaver Everett Sally Goodwin rianiel Stebbins Kutb Goodwell son of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett, was born March 12, 1850, at Russell, Massachusetts; married November 28, 1878, at Warren- ville, Dupage County, Illinois, to SUSANNA. :\IUNK, l)orn June 19, 1850, at Warrenville, Dupage County, Illinois, who was a daughter of Edward ]\Tnnk and Sarah Baker. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Residence, Wari'enville, Illinois. CHILDREN: 102. I. Joseph v., born February 16, 1881 ; lives at Batavia, Illinois. cr •DrtCA TUT QT'CBUTWC ( .I"hn Goodwell Stebbins lian Stebbins Daniel Stebbins ( 00. KU&A m. 01£iBlSi«a-j^^,gpyygj^^,^j.j,^^j,^jj Sally Goodwin Kuth Goodwell f daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett, was born May 19, 1853, at Covington, Tioga County, Pennsylvania ; married October 27, 1877, at Turner Junction, Dupage County, Illinois, to 0. C. TALPEY, born April 11, 1848, at Bangor, Maine ; died March 1, 1883, at JIarshalltown, Iowa. She married second, WILLIAM REED. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, ^Methodist. Residence, Marshalltown, Iowa. 71. ROSA GEORGIANA TOWER ]™^^-,_ ;::rwc^;^ nan Stebbins Daniel Stebbins I Sally Goodwin Riitb Goodwell j daughter of Elzina Stebbins and Elisha Converse Tower, was born July 20, 1866, at Worthington, Hampshire County, Massaclmsetts ; married Novem- ber 2, 1898, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to HARRY HUMPHREY READ, born January 25, 1867, at Woburn, Massachusetts, who was a son of Charles William Read and Helen Augusta Farnham. Occupation, publisher. CHILDREN : 103. I. Myles Weir Read, born July 20, 1899. 90. FRED CHARLES STEBBINS J ^/^";""^-^"/j; ( [Irew Stebbins .Tobn Goodwell Stebbins aanda Furman Betsey Seaver Everett Dan Stebbins Daniel Stebbins Sally Goodwin Kuth Goodwell son of Daniel Andrew Stebbins and Mary Amanda Furmaii, was born August 3, 1863, at Aurora. Illinois; died January 22, 1898, at Chicago, Illinois; mar- ried, 1885, to CLARA DELIGHT PHILLIPS, born June 19, 1864, at Pt. UNIDENTIFIED. 1069 Andrew, Richland County, Wisconsin. Occupation, commission mei'chant. Politics, Republican. Resided at 5739 Lowe Avenue, Chicago. CHILDREN : 104. I. Mae Delight, born in 1886 at Mason City, Iowa. 105. II. Charles Roy, born in 1896 at Chicago, Illinois. 94. HATTIE BELLE WESTLAKE ■ ^rT n ^"''w''^, ^ -Toba Goodwell Stebbms ( Charles Dunn Uestlake Betsey Seaver Everett Dan Stebblns Daniel Stebbins (^ Sally Goodwin liuth CJoodvvell j daughter of Lovina C. Stebbins and Charles Dunn Westlake, was born Janu- ary 25, 1869, at Aurora. Illinois; married June 1, 1891, at Gibson, Steuben County, New York, to FRANK A. BRYAN, born April 29. 1866, at Liberty, New York, who was a son of William J. Bryan and Adele La Wall. Occupa- tion, manager of beef department of packing house of Kingan & Company. Residence, Indianapolis, Indiana. CHILDREN: 106. I. Frank A. Bryan, born May 1, 1892. 107. II. Infant, born June 7, 1897 ; died June 16. 1897. DAVID STEBBINS [possibly son of No. 217, Benjamin Stebbinsl ; mar- nitchcocic 'J J > ,. 22S ried to PHEBE HITCHCOCK, born April 9, 1770, probably at Brimfield, Massachusetts; died jMarch 17, 1851, who was a daughter of Joseph Hitch- cock and Mary Burt. DEBORAH STEBBINS; married April 10, 1784 (T. R.). at Ridgefield, iiawiey Connecticut, to DEACON EBENEZER HAWLEY, born March 21. 1753, who '''"■ ''■ *^^- was a son of Captain Thomas Hawley, of Ridgefield, Connecticut, and Eliza- beth Gold. He married second, Cvnthia Olmstead. DIXON STEBBINS fpossilily son of No. 987, Alpheus Stebbins] ; married \yhitmaji_ CHLOE M. . Their daughter, ROSETTA 0. STEBBINS, was born January 20, 1843, at Hanson, "Massachusetts ; married March 10, 1866, at Han- son, Massachusetts, to SAJIUEL OTIS COX. born March 3, 1844, at Hanson. Massachusetts, who was a son of Joseph Hobart Cox and Lydia Cushman Lyon. Occupation, shoemaker. Residence, Hanson, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 1. James Cox, boru August 19, 1868. 2. Herbert Cox, born December 1, 1869. Gen. p. til. DORCAS STEBBINS was married July 18, 1774, at Ridgefield, Connecti- Early conn. cut, to JONATHAN ANDRUS. " p'It."'' 1070 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. E. Ridgefleld <'nnn. Kec. EBENEZER STEBBINS [probably son of No. 368, Benjamin Stebbins] ; uiarried to ABIGAIL . Cornwall, Vermont p. 286. Vermont Hist. Gaz. I. p. : Hist, of Cornwall, Vermont (1862) pp. 46-49. !04. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. CHILDREN, born at Ridgefleld, Conneeticiit : Abigail, bom ilay 21, 1777 (T. R.). Ralph, born October 10, 177— (T. R.). Benjamin, born September 26, 17 — (T. R.). Josiah, born May 16, 1783 (T. R.). Sarah, born Jnne 16, 1785 (T. R.). Ormond, born February 23, 1787 (T. R.). EBENEZER STEBBINS had a daughter, ROXALANA STEBBINS, born about 1778; living in 1862 at the age of eighty-four years, at Cornwall Ver- mont, who was married to LEMUEL PEET; died before 1862 at an advanced age. CHILDREN : I. Lucius H. Peet. II. Diadema Peet; married Ashley. III. Loring S. Peet. IV. Lyman B. Peet, born ]March 1, 1S09 ; was a missionary in China. V. Philena Peet ; married Baxter. VI. ^lary R. Peet; married Redfield. EBENEZER STEBBINS was one of the first settlers of Cornwall, Ver- mont. In 177f) he settled upon the farm which was occupied in 1862, by his daughter, yirs. Roxalana Peet, and his grandson, Loring S. Peet. MR. STEB- BINS had purchased an entire share of an original proprietor, and located it in a body. His first house was near that in which he afterward lived and died, and which was in 1862 occupied by his daughter, ]Mrs. Peet. The aged Mrs. Peet had a duodecimo Bible, and a looking glass, which her mother covered with some pillows and concealed under some logs, upon receiving the news of the siuTcnder of Tieonderoga to Burgoyne in 1777, when the settlers were compelled to abandon their farms. The Bible and looking glass remained undisturbed until our return after the restoration of peace. The Bible, though somewhat discolored by exposure to the dampness, is legi- ble, and contains the family record. The chief injury sustained by the glass was the loss of some of the ornamental parts of its frame. Both are invaluable as mementoes of sacrifices, which, as a cliild scarcely advanced beyond the period of infancy, Mrs. Peet shared with her parents. She was old enough when her father returned to Cornwall, to remember distinctly events as they occurred. She related that they arrived in starch, while the ground was still covered with a great depth of snow. Her father had procured a team to con- vey his family from Asa Blodget's, on the creek to his place of a-bode, and they were obliged, as the swamp was impassable, to travel around the north end of it. This was on the Sabbath, and the inhabitants they met after UNIDENTIFIED. 1071 leaving the Creek were assembled at the house of Dr. Nathan Foot for re- ligious worship. They remained until the close of the service, and as neces- sity was laid upon them to reach home that day if possible, they proceeded on their journej\ As thej^ passed over the hill west of the house and came in sight of it, the snow drifts were so deep as effectually to prevent further progress with the team. By vigorous use of a shovel the men cleared a path so that Mrs. Stebbins was able to make her way to the cabin, Avhieh she found dilapidated, cold and cheerless. The roof had fallen in, and it was filled with snow, and the only apartment where they could find shelter was a little bed- room in one corner. Here they kindled a fire, and having procured some meal from the sled blocaded with snow, the mother prepared a "johnny cake," which was rendered doubly sweet by fasting and fatigue. With such accommodations Avas passed the first night, after their return to Cornwall. MR. STEBBINS lived to the extreme age of 96 years. The homestead of MB. STEBBINS [1862], mostly the property of his grandson, Loring S. Peet, who resides upon it, is situated about one-half mile east of school house Number 3. EBENEZER STEBBINS, of Springfield [probably same as No. 219 or No. 304 ElienezerJ, had a daughter, Stebbins, who was married to JONA- THAN COOLEY, born June 10, 1764; died February 10, 1798, drOAvned in Connecticut River, who was a son of George Colton Cooley and Mabel Han- cock. No children. EBER STEBBINS, of Springfield, ilassachusetts [probably second mar- ^|^"j;364. riage of No. 1132 Eber], was married, May 8, 1836, to ELIZA ASHLEY, born April 1, 1814, at West Springfield, ^lassaehusetts, who was a daughter of Enoch Ashley and Sibyl Chapin. 1. ELEAZAR STEBBINS [possibly son of Edward Stebbins and Ann Bishop. See John of Watertown.], was born in 1778; died June 6, 1866; mar- ried to LINA OANS. Resided at N'ew London, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 2. I. Henry Edward, born June 17, 1806 ; married Mary French. -}- 3. II. Harriet Ann, born June 20, 1808. 4. III. John Hancock, born January 22, 1810 [See Unidentified J.]. 5. IV. Harriet Ann (2d), born September 3, 1811. 6. V. Adeline, born August 13, 1813. 7. VI. Catherine, born March 11, 1815. 8. VII. Eleazar, born June 14, 1817. 9. VIII. Mary Elizabeth, born May 26, 1826. 2. HENRY EDWARD STEBBINS, son of Eleazar Stebbins and Lina Oans, was born June 17, 1806, at Coxsackie, Creen County, New York; died April 2.5, 1838, at Coxsackie, Green County, New York; married 1828 (?), to 1072 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. MARY FRENCH, born September 5, 1808, at Andover, Vermont ; died April 4, 1886, at Auburn, New York, who was a daughter of David French and Abi- gail Hoffmeister. Resided at Coxsackie, New York. CHILDREN : 10. I. John Roderick, born February 26, 1830; married Sarah Catherine Abbey. -f 11. II. Adeline, born January 30, 1832 ( ?) ; married Charles Ketchum. 12. III. ilelcena, born February 24, 1838 ( ?) ; married Charles L. Merritt.-f 10. JOHN RODERICK STEBBINS ] "'."^F^eru'''' ^^""""°' Lmroans""""' [ son of Henry Edward Stebbins and Mary French, was born February 26, 1830, at Coxsackie, Green County, New York; died November 22, 1895, at Rondout, Ulster County, New York; married August 29, 1855, at Reading, Steuben County, New York, to SARAH CATHARINE ABBEY, born Decem- ber 7, 1834, at Reading, Steuben County, New York, who was a daughter of Jonathan Abbey and Rebecca Hinman. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Re- publican Religion, Protestant. Resided at Rondout, New York. CHILDREN: 13. I. Tracy North, born March 2, 1857; married Anna May Stacy.+ 14. II. Mary Hinman, born ^larch 16, 1859 ; married John Sehenk Voor- hees.-f- 12. MELCENA BARTLETT STEBBINS j^^^j,^™^'^""'"^ Llnroan"' [ daughter of Henry Edward Stebbins and ]Mary French, was born February 24, 1838, at Coxsackie, Green County, New York; married in October, 1863, at Rondout, New York, to CHARLES L. MERRITT, born at Troy, New York ; died October 9, 1887, aged 59 years, Avho was a son of Henry Merritt and Ann Eliza Anderson. Polities, Republican. 1^ TRAPY NORTH STVRBTN'? ■ ■^°'"' Roderick Stebbins Henry Edward Stebbins I Sarah Catherine Abbey Mary French Eieazer Stebbins Lina Cans son of John Roderick Stebbins and Sarah Catherine Abbey, was born March 2, 1857, at Rondont, Ulster County, New York; married August 8, 1894, at San Francisco, Califorria, to ANNA MAY STACY, born October 28, 1869, at Virginia City, Nevada. Occupation, mining. CHILDREN: 15. I. John Roderick, born at Rodent, New York. 16. II. Barton Abbey, born at Keyes, California. ■\ UNIDENTIFIED. 1073 ■•A lurATtv TiTTkTTur A ■«■ CTr>T>TJTTkTC ( John Rodeiick Stebbins Henry Edward Stebbins 14. MARY HINMAN STEBBINS ^g^,.^^(,^^^^^.^g^^^^y Mary French KU-azer Stebbins Ijina Oans daughter of John Roderick Stebbins and Sarah Catherine Abbey, was born JIareh 16, 1859, at Rondout, Ulster County, New York; married October 21, 1886, at Rondout, Ulster County, New York, to JOHN SCHENCK VOOR- HEES, born November 30, 1855, at New Brunswick, ^Middlesex Count}% New Jersey, who was a son of John Schenck Voorhees and Sarah Van Doren. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, New Brunswick, New Jersey. CHILDREN: 17. I. Tracy Stebbins Voorhees, born June 30, 1890. 18. II. J')hn Schenck Voorhees, born February 20, 1893. 19. III. Frederic Voorhees, born December 30. 1894. ELECTA STEBBINS, daughter of Stebbins, of Springfield, :Massa- Hayes Gen. p. chusetts. and Sarah Atkinson, was born September 1, 1776; died in 18-12, at Granby; married November 17, 1794. at Granby, to PHINEAS HAYES, born March 16, 1772, at Simsbury, who was a son of Silas Hayes and Hannah Hol- combe. Occupation, farmer and shoemaker. CHILDREN, all born at Granby. ^Massachusetts : I. Julia Ha.ves. born December 15, 1795: married November 7, 1821, John Dewey, of Granby. She died October 8, 1860; had five children. II. Miranda Hayes, born December 23, 1797 ; died ^lay 18, 1874. III. Electa Hayes, born June 16, 1800 ; married June 12, 1834, Truman Allen. IV. Maria Hayes, born May 11, 1802; married. 1842. Royal Prouty, of Windsor. She died Februar.y 17. 1877. V. Julius Hayes, born July 9, 1804: married Jlarch 27, 1836. Sophia Shepard. VI. Harriet Hayes, born December 10, 1806; married !March 30, 1830, Orin ]\Ioore, of Southwick, Massachusetts. VII. Emily Hayes, born February 4. 1808 ; married. 1833. David Ives Boy- ington, of Southwick. ilassachusetts. She died 1879. VIII. Fanny Hayes, born March 28, 1811; died January 11, 1870; immarried. IX. Elmina Hayes, born April 4 (or 9), 1815; died October 10, 1815. X. Elmina Hayes (2d), born April 6. 1817; married March 27, 1846, Lyman Loomis, of Westfield, Massachusetts. XI. Elvira Hayes, born April 6. 1817: married. 1842. Horace W. Avery, of Montgomery, ]\Iassa chusetts. ELI STEBBINS, of Quincv and ililton, Jlassachusetts [possiblv son of ^."""'^r ' ^ ■ ' Lf . lien. p. 26. No. 880 Levi] ; was married February 12. 1826. to ELIZA SUMNER, born April 2, 1803, at Milton. Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Jabez Sum- ner and Elizabeth Gay. 68 1074 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 1. ELISHA STEBBINS was boru about 1706-11; died soon after birth of Ebeuezer at Tolland, Connecticut. Profession, teacher and farmer. Re- sided at Tolland, Connecticut. His widow married Loomis, of Tolland, by whom she had a large family. CHILDREN : 2. I. Ebenezer; married Lois Stimpson.-|- ELISHA STEBBINS was engaged as a teacher in a day school at Tolland, Connecticut, about 1730 to 1735, at which time he was twenty-three years of age. He was also a teacher of vocal music in Tolland, being well versed in the science of music and possessing a fine voice. After his marriage he settled on a farm near Tolland. A short time after the birth of his only child he died, thus cutting short a promising career. 2. EBENEZER STEBBINS, son of Elisha Stebbins, was born in Massa- chusetts or Connecticut; died at Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont; mar- ried to LOIS STIMPSON; died at Sheldon, Vermont. Settled at Grantham, New Hampshire. CHILDREN, all born at Grantham, New Hampshire: Elisha ; lost at sea in Gulf of Mexico ; vmmarried. Mary, born in 1781 ; married Thomas Marsh. -|- Sally; married John Gallup. -}- Lois ; married Moses Emery.+ Ralph; married first, Mercy Hopkins; married second, Abigail Chamberlin.-|- Salmon, born July 13, 1795 ; married Ruth Hopkins. + Harriet, born March 5, 1793 ; married Samuel Kendall.-|- EBENEZER STEBBINS settled at Grantham, New Hampshire. About 1805 he removed to Sheldon, Vermont, where he settled on what is now known as the "Janes farm" at North Sheldon. JIRS. STEBBINS was one of the finest workers of flax in her day. Her daughters were all taught the use of the wheel and loom and became expert spinners and weavers of fine linen. 4. MARY STEBBINS j I;', °sH;;,p':;:"°' Eiish^steMns J daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpson, was born in 1781, at Gran- tham, New Hampshire; died in 1855; married to THOMAS MARSH, of Shel- don, Vermont, as his second wife. CHILDREN : 10. I. Hannah Marsh; married first, Jay Powell; married second, Justin Massy; married third, Wooley. Her children were by her first husband, a daughter who died, aged four years; by her second husband, Nancy and Justin. 3. I. 4. II. 5. III. 6. IV. 7. V. 8. VL 9. VII. MKS MAKIi: TPA S-|'i:i;l;i NS I'.I'.KUV. MKS. AIllCAIL CIIA.Mr.Klilil.N STIOHIilNS. A I till- Aui' iif 101) Ycai-S. f-i>«* .;* UAIUS STEBBIXS. UNIDENTIFIED. 1075 11. II. Salmon 8. Marsh, born ^larch 13, 1818; married Aurilla Kendall, and had two children, Maria and Charles. Maria married and died -without children. Charles married and has several chil- dren. His home is at Fairfax, Vermont. 12. III. Marquis Marsh ; married Charlotte Chadwick. Their son, Rodman, married a Miss Martin and settled at Enosburgh FaUs, Ver- mont, where his widow and children now reside. 13. IV. Mary ^Marsh ; married John Glidden Emery and had several sons and daughters. Their son, Carl, lives at Sheldon, Vermont. 14. V. Jason ilarsh; married . Is now (1901) living with one of his daughters at Swanton, Vermont. 5. SALLY STEBBINS J j;-— ^^^'^ lis Stimpson daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpson; died Jidy 24, 1854; mar- ried in 1818 to JOHN GALLUP, born March 13, 1781; died September 28, 1854, who was a son of Thomas Gallup and Rebekah Gilkey. Profession, physi- cian. Resided at Sheldon, Vermont. CHILDREN : 15. I. Parkhurst Gallup, born in 1819 ; unmarried ; lives at East Berk- shire, Vermont. 16. II. John Gilkey GaUup; married first, Melissa Blaekstone; second, --r 17. III. Rebekah GaUup ; married Leonard Reed.-f- fi T OTS ^TVRRTTJ^ ^ Ebenezer Stebbins Elisha Stebbins J ^ Lois Stimpson ^ daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpson ; married MOSES EMERY. Resided at Auburn. New Hampshire. CHILDREN : 18. I. Elisha Emery : married ; died without issue. 19. II. Hendrick Emery ; married ■ : died without issue. 20. ni. John Glidden Emery; married 'Slary Marsh (daughter of No. 4). 21. rV. ilary ^I. Emery: died unmarried. 22. V. Lois Emery: died unmarried. 23. VI. Charles K. Emery; married Ruth Cross and had several children. '7 15 A T TITT OT'T'TJ ■:; TTITC" * Ebenezer Stebbins Elisha Stebbins I 7. RALPH STEBi3llsS-^j^i3<;jj^p3„„ ^ son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpson. was bom June 6, 1789, at Leb- anon, New Hampshire (or Enosburg. Franklin County, Vermont) ; died December 29, 1868, at Enosburg Falls, Franklin County, Vermont; married about 1812 to MERCY HOPKINS (or STIMPSON.'): died about 1830. He married second, February 12, 1834. to ABIGAIL CH A:\rBERLAIN, bom January 25, 1794, at Burlington, Chittenden Coimty. Vermont ; died March 1076 STEBBINS GENEALOGI. 17, 1895, at Johnson, Vermont, daughter of Ebenezer Chamberlain and Howe. Occupation, brickniaker. Polities, Whig. Resided at Burlington, Enosburg and Sheldon, Vermont. CHILDREN : 24. I. George Washington Kendall, born July 21, 1819; married Eliza Kearns.-f- 25. II. Sabra, born December 19, 1820; married Osear F. Fish; lives at Sheldon, Vermont. 26. III. Ebenezer, born July 2, 1822 ; died aged 20 years. 27. IV. Ralph Stimpson, born December 8, 1824; married first, Lucy Chamberlain ; second, Ellen Latty.+ 28. V. Sarah, born September 25, 1826 ; married James E. Washburn and had several children. Lived in Indiana. 29. VT. Mary A., born January 16, 1829; married Roswell R. Hurlburt and had several children. 30. VII. Mercy, born March 11, 1832; married Addison Wheelock.+ 31. VIII. Jane, born September 9, 1834 ; married Rev. Thomas Horner ; lives at Masonville, P. Q. 32. IX. Lois Fish, born February 9, 1837; married Benjamin Frank Fas- sett.+ 33. X. Salmon, born March 4. 1839 ; married Cornelia J. Eldred.+ Steljbins Ellsha Stebbius | 8. SALMON STEBBINS J;:1;Tu^;,<,„ ^ son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpson, was boi'n July 13, 1794 (or 1795), at Plainfield (or Grantham), New Hampshire; died July 27, 1882, at Bristol (or Kenosha), Kenosha County, Wisconsin; married October 20, 1820, at Rich- field Springs, New York, to RUTH HOPKINS, born March 5, 1802, at Rich- field Spring, New York; died January 4, 1869 (or 1870), at Kenosha, Wiscon- sin, who was a daughter of Benjamin (or Ebenezer) Hopkins. Profession, minister. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist Episcopal. Resided in New York State. CHILDREN: 34. I. Emily Florilla, born September 28, 1822; married Amos Water- man. 35. II. Lois Eliza, born April 24, 1823 (or 1824) ; married Francis Hall Porter. Salmon Goodsell, born November 8, 1825; unmarried. James Milligan, born November 6, 1829; married Esther H. Sim- mons. + Jane Milligan, born Jamiary 4, 1832. Esther Smith, born August 22, 1834. Mary Esther, born March 5, 1837; unmarried. Charlotte Ann, born September 12, 1844; married Charles H. Douglas. 36. III. 37. IV. 38. V. 39. VI. 40. VII. 41. VIII. UNIDENTIFIED. 1077 42. IX. Helen Clarion, bom December 24, 1847 ; married Tracy W. Doug- las. 9. HARRIET STEBBINS \ f'*"!!"' ^''""'"^ '■^"'■'" ''''■'^'^'"" i "" i.i-ti-ivivi-u a. t^^^^^^^^r^ j Lois Stimpson j daughter of Ebeiiezer Stebbiiis and Lois Stimpson, was born March 5, 1793 ; died June 29, 1869; married October 1, 1816, to SAilUEL KENDALL, born September 5, 1794; died October 4, 1886. CHILDREN : 43. I. Samuel Kendall, born August 6, 1817; married Jane Furnal; no issue. He died November 15, 1874. 44. II. George W. Kendall, born November 1, 1818; died October 1, 1819. 45. III. George W. Kendall, born Jlay 11, 1821 ; married Mary Lawrence. + 46. IV. :\Iarshall D. Kendall, born March 26, 1823; married first, Mary Ladd ; married second, Harriet Caldwell; no issue. He died February 21, 1889. 47. V. Harriet Kendall, born January 13, 1826 ; died April 19, 1840. 48. VI. Osborn R. Kendall, born June 10, 1827 ; married Jane Warner. He died October 20, 1863 ; had one son who is unmarried and lives at Hardwick, Vermont. 49. VII. William Arthur Kendall, born February 20, 1830; married Ruby Emily Fuller.+ 50. VIII. Lucy C. Kendall, born 'Slay 1, 1831; married George Kimball. + 51. IX. Janette H. Kendall, born July 17, 1833; married Alfred H. Gal- lup; no issue. 52. X. Loraine M. Kendall, born May 4, 1836 ; married John Rosen- berger; no issue. 53. XL Corydon S. Kendall, born September 2, 1838 ; died March 8, 1839. •1/? TrvTTXT rm vcv o a t t ttt> f Sally Stebbins Ehenezer Stebbins Elisha Stebbins 1 16. JOHN GILKEY GALLUP I j^^j, ,,^„„p i.ois stimpson | son of Sally Stebbins and John Gallup; married to :\IELISSA BLACKSTONE. He married second . CHILDREN: 54. I. Alfred H. Gallup; married Janette H. Kendall. 55. 11. Marion F. Gallup; died aged 14 years. 56. III. Daughter; died aged 6 months. By second marriage: 57. IV. (Son) Gallup; lives at North Troy, Vermont. IT TJTiTJTiTT- A TT r< A T T TTTJ f '^•i"."i' ^t^bbins Hbenezei- Stebbins Elisba Stebbins ] 17. REBEKAH GALLUP I ,^.,^„ f,3„„p Lois stimpson I daughter of Sally Stebbins and John Gallup; married to LEONARD REED. 1078 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. • CHILDREN: Sarah P. Reed; died in 1878. Mai-y A. Reed ; married in 1875, Edwin Rember ; has one son. Herbert J. Reed; married Julia Baker; lives at Montgomery, Ver- mont; has five children, viz.: Leonard H., Carl J., Orrin B.. Mettie, Bertie B. 58. I. 59. XL 60. HI. 24. GEORGE WASHINGTON KENDALL STEBBINS I jf^ } Iph Stebbins ercy Hopkins Ebenezer Stebbins Eli.sUa Stebbins Ijois Stimpson son of Ralph Stebbins and Mercy Hopkins, was born May 2-i, 1819, at Enos- burg, Franklin County, Vermont; died November 8, 1892, at Groton, Brown County, Dakota; married September 5, 1849, at East Franklin, Franklin County, Vermont, to ELIZA KEARNS, born August 5, 1829, at Ireland, who was a daughter of Francis Kearn.s and Mary Dawson. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. CHILDREN: Hiram B., born February 15, 1851 ; married Ella E. Shepard.+ Oscar F., born August 27, 1852 ; died March 21, 1862. Eliza B., born September 16, 1855; married Josh Wilson; lives at Groton, South Dakota. Mary A., born February 4, 1857. Sabra E., born March 31, 1859; died August 2, 1875. George F., born June 5, 1860. Nelie Jane; married George Erwin. 61. I. 62. II. 63. III. 64. IV. 65. V. 66. VI. 67. VII. 27. RALPH STIMPSON STEBBINS { J^j^j';,';, stebbins Ebenezer Stebbins Flopliins Lois Stimpson Elislia Stebbins 1 son of Ralph Stebbins and IMercy Hopkins, was born December 8, 1824 (or 1825) at Riehford. Franklin County, Vermont; married in 1846 at Knowl- ton, Brome, P. Q., Canada, to LUCY CHAaiBERLAIN, born in 1831, at Knowlton, Brome, P. Q., Canada; died in 1853 at Franklin, Vermont, who was a daughter of Daniel Chamberlain and Lydia Libby. He married sec- ond, September 24, 1855, at Granby, Sheffird, P. Q., Canada, to ELLEN LATTY, born November 9, 1835 (or 1832), at St. Armand, P. Q., Canada; died December 5, 1898, at Salem, E.ssex County, Massachusetts, daughter of James Latty and Ellen Burnes. Occupation, farmer and carpenter. Religion, Meth- odist. Residence, West Farnham, P. Q., Canada. CHILDREN : 68. I. George Ebenezer, born July 23, 1848; married Charlotte Hulbert.+ 69. II. Lucy, born February 6, 1858 (or 1857) ; married James Taylor.-f- 71. IV. 72. V. 73. VI. 74. I. 75. II. 70. III. 77. IV. UNIDENTIFIED. 1079 70. III. Elizabeth Jane, boru October 13, 1861; married Arthur 0. C'leve- land.+ Laura jM., bora Dec-ember 25, 1863 ; died August 2, 1863. William E., born July 10, 1865 ; unmarried. John Hunt, born July 1, 1869 ; married Enuua Shufelt. 30. MERCY STEBBINS ^ jj^j.^,y „„p^,,,^ Lois Stimpsou f daughter of Ralph Stelibins and Mercy Hopkins, was born March 11, 1832; died in 1901 at Swanton, Vermont; married to ADDISON WHEELOCK of East Fairfield, Vermont. He was a soldier in the Civil War. CHILDREN : Almon Wheelock. Emily Wheelock ; married Cantell. Ida Wheelock. John Wheelock. oo T mt! TT'TCsrr dWCTfOTna I Ifii'l'li Stebbins Ebenezei' Stebbins BlLsha Stebhius ( 32. LOIS riSH STEBBINS I ^,,ig^i,^,^3„^^^,3i^ Loisstimpson \ daughter of Rali>h Sti'bldns and Abigail Chamberlain, was born February 9, 1837; married to BENJAMIN FRANK FASSETT of Enosburg Falls, Ver- mont. CHILDREN: 78. I. Homer Fassett ; died aged about 6 years. 79. II. ]Martha Fassett ; died aged 2 years. 80. III. Clara Fassett; married L. C. Kendall; lives at Enosburg Falls, Vermont. or> c A T TjrrvM- c!'n:''D'DT'MC! I '••'•'P'l ^t'''''''°' Ebenezer Stebliins lOlisba Stebliins ) 66. bAI.WOJN biJliBBlJMb| ^i,i„.,ii,,,^,,,^,i„.,,|,,.,, r,ois .stimpson f son of Ralph Stebbins and Abigail Chamberlain, was born iMarch 4, 1839. at Enosburg, Franklin County, Vermont; married April 4, 1861, at Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont, to CORNELIA JANE ELDRED. born February 25. 1842, at Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont, who was a daughter of Noah Hamon Eldred and Almira Ford. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Prohibition- ist. Religion, Methodist Episcopal. Residence, Johnson, Vermont. CHILDREN : Charles Merritt, born January 14, 1862; married Emma A. Waite.-|- Abigail Almira, born March 7, 1869: married S. D. Whiting. Everett Wentworth, born i\Iarch 7, 1871 : married Luella May Hale. Henry Chamberlin, boru January 4, 1876 : married Henrietta Sav- age. 85. V. RoUen Hamon, born May 10 (or 7), 1879. 86. VI. Cornelia Lois, born September 1, 1881. 87. VII. Carrie Minnetta, born April 28, 1884: died April 13. 1886. 81. I. 82. IL 83. III. 84. IV. lOSO STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 37. JAMES MiLLiGENSTEBBms{^^':-X::- f:::;z^'''' Elisha Stebbi ns ] son of Salmon Stebbins and Ruth Hopkins, was born November 6, 1829, at Watervliet, New York ; married, February 18, 1857, at Kenosha, Wisconsin, to ESTHER H. SIMMONS, born February 21, 1831, at Mareey, Oneida County, New York, who was a daughter of Ezra Simmons and j\Iaria Gilbert. Oc- cupation, merchant and farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Kenosha, Wisconsin. CHILDREN: JIaria G., born ilay 15, 1858; married F. F. Loomis. Zalmon G., born December 30, I860; married Lena IMiller. Benjamin B., born December 2, 1864. Emma Eliza, born August 4, 1867; married J. Keck Wheeler. Ruth Hopkins, boi-n December 24, 1869 ; married R. P. McKinnon. Elizabetli B., born Jlareh 21, 1876. Belle L., born ilarch 14, 1878; married Douglas K. Newell. James M., born August 15, 1880. 88. I. 89. IL 90. III. 9L IV. 92. V. 93. VI. 94. VII. 95. vin. 45. GEORGE W. KENDALL {™*;:~^ Ebenezer Stebbins Elisha Stebbins | I.ois Stimpsfjn I son of Harriet Stebbins and Samuel Kendall, was born May 11, 1821 ; died June 22, 1891 ; married to MARY LAWRENCE. CHILDREN : 96. I. Harriet Kendall, married Homer Clark ; had a son Emmett. 97. II. Marietta Kendall ; married Jerry Seofield ; had children, Fiiller, Frank, Fred, Fay and Florence. 98. III. Dora Kendall ; died in infancy. Ebenezer Stebbins Lois Stimpson 49. WILLIAM ARTHUR KENDALL j ™^^:,;';;;7 Elisha Stebbins ) son of Harriet Stebbins and Samuel Kendall, was born February 20, 1830, at Enosburg Falls, Vermont; married October 13, 1853, at Troy, Orleans County, Vermont, to RUBY EMILY MILLER, born January 24, 1835, at Troy, Ver- mont; died January 31, 1891, who was a daughter of Dauphin Miller and Sarah M. Keith. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Residence, Enos- burg Falls. Vermont. CHILDREN: 99. I. Arthur H. Kendall ; married Jlary .J. Oles. Had children, Don, Harry, Guy William Oles and Stella May. 100. II. Stella E. Kendall; died August 7, 1864. UNIDENTIFIED. 1081 101. III. Corydou E. KfiuUill; uiari-ifcl Bertha J\laj' Cantell. Had children, a son, who died in infancy ; Rub}- Emily, died in infancy, and George S., born January 23, 1901. 102. IV. Don M. Kendall; married ^lary P. Howard. Had children, Lloyd Willis and Prudence Emily. - _„ T TT^TT- /-I T^TTKTT-i * T T f riaiTlet Steliliins Ebenezer Stehliius Elislia Stebbins ) 50. LUCY C. KENDALL I ^,^„,,i,,„^,„ ,.„iss,iiupson | daughter of Harriet Stebbins and Samuel Kendall, was born Jlay 1, 1831 ; married May 5, 1859, to GEORGE KDIBALL. CHILDREN : 103. I. Son ; died in infancy. 104. II. Daughter; died in infancy. 105. III. Daughter; married Cady T. Young. Had one son, George. They now live at Glenville, Ohio. rt TTTT>Aiur T> arp-ciTjTjT-MC f''<'oi'se Washington Kendall stebbins Ralph Stebbins bl. lllh,Am ±>. faliliJiUlJN&|i2,j^^j.pj^j.j,^ Mtiuy Hopkins Ebenezer Stebbins Elisba Stebbins ] Lois Stimpson j son of George Washington Kendall Stebbins and Eliza Kearns, was born February 15, 1851, at East Franklin, Franklin County, Vermont; married January 1, 1876, at Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont, to ELLA E. SHEP ARD, born July 10, 1856, at Highgate, Vermont, M'ho was a daughter of Jus- tine Shepard and Emily Lambert. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Green Island, Nebraska. CHILDREN: 106. I. Grace L., born November 16, 1882; died August 5, 1885. 107. IL George L., born October 15, 1886. 108. HI. Grace E., born July 27, 1888. 68. GEORGE EBENEZER STEBBINS {^^i^m'^r'"^ m'^'^: Ebenezer Stebbins Elisha Stebb Lois Stimpson ins 1 son of Ralph Stimpson Stebbins and Lucy Chamberlain, was born July 23, 1848, at Knowlton, Canada ; married September 6, 1871, at Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont, to CHARLOTTE HT'LBERT, born :\Iarch 11, 1852, at Sheldon, Vermont, who was a daughter of Samuel j\l. Hulbert and Sophronia Wright. Occupation, farmer and insurance agent. Politics, Republican. Resi- dence, East Sheldon, Vermont. CHILDREN: 109. I. Oscar F., born October 21, 1872; died September 2, 1874. 110. II. Homer H., born June 6, 1875; married Maude Marten. 1082 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 111. III. Edith M., born August 24, 1878. 112. IV. George 0., born November 27, 1880. 113. V. Erwin W., boru February 15, 1886. 69 LUCY STEBBINS ■ "^'l''' Stimpson StebUins ItalpU .''tebbins Ebenezer Stebblns ^ Klli'u Latty Mercy Hopkins Lois .Stimpson I'^lisha Stebbins ) daughter of Ralph Stimpson Stebbins and Ellen Latty, was born February 6, 1857; married December 8, 1879, at Knowltoa, P. Q., to JAMES TAYLOR. CHILDREN: 114. I. James Ronald Taylor, born May 25, 1882. 115. II. John Harold Taylor, born August 9, 1885. 116. III. Laura May Taylor, born December, 1887. 70. ELIZABETH JANE STEBBINS -j IliV"",*",'""'""' ^'"'''^"'' l^^^^T'T' j Elleu I.atty Mercy Ilopliins Ebenezer Stebbins Elisba Stebbi Lois Stimpson ns ) daughter of Ralph Stimpson Stebbins and Ellen Latty, was born October 18, 1861 ; married September 8, 1881, at Knowlton, P. Q., to ARTHUR OLIVIUS CLEVELAND, born May 3, 1852, who was a son of George Russell Cleveland and Diana Scott. Occupation, railroad agent. CHILDREN : 117. I. Claude Leon Cleveland, born December 27, 1882. 118. II. Astor Oliver Cleveland, born August 28, 1884. 81. REV. CHARLES MERRITT STEBBINS | ^''.."X'^; Eiisha Stebliins ) Stebbins .Tane Eldred Ralpb Stebbins Ebenezer Stel>bins Abigail Chamberlain Lois Stimpson son of Salmon Stebbins and Cornelia Jane Eldred, was born January 14, 1862, at Enosburg, Franklin County, Vermont; married November 24, 1887, at Johnson, Lamoille County, Vermont, to EMMA A. WAITE, born February 23, 1863, at Eden, Lamoille County, Vermont, who was a daughter of Hiram G. Waite and Almira R. Burr. Profession, clergyman. Politics, Prohibition- ist. Religion, Methodist Episcopal. Residence, Sheldon, Vermont. CHILDREN: 119. I. Charles Ninde, born January 31, 1890. 120. II. Ruth, bori! ^lay 2, 1893. 121. III. Solomon Olin, born November 2, 1894. "ist. ELIZA STEBBINS was married January 1, 1837, at Waterbury, Connecti- Waterbury, ^ j i i j ct. p. 131. eut. to LAUREN AUSTIN. UNIDENTIFIED. 1083 ELIZABETH STEBBINS was married to MOSES ALLEN ELDREDGE, ge|5?*5^o. who was a son of Erastus Eldredge and Kubie Allen. ELIZABETH STEBBINS was born about 1737; died April 17, 1776 (in her n. e. ii. &g. 39th year), at Wilhrahaiu, Massachusetts; married about 1755, to HENRY vof.'ssp. 84. WRIGHT, born about 1729; died October 30. 1818. aged 89, at Wilbraham, jMassachusetts. Thev had a child born December, 175C. ELIZABETH STEBBINS was married November, 1836, to ALDEN BRAD- ^^^"p^fgT. FORD BENNETT, born April 18, 1816, probably at Amherst, New Hamp- shire, who was a son of Jonathan Bennett and Margaret Shattuek. CHILDREN: I. Emily Elizabeth Bennett, born August, 1837. II. Margaret Adelaide Bennett, born March, 1843. III. Sarah Louisa Bennett, born August, 1844. IV. Isabel Bradford Bennett, born October, 1845. ELIZABETH NANCY STEBBINS was born May 24, 1827; married Janu- KieidOen. ary 2, 1851, to REVEREND DANIEL FIELD, born October 13, 1805, at " p ^^=*-*- Springfield, Vermont; died May 20. 1883, who was a son of Salathiel Field and Sally Howe. Residence, East Brooktield, Vermont. CHILDREN: I. Mai-y Elizabeth Field, born December 19, 1851; married Return Davis Strong. II. Fanny Adelaide Field, born September 12, 1853 ; married Thomas Terry. III. Henry Leeds Field, born October 9. 1854; married Annie L. Kuder. IV. Sarah Josephine Field, born March 22. 1856; unmarried. V. Orton Daniel Field, born November 2, 1858; married Mary L. Sim- mons. VI. Edward Austin Field, born December 24, 1859 ; married Addie L. Paige. VII. Florence Lillian Field, born November 30, 1866 : unmarried. VIII. James Olnev Field, born May 28, 1869 : married Violet L. Simmons. EMILY STEBBINS of Willinaton, was born about 1800 to 1808; married NobieCen.p. 400. to FREEMAN JA.MES, born April 9, 1788, at Willington, Connecticut, who was a son of Amos James and Christian Noble. 1. EPHRAIM STEBBINS [Probably No. 916, sou of No. 400, Thomas] died about 1855 at Chesterfield, Fulton County, Ohio, aged about 90 years; o I. 3. II. 4. III. 1084 STEBBIXS GENEALOGY. married to ABIGAIL , died about 1813, at New York. Occupation, mill- wright. R,emoved from one of the New England states to New York. CHILDREN: Lydia, born September 4, 1793; married Nehemiah Cone.-j- AVilson Elijah, born July 15, 1804; married Peninah Riee.-|- Ilattie (or Mebitable) ; married Ambrose Gillmore; died at Roj^al- ton, Fairfield County, about 1868. 5. IV. Abigail (youngest child) ; married Lyscome, a tailor by trade; lived at Canandaigiia, Michigan. ^Irs. ]\[ary Stebbins Penniman says she has heard that her grandfather EPHRAI^I married three or four times. Another says he had four wives and outlived them all. The children all resided either in Fulton County or Lucas County, Ohio. EPHRAIJI STEBBINS was a small, wiry man. After he was ninety years of age he sat on a horse as straight as an Indian, and would often ride to Cauandaigua, Michigan — a distance of twelve miles from where he was re- siding with his daughters in Ohio. 2. LYDIA STEBBINS, daughter of Ephraim Stebbins and Abigail , was born September 4, 1793, at Paris, Oneida County, New York; died March 10, 1870, at Oneida County, New York; married May 22, 1814, at Paris, Oneida Comity, New York, to NEHEMIAH CONE, born July 22, 1794, at Middietown, Connecticut, who was a son of Ozias Cone and Mary Doane. CHILDREN, all born at Paris, New York : Julia Cone, born January 15. 1815; marrietl Jesse Oles. Henry Cone, born jMareh 7, 1817 ; married Lucy Crockett. Warren Cone, ])orn June 6, 1820; married, first, Charlotte Phelps; married, second, ]\Iary Ann Bishop. Jlehitable Cone, born August 3, 1822; married Thomas Kemp. :Mary Cone, born February 28, 1825; died July 30, 1847. Wilson Cone, born September 28, 1827 ; married Susannah Wilsie. IMelinda A. Cone, born September 1, 1830; married Plynn Ham- den. -|- 3. WILSON ELIJAH STEBBINS, son of Ephraim Stebbins and Abigail -, v,-as born July 15, 1804, at Paris, Oneida County, New York; died about 6. I. 7. II. 8. III. 9. lY. 10. V. 11. VI. 12. VII. 1865, at Adrian, Michigan ; married December 5, 1825, at Pultney, Steuben County, New York, to PENINAH RICE, born May 17, 1805 (or 1806), at Dutchess, Steuben County, New York ; died August 30, 1860, at Adrian, Mich- igan, who was a daughter of William Rice and Jlary Elizabeth Hall. Occu- pation, farmer and carpenter. Politics, Democrat (?). Religion, Free Wilt Baptist. Resided at Pultney, New York, and Rochester, New York. UNIDENTIFIED. 1085 CHILDREN : 13. I. ]\Iary E.. born Janiiary 21. 1828: married Samuel renniman.-f- 14. II. James W., born April 1, 1830; married Maria Abraliam.+ 15. III. George Nelson, born April 1, 1830; married ^Martha Ann ]\Iott.4- 16. IV. Amanda, born in 1832; married first "William Borden; married second Comstoek ; njarried third Percival. 17. V. William II., born August 19, 1834; married Lizzie Austin. + 15. YI. Henry Ephraim, born January 25, 1836; married first Olive ; marri(Hl second Sarah Woodruff. Lives at Hastings, ]\Iieh- igan. 19. VII. Abigail, born August 1, 1838; married first Chauneey Shoey; married second William Ludlam. 20. VIII. Charles F., born December 13, 1840: died in the Civil War. The family of WILSON ELIJAH STEBBINS was very patriotic. His sons, George, James, William IL, p]]>hraim and Charles, were in the war of tlie Rebellion. George and James served from the Ijeginning to the end, but died soon after they were mustered out. William H. and Ephraim have been invalids ever since the war, as the result of hardships and exposure. Charles F. Stebbins went with the 18th ilichigau Volunteers, and died at Nashville, Tennessee, while his regiment was there guarding the city. William Borden, the husband of his daughter Amanda, was also a soldier, aud died at Nashville. 12. MELINDA A. CONE { ^^flJltJ™ aS1"^^"1 ilaughter of Lydia Sti-bbins and Nehemiah Cone, was born September 1, 1830, at Gains, New York: died May 13, 1898, at Munson, Geauga County, Ohio; married January 19, 1848, at Chesterfield, ilorgan County. Ohio, to PLYNN li. HARNTDEN, born August 1, 1821, at Danby. Vermont; died December 6, 1884, at I\Iuuson, Geauga County, Ohio. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Re- publican. Religion. Protestant. CHILDREN: Rose Harnden. born June 3. 1850: married Burton Ward. Frank Harnden, born April 21, 1852; married Sylvia . Leonard Harnden. born October 8. 1854; died November 16. 1854. Esther Harnden. born June 16, 1858 : died October 22, 1861. Milla Harnden, born January 1, 1863 ; married Arthur Seisk. Ella Harnden, born February 26. 1865; married George W. Beech. 16. MAKY Hi. blJl,ii±JlJNb|p^^,^3^Pip^ ^^ig^i, | daughter of Wilson Eli.iah Stebbins and Peninah Rice, was born Jamiary 21, 1828, at Albion, Orleans County, New York; married December 22. 1S44, at Canandaigua, Lenawee County, Michigan, to SAillTEL PENNDIAN, born 21. I. 22. II. 23. III. 24. IV. 25. V. 26. VI. 1086 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. April 25, 1821, at Dorchester, Massachusetts ; died April 27, 1898, at Cleveland, Ohio, who was a son of James Penuiman aud Sarah Hutchinson. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Boston, Dorchester, Massa- chusetts, and Adrian and Bay City, Michigan. CHILDREN: 27. I. James Penniman, born May 16, 1846; married first Mollie ; married second Jessie Taylor. 28. II. George Penniman, born March 13, 1848 ; married first Hattie Shuast ; married second Addie Shuast. 29. III. Frank Penniman, born March 28, 1850; died November 14, 1890, at Chicago. KTA-M-CC Tir OTTPTJTJT-MC f Wilson Elijah Steliliins Eplnaim Stebbins ) . JAMES W. SlJ;iBmNb|,.^^i^^i,iji^.^ ^i^ig^i, j- son of Wilson Elijah Stebbins and Peninah Rice, was born in 1830; died in 1867 ; married to MARIA ABRAHAM. CHILDREN : 30. I. Ella Maria, born in 1852; married Miller. 31. II. Emma, born in 1854; married Vedder. 32. III. Ida, born in 1856; married Belgea. 33. IV. Anna E., born in 1859 ; died in 1860. 34. V. Carrie, born in 1861. 35. VI. Minnie, born in 1865; died in 1871. 15. GEORGE NELSON STEBBINS { ~,'';'^,\'' ^''^'''^"'^ Epin-aim stebbins | son of "Wilson Elijah Stebbins aud Peninah Rice, was born April 1, 1830, at Rochester; died February 14, 1866 (or 1867), at Palmyra, Michigan; mar- ried in 1850 at Rochester, New York, to MARTHA ANN MOTT, born July 21, 1834, at New York, who was a daiighter of Lambert Berget Mott and Sophia I\Iadden (or Madding). He married second about 1860 to , born about 1838. Occupation, powder maker and carpenter. Politics, Democrat. Religion, J\Iethodist. Resided in ^lichigan. New York, Ohio and Indiana. CHILDREN: Mary Emeline, born October 13, 1852; married Solomon Enders.^- Elida Almira, born July 15, 1853; married W. Henry Harrington. George Nelson, born April 1, 1855; married Elizabeth Jane Paulis.-|- Lambert Wilson, born April 14, 1857; married Emma Smith. -|- Ida Sophia, born February 6, 1858; married Ileni'y Ellas. Emma Penina, born March 9, 1859; married first Frank Bender; married second Andrew Wilson. 4- 36. I. 37. II. 38. III. 39. IV. 40. V. 41. VI. UNIDENTIFIED. 1087 Bv second marriaere : ins) 42. VII. Charles. 43. VIII. Rachel ; married at Palmyra, Jlichigan. 17. WILLIAM H. STEBBINS I p^^i^^^ P^i^^ Abigail - son of Wilson Elijah Stebbins and Feiiinah Rice, >vas born August 19, 1834, at Prattsburgh, Steubeu County, New York ; married in 1859 to ELIZABETH AUSTIN, born August 14, 1836, at Frankfort, Herkimer County, New York, who was a daughter of Wesley Austin and Catharine Myers. Occupation, painter. Residence, Homer, Michigan. CHILDREN : Catharine P., born January 1, 1860 ; married in 1876 Meritt Nichols. Mattie E., born July 12, 1862. Abigail, born February 18, 1865; married Clarence E. Palmer. Charles F., bom September 17, 1867; married D. R. R. P. Taylor; he died in May, 1873. QC TWA-D-u- X'TUTTPT T-M-E' CT-pTlTJrKre 1 '^eorsc Nelson Stebbins Wilson Elijah Stebbins ^b. JYIAKY HiMtLilNi biiUmJSS) <; jj^j.,,^;, _^^^ jj„,j ivninah Rice 44. I. 45. II. 46. III. 47. IV. Kphraira St el .\bigail )bins I daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and ]\Iartha Ann Mott, was born October 13, 1852, at Rochester, New York; married August 12, 1871, at Niles, [Michi- gan, to SOLOMON ENDERS, born September 25, 1828, at Portage, Ohio, who was a son of George Enders and Christiana . Occupation, laborer. Poli- tics, Republican. Residence, Santa Rosa, California. CHILDREN : William F. Enders, born September 6, 1872. Charles R. Enders, born August 10, 1874 ; married Hattie Horn- buckle; lives at San Francisco, California. George Enders, born July 21, 1876 ; dead. Berten Enders, born December 5, 1878. Raymond Enders, born August 24, 1880. Del May Enders, born July 4, 1884; dead. Le Roy Enders, born October 21, 1888. 37. ELIDA ALMIRA STEBBINS l;^.^:^::;"""^ ^nm^J^i^ '^^'""^ EpUi'aim Stebbins Abigail — ^mw^-^-'' daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and ;\rartlia Ann Jlott, was born July 15, 1855. at Rochester, Steuben County, New York; married about 1870 to W. HENRY HARRINGTON: born February 19, 1830. Religion, [Methodist. Residence. Elkhart, Indiana. 48. I. 49. II. 50. HI. 51. IV. .52. V. 53. VI. 54. VII. 1088 STEBBIXS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 55. I. Charles H. Harrington, born December 17, 1873 ; died aged 2 years, 10 montlis and 3 days. 56. IL Maud C. Harrington, horn July 12, 1875; married November 3, 1899, James Tallarday. 57. III. George Franklin Harrington, born October 31, 1877; married March 1, 1001, Hattie May Tallarday. 58. IV. Justus H. Harrington, born August 10, 1886. Peninah Rice Stebbius ) 38. GEORGE NELSON STEBBINS {^;;,'»;^;';;^7,„^;f ''''^^ wiison Elijah stebwos Ephraim Abigail - son of George Nelson Stebbins and ;\Iartha Ann ^lott, was born April 1, 1854, at Morinca (?), Ohio; died September 25. 1897, at Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana; married in 1877 at Elkhart. Elkhart County, Indiana, to ELIZABETH JANE PAULIS, born October 6, 1853, at Elkhart, Indiana, who was a daughter of Henry Paxdis and Jennie . Occupation, farmer. Re- sided at Elkhart, Indiana. CHILDREN : 59. I. Maggie ^Melissa, born October 26, 1878; married ililton "Weyrick.-f- 60. II. George H., born November 6, 18S0; married Nellie Beull.4- 39. LAMBERT WILSON STEBBINS {j';;.'^=;^2!rMr,'t''''''°' i-> Ins 1 ilson Ell.iah StebWns 'eulnab Kice Ephi'aim Stebb Abigail — son of George Nelson Stebbins and Martha Ann Mott, was born April 15, 1856, at Adrian, Michigan: married April 18. 1878, to EMMA S:\nTH, born January 1, 1851, at St. Joe County, Indiana. CHILDREN : 61. I. William C, born October 21, 1892. 41. EMMA PE NINA gTEBBINS -''"'"""'' *''"^'^'"' ^''''''''"^ wiison Eiijau stebbins Ephvaim Stebl Abigail — >lns I ' ^ Martha Ann Mott I'eninah Rice daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and ]\lartha Ann Mott, was born March 9, 1860, at Porter, Michigan; married to FRANK BENDER. She married second in 1889 to ANDREW WILSON, born at Wampsville, Oneida Coimty, New York. Occupation, carpenter. Politics, Democrat. Residence, New York. Ohio and ^Tichigan. CHILDREN: 62. I. Louie Bender, born December 22, 1878; died Jauuarv 21, 1878. GAIUS I'AUTIUDGE STEBBINS. MRS. ELIZA LADD STEBBINS. KentCcWich. I'AKM ItESIDEXCE UV G. V. STEBBINS. Spniiii 'rnwnship, Kent County, Michigan. UNIDENTIFIED. 1089 63. II. John Franklin Bender, born June 1, 1881. 64. III. Claude Bender, born January 2, 1883. bins George Nelson Stebbins lis Mai-tha Ann Mott 60. GEORGE H. STEBBINS {;^;^x^:;:::::,r::? Wilson Elijah Steljbins I'^phraim Stebbins) I'euinah nice .\Iiigail J son of George Nelson Stebbins and Elizabeth Jane Paulis. was born Novem- ber 6, 1880, at Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana; married August 28, 1898, at Elkhart. Elkhart County. Indiana, to NELLIE BEULL, liorn January 26, 1882, at Cold Springs, Dearborn County, Indiana, who was a daughter of J. W. BeuU and Jennie Finton. Residence, Elkhart, Indiana. RQ Ti/IAmv WnPTTCQA orpTTi-RTlTKrQ 3 '^^'™''"'' ^'*''^''° •'''"'''''"^ George Nelson Stebbins 59. mAGUlili MiiLlbbA Oli^^liiJ^'O / EUMbeth .lane Paulis Martha Ann Mott \A'I!.son Elijah Stel>t»ius I':ph)aini Stt'hiiins Feuinah Rice Abigail daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and Elizabeth Jane Paulis, was bora October 26, 1878, at Elkhart, Indiana ; married February 26, 1898, at Elkhart, Indiana, to IMILTON FRANKLIN WEYRICK, born February 14, 1879, at Akron, Ohio. Residence, Mishawaka, Indiana. CHILDREN: 65. I. Goldie E. Weyriek, born August 7, 1899. F. FANNY (or POLLY) STEBBINS; married about 1812 to FREDERICK rtichardsGen. RICHARDS, born September 1, 1783, who was a son of Samuel Richards of '' " " Middlesex and Elizabeth Warring. CHILDREN : I. Joanna Richards. II. Mary Richards ; died young. III. Mary Richards, second. IV. Son. V. Samuel Lewis Richards. FANNY STEBBINS was married March 28. 1871, to WILLIAM 0. Hitchcock HITCHCOCK, born about 1840-5, who was a son of Lucius Hitchcock and Sophronia S. Traeey. Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. Three chil- dren. FRANCIS STEBBINS [probably brother of John, of Watertownl ; died "inman-s -^ ' Conn. Set- in 16 < 3. tiers p. 75. 69 1090 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: Col. Records of Ct. p. 352. Dowd Gen. p. 215. I. n. IIL IV. V. VI. Sarah Rockwell. Ruth. Lydia. Hannah [" f ] was iiiaryed to Hanny Stebbing, October the twenty nyne one Thousand six hundreth forty & six." Hart- ford Records in N. E. II. & G. Register Vol. 13; p. 54.]. Joseph. Elizabeth. FRANCIS STEBBINS was constable of New London, Connecticut, in 1661. It is recorded that "Stebbins, the Constable of N. London, hath lib- erty of reveiwing his action yt G: Tong commenct ag'st him, at ye next Court held at N. London, and ye Wors'f] Deputy is desired to assist in keeping a Court for yt end at N. Lond : and for other occasions as may pr'sent them selves." F. A. STEBBINS was married in 1879 to CORA ANN RICHARDSON, born in 1862, who was a daughter of Marvin D. Richardson, of Lyons, Ful- ton County, Ohio, and Roby L. Johnson. CHILDREN : I. Pearlie Thomas, born in 1883. 6. 1. GAIUS STEBBINS was married to SALLY COOLEY [the town rec- ords of Wilbraham, Massachusetts, give a Gains Stebbins, born December 2, 1782, son of Stebbins and Sarah Goodwill. This may have been the Gains mentioned below] . CHILDREN : 2. I. Gains, born September 2, 1781 ; married iMariam Orcutt.+ 2. GAIUS STEBBINS, son of Gaius Stebbins and Sally Cooley, was born September 2, 1781, at Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts; died May 3, 1867, at Sparta, Kent County, Jlichigan; married at Somers, Connecticut, to :\TARIAM ORCUTT; died April 3, 1854, at Sparta, Kent County, Michigan, who was a daughter of Joseph Orcutt and Bidwell. Occupation, farmer and teacher. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Congrega- tionalist. CHILDREN : 3. I. Gaius Partridge, born February 10, 1807; married Eliza Ladd.-(- 4. II. Adaline; married Lewis Higley. CHARLES D. STEBBINS. ANDREW JACKSON STEBBINS 1U91 CHARLES STEBBINS. IIOliATIO \V. STEUr.lNS. UNIDENTIFIED. 1091 f. III. Emeline; married first William South; second C. Mix. 6. IV. Elnora ; married Dexter Wilcox. 7. V. Zeriah ; married Jerad Chapel. 8. VI. Genett; married Hiram Tiipper. 9. Vll. Liieella; died December 10, 1841. 10. VIII. Jefferson; died ilarch 21, 1845. 11. IX. VTilliam Wallace ; married Anna Adaline Higley.+ GAIUS STEBBINS served in the Civil War of 1812 as Lieutenant Colonel ; and was afterwards Colonel of Militia in the state of New York. When' a young man he taught school for several winters. He held the offices of Supervisor, Justice of the Peace and School Inspector. 3. GAIUS PARTRIDGE STEBBINS {^,:;!;:X'- sa^colTl son of Gaius Stebbins and Mariam Orcutt, was born February 10, 1807 ; died October 31, 1888, at Grand Rapids, Michigan: married September 19, 1833, to ELIZA LADD, born December 20, 1813: died June 18. 1876, who was a daughter of William Ladd and Lucretia Allen. Occupation, farmer. Poli- ties, Democrat. Religion, Baptist. Resided at Georgetown, New York; Sparta and Grand Rapids, ^lichigan. CHILDREN : 12. I. William G., born August 3, 1834; married Lovisa L. Gillam. 13. II. Charles D., born August 3. 1838; married Sarah L. Fitch.+ 14. III. Andrew Jackson, born October 14, 1840: married Mary V. Gillam.+ 15. IV. Eliza C, born October 29, 1845: married Charles C. Leonard. 16. V. Victoria E., born April 27. 1849 : married Albert Hoag. GAIUS PARTRIDGE STEBBINS removed to :\Iiehigan in 1846, and bought and cleared a fine farm two miles south of the village of Sparta, in Kent County. He was major of the State troop of New York. For many years he was a deacon of the Freewill Baptist church. 11. WILLIAM WALLACE STEBBms|;ir;;:^tou« sat'cootr^ } son of Gaius Stebbius and Mariam Orcutt, was born September 21, 1822, at Lebanon, Madison County, New York : died July 16, 1880, at Des Moines, Iowa : married in 1856 at Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, to ANNA ADALINE HIGLEY, born September 9, 1837, at New York, who was a daughter of Lewis Higley and Adaline . Occupation, carpenter and farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Orthodox ^Methodist Episcopal Church. Resided in New York, ^lichigan, Illinois and Iowa. CHILDREN : 17. I. Deett. boi-n October 23, 1857: married John Bailey. 1092 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 18. II. Byron Rossetter, born September 8, 1859; married Mary Lavina Housier.-f- 19. III. Mary Adaline, born September 21, 1869; married Bert Glazier. 13. CHARLES D. STEBBINS | (iaius raiuidge Stebbins Gaius Stebbins Eliza Ladd Mariam Orcutt (laiiis Stebbins ( .*. (editor and proprietor of the Journal and Courier, Little Falls), born August 24, 1836; married Adelaide Cooper.+ Isola E., born October 21, 1837. Kate A., born May 19, 1839. Mary 0., born February 18, 1841 ; died January 29, 1842. George Griswold, born September 11, 1842; married Sarah Food. Mary A., born March 17, 1845 ; died August 17, 1854. Frances A., born February 5, 1850; died August 17, 1854. WILLIAM BURRELL STEBBINS was a great temperance man an^l an abolitionist of deepest dye. 3. PHILANDER WRIGHT STEBBINS, son of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Burrell, was born December 31, 1810, at Salisbury, New York; died March 3, 1881, aged 71, at Utica, New York; married January 8, 1836, at Holland Patent, New York, to MARIETTE HAMLIN, born December 7, 1819, at Holland Patent, New York; died January 5, 1884, at Elmira, New York, who was a daughter of Major Joseph Hamlin and Catherine West. Occupa- tion, commission merchant. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. 14. II. 15. III. 16. IV. 17. V. 18. VI. 19. VII. 20. I. 21. II. 22. III. 23. IV. 24. V. 25. VI. 26. VII. UNIDENTIFIED. 1107 Resided at Salisbury and Newport, New York; removed to New York City about 1838; Brooklyu 1854; Plainfield 1871; Brooklyn 1874; Utica 1880. CHILDREN : Cornelia Elizabeth, born in 1837; died in 1839. Henry Hamlin, born June 3, 1839. Preacher, Rochester, New York. Cornelia, born July 14, 1841 ; married Alanson J. Pox.+ Augusta Lamoine, born April 11, 1844; died June 5, 1868. Edwin Hatfield. Joseph Hamlin. IVIary Louise. 4. HENRY K. STEBBINS, son of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Bur- rell, was born June 21, 1812, at Salisbury, New York ; died February 13, 1892, at Houghton, Allegany County, New York ; married August 25, 1842, to RUTHEM S. IVES, born April 9, 1821, at Salisbury, New York ; died January 31, 1897, at Belfast, New York. CHILDREN : 27. I. William Dwight. 28. II. :\Iary Olivia. 29. III. Harrietta H. , 30. IV. Ruth S. 31. V. Martha E. 32. VI. Henry R. 33. VII. Frederick S. 34. VIII. Charles F. 35. IX. Lizzie E. 5. FRANCES STEBBINS, daughter of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Burrell, was born June 21, 1812, at Salisbury, New York; died in 1883, aged 71 years, at North Adams, Massachusetts ; married to CHARLES GREENE, of Danube, New York; died at Little Falls, New Yoi-k. She married second, ■ BROOKS, of :\Iedina, New York. CHILDREN : 36. I. Kate Greene. 37. II. Henry Greene. 38. III. Helen Greene. 6. CHARLES D. STEBBINS, son of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Burrell, was born August 10, 1814, at Salisbury, New York; died September 7, 1886, at Canastota, New York; married May 10, 1842, to SARAH ANN NORTHROP. 1108 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 39. I. Eugene S. 40. II. Charles N. 41. III. George N. 7. MARY STEBBINS, daughter of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Burrell, was born July 10, 1816, at Salisbury, New York ; died March 28, 1894, at Sewickley, Pennsylvania; married Janiuiry 28, 1834, to JOHN HENRY H. HAYES, born December 21, 1809, at Salem, New York ; died June 12, 1886. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Steubenville, Ohio. CHILDREN : 42. I. Helen Hayes; married Michael Spencer. 43. II. William Henry Hayes; dead. No issue. 44. III. George Burrell Hayes, born October 1, 1842; married Margaret Louisa Drullard.+ 45. IV. Sarah Elizabeth Hayes, born December 25, 1843; married Thomas Paxton Spencer. 46. V. Mary Hayes ; dead. No issue. 47. VI. Emma Kate Hayes, born November 14, 1849 ; married Thomas J. Putnam. 48. VII. Charles Eugene Hayes, born March 24, 1858; married Carrie Fair- child Spencer. 8. CATHERINE STEBBINS, daughter of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Burrell, was born July 18, 1818, at Salisbur.y, New York; died February 28, 1899, at Oxford, Idaho ; married in 1837 to ALLEN W. EATON, of Little Falls, New York. CHILDREN: 49. I. Charles Eaton. 50. II. "William Eaton 51. III. Emma Eaton. 52. IV. Mary Eaton. 53. V. Frank Eaton. 54. VI. John Eaton. 10. JOHN STEBBINS, son of Captain John Stebbins and Electa Burrell, was born December 15, 1820. at Salisbury, New York; married '^"tober 23, 1845, to CATHERINE DE GRAFF, of Gorham, New York, who died in 1874, at Canandaigua, New York. He married second, July 13, 1877, WIDOW ELIZABETH S. BROWN. CHILDREN : 55. I. Florine A., born January 17, 1847; married Winslow H. Partridge. She died IMarch 13, 1878. ITer only child, May, died June 1, 1878. 56. II. Henry Seth. liorn March 10, 1858; married Adelaide Young. -(- 57. I. 58. II. .59. III. 60. IV. 61. Y. UNIDENTIFIED. llUlt 10 yc* A XT T> OTTn*DT>TTVTO f ^VilHam Iluin-U Stebbins 1116 STEBBIXS GENEALOGY. Painesville, Ohio; died October 25^ 1881, at Painesville; married November 4, 1876, at Painesville, to JENNIE DELPHIXE HODGES, born May 31. 1854, at Willoughby, Ohio; died September 4, 1879. at Painesville, Ohio, who was a ilantrhter of Samuel Osmund Hodges and JMary Ann Pettingill. CHILDEEN : I. Loring Hodges, born May 10, 1879 ; living in 1893. Gen°Ti07. LUCIEN STEEBINS was married to EVA HALL, born April 10, 1857, who was a daughter of Frank Hall, of Pinekney, New York, and Mary Ann Woolworth. Winslow Gen. p. 505. Hitchcock Gen. p. 306. Hunt Gen. p. 97. LUCINDA STEBBINS, of .Monson, Jilassachusetts, died in 1837, at West- field, Vermont; married after 1829 ( ?), as his second wife, to HEBER HITCH- COCK, born August 20, 1784, at Brimfield, Massachusetts; died February 17, 1829 (?), at Westfield, Vermont, who was a son of Medad Hitchcock and Martha Stebbins [No. 526 1, daughter of Abner Stebbins and ]\Iartha Smith. Occupation, farmer and tanner. No children given. LUCRETIA STEBBINS, of Guilford, Vermont, was born in 1818; married in 1842 to JOHN BEMIS, born in 1798, who was a son of Silas Bemis, of Barre, Vermont, and Elizabeth Hunt. CHILDREN: I. Edmund Bemis, born in 1849. II. Lucy Bemis, born in 1853. LUCY STEBBINS [sister of Captain .John Stebbins. See Unidentified J.] was born probably at Sheffield, JIassachusetts ; married to CHRIS- TIAN. She married second, BATEMAN, of Little Falls, New York. CHILDREN : I. James Christian. II. Robert Christian. 1. LYMAN STEBBINS [possibly son of No. 531, Jotham] was born July 22, 1794, at New Haven, Vermont; died at Bakersfield, Vermont; married to LOIS SLADE, of Cornwall, Vermont. CHILDREN: 2. I. David Slade ; married Ann Rice, of Spencer. 3. II. Norman B.; married Alice Hayward.+ 4. III. Clari.ssa A., married first, George Chamberlain ; married second, Iliram Eaton. 5. IV. Orin P., married Ruth S. Ainsworth.+ UNIDENTIFIED. 1117 3. NORMAN B. STEBBINS, son of Lyman Stebbins and Lois Slade; died January 5, 1851^, at Cmcuinati, Ohio; was married to ALICE IIAYWARD, of Spencer, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : G. I. Alice Norman, born July 23, 1852, at North Brookfield, Massachusetts ; married Stephen B. Fiske, of Upton, Massachusetts. + ORIN F. STEBBINS, son of Lyman Stebbins and Lois Slade, was born g^f^k^'",'",}'' JLnrch 3, 1823 ; married April 19. 1848, to RUTH SIBLEY AINSWORTH, of ^^It^^^i, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, born June 3. 1820. at Charlton, Massachusetts (?) : Gen. p. iGi. died March 1, 1890 (T. R.). at Belchertowu, ^Massachusetts, who was a daugh- ter of Jabez Ainsworth and Nancy Ryan. Residence, Hardwick, Massachu- setts. n A T T^n -iTi^-nnir A >T omTTo-oTxTCj I Xnrm.TD B. Stebbins Lyman stebbins I Fiske Gen. 6. ALICE NORMAN STEBBINS ] ^,„,, „,y„,,^ ,;„,, s,,^, j- p. 546. daughter of Norman B. Stebbins and Alice Hayward, was born July 23, 1852, at North Brookfield, Massachusetts; married March 3, 1873, at North Brook- field, Jlassachusetts, to STEPHEN BURLINGAilE FISKE, born October 30, 1849, at Brookfield, Massachusetts, who was a son of Daniel Fiske and Ruth Bnrlingame. Occupation, druggist and magistrate. Resided at East Jaflfrey, New Hampshire, and Upton, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 7. I. Charles Norman Fiske. born April 22, 1876 ; student in Harvard Col- lege and Harvard Medical School. 8. II. Henry Austin Fiske, born June 12, 1880. 9. III. Walter Heywood Fiske, born January 3, 1882. M. MALVINA STEBBINS; married to OTIS F. IvENDALL, born December Palmer p. 495. 20. 1827, who was a son of Amos Kendall and Polly Brown. MARTIN STEBBINS, of Roxbury, was born about 1589 [age "about 68" in deposition "14. llmo. 1657" (Jan. 14, 1657) New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Regis- ter, Vol. 20, p. 143] : married December 25, 1639, to JANE GREEN, who died July 24, 1659, at Boston, ilassachusetts ["Jane ye wife of Martine Stebbins deceased 24 July 1G59" Boston deaths in N. E. H. & G. Reg., Vol. 18, p. 168]. Occupation, brewer and "victualler." CHILDREN : I. Hannah, born October 23, 1640, at Roxbury, Massachusetts. 1118 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. II. I\Iary, born February 1, 1642; baptized February 5, 1643, at Roxbury, Jlassachusetts. III. Nathaniel, born March 23, 1645. Drake's In "A Note of ye Estates and Persons of the Inhabitants of Rocksbury," Koibury "^ Mass. p. 49. taken bet-\veen 1636 and 1640, is found the following entry: "acres Persons & Estates. 6 MARTIN STEBBIN 2 00 00 00." neportof On July 26, 1647, "At a meeting this day of .Mr. Wm. Colbourne, Jacob ?/the'cfty°' Eliot, Mr. Anthony Stoddard, Tho. Marshall, James Everill, "Wm. Davis, James Ma^"' Penn. * * * 'MARTIN STEBBIN is fined 20s. for brewinge bear to sell ''■®^' without order" * * ".AIARTIN STEBBIN is allowed to brewe bear at a penny a quart, and too quarts a peny, and not to exceed upon penaltye of 20£ fine." [To brew beer at halfpenny a quart and two quarts for a penny.] N.E.H..&G. "MARTIN STEBBINS of Boston granted uuto Tho. Gardner of Roxbury, p.*fi7^^^"' 13 acres & 20 rods of laud in Roxbury, wood & pasture land, 20 (9) 1649 [No- vember 20, 1649]. "Witnessed by John Stowe, John Pierpont, William Aspin- wall." On November 20, 1649, he granted to the same person, another lot of twenty acres in Roxbury, "bounded on the southwest w'th mr. Blaekstone or his heirs, betweene him & Wm Courser, northwest uppon Mr Leveret, being there on the North side of the Hogscott hill." "2 (10) 1650 [December 2, 1650]. MARTIN STEBBIN, of Boston, granted unto Richard Gardner, of Roxbury, his house, barne, orehyard & three roodes of land in Roxbury, bounded with the lands of John Levins his heires uppon the South, the highway west, & the lands of W'm Cheiney North & east, & this was by an absolute deed dated 29 (7) 1648 [September 29, 1648]. MARTIN STEBBINS & a seale. Sealed and d 'd in p'nce of Wm. Parke, John Stow, Wm. Aspinwall." Report At a town meeting held November 6, 1651, MARTIN STEBBINS was fined of Boston ' "twentie shillings if his Chimneys be not secured from Danger of fyer within Up. 106. ^ ,, tenn Dayes. Pi"'- On January 26, 1651, at a town meeting, "MARTIN STEBINS upon his Petition had Libertie to Continue his keeping of an Ordinary till the seaventh moneth next if the Court please." At a town meeting, October 5, 1652, he III. p. 296. was "admitted to keep a Vicktualing house and to draw beere for one year." October 26, 1652, "MARTIN STEBBINS, preferinge a petition for libertie to keepe a howse of entertaynment, hath his request graunted, if the select men of Boston give way thereunto." On the .same date, "In ans'r to the p^ ni^ petition of MARTIN STEBBINS, desiring license to keepe a victualing howse in Boston for one yeere, the selectmen of Boston being willing thereto, the Court graunts his request." \^\.,.^ August 30, 1653, MARTIN STEBBINS "beinge fined five pounds for brew- p. 112. UNIDENTIFIED. 1119 inge without approbation, petitioned for the remittinge of his said fine, which petition was not graunted." MARTIN STEBBINS is mentioned as creditor of various estates in Suffolk n. eh. & g. Reg. VII A County. VIII. The following seems to be a unique form of chattel mortgage : "15, 10. 1653 [December 15, 1653]. MARTYN STEBENS, of Boston, JJe&xx.xn brewer, sold unto Wm. Bartholmew, of Ipswich, & to his Assigns, the Copper f- ^^''• now lieing in his brew house, together w"th all the brewing vessels in ye said brewhouse. If said STEBINS pay said Bartholmew, 6 pounds 10 shillings in money, Corne or english goods to content the said Bartholmew or his assigns, this obligation to be voyd. his Witnessed by Nathaniell Dixer. Mather U Clarke." mark At a town meeting, July 30, 1655, it was voted that "MARTIN STBBBIN Report of "' • ' ' Rec. Com. of hath liberty, upon his good behavior, to sell beare for one yeare." He was ^"^J"" 'i given permission again in 1656; but on May 6, 1657, "In ans'r to the petition of MARTYN STEBBIN, humbly desiring liberty & license to brew & sell " „g„ strong beere, the Court judgeth it meete to deny his request." On May 26, 1658, "In ans'r to the petition of :\rARTYN STEBBINS, hum- coi Rec. •^ ^ 'of Mass. bly craving by the favor of this Court to be restored to his former liberty ^^'J!*^^ to keepe an house of entertaynment, &c., the Court graunts his request, pro- vided he have the consent of the select men of Boston & the approbation of the Countv Court." At a meeting June 24, 1658, "MARTIN STEBIN is allowed Rept.of ^ ' Rec. Com. of to draw beere for a veare provided hee provide a meet iierson to take care Boston, ii of the emplo.yment. On July 25, 1G59, he was "licensed to draw beere for this yeare." "An Inventory of ye Household Goods of ve Late deceased MARTINE ^- ^JL* 9- Resr. XXXII STEBBINS, prized £34. 04. 01. More the booke Debts." p.317. At "A Countie Court held at Boston 23:9:59 [November 23, 1659] John Stebbins Acknowledged on his Oath that this is a true Inventory of the Estate of MARTINE STEBBINS to his best knowledge that while he knowes more he will discover it. A list of debts due to the late deceased MARTINE STEB- BINS, victualler. Anno 1657, 1658, 1659 [These are in amounts from five ])ence to four pounds, two shillings 6 pence, and from one hundred and eighty- two parties.]. Debts Chalenged from ye deceased Estate [From 7 shillings to four pounds] 83.19.07. In the records of the First Church of Roxbury, ^lassachusetts, is found the following : " STEBBINS, the wife of .MARTIN STEBBINS. She was so vyolent in her passion that she offered vyolence to her husband, which being divulged was of such infamy y't she was cast out of church, but soone after she humbled herself & was received in again." 1. MARY STEBBINS was married to JOHN ELDRIDGE, born at Pom- 1120 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. pey, Onondago County, New York. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Relio:ion, Protestant. Residence, Watervale, New York. CHILDREN : Frederick J. Eldridge; married Ida Bellinger. Frank F. Eldridge ; married Julia Brady. Elizabeth Eldridge; died in 1865, aged six years. William C. Eldridge, born August 6, 1864; married Mary A. Barnes. -(- Carrie A. Eldridge ; married Richard A. Moss. 2. I 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV V. 5. WILLIAM C. ELDRIDGE, son of Mary Stebbins and John Eldridge, was born August 6. 1864, at Pompey, Onondago County, New York; married June 30, 1890, at Washington, D. C, to ]\IARY A. BARNES, born November 13, 1864, in Indiana, who was a daughter of William H. Barnes and Sarah Porter. Occupation, lawyer, chief of Division Treasury Department. Wash- ington, D. C. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Wash- ington, D. C. CHILDREN: 7. I. John Adams Eldridge. 8. II. Alice Barnes Eldridge. 9. III. William Charles Eldridge. MARY STEBBINS was born about 1817 ; died May 13, 1845, aged 28 ; mar- ried to AUGUSTUS F. TUTTLE, born December 18, 1813, at Cheshire, Con- necticut, who was a son of Stephen Atwater Tuttle [removed late in life to Burton, Ohio] and Catharine Smith. CHILDREN: I. Alice Tuttle; died May 21, aged 3 years. II. Henry Tuttle, born August 27, 1844; living (1883) at Burton, Ohio. III. Daughter; died yoimg. DwightGen. MARY STEBBINS was married to JAMES ANDERSON, of Shelburne, p. 566. IMassachusetts. CHILDREN: I. Joseph Anderson, of New Salem, Massachusetts, born December 8, 1798; married first, ]May 23, 1830, Dorothy Arms Lyman; second, December, 1840, Mrs. Alpheus Anderson. Noble Gen. p. 593. MARY STEBBINS, of Dorset, Vermont, was married about 1814 to SAMUEL KENT, born December 22, 1784, who was a son of Samuel Kent and Marj' Noble. No children given. UNIDENTIFIED. 1121 MARY V. STEBBINS was born August 13, 1842; died October 23, 18C7; (^°n"p'6:25. married February 14, 1SU5, to ASA H. HALL, born July 7, 1842, at Effiugham, Illinois, who was a son of Dr. Joseph Hall and Amanda HoUister. CHILDREN : I. Fredrick Catly Hall, born December 12, 1865. 1. MEHUMAN STEBBINS [possibly son of No. 25, Samuel, or a descend- ant of John of Watertown] ; died August 29, 1737, at Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut ; married to MARY . CHILDREN, born at Mansfield, Connecticut: Mehuman, born June 7, 1721 ; married Elizabeth Swift.+ Experience, born June 2, 1723. Peter, born March 19, 172G. Ebenezer, born April 26, 1729. Wade, baptized August 8, 1731, at Mansfield, Connecticut. Mary; married Jonathan Coye.-f- Ruth ; married first, Zuriel Dexter ; married second, Andrew Camp- bell.+ 2. MEHUMAN STEBBINS, son of Mehuman Stebbins and Mary , 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. 8. VII. was born June 7, 1721, at Mansfield, Connecticut; married November 5, 1747, at Mansfield, Connecticut, to ELIZABETH SWIFT, born at Mansfield, Con- necticut, who was a daughter of Thomas Swift, of Mansfield, Connecticut. CHILDREN, born at Mansfield : 9. I. Thomas, born June 29, 1748. 10. II. Mehuman, born March 25, 1750; died August 3, 1752. 11. III. Mehuman, born November 3, 1752; married Hannah Keyes.-)- 12. IV. Benoni, born August 10, 1754; married Katurah Ray.-f- MARY STEBBINS, daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Mary , was married November 8, 1738, at Mansfield, Connecticut, to JONATHAN COYE. CHILDREN: 13. I. Experience Coye, born July, 1741 ; died same month. 8. RUTH STEBBINS, daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Mary , was married June 23, 1737, at Mansfield, Connecticut, to ZURIEL DEXTER, who died August 8, 1737, at Mansfield, Connecticut. She married second. May 18, 1738, at Mansfield, Connecticut, to ANDREW CAMPBELL. 71 1122 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 14. I. 15. II. 16. III. 17. IV. 18. V. 19. VI. 20. VII. 21. VIII. Ruth Campbell, born April 28, 1739. Andrew Campbell, born SeittiMnber 2, 1740; married September 28, 1814, Sarah Barrows. Mary Campbell, born July ;50, 1742; died August G, 1742. Zuriel Campbell, born October 13, 1743; married March 5, 1767, Lydia Barrows ; he died September 2, 1811. Ephraim Campbell, born January 26, 1745-6. Samuel Campbell, born August 26, 1749; married February 10, 1778, Anna Whitinji:, of Norwich, Connecticut. Hannah Campbell, born August 2, 1751. William Campbell, born September 2, 1753. 11. MEHUMAN STEBBINS I j!!,';'^^;'; ;;,';;';';'"'' MP.n,manstebi.ins) son of Mehuman Stebbins and Elizabeth Swift, was born November 3, 1752, at Mansfield, Connecticut; died February 11, 1839; married July 11, 1771, at Acworth, New Hampshire (they were the first couple married at Acworth, and the whole village assembled to witness the ceremony), to HANNAH KEYES, born January 20, 1754, at Ashford, Connecticut, who was a daugh- ter of Lieutenant Ephraim Keyes and Sarah Wadkins. CHILDREN: 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. I. Elizabeth, born September 10, 1772; died June 17, 1787. II. Amos II., born July 20, 1775; married Mrs. Hannah Keyes. -f- III. Ruth, born May 16, 1777; died May 11, 1778. IV. Ruth, born October 13, 1779; married John L. Slader.+ V. Hannah, born March 15, 1783; married John Grout. + VI. Mehuman, born June 29, 1785 ; died unmarried at Berlin, Ver- mont. VII. Frederic, born December 1, 1787; married Hannah Slader.-f- VIII. Kaross; died young. IX. Derrick; died unmarried. X. Reynolds; living (1869) at Carrollton, Kentucky. Merrll's Acworth N. H. p. 270. p. 67. p. 294. N. H. State Papers XIV pp. 23 & 33. MR. STEBBINS and wife were the first couple married in Acworth, New Hampshire. Every person in the town was present at their marriage, which was at Henry Silsby's during the Sabbath service. They settled on the "West Side" of Acworth. The homestead of MEHUMAN STEBBINS and Frederic Stebbins was Range 4, lot 10. It was occupied in 1869 by David and Solon Blanchard. It had been the "Town Farm" before the Blanehards bought it. MEHUMAN STEBBINS also owned lot 14, in range 7, in May, 1772. (Town Papers, N. H. IX p. 4.) In the "Pay Roll of Colo Benjamin Bellow's Regiment of Militia in the State of New Hampshire which Regiment went & reinfore'd the Garrison at UNIDENTIFIED. 1123 Ticonderoga when besieged by the Enemy in Jnne 1777. Time of engagement June 28th," the record of MEHUMAN STEBBINS i.s as follow.s: "Captain William Keyes's Co., lEN STLBBINS ^^"^ Time or disclmiKc Time in service Kate per month Serjt July ytu lU 4.1S.0 Am't wages Travel out :id Travel borne Whole am't 1.19.2 114 1.9.2 K.18.4 BENONI STEBBINS \ ''llT?," Steljljlus M. ebimiau Slehblns j 33. II. 34. III. 35. IV. 12. sou of Alehuman Stebbins and Elizabeth Swift, was born August 10, 1754, at Mansfield, Connecticut ; died in 1800 at Chester, Middlesex County, Connecti- cut; married to KATURAH RAY, born 1754, at Haddam, Connecticut; died in 1850 at Chester, Middlesex Coiuity, Connecticut. Occupation, cooper. Resi- dence, Chester, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 32. I. Amasa (this is probably the Amasa who died in 1853. See Uniden- tified A.]. Lucy. Sarah. Joseph, born in May, 1786; married Mary Grilfiu.-|- AMASA STEBBINS and his brother, Joseph, were, for several years, en- gaged in the coasting trade, making progress to southern and West Indian ports. At one time during the war of 181'J, they were captured in Long Island Sound, ]>y the British, who offered them every iniiau stebblns Mehuman Stebblus Mehuman .Stebblns I ( Uannah Keyes Elizabeth Swltt Mary i daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Hannah Keyes, was born October 13, 1779; married to JOHN L. SLADER, who was a son of Samuel Slader and Mehitable Lewis. 1124 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : Almon Slader; died young. Huron Slader; married first, Mary A. Parker; married second, Mary M. Knights. Amos S. Slader; married Elizabeth Thompson. Elizabeth G. Slader; married John S. Clark. Samuel L. Slader; married Mary L. Loomis. John M. Slader; died unmarried. Almon Slader; married Elizabeth Dolloff. Calista R. Slader. 37. I. 38. H. 39. HL 40. IV. 41. V. 42. VI. 43. VII. 44. VIII. 26. HANNAH STEBBINS | ^[^J'/.I^.^J,^ StebMns Mchtiman SteljblnR Mehnman Stebblns Keyes Elizabeth Swift Mary daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Hannah Keyes, was born March 15, 1783 ; married JOHN GROUT, who was a son of Daniel Grout and Elizabeth Adams. CHILDREN : Solon Grout; married Rebecca A. Knickerbocker. John H. Grout. May L. Grout; married Henry C. Hutchins. 45. I. 46. II. 47. III. 28. FREDERIC STEBBINS | J Meluiman Stebblns Mehuman Stebblns Hannah Keyes Elizabeth Swift Mehuman Stebblns I Mary - son of Mehuman Stebbins and Hannah Keyes, was married to HANNAH SLADER, who was a daughter of Thomas Slader and Hannah Holden. Occu- pation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Orthodox. Residence (1869), Northfield, Vermont. CHILDREN : Mary Lucinda; married Leonard Ellis. Anson; married first, Adeline Strong; married second, Emily Strong.+ Cornelia; married William C. Woodbury.+ Camilla F. ; married Samuel P. Hayden.-f- Juliette E. ; married L. Nelson Ellis, of Northfield, Vermont. Amos H., born July 13, 1829; married first, Louise Forbush; mar- ried second, Allie Forbush. -|- 54. Vn. Orson Frederic; married Permelia Baldwin.-^- OK TnavoTT e'Pir>-DT>T'M-e I BenonI Stebbins Mehuman Stebblns Mehuman Stebblns 1 dO. JUatl'll SSliliUBUNSS ji.„j„^3^jjgy Kllznbeth Swift Mary [ son of Benoni Stebbins and Katurah Ray, was born May, 1786, at Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut; died January 11, 1876, at Chester, Connecti- cut; married in 1814 at New London, New London County, Connecticut, to MARY GRIFFIN, born at New London, Connecticut; died at Deep River, 48. I. 49. II. 50. III. 51. IV. 52. V. 53. VI. 55. I. 56. II. 57. III. 58. IV. 59. V. 60. VI. UNIDENTIFIED. 1125 Middlesex County, Connecticut. Occupation, mariner. Resided at Chester, Connecticut. CHILDREN : Joseph Griffin, born in August, 1815; married Abigail I. Jones. Mary Elizabeth, born in 1817 ; married Joseph Beebe. Benoni, born May 15, 1821 ; married Catharine Southworth. Maria D., born November, 1824; married Mason Nathan Wal- Avorth.-|- William Horace, born May 7, 1826; married Elizabeth Bowen.-f- Caroliue Melinda, born May 5, 1833; married John Schlick. Id rr^BWlPT T A C!'P'E''DIlT'Krc J •^■""^^ f'- '^t'^'''*'"** Mehiiman SteblilnB Acworth db. lyUKJNJLljlA S>lJ;,iJmJNfa^,l^„„3,, ,^^j,^^ nanuaUKeyes N. H. p. 270. Mehumau StcbbinB Mchuman Stebbins ) '^'Ij'l^_°° '^*'°- Elizabeth Swift Mary J " ^^^■ daughter of Amos H. Stebbins and Mrs. Hannah Keyes, was born November 8, 1815; married May 24, 1S36, to ISAAC MUNSON, born March 4, 1812; died March 8, 1886. Profession, physician, lawyer and president insurance com- pany. Politics, Democi-at. Religion, Presbyterian. Residence, Watertown, New York. CHILDREN, born at Rutland, New York: 61. I. Henry Stebbins IMunson, born May 19, 1837. 62. II. Frank Hamilton AIuusou, born August 27, 1839 ; married November 27, 1874, Eliza Lamb. 40 AMCAM QTTP'RTJT'Kro f '''I'l'diTle Stebbins Mchuman Stehliins Mehuman Sti'hblne tJ. AJNaUJN R>-li^i>^lJNb-n,annaij„|ad„ llaunab Keyes Elizabeth Swift Mchuman Stebbias ] Mary J sou (if Frederic Stebbins and Hannah Slader, was born December 12, 1818 (or 1819), at Acworth, New Hampshire; died April 3, 1874, at Berlin, Wash- ington County, Vermont; married January 23, 1844, at Berlin, Washington County, Vermont, to ADELINE EZOA STRONG, born December 19, 1825, at Berlin, Vermont; died November 19, 1846, at Berlin, Vermont, who was a daughter of Theodore Strong and Ezoa Poor. He married second, January 11 (or 12), 1848, to E:MILY MARIA STRONG, born August 11 (or 27), 1828; died June 19, 1849, daughter of Theodore Strong and Ezoa Poor. He mar- ried third, June 9, 1863, MRS. MARY ADELIA (CHENEY) NORTON, born January 2, 1842, daughter of Edward S. Cheney and Hannah B. Colby. Occu- pation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Resided at Berlin, Vermont. CHILDREN : 63. I. Edwin Strong, born May 19, 1845 ; married Carrie Hortense Hayes. -f 64. II. George Anson Strong, born April 28, 1849 ; died February 10, 1863. 