Class Jljfi3__ Book •£?Ml AMERICAN ELOQUENCE: A COLLECTION OF .§pctd]cs itnlr liihtssts 1)11 tl)t most €m\mi (^xulm at gnuritit. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND ILLUSTRATIVE KOTES. By FRANK MOORE. This work furnishes, in a convenient and pojjular form, a library edition of the most cele- hrated Speeches of some of the principal Orators and Statesmen of America. Many of these Bpeeches have not been included in any previous collection, and have been inaccessitle to the general reader. Beside a great variety of Miscellaneous Addresses and Speeches, there are here presented specimens of the eloquence of the Continental Congress,-^ and selections from the discussions in the State Conventions, on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, which will render the book peculiarly acceptable to the student of American History. Its plan may be briefly stated. A short, but complete Biographical Notice is given of each Orator, and this is followed by specimens of his eloquence, the whole enriched with valuable Historical and Explanatory Notes. An important feature of the work is the introduction of the portraits of fourteen of the most eminent of our Orators. Selections from the eloquence of Red Jacket and Tecumseh are also given, and, to complete its usefulness, a thorough analytical Index is added to the work. That such a book is wanted will be universally allowed ; and it is confi- dently hoped that these volumes may supply that want, and that they may furnish to all, who would listen to the elo_quence of otb'-r ■"• s, ' " "^- ' ■ '• ■♦'■ s ' 'r'-ing scenes of our coun- try's history, a source of gratifif- ■ ■.,- ' <■ .'.; iuBtr v. .i '^. and ennobling. The work is comprised in tico vohn /: '. .""f' ? : -7 res. Fourteen portraits engraved on steel, from or"."aal plcti e Price IN Cloth, s^) , :. ■.-.akv Styi "^ ' -' ; Half Calf, SS. (Among many oth •ed, and •er-'l iieir na ac.i have already entered >i ■ S ; ec. 7, ' 57. I Mij Dear Sir — '^ was- su , er to set youfl work on American Eloquence, that I becaoi' the owner of a copy almost on the very day ofi its pubhcation. And now I have to thank jou for the beautiful volumes which you have been so good as to send me, and which I shall doubly] value for their intrins-ic merit, and as the evi dence of your good will. They came to me as a rich gallery of mental portraits, and I think you have done well in selecting so many speeches that are of the utmost political and historical interest. With my best thanks, I am ever, dear Sir, very truly yours, GEO. BANCROFT. Fraxk Moore, Esq. New York, Dec. 11, 1857. My Dear Sir — Permit me to congratulate you upon yovir success in your new and very valuable work upon "American Eloquence." It will supply a place in our libraries lilled by no other book. Every student of our country's annals, and every lover of true oratory, has reason to thank j'Ou for a collection so copious and instructive — so replete with specimens ol the noblest eloquence, and with interesting facts in the lives of men who have made our history. I am, my dear Sir, yours truly, ri!A.\K MooKE. E. H. CHAPIX. • -■! the yji'ludelphia Press, 'u -'d. mes we read by a new light ! .istory of Ib.i nation." From the St. Louis Democrat. "There has been no work issued from the American press for a number of years that will be received with so much gratification, and prove of such inestimable value to the admirers of the forensic and parliamentary eloquence of our countrymen, as these two important vol- umes." From the Blorning Times. " To the student of political history, this work must prove invaluable, especially as a full analytical index is added to it." From the Phil. Evening Bulletin. "Like Motley's Dutch History, it is a book which will at once take classic rank, and be referred to as a standard authority by the first scholars." From the Boston Transcript. " The selections have been chosen with great research and discrimination ; the biographies are written with brevity, yet completeness ; and the engi-avings are the most authentic and life like imaginable." Published by D. APPLETON & CO., 346 & 348 Broadway, N. Y. B:^Follett, Foster & Co., Agents for Ohio, to whom applications for agencies should be addressed. THE EXILES OE ELOEIDA BY JOSHUA R. GIDDINGS. ILLUSTRATED WITH SIX FINE ENGRAVINGS. One Volume. 12mo. 338 pp. This work portrays, with eminent ability, the crimes committed by our Government against the Maroons who fled from South Carolina and other Slave States, seeking protection under Spanish laws. It also shows the bad faith exercised toward the Indians of Florida, and presents a true view of the long-fought FLORIDA WAR. The object of the work is to operate upon the political morality of the country, by calling forth the sympathies and moral feelings of the people ; and its condemnation of the tyranny of the Executive and its supporters, should commend it to the attention of every American citizen. The long and distinguished services, high personal character, and known ability of the writer, will be a sufficient guaranty of its merits. The Washington correspondent of the New York Evening Post, who examined some of the advance sheets, says : " I have examined it with pleasure and instruction. The work will prove a valuable history of important events which will undoubtedly be passed over by those who claim to be the historians of the country, either in consequence of the ' peculiar institution ' which it concerns, or because they have not the facilities for acquiring information on the sub- ject. To any other man than Mr. Giddings, the subject of the Spanish Maroons or Seminole slaves would become complex and remote. Per- haps there has been no subject which he has more thoroughly investi- gated in the course of his public duties, nor any that he comprehends better than this. The book will cover a vast deal of important infor- mation beside that of which it is the special object of the author to treat. The character of Osceola, as delineated by the pen of 'Mr.. Gid- dings, is grand to contemplate. His parentage, marriage, romantic life and noble death, make up a most thrilling and instructive chapter in the work ; and while the whole is produced in the usually earnest, clear and concise style of the author, it is also beautified with a romance more charming than can be gathered from the world of fiction." l^° Agents Wanted in every County in the United States. ^^ FOLLETT, FOSTER & CO., Publishers, Journal Buildings, Columbus, 0. HDEX TO AWiEKlxoUb bllLlEL .; -' lUy X>. iIlUiLt-1', ^^lUgo Uiid.ilnJi ' ;. M. Williapis & Co., Carriage M, ■. H. Smith, IlKts, Caps, and Stra\ ! . G. ILimiuan, Boots, Shoe?, etc ...... \. B. JIarple, Drug? and Medicine- :\(!vr-York Fancy Dry (roods Store ?/j'. C;]dids, Clothing 'Si' le ..... . il. & A. H. Sell^^, Staple and Jbancv jry ^. T\Tr-.. A. IT. S'-ll., ^•'■':rr:'V C\ooCl> , .;. C. Woods, I'lujiu uiail jlubic biOj.0. . . >St. Clair & Scott, Stovfis an- '""•! "Wm-; .!- II Tliloy& Co., Book }r Vj Ii ,'s Daguerre.'in Gallery , 1'oiie.t, V'jsier & Co., Journal of Buur;: "Blynn & Baldwins V\'atphes, .Jewelry, eti 5 3 r/2 o < in HISTOEY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY: A COLLECTION OF EEMINISCENCES OF THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY ; Stojntjijiral Slutr^f^/ AND A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE COUNTY TO THE PRESENT TIME. rX BY WILLIAM T. MARTIN. COLUMBUS: PUBLISHED BY FOLLETT, FOSTER & COMPANY 1858. PREFACE. It is tlie design of this Work to preserve for the peo- ple of Franklin County an imperishable record of its early history — now existing only in the memory of the more aged settlers, and in scattering and detached papers and records, which are every year wasting away. To write the history of a single county, may to some appear like a very small business ; while to others it is considered very desirable that some one should do so in every county. How else are the names and memory of our early settlers and friends to be preserved? And who is there that would not be pleased to look back, or to have his children look back, upon some record of his early days, and of departed friends? And how else should strangers, settling among us, so readily obtain a knowledge of our institutions and public characters, as by some such local publication ? It has been the writer's object in this compilation, to give a correct statement of all events worthy of remem- IV PREFACE. brance, with their proper dates, so as to form a book of ready reference, such as will be convenient and inter- esting to all residents of the county. For this purpose, he has relied upon public records and documents, where they could be obtained ; and in all other cases, upon the best information that could be derived from early and intelligent settlers of the city and county, aided by his own personal knowledge* It is but a little over sixty years since the first settle- ment was commenced — more than two-thirds of that time the writer has been a resident of the county. Over twenty years ago, while on terms of intimacy and daily intercourse with some of the very first settlers, he compiled a small pamphlet entitled "Franklin County Register," a few copies of which were printed; and which may be considered as the basis of this work. In that way he obtained and preserved the recollections of those pioneer friends. And now, as some of the matter contained in these pages has heretofore appeared in different prints, to avoid the charge of plagiarism, it is but necessary to say, that when Mr. Wheeler published his map of Frank- lin County, in 1842, he accompanied it with a very small pamphlet, historical and descriptive of the county, which was taken wholly from the Franklin County Register, without giving credit ; and when Mr. Howe published PREFACE. V his " Historical Collections of Ohio," in 1847, he copied from Wheeler's pamphlet, and gave credit to it. It may not be amiss, also, to add that the " Brief History of Columbus," accompanying