Class b .^01 Book / ^ r ' r r I ,«5« • <= ^ °7 ■ > • , ^«. FIRST REUNION / 'WOF THE-w— 2th Iowa V. V. Infantry, /C^'-' vSHELD AT«, MANCHESTER, IOWA, .JtiONro^- — Tuesday and Wednesday, April 6th and 7th, 1880. r^UBUQPE, IOWA: TIMES PRINTING HOUSE. 1880. FIRST REUNION — Ol? THE— I2th IOWA INFANTRY, The tirst Re-union of the 12th Iowa Infantry had its origin in Dela- ware County, in December, 1879. At an informal meeting of a few of the regiment, at Delhi, at whicli were present Lieut. Abner Dunham, Col. S. G. Knee, Major G. H. Morrisey and Lieut. C. E. Merriam, it was determined that a Re- union should be had, at Manchester, on the 6th and 7th of April, 1880, tliat being the anniversary of the battle of Shiloh. At this meeting the following Officers for the Re-union were ap- pointed, viz: S. G. Knee, President; D. B. Henderson, Vice President; Abner Dunham, Secretary; G» H. Morrisey, R. W. Tirrill, C. E. Merriam. Executive Committee. Then followed several meetings, at which Lieut. J. E. Simpson and others were present, with the Committee and Officers, and the Secretary issued the following Call : rWELEl H REGIMENT IOWA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Dear Comrade :— At a preliminary meeting of a number of the officers and members of the Twelfth Regiment, held at Delhi, Delaware Coantj, December 27th. 1879, to consult as to the propriety of having a Reunion of the surviving members, it was unanimously resolved that such meeting should be held. At this meeting. Col. S. G. Knee, of Colesburg, was chosen President, Col. D. B. Henderson, of Dubuque, Vice President, and Lieut. Abner Dunham, of Manchester, Secretary, who, together with Major Geo. H. Morrisey, of Delhi, and Mr. C. E. Merriam, of Hopkinton, were constituted an Executive Committee, and empowered to call a meeting of the Regiment at such time and place as they should deem appropriate. FIRST REUNION OF THE They have, accordiiiAY FORESrOOJV. Meki'Ing of the Comrades at the Tuains. General Hand Shaking. TUESDAY AFTERNOOJT, 1:30 O'CI^OCK, Assembly. Address by the President. Business, Visiting. TUESDAY EVENING, I'.iiO O'CLOCK, Assembly at City Hall. Phayer, by Rev. D. Russell, 11th N. Y. Infantry, Music. Welcome BY the Mayor, Hon. C. Sanborn. Response by the President. Oration, by D. B. Henderson. Five Minute Drill in the Manual of Arms. by Co. C. 4th Regt. I. N, G. Song.— "Rally Round the Flag, Boys," by All. Tattoo. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. W'EDNESDAY MORNING. Six o'clock, Reveille. Nine o'clock, Assembly at City Hall. Business. Visiting. One o'clock, p. m.. Banquet and Toasts. Visiting, and Escorting Delegates to the Trains^ Banquet at Fords Hall. PROGRAMME FOR BANQUET. WednesdcY, I o'clock, F'. M. Grace by Rev. Alvah Day fsr Manchester. Banquet. Music. "The State and the Nation— Mutually Dependent and Independent." Response hy Major E. M. VanDuzee, of St. Paul. •'The AumV and Navy— The Safeg-uards of all Nations. Response by Hon. R. W. Tlrrill, Manchester. 'The Children of the 12th Iowa— God Bless them ! and may they live long to enjoy the Freedom that their Fathers, Living- and Dead, foug-ht to Secure." Response by Florence L. Dunham, Manchester. 'Hardtack and Coffee— The Reserves from which we daily drew Nerve and Inspiration." Response by Capt. E. B. Soper, Emmetsburg. Music. "The Girls we Left Behind us— The only Power that has made Prisoners of us all." Response by Harvey Smith, Waterloo. "History op the Twelfth Iowa Infantry." Capt. W. L. Henderson, Leroy, Minn. "The Wives, Mothers, Daughters and Sweethearts of the Twelfth Iowa -None Suffered More, none Complained less. Our Flag- Their Flag- Their Homes Our Hearts." Response by Lieut. J. E. Simpson, Dubuque. "Our Gallant Dead— The Noble Heroes who. although passed to the Shores of the Great Unknown, still Live in our Memories, and are Cherished as among the best of our number." Response by R. P. Clarkson, Dcs Moines. Music.-"The Red, White and Blue." Chorus by All. FIRST REUNION OF THE COMMITTEES. KXEt;UTIV'K COMMITTEE. 8. G. KNEE, President. D. B. HENDERSON, Vice President. ABNEK DUNHAM, Secretary. D. H. MORKISEY, C. E. MEKKIAM. IIKCEPTIOIT COMMITTEE. R. W. TIRRILL, W. II. GOODELL, JOHN OTIS. DECORATION COMMITTEE. MRS. E. ALLEN, MRS. F. BETHELL, MRS. A, M. SHERWOOD. MRS. E. HOAG, MRS. W. C, CAWLEY, MRS. T. W. ROBINSON, MRS. L. P. HUNT. FINANCE COMMITTEE, D. B. HENDERSON, G. H. MORKISEY, C. E. MERRIAM. COMMITTEE OF REGISTRATION OF MEMBERS, AND RESERVED SEATS AT CITY^ HALL,. C. E. MERRIAM, HARVEY SMITH, H. S. LILLAGAR. COMMITTEE ON TOASTS. R. P. CLARKSON, R. W. TIRRILL. COMMITTEE ON BANQUET. R. W. TIRRILL, S. G . KNEE, G. H MORRISEY. MRS. ABNER DUNHAM, MRS . W. N. BOYNGON, MRS. W. H. GOODELL, " F. BETHELL, " W. C. CAWLEY, H. A. MORSE. " A. M. SHERWOOD, " N. N, CORNISH, E. HOAG, " C. E. BRONSON, " C. H. DAY, L. P. HUNT, " T. W. ROBINSON, " E. R. CONGER, J. H. PRATT, " T. W. ROBINLON, " CHAS. BURNSIDE, M. BABCOCK, " M. F. LeROY, " H. HOYT, E. ALDEN, " H. C. GRAHAM, " E. G. RUNDELD, J. A. ABBOTT, " A. O. MOORE, " H. M. CONGER, A. S. BLAIR, MIS-:' .1. KINSJ.EY. MISS H. HOAG, MISS 0. MADISON, " N. BURNSIDE, " L. HONEY, L. ALLEN, " S. BAILEY, " N. PAXSON, H. TILTON, " L. McLAIN, TWELFTH IOWA V, V, INFANTRY THE GREAT REUNION. THE TWELFTH TOWA AT MANCH ESTEH. The tirst reunion of the surviving members of the veteran 12th regi- ment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry, took place in this city on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. To say it was tlie most successful meeting conveys the faintest idea of the occasion. From first to last it was the most inspiring and enthusiastic gathering ever seen in Manchester. After years of separation, the men who, for more than four long years had endured danger and privation, and untold suffering, who had to- gether faced death on many a battle field, who, many of them liad suf- fered the horrible torture of starvation and disease in Southern prison- pens, who had at last, broken in health and prematurely gray, come back to those for whom they conquered, once more found themselves face to face, and clasped hand in hand. What the emotion, what the feelings of these men must have been, words ai'e powerless to express. From the first hour of their arrival here, the sense of their presence and what they had done and what they endured, seemed to pervade the entire community. The people of Manchester and of the country round about, rose, as one man, to welcome the members of the old 12th and to do them honor. The patriotic fervor of the old war days seemed to be revived. The women of Manchester, especially, worked with unfiagging zeal, and to their efforts, in a large measure, is due the glorious succes^ of the reunion. Large numbers of the buildings were adorned with "flags and streamers showing the national colors, rows of flags were stretched from The Press office to the Clarence House, and from Thorpe Bros. ^o Lawrence & Lister's, and at the entrance of ^ he City Hall had been erected arches of evergreens, and the whole street was gay with flags of every description. The Decoration Committee deserves the highest credit for the man- ner in which they performed the arduous duties imposed upon them. The walls and chandeliers of the City Hall were fairly covered with most tastefully arranged evergreens and flags, among which were hung numerous pictures and mottoes, the whole combining to make a pleas- FIRST REUNION OF THE ing and spirited scene. On the proscenium of the stage hung the colors of the regiment, tattered and torn by storms and rebel bullets, and they were a most forcible reminder of the trials and vicissitudes tlirough which the brave men of the -'Old Twelfth" passed while fighting the battles of the union. In a recess in the scene at the back of the stage, was a large picture of General Grant, with a flag hanging on each side. On one side of the hall, near the stage, hung a picture of President Lincoln, and under it the words, "A government of the people, for the people and by the peo- ple.'' On the opposite wall was another picture of General Grant, and under it the words, "Let us have peace." In another place, surrounded by evergreens, hung a list of some of the battles participated in by the 12th Regiment. The battles named were Fort Donelson, Nashville, Spanish Fort, Vicksburg and Tupelo. The session opened Tuesday afternoon with music by the Manches- ter CornHt Band," after which Col. Knee, who w^as booked for an ad- dress, introduced Col. J. J. Woods, the first commander of the regiment, saying that at that time it would be an insult to ask those present to listen to any other man. Coi. Woods spoke in substance as follows: MyFelloav Soldiers of the 12tii Ioava:— I do not appear be- fore you to [)erform any duty, or fill any place assigned me by your committee ; but with great reluctance, and at the earnest solicita- tion of Col. Knee, your honored president, I consented to occupy his place. I am not large enough to fill it, but I thank him for allowing me to talk about what 1 please, and as long or short a time as I please. But upon tliis occasion my thoughts can only wander in one direc- tion. I am thinking of the time when, at the bugle call of our country, we came forth— farmers from their farms, mechanics from their shops, merchants from their counters, lawyers from their clients, doctors from their patients— enrolled ourselves, nearly one thousand strong, for the defense of our country. We recall the process of organization and drill; the sojourn at Benton Barracks, where death, by disease, began his inroad on our ranks; the bombardment of Fort Henry and the siege of Donelson, where our ranks wxre first thinned by rebel bullets. I re- call the moment when Buckner, of Co. A, the first man we lost in battle, fell ; how cold the following night was; how. the next day, we took the rebel rifle pits, and how, upon the third morning, the shout of triumi)h arose and i)assed from rank to rank, at beholding the white flag dis- played from the rebel ramparts, and Gen. Simon B. Buckner turned over his fortifications to '^Unconditional Surrender" Grant. But oh, how vividly is pictured u])on my brain the events of eif^hteen years ago to-dav. How we remember that Sabbath morning, when, instead of being summoned by the church bell to the worship of the livino- God, we were summoned bv tiie roar of cannon and the rattle of musketry to the work of carnage and death. You remember how hurriedly we formed our ranks of war and marched to the front, meet- in"- on the wav hundreds retiring to the rear with tales of woe and dis- aster; but you pressed forward and fearlessly took ui) your position in the front line of battle, and right nobly did you maintain it, repelling every charge or assault of the enemy and driving him back in confusion, until the troops upon your right and those on the left of the 8th and 14th Iowa gave way and left you to defend yourselves as best you could. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. You remember how you undertook to fight your way to the rear and sent deatli and destruction into the ranks of the enemy until many of your comrades were killed by your side, and I and many others fell wounded on tlie field of battle; and the only alternative was surrender or annihihiLion. If all had stood their ground as you did, the disaster of that day would never have been recorded. How sadly I felt when you were marched to the rear, while I, with wounded and dead com- rades, lay upon the battle field, enclosed by the foe. I recall how the rebelVieh. llardee, after some pleasant conversation, tried to elicit from nie facls in reference to our troops that might be of value to the rebel army ; and how a Fexas subaltern pointed a ])istol at my head and tlireatened to blow my brains out ; how I liad heard rebels boast of the brave deeds they had done that day, and how they would complete the great victory the next day; how, during that night, 1 listened to the groans of the dying, growing less and less as time wore on, and tiieir departed spirits returned to God who gave them. In the meantime, tl)e shells from our gunboats were bursting around us. At length the morning dawned, the morning of the day upon which, according to their boasts of the evening before, the enemy was to complete his vic- tory. Jiut soon I heard ihem tramping to the rear, and the cry from the rear. "The cavalry are getting on onr fianks!" and then the addi- tional cry, "'Jiuel has come!" >Soon I looked forth and joyfully beheld the fing of my country waving in the breeze, and gradually approaching nearer and nearer, i )h, how my heart leaped for joy ! Never did that fiag look so beautiful before. It gave assurrance of victory to our army. To me it was a resurrection from death unto life, for I would luive died in the rebel hands had I not been rescued. It told me that I sliould again see home, and wife and children. It told me more : It told me that I should live to try ag:ain the gage of battle with the enemy of uiy country, ui>on other fiekls of action. Oh, glorious fiag of my coun- try ! forever inay it wave over a happy and united people. But time would fail to recount the further history of our regiment — your release from i)rison, the reorganization of the regiment with dinunished numbers, the capture of Jackson, the siege of VicKsburg, Tupelo, and tlie various other engagements in which you bore a worthy part, bufiice it to say, that in all these engagements you proved your- selves to be the bravest of the brave. On the battle fields of the South, you won imperishable renown, whether engaged in the grand charge that won the day, as at Donelson, or staying the tide of threatened dis- aster, as at Shiloh. In marches and in skirmishps, in sieges and assaults in iittuck ar.d defense, by tlie heroism with wliich you faced death and danger in every form, by your intelligence and love of c vri r/ you proved that yon possessed the characteristics of true s ildieici in the highest degree, and yoni" noble aciiievements constitute a rich treasure in which all have an interest. My comrades, to-day we meet togetlier as the widely scattered mem- bers of a common household, after long years of sepMration. We come together under that dear old fiag, dear to the heart of every member of the regiment. We come, not now at the rallying cry of Vjattle, but to recall and contemplate the common joys, the common hopes, the com- mon toils, the common trials and sufferings through which, as mem- bers of the same regiment we were called to pass. We come with the most grateful and tender affection for the honored dead of our regi- ment, whose places among us are vacant to-day, and who went to their long rest from the battle field, from the hospital, from the prison pens of the South, and, more recencly, from their homes widely scattered throuji'iiout the land. They went down gloriously unto death, that the Kepnblic might ascend u]) gloriously unto life. To-day we miss the light that beamed from their countenances ; they are no longer among us, but— "On fame's eternal camping gi'ound. Their silent tents are spread." For them we can only shed the silent tear, and weep with the fathers 10 FIRST REUNION OF THE and mothers, the wives and children, whose hearts overflow with sor- row for their lost loved ones. My comrades, I have already passed the meridian of life, and am goin<; down llio wt^sterii declivity, but 1 assart; you that time has not diininished my lo\'e for liberLv, or country, nor dimmed my alfecLiou- ate regard for you, who, with me, si)ent some of your best years in their defense; and though the wounds we received and the hardsliips of the service, cause us some pain and atliiction, we bear it all with cheerful fo'-tilude, knowing that the necessities of the times demanded the sacrilice. And when 1 speak of my country, the idea in my mind is not that of any pent ui) Utica ; it is not conliued l)y municipal walls, nor limited by State boundiiries ; my country is not Ohio, though I w:;s l)orn there- it is not Kentucky or New York, although I was educated within their borders; it is not tue noble State of Iowa, though 1 married my wife within her i)recincts, and two of my lovely children he buried within her soil : it is not the beautiful land of Kansas, wliere I now dwell • but my country is wiiere floats that glorious Hag. and when for the last time I shall behold its starry folds, next to my hopes of a better life up yonder, will be the desire that my country may be great, anL'NiiA3i, Secretivry, Manchester, Iowa: My Deal- Sir: - Your favor of March loth, inviting me to be present at the reunion of the 12th re.nineut of Iowa Volunteers, is at haml It woukleive me persoiuilpleasure to accept, did not my official er- gagemenls prevent. ^ ^v^iai ci. of (h?^/."tf *'■ v'*'" '*l^ l->^' i^^^'^ illnnnnates a bright page in the historv ot tlie •ptaie You did well by your country in the hour of danger, and I ::m lieartily tlianktul ihaL so nviny of vou are spared to enioy tl-e u.essinn;s oi^ i)e;ice. \yoii by your regiment in connection with the other soldiers or Uie Liepublic's grand army. vn,„^^;-%^''!^^ t^Mch and all he spired for many years to meet around •y«.7/''^^^^^ '''^''^'^^ ;'."*' t^Slil^ your battles over, which in the days of Jbul-t were stern realities. rnv in'iri'S,'^ ^'?/' ^'7i\'""tee for the invitation, and again regretting my iiuibiiiLy to attend, I ain, o » &> Yours truly, JOHN H. GEAR. Sparta, White Co., Tenn., April 2, 1880. To tl>e Members of the Twelfth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, at their Re- union, April 6th, 1880: s.>o.S''\-M''''np4;.";^^f^f IT^''*'^ ^ ^^""^ "' consequence of my inabilitv to re- snond 111 person to the many urgent invitations I have received from ^.ea^'e,^' ban w'n? w.ll" "'^' ''-V'^^"^ '^ "•^' ^''^''^'^ '''' >-«^'^' teunioiUs gieatei than I can^vell express by means of an ordinary letter As Sil^Yd^'-tincirs n^"^ ^'T'' ' '''? I'' '^^•^^^"^' ^" "^« se?vL of our old it/ I fhorVtv I h ,-; h'"'^ ''''" T}^ ^T^"" "'^^ P'^^t by l)ermission of those inauthoiity. lha\ebeen conhdently expecting such permission but ?mXveTo';;';vH,^''^''l'^^'*^ '■^-r^' ^"«' ^"^l^sl would have to start ,e hV tn i,;^ -^ ' *"'■'''''■ ^^ b^""'^^'' ''«" "" the 6th instant. I am com- PtfP- i /,, nlrV'" "'-^ ''^.'^•''^t^ ='"'^ congratulations in the form of a vo, r HPvr ""•"*. ^"^•^^' '».v disappointment as best I can, hoping that at Eterstir-cess. '" "'^ ''^"'■^' "' ^'"^ P'"^'""^ "^'^^ ^^ rewarded with ma Jl\*^ ^^"-^ ^•*'V l^'^^'f selected for your reunion could not have been w H EVi'^'^'-^l^ ^''"''"- ''"t' ^ '^"^ "'^'^ ^^^'"-^^ especiallv to the tinie of aa,y iu)i vet to die splendid record you made for yourselves durino- the war, as your orntor no doubt, will say all that can be said on this'^sub- •Jn?ihp''.lSliT-^'''''''''-n'™'^^''''^'iththe history of the Iowa troops dur- lowfsold eA^^^^^^^ ''??"' ^ think to the claim we make that the the mil vib PonTn vff"^^ ^""i ^"^.^[^ '^^ ''''''^'^^ ^"^ that the record of the State ""^"'P^'^® favorably with that of any regiment sent out by w.„ATfT^"^^ •^'' "^y recollection of events it was the rule durimr the \^^ai, at the various entertainments of nyrotecbnical displays etc held in the neighborhood where we chanced to be encamped or bWouacked 12 FIRST REUNION OF THE to reserve :it least n part of the front seals for the ]2th Iowa ; hut, comi- ratles, if I could be with you I should want to talk of something: aside from our war record. 1 should esteem it a i)rivile)ns somethin*:: of the love and devotion we felt for our sh>i'ious country ; tha^ it was my privik^i?e and honor to connnand for so loiiff a time the brave, nobler ;^enevous fellows wiiose names are inscribed on the rollsof tliel2th Iowa infantry. May God bless and prosper you all, and keep your hearts true to yourselves and to each other, as they w; a glorious crnod time together, nniy you eacii have a kind thought for me, and believe me, e;u;h and all, Your true friend and comrade, J. H. STIBBS. Olatiie, Kansas, Alarch ;50. 1880. Lt. a. DtiisinAM, Sec'y : Dear Comrades : — Permit me, through you, to expi-ess my hearty ai)proval of the reunion inaugurated l)y some of the members of the "old i2th," and ho[)e it a grand success. Nothing would be more gratifying to nie than to be able to meet my old comrades and friends on the occasion of this reunion. 1 know it will have a tendency to awaken memories of the camp, the m irch and the lierce conflicts that have slept for years and have almost ])assed fronnueniory. Some of those scenes are as beautiful in imagination as they were in reality, and others are Slid, very sad. Maiiy of our bosom conjp:iiiions, brave, jioble fellows, have long since fought their last light. It will be sad to miss them when you call tlie roll I hope you will imt report me "absent without leave." I always tried hard to do my whole duty. I am now on detached duty, and hoi)e (';ol. Knee will excuse nsy absence this time, and at your next meeting I hope to be able to meet "with you. I would like to grasp you all by the hand and commingle my congratulations with those who now survive of the old 12th. My good wishes attend you. and may the many nol)le deeds of her dead heroes be emulated and indelibly recorded in the memories of her living heroes. Living heroes, I say! for were Ihei'e any in the service of our country entitled to the name, it was the bloody 12th. "Hurrah, boys, hurrah; down with the traitors and up with the stars !" Stand by our cotmtry. With kind regards for all, Truly Yours, S. E. BUECTI. Late Adjutant 12th Iowa Vet. Inft'y. St. Paul, Minn., March 2G, 1880. IvT. Abnek Dunham, Sec'y., Manciiesteu, Iowa: My Dear Sir : — I have just received back from Manchester, Minn., a letter which I wrote you on receii)t of your first letter enclosing tiie circular announcing the reunion of our old regiment. The wrong di- rection, through a blunder of mine, will. 1 trust, serve to excuse what may have seemed to be a lack of courtesy in not replying to your letter. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 13 I have aJso received your letter of the 16th inst., and have delaved in replying until now in the hope that I might see mv way clear to re^snond favorably and accept the duty assigned to me. " respond to fm-pt?rt> ^^o^e^^^i'' to say, that a variety of circumstances compel me o?casio1 ?Pfir,Sf 1."'%°^ '""^'^'"^ ^^y old friends and comrades on the The recollections of my armv service and the friendshios then With my sincerest wishes that you may have a most pleasant and Very truly and sincerely yours. E. M. VxlNDUZEE. Xenia, Iowa, March 28. 1880. Lt. Abneu Dunham, Manchestek, Iowa : Dear Comrade: Yours of the 18th ult. is received It will be im- possible tor me to attend the reunion on the etlfand 7th of A ril I hereby send greetings to my old comrades hoping that it mav vet be datloiri'fTbSs m!' '^'^ """" "^"^'^ ''^ ^^^^"^ severs the ti'e'in^asso- lives^'u'e^ve\"fwlfnw'? four years of the best part of our T?^^i.;ll ^ ''^ t ' ™^ ^^-'^'t- I i-ealize that we are fast passing awav Eigl teen years more and the survivors of tbe 12th Iowa who sbravel^^ stood to then- guns on the morning of the (5th of Ai r 1 ISfS can be counted on one^s fingers. But when we are gone I trust that wlnt we did on that eventful day, and what was done on eVery other d^.v for the cause ot the Union, will be held in grateful remembmnce fore^r Your comrade, J AS. L.THOMPSON. JSTiOBRARA, Xeb., April 4, 1880. Dear Friend Abner and the Tried Old Comrades of com- pany F : The near approach of the reunion of the gallant old 12th on the eei^Vl'Irs' '^Z^^'-f^ '""^^ '^'V^ ^^P"^^ ^^^"^''' ^^"^^ a klseot eigh: Seetln- thon') ' 1^ ^^^^"^s before us, prompts me to send my wouls tiave1fhn?tin H?If c/innot be with you in person. As memory come un h^Po-n fv'^ '^T^ Sabbath morning, all the incidents seem to f^? r J\? leguhir order. The reveille, the roll call, the squad for the Sdn'Je ;/'!", Tt?^"'^ breakfast of bak^d beans and bi.^cu?t which we brave n^iddJtP^^^^^^^^^^ T w"^"f, ^""^' ''°'^ ''^*'i^'' «e"t us to the front to face a Diave and determined toe, the roar and rattle of the musketrv and the hope thi'oh on,^:]^^ ^'''^\ '^" '^^™,"^h "^^'^ l""g day the loigfifct'^ .1 St live^sea Pd thP r .^^^^^^ f-'^ comrades made, tlie falling of the dead, Whose Sd h'?rmv p n^^'^^S''''' the cries of the wounded, to whom relief Siofomilp^/?5f''-^/^'''"'\^'^2"°^^l^ scene of carnage, ail go to make up a picture which we can never forget. ^atht?PH'?nltlp^".^''.T"y ^®F^ ^^''^ marked their flight, and you gatheied together to talk over the incidents of life in camp and on many a luird fought field, we instinctively call to mind those who can- not -fntwi the vl^ll call here. We will cherish t jeir inemones I ^vlsh 1 couM be with yoii. I want to see the old tanuhar taces ana see how much they nave cl.anged since the time when we used tx) staiid uu in a row at roll call. Do you renieuiber some ot tliose tiosty J loin- Ji.e t e inexorable ()rderly would get us out to say -here- and ows me ot- lis that slept too sound to gives us tnue to complete oi r loilc'ts would rush out in undress uniform, and getting behind our hie lea ei s t e watchful eyes of said Orderly might not 'lif^>ver"S sig- nify our presence and then dodge hack to our tent to get a little more sleei) which that everlasting drum had banished from our eyes. When we think of all that eighteen years have brought to us of good or ill, of tlie cliange in tiiought or sentiment which those >eais have produced, the many .jueslious that "'"stnecessarily arise toi so u- tion in a government like ours, the duty we, owe it and ihe duty t ovyes to every citizen, however humble, white or black do we ti'l Y jea f e the grave issues that are looming up in the near future ^ J^^^^ S, 'n^ oad men coming into power, liave we seen tliose pnuci les whicli so many of your luimbcr gave their liv.s to establish gradually being un» Sennined,and all that was accomplished then, now ^^^^^^^^^^ «veTthr. w r- If you do realize all tliis it does behoove us to now vote as we toug it, and for all time to come to settle the question now and tore\ei , Uuit tlirou-'iiout all our broad domain no citizen ot tins land, howevei pool or imu ible he may be, no matter what his ^^^^^^^^^^J^l^^^ y^^'^^^^l bill shall have all the rights of an Anierican, to live wliee he may w^^^^ to vote as he shall please, and to enjoy unmolested t''« t^"\^^ J.'^ f,,^,^!/: Until that time comes you, dear comrades, have a work to tlo, ana at this ti e w en you meet together to renew the pnst, t seems to me not o It uf .lace to "ive this your thought, liow to still bring our beloved out ot the bondage of sectional strife, corrupt y;;l»«nces and allthe evils of ignorant and wicked men. J>et us all then laboi toi this emiiiat we may have a country that shall be free m tact as it is m name. .Vnd now wishing I might see you all face to face and grasp yotir hands and hoping as they?ars go by to meet you and give you the as- svuancefoivl.u welfare which nnd that your present meeting will be full of pleasant memories in the future, I subscribe myselt One of your number, JOHN BREMNER. BUKLINQTON, Iowa, April 5, 1880. My Deaii Comrades: It is with regret that I write vou. I would so much rather be pres- ent ill grasp the friendly hand once more. Nothing %vould Plfase me better than to be present; and I had made nrrangemenis to that eitect untirto-dy Things hav'e taken a change that prevents me. and will tl ei4f re have to content myself withanticipntion which is to be mSre nleasant than participation, lint be that as it may, I wish you a ealanrcoming together, knd that you will think of the absent ones. I know, however, t^iey are lield sjicred in the memory of each. I remain your comrade ALBERT J. ROE. Co. F, 12tli Iowa Vet. Vol. Infantry. El, WOOD, Iowa, April 4tb, 1880. Mr. Ar.NER Dunham: Dear Sir and Comrade of the Grand Old 12th Iowa Infantry:-Yoiir call t-(S a reunion of the members of the old 12th I have read. I was in hopes that I could be with yon. But as I cannot be present in person I expect to be in spirit and full harmony. ' It is now eighteen years since that memorable conflict at Shiloh where many of the 12th gave up their lives, and many more were wounded for life, while a prison hell waited for the lives o"f manv more of the boys of the gallant Twelfth, and as I think, I ask the question have they died m vain? and have the gallant members who lived through four years of terrible war, suffered in vainV God forbid. And now, dear comrade, if Col. Woods is present, take him by the hand for me. Also iny old captain. Major VanDuzee, and all in general, for business is such I cannot be with you. With love to all I will close. Yours, a lover of Union and Liberty. GEOKGE TESKEY, Company 1, 12th Iowa, V. I. Pboria, 111., April 5, 1830. Lt. Abnek Dunaam, Manchester, Iowa: Dear Sir:— I regret to have to write to you that I cannot be with you to-morrow and the next day, at the reunion of the grand old 12th I am suffering with rheumatism and cannot undertake the journey i lease remember me to all who may be present, and say that I regret very, very much that I cannot be with them. Very sincerely your friend and comrade, J. W. GIFT. TJELEGRAM. ^ ,, ,, „ Dubuque, April 7, 1880. Col. 8. G. Knee: I cannot express my disappointment at not being with the boys Unexpectedly, important business prevented. Give my regards to the glorious old Twelfth at the banquet to-day; and for any regimental or- ganization count me in. Hope the hardtack is better than at Don- elson. J. W. TAYLOK. It was moved and carried to tender a vote of thanks to the old com- rades who were unable to be present, for their kind letters of remem- brance. In consideration of his great age, and the fact of his being in Ger- many, so far away from all his companions in arms, a motion was car- ried that a committee of two be appointed to draft a letter to Major S. D. Brodtbeck, expressing the kind wishes of the regiment, which letter was signed by all the members present. D. W. Eead and Geo. H. Morrisey were appointed as such committee. Manchester, Iowa, April 6. Dear Major S. D. Brodtbeck. Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany:— We, the undersigned members of the Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, m reunion assembled, have just had read to us by Lieut J E Simpson your kind letter, which was received with repeated cheers We thank yon for the expressions contained therein of unrliminished love not only for the services of our dear old regiment, the Twelfth Iowa, but also for our glorious Union, for which we as citizens and sol- 16 FIRST HE UNION OF THE diers offered our services. It does our liearts good to know that though far from us, still you give us and the cause for which we together fought so warm a place ill your al't'ecliou. aud for which we each tender you our reui'wed i)l('dge of friendship and love. We rejoice to see from your ])h()tograph, wliich has been passed from hand to hand, that time has dealt so kindly with you, and hoping that at some future reunion we shall have the iileasure of grasping your hand in friendly greeting. We remain, dear Major, your atfectionate comrades in arms. Signed by all the members present. On motion, Drum Major McKee and Fife Major French were in- vited upon the stage to give some of their soul-stirring music, while Color Bearer (Jrannis held the colors of tlie regiment over them. At the close of this exercise, there was nproarous applause and cheering. The Eldora Cornet Band then favored the audience with some very fine selections, and were followed by the Dubuque Battalion Drum Corps, whose spirited martial music awakened the greatest enthusiasm among the old veterans. The Dubuque Drum Corps consists of four lifes, five snares and a bass drum, and though we are no judge of this kind of music, we thought they were hard to beat. Ko other business coming before the meeting, adjournment until evening was the next in order. After adjournment, many of the old veterans remained in the hall, visiting and recalling old times, and "lighting their battles o'er again," It is needless to say that this afternoon visiting was most highly en- joyed by the old comrades in arms, who had become so widely scat- tered over the country, and who were now re-united for the first time since they were mustered out of service. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 17 THE FOLLOWING IS THE ROLL OF MEMBERS PRESENT. riELD AKD STAFF, J. J. Woods, Montana, Kansas, W. H. Finley, Hopkinton. Iowa. Myron Underwood, Eldora, Iowa. S. M. Frencti, Denver, Colorado. G. H. Morrisey, Delhi, Iowa. COMPANY A. S. R. Edg-ing-ton, Eldora, Iowa. C. M. Kimkle, Eldora, Iowa. Sumner Kemp, Alden, Iowa. K. E, Kellogg-, Alden, Iowa. N. \V. Zieger, Eldora, Iowa. G. H. Cobb, Eldora, Iowa. W. P. Haywood, Lyons, Iowa. A. E. Webb, Eldora, Iowa. Seth Macy, Marshalltown, Iowa. Davi(; S. Martin, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Tom Bell, Eldora, Iowa. D. A. Armstrong, Liscomb, Iowa. K. P. Clark son Dos Moines, Iowa, J. R. C. Hunter, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Robert Morris, Oskaloosa, Iowa, COMPANY B, W. C. Earle, Waukon, Iowa. John D. Cole. Lansing-, Iowa. R. Wamopler, French Creek, Iowa. A. J. Rodgers, Waukon, Iowa. H. R. Andrews, Brush Creek, Iowa. COMPANY C. D. B. Henderson, Dubuque, Iowa, S. S. lilanchard, Postville, Iowa. A. K. Ketchum, Clarion, Iowa. H. J. Grannis, Fayette, Iowa. Emery Clark, Elgin, Iowa. S. Gifford, Douglass, Iowa. Henry Clark, State Center, Iowa. K. D. Williams, West Union, Iowa. John Delezene, Douglass. Iowa. F. W. Moine, Strawberry Point. Iowa> W. L. Henderson LeRoy, Minn. Geo. L. Durno, SpringviLe, lo. P. R. Ketchum, Windsor, Iowa. D. W. Reed, Waukon, Iowa. R. Z. Latimer, Fayette, Iowa. G. E. Comstock Dubuque, Iowa. G. H. Latimer, Maynard, Iowa. N. H. Spears, Mill, Iowa. William Hamlin, Oelwein, Iowa. James Stewart, West Union, Iowa. S. C. Beck. Maynard, Iowa. H. C. Curtis, LeMars, Iowa. Jas. Barr, Algona, Iowa. Geo. Hazlet, Butler Centre, Iowa. COMPANY D. M. W. Whiten ack, Waterloo, Iowa. E. B. Soper, Emmestsburg, Iowa. Hiel Hale Ft. Madison, Iowa. Maje Rowan, Vinton, Iowa. L. M. Ayers, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. COMPANY E. Harvey Smith, Waterloo, Iowa. S. J. Crawhurst, Miller's Creek, Iowa. C. V . Surt'us, Bristow, Iowa, D. Craighton, Geneva, Iowa. J. S. Margretz, Hitesville, Iowa C. D. Morris, LaPorte City, Iowa. A. B. Perry, Lester, Iowa. John Elwell, Chicago,;ill. Charles Cook, Lester. :owa. T. M. Early, Bristow, Iowa. Thos. Domoss, Bristow, Iowa. COMPANY F. H. M. Preston, Fort, Dodge, Iowa. R. W. Tirrill Manchester, Iowa. J. J. Eaton. Edgcwood, Iowa. Nelson Ralston. LeMnrs, Iowa. Samuel Kaltenbach, Manchester, Iowa. W. A. W. Nelson. Hazlcton. Iowa, _ , _ Robert L. Weeden, Nugent's Grove,Iowa. Jos. S. Girton, Ilazleton, Iowa. T. R. McKee, Manchester, Iowa. W. H. Goodell, Manchester, Iowa. Geo. Kent, Oelwein, Iowa. Abner Dunham Manchester, lo. Jas. F. Lee, Clay Mills, Iowa. Hiram Kaster, Manchester, Fowa. J. E. Eldridge Edgewood. Iowa. Joshua, Widger, Waterloo, Iowa, Josiah Hofhill, Wood Center, Iowa. Ed. Corell, Greely, Iowa. Thos. McGowan, "independence. Iowa. H. W. Mackey, Maynard. Iowa. ; IS FIRST BEUNION OF THE ii COMPANY G. J. E. Simpson DubiKiue, Iowa. COMPANY H. Alex. S. MoConnoll, H ■pkinton, Iowa. A. T. Garner. Paifcy, Io%\ra. S. G. Knee, Colesbuif? Iowa. Jas. Evans, DulnKjue, Iowa. H. J. Playter, Bristow, Iowa. D. Morelaiul, Earl\ ille, Iowa. Jos. Franks, Ward's Corners. Iowa. COMPANY I. M. D. Nagle, Dubuque, Iowa. COMPANY K. [I. R. Mathis, Omaha. Nebraska, H. C. Merriam, Hopkinlon, Iowa. C. E. Merriam, Hopkinton, Iowa. Godfrey. Bolley, Hopkinton, Iowa. P. J. Morehouse, Wiiithrop, Iowa. NAMES OF WIVKS PRESENT. Mrs. G. H. Morriscy, Delhi, Iowa. Mrs. Sam'l Koltciibaeh, Manchester, Iowa* " S. K. Edg-injiton, Eldoi-a, Iowa. " Hiram Kastcr. .Manchester, Iowa. " R. P. larkson, Des Moines, Iowa. " W. H (ioodell, Mancliester, Iowa. " G. L. Durno, Spring-ville, Iowa. " J. E. Eldridg-e and Daughter, Edge- " Hiel Hale, Ft. Madison, Iowa. wood, Iowa. " .1. E. Simpson, DubU(iue, Iowa. " T. R. MeKee, Iowa Fiills, Iowa. " R. W. Tirrill, Manchester, I wa. " D. Morehmd. Karix ille, Iowa. " S. J. Crawhurst, Manchester, Iowa. " Joseph Franks, Wai-d's Corners, Iowa. " Abner Dunham, Manchester, Iowa. " C. E. Merriam. Hopkinton, Iowa. " W. L. Henderson and Daug-hter, Le- " G E. Comstock, Dubuque, Iowa, Roy, Minn. SOLDIERS' ^VIDOWS. Mrs. Wm. A. Morse, Manchester, Iowa. Mrs. Abner Campbell, New York, N. Y. TUESDAY EVENIInG. The hall was again packed at an early hour in the eA'ening, fully one thousand persons being unable to gain admittince. After prayer by Kev. D. Russell, of the 11th N. V . Infantry, f:>llowed by vocal and instrumental music, led by G. E. Comstock, of Co. C, Hon. C. Sanborn, the Mayor of the City, delivered the welcoming address. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Twelfth Iowa Regi- ment : It is my pleasant duty in behalf of t\w citizens of Manchester, to extend to you otiicially, a most hearty welcome to the hospitalities of tliis town, on this annivei'sary occasion of the l)]oody battle of Shiloh, in which you bore so conspicuous a part. And I welcome you, not only with all the meaning that along time custom has attached to the cere- mony of granting the '•Freedom of the City" to returned conquerors, but with the added weight that should and does attach to that ancient rite, in conseciuence of your having been engaged in a more noble war- fare than lliey — inasmuch, as the rescuing of your beloved land from tlie hands of ignoble traitors is more memorable than conquering a foreign foe. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 19 Once asain I welcouiB you, and trust that the memories of the duties whicli you have so well performed in the past, will ever be your support in the future battles of life. And I assure you that the mem- ory of your achievements will ever be held sacred, not only by us but also by the free and liberty loving people of the entire nation. To this Col Knee, the President,made the following happy response- Mr. Mayor ; As President of the Reunion Association of the 12th Retrinient of Iowa Volunieers. it becomes my duty to thank you, and through you. the citizens of Manchester fur the kind and hos|)itable manner in which you hnve welcomed and entertained us, the surviving members of the Iowa Twelfth. Sir. we have come trang to arms to secure a strong and free government V To ensure f i-ee schools and i)lentv of tlie'n . To ensure equality to all and bondage for none. You found that Washington and the fathers had but half done tlieirwork, when they shook from our limbs the shackles of Britain ;ind left untouched those "that bound the slave. You found that the cursed system they left to vou was destroying your country. It was every- where with its slime, its cruelty, its corruption and its unending de- mands and relentless tryianny. Ithadgagg d and llirottled the great high tribunal of justice, the Supreme Court of the United States. It had planted treason in everv room, bureau and department of the Execuiive office, while Congress, the great, law-making i)nwev, was a, boiling seeth- ing sea of rebellion . You saw it was high time for blood and death, and so you went. Comrades, how I Avould like to retrace the path we trod. I remem- ber how well we left Dunleith The night was cold and bitter. The Mississippi ran cold with floating ice. We were piled deep into the hare cars, and while tears were flowing on the other side, we sang the Star Spangled Banner, and sent its glorious sounds floating to 'the hills of Iowa. I can hear it yet. Brave and strong were your liearts That was the start you made. From there we went to St. Louis. Who of us has forgotten it? Here W;^ were first baotized with death. Here our brave boys fell like grain before the sickle. Almost one in every ten o" our numi)er never fot <'arther than St. Louis, and never returned to Iowa. In a few short weeks, 70 of our number were dead. Measles, pneumonia,, smallpox- relentless allies of the South— cut through our lines, and filled a grave- yard with the fallen of the 12th Iowa,. We went there a young, we left there an old regiment. Then came the marching orders, and we went— many of us the rounds of the hospitals, to take our last farewell of our sick comrades. Many of vou remember this. And you remember, too, the Sisters of Mercy. How they watched over and nursed our brave bovs. How they fulfilled their last re(iuests. How they promised to send to their far-off homes, the last letters, the photograplis. the little keepsakes that should soften the grief of those who mourned their death, and how faithfully those promises were kei)t. Amid sobs, and groans, and cries, these sisters walked their rounds watching over the suffering as though they had been their brothers indeed. I wish I had the tongue TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 23 of an angel and long ages in which to speak all their praise. They were oar sisters, and well we remember how gentle, kind and true they were. At last we left St. Louis, and thence passed amid scenes that were dramas— nay, tragedies rather — of death, of danger, and of victory. To long marches, to trenches, hard tack and field hospitals. How rapidly a(t follov>^ed act. scene succeeded scene. To-day in the mud of Smithland, to-morrow our camp fires lighted up the beauties of Tennessee, and lens of thousands of white tents, spreading far and wide, present a picture that srives promise of peace and rest, and makes no hint of danger or of death. The next day 15,000 rebels laid down their arms, at the imperative com- mand of "unconditional surrender." Men of the 12th Iowa you were there ! [Here the Col. told some very amusing stories, portraying the raids of the boys on the hogs, poultry, etc., whicli were highly relished by the boys present, they being cognizant of the facts. He continued :] At the storming of Ft. Donelson, the 12th lost its first man in battle, Buckner, of Company A,— shot in the eye by -i rebel sharp-shooter. This was before we charged. JJo you remember how we gathered about the strong but quivering Buckner as he lay there our first bloody offer- ing to freedom V No sounds escaped your lips, but oh ! there were oaths registered then and there, in ma ;ly hearts, oaths that only found utter- ance^from tlie musket's mouth, and amid the roar and carnage of battle. You'remember the sharp-shooters of the enemy, the grape and canister that mowed ou; ranks, the brave men falling by the wayside. But this old flag was planted on the breastworks by the brave rTrannis, and though men fell on every hand, the 12th would notyield an inch and that flag would not go down. Yes, you were a fighting regiment. You proved it at Ft. Henry, at Donelson, atShiloh, and atCorintli, at Jackson. Vicksburg. Brandon, Tupelo, White River, Nashville, Brentwood Hills, Spanish Fort, and twelve minor battles. You were in 23 engagements, 112 days under fire, marclied 2,670 miles, always advancing, and traveled in nil 13.809 milep. You lost 95 men killed in battle, had 204 ott'cers and men wounded, and 217 died of disease. Of the 981 men wlio went to the field, 801 sustained some injury by battle or disease. Youhad382men captured at Shiloh, who went to rot and die in the prison hells of the South. Yet, in the face of these disasters, when your term of service had nearly exjiired, when your wives and children, your parents, brothers, sisters and friends were longing for your return, at the appeal of Abraham Lincoln, who said, '"Boys don't leave me yet," you re-enlisted, on the 5th of January, 1864, to see your country through the storm. Fellow citizens of Delaware county, Y'"ou who are here, let me ask, do you owe these men anything? Do you know whnt and who these men are V They went through fire and smoke, through deatli ;nd he 1 for you. They stood, — after three years of privation and danger and suffering— at the vei\y doors of liome, with loving wives, their old ])ar- ents, and dimpled faced babes, holding out their arms and crying for joy at their near return. Yet, even then, at your call and that of their country, they turned their backs on all the delights of home, and plunged once more into danger and death — for you. Do you know these men V Their hands are rough and hard, perhaps, but oh, how steady and true they were, when treason raised the standard of rebellion and you and your liberties were in danger. Do you know that those men were a part of that immortal Brigade at Shiloh, which with the brave 8th Iowa, held back the very centre of the rebel attack V Do you know tliat they mowed down regiment after regiment, and drove back column after column, not for four hours as the reports have it, but for eight deadly hours, thus giving our army night, night giving ns Buell, and Buell giving us victory ? They were taken prisoners, but the army was saved and victory won ! Captured they were but holding their posts! Cap- tured they were, but with their flag flying, their guns in their hands and their bullets in rebel h arts ! Then followed the rebel prisons : Selma, 24 Fin ST BE UNION OF THE T-iVidpffa AtUnitu, Libbv and Macon. For six months these men, SoSepTi^ e^^ kept rotting and dying in rebel pris- ons The guests of Southern chivalry, but rotting and dymg, rotting Ah ' friends, I see before me heads of snow, that would be like the vw^no^hiif tor sufferings that we can never know. Fellow citi- 7ens' vcnrsTe\^"ore you all t a^^ left of an Iowa regiment that served ?S fo\?r mid 4e-half years and never lost a single battle. It was in lu^ntv three en-a-ements and was never l)eaten. It was under deadly Se one huiidied^aud twelve days and its Hag ever advancing. That flag iOike 1 country torn, but here, like its regiment, there are but fr. 'ments left of it. But what man, what section, what king or couu- t-f(^^?e insult a shred of that torn and tattered flag! There it hangs ?omr Ides Itill our flag. It is silent and torn but what glorious memo- nSfiwakens! L^ "« all the past ; look at it treason, it warns you for all the future ! Mv comrades I could scarcely begin talking to you, and it seems as though iTui lot'stop . I can nor do you and your brave deeds justice. Uut let me -'sk vou to do one thing. Do not forget your dead comrades. Theiibmlies lie here and there, on hill-top and in valley, but let them not be t?i-ot Si When you Would make of your boys men on whom tl?eRepubUc may safely rest, tell them of your comrades dead-A>,D AVHY TIIEY DIED. vvhPi. von lake a ballot in your hand, and politicians ask you to manSa'spiritot^oinpromise and conciliation, think of your dead comrades— AND why they died. . „ . When an attack is made on human rights, and the exercise of that freedonfXch belongs to an American citizen, white or black; think of your dead comrades— and why they died. Thev are still with us. The thought of them remains to keep us ^teul S tiom country, and maintain it pure and free. One of them T wi 'n lirwho w^^^^ i>s in every battle, on every march, by every camu tiirSiioStbj^^ ^ho lay in every prison and sut- fCd tnfm everv wonnd,the grandest man and truest comrade of us ill-ABRAlIAM LInI 'oLN. Be his memory embalmed lu our hearts forever. , , ^ ^, , And now comrades, good bye. We may not all »;^^^l^^£!^.^^/^f,"i^,^,^ Reunion. A few more gatherings '^^^^\ .^^^^ last membei of the^^^^^^^ Tnvvi TJp-r» THE NATION-Miitually Dependent and Independent." Responded to by H. C. Curtis, of Lemars. This was entirely impromptu, as it had been assigned to Major Van Duzee, who could not attend. He said : It always affords me pleasure to meet my old comrades. It was a question, eiarhleen years :igo, it we had a nation— wliether we had a country. That question we debated on tJie battle field. Eighteen years ago we were marching as prisoners Lhrougn the streets of Corinth Eut the question has been settled. Jt is no longer a question in dispute VVe are a nation, thank God. But let us not forget the cost of this na- tion, the price we paid for the liberty we enjoy. As we look at our ban- ner, Its uittered and torn shreds, how memory goes back over the iiast. VVhatWdsnffered, what we endured in defending that old flair let us never regret. ' '•THE AKMY AND NAVY'-The Safeguards of all Nations. Response by Hon. R. W. Tirrill, Manchester. Ever since the creation of the world, the weaker have been forced to bow in humble submission to the mandates of the stronger- the un- civilized to ilie civilized ; the minority to the mnjority. Thisseemsto be !) fundamental iavv of our very nature :— and acting upon that grand and noble inuciple, ''Tlie greatest good to the greatest number," we are necessanlv forced to admit the correctness of this natural law when applied to national affairs. For the protection of our natural and individual rights govern- meul^ and naiions have been formed, and the great underlying princi- ple of all luitions and governments is Law, and the absolute enforce- nientof that law is the only SMtVgnard guaranteed to the people who have entered into the solemn compact of National Unity. For this safe- ^I;^'!i '4"^""^^^^ '^"^^ -Navies have been organized, and froin the early days ot the Irojan war, down through the succeeding ages, the Army and the Aavy have been the great power behind the tlirone to compel obe- dience to that law. without which nations fall and fade away and with them go those individual rights, so sacredly guarded by the constitu- tional hiw ot all civilized nations. Deprive us of these natural, inher- ent, inalienable, God given rights, which by a sense of our own intui- 28 FIRST BE UNION OF THE tions wells up in the secret bosoms of brave men and true women, and to be a citizen is but to be a prisoner — bound and fettered by the iron grasj) of anotlier's will! The nobility of our birth, which makes us proud of our American citizenship, induces a sjurit of patriotism which causes us, as it did our fathers, to i)ledse our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor, in defense of those liberties dearer to us tlian life itself. This noble spirit we inherit from our Spartnn ancestry, and while it is, in every sense, couDuendnble to the foreign or American soldier and citizen, it should not be cidtivated beyond its proper sphere of use- fulness— into haughtiness and pride, as exennjlilied in Ihe ambition of Xerxes, Alexa)ider, Napoleon, Cortes and otliers, whose individual ap- probation has been sought at the expense of the public good. The Army and the Navy, tiie Safeguards of all Nations 1 Foreign- ers throughout all the world, and Americans ;ilike, i)rocliiim it, and it would be idle in me, in tiie space of ten minutes, U> attempt to narrate from the historic page, in the old and new world, Ihousajids of instan- ces where the mere presence of a well disciplined Army and Navy have had even the moral force — the physical being known — to dispel the (hirk cloud of tyranny and despotism wliich has hung over an oppressed l)eople, and enabled them to see through the misty haze into the beau- tiful sunlight of freedom and liberty. That old flag, torn iii fragments by rebel bullets, thrown to the breeze by those who saw it safely through in triumph from JJonelson to Nashville, and carefully deposited as a memento among thn archives of our noble State, would (piell a second or third insurrection in South Carolina. Yet the Army and Navy are recognized as our Safeguard. But in our exalted pride for our Army and Navy, we sliould not forget that they are to be maintained and held (nly in reserve, subject to that higher power of civilization, •\National Arbitration." from the lessons of which we have almost learned (although not quite) that oiir swords may be turned into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. "THE CHILDREN OF THE TIYELFTH lOAVA-Gnd Bless them ! and may they live long to enjoy the Freedom that thvir Fathers, Living" and Dead, foug-ht to secure." Florence L. Dunham, who was to respond to this toast, was a little Miss of scarcely six years old. She faced the immense audience brave- ly at first, but the sea of faces shook her courage, she hesitated, and tinally burst into tears. But the audience cheered her to the echo, and not a heart but beat with sympathy for her. The verses she was to iiave spoken, were written for the occasion by her mother, Mrs. Abner Dun-- ham, and are given herewith : I love the brave old soldier. With coat and pants so blue, With buttons bright and .iaiinty cap. And heart so bold and true; Who'd give his life forfrccdom. And think not of renown; High, high in air he'd bear our Hag" Traitors would trample down. Beneath this old and tattered flag. Its colors once so gay, Now torn, and dim, and stained With l)lood of many a fray. Beneath its glorious stripes and stars My papa fought with you; O'er him it waived in danger's hour. And comrades tried and true. And when he takes me on his knee, I love the best to hear The stories of his army life, Thoug-h oft it brings a tear; He tells me of the dull days spent In sickness and in pain ; Of weary marches, long- and sad. Through sunshine and through rain; With aching- limbs and weary heart; With clothes all mud and sleet; With scarce a crumb of food or drink; And oh ! such tired feet Were in that long- and fainting march! Brave comrades faltered by the way ; Each shared with each the burden, For many a dreary day. And of the blood stained battle field. Where guns and cannons roar; The grass, that once was bright and green, All red witli human gore. Where oft he's seen his comrades fall, And could not stop to save Till thej' drove the banded traitors back; Then scooped a shallow grave. And placed them there with tender hands. As brother would for brother. Smoothing away the tangled locks, And clipping one for mother. Sorrowing- mother your lot is blessed, Thoug-h your treasures left are few, Since you give for your country's good the best, God ever gave to you. Then oft he'll tell of days That passed so slowly by, In rebel prisons' dingy walls Where they were left to die. Columbia's bravest sons, our boys so true, To die for want of food And kindly care; shame, shame, traitors, To waist such precious blood! I do not wonder papa loves His brother soldiers so ; And wishes oft his girl could be A soldier, brave as you; But if she can't a soldier be. Or lead a soldier's life. Perhaps, when she is older grown. She'll be a soldier's wife. Soldiers, then we give you welcome; A royal welcome, too; Right eagerly we'll grasp the hand Of those who wore the blue. In days of darkness, dire and dread, To you so staunch and true. Our all we owe, our banner bright, our coun- try's fame; God bless the "Boys in Blue." 30 FIRST REUNION OF THE "IIAROTACK AN1> COFFKE— The Reserves from whieli we daily drew Nerve and Inspiration." Response by Capt. E. B. Sopor, Einmetsburj?. Cai)t. Soper, of Eniinettsburg, rose to the fourth toast. lie said he was not quite so full of his subject as he had been on former occasions. Whv the committee chose him to respond to this toast was a mystery to him, unless it was because he had a faculty of stowinaf away hirge quantities of those conunodities. Wiiy iiardtack was so much abused he could not say, nor where it got its name. Where the ''hard" came from he could understand, but where they got the ''t;ick" was beyond his investigation. Hut, after all. hardtack was the soldier's friend. We were gla SWEETHEARTS OF THE TWELFTH lOAVA— None suffered more, none complained less. Our Flag- their Flag. Their Homes Our Hearts." Response by Lieut. J. E. Simpson, Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. President and Comrades :— This toast would have found a warm response in the hearts of the Twelfth Iowa in the days of 1861. And hnds a no less hearty one to-clay, among us the survivors of our noble regiment. Tliere were but few, if any at all, who went away with us, who did not leave behind some loved one, mother, wife, daughter, sis- ter or sweetheart, to endure and sulfer the ));ings and hearl.-aches of separation. Ours ^vas to go, to do, to dare. We had thf^ excitement of camp life, the frequent change of scene, and all the glitter, glory ;ind pomp of war, to distract our attention ;ind occupy our thoughts.' But theirs was to remain at home, with their accustomed round of quiet home duties to perforin, to sulfer and wait. Poets may sing. Historians mav write, and the story can never be half told, of the agonizing suspense of the mothers, wives and sweet- hearts, of the Twelfth, eighteen years ago— as the wires brought tlie news of a great battle being fought on the banks of the Tennesst-e, of our defeat; tlien our victory, then came the news of the capture of our regiment. AVhat words of mine, comrades, can convey even in a slight degree the agony and suspense of these loved ones at home ? That dear old gray headed mother, who had given up her son, and in many cases her sons, that the Union might be saved ; the wife who had seen her husband; the sister her brother ; the sweetheart her "soldier boy'': go away to war.— (And here Mr. President, let me remark, tliat we in a measure forget what terrors that word war, brought with it in 18(51-2, to a people unaccustomed lo fighting and blood-shed.) All of this was with tears and heart-pangs. Put when the news came from Shiloh, it seemed to them, and it was to many, the death knell to ;ill their hopes. No truer words could be said than those of our toast : "None suffered more and none complained less," is equally true. History tells us fill along its pages, of woman's love and devotion; not only to her own bat to her country. She has in all ages borne her full share of the haixlships and burthens of war. And tiie women of our own dear country failed not, in its hour of peril,— faithful, fearless, devoteil. Tliey were found in the hospital, cheering all, caring for the sick and wounded. At their homes unceasing in their efforts, in col- lecting supplies to go forward to tlie front. All over our broad prairies could be witnessed scenes of patriotism and sacrifice, before which the stories of the mothers and matrons of ancient Greece and Rome pale. There are hearts turning toward us to-day— prayers of mothers and sisters, all over Northern Iowa. Comrades tell how they came to wish them a pleasant time at our Reunion, and express their continued love for the "Old Twelfth. '' The mother and sister of John Stillman who fell shot through the brain at Donelson are with us in their thoughts and prayers to-day. Poor John — a noble, gallant soldier. Well I remember with comrade Rogers we carried liim to the rear in hopes we might catch one last word. J3ut within tlie hour, just as the last ray of the sun touched the toi)S of the noble oaks that formed that Southern forest, John's soul went home to the God who gave it, as pure as the snow on which he lay. That noble Scandinavian moth'^r, Mrs. Steen, of Winneshiek county, who, having seven sons — all good men and true, — sent six to the defense of the Union ; three of whom— John, Henry and Theodore, went with us in the Twelfth. Her thoughts are with us to-day. With what love and affection every member of the Twelfth is held by a mother like Mrs. Nelson Burdick of Decorah, who having live sons, all of them splendid specimens of "Towa Boys" sent them all to do bat- tle for the Union, and only two returned— Corporal Nelson Burdick,her youngest son, wiio died from disease and hardslnps incurred with you in rebel prisons, and Lieutenant A. A. Burdick, who was killed at the battle of Tupelo by a solid shot from the rebel batteries, both honored members of the Twelfth Iowa. Sucli women are cemented to the Twelfth with ties that time only strengthens. xVnd when and wherever we may meet we shall always haveVi place in their hearts second to none. We meet to join hands in friendly grasp. We tell of these scenes of suffering with no vain boast. We have no desire to rake up the past, nor dwell upon its strug- gles. With ch;irity towards all, enjoying as we are the blessings of peace so hardly won, at such a cost of suffering both mental and physi- cal, to the men and women of that time. But the lesson taucrht cost too much, and we can not afford to have it lost. So we tell the story, that our children may learn what the Union is to us— that they may cherish it dearly, love it as warmly, and be as ready to sacritice and suffer for it, against foes within, and without, as the men and women of 1861 did. And as we the story tell, and the lesson teach, do not let us fail to makp clear to them and draw the lines distinct between loyalty and disloyalty, patriotism and treason. Mr. President and Comrades, I know of no more fitting way to close the response to this toast, than by asking you to join me, in three hearty cheers for ''The Wives. Motliers, Daughters and Sweethearts of the Twelfth Iowa— None suffered more, none complained less. Our flag their flag— Their homes our hearts." Mrs. W. N. Boynton, then favored the ^udience with "The Battle Prayer," in her usual finished and effective manner, and was heartily encored, when she gave "The Star Spangled Banner," with great effect, and to the great delight of the boys. TWELFTH TOW A V. V. INFANTRY 33 'HISTORY OF THE TWELFTH IOWA VETEIIAK VOLUNTEER INFANTRY." Keart at the First Reunion of tlie Regiment, at Manches- ter, fowa, April fith, 1880, by Capt. Wm. L. Henderson, Co. C, Leroy, Minn Dear comrades of the Twelfth we meet again. We call the roll and former ties renew ; We pitch our camp in quietude ;ind peace. At Manchester the pleasant rendesvous. We hear again the morning reveille. Our glorious banner once agaiit is seen ; We eat together at tlie self same mess. And drink once more from out the same canteen. We greet each other with a friendly grasp, We see fond Vv^elcome in each beaming eye ; Each face suggests some memory of the past. The camp, the niarch, the thrilling battle cry. We tight our battles over once agiiin, Resumed the raarcii pursued with blistered feet; Again in thought you mount the picket guard, A silent sentinel on your lonely beat. The Iowa Twelfth was raised with speed and care. Throughout the Northeast counties of the State ; Hardin. J. inn, Blackhawk and Delaware, Winneshiek. Allamakee. Jackson and Fayette, Hardin county heads the list with "A." As stalwart boys as ever wore the blue ; Always on hand for battle, work, or play. When mustered in they numbered ninety-two. Then ninety men came marching from the north, From Democratic steady Allamakee : All hardy sons of toil and noble worth. Those were the boys of gallant Compuny "B" "C Company left their homes in old Fayette, To follow the destiny of their country's star: I^eaving their books, their college, and their State, One hundred students in the art of war. Company "D,'' the youthful sons of J. inn, Proud to uphold the banner of tiieir State ; And all resolved the Union's cause must win, A splendid Company, numbering ninety-eight. Blackhawk county gave us Company "E," Who hated slavery and the rebel rag ; Ninety-four as steady honest men. As ever fought for country and for Hag. Delaware county so generous of her sons. Resolved to make the starry banner safe ; She, ever ready witli her men and guns, Gave ninety nine brave men in Company "F." Winneshiek gave the Regiment, Company "G," Those noble sons of Scandinavian sires; Ninety men chivalrous and free. As ever fought for freedom's sacred fires. S4 tYRST REUNION OF THE Dubuque and Delawai-e at lastcombine. And both united, gave us Company "•II ;" Eighty-two brave men as ever formed a line. Or vanquished treason in its latest dit(?h. Eighty-five strong men, resolved to win or die-. Guided by duty, patriotism and reason; Yes, Jackson county gave us Company ''^I," Who struck hard blows at slavery and treason, Delaware county gave us still another. Company ''IC cainie, numbeiing (eighty four ; She bade' them like tlie ancient Sjxirtan niother. Return victorious, or return no more. Another Company merits s"i)ecial mention. Familinr since the days of Roderick Dhu ; All soldiers on the war path after cfiickens, Invariably belonged to Company "Q." How litting that in Delaware you meet. And on her soil that war worn banner raise ; Here will the Twelfth her l>)yal i)eo])le greet, And tender her our grateful meed of praise. The Regiment began its training and restraint, Camp Union was not destitute of charms ; Those early drills were borne without complaint. And formed a friendly brotherhood in arms. The field and staff selected and commissioned. Without the usual jealousy or liate; Woods by training in the stern profession, A better olficer never left the State. Even now, when in the peaceful walks of life. We hear the Colonel's words without abridtjment ; Fall on our ears so measured, calm, and slow, Fall in Twelfth Iowa Regiment. Colonel Coulter was a splendid fellow. As brave a man as ever met the foe ; . In war or peace his measured accents mellow. Fell from his honored lij^s by far too slow. Brodtbeck, by example, was a gallant soldier. His stern commands all indicated light ; JJut winter campaigns try the strongest men. The snows of Donelson took him from our sight. Your Chaplains, sentinels on the walls of Zion, At times sent forth the glorious gos])el cry ; Chaplains like sinners, have their hour of weakness, When they are not just quite prepared to die. On dress parade, when all so trim and neat. The pride or terror of the diligent ; The report and orders never seemed complete, Without the legend, U. E. Duncan, Adjutai]t. Our Surgeons were skillful, genial and good. Though liardened somewhat by the toils of war ; Stern Parker. Huff, and gracious Underwood, The rugged Finley. and patient Barr. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 35 What contrasts mark the soldier's checquered life. Regardless of what he was, or miglit have been; His training for the inirpose of war, Make men combined a terrible machine. A change of base from Iowa to Missouri, To lienlon liarracks, where two months yon staid ; The better to vvithstiiid the rebel fury, By training in Division and Brigade. At St, Louis, the lieguuent battled with disease, i^ighiy soldiers died at one fell swipe ; Death and contagion came on every breeze, Black measles of the most malignant type. From Heuton Barracks eagerly you go. Marching ordt-rs came extremely lucky ; liaported to General Grant at Cairo, And camped in the lield at Smitliland in Kentucky. Embarked in transports on the Tennessee. To reacli and invest Fort Henry from the land ; You arrived in lime to sec the rebels flee, The cautious Jolmnies dare not make a stand. Then on to Donelson, that mysterious stronghold, Who s rugged slopes inspired the mind with awe ; The rebel defenders, contident and bold. Within their works and bristling abettis. The very heavens conspired at your defeat, Poured on your iieads an avalanche of storm ; Chilled each sentinel on his cheerless beat. And wrapped in .snow, e icii sleeping soldier's form. Fet from his wintry bed, each w srrior rose. .Shook from his freezing limbs the clingingsnow; iiushed gaily up the slopes with sliouts and olows, And like a tempest swept the vanquished foe. The rebel flag at hist has disappeared. And with it all the venom it engendered ; And in ils place a pure white flag is reared, HuKiiAH ! HLJXiH.\H! Fort Donelson has surrendered. The rebel cannon hush their w^ild alarms. The musketry suspend its leaden showers; THiRTKiiN TiiousANr) prisoners stack their arms. And rugged Donelson at last is ours. tlven victory brought you many throes of grief. Dear comrades dead, and absent friends who weep ; In silence, and with ritting service brief, Yon left them to their last and dreamless sleep. From Metal Landing, on the Tennesse, Again you stem that river's rising flood ; To All an oppointment at the Sliiloh church. And take your Sunday's baptism of blood. Just eighteen years ago this pleasant day. For nine long hours your deadly muskets rattle ; Firm as a rock you barred the rebel way. Held your ground and saved the ill stared battle. FJUST REUNION OF THE Shiloh was fDiight without a goueral he:u). Its liist(ny ineoiii])lete, even to this hour ; Hhmderinji' iucoinpetenrte piled np your dead, Your manhood alone witlistood tlie rebifl power. Uunknown to tlie Twelfth, that on its left and right. The foe had peiio'.r tied with slaughter dire ; Still unsiipjjorted you uKiintaiued the \Vj;hU Engulfed in a vortex of the rebel lire. Your (/oloiKd woimded. General Wallace (U'ad, Nineiy-seveu soldiers wounded on tlie tield ; Sixteen dead comrades on their gorv bed, And still the bleeding Twelfth refused to yield. Environed and l>eset ou every side. By reliel hosts encompassed like a wall ; At live r. m. you ceased to stem the tide Of battle, with the dark and bloody i)an. Your courage largely saved tlmt tield of bUwJ, Y(ni held the rebels from the Tennesse'-' ; 'Till Buel's troops began to cross the flood. The Twelfth w-as l(wt. ttie Union army fret^ Our buried comrades on the Tennessee. For long hath slept beside its rijjplincr waves ; And sw^cE'i'Lv to;), blessed :.iAKT-il4S of trie fiee, A Nation guards th.^ir consecrated graves; Here began your t^-rm of })risoii life. Your fe.irt'u] sufferings, wlio alas ! can tell ? Pe.vth by Starvation, jikauti.ess means of strife. Your jailors seemed the very fieni>s of hell. Still unsubdued by dead line or stockade. Your patient courage glorilied vour State ; Surrounded by your o-ailant old Hrigade, The Eighth and Fourteenth Iowa shared your fute. But what a fate, — surpassing all belief ; Can heaven be kind, and tardy justice lag ? Cold and exposure doth augment your grief— Your famished bodies clothed in tiltli and rags Exjiosed to e !ch sui-1y guard's revengeful mood, The vermin infested sands your only bed; The DIRTY CART that brought your L(jathsome food. Removed your rlighted and untimely dead. No ray of light to cheer the fearful gloom. Yon hear some Comradi-: with his latest breath, Pr.iy for release before the aavfitl tomb Close round him in that ciiarnel house of death. Humanity and progress both demand. That this fair land may neer behold again ; Such willful disregard of heaven's connnand. As marked the horrors of the prison pen . Our dead in prison 'tis a sacred spot. Where traitors laid those martyrs of the Nation ; No cause on earth could prosper with the blot Of soldiers slain by damned assassination. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. S7 Peacefully they sleep in distant Southern graves. The land of sunshine, (lowers and clinging vines ; Where sununer winds like sweet ^Eolian harps, Sing their sad requiem through the lonely pines. The fragments of the troops escaping capture, By whatsoever duties were delayed ; Were all combined without a shade of rapture. And styled the Unfoiitunatji; Union liuiGADE. And like unfortunates of every class. Required to perform twice what they did before ; At guarding rations, railroad, bridge or pass, Or doing out-post duty for the corps. Tlie advance was made on Cokinth under Halleck ; A change of tactics was at once began : The sword was cast aside for spade and mattock, And war was waged on the European plan. After long weeks of labor in the trenches, (ireat('orinth, the objective point was won ; The spoils of w'ar wnre countless Negro wenches, And one dismounted, pond'rous, wooden gun. Halleck returned, eacli colored refugee, Refused Ids information ;ind assistance; The friends of freedom stood agliast to see, This General foster slavery and resistance. Corinth w:is made the base of oi)erations. On Vicksl)urg. by the line of Holly Springs ; Vast supplies and half a, million rations. Were stored within its Fort encircled rings. The TtEBELS tiring of their own provisions. Black-strap molasses, corn, and tasteless rice ; Advanced on Corinth in three grand divisions. Under Villpagne, Van Dorn and Price. The Union Brigade as usual were on hand. Marching out to meet them, a committee on deception ; To amuse the i-eb's and bring them to a stand. Till Corinth was re-enforced for their reception. To the very letter the orders were obeyed. To form in line of battle under hre ; And meet the rebel column undismayed, Ropel his charge, then steadily retire. All day long the rebel column charged. And step by step you doggedly retreat ; And hour by hour the forces were enlarged. Preparing for the rebels' sure defeat. General Price became impatient of delay. And urged his worred forces to the fight ; To capture uorinth 'ere the close of day. And feed his soldiers from the stores at night. Here for the night the rebel charge was stayed. The darkening woods with drunken clamor tilled ; Here night was welcomed by yt)ur thinned Brigade, And here your General Heickehnan was killed. ;i,^ FIRST ME UNION OF THE Each fifteen minutes through that autumn night, Tlie rebels sent tlicir messengers of hell ; To (luiet your nerves and make your slumber light, \Mlii sohiii-rs lullaby, a bursting shell. The morning found both, armies in their place, And ready t«) unseal the book of fate ; The Union lirigade uow occui)ied the space, Between Forts iiicluirdson and Kobinnett. There is a calm precedes the wildest storm. IJefori^ the lightning's Hash or thunder rattle ; Just like the calm when strong batialions form, 55i!re harbinger of on impending battle. A single gun within the rebel lines. And all hisheree batialions were in motion ; Sons of tiie Southern palm, and Xortliern pines, j^fow met to test their courage and devotion. The rebel masses press their devious way. Through falling tiniler,— difficult obstriiction. While on their r;inks converging batteries play. With marked effect and terrible destruction. Uimiindful of the cannister and shell, And heedless of the thundering cannonade ; Tlie rebel column .siagcered. stopped, and fell. Before the volley of your old Brigade. That glorious Hag so often fell and rose. Its very tissue singed by rebel lire ; But to the last it waved bef )re its f )es, Upiield by the Twelfth, till all its toes retire. For tAVO brief hours the battle fiercely raged, iiepulsed and bleeding their recall was sounded : The Twelfth lost TiiiiiTY from eighty men engaged. And every commissioned officer was wounded. The enemy lost live thousand on the lield, His rout was most disastrous :ind complete ; In lengthened struggles Southrons have to yield. And i-'iacii as usual beat a swift retreat. The chosen seed of Israel's ancient race. Who once of old on heavenly manna fed ; At Corinth were found, not weeping o'er the place. But robbing tlie gallant and unconscious dead. General Gra it took special notice of the crime. But not to punish with prison house or fines ; In general orders secured at the time. The Jews were banished from the Union lines. By order the Union Brigade was discontinued. The fragments ordered to their several States ; Their love of country firm and unsubdued, iiejoiced to meet their liberated mates. The Twelfth's surviving prisoners were exchanged. After long months of wretched prison life ; With hated treason they were enstranged. And doubly anxious to renew the strif ■■. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 3!) At St. L(3uis the Twelfth iigaiu were re-united, Re-m-^anizediVffain for active war ; Again your regimentiil faitli was plighted, For victory and your Nation's rising star. The Regiment soon was ready for the front, And anxious to respond to duty's call ; To Vicksburg you were sent to share the brunt. And walk on foot through General Grant's canal. Tlie boat on which you sailed down to Vicksburg, Was loaded with coffins for prospective dead ; For want of space, you used them for a table, At night you used tliem for your bunk or bed. You disembarked at Duckport, Louisiana, The land of cypress swamps and alligators ; Stagnant bayous fringed with mock banana. The home and hot-bed of rebellious traitors. Vicksburg, majestic in its strength was seen. The very embodiment of slumbering war ; .The Mississippi only rolled between, So very near it seemed, and yet so far. Even in repose the silent water batteries, Seemed conscious, active, living, sentient things ; And branching works, like human arteries, Connecting all its fort encircled rings . Here you beheld that wonderful display, The Vicksburg batteries blazing like retorts ; Gloomy midnight changed to glorious day. When Union transports passed the rebel forts. Vicksburg was impregnable from tlie front, Its capture by the Yazoo far too dear ; Captured it must be, and as was your wont. You marched by the flank to take it from the rear. Your progress marked war's desolating patii, Through burning ruins of sugar house and gin ; A soldier's vengeance, or a planter's wrath. Fit sequence of secession, war and sin. Lone chimneys stand where lordly mansions stood. Like monumental tomb stones o'er the place ; ■^^"^iiere prayers to heaven ascended from the good. To Curse the oppressors of the Negro race. You found amusement on the weary march. In shooting buzzards, snakes and alligators ; The sacred birds and reptiles of the South, With characteristics like their kindred traitors. The road to Hard Times Landing was so long, The transports bore you to the Eastern shore ; Gaily you sung that stanza from the song, May Hard Times Landing come again no more. Grand Gulf was left dismantled by the fleet. You with Sherman was ordered to explore ; The exterior line of Pemberton's retreat, And capture Jackson with the Fifteenth Corps. 40 FIB ST REUNION OF THE This tor the Twelftli wis not unpleasant duty, As you had called at Jackson once before ; When insults ^leeted you from lips of beauty, And you had promised them to call once more. Your second call was rather unexpected. Hy rapid marching throui>;h a summer storm ; You found the Johnnies busy cooking bn>akfast. And helped yourselves without tlie usual form. Some were engaged in conning o'er their books. Some playing cards, or polishing their gaiters ; The Twelfth found them very admirable cooks. But very negligent and careless waiters. The people now forgot to jeer and mock, The Yankee soldiers at their just carouse ; When rebel stores ascend to heaven in smoke. Accompanied by the old Confederate house. Railroads cut, and rebel stores consumed. The troops with Jackson settled all their bills ; The n\arch on ^'icksburg was again res-uned, To the music of our guns on Champion Hills. Pemberton defe:=ited on the Chaminon Hills, Before the Thirteenth Corps falls slowly back ; Disheartened at all those multiplying ills. He tied to Vicksbiirg, when you crossed the Black. Your army con)S from Black River led the van. Your Regiment in adv;ince when brought to l)ay ; The Vicksburg Ftn-is with gloomy thouj;hts you scan. At nine o'clock, the eighteenth day of May. Within their works all silent and sedate. The rebels from their battlements beholds ; Deploying squadrons seal them to their fate. Like anaconda in its lengthened folds. Provisions now were very high and scarce. For all you had from the commissariat stoi'e. When you began the battle, march and chase, Was three days rations twenty days before. The value of hard tack now you comprehend. Satiety and loathing are forgot : And like the memory of an absent friend. You prize it highest when you have it not. Grant flushed with victory in the open field. Propelled his army like a ponderous sledge ; Full on the forts, expecting them to yield. Without the labors of a regular siege. Vainly the folumns charge with bated breath. Entire Brigades became the forlorn hope •. Repulsed before those siiddy heights of death. You plant your flags along the outer slope. But not content with courage and devotion, Move victims still, for war's avenging thunder ; Fresh Brigades were doomed and put in motion, A noble sacrifice to McClernand's blunder. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 41 The cruel charge was barren of results, The bleeding soldiers uttered no reproaches ; Vicksburg could not be taken by assault, ]?ut regular siege and gradual approaches. For forty days you work at sap and mine, Alternate nights is given to sleep and rest ; Alternate nights you guard the picket line. And every duty is performed with zest. Magnolia blossoms strew the trembling earth, Sweet perfume by the summer breeze was spread ; JSTow from the field a pestilential breath, Is wafted from our still unburied dead. A flag of truce from every fortress tell. The thundering batteries"now are hushed and still ; Our gallant dead were buried where they fell, Along the crest of Vicksburg's bloody hill. Two hours armistice, both the armies meet, On neutral ground their courtesies begin ; No boast of victory, glory or defeat. Death and the grave make enemies akin. The time is up, the blue and gray retire, Ihe signal gun is heard from near and far ; Five hundred guns resume their deadly fire, With all the horrors of tumultuous war. The answering batteries, through the summer nights, Made music like a chime of pealing bells ; The arch of heaven was glorious with the lights. Of burning fuse and bright exploding shells. On July fourth the works were all complete, The knell of Vicksburg was alreadv tolled; The garrison capitulate to escape defeat. And thirty thousand prisoners were paroled . The backbone of the rebel cauSe you broke. The Mississippi valley now was free. And free indeed, for hot a slavish yoke Was borne from Lake Itasca to the sea. Johnston's army came like gallant liege, Y ou marched at once and met him at tlie Black ; xie came too late to raise the Yankee siege, 1 ou crossed the stream and promptly drove him back. He sought at once the shelter of his guns. At Jackson, where he fortified the place ; A useless labor lost, because he runs. And leaves the once proud city in disgrace. Your Regiment and Brigade was sent in chase, A duty performed with spirit and abandon ; You changed his slow retreat, into a race. And closed the campaign with the fight at Brandon. Two rebel armies captured or destroved, For want of work your Generals thought it best; Ihe summer months in camp should be employed. To build SHEBANGS, recuperate, and rest. 42 FIRST BE UNION OF THE How tedious were those weary days in camp. So trying to the active soldier's patience ; How deleterious to tlie general health, Was iiAKD TACK fried in grease, the usual ration. The CLASSIC NAME of one important ration. I dare not speak, for fear of punishment, It is that part of the mateknal hog, Where juvenile swine derive tlieir nourishment. Tlie summer gone with all its fading beauty. The time for active service is at hand ; You march on Brownsville, beiit on warlike duty, Where all the reb's skedaddle, or disband. Tlie Mississippi campaign now is o'er, The country of armed rebels wholly free ; Transferred from Sherman to the Sixteenth corps. You join your division at Memphis, Tennessee. Detailed for duty never done before, Kebuilding railroads now your thouglits employ ; You led the van as a construction corps. As promptly as you labored to destroy. This duty done you garrison Chewalla, Colonel Stibb's commandant no one interferes ; There you passed a very pleasant winter. And re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteers. Companies '•"I" and '"G" prepared and in platoon. Marched to a party, through the somber woods; The boys struck up their old familiar tu e, And ALL TO A MAN LEFT, the rebel dance who could. Chewalla to Vicksburg you were ordered back, On garrison duty, where one month you staid ; Protecting all the crossings of the Black, Till Sherman returned from his meridian raid. To Iowa now you went on veterans' furlough. And reach yoiu" pleasant liomes by various ways. The brightest page your checkered lives can show. Was that bright holiday of thirty days. Short tliirty days, a drop in human life. Friends grasp your hand with many doubts and fears The blushing maiden, parent, friend, or avife. Sob their good bye with eyes suffused in tears. Still more endeared to country, home and friend, While silent praj^ers like holy incense rise ; You take the Held, those treasures to defend. The soldier's love of country never dies. The veterans meet at Davenport on time. And soon rejoined their comrades at the front; Where General Smith and Mil. Banks combine- Along the Red River on a rebel hunt. Your late position is again restored. The tirst division of the Sixteenth corps. No more with musty camps will you be bored, But marching or Hghting till the war be o'er. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 43 A.J. Smith, your dashing corps commander, An active Vesuvius, always in eruption ; In battle he was a perfect Salamander, His corps the very war cloud of destruction. Your march was often fleeter than the wind. Your path seemed blackened by the silicon's breath, Your tents and baggage always left behind ; Your war cry followed by the stroke of death. Your line of march though never trod before. Left few inducements for a march again ; The rebels supplied your basket and your store. And real war was never felt till then. Th(^ natives reap the fruits of disobedience, And the States once traversed by the Sixteenth corps ; Were ready to resume their old allegiance. And satisfied with war forevermore. Forrest Hushed with victory over General Sturges, And treating armed Contrabands like brutes ; His acts applauded by the rebel Burgliers, Who gloried in his fiendish attributes. War at best is cruel and severe, But HOKKiiJLE when malice guides the hands. Historic justice damns the dark career, Of Forrest murdering captured Contrabands. You marched at once to stay the cruel disaster. Filled with contempt for such a treacherous chief ; At Tupelo you applied your usual plaster. And punished for once this Negro killing thief. The post of honor assigned to your Brigade, You plainly see his motley gathering host ; In three lines deep the columns were arrayed. You even hear their proud exultant boast. Forrest promised his troops a very easy battle. Another Guntown massacre he said ; Stami)ede the Yankees like a herd of cattle, . And feed the buzzards with their butchered dead. With all the eloquence of an auctioneer, lie sold his Yankee wares so very cheap ; And those same Yankees cost the butcher dear. You piled his dead in one promiscuous heap. Forrest reforms his shattered line anew, Grown desperate in view of probable defeat ; You meet his onset with a countercharge. When all his lines are broken and retreat. You taught him lessons in the art of war, Kindly removed and dressed his wounded braves; Foul murder leaves a more enduring scar. Casts deeper shadows o'er the gloom of graves. The confederate stores at Tupelo consumed. The railroads cut and Forrest's troops defeated ; Your march on Memphis was again resumed. With that affair at Old Town Creek completed. 44 FIRST HE UN ION OF THE At Tupelo your losses were severe, Sixty-four in wounded, killed und missing, Their noble deeds we honor ai\d revere, Their glorious death receives a nation's blessing. Companies "A" and "F" detatched for special duty, Guarding the whites from raiding ^lainalukes ; One rosy dawn so fresh with summer beauty. Repulsed a Brigade of General Marmaduke's. The rebel forces full six hundred men, Who s\unmoned your forty veterans to yield ; Your ringing answer shook the southern glen. They lied, and left you, masters of the held. They also left their fallen comrades there. Sure evidence of their disastrous flight; Twenty dead and wounded to your care. Human trophy's of a desi)erat"e fight. In Mississippi other raids you made. More foes to conquer, other fields to win ; But Forrest now^ avoids your dextrous bhule. And rebel provender, getting scarce and thin. Across the Mississippi now you go. Where rebel cavalry resistless race ; The Union horsemen being found too slow. Smith's infantry were started in the chase. Embarked on transports ready to explore. The white river country, glooiny, wild and rough ; Through treacherous Bandits on its murky shore. You disembark at rugged Duvall's Bluff. With steady march you sweep across the State Of Arkansas, where lawless robbers rove ; O'er barren hills, composed of rock and slate. Through dismal swamp, and naseous papa grove. Across the Ozark rnnge with rapid strides. Where primative races sung their fetich hymns ; With scarcely space along its rocky sides. To pitch your camp or streach your weary limbs. Down from the hills you sweep, a compact force. Your ilaily march, at night bring pleasing dreams ; Rapidly gaining oir tiie rebel horse. You ford or swim the rushing mountain streams. A strange phenomenon never seen before, Unknown in warefare's pre-existing rules ; The rapid marching of the Sixteentli corps. From sheer exhaustion killed the patient mules. This fact alone, retarded operations. And frequent halts the hurried march beguile ; The dying brutes call forth your obligations. The average loss was three mules to the mile. By Cape Girardeau sound to Jefferson city. You sailed, to give the weary mules a rest. Price saw^ the point, and more from fear than pity. Turned his plundering columns to the West. You disembark without an hours delay, And once again renew the novel chase ; Where mounted rebels try to run away ; And infantry still gaining in the race. The enemy burn the bridges in his rear, And to all destructive usages conform ; Which does not even check your swift career. You swim the ice-cold Osage in a storm. Right in the midst of war and its alarms. The soldier being a common resident; A halt is called, the Regiment stack their arms, And dripping wet you vote for President. You exercised the freeman's sacred right. Without a tliought of folly, fraud or vice ; With ballot and bullet both you fairly fight, This Presidential campaign after Price, You make a spurt and march both day and night, While ague chills and burning fevers parch ; Before or since no record of the sight Of Infantry sleeping while upon the march. Across three States you chased the rebel host. Captured all his baggage, guns and cattle: His army scattered, broken up and lost, His retreat was more disastrous than a battle. Without a moment's time for needed rest. The Sixteenth Corps was sent to Tennessee, Where Hood on General Thomas closely prest. When Sherman's army started for the sea. Along the course of three Majestic streams. Past marts of trade and silent sombre wood, Up the Cumberland your transport streams. Where you confront the rash, impetuous Hood. Your landing from the boats was made in time, Your corps its noble destiny fultills; Out on the centre of the Union lines You stem the rebel torrent from the Hills. Tne gallant Hood you never met before; You only knew his hghting reputation; His introduction to the Sixteenth corps Broke the last link that bound his federation. The opposing squadrons scarce their lines conform. When from the north the wintry tempests blow, — The wrath of heaven seemed riding on the storm, And both the armies are engulfed in snow. The heavenly wrath subdued the wrath of men; War for a time the shivering hosts forego; No shelter save the hills or wooded glen. One hundred thousand soldiers 'neath the snow. Scarce had the melting snow from mountain sides Poured down its torrents to the swelling flood. When battling armies help to swell the tide With precious streams of gallant soldiers' blood. A council of war by all the corps' commanders; (ieneralThonuis si"inted A. J. Smith's request,— The Sixteenth corps, those fiery salamanders. Should strike the besieging rebel army first. December fifteenth, ere the break of day. The movement was begun with silent tread; Dense clouds of vapor o'er the landscape lay. The drowsy rebels thought you still in bed. Like opening drama on tlie mimic stage The foggy curtain lifted to the sun, Revealing all the Sixteenth corps engaged, And the last great battle of the war begun. The charge was sharp, decisive and severe; No hesitation marked the prompt advance; No doubtful laggards lingered in the rear. And all ouv flags went o'er their works at once. Hood's veteran soldiers, brave, misguided men, Fell back before you in disastrous rout; While breathless you renew the charge again, Capturing their cannon in their last redoubt. You gathered up the captured spoils of war. Advanced your lines till you confront your foes, Eat your scant rations, and beneath the stars Sank on the field of battle for repose. Hood, staggered by the almost crushing blow, Strong disappointinent now liis bosom tills, Not one step northward now his legions go. Besieged himself along the Brentwood Hills. When nnn-ning broke calm and serenely bright, Your veteran ranks were moving o'er the plain; Full in the front and center of the fight. You take the post of honor once again. Wood's fourth corps was to storm the Overton's Hill, His success or defeat. Smith's only sign; To hiu'l his corps against the Brentwood Hill, And break in pieces Hood"s extended line. By ten o'clock, with stubborn resistance, You gain position near your watchful foe. And wait for hours within good striking distance For Woods to move and strike the signal blow. You hear at last the tumult of his charge, In quiet suspense you wait with anxious breath; When from the hill the enemy discharge Full on his ranks the leaden streams of death. Vainly the soldiers strive, both white and black, TO reach the crest of Overton's fiery Hill ; Repulsed and bleeding they are driven back ; The firing cease and all the lines are still. The calm was but the prelude to the storm; The Sixteenth corps from their concealment rose. Without a halt their broken lines to form; You heedless rush on panic-stricken foes. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 47 The rebel works became a wall of fire, In sharp response to your resounding cry; When veteran soldiers of a hundred battles Break their ranks, throw down their arms and fly. You take their batteries, arms and battle flags, And capture prisoners, now a seething mass. All struggling to escane beyond the hills, Or through the defile of the Brentwood pass. Your work in Tennessee was now completed; You had no other contracts, jobs or leases; You left the rebels broken and defeated. With General Thomas gathering up the pieces. You made a halt at Eastport, Mississippi, Ustensibly to build your winter quarters; But marching orders came and set you free. And olf again like roving Calmuck Tartars. At Eastport you were short of food supplies; The country round depleted and forlorn; The baggage mules, your steady constant friend, Divide with you his fodder and his corn. You embark at Eastport through a storm of sleet. And down the Tennessee in steamers glide. Past former scenes of victory or defeat. And comrades' graves that dot the river's side. And down the Mississippi's swollen tide. The grandest trophy of tlie waning war, With not a fort or city on its banks, But floats on high the glorious stripes and stars. Down through the richly laden orange groves. Through flowering shrubs and beautiful exotics, Down where your regiment and the Sixteenth corps Were formed by balmy breezes from the tropics. You disembarked below the Crescent Citv, Where sugar cane and orange groves abound. Close by the buried dead of foi'mer wars You camp on Jackson's famous battle ground. Here you beheld the Creole population, In holy frenzy o'er their sacred law; Where masked absurdities of every nation Were represented in their Mardi Gras. With orders to report at Mobile Bay, You marched to the lake along the J^ewshell road; Green fields and flowers all o'er the landscape lay; The smoothest pathway armies ever trod. Lake Ponchartrain you crossed in stormy weather. High winds and chopping waves from ocean free; Your regiment nearly foundered altogether: Your craft was frail for such a stormy sea. You landed on the shores of Dauphin Island, And down to the gulf in joyous troops you go. Where drifted sand along the sea-washed shore Was white and spotless as the mountain snow. Here yoii had oysters fresh from Mobile Buy, And hunted shells amongst the ocean caves; Ijike happy school boys oh vacation day, Yoii bask in the sun, "or plunge beneath the waves. War with its hardships call you once again ; To General Canby next you bring relief", Tliat gallant soldier who has since been slain, The noble victim of the Modoc chief. You cross the bay, and up the Fish river swamp. In rear of Spanish fort to make a landing; The rebels fall back before you and decamp. And all arranged by previous understanding. You land amidst the gloomy pitch pine thickets. And march through resinous camps of pitch and tar, Driving before you all the rebel pickets, Who lure you on to more infernal war. Your camps are pitched beneath the forest shade; Your pine knot lires illuminate the scenes; Fresh gathered branches for your fragrant bed, You seek repose and court the land of dreams. You emerge from the woods in fronff^f Spanish Fort, Begrimmed with smoke and clothing glazed with pitch. Rebellion had reached this court of last resort. Besieged in Spanish Fort, their last grand ditch. The place was worthy of its reputation; Planted Torpedoes, nicely matched with gravel; Four years of skillful murderous preparation. Made Spanish Fort a hard old road to travel. Instinctively you step with cautious tread. Earth, air and Water, all combine and meet, In hurling death at your devoted head, While tiery billows roll beneath your feet. Ten days of active work with pick and spade. And wooden raorters on your picket line; Ten days of raining shell and cannonade, Your zig-zag works the rebel fort entwine. The rebels, seeing that their cause was lost, The evacuation of the fort began; You entered the works at midnight April ninth; The war was over, all your battles won. Now, when from war and tumult you were free. And rebel armies cease their stern commotion, The courageous Reed and gallant Major Knee Received their just and merited promotion. With other promotions all along the line. Fresh from the ranks, d-void of pomp or style. The noblest heroes of the civil war Were the glorious veterans of the rank and file. For one year, after all strife was over, You served as magistrates and courts of law. Recovering cotton and other goods in trover, A civil bureau under martial law. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 49 An executive and judiciary both combined, Enforcing the law by order and obedience; Your pardoning power was clear and well defined, Administering to rebels the Oath of their allegience. The accredited agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, You protect the negroes in their sacred rights, Enforcing contracts with their former masters. Suppressing riots and preventing fights. You even wore the high judicial ermine, In causes of equity, common law or tort; In all decisions promptly you determine, And right or wrong a "court of last resort. Three years passed in battle and destruction, As glorious as the ancient wars of Greece; One year devoted to national reconstruction, And splendid achievements in the paths of peace. Four years devoted to your country's glory. Four years of life beneath the forest aisles, Four years complete your glorious warlike story. And your long march of fifteen thousand miles. Fourteen years of civil life is past Without a sign or word of mutual greeting; When to the rendezvous we come at last. To hold this glorious regimental meeting. This happy gathering, like a pleasant dream, Will bless our lives, and all its joys prolong; A glimpse of heaven with no dark veil between. This grand exchange of sentiment and song. "OUR GALLANT DEAI>"-The Noble Heroes who, although passed to the Shores of the Great Unknown, still Live in our Memories, and nre Cher- ished as among- the best of our number." Response by K. P. Clarkson, Des Moines. No Other subject stirs up such hallowed memories, or touches so tenderly the Jiearts of all Iowa, and of all the homes of our whole country. The war left us a nation of des- olate hearthstones, bereft of their best and brightest idols Nearly every graveyard has its soldier graves that are objects of veneration to the whole community and will be until the generation tliat "fought the good fight'' shall have passed away, and even their children and their children's children will cherish and annua}ly deco- rate the grass-grown mounds, in praiseworthy remembrance of the he- roic services of our "gallant dead" for the reunited country they died to save. But tliis is a privilege that only a few enjay. The great mass of "our gallant dead" sleep their last sleep *:-av away from home and friends, the most of them in unknown graves, and the bones of a vast number of them lie bleaching on war-beaten trails all ovei the "solid South" and around all their accursed prison hells. They consecrated the rebellious land with blood too precious for such unworthy soil. Their fame is now the Nation's greatest heritage. They were of the Greeks who bat- tled for their country's honor and will be forever entitled to the proud 50 FIRST REUNION OF THE distinction of having fought for principles that all coming generations must make eternal or be forever unworthy of such heroic sacrifices. There must be no lialf way ground in history. The army that fouglit to preserve the whole country were patriots, and all those that opposed them were traitors, and are traitors still. The patriots are Greeks to be praised and venerat' d, while history will properly place the traitors on its blackest pages. In these days when politicians are so anxious to gain popularity with the rebellious horde, it is necessary that plain woids be spoken, and that treason be painted in its true colors. This is due to patriotism, and is mild punishment to traitors. We were not hii'ed Hessians that con- quered merely by sui)eriority of numbers, but soldiers for (Jod-iven prin- ciples that could not have been defeated. It was a war for the contiujui- tion of national supremacy and honor, and Trovidence rightly managed the contlict, so as to eradicate grievous wrongs, that had been upheld by the nation since the formation of the government. Nothing has struck the soldiers of the North in the last war with harder or more cruel force, th;in the false words of tlu' unworthy suc- cessor of Grant — our most gallant leader in war and peace. Si)eaking plainly the present President of the United States, when he was exhib- iting himself at Atlanta, Georgia, a few months ago, to the beaten but still defiant rebels, insulted every soldier in the Union Army, in com- paring the war^'to a struggle between Greeks, "and in stating that we"are entitled to no special credit for having conquered the Soutliern Greeks.'' Let us, at this, our tirst regimental union, hurl back his false and hol- low words with all the scorn that language can express. Such words sliould have blasted the tongue that si)ake them. It was the scheming trick of a political poltroon, but even the rebels were ashamed of a Northern man that would so debase himself, and none of them have ever asked the renomination to the Presidency that he was seeking to induce, while his name is execrated by all the gallant army he so foully slandered. If this be treading on political ground it is in vindication of those who were not time servers, but soldiers whose gallant defense of undy- ing principles placed a star on each shouldei of the foul slanderer, and whose votes elected him to the Presidency. Let us defend the gallant patriotism of our comrades, living and dead, wiienever it is assailed, and teach our children to honor the living and venerate the names of "our gallant dead" and remember that their lives were given freely to perpet- uate this land of liberty forever. The statistics sliow that the whole number of men called into the na- tional service during the war was 2.088,-523 and that about 1.-500.000 of these men were in active service; 96.089 were killed or died of wounds, and 184,331 from diseases — a total of 280,420 c]ead. The cost of the war to the government in mere dollars and cents was $3,098,233,078, while the different States expended, in bounties, or premiums to recruits $500,- 000,000. The colored troops numbered 178,975 and their loss speaks vol- umes for their bravery, as out of that number 68,178 perished. To these must be added that great tower of strength and will that stood at the gov- ernment's helm tln-oughout the war and was the solid rock against which the hosts of disgraceful peace and armed traitors beat in vain — the great heart and brain that guided the Ship of State through the channels filled with shoals and quicksands and died, by the hands of an assassin, just as the ship was passing the last breaker— the self-made man that was Providentially raised up from among the i>oor and lowly to be the Savior of the Nation, like one of old, to be the Savior of the World — the grandest and greatest among our "gallant dead" — Abraham Lincoln. Shall it ever be said that all this blood and treasure was spent in vain ? Can a nation so drenched with blood be so base as to forget the heroism of our fallen comrades that constitute this grand army that has gone on before to a realm where traitors are unknown V Better that TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 51 our land should become a barreudesert over which oceans should for- ever How to condemn the base int?ratitude and wash out all marks of such an ungrateful country's existence. The Iowa regiments lost 3,-iS2 killed or died of wounds; 8,482 died by- disease; 6,777 were disabled by wounds and sickness, and therefore dis- charged, making the State's total casualties 23,295 out of a total of 66,- 8U three years men in the service, or considerably more than one-third the entire number. The records of the war department show .that Iowa furnished 75,835 men, including those that enlisted for short terms, or went into the regiments of other States. Iowa's loss was, therefore, greater than the statistics show. Only last Sunday I stood by the bedside of a dying Iowa soldier, and almost his last words were in "-fighting his battles over again" and re- counting his experience in the much dreaded Andersonville prison. He was but 16 years old when he enlisted and was at first rejected by the mustering officer, but the fire of patriotism was too strong in Thomas W. Eichell)erger, of the 7th Iowa Infantry, to be thus quenched. Changing his clothes and coloring up his face to give himself a more robust ap- pearance, he again presented himself to Lt. Chambers for examination, and not being recognized he was accepted. He was a patriotic boy,a brave soldier and a noble man. His love for his brother soldiers was strong enough to include all who were on the Union side and he took the soldier view of all controversies and always lentthe helping hand to comrades in distress. Having beeodaily associated with him for a year past and learned to love him asll pure, noble and cherished friend, I cannot re- frain rom paying this brief tribute to his noble qualities in life aud of the real pleasure he seemed to feel in death from the full knowledge of having served his God and his country faithfully and well. Speaking more directly of those we knew best and loved the most, those who shared witli us the regimental toils and camp, the march and the battlefield, and who are at this time and will be forever, the nearest our heart strings, and who, if such things are possible, are with us in spirit now. The Twelfth Iowa had 109 killed, or died of wounds, being over one-ninth of our entire number; 217 died by disease and 254 were discharged tor disability caused by wounds or sickness, making the total casualties 580 men, over two-thirds of the number originally sworn into tlie service being permanently disabled during the war, and it is perhaps too true now that fully three-fourths of those who marched so gallantly forth from Camp Union with the grand old regiment are now beneath the ground. The regiment "fought like brave men, long and well, "at Fort Donelson, where the heart of the North was raised from the great despondency caused by the flood of misfortunes to our armies during the disastrous campaigns of 1861 to a furore of jubilation never before witnessed on American soil, in which battle the General tliat the world hns just pronounced the greatest living soldier, statesman and man, witii less than 20,000 men, captured 17,623 prisoners, 17 heavy guns. 48field pieces, 20.000 sra;)ll arras and 3.000 horses— at Shiloh, the bloodiest battle of the war, numbers engaged considered, in which Iowa lost nearly as many men in killed and wounded as in all the other battles of the war and which was tlie day of blood, death and capture to our own regiment — at (Corinth. -lackson. Vicksbnrg — where we captured 15 Generals, 31,600 soldiers, 39,000 muskets and 172 cannon, the greatest capture of men and arms from ^he invention of gunpowder up to that time, and whicJi battle broke tJie backbone of the rebellion, opening up the Mississippi river and cutting the Confederacy in twain, at Pleas- ant Hill, Yellow Bayou, Lake Chicot, Simsport, White River. Tupelo, Nashville Spanish Fort, Blakely and other less noted battles, and our "gallant dead" now lie buried in nearly every State in the Union. Shiloh was Iowa's greatest day of desolation and mourning, nearly all the lowii regiments in the service at that time being in the battle and all of them lost men lieavily. Three Iowa regiments — the Eighth, Twelfth and Fourteenth — were nearly destroyed, all the survivors of the three regiments that went on to the battle field being taken prisoners, just at the close of the first clays' (ij?ht,over one-third of the Twe fth being killed and wounded. It is useless to attempt to describe the suf- ferings of those that died in, or of those that survived the accursed l)rison hells. Language cannot portray their sufferings. Sutlice it to say that one-third of those tliat were taken prisoners died of ill-treatment or starvation, or were so physically wrecked that they were discharged and that over one-half of that gallant number tliat went forth to battle on that gory field, on that beautiful Sabbath morning, never reported to the regiment for duty again. May the everlasting peace of God be with "our gallant dead." We feel with a new force, gathered here without them Id-day, what a sac- ril'ice they made, aiul how, (iod help us in our mortality, and. God bless them in their re]), we loved them then and almost worship them now. It is not the love of the mother for her cliild, that love transcendant, which heaven itself cannot match, but it is a love that comes first after the closest ties of kindred— a love th:tt men sharing Jiardships and dangers and daring death together learn to liave for each other — a tove that has in its origin no selHshness, in its continuance no ingratitude, and which, please God, will have in enduring time no forgetfulness. We cannot open our hearts to let the curious world read with garish interest of what is treasured there— the sacred memories of fast fellow- ship, the sacred conlidences. <>r the lover-like friendships of the camp and the inarch ; or, of the still more holv last confidences and last words, caught from the lips of comrades dying in battle, j^ison or hosi)ital. But in this presence, here to-day, with so many of oiW surviviuf^ comrades around ns, and with. i)erhaps, the spirits of ''our gallant dead'' hover- ing in benediction over us, as the phantom armies of the slain, above the clouds, were pictured as lighting in sympathy with the armies of the living on the field of Gettysburg, we may, with soldier hearts, speak here of the sharp, fresh pain we feel to-day as tliis scene so vividly re- calls anew the dismal agoiiy of sorrow we felt, when our clierished comrades fell by our side in the iron and leaden hail of Douelson. or, when they sank down in the red rain of death into the still redder soil of Shiloh's scarlet ground ; or when they died with yet greater sufferings and still greater heroism, with even starvation and death not able to make the white lips complain, amid the grisly horrors of Montgomery, Tuscaloosa. Macon and Libby, and how with life as sweet and the fu- ture as bright and their frieiuls as dear to them as ours are to us to-day. and with a hope tor their country last in their iiearts, and a smile of remembrance of the loved ones at home last on their faces, they died without a murmur, dying as heroes died — as Christ died — for others. There is no American Valhalla — no marbled and roval palace of im- mortality for our American heroes shiin in battle to inhabit alone— but there is reserved for them instead the nobler Valhalla of our own hearts, in which their memoiies and their souls are sovereign now and shall be always. In one of the cemeteries at Washington City, a modest shaft of pure marble rise over the last couch of a young lieutenant of the navy, who with the sun of his glory and fame, hardly yet shining in its earliest morning, went dowmi at his post in conflict. The marble bears to its hero this legend : "Here lies, given back bvthe sea. the i)ody of Lieutenant Rodman, slain at his place of duty.'" So of our heai ts to-day, comrades, and of our hearts so long as they shall beat, and of our children's hearts so long as gratitude shall teach to them its j)erfect lesson, it shall be said : "'Here lies, given back from the carnage of the unmarked graves of Donelson, Shiloh. Corinth, Tu))elo, and other gory fields, and from the unsi)eakable sorrows and horrors of the nndistinguishable trenches of the starvation pens of Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Macon and Libby. the imaged memory of our noble, precious, immortal Dead. An angel even could not take from our hearts, nor take out of the hearts of men to come, nor from the heart of history, the gratitude of a memory so noble, and God Himself will guard and foster it. ''Our Gallant Dead" are our greatest honors, our grandest trophies and our proudest scars. Their deaths made heroes of us all, and gave tlie 'JVelfth Iowa its proud record as a regiment baptized with tire and blood They sacriliced iiome, friends and life with heroic cheerfulness, and their last good bye still lingers in the hearts and affections of the cherished idols left at home . We all recollect the last nights with loved ones TJiey were nighLs of weeping without slumber ; heavy hearts left the last breakfast almost untouclied, and while loving eyes were strained to catch the last sight of loved forms as they faded m the dis- tance, outstretclied hands waived Hope's benediction for a safe return. This parting was our hardest trial. It was a struggle between patriotism and affection. Patriotism won the day, and fought the good tight till peace prevailed. "Ah ! grander in historic g-lory Thau the greatest that linger behind, They shall live in perpettial story, Who sa\ed the last hope of mankind. Our oath, that till manhood has perished, And virtue and honor are sped. We'll he true to the cause they cherished, * Eternally true, 'to our gallant dead.'" The "Red, White and Blue" was sur.g by Miss Verda Kelsey with magniticentspirit, the entire assembly joining in the chorus. CANE PHESENTATIONS. Just now Col. Henderson arose, and stepping toward Col. Wood said : •'My Old Commander— The Twelfth Iowa Regiment has given me a new command. Their money bought this cane, and I am instruct- ed to present it to you with these words : That ;is you could always lean upon them in battle, they want you by this tolvcn to know that as you pass down the western hill-side of life you may lean implicitly upon their warm heart's affections. Accept it as a token of their enduring love." Col. Wood took the cane, trembling with visible emotion, and re- covering his broken voice said : "Col Henderson and Comrades of the Twelfth— I accept this token of your devoted love. I will retain it ever, and can never forget what it means; and if ever again the hand of treason should be raised against the flag of our country— although I may be an old man and bearing heavily on this staff— I swear by t lie living Godl will come from my distant home to Delaware, and, raising my voice as never before, will cry out: "Fall m Twelfth Iowa; close order— Makch ! and every one of you will be found in your old places in the ranks." The fire that burned in the ColoneFseye at Donelson was again seen at this moment, and bursts of applause greeted the regimental com- mander. Maj. Reed, of Waukon, now stepped forwardand took Lieut. Abner Dunham's hand and said: "Your comrades, appreciating all you have done to bring us to gether in this reunion, instruct me to present you with this cane, which I do with pleasure, knowing by years of service with you how well you deserve this token of your comrades' love.'' The Lieutenant took the cane and endeavored to express his thanks. 