1126 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 65. III. Frederick Anson, born October 9, 1865; married Minnie Maude Bean.+ ANSON STEBBINS was a man of large business capacity and enterprise, and was universally esteemed for his integrity and strength of character. His charge to his sons, when death became imminent, was especially to see that every one of his obligations and promises were faithfully discharged, both in letter and spirit, and that in this regard he desired them to follow in his footsteps. 50. CORNELIA STEBBINS \ f'-J'^'-'^ Stebblns Mehnman Stebbin^ I IlaDnali Slader Hannah Kpyes Mehiiman .Stebbins Mehuman Stebbins Elizabeth Swift Mary daughter of Frederic Stebbins and Hannah Slader, was married to WIL- LIAM CROSBY WOODBURY, who was a son of Edward Woodbury and Dorcas Thornton. CHILDREN : 68. I. Mary E. Woodbury. 69. II. William Stebbins Woodbury, born September 7, 1857; married Inez Julia Rich.-|- Stebbins Mehuman Stebbins Hannah Keyes 51. CAMILLA F. STEBBINS ] ^^"j^!;!'^!!!: I Hannah Slader Mehuman Stebbins Mehuman Stetibins ] Elizabeth Swift Mary | daughter of Frederic Stebbins and Hannah Slader, was born May 24, 1824, at Acworth, Sullivan County, New Hampshire; married September 11, 1843, at Berlin, Washington County, Vermont, to SAMUEL F. HAYDEN, of Ohio, born December 7, 1820, at Berlin, Washington County, Vermont ; died August 6, 1890, at College Hill, Hamilton County, Ohio, who was a son of John Hay- den anoi-ii Jidy 12, 1869; married Charles C. Baldwin. -f KQ IVTAPTA "n ^TP'R'RT'Nr^ j .losppli Steljbins ncnoui Steltbius Meliiiman Stebbins Mehuman Stebbi Mary ns I I\;iturah Ray l^lizalieth Swift Walworth Gen. p. 78. daughter of Josi'i)h Stcbhiiis and Mary GrifHn, was born November, 1825, at Chester, Connecticut; died F'cbruary, 1898, at South Bend, Indiana; married to iMASON NATHAN WALWORTH, born June 21, 1826, at Clayton, New York; died December 6, 1895, at South Bend, Indiana, who was a son of Nathan Walwoi'th and Betsy Gazer. CHILDREN : 79. I. Mary Walworth. 80. II. Nettie Walworth, born January 9, 1864. 81. III. Albert Walworth. 1128 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Joseph Stebblns Benonl Stebblns Mary Grlffln Katurah Ray 59. WILLIAM HORACE STEBBINS J Mebuman Stebbins Mehuman Stebblns / Elizabeth Swift Mary ( son of Joseph Stebbins and Mary Griffin, was born May 7, 1826, at Chester, Middlesex County, Connecticut; married September 5, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to ELIZABETH BOWEN, born April 18, 1836, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who was a daughter of Joseph E. Bowen and Margaret Mc- Cawley. Occupation, mariner. Residence, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN: 82. I. Orville Chester, born July 8, 1863. 63. EDWIN STRONG STEBBINS { ^^Jj™f,, Frederic stebbins . strong Hannah Slader ins ) Mebuman Stebblns Mehuman Stebbins Mehuman Stebb Hannah Keyes Elizabeth Swift Mary son of Anson Stebbins and Adeline Ezoa Strong, was born May 19, 1845, at Berlin, "Washington County, Vermont; died May 30, 1892, at Northfield, Wash- ington County, Vermont; married May 19, 1875, at Northfield, Washington County, Vermont, to CARRIE HORTENSE HAYES, born May 15, 1855, at Barton, Wisconsin, who was a daughter of Dr. Asa H. Hayes and Josephine Foster. Occupation, a trader in Northfield. Resided at Northfield, Vermont. CHILDREN : 83. I. Anson Hayes, born June 10, 1879, at Northfield, Vermont. 84. II. Laurence Bernard, born April 28, 1881. 85. III. Kenneth Poster, born November 21, 1887. 86. IV. Josephine Adalinc, born August 5, 1891 ; died May 31, 1899. EDWIN S. STEBBINS was for sixteen years associated with C. S. Rich- mond in a general grocery and provision business. In 1885 he sold out his interest in the business, and devoted some time to farming and orange culture in Florida. He afterwards formed a partnership with P. A. Jones in the dry goods business, which occupied his time until his death. MR. STEBBINS' industry and thrift enabled him to accumulate considerable property. He held a number of town offices, being selectman for three years successively. His integrity was uncjuestioned and no man ever earned a better reputation for honesty and excellence of habits. MRS. STEBBINS was possessed of a remarkably sweet soprano voice, and her singing was a source of great pleasure to those who had the opportunity of hearing it. son Stebbins Frederic Stebbins ry Adelia Cheney Hannah Slader 65. FREDERICK ANSON STEBBINS ] ^j"' Mehuman Stebblns Mehuman Stebbins Mehuman Stebblns j Hannah Kcyes Elizal)eth Swift Mary j son of Anson Stebbins and Mary Adelia Cheney, was born October 9, 1865; married October 11, 1894, at Berlin, Vermont, to MINNE MAUDE BEAN, UNIDENTIFIED. 1129 born June 13, 1872, who was a daughter of Joseph Bean and Adeline Barney. Occupation, bajygage master. Residence, Windsor, Vermont. CHILDREN : 87. I. Verna Adele, born January 25, 1898. 69. WILLIAM STEBBINS WOODBURY j ^-^^^-^^.^..^ Frederic Stebblns Meluiman 8tebbins Mobiimau Stobbins Mehuman Stebbins ( Hannah Slader Ilaunah Keyes Ellzabctb Swift Mary \ son of Cornelia Stebbins and "William Crosby Woodbury, was born September 7, 1857, at Northfield, Washington County, Vermont ; married March 19, 1878, at Northfield, Washington County, Vermont, to INEZ JULIA RICH, born July 27, 1861, at Northfield, Vermont, who was a daughter of Alden Rich and Marcella Cram. Occupation, barber. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Univer- salist. Residence, Northfield, Vermont. CHILDREN : Lizzie Alma Woodbury, born July 25, 1882 ; died August 7, 1884. May Alden Woodbury, born November 30, 1886. Ethel Cornelia Woodbury, born October 6, 1S89. Paul Stebbins Woodbury, born February 21, 1892. 72. JENNIE GERTRUDE STEBBINS jf-t^'a'iCbusb Hr::b'"l,lder^ Mehuman Stebbins Meliuman Stebbins Mehuman Stebbins ] Hannah Keyes Elizabeth Swift Mary j daughter of Amos H. Stebbins and Maria Louisa Forbush, was born January 8, 1856, at Cincinnati, Ohio ; married Novendjcr 26, 1884, at Manchester, New Hampshire, to HERBERT E. LOVELL, born October 10, 1856, at Yarmouth, Maine, who was a son of Emerson Lovell and Elizabeth Trew. CHILDREN : 92. I. Louise Emerson Lovell, born May 24, 1889. 93. II. Marian Stebbins Lovell, born April 3, 1891. 88. I. 89. II. 90. III. 91. IV. Frederic Stebbins bush Hannah Slader 73. ELLEN LOUISE STEBBINS j ;^;."™^^ ^^'"j,;^^^^^ Mehuman Stebbins Mehuman Stebbins Mehuman Stebbins / Hannah Keyes Elizabeth Switt Mary ( daughter of Amos H. Stebbins and Arianna W. Forbush, was born June 13, 1861, at Northfield, Vermont; married November 28, 1888, at Manchester, New Hampshire, to JOHN T. KENNEDY, born January 27, 1861, at Cornish Flat, New Hampshire, who was a son of Bartholomew Kennedy and Margaret McClasky. 1130 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 94. I. Margaret Kennedy, born July 12, 1889. 95. IT. John Henry Kennedy, born Aiiiiust 17, 1891. 96. HI. Robert Stebbins Kennedy, born January 15, 1894. 78. EMILY STEBBINS j Oi'son F j Peimpli! rederic .Steblnns Frederic Stebbins ia Baldwin Hannah Slader Mehuman Stebbine Hannah Keyes Mehuman Stebbins Elizabeth Swift Mehuman Steliiiins ^ Mary f daughter of Orson Frederic Stebbins and Permelia Baldwin, was born July 12. lSf)9, at Northfield, Washington County, Vermont; married March 18, 1896, to CHARLES C. BALDWIN, born January 18, 1874, at Barton, Orleans County, Vermont, who was a son of Joseph P. Baldwin and Ann Poss. Occupa- tion, wholesale furniture dealer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Unitarian. Residence, Barton, Vermont. Head ley Gen. p. 60. MELINDA (or MOLINDA) STEBENS [had sister, Miranda, who married Liscomb] ; died January 21, 1840, at Clayville, New York ; married July 12, 1819, to MILES HOADLEY, born January 4, 1787, at Clayville, New York; died October, I860,, at Bridgewater, New York, who was a son of Nathaniel Hoadley and Eunice Tyler. CHILDREN, all born at Clayville, New York: I. Adaline PIvangeline Hoadley, born May 12, 1820; died September 3, 1821. II. Son, born September 2, 1821 ; died September 3, 1821. III. Miles Hoadley, born July 28, 1822. IV. George Hoadley, born January 5, 1825; died February V.i, 1839. V. Henry Hoadley, born May 12, 1827; married, 1862, Lorinda Eastman. VI. Isaac Newton Hoadley, born June 4, 1829; married Mary Anna Hall. Residence (1894), Bradford, Pennsylvania. VII. Louise Stebens Hoadley, born November 4, 1831 ; died May 4, 1845. VIII. Melinda Amanda Hoadley, born November 4, 1834; married February 14, 1861, Frank Galloj., of Clayville, New York. IX. Mary Evangeline Hoadley, born June 14, 1838; married October 26, 1871, Lewis Phelps, of Clayville, New York. Noble Gen. p. 301. MINERVA STEBBINS, of Cortland, New York [probably sister of Eras- mus Stebbins, Unidentified E.], was born April 1, ; died April 25, 1830; married November 11, 1827, as his second wife, to QUARTHS NOBLE, born November 17, 1790, at Blandford, Massachu.setts ; died April 11, 1846, at Cort- land, New York, who was a son of Solomon Noble and Lois Thomas. Occupa- tion, blacksmith. UNIDENTIFIED. 1131 CHILDREN : I. David Wade Noble ; removed to the South. II. Charle.s Emerson Noble, born April 18, 1830; married June 23, 1850. Mary Johnson. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. 8. VII. 9. VIII. 10. IX. N. NATHANIEL T. STEBBINS (probably son of No. 650, Edward]; died August 16, 1872, at Nebraska City, Nebraska. ^Married to . He married second, MARY HUBBARD, who died September 8, 1859, at Dell Prairie, Wisconsin. Occupation, carpenter. CHILDREN : 2. I. Son. By second marriage: Charles D., born July 23, 1835; married Martha E. Blackburn.+ Edward Everett; married ^lartha Ellis. + George L. ; died unmarried March, 1880. John Byron ; shot December 29, 1874. Oran ; died unmarried Pelirnary 20, 1866. James ; died young. Mary ; married Henry Schmitz.-(- Emeline; died February 6, 1876. 3. CHARLES D. STEBBINS, son of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hubbard, was born July 23, 1835, at Massachusetts; died June 11, 1876, at Bristol, Morgan County, Ohio; married March 24. 1801, at Runersville, Mor- gan County, Ohio, to MARTHA E. BLACKBURN, born IMarch 20, 1839, at Renroek, Morgan County, Ohio, who was a daughter of Zachariah Blackburn and Martha Rose. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Runersville, Ohio. CHILDREN : 11. I. Charles F.. born October 15, 1862; married Alma Blackburn. -f 12. II. Martha E., born September 11, 1864; died September 25, 1876. 13. III. Sarah E., born December 23, 1866; married John W. Jackson. 4- 14. IV. George F., born September 29, 1870; unmarried; jewelry repairer. 15. V. Infant. 16. VI. Mary L., born September 14, 1873; unmarried. GEORGE F. STEBBINS holds the office of postmaster at South Zane.sville. Ohio. MARY L. STEBBINS has been a school teacher since she was sixteen years old. 1132 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 4. EDWARD EVERETT STEBBINS, son of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hubbard ; shot August 29, 1868, by his father-in-law ; married at Chari- ton County, Missouri, to MARTHA ELLES. CHILDREN: 17. I. Daughter. 9. MARY STEBBINS, .laughter of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hub- bard, was married to HENRY SCHMITZ. Occupation, saddler. CHILDREN : 18. I. Frank Schmitz ; died young. 19. II. Charles Schmitz; died young. 20. III. Anna Schmitz. nnilA'DT'K'C -P oir-CTJUT-KrC i ^"'^*'''<'» D. Stililiins Nathaniel T. .stebbins | . UWAKIjIIiS J!. SlUiBiJlJNfe^ jjgjj^gj, ,5l,„.^[j^„.^ Mary Hubbard f son of Charles D. Stebbins and Martha E. Blackburn, was born October 15, 1862; married April, 1891, to ALMA BLACIOBURN. Occupation, farmer. Residence, near Meigsville, Morgan County, Ohio. CHILDREN: 21. I. Grace, born in 1892. 22. II. Gladys, born in 1896. 13. SARAH E. STEBBINS, daughter of Charles D. Stebbins and Martha E. Blackburn, was born December 23, 1866 ; married September 4, 1890, to JOHN W. JACKSON. Occupation, carpenter. Residence, South Janesville, Ohio. CHILDREN: 23. I. Infant; died young. 24. II. Nella Mablc Jackson, born November 3, 1896; died January 10, 1898. NEHEMIAH STEBBINS [brother of Captain John Stebbins. See Unidenti- fied J.] ; died at Medina, New York. Married to . Occupation, physician. Resided at Clinton and Medina, New York. CHILDREN: I. Waldo; married October, 1855, to Jennie Bathgate, who died in 1858; lived at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and later at Emporium or Ridge- way, Pennsylvania. II. Henry; killed in army in 1862. III. Kate; married John D. Clierr.y; lived at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. IV. Helen ; married Dr. I. W. Sykes ; lived at Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. UNIDENTIFIED. 1133 ORRIN STEBBINS; nianicd Jannnry 25, 1820, to LYDIA TREAT, boru Dt-eeiiiber 24, 1796, nt IMiddlelield, Otst'go County, New York; died Decem- ber 6, 1S71, who was a daut;hter of Peter Treat and Lydia . She mar- ried second, EZRA POTTER. PELATIAH STEBBINS ; married July 20, 1713, at New London, Connecti- Sa^'^if *p. 9. cut, to JOHN EMMS. POLINA STEBBINS [possibly daughter of No. 394, Josiah] ; married in n. e. h. &g. 1795 at Winchester, New Hampshire, to NODIAH KELLEY. p.^lsl.^' P. Q. or A. Q. STEBBINS [probably son of No. 1287, Quartus], was mar- BaiiouGen. ried to HANNAH BALLOU, born about 1800, at ITtiea, New York, who was a pp 237 4 589. daughter of Obadiah Ballon and Nancy Matthews, born in Cumberland, Rhode Island. Occupation, merchant. Removed to Brooklyn, New York. R. REBECCA STEBBINS was married (intention of marriage published April Qen'p"390 4, 1848, at Boston, Massachusetts) to ABIEL H. SHATTUCK. 1. RUFUS STEBBINS [probably brother of Daniel (see Unidentified D.) and Thomas (see Unidentified T.)] was born at Hartford, Connecticut; died in 1867 (or 1837) at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York; married to , born at Enfield, Connecticut; died in 1836 (or 1837) at Water- town, New York. Resided at Enfield, Connecticut, and Watertown, New York. CHILDREN: 2. I. Charlotte ; married Avery Skinner. 3. II. Charles. 4. III. Charles Devas, born June 9, 1807; married Phila Risley.-f 5. IV. George. C. V. Mary. 7. VI. James. 8. VII. Sarah. 9. VIII. Thompson. 1134 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 10. IX. Jane; married George Edget. 11. X. William Wallaec. horn July 26, 1821; married Hannah (Johnson) Dodge. + 4. CHARLES DEVAS STEBBINS, son of Kufus Stebbins, was born June 9, 1809 (or 1807), at Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut; died April 7, 18S(i (or 189;!); married to PHILA RISLEY, born February, 1807; died April, 18t)7, who was a daughter of Michael Risley and Mary Abbie. Occu- pation, farmer ;ur1 blacksmith. Politics, Republican. Resided at Mexico, Syracuse, Canastota, and Union Square, New York. CHILDREN: Rufus, Michael ; died young. George M. Julius Augustus, born January 13, 1831 ; married Mary A. Collard.-(- Mary Abbie, born November 25, 1837; married Lester Nelson. -j- 11. WILLIAM WALLACE STEBBINS, son of Rufus Stebbins and 12. I. 13. II. 14. III. 15. IV. , was born July 26, 1821, at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York; married January 7, 1841, at Herkimer, Herkimer County, New York, to HANNAH JANE (JOHNSON) DODGE, born August, 1817, at Mayfield, Herkimer County, New York ; died August 11, 1892, at Baldwinsville, Onon- daga County, New York, who was a daughter of Caleb Johnson and Hannah Lamphier. Occupation, farmer. Polities, Democrat. Religion, Baptist. Resi- dence, Baldwinsville, New York. CHILDREN: 16. I. Charlotte, born October 8, 1841; married Charles U. (or L. M.) Eddy. 17. II. Charles Rufus, born October 28, 1844; married Lucy Jane Bishop.-|- George, born January 14, 1846 ; married Lydia Brown. William, born September 16, 1848; married Caroline Coats. Mary Jane, born October 16, 1851 ; married Delmer T. Greene. Hannah Matilda, born June 17, 1853 ; married John J. Spencer. + Wellington Wallace, born February 8, 1855; married Lillian Meyers. Helen, born August 12, 1859; died in infancy. Albert, born September 18, 1861 ; married Catherine A. Mura.-f- When only sixteen years of age, WILLIAM WALLACE STEBBINS en- listed to fight the Canadians across the St. Lawrence river. He has many times repeated the .story of his narrow escape from hanging, when he, with others, was taken prisoner and condemned to die. His sister, Mrs. Avery Skinner, wife of the Judge of Oswego County, interceded in his behalf, and obtained his pardon the day before the one which had been set for his exeeu- 18. in. 19. IV. 20. V. 21. VI. 22 VII. 23. vin. 24. IX. UNIDENTIFIED. 1135 tiou. On that ilay, his fellow prisonpr — the one who shared his cot — was taken out ami lianged. While lie w;is in jirison, about 1S36-1S37, his i'atlier anil mother both died, being stricken within two weeks of each other. 14. JULIUS AUGUSTUS STEBBINS -j i:;;^;";^!^;:™' ^"""""^ Rufusstebbins J son iif Charles Devas Stejjbins ami Pliila RisJey, was born January 13, 1831, at Watertown, Oswego County, New York; died January 29, 1892, at Tarry- town, Westchester Countj^, New York ; married in 1853, at Mexico, New York, to MARY AUGUSTA COLLARD, born Septemlier 30, 1835, at New York, New York; died May 30, 1887, at North Syracuse, New York, who was a daughter of James CoUard and Susanna . Occupation, blacksmith. Polities, Rei>ubliean. Religion. JMethodist Episcopal. Resided at Mexico, Syracuse, and Tarrytown, New York. CHILDREN : 25. I. James; died young. 26. II. Emma; died young. 27. III. Wilson James, born July 4, 18tj0; married Ida May Reese. -(- 28. IV. Charles Augustus, born October, 186G. 15. MARY ABBiE STEBBINS j;:;;t/;^';^i^;:7^^^*'''^^ "'■^"""^'"'"'°^ [ daughter of Cliarles Devas Stebbins and Phila Risley, was born November 25, 1837, at Mexico, Oswego County, New York ; married November 6, 1860, to CAPTAIN LESTER NELSON, born September S, 1839, at Lockport, Niagara County, New York. Residence, Edgemont, Maryland. CHILDREN: 29. I. Addie S. Nelson, born January 13, 1864; married Dr. E. W. Alder- man ; lived at Washington, D. C. She died February 18, 1890. 17. CHARLES RUFUS STEBBINS j "^i^^ "^H'l't^""" Rufu. stebbins J son of William Wallace Stebbins and Hannah Jane Johnson, was born October 28, 1844, at Amboy, Oswego County, New York : married at Amboy, New York, to LUCY JANE BISHOP, born Novendjer 15, 1S4S, at Williamstown, Oswego County, New York, who was a daughter of Joseph Bishop and Anna M. Pren- tiss. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Repiddiean. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Oneida, Madison County, New York. CHILDREN : 30. L Anna J., born November 15, 1866 ; married James Laister Joyce. 31. II. Addie C, born April 3, 1868; died January 12, 1880. 32. III. Charles Maurice, born April 14, 1871 ; married Carrie Virginia Smith.-f- 1136 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 33. IV. Lillian May, born February 14, 1873; died August 14, 1876. 34. V. Adalbert J., born February 23, 1878; unmarried. 35. VI. "Wallace Burdette, born December 22, 1882; unmarried. 21. HANNAH MATILDA STEBBINS j '™^^^ lUim Wallace Stebblna Rufiis Stebblns j Hannnli .lane (Jolmson) Dodge • daughter of "William Wallace Stebbins and Hannah Jane Johnson, was born June 17, 1853, at Amboy, Oswego County, New York; married November 17, 1875, at Baldwinsville, Onondaga County, New York, to JOHN J. SPENCER, born September 3, 1851, who was a sou of Daniel Spencer and Naomia Van Patten. CHILDREN : 36. I. Grace Jane Spencer, born July 14, 1881. 37. II. Claude "W. Spencer, born October 1, 1885. 38. III. Ethel May Spencer, born May 9, 1890. 24. ALBERT STEBBINS j ^J, llliam Wallace Stebblns Rufiis Stebblns Ilannab .Tane (Johnson) Dodge son of William Wallace Stebbins and Hannah Jane Jolmson, was born Septem- ber 18, 1861, at Utiea, Oneida County, New York; married January 29, 1882, at Rochester, Monroe County, New York, to CATHERINE A. MURA, born March 26, 1863, at Middlepost, Niagara County, New York, who was a daugh- ter of Erasmus Mura and Ju.stina Ochs. Occupation, box-maker. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, 428 Jay Street, Rochester, New York. CHILDREN: William Wallace, born November 23, 1883 ; died November 23, 1883. Gertrude Catherine, born April 10, 1885. William Maurice, born January 29, 1887 ; died September 22, 1887. Walter Floyd, born July 12, 1888; died April 4, 1889. Leo Albert, born January 3, 1890. 39. I. 40. II. 41. III. 42. IV. 43. V. 27. WILSON JAMES STEBBINS ] : .Tulins Augustus Stebblns Charles Devas Stebblns Maiy Augusta Collard I'hlla RIsley Rufus Stebblns son of Julius Augustus Stebbins and Mary Augusta Collard, was born July 4, 1860, at Parish, Oswego County, New York; married September 12, 1894, at North Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, to IDA MAY REESE, born June 18, 1864, at Marysville, Yuba County, California, who was a daughter of James Monroe Reese and Elizabeth M. Lusk. Occupation, clerk. Politics, Republican. Religion, Reformed Episcopal. Residence, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN: 44. I. Florence May, born January 22, 1896. UNIDENTIFIED. 1137 Soon after the birth of WILSON JAMES STEBBINS, his parents removed to Mexico, New York. After his father returned from the war, the family removed to Syracuse, New York, and while there WILSON JAMES began his education in the Clinton School. In the spring of 1868 they removed to Nortli Syracuse. At twelve years of age he began to work for farmers and gardeners in the summer, attending the village school in the winters. Dur- ing the winter of 1878-9 he attended the Onondaga Academy and in the spring of 1879 entered the State Normal College at Albany, New York. After at- tending one term he taught one school year in the school situated on the plank road leading from Syracuse to Central Square. With the money earned by teaching, he resumed his studies in the fall of 1881, and graduated in January, 1883. He was obliged to borrow some money in order to complete the course, but in a year and a half, through his own efforts, he was able to pay off this indebtedness. After graduatit)n he taught a school in New York for one year and one in Pennsylvania for one year. In January, 1886, he went to Chiciigo, and has since been engaged in mercantile work. He attended the Chicago College of Law in 1892-4, and intends to practice the profession as soon as he can feel assured of his success. 32. CHARLES MAURICE STEBBINS \ ZT^lltillT'''' William Wallace Stebblns Hufus Stebblns HanDab Jane (JohDSOD) Dodge I son of Charles Rufus Stebbins and Lucy Jane Bishop, was born April 14, 1871, at Amboy, Oswego County, New York ; married June 24, 1896, at Blue Mound, Macon County, Illinois, to CARRIE VIRGINIA SMITH, born November 17, 1868, at Nokomus, Montgomery County, Illinois, who was a daughter of John K. Smith and Hannah Jane Davis. Occupation, teacher. Politics, Republican. Religion, Bajitist. Resided at Salt Lake City, Utah ; Oneida, New York, and Portsmouth, Ohio. CHILDREN: 45. I. Anna Katharine, born April 14, 1897. 1. RUSSELL STEBBINS [possibly son of No. 1853, Russell] was mar- Thomas ried in 1859 to ALICE HOLMES SCHIEFFELIN, born in 1838, who was a p^'tav"^^ daughter of Samuel Bradhurst Schieffelin and Lucretia Hazard. CHILDREN : 2. I. Grace; married Alfred C. Chapin.-f 3. II. Samuel Sehieflfelin. 4. III. Russell Hazard. 2. GRACE STEBBINS, daughter of Russell Stebbins and Alice Holmes Schieffelin, was married to ALFRED C. CHAPIN. 78 Hart Oen. p. 430. 1138 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: 5. L Grace Chapin. 6. II. Beatrice Chapin. RUTH STEBBINS, of Clinton, Oneida County, New York; married to JESSE HART, born in 1784, at Bristol, Connecticut, who was a son of Amasa Hart, of Bristol, Connecticut, and Paris (now Kirkland), New York, and Phebe Roberts. After his marriage he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio. B. Field Gen. SALLY STEBBINS, of Brattleboro, Vermont, was born July 10, 1791; died November 10, 1844 ; married to ABEL WATTE FIELD, baptized Novem- ber 4, 1787, at Amherst, Massachusetts; died October 28, 1871, at Somerville, Massachusetts, who was a son of John Field and Rachel Waite. Occupation, farmer. Settled in Brattleboro, Vermont ; removed to Lancaster, New Hamp- shire, and West Med ford. CHILDREN: I. Daniel Stebbins Field, born September 28, 1813. II. John Edward Field, born August 28, 1815; married Martha Eliza Moore. III. Lorenzo Abel Field, born March 28, 1821 ; married Sarah Ann Davis. IV. William W. Field, born October 31, 1824; married Mahala J. Howe. V. Sarah E. Field, born March 19, 1827; married Joseph Forristall. VI. George H. Field, born April 6, 1831. Samuel Stebblne s Joanna Lamb 1. SAMUEL STEBBINS \ Nebemlab .Stebblus 5 Samuel Stebbins 4 ( Elizabetb Morgan Hannab Hitchcock 2 1 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 Rowland Stebbins i > Hannah Wright Sarah ( son of Nehemiah Stebbins and Elizabeth Morgan, was born April 8, 1766, at Longmeadow, Massachusetts; died at Rupert, Vermont; married to MARTHA ANN WEED. He married second, RACHEL WILLARD (She married second, Leonard, of Ruppert, Vermont, and removed to Indiana), born in 1764 in Massachusetts; died October 6, 1848, at Connersville, Indiana. Resided at Holden, Massachusetts until 1801 ; removed to Rupert, Vermont. CHILDREN: ,; Horace, born about 1792; married Lucinda Adair.-f- Esther, born January 7, 1793; married Lewis Weed.+ Sophia; married Jason Richards. Rachel ; married Stephen R. Ball. Elizabeth; married Julius Whitmore.-(- 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 9. I. 10. II. 11. III. 12. IV. 13. V UNIDENTIFIED. 1139 7. VI. Willard. 8. VII. Sarah ; marritHl Elza Houghland.+ 2. HORACE STEBBINS, son of Samuel Stebbins and , was born about 1792, in Vermont; died (after May 14), 1870, at Ottumwa, Iowa; married about 1819, at Marietta, Ohio, to LIJCINDA ADAIR, born in North Carolina ; died March, 1851, at Wilmington, Illinois, who was a daughter of Ellas Adair and . He married second, at Agency City, Iowa, to Widow Eagleston. Occupation, cabinet maker and ship carpenter. Poli- tics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Resided at Ottumwa, Iowa, and Mays- ville, Indiana. CHILDREN : John Richard, born in 1819; married Margaret Smith. -|- Mary Etta, born in 1820; married William Longmire.-)- Daniel Willard ; married Sarah Jane Reynolds. -|- Sarah Ann, born at Lafayette, Indiana ; married Harrison Reynolds. Lucinda Sophia, born in 1831 at Lafayette, Indiana ; died March, 1834, aged 3 years, at Lafayette, Indiana. HORACE STEBBINS was a soldier in the war of 1812. He afterwards followed boating on the Ohio river. After serving as an apprentice at the carpenter trade with his brother-in-law, Julius Whitmore, he went aboard the steamer "Swan" as ship carpenter, making a voyage to New Orleans. While there he was taken sick with yellow fever. When he had sufficiently recovered, he returned to Cincinnati, arriving there about Christmas, 1816. He engaged as carpenter on a steamer then in course of construction, and when it was launched he went aboard as ship carpenter. He remained with this ship, navigating the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, for many years, until wrecked near the present site of Cairo, Illinois. On a piece of wreckage he floated down stream for about twelve miles, and lauded on the Kentucky shore in a dense forest — wet, cold and hungry. He made his way down the river toward St. Louis. Luckily a flat boat came floating down stream with three men aboard. MR. STEBBINS hailed them, but, thinking he was a decoy for some murderous band of Indians (of whom the flat boatmen were very wary), they pulled for the opposite shore. However, when they saw him enter the water for the purpose of swimming to them, they sent a small boat, which they had in tow, to his assistance. After he had been made comfortable and had had a good supper, they turned in for the night. Upon rising the next morning they were confronted by the danger of a large camp of Indians just below them and in full view. It was very early in the morning, and, pulling rapidly for the other shore, they were not seen, or, if seen, were not molested. On arriving at St. Louis MR. STEBBINS again went aboard a steamer and returned to Cincinnati. From there he went to Marietta, Ohio. It is not known how long he remained there, but in 1823 he was again on the river, having an interest in the steamer "River Queen," which was burned a year later between St. Louis, Missouri, and Alton, Illinois. MR. STEBBINS was completely ruined by this disaster. 1140 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Returning to Cincinnati he worked at liis trade in the city, having con- cluded to quit the river traffic. He soon removed to Laporte, Indiana, where he worked at his trade in company with his brother-in-hiw, Julius Whitmore. After remaining there two years he returuetl to Lafayette, where he worked as cabinet maker for several years. He then went to New Town, Fountain County, Indiana, where he purchased a homestead from the United States government. His oldest daughter, with her husband, settled near Wild Horse Creek, seven miles south of Wilmington, Will County, Illinois, and proceeded to open up a farm. MR. STEBBINS having heard of the new Eldorado, sold his Indian possessions and settled on a farm one mile south of his daughter's. New settlers were coming in fast, and MR. STEBBINS' skill as a carpenter made him in great demand. Leaving his farm to the care of his wife and children, he worked at his trade, and for a time was very prosperous. While shingling a house, the scaffold gave way, and MR. STEBBINS' hip was tlislocated, disabling him for a long time. When he had recovered he started to Wilmington, driving an ox team. The oxen became frightened by a dog chasing a deer, and ran away, upsetting the wagon and throwing MR. STEBBINS out. His hip was again dislocated and he was rendered a cripple for life. Soon after the death of his wife he sold the farm and engaged in the mercantile business, in which he was very successful. He afterwards sold out his business and removed to Agency City, Iowa, where his youngest son was located. His second marriage proved very unfortunate, and after his wife had se- cured all of his money he was turned out almost penniless. He again en- deavored to work at his trade, but being badly crippled lie gave it up. Prom that time he made his home with his children, and died at the home of his son, Willard, at Ottumwa, Iowa. 3. ESTHER STEBBINS, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Rachel Wil- lard, was born January 7, 1793, at Holden, Worcester County, Massachusetts; died April 11, 1874, at Galena, Indiana; married in 1809, at Rupert, Vermont, to LfiWIS WEED, born July 2, 1791, at Ballston, Saratoga County, New York ; died October 16, 1864, at Gale7ia, Indiana, who was a son of Jacob Weed and Rebecca Ryder. Occupation, shoemaker and farmer. Resided at Rupert, Vermont; Rodman, New York, and Galena, Indiana. CHILDREN : Lewis Orlin, born in 1809 ; married Emily Warirer. Eli Weed, born August 10, 1810 ; married Betsey Miles. Sophia, born in 1812; married Gariett Seeber. Sophronia, born January 27, 1814; married John Daniels Bur- ton. -f- Eliza, born July 3, 1816 ; married James Hanville. Harriet, born March 4, 1818; unmarried. Almira, born March 9, 1820; married David Warner. 14. I. 15. II. 16. III. 17. IV. 18. V. 19. VI. 20. VII. 22. IX. 23. X. 24. XI. 25. XII. 26. XIII. 27. XIV. 28. XV. 29. XVI. .30. XVII. UNIDENTIFIED. 1141 21. VIII. Enos, born December 24, 1821; married Martha Wait. Caroline, born April 27, 1823 ; married Joseph Munson Goodrich. Julia, born September 17, 1824 ; unmarried. John Quincy, born March 7, 1826 ; unmarried. Infant, born in 1828 ; died in 1828. James Monroe, born February 6, 1830; married Phoebe Clark. Henry Clinton, born in 1831. George Rosa, born June 14, 1833 ; married Marion Easton. Charles Finney, born in 1835. William Ilanford, horn February 22, 1838; married Eugenia Thomp.son. 6. ELIZABETH STEBBINS, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Rachel Willard; (lied at LaPorte, Indiana; married JULIUS WHITMORE. Resided at LaPorte, Indiana. CHILDREN : 31. I. Daughter; married Bennett, of Chicago. 8. SARAH STEBBINS [sister of Horace, No. 970], daughter of Samuel Stebbins and ; married ELZA HOUGHLAND. CHILDREN: 32. I. William Houghland ; lives at Eldon, Iowa. 33. II. James E. Houghland ; lives at Eldon, Iowa. 34. III. Daughter; married Bennett; lived at Chicago, Illinois. 9. JOHN RICHARD STEBBINS J ;\X;„^~ .Samuel stebbins j^ son of Horace Stebbins and Lucinda Adair, was born in 1819, at Ohio; died in 1863, at Wilmington, Illinois; married in 1843 at Maysville, Indiana, to MAR- GARET SMITH, horn at Ohio; died at Areola, Illinois, who was a daughter of James Smith. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Pro- testant. Resided in Indiana and Illinois. CHILDREN : Sarah Jane, born in 1844; married Alson Bovee.-|- Mary Ann, born in 1846; lives at Elk Point, South Dakota. Lucinda, born in 1848; drownetl in 1855. Elizabeth, born in 1850; married Truman Barker; died in 1870, at Wilmington, Illinois. 39. V. George Washington, born in 1851 ; died October 8, 1879 ; unmar- ried. John Richard, born in 1854; lives at Elk Point, South Dakota. Benjamin Franklin, born in 1857; lost in 1867; has not been heard of since. p]liza Ellen, born in 1859; died unmarried in 1877. Willard, born in 1863; died in 1863. 35. I. 36. II. 37. III. 38. IV. 40. VI. 41. VII. 42. VIII. 43. IX. 1142 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 10. MARY ETTA STEBBms]^,XlTda'r Samuel Stebbln s j daughter of Horace Stebbins and Lucinda Adair, was born at Marietta, Ohio ; died June 20, 1864, at Wilmington, Illinois; married December 20, 1843, at Newtown, Fountain County, Indiana, to WILLIAM LONGMIRE, born Sep- tember 20, 1818, at Newtown, Indiana; died November 5, 1864, at Wilming- ton, Illinois, who was a son of George Longmire. Occupation, farmer. Poli- tics, Democrat. Religion, Christian. CHILDREN : 44. I. Sarah Ann, born December 4, 1844 ; married James D. Johnson. 45. II. Eliza Amorette, born December 4, 1847 ; married John Roderick. 46. III. Oscar Leroy, born October 8, 1849; married Nettie Jane Daven- port.-|- 47. IV. Horace Stebbins, born January 29, 1851; died March 23, 187.3. 48. V. Charlotte Emma, born February 14, 1853 ; married George Eikes. 49. VI. Sophronia Isabel, born March 22, 1856; married John Holstine. 50. VII. George William, born June 17, 1864; married. 11. DANIEL WILLARD STEBBINS ) I^^XaTdT' Samuel Stebblna J son of Horace Stebbins and Lucinda Adair, was born May 5, 1826, at South Bend, Indiana; died March 4, 1884, at Crete, Nebraska; married to SARAH JANE REYNOLDS, born January 17, 1835, at Essex, New York, who was a daughter of George Reynolds and Rhoda Welch. Profession, architect. Poli- tics, Republican. Religion, Unitarian. Removed from Indiana to Ottumwa. Iowa, about 1855. CHILDREN : 51. I. Adelaide, born August 19, 1856, at Wilmington, Illinois ; is superin- tendent of drawing in the South Omaha Public Schools. 52. II. Charlotte Emma, born May 6, 1858; married James Proctor Clarey; no children ; live at South Omaha, Nebraska. 53. III. Orrin Edgar, born February 4, 1861 ; married Catherine Erwin, of Austin, Texas. Children: Edwin Daugherty, born December 19, 1885 ; Eula, born January 9, 1888 ; live at Austin, Texas. 54. IV. Lunette, born January 17, 1863; married Frank B. Stephens, who was born October 14, 1855, at Turner, Maine. Children : Harold Montelle, born March 6, 1886; Edwin Willard, born May 10, 1890. Profession, lawyer. Reside at Salt Lake City, Utah. 16. SOPHRONIA WEED \ f ^th^^^tebblns Samuel Stebbins I J Lewie Weed 1 daughter of Esther Stebbins and Lewis Weed, was born January 27, 1814, at Pulaski, Oswego County, New York; died February 4, 1895, at New Haven, Connecticut; married November 27, 1834, at Rodman, New York, to JOHN 56. II. 57. III. 58. IV. 59. V. 60. VI. UNIDENTIFIED. 1143 DANIELS BURTON, born January 28, 1807, at Rodman, New York; died June 7, 1874, at Rodman, New York, who was a son of John Burton and Betsey Daniels. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregation- alist. Resided at Rodman, New York. CHILDREN : 55. I. Helen Pamelia, born December 2, 1835; married Charles Butler Smith. Lewis, born March 14, 1837; died 1839. George Riley, born September 14, 1838; married Sarah Fuller Rice.4- Alfred, born in 1840; died in 1842. Manfred Stcbbins, born February 24, 1845; died January 3, 1872. Annette Esther, born May 31, 1849. OK CAD ATT TAMP aTTTnUTMO ''"''"'"'''""■'' ^♦'^'^'•'''^ Horace StohblnB 35. SAKAH JAUE »l£iU151JN»-^^,^^gg,.pjj;,^,j^ Luclnda Adair Samuel Stebblns } daughter of John Richard Stebbins and Margaret Smith, was born in 1844. at Maysvillc, Indiana; married November 19, 1867, at Wilmington, Illinois, to ALSON BOVEE, born in 1846, who was a son of Norman Bovee and Per- melia Loucks. Occupation, liveryman. Politics, Populist. Residence, Elk Point, South Dakota. CHILDREN : Agnes Permelia, born in 1868; married at Elk Point in 1898. Jennie Amorette, born in 1870 ; married at Elk Point in 1898 ; lives at Ponca, Nebraska. Alson Norman, born in 1874; died. Sadie Ellen, born in 1876; lives at Elk Point. Leila. June. Mary, born in 1882 ; died in 1893. 61. I. 62. II. 63. III. 64. IV. 65. V. 66. VI. 67. VII. 46. OSCAR LEROY LONOMIRE j "iiuam '"on i stebbins Horace Stebbins gmlre Luclnda Adah- Samuel Stebbins son of Mary Etta Stebbins and William Longmire, was born October 8, 1849, at Wilmington. Will County, Illinois; married May 22, 1876, at Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, to NETTIE JANE DAVENPORT, born March 29, 1857, at Adel, Dallas County, Iowa, who was a daughter of John Davenport and Amanda M. McCrea. Occupation, house and carriage painter. Politics, Socialist. Re- ligion, Protestant. Residence, Elk Point, Union County, South Dakota. CHILDREN : 68. I. Mary Amorette, born May 14, 1877 ; married Harry Korns. 1144 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 69. II. Amanda Malinda, born May 16, 1880; unmarried. 70. III. Leonard Otis, born June 23, 1884 ; died November 5, 1885. 71. IV. Agnes Irene, born May 8, 1888. 72. V. Florence Jannette, born July 24, 1893. OSCAE LEROY LONGMIRE served an apprenticeship at the trade of house and carriage painting at Ottumwa, Iowa, his term expiring on April 7, 1870. He was employed by the government during the years 1870 to 1873, as a messenger and scout on the frontier, having a varied experience. Esther Stehblns Lewis Weed 57. GEORGE RILEY BURTON J ToCZlVZto. Samuel Stehhlns j son of Sophronia Weed and John Daniels Burton, was born September 14, 1838, at Rodman, Jefferson County, New York ; married August 19, 1862, at Rodman, Jefferson County, New York, to SARAH FULLER RICE, born March 20, 1838, at Whateley, Massachusetts; died March 3, 1894, at New Haven, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Reverend Lorenzo Rice and Abigail Chauncey Smith. Occupation, insurance. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Resided at Rodman, New York ; Marshall, Michigan ; Troy, New York, and New Haven, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 73. I. George Lorenzo, born July 15, 1863 ; married Emma Woodvvorth Fitch.+ 74. II. Charles Edward, born November 19, 1873 ; married Harriet Eliza- beth Waterbury. 75. III. Homer F. G., born October 17, 1875; died July 7, 1876. 76. IV. Louis Rice, born February 18, 1880. 73. GEORGE LORENZO BURTON ) ';;"Xp^,' ns I Riley Burton Sophronia Weed Her Rice .Tohn DanlelB Burton Esther Stebblns Samuel Stebhi Lewis Weed son of George Riley Burton and Sarah Fuller Rice, was born July 15, 1863, at Adams, Jefferson County, New York; married July 6, 1897, at Stamford, Fair field County, Connecticut, to EMMA (WOOD WORTH) FITCH, born October 8, 1866, at Westville, New Haven County, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Levi P. Woodworth and Emily Isabel Brockett. Occupation, insurance. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. Residence, New Haven, Connecticut. CHILDREN: 77. I. Emily Rice, born August 6, 1899. Received the degree of A. B. at Yale in 1883; L. L. B. Columbia University, 1886. Is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and a 32nd degree Mason. 4. I. 5. II. 6. III. 7. IV. 8. V. 9. VI. 10. VII. 11. VIII. UNIDENTIFIED. 1145 1. SAMUEL STEBBINGS (prohahly same as No. 25, Samuel] had sons: i^eictJte"' Mass. p. 55. 2. I. Joseph. 3. II. John.+ CAPTAIN JOHN STEBBINGS, son of Samuel Stebbings, was killed Au- gust 18, 1756, at Fort Edward, New York, in repelling attack of French and Indians; married to SARAH SOUTHGATE, who died November 16. 1742, at Spencer, Massachusetts. He married second, in 1743, at Spencer, Massachu- setts, MARY HINDS. Occupation, housewright. Religion. Congregationalist. Resided at Leicester and Spencer, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : Sarah, born September 30, 1732 ; married Joseph Bigelow.-|- Elizabeth, born September 2, 1734; married Daniel Newhall, of Leicester. John, born July 21, 1738; married Olive Mozzy.-|- James, born April 23, 1740. Mary, born October 2, 1742. Benjamin, born June 25, 1744; married Mercy Aiken. + Reuben, born April 18, 1746. Patience, born August 19, 1747. CAPTAIN JOHN STEBBINGS and his brother, Joseph, in 1714, were as- history signed the first house lot of thirty acres, in Leicester, Massachusetts. He and ^Pf'ncer. ^ '' ■ Mass. his brother were neither of them twenty-one years of age, when they came p- -^^■ to Leicester. This house lot was on "Strawberry Hill," and comprehended a considerable part of the village of Leicester. He was the first grantee ^p"cester° " named in the deed, dated Januiiry 8, 1724, giving the easterly half of the town *''"5?.Sq * pp. *i*.y to the first fifty families. &420. He was a housewright by trade, but he acquired only a moderate estate; yet he was a man of intelligence and influence, and was often promoted to ofiBces in civil and military life. He went to Spencer, Massachusetts, in 1737 or 1738, and took possession of the lot (No. 6) lately owned by Major Isaac Lamb. MR. STEBBINGS was a soldier in the French war in 1746, serving under Governor Shirley, in Canada and Nova Scotia. Again in 1755 and 1756, he was captain of a company in the regiment of Colonel Ruggles, stationed at Fort Edward, where he died. 4 SARAH STEBBINGS •! '"'''''''° ■'''''° ^*^'''''°^^ Samuel stebbings I GerL p'^50. j Sarah .Southgate j daughter of Captain John Stebbings and Sarah Southgate, died April 5, 1806, at Shrewsbury; married April 30, 1756, at Leicester, Massachusetts, to JOSEPH BIGELOW, born in 1736, at Framingham, Massachusetts; died April 19, 1774, at Spencer, Massachusetts, who was a son of Daniel Bigelow and Rebecca Eames. She married second, EZEKIEL HOWE, of Shrewsbury. 1146 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN: John Bigelow, born August 24, 1757 ; married Persis Wright. Joseph Bigelow, born December 6, 1759. James Bigelow, born June 7, 1762; married Mary Graham. Jabez Bigelow, born March 17, 1764 ; died February 21, 1786. Daniel Bigelow, born February 14, 1766; married Mercy Wood. William Bigelow, born July 1, 1768; married Betsey Eager. p|iX^ Sarah Bigelow, born October 3, 1770; married John Ward. Elizabeth Bigelow, born January 13, 1773 ; married Dennis Howe. JOSEPH BIGELOW, when a young man, went to Leicester. Soon after his marriage, he returned to Framingham, where he lived until he became of age, when he came into possession of his share in his father's estate. He soon removed to Leicester, and, about 1766, moved to Spencer, where he spent the remainder of his days. 12. I. 13. . II. 14. III. 15. IV. 16. V. 17. VI. 18. VII. 19. VIII. History of Spencer, MasB. p. 256. 6. JOHN STEBBINOB Captain John Stebblngs Sarah Southgate Samuel StebblngB j son of Captain John Stebbings and Sarah Southgate, was born July 21, 1738, at Spencer, Massachusetts; died July 17, 1821, at Spencer, Massachusetts; married October 11, 1764, to OLIVE MUZZY; died March 1, 1840, who was a daughter of Deacon John Muzzy. Resided at Spencer, Massachusetts. JOHN STEBBINGS acquired a handsome estate, two thousand dollars of which he generously gave to the Congregational society in Spencer. He left no children. His farm is now owned by Aaron Watson and Mr. Putnam. Hardwick, Mass. p. 323. BENJAMIN STEBBINGS j ^,7/^1° n .Tobn Stebblngs Inds Samuel Stebbings son of Captain John Stebbings and Mary Hinds, was born June 25, 1744, at Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts; died in 1814 (?) at Norfolk, New York (or Westford, Chittenden County, Vermont) ; married September 24, 1772 (T. R.), at Hardwick, Massachusetts, to MERCY AIKEN, born November 16, 1750, at Hardwick, Worcester County, Massachusetts; died in 1814, at Westford, Vermont, who was a daughter of Solomon Aiken and Dorcas Whit- comb. Occupation, farmer. Removed to Barnard, Vermont, before 1782. CHILDREN: Records of Barnard. Vt. 20. I. 21. II. 22. III. 23. IV. 24. V. 25. VI. 26. VII. John, born June 10, 1773; married Elizabeth Weeks.+ Benjamin, born August 8, 1774. Polly (Mary), born May 27, 1776. James, born February 26, 1778. Sally (Sarah), born October 9, 1780. Mercy, born October 9, 1780; died March 3, 1806. Charles Doolittle, born October 7, 1782; married Lydia Richard- son. + 28. IX. 29. X. 30. XI. 31. XII. 547-9. UNIDENTIFIED. 1147 27. VIII. Anna, born January 23, 1785; married Thomas Tripper; died February 25, 1806. Reuben, born January 18, 1787. Levi, born February 20, 1792 ; married Sarah Price. -f- Betsy, born probably at Norfolk. New York. Abigail, born probably at Norfolk, New York. In 1780 BENJAMIN STEBBINGS bought two lots of Lot Whitcomb, which Vermont included what is now called Silver Lake, but was then known as Stebbins Pond. He served three days as a private in Benjamin Cox's Company, "for scouting," enlisting August 3, 1780. He was a representative from Barnard, in the Vermont Assembly in 1782. New York and Vermont had been engaged in a heated controversy as to Hairs Hiet. their respective boundaries. While the Legislature of New York was en- vt. pp. deavoring to compensate those of their citizens, who in maintaining the juris- diction of that state on the "Grants," had lost much of their real and per- sonal estate, the government of Vermont was engaged in devising measures to satisfy the wants of its citizens. During the summer, the sufferings of the people becoming severe, and their complaints lo\id, on account of the scarcity of money, Governor Chittenden, in the month of August published an address to the inhabitants of the state, which was evidently dictated by a paternal regard for their welfare and happiness. He earnestly exhorted his fellow-citizens to be industrious and economical; to avoid, as much as possible, the purchase of foreign productions; and to devote their attention to the raising of flax and wool, and the various articles necessary for food and clothing. He counseled them to exercise prudence and diligence in busi- ness; mutual forbearance and kindness in their relations with one another; and a true regard for the safety of the state. By this course of conduct, and by the assistance which the Legislature would afford at their next session, he expressed a hope that their sufferings would be brought to a speedy termina- tion, and they would become a prosperous and happy people. In accordance with the promise of Governor Chittenden, measures were taken by the Legislature during their session in October, to relieve the em- barrassments of the people. Those who were inclined to suffier inconvenience rather than disturb the peace of the state, ceased to complain and endeavored to quiet the murmurings of their neighbors. Others, who owed money, deter- mined to prevent the sitting of the courts in which judgments and executions might be obtained against them. By the terms of the statute, a session of the court of common pleas for the county of Windsor was appointed to be held at Windsor, on Tuesday, October 31, 1786. On the morning of that day, a mob of about thirty armed men, from the towns of Barnard and Hartland, under the command of Robert Morrison, a Hartland blacksmith, and BENJAMIN STEBBINGS, a Barnard farmer, as- sembled near the court house at Windsor, a little after sunrise. Though no movements to that effect were made, yet their obvious design was to hinder the sitting of the court. Prompt in the discharge of duty, Stephen Jacob, the State's attorney, and Benjamin Wait, the high sheriff, waited on the malcontents, read to them the riot act and several other acts 1148 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. relative to unlawful assemblages; made proclamation to them to disperse; addressed them on the "impropriety of their proceedings," and kindly ad- vised them to return peaceably to their homes. After a little hesitation, they concluded to obey the laws, and dispersed. The court convened in the after- noon, adjourned to the next morning, and then proceeded to business without any further molestation. At a term of the supreme court held at Windsor, November 14, 1786, warrnnts were issued for the arrest of the rioters, it being charged that they, on October 31, "with guns, bayonets, swords, clubs, drums, fifes, and other warlike instruments, unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously did assemble and gather themselves together, to disturb and break the peace of the state," and that, being thus assembled, they did "parade themselves in the front of the court house in said Windsor in martial array, and with fixed bayonets did resist, obstruct and hinder" the sheriff of the county, and the county court, "from entering the said court-house, and them did impede from open- ing and holding the said court, then and there by law to be opened and holden." To these charges Morrison pleaded guilty, and threw himself upon the mercy of the court. He was sentenced to suffer one month's imprison- ment; to procure bonds of one hundred pounds for his good behavior for two years; to pay a fine of ten pounds, and to bear the costs of the suit. The Council of punishment of the other offenders, who either pleaded or were found guilty, ■ '' " was proportioned according to the offences they had committed. At a session of the General Assembly, Tuesday, October 24, 1797, "The Petition of Stephen Jacon & BENJ. STEBBINS Esquires wherein they pray for some relief in Conspquence of their being bound for Wm. Sweetser Esquire Late Sheriff' of the County of Windsor &c. being read & by the House re- ferred to Mess'rs J. Wright, E. Wheeloek, I Smith, Williams, Sam'l Miller, Keys, sias, & Goodrich, to Join a Committee from Covuicil &c. Resolved that Mr. Olin be appointed to Join said Committee." p. 156. "Wednesday Nov the Id A. D. 1797. "An act Directing the Treasurer of this State to take security of Stephen Jacob & BENJAMIN STEBBINS Esquires in a Certain Case therein Men- tioned &c. having passed the House, Read & Concurred with this Amendment to wit. in the Ninth Line as numbered after the word 'Instalments' Insert the words hard money. Hard Money Orders, or Treasurer's notes." In THE ACTS OF THE VERMONT ASSEMBLY we find the following: "An Act granting to Jesse Williams Judge of Probate for the district of Hartford and his successors in office, in trust, for the use of MERCY STEB- BINS, wife of BENJAMIN STEBBINS of Barnard 100 acres of land in said Barnard. Sec. 1. — It is hereby enacted &c — that there be, and hereby is granted to Jesse Williams Esq. of Woodstock in the County of Windsor, Judge of Pro- bate, for the district of Hartford and to his successors in office, in trust for the use and benefit of MERCY STEBBINS, wife of BENJAMIN STEBBINS in said County of Windsor, 100 acres of land situate in said Barnard, the property of this state bounded south on Moses Fay, easterly on Nathaniel UNIDENTIFIED. 1149 Wight, northerly on Moses Coolidge, and westwardly on lands that the state now own. Sec. 2.— And it is hcivliy liirtlirr enacted that the said MERCY STEB- BINS shall possess, oceu])y and impi'ove the aforesaid 100 acres of land under the direction of the aforesaid tJndge of Probate and his successors in office during her natural life, and may dispose of the premises by deed or other- wise to take effect after her decease to any of her children, and in case the said MERCY shall not make such disposition of said land in her lifetime then and in that case the same shall be equally divided to and among the children of said MERCY, and in case the said MERCY shall have |uo| children living at the time of her decease then the land shall descend in the same manner as the law regulating the descent of estates direct. Passed Nov. 12, 1803. A true copy attest David Wing Jun. Secretary." In 1808 MERCY STEBBINS deeded to her son Charles (then as the wife of BEN J. STEBBINGS) a portion of this grant. The Central Cemetery, con- taining li/o acres, was sold to the town by MARCY & CHARLES STEBBINGS of Barnard from this land, the deed being dated 1809. No record of the death of BENJAMIN STEBBINGS or his wife, MARCY, nor any grave stone can be found in Barnard, Vermont. Ort Tr»XIM OTT'TJUTXrr'O I Bt-njamlu Stebblngs Captain John Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs I Weeks Gen. 20. JOHN STEBBINGS -j ^l^„.y ^,l^^„ Mary Hinds •* ^ p. 190 son of Benjamin Stebbings and Mercy Aiken, was born June 10, 1773, at Brad- ford, Vermont; married to ELIZABETH WEEKS, born December 26, 1777, probably at Hardwick, Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Holland Weeks and Mary Peirce. Occupation, farmer. Removed to Rutland, Jefferson County, New York. 26. CHARLES DOOLITTLE STEBBINGS \ f:"^""'" I .Merey Alb .Stebblngs Aiken Captain John Stebblngs Samuel Stebl Mary Hinds )lugs j son of Benjamin Stebbings and Mary Aiken, was born October 7, 1782, at Barnard, Windsor Comity, Vermont; died September 17, 1853, at St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois; married October 30, 1808, to LYDIA RICHARDSON, born August 12, 1788, at Franklin (or Brookfield), Massachusetts; died March 2, 1876, at Chicago, Illinois (then Hyde Park), who was a daughter of Daniel Richardson and Lydia Bacon. Occupation, miller. Politics, Whig. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at Barnard, Westford and Burlington, Vermont. CHILDREN: 32. I. Charles Preston, born November 4, 1810; died February 11, 1812. 33. II. Anna Maria, born June 16, 1812; married Addison E. Partridge. 34. III. Eleanor Reed, born March 12, 1814; married Zebina Bliss. 1150 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 35. IV. Lydia Bacon, born July 1, 1816 ; married Reverend Ebenezer Cross Birge. 36. V. James Monroe, born January 11, 1818; died in 1819. 37. VI. Horace Ricliardson, born December 27, 1820; married Caroline Preston.-[- 38. VII. Cornelia Jane, born March 7, 1825 ; married Joel Harmon Hulburd. uilu Stebblngs Captain .lohn Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs Aiken Mary Hinds 29. LEVI STEBBINGS ] ^/."f^ son of Benjamin Stebbings and Mercy Aiken, was born February 20, 1792 (T. R.), at Barnard, Vermont; died April 27, 1865, at Brushton, New York; married November 9, 1814, at Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, to SARAH PRICE, born March 6, 1797 (or 1798), at Montreal, Canada (or Lan- singburg, New York) ; died February 15, 1889 (or 1888), at Norfolk, New York, who was a daughter of Price. CHILDREN: 39. I. Eleanor, born August 22, 1816 (or 1815) ; married Charles Blanchard ; died August 8, 1888. 40. II. Truman, born July 23, 1818 (or 1817) ; married Augusta (Wood) Joslyn.+ 41. III. Samuel, born October 26, 1820; died May 31, 1869. 42. IV. Albert, born June 10, 1822 (or 1823) ; married Mary Rice. He died July 21, 1894. 43. V. Harriet Adaline, born March 9, 1825; married William Churchill. 44. VI. Alma (or Ann) Maria, born June 23, 1827; married Myron Lev- ings. 45. VII. James Edward, born August 2, 1832. 46. VIII. William Henry, born October 13, 1835 (or 1834) ; married Sarah Farnsworth. 47. LX. Charles Eugene, born January 9, 1842; married Matilda J. Paine. -(- 37. HORACE RICHARDSON STEBBINGS j LydI"a'Richard"o?'''""°*' Benjamin Stebblngs Captain John Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs | Merc; Aiken Mary Hinds j son of Charles Doolittle Stebbings and Lydia Richardson, was born Decem- ber 27, 1820, at Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont ; married September 20, 1855, at Dublin, Wayne County, Indiana, to CAROLINE PRESTON, born October 11, 1831, in Hamilton County, Ohio (near Cincinnati), who was a daughter of Robert Simpson Preston and Rachel Vance Roll. Profession, at- torney. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Resided at Bur- lington, Vermont, and Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN: 48. I. Cornelia Hulburd, born September 20, 1856; died same day. 49. II. 50. III. 51. IV. 52. V. 53. VI. UNIDENTIFIED. 1151 Walter Louis, born May 2, 1858; married Elizabeth Gray Cornell.-f- Horaee Preston, born November 2, 1860; married Anna M. Shel- don.+ Paul; married May 12 (or 20), 1864; died December 17, 1864. Mary, born December 21, 1866. Julia, born June 20, 1871. tilngs Benjamin Stebblngs Mercy Aiken 40. TRUMAN STEBBINGS j st;^^,!',';' Captain .Inhn Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs ( Mary Hinds j son of Levi Stebblngs and Sarah Price, was born July 23, 1817, at Montreal, Canada; died May 31, 1869, at Ft. Covington, Franklin County, New York; married April 13, 1848, at Westford, Chittenden County, Vermont, to AU- GUSTA (WOOD) JOSLYN, born May 24, 1820, at Westford, Chittenden County, Vermont; died December 1, 1885, at Brushton, Franklin County, New York, who was a daughter of William Wood and Hannah Parrish. CHILDREN : 54. I. Ellen Augusta, born October 21, 1849; married Oscar L. Chapin. 55. II. Ada Jeanette, born Augusta 8, 1854; married Edwin Litchfield. 56. III. Carrie Adelia, born June 6, 1856 ; married George E. Rommel. 57. IV. George Truman, born February 20, 1859 ; married Mary Watera.-|- 47. CHARLES EUGENE STEBBINGS -J '■''^\^*:'','"''^' Benjamin StebWng, ^ Sarab I'rlce Mercy Aiken Captain John Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs / Mary Hinds J son of Levi Stebblngs and Sarah Price, was born January 9, 1842, at Canton, St. Lawrence County, New York; married May 26, 1868, at Park Ridge, Illi- nois, to MATILDA J. PAINE, born December 25, 1849, at Park Ridge, Illinois, who was a daughter of William Paine and Charlotte George. Occupation, merchant. Politics, Republican. Residence, Park Ridge, Illinois. CHILDREN: 58. I. Arthur, born in 1869; died in 1876. 59. II. Albert Lester, born August 14, 1870; married Alice J. Meek.+ 60. III. Charles, born in 1871 ; died in 1876. 61. IV. Ethel Anne, born in 1876 ; married Dr. George A. Hamman. 62. V. Mabel FVances, born in 1878. 63. VI. Harry Eugene, born August 3, 1887. 49. WALTER LOUIS gXEBBINOS ^ """^"''^ '"''''"'^'''°'' '^**''"*'°*' j Caroline Preston Charles Doollttle Stebblng* Benjamin Stebblngs Captain ,Tohn Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs / Lydla Richardson Mercy Aiken Mary Hinds -L t son of Horace Richardson Stebblngs and Caroline Preston, was born May 2, 1858, at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois; married April 9, 1896, at Chicago^ 1152 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. Cook County, Illinois, to ELIZABETH GRAY CORNELL, born October 10, 1858, at Hyde Park, Cook County, Illinois; died May 11, 1896, at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, who was a daughter of Paul Cornell and Helen Gray. Occu- pation, civil and consulting engineer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Con- gregatioualist. Residence, Chicago. d80u StebLlDgs estou 50. HORACE PRESTON sTEBBiNGs j ";;";;; "p,!;";' Oliailes Duollttle Stebblags Bfujamlu Sttbljlugs I'aptaln .Tohn Stebblngs Samuel Stebbluga j Lydla Richardson Merty Alkfu Mary Hinds j son of Horace Richardson Stebbings and Caroline Preston, was born Novem- ber 2, 1860, at Chicago, Illinois; married December 26, 1889, at Janesville. Rock County, Wisconsin, to ANNA M. SHELDON, born April 1, 1864, at Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, who was a daughter of Alfred Harris Sheldon and Lucy Sherwood. Profession, physician and surgeon. Politics, Republican. Religion, Congregationalist. Residence, 6033 Indiana Avenue. CHILDREN : 64. I. Georgeanna, born November 9, 1890. 65. II. Horace, born October 17, 1892. 66. III. Margaret, born April 1, 1894. I'ruman Stebblngs Levi Stebblngs 57. GEORGE TRUMAN STEBBINGS J I™ ,,,, „.,„, ,,,^„ ,,..,, p,,,, Benjamin Stebblngs Captain John Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs | Meicy Aiken Mary Hinds j son of Truman Stebblngs and Augusta Wood Joslyn, was born February 20, 1859, at Norfolk, St. Lawrence County, New York ; married May 13, 1865, at Galesburg, Knox County, Illinois, to MARY WATERS, born June 22, 1862, at Pekin, Tazwell County, Illinois, who was a daughter of William Henry Waters and Martha Powers. Occupation, book-keeper. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Residence, Park Ridge, Illinois. CHILDREN : 67. I. George Herbert, born October 6, 1888. 68. II. Charles Lawrence, born January 1, 1892. es Eugene Stebblngs Levi Stebblngs Ida J. Paine Sairah Price 59. ALBERT LESTER STEBBINGS j j,"^;',' Benjamin Stebblngs Captain John Stebblngs Samuel Stebblngs ( Mercy Aiken Mary Hinds j son of Charles Eugene Stebblngs and Matilda J. Paine, was born August 14, 1870, at Chicago, Illinois; married September 28, 1898, at Chicago, Illinois, to ALICE JESSAMINE MEEK, born January 7, 1877, at Bellaire, Ohio, who was a daughter of Meek and Rachel Mehollin. Profession, physician. Poli- tics, Republican. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Marseilles, Illinois. No children. UNIDENTIFIED. 1153 ALBERT LESTER STEBBINGS was educated at Park Ridge grammar school, Jefferson High School, Cooli Conuty, Illinois, and Northwestern Uni- versity, Evaustou, Illinois. He received his medical education in the medical department of Northwestern University (Chicago Medical College). He was Interne at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, in 1896-7. He began the practice of his profession at Marseilles, Illinois, in 1898, and the next year was appointed Health Officer of that city. SAMUEL STEBBINS was married December 17, 1876, at Pall River. BaUwiGen. Massachusetts, to IDA MAY HARRIS, born July 3, 1856, at Pall River, Massa- '^ chusetts, who was a daughter of Amaziah Harris and Emily Howard. Resided at Springtield, Massachusetts (1888). CHILDREN : I. Charles Ernest, born September 3, 1878. SAMUEL S. STEBBINS was married to LAURA . Residence, Mor- risville, New York. CHILDREN : I. Jerusha; married Hatch. SAMUEL S. STEBBINS and wife and their daughter, Jerusha, united with the Congregational Church of Morrisville in 1834. SAMUEL W. STEBBINS [possibly second marriage of the son of No. 1098, William] ; married to LYDIA M. , who died between 1848 and 1850. He married second, MARIA . Residence, Springfield, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : I. Infant, born in 1846 ; died August 24, 1846. II. Emma J., born January 12, 1848. III. Francis W., born January 28, 1851. IV. George H., born March 25, 1853. SARAH STEBBINS, of Ridgefield, Connecticut [probably daughter of JegsupGen. Benjamin, No. 101] ; died May 9, 1768, aged 32; married February 23, 1757, "' **'* to BLACKLEACH JESUP, born December 14, 1735, at Green's Farms, Con- necticut ; died March 22, 1816, at Wilton, Connecticut, who was a son of Ed- ward Jesup and Sarah Blackleach. Resided at Green's Farms, Connecticut. Removed to Wilton, Connecticut, in 1761. CHILDREN : I. Joseph Jesup, born February 9, 1759; married first, Susannah Betts, married second, Eunice Hanford. 78 1154 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. II. Sarah Jesup, born February 15, 1761 ; died April 30, 1765. III. James Edward Jesup, boru October 25, 1762; married Ann O'Neill. IV. Blackleac'h Jesup, born August 4, 1764 ; married Abigail Raymond. V. Benjamin Jesup, born May 19, 1766 ; married Mary M. Styer. VI. Ebenezer Jesup, born May 8, 1768 ; lost at sea about March, 1794. DaviB Gen. SARAH M. STEBBINS was born April 16, 1844, at Grafton, Ohio ; married •* *^^' January 5, 1S6;J, to GEORGE D. WILLIAMS, born February 6, 1840, at Dud- ley, Massachusetts, who was a son of Elisha W. Williams and Louisa M. Davis. Occupation, traveling salesman for wholesale commission house at Sandusky, Ohio. Residence, Elyria, Ohio. CHILDREN, all born at Elyria, Ohio : I. George C. Williams, born January 6, 1864. II. Frederick H. Williams, born May 1, 1871. III. Bessie Louise Williams, born April 22, 1878. 1. SHERMAN STEBBINS was married to . Resided at Brockport, New York. CHILDREN : 2. I. Sherman, born November 16, 1792; married Susan Hine.-|- 3. II. Asahel. 4. III. Julia. 5. IV. Christopher (V). 2. SHERMAN STEBBINS, son of Sherman Stebbins and , was born November 16, 1792 ; died February, 1861 ; married in 1814, to SUSAN HINE, born in 1794, at Orange, Connecticut, who was a daughter of John Hine. Occupation, builder. Polities, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Re- moved from New Haven, Connecticut, to New York in 1824, and returned to New Haven in 1832. CHILDREN: Sherman N., born July 20, 1815; married Lydia Bishop.-|- Mary E., born May 2, 1817 ; married John F. Shepard. George H., born July 10, 1819; married Caroline M. Rose.+ Susan E., born August 10, 1821; married McKenzie. Christopher C, born in 1827. Julies M., born in 1829. Julia Ann. 6. I. 7. II. 8. III. 9. IV. 10. V. 11. VI. 12. VII. 6. SHERMAN N. STEBBINS \ ^."JLT erman Stebbins Sherman Stebblna Hlne son of Sherman Stebbins and Susan Hine, was born July 20, 1815 ; married to UNIDENTIFIED. 1155 LYDIA BISHOP, who was a daughter of Richard H. Bishop and Polyanthus Scrantou. 8. GEORGE H. STEBBINS ) ^L^ mue^'"" ;^^>|^^^^'- | son of Slierman Stebbins and Susan Hine, was born July 10, 1819, at New Haven, New Haven County, Couueetieut ; married to CAROLINE M. ROSE. Occupation, teacher. Polities, Republican. Residence, New Haven, Connec- ticut. CHILDREN : 13. I. Gabriella, born November 11, 1846; married Joseph A. Turner. 14. II. Dora E., Born July 3, 1853 ; married William H. Bartlet. 15. III. Arthur, born January 2, 1861. GEORGE H. STEBBINS removed with his parents from New Haven, Con- necticut, to New York, in 1824. There he attended a school conducted on the old Lancasterian plan ; after which he was sent to a private school in New York until he was thirteen years of age, when his parents returned to New Haven. At that time he had mastered the higher arithmetic, and had begun the study of Latin and Greek. He was apprenticed to learn the art of wood-carv- ing. In 1839 he went to Wisconsin, and taught a private school at Kenosha. In 1841 he was a superintendent of a Baptist Sunday school, and a licensed preacher. In the fall of 1846 he removed to Brooklyn, New York, where he received an appointment as principal of public school number twelve. He en- tered upon his duties at this school on March 3, 1847, and continued his con- nection with it until the spring of 1853. In 1854 he was appointed superintendent of the "American Settlement Company," which undertook to locate a colon}' of emigrants in Kansas Ter- ritory. After locating this colony he returned to his home in Brooklyn. In 1857-9 he was located in Portland, Oregon, and spent most of the time from 1860 until 1875, in New Haven, where he was employed in mechanical and literary pursuits. He went to California in 1875, ami remained there until 1894. While in California he was engaged as a house builder, and also as traveling salesman. SILAS STEBBINS, of Arkwright, New York [probably son of No. 657, §°^'°8j^^" Henry] ; married MARY HALL. Their daughter : CYNTHIA F. STEBBINS, was born May 26, 1849, at Arkwright, New York ; married February 10, 1867, at Laona, New York, to WALLACE EATON SPRAGUE, born September 1, 1842, at Pomfret, New York, who was a son of Joseph J. Sprague and Phebe E. Jackson. Occupation, farmer. Residence, New York. 1156 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : L George Wallace Sprague, born July 20, 1868, at Arkwright, New York; married July 5, 1888, Clarissa P. Abbey. II. Ida May Sprague, born January 28, 1870, at Pomfret, New York. WALLACE E. SPRAGUE resided with his parents until the fall of 1862, when he enlisted, for three years, in the 112th New York Volunteers, and served through the war. In 1870, he went to Holt County, Missouri, where he remained two years; then, on account of poor health, moved back to Chautauqua County. He has since been engaged in farming in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Erie Counties, New York. Bellows Oeu. p. 627. STEPHEN STEBBINS (brother of John Stebbins, who married Harriet Louisa Bellows. See Unidentified J.) [probably a grandson of No. 880, Levi Stebbins] was born July 23, 18.33, at Lancaster, New Hampshire; died Febru- ary 14, 1890; married February 7, 1859, to MARY JANE BELLOWS, born September 10, 1828, at Drewsville, New Hampshire, who was a daughter of George W. Bellows and Philetta Lowell. Resided at Newton, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 2. I. Herbert, born August 5, 1861; married Abbie Salome Blanchard.-|- 3. II. Harry Bellows, born February 7, 1866; married Ada Eloise Hunt.-f- 2. HERBERT STEBBINS, sou of Stephen Stebbins and Mary Jane Bel- lows, was born August 5, 1861 ; married June 5, 1888, to ABBIE SALOME BLANCHARD, who was a daughter of Christopher Blanchard and Deborah J. Farrel. CHILDREN: 4. I. Blanchard, born November 11, 1894. 5. II. Mary Bellows, born November 9, 1897. 3. HARRY BELLOWS STEBBINS, son of Stephen Stebbins and Mary Jane Bellows, was born February 7, 1866; married October 20, 1892, to ADA ELOISE HUNT, who M'as a daughter of James A. Hunt and Florence Sinclair. Occupation, wholesale commission merchant for sale of lumber in Boston, Massachusetts. Residence, Newton, Massachusetts. Pease Gen. p. 820. SUSAN STEBBINS; married October 20, 1847, at Ellington, Connecticut, to DR. LEVI S. PEASE, born in 1824, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, who was a son of Wilder C. Pease and Ruth Cadey. Profession, physician. Settled at Enfield, Connecticut. UNIDENTIFIED. 1157 CHILDREN: I. Noel M. Pease, born August 9, 1851. II. Wilder C. Pease, born February, 1856. DR. LEVI S. PEASE was assistant surgeon in the 8th Connecticut Regi- ment of Volunteers, in 1862, and acted as surgeon in that and other regiments, and hospital service over three years. 1. THOMAS STUBBINS [had brothers John and Randolph] was born at Baltimore, Maryland; drowm-d in 1849 in the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; married at Baltimore, Maryland, to ELIZABETH MERRITT. CHILDREN : 2. I. William Martin, born February 15, 1840; married Rachel A. Will- iams. -j- 3. II. Jennie, adopted under the name of Flaherty. THOMAS STUBBINS served as color bearer in the Mexican war. His brother John was in the .same war, but never returned. 2. WILLIAM MARTIN STUBBINS, son of Thomas Stubbing and Eliza- beth Merritt, was born February 15, 1840, at Baltimore. Maryland ; married May 17, 1860, at New Market, Baltimore County, Maryland, to RACHEL ANN WILLIAMS, born May 26, 18.34, at New Market, Baltimore County, Mary- land ; died April 9, 1897, at Baltimore, Maryland, who was a daughter of Jar- rett Williams and Elizabeth Bailey (or Tracey). Occupation, paper-maker. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Westminster, Maryland. CHILDREN : Dora Elizabeth, born June 26, 1861 ; died May 26, 1862. William Franklin, born May 4, 1863 ; unmarried. Charles Irving, born October 3, 1865; married Margaret E. Barnes. 4- Brinton Guy, born May 24, 1867; married Katie Jennette Dutrow. Elmer Bloomfield, born June 5, 1869; unmarried. Archie Fletcher, born July 6, 1872; unmarried. 4. I. 5. II. 6. III. 7. IV. 8. V. 9. VI. illlam Martin Stiibhlns Thomas Stubbins Rarhel Ann Williams Ellzabetli Merritt 6. CHARLES IRVING STUBBINS ] J,^'' son of William Martin Stubbins and Rachel Ann Williams, was born October 3, 1865, at New ]\Iarket, Baltimore County, ]\Iaryland; married January 4, 1885, at Eldersburgh, Carroll County, Maryland, to MARGARET ELLEN BARNES, born April 11, 1861, at Howard Coimty, Maryland, who was a daughter of Richard Adam Barnes and Ursilla Becraff. Occupation, stone 1158 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. mason. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Methodist. Residence, Baltimore, Mary- land. CHILDREN : 10. L Herbert R., born January 25, 1887; died January 30, 1887. 11. n. Neeta Izola, born July 14, 1889. 12. HL Mamie E., born July 3, 1890 ; died September 1, 1890. 13. IV. Lula v., born February 22, 1893 ; died July 6, 1893. 1. THOMAS STEBBINS [probably brother of Daniel (see Unidentified D.) and Rufus (see Unidentified R.)J was born in October, 1778; died Febru- ary, 1813; married November 4, 1806, to IRENA PETERS, born February 8, 1787; died February 26, 1861. Profession, physician. Resided at Adams, Massachusetts. CHILDREN : 2. I. Harriet, born August 9, 1809; married Calvin Whipple; lives at Plymouth, Michigan. 3. II. Alexander Pope, born March 26, 1811; married Lorena Utley.-)- 3. ALEXANDER POPE STEBBINS, son of Thomas Stebbins and Irena Peters, was born March 26, 1811, at Adams, jMassachusetts; died February 2, 1895, at Adrian, Lenawee County, Michigan; married September 3, 1835, at Plymouth, Wayne County, Michigan, to LORENA UTLEY, born November 10, 1818, at Landgrove, Vermont; died November 12, 1889, at Adrian, Lena- wee County, Michigan, who was a daughter of William Utley and Mahala Wiley. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Farmington, New York; Plymouth and Adrian, Michigan. CHILDREN : 4. I. Harriet H., born August 30, 1836 ; married Cutting B. Wiley. 5. II. Caroline M., born September 9, 1838; married William B. Smith. 6. III. Delia U., born October 23, 1840; married Aiistin K. Ford. 7. IV. Marilla L., born July 21, 1842; married Frank J. Douglass. + 8. V. Seraphina Maria, born October 4 (or April 23), 1844; died April 6, 1847. 9. VI. Emma Jane, born December 27, 1846 ; married Chauncy N. Bird. 10. VII. Lillian L., born May 17, 1855; married J. Irving Fuller. 11. VIII. William Alexander, born November 25, 1857; married Lillian Linsley.-f- 7. MARILLA L. STEBBINS ] ( Alexander Pope Stebbins Thomas Stebbins orena Utley Irena Peters daughter of Alexander Stebbins and Lorena Utley, was born July 21, 1842, at Adrian, Michigan; married January 30, 1860, to SAMUEL DWIGHT DOUGLASS, born January 27, 1834, at Suffield, Connecticut; died January 9, UNIDENTIFIED. 1159 1863, at Nafshville, Tennessee, in the civil war, who was a son of Samuel S. Douglass and Tamar French. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Olds, Iowa. She married second, January 9, 1866, to FRANCIS J. DOUGLASS, born De- cember 10, 1832, at Suffield, Connecticut, son of Samuel S. Douglass and Tamar French. Profession, clergyman. Politics, Republican. Religion, Con- gregationalist. CHILDREN : 12. 1. Newell F. Douglass, horn December 12, 1861 ; married Julia E. Barnes. 13. II. Eliza JIarie Douglass, born November 3, 1866 ; married Warren D. Spayth. 14. III. WinoiJa Douglass, born December 15, 1869. 15. IV. Roscoe Dwight Douglass, born September 9, 1876. 16. V. Delbert Oscar Douglass, born February 12, 18,62. 11. WILLIAM ALEXANDER STEBBINS j Lorena 011^7' ^'*'""" Thomae Strbblns / Irena Peters | son of Alexandei Pope Stebbins and Lorena Utley, was born November 25, 1857, at Adrian, Lenawee County, Jlichigan: married ^larch 4, 1883, at Whitehall, iMuskegou County, Michigan, to LILLIAN LINSLEY, born July 13, 1866, at Flint, ^Michigan, who was a daughter of Hannibal D. Linsley and Jennie Smith. Occupation, manager for Standard Oil Company. Politics, Re- publican. Religion, Epsicopalian. Resided at Adrian, Michigan, and Balti- more, Maryland. CHILDREN : 17. I. Lorena, born August 5, 1885. 18. II. Lillian, born October 23. 1889. W. 1. WALTER STEBBINS was born about 1755 ; died September 22, 1827, aged 72 years, at Solon, Cortland County, New York; married to ABIGAIL GARDNER; died April 6, 1852,. aged 76 years, who was a daughter of Simeon Gardner and . Occupation, basket-maker. Politics, Republican. Religion, Baptist. CHILDREN : Harriet, born October 24, 1799 ; married Caleb Shepherd. Wesley, born September 19, 1804; married Eliza Holland. George, born November 22, 1806. Candis, born March 17, 1809; married Alexander Peterson. Charles, born February 18, 1816; married Sarah Denton. -(- 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 1160 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 6. CHARLES STEBBINS, son of Walter Stebbins and Abigail Gardner, was born February 18, 1816, at Freetown, Cortland County, New York; mar- ried October 11, 1838, at Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus County, New York, to SARAH DENTON, born May 2, 1814, at Cherry Valley, New York; died February 19, 1899, at Hanover, New York, who was a daughter of William Denton and Abigail . Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Re- ligion, Baptist. Residence, Silver Creek, New York. CHILDREN : 7. I. Jane A., born August 7, 1841 ; married Wallace Cross. 8. II. Flora M., born June 14, 1848 ; married Thomas. 9. III. Charles Wesley, born June 22, 1858 ; married Isabel Sackett.-|- 9. CHARLES WESLEY STEBBINS, son of Charles Stebbins and Sarah Denton, was born June 22, 1858, at Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York; married March 15, 1882, at Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York, to ISABEL SACKETT, born April 16, 1864, at Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York, who was a daughter of Jehial Sackett and Laura . Occupa- tion, merchant. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Baptist. Residence, Silver Creek, New York. CHILDREN : 10. I. Marcus J., born May 5. 1883. 11. II. Sarah B., born May 4, 1885. 12. III. Lee J., born January 14, 1887. 13. IV. Laura Grace, born January 12, 1889. 14. V. Jennie R., born March 17, 1891. 15. VI. Charles T., born August 17, 1897. Leigh Gen. WILDER STEBBINS was married December, 1856, to JIILIA ANN LEE, ^•^®^' born June 17, 1838, at Rockford, Illinois, who was a daughter of Benjamin Tyler Lee and Anne Maria Foshay. Occupation, machinist. CHILDREN : I. Cora, born July 3, 1860. II. Annette, born October, 1865. III. Herbert L., born January 27, 1872. 1. WILLIAM STEBBINS [possibly son of No. 801, Sylvester] ; died in 1861 (or 1855) at Galesburg, Michigan; married at Parma, New York, to ELIZA COLLINS, born in 1820, at Parma, New York; died in 1869 (or 1866) at Kalamazoo, Michigan, who was a daughter of Calvin Collins, of Parma, New York, and Clarissa Guild. Occupation, farmer and stockman. Religion, Protestant. Resided at Parma, New York. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. UNIDENTIFIED. 1161 CHILDREN : Clarissa (or Clara), born February 11, 1836; married first, Nelson Wilkinson ; married second, Taylor. -f- Volney, born 1839; died 1876. Jennie, born 1846; married Lewis Hamilton.-|- Frank, born 1851; married Elizabeth Dickey; married second, Minnie Westerman. 6. V. Don Carlos, born October 14, 1852; married Mary Ellen Commane.+ 2. CLARISSA (or CLARA) STEBBINS, ilaiighter of William Stebbins and Eliza Collins, of Parma, New York, was born February 11, 1836; married NELSON WILKINSON. She married second, TAYLOR. CHILDREN : I. Ella Wilkinson. 