fLlBrtARY OF CONGRESS.* A ^ I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. \ SPEECH OF HON. CHAELES E. PHELPS, OF MARYLAND, UNCONDITIONAL UNION; DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, MAY 5, 1866. WASHINGTON: PRINTED AT THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE OFFICE. 18GG. E4G6 r^s3 ^ UNCONDITIONAL UNION. The House, as in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, having under coasideration the President's annual message — Mr. PHELPS said: Mr. Speaker: On the 1st of May, 1SG5, the Union Army numbered one million five hundred and sixteen men. The purpose for which that vast power had been called forth was accom- plished, and the process of its disbandment commenced. Four years of civil war between people of the same race, of the highest type of modern civilization, and of equal intelligence, courage, and determination, had been waged upon a theater of continental proportions, had emjjloyed in its prosecution the most finished and destructive enginery, had in its terrific bat- tles and daily skirmishes cost this generation over half a million lives, and had entailed upon the nation a debt of three thousand and upon the insurgent section a loss of seven thousand million dollars. But remarkable as was this contest in all the elements of material grand- eur, it was still more memorable for the importance of the issue involved, and the extraordinary precision with which it was de- fined. Slavery, struggling for perpetuity, ex- pansion, and power, struck at the existence of the Government, which, in the growth and progress of ideas necessarily came to stand in its path, arrest its advance, and menace its security. Slavery was the cause, and the only cause, of the rebellion. The idea of secession would never have been practically adopted, certainly never enforced by arms, but in de- fense of that institution. Hence the war policy of the Government necessarily became anti- slavery. Hence, in the fullness of time, came the proclamation of emancipation, the organi- zation and arming of liberated slaves, the im- mediate and uncompensated abolition of slav- ery within her limits by the State of Maryland — an offering voluntarily made by that loyal State, as her contribution to the common cause in furtherance of the general policy settled upon as the only one to suppress the rebellion — and following that, the passage by Congress by a two thirds majority of the proposition to be sub- mitted to the several States to abolish slavery throughout the country forever by constitu- tional amendment. The polic}'^ thus adopted and persevered in by the Government ultimately forced a sim- ilar policy of emancipation and enlistment of slaves upon the consideration of the rebel authorities. The instant the confederate gov- ernment found itself reduced to that dilemma the scales fell from all eyes. No sooner was it discovered that the thinned ranks of the rebel army, exhausted by four bloody years of incessant combat, and required to face the fresh columns that poured down with endless tramp from the North, could only be recruited from among those very slaves, to rivet whose fetters that army was in fact fighting, than the whole fabric tumbled into ruin. To arm the slaves was of course to free them, and to free the slaves to fight the battles of slavery was simply a reducfio ad absurdimi and a ghastly farce. In the providence of God, it seems neces- sary that this most cruel of wars should have been fought to the bitter end upon the " line" which has been indicated : first, to secure from the South the complete, irrevocable, and final surrender of slavery; second, to remove all occasion for hindering the immediate pacifica- tion of the country by a desultory guerrilla warfare, so much feared and predicted ; and third, to obviate all danger, and thus to ex- tinguish in every candid mind all reasonable fear of a possible future rebellion in the inter- est of the defeated insurgents. This generation cannot fully appreciate, but history will recognize the great fact of the abo- lition of the institution of human slavery. It is too sudden, too violent, and too vast to be fully comprehended to-day. Not the least among the many great evils of this system was the specific influence it produced over the moral sense, dwarfing and contracting the consciences of men to its narrow standard, just as darkness contracts the physical eye. Bursting suddenly' and with great noise and fury into the bright air of freedom, what wonder that we should still see with dazzled and bewildered vision, that we should grope and clutch vaguely at the ob- jects around us, that we should be tormented with panic fears and haunted with hideous dreams of the dark prison-house. It is, there- fore, by no means strange to me. but quite natural, that many well-meaning but purblind patriots should still afflict themselves and society with their panic dread of rebellion ; should pre- dict the revival or even affirm the actual pres- ent existence of slavery ; should start at every sound, and stampede at every shadow ; should see walking by moonlight the ghost of slavery, and behind every busha " red-handed rebel;" should rend the air with clamors for protection against this imaginary monster, and make both day and night hideous with their jargon of guar- antees, conditions, and constitutional amend- ments. Nor is it at all surprising that these same purblind patriots, in their blundering frenzy, should strike by mistake their best friends, should attack the Secretary of State, should denounce and threaten the President, and in- volve in the same censure the sacred memory of his lamented predecessor. Sirj who is Secretary Seward, that he should be hawked at and torn, not now by the knife of the traitor assassin striking slavery's last blow at its greatest human antagonist, but this time by the loud and blatant champions of loyalty? I remember him well, with his ' ' higher law' ' and his "irrepressible conflict," the scarred and reenlisted veteran in this great war of liberty ; and I recollect him as he stood in the Senate many years ago, when men who now revile him as recreant and denounce him as a rebel sym- pathizer, then scoffed at him as an abolition fanatic, as he stood at the head of a corporal's guard gallantly attacking slavery in its strong- hold. Sir, it may be said of him that while Phillips and Garrison and the other humbugs of both sexes were fighting valiantlyin the rear, William H. Seward was at the front, leading not the advanced guard, but the skirmish line of freedom right up to the breastworks. With Henry Ward Beecher, he has devoted all the best years of his life to the destruction of human slavery. He struck at it whenever it lifted one of its hydra heads ; he has put the searing iron, hissing hot, to the last of them ; he felt anxiously and skillfully for the last pulsation of the dying monster's heart ; he has pronounced it dead, and he who feared it not when living and terrible is not scared at its carrion. He belongs to a more vigorous and a more practical school of statesmen. He takes this view of the case, and all sensible men of firm nerves, clear eye-sight, and good digestion, agree with him, or soon will. The South was formerly possessed of the devil, in the scrijjture sense, and 'dwelt among the tombs. While this unclean spirit was present, there was much foaming and gnashing. It was