.£ \ V^RF , .7* 0^ »' 4 °^ <^> -Si ^ «£ J* ,* •V ■fc. • ' 1 • *r tt p «#v. „ ■ >s fl^:. °- ^ .v^K* ^ . c ^>»^'- ■ **-7v?" % .0* ^L **•• »** 'o , 4 * 4 o. V * • « o ° a° <$> 4* *r**~ f ^°\ ^^^ : % « (^^-^s^fX/ **?^£ ^5^* >^<^/£ce^!$~~ T* CONST OF IIIK PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEFENDERS OF THE COUNTRY, IN THE WAR OF 1812. AS A M KN I) E 1) .1 CLV 4th. 1 860. 1' Jl I L A D E L P II I A : •JOHN B. SPRINGER, SOI ril PAS1 CORNER FIFTH \NP WALNUT - - 1862. . "m^*- CONSTITUTION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEFENDERS OF THE COUNTRY, IN THE WAR OF 1812. AS AMENDED JULY 4th, 1860. PHILADELPHIA: JOHN B. SPRINGER, SOUTH EAST CORNER FIFTH AND WALNUT STS. 1862. Satire* uufc* -~-* CONSTITUTION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEFENDERS OF THE COUNTRY IN THE WAR OF 1812: AS AMENDED JULY 4th, 1 8 6 0. Atticle I. The Association shall be known and designated as " The Pennsyl- vania Association of the Defenders of the Country in the War of 1812," and its members shall consist of those who actually served their country in that War, either in the army, navy, or privateer service. Article II. The sons, or in default of sons, the grand-sons of those who served 7 7 O their country in the war of 1812, may be admitted as members of the Association, and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits, that their sires enjoyed. Article III. The officers of the Association shall be a President, eight Vice-Presi- dents, a Corresponding, a Recording and Assisting Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be chosen annually on the 4th of July of each year. Article IV. In addition to the officers named in the third Article, there shall be chosen annually, on the 4th of July, a committee consisting of seven members of the Association, who shall be known and designated as the " Executive Committee of the Association ;" and they a* well as all other elective officers, in default of an election at the time provided, shall serve until others are elected. Article V. The Stated Meetings of the Association shall be held on the 4th of July, 8th of January and 22d of February, of each year ; and thirteen members shall constitute a quorum. Special Meetings may be called by the President on the request of five members, or by the unanimous concurrence of the Executive Committee. Article VI. It .shall be the duty of the President to preside at all the meetings of the Association, to preserve order and determine all questions of order; but Bhonld any member feel himself aggrieved by the decision of the President, he may appeal to the Association, whose decision shall be final. The President shall sign all orders drawn on the Treasurer, and in all questions before the Association, where there is an equal division, he shall have the casting vote. In the absence of the President, the first Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President. Article VII. The Corresponding Secretary shall be a medium through which the Association may communicate with other associations, or with individuals not being members. He shall keep full and correct copies of all letters written by him on behalf of the Association, and carefully file and pre- serve all letters and papers received ; and at each and every meeting of the Association lay before them the full and entire correspondence that may have taken place since the last meeting of the Association; and on retiring from office, hand over to his successor all the books and papers belonging to the Association. Article VIII. The Recording Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of the Association. He shall receive all moneys and pay them over to the Treasurer, and on retiring from office, shall hand over to his successor all the books in his possession belonging to the Associa- tion. Article IX. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the funds belonging to the Association. IK' ,-ball pay all orders drawn on him by the President and attested by the Secretary; and on the 4th of July of every year, lay before the Association a statement of his accounts, and on retiring from office, he shall pay over to his successor the balance of money in his hands, together with all the books and paper- belonging to the Asso- ciation. Article X. To the Executive Committee is assigned a general supervision of the affairs of the Association; and in particular that of a care to the wants and comforts of the poor members of.it. That as a means of enabling them to accomplish that object, they are required to keep a record of all who require aid or Bupport, and if not in their power to remove or remedy the wants, they shall report the case to the A ssocial ion ami ask for aid. They Bhall keep a record of all deaths, and it* the deceased was. in their estimation, worthy, and had expressed a wish to be buried with military honors, or his friends desire it, they shall have power to procure the aid of such military company or companies as they may approve, to perform the last offices to the dead; and all the members of the Association are required to attend by their invitation, and aid in the solemnities of the occasion. They shall be deemed and recognized as the almoners of the Associa- tion: and for the purpose of enabling them more effectually to carry out the benevolent object confided to their care, funds shall, from time to time, be placed at their disposal, for which they shall render an account at the Annual Meeting on the 4th of July, in each year. To enable them promptly to perform these duties, the committee are invested with the power of calling special meetings of the Association at their discretion. Article XI. Each and every person on becoming a member of this Association, shall pay into the Treasury the sum of twenty-five cents as an initiatory fee. and in addition, as a contribution, the sum of twenty-five cents at each stated meeting of the Association. Article XII. Whenever a member is desirous of withdrawing from the Association, and shall signify his wish so to do in writing, and addressed to the Pre- sident, he shall have liberty so to do, on the payment of such dues as he may then owe to the Association. Article XIII. No alteration or amendment shall be made to the Constitution or By-Laws, except a written resolution to that effect be offered at a Stated Meeting of the Association, when, if the resolution is approved, the mem- bers shall proceed to cho3e a Select Committee to make, revise or amend the same, and at the next or some subsequent Stated Meeting, shall make report to the Association of such alteration or amendment as they have made. And it shall require the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present to change or alter any or all of the Articles of the Constitution or By-Laws. B Y - L A W S . Article I. Anv member who has anything to bring before the Association, shall rise and respectfully address the chair; and no member shall be inter- rupted while speaking. Article II. The Order of business shall take precedence as follows: First. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Second. Pavment of dues. Third. Admission of Dew members. Fourth. Unfinished business. Fifth. Report "oPCommittci's in their order. Sixth. New business. Article III. Every question moved and seconded shall be put by the presiding officer, and no new matter shall be brought forward until that Is disposed li ii Baisley, < leorge Wile, Robert Key, (iforgi' Rockenburg, Aaron Bockin8, A. Bildebrandt, .lames C. Brwin, I 'aniol Birkle, .lames Davis, Peter Sims. Jacol> Ilamshcr, Age. G5 74 73 73 63 67 65 66 69 69 67 62 60 70 73 71 68 70 69 39 73 67 65 