4. JENNIE STEBBINS, daughter of William Stebbins and Eliza Collins, of Parma, New York, born 1846 ; married LEWIS HAMILTON. CHILDREN : I. William Hamilton. 6. DON CARLOS STEBBINS, son of William Stebbins and Eliza Collins, was born October 14, 1852, at Greece, Monroe County, New York ; married December 25, 1875, at Niles, Berrien County, Michigan, to MARY ELLEN COMMANE, born July 6, 1853, at Ponipey, Onondaga County, New York, who was a daughter of John Commane and Ellen Carrigau. Occupation, grain commission merchant. Politics, Democrat. Religion, Protestant. Residence, 6338 Harvard Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. CHILDREN : I. Marjorie, born January 21, 1892. 1. WILLIAM STEBBINS was born July 8, 1784, at New London, Con- necticut : died in New York, N. Y. : married March 20, 1803, in Connecticut, to JANE SMITH, born August 12, 1778, in Connecticut. He married second, REBECCA EVANS, born October 4, 1792, in Kent, England. Profession, Physician and mini.ster. Politics, Republican. Religion, Jlethodist. Resided at New York City. CHILDREN : Lydia, born December 11, 1803; married Elijah Clark. Mary Ann, born April 29, 1805. Mary Gould, born August 26, 1807 ; married David Congdon. 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 8. I. 9. II. 10. III. 11. IV. 12. V. 1162 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. 5. IV. William Pitt Cleveland, born October 18, 1809; married Elizabeth Theall Karr.+ 6. V. Elias, born April 8, 1812; married Maria Mellina Read. 7. VI. Betsey Jane, born January 14, 1815. 5. WILLIAM PITT CLEVELAND STEBBINS, son of William Stebbins and Jane Smith, was born October 18, 1809, at New London, Connecticut ; died February 1, 1873, at San Francisco, California ; married April 23, 1846, at New York, N. Y., to ELIZABETH THEALL KARR, born July 20, 1825, in New York, N. Y. ; died December 2, 1892, at San Francisco, California, who was a daughter of Daniel Karr and Elizabeth Theall. Profession, architect and builder. Politics, Republican. Religion, Protestant. Resided at San Francisco, California. CHILDREN: Jane Elizabeth, born January 31, 1847; unmarried. James Maurice, born September 6, 1848; died April 13, 1853. Nellie Redfield, born June 15, after 1852; unmarried. Mary (Minnie) Gould, born July 20, after 1852; unmarried. Lydia Augusta, born March 13, after 1852; unmarried. WILLIAM PITT CLEVELAND STEBBINS attended the district school, and was a bright, studious lad. After leading school, he was apprenticed to a druggist, as his father was determined that he should be a doctor. This profession was most distasteful to the young man, so he ran away. He could find nothing to do, and did not care to go home. Finally he obtained a situa- tion as cook on board a small fishing smack. He served in this capacity until discovered by his father, who took him home, promising not to send him back to the druggist, but to allow him to study building and architecture, for which he seemed to be naturally adapted. He at once began the study of architecture under an able architect and builder and made rapid progress. He went to New York City to obtain better advantages in his line of work. At the age of twenty-one he planned and built a large church, which was so successful that he immediately took his place among those at the head of his profession. In 1849, when news of the discovery of gold in California reached the far east, MR. STEBBINS determined to try his fortunes in the new Eldorado. On February 5, 1849, during a severe storm, he embarked one th steamer "Cres- cent City," and arrived at Chagris, on the 14th of the same month. On March 13th, after twenty-eight days on the Isthmus of Panama, he embarked on the steamer "Oregon" for California, and entered the Golden Gate and cast anchor in the port of San Francisco, on the thirteenth of April. Upon land- ing, MR. STEBBINS went immediately to a hotel. He did not go to the mines, but worked at his chosen occupation. However, he invested a large sum of money in mining, and for a time was very successful in his ventures. In November, 1852, having amassed quite a fortune, he sent for his family, and they were soon domiciled in their new home. UNIDENTIFIED. 1163 Being: a man of undonbted integrit.y, kind, and generous to a fault, MR. STEBBINS made many friends. He built the old "First Presbyterian"' church at San Francisco, the first fire-proof structure, four stories high, situated on lloutgoniery and Washing- ton streets. He also built many of the stores, hotels, private residences, ex- changes and commission houses. While in the employ of the Government, he constructed the old State's Prison at San Quentin, and Custom House or Post Office, and the United States Branch Mint. From the headquarters at Washington, D. C, he received a manuscript testifying to his fidelity and in- tegrity, stating that no accounts more accurate than his had ever been sub- mitted to their department. He was Superintendent of Construction of the United States Mint at San Francisco. When the foundation of the building had been completed, the plans and specifications of part of it were changed, and MR. STEBBINS was obliged to make a trip to Washington in the beginning of the winter. It was the winter of 1872, when the "overland train" was first run, without the protection of snow-sheds. He was "snowed in" for many days, and on his arrival in Washington was dangerously ill for a number of weeks. He re- turned home and gave his time and attention entirely to his business, as he took pride in the erection of the Mint, and at the close of the year had the entire structure finished with the exception of part of the roof. The ability, caution, and skill with which be carried on the important work committed to his hands, are attested by the character of the work itself, and by the notable fact that under his long superintendence, only one of his numerous employees ever met with an accident. By his ability in his profession he contributed largely to the beautifying and adorning of San Francisco by the erection of both public and private edifices, which stand as monuments of his skill and industry. He was an exemplary citizen, and his many virtues and sterling integrity of character have left an example worthy of emulation. WILLIAM (or WILLARD) STEBBINS, son of Samuel A. Stebbins and Pheips Esther Augusta Chambers, was born June 13, 1865, at Whitewater, Wiscon- p- 1212. sin; married November 2, 1895, at Algona, Iowa, to CORA JANE PHELPS, born December 80, 186*5, at Buffalo Forks, Iowa, who was a daughter of Henry D. Phelps and Eunice Ann Corbin. Occupiation, carpenter. Residence, Al- gona, Iowa. WILLIAM STEBBINS; married JESSIE AGNES PETTY, daughter of Jen- Stephen Petty and Catharine Frazier. Residence, Orrville, Wayne County, Geif^i. Ohio. • P"*- WILLIAM STEBBINS, of New York City; died in 1875; married, 1869, to cratt MARY STRONG CRAFT, born July 1, 1850, probably at Greenwich, Connecti- 720.^' cut, who was a daughter of William Henry Craft and Eliza Ann Strong; three children. 1164 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. HIet. of Oxford, Mass, p. 700. 1. WILLIAM E. STEBBINS; married (marriage intention published March 8, 1827, at Oxford, Massachusetts) SABRINA (or SABINA) C. GIBBS, of Dana. Massuchsetts. CHILDREN : .+ 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. Gibb.s ; married Mark ; lives at Erving, Massachusetts. Chauncey; lives at Wendle, Massachusetts. William ; died at Amherst, Massachusetts. Son; died. Son ; died. 2. GIBBS STEBBINS, son of Willinm E. St^hbins and Sabrina C. Gibbs, was born at Wendell. Massaclni.setts; died December 24, 1894, at Amherst, Massachusetts; married to . Residence, Amherst (1886), Massa- chusetts. CHILDREN [one of whom was born February 11, 1870, at Amherst] : 8. 9. I. Mary; married George J. Gallond ; lives at Amherst, Massachusetts. II. Nellie M. : married November 4, 1886, at Northampton, Massachu- setts, Dr. Louis L. Clark; lives at North Adams, Massachu- setts. 10. III. Clara: married Ethelbert Dickinson; lives at Sunderland, Massa- chusetts. 11. IV. William H. ; lives at Fairview (?), ]\rassachusetts. 12. V. Fred. 13. VI. Harry. 14. VII. George J.: lives at Amherst, Jlassachusetts ; traveling salesman; unmarried. I'latt Oen. p. 89. REV. W. H. STEBBINS; died before 1891; maried HITLDA J. PLATT, born June 7, 1831, daughter of James Piatt and Mary Jacobs. Stiles Windsor. Conn, p. 699. 1. CAPTAIN LYDIA . STEBBINS [perhaps No. 1198, Benjamin] ; married CHILDREN : 2. I. Newberry: married Juliet Jenkins. 3. II. Sophronia ; married Abiel Pease (first wife).+ 4. III. Esther: married Abiel Pease (second wife).+ 3. SOPHRONIA STEBBINS, dan?bter of Captain Stebbins and Lydia : married ARIEL PEASE, born :\Iarch 17, 1797, at Enfield, Con- necticut ; died 1864, who was a son of Abiel Pease and Lovina Fowler. Occu- UNIDENTIFIED. 1165 patioD, clockmaker, goldsmith. He married second, Esther Stebbins, sister of his tirst wife. CHILDREN, all boru at Enfield, Connecticut: 5. I. Ralph Pease, born Junf 28, 1S24; married June IC, 1857, Susan Howe. 6. II. John R. Pease, boru June 27, 1826 ; lived at Meriden, Connecticut, in 1869. 7. III. Julia P. Pease, born August 29, 1827 ; died September 29, 1851. 4. ESTHER STEBBINS, daughter of Captain Stebbins and Lydia died 18G2 ( ?) ; married 1830, ABIEL PEASE, born March 17, 1797, at Entield, Connecticut; died 1864, who was a son of Abiel Pease and Lovina Fowler. Profession, clockmaker, goldsmith. CHILDREN, boru at Enfield, Connecticut: 8. I. Albert R. Pease, born November 11, 1831; married Harriet Kingsbury; was in business at New York City in 1869. CAPTAIN STEBBINS; married LYDIA PATTEN, born [about w""or 1815-20], probably at East Winchester, Connecticut, daughter of Seth Patten p'557, and Huldah Warner. No children given. 1. STEBBINS; married . CHILDREN : 2. I. Elijah; married Eliza (Morse) Jenks.+ 3. II. Bowen ; died immarried. 4. in. Sarah ; died unmarried. 5. IV. Margaret; died unmarried. 6. V. Benjamin; lived at Lawrence, New York. 2. ELUAH STEBBINS; died about 1868, over thirty years ago, at Au- rora, Illinois; married at Lawrence, Otsego County, New York, ELIZA (MORSE) JENKS. Resided at Lawrence, Otsego County, New York. CHILDREN: 7. I. Rebecca; married Lyman Baldwin. 8. II. Rufus; married Mary Vosburgh.-|- 9. III. William Henry ; married Maria Lyons. -)- 8. EUFUS STEBBINS, son of Elijah Stebbins and Eliza (Morse) Jenks, was married at Bradford County, Pennsylvania, to MARY VOSBURGH. 1166 STEBBINS GENEALOGY. CHILDREN : 10. I. Julia; married C'liarles Powell; had son Charles. 11. II. Mina. 9. WILLIAM HENRY STEBBINS, sou of Elijah Stebbins and Eliza (Morse) Jeuks, was married at Aurora, Illinois, to MARIA LYONS. CHILDREN : 12. I. George Lyman. Joseph stebbins 8 V Elizabeth Eddy ( married JEMIMA TAPING. Resided at Watertown, New York. CHILDREN : 2. I. Henry H. ; married Lucy M. Adams. + 3. II. Son, who was one of the foremost jewelers in New York City. 2. HENRY STEBBINS «, son of Joseph Stebbins " and Jemima Taping, is supposed to have been killed in the Civil War ; married at New York to LUCY M. ADAMS, born in 1829, at Rutland, Vermont, who was a daughter of Alden Adams and Welthy Otis. Occupation, hotel keeper. Residence, Watertown or Carthage, New York. She married second, Guthrie, of Chicago. CHILDREN : 4. I. Charles Henry, born February 27, 1850; married Rachel Wells. -|- 5. II. Amelia, born 1852; married Henry C. Murphey. 4. CHARLES HENRY STEBBINS, son of Henry H. Stebbins and Lucy M. Adams, was born February 27, 1850, at Antwerp, Jeiferson County, New York; married about 1882 at Chicago, Illinois, to RACHEL WELLS, born about 1856, at Chicago, who was a daughter of Martin Wells and Annabell Flack. Occupation, dealer in building material. Residence, 529 Garfield Avenue, Chicago. CHILDREN : 6. I. Florence, born March 14, 1884. ^ Hodge STEBBINS; married NANCY HODGE, born about 1820, probably p. ei. at Glastonbury, Connecticut, who was a daughter of Burrill Hodge and Polly 1^ J iiii: Wo iinnMi' d. idiMitify llic pllcllc^J;l■al>lls nil iliis |jn;;i-. I.iit ilid wisli to omit the UNIDENTIFIED. 1167 STEBBINS; married SALLY (BALDWIN) WOOD, born April 3, Baldwin 1810, at Montrose, Pennsylvania; died March 19, 1864, at Camden, New Jer- g s^i ,^ ' 7 . > 7 • 7 Supp. Bald- sey, who was a daughter of Seott Baldwin and Lois Cook ; had one child. *'?,9?.'' •' ' ^ p. 1139 STEBBINS [possibly daughter of No. 101, Benjamin]; married REUBEN ROCKWELL, born October 11, 17— (the last two figures of the record are worn away), at Ridgefield, Connecticut, who was a son of Ebenezer Rockwell and Abigail (Smith) Worden. Settled in western New York. APPENDIX A. COLONIAL WAR SERVICE RENDERED BY PERSONS BEARING THE SURNAME STEBBINS As found in the Records in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Soldiers in colonial wars previous to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, at which time the Revolutionary period began. In these lists those who have been positively identified have their individual number placed in brackets after the name. Residence, rank, regiment, term of service, etc., are given where known. Asahel, residence, Deerfield; rank, Centinel; Capt. Samuel Bernard's Company; entered service, July 25, 1722; served until Aug. 4, 1722; length of service, 1 week, 4 days. Asahel, residence, Deerfield; rank, Centinel; Capt. Samuel Bernard's Company; entered service, Aug. 30, 1722; served until Sept. 10, 1722; length of service, 1 week, 5 days. Asahel, residence, Northampton; rank, Centinel; Capt. Joseph Kellogg's Company; entered service, Nov. 2U, 1723; served until May 19, 1724; length of service, 26 weeks. Asahel, residence, Northampton; Capt. Joseph Kellogg's Company. List endorsed May, 1724, of soldiers under command of Capt. Jos. Kellogg, in service at Northfield. Asahel, residence, Northampton; rank, Centinel; Capt. Joseph Kellogg's Company; en- tered service, May 19, 1725; served until Nov. 16, 1725; length of service, 26 weeks. Asahel, residence, Northampton; rank, Centinel; Capt. Joseph Kellogg's Company; en- tered service, Nov. 17, 1725; served until Jan. 5, 1725-6; length of service, 7 weeks, 1 day. Asaph, residence, South Hadley; rauk, Private; Capt. Sam'l Smith's Company; entered service, Aug. 9, 1757; length of service, 13 days. Co. marched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry, Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 180 miles. Asaph, residence. Cold Spring (Belchertown). Return of men enlisted for his Majesty's service on the intended expedition against Canada in 1759. Enlisted by Capt. Elijah Smith, Apr. 27, 1759. Age, 27 years. Kep. in Col. Isreal Williams' Regiment. Asaph, residence. South Hadley; rank. Private; Capt. Elijah Smith's Company; entered service, Apr. 26, 1759; served until Aug. 10, 1759; length of service, 15 weeks, 2 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Benjamin [217], residence, Brimfield; rank, Private; Capt. Ebenezer Moulton 's Company; Col. Pomeroy's Regiment; entered service, Sept. 15, 1755; served until Dec. 10, 1755; length of service, 12 weeks, 3 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Benjamin, rank, Sergeant; Capt. James Mirick's Company; length of service, 25 days. List of men raised in South regt. in Hampshire Co. for the relief of the Provincial troops under the command of Maj. Gen. Winslow. Service in Oct., 1756. Benjamin, residence, Brimfield; rank. Sergeant; Capt. James Mirick's Company; South (Hamp. Co.) Regiment; length of service, 25 days. Co. marched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry, Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 172 miles. Benjamin, residence, Northampton; rank. Drummer; Capt. Elisha Hawley's Company; Col. Pomeroy's Regiment; entered service, Apr. 24, 1755; served until Oct. 16, 1755; 74 U69 1170 APPENDIX A. length of service, 25 weeks, 1 ilay. Co. under Capt. Hawley until Sept. 25, when he was succeeded by f'apt. Elijah Smith. Service on Crown Point Expedition. Benjamin, residence, Spencer; rank, Private; Capt. Daniel McFarland 's Company. Muster roll dated Boston, Feb. 3, 1761. Reported: Discharged by Capt. Wheelock. Benjamin, residence, Spencer; parent or master, Mary Parmenter; rank, Private; Capt. James Reed's Company; entered service. May 19, 1761; served until Nov. 26, 1761; length of service, 27 weeks, 3 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Benjamin, rank, Sergeant; Capt. Benja. Day's Company (Springfield Co.); South (Hamp. Co.) Regiment; length of service, 8 2-3 d.ays. Co. nuirched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry, Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 50 miles. Benjamin, Jr., rank, Soldier; Lt. Samuel Day's Company (2nd Foot Co. in Springfield); entered service. May 27, 1747; served until May 28, 1747; length of service, 2 days. Detachment which marched on alarm at Ft. Massachusetts by order of Col. John Stoddard. Benjamin, rank Co. Clerk; Capt. Benjamin Day's Company; South (Hamp. Co.) Regt.; length of service, 25 days. List of men raised for the relief of the Provincial troops under command of Maj. Gen. Winslow. Service in Oct., 1756. Benjamin 3d, residence, Springfield; rank, Soldier; Capt. Joseph Miller's Comjuiny (Troop of Horse); entered service, Aug. 7, 1748; served until Aug. 8, 1748; length of service, 2 days. Co. raised by order of Maj. Joseph Pynchon upon an alarm caused by the approach of the Indian enemy upon the Western frontiers. Benjamin, rank, Centinel; Capt. Isaac Colton 's, Capt. Israel Ashley's Company; entered service, Sept. 2, 1754; served until Sept. 12, 1754; length of service, 1 week, 4 days. Co. of Men and Horse. "Service at the Westward." Benjamin, rank, Corporal; Col. Joseph Dwight's Refjiment; entered service, Dec. 2, 1754; served until Mar. 16, 1755; length of service, 15 weeks. Service at Stoekbridge. Benjamin, rank Centinel; Capt. Nath '1 Dwight's Company; Col. Israel William's Regi- ment; length of service, 6 days. Co. marched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry, Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 74 miles. Caleb [298], rank, Sergeant. List endorsed, "Col. John Worthiugton 's Boll of Minute Men," showing am't. credited to them. Said Stebbins credited with £1/13/6. Re- ported: Warrant ad%'ised June 14, 1757. David, residence, Deerfield; parent or master, Jos. Stebbins; rank. Private; Capt. Jonathan Carver's Company; entered ,Iune 21, 176U; served until Nov. 29, 1760; length of service, 23 weeks, 1 day. Ebenezer, residence, Brimfield; Capt. Daniel Burt's Company; Col. William Williams' Regiment; entered service, Apr. 14, 1758; served until June 2, 1758; length of service, 49 days. Billeting roll made up to .Tune 2, 1758. Am't. £1 4s. 6d. Ebenezer, residence, Springfield; Sergt. Joseph Knowlton's Company; entered service, July 1, 1725; served until Oct. 30, 1725; length of service, 17 weeks, 3 days. Detach- ment that by order of the Lt. Gov. were impressed and sent to Brimfield. Ebenezer 2nd, residence, Springfield; Sergt. Joseph Knowlton's Company; entered service, July 1, 1725; served until Oct. 30, 1725; length of service, 17 weeks, 3 days. Detach- ment that by order of the Lt. Gov. were impressed and sent to Brimfield. Ebenezer, Jr., rank. Private; Capt. Ebenezer Hitchcock's Company; length of service, 25 days. List of men raised in Hamp. Co. for the relief of the provincial troops uniler command of Maj. Gen. Winslow. Service in Oct., 1756. Edward, residence, Springfield; rank. Soldier; Capt. Joseph Miller's Company (Troop of Horse); entered service, Aug. 7, 1748; served until Aug. 8, 1748; length of service, 2 days. Co. raised by order of Maj. Joseph Pynchon upon an alarm caused by the approach of the Indian enemy upon the Western frontiers. Edward, rank, Centinel; Capt. Isaac Colton 's, Capt. Israel Ashley's Company; entered service, Sept. 2, 1754; served until Sept. 12, 1754; length of service, 1 week, 4 days. Co. of Men and Horse. Service at the Westward. Enos, rank. Private; Capt. Benja. Day's (Springfield Co.) Company; South (Hamp. Co.) Regiment; length of service, 10 days. Co. marched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry in Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 60 miles. COLONIAL WAR SERVICE. 1171 Enos, residence, Springfielil; parent or master, Aaron Stebbins; rank, Private; Capt. Ben- jamin Day's Company; Col. William Williams' Regiment; entered service Apr. 10, 1758; served until Nov. 5, 1758; length of service, 7 months, 1-1 days. Co. of foot raised by the province of Mass. Bay for tlie reduction of Canada. Reported: Dis- charged, Oct. 28. Days travel, 8. Enos, residence, Springfield. Return of men enlisted for his Majesty's service for the reduction of Canada, 1760. Enlisted by Lt. .Tohn Morgan, Mar. 14, and mustered Mar. 14. Age, 19. Birthplace, Springfield. Enos, residence, Springfield; rank, Centinel; ('a]it. Tristram Davis' Company; entered service. Mar. 5, 1760; served until Nov. 25, 1760; length of service, 39 vceeks. Enos, residence, Springfield; rank. Private; Capt. William Shepard 's Company; entered service. Mar. 29, 1762; served until Nov. lO, 1762; length of service, 32 weeks, 2 days. Gideon, rank, Centinel; Capt. Nath'l Dwight 's Company; (Jol. Israel Williams' Regiment; length of service, 15 days. Co. marched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry, Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 195 miles. Gideon, residence. Cold Spring (Belchertown) ; rank, Centinel; Capt. Salah Barnard's Company; Col. William Williams' Regiment; entered service, Apr. 10, 1758; served until Nov. 5, 1758; length of service, 7 months, 14 days. Co. of foot raised by the province of Mass. Bay for the reduction of Canada. 13 days' travel. James, residence, Leicester; John Whitemore, guardian; Col. John Chandler Jr. 's Regi- ment; entered service. Mar. 30, 1759. Return of men enlisted or impressed for his Majesties service to be put under the command of his Excellency Jeffry Amherst, Esq,. Gen'l and Com. -in-Chief of his Majesty's forces in N. America, for the invasion of Canada. Age, 19. Reported: Served on a former expedition in 1758 at Lake (George). James, residence Leicester; rank. Private; ('apt. Samuel Clark's (Paine's) Company; entered service. Mar. 30, 1759; served until Nov. 1, 1759; length of service, 31 weeks. Co. on expedition to Crown Point. James, residence, Leicester; rank. Private; Capt. John Small's Company; entered service. Mar. 17, 1760; served until Dee. 2, 1760; length of service, 37 weeks, 2 days. James, residence, Leicester; rank. Sergeant; Capt. Jas. Reed's Company; entered service, May 19, 1761; served until Dec. 2, 1761; length of service, 28 weeks, 2 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. James, residence, Spencer; rank. Private; Capt. John Stebbing's (Colonel's Co.) Company; Col. Timothy Buggies' Regiment. Descriptive list dated Ft. Edward, July 26, 1756. Age, 16. Occupation, Farmer. Birthplace, Spencer. Joined from Capt. Newell 's Co. Col. Ruggles' Regt. Rep: Volunteer. James, rank. Private; Colonel's Company; Col. Timothy Kuggles' Regimeut. Muster roll of men mustered according to a return dated Camp at Ft. William Henry, Oct. 11, 1756, by Henry Leddel, Muster Master Gen '1 of the provincial army raised for an expedition against Crown Point. James, Capt. Philip Richardson's Company; Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regiment; entered service, Apr. 12, 1758. Billeting roll made up to May 25, 1758. No. of days, 42. Am't. £1 Is. John, residence, Leicester; rank, Centinel; Capt. Samuel Willard's Company; entered service, Aug. 26, 1725; served until Oct. 1, 1725; length of service, 5 weeks, 2 days. Co. of Volunteers. John, residence, Spencer; rank. Captain: Capt. John Stebbing's (Colonel's Co.) Company; Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regiment. Descriptive list dated Ft. Edward, July 26, 1756. Age, 45. Birthplace, England. Reported: Died, Aug. 18, 1756. John, rank, Captain-Lieutenant; Colonel's Company; Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regiment. Muster roll of men mustered according to a return dated Camp at Ft. William Henry, Oct. 11, 1756, by Henry Leddel, Muster Master Gen '1 of the provincial arm^' raised for an expedition against Crown Point. Rep: Died, Aug. 18, 1756; succeeded by Wm. Humphreys. 1172 APPENDIX A. John, rank, Centinel; Colonel's Company; Col. Joseph Dwight'g Regiment; entered service, Aug. 10, 1748; served until Aug. 22, 1748; length of service, 1 week, 6 days. Service at the Western frontiers. John, Capt. Henry Kmm 's Company. List of officers and men dated Framingham, Apr. 22, 1757. Reported on Training Band List. Jonathan, residence, Si)ringfield. Return of men enlisted or impressed for his Majesty's service in Col. John Worthington's South Hamp. Co. Regt. under Gen. Jefifry Amherst, Esq., for the invasion of Canad.a. Age, 22. Reported: Served on a former expedi- tion in 1758, at Canada. Jonathan, residence, Springfield; rank. Corporal; Capt. John Bancroft's Company; entered service. Mar. 29, 1759; served until Nov. 30, 1759; length of service, 35 weeks, 2 days. Brig. Gen. Timothy Ruggles 2nd Battalion. Service on e.xpedition to Crown Point. Jonathan, residence, Springfield; entered service. Mar. 14, 1760. Return of men enlisted for her Majesty's service for the reduction of Canada, 1760. Enlisted by Wm. Shep- ard. Mar. 14, 1760. Age, 23. Birthplace, Springfield. Jonathan, residence, Springfield; rank. Sergeant; Capt. Tristram Davis' Company; entered service. Mar. 5, 1760; served until Nov. 25, 1760; length of service, 39 weeks. Jonathan, Jr. Receipt signed by s'd Stebbins and others, dated Springfield, Sept. 22, 1756, given to Capt. Whiteom for subsistence money from Springfield to Albany. Eep: Col. Worthington's men. Jonathan, Jr., rank. Private; Capt. Tristram Davis' Company; Col. Joseph Dwight's Regiment; entered service, Sept. 7, 1756; served until Dec. 1, 1756; length of service, 12 weeks, 2 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Joseph, residence, Northampton; rank, Centinel; Capt. Samuel Bernard's Company; en- tered service, July 26, 1722; served until Oct. 29, 1722; length of service, 13 weeks, 5 days. Josiah. An account signed by Sam '1 Partridge, of wages and billeting for the soldiers of the garrison at Northfield from May 31 to July 24, 1722. S'd Stebbins appears with charge of £1/18/6. Josiah, residence, Northampton; rank. Corporal; Capt. Samuel Bernard's Company; en- tered service, July 24, 1722; served until Nov. 20, 1722; length of service, 17 weeks, 1 day. Josiah, residence, Northampton; rank, Centinel; Capt. Joseph Kellogg 's Company; en- tered service, Nov. 20, 1723; served until Dec. 3, 1723; length of service, 2 weeks. Josiah, residence, Northampton; rank, Sergeant; Capt. Joseph Kellogg 's Company; en- tered service, Dec. 4, 1723; served until May 19, 1724; length of service, 24 weeks. Service at Northfield. Lemuel, residence, Springfield; rank. Private; Capt. Luke Hitchcock's Company; entered service, May 13, 1755; served until Nov. 27, 1755; length of service, 28 weeks, 3 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Lemuel, rank. Soldier; Maj. James House's Company; entered service, Nov. 27, 1755; served until May 24, 1756; length of service, 25 weeks, 5 days. Co. at Ft. William Henry. Moses [1686], rank, Centinel; Capt. John Catlin's Company; entered service, Oct. 16, 1756; served until Dec. 11, 1756; length of service, 8 weeks, 1 day. Service at the Westward. Moses, rank. Private. List endorsed "Col. John Worthington's Roll of Minute Men," showing am't credited to them. S'd Stebbins credited with £1/8/0. Warrant advised, June 14, 1757. Moses, rank, Centinel; Capt. Israel William's Company; entered service, Apr. 25, 1757; served until Nov. 6, 1757; length of service, 28 weeks. Detachment under Sergt. Eben'r Belding at Huntstown (Ashfield). Phineas, entered service, Apr. 22, 1756. Return dated May 29, 1756, made by Col. John Worthington of the men enlisted and impressed out of the Hamp. Co. (South) Regt. for the expedition against Crown Point. COLONIAL WAR SERVICE. 1173 Phineas, residence, Springfield; rank, Private; Capt. Jonathan Ball's Company; Col. Joseph Dwight's Regiment. Joined from Col. Worthington 's Eeg't and from town of Springfield. Phineas, residence, Springfield; rank. Private; Capt. Jonathan Ball's Company; entered service, Apr. 22, 1756; served until Nov. 28, 17.56; length of service, 'M weeks, 4 days. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Phineas, rank. Private; Capt. Benja. Day's (Springfield Co.) Company; South (Hamp. Co.) Regiment; length of service, 10 days. Co. marched on the alarm for the relief of Ft. William Henry Aug., 1757. Distance travelled, 60 miles. Phineas, residence, Springfield; parent or guardian, Stephen Stebbens; rank, Private; Capt. Benja. Day's Foot Company; Col. Wm. Williams' Regiment; entered service, Apr. 10, 1758; served until Nov. 5, 1758; length of service, 7 months, 14 days. Co. raised by the province of Mass. Bay for the reduction of Canada. Rep: Discharged, Oct. 28. Phineas, residence, Springfield; parent or guardian, Stephen Stebbens; entered service, Mar. 14, 1760. Return of men enlisted for the reduction of Canada, 1760. Age, 20. Phineas, residence, Springfield; rank, Centinel; Capt. Tristram Davis' ('ompany; entered service, Mar. 5, 1760; served until Nov. 25, 1760; length of service, 39 weeks. Samuel, residence, Springfield; rank, Centinel; Lieut. Timothy Child's Company; entered service, July 10, 1725; served until Oct. 27, 1725; length of service, 12 weeks, 5 days. Samuel, length of service, 3 days. An account dated Deerfield, July, 1747, rendered by John Nim's Jr. against the Province of Mass. Bay for scouting service. Service during summer of 1747, by order of Maj. Williams in the absence of Col. Stoddard, a scouting party being sent from Deerfield to discover the approach of the enemy. Samuel [333], residence, Deerfield; rank, Centinel; Lieut. John Catlin's Company; en- tered service, Dec. 10, 1747. List of soldiers posted at Ft. Shirley between Dec. 10, 1747, and June 10, 1748. Samuel, rank. Centinel; Colonel's Company; Col. John Stoddard's Regiment; entered service, Dec. 11, 1747; served until June 10, 1748; length of service. 25 weeks, 8 days. Samuel, rank, Centinel; Capt. Israel William's Company; Maj. Israel Williams' Regiment; entered service, June 11. 1748; served until Oct. 31, 1748; length of service, 20 weeks, 3 days. Detachment stationed at Ft. Shirley. Samuel, rank, Centinel; Capt. Israel William's Company; entered service, Nov. 1, 1748; served until June 16, 1749; length of service, 32 weeks, 4 days. Detachment at Ft. Shirley. Samuel, residence, Shirley; rank, Centinel; Lieut. Wm. Lyman's Company; entered service, June 17, 1749; served until .Tan. 2, 1750; length of service, 28 weeks, 4 days. Samuel, rank, Centinel; Capt. Ephraim William's Company; entered service, Jan. 3, 1750; served until Jan. 30, 1750; length of service, 4 weeks. Service at Ft. Shirley. Simeon [337], residence, Deerfield; Maj. John Hawk's Company; Col. William Williams' Regiment; entered service, Apr. 3, 1758; length of service, 61 days. Billeting roll made up to June 3, 1758. Thomas, rank, Centinel; Capt. Phineas Steven's Company; entered service. May 23, 1748; served until June 20, 1749; length of service, 55 weeks, 9 days. Service at Northfield. Thomas, rank, Centinel; Lt. William Lyman's Company; Maj. Israel Williams' Regiment; entered service, Aug. 4, 1748; served until Nov. 22, 1748; length of service, 15 weeks, 6 days. Detachment at Newhampton and Blamlforil. Thomas, rank Centinel; 'apt. Israel William's Company; entered service. Apr. 25, 1757; served until Nov. 6, 1757; length of service, 28 weeks. Service with detachment under Sergt. Helkiah Grout at Northfield. Thomas, residence, Northfield; rank. Private; Capt. Elijah Smith's Regiment; entered service, Apr. 26, 1759; served until Oct. 31, 1759; length of service, 27 weeks. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Thomas, rank, Centinel; Capt. Isaac Colton's, Capt. Israel Ashley's Company; entered service, vSept. 2, 1754; served until Sept. 12, 1754; length of service, 1 week, 4 days. Service at the Westward. Thomas, Jr., residence, Springfield; rank. Soldier; Capt. Joseph Miller's (Troop of Horse) 1174 APPENDIX A. Company; entered service, Aug. 7, 1748; served until Aug. 8, 1748; length of service, 2 days. Co. raised by order of Maj. Joseph Pynchon upon an alarm caused by the approach of the Indian enemy upon the Western frontiers. William, residence, Springfield; rank, Ensign; Capt. Joseph Miller's (Troop of Horse) Company; entered service, Aug. 7, 1748; served until Aug. 8, 1748; length of service, 2 days. Co. raised by order of Maj. Jos. Pynchon upon :in alarm caused by the approach of the Indian enemy upon the Western frontiers. Zebediah, rank, Centinel; Lt. Col. Wm. William's Company; entered service. Mar. 11, 1747; served until Mar. 31, 1747; length of service, 3 weeks. Employed in Gar- rison No. 4. Zebediah, residence, Springfield; rank, Private; Capt. Jonathan Ball's Company; Col. Joseph Dwight's Regiment; entered service, Sept. 13, 1756; served until Nov. 28, 1756; length of service, 11 weeks. Service on expedition to Crown Point. Zebediah, rank, Centinel; Capt. John Burk 's Company; entered service. Mar. 5, 1757; served until Apr. 1, 1757; length of service, 4 weeks. Service scouting Westward. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of the Secretary, Boston, April 3, 1900. Compared with the Original and found Correctly Copied. (Signed) WM. M. OLIN, Sec'y. Badge's King rhilip's War p. 251. Trum Iniir.s North- ampton, Vol. I. p. 571. N. E. H. & <;. Reg. Vol. 25. p. 262. Rodgc'.s King I'hilip's War. p. 241. Wasli- bni-n's I.eiceHter. Mass. p. 2i:'.. N. E. 11. & G. Reg. Vol. 25. p. 2.18. Bodge's King Philip's War. p. 71. p. 72. p. 137. p. 251. Hist, of North fiPld. Mass. p. 2fil. Now Hamp- shire SlatP I 'a pefH Vol. 14. p. 20. Records from other sovirces. Benoni Stebbins, of Northampton, in "A List of ye Soldiers yt were in ye Fall Fight under (Captain Wm. Turner," May 19, 1676. Benjamin Stebbins served from 1704 to 1713 in Queen Anne's War. Ebenezer Stebbins, in second company Captain William Williams 8th Massachusetts Begiment, Colonel .John Choate in the expedition against Lnuisburg, Cape Breton, N. S., in 1745. Edward Stebbins taken captive at Springfield about March, 1676. James Stebbins in war of 1759, which resulted in the capture of Quebec and the conquest of Canada. John Stebbins, member of eighth company. Captain Samuel Rhodes, of the third Massa- chusetts Regiment, Colonel Jeremiah Moulton, in expedition against Louisburg, Cape Breton, N. S., in 1745. John Stebbins credited with 02. 10. 06. for military service under Captain Mosel.y, De- cember 10, 167.'^, and credited with 0,3. 00. 00. March 24, 1675-6. John Stebbins is given as of Deerfleld [was probably at Bloody Brook Massacre, Sep- tember 18, 16751. Samuel Stebins, Springfield, in the Fall's Fight, May 19, 1676. Thomas Stebins, Springfield, in the Pall's Fight, May 19, 1676. Thomas Stebbins, one of the company organized June 5, 1748, to learn the fate of Ser- geant Petty, of Northficld, who was killed about thirty-three miles from Fort Dummer. Lieutenant Stebbins [French War Rolls]. "Crown Point, September ye 19, 1762, Nath '1 Hadlock of Colo. Engersols Reg't Confined by L't Stebbens for strikeing Sam '1 Haskins with his Jumper A Court martial finds him Guilty & sentences him to Re- ceive 100 Lashes on his naked Back." COLONIAL WAR SERVICE. 1175 DEERFIELD MASSACRE. In January, 1704, an expetlition was formed at Jlontreal, Canada, under Burt Fam command of Major Hertel de Rouville, for a foray upon Deerfield. The party p -^^'• consisted of two hundred Frenchmen and one hundred and forty-two Indians, and Major de Rouville had for subaltern officers his two brothers. The foray upon Schenectady fourteen years earlier was almost exactly repeated. The invaders made a forced march through the wilderness and suifered terribly from intense cold. When they reached the vicinity of their destination there were four feet of snow on the ground and the crust of it was sufficiently strong to bear the weight of men, while the drifts had made easy inclined paths to the gates of the palisade that encircled the devoted village. The sole sentinel on duty, depending upon mid-winter rigor as a sufficient defense, had been unfaithful to his trust and sought shelter from the icy blasts, when just before daybreak on February 29, the assault was ordered upon the un- defended and unsuspicious town. A general attack was simultaneously made by the invaders scattered throughout the settlement. The unfortunate in- habitants, wakeuf'd from slumber and pleasant dreams by the frightful war- whoops of the savages, were massacred or disabled as they ran affrighted from their assaulted homes, to which incendiary torches were applied to illu- minate the awful scene. Whittier's description of the destruction of Pcntucket foiu- years later, by Burt Fam. De Rouville, wlio met his (h'ath there, is ecjually applicable to the earlier p-^'^^- tragedy. "A yell the dead might wake to hear, Swelled on the night air, far and clear, — Then smote the Indian tomahawk On crashing door and shattering lock, — Then rang the rifle shot, — and then The shrill death scream of stricken men, — Sank the red ax in woman's brain, And childhood cry arose in vain, — Bursting through roof and window came, — Red, fast and fierce, the kindled flame. And blended fire and moonlight glared On still dt'ad men and weapons bared." As in other such raids, the Frenchmen failed to restrain IhiMr barbarous allies, and the imagination can but faintl.y conceive the terror and frenzy that overwhelmed tlii' homely people of that <|uiet hamlet when they realized in the mingling light of flame and dawn that they were in the hands of their ruthless foe. What a commentary upon the utter barbarism of war was the misery of those ill-fated people, caused by the ((uarrels of two monarchs three p 272, thousand miles distant. Very few of the unfortunate people escaped to the adjacent forest, and such of Die othi>rs as wiu-e not slaughtered at sight were gathered in the open space near the little church, and among these were Ben- jamin Burt aitii ids wife, who had escaped death only to witness the destruc- tion of their home. Less than eight years earlier, in a sudden raid upon her father's luuise, Mrs. Burt had seen her mother and two brothers and in- 1176 APPENDIX A. fant sister killed by the Indians, and another brother desperately wounded, while she escaped by hiding in the attic, and her father, a brother and a sister were taken captive to Canada, M'hence they did not return for two years. Her father's fate was the best that could now befall her, as she and other wretched survivors clung together in scanty attire, alternately chilled by the winter's cold or scorched by the heat of their blazing homes as they tearfully counted the slain by their absence, mingled their lamentations over the loss of loved ones, and saw all their treasure burning to ashes, while a dreadful uncertainty obscured their own fate. In their midst their revered pastor, the Rev. John Williams, addv-ssed prayers for divine assistance and support, which were interrupted by the orders to march, as the forlorn captives were driven from the village, while its conflagration still continued. The number of prisoners was one hundred and twelve, and among them were ]\Irs. Burt's step-mother, Mrs. Hepzibah Belden, and Mr. Burt's cousin, Nathaniel Brooks, with his wife and two children. The prisoners were first taken to the west mountain, north of the late village, and on the same afternoon started on their terrible journey to Canada. Their route was up the valley of the Connecticut, and the deep snows and rugged character of the wilderness made their progress as slow as it was painful. On March 3rd they had gone only thirty miles on their way and advance after that date was even slower. The condition and suffering of these unfortunate creatures cannot be adequntely described ; in the few brief, agonizing minutes of the attack they had neither forethought nor time to make the least preparation for such a fearful journey; poorly clad and shod, the rocks, bushes and brambles soon rent their scanty gar- ments and when sodden with penetrating melted snow their power to resist the icy blasts was almost exhausted. At night when the exertion of motion p. 273. stimulated their blood they could only save their vital warmth by lying close together in the snow, a feebly palpitating mass of misery. There was the farther privation of insufficient food — the Indians always depending for sub- sistance on their forays upon the haphazard wild game that fell in their way. Of course, the captives received the minimum share of such poor food as they had, and that of a quality repugnant to the weaker ones. The women and children naturally suffered the most from the unintermitting fatigue and deficient food, and when they lagged or were disabled they were immediately slain by the impatient and ruthless savages. The wife of Pastor Williams was the first victim, having given out early in the march, and was tomahawked ill tli'^ presence of her afflicted husband and children. The next victim was ATrs. Belden, the step-mother of Mrs. Burt, then nearly sixty years old, who met the fate that about ten years earlier had overtaken her three daughters at Hatfield, where they were tomahawked by the Indians. Altogether, there were thus slain on this sad journey nineteen captives, most of them being pregnant women. Some of the poor creatures when they felt that their powers of endurance were nearly exhausted, calmly prepared for death by seeking the consolation of prayer with Mr. Williams, who gives in his journal a pa- thetic account of the resignation and heroism of these brave souls about to part from their tortured, worn-out bodies. Burt When the party reached Coos in Vermont (near the present site of p.''^^^ Newbury on the Connecticut) it was entirely destitute of provisions, and two COLONIAL WAR SERVICE. 1177 of the captives died here of sheer starvation. The hunters having succeeded in getting some game, the dreary march was resumed, until on March 25th the party reached Chambli, about eighteen miles northeast of Montreal. Here, on April 14th, Mrs. Burt was delivered of her first child, a son named Chris- topher. Subsequently the captives were distributed among the Indians and French and put to various services, the larger portion of them being em- ployed in the convent and Jesuit academy near ;\Iontreal, Mr. Burt and his wife being among these. Strong efforts were made to convert them to the Roman Catholic faith, and these Mr. Williams subsequently denounced in earnest phrase in his rare and famous book, "The Redeemed Captive Return- ing to Zion." NON-CONSUMPTION PLEDGE. The various arbitrary acts of Great Britain wrought the inhabitants of New England to a high pitch, which culminated in the circulation of the following pledge : "We, the subscribers, inhabitants of the town of Briiiiliflil. baving taken Bf'^i^fl';,^, into our serious consideration the precarious state of the liberties of North pp*''309. America, and more especially the present distressed condition of this insulted ^^^• Province, embarrassed as it is by several acts of the British Parliament, tending to the entire subversion of our natural and charter rights, among which is the act for blocking up the Harbor of Boston, and being fully sensi- ble of our indispensable duty to lay hold of every means in our power to preserve and recover the much injured constitution of our country, and con- scious, at the same time, of no alternative between the horrors of slavery, or the carnage and desolation of a civil war, but a suspension of all commer- cial intercourse with the island of Great Britain. d<>. in the presence of God, solemnh' and in good faith, covenant and engage with each other, that, from henceforth, we will suspend all commercial intercourse with the said island of Great Britain, until the said act for blocking: up the said Harbor be re- pealed and a full restoration of our charter rights be obtained. "And 2d. Thnt there may be the less temptation to others to continue in the now dangerous commerce, we do in like manner solemnly covenant we will not buy, purchase or consume, or siifFer any person, by, for, or under us to purchase or consume, in any manner whatever, any goods, wares or mer- chandise, which may arrive in America from Great Britain aforesaid from and after the last day of August next ensuing:; and inasmueh as in us lies, to prevent our being interrupted and defeated in this our only peaceable meas- ure, entered into for th(> recovery and preservation of onr rights, we agree to break ofT all trade, commerce and dealing whatever with all persons who, preferring their own private interest to the salvation of their now perishing country, shall still continue to import goods from Great Britain, or shall pur- chase from them who do import. "3. That such persons may not have it in their power to impose upon us by any pretence whatever, we further agree to purchase no article of mer- chandise from them, or any of them, who shall not have signed this, or a sim- ilar covenant, or will not produce an oath certified by a magistrate, to be by them taken to the following purpose, viz : 'I, , of , 1178 APPENDIX A. in the county of , do solemnly sweai- that the goods I have on hand and purpose for sale, have not, to the best of my knowledge, been im- ported from Great Britain into any port of America, since the last day of August, 1774, and that I will not, contrary to the spirit of an agreement, entered into through this Province, import, or purchase of any person, so im- porting any goods as aforesaid, until the port, or harbor of Boston shall be opened, and we are fully restored to the free use of our constitutional and charter rights.' "And, lastly, we agree that after this, or a similar covenant, has been of- fered to any person and they refuse to sign it, or produce the oath above said, we will consider them as contumacious importers, and withdraw all commer- cial connections with them, so far as not to purchase of them any article whatever, and publish their names to the world." "Witness our hands July 1, 1774." At a town meeting held in Brimfield July 1, 1774, there were one hundred and eighty-nine signers to this covenant, among whom were : ABNER STEBBINS. JOHN STEBBINS. JOHN STEBBINS, JR. JUDAH STEBBINS. LEVI STEBBINS. THOMAS STEBBINS. ZERAH STEBBINS. wibra- In the list of names of inhabitants of Wilhraham who signed the Non-Con- Centen- sumption Pledge are found: nial p. 232. SERG'T AARON STEBBINS. CALEB STEBBINS. CALEB STEBBINS, JR. MOSES STEBBINS. MOSES STEBBINS, JR. NOAH STEBBINS. PHINEAS STEBBINS. ZADOCK STEBBINS. APPENDIX B. SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. SERVICE RENDERED BY PERSONS BEARING THE SURNAME STEBBINS As found in the Records in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MASSACHUSETTS. Aaron [458], residence, Wilbraham; rank, Corporal; ("apt. Paul Langdon's Company; time of service, 8 days. Co. of Minute Men marched Apr. 21, 177.'), on alarm of Apr. 19, 1775. Lexington Alarm. Aaron [458], rank, Corporal; Capt. Paul Langdon's Company; Col. Timothy Danielson's Regiment; enlisted. Apr. 29, 1775. 8 mos. men, enlistment to expire Dec. 31, 1775. Siege of Boston army. Aaron [591], rank. Private; Capt. .Jas. Shaw's Company; Col. Chas. Pynchon 's Regiment; enlisted, Sept. 24, 1777; discharged, Oct. 18, 1777; time of service, .32 days. Service with Northern army. Co. detached to join Gen. Gates' army. Abner [215], rank, Private; Capt. Nehemiah May's Company; Col. David Leonard's Regiment; enlisted May 6, 1777; discharged, July 8, 1777; time of service, 2 months, 12 days. Service at Ticonderoga. Roll dated So. Brimfield. Abner [525], rank, Private; Capt. .los. Browning's Company; Col. Seth Murray's (Hamp- shire Co.) Regiment; enlisted Aug. 11, 1780; ilischarged, Oct. 10, 1780; time of service, 2 months, 9 days. Co. raised for 3 months to reinforce the Continental army. Abner [525], rank. Private; Capt. Jos. Hoar, Jr. 's Company; Col. Gideon Burt's (Hamp- shire Co.) Regiment; enlisted June 16, 1782; time of service, 4 days. Co. marched to Springfield and Northampton in support of gov 't. Abraham, residence, Ware; rank. Private; Capt. Jona. Bardwell's (Company; Col. David Brewer's (9th) Regiment; enlisted May 3, 1775. S months men, enlistment to expire Dec. 31, 1775. Siege of Boston. Abraham. List of men raised in Hampshire Co. for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill; return 'd as rec 'd of Jona. Warner, Commissioner, by Col. R. Putnam, July 20, 1778. Marched June 22, 1778. Abraham, rank. Private; Capt. Jos. Hooker's Company; Lt. Col. Sam '1 Williams' Regi- ment; enlisted, Dec. 15, 1776; discharged. Mar, IS, 1777; time of service, 3 months, 14 days. Roll dated Morristown. Abraham, rank. Private; Capt. W. Brakenbridge's Company; Col. Porter's (Hamp. Co.) Regiment; enlisted, .July 9, 1777; discharged, July 29, 1777; time of service, 26 days. Service under Col. Seth Warner. Asahel [907], residence, Northfield; rank, ('orporal; Capt. Eliakim Smith's Company; Col. Ward's Regiment; enlisted, June 1, 1775; time of service, 2 months, 5 days. Roll dated Aug. 1, 1775. Siege of Boston Army. Asahel [907], rank. Corporal; Capt. Moses Kellogg 's Company; Col. .Tona. Ward's Regi- ment. Probably October return. Siege of Boston Army. Asahel [218], residence, Monson; rank, Private; Capt. Reuben Munn's Company; Col. Nicholas Dike's Regiment. Roll dated Roxbury. Sept. 17, 1776. Asahel [907], rank. Private; Capt. Moses Harvey's f'ompany; Col. Woodbridge's Regi ment; enlisted, Aug. 22, 1777; discharged, Nov. 29, 1777; time of service, 3 months, 17 days. Service at Saratoga Co. raised to reinforce Northern army. 1179 1180 ' APPENDIX B. Asia', rank, Private; Capt. Enoch Chapin's Company; Col. Elisha Porter's Kegiment; enlisted, Sept. 23, 1777; discharged, Sept. 2S, 1777; time of service, 12 days. Service in Northern Department. Benjamin [607], residence, West Springfield; rank. Private; Capt. Enoch Chapin's Com- pany; time of service, 8 days. Co. of Minute Men marched Apr. 20, 177.5, on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775, from W. Springfield. Lexington Alarm. Benjamin [607], rank, Private; Capt. Nehemiah May's Company; Col. David Leonard's Regiment; enlisted, May 6, 1777; discharged, .July 8, 1777; time of service, 2 months, 12 days. Service at Ticonderoga. Roll dated So. Brimfield. Benjamin [607], rank. Private; Capt. Jos. Thompson's (1st) Company; Lt. Col. Thos. Nixon's (4th) Regiment. Account showing paj'ment for service for Sept./Nov., 1776. Bethuel [221], rank. Private; Capt. Nehemiah May's Company; Col. David Leonard's Regiment; enlisted May 6, 1777; discharged, .July 8, 1777; time of service, 2 months, 12 days. Service at Ticonderoga. Roll dated So. Brimfield. Calvin [474], residence, Wilbraham; time of service, 8 days. List of men not embodied under the command of any officer who marched from Wilbraham on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775. Lexington alarm. Cyrus [908], rank. Private; Capt. Eldad Wright's Company; Col. Sam'l Williams's Regi- ment; time of service, 23 days. Reported: Co. of Minute Men who marched Apr. 20, 1775, on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775, from Northfield and Warwick to Cambridge. Lexington alarm. Cyrus [908], residence, Northfield; rank, Private; Capt. Eliakim Smith's Company; Col. Ward's Regiment; enlisted, Apr. 27, 1775; time of service, 3 months, 12 days. Roll dated August 1, 1775. 8 months men. Siege of Boston army. Cyrus [908], rank. Private; Capt. Moses Kellogg's Company; Col. .Jona. Ward's Regiment. Probably October return, 1775. On command to Quebec. 8 months men. Siege of Boston army. Daniel, rank, 2nd Lieut.; Capt. Elisha Cranston's (12th) Company; 5th Hampshire Co. Regiment. List of officers of Mass. militia. Daniel, residence, Westfield; rank, Private; ('apt. Caleb Keep's Company; Col. Israel Chapin's Regiment; discharged, Nov. 21, 1779; time of service, 1 month, 11 days. ■ Raised for 3 months to reinforce Continental army. Com. of Pay Oct. 18, 1779. Service at Claverack. Daniel, Capt. Allen's Company; Lt. Col. J. Brooks' (7th) Regiment; enlisted, Aug. 6, 1782. Descriptive list of men raised for Continental army. Age, 17 years. Hair, dark. Stature, 5 ft. 3>/2 in. Comp., dark. Occupation, farmer. Term of enlistment, 3 years. Daniel, Capt. Maynard's Company; Lt. Col. J. Brooks' (7th) Regiment. List of men Court Martialed since Jan. 1, 1781. Tried Nov. 16, 1782, by Regimental Ct. M., Capt. Mills, Pres., for stealing a pewter tankard; sentence 50 lashes. Sent, remitted. Darius [911], residence, Northfield; rank. Private; Capt. Moses Harvey's Company; Col. David Wells's Regiment; enlisted. May 10, 1777; discharged, July 10, 1777; time of service, 2 months, 10 days. Service in Northern Dep't. Roll dated Montague. Darius [911], Capt. Hunt's Company; C(d. Williams's Regiment. Descriptive list of men from Hampshire Co. Drafted for 9 months, to serve in Continental army. Rec'd of Justin Ely, Com'r at Springfield, July 19, 1779, by Capt. Jos. Cooper. Age, 20 years. Stat. 5 ft. 6 in. Hair, brown. Darius [911], rank, Private; Capt. Enoch Chapin's Company; Col. Jacob Gerrish 's Regi- ment; enlisted, July 27, 1778; discharged, Dec. 31, 1778; time of service, 5 months, 7 days. Co. detached from Hampshire Co. militia to guard stores at Springfield and Brookfield for 6 months from July 1, 1778. Roll dated Springfield. Darius [911], Lieut. Col.'s Company; 14th Regiment; enlisted, July 19, 1779; discharged, Apr. 15j 1780. List of 9 months men. David [339], rank, 2nd Lieut.; Capt. Nathan Frary's (9th) Company; 5th (Hampshire Co.) Regiment. List of officers of Mass. militia. Commissioned May 3, 1776. David [339], rank, 3rd Lieut.; Capt. Enoch Chapin's Company; Col. Jacob Gerriah's Regiment; enlisted, July 20, 1778; discharged, Dec. 31, 1778; time of service, 5 SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 1181 months, 24 days. Co. detached from Hamp. Co. militia to guard stores at Springfield and Brookfield for 6 months from July 1, 1778. David, rank, Private; Capt. Abel King's Company; Col. Sear's Regiment; enlisted, Aug 20, 1781; discharged, Nov. 20, 1781; time of service, 3 months. Service at Saratoga. Ebenezer [304], residence, Springfipld; rank. Private; Lieut. David Burt's, Lieut. Jona. Hale's Company; time of service, 3 days. Marched Apr. 21, 177.'), on the alarm of Apr. 19, 177.5, from Springfield to Brookfield. Lexington alarm. Ebenezer, rank. Private; Capt. Aaron Charles's Ccjnipany; Lt. Col. Tinio. Robinson's Regi- ment; enlisted, Dec. 25, 1776. Roll dated garrison at Ticonderoga, Feb. 24, 1777. Ebenezer, rank, Private; Capt. Reulien Munn's Company; Col. Elisha Porter's Regiment; enlisteil, Sept. 26, 1777; discharged, Oct. 18, 1777; time of service, 30 days. Service in Northern Dep 't. Co. detached to join Gen. Gates' army. Ebenezer, rank. Private; Capt. Sam '1 Fairfield's Compan}'; Col. May's Regiment; en- listed, .Inly 9, [Prob. 1777]; discharged, Aug. 12, [Prob. 1777]; time of service, 1 mouth, 9 days. Service performed in Northern army. Edward, residence, Westfield; Capt. Ball's Company; Col. Wni. Shepard's Regiment. Return of men enlisted into Cont. army from Capt. Dan'l Sacket 's Co. Sworn to in Hamp. Co., Apr. 5, 1779. Edward, rank, Sergeant; Capt. Webb's Company; Col. Wm. Shepard's Regiment. Conti- nental Army Pay Acct's for service from June 7, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1799. Reported: 10 months service as a Private, 6 months as Corp '1 and 14 months as Serg 't. Edward, rank, Corporal; Capt. Geo. Webb's Company; Col. Wm. Shepard's 3rd Regiment. Muster Roll for Oct., 1778, iiiDiilliH, A({'', lil ymirH. Jiiiiii'H (')<>i:|, riirik, I'riviitc; <'!i|.t. Job. Urowiiirij^ 'h < 'i)i(i|(iiiiy ; Col. H<-lli Murray 'n l£''«i iiiuiit; (!iiliHtriii){fii-M, May 21, 1770, ri'liiriiM hy CIuim. I'yiicluroii. (,'oimiiiHHioiii'il .)iiri<; ),'!, 1770. .lainifx |ri'll|, riiiik, L^ikI Liitiil,; Cu|it. Calt^b Ki'I'|i'h (i)tli Co.) Corii|i:iny; IhI n{aiii|iMiiiri "layM. Co. which man'hci) April '2), 1775, on the alarm of Apr. I!), 177.'(, from MonHon to Caml)riili{<'ft Camhri'lK^ Apr. 2!), 177.'5, l.>;xinKton alarm. Joel [!>i*4\, n.'miJwnce, Williraham; rank, J'rivatr;; f'apt. J'aijl Ijtiiin'Uiii'tt Company; 'iii»- '•harKed, May 3, I77.'»; tim« of wrviM-, \'.', lUiyy.. Co. of .Miniiti; .M( dayH, Hervicc in Northern iJep't, John, rank, Private; Capt. JoBhua I/. Woodbridj^e '» f.'ompany; Co). Nathan Tyler'* Ke(('' ment; enliitted, Hept. 12, J779; time of service, 2 montliK, 19 dayo, Herviee at K, I. Roll made up for June/Nov,, 1779. Dated Newport. Jofao, rank. Private; Capt. .fonhua Woodbridj^e 'o 'ompany; ','ol, ,Vathan TylerV, Kej^iment; time of Kervice, 1 month, 5 dayn. Service at )i. f. Holl made up for iJc;., 1779, Reported ; iJiKcharged. John, retfideuce, Brimfie)d; rank, Private; Capt. Jon, 'I'hompcon '« Company; Col, 'I'imo, Danielwtn 'h Kegiment; time of ntsTv'u-M, ), from Brimfield, Kervit* t/j Apr, 29, 177,'), l>>xinKton alarm, John I70-'>J, rank, Private; Capt, Dan 'I CVIwell 'h ''ompany; Col. Timo. lioiiiinKjii'x Iteffi- ment; enliHted, Dee. 2,'), 1776; diwiharsjed, Apr, 2, 1777; time of Wfrvici!, 3 monthii, 9 dayn, Hurvioj- performed at Ticonderoga, Deta/diment of militia, Roll date<) Hprinjf- field, ,Vlay 27, 1777, John, rank. Private; Capt, -lohn Carpenter'x Company; Col. K/.ra Wood '» Hf.^iiiiKnt ; enlinted, June 23, 1778; dioebarged, Keb, 2, 1779; time of »!!, 7 moothM, 28 day*, HurvU-Ji at North River, ,V, V. Enliiit«d for 8 months, John, rank, Corporal; Capt, John Carpenter'* Company; enlint*;'!, ,Mar, 11, 1779; di>K;har((ed, June 11, 1779, Co, of jfuardo deta/'hed for 3 montliK and xtati'jned at Hprin(ffi(dd. John, remden<«, Wefrtfield ; rank, Private; enliirted, Ao«, 2, 1782, Oew-riptive liirt of men belonging to We«tfleld, Age, 18 yeart!, Htat,, 5 ft, .'5'/^ in, Comp,, pt, Allen '» O^,, l>t, OjJ, J, Brwkj)' 7tb Regt. John, rank, Private;; Capt. Jona, .Maynard'o (Btb) Company; Lt, Od. John hnxtkx' f7tb) Regiment, .Mmiter rollo for August, October and ,Voveml>er, 1782, John, rank, Private; Capt, Nath'l C, Allen'* f8th) '■>(mpany; Lt, Col, John hnnikn' (7th) Regiment, AIuHter rolln for lJe<;,, 1782, Jan,, Peb,, .March, Apr,, May, Jun«, July, Aogujrt and September, 1783, Joseph [731], rank, Lieut,; Capt, Hugh Mai we 11 '« Company; Col, Wm, Pre»«ott'») Regiment, Liet of officers who rec'd '■jjmmlni'jnH. I>aled May 29, 177.Ci, 1184 APPENDIX B. Joseph [731], residence, Deerfield; rank, Ensign; Capt. Jonas Lock's Company; Col. Will- iams' Regiment; time of service, 8 days. Regt. which marched on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775, from Deerfield. Joseph [731], rank. Captain; Cipt. Joa. Stebbins 's Company; Col. Jona. Brewer's Regiment; enlisted, Apr. 27, 1775. 8 months enlistment to expire Dee. 31, 1775. Siege of Boston Army. Joseph [731], rank. Captain; Capt. Jos. Stebbins'a Company; Col. Da^-id Well's Regiment; enlisted, Sept. 23, 1777; discharged, Oct. 18, 1777; time of service, 1 month, 1 day. Marched on expedition to Northern Dep 't. Joseph [731], rank, Captain; 1st Company; Lt. Col. Well's Regiment. 5th Hampshire Co. Regt. Commissioned June 19, 1780. Jotham [531], residence, Brimfield; rank, Private; Capt. Nehemiah May's Company; Col. David ]>onard'a Regiment; enlisted, May 6, 1777; discharged, July 8, 1777; time of service, 2 months, 12 days. Service at Ticonderoga. Jotham [531], rank, Private; Capt. Phiueas Stebbins's Company; Col. Nathan Sparhawk 's Regiment; enlisted, Sept. 15, 1778; discharged, Dec. 11, 1778; time of service, 3 mouths, 2 days. Co. detached to reinforce Gen. Sullivan. Ordered to Boston. Jotham [531], rank, Private. Descriptive list of men to reinforce Continental army for term of 6 months. Engaged for Brimfield. Age, 19 years. Stat., 5 ft. 11 in. Comp. ruddy. Time of arrival at Springfield July 13, 1780. Marched to camp July 14, 1780, under command of Capt. Hancock. Jotham [531], rank, Private; discharged, Dec. 9, 1780; time of service, 5 months, 3 days. Pay roll for 6 months men raised by town of Brimfield for service in the Continental army during 1780. Marched July 13, 1780. Jotham [531], rank, Private; Capt. Jos. Hoar Jr. 's Company; Col. Gideon Burt's (Hamp. Co.) Regiment; enlisted, June 16, 1782; time of service, 4 days. Marched to Spring- field and Northampton in support of gov't. Jotham, residence, Sturbridge; rank, Private; Capt. Jos. Sibley's Company; Col. Danforth Keyes's Regiment; enlisted, Aug. 11, 1777. Muster and Pay Roll dated Providence, Dec. 22, 1777. Term of enlistment, 6 months from July 1, 1777. Jotham, rank. Private ; Capt. Jos. Sibley 's Company ; Col. Danforth Keyes 's Regiment ; discharged, Jan. 4, 1778; time of service, 1 month, 4 days. Service from Dee. 1, 1777. Roll dated Providence. Judah [509], residence, Brimfield; rank. Corporal; Capt. Jos. Thompson's Company; Col. Timo. Danielson 's Regiment ; time of service, 16^^ days. Co. of Minute Men which marched on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775, from Brimfield. Service to Apr. 29, 1775. Judah [509], rank, Private; Capt. Reuben Munn 's Company; (Late) Col. David Leonard's Regiment; enlisted. Mar. 1, 1777; discharged, Apr. 11, 1777; time of service, 1 month, 12 days. Co. detached to reinforce army at Ticonderoga. Levi [502], residence, Brimfield; rank, Private; Capt. Reuben Munn'g Company; Col. Nicholas Dike's Regiment. Return for travel allowance, etc. Dated Roxbury, Sept. 17, 1776. Levi [502], rank. Private; Capt. Reuben Munn 'a Company; Col. Elisha Porter's Regiment; enlisted, Sept. 26, 1777; discharged, Oct. 18, 1777; time of service, 30 days. Detached to join Gen. Gates' army. Service in Northern Dep't. Lewis, rank, Private ; Capt. Thompson J. Skinner 's Company ; Col. Asa Bame 's Regiment ; enlisted, Nov. 1, 1781; discharged, Nov. 10, 1781; time of service, 10 days. Co. marched on an alarm to the Western Frontiers by order of Gen. Stark. Berkshire Co. Regt. Luke [182], residence, Kensington (Conn.); rank. Private; Capt. Isaac Colton's Company; Col. David Brewer's (9th) Regiment. Co. Return dated Roxbury, Oct. 7, 1775. Luther [700], rank. Private; Capt. Preserved Leonard's Company; Col. Elisha Porter's Regiment; enlisted, July 28, 1779; discharged, Sept. 2, 1779; time of service, 1 month, 10 days. Hamp. Co. Regt. Service at New London, Conn. Medad [431], residence, Springfield; rank, Private; ilaj. Andrew Colton's Company; time of service, 15 days. Co. of Minute Men which marched Apr. 20, 1775, on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775. Lexington alarm. Medad [431], rank. Corporal; Capt. Dan'l Cadwell's Company; Col. Timo. Robinson's Segi- SOLDIERS I\ THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 1185 ment; enlisted, Dec. 25, 1776; discharged, Apr. '1, 1777; time of service, 3 months, 9 days. Detachment of militia. Service performed at Ticonderoga. Roll dated Spriug- eeid, May 27, 1777. Medad (-1311, rauk, Corporal; (.'apt. Jas. Shaw's f'ompany; Cul. Chas. F'ymhon 'a Re^iinieiit; enliitted, Sept. 24, 1777; discharged, Oct. 18, 1777; time of service, 32 days. Service with Northern army. Detachment ordered to join Oen. Gates's army. Moses [473], residem-e. West Springfield; rank, Private; Capt. Dan 'I C'adwell's Company; Col. Timo. Robinson's Regiment; enlisted, Dec. 2.5, 1770; discharged, Apr. 2, 1777; time of service, 3 months, 9 days. Detachment of Hamp. ('a. militia. Service performed at Ticonderoga. Moses, rank. Private; Capt. Phineas Stebbins'M Company; Col. Nathan Sparhawk'a Regi- ment; enlisted, Oct. 6, 1778; time of service, 2 mouths, 12 days. Service to Dec. 12, 1778. Co. detached to reinforce fien. Sullivan. Ordered to Boston. Moses f699|, rank. Private. Descriptive list of men rai.sed to reinforce Continental army for 6 months. Age, 19 years. Stat., .") ft. in. Comp., light. Marched to camp July 8, 1780. Modes, rank, Private; (Late) C'ol. David Moseley 's Regiment; discharged, Dec. 6, 1780; time of service, .5 months, 4 days. Pay Roll for fi months men for service in Conti- nental army dnring 1780. .Mari'hed to Springfield .Tuly S, 1780. Returned as having belonged to Capt. Miller's Co. Moses, rank. Private; Capt. Abel Dinsmore's Company; Col. Elisba Porter's Regiment; enlisted, July 24, 1779; discharged, Aug. 31, 1779; time of service, 1 month, 13 days. Hamp. Co. Regt. Service at New London (Conn.). Moses, residence, Springfield; rank. Private. List of men raised for 6 months service in 1780 and return 'd by Brig. fJen. Paterson as having pas.sed muster. Return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780. Moses [473], rank. Private; Capt. Ja.^. Tisdale's Company; Col. .John Greaton 's (3rd Mass.) Regiment; enlisteil, July 8, 1780. .Muster rolls for Aug., Sept. ami Oct., 1780. Term of enlistment, 6 months. Noah [418], residence, Wilbraham ; rank, Sergeant; Cajit. Paul Langdon's Company; dis- charged. May 3, 1775; time of service, 13 days. Co. of Minute Men which marched Apr. 20, 177.5, on the alarm of Apr. 19, 177.'>, from Wilbraham. Lexington alarm. Noah [418], rank, 1st Lieut.; Capt. Phineas Stebbins's (12th Co.) Company; 1st (Hamp- shire Co.) Regiment. Officers of Mass. militia. Commissioned June 13, 1776. Noah [418], rank, liieut.; Capt. .Ta.s. Shaw's fjompany; Col. Chas. Pyncheon's Regiment; enlisted, Sept. 24, 1777; discharged, Oct. 18, 1777; time of sertice, 32 days. Service with Northern army. Detachment ordered to join Oen. Gates's army. Noah [418], rank, Ijeut.; Col. Jacolw's and Wade's Regiment; enli.'rted, July 10, 1778; time of service, 3 months, 7 days. An abstract of Continental army pay due s'd Steb- bins for service from Jnly 11, 1778, to Oct. 17, 1778. Phineas, rank. Captain; 12tb Company; 1st (Hampshire Co.) Regiment. List of officers of Mass. militia. Commissioned June 13, 1776. Samnel, residence, Springfield; enlistef term of service, De- cember, 1775. Detachments of officers and men engaged at the battle of Bun- ker Hill, June 17, and in Arnold's Quebec Expedition, September-December, 1775. Adopted as Continental in July. The regiment was reorganized for service in 1776, under Col. Wyllys.] 5th Company. ELISHA STEBBINS, private. Enlisted. Discharged. May 3. Dec. 17. ct. men. In Revo. Fifth Regiment — Col. Waterbury's — 1775. [Regiment raised on first call for troops by act of Legislature, April-May, 1775. Recruited mainly in Fairfield County. Its record is identical with that of Gen. Wooster's, or the First Regt. up to the siege of St. John in October, it having marched first to New York under Wooster and then to the Northern Department. Term of service expired December, 1775; but on aecoimt of sickness, many men returned home in October-November, 1775.] 7th Company. THOMAS STEBBINS, private. Enlisted May 2 ; Re-enlisted November 17. ct. men In Revo, p. 157. Ct. men In Revo, p. 169. Second Regiment, "Connecticut Line." [Regiment raised early in 1777 for the new army or "Continental Line," recruited at large throughout the State. Ordered to assemble at Danbury in April, preparatory to taking the field, and soon went into camp at Peekskill. Served, during the summer and fall of '77, along the Hudson under Putnam; ordered, November 14, to join Washington's army in Pennsylvania, and on December 8, engaged in the sharp action of Whitemarsh, where it lost a num- ber of officers and men, killed and wounded. Wintered at Valley Forge, '77- '78, and present July 28, following, at battle of Monmouth. Assigned to Second Connecticut Brig., Huntington's, at Camp White Plains; wintered, '78- '79, with the Division at Redding. Served on east side of Hudson in Gen- eral Heath's wing during operations of '79; the Light Company, under Cap- tain Ten Eyck, detached to Meig's Light Regiment and engaged in storming of Stony Point, July 15, '79. Wintered, '79- '80, at Morristown, and served on the outposts; in 1780, with the main army along the Hudson.] Non-Commissioned Officers and Musicians. EBENEZER STEBBINS, Sergeant, term 3 yrs. Sergt, Feb. 8, 1771 ; prom. Qr. Mr. Serjt. May 1, '78 ; disc. Feb. 8, '80. SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 1189 Company. Enlisted. Term. ct. men in Revo. ELISHA STEBBINS, private Hinckley, May 20, 3 yrs., diedJuly 1, '80. p- i64. List of Levies in 5th Regt. in 1780. ct. men in Revo. SAMUEL STEBBINGS, enlist,.,! .hily 9, 'SO; discharged Dec. 2, '80. p- ''*^- Sixth Regiment, ''Connecticut Line." Formation of 1777-1781. Recruited mainly in New Haven County, rendezvous at New Haven; win- tered '77-'78, at West Point, and assisted in constructing permanent fortifica- in Revo, tions, "Meigs' redou])t," etc.; also redoubts oj)posito on east side. In sum- mer of '78 encamped with the main army undir Washington, at White Plains. Wintered '78- '79, at Redding. WILLIAM STEBBINS, New London (?), Ely's Company, Enlisted Febru- ary 1, 1778; 11 months; Discharged January 1, 1779. Second Regiment, "Connecticut Line." Formation of Jauuary-Jivne, 1783. [Second Regiment, in third formation of the "Line," January- June, 1783. ct. men Composed of the second Regiment <>f i)revious formation ami the Fifth. Re- p. 363. mained in camp at West Point an,! vicinity from January 1, 1783, until early in June, when by Washington's orders it was disbanded with the greater portion of the army. A certain number of the men were retained for the regiment of the last formation.] Captain Chapman's Company. THOMAS STEBBINS, private, Ridgefield; enlisted February 5; three .years. State Regiments at Boston. January-March, 1776. f During the re-organization of tli,' Continental force, before Boston, De- ct. men , .In Revo. cember, 75-February, 1776, when tli,' soldiers were coming and gomg, Wash- p- 384. iugton called for regiments from the N(>w England States to guard the lines at various points until the new ai-my hail lieen well established. Connecticut sent three regiments under Colonel James Wadsworth, Erastus Wolcott, and John Douglass. They reachetl Boston toward the end of January and re- mained about six weeks. The rolls of Colonel Wolcott 's regiment alone are on file. It formed a part of the deta(dim,^iit from the army that occupied Boston after the enemy evacuated the town. Captain Simon's Company. SETH STEBBINS, private. Third Battalion, Wadsworth 's Brigade. Colonel Sage, 1776. f^^,',^ p. 400. [Battalion raised, June, 1776, to reinforce Washington at New York. 1190 APPENDIX B. Served in New York City and on Long Island. Caught in the retreat from the city, September 15, and suffered some loss. Engaged at Battle of White Plains, October 28. Time e.xpired December 25, 1776.] Captain Birge's Company. ELISHA STEBENS, private. Ctmen in Revo, p. 583. <'t. men in Revo, p. 623. p. 639. Colonel Canfield's Militia Regiment. At West Point, September, 1781. FORWARD STEBENS, Danbury. 3rd Military Company in 18th Regiment under command of Captain Job Case. SAMUEL STEBBINS, Simsbury, Connecticut. Connecticut Pensioners, Act of 1818. Residing in Vermont, EBENEZER STEBBINS, Private. Connecticut Pensioners, Act of 1832. [Under the act of Congress, approved June 7, 1832, pensions were granted to all officers and soldiers, whether Continental, State or militia, who had served, at one or more terms, a period of two years. The list under this Act appears in Sen. Doc. 1st Session, 23rd Congress, 1833-34, where further par- ticulars, such as age. date of death, etc., not entered in the list here given, may be found.] LEWIS STEBBINS. Fairfield Co. SAMUEL STEBBINS, Fairfield Co. Census of Pensioners. For Revolution or Military Services as ri'tnrn(Ml under the Act for taking Sixth Census, 1840. LA VIS STEBBINS, New Canaan, Age 83. NEW HAMPSHIRE. "STATE OP NEW HAMPSHIRE, Office of Secretary of State, Concord, Feb'y 17, 1900. On Revolutionary War Rolls preserved by this state, only three by name of Stebbins, Stebbens, Stebbings are found. STEBBINS HEMPEN [MEHUMEN]. STEBBINS LIEUTENANT. STEBBINS ASHAEL. Respectful ly, Edward N. Pearson, Secretary of State." SOLDIERS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY "WAR. 1191 NEW YORK. N Y in the Revo. i (18981 LEWIS STEBBINS. private (enlisted men) m Colonel Morris Graham's ^ndEdi- Sixth Regiment Dutchess County Militia. p- "s. LEWIS STEBBINS, private (enlisted men) in Colonel Pierre Van Cort- p-213. landt's We.stchestcr County Militia — Third Regiment. NEHEMIAH STEBBINS, private (enlisted men) in Colonel Thomas p 210. Thomas's Regiment, Westehestei- County Militia — Second Regiment. NEHEMIAH STEBBINS, private (enlisted men) in Colonel Thaddeus p-21o. Crane's Regiment, Westchester County Militia — Fourth Regiment. NEHEMIAH STEBBINS, private in Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Benedict's « 217. Westchester County Militia — Associated Exempts. SAJIUEL STEBBINS. i)rivate (enlisted men) in Colonel Thaddeus Crane's p 216. Regiment Westchester County Militia — Fourth Regiment. Houghs JOHN STEBBINS, a revolutionary soldier, died in Martinsburg, New York, b"|"''''° May 25, 1838, aged 80. as?!) p. 376. "The name of STEBBINS appears on our Rolls three times as having served in the Revolutionary War for Vermont. The service is as follows: DAVID STEBBINS served as a Private 2 days in Capt. Eben Merrick's Com- pan.y. Col. John Sergeant's Reg't. assisting a Sheriff, in Sept., 1782. EBEN-. EZER STEBBINS served as a private 2 months 2 days in Capt. Tehan Noble's Co. of Militia, Col. Gideon Warren's Reg't, which served in defence of the Northern Frontier, from Apr. 18 to June IS, 1778. And BENJAMIN STEB- BINGS served as a Private 3 days in Capt. Benj. Cox's Co., from August 23d, 1780, "for Scouting." Our records of the Revolutionary War are very imperfect." Mrs. James S. Peck, Assistant in Adjutant General's Office. The shi]) "Thorn," l(i guns, (iO men. Captain Daniel Waters (appointed n. e.h. &g. Captain in U. S. Navy upon llie rccoinmendation of General Washington p. 27. March If., 1777) engaged the brig "Gov. Tyron," CAPTAIN STEBBINS, of 16 guns, and at the same time the brig "Sir William Erskine," Captain Hamilton, of 18 guns, each having a greater number of men than the "Thorn," after an action of 2 hours the "Tyron" struck, and the "Erskine" made sail to escape, but was pursued and captured. REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS. AMBROSE STEBBINS, Orleans County, private and artificer, annual al- ^|^°j^„ lowance, .$12-l.(iri ; sum received, .$22(i.(>l : service in Massai'husetts Militia; ^oiis. placed on rolls September 2fi, 1833; pension commenced March 4, 1831; age n^. 77 years; died December 27, 1833. BENJAMIN STEBBINS, Orleans County, private; annual allowance, p. 56. 1192 APPENDIX B. ii. 14:1. Coon. 11. 02. !>. 92. MasH. I p. lU. p. 144. p. 144. p. 144. $96.00; sum rpceived, .$1,466.57; service in Massachusetts Continental line; placed on rolls, .September IH, ISlf); ()ension commenced May 13, 1818; age, 7:5 yejirs; died 22, 1833. JOTIIAM S'rEIII'.INS, Windham County, private: aiitnial allowance, $73.34; sum received, $220.02; service in Massachusetts Militia; placed on rolls, Au- gust 26, 1833; pension (Mininicnc'd Mar.'h -1, 1831; age, 73 years. LEWIS STKHHINS, Fairfield County, private; anmwil allowance, $76.66; sum received, $229.98; service in fNiiinccticut Contini'ntal line; placed on rolls January 4, 1833; f)ension comnieiiccd .March 4, 1831 ; afre, 78 years. SAMUEL STEIiBlNS, Fairlirld Cuuiily, private; annual allowance, $29.78; sum received, $89.34; service in Connecticut Continental line; placed on rolls, December 17, 1832; pension commenced March 4, 1831; age, 71 years. DARIUS STEBBINS, Berkshire County, private; annu;il .illowance, $96.00; sum received, $121.00; .service in Massachusetts line; placed on rolls, Novem- ber 11, 1818; pension commenecd April 27, 1818; age, 60 years; died August 2, 1819. DAVID STEBBINS, IlniiiiHJcii County, iirivate: aiiniinl :illowance, $20.00; sum received, $60.00; service in .Massachusetts Militia; placed on rolls, August 13, 1833; pension commenced March 4, 1831; age, 74 years. JAMES STEBBINS, Tlampden County, private; aniniMl allowance, $43.33; sum received, $129.00; service in Massachusetts Militia; phiced on rolls, April 18, 1831; pension <-oiiiiiieneed, Mareli 4, 1831; age, 73 years. TIMOTHY STEBBINS. Hampden County, private; annual allowance, $31.67; sum received, $9r).()l ; service in Massachusetts Militia; placed on rolls, August 12, 1833; i)cnsion connneiiced, March 4, 1831 ; age, 72 years. THE WAR OF 1812. CONNECTICUT. ft. mpn In War (.nsii!. p. 120. Name and Rank. Place of Service. ( Viinnianilpr. Ppriod of Service. .Tames Stcljbins, Priv. Not shown. Stephen W. Stebbins, f'haplain. New Haven. Turner StchliiiiB, I'riv. N'rw London. Tiirnrr StehbinR, I'riv. Not shown. Geo. K. Kobertson. Aug. 11, '14, to Aug. 26, '14. Col. Elihu Sanford. Sep. 8, '14, to Oct. 21, '14. Samuel Oreene. .lun. 1, '13, to Jun. 15, '14. Samuel Greene. Aug. in, '14, to Aug. 26, '14. rt. men In War i.f 1812. Ct. Men ill til.' Reg. Army, War of 1812, Enlisted Men. ASAIIEL STEBBINS, I'riv., New Haven, enlisti'd ,Ian. 4, '1.5. I\Ia.i. Benj. Watson, Comd'r; 25th inf., Trans, to (1th Inf. May 15, '15. Disc. dis. Oct. 26, '15. SOLIJIKRK IN 'I I IK WAR <)(•■ 1812. W'.f'i GIJK'I'AVI'S S'I'KIJI'.INS, I'riv , ll;irH.,i(l, J^^uhi.t. ALd 1, I.'! I'VhIii., (■<„,<■, (v'ornd'r; lir,lh Inf., 'Iriin.H. In (,1), ItiF. — — , '15. Ixh. .jun.: 11, 'Ki, from ('n])\,. 'I'lioiriiiH M, Kc;i'l 'h . MATSON STKI'.I'.INK, I'riv., Noiwi.-li, KuUhL ,M.Ii. .id, 'M. 'I'h'.maH S. H<:yii\<>\ir ('orrnlr. 25tli Inf. !)'•«. Apr. If), '15. SHKR.MAN S'I'KI'.lilNS, I'riv., N. w Ilavn, Knlinl,. I-'.),. H, 'If,. Mhj. Hifij. Wal.Hon, Omiflr. '251,11 Inf. 'I'rariK. lo (;iti inf. i>i-H. Auk. •'!, 15- MASSACHUSETTS. In n \')ni of HoUlicr-H frotn I'.niiili' I'l, Si|.l "to, of the o/Ticfr.^! hcinK ti()[)<'il wilh while or r:i{niNs ward, C'olon'dH. JOHKI'II S'lhUBLSH. ASA HTKHHINH. MajorH, DENNIH HTKlihlSH. Li'iit'-nantH, IMVIf* STF':Mr',FN'S. KHK.NKZKR STKI'.MINB. APPENDIX C. STEBBINS AUTHORS. Diet, of Natlona I Biography Vol. ri4. p. 12;i. and Alllhone's Diet, of Anthors Vol. 2. p. 1230. Die. of National Rloc Vol. .^it. p. 124. HENRY STEBBING (1687-1763), diviue, Rector of Rickinghall, Suffolk County, baptized at Malton in Suffolk on 19 August, 1687, was the fourth .son of John Stebbing (1647-1728), a grocer of Malton, by his wife, Mary (d. 1821), a (laughter and coheiress of Richard Kenington. Henry entered St. Catharine Hall, Cambridge, as a sizar on 24 February, 1704-5, graduating B. A. in 1708, M. A. in 1712, and D. D. in 1730. On 19 October, 1710, he was elected a fellow, and on 27 of June, 1738, was incorporated at Oxford. On Lady day, 1713, he resigned his fellowship of being presented to the parish of Lower Rickinghall in Suffolk, and on 31 May, 1726, he was instituted rector of Garboldisham in Norfolk. On 14 July, 1731, he was elected preacher to the Society of Gray's Inn, London, and, in the following year was appointed chaplain in ordinary to the king. On July 19, 1735, he was installed arch- deacon of Wiltshire, and in 1739 became chancellor of Saruni. In 1748 he be- came rector of Redenhall in Norfolk, and retained the charge for the rest of his life. He died at Gray's Inn on 2 January, 1763, and was buried in Salis- bury Cathedral, where a monument was erected to his memory. His portrait painted in 1757 by Joseph Highmore, hangs in the National Portrait Gallery, London. An engraving by James Roberts is prefixed to the edition of his Tracts published in 1766. Stebbing was well known among his contemporaries as a controversial champion of Church of England orthodoxy. Among others he wrote against George Whitefield and Benjamin Hoadly, bishop of Bangor. His chief an- tagonist, however, was Warburton, with whom he carried on a voluminous warfare for many years. Its origin was Stebbing 's attack on Warburton 's "Divine Legation of Moses." Stebbing's most important works were: 1. "A Rational Enquiry into the proper methods of supporting Christianity, so far as it concerns the Governors of the Church," London, 1720. 