54 FIRST REUNION OF THE but in spite of repeated efforts found his emotions too great for him. With his tears were mingled those of many of his comrades. John F. Merry now sung "The Soldiers' Reunion" which was called for by the audience, and was warmly api)lauded. Un the platform was the flag of Company C presented by the ladies of the Upp"r Iowa University through the preceptress,Miss Lizzie Sorin, and wliicli was returned to her after "this cruel war was over." Also the Hag carried by the regiment at Corinth and in that battle held up de- fiantly before the enemy by Maj. J. D. Cole of Lansing, after he was shot through the body, and would not yield until he fell from loss of blood. And here was the regimental banner and its old flag in the hands of Lieut. IL J. Grannis, of Fayette, which had been m so many battles that it hung in speaking shreds ; whose hands they never left during the war, save when in rebel prison pens a i)risoner. He waived it before the audience, and said; "This is the flag we carried," quoting a line of the song just sung, "and this is the man who carried it," said Maj. Reed, pointing to Color Sergeant Grannls. Whereupon Comstock proposed three cheers for our Color Bearer who carried our colors from '61 to '06. Col. D. B. Henderson, proposed three rousing cheers for tlie people of Manchester, the Eldora and Manchester bands, and the Dubuque (| Drum Corps, who attended in a body at their own expense, and who won great praise. Mi THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE REUNION. It is with a mingled feeling of pleasure and pride that we write of the complete and gratifying success of the First Annual Reunion of the Twelfth Iowa Regiment, held at Manchester, on the 6th and 7th inst., the anniversary days of the battle of Shiloh. As a soldier in the noble old Regiment and as a participant in the glad Reunion, we write of the occasion with a heart fllled with feelings such as only a soldier can ap- preciate. The brotherhood of comradeship in the army is as close a bond and as tender a tie as ever binds men together. Nothing so tests the manhood of men as the test of army life, and nothing so proves it. The selfishness or the unselfishness of a man is quickly demonstrated there, and the men who become friends under such circumstances of peril and proof, find in the enduring tie the noblest freemasonry of ( friendship capable of being formed between men. It was in memory \ of a friendship so sublime as this, that the survivors of the Twelfth Iowa Regiment came together in this Reunion at Manchester, fifteen years after the close of the war, and eighteen years from the time of the battle of Shiloh. In our dispatches from Manchester was told, in TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 65 an incomplete way, a part of what was done at the Reunion. But no reporter could describe the heart there was in it all, nor how tender grew the strong men as they once more, after so long a separation, took each other by the hand. Only those who were there as participants can know as to that, and only soldiers can even imagine what it was. A permanent organization was formed of the survivors of the Twelfth, and means are to be instituted to search out and gather into the membership all those who have left the State or moved to distant homes. We shall strive thus to bring together the last one of our surviving comrades, and once more stand together a united brother- hood preserving our friendships and meeting in regular anniversaries so long as any of us survive. It is a noble aspiration, and who that reveres patriotism or loves his kind will not bid it fervent godspeed ? The following short sketch of the history of the Regiment, in the Manchester Democrat, will be of interest just now in reviving in the public mind the services of this noble Regiment : The Twelfth Regiment was mustered into the service at Dubuque inl^fovember, 1861, and in the following February took part in the bat- tles which resultecf in the capture of Fort Donelson. Eighteen y^ars ago to-day this Regiment occupied a central posi- tion on the battle held at Sliiloh, and held their place until six o'clock in the evening, when about four hundred of them were overpowered and obliged to surrender, but not until after one hundred and thirteen of their number were killed or wounded. For two hours before the surrender the Twelfth, with two or three other Regiments, were entirely surrounded, and in fact, contended against the entire rebel army. Those taken prisoners were exchanged, and the Regiment reorganized in time to take part in all the principal battles of the Vicksburg campaign. The Twelfth took part in the battle of Tupelo, Miss., in July, 1864, and out of two hundred men engaged, lost sixty-three in killed and wounded. The Regiment also fought bravely at the battle of Nash- ville, and during its term of service did about as much fighting as any Regiment in the war of the rebellion, being in twenty-three battles and under tire one hundred and twelve days. And each of these battles brought the survivors closer to each other than before, and there are few relations in life where the bonds of friendship are stronger than those that exist between such men. Around such a proud and precious record as this, may not the sur- vivors of the Regiment cluster to preserve still more certainly to the future the splendid heritage of its fame ! RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Clarkson, from the committee on resolutions, reported the following, which were adopted : Whereas, The city of Mancliester has placed at the disposal of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry Volunteers, for their use free of cliarge, the city halls, and also donated generously in cash ; and WiiEKEAS, The ladies of Manchester, have generously tendered said Regiment a rich and bountiful banquet, surrounded by decorations and beauties which only patriotic zeal and woman's taste could collect ; and Whereas, The Iowa National Guards, of this county, have spared no pains to contribute to the pleasure of this Reunion, thus bringing the soldiers of the past and the soldiers of the future warmly together ; and Whereas, Mr. 11. L. Rann of the Manchester Press, has devoted himself and his paper to promote the interests of this gathering, refusing ail compensation, and the Manchester Democrat has thrown its columns open for the interests of the Regiment, therefore, be it Resolved. That the Twelfth Iowa Infantry Volunteers, to each and all of those who have thus kindly and generously contributed to the happiness ami success of this our first Reunion, do hereby extend their sincere and heartfelt thanks, and they will ever remember the city of Manchester as a center of kindness, hospitality beauty and worth. Resolved, That we gratefully commend the good taste of those of our number wlio selected Manchester as tlie place of meeting of this Reunion, being the city so generally celebrated for the two things we had so little of in the army — butter and eggs . Resolved, That the mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and children of the Twelfth Iowa are members of the organization this day effected ; that they are as honorably entitled to this membership as any one who fought and veteranized, and as such members they are- cordially in- vited and earnestly requested to attend the Reunions of the Regiment. Resolved, That we desire, in this public manner, to tender to Col. J. J. Woods, our old commander, our heartfelt tlianks for coming from the extreme southern part of an adjoining Strte to be present with us at this our first Reunion, and for the noble and eloquent address with wliich hetgreeted us. His memory shall live with us and with the his- tory of the Regiment while life lasts and history endures. Resolved, That our thanks are especially due to Lt. Abner Dun- ham for the faithful and efficient manner in which he worked up this Reunion, resulting as it has in the most enjoyable gathering in the life time of those present. While the Reunion itself will always be remem- bered with pleasure, the happiness enjoyed on this occasion will always remind us of the brave and genial spirit that made possible this meet- ing of the kindred spirits of the Twelfth Iowa; THE ABSENT MEMBERS OF THE REGIMENT. STAFF. Major S. D. Brodtbeck, Higlihind. ill. Dr. C. C. Parker, Fayette, Iowa. J. W. Taylor, Dubuque, Iowa. N. E. Duncan, Kansas City, Missouri. COMPAXY A. A. J. Wiokhim, EMora, Iowa. Frank (\ Cromwell, Alcleii. iDwa. Z. N. Miller, Sprajju^viUe, Iowa. Samuel Walker, Macwille, Mo. J. D. Coniier. Eklora, Iowa. B. F. Ibach. Eklora, Iowa. D. V. Ellsworth, Eklora, Iowa. Levi Dobins, Eldora, Iowa. G. \V. Mitchell, New Providence, Iowa. E. S. Sawin, Union, Iowa. Job Crist, Eklora, Iowa. Thos. H. Wilsiwi, loM-a Falls, lov.-a. Geo. W. Mooii'. .Ma>.sville Iowa. H. Creamer, Nevada, Iowa. Simon LeFcv Wm. Mann, Iowa Falls. Iowa. Martin SaviU'r, W('l).;tt'r Citv, Iowa. Wm. Hallester, Eldorado, I('>wa. I. H. Bowers, El dorado, Iowa. T. H. Bailev, Eklora, lowii. Nathan Welch, DeWitt 111. Samuel Jackson, Dewitt, 111. M. Kidwiler. Iowa Falls. Iowa. Wm. G. McPherson, Austin, Minn. T. Fountain, Maishalltov^'n, Iowa. Geo. W. Keed, Hockport, Mo. G. W. Uulow, South Bend, Ind. (t. H. Haskins, Marysville. Mo. tlobt. Morris, Edg-ewood. la. er, Berlin, Iowa. COMPANY ii. M. H.Pratt, Waukon, Iowa. II. G. Pratt, Waukon, Iowa. Hugh McCabe, Waukon, Iowa. John Dowling, Waukon, Iowa. Frank Klees, Waukon, Iowa. I. D. S. Isted, Milwaukee, Wis. L. D. Bearee, Monona, Iowa. Geo. Ibach, Preston, Iowa. Steven Thibedo, Kossville, Iowa. W. B. Bort, Victory, Wis. J. P. Jackson, Harper's Ferry, Iowa. Fred Monk, Union City, Iowa. C. C. Ogan, Monroe, Minn. C. Deamy, Dayton, Ohio. A. West, Dubuque, Iowa. Wm. P. Winter, Bufifak) Fork, Iowa. COMP.ANY C. J. F. Hutchins, Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. Quivey. (^elwein, Iowa. John Kent, Oelwein, Iowa. Silas Crossman, Elgin, Iowa. Jas. Carmichael, lUyria, Iowa Boss Mattock.s, Elgin, Iowa. Ben.!. Delezene, Big Bend, Neb. .1. D. Baker, Montevad Townsley, Chioag-o, 111. .Jacob Woineldorf, Decorah, Iowa. Ancrow Hulvcr.son, Decorah, Iowa. A. E. Anderson, Dec;irah, Iowa. (). V. Ro(;k3vol(l, Thoten, Iowa. .John Ok'son, Thoten, Iowa. Geo. Kirkland, F'reeport, Iowa. W. L. Windsor, Clinton, Mo. G. W. Sharp, Prankville, Iowa. E. V. Andrus, Decorah, Iowa. A. A. Carey, Castalia, Iowa. V. It. Dunn, Honair, Iowa. S. West, Decorah, Iowa. Geo. Smith, Decorah, Iowa. COMPANY' H. John Ware, Hurlington, Iowa. John VanAnda,.Frecmont, Neb. W. L. C. Atkinson, Omaha, Neb. Ilobert Fischei, Colesbuig, Iowa. Ci. S(iuire Fischel, Colesbiir>>-, Iowa. A Alfred G. Gostin^, Strawberry Point, Iowa. It James M. Crosby, Kpworth, Iowa. G. N. K. Duncan, Kansas City, Mo. J Ed. Heeket, Dubmiue, Iowa B. A. Clark, Colesburg, low .. W. H. Cock, Dubuque, Iowa. A. J. Davis, Dubuque, Iowa. S. Doufrlass, McGres'or, Iowa. C. (Jilmore, Indianapolis, Indiana. M. Grimes, Indianapolis, Indiana. W. Hoerner, Dubuque, If)wa, Shorter. Shell Rock, Iowa. S. B. Sloan, Colesburjr, Iowa. W. S. Wisegarver, Colcsbur^-. Iowa. COMPANY I. A. li. Parmer, liincolii. Neb. Dave Paiip, Erie, Kiipfeas. E. !<'. Mathis. Oiniihi, Neb. J. J. Brown, Ohio, Neb. E. B. Campbell, Armstrons- (irove, Iowa. John S. Kay, Naponee, Neb. Warrer. Coats, Itoseville, II COMPANY K. Charles D. Bdling-s, Ohio, N J. B. Morgati, Davenport, I The above Roll is as nearly correct as we are at present no. certain. G. E. COMSTOCK, , Co. "C,"12thl. V. V. 1. /> ^n^yL-^lj^^ . ni^.y) y ^^-r^. iS^iSS^S&^^^^iSS^^^^^S — ^ ^ — ^^^^ — ^ _^_.^^___ ^ SECOND REUNION OF THE Twelfth lowa V. t InfantriJ, HELD AT MANCHESTER, IOWA, ON Wednesday and Thursday, May 21 and 22, 1884. DUBUQUE, IOWA C. U. DORR PRESS. 18S4. oA \V '^3U/-\^^ Jl /'OS Attention II COMRADE: The Committee on Publication send you this pam- phlet containing the proceedings of our last re-union. We send a copy to each surviving comrade whose address we have, and we hope that those who have not alread}- paid for '^ the hook will remit to our Treasurer, G. H. Morisey, of Man- chester, Delaware County, Iowa, the amount of its cost, 25 cents. All who signed our by-laws, and become members of our society, and whose names appear under Section VIII on page 10 of this book, are entitled to this copy free. We are anxious that all who can will become members of our society, '^ and if you will send one dollar to Treasurer Morisey, and di- rect him to do so, he will inscribe your name on the roll, ma- king vou a member, and you will then be entitled to this book without additional cost, but unless this is done, we hope ^■ou will be able to send the 25 cents. If \'ou know of any com- to rade who served in our regiment, and whose name does not appear in our book, will you be kind enough to send his name to and address to our secretary. Respectfully, COMMITTEE. \- ise—\\ovt. J. N. Weaver. VI. The Citi/.(^iis of Manchester— Their Hospitality and Loyalty— Mallilet.) H,-spnnsi-—\\nn. J. W. Shannon. Benediction. Reunion 1 2th Iowa V. V. Infantry, May 21st and 22d. Wednesday morning, May 21st, dawned bright and beautiful; nature arrayed in her most gorgeous robes, was ready to welcome the heroes of war and peace. The streets and dwellings were decked with flags and wreaths, all indicating the hearty welcome Manchester was ready to extend the old 12th Iowa. Many of the boys came the day previous, to be ready to ioin in all the gladness the occasion might afford them, and at train time accompanied by W. A. Morse Post, of the Grand Army of the Re- public, proceeded to the depot to welcome those who should come that morning. Amid the cheers of their comrades, a large number stepped ofi' the cars. After the hearty greetings the order to "fall in" was given and the march was made to the city hall, where the exer- cises were to take place. Immediately on entering the hall, the Manchester Glee Club sang "The Battle Cry of Freedom," in splendid slyle. At the last verse the audience, filling the room, rose and joined in the chorus, making the old hall resound with the grand melody. Col. S. G. Knee, President of the veteran Association, then in- troduced Commander J. B. Satterlee, who, on behalf of W. A. Morse Post and the citizens of Manchester, welcomed the veter- ans to the city. He said he had been delegated to open this skir- mish, that he never was in worse condition to perform such a duty, and that all he could do, was on behalf of W. A. Morse Post and the good people of Manchester, to say "welcome! wel- come! thrice welcome!" SECOND REUNION OF THE To this Col. Jack Stibbs responded as follows: Commander SaHerlce and Comrades of 3Iorsc Post: I have been delegated by my comrades of the Twelfth Iowa here assembled, to reply to your address, and to thank you, and through you, the citizens of Manchester, for the kind and generous welcome that has been extended us. I'^our years ago, our first reunion was held in your city, and after it was over there was a universal feeling among those who were present that we could never hope to receive so hearty a reception in any other place as had been tendered by your good people here. Therefore, when we came to consider the question of where to hold the reunion this year, and were assured by our Se- cretary, Dunham, and others iiere, that the people of Manchester would be glad to entertain us once more, we were selfish enough to decide to again accept of your hospitality. We are especially pleased on this occasion to be welcomed by an associa- tion of soldiers, and particularly by the Morse Post, for he whose name you* have adopted, Capt. W. A. Morse, was one of our number. A brave and gal- lant officer, a good citizen and a generous fellow, whom we all loved and re- spected. Then too, you each know what war means, and can appreciate, as only soldiers can, the feelings that have prompted us to assemble here to day. Each one of us who is here has made more or less of a sacrifice to attend this meeting, and I assure you we are prompted by no selfish motives, but are act- uated simply by feelings akin to those which cause a family of children to tra- vel from the four quarters of a continent to meet around the old family board on Thanksgiving day. This, to us as a regiment, is our Thanksgiving Day. Many y-Laws of the corporation. ARTICLE VI. Tills corporation shall commence witli the adoption of these articles and continue twenty years. Its indebtedness shall at no time exceed five hundred dollars and the private property of its numbers shall be exempt from corpor- ate debts. ARTICLE VII. The names of the officers of this corpijiation for the first year of its ex- istence are as follows: President, S. R. Edgington. Vice President, D. W- Reed. Secretary, Abner Dunham. Treasurer, Geo. H. Morisey. Directors, S. G. Knee, J. H. Stibbs, R. P. Clarkson, John Steen. Ben. Eberheart. The undersigned members of the 12th Regiment Iowa Volunteer In- fantry during the war of the Rebellion having associated themselves for the purposes hereinbefore expressed do hereby adopt, make, sign and execute the foregoing articles of incorporation, dated at Manchester, Iowa, this 21st day of April, A. D. 1884. E. B. SopER, D. B. Hendersom, S. D. Brodbeck, Geo. H: Morisey, R. P. Clarkson, J. H. Stubs, J. E. Simpson, D. W. Reed, Abner Dunham, S. R. Edgington, State of Iowa, \ Be it remembered that on the 21st Delaware County. ) day of May, A. D. 1884, before the un- dersigned, a notary republic, within and tor aforesaid county and state, person- ally appeared; E. B. Soper, D. B. Henderson, Geo. H. Morisey, R. P. Clark- son, J. H. Stibbs, J. E. Simpson, D. VV. Reed, Abner Dunham, S. R- Edging- ton, to me personally known 10 be the identical persons who hath signed and executed the foregoing articles of incorporation and severaly acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed for purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed at [seal] Manchester, this day and year first above written- VV. H- Norris, Notary Public TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTP.Y. They were then referred to a committee consistini^ of Capt. So- per, R. P. Clarkson, Col. Jack Stibbs, Maj. D. W. Reed and Maj, G. FI. Morisey, who submitted the following by-laws, which were adopted: By-Laws of the Society of the Twcl/th Regiment oj lozva Vete- ran Volunteers. I. Any person wiio served in, and was honorably discliarj^ed from, the 12th Rejjiment Iowa Infantry Volunteers, may become a member of this Society by signing these By-Laws and paying to the Treasurer tlie sum of one dollar. II. All who are elegible to membership m this Society, the wives ot members thereof and such persons as may be elected thereto at the time of and in the manner ot electing otHcers of the Association, shall be honorary members of this Society, and shall be entitled to meet with and participate in all Reunions of the Society, but they shall have no vote at any election held by the Society, and shall not be subject to dues or assessments. III. All elections of officers, honorary members and amendments to Articles of Incorporation and Hy-Laws shall be by ballot. The person having the highest number of votes for any office at any election shall be declared elected. IV. All meetings and reunions of the Society shall be held at Manchester, Delaware County, Iowa, unlsss otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors. V. The Oflficers and Directors of the Society shall constitute a Board of Directors of the Society, and shall have charge and control of the business and affairs of the Society and shall have and exercise such powers as may be proper and necessary to carry out the objects of the organization, but they shall not levy assessments upon the members of the Society exceeding the sum of one dollar per year, and no member whose assessments are in arrear shall be entitled to vote at any election, or upon any questions. VI. The duties of the officers of this society shall be as follows : The Presi- dent shall preside at all meetings of the society and shall also be the presi- dent of the Board of Directors. The Vice-President shall in the absence of the President perform the duties of that office. The Secretary shall likewise be the secretary of the Board of Directors. He shall keep a record of all pro- ceedings ot the society, and of the|Board of Directors. He shall be the cus- todian of all books, papers and correspondence of the Society, and under the direction of the Board of Directors shall cause the proper rosters and records provided lor by the Articles ot Incorporation to be properly made and kept and shall receive therefor such compensation as the Board of Directors may deem just and proper. The Treasurer shall safely keep all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his office and pay out the same only upon oiders drawn on him by order of the Board of Directors and signed by the piesiding officer thereof and the Secretary. The Directors shall be elected from ditiferent com- panies of the regiment and shall with the officers of the Society constitute of lO SECOND REUNION OF THE the Board of Directors of the corporation a majority of whom shall be a quo- rum to transact the business of the Society. VII. The officers of the Society elected at the reunion ol said regiment in 1884 shall hold their offices until their successors shall have been elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties. An election of officers shall be held at every reunion of the Society, and vacancies occurring by deatii or otherwise shall be filled by the Board of Directors. VIII. At the reunion in 1884 the members of each company shall organize by electing a president, a secretary and a committee of three members who shall as far practicable procure and transmit to the secretary of the Society the necessary facts and dates to enable him to make up the record of the company as required by the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation of the Society. W. A. Hamlin, company C J. C. Kiihns, '• H P. W. Moine. " C Chas. I. Martin, " C J. K. Simpson, " Q A. J. Rodgers. " "B"' W. N. Mann, " F F. Humphrey, chaplain. W. H Trowbridge, omp'y D E. O. Kelsey, company C J. W. Ward, " H S. R. Burch, adjutant. Henry Steen, company G Geo. Kint, " G 1. B. S. iPted, " "B" Joseph Franks, " H J. C. Jones, company E D. Craighton, •' E J. B. Morgan, " K N. J. Davis, " < ' H. S. Briggs, " H G. A. Kauge, " G Johr, Elwell, company E John B. Thompson, com'y G H. J. F. Small, comp'y F Anthonv J. Biller, comply E W. L. Henderson, " "C" V. W. Moreiand, " U Hart Spears, company C H. M. I'leston, " F C. F. Merriam, " K A. J. Millett, " D Sam J. Lewis, " D Jas. Evans, " H H. U. Andrews, " "B' .1. F Zediker, " ' 1' G. E. Comstock, " "C' Joseph Soper, company J. W. Gift, S. Kemp, company Geo. Teskey, company P. R. Ketchum, A. E. West, G. H. Latimer, •' Mrs V. Lnnkins, com'ny J. W. Rich, company J A. Van Anda, comp'y U. B. McCall, company S. Kaltenbach, ■' V. Dubois, " Geo. H. Morisey, '* K. r. (Jl.irksnn, Mrs. R. P Clarkson, Co. Johi\ B. K. nt. (^'omp tiiy ^. G. Knee. Lient. Colon*'". S. R. Kdtriiigton, Lieut. Co Jamef F. Lee, company " R. Z. Latimer, Mrs. W. .^. Morse, comp'y L M. Ay ITS, company W. W. Whiteiiack, comp'y Geo. W. \\ ooldridgc, •' Edwin Carell, company D. O. Aaker, A E. Anderson. " A. B. Perry, James Biirr. assistant siir; 'l\ C. Nelson, company Joseph S. t I. L. Jordan, " C F 0. P. Rockswold, " G F R. W Tirrill. F G Edwin A. Buttolph,Co. D (.i John F. Lee, company F E S. GifiEord, C geon Abner Dunham, co^Jip'y F F S. M. French, F F H. J. Graiinis. " C K Allen M. Blanchard, Co. D G Eli King, company T> A Henry M. Bailey, comp'y D C J. U. Stibbs, The Secretary then read the following letter from Col. J. J. Woods: Montana, Soliette Co., Kansas, May 16, 1884. Dear Dunham: — Amid the hurried duties of an active life, (for one of my age, (61) the thought just occurred to me that if I kept my promise, to wit: that if I did not attend the reunion of our old beloved 12th, you should re- ceive a letter from me before that event, I must write before mail time. Hence without taking time to give elegance of form to my sentences, I hasten to say that I exceedingly regret that private business at home, the distance to Manchester and the expense of the trip, combine to prevent my attendance at TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 1 1 the reunion. Say to my comrades (and the people of Manchester) that I re- member, with gratitude the kmdness I received from them at our last reunion, that I would be glad to meet them again face to face, press their friendly hands and look into their loving eyes, recount with them the scenes and incidents when our hearts were cemented together in the camp, the march and the fiery ordeal of battle, and with devotion to the great principles of liberty drop a silent tear together in remembrance of those of our brave comrades, who laid down their precious lives a holy sacrifice upon the altar of their country. And then probably many who were not at the last reunion will be at this one. O how I would like to greet them. By why attempt to express my feeling in words. "The heart feels most when the lips move not." 1 will hurridly close by saying, il life, health and strength permit, I will inake strenuous efforts to be with you at your next reunion. Yours Fraternally, J. J. Woods. P. S. — I want to tell you that I had the pleasure of meeting Gen. Pren- tiss recently and hearing him deliver his fine address on the battle otShiloh. Major D. W. Reed being called for, made some remarks concern- ing the proposed history of the 12th Regiment. He said what was greatly to be desired was a complete list of all the men whose names had ever appeared on the muster roll of the regiment. He said such a list was in the office of the Adjutant General at Wash- ington, and that it was possible to obtain a copy of it, as he had been informed. He had in his possession much material for that history, but, though he had addressed letters to every commission- ed officer of the regiment, requesting some account of his personal service, he had been unable to get a response from a single one of them. He hoped some member of each company would prepare an account of the service of the company, and send it to the com- mittee on the regimental history. This was the only way in which anything like a trustworthy history of the regiment could be written. He briefly reviewed the history of the regiment at Shi- loh, and successfully defended it from the charge, so often made, of having been captured early in the day on that memorable 6th of April, 1862. After which a very interesting letter from Capt. T. B. Edging- ton of Memphis, Tenn., was read, followed by letters from Capt. Robt. Williams of Co. E., in which he gave a graphic account of the part taken by the 12th Iowa at Shiloh and Topelo. Then followed letters from a large number of the absent com- rades in which they expressed their sorrow at their inability to at- 12 SECOND REUNION OF THE tend, and sent love and kind remembrance to all who were present. Amongst these letters we note that of Capt. H. J. Playter, Adj't. Duncan, J. V. G. Price, Isaac Watkins, W. B. Kieth, J. V. Crane, Geo. Nauman, C. M. Runkle, H. W. Ross, R. E. Hamlin, R. L. Johnson, E. King, A. A. Stewart, R. C. Cowell, W. L. Winsor, J. M. Tarpening, Isaac Woodmansia, Frank Renchin, Sam'l West, Asst. Surg. Underwood, Lt. J. D. Cole, Thos. Barr, Harman Grass, H. W. Bailey, T. G. Clark, A. J. Millett, Surg. Finley, Capt. Hunter, Capt. Switzer, Maj, Vanduzee, C. A. Coon, Van R. Dunn, A. H. Graves, G. A. Houge, Lawrence Lott, Cruay Clark, J. L. Mattocks, H. F. Coon, J. P. Strong, F. J. Crowhurst, H. C. Winterstine, Oliver Sharp, W. P. Haywood, A. M. Blanchard, W. B. Bort, A. L. Palmer, C. C. Stribling. A letter from Gen'l. John A. McArthur, who commanded our division in 1864 and 65, was read, in which he expressed his re- gard for the boys and wished them a glorious good time. Gen- eral J. M. Tuttle, who commanded our division in 1863, sent us the following: Des Moines, May 26, 1884. G. E. Comstock, Esq., Manchester, Iowa. Dear Sir: — I returned home from tlie east, last Saturday, to find your in- vitation and other correspondence about your 12th Iowa reunion. I would have surely been there, had I known just when it was to have come off, and regret exceedingly that I was not there; for I hear that you had an e.\cellent time of it. Yours Truly, J. M. Tuttle. Here is another letter, written to E.J. Congar, Esq., by one who was there, Capt. J. E.Simpson of Dubuque, which will show how the reunion is regarded by those who were present: Dubuque, May 24, 1884. What a good time we had at Manchester. How kind everyone was to us. God bless them all. To the 12th Iowa, the 6th and 7th of April, 1880, and the 2ist and 22nd of May, 1884, are bright, green spots, ever to be kept in memory, until the last survivor is under the sod. "Three cheers for tlie good, kind people of Manchester." Very Truly Your-;, J. E. Simpson. Many other letters were read, that were retained by the comrades, who presented them; hence the names of the writers cannot be given. The committee on publication regret that a lack of space prevents the publication in full of all letters that were received as the reading of them proved one of the most interesting and enjoyable features of the occasion- TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 1 3 Col. Stibbs said it was unusual to read letters from persons who were here, but he wanted to read a few lines from a letter he re- ceived from comrade S. M. French, who came 130 miles on toot through the mountains of Colorado, 65 of them on snow shoes, to be here at this reunion. The audience insisted on bringing Mr. French to the front, when they gave him three cheers that threat- ened to raise the roof of! the building. Everybody then joined in singing "John Brown," and everybody did it with a will. The following committees were then appointed : Finafice.—]. W. Gift, Thos. J. Lewis, Lt. H. J. Small, Dr. Jas. Barr. Resolutions. — Harvey Smith, R. P Clarkson, D. B. Henderson. John Steen, Wahoo, Nebraska, was elected Treasurer, ^I'o tern., and after singing, and the announcement that there would be ;i dress parade at five o'clock, the session was closed. DRESS PARADE. This was a pleasing feature of the program. Col. Jack Stibbs was attired in the regimentals he wore when he was mustered out of the army. Since which time he had grown corpulent and the coat had grown too small, but he obviated the difficulty by the aid of strings attached to the buttons. The pants, too, fit closely ; in fact the tout ensemble of hns attire was somewhat ludicrous, but amusing to all. After the manoeuvres had been gone through with in a very creditable manner. Adjutant Burch read the following: Headquarters 12th Iowa Infantry, Manchester, Iowa, May 21. General order 76. To the surviving members of the 12th Iowa: — This being the first dress parade iield by our regiment for nearly twenty years, I take pleasure in congratulating you on the soldierly appearance presented by you on this occasion. When our last dress parade was held we had just finished a series of campaigns, extending over a period of more than four years, during which time we took an active part in suppressing the most formidable rebellion known in the history of the world. On returning to our homes at the close of the war we were gratified to find that our friends were satisfied with our achievements, and that all considered we had done our duly well, and to-day we are happy in knowing that the people of the great State of Iowa point with pride to the record of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry, as being second to that of no regiment ever sent from the State. For nearly two decades peace has reigned within our borders, and they who were our enemies in war are now our friends, acknowledging to the world that the cause lor which we fought was just and right, and that we lairly gained the right to be styled their conquerors. J A SECOND REUNION OF THE Since the war closed the surviving members of our organization, have as a whole acquitted themselves creditably in the great battle ofhfe, and vve have here to-day a body of citizens of whom any community might well be nroud Time with his ruthless hand, has made sad inroads m our ranks, and nriny an anxious inquirer after some old friend is met to-day with the crush- in'-- renlv dead. We hope that there are many parades in store for our asso- ciation, but our own good sense tells us that the time is not far distant when the last remaining member of our regiment must answer to the call of lights out"" Then let us hope that when our reveille is beaten in the camp of the great Hereafter, that we may meet witii hearts true and loyal, as they were when we went f^orth to fight our country's battles. By order of J. H. Stibbs. Colonel Twelfth Iowa Infantry and Brevet Brigadier General. S. R. BuRCH, Adjutant. > Special order. Headquarters 12th Iowa Infantry, No. 91, Manchester Iowa Mav 21, 1884, Comrades: Nearly twenty years have elapsed since vve were 'in active servive- The statute of limitation serves as a bar to punishment for minor offenses committed during the war and our friends have generously offered us a free pardon for our youthful indiscretions, therefore I wisli to ad- monish you that it is no longer necessary for the survivors of the regiment to deny any acts committed by them in service. Ser;unlH)at Springs, Colorado John F. Lee, Council (irove, Kansas. John Otis, Manchester. Iowa. Thomas McGowan, Independence, Iowa. COMPANY G. O. P. Rocksvold, Thoton, Iowa. G. W. Kirkland, Freeport, Iowa. J. E. Simpson, Dubuque, " A. E. Anderson. Calmar, " D. O. Aaker, Ridgeway, John Steen, Wahoo, Neb. M. K. Meader, Hesper, Iowa. J. B. Thompson, Spillville, Iowa. G. A. Hauge, Albert Lea, Minn. Henry Steen, Oakland, Nel>. Nelson J. Davis, Berrien Springs, Mich. Wari'en Wait, Nashua, Iowa. A. Carey, Castalia, Iowa. COMPANY H. J. Shorter, Shell Rock, Iowa. J. A. Light, Norfolk, Neb. A. T. Garner, Farley, Iowa. S. C. Fishel, Iowa Falls, Iowa. H. S. l?nggs, Marcus, " J. A. Van Anda, Fremont, Neb. J. B. Flenniken, Norfolk, " D. W. Moreland, Earlville, Iowa. James Evans, Dubu(iue, Iowa. Franklin M. Hamblin, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Edwjiid Winch, Arena, Wis. J. W. Ward, Buiiington, Iowa. Joseph Frank. Mamont, " J. C. Kuhns, Manning, " Alex. McConnell, Hopkinton, Iowa. K. W. Fishel, Greeley, Iowa. S. M. Jackson, Lincoln. Neb. S. B. Sloan, Greeley, Iowa. M. D. Nagle, Dubuque, Iowa. M. B. (lOodnum, Ord, Neb. J. S. Ray, Naponee, " COMPANY I. Geo. Teskey, El wood, Iowa. J. F. Zediker, Franklin, Neb. COMPANY K. Henry Waldroff, La Porte City, Iowa, Porter Willard. H(tpkiuton, Iowa. P. J. Morehouse, Masonville, Iowa. Sanmel Horn, Maynard, Ira D. Blanchard,"Edna, Minn. W. I). Morgan, Blooniington, Neb. H. C. Meiiiani, Hopkinton, Iowa. J. B. Morgan, Davenport, " N. H. Baldwin, Ade, Kansas. C. IC. Merriani, Hopkinton, Iowa. 28 SKCOND REUNION OF THE MEMBERS OF OTHER REGIMENTS. "K^^^w- ^. 1 .1. A. Snyder, Co, I), 4:illi Wis. MiiiK'liesU'r. I;i J. M. (iariisDii. Co. 15, 2.'iil " " " C. (). Hunisoii, Co. K. .Slst J;i.s. Stewart, '\). C. 27tli Wi.s., H. H. Sisson, Co. K, 27tti " Delawaic, la W. S. Jones, Co. K,2il Wis. Cav. Manclicsler J. I). fM!,'u;s, Co. C, 4i!lli Wis. Inf. H. C. Kihiv, Co. C, 2211(1 " " WinUiro]) hi ('. II. Jolinsoii.Co. 1), -nil Wis. Ca\. Del., la K. 15. lAim. Co. I), nth Wis. Inf. Maneliester P. A. rcl(!r.s<>n,Co. ll,27lli Wis. Inf. Win. Wasson, ;!i(l hui. r.atleiv, Delaware, la KuKene Hall, Co. F, !itli Iowa," Karlville, J;us. T. I'^owler, Co. (i, iilli Iowa, Creeley, '• Geo. liedlioad, Co. C, l.iili " I'ostvilie, la Anthony Swindle, (^o. I,41h " r.aiiy\ ille. " John .MalvcMi, ('o. II, nth Iowa, (ireeley, la. W. H. (iolder, Co. 15, Ktli la., Manchester' la L. D. IIoncis, Co. C, >' Wmthi-oii, la. Ja.s. Slnulle, Co. (!, 2nd la., Manchester, la K. M. Marvni, Co. II, :5lst la., J. C. 15utts, ] ^^Wal- (^'l^: 1 Dycrsville, la. H. C. Fo.x, Co. F, 4Gtli la., Manchester, " a. A. Odell, " " •' (Jreelev, Iowa. S. C. Hursh, Co. (i, Hth la., Cav. Waverly, la K. (1. Crawford, Co. L, Kth la., Cav. Hop'ton J. H. Kvaus, Co. 15, 4tli la. Cav., Uyersville. W. F. Delaney, Co. 15, 4th la., Cav.,' Hazel (! Chas. Delaney, '" " '• " Cyrus Stoner,' " " Earlville, la D. K. Fox, Co. K, 4th la., Cav., Manchester J. H. Peters, U. C.)l. 4th la. " 15. F. Skinner, Co. C, 1st " " S. W. Trenohard, Co. G, 1st la. Cav. " G. H. Dubois, A. Miller, Co. L, 1st la. Cav. Manchester, la K. D. Smith, Co. G, 6th la. Cav. Forestville, A. 15. Durfey, " " " Edgewood. C. J. Bailey', Co. L, " " Manchester Chii-s. Sydovv, '" D, 27th Iowa, Couover, la I. S. Ilanna. " E, " " Nusent, la. A. D. Unbbell, Co. F, 27th la., Edgewood, la W. J. Millctt, Co.F, 27th la., Manehe.ster, la K. 15. Wilson, " " " C. O. Torrey, " " " " Kollin Lewis, " " " A. J. Hrown, " •' " " 15. W. Kenvon, " " " Tower Hill, la F. D Smith, Co. C, 11th Vt. Masoiiville, la. A. H. lUake, Co. F, iith " Manchester, la Ilenry Stiles, Co. A, 2nd " Masoiiville, " S. A. Paige, Co. G, lOtli Win. Williams, Co. 15, 2!)tli Mass. Manchester S. E. Meserve, Co. K, Kith Mass., 15. W. Jewell, Co. \<\ 1st. Mass., J. C. Hadley, Saiipers & Miners, 3rd Md., " II. P. Chapman, Co. P., Kith N. H. Mancli".st'r D. C. Meader, Co. 1). 6th Maine, Eldora, la Allen Meader, Co. E, 2Ctli '• C. W. Rollins. Co. A, 22(1 " Delaware, la Midnuil Dnffey, Co. A, 1st Nev. Cav. Nugent A.Knowles, Co.K, 7th Mo.Cav. Winthrop, la T. .1. Doane, Co. 1), 70 Ind.. Uoh Moines, la D. A. P.eiider, " A, 120 Ind , Manchester, " A. A. Ilaniliii. Co. A, it7lli Ind., J. P. Wilson, Co. A, liKi Pa., Manehesler, " L. Smith, Co. I, mil Pa., Cav., Forestville, Amos l.iglitfoot, Co.lC, 11th Pa., Cav. Man'str Henry Hunt, Co. E, Kjtli Mich., Manchester C. II. P.abcock, Co F. 4:id ()., Masoiiville, la A. <;. riiompson, Co. I), (ilst ()., Manchester (i. (). Vincent, Co. E. 1st ()., Hat. W. II. Ayers, Co. F, lu3d " Delaware John Diihois, Seig. Maj. la., Manchester P. S. Crosby, iU). H, Iowa, N. S. Preston, Delaware. E. S. Stone, Co. K. " " Delhi. C. Ilusted, CO. F, 21st Iowa, Manchester. J. F. Merry, " K, C. P. Dimton, Co. K, •' ■' Newton (ireen, Co. K, 21st la., Hazel Green ('. Scott, Co. II, " Manchester. Daniel II. Gregg, Co. H, III. A. J.Collinge, Co. A, 3;»th 111., C. II. Oshoiii, Co. K, 4i;th 111.. Brush Creek Jose[ili Mitch, " F, I2tli " Manehe.ster, la W. S. Martin. " F. 54th " G. M. Hickok, " 1, 1st 111. Et. Art., " Arthur Sjiare, " 1, iiGth 111., .1. H. Boardman, Co. K, 28th 111. .F'orestville Luther Kicli. Co. E, r)2nd 111., Manchester J. L. Chapel, " B, 74th " (i. A. Day, Col. iilst HI., Manehe.ster, Iowa C. H. Westbrook, Co. B, 8th 111. Cav. A. C. Carter, Co. E, l4Gth 111. Inf. Manches'tr James MeFarhuul, Co. 11. 57th III. Inf. " Henry Woodring, '• C, 55tli 111. Inf. Wav'ly Fred Glitsher, Co. I, lOSlli 111. Inf.. ManclPer Jas. O. Maves, " I, 11th 111. Cav.. O. S. Fowler. Co. K. l.ith 111. Eaniont C. 15. liatoii, Band' 11th 111. Manchester, la A. O. Moore. Co. F. '.mh HI.. Manchester, la J. W. Parker, Co. B. 46th 111., A. J. Patch, Adj. 7tli Minn., I)ubu(iue, Iowa W. 11. Marshall. Col. 7tli Minn.. St. Paul W. II. More. Co. H. 16Cli Iowa. Dubu(iue, la C. II. Mattox, Co. It, Kith la.. Manchester A.J.Abbott, " C. 2iut la. Cav. Jas. Ireland, '" i. " " " John Wood, " " " " .1. 15. Thompson, Co. I. " " " H. Percival, Co. C, 7Ui N. Y. Manehe.ster, la A. F. Eooinis. Co. K, I2,5tli N. Y. Golden, la C. L. Iliuidle, Co. P., !i4th " Earlville. la Dr. C.C.Bradley, U.S., 13(;th n.Y. .Vlanch'er E. I). Allen, C(J. 1,5th N.V. Art., Eailvilh; J. B. Satterlee, Co. 15, 44Hin. Y. Manch'str E. F Sias, Co. 15, ISGtli N. Y. Manche.-;ter (Jeo. Cominerford, Co. A, 4Sth N. Y. " A. J. Simiison, CO. I<\ 13th N. Y. Peter Broadway, Co. A, (>4th N. Y. J. S. L. Scott, 'Co. F, J. T. Abbott, Co. I, 185tli E. S. Cowles, Co. (i, 7th la. Cav., Campttm MEXICAN WAR. M.S. Allen, A, Mich., Sabula, Iowa. H. I). Wood, 4th Co. 111. Cav. Manchester S. K. F:dgington, A, 3rd Ohio, Eldora. John carr, U. S. Frigate, Savannah, Man'str Thursday Morning. The first business of the hour was the reports of committees. Capt. Gift of the committee on finance reported the condition of the treasury. Comrade Dunham moved that a committee of three be appoint- ed by the chair who should confer with the reporter as to what matter should be prepared for publication in the proceedings of this convention. Carried and the chair appointed: Col. Jack Stibbs, G. E. Comstock and Lieut. J. E. Simpson. Col. Stibbs here presented Mr. Jas. C. Butts of Dyersville as an old soldier of the war of 1812; that he also served m our late war of '61. He is 89 years old, wears no glasses, reads an3^thing, was in the 37th Iowa, the grey-beards. Iowa is the only State that furnished those soldiers; boys, this is just what we are coming to; the last member of the 12th will stand up sometime. The boys gave the old soldier three rousing cheers. Comrade Smith of the committee on resolutions then reported the following which were adopted. Resolved, That it is with a profound sense of appreciation that we desire to tender to the citizens of Manchester our sincere thanks for their warm and hearty reception of the members of the 12th Iowa Volunteers. Resolved, That we will ever remember with delight this our second re- union at the beautiful city of Manchester, and as we go to our several homes, we will carry with us a happy recollection of the grand welcome and pleasant reception accorded us. Resolved, That we as veterans and members of the 12th Iowa Volunteers, hereby extend to the officers and members of W. A. Morse Post, No. 190, G- A. R., of Manchester, our warmest thanks for their hearty, soldierly greeting and good cheer. Resolved, That it is with a genuine sense of their hospitality to us that we wish them all long and prosperous lives, and that sometime in the near future it may be ours to return the compliment so cheerfully awarded us. Resolved, That we extend to the members of the First Regimental Band^ of Eldora, our warmest thanks for the excellent music rendered by them which has contributed so materially to the pleasure and success of this re- union. Resolved, That we respectfully request the Congress of the United States to pass a law pensioning all disabled union soldiers who are incapacitated from providing tor themselves and families, without limitation as to date of disability- 32 SECOND REUNION OF THE Resolved, That the 12th Iowa Infantry, in reunion assembled, emphatically protest against the removal of Gen. J. L. Geddes as Military Instructor of the Iowa Agricultural College, and request his reappointment by the lioard of trustees, at the earliest practicable moment. Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives in Congress are hereby requested to use tiieir best endeavors to amend the bill now pending Congress to pension prisoners of war, so as to include all who were confined in rebel prisons fifty days or over. Many members of the 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa, the 58th Illinois, and other Iowa, Oliio, Illinois and Missouri regiments, who were confined in rebel prisons filty-five days at Cahaba, Tuscaloosa, and Mont- gomery, Ala., and Macon, Georgia, are now physical wrecks, from starvation and ill-treatment, in aforesaid prisons, but are unable to prove such facts to the satisfaction of the Pension Department- Therefore, we ask the change above mentioned, m order that justice may be done them, and sadly needed relief secured. Resolved, That we extend to Col. W. R. Marshall, Gen. J. L. Geddes, two of our old brigade commanders, who have added so much to the real pleasure of our reunion, and to the other invited guests present, our sincere heartfelt thanks for the kindly interest they continue to take fn our regimental organi- zation. We hail them with pleasure, and shall always be pleased to meet them, and hereby extend to them a cordial invitation to attend our next and all following reunions. Resolved, That the warmest thanks of every member of the 12th Iowa Regiment are hereby extended, together with our soldierly greeting, to the officers and members of Company C, I. N. G., of Manchester, who have so signally contributed as escort, to the pleasure and success of this reunion, and that we shall ever remember with feelings of pride, their soldierly appearance and acts. Resolved, By the 12th Iowa Reunion Association that the Eldora Silver Cornet Band, of Eldora, Iowa, be and hereby are made honorary members of our association. The chair appointed on motion the following as committee to nominate officers: H. C. Curtis, Co. C. L. M. Ayers, Co. D. S. R. Edfjington, Co. A. J. E. Simpson, Co. G. S. G. Knee, Co. H. It was moved by Comrade Simpson that the secretary address a letter to Col. Woods, expressing our regret at his absence, thanks for his kindly remembrance and wishes for his welfare, with the warmest greetings of his old comrades in arms. The chair announced a committee of ladies from the citizens who desired to give the boys as hearty a welcome as they got from Shiloh. You will be compelled to retreat and let your foes take possession of the field. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 3 1 The distribution of tickets to the banquet being in order, while they were waiting, Col. Stibbs said: «'//6> IS HELENE VIOLET B? This is a question that has been bothering the minds of many of us for the past four years, and I am glad to be able to say that I am fully prepared to answer it. I am free to confess that when I first learned of this mysterious personage I was a good deal surprised, and rather sorry too, to think that a sure enough woman had served for three long years with the 12th Iowa, and I never found her out. So when we began our preparations for this reunion I determined if possible to find Miss Helene and bring her with me, and I am happy to say, that she is now present an interested listener to my story, but she is not here in the form that many expected to see, and her appearance, age, height, complexion and style of her bangs can only be guessed at. It is a well established fact that there are persons in the world, who hon- estly believe that they have a dual existence, and that there dwells within them the spirit of another who accompanies them through life. Whether such a thing can be or not we have no time now to discuss, but the fact that the be- lief exists cannot be questioned. Such a person served in the 12th Iowa. He was a dutiful soldier and to- day carries the scars of wounds received while manfully facing the enemy. He told me this story in confidence and therefore I am not at liberty to give names, but I can assure you that he is honest in his belief and tiiat he has not sought to impose on us an improbable story. He claims that from his infancy he has carried with him the spirit of his sister, Helene Violet, that he is in con- stant communication with her, and she acts as his guide and counsellor. Warns him of impending dangers, and predicts events that are to occur. When slie chooses to speak for herself, he is compelled to act as her aman- uensis, and thus it happened that she made herself known to the regiment. She heard read the proceedings of our last reunion and her womanly nature was aroused and her sympathies excited by hearing of tiie part taken by little Florence Dunham the daughter of our worthy secretary, and she at once determmed to write to her. When liie soldier who represents her found what a storm of comment and curiosity her letter had provoked, besought to con- ceal his connection with the matter, as he recognized that which is a reality to him, would be ridiculed by many, and as I have given you the story in full, I ask that you will make no further effort to learn the name of the soldier who represents Helene Violet B. The reading of this little episode was warmly applauded, after which all repaired to the banquet room where an elegant repast had been prepared by the ladies of Manchester. Chaplain Hum- phrey having asked a blessing upon the generous fare, the boys fell to with a will and amply showed their ability to clear all be- fore them, then in good order each reteated to make room for the reserve force which followed until all had enjoyed the feast. 30 SECOND REUNION OF THE AFTERNOON SESSION. The committee on nomination of officers reported as follows: President— Col. S. R. Edgington, Eldora, Vice President — Major D. W. Reed, Waakon. Secretary— Lt. A. Dunham, Manchester. Treasurer — Major G. S- Morisey, Manchester. Directors — Lt. S. G. Knee, Co. H, Colesburg; Gen. J. H. Stibbs, Co. D. Chi- cago; Sergt. R. P. Clarkson, Co. A, DesMoines; O. M. S John Stein, Co. G Wahoo, Neb ; Ben Eberhardt, Co. E, LaPorte. After considerable urging and coaxing to induce L,t. Dunham to accept the position of secretary, the report of the committee was adopted, and Col. Edgington conducted to the chair. The Colo- nel being introduced said: Comrades of the 12th: To the veterans I return my sincere thanks for this high compHment. I have considered myself too modest to appear before you; but it has been your pleasure to elect me your president for the ensuing year. I assure you that il I fail in aught, it will be in judgment, The heart will be right. I thank you again. I will attempt to do my duty. History says that the 12th was under fire 112 days, and I commanded the regiment more than fifty of those. What ever I may have been wanting in that, I shall be wanting in this. Again I thank you. One of the most interesting scenes of the reunion was enacted at this time. The boys called forward "Sukey" Jackson, the old drummer, S. M. French, former fife major, and H. J. Grannis the color-bearer. The long roll, reveille, tattoo were successively called for and beaten, and at their close three rousing cheers were given for each, with three for the old flag which was held by its bearer. The Chair then presented Capt. John F. Merry, the Gen. West- ern Passenger Agent of the lUinois Central, who had done much toward making the reunion a success. Capt. Merry said he felt as though he needed no introduction to this audience. There was scarcely a face that was not familiar to him. He had done what he could to ensure the success of the reunion, and was quite sure that his efforts had caused him more pleasure than they could have done anybody else. He spoke of recent visits to Vicksburg, and said a visit there would afford some idea of the grand character of a government that, while providing so liberally for the living sol- diers, cared so tenderly for the dead. The Captain's short speech was warmly applauded. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTY 33 The Eldora Band then played some beautiful selections, when the chairman reported that he had just been handed a receipted bill for the entertainment of the band, while here. He said this was something wholly unexpected, and was but another evidence of the warm-hearted liberality of the people of Manchester toward the 1 2th regiment. He assured them their kindness would never be forgotten. The president announced as the special feature of the afternoon the toasts which were laid down in the exercises. Owing to the absence of expected guests, several changes were made; but all present highly enjoyed the following: Hon H. C. Curtis responded to the following: "THE FAMOUS CHARGE OF THE ENTIRE ARMY, May 22. 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss- Mr. President, Comrades and Fellow Citizens: — I confess to you that I am taken a little by surprise at this time, by bein«: called upon to respond to the sentiment, "The charge of the whole army at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863." Had I been called upon to relate some amusir.L; anecdote of the war in wiiich we struggled together for four long, long years, to conquer the brazen enemies of our country, I would not have wondered, but to recount the deeds and the heroic valor of our noble army, on that memorable day, and place on the canvass of your imagination, those awful scenes, that we all will remember as long as we live, I say tongue cannot de- scribe, nor pen picture, that awful struggle. The imagination staggers back, lost and powerless as we attempt to cast our eye back for twenty years on the scenes, awful yet grand and inspiring, on that bloody field. Let us go back for moment to Grand Gutf from which point that Iowa Army of Grant started for the interior of Mississippi, the ultimate object be- ing the capture of that strongest of all strong points, which tiie rebels held at that time, throughout the confederacy. We look over the history of France, and see the dashing effective campaigns of Napoleon, and wonder at the au- dacity of the plans of the great French General, surrounded as he was by his famous and trusty marshals- And yet, my dear comrades, no general of ancient or modern times, wen into a great campaign against such fearful odds, and discouraging circumstances as did our great general in the Vicksburg campaign. We marched rapidly to Jackson and Clinton, thus being placed exactly between two hostile armies, one of which was greater in number, and the other nearly as large as ours; but yon know better than I can tell you the fighting qualities of that devoted 40,000 of which you were a part, that astonished the civilized world, with victory up- on victory from the day we left Grand Gulf till Vicksburg was ours with its vast munitions of war, and thirty -eight thousand rebel prisoners. The 15th army co p ; under W. T. Sherman, in which was the 12th Iowa, arriving at Jackson, after a rapid heavy march in the rain, about 4 p. m., struck I. E.Johnson's rebel army a stunning blow, destroymg Jackson with vast con- lederate supplies while the rebels were on the full run, completely demoraliz- ed. Our army was quickly concentrated at Champions' Hill, and thrown, like an avalanche of dynamite, against the Vicksburg army under Gen. Pemberton, who quickly withdrew his fragments of torn divisions and brigades within the intrenchments of Vicksburg. 34 SECOND REUNION OF THE Come with me now for a moment, to our victorious army as it lay with its mighty arm stretching for six miles right and left around the doomed city. Every man that wore the blue in that devoted army, measured up to the full standard of a fighting veteran; in our rear, on Black River, was Johnson, stealth- ily, yet cautiously approaching us, bringing relief to the besieged garrjson of Vicksburg, retreat for us was annihilation to our army;,advance for our army on to the enemies works meant the loss of one brave boy in every third of our army. During the evening of May 21, '63, prior to that famous charge, and while the army lay quiet on their arms, orders were passed around among the var- ious commands that at the hour of one o'clock p. m., of the 22d, the enemies' lines and forts were to be stormed by a grand charge of the whole army. Little did our comrades who now slr-ep in heroes' graves in that field, dream that night, of the awful slaughter that awaited them, or that another twenty- four hours from that time, the whole northwest of our country would be a scene of wide spread grief and mourning. The hour came for the dreadful work, and 40,000 men plunged forward into the smoke and carnage of battle, into the jaws of death; 500 cannon belched forth their iron missiles of death. The clay clad hills of Vicksburg shook and trembled in the mighty storm of battle. The yellow earth-works of the enemy, assumed a grey appearance, as the storm of musketry, shot, shell and hand grenade rent the air, and are hurled full in the faces of our stealthily yet rapidly advancing divisions. Down steep hill sides, through brush felled and sharpened timber, now our flags were at a stand still, and now advancing on the enemy. Here and there in places our lines were on the enemies' works, and flags flying defiantly in the face of the enemy, until night threw her sombre curtains on the scene, did the work of death go on. Never did brave men fight with such desperation for the flag they love. Never did brave men strike harder for union and liberty, and yet that grand bleeding army of veterans was not discouraged, but persistent- ly held their ground gained at such expense of heroic blood until July 4th, fol- lowing, when the whole army of the confederate Gen'l. Pemberton, uncondi- tionally surrendered. With the fall of Vicksburg, the fall of the confederacy began. The monster reptile, (Secession) was cut in two never to be united ; but I have spoken too long, and will say no more. Col. Henderson then spoke on the sentiment: THE OPPOSING ARMIES OF 1861 -65— Their relations then, and now. At the very opening of my remarks I want to say that I hope every scl- dier present, though not a member of the 12th regiment, will feel, as we do, that he is a part of this reunion, (cheers) That's right comrades, I knew I was voicing the sentiment of every member of the old Twelfth. I have had my heart warmed by the greeting of these old soldiers, and I wanted to thank the good people of Manchester for not discriminating against any soldier, and for their most generous welcome to us all. I have had some other little incidents to warm my heart: There is a man in this audience who is a real type of the true warm hearted people of this coun- ty. I shall tell you what he did; but I will not mention his name, as he re- quested that nothing be said of his action. He came quietly up to our treas- urer and asked if he might be permitted to contribute a little to this reunion. He don't live in Manchester. He put his hand in his pocket, as he had done many a time before for the soldiers and their families, and pulled out, not cents or dimes but an X, and handed it to the treasurer. I have known him for twenty years. He was always among the first to volunteer aid to the soldiers. That is the kind of a man Ciiarles Crocker is, (I mention no names) a repre- sentative man, one whose big heart always thrilled in sympathy with the sol- diers, (applause.) One other little incident which might seem to be personal. There are TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 35 those here who are the only living representatives of those who wore the blue. For the first time we have had with us a young man, whose father we called Tom. Before the battle of Shiloh he conducted a prayer meeting in the camp of the i2th. I have been warmed to see the boy. This is his first vacation. After his father's death the little fellow took the farm and worked winter and summer. He made my heart swell with emotion when he said he never had so enjoyed himself before. Pardon me if I do not speak his name. He is like Crocker, a type of many others. I have seen the grayheaded old men of your city — and mothers and sisters, drawn here by that influence which brings chil- dren to a common hearthstone. Now as to the opposing armies, their relations then and now. I do not need to speak of those old victories, and the armies then. I am quite sure the soldiers cannot be found who better understand those armies than the soldiers before us. You all know them well ; tliey were great armies, both of them. History will never place two such armies face to face again. Americans all — from many states, but every one of the common family. He who says the con- federate army was not brave will be laughed at by those living, and in history. One army — that which we aided, was impelled, was elevated by patriotism. The other was blinded by sectionalism, and infuriated by passion. We knew then and now that we were right; let that never be forgotten by Americans. They know ?iOcU that they were then wrong. I am glad to-day, let us accept the situation as it is. More than this I do not think this the proper time or occasion to say. A lew words as to those two armies now. Here I will not express the sentiments of all but I believe it is the honest sentiment of most of you. Take the Union army now. How do you feel about the past? Is there bitterness about the past, boys ? There is no bitterness in the heart of the union soldier towards the armies they opposed. We cannot afford it — can- not afford to keep up bitter feelings. My good friends, these boys fought to unite and keep united this country- We laid down many of our comrades to unite it, and we cannot atlord to divide it. We fought to make it the flag of America, and we want every man to be a brother that comes under its folds. Is there bitterness in your hearts now? Let us be just, my comrades and fellow citizens. From '6r to '65 there was bitterness in many hearts. I will not venture to tell the story. You all remember those times. No one need blush for Donalson. After the capture of the rebels, one of our men, shot through the head and unable to speak, attempted to cross a low place near the landing. Standing on the other side, was a long row of captured rebels. Our boy got stuck in the mud, beside the rebel line. He extended his hand for help. One near him said harshly, "Not by a damn sight." That was one side. Right beside the wounded comrade stood another, who sprang to his aid and helped him with both hands, then said to the other, "you are a pretty soldier." The true qualities of a man will stand out any where, and every-where as Burns has said: "A man's a man for a' that." My friends, bitterness should no longer be in our hearts. I am seated now in a legislative body, made up largely of confederate soldiers and officers. I forget these men ever stood in battle array against me. They speak to me as kindly as I could wish. We treat each other as friends, not enemies. I do not know a member of the 12th, who would clinch his hand when another open palm is stretched out to meet it. That is the feeling of the old 12th. Now, my friends, I am not making these utterances from any mere sentiment. I have said that you were right when you fought. Forget it not. You fought to save your country. When principle demands a soldier, whether in peace or war, be a soldier. When friendship is asked, be a friend. Your motto was "Crush the opposing army." We are now comrades. Let the two armies be lost in the heart of the whole American people. These are my sentiments and yours. My 36 SECOND REUNION OF THE good friends.there are many of you who will have no marble over your last rest- ing place tc speak for you; but the records will show you were the vol- unteers of the 12th. You would not exchange that little record of honor for the fame of the C:esars, or the blood bought statue of Napoleon. We are getting old. We have given the spring time of our life to our cjuntry. The breath of autumn comes to fan our clieeks. Soon these little 11, ikes silvering our hair will be turned to snow. Not far distant, our reunion will be iield in the tents of the immortal. Living thus let us cultivate those qual- ities as true citizens of America that will show we are great and generous soldiers; not for fame or blood; but that we were volunteers when called upon to save our country, and to defend it to the last. The boys then sang "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," while stand- ing upon their feet. Judge J. N. Weaver, of Algona responded to the toast: "uREENBACKS AND GRAYBACKS— The first we could not keep with us, the last were hard to drive away." As to Greenbacks, I do not know why your committee should have se- lected me to respond. I am incapable of handling the subject. I never have handled it very much. It may be that because of the intimate connection of tlie greenback question and a distinquished namesake of mine, you have thought appropriate to put down as a part of the program, Weaver on Green- b icks. But as distance lends enchantment to tlie view, I may be allowed to draw upon my imagination, so far as to say that greenbacks are agood thing, and actually, il I had my choice today, as between greenbacks and graybacks, I would take greenbacks. I suppose graybacks are good in their place; but I have never been able in my limited investigation of the natural order and eternal fitness of things to find any plan to assign to the graybacks; I say I have not. The grayback himself seems to assume that providence has marked out a field of artillery for him, and no granger more assiduously tickles the soil of his field than did our late comrade, the grayback. There is after all I find but little of the imagina- tive when we come to think of the grayback, e.xcept so far as actual experience may seem to bring on the fear of impending doom. Regarding the grayback hi nself, "tell me not in mournful numbers life is but an empty dream." With him, "life is real; life is earnest." He is all business, and he "always carries his point;" unless he gets settled upon one of the boys, in which case he im- poses that necessity upon the other fellow. Now I do not wish to ofifend the sensitiveness of any of the ladies present by the use of any improper or un- b.coming language; but this subject warms up as I advance, and I must say, that if there is any living thing or creature of similar size on earth, that is a more absorbing subject, more insinuating, sneaking, puney, "cussed" and devil- is, 1 without a rival; anything that can inflict more mortal agony and excrucia- ting pain to the square inch, and generate a tendency toward profanity, more than the original grayback, I have failed to discover him, and he has failed to Vif;ike me up. Screens will defeat the designs ot the mere mosquitoe. The grayback, as we had him, was every where present in spite of all obstacles. My toast says the graybacks "were hard to drive away." It may be th.nt the committee in using the term graybacks had in mind the other kind, "the John- nies." If that is true, I am sorry, for my interpretation has engendered a good deal of bad blood . But which ever was intended, that part of the toast is lit- erally true, for they were both hard to drive away, and the 12th Iowa, many times found to their sorrow, that the Johnny grayback was hard to drive away, and mmy of them found themselves in the position of Paddy, in the old story, when he caught the tartar. Paddy said, "I have caught a tartar." The cap- tain said, "bring him along then." Paddy said, "He won't come." "Then you TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 37 come," said the captain. "Be-jabers he won't let me," said Paddy. Right there, I might add, we did have the advantage of the other grayback, for we could bring him with us. I would like to say of the greenbacks, that they were hard to get, between pay days especially, and we couldn't keep tliem. They, unlike the graybacks would get away from us. We couldn't keep them. They went a good ways with us, if it didn't take long for them to go. They were then the promises written down and printed ot the government we had sworn to preserve and de- fend, to pay us, sometime. We thought Uncle Sam's note was as good as his bond and they were, and proved so to be. If the Union had been destroyed, these greenbacks would have been worthless and valueless. If it was saved, the promise would be redeemed. The time did come when we caught the John- ny tartar, and though we did not always drive him away, we did finally bring him with us, and he is here to stay. The Union was restored, the pledge of the government was made good. In response to the sixth toast: "THE CITIZENS OF MANCHESTER.—Their Hospitality and Loyalty— Making their Homes our Homes, and our Reunion a Success." R. P. Clarkson said: Friends and Cojnradcs: The good people of Manchester have establish- ed themselves deeply and firmly in the hearts of every tnember of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry. We had such a pleasant meeting, were so kindly greeted, and so hospitably entertained at our first reunion, four years ago, that the mere mention or thought of Manchester has carried us back in imagination to the happy homes of those who so kindly greeted us and who labored so patrioti- cally and sympathetically to make our reunion a success. Time, in its never halting rounds has brought us back to our second quadrennial, and again have the people of this beautiful city captured our hearts by their unexcelled kind- ness and continued great interest in all matters concerning the 12th Iowa. Altoona, Pa., Wooster, Ohio, and Manchester, Iowa, are three places that will always live in the hearts and memories of the members of the 12th Iowa, but the first shall be last, and the last shall be first witii us always. The kind treatment received from the good people of Altoona and Wooster, as we were returning from rebel prison hells, forms two of the bright links in our war his- tory, but the unexcelled hospitality and heartfelt sympathy we have received from Manchester friends, throughout the war and at our reunions, have en- deared them to us forever, and the reunions made so grandly successful mainly by their patriotic labors and cheering presence, will always be remembered as the happiest events in our regimental history. Manchester has truly become a Mecca, to which the s>irviving members of the Twelfth Iowa make quadrennial piigrima^es to renew our patriotism, greet our comrades, "fight our battles o'er again," and enjoy the boundless hospital- ity of the cleanest and one of the most beautiful cities in Iowa. This city was the home of Company F, one of the very best companies in the Twelfth Iowa. They were a grand company ot gallant men, and it gives us great pleasure to see so many of them still reported present, fit for duty and full of rations. Sadly we miss those who have ioined the phantom army, and now wait the coming of the reserves in the world beyond; but nothing gives us greater pleasure than the heartfelt embraces and vigorous salutations we receive from those who still "hold the fort" at Manchester. I voice the unanimous sentiment of the 12th Iowa m saying that the mem- bers of Company F, members of W. A. Morse Post, and all the good people of Manchester are enshrined in our hearts and memories for their boundless hospitality, happy homes, pretty ladies, bright babies and brave men. No 38 SECOND REUNION OF THE Other city has so strong a hold upon our affections and friendship. Our hearts are yours, our time is at your service, and our homes are always open to re- ceive you. May health, happiness, and prosperity always remain with you. Think of us vviien you are hap{)y and be happy all tiie time. Gen. Stibbs corrected iin error of Comrade Clarkson, concern- ing the names of places where the returning prisoners were en- tertained and subsequently wrote a letter on the subject which is here given in full: Chicago, May 23, 1884. A'. P. Clarkson, Esq., Dcs Moines, Iowa: Dear Dick. — During the proceedings at the reunion, yesterday, I made an attempt to correct a statement of yours; but as you know, the subject proved too difficult for me to handle, and 1 was unable to finish my story. I regretted it sincerely, for there was a bit ot inside history in what 1 tried to tell, that would have been new and interesting to many ot our comrades- When I was released from prison in 1862, being a captain at that time, I together with other officers of our regiment, was sent to Washington, D. C, and there furloughed for thirty days. We knew nothing, then, of the where- abouts of our enlisted men, and I went at once to visit my parents, at VVooster, Ohio. Within an hour after 1 reached home, I received a telegram from my brother Joe, telling me our boys were at Annapolis. Md., and asking me to come and take him from the hospital. 1 started on the first train, and found the poor fellow a living skeleton, debilitated beyond recognition. He died alterwards, from the effects of his imprisonment, and I am sure my comrades will approve my assertion, that no braver, better boy than he, ever shouldered a musket in defence of his country. When I reached Annapolis, I found the boys so anxious to get nearer home, that I determined to take them west, and when It was announced that I had secured an order to take them all to St. Louis, Mo., there was a joyful shout over the good news, and every sick man who had strength enough to stand on his feet, came forth from the hospital, all insisting that they were sound as a dollar, and fully able to stand the journey west. But I soon found that 1 had as many as seventy-five men in the party who were too weak to sit up in their seats, and in no condition to subsist on the army rations provided. At Baltimore we were given a supper at the Soldier's Rest, and a good, big lunch for each man to carry with him. The next evening, in response to my telegram, the ladies of Altoona, Pa., came to our train and provided us with a bountiful supper, and the following morning I sent, from a station on the line of the P. & F- W. R. R., a telegram insubstance as follows: "7(3 the President of the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, Uooster, Ohio. I am coming on No. 4, in charge of 250 returned prisoners, many of whom are sick. Can you give us a breakfast?" I did not know into whose hands this telegram might fall; but I felt sure it would be some one who would recognize my name, and that it would at least result in the furnishing of a breakfast for my sick men. We were but two hours' run from Wooster, when my message was sent, and there was but little time for preparation; therefore we were surprised beyond measure at the reception given by the generous people. As 1 learned afterwards, the mer- chants had closed their stores, workmen left their shops, and every body had rushed home pell mell, to gather up whatever could be found in the way of eatables. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 39 It seemed as though the entire city had turned out to meet us. Gallons upon gallons of good, hot coffee were furnished us, together with an abundant supply of delicacies of every description and a store of substantials that lasted us throughout the remainder of our journey. The conductor came to me and said he was already four hours late, and could not hold his train to have our men fed; but that he would carry forward and return a committee of citizens, who might be detailed for that purpose. ' Accordingly, fifty or more ladies and gentlemen boarded our train with their supplies, and distributed them as we journeyed on, and at Mansfield they were transferred to the east bound tram and returned. This fact, no doubt, accounts for your confusion of names, and caused you to remember Mansfield as the place where we were entertained. While at Wooster my time was fully occupied; I had but a moment in which to greet my parents, and deliver to them poor, sick Joe, and assure them that as soon as my boys were disposed of, I would be back home for a short visit, and as we were about to start I called upon a friend and said to him: "Ex- plain to me George, the secret of this demonstration. I did not even hope for more than a breakfast for my sick men, and am amazed at this outpouring of my old friends and acquaintances. Tell me who is the President of your Aid Society?" The answer which came to me as the train moved off, was "Your mother.', I do not wonder that the old veterans of the 12th Iowa remember with love and gratitude, the generous people at Wooster, Ohio; and I think that after reading this you will not wonder that the recollection of this affair, caused my feelings to get the better of me for a moment, when I tried to correct you yes- terday- Very truly your friend, J. H. Stibbs. In response to the toast: IOWA AT SHILOH.— Heroes of the Hornet's Nest and Hells Hollow. They held their line of battle throughout the day on the memorable sixth of April, 1862; they sacrificed themselves, but saved the remainder of Grant's army from capture or entire destruction. Col. Geddes spoke as follows: Comrades and Fellow Citizetts: — In responding to the toast, "Iowa at Shi- loh,"I feel that this large audience is not critical, and I know'it is sympathetic, I consequently feel satisfied that it will treat any shortcomings on my part with tenderness and consideration. The name Shiloh always conveys to my mmd and my heart the vibrations of a melancholy cadence which the lapse of twenty-two years had failed to efface or even lessen: and as long as historic literature exists, it will ever be enshrouded with the glamour of heroic romance. The desperate and deter- mined resistance made by a few isolated Iowa regiments for ten consecutive hours, to the persistent onslaught of the flower of the southern army, in self- sacrifice and patriotic devotion equals in pathos, the classic record of Spartan valor in the Pass of Thermopylce- In no pitched battle of the war was Iowa so largely represented as there. Eight thousand five hundred of her sons faced the foe in the cause of free- dom and the Union on that bloody field, 1,200 were killed and wounded and 1,100 consigned to tlie tortures of a long imprisonment in the dungeons of the South. It brought desolation to thousands of happy Iowa homes, and although time may allay, it can never wholly remove the sad wounds >oung Iowa received there. 40 SECOND REUNION OF THE I do not wish in tliis presence to criticize the action of those great gener- als whom we all revere, and whose subsequent gallantry and distinguished leadership placed the martial prowess and glory of our country on the highest pinnacle of fame. But there were others on that field, that day, the 6th of April, 1862, who are entitled, as American citizens, to justice. Yes, my com- rades, to exact justice- No matter how subordinate your position in that grand old army, you are entitled to all. Yes, to all that the truth will reveal, ana nothing more, and you desire nothing more. The sad result of the first day's fight at .Shiloh, was caused by a combina- tion of mistakes, arising, as the lacts reveal, from culpable negligence or un- fortunate me.xperience; I will be charitable enough to base my opinion on the latter hypothesis. My comrades, it was a mistake, a fatal mistake, and in vio- lation of the plainest precepts of war and stategy, to form a camp of instruc- tion between an unfordable and unbridged river and a brave, determined and vigilant foe in close proximity, a foe alert and eagle-eyed, commanded by their most distinguished general, with subordinates of equal genius. How quickly advantage was taken ol this mistake, you, my comrade.s, well know. Citizen soldiers, raw and green as the beautiful prairies they so lately left, were dumped jjromiscuously on that river landing. Thousands were led to the slaughter that morning, who had never before handled a musket or bit a cartridge. It 'was a mistake my comrades, when in case of reverse, our re- treat was efifectually cut off by a deep, rolling river, not to have some sort of defense behind which our inexperienced men could shelter themselves in case of attack. You know, also, that there was nothing of the kind on that day. No, your own manly breasts were the defense that met the enemy in the grand swoop of their might on that defenseless camp on the banks of the Tennessee. Like a rock in a mighty, rushing torrent, you Iowa boys stood, as it rushed against, around, but never over you. It was a mistake that the division of brave men at Crump's Landing, who with eager ears, listened to the booming of guns, at Shiloh, and knew that their comrades were hard pressed, were not brought there before the sun had set on the bloody field. Yes, my comrades, it was a mistake that cost young Iowa, her best young blood, that the division which had lain there for three weeks previous, with ample force of cavalry, should have been ignorant ot the nearest road to Shiloh, six miles distant. The time allotted me on this occasion will not permit me to discuss any more ol the causes which led to the disastrous results of that battle. But this I will say, that the Second, Seventh, Eight, Twelfth and Fourteenth Iowa Reg- iments of Infantry, at the distance of a mile and a half from the landing, fought and held their position there from eight o'clock until near sundown; held in successful check the right center of the rebel army, and at half past five o'clock in the evening were still fighting a division of the enemy, while its main body was within four hundred yards of the Union army at the landing, with its re- treat completely cut off by the river. Now, my comrades, in view of these tacts— and these are not all the facts — had that division of the rebel army not been held at bay by these regiments — and that it was held so, I need only to refer you to Gen. Ruggles' report for corroboration — had it been tree to act with the rest of the rebel army at the landing before it was too dark, what I ask you would have been the fate of the crowded thousands huddled together there? Why has there been so much said and written about the battle of Shiloh? Why, after the lapse of nearly a quarter of a century, does this interest still exist, and as the years roll by, only increase in intensity of pathos? Why is it, my comrades of "Iowa's Shiloh Brigade," you cling so fondly to the memories of that fight, and with a tenacity that throws into the shade, as it were, the many other great battles of the war in which you gallantly participated? I ask you, men of the old Twelth Iowa, you who were always est-^emed by the TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY 41 Eighth Iowa boys as brothers, and whose associations together were always pleasant, why is it, when you look upon your emblazoned and tattered banner now suspended in Iowa's capitol, your eyes linger long and mournfully on that name ''Shiloh?" The names of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Vicksburg, Jack- son, Nashville, Tupelo, where you "plucked victory from the arms of defeat," and many other names are there that signal your gallant deeds? Why is it then, I ask that among all these fields that record your devolion to your coun- try's cause you visit and would far rather visit that timber-crested hill on thebanks of the Tennessee? And permit me to inquire why it is that a suffering public — as comrade, Col. Shaw, is pleased to call them — are not yet tired of what has been said and written about that memorable battle? My comrades, all these questions may be answered and are answered in a sentence containing only five words; but pregnant with immeasurable meaning— "justice has not been done." But "truth crushed to earth will rise again," and the truth about Shi- loh is rising, and will yet be written, so to speak, on the canopy of high heav- en, to be seen and read of all men, for all time. Justice will yet be done and after the lapse of twenty-two years is being done. Done to you my comrades, who meet here today, and done to those of our number who fell at Shiloh, and today are resting in unknown graves near that Soutiiern river's bank. And you, my comrades, who lately visited that sacred spot on the field of Shiloh, did you not that day, as you marched over the old familiar roads, or stooped over the graves of your departed comrades, with the crowding mem- ories of the great past, picturing themselves on your minds, feel something of that strange, weird influence that impressed the heart of the old French sol- dier, who returning after long and vaiied services in the German wars, battle scarred, worn and weary, came on his homeward march to the banks of the Rhine which separated him from his home in beloved PVance? As the old soldier gazed upon his native land, his heart was filled with emotions of ten- derness, as his memory recalled two loved comrades who, in the glow of youth- ful ardor and strength of early manhood, thirty years before, had crossed that same stream with him, and whose bones had for many years been bleaching on the battle fields of Germany. He was lerried across the river, and as his feet touched his native soil, he took the price of three fares from his purse, and said: Take, O boatman, thrice thy tee; Take, I give it willingly. For, invisible to thee. Spirits twain have crossed with me. Did you not, my comrades, on that visit, feel conscious, like the old French soldier, of an unseen presence there, of some dear comrade of the infinite. He has gone home; has fought his last battle. His discharge has come, and his remains lie buried in an unknown grave. Yes, theie were those in that grand old army bound to us by the closest ties of friendship, and there is no friendship so strong and abiding as that found in mutual suffering and danger. No union of hearts more sacred than that which is united by the heart's best blood. By communion of the banner. Battle scarred and glorious banner, By baptism of the banner, Brothers of one church are we. "Stfipes and Stars, Answer to Bonnie Blue Flag," a song com- posed by Col. Geddes, while in prison at Selma, Alabaina, was then sung. 42 SECOND REUNION OF THE STRIPES AND STARS. Answer to '■'■Bonnit' Blue Flas," Music arranged by Henry Werner. We're fighting for our Union. We're fighting for our trust. We're fighting lor that happy land where sleeps our fathers' dust; It cannot be dissevered, tho' it cost us bloody wars. We can not give up the land where floats the Stripes and Stars I CllORCS. Hurrah! Hurrah! for equal rights hurrah ! Hurrah for the brave old flag that bears the Stripes and Stars. We treated you is brothers until you drew the sword, With impious hand, at Sumpt< r; you cut the silver cord, So now you hear our bugles. We come, the sons of Mars; We'll rally round the brave old flag, that bears the Stripes and Stars. We do not want your cotton : we care not for your slaves; But rather than divide this land; we'll fill your Southern graves. With Lincoln for our chieftain, we'll wear our country's scars. We'll rally round that old flag that bears the Stripes and Stars. The chairman announced a ten minutes speech, on "A Soldier's Attachment," by Capt. J. F. Zediker, of Co. I, 12th Iowa. He said he had come 600 miles to attend this reunion, and it seemed as though^ ten minutes was a short time in which to say what he would like to say to his old comrades. The attachment of old soldiers for one another, was formed on the field, in the camp and on the march, enduring privations under the summer heats and thejchill blasts of winter. Made strong by hunger and thirst, and hardships endured together; by danger and suffering; by the loss of comrades left on the battle field; by sutierings in Southern pris- ons. Is it a wonder that'our attachment should be so strong? A few more years, and those who meet at these gatherings will be feeble and few. But let us all, while any of us are left, instill into the minds of our children, the same sentiments of loyalty and patriotism that actuated us. The Hon. J. W. Shannon, of Dakota, then read the following poem, suggested by Charlie Larson's last words to Col. Hender- son — "It's all Right." TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 43 '/T/S ALL RIGHTr Rings voice from Orient, old and far, From region battle riven: "Sweet words earth's lovliest daughters are, But deeds are sons of Heaven!" O men of miglity deeds! that shine With flaming Shiloh's glow, We come with words, and measur'd line. The sweetest that we know, — As loving "daughters," proud and true. To greet the "sons" whose deeds Have wrought the nation all anew. — Anew have writ its creed. We love you well ! and yet how tame The warmth we know and feel, Beside these friendships knit in flame 'Midst clang of clashing steel ! We know our alien place at feast, Where vet'rans iire-tried, 'Neath beaming skies of golden peace, Live o'er with martial pride, — The days when terror's trumpet-blast. Announced the lurid morn ! Whose noon, with sulph'rous cloud o'ercast; But presaged deadlier storm ! — Where shoulders touched, 'midst mad'ning roar, To close in freedom's name, The gap where murd'rous cannon poured It's all-devouring flame ! Dark days when faltering line was torn, ■ And bravest heart stood still; The joy of vict'ry's sunburst born; The cheers that shook the hills ! The days of tramp and blist'ring toil, -» The nights of dreams of home, On blanket wet, and crimson soil; Where mangled comrade moaned. Of famine gaunt, in loathsome cage, Where vicious vermine tooth Tattooed the scars of fiendish rage On flesh of noblest youth ! Ah ! who that wrought at home may dare To touch the sandal's hem. Of least who fought, and wear these scars Of scourge and prison den . How soon must fade the record, rare, Of highest civil fame. Beside the burning line that bears Dear Charley Larson's name! 44 SECOND REUNION OF THE "It is all ripht, if Right prevail!" He said. So spake ye all Who faced, with him, hell's flaming hail, To conquer or to fall. It is all right with them wiio died. God knows when work is done, Alike in peace and battle-tide, Where service is his own, "It is all right, my heroes true !" The State proclaims today; Though blooming boys of gallant blue, Fast join Time's Iron-Grays, — Nor Time nor age can luster dim Of names your children bear; Proud glory's page is writ for him, Whose father's name is there. "It is all right! It is all right!" Aspiring masses call, Throughout the world; "in Freedom's fight Ye conquered for us all !" Oh God! who lead'st the march of man. Thy soldiers, sure, are these. Who fearless fought! — who faithful stand In all the ways of peace. If loving song and hon'ring cheers May yield the brave delight; Let all Tliy Heavens echo here, "// ?5, dear boys, all right!" Then was sun^, by request of a veteran, "We shall Meet but We shall Miss Him." Capt. Simpson said he had a message for the 12th Iowa. Last Sunday he met Mrs. Nelson Burdick, of Decorah, who had five sons in the army, two in the 12th Iowa — Corporal Nelson Bur- dick, her youngest son, who died from disease contracted in rebel prisons, and Lieutenant A. A. Burdick, killed at Tupelo, belong- ing to the 1 2th Iowa. She wanted Mr. Simpson to say to the boys that she loved every member of the old 12th, and that she should ever remember them with the tenderest regard On motion of Col. Henderson, Comrade Simpson was instruct- ed to return to Mrs. Burdick the assurance of the undiminished regard and aflection of the 12th Iowa. Col. Henderson offered the following resolutions: Resolved, — T\\?l\. the thanks of the members of this reunion are due and are hereby gratefully tendered to Mrs. Kate M. B. Wiison, Mrs. A. J. Brown, Miss Carrie C. Toogood; Messrs. A. D. Brown, J. F. Merry, W. H. Nurris, Geo. W. Dunham. R. G. Kennedy and Ben. Keller, for the music So wisely chosen, and beautifully rendered on this occasion. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 45 Resolved, — That no special thanks are herein given to Comrade Com- stock's inspiring efforts with the other singers, for the reason that he enjoys it so thoroughly himself, that his efforts carry their own compensation with them. Resolved, — That we hereby tender a vote of thanks to Mrs. W. A. Morse, for use of piano, and Messrs. Torrey & Jones for organ. Comrade Marvin stated that the number of veterans of the 12th present was 166, and a total of 300 altogether. The 12th was di- vided as follows: Co. A, 10; B, 7; C, 32; D, 18; E, 16; F, 28; G-> 13; H, 18; I, 5; K, 10, and were enlisted from New Hamp.?hire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Ilh'nois, Wisconsin, Nevada, low^a, Michigan. Four Mexican veterans were present and an 1812 veteran. The ladies, for the excellent dinner furnished, were compliment- ed by cheers and a tiger. Business ensued and it was requested that the names of the wives and daughters and mothers of com- rades be sent to the'secretary. Lieut. J. B.Morgan, Lieutenant Small and Major Reed were ap- pointed a committee to prepare a history of the Union Brigade. Col. Henderson introduced Major Brodtbeck, who made a few happy remarks. An incident, worthy of record, is that Mrs. E. C. Lankins came from Denver, Colorado, to attend the reunion. Mrs. Lankins was with the regiment two years. She is the widow of F. F. Lankins, Co. B, 1 2th Iowa, who died at Denver, Col., two years ago. The order of exercises was then pronounced to be that each must "tell a story, sing a song or stand on his head." Col. Stibbs being called out said he wished to tell a little incident about the major. It was in January, 1862, the boys concluded to present the major with a testimony of regard. They purchased a sword and appointed the orderly serg'eants, headed by Morrissey to call upon the major and present it. They made their call in the even- ing, passed over the sword, and it broke the ol^ major all up. At last he said, "Boys I will ask you to haf some peer;" and call- i.ig his colored servant, he told him to go out and get soine. "How much will you have," asked the servant. There were eleven of the part)'; the major looked them all over, sized up the crowd, and as he took their measure and his owm, he said, "About sev- en kegs." Yes, seven kegs for eleven men. 46 SECOND REUNION OF THE Ben. Eberhart was called forward to exhibit himself and his "glass eye." He took up another incident of the major, when the 1 2th were in camp at Dubuque. Our old major liked to pick up the greenies. One day he was riding along, and met a young fel- low, who awkwardly saluted him. Straightening himself up, the major frowned on him and said: ''How dare you salute me?" The fellow said "I wasn't salulin' you; I was salutin' your horse." The major passed on. IT. P. Andrews said: At one time on the march, Major Vandu- zee was in command. You know he was very strict. There were strict rules ajjainst forairinir. This was in Missouri. While marching one day, just a few rods over a fence, Ketchum, (he was corporal) saw a chicken running along. It was too tempting. Handing his gun to a comrade, he sprang over the fence and gave chase. The major saw him and in his squeak}' voice, he yell- ed out, "Corporal — Ketchum." Ketchum looked over his shoulder, and said, "Yes, sir," but continued the race and brought in his prize. Night came and we went into camp. Every one wonder- ed what the major would do. We expected Ketchum would be reduced to the ranks. A summons soon came by an orderl}^ for Ketchum to appear at headquarters. He entered the tent where the major was vvritmg; saluted him, and at length said, "I am here, sir." "What did you mean by disobeying my order, sir?" "1 did not disobev sir," said the corporal. "What do you mean?" sternly demanded the superior. "Well," said Ketchum, "you said Corporal, Ketch 'em, and I did Ketch ,em." "Go to your tent, sir," was the order, and that was all we ever heard of it. Comrade S. R. Burch said on call for a story: Chaplains Hum- phrey and Bagg were riding out one day. Humphrey, you know, was a great fellow to ask questions. Well these two came to a farm house where they found an old lady, whose negative answer to every question was surprising. She "did not know." At last Humphrey asked her if "there were any Episcopalians round there. Said she didn't know. Our two chaplains turned about and were riding through the gate when the old lady called out, "Say mister, I saw the skun of one hangin' on our neighbor's shed door one dav." TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 47 Chaplain Humphrey here remarked he had always noticed the name of the animal depended somewhat upon the complexion of the man who told the story. Many other reminiscences were related hv those present when the lateness of the hour forbade further indulj^ence. The president announced that the next reunion of the 12th would take place in 1888, the time and place to be announced hereafter. The meetin^T adjourned, pronounced to be the most enjoyable reunion ever held in Iowa or an^/where else. The vets were es- corted to the train, which pulled out in the midst of a fierce storm of rain, thunder, lightning and rousing cheers from those left be- hind. 48 SECOND REUNIOxX OF THE ADDENDA. We here append several interesting letters, &c., which did not prciperly belong with the proceedings of the reunion, but which the comrades of the twelfth will find will greatU' enhance the w'ork. The first is by Comrade R. P. Clarkson, written to the lozva State Register^ ^i^'in.^ 'in account of his visit to the field of Shiloh. ON THE TENNESSEE. APRH. 4, 15 At Paducah, Ky., we were kindly greeted by the mayor, city clerk, and many others, wlio seemed pleased to meet so many Northern people. Col. Huston, the city clerk, was a confederate, but he gallantly admits that the lost cause was fairly and honorably beaten, and he is now an active, fighting Re- publican. He says that all that is necessary to enable the Republicans to carry Kentucky this fall, is for them to "make a school-house and cross roads cam- paign like you do in Iowa." Paducah is an active business city, and has been very much improved since the war. We passed Fort Henry, 71 miles from Paducah, Friday night. This is the point where many of us heard the first "loud barking ot the dogs of war" when they meant business. Here the gallant Conmiodore Foote demolished a strongly built and heavily armed fort, in less than half an hour, with his gun- boat fleet, and thus opened the river to the army of the Tennesse.-*. Tiie heavy works on the banks of the river have been leveled down, but th^ fortifications on the bluft are still intact, and looked grim and defiant in the distance. The people who gathered at the banks at every landing seemed to be ol the free and easy class, too tired to work and too proud to beg. They were generally pleased to see so many "Yanks" in one crowd again and conversed ireely in regard to war tmies and their present political and social condition. ThereJ are no school houses on the hills — not one seen by us between Paducah and Shiloh — but there are still houses in many valleys. The rich send their children to Paducah and other cities to be educated, but the only education that the children.of the poor get is given them by their parents, who are almost universally illiterate. There is a splendid country along the Tennessee, and intelligence and Yankee energy would soon develop it into one of the most prosperous regions of the United States. It has splendid and boundless tim- ber and limestone, and the soil, with proper cultivation would produce im- mense crops of corn, cotton, peanuts, etc. The climate is mild, as indicated by the fact that steamers run on the river the whole year. Nature has been lavishly bountiful in favors bestowed, but the inhabitants do not realize the possibilities within their grasp. Conversation with men at the landings developed the fact that three-fourths of the men along the Tennessee were rebels. They talk very freely about war times and boast of the victories they won, but generally close up the conversa- tion with "you 'uns were too much for we 'uns in the long run." There is still considerable hard feeling between Confederates and Unionists, as the people here call the two classes, but the strong general fear of Uncle Sam's wrath, generally keeps the rebel element in subjection. At Shipp's landing, Mr. VVm. Hawks stated that he was in a rebel regiment in the rebel center at Ft. Don- nelson, and that on the evening before the fort surrendered, his brigade was TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 49 double quicked to the rebel right to dislodge Tuttle, but we couldn't do it and were captured and taken to Chicago, where we were kept in prison for seven months, when we were exchanged and sent to Vicksburg, where Tuttle and bad luck again overtook us, and knowing on the night ot the 3d of July that Vicks- burg would be surrendered on the 4th, I slipped out between the pickets of both armies, went to La Grange, Tenn., took the oath of allegiance and re- mained at home during the remainder o( the war." This was interesting his- tory to the men oi our party who fought under Tuttle. Mrs. M. M. Sheldon, of Perryvilie, Tenn., had three sons in the Union army and two in the Confederate. Four of them were in the battle of Shiloh, two in each army. One of the sons died during the war, but four returned, and they fight their battles o'er and o'er every time they meet. They differon politics, prohibition and all other issues, and the mother says that it seems im- possible for them to agree on anything. Mr. A. O- Montague, a farmer eight miles from Clifton, Tenn., is on the boat returning home from Paducah. He was a member of the Forty-eighth Con- federate Tennessee, and talks quite intelligently on political matters. In his lo- cality, the Democrats and Republicans are about equal in numbers, and there are no greenbackers. The state of Tennessee has a law prohibiting the sale of all into.xicating liquois within four miles of unincorporated towns, where schools are taught ten months in the year. About midnight, April 5th, our boats tied up at Crump's Landing for the night. This landing was made famous by the inactivity of Gen. Lew Wallace during the battle of Shiloh. VV^allace had 8,000 men, and was ordered by Gen. Grant to march to Shiloh by the Purdy road, on the morning of April 6. He waited until the roar of the battle roused iiim Irom his lethargy and then slow- ly marched out on the Purdy road. Nearing the battle field where his men were so badly needed, and which was only five miles from his camp, he coun- termarched to Crump's Landing, and then came up the river road. In this way he did not reach Shiloh until the first day's battle was over. If he had obeyed Grant's orders he would have reached the battle field before noon of the first day's battle, and the Purdy road would have brought him to the rear of the rebel army, which would have enabled our forces to defeat the Confed- erates before noon and to capture a large portion of their army. Wallace was not punished for disobeyance of orders, but he should have been shot. He has no friends in the army of the Tennessee- Leaving Crump's Landing at 8:15 this morning, with the boats lashed to- gether, we rounded the point below Shiloh, at 8:30; when the stars and stripes at the cemetery first floated in view, the veterans gave three cheers for the old flag, both steamers whistled vigorously and long. And the Audubon band struck up "Home Again." Reaching the old landing at 8:45 we filed otTin two rows like the regulars" and marched up the hill to the cemetery, the band play- ing "Marching through Georgia." At the cemetery gate every head was un- covered and the procession marched bareheaded around the bluff and back to the stand which was decorated with evergreens and draped with the star; and stripes. The exercises at the cemetery were short but impressive. The day was pleasant, warm and spring like and every veteran seemed to fully realize that he was standing among the graves of thousands of comrades who laid down their lives in defense of a country that has not proved worthy of the great sacrifice. After the exercises were concluded there was a general liand shaking with about one hundred citizens of the vicinity and a number from Corinth, after which there was a hurried inspection of the cemetery and, then a rush of the veterans for the old camp. The whole bat^'e field was soon a scene of active tracing out of old camps and positions in ittle, and as representatives of nearly every regiment in the fight are on the round, there was little difficulty in tracing out the positions 50 SECOND REUNION OF THE held, lost and won in the terrible struggle of twenty-two years ago. The most of the heavy timber on the field in 1862 has been cut off, but many of the battle- scarred trees are still standing, and with the help of these and the numerous ridges and gulleys we were enabled to fully and finally settle many long dis- puted points. Representatives of the Iowa Brigade composed of the Second, Seventh, Twelfth and Fourteenth Iowa, headed by Col. Shaw of the Fourteenth Iowa, mounted, Gen. Tuttle and the test of us on foot, easily found our first line of battle, followed the line ot retreat to the last desperate struggle of the Eight, Twelfth and Fourteenth Iowa, and part ot Gen. Prentiss' division, where less than 4,000 men fougiit the three rebel divisions, of Polk, Hardee and Breckenridge, for half an hour, when our ammunition was exhausted and we made the last effort to escape in a deadly, pell mell rush across "Hell's Hol- low" and were finally forced to surrender in the Third Iowa's tents just at sun- set, the last heavy fighting in the first day's contest. This little band by their stubbornness in being the last to give way on the entire line, had saved the balance of the army from capture, but had sacrificed themselves. How well they fought the thousands of "unknown" graves in the National Cemetery on the bluff sadly and strongly tell. Their line of retreat, the crossing of "Hell's Hollow" and the point of capture were more thickly strewn with dead bodies than any other place in the fearful struggle. Not one-half of the number of any of the three Iowa regiments named, who so grandly marched forth to battle on that beautiful Sabbath morning, were ever reported for duty again. Their bodies rest in tiiis beautiful cemetery and in the accursed soil around the rebel prison pens in nearly every Southern State east of the Mississippi river, and in home cemeteries, where they were laid by loving hands, from disease contracted in the rebel prison hells. But enough of sadness before remem- brance drives the pencil to bitterness. The day has been well spent by the veterans in hunting mementoes of the battle and they have generally secured a goodly number, consisting of bullets picked up from the ground or chopped out of trees, broken gun bar- rels, bayonets, cannon balls, shells, grape and cannister shot, etc. The whole field has been thoroughly searched and it is safe to say that thousands of pounds of relics will be carried away as highly prized treasures, to be handed down to future generations as mementoes of the hardest fought battle in the West and one of the most stubbornly contested great battles of the war. SECOND DAY. This had been a busy day with the excursionists in huting for relics and in exploring every portion of the old camp and battle ground. The search for relics has been highly successful, and everybody is well laden with shot and shell, bullets of all kinds, canes, bayonets, rusty gun barrels, gun caps, etc. The trees in the deadliest portion of the battle field were literally filled with bullets, and the most of the trees that were here during the battle are dead, many of them standing monuments of the deadly fray, but about an equal number have fallen to the ground and are rotting away. The excursionists have chopped into the old trees on every side, and successfully angled for the old bullets, the point of entrance into the trees being still plainly marked by a scar on the bark. In the live trees the bullets were generally found about four inches from the bark, and the rings of the growth of these trees show plainly the twenty-two years' growth since the battle. Axes and hatchets were in demand to cut the bullets out of the trees, and there are many blistered hands aboard the two boats tonight The bullets in the dead trees were more easily secured, being readily picked out with knives or punched out with canes or sticks. The natives report that nearly all the larger trees that stood on the ground during the battle were killed by the infantry balls shot into them, and nearly every tree struck squarely by cannon shot or shells near the ground died in a few years after the battle. Many of these now cumber the ground but the larger number have been worked up into rails or utilized for firewood. The old stumps were good land marks — for nearly every soldier present had stood behind a long to be remembered tree when the bullets were Hying thick and last during some portion of the day, and those trees and stumps have been of great service in tracing out the different positions held durmg the day. The TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 5 1 writer sat upon the stump of a tree today, behind which "Long Ace Wickham." of Co. A, i2th Iowa, stood sideways and loaded and fired his musket in the last desperate stand made by the 12th Iowa before their wild, but deadly rush across "Hell's Hollow," near the close ot the first day's battle. While stand- ing behind this tree Mr. Wickham was wounded and one ball made four holes in him and forty-seven holes in his clothing, but he continued to load and fire as long as the rest of us. We secured a piece of the old stump and if his eyes happen to see this letter, and he will send his present address to the Iowa State Register, Des Moines, Iowa, a splinter of tlie stump will be sent to him. The plowed fields yielded a vast number of musket balls and cannister shot, and all of them were quite thoroughly searched. .Some of the large sixty-four pound gunboat shells, thrown by the gunboats during the night after the first day's battle were picked up near the line of battle first held by the division of Gen. Prentiss, nearly two miles from the river, and pieces of these shells were picked up on nearly all portions ot the battle field occupied by the left wing of the Union army. Tonight the excursionists are well laden with relics, and it is estimated that they have picked up during the past two days 5,000 to 10, 000 pounds of bullets, balls, shells, muskets, &c., and now have them on the boats. They are valuable relics, and will be handed down carefully to the children ol coming generations as mementoes of the terrible battle of Shiloh. Morning there was a general agreement for an Iowa reunion at the 'Hor- nets' Nest," the name given by the rebels to the deadly position held all day by Tuttle's brigade, and a portion of Prentiss' division. During the fore- noon about one hundred men and some of the ladies visited this noted point, the majority of the men present having been in the brigade of Gen. Tuttle and the division of Gen. Prentiss. The position held by Tuttle's brigade was fully traced out, nearly every man present being able to find nearly the exact spot where he stood in ranks or laid upon the ground during the long hours of the first day's fight, previous to the retreat late in the day. The Hornet's Nest and Hell's Hollow received more attention, and were more enquired for than any other points on the battle-field, and the trees at and between these two points were chopped into all over to secure bullets. A majority of the crowd lingered about these points nearly all day, securing the necessary information to enable them to help straighten up some of the fallacies of this famous but poorly reported battle. Gen- Tuttle and Col. Shaw were thorough and search- ing in their examination of the field, and they hope to secure a re-survey of the battle-field by the government in order that history may be corrected, and full justice done the brave men who fought all over this portion of the battle- field, and made it famous with the best blood in their commands. There was general regret that Gen. Prentiss was not present in order that the line in front of his position could have been more fully traced out, but the different loca- tions of Tuttles brigade have been fully and positively identified, and coming timfe cannot erase them from the memory of those present to-day who were in the fight twenty-two years ago. Shiloh church and spring were also two prominent places visited. The old church was burned down some years ago, but the water flows from the spring over a little.pebbly bottomed channel in the same volume that it did du- ring the war, and the appearance of its surroundings ha? not materially changed. A new church has been built on the site of the old church by the so-called "Southern Methodists," whUe a quarter of a mile nearer the landing a new church has been built by the so-called "Northern Methodists." This is not a well posted theological pencil, therefore it cannot tell why these church- es are designated as above, but we are informed that they were so designated during and before the war. The rebels present, during the two days have been few in number. The programme had been arranged for the citizens to give us a basket dinner at the Shiloh spring Sunday and they had agreed to do so, but the old prejudices overcame their good intentions and so they abandoned the basket dinner be- fore we arrived. A majority of the people we saw on the battle-field were those who were Unionists during the war, many of them in the Union service, FIFTH REUNION OF THE free it from that false claim, "as a nation of the free," and to place our flag on tlie very pinacle of fame, we must see too that our flag floats on the very piuacle of fame, we must see, too, that our flag floats from every school house in tiie lanrl and that the rising generation inherits and imbibes that spirit of loyalty and patriotism which you learned during a four years of hor- rible and cruel war. In no way can this be done better than by continuing these reunio]is. Count me. in for anj' duty assigned and rest assured that next tinH> I will 1h' there. Report me t4iis time "Ab.sent, but accounted for." As ever your Comrade from IHGl to IHfi."), ABNER DUNHAM, Company F, J 2th Iowa Infantry. Ma(iuketa, Aug. Kth, 1S94. J. E. Simpson: — Dear Sir : I will say that I. K. Crane received your circular inviting him to the reunion of the r3th at Sioux City, and he bids nie say to you that it will bo impossible for him to be there in the body as he can almost hear the last roll call. He has been sick all summer, and never will be able to march to the music of fife or drum in earth life more. Bat he will be with the boys in spirit, and if he should be freed from his suffering body will be with you in his spiritual body, free from all pain and suffering. He is suffer- ing from dropsy, brought on through rheumatism and heart trouble. His limbs have swollen until they are bursting, and he can hardly get hi? breath. Still he is cheerful and wishes the old 12th a good time, and if he has answered the last roll call on earth will be at your camp fire with you. He bids me say this for him, and I close hoping and wishing you a happy time. I subscribe myself, Your friend, his wife, MRS. I. K. CRANE. He says read to the boys if you wish. Dunkertou, October 5th, 1894. Dear Secretary and Comrade : — It is with deep regret that I sit down to inform you that I shall not be able to be with you and the boys at the reunion, and I regret it the more be- catise I fear it will be the last opportunity I shall have of meeting with com- rades. I am now nearly 72 years old. If I drew a pension as most of the boys do, I believe I should go, but times are too hard with me. Give my love to all of the boys of the noble old 13th Iowa. God bless you all. May you all have a good time together. Truly yours, A. B. PERRY, Company E, 12th Iowa. No. 11 Edward Street, Chicago, 111., Sept. 28, 1894. Dear Comrade Simpson :--- Comrade Weaver's circular per your favor came duly to hand. If I can go to Sioux City I will, but I am getting old and shaky now, and hesitate to TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 53 trust myself in a prohibition state any more. I ■ hear the G. A. R. had a good time in Pittsburg. I didut go— couldn't get a vacation this year from the Chicago P. O., but one week from today lets me out. My resignation here takes effect October 1st. But times are hard and money close, and I may not be able to attend at Sioux City. I have been an employe in this P. O. since 1885, and am worn out. I shall go to the Soldiers' Home— not, per- haps, to Marshalltowu, but to Dayton, Ohio. I may be entitled at Marshall- town, but I was for years at the Dayton home, am on furlough from there now, and there is more going on there— printing office (I am a printer), theatre, church, etc., and six thousand inmates— see? I hope that the dear old boy's will have a good time at Sioux City, and with best wishes I reman, Your old comrade-in-arms, ALLEN M. BLANCHARD. Helena, Mont., Oct. 6th, 1894. Mr. E. B. Soper, Emmetsburg, Iowa:— My Dear Comrade: Your favor of September 38th .just received, and am sorry to say that it will be impossible for me to attend the reunion at Sioux City. I am just now engaged in mining matters requiring my undivided at- tention. Were it not for that I would surely be with you, as you say it has been nearly thirty years since we last met, and I assure you that it is my wish to meet yourself and old comrades with a Jaearty shake hands as soon as cir- cumstances will permit. Please remember me kindly to all comrades. My heart is with you if I cannot be. With the best of wishes, I remain yours truly, W. L. LEE. Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 22nd, 1894. Mr. J. E. Simpson:— Dear Comrade: I received your circular in regard to the reunion of the old 12th. I am so far away that it is pretty hard for me to attend the re- union Nothing would please me better than to shake the hand of every sur- viving member of Compnay I, and in fact of all the 12th. I will do my utmost towards reaching Sioux City by the 10th of next month. -To tell the truth of the matter I have been under the weather pretty bad lately, and my finance is low. I wish they had made it Dubuque or some town on the east side of the state. Please send me Sergeant Cotes' address. I know it is in South Dakota, but forgot the town. I am trying for an increase of pension. Cotes was wounded at Tupelo when I was. He and Bill Koehler and I were in Cahaha together. And please send Koehler' s address. I know it is Dubuque, but don't know the number or street. If .you know Capt. Sumbardo's address please send it also. I will send you a blank to lill out as to my health before I was wounded if you can remember me. . The youngest member of Com- pany I-the boy that had the preacher's suit, plug hat and all on the Tupelo 54 SECOND REUNION OF THE ten, fifteen, and as high as twenty Union soldiers, and are so described in the Roll of Honor in tlie superintendent's ofHce The states having regimental groups are Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, but soldiers from all these states and in all the regiments having groups are also scattered all over the cemetery in named and unnamed graves. Iowa h-JS three legimental groups, the Third, Twelfth and Thirteenth Iowa, each hav- inga group in semicircular form, the three semicircles joining each other, with the name of the regiment cut into a tall stone in the center of its semi- circle. The group of the 12th regiment is as follows; i2th Iowa: Nos. on the 21 graves, 4=5S to 475. Names, Lieut. J. D. Fergu- son, W. L. Paulley, T. H. Wilson, A. D. Campbell, Daniel Luther, J. P. Ayers, Ino. Hradfield, K. E. King. Thirteen unnamed graves. Eight more of the known graves of the i2lh are buried in section M., and others in other sections All sections of three of the regiments above have named graves scattered through the difierent'sectionsjn addition to the above groups. This indicates bad management on the part of tiie superintendent in charge at the time the bod- ies were removed; but he is dead now, his body is buried in the cemetery and this pencil never fights a dead man. It would have been much more convenient and satisfactory if each State's dead had been m one section and the section divided of! so far as possible into regimental groups. The following is a complete list of the '"known" dead of the 12th Iowa regiment interred at Shiloh cemetery, with company, date of death and place of original burial, so far as shown by the superintendent's books: Ayers, J. P. — D. 12th Iowa, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Bianchard, John D.— K. 12th Iowa. March 31, 1862, Savannah, Tenn. Bradfield, John — E. 12th Iowa, Sliiloh. Campbell, A. D. — F. 12th Iowa, Shiloh. Cooley, Archibald S.— 12th Iowa, April, 1862, Shiloh. Ferguson, Jason D., Lt. — D. 12th Iowa, Shiloh. Garrison, A. — F. 12th Iowa, Savannah, Tenn. House, Nathan — C. I2lh Iowa, April 6, 1862, Savannah, Tenn. King, Reuben D. — Co. A., April 6, 1862, Shiloh. Luther, Daniel, — Co. D., Shiloh. Moore, Solomon W. — Co. E.. March, 1862, Savannah, Tenn. Paulley, Wm. L. — E. 12th Iowa, Shiloh. Ricker, Jacob, — G. 12th Iowa, April 23 1862, Savannah, Tenn. Shinkle, Marion, — ^I. 12th Iowa, March 31, 1862, Savannah, Tenn. Wigton, Thos. J. — F. 12th Iowa, April 4, 1862, Savannah, Tenn. Wilson, Thos. H. — I. 12th Iowa, Shiloh. Herring, L. G. — G. 12th Iowa, Savannah, Tenn. In addition to the above, Iowa is known to be largely represented in the 2,361 "unknown" graves. One-eighth of the known graves are those of brave Iowa soldiers and it is undoubtedly true that 300 to 500 more of the best and bravest men that Iowa sent to the war sleep in unknown graves in Shiloh cem- etery. This will be a sad letter to many Iowa homes when read over to find a trace of a father, brother, son or friend known to be killed at Shiloh. Know- ing the anxietv with which the list will be read over, great care was taken in copymg from the records to get it correct, and the list above given contains the name of every 12th Iowa soldier in "known" graves in Shiloh cemetery. The cemetery was begun in 1870, five years after the war was over. The first superintjudent was Maj. Peter )ako, who died in 1S70 and is buried in the cemetery. Each year thereafter until 1876, there was a new superintendent but no record was kept of their names. In September, 1876, Capt. L. S. Doo- little, of 96th Illinois, was appointed. He is still the superintendent and a first class man for the position. He receives a salary of feoo per annum and is fur- nished one employe at 130 per month. The government furnishes house, tools, fuel, stock, etc., everything except food and clothing for himself and family. He and his lady, formerly ^Iiss Anna White, of Milburn, Illinois, TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. ^c onSeS '; iSrr Lion' "n^ rijittorvTS^ ^° ^'^ ^[' '" ^r-h «^ ^he graves the cemetery was opened ThP^fif=7 '^°''-^ vvas kept for some time after only x8r nJ^Z^l^rl^r^glte^e^^^;^^^^^^^ N^'- H. 1870 and .tors registered up to evining ot AprU 7 isll saw 2 6T7 ^''' ""'"^''' °^ ^'^^- r^uJb'rStllcfn'Tdetrl^^^^^^^^^^^ ^-^ '^^-^^ "--'v the entire who were killed early inTh^da in tKrlf h - Tu ^^^P^ured, except those in "unknown" grave? The 8th "th and t^S' t ^^^'' ''"'P '^^''' ^^'' ^'^^P" were captured at the close of the firsfrl., •lJ°'^^ regiments, all of which by known graves in tt cemetery at^dthi' Tln'f ^"' ^"ghtly represented regiments. The dead of U.?4 re^i^ were i^^. "!i ""' 'S ""l^'^' captured along the line of retreat vvhere fhP mL^l ,1 flattered on the hne of battle, efforts to break tK enenn's ifne^^^^^^^^ desperate stand in their continuous heaps across ''He "s Hoi ow " O ^.^^" ■'^"•■/'^""ded, and piled in of the dead, their comrades lef in re^impnf.l "^'"^ ^° 'fe scattered condition after the battle was over anV"th"'^^' ''^"^P"S°">d ^ trenches, hundreds in X'nrh^rso^dLrje^a^-ed-ro ^^^^S^ ^'-"- tured^'re'^rnVnTs'^JiLrwa's'"/^^ T^' ^'"^ ^^^^- '^ -- -^ ^he cap- after the^^tt le vtas ov^? and ?o \llT''u'^ ?^f",f'l'".^ ^^' ^^^^^ regiments given in all the pHnted reports on vfoth'^l^^ '^'"^^^ '"} !-'^°^^ regiments is In case of the i?th lovva t?e officia IrennVt • ""m"'" ^^^1^0""^ on the field, regiment as "10," whin it is SosTtilelv^L n ^'''f ^'f """^^^'^ «^ ^^^''^d in this were captured that^hrnumber of ki In T ^^^ regiment who ment was nearly one hundrpd r ^ "^ a"^ mortally wounded in this regi- mortally wou'ndJd? who'dfed'the n^eTda"? and'verv'f'^ seven killed and two caped death or wounds Comoanv A lo-^^A ^ ?^ °^ ^^'^ company es- regiment, but the loss to the ofher^o Jn "" "''^" *'?" ^"^ company in the tons but' it was too late to cSr ectTeX?nr'' "'7 'V^'^^,' ^^'^ '^ ^"-"^ ^is- releasedfrom the rebe prison he'?s and^^e nffl'^^i^'''' ""^'f' "',? ^'-^Pt^^ed were false reports as first mad^t^i" s SiUlht the h^. fj ''^^^''d^^till perpetuate the troops that held their orig nal linf o Ctfe .Tl H ^"' 7*^^ ^^'^ '^^ °"'y s.s.ance was all that saved^hJ intfre^arm W^:;;'de:t'r'uc?ion""°^^ ^^"''^°^" ^^- it saJin\t^rt\"n'd?a\ea^:aT wiS in^rS^^^^^ ^ro^I^ T'^^V ^^ ^^"^ ^° not lessened the love for the brave rnmr!^ k ■ ^^ Jwenty-two years had conquered and consecrated bv the bestTnH h ^"?^'^. ^^'^ '" ^ rebellious soil rificedhome, friends and life whhpro,--^ bravest of our number. They sac- country last in tLfr h^a' fa smile oT'rem^^^^^^^ ^^P^ 'V""''' last on their faces thev died wiih nf . '^ememb ance of loved ones at home died-for others ' f^^d^hey dTe ^vafn [Tt'hl^'h"^."' ^Tl' ^'^"^^ ^^^^^ five years answer. ^ ' ^""^ ^^"^ ^'^^ory of the next twenty- VVe left their silent and the o-rpatpcf r.Qr^ ,^f fu « , silence and unutterable sorrow bowed do^nw^fl ""'"r ""^nown" graves in press. No other nation in thrhktorv ni 11 ^^'^'l ^nef tins pencil cannot ex- riors, and no other nadon ever came son... '''''' "^ ^''"' ^'']? ,'"^'^ ""^le war- brave straggles, undying°3evotLn'"rd li "sa'cSf Ta?o '^Th^^ °' ^'^'^ Nation has proven tself imworth,- r^r e„^i ^"^"-["'^"'g: valor. 1 he American infamy and dishonor Even the mudd^' T'"" 'T'u '""n^ ^-"^"^^^ itself with wash the base of the r last ri int nlLce in 1 f ' """ Tennessee sluggishly toward the desolated homLTf nSr v all onr hn "'f^'^i^^, "°''thwest, and its banks, as if in wild n ockerv of the nh ''°"°''<^d ^^'1^ who are buried on from their shroudless coffinle^sJil J.. P^,^" °'" ^^Y. being unable to rise same direction. Oh the bi e?ne?s T.^ "1^^'' ^P their line of march in the and minds of theVr liv ng "oSes /^^ deep into the hearts graves. Language cannol e^xpSs it ?ho\iSt ?an,ot ?aU om t^ ' T°" ^'"'' hension cannot compass it P\-prv v^tP..,, cannot fathom it, and compre- in the green woods of Tennessee^hiSilpi'^of^^ ^'"""^ ^'^"^ ™"'^ -''^^e^ American people and more of fh f r ? °^ '"r ^"''^""""^^'^t, less of the fore. NoarmyofequaTintelil . ^'^^^^^"'"ess of republics than ever be- 56 SECOND REUNION OF THE Who Saved the Day at Shi/oh. The following, written by Col. Geddes, and taken from the lozva ^'/rt'/f^ /?^:»75/c;-. will be exceedingly interesting to members of the I2th and 14th Iowa: On the near approach of the twenty-third anniversary of the battle of Shi- loh I feel that the time has arrived when simple justice may be done the brave men who stood by their colors and country so heroically on that bloody day. For twenty-two years I, for one, have keenly lelt that the heroism of three devoted Iowa regiments has never been candidly acknowledged by the au- thorities, nor the far-reaching consequences of their patriotic devotion fully ap- preciated. 1 will therefore answer your question, "Who Conquered at Shiloh?" by staling without fear of contradiction, and with the opportune assistance from Confederate reports of that battle, now for the first time published by the War Department, that Iowa conquered at Shiloh ! How often have we recalled to our memories that timber-crested hill, so sacred to us all as the resting place of many a dear comrade, and soon to be visited again by some of the survivors, drawn as it were by some wierd and all- pervading influence to the spot, which for these many years they have longed to tread once more. These three Iowa regiments — the Eighth, Twelfth and Fourteenth — de- fended a position all that day of so much importance to our army, that had it been carried by the rebels, even as late as 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the high bluffs ol the Tennessee would not have had a Union soldier to siielter. Permit me to quote from the official reports of a few of the Confederate officers who, with their commands, engaged these three Iowa regiments, and who describe the position they held so vividly that most of our surviving com- rades who may read this cannot fail to recognize the historic spot. On page 483, Vol. X: VVar of the Rebellion, Col. R. S. Gibson, commanding First Brig- ade, Ruggles' division, reports as follows : "The position alluded to was a densely wooded hill, surrounded by a ra- vine." Again, on page 480, he says: "The brigade moved forward in fine style, marching through an open field under a heavy fire, and half way up an elevation covered with an almost impenetrable thicket upon which the enemy was posted ; on the left was a battery opened that raked our flank, while a steady fire of musl;etry extended along the entire front. Under this combined fire our line was broken and the troops fell back, but they were soon rallied and advanced to the contest. Four times the position was charged and four times the assault proved unavailing. The strong and almost inaccessible posi- tion ot the enemy, his infantry well covered in ambush, and his artillery skill- fully posted and efficiently served, was found to be impregnable to infantry alone. We were repulsed." Again, on page 483, he continues : " I had sent Mr. Robert Pugh to the General after the first assault, for artillery, but the re- quest was not granted, and in place of it he brought nie orders to advance again on the enemy. In the execution of this order we charged repeatedly, as described, and were repulsed." In this connection I will quote from my own report, written in a rebel pris- on twenty-two years ago, and tound in the same document, on page 166 : "About I p. m- General Prentiss placed a battery in position immediately in front of my regiment. The precision of its fire, wliich was directed by the General in person, made great havoc in the advancing columns of the enemy. It therefore became an object of great importance to them to gain possession of the battery. To this end they concentrated, and hurled column after col- umn on my position, charging most gallantly to the muzzles of the guns." For the purpose of still further corroborating the rebel testimony, I quote from Col. W. T. Shaw's report, on pages 153-4, made after his return from TWELFTH IOWA V. V. IMFANTRY. ^^ prison: "I now perceived a large force of the enemy approaching from the left and front, and immediately reported the fact to Col. Tiittle, who, at my re- quest, sent me a couple of brass six-pounders, which were nearby. These i got into position just in time to receive the enemy. They advanced with the most desperate bravery, the brunt of the attack falling upon the Eighth Iowa, by whom it was most gallently borne." 1 have good authority for saying that the firm resistance of the center at that time was the chief means of saving our whole army from destruction. In identifying the topography of this important position held by these three Iowa regiments, I would call attention to the report of Col. J. J. Woods, of the Twelfth Iowa, on page 151. With the precision of a trained officer he thus describes the position: "The Eighth Iowa was on the left of the Fourteenth, forming an angle to the rear with our line. An open field lay in front of our right. Dense timber covered our left, a small ravine immediately behind us. Again and again did he attack us. We repulsed every attack and drove him back in confusion." Now compare with the foregoing the report of Capt. E. M. Dubroca, com- manding the Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment of Col. Gibson's brigade, page 491: "Our loss in crossing the field was very heavy. We were ordered to the right to charge the enemy, who were lying in ambush at the foot of the hill, entirely hidden from us by a dense undergrowth, which screened their posi- tion. 'There is a time when patience ceases to be a virtue.' We were forced to fall back and form anew. And a second and third time we returned to the charge, leaving on the field some of our brave soldiers." Also compare the report of Col. J. F. Fagan, commanding First Arkansas, Gibson's brigade, Ruggles' division, on page 488. He says: "It was about noon, the turnincr point of the day and the turning point of the battle. Upon the edge of a wheat, field, to the right of the field last mentioned, the regi- ment, with the whole brigade, was drawn up in line of battle, and marching directly to the front, across a field, entered a dense thicket of undergrowth, which led down to a ravine and a hill beyond. Here we engaged the enemy three different times, and braved a perfect rain of bullets, sliot and shell Three different times did we go into that valley of death, and as often were forced back." Sufficient, I think, has been stated to prove, beyond controversy, two im- portant facts. First, the position these three devoted regiments occupied du- ring the battle of the 6th of April, 1862, and the terrible character of the con- flict sustained. Much more can be gleaned from the rebel reports in further corroboration of these facts, but your precious space warns me to desist. I will only notice two important points. First, the time these three Iowa regi- ments were captured, and second, the result of their heroic resistance. How often have 6ur brave boys been pained on hearing the oft-repeated mean and flippant remark, "O, you were captured in the morning at Shiloh," and by many who never dared approach the foe near enough to be captured. What a leg- acy to a weeping wife when the news of the bloody conflict sped over the lines to our homes, "Your husband was taken prisoner with his regiment with- out fighting." The true state of the case could not be ascertained, lor no wit- ness was there but those concerned. In regard to the time of capture I will quote from the report of Col. B. L. Hodge, Nineteenth Louisiana Infantry, page 493: "Again we advanced into the little farm, and again when midway the clearing, the enemy opened fire upon us. Again we pressed on to the fence directly m front of his ambuscade. Here we remained exposed to his merciless fire for over half an hour. I may be permitted to add, sir, that this formidable position of the enemy, after Hav- ing withstood the repeated attacks of various regiments, was only carried at last by a charge on the right flank, supported by a battery on the left. After the enemy were driven from this stronghold, we, with several brigades, mov- ed toward the river. It was then nigh sunset." 58 FIFTH REUTs'ION OF THE Cottage 9, Soldiers' Home. Quiucy, 111., Oct. 9. 1894. Mr. J. E. Simpson and 12th Iowa: — Dear Conirtides: I received your kind inviiation to attend the reunion the 10th to 12th iust. I am very sorry I can not meet with you. but it is not possible for me to atteud on account of my finances. My check will reach me too late to'at- teud the, reunion. I yon all a good time. Truly our ranks in the 12th Iowa are thinning and we can have but a few more reunions here, but there is a time coming when we can have a grander reunion than any of these, if we all live as faithful to our God as we did for our country, and fight the good fight of faith, we will have one of the grandest reunions in heaven we have ever had. I am trying every day to live a christian, and as I cannot be with you I request you to take a vote of the boys aiid report to me the number that are trying to serve God and make their home in heaven, where all is peace and joy forever. Please do this for my pleasure at least. I want to say here that I have not spent my pen.sion at the saloon (God forbid), biat I have spent it in helping to build a United Brethren church in this city and for other benevolent purposes. I want you to know that I have not squandered my money as some of the boys have donr, in our home. We have thirty-eight boys in our cottage and eight of us are trying to fight the good fight of faith and gain a home in heaven. I trust the few that used to hold prayer meetings in the army are still attending and enjoying prayer meetings. If any have gone astray let them return as the prodiagal of old did. We then had to fight the euemy of our country and our soul too. Now we have to fight the enemy of our soul, and that is whisky. Thous- ands are going to ruin everj' day in Quincy. This is all. Write an tell me about the reunion. How many were there? Give me their addresses and I will write to them. Love to all, LAWRENCE LOTT To the 12th Iowa. Superior, Neb., Oct. 9, 1S94. Dear Comrades:--- I started to come to the reunion and got as far as Superior and I learned it would cost me full fare to come, and times are so hard and money so scarce that it is imiiossible for me to get there. I understood it was only half fare till I got to the depot. I am very sorry that I cannot be there. I .«!aw A. G. Davenport this morning and he said to send his re.spects to all the old boys, and we hope that the next time will be able to get there. PETER KEARNS, A. G. DAVENPORT Holmes City, Douglas .County. Mijin., Oct. 7th, 1894. J. E. Simpson. Norfolk, Neb. :— Dear Comrade: Your circular of Sept. 10 duly received. I have always had J TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 59 an ardent desire to attend a reunion of the 12th Iowa, but the distance and financial circumstances always so far intervened. My jjersonal appearance can therefore not be with you only V)y letter of ref ^ ,,Vu Waukon, Iowa Russell Chas r. ,, c ^ r>- u ^ r, Brooklyn, Mo Sargent, Richard B ,, -^ ', Sjodin, Peter Kansas, Kan Sanner, Mick F p ■■■■,;• -^'^^ Spaulding, Josiah D Rossville, S"!;^' ^- ^; • • ;• ■■•■•■N^K-lh McG;egor; K Thibedo, Stephen „, f TT , c- T u Waukon, " Upstrom, Serg. John \\r,^^tu- .. »»• \yj 1 dL Worthington, Minn Wampler, Robt -iir 1 1X7- * c xxr D VVaukon, Iowa Winter, Serg. W. P -, White, Elisha J Algona, Iowa Winter, Rufus B •....'.".'.'.'.'.' .< Woodmanon, Isaac d -iV ' t Kossville, Iowa 62 SECOND REUNION OF THE COMPANY C. Capt. Wm. W Warner, died Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1863. Capt. Geo. W. Cook Medicine Lodge, Kan. Capt. David W. Reed, (Mrijor i2tii Iowa) Waukon, Iowa Capt. Wm. L Henderson, Leroy, Minn ist Lt. David B. Henderson, (Col. 46th Iowa) Dubuque, Iowa ist Lt. Henry J. Grannis Fayette, Iowa 2d Lt. Aaron M.Smith, died South Bend, Ind., Jan. ist, 1883 ist Sergt.JerF. Hutchins, (Capt. Co- E. 12 la.) . ..Minneapolis, Minn. Sergt. Gilbert Hazlett, Allison, Iowa Sergt. Emery Clark, Estelline, Dak Sergt. Jas. Stewart, West Union, Iowa Sergt. Phineas R. Ketchem, Windsor, Iowa Sergt. Philo R. Woods, Fayette, Iowa Sergt. Frank W. Moine, Strawberry Point, Iowa Corp. David Connor, died of wounds, Nashville Jan. 5, 1865 Corp. Thomas Henderson, killed Shiloh, April 6, 1862 Corp. Sam'l. F. Brush, died Macon, Ga., Oct. 31, 1862 Corp. Geo. L. Durno, Springville, Iowa Corp. Jas. Barr,(Asst. Surg. 12th Iowa) Algona, Iowa Corp. Daniel D. Warner, died Macon, Ga., Sept. 10, 1862 Corp. John W. Bysong West Point, Neb Corp. Joseph D. Baker Montivedo, Minn Corp. Geo. E. Comstock : Manchester, Iowa Corp. Henry C.Curtis, Lemars, Iowa Corp, John A. Delezene, Rock Rapids, Minn Corp. Wm. H. Jordan Cheney, Wash. Ter Corp. Amos K. Ketchum, Clarion, Iowa Corp. John E. Kent, Olewein, Iowa Corp. Wilson King, Emerick, Neb Musician Sumner Hartshorn died in Mich- Abbott Edward J (Rover, no permanent residence) Ayers, James L died Macon, Ga. Oct. 3. '62 Adams, Edward died Fayette, Iowa, Dec. 20, '71 Beck, Sam'l C Waverly Iowa Blanchard, S- S died Postville, Iowa Ballinger, John W Lacey, Iowa Brown Albert re-enlisted in 9th Iowa Cavalry, killed by accident at Hickory Plain, Ark. Dec. 24th, '64 Brown, John T Brown, Geo Woodstock, 111 Burroughs, Geo. A Douglass, Iowa Bowers, Wm. H Limestoneville, Pa Barton, Alvah H Baker, Miles died Nov. 19, '67, Eden Iowa Bushn'ell, Abner C died Pueblo, Col. Jan. '82 Beadle, Henry ...died Macon, Ga. Aug. 9, 62 Brown, Addison L deserted from Selma Ala Barr Henry Tama Co., Iowa TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 63 Becktell, David T Volga City, Iowa Barnes, James (Transfer from 27) Brant. Allen (Transfer from 27) Fairbanks Iowa Benjamin, Nathan (drafted) Bennefield, Wm. (substitute) Browsley, Wm. (drafted) Chase, Thos. H died St. Louis, March 28, '62 Clark, Henry Melbourne, Iowa Connor, Felix died St. Louis, Jan 14, '62 Connor, Sam'l Maxwell, Iowa Connor, Daniel died St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 14, '62 Card, Silas B Crossman, Silas died Elgin, Iowa April 14, 1881 Clawson, Elijah died St. Louis, Mo. Tan. 10, '62 Carmichail, Jas. H Volga City, Iowa Carrington, Chas Mitchell Co Comstock, Frank St. Louis, Mo Canfield, Theron P. (27th Iowa) Buffalo Grove, Iowa Davis, Jay C Wisconsin Davis, Andrew J Berian Springs, Mich Delezene, Benj Republic City, Neb Dawson, John (27th Iowa) Forbes, David Forbes, William died St. Louis, Jan. 2, '62 Grannis, Geo. W Missing at Shiloh, never heard from George, Henry died of wounds Md. City, May 2, '62 Gifford, Simeon Auburn, Iowa Gillam, Ezekel D. (27th Iowa) Hood, Alonzo F died St. Louis, Jan. 31, 62 Hazlett, John B Howard, Dakota Hamlin, Wm. A Plymouth, Iowa House, Nathan died Savannah, Tenn. April '62 Hill, John W Hill, Benj. J. (drafted) Hendershot, Thos Plainview, Neb Henkee, Martin (drafted). , ..- died Memphis, April 17, '64 Henselbecker, Henry (drafted) Bluffton, Iowa Hamlin, Lyman S Fairbanks, Iowa Hinkel, Edward C. (drafted) Winfield, Iowa Husted, Jacob M Henderson, James A. (27th Iowa) Cherokee, Iowa Jordan, Isadore L Bull City, Kansas Jaques, Luther Fairbanks, Iowa Jones, Henry died St. Louis, Jan. 17, '62 Jones, Geo. M. (drafted) Jordan, Daniel M killed Rockdale, Texas, Nov. 10, i88i Jewell, Jas E. (27th Iowa) Jackway, G. H- (27th lowa^ Lament, Iowa Kelley, Artemas ■ ■ ' ■ 64 SECOND REUNION OF THE Kent, Wm- A Dallas, Wis Kelsey, E. A Tripoli, Iowa Lewis, Leroy died St. Louis, Jan. 3d, 1863 Lattimer, Robt. Z Fayette Iowa Lattimer, Geo- H . Mill, Iowa Larson, Chas killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 Lyons, Wm. A West Union, Iowa Little, Jas Lot t, Lawrence Kampeska, Dak Munger, Albert P Cowlitz, Wash. Ter Mattocks, Jason L Minneapolis, Minn McCall, Daniel E Culver, Kansas McCall, John W Brownville, Neb Mclntyre, Thos. J died Vicksburg. Feby. 26th, 1865 Mattocks, Ross Wadena, Iowa McElvain, John died McLeansboro, 111 • Muchmor^, Stephen D. (27th) Martin, Chas. I. (27th ) Tripoli, Iowa Pendleton, Chas. E killed Shiloh, Apr. 6, 1862 Patterson, Sam'l. W (27th) Proctor, Geo. W (27th) Lawrens, Iowa Pitts, lames (drafted) London, Kan Prichet, John L. (drafted) Quivey, Wm. W Humboldt, Iowa Quivey, John died Oct. 4, 1862, Macon, Ga Russell, Granville died Feby- 17, 1862, St. Louis, Mo Rodgers, Reuben F Waucoma, Iowa Rodolph, John J • • • ■ - • Rockwell, Wm. R. (drafted) Spears, Niles H Mill, Iowa Simar, Willard E died Macon, Ga., Oct. 10, 1862 Smith, Jacob R Smith, Norton T killed Vicksburg, May 22d, 1862 Smith, Henry C died May 3d, 1863, Millekins Bd. La Siegman, Charles died Anapolis, Ma., Oct. 27, 1862 Stone, Sam'l : died Anapolis, Ma., Oct. 3d, 1862 Stone, Daniel Waucoma, Iowa Sykes, Orvis Freeport, 111 Spears, Daniel H died Sedalia, Mo., Nov. 12, 1864 Sherbone, Daniel Strong, John P Schuyler, Neb Sprowls, John Saulsbury, John Tatro, August Clermont, Iowa Utter, Albert Sycamore, III Verdin, Isaiah Williams, Rodolphus. . . West Lhiion, Iowa Wallace, Charles died July 9, 1863, Hospt. Boat Warner, Walter B Clermont, Iowa Wait, Van Buren deserted St. Louis, April, 1863 TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 65 COMPANY D. Stibbs, John H Room 92, Govt. Building, Chicago, 111. Soper, E. B Emmetsburg, Iowa. Prescott, T. L. 1123 Lexington Ave, corner S. W. Ave., Chicago, 111. Avers, Lyman M Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Buttolph, Edwin A Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Baumgardner, William Scranton, Iowa. Biirch, Sylvester R Olathe, Kansas. Bailey, Edwin H Fredonia, Wilson Co., Kan. Bailey, Henry W Kirkeman, Shelby Co., Iowa. Blanchard, Allen M. . .Room 58, 171 E. Randolph street, Chicago, 111. Barr, Thomas Shellsburgh, Iowa. Burch, John W Olathe, Kansas. Blood, Alvarro C , Brown, Angus, M Clark, John M Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Conley, Dennis Davenport, Iowa. Cowell, James L Marengo, Columbia Co., Washington Ter. Clark, Chas. W Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Curren, Francis Marion, Iowa. Clark, Isaac G Dennison, Iowa. Cowell, Robert C Guthrie Center, Iowa. Clemans, Nick, alias Chas. Ransom Smith Center, Kansas. Dailey , James C Cherokee, Iowa. DuBois, Ferdinand Denison, Iowa. Ellgen, Harmon Grafton, Worth Co., Iowa. Ferner, James D Nevada, Iowa. Flint, Samuel H No. 2, S. 3d Ave, Leavenworth, Kansas. Gephart, Perry Chicago, 111. Grass, Harmon Fargo, Dak. Ter. Gallagher, James Crete. Neb. Howard, William C Chelsea, Iowa. Hale, Neil Tucson, Arizona. Holler, Irdill W Johnson, Robinson L Bayard, Iowa. K^ing. Eli Washington, Kan. Lanagan, James Odel, Gage Co., Neb. Luther, John St. Joseph, Mo. Lewis, Thos. J Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lee, W m . L Lambert, John B Little, James H Martin, Richard S Mclntyre Alpheus Moorehead, Chas. L Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Millett, Allen J Hastings, Neb. Morrow, B. Prank Almena, Kansas. Maryatt, O. H Red Cloud, Neb. Minor, David W Areata, Humboldt Co., Cal. Moorhead, Homer C , Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 66 SECOND REUNION OF THE Price, Nathan G Jewell City, Kansas. Price, J. V. George Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Mo. Pangborn, Howard Palouse, Whitman Co.. Washington Ter. Rowan, John W Vinton, Iowa. Ross, Henry W Red Cloud, Neb. Renchin, Frank Bloomington Prairie, Minn. Ross, Jesse H Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Steadman, Diidly E Vinton, Iowa. Scott, Josiah Shellsburgh, Iowa. Soper, Roswell K Estherville, Iowa. Sartwell, Joseph O Marion, Iowa. Steward, Aaron A Carthage, Mo. Sivets, Daniel Tarpenning, James M South Bend, Neb. Thompson, Frank D Nevada, Iowa. Trowbridge, Wm H 701 S. E. 5th street, Des Moines, Iowa. VenEmman, Wm. M Grand View, Douglass Co., Dak. Ter. Whittam, John J care J. N. Whittam, Cedar Rap. Iowa. Wagner, Jasper Center Point, Iowa. Whiteneck, W. W Waterloo, Iowa. Weaver, John N Algona, Iowa. Zuver, B. P Adams, Gage Co., Neb. Stibbs, Joseph. . .died July i6th, 1S66, at Woocter, Ohio, of abscess of back contracted in rebel prisons Blackburn, Joseph M. .died April 20, 1S62, near Shellsburg, Iowa, of desease on account of which discharged Breman, Patrick . .died Sept. 17th, 1873, at Hot Springs, Arkansas, of disease of lungs and liver Craft, James died July 3d, 1S63, of disease on account of which dis- charged. Baumgardner, Samuel died June, 1S77, at Vinton, la, of consumption Doolittle, Washington A. died July 21, 18S0, at Watkins, Benton Co., Iowa, of Bright's desease, resulting from chronic diarhea and lung difficulty Doleshall, Wencil. died Aug. 31, 1873, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Frees, James P. . .died April 5, 1S62, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, of pneu- monia Frees, Andrew J. killed June 30, 1873, at Cedar Rapids, by B. C. R. i!v: N. Ry. Cars Gilchrist, Wm. B. .died at Shellsburg, Iowa, ot disease on account of which he was discharged Lutz, Wm. B. .died Oct. 31st, 1S77, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, of old age and general debility Martin, EbenezerJB. .died Dec. 28th, 1S68, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, of consumption Note. — Any one knowing the addresses of those not given, or of their death, will confer a favor on Co. D., by addressing E. B. Soper, Emmets- burg, Iowa. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 67 COMPANY E. Boone, R. G Scott, Mahaska County, Iowa Biller, Anthony Waterloo, " Beckwith, VV. H Parkersburg, Iowa Boylan, Thos Stocton, Brooks County, Kansas Bird, E Winterset, Madison county, Iowa Bird, R. L Maysville " Belton, James Edgewood, Clayton county, " Collins, Chas. P Charles City, Floyd county, " Cook, Charles Lester, Blackhaw.k county, " Creighton, David Geneva, Franklin county, ' " Crowhurst, Seth J Salem, McCook county, Dakota Cook, Joseph New Castle, Dixon county, Nebraska Cook, John J No. 31S South 4th St., E. D. Brooklyn.N. Y Cook, Adolph Coon, H. F... died Oct. 1884, Waterloo, Iowa Church, Nathan Webster City or Eagle Grove, " Demoss, Thos Bristow, Butler county, " Ellvvell, John 4340 Emeret Ave. Chicago Eberhart, Ben LaPorte City, Blackhawk county, Iowa Early, T. M Bristow, Butler county, " Graham, Jacob Davenport, Scott county, Iowa Hamilton, Wm LaPorte City, Black Hawk county, " Hayward, C. B... Dysart, Tama county, " Harrison, H.J Interior Department, Washington, D. C Jones, John C. Geneva, Franklin county, Iowa Large, F. A LaPorte City, Black Hawk county, Iowa Myers, A. W Shell Rock, Butler county, Iowa Margret, J. S Hittesville, Butler county " Morris, C. D Worthing, Dakota Minium, David..... Big Grove, Pottawatamie county, Iowa McCall, Daniel Culver, Ottowa county, Kansas Ochs, Charles Ackley, Hardin county, Iowa Perry, A. B Lester, Black Hawk county, Iowa Reed, Zeff. Fredonia, Louisa county, Iowa Rich, J. W Vinton, Benton county, " Surfus, C. V Bristow, Butler ..county, Iowa Stewart, Joal A Oregon City, Oregon Sunderhn, M. V. B Janesville, Bremer county, Iowa Seeber, G. L Sabula, Jackson county, " Schrack, David Lester, Black Hawk county, " Switzer, C. R Lewis, Cass county, " Sharp, Oliver Finchford, Blackhawk county, " Smith, Harvey Waterloo, Black Hawk county, " Sawyer, E Enterprise, Black Hawk county, " Shumaker, JohnW .Waterloo, Black Hawk county " Shroyer, Nathaniel Tainter, Mahaska county, " Strong, Ezra Sioux City, Plymouth county, " Talbot, Allen E Orleans, Indiana Williams, (Capt,) Robt Van Couver, Washington Ter Watkins, Isaac Crawfordsville, Montgomery county, Indiana Wesi-, D. F ...Theon, Wash. Ter 68 SECOND REUNION OF THE COMPANY F. Ainsworth, J. E Missouri Valley Junction, Iowa Annis, Geo. W Lanark, Carroll county, 111 Bremner, John Yankton. Yankton county, Dakota Buckman, Wm. H Dyersville, Dubuque county, Iowa Brown, Eugene Brush Creek, Fayette county, " Correll, Ed Greeley, Delaware county, " Coolidge, F. W Rawlins, Wyoming Ter Coolidge, O. E Central City, Nebraska Dunham, Abner Manchester, Delaware county, Iowa Dahl, John A Silver Creek, " Eldridge, J. E Hepler, Crawford county, Kan Eldridge, R. C Niagara Falls, N. Y Eaton, John J Edgewood, Clayton county, Iowa French, S. M Denver, Colorado Girton, Jos. S Hazleton, Buchanan county, Iowa Goodell, Wm. H : Manchester, Delaware county, " Gift, J. W Peoria, III Grice, A. J Doniphon, Hall county. Neb Hallhill, Josiah Wood Center, Clayton county, Iowa Hasbrouck, Daniel H Prairie Creek, Union county, Oregon Kaltenbach, Sam'l Manchester, Delaware county, Iowa Kaltenbach, L. P San Bernardino, California Kent, George Olewein, Iowa Kaster Hiram Manchester, Clayton county " Kirchner, Mike Lee, Jas. F Clay Mills, Jones county, Iowa Lee', John F Council Grove, Morris county, Kansas McGowan, Thos Independence, Buchanan, county, Iowa Mackey, H. W Maynard, " Manning. A L Dunlap, Harrison county, " McKee, T. R Blunt, Dakota Manley, R. L ' Mann, Wm. W Ranelsburg, Hall connty. Neb Nelson, W. A. W Hazleton, Buchanan county, Iowa Nelson, T. C Hazleton, Buchanan county, " Otis, John Sr Manchester, Delaware county, " Preston, H. M Ft. Dodge, Webster county, " Potter, Jas- W Fayette, Fayette county, " Peasley, R. H Kansas Ralston, Nelson Lamars, Plymouth county, Iowa Roe, A.J Burlington, " Small, H.J. F 452 SoWood St., Chicago, 111 Steen, C C Minneapolis, Ottowa county, Kansas Schneider, Justus Rosewell, Miner county Dak Stribling, C C Clifton, Tenn Tirrell, R. W Manchester, Delaware county, Iowa Thorn, Chris Waverly, Bremer county, " Tibbetts, W. F Cheney, Sedgwick county, Kansas Weeden, R. L Nugents Grove, Linn county, Iowa Widger, Joshua Manchester, Delaware county, " Wooldridge, Geo. W Elkport, Clayton county, " Wandall, A Volga City, Clayton county, " TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 69 COMPANY G. C. C. Tapper, died Benton Barracks, Jan., '62 L. 1). Townsley. Mapiiui Dnvango, Mexico J. F. Nickersoii. died in rebel prison. J. E. Suiipson, Dubuque. Iowa. A. A. Burdick, killed at Tupelo. A. E. Anderson, Calmar, Iowa. O. C. Tliorson,died at Eldorado, Iowa. R A. Gibson, diedU. S.service. J. H. Womeldorf, Neleigh, Neb. Andrus, E. V.Decorah, Iowa. Anderson, A. Albert I^ea, Minn. Anderson, G. Kothsay, Minn, Anderson, A. M., died of wounds ree'd Cor- inth. Brown, J. H. died at Decorali. Bowers, A., died in Oliio, Crane, John Crowell, J. M. Connolly. C. died at Sonierville, Mass. Christophereon, C Hartland, Minn. Dunn, Van R, Dewitt, Neb. Engbertson, E. Eastonson, (i, died at Mound City, Iowa. Fuller, A. S. Lyons, Dakota. Fuller, A Green, L. D. (Jilbertson, O. Benton, Minn. Gulbranson, A. Rothsay, Minn. Hanson, Ole Hulverson, A. Decorah, Iowa. Hall, Giles Houge, G. A. Albert Lea, Minn. Hanson, Hans. Lake Park, Minn. Hanson, Halver, Sheldon, Dakota. Johnson, H. E. Alexandre, Minn. Johnson, Henry 1st. died at Huntsville, '62. Johnson, Henry 2d. Kittleson, C, B. died in Minn, Kittleson, G. Larson, Hover, died at Savannah, Tenn. liarson, John Man son, J. Montgomery, Wni. V. Madinn. D, L. Malonev. J. died in field. Miller, S. lives in California. McCabe, C. Sherburne, Minn Nass, G. H. Woodside, Iowa. Oleson, O. Oleson, O. G. killed at Shiloh. Oleson, J. died at Tlioton, Iowa. Pollock, Joseph, mustered out at Selma, '65. Pierce, Fletcher Romberg, L. O.died at Chewalla, "64. Ricker, J. died at Savannah, '62, Raucha, Fred. Skidmore, Mo. Smith, I. K. Baraboo, Wis. Simmons, R Lake Park, Minn. Staples. C. J. died at Frankville, Iowa. Steen, John, Wahoo, Neb. Steen, Henry, Oakland, Neb. Smith, G. M. died at Decorah, Iowa. Sernsou, S. A. killed at Tujjelo, '64. Tinke., J. Thompson, A. K. Taylor. W. H. H. Thompson, J. B., Speilville, Iowa. Wright, C. F. Wheeler, Horace. Wait, W. Nashua, Iowa. G. O. Hanson, died at Decorah. W. L. Winsor, Clinton, Mo. T. Steen, died at Omaha. A. W. Erit, died in service. J. O. .Johnson, Mabel, Minn. N. B. Burdick, died at Decorah. R. Hard, G. W. Sharp, Fargo, Dakota. Aker, D. O., Ridge way, Iowa. Anderson, Peter Anderson, E. Ballard, S.trawder Clark, J. M. Cutlip, J. Coon, C. A. Sabinal, Texas. Carey, A. A. died at Castalia, Iowa. Davis, N. J. Berrian Springs, Mich. Ellsworth, W, D. died in Benton Barracks. Fladmark, S. M. M, Gorhamer, O. H. died at St. Louis, '63. Gilbert, L. died at Keokuk. Han.son, Claus Hall, Austin, died at St. Louis, '63, Helgerson, (i. died at Nashville, '64. Harris, F. W. Hand, Andrew J. Jenson, A. died Sept. '63 in Miss. Johnson, A. died at Greensville, La., '65. Johnson, N. O. Kirkland, G. W. Freeport, Iowa. Larson, Peter Low, Lewis L. McCalley, P. died at Hesper. McLoud. S. Miller, O. D. Stuart, Neb. Meyer, C. Meader, M. E. Hesper, Iowa. Moe, Peter Nelson, Swen Oleson, E. Oleson, Amnion, died at Memphis. Oleson, A. H. Palmer, R. lives in Neb. Peterson, N. died at Camp Woods, '63, Raucha, Ed. Rocksvold. O, P. Thoten, Iowa. Ryerson, F, Skinner, C. died '63, steamer Crescent. Skinner, F. Forest City. Simmison, Nels. Severson, Nels. Stalim, Lars. L. Simmons, .lohn. Slattery, Thomas. Thompson, T., Lincoln Center, Kansas. Torgenston, M. died '65, at Montgomery. Tobiason, Andrew. Thoryson, Andrew. Wold, L. T., died at Vicksburg, '63. West, S., Red Cloud, Neb. Wiley, Win., died at St. Louis, 'C3. 70 SECOND REUNION OF THE COMPANY H. Atkinson. VV. L. C Omaha, Neb Briggs, U. I . . Marcus, Iowa Brown, Tom Jewell City. Kansas lienedict, R. W Jessup, Iowa Becket, Ed Dubuque, Iowa Benedict, John VV Plum Creek; Neb Carrie, John G Bulte City, Montana Crist, lohn VV Central City, Dak. Ter Clark, B. A Colesburg, Iowa Crosby, J. M Pukwana, Brule county. Dak Co.x, VV. U ■• Alta, Buena Vista county, Iowa Duncan, N. E Kansas City, Mo Evans, James Dubuque, Iowa Fishel, S. C Iowa Falls, Iowa Fishel, S. K Eort McGinnis, Montana Fishel, Robt Greeley, Iowa Franks, Joseph Lamont, Iowa Flenniken, J. B 'battle Creek, Neb Grimes, R. M Kearney, Neb Gilmore, A. C Indianapolis, Ind Costing, Alfred G Strawberry Point, Iowa Horner, Geo Dubuque, Iowa Hamblin, R. E Arcadia, Ohio Henry, Philip Greeley, Iowa Jackson, S. M Lincoln, Neb King, Wilson Emerick, Neb Kuhnes, j. C Manning, Iowa Knee, Sam'l G • Colesburg, Iowa Light, Robt • Bernett, Neb Light, Joseph North Fork, Neb Langslou, Aaron I. .transfered irom Co. D 27th la to Co. D 12 Iowa Mason, John S Worthington, Iowa Moreland, C.D.W Earlville, Iowa McConnell, Alex S Hopkinton, Iowa McCune, W. U Emmetsburg, Iowa Nawman, Geo North Piatt, Neb Playter, H.J Washington, D. C. Smith, Thomas Turkey River, Iowa Shorter, James Shell Rock, Iowa Sloan, S. B Greeley, Iowa Trumble, James Manchester, Iowa Winch, Edward. Arena, Wis Wisegarber, Wm Oneil City, Neb Ward, John Burlington, Iowa Van Anda, John Fremont, Neb TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 7 1 COMPANY I. Brown, J Crane, I. K • Maquoketa, Jackson Co., Iowa Coates, Joseph Warren Dakota Campbell, E. B Armstrong, Grove Co , Iowa. Davenport, A. S Superior, Dougla :s Co., Neb Eddie, Thos. C Atwood, Rawlins Co., Kan Eddie, Alex Atwood, Rawlins Co., Kan Fry, Wm. L Scranton, Green Co., Iowa Goodnow, M. B Ida, Valley Co., Neb. Hatfield, Augustus Jersey City, N. J. Hardin, J .Monmouth, Jackson Co., Iowa Nagle, M D Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa Nims, Weed Bellevue, Jackson Co , Iowa Perkins, J- H Scatte, Washington, Ter Palmer, A. L Sciatt, Washington Ter Ray, John S Naponee, Neb Rolf Marion Maquoketa, Jackson Co., Iowa Sumbardo, C. L. (captain) Minneapolis, Minn Ptarbuck, Wm LaVe Preston, Dak Smith, Henry Maquoketa, Jackson county, Iowa Teskey, George i:.lvvood, Clinton county, Iowa Thompson, Jas. L Perry, Dallas county, Iowa VanDuzee, E. M. (Maj.) St. Paul, Minn Vanhook, Sam'l Maquoketa, Jackson county, Iowa Wintersteen, Henry Montnouth, 111 Wilson, T Maquoketa, Jackson county, Iowa Wood, Joel Maquoketa, Jackson county, Iowa Wells, A. Charles Maquoketa, Jackson county, Iowa Zediker. Jas. F. (Capt.) Franklin, Franklin county, Neb COMPANY K. Brooks, John Blood, Geo. W....V Brown, J. J Bloomington, Franklin county, Neb Billings, Chas. D Bloomington, " " " Billings, Abram f.uzern N. Y. Blanchard, Thos LeMar, Ottowa county, Kan Barden, Henry A : ; Baldwin, Newton Ada, Ottowa county, Kan Church, P Arborville, York county, Neb Dolley, Godfrey Hopkinton, Delaware county, Iowa Deutsher, Albert Nat Home, Dayton county, Ohio Ellison, H Neoma, Neb P>eeman, Richard Spencer, Midona county. Ohio 72 SECOND REUNION OF THE Horn, Sam'l Colesburg, Iowa Keith W. B Precept, Kerwin county. Neb Kemp, Wm Kirwin, Kan Merriam H- C Hopkinton, Del. county, Iowa Merriam, C.E Mathis W. R King and Decater sts., Omaha, Neb Mathis, E. R " " Morgan, J- B Davenport, Scott county, Iowa Morehouse, P. J Masonville, Del. county, Iowa Mosher, Alvin Morgan, Wm. B Bloomington, Franklin county, Neb McConnell, Alex S Hopkinton, Del. county, Iowa Mickey, Isaac Waukon, Allamakee county, Iowa Myers, jos. A Dead Phillips C. E Tekamah, Burt county, Neb Robinson, Alonzo Albion, Boone county. Neb Webb, Laurence Cedar Rapids, Linn county, Iowa Willard, Porter H Hopkinton, Del- county, Iowa Waldroff Henry Laporte City, Black Hawk county, Iowa NAMES OF WIVES AND CHILDREN PRESENT. Miss Blanche Knee, Mrs. A. J. Rodgers, '» G«o. S. Durne, " D. W. Reed, Miss Minnie Reed, Master Reed, Mre. E. B. Soper, " Wm. Hende;8on and daughter, " J. E. Simpson, " H. R. Amdrows, " P. R. Woods, " H. J. Grannis, " R. Z. Laltimer, " P. R. Ketchum, " James Stewart, " James Barr and two daughters, " G. H. Morisey, " Abner Dunham and daughter Florence, " A. A. Moore, " Fred Lankins, " John OtiBi, " R. W. Terrill, " . O. Aaker, Ridgeway, Iowa. O. P. Rockavold, Thoten, Iowa. Co. H. Col S. G. Knee, Colesburg. Iowa. Ralph Grimes, Kearney, Neb. W. J. Playter, Washington, D. C. Co. I. Capt. J. F. Zediker, Franklin, Neb. Wm L. Fry. Scranton, Iowa. Geo. Tesky, Elwood, Iowa. Co. K. Lieut. J. B. Morgan, Davenport, Iowa. Sergt. C. E. Merriam, Hopkinton, Iowa. Sergt W. R. Mathis, (King and Decatur Sts.,) Omaha, Neb. ERRATA. On page 3, in the Hall Decoration Committee read, 3frs. A. M. Sherwood for Mrs. S. M. Sherwood; Read, Minnie Work for Minnie Work. In the En- tertainment Committee read Mrs. G. H. Morisey for Mrs. G. W. Morrey. In Finance Committee read R. M. Marvin for K. M. Marvin. On page 11 third line from bottom, read Tupelo for Topelo. On page 30, fourth line, read G. H. Morisey for G. S. Morisey. Poem on page 43 should have the name ot the author y. W. Shannon inserted. Page 46, ninth line, read H. R. Andreivs for H. P. Andrews. To the Roster of Co. F., page 68, add the names of David S. Godfrey, Jas- per Mo., L. C. Bush, Lexington, Iowa. c 'i^ n ^1C^>\s,'\o^^ illllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIilllliP^IIIIIIIJIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlltlllllllllll^lllllC 'i'w:ffii-i Ta lovVA Vhx. Vox- Jsara:. JiMsuzfiojy Ass'm; Third Reunion. -OP" THK twe;i,fth IOWA Veteran Volunteer Infantry, -H Fin 13 P^T- ¥ATE;KI,00, IOWA, ^>^1888K^ iijijHiniHi^l^lMiMjjniHiMlnini^l^ i ■ i ii i n 1 1 ■ i^iJ.ijiJJJJJ.iilJJJJi i i ill in 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ ?^T^.fc3S» _ _ __. __ „ ._ „,..., _ „, „,..^..,„ ^.,.^..^. 7l|!!IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll1IIIIIIIIilllllllinilllllllllllltlllllll|ll|ll|ll|ll|l|||l|||||||||||||||||||li|||||||||||||||||||||||||i||M|||||||||||||||^ 1 I/. xA-YwiyOb tJt^ MM ^ SlU ^ o ^C)'Z. ATTENTION, COMRSDES! It has been determined that we will send a copy of the pro- ceedings of our last reunion to each surviving comrade whose ad- dress we have. And we hope that those who have not already paid membership fees or dues, will remit said dues of one dollar, or send twenty-five cents, the cost of said pamphlet, to the undersigned treasurer of the association at Algona. Iowa. All who signed our by-laws and became members of our association, whose names ap- pear on page 46 of this book, are entitled to a copy free of charge. We are anxious that all who can will become members of our society, and if you will send one dollar to the treasurer and direct him to do so, he will inscribe your name on the roll making you a member, and you will be entitled to this book without additional cost. Unless this is done we hope you will send the 25 cents.^'' - -- \t^ Comrades let us not forget each other. Help a little in the good ' "^ work. If you know of any comrade who served in our regiment whose name does not appear on our book, or whose address is changed, be kind enough to send his name and address to Capt. E. B. Soper, Em- metsburg, Iowa. By order of Executive Committee. James Barr, Treasurer, Algona, Kossuth Co. Iowa. I^MIRZ) REHfJMION -OP THE- I2ffl IOWA V. V, INFANTRY -IIKI.U AT- WATERLOO, IOWA. THURSDAY ^^FBIDAUPRIL 5th .o^ 6th, 1888. MANCHESTER, IOWA : Manchester Press Steam Job Print t8S8. E2^P=I_j^?L.lNr^^TOI^^^_ In the preparation of this pamphlet, the Committee ha\e labored under many disadvantages, all of which have had a tendency to delay its issue. Those who have not had the trial, know but little of the annoyance and immense labor required in the preparation of a pamphlet of proceedings of any deliberative body, in the absence of matter which should have been prepared and kept at the time of meetin<»^. Many of the speeches were extemporaneous, and our Secretary not being able, with all his other duties, to keep ac- curate minutes of the proceedings, and there being no short hand reporter provided, the Committee found themselves almost entirely without the proper data from which to make up this pamphlet. They were therefore compelled to commence a system of correspondence with the comrades who favored the Associa- tion with impromptu remarks, asking them to furnish as near- ly as possible what they said, so as to enable us to prepare something worthy of publication. Some replied, sending us the required matter, for which we take this opportunity to ex- press our sincere thanks, others replied, saying that it was im- possible for them to recollect what the}- said upon various sub- jects; others, that owing to important and pressing business engagements, it was impossible for Ijiem to comply; and others for some reason unknown to us did not reply at all. We regret exceedingly, not only on our own account, but on account of all the comrades and all the readers of this pam- phlet, that we have been unable to procure some matter that we have considered almost indispensable, notabl}^ among which was the excellent address of welcome b}^ our late Gov- ernor, the Hon. B. R. Sherman. R. W. TIRRILL, ) G. H. MORISEY, '• Committee. A. DUNHAM. \ OOIvO^/OITTEIES- Committee of Arrangements, B. R SHERMAN. C^liairmmi. J. H. LEAVITT, J. W. KRAPFEL, G. E. LICHTY, J. E. WYANT, WM. THOMPSON, W. W. WHITENACK, C. D. BECKER, H. A SARGENT, G O. SNOWDEN, R. P. FOWLER. FRANK NP:ELY. 8. M HOFF. I. VAN METER, C. I). WANGLER, F. E. CUTLER, A- J. EDWARDS, H. H. SAUNDERS, W. M. SINDLINGER DR. G. .). MACK. C. W. MULLEN. Finance Committee. GEORGE O. SNOWDEN, W. W. WHITENACK, H. H. SAUNDERS, J. E. WYANT. Printing Committee. 1. VAN METER. B. R. SHERMAN, Hall and Rendezvous Committee. R. P. FOWLER, West Side, C. D. WANGLER, East Sido Hotel and Transportation Committee. J. H. LEAVITT. A. J. EDWARDS, S M. HOFF, F. NEELY, W. M. SINDLINGER, C. B. STILSON, MRS. THOMPSON, MRS. MEADOWS, MRS SNYDER. F. E CUTLER, DR. ARTMAN, MR. BENTLY. Banquet Committee. H. A. SARGENT. W. W. WHITENACK, WM. THOMPSOI^, G. E. LICHTY, MRS. WHITENACK. MRS. ALBEE, MRS. HOFER, Music Committee. C. O. BALLIETT. F. C. PLATT, Invitation and Toast Committee. C. W. MULLEN, F. NEELY. B. R. SHERMAN, i^i^oo-iBj^is/r— p^iiesT JD^^ir. .Mt'Pting of Executive Cominittoo. Music. Called to (Jrder by Col S. K. Edjiiugton, President of the Reg'tl Associatioir. Prayer. Appointment of Committees on Resolutions, Finance, next Reunion, etc. Reading of letters from absent comrades. Report of (Joinniittee, by I). Reed. Discussion and further action in regard to Regimental History. Miscell.ineous Business. Short talks on call. EVENING. Camp Fire. Music. Address of Welcome. Response by Col. S. R. Edgington. Why We Mold Reunions — Response by S. R. Burch. Music. The "Hornets Nest Brigade," Their valoa* saved the World's Greatest Com- mander. — ^Response by T. B. Edgington, of Memphis, Tennessee. Was the War Worth the Sacrifice? One Country, One Flag, and Alore Stars. Response by 1). B. Henderson, of Dubuque. Home when the Boys were Away. Tlie Dark Days of '61 to 'fio.— Response by Mrs. R. W. Tirrill, Manchester, Iowa. Tlie Broom Stick Mightier than the Sword. It always Rules the Infantry. Response l)y D, W. Reed, Waukon, Iowa. Music. The Iowa Soldiers' Home. A Gratefnl State proudly acknowledges her in- debtedness. — Response by B. E. Eberhart, La Porte City, Iowa. "Co. Q." Always ready for Duty and Double Rations — Response by P. R. Ivetchum, Winslow, Ic^wa. Music. The Citizens of Waterloo. Your Patriotism and Hospitality will live in our memories forever. — Response by J. H. Stibbs, Chicago. Song — " Marching Through Georgia." All sing. Music. Called to order. Prayer. Committee Reports. Election of Officers. JMiscellaneous Business. Short Talks by Everybody. Music. Parade. Banquet at Turner Hall. Toasts and Responses at West Side Opera House. The Folks at Home. — by Rev. J. O. Stevenstm, Waterloo. Music. The Army Chaplain.— Response by Rev. C. S. Percival, Waterloo. Music. The Sacrifices for the Union. — Re.sponse by Col. W. P. Hepburn, Clarinda. Music. " Hard Tack."— Response by H. C. Hemenw^ay, Cedar Falls. Music. "The Girl I Left Behind Me."— Response by C. W. Mullan, Waterloo. Music. The Heroism of the War.— Response by Col. D. B. Henderson, Dubuciue. KE,I!J MIO M X2m I0W4 Y. Y. INMNTRY, nPRIL 5th ^^ Bth, IBBB. -^^mi *^m^^*—. — 5^»?— The third reunion of the surviving members of the old 12th Iowa Volun teer Infantry, was held at Waterloo, Iowa, Thursday and Friday, April 5th and 6th, 1888, and was attended by about 170 of the Veterans, many of whom were accompanied by their wives and children. The city of Waterloo had donned her gala dress for the occasion, and as the old comrades arrived from different sections of the country, they were greeted at the depots by the proper committees and escorted to the Opera House, where registration was in order and hand-shaking and renewals of old times were indulged in. The forenoon of the first day was given to the greeting of comrades, re- newing the old friendships and fighting the old battles over again. Among the numerous tasty decorations with which the city abounded, the most notable was that on the Logan House corner, it being a monument about fifteen feet high and placed on a base in imitation of stone, the inscrip- tion on the monument being as follows : Hornet's Nest Brigade. — 12th Iowa Vet. Vol. Infantry. FIELD and staff. Colonel— J. J. Woods. Lieut. Col.— J. P. Coulter. Major— S. D. Brodtbeck. Adjutant— N. F. Dungan. Quartermaster — J. B. Dorr. Surgeon — C. C. Parker. Asst Surgeons ^ ^- ^- ^i^^^^" Chaplain-A. G. Eberhart. Asst. surgeons ^ ^^ Underwood. Under this was the following list of battles in which the regiment took part: Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Siege of Corinth, Jackson, Vicksburg, Black River, Jackson, (Second), Brandon, Tupelo, White River, Nashville, Holly Springs, Spanish Fort. THIRD KEir:NrON OP THE The other two faces of the shaft were devoted to the records of the sev- eral companies, showiiiij: the counties where they were recruited and the oriiiinal commissionod officers, as follows: Co A, Hardin countv, Captain, S, R Edgington; 1st Lieut., A. E.Webb; •2d Lieut., G W. Moir; 1)2 men. Co. IJ, Allanmkce county. Captain, W. C. Earl; 1st Lieut , L. IL Mer- rill ; 2d Lieut., J. H. Borger;: !)() men. Co C, Fayette county Cai)tain, Wm. Warner; 1st Lieut, D. B. Hen- derson; 2d Lieut , A. M. Smith; KiO men. (/'o. D, Linn county Captain, J. 11. Stibbs; 1st Lieut., J D. Furguson 2d Lieut., Ilile Hale; !)8 men. Co. E, Hlackhawk county. Captain, W. Haddock; 1st Lieut , J. Elwell 2d Lieut,, R. Williams; 1)4 men Co. F, I>ela\vare county Ca])tain, J, E. Aiiusworth; 1st Lieut., J. W (jift; 2d Lieut , \V. A. Morse; 99 men. Co G, Winneshiek county. Captain, C. C, Tapper; 1st Lieut., L. D Townsley; 2d Lieut, J. F. Nickerson; 9n men. Co. n, Dubuque county. Captain, H. J. Piayter; 1st Lieut., R. Fishel 2d Lieut, L W. Jackson; 82 men. Co. I, Jackstm county Captain, E. M. Van Duzce; 1st Lieut., J. J Marks; 2d Lieut., A. L Palmer; 85 men. Co. K, Delaware county. Captain, I. G. Fowler; 1st Lieut., L Webb; 2d Lieut., J. J. Brown; 84 men Total number, 981 men. Number of miles marched, 15,000. Near the base of the monument was a brass mountain howitzer captured by Co. D, at Selma, Alabama. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. At one o'chxik the executive committee met at the Opera House and proceeded to the transaction of such matters as were ready for their consid- eration. LTpon the completion of the business before the executive committee, the- association having convened, together with a large outjwuring of the citizens of Waterloo, the assemblage was called to order by Col. S. R. Edgington, president of the regimental association, who introduced Rev. Dr. C. S. Per- cival, Chaplain of the 12th N. Y. Cavalry during the war, who opened the exercises with prayer. The first order of business being the appointment of committees, the president made the following appointments : On Resolutions— II. W. Tirrill, R. P. Clarkson, J. E. Simpson, John N. Weaver and E. B. Soper. On Finance— J. W. Gift, J. H. Stibbs, B. E. Eberhart, John Cole and J. F. Zediker. On Officers for next Reunion— D. W. Reed, W. W. AVhiteneck, R. W. Tir- rill, J. E. Simpson and P. R. Woods. The secretary then proceeded to read the following letters and telegrams from absent comrades : Montana, Kansas, March 11, 1888. Mr. W. W. Whiteneck — Dear Comrade : — Your letter reached me several days ago, but as it did not state when the reunion was to be held, I delayed answering until I ascertained the time. The prol3ability is that I shall at- tend, but I cannot be certain yet whether I shall be able to do so or not I feel much obliged to you and other members of the regiment for the kind- ness you have heretofore shown me, and the interest taken to have me pres- TWELFTH IOWA V. \. INFANTRY. ent at the reunion. I assure you it would afford me great pleasure to meet again my comrades of the old I2th. Yours, truly, J J. Woods. Los Angeles, Cal., March 2<5, 1888. My Dear Col Edgiagtou: — Received yours of 21st ultimo Accept my thanks for the welcome invitation. You can be iissured that nothing would \give me more pleasure than to be able to meet you and our dear boys once again, but it will be impossible for me to attend next reunion Please give my love and hearty greetings to "every one " of the good old l»oys of the 12th. " May they all prosper and enjoy life and be able to cele- brate yet many reunions," is my toast and my most earnest wish and prayer. Affectionately, your old comrade and Major, S. D Brodtbeck. P. S.— I could not write to you earlier, because my dear wife, my com- panion for nearly fifty years, was ill, and yesterday was laid in her eternal resting place on earth, and is waiting for me in heaven, where I hope to meet her and all my dear comrades. House of Representatives, ) Washington, D. C. February 21, 1888. \ Major D. W Reed, — Waukon, Iowa. My dear friend : —Yours transmitting notice of our next 12tli Iowa reunion is just received. That is one of the re- unions I will not miss if it is possible for me to be there. Of course that must be subordinate to my public duties, but if possible I will be there, and I authorize you to say so to any inquiring friends. Very truly yours, D. B. Henderson House of Representatives, ( Washington, D. C, March 19, 1888. f CoL S. R. Edgington, Eldora, Iowa. My dear Colonel :— -I find that I must come to you to perform a painful duty, and that is to say that there is but little hope of my being able to attend our next reunion. With the tariff battle coming on, with the presidential fight impending and the immense work that it is now imposing upon me, together with my current official du- ties, I do not see how it will be possible for me to spare the time to go to Waterloo. I write you this now so that you may make further preparations for speaking, as there is not one chance in ten of my being able to attend. It hurts me to write this conclusion, for I have no gathering of any kind that I look forward to with as sincere pleasure as I do the reunion of the old 12th Iowa Infantry. Remember me kindly to all the comrades at the reunion, and please make it clear to them that it is through no fault of mine that I am not with them. Your friend and comrade, D. B. Henderson, St. Paul, Minn , April 4, 1888. Col. S. R. Edgingtoru My dear friend : — I have tried to plan to attend the reunion of our old regiment, but an attack of nervous prostration, which puts me under the doctor's care, prevents. Be kind enough to present my warmest greetings to all who are present, and express my regrets at being •iinable to join in the pleasant exercises of the reunion. Very truly, E M. Van Duzee, St Paul, Minn, April 4, 1888. Capt. J. F. Zediker. My dear friend : — Yours of 28th ult. received. I am very glad to hear from you and to know of your success in this life and hope of a better life beyond, I have, in the last few years, received several cards and circulars from you, but do not remember of receiving any letter to which I have not responded. It would give me much pleasure to meet my old comrades and take them by the hand. I presume they have changed in outward appearance so THIRD REUNION OP THE that I should fail to recognize many of them, as they, doubtless, would hardly know me. I am bearing some of the marks of time, but my spirit is still young. I cherish very i)le;isant memories of the companionships of our ser- vice, and should enjoy talking over old times and renewing old friendships. But I am to be disajipointed again. I am now under the doctor's care for nervous prostration I had hoped to be able to attend this reunion, as cir- cumstances have prevented my attending the otliers. I shall hope, another year to be present. Give my kindest regards to all members of company I, who are at the reunion, and my best wishes for their future welfare. I shall be glad to hear from you often. Very truly, E M. Van Duzee. Bkrhien Springs, Mich., April 3, 1888. Abner Dunham, Manchester, Iowa. Dear comrade : — I received your notice of the third reunion of the 12th Iowa Infantry, which takes place at Waterloo on the 5tli and Oth of April, of tluit grand "old regiment I love so well ; and when I read the notice, as follows: " Time is thinning our ranks, and we who are left, must step to tli" front, and so long as possible keep our lines unbroken," it makes me think back twenty-tive years ago, of the liard- ships, sufferings, pain and distress, we incurred together in the war and pri- son dens. Company G boys will remember I am the boy who made my es- cape from Memphis Sunday morning, but v.ns recaptured at Germantown, and sent south. I had made all arrangements to meet with you, but will not be able to for the reason that I am taken with a very l)ad cold. Please re- member me to all of the dear comrades, and .'specially to all of the company G boys I hope to be with you at your next reunion. I am fraternally, Nelson J Davis, Late Co. 6, 12th Iowa Infantry. Denver, Colorado, April 1, 1888. To Members of the i2th Iowa in Third Reunion ksspiiibled: Dear Comrades: — Until within a few weeks, I had fully intended to be with you at Waterloo, but my business is such that I cannot leave without greater loss than I can afford. I regret exceedingly that it is so, for I know from former experience what a good time you will have I can imagine you now, as I write, and your dear old faces are as plainly before me as on dress parade. Oh, how the old memories crowd themselves on my mind, and my pen is unequal to the task of putting them on paper As I sit here thinking, I see Dunham, (God ble-ss him) and Morisey, and Comstock, and Grannis, and Reed, and Knee, and — well, I see you all, and here's my hand, shake, boys, my heart is with you, if my body is absent. Here I am, crying like a baby. You all know the effort I made four years ago to be with you, so I think it not necessary to assure you of my loyalty, and as you grasp each other by the hand, and the eyes moisten, and you live over again " The Days of Auld Lang Syne," just give me a kindly thought, for I will be with you in spirit. I wish you a royal good time, and may God bless you. Yours until the Grand Review. S. M. French, Late Principal Musician 12th Iowa, 291 1 Lafayette St , Denver, Colorado. Wahoo, Nebraska, April 4, 1888. Capt. J. E. Simpson, Waterloo, Iowa. My dear old friend: — For the last four years I have indulged the hope and expectation to be with you at Waterloo this time, and not until last evening did anything transpire to pre- vent me from going. I am so very sorry. Please present my compliments and regrets to Col. Edgington and all inquiring friends and comrades, and assure them that the tire of love for country. Hag, and the old regiment burns just as bright as ever on my heart's altar. The camp, march and field are remembered with melancholy pride, and at the bier of the daughter of the regiment -Miss Florence Dunham — I drop a silent tear, in token of the un- timelj' departure of one so promising and universally beloved. Hope j^ou will have a pleasant, enthusiastic meeting. I have but one favor to ask at j'our hands at this time, which is, when Sergt. — Lieut. Grannis appears upon the stage with the old war-worn, tattered and torn colors, give one long, loud shout for your absent friend and comrade, John Steen. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. nSFAT!irTRY. Piedmont, Wkst Virginia, March 19, 1888. Dr. James Barr, Algona, Iowa. My Dear Doctor :—Youris of the 14th inst., enclosing a call to the third reunion of the r2th Iowa V. V. Infantry is just received. To be allowed to meet those noble men once more would be a delight, but to do so this year will be impossible. I am sorry to hear of the death of the wife of Comstock, and of the daughter of Dunham. They have gone home. We, too, at no distant day shall be mustered out. While in the service let us hold the fort. And I well know that you will and the veteran lieutenant and the color-bearer of a hundred fields will always stand to the colors in the front in the thickest of the fight. My health compelled me to leave the northwest for a warmer climate. Since I came here it has improved, yet I have to use my forces with a care and prudence to which I was a total stranger before I entered the army. I trust and hope that you will have a jubilant reunion at Waterloo, like that we had at Manchester. Give my love to the veterans whom I honor and respect, and I hope a country saved by their valor will acknowledge its ob- ligation to their heroism by giving them some assistance in the way of pen- sions to meet the needs of declining years — assistance which is justly due but can never pay back the health, strength and life which they gave to their country. With kind remembrances to your family, your friend, F. HUMPHKKY. Big Run, Jeffekson County, Pa., March 29, 1888. To the Members of the 12th Iowa Infantry: It is with extreme regret that I can not, under existing circumstances, be present at the reunion on the 5th and 6th of April, (much as I would like to be there). My best wishes are with the boys. Hoping you may all have a pleasant and enjoyable time, I remain, W. H Boweks, Company C, 12th Iowa Infantiy. Davenport, Iowa, April 4, 1888. To mil bid Comrades of the i2th: Comrades: — I am very sorry I cannot be with you at your reunion; cir- cumstances over which I have no control prevent me from meeting my old comrades. I know it would be a great pleasure to me, but it can't be helped, so the next best I can do is to report by letter, so put me down on the rolls as present, anyhow. I extend to one and all of my old comrades, the right hand of friend- ship ; let those that are absent think of those that are present, and those that are present remember those that are absent ; all as brothers, for brothers we are always, aye and ever. Wishing you all such a good time as only a reun- ion can bring to the old heroes of a hundred fields, and the best men that ever trod a continent, I am now as heretofore, your comrade, (Shake, every one.) Dennis Conley, "D," 12th Iowa V. V. I. Vancouver, W. T., March 21, 1888. Benjamin E. Eberhart. My dear friend and comrade: — I was much pleased to receive your favor inviting me to come and join in the third re- union of the dear old 12th Iowa. I have long wished for the pleasure to be at one of its reunions, to once more see and greet my brave and gallant old comrades. But I am sorry to say that I cannot possibly avail myself of the happy privilege to do so at the coming reunion, owing to the absence of my commanding officer on detached duty until April 80th, current. I have charge of the issuing of all the military stores at this ordnance depot to every Post in the department, as the same is required. I have had charge of that duty ten years, hence in the absence of my commanding officer, I cannot be spared from my duty. I have pending in Congress a bill for my special re- tirement, with seventy-five per cent of pay and allowances, which, if it passes, I will be free and at liberty to go where and when I please, and if such shall be my good fortune, and I be alive when the next reunion is held, I promise 10 TIIIKD KEUNIOX OF THE to be there if possible. It will be but a few times that it can be possible but for a lucky few to so meet, owinj? to the most havini^ been mustered out and joined the uTeat silent majority, their deaths hastened' in most cases from physical infirmities enireiider.'d in the terrible ordeal of tliat lon.i,' and cruel war for tlie preservation of our loved nation. When I think of tlie patriot- ism and sacrifices which alone impelled the brave union soldiers to voluntari- ly imperil their lives in defense of their loved couufry, iiud tlie inestimable ble.ssinii:s secured to the nation throu2. Albert Sidney Johnson, their commanding general, had fallen that day. The stubborn resistance and final capitulation of the "Ilornets' Nest Brigade" had thrown the enemy's center into alnK)st inextricable confusion. Beauregard found the disciplined army of an hour before, an army of fragments, a howling mob, which had forgot- ten the errand for which it came, in the exultation of a partial victoiy. The reorganization of the confederate army so as to make an onward movement that night was a physical impossibility to any new commander who should step into the shoes of that great general, Albert Sidney Johnson. History will vindicate the sound judgment and good generalship of Gen. Beauregard, w^hile it places the blood-bought laurel wreaths on the "-Hor- nets' Nest Brigade," which held the overwhelming enemy in check until night and Buell ctime. The attiick on Shiloh was made under the direction of the authorities at Richmond. Their plan was to demolish Grant's army before Buell's army could form a junction. Thereupon they would capture or destroy our trans- ports and gunboats ; when this was done they Avould fall upon Buell's army, west of Columbia, Tennessee, cut off its communications and destroy or cap- ture it; when this was once done there was nothing south of the Ohio river that could resist the victorious confederate army, and it would have become an army of invasion. The battle of Shiloh was fought when the nation was smarting under the humiliatimi of the Bull Run defeat, when the cry of " On to Richmond^ had entered upon its second season of disappointment, when the voice of the cop- perhead was heard in the land. If the South had been successful in its plans for the destruction of Grant's and Buell's armies, who can say that the Union TWELFTH IOWA V. V. ENPANTKY, 31 would not have perished V The jirobabilities are strongly tliat way, A reac- tion in public sentiment after such a series of signal defeats would pi'obably have demanded terms of peace at the (;ost of the nation's life. It this be so, tJien lias not the valor of the -Hvrnels .Vesi Bi'made" not only saved the •' world's greatest ajvutuuider" but has itjiot saved the world's greatest y/^/Zo //.'-' These are questions that we M'ill submit for your consideration. If you can- not solve them, posterity will form its own' unbiased conclusions. History doubtless will point its index linger at the "■ Horuels'' M'st Jiriijade,'" tuj one of the agencies which was indispensable to the natiou'.s life. \\"\\\\ cordial greetings for the survivors of tho old l:.Hh, and Co. "A" in particular, I am, as ever, your old comrade, T. li. EDGIIS'GTOj^. " Was the War Worth the Sacrifice," One country, one Hag and ukhc stars. Col. IX B. Henderson was to have responded to this, but as his con- gressional duties detained him at W^ashiugton, Capt. E. B. Soper was called upon to fill his place. As no reporter was present to take his remarks, whicli were extemporaneous, w^e are unable to give but a synopsis, as follow*;; " He first considered the money cost of the war to the Federal govern- ment, and used illustrations to give some idea of the immense treasure ex- l)ended, and e-stimated that the cost to the Southern State.s, with the property destroyed by tlie ra\'ages of w^ar, fully equaled expenditures of the North — to which should be added the of life, the unmeasured suffering on bat- tlefields and in hos]ntals, of the sick and wounded, the tears and' heartrend- ing anguish of wives, mothers and sisters, and all the miseries of the bloody and long continued strife, the immeasurable sum total of which constituted the sacrifices the war cost. Against this he put, the country preserved as a unit— four million slaves. made free, their masters and the white peoi^le of the slave .states likewise made free, the better feeling existing between the sections resulting fi'om the changed condition in the new South, and the mighty strides made in educating the whole people up to a better compre- hension of the worth of our institutions by the severe schooling of the war ; all these and others were brought forward, considered and illustrated at some length, and the andiencei,then left, by the speaker, to decide whether the war was worth what it cost." " Home When the Boys Were Away." The dark days of 1861 to 1865. This toast was eloquently responded to by Mrs. E. J. W. Tirrill, wife of comrade R. W. TirHll, of Co. "F," in the following manner : "The time had come, when brothers inusil fight aud t^iBtei-.s must pray at home." These familiar lines from an old army song, bring the long past to our very doors. Again the drum and fife are heard in our streets-, the recruiting officer is abroad in our land ; they are raising libertj' poles in every town prominent or obscure, and speeches full of the spirit of '76 are kindling an enthusiasm none too soon. Young America is present, and understands the situation, and from that time henceforth the love of liberty and regard for the stars aud stripes are a part of his education. It is well to mention these days either in song or story ; thus may they learn that a government builded ever so well, must needs be ktpt in repair Therefore, I can but think it profitable to sometimes look back. '-^2 TKIKO RETDWiaN OF THET The presence of these flags with their inscriptions, their folds bearing Uie hoiuired stamp of service, the memories they recall naturally take us back more tlum a ([uurter ol a century, when the grandest laniily or States on the gloUe coukl name its traitors, liut an all-wise Providence had not for- saken us, and if the godof battles idlo\vedthe fetters of war with their devasta- tions to entold us for a time, was it not that great good should residt to us, as a people, in obliterating from this unity, nu)re tnan two centuries of bond service 'i 'i'here are hundreds of volumes of histories of the war and its times, of botii public and private lile, but what of the unwritten history of the loyal women of our nation, during those terrible years, trom '(il to Co, and where is tliere one tlial regrets any sacrifice tor such a cause V When our fathers., husbands and hrotliers went forth to lace tn<' enemy did we say with the Ko- inan matxon, •• uring back thy sword or come not back to usV" Mo; but "Go, and wlien (Uity is done, if there is body enough left to coutjun the soul, we'll welcome you Home." I'lius lUey went, with our prayers,, and heaven's blessing as a guiding star.. Did our Hands assist them wiieu preptiring for departure? They will tell you. Did we do the best we could when they were gone 'i 1 will tell you. W'e must ri'inember that times were different in Iowa then from now.. Jlost of us lived on farms, and the State was coinpai-atively new,, and if our brothers, too young to join the army, needed us to help nusk the corn, we went, and continued to go till all was gjithered. We did most of our house- work in the evenings, ;uid mended our gloves for ne.\t day's husking, for our hands were not accustomed to out-door toil. Ikit the emergenc}' ot the case developed new capabilities; how much we could do that we little dreamed of before. If our help was wanted "in the tield where the sugarcane grew'," there we could be found. If the house called for ptunt, we painted it. If the grove reciuired pruning, it was done. Or when the o.\en were yoked and the younger brothers were starting for the timber four or live miles away, did we ever go with them to keep them company, to add cheer to labor V They could tell you; for fuel must be had, for the terrible northern winter was before us with its ik^ep snows and desolation. Thus we managed, and- liunger was kept from the door and comforts were not altogether wanting. Have we forgotten how the drifting snows would delay tlie trains^ luid days would pass and no news from the seat of w;u- V And after a battle where our I2th Iowa added a glorious page, to theirs and Iowa's history, can we tell the first news the papers brought for us "missing;" but the sequel told us net forever. And for some the missive read, "right arm gone," and for others, "dead !" Alas, how many mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts, watched for the letter that never came. Three yeaxs since I stood by my soldier brother's grave in the National cemetery near New Orleans. There, with thousands of others, away from their kiudi'ed, where — Graceful palms and clinging vines, "Waving moss and Southern pines, Seem like sentinels, ever watching Where they sleep. If there iy anj' hallowed ground on this.continent, is it not the last rest- ing place of our boys that wore the blue V Not only in the North were we helping with our relief societies, but when news came of a battle, and nurses were wanted, where were many of our women found? If Em-ope had her Florence Nightingale, w^e had many, "Whom the wounded blest for their tender care. And named them as saints in their evening prayer. Kissing their shadows, did they fall Across their pillows from off the wall." Nameless the price of their labors 1 NeVer, this side of the silent city, will they their just reward receive. tw:el,t^th lowx t. v. iistaiSitiiv. All this is piist, and no wonder we were victorious and the stars and stripes jet live — tor God and the women were f^r us. There have b'^eu times in the history of our country when the Adruiuistratior, looked not upon the soldier with contempt; he was honored witli pixsitions of trust. Is it so to- ^ayy Do not former traitors sit in high places and laugh from their vantage grounds Yet we ai-e not disheartened nor faithless, believing that the aut- umn of 1888 will name a chief magistrate whose love of country and loyalty to the govej-nment may be assured by his regard for all faithful Lnion. sol- diers. In conclusion let me say, if I for one moment forget what the dear old tlag coiit, I have onlj to look at three pictures They are not fnuned,- they are forever on memory's walls. The, our national cemeteries. The second, our boys as they were sent home from hospitals and battle fields, with limbs gone or useless, with sightless eyes and health forever wrecked. If tuigels ever weep, here is fitting occasion for their tears. The third and last, a picture where the eye of pily would be dimmed with horror and the hand of the artist be powerless — Libby and Anderson ville. "The Broomstick Mightier than the Sword," It always rules the in- fantry- Major D. W. Reed responded to this toast in the following happy manner: ,¥/'■ FresidenU Comrades, Ladie.s and Gentlemen: — To me has been assigned ''The Broomstick Mightier than the Sword. It Always Rules the Infantiy." I confess that this is not the first time, by any means, that the Broomstick has been assigned to me. But how the commit- tee discovered that I was especially well informed about the subject is more than I can tell. We know from experience that the sword is the most inoffensive of the weapons of war. We know that it never " hewed the way to the gulf," that Wellington and Napoleon did not "measure swords at the battle of Waterloo," that it was not the "flaming sword of Sheridan that drove Early from the valley," that bayonets even w^ere more terrible in story than in actual use, and never won the battles of Gettysburg or the Wilderness, but that powder and balls from musket and cannon's mouth were the effective agents in win- ning battles. Nevertheless, the sword, by common consent, has come to be the repre- sentative of the executive ixjwer of man. In like manner the pen, of itself, has never been a mighty agent in con- trolling the nations of the earth, but the brain, the thoughts of man, have been symbolized by the pen, and ever since the foundations of the first govern- ment were laid, there has been a contest between these great forces that to- gether control the actions and thoughts of men, and "which is greater, the pen or the sword," has been discussed in school, on the rostrum and in legis- lative halls, in every age of the past, and the illustrous examples of Alexan- der, Frederick the Great, Napoleon and Washington, who formed Empires and established Republics at the head of armies, have been contrasted with that of Cicero, Bacon, Franklin and Jefferson, who by their philosophy taught the principles on which those Empires and Republics were founded, and wrote the laws which governed and sustained them. In our own time we still have the discussion, as to which was greater^ the immortal pen of Lincoln that wrote the emancipation pi-oclamation de- claring freedom to four million slaves, or the all-conquering sword of Grant that executed that decree and struck the shackles from the last bondsmali in this land and made our nation what it had so long professed to be, free, with- out a stain upon its banner. Thus through all ages these two instruments representing the powers which men wield have been contending for supremacy, and the arguments, like equal weights in evenly balanced scales, have held the matter in equal poise. A simple contest, man contending against man- "i"^ TiiiKiy KKCiSTour OF me It Ikls bet'ii rostrvod lor a comniitteo of the 13th Iowa to introdiu-e ;i new elenu'iit into the c-oiitroversy, and woiiuin's jivtiuence in the jrov(>rnniental al- fairs of the world ha.s been i)roposed under the synilx)! of the l^roonustick. Now, I know, and some of you know, that the hroonistick is by no means woman's only weapon of olfenee and defenee. Tlu' bald-heads before me— ('specially those of some of the eommittee— remind me that tliey possibly had in mind som<' more etlieient weai)on when they proposed this toast, but dared not attack it themselves. Hut, comrades, from my experience I can give you «ome valual)le advice. Hide the poker, call a truce on hot water a^id halr- pulliuir, buy a soft-handled broom for your wife — for, like the sword, it is a liarmless weapon; a little arnica heals the wound.s. and is cheaper than hair restoratives. Yet, comrades, while the broomstick is letiRt to be feared of wimian'.- w'eapons, it luis come to be a symbol of wonian's int1neru;e in controlling the affairs ())' government. And from the time when Cleopatra and .losephine. by their influence, ruled the men who commanded the armic^s, to our own time, wiii'n out ))!itriotic women, Spartan like, sent their husband.s, brothers and s(>n.s, to the field to do battle for their ctnmtry, and with their broom- sticks gallantly held in check the cov»l>erheads in the rear, woman has grad- ually arisen under the civilizing influences of the Cliristiau religion, from a position of slavery to one where she has tak^'u her i)lace by the side of man in every avenut^ of iiuliiic life; and it is re;dly a question worthy our discus- sion whether woman does not to-day wield a mightier influence in executing^ the laws than does man. In the great reforms she has surely shown her ability and willingness to grapple with the serious questions of State and Natioiwd government, and has won for herself a place on mtm's level, at least in execuling the laws, and fully his equal with the pen, with which she has created the public sentiment that has made the laws. And as she in her proi>i>r sphere has the moulding and directing of the infant mind, whether it be to wield. the pen or tlie sword, she has undoubtedly proven her ability to rule not oidy the infantry, the ctivalry and ai'tiller}', but kings, emi)erors,. presidents and the world. We tlierefore acknowledge the l)r(M>mstick might- ier than the sword, and gladly yield to Avoman that all-powerful emblem of her influence and authority, and promise never again to dispute its suprema- cy, even with the sword. "The Iowa Soldier's Home.'" A grateful state proixdly acknowledges ,her indebtedness. This toast was responded to by comrade Ben. E. Eberhart, of Co. " E,'" HOW quartermaster at the Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown ; Who of you, my comrades, does not still remember the soldiers' homres- of 1861 to 18()5, the homes that we left when we took up arms in defense of oqr country, and when weary with marching we wrajiped ourselves in our blankets and slept, and saw in our dreams the faces of loved ones at home 2 Or on the lonely picket post liow^ the thoughts would wander back to the Xorth, and ho\v we endeavored to picture a dear mother, loving wife and children, or sweetheart, and we wondered what they were doing; how we laid plans for the future, as to what we would do if we were spared to returtt to the loved ones at home ; and, finallj', when the war was ended and we were permitted to lay aside the habiliments of war and again resume those of peace, with what zeal each took up that which had been laid aside four long years before, fully determined to make up for the time that we had lost in the peaceful pursuits of life. All this AA'e well ren>ember. Some of you have succeeded, but many have failed, through no fault of their own. They started on the march as zealously as any, their hopes and aspirations Avere as great as yours, but disabled by A\'ounds and disease they were unable to keep up with their comrades and finally fell out of ranks and became stragglers, and many became homeless and destitute, some took refuge in the National Homes and others found their Avay to the poor house. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INPAKTRY. Through the medium of the G. A. R., the Iowa Legishxture was informed of the needs of these comrades, and a bill was passed by the 21st General .isseml)l3' apiirojiriating $100,000 to build a State {Soldiers' Home. The Gov- ernor appointed six comrades, with that staunch and ever faithful fi-iend of tlu" soldier. Gen. J. M- Tuttle, at the head, as a noard of Commissioners to superintend the erection, and ;is tru.stees of the Home. The site selected is a high i)iece of gTound just northwest of the city of Marshalltown, on the banks of the Iowa liiver. The grounds consivst of 128 acres, about twenty of whicli are beautiful urove. The building is of brick jmd stone, is 318 feet front with wings 120 feet deep, and four stories higli It cost !j;(i;;),700 and was dedicated on the iJOth o^' last November and opened for the reception of inmates on the 1st day of December. On the lower floor are the O, M. and cnniniissruy department, kitchen, dining rooms, smoking and bath room, and l-iundry. The next iloor above is tlie chajiel, Jiospital, headquarters, library and reading rooms, ladies' and gentlemen's reception rooms, commander's living roimis and three sleeping rooms. The two stories above are sleeping rooms. The sleeping apartments are large dormitories containing from 16 to 24 beds. They are furnislied with single iron bed- steads, woven wire springs, cotton mattressos, pillows, sheets and blankets. Each inmate has a wardrobe large enough to contain all of his effects. The accommodations are ample for oOO inmates. '1 he entire building is heated by steam and lighted by gas. Althouuh in no sense an applicant for the place. Col. Milo Smith, of Clinton, Iowa, was the unanimous choice of the commissioners for the position of commandant. . Col. Smith was Colonel of tiie 26th Iowa Infantry, is a cajsable business man, and seems to be pecul- iarly adaj^ted for the position. He demands obedience to the rules adopted for the health and comfort of the inmates, but with that degree of kindness and consideration that commands the respect of all. The inmates i)ass the time smoking, playing cards, checkers, domiiioes, and kindred games, telling old army experiences, and, in fact, holding one continuous camp-tire, always ready and willing to favor and assist comrades more decrepit than themselves, evincing at all times that comradeship un- derstood by none but the volunteer soldier. There, my comrades, are gathered in a comfortable home over 130 old veterans, who with arms of iron and fingers of steel helped to fill the breach on many a contested field; who climbed the giddy heights of Lookout Moun- tain, charged tlie slippery slope with Grant at Vicksburg, marched with Sherman from Atlanta to the sea, rode with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, fought among the blood-sjiattered tombstones of Gettysburg, and helped us save the day in the " Hornets' Nest " at Shiloh ; who gave their health freely for the preservation of national unity and for the old flag. Com- rades who have lost their haversacks in the march of life, but who are no longer homeless or destitute, but will be the welcome guests of a grateful State until the long roll shall beat and they shall answer to their names as members of that Grand Army above, commanded hy the Great Captain of the universe. " Co. Q." Always Ready for Duty and Double Rations. Comrade P. II. Ketchum responded as follows : Cotnrade.s, Ladies and GenUemen: Most people have a very mistaken idea of the character of Co. Q. They seem to be of the opini(m that Co. Q were the roughs of the army. Friends, this was not the case. A soldier who was always ready for duty and double rations, was a good soldier; and Co. Q, always ready for duty, was composed of -the very best soldiers in the Union army. Co. Q was also the largest com- pany in the army. It was composed of companies, regiments, brigades, di- visions, and whole army corps belonged to company Q. There was one corps in particular, comrades, it may be some of you remember them; they used to be known as "Old Smith's Guerillas." They were always ready for duty 26 THIKD KEUNIOK OF THE If they were ordered to cliarge and take a battery, they took it; if tliey were ordered to charge the enemy's works, they took tliem; if they were ordered to hold a position on tlie field of battle, they held it. C'ompany Q seldom got what the boys used to call "a soft snap," (doing garrison duty or something of that kind.) No, their .serviees w(ire too valuable for duty of that kind. They were always at the front, or on the uiari'li. Vou remember, conirailes, that on some of our marches, the conunissary used to cut our rations down to oiu'-half, and sometimes less. It was just* so in company C^; but that made no difference to them. If our commissary was unal)le to furnish the required rations, the southern confederacy had to. Co. Q was always ready for duty when they \ver(> compelled to draw rations from the southern confederacy. This, however, they never resorted to when it was not a military necessity. Comi)any Q never did anything by halves. After they had served about, two years they could see by the way things uM/re progressing, that the war couldnot be l)rought to a close in another year; they began to think of re- enlisting, and when tiu' proijosilion was made to those old battle-scarred vet- erans to re-enlist, every man in company (^ enlisted. They were going to see the rebellion put down, and the government restored, and they did it. The war could not have been brought to an honorable close without the aid of company Q. They had the best officers that ever wore soldier straps; they never saw the boys do anjthing wrong. l'|)on one occasion, after a hard day's march in tiie State of .Mississijipi, the day had been hot and the roads dusty, comj)any C^ was very tired and hungry, 'as they had been on half ra- tions for several days ; they had tiled off of the road to go into camp. The Colonel had taken his position in front of the regiment, was casting his eye up and down the line to see if each company was in position and ready to stack arms; one of the boys saw a luscious looking porker only a few rods away; he stepped out of the ranks a few paces, covered Mr. porker with his musket, hesitated a moment, cast his eye. at the Colonel to see if he was go- ing to reprimand him or give him the order to tire ; the C^olonel seemed to be waiting for something, so the comrade tired; he fell back, took his place in the ranks, and the Colonel gave the command, stack arms. In a short time Col. Stibb's darkey was frying some nice slices of ham, and if the Colonel had been asked where that ham came from, he would have known no more about it than the Czar of Russia. Comi)any Q could always be depended upon. On one occasion a detach- ment of company Q, consisting of the Kith corps, had been ordered to Nash- ville, Tennessee, to reinforce Gen. Thomas against Gen. Hood. They arrived there on or about December 1st, 1804, the day after the battle of Franklin, one of the hardest fout;ht battles of the war. Gen. Schotield's retreating army was arriving, and taking a position around the city of Nashville ; great excitement prevailed in the city; the citizens were of the opinion that Gen. Hood would be in possession of thre city before night. This detachment of company Q was disembarked and marched to the front, took a position where there had been some hastily made ritle pits. During the afternoon General Thomas asked Gen. Smith if he felt satisfied that his men could hold his part of tlie line. Gen. Smith rejjlied, " If it were not for the ritle pits, all hell could not drive my men from their position." As I said before, company Q never did anything by halves. I will have to tell you of an incident that took place down in Tennessee ; it was after Gen. Hood had been driven from Nashville, and company Q had followed him for about ten days, over worse roads than were ever seen in Iowa; on December 24, 1804, went into camp, with orders that they would not move the next day ; that being the case they proposed having a Christmas dinner, and they had one, and a good one, too. Quite late in the afternoon on that Christmas day a farmer came into camp and enquired for headquarters. Company Q was always civil to strangers ; he was very politely directed to the headquarters of Gen. A. J. Smith, the commander of the i()th corps, who listened very attentively to all the griev- ances the farmer had to relate in regard to boys taking his pigs, chickens, turkeys, etc., when the General gravely asked, " did theytake all you had ?" The farmer replied, " no, they did not take all I had, but they took a lieap o' TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 27 'em." " Then it was not my boys," said the General, "you will have to go somewhere else for redress." The boys just loved that old white-haired General. They thouijht a good deal of all their olHcers, without, it may 1)e, rare e.xceptions, and the officers thought a great deal of their men. Compa- ny Q often had very strict orders against foraging, even when they thought it a military nece.ssity. Upon one occasion they were on a march in .Missou- ri ; rations, as usual on a march, were scarce ; as soon as they had gone into camp one night, a captain had been out to get rails for a bed, and as he came back, said, "there is a fat vnU in that pasture." That's all that was said, and the captain had veal for supper. Company Q was always ready for duty and double rations. It was comiiany Q that saved Gen. Grant and his army at •Shiloli. It was company Q that "led Gen. Slierman to the sea. It was com- l)any Q who put down the rebellion and saved the nation; and the little rem- nant that is left of them to-day, are among our best citizens, and are still bat- tling for right and justice. " The Citizens of Waterloo." Your patriotism and hospitality will live in our memories forever. This toast was responded to by Col. J. H. Stibbs, in a very appropriate mannei*, a copy of which we have been unable to procure. The concluding of the camp-fire was the singing of " Marching Through Georgia," by the audience. Friday Mokning. This is the anniversary of the battle of Shiloh, and as the boys who com- posed part of the " Hornets' Nest Brigade " on that memorable day, greeted each other in the morning, they naturally referred to the contrast between that day and this, and then began the telling of incidents both laughable and sorrowful. The exercises of the forenoon were held in Goodman's Opera House, on the west side of the river, and the i)resident called the association to order promptly at 9 o'clock. After prayer had been offered the association first proceeded to the se- lection of a place for the holding of the next reunion. The committee appointed for this purpose then reported through com- rade J. E. Simpson, whose home is now at Norfolk Neb., as follows: Mr. President and Cunirades: Your committee would like to have an expression from the regiment as to the time and place of holding our next reunion. It has been suggested that it be held at Sioux City, and I favor that. There are a large number of the regiment scattered through Nebraska, Dakota, Kansas, and • States and Territories west that it would accommodate very much to have our next re- union at that point. I have no authority from anyone to extend the hospitality of that city, but I know a number of the citizens, and from what I know of them and their mode of receiving visitors to their beautiful city, I have no hesitation in saying to you that if you will locate our next reunion there, Sioux City will give you a warm and hearty welcome. C!ome over on the Missouri slope, see our beautiful country, our immense farms, our great Missouri, and we will show you, from the blufEs of you'- state, a glimpse, like the man of old at the promised land of Nebraska. It ~S rrrrHD kecvion of tifk will be as a new book opened up unto you, who have always lived on the ^lississippi. I pk'.id not in behalf of us, who arc here at this reunion; we sliall bo :it the next reunion if we live, phu-e it wiiere you may, but I appeal in behalf of your couirades wlio arc livinii- nortli, soutii. and west of Sioux City. To many of them it lias been impossible to meet with you in the past, on account of 1 he lonjr distance to be traveled and the expenses to b<' incurred. Come over and meet us half way, t 'st the hospitality of the "Corn Palace city of the West. Don't l)e afraid but what yr>u will be welcome, and I pledge you that every conxrade livin,-r west of the Missouri, will be i)resent at the reun- ion in 1H«J2, at Sioux City; though their pockets be not tilled with much gold or silver, you will find their hearts to bo as large a.s their farms, and none of them have loss than a quart(>r section. In urging this I do not forgot our good, warm-hearted friends at Man- chester. Wo are simply going visiting, and tiien we will come home again, for after our pleasant and happy meeting in 1880 and 1884, .Manchester will ever remain as a Jiome to the l2th Iowa. I now move you, .Mr. President, that the next reunion of our regiment be hold at Sionx City, Iowa. The claims of Sioux City were strongly urged by the comrades from the West, and much di.scussion followed, when the following telegram was read from Mayor Cleveland, of that city: Sioux City, Iowa, April (i, 1888. To Join} Weaver and I). I). McCanii, Memhers 12th Iowa: Will do all w(> can to make things pleasant for you. J. CLEVELAND, Mayor. Upon a vote being taken the comrades from the east gracefully refrained from voting and allowed those from the west to satisfy theii own preferences in the matter, and accordingly Sioux City was selected on the first ballot.* Comrade John N". Weaver, of company D, feelingly urged the claims of Sioux City, and it might not be out of place to here append his letter to Sec- retary Dunham, after his return home, on the subject : Sioux City, Iowa, April 8, 1888. Lt. A. Dunluuu, Manchester, Iowa: — My Dear Sir and Comrade: — Don't entertain any misgivings about the kindly reception of the old l!2th at Sioux City. I urged tl,ie claims of Sioux City specially in behtilf of the boys in Nebraska and elsewhere, who had followed the "Star of Empire," and because I hieir Sioux City would ahrays do the "square thing" by the soldier. Our i)eoi)lo are well pleased and will welcome you. Very truly and fraternally, JOHN N. WEAVEIi. We also add his letter to the Sioux City Jonrnah on the subject, under date of April 10, 1888 : To the Editor of the Journal : — The next reunion of the 12th Iowa Infan- try, four 3'ears hence, l)eing fixed to be held at Sioux City, will you indulge me by i)ublishing in reference to it a little that may be of interest to you, the citizen soldiers and citizens of the city generally. The first quadrennial reunion of the old Twelfth (of which I had the honor of being a member) was held eight years ago, at Manchester, Iowa. Steps Avere then taken and effected four years later, at our second reunion, l)y which the survivors of the regiment are incorjiorated under the laws of the State. You, having been a soldier, can appreciate, perhaps, the i)leasure of meeting the boys who stood "shoulder to shoulder" in the sjune regiment TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 29 and companies during the war — "drank from the same canteen" — stood by each other when sick, wounded or in prison. While I entertain the kindliest and most brotherh' feeling toward every soldier of 'Gl to 'Oo, yet for genuine enjoym-nt i believe there is nothing so cheers the heart of the soldier as to meet those of his own regiment and company with whom he shared the same hardships, trials, dangers\ hard tack and "sovv belly," and with whom he per- sonally became acciuainted and learned to love during the dark days "that tried men's souls." Every one can relate some story or joke about his com- rade that not only interests the boys of his regiment but every listener. The selection of Sioux City was made lor the next reunion specially for the convenience of the members of the regiment who have followed "the star of empire" since the war, and have located in Nebraska, Kansas, Dakota and Noithwestern Iowa. These "boys" involuntarily looked to Hioux City as the most accessible point to effectuate such a purpose, and, though I had not conferred with our people, I knew and felt tliat from the well-known hospitality of Sioax City i)eople 1 was entirely safe in "inviting" the next re- union to the Corn Palace city. I being the onlj'^ representative present from Sioux City at our reunion la^t week at Waterloo, and assuring "the boys" they would receive a royal welcome. Our practice has been at these reunions to have a "headquarters" at one of the hotels, and the rest of the "boys" distribute themselves at the hotels ad Ubiliim "at reduced rates." \Ne do not "cam]) out," but hold our meetings in a suitable hall, where everybody is free to go and is gladly received. We have been royally received at Manchester and Waterloo at our former meet- ings, but I believe Sioux City will witness the grandest reunion of them all. We have plenty of oratorical ability on the part of the regiment to speak for it, among whom I might mention Col. Henderson, of Dubuque, as one. For story telling. Col. "Jack" Stibbs, of Chicago, is a distinguished represen- tative of the regiment. I mention these names as only an indication of the fun that may be expected. We have other formidable rivals for even these. We have the best ability in Sioux City in these respects to meet the boys of the Twelfth half way. Respectfully, JOHN N. WEAVER. The committee appointed to nominate officers for the next reunion then reported the following : President — Major D. W. Reed, of Waukon, loAva. Vice President — J. N. Weaver, of Sioux City, Iowa. Secretary — Capt. E. B. Soper, of Emmetsburg, Iowa. Treasurer— Dr. James Barr, of Algona, Iowa. Executive Committee — The above officers with addition of J. E. Simp- son, of Norfolk, Nebraska. Upon motion the report of the committee was adopted and the foregoing duly declared elected for the next reunion, and Major D. W. Reed was con- ducted to the president's chair, and duly acknowledged his thanks in a very short and appropriate speech. Comrade R W. Tirrill, chairman of the committee on resolutions, then reported the following: Resolved, That we extend to the citizens of Waterloo our heartfelt thanks for their genial hospitality and hearty greetings extended us, and for the kindly interest taken to make our reunion so successful, and to add to our comfort while in their beautiful city. Reaohedt That we greatly appreciate the attendance of so many fellow comrades at this, our third reunion, and that we bid our absent comrades all hail in the battle of life, with an earnest hope that they will fight a good fight and go down into the last ditch with the colors flying. 