finally exorcised, and as it came rending its way from out its tormented and bleeding victim, it howledi out its name, not as legion, but slavery. It rushed into a herd of animals; it astonished and appalled mankind by the supreme horror and last convulsion of demoniac madness, and was gibbeted. Now, there are those who would scourge and manacle and cufiT and curse the rescued, regenerated, and emancipated South, even before her wounds are stanched from this frightful, this worse than Cesarean operation. Beecher and Seward are of a different school of philanthropists. They seethe one but lately possessed of the unclean spirit and gnashing among the tombs, now sitting, clothed, and in his right mind. They do not look for uniform amiability, nor do they require the patient immediately, and while smarting with pain, to express profound satisfaction and intense delight with the process, nor unfeigned per- sonal love and gratitude toward those who per- formed it. On the contrary, it is fair to pre- sume that those men of honor would al^andon the unha2:)py victim to the tormentors should it exhibit so craven a spirit and so contempti- ble a hypocrisy. Nor is it deemed indispen- sably necessary that men, otherwise loyal, should profess now to hold the doctrines which they have endeavored to maintain by the sword as false and heretical ab initio. For forty years and more they have been educated to believe the false and dangerous heresy which bore them the bitter fruits they reaped from the attempt at rebellion. It would be unrea- sonable to require, as it would be impossible to e.xpect, that these people should all of a sudden sincerely and honestly believe that the principle for which they contended was false, because those who professed it have been routed upon the field. What we requii-e and have a right to require of them is that they abandon that doctrine as a principle of action for the future. We have lost too many of our people in this war, we have shed too much blood and lost too much property and spent too much money to be altogether indifferent about the legitimate fruits of our dearly bought victory. We fought for Union, for the integrity, the immortality of our Government, and by the help of God we have conquered. We owe it to ourselves and to posterity to assure the one and the other against danger in the fu- ture. Wc therefore demand a searching, ade- quate, and irrevei'sible guarantee of future practical loyalty. That demand is the sum and substance of the Administration policy, which it has lately become the fashion to scoff at. Here is the "policy" in the exact language of President Johnson. I quote from his annual message to Congress, of the 4th December, 18G5, a state paper that for clearness, terseness, cogency, and elegance has never been sur- passed, and that for broad and catholic states- manship and heroic intrepidity has taken the world by surprise : "It is not too much to ask, in the name of the whole people, that on the one side the plan of resto- ration shall proceed in conformity with a willingness to cast the disorders of the past into oblivion ; and that on the other the evidence of sincerity in the future maintenance of the Union shall be put beyond any doubt by the ratification of the proposed amend- ment to the Constitution, which provides for the abolition of slavery forever within the limits of our country. "The adoption of the amendment reunites us be- yond all power of disruption. It heals the wound that is still imperfectly closed; it removes slavery, the element which has so long perplexed and div ided the country; it makes of us once more a united peo- ple, renewed and strengthened, bound more than ever to mutual affection and support." And again : "As noState can throwa defense over thecrime of treason, the power of pardon is exclusively vested in the executive government of the United States. In exercising thatpower I have taken every precaution to connect it with the clearest recognition of the binding force of the laws of the United States, and an unqualified acknowledgment of the great social change of condition in regard to slavery which has grown out of the war." Tlie same plan of restoration was embodied by President Lincoln ia his famous proclama- tion of July 18, 1864: To xcliom it may concern : Any proposition which embraces the restoration of peace, the integrity of the whole Union, and the abandonment of slavery, * * * * ^;]j be received and considered by the executive govern- ment of tlie United States, and will be met by liberal terms on other substantial and collateral points. To secure the definite, unequivocal, and ir- revocable surrender of slavery, the one only cause of rebellion, the one solitary root of disloyally, to secure it by the voluntary sur- render of the insurgents themselves, and to secure it by their legislative ratification of the constitutional amendment, acting upon it as States ; as States of and States in the Union ; as States of and in the Union under the Con- stitution ; not only so, but as States of the Union above the Constitution by actually exercising the supreme State prerogative of amendment, by, in fact, sharing the State omnipotence of organic creation ; this, then, was the aim and end of the Administration policy, this was the practical restoration of the Union. Contrasts are . sometimes more useful for purposes of illustration than analogies. With this view let us hear the bold and outspoken 6 leader of the House, speaking, as he fraakly admits, upon his own responsibility; but speaking, as he claims, with equal candor, "so as to secure perpetual ascendency to the party of the Union," or, as he otherwise phrases it, to "continue the Republican ascendency." "Two things are of vital importance" — I am quoting the distinguished gentleman from Pennsylvania, [Mr. Stevens] — "so to establish a principle that none of the rebel States shall be counted in any of the amendments of the Constitution until they are duly admitted into the family of States by the law-making power of their con- queror. For more than six months the amendment of the Constitution abolishing slavery has been rati- fied by the Legislatures of three fourths of the States that acted on its passage by Congress, and which had Legislatures, or which were States capable of acting, or required to act, on the question. "I take no account of the aggregation of white- washed rebels who without any legal authority have assembled in the capitals of the late rebel States and simulated legislative bodies." The reference is to the Legislatures elected in the several States by virtue originally of proclamations emanating from provisional gov- ernors appointed by the President ; all the electors and members being required to take the prescribed amnesty oath of allegiance to the Government, and acquiescence in martial emancipation. To proceed: " Nor do I regard with any respect the cunning by- play with which they deluded the Secretary of State by frequent telegraphic announcements that ' South Carolinahad adopted theamendment;' 'Alabamahas adopted the amendment, being the twenty-seventh State,' &c. This was intended to delude the people, and accustom Congress to hear repeated the names of thcao extinct States as if they were alive, when, in truth, they have now no more existence than the revolted cities of Latium, two thirds of whoso peo- ple were colonized and their