2. "An Essay Concerning Civil Government, considered as it stands related to Religion," London, 1724; reprinted in "The Churchman armed against the Errors of the Times," Vol. III., London, 1814. 3. "An Apology for the Clergy of the Church of England," London, 1734. 4. "A Brief Account of Prayer and iSacrament of the Lord's Supper, and other religious duties appertaining to Christian Worship," London, 1739, 4th edition, 1771. 5. "A Caution against Religious Delusion," London, 1739. This work, directed against the Methodists, ran through six editions within a year. 6. "Christianity .iustified upon the Scripture Foundation," London, 1750. 7. "Sermons on Practical Christian- ity," London, 1759-60. A Collected edition of his earlier writings appeared in 1737, entitled "The Works of Henry Stebbing," London. He has also been credited with an anonymous satire entitled "The Fragment," published at 1194 STEBBINS AUTHORS. 1195 Cambridge in 1751, which assailed several leading Statesmen and ecclesiastics of the time. His wife was a daughter of Robert Camel of Eye, Suffolk County. He died at Gray's Inn on 13th of Novem))er, 1787. He was the author of a collection of "Seimious on Practical Subjects," London, 1788-1790, pub- lished by his son, Henry Stebbings, a barrister, with a memoir. (British Museum Addit. MS. 19170 f 196. Gentlemans Magazine 1787. II 1032.) STEBBING, HENRY, D. D., son of |>receding | Henry Stebbing b 1687], f,!;,"^°°«'« b. Riekinghall, Suffolk, 1716; a fellow of Catlierine Hall, Cambridge, 1734; ^^{^^{^ in 1749 he became rector of Giningliain and Truncli in Norfolk and succeeded p- 2230. his father as Preacher of Gray's Inn, upon his resignation in 1750; d. 1787. j^^^,^ ^j Sermons on Practical Subjects, with account of the Author, by his son, Lon- pj'rJ'""*' don, 3 vols. 8 vo. I, II, 1788; HI, 17!)0. See list of his separate publicaticms pty voi. in Watt's Bibl. Brit. See also, Stcbbing, Henry, D. U. p- 124. HENRY STEBBING, D. D., poet, pr.'acher and historian, son of John I'lction- ' ' ' ai'j of Stebbing (died December 11, 1826, buried at St. James Cemetery, Picadilly) NRtion«i " ■ ' Ring. and Mary Rede (died May 24, 1843, buried in Cemetery of St. James, Pica- '''"{^^ dilly), of the Rede family of Suffolk. Was born August 26, 1799, at Great " Yarmouth, Norfolk County, England; died September 22, 1883, at St. James parsonage, Ilampstead Road, London; married December 2L 1824, MARY GRIFFIN, born February 22, 1805, at Norwich. England; diod February 3, 1882, at Hampstead Road, London, who was (lie daughter of William Griffin of Norwich, and sister of Vice Admiral William Griffin. CHILDREN : John Stebbing. William Stebbing. Thomas Roscoe Rede Stebbing. F. R. S. Beatrice Stebbing; married Batty. Grace Stebbing. [Also two sons and two daughters whose names were not given.] HENRY STEBBING "pejm.'d a stanza" he was a school boy, and his first poem, "The Waiiderers," was printrd at llie close of 1817 and circu- lated among his friends. In the following August he published "Minstrel of the Glen and other Poems," which included "The Wanderers.'" On July 4, 1818, he was admitted a sizar of St. John's College, Cand)ridKe. (iraduated B. A. 1823, M. A. 1827, and D. D. 1839. On April 3, 1845, he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society. MR. STEBBING was ordained d(>a.'on in 1822, and priest in 1823; within llZ]Zit a few months he was in charge ol' three pirishi\s for absi^itee incumbents, and vo'i^fi4 rode forty miles each Sunday to do (ln' duly. In 1825 he was appointed even- p^^"^- ing lecturer at St. Mary's Bungay, and about 1824 he hiM-ame p<'rpetual curate ^^"g.g of Ilketshall, St. Lawrence, Norfolk. Diet of Aiirhors From 1836 to 1867 he was Perpetual Curate of St. Jaim^s's, IIampsteai" (,'hivalry and the Crusades, Lon- don, 18;«), 2 vo. (In Constables Miseeilany Vols. 1 & 51.) "Style clear, senti- ments and opinions just, descriptions pictun'S((ue, and the stream of narrative strong and flowing-. Mr. Stebbing is a rising writer." Noctes Ambros, April, 1830. 688. See also London Cent. Mag., 1S:5(), L 432; Times, 1830. 2. Lives of the Italian Poets, 1831, 3 vols. 2nd ed., 1832, 3 vols. 3d. ed., 1860. Con- tains more than 20 biographies. Commended by London Literary Gazette, 1831, 66, 805. 3. History of Christian Church from its foundation to A. D. 1492, 1833-34, 2 vols., in Lardner's Cabinet Cye. "A judicious, able and, above all, an honest sunniiary," — Lon. Atlien., 1831, 183. 4. Sermons (xx) 1833, New Ed. 5. Discourse on Death, ]8'!5. 6. Short Readings on Subjects for Long Reflection, new ed., 184!). 7. History of the Reformation, 1836 (some 1839), 2 vols. 8. History oF the Church of Christ from 1530 to the Eighteenth Century, 1838 (some 1839), 1842, 3 vols, again, 1847, 3 vols. 9. Essay on the Study of History, 1841. 10. The Church and its Ministers, as represented in the Chi-istian Writers of the Primitive Ages, 1844. 11. Family History of Christ's Universal C'hui-ch, in I'arts, January, 1842, with his portrait and autograph; in 2 vols.. 1849. 12. The Christian in Palestine or Scenes in Sacred History, Illustrated by Bartii'tl, 1847. 13. Jesus; a Poem, in Six Books, 18r)l. 14. Christi:iu C.races in the Olden Times, December, 1851 (1852). 15. The Long Railway Journey and other Poems, December, 1851. 16. Helps to the Thoughtful Reading of the Four Gospels, 1854; 1855. 17. Near the Cloisters; a Tale (.f an Old City, 'i'MlS. 2 vo. DR. STE15BING edited the Cabinet Library of Divinity (in conjunction with R. Cattermole), 1836, 15 vols. Hume and Smollett's Histories of England, and added a Continuation of six vols., in all, 20 vols., 1837 (his itrefatory Essay on the Study of History was also published separately). The Holy Bible, with Notes. L. Murray's Power of Religion on the Mind, with additions. Dramatic Works of Shakes- peare. Selection of Sacred Poetry; Bishop Tomline's Elements of Christian Theology, 1843, 2 vols. Bishop Beveridge's Private Thoughts, 1849, 2 vols. He prefixed an Introducti(m to Defoe's Historv of the Plague; an Essay to the Works of Josephus, 1840; an Essay to Baxter's Dying Thoughts, 1848; an Essay to each Part of Jeremy Taylor's Life of Christ, 1849, 3 vols.; an In- troduction to F. A. Strauss 's Sinai and tiolgotha, 1849; a Preface to W. Wickenden's Poems ami Tales, 1851; translated from the German Humboldt's Letters to a Lady, 1849, and Paul Henry's l/if(> and Times of Calvin, 1849, 2 vols.; was in 1828 co-editor with J. S. Buckingham of the Athenaeum and contributor to the Amulet for 1826 (see Black Woods Mag., January, 1826, I. 7) and the Juvenile Keepsake for 1829. (See London Monthly Review, 1828, III, 540.) AMIhono's Die. of Authors Supple- ment Vol. 2. p. l.SSO. MISS GRACE STEBBING. born in London, daughter of Rev. Henry Steb- bing, D. D. and Mary Griffin; is a writer of considerable note, her principal works are: 1. Walter Beini, and how he stepped out of the Gutter, London, 1876. 2. James Sullivan; or, Ready for the Turn of the Tide, London, 1877. 3. Brave Geordie: The Story of an English Boy, London, 1879. 4. The Year STEBBINS AUTHORS. 1197 through at Silverdalf Rectory; or, 'I'ln' Cioklen Links, London, 1880. 5. Fun and Fairies, or Those Four Little (Jirls, London, 1881. 6. Edward Bertram, or The Emigrant Heir, London, 1882. 7. Gold ;ind Glory; or, Wild Ways of Other Days, London, 1882. 8. Lost hci- Shoe, and A Few Ijittle Threads, Lon- don, 1883. 9. Our Bohby; or, A Sea Gift, London, ]HKl 10. Old Fables with New Faces, Lomlon,;. 11. Winnini: nii I'.inpire, London, 1881!. 12. The Robber Chief; or. Too (Jood for his Trade, by Ivlward Burton [pseudony- mous naniej, London, 188:!. 13. Graham .MeCalls, Victory: a Tale of the Covenanters, London, 1884. 14. In Wjclif's l);iys; or, A Safe Hiding Place, London, 1884. 15. What a -Man Sowetli, London, 1884. 16. Amouf,' the Car- bonari; or, Adventures of Peyton Phelps with the Secret Society, London, 1885. 17. That Aggravating School Girl, London, 188.5. 18. Sie for Your- self, London, 188(). 19. Home, Sweet Home, Homeless — at Home, Somebodies' Homes, London, 1887. 20. Only a Tramp, London, 1887. 21. "In All our Doings;" "Golden Truths of the Collects," London, 1888. 22. Jessamines, London, 1888. 23. Our Xeii^hbor. Widow Yates, Ijondon, 1888. 24. That Bother of a Boy, London. ],ss,s. 25. A Will made in Haste; or, Baumgarten's Adventures in a Texan 'i'own, London, 1888. She has also published two anonymous novels and "Tin Snuigglers Cave," nndei- a pseudonym, and has contributed numerous stories and sketches to periodicals. REV. THOMAS ROSCOK i;Kl)E STEBPJN'G, M. A., son of Rev. Henrv Aiubom-s Ulc. or Stebbing, D. D., and Mary (Jriffin, graduated at Worcester College, Oxford, Anthois 1857; Fellow, 186G-68; ordained 1858. Among his writings are: 1. (Trans- -J. p isso. lation) Tonginus on the Sublime, Oxfor > o pr 5' o p tr o OB 03 B o a. t o D o c CO a T 5' o- 5' en 5' CO a a- 5' 7J a T cr 5' CD «> 5' 2 a* St 3* X (1. cr 5' OB t— ' 1— » *-• h- 00 to CO to t— ' CO w 4-. W O o» -) en UO -•1 ^.a h- • h-i O O H* t-* to l-» h-» to ta I-" lO to 1^ to to CO rf^ *- to li^ *. l^- CO >(>' Ol rf^ w l-» H-» t-t o> to It^- O o> a o to l<) h-» M Ctl to CO >>•■ to o> -^ CO l>5 to to to M !». to at Ol *. >(>■ »^ CO h- t-* to k- to h- CJI >«>■ o Ol o ►"• t-» h-* M 1— • CO CO w en t-» <-) CO 4^ h^ o o o o o v\ 00 ><>. IS5 ^ o to h-t t-l CO to to CD to to - W to V-* >_, (— ' t-* (-» h-> H-» o to -< 00 o lO »-* ^ •^ o to UD 00 to w o o Polls Ratable. Pulls X,)t Ratable. Dwelling Houses &c. Tan bouses &c. Annual worth of whole Real Estate deducting annual interest. Money at interest. Horses & Mares. Oxen 4 yrs. & up 's. Cows & heifers do. Goats & sheep 1 do. Swine 1 yr. & up. Acres of pasture. No. of Cows. Acres of tillage. Bush, of grain, all sorts, raised yearly. Barr 'Is Cider yearly. Acres of mowing. Tons of hay. Acres fresh meadow. Tons of F. M.Hay. LIST OF COMMUNICANTS in the Congregational church in Belehertown, \>°°-^.^ Massachusetts : Belcher- town. CAROLINE STEBBINS, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Nancy Read, united in 1831. CYRUS STEBBINS, united in 1819; removed to Ware. 1204 APPENDIX D. ELY W. STEBBINS, son of Zenas Stebbins and Lydia Ely, united 1850; Ardelia Cowles, wife of Ely Stebbins, united 1850; she is daughter of Josiah Cowles anil Betsey Smith. HENRY STEBBINS, JR., son of Henry Stebbins and Ann Jones, united in 1831. JULIA ANN STEBBINS, daughter of Zenas Stebbins and Grace Warriner, united in 1826. JULIETT STEBBINS, daughter of Henry Stebbins and Ann Jones, united 1850. LAURA B. STEBBINS, daughter of Henry Stebbins and Ann Jones, united in 1835. MARY STEBBINS, married Wright Bridgmnn, son of Wright Bridgman. She united in 1827, by letter, from the ehureli in Uranby. RUSSELL STEBBINS UNDERWOOD, son of Plavia Stebbins and Russell Underwood, united 1850. SYLVANUS STEBBINS and wife united in 181G. They were from the church in Granby to this, and removed from here by a general recommendation of their standing, in 1823, to the state of New York. MEMBERS of the Congregational Church at Northampton, Massachusetts, under Solomon Stoddanl's ministry (1672 to 1729). BENJAMIN STEBBINS BENONI STEBBINS ELIZABETH STEBBINS HANNAH STEBBINS MARY STEBBINS SAMUEL STEBBINS THOMAS STEBBINS Hist DEERFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. Deertield ^^*- Legislative — Senators. Christopher A. Stebbins, 18G7. Representatives. Asa Stebbins, 1810-19, 39 (10 years) Asa Stebbins, 1852-3 Edw. W. Stebbins, 1856 Moses Stebbins, 1857 Christopher A. Stebbins, 1864 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 1205 Moderator of Town Meeting. Col. Jo.seph Stebbins, served 16 terms between 1782 and 1802 Asa Stebbins, " 9 " " 1804 " 1836 Asa Stebbins. Jr., " 3 " " 1831 " 1838 Dennis Stebbins, " 2 " " 1833 " 1835 Edw. W. Stebbins, " 1863 Christopher A. Stebbins, " 1863 Town Treasurer. The first town treasurer elected was in 1721; before then the Constables p^^""^- or Collectors appear to have had charge of the town funds. Dennis Stebbins, 1831-40 Asa Stebbins, Jr., 1841-62 Francis W. Stebbins, 1880 Christopher A. Stebbins, 1883-5 The okl Stebbins tavern of 1784 was, in 1874, occupied as a private resi- w. Spring- dence by Mr. Lucien Bliss. renten. p. 128 TOWNS, &c. STEBBINS, Halifax County. Virginia. Lippin- STEBBIXSVILLE, a post-liandet of Koek County, Wisconsin, in Porter {^.f^"*' Townshiji, twenty miles S. S. E. of Mailison. It has a church and a flour p 2532. mill. MOUNDS, ETC., ON STEBBINS FARM. Extracts from History of Northfield, Massachusetts. The truncated hill — which evidently was once washed on the north by pp.43 the Ashuelot, and on the west by the united rivers — rises about sixty feet above the (n-dinary water level, and overlooks the valley to some distance below I'omcroy's island, and up to Clary's island, and the old Port Hill. On the front the sides are steep; and a ravine cut it off from the low hills to the east, and extended round to the meadow on the south. A spring, easily accessible, comes out at the foot of the hill on the north. Tillage has essentially mociiKed the a)ipcarance of the surface, and the ravine in the rear. The most interesting works now visible are 33 granaries, situated on the southwesterly side. They occupy an off-set, just above the line of high water, and are in(duded in a space of 90x45 feet. They vary in size from three to five and seven feet in diameter, and as the land has been kept in grass the outlines are perfectlj' preserved. Some of these basin-like depressions are 1206 APPENDIX D. now from twelve to fifteen inches deep. On opening one, it was found to be about four and one-half feet deep and lined with clay. MR. JOHN M. STEBBINS, Avho was born upon the place, states that these gi'anaries were much deeper and more distinct thirty-five years ago than now. He says, "Directly west of the old barn, on my father's farm, on- the same level with the house and in the angle made by the fence as now built, the barn, and the brow of the hill, there were in 1840 many small mounds, which my grandmother said were Indian graves. The land had P ** never been plowed, except by the first settlers, and the mounds were readily traced, though the surface was tolerably smooth. Two of us boys mustered courage one day and carefully moved the turf from one of the mounds, and digging down not more than four feet struck a skull, the very thing we were digging for. We found nearly the whole skeleton — in a sitting posture — some parts considerably decayed, but the skull was in good condition, and the teeth were large and perfect. A physician who examined it pronounced it to be the skeleton of a young woman." The mounds were only a short distance to the southeast of the granaries and fort. The fact is handed down in the STEBBINS FAMILY— who have held the property for three or four generations— that Peter for John) Evans, who removed hither from Xorthfield street in 1741, planted an orchard in this old burial-ground ; and that the Indians — during the wars that followed —repeatedly destroyed the trees. This would show that a peculiar saeredness was attached by the natives to this spot; and the raised mounds, and the sitting posture of the body exhumed, indicate the burial-place of a chieftain's family. And it is a point of interest, to be noticed in this connection, that among the Indian relies found in the soil on this farm, weapons and orna-. ments predominate. In 1872 a beautifully polished stone pendant, something in the shape of a carpenter's plummet, and about the size of a pullet's egg, was found here. About eighty rods below this cluster of mounds is another wigwam site. When the railroad was constructed a few years since, as the workmen were excavating a cut, the earth caved in and disclosed thirteen skeletons lying close together. One of them indicated a man six and one-half feet in height. APPENDIX E. UNIDENTIFIED DATA. Brimfield, Massachusetts, Towu Records. ALFRED ALMEROX STEBBINS and SARAH E. (CREIGHTON) RICH, married June 14, 1887. EUDOTIA STEBBINS, dau^dlter of ABNER and STEBBINS, died March 27, 1846, age 17 years. HARRY ARTHUR STEBBINS, son of ARTHUR and ELLA E. STEBBINS, born May 12, 1884. Deerfield, Massachusetts, Town Records. ELLA, daughter of and ANNIE STEBBINS. born August 13, 1857. MARTHA EUGENIA, daughter of ANDREW J. [probably No. 3170] and ANTOINETTE STEBBINS, born May 18, 1856. Northampton. Massachusetts, Town Records. CATHERINE, daughter of PAUL and ANNIE (DUIER) STEBBINS, born November 17. 1887. ELIZABETH STEBBINS and Henry V. Austiu, married Jan. 10, 1838. HIRA]\I STEBBINS and Maria S. 'Converse) French of Longmeadow, mar- ried February 5, 187G. JAJIES S. STEBBINS of Conway and Ahneua H. Edson of Ashfield, married August 28, 1850. MARIETTA A. STEBBINS of Conway and Benjaiinn A. Wells of Greenfield, married JIarch 8, 1843. MARY STEBBINS, wife of BENJAMIN STEBBINS, died June 2, 1736. PATRICK, son of PAUL and ANNIE (DEARER) STEBBINS, born November 19, 1888. MISS SARAH ANN STEBBINS and Samuel F. Warner of Greenfield, mar- ried November — , 1836. THOMAS STEBBINS. died October 2, 1689. Ridgefield, Connecticut, Town Records. ABBEY STEBBINS and Nathan Byington. married July 7. 1840. EBENEZER STEBBINS [probably No. 817] and Elizabeth Smith, married June 11, 1776. 1207 1208 APPENDIX E. HANNAH STEBBINS [probably No. 816] and Uzziel Hyatt, married No- vember 27, 1783. ISAAC STEBBINS, died April 7, 1825. MARY STEBBINS and Benjamin H. Perry, married October 13, 1854. MARY E. H. STEBBINS, died October 9, 1894, age 86. SARAH STEBBINS [probably No. 818 J and Amos Baker, married November 4, 1779. SUSANNA STEBBINS, died July 28, 1876, age 74. STEBBINS MANUSCRIPT BOOK. AMELIA K. STEBBINS, died January 26, 1867, age 35, at Somers, Con- necticut. ANNA STEBBINS and Elizar Goodwill, married September 14, 1832. MRS. ANTOINETTE STEBBINS, died February 5, 1861, age 28, at Hatfield. Massachusetts. ASA STEBBINS, died January, 1839, age 45. BELINDA STEBBINS and Nathaniel Steadman, married November 11, 1810, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. BEULAH STEBBINS and Amos Hungerford, married October 1, 1823, at Frankfort, New York. CAROLINE V. STEBBINS, wife of Rev. C. A. Stebbins, daughter of Judge Joshua VanCott of Brooklyn, Now York, died January 15, 1876, at Oswego, New York. CARRIE L. STEBBINS, daughter of Henry W. Stebbins of Springfield, and George D. Farnham. married November 2, 1870. Residence, Akron, Ohio. CATHERINE STEBBINS (widow), resided at Hartford, Connecticut; died March 13, 1873, age 81, at Springfield, Massachusetts. CATHERINE E. STEBBINS and P. A. Fountain, married 1853, at Holyoke, Massachusetts. CHLOE B. STEBBINS and Roland Sackett, married October 20, 1860, at Westfield, Massachusetts. CYRUS STEBBINS. died February 2. 1832, age 26. at Ware, Massachusetts. ELIJAH STEBBINS, son of LOIS STEBBINS, born March 15, 1778, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. Methodist preacher. ELLA STEBBINS, wife of E. D. STEBBINS, died December 13, 1875, age 26, at Northampton, Massachusetts. ENOS STEBBINS of Little River, died March 20, 1873, age 50, at Westfield, Massachusetts. GEORGE STEBBINS and Helen Frances Parsons, married July 17, 1871. GEORGE M. STEBBINS. married Mrs. Mary A. Brown ; died June 8, 1874, at Springfield, Massachusetts. GEORGE S. STEBBINS, died November 29, 1867, age 39, at Ludlow. Ohio, or Harvard, Illinois. HATTIE A. STEBBINS, daughter of Moses Stebbins, and Rev. Selwin T. Nye, married November 14, 1871, at Springfield, Massachusetts. She died in 187 — , at Brooklyn, New York. UNIDENTIFIED DATA. 1209 HATTIE H. STEBBINS, daughter of Eben and Jane Stebbins, died July 30, 1873, age 7 years 5 months, at Springfield, Massachusetts. HIRAM STEBBINS and Nancy Collins, married May 12, 1839, at Springfield, Massachusetts. HORATIO N. STEBBINS and Lucy Clapp, married in 1832 at Hartford, Connecticut. ISAAC STEBBINS, died July 31, 1835, age 40. JAMES STEBBINS, died December 7, 1872, age 52, at Deerfield, Massa- chusetts. JARED STEBBINS, son of Mary Stebbins 3rd, born February 7, 1776, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. JENNIE STEBBINS, died in 1858. at Amherst, Jlassachusetts. JOSEPH STEBBINS, died November 15, 1820, age 67. JOSEPH S. STEBBINS and Ann M. Kent, married June, 1839, at Suffi^W, Connecticut. JULIA STEBBINS, died February 12, 1870, age 40, at Jersey City, New Jersey. .niLIA MORRIS STEBBINS, daughter of William A. Stebbins, died February 13, 1870, age 44, at New York. J. S. STEBBINS and F. D. Rugg, married January 5, 1871, at Chicopee, Massachusetts. KELLOGG S. STEBBINS, died December 4. 1872, age 39, at Lafayette, Indiana. LEONARD STEBBINS, died December 22, 1830, age 22, at Greenfield, Massa- chusetts. LOUISA A. STEBBINS and Jacob Jenkins, married January 24, 1850, at Chicopee, Massachusetts. LUCINDA STEBBINS, born 1854-5, and Eli Goodrs, married May 5, 1869, at Chicopee, Massachusetts. LUCINDA STEBBINS, daughter of Mary Stebbins 3rd, born July 16, 1774, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. LUCINDA STEBBINS, daughter of Mary Stebbins 2nd, born December 5, 1788, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. LUCINDA STEBBINS and Joseph W. Este, married May, 1820, at Green- wich, Connecticut. LUTHER STEBBINS, son of Moses L. Stebbins, died December 29, 1859, at Greenfield, Massachusetts. MARIA STEBBINS, died April 8, 1875, age 76. at New York. MARIA MATILDA STEBBINS, daughter of Uoses L. and Maria Stebbins, died February 1, 1848. MARTHA STEBBINS (widow) and George Vining, married February 16, 1869, at Plainfield, Massachusetts. MARY STEBBINS and Azael Sexton, married November 26, 1801, at Wil- braham, Massachusetts. Residence, Somers, Connecticut. MARY STEBBINS and Sergius W. Lord, married January 2, 1823, at Bland- ford, Massachusetts. MRS. MARY STEBBINS, died August 31, 1859, age 77, at Palmer, Massa- chusetts. 1210 APPENDIX E. MRS. MARY M. STEBBINS and William H. Bush, married March 23, 1876, at Palmer, Massachusetts. MEHITABLE STEBBINS and Josiah Mason, married March 17, 1793, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. Residence, Amcnia, New York. MILES STEBBINS, died February — , 1817, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. NANCY COLLINS STEBBINS, wife of Hiram, died August 21, 1873, age 68, at Northampton, Massachusetts. PAULINA STEBBINS, daughter of Nathaniel Stebbins, died January 13, 1831, age 26. MRS. REBECCA STEBBINS, died November 14, 1859, age 72, at New York. REBECCA STEBBINS, died March 30, 1868, age 96, at Enfield, Connecticut. MRS. SALLY STEBBINS, died June 5, 1869, age 68, at Worcester, Massa- chusetts. SAMUEL STEBBINS, died March 17, 1869, age 74, at Conway, Massachu- setts. SAMUEL STEBBINS, son of Dr. S. S. Stebbins, died April 14, 1872. SARAH A. STEBBINS and Josiah E. Washburn, married June 8, 1851, at Springfield, Massachusetts. SARAH ANN STEBBINS and Samuel F. Warren, married November, 1836, at Greenfield, Massachusetts. SHELDON STEBBINS, son of Edy Stebbins, died February 21, 1873, age 39, at Westlield, Massachusetts. SOPHIA STEBBINS, daughter of Erastus Stebbins, married Dr. Hervey Scott. Residence, Lancaster, Massachusetts. WILLIAM STEBBINS, died January 8, 1873, age 86, at New Providence, New Jersey. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ALEXANDER FIELD STEBBINS was an adopted son of Colonel Alex- ander Field. ARTEMAS STEBBINS was Methodist Preacher at Wilbraham, Massa- chusetts. CYRUS STEBBINS, D. D., was Methodist Preacher, afterwards Episcopal Rector, at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. DANIEL STEBBINS died May 10, 1790, at Elizabeth, New Jersey. EBENEZER STEBBINS died November 22, 1808, aged 77, at Enfield, Connecticut. EBENEZER STEBENS was Selectman of New Grantham, New Hamp- shire, in 1786. CAPTAIN EBENEZER STEBBINS was tax collector of New Grantham, New Hampshire, in 1786. EBENEZER STEBBINS [probably No. .304 1, who lived where Emery Court now is, in Springfield, Massachusetts, was an inn-holder. A barn in the rear of his establishment was turned into a cartridge factory during the Revolution. In the time of the War, Springfield was a recruiting place and a rendezvous for soldiers. Being centrally situated, easy of access, and at the same time so far inland as to be out of the reach of sudden invasions of the UNIDENTIFIED DATA. 1211 enemy, it was, early in the War, fixed upon as a suitable place for making and repairing the various niuiiitions of war and a depot for military stores. At first the whole was confined to Main street. The various artificers em- ployed had their shops where tiny ronld find a convenient place and resided themselves in that part of the town. The laboratory for cartridges, and for various fireworks manufactured on such occasions, was in the barn then owned by EBENEZER STEBH1N8 on the place owned in 1828 by Dr. Kingsbury, south of FESTUS STEBBINS'. After two or three years, the public works were removed fo the hill where they now are. EDWARD STEBENS and Sarah Crowe, daughter of Samuel, were mar- ried May 9, 1779, at Providence, Rhode Island. ELIJAH STEBBINS was Methodist Preacher at Wilbraham, Massachu- setts. E. A. STEBBINS was me of the charter niemhcrs of Post No. 3, G. A. R., whose charter was granted and dated April 15, 1867, at Bridgeport, Con- necticut. FRANCES STEBBINS was one of the younger moiety at the notable party in 1812, in Deerfield, Massachusetts, at Mrs. Joanna Smith Williams' when she gathered twenty-four mothers, each with a baby born within the year. GILES STEBBINS and Ann Woo.l were married November 1, 1810, at Mansfield, Connecticut. JAMES HERVEY STEBBINS fprobably No. 3824] graduated from Har- vard College with the degree of B. S. in 1878, and received the degree of S. M. from Rutger's (New York) in 1882. WIDOW JANE STEBBINS married, as his second wife, Edward Shepard of Windsor, Connecticut. JESSE STEBBINS died October 31, 1822, aged 20, at Enfield, Con- necticut. "MR. JONATHAN STEBBENS of Springfield" in list of sidiscribers to "Prince's Chronology" about 1728. The subscribers to "Prince's Chron- ology" may be regarded as the principal lilin-ati of New England. JONATHAN STEBBINS [probably No. 97(il was known extensively in his day as "CLARK STEBBINS, tlie poet of Loiifrmeadow" He wrote a tribute to the death of Lieutenant Nathaniel Burt, of the 3d Massachusetts Regiment, who was killed at the battle of Lake George, September 8, 1755, of which we give a portion to show his poetical ability. He'll venture far. I know his courage well, Fearless of death, he'll face the Gallic foe. Nor turn his back upon the sword or bow; Nor all the tawny tribe with Hellish Yell. Shall daunt his Mind or Make His Courage fail. At length a Courier the sad tidings brought Of a most bloody battle Lately fought. 3212 APPENDIX E. Between New England Troops and Gallic foe, Which spread the Plain with a Proniiscuous woe. But yet no certain Tydings we could hear, Which held us in suspense Twixt hope and fear, Untill a Reverend Letter Passed the Plain With the sad, mournful news Brave Burt was slain. No common life was taken when he fell, No pen of mine his real worth can tell. When stood surrounded with a Martial Baud His mien Bespoke him fit for high command; Stately in body, of a manly form. Fit to strike terror, or the passions warm. Facetious, Plesent, Innocent, and Grave, His Lightest airs showed something in him brave. Airy but Prudent, merry but not Light, Quick in discerning and in judging Right, Where he engaged, was faithful to his trust. In Reasoning Cool, Strong, Temprate and just, No friend to Slander, a Sworn foe to Spight, Nor quarrelsom, but strong enough the fight. Wherever he was intimately known. His Gifts and Graces eminently shown; View him in his Domestic Life, and Care — Perhaps he shown as bright as any Where. The muse is not so blind but what she can see He was not from all imperfections free. But must Beg Leave most humbly to Declare That such united virtues are but rare." JOHN STEBBINS, born November 1, ]SO(i. married in 1828, Susan Maria Allen. JOHN STEBBINS and others "mad-^ Chose of to Execute the Lawes Respecting Swine, May 10. 1714", at Springfield, Massachusetts. JOHN STEBBINS chosen constable of Springfield ^March IT, 17'28-29. JOHN STEBBINS was chosen fence vi(>wer and field driver at Spring- field, March 8, 1714-15, and March 13, 1732-33. JOHN STEBBINS was chosen "Hogreve" at Springfield, March 14, 1726-7. JOHN STEBBINS was chosen "Surveyor of Highwayes" at Springfield, March 12, 1716-17. UNIDENTIFIED DATA. 1213 JOHN STEBBINS was chosen "Tythingman" at Springfield, March 14, 1731-2. JOHN STEBBINS, JR.. was chosen "Fence viewer" at Springfield, March 14, 172G-7. JOHN STEBBINS, JR., and others desired "liberty for the Erecting and Setting up a House for their llors.-s at the South West End of the meeting House in the Town Plat" of Springfield. JOHN STEBBINS was chosen to execute the law respecting swine, at Springfield. .March 10, 1718-19. JOn.X STEBBINS Iprobalily John of Roxhury]. At "A Quarter Court hel Bement Sarah Muffatt Mar>?aret Brooks 41' 6 •-' 1 ) John Stebblns 4 Samuel Stebblns a Thomas Stebblns i; ROWLAND STEBBINS i V Patience Wright Abigail Brooks Hannah WrlKbt Sarah J son of Uriah Stebbins and Sally Bement, was born June 17, 1812, at Cortland, Cortland County, New York; diet! June, 1869 (or 1871), at Groton, Tompkins County, New York ; married at Cortland, Cortland County, New York, ELIZA- BETH WELCH, born in 1814, in Connecticut; died October 17, 1884, at Groton, Tompkins County, New York, who was a daughter of Almond Welch. Occupation, farmer. Politics, republican. Resided in Cortland and Tompkins Counties, New York. (ERASMUS STEBBINS had a brother Abel, who mar- ried Martha and lived near Niagara Falls; and a sister Welthy, who married Daniel Seheels, or Sciels (perhaps Shields?], and lived in Broome County, New York. One of his daughters says: "Grandmother's name was Beamant".) CHILDREN : Amelia A. ; married Myrem Linderman. Wealthy Ann; married William Adams. John Wesley; died in the Rebellion, aged 26 years. Emeline Sophia, born April 28, 1840; married Stephen A. Has- tings.+ Caroline Augusta ; married Wesley Hinman. Nancy Jane ; died aged 21 years. Eli William; died aged 14 years. Phebe Matilda, born March 4, 1849; married Fayette Cole.+ Almond Welch. 1216 2. I. 3. II. 4. III. 5. IV. 6. V. 7. VI. 8. VII. 9. VIII. 10. IX. ADDENDA. 1217 11. X. Martha Ophelia, ninri-icd tirst, Frank Comstoek ; married second, Major Selleii. 12. XI. ^\nianda; died aged five year.s. 5. EMELINE SOPHIA STEBBINS, daughter of Erasnuis Stebbins and Elizabeth Weleh, born April 28, lS4t), at Oortland, Cortland County, New York, married 1863, STEPHEN A. HASTINCS, born in Syracuse, New York, died 1882, at Moravia, New York. Polities, republican. Residence, Moravia, New York. CHILDREN : 13. I. Fred Hastings; married , who died Fel)ruary, 1899. 9. PHEBE MATILDA STEBBINS, daughter of Erasmus Stebbins and Elizabeth Welch, born March 4, 1849, at (Jrnton, Tompkins County, New York, married October 17, 1S76, FAYETTE C^OLE, horn September 28, 1855, at Cortland, Cortland County, New York, son (if Harrison Deloss Cole and Lorinda Stanton. Occupation, fariiiei-. I'dlitics, republican. Residence, South Cortland, New York. CHILDREN : 14. I. Arthur G. Cole, born Noveiuber 4, 1S80; died September 29, 1881. I r>;i() 217 1. IBDO STEBBINS, No. 1200 -^ Uimjamin Sti'M.inso Benjamlu Stfl.hlns 5 t .Miriaiu lluiitley .leruslia King 48 G 2 1 Thomna Stelibins 4 Kam\if I .Steblilns 3 Tliomas Stelibins 2 UOWLAND STEBBIN ilary Miiun Abigail Brooks llniiitah \Vi-iv;ht Sarah -f son of Benjamin Stebbins and Miriam Itniitley, was born April 28, 1785, at Brimheld, Massachusetts; married 25, 1811, at Brimfield, Massachu- setts, to SUSANNAH ELY. Their son: 2. RUFUS HUNTLEY STEBBINS |li.ul eousins Benjamin, Smith and Jacob Stebbins, who lived and died at Westlieldl, born February 4, 1818, at Westfield, Orleans County, Vermont; died January 22, 1861, at Lowell, Vermont; married ^larch 22, 1843, nt Westfield, Orleans County, Vermont, to MARTHA LOUISE HILLS, horn Mnnh 10, IS'22, at Compton, Province of Quebec: died July 14, 1896, at Lowell, Oi-ieans County, Vermont, who was a daughter of Sylvester Hills and Lydia Strong. Occupation, carpenter. Re- sided at Westfield. CHILDREN : Vienna Permelia, born l\Tay 5, 1844; died April 27, 1852. Susan Emily, born March 7, 1846; married George Vernon Lewis. Lydia Olive, born March 4, 1848; died June 16, 1861. Albert Iddo, born April 13, 1850; married first, Florence Betsey Brown; married second, Hattie Augusta Collins. -f- 77 3. I. 4. II. 5. HI. 6. IV. 1218 ADDENDA. 7. V. Clara Augusta, born February 10, 1853; married William 0. Pat- terson. 6. ALBERT IDDO STEBBINS, son of Rufus Huntly Stebbins and Martha Louise Hills, was born Ajjril 13, 1850, nt Lowell, Orleans County, Vermont; married I\Iarch 6, 1877, at >South Troy, Orleans County, Vermont, to FLOR- ENCE BETSEY BROWN, born at Westfield, Orleans County, Vermont; died September 19, 1887, who -was a daughter of John Brown and Rebecca Collins. He married second, November G, 1888, HATTIE AUGUSTA COLLINS, born April 9, 1866, daughter of Thomas Collins and Almira Barter. Occupation, farmer. Politics, democrat. Reli'^ion, protestant. Residence, Lowell, Ver- mont. CHILDREN: Marshall Elwin, born April 27, 1878. Myrtie Metta, born September 25, 1880. Seldon Edward, born November 14, 1883. Albion Ithil, born April 15, 1891. Perlie Huntly, born January 11, 1893 ; died June 27, 1894. Hazen Ira, born June 17, 1897. Daughter, born March 29, 1901. 8. I. 9. II. 10. III. 11. IV. 12. V. 13. VI. 14. VII. SERGEANT JONATHAN STRONG ° \ u } 65 9 ehltable Stebbins. 4 Joseph Stebbins 3 ountban Strung Sarah Dorohester 2 1 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWLAND STEBBINS i Hannah Wright Sarah son of Mehitable Stebbins and Jonathan Strong, was born December 15, 1708, at Northampton, Massachusetts; died April 19, 1797, at Northampton, Mass.; married August 27, 1730, at Northampton, Mass., to ELIZABETH CLAPP, born 1710; died June 25, 1758, who was a daughter of Captain Rogers Clapp and Elizabeth Bartlett. CHILDREN: 262a. I. Ebenezer Strong, born July 15, 1731; died August 13, 1731. 262b. II. Ebenezer Strong (2nd), born Sept. 28, 1732; married Lucy Clark. 262e. III. Elizabeth Strong, born May 16, 1735; married Silas Clark.-f 262d. IV. Jonathan Strong, born March 4, 1737; married Rachel Lyman. SERGEANT JONATHAN STRONG Avas a Revolutionary soldier. 262c. ELIZABETH STRONG «, daughter of Sergeant Jonathan Strong and Elizabeth Clapp, was born May 16, 1735, at Northampton, Mass.; married January 15, 1756, at Northampton, Mass., to SILAS CLARK, born Feb. 12, 262e. I. 262f. 11. 262g-. III. 262h. IV. 262i. V. 262j. VI. 262k. VII. 2621. VIII. 262m. IX. 262n. X. 2620. XI. 262p. XII. ADDENDA. 1219 1729-30, at Northampton, JMass. ; died April 14, 1818, at Northampton, Mass., who was a son of Noah Clark and Eunice Dickinson. CHILDREN : Silas Clark, born Nov. 28, 1756. Elizabeth Clark, born June 17, 1759; married Simon Root. Eunice Clark, born Oct. 28, 1761 ; married Eleazer Alvord. Jemima Clark, born Aug. 1'2, 1763; married Silas Brown. Princess Clark, liorn May 19, 1765. Reuben Clark, Ixirn Feb. 16, 1767; married Susanna Rising. -f- Levi Clark, born Feb. 11, 1770. Enos Clark, born Jan. 19, 1772. Abigail Clark, born Oct. 10, 1773. Diana Clark, born Oct. 10, 1773. Naomi Clark, born Oct. 2, 1775; died 1776. Naomi Clark, born December, 1777 ; married Walter Pease. 262 j. REITBEN CLARKE ', son of Elizabeth Strong and Silas Clark, was born February 16, 1767, at Ndrthampton, Mass.; died at Westhampton, Mass.; married December 7, 1792, at Suflield, Connecticut, to SUSANNA RISING, born June 25, 1770, at Suffield, Conn.; died at Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia, who was a daughter of Benjamin Rising and Lydia Hooker. CHILDREN : 262q. I. Lydia Hooker Clarke, iiorn Nov. 19, 1793; married Crane. Children: 1. William E. Crane, married Kate Holden; he was a captain, and on (Jeneral Sherman's staff during the civil war. 2. Mary Crane, married Thornton. 3. Abbie C'rane, unmarried. 262r. II. Worthy Hooker Clarke, born March 31, 1795; married Ellen Smith. + 262s. III. Sherman Hooker Clarke, born March 27, 1797; lived at West- hampton, Mass. 262r. WORTHY HOOKER CLARKE" fha<1 the Virginia legislature change his name to William Henry because of disagreement with his family], sou of Reuben Clarke antl Susainia Rising, was born March 31, 1795, at North- ampton, Mass.; died in Illinois; married in New York to ELLEN SMITH, born in New York; died at Glade Springs, Virginia, who was a daughter of Captain Thomas Smith and Jean Blundell. 1220 ADDENDA. CHILDREN : 262t. I. William Clarke; died unniamed. 262u. II. Edwiu Reuben Clarke, born Nov. G, 1827; married Mary Ann Sessler.-|- 262v. III. jNIary Clarke ; married Eldred Baylor of Glade Springs, Va. Had four children, viz.: 1. Carrie Baylor, married Giles W. Quarles; live.s at Baltimore, Maryland. 2. Glenn Baylor. 3. Sue Baylor, married Cajit. Frank Blanchard. 4. Hattie Bay- lor, married Louis L. Houghton. 262w. IV. John M. Clarke ; married twice. Had two children by first wife, viz.: 1. Edwin R. Clarke, married Maggie Clarke (his cousin). 2. Anna Clarke, married John Clarke (her cousin). 262u. EDWIN REUBEN CLARKE," son of Worthy Hooker Clarke and Ellen Smith, was born March 6, 1827, at Christiansburg, Virginia; died March 2, 1880, at Knoxville, Tennessee; married, in 1852, to MARY ANN SESSLER, born in Botetourt County, Virginia ; died 1873, at Knoxville, Tenn., who was a daughter of Mark Bigler Sessler and Mary Ann Eakin ; married second, to ELIZA TRENT. Occupation, owner of lumber mills. CHILDREN : 262x. I. Abbie Bell Clarke, born Jan. 24, 1853; married Elijah Embree Hoss.-}- 262y. II. Ella Clarke; died unmarried. 262z. HI. Hattie Clarke; married Dr. John C. Hudgings. He died March, 1890, leaving three children, viz. : 1. Eula Hudgings, married Rex Coile. 2. Mary Hudgings, married Thomas Williams. 3. John Hudgings (a daughter despite the name). 262aa. IV. Maggie Clarke; married Edwin R. Clarke. No children. 262bb. V. Richard Clarke; unmarried. 262cc. VL Ellen Wall Clarke, born Aug. 11, 1878; inimarried. EDWIN REUBEN CLARKE was in the Confederate Army four years; was attached to the Ordnance department, and served part of the time as the saltpetre expert of the Confederate Government. 262z. ABBIE BELL CLARKE '», daughter of Edwin Reuben Clarke and Mary Ann Sessler, was born January 24, 1853, at Blaeksbxirg, Montgomery County, Virginia ; married November 19, 1872, at Knoxville, Tennessee, to ELIJAH EMBREE HOSS, born April 14, 1849, at Cherokee, Washington County, Ten- nessee, who is a son of Henry Hoss and Anna Maria Senier. Profession, Bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church. ADDENDA. 1221 CHILDREN ; 262dd. I. Mary Hoss, born Sept 8, 1874. 262ee. II. Elijah Embrce Hoss, Jr., born May 1!), 1879. 262ff. III. Henry Sessler Hoss, born Feb. 8, 1882. ELIJAH EMBREE HOSS was ediicatetl at Ohio AVesleyan College at Delaware, Ohio, and Emory and Henry College at Emory, Virginia. BISHOP HOSS is one of the most noted men in the editorial, educational, and religious circles of the South. He has been President of Martha Washington College, Abingdon, Virginia, and of Emory and Henry College, Emory, Virginia. For five years he was professor of Biblical and Ecclesiastical History in the Theological Department of Vauderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee. For twelve years he was editor of the Christian Advocate, the connectional organ of the whole Southern Methodist Church. He has been delegate to six General Conferences, and to two Ecumenical Conferences, fraternal delegate to the Canadian and Northern Methodist Churches. BISHOP HOSS comes of prominent Colonial and Revolutionary ancestry; and was for several years President of the Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution. ELIJAH EMBREE HOSS, JR., enlisted in the Fourth Tennessee Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American War. He was at onee appointed Color Ser- geant; and on September 16, 1898, was promoted and commissioned Second Lieutenant of Company G. On February 21, 1899, he was again promoted, becoming First Lieutenant of Company G. He served five months in Cuba. He had the distinction of being the youngest commissioned officer in the Tennessee State Troops. He is now manager for the Bradstreet Mercantile Agency at Chattanooga, Tennessee. In politics he is a gold democrat, and in religion a Southern Methodist. 1542. HARRIET STEBBINS '-< Moses Stehhins B Moses Stebbins 5 Th..mas Stfbblns « ( Elizabeth Belcher Rachel Bliss Widow Marv Ely 11 2 11 Edward .Stebhins 3 Thomas Stebbins :; KOWLAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Graves Hannah Wright Sarah ) daughter of Moses Stebbins and Elizabeth Belcher, was born May 27, 1804, at Springfield, Mass. ; married October 16, 1831, GEORGE STEVENS. CHILDREN: 1542a. Harriet Stevens, married Austin Chase. Had three sons, two of whom were in the Chase piano business at one time. HARRIET STEBBINS was a salaried singer in one of the churches of Springfield, Massachusetts. 1222 ADDENDA. 1543. MOSES STEBBINS" (son of Moses Stebbins and Elizabeth Belcher), was born April 29, 1806, at Springfield, Massachusetts; died February 19, 1866, at Granby, Connecticut; married October 2, 1838, at Southwick, Massachu- setts, to CELIA PERLINA DIBBLE, boru May 3, 1811, at (Jranby, Conn.; died February 10, 1894, at Granby, Conn., who was a daughter of Abraham Dibble and Theodosia Griffin. Occupation, farmer and tanner. Politics, Dem- ocrat. Religion, Residence, (Jranby, Connecticut. CHILDREN : 1543a. I. Mary Elizabeth, born Oct. 13, 1839; married Alonzo Gaines.+ 1543b. II. Lucinda Catherine, born May 29, 1842; married Artemas Good- ridge Harger.-f- 1543c. ITT. Harriet Ann, born Jan. 14, 1847; married Selwyn T. Nye. After his father's death, MOSES STEBBINS— then seventeen years of age — went to Hartford, Connecticut, where he learned the tanner's trade. He bought a tannery at Granby, Connecticut, which he operated until a few years before his death, when he retired to his farm. 1644. LUCINDA STEBBINS," daughter of Moses Stebbins and Elizabeth Bel- cher, was born April 23, 1808, at Springfield, JIass.; died September 24, 1859, at La Grange, Ind. ; married October 15, 1834, at Springfield, Mass., to HIRAM KING, born November 17, 1805, at Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; died February 7, 1857, at Springfield, Mass. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Whig. Religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Springfield, Mass. CHILDREN : 1544a. I. Elizabeth Harriet King, born Apr. 11, 1836, at Onondaga Valley, N. Y.; married Jan. 23, 1862, at Troy, N. Y., George Wells Hotaling; live at Chicago, Illinois. Their daughter, Grace Cornelia Hotaling, born Feb. 25, 1863, married Charles Addis Hendricks. 1544b. II. Hiram Frederick I^ing, born Apr. 30, 1840; married Flora Ara- bella Holmes. 1543a. MARY ELIZABETH STEBBINS,* daughter of Moses Stebbins and Celia Perlina Dibble, was born October 13, 1839; died 1874; married ALONZO GAINES. CHILDREN : I. Ella Gaines; died aged 17 years. II. Flora Gaines; married Frank Roberts; lives at Barkhampsted, Conn. Three children. ADDENDA. 1223 1543b. LUCINDA CATHERINE STEBBINS,* daughter of Moses Stebbins and Celia Perlina Dibble, was born May 29, 1842, at Granby, Conn.; married April 2, 186.5, at Granby, Conn., to ARTE MAS GOODRIDGE HARGER, born January 25, 1834, at Granville, Mass., who was a son of Joel Durand Harger and Nancy Belden. Occupation, farmer. Politics, Republican. Religion, Uni- versalist. Residence, Granby, Conn. CHILDREN : I. Amelia Belden Harger, born Feb. 24, 1866; married James F. Madigan; has a son, Alfred Harger Madigan. n. George Stebbins Harger, born Oct. 14, 18G7 ; unmarried. in. Lulu Augusta Harger, born April 26, 1871 ; died Mar. 14, 1876. IV. Helen Lucinda Harger, born Sept. 19, 1880; died Sept. 19, 1880. V. Ralph Arteraas Harger, born Oct. 17, 1883. 626. ( "."ifi 63 REV. NOAH WILLISTON ^ < Hannah Stpbblns 5 Thomas Stebbins 4 / .Joseph Wllllston, Jr. Sarah Strong 9 2 11 .Toseph Stebbins 3 Thomas Stebbins 2 ROWIjAND STEBBINS i V Sarah Dorchester Hannah Wripht Sarah } son of Hannah Stebbins and Joseph Willislon, Jr., was born Jidy 3. 1734; mar- ried HANNAH PEYSON, of Pomfret, Conn., born in 1742, died in 1769, who was a daughter of Deacon Joshua Peyson. Religion, Congregationalist. Resi- dence, West Haven, Conn. CHILDREN: (all born at "West Haven, Conn.) 626a. I. Peyson Williston (Rev.), born 1764; married Sarah Birdseye.-f- 626b. II. Sarah Williston, born June 14, 1765; married Rev. Richard Salter Storrs.+ 626c. III. David Howe Williston (Rev.) ; lived at Turbridge, Vt. 626d. IV. Hannah Williston, married Rev. Ebenezer Kingsbury; lived at Jericho, Vt., and Hareford, Penn. REV. NOAH WILLISTON graduated from Yale in 1757; was ordained at West Haven, Conn., in June, 1760, where he remained until his death. His grandfather, Joseph Williston, Sr., who liverl in Westfield, Mass., in 1691, mar- ried, first, jMary (Parsons) Ashley, and had by her Joseph Williston, Jr., born December 28, 1700, who married Hannah Stebbins No. 256; and Nathaniel Wil- liston, born January 28, 1707, who married Miriam Stebbins No. 251. Joseph Williston, Sr., married, second, November 23, 1714, Sarah (Strong) Stebbins, widow of Thomas Stebbins No. 63. 626a. REV. PEYSON WILLISTON,^ son of Rev. Noah Williston and Han- nah Peyson, was born in 1764 at West Haven, Conn.; died January 30, 1856, at Easthampton, Mass. ; married in 1790 at Stratford, Conn., to SARAH 626e. I. 62fii:'. II. ti26''. III. 1224 ADDENDA. BIRDSEYE, bora August 26, 1763, at Stratford ; died 1845, at Easthampton, Mass., who was a dauphter of Rev. Nathan Birdscye and Dorothy Hawley. Profession, Doctor of Divinity. Residence, Easthampton, Mass. CHILDREN : Nathan Birdscye Williston; died aged four years. Maria Williston; married Theodore Brackett. Hon. Hamuel Williston, born June 17, 1795; died July 18, 1874; married Emily Graves, daughter of Elnathan Graves and Lydia Pomeroy. They luul four children, all of whom died in child- hood. (See biography following.) 626h. IV. Sarah Williston, born Jan. 21, 1800 ; married Josiah Dwight Whit- ney.+ 626i. V. Deacon John Peyson Williston; married Clarissa Lyman; lived at Northampton, Mass. REV. PEYSON WILLISTON graduated from Yale in 1783, and was min- ister at Easthampton, Mass., from 1789 until 1835. Several of his sermons were published. HON. SAMUEL WILLISTON began his studies at Philips Andover acad- emy, with a view of entering the ministry; but abandoned his purpose, owing to weakness of the eyes, and engaged in the manufacture of buttons, in which industry he gained a large fortune. This occupation was begun at his own home by his wife, and extended until many hundred women in the neighboring towns were employed under his superintendence. In 1831 Joel Hayden began the manufacture of buttons with machinery of his own invention at Williams- burg, Mass. Mr. Williston entered into partnership with him, and they con- tinued the business there until 1848, when Mr. Williston purchased Mr. Hay- den's interest and removed the factory to Easthampton. Afterwards he en- gaged in the manufacture of suspenders. In 1840 he established in his native town Williston Seminary, a preparatory school of high grade, to which he gave at different times about two hundred and seventy thousand dollars, and be- (jueathed to it an additional five hundred thousand. He also gave to Amherst one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, endowing professorships there in 1858-9, and gave liberally to Mount Ilolyoke Female Seminar}^ He erected a church at Easthampton three times, two of which were burned down. His benefactions amounted to more than one and one-half million dollars. He also did much to improve the appearance of his native town. In 1841-1843 he was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature. His widow gave to the seminary that bears his name the Williston homestead, to be used as the principal's house after her death, which oceui'red in 1885. 626b. SARAH WILLISTON,^ daughter of Rev. Noah Williston and Han- nah Peyson, was born June 14, 1765, at West Haven, Conn. ; died January, 1798; married October 12, 1785, at Longmeadow, Mass., to REV. RICHARD SALTER STORKS, born August 30, 1763, at Mansfield, Conn., died October 3, 1819, at Longmeadow, Mass., who was a son of Rev. John Storrs and Eunice ADDENDA. 1225 (Conant) Howe. Profession, pastor of Congregational Church at Longnieadow, Mass. CHILDREN : 626j. I. Rev. Rieharrl Salter Storrs, horn Feb. 6, 1787; married 1st, Sarah Strong Woodhiill; 2nd, Harriet Moore; 3rd, Anne Stebbins.+ 626k. n. Sai-ah Williston Storrs, born Nov. 28, 1788; married Col. Charles E. Billings. 6261. III. Rev. Charles Backus Storrs, born May 15, 17!)!; president of the Western Reserve College, Ravenna, Ohio, 1831-1833. 626h. SARAH WILLISTON,^ daughter of Rev. Payson Williston and Sarah Birdseye, was born January 21, 180U; died July 1, 1833; married December 4, 1818, to JOSIAII DWIGIIT WHITNEY, born July 9, 1786, at Westfield, Mass.; died January 20, 18(i!1, at Northampton, :\lass., who was a son of Abel Whitney and Clarissa Dwight. They had eight children, among whom were: I. Prof. Josiah Dwight Whitney, born Nov. 23, 1819; married Louisa God- dard. II. Prof. William Dwight Whitney, born P^eb. 9, 1827; mairird Elizabeth Wooster Baldwin. [For full account of the other children see Pierce's Whitney Genealogy, p. 299, and Dwight (ienealogy, p. 833. P'or sketches of the lives of Professor Josiah Dwight Whitney and Professor William Dwight Whitney see Dwight Genealogy, pages 834-S36 ; Pierce's Whitu.'y Genealogy, pages 485-486, and Appleton's Cyclopaedia.] 626j. REV. RICHARD SALTER STORRS, JR.,"* son of Kev. KidiMnl Sal- ter Storrs and Sarah Williston, was born I'diruary 6, 1787, at ijongiiu'adow, Mass.; died August 11, 1873, at Braintree, Mass.; married, first, to SARAH STRONG WOODIITILL; married, second, to HARRIET MOORE; married, third, October IS, 1835, at AVilbraham. Mass., to ANNE STEBBIXS, born November 15, 1792, at Stratford, Coini.; loioh 546 259 Betsey, daughter of Gilbert Steldjins? and Betsey Wood 21()U 317 Betsey, daughter of Isaac Stebbinso and Sallie Sutherbind 187;i 503 Betsey, daughter of Jesso Stebbinsii and Elizabeth Squires 55S 262 Betsey, daughter of Arad Stcbbins" and Mary Kent 194-t 513 Betsey, daugliter of Moses Stel)I)insn and Hannah King 1674 466 Betsey, daughter of Benjamin Stcldiings and Mercy Aiken 1147 Betsey, daughter of Daniel Stebbins? and Lydia Curtis 2615 411 Betsey, daughter of Daniel Stebbins" and Rachel lilodgett 1316 273 Betsey, daughter of Zadock StebbinsT and Sibyl Hitchcock 2143 351 Betsey H., daughter of William W. Stebbinss and Nancy Murdoch 3840 560 Betsey Jane, daughter of William Stebbins and .Tane Smith 1162 Betsey Ruth, daughter of Bliss Stebbins' and Betsey Ruth Cossitt 2060 340 Betsy, daughter of Hesadiah Stebbins and Asenath Green 2321 376 Betsy, daughter of Ilesadiah Stebbins" and Betsy Sessions Babcock 1154 377 Betsy, daughter of Lewis Stebbins" and Mary Starkweather 1500 286 Betsy, daughter of Thomas Stebbins" and Marilla Oriswold 2335 377 Beulah, daughter of Jesse Stebbins^' and Elizabeth Squires 559 263 Beulah, daughter of Enos Stebbins" and Mary Stebbins 952 228 Beulah, da\ighter of Jesse Stebbins" and Phebe Bishoji 1250 261 Bina, daughter of Eldad Stebbins" and Ann Badger 978 231 Birdie, daughter of Charles Merrick Stobbins-s and Mosa Henderson 4394 (i37 Bishop, son of Edward Stcbliins" and Ann Bishop 1026 Blanchard, son of Herbert Stebbins and Abbie Salome Blanehard 1156 Blanche, daughter of James Hervey Stebbins* and ■ — 3S27 558 Blanche, daughter of Charles Henderson Stebbins" and Annie Laura Gillette 5971 898 Blanche B., daughter of Anson Porter Stebbins and Lsabella E. Fritz 5739 860 Blennie, daughter of Edwin R. Stebbins^ and Angeline Harris BoUes 5383 975 Bliss, son of Enos Stebbins" and Mary Stebbins 948 340 Bliss, son of Cortland Bliss Sl.ebbinss and Eliza M. Smith 3787 537 Bliss, son of Jonathan Stebbinss and Margaret Bliss 424 172 Bowen, son of 1 1 65 Brainard, son of Enos Stebbins" and Mary Stebbins 945 339 Brainard, son of Brainard Stebbins' and Margaret Reed 2054 535 Brinton Guy, son of William M. Stebbins and Raxihel A. Williams 1157 Burton, son of Thomas A. Stebbins* and Caroline A. C^oburn 4616e 679 Bushrod Washington, son of Alvin StebbinsT ami Eliza Kentfield 3178 470 Byron Granger, son of Noah Granger Stelibins*" and So])hia Hitchcock 3691 523 Byron Rossetter, son of William Wallace Stelibins and Anna Adaline Higley .... 1093 Byron Wallace, son of Lot Dunham Stebbins* and Martha Susanna Ruudel. 4543 661 B. Franklin, son of Elijah Stebbius' and Harriet Leonard 3237 476 Caleb, son of Thomas Stebbins^ and Mary Ely 298 195 Caleb, son of Caleb Stebbins^'' and P^lizabeth Warrlner 671 283 Caleb, son of Caleb Stebbins" and Mehitable Chapin 1478 447 Caleb, son of Titus Stebbius and Sarah Vinton 1209 258 Calista, daughter of John Stebbins" and Harriet Houghton 3557 801 Calista, ilaughter of Alfred Stebbins? and Eliza Fanning 3322 484 Calista, daughter of David Stebbins" and Irene Collins 1751 483 Calista Electa, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Sally Decker 3308 482 Calista J., daughter of Almerick Stebbins? and Lj-dia A. Barnard 3243 477 Calvin, son of Jlldad Stebbins" and Ann Badger 9sfi 348 Calvin, son of Luther Stebbins" and Mahala Judd lllsl 278 Calvin, son of Galvin Stebbius" and Sarah Sexton 1032 356 Calvin, son of Thomas Stebbinsi^ and Phebe Burt 690 289 INDEX— NA]\TE OF STEBBINS. 1237 Number I'ngc Calviii, son of Calvin f>tebl)ins' and Narali Kliza Langdon 'Jl l-l "iti!' Calvin, sou of Caleb .Stebbins' and Flicbo lliU'luock JOlIU 71 1 Calvin, son of Moses Stebbins^ and Donas Hale 471 1I37 Calvin Brewer, son of Walter Stebbius"' and Katharine ISrewor l.');;'J -15:; Calvin Chauuey, son of Charles Jared Stebbins» and Olive Clarke 59!l'.i 902 Camilla F., daughter of Frederic Stebbins and Hannah Sladcr 11 -I) Candace, daughter of Hesadiah Stebbins and Asenath Greeu Ll.'ns 376 Candis, daughter of Walter Stebbins and Abigail Gardner 1159 Carl, son of Orville Henry Stebbins and Ida Bell Vantassal liiiOli 90IJ Carl Glover, sou of Uriah Harrison Stebbinss and Marion (ilovor Brookfield 419.S (iOCi Carl Louis, son of John Louis Stebbins'-' and Ida Isabella Williams (iKio 927 Carlile Eldridge, son of George Ingraham Stebbins" and A\irora ( 'oc-luaii. . 44iiii (141 Carlos, son of Loreu Stebbins" and Eunice Willard .■'>;il.j 709 Carlos A., son of Carlos A. Stebbinss and Hattie M. Kelley o0o9 750 Carlos A., son of Carlos A. Stebbins" and Cynthia Sargent 319G 750 Carlos A., son of ] 055 Carlos A., son of Erastus Stebbins" and 1(3S9 471 Carlos Leonard, son of Elijah Stebbins^ and Harriet Leonard 3235 753 Carlton Erastus, sou of William Francis Stebbins^ and Eva J. Lyon (5455 978 Carlton Luke, son of Euel Stebbins^ and Miriam Sherman 2242 589 Caroline, daughter of- Jesse Stebbins" and Phebe Bishop 1200 262 Caroline, doughter of Charles Alonzo Stebbins" and Eebecea Ann (ilassmir'- 63.'^7 966 Caroline, daughter of Levi Stebbins" and Amia Pierce l;!5G 425 Caroline, daughter of Quartos Stebbins^ and Eunice Burt 2511 402 Caroline, daughter of Merzias Kayner Stebbins* and Julia Lyuuin 3S7S 570 Caroline, daughter of Soline Stebbins and Cesarie Papineau de Montigny 1039 Caroline, daughter of Joseph Stebbins" and Lucy Frary 1624 461 Caroline, daughter of Sylvanus Stebbins" and Lucinda Kellogg 1418 439 Caroline, daughter of Zebina Stebbins" and Mary Snow 15(15 450 Caroline, daughter of Jonathan Chauncy Stebbins" and Catherine Coates. 20.S5 345 Caroline, daughter of Harmon Stebbins and Liza Asbron 1034 Caroline, daughter of Phineas Stebbins" and Phebe Dunham 2127 350 Caroline, daughter of Samuel Hinsdale Stebbins" and Nancy Keai)6 637,898 Charles Henrj', son of Evander Graves Stcbbins* and Matilda Childs .'iOOS 948 Charles Henry, son of Henry George Stebliius^ and Sarah Augusta Weston 5260 969 Charles Henry, son of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman 10;!5 Charles Henry, son of Henry H. Stebbins and Lucy M. Adams 1166 Charles Henry, son of Dana Stebbinss and Betsy L. Heath 39:!1 o77 Charles Henry, son of Charles F. Stebbins and Angeline Thorpe lOo? Charles Henry, son of Chester Stebbins" and Laura Quimby 3587 SI 2, 807 Charles Henry, son of Henry Stebbins" and Eliza Stanton 2785 434 Charles Hitehcock, son of Ralph Stebbinsti and Submit Sanderson 1769 486 Charles Howard, son of William Stebbins and Nancy Newell 3536 794 Charles Howard, son of Solomon Alden Stebbins and Rachel Maria Lincoln .... 1063 Charles Howard, son of Charles Howard Stebbiuss and Elizabeth Randall.. 5317 795 Charles Hyde, son of Moses Leonard Stebbins^ and Maria Jane Hyde 4957 937 Charles Irving, son of William Martin Stubbins and Rachel Ann Williams 1157 Charles Jared, son of Chauncey O. Stebbins" and Roxana M. Stebbins 4465 902 Charles Joseph, son of Charles Stcbbinss and Mary Ann Groves 4366 893 Charles K., son of George Hutchinson Stebbins"^ and Caroline A. Knowltcm. 3809 839 Charles Largin, son of John Stebbins" and Mary Largiu 3431 496 Charles T.,awrenee, son of George Truman Stebbins and Mary Waters 1152 Charles Livingston, son of Orrin Dean Stebbins*' and Catherine Heisley... 5371 804 Charles Manly, son of Charles Breese Stebbins and Fanny R. Poor 5522 827 Charles Masters, son of Charles Stebbins' and Mary Mairs Dows 4836 717 Charles Mathews, son of Homer Pease Stebbins'* and Sarah Kinney 4407 899 Charles Maurice, son of Charles Rnfus Stebbins and Lucy Jane Bishoj) 1137 Charles Merritt, son of Salmon Stebbins and Cornelia Jane lOldred 1082 Charles Merrick, son of Charles Stebbins' aud Julia Emily Pease 2562 636 Charles N., son of Charles D. Stebbins and Sarah Ann Northrup 1108 Charles Ninde, son of Charles Merritt Stebbins and Emma A. Waite 1082 Charles Norton, son of Arad Stebbinss and Hattie (Sutton)" Dunham 5319 795 Charles Quincy, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Sarah Blandin 2418 612 Charles R., son of Lewis J. Stebbins^ and Helen M. Flynn 5379 804 Charles Randel, son of Charles Wesley Stebbins and Mary K. Remick 1065 Charles Rowland, son of Harry Osmyn Stebbinsii an,] Isabel Stansbury... 5919 891 Charles Roy, son of Fred Charles Stebbins and Clara Delight Phillips 1069 Charles Rufus, son of William W. Stebbins and Hannah .lane (Johnson) Dodge 1 135 Charles Russell, son of David Mortimer Stebbins" and Julia Ann Clift 3478 501 Charles S., sou of Alexander Stebbins and 2062 .... Charles S., son of Alexander Stebbins and Mary Fountain 1032 Charles Smead, son of Charles Chauncey Stebbins* and Laura Smead Holtoii 5445 816 Charles Smith, son of Abial Stelibins^ and Eunice M. Pomero}' 23S5 607 Charles Sumner, son of Sumner Stebbins and Mary Ann Burnett Pierce 1047 Charles T., son of Charles Wesley Stebbins and Isabel Sackett 1160 Charles Truman, son of Charles Henry Stebbins and Mary Henrietta Fisher .... 1035 Charles Wallace, son of Wallace Stebbinss and Sarah Elizabeth Scverson.. 4313 891 Charles AVesley, son of Charles Stebbins and Sarah Denton 1160 Charles Wesley, son of Randel Sisson Stebbinss and Isabel W. Carpenter 1065 Charles William, son of Benjamin Franklin Stebbins^ and Sarah M. Clark.. 4384 635.895 Charlotte, daughter of Rufus Stebbins and 1133 Charlotte, daughter of William Stebbins and Hannah .lane Johnson Dodge .... 1134 Charlotte, daughter of Seth Stebbins' and Jemima Hutchinson 2073 556 Charlotte, daughter of Eli,jah Stebbins' and Roxana Parmentcr 3520 506 Charlotte, daughter of Joseph Stebbins" and Lucy Frary 1619 459 rNX)E:s:— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1241 Numhfr T'ajf* Charlotte, daughter of Calvin Stel>liiiis» ;uiil Lois Colton 1512 28!) Charlotte, daughter of Calvin Stebbins* and Sarah Sexton 1034 237 Charlotte, daughter of Frederick Stebbics- and Sylvia Edson 2896 4<(j Charlotte, dauj;hter of Lansford A. Stebbinss and Sarah Ames 4902 727 Charlotte Ann, daughter of Salmon Stebbins and Kuth Hopkins 107G Charlotte Annette, daughter of Frederick Stebbins'" and Ellen Augusta Wiley G47.J 1003 Charlotte Charter, daughter of Charles Stebbinss and Charlotte Waldcn.... 4931 730 Charlotte Eliza, daughter of Jason Stebbins and Frances C. Smith 10.58 Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of Moses Stebbins' and tiauva Amelia Fosdick 318(j 749 Charlotte Ella, daughter of William Vannoss Stebbins' and Teresa Waring 3494 790 Charlotte Kuima, daughter of Daniel Willard Stebbins and Sarali Jane Reynolds 1 142 Charlotte Hull, daughter of Samuel Stebbins* and Laura Merrick 48(53 721 Charlotte Loraine, daughter of Solomon Stebbins' an227 475 Cora I., daughter of Elijah H. Stebbins* and I.ydia A. Roberts 4498 655 Cora Lulu, daughter of George Ingrahaui Stebbins* and Aurora Cochran.. 4398 641 Cordelia, daughter of Josiah Stebbins" and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2365 379 Cordelia, daughter of Oliver Stebbins' and Laura Dinsniore 3257 478 Cordelia, daughter of Luther Stebbins" and Mahala .lud'!< 835 Cynthia, daughter of Dexter Stebbins' and Eliza Criteudan 3285 481 Cynthia, daughter of W'arham Stebbins* and Sarah Williams 1342 275 Cynthia, daughter of William Stebbinsi; and Margaret Newel 1128 248.372 Cynthia, daughter of Simeon .Stebbinss and Hannah Hinsdale 790 208 Cynthia Ann, daughter of Seth Stebbins' and Melissa Chapin 2690 673 Cynthia F., daughter of Silas Stebbins and Mary Hall 1155 Cynthia Luella, daughter of W^illiam Stebbins' and Mary Auii Lyman 3633 812 Cyrena J., daughter of Hiram Stebbins" and Eleanor M. 5488 983 Cyrene, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbings and Diademia Burt 535 185 Cyrus, son of John Stebbins« and Susanna Warner 1403 435 Cyrus, son of Luther L. Stebbins* and Sophia Shaw 3851 842 Cyrus, son of Asahel Stebbins* and Susana Field 1973 519 Cyrus, son of Asahel Stebbins^ and Lydia Harwood 908 222 Cyrus Darius, son of Cyrus Darius Stebbins' and Xaney Beacli 3669 818 Cyrus Darius, son of Darius Stebbins" and Louisa Merrick 1981 520 C^^us Edmund, son of Merzias Rayner Stebbins* and Julia Lyman 3873 570 Cyrus E., son of Jesse M. Stebbins and Catharine Losey 2503 628 Cyrus Lee, son of Cyrus Stebbinss and Mary Elizabetli McFaddin 5618 842 C. C, daughter of Sheldon Stebbins' and Rachel Rollaud 3264 479 C. Delavan, son of Edward Fitzallen Stebbins^ and Mary A. AUerton 5233 779 C. L., son of Enos Stebbins9 and Minnie Merrill 5491 98+ Damaras, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^ and Anna Chamberlain 914 223 Dana, son of Augustus Stebbins' and Martha (Patty) Bliss 2150 576 Daniel, son of Daniel Stebbins and Ruth Goodwell 1060 Daniel, son of 1 059 Daniel, sou of Aaron Stebbins^ and Mary Wright 596 272 1244 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBmS. Number Pajr** Panipl, sun of .Tnsppb Stpbbins" nml Elizat>ctyi Edily 11»21 'i\i) Daniel, sou of Uanicl Stobbins« and Betsey Jonps 1IU5 410 I'anifl, sou of .lohn Stebbins- and Deborah Mooio Id'JH Dauiel, sou of .Toscpli atebbins" and Eunice Brewiv 1284 :)9!) Daniel, sou of Samuel Bishop Stebbins" and Elvira Heardsl.v 2495 '.'{)7 D:iiiiel, son of Ijevi Stebbins" and Adah Gardner 1927 329 Dauiel, son of John Stebbinsi of Watertown and Margaret 1021 J>aniel, sou of CJuartus Stebbins' and Eunice Burt 2537 402 Daniel Andrew, sou of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsy Seaver Everett 10G6 Daniel R,, sou of John Alden Stebbins' and 10.59 Daniel Webster, sou of Harmon Stebbins and Liza Asbron 1034 Daniel Willard, son of Horace Stebbins and Ijuciuda Adair 1142 Darius, son of Thomas StebbinS" and Anna ('liaiuberlaiu 911 334 David, son of Lyman Stebbins" and Almira Egglestou 327(5 762 David, son of ilerzias Hayner Stebbiuss and Julia Lyman 3S79 844 David, sou of David Stcbbius" and Sarah Cowdry 1.S02 489 David, son of David Stebbins^ and Rhoda Sheldon 80.5 314 David, son of Moses Stebbins"' and Dorcas Hale 479 238 David, sou of Moses Stebbins* and Hannah Hale 1025 355 David, son of George Stebbins and Clowie 1094 David, son of 1069 David, sou of John Stebbins* and Hannah Alien 339 209 David, son of Bcn.iamin Stebbins^ and .Teruslia Kinj; 532 184 David, son of Theophilus Stebbins^ and Ann (Joucli " 834 318 David, son of David Stebbins" and Irene Collins 1753 315 David, son of Epaphroditus Stebbins and Abigail G. Bussey 3203 472- David Austin, son of David Stebbins" and Mary Charter 1046 239 David Harrison, son of Moses Stebbins' and Sally Decker 3306 482 David Lafayette, son of David Stebbins' and Mary ('one 2193 356 David Mortimer, son of Nathan Stebbins" and Dorcas Rockwell 1S59 323,501 David Slade, son of Lynmn Stebbins and Lois Slade 1116 Deborah, daughter of John Stebbins- :uid Abigail Bartlett 32 128 Deborah, daughter of 1069 Deborah, daughter of .lohn Stebbins and 1029 Deborah, daughter of Azariah Stebbins' and Moriali Granger 2013 523 Deborah, daughter of Ralph Smith Stebbins' and Silvia Hammond 2769 432 Deborah, daughter of Lemuel Stebbins^ and Rhoda Waite 718 202 Deborah Wolcott, daughter of Gad Stcbljins" and Sarah Buckrainster 1293 406 Deett, daughter of William Wallace Stebbins and Anna Adaline Higley ]II91 Dclana, daughter of Isaac Stebbins^ and Maryett Bates 4495 907 Dclana Harmony, daughter of Isaac Stebbins' and Hannah Louk 2609 653 De La Fount, sou of De Lauuey Stebbins* and Elorinda Hubbard 3913 850 De La Mont, son of De Launey Stebbins* and I'lorinda Hubbard 3912 849 De Laiine.y, son of Harvey Stebbins' and Axsoph Pease 2138 574 Delia, (laughter of Earl Burr Stebbins and Deneie Mullen 4195 884 Delia, daughter of Henry Stebbins and Lueind.a Merinas 1094 Delia, daughter of John Stebbins' and Hannah Bliss 2919 711 Delia, daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey S. Everett 1003 Delia, daughter of Nathan Stebbins" and Dorcas Rockwell 1858 323 Delia A., daughter of Hial Stebbins' and Sophrouia Smith 3623 516 Delia Marie, daughter of Lucius L. Stebbins" and Lydia Jlaria Mead 1667 690 Delia U., daughter of Alexander Pope Stebbins and Loreiia Utley 1158 Dclila, daughter of Edward Stebbins' and Sarah Ann Atkinson 27]2e 424 Delwin A., son of John Allen Stebbins and Pliebe Myrtilda Green 2661 668 Demmis, daughter of Chester Stebbins" aud Nancy Burroughs 1758 315 Deneie Elizabeth, daughter of Grant Case Stebbins" and Kate Carver Critchfield 5915 883 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1245 Nuinl)er Page Dennis, son of Dennis Sti'libins' and T^ols Hawks 3039 727 Dennis, son of Joseph Stebbius" and Lucy Frary 161S 458 Dennison, son of Austin Stebbins^ and Lydia Rice 2816 696 Derrick, son of Mehuman Steldiins and Hannah Keyes 1122 Desire, son of Luther StebbinsT and Phebe Hitchcock 2024 337 De Wayne, son of Amaziah Stelibinss and Amanda Anderson 4062 867 DeWitt Clinton, son of Ausiistine Holman Stebbins" and Mary Ann .lanes.. 2867 703 Dexter, son of David Stebbins'^ and Irene Collins 1747 481 Diantha, daughter of Heman Stebbins" and Sarah Dickinson 141.5 438 Diantha X., danghter of .lesse Stebbins" and Phebe Bishop 1258 262 Uiauthy, daughter of • ■ ■ • Di.\on, son of Alphens Stebbins" and Mary Holt 2121 3.50 Dixon, son of 1060 Domas, son of 103o Don Carlos, son of William Stebbins and Eliza Collins 1161 Donald Carlos, son of .lohn Williams Stebliiuss and Clara Anjalette Lyon.. 5078 756 Donald Sanford, son of George Sinclair Stebbins" and Mary E. Sanford.... 6057 910 Dora, daughter of Charles Jlcrrick Stebbins* and Mosa Henderson 4392 897 Dora C, daughter of George Eugene Stebbins" and Rachel Monroe 6004 903 Dora E., daughter of George H. Stebbins and Caroline M. Rose 1155 Dorcas, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Hannah Hale 1026 237 Dorcas, daughter of Josiah Stebbins^ and Ruth Rockwell 849 213 Dorcas, daughter of Moses Stebbins'^ anti Dorcas Hale 482 175 Dorca.s, daughter of 1069 Dorcas Lyman, daughter of Sylvanus Stebbins" and Lueinda Kellogg.... 1424 441 Dorothea, daughter of Charles Henderson Stebbins'J and Annie Laura Gil- lette 5972 898 Dorothy, daughter of Samuel Stebbins-'' and Martha Bardwell 752 308 Dorothy, daughter of Charles K. Stebbins» anS2 Eliza, daughter of Eli Stebbins" and Sibyl Symouds 196) rili; Eliza, ilaoghter of Sheldon Stebl)ins" and Raidiel Kolland .T-O" 1711 Eliza, daughter of Dan Stebbins' and l^ydia Curtis -(Uii 1 1 I Eliza, daughter of David Stebbins and Sarah Cowdry isin -H^ Eliza, daughter of Ezekiel Stebbins^ and Betsey Berry ^UO'i Id!) Eliza, daugliter of Justus Stebbins? and Aliigail Morgan 2232 lUJO Eliza Ann, daughter of Elon Stebbins; and Harriet Witherell 34SS .")()2 Eliza Ann, daughter of Henry .Stebbins^ and Ann .lones 301.'! -i'u Kliza H., Elmer (Jill, son of James Anson Stebliins* and Josie M. Moore 4fi94 09.1 Elmer l,adrew, son of Nathan S. Stebbins* and CHarissa E. Wright 447G H'lil Elmer Seymour, son of Seymour M. Stebbinss and Ruth Ann Gibson 51SI 959 EInora, claughter of Gains Stebbins and Mariani Orcutt 1091 Elon, sou of Isaac Stebbins" and Sallie Sutherland 1870 502 Elon Rufua, son of Rufus Stebbinss and Sibyl Maria Luther ,'!944 578 Elsie, daughter of Seymour Stebbinss and Mary E. Forey 5990 901 Elsie Carolyn, daughter of Solomon Johnson Stebbins^ and Emma Jones. . . . 4.'i29 625 Elsie D., son of Andrew Jackson Stebbins and Mary V. Gillman 1092 Elsie Grace, daughter of Walter Coley Stebbins"' and Grace Elizabeth Dickinson 6537 993 Elva Amelia, daughter of Isaac Hurley Stebbins" and Charlotte S. Patterson 5640 845 Elva EInora, daughter of Seymour M. Stebbinss and Ruth Ann Gibson.... 5182 771 Elvira, daughter of Solomon Stebbins' and Nancy Perry 3541 508 Elvira, daughter of Loren Stebbins' and Eunice Willard 3312 482 Elvira, daughter of Abner Stebbinsi: and Abigail Bacon 11G7 251 Elvira Lorane, daughter of Stephen StebbinsS and .\lmira Elizabeth White- man 3947 854 Elvira Lueretia, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins' and Rebecca Hunt 3140 737 Elvoy George, son of Perry H. Stebbins^ and Mae Edith Conner 6354 901 ElwjTi Wilfred Stebbins, daughter of Alfred Stebbins" and Edith Large.. 5351 801 Ely Warriner, son of Zenas Stebbins' and Lydia Ely 3000 724 Elzina, claughter of Randall Sisson Stebbins and Isabel Wheelock Carpenter .... 1065 Emeline, daughter of William Stebbins' and Eliza Bowker 2201 372 Emeline, daughter of Gains Stebbins and Mariam Orcutt 1091 Emeline, daughter of Isaac Stebbins« and Sallie Sutherland 1869 502 Emeline. daughter of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hubbard 1131 Emeline, daughter of Cyrus Darius Stebbins' and Nancy Beach 3065 520 Emeline, daughter of Claudius H. Stebbins^ and Emeline Hubbard 4895 727 Emeline, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbinso and Elizabeth Bliss 1144 375 Emeline, daughter of Jairus Stebbinse and Sally Crowel 1239 260 Emeline Adelia, daughter of Israel Johnson Stebbins' and Sylvia Lewis. . 3563 803 Emeline Fitch, daughter of Eldad Stebbins' and Lydia Fitch 2102 560 Emeline Narcissa, daughter of Edwin Cooley Stebbins' and Angeline Han- nah Holcomb 2314 597 Emeline Sophia, daughter of Erasmus Stebbins and Elizabeth Welch 1217 Emerette, son of Benjamin Kellogg Stebbins' and Laura Howe 2846 440 Emery, son of Seymour Stebbins^ and Mary E. Forey 5989 901 Emery, son of Austin Stebbins' and Lydia Rice 2818 697 Emery A., son of Henry Clay Stebbins" and Mary A. Pope 5800 873 Emery James, son of Abdiel Hesadiah Stcbbius-i and Julia Ewell 4134 874 Emilia, daughter of Asa Stebbins" and Emilia Harvey 1633 305 Emily, daughter of Abyram Stebbins' and Margaret Web.ster 2051 534 Emily, daughter of James Stebbins" and Eunice Tidd 1220 25S Emily, daughter of Samuel Hinsdale Stebbins' and Nancy Read 3010 725 Emily, daughter of Ralph Stebbins' and Louisa Rundell 2643 414 Emily, daughter of 1083 Emily, daughter of Orson Frederick Stebbins and Permelia Baldwin 1130 Emily, daughter of David Stebbins' and Mary Cone 2189 355 Emily, daughter of Jesse Stebbinso and Phebe Bishop 1256 262 Emily, daughter of James Stebbins and Lydia Tyler 1045 Emily, daughter of George M. Stebbins and 2574 407 Emily, daughter of Aaron C. Stebbins' and Emily Calkins 2286 368 Emily, daughter of John Stebbins8 and Sarah Sanderson 1732 314 1252 INDEX— XA^fE OF STEBBIXS. Number Page Emily, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Kliziibeth Belcher 1540 292 Emily Angeline, daughter of Eufus Stebbins* and Sibyl Maria Ijiitlier. . . . 3943 578 Emily Ann, daughter of Luther Stebbins' and Liiiina Stebbins 2107 566 Emily Antoinette, daughter of Alfred Stel)liins'- ami Emily Wheeloek 4379 S93 Emily ('■, daughter of Seth StebbinsT and .Jemima Hutehinson 2072 343 Emily C, daughter of Krastus Stelibins" and Iiiith Smitli 1432 443 Emily Dwight Kussell, dauyhler of Dwiglit Delevan Stebbins'' aiid Mar- tha Frances Strong 0307 903 Emily Florilla, (laughter of Salmon Stebbins and Kiitli Ho|dtins 1076 Emily T>uoiuda, ilaughter of Charles Breese Stebbins" and Kanny R. Poor. . 5520 827 Emily Madge, daughter of Albert Henry Stebbins" and Gertrude Blake... 0392 967 Emily Maria, daughter of Edwaril Stebbins' and Maria Shaw 2732 6S4 Emily Mary, daughter of Isaac Kinney Stebbins'* and Roxana Fletcher.... 3739 S27 Emily Rebecca, daughter of .lames Craft .Stelibins" and Sibyl Parker 2410 010 Emily Saloma, daughter of Emory Bvvight Stebbins^ and Olariasa Isabella Haines 4635 685 Emily Sarah, daughter of Lewis Stebbins^ and Sarah Delavan 3398 492 Emily T., daughter of .loel StebbinsT and Abigail Berry 2584 648 Emma, daughter of Mortimer Erastus Stebbins and Emeline Bullock 4483 904 Emma, daughter of (leorge Washington Stebbins'* and Mary Overfield (iay.. 5301 802 Emma, daughter of .Tames W. Stebbins and Maria Abraham 1086 Emma, daughter of Edward Stebbins' and Naomi Stall 2831 700 Emma, daughter of Hemau Stebbins" and Sarah Dickinson 1413 438 Emma, daughter of Lewis Stebbins and Eosetta Sharkey 1037 Emma, daughter of .lohn Stebbins' and Mary Largin .3437 497 Emma, daughter of Lot Dunham Stebbins* and Martha Susanna Rundel.... 4540 061 Emma, daughter of Seth Stebbins' and Melissa Chaj)in 2087 421 Emma Celestina, daughter of Randoljdi Stebbins'* and Sophia 1'. Keyes. . . . 3803 507 Emma C, daughter of Russell Stebbins and Ann Eliza Davis 3401 499 Emma Eliza, daughter of .Tames Milligen Stebbins and Esther II. .Simmons 1080 Emma Eunice, daughter of Joseph Tidd Stebbins and Olivia A. Knight.... 2449 387 Emma Florence, daughter of Alonzo Stebbinss and Cornelia S. Holland .... 5342 800 Emma Jane, daughter of Alexander Pope Stebbins and Lorena lUley 1158 Emma Jane, daughter of Warren Wayne .Stebbins'' and Mary Allen Schrei- ber 5982 900 Emma Jane, daughter of Sidney Joel Stebbins** and Jane Stearns 4453 649 Emma J., daughter of Samuel W. Stebbins and Lydia M. 1153 Emma Lola, daughter of Cyrus Stebbins'-' and Mary Elizabeth McFaddin.. 5616 842 Emma Louisa, daughter of William Stebbins' and Bridget Eliza Jordan . . . 3445 498, 787 Emma Mable, daughter of Charles Henry Stebbins and Minerva Cook Vail... 6405 969 Emma M.. daughter of Samuel .Stebbinss and Mary E. Pierce 4963 736 Emma Pauline, daughter of Edwin Rutheven Stpbbins'> and Angeline Har- ris Bolles 5382 805 Emma Penina, daughter of Cieorge Nelson Stebbins and Martha Ann Jfott 1088 Emmons, sou of Joseph Waylon Stebbins** and Katie Beyer 429.S 022 Emory Dwight, son of Edward Stebbins' and Armind.i Binl 2735 685 Enoch, son of Aaron Stebbins'> and Mary Wright 598 189 Enos, son of Enos Stebbins" and Mary Stebbins 950 342 Enos, son of Jonathan Stebbins^ and Margaret Bliss 425 227 Enos, son of Abyram Stebbinss and Anna Hasbrook 3728 823 Knos Fletcher, son of Benton Pixley Stebbins' and Sarah Ann Landis 5507 825,985 Ensign B., son of Chester H. Stebbins* and Emmaline Pike 5188 772 Epaphroditus, sou of Consider Stebbins" and Esther Farnsworth 17ii7 472 Ephraim, sou of 1083 Ephraim, son of Thomas Stebbins^ and Anna Chambeilaiii 910 223 Erasmus, son of Uriah Stebbins' and Sally Bemeut 1216 Erasmus, son of Abner Stebbins" and Abigail Bacon 1163 382 INDEX— XA.ME OF STEBBIXS. 1253 Numlier Page Brastus, son of Arad Stehhius" and Wealthy Sinilli 3614 812 Krastus, son of Asaph Stebbins-^ and TiUcy Bardwell 666 281 Erastns, son of Augustus Stcbbins" and Martha (Patty) Bliss 2157 352 Erastus, sou of Simeon Stcbbiusu and Hannah Hinsdale 781 310 Erastns Bloilgett. son of Lemuel Stebbins- and Lueinda Giecnlee 2629 412 Erastus Hill, son of David Stcbbins" and Mary Charter 1045 358 Erastus Seymour, son of Erastus Stebbins" and Kuth Smith 1428 442 Ernest Bruns, son of William Herbert Steljluns" and Martha Bruns 6201 948 Ernest Edgar, son of l^anklin Monroe Stidibinsti and Mary Ellen Mills 5956 894 Ernest Vail, son of Charles Henry Stebbins<' and ilinerva Cook Vail 6404 969 !:rney, son of Orville Henry Stebbins" and Ida Bell Vantassal 6008 903 Erwin W., sou of George Ebenezer Stebbius and Charlotte Hulbert 1082 Estella Louisa, daughter of Seymour M. Stebbius^ and Kuth Auu Gibson... olso 059 Esther, daughter of Alex. Collins Stebbinss and Jlclissa Raymond 5775 994 Esther, daughter of Joseph Warren Stebbins' and Lucy Ann Pease 246() 390 E.sthcr, daughter of Capt. Stebbins and Lydia — 1165 Esther, daughter of Calvin Stebbins" and Sarah Se-xtou 1037 237 Esther, daughter of Joseph Stebbins^ and Hebecea Colton 244 145 Esther, daughter of Moses Stebbins-' and Doreas Hale 476 238 Esther, daughter of Joseph Stebbins ami 370 211 Esther, ilaughter of Benoni Stebbins' and Widow Hannah Edwards 1o2 108 Esther, daughter of Alanson W. Stebbins* and Emeliue Barney 446:; 651 Esther, daughter of Aaron Stebbins" and Esther Beebe 1300 271 Esther, daughter of Hosea Stebbins" and Patty Richardson 2578 408 Esther, daughter of Lewis Stel)bins« and Hannah Doggett 1820 320 Esther, daughter of Joseph Stebbinsi" and Joanna Smith 862 214 Esther, daughter of Simeon Stebbins^ and Hannah Hinsdale 791 208 Esther, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Rachel Willard 1140 Esther Almarett, daughter of Lyman Stel>bins' and Almira Eggleston 3282 480 Esther Ann, daughter of William Stebbins" and Sarah Bradish 2967 451 Esther Lucile, daughter of Floyd Jay Steldiius" and Jennie Hill 5933 888 Esther Smith, daughter of Salmon Stebbins and Ruth Hopkins 1076 Ethaliuda, daughter of Gideon Stebbins" and Mary Hinsdale 1597 297 Ethel, daughter of Charles Henry Stebbiuso and Minerva Cook Vail 6403 969 Ethel .'\lthea, daughter of Samuel Ellinwood Stehbinss and Maggie King... 4235 612 Ethel Anne, daughter of Charles E. Stebbings and Matilda Paine 1151 Ethel ADidge, daughter of .John Elmer Stebbins" and Nellie Shepard 6317 952 Ethel Mae, daughter of Fred Daniel Stebbins* and Christiana E. Bleasdale. 6104 922 Ethel M., daughter of Carlos Stebbins^ anil Lydia Bunker 5172 769 Ethel Thirsa, ilaughter of Joel Codding Stebbins'' and Emily J. Melvin.... 5941 890 Etta Fidelia, daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins" and Betsey Aurelia Roff 3976 861 Etta Louise, daughter of Alonzo Stebbins* and ('ornelia S. Holland 5344 800 Etta S., daughter of Lucien Stebbins" and Elizabeth P. Walsh 5612 841 Eudora Julia, daughter of Isaac Burley Stebbins^ and Charlotte S. Patterson 5641 845 Eugene, son of Christopher Stebbins and Sophronia Greenleaf 1057 Eugene Benson, son of Edward Nelson Stebbins" and Mary Treat Clap|).... 