30 TUIRD KEUXrON OF THE Rf'solrerl, That we are unalterably In favor of pensioning all di.-abled Union soldicr.s without rel'orencc to date of disability. Tliis we ask as a mat- ter of justice to the disabled soldiers and as a lesson to future generations, that a strong government of the people realizes its indebtedness to tho-^e who so heroiealiy sacrificed home and friends to save the government in its weakness. Unsolved, That we deeply sympathize with Comrade Dunham and family in their sad IxTcavemenl througii tlie recent death of their ;(>ved daughter, Florence L Dunham, who was adoi)ted as the daughter of lliis regiment at our first reunion. A bright, loving and dutiful daugliter on earth, siie now waits with kindred spirits none before to welcome us to the life beyond the borderland of earthly troubles. Resolifd, 'I'hat the heartfelt sympathies of this association be extended to comrades Knee and ("omstock in the sad loss of their alTectionate and be- loved wives, since our last reunion. May their pathway be so brightened througii the balanc(^ of their days that the irreparable loss they have sustain- ed may be liglitened upon them. Resolrcd. That our sympathies are also extended to sister Rebecca Otis, who mourns the death ol lier husband, John Otis, late of Co. F, and whose no- ble work in the hospitals during the war will ever be remembered by the surviving members of the I2th Iowa. May her jiathway be easy through life. Kcsolrcd, Tliat we gratts'uUy ai)preciate the fostering care of the people of Iowa in their eiforts to provide for disabled soldiers by the erection of the Iowa Soldiers' Home, at ^larshalltown, and we respectfully ask a sufficient aitjiropriation by the Legislature now in session to complete everything nec- essary for the comi'ort of the inmates and maintenauc^e of the Soldiers' Home during the current biennial period. The report of the committee was adopted by a rising vote.^ A committee composed of Comrades R. W. Tirrill, G. H. Morisey, and Abner Dunham was selected to publish the proceedings of the reunion in pamphlet form, and to send copies to all members of the regimental associa- tion who have paid up their quadrennial dues of f 1 00 each. The hour for dinner having arrived, the meeting was adjourned to con- vene promptly at 1 :30 in the afternoon. Friday Afternoon. Upon being called to order Comrade J. E. Simpson then submitted the following eulogy : Mr. President and Comrades: The sad and painful duty has been assigned to me of announcing to you the death of the " Daughter of our Regiment," Florence L. Dunham, at her father's home, in Manchester, Feb. 24, 1888, of typhoid fever. Those of you who were present at our first reunion, at Manchester, eight years ago, will remember the little girl, then only about eight years old, who came out on the platform and commenced to recite a poem, written by her mother, the wife of our beloved comrade and worthy secretary, Abner Dunham, commencing, " I love the brave old soldier." How pretty and in- teresting she looked. Glancing up and seeing the great sea of faces she became embarrassed, burst into tears, touching every heart present. Some M-arii; hearted comrade sjirang up and moved she be adopted as " The Daughter of the Regiment," and it was carried by a unanimous and hearty vote. Those who were with us four years ago will remember the beautiful, sprightly girl, who had a warm hearty hand-shake and welcome for each 12th Iowa man present. TWELFTH IOWA V. V, INFANTRY. 31 •'The Mancukstek Press," in amioiiiicing- her death in the columns of llir.t ])aper, speaks in words and tones that found a response in tlie heart of eaeli oae ol' us, as foHows: "Last week, when we went to press, it was thought that Florence Dunham was improving, with a fair eluinee for recov- ery. But tlje next morning her disease t(K)k an unfavorable turn, and Friday evening, tin- ^4th of February, alter most intense suffering, she was released from worldly pains and troubles. Her death, so sudden and unexpected, will bring sorrow to many outside her immediate circle of friends. All over Iowa, and in distant states, there ax-e those who will grieve at the news of her de- cease, 'i'he members of the I welfth Iowa, who attended the tirst reunion of the regiment in this city, will n-mcmber the sweet-faced, modest little girl, who .stood upon the platform and i-ecited the poem written for the occasion, in a maimer which captivated all hearts, yince that time, Florence Dunham had been the veritable " Child of the Regiment." And in every corner of the land, wherever one of the veterans of the Twelfth Iowa is to be found, there will be found a sincere mourner for the loss of the fair girl who was loved I)y all. Just at the threshold of womanhood, that she should thus be taken from family and friends, from a life in which she delighted, and in which she gave ])romise of happio'ss and usefulness — all seems hard to bear. The funeral took ])!ace at the house, on Sunday, conducted by Rev. B. M. Amsden, and uotwith.^anding the bitter weather, was largely attended." Darling sweet Florence, just budding into womanhood, looking with pleasant anticipations to this coming reunion and the meeting with the old veterans of her regiment, to whom she bid lair in time to come, when our members grow less, to become a veritable daughter indeed. God has seen tit to take her to himself. Members of the 12th were there to meet her on the other shore. She will be there to welcome us as we, one after the other, answer the last "roll call" to be "mustered in" to that better land, where kin- dred spirits can meet and mingle, not as here, years apart and for a few pass- ing hours and th.^n separate, but for all time to come. Beautiiui loving daughter, we bid thee farewell until we meet. To our beloved comrade and his dear wife Ave tender our most heartfelt sA'uipathies and mingle our tears with them in this hour of affliction and sor- row. The ligiit has gone from their home. We bow in humble submission to the fiat of Him who gave and taketh away. Th*^ balance of the afternoon to the time of parade w'as given to short speeches and story-telling by comrades Simp.sou, Grannis, Henderson, Helen Viola, VanAnda, Zediker, Woods, Thompson, Nagle, Gift, Soper and others. At 5 o'clock the comrades were formed in line for a grand parade, there being 160 of the old veterans in the ranks by companies, and proceeded to march through the principal streets to the grounds, where they were formed in line for a grand dress parade, when the following order was read by adju- tant Burch : Headguaiiers, 12th Iowa Infantrih Waterloo, Iowa, Tlpril 6, 1888. General Order A'o- 99, to the Surviving Members of the 12th Iowa. Four years have elapsed since our last dress jjarade, and it is with pleas- urable emotions that I again am able to congratulate you upon your soldierly bearing upon this occasion — not (mly this, I am proud of your achievements as a regiment in the dark days which " tried men's souls," proud that where duty called the old 12th was always ready to go, and went; that you through all your services conducted yourselves as true soldiers in camp, on the march and in the field — proud that you made your glorious record, not as those choosing the profession of arms as such, but as intelligent men and citizens stepping to the front when the question of the perpetuity of our nation arose. And leaving the pursuits of peace and becoming soldiers for the purpose of maintaining the Union of the States at the cost of business, health or life it- self, if need be — intending if you survived the struggle to return to the peace- S2 THIUD REUNION OF THE fill inirsuit.s of home. For more than four years you did your duty and per- formed deeds of darini; and valor and endured iuirdships such as pen cannot descril)e, nor artist paint, nor poet picture. Your record stands forth with- out a stain to mar its enilurin>i- grandeur and its glorious fame. Surely these considerations should fill me and all of us with jiridc But you have per- formed still greater achievemcMits. When the war was over you returned to your homes and as if by magic the brave sohlier of the old 12th of yesterday becomes the true high-minded citizen of to-day. It is your highest glory that not only did you do your duty during tlu' time you were soldiers of the great war for the unio:i, but that, when the war was over and you had resumed the arts and ways of peace, your record as citizens of our great nation has been as glorious as that you made as soldiers in the long dark days of the rebel- lion. You to-day are among the sovereigns of this great government of the people and for tlie i)eopIe, and y/ywr voices and votes have done as much in moulding the moral sentiment that cliaracterizes and pnmiotes our political future as did your deeds of valor and your endurance during the darli hours of war. You have assumed and occupied your several stations in life as cit- izens since the war. You have so acted and conducted yourselves as to stand honored and respected, not only as soldiers, but as men of character, respecta- bility and prominence, as citizens. It is a ph^asure to know that each and all of you are engaged in honora- ble pursuits, and that the record of each of you since the war, when examined makes as proud a showing of respectability and honor as\did the record of your splendid military achievements in the old 12th Iowa. J. H. STIBBS, Late Colonel 12th Iowa V. V. I,, S. R. BURCH, Adjutant. Brevet Brig. Gen'l. After the dismissing of the parade, it being then about 6 o'clock, the comrades repaired to the Turner Hall, where a most excellent banquet was in waiting for them, prepared by the ladies of the Woman's Relief Corps, No. 15, of Waterloo, and to which all did ample justice. Friday Evening. The closing exercises of the reunion took place in the evening at the Opera House, which was again tilled to overflowing by the citizens of Water- loo. Ex-Gov. Buren R. Sherman presided over the deliberations, and after a few complimentary remarks to the regiment proceeded with the program. "The Old Folks at Home," was earnestly responded to by Rev. J. O. Stevenson, of Waterloo, who was in Scotland when the rebellion began, and his description of the sympathy of the Scotch capitalists, who were for the south, and of the laboring people, who w^ere for the north, was extremely in- teresting. "The Army Chaplain" was responded to by the venerable Rev. Dr. C. S. Percival, Chaplain of the 12th N. Y. Cavalry, during the war, and he told the veterans more about Chaplains in half an hour than most of them realized throughout the whole war. H. C. Ilemenway, of Cedar Falls, was expected to be present to give his ideas on " Hard Tack," but being unavoidably absent. Major D. W. Reed was drafted on short notice, and he speedily showed his familiarity with the subject. TWELFTH IOWA V. T. IMFANTKY. m "The Girl I Left Behind Me," was eloquently responded toby C.W. Mul- Tin, of Waterloo, who clearly detailed the experience and feeliniis K)f every veteran present toward the only power which has ever conquered the whole Union army. Col. J. II. Stibbs then delivered his new version of "Barbara Frietchie," jimidst a storm of applause, and by particular request we publish it herewith .• BAKBARIE FRIETCHIE — NEW VERSION. Id was droo dar streeds of Fredericksdown. Der red-hot zun he was shine him down, Bast der zaloons all filt mit bier, Der rebel vellers valked on dier ear- All day droo Fredericksdown so fast, Horses, und guns, und zogers bast. Der rebel flag he shone him oud so bridt, As if, by jinks, he got some ridt. Vere vas der Onion flag V Der zun He look him down not on a von. Up jumped dot olt Miss Frletchie den. So oldt by nine score year und ten. She grabbed up der oldt flag der men haul down, Und fasen id guick by her nidtgown. Den she sot by der vindow ver all could see Dere vos non vot lofe dot flag so free. Purty soon come ridin' up Stonewall Jack, Sittin, from der mittle of his horse's back. Under him brow he squint him eyes ; Dot flag ! dot make him great surprise. Halt ! each veller make him sdill, Fire ? was echoed from hill to hill. Id busted der sdrings from dot nidtgown. But Barbarie Frletchie, she was arount. She grabbed der flag again so guich, Und oud of der vindow her arms did sdick. " Obuse of you would dis olt bald head. But leave alone dot flag!" she said. Zo zoon, zo quick as Jack could do. He holler him out mit a face zo blue : " Who bulls one hair out of dat bald head, Dies awful guick, go aheadt!" he said. Und all dot day, und all dot night, Till efery rebel vos out of site, Und leave behind him dot Fredericksdown, Dot flag he vas sthicken by dot nidtgown. Dame Barbarie Frietchie's vork is done. She don't forever got some fun. Bu-lly for her ! und drop a tea*- For dot old voman mitoud some fear. u THEftD REUNrON OF TJHBT Short story -telling was then indulged in by comrades and others present, when the exercises were drawn to a cloce and the reunion :uljoiu-aed to meet ■it Sioux City, four years luvnoe. Excellent music and singing interspevsi'd The proceedings oj' the evening' and as the comrades di'parted for tlu'ir several liomes they were profuse in their praises of tlie treatment acc(H-ded them, by the citizens of \\'aterloo. The only regrettable circumstance coiniected with the reunion was the absence of Col. D. B Henderson, lion. VV I*. IIei)burn, Col. .1. J. Woods, Ma- jor S. I). Brodtbeck, and otlu-rs who were e.vpected to- be pres<.'at and talie [)art In the pnu-eedings. IN MEMORIAiVJ. Dfc:.\Tir or cou s. it. eikjinoton. Col. S. H. Ed'i;lnrton, of Eldora, Iowa, died at his home in Eldoni, Iowa; May 20, 1888. ("ol. Edgingtcm was a gallant soldier of two wars — the ^lexi- ciui war and the war of the Rebellion. He served in an Ohio llegiment dur- fng the Mexican war. Soon after tliat war he m;oved to Eldora, Iowa, where he resided nearly forty years. In the pioneer days of Hardin county the Edginuton log cabin was oae of the most hospitable homes in Iowa, and all the early settlers of that region remember many kindnesses extended to them by Colonel and Mrs. Edgington. The Edgington log ctibin was one of the buildings erected in Eldora, and it was occupied as a store and a resi- dence until the advent of saw mills and brick yards, wh?n separate buildings wer(» erected. Col. Edgington continued in m'^rchaudise until the war broke out in 18GT, when he organized Company A of the l"2th Iowa Infantry, and joined that regim:ent at Dubuque. Soon after the battle of Shiloh, in which battle he commanded the regiment after C-ol. Wcwds was wounded, he was promoted to Major, and some months after was promoted to Lieutenant-Col- onel of the regiment, which rank he held when mustered out. The greater part of the time since the war he had been the proprietor of the principal hotel at Eldora. For some months previous to his death he had been afflicted with some disease of the kidneys. At the reunion of the 12tli Iowa Infantry at Waterloo, April 5th and 6th, 1888, he was President of the Regimental As- sociation and was feeling quite poorly, but none anticipated that he would be called away in such a short time. Talking of future reunions, he said: "Com- rades, we will continue having our reunions every four years while we live, and when we die we will have unending reunions in Heaven." He was a sjilendid officer, a genial comrade and a steadfast friend. His death will be a sad loss to his numberless friends in Hardin county, to liis comrades of the 12th Iowa Infantry, and to the state and country. TWEXFTH IOWA V. V. ISFAKTll^ The Following is the Roll of Members Present. Regimental and FinlU Oliieers. Colone]--J. H. Stibbs (Brev. Brig. Geii.) Chicago, Illinois- Lieut. Colonel — S. R. Edgington, Eldora, lovva. S. G, Knee, Colesburg, Iowa. Maj(»r— D. W, Reed, Waukon, Iowa. Adjutant— S. R. Hurcli, Olathe, Kansas. Asst. Surgeon — James Barr, Algona, Iowa.. Quartermaster — George H Morisey, Manchester, Iowa " H. C Morehead, Cedar Ra]iids, Iowa. Serg. Major — A, J. Rodgers, Wnukon, Iowa- Co ui pan y A. y. Kemp, Alden, Iowa. G. H. Cobb, Eldora, Io\\"a. VV. W Moore, Manchester, Iowa, R. P. Clarkson, Des Moines, It)W>u D. S: Martin, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Thos H. Wilson, Robertson, Iowa. Seth Macy, Des Moines, Iowa. S. R. Ferree, Belle Plaine, Iowa. R. S. Kellogg, Dows, Iowa, Cniupany Tt> Lt. John D Cole, Lansing, Iowa. R Bathen, Riceville, Iowa. J. H. Butts, C'herokee, " Thos Dowling. Rossville, Iowa, R. G. Pratt, Storm Lake, " W, P. Winters, Bancroft, S, C. Beck, Waverly, Iowa. J E. Kent, Belle Plaine, Iowa. P. R. Woods, Fayette, G. Hazlett, Allison A. K. Ketchum, Clarion, R. Z. Latimer, Fayette, " E A. Kelsey, Tripoli, W. L. Henderson, LeRoy, Minn. Hart Spears, West Gate, Iowa. S. Gilford, Douglass, " C. J. Martin, Horton, *' J. W. Bysong, West Point, Nebraska Company D Company C, James Stewart, West L^nion, Iowa. J. W. Ballinger, Lacy, " P R. Ketchum, Windsor, " F W. Moine, Strawberry Point, Iowa, G. H Latimer, West Gate, Iowa. H G, Grannis, Bear., Fayette, la, Geo. L. Dnrno, Springville, low-a. W. A. Kent, Dallas, Wif?consin. T W. King, Emrick, Nebraska, J, P. Strong, Schuyler, L. S. Hamlin, Oelwein, Iowa. Lyman M. Ayers, Cedar Rapids, la Thos. J. Lew'is, Edwnn A. Buttolph, " " " J. W. Clark, Thomas Barr, Shellsburg, " A. J Millett, Hastings, Nebraska. H. W. Bailey, Kirkman, Iowa. E. D. Steadraan, Vinton, " J. W. Row^an, Vinton, Tow^a. Company E. Wm. Hamilton, La Porte City, la. E. Sawyer, La Porte City, low^a E. B. Soper, Emmettsburg, Iowa. Wm. W. Whiteneck, Waterloo," J. N. Weaver, Sioux City, " J. W. Burch, Olathe, Kansas. Josiah Scott, Shellsburg, Iowa. Harman Grass, Fargo, Dakota. A M Blanchard, Chicago, Illinois. W. C. Howard, Chelsea, Iowa. F. \. Large, David Craighton, Geneva, C. V. Surfus, Bristow, " J. C. Jones, Geneva ' A. B. Perry, Dunkerton, ' C. B. Hayward, Mooreville, ' R L. Bird, Yuma, Colorado. C. R. Switzer, Lewis, Iowa. H. J. Harrison, Waterloo, Iowa. David Schrack, Oelwein, A W. Myers, Shell Rock, " J. S. Margretz, Hitesville, " A. J. Biller, Waterloo, B. E. Eberhart, Marshalltown, la. J. W. Shoemaker, Waterloo, " N. J. Shroyer, Taintor, " C. D. Morris, Worthing, Dakota M. V. Sunderlin, Janesville, Iowa. :?« THTRP KEniNiorr or rut: Company F. T. C. Nelson, llazelton, lovvii H. F Miifkey, Maynard, " il. ^I. Preston, Ft. Dodire, Iowa. J. F. Lee, Clay Mills, Abner Dunham, Manchester, Iowa. R. W. Tirrill, T. R. McKee, Dell Rapids. Dakota. A. J. R(K% Biirlinj>tou, Iowa. W. A. Nelson, llazelton, Iowa. .) J. Eaton, Edgewood, Geo. Kent, Oelwein, Joshua Widger, Manrhestev, Iowa. J. W. Gift, Peoria, Illinois. Hiram Kaster, Manchester, Iowa. Thos. McGowan, Independence, la. J. E. Eldredge, Walnut, Kansas. II. Olmstead, Independence, Iowa. CwiiiipaHy (i. It VV. Kirkland, Freeport, Iowa. J. E Simpson, Norfolk,. Nebraska- Warren ^^'ait, Nashua, " A. II. Groves, Decorah, Iowa, Van 11 Dunn, I)e Witt, Nebraska. A. S. Fuller, Lyons, Dakota. Company H, J. Shorter, Shell Rock, Iowa. J. A Light, Norfolk, Nebraska- J A. VanAnda, Fremont, Neb. J. B. Flenniken, Norfolk, Neb. Franklin M. Ilamblin, Iowa Falls, la. J. W. Ward, Burlington, Iowa. Joseph Frank, Lamont, Iowa S. M. Jackson, Lincoln, Neb. W. H. McCune, Ruthven, Iowa David Jones, Monona, Wm Royse, Atlantic, VVm. Shorter, Shell Rock, " M. D Nagle, Dubuque, Iowa. J. F. Zediker, Franklin, Neb. J. W. Coates, Talcott, Dakota. W. L. Fry, Scranton, low^a. J. F. Butlers, Moorville, Iowa, I). D. McCollum, Sibley, " R. W. Fishel, Greeley, S. B. Sloan, W. H. Co.x, Alta, J. G Currie, Butte City, Montana. J W. Crist, Central City^ Dakota. Company I. Geo Teskey, Elwood, Iowa E. B. Campbell, Armstro4ig Grove, la. M McDermott, Ep worth. Iowa. J. L. Thompson, Franklin, Neb. M. B. Goodnow, Ord, Henry Waldrofl, La Porte City, la. Ira D. Blanchard, Crookston, Minn C. E. Merriam, Hopkinton, Iowa. t; E. Phillips, Blair, Nebraska. W. R. Mathis, Omaha, Company K. P. J., ilasonville, lowti, H. C. Merriam, Coggon, J. M. Beckner, Charles City, " Ike Mickey, Waukon, TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. Roster of Members of the 12th Iowa V. V, Infantry, so far as known, at the time of this Reunion. Field aud Stafl'. Colonel — Jackson J. Woods, Montana, Kansas. — ,]. H. Stibbs, Chicago, Illinois Lt. Col. — S. K. Edgington, Eldora, Iowa. — S. G. Knee, Colesburg, Major — S. D. Hrodtbeck, Los Angeles, California. " — E. M. Van Duzee, St. Paiil, Minn. " — D. W. Reed, Waukon, Iowa. Surgeon — C. C. Parker, Fayette, Iowa. " — Myron Underwood, Eldora, Iowa. Asst. Surg.— W. H Finley, Franklin, Nebraska. " — James Barr, Algona, Iowa Adjutant — N. E. Duncan, Dubuque, Iowa. " — S. R. Buroh, Olathe, Kansas. Quartermaster — G. H. Morisey, Manchester, Iowa. " — H. C Morehead, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Chaplain — Frederick Hum]>hrey, Fairmount, Minn. Hospital Steward — C. H. Hobbs, Peru, Nebraska. —J. J. Walker, De Witt, Missouri. Com. Sergt. — James Evans, Dubuque, Iowa. Sergt. Major — A. J. Rodgers, Waukon, " Drum Major — T. R McKee, Dell Rapids, Dakota. Fife Major— D. S Martin, Iowa Falls, Iowa " — S. M. French, Denver, Colorado. Company A, Armstrong, B A Liscomb, Iowa. Bird, G M Illinois. Brother, A Arlington, Ohio. Cougar, J D, Eldora Hardin Co., la. Cromwell, T C Oakland, Iowa. Cobb, G H Eldora, Iowa. Dobbins, Hiram JeAvell Co , Kan. Edgington, S R Eldora, Iowa. Ellsworth, D V Eldora, " Ferree, S R Belle Plaine, Iowa. Haskins, G H Marysville, Mo. Hunter, J R C Webster City, la. Iback, B F Eldora, Iowa. Kidwiler, M Missouri. Kellogg, R E Dows, Iowa. Macy, Seth Des Moines, Iowa. Moore, G W Maryville, Mo. Miller, Zabina Mitchell, G W Lawn Hill, Iowa. Parish, William Reed, G W Yarkie, Missouri. Rulo, G W South Bend, Indiana. Sprague, K S Fremont, Nebraska. Wilson, T PI Robertson, Iowa. Welsh, Nathan Webb, A E Eldora, Iowa. Zieger, N W Eldora, Iowa. Bowers, I H Eldora, Hardin Co., la. Bell, Thos. R Iowa Falls, Iowa. Brown, S B Jewell City, Kansas. Clarkson, R P Des Moines, Iowa. Combes, E C De walls Bluff, Ark. Crist, Job MarshalltoM'n, Iowa. Dobbins, Levi Eldora, " Edgington, T B Memphis, Tennessee. Fountain. Francis Glass, Carl Dayton (Mill Home) Ohio. Haywood, W P Lyons, Iowa. Hobbs, Jas. C H Peru Nebraska. Jackson, Samuel Oregon. Kemp, Sumner Alden, Iowa. Lefever, Simon Bolekow, Missouri. McPherson, W G Moore, W W Manchester, Iowa. Mann, William Steamboat Rock, la^ Martin, D S Iowa Falls, Iowa. Richards, William Runkle, C M Plankinton, Dakota. Richards, Joseph Boone, Iowa. Sawin, E S Union, Iowa. Walker, Samuel Dewitt, Missouri. Wickam A J Eagle City, Iowa. Zieger, J W Eldora, Iowa. 88 TirrKD REnJHIOK OF THE Company K. Captain \Villarcl C Earle . . .*. Waiikon, Iowa. " Watson li llanscom died — " 1st Lieut. L H Merrill died, Montjioiuery, Ala., i\Iay 2d. 18(52. J 11 Bor-ier died, Salt Creek Station, Illinois. J P .lack.son Vllla.'-(^ Creek, Iowa. 2d " J D Cole .Lansinu-, " Serfft Maj A J Hod^ers Waukoiil " 1st Seriit Georire Il)ach Preston, Minn. Sergt. .1 I) Spauhling .dead. " Elias Hepp " I) Harbaugh died at Macon, Ga., Oct 15, ]8«3. " lh>nry Fry ^ Pennsylvania. " AV P Winter Bancroft, Iowa. " John Upstrom Worthington, Minn. " li B Sargent '. . . . Kansas. Corp'l II Goodrich '• M J Koe died at Macon, Ga., Sept. 29, 1882. " F E Hancock died at Annapolis, Md.. Oct. 27, 1802. " Stephen Thibeda Waukou, Iowa. " Robert Wampler " " " Aslak Larson Preston, Minn. " Fred Monk Eitzen, " " L D Bearce Castaua, Iowa. " ]VI Engelhorn Kansas. " W \i Hort Viroqua, Wis. Wagoner E J White died at P'rench Creek, Iowa. " Augustus H West, Andrews, H R West Union, Iowa. Adams, O F Bailey, Geo. N St. Paul, Minn. Bailey, W F St. Paul, Minn. Beisel, J B died Lansing, la. Feb. 25, '64 Brock, Gustavus Bryant, J L " Macon, G., Sept. 25, '63 Butts, J li Cherokee, Iowa. Bathen, Robert Riceville, Minn. Baruhart, Amos L j, died May 4, 1864 } Bort. A K Viroqua, Wisconsin '/ Memphis, Tenn. ) Bort. M Jas died at Lansing, Iowa. Burnum H Burlingarac, O D Chicago,' Illinois. Calico, Geo. d'd St. Louis, Jan. 7, '62. Candee, George Churchill, L B Ca.stellar, Frank Decker, Adam Lansing, Iowa. Deeny Cornelius i died Milwaukee, '64 Dodge, Ansel II deserted 1861 ( at Soldiers' Home. Dowling, John French Creek, low^a. Dowling, Thomas, Rossville, Iowa. Edwards, Isaac Ettle, George, Waukon, Iowa. Erickson, E A Glenwood, Dakota. Feidt, John Ferguson, B Pennsylvania. Goodykooutz, D F Boone, Iowa. Griffin, Lawrence— deserted. Greenup, E T d'd July 18, '64, Memphis Hawkins, Hiram Hanson, Jens d'd Oct 5, "62, Macon, Ga. Hanson, O d'd Jun.30,'62, Atlanta, Ga. Hue-stis, J II Waterville, Iowa. Hughes, John died St Louis, Mo. Hannan, Lawrence, died July 28, Husted, Jacob M died July 29, 1864, Cairo, 111. 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Isted, IBS Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Iverson, Knud Lansing, Iowa. Jennings, D P Jones, Henry Johnson, Lewis King Chas d'd Oct. 12, '62, Macon, Ga. Klees, Frank Rossville, Iowa. Kuck, Henry " 10, " " " Knudson, Hans Kleven, Sam"Aug24, " " " Lankins, F W died in Nebraska. Lene, killed, Tupalo, Lewis Edward Miss., July 15, 1864. Larson, Kensil Larkins, Rees N Maynard, W M died Sept. 6, 1863, McCabe, Hugh Waukon, Iowa. Vicksburg, Miss. McKay, Frank McGuire, Brian, Freeport, Illinois. Miner, Jasper J died Dec. 24, 1861, McClintock, James Rossville, Iowa. "TWEL>""ni IOWA \. A'. raiTAxrR^. , SS St. Louis, Mo. Mann, Ansel E— dead. McDonald, James JSoje-s, Cli!ft-le,s H died Aug. 7^ JS^oyes, Alonzo 1862, .Vlacon, Ga Nye, G Fd'd Nov. (3, '63, Lan.sing, la. Oleson, Ole ■Ogan, Chas C Sihley, Iowa. Oleson, John iSpring (.Trove, Minn. Oleson, Bariiliart Ferry, Edwin K died Nov 6, 1862, Peterson, Bore Annapolis, .V'd. Patterson, J as. W died of wounds Peck, Ira Ed'd July 16, '62, .>uicon, Ga July 24, '64, Mejni)hi.s, Tenn- Peck, Simon " Sept. 24. " Peclv, .lohu P Plank, Levi Lake De Funiak, Florida. Pratt, M M Spokane FaJls, n . T. Pratt, U G Storm Lake, Iowa. Porter, .John B .Hoe, Charles E Russell, Wiarles, Brooklyn, \loldt, Iowa Russell, Granville died Feb. 17, '62, St. Louis, Mo. Rockwell, Wm. R (drafted.) Simar, Willard E d'd M aeon. Oct. 10, '62 Smith, Norton T kilbxl at Vicks- burg, May 22, '62. Siegman, Chas d'd Annapolis, Oct. 27," TWT;LPTH IOWA V. V. INFANTR'^, 41 ytone, Sarn'l d'd Annapolis, Oct. 3/G2. Stoue, Dan'l U aiiooma, Iowa. .Sykes, Orvis Freeport, llliuois, hpears, Dan'l H d'd Sedalia, :N<)v. 12,'«4 *Slierbone, Daniel btroiig, John P bchuyler, iNcb. Sprowls, .lohn fcjaulsburj, -lohn '1 atro, Aui^u^t Clermont, lowti. L'ttor, AU)ert Hycamore, 111, Verdin, Isaiah Williams, Kudolphus, West Union, Iti Wallace, Chaj^i.d'd July 9, '68, Hos- V^ arner, \\ alter li. Clermont, Iowa. nitiU Boat, W ait, Van Buren de.serted St. Louis, April, 186:5. Coni|iauy D, A^tibb.s, John H Koon^ 88, P. O. Buildinj;-, Chicago, 111. ^oper, E B Emmet.sburg, Iowa. Prescott, T L 1123 Lexington Ave., cor. S. W. Ave., ChicaiiO, 111. Ayers, layman M Cedar Rapids, la. lUittolph, Edwin A Cedar Kapids, la. baumgardner, Wm Eldora, Iowa, Burcli, Syh ester K Olathe, Kansa.s. Bailey, Edwin H Fredonia, Kan. Bailey, Henry W Kirkman, Iowa. Blanchard, Allen M Chicago, 111. Barr, Thomas ShelLsburg, Burch, John W OlatJie Kansas. Blood, Alvarro C Brown, Angus M ^Sion.x City, Iowa. Clark, John M Cedar Kapids, Iowa, Conley, Dennis Davenport," " Cowell, James L Marengo, W. T. ClarK, Cnas W Cedar Rapids, " Curren, FrancisMarion, Iowa. Clark, Isaac Ci Omaha, Keh. Cowell, Robert C Guthrie Center, la. Clemans, Nick alias Cha-s. Ran- Dailey, James C Cherokee, Iowa som, ymith Center, Kan. DuBois, Ferdinand, DenLson, Iowa. Ellgen, Harmon Craiton, Iowa. Ferner. James I) Nevada, Flint, iSamuel H Leavenwoi-th, Kan. Gephart, Perrj' Lake Forest. 111. Grass, Harmon Fargo, Dakota. Howard, William C ( helsea Iowa, Hale, Neil Tucson, Arizona. Holler, Irdill W Johnson, Robinson L Saut'ord, Neb. King, Eli Washington, Kansas. Lanagan, James Odel, Nebraska. Luther, John Norton, Kansas. Lewis, Thos J Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lee, William \j Helena, ^Montana Lambert, John B Little, James H jVlartm, Richard S Mclntyre, Alpheus Moorehead, Chas L Cedar Rapids, la Millett, Allen J H*astings, Neb Morrow, B Frank Almena, Kansas. Maryatt, O H Red Cloud, Neb. Minor, David W Areata, Cal. Moorehead, Homer C Cedar Rajiids la Price, Nathan G Jewell City, Kan. Price, .' V Geo Mountain Grove, Mo. Paugboru, Howard Palouse, W. T. Rowan, John W Vinton Iowa. Ross, Henry W Red Cloud, Neb. Renchin, Frank Bloomingt'n Pra., Min. Ross, J esse H Red Cloud, iSTeb. Steadman, Dudley E Vinton, Iowa. iScott, Josiah ShelLsburg, Iowa. Soper, Roswell K Estherville, " iStartwell, .Joseph O Marion, Iowa. Steward, Aaron A Cai'thage, Mo. Sivets, Daniel Sublett, Mo. , Tarpenning, 'as vi Northville, Tenn. Thompson, Frank D Nevada, Iowa, Trowbridge, Wm H Des Moines, la. V^auEmman, W^m M Grand View% Dak. W^hittam, John .) Cedar Rapids, la, Wagner, Jasper Center Point, Iowa. Whiteneck, W W Waterloo, low^a. Weaver, .lohu N Siou.x City, " Zuyer, B P Adams, Nebraska Stibbs, Joseph — died .July 16, 1866, at Wooster, Ohio, of abscess of back, con- tracted in rebel i)risons. Blackburn, .Joseph ..—died April 20, 1862, near Shellsburg, Iowa, of disease on account of which discharged. Breman, Patrick — died Sept. 17, 1873, at Hot Springs, Arkansas, of disease of lungs and liver. Craft, James — died July 3, 1863, of disease on account of which discharged. Baumgardner, Samuel — died .1 une, 1877, at Vinton, Iowa, of consumption. Doolittle, Washington A — died July 21, 1880, at Watkius, Benton Co., Iowa, of Bright's disease, resulting from chronic diarrhoea and lung difficulty. Doleshall, Wencil— died August 31, 1873, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Frees, James P — died April 5, 18()2, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, of pneumonia. Frees, Andrew .1— killed June 30, '73, at Cedar Rapids, by B C R & N R'y cars. 42 TFirUU UECNfON OK TirF; (iilchrist, Wm B — died at Shellsburg, Iowa, of disease on account of which ho wiis discharged. Lutz., William U— (iitnl Oc-t. ;?1, IS77, at (V'dar Kapids, Iowa, of old age and general ilebiiity. ^'artin, Khene/.er li— died Dec. 28, "(iS, at C'ed;u- liapids, la., of consumption. Claliiiglier, lames — (iied am. ^1, 18«U, at Crete, Neb, of Briglit's disease. NoTii.— Any one knowing the addresst^s of tliose not given, or of tlieir death, will confer a favor on C"o. I), l)y addressing E. B. Sopor, Emmots- hurg, Iowa <'<»inpany K. Uooue, K (t S<-(>tt, Iowa. • Heckwitli, VV II l»arlversl)urg, la Kird, K \Vinter.-;et, Iowa. Belton, .lames Edgewood, Iowa. ("ook, Charles Lester, Crowhurst, Seth .1 Salem, Dakota. Cook, I oho I Brooklyn, New York. Coon, 11 F d'd Oct. \S4, Waterloo, la. Denvoss, Thomas Bristow, Iowa. Kllwell, .luhn Chicago, Illinois. Early, T M Bristow, Iowa, llaiuiltoii, Wni La I'orte City, la. Harrison, II .1 \Vati'rl(K), Iowa. Large, F A l>a. Porte ( ity, Iowa Margret/,, J S llittsville ,'lowa. Miniiwu, D.ivid Big Clrove, Iowa. IVrry, A B Duukertou, Iowa. Rich', .) W Vinton, Stewart, .Icwl A Oregon City, Ore. Seeher, (t L Sabula, Iowa. Switzer, I' 11 Lewis, " Smith, Harvey Waterloo, Iowa. Shumaker, -lohn \\ Waterloo, la. Strong Ezra Si(mx City, Iowa Williams, (> apt.) liolit Vancou- vre, W T liiller, Anthony . I Waterloo, Iowa, lioylan, Thomas, St(H-kton, Kan. Bird, 11 L Yuma, Col. Collins, Chas V Charles ( ity, Iowa. Creighton, David tJeneva, Cook, .loseph New Castle, Neb. Cook, Adolph ^ Church, Nathan, Webster City or Eiigle Grove, Iowa. Eberhart, Ben Mivrshalltown, (iraham, Jacob Davenport, " llayward, C B JMooreville, " ,l(vnes, .lohn C Geneva, Myers, A W Shell Rock, " Morris, i.; I) Worthing, Dakota." Ochs, Charles Ackley, Iowa. Heed, Zeil Fredonia, Iowa. Surfus, i; V Bristow, Sunderlin, M V B Janesville, Iowa. Schrack, David Oelwein, Shari>, Oliver Finchford, " Sawyer, E La Porte i ity, " Shro'yer, Nathaniel Taintor, Talbot, Allen E Oi-leaus, Indiana. V\ atkins, Isaac Crawfordsville, Ind. West, D F Theon, W 'i\ Coii»pan.v F. Ainsw'orth, J E Mo. Valley June. la. Bremner, .lohn Yankton, Dak. Brown, Eugene Brush Creek, la. Coolidge, F VV Hawlins, Wyom'g T. Dunham, Abner Manchester, la. Eldridgo, .1 E Walnut, Kansas Eaton, John .1 Edgewood, Iowa, (^irton, .losejili S Hazelton, " tiift, .1 W Peoria, Illinois. Hall'hill, Jirsiah Wood Center, la. Ivaltenl)ach, Sam'l Manchester, " Kent, (ieorge Oelwein, Kirchner, Mike Lee, John F Council Grove, Kan. Mackev, II F Mavnard, Ii>wa. McKee, T U Dell" Kapids, Dak. Maun, Wm AV Hanelsburg, Neb. Nel.son, T C Mazeltou, Iowa, Preston, II M Ft Dodge, Iowa. Peasley, H II Kansas. Roe, A J Burlinirton, Iowa. Annis, (Jec; W Lanark, Illinois. Buckman, Wm II Dyersville, Iowa. Corndl, Ed Greeley, Coolidge, O E Central City, Neb. Dahl, .iohn A Silver Creek, Iowa. Eldridge. K C Niagara Falls, N Y. French, S JM Denver, Colorado. Goodell, AVm H Manchester, Iowa. Grice, A J Doniphon, Nebraska. Ilasbrouck, Dan'l 11 Prairie Creek, On*. Kaltenl)uch, L P San Bernardino, Cal. K aster, Hiram, Manchester, Iowa. Ia'c, James F Clay Mills, Iowa. McGowau, Thos. Independence, la. Mat\ning, A L Duulap, Iowa. Mauley, K L Nelson, W A Hazelton, Iowa. Olm.stead, II Independence, Iowa. Potter, Jas. W Fayette, Iowa. Ral.ston, Nelson Lemars, " Small, H J F Chicago, Illinois. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 43 Stci'ii, V V Miiincjipolis, Kansas. Sclmoidcr, Justus lloscwoll, Dak. St^^)liIlL,^ V V Clit'toii, Tcim. Tirrill, H W Mauclicstcr, Iowa. 'J'lioni, ('liris. Wavcrly, Iowa. ''i'ibbctts, W K Cliciicy, Kansas. Wccdcii, U li Nuncut's (irovf, la. VVkI^mt, Josliua Maiulicstcr, Iowa. \Vi)ol(lri(l,i;(', Oco'W Elki)()rt, " Wandall, A Volga City, (-oiiipany (i. (' C Tuppcr, d'd Ucntou Bar. ,Ian.'()2. (i () Hanson, died at Dccorali. L DTownslcy, Mapiina Durann'O, Mc.\. AV L VVinsor, Clinton, Mo. .1 F Nickcrsi)n, il'd in rebel prison. T St(*en, died at Omalia. .1 E Stinipson, Norfolk, Neb A VV Erit, died in servico. A A liurilick, killed at 'i'upelo. J O .Johnson, Mabel, Minn. A K Anderson, (Jalinar, Iowa. N H Bnrdick, died at Decorah. () (' 'Phorson, (I'd at Eldorado, la. It Hard. U A ()il)son, iUcd V S service G W Sliarj), Farjj;o, Dakota. .1 1! Wonieldorf, Neleinb, Neb. Andrus, K V Dt^eorah, Iowa. Anderson, A Alb(>rt, Minn. Aker, I) () Hidf2;eway, " Anderson, (» Uotlisay, " Anderson, I'eter " A M d'd wounds rec'd Corinth. Anderson, E lirown, .) H di<'d at Decorah. Ballard, Stravvder Bowers, A died in Ohio. (!rane, .lohn Clark, J M Crowell, ,1 M Cutlii), .J Connolly, (" d'd at Sonverville, Mass. Coon, C A Sabinal, Texas. Chri.sto|)her.s()n, C llartland, Minn. Carey, A A died at (^astalia, Iowa. Dunn, Van K Dewitt, Nebraska. Davis, N .) Berrian Sprinus, Mich. Ennbertson, E Ellsworth, W I) d'd Benton Barracks. Eastonson, <} d'd at Mound City, la. Fuller, A S Eyons, Dakota.. Fladniark, S M M Fuller, A " " (Jreen, L I) (jorhainer, O II d'd St. Louis, 'OJJ. Gilbertson, O Benton, Minn. Gilbert, L died at Keokuk. Gulbranson, A Kothsay, " Ilonson, Klaus Groves, A II D(H()rah, Iowa. Hanson, Ole Ilulverson, A " " Hall, Austin, d'd at St. Louis, '63. Hall, (Jiles Helg-erson, (} died at Nashville, '04. IIoun«', G A Albert Lea, Minn. Harris, F W Hanson, Hans. Lake Park, " Hand, Andrew .1 Hanson, Ilalver Slieldon, Dak. Johnson, II F Alexandre, Minn. •leusoii, A (I'd Sept '(!;{, in Miss. Johnson, Henry 1st d'd Iluntsville, 'O'i. Johnson, A d'd (ireensville. La., '05. " " 2d Johnson, N O Kittle.son, (^ B died in Minnesota. Kii'kland, (} W Freei)ort, Iowa. Kittleson, G Larson, Hover d'd Sav.uniah, Tenn. Larson, Peter Larson, John Low, L(^wis L Manson, ,1 McCalley, P died at Ilesper. Montn'onun-y, Wni V McLoud, S Madiini, D L Miller, () D Stuart, Neb. Maloney, J died in Held. Meyer, C Miller, S lives in Calirornia. Meader, M E Hesper, Iowa. McCJabe, C Sherburne, Minn. Moe, Peter ' Nass, G H Woodside, Iowa. Nelson, Sw(^n Oleson, O Oleson, E () G killed at Shiloh. " Amnion died at Memphis. J died at Thototi, Iowa. " AH Pollock, Jos niust'd out at Selma, '05. Palmer, H lives in Nebraska. Pierce, Fletcher Peterson, N d'd at Camp Woods, '(!;i R()mber^^ L O d'd at Chewalla, '04. Kaucha, Ed. Ricker, J died at Savannah, '(i2. Kocksvold, O P Thoton, Iowa. Kaucha, Fred Skidmore, Mo. Ryerson, F Smith, I K Baraboo, Wis. Skinner, C d'd '63, steamer Crescent. Simmons, R Lake Park, Minn. " F Forest City. u rUXKD KEUKIOK OF THE Staples, C J d'd Jit Fraiikville, lu. Steen, John Wiihoo, N't-b. Sti'i-i), llt'iuy Oakland, Neb. Smith, (4 M died at Dccorali, la. Serusoii, S A killed at Tupelo, "04. Tinke, J Thompson. A K 'laylor, v\ H JI Thompson. .1 B Speilville, Iowa. Wright. (J F Wheeler, Horace Wait, VV Nashua, Iowa. Simmisou, Nels. Scverson, Nels. JSlaiim, i>ars L Simmons, John Slattery, iMiom:>.s 'I'iiompson, T JJncoln Center, Kan. Torgenston, .M d'd '0.). at ontgouiery- Tobia.son, Andrew Tliorj'.son, Andrew Wold. L T d'd at Vacksburg. '(i;}. West, S Red Cloud, JS'eb Wiley, W'm. died at St. Louis, '63. Coinpaiiy H. Atkinson, \V L C Omaha, Neb. Brown, Tom Jewell City, Kan. i^ecket, Ed Dubuciue, Iowa. Currie, John G liutte CJity, .Vlon. Clark, B A Colesburg, Iowa. Co.\, VV II Alta, Evans, James Dubueiue, " Fishel, S K Ft 3Ie(;innis, Mon. Franks, Jo.seph Lamont, Iowa. Grimes, li M Kearney, Neb. Gostinir, Alfred G Strawberry Pt., la. llamblin, li E Arcadia, Ohio, ilandin, F M Iowa Falls, Iowa. Jones, David, Monona, Kuhnes, J C Manning, Light, Robt Bernett, Nebraska. Langslou, Aaron I transferred from Co. D, 27th la. to Co. D, 12th la. Mel onnell, Ale.x. S Ilojikinton, la. Newman, Geo. North Piatt, Neb. Royse, Wm. Atlantic, Iowa Shorter, James Shell Rock, Iowa. Sloan, S B Greeley, " Winch, Edward Arena, v\ is. Ward, John VV Burlington, Iowa. Briggs, U I -Marcus, Iowa. Benedict, R W Jesup, Iowa. Benedict, John \V Plum Creek, Neb. Crist, John ^\ Ci'ntral City, Dak. Crosby, J M Pukwana, " Duncan, N E City, Mo. Fishel, S C Iowa Falls, Iowa. " Robert W Greeley, Iowa. Flenniken, J B North Fork, Neb. Gilmore, A C Indianapolis, Ind. Horner, Geo. Dubueiue, Iowa. Heiu-y, Philip Greeley, Jackson, S M Lincoln, Neb. King, V\ ilson, Emerick, " Knee, Samuel G Cole.sburg, Iowa. Light, Joseph A North Fork, Neb. Mason, .John S Worthington, Iowa. .Vloreland, V D W Earlville, Iowa. VI c> une, VV H Rutliven, Playter, H J Washington, D C Smith, Tiiomas Turkey River. la. Shorter, Wm. Shell Rock, Iowa Trumble, James Manchester, la. Wisegarber, V\ m O'Neil City, Neb. VanAnda, John N Fremont, " Company I. Austin, N E Andrew, Iowa. Butters, John F Mooreville, Iowa. Brown, J Buchanan, James Tama, Iowa. Coates, J W 'I'alcott, Dakota. Campbell, E B Armstrong Grove, la. Cobb, Edgar C Keokuk, Iowa. Davenport, A G Superior, Neb. Eddie, Thos. C Salina, Kansas. F'ry, Wm. L Scranton, Iowa. Hatfield, Augu.stus Jersey City, N J. Hendricks, VVm. Winterset, Iowa. Kennedy, Sam'l L Cedar Rapids, la. ^larkha'm, W H Hawkeye, Kansas. McCollum, D D Sibley, "lowa McDermott, Michael, Epworth, la. Nims, Weed Vlaquoketa, Iowa. Palmer, A L Seattle, W T. Ray, .lohn S Naponee, Neb. Sumbardo, C L (Capt.) Ramsey, Minn. Austin, Marion, Staplehurst, Neb. Belknap, Albert Scribner, Bintner, Wm Brayton, Iowa. Crane, I K Vlaciuoketa Campbell, Thos. Humboldt, Iowa. Cobb, Wm A Wallix v\ alia, W T. Devine, John Dubuque, Iowa Dujiray, Wm II Storm Lake, la. P^ddie, Alexander Greshumptom, Kan. Goodenow, 31 B Ord, Nebraska. Harding, James Baldwin, Iowa. Kohler, S\ m. Dubuque, Kerns, Peter Reubens, Kansas. McKinley, James Maquoketa, Iowa. McCarroii, VV F Athens, Teun Nagle, VI D Dubuque, Iowa. Perkins, ,F H Seattle, W T. Paup, David A Sac City, Iowa. Rolf, Marion Maquoketa, Iowa Starbuck, V\ m. llutfman, Dakota. TWELFTH IOWA V. V." INFANTRY. 45 Smith, Henry Maquoketa, Iowa. Thompson, J as. L Franklin, Neb. V'auhook, Sam'l Maquoketa., Iowa Wilson, T Maquoketa, Iowa- Wilson, John F Fulton, " Yeley, George Clinton, " Brooks, .John Brown, J J Bloomington, Neb. iiillings, Abrani Luzern, N Y Harden, Henry A ]}eokner. J M Charles City, Iowa. Church, P Arborville, Nebraska. Deutsher, Albert Nat. Home, Ohio. Freeman, Richard Spencer, " Keith, VV B Precept, Nebraska. Merriam, H C Nugent, Iowa. Mathis, W R Omaha, Nebraska. Morgan, J B Davenport, Iowa. Mosher, Alvin McConnell, Ale.K S Hopkinton, la. Myers, Joseph A— dead Robinson, Alonzo Albion, Neb. ^nilard. Porter H Hopkinton. la. Teskey, George Elwood, Iowa. Van, E VI (Vlaj.)St. Paul, Minn. Wiutersteen, Henry vlonmouth. 111. Wood, Joel Maquoketa, Iowa. Wells, Charles A Sabula, " Zediker, Jas. F (Capt.) Fraaklia, Neb. Ooiupauy K. Blood, George W Billings, Chas. D Bloomington', Neb. Blauchard, Thos. LeVlar, Kansas. Baldwin, Newton Ada, Kansas Blauchard, Ira D Crookston, Minn. DoUey, Godfrey Hopkinton, Iowa. Ellison, H Neoma, Nebraska. Horn, Samuel Colesburg, Iowa. Kemp, Wm. Kirwin, Kansas. Merriam, C E Hopkinton, Iowa. Mathis, E R Omahii, Nebraska Morehouse, P J Masouville, Iowa. Morgan, Wm B Bloomington, Neb. Mickey, Isaac Waukon, Iowa. Phillips, C E Blair, Nebraska. Webb, Laurence Cedar Rapids, la. WaldrofE, Henrj La Porte City, Ix 46 THIKD :|IET]KI0JI OF THE The following is a list of the Members who paid their Dues at Waterloo, la. Jamc'K Barr, A J KogtTH, G cor'Ti' II Cobb, John 1) tole, 1' K Wood, John .M t lark, lloiiuT C Mortbend, Edwin A lUiitolpli, E 1) IStcadiiiJiii, Charli's K SurluK, H J Hausou, >I V iSuiulerliii, E P Sawyer, H Kabter, Joe Franks, J \V Crii^t, James S IbciupKon, W K Mhthif, S I< Burih, J W (iift, C E Merriam, A B Perry, Hart .Spear, Robert Baihcu, F >I Hamlin, Gilbert Hazlett, Jot'h Widger, J C Joneif, J Sborter, Jerry Margretz, Thomas J Lewis, Mr. and JUrs. K P Clarkgon, S G Kuee, W H McKiihiu-, John A VhuAdcIb, K E Kellogg, (.' J Martin, J B Kiaiinigan, 1 \V King, Waj. Bow an, k A Kelcey, W A Kent, J A Light, A S Fuller, Hannan Grains, 'J homah tttTT, Boben Z Latimorc, H W Baik V, B E Eberhait, J K W caver, IS \S' Jaekson, A J B oe, S Bart tsloan, iA B Gi)( dnow, Col. EdgiugtoD, F B Sopcr, Gtoige 1 eskey, t upiiini biniptor, George H >Joii^ey, A Dunham, T> D McCalhim, R W Ferree, Robert W li(?hel, Keth Maey, Col. Stibbg, George D Dnrno', A U Grovet*, (ieorge W Kirkland, P"K Ketehiim, ^' D Riorris, S Kemp, J \V Coatf, Jamef F Lee, John F Lee, F VV iloiue, Miehael McDermott. J \V Ward, J F Campbell, Thomas MeGowan,. J amen F Zediker, A J Biller, U J Granniti, E B Campbell, James SJlcwart, L My ere, Josiah Scott, A K Ketchnm, W H Cox. 1 homas Bowling, Thomas C Nelson, John Ballanger, A W Blanchard, John Kent, D W Reed, Charles R Switzer, S D Brodtbeck, Daniel Sivets- Names of Wives and Children Present. Mrs. S E Edgingtou, Eldora, Iowa. Master Bertram Barr, Algona, Iowa. Mrs. R P Clarkson, Des Moines, Iowa. " A J Rogers, Waukon, Iowa. Miss Minnie A Reed, Waukon, Iowa. Mrs. J Henderson, LeRoy, Minn. " E J Lewis, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. " E B Sopcr, Emnietsburg, Iowa. Master E B 8oper, jr., Emmetsbnrg, la. Mrs. L M Ayers, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. " Alex Myers, Shell Rock. Iowa. Master Ralph A Dunham, Manchester, la. Mrs. R W Tirrill, Manchester, Iowa. Master E W Ktiee, Colesburg, Iowa. Mrs. C E Merriam, Hopkintoo, Iowa. Mrs. Jamee Bair, Algona, Iowa. " C; H Morifcey, Manchester, Iowa. " S Kemp, Alden, Iowa. " D W Reed, Waukon, Iowa. Master Herbert Strong, Schnyler, Nebraska- Miss Gnssie Henderson,- LeRoy, Minn. Master Mac Lewis, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Miss Ruble Soper, Emmetsbnrg, Iowa. Master E H Sopcr, " " >3rs. B £ Eberhait, Marshalltown, Iowa. " Abner Dunham, Manchester, Iowa. " George Kent Oelwein, Iowa. " J J Eaton, Edgewood, Iowa. " R W Fishel, Greeley, Iowa. The following sui vi\ing membeis of the original band of the regiment were present at this reumon : D. S. Martin— Fife Major. Truman McKee— Drum Major. Sewell Jackson— Fifer. W. H. McCnne— Bass Drummer. FOURTH REUNION OF THE TWELFTH IOWA Veteran Volanteer Infantry, HEIiD AT lOOX GI¥Y, IOW;q. Attention Comt^adesI It has been determined that we will send a copy of the proceedings of our last reunion to each surviving comrade whose address we have. And we hope that those who have not already paid membership fees or du. s, will remit said dues of one dollar, or send twenty-five cents, the cost of said pamphlet, to the undersigned treasurer of the association at Algona, Iowa. All who signed our by-laws and became members of our association, whose names appear on page — of this book, are enti- tled to a copy free of charge. We are anxious that all who can will become members of our soci- ety, and if you will send one dollar to the treasurer and direct him to do so, he will inscribe your name on the roll making you a member, and you will be entitled to this book without additional cost. Unless this is done we hope you will send the 25 cents. Comrades let us not forget each other. Help a little in the good work. If you know of any comrades who served in our regiment whose name does not appear on our book, or whose address is changed, be kind enough to send his name and address to J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Nebraska. By order of Executive Committee. James Bark, Treasurer, Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa. FOURTH REUNION OP THH TWELFTH lOVVA Veteran Volunteer Infantry, HEur: sr SlOaX GITY, IDWfl. may 18th and 19th, 1892 NORFOUC SEB. Pbess Or The Va:l^ News- iSctz. ■w^ OFFICEt^S OF THH SOCIETY. Major 1). W. Reed, President, Suite 814, Clmmber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. J. N. Weaver, Vice President, Bolton Jilock, Sioux City, Iowa. J. E. Simpson, Acting Secretary, Norfolk Nebraska. Dr. James Barr, Treasurer, Algona, Iowa. The above officers being the Executive Committee. The following members are a committee, each for his own compa- ny, to report the deaths of their comrades who may pass away, report- ing the time and place of death and such details of interest that may appear, to the members of the Regiment when next they meet in re- union. This is a very important duty and one that should be well attend- ed to. Co. A, R. P. Clarkson, Des Moines, Iowa. Co. B, J. D. Cole, Lansing, Iowa. Co. C, D. W. Reed, Suite 814, Chamber Commerce, Chicago, 111. Co. D, J. H. StiblDS, Rooms 88, P. (). Building, Chicago, 111. Co. E, J. W. Shumaker, Waterloo, Iowa. Co. F, R. W. Tirrell. Manchester, Iowa. Co, G, J. E. Simpson, NortV)lk. Neb. Co. H, J. A. Van Anda, Fremont, Neb. Co. I, J. F. Zediker, of Nebraska State Journal. Lincoln, Neb. Co. K, Dr. J. B. Morgan, Davenport, Iowa. Comrades who know or learn of any deaths of the members of the Regiment should report the facts to the proper member of the above Committee. ///r^i/U/J A) .t/yiot^ ^yi'^^" REUNION 12tb Iowa Veteran Volanteer Infantry. MAY i8 & 19, 1892. Explanatory. Deak Comrades: — We think it best to commence the proceedings of our reunion by the circular letter sent you May 21st. It explains all the circumstances fully and gives tlie names and addresses of those wlio were present. There was a resolution passed by unanimous vote of all present that the present organization be continued until our next reunion; and all the officers and committees be requested to con- tinue in the discharge of their respective duties. Also another resolution that J. N. Weaver and .T. E. Simpson be a committee on puljlication of these proceedings. Also that R. W. Tirrel, J. H. Stibbs and Wm. L. Henderson act as committee on resolutions. One of the pleasant little episodes or our reunion was the visit from M. Deal, Esq., of Bucyrus, Ohio, who chanced to be in Sioux City and heard of our meeting, came and gave us a very interesting talk. Living- at Gettysburg at the time of the battle, he and his brother, were the flrst civihansover^ the field after the great battle and what he saw and heard at the tinie, he told to us. He contributed liberally to our contribution to the sufferers of the flood, for seeing with our own eyes the extent of the loss and suffering, tlie comrades present put together their mites, and sending the same by the liands of Comrade FOURTH REUNION OF THE Weaver, who returned with the following very handsome acknowledg- ment: Sioux City, May 19, 1892. To tlxJ! Vctemnn of the 12th louxt: — I have the lionor to acknowledge your contribution to the liood sufferers by the hand of Judge Weaver and beg to thank you kindly in behalf of the citixens of Sioux City. Fraternally yours. MoKuis PiEKCE, Mayor. Weighed down witli the cares of the hour and the constant de- mands upon him night and day Mayor Pierce found time to come and say a kindly word to us on Thursday evening. One thing we was all agreed ui^on and that was the character and quality of the music rendered for us by the K. P. Rand of twenty in- struments. Quiet and modest and always ready, they gave to us those good old tunes that carried us back to our soldier days, and brought the camp, the march and the field of thirty years ago back to us most vividly. Also that Col. Woods and Qtl. Edgerton's histories be made a part of and published in these proceedings. Comrade Andrews, of Co. B, offered the following resolution: Re- solved, that it is the sense of this meeting that our next reunion be held within the next two years at Sioux City, Iowa. After discussion, carried, with the understanding that this was the sense and feeling of those present, and the whole matter be left to the Executive Commit- tee for their action after hearing from the absent comrades. There has been a large number of letters received from comrades and there are a few coming yet in answer to the circular letter of May 21st. The large majority say Sioux City and 1894, for our next meet- ing. This is a matter your Executive Committee will duly con.sider and act upon in due time. We desire to call your attention to the cai^ of your treasurer. Dr. James Barr, Algona. Iowa, for funds. Comrades must keep in mind postage and printing must be paid for, and we are now publishing these proceedings with less than half the cost in the treasury, trusting comrades will promptly remit their dues. Your committee desires to say that under the rules governing the railroads of the country that reduced fares cannot be had for regimen- tal reunions except in the state where held or the regiment was raised, hence we cannot get reduced fares only for the state of Iowa. We regret our proceedings were so short and incomplete, but the facts and circumstances have all been told to you. We have done the beet we could and trust our work will be received by you in the spirit we send it out. With love and kind greetings to you all, and wishing we may all meet at our next reunion and have a regular love feast of good things, we remain. Yours Truly. .Torn N. Weaver, J- E. SlJLPSON. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. Sioux City, Iowa, May 21, 1892. To the Members of the nth Iowa Infantry, Greeting: We who succeederl in gettinj? to Sioux City in time for our Fourth Quadrennial Reunion, thelSth and 19th of May, found, at the hour of assembling, this beautiful city overwhelmed with an unprecedented Hood, renderinghundreds homeless and thousands waiting for shelter. Of course, Wednesday forenoon, nothing could be done but shake hands and commence to register. In the afternoon it was deemed best to give up any attempt at a regular programme and simply visit, en- livened by the fine music of the band and cheering strains of the life and drum by comrades French and McKee, and anxiously waiting hour by hour, hoping that other comrades, whom we knew were en route, would be able to get here. Evening was spent much the same way. Thursday morning came bright and clear, and although the city was full of excitement, and every one's attention, both hands and heart, was turned to the duties of the hour, we met and resolved our- selves into an old-fashioned, Methodist love feast, in which every man, woman and child present, from Company A. to Company K. inclusive, was called upon for a speech, a song, a dance or a recitation, and just like all members of the old 12th, every one responded without hesitation. Enthusiasm grew, hearts melted, cares for the time being were thrown away and we had a good time; interspersed with all this were dispat- ches coming in every hour from comrades delayed en route, letters from absent ones were read, the Shubert Quartette and the K. P. Band (20 instruments), whose selections wereof the very best kind and pleased every one here, at frequent intervels enlivened the occasion added much to the enjoyment. Thursday night brought Gen. J. H. Stibbs, who had forced his way through (after a forty-eight hour march) from Des Moines. He took hold at once and entertained us with his pleasant remarks, a number of fine recitations and some amusing stories. All this time, remember we were hoping and expecting the comrades, who were de- tained at different points, would come in and share with us the pleas- ures of the occasion. Some of the comrades had to leave Thursday night, but a great bulk of them resolved to remain over Friday in hopes that otheis might come. Friday morning came with a snow storm, amounting almost to a blizzard, something almost unprecedented at this season, adding to the general distress and misery in the city and damping down our en- thusiasm till we got together, when, amid the inspiring sound of the fife and drum we continued our love feast, and soon the same warm, kind feelings were expressed and seen. Friday afternoon we appointed a committee on resolutions, re- solved to continue our organization with the same officers as at present, till the next reunion, requesting them to perform all the duties and act in the premises as their good judgement decided. There was a general and full expression that our next reunion must be held within the next two years. The idea of holding it in Chicago during the World's Fair was not favored, comrades fearing that, under the excite- ment and novelty of the surroundings, it would be impossible to enjoy what again has been clearly demonstrated to be the main object of re- unions of the 12th Iowa, to-wit: to visit' with each other and among ourselves. T>e citizens of Sioux City have expressed a warm and earnest de- sire that the next reunion might be held here. And it is but fair to say that the larger share of. those present were of that mind. Our old FOURTH REUNION OF THE home, Manchester, was warmly spoken of and many hearts turned that way. After very full discussion and expressions of opinion, tlie whole matter was left to the discretion of the Executive Committee, after hearing from the members of the regiment in response to this letter, which is sent to every living member known. We now ask of you, dear comrades, on receipt of this letter. (1) To send your membership fee of $1.00 to Dr. James Barr, Treas- urer, Algona, Iowa, so we can publish the proceedings of this reunion which will largely consist of letters and telegrams received, corrected rosters of the companies up to date, with Post Office address; also a personal history of Col. Woods, that we feel warranted in saying every man, woman and child connected with the 12th Iowa will read witli pleasure and prollt, it being a detailed history from his boyhood, writ- ten by Major Reed and revised by the Colonel hirhself, before his death. Also a full biographical notice of Col. Edgerton, and a notice of the death and the incidents thereof, of comrades who have died since 1888. Every pains will be taken to publish these proceedings as soon as pos- sible and a copy mailed to every member who has paid his dues. (2) We want you as soon as you get this letter and have carefully thought over the subject, to drop a postal card to the secretary, indi- cating where you want the next reunion held, and when you want it held. On the receipt of these answers they will be carefully collated and laid before the Executive Committee for their consideration and action in calling our next reunion. From the expression of those who were present and those who started or intended to come, we are fully satisfied that, if there had not been some unforeseen calamity, as did happen, we would have had the largest, one of the most enthusiastic reunions that the 12th Iowa ever had. It Is due to the citizens of Sioux City to say, that, acting conjointly with comrade J. N. Weaver, they provided for us a good hall, one of the best bands in the state(20 instruments), solely at our disposal during the reunion, paid printing expenses, amounting to over $30.00, so that practically, the expenses of the reunion, excepting the individ- ual ones of the comrades, were fully provided for by the citizens of Sioux City. They also had made elaborate preparations in connection with the reception of the boys, to decorate and place the city in holi- day attire in honor of the occasion, which was only prevented by the unprecedented storm and wind occurring at that time, which rendered it wholly impossible to make any decorations on the streets or build- ings in the city. They had also, in connection with the Woman's Relief Corps, made full arrangements to give the boys a royal banquet the evening of the 9th, which, with the full concurrence and approbation of tlie com- rades present, was abandoned, and the funds provided for that purpose diverted to the relief of the suffering and hungry of the city, so ren- dered by the flood. Three large boat clubs, with elegant boat club houses and many boats at Riverside Park, on the Big Sioux River, which is beautifully located and the best pleasure resort, with facilities for boating, had prepared to throw open their boat houses, and tender for our use, their lx)ats for the pleasure of the occasion, free. The Electric Railway line, leading from the business part of the city to Riverside Park, a distance of about 4 miles, had made a rate for the boys to this pleasant resort of one fare for the round trij). A Reception Committee, consistng of twenty-five comrades and twenty-five citizens, provided with ai)i)ropriate badges, were ready to receive the comrades and do them every favor, which w;us only pre- TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY vented by the unprecedented flood. Do not fail to answer this letter. We are, Respectfully and fraternally yours, D. V. Ellsworth. Company A Newman Grove, Neb. D. A. Armstrong R. M. Runkle Mrs. CM. Runkle, John P. Peck John Upstrom Hiram R. Andrews Mrs. H. R. Andrews John E. Kent W. A. Kent Mrs. W. A. Kent and child I. W.King J. W. Bysong J. B. Hazlett J. L. Jordan W. L. Henderson Georgia Henderson Mrs. Maude Ramsey P. R.Woods Mrs. E. O. Woods R. R. Soper Mrs. R. R. Soper Wm. M. Van Eman J. H. Stibbs A. M. Blanchard A. A. Stewart J. D. Fernner F. D. Thompson *L. M. Ayers John N. Weaver Mrs. J. N. Weaver Miss Katie Weaver Miss Daisy Weaver Miss Flora Weaver Miss Cora Weaver John V. G. Price Mrs. John V. G. Price B. P. Zuver Mrs. B. P. Zuver Master B. P. Zuver B. E. Eberhart C. D. Morris J. P. Cook Mrs. J. P.Cook -.. Miss Laone Cook S. J. Crowhurst Sylvester Cook R. W. Terrill Mrs. R. W. Terrill Nelson Ralston F. W. Coolidge Mrs. F. W. Coolidge T. R. McKee Isaac J ohnson S. M. French J. E. Eldridge John Bremner.' .Zearing, Iowa. .Plankinton, So. Dakota .Sioux Falls, " " Turkey River, Iowa. C Belle Plaine, Iowa. " Barron, Wis. Emerick, Neb. West Point, Neb. .Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. Alton, Kan. Riceville, Iowa. " Fayette, Iowa, '■.... " " D Estherville, Iowa. . . .Grand View, So. Dakota. — Chicago, Ills. .11 Edward Street, Chicago. , . . Carthage, Mo. Nevada, Iowa. .Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sioux City, Iowa. D Mountain Grove, Mo. ' ■ Adams, Neb. . Marshalltown, Iowa. .Worthing, So. Dakota. Ponoa, Neb. " Salem, So. Dakota. " lona. Neb. F Manchester, Iowa. .Canton, So. Dakota. — Shoshone. Idaho. Denver, Col. Pleasanton, Kan. Denver, Col. Stark, Kan. .Yankton, So. Dakota. ly FOURTH REUNION OF THE Peter Moc Company G Springfield, Minn. Olc (Jilbertson. Samuel West " Mrs. Samuel West " Henry Steen " J. E. Simpson " Mrs. Mary A. Simpson... " Lars L. Staliem " *A. H. (Jroves *G. H. Nass A. S. Fuller Josepli A. Light " Mrs. .1. A. Light J. H. Fleiiiken .J. A. Van Anda " Mrs. J. A. Van Anda " Master Van Anda " J.W.Ward J. M. Crosby Master Rov Crosby " Wm. H. Dupray " Mrs. Wm. H. Dupray " Master Wm. Dupray " E.C.Cobb John S. Ray Master J. S. Ray " D. D. McCullum Wm. Koehler " Mrs. Wm. Koehler " J. F. Butters Mrs. J. F. Rutters " MissO. r. Butters " Miss Stella liutters " O. R. Goodenow W. R. Mathis E. R. Mathis Alonzo Robinson " W.H.Ellison Charles Rademacher " *ArriYed after adjournment. • Gilchrist, Minn. .Red Cloud, Neb. Belgrade, Neb. .Norfolk, Neb. " Sioux City. Iowa. " Decorah, '' " Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. H Norfolk, Neb. .Battle Creek, Fremont, Burlington, Iowa. Yankton, So. Dakota. a u u Sioux City, Iowa. " Keokuk, ' ' Naponee, Neb. Sibley, Iowa. Dubuque, " .Sioux City, " Ord, Neb. K 2586 Decatur St., Omaha. " 1100 4th Av. Council Blfs. " Cedar Rapids, Neb. " vSt. Edwards, Neb. " Sioux City, Iowa. JonN N. Wkavkr, President, Sioux City, Iowa. J. E. Simpson, Secretary, Norfolk, Nebraska. The following verses were composed and written by the talented and beautiful young daughter of our Comrade J. N. Weaver, under the inspiration and spirit of the occasion. We know comrades will appre- ciate .the sentiments so kindly and beautifully expressed by our fair young comrade: THE GALLANT TWELFTH. Ye comrades of the Gallant Twelfth, Who fought long years ago, Your hair grows gray, and fails your health,. Your steps are getting slow. TWELFTH IOWA V. Y. INFANTRY. 11 But brightly gleams your honest eye When telling o'er once more The stirring tales of gallant deeds, From '61 to '4. The worthiest people in the land. Are you, who bravely fought To save the gallant stripes and stars, And a great success you wrought. And furthermore, I here would say Tliat your numbers, howe'er few. Deserve the best that can be had, Three cheers for the boys in blue. —Flora B. W. May 20, 1892. None of the comrades present will forget how pleased we all were on the evening of the second day to greet the smiling face of Gen. J. H. Stibbs, who, after a "forced march" of two days and nights at last got to us. His kindly words and his cheerful ways was as a gleam of sunshine amid the gloom, and his rendition of "Decoration on the Place," "Old Man Jim," "Only Room in the Procession for but One Flag," "Down to Washington," "Barbara Fritche," "Snyder's Ride," "Marion Coming Home," "The Man with the Musket," and "Two Opinions," will linger in the memories of those Who heard him for many a long year. Comrade J. W. Shumaker, Co. "E," reports as died since our last reunion: Comrades A. Myers, of Shell Rock, Iowa; J. E. Jones, Gene- va, Iowa, and James Demoss. The dates of death and details he was unable to get. Mrs. C. E. Phillips, of Blair, Neb., writes of the death of our com- rade and her husband, late Co. "K." She says in his last sickness he often spoke of his old comrades of the 12th Iowa, in words of aifection and kindness. He was with us at Waterloo and she speaks ot how much he enjoyed the reunion there. Since our last reunion "Taps" have sounded for our Comrade E, V. Andrus, Co. "G," Decorah, Iowa. He was a brave, loyal soldier, who did every duty well. Peace and rest has come to him at last. He lies with many of his comrades in the beautiful cemetery "on the hill" in full sight of the ''Upper Iowa Valley" he loved so well. 12 FOURTH REUNION OF THE Talcott, S. D., May 3, 1892. D. W. Eccd. My Dear Comrade:— As the time for the next reunion draws near, I take the liberty to send you the following, as It is possible you might not be aware of all the facts: About the time of our reunion at Waterloo, Iowa, Sergt. Emery Clark, of Co. "C" 12th Iowa Infantry, "died at the Black Hills, S. D. You will doubtless remember that he was severely wounded, hav- ing both jaw bones broken at the battle of Tupelo, Miss., July 14, 1864. He was picked up on the field where he had fallen, unconscious, and kindly cared for by our hospital corps. On July 15 he was taken pris- oner with tlic other wounded of tiiat battle, remained at Tupelo for about a week when all were taken to Mobile, Ala., where they arrived about July 25. On the surrender of Forts Gaines and Morgan to Com. Farragut, all wounded prisoners were removed to Castle Morgan pris- on, at Cahaba, Ala. He was a prisoner at that place until Nov. 23, 1864. when he started for Charleston, S. C, to be exchanged— an agree- ment having been entered into for the exchange of 1,000 sick. On the day of his arrival at Macon, Ga., en-route for Cliarleston, Gen. Sher- man, on his glorious "march to the sea," had cut the road to Charles- ton. Sergt. Clark was therefore imprisoned at Macon for a short time^ when all the prisoners at that place were sent to Andersonville. He was confined at that notorious prison until the close of the war and was released at Jacksonville, Fla., April 29, 1865. It is customary to lavish praise on those who, like the I2th at Shi- loh the "Hornet's Nest," withstand the desperate attacks of the ene- my and call their conduct heroic, and rightly too, but what sluill we say of the conduct of Sergt. Clark who daily endured the pangs of a slow starvation while almost rotting with scurvey in Southern prison pens yet remained unfalteringly true to the old flag, not yielding to the temptation daily offered, nay, urged upon him, not even when it seemed that his life depended upon it. Such conduct marks a heroism in a man beside which the facing of the enemy in the field pales into insignificance. Not many are called upon to suffer as much for their country a& Comrade Clark suffered for his. Let us hope and trust that the God of battles will deal mercifully with him and with us all, and tluit when the last trumpet shall sound, he may, with all of the old 12tli> Iowa, be found on the "right side'' as he was in the hour of our coun- try's danger. I give you these facts concerning Comrade Clark, as with a single exception— Ccmrade Kohler, of Co. "I"— I am the only on-e of the 12tli Iowa who was with him all the time of his second imprisonment. You can make such use of them as you desire. I do not know the date nor place of his death, but am assured of the truth of the statement that he died about the time given. I am your old comrade, T AV OoTE^ Late of Co. "I,'"' 12th Iowa. Marshalltown, Iowa, May 21, 1892. /. E. Sim2:)son, Norfolk, Nebraska. Dear Comrade: — I was under the impression while at the reuniom that one of the 12th boys had died at the home. Upon my arrival here this a. m. I looked the matter up and found that Able C. Gil- more, of Co. "H," 12th Iowa, died December 18th, 1891, and that his. body was sent to Indianapolis, IimI., to his wife, Elizabeth Gilmore. Yoiu's- truly,. B. E. Eberhart, • TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 13 'I'lie following sketch of our late comrade and president of our as- sociation, Col. S. R. Edgington, was prepared and written at the re- quest of your committee by the Rev. C. F. McLean, of Eldora, Iowa, brother-in-law of our late comrade: OBITUARY OF COL. S. R. EDGINGTON. Col. Samuel R. Edgington was born near Mansfield, Richland county, Ohio. May 12, 1827, and died at Eldora, Iowa, May 20, 1888, having thus reached the H2nd year of his age. He was the son of Judge Jesse Edgington. His youth and early manhood were chiefly spent at the old Edgington farm homestead in Richland county, Ohio, where he was born and where his gian( father had settled many years before, having purchased the land of the United States government. The military instinct early showed itself in his enlistment for the Mexican war when he was eighteen years old. He was away from home attending college at the time and volunteered with others," join- ing the Ninth Ohio Infantry, under Col. S. R. Curtis. After doing good service in the Mexican war he returned with his regiment to Ohio and was honorably discharged. May 8th, 18-19, he was married to Miss Lois Real, in Richland coun- ty. Oh if). In the fall of 1852 he came with his wife to Iowa and in the follow- ing spring settled in Hardin county, same state, and were among the first families that located at Eldora, the county seat. Here the fami- ly have since resided and here the three sons of the Colonel were born and grew to manhood's estate. Shortly after he came to Eldora, Col. Edgington engaged in the mercantile business and continued in the same until 1861. That year he responded a second time to his country's call and enlisted for three years or during the war of the Rebellion. He soon raised the first company of soldiers for the 12th Iowa Volunteer Infantry and was im- mediately, and by unanimous vote, elected captain of the same. Com- pany "A" was composed mostly of Hardin county young men and as brave and splendid a lot of soldiers as ever marched to the field of strife. The regiment camped a while at Dubuque and then at St. Louis. Then came the advance southward. Then came Fort Henry, Donal- son and Shiloh, the two last among the greatest and bloodiest battles of all history. There were terrible experiences for fresh recruits, but our men of the 12th Iowa made a glorious record for themselves on those fields. Said Col. Edgington in his speech at the reunion at Des Moines, Oct. 1887, referring to the famous Iowa "Hornet's Nest Brig- ade" and its conduct at Shiloh, April 6, 1862: "These veterans are not unknown. Their deeds of heroism at the battle of Shiloh are the ad- miration of every city of our own state and nation. For ten long hours they held their battle line and saved the day until night and Buell came. History has not done full justice to these brave men. Three f^ FOURTH REUNION OF THE of these regiments, the Sth. 12th and 14th, were captured by the rebel army that day just as the sur; was hiding behind the western horizon, April (ith, 18(i2. They endured their captivity and sutt'ering like grand heroes for seven long months, without a raunuer, in the prison hells of tlie South. Rut the grandest heroes of that bloody day at Shiloh and the '"hornet's nest" and "hell's holljw'' were those who died fighting •when surrounded by such fearful odds." One point made by Col. Edging- ton in the above extract was this, that while his brigade sustained the tlrst terrible onslaught of the rebel host in the early morning of that eventful day tiiey held their own all day and were not captured until nightfall, whereas the impression has been given that they were cap- tured and hurried otT the field before noon. Some time during the struggle at Shiloh, Col. Wood, of the 12th, was stricken down and Col. Edgington assumed command and fought bravely with his men until obliged to surrender to superior numbers. lie and his two younger brothers, all of the same company, passed weary months of prison life in the South and the youngest of the three was brought home to die. vSome time after the exchange of prisoners the 12th Iowa was reor- ganized at Davenix)rt and proceeding to St. Louis was there re-joined by S. R. Edgington, now regular commissioned Major and afterwards Lieutenant-Colonel. The regiment was soon ordered to Vlcksburg and participated in the whole of that memorable siege. At Brandon, at Raymond and twice at Jackson, Miss., they took an active part with their commander and made this series of battles so successful in de- termining the fate of the rebellion. A comrade relates this incident in the Dubuciue Times: "The day that the 12th Iowa arrived at Jack- son, Miss., on their way to Vicksburg, they were ordered to lie down some distance outside of the confederate works. They did not have a Brussels carpet to recline ui)on but instead a very damp i)iece of ground. It had been raining three days before tlie regiment reached Jackson and Col. Edgington, who knew that the boys were tired and would as lief charge as not, rode out in front of the regiment with the brave Gen'l Mower and in about ten minutes came back saying "Boys we can take those works and not half try." Then old Gen'l Mathias gave the order to charge and the yell that those wet Northern boys gave was enough to scare even the ghosts of the Southern confederacy. We took those works — it was no trouble — and after a day or two we went on to Yicksburg." The Col. was a man of few words and seldom if ever was heard to refer to his own achievements in the war, but enough is known to jus- tify the remark that he never tlinched from duty as a soldier and nev- er required his men to face any danger where he did not lead the way himself. In all probability not a few bold exploits and dangerous skir- mishes in which he engaged have never been recorded save in the uiemory of his war associates. In 18(1'^ he was honorably discliarged and returned to his home in TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 15 Eldora, Io\v;i, thereafter to cultivate the arts of peace and to iDiiild up the interests of society. He never forgot his old comrades but always delighted to mingle with them in their reunions and recount the stir- ring incidents of the war. He was high authority on military law and jurisprudence. He had thoroughly studied this difficult subject, es- pecially in its application to army discipline. A well informed army man who was with him much of the time during the service and has since become a prominent and successful lawyer, says that Col. Ed- gington was the best posted man in such matters that lie knew of in the volunteer army. He was fre(iuently consulted on this subject and became a sort of encyclopedia of military law. The Colonel was not in sound health much of his time after his discharge from the service. Doubtless the exposure of the camp and the field predisposed his sys- tem to a complication of disorders that culminated in diabetes and ended his life. But he never complained of his affliction and always spoke cheerfully to those enquiring after his health. He refused to take to his bed almost to the last and not until he was unable to help himself. His record is made up and his history is with as. He has left to the world the example of a brave and honorable man whose memory all would do well to cherish. Mr. President and Comrades: To me has been assigned the painful duty of announcing in this formal and public mannei' the death, since our last reunion, of our Colonel Joseph Jackson Woods, at his liome at Montana, Kansas, Sep- tember 27th, 1889. As soon as I received word that I was expected to perform this duty, I at once wrote the family of Col. Woods and re- ceived in reply the following letter from his daughter Miss Carrie Woods, that 1 now I'ead to you. Pausons, Kas., Feb. 24, 1892. Lieut. J. E. Simpson, NorfoR- Nebraska. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 8th inst. asking for data in regard to the events of my beloved father's life, etc. was (after some delay) received. I send you a manuscript sketch of the important events of his life, which we found among his papers after his death. The manuscript was written by some one, we know not whom, and was sent to my fatlier for correction. It was to be published in a history of his regi- ment, or of Iowa Colonels or some such book. All we know about it is that my father told my mother that he had received the sketcli but had not yet felt able to correct it. Perhaps you can find out at the re- union wiio wrote it. If you can, please deliver it to him and notify us. 1 have made a copy of it. Father had corrected i part, if not all of it, wliich will be seen by the pencil markings and certain interlinings which I recognize as his writing. After his service in the Kansas Legislature my father devoted his time to farming and stock raising, and took no part in active public life with the exception of making political and temperance speeches occasionally. He was als-o a notary public and a member of the school board for a great number of years. In 1888, the Union Labor politicians lauding their doctrines, so 16 FOURTH REUNION OF THE destructive to the principles of government, throughout the state, so aroused my fatiier's indignation tiiat lie spent^ much time and energy in making speeches for the cause of llepublicanisni, and. we fear, shortened his life thereby. Below is an extract copied from a newspaper which refers to his presence at a congressional convention held at Fredonia, Wilson coun- ty, in 1888: "The first delegate on the ground was Col. J. .]. Woods, of Monta- na. He got in Tuesday at noon, aliead of everybody. Col. Woods was a West Point graduate and a Lieutenant in the "old army." At Sliiloh he commanded an Iowa reginient, was badly wounded, and was among those captured with tlie division of General l*rentiss. Tliough old inyeai'sand (luite feeble, he made one of the most earnest, patriotic and elo(iuent speeches delivered in the conven- tion." Many times he spoke endearingly of tlie "Boys"' of the 12th and particularly when tne time came around for the annual reunion of the regiment. He ])rized his cane very highly. When appeals for aid in securing pensions came to him he always did what he could to assist, but many limes expres.sed legret that he could not remember the facts desired. Though not united with any churcli, his religious belief was Uni- tarian, and he read many Unitarian works during the latter years of his life. During the last five years of his life he was in feeble health. He was a constant sufferer from chronic diarrluea, which he contracted during the service. He retained his mental vigor to the last. In the summer before his death he l)ouglit a home in Parsons, twelve miles fiom Montana, and was preparing to move to it to enjoy the sunset of life in rest from labor. He returned one evening from a drive to Parsons very sick and suf- fered intensely for three days. He had hemorrhage of the bladder and suppression of the kidneys, and afterwards blood poisoning set in. Tlirough all of his sickness he was patient and cheerful, and at times even humorous. He hoped to live but was ready tor death if it must come. For several days before his death he was almost constantly de- lirious, and fought again the battles of the war. He died, apparently without pain, after an illness of ten days, on the morning of the 2Ttii day of September, 1889. He was buried in the beautiful cemetery of Oakwood at Parsons, Kansas, a part of which is set apart and nicely arranged for the graves of the soldiers. The Grand Army of the Republic, of which he had been a mem- ber, performed the burial service. I can tliink of nothing more of particular interest, though it would take many pages to recount his many good and noble deeds; and the loss to his family and friends occasioned l3y his death, words cannot exjiress. I send best wishes to the surviving comrades. Yours respectfully, Carrie Woods. Thus I found my work already done and by an abler nen than mine, and reviewed by the Colonel himself before his death. I, am sure this personal history of our beloved Colonel, written with so much care by the historian of our regiment. Major D. W. Reed, when made a part of the proceedings of this session, will be read and treasured by you around your liresides and in your homes, and will be a lesson, well TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. IT to teach your children and their children, of a noble, true, good man, who, from early youth, without the advantages of birth or fortune, won the love and esteem of all with whom he came in contact with, and did every duty, in all the positions in which he was placed, well and faithfully. A tower of strength to those with whom he came in contact, with a stern, rigid integrity, a love of principle and right, he never faltered nor hesitated for a moment to do and to say what he deemed to be the right. Modest, dith'dent almost to a fault, never pushing himself forward or making any claims for himself, but per- forming every duty given to him with abili'.y, no wonder he soon won the love and esteem of those wh(j knew him. Every man and officer of the regiment, as they came to know him, learned to love and respect him. Those of us who were present at our first reunion at Manchester twelve years ago, remember with pleasure his visit to us then, and our pleasure to find, when he commenced to talk to us, he was an eloquent speaker, his burning words are still ringing in our ears, when accept- ing our gift of a gold headed cane, he spoke of leaning on it in his de- clining years, and turning to our battle torn flags to our right, he said: "If rebel hands are again raised against that dear old flag, I will c(jme back from my far distant Kansas home and standing on the prairies of Delaware county, I will raise my voice as never before, and give the command, "Fall in 12th Iowa," and every one of the survivors will respond to my cry in defense of the Union and our dear old flag." Our beloved commander is resting, his work is done, he has but gone before. We must quickly follf)w. "Taps" will soon sound for us all. and we answer to the "roll call" for the last time. And now my dear comrades I commend you to the history of thi ^ truly good man who was our Colonel. Of him in his lifetime could have been truly said: "His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles, "His love sincere, his thoughts immaculate, "His tears pure messengers sent from his heart, "His heart as far from fraud as Heaven from earth. J. E. Simpson. OBITUARY OF COL. JOS. JACKSON WOODS. Colonel Joseph Jackson Woods was born on the 11th day of Jan- uary, 1823, on a farm in Brown county, Ohio. His ancestors came from Ireland but were not of the Irish race. Some of them were in Lon- donderry during the famous siege of that place in 1689. His grandfather, James Woods, came to America in the year 1773, and settled in Pennsylvania where the father of the subject of this sketch, Samuel Woods, was born in that same year, 1773. James Woods was engaged during a part of the Revolution in furnishing sup- plies to the army. The mother of Joseph Jackson Woods was born in 18 FOURTH REUNION OF THE Ireland in 1785, and came to America at the asre of six or seven j'ears. Her maiden name was Ritchev. Joseph was the youngest son that ar- rived at mature age of a numerous family, his father being at the time of his birth ttfty years old, and having been in his prime a man of more than average ability among the farming class to which he be- longed, but while Joseph was yet young his father became a physical, financial and mental wreck, so that at the age of ten years Joseph was thrown upon the world to succeed by his own resources, and went with an older brother, John, just then married, to Hush county, Indiana, where they settled in the dense forest. He remained in Indiana two years and then returned to Ohio and lived with his relatives until he was fourteen years old, when he was apprenticed to Joseph Parish (late private secretary to President Grant to sign land patents) in Felicity, Clermont county, Ohio, to learn the saddler's trade. In his early boyhood while at school, which was but a small part of the time, he learned rapidly, being in advance of other children of his age. He never attended the public schools after his thirteenth year. He served five years apprenticeship with Mr. Parish, working for his board and clothing, and became very proficient in the trade, work- ing in the winter season until 9 o'clock p. m. five nights of the week, he had but little time for mental culture, but fortunately his cousin, Dr. Allen Woods, about this time married a Miss Whipiile, of Ver- mont, a lady of tine culture, who, becoming interested in young Woods, proposed to become his private tutor. Under this arrangement, by improving every spare moment, he complete.! a course of arithmetic, English grammar, gef)graphy and obtained a fair knowledge of history from books kindly loaned from the library of Dr. J. M. Woods. At expiration of his apprenticeship the Rev. Mr. Ervine, Presby- terian minister and graduate of Ohio State University, informed young Woods that as he was about to review his Latin and Greek studies, he would willingly take a pupil and give instructions in these branches free of charge as a more thorough method of making his re- view. Under this arrangement young Woods pursued his studies sev- en months, working mornings and evenings in the saddlery shop to pay his board. The first Methodist college established in America was located at Augusta, Ky., seven miles from Felicita, Ohio. It was under the joint patronage of the Ohio and Kentucky conferences of the M. E. church, each conference entitled to keep at the college a certain number of students free of tuition, these to be selected by the presiding elders of the various districts from worthy young men of limited means. The Rev. W. H. Roper, presiding elder of the district, gave young Woods the appointment, and he entered the freshman class in that institution the same year. Although free tuition was provided he found it difficult to provide for board, clothing and books. Therefore, by advice of Dr. Woods, he applied for an appointment to TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 19 U. S. Military Academy at West Point to take the place of U S Grant who would graduate the following June. His principal recommendations were from Hon. Alonzo Knowles the leading Democratic politician at Felicita, Ohio, and Jesse r' f^^n!;^"'^' r''" :'' ^'''^'^' °^*"- ^^'''^ ^^^« '^''^'^^ competitors for the appointment and Dr. Daans, member of Congress, declinincr to make a selection, sent the papers to the war department. where\he appointment was given to Woods and he entered the academy in June l.m Seventy-five were appointed to this class; thirty-eight gradu- TilVv'- 7r'' '''''''''''' ""'■ ' '" '''' ''^''- !>"-"/ the last year at West Point he was assistant professor as well as student. July 1st US A^,T"'''^^^' appointment as 2d Lieutenant in first regiment US. Artillery. The war with Mexico was at its height and he was ordered to New York harbor to drill and organize recruits for the war Where he remained until October 10th, when out of these recruits C..mpan,es L and M, 1st Artillery were organized and Lieutenant Woods was ordered to proceed with said company to Vera Cruz Mexi- Norulf mTx/cI" '" "^"^^^^"^ "' ''' ^^^'^'^ ^- ''^' '-^ -^*^-^^' ^" '•Fn.^nil''''™T^'"'^ 'fu^ ^'^^^ ^'^ York, October 10th, on the ship Empire The weather was boisterous and after four days of invisi^- ble sun the ship ran upon a coral reef entirely covered by water break- ing a large hole in the vessel, when she settled down and broke in two They were by captain's reckoning fifty miles from shore, but upon its partially clearing off they perceived a small uninhabited island called Fowl Key about one-half a mile distant, and daylight brought to view Abaco, the largest of the Bahama group, at a distance of about five miles Wreckers came to the assistance of the ship, and about 10 oclocka.m. they landed the soldiers on Fowl Key, where thev re- mained one week. Vessels were then procured to take a part of the comriiand to Charleston, South Carolina; the balance with Lieutenant Woods was taken to Nassau, New Providence, since famous as the rendezvous for rebel cruisers. Remaining here eight days he then, in company with Lieut. Morris, sailed for Charleston, where they re- mained at Fort Moultrie until December 25th, 1847, when they again sailed tor Vera Cruz in the ship "Republic," sent out from New York for that purpose. On 1st of January, 1848, as they were entering port of Vera Cruz a terrible norther struck the vessel, carrying them out to sea. Thev finally landed January 5th, and found that a majority of the regiment ui7n n ^"^ command was assigned was on garrison duty in the city, but Co. C, to which Lieut. Woods had been assigned, was in Northern Mexico. Woods was therefore transferred to Co. M and assigned to duty with the regiment at Vera Cruz. In the month of May he had the yellow fever and was very sick. About August 1st, 1848, peace having been declared Vera Cruz was evacuated and our troops imme- 20 FOURTH REUNION OF THE diately.imbarked for New York. Companies L and M took passage upon the screw-propeller "Massacluisetts.' m October, 1848, Woods was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and No- ! .innriS48 embarked on board -Massaeliusetts" with compa- vember Otb, 1848,^e^^^^^^^^ clisrurbances recently arisen there in wbU-t " Wllluna^-lnd aUmber of other Missourians ha^ been ,. ui TiH^ oxnedition was under the command of Brevet Majoi ;';:;:;:;'; am LeX W,; ds was his charter master and commissary. naihcxva> «^"^^ . in Oregon. On the passage These were the 'l^^,"-^^; '^^^^^.^ port at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, and about 'X"!!^'^^^'^ C mce^s an opportunity of seeing the remamedseveialda^N g^^ tropical fruits were growing, the ?;^orier;ndo?hf peaces of interest. Lieut. Woods was tai.en C.Ttht^clventof the monks of St. Bernardine and was present !^ imp' S^hap.lwi.en the Emperor and Empress partook ot mul- night mass, the going out of the year ot 1848. T^:^l"^Xt^^^n. week on the strait, ^f^^^^^^^^ uli^h? and such distances as would insure good harloo.s b n ght rueweretw<. convict settlementsont^ and sonie Indian.. Tie office en oved frequent rambles on the shore. At Valparaiso, C i i The • we e shown specimens of gold recently takcTi from newly di c'vered gold mines of California. The next point made was Sand- . , T iMnrU Where thev arrived in tlfty-two days and remained eight divs tC' ; e c n tantly feted by the king as theirs was the first Er=^rofNrt/arir^^.ed^^ Thev i^oceede up the river ninety miles to Fort Vancouver, then a,.tto wS Wc.,,ds ,>.,w bcl.,n,«,. landed, and Co. M were <„de,ecl "' ^'intnHm"'!' 18.^0 Lieut. Woods with Co. L was .;emovcd io Astoria ,« tl.pv rould find in the woods upon the mountains. At an he time Lieut. Woods went In a row boat w,th the collec- .,r X:tu. ot Astoria and a ^^^^^Z^S^^^^^ :;;i';;r;t':Sn r:;;: m.:uZf tL'^-^v^ "Ti:^%o,ieetor tr,ed t. 01^™.' the laMcrs hanging over the side, but failed, when L.eut, TWELFTPT IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. Woods and one man -mounted the ladders and reached the deck when ropes were cut by ships crew. The ladders fell into the collectors boat and he pulled for shore, leaving the Lieutenant on board, but calling back to him that he would come for him in the morning. The ship hoisted anchor and immediately put to sea. The collector procured a pilot boat, armed with a canon, and gave chase, but after a few hours pursuit and firing a few sliots the pilot boat gave up the chase. After a tedious run the ship put into a recently discovered bay in the north- ern part of California called Humbolt Bay, where several vessels were loading with timber for San Francisco. On one of these the Lieut, procured passage to San Francisco, and from there secured passage to Astoria, where he arrived after an involuntary absence of six weeks. In April, 1851, Lieut. Woods was ordered with a detachment of men to the Dalles of the Columbia, east of Cascade range, where, in the heart of the Indian country, he commanded a small post for eigh- teen months, the only military post at the time and he the only com- missioned officer between the Cascade mountains and Fort Laramie. In September, 1852, he returned to Fort Vancouver, which had now become a large post and headquarters of the 4th U. S. Infantry, and at which place was then stationed several men since famous in history, among them U. S. Grant. In February, 1853, Lieut. Woods received orders to report to the superintendent of recruiting service in New York City. He sailed on the 10th of February and reached his destination via San Francisco and Panama. In June. 1853, he received leave of absence and visited Iowa and bought land in Clinton and Jackson counties. On October 15th, 1853, lie resigned his commission in the army and removed to his lands in Iowa. In September he married Miss Kezia Hight in Jones county, Iowa. He resided on a farm in Jackson county, Iowa, until the rebellion broke out, when he tendered his services to the governor of Iowa and was commissioned Colonel of the 12th Iowa Infantry, October 23d, 1861. From the organization of the regiment to the siege of Vicksburg, the historv of the 12th Iowa is Col. Wood's history; "during that time he was never absent from his command while they were in the field as an organization, except for a short time when he commanded the brigade to which the 12th belonged. He was always the same quiet self-possessed commanding officer, yet possessing so little of "show" usual in officers of the regular army, but he attracted attention only by true merit. • He was with the regirtient in its first move from Dubuque to St. Louis, always present and carefully watching the interests of his men, seeing them tlioughtfully provided for during the epidemic of measles and pneumonia at St. Louis. His persistent effort secured tlieir equip- 22 FOURTH REUNION OF THE ment with the best arms then known in the service, the Enfield rifle. He was with them in tlieir llrst camp at Sniitlilield and rode calmly at their head during the effort to reach the rear of Fort Henry in time to capture the fleeing enemy. He shared the same hardships as his men, at Donaldson lying in the snow and sleet without blanket or Are, and charged bravely at their head when the flnal assault was made and received from Col. Cook, commander of the brigade, especial mention for his efficient and gallant services. At Sliiloh he carefully formed his regiment along the old road, and behind the old fence, and having, as he says, received personal in- struction from General Grant to "Hold that position at all hazards," he held it until Uie enemy had driven back the troops of Sherman on the right and Ilurlburt on the left, thus leaving the 12tli Iowa entire- ly surrounded. Yet undismayed and perfectly cool, we heard his com- mand as if on parade, "12th Iowa, about face! Commence tiring!"' and turning found a line of tlie enemy drawn up in our rear but they were soon broken by our tire, tlien his command, "By the left flank, double quick, march!" and the Hrst line of the enemy was passed, only to en- counter the second. At this point Col. Woods received two wounds in quick succession, one in the leg, the other in the wrist, s.> being dis- mounted he fell into the enemy's hands and was assaulted by some Texas troups with the design of taking his life, but being at that mo- ment recognized by Gen. Hardee with whom he had been acquainted at West Point and in tlie regular army, he was given a special guard, and his orderly permitted to remain with him. Tlie Col. spent tiie night on the ground where he fell, expjsed to the Are of our gun boats and the drizzling rain. Gen. Prentiss, present at the time of the sui- render and taken prisoner with the rest, speaks in highest tejms of the conduct of Col. Woods, and says: "To the persistent flghting of these four regiments, 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa, and 58th Illinois, hold- ing tlie ground against such j earful odds is due the failure of Beaure- gard to drive our forces into the river." Gen. Tuttle, in his official re- Ijort says: "Col. Woods, of the 12th Iowa, particularly distinguished himself; he was twice wounded and captured and when the enemy was driven back on Monday he was re-capDured." When our forces advanced on Monday morning Col. Woods was re- captured and his wounds dressed. He was soon after seni North and was immediately detailed on re- cruiting service, remaining on such duty until his regiment was ex- changed, January, 18(53, when he immediately took the fleld again and was soon ordered with his regiment to join Gen. Grant in the fleld in front of Vicksburg. Ret»orting with his regiment at Duckport, La., April 14th, 18G3, he was assigned to the command of the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division of the 15th Army Corps. His Brigade consisted of the 8th, 12th and 35th Iowa Regiments. About May 5th he was relieved of the command of the Brigade by TWELFTH IOWA V. Y. INFANTRY. 23 Col. Mathias, of the 5tli Iowa, and returned to the command of his regiment, which he retained during the campaign in the rear of Vicks- burg including the battle of Jackson. On June 1st he again assumed command of the Brigade, and re- tained the command of the Brigade or Division during the remainder of the time of service; his service as commander of the .12th Iowa ceas- ing June 1st, 1863. While in command of the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 15th Array Corps, he served in the siege of Yickshurg, his Brigade, after June 22nd, being stationed along Black river, where very heavy guard and patrol duty was kept until July 4th, when he crossed Black river, and on the 10th formed his Brigade on the left of the main road, and with- in range of Jackson, Miss. On the 15th of July Gen. Tuttle reported sick, and Col. Woods was assigned to the command of the 3d Division of the 15th Army Corps. On the 16th he moved his Division to the right and relieved Gen. Os- terhaus from a position on the front. On the 17th the rebels evacu- ated Jackson and a few days after the Division returned to Black river, when it went into camp July 25th, Col. Woods remaining in command of the division until relieved by Gen. Asboth some time in October, 1863. Col. Woods returned to the command of the 3rd Brigade, and No- vember 7th, 1863, was ordered to Memphis, Tenn., and his Brigade as- signed to posts along the railroad from La Grange to Corinth, where they had frequent skirmishes with the enemy. January 29th, 1864, he was ordered with his Brigade to Black river, Miss., where they were on duty during Sherman's Meridian Expedi- tion. May 2nd the 3rd Divisioil having been transferred and been desig- nated as the 1st Division of the 16th Corps, was re-organized, the 3rd Brigade composed of the 12th and 35th Iowa, 7th Minnesota, and 23rd Missouri, commanded by Col. Woods; 1st Division, commanded by Gen. Mower, left wing of 16th Army Corps commanded by Gen. A. J. Smith. During the summer they made two expeditions from Memphis to the interior and on July 13th, 14th and 15th, 1864, fought the battle oj Tupelo, Col. Woods brigade doing most of the fighting and receiving great credit for efficient services. Col. Woods commanded his Brigade through Arkansas and Mis- souri in what was known as the Price Raid. At St. Louis, Missouri, Gen. Mower was transferred to Sherman's army at Atlanta, and Col. Woods was assigned to command of Division about October 13th, 1864, and commanded the Division from Jefferson City, during the march to Kansas City and Harrison ville and returning to Sedalia when Gen. McArthur assumed command and Col. Woods returned to command of Brigade. 24 FOURTH REUNION OF THE He commanded the Brigade again during that march through the storms of snow and rain, fording rivers floating with ice, returning to .St. Louis, where he arrived Nov. Llth, his Brigade had marched with- in thirty days 543 uiilps and within sixty days, 871) miles, and since June 16th, 1409 miles. At St. Louis Col. Woods was mustered out of service, having served more than the whole term of enlistment, and having tilled with credit many important positions, always with acceptability and with honor. He richly deserves, for his services, the recognition which has often been accredited to less merit and more persistent effort for self. His muster out was deeply regretted by all his old comrades and especially by the men whom he had so often led and who had learned to appreciate the unassuming and (luiet, but brave and generous Col. Woods. In the book entitled, "Iowa Colonels," has the following: "Col. Woods has a slender stooping form, brown hair, a light complex- ion and mild blue eyes. He is in appearance and in fact the most un- assuming of Iowa Colonels. He speaks slowly and kindly, and was ac- customed to give commands with great coolness and deliberation and was never known, even under the hottest fire, to vary in the least the deliberation or the modulation of his orders. He had none of the style or austere manners of the regular army officer, and while very familiar and easy of approach by his subordinates, yet he was a good disciplin- arian, and the men soon learned that he possessed great worth as a commanding officer; and while the bravest and willing to lead his reg- iment to the severest contest yet he was devoid of all rashness that would sacrifice his men without good reason. His services merited recognition at Washington which he never received; but with him, modesty blocked the wheels of ambition. I doubt not that it would be impossible to find any of his superior officers who will say that Col. Woods ever sought promotion or recognition at their hands in any way but by a faithful and earnest discharge of his duties on whatever com- mand he was placed." After his muster out he removed from the farm, where he had lived when he enlisted, to Maquoketa, where he, in company with W. F. McCarrow, purchased the "Maquoketa Excelsior," and Woods became the editor of that paper and McCarrow the local editor. In the fall of 1867 Woods sold his interest and moved upon his farm in Clinton county, Iowa, but in 1868 he returned to Maquoketa and McCarrow having failed to make his payments on the paper and Woods, having to pay the loss, he took the whole paper and published it until May, 1869, when he removed to Montana, Kansas. He bought a farm adjoining the town and entered, with all his usual thorough- ness, into the business of farming and stock raising. In 1871 he was on the Board of Visitors at West Point, appointed by U. S. Grant. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. In the fall of 1871 he was one of the three Commissioners, appoint- ed by the Secretary of the Interior, to appraise the Cherokee neutral lands in the Indian Territory, west of the 96th meridian. He was appointed by the president as Receiver of the Humbolt Land District, but declined the appointment. The same fall he was elected to the Kansas Legislature which convened in January, 1872. In March, 1872, he was appointed by the Governor one of the Regents of the State University. He was a member of the Legislature in 1875, and chairman of the committee on Ways and Means. He was an earnest Republican in politics and, although known to his comrades as a man of few words, he became quite a prominent polit- ical speaker, and took a very prominent part in the campaigns of the state, including that of 1888. During his service he had contracted chronic diarrhoea, from which he never recovered, and from which he suffered severely, and continually grew worse until September 27th, 1889, when he died at his home in Montana, Kansas, of hemorrhage of the bladder and blood poisoning. He was buried in Oakwood cemetery, in Parsons, Kansas, the Grand Army of the Republic conducting the services at his burial. His wife and five children survive him. The following letters were received at different times and by dif- ferent persons and will, without doubt, be read with pleasure by you all, breathing as they do the spirit of love and kindly feeling that exists so strongly between old comrades: Chicago, May 25th, 1892. My Dear Simpson: Yours informing me that fifty of the comrades of the regiment succeeded in reaching Sioux City, is received. I am glad to know that even that number were present, and that you had such an enjoyable time together. The reports from so many others who were on the road, and the complete arrangement for our reception by the good people of Sioux City assures us that, but for the floods, the fourth reunion would have been a grand success. I regret the disappointment which so many of the boys have expe- rienced, and realize very keenly how severe these disappointments have been to them because I felt them myself and all the more keenly, perliaps, because it had been my good fortune to be with the boys in all their marclies and engagements from 1861 to 1866, and at all former reunions. If my telegrams were received you know of my va- rious delays by wrecks and washouts and that 1 Anally reached Ma- nilla Junction, only to find further progress utterly impossible. You know so well the great pleasure I had anticipated in meeting the comrades again that you can in some measure appreciate the feel- ing with which 1 was compelled to turn back, knowing that the long looked for pleasure of this reunion must be indefinitely postponed. I heartily approve of your suggestion to publish proceedings and FOURTH REUNION OF THE triict ion of all t he raili'oad biidtic.^ m im .w,,ii,,, ..m ,,n,,ii„ ,„j l)i'('S(Mici' with Uhmii at our next, iriitiion wlicrt' 1 liopc to inccl overy oiu> of those wlio tried to k«'1' there in IS!>2. as well as all other iiieni- l)ers of t he I'euiineiil,. mem most iiearriiv, ref^reMiiif^ iiiai i am imanie, aiicr earnest enori, l)y lett,ers to ni(>inl>eis of his I'aniily and ot hers, 'o {j:ive a nioi'e com- plete reportot' the facts concern ini-- the deal h of this worthy soldier who was left for dead on tiie Held of Tupelo, but survived his wounds and a lon^f im|)risonment at Andersonville, to die under tlu> folds (tf the tlag he so loyally defended and within a (piiet home ])rovi(le(l for the care of worthv soldiers. W. Reed. House of Representatives U. S.. / Wasiiinoton, May s. 1S5)2. \ Col. Jiinies E. Sh)ipso)i, Norfolk, Xehrdskd. My Deak Comuadk: Your kind letter of tlie l.'Uh of March, ask- in^f me if 1 could not be at onr reunion on the ISth and l!»th to write something' for the old comrades of the 12th. was received. I have been too busy to yriv(> this reijuest earlier attention. In letters to Comrades I>arr and Reed 1 have said some thinjis which they may feel like readinr. Tlu' rising' {j:oiieration can only catch a faint impression of the j^-roat period of '(il-T); they do not. they can not, however j^Hjod of heart and keen of principles, realize and ai)preciato wiiat the I2tli Iowa and tiioir com- rades of the (Jrand Army of tho llopublic W(nit tiirou^fli. This we must have i)al-ienco with. Sometimes thin<>s are said and done to- wards th(\ old soldier that "hurt me to the (|uick.'" and stir up an^er tiiat 1 would wish to have sloop: things more than cruel are said and done, hut 1 thank my (Jod that all tills comes from hut a very few. The gvani body of the American peoi)le, old and yoiuijf, appreciate tho mit>lity deeds of the soldiers of the Union, sympathizer witii them, and are ready by every kindness to do them jusiico. Tlie -.tatute hooks of oui' counl,ry attest tlie appreciation ami {^'onerosity of the Nation. L(!t us not ho uinnindful of t.hes{> thiti^is. Somotimc^s, jx^rhaps, w(; ask Too much, and i^xhihit too much our self-ai)i)reciation of wliat we did. Tho little l)utl;on on tho lapels of our coats is a modest thinji:, hut, it tolls of a mit,'hty hisioi'y; let us imit.ato its modesty. Wo will thus impress ourselves and our deeds upon tho memories of the people. Tell tho boys from mo that their countrv is u(tt unmindful of their acrifices and their sulTeriuf^s, .•ind that tlu' jj^roat act of .luiu- 27, 1890, which carried so many blossin^^s into so many homes will not be the last one, but that as our needs increase and our woMknossos develop, tho country, over on tlie alert, will enlarfj:o its heart for the ^ood of us all, and those in whom wo are interost(!d moro than in ourselves. I wish that I could be with you all for the handshake, the laugh, the story and tho tearful eye. There is no music to mo sweeter than tho broken voice of alToction as comiade meets comrade. I can look down yet iiiion tho 12th Iowa, into their dear faces as 1 spoke to them last, and see l he eyes all moist with alTect ionate r(M'ollections, eyes that scarcely llinchod when death was marshaling in front of them. I wish I could see them again. 1 hope to— most of you, although death's cruel sickel is moving witii horrid rapidity among our ranks, and re- ducing the numl)ers that attend our reunions. In conclusion, comrade, let me wisii for you all a joyous time at the reunion. Throw care to the winds, and give yourselves up to a ha|)py period. You all deserve it. To each and all, with their rela- tives, their wives and children, I send the alToctionate greetings of a sincere friend and comrade. Very kindly yours, D. li. IIkndbuson. Los Angeles, Cal., April 21, 1892. Majm' J. E. Slmpsnv, Secretary of Executive Committee ISth Regiment lotva Veteran Volunteers, Norfolk, Nebraska. Deau Sir: Received yours of March 13th, with your kind invita- tion to attend reunion of the glorious old 12tli Iowa. I would so glad- ly be with you, my dear comrades, but it is imiKissible this time and I must therefore content myself in living over in memory the meeting at Manchester in 1884, which 1 so much enjoyed with you. Hoping 28 FOURTH REUNION OF THE that yet many of the old boys may answer roll call on May 18, 1892, and that you may have a good and happy reunion, I remain with kind greetings and good wishes to you dear ones all, AtTectionately, your old Major, S. D. BUODTBECK. Lansing, Allamakee Co., Iowa, May 17, 1892. Dear Friend and Comrade Simpson: It is now more than thirty years since you and I met every morn- ing at orderly's call, and yet liovv vivid seem the memories of those times. How mucli pleasure it would give me to meet you and our old comrades once more. 1 defered writing to you until the last moment, thinking I might be able to come, but circumstances beyond my con- trol have denied me that pleasure. Not even the tempting olTer of certificate of disability from .Surgeons Finley and Underwood have dispensed the mundane difliculties in tlie way. 1 received the returned letters of Co. "B" but have been unable to relocate them. Comrade Isted left Milwaukee some time ago and went to Portage, Wis., and I have been informed that since he has moved west. Comrade Sanrice 1 hear is at lloseville. in this county. Comrades J. H. Huestis and Chas. Ogan have joined the great major- ity. Comrade John Dowling informed me tliat he had intended com- ing, but the loss of his home by tire prevented. Of the ninety-seven men who left Lansing in 18tJl, but Knud Iverson and myself are still left in the city. And now dear comrade although the fates prevent my bodily pres- ence, I shall be with you in spirit, and with my best wishes for the happiness of yourself and the dear comrades of the old 12th, 1 am Yours in fraternity, charity and loyaltv, John D. Cole. Omaha, May 17, 1892. To Maj. D. W. Eccd, President, or J. E. Simpson, Secretanj, 12th loioa Tteunion: Comrades: Mrs. Hobbs and I are here enroute for Sioux City. The railroad agent here discourages our going on, as the floods are en- dangering the possibility of ever getting tlirough. You all know the disappointment this brings us, the long waited for reunion. If this is in any way general I trust you will arrange for a reunion in the near future. I have prepared a paper on Hospital Department, bringing it with me, but now am unable to get it to you. Will have it before you on next occasion of our coming together, which, may God grant. Be assured, dear brothers, of my endearing love for all that ever marched and fought as 12th lowans, and every dear boy that enrolled at Camp Union. Yours atfectionatelv, J. C. H. Hobbs, Mrs. C. E. Hobbs. 