property confiscated and their right of citizenship withdrawn by conquering and avenging Rome." Here we have outlined with the freedom and boldness of a master hand the framework of a plan which was at a very early day of the session (December 18) proposed for the con- sideration and adoption of Congress. This plan had for its basis the theory of "defunct," "dead," or "extinct States," or if that were adjudged impossible or absurd, then they were to be called "States out of the Union and now conquered Territories." In either case, that is, whether on the one hand they arc " not out of the Union but only dead carcasses lying within tlie Union," or whether on the other hand "they are and for four years have been out of the Union for all legal purposes" — in either of these hypotheses the logical sequence resulted that "being now conquered they are subject to the absolute disposal of Congress." This programme then goes on to dispose of them as subjugated foreign provinces, to man- acle their outlawed people, and hold them in- definitely as the mere slaves of Congress ; to force them ' ' to mingle with those to whom Con- gress shall extend the right of suffrage," and in that condition, excluded trom representa- tion, though subject to taxation, governed and disciplined by imported agents and commis- sioners, dragooned, court-martialed, and plun- dered, they are to be kept " for some years" "to eat the fruit of foul rebellion." Should this training fail to develop a spirit of earnest and sincere loyalty ; should the advantages of this school, in which with exquisite and inim- itable humor it is declared that theyare to learn the principles of freedom, "practice justice to all men," and "accustom themselves to make and to obey equal laws' ' appear to have been thrown away upon ingrates unable to appre- ciate and unwilling to profit by them, does the programme on that account fail? Not at all. It has but just begun to succeed. The remedy for obstinate disloyalty is at hand. Perma- nent, incurable disaiFection may read its fate very plainly in that of "the revolted cities of Latium, two thirds of whose people were colo- nized and their property confiscated and their right of citizenship withdrawn by conquering and avenging Rome." As a speculation upon disloyalty, this policy could not possibly be improved. If general confiscation of property, under pretext, is what is wanted, no surer road to it can be found. It is a process which, if put in operation upon a community whose loyalty was immaculate, would speedily convert it into a community of rebels. Why, sir, I believe that the spir- ited people of my own native State of Vermont, teased by so tormenting a tyranny, would in- dignantly revolt and turn upon their oppress- ors at every hazard and against all odds. If they did not, they would not prove their legit- imate descent from those gallant men of 1781, upon whom Ethan Allen relied in his demand on behalf of the self-constituted State of Ver- mont for her immediate admission into the Union and representation in the Continental Congress. " lie declared to that body that no person could dispute his attachment to and sufferings in the cause of his country; but he did not hesitate to assert that Vermont had an indubitable right to agree on terms of cessation of hostilities with Great Britain, pro- vided the United States persist in rejecting her appli- cation for a union with the States. Vermont, of all people, would be the most miserable were sheobliged to defend the independence of the United States, and they at the same time at full liberty to overthrow and ruin the independence of Vermont. I am persuaded, when Congress consider the circumstances of this State, they will not bo more surprised that I have transmitted these letters [lettersfrom British emissa- ries containing treasonable overtures] than that I have kept them in custody; for I am as resolutely determined to defend the independence of Vermont a.s Congress are that of the United States, and rather than submit will retire with the hardy Green mount- ain boys into the desolate caverns of the mountains and wage war with human nature at large." — Hos- Jcins's History of Vermont, page 102. Such was the resolute and defiant attitude maintained by the infant State of Vermont, de- manding of Congress admission into the Union as a right, although her independence had never been recognized nor her sovereignty established ; and even her l)Oundaries were dis- puted and her tei'ritory claimed by the neigh- boring States. And yet the memory of the bold Ethan Allen is to-day as much revered for that spirited and emphatic declaration to Congress as for his famous reply to the British commander of Ticonderoga, asking by what authority he demanded its surrender: " I de- mand it in the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress! " The congressional treatment of the eleven States lately in insurrection, according to the plan of the gentleman from Pennsylvania, is so well adapted to provoke continued hostility to the Government and goad a maddened pop- ulation into imbecile and desperate resistance that the extreme resort of confiscation which would then be justified has already been antici- pated by an elaborate calculation. Four thou- sand million dollars are to be raised by sale of lands and such other property as can be found. Four billions of money, mark you, to be raised out of a country blasted by a devastating war, out of a people stripped and picked by rebel sequestration, their whole slave property and their entire circulating medium annihi- lated ; a people at this moment, many of them, begging their victuals and clothes of the North ! This programme of dissolution and recon- struction is of course incomplete without "h, series of amendments to the Constitution, all of which are to be consummated " before the defunct States are admitted to be capable of State action." " They ought never to be recognized as capable of acting in the Union or of being counted as valid States until the Constitution shall have been so amended as to make it what its framers intended, and so as to secure perpetual ascendency to the party of the Union," &c. The first of these amendments is to change the basis of representation from Federal num- bers to actual voters. The others are to allow Congress to lay a duty on exports, to make all laws uniform, to prohibit the assumption of the rebel debt, and lastly, to extend the right of suffrage to the emancipated blacks, although upon this point there seems to be some doubt as to whether the result may not be reached by direct congressional action. In either case, whether by constitutional amendment or by legislation, universal negro sulTrage must be enforced as well "to continue the Republican ascendency" as because "without the right of suffrage in the late slave States the slaves had far better been left in bondage. ' ' As an earnest of the enforcement of this policy, and as a pledge of the principle on which this Congress would legislate for Terri- tories over which it claimed jurisdiction, the action of this House, at a very early period of the session, may be cited. A bill passed the House in January estab- lishing universal negro suffrage in the District of Columbia. This was done by a valid exer- cise of power, Congress having by the Consti- tution exclusive legislation over this District in all cases. It