6381 965 Eugene Buckingham, son of Harry Frank Sfebbinsn and Mary Duulop Cobb 6593 1003 Eugene Lawreuee, son of Benton Pixley Stebbins" and Amelia Stebbins.... 5512 826 Eugene S., son of Charles D. Stebbins and Sarah .\nn Northrup 1108 Eugene Walter, son of Morton Stebbins" and JIary Maria Sherman 24S2 393 Eugenia, daughter of Nathan Gould Stebbins" and Ann Eliza Kniffen 3467 500 Eugenia Flavia, daughter of Aaron Chapin Stebbins' and Emily (,'alkins... 2284 595 Eugenia Laura, daughter of Pierre Alonzo Stebbins* and Almira Brundage. 5226 965 Eula, daughter of Orrin Edgar Stebbins and Catherine Erwin 1142 Eula, daughter of Francis Mason Stebbins" and Georgia Coilee 6200 938 Euneiia, daughter of .Stephen William .Stebbins" and Eunecia Street 1097 244 Eunecia Taylor, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbinss and Elizabeth Bliss 1147 249 1254 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Kunice, daughter of William Stebbins^ and Eunice Williams 514 245 Eunice, daughter of William Stebbins^ and Margaret Newel 1135 248 Eunice, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Eunice Brewer 1288 404 Eunice, daughter of John Stebbins* and Deborah Lamb 305 156 Eunice, daughter of Erastus Stebbins' and 1690 310 Eunice, daughter of Stephen Stebbinss and Sarah BIIbs 443 234 Eunice, daughter of Jonathan SteVibins^ and Margaret Bliss 427 229 Kunice, daughter of Joseph Stebbins^ and Rebecca C'olton 243 188 Eunice, daughter of Isaac Stebbins' and Hannah Louk 2(ill 410 Kunice, daughter of Aaron Stebbins« and Eunice Stebbins 1015 235 Eunice, daughter of Rethuel Stebbins" and Eunice Russell 1231 259 Eunice, daughter of Charles Sumner Stebbins and Sarah Ann Stubbs 1047 Eunice, daughter of Henry Stebbins* and Lucy Atkins 1396 279 Eunice, daughter of William Stebbins" and Margaret Newel 1135 248 Eunice, daughter of Aaron Stebbins^ and Mary Wright 593 189 Eunice L., daughter of Abner Amisa Stebbins* and Ellen Lucy McDaniels.. 4216 608 Eunice Sophia, daughter of Stephen William Stelibins" and Euuec-ia Street. 1099 245 Eva, daughter of Henry Stebbins and Lucinda Merinas 1094 Eva Angeline, daughter of David Stebbins* and Elizabeth Jane Martin .... 5106 "62 Eva Dena, daughter of Arthur Wilson Stebbiuss and Ida A. Barber 6052 909 Eva Isabel, daughter of George Robinson Stebbins^ and Arethusa Bart- lett Kendall 5311 970 Eva Lodema, daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins* and Betsey Aurelia Roff. 3977 580 Eva Viola, daughter of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins^ and Ambrosia B. Grinnell.. 321.") 474 Evalyn Marsh, daughter of Edward Stebbins* and Lydia Susanna Sandford 4066 870 Evander Graves, son of Zebina Stebbins' and Ruby Graves 3158 743 Everett Dennison, son of Dennison Stebbins* and Marcia Perry 4699 922 Everett J., son of Earl Burr Stebbins* and Dencie Mullen 4193 883 Everett Raymond, son of John Marquis Stebbins and Louisa Jane Penkins 1036 Everett Wentworth, sou of Salmon Stebbins and <'oruelia Jane Eldrcd 1079 Experience, daughter of Simeon Stebbins^ and Hannah Hinsdale 785 208 Experience, daughter of John Stebbins* and Mary 334 206 Experience, daughter of Asahel Stebbins^ and Lydia Harwood 910 222 Experience, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Hannah King 1673 465 Experience, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^' and Elizabeth Wright 125 117 Experience, daughter of Calvin Stebbins" and Sarah Sexton 1030 237 Experience, daughter of Mehunian Stebbins and Mary 1121 Ezekiel, son of Joel Stebbins" and Widow Sarah Beebe 1310 409 Ezra, son of Ezra Stebbins^ and Margaret Chapin 516 246 Ezra, son of William Stebbins* and Mary Knowltou 195 180 Ezra, son of William Stebbins" and Margaret Newel 1130 248, 372 E. Eausom, son of Dwight Stebbins and Rosina Freeland 3202 472 Fannie, daughter of Charles Merrick Stebbins* and Mosa Henderson 4393 637 Kannie, daughter of Daniel Andrew Stebbinss and Mary Amanda Furman 1067 Fannie Adelle, daughter of George II. Stebbins* and Cynthia Billings 4783 710 Fannie Lee, daughter of John Bliss Stebbins* and Maria Stebbins 4803 928 Fannie Viola, daughter of James Franklin Stebbins and Lettie MeCurdy 1067 Fanny (or Polly) daughter of 1089 Fanny, daughter of Simeon Stebbins" and Eunice Whitlock 1794 488 Fanny, daughter of Nathan Stebbins" and Dorcas Rockwell 1856 323 Fanny, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Hannah King 1672 309 Fanny, daughter of 1089 Fanny, daughter of Homer Pease Stebbins* and Sarah Elizabeth Kinney. . . 4403 642 Fanny, daughter of Levi Stebbins" and Adah Gardner 1929 329 Fanny, daughter of Samuel Stebbins" and Mary Scofield 1828 321 Fanny Belle, daughter of Amos Nehemiah Stebbins* and Augusta Meeker.. 5251 782 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1255 Number Pagp "Flaiuiy Eliza, daughter of Charles Dennett Stebbins' and Martha Brackett Spaulfliiig 3582 511 Fanny Emelia, daughter of Asa Stpbbins' aiul Maria Stowell 3112 464 Fanny Emelia. daughter of Francis Ward Stebbinss and Ellen Wells 4944 732 Fanny Juliet, daughter of Henry 6. Stebbinss and Sarah Augusta Weston.. 5257 784 Fanny J., daughter of Frederick J. Stebbinss and Julia F. Merrill 4938 731 Fanny L., daughter of Benton Pixley Stebbinso and Sarah Ann Landis 5510 826 Fanny Maria, daughter of Benjamin J. Stcbbins* and Marion Childs 5012 949 Fanny Keed, il;iuf,'hti'r of Brainard Stcbbins' and Margaret Ifccd 2(152 5:35 Farnsworth, son of Gaveu L. N. 8tel)bin.s ami Hortense E. Bull 321;'. 473 Felix Miller, son of James Stebbins and Charlotte K. Haynes 1102 Ferocia, daughter of Noah Stebbins^ and Anna Stebbins 2002 336 Ferdinand, son of John H. Stebbins and Elenor Provost 1111 FestuB, son of Joseph Stebbins« and Eunice Brewer 1285 400, 711 Fidelia Ann, daughter of Clark Stebbins' and .Vbigail Wright 3591 513 Filby, son of Henry Stebbiug and KHzabetli Filbv 1096 Flavel, son of Moses Stebbinss and Hannah Hale 1027 237 Flavel Ward, son of Horace Stebbins* and T,iioia Ann Jennett Corser 3990 583 Flavia, daughter of Zadock Stebbins« and Elizabeth Pease 999 233 Flavia Field, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins' and Lucy Colton 2995 722 Flora, daughter of Augustus Stebbins' and Martha (Patty) Bliss 2148 352 Flora A., daughter of C. L. Stebbins" and Minnie F. Parkins 649.T 984 Flora Alma, daughter of Harrison Stebbins' and Mary Amiinda Bassett. . . 2494 ,394 Flora Dell, daughter of Lafayette Stebbins and Flora E. Lovett 1114 Flora Edna, daughter of John William Stebbing and Sarah Diver 1097 Flora Maria, daughter of Josiah Stebbins" and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2371 379 Flora M., daughter of Charles Stebbins and Sarah Denton 1160 Florence, daughter of Seymour Stebbins' and Mary E. Forey 5991 901 Florence, daughter of David Mortimer Stebliins' and Julia Ann Clift 3475 788 Florence, daughter of John Stebbins* and Ida Maria Brokaw 5044 750 florence, daughter of Walter Stebbinst* and Hannah Webb 5632 844 Florence, daughter of Charles Henry Stebbins and Rachel Wells 1166 Florence Annie, daughter of Charles E. Stebbins* and Minnie A. Everett. .. 5031 748 Florence Christine, daughter of Marshall Burton Stebbinss and Etta Laura Nye 5410 810 Florence Copeland, daughter of (Uiarles Henry Stebbins'^ and Mary Eliza- beth MacMahou 6299 949 Florence Edith, daughter of Chauncey P. Stebbins!' and Edna P.aUar. Stebhius'< and Kuiily IS. <'urtis 4510 050 Frank Henry, sou of Cyrus Darius Stobbinss aud Ahnira Jones 5457 980 I'rank L.. son of Marcus Stebbins* and Clarissa Emeline Griggs 3941 853 Frank Mason, son of Francis Mason Stebbins'' and Georgia Colfeo 0204 938 Frank Parker, son of Charles Hastings Stebbins'' and Carrie L. Paikir.... 0391 907 Frank K.. sou of .losiah Arad Stcbbinss and Nclli.- l.'.Td 5I3II 815 Frank Randolph, son of Randolph Stebbins"* aud Sopliia Keyes 3861 507 I'rank Sprague, son of Edward Nelson Stebbins'' and Mary Treat (.'hqip.... 0374 905 Frank Stanley, son of Orrin Dean Stebbinss aud Catherine Heisiey 5309 974 Frank True, son of Emery James Stebbins'' and Laura Lammey 5809 874 Fraukliu, son of Almus Stebbins^ and Palmyra Hubbard 2440 387 Franklin, sou of Augustus Stebbins'^ and Martha (Patty) Bliss 2153 352 Franklin, son of David Mortimer Stebbins' and Julia Ann ('lift 3479 501 Franklin, son of John H. Stebbins and Elenor Provost 1111 Franklin H., son of Homer Franklin Stebbins" and Carrie M. Wakefield 5980 9lJil Franklin Monroe, son of Benjamin Franklin St''bbius* ouil Abigail Wilcox. -138(1 894 Fred, son of John H. Stebbius and Elenor Provost 1111 Fred, son of John Henry Stebbins and Maggie Hessam 1094 l-'red, son of De La Mont Stebbins" and Elizabeth Abbott 5072 849 I'red, son of Enos Stebbins" and Minnie Merrill 5493 824 Fred, son of Walter Stebbins" and Hannah Webb 5029 S44 Fred, son of Gibbs Stebbins and 1 10 1 Fred A., son of Alexander G. Stebbins and Rachel M. Stebbins 1033 Fred Arthur, son of Benjamin Z. StebbinsS and Marion E. (I'hilds 5013 745 Fred Augustine, son of Jerome Augustine Stebbins* and Eliza Holdeu Skinner 4740 704 Fred B., .son of Arcliie Roland Stebbins'" and Mary E. Gowdy 0539 993 Fred Charles, son of Daniel A. Stebbins and Mary Fnrniau 1068 Fred Charles, son of Charles Smith Stebbins" and Grace Goulding 4208 008 Fred D., son of Charles Henry Stebbins and Adeline R. Balch 5394 807 Fred Daniel, son of Theodore Chapin Stcbbinss and Mary Amelia Beach . . . 4681 922 Fred Louis, son of Isaac Burley Stebbius" and Charlotte Susan Pattcrsou.. 5012 989 Fred M., son of Alnuis Stebbins* and Elizabeth Rosina Stratt 4287 020 Fred Osborne, son of Benjamin Zebiua Stebbius" and Eleanor Webster Brown 6300 919 Freda Blanche, son of Walter Stebbins* and Adina Thrasher 4203 607 Freddy, son of Calvin Stebbins" and Sarah Sexton 1031 237 Frederic, son of Mehuman Stebbins aud Hannah Keyes 1 124 Frederic A., son of Orson Frederic Stebbins and Pcrmelia Baldwin 1127 Frederic Judd, son of Henry Stebbins" and Mary .\nu Ferguson 2780 434 Frederic Lincoln, son of William Harrison Stebbins* and Caroline E. Davis 5454 817 1258 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Pag* Frederic Lyman, son of Ely Warriner Stebbins'^ iiud Ardclia Cowles 4882 933 Frederick, sou of Caleb Stebbinso and Mehitable Cliapin 1471 44.> Frederick, son of Kdward Stebbins' and Sarah Ann Atkinson 2712f Frederick, sou of Harvey Stebbins" and Charlotte Colviu •^484 Frederick A., son of Charles Alonzo Stebbinso and Rebecca .\nu Olassniire. (338.') Frederick Alliort, son of Alvali Steldiius- and Mary Ann Wells 27 IL' ivS. Frederick Anson, son of Anson Stebbins and Mary Adelia Cheney 1128 Frederick Augustus, son of Lewis Stebbins' and Sarah Delavan 3394 780 Frederick Briggs, son of Francois Kene Stebbins* and Sarah I>. Briggs 3792 836 Frederick Filby, son of Filby Stebbiug and Rachel Cook 109G Frederick Haile, son of John Mills Stcbbinss and Harriet Cornelia Haile. . 5413 811 Frederick H., son of Henry Chester Stebbinss and Martha L. Oreene 3S23 558 Frederick Jones, son of Solomon Johnson Stebbins" and lOniina Jones 4328 625 Frederick Joseph, son of Baxter StebbinsT and Martha Hawks 3095 731 Frederick L., son of George Peirce Stebbins and Mary Knight 1047 Frederick L., son of Jonathan Stebbins^ and Catharine Coatcs 2089 345 Frederick L., son of Seth Stebbins" and Melissa Chiq.iu -692 421 Frederick Leforest, son of George Henry Stebbiuss and Cyntliia H. Billings. 4781 927 Frederick Leon, son of Samuel Stebbius' and Marcia S. Boydeu 3156 743 Frederick Reuben, son of Frederick Albert Stebbins^ and Grace Lucretia Reece 4649 687 Frederick S., son of Henry K. Stebbins and Rutliem S. Ives 1107 Fredies Stebbins, son of Salmon Stebbins* and 3722 528 T'reecy, daughter of Pierre Stebbins and Serapbine DenomvUle 1039 Freegrace Leavitt, son of Brainard Stebbins' and Margaret Reed 20.55 339 Freeman, son of .losiah Stebbins' and Sarah Freeman 2932 714 F". A. Stebbins, son of 982 91)6 1090 Gabriella, son of George H. Stebbins and Caroline Rose 115o Gad, son of Joseph Stebbins^ and Mary Stebbins 580 270 Gad, son of Stephen Stebbinss and Sarah Bliss 448 172 Gaius, son of Gaius, son of Gaius Stebbins and Sally Cooley (Jains, son of Moses Stebljins-'' and Uorcas Hale 481 239 Gaius Partridge, son of Gaius Stebbins and ifaviam Orcutt 1091 Gaius Seymour, son of Gaius Stebbins and 1052 359 Galushia, son of Solomon Stebbins' and Nancy Perry 3.540 507 Gavin L. N., son of Consider Stebbins and Esther Farnsworth 1709 473 Gena, daughter of Jesse M. Stebbins and Catharine Losey 2505 .397 Genett, daughter of Gaius Stebbins and Mariani Orcutt KHtl Genevieve, daughter of James Cole Stebbins and Henrietta Smith 1099 Genevieve, daughter of Henry Herbert Stebbiasi" and Clara Hardy 6513 1003 George, son of Chaunccy Stebbins' and Sophia Rice , 3331 772 George, son of David Stebbins' and Mary Cone 2188 355 George, son of Soline Stebbins and Cesarie Paj)ineau de Montigny 1039 George, son of Henry Stebbins and Lucinda Mcrinas 1094 George, son of ^^^* George, son of George Stebbins and Clowie 1094 George, son of Walter Stebbins and Abigail Gardner 1159 George, son of Josiah Stebbins and Susan Merritt 1113 George, son of Louis Stebbins and Josephine La Gue 1041 George, son of Miles J. Stebbins* and Mehitable Olds 3982 581 George, son of Moses Stebbins'' and Elizabeth Belcher 1541 292 George, son of George Lyman Stebbins and Sarah Hallet 1036 (Seorge, son of Rnfus Stebbins and 113-^ George, son of Stephen Stebbins* and Almira Elizabeth Whiteman 3946 578 1090 1090 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1259 George, son of Pierre Stcbbins and Serapliino Denomvillc 1039 George, son of AVilliam Wallace Stcbbins and Haunab Jane (Johuson) Dodge ^^^^ George, son of Carlos A. Stebbins and Cynthia Sargent 3190 471 George, sou of Alvin StebbinsS and Louisa Kirkland 41-7 000 George A., son of Anson Porter Stebbins-' and Isabella E. Fritz ^>7U) 860 George A., son nf Elijah H. StebbinsS and Lydia A. Roberts 4 107 '<')'< George Arthur, son of Charles Henry Stebbins and Mary Henrietta Pislicr U\:V) George Barnard, son of Almeriek Stebbins" and Lydia A. Barnard .'i24U 7.")4 George Benton, son of Lewis J. Stcbbins* and Helen M. Flynii 537:! SO-1 George Bradford, son of Solomon Bliss Stcbbins* and Ellen Bradford 4100 596 George B. Francis, son of Abial Stebbins' and Eunice M. Ponieroy 2300 381 George B. M., son of William Howe Cuylcr Stebbins' and Mary Bills 3212 473 George C, son of Lavoisiire Stebbins* :ind Lunisa P. Mattcson 4289 621 George C, son of William Vanness Stebbins' and Teresa Waring 3493 790 George D., son of Colton Wellington Stcbbins'' and Elizabeth Blodgett.... 6181 936 George Earl, son of John Kobinson Stcbbiuss and Sarah Ann Beal 3834 559 George Ebenezer, son of Kalph Stimpson Stcbbins and Lucy Chamberlain 1081 George Edison, son of Lowell Preston Stebbins' and Sarah Jane Thurbcr.. 28s:-! 707 George Edwin, son of Edwin Alonzo Stebbins* and Anna Adella Smith.... 4274 618 George Egbert, son of Charles Carroll Stebbins'J and Louise Hoyt 5779 870 George Emmons, son of George Henry Stebbins-' and Harriet Bugbee 5476 821 George Erastus, son of Erastus Stebbins' and Elizabeth Ann Dudley 5421 978 George Eugene, son of Nathan S. Stebbins and (Marissa Elizabeth Wright. 4470 903 (ieorge Fletcher, son of Alfred Benton Stcbbinsi" and Helen M. Sinijison.. tioOO 085 George F., son of Charles n. Stebbins and Martha E. Blackburn 1131 George F., son of (ieorge Ingraham Stclibinss and Lucy Summers 4tOI 641 George F., son of George W. K. Stebbins and Eliza Kearns 1078 George Francis, son of John Stebbins and Harriet Louisa Bellows 1105 George Franklin, son of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins* and Betsey Aurelia Rolf. :'.970 580 George Griswold, son of William Burrcll Stebbins and Elvira Griswold 1106 George Henry, son of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins' and Ambrosia B. Grinnel.... 3220 474 George Henry, son of Noah Granger Stebbins* and Sophia Hitchcock 3687 821 George Henry, son of Frederick Stcbbins' and Sylvia Edson 2898 710 George Henry, son of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins' and Ambrosia B. Grinncll... :'.220 474 George Henry, son of Noah Granger Stcbbins* and Sophia Hitchcock 3687 821 George Henry, son of Frederick Leforest Stcbbins" and Abbie .loscpliinc Garrette 6150 927 George Herbert, son of George Truman Stcbbins and Mary Waters 1152 George Howard, son of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins'-' and Angeline Yont.scy Williams ' 5720 992 George Hutchinson, son of Seth Stcbbins' and .lemina Hutchinson 2071 556 George H., son of George W. Stcbbins* and Mary E. Holbrook 5424 814 George H., son of Samuel Stebbins and Maria 1153 George H., son of Edward E. Stebbins" and Maria Lmiisa Crosby 5620 842 George H., son of 3401 609 George H., son of Sherman Stebbins and Susan Hinc 1155 George H., son of George Nelson Stebbins and Elizabeth Jane Panlis 1089 George Ingraham, son of Charles Stebbins' and Julia Ann Pease 2563 641 George Janes, son of Augustine Jlolman Stcbbins' and Mary Ann Janes.... 2864 702 George J., sou of Gibbs Stebbins and 1161 George L., sou of Hiram B. Stebbins and Ella E. Shcpard losl George L., son of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hubbard 1131 George Ijcdyard, son of ('harles Stcbbins* and Mary Dows 4834 717 George Lyman, son of William Henry Stebbins and Maria Lyons 1166 George Lyman, son of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman 1036 George Lyman, son of Thomas Bridgeman Stcbbins* and Julia Auna AVhite. 4851 930 1260 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINJS. Niiajhei T'age George M., son of Gad StebbiiiH'"' and 8aiah Biickniinfitcr ]20(i 407 George M., son of (.iharlcs Devas Stebbins and Pliila Kisley ll.'U George M. Dallas, son of Daniel Stebbins' and llKiO George Meeker, son of Amos Nehemiah Stebbin.'i'' iuul Augusta Meeker.... .5'J.')0 9(W George Morton, son of Alonzo Thomas Stebbins" and Adelaide Louise Stebbins :>'.)•! I SSo George Morris, son of George T'. Stebbins and Hauuuli Paddofk Morris 10!)."i George Nelson, sou of Wilson E. Stebbins and I'euiuah Mice Iiis(i George Nelson, son of George X. Stebbins and Martha Mott George N., son of Charles D. Stebbins and Sarah Ann Nortlirup IIOS George O., sou of George Ebeuezer Stebbins and Charlotte Hulbeit lO.S'J George P., son of Lavoiry P. Stebbins and Caroline Glazier 3910 S-'iO George P., son of Samuel Hale Stebbins and Louisa Gardner 217S 3.54 George P., son of 109.5 (George Parnienter, son of Elijah Stebbins' and Koxaiui Parnienter 3.52.5 .5(16 and Jennie Hill 5934 888 Gordon, son of Bonjaniin Kellogg Stehhins and Laura Howe 2845 440 Gerdon Elijah, son of Milford H. Stebbins'' and Addie C. Newton 6040 907 Gorham, sou of Calvin Stebl)ius'i and Sarah Sexton 1033 237 Gould Axtell, son of Edward Clinton Stebbins* and Mary Gertrude Axtell. . 5272 788 Grace, daughter of Russell Stebbins and Alice Holmes Schieffelin 1137 Grace, daughter of William Volnpy Stelibins" and Dora Pntnam 5821 876 Grace, daughter of Charles M. Stebbins" and Mosa Henderson 4395 637 Grace, daughter of Charles F. Stebbins anil Alma Blackburn 1132 Grace, daughter of Richard Nelson Stebbins" ami Martha Beers 5248 781 Grace Adelaide, daughter of Jean R. Stebbins and .Adelaide Cooper 1110 Grace Beatrice, daughter of John Stebbins"' and Carrie Maud Albert 6563 997 Grace E., daughter of Hiram B. Stebbins au 699 Harry Bellows, son of Stephen Stebbins and Mary .lane Bellows 1156 Harry Clark, son of William Bishop Stebbinsf and Anna Olive Jorolenion . . . . 6466 980 Harry Denver, sou of Edward W. Stebbins* and .lane Alice Denver 5028 951 Harry Eugene, son of Charles Eugene Stebbins and Matilda J. Paine 1151 Harry Frank, son of Henry Herbert Stebbins"' and Clara Hardy 6510 1003 Harry Leroy, son of Elmer Ellsworth Stebbinsi" and Wavie White 6504 985 Harry Morton, son of Otis Stebbinsi" and Harriet Maria Smith 5696 852 Harry Osmyn, son of Wallace Stebbins* and Sarah Elizabeth Severson 4312 891 Harry Osmyn, son of Harry Osmyn Stebbinsf and Isabel Stansbury 5046 891 Harry T., son of Albert Vanlone Stebbins and Orpha Newberry 1051 Harvey, son of Ithamer Stebbins" and Deborah Stebbins 1368 277 Harvey, sou of Medad Stebbins" and Sarah Keep 966 346 Harvey, son of Salmon Stebbins* and 3723 52S, 822 Harvey, son of Ira .Stebbins? and Lepha Partridge 2603 653 Harvey, son of Phineas Stebbins" .and Ann Chaffee 994 351 Harvey Brockenbrough, son of Henry Brockenbrough Stebbins" and Predericka Kupcr 61 90 937 Hattie, daughter of Andrew Stebbins and Sophia Bayton 1033 Hattie, daughter of Charles Stebbins and 1055 Hattie, daughter of Ephraim Stebbins and Abigail — — — 1084 Hattie, daughter of Daniel Andrew Stebbinss and Mary Ajnanda Furman 1066 12G4 INDEX— NAIME OF STEHBINS. Haltie B., flaughtfr ol' lU'iiuni I'ixley Sti'lihins:' mikI;ili Ann Lnnflis 5511 826 Hattic Biigbeo, (lauglilcr of (if>i.inp Homy Stohbinsn and Harrii't Bugbee 5477 821 Hal lie Lillian, ilnushter ol' Edward Stcbbius' and Naomi Stall 2h;!2 7(10 Ilatlie Maybell, daughter of Abiier Amisa Stebbinss and Ellon Lucy McDanipls. 4211 (i()8 llattio Talcott, ilaoKlitcr of (_'on>lanl Mpirii-k Stcbljins'' ;ind Laura C'arcdiiio Langdon (il.')."; 9S2 Hazel K., dauKldrr ol' Morrill Allicrt Stobbinsn and lOnuna .1. Powers 5769 864 Ilazoii Ira, son of Albert Iddo ^ilebbins and llattie An^nsta Collins 1218 Helen, daii^hliM- of Henry (Umstanl Slebliins'" and Ida Si-hnltz 6582 1000 Helen, ilanyliter of Xeheini:,li SteVibius and 1132 Helen, dangliier of OsMiyn Loren Slebbins" and lOnnii-e 1 litelicudc 2468 390 Helen, ilangliter of AbraUani Stebbius and 1033 Helen A., daughter of Harlan .1. sstebbins" and Mary F. Cope 6148 930 Helen Auabell, daugliter of Albert Henry Stebbius" and Gertrude Blake 6395 967 Helen Anita, daiigliter of Erlward Nelson Stebbins" and Mary Treat Clapp... 6384 965 Helen (.Jhase, daughter of (.'harles K. Stcbbiusn and Knuna Delia Chase 5604 839 Helen Franees, daughter of Wallace Stebbins* and Sarah Elizabeth Severson. 4314 892 Helen Hardy, daughter of Henry Herbert Stebbinsi" and Clara Hanly 6511 989 Helen Jaue, daughter of lOlon Stebliins' and Harriet Witlierell 3486 502 Ilolcn Lena, daughter of Uriah Harrison Stebbins" and Marion Clover Brook- lield 4199 606 Helen Louisa, daughter of Cyrus Slebbins' and Mary Ann Harris 2810 436 Helen Lu.y. daughter of John Stebbinss and Katharine rairchild 4831 928 Heleji M.. daughter of J. N. Slebbins and 1114 Heleji M., daughter of Baxter Ste))biiis> arul Martha Hawks 3094 462 Helen M., daughter of Frederick .1. Stebbins" and .lulia F. Merrill 4939 731 Helen Maria, daughter of Franeis W. Stobbius" and Ellen R. Hawks 4946 732 Helen Marion, daughter of Salmon Stcbliins and Ruth Hopkins 1077 Helen Stiekney, daughter of Chester Stebbins" and Laura Quimby 3590 808 Heligee, daughter of Nehemiah Stebbins"' and Abigail Brooks 848 322 Homan, son of Asaph Stebbins^ and Luey Bardwell 661 280 Hcman, son of Solomon Stebbins' and Malah Day 2678 672 Homan, son of James Stebbins"' and Deborah Hoar 540 185 Heman Oscar, son of Edward Stebbins' and Naonn Stall 2828 699 Henrietta, daughter of Luther Slebbins and Mahala Judd 1387 279 Henrietta, daughter of Henry Stebbins- and Eliza Stanton 2783 434 Henrietta Augusta, daughter of Justus Stebbins* and Adaline Hildreth 4039 863 Henrietta P., daughter of Samuel Stobbinss and Mary E. fierce 4962 939 Henry, son of Nehemiah Stebbins and 1132 Henry, son of 1095 Henry, son 'urtis 2619 657 Holds, son of John Stebbins^ and Sarah Sanderson 1738 479 Hollis, son of Oliver Stebbins' and Laura Dinsmore 3256 478 Hollis, son of Alvin Dinsmore Stebbinss and Hannah Greene 5086 759 Homer Clark, sou of Horace Stebbiuss and Lucia Ann Jeuuett Corser 3991 583 Homer Dan, son of Alfred Isham Stebbinss and Mary Jane Gill 4523 911 Homer Franklin, son of Sidney Joel Stebbins and Jane Stearns 4452 900 Homer H., son of George Ebeuezer vStebbius and Charlotte Hulbert 1081 Homer L., son of Lowell Preston Stebbins? and Sarah Jane Thurber 2885 708 Homer Pease, son of Charles Stebbins' and Julia Emily Pease 2564 641 Homer Sheridan, son of Lot Dunham Stebbinss and Martha Susanna Rundel.. 4544 661 Horace, son of Horace P. Stebbings and Anna M. Sheldon 1152 Horace, son of Moses Stebbins' and Ruth Thwing 2197 583 Horace, son of Ebenezer Stebbinse and Elizabeth Bliss 1143 375 Horace, sou of Samuel Stebbins and 1139 Horace, son of Calvin Stebbins" and Lois Colton 1509 289 Horace, son of David Stebbins^ and Rhoda Sheldon 804 209 Horace, son of John Stebbins" and Sarah Sanderson 1737 314 Horace Bliss, sou of Byron Rossetter Stebbins and Mary Lavina Housier 1094 Horace Canou, son of Lafayette Stebbins and Flora Lovett 1114 Horace Chase, son of Asa Stebbins and Alice Una Skinner 4947 733 Horace L., son of Israel Johnson Stebbins and Sylvia Lewis 3564 510 Horace L., son of Rufus L. Stebbinss and S. M. Woodward 5609 840 Horace Preston, son of Horace Richardson Stebbins and Caroline Preston 1152 Horace Richardson, son of Charles Doolittle Stebbings and Lydia Richardson 1150 Horace Stowell, son of Asa Stebbins' and Maria Stowell 3115 733 Horatio, son of Calvin Stebbins' and Amelia Adams 2110 567 Horatio, son of Charles H. Stebbins and Mary A. Kneelaud 1098 Horatio Gates, son of Edward StebbinsS and Lydia Hobson Somerby 5062 753 Horatio N., son of 1097 Horatio W., son of Charles D. Stebbins and Sarah L. Fitch 1092 Horatio Ward, son of Horatio Stebbinss and Lucy Ward 3867 568 Hosea, son of Aaron Stebbins^ and Esther Beebe 1297 407 Hosea, son of Hosea Stebbins' and Patty Richardson 2581 648 Howard, son of George W. Stebbins^ and Annie L. Droman 6321 952 Howard Ames, son of Lansford A. StebbinsS and Sarah Ames 4899 727 Howard Leslie, son of Joseph Orville Stebbinss and Mary EUzabeth Wright . . 4611 673 Howard Lincoln, son of Charles Howard Stebbins and Lillian Ann Cleveland 1064 Howard Newman, son of George Edison Stebbiuss and Mary Clark Loruberger. 4762 707 Howard Sumner, son of Dwight Preston Stebbinss and Mary Ann Bennet 4742 925 Hubert Ammah, son of William Palmer Stebbins^ and Susan Sophronia Codding 4272 617 Hugh Worthington, son of Milford H. Stebbinsa and Addie C. Newton 6042 907 Huldah, son of Ebenezer Stebbins^ aud Hannah Day 707 294 H. L., son of Jesse M. Stebbins and Catharine Losey 2504 397 Ida, daughter of Arad Stebbings and Mary Jane Connelly 5318 971 Ida, daughter of Charles H. Stebbins and Mary A. Kneeland 1098 Ida, daughter of James W. Stebbins and Maria Abraham 1086 Ida A., daughter of Wellington M. Stebbinss and Harriet A. Hayden 5030 748 Ida Almira, daughter of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins' and Ambrosia B. Grinuell.... 3216 474 Ida Gertrude, daughter of Jonas Blaudin Stebbinss and Maria Smith Randall. 4258 889 Ida LouceUa, daughter of Anson L. Stebbinss and Mary Harris 4678 691 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1267 Number Page Ida LouiR.'i, (Uuigliter of James Whitney Stebbius^ and Catherine Sears San- derson 5000 947 [da JI., daugliter of William H. Harrison Stebbins" and Sarah E. Lee 5496 824 Ida May, daughter of Edgar Gregory Slebbins" and Elizabeth Holdorlield 5811 874 Ida May, daughter of Charles Edward Srebbiiiss and Elizabeth MfClintock. . 5143 765 Ida May, daughter of James Franklin Stebbins and Lottie MeCurdy 1067 Ida Viola, daughter of Henry Clay Stebbins'-' and Catharine E. Bowers 5654 989 Ida Sophia, daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and Martha Ann Mott 1086 Iddo, son of Benjamin Stebbinsc and Miriam Huntley 1200 256,1217 Ina Althea, daughter of Anson L. Stebbinss and Mary Harris 4676 691 liiea Lucile, danghter of Lewis Abyram StcbVjinsi" and Katherine Selden (i490 984 Inez Emiline, danghter of Loren White Stebbins and (Jraee Adeie Birdsey.... 6551 995 Ira, son of Joel Stebbins« and Widow Sarah Beehe 1307 409 Ira, son of Ira Stebbins^ and Amy Smith 2594 409 Ira, son of George Washington Stebbins' and Laura Tooker 3252 477 Irma Fern, daughter of John Elmer Stebbins and Nellie Shcpard 6318 952 Irving, son of Bert Colnmbus Stebbins and May Glockner 6016 904 Irving Monroe, son of Franklin Monroe Stebl)ins9 and Mary Ellen Mills.... 5958 894 Irving Randolph, son of Frank Henr}' Stebbins" and Emma Frances Turner. . . . 6470 981 Isaac, son of Joel Stebbins" and Widow Sarah Beebe 1311 410 Isaac, son of Louis Stebbins and Freezie Fountain 1041 Isaac, son of Amariah Stebbins^ and Permolia Thorns 3954 579 Isaac, son of Joseph Stebbins'' and Joanna Smith 860 324 Isaac, son of Josiah Stebbins' and Euth Rockwell 853 213 Isaac, son of Isaac Stebbins" and Hannah Louk 2610 410, 654 Isaac, son of Pliineas Stebbins" and Phebe Dunham 2128 350 Isaac Burley, son of Orrin Stebbins^ and Nancy Burley 3886 845 Isaar Harvey, son of Nathan Sylvester Stebbins' and Clarissa Elizabeth Wright 4471 652 Isaac Kinney, son of Abyram Stebbins' and Margaret Webster 2046 530 Isaac Kinney, son of Benton Pixley Stebbinss* and Sarah Ann Landis 5506 825 Isaac Lester, son of Gyrus Stebbins^ and Mary Elizabeth McFaddin 5617 842 Isaac Newton, son of William Vauness Stebbins' and Teresa Waring 3491 789 Isabel, daughter of Calvin Stebbinss and Lois Colton 1513 452 Isabella, daughter of 1098 Isabella, daughter of Dennis Stebbinss and Jane Teuery 4908 727 Isa belle Gertrude, daughter of Edward Nelson Stebbins" and Mary Treat Clapp 6380 965 Isabelle Luella, daughter of David Stebbins* and Elizabeth Jane Martin 5102 954 Isadora Ina, daughter of Emery James Stebbins" and Laura Lammey 5807 874 Isola E., danghter of William Stebbins and Elvira Griswold 1106 Israel, son of Kalph Stebbins'' and Submit Sanderson 1763 485 Israel, son of David Stebbins^ and Rlioda Sheldon 811 209 Israel, son of Moses Stebbins" and Hannah King 1675 309 Israel, son of Moses Stebbins= and Mercy Hawks 779 207 Israel Johnson, son of Joseph Stebbins« and Elizabeth Eddy 1917 509 Israel Pierce, son of Edv.ard Stebbins' and Arminda Bird 2737 685 Israel Pierce, son of Levi Stebbins" and Amia Pierce 1359 426 Jthamer, son of Edward Stebbins" and Klizabefh Burt 653 277 Iva Sidney, daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins and Augeline Youtsey Williams 5721 856 Ivan Earl, son of William Volney Stebbins and 5826 876 Jabez, son of Christopher Stebbins* and Abigail Allen 1025 Jaboz, son of Jabez Stebbins' and Sarah Turner 1025 Jackson Walter, son of Walter Stebbins' and Azubah Carpenter 2135 573 Jacob, sou of Benjamin Stebbinsi"' and Jliriam Huntley 1199 256 Jacob, son of 1098 Jacob, son of 1217 Jacob, son of Henry Stebbins and Lucinda Merinas 1094 1268 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Jainis, son of Bethnel Stebbinsi* and Mary Shapleigli 551 260 Jainis, son of Morton Stebbins and Mary Maria Slierniaii 2485 393 James, son of Festus Slobbinx" and Frances Dickinson 2527 631 James, son of Edward Stebbins and Elizabetli Burt 656 194 James, son of James Stebbins and Raeliel Wright 1018 236 James, son of Aaron Stebbins^' and Mary Wood 462 235 James, son of Aaron Stebbins' and Emily Calkins 2287 368 James, son of John B. Stebbins* and Marion Helen Tl-.onipson 4349 628 James, son of Thomas Stebbins< and Mary Munn 220 185 James, son of James Stebbins-' and Deborah Hoar 541 258 James, son of Nathan Stebbins" and Dorcas Rockwell 1854 323 James, son of Theophilus Stebbins"' and Ann Couch 830 212 James, son of David Stebbinso and Sarah Cowdry 1804 318 James, son of Sidney Joel Stebbins* and Jane Stearns 4455 649 James, son of John Stcbbings and Sarah Southgate 1145 James, son of Baxter Stebbins' and Martha Hawks 3089 462 James, sou of Bunjaniiu Stcbbings and Mercy Aikcu 1146 James, son of Abraham Stebbins and Lydia Damon 1042 James, son of 1098 James, son of Carlos A. Stebbins and Cynthia Sargent 3194 471 James, son of David Stebbins' and Catharine Mclntyre 3364 776 James, son of Zebina Stebbins" and Mary Snow 1503 286 James, son of Rufus Stebbins and 1133 James, sou of Walter Stebbiusn and Hannah Webb 5630 844 James, son of Luther Stebbins* and Mahala JuUd 1384 433 James, son of James C. Stebbins and Ann Hancock 1101 James, son of 1099 James Albert, son of James Franklin Stebbins and Lettie McCnrdy 1067 James Alden, sou of Chester Stebbins' and Laura Quimby 3588 808 James Anson, son of John Anson Stebbins' and Martha Huddleston Gill 2799 695 James Austin, son of James Stebbins<> and Eunice Tidd 1217 388 James Bell, son of Francis Mason Stebbins" and Jennie F. Hanks 6199 1000 James C, son of 1101 James Cole, son of 1099 James Crafts, son of Abner Stebbins" and Abigail Bacon 1172 383 Janus D., son of Jud.ih Stebbins'- and Ruth Culler Dady 1096 362 James E., sou of John H. Stebbins and Eleuor Provost 1111 James Edward, son of Levi Stebbiugs aud Sarah Price 1150 James Elmer, sou of John Byles Marshall Stebbins" aud Eliza Edmonds 4840 929 James Franklin, son of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey S. Everett 1067 James H., son of 1102 James H., son of Homer Franklin Stebbins" and Carrie M. Wakefield 5979 900 James H., son of James Hervey Stebbins'* and '■ 3824 558 James H., son of 1102 James Hervey, son of Samuel Stebbins' and Clarissa Phelps 2093 345, 558 James Hervey, son of Ezra Stebbins" and Sally Bowker 2298 372 James Howard, son of Orraniel Graves Stebbinss and Ada A. Childs 5019 746 James Jordan, son of William Stebbins' and Bridget Kliza Jordan 3448 498 James Knox, son of Almerick Stebbins' and Lydia A. Barnard 3246 755 James K. Polk, sou of Dan Stebbius and 1060 James LeRay, son of Grant Case Stebbins^i and Kate Carver Critchfield 5917 883 James LeRay, son of .losiah Slebbius' and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2363 379 James M., son of .lames Milligan Stebbins and Esther H. Simmons 1080 James M., son of Janu>s Stebbins and Charlotte E. Haynes 1101 James Milligan, son of Salniou Stebbins aud Rntb Hopkins 1080 James Morrison, son of Isaac Kinuey Stebbinss and Roxana Fletcher 3740 530 James Sanderson, son of Balpb Stebbins* and Submit Sanderson 1772 316 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1269 Niimher Page James Taylor, son of Mosses Slcbbiiis' :ui(l I>Huia FoscUck 3183 471 James Vinton, son of 110^ .liinics W., son of Wilson K. Stel)l>i»s and I'cuiuah Rice 1086 .lauios Whitney, son of Ebeiiezer Stelihins' ami Kebeeea Hunt 3147 741 .lane, daughter of Solomon Stebliins^ and Zata Loiaine Stanhope 2170 354 J aue, daughter of Frederick StebbinsT and Sylvia Edson 2895 709 Jane, daughter of ' 1"^ •Fane, daughter of Rnfus Stebbins ami 1134 Jaue, daughter of Milton Stebbins^ an.l AngeUne H. Wood 3713 527 Jane, daughter of Ralph Stebbins and Abigail < 'haniberlaiu 1076 Jane, daughter of Sheldon Stebbins^ and Kaeliel Rolland 3265 479 Jane A., daughter of Isaac Stebbins'' and Sallie Sutherland 1874 504 .lane A., daughter of Charles Stebbins and Sarah Denton 1160 Jane B., daughter of David Stebbins'^ and Sarah Cowdry 1807 490 Jane Bliss, daughter of Charles Stebbins" and .lane Bliss 3463 499 Jaue C, daughter of 11"' Jane Caroline, daughter of John C:harton Stebbins' and Annis Griggs 2207 585 Jane F... daughter of Carlos A. Stebbins and 1055 Jaue E., daughter of Albert Vanlone Stebbins and Orpha Newberry 1051 .fane Eliza, daughter of Cyrus Stebbins' and Mary Auu Harris 2808 435 Jane Elizabeth, daughter of William Pitt C. Stebbins and Elizabeth Theall Karr ' 1»J2 Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Stebbins" and Louisa Rundell 2639 662 Jane Enieranca Brown, daughter of Clark Brovvu Stebbiuss and Margaret Tobey 3802 848 Jane H.. daughter of Lansford A. Stebbinss and Sarah Ames 4898 727, 935 .Tane M., daughler of Dasid St. bbins" and Mary Cone 2194 356 Jane M.. daughter nf Amaziah Stebbiuss and Amanda Anderson 4055 866 .faiie Maria, daughter of Stephen Stebbins? and Lovice Stebbins 2164 353 .Fane Milligan. daughter of Salmon Stebbins and Ruth Hopkins 1076 Jan.- Olden, daughter of .lames Stebbins? and Ruth Sexton Olden 2775 433 .lane Pierce, daughter of T,evi Stebbins" and Aniia Pierce 1358 425 .lared, son of Hosea Stebbins" and Julia A. Fuller 444U 648 .lared, son of .loel Stebbins" and Widow Sarah Beebe 1306 408, 651 Jarcd Newel, son of William Stebbins" and Margaret Newel 1129 248 .Inrvis, son of • 1104 Jarvis 781 .Tason, .son of Frederii'k Stebbins? and Sylvia Edson 2892 708 .lasou, son of Clement .Stebbins and Charlotte .Yihvood 1058 Jason, .son of .lason Stebbins and Frances C. Smith 1058 Jay, son of William Lawrence Stebbins" and Sarah Swetland 5159 958 Jean R.. son of William Burrell Stebbins and Elvira CriswoM 1109 Jeii'ersou. son of Gains Stebbins and Mariam Ori'utt 1091 Jemima, daughter of Joel Stebbins^ and Widow Sarah Beebe 1308 272 .Tennie, daughter of William Stebbins and Eliza Collins 1161 Jennie, daughter of Thomas Stubbins and Elizabeth Merritt 1157 Jennie Crane, daughter of Chalmer Willard St.bbiuss and Kathcriue Maria Crane 4244 886 Jennie Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Edwaril .Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Me- Chntock 5144 765 .lennie Gertrude, daughter of Amos H. Stebbins and Maria Louisa Eorbush 1129 .lennie M., daughter of Lewis .1. Stebbins* and Helen M. Flynn 5374 804 Jennie M., daughter of (icorge Barnard Stebbinss and Lois M. Hunt 5072 755 .lennio M., daughter of .loseph Tidd Stebbins? and Olivia A. Knight 2450 387 Jennie Maria, dangliter of Ebenezer Stebbins* and Emily .Jane Fessenden . . . . 4980 943 •Jennie Monroe, ilaughter of William K. Stebbins" and Louisa Fairchild 4469 652 Jennie R., daughter of Chailes Wesley Stebbins and Isabel Sackett 1160 Jere, son of Bcn.iamin Stebbins"' and Sabra Minor 1335 418 1270 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Jerr, eon of .Trisrph Stpbbins* niid Abignil Hines J862 502 Jeremiah, son ol' Ehetiozcr Stebbins» and Anne Davis 819 211 Jeremiah, sou of Xrhomijih f?tebbiuB'> aud Abigail Brooks 846 213 Jeremiah, son of Charles Stebbins and Delia Potvin 1038 Jerome, son of Carlos A. Stebbins" and Cyatliia Sargent 3193 471 Jerusha, daughter of Samuel S. Stebbins and Laura 1153 Jerusha, dautrhter of Samuel Stebbins" and Sarah Boardman 1068 240 Jerusha, daughter of Klibu .Stebbins" and Lnerelia Wright 1955 331 Jerushn, ilanghter of Benjamin Stebbins^ and .Jerusha King 533 184 Jenisha, daughter of 1104 Jerusha Clark, daughter of Kalph Stebbins' and Laura Bridgcman 2969 718 Jesse, son of Justin Stebbins" and Hannah Hyde 1486 285 Jesse, sou of Thomas Stebbins' and Jlary Munn 222 186, 187 Jesse, son of Thaddeus Stebbins^ and Eebeeca Stebbins 570 187 Jesse, son of Jesse Stebbins' and Beulah Munn 555 261 Jesse, son of Joseph Stebbins" and Abigail Hines 1861 501 Jesse M., son of Jesse Stebbins'' and Phebe Bishop 1254 397 Jessica Maud, daughter of Columbus Stebbins and Mary Elizabeth Lemen 1049 Jessie, daughter of .John Elmer Stebbins" aud Nellie Shepard 6316 952 Jessie, daughter of Sherman Billings Stebbins* and Elizabeth Bonebrake 5314 794 Jessie, daughter of Alex. Collins Stebbina" .-ind Melissa Raymond 5777 867 .Jessie Blanchanl, daughter of Perry Stebbins^ and Emily Curtis 4511 656 .Tessie K., daughter of Kellogg S. StebbinsS and Annie S. Lloyd 4995 947 Jessie P., daughter of Austin Ewell Stebbins" and Lydia B. Wiley 5817 875 Jessie Minna, daughter of Charles K. Stebbins" and Minna A. Everett 5032 748 Jessie Olive, daughter of Charles Stebbins" and Olive Clarke 6000 902 Jessie Watt, daughter of Edward Nelson Stebbins" and Mary Treat Clapp... 6375 965 .Toanna, daughter of .Joseph Stebbiuss aud .Toanua Smith 858 214 Joanna, daughter of Samuel .Stebbins" and Ruth Wilson 1848 323 Joanna, daughter of .fabez Stebbinss and Sarah Turner 1025 Joanna, daughter of Samuel Stebbins^ and Abigail Brooks 47 138 Joanna, daughter of Samuel StebViins* and Hannah Hitchcock 180 174 Joanna, daughter of Samuel Bishop Stebbins and Emily T'reer 2500 397 Joe, son of Abraham Stebbins 1033 Joel, sou of Aaron Stebbins^ and Mary Wright 594 271 Joel, son of Joel Stebbins" and Widow Sarah Beebe 1304 408 .Toel, son of Charles Stebbins aud Sarah Ann Stubbs 1047 Joel, sou of James Stebbins and Lydia Tyler 1043 Joel Codding, son of William Palmer Stebbinss and Susan Sophronia Codding. 4270 617, S90 Joel Dickinson, son of Festus Stebbins' and Frances Dickinson 2526 400 Joel Ernest, son of Sidney Stebbinss and Jane Stearns 4449 649 Joel Rice, son of Austin Stebbins" and Lydia Rice 2817 697 John, son of Johm of Watertown and Margaret 1022 John, son of John St.ebbins2 und Deborah Moore 1022 John, son of Charles Stebbins and Oelia Potvin 1037 John, son of John Stebbins" and t'hobe Miner 1022 John, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Sarah Williams 107 115 John, son of Clement Stebbins* and Sarah Miner 1024 John, son of George Stebbins and Clowie • 1094 John of Roxbury, son of 1030 John, son of Henry Stebbing and Elizabeth Filby 1096 John, son of Samuel Stebbings and 1145 John, son of James Stebbins and Lydia Tyler 1043 John, son of Zadock Stebbins" and Elizabeth Pease 998 352 John, son of Rowland Stebbins' and Sarah 4 74 John, son of Solomon Stebbins' and Nancy Perry 3544 SOS John, son of Eliakim Stebbins" and Rebecca Hawks 1909 508 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1271 Number Page John, son of Josiah Stelibins ami Susan Merritt 1113 John, son of Moses Stebbins' and Sally Decker 3307 482 John, son of 1024 John, son of Asaph Stebbins^ and Lucy Bard well 658 279 John, son of 1104 John, son of Charles Stebbins^ and Eunice Masters 2944 716 John, son of Oliver Stebbins' and Laura Dinsmore 3254 478 .Tohn, son of John Stebbiugs and Sarah Southgate 1146 John, son of Edgar Gregory Stebbius" and Elizabeth Holderfield 5S10 997 John, son of John Alden Stebbins" and Phillips 1059 .John, son of John Stebbins^ and Dorothy Alexander 89 159 John, son of John Stebbins* and Mary 328 159 John, son of David Stebbins^ and Rhoda Sheldon 803 313 John, son of 1029 John of Watertown, son of 1021 John, son of John Stebbins^ and Anne Munden 20 103, 1031 .John, son of Theojthilus Stebbins^ and Ann Crouch 827 211 John, son of Simeon Stebbins^ and Eunice Whitlock 1793 317 John, son of Samuel Stebbins" and Abigail Brooks 42 132 John, son of Joseph Stebbins^ and Sarah Dorchester 68 151 John, son of John Stebbins* and Sarah Warriner 293 152 John, son of Edward Stebbins'' and Sarah Graves 84 156 ,lohn, son of John Stebbins* and Deborah Lamb 303 156 John, son of John Stebbins* aiul Patience Wright 186 178 .lohn, son of Ebenezer Stebbius"' and Hannah Day 705 293 ■Tohn, son of Caleb Stebbinsi^ ami Mehitable Chapin 1475 446,714 John, son of Noah Stebbinsc and Margaret Stebbins 932 225 .Tohn, son of John Stebbins^ and Margaret Brooks 499 241 John, son of Dwight Stebbins' and Rosina Frecland 3200 750 ,]ohn, son of Zerah Stebbins" and Eunice Dunham 1088 242 .lohn, son of Uriah Stebbins' and Sally Bement 2226 360 •Tohn, son of Samuel Stebbins" and Ruth Wilson 1844 490 .Tohn, sou of .Justus Stebbins' and Abigail Morgan 2230 360 .Tohn, son of Benjamin Stebbings and Mercy Aiken 1149 ■Tohn, son of .Tohn Stebbins" and Harriet Houghton 3555 800 John, son of 1105 John, son of John Stebbins and Electa Burrell 1108 .Tohn, son of Charles Stebbins and Catharine Hagadone 1034 John A., son of Osmyn Loren Stebbins' and Eunice Hitchcock 2473 391 John A., son of Amaziah Stebbins'' ami Amanda Anderson 4056 591 ■John Alden, son of Daniel Stebbins'' and Ruth Goodwell 1059 John Alfred, son of Enos Fletcher Stebbiusi" and 6501 985 John Allen, son of Daniel Stebbins" and Rachol Blodgett 1322 418 John Anson, son of .John Stebbins" and Susanna Warner 1402 435 ■John Ashmuu, son of Moses Stebbins' and Laura A. Fosdick 3187 749 John B., son of Gilbert Stebbins' and Mary Ann Baker 2509 628 John B., son of 1111 John Blandin, son of Sauiuel Stebbins' and Sarah Blandin 2416 611 .John Bliss, son of Ezra Stebbins" and Margaret Bliss 1115 366 .lohn Bliss, son of John Stebbins' and TIannah Bliss 2922 711 John Bliss, son of Aaron Stebbins' and Emily Calkins 2285 368 John Byles Marshall, son of Zebina Stebbins" and Mary Snow 1507 451 John Byles Marshall, sou of William Stebbins' and Sarah Bradish 2965 718 John Byron, son of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hubbard 1131 John C, son of Dexter Stebbins' and Eliza Critendnn 3286 766 John Calvin, son of Elon Stebbins' and Harriet Witherell 3487 78S 1272 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBIN's Number Pag* John Carpenter, son of Bandall Sisson ytebbins* and Isabel Wheelock Car- penter 1062 John Charter, son of David Stebbins" and Mary Charter 104H 357 John Cooper, son of Jean E. Stcbbins and Adelaide Cooper 1109 .Tohu D., son of Kussell Stubbins' and Ann Eliza Davis 346(1 499 John Dexter, son of William Herbert Stebbins" and Martha Bnius 6294 948 John E., son of Sherman Billings Stebbins" and Elizabeth Bonebrake ^'i\2 794 John Earl, sou of Barnabas Merrick 8tebbius" and Roxalaua Gleason 3675 521 John Elmer, son of George Willard Stebbins* and Jenisha Spencer 5067 951 .lohn Elmer, son of John Elmer Stcbbins" and Nellie Shepard 6314 952 John G., son of Frederic Lyman Stebbins!' and Bathsheba S. Burnett 6160 933 ,Tohn Gilbert, son of Jason Stebbins" and Elvira Colton 4775 926 .lohn Goodwell, sou of Dan Stebbins^ and Sally Goodwin 1062 .lohn H., son of 1112 John H., son of John H. Stebbins and Elenor Provost 1111 John Hancock, son of Eleazer StebWns and Lina Oans 1071, 1111 John Henry, son of Henry Stebbins' and Widow Mary Ann Little 3116 733 .John Henry, son of Clark Stebbins^ and Abigail Wright 3594 S09 ,lohn Henry, son of Henry Stebbins and Lucinda Merinas 1094 ,Tohn Henry, son of Charles Henry Stcbbins and Mary Henrietta Fisher 1035 .lohn Hunt, son of Ralph Stebbins and Kllen Latty 1079 John Hunt, son of William Stebbins' and Nancy Newell 3537 795 John Kehlor, son of Lovell W^ait Stebbins" and Bertha E. Kehlor 6290 94S .lohn Louis, son of John Bliss Stebbinss and Maria Stebbins 4798 927 John Lewell, son of George Francis Stebbins and Nellie Florence Kowe IIO."! John Marquis, son of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman Hl'lii .lohn Mills, son of Elihu Stebbins' and Sarah Gay Hooker 360S XH John P., son of Samuel Stebbins*' and Mary E. Pierce 4966 73li .John Pardee, son of Consider Stebbins" and Esther Farnsworth 1712 311 John E., son of William Howe Cuyler Stebbins" and Mary Bills 3210 473 John Eichard, son of Horace Stebbins and Lueinda Adair 1141 John Eichard, son of John Eichard Stebbins and Margaret Smith 1141 John Robinson, son of Harvey Stebbins^^ and Julia Robinson 209.i 558 John Roderick, son of Henry Stebbins and Mary French 1072 .John Roderick, sou of Tracy North Stebbins and Anna May Stacy 1072 John W., son of — 1112 John Wayne, son of Joel Stebbins' and Abigail Berry 25S7 650 John Wesley, son of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey S. Everett 1068 John Wesley, son of Erasmus Stebbins and Elizabeth Welch 1216 John Wesley, son of Charles Wesley Stebbins and Mary K. Remick 1068 .lohn William, son of filby Stebbing and Rachel Cook 1096 .lohn Williams, sou of Almerick Stebbins' and Lydia A. Barnard 3248 756 .John Wilson, son of John Steljbins" and Mary Largin 3433 496 John Winchester, son of John Louis Stebbins" and Ida Isabella Williams. . . 6135 927 Jonas Blandin, son of Rufus Stebbins' and Clarissa Blandin 2425 615 Jonathan, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Hannah Hitchcock 176 171 Jonathan, son of Jonathan Stebbins"' and Margaret Bliss 423 172 .Jonathan, son of Elam Stebbins" and Euth Hitchcock 1348 275 .Jonathan Austin, son of Joel Rice Stebbinss and Jane E. Burr 4703 697 Jonathan Chauncey, son of Medad Stebbins" and Sarah Keep 964 345 Jonathan Earle, son of Harlan Charles Stebbins* and Mary Angelia Tarbox 4683 693 Joseph, son of Thomas Stebbins- and Hannah Wright 9 93 Joseph, son of Joseph Stebbins^ and Sarah Dorchester 61 144 Joseph, son of Joseph Stebbins* and Rebecca Colton 241 187 Joseph, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Sarah Williams 106 115 Joseph, son of Joseph Stebbins^ and Mary Stebbins 578 264 Joseph, son of 1036 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1273 Sumlipr I'age Joseph, son of Festus Stebbins" and Frames Dickinson 2522 400 Joseph, son of Benoni Stebbins^ and Widow Mary Bennett 9S) 108 Joseph, son of Thomas Stebbins- an 203 Joseph, son of Joseph Stebbins* and Mary Saussouci 354 163 .Joseph, sou of ('hristO|>her Stebbins and Sophrouia (ireenleaf 1057 Joseph, son of Judah Stebbins'^ and Ruth Cntbr Dady 1094 362 .loseph, son of Joseph Stebbins'' and Joanna Smith S57 324 Joseph, son of John Stebbins- and Abigail Martlett 31 75 Joseph Bard«eII, sou of Sylvanns Stebbins'' anil Lucretia Kellogg 1422 440 Joseph llaniel, son of Daniel Stebbins^ and Widow Klizabeth 0. l.oris; 2519 399 .loseph Griffin, sou of Joseph Stebbins and Mary (iriflin 1125 Joseph Hamlin, son of Philander W. Stebbins and Mariette Hamlin 1107 .loseph M., son of .Tames D. Stebbiusi and Mary Tracy 2260 363 Joseph Niel, son of Albert Henry SteVdiinsf and Gertrude Blake 6394 967 .loseph Orville, son of Seth Stebbins" and Melissa Chapin 2688 '173 Joseph Porter, son of .Tared .Stebbins' and Lucinda Howe 2.591 650 Joseph Seymour, sou of Timothy Stebbins'' and Hannah i^nher 1040 358 Joseph Tidd, son of James Stebbins aurl Eunice Tidd 1214 387 Joseph v., son of John Wesley Stebbins and .Susan A. Munk 1068 Joseph Warren, son of Joel Stebbins' and Abigail Berry 2586 649 Joseph Warren, son of Rufns Stebbins'; and Phebe Filer 1226 390 Joseph Waylou, son of William StehbinsT and Sabrina Beach 2454 389,622 Josephine, daughter of Henry Stebbins' and Eliza Stantou 2782 433 Josephine, daughter of Henry Chester Stebbins'* and JIartha L. Greene.... 3818 558 Josephine Maria, daughter of Lucius Stebbins' and Martha Dickinson 2814 436 .Tosephus, son of John Stebbins*"' and Jenisha f'lark 1400 2S0 Joshua Peirce, son of Sumner Stebbins and Mary Ann Bennett Pcirce Iii44 Josiah, son of Thomas Stebbius" and Elizabeth Wright 121 117 Josiah, son of Joseph Stebbins-' and Mary Williams 3i,(4 219 .Tosiah, son of Josiah Stebbins'' and Mary Howe 8S4 .329 Josiah, son of Benjamin Stebbins* and Sarah Mead 374 213 Josiah, son of Abner Stebbins^ and Martha Smith 528 252 Josiah, sou of 1113 Josiah, son of 1113 Josiah, son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Abigail 1070 Josiah, son of 1113 1274 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Josiab, son of Hesadiah Stebbinss and Betsy Sessions Babcock 1158 378 Josiah, son of Caleb Stebbins" and Mehitable Chapin 1479 448 Josiah Arad, sou of William Stebbins^ and Mary Ann Lyman 3643 814 Josiali Burr, son of Josiah Stebbins" and Mary Burr 854 213 Josiah Burt, son of Abner Stebbins' and Sarah J. Fuller 2401 609 Josiah Burt, son of Josiah Stebbins^ and Sarah S. Shaw 4219 609 Josiah Jones, son of Henry Stebbins^ and Ann Jones 3019 726 Jotham, son of Benjamin Stebbins^ and Jerusha King 531 256 Jotham Webster, son of Kufus Stebbins^ and Clarissa Blandin 2430 618 Judah, son of Levi Stebbins^ and Mary Post 509 242 Judah, son of Judah Stebbinss and Ruth Cutler Dady 1092 243 Judith, daughter of Isaac Stebbinss and Sallie Sutherland 1872 325 Julia, daughter of Alfred Stebbins' and Eliza Fanning 3323 484 Julia, daughter of Abraham Stebbins and 1033 Julia, daughter of Quartus Stebbins' and Eunice Burt 2534 402 Julia, daughter of Henry Stebbins^ and Sarah Prince 1389 279 Julia, daughter of Bufus Stebbins and Mary Vosburgh 1166 Julia, daughter of 1114 Julia, daughter of Sherman Stebbins and 1154 Julia, daughter of William L. Stebbins and Emma Laliberte 1040 Julia, daughter of 1114 Julia, (laughter of Horace Richardson Stebbiugs and Caroline Preston 1151 Julia, daughter of Walter Stebbins and Hannah Webb 5631 844 Julia A., daughter of Samuel Stebbins* and Mary E. Pierce 4965 940 .Tulia A., daughter of Osniyn Loren Stebbins' and Eunice Hitchcock 2470 390 Julia A., daughter of Henry Stebbins' and Widow Mary Ann Little 3117 465 .rulia A., daughter of Almerick Stebbins' and Ijydia A. Barnard 3242 477 Julia A., daughter of Ellery Stebbins^ and Alice E. Allerton 5785 871 Julia A., daughter of Chauncey Stebbins' and Sophia Rice 3333 485 Julia Ann, daughter of Dana Stolibins^ and Betsy L. Heath 3933 852 Julia Ann, daughter of Zenas Stebbins' and Grace Warriucr 2997 455 Julia Ann, daughter of Merzias Rayner Stebbins' and Julia Lyman 3875 843 Julia Ann, daughter of Sherman SteVjbins and Susan Hine 1154 Julia Ann Stockbridge, claughtor of Kbenezer Stebbins' an. Fouri)urean lilH."i 'XHi Laura May. daughter of I'riali Harrison Stobliins" and Marion (ilover Brook liold 4197 GOG Laura Merriek, daughter of Samuel Stebbins" ami Laura Merrick 4859 721 Laura S., daughter of Chester H. Stebbius" and Bertha Porter 5189 772 Laura Smith, daughter of Kichard Salter Storrs Stebbins'* aud Sally Smith . ;i926 576 Laura W., daughter of ("alvin Stebbins' and Fanny Gager 2201 336 Lauraette Ashley, daughter of Zebina Stebbins' and Kuby Graves 3166 746 Laurence, son of William Stebbins" aud Sarah Hradish 2964 l.Tl Laurence Bernard, son of Kdwin Strong Stebbins and Carrie Hortcnse Hayes 1128 Laverna, daughter of Elijah Stebbius' and Roxaiui I'arnieuter 3524 506 Lavoiry P., son of Harvey Stebbius' and Axscph I'ease 2140 574 Lavoisure, son of Almus Stebbins' and Palmyra Hubbard 2444 620 Tiawrenee, sou of Myron Stebbins" and Libbie Leever 6143 929 Leauder, son of Henry L. Stebbins" and Polly ( 'ox 2510 398 Lee J., son of Charles Wesley Stebbins and Isabel Sackett 1100 Leila Belle, daughter of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins" and Andjrosia B. Grinuell. 3221 474 Lemuel, sim of John Stebbiiis< and Deborah Laudi 306 201 Lemuel, sou of Ithamer .Stebbins'^ and Deljorah Stebbins 1366 430 Lemuel, son of Lemuel Stebbins' and Lydia Speakiiiau 2746 430 Lemuel, sou of Daniel Stebbins" and Kaehel Llodgett 1317 412 Lemuel, son of Abyram Stebbins" and Margaret Webster 2050 532 Lemuel Dibble, son of Albert Burt Stebbins" aud Mary .leanette Bebbe.... 2759 687 Lena Beatrice, daughter of George Lyman .Stebbins" and Dora E. Wilcox... 6150 931 Leua L., daughter of Archie lioland Stebbins^ and Mary K. (iovvdy 6538 993 Lena May, daughter of Anson Warner Stebbins'' and lOmnia K. Hart 6091 921 Lena Viola, daughter ") Willard Webster Stebbins" and Mavy Kinilie Voorhees rtXiii 829 Leneta Hayden, daughter of Lucius L. Stebbinss and Lydia Maria Mead... 4065 690 Lenora A., daughter of Dennis Stebbius' and Lois Hawks 3036 458 Leo Albert, sou of Albert Stebbins and Catherine A. Mura 1136 Leo A. J., son of .Vndi'ew .lacksou Stebbins ami Mary V. Gillman 1093 Leo Crawford, sou of (.'harles Henry Stebbins'-' and Mary Elizabeth Mac- M.-ihon 6300 949 Leodoci.-i, daugliter of .Xbner Stebbins'' and Abigail Bacon 1169 251 Leon, son of William Mot Stebbins'* and Alice Galutia Mapes 4338 627 Leon A., son of Charles A. Stebbin.s" and Betsy .lane Hoxie 5679 851 Loon Kaymond, son of Charles K. Stebbins" and Myrtie Ella Hawks 5033 748 Leonard, son of PJbenezer Stebbins'j and Kebecca liPonard 1688 309 Leonard, son of Samuel Stebbius" and Marcia S. Boydeu 3149 742 Leonard, son of Harry Frank Stebbiusn and Mavy Duulop Cobb 6592 1003 Leonard ('lift, son of Nathan Gould Stebbins' aud Ann Eliza Kniffen 3466 500 Leonard Samuel, sou of George P. Stebbins and Hann.ili 1'. Morris 1093 Leonora, daughter of Dennis Stebbins anil .Jane T. nery 4906 727 Lepha A., daughter of Amariah Stebbius" and I'ermclia Thurus 3950 579 Leroy, son of Epaphroditus Stebbins' and Abigail (i. J?usscy 3204 751 Lester Carlton, son of (,'arlton Luke Stebbins' and Marth;i Baker 4046 865 Lester Elliott, sou of Sylvanus Merimau Stebbiuss and Calista E. Sunjuer... 5443 816 Levi, sou of .lohn Stebbins-J and Margaret Brooks 502 178 Levi, son tit Edward Stebbins'' aud I'Uizabeth Burt 652 276 Levi, sou of Zebediah Stebbins^ and Thankful Graves 880 329 Levi, son of John Stebbius-i a»< liSO Lewis, son of Abner Stebbins" and Abigail Bacon 1 l(i4 .'JSi; Lewis, son of Medad Stebbins" and Sarah Kee]i SKi.'! ;!4.'l Lewis, son of 10.".7 Lewis, son of 1115 Lewis, son of Nehemiah Stebbins'' and Sarah Jessup .S,'!!) ,120 Lewis, son of .Joseph Stebbins and Marj^arct Cadieux 10;!7 Ijewis, son of Isaac .Stebbins" and Sallie .Sutherland 1875 504 Lewis, son of Lewis Stebbins" and ilannah Doggett 1821 49.'' Lewis, son of Mehemiah Stebbins" and KUzabeth Hoyt ]81ti 492 Lewis, son of .Jonathan Stebbins^ and Abigail Hale 437 172 Lewis Abyram, son of Marcus M. .Stebbins^' and Elizabeth A. Johnson 0490 823,984 Lewis Hall, .son of Frederick Allen Stebbins'* and Ellen M. Hall 5245 967 Lewis .L, son of Israel Johnson Stebbins- and Sylvia Lewis 3.566 804 Lewis .T., son of Lewis .T. .Stebbins^ and Helen M. i'lynn 537.") 804 Lewis Lee, son of William H. Harrison Stebbinss and Sarah E. Lee 5497 824 Lewis Wilson, son of Lewis Stebbins^ and Anna H. Parker 2393 009 Lila Esther, daughter of .James Aklen Stebbins^ and Eva Ada Balch 5395 808 Lilla Louise, daughter of Francois B. Stebbius^ and Sarah L. Briggs 3791 836 Lilla Lucy, daughter of Francis Mason Stebbins" and Georgia Coffee 6202 938 Lillas Loraine, daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins" and Betsey Anrelia Roff .•;969 859 Lillian, daughter of William Alexander .Stebbins and Lillian Linsley 1159 Lillian, daughter of Epaphroditns Stebbins' and .\bigail G. Bussey 320|) .{72 Lillian Frances, daughter of Warren W.iyne Stebbins^ and Mary Allen Sehreiber 5981 99S Lillian L., daughter of Alexander Pope Stebbins and Lorena Utley 1158 Lillie Belle, daughter of Willard Webster Stebbins" and Mary Eniilie Voorhees 5533 829 Lillie C, daughter of Lavoiry P. Stebbins" and Caroline (Glazier 3918 851 Lillie Ethel, daughter of Sydney Monroe Stebbins-' and Cora Farr 5752 861 Lillie Pearl, daughter of Edward Stebbins^ and Lodisa Pearl Gould 2834 7ill Lillie May, daughter of Louis Stebbins and Josephine La Cue JU41 Lilly, daughter of James Cole Stebbins and 1099 Lilly A., daughter of George Eugene Stebbins" and Rachel Monroe 6003 903 Lilly M., daughter of Alexander (i. Stebbins and Rachel M. Stebbins 1033 Linda, daughter of Charles Stebbins" and Mary Mairs Dows 4837 717 Linda, daughter of .James Stebbins" and Kachrl Wright 1017 2.((i Lizzie, daughter of Dc La Fount Stebbins" an Lucy, (laughter of Ahuer Stelihins'' ami Mindwell Marsh 1910 H2>! Lucy, daughter of Josiah Stobbins' and Mary Howe 8S6 219 Lucy, daughter of Charles .Stebbias' and Eunice Masters 2942 449 Lucy, daughter of John Stebbins and Electa Burrell llOfi Lucy, daughter of Christopher Stebbins and Sophronia (ireenleaf 1057 Lucy, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^ and Phebe Buit (i92 29(1 Lucy, daughter of Joseph Stebbinsi* an and Roxy A. Luce 6045 909 Lurinda M., daughter of Daniel Willard Stebbins and Sarah Jane Reynolds 1142 Lurinda M., daughter of Abdiel Heaadiah Stebbinss and Julia Ewell 4129 872 Luther, son of Moses Stebbins- and Rachel Bliss 700 200 Luther, son of Eldad Stebbins" and Ann Badger 985 348 Luther, son of Caleb Stebbins" and Mchitable Chapin 1480 284 Luther, son of Noah Stebbins" and Margaret Stebbins 931 337 Luther, son of Luther Lester Stebbins* and Sophia Shaw 3849 563 Luther, son of Jesse Stebbins'^' and Beulah Munn 552 261 Luther, son of Thaddeus Stebbins'"' and Rebecca Stebbins 571 187 Luther, son of Edward Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Burt 654 278 Luther, son of Luther Stebbins" and Mahala Judd 1380 278 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1281 Number Page Luther, son of Ealph Smith Stebbins' and Silvia Hammond 2770 432 Luther Gibson, son of Henry Luther Stebbins^ and Lucy Jane Ingram 5706 854 Luther Holcomb, son of Azariah Stebbins" and Moriah Granger 2018 337,524 Luther Lester, son of Luther Stebbins' and Lucina Stebbins 2104 563 Luther E., son of Ealph Stebbins' and Louisa Rundell 2641 414 Lutheria S., daughter of Samuel Stebbins' and Marcia Boyden 3153 468 Luton CUalmer, son of Chabner Willard Stebbinss and Katherine Crane 4246 887 Lydia, daughter of John Stebbins-i and Sarah Warriner 291 152 Lydia, daughter of Justin Stebbins^ and Hannah Hyde 1487 285 Lydia, daughter of Asahel Stebbinss and Susanna Field 1972 333 Lydia. daughter of John Stebbins^ and Phebe Miner 1022 Lydia, daughter of William Stebbins and Jane Smith 1161 Lydia, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^ and Anna Chamberlain 913 334 Lydia, daughter of Jabez Stebbins'' and Sarah Turner 1025 Lydia, daughter of Edward Stebbins" and Ann Bishop 1027 Lydia, daughter of Christopher Stebbins* and Abigail Allen 1024 Lydia, daughter of Francis Stebbins and 1090 Lydia, daughter of Abraham Stebbins and Lydia Damon 1043 Lydia, daughter of Hiram Stebbins^ and Eleanor M. 5489 983 Lydia, daughter of Charles Stebbins and Catherine Hagadone 1034 Lydia, daughter of John Stebbins 1024 Lydia, daughter of William Stebbins' and Polly Russell 2249 361 Lydia, daughter of Ephraim Stebbins and Abigail 1084 Lydia Anjalette, daughter of John William Stebbinss and Clara Anjalette Lyon 5076 756 Lydia Ann, daughter of Aaron Warner Stebbins' and Lucy Doolittle Chapin 2794 694 Lydia Augusta, daughter of William Pitt Cleveland Stebbins and Elizabeth Theall Karr 1162 Lydia Bacon, daughter of Charles Doolittle Stebbings and Lydia Richardson .... 1150 Lydia E., daughter of George Barnard Stebbiiiss and Lois M. Hunt 5071 754 Lydia Houghton, daughter of John Stebbins' and Harriet Houghton 3560 802 Lydia Margaret, daughter of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackerman 1035 Lydia Olive, daughter of Rufus Huntly Stebbins and Martha Louise Hills 1217 Lyman, son of Abner Stebbins« and Mindwell Marsh 1913 328 Lyman, son of David Stobbinss and Irene Collins 1745 480 Lyman, son of 1116 Lyman Eliab, son of David Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Jane Martin 5105 762 L. Oakley, daughter of Erasmus Stebbins' .and Lucy Nelson 2399 383 Mabel E. daughter of Charles Austin Stebbiu.sio and Maria E. Barkley 6528 992 Mabel Frances, daughter of Charles Eugene Stebbings and Matilda J. Paine .... 1151 Mabel Jessie, daughter of Israel Pierce Stebbinss and Ida May Alexander 4638 686 Mabel Louise, daughter of Josiah Stebbinss and Sarah S. Shaw 4220 609 Mabel L., daughter of Harlan J. Stebbins" and Mary T. Cope 6147 930 Mabel M., daughter of John Calvin Stebbins** and Emma J. Riche 5289 789 Mabelle Claire, daughter of Alonzo Thomas Stebbins" and Adelaide Louise Stebbins . . . '. 5923 998 Madison, son of Jairus Stebbins^ and Sally Crowel 1240 260 Mae Belle, daughter of Alfred Benton Stebbiusi" and Helen M. Simpson... 6498 985 Mae Belle Victoria, daughter of Edgar William Stebbins^ and Emma S. Pike 5940 890 Mae Delight, daughter of Fred Charles Stebbins and Clara Delight Phillips 1069 Maggie Melissa, daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and Elizabeth Jane Paulis 1089 Mahala, daughter of David Stebbins5 and Rhoda Sheldon 812 209 Mahala, daughter of Ealph Smith Stebbins' and Silvia Hammond 2772 432 Malachi, son of David Stebbins^ and Rhoda Sheldon 806 209 Malah, daughter of John Stebbins" and Sarah Sanderson 1740 314 81 1282 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Malinda, daughter of Caleb Stebbins' and Phebe Hitchcock 2927 448 Malvina, daughter of 1117 Mamie, daughter of Edgar Gregory Stebbins" and Elizabeth Holderfield. . . . 5812 874 Manning, son of Darius Stebbinst^ and Louisa Merrick 1988 334 Marah Gray, daughter of George Sherwood Stebbinss ;ind Annio ('. Weston. 4099 596 Marcia, daughter of Abner Stebbins" and Abigail Bacon 11G6 251 Mareia, daughter of David Stebbins" and Mary Charter 1042 239 Marcia Hart, daughter of Charles Hyde Stebbinss> and Ida Bciilah Blount 6197 937 Marcia Hunt, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins" and Rebecca Hunt 3138 736 Marcus, son of Augustus Stebbins" and Martha (Patty) Bliss 2154 578 Marcus J., son of Charles Wesley Stebbins and Isabel Sackett 1160 Marcus John, son of Lewis Abyram Stebbinsio and Katherine Selden 6492 984 Marcus Merrick, son of Abyram Stebbins* and Anna Hasbrook 3727 823 Marcus N., son of Marcus Nelson Stebbins* and Emiline E. Moore 4114 59S Marcus Nelson, son of Hesadiah Stebbins' and Asenath Green 2324 597 Maretta L., daughter of Philo Ebenezer Stebbins* and Emma A. Kogers. . . . 4752 706 Margaret, daughter of Horace Stebbings and Anna M. Sheldon 1152 Margaret, daughter of Jonathan Stebbins^ and Margaret Bliss 426 172 Margaret, daughter of 1 165 Margaret, daughter of John Stebbins-' and Margaret Brooks 498 178 Margaret, daughter of Joseph Stebbins and Margaret Cadienx 1037 Margaret, daughter of John Stebbins' and Hannah Bliss 2821 711 Margaret, daughter of Noah Stebbins" and Margaret Stebbins 927 225 Margaret, daughter of Luther Stebbins' and Phebe Hitchcock 2023 337 Margaret, daughter of John Stebbins and 1029 Margaret, daughter of William Stebbins" and Margaret Newel 1131 373 Margaret, daughter of Abyram Stebbins' and Margaret Webster 2042 527 Margaret Ann, daughter of Alpheus Stebbins' and Mary Holt 2122 350 Margaret Bliss, daughter of Solomon BUss Stebbinss and Ellen Bradford 4103 596 Margaret Brooks, daughter of Abijah Stebbins" and Polly Gadwell 1091 242 Margaret Dows, daughter of Charles Stebbins* and Mary Mairs Dows 4835 717 Margaret Emma, daughter of Charles Stebbins* and Mary Ann Groves 4372 632 Margaret Isabella, daughter of John Louis Stebbins' and Ida Isabella Williams. 6136 927 Margaret Jerusha, daughter of Lemuel Stebbins* and Phebe M. Carpenter 3767 831 Margaret Eussell, daughter of Abner Stebbinso and Abigail Bacon 1161 251 Margretta, daughter of Charles Hastings Stebbins^ and Carrie L. Parker 6389 967 Marguerite, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Mary Sanssouci 355 163 Maria, daughter of William L. Stebbins and Emma Laliberte 1040 Maria, daughter of Simeon Stebbins" and Eunice Whitloek 1795 318 Maria, daughter of Justus Stebbins' and Abigail Morgan 2234 360 Maria, daughter of Joseph Stebbins' and Lucy Patterson 2256 362 Maria, daughter of Festus Stebbins' and Frances Dickinson 2530 711 Maria, daughter of Dexter Stebbins' and Eliza Critendan 3288 767 Maria A., daughter of Dennis Stebbins' and Lois Hawks 3037 458 Maria D., daughter of Joseph Stebbins and Mary Griffin 1127 Maria G., daughter of James Milligeu Stebbins and Esther H. Simmons 1080 Maria Jane, daughter of Luther Stebbins* and Sophia Shaw 3854 563 Maria Jessie, daughter of John Stebbins* and Ida Maria Brokaw 5041 750 Maria Louisa, daughter of John Bliss Stebbins* and Maria Stebbins 4804 712 Maria Louisa, daughter of Eichard Stebbins* and Mary Jane Billings 4374 633 Maria Matilda, daughter of Moses Leonard Stebbins* and Maria Jane Hyde... 4959 735 Maria T., daughter of Edwin Joseph Stebbins* and Julia Cory 4073 870 Mariah Howard, daughter of Everett Dennison Stebbins" and Clara Fidelia Fisk. 6110 923 Mariah Marietta, daughter of Orrin Stebbins* and Nancy Burley 3890 847 Marie, daughter of Samuel Stebbins* and Ida Beers 3414 494 Marie Emily, daughter of Adelbert Perry Stebbins^ and Alice K. Allee 6055 910 Mariett, daughter of Titus Stebbins" and Sarah Vinton 1211 258 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1283 Number Page Marietta Augusta, daughter of ChauBcey Stebbins^ and Sopliia Rice 3326 484 Marietta Augusta, daughter of Ralph Stebbinss and Submit Sanderson 1770 487 Marietta E., daughter of Israel Stebbins" and Dorothy AUis 3336 772 Marietta S., daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey Seaver Everett 1066 Marilla L., daughter of Alexander Stebbins and Lorena Utley 1158 Marinmus Willet, son of Oscar F. Stebbins^ and Sarah E. Warne 6172 935 Marinda Arms, daughter of Ralph Stebbins" and Submit Sanderson 1766 316 Marion, daughter of Orrin P. Stebbins" and Louisa M. Anderson 5638 845 Marion, daughter of John B. Stebbinss and Marion Helen Thompson 4350 628 Marion E., daughter of George Eugene Stebbins^' and Rachel Monroe 6001 903 Marion Groves, daughter of Charles Joseph Stebbins^ and Frances Brooks Miles. 5955 893 Marion Minerva, daughter of Emery Stebbins^ and Minerva Gould 4704 698, 924 Marion Roxana, daughter of Josiah Stebbins^ and Sarah Freeman 2935 715 Marjorie, daughter of Don Carlos Stebbins and Mary Ellen Commane 1161 Mark, son of William E. Stebbins and Sabrina C. Gibbs 1164 Marshall Burton, son of Arad Stebbins' and Eliza Stoddard 3606 810 Marshall Elwin, son of Albert Iddo Stebbins and Florence Betsey Brown 1218 Marshall Whited, son of George R. Stebbins' and Sarah Perry 3529 407 Martha, daughter of Joseph Stebbins^ and Sarah Dorchester 70 93 Martha, daughter of Caleb Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Warriner 672 195 Martha, daughter of John Stebbins^ and Phebe Miner 1023 Martha, daughter of James Stebbins^ and Rachel Wright 1016 236 Martha, daughter of Joseph Stebbins^ and Joanna Smith 859 324 Martha, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins* and Widow Martha Ball 250 191 Martha, daughter of Abner Stebbins^ and Martha Smith 526 251 Martha, daughter of Augustus Stebbins' and Martha Bliss 2155 352 Martha, daughter of Elbridge Gerry Stebbins' and Julia Boyden 3169 747 Martha, daughter of Samuel Stebbinsf' and Martha Bardwell 747 306 Martha, daughter of Joseph Stebbins' and Laura Hawks 3055 729 Martha, daughter of Joseph Bardwell Stebbins and Caroline Bacon 2849 441 Martha, daughter of Alex. Collins Stebbinso and Melissa Raymond 5776 867 Martha A., daughter of Robert Stebbins and Susan Luce 1715 312 Martha Adaline, daughter of Sylvanus Merriman Stebbins^ and Jane Paul 5440 816 Martha Ann, daughter of Charles Dennett Stebbins' and Martha Brackett Spaulding 3580 511 Martha Annette, daughter of Lyman Stebbins' and Almira Eggleston 3279 763 Martha B., daughter of James C. Stebbins and Ann Hancock 1101 Martha Bruns, daughter of William Herbert Stebbiuss and Martha Bruns 6295 948 Martha E., daughter of Levi Stebbins" and Sabrena Ball 2726 427 Martha E., daughter of Henry K. Stebbins and Ruthem S. Ives 1107 Martha E., daughter of Charles D. Stebbins and Martha E. Blackburn 1131 Martha EUza, daughter of James Anson Stebbins* and Josie M. Moore 4695 695 Martha J., daughter of Almerick Stebbins' and Lydia A. Barnard 3244 477 Martha J., daughter of Ebeuezer and Jennie Balleu 1056 Martha J., daughter of Merzias Rayner Stebbins* and Julia Lyman 3880 570 Martha Jane, daughter of Salmon Stebbins* and 3726 529 Martha Jane, daughter of Loren Stebbins' and Eunice Willard 3313 482 Martha Josephine, daughter of Randall Sisson Stebbins and Isabel Wheeloek Carpenter 1062 Martha Ophelia, daughter of Erasmus Stebbins and Elizabeth Welch 1217 Martha Pomeroy, daughter of Abial Stebbins' and Eunice M. Pomeroy 2383 381 Martin, of Roxbury, Massachusetts, son of 1117 Martin David, son of David Stebbins* and Elizabeth Jane Martin 5104 762 Martin Lyman, sou of Lyman Stebbins' and Almira Eggleston 3283 480 Marvel, daughter of George Erastus Stcbbinss and Ida F. Clifford 6453 978 Mary, daughter of Medad Stebbins" and Sarah Keep 962 343 1284 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Mary, daughter of Samuel StebbingJ; and Mary Kuowltou 419 227 Mary daughter of Benjamin Stebbinss and Mary Day 606 273 Mary, daughter of Gibbs Stebbins and 1164 Mary, daughter of Arad Stebbins^ and Mary Kent 1941 513 Mary, daughter of John Stebbinss and Margaret Brooks 501 178 Mary, daughter of Joseph Stebbins^ and Thankful Belding 871 326 Mary, daughter of Francis Dwight Stebbins and Loraine B.-ilnoek 2859 441 Mary, daughter of John Alden Stebbins" and Phillips 1059 Mary (Polly), daughter of Benjamin Stehbings and Mercy Aiken 1146 Mary, daughter of AbjTani Stebbins^ and Anna Hasbrook 3733 529 Mary, daughter of Elijah Stebbins^ and Beulah Dickinson 1896 505 Mary, daughter of Elijah Stebbins' and Roxana Parmenter 3519 505 Mary, daughter of Edward Stebbins" and Ann Bishop 1026 Mary, daughter of Seth Stebbins' and Jemima Hutchinson 2076 343 Mary, daughter of Alanson Stebbins and Elizabeth Shafer 1049 Mary, daughter of Sylvester Stebbins" and Elizabeth Dwelley 1723 313 Mary, daughter of Lansford A. Stebbins and Sarah Ames 4901 727 Mary, daughter of Osmyn Loreu Stebbins' and Eunice Hitchcock 2471 391 Mary, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Hannah King 1676 309 Mary, daughter of Charles Stebbins' and Eunice Masters 2943 449 Mary, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins= and Widow Mary Bnll 252 146 Mary, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Rebecca C'olton 240 144 Mary, daughter of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hubbard 1132 Mary, daughter of John Stebbins* and Patience Wright 187 132 Mary, daughter of Joseph Stebbins'' and Mary Stebbins 579 269 Mary, daughter of Samuel Buekminster Stebbins' and Sally Warner 2556 634 Mary, daughter of George Lyman Stebbins and Sarah Hallct 1036 Mary, daughter of Enos Stebbins" and Mary Stebbins 951 228 Mary, daughter of Aaron Stebbins" and Esther Beebe 1301 271 Mary, daughter of David Stebbins" and Mary Charter 1041 239, 357 Mary, daughter of Alpheus Stebbins' and Mary Holt 2123 350 Mary, daughter of Jonatlian Chauncey Stebbins' and Catharine Coates 2086 345 Mary, daughter of Thomas Stebbins* and Mary Munn 216 140 Iitary, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins* and Mary Ashley 327 158 Mary, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Mary Williams 390 166 Mary, daughter of Josiah Stebbins' and Mary Howe 888 219 Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpsou 1074 Mary, daughter of 1306 408 Mary, daughter of Arad Stebbins' and Wealthy Smith 3615 516 Mary, daughter of Jason Stebbins and Frances C. Smith 1059 Mary, daughter of William Stebbins' and Lydia Brancli 2247 361 Mary, daughter of 1119 Mary, daughter of Jairus Stebbins" and Sally Crowel 1246 260 Mary, daughter of Dennis StebbinsS and Jane Tenery 4907 727 Mary, daughter of 1120 Mary, daughter of John Stebbins* and Mary 331 204 Mary, daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Mary 1121 Mary, daughter of Joseph Stebbins^' and Mary Stratton 729 298 Mary, daughter of Samuel Stebbins^' and Martha Bardwell 750 307 Mary, daughter of Benjamin Stebbinss and Rebecca Day 728 297 Mary, daughter of John Stebbins and Electa Burrell 1108 Mary, daughter of Festus Stebbins' and Frances Dickinson 2525 631 Mary, daughter of 1120 Mary, daughter of Gideon Stebbins" and Mary Hinsdale 1596 455 Mary, daughter of Thomas Stebbins' and Phebe Burt 695 291 Mary, daughter of Thomas Stebbins-' and Abigail Munn 59 144 Mary, daughter of 1120 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1285 Number Page Mary, daughter of Henry Stebbina and Lutiuda Mcriuas 1094 Mary, daughter of Horace R. Stebbings and Caroline Prestoji 1151 Mary, daughter of Riifus Stebbins and 1133 Mary, daughter of A'athau Gould Stebbins^ and Mary Ann Kiiiliiii 3468 500 Mary, daugliter of ('harles Stebbins and Catharine Hagadone 1034 Mary, daugliter of Heman Stebbins'' and Sarah Diikinson 1412 280 Mary, daughter of John Stebbins and 1029 Mary, daughter of Aaron Stebbins'' and Mary Wood 457 234 Mary, daughter of John Stebbinsi^ and Sarah Sanderson 1742 479 Mary, daughter of Aaron Stebbins!" and Mary Wright 592 189 Mary, daugliter of Ira Stebbins" and Amy Smith 2595 409 ■Mary, daughter of Edivard Stebbins and Frances 1014 Mary, daughter of James Stebbins and Eunice Tidd 1215 388 Mary, daughter of Martin Stebbins and Jane Green 1118 Mary, daughter of John Stebbings and Sarah Southgute 1145 Mary, daughter of Joseph Stebbins and Margaret Cadieux 1037 Mary, daughter of John Stebbins^ and Abigail Bartlett 29 127 Mary, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^' and Elizabeth Wright 126 168 Mary, daughter of Charles Stebbiusf and Mary Mairs Dows 4839 717 Mary, daughter of Thomas Stebbins* and Mary Ely 299 188 Mary, daughter of John Stcbbinsi of Watertown and Margaret 1021 Mary, daughter of Abner Stebbins^ and Martha Smith 527 252 Mary, daughter of John Stebbins' an51 OUve Jane, ilaiighter of Lyman Stebbins" and Almira Eggleston 327s 762 Olive Sandersou. daughter of Ralph Stebbins" and Submit Sanderson J7(iS 4 SO Oliver, son of Phiueas Stebbins" and Phebe Dunham 21 2-1 56!' Oliver, son of John Stebbins" and Sarah Sanderson 1735 478 Oliver Bliss, son of John Bliss Stebbins^ and Mary Aun Whitman 2281 366 Oliver F., son of Jotham Stebbins" and Phebe Elliuwood 1205 3S6 Olivia, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins" and Rebecca Leonard 1679 466 Olivia, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins" and Rebecca Hunt 313(> 735 Olivine Stebbins, daughter of Louis Stebbins and Josephine La Gue 1041 Ora A., daughter of Lewis .1. Stebbins" and Helen 'SI. Flyun 537S 804 Oramel, son of Sylvester Stebbins" and Elizabeth Owelley 1728 313 Oran, son of Nathaniel T. Stebbins and Mary Hiibbard 1131 Ore, son of Elisha Stebbinss and Martha Wright 905 221 Orlando A., son of William Alonzo Stebbins and Eliza Manchana Parrington 1 058 Orlo B. L., sou of George P. Stebbins^ and Susan L. Salnave 5676 .850 Ormond. sou of Ebenezer Stebbins and Abigail 1070 Orpha, daughter of Hosea Stebbins" and Patty Richardson 2580 647 Orpha E., daughter of Albert Vanlone Stebbins aud Orpha Newberry 1051 Orpha Taylor, daughter of Elbridge Gerry Stebbins^ and .Tulia Hoyden 3168 747 Orra, daughter of Orville R. Stebbins* and Julia Moore 6350 959 Orramel Graves, son of Zebina Stebbins- and Ruby Graves 3165 409. 745 Orramel Harrison, son of Lemuel Stebbinss and Phebe Maria Carpenter 3766 532 Orrin, son of Joel Stebbins" and Widow Sarah Becbe 1312 410 Orrin. sou of Oliver Stebbins* and Rachel Dunham 3S72 569 Orrin, son of Phineas Stebbins' and Phebe Dunham 2126 570 Orrin. son of Orrin Stebbins" and Nancy Hancock 2614 655 Orrin. son of John Stebbins" and Sarah Sandersou 1733 314 Orrin, son of 1133 Orrin Arthur, son of Charles Jared Stebbins» and Olive Clark 5997 902 Orrin Deau, son of Israel Johnson Stebbins^ and Sylvia Lewis 3565 S03 Orrin Edgar, son of Daniel Willard Stebbins and Sarah Jano Reynolds 1142 Orrin Elbert, son of Nathan Sylvester Stebbins* aud Clarissa RUzabeth Wright. 4477 904 Orrin F., son of Lyman Stebbins and Lois Sladc 1 1 17 Orrin Phineas, son of Orrin Stebbins* and Nancy Burley 3884 845 Orson, son of Luther Stebbins" and Phebe Hitchcock 2021 526 Orson, son of Nathan Sylvester Stebbins* and Clarissa Elizabeth Wright 4479 652 Orson Burchard, son of Solomon Johnson Stebbins* and Emma Gertrude Jones. . 4325 625 Orson D., son of Andrew Jackson Stebbins and Mary V. Gillmau 1093 Orson Frederic, son of Frederic Stebbins and Hannah Slader 1127 Orson Micheal, son of Lemuel Stebbins' and Lucinda Greenlee 2628 412 Orville Chester, son of William Horace Stebbins aud Elizabeth Boweu I12S 1292 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page OrviJle Dewey, son of Edward Stcbbins' and Arminda Bird ^T'AS 686 Orville Henry, son of Nathan .Sylvester Stebbins^ nml Clarissa Elizabeth Wright 4473 903 Orville E., son of William Lawrence Stebbins^ and Sarah Swetland 5162 958 Oscar P., sou of Claudius H. Stebbinss and Eineline Hubbard 4.S93 934 Osiuyn Ocrry, son of Zebiua Stebbins' and Ruby Graves 31 G4 745 Osmyu Loren Stebbins, son of Bethuel Stebbins^ and Patience Hitchcock lL!i:S 390 Otis, son of Richard Salter Storrs StebbinsS and Sally Smith 3930 852 Otis Lincoln, son of Otis Stebbins" and Harriet Maria Smith 5694 852 Owen M., son of 0. L. Stebbinsi" and Minnie P. Parkins 6497 984 Pama, daughter of .fere Stebbins" and Elizabeth Brewster 2667 670 Pamela, daughter of Miles Stebbins" and Elizabeth I'iske 2186 582 Pamelia, daughter of Zadock Stebbins'' and Urania Burt 1114 246 Patience, daughter of John Stebbins^ and Margaret Brooks 506 178 Patience, daughter of John Stebbins* and Patience Wright 188a 179 Patience, daughter of John Stebbiugs and Mary Hinds 1145 Patience, daughter of Jabez Stebbins^ and Sarah Turner 1025 Patty, daughter of Zebediah Stebbins^ and Thankful Graves 881 217 Patty, daughter of Hesadiah Stebbins» and Betsy Sessions Babcock 1159 250 Patty, daughter of Josiah Stebbins" and Mary Howe 882 219 Patty, daughter of Jesse Stebbinse and Phebe Bishop 1252 261 Patty E., daughter of Hosea Stebbins* and Julia A. Fuller 4438 648 Patty Stacy, daughter of Luther Stebbins* and Euby 1249 261 Paul, son of Anson Warner Stebbinss and Emma E. Hart 6101 921 Paul P., son of William Roscoe Stebbins" and Helen Adsit 4412 643 Pauline, daughter of William Francis Stebbins" and Eva J. Lyon 6456 978 Pearl, daughter of Louis Stebbins and Josephine La Gue 1041 Pearl Daisy, daughter of Philo Ebeuezer Stebbiuss and Emma A. Rogers 4754 706 Pearl De Forest, son of Willard Webster Stebbins" and Mary Kmilie Voorhees. . 