59 68 65 61 69 6s 67 62 33 60 67 63 70 59 r,s 69 70 63 64 65 68 68 65 67 t;:, 65 64 Timo of Signing Company or Regiment. Capt. Baray'a Companr. Ensign CapU Stavne's Co., Son of a soldier of 1812, Camden Blues, Aduj. under Col. Krisbaum, Capt. Robison's Co., Maj. 32d Reg. Pcnn. Militia, Capt. John May's Company, Capt. W. Smith's Company, 1st Co. Union Guards, Capt. Sparks' Co., P. M., ('apt. Painter's Co., P. M., Northampton Co. Light Infy, With Com. Chauncev, 16th Reg. U. S. Infentry, 1st Reg. Penn. Artillery,Camp Dupont, Paymaster of do. Capt. Trotter's Company, 2d Company Union Guards, 1st Company Union Guards Bucks County \li?g., Capt. Wilson's Companv, Montgomery Rifles, Servant Major 1st Reg. Penn. Artillerv, 2d Reg. U. S. Artillery, Capt. Armstrong's Co., N. J. C ipt.Benezett'sCo. BucksCo 29th Reg. U. S. Artillerv. Capt. Reed's Company P. M. Chestnut Hill and German town Rifle Rangers, Brig Flamlio. I'. S. N'avv. 1st Co. Union Guards, 3d Lieut Junior Artillerists, Philadelphia Blues, With Coin. Chauncev, Junior Artillerists, Col. Street's Virginia Reg., Junior Artillerists, Independent Blues, State Fencibles, Junior Artillerists, Capt. Holms' Co., I\ 8. Flotilla. Montgomery Co. Riflemen, Place of Residence. Norristown, Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. Bordentown, X.J. Philadelphia, Pa. u u Darby, Pa. Montg'ry Co., Pa. U U Philadelphia. Pa. Pottsvillc, Pa. Reading, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa u u k li a li u ii u it N ti 11 .. Pottstown, Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. (1 .. H ii 11 .. M i. (( u 11 ii 11 ii u .. a .. a ii Chester, P Philadelph i. ia, Pa ii ii it .. .. .. I« .. (I ii 11 .. u .. u .. ii .. u .. II .. .. .. 11 .. 11 .. Cohocsiuk Fair Bill, Pa Pa. 11 NAME. Age. Time of Siguing. David Richardson, John Shermer, Isaiah Partes, John Kitlar, Wm. Einwechter, John Seddinger, John G. Chase, Joseph Hall, John B. Springer, son of B. II. Springer, David Henderson, George W. Nelson, Charles Haverstiek, John W. Smith, Philip Hoover, Parker Trader, Benjamin Hulbert, Thomas Miller, John T. Ritze, John F. Brindle, Abraham Schrader, Cornelius Stagers, Lemuel Paynter, Jonathan Rason, John Oppel, Gabriel Kern, Michael Curby, John Wilson, James Furguson, John Lescure, M. B. Roberts, James Peters, John M. Coleman, Joseph Burrows, Charles Shaffer, Juo. Clinton, John Koockogev, Edw. X. Thayer, James Brown, John Paulson, Charles Williamson, John M. Bockius, Curter Rudolph, James McConky, Joseph Plumb, J. F. Davis, Anthony Frazier, Thomas M unlock, Frederick Erdman, R. C. Nagle, David Snyder, Job Wilson, 73 71 70 lit; 68 67 62 71 39 72 68 64 60 69 67 65 68 (W, 65 69 65 70 tit; 65 68 66 68 69 66 60 68 60 68 64 70 72 68 75 71 tiii M0 67 72 71 65 70 7 'J 69 71 80 Company <>r licgimt-iit. New York Militia, Philadelphia Blues, ('apt. Painter's Co. Penn. Mil. Capt. Spark's Company, do. Benevolent Blues, Northern Liberty Artillerists,! New Hampshire Militia, Capt. Jas. Cummings' Co.,j Williamsport, Pa., 1st Lieut. Del. Artillerists, Capt. Bukeoven's Co., P. M., Capt. Rodney's Del. Artillery. 3d Co. Washington Guards, Capt. Fesmire's Co. Indepen- dent Rifles, Montgomery County Rifles, Virginia Light Infantry, ('apt. Painter's Co.. P. M., Capt. Hoft" s Co. of Rifles, Maine Militia, Benevolent Pines, Rodney's Artillery, Del., 1st Co. Washington Guards, Quartermaster of Lieut. Col Sutherland's Ri tic Reg., 35th Reg. U.S., 9th Reg. N. Y. Militia, State Fencibles, 1st Company Union Guards, Junior Artillerist-;. United States Navy, 14th U.S. Infantry, Montgomery County Rifles, Capt. McKames" Co. 27 Reg. Maryland Militia, 1st Co. 2d Keg. N. Y. Militia, Bucks County Grays, Chesuut Hill and German- town Hide Rangers, Independent Volunteer-;. State Guards, 2d Co. Independ. Artillerists, Capt. Union Riflemen. Rodney Artillery, Del., Place of l!i -i di mi 6. Philadelphia, Pa. tt u it it tt it i. tt tt tt a tt tt it (( a tt a 14 u (I tt it tt li a a tt tt u a it a tt tt it it (( tt a it tt u (i li (. it a It u tt it it u t. it 11 tt tt tt tt li It a It tt a a .. 