1441 G Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., May 1(). 1892. Gen'l J. H. Stibhs, Sioux City, loim: My Dear Gen'l: Nothing would please me better than to meet you and the boys of the gallant 12tli Iowa, but my office duties this week are such it is out of tlie question to leave. God bless you all. Very truly, II. C. McArthur., TnoTEN, lowA. May 17, 1892.' /. E. Sim2)son, Acting Sec";/ of the Societtf, 12th Iowa, Sioux City, Iowa: Dear Comrade: It is witli the deepest regret that tliis will have TWELFTH IOWA V. Y. INFANTRY. 29 to substitute my personal attendance at this itli reunion of the 12th Iowa. As nothing- but a serious sicl^ness in the family could have kept me at home, I am sorry to inform you that my wife being now in a very critical condition, suffering from heart disease, thus mailing it an impossibility for me to be with you. But, dear friends, I am with you in my mind if not in person, and hoping you will have an exceed- ingly good time at your meeting 1 will close with my best respects to all the "boys." Truly yours, 6. P. RoCKWOIiD, Late Member of Co. "G," 12th Iowa. Parsons, Kansas, May 14, 1892. Mr. J. E. Simpson., Norfolk, Neb.: Dkar Sir: Your letter cotaining two badges and an invitation to attend the reunion of the 12th Iowa Infantry at Sioux City, was re- ceived this morning. Having previously received two printed invita- tions my conscience smote me when I remembered that in the rush of daily duties I had failed to acknowledge their receipt. I at-sure you it was not indifference that caused the neglect. Great pleasure it would give my mother, who is yet with us but no longer enjoys good health, my brother, and each of my three sisters, as well as myself, to be pres- ent with you and look into the eyes and clasp the hands of those noble men who held such a warm place in the heart of our beloved husband and father. My mother says that she well remembers when the "boys" marched up to the quarters at Benton Barracks and received their new guns, what a tine regiment they were, and not long after when my father came home wounded, how often he would mourn for his "noble boys" In rebel prisons. Though none of us can be with you in person we will all be there in heart and spirit. The badges you so kindly sent will be worn by m.v mother and myself during the time of the reunion, in honor of the regiment, and I will also make mine the subject of an object lesson to the young children in my school room at that time and endeavor to instill in their youthful minds a genuine love for our country and a feeling of respect, honor and reverence for the gallant soldiers who so bravely defended and preserved the nation. My mother, brother and sisters unite with me in wishing for the surviving comrades of the noble 12th Iowa Infantry a pleasant, joyful reunion and many peaceful hanpy years at the sunset of life. Yery respectfully, Carrik Woods. Memphis, Tenn., May 10, 1892. Captain J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Nebraska: My Dear Sir: The circular sent out by you inviting me to the fourth quadrennial reunion of the 12th Regiment of Iowa Infantry volunteers is received. It is a matter of profound regret to me that I am unable to attend that reunion in consequence of the fact that I am now engaged in the trial of appeal cases in the Supreme Court of the State at Jackson, Tennessee, where I will be more or less engaged during the remainder of this month. The absence of so many comrades who have crossed over the river vFould make the occasion one of sadness rather than pleasure to me. Among those who have left us to return no more is my brother, Col. S. R. Edgington, who presided at the last reunion. I want, if possible, to meet the survivors of the "old 12th" once more and renew the friendships of the past. 30 FOURTH REUNION OF THE From the organization of the 12th until the battle of Shiloh, I was the file leader of the regiment. The regiment dressed on my button and it took its step from me. My stop is just as elastic now as it was at Camp Benton, Fort Henry, Donclson and Sliiloli. My heart goes out to tlie survivors of the "old 12th" and 1 hope they may have a good time at the reunion at Sioux City, Iowa, on May 18th and 19th. Permit me through you. to express to the survivors of the 12th my high appreciation of them individually and collectively. Your old comrade, T. B. Edoington. Washington, I). C, April 19, 1892. /. E. Simpmn^ Esq., Norfolk, Nebraska: Dear Comuadk: Some time since I received from you an invita- tion to the Ith (luadrennial reunion of tl\e 12th Iowa Infantry, to be held at Sioux City, Iowa, May 18 and 19, 1892. I very much regret that it will be impossible for me to he present with the boys on tluit occasion. I expect to go to Iowa next fall, whicli renders my going this spring out of the question. I liope you will have a pleasant time and I further hope to meet some of the 12th Iowa boys at the gathering of the G. A. R. hosts which will assemble in this city this summer. My address is 1921 ()th Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C, and the latch string is always outside. Be pleased to present my warmest regards to all who may be pres- ent. Fraternally yours, H. J. Playter, Capt. Co. "H" 12th Iowa Infantry. Kansas City, Mo., May 0, 1892. /. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Nebraska: Dkar Ccjmrade: Your circular calling on the boys of the glorious old 12th Iowa Infantry, to meet in Sioux City, Iowa, May 18 and 19, to hand. I would have replied sooner but was trying to arrange so that I could tell you I would be there, but I find it will be impossible. Nothing In this world would give me more pleasure than to meet once more with those that are left of our regiment, for I have more than a brotherly love for each and every one of our regiment, be they dead or alive. Give my kindest regards to all the boys; tell them my heart is with them if I am not there in person. My health is poor. Shall be pleased to hear from you or any of the boys at any time. Should any of you ever come to this city don't fail to call and see me. Your old comrade and friend, N. E. Duncan. Davenport, Iowa, March 20, 1892. ./. E. Simiison: Dear Comrade: Yours of recent date containing notice of the death of Com. Phillips, received. I am grieved to hear of his death. He was a good soldier and a good man. I return you the card in order that it may V)e reported at the reunion, and liope some one else of "K'' Co. can be found to till the place assigned to me, which I was not aware of till the receii)t of your circular of a few weeks ago. I am so remote from all members of the company and regiment that I hear nothing of what has happened to any of them. Again, although I regret to say it, I do not expect to be able to attend the reunion. 1 have a matter coming before our state encampmen t G. A. R. which meets only a few days before that compels me to atte nd that meeting and it will be absolutely impossible for me to spend the time for both, TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 31 meetings at one time, which would have to be the case. I was greatly In hopes of attending this reunion and having another good visit with "the boys," and regret exceedingly that I cannot. Kindly remember me to them, and express my hope that all may live to see several more reunions of the regiment. Sincerely yours, J. B. Morgan. Berrien Springs, Mich., May 12, 1892. J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Nebraska: Dear Comrade AND Comrades: My intentions have been to be present with you the 18th and 19th, hence seeking to have an old fash- ioned camp visit together once more as the old vets love each other, but I write this note to you to let you know I cannot be present with you this reunion, but will try and be present the next reunion of our old regiment. Kindly remember me to all of our ''boys" and your family. I am your comrade, N. J. Davis. Spring Valley, Minn., May 1.3, 1892. Greetings to the Comrades of the 12th Iowa Vet. Vol.: I had hoped to have been one of the number to attend the 4th quadrennial reunion at Sioux City, it being the flrst time I have had the pleasure of knowing the date, but it is impossible, as our W. R. C. convention meets in our city about the same time and cannot leave, but feel like saying, "God bless the comrades that are left of the 12th Iowa." There is nothing sends the blood coursing through my veins equal to the name of that regiment, perhaps owing some to the ac- quaintances 1 formed among Lliem while on my visit in the south, but more particularly tlie many acts of kindness shown me after the death of my husband, A. A. Burdick, who fell in defence of his country. Accept the best wishes of one who is interested in all comrades that are left and I trust this reunion will be one of the bright spots in your life for "time and tide" waiteth for no man. Respectfully in F. C. & L., Mrs. Jennie Sturdivant, President Burdick W. R. C. No. 38, Auxiliary to Burdick Post No. 3, Spring Valley, Minn. St. John's Rectory, Home-de-Grace, Md., [ March 21st. 1892. \ My Dear Doctor: Your letter of the ISth inst. came this morn- ing. Your worthy self and the 12th I. V. V. Inft. awake the slumber- ing thoughts of times, deeds and scenes, which seem to be vanishing from material sight and hearing in the past, yet living and bright in thoughts and sight, in memory's palace halls. Your committee's cir- culars for the "fourth quadrennial reunion" is admirable. To meet the comrade patriots once more would be a joy and delight. Yet there will be sad thoughts awakened by so many vacancies in the regiment caused by death. But our captain is the Prince of life. "Dust thou art, to dust returneth," was not spoken of the soul. God's blessings on the veterans of the 12th Iowa Infantry. For me to be at Sioux City, May 18 and 19, will be Impossible. I heartily thank you for your letter and circular. Remember me kindly to the veterans and to your own family. We march under one cap- tain, a few more suns, a few more bivouacs, then the reunion on the "further shore." Yours for God and country, F. Humphrey. 32 FOURTH REUNION OF THE Under severe regime my health in this climate has improved. St. Paul, Minn., May 14, 1892. Dear Major Reed: I will be in Chicago on the 18th or 19th. You doubtless will be gone to the 12th Reg. Reunion. I am sorry not to have time to go too. Please give a cordial greeting to the members forme. I cherisli altogether pleasant memories of my association with the veterans of the regiment and shall always esteem it an honf)r to have commanded so soldierly a body of men. Perhaps I will tlnd time to write a brief note of regret and greeting to you at Sioux City. Yours truly, W. R. Marshall. St. Paul, Minn., May 20, 1892. Judge J. IV. Weaver., Sioux City, Iowa: My Dear Sir: Major Van Duzee and myself started for Sioux City last Tuesday night: we got as far as Heron Lake, when our train was turned around and we returned to St. Paul. We were very much dis- appointed that we could not meet the "boys"; however, from all re- ports that 1 hear from Sioux City, 1 fear that our reunion was close on to a failure. I hope, however, that you have only adjourned it for one year. Have the kindness to write me and tell me all alx>ut what you did and when the adjournment was to. Yours respectfully, AL. J. RODGBRS. Des Moines, Iowa, April 26, 1892. Mr. J. E. Simpson, Secretaey 12th loxm. Regimental Association, Norfolk, Nebraska: Dear Comrade: I very much regret being compelled to write you that it will be an impossibility for me to be present at the regimental reunion to be held at Sioux City next month. Therefore, I write you while there is still time for some other member of Co. A to be placed on the program to report for that company, and would suggest .Capt. A. E. Webb, or Lt. I). V. Ellsworth, both of Eldora, Iowa, tor that- duty. Trusting that you will have an interesting and joyful reunion, and hoi)ing that you are and yours are well and happy, I am as ever Always yours, R. S. Clarkson. Washington, D. C, May 5, 1892. D. W. Reed, President of the 12th lovxi Association: My Dear Major: I regret very much my inability to be with you on the occasion of our fourth reunion and can only express to you, and through you to my comrades of the dear old 12th, my great disappoint- ment in not being able to be present and to participate in the warm greetings each will receive from every comrade, to join in and add my little mite of pleasure to tliat of those whose love for each other is welded together with a tire more fervent, a band more Hrm, than that of almost any other, not excepting tlie ties of kindred. We learned to bear with each other and sink our little differences, social and polit ical, when standing in solid phalanx when the bullets of the enemy swept down to death our brother or our mess-mate: when on the long weary march; many times when a piece of fat hog and an army crack- er was the sweetest morsel we had ever eaten. These bands are stronger and more enduring than those iron ones with whicli Wertz bound four of us together for eight days and nights, wlien in prison at Tuscaloosa, Ala., for displaying the llaj: for which we fought. I will refrain from alluding further to the past, with which y(»u are all so familiar, and confine my thoughts to the presen',, hoping that you all n I HHimn TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 3.3 enjoy good health and enough of the blessings of this life to be happy. But, dear comrades, I am sensible to the fact that many of you are suffering from the effects of your exposure in camp life'and from the ravages of disease contracted during the years you gave to your coun- try's cause. I am happy to say, beloved comrades, that I have reason- ably good health and must certainly retain some of my youthful ap- pearance as many question my claim to having been in the army, of which fact proof is unnecessary to you. I am again in the service of Uncle Sam, at a fair salary, and am not anxious for a discharge. Hop- ing to meet many of you here at the National Encampment of the (t. a. R. and that you will have a most glorious and happy time at this reunion, I am. Yours devotedly, S. R. BUKCH. The following telegrams whicii were received and read at the re- union will serve to show how comrades were trying to get to Sioux City: Fort Dodge, Ia., May 18, 1892. To J. N. Weaver: This wing of the 12' h Iowa has been temporarily repulsed. Re- pulse may become a rout. Superintendent says does not think we can get through; track reported washed out in several places between here and Sioux City. There is not one in party who feels like praying. A, Wilson and wife. Kemp, C. Moine and wife, Stuart, Lattimer, Grannis. Ballinger, Hazelette; D, Ayers; E, Schack, Church; T, Dun- ham, Tom and Wayne, Nelson, Cooldridge, McGowan, Preston; H, Fis- chel, Horner; I, McDermott, and Nagle. Answer here. C. E. Merriam. Heron Lake, Minn, May 18, 1892. To Judge J. N. Weaver: We are storm bound here. Can't you send us an ox team. Van Duzee and Rodgers. Sibley, Ia., May 18, 1892. 2'o Mr. Preddent and Comrades: Can not advance; must retreat. Sorry to say a 12th Iowa man ever retreats but no other show. Kind regards to all. Ed H. Bailey, And Scott, Barr, Hartwell, Buttolph, Lewis, Mareph. Sheldon, Ia., May 18, 1892. To J. E. Simpson: Dr. Barr six others here; since last night dozen more at Worthing- ton and Sibley. Any boys there? E. R. Soper. RiDGEWAY, Ia., May 18, 1892. To Major D. W. Beed: Comrades, greeting to you all. Co. G most of all. Anton E. Anderson, D. O. Aker. Perry, Ia., May 18, 1892. To Judge J. N. Weaver: Delayed by a wreck. Will be there sometime today. J. H. Stibbs. 34 FOURTH REUNION OF THE Lemars, Ia., May 18, 1892. To Color Bearer G ranis, Veteran: Trains not running; cannot got down; mu^t see the boys. Can't reunion be postponedV H. C. Curtis. Sioux Falls, S. D., Mav 19, 1892. To 12th Rey't Reunion, ^2 5th St.: Will come tomorrow if you are in session. Answer soon. J. B. Hazelet. Manilla, Ia., May 19, 1892. To John A. Weaver: VViic ine here if T sh:tll make furtlier effort to reach you. D. W. Reed. Rock Valley, Ia., May 19. 1892. To HeaiViuarters 121h Iowa Ecc/t: Dear Comrades: Owing to the high waters am unable to reach you. Respects to y(tu and yours in F. C. L. T. P. R. Ketchum. Sterling. Neb.. May 18, 1892. D) J. N. Weaver: Cannot get there in time on account of washouts. Peter Kearns. Lemars. Ioava, Mav 20, 1892. To J. N. Weaver: Sick in bed since Tuesday or would have walked down: must come by first tiain. Have all brave boys go to the Garretson till I can come at my expense. Tell Grannis and Reed tf) keep Co. C. till tomorrow. Put me down for twenty-tlve dollai's to Sioux City sufferer's fund. H. C. Curtis. Denver. Col., Mav IT, 1892. To Maj. D. W. Reed: Greeting to all; I :im with you in spirit, (rod bless you and yours. Yours under llie tiag, Elizabeth A. Sokin. LETTERS FROM COMPANY •D." The following is an abstract of the letters received from comrades of Co. D, in response to letters of Capt. E. B. Soper, urging their at- tendance at the Sioux City reunion: Capt. Iliel Hale, deputy warden of U. S. penitentiary at Yuma, Arizona, said: "I very much i-egret that I cannot be at the reunion. I liave been looking forward to this grand rally of the survivors of Co. D and the li:th Iowa with great anxiety, and thought all along that 1 would be there but tlnl it imiiossible tf) get away from my duties. U, is impossible for me to tell you how great to me the disapi)ointment is and so will not attempt it. Remember me kindly to them all. May the reunion be a great success and may the blessings of the Great Commander rest upon all the survivors and at last when their earthly TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 35 campaign is ended, may they one and all hear His command to enter into the kingdom prepared for them, is the prayer of Your friend and comrade, Hikl Hale. The Cedar Rapids contingent wrote from Sibley the 19th, as fol- lows: "We left Cedar Rapids at 12:30 the 17th and ran to Iowa Falls K, then trouble began. Rain and wind laid us out at nearly every station, but arrived at Sibley 5:30 p. m., the 18th, and found trains on the C. St. P. M. & O. abandoned, and no prospects of an advance movement but very good prospects of our retreat being cut off. Being members of a regiment that never retreated we hate to set an exam- ple but must. All of us so wanted to see old Co. D comrades but can't this time. Words will not express our regrets."' Homer C. Morehead, Edwin H. Bailey, Chas. W. Clark, Jo N W. Roavan, Joseph (). Sartwell, EdW^N a . BUTTOLPH, Thomas Bakr, Thomas J. Lewis, Joseph Scott. Lieut, and Adjutant Sylvester R. Burch writes from Washington, D. C: "The program of the 12th Iowa reunion with your note thereon was forwarded to me by my wife. She still remains in Olathe, Kan. 1 am again in the employ of "Uncle Sam." After I had completed my supervisor's work of the eleventh census I was ordered here and re- mained in that work uni il the first of last September, when I resigned and was appointed an auditing clerk in the department of agriculture division of accounts which I like very much. The salary is sufficient to make a good living. There are only three in my family; my daugh- ters are both married, one living in Olathe and the other at Lake Charles, La. I am now 50 years old and grandfather, but my age is more frequently placed at 4U than 50 and my health is quite good. I can only get 30 day leave of absence in eacli year and am compelled to use that attending to some business at my old home and will have to forego the pleasure of visiting my old comrades, every one of whom I love." Wm. Baumgardner writes: "I still stop at Scranton, Iowa, and if I am alive and well you will see me at the reunion at Sioux City. -I hope to see all the old comrades once more for soon our days are short." Edwin H. Bailey writes: "If nothing happens more than I now know of I shall be with you at the reunion at Sioux City, May LStli and 19th." Henry W. Bailey writes: "I will be at Sioux City on time." Dennis Conley writes: "Yours of the 17th at hand and in reply to your kind invitation and offer I will have to say, nay. I find it will be impossible ror me to come as I liave employment and can't leave: must •{(i FOURTH REUNION OF THE attend to what I am doing and take the best care I can as I am placed at a disadvant ay:c ever since that "Tupelo affair." The older I {jet the more I worry over my loss— -nt// (jrcat /o.s.s. I am the only one tliat feels it sorely. I can see and I'eiU the dilTerence ])ctwcen the day 1 enlisted and the day I was discliaryed if nobody else can. A^ain tlianln- orcd citizens. 48 FOURTH REUNION OF THE Roster of Members of the 12th Iowa V. V. Infantry, so far as Known at the time of this Reunion. FIELD AND STAFF. Colonel— .T. H. Stibbs, Room 88 P. O. Building, Chicago, 111. Lt. Colonel— S. G. Knee, Colesburg, Iowa. Major— S. D. Brodtbeck, 113 South Broadway, Los i\ngelcs, Cal. Major— E. M. Van Duzee, St. Paul, Minn. Major— D. W. Reed, Suite 814 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. Surgeon— C. C. Parker, Fayette, Iowa. Surgeon— Myron Underwood, Eldora, Iowa. Ass't Surgeon— W. H. Finley, Franklin, Neb. Ass't Surgeon — James Barr, Algona. Iowa. Adjutant N. E. Duncan, care U. S. Custom Hou.'-e, Kansas City, Mo. Adjutant— S. R. Burcb, Olatbe, Kansas. Quartermaster — G. H. Morrisey, Manchester, Iowa. Quartermaster— H. C. Morehead, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Chaplaifa — Frederick Humphrey, Fairmount, Minn. Hospital Steward— J. C. H. Ilobbs, U41 G Street, Lincoln, Neb. Hospital Steward— J. J. Walker, De Witt. Missouri. Com. Sergt. — James Evans, Dubuque, Iowa. Sergt. Major— A. J. Rodgers, St. Paul, Minn. Drum Major— T. R. McKee, Room 102, Boston Bl'k, Denver, Col. Fife Major— D. S. Martin, Iowa FaKs, Iowa. Fife Major— S. M. French, Room 102, 'Boston Bl'k, Denver, Col. COMPANY A. Armstrong, B A, Liscomb, Iowa. Bowers, I H Eldora, la Bird, G M, Illinois. Bell, Thos R, Iowa Falls, Iowa Brother, A, Magnalia, O. Brown, S B, Jewell City. Kan Congar, J D Eldora Hardin Co, la Clarkson, R P, Des Moines, la Cromwell, T C, Oakland, la Combes, E C, Hanover, 111 Cobb, G H, Eldora, la. Crist, Job, Marshalltown, la Dobbins, Hiram Jewel Co, Kan, R Dobbins, Levi, Eldora, la Ellsworth, I) V, Newman Grove, Edgington, T B, 18 Madison St Nebraska Memphis, Tenn. Ferree. S R, Belle Plaine, la Fountain. Francis Haskins, G H, Maryville, Mo Glass, Carl, Dayton (Mill Home) O Hunter, J R C, Webster, la Havwood. W P, Lions, la, R Iback, B D, Eldora, la Hobbs, J C 11,1441 G St,Lincoln,Neb Kidwiler, M, Mo Jackson, Samuel, Oregon Kellogg, R E, Dows, la Kemp, Sumner, Alden, la TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 49 Macy, SeLli, Des Moines, la Lefever, Simon, Bolekow, Mo Mann, A J, Perry, la McPlierson, W G ISIooie, G W. Mary vi lie. Mo Moore, W W, Manchester, la Miller, Zabina Mann, Wni, Steamboat Rock, la. R Mitclieli. (r W. Lawn Hill, la Martin, 1) S, Iowa P'alls, la Parisli. William Richards, William Reed. G W, Yaikie, Mo Riinkle, G M, Plankinton, Dak liiilo. G W. South Bend. Ind Richards, Jos, P>oone. la, R Spiague. K S, Fremont, Neh. R Sawin. E S, Union, la Wilson. T H. Robertson, la Walker. Samuel. Dewitt, Mo. R Welsh, Nathan Wickam. A J, Eagle City, la Webb, A E, Eldora, la Zieger, J W. Eld(.ra, la ' Zieger. N W COMPANY B. Captain Willard C Earle Waukon. Iowa ' • Watson 11 Hanscom • . died ' ' 1st Lieut L II Merrill died. Montgomery , Ala., May 29, 1862 J H Borger died, Salt Creek Station. 111. J P Jackson Village Creek, Iowa 2d Lieut. J DCole Lansing. '■ Sergt Maj A J Rodgers St. Paul, Minn 1st Sergt Geo Ibach Preston, Minn Sergt. J 1) Spaulding dead Elias Repp 1) Harbaugh died at Macon. Ga., Oct. 15, 1862 Henry Fry Pennsylvania " W P Winter Bancroft, Iowa " John Upstrom 403 4th Street, Sioux Falls. S D '• R B Sargent Kansas Corp'l H Goodrich M J Roe died at Macon, Ga., Sept 29. 1882 " F E Hancock died at Annapolis, Md., Oct 27. 1862 " Stephen Tliibeda Waukon. Iowa " Robert Wampler " •• " Aslak Larson Preston, Minn Fred Monk Eitzen, " " L D Bearce Onawa, Iowa M Engelhorn '• W B Bort Viroqua, Wis Wagoner E J White died at French Creek, Iowa Wagoner Augustus H West Andrews. H R, West Union, la Adams. O F Bailey, Geo N, St Paul, Minn Bailey. W F, St Paul. Minn Beise'l, J B, died Lansing, la, Feb 25, 1864 Brock, (Uistavus Bryant, J L, died Macon, Ga., Sept 25, '62 Butts, J H, Cherokee, la Bathen, Robt, Riceville, Minn Barnhart, Amos L, Bort, A K, Viroqua, Wis died May4'64, Memphis, Tenn Bort, M Jas, died at Lansing, la Burnham, H Burlingame, O D, 193 Calico, Geo,died St Louis, Jan 7 '62 South Water St, Chicago, 111 Churchill, L B Candee, Geo Decker, Adam. Lansing, Iowa Castellar, Frank Dodge, Ansel H, deserted 1861 Deeney, Cornelius, died Milwau- Dowling, John, French Creek, la kee '64, at Soldiers' Home Edwards. Isaac Dowling, Thos, Rossville, Iowa Ericksen, E A. Salem, Dak Ettle, George, Waukon, Iowa Ferguson. B, Akron. la Feidt, John ssKivsi-, J ■^i!.r^^'f'i2-i-4,^ •eiv/lJi^fe'fil'Sskiij;^-? -.-v.^i2:*i •ajteAiafiiSS ;■() Fonirni reunion of the (Jrt'onap. S II, Mollcy. Minn (rDfxlykoonts. I) F. Uooiic. Iowa (Jritlin. Law renci'. (Icsci'tcd (Ji-ccmii). p] T, diod.lul.v 18, Hawkins. Hiram l.S(i4. Memphis, Tonn Hanson. .lens, died Oct 5, "«i2, Hanson. O. died .Iun(> .'{0. ■(>2. Macon. (Ja Atlanta, (ia Ilucstis. J II. Watorville. la Hnsi'hes. .Ino. died St Lonis. Mo Ilannan, Lawrence, died .hdv 28 Husted. Jacob M. died .Inly 29. 18()4. Cairo. Ill 1S()4. Memphis. Tenn Isted. I 15 S. Milwaukee, Wis. U Iverson, Knud. Lansinj^-. la Jennin<^s. I) V Jones, Ileni-y Johnson, Lewis Kimr-Chas. (VdOct. 12"()2,Macon,(Ja Klees. Fiank, Rossville. la Knuck. Henry •• 10 ■()2. " Knndson, Hans KU'ven.Sani Auf? 24 "()2, '• Lankins, F W, died in Nebraska Lene. Aut>ust. killed. Tupalo. Lewis. Fdwaid Miss, Juh 1.'), l.S()4 Larson, Kensil Larkins, Rees N Maynard, W M, died Sept (i McCabe, ilujiii. Waukon. Iowa 18(1.3, Vicksiiur^, Miss McKay. Frank Mc(Juire. Riian. Freeport, 111, 11 Miner. Jaspei' J. died Dec 24. 'HI McClintock, Jas, llossville, la McI)onald. James Mann, Ansel E. dead Noves, Alonzo Noyes, Clias H, died Aug 7 Nve, (r F, d"d Nov (i. '(i:iLansin<,^ la 1S()2, Macon. Ga Ogan. Chas C. Sibley. la Oleson. Ole Oleson, Barnhart Oleson, Jno. S]M'ing (Jrove. Minn IVterson, Boie Perry, Edwin U. died Nov (i, "()2 i'aLteison. Jas W, died of wounds Annapolis, Md July 24, ■(i4, Mempliis, Tenn Peck. Ira E, d'd J"v Ki, "(12, Macon, Ga Peck, John P. Plankinton, S I) Peck, Simon, d"d Sept 24. •' Pratt, M H. Snokane Falls, Wash Plank, Levi, Lake De Fnniak, Fla Porter, John H Piatt, U G, Storm Lake, la Russell. Chas. lirooklvn. Mo Roe, Charles E Sohn, Jno. d'd Dec 21, '"62, St Louis Stack. Thos, d'd Jan 11. ■()2. St Louis Schitt'hauer, Rich Sjodin, Peter, dead Scot t. Jos. d'd Oct .'U. ■«)2. St Louis Stecker. Wm Slillman, Jno J. killed Feb 13 Stortz. Joseph "62, Ft Donolson. Tenn Smith. C S, North McGregor, la Smith. Ira J Sanner. Michael F. Rossville. la, R Thayer. Jesse Thronson, Knud, died June 30 Woodmansee. Isaac. Rossville. la ■<)2. Atlanta. Ga White, Wm M. died June 30 Wood, Edwin W" '62. Macon. Ga Wood, Stejjhen Winter. Rufus. dead Wilber. Robert Walcoit, Daniel H. died Nov 23 Winter. Francis A. killed July '65. Talladega, Ala 14, '(54. Tupelo. Miss Warberg.Ole R,Spring Grove,Min R Note:— Total number of Company, 132; of whom repf)rtcd dead. 42: disability during service. 30: from wounds. 4: woiuided in action, 3."): taken ])risoners April (i, '()2. at Shiloli, Tenn., ad: killed inaction, 3. COMPANY C. Captain Wm Warner died at Memphis. Tenn, Dec 12, 1863 •' Geo W Cook, R Medicine Lodge, Kan David W Reed (Major 12th Iowa) Suite 814. Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. 111. " Wm L Henderson Riceville. Iowa 1st Lieut David B Henderson, (Col 46th Iowa) Dubuque, Iowa Ilenrv J Grannis Randalia, Iowa 2d Lieut Aaron M Smith died at South Bend. Ind. Jan 1. 1883 TWELFTH IOWA V. \. INFANTRY. 51 1st Ser^t .)er F Hutchins, (Capt Co E. 12th la) Minneapolis, Minn Nars^-eiit (Gilbert llazlott Allison, Iowa Emery Claik. dead E.staline. Dak " James Stewart West Union, Iowa " Pliilo li Woods Fayette. Iowa riiineas Iv Ketchum. 1\ Windsor, Iowa Frank U' Moine Strawberry Point, Iowa Corporal David Connoi' died of wounds. Nashville, Jan 5, 18(55 Thomas Henderson killed at Shiloh, April 6. 18(52 Samuel F lirush died at Macon. Ga. Oct 31, 18(i2 '• (Jeo L Durno Springville, Iowa '• James Barr. ( Ass't Surg 12th Iowa) Aigona. Iowa Daniel 1) Wainer died at Macon, Ga, Sept 10, IHiVl John W Hysong West Point, Neb '• Joseph I) Baker Monti vidio, Minn " Geo E Comstock Manchester, Iowa '• Henry C Curtis Leniars, Iowa John A Delezene Rock Rapids, Minn William H Jordon Cheney, Wash '■ Amos K Ketchum Clarion. Iowa John E Kent Belle Plaine, Iowa 1 W King Emerick, Neb Musician Sumner Hartshorn Dundee, Musician xVbbott. Edward J.Santa Anna. Cal Ayers, J L, d"d Macon, Ga, Oct 3, '62 Beck, Samuel C, Waverly, Iowa Adams,Ed,d'dFayette,Ia.Dec20,'71 Baliinger. John W, Lacey, Iowa Blanchard,S S,died at Pottsville, la lirown. John T lirovvn. Albert, re-enlisted in 9th Bi'own. Geo, Woodstock, 111. R Iowa cav.. killed by accident at Burroughs. Get) A Douglas, Iowa Hickory Plain, Ark, Dec 24. "(5-1 Barton, Alvah H Bowers, Wm H, Limestoneville, Pa Bushnell. A bner C, died at Baker, Miles.d'd Nov 19, "(57, Eden, la Pueblo. Col. Jan, 1892 Beadle,IIenry, d'd Macon, Aug 9, '62 P>arr. Henry. Tama county, Iowa P>rown, Addison L, des'ed Selraa, Ala Barnes, .las. (transfer from 27) Becktell, David '1\ Volga City, la Benjamin. Nathan, drafter! Brant, Allen, transfer from 27 Bennetieid, Wm. substitute Fairbanks, Iowa Cliase. T H. d'd St Louis Mar 28. "62 Browsley, Wm, drafted Connor, Felix " Jan 14, '62 Clark, Henry, Melbourne, la, R Connjr, Dan'l " '' Connor. Sam"l, Maxwell, la Crossman. Silas, died Elgin, la Card, Silas B April 14, 1881 Clawson.Elij. d'd St Louis Jan 10,'(52 Carmichael. Jas H. Illyria, Iowa Carrington, Cha^-, Mitchell county Comstock. Frank. St Louis CanHeld. Theron P, 27th la, Davis. Jay C, Wis Buffalo Grove, Iowa, R Davis, A J. Berrian Spring, Mich Delezene, Benj, Republic City, Kan Dawson. John. 27th Iowa Forbes, David, Elgin. la Forbes, Wm d'd St Lf)uis Jan 2. '62 Grannis, Geo W, missing at Shi- George. Henry, died of wounds loh, never heard from " M'd Citv, May 2, '62 Gifford. Simeon, Douglass, la Gillam, Ezekiel D. 27th Iowa Hood.ArzoF,d'd StLouis, Jan31,"62 Hazlett, John B. Sioux Falls, S D Hamlin, Wm A, Crawford, Neb House, Nathan, died Savannah IHll. John W Tenn, April, 18(52 Hill, Benj J Hendershot, Thos, Plainview, Neb Henkee, Martin, died at Henselbecker, Henry, Blutfton, la Memphis, April 17, 1864 HinlveJ, Edward. Winfield. Iowa Hamlin, Lyman S, Oelwein, la Jordon. Isadore L. Alton, Ivan Husted, Jacob M Jaques. Luther, Crawford, Neb Henderson, Jas A, 27th Iowa, Jones, Geo M. drafted Cherokee, Iowa Jewell, Jas E, 27th Iowa Jones,Henry, d'd St Louis Jan 17, "62 52 FOURTH REUNION OF THE .7ack\va.v.(J H. 2Tth la. Lainotit. la Jordon, Daniel 1\I, killod at Kent. Win A, Harmn. Wis llocialale, Tex, Nov 10, 1881 Lewis, Leroy.i I'd St Louis. .Ian 3. "()3 Kelley, Artemus Latliincr. (Jeo IL West (Jatc. la Kclsoy, E A, Tripoli. la Lyons. Wni A. West Union. la Lattinier. Robt Z. Fayette. la Lott, Lawrence. 1249 Larson, Clias,l, '(12 llein|)sliiie St, Quincy, 111 Little, .latnes Mattocks. Jason L, MmneaDolis Munger. Albert P.Cowlitz, "Wasli.R " Ross, Wadena. Iowa ISlcCail. Daniel E. Culver, Kan McCall, J no W. Neniaiia, Neb Mclntyre, Tlios .1, died at Vicksl)urg, Feb 2(). "(iS ]VrcElvain..Ino.d"d ]McL(>ansl)()ro,lll Mucliniore, Ste;)lien D. 27th Martin, Ciias L 2Ttli. llorton. la Pendleton, Chas E. killed Patterson. Samuel W, 27tli Shiloli. April (>, 1802 Proctor, (Jeo W. 2Ttli. Lawrens. la Pitts. .las. drafted, London. Kan Priclut. .Ino L, drafted Quivey. Wni W, Pierce, Neb Quivey,.Ino.(r(l Oct 4. '(12. Macon. (Ja Russell, (rranville. died Feb 17 Rod^iei's, Reuben F. Waucoma. Li '62, St Louis Rockwell. Wm R. drafted Rodolpli, .John J Simar,Wirrd E,rd Macon, Oct 10. '62 SiM'ars, Niles IL West Gate, Ta Smii-h, Norton T. killed at Smith, Jacob R. Ft Smith, Ks Vicksburtr, May 22, 62 Smith. Henry C. died May 3. Siegman.Chas.d'd An'apolisOct 27" "63. Miliken's IVd. La Stone, Dan'l, Waucoma, Iowa Stoiie,Sam"l,d'd AnnapolisOct3,'62 Spears, I) H, d'dSedalia, Novl2, 'G4 Sykes, Orvis, Freeport, 111 Strong. John P, Schuyler, Neb Sherbune. Daniel Saulsbiiry. John. Ivanhoe. Kan Sprowls. John Utter. Albert. Sycamore, III Tatro, Aug, Clermont, la Williams. Rudolph, West Union, la N'erdin. Isaiah, C Warner, Walter H, Clermont, la Wallace, Chas, died .July 9, '63. Wait, A'an Buren, deserted Hospital Boat St Louis. April. 1863 COMPANY I). Roster of the Survivors of Co. D, 12th Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, revised and corrected by Capt. E. B. Soper, Sibley. Iowa: Col John IT Stibbs, room 88, PO Thomas J Lewis, Cedar Rapids, la building, Chicago, Illinois William L Lee, P O box 844, Capt Hiel Hale, Yuma, Arizona Helena, Jlontana Capt E B Soper, Emmetsburg, la Bentley Luse, West Liberty, Iowa Capt John M Clark, Cedar Rapids, Jas H Little, Mt Carmel, Illinois Iowa Richard S Martin Lieut Homer C Moorhead, Cedar Alpheus H McEntyre Ranids, Iowa B Frank Morrow, Georgetown, Lieut Eli King, Washington, Kan Custer county, Nebraska Lyman M Ayers, Cedar Rapids, la O H Maryatt, Del Norte. Rio Edwin A Buttolph, Cedar Rapids, Grande county, Colorado Iowa David W Minor, Areata, Hum- William Bumgardiner, Scranton, boldt county, Colifornia Iowa Nathan G Price, Jewel City. Kan Sylvester R Burch, Olathe, Kan J V George Price, Mountain Edwin H liailey, P'reedonia, Kan Grove, Missouri Henry W Bailey, Kirkman, Iowa Theodore L Prescott Allen M Blanchard, No 11 Ed- Howard Pangburn, Palouse, ward St, No division, Chicago, 111 Whitman county. Washington Thomas Barr, Shelsburgh, Iowa Dennis C Quigley. Plover, Iowa Jolui W Burch, Cedar Junction, John W Rowan, Vinton, Iowa Johnson county, Kar sas Henry W Ross, Campbell, Frank- A C Blood lin county, Nebraska TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 53 Angus W Brown Frank Renchin, Blooming Prairie, Hiram V Cooper. Littleport. Iowa Minnesota Dennis Conley, Davenport, Iowa Jesse H Ross, Villa Park, Colorado Jas L Cowell, Walla Walla, Wash Dudley E Stedman, Vinton, Iowa Charles W Clark, Cedar Rapids, la Josiah Scott, Shellsburgh, Iowa John M Carson, Grinnell, Iowa Roswell K Soper, Estherville, la Isaac G Clark Joseph O Sartwell, Marion, Iowa Robert C Cowell, Bayard, Guthrie Aaron A Steward, Carthage, county, Iowa Missouri James C Daily, Tliayer, York Daniel Sivetts, Sublett, Adair county, Nebraska county, Missouri Ferdinand Dubois, Charter Oak, J M Tarpenning, Northville, Iowa Cumberland county, Tenn Harmon Elgin, Bolen, Worth Frank D Thompson. Nevada, la county, Iowa William H Trowbridge James D Ferner, Nevada, Iowa William M Ven Emmon, Sioux Samuel H Flint, care Buffalo Falls, South Dakota Glucose Co, Leavenworth, Kan John J Whittam Perry Gephart, Lake Forest, Jasper Wagner, Rome City, Cook county. Illinois Nobles county, Indiana Harmon Grass, 816 Seventh South William W Whiteneck, Waterloo, St, Fargo, North Dakota Iowa Irdill W Hollar, Forestville, John Watrobek, Cottersville, St Sonoma county, California Charles county, Missouri Robinson L Johnson. Sanford, John J Wyatt, O'Clair, Wisconsin Iveya Paha county, Nebraska John N Weaver, attorney at law John Luther, Norton, Norton Sioux City Irwa c unty, Kansas Byron PZuver, Adams, Nebraska DEATHS REPORTED SINCE LAST REUNION. Francis Curran, died near Marion. Iowa, Oct. .'Wth, 1890, from old age and general debility. Nick Clemens, alias Charles Ransom, died in insane asylum at To- peka. Kan., October 7th. 1887. from appoplexy of the brain. James Galliger. died at Crete, Neb.. January 31. ]88(). of Bright's disease. William C. Howard, died at Chelsey. Iowa. January 10th, 1891, of consumption. James Lannagan, died at Fontanelle, Iowa, February 4th, 188.5. Disease unknown. Jolin B. Lambert, killed by running away of team and being thrown from wagon, in California, early in tlie seventies. Allen J. Millett. died Noveml)er 28th. 1888. at Hastings, Nebraska, apoplexy. COMPANY E. Boone, R G. Scott, la, R Biller, A J, Waterloo, la Beckwitli, W H, Parkersburg. la Boylon. Thos. Stockton. Kan Bird, E. Winterset. la. R Bird, R L. Yuma. Col. Belton, Jas, Batavia, Todd Co,Minn Collins, C P, Charles City. Iowa Cook. Chas, Lester, la. H Creighton, David. Geneva. la Crowliurst, Seth J, Salem, Dak Cook, Joseph, New Castle. Neb Cook. J P, Ponca. Neb Cook. Svlvester, Ionia, Neb Coon,HF.d'dOct'81, Waterloo, la Church,' Nathan, Webster City Demoss, Thos, Bristow, la or Eagle Grove. la Elwell. John, Chicago. Ill Eberhart, Ben E, Marsluilltown. la Early. T M, Bristow. la Graham. Jacob, Davenport. la 54 FOURTH REUNION OF THE Hamilton, Wm, La Porte City, la Harrison, H J. Waterloo. la Large. F A, La ]\)rte City, la Margret/., J S, Hittsville, la Minium, David, Big Grove, la, R Perry, A li, Dunkerton, la Rich, J W, Vinton, la Stewart, Joel A, Oregon City, Ore Seeber, G L, Sabula, la Switzcr, C 11, Lewis, la Smith, Harvey, Waterloo. la Slmmaker, John, " " Strong, Ezra, National City, Cal Williams, Capt llobert, Van- couvre, Wash Hayward, C B, Mdoreville, la Jones, John C, Geneva, la, dead Mvers, A W, Shell Rock, dead Morris, C 1). Worthing, Dak Ochs, Cliarles, Ackley, Iowa Reed, Zetf. Hard. Louisa Co, la Surfus, C V. Hrislow, la Sunderlin, M V B, Janesville, la Sclirack, David, Oelwin, la Sharp, Oliver, Finchford, la Sawyer, E, La Porle Cily, la Shroyer, Nathaniel, Tainter, la Talbot, Allen E, Orleans. Ind Watkins, Isaac, Crawfdrdsville.Ind West, D F. Theon, Wash COMPANY F. Ainsworth, J E, .307 Merchants Nat'l B'k B"g, Omaha, Neb Bremner, John, Yankton, S D Brown, Eugene, Brush Creek Iowa Coolidge, F W, Sho Shone, Idaho Dunham, Abner, Manchester Iowa Eld ridge, J E, Stark, Kansas Eaton. John J, Edgewood, Iowa Girton, Joseph S, Hazelton Iowa Gift, J W, 900 Main St, Peoria. Hi Halfhill, Josiah, Wood Center, la Kaltenbach, Sam'l, Manchester, la Kent, George, Oelwein. la Kirchner, Mike Lee, John F,Council Grove, Kan R Mackey, K F, Maynard, Iowa McKee, T R, Room 102 Boston Bl'k, Denver, Col Mann, Wm W, Ranelsburg, Nebraska, R Nelson, T C, Hazelton, Iowa Preston, H M, Ft. Dodge, Iowa Peasley, R H, Kansas Roe, A J, Burlington, Iowa, dead Annis, Gar) W, Lanark, IIllin;»is Bucknian. Wm H. Dyersville la Correll, Ed. Greelev Iowa Coolidge, C L, Central City, Neb Dahl, John A. Silver Creek, la, R Davison. Wm, Slam, la, R Eldridge, R C, Niagara Falls, N Y French, S M, l)enver. Col Room 102, Boston block Goodel, Wm H, Manchester, la Grice, A J, Doniphon, Neb Hasbrouck,D H.Prairie Cr"k. Ore.R Johnson, Isaac, Pleasinton. Kan Kaltenbach, LP, Gila Bend, Ariz Kaster, Hiram, Manchester, la Lee, Jas F, Clay Mills, la Mc(rOw;Hi, Tlios, Independence. la Manning. A L, Dunlap, la, R Manley, R L Nelson, W A, llazelton, la Olmstead, H, Independence, la Potter, Jas W, Fayette, la Ralston, Nelson, Canton, S D Small, H J F, Chicago. Ill COMPANY G. C C Tupper, d'd Benton Bar Jan '62 L DTownsley, River Forest, Cook county, 111 J F Nickerson. d'd in rebel prison J E Simpson, Norfolk, Neb A A Burdick, killed at Tupelo A E Anderson, Decorah, Irwa O C Thorson, d'd at Eldorado, la R A Gibson, died U S service J H Womeldorf, Neligh, Neb R Anderson, A, Albert Lea, Minn Anderson, A M, d'd wounds rec'd Corinth G O Hanson, died at Decorah W L Winsor, Clinton. Mo T Steen, died at Omaha A W Erit, died in service J O Johnson, Hesper. Iowa N B Burdick, died at Decorah R Hard G W Sharp, Fargo, Dakota, R Andrus, E V, Decorah, Iowa, dead Aker, D O. Ilidgeway, Iowa Anderson, Peter Anderson. E ' Ballard. Strawder TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY 55 Brown, J H, died at Decorah Bowers, A, died in Ohio Clarlf, J M Cutlip, J Coon, C A, Sabinal, Texas Crane, John Crowell, J M Connolly, C, d'd at Somerville, Mass Christopherson, C, Ilartland, Minn Dunn, Yan R, Dewitt, Nebraska Carey, A A, died at Castalia, Iowa Engbertson, E, Aastad, Minn Davis, N J, Berrian Springs, Mich Eastonson, G. d'd at Mound City, la Ellsworth, W D, d'd Benton Bar- Fladmark, S M M racks Green, L D Fuller, A vS, Sioux Falls, S Dak Fuller, A, " " Gorhamer, O H, d'd St Louis, '63 Gilbert, L, died at Keokuk Groves, A H, Decorah, Iowa Hulverson, A, " " Hall, Giles Houge. G A, Albert Lea. Minn Hanson, Hans, Lake Park, Minn Hanson, Halver, Sheldon, Dak Jenson, vi, d'd Sept "63 in Miss Johnson, A, d'd Greensville, La, "65 Johnson, N O Kirkland. G W, Freport, Iowa Gilbertson, O, Gilchrist, Minn Gulbranson, A, Rothsay, Minn Honson, Klaus Hanson, Ole Hall, Austin, d'd at St. Louis, '63 Helgerson. G, d'd at Nashville. "64 Harris, F W, Hand. Andrew .1, Johnson, HE, Evansville, Minn Jr)hnson, Henrv, 1st, d'd Hunts- ville, 62 Johnsftn, Henrv, 2d, d'd Huntsville, 62 Larson, Hover, d'd Savannah, Ten Kittleson, C B, Norway Lake, Minn Larson, John, Lacqui Parle, Minn Kittleson, G Manson, J Montgomen', Wm V Mad inn, D L Maloney, J, died in field Miller, S, Yoyaima Bay, Oregon McCabe, C, Sherburne, Minn Nass. G H, Woodside, Iowa Oleson, O Oleson, O G, killed at Shiloh Oleson, J, died at Thoton. Iowa Larson, Peter Low, Lewis L McCallev, P, died at Ilcsper McLoud, S Miller, O D, Stuart. Neb, dead Meyer, C Meader, M E, Hesper. Iowa Moe, Peter, Springfield, Minn Nelson. Swen Oleson, E Pollock,Jos,must'dout at Selma"65 Oleson. Ammon, died at Memphis Pierce. Fletcher Oleson, A H. Egge, S D Romberg. L O, d"d at Chewalla "64 Palmer. R. lives in Nebraska Peterson, N, d'd Camp Woodss. "63 Ricker, J, died at Savannah, '62 Raucha, Fred, Skidmoie. Mo Smith, I K, Barabfx), Wis. R Simmons, R, Lake Park, Minn Staples, C J, d"d at Fraiikville, la Steen, John, Wahoo, Neb Steen, Henry lielgrade. Neb Raucha, Ed Rocksvold, O P. Thoton, Iowa Ryerson. F. Ashby. Minn Skinner, C, d"d '63, steamer Cresent Skinner. F, Forest City, R vSimmison. Nels Severson, Nels Smitli, G M, died at Decorah lowaStalim, Lars L, Sioux City. Iowa Sernson. S A, killed at Tupelo, "64 Simmons, John. Flandrcau, S I) Tinke, J Tliompson, A K Taylor. W H H Thompson, J B. Speilville. Iowa Wriglit, C F Wheeler, Horace, Algona, Iowa Wait. W. Nasliua. Iowa. R Wold, L T, d'd at Yicksburg. '63 West, S, Red Cloud. Neb Slattery. Tliomas Thompson, T. Lincoln Center. Kan Torgenston. M, d'd "65 at Montgomery Tobiason, Andrew, Windom, Minn Thoryson, Andrew. Crastad, Minn Mrs. .lennie Burdick St\irdevant. Spring Valley. Minn Wiley, Wm, died at St. Louis. "63 56 FOURTH REUNION OF THE COMPANY H. Atkinson, \V L (^ Omaha, Neb Brown, Tom, Jowol (^ity, Kansas, R Becket, Ed, Dubuque, Iowa Currie, John (i, Butte City, Mon. R ("lark, B A, Colosburfi, Iowa Cox, W H, Blaine, Iowa Evans, James, Dubuque, Iowa Fisliel, S K, Ft McGinnis, Mon Franks, Joseph, Lamont, Iowa Grimes, R M, Kearney Nob Gosting, Alfred G, Strawberry Pt, Iowa Hamblin, R E, Arcadia, Ohio Hamlin, F M, Iowa Falls, Iowa Jones, David, Monona, Iowa Kuhnes, J C, Manning, Iov;a, R Light, Robt, Tildcn, Neb Langslou, Aaron I, transferred from Briggs, U I, Marcus, Iowa Benedict, R W, Blackhawk, S D Benedict, Jolin W, Lexington, Neb Crist, John W, Cejitral City, Dak Crosby, J M, Yankton, S D Duncan, N E, Custom House, Kansas City, Fishol, S C. Iowa Falls, Iowa Fisliel. Robert W, Greeley, Iowa Fleanikon, J B, Battle Creek, Neb (iilmore, A C, Indianapolis, lud— dead Horner, (ieo, Dubuque, Iowa Henry, Philip, Greeley, Iowa Jackson, S M, Lincoln, Neb, R King, \Vilst)ii, Emerick, Neb Knee, Samuel G, Colesburg, Iowa Light, Joseph A, Norfolk, Neb Mason, John S, Worthington, Iowa Co D, 27th la to Co D, 12th la Moroland, C D W, Earlville, Iowa McConnell, Alex S, Hopkinton, Iowa Naumau, Geo, North Platte, Neb Royse, Wm, Atlantic, Iowa, R Shorter, James, Shell Rock. Iowa Sloan, S B, Greeley, Iowa Winch, Edward, Arena, Wis Ward, John W, Burlington, Iowa Struthers, Craig, Neb COMPANY I McCune, W H, Ruthven, Iowa Playter, H J, Washington, D C, 1921 6th St N W Smith, Thomas, Turkey River Iowa Shorter, Wm, Shell Rock, Iowa Trumble, Jamis, ManchesteJ, Iowa Wisegarber, Wm, O'Neil City, Neb Van Anda, Johu N, Fremont, Neb Roster of survivors of Co. I, 12th Iowa V. V. Infantry, corrected by Judge McCallum, Sibley, Iowa. Austin, N. E. Andrew, Iowa Allen, Eugene, C'edar Rapids, Iowa Austin, Marion, Staplehurst, Neb. Brintner, Wm. Brayton, Iowa Brown, J. Unknown Butters, John F. Sioux (^ity Iowa Buchanan, James, Tama, Iowa, R Belknap, Albert, Scribner, Neb., R Benhka, Frank, Guttonberg, Iowa Campbell, E. B. Armstrong Grove, Iowa Campbell, Thos. Humboldt, Iowa Cobb, Edgar C. Keokuk, Iowa Cobb, Wm. A. Walla Walla, Wash, (^oates, J. W. Talcott, S. D. Crane 1. K. Maquoketa, Iowa Davenport, A. G. Superior, Neb. Devine, John, Columbus, Ohio Care Arcade Hotel Dupray, Wm. H. Sioux City, Iowa Eddie, Thomas C. Salina. Kansas, R Fry, Wm. L. Scranton, Iowa Goodnow, M. B. Ord, Neb. Hatfield, Aug. Jersey City, N. J. Harding, James, Baldwin, Iowa Hendricks, Wm, Winterset, Iowa Jenkins, Alonzo, not known. Johnson, Hans, not known. Nagle, M D. Dubuque, Iowa Nims, Weed, Maquoketa, Iowa O'Niel, Andrew, not known. Palmer, A L, Seattle, Wash. Paup, David, Sac City, Iowa Paup, Seth, not known. Perkins, J H, Seattle, Wash. Pasecli, Lorenso, Postville, Iowa Ray, Johu S, Naponee, Neb. Reardon, Jolin, not known. Rolf, Marion, Maquoketa, Iowa Scheopf, John, died Oct. 24. ISSt at Marys- ville Kansas Swank, John, Muscatine, Iowa Sumbardo, (' L, St. Paul, Minn. Starbuek, Wm, Huffman, Iowa Smith. Henry, Maquoketa, Iowa Schmidt, John, not known. Sherburn, Dan, died at Selma Ala. 1865. 1st Lout. Thompson, Jas L, Franklin, Iowa Teskey, George, Ellwood, Iowa Van Hook, Samuel, not known. Van Duzeo, E M (Maj.), St. Paul, Minn. Wells, ("has A, Sabula, Iowa Wilsau, T, Maquoketa, Iowa Wilson, .7 F, Fulton, Iowa TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. Keniiody, S L, Codar Rapids, Iowa Kohlor, Will. Dubuque, Iowa Kerns, Peter, Reubens, Kansas Lewis, Lewis, Home (Mty, Minn. Lewis, Peter, Lund, Wis. Markliam, W H, Hawkeye, Kau McKinley, Maquoketa, Iowa McCaiTon, W F, Athens, Tenn. McCallum, D D, Sibley, Iowa McDermont, Mike, Epwortli, Iowa Williams. S, Atlantic, Iowa Williams, Sidney, (\)lfax, 111. Wititersteen, Henry, Monmoutli, 111.. (I'd '84 of disease contracted in Rebel pris. Weavines.5. Mik?, not kn'^)wa. Wood, Joel, not known. Yeley, George, Clinton, Iowa Z3dik^r, Jas F (Capt), Lincoln, Neb, care State Journal. COMPANY K. Brooks, John Brown, J J, Bloominsrtoii, Neb Billings, Abram, Luzern, N Y Barden, Henry A, Beckner, .J M, (Miarles City, Iowa Bugbey, S M, 1012 oth St. North Minneapolis Church, P, Arborville, Neb Deutsher, Albert, Nat. Home, Oliio Freeman, Richard, Spencer, Ohio Gilchrist, J N. Durham, Iowa Keith, W B, Precept, Nebraska Merriam, H (', Nugent, Iowa Mathis. W R, Omaha, Neb Morgan, J B, Davenport, Iowa Mosher, Alvin McConnell, Alex S, Hopkinton, Iowa Myers, Joseph A — dead Robinson, Alouzo, Albion Neb, R WiUard, Porter H, Hopkinton, Iowa NOTE :— Comrades whose names a returned from post office given. Blood, George W Billing.s, ("has D, Bloomington, Nob Blanchard, Tiios, Le Mar, Kansas Baldwin. Newton, .A.da, Kansas Blauchard. Ira D, Crookston, Minn Davis, W N, Des Moines, Iowa Minn Dolley, Godfrey, Hoi)kinton, Iowa Ellison, W H, St. Edwards, Neb Fuller, O T, W3b;t?r Grovs, Mo Horn, Samuel, Colesburg, Iowa Kemp, Wm, Kirwin, Kansas Merriam, C E, Hopkinton, Iowa Mathis, E R, Omaha, Neb Morehouse, P J, Masonville, Iowa Morgan, Wm B, Bloomington, Neb Mickey, Isaac, Waukon, Iowa Phillips, C E, Blair, Neb— dead Webb, Laurence, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Waldrofif, Henry, La Porte (^ity, Iowa. Young, AS, Nashua, Iowa re followed by the letter ''R" have had their mail (iO FOUHTII PiELINlON OF THE Attention, Comtrades! It is desirable that all changes of post office address and all deaths of members of the regiment be reported to the secretary promptly by any comrade having knowl- edge of the same, for nse in our next reunion and in compiling the next roster. J. E. SIMPSON, Secretary, Sept. 24th, 1892. Norfolk, Neb. FIFTH REUNION -OF THE- TWELFTH IOWA VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRV. -HELD AT- SIOUX CITY, IOWA, OCTOBER lo, ii,%2, i894f^ „ NORFOLK, NEB. Press of The Daily News. 1994. Attention, Comi^ades ! It has beeu determined that we will send a copy of the proceedings of our last reunion to each surviving comrade whose address we have. And we hope that those who have not already paid membership fees or dues, will remit said dues of one dollar, or send twenty-five cents, the cost of said pamphlet, to the undex'signed, treasurer of the association, at Manchester, Iowa. All who signed our by-laws and became members of our association, whose names ap- pear on page — of this book, are entitled to a copy free of charge. We are anxious tliat all who can will become members -of our society, and if you will send one dollar to the treasurer and direct him to do so, he will inscribe your name on the roll making you a member, and you will be en- titled to this book without additional cost. Unless this is done we hope you will send the 25 cents. Comrades, let us not foi-get each other. Help a little in the good work. If you know of any comrade who served in our regiment whose name does not appear on our book, or whose address is changed, be kind enough to send his name and address to Abner Dunham, Secretary, Manchester, Iowa. By order of Executive Comittee. E. W. TIRRILL, Treasurer, Manchester, Iowa. FIFTH REUNION -OF THE- TWELFTH IOWA Veteran Volanteep Infantry, — HP]LD AT SIOUX CITY, IOWA, OCTOBER ,o, ,,, ,2, ,894. NORFOLK, NEB. Press of The Daily News 1894. FlKTll REINION OF THF Yes, again we see the forms and bear the voices of those who finished life's battles and went home long yeais ago; but I am wandering in the past. In the living present I see before me men that have traveled many weary miles to attend the Reunion of the Veterans of the gallant Twelfth Iowa In- fantry. Year by year the ranks are thinning out, but the members that remain continue to close up and move forward to meet the assaults of Fatlier Time, and the reunions are more highly prized as the years go by. A few years more and this organization must become a thing of the past. Among those who are permitted to attend this meeting, I note many men of honored name, men who have won fame on the bloodj' fields of war and on the great battlefield of life. My friends, the people of Sioux City bid you a most hearty welcome. They have a warm place in their hearts for the veterans who saved the Union. Your comrades of this city who bore an honorable part in the sarue great conflict from 1861 to 1865, extend to you a comrade's welcome, and you very well know what that implies. It shall be our pleasure to make your stay pleasant and profitable. We owe the Twelfth Iowa a debt of gratitude for their liberal assistance, both in money and service, at the time the great flood swept down upon us a few years since while they were in session in this city. Even the banquet feast was given up to feed the sufferers. Deeds like that sluiU ever live. Repre.'^euting the city government, I tender you the utmost freedom of the city with all that goes to enhance your pleasure. In fact we are aware that the city is besieged by a veteran army and we surrender uncondiricmally and cast ourselves upon the mercy of our captors, but before you shall have completed the campaign upon which yon have now entered, we shall endeavor to outflank you in a manner that will convince you that we have a wide- awake, progressive people and comrades as true as ever entered the ranks, and that have proven themselves true soldiers in the business of life and eflicient at a reunion, camp fire, banquet or any other place that a veteran ouglit to be found. We have institnticms in our city which we point to with some degree of pride and possibly you may find some of them of iutetest to you. Have a good time, such as old soldiers know how to have. Ask any comrade or citi- zen to assist you and you will find them both willing and competent. I hope this reunion will prove so enjoyable that you will ever look back to it as a very bright spot in the journey of life. One by one we are dropping from the ranks; doubtless some that are here todaj' will fail to respond to roll call at the next reunion of the Twelfth Iowa, but will have answered to the roll call of the Great Commander of earth and heaven and fallen into line with comrades long since mustered out by the shafts of the enemj'. Well, soon we shall all be over there and our earthly cares and business' will have passed into other and younger hands; but let us fight our battles faithfully and manfully, living true to our God, our fellow TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. men and ourselves, and then we shall have a joyful reunion at the grand review on heaven's eternal camping ground. In the absence of Major Reed, president, Comrade Weaver, vice-president, introduced Comrade R. W. Tirrill of Manchester, Iowa, who, when the applause that followed Mayor Fletcher's remarks had ceased, took the floor and responded in a beautiful address. After thank- ing the people of Sioux City for the hospitality extended to the old comrades assembled he paid a beautiful and impressive tribute to the friendship which had existed between them during the long time since they had first met in battle to defend the stars and stripes. There were many of the old comrades whose lips quivered and whose handker- chiefs were used freely to wipe away the tears when Mr. Tirrill reminded them of those who had fought side by side with them and who gave up their lives on the field of battle for the love of their country. Mr. Tirrill's speech was followed by hearty applause. J. N. Weaver and J. E. Simpson also made short addresses, after which the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock. At the close of Comrade Tirrill's response. Comrade W^eaver read the fol- lowing telegram from our beloved President: Chicago, October 9th, 1894. Hon. John N. Weaver: — Notice of my father's death just received. I cannot come. D. W. REED. And Comrade Simp.'^on read the following letter: Chicago, October 9th, 1894. Friend Simpson: — In your last letter you remind me that I had said that nothing but sick- ness or death should keep me awaj" from this reunion. I little thought when I said that that it would be just that alternative which would keep me away. This morning when I came to the office all ready to take the train for Sioux City I found a letter awaiting me saying that father was very sick. I delayed one train and directed rny sister to wire me any changes. At 2 o'clock the sad words came "Father is dead." I go at once to Lansing where he died. You understand the matter fully and must explain to the boys how I desired to meet them, again. I enclose a few memoraiidas I had made in regard to history, including an estimate for printing. Do as you think best with it. I have Regimental part completed and think it would be of interest, but the times are hard for its publication. Perhaps a committee to devise ways and means would be wall. Hill I reached SiCAx City I would have had manuscript with me. \. D. W. REED. And then bore testimony of the high personal standing and integrity of Father Reed, who he had known since ISOfi. On motion of Comrade Andrews FIFTH KEUiNlUJS OF TH F that a message of condolence and love be sent to Comrade Reed, the following was sent: Major D. W. Reed, Waukon, Iowa: — The Twelfth Iowa sends love and sympathy to you and yours. SIMPSON, TIRKILL, STBEN, Committee. Since tlien tlie following lettt)r was received from Comrade Reed: Chicago, November 1st, 1894. My Dear Simpson: — Yotirs of the 30th ult. just received. The very kind and sympathetic tel- egram from the Twelfth was received at Waukon, as we returned from the cemetery after laying father away in his final re.'iting place beside mother. I should have been glad to acknowledge its receipts and to have told the boys how highly I appreciated their kind and thoughtful remembrance of me at such a time, but as it was too late to answer then and reach tliein altogether I must tell them when I see them together again, which I hope to do in 1896. I received from you three niimbers of Sioux City, Journal, October 4th, 5th and 6th, but no paper since nor anything concerning tlie reunion, except a few words with French, who is now An the city. Am very glad to know- that you had such a pleasant meeting. French says the best of all the re- unions, so I may congratulate you on its success. The following message ou motion was sent: Major S. D. Brodtbeck, 113 South Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. :— The old Twelfth Iowa in reunion sexid love and greetings to you. SIMPSON, TIRRILL, STEEN,' ('ommittee. On the return home of Comrade Simpson he found a dela3-ed express package, sent to. the Regiment, containing a i^hotograph of the dear old Ma- jor in full uniform, as we remember him at Camp Union, Dubuque, 1861. Also a beautiful shield— red, white and blue — the work of his own hands. These will be sent to Secretary Dunham for our next reunion. And ^vit]i tha package came this letter: Los Angeles, Cal, Oct. 2nd, 1894. My Dear Comrades: — On looking over my papers lately I found a daguerreotype, taken at Camp Union, Dubuque, in fall of 1861. It vividly brought back to me many scenes and faces I know are gone, are no more on this earth, and all others as well as mine, bear the imprint of 33 additional years. Believing that it may give my comrades of tlie old Twelfth a pleasing reminiscence of their first acquaintance with me and their first experience of TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY camp life, I herewith sen'! you a copy of said daguerreotype. I regret that?»I cauuot meet you personally this time. My love and regards to you all. Sincerely your comrade, S. D. BRODTBECK. However much we may regret the receipt of these tokens of love and memory in time for our reunion, yet the circumstances goes to show the love we have and thoughtful care for each other so marked among the survivors of the old Twelfth. The dear old Major away otf on the distant shores of the Pacific, having only had the regular formal notice sent to him of our reunion, had us in mind; while we in reunion on the banks of the Missouri, were thinking of him and sending him a message of love. God bless him, was the prayer of every comrade present. On motion of some thoughtful comrade the notes kei)t at the time fail to show by who a message was sent as follows: To the Thirty-fifth Iowa Muscatine, Iowa, in Reunion Assembled: — The Twelfth Iowa in reunion sends greetings. SIMPSON, TIRRILL, STEEN, Coiumittee. To which the following response was received: Muscatine, Iowa, October 11, 1894. To Secretary Twelfth Iowa Infantry: The Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry in reunion assembled at Muscatine returns greeting of Tv^elfth Iowa Infantry. R. D. BODMAN, • . Secretary. Major Read in his letter speaks of certain rough notes and memorandum he eucloses. They are inserted here for the information of comrades who will answer theuj by letter to Reed. A good deal of information on these subjcts was drawn out in the informal talk and discussion that took place, in which Comrades McCabe, Butters, Fuller, Meader and Briggs and others took part. Inquire — Who was on right flank of the Regiment on the march from Pontotoc to Tuple July 13th?— was captured and e.scaped. Name of steamboat to which Regiment was transferi'ed from the Minne- haha, while on way home on Veteran furlough? Did a boat convey Regiment to Davenport? There were captured at Jackson, Miss., July 11, '63, Q. M. Morrisey, Corpls.Cook, Co. E; Isted. Co. B; Comstock, Co. C; Coolredge, Co. F; Briggs Co. H; Thos. Smith, Co. H. Reports ajl say: "Q. M. and seven men." Who was the other fellow? These will be found in the appropriate place in other proceedings. 10 FIFTH REUNION OF THE • Comrade Van Anda reported the death of Comrade Gillman about three years ago, also the deaths of Comrades Huut and Hammond. Comrade An- derson made some reiaarks on the cause of the division of the Twelfth Iowa on the road from Pontotock to Tupelo. Comrade Batters explained differ- eiicf! of opinion. On motion a business meeting was called for first thing after dinner to- morrow. Motion to adjourn until 9 o'clock a. m., the 11th. Letters were then read from Comrades Williams, Zediker, Barr, Hanseij, Orannis, Kent, Millett, Kirkland. Cook, Shoemaker. Morgan, Wisegarber, Duncan, Dsvine, Hartshorn, Clarkson, Blanchard, Perry, Farpenning, John- son, Van Eman, Koltenbach, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Petfitt. On motion of (Jomrade Fuller that our programme for tomorrow Ije to call the roll from Co. A on, and that each comrade's wife or child present be requested to resjKtnd in five minute speeches, sing a song, or tell a story, or be put out of the room, carried. Motion to adjourn. Evening session opened with song, "We are Coming Father Abraham," led by Comrade P^ldridge with Weaver at the piano. Mr. Hunt sang, "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh, "that brought the applause of those present. Then came the sad duty of reading the death notices of comrades since our last reunion. On meetmg the morning of the 11th Comrade Weaver at 9:30 called the re- union to order and the reading of the obituary notices of deceased comrades that appear eLsewhere in this report, and the r<^ading of letters fro.n absent comrades was continued. Love feast began and was engaged in by all, being one of the marked features of oar last two reunions, all present being convul.sed with laughter at some well timed story; and again melted to tears at the recital of some sad scene or striking incident. On the arrival of Comrade D. B. Henderson wlio was received w ith cheers and tokens of delight on every hand, a fifteen min- ute recess was had to shako hands and rejoice together over this happy meet- ing. During a greater part of the forenoon Comrade Henderson kept the old sold- iers in gowl humor by telling some of his comical war stories. He was reqaested to speak, and responded with a short but eloquent speech. He was heartily applauded and the comrades were so taken with his words that he was scarcely allowed to conclude. Comrade S. G. Knee read with due and .solemn care and emphasis, as if at the front of the regiment he so ably commanded, the following order: Special Orders , Head-quarters Dist. West Tenn., and 3d seperate Brigade Df^p't oi Tenn. No. 17. ^ Memphis. Tenn. Jannarj' 18th. 1806. 5. Quartermaster property to the valuue of S(!ven Hundred and Twenty (720.00) Dollars, for which Captain (J. F. M. Norcross, A. Q. M., is respons- ible, having been appropriated and used by men of the 12th Iowa Veteran Volnntef;! Infantry without anthoritj-. it is hereby ordered that the amonnt Ix; assessed upon the officers and rncn of sjiid rfgiiiM^nt :ind c:h;irc'cd ;ii.':iinsr them upon the final Pay Rolls. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 11 Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Knee is charged with the execution of this order. By Order of Brevet Major General J. E. Smith. WM. W. M. CAMMON, Captain & A. A. G. Comrade Knee explained that, believing the order to be unjust and in error, he pocketed the same and had kept it all these long years, and now presented it for the consideration of the Regiment. On motion the thanks of tlie Regiment were returned to Comrade Knee for pocketing this order for so long a time and the Quarter Master General requested to go to the D — for his bill. On motion adjourned to 2 p. m. Culled to order by Comrade Weaver at 8:30 p. m. Opened with song, "Marching Through Georgia." Reading letter from Comrade Jack Stibbs explaining his ab.sence. The business meeting opened by Comrade Simpson saying if he could have his way, his advice to the comrades present would be to vote to hold the next reunion at Manchester in 1896, and that they make choice of Abner Dunham secretary, and R. W. Tirrill treasurer, and gave his reason from a business point of view why they should do this. And quoting from his first address at the third reunion at Waterloo in 1888, when urging the next reunion to be held at Sioux City. He said: "We are simply going visiting and then we will come home again, for after our pleasant and happy meetings in 1880 and 1884, Manchester will ever remain as a home to the 12th Iowa. *' Motion by Comrade Soper that a committee of three be appointed to select officers for the association. Carried. Comrades Soper, Van Anda and Nagle were appointed as such committee. Motion by Comrade Andrews that our next reunion be held at Manchester in 189G, the particular time in said year to be decided by the officers of the association. Carried by a unanimous vote. Committee reported the following named comrades as officers: Presi- dent, H. C. Curtis; vice-president, John Steen; secretary, Abner Dunham; treasurer, R. W. Tirrill; executive committee, H. J. Grannis, M.D.OS'agle and' J. E. Eldridge. Report approved and said committee declared elected. On motion the following comrades were appointed a committee on resolutions: Tirrill, Knee and Heaiiy Steen. Comrade Eldridge sang his camp meeting song, "I feel Like, I Feel Like, I Feel," being joined by the whole crowd in a gen- eral march around and hand shake, and adjourned to 8 p. m. The reunion was called to order by Comrade Weaver at 8. p. m. , who introduced Comrade Geo. D. Perkins of Sioux City, as chairman of the camp- tire, and the following is what the Sioux City Journal said of the affair: The feature of the reunion of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry now being held in this city was the camptire at the armory last night. It was a typical meet- ing of the veterans, and there was that atmosphere of warm, good feeling, coraradship, charity, and all which lingers in the memory of suffering, valor and deeds of patriotism, such as is only to be found in gatherings of this character. The armory was filled, the best people of Sioux City being in the audience, and the campfire proved an occasion so pleasant that it will long be rememberd by those who participated. 12 FIFTH ItFFNION OF THE About 100 members of the old Twelfth Iowa are iu attendance at this renuion, and it is said that Jiot jiiore than 400 of the members of the gallant old regiment are still liviug. The attendance, therefore, seems a rema. kable one, when it is remembered that the veterans, who as boys and young men enlisted in the eastern part of the state, a majority of them iu Dubuque, are now scattered all over the country. The regimental feeling in the Twelfth was strong during the war, and it is strong in the remaining I'egiment now. This was eloquently shown in the meeting last evtruing, and war, more than ever to appreciate the bonds of comradship which are welded in camp and Held. The ladies of the W. R. C were interested visitors. The meeting was called to order shortly after 8 o'clock by Comrade J. N. Weaver. Rev. Mare Darling, Rev 0. H. Strickland, Rev. H. D. Jenkins,^ Geo. D. PerMns and Hon. D. B. Henderson took seats at the right of the president's table. Comrade Weaver in a brief speech called upon Geo. D. Perkins to preside over the meeting. Mr. Perkins arose and welcomed the comrades of the Twelfth lon'a Infantry in substance as follows: "Comrades of the old Twelth Iowa: I can assure you that I have in my charge the voice of the people of Sioux City to welcome you here and to ex- tend to you one and all the hearty wishes of our people. In the present year of 1894 you can look to the struggles of the battles you have fought and say, as the years are slipping fast away, that you are proud of the fact that you are members of the grand old Twelfth Iow;i.. " After paying a tribute to to the soldiers Mr. Perkins concluded by calling on the vocal talent of the association to sing. After the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" had been sung, a letter from Maj. Reed was read stating that he was unable to attend the meeting on ac- count of the death of hi-i father. Comrade J. E. Simpson responded with a brief but eloquent speech in resp'^use to Mr. Perkins, and was greeted with applause. Rev. Marc W. Dai ling on being introduced said this was not the first time that he had been mixed up in a programme of the blue and the gray. He remembered some other occasions which were not so pleasant, and when it was mentioned to him that he should take rart in such programme he felt a shiver run down his spinal column. He was not one of those who believed that there is no difference between the blue and the gray, but it was not a difference of conviction nor of courage. Rev. C. H. Strickland was then introduced as a representative of the other side of the controversy. He mentioned the fact of his entering the army of northern Virginia early in 18G1 and remained with it until the federal armies relieved him in 1865. When he first enlisted he remembered to have felt afraid that the federal army would get away before he had a chance to get at it, but before the war had progressed far, he changed his mind. He contended that the confederate soldiers never had any personal feeling against their northern enemies, but were sincere in their beliefs, and showed their sincerity on more than twenty-five battle fields. He recalled the circum- TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 13 sfcancRS of his own surrender to the Second Iowa cavalry while that regiment was skirmishing down in the south looking for a man named Jeff Davis. There are some men down south who still want to fight, but they are men who didn't do any fighting the other time. For one, he was thankful that the war had ended as it did. Rev. H. D. Jenkins spoke • briefly, recalling incidents in connection with the war. He remembered a short time ago installing a new minister, and there were gathered around the young man at that time sis Presbyterian min- isters who were old soldiers. Sometimes in these gatherings he didn't know whether he was attending a Grand Army meeting or a meeting of the presbytery. Col. D. B. Henderson then addressed "the boys" around the imaginary campfire with caracteristic eloquence, and with that rare depth of feeling which shows the source of the love which his old comi^ades bear for him. Col. Henderson most touchingly described his search for the graves of his old regiment on the battle field where they fell, and mentioned that when he found the grave of his brother Tom it was the first time he had known where the poor boy's remains lay. Among other things he said: "War is a terrible thing. The reason we were there was not because we loved our section best, but because we loved the union. ' ' He had occasion not long ago to look up some figures pertaining to the war. From 1861 to 1865 the number of soldiers who enlisted was exclusive of reinlistments 2,128,- 948. The number enlisted for three years was 2,037,742. The number of officers killed during the war was 4,142, enlisted were 62.916, with a total killed 67,058, while 297,058 died of wounds and disease This brings the total dead from immediate battle causes to 364,116. The total of enlistments in the union army was 2,234.911, the dead 1,054,911, leaving about 1,180,000 still living. There is another statement which tells a sad, csad story. The number admitted to the hospitals from April, 1861, to June 30, 1866, was 5,825,480, and the number of deaths in the confederate prisons was 30,212. Let those who sneer at our pension rolls keep that number in their minds. "From statistics furnished by the government it is shown that about 27,000 survivors are lined down every year. Let me implore you that the re- unions of the future may be reunions of broad minds and warm hearts. "I don't care for war. The causes that led up to it form a problem that no human mind, however broad, can solve, and I often feel like the man who remarked, in being presented with a pair of twins, that he 'wouldn't take $1,000,000 for the ones he had, but that he wouldn't give a 10-cent piece for another pair.' " Mr. Henderson was glad, however, to see the wounds healing between the two great sections and that the men who fought under two flags were now uniting under one cause as well as beneath the folds of the stars and stripes. He spoke of the hospitality of the confederate soldier, and remarked that in recent years he had often been thrown into their society. He did not wish his comrades to forget the issues of the war, for they will grow with the passing of the ages; but now that the graves have closed and the smoke of battle has 14 FIFTH REUNION OF THE cleared away, the old soldier shonld teach his' children tlje rneiiiiing of the flag. Col. Henderson related an incident of his experience during the last oou- gress to show the prejudice of some of the democratic members. He said he was astonished to learn one morning that the name of an old Independence, Iowa, soldier whom he had appointed as one of«the door keepers of the house, had been dropped from the pay rolls. The man had done brilliant service in the war, and had become too infirm from maimed limbs and ailments brought on from causes begun in the war to work on his farm. Mr. Henderson bethought himself of an experiment. He submitted a bill appointing the old soldier to the position of assistant doorkeeper of the house. I was no sooner read than it was vigorously opposed by an Iowa member who gave as an excuse for his antagonism that the republicans should have nothing whatever with the appointments. The democratic majority in the was 43, the most of whom were ex-confederates. He went among these urging his claims for the union soldier benefit, and despite the opposition of the lowan the bill was passed by a majority of eighteen. He closed by saying that "the reuaions of the heart will be all the sweeter and more beneficial when they are also reunions of tlie mind." The old camp fire song known as "I Feel Like" was then introduced, and every member of the Twelfth Iowa present "tvirned in" the chorus with a will, and there was no doubt that it wa^ sung as only soldiers can. Mrs. Mary A. Widner recited a beautiful piece of her own composition with a patriotic sentiment running through it. When she had finished many a soldier's eye was glistening with as many tears. Miss Effie Steen, of Lincoln, was introduced by Comrade Simpson for a recitation. "In 'Gl", said Mr. Simpson, "six young Norwegian boys left their log cabin in Winneshiek county and went to the war. Three of them are in tlieir graves, and this young lady is the daughter of one of them— Theodore Steen of Company G, Twelfth Iowa Infantry." Miss Steen then recited a sweet poem entitled "The Whistling Regiment. " Perhaps it was the efl:'ective work of the elocutionist, or better still, the thought of the brave man whose daughter she was; but somehow, as the beautiful expressions of the piece were caught by her auditors, there were many weeping eyes ere her work was completed. Hon H. C. Curtis, of LeMars, made a brief speech. He said, among other things, that as he looked along the line of the illustrious men of other nations he was prouder that he fought under the old flag of our country. Capt. Lathrop made a little talk and the humor of the boys was at once awakened to its utmost. He remarked that unless one has seen a anan scared in battle he has never seen a real live coward. To back his assertion he told about a man who lost no time in getting asyay when a skirmish began, and when reproved by his superior officer for his conduct broke down, and bawled lustily: "You may talk about flying your flags from the school houses and make all the fuss you want about it, but you will never know TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 15 what a flag means until you see it in the center of an army— a target for the shell and shot of the enemy who are bent upon cutting it down." C-ieo. D. Perkins said the soldiers had acquired steady habits, and among other things that of retiring at a seasonable hour as one of the most com- mendable. He then stated that the announcements by Comrade Simpson would close the meeting. Mr. Simpson said that the meeting today would be held at 9 a. m. as a love' feast. Companies H, I and K, as well was the staff of the regiment, are yet to hear from. When Vice-president John N. Weaver called the lovefeast of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry co order yesterday morning, being the closing day of the ses- sion, and began by saying that he had been criticised for omitting from Thursday night's progamme the prayer by Rev. Dr. Jenkins. "I had rather hear Mr. Jenkins talk for five minutes," he said, "than to hear him pray for two hours. " Then .Comrade Simpson arose and said: "My dear comrades, I cannot allow this reunion to close without bearing witness as well as I can, having been in a position to know whereof I talk, to the unselfish, unswerving de- votion of our comrade, John N. Weaver, who, as our vice president and resi- dent officer here, has had to carry the load of the work of ijreparation and arranging for our two reunions— the inability of our president to get here two years ago on account of the great storm — and now kept away by the death of his father, has put on Comrade Weaver the whole load of presiding at both of our reunions. His unfailing courtesy, his watchful care, his unre- mitting work, early and late, never flagging or halting, the weary miles of walking and hours of anxious care to make our reunions a success, I know have been appreciated fully by you one and all. Brought in contact with him before and after our meetings here I have learned to love and admire the man and bear this most willing testimony to the care and efficiency he has dis- chai'ged the duties enforced upon him by yon and in your behalf say to him 'Well done thou good and faithful servant.' " Comrade Weaver responded in a few words saying he was glad to have been of service to his comrades towards whom one and all he had the most heartfelt love and respect. If any thing he had done had added to their pleasure and comfort hn was fully rewarded for any work or labor done by him, that these two reunions had been pleasant to him, bright spots in life's pathway long to be remembered and treasured by him. Thanking them for the honor conferred on him and the kindness and forbearance shown toward him. Those comrades who were obliged to leave on account of train time were requested to stand up so comrades could go around and shake hands and say good bye. With many a "God bless you" with tears and hearty hand shakes we bade good bye to several comrades. ■ Then Comrade John Steen arose and said: "Mr. President, Ladies and Comrades: "I accept the position to which I have been elected and most sincerely If) I'llTII REUNION OK 'I'lIK tliiiiik you for thin honor aiul confidHnce. As a tributo of respect and gra^i- tndo so richly nHtritod, has +)oon paid to our friond and Comrado Judf^o Woaviir, our rotirinj^ vicH prosidont, l)y Comrado Sinipsojj. tor tho excellent niaiMior ho has at all tinios discharKod thct dnticss of vioo prosifiut of this our hc'luvod asHooiation and for tlio succoss of this reunion, I dosiro to niovo a voto of tlianks to our rotiriuK acting socnitary, Janies E. Simpson, for his untir- \i\ii »!ntir(^y and solf-saorifirdn^f dovotion to tlio host intorost of every member of tho (jld Twolfth Iowa and tho splendid success of this enjoyable ^ather- in^^. I had the honor as well as pleasure of scsrvinj^ with (.'omrade Simpson in tli(! war, and know something of the (cordial warm-hearted nature, and his (h^dication to principle, duty and friiMid, how he forf^ot self to serve others. I Well remember when company (I was orj^aiii/ed at Decorah, Iowa, in the early fall of JSfil, when be mi^lit have ^oiie out with the company' as its cap- tain, as its first lieutenant, as its second lieutenant. When the election of oni(;ers took place, he, with his usual masnaminity of soul, made every nomi- nation from the position of captain down, and himself was satisfied with the position of first serj^eant. He was a stx'ict dis(;iplinarian, Ijut just and kind, and to no one does company d owe its debt of f^ratitude for l>einj^ able to tak(t its proud position amonj^ tiie si)IeMdid (tompuiiies of our maf^nificent re^i- m(!'it, njore than to our activerformed, in making this reunion a grand success. "Resolved, That we extend our hearty thanks to the Sionx City Journal and press of the city for the close attention they have given our meetings and for the voluntary publication of our proceedings." Love feast contiiTued, and Miss Effie Steen, Mrs. Mary A. Simpson, Mrs. Judge Weaver aud Miss Weaver made remarks when called upon. Mrs. Col. S. Gr. Hill returned thanks to the Twelfth Iowa for their resolution. Com- rades Crowhurst and Butters spoke, and Comrade Weaver madf) the sugges- tion that hereafter when comrades were notified of the time aud place of re- union, they notify the secretary that they are coming. This was adopted. James A. Henderson, of Cherokee, made the final speech of the lovefeast. He said he was not like the boy who ran away from home to go to the army aud then ran away from the army to get home; but it wasn't because he didn't want to. Many of us are poor in houses and lands, and many more, God knows,, are poor in health ; yet, while we may suffer for want of these things, we gave every property owner in the United States a clear title to all he has on earth. He turned to the humorous side and said that when many sheaves of wheat near the battle field were opened a chicken's head fell out. This was one of the failings of the boys who were forbidden to forage by their superior officer, who at the same time gave them the wink. He concluded by saying "There area few people so bankrupt in patriotism as to sneer at some of you as paupers, because you draw pensions. You may be poor in this world's goods, and poor indeed in health, but you ought to feel richer than Croesus, in the thought that you saved millions for others and perfected the title to every foot of land witliin the confines of this re- public. A few people may belittle your worth now, but all the people of all TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 21 the ages yet to come will do justice to the men who baptized this land in their own blood in the name of liberty and an imperishable union." He then said on behalf of Col. Henderson that he regretted being unable to attend today and bid them all good bye until the next .reunion. Comrade Hayward of Moville didn't attempt to make a speech, but he said that if the hereafter were to be won by hard fighting the boys of the Twelfth Iowa could push their way clear into the pearly gates. Comrade Curtis closed the love feast by saying that the next time the Twelfth Iowa held a reunion, and if he were president, he would endeavor to have the meeting place so far away from a horse race that no intimation of such an affair could reach it. Secretary Simpson read letters of regret from A. H. Groves, of Decorah, Iowa, and B. Frank Morrow, of Georgetown, Neb., and William L. Hender- son, of Cresco. The secretary read reports from various members of the regimant who had been requested to supply a histoy of each individual compauy, as well as the regiment. Assur,ance has been recieved that the work is in faithful hands, and an effort will probably be made to issue a book before the next reunion. President Curtis thought the Twelfth Iowa was behind in the publication of its history. Some of the regiments had their record printed twenty years ago, and to get it started volunteered to contribute |100 to the work. This offer produced some little discussion, and no definite action was taken. Comrade E. B. Campbell of Company I, and wife came to Sioux City to attend this reunion. Soon after her arrival she made a misstep, fell and broke her arm. On motion. "Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathies of all comrades are hereby extended to Comrade Campbell and wife in their affliction, caused by her accident, and trust she will have a speedy recovery." Comrade French of Denver, closed the meeting with a poem entitled "Only One Flag." The veterans were deeply interested, for it touched a familiar chord in all their hearts. And right here is the proper place to say that much of the interest and success of this reunion is due to Comrade French, not only for his music, but the work he did in keeping the notes of the proceedings and assisting the officials. Weighed down with sorrow and grief at the death of Comrade McKee, brought forth to his mind — by this reunion — with unselfish love he devoted himself, early and late, to the inter- est of his coiurades. Secretary Simpson read a poem composed by Mrs. Abner Dunham, of Manchester, dedicated "To the Boys of the Twelfth Iowa." It was full of pretty sentiment, and was enthusiastically received. And so the meeting closed. The "good bys" and "God bless you" weie tearfully said, and the warm clasp of the hand told better than words of the love that the -fragment of the Twelfth Iowa bear each other. FIFTH REUNION OF THE The following is the account of oar reunion as written by Comrade Nagle for the Dubuque Daily Times, October 14, 1894: The reunion of the Twelfth Iowa, which was held at Sioux City this week, is a thing of the past — only a pleasant memory. It was a complete success in all respects, and to make it such the people of Sioux City contrib- uted their part in an unstinted manner. The address of welcome by Mayor Pierce was full of cordiality and was heartily appreciated by the vets. The response by Comrade Tirrill, of Manchester, was in keeping with his well known reputa- ion as an orator and polished speaker, and it was evident that in his selection for the response no mistake was made. Judge J. N. Weaver of Sioux Cit5% who was a member of Company D, of the Twelfth, and vice-president of the association, presided in the absence of Major Reed, the president, the death of whose father on the day set for the opening of the reunion, prevented his attendance. Judge Weaver delivered a short but highly appropriate address to to the veterans, welcoming them to Sioux City and promising them all the attention possilile. Time has silvered his locks, but the fire of other days was in his eye as he stood face to face with he men who had gone through scenes of strife and blood with him thirty-three years ago. The reports of the officers and routine business occupied most of the forenoon, and the great- er part of Wednesday afternoon was devoted to miscellaneous business. The number registered was ninety-eight, and several of these were accompanied by their wives and children. At the evening session the names of those who had passed over to tlie last bivouac were read by a representative of the respective companies and each announcement was followed by eulogistic remarks. A solemn stillness pervaded the hall during the performance of this sad duty, and many were the gray -haired veterans who wiped away a tear. Of the little band of sur- \avors now constituting Company I, death stilled the hearts of two — W. H. Markham and I. K. Crane — two men who left the service with an unblem- ished record. In all about fifteen had died since the last reunion at Waterloo, and among these was Comrade Hoerner, of this city, who was a member of Company H. Comrade Van Auda, of Nebraska, who served with him, paid a glowing tribute to his memory. Each speaker did likewise for the departed vetei'an whose demise he auounced ; and thus simple but eloquent tribute was paid by those who loved them, to those who went out in their j-oung manhood and fought and died for their country. Col. Henderson arrived Thursday morning, and an hour later was escort-, ed into the Armory hall, where the veterans were in session. The boys were having a little "experience meeting" at the time, when a "step" different from that which had heretofore been heai-d in the hall was heard and at- tracted general attention. On catching sight of the new-corn mer, Col. Simp- soh cried out, "Boys, there comes Col. Henderson!" All heads were turned towarc\ the door, and just as the colonel was about to enter the hall the vet- erans rose en masse and gave such cheers and tigers as had never before been heard in Sioux City from the same number of men. The cheering continued for fully three minutes, during which time the colonel stood in the large doorway, leaning on his crutches, while down his cheeks came the diamonds TWELFTH IOWA Y. V. INFANTRY. 23 of love sparkling a response to the ovation of the men who idolize him. It was a picture that could not be transferred to canvas because no artist could do it justice. The colonel was then escorted to a seat beside the presiding officer, and after the lumps had left his throat he spoke to the boys for about an hour. He spoke of the gallant record made by the Twelfth. His remarks were in a conversational tone, and as he proceeded he referred to many things in connection with the history of the regiment. At times the boys would feel tears welling up in their eyes, and again they would be cheering as tliough they were in the charge. The colonel said he knew the veterans would never forget what the preserving the nation meant, and he also knew that they would not fail to teach their children how to be patriotic and liberty-loving men and women. He urged that all the veterans who had wives and children should bring them to the next reunion to be held at Manchester, which was the "mother of the Twelfth." The afternoon was devoted to expeionce meeting, which was highy in- teresting. The principal event of the reunion was the campfire Thursday evening. The hall was crowded to its utmots capacity and the number present could not have been less than 2,000, including all the Dubuquers who had come to attend the races. Among these were Sheriff Phillips, Alphonso Matthews, William O'Hern, M. J. Mulgrew, Tom McNear )iad Ollie Rhomberg. They knew that the colonel was to be the principal speaker and they let other ap- pointments go in order to be present and hear their distinguished fellow townsman. ' The program for the evening was a grand one. It included an address of welcome by Congressman Geoi-ge D. Perkins, who was very felici- tous in his brief but eloquent remarks; an address on "The Blue," by Rev. Mr. Darling, and another on "The Grey" by Rev. Mr. Strickland, the former serving in a Pennsylvania and the latter in a Georgia regiment. Each spoke in a humorous vein and frequently "brought down the house." Mr. Strick- land said that when he enlisted he was in a hurry to get to the front, fear- ing that the war would end before he could have a chance to annihilate the "Yanks;" but he got to the front, and if he remembered correctly, he was often in "a hurry to get to the rear." He was glad that the war ended as it did. The cause he had battled for had been shown to be wrong, and he was proud now that there was but one flag in this country. He created great merriment by saying that he never hated a "Yank" so badly that he would refused to take the proffered canteen when it contained "spiritual consola- tion.." Mr. Darling's remarks were frequently interrupted by applause. Rev. Mr. Jenkins, the "chaplain" of the occasion, was introducd and made some happy remarks. All the speeches were interspersed 'with music, and after the audience had finished their "March through Georgia," Col. Henderson was introduced. As he arose to take a seat on the side of a table, the ovation of the after-* noon, only on a much larger scale, was repeated. He made an address, and the closest attention was given him throughout. It was not a set speech, but one that was inspired by tJie occasion and his surroundings. It was in part an eloquent admonition that the principles for which the soldiers had battled FIFTH REUNION OF THE musf be preserved, if freedom were to be preserved in the uatiou He spoke of the fraterual feeling that had been so eloquently spoken of by Mr. Strick- land, as existing between the old soldiers of both sides, and closed by declar- ing that the unselfish devotion of the Union soldiers bad saved the country. Following came short speeches by Col. Simpson of Norfolk, Neb., for merly of Dubuque; Hon. H. C. Curtis of Le Mars; John Steeu of Wahoo, Neb. ; Col. Sam Knee of Colesburg ; Judge Weaver ; Lieut. Thompson of Franklin, Neb. ; Comrade Tirrill of Manchester, and a splendid recitation by Miss Steen of Wahoo, Nob., whose father offered up his life for his country, being as Col. Simpson said, "one of six brothers who left their home near De- corah to fight for the Union," only three of whom came back. The reunion was a grand success — the veterans made it such themselves, and it will prove to have been one of many pleasant recollections. The newly elected officers of the association for the ensuing two years are as follows: President— H. C. Curtis, Le Mars, la. Vice President— John Stweu, Wahoo, Neb. Secretary-Abner Dunham. Manchester, la. Executive Committee— H. J. Grannis. Randalia la. ; M. D. Nagle, Du- buque ; J. E. Eldridge, Stark, Kas. The officers are ex-officio members of the executive committee. Thei-e were fifteen members of Company I present, as follows: J. L. Thompson, Franklin, Neb. ; William Biutuer, Braytou, la. ; David Panp, Sac City, la. ; J. S. Ray Napouee, Neb. ; William Da Pray, Silver City ; John F. Butters, Sioux City; D. D. McCallum, Sibley, la. ; William Fry, Scrauton, la. ; William Koehler, and M. D. Nagle, Dubuque ; MB. Goode- uow, Bnrwell, Neb. ; E. B. Campbell, Armstrong, la. ; J. T. Campbell, Humboldt, la.; J. W. Coates, Talcott, S. D. ; M. McDermott, Epworth, la. Friday afternoon the boys "put up a job" on Sergeant Coates and calling him into an ante-room, where they had assembled, unknown to him, pre- .sented him with a gold-headed ebony cane. It bore the inscription "From Company I, Twelfth Iowa, to J. W. C. " Sergeant Coates was shot through the lung at the battle of Tupelo, and, with Comrade Koehler, fell into the hands of the enemy and remained in Andersonville about ten months. He was a noble soldier— one who was never found wanting when duty called ; and it was with pride and pleasure that the boys present presented him with a very slight token of their esteem. Col. Simpson, secretary of the association, was one of the principal vet- erans present, and with the other retiring officers, Major Reed, Judge Weaver and Dr. Barr, did excellent but unrewarded work and aided materially in making tlie reunion a success. Comrade Curtis, the new president, is one of the leading citizens of Le Mars, and was a model soldier. Col. Sam Knee, of Colesburg--one of nature's noblemen—was a conspicu- ous figure at the reunion. The boys have a great stock of love for Col. Sam ; also for Lieut. "Bob" Fishel, who wouldn't be known to the boys if you should call him Robert. TWELFTH IOWA Y. V. INFANTRY. Fife Major French, who said he had done more "blowing" for the reg-i- ment than any other man in it, came all the way from Denver to blow the "Girl I Left Behind Me," and other tunes. "I Feel Like, I Feel Like, I Feel, "was admirably rendered by Comrade Eld- ridge. The hymn has twenty-eight verses made up entirely of "I feel like." The citizens of .Sioux City, the mitilary companies and the retiring oflfi- cers received votes of thansk. The Company I boys were sorry that Capt. J. F. Zediker was unable to be present. He was a true soldier. Comrade H. R. Andrevvs, who volunteered to go to Andersonvlle and take care of the wounded, was in attendance. He was a hero. Capt. Soper will publish a history of Company D and it will be a ;:VOod one. A fine poem, dedicated to the Twelfth, was composed and veud by Mrs. Capt. Dunham. Hurrah for Manchester in 1896! The parting scenes at the close of the reunion were sad, and tears glitjf- ened in the eyes of the old Boys in BIito as they bade one another good-bye--- some never to meet again ou earth. With bowed heads the veterans left- some toward the setting sun, some toward the frozen north; more in the di- rection where smiles the God of day, and more where the soft southern icspliyrs kiss the diamond dew drops from the Jieart of the rose. The following is the verses written by Mrs. Abuer Dunham of Manches- ter as read at the reunion. On motion of Comrade Steen a vote of thansks was returned to Mrs. Dunham, and the vei'ses to appear in our proceedings: TO THE TWELFTH IOWA. O, comrades true, who wore the blue, Again we greet you liere ; And yet our thoughts go wandering back, Far back full many a year. Onco more we're in the jolly camp, And voices swell with song. The jest goes round, the laugh rings out, Each comrade bears along His part of story, song or jest, And fun and frolic reign, So we forget the weary days And we are boys again. Again we're on the battle field With conirades falling fast ; -We've only time to give a sign And we go rushing past. We glad would stay to soothe their pain And close the glazing eye. To fold the hands o'er loving bi'east And give the last good bye, 2« FIFTJI REUNION OF TJIK Bear from them still some message flear, Some token of their love ; Yet we can only leave them there With their just God above. • And now we're on the weary march With tired feet and sore, We plod along through dust and mud, And wish the war was o'er; Then some one starts some good old song And steps grow quick and fast ; Our every heart throb keeps tlie time ; The march is o'er at last. The fires are built, the canteen filled, And each one bears a hand ; No loiterers now around the camp ^\^len supper must be planned. * We stretch our limbs and try t(j rest. Our brains are busy still ; With home and all the loved ones there Thoiaghts will not stop at will. We're just a great big homesick boy, Our hearts are grieved and sore- Some want a sister, mother, wife And some a sweetheart more. We brush a hand across our eyes And heave a heavy sigh; We wish for once we were a girl- Then we would dare to cry. But tired at last, our eyelids close, And dreams come stealing o'er. The war is done and joyful news, We're home again once more; We sleep and rest and dream fond dreams, Forget the weary days. We're happy children now at home--- That home so far away. Now, comrades, comes anotlier scene. We're standing by the bed Of some loved comrade true and brave. Who ere the morn lies dead. We hear the last fond good-bye. The little keep-sakes given. The soul of one so pure and good Has winged its flight to heaven. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. Poor, homesick boy, so loved and lost. Some hearts will bleed today, For this dear husband, father, son, Or lover dead today. O! War so oruel, price so dear. That's paid to blot the sin Of treason, foul and traitorous name, And Union still to win. They paid the debt that made all free. The black as well as white, They washed in blood our royal flag And wiped out treasons blight. O'er all the land our flag still waves. The red, the white, the blue; No land more free, no laws more just, Saved by our boys so true. And once again while hand grasps hand And hearts are full of praise, We feel the old joy stealing back--- The love of other days. Mrs. M. A. Widner of Leeds, Iowa, who in war times was a Winnosheik county girl at Hesper, Iowa, read the following verses of her own composi- tion. They were listened to with pleasure and received with applause. She was heartilj' thanked by the comrades: OUR GREY-HAIRED BOYS IN BLUE. Oh! Grey-haired boys who donned the blue So many years ago, And marched away from life and love To free the southern foe. And after long, long toil- and pain In home and country borne, Come halting back with death-thinned ranks And bodies maimed and torn. Oh boys in blue, we welcomed you With glory's crown of bay, And tidal waves of gratitude Broke at your feet that day. The twice freed land your viilor won. Her honor pledged to you, That to her war worn, suffering sons She would give succor true. But years have come and gone, and you With weary step and slow, 2s FIFTH REUNION OF THE Have taken up your last loiif;: marcb To meet life's latest io-^. But, brothers, in your shortening? lives. Oppressed with many cares, You stand, in honor, far above Proud stutecu-iift's millionaires. Who, holding that high ])lacc and po-.ver. Made possible by you Aud built upon your brothers graves Find naught that they can do. More pleasing than, like moles to delve, Mid records old aud gray, That, happily they may filch fro-n you Your forty cents a day. But if to yon their niggard act Long poverty assures, Let them to their golden millions clasp, A million hearts are yours. For Columbia's loyal daughters. Still to their colors true, Love honor, aud the boys Who wore the army blue. The following is the memorandum spoken of by Major Read in his letter published elsewhere, that he was going to bring to the reuuiou and make arrangements about, aud had to send to the secretary. There was more or less talk by comrades about the publishing our regimental history. All were in favor of having it done, biit thought the times were too hard aud close to try to raise the means now. Comrade Soper declared his intention to publish the history of Company' D as prepared by him if he had tO do it at his own expense Comrade Curtis said he woulrl respond to a di-aft for $100 anj'- time he was called upon to help pay for the regimental history. The whole subject was laid over to the next reunion. To complete regimental history wanted the company histories from: Company A- -No provisions. Company D--Partly furnished. . Company F---Promiseed by Dunham. Company I— Promised by Coates. Company K— Promi.sed by Merriam. Personal sketches: Maj. E. M. Van Duzee— Likely get it with Company . Lieut. Col. Coulter— Promised by Mills. Lieut. Col. Knee. Dr. Finlay. Q. M. H. C. Morehead— Likely get it with Company D. TWELFTH IOWA Y. V. INFANTRY. 29 The committee on regimental history request of every surviving member of the rgeimeut that each comraiie shall for himself examine the published reports of tli3 arljntaut general of Iowa for years 1863 to 1866, inclusive, as to his own personal record of enlistment, re-enlistmeiit and casualities; and also the roster as published at our last reunion, and report by letter to D. W. Reed, 814 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Illinois. Every error or omission of any kind that you find in your own record, or that of any comrade, even to mispelling of a name, giving full particulars. Be sure you are right be- fore makiQg report. The adjutant general's reports are to be seen in each court house in Iowa, and most of public libraries. Chicago, Oct. 9th, 1894. D. W. Reed, Esq., City—Dear Sir: We will do the composition of a "Regimental History," size of type page '^1^x6^^, in brevier type, and furnish you 800 copies, "700 pages, printed in black ink on 25x38, 50-pound, S. & C. tint paper, like enclosed sample and bind in cloth, plain edges. No. 25 bev- eled boards, enameled end sheets, one leaf xx gold stamped on back, not head- banded, size of trimmed page 6x9, 800 copies for $1,200.00.; 1,000 copies, $1,260.00. In the above you are to furnish stamp for back cover, or we will furnish same and charge you extra cost, which will be but a few dollars. Hoping to be favored with yonr order, which will receive prompt and careful attention, we remain Yours very truly, W. B. CONKEY COMPANY. ao FIFTH REUNION OF THE fUemhePs and Visitors. List of comrades and relatives registered at the Fifth Reunion of tlie Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry: Thos. H. Wilson Company A Robertson, Iowa. I. H. Bowers Company A Eldora, Iowa. C. M. Riinkie Company A Plankiitton, South Dakota. Sumner Kemp Company A Alden, Iowa. W. P. Winter Company B Bancroft, Iowa. Thos. Dowling Company B . . . Rossville, Iowa. Frank Klees Company li Rossville, Iowa. Robert Wampler Company B Waukon, Iowa. John Dowling Company B Rex, Iowa. Hugh McCabe Company J^ Waukon, Iowa. H. R. Andrews Company B Turkey River, Iowa. John I). Cole Company B Lansing, Iowa. Mrs. John D. Cole Lansing, Iowa. L. D. Bearce Company B Onawa, Iowa. G. Hazlet Company C Allison, Iowa. 1. W. King Company C Emerick, Nebraska. J . W. l^all i nger Company C Lacey, Iowa. J. W. Bysong C(»mpany C West Point, Nebraska. xMrs. J. VV. Bysong West Point, Nebraska. Miss Anna Bysong West Point, Nebraska. Miss Adelia Bysong West Point, Nebraska. Thos. Hendershot Company C Plain view, Nebraska. H. C. Curtis Company C LeMars, Iowa. D. B. Henderson Company C Dubuque, Iowa. W. W. Quivey Company C Pierce, Nebraska. Chas. Carrington Company C Rock Branch, Iowa. Mrs. Chas Carrington Rock Branch, Iowa. J. A. Henderson Company C Cherokee, Iowa. Herman Ellgin Company D Bolen, Iowa. M. W. Bailey Company I) Manning, Iowa. J no. N. Weaver Company D Sioux City. Iowa. Mrs. M. M. Weaver Sioux City, Iowa. Miss Daisy Weaver Sioux City, Iowa. Miss Kate Weaver Sioux City. Iowa. Mrs. Flora (Weaver) Ash ford Winnebago. Nebraska. Ferd . Dubois Company D Charter Oak, Iowa. Mrs. S. C. Dubois Charter Oak, Iowa. William liumgardner Company D Scranton, Iowa. J. W^ Rowan Comjiany D Vinton. Iowa. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. :n M. H. McElroy Company D Percival, Iowa. E. B. Soper Company D Emmetsburg, Iowa. R. K. Soper Company D Estherville, Iowa. Mrs R. K. Soper Estherville, Iowa. C. V. Surfus Company E Bristow, Iowa. David Creighton Company E Geneva, Iowa. J. S. Margretz Company E Hittsville, Iowa. C. B. Hayward Company E Mooreville, Iowa. Sylvester Cook Company E New Castle, Nebraska. R. E. Cook, (Son) New Castle, Nebraska. R. L. Bird Company E Hampton, Iowa. S. J. Crowlmi-st Company E Salem, South Dakota. C. D. Morris Company E Canton, South Dakota. Mrs. C. D. Morris Canton, South Dokota. R. W. Tirrell Company F Manchester. Iowa. Mrs. R. W. Tirrell Manchester, Iowa. Thos. McGowan Company F Independence, Iowa. F. W. Coolidge Company F Sho Shone, Idaho. Mrs. F. W. Coolidge Sho Shone, Idaho. Nelson Ralston Company F Canton, South Dakota. Joshua Widger Company F Manchester, Iowa. L. €. Bush Company F. Kalona, Iowa. Ed Correll Company F Greeley, Iowa. J. E. Eldridge Company F Stark, Kansas. S. M. French ' Company F Denver. Colorado. John Bremner Company F Yankton, South Dakota. W. A. Nelson Company F Hazelton, Iowa. J. E. Simpson Company G Norfolk, Nebraska. Mrs. Mary A. Simpson Norfolk, Nebraska. O. P. Rocksvold Company G Thonton, Iowa. Mrs. A. O. Anderson (daughter) ; Inwood, Iowa. A. O. Anderson ■ Inwood. Iowa. M. E. Meader Hesper, Iowa. Mrs. Louisa Meader Company Hesper. Iowa. A. S. Fuller Company G Maryville, Missouri. John Steen Company G Wahoo, Nebraska. Mrs. John Steen Wahoo, Nebraska. Miss Effle Steen Lincoln, Nebraska. Lars L. Stalim Company G Sioux Citv. Iowa. A. E. Anderson Company G Decorah, Iowa John Simmons Company G Flandreau, South Dakota. Henry .Steen Company G Lyons, Nebraska Mrs. Henry Steen Lyons, Nebraska. G. U. Ness Company G Washington Prairie, Iowa. W. H . McCune Company H Ruthvan, Iowa. R. W. Fishel Company H Greelev, Iowa. R. E. Hamblin and Son — ■. Comijany H Findley, Ohio. J. A. Light Company H Norfolk, Nebraska. J. B. Flenniken .Company H Battle Creek, Nebraska. David Jones Company H Taconie, Iowa. J. R. Shorter Company H Shell Rock, Iowa. H. S. Briggs Company H Marcus, Iowa. J. N. Van Anda Companv H Fremont, Nebraska. Mrs. J. N. Van Anda Fremont, Nebraska. J. Albert Van Anda Fremont. Nebraska. :{:: FIFTH REUNION OF THE M rs. J. R. Shorter Shell Rock, Iowa. VV. II. Cox Company H Alta, Iowa. J. M. Crosby Company H Yankton. South Dakota. Mrs. J. M. Crosby Yankton, South Dakota. Agnes Hrlggs Marcus, Iowa. S. G. Knee Company II Colesburg, Iowa. E. ]{. (3ampbell Company I Armstrong, Iowa. John v. Butters Company I Sioux City, Iowa. Rev. O. P. iiutters Sioux City, Iowa. Miss Stella Butters Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Elsie ( Butters) Faulkner Sioux CMty, Iowa. Mrs. Annie (iintters) Tiioniley Sioux City, Iowa. W. II Dupray Comany I. — Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Charlotte Cuyley Sumner, Washington. M. B. Goodenow Company I Orel, Nebraska. J. W. Cates Company I Talcott, South Dakota. W. L. P'ry Company I Scranton, Iowa. J. T. Campbell Company I Unique, Iowa. D. A. Paup. Company I Sac City, Iowa. Wm. Koehler Company I Dubuque, Iowa. D. D. MeCallum Company I Sibley, Iowa. .J as. L. Thompson Company I Franklin. Nebraska. Mike McDermott Company I Epworth, Iowa. M. D. Nagle Company I Dubuque, Iowa. J S. Ray, 10 in family Company I Naponee, Nebraska. Wm. Brinter Company I Brayton, Iowa. P. J. Moorehouse Company K Mason ville, Iowa. VISITORS. W. F. Ramsey, Co. I, 2nd Iowa Cavalry. S. P. Adams, Co. C, 45th Illinois Infantry. W. F. Scott, Co. I, 9th Cavalry. Alex. Crassan, Co. C, 8th Ohio Infantry. .lames Leith. Co. I. 18th Wisconsin Infantry. O. P. Welding, Co. K, 17th Illinois Infantry. Geo. Hann, Co. M, 2nd Iowa Cavalry. James Jackson, Co. K, 21st Iowa Infantry. D. J. Spencer, Co. G, 5tli Wisconsin Volunteers. H. W. Chase, Co. H, 96th New York Volunteers. T. C. Prescott, Co. H. New Hampshire Infantry. H. D. Jenkins, Co. A, 35th P. V. M. (y.) Marcia M. Lothrop, Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. J. R. Haines, W. R. C. No. 9, Marshalltown, Iowa. Mrs. CarrieArge, Sioux (Jity, Iowa. Mrs. Martha Weaver, Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Laurena Leitch, Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Mary A. Adams, Leeds, Iowa. W. H. McFarland, Co. P, 5th Wisconsin (V.) Theo. C. Wather, Co. I, 1st O. V. L. A. Geo. W. Wakefield, Co. F, 41st Illinois Volunteers. • Geo. D. Perkins, Co, B, 31st Iowa Infantry. Mrs. A. Ba.ssett, Sioux City, Iowa. Josepli E. Spencer, Co. H, 33rd Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. ;« IWastet^ed Oat. Now comes the stid and painful duty of making a record of those of our dear comrades who have passed over the river and gone to their home since our last reunion. Here is what the loving pen of Comrade Clarkson says in the Des Moines Register of COMRADE MYRON UNDERWOOD: Dr. Myron Underwood, of Eldora.was found dead in his bed last Sunday morning. We have Had over a third of a century's personal acquaintance with Dr. Underwood, and the notice of his sudden death touched a tender chord in a heart and memory that have so many friends on the other shore. He was a leading physician, surgeon and citizen of north central Iowa. He came to Hardin county as a young physician seeking a location, some thirty- five years ago. Soon afterward he was appointed the assistant surgeon of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry, a position he filled wlith a capability and fidelity that made him one of the most popular surgeons in the army, and afterwards in the state. At the close of the war he returned to Eldora. He was elected state senator from Hardin and Grundy counties in 1885, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Lieut. Gov. Eastman, and rendered faithful and efficient service to his constituents and the state, but refused to accept further political honors on the ground that his patients had the first right to his ser- vices. Dr. Underwood was still a young man, but his health had been impaired by nearly four years of hai'd service and privations in the army, and by the exposure to all kinds of weather physicians are compelled to endure who are called to ride or drive over the country at all hours of the day and night for over a third of a century. He was faithful and sympathetic with his patients, and considered it his duty to go whei-ever and whenever called. We knew him bast as the assistant surgeon of the Twelfth Iowa infantry, where his knowledge and skill should have the credit of saving the lives and easing the pains and suft'prings of many comrades. He took great pride in the regi- ment and had a personal acquaintance with every member. Flag Day was an inspiration to him and he hoped to be here on that interesting occas- ion. A comrade reported last week that he would not have to come to Des Moines if Dr. Underwood had not urged him to come, and he was surprised on arrival to find that the doctor was not present. The doctor was probably not feeling well enough to come himself, but bravely refrained from making ,{4 FIFTH REUNION OF TIIK luiy mention of his illness while urging other comrades to attend. So they go. Every day and nearly every hour calls some Iowa veteran to join the comrades gone on before, but they cross the river of life bravely and meet the future with all the heroism in which they dared death in the rain of shot and shell in 18(51 -05. Eldora, Aug. i;{. ---Spacial: Dr. Myron Underwood, a leading physician and prominent citizen of this county, was found dead in liis bed yesterday morning at s o'clock, haviiig expired during the night of hearr disease. The doctor was county coroner several years ago and it was in this capacity that he secured the ill will of the notorious Rainsbarger gang and was shot at by them and his life threatened. He was instrumental in exterminating the gang and became noted in his fight against law breakers. He represented Hardin and Grundy counties in the state senate in 1886, filling out the unex- pired term of the late (xovernor Eastman. Dr. Underwood was a prominent citizen, whose loss was not confined to Hardin county alone. His professional life was a constant devotion to duty and no call at his door for assistance, whether made by the rich man or the penniless beggar, was ever left unanswered. He was a man of untiring energy, prominent in all works of charity and the upbuilding of town and county. In his death Eldora loses a worthy citizen, humanity a friend, his family a father ever kind and indulgent. A widow and five children are left to mourn his loss. Myron Underwood was born at Montville, Geauga county, Ohio, Ang. 7, 18:33, where he lived until he was 12 years of age, when he moved with his parents, Jonas and Mary Underwood, to McHeury county. 