5534 829 Pearlie Thomas, son of F. A. Stebbins and Cora Ann Richardson 1090 Pelatiah, son of 1133 PermeUa, daughter of Amariah Stebbins* and Penuelia Thorns 3955 579 Permelia JI., daughter of Robert Stebbinsii and Susan Luce 1714 312 Perry Daniel, son of Dan Stebbins' and Lydia Curtis 2617 656 Perry H., son of George Stebbins* and Eleanor Eosiug Hardeuburg 5186 960 Persis, daughter of Thaddeus Stebbins"' and Rebecca Stebbins 565 187 Persis, daughter of Noah Stebbinss and Margaret Stebbins 934 338 Persis, daughter of Zadock Stebbins" and Urania Burt 1 110 365 Persis, daughter of David Stebbins^ and Mary Cone 2187 355, 582 Persis, daughter of Luke Stebbinsi^ and Sarah Norton 487 176 Persis, daughter of Timothy Stebbins" and Hannah Culver 1047 239 Persis, daughter of Frederick Stebbins" and Mary Parsons 2888 446 Persis Ann, daughter of Phineas Stebbins' and Phebe Dunham 2129 571 Persis E., daughter of Alfred Stebbins* and Emeline E. Hendrick 3988 582 Peter, son of Charles Stebbins and Catharine Hagadone 1034 Peter, son of Mehuman Stebbins and Mary 1121 Phebe, daughter of Thomas Stebbins and Phebe Burt 687 199 Phebe, daughter of Luther Stebbins' and Phebe Hitchcock 2027 338 Phebe, daughter of John Stebbinss and Sarah Moffatt 1083 242 Phebe, daughter of Jotham Stebbinss and Phebe EUinwood 1204 386 Phebe, daughter of Samuel Bishop Stebbins' and Elvira Beardsley 2496 397 Phebe E., daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey S. Everett 1062 Phebe Harriet, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Sally Decker 3302 482 Phebo Jane, daughter of Sylvanus Hale Stebbins* and Betsey AureUa Roff 3971 859 Phebe Matilda, daughter of Erasmus Stebbins and Elizabeth Welch 1217 Philander Wright, sou of John Stebbins and Electa Burrell 1106 Philena, daughter of John Stebbins" and Jerusha Clarke 1405 436 Philenda, daughter of Eodolphus Stebbins* and Margaret Thwing 3922 576 INDEX— NAME OP STEBBINS. 1293 Number Pagp Philip Sherwood, son of George Sherwood Stebbins* and Annie C. Weston 4098 596 Philo, son of Harvey Stebbiuss and Charlotte Colvin 5486 822 Philo Ebenezer, son of Ebeuezer Smith Stebbins" and Maretta Landers 2879 706 Philo Harrison, son of Sylvanns Stebbins" and Lnoinda Kellogg 1425 281 Phineas, son of Phineas Stebbins" and Ann Chaflee 989 350 Phineas, son of Stephen Stebbins^ and Sarah Bliss 441 232 Phineas, son of Merzias Kayner Stebbins and Jane E. Wellets 3S82 570 Phoebe Lavinia, danghter of Bliss Stebbins' and Betsey Ruth Cossitt 2057 536 Pierre, son of Antoine Stebbins and 1038 Pierre, son of Joseph Stebbins* and Jlary Sanssouci 358 163 Pierre, son of Pierre Stebbins and Scholastique Vincent 1038 Pierre, son of Joseph Stebbins and Margaret Cadieux 1037 Pierre Alonzo, son of Lewis Stebbins^ and Sarah Delavan 3389 778 Pierre Augustus, son of Pierre Alonzo Stebbins*^ and Almira Brundage 522.'i 779 Pliney, son of Augustus Stebbins^ and Martha Bliss 2147 352 Pocahontas, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Jennie Balleu 1056 Polina, daughter of 1133 Pohna, daughter of Josiah Stebbins^ and Mary Howe 891 219 Polly, daughter of Jesse Stebbins" and Phebe Bishop 1251 261 Polly, daughter of Hcsadiah Stebbins" and Betsy Sessions Babcoek 1157 378 Polly, daughter of Lntlier Stebbins" ,ind Ruby 1247 261 Polly, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^ and Marilla Griswold 233S 377 Polly, daughter of Darius Stebbins" and Louisa Jlerrick 1979 334 Polly, daughter of Heman Stebbins" and Sarah Dickinson 1412 438 Polly, daughter of Lewis Stebbinsc and Hannah Doggett 1819 320 Polly, daughter of Bodolphus Stebbins^ and Margaret Thwing 3919 576 Polly, daughter of Joseph Stebbins and Joanna Smith Slil 325 Polly, daughter of George Stebbins and Clowie 1094 Polly, daugliter of Asa Stebbins" and Emilia Harvey 1630 305 Polly, daughter of Frederick Stebbins" and Mary Parsons 2886 445 Polly (Mary), daughter of Luther Stebbins" and Ruby 1247 261 Polly Amelia, daughter of Ira Stebbins" and Lepha Partridge 2604 409 Porter Case, son of Josiah Stebbins' and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2373 379 Porter Holdredge, son of Walter Stebbins" and Adinn Thrasher 4204 607 Preseott H., son of Henry Seth Stebbins and Adelaide V. Young 1110 P. Q. (or A. Q.) son of 1133 Quartus, son of Joseph Stebbins" and Eunice Brewer 1287 401 Eachel, daughter of George Nelson Stebbins and — 1087 Rachel, daughter of Moses Stebbins and Rachel Bliss 698 200 Rachel, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Rachel Willard 1138 Rachel Augusta, daughter of Filby Stebbing and Rachel Cook 1096 Rachel Jane, daughter of Moses Stebbins" and Sally Decker 3305 768 Rachel Louisa, daughter of Daniel Stebbins" and Rachel Blodgett 1321 418 Rachel M., daughter of Louis Stebbins and Freezie Fountain 1033 Ralph, son of Frederick Stebbins' and Mary Parsons 2887 445 Ralph, sou of Philo Ebenezer Stebbinss and Emma A. Rogers 4755 706 Ralph, son of Calvin Stebbins" and Lois Colton 1510 451 Ralph, son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Abigail 1070 Ralph, son of Daniel Stebbins" and Rachel Blodgett 1318 414 Ralph, son of David Stebbinss and Rhoda Sheldon 810 315 Ralph, sou of Ralph L. Stebbinss and Calista L. Wightman 4559 663 Ralph, son of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpson 1075 Ralph, son of Ralph Stebbins" and Submit Sanderson 1771 316 Ralph Gilbert, son of George Janes Stebbins* and Adaline E. Watkins 4736 702 Ralph L., son of Ralph Stebbins" and Louisa Rundell 2642 663 Ralph Samuel, son of Samuel Ellinwood Stebbins^ and Maggie King 4S33 612 1294 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Ralph Smith, son of Luther Stebbius'' and iluhala Judd 1378 432 Ralph Stimpson, son of Ralph Stebbins and Merey Hopkins 1078 Ralph Sydney Joel, sou of Warren Wayne Stebbinso and Mary Allen Sehreiber. . 5986 900 Randall Sisson, sou of Daniel Stebbins" and Sally Goodwin 1061 Randolph, son of Calvin Stebbins' and Amelia Adams 2109 567 Ransom, son of Ruel Stebbins" and Miriam Sherman 2238 589 Ray, son of Orville Henry Stebbins" and Ida Rell Vantassal 6007 903 Ray, son of William Mot Stebbins and Alice Oalutia Mapes 4340 627 Raymond, son of Alex. Collins Stebbins^ and Melissa Raymond 5778 867 Raymond H., son of Almon L. Stebbins" and Sarah C. Raish 5743 861 Raymond Keneth, son of Monroe Bellows Stebbins" and Marietta Wood 5930 887 Rebecca, daughter of Aaron Stebbins^ and Esther Beebe 1299 271 Rebecca, daughter of Jesse Stebbins^ and Beulah Munu 554 187 Rebecca, daughter of Elijah Stebbins and Eliza Morse Jenks 1165 Rebecca, daughter of Elijah Stebbins" and Beulah Dickinson 1899 327 Rebecca, daughter of Gideon Stebbinso and Mary Hinsdale 1595 297 Rebecca, daughter of Clement Stebbins-* and Sarah Miner 1023 Rebecca, daughter of Aaron Stebbins^ and Mary Wright 589 189 Rebecca, daughter of John Stebbins- and Abigail Bartlett 33 129 Rebecca, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins^ and Rebecca Leonard 1687 309 Rebecca, daughter of Benoni Stebbins and Mary Kirby 1052 Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Rebecca Colton 239 187 Rebecca, daughter of 1133 Rebecca, daughter of Eliakim Stebbins" and Rebecca Hawks 1908 508 Rebecca L., daughter of Lewis Stebbins' and Mrs. Anna H. Parker 2395 382 Rebekah, daughter of Henry Brokenbrough Stebbins" and Fredericka Kuper. . .. 6193 937 Remember Samuel, son of Moses Stebbins" and Sally Decker 3309 482 Reuben, son of John Stebbings and Mary Hinds 1145 Reuben, son of Benjamin Stebbings and Mercy Aiken 1147 Reuben Bliss, son of Ebenezer Stebbinso and Elizabeth Bliss 1137 249 Reuben Judd, son of Luther Stebbins" and Mahala Judd 1388 279 Reynolds, son of Mehumen Stebbins and Hannah Keyes 1122 Rhea, daughter of William L. Stebbins and Emma LaUberte 1040 Rhoda, daughter of Jonathan Stebbins^ and Abigail Hale 436 172 Rhoda, daughter of James Stebbins^ and Deborah Hoar 539 185 Rhoda, daughter of Aaron Stebbins^ and Mary Wright 590 189 Ehoda, daughter of David Stebbins and Rhoda Sheldon 809 209 Rhoda, daughter of Zerah Stebbins" and Eunice Dunham 1086 242 Rhoda Mary, daughter of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins' and Ambrosia B. Grinnell. . . . 3218 751 Rhoda Rosalie, daughter of Solomon Johnson Stebbins' and Ruth Allen 2477 624 Rhoda Sarepta, daughter of Daniel Stebbins' and Lydia Curtis 2624 658 Rhoda Sheldon, daughter of Ralph Stebbins" and Submit Sanderson 1764 315 Richard, son of Festus Stebbins' and Frances Dickinson 2533 400, 633 Richard, son of Josiah Stebbins and Susan Merritt 1113 Richard, son of Josiah Stebbins' and Sarah Freeman ' 2934 448 Richard B., son of Barnabas Stebbinss and 4811 714 Richard Henry, son of Moses Stebbins' and Sally Decker 3303 482 Richard Nelson, son of Lewis Stebbins' and Sarah Delavan 3395 780 Richard Salter Storrs, son of Augustus Stebbins' and M.artha Bliss 2149 576 Robert, son of Gains Stebbins and 1053 240 Robert, son of Simeon Stebbinss and Hannah Hinsdale 793 312 Robert Bruce, son of Arthur Wilson Stebbins" and Ida A. Barber 6051 909 Robert Charles, son of Charles E. Stebbinss and Myrtle Ella Hawks 5034 748 Robert Chikls, son of William Herbert Stebbins" and Martha Bruns 6297 948 Robert Earl, son of TiCwis Wilson Stebbins' and Malinda J. Sherman 4217 609 Robert G., son of Henry D. Stebbins' and Emily P. Crane 3232 475 Robert Granville, son of George Sinclair Stebbins" and Mary E. Sanf ord 6058 910 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1295 Number Page Robert Hoyt, son of Abdiel H. Stebbinss and Julia Ewell 4133 COO Robert J., son of Lewis J. Stebbinss and Helen M. Flynn S377 804 Robert Lemuel, son of Lemuel Stebbinsv and Lucinda Greenlee 2633 412 Robert Loveland, sou of Francis Gilbert Stebbinss and Deborah Jane Hall 5581 835 Robert lAon, son of Felix Miller Stebbins and Mary Jane Lyon 1102 Robert Ordway. son of Harry Denver Stebbins" and ilary E. Rollins 6311 951 Rocena, daughter of Dan Stebbins and Sally Goodwin 1060 Roderick, son of Elam Stebbins^ and Ruth Hitchcmk 1349 276 Roderick, son of Calvin Stebbins^ and Amelia Adams 210S 567 Roderick, daughter of Horatio Stebbins and Mary Ann Fisher 3866 568 Rodna, daughter of George Washington Stebbinss and Hannah T>. Gaskill 5084 759 Rodolphus, son of Zadock Stebbins^ and Sibyl Hitchcock 2144 575 Kodolphus, son of Rodolphus Stebbins* and Margaret Thwing 3923 576 Roger Pierce, son of Solomon Bliss Stebbins* and Ellen Bradford 4101 596 Roger S., son of Charles E. Stebbinss and Myrtie Ella Hawks 5034 748 Roland Alonzo, son of Alonzo Stebbinss and Cornelia S. Holland 5345 800 Roland Arthur, son of Samuel Ellinwood Stebbins* and Maggie King 4232 612 Rolla Burdette, son of Willard Webster Stebbins" and Mary Emilie Voorhees. . . 5537 829 RoUen Hamon, son of Salmon Stebbins and Cornelia Jane Eldred 1079 Rosa M., daughter of John Goodwell Stebbins and Betsey S. Everett 1068 Rosabelle, daughter of Henry L. StebbinsT and Polly Cox 2511 398 Rosetta O., daughter of Dixon Stebbins and Chloe M. 1069 Rosina Jane, daughter of John Stebbinss and Ida Maria Brokaw 5045 750 Rosina M., daughter of Lewis Stebbins and Rosetta Sharkey 1037 Ross B., son of C. L. Stebbinsi" and Minnie F. Parkins 6496 984 Roswell, son of Titus Stebbins and Sarah Vinton 1207 257 Rowena, daughter of Randall Sisson Stebbins and Isabel Wheeloik < 'arpeuter 1062 Rowena, daughter of Lemuel Stebbins"' and Rhoda Waite 718 201 Rowena, daughter of Bethuel Stebbins^ and Mary Shapleigh 54.S 185 Rowland, son of 1 51 Rowland, son of Zebina Stebbinss and Mary Snow 1502 2S(i Rowland, son of Zadock Stebbins'' and Urania Burt 1111 246 Rowland, son of Asa Stebbins" and Emilia Harvey 1631 305 Rowland, son of Charles Henry Stebbins" and Miuerva Cook Vail 6407 969 Rowland, son of Francis Ward Stebbinss and Ellen Wells 4942 732 Rowland Wait, son of Ithamer Stebbinss and Deborah Stebbins 1375 278 Rowland Ward, son of Albert Kellogg Stebbins" and Anna Kemper Whittemore. 6091 920 Rowland Williams, son of John Louis Stebbins" and Ida Isabella Williams 6137 927 Roxa, daughter of Asaph Stebbins^ and Lucy Bardwell 667 195 Roxalana, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and 1070 Roxauna, daughter of Aaron Stebbins" and Esther Beebe 1298 271 Roxanna, daughter of Ira Stebbins" and Amy Smith 2596 409 Roxanna, daughter of Isaac Stebbins' and Hannah Louk 2608 410 Roxanna, daughter of John Stebbins" and Sarah Sanderson 1744 314 Roxanna, daughter of Caleb Stebbins" and Meliitable Chapin 1477 447 Roxanna, daughter of Elijah Stebbins' and Roxaua Parmenter 3518 505 Roxanna Minerva, daughter of Jared Stebbins" and Lucinda Howe 2593 651 Roxanna Morgan, daughter of Cyrus Stebbins" and Mercy Morgan 3655 519 Roxey, daughter of Hesadiah Stebbins" and Betsy Sessions Babcock 1152 376 Roy, son of Chester H. Stebbinss and Bertha Porter 5190 961 Roy, son of Seymour Stebbins" and Mary E. Forey 5992 901 Roy Fred, son of Charles Henry Stebbins and Mary Henrietta Fisher 1035 Ruby, daughter of Luther Stebbins" and Ruby 1248 261 Ruby, daughter of Aaron Stebbins" and Eunice Stebbins 1012 235 Ruby Alice, daughter of Charles Quincy Stebbinss aud Martha Francis Blandin. 4241 612 Ruby Graves, daughter of William Herbert Stebbins" and Martha Bruns 6292 948 Ruel, son of Z«rah Stsbbinee and Eunice Dunham 1089 360 1296 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Buf us, son of Caleb Stebbins^ and Mehitable Chapin 1472 284 Eufus, son of James Stehbins^ and Deborah Hoar 543 258 Eufus, son of Augustus StebbiusT and Martha (Patty) BUss 2156 578 Rufus, son of Simeon Stobbinst' and Hannah Hinsdale 792 208 Kufus, son of Jothara Stebbins« and Phebe Ellinwood 1203 385 Eufus, son of 1133 Eufus, son of Joseph Warren Stcbbins" and Lucy Ann Pease 2465 390 Eufus, son of EUjah Stebbins and Eliza Morse Jenks 1165 Eufus Blodget, son of Ralph Stebbins' and Louisa Eundell 2637 414 Eufus Huntley, son of Iddo Stebbins and Susannah Ely 1217 Eufus L., son of William W. Stebbins"" and Nancy Murdock 3839 840 Eufus Levi, son of Jotham Webster Stebbins^ and Harriet Eliza Page 4276 618 Eufus P., son of Lueien Stebbins" and Elizabeth P. Walsh 5613 841 Eufus Pliineas, son of Luther Stebbins' and Lucina Stebbins 2106 564 Eufus Phineas, son of laither Lester Stebbins* and Sophia Shaw 3855 563 Eufus Porter, son of Solomon Stebbins" and Zata Loraine Stanhope 2172 581 Eufus Porter, son of Stephen Stebbins« and Chloe Hale 1009 234 Eussell, son of Nathan Stebbings and Dorcas Rockwell 1853 499 Bussell, son of Russell Stebbins' and Ann Eliza Davis 3462 499 Russell, son of 1137 Bussell Chapin, son of Fred Daniel Stebbins" and Christiana E. Bleaadale 6105 922 Bussell Hazard, son of Russell Stebbins and Alice H. Sehieffelin 1137 Ruth, daughter of Stephen Stebbins^ and Sarah Bliss 444 172 Ruth, daughter of Solomon Stebbins' and Zata Loraine Stanhope 2173 354 Ruth, daughter of Samuel Stebbinsc and Ruth Wilson 1847 323 Ruth, daughter of Thomas Stebbins* and Mary Ely 300 198 Ruth, daughter of Caleb Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Warriner 670 283 Ruth, daughter of Charles Jlerritt Stebbins and Emma A. Waite 1082 Ruth, daughter of Zadock Stebbins« and Urania Burt 1108 364 Buth, daughter of Harvey Stebbins" and Charlotte Colvin 5485 822, 982 Kuth, daughter of Judah Stebbinss and Ruth Cutler Dady 1095 243 Ruth, daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Hannah Keyes 1123 Ruth, daughter of Mehuman Stebbins and Mary 1121 Buth, daughter of Francis Stebbins and 1090 Euth, daughter of Josiah Stebbins^ and Ruth Rockwell 852 213 Buth, daughter of Elam Stebbinse and Euth Hitchcock 1350 422 Euth, daughter of 1138 Euth, daughter of Stephen Stebbinss and Almira Elizabeth Whiteman 3948 855 Ruth, daughter of Samuel Bishop Stebbins' and Emily Freer 2502 627 Euth, daughter of Philo Ebenezer Stebbinss and Emma A. Rogers 4757 706 Ruth Arabella, daughter of Erastus Stebbinsc and Ruth Smith 1436 444 Ruth Elzina, daughter of Dan Stebbins and Sally Goodwin 1062 Ruth Hopkins, daughter of James Milligen Stebbins and Esther H. Simmons 1080 Ruth H., daughter of Colton Wellington Stebbins" and Elizabeth Blodgett 6177 935 Ruth S., daughter of Henry K. Stebbins and Euthem S. Ives 1107 Buth S., daughter of Christopher Stebbins and Sophronia Greenleaf 1058 Ruth T., daughter of Orin Elbert Stebbins" and Eva Jane Phillips 6013 904 Ruth Warner, daughter of John Stebbins" and Susanna Warner 1399 434 Ruthella, daughter of Harlan J. Stebbins" and Mary F. Cope 6146 930 R. Clare, son of William Roscoe StebbinsS and Helen Adsit 4414 643 Sabra, daughter of Alfred Stebbins' and Eliza Fanning 3325 770 Sabra, daughter of Solomon Stebbins' and Malah Day 2679 420 Sabra, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins^ and Sabra Minor 1336 420 Sabra, daughter of Ralph Stebbins and Mercy Hopkins 1076 Sabra Adell, daughter of Aaron David Stebbins* and Ophelia Brownell 5152 957 Sabra E., daughter of George Washington Stebbins and Eliza Kearns 1078 Sadie, daughter of Bert Columbus Stebbins* and Mary Glockner 6014 904 INDEX— NAME OP STEBBINS. 1297 Number Page Safrouia (or Sophronia), daughter of Loren Stebbins' and Eunice Willard 3310 768 SaUy, daughter of Luther StebbinsT and Phebe Hiteheoc-k 2025 337 Sally, daughter of Solomon Stebbins^ and MulaU Day 2676 420 Sally, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Elizabeth Eddy 1919 328 Sally, daughter of 1138 Sally, daughter of Lewis Stebbinso and Hannah Uoggett 1824 320 Sally, daughter of Levi Stebbins and Adah Gardner 1926 329 Sally, daughter of Ebeuezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpsou 1075 Sally Ann, daughter of David Stebbins'^ and Sarah Cowdry 1S03 318 SaUy Ann, daughter of Eichard Salter Storrs Stebbinss and Sally Smith 3924 576 Salmon, son of Abyram Stebbins" and ilargaret Webster 2044 528 Salmon, sou of Ebenezer Stebbins and Lois Stimpsou 1076 Salmon, son of Ealph Stebbins and Abigail Chamberlain 1079 Salmon Goodsell, son of Salmon Stebbins and Kuth Hopkins 1076 Samantha. daughter of David Stebbins" and Irene Collins 1755 484 Samuel, son of Thomas Stebbins^ and Hannah Wright 6 84 Samuel, son of 1145 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Joanna Lamb 41 131 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Hannah Hitchcock 175 170, 228 Samuel, son of Edmuud Stebbins" and Mary Hinds 2755 431 Samuel, son of George Meeker Stebbinss and ilary Adele Hamilton 6397 968 Samuel, son of Nehemiah Stebbins* aud Elizabeth Morgan 494 178, 1138 Sanmel, son of Luke Stebbins^ and Sarah Norton 486 240 Samuel, son of Medad Stebbins* and Sarah Keep 965 345 Samuel; son of Samuel Buckminster Stebbins" and Sally Warner 2557 634 Samuel, son of Jesse Stebbinst* and Elizabeth Squires 561 186 Samuel, son of John Stebbins^ and Abigail Bartlett 25 115 Samuel, sou of Samuel Stebbinss and Mary French 105 115 Samuel, son of EUsha Stebbinss and Martha Wright 904 221 Samuel, son of Joseph Stebbins* and Elizabeth Eddy 1922 328 Samuel, son of John Stebbins^ and Dorothy Alexander 91 103 Samuel, son of Joseph Stebbins^ and Joanna Smith 855 322 Samuel, son of Levi Stebbings and Sarah Price 1150 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins* and Ruth Wilson 1849 323 Samuel, son of 1153 Samuel, son of John Stebbins* aud Mary 333 205 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Martha Bardwell 753 205 Samuel, son of Moses Stebbins= ;ind Mercy Hawks 776 207 Samuel, son of Ebenezer Stebbins" and Bebecca Hunt 3137 736 Samuel, son of Ebenezer Stebbins': and Rebecca Leonard 1682 467 Samuel, son of Justus Stebbins" and Abigail Morgan 2236 360 Samuel, son of John Stebbins^ and Sarah Miner 1024 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins^ aud Sarah (Wood) Jones 421 226 Samuel, son of Jotham Stebbins': and Phebe Ellinwood 1201 384 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins" and Isabella Morgan 3414 494 Samuel, son of Nehemiah Stebbins'' and Sarah Jessup 840 320 Samuel, son of Samuel Stebbins'! and Mary Scofield 1827 494 Samuel Bishop, son of Jesse Stebbins* and Pliebe Bishop 1253 262, 397 Samuel Buckminster, son of Gad Stebbinsi: aud Sarah Buckminster 1292 405 Samuel C, son of Henry Seth Stebbins and Adelaide V. Young 1110 Samuel Oartright. son of William Mot Stebbins" and Alice Galutia Mapes 4336 627 Samuel Colton, son of Benjamin Stebbins? and Lucy Colton 2994 721 Samuel Dwight, son of Azariah Stebbins" and Moriah Granger 2019 525 Samuel Edgar, son of Samuel Colton Stebbinss and Laura Merrick 4864 932 Samuel Ellinwood, son of Samuel Stebbins" and Sarah Blandin 2417 611 Samuel Emery, son of James Stebbins': and Eunice Tidd 1222 389 Samuel Hale, son of Stephen Stebbins* and Chloe Hale 1010 234, 354 82 1298 INDEX— NAME OF STKBBINS. Number Pag* Samuel Harvey, son of Harvey Stebbins' and Julia Rohinson 2097 559 Samuel Henry, son of William Stebbins' and Bridget Kliza Jordan 3449 498 Samuel Hinsdale, son of Gideon StebbinsO and Mary Hinsdale 1599 456 Samuel Ira, sou of Moses Stebbins' and Sally Decker 3301 767 Samuel Lyman, son of Merzias Eayner Stebbins" and Julia Lymau 3876 570 Samuel Nevpel), son of William Stebbins^ and Eliza Rowker 2288 372 Samuel S., son of 1153 Samuel Scliieffelin, son of Knssell Stebbins and Alice H. Schieffelin 1137 Samuel W., sou of 1153 Samuel Williams, son of William Stebbins' and Lucretia Reynolds 2261 363 Sarah, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^ and Abigail Muuu 58 143 Sarah, daughter of George Stebbins and Clowie 1094 Sarah, daughter of Eufus Stebbins and 1133 Sarah, daughter of Joseph Bardwell Stebbins" and Caroline Bacon 2848 441 Sarah, daughter of Darius Stebbins" and Loiusa Merrick 1980 334 Sarah, daughter of Nehemiah Stebbins'' and Sarah Jessu]) 841 213 Sarah, daughter of Abyram Stebbiuss and Anna Hasbrook 3734 825 Sarah, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and 1141 Sarah, daughter of Louis Stebbins and Freezie Fountain 1040 Sarah, daughter of • — 1153 Sarah, daughter of Jason Stebbins and Frances C. Smith 1059 Sarah, daughter of William Stebbins" and Lydia Branch 2245 361 Sarah, daughter of John Stebbins and Electa Burrell 1106 Sarah, daughter of Ralph Stebbins and Mercy Hopkins 1076 Sarah, daughter of John Stebbinsi* and Sarah Sanderson 1743 314 Sarah, daughter of Thomas Stebbins^ and Hannah Wright 10 97 Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Stebbins^^ and Abigail Halo 433 230 Sarah, daughter of Benoni Stebbins and Katurah Ray 1123 Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbinso and Hannah Day 706 293 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Stebbings and Mercy Aiken 1146 Sarah, daughter of Elam Stebbinse and Ruth Hitchcock 1346 422 Sarah, daughter of Jabez Stebbins^ and Sarah Turner 1025 Sarah, daughter of Edward Stebbins^ and Ann Bishop 1026 Sarah, daughter of Theophilus Stebbins^ and Ann Couch 836 319 Sarah, daughter of Edward Stebbins^ and Sarah Graves 80 153 Sarah, daughter of Samuel Stebbins* and Hannah Hitchcock 183 131 Sarah, daughter of Calvin Stebbins* and Sarah Sexton 1029 237 Sarah, daughter of John Stebbins* and Sarah Warriner 289 151 Sarah, daughter of John Stebbins* and Deborah Lamb 307 156 Sarah, daughter of Henry Stebbins* and Sarah Prince 1393 279 Sarah, daughter of Samuel Hale Stebbins' and Louisa Gardner 2177 354 Sarah, daughter of Joel Stebbins* and Sarah Beebe 1305 272 Sarah, daughter of Charles Stebbins and 1055 Sarah, daughter of Jesse Stebbins^ and Beulah Muun 553 186 Sarah, daughter of Thomas Stebbins and Rebecca Stebbins 572 187 Sarah, daughter of John Stebbins^ and Abigail Bartlett 30 128 Sarah, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Mary Williams 393 219 Sarah, daughter of Heman Stebbins* and Sarah Dickinson 1416 280 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins* and Sarah Mead 376 164 Sarah, daughter of Samuel Stebbins* and Ruth Wilson 1850 323 Sarah, daughter of Clement Stebbins* and Sarah Miner 1023 Sarah, daughter of Stephen Stebbinso and Sarah Bliss 438 231 Sarah, daughter of 1141 Sarah, daughter of Rowland Stebbinsi and Sarah 3 74 Sarah, daughter of John Stebbings and Sarah Southgate 1145 Sarah, daughter of Henry Stebbins and Lucinda Merinas 1094 Sarah, daughter of Joseph Stebbins* and Rebecca Colton 242 188 Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins and Abigail 1070 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1299 Number I'agp Sarah, diiugliter of Josepli Stebbius'' and Sarah Dorchester 67 151 Sarah, daughter of Joseph Stebbius^ and Mary Stratton 730 298 Sarah, daughter of Samuel Stebbius^ and Sarah Boardman 1064 240 Sarah, daughter of Benjamiu Stebbius^ aud Elizabeth Olmstead 818 210 Sarah, daughter of Edward Stebbius' and Naomi Stall 2829 699 Sarah, daughter of Dexter Stcbbins" and Eliza ('ritendan 3299 481 Sarah, daughter of — 1165 Sarah A., daughter of Hial Stebbins" and Sophrona Smith 3621 516 Sarah Adeline, daughter of Charles Dennett Stebbins and Martha Brackett Spaulding 3583 807 Sarah Agnes, daughter of Samuel Ellinwood Stebbinss and Maggie King 4231 612 Sarah Ahnina, daughter of Daniel Stebbins and Sally Goodwin 1060 Sarah Ann, daughter of Rufus Stebbins-: aud Phebe Filer 1224 259 Sarah Ann, daughter of George E. Stebbins' and Sarah Perry 3530 507 Sarah Ann, daughter of James Craft Stebbins' ami Sibyl Parker 2411 610 Sarah Ann, daughter of Horace Stebbins and Lucinda Adair 1139 Sarah Ann, daughter of Samuel Stebbins' and Sarah Gardner 2090 345 Sarah Ann, daughter of Frederick Stebbins" and Sylvia Edson 2897 709 Sarah Annetia, daughter of Charles Henry Stebbins and Mary Henrietta Fisher 1035 Sarah Annie, daughter of Charles Chauneey Stebbins and Laura Smead Holton. 5444 979 Sarah B., daughter of Charles Wesley Stebbins and Isabel Sackett 1160 Sarah Bliss, daughter of Ithamer Stebbins" and Deborah Stebbius 1377 432 Sarah Buckminster, daughter of Gad Stebbins" and Sarah Buekminster 1295 270 Sarah Buekminster, daughter of George M. Stebbins' aud Esther Wickham. . . . 2571 407 Sarah Cordelia, daughter of Stephen Stebbins" and Lovice Stebbins 2166 353 Sarah Cornelia, daughter of Elon Stebbins' and Harriot Witherell 3483 788 Sarah E., daughter of Charles D. Stebbins aud Martha E. Blackburn 1132 Sarah E., daughter of Ebenezer Stebbins' aud Bebecca Hunt 3146 741, 947 Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Harry Osmyu Stebbins» and Isabel Stansbury... 5945 891 Sarah Elvira, daughter of Samuel Stebbins" and Sarah Blandin 2415 384 Sarah Emma Josephine, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Stebbins^ and Ama Ann Breard 4385 895 Sarah Faith McLellan, daughter of Heman Stebbinss and Sarah May Paine. . . 4602 672 Sarah Gray, daughter of Kufus Stebbins" and Clarissa Blandin 2423 614 Sarah Hooker, daughter of Elihu Stebbins" and Sarah Gay Hooker 3609 515 Sarah Isabel, daughter of Randall Sisson Stebbins and Isabel Wheelock Car- penter 1062 Sarah Jane, daughter of John Richard Stebbins aud Margaret Smith 1143 Sarah Jane, daughter of Hollis Stebbins' and Sarah Vedder 3269 479 Sarah Jane, daughter of Onis Stebbins^ and Nancy Burley 3891 848 Sarah Jane, daughter of John Stebbins and Adeline Ackermau 1035 Sarah Jane, daughter of Nathan S. Stebbins^ and (Jlarissa E. Wright 4472 652 Sarah Jane, daughter of William VanNess Stebbins' and Teressa Waring 3492 503 Sarah Jane, daughter of Abner Stebbins' and .Sarah J. Fuller 2403 383 Sarah Jessup, daughter of David Stebbins" and Sarah Cowdry 1806 318 Sarah .Tones, daughter of Enos Stebbins' and Candace Crocker 2068 547 Sarah Louisa, daughter of Moses Stebbins' aud Ruth Thwing 2200 584 Sarah Louise, daughter of Albert Burt Stebbins' and Mary Jeanette Beebe 2758 431 Sarah Louise, daughter of Justus Stebbiuss and Adeline Hildreth 4038 588 Sarah Liicilla, daughter of Austin Stebbins' and Lydia Rice 2819 698 Sarah Lyman, daughter of Asa Stebbins'' and Emilia Harvey 1639 465 Sarah M.. daughter of 11.54 Sarah M., daughter of Clark Stebbins' and Abigail Wright 3593 809 Sarah M.. daughter of Henry Chester Stebbins* and Martha L. Greene 3822 558 Sarah Maria, daughter of William Stebbins' and Bridget Eliza Jordan 3444 498 Sarah Maria, daughter of Lewis Stebbins' and Laura Bouton 2084 343 Sarah Parker, daughter of Ralph Stebbius" and Submit Sanderson 1767 486 Sarah Patrick, daughter of Auguitine Holman Stebbins' and Mary Ann Jane». . 2865 702 1300 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Sarah Philena, daughter of Cyrus Stebbins' aud Mary Auii Harris 2804 435 Sarah Rockwell, daughter of Francis Stebbins and 1090 Schuyler Colfax, daughter of Albert Hesadiah Stebbin»s> and Clara Edith Smith. 5789 996 Seeley, son of William B. StebbinsS and Margaret A. Stearns 3838 560 Selah, son of Nehemiah Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Morgan 489 177 Selden Lewis, son of Lewis Abyram Stebbinsi>' and Katheriue Selden 6491 984 Seldon Edward, son of Albert Iddo Stebbins and Florence Betsey Brown 1218 Selina. daughter of Edward Stebbins" and Ann Bishop 1028 Semphronia, daughter of Noah Stebbins' and Anna Stebbins 2003 336 Senia, daughter of Abraham Stebbins and 1033 Seth, son of Warham Stebbinss and Sarah Williams 1345 421 Seth, son of Hial Stebbins' and Sophronia Smith 3620 516 Seth, son of Aaron Stebbinso and Eunice Stebbins 1014 235 Seth, son of Enos Stebbins« and Mary Stebbins 953 342 Seth, son of Aaron Stebbinss and Mary Wright 597 189 Seymour, son of John Wayne Stebbins* aud Amy Olds 4457 901 Seymour Lewis, son of Gains Seymour Stebbins' and Anna Williams 2217 586 Seymour Mills, son of Chauncey Stebbins' and Sophia Riic 3327 771 Shapley Harrison, son of Morton Stebbins' and Mary Maria Sherman 2487 393 Shapley Paddock, son of Jairus Stebbins^ and Sally Crowel 1243 260 Shapley Paddock, son of Harrison Stebbins' and Mary Arminda Bassett 2492 394 Sheldon, son of Sylvester Stebbinss and Lucretia D. Collum 5091 952 Sheldon, son of Timothy Stebbins» and Hannah Culver 1051 239 Sheldon, son f)f John Stebbinsc and Sarah Sanderson 1736 478 Sherman, son of Sherman Stebbins and 1154 Sherman, son of 1154 Sherman BilUngs, son of George B. Stebbins' and Sarah Periy 3534 794 Sherman Moses, son of Carlton Luke Stebbins^ and ilartlia Logee Baker 4045 865 Sherman K., son of Sherman Stebbins and Susan Hine 1154 Shirley Branham, son of Henry Brockenbrough Stebbins^ and Frederieka Kuper 6194 937 Shirley Brooks, son of Charles Stebbinss and Charlotte Charter Walden 4934 731 Sibyl, daughter of William Stebbins' and Mary Ann Lymjin 3634 517 Sibyl, daughter of Eli Stebbiuse and Sibyl Symonds 1965 517 Sibyl M., daughter of William VanNess Stebbins' aud Teressa Waring 3490 503 Sibyl Parker, daughter of James Crafts Stebbins' and Sibyl Parker 2407 383 Sidney, son of Levi Stebbinss and Mary A. Wood 5384 975 Sidney, son of John Wayne Stebbins* and Amy Olds 4456 650 Sidney Jayne, son of Jonas Blandin Stebbins* and Maria Smith (Jayne) Eandall 4257 615 Sidney Joel, son of Joel Stebbins' and Abigail Berry 2585 408, 648 Sidney K., son of George Peirce Stebbins and Mary Knight 1047 Sidney Peirec, son of Sumner Stebbins and Mary Ann Bennett Peiree 1046 Silas, son of Elam Jared Stebbins* and Effa Butte 4459 650 Silas, son of 1155 Silas, son of Henry Stebbins« and Sarah Prince 1392 279 SUas, son of Phineas Stebbins« and Ann Chaffee 992 232 Silas Bay, son of Homer Pease Stebbins* and Sarah Elizabeth Kinney 4409 642 Simeon, son of Theophilus Stebbinss and Ann Couch 832 317 Simeon, son of John Stebbins* and Hannah Allen 337 208 Simeon, son of Simeon Stebbins^ and Hannah Hinsdale 726 208 Simeon Clark, son of John Stebbins^ and Jerusha Clark 1409 437 Smith, son of 1217 Smith Hesadiah, son of Albert Hesadiah Stebbins* and Clara Edith Smith 5790 996 Soline, son of Pierre Stebbins aud Scholastique Vincent 1039 Solomon, son of Stephen Stebbins" and Chloe Hale 1007 353 Solomon, son of Ebenezer Stebbins" and Elizabeth Bliss ] 141 249 Solomon, son of Benjamin Stebbins" and Sabra Minor 1337 420 Solomon, son of Eliakim Stebbins" and Eebeeca Hawks 1906 507 rNTDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1301 Number Page SolomoD, son of Benjamin iStebbinsi* and Jeriisha King 534 184 Solomon, son of David Stebbins« and Irene Collin? - 1746 314 Solomon, son of Charles Stebbins* and Lima Tracy 4600 916 Solomon Alden, son of John Alden Stebbins^ and Phillips 1060 Solomon Bliss, son of Ebenezer Stebbins' and Emeliue Beebe 2311 596 Solomon Johnson, son of Bethuel Stebbinso and Patience Hitchcock 1229 392 Solomon Johnson, son of Solomon Johnson Stebbins' and Prudence King 2478 625 Solomon Olin, son of Charles Merritt Stebbins and Emma A. Waitc 1082 Sophia, daughter of Samuel Stebbins* and Sarah Boardman 1066 240 Sophia, daughter of Samuel Stebbins and Rachel Willard 1138 Sophia, daughter of Fcstus Stebbins' and Frances Dickinson 2532 400 Sophia, daughter of James Stebbins* and Eunice Sylvia Alvord 4364 892 Sophia, daughter of Ambrose Stebbins»> and Azuba Ferrier 1040 238 Sopliia, daughter of Josiah Stebbins!- and Mary Howe 883 219 Sophia, daughter of Arad Stebbins" and Wealthy Smith 3616 516 Sophia, daughter of Arad Stebbins* and Mary Kent 1942 330 Sophia, daughter of Sylvester Stebbins* and Elizabeth Dwelley 1730 313 Sophia, daughter of Dennis Stebbins' and Lois Hawks 3043 458 Sophia, daughter of Levi Stebbins* and Adah Gardner 1931 510 Sophia, daughter of Abyram Stebbinss and Anna Hasbrook 3730 529 Sophia E.. daughter of Ith.imer Stebbins* and Deborah Stebbins 1376 278 Sophia E.. daughter of Clark Stebbins" and Abigail Wright 3596 513 Sophia Eunecia, daughter of William Stebbins' and Lucretia Reynolds 2262 593 Sophrona, daughter of Sylvanus Stebbins* and Lucinda Kellogg 1419 440 Sophronia. daughter of Capt. Stebbins and Lydia 1164 Sophronia, daughter of Benjamin Stebbins' and Lydia 2412 384 Sophronia. daughter of Lewis Stebbins' and Anna H. Parker 2392 382 Sophronia, daughter of Daniel Stebbins' and Asenath Henry 3570 510 Sophronia, daughter of Loren Stebbins' and Eunice Willard 3310 768 Stella Maria, daughter of Jotham Webster Stebbins^ and Harriet Eliza Page. . . 4279 618 Stephen, son of Merzias Rayner Stebbinss and Jaue E. Wellets 3883 570 Stephen, son ul 1156 Stephen, son of Samuel Stebbins* and Hannah Hitchcock 177 172 Stephen, sou of Stephen Stebbins^ and Sarah Bliss 447 234 Stephen, son of Stephen Stebbins* and Chloe Hale 1005 353 Stephen, son of Solomon Stebbins' and Zata Loraine Stanhope 2167 578 Stephen Alfred, son of William Stebbins' and Lucretia Raynolds 2264 594 Stephen D., son of William Howe Cuyler Stebbins' and Mary Bills 3211 751 Stephen Stuart, son of Stephen Alfred Stebbinss and Emma Morrison 4084 594 Stephen Williams, son of William Stebbins^ and Eunice Williams 513 244 Stillman Colton, son of Jason Stebbins* and Elvira Colton 4773 709 Stillman Xeedham (John Stillman). son of Walter Stebbins' and Aznbah Car- penter 2136 351 Storrs, son of Richard Salter Storrs Stebbinss and Sally Smith 3925 576 Stowell Cortland, son of Arthur Cortland Stebbins' and Rena Henrietta Stowell. 5578 835 Submit, daughter of Ralph Stebbins* and Submit Sanderson 1765 486 Sumner, son of James Stebbins and Lydia Tyler 1043 Sumner, son of George Peirce Stebbins and Mary Knight 1047 Susan, daughter of Elisha Stebbins" and Martha Wright. 906 221 Susan, daughter of Edgar Gregory Stebbins' and Elizabeth Holderfield 5813 874 Susan, daughter of William Stebbins and Mary Darcy 1113 Susan, daughter of James C. Stebbins and Ann Hancock 1101 Susan, daughter of 1156 Susan E., daughter of Sherman Stebbins and Susan Hiue 1154 Susan Eliza, daughter of Cortland Bliss Stebbinss and Eliza M. Smith 3786 537 Susan Elizabeth A., daughter of William Stebbins* and Phebe Curtiss 4053 865 Susan Emily, daughter of Rufus Huntley Stebbins and Martha Louise Hills 1217 Susan Field, daughter of Cyrus Stebbins' and Mercy Morgan 3651 S15 1302 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Susau Louifiii, (laughler of Abial Stebbiiis^ and Euuice M. Pomeroy 2388 608 Susan Philena, ., son of Sylvester Stebbins" and Elizabeth Dwelley 1724 475 Sylvester 1^., son of Elijah Stelibins' and Harriet Leonard 3236 476 Sylvia Jane, daughter of George Washington Stebbins* and Mary Overfield Gay. .")360 802 S. Vinton, son of James Vinton Stebbings and Mary Curtis Chamberlain 1102 Tabitha, daughter of Joseph Stebbins!> and Thankful Belding 869 215 Tabitha, daughter of Abner Stebbins^ and Mindwell Marsh 1914 328 Tabitha Day, daughter of Abijah Stebbins" and Polly Cadwell 1090 242 Tamma, daughter of Hosea Stebbins' and Patty Richardson 2579 647 Tertius, son of Bethuel Stebbins" and Eunice Russell 1232 259 Thaddeus, son of Thomas Stebbins* and Mary Munn 224 187 Thaddeus, son of Thomas Stebbins" and Abigail Stebbins 1148 249 Thankful, daughter of Moses Stebbinsfi and Dorcas Hale 484 240 Thankful, daughter of Benoni Stebbins^ and Maiy Bennet 96 108 Thankful, daughter of Elijah Stebbins" and Beulah Diekiuson 1897 327 Thankful, daughter of Joseph Stebbins" and Elizabeth Eddy 1920 328 Thankful, daughter of Elihu Stebbinse and Lucretia Wright 1950 331 Thankful, daughter of John Stebbins^ and Dorothy Alexander 92 103, 1032 Thankful, daughter of Samuel Stebbins^ and Mary Knowlton 416 224 Thankful, daughter of .lohn Stebbins^ and Abigail Bartlett 34 129 Thankful, daughter of John Stebbins* and Mary — 335 206 Thankful, daughter of Joseph Stebbinsr> and Thankful Belding 870 326 Thankful, daughter of Elijah Stebbins" and Roxana Parmenter 3523 506 Theapolis, son of David Stebbius' and Cathrine McTntyre 3365 489 Theodocia. daughter of Lemuel Stebbins^ and Rhoda Waite 712 201 Theodocia, daughter of Itharaer Stebbins" and Deborah Stebbins 1367 277 Theodore, son of Nehemiah Delavan Stebbins* and Eliza White 5224 777 Theodore, son of Richard Stebbins* and Mary J. Billings 4375 633 Theodore, son of Festus Stebbius" and Frances Dickinson 2523 400 Theodore Allen, son of William Bishop Stebbins" and Anna Olive Jorolemon . .. 6464 980 Theodore Augustus, son of Orrin Dean Stebbins* and Catherine Heisley 5>S68 804 Theodore Chapin, sou of Aaron Warner Stebbins' and Lucy Doolittio Chapin. . . 2792 692 Theodore Lyle, son of Charles Hastings Stebbins" and Carrie L. Parker 6390 967 Theodore Thompson, son of Lewis Stebbins' and Sarah Delavan 3392 779 Theodore Winthrop, son of George Sherwood Stebbins* and Annie C. Weston. . . 4096 596 Theodoric, son of l;uther Stebbins" and Mahala Judd 1382 278 ■ Theophilus, sr)n of Benj.'iinin Stebbins' and Sarah Mead 371 211 INDEX— NAME OP STEBBINS. 1303 Number Page Theron Amariab, son of Sylvanus Hale Stebbinss and Betsey Aurelia Eoflf 3967 580 Thomas, son of Rowland Stebbinsi and Sarah — 2 60 Thomas, son of Hesadiah Stebbinso and Betsy Sessions Babcock 1153 376 Thomas, son of Thomas Stebbins- and Hannah Wright 7 88 Thomas, son of Theophilus Stebbins^ and Ann Couch 828 211 Thomas, son of Joseph Stebbins^ and Sarah Dorchester 63 148 Thomas, son of Stubbins and 1157 Thomas, son of Thomas Stebbins* and Sarah Strong 259 148 Thomas, son of Edward Stebbins" and Sarah Graves 82 154, 188 Thomas, son of Carlos A. Stebbins" and Cynthia Sargent 3192 471 Thomas, son of Th.imas Stebbins* and Mary Ely 301 199 Thomas, son of Thomas Stebbins^ and Phebe Burt 693 199 Thomas, son of Walter Stebbins" and Katharine Brewer 1531 291 Thomas, son of Samuel Stebbins^ and Abigail Brooks 48 139 Thomas, son of Thomas Stebbins* and Mary Munn 214 139 Thomas, son of Mehuman Stebbins and Elizabeth Swift 1121 Thomas, son of Jesse Stebbins^ and Beulah Munn 556 186 Thomas, son of Thaddens Stebbins'"' and Rebecca Stebbins 569 187 Thomas, son of John Stebbins^ and Abigail Bartlett 27 116 Thomas, son of Thomas Stebbins' and Elizabeth Wright 119 117 Thomas, son of Asahel Stebbins"^ and Susanna Field 1970 333 Thomas, son of John Stebbins"' and Phebe Minor 1022 Thomas, son of Abner Stebliins^ and Martha Smith 523 249 Thomas, sou of Jothara Stebbins" and Phebe Ellinwood 1202 256 Thomas, son of Asahel Stebbins* and Sarah Petty 400 223 Thomas, son of 1158 Thomas, son of Henry Stebbing and Elizabeth Pilby 1096 Thomas A., son of Edward Stebbins' and Sarah Ann Atkinson 2712b 679 Thomas Bridgemau, son of Raljih Stebbins" and Laura Bridgeman 2971 719 Thomas Henry, son of Filby Stebbing and Rachel Cook 1096 Thomas L., son of Lucien Stebbinss and Elizabeth P. Walsh 5614 841 Thomas Warren, son of Rufus Stebbins^ and Clarissa Blandin 2419 613 Thompson, son of Rufus Stebbins and 1133 Thurber L.. son of Homer L. Stebbins^ and Carrie Bartholomew 4765 708 Thurlow W., sou of Osmyii Gerry Stebbins» and Maria F. Wilson 5017 745 Thurston E., son of John Cal\-iu Stebbinss and Emma J. Kit-he 5286 970 Tilla, daughter of Alexaudei Stebbins and fjouisa Miller 1033 Tillie, daughter of Charles Stebbins and Delia Potvin 1037 Timothy, son of Moses Stebbins'' and Ilorcas Hale 480 239 Timoihy, son of Joseph Stebbins and Margaret Cadieux 1037 Tirzab, daughter of Joseph Stebbinsi' and Lucy Frar\' 1616 457 Tirzah, daughter of Thomas Stebbins" and Abigail Stebbins 1149 250 Titus, son of James Stebbins^ and Deborah Hoar 537 257 Titus, son of John Stebbins" and Sarah Moffatt 1084 242 Tosaint, son of 1040 Tracy, Lorenzo, sou of Lorenzo Dow Stebbins" and Ambrosia B. Grinnell 3219 752 Tracy North, son of John Roderick Stebbins and Sarah C. Abbey 1072 Truman, son of Ijevi Stebbings and Sarah Price 1151 Turner, son of Edward Stebbins" and Ann Bishop 1026 Urania, d.uighter of Zadock Stebbins" and Urania Burt 1109 365 Uriah, son of John Stebbins" and Sarah Moffatt 1082 359 Uriah Harrison, son of Josiah Stebbins" and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2369 606 Ursula, daughter of Daniel Stebbins" and Rachel Blodget 1319 414 Valentine Watson, daughter of Lemuel Stebbins" and Phebe Maria Carpenter. . 3765 532 Valonia. daughter of Elijah Stebbins" and Roxana Parmenter 3517 505 Vashti. daughter of Ben.iamin Stebbins"' and Mary Day 609 190 Vashti, daughter of Abner Stebbins"' and Martha Smith 529 255 1804 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. Number Page Vashti £., daughter of Bufus Stebbins' aud (JlarisHa Blandin 2427 616 Velma Amev, rl.-iiighter of Everett J. Stebbius" aud Nellie Elvira Arney 5920 883 Vera Helen, (Uiiighter of Tburston E. Stebbins" and Eva G. Thorp 6409 970 Vera Penelope bydia, daughter of Edward Somerby Stebbinso and Penelope Crocker 63Ii! 951 Vera Zathoe, daughter of John Stebbinss and Ida Maria Brokaw 5047 750 Verna A., daughter of Willis M. Stebbins' and Avis A. Wilcox 6336 956 Verna Adele, daughter of Frederick Anson Stebbins and Minnie Maude Beau 1129 Victor, son of Bert Columbus Stebbins" ;ind Mary Olockncr 6015 904 Victoria, daughter of Pierre Stebbins and Serajihinc Dcnomoille 1039 Victoria E., daughter of Gains Partridge Stebbins and Eliza Ladd 1091 Vinnie Emily, daughter of Henry Luther Stebbins^ and Lucy Jane Ingram. . . . 5705 854 Virge A., daughter of John C. Stebbinss and Polly J. Swetland 5151 766 Virgil, son of Azariah Stebbins? and Moriah Granger 2015 337 Virginia, daughter of Henry Brockenbrough Stebbins» and Frederieka Kuper. . 6196 937 Volney, son of William Stebbins and Eliza Collins 1 161 Wade, son of Mehuman Stebbins :iiid Mary 1121 Waldo, son of Nehemiah Stebbins and ■ 1132 Waldo Goddard, son of Edward Sawyer Stebbinss and Harriet Goddard 3807 555 Wallace, son of James Stebbins and Charlotte E. Haynes 1101 Wallace, son of Osmyn Loren Stebbins" and Eunice Hitchcock 2467 623 Wallace Burdette, son of Charles Rufus Stebbins aud Lucy Jane Bishop 1136 Wallace Jay, son of Solomon Johnson Stebbiuss and Emma G. Jones 4327 625 Walter, son of Thomas Stebbins^ and Phebe Burt 694 291 Walter, son of — 1159 Waiter, son of Phineas Stebbins*' and Ann Chaffee 991 350 Walter, son of Alvin Stebbinss and Lovisa Kirkland 4126 600 Walter, son of Ealph Stebbins'' and Laura Bridgeman 3970 719 Walter, son of Merzias Rayner Stebbins^ and Julia Lyman 3S77 844 Walter, son of Josiah Stebbins' and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2374 607 Walter, son of James Henry Stebbins* and 3825 558 Walter A., son of William Koseoe Stebbins* and Helen Adsit 4410 643 Walter Albert, son of Fred Louis StebbinRi" and Alice Mott 651 G 989 Walter Benedict, son of Jeremiah Stebbins and Alice G. Baker 1038 Walter Burr, son of Everett J. Stebbins^ and Nellie Klvira Amey 5919 883 Walter Coley, son of Nathan ftietcalf Stebbins^ and Maria D. Coley 5767 993 Walter Gay, son of John Mills Stebbins* aud Harriet C. Haile 5415 811 Walter H., son of David Stebbins" and Marie A. Hurlburt 5635 844 Walter Henry, son of Henry Luther Stebbius^ and Lucy Jane Ingram 5707 854 Walter Herbert, son of William Stebbins* and Martha Harper Nims 4911 728 Walter James, son of Anson Warner Stebbins" aud Emma E. Hart 6095 921 Walter King, son of Samuel EUinwood Stebbins* and Maggie King 4230 612 Walter Louis, son of Horace Richardson Stebbings and Caroline Preston 1151 Walter Osgood, son of Arad Stebbins' and Wealthy Smith 3619 516 Walter V., son of Lester Carlton Stebbins" and Sarah A. Lanphear 5774 865 Ward Anderson, son of Uriah Harrison Stebbins* and Marion Glover Brookfield. 4196 606 Ward Houston, son of Josiah Stebbins? and Eliza Kingsbury Case 2370 379 Warham, son of Edward Stebbins^ and Elizabeth Burt 648 275 Warren, son of Titus Stebbins'' and Sarah Vinton 1210 258 Warren, son of Moses Stebbins'' and Hannah Hale 1021 236 Warren, son of Azariah Stebbins? and Moriah Granger 2016 337 Warren Lyman, son of William Stebbins? aud Mary Anu Lyman 3639 517 Warren Selby, son of < 'yrus Darius Stebbins? aud Nancy Beach 3664 816 Warren Wayne, sou of Sydney Joel Stebbins* and Jane Stearns 4454 900 Wealthy, daughter of Joseph Stebbins? and Lucy Patterson 2254 362 Wealthy A., daughter of Amaziah Stebbins* and Amanda Anderson 4054 591 Wealthy Ann. daughter of Erasmus Stebbins and Elizabeth Welch .-* 1216 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINS. 1305 Number I'sgc Webster Jonas, sod of Jonas Blandin Stubbiiias and Maria Smith (Jane) Randall 4260 889 Wellington M., son of Alvin Stebbins" and Eliza Kentfield 3176 748 Wellington Wallace, son of William Wallace Stebbins and Hannah Jane (John- son) Dodge 1134 Wesley, son of Walter Stebbins and Abigail Gardner 1159 Wheeler Dan, sou of John Allen Stebbins^ and Hannah T. Dawley 2569 418 Wilbert, son of Andrew Stebbins and Sophia Bayton 1033 Wilbur J., son of George Barnard Stebbinss and Lois M. Hunt 5070 754 Wilbur Peter, son of Isaac Burley Stebbins" ajid Charlotte Susau Patterson. . . . 5644 845 Wilder, son of 1160 AVil'dy, daughter of Pierre Stebbins and Seraphine Denomville 1039 Wilfred, son of Louis Stebbins and Josephine La 6ue 1041 Willard, sou of Samuel Stebbins and Bachel Willard 1139 Willard, son of Sylvester Stebbins« and Elizabeth Dwelly 1726 313 Willard, son of James Stebbins and Lydia Tyler 1043 Willard Arthur, son of Ely Warriner Stebbinss and Ardelia Cowles 4884 724 Willard Webster, son of Champion Stebbinss and Philenda Webster 3749 829 William, son of 1160 William, son of 1161 William, sou of Sylvester Stebbius« and Elizabeth Dwelley 1731 313 William, son of Charles Howard Stebbinss and Elizabeth Randall 5315 794 William, son of Dennis Stebbins^ and Lois Hawks 3041 727 William, son of Ezra .Stebbins^ and Margret Chapin 518a 248 William, son of Justus Stebbins' and Abigail Morgan 2233 360 William, son of George Lyman Stebbins aud Sarah Hallet 1036 William, son of Zebiua Stebbins'' and Mary Snow 1506 450 William, son of Henry Stebbing and Elizabeth Filby 1096 William, son of Samuel Stebbins- and Abigail Brooks 45 133 William, sou of William Stebbins* aud Mercy Knowlton 192 179 William, son of Festus Stebbins" and Frances Dickinson 2531 633 William, son of Henry Stebbins and Lucinda Merinas 1094 William, son of Oliver Stebbins^ aud Rachel Dunham 3N71 569 William, son of Andrew Stebbins and Sophia Kayton 1033 William, son of William Stebbins'^ and Eunice Williams 512 180 William, sou of William Stebbins^ and Margaret Newel 1127 372 William, sou of Stephen William Stebbinss and Eunecia Street 1098 363 William, son of Elijah Stebbins" and Beulah Dickinson 1905 507 William, son of James Stebbinse aud Eunice Tidd 1219 388 AVilliam, son of William Stebbins' and Nancy Newell 3539 507 William, sou of Eli Stebbinss aud Sibyl Symonds 1966 517 William, sou of William Stebbins' and Mary Ann Lymau 3636 517 William, sou of William Stebbins' aud Lydia Branch 2244 590 William, son of Da)iic'l Andrew Stebbius* and Mary Amanda Furman 1066 William, son of Judah Stebbins" and Ruth Cutler Dady 1093 361 AVilliam, son of Amaziah Stebbins* and Amanda Anderson 4060 591 William, son of Samuel Stebbins« and Ruth Wilson 1846 498 AVilliam, son of Harmon Stebbins and Liza Asbron 1034 William, son of William Stebbins' and Bridget Eliza .Jordan 3446 498 William, son of Peter Stebbins and Clark 1034 William, son of .Tosiah Stebbins and Susan Merritt 1113 William (or Willard), sou of Samuel A. Stebbins and Esther Augusta Chambers .... 1163 William, son of AVilliam W. Stebbins and Hannah J. Johnson Dodge 1134 William, son of Enos Fletcher Stebbinsi" aud 6503 985 William, son of William E. Stebbins and Sabrina C. Gibbs 1163 William, son of 1163 William, son of 1163 William, son of Henry Brockenbrough Stebbinss and Fredericka Kuper 6192 937 ]:W6 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBIN8. Number Pag* William A., son of Austin Ewell Stebbinso aiid Lydia i!. Wiley oSlo 998 William Alexander, son of Alexander Stebbins and Ijorena Utley 1159 William Alonzo, son of Christopher Stebbins and Sophroiiia Greenleaf 1058 William Arthur, son of John Robinson Stebbinss and Sarah Ann Beal ;!833 559 William Ashley, son of Alvin Stebbins' and Eliza Kent field 3175 470 William Augustus, scm of John Stebbins" and Maiy l^argin 3430 497 William Bates, son of Francis Stebbins and Chloe Bates 1563 294 William Bishop, son of Warren Selljv StebV)insS and Venelia H. Bishop 544.S 980 William Bliss, son of Hervey Stebbins' and Julia Robinson liOOK 560 William Bnrrell, son of John Stebbins and Electa Burrell 1106 William Byron, son of Harvey Stebbins* and Mary Jane Hunt 4486 653 William Carpenter, son of Walter Stebbins" and Azubah Carpenter 2132 572 William Chester; son of Samuel Stebbins" and Sarah Gardner 2092 345 William Clyde, son of John Steblnns* and Ida Maria Brokaw 5040 750 William Cooper, son of Jean R. Stebbins and Adelaide Cooper 1109 William C, son of Lambert Wilson Stebbins and Emma Smith 1088 William Dwight, son of Henry K. Stebbins and Rntheni S. Tves 1107 William E., son of 1163 William E., son of William W. Stebbins* and Nancy Mnrdock 3841 560 William E., son of Ralph Stimpson Stebbins and Ellen Latty 1079 WilUam E., sou of Lewis Stebbins' and Rhoda Collins Arnold 3407 494 William Edgar, son of Quartus Stebbinss and Eunice Burt 2536 402 William Edward, sou of Filby Stehbing and Rachel Cook 1096 William Fletcher, son of Isaac Kinney Stebbins* and Roxana Fletcher 3738 826 William Francis, son of Erastus Stebbins' and Elizabeth Ann Dudley 5422 978 William Franklin, son of Charles Breese Stebbins'' ai'.d Fanny R. Poor 5524 827 William Franklin, son of William Martin Stubbins and Rachel Ann Williams 1157 William G., son of Gaius Paitridge Stebbins and Eliza Ladd 1091 William H., son of Gibbs Stebbins and 1164 William H., son of Amariah Stebbins* and Pcrmelia Thorns 3958 579 William H., son of Henry Wallace Stebbins* and Frances A. Mears 5249 781 William H., son of Oliver Sheldim Stebbins" and Laura Dinsmore 3261 478 William H., son of George Barnard Stebbins* and Lois i[. Hunt 5068 754 William H., son of Wilson Elijnh Stebbins and Peninah Rice 1087 William H., sou of Anson Porter Stebbins" aud Isabella E. Fritz 5738 860 William Harrisou, son of Cyrus Parius Stebbins' and Nancy Beach 3668 817 William Henry, son of Elijah Stebbins and Eliza (Morse) Jenks 1166 William Henry, son of Levi Stebbings and Sarah Price 1150 William Henry, son of William Mot Stebbins-* and Alice Galutia Mapes 4337 627 William Henry, son of William Stebbins and Sarah Bradish 2966 718 William Henry Harrison, son of Abyrani Stebbins* and Anna Hasbrook 3731 824 William Henry Harrison, son of Moses Stebbins" and Laura A. Fosdick 3185 749 William Herbert, sou of Evander Graves Stebbins* and Matilda Childs 5007 948 William Herbert, sou of William Herbert Stebbius^ and Martha Bruns 6293 948 William Horace, son of Josepli Stebbins and JIary Griffin 1128 William Howe Cuyler, sou of C'onsider Stebbins'' aud Esther Farnsworth 1708 472 William King, son of Joseph Warren Stebbins' and Lucy Ann Pease 2463 623 William L., son of Soline Stebbins and Cesarie Papineau 1040 William Lawrence, son of Moses Stebbins^ and Sally Decker 3304 767 William Lewis, son of Elon Stebbins' and Harriet Witherell 3489 502 William Manning, son of Barnabas Merrick Stebbins' aud Roxalana Gleason . . . 3676 521 William ^[artin, son of Thomas Stubbins and Elizabeth Merritt 1157 William Mot, son of Samuel Bishop Stebbins' and Emily Freer 2499 626 Will-am Palmer, son of Rufus Stebbins' and Clarissa Blandin 2428 617 Willium Perry, son of George Washington Stebbins' aud Laura Tooker 3251 758 William Pierre, son of Abram L. Stebbins» and Adeline E. Bailey 6369 964 William Pitt Cleveland, son of William Stebbins and Jane Smith 1162 William R., son of Ira Ste1)bins' and Amy Smith 2598 651 INDEX— NAME OF STEBBINB. 1307 Number Page William K., son of Sylvester Stebbinss anrl Liic-retia D. Collum ')09i; 760 William Koseoe, son of Charles Stebbins' and Julia Emily Pease 25()o 643 William Sylvanus, sun of Sylvauus Hale Stebbins^ and Betsey Aurelia Eoft'. . . . a068 580 Williiun Theodore, sou of Theodore Chapiu Stebbins*' and Mary Amelia Bench. . 4(iSL: 693 William Tindall, son of Albert Howard Stebbiuss and Lotta Caroline Tindall. . . 5974 898 William Vanness, son of Isaac Stebbins^ and Sallie Sutherland 1871 503 William Volney, son of Abiliel Hesadiah Stebbins* and Jnlia Ewell 4138 S7o William W., son of Gilbert Stebbins' and Betsey Wood 2101 347, 560 William W., son of Fred Stebbins and Louisa J. Whitney 1111 William Wallace, son of Rufus Stebbins and 1134 William Wallace, son of Gains Stebbins and Mariam Orcutt 1091 William Wallace, son of Harry Osmyn Stebbins" and Isabel Stansbury 5948 891 Willis George, sou of Perry Daniel Stebbins" and Emily Blanchard Curtis 4507 909 Willis M., son of John C. Stebbins^ and Polly .1. Swetland 5148 956 Willis Revillo, son of Orramel W. Stebbins'J and Celia Updike 5550 986 Wilson Elijah, son of Ephraim Stebbins and Abiy;ail 1084 Wilson James, son of Julius Augustus Stebbins and Mary Augnsta Collard 2497 1136 Wilton Pullen, son of Charles Stebbins* and Charlotte Charter Walden 4933 731 Winchester, son of Jesse Stebbins« and Phebe Bishop 1257 36L' Winnie, daughter of William A. Stebbins" and Eva Stuart 6567 998 Winnie Fay, daughter of Philo Ebenezer Stebbins* and Emma A. Rogers 4751 706 Winsted John, son of Sanuiel Fjllemvond Stebbins* and Maggie King 4234 612 Winthrop Dana, son of George Stanford Stebbins* and Mary Frances Dana 4696 696 Wyraan Hawks, son of Joseph Stebbins' and Laura Hawks 3054 728 W. E., son of Gilbert T. Stebbins" and Mary Ann Baker 2508 398 W. H.. son of 1164 W. H. H., son of Carlos A. Stebbins and Cynthia Sargent 3191 471 W. Irl, son of Willis M. Stebbins" and Avis A. Wilcox 6338 956 Zadock, son of Stephen Stebbins^ and Sarah Bliss 442 233 Zadock, son of Zadock Stebbinso and Elizabeth Pease 996 351 Zadock, son of Ezra Stebbins^ and Margaret Chapiu 51 5 246 Zalmon G., son of James MilUgen Stebbins and Esther IT. Simmons 1080 Zebediah, son of Joseph Stebbins* and Mary Williams 392 217 Zebina, son of Thomas Stebbins^ and Phebe Burt 689 286 Zebina, son of Abner Stebbins'J and Mindwell Marsh 1915 328 Zebina, son of Ebenezer Stebbins" and Rebecca Leonard 1683 468 Zenas, son of Gideon Stebbins'' and Mary Hinsdale 1594 454 Zerah, son of John Stebbins^ and Margaret Brooks 500 242 Zeriah, son of Gains Stebbins and Mariam Orcutt 1091 INDEX OF NAMES OTHER THAN STEBHINS. Only those persons who have been identified as belonging to the Rowland Stebbius branch are referred to by individual numbers. All others are referred to by page numbers only. Names occurring in biographies are not indexed; names occurrinj; in appendixes are not indexed, but are arranged in alphabetical order. Names of persons not genealogi- cally connected with the Stebbins family, except those in the English portion, are not indexed. Page Abbey, Arlele W 1054 Abbey. Clarissa P 1156 Abbey, Jonathan 1072 Abbey, Sarah Catherine. 1072 Abbie, Mary 1134 Abbott, Abiel Boynton. . S38 Abbott, Bertha P h i 1 o - mela 838 Abbott, Dana Leale 838 Abbott, Delia Pinette ... 604 Abbott, Eddy Ralph 604 Abbott, Edwin Kirke. ... 838 Abbott, Elizabeth 849 Abbott, Elsie Ruth 838 Abbott, Emily 664 Abbott, Frederick Abiel. 838 Abbott, Guy 882 Abbott, .lohn Pulaski... 882 Abbott, .lonathan 604 Abbott, Joseph Howard. 604 Abbott, .Tosoph Warren.. 604 Abbott, .Julia M 604 Abbott, Leonard 849 Abbott, William Pratt.. 621 Abeal, Eliza Ann 599 Abel, Lucetta 494 Abell, Benjamin B 456 Abraham, Elizabeth Tre- nor 633 Abraham, Maria 1086 Ackerman, Adeline 1034 Ackerman, Henry 1034 Ackley, Ella C 840 Adair, Lucinda 1139 Adair, Elias 1139 Adams, Abigail 495 Adams, .\braham 1027 Adams, Alden 1166 Adams, .\lf red 609 Adams, Alice 477 Adams, Amelia 348 Adams, Clara 321 Adams, Elizabeth 1124 Page Adams, Esther 321 Adams, Geletty 321 Adams, Jo.inu.i 695 Adams, .lohn 348 Adams, .losepli 1025 Adams, Lucy 138 Adams, Lucy M 1166 Adams, Mary 321 Adams, Mary .\nn 839 Adams. Nathan ,".21 Adams, Orrin 322 Adams. Renolds 476 .\dams, Roger 404 Adams, Samuel 321 Adams, Stebbins .321 Adams. William 1216 Adams, William II 783 Adams, 1025 Adsit, Alva 643 Adsit, Helen 643 Aiken, Mercy 1146 Aiken, Solomon 1146 Aiken, Marion 849 Ailwood, Charlotte 1058 Aiman, Charles A 986 Airaan, Charles LeRoy. . 986 Aiman, Ella 827 Aiman, Henry 827 Ainsworth. Jabez 1117 Ainsworth, Ruth Sibley. 1117 Airhart, Sophie 1035 Airth William S 945 Albert, Carrie Maud 997 Albert, Elias 997 Alden, Abel 241 Alden, Alma 241 .\lden, Emery 241 Alden, Ezra 241 Alden. Ezra 241 Alden, Festus 241 Alden, James Milton... 241 Alden, Lyman 241 Alden, Pliny 241 1309 I'agc .Vldeu, Samuel 241 Alden, Sarah 241 .\Idernuui, Nancy L. . . 659 Alderman. K. W 1135 .Udiss, Elizabetli 912 .Alexander, .\lmyra Louisa 917 .Alexander, Dorothy.. .103, 1031 .\lexander. Elisha 219 Alexander. Ida May 685 .Mexander, James Al drich 917 Alexander. .Tolin 103 .VIexander. Louis I' 685 .\lexander, Mary 326 Alexander, Nathaniel... 199 .\lexander, Ruth 128 .\lexandcr, William 1'... 633 Allee, Alice K 910 Allee, Isaac Truit 910 Allen, Abigail 1023 .\llen, Adaline 813 Allen, Amos .307, 308 Allen, .\mos 1104 Allen, Bet.scy 307 Allen, Betsey 392 Allen. Caleb 728 Allen, Carrie 610 .\llen. Cherry 294 Allen, Dan 474 Allen, David 307 Allen, Dorothy 308 Allen, Dwight 738 Allen, Edward 1.59 Allen, Elward Eliel 72S Allen. Edward Stebbins. 307 Allen. Eliel 728 Allen. Erskine 711 Allen. Eunice 521 .Mien Hugene II 884 .\llen. Experience 207 Allen, Fanny 848 181(1 INDEX— XA.MKS OJ'IIKK 'I'llAX STKBBIXS. Page Allen, Fauny Stebbins. . 728 Allen, Hannah 109 Allen, Hiram t)93 Allen, Jemima 308 Allen, John H 884 Allen, Joseph 298 Allen, Joseph, 392 Allen, Josiah AUis 728 Allen, Laura 252 Allen. Lewis F 449 Allen, Lucretia 1091 Allen, Lucy Ann 1104 Allen, Lydia 305 Allen, Lydia 307 Allen, Lydia Thurston.. 647 Allen, Martha 205, 206 Allen, Martha 307 Allen, Martha B 255 Allen, Mary Electa 728 Allen, Matilda 307 Allen, Mercy 207 Allen, Moses 307 Allen, Norman 500 Allen, Orinda 307 Allen, Polly 523 Allen, Polly 799 Allen, Quintus 308 Allen, Quintus 308 Allen, Rebecca 307 Allen, Rubic 1083 Allen, Ruth 392 Allen Samuel 1024 Allen, Samuel 298 Allen, Sarah 131 Allen, Solomon 307 Allen, Sophia 308 AUen, Sylvanus 307 Allen, Sylvanus 307 Allen, Stephen 461 Allen, Stephen 815 Allen, Thomas 934 Allen, Truman 1073 Allerton, Alice R 871 AUertou, Anson M 871 Allerton, Cornelius 779 Allerton, Julia 871 Allerton, Mary 995 Allerton, Mary A 779 AUis, Dorothy 485 A His, Electa 728 Allis, H. D 485 Allison, Elizabeth 477 Alray, Elizabeth T i >>■ belts 972 Alton, Davis C 433 Alvin, BUedo Belle 954 I'agp Alviu, Jiilm Dauii 054 .Uvin, Thomas 954 Alvin, Thomas Ray .... 951 Alvis, Thomas S 457 Alvord, Abigail 128 Alvord, Alexander 128 Alvord, Houjaniin 128 Alvord, Benjamin 128 Alvord, Deljorah 128 Alvord, Ebeuezer Day. . 631 Alvord, Eleazer 1219 Alvord, Elizabeth 128 Alvord, Eunice Sylvia . . G31 Alvord, Exjierieuce .... 129 Alvoril, Joanna (Taylor) 166 Alvord, .losiah 129 Alvord, Sarah 129 Alvord, Sarali 151 Alvord, ThoniMs 127 Ambler, Lewis 49^ Ames, Hannali 1102 Ames, Sarah 727 Amey, Charles 883 Amey, Nellie Elvira 883 Anderson, Alpheus, Mrs. 1120 Anderson, Amanda 591 Anderson, Angeline .... (io:; Anderson, Ann Eliza. . . . 1072 Anderson, Florence .... 663 Anderson, Genette 481 Anderson, George 629 Anderson, Homer .T 629 Anderson, James 1042 Anderson, James 1120 Anderson, .Tane E 729 Anderson, Jay L 629 Anderson, Joseph 1120 Anderson, Louisa M . . . . 845 Anderson, Magdalenn ... 397 Anderson, Maria 842 Anderson, Mary Cath- erine 906 Anderson, William 451 Anderson, William 906 Anderson, — 205 Andrew, Mary 473 Andross, Julia Harriet.. S53 Andross, Kate Webster. 853 Andros, AVilliam F 853 Andross, William W 853 Andrus, Ocovj;"' 585 Andrus, Jonathan 1069 Angell, Newell L (^S'H Anidon, Mary E 931 Appleton, Ashley 832 Appleton, Fayette Gil- man 987 Page Appleton, I'lora liUolla.. 832 Appleton, Frances Wirt. 087 Appleton, George Ashley s:(2 Appleton, George f> t e b- bins 988 Appleton, Harold Gilman 987 Appleton, .Tohn Ashley. . 833 Appleton, Lilla Estelle. . 833 Arbogust, Clara 743 Arbogust, Charles W. . . . 74U Area, Mary 921 Area, William Franklin. 921 Argue, Thomas 826 Armitage, .John 1018 Armitage, Sarah K 1018 Arms, Aaron 204 Arms, Aaron 460 Arms, Alfred 311 Arms, Avice Stebbins. . . 461 Arms, Charles 688 Arms, Christopher Tyler 460 Arms, Christopher Tyler 461 Arms, Daniel 204 Arms, Daniel 204 Arms, Ebonezer H 462 Arms, Edward Bartlett. 950 Arms, Ellen Louisa 731 Arms, Esther 204 Arms, Experience 204 Arms, George Albert... 461 Arms, Hannah 208 Arms, Henry 468 Arms, Hinsdale 311 Arms, Ira 308 Arms, Janette 461 Arms, .Tohn 311 Arms, John 311 Arms, Josiah 311 Arms, Josiah 311 Arms, ,Tulia 461 Arms, Julia Maria 688 Arms, Lucinda 468 Arms, Martha .. 20-1, 460, 462 Arms, Mary 204, 305 Arms, Melissa 461 Arms, Miranda 733 Arms, Richard Catlin. . . 461 Arms, Sarah 166 Arms. William 311 Armstrong, .Tennette . . . 789 Armstrong, William H.. 1035 Arnold, Amasa Smith... 1057 Arnold, Apollos 281 .\rnold, Charles .\masa. . 1057 Arnold, Charles Olney. . 1057 Arnold, David 494 Arnold. Eliza 986 INDEX— NAMES OTIIEI,' THAN STEBBINS. ]:!n Page Arnold, Eliza 986 Arnold, Elizabeth 455 Arnold, George 974 Arnold, Philena 281 Arnold, Rhoda Collins . . 494 Arnold, Kydie Knower. . 974 Arnoux, Annie 1015 Arnoux, G. A 1015 Asbron, Liza 1034 Ashe, Cara 1064 Ashley, Abigail 157 Ashley, Abigail 202 Ashley, Abuer 202 Ashley, Anna 202 Ashley, Azariali 157 Ashlej', Benjamin 157 Ashley, Charles Emerson 796 Ashley, Clarissa 72.1 Ashley, David 157, 158 Ashley, Ebenezer 202 Ashley, Eliza 1071 Ashley, Enoch 1071 Ashley, Flavia Eliza. . . . 821 Ashley, Harrison 796 Ashley, Henry 431 Ashley, Hope 631 Ashley, Jonathan 157 Ashley, Jonathan 157 Ashley, Lydia 157 Ashley, Mary 154 Ashley, Mary 158 Ashley, Mary (Parsons) 191, 192, 1223 Ashley, Mary Ann 821 Ashley, Mercy 295 Ashley, Mercy 157 Ashley, Otis 795 Ashlej', Phineas 157 Ashley, Simeon 821 Ashley, Stephen 796 Ashley, Thankful 202 Ashley 1070 Ashman, Minerva 513 Astley, John 1099 Astley, Norman 1099 Atchison, Benoni ...239, 357 Atchison, Gilbert Steb- bins 357 Atchison, Jane Frances. 584 Atchison, Phebe Ann... 357 Atherton, Anna 205 Atkins, Lovisa 771 Atkins, Lucy 279 Atkins, Lydia Coe 792 Atkins, Mary 872 Atkinson, Sarah 1073 Atkinson, Sarah Ann... 424 Page Atkiiisiiii, TluuiiMs 424 Atwater, Almira 806 Atwater, Charles l^rew- ster 892 Atwater. David K S92 Atwater, Margaret Syl- via 892 Atwood, Samuel 843 Atwood, Sojilii:! Bell 843 Augur, Daniel 446 Austiu, Elizabeth 1087 Austin, Henry S 460 A\istiu, Lauren 1082 Austin. Lizzie Austin, Loreu R 456 Austin, Maria 116 Austiu, "Squire" 293 Austiu, Wesley 1087 Averill, Aldula 872 Aver.y, Cynthia 311 Avery, Eunice Harriet.. 68!) Avery, Fidelia 343 Avery, Gardner 343 Avery, George 1028 Avery. Henry 229 Aver.y, Horace W 1073 Avery. Jolni 971 Avery, Lucimla 343 Avery, Nancy 321 Avery, Sarah 343 Avery, Sarah Ami 1028 Avery, Stephen 343 Avery, Susan D 447 Avery, Theodore Tjynian 689 Axtell, Henry W 787 Axtell, Mary Gertr\ide. . 787 Aver, George 1062 Ayer, Nicholas W 513 Ayers, Lucinda 524 Ayres, Rodney 697 Ayres. S. August.-i 697 Babcock, Alexander .... 250 Babcock, Arnold 789 Babcock, Betty Sessions. 250 Babcock, Clarissa 441 Babcock, Dewitt Tanner 789 Babcock, Hattie Eliza... 789 Babcock, Loraiue 441 Babcock, Marcus Eugene 789 Babcock, Matilda 334 Babcock, Miunic Helen. 7.>*9 Babcock, Oliver 789 Bacon. Abigail 25ii Bacon, Alanson 441 Bacon, Albert S 761 Bacon, Alviu 479 liacuii, Bl.-iiu-lif AiDia... 848 Bacon, Caroline 440 Bacon, Charles Suninor. 848 Bacon, Daniel 516 Bacon, Daniel R 480 Bacon, Eliza D 480 Bacon, Emma Lusena. ... 848 Bacon, George Heed .... 848 Bacon, Hiram 479 Bacon, James 2.50 Bacon, Jennie Rudora... 848 Bacon, Jennie 7()1 Bacon, John Stcbbins. . . 760 Bacon, Lillian M 761 Bacon, Lizzie 761 Bacon, Luciuda 441 Bacon, Lydia 1149 Bacon, Mary 441 Bacon, Norval B 716 Bacon. Orriu Stebbius. . 480, 761 BaciHi, Ovrin Stebbins. . 76] Bacon, Fhilo Stebbins. . . 441 Bacon, Rchana 890 Bacon. Roxscna T 479 Bacon, Sally 441 Bacon, Sarah Inez 848 Bacon, Sumner P 848 Bacon, Timothy Reed... 848 Badger, Ann.... 231, .336, 353 Badger, Heni-y 231 Badger, Sophia 224 Bagg, Hannah 193 Bagg, 179 Bagley, Ann 70" Bailey, Adeline E 964 Bailey, Amos 964 Bailey, Charles 877 Bailey, Charles B 877 Bailey, Cynthia 877 Bailey, Elizabeth 1157 Bailey, Emily 356 Bailey, George Warren . . 877 Baile.y, Huklah 877 Bailey, John 1091 Bailey, Mark A 608 Bailey, Millie 877 Bailey, Nancy Elizabeth 877 Baile.y, Rhoda Bailey, Susie 877 Bailey, Vernuui 877 Baily, 579 Baker, Alice G 1038 Baker. Anson . . ." 589 Baker, Arad Stebldns. . . 518 Baker, Benjamin 601 Baker, Bertie B 1312 INDEX— NAMES o'l'llKH THAN STEBBINS. PllSC Baker, Carl J Baker, Charles Stebbius. 518 Baker, Erastus C 1038 Baker, Grace 359 Baker, Helen Maria 518 Baker, Isaac 332 Baker, Jane Zerildah 601 Baker, Julia 107S Baker, Laura Elizabetli. 518 Baker, Leonard H Baker, Lois 745 Baker, Lueretia 855 Baker, Martha Logec . . . 589 Baker, Mary Ann 398 Baker, Mary Matilda... 518 Baker, Matthew Bridge. 459 Baker, Mettie Baker, Orrin B Baker, O. M S26 Baker, Sarah 1068 Baker, Tabitha 812 Baker, William 517 Balch, Adeline E...512, 807 Balch, Amos 807, 808 Balch, Eva Ada 808 Baldwin, Alpheus Ladd. 1127 Baldwin, Charles C 1130 Baldwin, Elizabeth WooBter 1225 Baldwin, Emily 610 Baldwin, Gamaliel Baldwin, .Tonathan 1015 Baldwin, .loscph P 1130 Baldwin, Julia 728 Baldwin, Lewis 528 Baldwin, Lyman 1165 Baldwin, Mellicent 1015 Baldwin, Permelia 1127 Baldwin, Phebe 894 Baldwin, Sally 1167 Baldwin, Scott 1167 Ball, Abigail (Burt) 88 Ball, Abigail 61 Ball, Elizabeth 61 Ball, Francis 88 Ball, Francis 60 Ball, Francis 146 Ball, Jason 460 Ball, Jonathan 60 Ball, Margaret 201 Ball, Martha (Black- man) 60, 146 Ball, Mary 61,137, 198 Ball, Mary (Graves). 61. 100 Ball, Sabrena 426 Ball, Samuel 100 Page Ball, Sanuiil 01, 146 Ball, Sarah 293 Ball, Sophia 569 Ball, Stephua K 11. 'iS Ballard, Edna 901 Ballard, Jane S16 Ballard, Stephen A 901 Ballard, 816 Balleu, Jennie 1056 Ballew, Elba 876 Ballou, Hannah 1133 Ballou, Obadiah 1133 Ballou, Rosina 1114 Baloard, SalUe 964 Bancroft, John H 571 Bancroft, Julia 853 Bangs, Louisa H 774 Bangs, Nettie Edith 991 Banks, Eunice Ward 968 Banks, Florence William- son 968 Banks, Jennie F 938 Banks, John 213 Banks, Joseph 321 Banks, Richard Varian . . 968 Banks, Varian 968 Banks, William Harvey. 968 Bannoji, Charles A 815 Barber, George W 611 Barber, Ira A 909 Barber, Ira Sanf orrt 909 Barber, Lucinda (Arms) 468 Barber, Mary E 885 Barber, Mary Ellis 611 Barber, P. 1 558 Barber, Samuel 468 Barber, Mrs. . . . 456 Barber (or Barbery), Beniamjn 317 Barber (or Barbery), Ira 317 Bardwell, Antipas Sten- ard 934 Bardwell, Consider 206 Bardwell, Ebenezer .... 206 Bardwell, Eli.iah 206 Bardwell, Enoch 206 Bardwell, Enoch 206 Bardwell. Enoch Wells. . 314 Bardwell, Experience. . . 206 Bardwell, Lucy 194 Bardwell, Lucy 209 Bardwell, Martha 205 Bardwell, Mellicent 208 Bardwell, Mercy 298 Bardwell, Moses 206 Bardwell, Reuben 298 Vage Bardwell, Samuel 206 Bardwell, Samuel 205 Bardwell, Violet Isabel. 934 Barker, Elizabeth 245 Barker, Eunice 245, 364 Barker, James 245 Barker, Joseph 245 Barker, Joseph 245 Barker, .loseph 245 Barker, Martha 780 Barker, Mary 245 Barker, Stephen Wil- liams 245 Barker, Truman 1141 Barker, William 245 Barkley, John 991 Barkley, Maria E 991 Barlow, Maria 10 997 Barlow, Roxana 1111 Barnard, Arabella 457 Barnard, Charles 457 Barnard, Derick 457 Barnard, Ebenezer 477 Barnard, Eliza 457 Barnard, Elizabeth 399 Pjarnard, Elizabeth 150 Barnard, George 457 Barnard, Harriet 460 Barnard, Helen 460 Barnard, James 457 Barnard, Jane 460 Barnard, Joanna 293 Barnard, John Hubbard. 457 Barnard, .Tosepli Steb- bins 457 Barnard, Joseph . . . .457, 460 Barnard, Joseph 457 Barnard, Lucy 460 Barnard, Lydia A 477 Barnard, Maria 457 Barnard, Mary 460 Baruard, Richard 83 Barnard, Thankful 120 Barnardj Theodore 460 Barnard, Theodore 460 Barnes, Jennie O 994 Barnes, Joel 905 Barnes, John H 558 Barnes, Julia E 1159 Barnes, Margaret Ellen. 1157 Barnes, Mary A 1120 Barnes, Nancy 526 Barnes, Richard Adam.. 1157 Barnes, William H U20 Barney, Adeline 1129 Barney, Emeline 651 Barney, Florence 732 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1313 Baruoy, George Barne3% George L Barney, Hay Jeanette. . Barney, Napoleon Bona- parte Barnum, Sally Ann Barr, Miss Barrett, Albert H Barrett, Calvin T Barrett, Sabrina Barringer, Lucy Barrows, Lydia Barrows, Sarah Barrus, Albert Almon... Alexander Alvira Arthur Leland. . Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Frank- Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus Barrus, lin Barrus, son Barrus, Barrus, Barrus Barrus Barrus, Barrus Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus Barrus Barrus Barrus Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus Barrus, Barrus Barrus Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barns, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Barrus, Benjamin Harri- Bertie Betsy Ann Betsy N Caroline Catherine Rozena Charles Emery. . Charlotte Hazel. Chauncey Baker Dories Marion. . Edith Marion. . . Edna Abigail . . Edward Hunter. Eliza Alvira. . . . Ellen Priscilla. . Emelino Emeline Abigail 602, Emery Emery Emery Emery Freeman. Emery Paul .... Emery Timothy. Emma Emma Catherine Essie Glee Ezra Fanny Abigail . . Fanny Ida George William. Gladys Evelyn. . Hnldah Caroline James Benjamin 83 Page 450 610 894 S94 494 1092 385 356 766 1122 1122 877 377 377 879 377 878 876 881 879 603 601 603 881 880 SSI 602 603 879 879 879 602 603 377 880 601 603 878 877 878 881 881 878 603 S7S 878 603 879 881 880 880 Barrus, .Tames Mathews. Barrus, Joanna Barrus, John Barrus, John Elmer Barrus, John Nickerson. Barrus, Laura Barrus, Loana Barrus, Lovina Angelia. Barrus, Lulu Maj' Barrus, Lydia Nickerson Barrus, Marilla Barrus, Martha Louisa. . Barrus, Mary Estella... Barrus, Mary Huldah... Barrus, Mary Luella. . . . Barrus, MeClenan Barrus, Michael Barrus, Michael Barrus, Nellie Louisa... Barrus, Noble Barrus, Olive Lita Barrus, Orrin Barrus, Orrin Barrus, Orrin Eleazer... Barrus, Orrin Orlando. . . Barrus, Owen Henry.... Barrus, Owen Lavern... Barrus, Polly Maria.... Barrus, Rosel Hyde Barrus, Royal Sayton... Barrus, Ruel Barrus, Ruel Melvin. . . . Barrus, Ruel Michael... Barrus, Ruel Monto Barrus, Sarah Barrus, Sarah Abigail... Barrus, Walter William. Barrus, William Taylor. Barrus, Zerilda lone.... Barrus, Zylpha Barstow, Caleb Barstow, Henry W Barstow, Sophia G Barter, Almira Bartholomew, Carrie . . . Bartholomew, James . . . Bartholomew, Sarah Ann Bartlet, Roxana Bartlet, William H Bartlett, Abigail Bartlett, Addison Homer Bartlett, Benjamin Bartlett, Carl Crandall.. Bartlett, Chester Bartlett, Clara Ruth Bartlett, Cyrus Sabiu . . . Bartlett, Cyrus Page Page 881 Bartlett, Dwight S t o b- 377 bins 934 880 Bartlett, Edward Payson 934 878 Bartlett, Eliza Elvira... 725 880 Bartlett, Elizabeth 1218 878 Bartlett, Emma 706 603 Bartlett, Francis Alonzo 934 877 Bartlett, Harry Herbert 707 878 Bartlett, Julia Annette. 725 876 Bartlett, Lavius Hyde. . 444 377 Bartlett, Lizzie Maria.. 934 878 Bartlett, Marion Estella. 934 881 Bartlett, Martha 421 877 Bartlett, Moses 229 877 Bartlett, Moses 214 603 Bartlett, Norman S t e b- 377 bins 706 602 Bartlett, Preserved 128 879 Bartlett, Robert 74 878 Bartlett, Silence 582 881 Bartlett, Wyman L 444 377 Barton, Joel 352 603 Barton, Sarah 437 877 Bascom, Ann Elizabeth. 820 877 Bascom, Ann Elizabeth 878 (Clark) 879 Bascom, Artemidorus ... 521 377 Bascom, Aseneth 205 878 Bascom, Caroline 515 603 Bascom, Cassius Clay . . 820 603 Bascom, Clorinda 521 878 Bascom, Dorus 522, 820 878 Bascom, Elias 521, 820 603 Bascom, Elizabeth 603 (Clark) 820 879 Bascom, Elvira Priscilla 521 881 Bascom, Emily 521 881 Bascom, Ezekiel 205 881 Bascom, Fred George... 981 603 Bascom, George B 820 405 Bascom, Hannah 108 405 Bascom, Oliver Hubbard 521 698 Bascom, Robert 981 1218 Bascom, Robert Piatt. . . 981 708 Bascom, Samuel Hopkins 708 .522, 819 843 Bascom, Samuel Joy 820 741 Bascom, Semantha Eun- 1155 ice 522 74 Bascom, Shubael 515 934 Bascom, Thankful 521 129 Bascom, William Frank- 707 lin 522 229 Bascom, Wyman Hub- 707 bard S20 725 Bascom, Wyman Samuel 981 72.') Bassett, Chloe 817 1314 INDEX— NAMES (VPHER THAN STEBRINS. Bassett, Daniel Bassett, HanDah Bassett, Mary Arminda . Bassett, Philena Batohelder, Abigail . . . . BatcheldeFj Daniel Bateman, Bates, Alice S Bates, Alonzo W Bates, Ann E Bates, Charles Auson... Bates, Charles Asa Bates, Charles Stebbins. Bates, Chloe Bates, Clara Bates, Earl Elsworth... Bates, Edwin R Bates, George Bates, George Anson... Bates, George Elsworth . Bates, George Stebbins. . Bates, Harley C Bates, Henry Bates, James C Bates, Jessie Kellogg. . . Bates, John Bates, John W Bates, Levi C 259, Bates, Maryett ....-110, Bates, Matthew C Bates, Myra J Bates, Samuel Bates, Thomas Bates, William Bathgate, Jennie Batten, Hannah Battis, Joseph Baum, Yale L Baupree, Arzalio Bautum, .Jonas Baxter, Baylor, Carrie Baylor, Eldred Baylor, Glenn Baylor, Hattie Baylor, Sue Bayton, George Bayton, Lewisa Bayton, Sophia Bazum, Sarah Beach, Josiah Beach, Mary Amelia . . . Beach, Nathan Beach, Nancy Beaoh, Sabrina Page 394 210 39?, 682 219 219 lllfi 979 979 390 946 979 946 294 605 947 390 739 946 979 605 522 979 94fi 605 605 389 654 270 946 61 199 390 1132 874 298 760 172 172 1070 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 1033 1033 1033 314 520 692 389 520 388 rapi" Beach, Sarah 519 Beach, Vertot Dan 692 Beat, John 559 Bcal, Sarah Ann 558 Beall, Samuel J 866 Beats, Eliza Ann 599, 873 Heals, Mary 375 Beals, Bobert 375 Bean, Joseph 1129 Bean, Minnie Maud .... 1128 Beardslee, Joshua 762 Brcadsly, Elvira 897 Beardsly, John L 479 Beckett, Minnie 626 Beckwith, ,lane R 1 101 Kcckwith, 33S Beeraff, I'rsilla 1157 Bedortha, Harriet 373 Bedortha, .Joseph 191 Beehe, Elisha .559 Beebe, Emeline 374 Bcebe, Esther 271 Beebe, James 431 Beebe, Joseph 1125 Beebe, Lucinda Maria. . 569 Beebe, Jjydia R 559 Beebe, Marcus 569 Beebe, Mary .Jeanette . . 431 Beebe, Ruth 356 Beebe, Ruth 576 Beebe, Samuel 271 Beebe, Sarah 271 Beebe, Sherwood 374 Beech, George W 1085 Beecher, Calvin 502 Beecher, Isaac S 502 Beekman, .Jane Catharine 1052 Eeekman, .John 1052 Beelsman. Ed 529 Beers, Ida 494 Beers, Martha 781 Beers, Sarah 244 Beers, Sarah 926 Beers, W. A 781 Belcher, Elizabeth 292 Belden, Nancy 1223 Belden, Persis E 1020 Belding, Martha 329 Belding, Sarah 436 Belding, Stephen 329 Belding, Stephen 215 Belding, Thankful 215 Belgea, 1086 Bellinger, Ida 1120 Bellows, Clarissa 614 Bellows, Cornelia L, 614 Bellows, George 614 race Bellows, George W.llOo, 1156 Bellows, Harriet Louisa. 1105 Bellows, Mary 383 Bellows, Mary .Jane 1156 Bemen, Sarah 224, 230 Bement, John 1095 Eement, Sally 360 Beiiiis, Edmund 1116 Beniis, .John 1116 Beniis, Ijuey 1116 Bemis, Silas 1116 Bender, Claude 1088 Bender, Frank 1088 Bender, John ?>anklin. . 108S Bender, Marguerite Beat- rice 647 Bender, Richard William 647 Bender, AVilhelm 647 Benedict, Abijah 211 Benedict, Adaline 1038 Benedict, .\.nn 324 Benedict, Delight 211 Benedict, Edward 325 Benedict, Emily 847 Becndict, Esther 211 Benedict, Ezra 502 Benedict, Hannah 211 Benedict, Ira 324 Benedict, James 211 Benedict, John 211 Benedict, .John 211 Benedict, .John Harlow.. 324 Benedict, John Starr .324 Benedict, Maria 324 Benedict, Mary 324 Benedict, Ruth 323 Benedict, Sarah 211 Benedict, Susannah .... 502 Benedict, Theophilus. . . ; 324 Benham, Mary Lois .... 524 Ben.iamin, Anna 206 Ben.iamin, Willis 830 Bennet, Mary Ann 703 Bennett, Alden Bradford 1083 Bennett, Alonzo W 616 Bennett, Clara M 616 Bennett, Cora Emma . . 848 Bennett, Ella Louise... 848 Bennett, Elmina 796 Bennett, Emily Elizabeth 1083 Bennett, Florence J 616 Bennett, George Delevan 848 Bennett, Harry Werdel- baugh 623 Bennett, Isabel Bradford 1083 Bennett, James 108 Bennett, John Delevan . . 848 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1315 Pngc Page Page Bennett, John J 703 Bigelow, Daniel 1145 Bisbee, Jotham 425 Bennett, Jonathan 1083 Bigelow, Elizabeth 1146 Bisbee, Maria Jane 6S2 Bennett, Julia L 616 Bigelow, Fanny Dwight. 490 Bisbee, Mary Wells 681 Bennett, Margaret Ade- Bigelow, Hannah Gould. 556 Bisbee, Myrtie Ella 682 laide 1083 Bigelow, Helen Ann 490 Bisbee, Nettie Eliza 682 Bennett, Mary (Brough- Bigelow, Irene 490 Bisbee, Wells Graves... 682 ton) 108 Bigelow, Jabez 1146 Bishop, Ann 1026 Bennett, Mary Jane .... 616 Bigelow, James 1146 Bishop, Eleazer 1026 Bennett, Moses 796 Bigelow, Jane Stebbins. 490 Bishop, Isaac Ladner... Bennett, Roena V 616 Bigelow, John 1146 415, 668 Bennett, Sally Ann 325 Bigelow, Joseph 1145 Bishop, Joseph 1135 Bennett, Sarah Louisa.. 1083 Bigelow, Joseph 1146 Bishop, Lucy Jane 1135 Bennett, Susanna 1044 Bigelow, Mary DeForest 490 Bishop, Lydia 1155 Bennett, Walter S 616 Bigelow, Sarah 1146 Bishop, Mary Ann 1084 Bennett, William B 848 Bigelow, Theophilus Bishop, Moses 668 Bennett, William Henry 848 Stebbins 490 Bishop, Phebe 261 Bennett, 1141 Bigelow, William 1146 Bishop, Philo 816 Benoit, Claude 1032 Bignal, Maria 873 Bishop, Richard H 1155 Benoit, Mariane 1039 Bill, Lucy 281 Bishop, Tamasa 1051 Bense, Charles Christian 955 Billings, Adeline 586 Bishop, Venelia Harrison 816 Bense, Charles Frederick 955 Billings, Charles E 1225 Bishop, 261 Bense, Thornton 955 Billings, Cynthia A 710 Bissell, Timothy 576 Bense, 955 Billings, Elizabeth 313 Bissell, Warren 651 Benson, Isaac 965 Billings, Gideon 633 Black, Esther 1126 Benson, James Barrett.. 965 Billings, Mary Jane. 400, 633 Blackburn, Alma 1132 Bentley, Esther 866 Billings, Matilda 743 Blackburn, Charles Hor- Bentley, Harriet 655 Billings, Orsemus 710 ace 945 Benton, Azuba 1043 Billings, 342 Blackburn, Frank Tol- Bento, Daniel 477 Billings, William 1101 ridge 945 Benton, Felix 1043 Bills, Lydia 659 Blackburn, Freddie An- Benton, John 477 Bills, Mary 472 drews 945 Berger, Arthur Alexan- Bills, Richard 473 Blackburn, Harry Dickin- der 950 Bills, Sarah Davids 561 inson 945 Berry, Abigail 408 Binet, Nicholas 160 Blackburn, Henry A 945 Berry, Betsey 409 Birchard, Eli 783 Blackburn, Jennie Maude 945 Berry, Charles Fred .... 