was done, ho-.vcver, in direct vio- lation of the wishes of the people of the Dis- trict, and against the almost unanimous protest of the legal and qualified voters. It was not called for by the public sentiment of the coun- try. Since the breaking out of the rebellion, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Connecticut had been asked to enfranchise the 8- few colored men within their limits. They all refused. In the State of New York it assumed the form of a proposition to permit negro suf- frage without a property qualification. In 1860 such a proposition had been defeated by — yeas 197,503, nays 337,984. In 1864, after the pre- sumed advance of public sentiment upon this question, a like proposition was defeated by — yeas 85,406, nays 224,336. In August, 1862, a vote was had in the State of Illinois on sev- eral propositions relating to negroes and mulat- toes, with this result: For excluding them from the State 171,893 Against 71,306 100,587 Against granting thorn [suffrage or the right to hold office 211,920 For 35,649 176,271 For the enactment of laws to prohibit them from going to or voting in the State 198,938 Against 44,414 154,524 As late as the autumn of 1865 the people of Connecticut refused by over six thousand majority to enfranchise the handful of colored men residing among them. An effort was made in the Thirty- Eighth Congress to incor- porate the feature of negro suffrage in the bill to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Montana. It failed ; and among those who voted persistently against negro suf- frage in this new Territory, where there were perhaps no negroes at all, are the names of the entire Maryland delegation, consisting at that time (1864) of Messrs. Creswell, Henry Winter Davis, Harris, Thomas, and Webster. After so many and such decided manifesta- tions of public opinion, showing unmistakably that the people of this country are inflexibly opposed to a general and promiscuous inter- mingling with negroes at the polls and in public office, it was scarcely to be OKpected that the repudiated doctrine should be forced upon the protesting population of this District. Whatever reasons may be urged in support of universal suffrage in general, they all fail in the case of a municipal corporation. There are no people or interests within the limits of the District of Columbia of any importance that are not included within the corporate franchises of the cities of Washington and Georgetown. There is no voting done in the District except for the municipal officers of the two corporations. It was therefore unfortunate that the political experiment of universal negro suffrage should first be applied to a city corporation, in which the horde of voters thus manufactured were, with scarcely an exception, without a particle of interest in the body whose franchises they were made to share, and whose funds they were assigned to control. Up to this time the rash feat of legislation remains a failure under the silent veto of the Senate and the dead weight of public opinion. It is signifi- cant, however, of the fate in store for eleven States, under the false doctrine that by at- tempted secession they have consummated the dissolution of the Union, and by the failure of their insurrection, the surrender of their insur- gent armies, and full and complete submission to the authority of the Government and obedi- ence to its laws, have done no more nor less than lapse into the condition of conquered territories, subject to the absolute disposal of Congress. I do not propose to review in detail the ar- guments or to discuss the authorities by which this doctrine has been maintained. I have been surprised, upon a question of such mo- ment, at a crisis in our country's history of such transcendent gravity, to encounter a line of reasoning so utterly fallacious. The pivot of the whole argument is the concession of bel- ligerent rights. Humanity required an observ- ■ ance of those restraints and courtesies which are due to an enemy by the law of nations. Cartels for the exchange of prisoners, and flags of truce to bury the dead, are therefore pointed to as the evidences of a state of war between independent foreign nations. That is what this argument amounts to, and nothing more. I was still more astonished to find the narrow technical doctrine of estoppel drawn from its proper sphere in the county court to reenforce this feeble logic. South Carolina must be held to be out of the Union because her convention and Legislature roundly afiirmed that she was in so many words. Notwithstanding the Gov- 9 ernment took issue vi'ith South Carolina upon that identical proposition, denying that she was out of the Union in law, and in fact mak- ing good that traverse by wager of battle, still South Carolina, under this doctrine of estoppel, must; be held to have succeeded from the very fact of failure, and the Government to have failed from the very fact of success. Sir, we have had a war for union, not for disunion. We have fought, not to consum- mate secession, but to prevent it. We were called forth, and we went forth, to put down treason, to enforce the laws, to crush out rebel- lion, to maintain the Government, and to save the Union. With our martyred leader we first tried to save the Union with slavery and we failed. We then tried to save it without sla- very and we succeeded. We did not fight to secure the ascendency of a party, or to kqpp any man or set of men in office, but we fought for our country, for its Constitution, and its flag. It was on this principle that the great con- test began, and it was on this principle, held steadily in view by every department of the Government that it was prosecuted to a success- ful issue. These principles were clearly set forth by President Lincoln in his various proclama- tions and messages, letters and speeches. In his first inaugural, March 4, 18G1, he laid down the correct doctrine, from which, to the day of his death, he never departed : "It follows that na State upon its own mere mo- tion can lawfully get out of the Union ; that resolves and ordinances to that eflfect are legally void; and that acts of violence within any State or States against the authority of the United States are insur- rectionary or revolutionary, according to circum- stances. I consider, therefore, that in view of the Constitution and laws, the Union is unbroken, and to the extent of my ability I shall take care, as the Constitution itself expressly enjoins upon me, that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the States." The executive department, speaking through the Secretary of State, explicitly declared to all the world that — "The Congress of the United States furnishes a constitutional forum fordebate between the alienated parties. Senators and Representatives from the loyal portion of the people are thus already fully empow- ered to confer; and seats also are vacant and invit- ing Senators and Representatives from the discon- tented party who may be constitutionally sent there from the States involved in the insurrection." To the same principle Congress also is com- mitted by its acts and resolutions. The act of August, 18G1, laying a direct tax of $20,000,000 upon the United States, apportions that sum among the several States, includingall the States then in rebellion by name. Thus Virginia is recognized as still a State within the Union : " To the State of Virginia, $937,530,067." And so with North Carolina, South Carolina, and all the eleven. Each is taxed byname, and each is named as a State, as in the case of the loyal States. The act of Congress of March 4, 18G2, under which the present House of Representatives was chosen, recognizes the right of these States to representation, in terms. Thus we have the great fact that these States were living States, States of this Union, States subject to taxation and entitled to representa- tion, conclusively settled by Congress itself, and settled at the very time when the people of those States were actually in flagrant insurrec- tion. If doubt should still exist as to the true intent and meaning of these acts let Congress be its own Interpreter. The record here is fa- miliar but cannot be too often repeated. It is one of the great landmarks in this controversy and should always be kept in sight. In July, 1861, a resolution was adopted by such large majorities in both Houses of Congress a»5 amounted virtually to unanimity, declaring: " That this war is not prosecuted upon our part in any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose of con- quest or subjugation, nor purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institu- tions of those States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution and all laws made in pursuance thereof, and to preserve the Union with all the dignity, equality, and rights of the several States unimpaired ; that as soon as these objects are accom- plished the war ought to cease." The principle thus emphatically pronounced by Congress and the Executive was the com- mon sentiment and universal understanding of the whole country throughout the entire period of the rebellion. It was afliirmed by State Le- gislatures ; it was announced in party platforms ; it was enforced everywhere by loyal speak- ers and the loyal press. It was significantly recognized by the Union national convention which admitted the delegations from Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana, upon an equal foot- . \ 10 iiig with the other States, following in this respect the example of Congress, and presented the name of Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee,' to the suffrages of the American people as the Union candidate for Vice President of the Uni- ted States. It was triumphantly sustained at the ballot-box by the nation at large. And it is the same Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, who is to-day laboring to apply that same prin- ciple, in perfect harmony and consistency with his own record and with the known wishes of the lamented Lincoln, surrounded and sup- ported by a Cabinet of Lincoln's selection. The evidence of the recognition of these States as States in the Union, by force of the combined authority of both Congress and the Executive, culminates in their ratification of the great con- stitutional amendment as declared by the offi- cial certificate of the Secretary of State. That certificate was officially published on the 18th of December, 18G5, in pursuance of an-act of Congress, (April 20, 1818,) providing that when the State Department shall have been officially notified that any proposed amendment to the Constitution had been adopted according to the provisions of that instrument — "It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, forthwith, to cause the said amendment to be pub- lished" * * * * "specifying the States by which the same may have been adopted, and that the same has become valid." After reciting the amendment, the certificate of the Secretary of State proceeds as follows: "And whereas it appears from official documents on file in this Department that the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, proposed as afore- said, has been ratified by the Legislatures of the States of Illinois, Rhode Island. Michigan, Maryland. New York, West Virginia, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, In- diana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, and Geor- gia, in all twenty-seven States; and whereas the whole number of States in the United States is thirty- six; and whereas the before specially named States whose Legislatures have ratified the said proposed amendment constitute three fourths of the whole number of States in the United States: " Now, therefore, be it known that I. William II. Seward, Secretary of State, by virtue and in pursu- ance of the second section of the act of Congress approved the 20th of April, 1818, entitled 'An act to provide for the publication of the laws of the United States, and for other purposes,' do hereby certify that the amendment aforesaid has become valid to all intents and purposes aa a part of the Constitution of the United States." Thus, by the joint authority of both Congress and the Executive, eight States that are claimed to be out of the Union, or dead States within the Union, from their participation in a rebel- lion for slavery, are finally and conclusively recognized as constitutional States of the Union for the highest of all purposes. It is a fortu- nate and auspicious circumstance that the high- est proof that could be offered of their legal and constitutional staUis is connected with the strongest guarantee that could be given of their repentance for the past and their loyalty in the future. I use the word "repentance'" designedly. True repentance consists not in loud- mouthed professions. It consists in "bringing forth fruits meet for repentance." How much the South was chastened, humbled, and punished by the stern hand of war, he only can esti- mate who remembers the strange, infatuated fondness with which her people clung to their peculiar institution, and who appreciates the vastamountofwealth represented by it. It must not be forgotten by those whose clamors for the punishment of traitors grow incessantly louder as the danger from treason grows less, that in addition to the loss of the flower of the southern manhood in battle ; in addition to the utter annihilation of the entire circulating medium in the pockets of these people and of the invested wealth in their safes ; in addi- tion to the wide-spread devastation and ruin of a desolating war, the crowning punishment of confiscation has already been their portion. Emancipation was punishment to every man who owned a slave. I have always believed that treason was a crime. Myself, I shrank from it as from pollution, until the time came to close with it in a death-grapple. For the leaders of rebellion, those who fired the south- ern heart and precipitated revolution, I have no sympathy, even now, in their disgrace. I have believed that treason ought to be pun- ished, and I believe that it has been punished. If there be those who still thirst for vengeance, there may be exceptions, but I believe that they belong principally to that classof patriots who, in the words of General Sherman, "shun the fight and the march, and are loudest, bravest, and fiercest when danger is past." 11 In the view which I have taken of the great constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, it appears in a fourfold aspect : 1. As a surrender of the cause of the war. 2. As a pledge of sincerity in accepting the result of the war. 3. As a guarantee of future loyalty. 