111. His literary education was received in common schools and at Mount Morris, 111. He be- gan the study of medicine with Dr. Hager of Marengo, 111., in 1855. In May, 1859, he came to Hardin county, locating first at Steamboat Rock, moving to Eldora in July, 1860. In the first dark days of civil strife he considered it a duty to offer his services in defense of the flag. He was commissioned as assistant surgeon of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry serving until final discharge in Oct., 1865. He was united in marriage in 1861 to Miss Sophia A., daugh- ter of John Ellis, who located in this county in 1856. COMRADE D. V. ELLSWORTH. Eldora (la.) Ledger, Nov. 24. — The i*emaius of D. V. Ellsworth, formerly of this city, but lately of Newman Grove, Nebraska, arrived here on last Friday night, accompanied by relatives and friends, where the body lay in state until Sunday at 2 p. m. , when it was taken to the Congregational church, where the funeral services were conducted under tbe auspices of Edward C. Buckner Post, G. A. R., of whit^h order he was a member, led by Rev. E. Kent, of that church. The services were impressive and had a tend- ency to bring to memory many scenes of the long ago. After services at the church the remains were taken to the cemetery east of town, and there laid to rest by the former comrades in arms. At a regular meeting of Emerick Post No. 'M)i, Department of Nebraska, TWELFTH IOWA Y. V. INFANTRY. :55 G. A. K., the following preamble mid resolution were adopted by an nnani- uious vote of the Post: ' ' Whereas, It has pleased the Great Commander of the Universe to call from our midst into the grand encampment over the river our esteemed com- rade, D. V. Ellsworth, "Therefore, Be it resolved that in the departure of Comrade Ellsworth we are called upon to mourn the loss of an energetic and useful citizen, a kind neighbor, a faithful and indulgent husband and father, a true and genial comrade, ever ready to champion the cause of a fellow comrade in distress, and a brave, noble and persistent defender of our country in her time of need. "Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved wife ,aad his now fatherless children. May God keep them and bless them is the praj^er of the remaining members of Emerick Post No. 313, Department of Nebra.ska." J. H. SWEITZER, HENRY NYE. S. V. C, ' Adjutant. Acting P. C. Thus has passed away a brave soldier, a good citizen, an honest man, a loving husband and kind and indulgent father. When I .say that he will be missed I fail to express the sense of loss that his family and the community at large has sustained. Deceased was born May 33, 1840, in Potter county, Pennsylvania, the fourth child of a family of six children. He removed with his parents to El- dora, Iowa, in 1854, where his father still lives hale and hearty at the age of S3 years, In the fall of 1861 he enlisted as a private in Co. A, 13th Reg't., Iowa Volunteers, and was honorably discharged and mustered out as first lieutenant of same company and regiment after a service of three years, three months and 33 days. Jan. 16th, 1865, he was married to Saloma Bowman, who, with three children the' fruit of such marriage, still survive him. From the time of his marriage in 1865 until May, 1887, he lived m Eldora and vicinity and successfully farmed, was railway conductor, revenue assessor and druggist. In May, 1887, he moved with his family to Newman Grove, Nebraska, where he engaged in the law business, in which he was actively engaged at the time he was taken with his last illness. About tlu'ee weeks ago he was taken with chills and although he kept about his business for a day or two he was finally obliged to give up and take to his bed. At this time an old kidney trouble, which had bothered him at times while in the service, set in and blood poisoniiig ensued, from which he could not rally. Deceased was a member of Emerick Post, G. A. R., and also of Newman (Trove Camp No. 1,513, M. W. A., and both organizations did all that could be done to soothe his dying bed and comfort his afflicted family. The re- mains were taken to Eldora, Iowa, for interment after service under the aus- pices of the G. A. R. and M. W. A. at this place. Rev. W. E. Kimball of Madison delivered an appropriate and touching- address, after which the two societies and his old neighbors and friends bore him to the train and we bade a final farewell to the mortal part of D. V. Ellsworth. As a business partner and neighbor I knew deceased well during the last .{^ FIFTH REUNION OF THP] six rears of his life and I am glad to be able to testify to his kindness of heart, his unbounded generosity, undaunted courage and persevering industry As a lavvyei- he was energetic and honest, as a neighbor he was acconimoda ing a'd Lsiderate, as a parent he was indulgent and kind, .vs a husband taithful V affectionat; His bereaved family uave the heatrfelt sympathy of the Entire neighorhood and while we join them in mourning their bereavement as our common loss w. <-onsole oui-selves with the thought that he is a^t^ i-e^st.^ Daniel V. Ellsworth's home at Newman Grove, Neb. A TRIBUTE TO MY ABSENT FRIEND. (By J. B. Long Madison, Neb. ) Dan Ellsworth's gone! he rests in peace Within his dark and nari-ow grave. But honors to his name won't cease While homes are blest he helped to save; He was a soldier true and brave And member of the G. A. R. , Not one more kindly did behave Than he to comrades si nets the war But now he is removed too far Beyond the reach of friencLship's tie; Nor sun, nor moon, nor distant star. Will shed their light to guide his eye; What pity 'tis that some to die And absence veils their pleasant face, While those who knew them grieve and sigh Beause none else can fill their place. Ellsworth, my friend! if I could trace The heaven where spirits live iu bliss, Or know that endless tin^.e and space Were occupied by souls we miss,— As I have heard the bullets hiss And dared grim death in days of yore, I might resign a scene like this To be near thee forever more. The following names of members of Company B ware handed in at our reunion who had died, and since our last meeting no additional information has been received up to time of going to press: J H Huestis, died at Waterville, Iowa, 1894. Bradner Ferguson, died at Soldiers' Home, Marshalltown. 1S94. Charles Ogan, died in California some years ago. COMRADE B. P. ZUVER. Byron P. Zuver died at his residence in Adams, March 1, 18i«. Death TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 37 resulted from a complication of luug and brain trouble resulting from la grippe. Solomon Zuver and Julia Ann Kerns, who were married in Wayne county, Ohio, in 1839, were the parents of five children, of whom Byron P. Zuver was the eldest, and all of whom are now dead with the exception of our esteemed citizen Geo. W. Zuver. Mr. B. P. Znver was born Nov. 8th, 1840, in Wayne county, Ohio, thus making his age at the time of his death 52 years, 4 months and 13 d^ys. After the removal of the family to Iowa, he attended the common schools and finished his school education at Western college, in Linn county, Iowa He was the possessor of an active mind, which he continued to develop. He had been a member of the county board of supervisors, held numer- ous other offices and had been for a number of years a member of the school board. At the time of his death and for a number of years, he had been one of the most efficient postal clerks in his division. In all of these positions his faithful services were "a credit to him. He enlisted in Company D, 12th Iowa Infantry, being the first to enlist from his county. His army record is long and honorable, being in the serv- vice 4 years and 8 months. He was in the battles of Shiloh, Foit Donaldson and Fort Henry, which were but fragments of his active army life. He w\T,s a prisoner and after being paroled rejoined his regiment. He with his regiment was mustered out of service Jan. 20th, 1866. He has written a very complete history of Company D, 12th Iowa Veteran Volunteers, and was appointed a member of the regimental* historical committee. After the war he returned to Macon City, Iowa. Later he engaged in the hotel busi- ness, at Waterloo, Iowa, from which place he came to Nebraska, and took a homestead in Hooker township, July 17th, 1867. In Nebraska he became ac- quainted with Miss Nancy Adams, a daughter of J. O. Adams, the veteran pioneer and the man for whom our town was named. Six children were born to them, three of whom have gone on before, and three with Mrs. Zuver remain to mourn his loss. We shall miss him. We have lost a man, a manly, noble man. The town will miss him in everj- enterprise, charitable, social, political, or financial. The G. A. R. will have one vacant chair which will never be filled, and the vacancy of which they will never cease to feel, but we believe they will have a comrade who will place a light in the window of the temple on the other shore to guide them home. The A. F. & A. M. have lost a brother here but "Hope looks beyond this vale of tears" to a fra- ternity eternal. The church will miss him, his support, his influence, his en- couraging words and noble character. Scores of us will miss a personal friend, his kind words, friendly acts, sympathy, encouragement and good cheer. The writer feels the loss of a true friend whose many kind acts and cheering words we shall never forget. His family has sustained a great loss, and we extend our sympathj^, sharing as far as may be in their sorrow by keen sense of our own loss, and a full appreciation of their far greater loss. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Wednesday at 3 o'clock, and were conducted by Rev. M. C. Smith of Grafton, the A. F. & A. M. and G. A. R., joining in the ceremonies. —The Adams (Neb.) Globe, March 24, 1893. :iS FIFTH REUNION i)V THE COMRADE THOMAS BARR. Tlionias Barr was born in tbe state of Ohio, on the 10th day of August, 18;5!l; came to Cedar county, Iowa, with his ijarents in J84(>, and thence re- moved to Benton county, Iowa, in 1S4S, and lived in Benton countj' the re- mainder of his life, except during his term of service. Thomas Barr enlisted at Shellsburg, Benton county. Iowa, in Company D, Twelfth Iowa Infantry Volunteers, about the first day of October, ]8(i], and was a model soldier. At the battle of Shiloh, April (5th, 18(52, he received a severe gun shot wound in the thigh, and with the rest of the command was taken prisoner, but was recaptured on the following day, when the advances of our lines covered the ground lost the day before. He was sent to hospital and sufficiently recovered to return to his company, then in the Union bri- gade, in the early autumn of 18(52 was at the battle of Corinth, in the Union brigade, and was present in all the battles and skirmishes the Twelfth Iowa was engaged in after that time. He did not re-enlist and was up Red River with A. J. Smith's command and at the battle of Pleasant Hill with the other non-veterans of the Twelfth in the 35th Iowa Infantry. At the expiration of his three year's enlistment, he was mustered out, by rea.son of expiration of term of service and returned to his home in Benton county, where, on the 29th daj' of December, 18(54, he was married to Amy D. Bickell. He left surviving his widow and four. children, all grown up and married. He died December 27th, 1892, at his home on a farm near Sellsburg of i)aralysis. Thomas Barr was a large, strong, vigorous man; was never in hospital or disabled from duty except on account of wounds received in battle. He was a quiet man, brave, unfiiuching and always ready for duty, never grumbling, and his death will be very much of a surprise to, and sincerely regretted bj^ all of Company D. He was present at the reunion at Waterloo and appeared to be in vigorous health. COMRADE T. R. M'KEE. News came here on Tuesday that Major Truman R. McKee had died at the home of his brother in Chicago, Monday, January 8th, 1894, and that the remains wcmld reach here for burial Tnesdaj^ evening. They arrived on the 7:r)5 train and were taken in charge by the G. A. R. To most of our citizens the news came as a surprise, but to those who had an intimate acciuaintaace with the deceased it was to them an event )iot altogether unexpected. Those who knew him best were aware of the exist- ence of a disease that had troubled him for long years and from which death would come" at almost any moment. The biographi(\'i.l sketch is very meagre for want of materials. Truman R. McKee was born in Watertown.New York, in 1828, and v.'as (55 years old in May, 189:5. His bojMiood days were spent in Sacket's Har- bor, New York. He spent a few years on the lakes as a sailor in company with his brother in his 3'ounger days. It is said tluit a fall from the mast of the Hornet, a vessel commanded by his- brother, laid the founflations of tlie dis- TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. .-.ud .to of Iowa and «X ntl fn n T, " "''"""' "' Miu.esota for a while battle of Shiloh, which occur .ecl^In /^ 18 2 and i'^H" ,""' "'^^ ^" *^^^ called the forces together ou tiuatt^Tl^^ble ol fo' LZ.' T" *'^* of service the 28th day of April, 1862, for disabiHty """ ""' Mr. McKee enlisted in the army of his divine Lord -^i^ m . years ago and became a "good soldier of Jes « n, .- ''"^, ^''^'^^^ °''^^- »'"« be an honored and con.sislent nl^u bL of ^ Me^^^^^^^^ f "^^^^" *« the cin.e of his death, whez. he received fron7the Greafc^^^^^^^^ ,t"?' '"' our s^uls his promotion to membership in that gride any Twh "' "* bers the poet sings: d'-auum army, ot whose num- " Soldiers of Christ, well done; Thy glorious warfare is past' Your battles fought, the victories won. And thou art crowned at last." The funeral occurred at the M. E. church at 1 o'clock d .n w. . , which wa.s conducted by Rev. W. J Hyde in -i shorf h? Wednesday, The remains were laid away besidfi:!: wifC tle'DeirSr L" T"" There was no relative present except his brother wiuf w^n !> ^''^''^'■ stayed while in Chicago. There is no need of l.t ^^^"^ whom the major Kee's social and moral^,harac: ^ o h Ts endors"e7b;The"';'°"' ^'^ ^^- for honesty and integrity. -Dell Rapids ^^1^ 12 iC """"""*'" COMRADE HIRAM KASTER. The funeral services of Hiram Kaster were conducted l,v r Adams, at the home of the deceased's family some W ^f-, ' ,^ " ^• Manciiester, at 2 o'cl.ick n m Anvil -T i V Z ""^'''^ southeast of .a,.,.red a. the ho„se,l:\Lr„A^l"„,.!: f^ '.V™- ;;',7« --'' """ by the afflicted family, who have the svmn. fv f ,, , ' '' '^^^'^P^^ ^^^^ following obituary was read at the sertlcT ' ''^'^ "'^ '""" "^^^ ^he Hiram Kaster was born in Mercer county, Ph., July is 18^-:? . i sou of Sealey and Mary 'Shilling) Kaster Whm. h ' "^"'^ '^^''^ '^ ago his father came to Delaware LtiyancUir vf^"' ""T ''''''' ^^^^« «^ spent on Spring Branch. Li Sept'n b;; i8( .oT .. '"' "^""'""'^ ^^^^"^ oivil war, and when only 18 year c^ age 'he enli 3 '""" "^^ ^^^^""^ «^ ^^- F. 12th Iowa Volunteer Int Jtry. andln'c 1 lie ^TZ '^ ^"^^"^ discharged for disability incurred during his ten of ^er^^^^^^^^^ "h!" "T engagement m which he took part during the time of ^^J'lJ^T^, 40 FIFTH REUNION OF THE Douolsou., He was in minor euf^agemuets, and saw a great deal of bard serv- ice in marches, and in camp during the winter of 1861-62. December 25, 1864, bo married Miss Hannah Pierce, also of Spring Branch, and a niece of Mrs. Matt Brayton. Hiram Raster died at bis home in Milo township, Satui-day, April 1, 189;J, being at the time of his death 49 years, 8 months and 18 days old. At Port Donelson be contracted the disease which made him so great a sufferer all years and finally resulted in his death. He leaves a wife, three daughters and one .son, also three brothers, one sister and an aged mother, besides numy friends to mourn bis loss. A loyal soldier, a faithful friend, a good son and brother, the of bu-sbands and fathers has gone to bis rest, and the world is better for bis having lived in it. COMRADE JAMES (^UTLIP. At a regular meeting of Jo Mower Post No. Ill, (t. A. R. , Department of Minnesota, lield in their ball in Pine Island, Minn.. September 7, 1892, tlie following resolutions were adopted: "Whereas, It lias pleased an all wise Providence to remove from our post by death, our comrade and neighbor, James Cutlip, formerly a member of Com- pany G, 12tb Iowa Infantry, and of the greater loss suffered by those who were nearest and dearest to him; therefore be it "Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the deceased to say that in son-owing for bis removal from our Post, we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our re.spect and regard. "Re.solved, That we .sincerely sympathize with his family' in their af- fliction, and we bow to the ordering of him who 'doeth all things well.' "Resolved, That this testimonial of our heartfelt sorrow and sympathy be forwarded to the family of the deceased and that a copy be furnished tlie Pine Island Record for publication." F. HAGLER. J. D. HASTINGS. F. JEWELL, Connnittee. COMRADE DRENGMAN OLESON AAKER. Aaker — At his home in Ridgeway, on the 30th ult. , Hon. D. O. Aaker, aged 53 j'ears, 6 months and 1 da}'. Mr. Aaker was born in Norway in September, 1839, but came to Americnv with his parents wlien only nine years old. They first settled in Waukesha ('o. , Wis. , but in 1854 they came to Iowa and located at what was then a promising point (now defunct) in the corner of Madison and Lincoln town- ships, called Burr Oak Springs. When the war of the rebellion broke out Mr. Aaker promptly enlisted with Capt. Tapper in Company G of the 12th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He .served through the war and was a good soldier. In 1869 he nuirried Christina Eleffson, who boi'e to him Lena, John Tlieodore, Adolph Oscar, and Dreugman ('asper, all of whom survive him. TWELFTH IOWA Y. V. INFANTRY. 41 Always active in politics and public affairs, he held numerous local offi- ces, and in 1880 ran for clerk of the courts against Myron J. Harden, but was defeated. In the following year he ran for representative in the Iowa general assembly, was elected and re-elected two years later, making a creditable rec- ord for himself. In 1885 he ran for senator and was beaten by T. W. Burdick. When Ridgeway was started he moved to the new town and engaged in the lumber trade. Later he became a member of the mercantile firm of Galby & Aaker. For a time prosperity attended them, but they were doing business on a falling market, ten years later the wheat blight struck this region, and their debtors, unable to pay, moved away to the Dakotas and elsewhere,,leaving the firm stranded financially. From this Mr. A. never recovered. Socially and personally always genial, more than usually intelligent, "D. O. " was always popular when before the people. He had his faults, as all have. His antagonisms were all political and not personal; and the grave cov- ers them all with a mantle of love and oblivion. Peace to his ashes. The funeral services were held Monday, a large concourse attending. Messrs. L. L. Cadwell, P. McCusker. R. F. Greer, John Harmon, C. L. Hol- comb and O. A. Anderson of Col. Hughes' Post, attended as pall bearers for their deceased comrade. COMARDE JOHN B. THOMPSOM. John B. Thompson, a veteran of the 12th Iowa, died at or near Spilville, Sunday, and was buried Tuesday. (vomrade Thompson was a member of Company G, loved and respected bj^ all liis comrades. He passed away at his home near Spilville, Winnesheik county, Iowa, in the .spring of ^1894. COMRADE STEPHEN B. MILLER. The follwing was cnt from the Yaquina Post, published at Toledo, Ore- gon, February 24th, 1894, and tells of the death of one of Company G, whose personal record during the war showed as much courage and bravery as any member of the regiment; of great strength and endurance; always ready for duty. He never knew what fear was. He was a soldier every inch of him. '"Peace to his ashes." Stephen B. Miller, a notice of whose decease appeared in the Post of the 17th. iust., was born in New York, in May, 1841, and consequently was 52 years and 9 months old on the day of his death. His parents emigrated to Iowa and settled in Winnesheik county, where he was raised. At the breaking out of the late war he .ioined Company G of the Twelfth Iowa Volunteers. Sometime after his enlistment he was taken prisoner and incarcerated in Libby prison. A few months there- after he was paroled and returned to his company in the field. About nine months thereafter he was again captured and thrown into that vile den, An- dersonville prison, with others were sujected to the most inhuman cruelties and neaily starved to death. With hope and life almost gone, a terribly 42 FIFTH REUNION OF THE emaciated body and brokeu constitution he with others was released from Andersouville prison and sent to a hospital for medical treatment. After sev- ral mouths he regained strength enough, and by his own earnest solicitation lie was returned to his regiment, where he served honorably to the end of tlie war. Steve, as he was familiarly called by his fellow soldiers, was known in his regiment as a brave, true soldier, and a generous worthy comrade. He was a blacksmith by trade, and worked for the O. P. company about eight years. He was always of an industrious turn, and from his prison confine- ment — from the effects of which he never fully recovered — he failed from year to year, until finally tuberscnlosis consamption and general debility car- ried him to an imtijuely grave. He loaves a wife and two small chidren to mourn his loss. Mr. Miller was known on the Bay as a kind, indulgent father, a good provider, and a peaceful conscientious citizen. He was buried at Corvallis in Odd Fellows" cemetery, under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. May his soul i-est in peace. CO^IRADE. COMRADE WILLIAM HOERNER. Dubuque (Iowa) Daily Journal, Aug. 27, 1894: Another man who went forth at the. call of his country has answered the last roll call, and is now a member of that Grand Ai-my that has passed to the other shore. William Hoerner is his name, and he died Sunday morning at Finley hospital, to which place he had been taken a few days ago. Wounds and other injuries received in the army were the cause of his death. At the time of his demise he was about 60 years of age, but he looked much older, owing to continued ill health occasioned by his wounds. Mr. Hoerner was a native of Geramny, but came to this country about forty-five years ago and had been a resident of Dubuque for about forty years. At the breaking oat of the war he enlisted in Company H, 12th Iowa Infantry, and served all throilgh the struggle and remained in the service until 1806, when the ragiment was mustered out. He was a brave and gallant soldier, and, with the writer of these lines was a member of the color-guard of the regiment. He was in all the great battles in which the regiment was engaged — Forts Henry, Donelsou, Shiloh, Jack- sou, Vicksburg, Tupelo, Nashville aud others— always bearing himself with honor aud credit. At the expiration of his term he returned to Dubuque and shortly afterwards established an apiary in the upper part of the cit}% con- ducting it and gaining a meagre livelihood until the effects of his wounds, to- gether witli the infirmities of age, broke down liis health; when, through the influence of Col. Henderson the poor old veteran was granted a small pen.sion. Comrade Hoerner was never married. He was recognized by all who knew him as a man of honor aud integrity. He was so constituted that he could not do an unmanly act. His sense of honor was as keeu as that of the knights of the days of chivalry, and there is not a member of the old 12th alive today who will not heave a sigh of deep regret when they learn of "'Billy" Hoerner's death. He was our comrade in the days when the flush of youth was on his cheek and before the hand of time had wrinkled our brow. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 43 We knew him in the glad morning of life when he shouldered his musket and went forth to preserve the integrity of the stars and stripes. We saw him on the field of death, but he did not waver. We saw him faint from wounds, but he did not murmur. We saw him in the prison pen, but he was cheerful. We saw him throughout over four years of war and always knew him to be a soldier and a man. Like so many thousands of other soldiers he has passed into the dreamless sleep. Time has supplanted his raven locks with their silver,and the elastic step of youth had given place to the decreped pace of age. Death had no terrors for him. In the mellow sunset of an honored life he passed into the valley of the shadow and fell asleep at the sound of the taps of Death. He was a member of Hyde Clark post and will be buried under its auspices at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the soldier's lot. . Green be the turf above thee, Friend of our youthful days; None knew thee but to love thee, None named thee but to praise. Ele was a member of Halcyon Encampment No. 1, and Harmony Lodge No 2, I O. O. F. COMRADE EDWARD BECKETT. Dubuque Daily Globe-Journal, Oct. 23, 1894: A letter received here yes- terday announces the death of Capt. Edward Beckett, who passed away at the National Soldiers' Home at Laaveuworth, Kas. , last Thursday, and whose interment took place the following Friday evening in the cemetery connected with the home. Captain Backett, when he was here about two months ago on a furlough from the horns, was in very poor health and said then that he soon expected to be with the boys on the other side. He had been in very poor healtJi for several years and was patiently awaiting the final sixmmons. Captain Ed. Backett Wiis boru in Center Grove and at the time of his death was about 53 years of age. His father, Edward Beckett, Sr. , who is still a i-esident of Center Grove, came to this country from England when quite a young man and engaged in mining, and the sou also followed this oc- cupation until the breaking out of the war. Captain Beckett received a good common school education, and when the call for 75,000 ti-oops was issued by President Lincoln, in 1861, he enlisted as a member of the old Governor's Greys and served with the famous First Iowa Inafutry during its three months term of service. When the Twelfth Iowa was being organized in this city, a few months after he had returned home. Captain Beckett took an active part in the or- ganization of Company H, and was made a sergeant. . He served with dis- tinction and was severly wounded in two different battles. He was by nature a soldier, and at the termination of the war enlisted in the regular army and served five years, returning home at the expiration of his term of service. In 1874, when Captain Dan Duane and others were forming the Dubuque Rifles, Captain Beckett became a member of the company and rendered such valua- 44 P^IFTH REUNION OF THE ble assistance that he was elected first lieutenant and on the appointment of Captain Duane as colonel of the then Fourth regiment. Lieutenant Beckett was promoted to the captaisicy. He was a thorough soldier and a fine drill master and took great pride in having a fine company, which, it will be readily admitted, the Rifles were under the leadership of Duane and Beckett respectively, both having been through the war. Captain Beckett was a man who never shirked duty, no matter how dan- gerous it might be, and he was held in high regard by every member of the Twelfth Iowa. He was in the same company with the late G. W. Horner, who passed away last August, and' fought at Donelson, Shiloh, Tupelo, Vicks- burg, and all the other great battles in which the regiment too part. He is now a member of the grand army on the other side of the line of time. His death will be sincerely regretted by all who knew him,' and especially old comrades-in-arms. His was a true and loyal heart. He loved the old flag and fought gallantly to preserve all that it symbolizes. He went out in his young manhood and gave the best years of his -life to his country. He is now sleeping in an honored soldier's grave in the bosom of the laud his valor helped to save; and all his old comrades will drop a tear when they learn that brave Ed. Beckett is no more. He was a member of Hyde Clark Post. COMRADE W. H. MARKHAM. W. H. Markham was born in Cattaragus county, N Y. , and moved to Iowa, and when the dark clouds of war made their apperance he thought it his duty to go and defend that dear old flag; and on October 14th he volunteered in Company I, 12th Iowa Infantry; was taken prisoner at the battle of Shilo, Teun., and for several montlis suffered the indignities of prison life; was exchanged and returned to his regiment and participated in all its engagements, in all its long and weary marche.s, and in February, 180(5, he was mustered out of the service and returned home with the seeds of dis- ease so firmly planted in his system that it was impossible to eradiacte them. He moved to Wisconsin, and in 1885 he came to this county, thinking that the climate and in the pure light air he might regain his health. Since that time he has been our con.stant friend, a kind neighbor beloved by all. one who was always ready to extend the hand of charity. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, a true christian. He died on the morning of Aug. 9th. His death was no surprise. He had no fear of death and when it came it was but a transition, for he passed away as serenely as a child asleep. He was a member of the E. E. Kimball Post,. G. A. R. , and was buried by the order he loved so well, assisted by the ladies of the G. A. R. The wreaths of flowers, the silken flag across his breast and the long procession plainly indicated that he had many friends. The funeral service was very impressive and painfully showed that we would all soon answer to the last roll call. N"o euconium is too high, no honor too great for such a soldier. Without the incentive or the motive which controls the officer, who hopes to live in history without the hope of reward actuated only by a sense of duty and pa- TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 45 triotifem. However much of credit and glory may be given and probably justly given to the leaders of the struggle, history will yet award the main honor where it is due— to the private sodier— who, without hope of reward, with no other incentive than a conscientiousness of rectitude has encountered all the iiardships and has suffered all the privations. Our comrade will be missed by all who knew him. Praxitites, the great sculptor, sought to perpetuate the smile of his beloved on marble lips, believing that art could do what love de- nied. No art, no cunning chisel, no undying marble are needed here. We shall indeed never again feel the warm grasp of oar noble comrade, nor be glad in his sunny smile, nor drink in the deep lights of his discourse. But sweet raennn-ies of his generous nature,of his chivalrous bearing, of his devo- tion to principle, of his boundless love for his country, of his fidelity will sur- vive. He was his own biographer, and his own sculptor, for he made his life a part of the undying history of his country and engraved his image in the hearts of his countrymen. H. Gr. I'ATTERSON. COMRADE ISAIAH K. CRANE. Isaiah K. Crane, the son of Solomon and Elizabeth (Mills) Crane, was born in Washington, Sullivan county. New Hampshire, February 28, 1820. His earliest years were spent on the farm. In 1843, Miss Olive Heald became his wife. She died in 1855, leaving two chlidern, John H. , and James C. , both residents of this oity. Soon after the death of his wife Mr. Crane came to this state and engaged in farming until the war broke out, when he heed- ed his country's call and enlisted as a member of Company I, Twelfth Iowa Infantry. He was present at Fort Henry, Fort Douelson, Shiloh the Siege of Vicksburg, the Red River expedition under General Banks, etc., serving his country faithfully and well for three years and three months. After the war Mr. Crane resumed farming in this county, and on February 13, 1865, was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Angeline Smith of De Witt, who survives him and who enjoys the proud distinction of being able to trace her ancestry to the noble Robert Bruce, of Scotland. Her father, Robert L. Smith, was the first abolitionist, to his honor be it said, of Clinton county. I. K. Crane, the subject of this sketch, died at his home in this city on Tues- day morning , August 21, 1894, of dropsy of the heart. At the age of 18 be became a member of the Baptist church and until his death, or more than fifty-six years, lived a sincere, upright christian life. If he ma^le mistakes, and all men do, they were of the head and not of the heart, and it is the universal verdict of all who knew" him well that he was one of nature's noblemen. What higher title can any man have or desire. He was honest, generous and patriotic. By his second wife he leaves two sons, R. Edward and S. Bird, both of whom as well as the other two, John H. and James C. , were present at the funeral, which was held at the Buckhorn church, under tlie auspices of A. W. Drips Post, of which he was an honored member, and was one of the largest of the many large funerals which have been held in that neighborhood. More than ninety teams were in the procession. Dr. Hi^ald pronounced the funeral discourse, a fitting -eulogy to the departed. The 4() FIFTH REUNION OF THE remains were laid to rest iu the adjoining cemetery, of whicli deceased has been sexton for nearly thirty years. COMRADE DAVID S. GODFREY. David S. Oodfrey, Company F, 13th Iowa, died at Wier City, Kansas, soniotime in the fall of 1887. COMRADE A. C. OILMAN. Comrade A. C. Oilman, Company H, 12th Iowa, died at the Soldiers' Home, Marshalltown, Iowa, December 18th, 1891, at the age of sixty-three years, of capilary bronchitis. His body was shipped to Insdianapolis, Ind., for burial. Here is what Comrade Van Anda says of him: Fremont, Neb., Nov. loth, 1894. Dear Comrade Simpson: I have just received from the Iowa Soldiers' Home commander the announcement of the death of onr old comrade, A. C. Oilman. One by one the boys are laid away, and when A. C. passed from this life a good soldier was absent, but accounted for. I am unable to give an extended account of him. I have not met him since '68 and know nothing of him except as a soldier. He was generally respected, always ready to do his duty and in all respects a model soldier. Respectfully, J. A. VAN ANDA. COMRADE FRANK M. HAMLIN. Comrade Frank M. Hamlin of Company H, 12th Iowa, died at his home in Iowa Falls, Iowa, April 29th, 1890, aged 57 years. C!omrade Van Anda says of him: I can only remember him as a bold boy and one that we could rely upon under every circumstance---one of those bold boys that we like to think of. But he is serving iu the great army on the other side. We can go where he is, but he cannot come to us. May he rest iu peace aud be among those who are in the O. A. R. above. Respectfully, J. A. VAN ANDA. COMRADE JAMES S. DUPRAY. James S. Dupray, 5th sergeant Company I, 12th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, was born iu Franklin, Venango county, Penn., in 1814. Enlisted in the 12th Iowa September 27th, 1861 ; discharged iu 1862 account of disability; received in line of duty at Pittsburg Landing; died in Monroe county, Iowa, December 6th, 1876, from disease contracted in the service of the government. Some comrade at the reunion handed in the following memorandum of TWELFTH iOWA Y. V. INFANTRY 47 deaths in Company E, with a promise that the date of deaths and other in- formation would be sent soon. None has been received as this goes to press: COMRADE JOHN ELWELL. Lieut. John Elwell of Company E, 12th Iowa, died at Chicago, 111. COMRADE JOHN C. JONES. • John C. Jones of Company E, died at his home near Geneva, Iowa. COMRADE THOMAS DEMORSS. Thomas Demorss of Company E, died at his home near Briston, Iowa. COMRADE ALEXANDER MEYERS. Alexander W. Meyers of Company E, died at his home ta Shell Creek, Iowa. 48 FIFTH REUNION OF THE CommaniGations. The following letters were received at ditterent times and by difierent persons, and w'ill, without doubt, be read with pleasure by you all, breath- ing as they do the spirit of love and kindly feeling that exists so strongly between old comrades: Manchester, Iowa, Oct. 2~th, 1894. Dear Comrade Simpson: — Yours of 28rd inst, came yesterday. I note what you say about getting out proceedings of the 5th reunion and think that yoa had better prepare the same and have them printed, for no one not present can begin to do it justice. Another reason is that as now situated it is impossible for me to do it on account of the county building a new court house, and I am crowded in temporary quaretrs in a room about 14 feet ?quare and have not the room to do the work required in the office. Hope, however, to get moved in the uew quarters about January 1st, when I will have fine quarters with plenty of room and good light, providing, of course, that the people oi> the 6th of November say by their vote that I may occupy them. Am so glad the re- union proved such a success. I almost cried when tne boys started from here that I was unable to go. The people here feel complimented that the boys are to come here again, and will give them a royal reception. They feel nearer to the old 12th than any other regiment, and no other who has held reunions here have had as good times as ours. We must work for a good representation of the families of the comrades next time, and would suggest that you put something in the proceedings that will set them to thinkng about it and making perparatioii to that effect. I send you a paper with account of death of Ed. Beckett Compay H, who has died since reunion. Mrs. D. joins iu kindest regards to you and Mrs. S. In haste. Your comrade, ABNER DUNHAM. Chicago 111., Oct. lOth. 1894. My Dear Judge:— Although I have been writing to Butters and yourself, telling of the ditti- culties in the way of my going to Sioux City, and of the probabilities of my being unable to attend the reunion, I have bad a sneaking notion in my u)iud all of the time, that despite all obstructions I would find some way to cut loose at the last minute, and be with you, and last week at Council Bluffs 1 TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 49 told Geu. Henderson snd others that I would certainly show up on the morn- ing of the second day, but I find now it is impossible for me to go. I Jiave a number of important matters on hand that are demanding attention, and to cap the climax I have been subpoenaed before the court in a case now pending, and in which my presence is essential. I Cannot express in words the regret I feel over this matter. It is the pride of my life that I had the honor to com- mand the 12th Iowa, and with each succeeding year I think of my old com- rades with increasing love and fondness. God bless the dear old boys. Give them my love and kindest greetings, and the assurance that if the good Lord will spare my life I will use my best endeavor to be with them at the next reunion. I trust your reunion may prove a success in eveiy sense, and that the oc- casion may be counted a notable one in the history of our organization. Be- live me. Very truly your friend and comrade, J. H. STIBBS. Manchester, Iowa. Nov. loth, 1894. Dear Comrade Siihpson: — Yours of 23rd ult. , telling me of my being selected as secretary of our regimental association, and also of the decision of the association to return "home" at next reunion, is received. While I doubt the wisdom of the choice of its secretary it is a compliment of which I feel proud, and while incom- petent to perform the duties sati.sfact 'rily to myself, be assured I will do my best. I hope every comrade will at once begin preparations to come, for a warm reception awaits us. I feel warranted in saying that none have a big- ger place in the hearts of the people of Manchester than the 12th Iowa. This I know t'rom expressions heard on every side, both before and since the de- cision to return. Let every comrade as far as they can bring their wives and children, and for them to prepare to take part in our exercies which for our children will he a great school in patriotism— a branch in their education we should do all in our power to advance. Hoping to meet everyone of the "old boys" and their families in '90, ^ I am your comrade, ABNER DUNHAM. Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 5th, 1894. Hon. J. N. Weaver: — Dear Comrade: It is with keen regret that I write it is impos.sible to be with you and the comrades at the Sioux City reunion of our good regiment. I missed the last because of the storm. Before I missed none. And they were always like going home as I met the comrades. It is a great disappoint- ment that I cannot at this time grasp the hand and look into the eyes and see away beyond the grej^ hairs and faltering step, see the boy in blue with raven locks and elastic step. And the)i the talk of bygones, the friendly in- ijei-est in our present conditions, etc. I am prond of the 12th Iowa and its FIFTH REUNION OF TIIK iv(M)itl. And as I stand od my doorstep and look out over the valley of the Uinbk(ina and see the stars and stripes floating over the Orof^on Solders' Home, I feel prond that I wore the bine and now the bronze button, and to- day connt on my loyalty to that tina and American insHtntions in the fullest sensn of the word. We bespeak y(m {^I'eat happiness, and no tlood to mar the hour. We hope yet to meet you in reunion. But let us so live, that liv- iiijj; or dying, we be still brave soldiers and ready for the fecial rates for the reunion for a distaiute over 300 miles. But ycm will nndei'stand that my inclination leads me to yonr city, but my finances tell me to go slow. Th(n"e is no place my dear Tom where I would like to go at present i>et- ter than to your city, and make my staj' with your family, for I well know the sincerity of your invitation. With kind regards t() your wife and all our friends and comrades who may be with you, 1 renuiin your affectionate uncle, W. L. HENDERSON Iowa, ('ity, Iowa, Oct. Jt. 1S!M. J. K. Simpson, secretary )?fli Iowa Infantry A.ssocnation, Sion.x ("ity Kt - union: — .My Dear (Nnnrade: Tlie nnder.signed was one of tlie storm-bnnnd at tlic time of the regular reunion two years ago and was unable, eveif by flanking the flood, to reach Sicmx" City in time to meet the comrades. I had therefore fuUj' intended to be with you at this Octt>ber meeting, but circumstances make it injpossible, to my great di.sappointment. I realize that we .shall not many times move look in each other's faces and grasp each other by the hand, and I therefore hope a ttood number of the regiment will ])e there to enjoy the privilege — the last opportunity for .some of the mendiers doubtless. Be as- sured tliat the abst^nt in body will l>o present in spirit. Please inform mc of my dues to the assocnation and send me a badge, if ])ossil)le. Fraternally, . J. W. RICH, Co. K, 10th Iowa Infantry. TVs Afoines, Aug. ■.'(), ]S!»|. Mr. J. E. Simp.son, Norfolk, Neb:— .My D(iar ('omradi> and Friend: Replying u> ymir favor August l.'itli. 1 TWELFTH IOWA \ . \ . INFANTRY. ol sHiit j'ou II copy of fche Weekly Register Saturday, wliicli contains the princi- pal details of the ceremonies- of Iowa's Battle Flag Day. It was a great day, and we all regretted that you and tlie otlier absent comrades wen^ not present. I fear that a mistnke was made in calling tlie 12th Iowa I'euuion thi.s fall. The hoys talked it over when here on Flag Day, and the unajiinious opinioji was that tlie times are too liard for them to attend tiie reunion. I cannot attend for tlio reason that the campaign will be then in its hottest stage, but I will be tliere in spirit and hope that the comrades who do.ittend will have a splendid time. I had a .sliort editorial on Dr. Underwood's death and army service. whicJi you will find on the first page of the Register I sent you Satur- day. He was a good man, and y()u will well remember how .sympathetic lie was witli our boys during their ills and wounds of the war period. Mrs. Clarkson joins me i)i ki)idest regnrds. Ever Yours. K. P. CLARKSON. Coiiii'ade .1. E. Simpson. Secretary, (^tc. . and all the Comrades of the old J:2th Iowa Infantry: — My Dear Clomrades: I (^mnot express my regrets a.t not being able to meet with you at this our ."ith regimental reunion. I have always thought tiiat I wtmld never let aue of our i-eunio7is pass without being present. It seems, however, "that man proposes, but (-rod disposes." You will recollect that at our last, that I, together with a nundier of comrades, were unaVde to get farther tiian Ft. Dorlge on account of the terrible floods, and ,now I am again compelled by public duties to abandon the long cheri.shed hope of at this time again taking tlie hand of those dear comrades of the camp, the march, the battle field, and of tlie prison hells, whose memory I cherish with the fondest re(!ollections. Ah. dear comrades, ours was -.i gi-eat work, a work- that future genera- tions will appreciate even more tliaii the present, a work that we at the time could not fulh' comprehend, and now (although we are old, played out soldiers) caii but partially realize the stupendous conflict and the far reaching effects of which we as individuals each was a factor iij accomplishing. Although all was not done that might have been, yet we can be proud of the iv-cin-d that the J'2th Iowa was never called upon for a duty, not performed. Time files and we. the boys of ISfil, are growing old and soon must pass fro:n the stage of action and leave the great work so well begun in the hands nC our children and our children's chihlnin. It seems Init yesterday that we beardhiss Itoys shouldered the musket to for- ever silence that incomprehen.'sible principle of "State Rights." What that cost us is well shown as the roll is called by the answer of nun-e than one half of our oiiginal number, killed in battle, died in prison, died of woumls, died of disease, while a large per centage of the survivors report "'unfit for duty" on account of the wounds received in battle, and of disease c(uitiacted while in lint! (»f duty. Yes, we are gi'owing old. but our work is not done. While we lielped to make this tin* greatest nation on the face of tlu^ glolie. while we helped to FIFTH REUNION OF THE free it from that false claim, "as a nation of the free," and to place our flag on the very pinacle of fame, we must see too that our flag floats on the very pinacle of fame, we must see, too, that our flag floats from every school liouse in tlie land and that the rising generation inherits and imbibes that spirit of loyalty and patriotism which you learned during a four years of hor- rible and cruel war. In no way can this bo done better than by continuing these reunions. Count me in for any duty^ assigned and rest assured that next time I will be there. Report mo fc4iis time "Ab.sent, but accounted for." As ever your Comrade from 18(51 to 18(5."), ABNER DUNHAM, Company F, 12th Iowa Infantry. Ma(iuketa, Aug. sth, 1894. J. E. Simpson: — Dear Sir : I will say that I. K. (Jrane received your circular inviting him to the reunion of the 12th at Sioux City, and he bids me say to you that it will bo impossible for him to be there in the body as he can almost hear the last roll call. He has been sick all summer, and never will be able to march to the music of fife or drum in earth life more. But he will be with the boys in spirit, and if he should be freed from his suffering body will be with you in his spiritual body, free from all pain and suffering. He is suffer- ing from dropsy, brought on through rheumatism and heart trouble. His limbs have swollen until they are bursting, and he can hardly get hi? breath. Still he is cheerful and wishes the old 12th a good time, and if he has answered the last roll call on earth will be at your camp fire with you. He bids me say this for him, and I close hoping and wishing you a happy time. I subscribe myself, Your friend, his wife, MRS. I. K. CRANE. He says read to the boys if you wish. Dunkertou, October ath, 1894. Dear Secretary and Comrade : — It is with deep regret that I sit down to inform you that I shall not be able to be with you and the boys at the reunion, and I regret it the more be- cause I fear it will be the last opportunity I shall have of meeting with com- rades. I am now nearly 72 years old. If I drew a pension as most of the boys do, I believe I should go, but times are too hard with me. Give my love to all of the boys of the noble old 13th Iowa. God bless you all. May you all have a good time together. Truly yours, A. B. PERRY, Company E, 12th Iowa. No. 11 Edward Street, Chicago, III., Sept. 23, 1894. Dear Comrade Simpson :-- Comrade Weaver's circular per your favor came duly to hand. If I can go to Sioux City I will, but I am getting old and shaky now, and hesitate to TWELFTH IOWA Y. V. INFANTRY. 53 trust myself iu a prohibition state any more. I hear the G. A. R. had a good time in Pittsburg. I didnt go — couldn't get a vacation this year from tlie Cliicago P. O., but one week from today lets me out. My resignation here takes effect October 1st. But times ax'e hard and money close, and I may not be able to attend at Sioux City. I have been an employe iu this P. O. since 1885, and am worn out. I shall go to the Soldiers' Home---not, per- haps, to Marshalltown, but to Dayton, Ohio. I may be entitled at Marshall- town, but I was for years at the Dayton home, am on furlough from there now, and there is more going on there— printing office (I am a printer), theatre, church, etc., and six thousand inmates— see? I hope that the dear old boys will have a good time at Sioux City, and with best wishes I reman. Your old comrade-in-arms, ALLEN M. BLANCHARD. Helena, Mont., Oct. 0th, 1894. Mr. E. B. Soper, Emmetsburg, lowa:-- My Dear Comrade: Your favor of September 38th just received, and am sorry to say that it will be impossible for me to attend the reunion at Sioux City. I am just now engaged in mining matters requiring my undivided at- tention. Were it not for that I would surely be with you, as you say it has been nearly thirty years since we last met, and I assure you that it is my wish to meet yourself and old comrades with aJiearty shake hands as soon as cir- ciimstances will permit. Please remember me kindly to all comrades. My heart is with you if I cannot be. With the best of wishes, I remain yours truly, W. L. LEE. Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 22nd, 1894. Mr. J. E. Simpson :-- Dear Comrade: I received your circular in regard to the reunion of the old 12th. I am so far away that it is pretty hard for me to attend the re- union. Nothing would please me better than to shake the hand of every sur- viving member of Compnay I, and in fact of all the 12th. I will do my utmost towards reaching Sioux City by the 10th of next month. To tell the truth of the matter I have been under the weather pretty bad lately, and my finance is low. I wish they had made it Dubuque or some town on the east side of the state. Please send me Sergeant Cotes' address. I know it is iu South Dakota, but forgot the town. I am trying for an increase of pension. Cotes was wounded at Tupelo when I was. He and Bill Koehler and I were in Cahaha together. And please send Koehler's address. I know it is Dubuque, but don't know the number or street. If you know Capt. Sumbardo's address please .send it also. I will send you a blank to till out as to my health before I was wounded if you can remember me. The youngest member of Com- pany I— the boy that had the preacher's suit, plug hat and all on the Tupelo 54 FIFTH REUNION OF THE rai(l---J;ick Stibbs, our colouel, remembers that? I remember, you bet. The rhimii thing came near being the eaiise of putting my light out. Your friend and comrade till death, JOHN DEVINE. Room 81, 152'.,, North High street. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 39th, 1894. Captain .7. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Neb. : — Dear Comrade and Friend: Your very kind circular notifying me of the rennion of the grand old 13th Iowa to hand sometime ago. I have delayed answering up to this time, thinking I could make some arrangement to be with you, but I find it will be impossible for me to be there, as I have had no employment since April 1st; have been sick all the time. It is just as much as I can do to walk around, and am entirely out of funds. God only knows what I am to do. There is nothing on this earth that would give me more pleasure than to be once more with all the old comrades of the gallant 12th Iowa that are still left on this earth. Grive all the comrades my very kindest regards and best wishes; tell them I hope we shall all meet hereafter in a better world than this. I sometimes see Comrade Comstock who runs between here and St. Louis on the Mo. P. railroad. I shall be pleased to hear from you often. Respectfully, your comrade and friend, N. E. DUNCAN, No, 8029, Locust street. Mount Hill, 111., Sept. 25th, 1894. Dear Comrade Siinpson:— I received your letter some time ago. I am sorry to say to you and 12th Iowa comrades that I can't be with you this time. I have sold my farm at O'Neill, Holt county, Neb., and bought a farm in Jefferson county, southern Illinois. I have bought me a fruit farm. I came here the first of August and I am well pleased with my new home. We are all well and the family like their new home. Tell the boys if they come down here next June, 1895, I will give them a job of picking strawberries. I have 10 acres to pick if there is no bad luck. I have nine hundred Ben Davis apple trees and a nice peach orchard, and one hundred bearing cherry trees, blackberries and raspberries. All kinds of crops are good here and lots of improved farms for sale ; prices from ^10, .fl5, $30 to PO per acre, and very healthy. Read this letter to the boys of Compnay H, 12th Iowa Infantry. WM. S. WISEGARBER. Randalie, Oct. 5th, 1894. Jno. N. Weaver, Sioux City: — Dear Comrade: Your circular of Sept. 12th lies before me; have reserved reply hoping I might be able to "report at roll call Oct. 10," but unless some- thing wholly unexpected occiirs I shall be one of the worst disappointed "boys" of the 12th Iowa, for I assure you, soldier gatherings are my special en- joyment, most particularly so the "boj-s" that permitted me to be a non-com- TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. bataiat for more than four years, and you cannot imagine how hard it is to say, "cannot be with you next week." I am not very old, nor gray-headed, but must be getting childish, for the tears spring to my eyes Jiow that I have written it. Can I better express my sincere regret? In the language of Col. Hender- P.OU: "A reunion of the 12th Iowa is a reunion of brothers, and a meeting of brothers without me is, to me, cruel." In the same letter the colonel writes that he is ".shaping matters so as to be at Sioux City." Oh. dear! must I yield the enjoyment of the eloquence of Henderson, the irreprassible anecdotes of Stibbs, the whole-souled greeting of Reed and Knee, the warm "shake" of yourself aud every comrade of the regiment, who may be so happy as to be there? And the old drum corps with their music that revived us so on so many weary marches. To the old color guard, who so bravely surrounded me with fixed bayonets that I dare not show the white feather, and every member of the gallant 12th, I send most fraternal greeting, and with that song prayer, "God be with you till we meet again," I am yours with sincere regi'et, H. J. GRANNIS. Waterloo , Iowa, Oct. 7th, 1894. A heart-full greeting to all my dear old comrades of the old 12th Iowa, who will assemble and meet together for a grand and glorious old hand- shaking and good visit at Sioux City. Oh, how I regret that I cannot be with you in the flesh, as I most assuredly will be in spirit. This has been an off year for me, having been out of employment for about half the time. I am finauically out of condition to incur the expense of the vacation and as I can now secure employment for a mouth or more I must improve the oppor- tunity of securing the necessary means to procure for my family the comforts of life for the on-coming winter, he)ice I must make this great personal self- denial and sacrifice. I sincerely hope there will be a goodly number of the old boys come together. I say old boys, for when we were together in the old 12th we were boys indeed, and it is as such I wish always to remember aud think of them. I regret to think that there are many of the boys who met here in Water- loo six years ago aud answered to the roll call, now answer on the other side of Jordan. I do not know how all the companies have fared, but relentless death has claimed three of the members of Company E. I have to report, and without cause or date, the death of John C. Jones, Alexander Myers aud John Ellwell. All were present at the meeting here except Comrade Ellwell, whom I have met but once since the war. He died in Chicago and was bur- ied in Elm wood cemetery of this city February, 1892, this having beeh his place of residence when he enlisted in the company as first lieutenant. I do not now remember how the membership in the association is kept up. Are the dues payable at each meeting of the regiment or is there but one payment for all time? Please inform me by letter in this regard. I would like a copy of the report of the proceedings of the meeting, as I presume there will be a goodly number of them printed for distribution among the boys. I sincerely hope there will not be such uproar amongst the 3(> FIFTH REUNION OF THE elemeuts as there was two .years ago, which seemed ahuost like a conspiracy agaiust the old 13th Iowa to prevent a meeting. There are three members of the 12th residents of this town, viz: H. J. Harrison, Co. E; W. W. "White- neck, Co. D, and your sadly disapoiuted comrade who had lotted on a grand old time at this meeting. But again I say I hoj^e a goodly number of the old boys will meet together and have a jolly, happy time, and the blessing of a kind and beneticient Providence rule o'er all. Your sorely disappointed comrade, in F. , C. and L. , J. W. SHUMAKER, Freeport, Oct. 7, 1894. Dear Comrade James E. Simpson:--- I regret very much that I cannot meet you and the rest of the boys at Sioux City, as I have a little three-year-old girl to take care of and no one to look after my things here. Give my regards to the comrades. Yours truly in F., C. and L. G. W. KIRKLAND. In this I send SI. 00 for niv dues. Davenport, Iowa, Sept. 80, 1894. .f. E. Simpson :-- My Dear Comrade: I find it will be impossible for me to meet with the boys at their reunion Oct. 10 to 12. I would be pleased though if you will remember me to them one and all. I will be with them in thought if not in person. Sincerely yours, J. B. MOR(tAN. Lake Park, Minn., Oct. 1, 1894. Jno. N. Weaver, Vice-President Regimental A.ssociation 12th Iowa Inantry, Sioux City, lowa:-- Dear Sir and Comrade: I am sorry to inform you that I will be unable to attend the reunion at Sioux City, Oct. 10th to 12th next. With the best wishes for the success of the reunion, I am, Fraternally, HANS HANSON, Late 12th Iowa Infantry. Decorah, Iowa. Oct. 10th, 1894. J. E. Simpson, Secretary:— Dear Comrade: I am very sorry that I have to write you in place of see- ing you in per.son, but unforseen circumstances is the sole cause. I was called away up north on important business and did not return .until today. Knowing that you have an interesting and happy gathering I wish I wa.< with you, but my heart is with you. Greet me to the boys. (Tod you all! Your comrade and friend, A. H. (4R0VES. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. Gaorgetowu, Custer county, Nebraska, Oct. 6th, 1894. John N. Weaver, Sioux City, Iowa:--- Mr. President, Dear Comrade: I have received circular notice and invi- tation to the reunion of the old 12th Iowa, for which I am thankful to you for. I have worked hard ever since the last reunion with the firm intention to meet my old comrades at the next reunion (this one), but I regret wtih pain and disappointment to say it will be imppossible for me to be with you this time. We have had the past season the worst drouth failure ever witnessed, and we have been having a succession of failures here; three drouth failures, and once I Was completely wiped out by hail, so that I have had but one crop out of five. My health has been poor, so that I have been constantly under medical treatment, so that I need not add that my financial circum- stances are ^such as to prevent me from having the long hoped for handshake i and hearty greeting I have so much longed for. And I assure you that it has not been neglect or indifference that has caused my delay in writing a few words so that if I cannot be present in person I will be there in spirit, but a lameness of my right arm and hand prevents me froui holding a pen so I can write more than a few words at a time. But I hope by the next reunion to be able to meet you all. Tell the boys I have forgotten none of them, and never will. And through you I send my hearty greeting and love to all. Your comrade, B. FRANK MORROW. Denver, Col., No. 40(5 16th street, Oct. 8, 1894. (greeting to the 13th Iowa veterans^ I had hoped to be one of the mem- bers to the reunion of the noble 13th Iowa at Sioux City. There is nothing that sends the blood coursing through my veins equal to the name of this regiment. Accept the best wishes of one that is interested in all com- rades that are left, and I trust this reunion will be one of the bright spots in your life. It has only been my pleasure to meet with you once and that was in 1884, if I mistake not, at Manchester. As you all know F. F. Laukins had baen dead about one year at that time. His death occurred in Denver, Col., August 17th, 1883. And I see a good many of the boys have answered to the roll call for the last time. Hoping you will all enjoy this reunion, belies'e me, I should so much love to be with you, but as it is impos- sible this time, will be next time, I think, hope to, at least, and if any of the 13th should come to Denver, nothing would be of more pleasure to me than for them to come and see me. Hoping to hear good reports from you soon. I am as ever, Your true friend and comrade, MRS. J. W. PETTEE, nee Lankins. P. S. ---My present husband was a member of the 57th Illinois regiment. Manchester, Iowa,, Aug. lOh, 1894. J. E. Simpson, Secretary 13th Iowa Infantry Reunion :-- Dear boys of the i3th: Though absent am with you in spirit; fond greetings; God be with you until our next reunion. GEO. H. MORRISEY. -)8 FIFTH REUNION OF THE Cottage 9, Soldiers' Home, Quiucy, 111., Oct. 9, 1894. Mr. J. E. Siuipson aud 12th Iowa: — Dear Comrades: I received j'-our kind invitation to attend tlie reunion the 10th to 12th iust. I am very sorry I can not meet with yon, bnt it is not possible for me to attend on account of my finances. My check will reach me too late to' at- tend the, reunion. I wish you all a good time. Truly our ranks in the 12th Iowa are thinning and we can have but a few more reunions here, but there is a time coming when we can have a grander reunion than any of these, if we all live as faithful to our God as we did for our country, and fight the good fight of faith, we will have one of the grandest reunions in heaven we have ever had. I am trying every day to live a christian, and as I cannot be with you I request you to take a vote of the boys aiid report to me the number that are trying to serve God and make their home in heaven, where all is peace and joy forever. Please do this for my pleasure at least. I want to say here that I have not spent my pension at the saloon (God forbid), but I have spent it in helping to build a United Brethren church in this city and for other benevolent purposes. I want you to know that I have not squandered my money as some of the boys have done in our home. We have thirty-eight boys in our cottage aud eight of us are trying to fight the good fight of faith and gain a home in heaven. I trust the few that used to hold prayer meetings in the army are still attending and enjoying prayer meetings. If any have gone astray let them return as the prodiagal of old did. We then had to fight the enemy of our country and our soul too. Now we have to fight the enemy of our soul, and that is whisky. Thous- ands are' going to ruin every day in Quincy. This is all. Write an tell me about the reunion. How many were there? Give me their addresses and I will write to them. Love to all, LAWRENCE LOTT To the 12th Iowa. Superior, Neb., Oct. 9, 1894. Dear Comrades:— I started to come to the reunion and got as far as Superior and I learned it would cost me full fare to come, and times are so hard and money so scarce that it is impossible for me to get there. I understood it was only half fare till I got to the depot. I am very sorry that I cannot be there. I saw A. (t. Davenport this morning and he said to send his respects to all the old boys, aud we hope that the next time will be able to get there. PETER KEARNS, A. G. DAVENPORT. Holmes City, Douglas County. Minn., Oct. 7th, 1894. J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Neb. :— Dear Comrade: Your circular of Sept. 10 duly received. I have always had TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. 59 an ardent desire to attend a reunion of the 12th Iowa, but the distance and financial circumstances always so far intervened. My personal appearance can therefore not be witli you only by letter of regret. Very truly, L. LEWIS, Late Co. I, 12th Iowa Infantry. Magnolia, O., Sept. 12, 1894. J. E. Simpson, Esq. , Noi-folk, Neb. :--- Dear Sir and Comrade: It was with mingled feelings of pleasure and re- gret that I perused your circular letter of invitation to attend the fifth reunion of the 12th Iowa Volunteer Infantry— pleasure that I was still held in re- membrance by my comrades-in-arms, and regret that circumstances would not permit me to be present with them on that occasion. I, as well as the rest of the one time "Boys in Blue," am getting old--too old to take so long a trip, much as I would love to meet once more those with whom I bore arms during those trying years. But few more such privileges will be accorded us, but there will be a grand review beyond at which I trust we may all pass muster. Hoping that you who are present may enjoy the meeting to the fullest, I assure you that my thoughts will be with you. Yours fraternally, A. BROTHERS. Soldiers' Home. Hot Springs, S. D. , Oct. 11, 1894. J. E. Simp.son:— • Cannot come to reunion; not able; my best wishes to you all.. EMERY CLARK. St. Edwards, Neb., Oct. 4th, 1894. J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Neb. :— Dear Comrade: It is with the deepest regret that this will have to substi- tute «iy personal attendance at this reunion of the 12th Iowa. I shall be with you in spirit and with my best wishes for the happiness of the comrades of the old 12th Iowa, hoping you will have a pleasant time. I will bid you good bye until our next reunion. Yours truly, ■ W. H. ELLISON, Company K, 12th Iowa V. V. I. Ponca, Oct. 9, 1894. C'omrades of the 12th Iowa: — It is with the deepest feelings of regret that I write you of my inability to be present with you at this, your fifth reunion. I have anticipated great pleasure in meeting with you once more, but hard times presses me so closely, and not being a pensioner, I am unable to be present. My wife, who is a member of the Woman's Relief corps sends kind greetings and many re- grets, that she cannot be with you. CO FlFTJl REUNION OF TITP^ Hoping uothiug will occiir to mar the hiippiuess of yonr reunioii I wish you nil ;m eujoyable fciine, and may God's blessing rest upon you all. I am fraternally yours in F. C. and L. , JAMES P. COOK, Company E, J 2th Iowa. Gila Bend. Ariz., Aug. 14th. 18!U. J. E. Simpson, Secretary Reunion Committee:— Dear Sir: In reply to your circular of the 5th iust. will say that it will be %'ery doubtful if I can enjoy the pleasure that a meeting with you all, the survivors of the glorioiis old 12th, would give. However, should it become possible you may rest assured I will be on hand. I can only say that I will write j'ou later. Be sure and send me list of all whd attend, should I not be there. Very truly, etc. , . L. KALTENBACH. Barron, Wis., October -Oth, 1894. To my Comrades of the i2th Iowa:--- It is a disappointment to have to pen these few lines of regret at not be- ing able to be with you. When I received the circular letter of Comrade J. N. Weaver, for I did not receive tlie first circular, I expected to be with you today ; but my son, who is my helper in this office, was taken very sick a few days ago. So it is impossible to get away. Hoping you may have a very pleasant reunion and a large gathering is the wish of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kent. p_ s. — Some of the comrades present may remember that my wife asked the comrades to sign their names in her album two years ago at the reunion. We would like a list of the names present, so we can add them. Comrade Weaver, I will send you a paper containing the write up of our town by an Iowa man— of course it will be well done. Yours in F. , C. and L. , W. A. KENT. Crab Orchard, Cumberland Co., Tenn., Aug. 14, 18i)4. J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Neb. :— Dear Comrade: I received yours of August 1, 1894, seijding me an invi- ation to be present at the 12th Iowa reunion at Sioux City, Oct. 10, 11 and 12. There is nothing that would please me so well as to meet the old boys and have a good haudvShake, for I know that we would have a magnificent time, and it hurts me to think that it will be impossible for me to be there. I am so far away and haven't got much to go on in this world, but I want you when you go there and meet the boys to tell them of me, tell them that I am living in the state that we done some pretty hard fighting in war times. Tell them if they haven't all enlisted under the bloodstained banner of King Bmanual to enlist now, and we will make a good fight, and we will meet in that great fort on high. You will have a good time at Sioux City and may the Lord bless you all. Yours in F. , C. and L. , M. TARPENNING. Let me hear from vou after the reunion. TWELFTH IOWA V. Y. INFANTRY. (il Pleasantou, Kan., Aug. 26, 1894. Comrade Siiupsou: — 111 reply I will say I received notice of our reaniou to be held at Sioux City, Oct. 10 to 12. and will say that I -will try to be there, but it is unfor- tunate for us living in Kansa.s, as we can get no rates. But I shall be there I tlliiik. No more at the present, I rdinain as ever, Your comrade nnd friend, ISAAC JOHNSON, P. O. Box 18 J. Reo., Mich., Aug. 11th, 1894. Dear Comrades:--- Your communication at hand. I am sorry that poor health and want of means will keep me from attending your reunion. Believe me, my heart is with our boys, and I remember with pleasure all of the 12th Iowa. I have the drum on which I played at Fort Henry and Shiloh. Yours ever, SUMNER HARTSHORN. Vancouver Barracks, W. T., Sept. 28th, 1894. Jno. M. Weaver, Vice President 12th Iowa Association, Sioux City, Iowa:— My Dear Sir and Comrade : I write you this to acknowledge my receipt of two circular letters— one from Comrade Capt. J. E. Simpson at Norfolk, Nebraska, dated 1st, 1894, and the other from 3'ourself---both inviting all the comrades to attend the fifth reunion of the old 12th Iowa at your fair fity on Oct. 10 to 13, at which time the Inter-state fair will be held there. I hereby return my sincere thanks to Capt. Simpson and yourself for the favor of the notices. But I greatly regret to have to inform you that it is utterly impossible for me to avail myself of the great pleasure that it would give me to meet with friendly greeting all the old comrades of the gallant old 12th Iowa at' Sioux City at the time designated. Incident to recent gen- eral orders from the secretary of war, discontinuing the ordinance depot at this station, (and at which place I am stationed on duty) and for the shipment of all the military stores, ammunition, etc., as soon as practica- ble to the Benicia Arsenal. Benicia, Cal. , my services are now and will yet be at the date of the reunion pressingly needed to prepare the stores for shipment. So you can easily perceive that I have my hands full of business at the present time. . Notwittistauding the comrades are now well advanced in years, and al- most 30 years has elapsed since the government ceased to need their services and they returned to their homes to engage in their various pursuits in life, and many are scattered far distant apart throughout our great country. But they still continue strongly annimated with their old patriotism and a loving devotion of comradeship, likened to a sort of free masouary of peace and good will among all the members, one for another. God bless every member is my earnest wish. And I fondly trust that kind providence will favor me to meet with them at the next reunion. I have but one year and a half FIFTH REUNION OF THE longer to serve until I will bo placed on the honored roll of the retired list of tlie army with a liberal pay for my support. Yours in C, F. , L. , ROBERT WILLIAMS, Late Capt. Co. E, 12th Iowa Infantry Vounteeers. Please send uio a copy of the proceedings, and also the reigmental history if completed, and state the price and I will forward yon the money as sftcm as I receive them. R. W. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 7th, 1894. Maj. D. W. Reed, President, Sioux City, Iowa : --- My Dear Major, and all the brave Comrades of the Gallant I'^th Iowa : The time is near at hand for our fifth reunion, and I see ud way for me to be present with you. It gives me pain and sadness to think that I must be de- urived of so great a pleasure, but financially I am unable to respond. But I assure you that my heart is with you, my sympathies are with you, and I most earnestly hope that your meeting together will be a joyous one. As I grow older I seem to be drawn nearer and nearer to the boys who wore the blue from '(il to '6(i, and more and more do I admire and prize and appreciate the grand old flag we held aloft on many a hard fought field, and for which we offered our lives as it sacraflce again, and again, to prevent treason's hand from tearing away one single star from its field of azure blue. No name so dear, or that sends up such a thrill to my heart as •' Old Glory."' All! ifstlie flag of my country: the flag of our Union: the emblem of liberty, and may God bless and protect, and keep her '• afloat in the skies till time shall be no more," is the response of every liberty-loving, loyal, patriotic citi- zen of our great nation. Comrades, when I am laid away in tlie narrow tomb. I want no broad- cloth robes— I care little for flowers— but I do want to be draped with the precious folds of •• Old Glory," entwined about either arm. and her untarn- ished stars about my neck and on either shoulder. I want my loyal sons to look for the last time upon their sire in this robe of loyalty and patriotism, to impress their hearts with a lasting lesson of love to country and devotion to its flag. § Yes, give me '"Freedom's Starry emblem, boys," to be my winding sheet. Let my soul take its flight from the star-robed clay .below to its celestial homeamidst the stars above. And now old comrades I must l)id you good-bye. I .so much wish I might meet you all once more and grasp again the loyal hands that carried the deadly steel into the thickest of the flght, but 1 fear I cannot. One by one. like autumn leaves, we are falling, seared by the frosts of time. May (Jod deal kindly with you all and each of you deal kindly with your- .selves. by being as loyal to your God as you have been to your country, is the heartfelt desire of your old comrade. .JAMES F. ZEDlKEPv. Formerly of Co. I. 12th Iowa Inffy.. :U Q St.. Lincoln. Neb. TWELFTH IOWA Y. Y. INFANTRY. (53 t^ostetT^ of IVLembers. Roster of members of tlie 12 Iowa Y. A'. Infantry, so far as known at llie Time of This Reunion. FIELD AND STAFF. Colonel— J. H. Stibbs, Room 88, P. O. Building, Chicago, 111. Lt. Colonel— S. G. Knee, Colesburg, Iowa. Major— S. 1). Brodtbeck, li:} >outli Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Major— E. M. Van Duzee, St. Paul, Minn. Major— I). W. Reed, Suite 814 Chamber of Commerce, Cliicago, III. Surgeon— C. C. Parker, Fayette, Iowa. Ass't Surgeon— W. H. Finley, Franklin, Neb. Ass't Surgeon — James Barr, Roseburg, Ore. Adjutant— N. E. Duncan, No. 3029 Locust St., Kansas City. Mo. Adjutant— S. R. Burch. Olathe, Kansas. Quartermaster— G. 11. Morrisey, Manchestor. Iowa. Quartermaster— H. C. Morehead, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Chaplain — Rev. Frederick Humphrey, St. John Rectory, Havre de Grace Md Hospital Steward— Rev. J C. H. Hobbs, Salem, Neb. Hospital Stewart— J. J. Walker, De Witt, Missouri. Com. Sergt. — James Evans, Dubuque, Iowa. Sergt. Major— A. J. Rodgers, Corner 28th St. and Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Fife Major— D. S. Martin, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Fife Major— S. M. French, Denver, Col.— Leader the Geo. W. Cook Drum Corps. No. 3050 Downing Ave. COMPANY A. Armstrong, B A., Liscomb. la. Brother, A., Magnalia, Starke Co O iiird, G. M., Hlinois. Bell, Thos. R., Iowa Falls, la. Bowers, I. H., Eldora, la. Brown, S. B., Jewell City. Kan. Cougar, J. IX.Kldora, Hardin Co., la. Clarkson, R. P., Des Moines. la. Cromwell. T. C . Oakland. la. Combes, E. C, Hanover, 111. Cobb, G. H., Eldora, la. ^Crist, Job, Marshalltown, la. Dobbins, Hiram, Jewel Co.. Kan. Dobbins, Levi, Eldora, la. Edgington. T. B., IS Madison St., Ferree, S. R., Belle Plaine, la. Memphis, Tenn. Fountain, Francis. Glass. Haskins. G; H., Marvville, Mo. Hunter, J. R. C, Webster, la. Haywood, W. P., Lyons, la. Hobb, Pvev. J. C. H., .Salem Neb. B^ach, B. D., Eldora, la. Jackson, Samuel, Oregon. Kidwiler, M., Mo. Kellogg. R. E , Dows, la. - Kemp, Sumner, Alden, la. ti4 FIFTH REUNION OF THE Macy, Seth, Des Moines, la. " Mann, A. J.. Perry, 111. Moore, G. W., Maryvillo, Mo. Miller. Zabina. ivriteliell, G. W., Lawn Hill, la. Heed, (J. W.. Yarkie, Mo. Rulo, (t. \V., South lienri, Inrl. Runkle, C. M . Plankinton, S. D. Sawin. E. S.. Fnioii. la. Welsh, Nathan. Webb, A. E.. Eldora, la. Zieu'er. N. \V.. Eldora. la. McPherson, W. G., Millbank, S. Moore, W. W.. Manchester, la. Mann, Win.. Steamboat Hock, Martin, I). S., Iowa Falls. la. ]'ai'isii, William, Richards, ,Ios., lioone. la. Richards, William. Sprague, K. S., Fremont, NHi. -•Vvilson, T. H., llobertson, la. Walker, Samuel, De Witt, Mo. Wickman, A. J., Ea. Sargent Kansas. Corp"l. II. Goodrich Corp'l Stephen Thibeda Wjuikon, la. •Corp'l. Robert Wampler AVaukon, la. Corp'l. A.slak Larson Preston, Minn. Corp'l. Fred Monk , . Eitzen. Minn. Corp'l. L. D. Rearce Onawa, la. Corp'l. M Englehorn Kas. Corp'l. W B. Port Viroqua, Wis. Adams. O. F. liartlett, F. C, Denver, Col. Bailey. W. F., St. Paul. Minn P.i'ock. Gustavus. Burnham. H. Churchill. L. I'>. # Candee, Geo. Decker, Adam, Lansing, la. fowling, John, Rex, la. Ericksen, E. A.. Salem, S. D. Feidt, John. Goody koonts, D V., Bftone. la. Iverson, Knud, Lansing, la. Jones, Henry. Johnson, Lewis. K Hudson, Hans. Lewis. Edward. McCabe, Hugh, Waukon, la. McKay, Frank. McDonald, James. Ogan, Chas. C . Sii^lev. la. x^ *=^ Oleson. Barnhart. Petei-son.- Bore. Peck. Jolin P., Plankinton, S. D. Pratt. M. H . Spokane Falls, Wash. -Andrews, H. R., Turkey River, la. Bajley, (Jeo. N., St. Paul. Minn. Bathen, Robt., Riceville. Minn. liort. A. K.. Viro([ua, Wis. P.urlingarae. O. D.. inas. Water St . Chicago. II Castellar, Frank. 'Dowling. Thos., Rossville. la. Edward ■J, Isaac. Ettle. George. Waukon, la. Greenap, S. H., Motley, Minn. Hawkins, Hiram. Isted, 1. B. S., Milwaukee. Wis. Jennings, D. P. Klees, Frank, Rossville. la. Larkins. Rees N. Larson, Kensil. McGuire, Brian. Freeport. 111. McClintock, Jas.. Rossville. la. Noyes, Alonzo. .Oleson, Ole. O] e.m )irr4^4iii^Sprl ng Grove. Minn. Porter, John B. Plank, Levi. Lake de Funiak, Fla. Pratt. R. (J.. Storm Lake. la. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. t)5 Russell, Chas., Brooklyn. Mo. Scliiffhauer, Rich. Smith, Ira J. Stecker, Wni. Thayer, Jesse. Woodmansee, Isaac, Rossville, la. VVarberg,()le B., Spring Grove, Minn. Wert Augnstiis II. West Roe, Charles E. Stortz, Joseph. Smith, C. S., North McGregor, la. Sanner, Michael F., Rossville, la. Wood, Edwin W. Wood, Stephen. Wilber, Robert. Note:— Total number of (Company, 132; of whom reported dead, 42; disability during service, ^0; from wounds, 4; wounded in action, 3.t ; taken prisoners .\i>ril 6, '62, at Sliiloli, Tenn., .■)(!; ivillcd ill action, 3. COMPANY C. Captain (ieo. W. Cook Medicine Lodge, Kan. Captain David W. Reed (Major 12th Iowa) Suite 814, Chamber of (Jommerce, Chicago, 111, Captain W m. L. Henderson Cresco, la. First Lieut. David B. Henderson (Col. 4Hth Iowa) Dubuque, la. First Lieut. Henry J. Grannis Kandalia, la. Mrs. J. W. Pettee (Nee Lankins) No. 406 Kith St. Denver, Col. First Sergt Jer F. Hutchins (Capt. Co. E . 12th la.) Minneapolis," Minn. Sergt. Gilbert Hazlett Allison, la. Sergt. Emery Clark, (put in Co. B, Soldiers' Home) Hot Springs, S. D. Sergt. James Stewart West Union, la. Sergt. Philo R. Woods '. Fayette,. la. .Sergt. Phineas R. Ketchum West Union, la. Sergt. Frank VV. Moine Strawberry Point, la. Corp'l. Geo L Durno Springvllle, la. Corp'l. James Barr (Ass't. Sergt. 12th la.) Roseburgh, Ore. Corp'l. John W. liysong West Point, Neb. Corp'l. Joseph D. Baker Montividio, Minn. Corpl. (ieo. E. Comstock Fayette, la. Corp'l. Henry C. Curtis Lemars, la. Cori)"l. John A. Delezene Rock Rapids. Minn. Corp'l. William H. Jordon . . .-. Cheney. Wash. Corp'l. Ainos K. Ketchum Clarion, la. Corp'l. John E. Kent Belle Plaine, la. Corp'l. I. W. King Emerick, Neb. Musician Sumner Hartshorn Dundee, Mich. Abbott, Edward J., Garden Grove, Cal Beck, Samuel C, Waverly, la. Ballinger, John W., Lacy, la. Bn^wn, .lohn T. Brown, Geo , Woodstock. III. Burroughs, Geo. A.. Douglas, Ta. Barton, Alvah H. Barr, Henry. Tama County, la. Carmichael, Jas. H., lUyria, la Comstock, Frank, St. Louis, Mo. Clark, Henry, Melborne. la. Connor, Samuel, Maxwell, la. Davis, Jay C, Wis. Davis, A. J., Berrian Spring, Mich. Forbss, David, Elgin. la. Gillman, Ezekiel D.. 2Tth la. Hazlett, John B., Sioux Fails, S. D. Ilendershot, Thos . Plainview, Neb. Barnes, Jas. (transfer from 27). Benjamin, Nathan, drafted. Bennetield, Wm., substitute. Bowers, Wm. H., Limestoneville. Pa. Becktell, David T., Volga City, la. Brant, Allen, (transfer from 27) Fairbanks, la. Browsley, Wm., drafted. Card, Silas B. Carrington, Chas., Rock Branch, la. Canfleld, Theron P., 27th la., Buffalo Grove, la. Dawson, John, 27th la. Delezene, Benj., Republic City, Kan. Giflford, Simeon, Douglas. la. Hill, Benj. J. Hamlin, Lyman S , Oelwein, la. Husted. Jacob M. (it; FIFTH REUNION OF THE Honselbecker: Henry. liluffton. la. Henderson. Jas A.. 2Ttli la . Hinkel. Edward. VVinfield. la. CIverokee. la Hamlin. Wm. A.. Crawford. Neb. Hill. .Tohn \V. .lordon. Isadore L., Alton. K;in. Jewell. Jas. E.. 2Tth la. Jaques. Luther. Crawford. Neb. Jackway. G. IL. 2Tth la.. Laniont. la. Jones. Geo. M.. Drafted. Kent. Wm. A.. Barron. Wis. Kelsey. E. A.. Tripoli. la. Kelley. Artemns. Lattimer. Geo. 11 . West (rate, la. Little. James. Lyons, Wm A.. West Union, la. Lott. Lawrence. .Soldiers" Home, Lattimer, Robt. Z., Fayett, la. Quincy. Hi. Mattocks. .lason L.. Minneapolis. Minn. Munojer, Albert P., Cowlitz. Wasli. Mattocks. Ross. Wadena, la. McUall, Daniel E . Culver. Kan. McCall. John W.. Xemaha. Neb. Muchmore, .Stephen D.. 2Tth. Martin, Chas. I . 2Tth. Horton. la. Pitts. Jas.. Drafted. London. Kan. Patterson. Samuel W.. 2Tth Pricket, Jolin L.. Drafted . Proctor. Geo. W . 2Tth. Lawrens. la Quivey. Wm. W.. Pierce, Neb. Rod^rers. Reuben F.. VVaucoma, la. Rockwell. Wm. R.. drafted. Rodolph, John J. Stone, Daniel. Waucoma. la. Spears, Niles H , West Gate, la. Strong, John P.. Schuyler, Neb. Smith, Jacob R., Ft Smith, Ark. Saulsbury. .Fohn. Ivanhoe, Kan. Sykes, Orvis, Freeport. 111. Sprowls. John. Sherbune. Daniel. Tatro. Autj.. Clermont. la. Utter, Albert. Sycamore. 111. Verdin, Isaiah C. Williams. Rudolph, West Union, la. Warner, Walter B . Clermont, ia. CO .M PA NY D. Roster of the Survivors of Company 1). 12 Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, revised and corrected by Captain E. B. .Soper. Emmetsburgh. Iowa: Col. .John H. Stibbs Room 88. P. O. Building, Chicago. 111. Captain Hiel Hale Yuma. Ariz. Captain E. B. Soper Emmetsburg. la. Captain John M. Clark t Springfield, la. Lieut. Homer C. Moorhead Cedar Rapids, Hi. Lieut Eli King Washington. Kan. Lyman M. Ayers, Cedar Rapids, la. Isaac G. Clark. Edwin A. Buttolph. Cedar Rapids. Ia. Ferdinand Dubois. Charter Oak. Ia. William Bumgardiner. Scranton. Ia. Herman Elgin. Bolen. Sylvester R. Burch. Olathe. Kan. Wf)rth county. Ia. Edwin H Bailey, Freedonia. Kan. James D. Ferner, Nevada, la. Henry W. Bailey, Kirkman. Ia. Samuel IT. Flint, care ButTalo, Allen M. Blanchard. Soldiers" Home. (Glucose Co.. Leavenworth. Kan. Dayton. O. John W. Burch. Cedar Junction. Perry Gephart. Lake Forest. .Johnson countv. Kan. Cook count v. 111. A. C. Blood. Herman Grass. 816 Tth S. St.. M. H. McElroy. Percival, la. Fargo. N. D. Thomas J. Lewis, Cedar Rapids. Ia. Irdill W. Hollar. Forest ville. William L. Lee. P. O. box 844. Sonoma county. Cal. Helena. Mont. Robinson L. Johnson. Sanford. Bentley Luse, West Liberty, la. Keya Paha county. Neb. Jas. H. Little. Mt. Carmel. 111. John Luther. Norton. Richard S Martin. Norton county. Kan. Alpheus H. McEntyre. Frank Renchin. Pratt. B. Frank Morrow. Georetown. Steel county, Minn. Custer county. Neb. Jesse H. Ross. Villa Park. Colo. O. H. Maryett. Del Norte. Dudley E Stedman. Vinton. Ia. Rio Grande county. Colo. .Josiah Scott. Shellsburg. la. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. ()T David W. Minor, Areata, I Imn bolt county, Cal. Nathan G. Price. Jewel City, Kan. J. Y. George Price, Mountain Grove, Mo. Theodore L. Prescott. Howard Panorburn. Falouse, \Vliitman county, Wash. Dennis C Quigley, Plover, la. John W. Rowan, Yintoii, la. Henry W. Ross. Campbell, Franklin county. Neb. Angus W. Brown. Dennis Conlev, Davenport. la. Jas. L. Cowell. Walla Walla, Wash. Charles W. Clark, Cedar Rapids, la. Jolin M. Carson, Grinnell, la. Robert C. Cowell, Bayard, iGuthrie conty, la. James C. Daily. Thayer, York county. Neb. Roswell K. Soper, Estherville, la. Joseph O. Start well, Marion, ta. Aaron A. Steward, Carthage, Mo. Daniel Sivetts. Sublett, Adair county. Mo. J. M. Tarpenning, North ville, Cumberland county. Tenn. Frank D. Thompson, Nevada, la. William H. Trowbridge. William M. Yen Emmon, Norfolk. Neb. John J. Whittam. Jasper Wagner, Rome City, Nobles county, Ind. William W. Whiteneck, Waterloo, la. John Watrobek, Cottersville, St. Charles county. Mo. John J. Wyatt. O'Clair, Wis. John N. Weaver, attorney at law, Sioux City, la. Hiram F. Cooper. Littleport, la. COMPANY E. Boone. W G., Scott, Ta. Reckwith, W. \\., Parkersburg, la. Bird, E., Wlnterset, la. Helton, .Fas , Batavia, Todd county, Minn. Cook. Chas., Lester, la. -Crowhurst, Seth J., Salem, S. I). Cook. J. P., Ponca, Neb. Early. T. M., Bristow, la. Hamilton. Wm., La Porte City. Ta. Harrison, IT. J., Waterloo, la. Large. F. A , La Porte City. la. Maigretz, J S.. Hitesville. la. Minium. David. T^ig Gioves, la. l^errv. A. B., Dunkertou. la Rich, J. W., Iowa City. la Stewart, Joel .X., Oregon City. Ore. Seeber, G. L., Saliula, Ta. Switzer, C. R., Lewis, la. Smith, Harvey, Waterloo. la. Shumaker. John. Waterloo. Ta. Strong, Ezra., ^lational Citv. Cal. Shaver, W C. , Utter. Mo. Williams, Captain Roberts, Yancouver, Was. Biller, A. J , Waterloo, la. I^oylon. Thos , Stockton, Kan. Bird. R. L., Yuma, Cal. Collins. C. P , Charles City, la. Creighton, David, Geneva, la. Cook, Josepli, New Castle. Neb. Cook, vSylvester, New Castle, Neb. Church, Nathan, Webster City or Eagle Grove, la. Eberliart. Ben. E., Marshaltown. la. Graham, Jacob, Davenport, la. Hay ward, C B., Mooreville. la. Morris, C. D , Canton. S. D. Ochs. < harles, Ackley, la. Reed. Zeff, Bard, Louisa County, la. Surf us. C. Y., Bristow, la. Sunderlin, M. Y. B, Janesville. la. Schrack. David, Oelwin, la. Sharp. Oliver, Finchford, la. Sawyer, E , La Porte City, la. Shrover. Nathaniel. Tainter, Ta. Talbot. Allen E.. Orleans, Ind. Watkins, Isaac, Crawfordsville. Ind. WeU, D.'F., Theon, COMPANY F. "V. Ainsworth. J. E., 714 1st. Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. • Breraner, John, Yankton. S. D. lirown. Eugene. Brush Creek. la. Coolidge, F. W.. Sho Shone. Ida. Dunham. Abner. Manchester, la. Davison. Wm.. Siam, la. Annis, Geo. W..' Lanark, 111. Buckman, Wm. H.. Dyersville, la. Correll. Ed.. Greeley. la. Coolidge, C. L., Central City, Neb. Dahl, John A., Silver Creek. la. Eld ridge, J. E.. Stark. Kan. Eldridge. R. C, Niagara Falls. N. Y. <)8 FIFTH RET X ION OF THE Eaton. John J., Edgowood. la. French. S. M.. leader (J. W.Cook Drum Corps. .'3050 Dowing Ave. .Denver. Col. (Joodel. VVni. II.. Manehester, la. Ilalthill. Josiah. Wood Center. la. .Johnson, Isaac. Pleasinton. Kan. Kent. George, Oelwein. la. Kirchner, Mike. Lee, .John F.. Council (Jrove. Kan. Mackey. II. F., Maynard, la. Mann.. Wni. W. . Uanelsburg. Iseb. Nelson, T. C. Ha/.elton. la. Preston, II. M. . Ft. Dodge, la. Peasley, R. 11.. Kansas. Steeii. C. C. . Minneapolis. Kan. Stribling, C. C . Clifton, Tenn. Thorn. Chris. Waverly, la. Tibbetts, W. F.. Cheney, Kan. Weeden. R. L. . Nugents Grove. la. Woolridge, G. W.. Elkport. la. Girton. Joseph S., Hazelton, la^^^ Gift, J. W.. 900 Main 8t., Peoria. 111. Grice. A. .1.. Doniphon, Neb. Ilasbrouck. D. H.. Prairie Creek. la. Kaltenbach. SanVl.. Manchester, la. Kaltenbach. L. P.. Gila l^end. Ariz. Kaster. 11 Irani. Manchester, la. Lee. .las. F., Clay Mills, la. McGowan, Thos. . Independence, la. Manning. A. L. , Dunlap, la. Manley, R. L. Nelson, W. A.. Hazelton, la. Olnistead. H.. Independence, la. Pottei'. .las. W., Fayette, la. Ralston. Nelson, Canton. S. 1). Small. H. J. F., Chicago, 111. Schneider. J.. Rosevvell, S. I). Terrill, R. W., Manchester. la. Widger. Joshua. INIanche.ster. la. Wandall. A.. Volga City. la. COMPANY G. L. D. Townsley. River I^'orest. Cook County. 111. J. E. Simpson. Norfolk. Neb. A. E. Anderson, Decorah, la. Anderson. Pet(T. Anderson, E. Clarlc, J. M. Coon. C. A., Sabinal, Tex. Christopherson. C. Hartland. Minn. Dunn. Van R., Nebraska. Fuller, A. S.. Maryville. Mo. Groves. A. H.. Decorah. la. Gilbertson, O.. Gilchrist, Minn. Hall. Giles. Ilouge, G. A., Albert Lea, Minn. Hanson, Hans. Lake Park. Minn. Hanson. Halver. Sheldon. S. I). Johnson. Nels O., Duluth. Minn. Kirkland. G. W., Freeport, la. Kittleson. G. Larson, Peter. Manson, J. Montgomery, Wm. V. Madinn. D. L. McCabe. C. Sherburne. Minn. Nass, G. H.. Washington Prairie. la. Oleson. O. Oleson, A. H.. Egge, S. D. Palmer, R., Nebraska. Raucha, Fred., Skidmore. Mo. Ryerson, F., Ashby, Minn. Smith. I. K., Baraboo, Wis. Simmons, R., Lake Park. Minn. Steen, Jolin, Wahoo, Neb. Steen, Henry, Lyons, Neb. Simmons. John. Flandreau. S. D. .1. O. .lohnson. Hesper. la. R. Hard. (}. W. Sharp, Fargo, N. 1). J. H. Womeldorf, Neligh, Neb. Anderson. A., Albert Lea, Minn. Ballard, Strawder. Crane, John. Crowell, J. M. Davis. N. J., Berrian Springs. Mich. Engberston, E.. vVastad. Mitiii. Fladniark. S. M M. Green, L. D. Gulbranson, A.. Rothsay, Minn. Hon.son, Klaus. Hanson, Ole. Harris, F. W. Hand. Andrew J. Johnson, H. E.. Evansville, Minn. Kittleson, C. B. . Norway Lake. Minn. Larson, John, Lacqui Parle. .VI inn. Low, Lewis L. McCloud. S. Meyer, C. Highland, 111. Meader, M. E., Hesper, la. Moe, Peter, Springfield. .Minn. Nelson, Swen. Oleson, E. Pierce. Fletcher. Raucha, Ed. Rocksvold, O. P., Thoton, la. Skinner, F., Forest City, S. D. Simmison, Nels. Severson, Nels. Stalim, Lars L., 208 P.lufF St., Sioux City. la Slattery, Thomas. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY m i'inke, J. Thompson, A. K. Taylor, VV. H. H. Wright. C. F. Wheeler, Horace. .Vlg'ona. Wait, \V., Ida. MO. West. S.. Red Cloud. Neb. la. Thompson, T., Lincoln Center, Kan. Tobiason, Andrew, Windom, Minn. Thoryson. Andrew. Crastad. Minn. W. L. Winsor. Clintc)n, Mo. Mrs. .Fennie I3urdick Sturdevant, Spring Valley, Minn. Young. Anna S. . Nashua. la. COMPANY H. Atkinson. W. L. C. , Omaha, Neb. Hrowii, Tom, Jewel City, Kan. Benedict, John W., Lexington. Neb Clark. B. A., Colesburg. la. Co.K, W. n., Alta, la. Duncan. N. E., Custom House, Kansas Citv. Mo Fishel, S. C, Iowa Fall, la. Fishel, S. K., Ft. McGinnis, Mont. Franks, Joseph, Lamont, la. Gosting, Alfred G., Strawberry Pt., la. Hamblin, R. E., Findley, la. Jackson, S. M., Lincoln, Neb. King, Wilson, Emerick, Neb Light, Robt., Tilden. Neb. Light, Joseph A.. Norfolk, Neb. Mason, John S., Worthington, la. McConnell, Alex. S., Hopkinton, la. Nauman, Geo. , North Platte, Net). Royse, VVm., Atlantic, la. ■ Struthers, Craig, Neb. Shorter, James, Shell Rock, la. Sloan, S. B. , Greeley, la. A'an Anda. John N.. Freemont, Neb. Wisegarber, Wm.. Walnut Hill, 111. Briggs, II. S., Marcus, la. Benedict, R. W., Hlackhawk, S. D. Currie, John G., Butte City, Mont. Crist, John W., Central City. S. D. Croosby, J. M , Yankton, S. I). Evans, Jo.seph, Tipton, Mo. Evans, James, Dubuque, la. Fishel, Robert W., Greeley, la. Flenniken, J. B , Battle Creek. Neb. Grimes, R. M. , Kearney, Neb. Henry, Philip, Greeley, la. •lones, David, Taconie, la. Kuhnes, J. C, Manning, la. Knee, Samuel G., Colesburg, la. Lang.slou, Aaron 1, transferred from Co. D, 27th la. to Co. D, 12th la. Moreland, C. D. W., Earlville, la. McCune, W. H.,'Ruthven, la. Playter, H. J.. 1921 6th St. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Smith, Thomas, Turkey River, la. Shorter. Wm'., Shell Rock, la. Trumble, James, Manchester, la. Winch, Edward, Arena, Wis. Ward, John W., Burlington", la. COMPANY I. Austin, N. E., Andrew, la. Allen, Eugene, Cedar Rapids, la. Austin, Marion, Staplehurt, Neb. lirintner. Wm., Brayton, la. P.rown, J., unknown. Butters, John F , Sioux City, la. Buchanan, James, Tama, la. Belknap, Albert, Freemont, Neb. Behnke, Frank. Guttenberg, la. Clark, Frank. Humboldt, la. Campbell. E B. Armstrong, la. Campbell. Tho.s., Humboldt county. Unique, la. Cobb, Edgar C;. Keokuk, la. Cobb, Wm. A.,' Walla Walla, Wash. Cotes, J. W., Talcott, S. D. Davenport, A. J., Superior, Neb. Dupray, Wm. H., 2630 Adel St. Sioux City, la. Devine, John J., room 31, 152i N. High St., Columbus. O. Eddie, Thomas C . Pueblo, Colo. McKinley, James, Maquoketa, la. McCarron, W. F., Athens, Tenn. McCallum, D. D., Sibley, la. McDermont, Mike, Epworth. la. Nagle, M. D., Dubuque, la. Nims, Weed, Maquoketa, la. O'Niel, Andrew, not known. Palmer, A. L , Seattle, Wash. Paup. David, Sac City, la. Paup, Seth, not known. Perkins. H. J., Seattle, Wash. Poesch, Lorenso, Postville, la. Ray, John S.. Naponee, Neb. Reardon, John, not known. Rollf, Marion. Maquoketa, la. Swank. John M., Muscatine, la. Sumbardo, C. L., St. Paul, Minn. Starbuck, Wm. Oldham, S. D. Smith, Henry, Maquoketa, la. Schmidt, John, Lincoln, Neb. Thompson, Jas. L., Franklin. Neb. Teskey, George, Ellwood. la. FIFTH REUNION OF THE Eaton. T., MjKiuokota, la. Fiy, Will., Scraiitoti, la. Goodciiow, M. B., Ord. Nob. Ilattield. Aug., Mutiii)aii 2."{r) Com., Jersey City, N. J. Harding. Jaraes P.. lialdwin. la. Hendricks, Wni., VVintorset, la. .Jenkins, Alonzo. not known. Jolinson, Hans, not known. Knodt, Clias.. Postville, la. Kennedy, S. L . Cedar Rapids. la. Holder, Wni., Dubnciue, la. Kerns. Peter, Retihens, Kan. Lewis, Lewis, Holmes City. Minn. Lewis, Peter. Lund. Wis. \'an Hook, Samuel, (Hospital for Insane) Independence, la. V'an Duzee, E. .\I. (Maj.), St. Paul, Minn. Wells. Clias. A.. Sabula. la. Wilson, T. .1., Ma(iuoketa. la. Wilson. .J. F.. Fulton, la. VVolcott. Alden E., Lynxville. Wis. Williams, S., Atlantic, la. Williams, Sidney, Colfax, 111. Weaviness, Mike, not known. Vslev, (xeorge, Clinton, la. Zediker. Jas. p\(Capt.).324 N. 34th St.. Lincoln. Nel). COMPANY K. Brooks, Jolin. Brown, J. J.. Ploomington, Neb. Billings, Abram, Luzern, N. Y. Barden. Henrv A. Beckner. .1. M.. Charles Citv. la. Bugbey, S. M., 1012 otli St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Church, P., Arborville, Neb. Deutsher, Albert, Nat. Home, O. Freeman, Richard, Spencer, (). Gilchrist. J. N., Durham, la. Keith, W. B.. Precept. Neb. Merriam. H. C. Nugent. la. Mathis, W. R., Omaha. Neb. Morgan, J. B., Davenport, la. Mosher, Ah'in. McConnell, Alex. S., Hopkinton, la. Robinson. Alonzo. Albion. Neb. Willard. Porter IT., Hopkinton. la. Blood, George W. Billings, Chas. D., liloomingtf)n. Neb. Blanchard. Thos., Le Mar, Kan. «^aldwin, Newton, Ada, Kan Blanchard, Ira. D., Crookston, Mitui. Davis, W. N.. Des Moines, la. Dolley, Godfrey, Hopkinton, la.i Ellison, W. H.. St. Kdwards, Neb. Fuller, O. T., Webster Grove, Mo. Horn, Samuel, Colesburg, la. Kemj), Wni., Kirwin. Kan. Merriam, C. E.. Hopkinton, la. Mathis, E. R., Omaha. Neb. Morehouse. P. J., Mason ville. la. Morgan. Wm. B., Bloomington, Neb. Mickey. Isaac, Waukon, la. Webb, Laurence, Cedar Rapids, la. Waldroff, Henry, La Porte City, la. Young. A. S.. Nashua, la. SIXTH REUNION OF THE TWE L FTH IOWA VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, HELD AT MANCHESTER. IOWA. NOVEMBER. 11TH. AND 12TH, 1896. \ Gift aSJe'OS V REUNION OF TH E Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry NOVEMBER. IITH. AND laTH., 1896. The 12th Iowa Infantry, that gallant regiment of the famous "Hornet's Nest Brigade," held its sixth annual re-union at Manchester, Iowa, November 11th and 12th, 1896. The closeness of the times, ill- ness and distance, prevented many of the comrades from attending, but what was lacking in numbers was more than made up in enthus- iasm. The veterans began coming in on early morning trains of the 11th, and the scene at the depot was a jovial one. The morning and afternoon sessions were held at the Universalist church and little was done beyond the exchange of reminiscences and a general "visit." The registration of members present and collection of money to de- fray the expense of the publication of the usual pamphlet were at- tended to in the afternoon, in the way of business. Letters of regret at their inability to be present were read from comrades who are scattered over the vast empire from the Missouri to the Pacific. They came all the way from Oregon, Washington, California and other states in the land of the setting sun, all expres- sing heartfelt wishes for the success of the reunion. The reports of the oflScers were read, showing the organization to be in a flourishing condition. Among the letters of regret was one from Comrade French, a resident of Colorado, who, in order to be present at a former reunion, traveled 150 miles on snow shoes and waded a river filled with floating SIXTH REUNION OF THE ice. This comrade was the regiment's chief musician, who, on innum- erable occasions when the boys were tried and weary from marching struck up on his fife "The Girl 1 Left Behind ?.Ce," or some other tune that recalled to the boys the loved ones at home and caused them to fill the magnolia-scented woods of the south with their loud hurrahs. There was one present who had n( ver missed a battle or a skir- mish — the man who carried the flag of the 12th in the battles in which it too": part — Henry J. Grannis, of Fandalia, Fayette county. The flag was displayed, draping the president's desk. It, too, was an old veter- an, and if it could speak it would say that no braver man than Gran- nis ever held his country flag. He had a most remarkable career. He carried the regimental flag all through the struggle, and through many of the bloodiest battles, and, strange to say, never received a scratch — the records in the war d<'iuirtment showing no similar record of a colors-sergeant. In the evening the court room was the scene of festivities. By eight o'clock the room was well filled with an interested audience, which was called to order by H. C. Curtis, of Le Mars. The old flag of the 12th was again draped in full view of the audience, and at one side of it was a large picture of the late Col. S. G. Knee, a lamented member of the regiment. The camp-fire exercises were opened by the singing of "Marching Through Georgia," led by Comrade Comstock, of Fayette, in which the audience Coined. Rev. R. D. Parsons of the M. E. church, gave the invocation, and was followed by Ralph Dun- ham, fifteen years old, son of Comrade Abner Dunham, who delivered a patriotic and cordial address of welcome. He paid a glowing tribute to the old 12th, and closed amid hearty applause. The response by Comrade H. C. Curtis was well received, and re- called the trorblesome days of 61-65. Mr. Curtis spoke of the sacrifice made by the veterans of the war, and remembered enthusiastically in his address the boy soldier, Wm. McKinley. The appreciation of the members of the regiment, he said, for the courtesies shown them while in Manchester, was deep and sincere. The audience sang "When .Johnny Comes Marching Home," led by Mr. Comstock. Gen. .1. H. Stibbs, of Chicago, stirred the risibilities of the listeners in the delivery of a comic sketch, "The Man Who Car- ried the Gun." He was obliged to give another^"Me and Jim," and would not be let off until he had recited a clever sketch by James Whitcomb Riley. General Stibbs has the charm of naturalness, and was heard with great pleasure. TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY. At this point, Comrade Dunham spoke feelingly of the absence from the reunion of the late Col. Knee and Comrade Nagle of Dubu* que read a poetic tribute to the memory of the dead veteran. In Memoriam Col. S. G. Knee. Comrade, soldier, sleep in peace. Sleep the sleep that knows no waking; A nobler soul ne'er lound lelease From earthly pangs, from earthly aching. Sleep, hero, sleep, in hunoi^'s grave. Beneath the flag you fought to save — Yes, fought with heart so true, so brave. Nor would I call thee back again To this cold earth of pleasures fleeting; For thou art where the heavenly strain Is mellowed with the heavenly greeting. Thy duty it was nobly done. In honor's way thy life was run — Thou hast the crown of laurel won. Thy comrades brave will mourn for thee, Though soon with thee they'll all be sleeping: Soon they'll sail the shoreless sea, Leaving kindred spirits weeping. In the bivouac of the dead. With thee, they'll find a soldier's bed, Where each will rest his weary head. Friend of our young manhood's days. Thou are only gone before us; No more we see life's morning rays, But length'ning shadows creeping o'er us. Rest where the brave and gallant rest. With Freedom's sod above thy breast — Thy heart was true; it stood the test. — M. D. NAGLE. SIXTH REUNION OF THE "Yes, We Will Gather at the Hiver" was then sung, led by Com- rade Comstock, and there were many in the audience who wiped away a tear. Mr. Frank Knee, ilie colonel's son, who was present, was then introduced and received with applause. Major D. W. Reed, of Evuuston, 111, was then called on to give a sketch of the work of the Shiloh National Park Commission, of which he is secretary, and to tell of the appearance of the battle ground at the present day. He saia the bill providing for a National Park at Shiloh originated with a 12th Iowa boy, the gallant Col. D. B. Henderson, to whose efforts the success of the Commission is in main attributable. The Park will embrace ;J,0U(» a'^res, the idea being to restore the field to its condition in the time of war. Major Reed said that the roads have been but slightly changed, but that a thick growth of jack-oaks had grown over much of the field, the removal of which occasions much labor. The National Cemetery at Shiloh contains the graves of 4,000 Union soldiers, two-thirds of whom are unknown. Twenty-two bodies from the ranks of the 12th are there buried, only five of whom are known. His remarks were extremely interesting and at their conclusion he answered several questions from thotsc present. A request was made that Gen. Stibbs give a sketch of the journey of the 12th from Annapolis to St. Lo'iis, upon return from prison, which he did in a graphic manner. It was found that there were fourteen members of the regiment present who were among the three hundred who took the trip. "The Battle Cry of Freedom" was the next song, after which Mrs. R. B. Raines of Independence, a niece of H. C. Curtis of Company C, gave two very interesting recitations, being heartily applauded. Com- rade Dunham called on Judge E. P. Seeds of Manchester for a few remarks which were given in the spea'er's ever welcome, patriotic and eloquent style. Judge J. N. Weaver of Sioux City, a member of Com- pany D, followed the Judge in a few timely words, after which Com- rade Comstock gave in brief the history of the flag of the 12th Iowa. Gen. Stibbs enlivened affairs with a few well told camp-fire stories. After a song, adjournment was made for the evening. Another meeting of the reunion was held on the morning of the 12th in the Universalist Church. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Abner Dunham; vice president, H. J. Grannis, Fayette; secretary, H. C. Curtis, Le Mars; treasurer. Major D. W. Reed, Evanston, Illinois; executive committee, G. E. Comstock, John Steen, C. E. Merriam. LeMars was settled upon as the place TWELFTH IOWA V. V. INFANTRY for the next regular reunion, in the year 1900. In two years from this fall the 12th will meet at Pittsburg Landing on the battlefield ol Shiloh. Below we give the names of the members of the regiment, together with those of their wives or daughters in attendance upon the reunion in Manchester. Company A. N\ . W. Moore, Manchester. Company B. John D. Cole and wife, Lansing. Company C. r. Hazlett, Allison. N. H. Spears, Westgate. D. W. Reed, Evanston, 111. .7. W. Ballinger, Lacy. R. Z. Latimer and wife, Fayette. "r>. R. Ketchum, Hawkeye. H. C. Curtis, Le Mars. W. A. Kerr, Barron, Wisconsin. 0. E. Comstock, Fayette. H. J. Grannis and daughter, Ran- dalia. .Tames Stewart, Anamosa. Geo. L. Durno and daughter, Springville. Company D. T. J. Lewis, Cedar Rapids. Fdwin A. Buttolph, Cedar Rapids Dennis Conley, Davenport. S. R. Burch, Washington, D. C. .T. H. Stibbs, Chicago, 111. H. C. Morehead, Cedar Rapids. John Rowen and wife, Vinton. L. M. Ayers, Cedar Rapids. J. N. Weaver, Sioux City. W. W. Whiteneck, Waterloo, Company E. B. E. Eberhart, Marshalltuwu. J. S. Margratz, Hitesville. David Craighton, Geneva. S.-lvester Cook, Newcastle, Neb. A. B. Perry, Fayette. Company F. H. M. Preston, Ft. Dodge. Tlios. VV. Nelson, Hazletou. H. VV. Mackey, Fayette. Joshua Widger, Manchester. Abner Dunham, Manchester. R. W. Tirrill, Manchester. J. J. Eaton, Edgewood. Wm. Schneider, Ft. Madison. G. W. Wooldridge, Edgewood. J. W. Potter. Edgewood. Company G. J. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Neb. John Steen, Wahoo, Neb. M. E. Meader and wife, Hesper. Company H. Jas. A. Light, Norfolk, Neb. H. J. Playter, Washington, D. C. 8 SIXTH REUNION OF THE A. T. Garner, Farley. R. W. Fishel, Greeley. G. H. Morisey, Manchester, J. Shorter, Shell Rock. W. D. Nagle, Dubuque. Wm. Keohler, Dubuque. M. B. Goodnow, Ovel, Nebraska. Henry Smith, Maquoketa. Company I. Company K. "Wm. H. Dupray, Sioux City. S. L. Kennedy, Cedar Rapids. E. C. Cobb. Keokuk. N. H. Baldwin, Ada, Kansas. C. E. Merriam, Hopkinton. Seventh Reunion OF THE TWELFTH !OwA Veteran Volunteer I N F AN T R Y. HELD AT DUBUQUE, IOWA JUNE 4TH. AND 5TH. 1901 ^^!TFANTRY. then read and oruered filed. Judge Weaver of Sioux City was called on and addressed the veterans briefly and aroused much enthusiasm. He was heartily applauded. Gen. J. H. Stibbs, the last colonel of the regiment and who was breveted for gallant service, recited two line poems, bearing on t^e war, and the applause was liberal. The general's heart is as young as it was in '61. Comrade Decker, with a little piece of birch bark, gave some selections and the sound could not be distinguished from that of a fife. He was roundly applauded. The fcllowing officers were elected: President, Abner Dunham, Manchester; secretary, G. E. Comstock, Fayette; treasurer, D. W. Reed, Evanston, 111. The place of holding the next reunion was left to the officers. It was decided to publish a pamphlet of the proceedings of the reunion and a roster of all or as many as can be correctly obtained of the regiment. Any member of the Twelfth knowing his address is not known to the secretary is requested to send same to that officer, G. E. Comstock, Fayette. In the afternoon the regiment, as a complete organization, witu four of its field officers present and every company represented, under its own flag, borne by its own gallant color-bearer, Grannis, and com- manded by its last colonel, General Stibbs, joined the parade of the Grand Army of the Department of Iowa and made, without doubt, its last march as a regiment. After the parade the regiment returned to the hall and said "Good-bye until we meet again." EIGHTH REUNION OF THE TT' "W ®) I^/ ^ TF" H I @ "W M VET. VOL. INFT. DEDICATION OF LINCOLN MONUMENT AND HENDERSON STATUE AT JUNE 19 AND 20 1905 Reporter Publishing House, Faijette, Iowa. Eiffhin Reunion OF elfth iowa Vet, Vol. Infantry i Deaication i Lincoln Monument and I Col. Kenclerson Statue Clermont, June 19-20, 03. Reporter Publishing House, T'^iiiette, Iowa. lMx» lOL^A ( i^:. In the prf'parntion of this work r,,.,,- r- under cnsidcatlon the publi,,„in.. of a ^^X en. """* I>cdication of Lincoln ^fonument li„ ^ '""";'"" "' •'"■ l"weedii,»s c,r Iowa Vetcan Vo.nnee ,;':;?:"" ''T' """ ''"'"'"'" "' "' '^ various ...l„K-e..