1066 Birchard, Sarah 496 Blackburn, Julia Eleanor 945 Berry, David 1066 Birchard, Stephen B 783 Blackburn, Lottie Plum- Berry, George Webster . . 1066 Bird, Arminda 427 ley 945 Berry, Isaac 1060 Bird, Chauncy N 1158 Blackburn, Martha E... 1131 Berry, Lloyd W 491 Bird, Eli 427 Blackburn, Nellie May. . 945 Berry, Marietta Elma... 1066 Bird, John 508 Blackburn, Zachariah. . . 1131 Berrj', Melvin Alexander 701 Bird, Lydia 130 Blackleach, Sarah 1153 Berry, Sarah Ida 1063 Bird, Rebecca 156 Blackman, Martha ..61, 146 Berry, Sidney 571 Birdsey, Grace Adele . . . 995 Blackman, Doctor 053 Best, Julia 826 Birdsey, Elmer Jerome. . 995 Blackmer, Alphia 802 Beswiek, Mehitable 427 Birdseye, Nathan 1224 Blackmer, John 612 Betts, Harvey 323 Birdseye, Sarah 1224 Blackney, Betsey 1015 Betts, Susannah 1153 Birge, Ebenezer Cross. . . 1150 Blackstone, Melissa .... 1077 Beuell, J. W 1089 Birge, Francis A 448 Blake, Gertrude 967 Beuell, Nellie 1089 Birge, 117 Blake, 967 Beyer, Kato 389, 622 Bisbee, Asahel 425 Blakesley, Catherine San- Bid well 1090 Bisbee, Celia Frances. . . 682 derson 947 Bierdslee Martha 803 bisbee, Celia Frances . . . 682 Blakesley, Charles Louis 947 ' Bisbee, Frank Lester. .. . 682 Blanchard, Abbie Salome 1156 Bigelow, Asa 490 Bisbee, Georgo Asahel. . 682 Blanchard, Amelia 375 Bigelow, Asa 490 Bisbee, George Henry. . . 682 Blanchard, Charles .... 1150 Bigelow, Daniel 1146 Bisbee, Henry Albert... 681 Blanchard, Christopher. 1156 1316 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STRBBINS. Pasc Blanchard, Frank 1220 Blanchard, Jemina '"T Blanchard, Lucy filS Blanchard, Marth.a 656 Blanchet, Aiiguste "H felandin, Clarissa "'85 Blandin, Harriet 613 Blandin, .lohn 384, 385 Blandin, John 612 Blandin, Martha Frances 612 Blandin, Sarah 384 Blandin, Simeon 613 Elasdell, Benjamin 059 Blasdell, Nettie Van 959 Bleasdalo, Christiana E. 922 Bleasdale, James 922 Blinn, Mary 579 Bliss, Aaron 246 Bliss, Abel 293 Bliss, Abel 201 BUss, Abel 293 Bliss, Almond L 836 Bliss, Asenath 1099 Bliss, David 249 Bliss, David 290 Bliss, David 290 Bliss, David 290 Bliss, Delia 596 Bliss, Ebenezor 98 Bliss, Elizabeth 292 Bliss, Elizabeth 189 Bliss, Elizabeth 249 Bliss, Emily 292 Bliss, Eunice 189 Bliss, Gad 447 BUss, Frank M 901 Bliss, Hannah 98 BlisB, Hannah 189 Bliss, Hannah 143 Bliss, Hannah 98, 201 Bliss, Hannah 447, 711 Bliss, Henry 453 Bliss, Hubbard 283 Bliss, Ichabod 193 Bliss, Isaac 1099 Bliss, James Oolton 292 Bliss, Jane 499 Bliss, Jedediah 200 Bliss, Jedediah 138 Bliss, John 193 Bliss, John 98 Bliss, Lois 188, 190 Bliss, Lovice 293 Bliss, Lucy 290 Bliss, Lucy 453 Bliss, Luther 292 Bliss, Luther 499 PaKc Bliss, Luther 292 Bliss, Margaret 246 Bliss, Margaret 193 Bliss, Margaret 98 Bliss, Margret 171. 224 Bliss, Martha 352 Bliss, Mary 293 Bliss, Mary 264 Bliss, Mehitablo 19:'. Bliss, Moses 292 Bliss, Moses 292 Bliss, Myra Eloise 836 Bliss, Naomi 346 Bliss, Nathan ISS Bliss, Nathaniel 97 Bliss, Nathaniel 98 Bliss, Pelatiah 291 Bliss, Pelatinh 292 Bliss, Phebe 190 Bliss, Eachel 293 Bliss, Rachel 200 Bliss, Eeuben 291 Bliss, Euth 388 Bliss, Samuel 97 Bliss, Samuel 97 Bliss, Samuel 98 Bliss, Sarah 97 Bliss, Sarah 172 Bliss, Sarah 193 Bliss, Sarah 1050 Bliss, Semantho 293 Bliss, Thomas 193 Bliss, Thomas 158 Bliss, Thomas 171, 172 Bliss, Thomas 98 Bliss, Thomas 189, 193 Bliss, Timothy ISO Bliss, Timothy (or Charles) ] 89 Bliss, Zebina 1149 Bliss, Zcrviah 291 Blocher, Lydia 959 Block, Augusta 612 Blodget. Abncr 273 Blodget, Eachel 273 Blodgett, Elizabeth 935 Bloodgood, C a T n 1 i n o Whistler 920 Blount, Ida Beulah 937 Blundell, Jean 1219 Boardman, Sarah 240 Boggs, Davis 896 Boggs, K.itherine Leh- man 896 Boljick, Jennie 1032 Bolles, Angeline Harris. 804 rage Bolles, James Stoddard. 804 Bolles, Patience 1025 Bolton, Corinna M 940 Bolton, George C 940 Bolton, George Dean .... 940 Bolton, Lauranee T 940 Bolton, Pearl L 940 Bond, Eliza Ann 453 Bond, Lucy 793 Bond, Solomon 453 Bonebrako, Elijah 794 Bonebrake, Elizabeth . . 794 Bonner, .fohn N S41 Bonner, Mae M Bonnell, Carrie Stewart. 990 Bonnell, David 990 Booth, David 1015 Booth, Joanna 1015 Boots, Joseph 314 Boots, William 314 Borden, F. L 389 Borden, Mary Ann 848 Borden, William 1085 Borthwiok, Benj.imin Franklin 882 Borthwick, Elmer 882 Borthwick, Grace 882 Borthwick, Eobert 882 Bosque, Suzetto 969 Bostwick, Prudence .... 1053 Boswell, Elizabeth Jane. 951 Bosworth, Asahel S 732 Bosworth, Lydia A. (Cut- ler) 732 Bousquet, Eosanna 1039 Bouton, Clara 493 Boutoii, Daniel 493 Bouton, Daniel 493 Bouton, Edwin 321 Bouton, Elizabeth 493 Bouton, Enoch 493 Bouton, Eunice 493 Bouton, Gilbert 493 Bouton, Gould 321 Bouton, Gould 321 Bouton, Hannah 321 Bouton, Joel 321 Bouton, John 343 Bouton, John 493 Bouton, Laura 343 Bouton, Lewis 493 Bouton, Molly Bouton, Sally 781 Bouton, Sarah 498 Bouton, William 325 Boutwell, Eliza Jane. . . . 1143 Bovee, Agnes Permelia. . 1143 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1317 Page Bovee, AJson 1143 Bovee, AJson Norman... 1143 Bovee, Jennie Amorette. 1143 Bovee, June 1143 Bovee, Leila 1143 Bovee, Mary 1143 Bovee, Norman 1143 Bovee, Sadie Ellen 1143 Bowden, Michael 570 Bowen, Elizabeth 1128 Bowen, Joseph E 1128 Bowers, Catharine Eliza- beth 847 Bowers, Lemuid 847 Bowers, Luther 792 Bowker, Cynthia 372 Bowker, Eliza 372 Bowker, Frank 372 Bowker, Jonathan . .248. 372 Bowker, J. C 372 Bowker, Sally 248. 372 Bowker, Sarah 372 Bowles, Etta 564 Bowman, <' Bowman, Mary 568 Bowne, Fred 498 Bowne, William 787 Bowne, William Ferris. . 498, 7S7 Bowne. William Stebbius 787 Boxley, Mary 930 Boyd, Albert H 1051 Boyd, Bartholomew .... 1051 Boyd, Charles 1051 Boyd, Fred 1051 Boyd, H. A 1051 Boyd, Henry .Tames. . . . 1051 Eoyd, Nora 834 Boyd, Robert Briggs. . . . 1051 Boyd, Samuel S 1051 Boyden, Frederiok 46S Boyden, Julia 469 Boyden, Marcia S 468 Boyington, David Tvo«. . 1073 Boyle, Ferdinand 671 Boynton. George TT S57 Boynton, Sarah 393 Boynton. 393 Brace, Da%-id 272 Brace, Elizabeth 1098 Braekett, Francis 518 Brackett, Hannah 1065 Braekett, Ijusona M.... 518 Brackett. Theodoro 1224 Brackctte, Abbie 887 Bradford. EUeu 596 Bradford, John .596 I'agp Bradish, Sarah 451 Bradley, Betsey 317 Brady, Julia 1120 Bragg, Mary 355 Braman, Jennie 6S2 Bramhall Catharine .... 373 Branch, .Vmaziah 361 Branch, James 520 Branch, Lvdia 361 Branch, Warren 520 Brantly, Georgia M 919 Brantly, Louise 91S Brazier, Nellie 660 Bre. Asenath C 847 Breard, Ama Ann...4u5, 035 Ereard, Nicholas 635 Breaus, Louisa Delphine 821 Breece, Catherine 992 Breed, Susanna 35S Brewer, Chauncey 193 Brewer, Charles 405 Brewer, Darius 334 Brewer, Edward Pliny . . 405 Brewer, Elizabeth In- gram 405 Brewer, Eunice 264 Brewer, Frances Stebbins 405 Brewer, George 405 Brewer, Henry Otis .... 405 Brewer, Isaac 264 Brewer, Isaa.- 291, 404 Brewer, Joseph Isaac... 404 Brewer, Katharine 291 Brewer, Mary 2S6. 399 Brewer, Mary Louisa. . . 405 Brewer, Nathaniel 129 Brewer. Pliney 404 Brewster, Elizabeth 419 Brewster. William 419 Bridge. Nathan 298 Bridgman. Laura 451 Bridgenian, Thomas .... 452 Bridges, .lames Luther. . 375 Bridges, Luther 375 Bridges. Martha C 375 Bridgman, Edwin Kuth- ven 43S Bridgman, Lymau 438 Bridgman, Malcolm .... 43S Bridgman, Marion Eliza. 438 Bridgman. Smith 280 Bridgman, Wright 43S Briggs, Charles Dwight. 943 Briggs, Claude AVhitte- more 943 Briggs, Eliphalet 536 Page Briggs, Ella Maranda. . . 738 Briggs, Ella Martha. : . . 943 Briggs, Ellen Mary 536 Briggs, F. M 1058 Briggs, Harlan Page... 536 Briggs, Harriet 768 Briggs, Henry Dwight . . 943 Briggs, Joseph Oilman . . 542 Briggs, Joshua Lyndc. . . 737 Briggs, Lyman 536 Briggs, Lyman Carroll. . 536 Briggs, Kaymond Henry 943 Briggs, Sarah Louise . . . 542 Briggs, Vinnie 3S6 Brigham. Anna 697 Brillon, Emilia 1037 Brining, Dora 829 Bristol, Adaline Whitney 915 Brisol, Arthur Lincoln. . 802 Bristol, Calista Stebbins 802 Bristol, Grace May 802 Bristol, Harriet Hough- ton 802 Bristol, Lambert Jones. . 802 Britto, Betsey 501 Brockett, Emily Isabel . . 1144 Brodbeck, Laura 873 Brokaw, Ida Maria 750 Brokaw. William Cus- tard 750 Bronson, Marcia 1103 Brookfield, James C> 606 Brookfield. Marion Glover 606 Brooks, Abigail 84 Brooks, Abigail 212 Brooks, Charles 1034 Brooks, Chloe 248, 276 Brooks, Delwin 1031 Brooks, Elizabeth 664 Brooks, Emily 664 Brooks, Margaret . . 178, 249 Brooks, Mary 1034 Brooks, Mary Anu 954 Brooks, Samuel 152 Brooks, William 84 Brooks, William 664 Brooks 1107 Broughton, John 108 Broughton, Mary lOS Brower, Ephriam D 867 Brown, Anna 205 Brown, Catharine Brown, Chester 534 Brown, Corintha 734 Brown, C\Tithia L 814 Brown, D.aniel W 534 1318 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Page Page Brown Edward Silas 649 Bruy ere, George Stebbins 691 Burgess, Almcda E 531 Brown, Eleanor Webster 949 Bruyere, James Hervey. 691 Burgoync, Anna 834 Brown, Elizabeth S 1108 Bruyere, Louis Under- Burgoyne, John 834 Brown, Fanny 278 wood 691 Buritt, Eanny 749 Brown, Florence Betsey. 1218 Bruyere, Paul Tulane... 691 Burke, William 1067 Brown, Fred 949 Bruyere, Walter Eeevc. 691 Burl ey, John 537 Brown, George Morrison 535 Bruyere, Walter Keevo. . 691 Burley, Nancy 570 Brown, Green 1028 Bryan, Frank A 1069 Burley, Samuel 570 Brown, Hannah 1127 Bryan, Frank A 1069 Burley, Susan E 537 Brown, Hannah 205 Bryan, Susan Maria. . . . 927 Burlingame, Barbara . . . 851 Brown, Harry 700 Bryan, William J 1069 Burlingame, Ben 851 Brown, Hattie L 535 Bryant, Ann 1063 Burlingame, Cassius M. . 851 Brown, Herman 935 Bryant, Ashley Elliott . . 683 Burlingame, Don 851 Brown, Horace A 535 Bryant, Edgar 682 Burlingame, Edith 851 Brown, Jane Helen 758 Bryant, George 293 Burlingame, George Adel- Brown, Jesse Harris 832 Bryant, Hattie Eliza 683 bert 851 Brown, Jessie 834 Bryant, Katie Frances . . 683 Burlingame, Margery . . 851 Brown, John 1218 Bryant, Patrick 682 Burlingame, Paul 851 Brown, John 1018 Bryant, Thamer Jane . . 788 Burlingame, Euth 1117 Brown, Josiah 458 Bryant, Warren 362 Burlingame, William . . . 851 Brown, Lowell W 814 Buchanan, Frances 627 Burnes, Ellen 1078 Brown, Lydia 1134 Buck, W. C 587 Burnett, Addison 933 Brown, Manily Tucker.. 832 Buckingham, S. Ella 1003 Burnett, Bathsheba S. . . 933 Brown, Martha P 574 Buckley, Lizzie 588 Burnett, Harriet 728 Brown, Mary Ann 962 Buckley, 328 Burnham, Edward Tru- Brown, Mary C 814 Buckminster, Samuel .. . 270 man 821 Brown, Mary M 521 Buckminster, Sarah 270 Burnham, Ellen E 732 Brown, Mattie 856 Buckner, Simon B 1103 Burnham, Katharine Col- Brown, Millicent 318 Budrean, Marshall 1033 lins 821 Brown, Nancy 359 Bugbee, Hannah 576 Burnham, Laura L 625 Brown, Oscar 700 Bugbee, Harriet 821 Burnham, Sarah 573 Brown, Ozine 98 Bugbee, Jesse 821 Burnham, Silas 732 Brown, Philanda 684 Bugbee, Lucius 694 Burnham, Thomas 525 Brown, Polly 1117 Bull, George 473 Burns, Catharine 993 Brown, Eeuel S 814 Bull, Hortense E 473 Burnsmaid, Abram 292 Brown, Eichard 700 Bull, J. E 1113 Burr, Alraira E 1082 Brown, Eoswell 98 Bull, Kate 62 Burr, Ashbel 424 Brown, Samuel 574 Bull, Eebecca Butler 299 Burr, Benjamin F 424 Brown, Sarah Elizabeth. 363 Bullens, Ira Mills 595 Burr, Hannah 342 Brown, Silas 1219 Bullens, Martha A 595 Burr, Harriet E 424 Brown, Theodore L 814 Bullis, Mary 753 Burr, Jacob H. Ten Eyck 716 Brown, Walter 700 Bullock, Emeline 653 Burr, Jane Elizabeth... 697 Brown, 844 Bump, Sally 398 Burr, John 697 Brown, 496 Bunce, Theodocia 1018 Burr, Lyman 421 Brown, Will 605 Bunker, Lydia 769 Burr, Mary 213 Brownell, Frank 376 Bunker, William 769 Burr, M. Julene 424 Brownell, Harry 766 Bunnell, George 830 Burr, Zebulon 333 Brownell, Ophelia 766 Bunnell, Louisa Fannie. . 830 Burrell, Electa 1105 Bruce, Betsey 886 Bunner, Bessie 866 Burrell, Jonathan 1105 Bruce, Euf us 397 Bunner, John C 866 Burroughs, Lydia 443 Bruce, Suman Temper- Bunner, Minnie 866 Burroughs, Nancy 315 ance 887 Bunner, William 866 Burroughs, Eachel 693 Bruckner, John H 760 jjurchard, Minnie 775 Burrows, J. F 505 Brundage, Almira 778 Burt, Abigail 188 Brnndage, Jesse 779 Burdick, Emeline 740 ^urt, Abigail 88 Bruns, Frederick 948 Burdick, Sallie M 907 Burt, Abigail 60 Bnins. Martha 948 Burge, Eobert 85S Burt, Abigail 229 INDEX— iNAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1319 Page JJurt, Anna 491 Burt, Asa 319 Burt, Asa 319 Burt, Olareuco E 491 Burt, Coruelia 191 Burt, Cornelia EUeu 191 Burt, Cornelia E 491 Burt, Davitl 229 Burt, Diademia 184 Burt, Ebcnczer 116 Burt, Elam 1S8, 190 Burt, Elizabeth 193 Burt, Elizabeth 491 Burt, Elizabeth 110 Burt, Enoch ... : 229 Burt, Enoch 229 Burt, Eunice 101 Burt, Eunice 229 Burt, Experience 721 Burt, Fanny M o73 Burt, George 491 Burt, George 491 Burt, Henry (iO Burt, Henry 184 Burt, Henry 128 Burt, James 199 Burt, John 188 Burt, .John 188 Bnrt, John 188 Burl, John Sjieneer 776 Burt, Jonathan 128 Burt, Jonathan 246 Bnrt, .Joseph 194 Burt, Mary 282 Burt, Mary Ii)(i9 Bnrt, Mary 84 Bnrt, Mary 365 Bnrt, Mary 2r>I, 2.52 Burt, Mary 179 Burt, Mercy 132 Eurf. Moses 188 Burt, Moses 199 Burt, Nathaniel 401 Burt. Nathaniel 1.11 Burt, Phcbe 1 99 Burt, Rix 188 Bnrt, Robert T 776 Burt, Sarah 131 Burt, Sarah 1S8 Burt, Sarah Slebbins. . . 319 Burt, Silence 2.35 Burt, Stoddard ,173 Burt, Thankful 138 Burt, Thomas 116 Bnrt, Urania 246 Burt. Walter 224. 229 I'age Burton, .Vlict 880 Burton, Anuette Esther. 1143 Burton, Charles 880 Burton, Charles f'dward. 1144 Burton, Delia Maria.... 090 Burton, Elizabetli 326 Burton, Emily Rice 1114 Burton, George Lorenzo. 1144 Burton, George Riley... 1144 Burtou, Helen Pamelia. . 1143 Burton, John 1143 Burton, John Daniels. . . 1143 Burton, Louis Rice 1144 Burton, JIanfre.l Steb- bins 1143 Burton, Sarah 514 Bush, Elnathan 190, John A 016 Bush, Judsun A 805 Bush, 377 Bushart, Jennie 7S2 Bushce, Anthony 003 Bushee, Lucinda 602 Bushor, Walter 837 Bushncll, Mary Bussey, Abigail (.i 472 Bussey, David 472 Butchard, liillian 1101 Butler, Davis 298 Butler, Gertrude 999 Butler, Ilanuah 1016 Bntler, Harold 999 Butler, J. Hunt 999 Butler, Marianna Eliza- beth 999 Butler, Mary 236 Butler, Sarah 1018 Bntler, Stephen Lathrop. 999 Butniau, Abigail 219 Butterfield, Abliie Irene. S8S Butterfield, Clara 614 Butterfield, Henry 382 Butterfield, Jesse Fletch- er 614 Butterfield, Leslie .lanes. 614 Butterfield, Phebe 311 Butterfield, Watie Jane. 614 Button, Mary 1050 Butts, Effa 650 Byers, John A 63 Byers, Kate Elizabeth.. 63 Cable, Benton 845 Cadey, Ruth 1156 Cadieux, Margaret 1036 Cadmus, Charles Crosby. 986 Cadmus. William V..826, 986 I'age Cadwell, Abigail 1016 Cadwell, Reuben 571 Cadwell, Christian 138 Cadwell, Ebenezer 191 Cadwell, Edward 1016 Cadwell, Elizabeth 1016 Cadwell, Hannah ...189, 193 Cadwell, Hannah 1016 Cadwell, Hannah 1016 Cadwell, Mary 1016 Cadwell, Matthew 1016 Cadwell, Mehitable 1016 Cadwell, Polly 242 Cadwell, Samuel 1016 Cadwell, Thomas 1015 Cadwell, Thoma.s 1016 Cadwell, William 1016 Cady, Emily 295 Cady, 261 Cahoun, Clara 906 Caibeet, William 856 Cain, Rebecca 753 Caldwell, Anna 500 Caldwell, Harriet 1077 Calhoun, Simeon H 594 Calhoun, Susan 594 Calkins, Eliza M 526 Calkins, Emily 367 Calkins, Ezekiel 367 Calkins, George 237 Calkins, John 1094 Calkins, .Tudah .526 Calkins, Sarah A 526 Calkins, Smith 526 Callender, Benjamin Daniel 971 Callender, B c u j a m i n Richard 971 Callender, Charlotte 452 Callender, Frederic Dan- iel 971 Callender, George W... 452 Callender, Harris Dwight 452 Callender, Isabella Gra- ham 452 Callender, John Pierce. . 971 Callender, Joseph B 971 Callender, Martha Cogs- halV 452 Callender, Mary N o r- wood 452 Callender, Robert Steb- bins 971 Callender, William 452 Camber, Maryette 1037 Camp, Abraham 61 Campbell, Albert Henry. 917 1320 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Page Page Campbell, Albert Mason. 917 Carr, James 905 Chamberlain, Addie Jane. 767 Campbell, Andrew 1121 Carr, Mary 474 Chamberlain, Alvah 1098 Campbell, Andrew 1122 Carr, Matilda Effie 662 Chamberlain, Anna 223 Campbell, Charles Mit- Carr, Meda Lucinda 662 Chamberlain, Betsy 1098 chell 917 Carr, Oseian Elmer 662 Chamberlain, Clarissa . . . 742 Campbell, Edward Steb- Carrigan, Ellen 1161 Chamberlain, Daniel .... 1078 bins 917 Carrington, Daniel 671 Chamberlain, Ebenezer. . 1076 Campbell, Elvira A 451 Carrington, Esther 754 Chamberlain, Emeline Campbell, Ephriam 1122 Carrie, Alexander 418 Buxton 98 Campbell, Hannah 1122 Carrol, Bell 1058 Chamberlain, Ephraim . . 223 Campbell, Mason 917 Carry, Curtis 386 Chamberlain, George Campbell, Piletus 359 Carsner, William 634 Chamberlain, Gertude M. 767 Campbell, Euth 1122 Carson, Calphurnia S89 Chamberlain, John C... 767 Campbell, Samuel 1122 Carter, Consider B 583 Chamberlain, John 767 Campbell, William 1122 Carter, Consider B 584 Chamberlain, Levi 1102 Campbell, Zuriel 1122 Carter, John 840 Chamberlain, Lucy 1078 Canedy, Esther 705 Carter, Mary Elizabeth . . 840 Chamberlain, Mary Curtis 1102 Canney, Alice Leavitt. . . 1115 Carter, Nellie 504 Chamberlain, Moody 98 Cannon, Sally 635 Caruth, Peter W 519 Chamberlain, Sarah 814 Cantell, Bertha May ... 1081 Carver, Clarissa 475 Chamberlain, Sarah 360 Cantell, 1079 Carver, Elgin 648 Chamberlain, Sarah E... 466 Capron, Dorcas A 582 Carver, Sarah E 883 Chamberlain, William G. 465 Capron, Ephriam 582 Carving, Almira 429 Chamberlain, 333 Capron, Lucy E 582 Carwell, Edward T 592 Champion Benjamin Capron, Lyman 582 Gary, Ariane Virginia. . . 937 Franklin 670 Capron, Martha L 582 Gary, James G 832 Champion, Elizabeth Capron, May L 582 Case, Abel Porter 379 Brewster 916 Card, Hattie 537 Case, EUza Kingsbury ... 378 Champion, Reuben 670 Card, Nettie 621 Case, Horace 271 Champion, Eenbcn 670 Carey, Thomas J 507 Cassell, Annie 629 Chandler, Albert Terry. .. 422 Carpenter, Azubah 350 Cassell, Grace Edgerton. . 629 Chandler, EUza Ann 422 Carpenter, Buel 252 Cassell, Harrison Osborne 629 Chandler, George Henry.. 422 Carpenter, David 968 Cassell, John Urbin 629 Chandler, Hannah 177 Carpenter, Erasmus Irv- Catchall, Martha 680 Chandler, Henry 177 ing (or Droin E.) 723 Catlin, Abigail S 459 Chandler, Joseph Lyman. 422 Carpenter, Harriet E... 724 CatUn, Catharine 459 Chandler, Levi Camp .. . 422 Carpenter, Irving 724 CatUn, Charlotte A 459 Chandler, Pliila 390 Carpenter, Isabel Whee- CatUn, Jane 459 Chandler, Rufus 422 lock 1061 CatUn, Joseph 119 Chandler, Samuel 422 Carpenter, John 350 CatUn, Richard 459 Chandler, Samuel 422 Carpenter, Jonah 723 CatUn, Russell 324 Chandler, Samuel Frank- Carpenter, Mary 897 CatUn, Seth 459 Un 422 Carpenter, Mary Frances 724 Catliu, Seth 459 Chapel, Comstock 1027 Carpenter, Orson 1061 chace, Loren P 727 Chapel, Jerad 1091 Carpenter, Phebe Maria. 532 chaddock, Mary Stone. . . 917 Chapel, Jonathan 1027 Carpenter, Phoebe 968 Chadwick, Charlotte 1075 Chapel, Joseph '. 1025 Carpenter, Eufus 1061 Chadwick, Harriet 570 Chapel, Joshua ......... 1027 Carpenter, Sarah 1113 Chafee, Amorctt 865 Chapel, Mehaleth ...'.... 1027 Carr, Alfred Bennett... 661 Chaffee, Ann 232, 348 Chapel, Sarah 1027 Carr, Allen Burt 662 Chaffee, Ann Chapin, Aaron 151 Carr, Alvah 661 chaffeo, Azubah 252 Chapin, Abigail 290 Carr, Alvah Lemuel 662 Chaffee, Huldah 353 Chapin, Alfred C 1137 Carr, Clara Luella 912 Chaffee, Miriam 349 Chapin, Ambrose 405 Carr, Clarence Alfred... 912 Chaffee, Nancy 353 Chapin, Beatrice 1138 Carr, Emma 905 Chaffee, Rodolphus 351 Chapin, Benoni 288 Carr, Fannie 1096 Chaffee, Sarah 891 Chapin, Bezaleel 434 Carr, Humphrey Eufus. . 662 Chamberlain, Abigail . . . 1075 Chapin, Catherine 236 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1321 I'agc I'agc I'agv Chapin, Catliarino 97 Charter, Augelinu 263 Church, Jonathan 188 Chapin, Chauncey 290 Charter, Laura Ami 374 Chnrch, Levi 698 Chapin, David 151 Charter, Maria 263 Chnrch, May F 699 Chapin, David 151 Charter, Mary 23S Churchill, Charles Henry.. 088 Chapin, Edward 151 Chase, Abigail 697 Churchill, Edwin 648 Chapin, Elizabeth 709 Chase, Austin 1221 Churchill, Harriot Foster.. 688 Chapin, Experienco 401 Chase, I'Veemau H 809 Churchill, Joseph Henry.. 688 Chapin, Frances Anna. . . 928 Chase, Betsy S4S Churebill, Mabel Anna . . 688 Chapin, Gad 221 Chase, Emma Delia 839 Churcliil!, Nancy 818 Chapin, Giles 290 Chase, Moses 809 Churchill, William 1150 Chapin, Grace 113S Chase, Sarah Helen .... 977 Churchill, Winifred How- Chapin, Hannah 119 Chauvin, Mario 160 ard 6SS Chapin, Hannah 130 Cheney, Edward S 1125 Claflin, Amelia 1105 Chapin, Henry 236 Cheney, Mary Adolia 1125 Claghorn, Fred 759 (Jhaiiin, .Tames 292 Cheney, Olivia 956 Claiborne Suzetto Chapin, Japhet 151 Cherry, Johu 1 > 1132 (Bosque) 969 Chapin, Japhet 61 Cheshire, Mari:r 863 Claiborne, 969 Chapin, Jemina 293 Chess, Harry B 932 Clapp, Ehzabetli 150,1218 Chapin, Joseph 195 Chessman, Martha Adeline 976 Clapp, Hannah 129 CTiapin, Joseph 421 Chessman, Eoswell 807 Clapp, Hannah 148, 150 <,'hapin, Joseph 151 Chessman, Itoswell C S07 Clapp, Jonathan 460 Chapin, Josiah 151 Chester, ,1ohn 1005 Clapp, Lafayette 466 Chapin, Josiah 290 Chester, John 1005 Clapp, Lueretia 973 (Jhapin, Josiah 284 Chester, Sampson 1005 Clapp, Mary Treat 965 Chapin, Judah 290 Chichester, Ra.h.I 1 38 Clapp, Medad 466 Chapin, Lueinda 290 Chilberge, George 1056 Clapp, Mindwcll 373 Chapin, Lucy 283 Chilberge, William 1056 Clapp, Ehoda Laurinda. . 1056 Chapin, Lucy Doolittle. . . 434 Chilberge,— 1056 Clapp, Rogers 1218 Chapin, Margret 180 Childs, Ada Augusta.. 469. 746 Clapp, Sallio 1018 Chapin, Mehitable 284 Childs, Asa 1095 Clapp, Samuel 119 Chapin, Melissa 421 Childs, Betsey 307 Clapp, Stillman Spraguc. 965 Chapin, Minerva 710 Childs, David W 744 Clapp, Chapin, Oliver 199 Childs, Elleu Klizabetb.. . . Clarey, James P 1142 Chapin, Oscar L 1151 469, 745 Clark, Abigail 1219 Chapin, Samuel 180 Childs, Frances 461 Clark Alvin Smith 430 Chapin, Samuel W 263 Childs, Freeman 746 Clark, Amanda Eliza ... 660 Chapin, Sarah 151 Childs, Henry 743 Clark, Ann Elizabeth..522, 820 Chapin, Sarah 61 Childs, Jane 744 Clark, Arthur J 751, Chapin, Sibyl 1071 Childs, IMariou Eliza 744 (Jlark, Carohue 621 Chapin, Thankful 434 Childs, Matilda 743 Clark, Edwin 430 Ch^pin^Villiam Horace.. 928 Childs, Deacon 158 Clark, Charles H 911 Cliajfe/^' 294 Chillson, Helim 863 Clark, Chester 635 Chapman Blanche (Lau- Chillsou, Josephine Au- Clark, Clarence T 751 man)- 912 gusta 992 Clark, Daniel 207 Chapman, Hiram 776 Childs, Lucius Helim 863 Clark, Diana 1219 Chai)man, Huldah 601 Choiniel Delphis 1037 Clark, Electa Jiaria 623 ^ Chapman, Julia 776 Christian, James 1116 Clark, Elijah 1161 %, Chapman, Melvina 882 Christian, Robert 1116 Clark, Elizabeth 83 Chapman, Priscilh.... 528, 823 Christian, 1116 Clark, Elizabeth 863 5 Chappel, Delbert D 768 Christopher, Clement 620 Clark, EUzabeth 1219 '' Chappel, Dora E 768 Christopher, William S4S Clark, Emmott 1080 % Chappel, Francis H 768 Church, Calvin 902 Clark. Eunice 1219 ' Chappel, Hiram 768 Church, Carjiie M 699 Clark, Euphcmia 1102 Chajpelle, Lovina 350 Church, Eboiiezer 319 Clark, Enos 1219 Ch*ut,'Alphonso 1039 Church, Edgar Luther 699 Clark, Experience 204 Chjles, Lydia 609 Church, Edwin Josiah ... 699 Clark, Experience 207 ChSter, Almeda 263 Church, Helen S 902 Clark, Florence Lueinda .. 912 1322 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Clark, Frank E 751 Clark, Frederick Hamilton 499 Clark, George S 751 Clark, Harriet 186 Clark, Hardin 430 Clark, Herbert A 751 Clark, Homer 1080 Clark, Hulda 795 Clark, Huldah 445 Clark, James Henry 924 Clark, Jemina 1219 Clark, Jerusba 279 Clark, John 83 Clark, John 83 Clark, John S 1124 Clark, Julia Hannuu 430 Clark, Lathrop 261 Clark, Levi 1219 Clark, LeTvis 925 Clark, Lewis E 830 Clark, Loren Stebbins. ... 430 Clark Louis L 1164 Clark, Louise M 751 Clark, Lucy 1218 Clark, Lydia'Ann 700 Clark, Margret 649 Clark, Jlary 130 Clark, Mary 877 Clark, Mary 129 Clark, Mary 664 Clark, Mary 279 Clark, Mary Bearing . . . 589 Clark, Moses H 589 Clark, Jloses Avery 820 Clark, Moses Hardin 430 Clark, Moses Roland .... 430 Clark, Myrtle Elnora 911 Clark, Naomi 1219 Clark, XataUe 925 Clark, Nathaniel 119 Clark, Noah 1219 Clark, N. K 671 Clark, Orson Eliphus 6G0 Clark, Phebe J. P 1095 Clark, Ph(pl)e 1141 Clark, Princess 1219 Clark, Eeuben 1219 Clark, Sally 298 Clark, Sarah 478 Clark, Sarah 83 Clark, Sarah M 405. 635 Clark, Silas 659 Clark, Silas 1218 Clark, Silas 660 Clark. Silas 1219 Clark, Simeon 279 Clark, Stephen D. Stebbins 751 Pa«c Clark, Traiy S 312,751 Clark, Trueiove 598 Clark, Walter Henry ... 925 ("lark, William Newton.. 1102 Clark, William S 751 Clark, 516 Clark, 1034 Clarke, Abbie Bell 1220 Clarke, Anna 1220 Clarke, Caleb S 450 Clarke, David 450 Clarke, Edwiu R 1220 Clarke, Edwin Heulien . . . 1220 Clarke, Ella 1220 Clarke, Ellen Hall 1220 Clarke, Hattie 1220 Clarke, John 450 Clarke, John M 1220 Clarke, John 1220 Clarke, Joseph 450 Clarke, Lydia Hooker 1219 Clarke, Maggie 1220 Clarke, Mary 1220 Clarke, Mary Phillips .... 450 Clarke. Olive 902 Clarke, Richard 1220 Clarke, Samuel 449 Clarke, Samuel 449 Clarke, Samuel 450 Clarke, Sarah S 450 Clarke, Sherman Hooker.. 1219 Clarke. WilUam 1220 Clarke, Worthy Hooker.. 1219 Clarkson, Hugh James . . S8S Clarkson, Stanley Thomas. 888 Clarkson, Thomas 888 Clay, EUzabeth G. A 276 Clay, Lottie Parnell 944 Clayhom, Fred 759 Clayson. Emma 1111 Clayton. Peter 1024 CIcssou (or Closson) Al- bert 463 Clessou (or Clossou) Car- oline 463 Clesson (or Closson) De- riah 463 Closson (or Closson) Fred- erick 463 Clesson (or Closson) Jar- vis S 463 Clesson (or Closson) .Jo- seph 463 Clesson or Closson) Jo- seph 463 Clesson (or Closson) Jo- -eph A 463 Page Clesson (or Closson), Matthew 463 Clesson (or Closson), Mehita- ble S 463 Clesson ( or Closson ). Samuel A 463 Cleveland, Aaron 448 Cleveland, Anne Xeale... 716 Cleveland, Arthur Olivius. 1082 Cleveland, Astor Oliver. . 1082 Cleveland, Claude Leon.. 1082 Cleveland, Francis 449 Cleveland, George Russell. 1082 ('leveland, Lewis Freder- ick 716 Cleveland, Lillian 1060 Cleveland, Lillian Ann. .. 1063 Cleveland, Margaret .... 449 Cleveland Margaret Lou- isa 716 Cleveland, Mary Allen... 716 Cleveland, Richard Cecil.. 716 Cleveland, Richard Falley. 715 Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth. 716 Cleveland, Stephen Grover 716 Cleveland, Susan Sophia. 716 Cleveland, Susan Sophia. 449 Cleveland, Ward 1063 Cleveland, WilUam 448 Cleveland, William Neale. 716 CUflford, Ida P 978 Clift, Arthur Stebbins . . 788 Clift, Emory White 788 Clift, Emory White 788 Clift, Heury 788 Clift, .Julia Ann 323, 501 Clift, Leonard Dagget. ... 501 Cline. NelUe A 625 Cline. Ulysses 877 Clough, Eunice 715 Clough, Sarah 786 Coates Catherine 345 Coats, Caroline 1134 Croats, Emma 607 Cobb, Charles Denison. .. 1003 Cobb, Horare 521 Cobb, Mary Duulop 1003 Cobb, Ruth 1028 Coburn, Caroline A 679 Cobum, L. D 1043 Coburn. Maryell B 889 Coburn, Thomas W. .698, 924 Coburn, 924 Cochran, .\urora 641 Cockburn Mary Augusta. 995 Codding, Joel 617 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS 1323 Page I'age I'age Codding, Sophronia Colton, Benjamin 200 Colton, St«phen 282 Codding, Susan Sophronia 617 Colton, Betsev 283 Colton, Stephen 283 Codding, Sibyl 647 Colton, Charles 174 Colton, Theodore 365 Coe, Kittic 660 Colton, Charles 513 Colton, Theodore S 365 Coffee, Georgia 938 Colton, Charles 289 Colton, Thomas 190 Coffee, Lizzie Reed 945 Colton, Cloe 283 Colton, Thomas 143 Coffin, Phebe 593 Colton, David 709 Colton, William 143 Cogan, 1058 Colton, Deborah 185 Colvin, Charlotte 528, 822 CogsvreU, Fred D 770 Colton, Deborah 1 30 Colvin, Hervey 83(5 Colboum, ilaggie 482 Colton, Dinah 190 Colvin, Hervey A 835 Colbreth, Sallie 873 Coiton, Elam 283 Colvin, Isaac 835 Colbum, Sarah A 462 Colton, Elijah 248 Colvin, Philo 822 Colby, Albon 648 Colton, Elizabeth Blodg- Colvin, William Bcals. . . 83G Colby, Ann 648 ett 1050 Combs, .\nna 160 Colby, David 648 Colton, Elvira 709 Commano, Mary Ellen. . . 1161 Colby, Hannah B 1125 Colton, Ethan 365 Commane, John 1161 Colby, William 291 Colton, Eunice 151 Comsto 475 Crane, Tliom.ns 61.'5 Crane. William K 1219 Crane, Zebina 475 Crane, 1210 Craven (or Green), Zeni- iah 271 Critchfiekl. Kate Carver.. 883 CritchCeld, William B... 883 Critendan, Eliza 481 Crittenden, Electa 294 Crocker, Candaco 342 Crocker, David 342 Crocker, Dorothy 355 Crocker, Ebenezer 231 Crocker, Frank S72 Crocker, .Tulia S 789 Crocker, Penelope 951 Crocker, Richard 951 Crocker, Sibyl 503 Crockett, Lncy 1084 Crofoot, Juliana 867 Crosby, Ellen 782 Crosby, Emerson 208 Crosby, Joel 520 Crosby, Maria T.onisa . . . S42 Crosby, Polly 495 Crosby, Thomas 842 Cross, Eiith 1075 Cro?s. Wallace 1160 I'as* Crossfield, Samuel 516 Crouch, Ephraim 242 Crowe, Francis 928 Crowe, William H...715, 928 Crowel, Sally 260 Crowel, 260 Crumett, Charles Henry. . 972 Crumett, Lucy Helena . . 972 Culver, Charles 483 Culver, Hannah 239 Culver, Julia Ann 969 Cumming. Mary E 893 Cummings, Ada Pllvira. . 926 Cummings, Ebenezer Wes- son 926 Cummings, Lewis Go\ild . . 926 Cummings, 986 Cunnahell, Crafts 334 Cunn.^bell. .lohu .334 Cunnabell, John 334 Cnnnabell, .fohn 334 Cunnabell, Julia 334 Cunnabell, Sophia 334 Cunnabell, Thomas 334 Cunnabell, William 334 Cunningham, Richard . . . 312 Curti.s, Olia .\delaide. . . 1015 Curtis, Charles 489 Curtis, Eliza Ann 661 Curtis, Emily B 656 Curtis, Fannie \ 375 Curtis, Gilbert 856 Curtis, llannali EUzabeth. 856 Curtis, .Tames 1015 Curtis, .Tosepli 656 Curtis, .Totham 411 Curtis, Lydia 410 Curtis, Lydia 425 Curtis, S 326 Curtis, Salmon 1015 Curtis, William Gaylord. 1015 Curtis, Willis 6.56 Curtiss, Phebe 590 Ciirtiss, Wait 590 Cushing, Nettie A 766 Cushman, Aggie 531 Cutler, Lydia A 732 Cutler, Newel 732 Cutler, Zadock 271 Cutter, Arthur Leonard. . 686 Cutter, Dorothy 686 Cutter, James Alonzo . . . 686 Cutter, James Alonzo . . . 086 Cutter, .Tames Henry.... 686 Dady, Ruth Cutler 243 Dady, William 243 I'a;;!- Daggett, I..ydia 3.34 Dahms, Ida M 957 Dahms, .Tohu 957 Dakin, Antoinette .Maria.. 715 Dakin, Caleb 715 Dale, George H 584 Dale, William P 584 Dame, Theodore 513 Damon, Ann 263 Damon, Charles Eli 263 Damon, David 263 Damon, Elizii 263 D.imon, Esther 263 Damon, Harriet 399 Damon, Jesso Stebbins . . . 263 Damon, Jonathan 263 Damon, Jonathan Bing- ham 263 Damon, Ijauriston 263 Damon, Tjueinda 374 Damon, Lydia 1042 Damon, ISlaria 263 Damon, Kussell 263 Damon, Wm. Foster 263, Jane Esther 496 Dana, ilary Frances 696 Dana, Stephen 696 Danellis, Priscilla 904 Daniels, Betsey 1143 Daniels, Sar.ih 591 Dann, Sarah 954 Darcy, Mary 1113 Darcy, Stephen P 1113 Dare, Lydia M 864 Darling, Hannah Curtis. . 855 Darling, John 377 Darling, Lcttle 911 Darling, 822 Darrow, Daniel 1027 D.trrow, Georgo Rogers.. 1027 Darrow, Lydia Ann 1027 Darrow, Nicholas 1027 Darrow, Rebecca 1026 Darrow, Turner Stebbins. 1027 Dart, Desire 102G, Moses 1027 Dart, Robert 1026 Dauchy, Keeler 323 Daupree, Arzalia 1037 Davenport, Abigail ISO Davenport, James H.... 331 Davenport, John 1143 Davenport, Nettie Jane.. 1143 Davies, George 776 Davies, Mary Ann 776 Davis, Alden P 810 Davis, Alei 446 1326 rNDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STERBTNS. Page rn;ie Tdge Davis, Aiui Eliza 499 Day, Catharine 1005 Dayton, Hester Maria ... 981 Davis, Anna Genevieve. . . 977 Day, Elizabetli 1017 Doan, Adaline 747 Davis, Anne 211 Day, Esther 191 Dean, Clara Adaline 950 Davis, Anson 381 Day, George r)72 Dean, Emma 708 Davis, Bessie Laiirietta.. 810 Day, Gilford 572 Dean, Fred P 950 Davis, Blanche 658 Day, Hannah t-'Ol Dean, Gertrude J. A 747 Davie, Caroline Elizabeth. 817 Day, Ilarrisou C 572 Dean, Hezekiah H 747 Davis, Charles 380 Day, Helen Amelia 1018 Dean, Joseph A 916 Davis, Charles Frederick.. 709 Day, Hezckiah 1017 Dean, Orrell 519 Davis, Charlotte 326 D.ay, James 1017 Dean, Phoebe 364 Davis, Charlotte Mary Day, James Arraltage... 1018 Dean, Robert 314 (Weitzel) 63 Day, James Ingersoll 1018 Death, Amos 815 Davis, Christopher B 817 Day, Jane Eliza 572 Death, Martha 815 Davis, Daniel 810 Day, Jennie Whiting . . . lOlS Deblois, Elizabeth 812 Davis, Ellen 925 Day, John 1018 Deboe, Kate 1093 Davis, Fannie Florentine. 658 Day, John 1017 Deeker, Lawrence 481 Davis, George 446 Day, .John 202 Decker, Sally 481 Davis, George Edward ... 710 Day, John 190 Deering, PoUy 588 Davis, Georgiana 658 Day, Jonathan 98, 201 Degraff, Catherine 1108 Davis, Hannah Jane 1137 Day, Joseph 1017 DeGrief, Anna 587 Davis, Henry Alden .... 810 Day, Lovina 572 Dehart, .John 876 Davis, Hiram 658 Day, Lydia 191 Dehart, Lydia Marilla. . . 876 Davis, Horace Stebbins . . 710 Day, Malah 420 Deitz, Hattie E 736 Davis, Irvin 657 Day, Marie Louise 1018 Delaniater, Washington .. 456 Davis, James 658 Day, Martha 191 Delavan, Nathaniel 492 Davis, Lewis 446 Day, Mary ISS Delavan, Sarah 492 Davis, Louisia M 1154 Day, Mary 190 Deleand, Lizzie 1041 Davis, Martha 380 Day, Mary 1017 Dellinger, .Julia Pinkney. 919. Davis, Mary 457 Day, Mary 88, 1017 Delong, Julia Ann 324 Davis, Mary 150 Day, Mary Azubah 572 DeMorh, Kate C 704 Davis, Mary 381 Day, Mary Sherwood 1018 Demio Abigail 459 Davis Mary 1019 Day, Mercy 98 Demio, Sophia 423 Davis, Mary Eliza 977 Day, Nelson 572 Denison, Abigail Jane . . . 488 Davis, Myron 380 Day, Olive Maria 572 Denison, Clarissa Dougrey 489 Davis, Nicholas Lane .... 334 Day, Orpha 191 Denison, Cynthia H 775 Davis, Philip 709 Day, Polly 1017 Denison, Elizabeth Steb- Davis, Philip Chapin 709 Day, Rebeeea 202 bins 775 Daris, Pitt Stebbins 658 D.iy, Eebecca 1017 Denison, James 488 Davis, Bebeeca 334 Day, Robert 88 Denison, James Couch ... 775 Davis, Rebecca 613 Day, Robert 1016 Denison, Mary Ann 488 Davis, Sarah Ann 1138 Day, Robert S 1018 Denison, R. D 579 Davis, Samuel 380 Day, Sallie Eliza 1018 Denison, William Thomas 488 Davis, Susan 457 Day, Samuel Dennis, Huldah 386 Davis, Thomas 479 Da.y, Samuel 191 Dennison, EUza A 854 Davis, William 381 Day, Samuel 191 Dennison, Ellery E 854 Davisfi William Ch.apin. . 710 Day. Samuel 191 Dennison, Florence Ella . . 1003 Davis, Zachariah T 656 Day, Sandford 572 Dennison, Fred G 854 Dawley, Hannah T 418 Day, Sarah 1018 Dennison, George 1003 Dawson, Benjamin Fred.. 720 Day, Sarah 1017 Dennison, Lee 1003 Dawson, Mary 1078 Day, Sarah 1019 Dennison, Nellie D 854 Day, Abby 1018 Day, Tabitha 191 Denny, Charles A 490 Day, Abby Hannah 1018 p^^ Thankful 1017 Denny, Daniel 490 Day, Alfred 572 j,_' rj,j,Q^jjg ioi6 I^enomville, Seraphine .. 1038 Day, Alvin 572 Donsmore, Cornelius E .. . 960 Day, Alvin 572 ^«y- Thomas 1017 ^lensmore, .Tay Rufus ... 960 Day, Alviia 572 Day, Thomas Davis 1018 Donsmore, Lee Stebbins.. 960 Day, Benjamin 420 Day, William ...-.-. 1017 Densmore, May Cornelius. 960 INDEX- XAMKS OTHER THAN STEBBINS. r.)r, ]'age Densmoic, Kut'us 31;") Dentou, Abigail 100 Deuton, Ditaicl 100 Denton, Sarali 1160 Denton, William 1160 Denver, J ane Alice 748 Denver, William 74S Depuy, Harriet 901' Deroehe, Moise 1037 Desforges, Celfste 1039 Desnoions, Dorotbec .... 160 Desnoions, Franrois .... 160 Desnoions, Jacques. . .160, 1032 Desnoions, Jacques Bene. 161 Desnoions, Jcau 160 Desnoions, Jean Baptiste. 160 Desnoions, Joseph 161 Desnoions, Mario Anne. .. 161 Desnoions, Marie Char- lotte 161 Desnoions, Marie Gabri- elle 160 Desnoions, Marie Joseph. 160 Desnoions, Marie Joseph. 161 Desnoions, Marie Magda- len ... ! 16! Desnoions, Bene (Aaron). 160 Dewey, Abijah 157 Dewey, Abner 13S Dewey, Clara 2-21 Dewey, Hannah 13S Dewey, Israel 1 38 Dewey, John 1 073 Dewey, Mabel 1017 Dewey, Theoflove 710 DeWitt Ada S97 DeWitt, Jabez Dean .... 669 Deyo, Stella 791 Deyo, William 791 Dexter, Zuriel 11-1 Dibble, Abraham 1 'Jii: Dibble, Anna 6- Dibble, Celia Perlina 1222 Dibble, Mary 9.«2 Diokennan, Mary Ann (Ferry) 442 Dickerman. Xathaniel . . . 442 Diekeson, Sopliia 446 Dickinson, Abner M 437 Dickinson, Acelia 437 Difkiusmi, Amanda Whit- lofk 944 Dickinson, Ainilc Lottie.. 914 Dickinson. Ashley Graves. 727, 93.") Dickinson, Benoni .'506 Dickinson. Betser 506 I'age l)i(!kinsoii, Betsey 792 Dickinson, Beulali 327 Dickinson, Calvin 208 Dickinson, Catherine M . . 935 Dickinson, Charles Henry. 739 Dickinson, Charles Henry. 94;" Dickinson, Charles Storrs 942 Dickinson, Curtis ;")76 Dickinson, Kilwaril Fran- cis 944 Dickinson, Eiiwanl Fran- cis 91." Dickinson, Elijah 436 Dickinson, Elijali Graves. 945 Dickinson, Ella Blanch.. 942 Dickinson, Ella Wright.. Dickinson, Ethelbert ... 1104 Dickinson, Eunice 1219 Dickinson, Florence Mar- cia 942 Dickiiisua, Frances ..400, 711 Dickinson. Francis Pal- mer 933 Dickinson, Freilonia lug- lish 915 Dickinson, George Dl:il.. 94."i Dickinson, Gertrude 1 935 Dickinson, Gideon 327 Dickinson, Grace Eliza- beth 993 Dickinson, HatUc Louisa . 944 Dickinson, Isaac Plumley. 944 Dickinson, .Lames Edward 946 Dickinson, .lames 8tcb- bins 944 Dickinson, .lames Steb- bins 944 Dickinson, .fcnnic Eliza- beth 945 Dickinson. .Tennie S 935 Dickinson, .loaiina 195 Dickinson, .Tod 400 Dickinson, .liilia Virginia. 945 Dickinson, .Tulia Virginia. 944 Dickinson, Louis .\shton.., 944 Dickinson, Lyman 935 Dickinson, JIartha 436 Dickinson, Mary 793 Dickinson, Mattie Myrle. 940 Dickinson. Mando 8feh- bins 942 Dickinson, Ocran £75 Dickinson, Robert Clay ton 946 Dickinson. Eobert Clay ton 944 Dickinson, Bufus 73S Page Dickinson, Rufus Ebene- zcr Oil Dickinson, Rufus Ebcne- zcr 944 Dickinson, Sarah 280 Dickinson, Susan Ovena . . 946 Dickinson, Walter Ebene- zcr 942 Dickinson, William A 935 Dickinson, Willis Airtb . . 946 Dickson, Charles E 629 Diggins, Augustus 420 Diggins, Eliza 671 Diggins, ilary 420 Diggins, Nancy 670 Diggins, Jeremy 1016 Dilworth, Thomas 360 Dinsmore, Laura 47S Dismukes, Thomas L. . . . 435 Divcn, George Sehunecker 899 DivcD, George Stebbins. . 890 Diven, Ruth AUco S99 Diven, Williani Heine 899 Diver, Sarah 109G Diver, Thomas 1096 Doane, Bertha V^aughn. , 895 T>oane, Hannah 625 Doane, Mary 10S4 Dobbs', Mary Ann 781 Dobson, George 764 Dockum, Hester 903 Dodds, John W 654 Dodgo Hannah Jane (.Johnson) 13 31 Dodge, LycUa 509 Dodson, Edward 898 Dodson, Lotta Caroline. . 898 Doggett, Elkan.ah 245, 364 Doggett, Eunice Stebbins 364 Doggett, Hannah 320 Doggett Joseph Barker. . 364 Doggett, Thomas 24.5, 364 Doggett, Thomas 364 Doggett, William Elkan- nh 364 Dolbeare, Abigail 1017 Dolbcer, Bessie B 625 Dole, Lora A'^iola 815 Dole, Sarah 752 Doll, Christina 684 Dollotr Elizabeth 1124 Doohttle, Susanna 333 Dorchester, Anthony .... 93 Dorchester, Sarah 93 Dorchester, Sarah . . . .171, 172 Dorchester, Sarah 98 Doty. Archie George. . . . 889 1328 IN J>EX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEHBINS. Page l)oty, Bernico Eiizaboth. . 889 Doty, Clareuee Edwin.... 889 Doty, Edwiu Augustus. . 889 Doty, Millard Fillmore. . . 889 Douglas, Alansou 720 Douglas, Charles H 1076 Douglas, Julia 720 Douglas, Julia Ijane Douglas, Tracy W 1077 Douglas, Dclbert Oscar. . 1159 Douglass Eliza Mario.... Ili59 Douglas.s, Francis J Hi)9 Douglass Newell T 1159 Douglass, Eoscoc Dwight. 1159 Douglass, Samuel Dwight 115S Douglass, Samuel S ll.'O Douglass, Winona 1159 Dow, Hattle Edith 977 Dow, Helen Gertrude . . . 977 DoTT, Susan .".77 Dow, William L. W 977 Dows, James 717 Dews, Mary Mairs 717 Doyle, Andrew 763 Doyle, Frank C 764 Doyle, Mabel H 7G4 Doyle, William 763 Drake, Augustine 62 Drake, Edward G 595 Drake, Hannah 120 Drake, Lloyd G 651 Dresser, Mary 407 Drew, Ambrose Atwater. S06 Drew, Elbert Granville, . . 62." Drew, John Ycaton S06 Droman, Annie L 952 Droman, George 952 Drnllard, Margaret Lou- isa 1110 Drullard, Solomon 1110 Drumpleton, Bricca 6S2 Drury, George Burder. . . 701 Dniry, George Henry .... 701 Drury, Mae Kingsley. . . . 701 Drury, Ralph Stebbins. . . 701 Dryer, Tryphena fi4S Duckworth, Jane 009 Dudley, Elizabeth Aun ... 812 Dudley, Stephen 812 Dufresne, Joseph 1037 Dumbleton, Mary 191 Dunbar, Joseph F 1115 Dunham, Eunice 242 Dunh.^ra, IF.nttio (Sutton) 795 Dunham, John T 795 Dunham, Mary 179 Dunham. !\ 259 Page Duuliani, itiea jah 242 Dunham, Phebe 350 Dunham. Rachel 569 Diinlop, George M 761 Dunn, Calvin 5SS Dunn, Jane 111." Dupius, Ophelia 1039 Dupuy, Harriet 902 Durfy, Abigail 724 Durkee, Annie W 939 Durkee, Frank 939 Durkee, Mary 221 Durkee, Thomas 333 Dustin, Charles B 582 Dutrow, Katie Jennette. . 1157 Button, Henry 481 Dwelley, Elizabeth 313 Dwelley, Samuel 313 Dwight, Anne 670 Dwight, ClarLssa 1225 Dwight, Dimmis 427 Dwight, Elizabeth 669 Dwight, Eunice 299 Dwight, .Tulia Diantha . . 299 Dyer, Marantha 686 Dyer, Albert 375 Dysiuger, Daniel 478 Dysinger, William 478 Eager, Betsey 1146 Eager, Lydia 139 Eagleston, 1139 Eakin, Mary Ann 1220 Fames. Edward C 814 Eames, Rebeccn 1145 Eams, ,Tohn 1051 Eavt, Prudence 392 Enrle Addie 7.54 Earle, ReUef 3Sfl Eastman, Austin A'itru- vius 621 Enslman, Charles Roches- ter 621 Eastman,David Parmelec. 621 Eastman, Emma 621 Eastman, .Teremiah 388 Eastman, Lorlnda 1131 Eastman, Lucy Hays. . . . 621 Eastman, ilary 388 Eastman, Mary 621 Eastman, Xath.Tnicl Web- ster 388 Enston, Alma 1051 Easton, Marian 1141 Eaton, Allen W 1108 Eaton, Charles 1108 Eaton, Delos 484 I'age Eaton, Emma 1108 Eaton, Frank 1108 Eaton, Hannah 163 Etiton, Hiram 1116 Eaton, .Tohn 1108 Eaton, Lueinda 1048 Eaton, Mary 1108 Eaton, Nancy 390 Eaton, Walter 185 Eaton, William 1108 Ebbetts, Kate 1096 Eberhart, Benjamin E... 559 Eddy, Eddy, Charles tJ. (or L. M.) 1134 Eddy, Elizabeth 328 Eddy, .Tames A 453 Edgar, Clarence Lee 973 Edgar, Forest Jerome. . 973 Edgar, Jerome C 973 Edgar, Mildred Loraine.. 973 Edgerton, Curtis Chamber- Jain 399 Edgerton, Harriet Eleanor 399 Edgerton, Henry Clay... 399 Edgerton, Maria 629 Edgerton, Urbin Curtis. . 399 Edget, George 1134 Edgeworth, Edna Viola. . 920 Edgeworth, Richard 920 Edgoose, .John 441 Edick, Alida C 1043 Eecca 309 Leonard, Samuel 190 Leonard; 1138 Lcpper, George 751 Lepper, Minnie 751 Leseuriug, Bennett 10G2 Lester, Cassius 502 Lester, Estella 848 Levings, Myron 1150 Lewis, Alniira 804 Lewis, Arthur .)am(!3... 7G4 Lewis, Asa 804 Lewis, Ernest E.lward.. 704 Lewis, Esther 151 Lewis, Cieorge Vernon.. 1217 Lewis, Henry llaveu. . . . 764 Lewis, Inez Viola 704 Lewis, Isaac Booth 1015 Lewis, James Sawyer... 764 Lewis, Jane 700 Lewis, John 509 Lewis, Mary Aurelia ... 1102 Lewis, May 109 1 Lewis, Mehitable 112.'5 Lewis, Melliceut 1015 Lewis, Minnie Alice 955 Lewis, Nehemiah 150 Lewis, Polly 577 Lewis, Sarah 150 Lewis, Sylvia 509 Libbj, Lydia 1078 Lick, Aaron 911 Lick, 911 Lill, Catherine 9, 1156 Luce, Abifliii 312 Luce, Charles Addison.. tiOo Luce, Ira B 908 Luce, Lide G56 Luce, Lizzie 882 Luce, Riley 605 Luce, Eoxy A 908 Luce, Susan L 312 Luce, 298 Lucier, William 1037 Ludlam, Williaiu 1085 Lumbard, Sarah (Cham- berlain?) 360 Lumsden, Nicholas. .426, 683 Lundholn, WilUam 877 Lurton (Sorton?) Ed- mund 858 Lusk, Elizabeth M 1136 Luther, Frank 699 Luther, Roswell 826 Luther, Sarah Ann 826 Luther, Sibyl Maria 578 Luther, 578 Lyle, Margarot 967 Lyman, Aaron 299 Lyman, Aaron Graves. . 517 Lyman, Charles 801 Lyman, Clarence Victor. 992 Lyman, Clarissa 1224 Lyman, Cynthia 517 Lyman, C. C 853 Lyman, David Belden... 1019 Lyman, Dorothy Arms. . 1120 Lyman, Edward Everette 992 Lyman, Elihu 298 Lyman, Elihu 299 Lyman, Elizabetli 799 Lyman, Emma Washburn 1019 Lyman, Ethel Gertrude. 992 Lyman, Florence 707 Lyman, Frederick Ar- thur 939 Lyman, George Warren.. 517 Lyman, George W 992 Lyman, Harry Chester. . 939 Lyman, Harold Sidney. . 992 Lyman, Henry 299 Lyman, Ira 707 Lyman, .John 150 Lyman, Joseph Stebbins. 299 Lyman, .Tulia 570 Lyman, Maria Eliza . . . 516 Lyman, Mary Ann 517 Lyman, Mary Henrietta. 517 Lyman, Phebe 150 I'ngc Lyman. Rachel 121S Lyman, Raymond Ever- ette f)92 Lyman, hfn,plcs, .Tabez S lOPO Maples, Lucretia 1025 Maples, Mercy 1025 Maples, Stephen 1025 Maples, William 1025 Marble, Marcus 189 Marcy, William Henry.. 1110 Mark. William 377 Markham, Albert G 923 Markliam, Israel 424 Markham. Israel 424 Markham, Samuel 236 Markham, Sarah 1052 Marrow, Christiana .... 922 M.arsh, Charles 1075 Marsh. Emma Louisa.... 583 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1347 Page Marsh, ll:innali 1074 Marsh, J.isoii 107o Marsh, Lizzn 397 Marsh, Maria 107-'> Marsh, Marquis l()7o Marsh, Mary 11)70 Marsh, Miiuhvell 32S Marsh, Phebe /)0G Marsh, Kaehel 592 Marsh, Kodmau 1075 Marsh, Salmon S 1075 Marsh. Saimiel 583 Marsh, Samuel 583 Marsh, Samuel Stebbins. 583 Marsh, Thomas 1074 Marshall, John B 404 Marshall, Joseph H 404 Marshall, Thomas 1021 Marshall, William 404 Marshall, William S 404 Marshfiuia, Elizabetli . . 192 Marshfiel.I, Maryaret ... 191 Martoii, Maude lOSl Martin. AUie 958 Martin, Angeliue lOGO Martin, Augustus 817 Martin, ■ — 1075 Martin, Elizabetli .lane.. 7(12 Martin, Ellen 003 Martin, Georgia 1 1035 Martin, .Tames 702 Martin, Lorinda 990 Martin, Samuel 603 Martin, Sarepta 595 Martiudale, .John 482 Martz, Sarah 703 Mason, Adclbert Alonzo. 620 Mason, Carrie Elvira... 620 Mason, Charles 474 Mason, Cora Alice 620 Mason. Elizabeth So|jhia. 898 Mason, .Tosepli 284 Mason, Mary 386 Mason, Nellie M 620 Mason, Samuel 284 Mason, 271 Masse, Francois 1032 Massy, Justin 1074 Massy, Justin 1074 Massy, Nancy 1074 Masten, John 789 Masters. Eunice 449 Masters, .Tosiah 449 Mather, Epaphras 725 Mather. Henry 725 Matliews, Betsey 641 Mathews, Caleb 1015 I'nge Mathews, Charlotte Ann. SSI Mathews, Ella Anuetta.. 959 Mathews, .lohu 51 1 Mathews, Robert Weir.. 959 Mathews, Ruth 1015 Mathews, William 959 Mathews. William 881 Matten, 341 Mattesou, Bertha 707 Matteson, Louisa P 620 Matteson, Schuyler .... 620 Matthews, Nancy 1133 Mattoou, Annie M 359 Mattoon, Calvin 240 Mattoon, Caroline 359 Mattoon, Chester 240 Mattoon, Cynthia 240 Mattoon, Delia 240 Mattoon, Delia 359 Mattoon, Edwin 359 Mattoon, Estelline 359 Mattoon, J(diu 240 Mattoon, Joseph S 359 Mattoon, J. Leavitt 359 Mattoon, J. Wesley 240 Mattoon, Martha 465 Mattoon, Martha L 359 Mattoon, Mary Ellen 587 Mattoou, Newtou 240 Mattoon, Ora 240 Mattoon, Willis 240 Maxon, Bethiali 412, 415 Maxwell, Desire 337 Maxwell. James 872 Maxwell. I'arnirlia 864 May, Esther 486 Maybie, Lillie 847 Mayer, Frank 862 Maynard, Cornelia 492 Maynard, George B 871 Maynard. .Tohn 1017 Maynard. Minnie Adams. 871 Maynard. Sarah 1018 Maze, Rebecca 1001 McBride. Amos O 881 McBride. James 879 McBride, Olive D 879 McBride, Olive Matilda.. 881 McBride, Rebecca 878 McCaig, Dorothy Estes. . 742 McCaig. .Tames 742 McCawley. Margaret ... 1128 McClasky. Margaret ... 1129 McClellan. Elizabetli ... 206 McClintock, Alexander.. 765 MeClintock, Elizabeth.. 765 McCord, Walter 1066 P.nge McCormick, Alice .Tose- phiue 1036 MtCiirinick, Andrew . . . 1035 McCormick, Charles Lew- is 10;iti McCormick, Edward James 1030 McCormick, Frank Fred. 1030 McCormick, .Tohn 1035 McCormick, Maggie Marr 1036 McCormick, Roscoe Conklin 1036 McCormick, Sheridan Shelly 1030 McCormick. Stella Vir- gina 103() McCormick. William Henry 1036 MeCrea, Amanda M 1143 McCullum, Augustus ... 742 McCuniber, Alice 855 McCuniber, Louis 855 McCumber. Philip Allen. 855 McCumber, Ruth 855 McCumber, Stephen . . . 855 McCurdy. Fred 1067 McCurdy, Lettie 1007 McDaniels, Ellen Lucy.. 60S McDaniels, Leonard .... 60S McDermntt. Arthur .... 1113 McDonald. Charles 1054 McDonald. Sophia 378 McDuffe, Abigail 493 McEntee, Patrick 361 McKwen, ,Tohn D 10] S McTaddin, Isaac S 842 McFaddin, Mary Eliza- beth 842 McFarland, Ada 906 McFarland, Eliza Payson 704 McFarland, Thomas B. . 774 McGalpiu. Elizabeth AI- meda 586 McGalpin. Walter 586 McGee. Anna 307 McGee. Bolton 307 McGinis, Mary 579 IMcGlenen. Kate 758 McTntyre, Catherine . . . 489 Mclntyre, .Tohn 48!> McTntyre. Louisa 447 McTntyre. Lydia A 901 McKeeby, Leonard Je- rome 803 McKeeby. Matthew T. . 808 McKeeby, Rexford I 803 1348 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. I'ajje MeKelvey, E. H 592 McKenzie, Elizabeth . . . Ou9 McKenzie, 1104 McKeou, Charles H 780 McKerrow, Matthew . . . 477 McKiniion, R. P 1080 McKiiight, John 1025 McKnight, Lewis 451 McLaughliu, Elizabeth.. 588 MeLaiithliii, Jane West. SDH McLean, Archer Frank.. 1095 McLean, Lauehlin 1095 McLean, Lucinda Jane.. 586 McLean, Williani 1095 Mi'Leod, Koliert Doug- lass 989 McLeran, Helen H 654 McMasters, Edward Shel- don 839 McMasters, Gertrude Louise Sr.9 McMasters, Haniiltou Sheldon s:!9 McMasters, Robert 839 McMasters, Robert P . . 839 McMurtray, Louisa E. . . 921 McNall, Auue 700 McNary, Elizabeth 422 McNeil, OOG McNeil, 1049 McNeil, 1049 McOmber, Lucina 376 McEanny, Thankful ... 194 Meaeham Carrie 556 Meacham, Dudley A . . . . 556 Meachen, Fred 1096 Mead, Isaiali 690 Mead, Jessie 990 Mead, Joseph 164 Mead, Lydia Maria 690 Mead, Orlin 105« Mead, Sarah 164 Mead, Stephen L 996 Meadows, Eliza Ann.... 487 Meadows, James Samuel 487 Meadows, Mary Oroeu.. 774 Meadows, Robert 4S7 Meadows, Robert Carter. 487 Meadows, Sarah Maria.. 487 Meadows, Susan Hub- bard 487 Meadows, Williani 487 Mears, Frances A... 779, 7S1 Meek, Alice Jessamine. . 1152 Meek, 1152 Meeker, Augusta 781 Meeker, George Crane . . 781 I "a tee Meeter, Margaret (,'..,. 624 Mehollin, Rachel 11.52 Mellen, Daniel Webster. S95 Mellen, Florence Louise Rose 895 Mellen, Franklin Steb- bins 895 Mellen, James 895 Meller, Chloe 789 Melvin, Emily Julia..617, 890 Menard, Jean Haptiste.. 1032 Moreell, William (i 498 Meiick, Margaret 989 Mcrinas, John 1094 Merina.s, Lucinda 1094 Merriam, Flavel Granger 524 Merriam, Isaac 524 Merriam, Lent Beuham.. 524 Merriam, Munson 524 Merriam, Rutli 1015 Merrick, Constant 721 Merrick, Gideon 26.T Merrick, Hannah 74 Merrick, Henry 263 Merrick, James 263 Merrick, John 188 Merrick, Laura 9."2 Merrick, Laura 721 Merrick, Lois 191 Merrick, Louisa 334 Merrick, Mary 74 Merrick, Obed 22."'. Merrick, Otis 263 Merrick, Sarah 71 Merrick, Tamitha 790 Merrick, Thankful 1S9 Merrick, Thomas 71 Merrick, Thomas 188 Merrill, Julia F 731 Merrill, L. F 823 Merrill, Minnie 823 Merriman, Anna 223 Mcrriman, Samuel 221 Merriman, 373 Merritt, Alan Douglas. . 931 Merritt, Anderson 1113 Merritt, Ben.ianiiu 454 Merritt, Charles .\ustin. 685 Merritt, Charles L 1072 Merritt, Cordelia 454 ]\rcrritt, Douglas 931 Merritt, Edward 454 Merritt, Eliza 454 Merritt, Elizalieth 1157 Merritt, Ella Florine.... 085 Merritt, Ethel Douglas.. 931 Merritt, George ....454, 720 Page Merritt, George William. 720 Merritt, Henry 1072 Merritt, Henry 454 Merritt, .lane 454 Merritt, Julia Douglas.. 720 Merritt, Juliet 4.54 Merritt, Louise AUerton. 995 Merritt, Mary 720 Merritt, Mary 454 Merritt, Matthew 454 Merritt, Nehemiah 454 Merritt, Priscilla 270 Merritt, Susan 1113 Merritt, William H 995 Merscman, Emma L.... 819 Mersereau, Daniel 1095 Mersereau, Ella 1095 Messer, Harriet 536 Mctcalf, Bertha O 643 Metcalf, Marietta 1045 Metcalf, Nancy 832 Meyers, Lillian 1131 Mighel, Nathaniel 97 Mighills Margaret 208 Mighills, Thomas 204 Miles, Betsey , . 1140 Miles, Francos Brooks. . . 893 Miles, Susannah 1113 Miles, William H 893 Miller, Clara 536 Miller, Dauphin 1080 Miller, Edwin 843 Miller, Elma 790 Miller, Eunice 337 Miller, Giles 61 iniler, Isabelle 843 Miller, John 1098 Miller, John 410 Miller. Lena 1080 Miller, Louis (or Peter) . 1032 Miller, Louisa 1032 Miller, Margaret A 1098 Miller, Martha 184 Miller, Martha 381 Miller, Jloses B 790 Miller, Rachel 243 Miller, Rieh.ard 1101 Miller, Roscoe D 790 Miller, Ruby Emily 1080 Miller, Sarah 60 Miller, Sibyl 291, 404 Miller, Susan 245 Miller, 1086 Mills, Anne 1015 Mills, Chloras 338 Mills, Edward 894 Mills, Luther 334 INDEX -NAMES OTHER TITAN STEBBINS. 1349 Mills, Mary EIIcb 891 Mills, Mary Gpucvieve.. 975 Mills, Oscar Bcrliuc... 975 Mills, TVtcV 1015 Mills, Kcl>c<'('a 9GG Millward, Alice 877 Millward, (Icorgc 877 Miner, Charles 1020 Miner, Charles Henry... 1028 Miner, Christopher C... 1029 Miner, Clement 1023 Miner, Clement 1025 Miner, Elihu 1025 Miner, Ellen E 1028 Miner, Frances M 1028 Miner, Frances AI 102it Miner, George M 1028 Miner, Harriet Minervn. fiOO Miner, Jabez 1025 Miner, John 1026 Miner, .Toliti 1025 Miner, ,Tr)natlian 1025 Miner, Joseph 1025 Miner, Joseph 1028 Miner, Josejili 1026 Minor, Lawrence W 1029 Miner, Lucy 1025 Minor, Lucy 1026 Miner, Olive Trent iss. .. 1028 Miner, Phe1>e 1022 Miner, Sarah 102.3 Miner, Sarah 102.1 Minor, Sarah 1024 Miner, Sarah 1024 Miner, Sylvester 1022 Miner, Tlionias ]02.'5 Miner, William 102;? Miner, William X 1028 Minier, Robert R 319 Minor, Asahel 226 Minor, Sabra 274 Mirick, Hannah l.'>3 Mirick, John 144 Mirriek, Moses 152 :\Iitchell, Adelia 1057 :\IltchelI, Lyclia 48.'? AHtchell, Patrick lO.'w Mitchell, 4611 Mitten, Albert T 912 Mix, C 1091 Mixer, Carrie Meliss.-t. . 7111 Mixer, Daniel "'■'■''> Jfixer, Horace 710 Moffatt, Joseph 19". Moffatt, Sarah 24 1 MofTett, Howanl 477 MofTott, H. M 477 Molir, I'reil ,\ 0211 Moise, Cornelia 629 Moll, Christojiher .S59 MonaghaTi, Maiul 1J02 Monanl, Anna 4S4 Monyeiui. J. I" 1039 Mongean, Malliias 1039 Monk, Lucy 760 Monnaril, Pierre I(l.';7 Monroe, Albert !103 Monroe, Catherine M... 833 Monroe, Harrison Cray Otis nil Monroe, .Tames M 833 Monroe, Martha Lucre- tia nil Monroe, Racliel 903 Mousell, Archer 681 Montague, Abbie 559 Montague, Daviil 559 Jlontague, Elizabeth ... 282 Montague, 209 Montgomery, Helen M.. 913 Moody, Albert 726 Moody, Mary 60 Moody, Quartns 726 Moody, Sidney 436 Moody, 437 Moon, Palanion 251 Moore, Deborah 1022 Moore, Elizabeth 1024 Moore, Emeline E 597 Moore, Esther 62 Moore, Evan 693 Moore, Frank W 60S Moore, Harriet 1225 Moore, Hubbard 597 Moore, John 193 Moore, Josie M 695 Moore, Julia 959 Moore, Louisa 329 Moore, Maria 380 Moore, Martha Eliza . . . 1138 Moore, Mary 691 Moore, Miles 1022 Moore, Nellie Ardell ... 443 Moore, Nelson H 628 Afoore, Norman 959 Moore, Orrin 1073 Moore, Thomas 193 Afoore, Willard S 457 ^foore, William 1026 ^More, P. Jenctfp 312 More, Phcbe 903 Morehouse, Albina 775 Morehouse, Anna Eliza- beth 775 I "age Morclioiise, lleury Steb- liins 775 Morehouse, .lames 775 Morehouse, .loseph Jeri- iugs 7 75 JFoiehouse, .Julia IJebec- ca 962 Morcluiuse, .lujius Ste- phen 775 Morehouse, Lillian .Jose- phine 775 Morehouse, William C. . 489 Mores, Phcbe Morgan, Aaron 519 M(u-gan, .Miigail 360 Morgan, Abigail 130 Morgan, Annette 393 Morgan, Benjamin 130 Morgan, David 98, 130 Morgan, David 130 Morgan, Deniah 674 Morgan, libenczer 130 Morgan, Elizabeth 177 Morgan, Eunice 420 Morgan, Isabella 494 Morgan Jesso 207 Morgan, .Jesse 308 Morgan, .John 130 Morgan, Jonathan 130 Morgan, .Joseph 146 Morgan, Mary 9S Morgan, Mary 192 Morgan, Mercy 519 Morgan, Miles 130 Morgan, Pelatiah 130 Morgan, 207 :Morley, Elizabeth 327 Morrill, Abigail 260 Morris, Grace 667 Morris, Hannah Paddock 1095 Morris, Jane E 875 Morris, Julia 497 Morris, Leonard M 1095 Morris, Madge E 996 Morris, Walter 1114 Morris, Walter Bostwick 1114 Morris, William L 965 Morrison, Cordelia .\ . . . 528 Morrison, Cordelia IJa- chcl 822 Morrison, Emma 594 Morrison, George J 882 Morrison, Tda Elizabeth. 822 Morrison, .Jane 377 Morrison. Jennie Mar- garet 822 Morrison, Thomas 528 1350 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. rage Morrison, 'William Thom- as 822 Morse, Anna 290 Morse, Charles F 616 Morse, Edwin W 513 Morse Eliza 1165 Morse, George E 608 Morse, Polly 394 Morton, Etlna Lydia .... 870 Morton, Henry 870 Morton, Lois Charlotte.. 870 Morton, Nettie 469 Morton, William 870 Mosely, Joseph 171 Moscly, Sarah 171 Moshcr, Joscpbus 472 Mosicr, Eliza 510 Moss, Hiram 485 Moss, Richard A 1120 Mossraan, Mary M 976 Mott, Alice M 845, 989 Mott, Ella M 491 Mott, Gabriel F 491 Mott, George B 491 Mott, Henry 989 Mott, John H 491 Mott, Lambert Bergel. . 1086 Mott, Mabel 282 Mott, Martha Ann 1086 Mott, Sarah A 491 Moulton, Daniel 514 Moiilton, Lucy 382 Moyer, Fannie 832 M'racken, Alfred 862 M 'raeken, Mary E 862 Mudge Abigail 624 Muffitt, Samuel 408 Mullet, Mary 588 MuUin, Dencie 605 Mullin, William 605 Mumford, Oliver R 491 Mun, Lucy 188 Munden, Abraham 74 Munden, Anne (Munson) 74 Munger, Florence 823 Munger, Will 768 Munk, Edward 1068 Miink, Susan A 1068 Munke, Ann 1030 Munn, Abigail 88 Munn, Abigail (Burt) . . 60 Munn, Abigail 225 Mnnn, Benjamin 60 Munn, Benjamin 88 Munn, Benjamin 60 Munn, Beulah 186. 187 Munn, Eunice 328 Page Munn, James 60 Munn, John 60 Munn, Mary 139 Munn, Nathaniel 61 Munson, Anne 7t :Muns(in, A. W 648 Munson, Frank Hamilton 1125 Munsou, Henry Stebbins. 1125 Munson, Isaac 1125 Munson, Martha 1106 Mura, Catharine A 1136 Mura, Erasmus 1136 Murdock, Nancy ...347, 560 Murphey, Henry C 11G6 Murph}^, Marianne 1051 Murphy, Smith 822 Murphy, 1049 Murray, Clarence A.... 913 Murray, Clarence A.... 913 Murray, Doris Mabelle.. 913 Murraj', Emilie J 913 Murray, Fred L 913 Murray, George Freder- ick 662 Murray, Jennie Laura. . 662 Murray, William 662 Murray, William C 913 Murray, William Francis 662 Muzzy, John 1146 Muzzy, Olive 1146 Myer, Gilbert 542 M3'er, Mar_y Eliza 542 Myers, Catherine 1087 Myers, Hettie B 750 Myers, John Frederick.. 611 Myers, Margaret F 611 Myres, Amanda 750 Nash, Aaron 106 Nash, Abigail 205 Nash, Daniel 204 Nash, Daniel 204 Nash, Daniel 205 Nash, Dorcas 271 Nash, Elizabeth 697 Nasli, Enos 293 Nash, Enos 293 Nash, Experience 205 Nash, Judd 331 Nash, Martin 166 Nash, Onesimus 298 Nash, Sylvanus 205 Neale, Abncr 710 Neale. Anne 716 Nealy, David 1056 Nealy, Elizabeth 1056 Nelson, Addie S 1135 Pag* Nelson, Archibald 382 Nelson, Charles 604 Nelson, Charles Albert. . 603 Nelson, Elizabeth 604 Nelson, Frank Eaton... 604 Nelson, Gertrude 872 Nelson, Jouathau 004 Nelson, Julius 004 Nelson, Lester 1135 Nelson, Lucy 382 Nelson, Miller 604 Newberry, Orpha 1051 Newberry, Samuel 1051 Newcomb, Charlotte . . . 486 Newel, Abijah 248 Newel, Margaret 248 Newell, Douglas K 1080 Newell, Frances (Elliott) 867 Newell, Jefferson 867 Newell, Nancy 507 Newhall, Daniel 1145 Newman, David 493 Newman, Lydia Ann... 493 Newton, Addie C 907 Newton, Edward H 800 Newton, Elvira L 974 Newton, Fannie 386 Newton, Fred C 809 Newton, Gertie B 768 Newton, Joshua N 809 Newton, J. H 6.J9 Newton, Lydia 593 Newton, Lydia 490 Newton, Moses 907 Newton, Obed 308 Newton, Sarah 207 Ncyman, William 597 Nichols, Mary 2-13 Nichols, Meritt 1087 Nichols, Sarah 144 Nickerson, Elcazer 879 Nickcrson, Eleazer Free- man 879 Nickcrson, Emily Barrus 879 Nickerson, Freeman .... 601 Nickerson, Huldah Abi- g;iil 601 Nickerson, John William 879 Nickerson, Levi 879 Nickerson, Levi Stillman 879 Nickerson, Loren 879 Nickerson, Mary Huldah 879 Nickerson, Sadie 879 Nickerson, Samuel 879 Nightingale, Crawford.. 464 Nims, Alfred Stebbins.. 770 Nims, David Barnard... 770 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1351 rage Nims, Elisha 7'J8 Xims, Elizabeth 327 Nims, Martha Harper. . . 728 Xiiiis, Eebccca 307 Nims, Samuel 484 Nixon, Rachel 63 Noble, Asa J3S Noble, Bcthia 138 Noble, Charles Kmersou. 1131 Noble, Christian 1083 Noble, Constautiue 138 Noble, Daniel 187 Noble, Daniel 187 Noble, David 187 Noble, David Wade .... 1131 Noble, Elizabeth 4.36 Noble, Elizabeth 1042 Noble, Ezekiel 187 Noble, Fitz Gerald 784 Noble, Gideon 138 Noble, James 1S7 Noble, .Tames 187 Noble, .foanna 138 Noble, Luke 143 Noble, Mary 1120 Noble, Mary 187 Noble, Matthew 138 Noble, Matthew 138 Noble, Matthew 1.39 Noble, Paul 139 Noble, Quartos 1130 Noble, Khoda 1.38 Noble, Ruth 187 Noble, 8oIomon 1130 Noble, Thonuis 143 Noble, Thomas I.j4 Noon, Lena Louise 8.54 Xopi'er, AVillard 7li8 Norcross, Bertha Orplia.. 0-50 Norcross, Henry C O.'iil Norris, Martha O'.IS Norseman, Helen M. . . . SI 9 North, Clayton N 820 North, .John 1102 Northrop, Carrie Louisa. S47 Northrop, David Wilson. S(7 Northrop, Frank Burley. 847 Northrop, Milan L 847 Northrop, Rensselaer . . . 893 Northroj), Sarah Ann... 1107 Northrop, Thomas 847 Northrop, William Berry 89;'> Norton, Anna 187 Norton, Cora Alta 443 Norton, Frank R 500 Norton, John 169 Norton, Maria D 1125 Norton, Mary Adelia (Cheney; 1 12.3 Norton, Merey 187 Norton, Paul J 068 Norton, Pearl 90.5 Norton, Sarah 176 Norton, Sil.iyl 092 Nott, Anjalette 756 Novess, Alonzo C 1055 Novess, Amelia K 1055 Novess, Frank 1'^ 10.35 Novess, Henry 1055 Novess, Henry C 1055 Novess, Ira E 1055 Noyes, Lucy C 993 Noyes, Susa u 295 Nye, Albert 810 Nye, Elizabeth Ella 978 Nye, Etta Laura 810 Nye, Harriet 822 Nye, Selwyn T 1222 Nye, Sylvanns Field 978 Nymau, Mary Ann S79 Oaus, Lina 1071 Oatman, 409 Obenhaus, Annie L 592 O'Brien, Hannah 792 Oclis, Justina 1136 O'Dell, Hubert L 8.50 Odiorne, George M 733 Odiorne, Louise 733 Oiser, Amy 359 Olden, Hart 433 Olden, Ruth Se.xlou 433 Olds, Amy 650 Olds, Elisha Lumon 650 Olds, Mehitable 581 Oles, Jesse 1084 Olmsteail, Cynthia 1069 Olmstead, Daniel 210 Olmstead, Elizabeth .... 210 Olmstead, Elizabeth .... 325 Olmstead, Harriet 498 Olmstead, Sarah 212 Oluey, Lewis 761 O'Longhlin, Alma 627 O'Loughlin, Hazel B 627 O'Longhlin, John S 627 O 'Loughlin, Patrick . . . 627 O'Loughlin, Patrick ... 627 O'Longhliu, Thomas ... 627 O'Loughlin, Thomas J. .. 627 O'Neil, Ann 11.34 O'Neil, David 683 O'Neil, Nellie 426, 683 Orcutt, Eunice 749 Page Orcutt, Joseph 1090 Orcutt, Mariam 1090 Orendolph, Charlotte . . . 478 Orris, Oliver 219 Ortou, Jeannettie 649 Osberu, Lucy 600 Osborne, Isadore 949 Osborne, Peter 332 Osgoodby, Georgia Eliza- beth 953 Osgoodby, William W. . . 953 Otis. John D 1027 Otis. Welthy 1166 Outley, John J 465 Owen, John 1) 730 Ozanne, Agues 5Si? Packard, Mary 27» Packhenrt. Johnson .... 476 Paddock, Mary 1095 Page, Adelaide 513 Page, F. M 719 Page, Harriet Eliza 618 Page, Julia Ann 465 Page, Levi W 618 Paige, Addie L 1083 Paine, Amos 672 Paine, Matilda J 1151 Paine, Sarah 425 Paine, Sarah May 672 Paine, William 1151 Painter, Mercy 159 Palmer, Achsa 524 Palmer, Albert 863 Palmer, Anna 435 Palmer. Aram 581 Palmer, Clarence E 1087 Palmer, Eliza A 628 Palmer, Hannah Ann... 581 Palmer, Henry 430 Palmer, Henry D 418 Palmer, James 878 Palmer, Levi 628 Palmer, Mary 1059 PaImcr,Mary E 863 Palmer, Mercy A 574 Palmer, Philip 441 Palmerlee, Heman 847 Palmerlee, H. M 847 Papineau de Montigny, Antoine 1039 Papineau de Montigny, Ccsario 1039 Pardee, Julia 311 Parents, Dan 1040 Park, Harlow 359 Parker, Amos 229 1352 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. I'agc Parker, Anna H 382 Parker, Barbara S 949 Parker, Benjamin Allen. C47 Parker, Betsey Lorinda. 386 Parker, Carrie L 907 Parker, Edward H 949 Parker, Harriet M 1047 Parker, Harvey 754 Parker, Hosea Stebbins. 647 Parker, I. J 620 Parker, James 331 Parker, Joseph 386 Parker, Martin P 949 Parker, Mary A 1124 Parker, Mary Louisa . . . 647 Parker, Myron 653 Parker, O. Frank 967 Parker, Samuel 647 Parker, Sibyl 383 Parker, Stephen 383 Parker, Thomas Allen.. 647 Parker, Timothy 219 Parker, William Thorn- ton 928 Parker, William Thorn- ton 928 Parker, ■ 905 Parkhurst, Charles Dyer. 1002 Parkhurst, George Com- fort 1002 Parkhurst, Mary 63 Parkhurst, William Hen- ry 1002 Parkin, William H 906 Parkins, Minnie F 984 Parkins, Thomas 084 Parkman, Charles 933 Parkman, Phila H 933 Parmalcc, James 599 Parmelce, Thomas 361 Parmenter, Isabel A.... 1115 Parmenter, Reuben .... 223 Parmenter, Eoxana .... 505 Parmlee, Eliza Ann 450 Parrish, Hannah 1151 Parson, Abigail 60 Parsons, Abigail 61 Parsons, Abigail 62 Parsons, Anna 174 Parsons, Annas 229 Parsons, Benjamin 60 Parsons, Benjamin 274 Parsons, Benjamin 158 Parsons, Beulali 447 Parsons, Caleb 174 Parsons, Caleb 191 Parsons, Daniel 174 I'agc Parsons, Daniel 145 Parsons, David 144 Parsons, David 144 Parsons, Ebcnczer 158 Parsons, Ebenezer 191 Parsons, Elihu 158 Parsons, Eliphas or Eli- hu 62 Parsons, Elizabeth 61 Parsons, Elizabeth 63 Parsons, Eunice 61 Parsons, E. W 345 Parsons, Hannah 174 Parsons, Isaac 150 Parsons, Israel 144 Parsons, John 61 Parsons, John 62 Parsons, Joseph 199 Parsons, Joseph 61 Parsons, Joseph 116 Parsons, Joseph 144 Parsons, Joseph 158 Parsons, Lucy 174 Parsons, Lucy 62 Parsons, Margaret 355 Parsons, Margaret 157 Parsons, Martha 61 Parsons, Mary 191, 192 Parsons, Mai\v 445 Parsons, Marytta 070 Parsons, Mercy 61 Parsons, Mercy 158 Parsons, Moses 174 Parsons, Moses 61 Parsons, Moses i . . 62 Parsons, Moses 61 Parsons, Naomi 62 Parsons, Noah 202 Parsons, Peter 174 Parsons, Rachel 158 Parsons, Ruth 174 Parsons, Samuel 61 Parsons, Sarah 144 Parsons, Sarah 235 Parsons, Simeon 158 Parsons, Submit 62 Parsons, Thankful 202 Parsons, Warhani 174 Parsons, William 62 Partridge, Addison E... 1149 Partridge, Josejih 409 Partridge, Lepha 409 Partridge, Mary 1017 Partridge, Winslow H.. 1108 Paschal, Alfred 724 Patrick, Sarah 443 Patten, Alfred 324 Page Patten, Lydia 1165 Patten, Scth 1165 Patterson, Albert 378 Patterson, Ann 378 Patterson, Charlotte ... 378 Patterson, Charlotte Su- san 845 Patterson, Enielino .... 378 Patterson, Jonathan . . . 378 Patterson, Jonathan . . . 378 Patterson, Laura 604 Patterson, Lcnora 378 Patterson, Lucy 362 Patterson, Marilla 378 Patterson, Mary Eliza- beth 378 Patterson, Peter 845 Patterson, Sally Ann... 378 Patterson, William O... 1218 Patton, Adeline 582 Patton, Mary (Moody).. 60 Paul, Jane (Ballard).... 816 Paulis, Elizabeth Jane.. 1088 Paulis, Henry 1088 Pealer, Daniel 529 Pease, Abiel 1164, 1165 Pease, Abiel 1164, }165 IVaso, Albert R 1165 Pease, Axscpli 351 Pease, Calvin W 357 Pease, Chandler 406 Pease, Ebenezer 294 Pease, Elizabeth 233 Pease, Erancis 294 Pease, Horace 573 Pease, Horatio N 294 Pease, Huldah 294 Pease, Isabelle 90S Pease, James H 524 Pease, John B 1165 Pease, Julia Emily .... 406 Pease, Julia P 1165 Pease, Levi S 1156 Pease, Louise 685 Pease, Lucy Ann 390 Pease, Slargaret 294 Pease, Mary 174 Pease, Mary 294 Pease, Millie N 1092 Pease, Noel M 1157 Pease, Orissa A 573 Pease, Peter 294 Pease, Peter P 294 Pease, Raljili 1165 Pease, Salmon 573 Pease, Salmon 390 Pease, Walter 1219 INDEX— NAi\lES OTHER THAN STEBBINt 1353 Page Pfasp, Walter S 573 Pease, Wilder C 1156 Pease, Wilder C 1157 Pease, AVilliaiii 204 Pease, 294 Peek, Ahoy K G47 Peek, Aiigeliuo 346 Peek, Austin 292 Peek, I'aleli M 647 rVi'k, L'Miriinid 647 Peek, Eli 243 I'ci k, George C 647 Peek, Henry AV 647 Peek, Hoiaee 853 Peek, .Tidia A 577, 853 Peek, Lonisa K 647 Peek, Maria P 647 Peek, Oreu C 647 Peek, Sibyl 647 Peek, Vietorta 958 Peek, William 361 Peek, 460 Peekliam, Eliza M 516 Pcekham, Rosiua 988 Peeler, ■ 516 Peer, Hannah P 475 Peet, Diadema 1070 Peet, Lemuel 1070 Pect, Loring S 1070 Peet, Lueius H 1070 Peet, Lyniau B 107(1 Peet, Mary E 1070 Peet, Philciia 1070 Peiree, Joshua 1044 r*eirce, Mar.y 1149 Peiree, Mary Ann Ben- nett 1044 Pelhain, Fred Harvey . . 1066 Pelton, Elizabeth 1114 Pelton, Margaret 1114 Pelton, Miles 1114 Pelton, Phineas 1114 Pelton, Phineas 1114 Pelton, Ehoda 1114 Pelton, William 1114 Pennimau, Frank 1086 Peuniinan, George 1086 Pennimau, .Tames 1080 Pennimau, .Tames 1086 Penniman, Samuel 1085 Pepjier, Mary 422 Pereival, 1085 Perkins, Giles 697 Perkins, Louisa .Tane... 1036 Perkins, Lydia Ann 691 Perkins, Nelson D 1036 Perkins, Olive S 697 l's«e I'erkius, Submit 260 Perriu, iOliza 572 Perriu, Eliza 978 Perry, Aaron 487 Perry, Aaron Kicdinuiud. 774 Perry, Andrew S 487 Perry, Anna Esther .... 775 Perry, Annette 9S2 Perry, Arthur Clere ... U!tU Perry, Carletou Boiniell. 990 Perry, Gharles 507 Perry, David 455 Perry, David 77 1 Perry, David Tiord S4!t Perry, Donald Strong... 990 Perry, Elizabeth M 727 Perrj', Florenee Mary... 819 Perry, Frank Riehniond. 962 Perry, Franklin David.. 775 Perr.y, Ida Strong 849 Perry, .Taue (Mere 849 Perry, I-illiau May 962 Perry, Mareia 097 Perry, Margaret Steb- bins S49 Perry, Mary I! 841 Perry, Naney 507 Perry, Noah 506, 507 Perry, Sarah 506 Perry, Samuel 697 Perry, Stephen 327 Perry, Theodore 849 Perr.y, Theodore Olcre.. 990 Perr}-, Trumau Andrew.. 962 Peters, Irena 1158 Peter.s, Eliza. 767 Petersen, Anna T^urenna. 854 Petersen, Peter Nieholas. 854 Peterson, Alexander ... 1159 Pettes, William A 719 fcttigrew, Alexander... 806 Pettingill, Mary Ann... 1116 Pettit, .Tanette Ann 946 Petty, .Tessie Agnes.... 1163 Petty, .Toseph 168 Petty, Sarah 168 Petty, Stejdien 1103 Peyson, Hannah 192,1223 Peysou, .Toslnin ....... 1223 Pew, Adaline 090 Phelps, Abigail 226 Phelps, Abigail 116 Phelps, Ansel 1102 Phelps, Gharlolte 1084 Phelps, Clarissa 345 Phelps, Pora ,Tane 1163 Phelps, Deborah 116 I'ago Phelps, Dorothy 438 Phelps, Ebenczer 1 1 li Pheli)s, Ebenezcr lliO l'hel|is, Elizabeth 1 Ki I'licljis,' lOlizabeth 170 Phelps, Franees Ames .. 1102 Phelps, Henry D 116:i Phelps, Uor.-ue 258 Phelps, .lohn 261 Phelps, John 326 Phelps, Joseph .\ustin.. 116 l^hid|is, Lewis 1 I. 'Ml Plieljis, Lyman 353 I'helps, Mary 482 Phelps, Mary 110 Phelps, Merey 116 Phelps, NathaHiel 116 Phelps, Nathaniel 116 Pheliis, Kaehcd 273 Phelps, William 116 Phelps, William 116 Phillips, Almuml 1061 Pliilliji.s, Charles 1061 T'liilli],s, Cliarles 481 Phillips, Chester R 1061 Phillips, Clara Delight.. lOtiO Phillips, Daniel S. Rieh- ardson 1061 Phillips, Kleela Jane ... 528 Phillips, Elijah 805 Phillips, Elizabeth (Mon- tague) 282 Phillips, Kva .l.iue 904 Phillips, ITann.-ili 1061 PhilliiiS Harriet 680 Phillips, James M 528 Phillips, Jane Ann 1061 Phillips, Jenisha 449 Phillips, John 527 Phillips, .Tohn Albert... 1061 Phillips, Joseph 1061 IMiillips, .T(ise]ih Kiehanl- sou loot Phillijis, Louis H 904 Phillijis, Lueinda 528 Phillips, Lydia A 1061 Phillips, Maria S 1061 Phillips, ISfary Tj 805 Phillii.s. Roderiek C. ... 1061 I'hillii.s, William b'. W.. 1061 Phillips, 1059 Pieree, .\mia 276 Pieree, Anita Louise.... 836 Pieree, Benjamin 276 Pieree, Betsy G 535 Pieree, Edwin J 836 Pierce, Francis Edwin . . 836 1354 IXDEX— i\AMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. rage Pierce, Mary E 736 Pierce, Tliomas Stebbius S3G Piersoii, f'arrie Gertrude"! 115 Pierson, Mary E -162 Pike, Aaron 890 Pil«e, Abbic X 940 Pike, Benjaiiiiri 772 Pike, Kinily 975 J'iko, Kmuia S 890 Pike, Kiiimaliiif 772 Pike, Jane Mary !)G1 F'ilbeani, KlizabetL 895 I'iugree, riyriis 772 }'iuney, Belinda 584 Pitcher, Nathaniel 296 Pitcher, Boxaua 796 Pitkins, Lucy 303 Pitt, Sophia 695 Pitts, A. L 1048 Platncn, Annie 919 Platnen, Joseph 919 Piatt, Elizabeth 751 Piatt, ITulda J 1164 Piatt, James IJ 64 Piatt, Mary Larrabee... 981 Piatt, Myron 981 Ploss, Philet 957 Plumb, Jo,seph 439 Plumb, Vine 439 Poke, Catharine 825 Pomeroy, Amisa ". 381 Pomeroy, Eunice M 381 Pomeroy, Josiah 157 Pomero}', Lydia 1224 Pomeroy, Koxa 365 Pomroy, Thankful 169 Pond, Mary 316 Pond, Peter 316 Pond, Philip ]33 Pond, Thankful 133 Pool, Ira 95.5 Pool, Sherman Ira 955 Poor, Ezoa 1125 Poor, Fanny R 530, 827 Poor, George S27 Pope, Caroline 379 Pope, Cynthia Jane .... 760 Pope, Eineline 598 Pope, Mary A 873 Porter, Bertha 773 Porter, Emily 1127 Porter, Elhan Belden... 932 Porter, Francis Hall.... 1076 Porter, Jennie Elizabeth 932 Porter, Joanna Gaylord. 1015 Porter, John 1015 Porter, John 1015 rage Porter, Rachel 777 Porter, Sarah 1120 Porter, Tabathy 271 Porter, Thomas J W... 772 Portner, Edward (il2 Post, Charles 602 Post, Jennie C 924 Post, Mary 179 Potter, Ezra 1133 Potter, 1049 Potvin, Delia 1037 Powell, Betsey 769 Powell, Charles 1166 Powell, Charles 1160 Powell, Jay I1174 Powell, Mary Louise . . . 888 Powers, Alanson 595 Powers, Caroline 770 Powers, Dorothy Eugenie 871 Powers, Edwin Hosmer. 871 Powers, Emma J 864 Powers, Frances Caro- line 715 I'owcrs, Isabella Eugenia 595 Powers, James 715 Powers, John S 864 Powers, Julius Heury.. 595 Powers, Julius Henry.. 595 Powers, Martha 1152 Powers, Mary 906 Powers, Sarah Augusta. 715, 928 Powers, Seneca Bridges. 715 Pratt, Arthur S t75 Pratt, Charles Dexter.. 815 Pratt, Charles S 465 Pratt, Elizabeth 119 Pratt, George L 979 Pratt, Henry 489 Pratt, .Job 815 Pratt, Laura Anna .... 815 Pratt, Minerva 290 Pratt, Keuben Dexter.. 815 Pratt, Susan Josephine. 979 Prentiss, Anna M 1135 Prentiss, John 1026 Prentiss, John A 760 Prentiss, Olive 1026 Prentiss, Sarah Harding 760 Presby, Charles 1062 Prcsscy, Betsey 810 Preston, Ame 1015 Preston, Caroline 1150 Preston, Joel 194 Preston, Jonathan 166 Preston, Lucy 1015 Preston, Luman 1015 P«ge Preston, Robert Simpson 1150 I'lice, Harrison 365 Price, Sarah II50 Price, 1 1.50 Prime, Wemlell II14 Prince, Daniel 279 Prince, Irene 567 Prince, Mary Rex 896 Prince, Sarali 279 Prindle, Alice Louise... 962 Priiidle, Bertha Ruth... 962 Prindle, Charles Henry. 962 Priudle, Charles Mark.. 962 Prindle, Mary Elizabeth 962 Prindle, Robert Northrop 9G2 Prindle, Samuel .Joseph. 962 Prindle, Sarali 1053 Prior, Isaac 447 Prior, Isaac 447 Prior, Isaac Newton... 447 Prior, Mary 447 Prior, Warren 447 Pritchard, William 346 I'routy, Alice May 950 Prouty, James B 747 Prouty, Jane Eliza 865 Prouty Mary Ella .. 950 Prouty, Royal 1073 Prouty, AVilliam D 747 Provost, Eleuor 1111 Puckey, Walter 762 Pug.sley, Benjamin 495 Pug.sley, Catherine Maria 495 Pulliam, Mary 1049 I'utman, Mabel M 822 Purdy, Benjamin 487 Putnam, Dora 875 Putnam, Martha 754 Putnam, Rhoda Caroline 1112 Putnam, Sylvania 1020 Putnam, Thonms J 1108 Putney, B. A 610 Putney, James H 610 Quarlcs, Giles W 1220 Quayle, Florence 710 (Juick, Herbert Tracy.. 845 Quiniby, Joseph 512 Quimby, Laura 512 (^uinu, Sojdiia 477 Radcliffe, Samuel 873 Raish, John 860 Kaish, Sarah C .580 Raizeune, Ignaee 1032 Ralph, Frederickia .... 058 Ralph, William H 958 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBlNS. 1355 Ramsey, Helen E 791 Kamsey, Stephen 793 Ranisten, Cliarlotte 763 Raiirl, ^rartlia 835 Randall, Ailelia 1100 RanJall, Andrew 1100 Randall, Elizabeth 794 Randall, Maria Smith (.layne) 015 Randall, Mercy 527 Randall, Xauey Matilda. 795 Randall, Tliunias Wash- ington 794, 795 Randall, William 764 Ranuenberg, Charles W. 585 Ransom, Annie Sophia.. 593 Ransom, Caroline Wliitc. 593 Ransom, Charles Newton 594 Ransom, Edward Steb- bins .593 Ransom, Elijah 593 Ransom, Elijah 594 Ransom, Emma 593 Ransom, John Schaufller 593 Ransom, John S 593 Ransom, Sarah 206 Ransom, William Stcb- liins .594 Rapaljc, Mary Ann 1097 Rathbone, 854 Rathbnn, Edwin R 960 Rathbnn. Ransom 960 Ray, Katnrah 1123 Ray, Olive 968 Raymon Rice, Mai y 1 l.JO Rice, Mary Liiciuda . . . 440 Rice, Nettie M 839 Rice, Peninah 1084 Rice, Percy 440 Kice, Porter 440 Rice, Richard 452 Rice, Sally 57S Rice, Sarah Fuller 1144 Rice, Sarah M 708 Rice, Sophia 484 Rice, Sylvia .\ 70S Rice, William 1084 Rich, Alden 1129 Rnch, Inez Julia 1129 Richards, Elizabeth . . . . 10(4 Richards, Elizabeth . . . . 1115 Richards, Elizabeth . . . . 630 Richards, Franciua W. . 574 Richards, Francis 421 Richards, Frederick . . . 1089 Richards, .Jason 1138 Richards, Joanna 1089 Richards, J 1020 Richards, Mabel 901 Richards, Mary 1089 Richards, N. G 1028 Richards, Samuel 1089 Richards. Samuel Lewis. 10S9 Richards, Sarah King. . . 594 1356 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page T?ii'li;ir(lf>, 320 Kichaidson, Cora Ann... 1090 Kichardson, Daiiiel .... 1149 IJicIiaiilsoii, L.yilia 1140 Kicliavilson, Marvin U.. 1090 Hieliardsoii, Jliriani ... 241 i;icliarilson, Orsoiiuis . . . 438 Kii'harilsou, I'att.y 407 Rifhardsoii, Kiitli .'jl2 Kiohardson, Sarah 1047 Riche, Emma J 789 Riclic, Thomas 789 Richie, Isabella 40G Richmond, George E.... 834 Richmond, Homer A.... 1043 Ricluiiond, Joslui.'i 774 RichmoiKi, Lilliau 962 Riclimoiid, Lydia 774 Richmond, Sarah 960 Rider, Sabra 334 Riley, Mary 154 Binge, Clinton 387 Rising, Benjainiu 1219 Rising, Susanna 1219 Rislcy, Emma 850 Risloy, ISrichael 1134 Risley, Phila 1134 Rix, Abigail 188 Roach, Frank V 840 Roach, Hiram 705 Robbins, Laban 528 Robbing, Pamelia 528 Robert, Marie 1039 Roberts, Adeline K 655 Roberts, Ann 762 Roberts, Betsey 1054 Roberts, Dennis D C?5 Roberts, Frank 1222 Roberts, Ilalbert 768 Roberts, Ida 1094 Roberts, Lj dia A 655 Roberts, Madeline 1032 Roberts, Margaret 862 Roberts, Phebe 1138 Roberts, Sarah Ann ... 496 Roberts, Sarah Ann . . . 758 Robertson, Arabella .... 812 Robinson, Anna 559 Robinson, Calvin C 1062 Robinson, Charles .Tolin. 172 Robinson, Daniel 62 Robinson, John 346 Robinson, .lulia 346 Robinson, Lavina 595 Robinson, Maria Antoin- ette 62 Robinson, Mary Ann.... 632 Page RobiuK.Hi, :\laiy I; 726 Robinson, Samuel 127 Robinson, Wealthy Ade- laide S82 Robinson, 646 Rockwell, Dorcas ..214, 323 Rockwell, Ebenezer .... 1167 Rockwell, Hannah 322 Rockwell, James 323 Rockwell, Laura 262 Rockwell, Reuben 1167 Rockwell, Ruth 213 Rockwell, Sarah 1014 Rockwood, Caroline Amelia 585 Rockwood, Edward Stcb- bius 585 Rockwood, George Ar- thur 585 Rockwood, Gertrude Leonard 585 Rockwood, John 585 Rockwood, John Frank- lin 585 Rockwood, John T 585 Rockwood, Martha Gran- ger 585 Rockwood, Mary Eliza- beth 585 Rockwood, Mat tie 942 Rockwood, William Har- vey 585 Roderick, John 1142 RolT, Betsey Aurelia . . 580 Roir, Thomas 580 Rogers, Bridget 1026 Rogers, Ellen 513 Rogers, Emma A 706 Rogers, Frederick Wil- liam 597 Rogers, George Bliss . . 597 Rogers, George M 597 Rogers, Joseph 809 Rogers, Lizzie M 809 Rogers, Mary Hamilton. 673 Rogers, Sally 1027 Rogers, 776 Roll, Rachel Vance 1150 Rolland, Rachel 479 Rollins, Mary Elizabeth 951 Rollins, Richard Taylor. 951 Romance, Jennie 848 Romeyu, John Cantine.. 586 Romich, John 758 Rommel, Goorge E Il51 Roods, Alice 905 Roods, Bert 905 fige Roods, Hemy 904 Roods, Mae 905 Root, Abigail 171 Root, Asenath 296 Root, David (or Dari\is) 192 Root, Elihn 326 Root, Elizal)eth 746 Root, Ellen 461 Root, Helen Maria 934 Root, Hiram 93 1 Root, Jemima 308 Root, Jesse S 326 Root, John 154 Root, John 154 Root, John 192 Root, Joshua 179 Rout, Joshua (or Ger- shom) 192 Root, Margaret 179 Root, Martha 206 Root, Naomi 192 Root, Samuel 320 Root, Sarah 154 Root, Simon 1219 Root, Thomas 192 Root, Timothy 326 Roper, John 233 Roquel, Margaret 466 Roscoe, Ruth 496 Rose, AViigail 766, 767 Rose, Abner 201 Rose, Caroline M 1155 Rose, Martha 1131 Rose, Sarah 1094 Roseubary, Mary Jane.. 979 Rosenberger, John 1077 Ross, Andrew J 485 Ross, Anne E 984 Ross, Eliza 418 Ross, Lorinda C 019 Ross, Mary 513 Rowe, Nellie Florence. . 1105 Rowe, Sewell S 1105 Rowell, Elizabeth Lath- rop 1000 Rowell, Jesse 668 Rowell, .lesse Cooper... 668 Rowell, Philip Lathrop. 1000 Rowell, Timothy Bryant lOOn Rowland, Rachel 479 Royce, George 382 Royce, IMardula 557 Ruggles, Joseph Henry.. 479 Rumsey, John A 1055 Rumsey, Lillias J 1055 Rundel, Betsy 418 Rundel, Horace 418 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1357 rage uundel, Lorea 418 Eundel, Ijovina "118 Eundel, Louisii 414 Rundel, Luther 414 Kiiiulel, Martha (-iiisanna 661 Rundel, Trumau 661 Kundel, Ursula Ann ... 418 Rundle, Annie E 762 Runliel, Elizabeth 583 Euss, Elisha 225 Russel, Luther 194 Russell, Edward 4.58 Russell. Elizabeth 803 Russell, Eunice 259 Russell, riavia 440 Eussell, George R 690 Russell, .Tonathan 205 Russell, Lemuel 729 Russell, Lemuel Kenr^'. . 729 Russell, Lucy West 963 Russell, Maria 710 Russell, Poll}' 361 Russell, Robert 448 Rust, Jonathan IIH Rntenber, Rhoda 221 Ruth, Edna 62" Rath, Emma 627 Ruth, John 627 Ruth, John 627 Eyan, Naney 1117 Eyder, Rebecca 1140 Rydman, Eva Belle 976 Eydman, .John W 976 Saliiii, Abide 725 ^Sabin, Anna 725 Snbiii, Laura Sophia... 725 Sabin, Lj'man 724 Sabin, Maria L 725 Sabin, Thomas 724 Sacket, Elijah 2S2 Sackett, Elizabeth 154 Sackett, Isabel 1160 Sackett, Jehial 1160 Safford, Alonzo 521 Saflford, Clara 711 Safford, Daniel 490 Safford, Emma L 6S3 Safford, Eanuy 711 Safford, Henry 711 Safford, .lames Deforest 711 Safford, Mathias 6S3 Saffor, Reuben T 711 St. John, Bertha 775 St. John, Edward Beadi- er 775 St. John, Esth«r 1061 I'age Salnave, Susan L 850 Salt, Caroline S 7S9 Sammons, Lyman 519 Sammous, Naney A 520 Sampson, E. II 445 Sampson, Ella 708 Sampson, Ella M 445 Sampson, Julia 398 Sanasack, Cleorge 1041 Sandcrlin, Emma 056 Sander.s, Emerson 461 Sanders, Hannah 582 Sanders, J. Harris lOlS Sanders, Theodore 377 Sanderson, Apollo.s .... 741 Sanderson, (' a t h e rine Sears 741 Sanderson, Elijah ;'.15 Sanderson, James 314 Sanderson, Martha .... 734 Sanderson, Sarah 314 Sanderson, Submit 315 Sandford, Lydia Susanna 592 Sandf ord, Robert 592 Sandford, AVilliam E... 60:! Sandford, Amy Emeline 10.'i4 Sanford, Ann JI 48S Sanfonl, Bathshel>a 933 Sanfonl, Benoni Sti-b bins 1053 Sanford, Daniel 1056 Sanford, David 1054 Sanford, David 1054 Sanford, Delia Maria... 1054 Sanford, Don H 906 Sanford, Edward Eollin. 1054 Sanford, Edwin P 906 Sanford, Eli 317, 488 Sanford, Ellen Ruth 1056 Sanford, Emily Frances. 1054 Sanford. Emma Louisa. 1054 Sanford, Emma L 905 Sanford, Epliraini 1053 Sanford, Estlier 487 Sanford, Florence C 905 Sanford, George 1054 Sanford, George Henry. 10.54 Sanford, George 488 Sanford, Harriet Eliza- 1)eth 10.55 Sanford, Henry 1054 Sanford. Hermoii Chauu- eey 905 Sanford, Jessie M 906 Sanford, John Rumsey. . 