1st Co. Independ. Artillerists, Capt. Henry L. Coryell's Co. \ Capt. Snyder's Co.. Lancaster, July 4, 1860.1 Independent Volunteers, •* ;id Co. Washington Guards, tt it Camden, X. J. Philadelphia, Pa. ( lermantown, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Peach Bottom, York Co.. Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. tt tt .. It .. .. 1. tt Newtown, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 12 NAME. C. G. Childa, Henry Porter, Vincent Sleeper, Samuel Wilhelm, William Pue, Thomas Brittin, James Singleton, John J. Breban, Lerein M. Costen, Henry I Irubl), Benjamin Dubois, Thomas Lynch, Charles Durangi John Force, Charlea Kibby, William Beck, Christian F. Adler, Jacob Dewees, M. D. Joseph Brist, John Priest, Major Lines, James Hughes, Turner Morehead, Francis Cooper, Frederick Stoever, Francis Lasher, Robert Boyle, Philip Wardle, John Van Horn, James Bell, William Knt, Samuel Wright, ( i-eorge Walker, Henry Nichlas. George Link, .1 acob Linck, Jacob Kcisel, Benjamin Mover, John Levering, William Lin-ger, Abel Kecney, John Boshart, William M. Lane, Ziba 1 Darlington, William Loaderback, W. ll. Bees, son of Charles B. Iters, Frederick Berger, Jacob Moser, Sen., Lewis S. Coryell, J. It. Ingersoll, \_ Time of Signing 66 68 7 (J 68 68 70 69 65 7:. 73 73 65 68 7 1 68 73 65 45 67 71 76 76 64 78 71 70 71 77 7:. 70 71 75 63 70 70 67 69 68 64 72 71 'J I 67 76 76 July 4, 1860 u (( (I (( u it it n « u u it « « M U U tl it Company or Regiment. 1st Co. Washington Guards, Do. do. do. Jan. 8, 1861. ll a u u ti <( ii u tl It it ll tt it It ll ll ll it u ll ll tl ll u u Lancaster Phalanx, Junior Artillerists, Southern Rifle Rangers, State Fencibles, Germantown Rifles, Frankford Rifles, City Volunteers, 3d Lieut. Washington ArtiL Junior Artillerists, Capt. Terry's State Fencibles, Lieut, of Capt. Ballard's Co, Pennsylvania Militia, Northern Liberty I ruards, 2d Troop Citv Cavalry, Capt. Robinson's Co. Mont gomery County Riflemen, Son of a soldier, Col. Raymond's Reg. X. Y., Gunboat Flotilla, 5th Reg. Maryland Militia, Capt. 2d Brigade Pen... Mil.. Col. John Thompson's Bri- gade, Penn. Militia, Montgomery County Rifle Co. Militia, New Brunswick Artillery, Southern Rifle Rangers, Germantown Blues, Capt. Snyder's Co. Lancaster Militia, Chester County Militia, Montgomery County I lilies, Dhles' Independent Riflemen. Union Riflemen, ('apt. Hergesheiraer's Co. P.M. Rox borough Volunteers, Do. do. Frankford Artillery, 5th Reg. Baltimore, Northern Liberty Artillery, 2d Co. Independent Artillery, Capt. Taylor's Company, • 'apt. Fulmer'sCo., P. M.. 1st Co. Washington Guards, < 'apt. Flack's Company, Bucks County Militia, Capt. Ilakeoven's Co.. P. M., Dep. Asst. Qr. Master, Bucks County Brigade, Firel Major 1st Reg. Penn. Infantry, Place of Residence. Chestnut Hill, Pa Philadelphia, Pa. II ll tt 1. (1 U ll ll u tl It It Milestown. Philadelphia, Pa. ti u It ll tt tt It tl u M M .. Pottsville, Pa. Burlington, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. (i u Camden. N. J. Philadelphia. Pa- ct it N. Bruns'k, X. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown, Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. it Nicetown, Pa. Philadelp ia. Pa. RoxborOUgh, Pa. Nicetown, Pa. Roxboroagh, Pa. Barren Hill, Pa. Philadelphia. Pa. >. .. it it ii M Westchester, Pa. Philadelphia, l'a. ii .. M M ii M \elv-M, ;ton Pa. Xew Hope. Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 13 NAME. Age. 65 Time of Signing. Company or Regiment. Place of Residence. Francis W. Rawle, Feb. 22, 1861. 2d Lieut. 