4. As a punishment for treason, by confisca- tion. Is anything else wanted to pacify the coun- try, consolidate the Union, wheel one broken column of States into one bristling line of bat- tle, and march with solid, unbroken front against imperialism in America and despotism through- out the world? Is anything else to be done before confidence can be restored at home, trade revived, finances strengthened, currency settled, and resources developed ? The freedmen must be cared for and pro- tected in their rights. I admit the necessity. It is already pi-ovlded for. Under the second section of the amendment Congress has all necessary power over the subject. With the learned gentleman from Ohio, [Mr. Bingham,] I had constitutional scruples about the civil rights bill which I could not overcome even for the pleasure of reversing a veto. But that bill is now a law ; it will probably be several years before it is judicially negatived ; in the mean time the freedmen under its operation are secure, and the public sentiment around them will gradually make all special legislation un- necessary. Is anything else demanded? " Traitors must be kept from ruling the country they strove to ruin.'' " Loyal men must govern a preserved republic." That is my belief. That exigency also has been foreseen and provided for. You have a test oath searching and stringent enough to satisfy the most exacting. Under it no traitor can enter Congress or hold a Federal ofiicc. I ask you now to administer that oath to Maynard and Stokes and Cooper, and to other brave and loyal Representatives from Tennessee. I ask for the immediate and unconditional admis- sion of the Tennessee delegation on the floor of this House upon an equal footing with those of us who come from other loyal States. It is too late to argue the claims of that State. The whole country knows them by heart. During a great portion of the war Tennessee was act- ually represented in Congress ; in this House by Maynard, in the Senate by Andrew Johnson, the serajjli Abdiel of the great rebellion : "Faithful found Among the faithless, faithful only he ; Among innumerable false, unmoved, Unshalicn, unseduced, unterrified, His loyalty he kept, his love, his zeal." All the evidence taken by the joint commit- tee on reconstruction concui's in the propriety of the prompt admission of her representa- tives to prevent the warm and glowing loyalty of her people from being chilled, as the loyalty of any people would be, by a persistent and contemptuous ostracism. General Fisk, the commissioner of the Freed- men' s Bureau for Tennessee and Kentucky, headquarters at Nashville, Tennessee, testifies as follows: "Tennessee abolished slavery by her own action; she elected a Governor by the people; she repudi- ated the rebel debt; she ratified the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, and did all that with- out executive indication or inauguration. Tennes- see furnished thousands for the defense of the Union. All this is to her advantage, and were I a member of the Senate or House of Representatives of Congress I would vote most cheerfully to admit the delegation from Tennessee, believing that in .so doing I would be taking a step that would increase the loyal senti- ment of the State, and which would promote the tran- quillity and prosperity of the State." The testimony of General George H. Thomas is equally emphatic upon this point ; and, in fact, there is but one opinion among all ac- quainted with the actual condition of the peo- ple of that State. Why not, then, admit the Tennessee delegation? Is anything else de- manded? Mr. Speaker, I had hoped that the joint committee of fifteen, composed as it Is of gen- tlemen of character, experience, and ability, would have given us, as the result of their protracted labors, some proposition on which all loyal men might unite. I did hope in the beginning that within a week after their organ- ization, at least when Congress reassembled in January, they would report in favor of the immediate admission of the representatives of Tennessee. I believe that a majority of the House were prepared to admit those Repre- sentatives on any day when the question could be fairly got before them. Their admission 12 lias been delayed, and now, under the opera- tion of the reconstruction programme recently reported from that •committee, it appears that the State of Tennessee is to be indefinitely excluded from the Union. I say indefinitely, because her admission is made to depend upon the ratification by three fourths of the States of a series of constitutional amendments, which three fourths of all the States will never rat- ify. It is not enough that Tennessee herself ratifies the amendment. That does not entitle her, by this scheme, to the recognition of Con- gress. If the real intention had been to en- courage southern loyalty by discriminating in its favor, the plan would have recognized States as they successively wheeled into line upon the platform. Not only are these States to be excluded until every one of these amendments shall have become part of the Constitution, but each is required, by the third section of the amend- ment, to disfranchise nearly the whole of its voting population. Disfranchisement is a war measure, and in time of rebellion is almost as necessary a means of defense as an army. It is altogether unsuited to a condition of peace, and, in feet, there can be no real peace in any community where such a proscriptive policy is long persisted in. It is unfortunately true that in most of these States the mass of the popula- tion "adhered to the late insurrection, giv- ing it aid and comfort." Whether "volun- tarily" or not would be, in the majority of cases, a nice question of casuistry. After the tri- umphant suppression of a revolt it is not wise or statesmanlike to go back for a minute in- quisition into past offenses and canvass calmly and leisurely the by-gone effervescences of fierce excitement. "Let the dead past bury its dead." There are doubtless at the South inveterate, malignant, bitter, revengeful rebels. There are men there who, if tried for treason, lawfully convicted, and sentenced to be hung, could not succeed in getting my signature to an application for executive clemency. Such men are a curse to any country. Such men brought on the rebellion, and such men are to-day doing the South more harm by their loud-mouthed ranting and offensive demonstra- tions than all the radicals in the country. I believe such cases to be more numerous in Maryland and the other border States than in the confederacy itself. I believe such cases to be less numerous among the survivors of the late rebel army than in the great army of "sym- pathizers," marching like Noah's animals into the ark, male and female. On that side, as on ours, there is a class whom General Sherman's description was made to fit, "A class who shun the march »nd the fight, and are loudest, bravest, and fiercest when danger is past." Such men, though few in number and con- temptible in power, attract attention from the noise they make. One grasshopper makes siore noise in a field than a herd of cattle. As a ques- tion of propriety, I should like to see such men suppressed ; by disfranchisement if that would get rid of them. But, unfortunately, no practicable test can be found to discriminate such men from others whom it is not politic nor right to proscribe. I refer to men "who did go into rebellion, but who, having taken the amnesty oath, mean in good