Mr. Armstrong's '' Columbus Business Directory," published in 1843, was also pre- pared by the writer hereof, which may be an apology for the free use of it in this work. To suppose that this publication contains no errors or omissions, would be folly in the extreme. But the wri- ter has labored assiduously to have it as free from errors as possible. And to those who have kindly rendered him assistance in the collection of facts, he tenders his grateful acknowledgments. W. T. MARTIN. Columbus, May, 1858. HISTORY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. CHAPTER I. FROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT UNTIL THE ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY, IN 1S03. The first settlement of the territory now composing the county of Franklin, was commenced in the year 1797, while we were yet under the Territorial Govern- ment, and in the County of Ross. In the year 1796, or early in '97, Lucas Sullivan t, from Kentucky, then a young man, with his corps of chain-carriers, markers, etc., engaged in the surveying of lands and locating warrants, in the Virginia Military District, west of the Scioto ; and in the month of Au- gust, 1797, he laid out the town of Franklinton. To encourage the settlement of the place, he appropriated the lots on a certain street, which he named " Gift street," as donations to such as would improve them and become actual settlers thereon. The settlement of the town was soon commenced. Among the first set- A HISTORY OF tiers, were Joseph Dixon, George Skidmore, John Brick- ell,* Robert Armstrong, Jeremiah Armstrong,* William Domigan, James Marshal, the Deardurfs, the McElvains, the Sells, John Lisle and family, William Fleming, Jacob Grubb, Jacob Overdier, Arthur O'Harra, Joseph Foos, John Blair and John Dill, the latter from York County, Pennsylvania. About the year 1801, Mr. Sullivant having married, settled in his new town ; and soon after, Lyne Starling and Robert Russell, and about the same time, Colonel Robert Culbertson, from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, arrived, with his numerous family of sons, sons-in-law and daughters, both married and unmarried. He was a man of some wealth and distinction, and the first year after his arrival, he was elected a Representative to the General Assembly for the County of Ross. At the first settlement of the county the Indians were numerous, but friendly, it being some two or three years after Wayne's Treaty ; they were principally of the Wyandot tribe, some Dela wares, and a fevv Mingoes. In front of where the Penitentiary now stands, they had an encampment, with their usual wigwams ; another on the west bank of the Scioto, near where the Harrisburg bridge is now erected over the river; and they had * See Chaps. IX and X, for narrative of Brickell's and Armstrong's captivity. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 6 for years raised corn in what was afterward known as Sullivant's Prairie. There was also another encamp- ment of this kind two or three miles further down the river. Agreeably to tradition, about the time Lord Dun- more's army was in Pickaway County, prior to the treaty at which Logan's celebrated speech was delivered, a party from Dunmore's army pursued and overtook a party of Indians at, or near, this second named encamp- ment, and a skirmish ensued in which the Indians were defeated, with the loss of two or three men and a squaw. It is said that Captain Minter, afterward of Delaware County, and also jNIr. John Huffman, formerly of Frank- lin County, were of the pursuing party.* Next, after the settlement at Franklinton, was a few families on Darby, near w^here Mr. SuUivant laid out his town of North Liberty, and a scattering settlement along Alum Creek. This was probably about the sum- mer of 1799. Among the first settlers on Alum Creek, were Messrs. Turner, Nelson, Hamilton, Agler and Reed. * lu '•'■ Howe's Historical Collections" an account is given of this skirmish somewhat variant from this, in which he says : — " One of the whites saw two squaws secrete themselves in a large hollow tree ; and when the action was over, they drew them out, and carried them captive to Virginia. This tree (he says) was alive, and standing on the west bank of the Scioto, as late as 1845." All a mistake. 4 HISTORY OF About the same time improvements were made near the mouth of Gahannah (formerly called Big Belly) ; and the settlements thus gradually extended along the principal water-courses. In the meantime, Franklinton was the point to which emigrants first repaired to spend some months, or perhaps years, prior to their permanent location. In 1803, a settlement was commenced gbout where the town of Worthington now stands, by a company, said to number forty families, from Connecticut and Massa- chusetts, known by the name of the " Scioto Company^'' under the agency of Colonel James Kilbourne, who had the preceding ^^ear explored the country, and selected this situation for them. They purchased here half a township, or eight thousand acres of land, all in one body,'-' upon which, in May, 1804, Colonel Kilbourne, as agent for the company, laid out the town of Worthing- ton ; and in August, 1801, the whole half township being handsomely laid out into farm lots, and a plat thereof recorded, they, by deed of partition, divided the same amongst themselves, and so dissolved the company. The parties and signers to this deed of partition, Avere James Allen, David Bristol, Samuel Beach, Alexander Morrison, Ebenezer Street, Azariah Pinney, Abner P. * They also purchased tvro quarter townships unconnected with this. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 5 Pinney, Levi Pinney, Ezra Griswold, Moses Andrews, John Topping, Josiali Topping, Nathan Stewart, John Gould, James Kilbourne, Jedediah Norton, Russel Atwa- ter, Ichabod Plum, Jeremiah Curtis, Jonas Stanbery, Lemuel G. Humphrey, Ambrose Cox, Joel Mills, Glass Cochran, Alexander Morrison, jr., Thomas T. Phelps, Levi Buttles, Levi Hays, Job Case, Roswell Wilcox, William Thompson, Samuel Sloper, Nathaniel Little, Lemuel Kilbourn, Israel P. Case, Abner Pinney, and William Yining. For several years there was no mill nor considerable settlement nearer than the vicinity of Chillicothe. In Franklinton, the people constructed a kind of hand-mill, upon which they generally ground their corn; some pounded it, or boiled it, and occasionally a trip was made to the Chillicothe mill. About the year 1799 or 1800, Robert Balentine erected a poor kind of mill on the run near Gay street, on the Columbus plat ; and, near the same time, Mr. John D. Rush erected an infe- rior mill on the Scioto, a short distance above Franklin- ton. They were, however, both poor concerns, and soon fell to ruins. A horse-mill was then resorted to, and kept up for some time ; but the first mill of any consid- erable advantage to the county, was erected by Colonel Kilbourne, near Worthington, about the year 1805. b HISTORYOF About tlie same time, Carpenter's mill, on Whetstone, in what is now Delaware County, and D^^er's, on Darby, w^ere erected. About one year probably after the first settlement of Franklinton, a Mr. James Scott opened the first small store in the place, which added much to the convenience of the settlers. And as early as 1803, Ave find that our old and respected townsman, Robert Russell, Esq., w^as engaged in merchandizing in Franklinton. During the first years of the settlement it was ex- tremely sickly — perhaps as much so as any part of the State. For a few of the first years, the fever and ague prevailed so generally in the fall seasons as to totally discourage many of the settlers ; so that they would, during the prevalence of the disease, frequently resolve to abandon the country and remove back to the old set- tlements. But on the return of health; the prospective advantages of the country ; the noble crops of corn and vegetables ; the fine range for stock, and the abundance of wild game, deer, turkeys, etc., with which the country abounded — all conspired to reanimate them, and en- courage them to remain another year. And so on, year after year, many of the first settlers were held in con- flict of mind, unable to determine whether to remain or abandon the country ; until the enlargement of their improvements or possessions, the increasing convenien- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 7 ces and improvements of the country, together with the foct that the seasons had become more healthy, deter- mined them generally to remain. Although sickness was so general, deaths were comparatively few, the dis- ease of the country being principally ague — or so it was called. There was the shaking ague, and what is now familiarly termed chills and fever, which was then called the dumb agiie. CHAPTER II. FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF TOE COUNTY UNTIL THE LAYING OUT OF COLUMBUS IN 1812. Organization of County and Boundaries — Division into four Town- ships — U. S. M. Lands — V. M. Lands — Refugee Lands — Congress Lands — First Post Route and Mail Carrier — Col. McEl- vain's Letter — First Court House and Jail — Court Journal — First Election in the County and Poll Book — Delaware County erected in 1808 — Dates, etc., of the present Townships — Further Extracts from Court Journal — Execution of Leatherlips. In 1803, {he County of Franklin was stricken off from Ross, and organized. The act creating the new county, was passed March 30th, 1803, to commence and take effect from and after the 30th of April, 1803. The bounds are described as follows : " Beginning on the western boundary of the twentieth range of townships east of the Scioto River, at the corner of sections Nos. 24 and 25 in the 9th township of the 21st range, sur- veyed by John Matthews, thence west until it intersects the eastern boundary line of Greene County, thence north with said line until it intersects the State line, thence eastwardly with the said line to the north-west FRANKLIN COUNTY. 