3d Co. Washington Guards, Philadelph ia, Pa. John Swift, 71 u Capt. 2d. Co. do do. it tt Stephen Marhment, 65 tt 2d Washington Guards, a it Davis Smith, 68 u Capt. Morgan's Co. 67th Reg Penn. Militia, It it William Abhott, 70 It 2d Co. Washington Guards, tt tt John Jones, 71 it 2d Reg. Penn. Volunteers, Middletown, Del. John Nice, 69 u 102d do. do. do. Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Lombaert, 71 tt 4th Co., 2d Reg., Penn. Vol., ti i. G. C. Nichols, 65 tt Phcenixville, Pa. John Fletcher, 73 tt Capt. Fisk's N. J. Militia, Philadelphia, Pa. Robert. H. Beresford, 76 " 2d Washington Guards, U u Thomas Hand, 67 (I 2d Co., 4th Bat., Ohio Militia, tt u Daniel Cloak, 76 tt Maryland Volunteers, u it Samuel Isburn, 68 a 4th Pennsylvania Militia, tt a Geo. Westenberger, 69 a Capt. Spark's Company, P. M it tt Benjamin Miles, 71 a 6th Reg. Maryland Militia, Mauayunk, Pa. Christopher Coon, 72 tt Frank ford Artillery, Holmesburg, Pa. John Keyser, 68 tt Capt. McCoy's Rifle Companv, Philadelphia, Pa. John H. Geezin, 75 April 19, '61. Capt. Utile's Rifle Co., « (i Edward King, 67 « 2d Co. Washington Guards, tt it Israel E. James, 67 a 1st Co. Independent Artillery, Roxborough, Pa. Joseph S. Riley, 68 tt State Guards, Philadelphia, Pa. Mathew Newkirk, 67 u 2d Washington Guards, a tt Peter F. Wright, 75 July 4, 1861. 1st. Reg. Delaware Volunteers, it it David Cloud, 66 tt Capt. Seeley's Company, a tt Edward Heston, 65 u Capt. Hoffman's Rifle Co., tt tt John Becket, 65 n Capt. J. McChesney's Co., n a William Ritter, 68 tt Junior Artillerists, Chester Co., Pa. Thomas Bell, 66 tt Lieut. 3d Washington Guards, Philadelphia, Pa. William Stoever, a Capt. H. Doebler ! s Co., P. M., Falls of Schuvlk. Israel R, Ball, 68 tt U. S. Navy, Philadelphia. "Pa. Jacob Hentz, 67 u Montgomery Co. Rifles, it a Basil Wood, 66 u Capt. Uhler's Rifle Company, tt (i Joseph S. Kite, 70 a Independent Blues, it a William Lycett, 64 tt Junior Artillerists, Bordentown, X.J. Daniel Oldenberg, 82 tt Captain Independent Vol., Philadelphia, Pa. Allan Thomson, 76 it 2d Lieut. Capt. Rodney's Del- aware Artillery, Washington, D.C. James Page, 67 tt State Fencibles, Philadelphia, l'a. Tobias Huber, 71 tt 1st Co. Washington Guards, (t M Benjamin Chew, 67 tt 1st Lieut. Flying Artillery, Germaritown. Pa. Matthias Slemmer, 68 tt Sergt., Capt. Sweppenheiser's Co., Penn. Militia, Philadelphia. Pa. Thomas J. Burt, 75 Jan. 8, 1862. U. S. Ship Hornet, Kensington, Pa. Jacob Alter, 71 a 3d Co. Washington Guards, Philadelphia, Pa. Josiah Randall, 72 tt Ord. Sergt. Junior Artillerists, it u Moses Thomas, 74 Feb. 22, 1862. First Troop City Cavalry, ii t. E. S. Warne, 72 u Brig. Major Sussex Brig. N.J, tt u John Field, 72 tt 2d Co. Union Guards, Camden, N. .1. David Freed, 69 11 Capt. Uhle's Rifle Companv, Philadelphia, Pa. William Clair. 70 tt Capt Smith's U.S. Dragoons. u ,. Francis Degourge, 74 11 Capt. Hoffman's Rifle Rang. Kingsessing, Pa. Joseph Worth, 69 It Capt. Town's Co., 32d Reg. Infantry, Philadelphia, Pa- 14 NAME. 73 Time of Signing. Company or Reginu-ut. Place of Residence. Frederick Savior, Feb. 22, 1862. Drummer, Baltimore, 1812, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles McDonald, 72 ti Capt. Coryell's Alert Rifles, .. ti Ch. Sc ittergood, S 78 (i -. Bockius's Rifle ( '".. ii a t ' mrad Leidy, 73 u Capt. Robinson's 1 1 i 11** Co., It 44 Fran. • riirney Smith. :: 11 First Troop City Cavalry, 44 ii Thomaa W. Hurt, 76 II Frigate Constitution, (( 44 Alex. B. Thompson, 32 II Son nl' Ch!. John Thompson, 44 14 W. .1. Benners, 35 II Son of James Benners, .4 44 89 f »w . • • ■■X p - O^ '■- ****** -#ii"- °^ •*" °* ■i ** ** **t> ... NT V c> • £ A& ^ *9 ♦ • ' ' • ► » 4 ¥a % ^ & ♦fife*- * aV O j . ■ ■ ■ ■ P% /,->^\ ^VJs&k * J > WEBTBGOKmNDING 4? .^m* -:igi: ,C^JflKl989 l, : # |S|: J ;» ; L — 1 ,w* K '♦^^^ , a,' *-f..* H c^ ^b * GrantviM c, PA t< fc%/ ; # °«* °o.