faith to keep it." Such men are loyal men, and loyal men ought to participate in the government of the country. Sir, I know men who have done, and are now doing, yeoman service in the Union cause who could not liter- ally swear that they had never "voluntarily adhered to the late insurrection, giving it aid and comfort. ' ' Are such men to be now kicked out into the limbo of traitors ? God forbid ! Let us rather take them by the hand and en- courage them to persevere. Likely as not, they will one day get far beyond us in the prog- ress of loyalty, aud turn back to reproach us for our want of zeal ! No, sir, you will have to abandon this sweeping indiscriminate pro- scription of a whole population, that is, if you are in earnest when you say "it is expedient that the States lately in insurrection should at the earliest day consistent with the future peace and safety of the Union be restored to full par- ticipation in all political rights." If you are not in earne£*t, but only want an issue to dis- turb the minds of the people of the North by telling them from the stump frightful stories about the people of the South to prevent their participation in the next presidential election, and thus "to secure the Republican ascend- 13 ency;" why then keep it in, and let an intelli- gent people decide the issue. The first section of the proposed amendment is as follows : No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due pro- cess of law, nor deny to any person within its juris- diction the equal protection of the laws. By the fifth section — The Congress shall have power to enforce, by ap- propriate legislation, the provisions of this article. And by the bill accompanying the proposed amendment, entitled "A bill to provide for the restoration of the States lately in insurrection to their full political rights," it is required, as a condition -precedent to the admission into Congress of the Senators^ and Representatives from such State, that it shall have modified its constitution and laws in conformity with the amendments. By ''citizensof the United States" are meant persons of color, they being declared such by act of Congress. The "privileges or immuni- ties" of citizens are such as Congress may by law ascertain and define. I presume it will not be denied that under this amendment,if adopted, it would be for Congress to define and determine bylaw in what the "privileges and immuni- ties" of citizens of the United States coftsist, in like manner as Congress has already, under the constitutional amendment abolishing sla- very and conferring the power to enforce its abolition by appropriate legislation, detcr'mitied that the emancipated blacks are "citizens of the United States," and defined in what their civil rights as such citizens consist. An act of Congress to define the privileges and immunities of citizens could and doubtless would be made to include the privileges of voting, serving upon juries, and of holding office. Those privileges must, then, be incor- porated into the constitution and laws of each of the States excluded before they have com- plied with the terms prescribed. Civil rights are limited to suing and testifying in courts, holding property, and being amenable to the same punishments as other citizens. "Privi- leges and immunities ' ' are a much broader and more comprehensive term, and may, by defini- tion, include suffrage, jury duty, and eligibility to office. It might, indeed, be argued that even in the absence of a declaratory law, these franchises are necessarily conferred upon all "citizens of the United States" by the simple terms of the amendment itself With such a law, negro suffrage and eligibility is at once enforced over the whole country ; in the excluded States by virtue of the provision requiring them to mod- ify their constitution and laws as a condition- precedent to representation ; in the loyal States by virtue of the provision giving Congress power to enforce the provisions referred to by appropriate legislation. It is no recommendation to me that this covert introduction of negro suffrage is so artfully framed as almost to escape observation and avoid odium. I would much rather vote for a direct, honest, manly proposition that all men could understand at once, than for an equivo- cal process accomplishing the same result by machinery. If it is wise, statesmanlike, patri- otic, or proper'to take from the States the qual- ifications of voters, and to enforce at this time over the length and breadth of the land uni- versal negro suffrage and eligibility, then, sir, let us make the issue visible and face it like men. The second and fourth sections relate to the basis of representation and the repudiation of the rebel debt and of claims for emancipated slaves. That relating to the basis of representation is founded upon a correct principle, and if submitted in connection with a proposition looking to the immediate and unconditional admission of the representation of Tennessee and Arkansas would probably remove all diffi- culty. No special objection would be made to the fourth section, although I regard it as wholly unnecessary. The idea that under any combi- nation of parties in the future this Congress would ever entertain a proposition to pay the rebel debt or compensate the owners of eman- cipated slaves is too trifling to govern the action of statesmen. As for the individual States, they have all, or nearly all, incorporated such a provision in their constitutions, and If they had not they are not able by any process to escape 14 the payment of their proportion of the national delDt. The collection laws of the Government operate directly upon individuals and upon property in all the States. It will be as much as the people of those States can do for many years to pay their share of the Federal taxes, and the danger of their assuming the debt of the exploded confederacy or the payment of claims for emancipated slaves is, in my judg- ment, wholly imaginary. A few words with respect to the present con- dition and future prospects of the southern States generally, and I have done. As to the disposition of the people of these States, there are two lights to guide us to a judgment. One is by way of inference or logi- cal deduction from the necessities of their situa- tion; the other is positive testimony. After all is said about rebels that can be said, they are but human beings governed by like motives and actuated by self-interest with other mortals. Obviously this interest prompts them to renew and strengthen their allegiance to the Govern- ment. The surrender of slavery has left them without a motive for rebellion. Loyalty, which means habitual obedience to law, is man's normal condition in so-ciety. These people must necessarily settle into that condition, if not prevented by maladministration. Their strongest desire now is naturally to be com- pletely restored to the full enjoyment of their political privileges as members of the Union. This desire has increased with the difficulties thrown in their way. I was not of those who wished to see the Representatives elected from these States resuming their seats in this Hall on the first day of the session as though nothing had happened. I was perfectly willing to have them subjected to an ordeal of reasonable delay, one result of which would be to increase their appreciation of the privilege they sought. It is