1055 Sanford, Joseph 1053 Sanford, Kate 905 Page Sanford, Lena A 906 Sanford, Leonard Gibbs. 1U55 Sanford, Mary 1054 Sanford, Jlary 105.'! Sanford, Mary E 910 Sanford, Mercy 105:'. Sanford, Milicent 1019 Sanford, Nathaniel. 1052, 1053 Sanford, N. P 910 Sanford, Olive 952 Sanford, Orlin Mead.... 1055 Sanford, I'( rmelia Ma- tilda 1109 Sanford, Rachel 1054 Sanford, Rebekah 1054 Sanford, SteVibiiis 488 Sanford, Stebbiiis. . 1052, 1053 Sanford. Susie 1053 Sanford, William R 521 Sanford, Zachariah .... 1053 Sanford 213 Sansousie, Margaret . . . 1037 Sanssoucy (or Sanssouci) Marguerite (or Mary) l(i:;, 1032 Sargent. Cynthia 471 Sargent, Richard 47 \ Sattei-leo, Alfred C.Tl Salterlee, .'Vugiisliis .... I)7I Satterlee, Catharine ... 671 Sattcrlee, Charles 071 Satterlee, Emily 671 Satterlee, Fanny 071 Satterlee, John K 071 Sattettswaile, Julia L.. 7s7 Saunders, Joseph 1042 Saunders, 783 Savage, Edwin Parker. . 39-1 Savage, Elizabeth 1095 Savage, Elizabeth 736 Savage, Henrietta 1079 Savcry, l^lizabeUi Don- ton SO-1 Savery, ,Tohn Stoveusou. 864 Sawyer, C .'i t h a r i a e Wheelock 688 Sawyer, Ella Monlgoui- ery 9-15 Saxtou. Caroline .\urelia 462 Saxton, Charles .Maurice 462 Saxton, David -162 Saxton. Francis 8yl\i'S- ter 462 Saxton, George 234 Saxton. Henry Laurens. 462 Saxton, Joseph 235 Saxton, Martha 235 1358 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Saxton, Jfiirtlia 235 Snxton, ilortiniPi' Fiixon 462 Saxtoii, Saxton 237 Saitoii, Tlu>m;i» F 461 Sayles, Albert Wells ... 914 Sayles, Arthur Grant... 914 Sayles, Ellen Angeline.. 914 Sayles, Frank Wells .... 914 Sayles, Levina 532 Sayre, Job 910 Sayre, Mary \V 910 Sayton, Priscilla 603 Seainmon, Eliakim Par- ker 711 Scanimon, 711 Seammon, 711 Scammon, 711 Schank, Charles H 763 Sehank, Charlotte H... 764 Schank, Clarence E.... 764 Schank, Edward 480 Sehank, Florence V 764 Sehank, Peter 763 Seheck, Augusta Temple 720 Schee, Charles E 829 Seheels, Paniel 1216 Schcll, Mabel 862 Schieffelin, Alice Holmes 1137 Sehieffelin. Mary Ther- esa 1102 Schieffelin, Samuel Brad- hurst 1137 Sehlesinger, John A.... 431 Schlick, John 1125 Schmitz, Anna 1132 Schmitz, Henry 1132 Schneider, Alice Jane.. 584 Sehoonover, Catherine.. 831 Schreiber, Andrew 900 Sehreiber, Mary Allen . . 900 Schroeder. Matilda 919 Schroeder. Edward Rod- erick 843 Schroeder, Edward S... 843 Schudeardt, Helena .... 647 Schultz, Catherine 001 Schultz, C. C 1000 Schultz, Ida 1000 Scofield, Fay 1080 Scofield, Florence 1080 Scofield. Frank 1080 Scofield. Fred 1080 Scofield, Fuller 1080 Seofield, Jerry 1080 Scofield, Mary 320 Scott, -Mexander 295 Scott, Diana 1082 rase Scott, Ebenezer Ashley. 296 Scott, John 295 Scott, John 295 Scott, Margaret 296 Scott, Mary 295 Scott, Mary 333 Scott, Mary Elizabeth.. 889 Scott, Matthew 295 Scott, Matthew 296 Scott, Mercy 29G Scott, Sarah 1014 Scott, Thankful 453 Scott, 516 Scoville, Frederick Ervin 1095 Scoville, Harlow 621 Scoville, Jesse 1095 Scoville, Lewis Percival 1095 Scoville, Lewis Preston. 1095 Scoville, Mary Elizabeth 621 Scranton, M. A 683 Scranton, Polyanthus . . 1155 Sculpher, Sophia 1096 Seaman, Pitt A 867 Seaman (Scammon?) Eliakim Parker 711 Searl, Joel 697 Searl, Julia 697 Searl, Sarah 117 Searle, George H 515 Searl, Hannah 168 Sears, Sarah A 892 Seavcr, Kobert .355 Seavcranee, Matthew . . 205 Sebrint;, John E 718 Sedgwick, Jonathan . . . 1098 Sedgwick, Samuel 1098 Sedgwick, William 1098 Seeber, Gariett 1140 Seekins, Abigail 463 Seeley, Ann 857 Seeley, Elizabeth AV 498 Seeley, Robert 498 Seisk, Arthur 1085 Selby, Emma H 755 Selden, Hezekiah Maye. 984 Selden, John 239, 357 Selden, Katharine. ..823, 984 Sellars. R. W 743 Sellen, Ma.jor 1217 Sellon, Clara B 406, 644 Sellon, W. R 644 Senier, Anna Maria .... 1221 Sension, H 320 Sentenne, John 278 Sergeant, Anne 220 Sergeant, Elisha 220 Sergeant, John 220 Page Sergeant, Thomas 220 Serisy, Elizabeth 1126 Session, Robert 237 Sessions, Hannah M.... 405 Sessions, Robert Oscar. . 355 Sessler, Mark Bigler 1220 Sessler, Mary Ann 1220 Severance, Abigail 207 Severenee, Caroline .... 506 Severance, Cynthia .... 207 Severance, Dorothy .... 207 Severance, Elihu 207 Severance, Experience . 206 Severance, Jonathan . . . 206 Severance, Jonathan . . . 206 Severance, Joseph 207 Severance, Joseph 206 Severenee, Martha 207 Severance, Rachel 307 Severance, Rufus 207 Severance, Sarah 328 Severance, Solomon .... 207 Severance, Thankful ... 207 Severance, Tirza 207 Sevcrson, Benjamin .... 623 Severson, Sarah Eliza- beth 623 Sewell, Grace 1109 Sewell, Hannah 256 Sexton, Mary 1041 Sexton, Mercy 199 Sexton, Miriam 290 SejTuour, A r a li e 1 1 a Thompson 496 Seymour, Edwin 01m- stead 496 Seymour, Francis Sher- man 496 Seymour, Harriet 524 Seymour, Harvey 708 Seymour, Henry Lewis. . 496 Se\nuour, John Stebbins 496 Seymour, Joseph Brooks 496 Seymour, Lewis Stebbins 496 Seymour, Mary 1029 Seymour, Mary Eliza . . . 496 Seymour, Richard 1016 Seymour, Richard Gray. 496 Seymour, Rufus 322 Seymour, Samuel 322 Seymour, Samuel 496 Seymour, Sherman 322 Shackford, Ellen Porter. 670 Shafer, Elizabeth 184 Shafer, Elizabeth 1040 Shaffer, C. Z 603 Shaffer, Hannah 503 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBIN8. 1359 rngc Shapleigh (nr Sliaplpy), Mary 185 Sharkej-, 1^'ancis 1037 Sharkey, Rosetta 1037 Shattufk, Abicl H 1133 Shattuek, Angoliiio .... 502 Shattiiek, Margaret 1083 Sliaw, Asa 427 Shaw, Bertram Eugene. 1000 Shaw, Charles (i09 Shaw, Eva A 532 Shaw, Jacob 831 Shaw, Luther 563 Shaw, Margaret 427 Shaw, Maria 930 Shaw, Mary Anlell 831 Shaw, Myron Austin.... 1000 Sliaw, Samuel B 531 Shaw. Sarah S 609 Shaw, Sophia 563 Shaw, William B 1000 Shaw, William T'A'erett. 1000 Shay, Allie 803 Shearer, Maria C 860 Shearer, Sally 009 Shears, James M 940 Sheerer, 794 Slielflon, .\l)ner 209 Slieldon, Alfred Harris. 1152 Sliclilon, Anna M 11.12 Sheldon, Arabella Steb- bins 401 Sheldon, Asa 169 Sheldon, Ceeil M 999 Sheldon, Clara E 999 Sheldon, Clyde 999 Slieldon, Daniel 223 Sheldon. Kbeiiezer 120 Sheldon, Edgar A 999 Sheldon, Edgar It 999 Sheldon, Elijah 169 Sheldon, Emma 418 Sheldon, Fanny 278 Sheldon, Floy 999 Sheldon, George 731 Sheldon. Hannah 119 Slieldon, Isaac 119 Sheldon, Isaac 169 Sheldon, John 461 Sheldon, John 119 Sheldon, .folm 119 Slieldon, John 731 Slieldon, Jonathan 169 Slieldon, Jonathan 169 Sheldon, Mary 282. 283 Sheldon, Mary 119 Sheldon, Mary 169 I'age Sheldon, Mehitable 169 Sheldon, Mildred 999 Sheldon, Miriam 129 Sheldon, N'ehemiah .... 1054 Sheldon, Phinens 169 Sheldon, Polly 335 Sheldon, Rachel 200 Sheldon, Rebeoca 169 Sheldon, Rebecca 158 Sheldon, Remembrance . 120 Sheldon, Rhod.i 209 Sheldon, Samuel 150 Sheldon, Seth 461 Sheldon, Set h 461 Sheldon, Silence 169 Sheldon, Susan Arabella. 731 Sheldon, William 46] Sheldon, William 1115 Shelton, .Tames 834 Sheparil, Charles 791 Shcparil, ('eli;i Antoi- nette 1015 Shepard, ('harle.s 843 Shepard, Deborah 1103 Shepard, Ella E 1081 Shepard, James 1015 Shepard, Jane 1103 Shep,ard, John 1103 Shepard, John F 1154 Shepard, Justine 1081 Shepard, Lida S43 Shepjird, Mary 1103 Shepard, Mary 439 Shepard, Mathias 951 Shejjard, Nellie 951 Shepard, .Sarah 1103 Shepard, Sophia 1073 Shepard. Thomas 1103 Shepard, Thomas 843 Shepard, Thomas 843 Shephard. Converse ... 2.34 Shephard, Daniel 248 Shepherd, Caleb 1159 Sliefdierdson, Laura .... 311 Sherman. Ben.jamin .... 388 Sherman, Caroline Flynn 775 Sherman, Charles .Au- gustus 1111 Sherman, Charles Austin. 671 Sherman, Charles Xor- ton UIO Sherman, David 393 Sherman. .Tacob 271 Sherman, .Ternsha 439 Sherman, Malinda J 609 Sherman, Mary Burt... 388 Sherman, Marv Maria... 393 Vase Sherman, Miriam 360 Sherman. Rebecca 1054 Sherm;iii. Timothy 360 Sherwood, Aaron 489 Sherwood, Benjamin ... 212 Sherwood, Daniel 212 Sherwood, John 212 Sherwooil, Lucy 1152 Sherwood, Ora 858 Shirk, Jacob B 651 Shirland, W. H 818 Shively, Hubble 874 Shoey, Chauncey 1085 Short, 2G1 Shrailer, Nancy 870 Shuast, Adilie 1086 Shnast, Hattie 1086 Shnckengaiist. William A 834 Shufelt. Emma 1079 Sliuniway. Mary 290 Shiippey, Charles Web ster IDi'O Shijipey, Raymond 1020 Shippey. Webster Bat- cheller 1020 Shurger. .\nson 528 Shutts, Lydia 237 Sibley, Jennie 775 Sicklcr, L;ithom 830 Sike.s, Abigail 201 Sikes. Caroline OSS Sikes, Caroline Cook.... 934 Sikes, Mary 289 Sikes, Mary 923 Sikes, Nathaniel 61 Sikes, Tryphena 569 Silcock, Clarisi?;t 231 Silcock, .John 230 Silcock. Lyman 231 Silcock, Mary 231 Sileock, Nancy 231 Silcoek, Phebe 231 Silcock, Robert 230 Silcock, Robert 231 Silcock, Sarah 230 Silcock. William Collin.. 231 Silsbee, Solomon 294 Silver, Addison 763 Simerson, Marj- 502 Simmons, L'dward W. 480, 761 Simmons. Esther H.... lOSO Simmons. Ezra 1080 Simmon.^. Mary L 1083 Simmi.ns, Violet L 1083 Simmson, Roxana 790 Simonds, Albert 76J 1360 INDEX— NAMES OTHEE THAN STEBBINS. rage Simoiids, Bciijniiiiii 1019 Smcad, Simonds, KliziUjotli .... 377 Smead, Simonds, Harriot lOliza. 761 Smiley, Simonds, Marey 1019 Smith, Siuiouson, Mary C 454 Smith, Simpson, Almou B 985 Smith, Simpson, Helen M 985 Smith, Simpson, .Tohii Matthew 990 Smith, Sinclair, Anna 657 Smith, Sinclair, Florence 1156 Smith, Sinclair, Cleorso 657 Smith, Singleton, R. V 792 Smith, Sisley, Sarah 507 Smith, Sisson, Augustus 225 Smith, Skean, James L 905 Smith, Skiff, Frederick Willard 776 Smith, Skiff, Henry Kutherford 776 Smith, Skiff, Royal 776 Smith, SkiUinga, Margaret ..822,823 Smith, Skinner, Alice Tina 733 Smith, Skinner, .Xvory 1133 Smith, Skinner, David 70t Smith, Skinner, Kli/.a ITolden.. 704 Smith, Skinner, G 347 Smith, Skinner, Jernslia Morse. 917 Smith, Skinner, Josei)li 483 Smith, Skinner, Thankful 229 Smith, Slade, Emma 7G0 Smith, Slade, Lois 1116 Smith, Slader, Almou 1123 Smith, Slader, Amos S 1123 Smith, Slader, CalLsta R 1123 Smith, Slader, Elizabeth G 1123 Smith, Slader, Hannah 1124 Smith, Slader, Huron 1123 Smith, Slader, John L 1123 Smith, Slader, John M 1123 Smith, Slader, Samuel 1123 Smith, Slader, Samuel L 1123 Smith, Slader, Thomas 1124 Smith, Slate, Ann 747 Smith, Slocomb, Outhbcrt H... 1018 Smith, Sloeum, Arthur Philo... 991 Smith, Slocum, Charles Mills. . . 991 Smith, Sloeum, Philip 278 Smith, Slosson, Sarah 819 Smith, Smart, James 1061 Smith, Smead, Charlotte M .-{OS Smith, Smead, Ebenezer 298 Smith, Smead, Elihu 298 Smith, Smead, Esther 204 Smith, Smead, .Tesse 307 Smith, Smead, Joseph 298 Smith,, Lucretia 298 Smith, Smead, Mary 298 Smith, Smead, Phileua 206 Smith, Smead, Sarah 298 Smith, Page Sophia 298 Thankful 217 Malinda 851 Abigail 1107 Abigail Channcpy 1144 Addio Eliza 62 Alice B 830 Alice Brackette. 887 Alta D 055 Alvah 295 Amy 409 Anna Adella.... 618 Annie M 624 Amelia 365 Belinda 308 Belle 824 Bessie Henderson 939 Betsey 724 Betsey 682 Blatchley 322 Brainard 468 Caroline 871 Carrie Virginia.. 1137 Catharine 1120 Charles 397 Charles Butler.. 1143 Charles Henry.. 1048 Clara Edith. . .598, 871 Claribel Anne. . . 617 Clarissa Stebbins 322 Daniel 187 Daniel 830 David Colby 832 Delia M 960 Ebenezer 365 Ebenezer 365 Ebenezer 281 Edmund Herbert. 618 Edward N 938 Elbert A 830 Electa 577 Elijah 307 Elijah 307 Elijah 308 Eliza M 537 Elizabeth .^57 Elizabeth 751 Elizabeth 776 Ellen 762 Ellen 1219 Elton W 830 Emma 1088 Fannio 1048 Fanny Bell 495 Frances C 1058 Gamaliel 496 Gardner G 306 rase Smith, Genevieve R. ... 939 Smith, George Canning. 866 Smith, George Francis.. 365 Smith, George Nathaniel 938 Smith, Giles 435 Smith, Hannah 501 Smith, Harriet Maria... 852 Smith, Harvey Coleman. 365 Smith, Ilattie Graves... 939 Smith, Helen M 833 Smith, Henrietta 1099 Smith, Henry Hazard . . 1045 Smith, Henry M 809 Smith, Ida J lO.'il Smith, Trenaens O. P... 886 Smith, Israel 537 Smith, .Tames 577 Smith, James 1141 Smith, Jane 921 Smith, Jane 1161 Smith, Jennie 1159 Smith, Joab 211 Smith, Joanna 213 Smith, John 579 Smitli, John 194 Smith, John 1017 Smith, John D 755 Smith, John K 1137 Smith, Jonathan James. 1048 Smith, Josephine Emily. 1045 Smith, Julia A 974 Smith, J 1063 Smith, Levi 194 Smith, Levi P 830 Smith, Lucy 998 Smith, Lucy 418 Smith, Lucy 358 Smith, Lulu Inez 1049 Smith, Luther 326 Smith, Mabel 997 Smith, Marah 1017 Smith, Marcia 698 Smith, Margaret 296 Smith, Margaret 455 Smith, Margaret 1141 Smith, Maria E 358 Smith, Marietta 496 Smith, Martha 1116 Smith, Martha 308 Smith, Martha 183 Smith, Martha 476 Smith, Mary 308 Smith, Mary 579 Smith, Mary 190 Smith, Mary 61,98 Smith, Mary 202 Smith, Mary 365 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1361 Page Smith, Mary Oivroliue. . 729 Smith, Mary Elizabeth. 322 Smith, Mary Elizabeth. 783 Smith, Molly 305 Smith, Morton Moore.. 852 Smith, Moses 1099 Smith, Myron 312 Smith, Nathaniel 938 Smith, Nchemiah 1045 Smith, Neheraiali 1058 Smith, Obed 682 Smith, Origen 886 Smith, Orley Clinton... 830 Smith, Orrin 308 Smith, Pamela 365 Smith, Phoneta 1048 Smith, Rachel 652 Smith, EaymonJ Russle. 1049 Smith, Remembrance 194 Smith, Rena Elnora.... 830 Smith, Rinaldo Augustu.s 1045 Smith, Robert 307 Smith, Roland Charles.. 1049 Smith, Ruth 281 Smith, Ruth 169 Smith, Sally 615 Smith, Samuel 783 Smith, Samuel 213 Smith, Sarah 516 Smith, Sarah 570 Smith, Sarah Adaline. .. 437 Smith, Sarah Adell 495 Smith, Sarah I'^irnswortli 1044 Smith, Simeon 577 Smith, Sophronia 516 Smith, Sumner 572 Smith, Susan 577 Smith, Susan 636 Smith, Temperance .... 433 Smith, Thomas 1219 Smith, Timothy 332 Smith, Walter Keeler . . 1045 Smith, Wealthy (Cook). 516 Smith, William 872 Smith, William 576 Smith, William 580 Smith, William B 1158 Smith, William Blateh- ley 495 Smith, William Eastman 365 Smith, William Henry.. 1048 Smith, William P 438 Smith, 887 Smith, 437 Smithee, Nancy Caroline 898 Smook, Charles 474 Snow, Benjamin 699 8'' Page Snow, Charles 699 Snow, Clarissa 399 Smith, Jeremiah 286, 399 Snow, Mary 286 Snow, Sarah M 290 Snow, Temperance 572 Snyder, Eugene 1037 Snyder, Frederick 702 Snyder, Frederick S.... 702 Snyder, Ida 845 Somerby, Lydia Hobson. 752 Somerby, Thomas 752 Sordalet, Emma 474 Sorsoleil, Carl W 930 Sorter, Cora A 858 Sorter, Edmund 858 Sortor, Jessie D 858 Sorter, Mary E 858 Soul, ISO South, William 1091 Southgate, Sarah 1145 Southwell, Ebenezer 128 Southwell, Enoch 128 Southwell, Hannah 128 Southwell, Mary 169 Southwell, Sarah 128 Southwell, William 128 Southworth, Catharine M 1125 Southwortli, Mason W. . 456 Southworth. Simon G... 516 Sparks, Aurey 859 Sparks, William Monroe 859 Sjiaulding, Edward ..510,511 Spaulding, Hervey 1050 Spauldiug, Isabella .... 914 Spaulding, John Hub- bard 510 Spaulding, John Weeks. 510 Spaulding, Lutie Ethel. 1050 Spaulding, Luzerne .... 1050 Spauldiug, M a r t h a Brackett 511 Spayth, Warren D 1159 Speakman (or Speed- well), Lydia 430 Spear, Anna L 387 Spellmau, Alice 1035 Spencer, Asa 1018 Spencer, Carrie Fair- child 1108 Spencer, Claude W 1136 Spencer, Daniel 1136 Spencer, David 668 Spencer, Ethel Maj'... 1136 Spencer, Frank H 965 Spencer, Grace Jane.... 1136 Spencer, James M 518 Page Sjiencer, Jane 663 Spencer, Jared 1018 Spencer, Jerusha 754 Spencer, Jerusha 491 Spencer, John 754 Spencer, John J 1136 Spencer, Joseph 1015 Spencer, Louisa 912 Spencer, Mamre 1015 Spencer, Michael 1108 Spencer, Nathaniel 1018 Spencer, Nellie 668 Spencer, Polly 1018 Spencer, Thomas Paxton 1108 Sperry, Ransom 571 Spofford, Polly 1057 Sprague, Abigail 774 Sprague, Barbara Barrus 876 Sprague, Benjamin .... 647 Sprague, Emily Huldah. 876 Sprague, Ephraim 729 Sprague, Festus 876 Sprague, Festus 876 Sprague, George Wallace 1155 Sprague, Harriet P 729 Sprague, Ida May 1155 Sprague, Joseph J 1155 Sprague, Lydia Ann.... 876 Sprague, Mary 278, 431 Sprague, Rachel 468 Sprague, Wallace Eaton 1155 Spring, Gage Sherwin.. 1045 Spring, Grace 1048 Spring, Hattie 1048 Spring, Henry 1048 Spring, John 1045 Spring, John 1045 Spring, Louisa Marie... 1047 Spring, Nellie May 923 Squier, Daniel 184 Squires, EUzabeth Mary 186 Stacy, Anna May 1072 Stacy, Mary 229 Stacy, Mary 224, 231 Stafford, Nevada 763 Stafford, Ruth 794, 795 Stall, Marion 970 Stall. Naomi 439 Standish, Zachariah .... 295 Stanhope, Luther 354 Stanhope, Zata Loraine.. 354 Stanley, Caleb 1016 Stanley, John 1014 Stanley, Mary 1015 Stanley, Sarah 1014 Stanley, Tirzah 806 Stansbury, Isabel 891 1362 INDEX— NATTIER OTHER TIIAX STERBINS. rage Stansbui-.v, AV i 1 1 i a ni Thomas .S91 Stanton, Eliza 4.'>3 Stanton, Lorinda I:il7 Stanton, Obed 43a Stantou, Olive Bonhani. 989 Staunton, Howard 358 Staunton, James 358 Staunton, Joshua 358 Staunton, Judson A 358 Staral, John 1050 Staral, Joseph 1056 Staral, Otto 1056 Starkey, Orlando B 1018 Starkweather, Mary ... 286 Starr, Benjamin 792 Starr, Benjamin 970 Starr, Carrie 1002 Starr, Charles S 970 Starr, Edward Clapp ... 792 Starr, Emily Hannah . . . 792 Starr, George Edgar . . . 970 Starr, George S 970 Starr, Mary 494 Starr, Mary F 792 Starr, Samuel 792 Starr, Samuel .\ustiu... 792 Starr, Samuel T:illiiiaii . . 792 Starr, William 970 Starring, Lewis M 693 Steam, Adeline 900 Stearns, Alice 769 Stearns, Alonzo David . . 769 Stearns, Charles 031 Stearns, Eben 314 Stearns, Eli G31 Stearns, Esther 483 Stearns, Isaac 649 Stearns, Jane 408,619 Stearns, John F 731 Stearns, Joshua 483 Steai-ng, Lydia 483 Stearns, Margaret A . . . 560 Stearns, Samantha 770 Stearns, Sherman 769 Stearns, Susan Stewart.. 731 Stearns, Sylvester 4S3 Stearns, Sylvester 769 Stearns, William J 483 Steele, Lovina Ann 876 Steele, Samuel 876 Steinman, Ida 833 Steinman, Steve 833 Stephens, Edwin Willard 1142 Stephens, Prank B 1142 Stephens, Harold Mou- tello 1142 I'age Steuart, .James 680 Steuart, Thomas 680 Stevens, Clarem-e [■'.■in- ning 770 Stevens, Fann}' 11 831 Stevens, George 1221 Stevens, George F 848 Stevens, Harriet 1221 Stevens, Helen P. 1054 Stevens, James 770 Stevens, Julia Ann 1043 Stevens, Phebe 450 Stevens, Eoswell 334 Stevens, Samuel 770 Stevens, Thomas J 406 Stewart, Alexander .... 891 Stewart, Alexander S. .. 891 Stewart, Ellen Fraser... 891 Stickles, Martin 502 Stickney, Charles Kol- lins 466 Stickney, Clarissa Ann.. 465 Stickne}', Elizabeth Howard -165 Stickney, Harriet F.x- perience 465 Stickney, John 465 Stickney, Mary Stebbius 465 Sticknej', Rachel Meads. 465 Stickney, Walter 465 Stickney, Walter 465 Stigers, Amanda L 1048 Stigers, John 1048 Stiles, Dorcas 98 Stiles, Elizabeth 536 Stiles, Mamie 856 Stiles, Mary Jennett .... 275 Stillman, Alice 1058 Stillman, Charles 1058 Stillman, Dwight 1058 Stillman, Ella 1058 Stillman, Eugene 1058 Stillman, Franklin 1058 Stillman, Henry 1058 Stillman, I>evi 290 Stim]>son, Lois 1074 Stimpson, 1075 Stocking, Elisha 448 Stockman, Sarah 970 Stockwell, Alma Lita... 802 Stockwell, Etta Stebbins 802 Stockwell, Sarah 555 Stockwell, William 802 Stoddard, Eliza 514 Stoddard, Jesse, 514 .Stone, Anna E 180 Stone, Grace M 995 I'ase Stone, 378 Storrs, Charles Backus.. 1225 Storrs, John 1225 Storrs, Kichard Salter 363,1225 Storrs, Richard Salter. . 363 Storrs, Richard Salter. . 363 Storr.s, Sarah Williston.. 1225 Story, Eunice 1094 Stoughton, Abigail .... 1098 Stoughton, Arthur L. . . . 393 Stoughton, Clouden .... 260 Stoughton, Guy 393 Stoughton, John M 393 Stoughton, Mary E 393 Stoughton, Thomas .... 393 Stoughton, Thomas S. . . 393 Stovall, Mary Eliza 848 Stowell, Asahel 464 Stowell, Emily Newton. 895 Stowell, Maria 464 Stowell, Rena Henrietta 834 Stowell, James H 834 Stratt, Elizabeth Rosina. 620 Stratton, Abigail 1113 Stratton, Edwin 653 Stratton, Eliezer 305 Stratton, Elijah 305 Stratton, Eliphalet .... 305 Stratton, Eunice 461 Stratton, Fanny B 975 Stratton, Hezekiah 203 Stratton, Hezekiah .... 305 Stratton, Mary 203 Street, Euneeia 244,1225 Street, Nicholas 244 Streetcr, Franklin 506 Strickland, Christopher. 1055 Strickland, Hannah 1028 Strong, Adeline Ezoa. . . 1125 Strong, Amariah Elwell. 443 Strong, Anne Smith 849 Strong, Anne F 522 Strong, Arthur L 705 Strong, Bela 129 Strong, Caleb 150 Strong, Daniel 168 Strong, Dwight Stebbins 705 vStrong, Ebenezer 148 Strong, Ebenezer 129,150 Strong, Ebenezer 1218 Strong, Eliakim 127 Strong, Elias 150 Strong, Eliphaz 168 Strong, Elisha 1.50 Strong, Eliza Ann 1163 Strong, Elizabeth 158 Strong, Elizabeth 61 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1363 Page Strong, Elizabeth 1218 Strong, Emily Maria... 1125 Strong, Erastus Seymour -143 Strong, Ettaslena M 860 Strong, Eunice 129 Strong, Experience 150 Strong, Ezra B 319 Strong, George Ederson. 443 Strong, Hannah 127 Strong, Hannah 129 Strong, Hannah 150 Strong, Harvey 443 Strong, Henry 281 Strong, Hewett 127 Strong, Horatio 443 Strong, Ichabod 150 Strong, Ithamar 166 Strong, Jedediah 74 Strong, Jerijah 129 Strong, Jerijali 129 Strong, John 859 Strong, John 129 Strong, John 127 Strong, John 74 Strong, Jonathan 150 Strong, Jonathan ...150,1218 Strong, Jonathan 119 Strong, Jonathan 1218 Strong, Joseph 150 Strong, Lewis 443 Strong, Lois 129 Strong, Lois 150 Strong, Lucia 150 Strong, Lucy Ann 443 Strong, Lydia 1217 Strong, Margaret 129 Strong, Martha Frances. 963 Strong, Mary 127 Strong, Mehitable 150 Strong, Mercy 127 Strong, Minnie M 705 Strong, Nathaniel ...129,168 Strong, Nathaniel 129 Strong, Nelson 963 Strong, Noah 168 Strong, Noah 168 Strong, Olive 590 Strong, Phebe 326 Strong, Philena (Ar- nold) 281 Strong, Rachel 127 Strong, Rebecca 129 Strong, Rebecca 279 Strong, Return Davis... 1083 Strong, Samuel Wilson,. 859 Strong, Sarah 148,1223 Strong, Sarah 150 Page Strong, Seth 150 Strong, Seth 129 Strong, Tamar 127 Strong, Thankful 129 Strong, Theodore 1125 Strong, Thomas 127 Strong, Thomas 127 Strong, Thomas 150 Strong, Thomas 127 Strong, Walter R 705 Stroup, Sarah Ann 899 Stuart, Eva 998 Stuart, Harriet 449 Stuart, Mary 635, 895 Stuart, 998 Stubbs, Amer 1047 Stubbs, Sarah Ann 1047 Sturges, Grace A 1115 Sturges, John Robert . . . 495 Sturges, Louisa 495 Sturges, Wilbur 495 Sturtcvant, Alvin 573 Sturtevant, 573 Sturtevant, William . . . 874 Stutson, Nelson 356 Styer, Mary M 1154 Sullivan, Elizabeth T. V 1004 Summers, Luc}' 641 Sumner, Galista E 816 Sumner, Eliza 1073 Sumner, Jabez 1073 Sumner, William W 853 Suprenant, Joye 1041 Sutherland, Ann 720 Sutherland, Sarah 325 Sutherland, Stejdien ... 325 Sutton, Emma 803 Sutton, Hadley Norton . . 795 Sutton, Hattie 795 Sutton, Israel Johnson.. 803 Sutton, John Bierdslee. . 803 Sutton, Joseph 846 Sutton, Mark 803 Swailes, Lenora L 700 Swan, Amelia Jcanette. 423 Swanson, 765 Sweeny, Ida K 952 Sweeny, Robinson 952 Sweet, Jemima 606 Sweet, Phebe 592 Sweet, William Edward. 839 Sweet, — 728 Swctland, Polly J 766 Swetland, Sarah 767 Swetland, Silas . . . .766, 767 Swift, Charlotte S81 Page Swift, Elizabeth 1121 Swift, Thomas 1121 Swingle, Ellen Angeline. 914 Switzer, Barbara 627 Switzer, Silas 374 Sykes, Clarissa 424 Sykes, I. W 1132 Sykes, Jonathan 276 Sykes, Theodore 276 Sylvester, C. 8 286 Symond.s, Sibyl 332 Tabor, Nellie Lillian... 751 Tabor, Oscar 751 Tabot, Persis 880 Taggart, Eozilla 1092 Tailor, Eliza 278 Talbot, Elizabeth 980 Talbot, John Eugene 980 Talbot, John Thomas. . . 979 Talbot, Laura Nellie 980 Talbot, William 980 Talbot, William 980 Talbot, William K 447 Talboys, William Pick- ering 784 Tallarday, Hattie May. . 1088 Tallarday, James 1088 Talmadge, Nathaniel ... 296 Talpey, O. C 1068 Tanner, Chloe Ireua.... 880 Tanner, Francis Alva... 880 Tanner, Iva Emeline 880 Tanner, James William. 880 Tanner, Jane Zerilda. . . 880 Tanner, Martin Henry. . 880 Tanner, Martin Henry. . 880 Tanner, Mary Eozena. . . 880 Tanner, Nathan 880 Tanner, Nathan Emery. 880 Tanner, Persis Lodisa. . 880 Tanner, Rachel Winter. . 880 Tanner, Sarah 1002 Tai)ing, .lemima ....328,1166 Taplin, Lucy Edgerton.. 450 Tapp, J. C 1059 Tarbell, George 482 Tarbell, Mary Ella 806 Tarbell, Solomon 806 Tarbell, Solomon 806 Tarbor, Mary 809 Tarbox, Jonathan 693 Tarbox, Mary Angelia.. 693 Tasket, Emma E 752 Tasket, Harvey 752 Tate, A. J 648 13G4 INDEX— NA:MES other TilAX STEBBINS. rage Taylor, Abigail (101 Taylor, Almeda K. (Bur- gess) 531 Taylor, Anna 276 Taylor, Anne H31 Taylor, D. K. B. !•' 1087 Taylor, David 1015 Taylor, Emma J 860 Taylor, Kthan 231 Taylor, Eunicia 248 Taylor, Georgo 877 Taylor, Harriet 1064 Taylor, James 1082 Taylor, James Ronald.. 1082 Taylor, Jessie 1086 Taylor, Joanna 166 Taylor, John 699 Taylor, John 248 Taylor, John Harold 1082 Taylor, Laura May 1082 Taylor, Maria Athorton. 639 Taylor, Nathaniel... 24S. 276 Taylor, Olive IMS Taylor, Orrin 248 Taylor, Porter :!72 Taylor, Samuel KM Taylor, Sarah (Langton) 116 Taylor, Seth 231 Taylor, Sophia Maria. .. 1015 Taylor, Stephen 248 Taylor, Thankful 1095 Taylor, Thomas H 312 Taylor, Thomas 219 Taylor, William 860 Taylor, 1161 Taylor, 214 Teed, Catharine 365 Telyea, Margaret 840 Tenbroeke, Mary Scott.. 933 Tenery, Jane 727 Tennant, Sara .lane 854 Tenney, Calvin S12 Tenney, Fred C 812 Tenney, Henry Clay 812 Tenney, Loekhart S 812 Terfening. Hannah .... 92S Terrass, Christina 984 Terry, Bethia 184 Terry, Dorcas 422 Terry, Franklin H 500 Terry, Mary 294 Terry, Mary 295 Terry, Maudana 390 Terry, Thomas 184 Terry, Thomas 10S3 Thatcher, Eliel Tubey. . 438 Thatcher, Timothy 43S I'nKo Thayer, Ansel 429 Thayer, Calista (Joy). 385, 613 Thayer, Electa 429 Thayer, Elvira S 876 Thayer, Hannah 793 Thayer, Lucy 837 Theall. Elizabeth 1162 Tliomas, Anna 716 Tlionias, J'^ank 769 Thomas, Hattio 1051 Thomas, Henry 7ti8 Thomas, Lois 1 130 Thomas, Olive Batie 944 Thomas, Patience 743 Thomas, Philadelphia Wood 870 Thomas, Phoebe 663 Thomas, 1160 Thompson, Alexander Ramsay 897 Thompson, Ale.xander Ramsay 897 Thompson. Asel L 628 Thompson, Charles Ed- ward 1066 Tliompsoii, Desire 244 'I'liiiiiipsoii, Elizabeth ... 1124 Tliompsou, Elizabeth .. 144 Thompson, Eugenia .... 1141 Thompson, Frank W 833 Thompson, Helen May.. 833 Thompson, Lovice 102S Thompson, Marian 803 Thompson, Marion Helen 628 Tliompson, Mary 492 Tliompson, Reuben S46 Thompson, Sarah 389 Thompson, William W. . 833 Thorns, Permelia 579 Tliornton, Almira Estelle 763 Tliorntou, Amy Elnora . 763 Thornton, Annette Flor- ence 763 Tliuriiton, Chavles Du- lioiit 763 Thornton, Charles John. 763 Thornton, Clarence Waldcman 763 Thornton, Dorcas 1126 Thornton, Edgar Ray- mond 763 Thcii-nton, Gracia Inez.. 763 Thornton, Harry Wilton Hubert 763 Thornton, Lillian Veuo na 954 Thornton, Martha Ina. .. 763 Page Thornton, May Tjenora.. 763 Thornton, — 1219 Thorp, David 970 Thorp, Eva G 970 Thorpe, Anegeline 1056 Thorpe, George F 1056 Thorpe, Mary Eliza ... 968 Thrasher, Adina 607 Thrasher, Homer 607 Thurber, .leremiah 445 Thurber, Sarah J 445 Thurston, Betsey 1062 Thurston, Daniel 571 Thwing, Amariah 742 Thwing, Helena Frances 732 Thwing, John 574 Thwing, John 356 Thwing, Lovina 648 Thwing, Luana 742 Thwing, Margaret 576 Thwing, Ruth 356 Tibbals, Hiram 484 Tibbals, Olive 585 Tibbals, Thadins 484 Tidd, Eunice 258 Tidd, Samuel 387 Tileston, Inez 682 Tillincan, Malvina 803 Tillson, Adelaide Elzina. 1062 Tillson, Caleb 1062 Tillson, Caroline Eliza- beth 1062 Tillson, Elizabeth 895 Tillson, James 1062 Tillson, .Tames Lafayette 1062 Tillson, John Charles Fremont 1062 Tillson, Malinda Rowena 1062 Tilton, Daniel G 786 Tilton, Ernest Rollin... 787 Tilton, John Neal 787 Tilton, John Rollin 786 Tilton, Paul Henry 787 Tiiulall, Lutta Caroline' (Dodson) 898 Tisdale, Lucy 972 Tiles, Serena 460 Titus, Arvilla 1043 Titus, Douglas M 592 Titus, James Mott 592 Titus, John 592 Titus, Laura 793 Titns, Louisa L 592 Titus, Sarah 1018 Titus, Thomas W 505 Titus, Virginia F 592 Titus, William S 592 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. ue;j Page Titus, 516 Tobey, Anna 422 Tobey, Margaret 571 Tobias, Maggie 1113 Todd, Elizabeth 1100 Todd, J. Adelbert 822 Toczicr, Joseph 872 Tolmaii, Eleanor 199 Tollman, Martha 877 TompkiuB, Sophia Wat- son (Kellogg) 358 Tompkins, Variau 358 Tong, Benjamin 862 Tonslay, Michael 93 Tooker, Laura 311, 477 Tooker, Reubeu 477 Torrcy, Eunice 238 Torrey, Jouathau 229 Torry, Mary 429 Totraan, Khoda Snow... 810 Toiirtellotte James 251 Towe, Walter 862 Tower, Clifton Elisha... 1065 Tower, Elisha Converse. 1065 Tower, John 591 Tower, John II 591 Tower, Lyman J 1065 Tower, Meda Isabel .... 1065 Tower, Rosa Georgiana. 1068 Towle, Mary 548 Town, Abner 290 Town, Amasa 296 Town, Benjamin 296 Town, Harriet 435 Town, Hiram 391 Town, Israel 296 Town, Israel 296 Town, Jonathan 296 Towne, Joseph 296 Town, Lucre! ia 296 Town, Xaomi 296 Town, Rebecca 296 Towne, Salem 296 Town, Susanna 296 Town, William 296 Towne, Ernest E 673 Towne, Mary 726 Towner, Wealthy S:<0 Townsend, Alberta JIaud 991 Townsend, Daniel Youngs lOlS Townsend, Edward M... lOlS Townsend, Francis T . . . 556 Townsend, Frank Steh- bins 556 Townsend, George B.... 556 Townsend, Hattie E . . . . 556 Townsend, IngersoU Pay. 1018 Townsend, Kobert Cooper 1018 Townsend, Velletts P. . . 343 Townsend, William .... 556 Townson, Joseph 455 Tracey, Sophrouia 1089 Tracy, George 827 Tracy, Liuui 671 Tracy, Mary 363 Tracy, Stephen 671 Trask, Henry 516 Trask, SiisaniKih. . .170, 4.S2 Travis, Mary 870 Treat, Alice Louisa .... 584 Treat, Anna 1057 Treat, Bertha Cciuantha 584 Treat, Chester 584 Treat, Edith Marilla. ... 584 Treat, John Holier 584 Treat, Linda Ruth 584 Treat, Lydia 1133 Treat, Peter 1133 Treat, Robert 584 Treat, Walter Beard 584 Trent, Eliza 1220 Trew, Elizabeth 1129 Trimble, Gcur};!' T 454 Tripper, Thomas 1147 Trolto, Mary 881 Trowbridge, Sarah 715 /Truesdale, Mary I; 976 yrruesdale, Miranda 358 Tucker, Ezra P 383 Tucker, Margaret 1114 Tulles, T. R." 794 Tupper, Hiram 1091 Turlay, Angie Isabel .... 646 Turlay, Esther Mary. . . . 646 Turlay, Thomas Mills. . . 646 Turlay, William W. ... 646 Turner. Emeline S 1027 Turner, Emma 735 Turner, Emma Frances.. 981 Turner, Harriet 1027 Turner (Tanner?) Henry S80 Turner, Henry E 1027 Turner, Isaac 1027 Turner, .Tared 1027 Turner, Jared 1027 Turner, Joseph A 1155 Turner, Julia Theresa... 1027 Turner, Sarah 1025 Turner, Theodore Albert 981 Turner, Thomas 1025 Turner, 184 Turrell, Laura 504 Turrcll, Noah 504 Tuttlc, Augustus F 1120 I'age Tuttle, Ellen E 680 Tuttle, Evis 680 Tuttle, Henry 11 20 Tuttle, Stephen Atwatcr 1120 Twarling, Charles 76.'> Twogood, Alvah Charles. 846 Twogood, Augustus Dal- gren 846 Twogood, Charles 846 Twogood, Harriet Alida. 846 Twogood, Milo Claude.. 846 Twogood, Sarah Adel . . 846 Twogood, Simeon 846 Twogood, William El- more 846 Tyler, Eunice 1130 Tyler, Lucy 204 Tyler, Lucy 460 Tyler, Lydia 1042 Tyler, Martha Place 661 Tyler, Mary E 705 Tyler, 328 Tyrol, Charles 431 Umphraville, Bertha L.. 775 tJnderhill, Florence Clark 912 Uuderhill, John 912 Underhill, Olive Lorcna. 912 Uuderhill, Oliver Spencer 912 Underwood, George A... 950 Underwood, Grace Ella. 950 Underwood, Russell .... 722 T'ndorwood, Russell Steb- biiis 722 Updike, Archilbald 831 Updike, Celia 831 Updike, Mahlon 535 Upham, .\deline 609 Upham, Ellen A 3S.S, 610 Upham, Hannah 585 Upham, Joshua 610 Upham, Washington .... 609 Upton, Charlotte 762 Utlcy, Lorena 1158 Utley, William 1158 Ushman, Louise 821 Vail, Caroline 434 Vail, Henry Parnham... 969 Vail, Minerva Cook 969 Van, Mary Louisa 952 Vanalstine, .Tauo 850 Vanalstine, Alcha 708 Vanarsdale, Bertha .... 859 Vanarsdale, Frank... 857, 859 Vanarsdale, Mae 857 1366 INDEX—NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Vanarsdale, Nannie .... 859 Van Buren, Albert Alex- ander 624 Van Buren, James Heartt 624 Van Buren, James Laurin 624 Van Buren, Peter 624 Van Buren, William Allen 624 Vandenberg, Abraham L. 1054 Van Doren, Sarah 1073 Van Du yn, Charles 1063 Van Duyn, James 1063 Van Duyn, Mary 1063 Van Ejjs, Agnes 479 Van Hoen, Lester 446 Vanhorn, Chester 263 Vanhorn, Elijah 140 Van Horue, Aaron Van Keuren, Catharine. 919 Van Kleeck, William Hamilton 897 Van Name, Benjamin . . 477 Van Patten, Naomi .... 1136 Van Rensselaer, Gurdon William 775 Van Sickle, Margaret . . 959 Vantassal, Henry 903 Vantassal, Ida Bell 903 Van Wert, J. C 504 Vaughn, Daniel 650 Vaughn, Harriet 728 Vaughn, Sarah Ann 650 Vaughn, 310 A''edder, Aaron 479 Vedder, Sarah 479 Vedder, Susannah 314 Vedder, 1086 Ventres, Elizabeth 61 Ventres, John 61 Verbridge, Clinton J 752 Verbridge, Harley Lee. . 752 Verbridge, John 752 Verbridge, 752 Verieh, Ida M 957 Vernura, Moral 690 Very, Mrs. 219 Victs, Mary E 758 Vincent, Mary Ann 983 Vincent, Scholastique . . 1038 Vining, Nabby 375 Vinton, Abiathar 425 Vinton, Ann Jane 425 Vinton, Jonathan 425 Vinton, .Jonathan Dwight 680 Vinton, Pelatiah 257 Vinton, Sarah 257 Pagf Vivian, Prances Ange- lina 1001 Vizard, Charles 590 Vizard, Etta 590 Vizard, John 360 Vizard, Thomas 590 Vizard, Thomas 590 Voelker, Emina 389 Vogelsang, Henrietta... 479 Voorhees, Frederic 1073 Voorhees, John Schenck. 1073 Voorhees, John Schenck. 1073 Voorhees, John Schenck. 1073 Voorhees, Mary Emilie.. 829 Voorhees, Robert 829 Voorhees, Tracy Steb- bins 1073 Vore (or Voar), Mary. . 128 Vohburgh, Mary 1165 Voselles, Susan Spalding 980 Vundall, Amos 726 Vundall, Carlo M 726 Wade, Priscilla (Mer- ritt) 27C Wadkins, Sarah 1122 Wadleigh, Elizabeth ... 311 Wadsworth, William . . . 651 Wait, Damaris 166 Wait, David Beed 743 Wait, Ebenezer 166 Wait, Elizabeth 166 Wait, Eunice 166 Wait, Eva S 560 Wait, Hannah 214 Wait, Josiah 166 Wait, Julia E 577, 853 Wait, Lois 310, 458 Wait, Martha 1141 Wait, Mary Ann 743 Wait, Eachel 166 Wait, Richard 83 Wait, Rhoda 277 Wait, Sarah 166 Wait, Silas 853 Wait, William 165 Wait, William 166 Waite, Benjamin 201 Waite, Emma A 1082 Waite, George 397 Waite, Hannah 144 Waite, Hiram G 1082 Waite, Rachel 1138 Waite, Rhoda 201, 277 Wakefield, Catherine M. 900 Wakefield, Homer 900 Wakely, 1057 P»g« Walbridge, Lydia 377 Walbridge, Mary Ann.. 1099 Walden, Charlotte Char- ter 730 Walden, John 730 Waldo, Lucinda 773 Wales, Esther 193 Wales, William C 829 Walker, Alice Rose 923 Walker, Alvah S 923 Walker, Channcey 923 Walker, Dora 923 Walker, Prancis 1034 Walker, Henry 811 Walker, John 1034 Walker, Lyman 456 Walker, Mabel Juliett.. 923 Walker, Maria Allen ... 569 Walker, Martha Davis (Fisk) 811 Walker, Mary E 923 Walker, Orrin 923 Walker, Perry Stebbins. 923 Walker, Sabrana 811 Walker, Theda Mareia . . 923 Walker, Thomas B 834 Walker, William E 725 Walker, 184 Walkley, Edwin 336 Wall, Aurelius Lansing.. 989 Wall, Cornelius Alpheus. 989 Wall, Lottie Eva 989 Wallace, Edward Allen. 925 Wallace, James N 925 Wallbridge, Ebenezer . . 221 Wallbridge, Ebenezer . . 221 Wallbridge, Gustavus .. 221 Wallbridge, Henry 221 Wallbridge, Susanna . . . 221 Walsh, Elizabeth P 841 Walsh, Mary Ann 499 Walsh, Thomas 841 Walter, Rachel 521 Walters, Fred 682 Walters, Mary 674 Walton, Ellen 509 Walworth, Albert 1127 Walworth, Mary 1127 Walworth, Mason Nathan 1127 Walworth, Nathat 1127 Walworth, Nettie 1127 Wandell, Charles Wesley 742 Wandall, John E 742 Wandall, Lilah 742 Wapples, Ann Custis . . . 457 Ward, Almyra L 783 Ward, Betsy 347 I INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1367 Page Ward, Burtou 1085 Ward, Dolivar 568 Ward, Fannie Graves. . . 734 Ward, Frank Elmer 734 Ward, George W 746 Ward, John 114G Ward, Josiah 466 Ward, Julia Leonard .... 466 Ward, Lotta Eoot 466 Ward, Lucy 56S Ward, Moses Stebbius. . 466 Ward, Polly 431 Ward, Royal Livingston. 734 Ward, William 466 Ward, William Elmer... 734 Ward, William Wain- rigU 734 Ward, 514 Ware, Edwin 460 Ware, Edwin 729 Ware, Florence Lucrctia. 047 Waring, Clark 503 Waring, Mary 1113 Waring, Teressa 503 Warue, Marimus Willett 935 Warne, Sarah E 935 Warner, Aaron 279 Warner, Albert 699 Warner, Anna Matilda. . 687 Warner, Chloe 237 Warner, David 1140 Warner, Ebenezer 98 Warner, Ellen 430 Warner, Emily 1140 Warner, Huldah 1165 Warner, Jane 1077 Warner, Marguerite Aud- ley 700 Warner, Mary 188 Warner, Mary Jane 695 Warner, Park 695 Warner, Peggy 569 Warner, Eutli 437 Warner, Sally 1114 Warner, Sally 130 Warner, Samuel Kin Warner, Seth 70o Warner, Susanna 279 Warner, Winifred Wiu- slow 700 Warner, 1026 Warren, J. A 455 Warren, Mary Jane.... 695 Warren, William 1033 Warriner, Anna 455 Warriner, Bathslieba . . . 272 Warriner, Benjamin .... 272 rage Warriner, Ebenezer .... 195 Warriner, Klizabetli .... 98 Warriner, Elizabeth .... 195 Warriner, Grace 454 Warriner, Hannah 143 Warriuer, James 151 Warriner, James ....61, 100 Warriner, Joanna 452 Warriuer, Johanna 190 Warriner, Justin B 744 Warriner, Laura Alfreda (Grout) 744 Warriner, Lucinda 272 Warriner, Maria 358 Warriner, Mary 422 Warriner, Xoah 454 Warriner, Sarali 151 Warriner, Willard 272 Warring, Elizabetli 1089 Washburn, Belinda 355 Wasliburn, James E 1076 Wasson, Mary 762 Wassung, Arthur B 585 Waterbury, Amos Henry 499 Waterbury. Amos Hoyt . 499 Waterbury, Charles Henry 499 Waterbury, Elizabeth Stebbins 499 Waterburn, Harriet Elizabeth 1144 Waterbury, Jonathan . . 499 Waterhouse, Levi L 381 Waterman, Amos 1076 Waterman, Edith J 997 Waterman, Emery Bur- ton 997 Waterman, E. Yale 873 Waterman, E. Yalo 997 Waters, Euuice 363 Waters, Mary 1152 Waters, William Henry. 1152 Watkins, Adaline E 702 Watkins, George 702 Watkins, Marcus M 1062 Watkinson, John H 717 Watkiuson, Joliu K 717 Watson, David 462 Watson, Ethel Zerildah. 881 Watson, Harry 881 Watson, Marv 358 Watson, Mary Ann 860 Watts. Alice 763 Weatherhead, Ann Eliza 486 Weaver, Francis Marion. 1062 Weaver. Myrtle Maud.. 907 Weaver, Thomas 445 Page Webb, A. W '.. 648 Webb, Hannah 844 Webb, Matilda 321 Webber, Alida 599 Webber, Aseneth 376 Webber, Charles 598 Webber, Columbus 376 Webber, Ebenezer Scott 376, 598 Webber, George 598 Webber, Jonathan 376 W'ebber, Jonathan B. . . . 599, 873 AVebber, Julius Caesar. . 599, 873 Webber, LeRoy 598 Webber, Martha 376 Webber, Sarah 376 Webber, Stebbins 598 Webber, Stebbius 598 Webber, William 599 Webber, William Charles 998 Webber, William E 996 Webber, William Sher- man 998 Webster, Anson 524 Webster, Celia 925 Webster, Hannah 453 Webster, Henry 656 Webster, Julia 337, 524 Webster, Lemuel 339 Webster, Lyman 315 Webster, Margaret 339 Webster, Philenda ..530, 825 Webster, Samuel 530 Webster, Sarah 388 Weed, Almira 1140 Weed, Caroline 1140 Weed, Charles Finney... 1140 Wced^ Eli 1140 Weed, Eliza 1140 Weed, Enos 1140 Weed, George Kosa .... 1141 Weed, Harriet 1140 Weed, Henry Clinton... 1141 Weed, Jacob 1140 Weed, James Muuvoc... 1141 Weed, John CJuiucy .... 1141 Weed, Julia 1141 Weed, Lewis 1140 Weed, Lewis Orlin 1140 Weed, Martha Ann 1138 Weed, Sarah 1140 Weed, Sophia 1140 Weed, Sophrouia 1142 Weed, William llanford. 1141 Weed, 213 1368 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Weeks, Elizabeth 1149 Weeks, Holland 1149 Weeks, James D 375 Weeks, Josiah 1115 Weeks, Martha 510, 511 Wehrer, Anna 827 Weir, Mary Ann 959 Weisinger, William A. H. 730 Weitzel, Charlotte Mary 63 Welch, Almond 1216 Welch, Eliza 496 Welch, Elizabeth 1216 Welch, Rhoda 1142 Weller, Hannah 139 Wellets, Jane E 570 Wellington, Mary 718 Wellington, Mercy 718 ^Wellman, Martha 1022 Wells, Abigail 206 Wells, Abigail 207 Wells, Adeline 696 Wells, Alice Agnes .... 914 Wells, Austin 487 Wells, Augustus 733 Wells, Charles 939 Wells, Clayton Frank .. . 914 Wells, David 732 Wells, Delia Emeline ... 914 Wells, Edith Emeline . . 914 Wells, Elisha 207 WeUs, Elisha 185 Wells, Ellen 732 Wells, Frank Elmer 663 Wells, Hannah 209 Wells, Henry 461 Wells, Iris Hammond... 913 Wells, John 429, 681 Wells, Jane Amelia .... 733 Wells, Julia Ceressa .... 443 Wells, Lottie May 914 Wells, Lucinda 1115 Wells, Maria K 704 Wells, Martha 204 Wells, Martin 1166 Wells, Mary Ann 429 Wells, Obed 663 Wells, Eachel 1166 Wells, Raymond Iris ... 914 - Wells, Reuben 206 Wells, Samuel Julius. . . 663 Wells, Sarah 199 Wells, Sarah Esther ... 681 Wells, Simeon 205 Wells, AVilson L 443 Wesehe, Adolph 397 West, Abbie . . . , 492 West, Aurclia 577 Page West, Catharine 1106 West, Clara 278 AVest, Edward P 492 West, Edward Weeks... 492 West, Solomon 353 Westcott, Alouzo 705 Westcott, Cyrus J 705 Westerman, Minnie .... 1161 Westfield, John 359 Westlake, Charles Dunn. 1067 Westlake, Elizabetm Es- tella 1067 Westlake, Hattie Belle.. 1069 Westlake, John Ellis 1067 Weston, Annie C 596 Weston, Eben 596 Weston, Sarah Augusta. 783 Weston, Valentine 783 Wetherbee, Parthenia... 352 Weymer, Flora 846 Weyrick, fi oldie E 1089 Weyrick, Milton Frank- lin 1089 Whaley, Mary W 1027 Wharton, Hosea F 614 Wharton, Mamie Susan. 739 Wheeler, Addie 614 Wheeler, Charles H 833 Wheeler, David 14 1 Wheeler, Inez 885 Wheeler, J. Keck 1080 Wheeler, Laurette 885 Wheeler, Martha 1028 Wheeler, Moses 144 Wheeler, Moses 144 Wheeler, Nancy 796 Wheeler. Natluui 14-1 Wheeler, Orlin B 885 Wheeler, Sarah Ann.... 686 Wheeler, 853 Wheelock, Almon 1079 Wheelock, Charles 634 Wheelock, Edson (or Ad- dison) 1079 Wheelock, Emily 634 Wheelock, Emily 1079 Wheelock, Louise E 853 Wheelock, Lucilla S 634 Wheelock, Ida 1079 Wheelock, John 1079 Whipple, Calvin 1158 Whipple, Cynthia M 773 Whipple, Ellen 659 Whipple, Francis Jackson 659 Whipple, Frank H 911 Whipple, Ithamer 659 Whipple, .Jennie Evalina 659 Page Whipple, Jessie L 999 Whipple, Leland B 911 Whipple, Lucinda Lorene 659 Whipple, Mark Erastus. 659 Whipple, Rosa Ann 659 Wliipple, Sylvester Rufus 911 Whipple, William Lemuel 659 Whitaker, Ann Eliza.... 1057 Whitaker, Charles Richard 773 Whitaker, Lewis Richard 773 Whitaker, Richard 773 Whitaker, Ruth Endicott 773 Whitcomb, Dana Luke. . 626 Whitcomb, Dorcas 1146 Whitcomb, George Eu- gene 626 Whitcomb, George H 626 Whitcomb, Grace Lenore 626 AVhitcomb, Harvey 626 Whitcomb, Lesley Sher- man 626 Whitcomb, Lucene Maria 626 Whitcomb, Lucy 177 Whitcomb, Norton Stob- bins 626 White, Abbie L 741 White, Abijah 237, 536 White, Abram Smith. . . . 536 White, Albert Coltou... 365 White, Alfred 295 White, Amelia 295 White, Amy 193 White, Andrew 436 White, Asa 225 White, Ashley K 947 White, Ashley E 741, 947 White, Ashley R 947 White, Calvin 193 White, Caroline Ely 373 White, Caryl F. S 817 White, Charlotte S 373 White, Chauncey E. .710, 711 White, Daniel 193 White, Edwin 719 White, Edwin Lyman . . 719 White, Elijali 455 Wliite, Elijah 455 White, Eliza 777 White, Emeline 365 White, Francis Stebbins 365 White, Franklin 295 White, Gideon Stebbins. 455 White, Jacol) 193 White, Jacob 193 White, Job 248, 373 White, Job 248, 373 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. 1369 Page White, Josiah A 455 AVhito, .fulia Auiiah 719 White, Julia F. 741 White, Laura Isabella... 719 White, Liitbcr 295 White, Liithev 193 White, Luther 696 White, Luther 295 White, Lvmau 719 White, Mabel A 696 White, Marllia (' 719 White, Mary 330 Whiti', Mary N 373 White, Mary Rebecca . . 455 White, Merer 464 White, Minnie M 623 White, Xorniau Stebbius 295 White, Onia 788 White, Paul 193 White, I'reserved 295 White, yuartus 365 White, Hally 489 White, Samuel 777 White, Simeon 365 White, Tae.y 352 White, Theodore 985 White, Wavie 985 White, William Chester. 373 White, Wilson 455 White, Wilson 296 Whiteiiian, Alniira Eliza- beth 578 Whitemau, Titus 578 WhitfieW, Willis 875 WhitheJ, Addison 799 Wbithed, l^rnest A 800 Whithed, Hamilton Lee. 973 Wbithed, Houghton H.. 973 Whithed, Isadora Klmiua 973 Whithed, Ruth E 973 Whiting, Albert Steb- bins 943 Whiting, Anna 1122 Whiting, Frederick AVil- liam 943 Whiting, Tfattie Bell. ... 943 Whiting, Moses 307 Whiting, S. D 1079 Whiting, William Tuller. 943 Whitloek, Eunice ..317, 488 Whitlock, Albert 1060 Whitloek, Robert 317 Whitman, Allen Lee.... 973 WTiitman, Hen.jamiu .... 366 Whitman, I'.ert II 1099 Whitman, Edmund Allen 973 AVbitman, Edmund Burke 973 Page Whitman, Frank S 1099 Whitman, Frederic Ben- nett 973 Whitman, (ieorge B 1099 Whitman, Gertrude E.. 1099 Whitman, Henry B 1099 Whitman, Mary Ann.... 366 Whitmorc, Francis 272 Whitniore, .lulius 1141 Whitney, Abel 1225 Whitney, Alice Chase... 820 Whitney, Asa Williams. 892 Whitney, Cyrus 1104 Whitney, Emelinc 1104 Whitney, Hiram 611 Whitney, James Shields. 892 Whitney, .Tames Stebbins 892 Whitney, Josiah Dwight 1225 Whitney, Josiah Dwight 1225 Whitney, Laurette 611 Whitney, Lemuel 1104 Whitney, Louisa J 1111 Whitney, Mary 317 Whitney, Mary 631 Whitney, Wallace Browu 892 Whitney, William Dwight 1225 Whitney, William F.... Whitney, William If 1111 Whiton, Camilla E 887 Whiton, F. V 887 Whitteniore, .\nua Kem- per 920 Wliittemore, lOduumd John 1097 Wliittemore, Ethel Lonl. 1097 Wliittemore, Henry Brcck 920 Whittemiue, Ida JIaria. 943 Whittlesey, James II... 462 Whoeley, Jacoli 652 Wiliray, Elizabeth Ann. 568 Wickham, Daniel 407 Wickhaiii, Ksther 407 Wi(dis, lOdward 1113 Wickwiie, W. W 560 Wiglit, Delia 834 Wight (W^right?), Sam- uel T 381 Wight, Simeon 536 Wight, Simeiiii 340 AVight, Simeon 536 Wight man, Calista L... 663 Wightniau, Elias E 663 Wikie (or Wilsie), Su- sannah 1084 Page Wilcox, Aliigail Relief. . 405, 635 AVilcox, Abner 1019 AVilcox, Asa C35 Wilcox, Avis A 956 Wilcox, Charles Henry.. 1019 Wilcox, Dexter 1091 Wilcox, Dora Elizabeth. 930 Wilcox, Elsie Hart 1019 Wilcox, Emily 773 Wilcox, Ciaylord Parke.. 1019 Wilcox, Linus 521 Wilcox, Lucie Etta 1019 Wilcox, Lydia M 930 Wilcox, Mabel Isabel . . . 1019 Wilcox, Ralph Lyman... 1019 AVilcox, Samuel Whitney 1019 AVilcox, Sarah 389 AVilcox, Schuyler C 956 Wilcox, William Orson.. 930 WUder, Abel 209 Wilder, Elijah 204 Wildman, Rachel 604 AViley, Almanzo 982 AViley, Cutting B 1158 AViley, Ellen Augusta... 9»8 AViley, Jennie 580 AViley, Lydia B 875 AViley, Mahala 1158 Wiley, AVilliam If 875 AVilkinson, Ella 1161 Wilkinson, George 925 Wilkinson, Mary Ilickox 925 AVilkinson, Nelson 1161 AVillard, Anne 476 AVillard, Dr. 1094 AVillard, Eunice 482 Willard, Julius 476, 482 AVillard, Margaret 219 AVillard, Polly 333 AVillard. Kacliel 1138 AVillard, Susan 511 AVillard. Sus;iniia 722 AVilley, Ke.siah 1025 Willcy, Lucy 367 AVilley, 535 AVilliams, Amos 1029 AVilliams, Angeline A'out- sey 856 AVilliams, Anna .159 Williams, Bessie Louise. 1154 Williams, Catherine .... 461 AVilliams, Charles 1019 AVilliams, Charles Henry Saunders 927 Williams, Charles Steb- bins 463 1370 INDEX— NAMES OTHER THAN STEBBINS. Page Williams, Chloe A 337 Willisiins, Cornelia 912 Williams, Debby 509 Williams, Dorothy 157 Williams, Edwin 856 Williams, Elisha W 1154 Williams, Elizabeth 1029 Williams, Elizabeth 1019 Williams, Elizabeth Marsh 42H Williams, Emma L. (Saf- ford 426, 683 Williams, Eunice 180 AVilliams, Frederick H . . 1154 Williams, George C 1154 Williams, George D 1154 Williams, Ida Isabella.. 927 Williams, James 275 Williams, James B 434 Williams, Jarrett 1157 Wiliiams, Jesse M 924 Williams, John Humph- reys 464 Williams, Joseph 1029 Williams, Lilly 1051 Williams, Leila Clara... 924 Williams, Leroy C 924 Williams, Lewis 725 Williams, Mary 1029 Williams, Mary 166 AVilliams, Mary Ho yt . . . 464 Williams, Morris Powers 924 Williams, Priscilla 1019 Williams, Kaehel Ann... 1157 Williams, Samuel 1029 AVilliams, Samuel 1029 AVilliams, Samuel 359 Williams, Sarah 275 AVilliams, Sarah 115 Williams, Stephen ISO Williams, Stephen 151 AVilliams, Susanna 1029 AVilliams, Thomas 1029 AVilliams, Thomas 1220 AVilliams, AVilliam Henry 463 AVilliams, William S 463 Williams, Zebediah .... 166 Williamson, Clara 96S AVilliamson, George .... 783 Williamson, James 495 M'illiamson, James H... 495 AVilliamson, Lauretta . . 783 AVilliamson, Walter 1035 AVillis, Emma 1040 AVillis, Roxie 83.T AVilliston, Consider 192 Williston, David Howe.. 1223 Page Willist on, Elihu 191 AVillist nn. Gad 192 Willison, Gordon 277 AVillist on, Hannah 192 Williston, Hannah 1223 Willist on, Hardin 278 Willist on, Israel 191 Willist Dn, John 148 AVillist on, John Pcyson. 1224 Willist on, Joseph 148 AVillist 3n, Joseph ... 191, 192 AVillist jn, Joseph, Sr. . , . 1223 Williston, Joseph 192 AVillist 3n, Margaret .... 192 Williston, Maria 1224 Williston, Mary 191 Williston, Nathaniel . . . 191 Willist on, Nathaniel . . . 191 Willist on, Nathaniel . . . 1223 Willist on, Noah 192, 1223 Willist on, Peyson 1223 AVillist on, Samuel 1224 AVilliston, Sarah 363 AVillLst on, Sarah 1224 AVillist on, Sarah 1225 Willist on, Thomas S 192 AVills, 770 AVilsie, Susannah 1084 AVilsou Abigail 1016 AVilson Amanda 422 AVilson Andrew 1088 AVilson A. C 853 Wilson Catherine 878 Wilson Charles Stebbins 511 Wilson Edith 857 Wilson Edwin Manley. . 857 Wilson Eliza Jane .... 511 Wilson Elizabeth 1016 AVilson Ellen Sophia . . . 806 Wilson Emma 759 Wilson Ezekiel 322 Wilson Fanny Electa . . 511 AA^ilson George 745 Wilson George Levi. . . . 511 AVilson Hannah 1016 AVilson Howard Stebbins 1001 Wilson I 764 Wilson John 511 Wilson John 511 AVilson John 1016 AVilson John 101(1 AVilson John 1016 AVilson Josh 1078 AVilson Laura 62 Wilson Margaret 996 Wilson Maria F 745 Wilson Martha 1> 647 Pagp Wilson, Mary 1016 Wilson, Mary 1016 Wilson, Mary Malvina . . 805 Wilson, Mary McKinuey 525 Wilson, Mindwell 1016 Wilson, Nancy 859 Wilson, Nettie 504 Wilson, Oscar 857 Wilson, Ralph 768 AVilson, Robert 1015 Wilson, Robert G 998 Wilson, Robert George.. 998 Wilson, Ruth 322 AVilson, Samuel 1016 AVilson, Samuel 1016 Wilson, Stebbins 1016 AVilson, William B 1001 AVilson, William Cook . . 1001 Wilson, W. P 878 Wimmer, Lillie 703 Winans, Lydia 504 AVinchell, Ann 520 Winehell, Anna 520 Winchell, C h a u n c e y Bradley 520 Winehell, George B 520 Winehell, Laura 519 AVinchell, Maia 889 Winchell, Munsou 519 Winchell, Munsou 519 Winchell, Euth 520 AVinchell, Sally L 519 AVinchell, S. Robertson.. 889 AVinchell, William Steb- bins 520 AVinehester, Alpheus . . . 440 Winchester, Caroline . . . 440 AVinehester, Harriet . . . 440 AVinehester, Leroy 440 AVing, Harriet Shirley... 838 AVing, Lewis E 838 Wing, Phcbe 454 Winslow, Content 1052 AVinslow, Horatio 422 AVinslow, Lucina 251 AVinslow, Lydia 251 AVinslow, Orlando 252 Winsor, Peter 651 AVirt, Ella Louise (John- son) 987 AVisner, Mary M 779 AVitherell, Delano 502 AVitherell, Harriet 502 AVitherell, Joseph 429 AVitherell, Lyman 429 Witherell, Maria Jane.. 429 Wixom, Arie 877 INDEX— XA.MLiS OTHER TllAX STEBBINS. 1371 rage Wixom, Ella 877 Wixom, Jcl 877 Wolcott, Deborah 270 Woleott, Harvey 255 Wolcott, Jesse 309 Woleott, Martha 290 "Wolcott, Prudence 226 Wolcott. Theodosia 206 Wolf, Frank 825 Wolford, Sarra 1001 Woneals, 1096 Wood, Angeliue H 527 Wood, Arinanda 452 Wood, Arthur Lewis . . . 953 Wood, Augusta 1151 Wood. Betsy 347 Wood. Esther 405 Wood. Eugene Lee 796 Wood, Harriet Elizabeth 971 Wood, Henry 394 Wood, Ida May 873 Wood, Irene 951 Wood, Jacob 224 Wood, .Tames 174 Wood, .Tames 17U Wood, .Tarvis Roswell . . 79C Wood, John B 887 Wood, .Toseph 224 Wood, Lewis Byrou .... 953 Wood, Marietta 887 Wood, Mary 174 Wood, Mary A 805 Wood, Mercy 1146 Wood, Koswell Stoddard 796 Wood, Sarah 170 Wood, Sarah V 834 Wood. Sally (Baldwin). 1107 Wood, Thomas 527 Wood, Voluey 872 Wood, W^arren 860 Wood, William 873 Wood, William 1151 Woodbury, Edward .... 1126 Woodbury, Ethel Cor- neUa 1129 Woodbury, John W 45ii Woodlniry, Mary E ! 126 Woodbury, May Alden . 1129 Woodbury, Paul Stpbbins 1129 Woodbury, W i 1 1 i a iii Crosby 1126 Woodford. Mary 119 Woodford, Mary 169 WoodhuU, Sarah Strong. 1225 Wooilington, Grace .... 806 Woodley. Charles Wi, 990, 992, 1000, 1005, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1029", 1098, nil, 1133. Ilartland. ]7i;, 2-10, 3:!6. 521, 525. llartlaud Center, 525. Hiu-wintou, 1019. 1.373 i\illiagly, 747. Kensington, 176. Lebanon, 1019. Lisbon Township, New Lon- don C'oimty, 404. Litchfield, 524, 525, 844. Lyjiio, 271, 1023, 1024. Mansfiebl, 1121, 1122, 1123, 122.5. Jlerideu, 1165. Middletown, 792, 805, 8.53, 970, 1084. Milford, 310, 487, 774, 1052. Montville, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1115. Mystic Bridge, 979. New Canaan, 322, 78.3, 1113, 111.3. New Hartford, 925, 1019. New Haven, 163, 210, 244, 431, 531, 571, 6.3.5, 774, 802, 817, 8.53, 895, 1097, 1142, 1144, 1154, 115.5. New London, 488, 574, 854, 970, 1002, 1017, 1018, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026. 1028, 1029, 1051, 1055, 1058, 1071, 1101, 1102, 1115, 1124, 11.'53. 1161. 1162. New Milford, 1052, 1053, 1054. Xciriiton, 782. North Haven, 223. Norwich, 221, 290, 404, 448, 671, 716, 1122. Orange, 1154. Palmertown, 1028. I'laiuville, 932. riymouth, 1015. Fomfret, 1223. Reilding, 317, 319. 322, 488, 489, 49.3, 77.3, Redding Ridge, 489, 895. Ridgefield, 164, 210, 211, 212, 213, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 325, 488, 496 497, 498, 499. 500. 501, 502 788, 1069, 1070, 1153. Rockville, 576. 853. Rocky Hill, 9.32. Sanford Station, 487. Savbroidc, 1051. 1374 INDEX OP PLACES. Sharon, 962. Sheffield, 200. Simsbiiry, 226, 336, 524. Somers, ]70, K4, 1S9. .'549, 303, 573, 1090. Southbury, .590, 10.53. South Manchester, 700, 942. Southport, 488, 489, 776. South Windsor, 853. South Woodstock, 672. Staflford, 241, 3.52, 577, 588, 709, 725, 854, 863. Stafford Springs, S65. Stamford, 499, 1144. Stepney, 781. Stonington, 1018. Stratford, 144, 244, 363, 1015, 1018, 1224, 1225. Suflfield, 128, 336, 560, 1158, 1159, 1219. Tolland, 405, 457, 993, 1074. Torrington, 1019. Tyler City, 981. Union, 193, 357. W^aterbury, 821, 1015, 1082, 1103. West Hartford, 524. West Hartlaud, 524. West Haven, 244, 363, 431, 520, 1223, 1224. Weston, 495. West Bedding, 487, 774. Westville, 774, 1144. Wethersfield, 61, 98, 100, 914, 1029, 1102. Whitneyville, 979, 980. AVillington, 356, 408, 577, 1083. Wilton, 496, 783, 1153. Winchester, 821. Windsor, 61, 62, 128, 348, 374, 375, 489, 566, 567, 725, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1073, 1097. Windsor Locks, 618. Winstead, 525. Woodbury, 1053. FLORIDA. Bay Kidge, 674. Beilville, 944, 945. Braden Town, 885. Fort Myers, 937, 1001. .laeksonville, 741, 742. Live Oak, 735, 94.5. Madison, 7.18, 938, 944, 945, 946. Manatee, 875. Tampa, 988, 1004. Winter Park, 836. GEORGIA. Atlanta, 836, 919. .lohnson Co., 834. Macon, 672, 918, 919. Milledgeville, 270. Powelton, 406. Savannah, 421, 629, 672, 918, 919, 1004. Thomasville, 946. IDAHO. Oxford, 1108. ILLINOIS. Adams, 601. Alton, 610. -Vntioch, 526. Apple River, 701, 764, 954, 955. Areola, 1141. Aurora, 796, 907, 1068, 1069, 1165, 1166. Avon, 654, 906. Batavia, 891, 1067, 1068. Belleville, 1048. Benton, 904. Blue Mound, 1137. Bourbonnais, 1041. Cairo, 962. Canton, 460, 492. Cass Co., 905. Chester, 959. Chicago, 304, 415, 460, 468, 500, 510, 531, 547, 55.5, 568, 625, 646, 663, 664, 667, 668, 787, 805, 831, 836, 849, 873, 894, 901, 914, 91.5, 919, 927, 929, 930, 948, 951, 957, 968, 970, 977, 986, 990, 1020, 1058, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1086, 1136, 1141, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1161, 1166, 1222. Danville, 765, 1093, 1094. Decatur, 840. Dixon, 913. Effingham, 1121. Elburn, 860. Elgin, 414, 662, 842. Ellisville, 906. Evanston, 571, 849, 889. Fountain, 906. Freeport, 32S, 649, 900, 99S. Galena, 762, 76.3, 765, 951, 954. (ialcsburg, 972, 1152. Gardner, 803. Geneva, 780. Good Hope, 654, 900. Greenup, 359. Greenville, 994. Grundy Co., 599. Hazel Dell, 1048. Henry, 491, 596, 776. Hyde Park, 1149, 1152. .Tacksonville, 399, 492, 629. .lo Daviess Co., 953. Joliet, 742. Kankakee, 1032, 1033, 1041. Kiclcapoo, 776. Lacon, 990. La Grange, 787. Lee Center, 967. Leland, 968. Lemont, 840. Leroy, 560. Lilly Lake, 861. Lisbon, 874. I;ittle Rock, 875. Loda, 905. Lyons, 831. Manchester, 999. Manley, 654, 907. Manlius, 882. Marseilles, 378, 600, 60.5, 607, 875, 882, 883, 1152. McIIenry, 602, 663. McKeon, 915. McQueen's Mills, 876. Moline, 957. Morgan, 558. Morgan Park, 719, 931. Morris, 598, 599, 930. Naples, 873. Nauvoo, 877. Newport, 930. Xokomus, 1137. Oak Park, 606, 914. Cswego, 414, 507. Ottawa, 596, 598, 599, 606, 874. Park Ridge, 1151, 1152. Paxton, 803. Peeatonica, 406, 641. Pekin, 1152. Peoria, 463, 571, 849, 1093. Pittsfield, 563, 842. Prairie City, 905. Prentice, 958. Quiney, 914. Richview, 407. Ridge Prairie, 1049. Ridott, 900. Rockford, 1160. Rogers Park, 1104. Rush, 764, 955. Sandwich, 842. Scottsville, SCO. INDEX OF PLACES. 1375 Seneca, 378, 600, 874, 875. Shelbyville, 729. Silver Creek, 051, 901, 902. Springfield, 742, 935. St. Charles, 614, 1149. Sterling, 407. Sublette, 276, 842. Summer Hill, 582. Taylorville, 986. Turner Junction, 1068. Tremout, 568. Upper Alton, 731. Urbana, 662. Walnut, 887. Warren, 954. Warrenville, 1068. Washington Heights, 930. Waukegan, 526, 662, 889, 913. Will Co., 367. Wilmington, 1139, 1141, 1142, 1143. Wheaton, 872. Yale, 727. Yorkville, 1067. INDIANA. Cambridge City, 1019. Clinton, 1063. Cold Springs, 1089. Conuersville, 1138. Delphi, 1U50. Dublin, 1150. Elkhart, 826, 976. 1087, 1088, 1089. Farmland, 929. Fort Wayne, 1050. Fowler, 1033. Galena, 1140. Hammond, 004, 967. Indianapolis, 624, 1069. Kentland, 1032, 1033. Lafayette, 1139. La Grange, 1222. Laporte, 598, 1141. Maysville, 1139, 1141, 1143. Michigan City, 871. Mishawaka, 1089. Newton, 1142. Pleasant, 641. Remington, 930, 1033. South Bend, 1127, 1142. Terre Haute, 560, 840. Wawaka, 443. IOWA. Adel, 1143. Agency City, 1139. Algona, 1163. Belle Plaine, 570, 846. BuEfalo Forks, 1103. Burlington, 644. Cedar Rapids, 1132. Clay, 342, 550. Clinton, 480, 762, 934. College Springs, 557. Correetionville, 954. Davenport, 534, 832, 904, 957. Des Moines, 1091. De Witt, 954. Dubuque, SOI. Eldon, 1141. Ellsworth, 686. Garnavillc, 595. Germanville, 955. Grinnell, 595. Lamoni, 644. Laporte City, 559. Lee Co., 557. Le Mars, 866, 994, 1034. Lyons, 559. Marion, 902. Marshalltown, S74, 1062, 1068. Mason City, 1069. Meriden, 954. Mt. Pleasant, 1044. New Hampton, 307, 595, 871. Northwood, 620. Olds, 1159. Onawa, 033. Osage, 390. Ottumwa, 1139, 1142. Perry, 874. Plaiufield, 9S0. Randolph, 914. .Sioux City, 997. Taylor, 879. Tipton, 587, 862. Vandalia, 530. Waueoma, 651. KANSAS. Alma, 984. Atehisou, 641, 043, S99. Augusta, 763. Bartlett, 794. Cedar Point, 893. Clay Center, 480, 702. Florence, 893. Hartford. 443. Hutchinson, 827. Junction City, 827. Kansas City, 899. Kelly, 874, 997. Lawrence, 973. Leon, 1033. Manhattan. 899, 986. Marion, 750. Newton, 829. Springhill, 647. Topeka, 823, 984. Wabaunsee, 984. Wakefield, 1040. Wichita, 592. KENTUCKY. CarroUton, 1122. Cold Spring, 850, 992. Covington, 607, 856. Elijah's Creek, 1043. Newport, 579, 850, 992. LOUISIANA. Abbeville, 921, 922. Baton Rouge, 470. Lake Charles, 021. New Orleans, 632, 653, 684, 827, 920, 1018. Thebodeaux, 821. Yellow Bayou, 471. MAINE. Alua, 252. Bangor, 252, 964, 1068. Bradford, 619. Brunswick, 972. Georgius River, 285. Jefferson, 068. Livermore, 383. Milford, 964. Portland, 594. Skowhegan, 590. South Berwick, 974. Turner, 1142. AVilton, 890. AVinthrop, 810. Yarmouth, 1129. MARYLAND. Autietani, 802. Baltimore. 62, 023, 716, 891, S92, 975, 1018, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1220. Catonsville, 63. Easton, 530. Edgemont, 1135. Eldersburgh, 1157. Ellicott City, 62. Hancockj 63. Howard Co., 02, 1157. New ^Market, 1157. Westminster, 1157. MASSACHUSETTS. Adams, 570, 1158. Alford, 2.39. Amesbury, 1060. Amherst," 191, 279, 400, 430, 1376 INDEX OP PLACES. 576, 738, 0V2, 1099, IIU, 1138, 1164. Andover, 597. Ashbiirnham, 895. Ashfield, 298. Athol, 386, 447, 403, 815, 979. Barre, 386, 431, 586, 588, 863. Bedford, 276. Belcbcrtowu, 31.1, 184, 202, 296, 297, 298, 454, 455, 456, 457, 569, 578, 697, 699, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 923, 924, 933, 934, 1000, 1117. Berkshire, 359. Bernardston, 22.3, 328, 505, 727, 940. Beverly, 219. Blanford, 346, 518, 1130. Bloody Brook, 299, 729. Boston, 103, 115, 189, 334, 366, 374, 404, 462, 516, 547, 594, .597, 610, 68.5, 698, 716, 733, 748, 752, 753, 842, 898, 929, 948, 951, 1017, 1037, 1057, 1098, 1099, 1104, 1105, 1117, 1133, 1156. Braintree, 363, 1225. Brimfleld, 60, 132, 138, 139, 178, 179, 183, 184, 185, 186, 192, 193, 225, 241, 242, 243, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 259, 337, 357, 360, 361, 362, 381, 382, 38.3, 384, 453, 576, 588, 591, 607, 608, 609, 610, 895, 993, 1050, 1069, 1116, 1217. Bristol Cn., 695. Brookfiold, 270, 582, 590, 672, 1117, 1149. Buckland, 298, 7tS, 1043. Cabotville, 339. Cambridoe, 564, 566, 597, 769, 804, 809, 973, 974, 1103. Cambridgeport, 536, 564. Oataumet, 514, 810, 977. Charlemont, 483, 741. Charlestown, 209. Charlton, 1117. Chatham, 976. Chester, 270, 405, 634, 635, 894, 1060, 1065. Chesterfield, 276, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 600, 680, 681, 682, 683, 685, 686, 687. Chieopee, 374, 421, 436, 517, 595, 673, 688, 696, 722, 812, 81.5, 853, 978, 991. Chieopee FaU«^ 283, 709. Coldspring, 115. Colerain, 486, 705, 1115. Conway, 207, 208, 209, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 463, 468, 475, 476, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 742, 743, 744, 771. Ciimmington, 316. Dana, 1164. Danvers, 973. Dcerfield, 103, 108, 115, 119, 159, 160, 163, 164, 166, 168, 160, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 215, 217, 223, 290, 297, 298, 299, 304, 305, 308, 309, 311, 313, 314, 315, 327, 354, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 475, 477, 486, 579, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 749, 752, 753, 934, 935, 939, 940, 947, 948, 949, 1032. Dorchester, 863, 993, 1086. Dudley, 609, 1154. East Boston, 990. East Brookfield, 815, 853. East Cummington, 1066. East Douglas, 852. Easthampton, 686, 687, 700, 1224. East Longmeadow, 422, 567, 573, 719, 865. Erving, 1164. Eairview, 1164. Fall Kiver, 1038, 1039, 1153. Feeding Hills, 737. Fitchburg, 584, 792, 801, 843, 1062. Florence, 685. Foxboro, 917. Franiingham, 1145. Fi-anklin, 484, 702, 773, 815, 1149. Gilbert ville, 924. Gill, 654, 739, 1115. Goshen, 685. Granby, 194, 279, 280, 281, 365, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 445, 691, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 708, 722, 726, 923, 1073. Granville, 172, 294, 346, 453. Great Barrington, 192, 646. Greenfield, 204, 205, 206, 221, 297, 298, 306, 307, 308, 487, 736, 743, 745, 934, 939, 940, 1104, 1115. Greenwich, 177, 241. Grotou, 2,39. Hailley, 61, 100, 246, 293, 437, 438, 439, 699, 700, 701, 702, 726, 1014, 1045. Hampden, 523, 557, 569, 895. Hanson, 1069. Hardwick, 1111. 1117, 1146, 1149. Hartsville, 520. Hatfield, 61, 88, 217, 327, 347, 443, 560, 686, 705, 1019. Haverhill, 806. Hawley, 744, 853. Hingham Centre, 836. Hinsdale, 1065, 1067. Holden, 814, 1138, 1140. Holland, 1095. Holliston, 927. Holyoke, 631, 749, 923. Hoosac Tunnel, 468. Hopkinton, 839, 950. Huntington, 443, 671, 1056. Hyde Park, 951, 972. Ipswich, 115. Jenksville, 710, 852. Lancaster, 631, 696. Lanesboro, 259. Lawrence, 372, 687, 977, 1065. Lee, 438, 524, 818. Leicester, 115, 143, 1145. Lenox, 1050. Loyden, 334, 727. Longmeadow, 97, 98, 133, 137, 139, 143, 170, 171, 172, 175, 178, 179, ISO, 183, 224, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232 235, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 270, 276, 342, 345, 346, 351, 364, 365, 366, 367, 372, 373, 407, 424, 454, 525, 557, 567, 576, 595, 647, 648, 674, 710, 721, 722, 932, 1115, 1138, 1225. Lowell, 443, 810, 939. Ludlow, 180, 236, 276, 291, 404, 424, 434, 437, 719, 923. Lunenburg, 806. Maiden, 144, 594, 810. Mansfield, 885. Marlborough, 1040. Martha's Vineyard, 438. Medway, 486. Melrose, 951. Mendon, 506. Merrick, 685. Middleboro, 180, S45, 364. INDEX OF PLACES. 1377 Middlefield, 2G0, 939, 106 J. Middlesex, 1US9. Milford, 424. Miller's Falls, 31(j. Milton, 568, 1073. Monroe, 863. Monson, 139, 184, ISu, 18G, 187, 225, 248, 2.50, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 343. 351, 352, 360. 375, 376, 377, 378, 380, 390, 392, 399, 431, 557, 563, 570, 573, 577, 578, 585, 587, 588, 589, 609, 623, 688, 689, 709, 845, 853, 863, 864, 865, 993, 1049, 1116. Montague, 222, 328, 470, 726, 815, 816, 886, 934. Monterey, 520. Montgomery, 1073. New Bedford, 972. Newburyport, 597, 752, 916, 940. New Marlborough, 150, 520, 816. New Salem, 1120. Newton, 103, 595, 1156. Newton Centre, 564. North Adams, 740, 1107, 1164. North Amherst, 815. Northampton, 51, 61, 74, 108, 115, 116, 119, 127, 128, 129, 132, 144, 148, 150, 157, 158, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 1S4, 202, 207, 214, 296, 297, 309, 325, 326, 345, 375, 399, 426, 427, 449, 451, 462, 505, 558, 629, 630, 669, 673, 684, 687, 701, 734, 736, 792, 893, 916, 999, 1052, 1053, 1057, 1095, 1164, 1218, 1219, 1224, 1225. Northborough, 567, 568. North Brookfield, 582, 1117. North Chester, 1060. Northfield, 166. 168, 203, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 223, 305, 327, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 442, 447, 506. 516, 517, 518, 521, 793, 799, 809, 813, 814, 815, 816, 970, 971. Northfield Farms, 979. Norton, 613. Norwich, 697. Orange, 515, 809, 812. 0.\ford, 330, 635, 1164. Palmer. 193, 475. 526, 569, 609, 726, 843, 865. ^56. New Lebanon. 282, 1061. New Paltz, 817. Newport, 894, 1107. New titreeht, 897. New York, 2S6, 318, 358, 404, 407, 448, 489, 490, 494, 495, 496, 498, 499, 500, 524, 584, 600, 611, 630, 632, 633, 646, 653, 669, 671, 672, 685, 690, 691, 697, 699, 706, 717, 720, 783, 786, 827, 847, 864, 884, 887, 89,3, 898, 912, 916, 919, 931, 935, 940, 946, 947, 964, 965, 969, 979, 995, 1018, 1084, 1086, 1091, 1097, 1099, 1102, 1107, 1109, 1112, 1113, 1114, 113.5, 1154, 11.55, 1161, 1162, 1165, 1166. Niagara Co., 479, 760. Niagara Falls, 758, 1216. Nine Partners, 454. Xorfolk. 1146, 1147, 1150, 11.52, North Barton, 534, 831, 9M. North E;i.'!t, 448, 520, 71.5. North Kvaua, 951. North (irauville, 1042, 1051. North Salem, 1045. North Syrar-Hse. 1135, 1136. Northumberland, 1034. Norwich. 721. Nunda, 8.59, 953. Oaktield, 996. Oneida, 1135, 1137. Oneida Co., 855, S73. 10S4. Oneonta, 705. Onondaga, 1035, 1222. Onondaga Co., 570. Ontario Co., 311, 314, 479. Oramel, 334. Orange Co., 397. Orangeville, 902. Oregon, 981. Ossian, 580, 860, 861. Oswego, 453. 791, 1060. 1095. Otsego, 769. Otsego Co., 771. Otto," 281, 439. 692, 693, 1050. Owego, 325, 503, 521. 791, 819. Oxford, 975. Painted Post, 702. Palmyra, 451, 473, 751, 752. Panama, 957. Paris, 271, 343, 656, 10S4. 1138, 1144. Parish, 1136. Parma, 1160, 1161. Patterson, 320, 492, 493, 494, 495, 782. Pawling, 319, 320, 495, 782. Peekskill, 897. 1382 INDEX OF PLACES. Pcnn Yan, 481. IVrry, SfiO. Pt-rrysbiirs;h. HOS, llfiO. Pcruvillp, S-M. Pctcrboro, S93, 1041i, 1043, 1045. Phelps, 310, 030. Phoenix, 845. Pierropont Manor, 392. Pike, 313, 476, 753, 754. Pincknev, 1116. Pine Plains, 779. Pittsford, 1034, 1035. Pomfret, 11.55. Porapey, 569, 590, 650, 846, 866, 1120, 1161. Pompcy Hill, 590, 989. Poi-tage, 859. Port Byron, 373. Portland, 951. Portlandville, 706. Potsdam, 853, 1051. Potter, 314, 479. 760. Ponghkeejisio, 319, 777, 817, 927. Poiindridge, 320, 788. Prattsburgh, 1087. Pulaski, 1142. Pultney, 479, 760, 789, 1084. Putnam. 319, 778. Queensbury, 690. Rathboneville, 668. Reading, 294, 789, 1072. Redfield, 392, 625. Rensselaerville, 502, 503, 504, 789, 790. Rexville, 1003. Rhinebeek, 931. Richfield Springs, 324, 1076. Richmondville, 705. Riga, 525. Ripley, 957. Rochester, 372, 399, 406, 414, 451, 484, 580, 624, 629, 649, 653, 718, 742, 752, 777, 816, 860, 896, 910, 949, 953, 1035, 1036, 1084, 1086, 1087, 1092, 1107, 1110, 1112, 1136. Rodman, 1140, 1142, 1143, 1144. Rondout, 586, 1072, 1073. Rosedale, 634. Royalton, 478, 758, 759, 952, 953, 1084. Rush, 832. Rushville, 484, 580, 1(I9!». Russell, 1051. Rutland, 1123, 1149. Rye, 490, 893. Sacketfs Harbor, 1059, 1061, 1063, 1064. Salem, 1108. Salisbury, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108. Sanford's Ridsjc, 1053, 1054. Sangerfield, 272, 418, 1043. S:iratoga ('o., 317. Saratoga Springs, 528, 951. Sardinia, 650. Scarsdale, 897. Si'liHghtii'okn, 449. Seheneetady, 592, 623. Sphuyler, 1043. Scio, 627, 858. Scipio, 780. Scott, 620. Scottsvillc, 580, 859. Schroon, 597. Sempronius, 71.'). Seneca, 294, 479, 760. Seneca Falls, 1055. Shelby, 477. Sherburne, 1043. Sheridan, 250, 375, 376, 378, 381, 597, 607, 608, 871, 872, 882, 995, 996. Sherman, 314. 481, 4S2, 483, 484, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 957, 958. Silver Creek, 250, 377, 597, 769, 872, 995, 996, 1100. Sing Sing, 968. Skaneateles, 570, 788, 841, 846, 847. Smithtown, 615. Sodus, 471, 750. Sodus Bay, 561. Sodus Point, 751. Solon, 1159. Somerset. 653. South Colton, 991. .South Cortland, 620, 1217. South Dansville, 754, 8C0. Southeast, 494. South Greece, 1036. South Salem, 212, 213, 319, 321, 322, 325, 492, 493, 495, 497, 498, 788. Spafford, 848. Spencer, 531. Spencertown, 295, 454. Spring Mills, 822. Stanfordvillp, 632. Statcn Island, 897, 1057. Steuben, 768. St. Lawrence Co., 991. Summit, 928. Syracuse, 846, 1034, 1054. 1134, 1135, 1217. Tarrytown, 501, 1135. Ticonderoga, 597. Tioga, 791. Tonawanda, 479. Triangle, 804. Troy, 340, 451, 453, 454, 460, 714, 719, 720, 75.3, 882, 951, 1034, 1039, 1072, 1144, 1222. Truxton, 530. Unadilla, 398, 628, 629, 707, 708. Union Centre, 706. Union Square, 1134. Utica, 409, 780, 1060, 1106, 1107, 1133, 1136. Vernon, 411. Victor, 751. Villanova, 602, 603, 872. Volney, 285. Walworth. 311, 312, 472, 473, 474, 47.5, 751. Wampsville, 1088. Ward, 1094. Warsaw, 962. Washington Co., 866. Waterloo, 248, 372, 373, 1065. Watcrtown, 328, 621, 624, 1110, 112,5, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1166. Watervale, 1120. Waterville, 574. Watervliet, 1080. Waverl.y, 529, 824, 825, 829, 830, 831, 986. Webster, 473. WellsviUe, 627, 828, 829, 1094. West Chester, 325, 502, 787, 1113. Westchester Co., 968. West Falls, 759, 1036. Westfield, 481, 871. Westport, 701. West Sand Lake, 989. West Sparta, 861. West Troy, 259, 390, 623. West Union, 822, 982. AVcst Walworth, 312. Wheatland, 859, 860. Wheeler, 795. White Creek, 720. Whitestown, 361, 578. Whitcsville, 444, 706, 707, 983. Wilevville, 982, 1003. INDEX OF TLACES. 138:3 Williamson, 755. Williamstown, 1135. Wilsou, 760, 962. Yates Co., 314, 397, 481, 482, 502. Yonkers, 953. Y'ork, 313, 47G, 753, 754. Y'ork Co., 903. NORTH CAROLINA. Fraiiklintown, 834. New Beruc, 567. NORTH DAKOTA. Binghampton, 989. De Gray, 823. Fairraouiit, 611. Vartjo, 847, 926, 989. (iiaiicJ Forks, 974. OHIO. Akron, 525, 837, 849, 1089. Ashtabula Co., 648. Bellaire, 1152. Bellevue, 484, 770. Belmont, 961. Bennett 's Corners, 772. Bleiii.lon Township, 587. Bowling Green, 767. Breeksville, 401. Bristol, 1131. Brunswick, 346, 55S, 559, 560. Bucyrus, 862. Burton, 1120. Cambridge, 961, 1001. Canton, 699, 794. Chardon, 271, 356, 407, 641, 643, 647, 648, 707. Cherry Valley, 648. Chester, 707. Chesterfield, 1083, 1085. Christianburg, 975. Cincinnati, 359, 404, 855, 986, 992, 1049, 1100, 1117, 1129, 1138, 1150. Claridon, 356, 406, 583, 584. Cleveland, 402, 442, 454, 480, 559, 584, 674, 702, 703, 705, 892, 925, 1086. Colebrook, 680, 769. College Hill, 1126. Columbia, 803. Columbus, 373, 587, 654, 1048. Conant, 663. Creston, 479, 758, 760. Dayton, 743. Delaware, 295. Delphos, 1050. East Liverpool, 555. Elyria, 1154. Euclid, 1050. Felicity, 557. Hampden, 406, 636. Java, 648. Kent, 725. Kingsville, 586. La Fayette, 558. Lima, 976. Loydsville, 1001. Lyons, 1090. Manhattan, 406, 644. Mansfield, 434. Mantua, 763, 764. Marietta, 704, 1139. Medina, 547, .548, 558, 837. Meigsville, 1132. Mineral Springs, 1093. Monroeville, 643. Montville, 547, 837. Morgan, 477. Morinca, 1088. Moscow, 774. Munsou, 647, 1085. Newark, 1045, 1048. Oberlin, 641, 89S. Orange Township, 587. Orville, 1163. Outville, 1045. Painesville, 1116. Pike, 477. Portage, 1087. Portage Co., 762. Portsmouth, 1137. Powhatton, 774. Putuam, 801. Pyrmont, 842. Ravenna, 525, 1225. Reurock, 1131. Rochester, 680. Rossville, 247. Runersville, 1131. Sandui-ky, 1154. Sharon, 548. 838. Sharon Center, 548, 837. South Zanesville, 1132. Steubenville, llOS. Strongville, 423. Terrace Park, 848. Toledo, 844, 885, 952, 1050, 1060, 1063, 1064. Townsend, 484. Upper Sandusky, 955. Vernon, 286. Warren, 718, 929. Wayne Co., 479, 760, 952. Westvillc, 359. Willoughby, 1116. Woodsfield, 961. VVooster, 952. Xenia, 743. PENNSYLVANIA. Albion, 659. Allegheny City, 985, 1132. Athens, 636, 719, 897. Bingham, 831. 983. Bradford, 833, 984, 1130. Bradford Co., 1105. Bridgeman Township, 509. Bridgewater, 802, 803. Brookfield, 479. Butler Co., 825. Conneautvillo, 658. Cooksburg, 1001. Corry, 482, 530, 949, 985. Coudersport, 778, 779, 966. Covington, 1060, 1062. 1068. Cowanesque, 908. Crossingville, 658, 909. Cussawago Township, 273, 411, 412, 414, 415, 418, 656, 657, 659, 661, 068, 909. Dimock, 509. Duncannou, 899. East Marlborough, 1044. Edinboro, 911. Emporium, 1132. Erie, 659, 680, 826, 986. FrankHn Forks, 388. Fulton Township, 1047. Genesee, 983. Guard, 668. Guthriesville, 874. Hareford, 1223. Harrison, 982, 1095. Homestead, 693. Jefferson Co., 530. Kennett Square, 1044, 1047. Kimberton, 680. Knoxville, 982. Lamar, 1114. Luthersburg, 826. Lutheisfield, 826. Lyonsville, 668. Mayfield, 661. Meadville, 423, 424, 668, 674, 679, 680, 754, 909, 911. Meehanicsburg, 406. Meshoppen, 802. Millsport, 871. Montrose, 509, 510, 803, 804, 973. jMosierlown, 410, 412, 418, 656, 1384 INDEX OF PLACES. Cor, ess, G59, 661, 662, 910^ 911, 912. Mt. Holly Springs, 700. New Castle, 912. Xorway, 1047. Orangerille, 825. Parker Citr. 959. Philaaelphia. 62, 425. 433, 6S0, 719, 827, 891. 892. 1047, 106S, 1128. Pine Creek, 859. Pine Grove, 882. Pittsburg, 530, 1132. Pirtston, 974, 975. Pleasantville. 985, 9S6. PortsrUle, 966. Raymond, 983. Eeyuoldsville, 530, 826. 986. Eidgeway, 1132. KiindeUs, 415, 663, 664, 6G8, 915. EusU, 804. BusseU, 859. SabinsTille, 410, 655, 907, 909. Saegertown, 658, 661, 910. Scranton, 398. Shamokin, 583. Sheshequin, 830. Sewiekley, 1108. Springboro, 999. Spring Township, 659, 663, SpiingTille, 601. Titusville, 659. 1096. Towanda, 1114. Timkiannock, 803, 975. riysses, 528, 983. rnionville, 1044. Warreu, 984. Warren Co., 983. TVatsbury, 766. ■Wattsburgh, 956. WeUsboro, 907, 908, 909. Whites Comers, 982. 1057. Wilkesbarre, 63. AVilliamsport, 719, 803. BHODE ISLAND. Bristol, 917. Cumberland, 486, 773, 1 1133. MurrilMlle. 589. Xf'»rport, 34a. Providence, 464, 524. 672, 773, 841. 917. 1042. 1 Smithfield, 1056, 1057. 909, 604. S96. 827, 667 908. 914. 056. 20. 056. West Greenwich. 414. Woonsoeket, 1056, 1057. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, 2S6, 421. Columbia, 435. SOUTH DAKOTA. Aberdeen, 890. .\lcsandria, 389. Cheyenne, 643. Deadwood, 643, 898. Elk Point, 1141, 1143. Croton, 1078. Harrisburg, 901. Hermosa, 1096. Pierre, 973. TENNESSEE. Cherokee. 1220. Cleveland, 997. Cumberland Mountains, SS4. Grandview, 693. KnoxTille, 1220. llemphis, 898. McMinuTille. 1048. Nashville, 435, 624, 695. Newmarket, 945. Paris, S34. TEXAS. Austin, 1142. Quintania, 821. UTAH. Grantsville, 601, 603, 876, 878. 879, 880, 881. Salt Lake City. 601, 878, 1137. 1142. VERMONT. Addison, 806. Albany, 956. Andover. 1072. Athens. 384. 616. Bakersfield. 386, 1116. Barnard. 633. 1146, 1149. 1150. Barre. 547. 1116. Barton, 535. 1130. Bellows Falls. 610, 611, 740. 793. 887. Bennington, 220, 221. Berlin. 978. 1122, 1125. l]2fi. 1127, 1128. Bradford. 330. .'.32, 513. 514. 517. 809. 810. 977, 1149. Brattleboro, 217, 220, 311, 422. 423. 435, 466, 470. 530. 511. 533. 617. 741. 809. 814. S8C.. 887. 1112, 1138. Brookline, 256. 3S4, 385, 386. 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 884, 885, 886, 887, 890. Burlington, 292, 623, 806. 940, 1075, 1076, 1149, 1150. Cast let on. 885. Charlotte. 690. Chelsea. 227, 228, 527. Cornwall. 406, 695, 1070, 1110. Danby, 1085. Dorset. 1120. Dummerston. 518, 816. East Berkshire, 1075. East Brookfield, 1083. East Fairfield, 1079. East Franklin, 1078, 1081. East Montpelier, 393. East Randolph, 773. East Sheldon, 1081. Eden, 1082. Enosburgh. 1075, 1076, 1078. 1079, 1082. Enosburgh Falls. 1075. 1079. 1080. Fairfax, 1075. Fairlee, 514. , Fayetteville, 527, 611. Fort Dnmmer (now Brattle- boro), 220. Franklin, 1078. Fulham, 220. Granby. 823, 833. Guilford, 326, 328, 470, 737. 1116. HaUfax, 219, 738, 748. Hardwick, 1077. Highgate, 1081. Hyde Park, 827. Jericho, 1223. .Johnson, 1076, 1079. 1082. Landgrove, 1158. LoweU, 1217, 1218. Montgomery, 1078. Montpelier, 295, 514, 536. Newbury, 330, 1097, 1098. Newfane. 613, 620. New Haven. 1116. Northfield, 1124, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130. North Troy, 1077. Norwich, 342. 514, 555, 55fi. 557. Orange Co., 530. OrweU, 335. 521. 636. 820. 981. Pawlet, 399. Perliinsville. 863. Plaiufield. 833. INDEX OF PLACES. 1385 Pntnev, 616, 548. Blading, 556. Biehford. 107S. Boehesier, 595. EoTalton, 1019. Eupert. IISS, 1140. Butland. 292, 3VL 1037, 1166. Sharon, 229. Sheldon. 1074, 1075, 1076, 1079, lOSL 10S2. Shoreham, 98L Somerset, 217. South Byegate, 109*. South Ttov. 121S. Springfield, SS8. 1053, 1104. St. Albans. 939. St. Johnsbnrv, 1095. Sndbmy, 780. Strttoc 833. Swanton, 610, 1075, 1079. Thetford, 513, 809. Townshend, 386, 611. 612, 619, 620. Troy, 108<3. Txtrbridge. 1223. Tergennns, 81 S, 980. 1037. 103S. Vernon, 21-5, 326, 327, 328, 505, .506. -507, -50s. 509. -510, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 799, 800, 801, 802, 814, 884. 971, 973. 974. Vershire, 174. VietOTT, 832, 9S7, 988. Walden, 339. 53-5, 833. Weathersfield 393. 4*4, 1098. West Borke, 535. S33. ■WesTfield, lS-5, 251. 259, 260. 390. 393. 626, 1098, 1116, 1216, 1217, 1218, "Westford, 1146, U49. 1151. ■Westminster. 2-52. 390, -57S, &4'X ■Weston, .584. West Townsbend. 618. ■Williamsiowi!, 338, 339, 340, 341. 35-5, 530. -335, 536, 537, .542. 581, 582, 834. ■WilmiQgton, 290, 307. 746. ■Windham, 614. Windsor, 400, 1129. ■Woodstoek, 972. "Worcesrer, SS9. TCBGIXIA. Ashland. 730. ElaeisbuTg. 1220- Blaek ■Walnut, 936. Broadereek, 756. Chase City, 99". Christianbtirg, 1219, 1220. Cold Harbor. €»4, Glade Springs, 1219, 1^0. Liberrv, 917. Lynehbnrgh, 786. Manchester, 730. Old Point Comfort, 599. Petersbtirg. 729, 763, 936. Biehmoni 494. 729. 7-%, 917, 936, 637. SoBth BoFTon. 9-36. Stebbins. 937. Soffolk, 452. WASHTNGTOX. Davton. 994. Seattle. 1110. Spokane. 98.8. WEST YIBGrSTLi. Charlesiown. 917. Ft. Pleasant, 63. Bavenswoo-i. 917, wiscoxsrs'. Ahnapee. 590. Algoma. 591, 567. Barron. 965. Barton. 1128. Beaver Dam, 429. Bdoit, 772, 773, 871. Blaek Eiver Falls. 971. Bristol, 1076. BiLrlington. 427. Cambria. 388, CooksviQe, 393. 394. Delavan. 683. DeQ Prairie, 1131. East Troy, 426. 427. 428, 685. Green Bay. 867. Hndson. 448, 715. 928. Janesville. 394. 929. 9^4. 1152. Kenosha. 668, 866, 947. 1076, 1080. 3i£adi9on. 985. 1152. MareeDon. 389. Harston, 686, Melrose, 507, 795, 971. Mihrankee, 405. 425, 426, *85, 592, 683. 684. 772, 773, 786, S70. 589. 919. 920. Monroe, 622. Montieello. 763. Oregon. 768. Oshkosh. 867. ■Pal invnt 36o. Port Andrew. 1069. Port Washington, 36-5. Baeine, -592, 866, 870, 994. Boek C-o_ 406. •_'. 763. -lie, 393. Watrwatosa, 80-5. ■Whitewater, 1163. Wida, 1063. Telloi«"Ftone, 968. DISTBICT OF COLrMBIA. Washington. 3-56, S91, 917, 1'598, 1103. 1120. 113-5. AFBICA- XataL 594. ASIA. gvTJa. -594. CAN'AD-i, Abbotsford. 719, 1036, 1037. Boneherville, 160, 1031, Bnrtos-riHe. 764. Chambly, 163, 1032. C40, 11-50, U51, Ona-wa. 103-5. Paris, 959, Pottcn, 626, Prinee Edward's Idand, 7S. Onebee, 760. 1033. Selbonme. 496. Sherbrook. 664. St. Armand. 1078. St. Catherine, 540, St. Csaire. 1038, 1039, 1040. St. H 1G39. St. .~ St. Mary. i'>5i'. St Mathias. 1037, lCt3S. 1039. St. Saxar. 1041. St. Scholasiiqiif, 760. Three Erreis. 160. Wel«ter. 959. West Famiara. 1078. Woodstofk. 767. EXGLAXD. Be_ 603. Birr _ -79. 3ri;_- Comfrai'i. 762. CoTeEiry, S63. CraafTorti. Co. Xorfalk. 1096. 1386 Folkstone. 592. Ipswich, 51. Kent, 1161. Lctton, Co. Norfolk, 1096. Lincolnshire, 791. Liverpool, 487. London, 742, 7S6, 899, 912, 1005, 1096. Lutterworth, 871. Manchester, 646. Manlden, 700. Monmouth, 1099. Southampton, 1113. Stockport, 87"). INDEX OF PLACES. Worcester, 230. York, 632. GERMANY. Klonficld, 948. Frankfort, 647. Gotengen, 762. Leipsic, 594. IKELAND. Dcrry Co., 1067. ITALY. Florence, 898. Eome, 786, 787. SCOTLAND. Castletown, 657. Glasgow, 888. Holytown, 888. Paisley, 611. SWITZEELAND. Weisenstine, 674. WEST INDIES. Isle St. Croix, 498, 787. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Libue, Kanai, 1019. XS"? A^' ■^^ 0^ '-5 C^ ^^- 'X ..*" .^^■ •'•, ' :-;y\^ "■^J. f \' ^^^-. % <^ .0 (^ .0' - -\ \ 3"* ■\^- V* /.- '*< v^ *■ ^■^^'^ \ ■^ ' v^^*^^- ■■*" cV" ■%. -1 at' ^ 2 "oo^ -it, " • * -bv * 5 sO '' .#■ % • V -*,./' \/,^°r^S.. 0^ b^ % ./ -^■^ '''^^ ,i .^^ J>"*'*>^ 0^- ..v^^ % 4 -^^ ^ , . ■» . ' , o^ .0 'V^- v>'% A'' S'^^' % V ■'^^ << ^°. •v r ^ O ** >v C' - \ ^ 5°. x^°<. -oo'^ "^^. .^^^''■ j:^ ■^0' V ^N' -^ ■ ^ ■ <-^'" -^ ' ■ ^i. ■ oV A^ -^^ ,> -<. '< . A^^" -^^ o ,A -o ' ,) . k * -u •-' ''/ " v'- A -3 -' '/ •' . ' A •::. .(■ ^/ -•'V\ '- -<^ c^^ .... - .. 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