9 corner of Fairfield County, thence with the Avestern boundary line of Fairfield to the point of beginning." That is, bounded on the east by nearly our present line, south by a line near the middle of what is now Picka- way County, on the west by Greene County, and on the north by Lake Erie. The creation of the county of Delaware in 1808, reduced our northern boundary to its present line ; the creation of the county of Pickaway in 1810, reduced our southern boundary to its present limits; the creation of Madison in 1810, and of Union in 1820, reduced our western limits to the boundaries represented by Wheeler's County Map, published in 1842 ; but subsequently, b}'- an act of the Legislature passed the 4th of March, 1845, our western boundary was changed by making Darb}^ Creek the line from the north-west corner of Brown to the north line of Pleasant Township, as represented by Foote's Map of 1856 ; and by an act passed the 27th of January, 1857, entitled "An act to annex a part of Licking County to the County of Franklin," there were nine half sections taken from the sonth-west corner of Licking, and attached to Franklin. This occasions the jog in the eastern line of Truro Town- ship, as represented on the maps. Then at the session of 1850-51, a range of sections, being a strip one mile in width and six miles in length, including the town of Winchester, was taken from Fairfield County and 10 HISTORYOF attached to the east side of Madison township, in Frank- lin County, as represented on Foote's Map. The county is now in nearly a square form, and is twenty-two and a half miles in extent north and south, and would prob- ably average a trifle over that from east to west. There are four several denominations of land in this county. They are designated the United States Military Lands, Virginia Military Lands, Refugee Lands, and Congress Lands. The townships of Plain, Jefferson, Mifflin, Blendon, Sharon, Clinton and Perry, are within the United States Military District ; the townships of Montgomery and Truro, in the Refugee tract ; the town- ships of Hamilton and Madison, in the Congress Lands, so called; and all the other townships (west of the Scioto) are in the Virginia Military District. The United States Military Lands, are so called from the circumstance of their having been appropriated by an act of Congress in 1796, to satisfy certain claims of the officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War. These lands were surveyed by Government into townships of five miles srjuare, and then into quarter townships of two and a half miles square, containing four thousand acres each. Some of the quarter townships, however, were subsequently divided into lots of one hundred acres each, for the accommodation of those soldiers holding one hundred acre w^arrants. The fourth, or south-east quar- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 11 ter, of Plain Township, and a strip in Perry Township, bordering on the river, are thus hiid out into one hundred acre lots. And again, after satisfying the claims for which these four thousand acre tracts were designed, there appears to have been a surplus of land, which w^as then laid out by Government into sections of six hundred and forty acres, and sub-divided into quarter sections of one hundred and sixty acres, and disposed of as other Congress lands. Of this description are quarters one and two (or north half) of Plain Township. These original surveyed townships of live miles square, when divided into quarters, are numbered thus, (the top being considered north,) and are most properly designated as first quarter, second quarter, etc., in township No. — , range — , but sometimes in conveyances, they are called sections, and very commonly so in conversation, as the Rathhone sec- tion, the Stevenson section, the Bricn section, etc., which in the minds of some may create confusion, as a section, in Congress Lands, is well known to contain six hundred and forty acres, wdiile one of these quarter townships (or sections, if we so call them,) contains four thousand acres. The Virginia Military District in Ohio, comprises the lands between the Scioto and Little Miami Rivers ; and when the State of Virginia, in 1783, ceded to the United 2 1 3 I 4 12 HISTORY OF States all her right of soil and jurisdiction to all the tract of country she then claimed north-west of the Ohio River, it Avas provided that the " Virginia troops of the Continental establishment " should be paid their legal bounties from these lands. The patent to the soldier or purchaser of these lands, as well as of all other Ohio lands, is derived from the General Government. This District is not surveyed into ranges and townships, or any regular form, and hence the irregularity in the shapes of the townships, as established by the county commissioners, for civil purposes ; but any individual holding a Virginia Military Land Warrant, might locate it wherever he desired, within the district, and in such shape as he pleased, wherever the land had not been previously located. In consequence of this want of regular original survej^s, and the irregularities w^ith which many locations were made, and the consequent interference and encroachment of some locations upon others, fir more uncertainty and litigation has arisen relative to lines and titles in this district, than in any of the regularly surveyed districts. In conveyancing, the lands in this district are not designated by section or range, but as being within Original Survey iV'o. — . The Refugee Tract, (of which Montgomery and Truro Townships are a part,) is a narrow strip of country four and a half miles broad from north to south, and extend- FRANKLIN. COUNTY. 13 ing eastward from the Scioto River forty-eiglit miles. This tract was so called, from the circumstance that it was appropriated by Congress for the benefit of certain individuals from Canada and Nova Scotia, who espoused the cause of the American Colonies in the Revolutionary War. The lands in this tract were originally surveyed for Government into sections of six hundred and forty acres each, and numbered, by John Matthews and Ebe- nezer Buckingham, of Muskingum County, in 1799, but was subsequently divided into half sections, by Elnathan Scofield, of Fairfield County, in 1801, and re-numbered, and patents issued to the claimants for hajf sections, by these latter numbers. After satisfying all these refugee claims, the balance of these lands w^ere sold as other Congress Lands, by the original numbers. Hence, in conveyances, they are sometimes designated as part of section No. — , (giving the number,) sometimes as part of half section No. — , (an entirely different number,) and sometimes both numberings are given in the same conveyance. The Congress Lands (of which Hamilton and Madison Townships are a part) are so called, because they have not been set apart for any particular purpose, and they are sold to purchasers by the immediate officers of Gov- ernment, pursuant to the laws of Congress. These lands were surveyed by Government into townships of 14 H I S T R Y F six miles square, and then divided into sections of one mile square each, containing six hundred and forty acres, and then again these sections were subdivided into quarter sections or lots, of one hundred and sixty acres each. Although the territory is thus surve3^ed into townships, (so called,) yet in the formation of townships for civil or governmental purposes, the County Commis- sioners are not governed by these surveys, further than in their opinion public convenience may require. Hence, the organized civil townships are in many cases quite different in boundaries from the original surveyed town- ships, as in the two townships of Hamilton and Madison, the southern limits of each of which extend two miles, that is, two tiers of sections, farther south than the original surveyed townships of which they are princi- pally composed. These townships were originally sur- veyed into sections, by Matthews and Buckingham, in 1799. Prior to 1820, the government price of the public land was two dollars per acre, in jjayments. Since then, it has been established at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, payable on the entry of the land. For seven or eight j^ears after the first settlement of Franklinton, there was no post office nearer than Chilli- cothe, and when other opportunities did not offer, the people of the village would occasionally raise by con- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 15 tribution the means, and employ a man to go to the post office, (45 miles,) to carr^^ letters to be mailed for their distant friends, and to bring back such letters or papers as might be in the office for any of the Franklintonians. Col. Andrew McElvain, now of Logan County, Illinois, but for many years a prominent citizen of this county, was, when but a boy, the first mail carrier between Chil- licothe and Franklinton. The following interesting letter from the Colonel, is written with a clear recollec- tion on that subject, and it also covers nearly the whole ground of the first settlement of the county. It is dated " West Point Grove, Logan County, Illinois, Nov. 30, 1856." He says: "I emigrated with my father to Ohio (from Kentucky) in the spring of 1797. We remained at Chillicothe that summer. The fall or win- ter of 1797-8, a family by the name of Dixon, was the first white family settled at Franklinton, then called the Forks of Scioto. That winter several others arrived there — Armstrongs, Skidmores, Dear- durfs, Dunkin, Stokes and Balentine ; early in the spring, McElvains, Hunters, Stevens, Browns, Cowgills, and Benjamin White. The first meal-making establishment in Franklinton, was erected by Samuel McElvain — that was a hominy block — a hole burned in a stump, with a sweep so fixed that two men could pound corn into meal ; the sifter was a deer skin stretched over a hoop, with small holes made therein by a small hot iron ; and that block mill