^.„dr„ro.,e^';:l,:1:^-';- ogies to otTer, or favors to -^^k- i L \, ^^' ^ ''^''^ "" ^P^'^" Iowa. daUKlue,- of CoM,«cle llait s„ ' '" , ""■"' '" '"'"^''"' re.iu,i«l ,|„. •■Cmnleisliin". -r.velfth low,- f '"V '"'"" "'"""■"Lv noyalF«,sl.' ^"""""""'' ■<<• admit 10 tlie^Kins's To tlie Fayette liand and Dnm, o..l■,^s f,.,- m • taMn. special ,.ai„,s ,o render so,., o, r ' '"■'"""' ■^<"-"^">'u«K.. »"■'- >"> "• "- |..-..,.e and I , r i^, f . ' i^ T' ? "'•' "'"■"''' '" ""■ ""'" .- Ti,„e,s l.u„Hsl,i„„ Co,„„,,„, s, , ,. , '"■ •'■" .^i-n- A. ,.-os,o,, Of ,„e Moya, >r,;„a, E ^ n.s V ' r."'""'"""- l"nl,e„seon,alfto„ee,„s. To Caot J F I ■" "•''""■ '■ "■•«"« >Hio,.-..;oMovva,,d*;,':,,^:.':r''V"'''^^'''"-"'''-'--' ^" """-■• ■■■"Col. J, ,, „,„„.„.,„„ ,.,.,: „';;'.':.,;,;-; ,;;;;» ;•.' •" ->.>• .ve., •so hot it sinffcrl my hair. ^ ' """^"'^ '"''^'^ '^'C I kept right on -.sanin' u<,od", ".roino- sIo»- ... i . . • and here's yo.M- '-wood pii-- ,nd - .J • ''"^1 "keeping cool,- ->^ -'... Awaitin. tl \Cl.e ^vlr^r'' ^■r'"^' =^ ^^^ ^"-"•to -now ,ho .ssuran es o .; , , " '"f'^^''^^- ' '^'^ ''- '•'"!<•« -Ithe TwHft.: Iowa. "^ '-n>Ki,.,-a! io. f.,- ,n ,,..„- Vour Hinuhle Servant a„d ('.nunino. .f . ,.e -^Vh.,. T. •• ' " '" n Hole Ifoii.^'/' <;. K. (OMs'roCK. Sc.-. Autfftor 4 Ja '06 Eiohlh Reunion, - Dedications. INVITATION. CkM-monI, lov.ii. April 1. Uto;!. C. 1']. C<)M>T()le prepara- tion for the d;jy and occasion. I^y ordei- of the Clermont Soldiers Monument Association, A. IT. Loom IS. Sec'y. THE CALL IIoa/d'!u;irier>; Twclfili Io\v;i X'cteran \'okuit:eei- Infantry Reunion Ass'n. layette, Iowa. May 1.). mv,. Dbak Comuadks: At a meet ing of your Execui ive Coinuiiltee, called by t!ie President, to take into consideration the po.ssibility of a reunion, it was decided to accept tlie proposition made to our association by tlie Clermont wSoidiers' Monumerit /vbsociation, of Clermont, Iowa, to hold our reunion at Cler- mont, .June 1!» and 20. l')0.'>. at the time of the dedicati(;n of the Lincoln uusnument and Col. 1>. H. Henderson statue. Ex-("J<.ver'i()r and .Mrs. Larrabee, and citizens, of Clermont, propose, and very much desire, to entertain, free of c.sst, ail of the 12th Iowa that may Ik- j)!eased to come and tl-ey are prei)ariny" to make it a ijrand success. Ex-(iovernor Larrabee has placed us under lasting- obliaations by conferring on our reuiment tlie distiny-uislied h-n^T of dedicat ing the Ilender.son statue. lion. J. i'. JioUiver has consented to deliver the adtU'css on tbat occasion. (See program herewith enclo.sed.) Once more, boys of the 12th. '-r'ally round the Hag" and make ilie best effort of youi- lives to be present, and I am sure you \\ ill fee! doubiy repaid. Respectfully, i't. K. Co.MsTocK. Sec'v. KKIinil UKIMON Dedication Program. Kill DA ^ . ji \ 1-; l;i. :: 11. 111. Assciulilr ill LiiK-dlii iiHMuiiiicni . Music l).v West Unitin coriu-i, l)aii(l. luvucation, Kev. M. S. Rice, pastor M. E. cliurcli. West Iiiioii. Sonj;, Clermont (Jk-e Club. rvcsentation (»l' Lincoln nionumonl l).v lT;in. Wni. L;in"il)or' Jr. Address by Miiyor .J. II. I' 2:;50 p. m. Asseniliie at Henderson stat uc. Unveiling statue by Miss li(>len Larral-ei". Presentation of statue to 12tb Iowa tordi'tlie:!! ion liy N'ieior Doiliver. Address by Ma,j. J). VV. Keed. Reading Miss K. A. Sorin's address on ijrrsenlal ion (it lla-- lo Co. C, 42 years a;;(). by Miss I'.eulah VVriohi. I. 1. f. Song, "yiagof Our LTnion" by Mrs. Professor Ciias. Neli', ('. 1. ['., witb eborus. :):(H> p. 111. Assemble at I'avilion. .\lusie by i''avr| tc cdrncl liaiid. Address. Col. i >. !'-. ! icndeison. \'oeal Musie. Address, Hon. .1. r. Doliiver. Music l)y r. I. I'. l).ind and (b'uin corps. Reunion Program. Sunset salute. Lowerin-^- tbe lla^- Music, FayPtte drum corps, 7 p m. Asseml)le in i*avilion. Music l)y f. 1. r. band. Invocation.'!'. .1. IJassett, Tresident I'. I. t'. \'ocal music liy Mi.'-s Stella Speais of West (iate. Address of Welc(nne. A. TI. Loomis, of Clennoul . Response. Il(*n. i;. W. 'r(MTill of Mancbester. Music. Reading, -'Tbe Man"\Vilbout a Country. "" Miss llculali \VriL;b!, Department of Expression, U, I. I'. •Sbiloh, as seen today," P. R. W(*ods. Love feast — Opened by Col. .lack Stibiis. fol!o\vc(i by icn iMiiniic talks by comrades. Heading of letters from al'scni t-omra.dcs. 12 p. m. Mi(biigbl l;il loo. sA IT i;i)A V. jiNi'; 20. Sunrise salute, six tt'clock reveille. S a. 111. Asseml)leal liendquarltM-s. Mart ial musii-. Address. Lieut. Aliner Imidiam. i'l-esidcnt . 10 a. m. I'usiness meet iii};'. lt):.">0 a, m, Oil'ering of lesolulions, singing songs, lelling stoiies. visiting, love feast and good time b>r all. 12 m. Adjourn. (b)odl)ye. C !■;<). E, Co>isn)CK. Sec. 'rwi';i.i 'I'll KiWA .-, At Clermont. Jiitlie b=?:iiiliriil lilllo licviiol' (jlennon) . lovva. nestled (lu>vii iimoii^ the hills surrounding il, (disl inj'uishcci as the home of Ex-Gov. Larrabee) over six thousand people assembled, in reco.^nition of the Dedication, of Lincoln Monument, Co!. D. 13. Henderson Statue, and Reunion of tlie Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Darlc clouds, vvliich liovered overhead during the early morninj^, failed to keep the people of Fayette county from coming to these exercises. From early morning till noon farmers came to the ciiy, while the trains brought many others. The town was beautifully decora! ed with Hags and bunting while the pavillion, from which the addresses were made, was beautifully and artistically dec- orated. 'J'he citizens turned out en masse, there was agreat crowd i)resent. Tlie ^lonum.ent to Abraham Lincohi, the first unveiled, stands di- rectly opi-'osite tlxe Rock Island depot. It can. be plainly seen by all who pass through tlie town, as well as by the citizens of tlie place. A litl le park has l)een iitted up in military style, ornamented witli acan- non brouglu from the oki battlefields. The lieroic statue stands on a b-;ise and pedestal of granite. There are four tablets ropresentingscenesof the war of the rebellion. TvV;) of tliesa are of general subjecis and two apply directly to Clermont. One represents the surrender, Grant and Lee seated at a table with noted generals of both sides standing back of them. It is a striking group. The other general group represents an action in .Mobile bay. It represents Farragut in the rigging and Lieutenant Dewey, n(»w the ad- miral, in command of a gun squad. The two iiome subjects are quite as striking as the ol hers. One rep- resents Thomas HendorKon. of (Jo. C, brother of Col. Henderson, leaving home to go to war. Tlie other is a large group representing Captain War- ner, of Clermont, and his company, C of I2th, in battle; Dr. Lewis, also of Clermont, caring for the v/ounded and Gen. Sherman on horseback, is seen in the background. All of the work is liighly lat ist ic ;u)d sulistanti;d. The statue is the cieation of (Jeo. E. Blsseil, of >'ew York. The Henderson statue is the work of Massy Illiind, a sculptor, who came to this country from Scot- land, before the world's fair and who has since made a prominent place for himself in the east. His work has been praised by the ablest art Clitics, Monument and Statue. After music by the band, prayer by Rev. M. S. Rice, (»r West Union, and more music by the local chorus, Ex-Governor Larrabee, in a few wel! chosen words, presented the monument to the people of Clermont and the public generally. The response was made by Mayor J. H. Sheehan. Music by the chorus closed the exercises here. The company immediately moved to the Henderson statue, the chorus furnishing the opening music, after which Miss Helen Larrabee, youngest daughter of the Ex-Governor, mi veiled the statue. .Mr. V. M. Dolliver, of Fort Dodge, on behalf of Governor Larrabee and his family, presented the statue of Colonel Henderson to the town of Clermont, after which the dedication ceremonies were given into the Hands of the Twelfth Iowa Regiment. Upon the statue was draped two flags, on either arm. On the right hung the flag of Company C, made by Miss E. A. Sorin (then precep- tress) and the young ladies of the Upper Iowa University and presented to Company C. It was carried by H. J. Grannis, our Regimental Color Bearer, and was, by him, the first union flag planted on the breast works of Ft. Donelson, where Lieut. D. R. Henderson fell, seriously wounded In the throat, while leading his men in this fierce charge. On the left hung that historic emblem, the flag of Company K. Surgeon Finley of our regiment, says: "I saw that flag go down three times in that 'pot metal hell' and as often come up again." (See history of Co. K flag in this book). It was in this fearful, hotly contested battle of Corinth, Miss., where Lieutenant D. B. Henderson again fell, this time loosing his left leg, and this \% why this flag hung on that same side with the crutch. Is it any wonder, that when we recall all this, after the lapse of over forty years and when we again meet as comrades, that the "tear will unbidden start"? The interest still continued when Major D. W. Reed, of Co. C, who had received a severe wound at Shlloh, which the flag on the right arm represented, and was also in the Corinth battle, under lead of the flag on the left, arose and made the following remarks: TWKfj-rri low A 7 Maj. Reed's Address. (Jov. Larrabeo, I hive l)een r(V|iie.sIcd l)y my ctinrafles. Dt' the I2th Iowa, lu (lediviato your ^^(Miorous aiirl f^raoious ^ift aiKi in their behalf to attempt in feeble words to express the gratitude we feel toward you for thus placing in living bronze and enduring granite this splendid testi- monial to a superb Iowa soldier and that soldier an honored member of our regiment. As the veil fell away there was revealed three objects tliat at once attracted my attention and tilled me with emotions that are hard to cf)ntrol and impossible for me to describe in words. First, 1 beheld a per- fect representation of one who was my schor)lmate and classmate: our comrade and friend, and has, for over forty years, been the persf)nal friend, not only of tlie members of our regiment, but of every soldier who wore the blue; (»ne who has tilled to the utmost the highest ideal of what a scholar, soldier and statesman should be and has by personal merit risen to the second highest place in the nation and has tilled every statirm with honor to him.self and his constituents, without a stain upon his character. It was a happy thought of yours. Gov. Larrabee, to select this ideal soldier, this member of the 12th Iowa as a representative and place his statue on the monument that shall for all time adorn (his beautiful city, and then ask us to dedicate it. Next, 1 .see "Our Flag'' and the sight carries me back forty two years to the Upper Iowa University where, in the summer of 1861 the students organized a company for drill, calling themselves "University llecruits" imder a resolve that: "When our services arc needed, we will drop our books to fight our country's l)attles." At the head of that company stood two men who have been today signally honored: William W. Warner and David B. Henderson. After drill September 15, 1861, Captain Warner read the call of President Lincoln for 300,000 men, and suggested that in his opinion the time had come to put our resolution to the test. At a meeting in the Chapel that afternocm twenty three students signed en- listment papers and directed Captain Warner to offer tlieir services to the government for three years, or during the war. The ladies of the University, full of patriotic zeal and devotion to their country, fashioned witli their own hands, a beautiful tlag. cml)roidering c»n its folds the words "University }>ecniits" and gave it to the c(»mpaiiy with these patri(>tic words: "Take our tlag. Proudly, conlidently, we comiuil it to your keeping. We do not liid you guard it, we know il is .safe In your hands. As you have been proud to live under it, if death be yom lot, may you die under its folds, and mviy (iod iirolect and prosper you as you defend your colors." Upon rlie organization of tlie 12th Iowa regiment, the University recruits became Company C and "Our Flag" became the regimental col- ois. It received its first baptism of fire at Fort Donelson, where it was carried in t riumph over the works, but left a trail of wounded in its patti, among them Lieutenant Henderson and W. B. Warner, of Clermont. The bright folds of this tlag waved at Shiloh, over that stubborn line at the "Hornets' Xest," from early morning until night, inspiring its de- feriders with heroic courage tliat enabled them to resist tlie rejieated chargesoft heeneniy. Thf "Army of (he Tennessee" was saved butthose i:ii: ti'iii i;i:!M()N who ciip,li'ibuK-cl must lo prevent its defeat, s;icriiiceii tiioiiiselvf.s and were compelled to surrender' imd see their flag carried from tlie field, a trophy of war. That was indeed a dark day lor the 12th Iowa. Ofl-S') present for duty on the tleld, 479 were killed, wounded or missing. Only ten escaped tlie casualties of battle and they were engaged with tlie sur- geon in cUrinji" for the wounded. iUit the most to be regretted feature of that disaster was t!ie report, .sent out by newspaper correspondents, that tlie regiment was surrounded and captured in their tents in the morning. Tliere were few left to dispute the story and the report gained sueh credence, be f(n'e the prisoners returned, that many accepted the state- ment as true. The ladies of the T. 1. U. were among the 11 to find the true history of the surrender and we hear tiiam in a orntion, .saying: •' 11 iionor to those wlio fougiit and fell arouml the tlag at Shiloh. Nobly did they wrestle with the foe, but as the day w'.'H IV.!' our foi^s.' " L'pon the return (»f the prisoners the fair hands thkt f.ishinn;:^! tlie tirst flag, made this beautiful flag, an exact duplicate of the lirsr, and presented it to the company. It isthe flag that was used as regi menial colors at Spanish Fort and has been present at every reunion of tlie regi- ment, still borne by the loyal, gallant hands of Henry J. Orannis, who carried our colors so bravely on every fuic of our.bartletlelds, Biit I see another flag, as it floats now from the arm of the statue, almost as iuspiring as tiie other, it is the flag of Cv). K, and was carried by the Union Brigade at Corinth. Around it the 12th Iowa rallied, and in that iierce melee lost, in killed and wounded, half the number engaged on the fleld. Tlu-ee color bearers in succession went down and tlie flag was, for a moment, in the hands of the enemy, but its defenders rallied, and in a hand to hand conflict rescued it and placed it in t!ie hands of Sergeant Cole of Co. B, who was. soon shot through t lie bofiy. but c-rawled to the rear, l)earing the flag with, him, stained, I'.s you sec, by his l;lood. The enemy was repulsed, but around that blo(>d sfainer! i'anncr lay !i:i!r our numl)er. among t hem !>ur own loved Hen.deison. If it was intended to arouse all our enthusiasm, to Li!l our iiraiis ioo full for words, no better devise could iiave been plaiused. Ihun todraie those flags around the statue of our loved comrade :ind then unveil tJiem before our eyes. In this year ISKK), our regiment li:is' ))e(M! higlily l';ivore<1. Tbest;}!!' of Iowa has erected atShiloh a !»eaui ii'ul luomnnent. wineb will I (Ml lo all future ages the story of its heroic struggles. And here at Clerumnt, th*- home of so many of its foriui/r members, has Ijcen erected this boaul iful statue to tell to coming general ions soinething ol t Ik^ lionoratile life and TWELFTH IOWA » service ol one of our comrades; that shall Inspire our children and chil- dren's children to acts of patriotism, and to the study of the history of the country, and of a regiment that took an active part and did gallant service for our country. And now my comrades, in the name of those of our number who shed their blood in defense of these colors; of those who died that our country might live, and of those living still pledged to equal sacrifice, if necessary, to lieep our flag afloat, we dedicate this statue as a memorial, that shall stimulate the people of Clermont, of all future generations, to emulate the example of our comrade in all his gallant service for his country. Comrades, join me, once more as of old, in three cheers for Gov. Larra- bee. . Following Major Reed's address. Miss Beulah Wright, of the Depart- ment of Oratorical expression of U. I. U., stepped forth in the beauty of young womanhood, with her soul filled full of patriotic fire, and in the most eft'ectual manner reproduced the flag presentation speech of Miss Sorrin, delivered to Co. C, September 15, 1861. At the close of Miss Wright's reading, Mrs. Chas. D. Neff touchingly rendered "The Flag of Our Union", all joining in the chorus, lead by G. E. Comstock of Fayette, who led the same song sung at the presenta- tion of the flag when the hoary heads now bowed with age were the brave andgallant boys whoenlisted in their country's cause from old Upper Iowa. Some of these boys came from far ofl" states, one, P. R. Ketchura, from Idaho. At a signal, the cannon brought by the boys from Fayette, to do honor on this occasion, boomed forth thirteen times, as a salute to the flag, Lincoln monument, and Henderson statue, thus closing the services at the Henderson statue. The sea of interested spectators moved to the pavilion, where tv/o very large tents, joined together as one, furnish- ing a seating capacity of some four thousand, was packed full. Senator IJolliver and Col. Henderson were orators of the day (See both address- es reproduced in this book. ) Among tiiose of note who were upon the platform, were Hon. and Mrs. Larrabee, Hon. and Mrs. Henderson, Senator Dolliver and wife, Hon. G. N. Hougen, of the fourth district, Col. John F. Merry of Du- buque, Hon. J. H. Sweeney, of O.sage, Col. Rood, of Mt. Vernon, Hon. S. B. Zeigler and wife, our beloved Col. J. H. Stibbs, Chicago, our venerated and much loved surgeons, Dr. C.C.Parker, first, Dr. W. H. Finley, first Ass't., Maj. D. W. Reed, Maj. Geo. II. Morrisy and wife, Hon. R. W. Terrill and wife, Lieut. Dunham and wife, Geo. E. Bissell ofNew York, sculptor of the Lincoln statue, and Mrs. Rebecca Otis, who served as nurse from '61 to '65, being now in her 77th year. Col. Henderson arose, greeted by a tumult of applause and made remarks as roHows: 10 KKJH'IMI l:l<:i MON Col. Henderson's Speech. Mr. President, c-omratles and friends: To rae lliis is a sacred day and a more than sacred occasion. 1 see before me men of the old Twelfl li Iowa. This is our reunion. I see before me the faces of several sur- vivors who were in old company C, assembled and enlisted in this county of Fayette, but the dear, bron/ed faces of the living' call up the equally dear faces of the dead. The events of life are our mile-stones, and he who has not such marks has not a life in which it is important to record its events. Clermont is one of my mile-stones; Fayette county is another dear old Henderson prairie; in this township, is another; the 12th lov/a and all of its men, is another. Standing here 1 rcall my third war meeting, held in this village in September, ISfil, to gather tigliting men for company C of the 12th. It was held in some hall in this town. It would take a poet to describe that night, the historian cannot do it Jus- tice. We enlisted that night twenty-three men for war, picked out of the simple farm homes of this vicinity. I can recall many of the faces, outside of company C, that were at that meeting. Every eye coniributed tears of patriots and friends. Whenever a man was enlisted cheers were given; the old tlag was carried around the room and each man as lie en- listed marched after it as the cheers of the people rent the air. I recall the face of Governor Larrabee. who tried to enlist at that and another time, but was denied that honor, because of a plij^sical defect in one eye. 1 recall tlie dear faces of tlie honored parents of our beloved Captain Warner of company C and his sisters too were there, patriotic angels of tlie Ilepublic and our beloved hostess of this occasion. Mrs. G<)vern<-r Larrabee was there, leading in our glorious songs. Her father and mother. Captain and Mrs. Appieman were there, the first a hero of the seas; the second, and botli, early pioneers, laboring for the beneiit of our lielcis and the up-building of our great state. I can see Steadman & Stough the merchants: dear old .John Hosford was with us then, and is with us now, age not dimming the warmth of his noble heart and unvarying friendship for the soldier of the Ilepublic. We recall Ben Agard, afterwards a sol- dier and now in Heaven. We recall the bright-eyed Loomis, now the husband of Captain Warner's oldest sister, a man ever true to the high- est duties of life, and ji'ather Dibble was with us, and it seems to me that the citizens of this locality, far and near, were witli us, with one heart for all of us, and one voice for the songs and life of our country. One hundred and four men who wished to join company C went with us to Dubuque to muster, and after physical examination l>y tise surgeon, 98 were found able and (lualitied for battle. After service in many battles; after volunteering for a scconfi term, and after tiie war was ended, .38 remained, wlio assembled at the Upper Iowa LTnlversity, th-o place of original enlistment. The young hero and patriot. Win. W. Warner was brought home in his cottin and sleeps now near where we are assembled. Myownbrolher Thomas was shot through the heart in the "Hornefs Nest" at Shiloh and sleeps today among the immortal dead by the noiseless waters of the Tennessee. Of all that we enlisted in Cler- mont, very few siu'vived, but it fills me with. joy to see so many of the survivors (»f the old Twelft ii Iowa here. Tliey iiave come "from near and from far" for tliismeel ing. mnlcinganol her li'i'eat inile-sione in oirr (ravels TWELFTH 1(»\VA 11 through life. It is heail-wannitig to see so many of those dead heroes' children here; there are, however, but few survivors of that sacred band of old citizens, who clieerod the boys to war, to victory or death, at that little war meeting in 1861. To me, and to many of us here, everything has a sweet memory and is stamped with battle history. There stands the mill, owned at one time by "Jack Thomp.sun," and afterward and for a longtime, by our dear William Larrabee. The Turkey River running by, many of us have fished in, swimmed in, and it's ancient music is still in our hearts. There is no ravine around here that is not made sacred by the memory of dear homes, beloved homes, Irisli dances, American dances, Norwegian dances, spelling schools, singing schools, and above all debating schools. These surrounding woods contain memories and sacred stories which will ever be dear to most of those here now and on this very occasion, when Gov- ernor Larrabee is doing so much for this Fayette county and his friends. Let it not be forgotten for I believe that, in the people of Clermont, he ever has had and has now a generous, honest and enthusiastic constitu- ency. When we consider what has been done, and is being done in Clermont, you will agree that it is a great mile-post in the life of Governor Larra- bee, and his suri'oundiny friends. WHAT HAS HE DONK? My friends, it would be easier to answer the question: What has he failed to do'? Turn your eyes to yonder square, wliere we have this day dedicated, through his precious gift, that splendid bronze statue to Ab- raliarn Lincoln. It is, as it ought to be, heroic in size; his duplicate has not yet been produced in our country. He gave his life to liberty, and no Union army, regiment or company, failed to recognize him as a comrade. Wasliingtcni \vas the father but Lincoln was Ihe preserver of our country. Yonder statue is by one of America's greatest sculptors. What a per- petual lesson for our people? Orator, statesman, poet, lawyer, law maker, our chief executive, martyr! His life presents a field that will ever be rich to the historian, the artist and the patriot. Governor liarrabee, you have done much that is good, but I believe that presenting this statue, is one of your greatest acts. TWKLFTH IOWA rNFAXJltV. T must make a few observations, especialiy lo my old comrades and friends of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry. The history of your slate and country will show that no truer body of men entered the United States siMvice during the Civil War. Its liistory is a part of the bloody history from which was evolved the final and sacred establishment and preser- vation of our ilepulilic. On its great deeds I may not dwell, for history contains all that can be written of a regimeiit. I wish I coukl pen to-day the unwritten history of the old Twelfth lov.a: the early glowing heart of our patriotic boys wlien they left home to save their beloved land; liie agonies, the tortures of the battle field; the never-to-be-truly-told story of the h(jspital; the sufferings of that great body of our comrades, known under the names of fatlier, mother and friends: the unmarked graves, and, (»h, if I could tell it, and make the world know it. that peculiar shouc, almost a yell that followed the victorious struggle of our iiifn. I will not leave that story for tiie painter or the poet, to sculptor 12 KUMi'JH Kia NION or historian; it is buried with our dead and still remembered and cher- ished by our living. It was a part of the grand old Army of the Tennessee, whose commanders were Grant, Sherman, McPherson, Logan and Howard, a part of an army that never lost a single battle during the great civil war, and whose survivors are assembled here. It would be cruel for me to name one of that regiment and at the same time omit a single name. I superintended the burial of thirteen dead comra des at Shiloh, and they are now in the National Cemetery there with a monument in the center of a half-circle, telling briefly who were buried there. It is sweet to see that the sister of dear, dead, Cap- tain Warner, the wife of Mr. Loomis, has made her home our home on this occasion, her table our table, but all of the rest of Captain Warner's family have passed beyond and are with our departed comrades now. You will pardon me if I refer to a letter written me, on the 21st of April, 1903, from 279 Henrietta Court, Passadena, California. It was written by a true member of company C, 1 must i)ut it so. H is from Miss E. A. Sorin. In closing she said: "One thing I forgot to say that I ?>it«st not forget. "I want you to bear my greeting of loving remembrance to company C. " Would you like to hear a word or two about that dear woman? She was Preceptress of the Upper Iowa ITniversity at the time of our first war meeting, and saw twenty-two of the old students enlist for the 12th. Our enlistment roll was short, we did not know just what was required for an enlistment roll. Here are the closing words: "We drop our books to light our country's battles." While some of the faculty were frightened at the injury to their school, this dear woman, one of the faculty, never flinched, hut her voice, her tears, and her prayers, went with us from lirst to last, and her love message I have just delivered. A Southerner born was she, but never for an instant was she other than faithful to the flag of her whole country. STATI^E OF D. IJ. IIKNDKUSON. Touching this bronze statue of mys 'If, I can, should, and will be brief. I am grateful to Governor Larrabee for permitting my old regiment to conduct the unvailing and the dedication of this statue of myself. It, is the product first, of Governor Larrabee's own brain and heart; the details of the work were all born of his brain. Personally, I feel a delicacy about the appearance of a crutch, but Governor Larrabee was the historian, and would have it there as a part of the monument. I am glad to note that my old comrades, with one voice, approved of this feature of the mf)nu- ment. Second, heroic in size, it is the product of one of America's great sculptors, Mr. J. Massey Rhind of New York, like myself, born in Scotland, and I know, like myself, ardently loving his adopted country and its irreat history. The statue tells its own story. But, (>h! how glad 1 am to learn from your lips, my dear comrades and friends that, Gover- nor Larrabee and the artist h.ave faithfully told the story it is intended to represent. It stands in the street, where, wilh horses, cattle, blue- jeans and bai'e-feet, I have often gone while a l)oy, disi-harging the simple duties of a farmer's life. You who know me best, can measure the deptlis of my grat il tide, and mv inaViility to t<'ll you wtiat is in my heart to-day. WILLIAM LARRABEE. TWlOMTil IOWA I?, GOVKKNOR LARUABKE. I will be pardoned, I know, for saying a few words about Hon. Wil- liam Larrabee, my boyhood and lifelong friend, but whether you approve or not, 1 am going to say some things of this great man; something of his work; something of his life; something of his heart, and something of his great cliaracter. When I lirst knew this man, he was hardly more than a boy, leading the work on iiis brother-in-law's farm in Clayton ectunty, the farm of the Hon. E. H. Williams, whose noble wife still sur- vives him, and who in addition to service on the district bench, became a member of the Supreme Court of Iowa, and whose farm is still enjoyed by his widow and his children. It is just across the line from Fayette county, situated in Clayton county. Many a time in j-outh I have bound grain by the side of William Larrabee, and I must admit that he could bind a bundle of grain about as quickly as any man I ever knew, and we had more than one test of our skill. Subsequently, he bought that mill down there in Clermont, and it was the boast of the farmers that they could send a load of wheat to Larrabee's mill by their younger children and know absolutely that they would get every cent they were entitled to, Without compensation this Connecticut yankee taught the lirst singing school on Henderson Prairie; the noble woman, his wife, and 1 were among his first pupils. He was a constant attendant upon the Henderson Prairie debating school, meeting us at the old stone school house, and here he partly developed the wonderful mind that has .so en- riched his state. Thoroug-tily educated in Connecticut, this young yan- kee at once t(»ok a frc^nt rank, as a leader, thinker and worker in our community. None of his old neighbors fell in battle without his looking up and ascertaining the condition of the surviving members of the dead soldier's family. His heart was ever open, and his ever free to those who needed help. Pardon me, if I say that, on my return from war, minus a leg, he moved withr)ut telling me, to have me appointed Commi.ssioner for the Board of Enrollment for this district, and brought my commission to me while lying on my back after the amputation on my father's farm. With years of industry he has acquired a competency, but no man can truthfully say that there is a soiled dollar in his pocket. The accumulations of his able brain and untiring energy are as clean as his soul. His pen has contributed to the literary works of his time, not ilction, but the solid treatment of great questions. He was sixteen years in the State Senate of Iowa, the recogniz3d leader of that body; twice he was the honored Governor of Iowa, and left a record as such Governor, which the most njble and patriotic miy well follow as an example. From liis birth he was a tireless worker; integrity was stamped upon his soul; each member of his family is a credit to Governor and Mrs. Larrabee, for both have lived together, worked together and are thought of and loved as one. Let me brietly resam ;. He his ever been my friend, loved and was loved as a brother: singing teai-Zner, refusing compensation; a constant attendant of a vigorous debating society; a loyal friend of his Govern- ment and of its defendeis: a beautiful neighbor; a patron and promoter of art, and I should add, has now a splendid bronze statue of General Grant, which at prosejit stands at his old home in Clermont, the produc- tion of a great sjulptor, which will be duly erected here; an honest miller wise and tireless farmer, a broad-minded and successful law maker; a member of the State Hoird of Control, w'nere he mapped out the course 14 EIGHTH K ELM ON his successors should pursue; an uncomproinising patriot; an advocate of a sound, stable, and generous currency; a great Governor of a great state, his influence has been felt in the state, in the Nation, and in his beauti- ful home. IN CONCLUSION. 1 propose three cheers for Governor Larrabee, liis accomplished wife, and to all of the citizens of Clermont. (Three cheers and a tiger given with wild enthusiasm. ) And now, my friends, with gratitude to you who have come so far to spend this day with us, and with an affection which I hope will grow with life, I will bid each and all a kind good-bye. Col. D. B. Hicndkuson. Senator Dulliver's Address. Senator Dulliver. who delivered the principal address of the day, Wiis given an ovation when he arose to speak. His oration was an eloquent effort. Touching at length on the character and achievements of Col. Henderson his address made a marked impression. He said: Members of the 12th Iowa and Fellow Citizens:— The honor of taking part in the exercises of this day is one which I sincerely appreciate. I thank the veterans of the Twelfth Iowa for their invitation to speak a few words about their old comrade statue Ihey have dedicated amid these scenes of his early manhood, among the neighbors and friends who have followed his career with affection and pride all the days of his life. The erection of these monuments, one to the great President, and the other to a typical volunteer soldier, is an act thoroughly characteristic of the honored citizen to whose public spirit the people of Iowa owe this generous contribution to the higher life of the commonwealth. It was not the privilege of Governor Larrabee to serve in the ranks of the army in the field, though he organized a company and tendered his own service. But from the outbreak of the rebellion to the surreaJn* at Appomattox, his patriotic heart was witli the enlisting regiments, encouraging them by words of cheer, caving for their families while they were away, and in after years proving by unnumbered acts of kindness his right to the place he has always held in the gratitude and good will of the surviving veterans. Few men in the liistory of our slate have served the people with sucli distinction in the various ottices wliicli he has occupied. He has shown the most complete devotion to public interests and has discharged liis duties with an eye single to the welfare of the co-nmunity. He 1ms not needed the pomp and ceremony of otticiul station: for his counsel and guidance in the management of all public business, have never been more acceptable or more valuable tlian since he has occu})ied the position and e.tercised the rights of a private citizen. In other times as interested travelers pause on their journey tlirough this beautiful va!l'\v to liK>k upon these impressive figures, commemorat- TWELl TH iOWA 15 ing names famous in our annals as a people, they will not foi^et the unpre- tentious citizen, conspicuous for more than a generation in the affairs of the state, who has enriched the community with such an enduring legacy. Their erection has in it a signiticance somewhat deeper than at first appears. They are a witness or rather they preserve the testimony of one who has done his full part in the material development of the state, that the time has come for the people of Iowa to turn aside from the' pursuit of business, to consider the place in our scheme of popular education which belongs to the ornaments of grace and beauty. It foreshadows the approach of that public opinion which will attract into the homes of our people, and into all our public itLstituiions the influences of the finer arts, and at last make the state, already the abode of wealth and culture, a contributor in a still larger sense to the real assets of the world. It is a pleasuro to all of us that tiie sculptor whose genius created the statue of Lincoln which we have dedicated today, is present on the plat- form, and 1 take great pleasure in presenting Mr. Bissell, who has come all the way from his home in New York, to join in the exercises of the day. lie is not only a great artist but v/as a good soldier in the Union army. (Senator Dolliver at this point brought Mr. Bissel forward amid hearty enthusiasm in vvliich the whole audience shared.) Senator DoUiver continued: Now that, the thread of my discourse has been interrupted, I will say another thing. The author of the Henderson statue is not here, but there is one here who has had as m-.ich to do in shaping the character and moulding the career of Colonel Henderson as the artist had in giving form and stature to his image in bronze. I ask the TweifLh Iowa to salute Colonel Henderson's wife— Mie woman who has shared his honors, and helped to carry his burdens. (Senator DoUiver at this point escorted Mrs. Henderson to the front of the platform, the whole audience rising and following the members of the Old resjiment in three rousing cheers for her. The Senator then con- tinued his speech. ) Governor Larrabee has been peculiarly fortunate in choosing his heroes. It is a ditiicult rhing to pick out. especially from a list of men of our own time, appropriate subjects to be perpetuated in brijnzeor marble. It has been said lijat the sculptor's art is the most helpless of all the eiforts of The human ruind to express itself. Therefore the statue of a man seldom does more than to record the accepted estimate of his charac- ter and his achievements. It adds nothing to what he is and little to the reputation of what he has done. There is a sense in which a statue is a thing sacred and set apart .so that m.en and women looking upon it may be made better, wiser, stronger, by considering the manner of man he actually was. "Show me the man you honor;" said Thomas Carlyle, "I know by that sympti»rii better than any other what kind of a man you yourself are." This conclusion of the whole matter of statue making the blunt old Scotchman writes dov/n in the midst of his iierce philippic on the subject of a proposed siaiue to a successful r;iilro:id promoter of 1850. a now entirely fc^rgot ten mull i-!nillionaire by the name of Hudson, and incidentally against •'thai extraordinary population of brazen and other images" which at the time dominated the market places of towns and sitlicited worship irom the English people. ic liHiii'iii [;r:i \i<>x A statue of Lincoln, while it adds nothing to him. is in itself a worthy commentary upon the national character, for it brings us face t(» face with the grandest, simplest, purest life that was ever lived by a man among the children of men. It stands for an epoch in human affairs in which were blended all the heroisms, all the sublime aspirations, all the pathetic sacrifices which have made the national life worth living. Yet there is a meaning which takes even a stronger hold upon our hearts, in the other figure standing there on crutches and looking down upon us with the benignity of an old neighbor and an old friend. Abraham Lin- coln has already become one of the legends of our heroic age. All the rugged lines have been smoothed out of that care-worn face; while the man himself, who once sat upon store boxes and entertained villagers with curious narratives drawn from the homely experiences of his own life, or the quaint resources of his imagination, has been lifted up by Ihe common consent of mankind above all thrones and has taken his august rank in the midst of the ages. A statue of David B. Henderson brings back to us in a more intimate way the events of that period without taking us very far from home. It is fitting that this monument should stand here near the pioneer farm- house from whicli Colonel Henderson and his two brothers went out as soldiers of the republic, and that these ceremonies should be conductetl by those who remain of the regiment in which he served with susii gal- lantry and renown. Not very far from this spot is t he prairie ujxtn which his parents established their homestead in ISii). They had come from a foreign land, but from a country so like our own in its inheritance of free- dom that its scattered children have had little ditliculty in making them- selves at home everywhere in the United States. 1 heard Colonel Henderson once in the midst of a gay social assembly at our capital, in answer to the quest i(m of a fashionable lady, relate the story of their long journey from Old Deer, Scotland, to America. He told of the injustice of the landlord's son who had come into the estate: of the anger of his old Scotch fat her, and of his resolution to take his little family, David being the youngest, and make his way to a new land to lind better opportunities for his children; a land where "a man is a man tov a that." He related also his visit to his old home a year or two ago, passing modestly over his audience with Kings and noblemen, to tell of his elfort to discover among those who were acquainted with his family in Scotland, some one who had known his motlier: and of rinding only (me who could tell him anything about lier, an aged woman who only re- membered that she was kind to the poor and was (tften seen going about carrying in a basket some delicacy for the sick. The way he told of the privations of his boyhood and the gentle tone with which ho spoke of his mother threw a true light upon his inner life, so that when he had finished, tears were in the eyes of the whole com- pany which listened to his simple manly words. 1 have known Colonel Henderson now for more than a quarter of a century, and whether 1 think ot liim as a farmer's lad following the furrow on the prairie yonder, or lying lielpless ()n the luilileiieid at Cor- inth, or holding his own in the tumultuous encounters of the House of llepresentatives, or weilding the authority of the second olllce in the government of the United States, 1 confess that he has always seemed to me an admirable example of what is ))est and strongest in the life of the 'I^WKiJTII IOWA 17 Ai!!eri(.-;!ii i)c;)p!(\ In every aspect of liis careoi- lie lias been a representative of Iowa; tliough not born upon our soil, he came into contact witli it before he was ten years old. and until ne was twonty-ono kept close enough to it to j^et the physical, iniellectual and moral strength which comes up into a man out of plowed grctund through his bare feet. To a young man like Colonel Henderson the call of his country for soldiers to defend her in the time of need, came as a command to be obeyed at once; and so the awkward country boy just turned twenty-one years of age, finds himself a member of Company C of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry, and entered with you upon that eventful experience which has given to the survivors of the regiment a heritage of honor and glory for all time to come. He was with you in the camp of prepavatitin while you made ready for the war; he was with you through the long winter at St Louis when disease wasted your inimbers. before yet you had seen your enemy in the tield. He was with you at Cairo where you met for the first time your great commander, then holding a humble assignment in the national service; he was wilhyou at Donelson where you won everlasting honor by bloody work well done: he was with you on the historic Jield of Sliiloli where not even the bravery of the bravest could stand against the overwhelming disaster v.iiicii befell you: he was with the little remnant of the regiment at Cor- inth where he fell hi the lliick of the light under wounds which left him maimed and crippled and tilled much of his after life with misery and pain. He has been with you in the ble.ssed years of peace, and has enter- ed with a perfect sympathy into the joys and sorrows of your daily lives. He is with you today, and all others seem like intruders upon the rites of a i-eremony which belongs to you and to your comrades living and dead. Colonel Henderson received in an extraordinary measure the recogni- tion v.'hieh the Ameriean people have always been prompt to give to those wJH) liave served their country in war. When he retired from pub- lic life, he had enjoyed for an unusual period the distinction which be- longs 10 t!ie IL.'Use of Representatives, crowned at last by two unanimous elections to tlie oilice which more than ever embodies the influence and dignity of that great i;opular assembly. Rut no eminence of his career in civil life, can overshadov/ the service which he rendered when with willing lieart and eager enthusiasm he offered his name t<» the Twelfth l(;wa and with you have himself without reserve to the national defense. I'or over twenty years Col. Henders(in has been a notable flg'.ire in the arena of American pu.blic life. His record in the House of Represen- tatives was remarkable not only for its length, but almost from the be- ginning, for the unique personal leadersliip which was accorded him by his folleagues. It is a body which never fails to judge with infallible accuracy the qu;ililications of the men who aspire to direct the great affairs of legisla- tion. It is considerate of the weak, inexoraV)le in its dealings with the vain and presumptuous, proud of the valiant and successful, losing no time in according the full measure of appreciation to ability and strength. It is a fighting arena in whicli no intellectual gift is worth anything un- less it is kept always ready for the fray. It is a ff)rum of debate, of hand to hand comba!. always ready to listen to words spoken in se;ison, will- ing to i^ive iiow moll a Ciianci' and generous with its applause for tlu' 18 KUJHTir REUNION humblest member who takes occasion by the hand. Into the midst of these restless and stormy activities Col. Henderson came in the Forty-eighth Con.jrress after a brief but brilliant career at the Iowa bar; and he had not been there very lony before the House had learned that he could be counted upon not only for wise counsel but in all the sudden emerjirencies of controversey and discussion. His oppcirtu- nity came early in the session of the Forty-ninth Congress. He had been active and earnest in securing the legislation vvhicli provided for tlie in- crease of the pensions of widows from $8.00 to $12.00. and when the gen- eral pension appropriation bill was under discussion, he ventured to make some comments upon the attitude of members from the South towards that legislation. Almost immediately, as so often happens, without warning, acrimonious debate sprang up which raged for several days, in- volving nearly all the important party leaders on both sides of the House. Everything, as usual, was discussed except the niatter under considera- tion, and while Colonel Henderson was supported adequately on his own side of the House, it is obvious from the Kecord that he had to bear the brunt of the battle himself. 7\11 the weapons of partisan warfare were directed against him; epithets and otTensive personalities tilled the cham- ber, through all of which Col. Henderson maintained a calm and cheerful temper. At length a gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Norwood, in a speech bristling with irritating satire and evil insinuations, sneered at his "ex- pansive patriotism," and with malice ill concealed, tried to make a jest of his foreign nativity. When the Georgian had tinished, so complete was his apparent victory that Mr. Allen, the quaint humorist froni Mis- sissippi, suggested "that business be suspended for a moment while tjie gentleman from Iowa receives the sympathy of his friends." It was an important hour for Col. Henderson. If he had tried lo answer wit with wit, ridicule with ridicule, he would have failed alto- gether. But >rr. Norwood's contemptuous allusions to the fatherland, to Ben Lomond and the thistle, made it appropriate for the Iowa orator to pass by in silence the words of levity and banter and to take his posi- tion upon higher ground where his antagonist was easily outclassed. Straight from the shoulder came Colonel Henderson's reply: "It is thrown in my teeth that I Urst drew breath in siglit of Ben Lomond. That is true, ]Mr. Chairman, but while it is true that I represent in my birth the land of the thistle, I want to teil tlie gentleman tliat -in-m lowland moor to highland })ass, treason never found birth in a Scottish heart. True it is that I was born in Scotland. True it is that a little child I came to America. Does it remain for a simple Scottish boy of twenty-one, not born under the folds of the beautiful flag of America, to teach patriotism to a gentleman who was born upon American sf)il'? Mr. Chairman, I recognize with pleasure the gentlemanly and manly charactar of some of my opponents in this debate. I take pleasure in recognizing in that way the gentleman from West Virginia (Mr. Wilson), and the cultivated and eloquent gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Breckin- ridge), who spent four years of his life in the Co?ifederate service. That gentleman drew a picture, beautiful, toiu-hing and instructive, of three brothers, all nursed at the same breast, lighting on opposing fields, and yet no barrier between their hearts. I too, Mr. Ciinirman. will atteiii])! lo rhaw a "f:i;)iily iiictnre." if T TWELFTH IOWA 19 may imvc the same permission. Tliree brothers of us met togetlier one night ill 18()1. under tlie old family roof, and agreed that in this great land of our adoption the hf)ur liad come for us to lay our lives at tlie feet of our common country. We slept none that niglit; all sat up. In the morning before parting, the old father (turning to Mr. Norwood) born in Scotland, too, took down the old family Bible (again turning to Mr. Nor- wood) brought from Scotland, and after reading it, knelt among his little group of Scottish-American children, prayed to the God of nations to guard us and make us brave for tiie right, llnished the prayer and said amen. The parting you yontlemcn have nothing to do witli: but those tliree brothers, 'all nursed at the same breast,' and 'with no barrier between their hearts,' went side by side to the war, all, however, lighting on the same sidc--tbe side of their country. The eldest, Tliomas, fell, shot through the heart in the deadly "Hornet's Nest" of Shiloh, and he now sleeps in an unmarked grave by the quiet waters of the Tennessee. The next, serving four yeaos and veteranizing, lives, but is almost a physical wreck, his liealth laid upon the altar of liis country. The third and youngest is still pretty well, I thank you; but IMr. Chairman, I want it distinctly understood that so long as I have a memory to remember what Thomas fought for, so long as I know that for nearly a quarter of a cen- tury his widow and children have struggled without that gallant prop, (turning to Mr. Norwood) Scottish though he was in origin, I feel not called upon to get down on my bended knee in the Capitol of my country (with all due respect to the gentleman from Georgia) and apologize for Thomas' death, for William's ruined health, or for myself." The blood of the Twelfth Iowa was evidently up once more and no- body came within his reach, who did not feel the stroke of the old Iowa soldier's vv'rath. That speech illustrating in the most effective way his ability to take care of himself in the rough and tural)le engagements which have always been common la the House of Representatives was the beginning of a long series of parliamentary achievements which have given him a permanent place among the popular leaders of our times. Few men of this generation have made a more profound impression upon the national life. He has been identiiied with the business of the govern- ment for so many years that bis departure from the House of Representa- tives has l»een everywhere deplored as a grevious loss to the public ser- vice: for leaving out of consideration altogether his abilities to do the work so long entrusted to him by his district, it has never happened to any other citizen of Iowa, and to few others in any state, to secure the training in public atrairs which comes from an uninterrupted activity of more than twenty years in the House of Representatives. I had the opportunity of knowing Colonel Henderson with a special degree of intimacy for the twelve years beginning with the administra- tion of General Harrison, during which we served together in the House. He was already counted among the old members when I first entered, and in the memoi'abic contest for the Speakership of the Fifty-first Con- gress he had a most tiattering support drawn from all sections of the country. ISIr. Reed won the prize and Colonel Henderson at (mce became a m.eniber of tlie little group of experienced legislators to whom the management of the business of the House wns committed. And from o,, EKill'lll iMirxiox that time, whether in the council chamber or upon the lloor, he remain- ed one of the chief supporters and defenders of the policies and program of tlie party to which he \vas attached. When Mr. Reed retired from public life, Colonel Henderson was so generally looked upon as his natural successor that one after another the able men who were selected Ijy the partiality of the community in which they lived, to contest the honor with him, withdrew in his favor, leaving him in po.ssession of the field without a dissenting voice. A good many people were disturbed by the fear that no one could fill Mr. Heed's place; yet after four years in the chair it was the testimony of friends and foes alike that the oHice had sutfered no disparagement during the period of Colonel Henderson's administration. He exliibited all of Mr. Eeed's masterful talent for controling the House, and with it a suavity of man- ner, a kindly sympathy, a thoughtful regard for the feelings of others, wliich were sometimes wanting in the cruder methods of his predecessor. He put aside the honors of that oflice at a time when he enjoyed the confidence of both sides of the House, and might have looked forward to a future undisturbed by the ordinary vicissitudes of politics. Those of us who have come here today are not thinking so much as we look upon this statue, of the gavel which he holds in his hand as of the crutch he is leaning upon. The blaze and glare of oHicial station seem dull and com- monplace: the personal contentions which sometimes acid to the cares of the public service, a burden too heavy to be borne, are all forgotten; the mistakes, the failings and mischances which are a part of our poor human frailty, are left to the cliarity which remembereth that we are dust. The presence here of these bent and white-haired men, whatever the artist may have intended, makes this a soldier's monument. Wlien you look upon it you will think of a worn and faded uniform of blue, and when those who come after you, your children and grandchildren, stand about tliisspot with curious interest, they may have to ask what the gavel in the uplifted liand is for, but they will know without asking any- body what the crutch means; for they will hear the echo of Lincoln's sol- emn call for troops and Kirkwood's stern demand that Jov.a should do her duty. And right well were all the proclamations answered, though they followed one after another like alarm bells in the night; for from her sparse and meager population, there marched into the field, eighty thousand fighting men, (»ne in eight of all who lived within her borders, men, women, and children. More than 2,000 o( them fell in battle. Over 10,000 died in tiie hospitals and the prisons. Your comrade, there on that pedestal, is only one of 10,000 more who came home disabled by wounds or stricken by disease; so that over one quarter of the whole en- listed force of Iowa was literally a sacrifice upon the altar of the Tlepulj- lic. The y(^ars whicii have gone since your last battle was fought, have made sad havoc with tlie broken ranks, as your own roll call shows; but a goodly number still survive: and throughout the land wherever an Iowa veteran lives, from thousands of humble homes, there has today gone up to Heaven a soldier's blessing upon Ihe name and fame of David B. Hen- derson. DAVID B. HENDERSON. IN WAR A HERO, IN PRACE A STATESMAN, A TRUE lOWAN. HE VOriUNTARII.Y I,AID DOWN THE SCEPTEK OF POWER WHEN HE STOOD CONSPICUOUsT.Y THE ITNfHAIJ,EX(iED LEADER OF THE AMKlilCAN CONCiRESS. TWELFTH IGWA 21 Reunion Proceedings. Assemble in pavilion at 7 p. m. After entertaining music by Fayette drum corps and band, which was inspiring, and, for the time carried us back again to 61-5, the reunion was called to order by the president, Lieutenant Dunham, and Mr. A. H. Loomis proceeded to deliver his address of welcome and was followed by Hon. R. W. Tirrill of the 12th. Mr. President and Friends, members of Twelfth Iowa: — In bidding you welcome to Clermont it is with a realization, that no words can fully express the pleasure we feel in having you with us upon this occasion. We appreciate the great honor it is to our little city to have so large and distinguished an assembly for its guests and we greet you, old and young; soldiers of war and citizens of peace, we greet you and bid you a most cordial welcome. And especially t(t you members of the 12th Iowa, who have seen fit to lionor us by holding your quadrennial reunion where at this time, in be- half of the citizens of Clermont we bid you a most hearty welcome. Clermont feels greatly honored in having you as her guest; noted as your regiment is for its many acts of valor upon the field of battle, to which our distinguished Senator paid such eloquent tribute this afternoon. We welcome you the more heartily because of the special interest Cler- mont has always had in the 12th Iowa, in which so many of the noble sons of Fayette county served, with credit to themselves and the honor of their State. Yes, Clermont is proud to entertain such a Company and long will this day be remembered as one in which we were privileged to bivouac with one of the luavest regiments that ever marched beneath the stars and stripes. ( Why l>less you Col. Henderson, if you could have had these veterans down at Dubuque yesterday or the day before, you would have quelled that riot among the car strike men so quickly, Senator Allis(»n would probably never have known that there was trouble in his city and would have been with us at this time. ) Realizing that such an occasion as this may not offer itself to Cler- mont again, we ask you, members of the 12th, to surrender, uncondi- tionally, as prisoners of our charge, not even asking for a parole, before the time of your exchange to the better accomodations of your own homes. It is a happy thought, my friends, that so long as patriotism and reverence for our country exists the Nation need have no fear from ex- ternal foes, or internal problems, and those monuments will serve to in- spire the highest sentiments of patriotism in the hearts of the young, and perpetuate the memory of the men I have the honor to welcome and whose presence adds a'sacredness to those blocks of marble and tablets of bronze. God bless you, and may the teachings of this day lead us to a greater love of friends, of home, of country, and of God. A. H. LOOMIS, Secretary of Clermont Soldiers' Monumentary Association, •2-2 KKJIITH IM:rM()N Mr. A. H. Looinis, and Citizens of Cli'ini<*ni:— Jndividually 1 have some knowl- edge of the generous hospitality of some of the good people of your little city and I know that a large number of the comrades of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry, whom 1 represent here this evening, and in whose l)chalf I now speak, have been recipients of the bounteous hospitality of your people in times past, but today, the welcome that we have received by your kind and forceful words, has been even now, already fully verified by the reali- ties this day experienced; and in behalf of my comrades, whose senti- ments I voice, I now heartily thank you, and your people through you, for these manifestations of good cheer and loyal fellowship, as well as your generous hospitality so kindly proffered. While perhaps, we are right in l)elieving, that as soldiers of the late rebellion, we are entitled to the generous hospitality accorded us by your citizens, yet we must not, and 1 trust we do not, lose sight of the fact, that the great civil war of Gl to tj5 was not crushed out wholly by us, but by the aid and a.ssistance of the great loyal heart of Americans, meaning the soldiery and the loyal men and women of this coiuitry, typical exam- ples of whom you find in your own little city in the persons of Gov. and Mrs. Larrabee. I have known Governor Larraljee (luile well ever since we met at West Union in 18(>;i and nominated our own AVm. J?. Allison for his first term in Congress, and since that day it has pleased us both, to labor to- gether in his interest and in the interest of this Dist rict, as well as in the interest of this great commonwealth and nation, unl il we have .seen him grow from that small beginning in 1803, to a position in the affairs of the Nation, and in the hearts of his countrymen, never before excelled by any man or statesman in this or any other country. At another convention, we joined forces to nominate another man for congress, who after many years of faithful service, during which time he battled with southern chivalry for the rlgiU, until be was recognized as the leader of bis associates in the lower House of Congress, and tinally elevated to the Speakership in that great body, by reason of his untiring zeal,- acknowledged executive ability, and honest devotion to principles. Col. I). B. Henderson was one of the boys (»f tlie Twelfth Iowa Infan- try, and he is the conspicuous tlgure, whom we delight to honor here today, throuiih the gcnerosily of your wcnthy citizens. (Jovernor and Mrs. Larrabee. But after all. Allison anil Henderson are only our boys, in a .sense: they do our bidding, su!).ject to the criticisms of tlieir i-onsiituency, for or against, right or wrong, not a bed of roses after all; yet we have always been proud of them, glad to hear them spoken of in foreign lands as among the greatest statesmen of the Nation; and yet they are in our keeping and in a measure, subject to our dictations. Col. Henderson could not if he would, prevent Gov. Lari'abee from erecting that statue yonder, he must submit in this, as in many otiier tilings: of course, he has to sonic (>xtent blocked the wheels of his future political progress to which he has so long been attached, liul we will soon have him back in line and put him on double duty. Mr. Mavor and Cit izens of Cleinioni : In a senst\ we meet you here TWELl Til IOWA 23 on common grounds, to commemorate the stirring events of 01 to 65 in wiiicii we all had a common interest. The loyalty and patriotic devotion of your citizenship furnished the banner company of our regiment, and proudly did your boys maintain the honor of that starry emblem. That old flag handed down to us by the fathers of the revolution, preserved in its purity by tlie comrades of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic and the loyal men and women of this great country of ours, lias been carried by our boys across the mighty waters of the deep, to the far away islands of the sea, planting it upon the ramparts of universal brother- hood, and in the mighty presence of the nations of the world, have un- furled ifs silken folds, to liuman freedom and constitutional liberty. n. W. Tin It ILL. Another pleasing feature following the address of Comrade Tirrill was a very beautiful song, artistically rendered by Miss Stella Spears, a daugh- ter of Com.rade Hart Spears of the 12tli, which received hearty applause. A reading, "The Man Without a Country," was then listened to with rapt attention by Miss Beulali Wright who held her audience spell- bound from first to last, receiving a storm of applause upon retiring. Shiloh as seen today by Comrade P. 11. Woods, of Co. C. and W. F. McCarron of Co. T. as follows: Shiloh Battlefield. p. R. Woods. When a camp tire is called, every old soldier who attends, is expected to bring a rail, lohelp keep the fire burning. I thought I would try to bring one that had not been too much charred. So 1 liave selected for a short talk, our recent visit to Sliiloh battlefield. My wife accompanied me on tlie trip. 1 assure you it was a very en- joyable occasion. We avoided the crowd and had a most excellent oppor- tunity of looking over the grounds, and studying the positions and move- ments of both armies. We arrived at Paducah, Ky., by rail, May KJth, and took passage on a steamer for our trip of two hundred and twenty-seven miles up the Ten- nessee River, to Pittsburg Landing. There is mucli travel and tratHc on these steamers, and our progress was slow. We were two days and most of three nights on the boat, reaching Pittsburg Landing at 2o"lock on the UKirning of the Itith. 1 saw nothing especially familiar along the river, only that it is a lieautiful stream. We passed old l-'t. Henry, the oljjeclive point of our first campaign. Little could be seen, but the outlines of the old earthworks. On the boat, both up the river and on our return, we met many people of all ages, natives of Ken- tucky and Tennessee. They were kind and courteous, and we talked freelv of the events of the war. and of conditions in the South. We 24 EIGHTH REUNION learned much of the state of society in the border states, alter the close of the war; of the hatred, the treachery and brutality. But time and a wise administration of public affairs, have greatly molliliod these condi- tions. When we reached Pittsburg Landing, my old college friend and army comrade, Major Reed, was there to greet us. The Major had a team at his disposal, and we spent the greater part of the tine days wo were at the park, driving over the field, to the various points of interest. The National Park and Cemetery contains about four thousand acres, and more will be purchased. Much has been done t(» beautify the grounds, but the work is not completed. The underbrush, old logs and rail fences have been removed and about twentj^-live miles of road, run- ning throughout the park, have been graveled. Otherwise, the grounds are left, as far as possible, unchanged. Some of the old trees, badly scarred by shells and bullets, are still standing. But the greater number have fallen to decay, and others grown up in their places; so that the general appearance of the field is much as it was at the time of the battle. There are iron tablets marking the locations of the lines of battle, of both union and rebel armies, during both days; markers showing locations of camps, also, historical tablets. Each division headwa -iry V\\' visiici! iiiir Twelfth Iowa c ;mpi!^;4- iii-omid, and stdf.-ci al Iho edge of Lhe biuSr, overlouking the little spring brarielj where Reed and I were pei'foraiing our Sunday !n<»niing abluLions, when the long roll rang out upon t'ne air. on the morning of that fateful day. We drove out along the road where we had marched tliat morning, to the place where we took our position in the line of battle along the edge of the Duncan field, a mile and a half to the front. Here we stood, where we had stood forty- one years before, and looked out over the flcld. In my imagination, 1 fought over again, my \,\'st of that fearful conflict. I could see the rebels marching along in Mie edge of the woods at the farther side of the field, and take {josition behind the rail fence. I could see them charge across the field, three t lines, as far as the ravine near the middle, where we always stopped them Ity our fire. Then, as they advanced through the woods at our left, we drove them back in the same way. In every charge, we repulsed tliem with fearful slaughter. Then as we turned from our position in this '-iiorneL's Nest," and v/alked back over our line of retreat, the whole panorama was before me. I could seethe rebel force directly in our rear, as we drove them back. Then I could see the rebel lines ad- vancing on both sides, our own forces falling back before them. Then, as we attempted, by double-quici^, to get out at the gap, tliat we could see was rapidly closing, the retreating soldiers on either side broke into our ranks, and our line was c. The forces engaged, or present for duty, on April (>, were, "Army of the Tennessee," under General Grant— 39,830, Army of the Mississippi under General Albert Sidney .Johnson- -43,9«8. There arrived on the night of April 6, and reinforced General Grant in the battle of the next day. Gen. Lew Wallace, wii:h 5,000 and the "Army of the Ohio," under Gen. Buell, about 18,000. The casualties were as follows: Army of the Tennessee, killed, 1513; wounded, G,G01; missing, 2,830; total, 10,944. Army of the Ohio, killed, 241; wounded, 1807; missing 55; total 2103; making total killed of 1754: wounded, 8,408: and missing, 2,885; or grand total loss 13,047. The confed- erate losses were, killed 1728: wounded 8,012; missing, 959; total, 10,699: total losses, both sides, 23,746. It will here be observed that the aggre- gate lo.sses of the two armies at Shiloh were exceeded by very few of the heaviest battles of the war, notably Gettysburg, where the losses were over 40,000, Wilderness, 25,000, Chickamauga nearly 27,000. The park embraces about 4000 acres, and is beautifully preserved, in charge of commissioners as follows: Colonel Cornelius Cadle, formerly of the Eleventh Iowa, now residing in Ohio, chairman; Major J. H. Ash- croft, of the Twenty-sixth Kentucky, of Kentucky; Colonel J osiah Patter- son, of the First Alabama, confederate, now of Memphis, Tennessee; and Major D W. Reed of the Twelfth Iowa, historian of the park, now living in Evanston, lUiaois. Two other Twelfth Iowa men are employed, F. A. Large, guardian, and L. J. Lewis, in charge of the masonry. Mr. Atwell Thompson, formerly connected with the Chickamauga park, is resident engineer, and Mr. W. S. Keller is his assistant. There are about twenty-live miles of splendidly graveled roads built along the lines occupied by mainroad, during the battle. There are over 400 tablets and markers to designate all important positions of troops of 28 Klull'ill ilKl'MON both armies, Uie "Aniiy of iho IVnuossee" being tlesii^iKitcfl by markers paintefl bhie. the "Army of I'.ic Cbio," yellow and ibe coiiforierales red. MoNT .MliNTS KliKCTKD. There are momimeiits erected by the several sliilis as follows:— Illinois. ;>y; ()hi(». .{4: Iiuliana. ::!: Inwa. 11: and Pennsylvania, 1. The goverrnnent hasereeted monumeiilslo mark where general oMicers were killed, including that to (Jen. Albert Sidney .Johnson. Iowa had in this battle her Second. Tiiird, Sixth. Seventh, Eigluh, Eleventh. Twelfth, Thirteenth, J-ourteiiiih, Fifteenth and Sixteenth regiments, to ail of vvliieh handsome monuments mark the most conspic- uous positions occupied. In addition, Iowa has erected a magnilicent monument 7-4 feet high N\i!li ;i 'Mx'M feet, on the nii-st conspicuous spot on the field. TriiO NATIONAL CKMK'rKUV. Tlie most beaut il'ul spot in all these 4,000 acres, is the ten acres on the high blutt" overlooking tb.e river v^hcre sleep the remains of over .{,600 of the heroes who gave up their lives for the preservation of the union. The thoughts that came to my mind of scenes which had their termina- tion in this silent city of the dead, crowd upon me, but 1 can only stop to say, that on these memorial occasions, this cemetery is visited by thous- ands of people. There were fully 4,000 people at the park on this year's mem(»rial day, notwithstanding heavy rains. They came in wagons, bug- gies, horseback, by boat, c»n foot, many of them from 50 miles distant- men, women and children. The cemetery is in charge of Capt. Shaw, to whom with his excellent wife, Maj. Ashcraft, and to Capt. N. M. Kemp, Commander of Fielding Hurst No. T, O. A. E., at Adamsville, I am particularly indebted for courtesies shown. I regret very much the unavoidable absence at the time, of Major Reed, to whom the country is indebted for reliable data connected with the park, and to whom 1 am indebted for the reliable statistics given in this letter. Maj. Ashcraft was the only one of the commissioners who was present at Shiloh on this occasion, but they all bear the reputation of efficient men. and the result of their labors will soon make of the Shiloh National Military Park, one of the most delightful memorials of Ameri- can valor on the continent. It needs very little previous preparation by a participant in one of the great battles of the civil war, for a speech on an occasion like that at Shiloh on Memorial day, and the people who attend are good listeners. There are plenty of "both sides" represented in an audience at Shiloh, but I think, from the enthusiasm displayed for the "Stars and Stripes," they all appreciate the spirit of the words, "The blue and the gray In fierce array No local hates dissever, Strike hands once more From shore to shore, The North and South forever." W. F. McCarrox. Co. I. 12th Iowa. FRONT OF SHILOH MONUMENT. Erected at southi^ust corner t)f Duncan Field. May. 1!*».U BACK OF SHILOH MOXUilEXT- ' - . . ]t?»irwt r- '--;-.-■ -^li ai^uui iju-»r^"' To m«^1 a Ttii- r>-.' ■ . and ~. T*aiTn-.i<-fv, et^.. 4'« ,, ' ind « men «<.nri"dt-d Dji-o.s.^. T..;i,47.- t'. -•--.- a:.u .. officer!, and »C n>en i»f jbe,d«l 16 di«l of their wonud>: of tbe mi^inr 4 wer* Derer »fterwj.rd< b«ird rm«: tJk-j were doabDes^ killed; of liie mi^in? 71 died in vnZlo ""*^'^'*'^ LisI <«f /■jasaallM>> siTeti on pMfes *r toS. TWELFTH IOWA 29 List of Casualties. KILLED. Co. A — Lt. Geo. W. Moir, Whitcomb Fairbanks, Barton H. Johnson, Keuben G. King, William SLotsen. Co C. — Corp. Thomas Henderson, Charles Larson, Cluules Pendleton. Co. D — Lt. Jason D. Ferguson, James P. Ayers, Daniel Lulher. Co. E — Israel W. Fuller, William L. Pauley. Co. F— Corp. A born D. Campbell. Co. G— Ole G. Olson. Co. I— Thomas II. Wilson. Co K— Lewellyn Larrabee. Total 17. DIED OF WOUKDS. Co. B— Charles King. Co. C — Henry George. Co. E — Jacob Howrey Charles Johnson, iSamuel J. Lichty, Thomas Porter, John P. Thompson. Co. F— Aborn Crippen, David Clark, John A. McCullouch, Joseph Pate, Allen Ware. Orry Wood. Co. H— Edgar A. Ward. Co. K— Sylvester Grillin, John Moulton. Total 1(5. MISSING JN ACTION AND NfiVKll FOUND. Co. A — John Moran, William Lelier. Co. C — Geo. W. Grannis. Co., K— "W. n. H. Fuller. Total 4. DIED IN PKISON. Co. A — Israel Hall, Roswell F. Quivey. Co. B — Lt. Lyman H. Merrill, Sergt. Daniel Harbaugh, Corp. Frank E. Hancock, Corp. Madison J. Roe, John L. Bryant, Jens. Hanson, Ole Hanson, Leem Kleven, Henry Kuck, Chas. H. Noyes, Edwin R. Perry, Ira E. Peck, Simeon Peck, Knud Thron- son, William M. White. Co. C— Corp. Samuel F. Brush, Corp. Daniel D. Warner, James L. Ayers, Henry Beadle, John Quivey, Willard E. Simer, Samuel Stone, Charles Sigman. Co. D— Robt. McClain, Warren A. Flint, Lewis Snell. Co. E--Corp. John I. Smith, John Ahrens, William O. Bird, John F. Koch, Hiram HoisingLon, Ellas Moon, Washington Richmond, Milton Rood, Stephen Story, Joseph W. Johnson. Co. F — William H. Barney, William Koltonbach, David N. Lillibridge, William H. Mason, Elijah M. Overocker, Thomas Otis, George Parks, Ira W. Roberts, Charles P. Toney. Co. G — Lt. Joseph F. Nickerson, Henry Johnson. Co. H— Lt. Luther W. Jackson, John H. Byrns, William H. Collins, Thomas Clen- denin, James E. Nichols, Royal F. Nutting, Henry L. Richardson, Charles E. Richardson, William J. Slack, Julius Ward. Co. I — Lt. John J. Marks, Jesse W. Dean, Charles W. Sackett. Co. K— (Jorp. Benj. E. Nash, Corp. John Fulton, Corp. Merriam Lathrop, Daniel Dovpner, William T. John- son, Geo. Lande, Thomas Sover, Chas. W. Smith, Philander Wilson. Total 71. STATE OF IOWA. ADJUTANT GKNEHAL'S OFFICE. Des Moines, June 15th, 1901. I, Melvin H. Byers, Adjutant General of the State of Iowa, do hereby certify that I have made careful examination of the records of my office with respect to the 12th Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry. That tlie records of my office show that the foregoing lists of the casualties of said regiment at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6th, 1862, as regards the killed in action, died of wounds, missing and never found, and died in prison, are true and correct and a complete record of such casualties in said regiment at said battle, as shown by the records in this office. Melvin H. Byers, Adjutant General. 30 EIGHTH REUNION Love Feast. After this commenced the "Love Feast" proper. Our inhnitable Col. Jack Stibbs, always doing the unexpected thing and doing it correctly, led off with a reading "The Man Who Carried a Gun", t'ollovved by selec- tions of a similar nature, carrying his audience with him in hiugiiter and tears. He was followed by Capt. Soper, Co. D's historian, and Col. Rood, a visiting comrade. It Wcr> a jolly good time we had of it, till inidnight tatlo(t sounded, "lights out". Comrade Soper's Remarks. He began by telling a somewhat amusing go;ii, story and applicil it as connected with himself and the evening program. He then proceeded to speak of the ties formed by life in llic barracks, the camp, the march and upon the Held of battle, as being inc :)mparably more intimate and lasting than any other, and declared that the only ones in any manner approaching this comradeship, are the years of asso- ciation in school and at college, in the class roctm, tlie athletic iield and society halls; but even these associations are not to be compared to th(«e gained by four years of active service in actual war. The speaker, who is chairman of the Iowa commission appointed by the Governor, under the provision of the act appopriating $50,000 for the erection of monuments upon the Battletield of Shiloh, then proceeded to explain why the dedication of the Shiloh monuments, which had pre- viously been set by the commission for May :50th, 1903, had Ijeen indeli- nitely postponed. He stated that the monuments were constructed of Barre granite, but ornamented with various bronze iigures; that the commission had made a careful study of bronze before letting the contracts and provided therein that all bronze should be of the character and quality known as United States standard bronze, the alloy of which is composed of 90 per cent copper, 7 per cent tin and 3 per cent zinc; that important pieces of the bronze, including the ball and eagle surmounting the same, weighing several tons, had been cast in Italy; that when the bronze was delivered at Pittsburg Landing to be erected, careful borings were taken under the supervision of the United States Engineer and they were transmitted to a responsible firm of chemists and assayers in Chicago, who analyzed the alloy, from which the figures were cast, and ascertained that there was only from 78 to 82 per cent of copper in that portion of the bronze which had been cast in Italy, and a very much larger per cent of zinc than the contract provided for; that the commission, by reason of the failure of the contractor to furnish the bronze called for by the contract, had felt themselves compelled to reject the bronze, which left the state monument incomplete and the National Park commission did not permit of the dedi- cation of unfinished or incomplete monuments. That also there had been some controversy as to the inscriptions to be placed upon the regi- mental monuments for the 15th and lOth Iowa, and the matter had been appealed to the Secretary of War, which had delayed the completion of those two regimental monuments, the others being complete. That it was impossible to tell when the monuments would be ready for dedication, by reason of the controversies between the contractor and tne commission ; but that proper notice would be given of the time fixed for the dedication GEN. J. H. STIBBS. TVVELl^'TH iOVVA 31 unci everybwfly, and particularly the survivors of the 12th Iowa, would be expected to attend; that a favoraljle season would be selected and a low rate of fare would be secured; that the Iowa monuments would be the finest on the Held, and that it would well repay a visit to the Park. Gen. Stibbs' Readings. Since the war, (Jen. .Siibbs, has become quite prominent as an enter- tainer, and there has been a continual demand for his services, at reun- ion.-; .;!ul camp tires ; where his stories and readings are always received with favor. He tells the boys he is proud of the commissions he held, and especially proud of the fact that he commanded the 12th Iowa, but i!. is his chief delight to tell of his services as an enlisted man, or to recite some poem wliicli pays tribute to the worth of the man whoserved in the ranks. Below we publish a poem by Comrade C. H. Robinson, of Marion county Indiana, which Gen. Stibbs recited for us at our last reunion, and which he says describes the man who put down the rebellion. THK MAN' WHO CAHIIIED A GUN. When giim-visayed war raised his front in the land, And the smoke of the tight hid the sun, Who was it left home to defend the old Hag? 'Twas the man who carried a gun. When a long day's march was ended at last; Though he'd tramped from the rising of the sun; Who was it stood guard all night o'er the campV 'Twas the man who carried a gun. And wiii.'n we'd invested tiic enemy's works. And had sapping and mining begun; Who was it wielded the pick and the spade? 'Twas the man who carried a gun. When the enemy charged on our lines in full force, And his victory almost seemed won; Who was it hurled back his masses at length? 'Twas the man wIk) carried a gun. And when in retreat, though sullen and grim, We were pressed by the rebs on the run; Who was it that turned and checked their advance? 'Twas the man who carried a gun. Who was it, I ask, at the end of the fray. When the hotly fought field had been won, That succored the wounded men left on the Held? 'Twas the man wlio carried a gun. While the otlicers ate all the hospital stores. And had all the whisky and fun: Who was it lived on what he could steal? The man who carried a gun. Let all honors due to our officers brave Be given for what they have done; But never forget that the country was saved By the liero uho carried a gun. 32 EIGHTH REUNION BLUE AND GUAY. "O, mother, what do they mean by blue? And what do they mean by gray?" Was heard from the lips of a little child As she bounded in from play. The mother's eyes tilled up with tears; She turned to her darling fair, And smoothed away from the sunny brow Its treasures of golden hair. "V/hy, mother's eyes, are blue, my sweet, And grandpa's hair is gray. And the love we bear our darling child Grows stronger every day." "But what did they mean?" persisted the child, "For I saw two cripples today. And one of them said he fought for the blue. The other one, he fought for the gray." "Now, he of the blue had lost a leg, The other had but one arm. And both seemed worn and weary and sad. Yet their greeting was kind and warm. They told of battles in days gone by, Till it made my young blood thrill; The leg was lost in the Wilderness fight, And the arm on Malvern Hill." "They sat on the stone by the farm yard gate And talked for an hour or more. Till their eyes grew bright, and their hearts seemed warm, With fighting their battles o'er. And, parting at last, with a friendly grasp, In a kindly brotherly way. Each called on God to speed the time Uniting the blue and gray." Then the mother thought of other days- Two stalwart boys from her riven; How they knelt at her side and lisping, prayed, "Our father, which art in heaven." How one wore the gray, and the other the blue, How they passed away from sight; And had gone to the land where gray and blue Are merged in colors of light. And she answered her darling with golden hair, While her heart was sadly wrung With the thoughts awakened in that sad hour By her innocent, prattling tongue; "The blue and the gray are the colors of God; They are seen in the sky at even, And, many a noble, gallant soul Has found them passports to heaven." Anon. TWELFTH IOWA 33 Saturday Morning. Sunrise salute, with booming of cannon. At eiijht o'clock we assemble at pavilion. After music by our drum corps and band, meeting is called to order. Col. Stibbs in the chair. Our president, Lieutenant Abner Dunham, proceeded to deliver his address, as follows: President Dunham. Comrades: Once more we meet in reunion, this time at the instance of our esteemed fellow citizen, Gov. Larrabee, who invited us to assist in the dedicatory exercises of a most beautiful statue erected by him to our beloved comrade, Col. D. B. Henderson. The occasion is an inspiring one, it will be the bright spot in the lives of all present. Those of our comrades unable to be with us, send good cheer and join in paying tribute to the comrade whose life has made it possible for this reunion, while the spirits of the departed ones hover over, cheering on the good work and inviting us to that beautiful realm where war is unknown and sickness and death does not enter. My comrades, t!ie occasion is one of more than usual interest, we not otily live over again the more than four 3'ears of solder's life and renew the associations formed during the most trying and thrilling events in the history of our country, but this statue leads us to new thoughts. We naturally look over our past life and ask what have been the lives of each other, a searching investigation reveals the fact that all have been good citizens, a very large majority have been reasonably successful in their chosen vocations, some have accumulated their full share of this world's goods; while one whom this occasion is to honor, has through his great ability, kindness of heart and true courage attained a position second only in importance to that of the President of the United States, and birth alone prevents his aspiring to that exalted position, his career as a statesman has been eminently successful and to him many an old sol- dier is indebted for the adjustment of claims long deferred, to him many if not all of us are under obligations for courtesies and favors shown. The day is far distant when the old soldier will have the true friend and indefatigable worker for his rights that he has had in the person of Col. Henderson, the old, the crippled, the rich, the poor receive the same cor- dial greeting, the same careful attention. His voluntary retirement from public life is our, we hope his gain and we bespeak for him the same success in his new undertaking whatever it may be, as has attended him during his public career. My comrades It is a grand ••'-■■', ^ 1^,^^^ we have been permitted to exist ^'•■- :: o'rfcauer part of the 19th century. We have seen our country advance from a fourth and third rate power to that of the first nation on the face of the globe and it is a satisfaction to feel that each has in a greater or less degree contributed to that end. As I look over this assemblage of veterans and see the halting step, the wrinkled brow, the silvered locks, I realize that our race is nearly run, and that to our children must be left the work so well begun and it is a great satisfaction that already we have evidences that the charge is to be left in good hands. Our early boyhood days were passed during a terribly exciting period in the political history of our country, questions agitated the public mind 34 EIGHTH I{EUNION which divided tlie sections, the halls of congress had for years been a seething cauldron of impassionate utterances. The newspapers contribut- ed to excite the public mind, the officers of government then in power were crippling its resources preparatory to the grand struggle, and not until the flag was assaulted at 8unii)ter did tlie north awake from the sleep of security and peace to tind our country engulfed in the throes of terrible war. Awoke to tind our navy scattered to all parts of the eartli, our forts and munitions of war in the hands of the conspirators, a Ijank- rupt treasury, a very large propoilion of those trained to the art of war by the government arrayed against it, in fact the administration of Lin- coln found the government practically with bare hands lo begin the sub- jugation of that traitorous band who had for yeais l)cen pre!)uring i'or this very move. The voice of Lincoln called for the lirst 7."),U00 men, after- wards for hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of tiiousands, until our ranks niunbered into the millions who, under the guiding hand of Grant, retook the forts, retook the arsenals, retook the arms, retook the muni- tions of war, reset in the azure folds the stars stolen from our Hag. Where, never again shall an enemy's hand dare pluck them out. My comrades, you were a part of that immense host, for four long years your rallying point v/as that flag, boi'ne by that grand soidiei-, Henry Grannis, who seemingly impervious to shot and shell, planted it on the front line, and upon it your alignments v.ere proiisptly made. You saw sutTering, too awful to describe, in the camp, on the march, on the battlefield. You saw death in its most awful formS; you saw starv- ation in the prison hells of the south, you savv war in all its terrible de- tails, yet this did not deter you when after three years service, and t he loss of over one half your number, you re-enlisted, determined to see it through. Why follow your footsteps for those long dreary years? His- tory is being corrected, and time will yet give to each his true measure. Suffice to say that soon rays of light began to appear, followed soon after by the unfurling of the Hag of surrender, then we knew our country was saved. Comrades, it was an awful experience, but it was worth ail it cost. For years the result trembled on a balance, but right prevailed and God has seen fit to preserve us to see the fruits of victory. To my young friends who are visiting with us, let me say that upon you will soon rest the fate of our country, the preservation of t hat flag; upon you the fate of future generations, largely depend. You may not be called upon to engage in the conflict of arms as your fathers have been, but you will have battles to fight no less serious. Every generation must fight its own battles. It is still true as ever it was that "We are living, we are dwelling In a grand and awful time — In an age on ages telling To be living is sublime." This, my j'oung friends, is our country. That flag is our flag. Think what it has cost to defend it. That flag has been Ijathed in the blood of heroes. It is the emblem of our liberty, the symbol of national unity and power. It represents home and friends, freedf)m and country. Many of us have seen it floating above the smoke of battle. TWELFTH IOWA 35 "Many an eye hath glanced to see That banner in the sky." Stand by the old flag, boys, stand by the old flag, girls. It is our flag handed down to us unimpaired by our ancestors. Let it be transmitted to posterity in the same unimpaired condition. Flaa of Co. "K." Resolved, That the Twelfth Iowa association accept with gratitude the dear old flag of Co. K, that was carried by the Twelfth Iowa Infantry at the battle of Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3 and 4, 1862, and presented to the association by the widow of a dear comrade, Charles E. Merriam, and the sympathy of the association is unanimously tendered to Mrs. Merriam on account of the great loss she sustained in the death of a noble husband. Pk,esolved, That the president and secretary of the association cause to be prepared a careful and authentic history of the flag of Co. K, carried by the regiment at Corinth and certify the same and transmit the same with the flag to the governor of the state of Iowa with the request that both be deposited with other battle flags of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry in the archives of the state. This flag was presented to Company "K", 12th Iowa by the ladies of IIoi>kinton, Delaware, Co., Iowa, in November 1861. Upon the organiza- tion of the Union Brigade after the battle of Shiloh, it became the regi- mental flag of tlxat organization and was used as such during the siege of Coriuth, at the battle of Corinth and until December 1862 when the Union Brigade v»'as disolved. At the battle of Corinth the Union Brigade was attached to Hackle- man's brigade of Davies' division, and on October 4th occupied a position on the Purdy road between the railroad depot and battery Powell. It was dercely attacked by the confederates and in a hand to hand conflict lost, in a few minutes, one third of the men engaged. Every officer but three of liie Union Brigade was killed or wounded. Among the wounded were Lt. Col. Coulter and Lt. D. B. Henderson. Three color bearers in succession went down and the flag was for a moment in the hands of the enemy, but its defenders rallied and drove the assailants back and Act. Serg't. Maj. J. D. Cole recovered the flag and raised it to its place but was almost immediately shot through the breast and crawled to the rear carrying the flag with him. The stains on the flag were made by the blood of Serg't Cole, and perhaps others of its gallant defenders. Gen. Davies in his official report commends the Union Brigade for its gallant rescue of its flag and for its assistance in recovering battery Powell. Surgeon Finley, of the 12th Iowa, says he saw the flag go down three times in that "Pot-Metal Hell" and as often come up again; that the staff was shot away and replaced, in the midst of the battle, by a staff captured from the enemy; that nearly half of the Union Brigade was piled up, dead or wounded, around the flag when Serg't. Major. J. D. Cole received what was supposed to be his death wound, and carried the flag to the 36 EIGHTH REUNION rear. Serg't. J. D, Cole, in a privater letter in answer to a question recent- ly asked of him, tells in his modest way the part he took in the action as follows: "I can remember but little of tiie light until I saw the colors fall. One of the I4th Iowa, I think, carried the colors when the battle com- menced. I took the colors and advanced to the front and alligned myself with the colors to the right and the General and his Aids rallied the men to the colors, they fell back again and left me between the two tires. The General then waved his sword for me to fall back and the men were again formed on the colors. As I stood there I was wounded and when I saw the blood pouring from my breast I carried the colors back and when I was looking for water, an ambulance man of the 8tli Iowa told me that he would get me water if I would lie down. I placed the Hag on the porch of a house and laid down on the floor. When tiie water came I gave the man my watch and chain and told him to save himself as the bullets were coming through the house. He told me afterwards that the General sent to know my name but he could not tell him. Ct)l. Coulter and Lt. Hen- derson were wounded about the same time. 1 have little remembrance of what occurred after that time." Abneu Dunham, Pres. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. Executive Chambeh, Sept. 2.3, 1903. Abner Dunham, President 12th Iowa Vet. Vol. Infantry Reunicm Ass'n, Manchester, Iowa: My dear Sik: — I beg to acknowledge the receipt, at the hands of Richard P. Clarkson, Esq., of the flag of Company K, 12th Iowa Infantry, and the resolutions reciting its history and directing that the flag be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Iowa, and that both flag and resolutions be deposited with other battle flags of the 12th Icvva Infantry in the archives of the State. I cannot permit this formal acknowledgment to leave me without adding a word that sceu:is appropriate to the occasion. This flag, although faded and torn, is rich with the most sacred memories of Ameri- can courage and patriotism. So long as it shall endure it will teach to this and ccraing generations the noblest lesson of citizenship, and I pro- foundly hope that those who look upon it in future years may be worthy of the men of 1861. It shall be placed with its fellow flags, and shall be given all the care and honor the State can bestow upon it. With high regard, I am Yours very truly, AuJEiff B. Cummins. TWELFTH IOWA 37 The Stars on the Flag. Count the stars on the flag as it passes b}^ And then number the stars in yon distant sky— The number would be the brave hearts that would die For the stars on the flag. Count the stripes on the flag — we weave into one, The tears and the sighs for the lives that are done, But out of the shadows of each setting sun Shine the stars on the flag. Count the tears for the flag! Were they shed in vain? What now seemeth loss even yet will seem gain. For the nation's great heart will suffer no strain On the stars of the flag. Hats off to the flag! For its life breathe a prayer ■"J^hat brave hearts and brave hands its love folds may bear. Till the siars in their courses, their glory shall share With the stars on the flag. Business Meeting. In the election of orricers Col. Henderson moved and put the question, calling for rising vote, that the present olticers be re-elected by acclama- tion. The v(!te was unanimous. Gen. Stibbs discussed the question of completing a regimental history. He said the matter had been under consideration for nearly 20 years, and that Maj. D. W. Reed !iad finally compiled a very creditable work, but that it would cost about $1000 to issue an edition of 500 copies, and he appealed to the comrades to advance the sum required, to insure the publication of the work. As a result, Col. D. B. Henderson agreed to advaiicc $:I00 of the amount required, II. C. Curtis agreed to advance $200, E. B. Soper $100 and J. W. Gift $100. With these pledges covering over one-half the sum required, J. II. Stibbs and D. W. Reed agreed that they would, if necessary, advance the remaining $400, and that the book would be publLslicd as soon as practicable. This history will contain about 350 pages, showing fully what was done and accomplished by th3 regiment, from date of original muster in, until tinal discharge. In addition to this, it v/ill contain a complete roster of all the companies, together with two oflicial colored maps of the battlefield of Shiloh. Tlic book will be a valuable one, worthy a place in any library, and every survivor of i he regiment atid the families of the deceased should have a copy. It will be sent po.~it paid on receipt of price, two dollars, and we would suggest that any who are not already subscribers, write at once to ?vlaj. D. W. Reed No. 2008 Sherman Ave., Evanston. 111. Tiie bo(ik will not be stereotyped, only five hundred copies are to be printed. 38 EIGHTH REUNION A committee on resclutions was appointed: Capt. Soper, chairman; John Steen, Wahoo, Neb.; Maj. G. H. Morrisey, Washington, D. C. The resolutions presented and adopted were as follows: First. We tender to Ex-Governor Larrabee, the Clermont Soldiers' Monument Association and the citizens of Clermont our heartfelt thanks for this most happy reunion, and for the occasion that made it possible and for the honor conferred upon the most conspicuous and best known member of our organization. We appreciate the labor that was necessary to prepare for, and the trouble and inconvenience occassioned by, our presence in the homes, and city, and beg leave to assure them that this occasion in many ways so notable, will remain with us to our latest day, one of the happiest and most delightful experiences of our lives. Second. The Twelfth Iowa Regimental Association hereby unani- mously tenders its grateful thanks to Mrs. Gov. Larrabee for her affec- tionate and untiring efforts to make this meeting a success in every way and to provide for the comfort and pleasure of our members and the members of our families. We also tender our loving thanks to Mrs. Loomis fur her untiring efforts to add to our comfort. She is the sister of Capt. W. W. Warner, and has ever been a sister to all the membersof the Twelftli Iowa Infantry. Third. That the Twelfth Iowa Veteran W)lunteer Infantry ciation take great pleasure in unanimously tendering our iiearty thanks to Senator J. P. Dolliver for his very able and scholarly address, that by it our hearts have been made to rejoice and further that we are happy in the fact that we made no mistake in extending to him the invitation to be with us on this happy occasion. Fourth. That we tender to Miss Beulah Wright of the Department of Oratorical Expression, U. 1. U., a tribute of for the assistance she has contributed to help make this occasion so pleasant. I* or her read- ing at our dedicatory services of the D. B. Henderson statue. Her soul stirring eloquence tilled our hearts with admiration and for the time it seemed we were young again. Resolved: That a message be sent to Miss E. A. Sorin of Pasadena, Cal., "In token of her undying love and devotion to the membersof Co. C and the Twelfth Kegt. Resolved: That it is the of this association that the bill pend- ing in congress pensioning all soldiers and sailors who served for ninety days or more in the civil war at the rate of $12 per month and all widows of such soldiers and sailors who were married prior to June 30, 1890, should become a law and that our Senators and Representatives in Con- gress be requested to support the same and use their influence to secure its enactment. Resolved: — That the Twelfth Iowa Association accept with gratitude the dear old flag of Co. K, that was carried by the Twelfth Iowa Infantry at the battle of Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3 and 4, 1862, and presented to the association by the widow of a dear comrade, Charles E. Merriam, and the sympathy of the association is unanimously tendered to Mrs. Merriam on account of the great loss she sustained in the death of a noble husband. Resolved.- That the President and Secretary of the Association cause to be prepared a careful and authentic history of the flag of Co. K, carried by the regiment at Corinth and certify the same and transmit the same with the flag to the Governor of the State of Iowa with the request that w w pq < K Pi <; > o o TWELFTH IOWA 39 both be deposited with other battle flags of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry in the arcliives of the state. Resolved: That the proceedings of this reunion, with the names of all members of the Twelfth Iowa and also an account of dedicatory exer- cises of the Lincoln and Henderson statues be printed in pamplet form and distributed to all survivors and the President, Secretary and Major D. W. Reed be made a committee to prepare and publish the same. Abner Dunham, President. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Secretary. A telegram from Senator Allison, expressing his regrets at not being able to be with us, congratulating and wishing us a happy time on this occasion, received and read before the association. 'orn. June 25 Farragut again arrived at Vicksburg with his Heet, accom- panied by a mortar Hut ilia and by General Williams and his brigade ot about 3.000 men. Collecting a force of some 12,000 blacks, General Wil- liams began work on the celebrated canal across tlie peninsula, locating it upon the line as laid out several years before when the states of Louisiana and Mississippi were in dispute as to their boundaries and the former state determined to dig a canal which should cut Vicksburg off from the river. After passing the batteries and getting into position, Farragut bombarded the city pretty steadily for seven days, stating in his official report of the attack that "while the forts can be passed as often as re- quired, 1 am satisfied it is impossible to take Vicksburg without an army cif twelve to fifteen thousand men." The fleet, iiowever, remained in the vicinity until July 'Zl — the principal event of tliis period being tlie bril- liant dash into and through the Union vessels by the Confederate ram Arkansas, wliicii caused Farragut great cliagrin. \'icksburg now liad a period of respite, Grant's attempt late that fall to march south from his distant base at Mempliis being frustrated by the capture of the supplies at Holly Springs without his getting far enough to excite serious alarm. Then came Sherman's December attaclc on the Chickasaw Bluffs, where he was seriously worsted by General 42 KKMI'llI i;i:i'Nl().N Stephen D. Lee. Two montlis of the succeeding winter and early spring Grant devoted to the "bayou expeditions," vainly trying every conceivable plan to find a way to cross the low land of the Yazoo delta and reach the high ground beyond the riglit Hank of the enemy, now commanded by General Pembert(end, and closed July i, 18G3, with the surrender of remberlon's army and the City of Vicksburg. Its course was determined by General (Jrant's plan of campaign. This plan contemplated the march of his active army from Millikin's Bend, La., to a point on the river below Vicksburg, the running of the batteries at \'icksburg by a sunicient number of gunboats and transports, and the transfer of his army to the Mississippi side. These points were successfully accomplished and, M:iy 1, the first battle of the campaign was fought near Port Gibson. Up to this time General (•; rant had contemplated the probability of uniting the army of General Banks to his. He then decided not to wait the arrival of Banks, but to make the campaign with his own army. INIay 12. at Hayinond, Logan's division of (irant's army with Crocker's division in reseive, w;is engaged with Gregg's brigade of Pemberton's army. Gregg was largely outnurnl-.ered and, after a stout tight, fell back to Jackson. The same day the left of Grant's army, under McClernand, skirmished at Fourteen Mile Creek with the cavalry and mounted infantry of Pemberton's army supported by Bowen's division and two brigades of Loring's division. After the battle of Raymond, Sherman's and McPherson's c(*rps of Grant's army moved toward Jackson. They reached that city May H, and occupied it after a brief and spirited engagement with the small force tliere under General Joseph E. Johnst(m, wiio reached that place the night of May 1.3. General Grant had now interp;>sed his army between the armies of Gen- eral Johnston and General Pemberton. lie left Sherman's corp one day at Jackson t(» complete the destruction of the stores and as much as pos- sible of the railroads there. McPherson's corps marched from Jackson, May 15, towards Vicksburg. May 10, McCiernand's and McPherson's corps of Grant's army engaged three divisicms of Pemberton's army at Champion's Hill. Pemberton's forces were driven from the Meld in S(mie confusion and with severe k>ss in killed, wounded prisoners and guns. Two divisions fell back towards Vicksburg. One division (Loring's) was cut oti from the others and did not fall back to Vicksburg, but marched to Crystal Springs and a little later united with Johnston's army at Jack- son. May 17, a part of Pemberton's army attempted to hold the works on the east side of Big Black river, but was driven from its intrenchments with considerable loss in prisoners and guns by the i;Uh corps of Grant's army. May 18, Pemberton's army took position in the defensive works arcund Vicksburg, Stevenson's division on right, Forney's in the center and M. L. Smith's on the left. Bowen's division and Waul's Texas Legion were held in reserve, but later Green's brigade of Bowen's division was placed in the line of Late in the afternoon of the same day Grant's army began taking position in the line of investment. Sherman's TWIOLI'TH IOWv\ 4:*, corps on the liylu resiiiig- ils riyht on the Mississippi river above the city, McPherson's corps in the center and McClernand's corps on the left of McPiierson. May 24, Lauman's (fourth) division, sixteenth army corps, toolv position on the left of McCIernand, and June 15, the investment was completed by Herron's division from the Department of Missouri, takinu;- position on tiie left of Lauman and restinj^ its left on the Mississippi river below Vicksburg. May 19 and again May 22, assaults were made by Grant's army but were repulsed with severe loss to the assailants. From May 22 to July 4, regular siege operations were carried on by Grant and opposed by Peraberton. During this time Admiral Porter's fleet rendered valuable assistance, and Grant was reinforced by three divisions of the sixteenth corps, two divisions of the ninth corps and Herron's division. With the exception of Lauman's and Herron's divisions, which took position in the line of investment as above noted, all these reinforcements and a part of the army with which he began the campaign were employed by Grant against the army of General Johnston. This last named army, with headquarters at Jackson, was assembled with the hope of raising the siege or assisting Pemberton to break through (Jrant's line. No force of Johnston's army crossed the Big Black river during the siege and defense. At tlie surrender, July 4, it was close to and on the east side of that river." Tills great struggle was participated in upon the Federal side by or- ganizations (regiments or parts of regiments and batteries) representing states as follows: Illinois— infantry 52, cavalry 10, artillery 15; total 77. Indiana—infantry 24, cavalry 2, artillery 2: total 28. Iowa— infantry 28, cavalry 2, artillery 2: total 32. (The Iowa regimentsengaged were: Infan- try, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 35, 38; cavalry 3, 4; artillery 1, 2. Kansas-infantry 1. Kentucky-infantry 3, pioneers 1; total 4. Massachusetts— infantry 3. Michigan— infantry 7, artillery 2; total 9. Minnesota— infantry 3, artillery 1; total 4 Missouri — infantry 17, cavalry 3, artillery 7; total 27. New Hampshire— infantry 3. New York— infantry 3, artillery 1; total 4. Ohio— infantry 26, cavalry 1, artillery 11; total 38. Pennsylvania— infantry 4, artillery 1; total 5. Rhode Island — infantry 1; Regulars— infantry 2, artillery 1; total 3. West A'irginia — infantry 1. Wisconsin — infantry 13, cavalry 1, artillery 3; total 17. (The Wisconsin commands were the 8th, 11th, I2th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20lh, 23rd 25th, 27th, 29th, and 33rd infantry regiments; the 2nd cavalry regiment: and the 1st, 6th and 12th batteries of light artillery. ) This makes an aggregate of 192 regiments or parts of regiments of infantry, 19 regiments of cavalry and 46 batteries of artillery — 257 organi- zations, not including eight regiments of negroes in process of enlistment. Tnis means that General Grant had approximately 45,000 rank and file when he began the campaign, 40,000 when the siege opened and 70,000 at its close— about two-iiftlis of whom were on the Big Black river line to oppose the threatened advance of General.!. E. Johnston. The casualties in his force, as summarized in the Official Records (Vol. 24, Part 2, p. 167), were 98 officers and 1416 enlisted men killed, 474 officers and 6921 enlisted men wounded, 10 officers and 443 enlisted men captured or missing — total 9,362. About one-half of this loss was sustained in the battles preceding the siege and the remainder after Vicksburg was invested. The army TWKIJ-I'II IOWA 4o comrade of Mie Uraiid Army from DiibiKiue, Jowa, well known through- out tlic west and south as Assistant (Jeneral Passenger Agent of the Illinois Central railroad, that belongs the high honor of tinally taking the initiative in the matter, as well as of lending most valuable aid in carrying it to success. The Confederate line of defense in 1863, consisting of redoubts, redans and lunettes on the higher points, connected by curtains of trenches or rifle- pits, followed a high, rugged and almost unbroken ridge from the river belcnv, having an extension of eight miles. From this main ridge spurs set out frecjuently, separated the one from the other by, and ending abruptly in, deep and sharp ravines. No continuous ridge confronted tlie one occupied by the Confederate line, the investment line of the Union army was compelled to cross the steep ridges and deep ravines above described. The roughness and ruggedness of this area cannot be appre- ciated without iK'ingseen. This tended lo make the place impregnable against (} rant's assaults in 18(5.3. As the line or ridye held by the Confederates and assaulted and be- seiged by the Federals was the battle-ground, it will be readily under- stood tliat it is closely followed by the Park boundaries. These have been establisi)ed by tlie purchase for the United States of 1, 2.32 acres of land, including tlie entire Confederate line upon the one side and also, for three and one-half miles in the center, the main Federal line of in- vestment wit h all the ground between, 'fliis includes the points of great- est historical interest and importance, constitutes the main Park and is from one-thii'd to one-half a mile in width thnjughout. Sullicient land to iiu-lude the earthworks and to construct avenues behind them extends rn»m this main Park to the river above the city along both lines, known respectively as the North (Jonfederate and North Federal Wings. The South Confederate Wing is also continuous to the river below, but the Federal line will be sliown by a series of lo(tp roadways reaching the more important positions. The plans of the commissioners inchide the construction of a macad- amized Confederate avenue behind the Confederate works from river to river, of a Federal avenue from the east gate of the National Cemetery t(j Fort (Jarrott, the soutli end of the main Park, and of avenues along the loops which constitute the South Federal Wing— in all about twenty miles, not including the country roads, which radiate from the city through the Park like the spokes of a wheel, and which, witliin the Park limits, will be transferred to and improved by the government. When this shall have been dene, the works that frown upon each other from the opposing hills restored with their artillery in position, and the wliole beautified by memorial structures erected by tlie several states to the valor of their sons and illustrated by tablets showing the deployment of the armies and giving the history of each unit with its losses — when this shall have been accomplished, where can the American citizen, young or old, And so interesting or inspiring a scene or one better calculated to stir every pairiotle impulse? 