their interest now to overthrow the dogma of secession, since a legitimate application of it results in fixing their status as aliens and sub- jugated. The only interest they ever had in upholding it was as a means of protecting, in the last resort, their peculiar institution. They will gradually, but surely, become fixed in sound principles of constitutional construction, from the very necessities of the situation. It seemed at one time absurd to suppose that the present generation could ever form a sin- cere attachment to the Federal Government or any department of it. And yet the forgiving disposition manifested by our lamented Pres- ident Lincoln caused the death of him whom they had loathed to be sincerely mourned as a calamity to the South. The unexpected clem- ency exhibitedby President Johnson, compelled by the exigencies of his great office and the moderate counsels of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, to leave harsh and vindictive utterances, hot from the boiling caldron of civil war, unreal- ized in time of peace, soon won for the execu- tive department of the Government the confi- dence and even affection of the majority of the southern masses. Their interest in the legis- lative branch of the Government will return at once with their admission to a participation in it. After a careful and anxious survey of the sit- uation, made under an awful sense of respon- sibility to my country and to history, with no personal predilection or private interest that I am aware of to warp my judgment toward the conclusion it has reached, but with prejudices and interests all bearing in an opposite direc- tion, I am constrained to believe that all further guarantees, by way of constitutional amendment or otherwise, as conditions-precedent to a cau- tious and discriminating admission of loyal Representatives from States and districts whose inhabitants have been in insurrection, but who now present themselves in an attitude of loy- alty and harmony, are unnecessary, impolitic, unstatesmanlike, and prejudicial to the peace and welfare of the country. The guarantees we have, and which I deem sufficient, are: 1. The constitutional amendment abolishing slavery and conferring upon Congress ample power to enforce it ; and 2. A loyal army of one million fighting men, just as determined to stamp outtrfiason should it dare to show itself in the future, as they have proved themselves able to deal with it in the past. The direct testimony as to the actual condi- tion of the southern people is of course con- flicting. I have, however, seen nothing which has materially shaken my confidence in the 15 evidence of Lieutenant General Grant. His opportunities for observation have been ample, his judgment is not biased by partisanship, his sound common sense, his knowledge of human nature, his keen penetration and almost intui- tive discernment of character are the most solid pillars upon which his great reputation rests. His testimony is substantially corroborated by that of Major General Sheridan, furnished at a later period. General Grant testifies as follows: "I am satisfied that the mass of thinking men of the South accept the present situation of affairs in good faith. The questions which liave heretofore divided the sentiment of the people of the two sections — slavery and State rights, or tlie right of a State to secede from the Union — they regard as having been settled forever by the highest tribunal— arms— that man can resort to. I was pleased to learn from the leading men whom I met that they not only accepted the decision arrived at as final, but, now that the smoke of battle has cleared away and time has been given for reflection, that this decision has been a fortunate one for the whole country, they receiving like benefits from it with those who opposed them in the field and in council. " Four years of war, during which law was executed only at the point of the bayonet throughout the States in rebellion, have left the people possibly in a condi- tion not to yield that ready oljedience to civil au- thority the American people have generally been in the habit of yielding. This would render the pres- ence of small garrisons throughout these States ne- cessary until such time as labor returns to its proper channel, and civil authority is fully established. I did not meet any one. cither those holding places under the Government or citizens of the southern States, who think it practicable to withdraw the mil- itary from the South at present. The white and the black mutually require the protection of the General Government. " There is such universal acriuiescenee in the author- ity of the General Government throughout the por- tions of the country visited by mo that the mere presence of a military force, without regard to num- bers, is sufBeient to maintain order. The good of the country and economy require that the force kept in the interior, where there are many freedmen, (else- where in the southern States than at forts upon the sea-coast no force is necessary,) should all bo white troops. The reasons for this are obvious without mentioning many of them. The presence of black troops, lately slaves, demoralizes labor, both by their advice and by furnishing in their camps a resort for thefrecdmen for longdistances around. AVliite troops generally excite no opposition, and therefore a small number of them can maintain order in a given dis- trict. Colored troops must be kept in bodies suf- ficient to defend themselves. It is not the thinking men who would use violence toward any class of troops sent among them by the General Government, but the ignorant in some places might; and the late slave seems to be imbued with the idea that the property of his late master should, by right, belong to him, or at leastshould have no protection from the colored soldier. There is danger of collisions being brought on by such causes. " My observations lead me to the conclusion that the citizens of the southern States are anxious to return to self-government within the Union as soon as pos- sible; that while reconstructing they want and re- quire protection from theGovernment; that theyare in earnest in wishing to do what they think is required by the Government, not humiliating to them as cit- izens, and if such a course were pointed out they would pursue it in good faith. It is to be regretted that there cannot be a greater commingling at this time between the citizens of thetwosections, and particularly with those intrusted with the law-making power." Mr. Speaker, it is not well that the people should be deceived in this matter, nor can they be. The question is simply one of union or disunion. Let the issue be frankly made and squarely met. Let the great contest be made under no doubtful colors, with trumpets sound- ing no uncertain sound, and may God defend the right! For myself, I wish no new war-crj'. I want to see no new motto emblazoned upon the victori- ous flag of my country. I will recognize none that has not been with it under fire. "Liberty and Union! " words embroidered there by the eloquence of Webster, are still proudly borne upon its folds. Let them remain there, with all the added signifiance that the great war for liberty and Union has imparted ; with univer- sal liberty secured for all the inhabitants of the land, and Union, unconditional Union, the determined aim of all who rally around it.