supplied the first settlement of Franklin County. Our family helped to raise the first corn raised in the county by the whites. Next was a hand mill erected by Rogers. The first water mill was erected by Robert Balentine, on a small stream near Hayden's Factory, on the town plat of Columbus. There was also a small distillery erected near Ridgway's Foundry, by one White, where the first rot-gut whiskey was distilled. The same Benjamin 16 H I S T R Y F White was the first appointed sheriff of said county. Afterward, a man by the name of Rush, erected a mill on the Scioto, below the present dam of the Sullivant Mill. The salt used by the village, was manufactured at a salt spring three or four miles below the village — perhaps on the White farm — and I think Deardurf was the salt maker — but not proving profitable, it was soon abandoned. In the summer of 1805, the first mail contract was taken by Adam Hosac — he being Contractor and Postmaster. The route then was on the west side of the Scioto. A weekly mail left Franklinton each Friday, stayed over night at Markly's Mill, on Darby Creek, next day made Chillicothe, and returned to Thompson's, on Deer Creek, thence home on Sunday. When the route was first established, there was no post office between Franklinton and Chillicothe, but during the first winter, there was one established at Westfall, now in Pickaway County, afterward one at Markly's Mill, about that time changed to Hall's Mill. I was the first appointed carrier, and did carry the first mail to Franklinton, and M'as employed in that business about one year, during the winter and spring having twice to swim Darby and Deer Creek, carrying the small mail bag on my shoulders I commenced carrying the mail at thirteen years old. There was not a house but William Brown's, on Big Run, between Franklinton and Darby, and but a cabin at Westfall and Deer Creek, to Chillicothe. It was rather a lonesome route for a boy. . . There was no regular mail to Worthington, but their mail matter was taken up by a young man employed as clerk in a store — I think Mr. Matthews. Truly yours, "W. T. Maktix, Esq. A. McELVAIN." By an act passed April 16, 1803, it was made the duty of the Associate Judges to lay out their counties into townships, and perform various other duties that are now performed by the County Commissioners, and to appoint certain officers that are now elected by the people. The records of these proceedings, on a few unbound sheets of paper, now thrown aside with the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 17 rubbish of the office, are in the handwriting of Lucas SuUivant ; and being interesting as part of our early history, are therefore copied verbatim. The regular courts for several years were held in hired rooms, until the Franklinton Court House was erected, in 1807-8 — Lucas Sullivant, contractor. A jail was sooner provided, as will be seen by the following minutes. The first jail was a small log building near where Captain White now lives. It was a temporary concern, and remained but a few years. About the same time that the court house was erected, a new brick jail- was also erected, a few rods north-east from the court house — Arthur O'Harra, contractor. These build- ings remained in use until the county seat was removed to Columbus, in 1824. The court house is still stand- ing, and used for a school house. " COURT JOURNAL. " At a meeting of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of Franklin County, at the temporary Seat of Justice of said county, in Franklinton, on Tuesday, the 10th day of May, 1803, — present, the Hon. John Dill, Chief Judge, David Jamison, and Joseph Foos, Esqrs., Associate Judges of the court aforesaid. Who, Laving taken their official seats, were attended by Lucas Sullivant, Clerk of the said Court of Common Pleas, and they then proceeded to lay off the said County of Franklin into townships, as required by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, entitled ' An act to reo-u- late the election of Justices of the Peace, and for other purposes,' in the following manner, to wit : 2 18 HISTORY OF " Ordered, that all that part of Franklin County contained within the following limits, to wit : Beginning at the forks of Darby Creek, that is, at the junction of what is called Treacles Creek with Darby Creek, running thence south to the line between the counties of Ross and Franklin ; thence east with said line until it intersects the Scioto Eiver ; thence up the same till it comes to a point one mile, on a straight line, above the mouth of Roaring Run ; and from thence to the point of beginning, do make and constitute the first township in Franklin County, and be called Franklin Township. " Ordered, that all that tract or part of Franklin County contained within the following limits and boundaries, to wit : Beginning on the west bank of the Scioto River, one mile, on a direct line, above the mouth of Roaring Run ; from thence, on a direct line, to the junction of Treacles Creek with Darby Creek, which is frequently called the forks of Darby ; thence south unto the line between the counties of Ross and Franklin; thence west with said line until it intersects the county line of Greene ; thence with the last mentioned line north, and from the point of beginning, up the Scioto to the northern boundaries of Franklin County, do make and constitute the second township in said county, and be called Darby Township. " Ordered, that all that tract or part of Franklin County contained in the following meets and boundaries, to wit : Beginning on the east bank of the Scioto River, at the point where the sectional line between the sections number eight and seventeen, in township four, and range twenty-two intersects the Scioto River ; thence east with the said sec- tional line until it intersects the line between the counties of Fairfield and Franklin ; thence south with the same to the line between the counties of Ross and Franklin ; thence west with the same until it intersects the Scioto River ; thence up the river to the point of begin- ning, to make and constitute the third township in Franklin County, and be called Harrison Township. " Ordered, that all that part of Franklin County contained within the following limits and boundaries, to wit : Beginning on the east bank of the Scioto River, at the intersection of the sectional line between the sections number eight and seventeen, in the fourth township and twenty- second range ; running thence with the said sectional line east, to the line between the counties of Fairfield and Franklin : thence north with FRANKLIN COUNTY. 19 said line, and from the point of beginning, with the Scioto, to the northerly boundary of Franklin County, do constitute and make the fourth Township in Franklin County, and be called Liberty Township. " Ordered, that in Franklin Township there be elected two Justices of the Peace, and that the electors hold their election for that purpose at the temporary place of holding courts for the county of Franklin, in Franklinton, on the twenty-first day of June next, as provided by law. " Ordered, that in Darby Township .there be elected one Justice of the Peace, and that the electors in said township hold their election for that purpose at the house of David Mitchell, in said township, on the twenty-first day of June nest, as provided by law. " Ordered, that there be elected in Harrison Township one Justice of the Peace, and that the electors in said township hold their election for that purpose at the house of Alexander Laughferty, on one Thomas Renixes' farm, in their said township, on the twenty-first day of June next, as provided by law. " Ordered, that there be elected in Liberty Township two Justices of the Peace, and that the electors hold their election for that purpose at the house of John Beaty, in said township, on the twenty-first day of June next, as provided by law. " Ordered, that this court be adjourned without day. "Test, LUCAS SULLIVANT, Clerk." Thus, this extensive county was originally divided into four townships, Franklin and Darby on the west side of the river, and divided by a line from a point a little south of Dublin, to the mouth of Treacles Creek ; and Harrison and Liberty on the east side, divided by an east and west line through near the middle of what is now Hamilton Township. At the elections above provided for, the following persons were elected the first Justices of the Peace in Franklin County, to wit : In Franklin ToAvnship, Zach- 20 HISTORY OF ariali Stephen and James Marshal; in Darby, Joshua Ewing ; in Harrison, William Bennett ; and in Liberty, Joseph Hunter and Ezra Brown. On the same day, an election was held for a Repre- sentative in Congress, being the first election for a mem- ber of Congress ever held in the State, the State being then entitled to but one member, and his term was to commence from the fourth of March preceding his elec- tion. Jeremiah Morrow was elected. The following are copies of the certificates and ab- stract of the votes in Franklin County, to wit : " On Monday, the 27th of June, 1803, in conformity to the 26th section of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, enti- tled 'An act to regulate elections,' I called to my assistance David Jamison and Joseph Foos, Esqrs., two of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, and proceeded to open and examine the poll-books returned to me as clerk of said county, from the different townships therein contained, and for a Representative in Congress, find the votes as thus stated, to wit : a.S- cu a.a^ 'r^ -C >^-a 9 -^ ^J3 " VJ 03 ^ i» b 'f> ^ C = t. a I- o H o 72 ^ o f^H H Michael Baldwin, - - 27 2 21 50 William IMcMiUan, - - 5 22 — 7 34 Elias Langham, - - - 25 — 19 — 44 Jeremiah Morrow, - - 2 — — —" 2 " In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and FRANKLIN COUNTY. 