4« EIGHTH REUNION The Lincoln Monument. The Monument occupies the center of a pretty httle park, opposite the railroad depot and faces west. At the four corners are mounted massive pieces of ordnance relics of the Civil War secured throuj^h the efforts of Congressman Haugen of the Fourth District of Iowa. The figure of Lincoln bears the unmistakable features of the great man. It is truly Lincoln. In his right hand he bears the scroll, representing the "Emancipation Proclamation." On the four sides are beautiful bronze designs in bass-relief, viz: On west side. The "Surrender at Appomatox", "scene in the McLean House". Generals Grant and Lee in front, Sheridan on extreme right, Rawlins, Porter, Williams and Ord standing. Col. Marshall of Lee's staff, Col. Parker of Grant's s la flf. (See cut, "The Surrender"', in this book.) On tlie east side, "Battle of Shiloh". Old log church as it was at the time of the battle. Gen'l Sherman on liorseback. Color Bearer H. J. Grannis, with colors in front. Capt. W. W. Warner of Co. C, cheering on his men who have captured a piece of artillery. Surgeon C. C. Parker, attending wounded soldier. South side, "Soldiers Leaving Home". Soldiers marching, church spire in the distance, figure of Thomas Henderson (brother of Col. Hen- derson) of Co. C, the first soldier from Clermont township killed in battle, taking leave of wife and children. On north side, "Battle of Mobile". Admiral Farragut in the rigging of his flagship, Hartford. Other officers peering through the smoke. Admiral Dewey, then a Lieutenant on the extreme left in charge of "Jack- ies" working a gun. On base below is the inscription— "Erected in 1902 in Memory of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil War. 1861-1865." LINCOLN MONUMENT. P rected ;it < lei'iiioiit . In\v:i. in 15103 in moniocy of ihc soldiers nnd siiilois of I lie Civil \\ ,11-. I)V ;'X-li(>vei'iioi- \Villi:ini Lnfi'iibee. HENDERSON STATUE. TWELFTH IOWA Statue of Col. Henderson. The statue of Col. Henderson is wonderfully striking and is a master- piece of sculptor's art in every detail. The figure is of heroic size, seven feet, six inches high. The sculptor caught the Colonel's best and strong- est expression. He is represented as about to call to order the House of Representatives, over which he presided for four years, with a gavel in' his left hand. Under his left arm he supports a crutch. In this way both the military and civil life of Col. Henderson is perpetuated in bronze. The gavel stands for Hon. D. B. Henderson, the statesman, and the crutch for Col. Henderson, the soldier. The whole monument is very striking and the friends of Col. Henderson as well as those who look upon his statue as a work of art, are both pleased. The following inscription is on the pedestal of the Henderson statue: l>avid B. Henderson Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1899-1903. Lieutenant of Company C, Twelfth Regiment, Iowa Infantry Volunteers, 1861. Colonel of the Forty-Sixth Regiment Iowa Infantry Volunteers 1864. Member of Congress of the United States from the Third District of Iowa, 1883-1903. 48 EIGHTH KEJ/NION Columbia's 51^9- By a (£omrabe on '%i}( Hen? 3ronsi5cs" in ZUobile Ban, \86^. Of all the flags that proudly float o'er Neptune's gallant tars, Or waves on high in victory, above the Sons of Mars, Give us that flag — Columbia's flag —pure Emblem of the free, Whose brilliant stars flashed through our Wars for truth and liberty. Beneath its folds we fear no foe— ^our Hearts shall never quail. With losoms bare the storms we dare and Brave the battle's hail. E'en when our decks of boats were ploughed, And their planks with gore dyed red. Our gallant tars, firm at their guns, ne'er Paused to count their dead. Far o'er the sea to every clime this Honored flag shall go, And through all time its fame sublime With brighter hues shall glow: For freedom's own that flag is now — Its guardians, freedom's sons. Its enemies dispersed shall be Upon the land and main. It's stars so bright 'mid storm and night Shall never shine in vain; No foreign power nor treason rife Shall shake our courage keen, We'll give our life to hold that flag — supreme. Not honor we seek, nor life's shallow fame, Nor glory, nor hope of renown; We'll battle for God, and our Country's fair name. And the flag that will never come down. TWELFTH IOWA 40 Regrets and Reminiscences. Dubuque, Iowa., June 18, 1903. Mr. Geo, E. Comstock, Sec. Dear Comrade:— Your kind invitation to attend the reunion of the gallant old Twelfth was received several days ago; but I did not answer, hoping that I would be able to attend. I promised Col. Henderson this naurning that, if possible, I would attend; but now I find at the last moment that I cannot get away. The strike which has prevailed here for six weeks has kept newspaper men on the jump. No one can possibly regret this more than I. I had hoped to be present and once more shake the hands and look into the eyes of my old comrades, with whom I went out in the long ago, to tight for the best country and the best flag in the world. I had also looked forward with pleasure to a gathering where I should see four of Iowa's distinguished sons and statesmen— Allison, Henderson, Larrabee and Dolliver — men who have won honor and fame for their state and for themselves, and who have never been found wanting in sympathy when the interests of the men who preserved a nation are at stake. It is eminently fitting that a monument to the Immortal Emanci- pator should be erected at Clermont, for in no other section of this grand state did he have more royal supporters during the dark days of the war than in Clermont. Gov. Larrabee was one of them. He fed the soldier's widow and the soldier's orphan, and in other ways gave of his substance for their support. It is eminently fitting also that a statue should be erected to Col. Henderson, for whom the heart of every old soldier of the 12th will ever remain as steadfast and true as is his friendship for them. It was from Fayette county that three farmer boys went down to the Southland and fought on fields of blood and death, where one of them found a brave and honored soldier's grave. Another, wrecked physically because of the hardships he endured, is now sleeping in the bosom of the land he fought to save, and the third is with you today, with shattered limb, but whose hearb is whole and strong and as full of the patriotic fire of the day, when with his two brothers, he knelt at his mother's knee, to receive her blessing before departing for the field of battle. I trust that the reunion may be the grand success we all wish it to be and that joy and good fel- lowship may reign supreme. The shadows of the long night of silence are fast enveloping all of us. Only a short time and we shall all have passed from the scenes of life. Our monument will be a preserved and mighty nation — the greatest of all nations— and we will beqeath it to a nation of intelligent, liberty- Icving freemen. Yours in F. (1 and L. M. D. Nagle, Co. I, 12th Iowa V. I. 50 EIGHTH REUNION PouTLAND, Que., Juxk 15, 1903. G. E, CoMSTOCK, Skc. Deak Comrade:— My heart was made to thrill with ^I'ltlness, when my good friend Dr. James Barr of this city informed me, that a reunion of the 12th Iowa Inft. would soon be held, and that a few lines from me for the noted occasion were earnestly solicited. Comrades, I assure you it is a gratifying privilege, which brings me at this remote time into touch with the memorable 12th Iowa, the regiment of my boyhood days, when we all went to war in '61. It may be I am unknown to you, as I was early in the war striken down by disease and discharged by reason of Surgeons Certificate of Disability, March 1.3, 18G2. Though my exper- ience as a soldier was cut short, yet a long and painful illness which fol- lowed, worked in me a soldier's fellowship and kindred feeling, so real that I feel I am one of you, as much so, as though I had fought on with you to the end of the war. I do not know tliat my love for you could be deeper, for I am in soul, mind and spirit wiLh you and for you. There has been during the coming and passing of the years, a lingering and living memory of the 12th in my heart and affections, and it would be a happy event to me to attend the reunion and take my comrades by tlie hand, and enjoy the exercises of the excellent program which I have before me. But I must not take too much time in expressing my warm regard for you all, which is a holy exhibition of my soul. I was one of live brothers who responded to the calls of President Lincoln. Three of the brothers were at one time in the famous 2nd Iowa Cavalry, v/hich lowans remember with pride. I am the only male survivor of my family, which with your families, and the many thousands of others stood for the Union and "Old Glory" during the dark days of the rebellion. We have witli our people in all the (coming) years since the war entered into the war-fruits, that have come from the sacrifices made by our dead, and by our living comrades. It is a legacy enriched by the heriosm and lives of our comrades that has made our Nation in growth and glory to be what it is today. Who is more elated to see this day, or can be, than the old soldiers of the Union Army? Who knows more, by what sacrilices and heroic efforts, our national greatness, prosperity and peace has come, than the ones who made personal denial, and gave up all for native country, to save the union and to hold the flag? Surely, Comrades we know, not in part, but fully. And who should share bountifully of the governments benefits, and of the peoples' gratitude more than the old soldiers of 61 to 5? We have perhaps little cause for complaint but much to rejoice over, and be thankful for. May God keep you true in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty. Xo grander principles could be spoken and lived. In conclusion: You may desire to know my home and age when I enlisted. My home was Hopkin- ton, Del. Co., and age 18, and Co. K my company. I am very respectfully your Comrade, 271 College St. Henuy A Barden. TWELFTH IOWA 51 Memphis, Tenn., June 13, 1903. G. E CoMSTOCK, Sec. My Dear Comrade:— It is a source of profound regret to me that I shall be unable to join my comrades at the Reunion at Clermont, Iowa, June 19th, 1903, on the occasion of the dedication of the statue to Col. I). B. Henderson and the Lincoln monument. I should be pleased to join my comrades in their celebration, but the imperative demands of business require my presence here. Hoping to be kindly remembered to Col. Henderson and my other comrades of the r2th Iowa Infantry and especially to the surviving members of Company A, who were with me in the "Hornet's Nest" at Shiloh, and previously in the assault upon the enemy's right at Fort Donelson, where the gallant Col. Henderson, then a lieutenant, was slightly wounded only a few feet from me in that terriffic shower of grape and shrapnel which came down upon us from the fortitications, I am Your Truly, T. B. Edgington, Co. A. Niagara Falls, N. Y. June 15, 1903. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. De\k Comrade:— I am in receipt of your favor of the 15th ult., invit- ing me to join in the Reunion of the Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry to be held at Clermont on tiie 19th of the present month. More than I can express, I regret my inability to be present. My 6ti years, distance and imperative duties forbid. To me, who lived for years in Fayette County, and enlisted from there, even the name of the county is a sweet and pleasant memory. It was there that I early learned to vote the Republican ticket and curse the Democrats for short crops and rainy harvests. It was there that I piously voted each year in the County Convention and at the polls for Joe Hobson for County Clerk. It was there that I did myself and my locality great honor by casting in a Nominating Con- vention the vote of Jefferson Township for that prince among men, that real statesman, that genuine patriot, William Larrabee. It was, I believe, the Mrst state office he ever held. It was there, too, that I once bought a pair of stogy boots for four dollars and fifty cents, and paid for them in corn at eight cents per bushel. However, that incident isn't in any way connected with the sweet and pleasant memory referred to above. But none of that has anything to do with the Immortal Twelfth. In your program 1 note names that are dear me. I remember one whose name appears there, R. W. Tirrill, who with a bullet hole through him needed and got the little help I could give him on the battle field of Shilohi and another, Abner Dunham, who with others, a select few, brothers all, when I was sick unto death, stood over and nursed me and bore with me as only a best man in the world could. And there, too, is D. B, Henderson. How fast he grew, how high he clim,bed,| and still stands. And Jack Stibbs! Do we not all remember the snap and the percussion he used to put into his Company drills? I knew to a certainty that Company F, the one I belonged to, was the best Company in Grant's 52 EIGHTH REUNiON Army, but I always thought tluit if there was no Company F I would like to to be with Jack Stibbs. But we can not particularize short of calling the roll. The Twelfth Iowa was always a good, a hardy and a thrifty sort. You never heard, did you, of a Twelfth man catching cold from sleeping in a room with a damp tumbler? You can't recall, can you. that ever one of those fellows let his chum or his chum's chum go hungry when there was a chicken in easy reach? You remember, don't you, when that ill-advised order against foraging was read to us at Smithland on the Cumberland? And you remember how we all stood up and took a vow that, order or no order, if any cow, sheep, chicken, goose, lamb, duck or other ferocious animal should bite a member of the Twelfth Iowa, it should surely die. And yon remember how faithfully we kept that vow. I don't believe that you can recall a case when any edible animal was allowed to escape that vow on a technicality, or for want of evidence. But stern and hardy and patriotic men they were, and only because they and their kind were so, have we now the privilege of belonging to a united country, and the most powerful nation that the glad sun of heaven in all its daily course shines upon. I can not help wondering how many of the one thousand and ten men commanded by Col. Wood that broke camp at Eagle Point and crossed the icy river for the south on that cold November day are now alive; how many will be present to partake of the welcome and the hospitality of Wm. Larrabee, his excellent wife and their good friends and neighbors of Clermont. Few, very few, for they wasted rapidly away, and are still going in constant procession to join the great majority. In 18 months from the crossing of the river, we had buried our members in the soil of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississlpi, Alabama, Georgia and Mary- land, and numbers had also gone home to Iowa, the sick and the wounded, only to lay down and die. And constantly they have been going ever since, and the end of the processioe is only a little way back. The War of the Kebellion was the most expensive, in human lives and treasure, of any war of modern times, but its results were unique in the history of wars, for it not only gave strength and stability to the greatest of nations, but it freed 3,000,000 slaves, freed their masters and conferred the blessings and beneficence of victory alike upon the victors and the vanquished. Not many of us can leave much of this world's goods to our posterity, but each of us will leave not only to his own children but to all the chil- dren of the nation, even to all the coming generations of the world, a share of blessings, richer as a heritage, in all that goes to make for peace, security and prosperity, than all the accumulations of material that have been inherited. Comrades of the Twelfth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Hail and Farewell. B. C. Eldhibge, Sargeant Co. F. TWELiTH IOWA 53 Pomona, Mo., Junk 10, 190.1. Dkak Comuades:— Nothiiij^ would please me better than to be with you on this occasion, but under the circumstances I cannot. Owingr to the grate distance my physical strength will not permit. I am not able to stand tlie worry of the trip. Thanks to Ex-(k)vornor Larrabee, lor conferring on our regiment the honor of dedicating the Henderson statue. My good wishes are with you at this reunion. My eyes grow dim when I think tliat it will be impos- sible for me to be with you on this occasion. I would like to be there and hear three cheers for Robert Light, the man in Co. H, who cut the burn- ing fuse off the shell that the "Johnnies" had thrown in our camp, while we were at the Spanish Fort in Mobile Bay, Ala. Bob was too fast for the fuse. He cut it olf witli his knife, and tlirew tlie shell in tlie water. I suggest three clieers for tlie hero of the brave deed. He risked his life to save that of others. Tlianks to Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee and citizens of Clermont for their kind invitation to entertain the 12th at their reunion. Wishing you all success in life and a pleasant time at this reunion, and may you live to meet together for many years yet to come, I am yours very truly, David Bkyan. Howell Co. Co. H. Ckab Orciiaud, Tenn., June 1, 1903. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. Dear Comrade:— I received your letter stating that there would be a reunion of the 12th Iowa at Clermont, June 19 and 20. I am glad to hear that the old boys are to meet once more but I feel sad to think I can not be with them. 1 am so far away, my age and my physical condition, as well as financial, will not permit me. I am not able to do much. You know that time is telling on some of us old boys I want you to go and meet the boys and shake hands with them for me and tell them I often think of them and that I can see them as they loooked in line of battle at Shiloh; how we looked and felt when we liad to surrender, as prisoners of war; and how we suffered that night out in that cornMeld, witli rain coming down on us, and how my leg pained me the next morning, with a bullet hole through it. I can feel a queer feeling in that leg every time I think of that day, the 7th of April, 1862; but it will not be long before our names will all be called, for the Angel is calling the roll now, I'm listening to hear my name. He has called my dear wife that I left be- hind me when I enlisted. Just before she passed away she said tome, "Oh it Wont be long until you will come, and I shall be looking for you." Are you ready comrades? Are you every whit made whole? May we all enter the blessed mansions when the Angel calls the roll. May tlie good Lord be with you all is my prayer, God bless you all. Jas. W, Tarpenning, Cumberland Co. Co. D, 12th and Co. C, 47th. ' Jersey City, June 14, 1903. Dear Comrades:— It is with sincere regret that I cannot be with you at your reunion, but I will be with you in spirit if not in person. I 54 EIGHTH REUNION am living in New Jersey, the land of Mosquitoes. I am always glad to hear from any of the old boys of the 12Lh, though it lias been many years since I have seen any of you, yet I can never forget you, and would wel- come you with wide open arms, should any of you ever come within hail- ing distance. So lean only send you my sincere regards and hope you will have a good time. Your old Comrade, AUGUSTUS W. Hatfield. Co. 1. CiiKTEK, Wis., Junk 5, 190.3. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. Dear Comrade:— Received yours May 15, with your kind invitation. I would so gladly be with you, but it is iinp(»ssible. My health is so poorly I could not stand the trip and my hearing is very bad, 1 can scarcely hear any thing, at times I am totally deaf. In a few months I will be 79 years old. It is with the deepest regret that I can not be with you. I hope you will have a good time. Remember me to all the old boys. Yours Truly, John J. Wyatt, Co. D. San Antonio, Texas. June 10, 1903. Dear Comrades; — Happy greeting to one and all. 1 can not be with you at your happy gathering, only in spirit. To once more grasp the hand of comrades who marched side by side with me, in tliose dark days of '61 to '5, in defense of the flag, would do my soul good, and till a place in my heart, that nothing else can. Hoping you will have a grand good time, I am Truly Yours, Alvin Mosher, Co. K. New Era, Oregon, Clackamas Co., June 7, 1903. Dear Comrades:- -I have just received an invitation to meet with you in reunion at Clermont. It will be impossible, but my love and best wishes I send herewith. Oh how I would like to clasp tiie old comrades by their hands once more and have a jolly old visit: ni)thing on earth would please me better. I am so far away that I cannot attend. In this respect I have been unfortunate, missing so many reunions. So many of my own company I have not seen since discharge in '66. There is only one of (Jo. C here. Dr. Jas. Barr. I met him at reunion at Astoria, Wash. The state will hold one this year at Portland. We have a good time but nothing to be com- pared with the old Twelfth. I like the country here very much. My health is not very gcM)d. I live six miles from city, sixteen miles from Portland. I can stand in my yard and see Mt. Hood, covered with snow the year round, about sixty miles away. My wife joins me in anticipation of the great time you will have. We send our kindest regards. "God be with you till we meet again." Yours, Jason L. Mattocks, Co. C. TWELFTH IOWA 55 FuANKLiN, Neb., June 12, 1903, G. F. CoMSTOCK, Secy. Deau Comrade: — Yours of the 12th Inst., informing me of the reun- ion of our old regiment on the 19th and 20th Inst, is received. I will not be able to be present. I know that it would be a great pleasure and sat- isfaction to meet you all once more, and I hope to do so at some future time if my life is spared, I am proud of tlie 12th Iowa and glad that I belonged to it and proud of the great state that sent it to the Held and committed in some manner its honor to our keeping, during those dark days and years. Gen'l Tuttle said to us at Shiloh, Sunday morning, "Boys remember that you are from Iowa". Tliose words meant a great deal. I have been a citizen of another state for over twenty-one years, but on occasions like this my heart, as it were, returns to its lirst love. This letter is to convey through you my kindly greeting to tlie bo}'s of the old regiment, with the hope that the reunion will be a success in every way, that all may enjoy themselves as old soldiers only can, and that they may return home in health and safety and that tliere may be another reunion. Your Comrade, J AS. L. Thompson, Co. 1. Napann, Neb., June 16, 190.3. Geo. E. Comstcck, Sec. Deau Comrade:— Rec'd reunion program, and sorry that circum- sl antes are such that it will be impossible for me to meet with you. Other\\ise I would pack my knapsack, draw on the commissary and take up my line of march for Clermont. I would enjoy grasping the old boys by the hand. By the way, we are getting to be pretty old boys, speaking for myself. My hair is getting pretty light, both in color and quantity. My wife calls it gray, but you will remember it always inclined toward a beautiful blonde. If Co. I should be represented please say to them that I would be pleased to hear from them, or for that matter any member of the old 12th. What has become of our regimental history? The delay is liable to deprive many of us the pleasure of reading it. •'Old Glory" was very much in evidence here Monday, Flag Day. The ladies made it the occasion of presenting the old soldiers with as beautiful a silk flag as it has ever been my pleasure to look upon. Poss- ibly it is from force of habit, or it may be to humor us in our dotage, but the ladies, God bless them, continue to shower their sweetest smiles on us old boys. ( May their shadows never grow less. ) I send regards to all. Hoping that you may have a pleasant reunion, I remain your comrade, John S. Ray, Co. I. St. Louis, June 8, '03. Mr. G. E. Comstock. Dear Sir:— I received your favor of 15th Inst., advising me of the reunion of the 12th Iowa at Clermont. It will be an impossibility for me to meet 5'ou. I am not well enough to be out. I have been a semi- invalid for the past nine years. It would be a great treat and do me more good than medicine. 56 EIGHTH UEUNION Iluwevor, 1 would like to hear of Joe Linker, wlio was a Iransler, also tlie following:: John Grain, Giles Hall (Hall was a transfer from Co. G 27t.h Iowa Infantry, July 15, 18(j.>) Henry Stein, and in fact all of Co. G, who's names I cannot remember. Wishing you all many reunions and advanced old age, 1 am ever your well wisher and comrade. V. \V. MONTGOMKUV, Co. G. 4359 Cozens Ave. SoLDiEus' Home, Maushalltown, Junk 1-1, 1903. Dear Comrades of the 12th, in Reunion Assembled:— I am very sorry I cannot be with you, but I am glad so many of you can attend. I shall miss that warm, friendly greeting, shaking hands, talking over the past, present and future. Victories of the past have perched upcm our banner. As a result you dedicate at this reunion a statue to the memory of our First Lieut. D. B. Henderson, and a nobler young man never wore the straps than he. I would so like to be witli you (m this occasion. Please extend to Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee my sincere regards lor the part they have taken in honor of our beloved comrade, stat estnan and friend. Three cheers for the flag, Henderson and Larrabee. Sincerely Yours. A. H. Barton, Co. C. CiIATTANOOG.\, TeNN. G. E. COMSTOCK, Sec. Dear Comrade:— I regret that I cannot go to the reunion at Cler- mont. But I would be glad to be counted in the roll of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee, for the splendid testimonial they are giving to the memory of a splendid Towa soldier, and Iowa citizen. To any of the boys who remember me, I would be glad to be remem- bered. I am now a pretty full fledged Tennessean, having been here nearly 30 years, during which time I have published a sound Ivepubllcan newspaper, been a member of the State Senate twice, on the elec- torial ticket three times, Commander of my home post eight times, Senior Vice Commander Dept. of Tenn. G. A. R. twice, a delegate to the National Encampment two or three times, and am now teacliing the gospel of McKinley and Roosevelt as editor of the only Republican news- paper in Chattanooga. So you see as an Iowa Soldier I have not let the banner of our dear old state trail in the dust. Fraternally Yours, W. F. McCarron, Co. I. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., Junk 10, 1903. G. E. CoMSToCK, Sec. Dear Sru:— Your letter of the 15th received and will say in reply, that I would like very much to be present once more with the boysof the 12th. But my health will not permit me to make the trip. Remember me kindly to all of my old comrades, please write me, or send me an outline of the business done and what kind of a time the dear old bojsof (he 12th had. Very Truly Yours, R. F. D. No. 1. AViNCIIKSTKR AVoOLEV. Co. I. TWELFTH IOWA 57 Gila Bend, Ariz., May 28, 1903. Mu. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Fayette, Iowa. Esteemed Comrade:— I am in receipt of your favor of the 15th, with enclosed program of the dear old 12th Iowa reunion at Clermont, Iowa. To say that I regret very much not to be able to attend is to put it mildly. For when I read the names of Henderson, Stibbs, Dunham, Terrill and such, whose letters have been so great a help and solace to many of us in later years, some of which I have and treasure with the same jealous care as were the bean-pot and coffee-can of dear old com- pany F at Donaldson or Shiloh. I long to be with you. I have the pleasure of meeting Captains Gift and Hale frequently, and in this way get a real taste of a love-feast; but to be able to meet you all would in- deed be a feast of love which is to my great sorrow denied me. With best wishes for a happy and successful reunion and until taps sound 1 am fraternally and sincerely yours, LuTHEU Kaltenbach, Co, F. Denveu, Colo., June 14, 1903. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. My Dear Comrade:--! have your very kind invitation to the reunion before me, and after reading the program for the dozenth time and each time "slopping over," I am seated to write a letter that is in my mind. I can't be with you. How much I regret It you can never know. I rea- lize that time is passing rapidly and in all probability many will attend tliis reunion for the last time, and the chance to look into your eyes and clasp your hands as memory travels backward to the days of "Auld Lang Syne" will more than likely never come to me again. My heart is in the right place and is doing business right now the same as ever when I think of the old 12th. Have a good time, boys; God knows you deserve it; and on the 19th and 20th I will play the reveille with my face toward Iowa. Now with a handshake for all, a hug for yourself and a kiss for Col. Stibbs, I bid you Godspeed. Your old fife major, S. M. Fkench. 3205 West 2()th ave. Co. F. Rea, Mich., June 6, 1903. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec, Dear Comrade:— Through you I wish to send greetings and a "God bless you" to the "boys of the Tv.elftli Iowa." Distance and ill health will not permit what I so earnestly wish, that of meeting with you. The letter announcing this reunion took me back to those dark days of '61 and '62, whose hardships are nearly forgotten by the lapse of years, but whose friendships and victories will never be forgotten. I prize today as my dearest treasure the old drum that went with me through the service, and would enjoy beating it for Co. C to fall in line (those who are left ). Thanking you for remembering and sending me this announcement, From Comrade Sumnek Haktshokn, (Jo. C. Per daughter Mab.'l. 58 EIGHTH KEUMU.N CuEKOKKK, Io\v;i, June 15, 190.'?. G. E. COMSTOCK, Skc. Dear Comrade:— Your kind invitation to meet with the members of the old 12tli Iowa V. \'. Inft. tar a reunion at Clermont, la., on the lUih is received, and "Harkis is wlllin'," yesi more tlian willing, delighted at the prospect. The arrangement is an excellent one. Tliere is no (lues- tion about the success of the meeting, as it might rain pitchforks and the boys would be tliere. Owing to poor health my wile will not be able to be there; but my brother Howard and brother-in-law Irank Thomiis will be with me. They are not Vets, but they are going to take in the circus and visit at Postville. As I write the thought comes to me, of how great Uncle Wm. L. Henderson's enjoyment, could he have been with us to attend this reun- ion. He would have done his full share to make the day one long to be remembered. Well! The boys are dropping away fast at Death's "lights out." The end of these reunions is very near now, but I believe that no one of the little fragment that is left of the grand old regiment ever regrets for one moment the sacriMces made, the pain endured, the toil of the weary marchings, the longing for home with iis love and com- forts. These were cheerfully endured that the principles of equality before the law, liberty, and government by the people, might be pre- served and handed down to their children, and the union of the states as a nation be crystallized into a perpetuity. Clermont is a small place, but around it and the old home near by cluster many of the pleasant recollecti(tns of my life. Neither Clermont nor I'ayette county need ever blush for their part in helping to make the history of the Nation. Every hamlet in the North had its William VV^arner; but no one of them ail was purer, braver, nobler than our gallant Warner, who though dead these many years, yet lives enshrined amid a halo of proud and tender memories in our every heart. And coupled with the thoughts of the brave comrades who went forth to do and dare for the cause of right, and who came not home vviih us again, we must not forget the not less gallant few who wuuld but could not go, but who with unceasing thoughtfulness and noble generosity cared for the loved ones left behind, and in tliis way and by act and word at all times and places where needed, encouraged and held up the hands of the men at the front As 1 write this to you, old comrade, the first thought in your mind, as in mine, is William Larrabee. There be heroes who die in war, And whose names we speak with pride. As we think of their brave deeds done: But other heroes there are Who may rank with them side by side. Though they never fired a gun. And William Larrabee, of Clermont, to those who understand how he longed to go, but could not be accepted, and of his tireless energy and generosity in doing all that a man could do, both to encourage and help the boys at the front and their dear ones left behind, it will not be necessary to say that he and men like him, ought always to be remem- bered and revered side by side with those w ho marched to bugle note or tap of drum. Our grateful hearts ought to impel all of us to do honor TWELFTH IOWA 59 on llie 19lh of Juno to our beloved and generous host of that day. And while on that day many words will be spoken in the endeavor to kindle and keep burning the fires of patriotism in the hearts of the genera- tion who are to follow us when we pass into the dark valley, and gray- haired fathers and mothers of the boys of '61 to 65, who will be there, must not be forgotten among the glad greetings. Theirs was the great- er sacriiice, theirs the harder part to play. Harder than our weary marching which was made easier by thoughts of the cause we did it for, was the wearier waiting of fathers and mothers for news of the absent boy. Harder to bear than the cravings of hunger in camp and field, was the gnawing fear vvnich ate out the heart of the doting mother and the tender wife and sweetheart. The feverish exhileration of the frenzy of battle was an antidote against all fear of harm, amid the roar of can- non and the scream of the deadly shell; but what antidote had the loving ones at home for the fear that was eating their hearts away, while they waited for tlie smoke of battle to lift, and its echoes to die away, that they might learn what they yet dreaded to know, the fate of the dearest on earth to them? All honor must be given on June 19th, in thought and speech, to the gray-haired fathers, mothers and widows of our comrades living and dead, who will gather with us there. It must be borne home to them in kindly words that sharing as they did so deeply with us the self-sacrifices of those old times, we cheerfully accord to them an equal share in all the achievements of those fateful years, in which we today take pride. There is a possibility that I may not be able to be with you on the 19th, and if such be the case, friend Comstock. you are at liberty to read such portions of this letter as you may see fit. Hoping to be with you, I remain Your comrade, J. A. Hkndkuson, Transfer from 27th Iowa to Co. C. 12th Iowa. Peouia, III., June 13, 1903. Mk. G. E. Comstock, Fayette, Iowa. Dkak Cojikade:— I have yours of May 15th. Nothing would please me more than to be with you at Clermont on the 19th inst., but it will be impossible for nie to be there. I desire to be remembered to all comrades. If General Stibbs is with you he can tell you something about me, as he spent a year or more in our city and we often lived over the old war days. Sincerely yours. J. W. Gift, Co. F. HianMOHE, S. D , June 15, 1903. G. E. Comstock, Sec. Dear Ct)mrade:— It is with sorrow and regret that I cannot meet with the comrades. I have been chosen delegate to our state encamp- ment and they come almost the same time. I hope you will have a good time. If spared, will try and answer roll call next time. Hoping to hear from you soon after the close of the reunion, I slill remain Your comrade, Hamilton Cuameu. Co. A. 60 EIGHTH REUNION Dep't of the Intkuiou, U. S. Pension Agency, Des Moines, Iowa, May 29, 1903. Mr.. G. E. Comstock, Sec. 12th Iowa Reunion Association, Fayette, Iowa. My Dkak Com uade.-— Your favor, dated May 15, but postmarked May 28, arrired this morning. I will not be present at the regimental reunion next month. My hearing has become so deficient that I cannot hear the proceedings, therefore it would only be torture to myself to be present. Besides, while the regimental reunion is in session the whole force of this pension agency will be preparing for the July payment of pensions, in which the 12th Iowa comrades are nearly all interested. Every comrade hopes to receive his pension check by return mail, but all of them should remember that this agency pays 55,000 pensioners, and that they cannot all be paid at once. About twelve days are required to pay that number of pensioners. I hope that the regimental reunion will pass a resolution endorsing the bill introduced by ITemenway of Indiana last February, which pro- vides for the pensioning of all soldiers and sailors who served at least ninety days in the Civil war, at the rate of $12 per month; and all widows of such soldiers and sailors who were married prior to June 27, 1900. I have letters from Speaker Henderson and Congre.ssman Hull stating that they are in favor of the Hemenway bill, and I think that it can be safely said that the entire Iowa congressional delegation will vote for it, and work for its enactment. The laws now provide for the pensioning of all Mexican war soldiers who served sixty days and are 62 years of age, or are disabled and dependent. That has been the law ever since January 29, 1887, and it is a discrimination against the sol- diers of the Civil war, for that law has been in existence for sixteen years, while the Mexican war began but fourteen years prior to ttie Civil war. It is time for the comrades of the Civil war to make themselves heard against that discrimination, and I hope that the reunion of the 12th Iowa at Fayette will pass a resolution endorsing the Hemenway bill and asking that it be promptly enacted into law. With the kindest regards to yourself, and to the comrades of the 12th Iowa at the reunion at Clermont, I am Always sincerely yours. Co. A. R. P. Clakkson. Elwood, Iowa. June 16, '0.3. G. E. Comstock, Deau Comrade: — I received your invitation in due time and I work- ed and expected to meet with my old comrades of '61 once more, espec- ially as we were to be honored by the presence of Hon. D. B. Henderson. But the past weather and events have so changed my calculations that it will be impossible for me to attend, and with regret I send this word to you. Give love and greeting to all comrades of the 12th for me. Your comrade, Geo. Teskey, Co. I. TWELFTH IOWA 61 PoKTLAND, Okegon, June 13, 1903. My Dear Comrade Comstock:— Your circular letter and program reached me the 8th inst and am sure you cannot conceive the tumult of emotion it stirred in my breast. And then to know I could not join you and the comrades of the Old Regiment — comrades who are dearer to me than my kin. I need not explain to you why. You all know, comrades, just to look in your faces, grasp your hand, shed a few tears together, as the past would come up and drive away the present, and the white hairs of the present be lost sight of in the dark hairs of our boyhood days, we would live them over again. Can we grasp the meaning of such a meeting here? Can it be a foretaste of the hereafter? How strange and satisfying it is that we can look into each other's eyes— into the very soul, and see you in the bygone days— the days of trial, days when there were scarcely enough well men to stand guard and picket. Then to talk of meeting Rogers, Co. B, Coolidge and Jim Taylor, Co. F, Stewart, Co. D, Jason Mattocks, Co. C, Harden, Co. K, Captain Williams, Co. E, and our old major, Brodtbeck, whom I helped lay away, and our good comrade, Col. Henderson, so sorely crippled, and so patient and cheerful. And then to be denied all this, and at Clermont, where I began my life work. But just remember, comrades, and friends of Clermont, I am with you in spirit. And just let me say here, the Star of Empire is moving West and the Barr latch string is out for the 12th Iowa. Comrades, give me a place in your thoughts. I do want to be with you. Your comrade, James Barr, Co. C. Randall, Kan., June 14, 1903. Mr. G. E. Comstock, Fayette, Iowa. Dear Comrade and Friend: — Yours of May 15th just received, delay I suppose caused by the floods. I am sorry to state that I cannot be with you at Clermont June 19. I have not the time to spare on so short notice and I am so banged up with rheumatism that I would hardly dare to make the trip if I had the time. This is indeed a disappointment to me. I continually live in hopes that I will some day greet my old comrades of the 12th at campfire re- union. Memory always dwells fondly and pleasantly in thinking of the boys of our old regiment. I hope you are all on the pleasant paths of life, contented and hopeful. As for me, don't worry on my account. I don't. I haven't a kick to make on anything, and in looking back over life's journey so far, I see more to feel thankful for than to regret, and some of the pleasantest and most cherished gems in my memory-box are of our old regiment as a regiment and of the many warm and true friends I had while with it. And now in conclusion, boys, have as good time as possible while to- gether. It won't last long and may be the last. I will be with you in desire and thought. Hoping that I will some day see each and all of you. I will close. In comradship, N. (t. Prick, Co. D. 62 EIGHTH REUNION Bull Run Battlefield, Henry House, Va., June 10. Comrades of the Twelftpi Iowa: When I say to you that I am sorry that I cannot be with you on this happy day, it is a feeble expression of my feelings. But boys, you see I am too far out on the pieket-Iine, here in Old Virginia, to be able to come home to Iowa on short notice; but remember my thoughts are with you and my thanks to the good people of Clermont for the honor con- ferred on our regiment on this happy occasion. I remember you well, and the lively times we had down in Dixie in 1861-5. (iod bless you, boys. Good bye. Henry Steen, Co. G. Bihdseve, Montana, June 7, 1903. G. E. COMSTOCK, Sec, Fayel te, Iowa. Dear Sir and Comrade: — Your favor just received. 1 w(»uld like very much to attend reunion of old 12th Iowa on 19th, but it is just impossi- ble for me to do so. This is the busy season with mining people and I cannot make the trip and do justice to myself, although I promised Capt. Soper that I would attend next reunion. I must disappoint him again — at the risk of a reprimand. I wish to be kindly remembered to all comrades of .37 years ago. Yours truly, Wm. L. Lek, Co. D. Barhon, Wis., June 17 '03. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. Received notice of our reunion and dedication of Lincoln monument and Col. Henderson statue, the gracious gift of that noble-souled man, Ex-Gov. Larrabee. It is with a sad heart of regret that I pen these lines of my inability to be with you at Clermont June 19th and 20th, to enjoy once more the greetings of the "boys" I love so well. I greet you one and all, far and near and hope you will have the best time of your life. Yours, Wm. a. Kent, Co. C. Keokuk, Iowa, June 5, 190.''>. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. Dear Comrade: — I received your letter and program. Am very sorry, indeed, that I cannot be present at the reunion of the 12th Iowa. I have been very ill for the past month and will have to forego this pleas- ure. It comes as a double disappointment, as I was unable to meet you at last reunion. Remember me very kindly to all the boys. Express my thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee for their loving testimony. They sure- ly have left a monument to tlieir memory and a lesson of patriotism to the rising generation. Very truly yours, Edgar C. Com;, Co. I. TWELFTH IOWA 63 Lanauk, III., June 30, 1903. Dear Comrades of the 12th Iowa: — One of the greatest disappoint- ments of my life was when I received the invitation to Clermont that I was unable to meet you at that time. I iiave been bed-ridden for a long time with very poor prospects of getting well. I would have died con- tent could I have met you, my dear comrades, and have had one more look into your faces. My love for Old Glory has never cooled, and I am so sorry that I was unable to rally round the flag with the Dear Old Twelfth. If the Great Commander shall see fit to gather me home and I never see any of you again on earth, I hope you will all meet me in Heaven. Yours affectionately, Geo. W. Annis, Co. F. Georgetown, Custer County, Neb., June 15, '03. Mr. G. E. Comstock, Fayette, Iowa. Dear Comrade:— I just received the notice of the reunion of the 12th Iowa at Clermont, Iowa, Saturday evening, and it increased that longing desire to meet my old comrades at a reunion, a pleasure I have never enjoyed. I did resolve last winter that I would attend the first or next reunion of the old 12th Iowa and enjoy once more a good hand- shake; but I regret to say that after all my resolves, I am unable to attend on account of pf)or healtli. But I will try again. 1 hope that I will be the only one that cannot attend, and I hope that you will have a good time and that the reunion will be a success. I remember all the old comrades and I think of them often; and if I can- not see them, I would like to hear from any or all of them. I would like to write more, but it is with much difficulty that I write this, on account of my eyes. Fraternally, Frank Morrow, Co. D- Absarokee, Montana, June 4, 1903. Mr. G. E. Comstock, Fayette, Iowa. Dear Comrades of the 12th Iowa:— Just received notice of our reun- ion. It found me out here among the hills of Montana and in such shape that I cannot meet with you this time. I came out to this country a year ago for my liealth and t;)ok up a ranch, and as luck would have it, I have advertised to prove up June 20. So comrades, you can see it is im- possible for me to be there; but my mind and well wishes are with you all, hoping you will have a good old time. Think of me while you are having it. I will liave to close, hoping if tliere is anotlier reunion of the 12th Iowa I will be able to attend. Love to the boys of the old 12tli Iowa. So good bye, one and all. Ft. L. Bird, Co. E. «4 EIGHTH REUNION Washington, 1) C , June 12, 190.3. Mr. G. E. Comstock, Fayette, Iowa. Deak Comuade:— I received your kind invitation to be present at a reunion of tlie 12tli Iowa Veter-en V^olunteers on June 19 at Clermont, at which time and place a statue of Col. D. B. Henderson is to be un- veiled and dedicated by our regiment through the courtesy of Governor Larrabee — a very plesant privilege, for Col. Henderson was one of us on the bloody field of Shiloh, and is one of us still, whom we are ve.iy proud to claim and honor. His name and fame have gone far beyond the con- tines of the State and Nation, not only as a military hero but as the peer of any statesman in the land. I am proud to have been a humble member of the famous old 12th regiment, and I regret exceedingly that I shall not be able to be pres- ent at the unveiling, as I personally would receive more honor and pleas- ure than my presence could impart to the occasion. My heart and thoughts are with you one and all for evermore. Fraternally yours, S. R. BuucH, Late Adjutant. PiTTSBUKG Landing, Tenn., July 1'), 1903. John Steen, Wahoo, Neb. Dear Comrade:- -Enclosed find postottice order for four dollars, the balance I agreed to give for expenses of our regimental association at Clermont, Iowa. Didn't we have a jolly time, and when will we have another? Echo answers when, and should we have one in four years, how many that we took by the hand will have gone to join the tinal muster, no one can tell. I am getting along here on the park nicely, except at times 1 am lonesome. All my partners are away at present on their annual leave of absence. I generally take mine in winter time, for the reason that the line of work I do, I can be better spared from it in winter than at this time of year. acknowledge receipt of the order and believe me, Your ever true comrade, T. J. Lewis, Co. D. RuKWELL, Neb., June IS, 190.3. Dear Comrades of the Twelfth Iowa: No pen of mine can portray my regret at not being able to answer "here" at roll call tomorrow. But owing to the fact that my aged father of Maquoketa, la., is visiting me and I realize that his visits are num- bered; therefore, I am unable to leave home. I desire, however, to join the boys in extending hearty thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee for their kind consideration of us, and especially ask my comrades that when they gather around the camptire they will throw on a rail for me. And I trust our Supreme Commander may permit us to "Rally round the Flag" and enjoy a few more campfires. I commend you all to His care, and remain Yours truly in F., C. and L., MeLI.VILI.K 11 GOODENOW, Co. I. TWELFTH IOWA 65 Seattle, Wash., June 2, '03. Dear Comrades of the 12th Iowa:- -Your secretary's letter of May 15, telUng of ycur reunion at Clermont June 19, and inclosing program, re- ceived yesterday. Yes, I'll be there, in spirit. My body, about that time, will probably be at or near Juneau, Alaska. I'll sing the "Star- Spangled Banner" and I wan't all "you'n's" to "jine in" the chorus. Do you remember "Pontotoc to TupeloV" I do not forget it. Some of you will remember my experience as a nurse, remaining behind to look after the wounded and being afterwards held as prisoner, instead of being returned to our lines, as a nurse should have been. I am now postal clerk on the steamship, "Cottage City," between Seattle and Skagway. Mrs. Andrews joins in mourning our inability to go to the "banks of the Turkey" to eat turkey with you, also in sending greetings. She also wishes me to add further that she does not forget to remember to scold me occasionally for bringing her so far away from the 12th Iowa reunions. However, we have hopes for the fature. Yours in F. C. & L., Box 1401 Seattle, Wash Hiram R. Andrews, Co. B. Ada, Kansas, June 10, '03. Dear Comrade Comstock:— Yours of 14th just received, having been delayed by our Kansas rtood. I thank you for your kindness in sending me the notice of the reunion. I have a deep interest in Iowa where my home was for twelve years. The members of the old 12th have a warm place in my heart. God bless them. How I would like to see you all My soldier life was short. When we returned from acting as Jeff Davis' menagerie, and got back to St. Louis, there was just enough left of me to discharge. Reached home at Sand Springs Christmas, '62. The boys as they were before the Shiloh fight are photographed on my mem- ory, and although I have met most of you since, having been twice at Manchester, I remember you best as you were in '61-2. I think that I never loved a man (a man I had never spoken to) as I loved Col. Stibbs, for taking us from Annapolis, Md., as prisoners, to our homes. May his shadow never grow less! Love to all of the boys and especially to any of Co. K. Accept the same for yourself, whom I well remember. Yours in F., C. & L.. N. H. Baldwin, Co. K. Grant's Pass, Ore., June — , 190.3. G. E. Comstock, Sec. Dear Comrades:— It is with regret that I can't be with you this year —I am too far away. I think I shall work back east; Oregon doesn't suit me. I will try to be with you next time. My healtli is good. I wish you were all here to eat bear-meat with me today. We got a tine cinnamon yesterday only four miles from town. With love and best wishes to all, I remain Yours, &c., J. H. Ross, Co. D. Preston, Minn., June 16, 190.3. G. E. Comstock, Sec. Dear Comrade:— I received your notice of reunion and program. I am very sorry to say that it will be impossible for me to be there, but with this I send greeting to all "the boys." I know you will have a jolly goctd time. My best wishes to all who may be there. Ever yours." Gkouoe Ibach, Co. B. 66 EIGHTH RE LI X ION Sioux City, Iowa, June Ifi, 1903. G. E. CoMSTocK, Skc. Fayette, Iowa. My Dkau Comkadk;— It is with profound regret that I am compelled to say in response to your cordial and urgent request in your favor of the 15th that it will be impossible for me to attend at the dedication of Lin- coln monument, Henderson statue and Reunion of the old 12th Iowa, at Clermont. I have had the extreme pleasure of being present at every reunion of the regiment except that in 1884, and I look back with the highest degree of satisfaction that it has been my good fortune to attend so many of these grand and pleasurable occasions. I only regret that I could not attend all of them, including the one this week. Hope you may have a successful and glorious reunion. Please express my undying devotion and love to every old friend and comrade of the "old 12th," and while we know that all of us are getting far down the westward slope of life, yet so long as we shall travel that way to the great unknown, we will linger and love each other still. May heaven bless all tlie "old boys" whether able or unable to be at Clermont. Yours in F. C. & L., J. N. Wkaveii, Ci.. D DwioiiT, Kansas, June 16, 1903. Dear Comrades: — Received your notice of our next reunion. Am sorry to say it will be impossible for me to be with you this time. Cir- cumstances over which I had no control hinder me. I had my house burned and had to rebuild, and the terrible Hoods in this country washed out the crops and drowned our stock. Were it not for this double mis- fortune I would be with you. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to meet with the old boys once more before the last roll call. 1 hope you will have a good time. 1 know I would were it so I could be with you. If any of the 12th Iowa boys ever come to our county, be sure to come and see me. I live in Morris county near the Rock Island rail- road. Fraternally yours, J. F. Lice, Co. F. Linton, N. I)., June 19, '0.3. Mr. G. E. Comstock, Fayette, Iowa. Dear Comrade:— This, the first day of the reunion of the 12th Iowa at Clermont, I am away otf in North Dakota, but my heart is with you, and I regret that I cannot be with you. I am up here holding down a claim. Will prove up on my claim next spring, then will go back to Plankinton, S. D., to spend the rest of my life. I hope you are having a good time. Give my best wishes to all the boys of the 12th and especially those of Co. D. I hope that we may live to have lots of reunions yet. With thanks to you for the kind invitation to the reunion, I remain, Yours in F. C. & L., R. C. COWELL, Co. D. Lawton, Okla., June 21, 1903. Dear C(»mrades: — I received your very kind letter inviting me to your TWELFTH JOVVA 67 reunion, and was glad you had not forgotten "the little red wagon," as the boys used to call me. Comrades, 1 am well and hearty and chuck full of fun, for that is what will prolong our lives. 1 feel as young as I used to be. Yes, dear comrades, be cheerful. I did think that I would be with you at the reunion, but I am so busy in my sliop that it is too much of a sacrifice to leave just now I would have to be out at least $100. Now, comrades, you will have to excuse me. I send you these few lines to let you know that my heart is with you and that I have not forgotten one of the dear boys, God bless them. I have lived here two years. The first year I was sick about all the time, but since I got acclimated I have had good health. I did not draw a claim, I came too late. I am doing very well running a wagon shop. Boys, write to me and tell me how you are getting along. I have been a widower eighteen years, but as soon as I get old enough I think I shall marry again; so if you come across some dashing widow, send her this way. Comrades, this is all and I remain as ever your friend, Isaac Johnsox, "The Little Red Wagon" of Co. I. Maquoketa, Ia., June 16, 1903. Bear Comrades:-I am sorry to say that I cannot be with you all at tlie reunion: but as circumstances are, it is impossible for me to attend I send my best regards to all and wish you all a jolly good time. Respectfully, Maiuon Rollf, Co. I. G. E. CoMSTOOK, Skc. ^'^"'""' '^- ^*-' ^""^ ^^' '^^''- Dear Comrade:— I have your announcement of the reunion of the 12th Iowa at Clermont, and am reminded by it that "Again the shadow passeso'er the dial-plate of time." I wish 1 could be with you once more, but business holds me here. Please convey my warmest wishes to all the members of the gallant Twelfth for a m(.st enjoyable reunion. Yours fraternally, John Rkemnkk, Co. F. ATo n t:^ r. t. . . '^'''- P^^^L, MiNN., June 14, '0.3. Mr. G. E. CO5IST0CK, Fayette, Iowa. Dear Comrades of the 12th and Co. D in particular:-: am still on earth and drawing rations. I came to you at East port. Miss., as a "raw recruit" for one year and was assigned to Co. D. I went with the regi- ment one year and was with you at Spanish Fort, marched with you "to Montgomery and Selma, Ala. Now, comrades, I said I came to you as a raw recruit; but I had served three years before in what I believed the best regiment ever mustered into the service (the fifth Iowa Inf. ). But I found also that comrades of the 12th Iowa were good and true and stood right upon tire battle line, always ready for duty. It would give me great pleasure to meet with you at Clermont, but cannot. My wife is an invalid and I cannot leave her. May an all-wise Providence bless and comfort you in your declining years, is the wish of your comrade, 959 Reaneyst. W. H." Howahd, Co. D. 68 EIGHTH RELTNIO>' SPECIAL. To stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, and to refreshen the memories of us all, as well as to enliven the patriotic zeal of all who may chance to read this book, I herewith insert a part of Lieut. -Col. S. B. Edgington's address given at our third reunion held at Waterloo, [owa, in 1888.— (G. E. C, Sec.) When we think of who is most entitled to praise for saving the union, we do not think of our great generals and brilliant commanders — all hon- or to them and their noble deeds— but rather do we think of the brave men who carried their muskets, that stormed the trenches of Donelson and Vicksburg, who stood like walls of living flame at Shiloh and Gettys- burg; and of the men who carried their muskets and one hundred rounds of cartridges and marched under Sherman from Atlanta to the sea. These old veterans we have with us here to the gratitude (jf every American citizen. The men who carried and the men who followed that dear old flag. These are the men who, in 1801, put pleading love aside, unclasped the dimpled hands of prattling babes fast locked about their necks, parted from wife and child because their country called. Boys who forced back their tears, forsook a father's house and the happy home group, the loved maiden and the joys of youth, and with mother's kisses warm on their lips went to the field of battle, following their flag. When in my dreams, or when my mind dwells on army days and I think of those killed in battle or died in hospital, or were starved to death in southern prison hells, I seem to hear something saying, "Com- rade, we are in a fairer land than earth; we are in and enjoy a realm where the rainbow shines brightly evermore; where the sun, moon and stars are spread out before us like islands, great and small, on the great ocean of eternity; here traitors never come and treason is unknown. We leave robes of blue, for robes of gray are not used here." Men who left home and loved ones and endured withcmt a murmur the privations of camp and Held; men who stof)d unmoved amid the storms of leaden hail— yes, brave, honorable and true men who never turned their backs on friend or foe — these are the men who saved our country and flag. No other country on the face of the earth could have survived and come through so tierce a war with her territory intact, with the rights and liberties of all her people maintained; none other but tliis our own Columbia, "the land of the brave and the free." These veterans of the 12th Iowa Infantry were in twenty-three battles. They were under the rebel tire 112 days. They marched dur- ing their term of service— four years and three months — 2,670 miles. They traveled by water and land 13,809 miles. Total number of casual cits 582. Total number killed in battle, 95. Total number died of disease, 217. Total number discharged for disease and wounds, 247. They were first in the fight and last to leave the Held. They sulVered in southern prison hells for more than six months, and some for more than a year. This short historical sketch is given for the benefit of those who have grown up since the war, that they may better know what the old veterans did to .save our country and flag from the traitors' grasp. Comrades of the grand old 12th Iowa, veterans of twenty-three hard fought battles, behold that dear old flag again. With its stars and its stripes, and the red white and blue. So dear to the heart of all loyal and true: The banner of our Union, the flag of the brave and the free. On hilltop or in valley, or down by the sea. In peace or in war, all hail to the flag of our country wherever it waves! L THE SURRENDER AT APPOMATTOX. INSCRII'TION ON TAUI.ET: On tln> West Side, the SiiriPiuU'i- at Appomattox— Scene in the McLesin lionse, (Jen Grant ;im<1 (Jen. Lee in I'lont ; (ien. Slieiidan on e.xtreiiie liijlil : (iens. i;;i wiins. I'oilef, Williams arid Ord slatidini;; Col. .Mmsliall of Lee's staff. Col. I';ir Uetof (i(;int's statf. "With riialiee towards none, witli chiirity forall. willi firmness in l lie liiilil as (Jod <_'i ves us to see t lie liiilil . let lis st li ve to linisli t lie woil; we Me in." TWELFTH IOWA 69 Zn 2ncmonam, Co tfjc liping, (£I?cerful praises: tEo tl^c beab, Brtgljt ^loujcrs, Street JlTemortes. [As I recall these names, one by one, all of whom I remember so well, and one being my own brother, and think of the days when we were young, of prison pen, the awful carnage of battle, the march, the camp, I realize mnre than ever that these are the ties that bind us, the severance of which causes us to mourn when they depart. I find it im- possible to publish lengthy obituaries, all of them good. It seems impos- sible to cut them down; it seems like mutilating a tablet to their memory.- -G. E. C. ] HENRY SMITH, of Maquoketa, Iowa, and member of Co. I, died June 19, 190.3 (day of our reunion) aged 70 years. He was engaged in the plumbing business and liad been a resident of Maquoketa for 40 years. Comrade Smith was a man of the highest character and as a citizen and business man of Maquoketa was held in high regard. He was a man of even temperament, always courteous. One more old soldier of the 12th has passed over the line that divides time from eternity and is now with the silent Grand Army. JOHN A. VAN ANDA, Fremont, Neb., was born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, March 15, 1840, and died at his liome in Fremont, Neb., July 10, 1903. In September, 18(51 he enlisted in Co. II, 12th Iowa; taken prisoner at Shiloh and for over six months suffered in prison, resulting in shatter- ed health: discharged in 1863. When recuperated in health, re-enlisted in 44t}i Iowa Inft. and served to the close of the war. One of his last re- quests was to be buried in his G. A R. uniform. He was a member of the M. E. church and for forty years an official member; belonged to the Centennial lodge I. O. O. F., and McPherson post G. A. R., to both of wliicb he was greatly attached. Possessed of a glorious hope of immor- 70 EIGHTH REUNION tality, he shrank not from a contemplation of death but conversed freely thereon with a serenity known only to such as are ripe for the Kingdom. His prayers, songs and testimonies all exhibited a fitness for the expected change. Toward the last he held up his hands to heaven, assisted by his devoted wife. And so, having served his generation as a christian, a sol- dier, a loving father and husband, and a citizen beloved by all, by the will of God he fell asleep. CHARLES E. MERRTAM of Hopkinton, Iowa. Born in Princeton, Mass., Jan. 22, 1845; died Dec. 19, 1902. He enlisted when about seven- teen, September 1861 re-enlisting, and serving faithfully to tlie end of the struggle. He was among the number captured in "Hell's Hollow" at Shiloh; confined in prison at Montgomery, Ala.. Macon. Ga.. and Lib- by prison. He was wounded at Vicksburg, and again severely at Tupelo, Miss., July 14, 1864. In civil life Mr. Merriam had served his community in almost every capacity. He was postmaster for sixteen years, being appointed under Grant's tirst term and serving under Hayes, Garfield and Arthur until Ihe election of Cleveland. He had served at various times on the council and as treasurer of the town, and was closely identified with the business interests and progress of Hopkinton. RESOLUTIONS HY HOPKINTON STATE BANK. "Whereas, God in His providence has seen fit to remove by death Charles E. Merriam. our faithful and etflcient cashier and memV)er of the board of directors, now be it Resolved, That we, the surviving directors of the Hoi^kinton Stale Bank, sincerely mourn his lf»ss and deeply regret the untimely taking away of one so useful and one with whom all our relations have been most close and cordial. Resolved, That we cherish the memory of his wise and conserva- tive counsels as a valuable guide in the aflfairs of this institution. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the record books of the bank, a copy handed to Mrs. Merriam and a copy puiiiislud in the Hopkinton Leader. F. B. DOOLITTLE, M. L. McGLADE, R. G. BROOKS, MARY R. DOOLITTLE. w. H. Trio>rpsoN, FRANK E. WILLI AM.SOX. Dated at Hopkinton, Iowa, December 20, 1902. CAPT. W. L. ITENDERSX:)N. Another veteran has gone to his reward, Captain Henderson of Cres- co, Iowa, having been brought to Postville cemetery where bis father, mother and other relatives are buried. The remains and friends were met at the depot by the G. A. R. of Postville and some of his own com- pany, Co. C, 12th Iowa Inf. The following day funeral services to(»k place at the Congregational church and were C(»nducted by Rev. S. W. Pollard, who delivered a very fine address. "Gone to Rest," was very touoliingly rendered. One of the most pathetic scenes, and one that would fill the twp:lfth IOWA 71 soul with deepest emotion, was when his old comrades of Co. C surround- ed the remains to take a last farewell, while the choir sang sweetly, "God be with you till we meet again." Co. C was the company that Col. I). B. Henderson, brother of deceased, recruited and also enlisted with in 'ttl, and among the comrades of that company present, acting as pall- bearers were Maj. D. W. Reed, Chicago; Hart Spears, Westgate; H. J. Grannis, of Randal ia, and G. E. Comstock of Fayette, Iowa. Mr. Gran- nis was color bearer of the regiment and the only one it ever had serving in that capacity over four years and who was in every engagement and on every march of the regiment. The flag carried by Comrade Grannis was draped over the casket with beautiful flowers. At the grave, upon removing that beautiful old war-worn banner, Maj. Reed pronounced, in behalf of his comrades, an eulogy in a few well chosen words. They were thrice beautiful because of their coming from a C(»m- rade wlio knew the dead veteran so well. Capt. W. L. Henderson was born in Old Deer, Aberdeenshire, Scot- land, May 28, 18;i3. He came to America when 15 years old, and to Post- ville, Iowa, in 1850. He was married to Clara J. Durno March 27, 1856, and died at Riceville, Iowa, June 19, 1897, aged 64 years. He leaves a wife and four grown children, Frank H., of South St. Paul, Minn; Judson H., Riceville. la., Mrs. Maud Ramsey, of Racine, Wis., and and Mrs. (Ju.ssie .Johnson, of Lime Springs, Iowa. Capt. Henderson was an excep- tional man, "the noblest work of God," because he was a strictly honest man. He had a pleasant smile for everybody, and as a husband and father was kind he;irted, true and good. As a soldier he was one of the best. He was modest, retiring, unpretentious, yet persistent and tirm as the rocks when his mind was settled upon the right of any subject upon whicii he gave study and thought. He enlisted in Co. C, 12th Infantry, Sept. 15, 1861, re-enlisted Dec. 25, 1863, and was mu.stered out Jan. 20, '66. Al! these years he rendered faithful services, participating in most of the engjigements in which the regiment took part, some of which were I'ort Donaldson, Shiloh, Vicksburg. Jackson, Nnshville, Tupelo, Spanish Fovl and Fort Blakely. And so they are "dropping from the ranks, one by one." LIEUr.-COL. S G. K.VEE, brevet colonel, was born in Martins- burg, Pa., March 11, 18:M. Moved to Deleware Co., la., in 185.5. Enlisted in Co H, 12t!i Iowa, Sept. 19, 1861. Mustered in as 1st Serg't; was pro- moted from time to time. (Jommanded the regiment from February, '65, to muster out, Jan. 20, 1866. He participated in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donaldson, Shiloh. Jackson, Vicksburg, Tupelo, Nashville, Spanish Fort; confined in pri.son at Montgomery, Macon and Libby, at one time six months. Upon muster out he returned to Colesburg, Iowa, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits, making a success of it. He died at his home August i:>, 18'.)(). Colonel Knee was a prominent member of the Masonic and Odd Fel- lows fraternities. He was not a member of any church, but was an attendant upon the services of the Congregational society; was also a valued member of W. A. Morse post G. A. R., of Manchester, Iowa. He was a lirni and loyal friend, as he had been a brave and faithful soldier. 72 EIGHTH REUNION B^RANK W. COMSTOCK was born in Chicago, 111., June 25, 1848. Enlisted in Co. C, 12th [owa, as a recruit, April 27, 1864, at the age of fifteen years. He was with us in the Pontotoc raid and battle of Tupelo. The extreme hot weather and marching was too much for one so young. He was sick a long time in the hospital at Memphis, Tenn. He never fully recovered. It was during the exposure of the compaigns that the germs of the disease which finally resulted in his death tirst found lodg- ment in his system. He was present at the Clermont reunion, being the first he was ever able to attend. He .said he never enjoyed anything equal to it. Little did he think then that in two months from that time he would be with the Grand Army above, where so many of our comrades have gone. Loving hands fought hard, but at 11 o'clock Mon- day morning August 10, 1903, from hemorrhage of the stomach, he died very suddenly. In October, 1888, he was married to Miss Teressa Keil- hack, who cared for him as only a loving wife could, during his long ill- ness, which continued with more or less severity for the past five years. "So let our heroes rest Upon your sunny breast; Keep them, O South, our tender hearts and true; Keep them, O South, and learn to hold them dear From year to yearl Never forget, Dying for us they died for you. This hallowed dust should knit us closer yet." A Faithful Solcijer done to Rest SAMUEL C. BECK was born in Clarion county, Pa., Sept. 22, 1838. At the time of his death at Waverly, Iowa, May 27, 1904, he was in his 66th year. When but a young man the family moved west, settling in Fayette county, Iowa. In early life Mr. Beck purposed securing a thorough education. In keeping with this desire, he took advantage of the public school, and later became a student in the Upper Iowa Univer- sity at Fayette. In 1861 he responded to the call of his country, and leaving college he enlisted in Co. C, 12th Iowa Inft. For three years he faced the dangers and endured the severe hardships of the civil strife. As a prisoner he spent seven months in Montgomery, Macon and Libby prisons. At the expiration of a term of three years service he was dis- charged on account of failing health. For a while the family and friends despaired of his life, but through the patient and unselfish efforts of his loved ones and friends, he was nursed back to health. On the 11th of May, 1871, he was united in marriage to Mary Ilursh of Waverly. They spent the first years of their married life on a farm in Fayette county. To them were born seven children; of these, Dor A., Cyrus, Bert, Elsie and Mrs. Patchin with the mother are left to mourn. Nineteen years ago Comrade Beck with his family moved to Waverly where they have since resided. Mr. Beck was converted at 17 years of age and united with the M. E. church. He has been a faithful and consistent member for nearly fifty years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Frank Cole, assisted by Rev. W. W. Smith. TWELFTH IOWA 73 CAPT. IIIEL HALL, of Co. D, was one of the original members of the company; was elected Second Lieutenant; promoted to First, and again to Captain, resigning Dec. 26, 1864. I am without the details of his sickness and death. He died in March, 1903, in Tucson, Ariz., where I understand he had gone for his health. He was a model soldier and officer, one of superior dignity and commanding presence, beloved by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. GEN. A. J. SMITH died, from the effects of a paralytic stroke, July 30, 1897, at St. Louis, Mo., at the advanced age of eighty-two years. Tlie end came peacefully in the presence of his wife, his only son, Wil- liam Beaumont Smith, Mrs. Edgar Miller and Mrs. W. T. Mason. The last named is a daughter of the late Col. Stephen Kearney, who was Gen. Smith's first commanding officer in the Mexican war. Mrs. Smith had stepped into the kitchen for a few minutes, and when she returned slie found her husband unconscious. He never regained complete conscious- ness. At times he Vv'ould have lucid periods during which he would talk about some of the battles in which he had participated. At other times he would repeatedly call out for his son. Gen. Smith was born in Bucks county, Pa., April 21, 1815, and named in honor of Andrew .Jackson, who afterward, when president, gave him an appointment to West Point. His father was Gen. Samuel Smith, who served witli distinction in the war of 1812, and his grandfather was Gen. Hugh Smith, who served under Washington in the American revolution. He was educated in Philadelphia and at West Point, and came west at an early age. Gen. Smith vv-as stationed when a young lieutenant at Jefferson barracks, and while tliere met, wooed and married Miss Ann Mason Simpson, who survives him. Mrs. Smith was a daughter of the late Dr. Robert Simpson, who at the time of his death was said to be the oldest American inliabitant at St. Louis. Gen. Smith served in both the Mexican and civil wars. He was en- gaged in many battles, and was complimented and advanced in rank for valor at the battles of Pleasant Hill, La., and Tupelo, Miss., and other tierce engagements. In 1872 lie was appointed postmaster at St. Louis, and live years later was elected city auditor. Tliis position he filled for twelve years, being elected every time he ran. Congress placed him on the retired list of army generals in 1889. Reminiscences of Out Army Nurse, Mrs. Rebecca Otis, of Manchester, Iowa. The following is condensed from an article written and published as a souvenir by her friend, Mrs. H. Eaton, of Manchester, I()wa; The virtues of men and women have been related in song and story through all time. It is a notable sacrifice to devote the best part of one's life to administering to the wants of those fallen in battle for their Cf)untry's honor. While wcunan's mission as a military nurse is a devel- opmeiit of later civilization, the success of a goad woman in this trying 74 EIGHTH REUNION and dillicult position, only proves liovv entirely she is to the manor born. To this army of healers belongs the subject c»f this sketch, who was with us once more at our Clermont reunion to gladden the hearts and renew the lives of "her boys," as well as to receive the congratulations of all present, who were cmly too glad to do her honor. Mrs. Rebecca Otis was a native of north Ireland, of Scotch descent. Born in 1826, she is now in her 78Lh year. Coming to xVmerica in her girlhood days, she drifted westward with the tide, linally settling in the little town of Manchester, Iowa. When the war broke out, Mrs. Oils enlisted as an army nurse and her devoted services were given unt il the close of the war. Her great sympathy for suffering humanity, her kind and gentle tenderness, soon made the soldier feel that she was his friend. After she had administered to them several weeks, some of them asked the privilege to call her mother. She replied that slie would be proud to be a mother to so many brave boys. And mother she was to all during her service in the hospital. Hers to cheer and cfi^Tifort the wounded and homesick ones as they were brought in bleeding from the battlefield, and many times unto death. She remained by each one as he passed over the river, giving him words of comfort and solace. As mother and friend her work was not tinislied until she had procured and prepared proper clothing for buriel. When her day's work was ended and the other inmates of the hospital were preparing for rest, she was writing tlie home letters for"her boys", writing as many as eleven in one evening; writing from dictation it they were able, and if not, composing the mes- sage wliicii was to convey intelligence to mother, sister or sweetheart, as to the whereabouts and condition of their boy. Soon tlie letters came in that clieered and comforted the surviving ones. When the doctor had a patient wlio was past help for his remedies he would tmm him over to Mrs. Otis and say: "Here, mother, you may prescribe for this one:" and by lier skillful nursing slie often saved their lives. That Mrs. Otis lias lived so many years since the trying scenes in the hospital, is the wonder of her friends. She has been most patient and kind through all her sutTering and is now patiently awaiting the summons, "come up liigher." Who then can sootlie even as a mother? Srie who is indeed a hero- ine, with lier tender ministration, lier look so kind: her gentle voice; closing the eyes of those who wake no more: winning back to life and country those "half across the river." "Whom the wounded bless, For her tender care. And name as a saint In their evening prayer; Kissing her shadow, did it fall Across their pilUnvs from oir the wall." TWELFTH IOWA ROSTER OF SURVIVING MEMBERS OF THE TWELFTH IOWA VET. VOL. INFT. FIELD AND STAFF. Col. J. H. Stibbs, 160 Adams st., Chicago, 111- Major E. M. VanDuzee, Jackson and Fifth sts., St. Paul, Minn. Major D. W. Reed, 2008, Sherman ave , Evanston, 111. Surgeon Charles C Parker, Fayette, Iowa. Assistant Surgeon, W. H. Finley, Coggan, Iowa. James Barr, 554 Third st., Portland, Oregon. Adjutant, N. E. Duncan, " S. R. Burch, Agricultural department, Washington, D. C. Quartermaster Geo.H.Murisey,236 New Jersey ave,n.w., Washington, D. C. H. C. Morehead, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Chaplain Frederick Humphrey, Serg't Major A. J. Rodgers, 1157 Fifty-seventh st., Chicago, 111. Q. M. Sergeant John Steen, Wahoo, Neb. Hosp. Steward J. C. H. Hobbs, 1441 G st., Lincoln, Neb. Hosp. Steward Samuel J. Walker, Oakwood, Mo. Drum Major S. M. French, 3205 W. Twenty-sixth st., Denver, Col. Color Sergeant 11. J. Grannis, Fayette, Iowa, COMPANY A. Capt. J. R. C. Hunter, Webster City, Iowa. Capt. John D. Congar, Eldora, la. Lieut. Cyrus M. Runkle, Eldora, la. " T. B. Edgington,Memph!s,Tenn S'.^rg't Francis Fountain, Marshall- town, la. (Soldiers' Home) " Geo. W. Rulow, South Bend, Ind. " Geo. W. Reed. Yarkie, Mo. " R. P. Clarkson, Des Moines, la. " Eugene C. Combs, Hanover, 111, " Seth Macy, Des Moines, la. " K. S. Sprague, Blair, Neb. " R. E. Kellogg, Alden, la. " Geo. H. Cobb, Eldora, la. Corp'l S. B. Brown, Jewell City, Kan E. S, Sawin, Union, Iowa. " Wm, W. Moore, Manchester, la " Levi Dobbins, Eldora, la. "■ W. G. McPherson, Milbank,S.D. " T. H. Wilson, Robertson, la. Armstrong, B. A,, Liscomb, la. Bell, Thomas R„ Eldora, la. Brothers, Ananias, Magnolia, Ohio. Brown, S, B., Jewell City, Kan. Cromwoll, F. C, Oakland, Iowa. Crist, Job, Marshalltov/n, la. Cramer, Hamilton, Highmore, S. D. Elsworth, D, V,, Newman's Grove, Neb. Ferree, S. R. Belle Plaine, la. Glass, Carl, Dayton, 0. (Mil. Home) Hoskins, G. H., Maryville, Mo. Kemp, Sumner, Alden, Iowa. Mann, William, Steamboat Rock, la Moore, G. W., Maryville, Mo. Mitchell, G. W., Lawn Hill, la. Richards, Jos, M., Ft, Dodge, la. Wickham, A. J,, Eagle City, la. Zeigler, James W,, Eldora, Iowa, Zeiger, N. W., Buffalo Center, la. EIGHTH REUNION COMPANY B. Capt. W. C. Earle, Waukon, la. Lieut.J.P. Jackson,Village Creekja Lieut. John D. Cole,Wauwatosa,Wis Serg't John Upstrom, 403 Fourth St., Sioux Falls, S. D. Serg't Geo. Ibach, Preston, Minn. " Wm. P. Winter, Bancroft, la Corp'l Stephen Thibedo, " I. B. S. Isted, " W. B. Bort, Viroqua, Wis. " Mathias Englehorn, " L. D. Bearce, Onawa, la. " John Dowling, Waukon, la. " J. H. Butts, Cherokee, la. " Robt. Wampler, Waukon, la. " Fred Monk, Eitzen, Minn. Andrews, H. R., Anacortes, Wash. Bathen, Robert, Riceville, la. Bort, A. K., Viroqua, Wis. Bailey, W. F., St. Paul, Minn. Bailey, George, St. Paul, Minn. Burlingame, 0. D., 193 So. Water St., Chicago, 111. COMPANY Decker, Adam, Lansing, Iowa. Dowling, Thomas, Rossville, la. Erickson, E. A., Salem, S. D. Ferguson, B., Akron; Iowa. Goodykoontz, D. F., Boone, la. Greenup, S. H., Motely, Minn. Iverson, Knudt, Lansing, la. Klees, Frank, Rossville, la. Larson, Aslack, Preston, Minn. McCabe, Hugh, Waukon, la. McClintock, James, Rossville, la. McGuire, Bryan, Freeport, Hi. Ogan, Chas. C, Sibley, la. Oleson, John, Spring Grove, Minn. Plank, Levi, DeFuniak Springs, Fla Peck, John P., Plankinton, S. D. Roe, Charles E., 320 East Eighth St., Waterloo, la. Russell, Charles, Brooklyn, Mo. Sanner, Michael F., Rossville, la. Smith, Samuel C, N. McGregor, la Wanberg, Ole, Spring Grove, Minn Woodmansee, Isaac, Rossville, la. C Capt. Wm. W. Warner, died Mem- phis, Tenn, Dec. 12, 1863. Capt. Geo. W. Cook, Huron, S. D. Lieut. D. B. Henderson, (Col. 46th Iowa) Dubuque, Iowa. Lieut. H. J. Grannis, Fayette, la. Serg't G. Hazlet, Allison, la. " Emery Clark, Woodbine, la. " P. R. Woods, Sibley, la. " P. R. Ketchum, New Ply- mouth, Idaho. " F. W. Moine, Strawberry Point, Iowa. Corp'l G. L. Durno, Springville, la. " John E. Kent, Oelwein, la. " Geo. E. Comstock,Fayette,Ia " Henry C. Curtis, LeMars, la. " W. H. Jordan, Cheney, Wash " J. Wilson King, Newman's Grove, Neb. " A. K. Ketchum, Clarion, la. " John A. Delezene, Park Rap- ids, Minn. " John W. Bysong, West Point, Neb. Ballenger, John W., Lacey, la. Brown, George, Woodstock, 111. Burroughs, Geo. A., Douglas, la. Bowers, Wm. H., Limestoneville,Pa Barton, A. H., Marshalltown, Iowa (Soldiers' Plome) Brant, Allen, (from 27th Iowa) Fairbanks, Iowa. Clark, Henry, State Center, la. Carmichael, James H., Volga, la. Conner, Samuel, Maxfield, Iowa. Davis, Andrew J., Berrien Springs, Mich. Delezene, Benj., Republic City, Kan Davis, J. C, Marshfield, Wis. Forbs, David, Elgin, la. Gilford, Simeon, Waucoma, la. Hazlett, John B., Sioux Falls, S. D. Hamlin, Wm. S., Crawford, Neb. Hamlin, Lyman S., Oelwein, la. Hendershot, Thos., Plainview, Neb. Hinkle, E. H., Winfield, la. Hartshorn, Sumner, Rea, Mich. Henderson, J. A., (from 27th Iowa) Cherokee, Iowa. TWELFTH IOWA 77 Henselbecker, Henry, Blufton, la. Jordan, I. L., Alton, Kansas. Jordan, Wm., Cheney, Wash. Jaques, Luther, Spokane, Wash. Jones, Geo. M., Eugene, Oregon. Jackway, G. H., (from 27th Iowa) Laraont, Iowa. Kelley, A. L., Elm Grove, Mo. Kent, William, Barron, Wis. Kelsey, E. A., (from 27th Iowa) Tripoli, Iowa. Lyons, Wm. A., Marshalltown, la. (Soldiers' Home) Lott, Lawrence, Marshalltown, la. (Soldiers' Home) Latimer, Robert Z., Fayette, la. Latimer, George H., Westgate, la. McCall, Daniel E., Culver, Kan. COMPi Capt. E. B. Soper. Emmetsburg, la John M. Ciark.Cedar Rapids,Ia Lieut. Eli King, Washington, Kan. Sergt. N. G. Price, Randall, Kan. John W. Burch, Cedar Jct,Kan I. G. Clark, Cedar Rapids, la. " R. C. Cowell, Plankinton, S. D. Corp'l H. W. Ross, Campbell, Neb. " Theo L. Prescott, 263 30th st. Chicago, 111. " Howard Pangborn,Clark,Wask Josiah Scott, Shellsburg, la. A. A. Stewart, Carthage, Mo. T. J. Lewis, Pittsburg Land- ing, Tenn. Bailey, Edwin H., Fredonia, Kan. Bailey, H. W., Manning, la. Blanchard, A. M., Dayton, Ohio. (Soldiers' Home) Bumgardner, Wra., Scranton, la.-R Bunn, A. J., Lamar, Mo. Butolph, E. A., Cedar Rapids, la. Clark, Chas. W., Cedar Rapids, la. Carson, John N., Pasadena, Calif. Cooper, H. L., Littleport, Iowa. (from 27th Iowa) Daley, James C, 512 W. 7th st.. Grand Island, Neb. Dubois, Ferd., Charter Oak, Iowa. Darling, John H., Azusa, Calif. El'gen, Harmon, Bolan, Iowa. Flint, Sam'l H., 1000 Kansas ave., McCall, John W., Nemaha, Neb. Mattocks, Jason L., New Era, Ore. Mattocks, Ross, Jennings, Okla. Proctor, Geo. W., (from 27th la.) Laurens, Iowa. Quivey, W. W., Pierce, Neb. Rodgers, Reuben F., Waucoma, la. Spears, N. Hart, Westgate, la. Smith, Jacob R., Ft. Scott, Kan. Stone, Daniel, Waucoma, la. Sykes, Orvis, Freeport, 111. Strong, J. P., Olds, Alberta, Canada Sprouls, John, Los Angeles, Calif. (Soldiers' Home) Salsbury, John, Ivanhoe, Kan. Tatro, Augustus, Clermont, la. Utter, Albert W., McCook, Neb. Williams, R. D., Fayette, la. LNY D. Leavenworth, Kan. Ferner, James D., Nevada, la. Grass, Harmon, 823 Seventh st. so., Fargo, North Dakota Holler, Irdill W., Copay, Calif. Howard, Wm. H., 959 Reany st., St. Paul, Minn. Lee, William L., Bird's Eye, Mont. Luse, Bentley, (from 27th Iowa) West Liberty, la. Larimour, J. C, Mill Grove, Mo. Minor, David W., Areata, Calif. Maryatt, 0. H., Del Nort, Colo. McElroy, M. H., Percival, la. Morrow, Benj. F., Georgetown, Neb Price, G. V., Mountain Grove, Mo. Quigley, D. C. (from 27th Iowa) Mallard, Iowa. Ross, Jesse H., Grant's Pass, Ore. Soper, Roswell K., St. James, Minn Sivets, Daniel, Fegley, Mo. Thompson, Frank D., Nevada, la. Trobridge, Wm. H., Des Moines, la. (Sub-station, E. D. M.) Tapening, J. M., Crab Orchard,Tenn VenEmmon,W.H.,Chamberlain,S.D. Whitneck, Wm. W., Waterloo, la. Watrobeck, John, 1234 So. 8th st. St. Louis, Mo. Wagner, Jasper, Kendallville. Ind. Weaver, John N., Sioux City, la. Wyatt, John J., Chetek, Wis. EKJIITII lilOl'NlON COMPANY E. Capt. Robt. Williams, Vancouver, Boone, R. G., Scott, Iowa. Wash. Lieut. Chas. R. Switzer, Lewis, la. " John W. Shumaker, Waterloo, Iowa. Sergt. Wm. H. Beckwith, Parkers- burg. Iowa. " Chas. P. Callins, Charles City, Iowa. " Chas. V. Surfus, Bristow, la. " J. S. Margretz, Kesley, la. " Harvey Smith, Sibley, N. D. " Allen E. Talbott, Dinsdale, la. " Seth J. Crowhurst, Salem, S.D. Corp'l J. W. Rich, Iowa City, la. " Thos. Boylan, Stockton, Calif. " Joel A. Stewart, Oregon City, Oregon. " M.V.B. Sunderlin, Janesville,Ia " Wm. Hamilton, Waterloo, la. " C. D. Morris, Canton, S. D. " David Creighton, Hampton, Iowa. " Sylvester Cook,Newcastle,Neb Bird, R. L., Hampton, Iowa. Belton, James, Batavia, Minn. Cook, Jas. P., box 114, Ponca, Neb Church, Nathan, Renwick, Iowa. DeMos.^, Thos., Bristow, Iowa. Eberhart, Benj. PI, Laporte City,Ia Early, Thos. M., Dumont, Iowa. Fluent, George, Alma, Wash. Graham, Jacob, Davenport, Iowa. Hay ward, C. 15., Dysart, Iowa. Harrison, H. J., Waterloo, Iowa. Large, F. A., Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Ochs, Charles, Ackley, Iowa. Pomeroy, R. L. Wausaukee, Wis. Reed, Zeph, Fredonia, Iowa. Seeber, G. L., Sabula, Iowa. Schrack, David, Oelwein, Iowa. Sharp, Oliver, Grand Island, Neb. Strong, Ezra, Eenecia, Calif. (Benecia Arsenal) Shroger, Nathn'l, Laporte City, la. Sellers, John, Davis City, Iowa. West, D. F., Theon, Wash. Sawyer, E., Sioux Falls, S. D. COMPANY F. Capt. J. E. Ainsworth, Omaha, Neb (Merchant's National Bank) " J. W. Gift, 900 Main st., Peoria, 111. " John Bremner, Yankton, S. D. Lieut. Abner Dunham, Manchester, Iowa. Sergt. R. C. Eldridge, Niagara Falls, N. Y. " R. W. Terrill, Manchester, la. " Jas. F. Lee, Riverton, Oregon " H. M. Preston, Ft. Dodge, la. " C. F. Eldridge, Walnut, Kan. " Luther Kaltenbach, Gila Bend, Arizona. Corp'l Isaac Johnson, Lawton, Okl. " W. A. Nelson, Hazleton, la. " Frank W. Coolidge, Shosh(me, Idaho. " Justus Schneider, Rosewell, So. Dak. " John F. Lee, Dwight, Kan. " Geo. W. Woolridge, R^ge- wood, Iowa. Annis, George W. Lanark, 111. Coolidge, C. L. Central" City, Neb. Eaton. John J., Edge wood, la. Grice, A F., (from 27th Iowa) Doniphon, Neb. Hafhill. Josiah, Wood Center, la. Kaltenbach, Samnel, Manchester, Iowa. Kint, George, Oelwein, Iowa. Lyons, L. D., Marshalltown, Iowa. (Soldiers' Home) Mackey, H. W., (transfer from 27th Iowa) Fayette, Iowa. Olmsted, Henry, (from 27th Iowa) Independence, Iowa. Potter, James W-, Fredericksburg, Iowa. Ralston, Nels, Canton, S. Dak. Stribbling, C. C, Clifton, Tenn. Tibbetts, W. F., Cheney, Kan. Thorn, Christian, Waverlv, Iowa. TWELFTH IOWA 79 Taylor, James M., 49 E. Twelth st., Portland, Oregon. Weeden, Robt. L., Coggen, la. Widger, Josiali, Manchester, la. Wandall, Alex, (from 27th Iowa) Volga, Iowa. COMPANY G. Lieut. Anton E. Anderson, (Soldiers' Home) Marshalltown, Iowa. " Jas. E. Simpson, Norfolk, Neb. Sergt. John 0. Johnson, Hesper, la. Corp'l Wm. L. Winsor, Clinton, Mo " Anders Anderson, Albert Lea, Minn. " Oh P. Rockswold, Thoten, la. " Gilbert Anderson, Worden, Minn. " Harvey E. Johnson, box 161 Evansville, Minn. ** Henry Steen, Manassa, Va. " Guleck H. Houge, Albert Lea, Minn. " Warren Wait, Ida, Mo. " Alfred S. Fuller, Sioux Falls, So. Dak. " Fred. Rachan, Skidmore, Mo. Anderson, Peter, Lake Mills, la. Aker, D. 0., Ridgeway, Iowa. Christopherson, C, Hartland, Minn. Coon, Chas. A., Sabinal, Texas. Dunn, Van R., DeWitt, Neb. Engelbertson, Erick, Aastad, Minn. Fuller, Alfred, Sioux Falls, S. D. Gilbertson, Ole, Hot Springs, S. D. Gulbronson, Anton, Rothsay, Minn. Groves, A. H., Decorah, Iowa. Hanson, Hans, Lake Park, Minn. Hanson, Halver, Sheldon, N. Dak. Hulverson, Andrew, Decorah, la. Johnson, Nels 0., Enderline, N. D. Kittleson, Carl B., Norway Lake, Minn. Kirkland, G. W., Freeport, la. McCabe, Charles, Sherburne, Minn. Meader, M. E., Hesper, la. Moe, Peter, Springfield, Minn. Montgomery, Wm. (from 27th la.) 4339 Cozen ave, St. Louis, Mo. Nass, G. H., Washington Prairie, la Oleson, Andrew H., Madison, S. D. Ryerson, Finger, Ashby, Minn. Smith, Israel K., Baraboo, Wis. Smith, J. K., Hesper, Iowa. Simmons, Roland, Lake Park, Minn Stalim, Lars L., 206 Bluff street, Sioux City, Iowa. Simmons, John, Flandreau, S. D. Skinner, Frederick, Forest City, la. Thompson, Thomas, Sedro, Wash. Thoryson, Andrew, Aastad, Minn, Tobiason, Andrew, Windom, Minn. Wheeler, Horace, Algona, la. West, Samuel, Red Cloud, Neb. Young, A. S., Nashua, la. COMPANY H. Capt. H. J. Playter, 1921 Gth st., n. w., Washington, D. C. Lieut. Robt. Fishel, Manchester, la. David Moreland, Chicago, 111. Sergt. John B. Flenniken, Battle Creek, Neb. Ralph M.Grimes, Kearney,Neb " Robt. W. Light, Ponca, Neb. " John W. Ward, 608 S. Plane St., Burlington, Iowa. " William H. Cox, Alta, la. Corp'l B. A. Clark, Calhoun, Mo. Jos. Evans, box 195,Tipton,Mo " Wm. H. McCune, Ruthven, la. " Sam'l B. Sloan, Greeley, la. Corp'l John S. Mason, Oak Park, Cal John W. Benedict, Lexington, ^ Neb. Edward Winch, Arena, Wis. '' Alex S. McConnell, Hopkinton, Iowa. — R Briggs, H. S., Marcus, Iowa. Bryan, David, Pomona, Mo. Crisman, William, Quincy, 111, (Soldiers' Home) Crist, John W., Central City, S. D, Crosby, J. W., Fremont, Neb. Fishel, S. K., Hot Springs, Wyo. Frank, Joseph, Lament, Iowa. Garner, A. T., Farlev, Iowa. 80 EIGHTH UEUNJON Hamblin, R. E., Arcadia, Ohio. Henry, Phillip, Greeley, la. Kuhnes, James C, R F D 6, Rock well City, Iowa. Jones, David, Monona, Iowa. Light, Joseph A., Norfolk, Neb. COMPANY I. Clark, Frank, (from 27th Iowa) Humboldt, Iowa. Nowman, J no. G., North Platto,Neb Shorter, James, Shell Rock, la. Smith, Thos., box 97, Cassville, Mo. Sloan, S. B., Greeley, la. Stuthers, Andrew, Craig, Neb. Wisegarber, Wm.S.,WaInut IIill,Ill. Capt. Chas. L. Sumbardo, Houston, Texas. " Jas. F. Zediker, North Yakima, Wash. Lieut. Alfred L. Palmer, Seattle, Wash. " Jas. L. Thompson, Franklin, Iowa. Sergt. W. F. McCarron, (Times office) Chattanooga, Tenn. " E. B. Campbell, Armstrong, la. " J. Warren Cotes, Talcott, S.D. " John S. Ray, Naponce, Neb. " Wm. Starbuck, Oldham, S. D. " Wm. L. Fry, Scranton, la. " Wm. A. Cobb, Walla Walla, Wash. Corp'l Marion Rolf, Maquoketa, la. " Jas. Harding, Baldwin, la. " J. F. Wilson, Fulton, la. " Wm. H. Markham, Hawkeye, Kansas. " Alonzo Wells, Vincent, la. " Wm. Kohler, Dubuque, la. " Mel. B. Goodnow, Burwell, Neb " Michael D. Nagle, Dubuque, la " Samuel L. Kennedy, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. " N. E Austin, Andrew, la. Austin, F. M., Staplehurst, Neb. Allen, Eugene, Cedar Rapids, la. Bitner, Albert, Brayton, Iowa. Belknap, Albert, Fremont, Neb. Buchanan, Jas. C, Cedar, Rapids, la Butters, John F., room 48, Bolton block, Sioux City, la. Behnke, Frank, (from 27th Iowa) Guttenburg, la. Campbell, John T., Unique, la. Cobb, E. C, 1823 Tiraea st., Keo- kuk, Iowa. Crane, I. K., Maquoketa, la. Davenport, H. G., Superior, Neb. Devine, John, 152i N. High st., Columbus, Ohio. Dupray, Wm. H., 2630 Adel st., Sioux City, la. Eaton, Theophilus, Maquoketa, la. Edie, T. C, Pueblo, Colorado. Hatfield, Aug. W., 280 Whiton st., Jersey City, N. J. Hendricks, Wm., Winterset, la. Kickards, Jonas S., Memphis, Mo. Kerns, Peter, Reubens, Kan. Knudt, Carl, Postville, Iowa. Lewis, Peter,(from 27 Ia)Lund,Wis. Lewis, Levv'is, (from 27th Iowa) Holmes City, Minn. McDermott, Michael, Placid, la. McKinley, Janjes, Maquoketa, la. Nims, Weed, Maquoketa, la. Paup, David, Sac City, la. Perkins, Henry, Seattle, Wash. Poedch, Lorenzo, (from 27th la.) Postville, Iowa. Ragen, James, Giard, Iowa. Sw?,nk, John M., Muscatine, Iowa. Schautz, John R., 766 Savier st., Portland, Oregon. Schmidt, John, (from 27th Iowa) Lincoln, Neb. Teskey, George, Elwood, la. Thompson, Jas. L., Franklin, Neb. Wilson, Thos. J., Maquoketa, la. Wivinis, Michael, Dubuque, la. Wooley, Winchester, Mt. Pieat^ant, Tenn. Wolcott, Alden E., (from 27th la.) Lynixville, Wis. Williams, Sidney, Atlantic, la. Williams, S., Colfax, 111. Yeley, George, Clinton, la. TWELFTEI IOWA 81 COMPANY K Cpt T Fuller, Webster Grove, Mo Lieut L Webb, Cedar Rapids, la " J J Brown, Bloomington, Neb " J A Morgan, Davenport, la " Henry C Marriam, Coggon, la Sergt Richard Freeman, Spencer, " Wm R Mathis, Omaha, Neb " T E Blanchard, LeMars, Kan Corpl A Mosher, 520 Hays st., San Antonio, Tex " P Church, Arborville, Neb " E R Mathis, Omaha, Neb " C Hickethier, Cedar Mills, Ore " Aug Hickethier, Drain, Ore " S N Bugby, 1012 N. Fifth st. Minneapolis, Minn. *' CD Billings, Bloomington,Neb Bb.nchard, Ira D, Crookston. Minn Billings, Abraham, Luzerne, N Y Baldwin, Newton H, Ada, Kan Barden, Henry A, 278 College st. Portland, Ore. Beckner, J M, Charles City, Iowa Davis, W H, Des Moines, la DoUey, Godfrey, Coggon, la Dutcher, Albert, Nat'l Heme, Co- lumbus, 0. Ellison, W H, St. Edward, Neb Gilchrist, J N, Durham, la Horn, Samuel, Colesburg, la Kimp, William, Kirwin, Kan Keith, W B, Prospect, Neb Morehouse, P J, Los Angeles, Cal Mickey, Isaac, Waukon, la Morgan, WmB, Bloomington, Neb Willard, Porter H, Hopkinton, la Waldroff, Henry, Laporte City, la CORRECTIONS In Roster from Addresses Giyeu in this Book. Letters returned unclaimed marked R. Deceased Members, D. Co A— F C Cromwell, Humbolt, la; Job Crist, R; D V Ellsworth, D; G W Reed, Tarkio, Mo. Co B — Wesley B Bort, Foxboro, Wis instead of Viroqua; Samuel C Smith, Waukon Jet, la instead of N McGregor; E A Erickson, Center, So Dak. Co C— Wm A Haml-'n, Astoria, Ore instead of Crawford, Neb; Geo Brown R. Co D— Theo L Prescott, 5702 Erie St, Austin, 111. Co E— Wm H Beck with, R; R L Bird, Absarokee, Mont; Geo Flu- ent, R; Thomas i) Moss, D. Co F — T McGowan, Independence, la; C L Coolidge, Palmer, Neb. Josiah Halfhill, Wood, la. Co G— D Aker, D. Co H— Thos Smith, Cassville, Wis; Samuel B and S B Sloan are the same; John B Fleniken, R. Co I — Lt Jas L Thompson, Frank, lin. Neb instead of Iowa; James Ragan, R; F C Eddie, R; Wm A Cobb, R; Peter Kerns, R; Wm H Markham, D; I K Crane, D; Wm H Dupray, Hoquiam, Wash; John Devine, R; Weed Nims, Lyons, la, care of Capt. Geo A Schnider; J Warren Cotes, Clark So Dak instead of Talcott. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 22, 1904. Major D. W, Reed. Dear Major: — Receive my thanks, and please tender them also to the other members of the "dear old Twelfth" for so kindly remembering me with a copy of the History of the Regiment. Though I have grey hair now, I was but a little girl in those sad years of war, but I remember well, so many who came to see my dear father, and twice I had been in Camp Franklin. You all appreciate my beloved father as he did you, and to hear of how he was loved by the men of the Twelfth, always gives me pleasure. My cordial greetings to you and your dear ones. With thanks, yours respectfully, Miss M. Brodtbeck. 854 Douglass st., Los Angeles, Cal. 82 EinilTfl i;i:( NI()\ Reminiscences of S. C. Beck in Prison Life. Bv G. E. CoMsrocK, Co. C. liiiii Iowa Ini'antky. "We were schoolniales at college ( Lrpper Iowa University) in 18(51 when on that fatal day the Jirst gun iiied on Ft. Sumter went like an electric sh(Kk- all through the North, tiring the hearts of all loyal men to spring to the call of Our Father Abraham for three hundred thousand men. S. C. Jieck, of Waverly, Iowa, was one of that number. Here began the devolopement of the possibilities of stalwart young manhood as varied as the tints of the rainbow. It was while passing through the crucible of war that some noble characters came forth from the quiet,, unassuming walks of life and were made to shine forth as the nwnday sun. Xot all the deeds of valor of true, noble manhood will ever be written. God alone will know. "To tiie man that carried a gun" all praise be given, with all due respect to the "Line" from the least to the greatest. Yet, the work to be done, the victory must be, won by the man who carried the gun. The virtues of my friend were innny, the defects few. He counted not his life dear to himself; he placed it a sacrifice on the altar of his count ry. AYhat he has sutfered no one but God can knf)W. The following shows his unselrlshncss: One of our comrades and one, too, of that same band of schoolmates that enlisted with us in Fayette. Iowa, was Hon. H. C. Curtis, now of LeMars. Dr. C. C. Parker, tlien surgeon of our regiment (12th Iowa In- fantry) and still living, bless iiis memory, notified Capt. Warner, of our company, that (Jurtis, of his company, was down with the smallpox, that he must make a detail and carry him to the pest hospital. No sooner had this news come to Beck than he said to Capt. Warner, "Let me take him and take care of him." And this strong, brave, big-hearted man went to Curtis, took him in his arms and carried him to the hospital and there remained and nur.sed him thrtiugh a long and severe sickness to health, and now Curtis says. "Jf it had not been f(tr Beck's c<-ii.stant and tend<,'r care I would not have been alive today." And so I miyht eniiuie- rale many such instances which characterized, while in the army, as well as up to the last day of his lite. One incident of my army life seemed to cement our friendship in sui-ii a bond of love as time only can ettace and causes me to mourn today as Uty a brother. We were prisoners of war and had been for two months. We liad suffered from exposure to all kinds of weather, wit hout l)lankets or siicller, hungry and sick at heart, receiving the jeers and taunts of (Hir enemy instead of bhmkcts and bread. Many sickened and died. Beck was on the sick list in Montgomery, Ala., prison. The startling and joyous news came tons that we were to be ex- changed and released tr(.m prison. Of course j'ou can but imagine what emotions of joy tilled all our lieartsat the thought of once more being free. The cars C(»ulda"t run fast enough: time seemed to drag, we were so anxious. Finally we found ourselves on a small island in the Tennesee river, some sixty miles from Chattanooga, some tifteen hundred in number, and from there we were sent down the river in small steamb.oais. The TWELFTH IOWA 83 water being low. The boat could only take five hundred at a trip. It fell to our lot to be the last five huudred, after three days of waiting without a morsel of anything- to eat save mulberries, and we lived in the trees. This was all borne without a murmur, because our hopes were high and our expectations so great we knew it would soon be over. Our time came to go and we boarded the boat in great glee. Even the sick counted not their sickness. We cut loose our boat and steamed down stream to what we supposed our liberty, friends and home. We arrived at the place of delivery; we saw the flag of truce; we saw "Old Glory"— how glorious it did look to us— and our boys in blue on the shore! 1 would that I could portray to your mind, dear reader, the undounded emotion that filled our very souls. My heart beats faster, my eyes fill with tears today, the ;51st of May, 1904, as they did forty-two years ago, this very day. When at this extremely high state of emotion we were called to halt in midstream and not allowed to land. Still we did not dream of what was hanging over us. We supposed it to be the pre- liminary work of exchange, when lo! the word came to us that General Mitchell, who was then inarching on to Chattanooga, could not receive i-s. nnd we must go back to prison and slowly starving death. Remember the three days" fast had not prepared us to receive fliis with any good grace. The emaciated and enfeebled cf)ndition of "our men" made it one of the most distracting scenes it was ever my lot to witness. Up to this time Beck had never failed. Now his time had come. Weak, sick, discouraged, starvation staring us in the face, back to the prison dens our doom. The cloud was dark, "the sun did refuse to shine." Our die was cast, onr fate was sealed, our trials had just be- gun. Four and one-half months more in Macon, Georgia, and Libby prison, brought the remnant t was left home, leaving our pathway strewn with our dead that had fallen by the way, and the remnant that survives to this day, have suffered, and will to the end of their lives suffer, from the effects of starvation and exposure while in prison. The "lK)nd of love" between Beck and I that we supposed had been so strong and great, really had its beginning right here. He was sick; I was well. It was my turn to minister: his to receive. What provision was on the boat, for the crew was meagre, was divided among our five hundred. P>eck's share was a small greasy bone (no meat), mine a tablespoonful of cornaieal. I missed Beck. Upon looking about, I found he had crawled upon the brick encasement Xo the engine boiler wlsere it was warm (evidently to die). Against his body lay this bone, as his share. I called to him but no reply. I took hold to arouse him only to find him almost gmie. I saw at once it was for lack of nourishment and the bone would notsuttice. I at once hastened to the engine room, pro- cured a cup, took one-third of my precious spoonful of meal and drew from the boiler hot water, making a gruel (no salt). I roused him and almost forced him to take it, he seemingly unconscious of what T was doing. This I repeated three times and my precious meal was gone, but Beck was saved. The morning brought us to rations and back to life. These are the ties that bound us, the severance of which causes me to mourn as for a brother. The Father has said, it is enough, come up higher. Died at Waverly, Iowa, May 27, 1904: aged sixty-six 3'ears. 84 EIGHTH fJKlNIOX Obituaru of Licit. J. E. Simpson. As we are about closing the publication of our pamplet comes the sad news of the death of Comrade Simpson, of Co. G., at Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 23, 1904, of cancer of the stomach. Interment at Decorah, Iowa, Sept. 26. Services befitting the occasion were held in the M. E. church attended by a large concourse of people. The last funeral rites were performed at the grave by the members of Col. Hughes Post of Deco- rah, of which Comrade Simpson was a charter member and to which he clung as his home post. In the death of Lieut. Simpson the members of the I2th lose one of their most congenial comrades, his dear wife and son one of the kindest of husbands and fathers. His genial personality, generous good nature and sympathetic qualities made him a delightful companion and faithful father. His friendships were warm and lasting and he will be mourned by a far-reaching circle of loving friends and comrades. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Sec. Later — Lieut. Simpson's wife died, a week later, of paralysis, brought on by care of her husband during his illness. G. E. C. Special Mention. I take this opportunity to make special mention and return thanks on behalf of the Regiment, to Henry H. Kitson, of Boston, Mass., de- signer and sculptor of the Iowa Memorial monument for Vicksburg Park for his kindness and courtesy in giving us the photograph of his beauti- ful work, (before its completion) to be erected in the near future. To Edmund H. Prior, of Postville, Iowa, designer, sculptor and contractor of the Regimental and Brigade monuments, at the Vicksburg Park, for the use of his half tone cut of our Brigade monument. It is said "the rain falls on the just and on the unjust." Hence we would also return thanks to E. C. Kropp, of Milwaukee, Wis., for his selfish, penuriousness and unpatriotic cussedness, in refusing to loan us the use of his half tone cut of the Iowa State Monument at Shiloh, hav- ing been assisted to obtain the same by one of our own members: for, by so doing, by "eternal vigilance" "which is the price of liberty," we have secured one of our own. To all the railroads in Iowa, and especially the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul and Rock Island System for rates and special accommodations. To C. F. Paine & Co., publishers, and all the oftice force. Too much cannot be said of them for the interest manifested, kindness, courteous treatment, patience exercised (even beyond the limit); in the excellence of the work, as well as the very reasonable terms of their contract. We are fully satisfied. G. E. CoMSTOCK, Secretary. TWELFTH IOWA 85 Addenda. Comrades: — The long looked for and almost forgotten Reunion Pamphlet is about to appear. Thinking perhaps this might, and in all probability will be the last, I have spared no pains or expense to make it worthy of the cause it represents, as well as of one of the very best Regiments that went to the front in 61, returning in 66. Victorious 'tis true, but all along through the years, our pathway is marked by the graves of our beloved comrades, on battlefield, in prison and hospital, many buried in unknown graves, all, that "our coun- try might be one and inseparable." My personal duties have been fully all that I should care for. The extra work this has brought me, has borne upon me heavily until at times, it has seemed impossible to finish. Being separated so far from the other members of the committee has made consultation almost im- possible. Hence, whatever of criticism, defects or errors, appear, charge them up to the "Committee of the Whole House," your humble Secretary. The embellishment of our phamplet with half tone cuts of our high- ly esteemed and honored friend and comrades, Gov. Larrabee, Speaker Henderson, and our beloved Col. "Jack" Stibbs, as well as the State, Regimental and Brigade monuments, on the Battlefields of Shiloh and Vicksburg, the Lincoln monument and Henderson statue make it, (for those interested,) a Souvenir and to us a cherished memory of the past, as well. By "eternal perseverance" mixed with j^^ood, honest toil, we have been able to bring forth this "Thing of beauty" and I hope "a joy forever." It is the intention to send a pamphlet to every surviving member of our regiment. If you see this, and don't receive one, send me your address. To all who have contributed to the publishing fund, this is free. Also to all who feel they cannot afford it. To cover the extra expense of our cuts and postage, it will be necessary to charge forty cents per copy. We desire that widows, sons and daughters of deceased members shall have a copy. After these are served, if any remain, they will be on sale to the interested public, at same price. Order from G. E. CoMSTOCK, Secretary, Fayette, Iowa. Died Oct. 28, 1904, Christian Thorn, Co. F., at Waverly, Iowa. On page 24, 6th line, five days instead of fine days. V LBJe"06