21 affixed the seal of the county aforesaid, this, the day and year above written. " LUCAS SULLIVANT, C. F. C. " We do hereby certify that the above statement of the election held on the 21st of this instant, in the County of Franklin, is a correct state- ment, as appears from the returns saade to the clerk's office, from the several townships in our said county. "Given under our hands this 27th of June, 1803. "DAVID JAMISON, "JOSEPH FOOS." Previous to our reduction of territory, in 1808, by the creation of Delaware County, the number of town- ships had increased to nine, but by the organization of Delaware County the number was reduced to the five following, to wit: Franklin, Sharon, Pleasant, Mont- gomery, and Hamilton — which have been divided and sub-divided until they now number eighteen — the names and dates of the establishment of which are as follows : Blendon, established 6th of March, 1815. Clinton, " 1st of July, 1811. Franklin, « 10th of May, 1803. Hamilton, " 9th of March, 1807. Jackson, « 6th of March, 1815. Jefferson, " 6th of September, 1816. Madison, « 4th of March, 1810. Mifflin, " 2d of September, 1811. Montgomery, " 9th of March, 1807. Norwich, " 7th of December, 1813. 22 HISTORY OF Perry, established 27th of June, 1820. Plain, " 4th of March, 1810. Pleasant, " 1st of July, 1807. Prairie, " 28th of December, 1819. Sharon, « 4th of March, 1816. Truro, " 4th of March, 1810. Washington, " 4th of March, 1810. Brown, " 3d of March, 1830. Further extracts from the Court Records : " At a meeting of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, on the 8th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three, present the Honorable John Dill, Esq., first Associate, and David Jamison, Esq., second Asso- ciate Judges of said Court. Ordered, that the rates of Tavern License in Franklinton be four dollars per annum. " Ordered, that a license be granted William Domigan, Sr., to keep tavern in his own house in Franklinton until the next Court of Com- mon Pleas for Franklin County, and afterward, until he can renew his license. " Ordered that license be granted Joseph Foos to keep a tavern at the house occupied by him in Franklinton for the accommodation of travelers until the next Court of Common Pleas for Franklin County, and afterward until the license can be renewed. " Adjourned without day. " Test, LUCAS SULLIVANT, Clerkr "At a session of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Franklin County, at the place of holding courts in Franklin- ton for the county aforesaid, on Thursday, the 8th of September, 1803, it being the first judicial day after the adjournment of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of the said County of Franklin — present John Dill, David Jamison and Joseph Foos, Gentlemen Associate Judges, aforesaid, who having assumed their official seats, and were attended by Lucas Sullivant, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, the fol- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 23 lowing proceedings were had, to wit : On the prayer of a petition signed by a number of signers as required by law, and who were citi- zens of this county, praying for a view of a road leading from the public square in Franklinton, out of said town on the Pickaway road, thence the nearest and best way to Lancaster, in Fairfield County, until it intersects the line between the counties aforesaid. Ordered, that the prayer of said petition be granted, and that John Brickell, Joseph Dickson and Joseph Hunter be appointed viewers of said road, who, or any two of them, shall view the ground aforesaid in this county and act in conjunction with the viewers that may be appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Fairfield County, on what point said road will cross the line between the counties aforesaid, to be on the nearest and best ground to be had from Franklinton to Lancaster. It is further ordered that Joseph Vance be appointed surveyor to attend the said viewers on the above described road, and that he make a survey and report thereof to our next January term. * " On the prayer of a petition signed by a number of freeholders and citizens of Franklin County, praying for a view of a road to lead from the north-east end of Gift street, in Franklinton, on as straight a direction as the situation of the ground will admit of a road, towards the town of Newark, in Fairfield County, so far as the line between the Counties of Franklin and Fairfield. The prayer aforesaid granted ; and ordered that Samuel McElvain, Elijah Fulton and Joseph Parks be appointed viewers, who, or any two of them, shall view said road in this county, and act in conjunction with viewers that may be appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Fairfield County, at what point on the line between said counties the road aforesaid shall cross, to be on the nearest and best ground from the point of beginning as aforesaid to the termination thereof. It is further ordered, that Samuel Smith be appointed surveyor to attend the said viewers and make a correct sur- vey of said road, and report the same to our next January term. * This road was made to cross the Scioto at the old ford below the canal dam, and pass through the bottom fields, (then woods,) to intersect what is now the Chillicothe road south of Stewart's Grove ; and continued to be the traveled road until after Columbus was laid out. Jacob Armitage kept the ferry over the river. 24 HISTORYOF " Ordered, that there be paid unto Jeremiah McLene,* who was appointed by the Legislature of the State of Ohio as one of the com- missioners to fix the permanent seat of justice in this county, (Frank- lin,) the sum of fifteen dollars. It being a compensation for his services as aforesaid six days, and his additional service in writing and circulating the notices as required by law. " Ordered, that there be paid unto James Ferguson, who was appointed one of the commissioners to fix the permanent seat of justice in this county, (Franklin,) the sum of twelve dollars, it being a com- pensation for his services as a commissioner aforesaid six days. " Ordered that there be paid out of the county treasury of Frank- lin unto William Creighton, who was appointed by the Legislature of the State of Ohio, one of the commissioners to fix and establish the permanent seat of justice in the County of Franklin, the sum of twelve dollars, it being the compensation allowed him by law for six days service as a commissioner aforesaid. * Gen. Jeremiah McLene died at Washington City on the 19th of March, 1837, aged 70 years. His sickness dated from his attendance at the inaugura- tion of Martin Van Buren, on the 4th of that month. He had just completed his second term in Congress. He was a native of Pennsylvania, and in early life emigrated from that State to the then Territory of Tennessee, where he was an intimate companion of General Andrew Jackson, for whom he always entertained a great partiality. He was subsequently a pioneer to the north-western Territory. In the early part of the present century, he settled in the infant town of Chillicothe, and was, while there, Sheriff of Ross County. Then, there and at Columbus together, he served twenty-one years in suc- cession as Secretary of State, and was a very popular State officer. He was a surveyor and fond of his compass and the business — Mas for a number of years county surveyor for Franklin County, and also city surveyor of Columbus. He was a man of remarkable plainness and familiarity of man- ners and charactei'. Although perfectly at ease in any company, he enjoyed himself equally as well in the society of the poorest laborers as with the highest dignitaries. He was emphatically the poor man's friend — always ready to accommodate with the use of his name or othoi-wise, and paid more security debts, and with less murmuring, than any one man of his time. As a characteristic of his plainness and economy, when on his dying bed, he called two of his friends to him and gave directions concerning his effects, and his death and burial. " Let my funeral," said he, " be conducted with the strictest economy." FRANKLIN COUNTY. 25 " On application of Morris Brown, lister of taxable property in Liberty Township, who having proved his service as required by law, it is ordered that he be allowed and paid out of the county treasury five dollars for four days service in taking the list aforesaid, and also two dollars and fifty cents for taking the enumeration, and the further sum of seventy-two cents for traveling to the seat of justice to make said returns. " Ordered, that a license be granted William Domigan, Sen., to keep a house of public entertainment in Franklinton, he having this day made application for that purpose, and produced a certificate of recom- mendation as required by law, to the satisfaction of the court. " Ordered, that a license be granted Joseph Foos to keep a house of public entertainment in Franklinton, he having this day made applica- tion for that purpose, and, as appeared to the satisfaction of the court, has been heretofore recommended as required by law. " Ordered, that there be allowed and paid to Joseph Foos, Esq., as follows : Four dollars expended by him in preparing for the reception of the Court of Common Pleas for Franklin County at September term, 1803 ; also the sum of one dollar and fifty cents expended by him in conveying the election box and a volume of the laws of the State to the house of election in Darby Township prior to the twenty-first of June, as required by law ; also the sum of three dollars paid by him to James Marshall, Esquire, for bringing from the printing office part of the number of volumes of laws of this State, as was allowed by law for Franklin County, and which was brought for the use of the different townships ; also the sum of two dollars which he paid for the election boxes made use of at the past elections in this county. " Ordered, that there be paid to John Blair, lister of taxable property in Franklin Township, the sum of six dollars and forty-nine cents, it being the compensation in full this day claimed by him before this court for his services in taking the list aforesaid, and also the list of enumeration in said township, and three miles mileage in making said return. "On the prayer of a petition signed by a number of citizens, house and freeholders of Franklin County, praying for the view of a road to lead from the public square in Franklinton to Springfield, in Greene County, to be on the straightest and nearest direction towards Spring- 26 HISTORY OF field as the nature of the ground and circumstances will admit of a good road, ordered that Thomas Morehead, Alexander Blair and George Skidmore be appointed viewers of said road, who, or any .two of them, shall view the same as far as the line between Franklin and Greene County, and make report to our January term next. It is further ordered that Captain John Blair be appointed surveyor to attend said viewers on the above premises, and survey said road, and return a fair plat or survey thereof as required by law, to our January session next. " Ordered, that Jacob Grubb be appointed County Treasurer for the County of Franklin. " Ordered, that four dollars be appropriated for the purpose of com- pleting the election boxes in this county, agreeably to the requisitions of law. " Ordered, that the copies of the laws passed at the last session of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio which were appropriated for the use of Franklin County, be distributed through said county on demand to the persons following, to wit : To Robert Culbertson, Representative, one copy ; to Zachariah Stephen and James Marshall, Justices of the Peace in Franklin Township, each one copy ; to Joshua Ewing, a Justice of the Peace in Darby Township, one copy ; to William Ben- nett, a Justice of the Peace of Harrison Township, one copy ; to Joseph Hunter and Ezra Brown, Justices of the Peace in Liberty Township, each one copy ; and one copy to be deposited at the house of election in each township; to the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, one ; to the Sheriff of the county, one copy ; to the constables in the several townships, each one copy; to the clerks of the several townships, each one copy; to the county Treasurer, one ; to tbe county Surveyor, one of the copies of the laws above mentioned, and the balance to lie in the Clerk's office until otherwise disposed of. " Ordered, that there be allowed for wolf and panther scalps as fol- lows, to wit : For every wolf or panther scalp any person shall kill under sis months old, one dollar ; for every wolf or panther that is above six months old, two dollars. The proceedings respecting any wolf or panther scalp to be particularly and pointedly regulated by the law passed by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives in General Assembly f)f the territory of the United States north-west of FRANKLIN COUNTY. 27 the River Obio, entitled, An act to encourage the killing of wolves and panthers, passed 9th of January, 1802 ; said law to be complied within every respect except the price given for scalps, which shall be as before mentioned in this order ; and the holders of any certificate for such scalps shall be paid out of the county treasury so soon as the tax for 1804 shall be be levied and collected, and not before." " At a session of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, held at the seat of justice in said county, on the 7th day of January, 1804 — present John Dill, Chief Judge, and David Jamison and Joseph Foos, Esquires, Associate Judges as afore said — a return of the view of road from Franklinton to Newark was made by the surveyor and viewers that were- appointed at September session, which return of survey and report were received and ordered to be recorded. " Ordered, that the supervisor in Liberty Township proceed to open said road thirty-three feet wide, and prepare and make it passable for loaded carriages or wagons. " A petition was presented by the Reverend James Kilbourne* and * Afterwards more familiarly known by the title of Colonel Kilbonrne. la early life the Colonel was regularly ordained a preacher in the Episcopal Church, and officiated in that capacity for some time ; but on entering public life, he resigned his clerical office. He was a native of New Britain, Connecti- cut, and was the projector and main agent in getting up the Scioto Company. He made his first trip of exploration to Ohio on behalf of the Company, in the spring of 1802, and after traveling over 1000 miles through the territory, on foot, he selected 16,000 acres of land for the Company, one half of which lies in a body where the town of Worthington was afterwards laid out. He returned in the fall to Connecticut, and in the spring of 1803, he led a part of the Com- pany to his new purchase. The rest soon followed. On the 5th of May, 1803, he cut the first tree on the new purchase. By the 4th of July, 1804, the little colony numbered about 100 persons, and they celebrated the national anniver- sary by Col. K. delivering an oration, and by the falling of seventeen large trees, (instead of firing so many cannon,) by way of national salute. The Col. was a man of ability, and a good deal of originality of thought, with a jovial, light-hearted disposition, and was very conspicuous and useful in the settle- ment of the county. The tabular part of this work will show many of the public stations to which he was called, and filled with credit and ability. He died at Worthington in the month of April, 1850, in the eightieth year of his 28 HISTORYOF others, praying for a view of a road to lead from Franklinton to the town of Worthington, from thence to the south boundary of the fifth tier of townships, etc. It is ordered, that the prayer of said petition be granted, and that Michael Fisher, Thomas Morehead and Samuel Flen- niken be appointed viewers, who, or any two of them, shall view and make report of the same. And it is further ordered that Joseph Vance be appointed surveyor to attend said viewers, and make a correct survey of the same and return it to this court. " It is further ordered that the prayer of the petition presented by the Reverend James Kilbourne and others, praying for a road to lead from the town of Worthington to intersect the road which leads from Franklinton to Newark, be granted on the conditions that the said petitioners defray at their own expense the viewing, surveying and opening the same. " It is further ordered, that Maj. "William Thompson, Ezra Griswold and Samuel Beach be appointed viewers of said road, and report the same to this court at their next session ; also, that the Reverend James Kilbourne be appointed surveyor, who shall attend said viewers, make a fair and correct survey, and return the same to this court at their next session. "On application of Ezra Griswold for license to keep a tavern in Liberty Township, he being recommended to the satisfaction of this court, and he also paying into the clerk's hands the tax required by law, it is ordered that license be granted him accordingly. " On application of Nathan Carpenter of Liberty Township for license to keep a house of public entertainment, he being recommended to the satisfaction of this court, and he having also paid into the bands of the clerk the tax required by law, it is ordered that license be granted him. " Usual Osbourn, having given bond with approved security for the collection of the county tax in Darby Township, it is ordered that he be appointed collector of the same. " Ordered, that Lucas Sullivant be appointed Recorder for the County of Franklin, -pro tempore, who shall proceed to provide the necessary books for the oflBce, who shall, if he is not continued per- manently, be paid by his successor the necessary costs of the same at FRANKLIN COUNTY. 29 the time of delivering up the records, etc., to his successor, which he shall do whenever a Recorder shall be permanently appointed. " Ordered that this court adjourn until Tuesday next. "Test, LUCAS SULLIV ANT, C/er/t." " Tuesday, January the 10th, 1804. The court met according to adjournment — present David Jamison and Joseph Foos, Esquires, two of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County. " On application of William Harper of Harrison Township, for license to keep a house of public entertainment, it is ordered that license be granted him, he having produced a certificate signed by a number of signers satisfactory to this court. " On application of Mrs. Elizabeth Whitaker, by petition for license to keep a house of public entertainment, which petition is signed with a number of signers satisfactory to this court, it is ordered that license be granted her. " Ordei'ed, that there be paid unto James Ewing, out of the treasury of Franklin County, the sum of eight dollars and seventy-five cents, it being the compensation due to him for seven days services in taking the list of taxable property and the enumeration of white males in Darby Township for the year 1803. " Ordered, that there be paid unto Adam Hosack, Sheriff of this county, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for summoning the grand jury for January term, 1804. " Ordered, that there be a jail built immediately for the use of this county, on the following plan, to wit : Of logs twelve feet long and eighteen inches diameter, with two sides hewed so as to make a face of eight inches, and to be let down dovetailing so as to make the logs fit close together ; to be seven feet at least, between the lower and upper floors, which floor is to be of timbers of like thickness, with three sides hewed so as to let them lie entirely close, and to be smooth on the face of the lower floor, and the upper floor to show an even face in like manner on the lower side, and to have two rounds of logs at least, of like timbers above the upper floor ; then to have a cabin roof well put on, a door cut out two feet eight inches wide and prepared in a work- manlike order, to hang the shutter of the door, which shutter is to be made in a strong and sufficient and workmanlike manner of plank two 30 HISTORYOF inches thick. There is to be two windows, eight inches by ten inches •wide, made in said prison house, which windows are to be secured by two bars of iron one inch square sufficiently let in, in each window, the corners closely sawed or cut down. " Ordered that this court be adjourned without day. ••Test, LUCAS SULLIVANT, Clerks "■ At a session of the Associate Judges of the Court of Ccmmon Pleas of Franklin County, begun and held at Franklinton, in the county aforesaid, on Thursday the 15th of March, 1804. Present David Jamison and Joseph Foos, Esqrs., two of the Associate Judges of said county. " Was presented the report of Thomas Morehead and Samuel Flen- niken, who were appointed viewers at a session of said court held on Saturday, the 7th of January, 1804, of a road leading from Franklin- ton to the town of Worthington, from thence to the south boundary of the fifth tier of townships, together with the plat of survey of said road made by Joseph Vance in compliance of said order, which report and survey was received and ordered to be recorded. " It is ordered that the supervisor in Liberty Township proceed to open said road and make it passable for loaded wagons. " The report of Ezra Griswold, William Thompson and Samuel Beach, who were appointed viewers of a road to lead from Worthington to intersect the road which leads from Franklinton to Newark, together with the survey of the same made by James Kilbourne in compliance of the order of review, was presented and received, and ordered to be recorded. " Adjourned." " At a session of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, began and held in Franklinton, on Saturday, March 24, 1804, — present, John Dill, David Jamison, and Joseph Foos, Associate Judges of said court. " The report of Thomas Morehead and George Skidmore, the viewers appointed by an order granted at September term, 1803, to view a road from Franklinton to Springfield, in Greene County, reported that they had viewed and marked out said road as far as Darby Creek, on as good ground as the nature of circumstances would admit, and which PRANKLIN COUNTY. 31 tbey considered to be of public utility. It is therefore ordered that the report of said viewers of the aforesaid road, so far as it is viewed, be received and recorded as such, and that the supervisor proceed to open said road thirty-three feet wide, and make it passable for loaded wagons. " Ordered, that there be paid to Joseph Parks and Samuel McElvain, each, three dollars out of the county treasury, for three days services in viewing of a road from Franklinton to Newark. " Ordered, that there be paid unto David Pugh and John Hoskins, each, two dollars and a quarter out of the county treasury, for three days services in carrying the chain on the view of the road from Frank- linton to Newark. " Ordered, that there be paid to Samuel Smith four dollars and fifty cents,. for three days services in surveying the road from Franklinton to Newark, as per return of survey. *' Ordered, that there be paid out of the county treasury to Lucas Sullivant, eighty dollars, for the building of the jail, in Franklinton, for the county. " Ordered, that Lucas Sullivant be appointed surveyor, to attend the viewers of the road from Franklinton to Springfield, and to survey and return a plat thereof of that part which has not been viewed. "Ordered, that there be paid unto John Dill, Esq., eight dollars out of the county treasury, cash by him advanced to purchase a lock for the jail of Franklin County. "Adjourned. "LUCAS SULLIVANT, Clerir 111 the years 1805-6-7-8-9, a large number of re- spectable and substantial families were added to the infant county, amongst whom were the Miners,"^' — Isaac * Isaac Miner, afterward known by the title of Judge Miner, remov- ed from the State of New York to Franklinton, Ohio, in 1806 or '7, but he was a native of 3Iassachusetts. Jeremiah, his brother, came the next year. They resided in Franklinton some one or two years, and from thence removed to Deer Creek, in Madison County, where they went largely and successfully into the grazing, feeding and driving 32 HISTORY OF and Jeremiah — Samuel White and sons, the Stewarts, the Johnstons, the Weatheringtons, the Shannons, the Stambaughs, the Ramseys, the Mooberries, the Sharps, the Deckers, the Rarys, the Ohnsteds, the Kiles, Jacob Gander, Percival Adams, John Swisher, George W. Williams, and others. From 1805 to 1811 or '12, a number of young men located in Franklinton, who grew up with the county, and became wealthy and conspicuous ; amongst whom were Gustavus Swan, R. W. McCoy, * Doctor L. Good- of stock. After a number of years, they purchased and removed to the large and valuable farm — late known as the " Miner farm," — near Columbus; where the Judge died in the fall of 1831, aged 53 years. He was an energetic business man, and successful in its pursuits. Jeremiah lived a bachelor, and died at an advanced age, at Sandusky, Wyandot County, in the spring of 1854, and was brought to Green Lawn Cemetry (on the old Miner farm) for interment. He was an honest, independent minded man, somewhat eccentric in his character, as evinced by the epitaph on his tomb stone. * Mr. McCoy died on the 16th of January, 1856, in the seventieth year of his age. He was a native of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. He was reared from boyhood to the business of merchandizing, and in 1811 he removed from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, where he had been doing business, to Franklinton, Ohio, with a small stock of goods, and there opened a store. About the year 1816, he removed his business to Columbus, where he continued the merchandizing until the time of his death. He was an active and useful citizen of the county about forty-five years, acquired a handsome property by his regular business, and was highly respected by all classes of citizens. He, as the succes- sor of Mr. Buttles, was President of the City Bank of Columbus, at the time of his death. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 33 ale,* Doctor S. Parsons,f Francis Stewart, Samuel Barr, Henry Brown, Orris Parish, J and Ralph Osborn;§ * Doctor Goodale came in 1805. t Doctor Parsons died the 30th of December, 1857, in the seventy- BBCond ye&r of his age. He was a native of the town of Reading, Connecticut. He acquired his profession in his native State ; removed to the west a young and unmarried man, and arrived at Franklinton on the first day of the year 1811, where he located and commenced the practice of his profession. In 1816, he removed over to Columbus, where he continued to practice until the last eight or nine years of his life, when he retired. As a physician, he was attentive and cautious, and acquired a high reputation — and as a citizen was highly respected. In 1843, he was, without solicitation or desire on his part, elected a Representative for this county in the State Legislature, where he served with ability. He also was for a number of years President of the Franklin Branch of the State Bank of Ohio. X Mr. Parish, afterward known by the title of Judge Parish, was a young lawyer, from the State of New York. He acquired some distinction as a practitioner, and in 1816 was elected President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for this district. At the legislative session of 1818-19, charges were exhibited against him, calling for an investigation of his official conduct. They were referred to a commit- tee, and the Judge published his address to the committee, in which he says : " To you, gentlemen, I submit my official conduct, and of you I solicit the most rigid inquiry, and the severest scrutiny." And closes with this sentence : "I neither ask or desire any other justice at the bar of my country, or Heaven, than that which I have contributed my best exertions to measure out to those whose rights have been confided to my hands." The committee reported in his favor, and soon after he resigned, and returned to the practice of the law. The Judge died in Columbus, in the summer or fall of 1837. § Mr. Osborn came to Franklinton in 1806. He was a native of Waterbury, Connecticut, where he acquired his profession of the law. 3 34 HISTORY OF while a immber of others passed off the stage before they had acquired fortunes or public distinction, and have been measurably forgotten. In June, 1810, there was an old Wyandot Chief, named Leatherlips. executed in this county, about four- teen miles north of Columbus, near the Delaware County line, on the charge of witchcraft. The account of this event is taken from Drake's Life of Tecumseh, where it is abridged from an article by Otway Curry, in the Hes- perian ; and is substantially corroborated by Wm. Sells, Esq., of Dublin, who is, perhaps, the only survivor of the white men referred to, that were present at the exe- cution. " General Harrison entertained the opinion that his death was the result of the Prophet's command, and He remained in Franklinton a few years, and wben the County of Del- aware was organized, in 1808, be was appointed the first Prosecuting Attorney for that county. Not long after, he removed to Pickaway County; and in December, 1810, be was first elected Clerk of the House of Representatives in the Ohio Legislature, which place be held for five consecutive sessions — until he was elected Auditor of State, in 1815. He then held the office of Auditor eighteen years in succession — three times as long as it has ever been held by any one, since. He was a popular Auditor, and filled the place with becoming dignity, and with urbanity. In the fall of 1833, he was elected to represent the counties of Eranklin and Pickaway in the Senate of Ohio, which place he also filled to the general satisfaction of his constituents. He died at his residence, in Columbus, the 30th of December, 1835, aged fifty-five years. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 35 that the party who acted as executioners, went directly from Tippecanoe to the banks of the Scioto, where Leatherlips was found encamped, and where the tragedy was enacted. The six Wyandots who put him to death were headed, it is supposed, by the chief, Round- head. An effort was made by some white ^men who were present, to save the life of the accused, but with- out success. A council of two hours took place ; the accusing party spoke with warmth and bitterness of feeling. Leatherlips was calm and dispassionate in his replies. The sentence of death, which had been previ- ously passed upon him, was reaffirmed. The prisoner then walked slowly to his camp, partook of a dinner of jerked venison, washed and arrayed himself in his best apparel, ond afterwards painted his face. His dress was very rich, his hair gray, and his whole appearance grace- ful and commanding. When the hour for the execution had arrived, Leatherlips shook hands in silence with the spectators ; he then turned from his wigwam, and with a voice of surpassing strength and melody, commenced the chant of the death song. He was followed closely by the Wyandot warriors, all timing w^ith their slow and measured march, the music of his wild and melancholy dirge. The white men were likewise all silent followers in that strange procession. At the distance of seventy or eighty yards from the camp they came to a shallow 36 HISTORY OF grave, which, unknown to the white men, had been pre- viously prepared by the Indians. Here the old man knelt down, and in an elevated but solemn tone of voice, addressed his prayer to the Great Spirit. As soon as he had finished, the captain of the Indians knelt beside him and prayed in a similar manner. Their prayers, of course, were spoken in the Wyandot tongue. After a few moments delay, the prisoner again sunk down upon his knees and prayed as he had done before. When he had ceased, he still continued in a kneeling posture. All the rifles belonging to the party had been left at the wigwam. There was not a weapon of any kind to be seen at the place of execution, and the spectators were consequently unable to form any conjecture as to the mode of procedure which the executioners had deter- mined on for the fulfillment of their purpose. Sudden- ly, one of the warriors drew from beneath the skirts of his capote a keen, bright tomahawk, walked rapidly up behind the chieftain, brandishing the weapon on high for a single moment, and then struck with his whole strength. The blow descended directly upon the crown of the head, and the victim immediately fell prostrate. After he had lain awhile in the agonies of death, the Indian captain directed the attention of the white men to the drops of sweat which were gathering upon his neck and face, and remarked with apparent exultation. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 37 that it was conclusive proof of the sufferer's guilt. Again the executioner advanced, and with the same weapon inflicted two or three additional heavy blows. As soon as life was entirely extinct, the body was hast- ily buried with all its apparel and decorations, and the assembly dispersed." There are a few old citizens remaining, who were per- sonally acquainted with the old Wyandot, Leatherlips. His character was that of a peaceable and harmless old Indian. A rude pile of stones, on the Kosciusco lands, near the county line, long marked the grave of the un- fortunate old chief. CHAPTER III. SKETCH OF THE COUNTRY FROM 1812 TO 1858. War of 1812 — Execution of W. Fish — Laying out of certain Towns, etc. — John Kilbourne's Works — Wm. Lusk and his Almanac — President Monroe's Visit — Sullivant's Bridge — Squirrel Hunt — Granville Koad — Pugh's Bridges — Sickly Seasons, etc. — T. Backus's Poem — H. D. Little's Poem — Road to Worthington — Names of Streams — Silk Factory — Sugar Beet, etc. In this Chapter it is designed to give a sketch of the county generally from 1812 until 1858, leaving the several townships and the city to be afterwards noticed in separate Chapters under appropriate heads. In 1812 the town of Columbus was laid out, which will be made the subject of subsequent Chapters. And in the same year w^ar was declared by the United States against Great Britain. During the w^ar, from 1812 to 1815, Franklinton was a place of much life and business. This was the most flourishing period of that town. Though immediately after the surrender of Hull's army at Detroit, in August, 1812, a general consternation ensued. A descent of the British and Indians upon this FRANKLIN COUNTY. 39 part of Ohio was feared ; and not altogether without rea- son, for Franklin County was then rather a frontier set- tlement, and the Indians had the possession of the entire Sandusky and Maumee country. Frequent false alarms were received, and a few families left the county through fear, and others fain would have done so, hut for pride of character. The Governor soon ordered out the militia in mass, and the fears at home subsided. Franklinton soon became a ]3lace of general rendezvous, or head- quarters for the north-western army. There were some- times from one to two or three thousand troops there for short periods ; but they were almost constantly on the move, coming and going. There would at other times be but few, or none, except the officers in the commis- sary department, who were busily engaged in buying and collecting provisions and forage. The productions of the country then found a ready cash market at high prices, and almost every man's pocket was flushed with money. Pork, which had pre- viously sold for $1.50 per hundred, now readily brought $4.00; and flour was $4.00 per hundred; oats and corn, from 50 cents to $1.00 per bushel; hay from $10 to $20 per ton ; and other things in proportion. After the conclusion of peace, and when the lavish expenditure of public money necessarily attendant upon a state of war had ceased, Franklinton beo;an to decline, and 40 HISTORY OF times generally took a turn, and about the years 1819, '20, '21, '22 and '23, the pressure was, perhaps, the greatest. Over a hundred parcels of real estate were sometimes embraced in one advertisement of Sheriff's sales.'^' The productions of the country had now fallen in price to — for pork $1.50 per hundred ; flour from $1.00 to $1.25 per hundred ; corn from 10 to 12 cents per bushel; potatoes 12 cents per bushel; and other produce in proportion, and dull sales at these prices. Real estate had fallen in about the same proportion. The most rigid economy was now practiced by all grades of society. The wealthiest families used rye coffee ; and the most distinguished public men dressed in blue linsey pantaloons, etc. In June, 1813, while the army lay at Franklinton, a soldier, by the name of William Fish, was shot, under the sentence of a court martial, for the offense of deser- tion and threatening the life of his captain. It was an awful scene. Three other prisoners were condemned to death by the same court martial, but were pardoned by General Harrison. The last one who was pardoned, had been previously conducted to his coffin, and the cap placed over his eyes, in which situation he remained until Fish was shot. His pardon was then read to him. * Columbus Gazette of January 30, 1823, and January 1824. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 41 In 1816, the first banking institution was established in Columbus. The same year, the town of Columbus was first incorporated, and the same year, the town of Georges ville was laid out. In 1817, the town of Oregon, originally called Middletown, was laid out, and in 1818, the town of Dublin. They will all be noticed under the head of their respective localities. In 1816, John Kilbourne obtained a copy-right for the " Ohio Gazetteer," and published the first edition of that work. The demand for it was such, that within less than three years, he published his sixth edition, in Columbus. About the year 1822, he also published his Map of Ohio, which was much in use for a number of years. Mr. Kilbourne's works were very useful and highly appreciated. He died in Columbus, in the spring of 1831. In 1817, William Lusk published his first Almanac, at Columbus, to which was added a Register of public officers, etc., of the State, by counties, making a pamph- let of some sixty or seventy pages, and entitled it the " OJiio Register and Western Calendar^' for which he ob- tained a copy-right. The Register part was continued some five or six years, when it was dropped ; but the Almanac was published annually until about the year 1852 or '53. Mr. Lusk died at Dayton, about the year 1854 or '55. In his Register of 1821, he thus describes 42 HISTORY OF the old county seat : " Franklinton, the county seat, contains a post office, a store, three taverns, a common school, and an Academy, in which are taught English Grammar, Geography, Book-keeping, double and single entry. Mensuration, Geometry, Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical Surveying, Navigation, Algebra and Astron- omy." Rather a flattering notice of his own school. Worthington is described as containing, "A post office, a printing office, four taverns, four mercantile stores, a College, a Masonic hall and a number of large manufac- tories for woolen cloths, hats, saddles, shoes, combs," etc. In the latter part of August, 1817, President Monroe and suite passed through this county, on their return from Detroit after his northern tour of inspection of the public fortifications, etc. They were met at Worth- ington by the Franklin Dragoons, commanded by Cap- tain Vance, and escorted to Columbus, where proper arrangements had been made for the reception; and the President was received in the State House, and welcomed to the Capital by a neat and appropriate speech from Hon. Hiram M. Curry, then Treasurer of State. To which the President made a suitable reply, complimenting the " infant city," as he called it, and its inhabitants. They traveled on horseback, and were generally escorted from one town to another by the military, or FRANKLIN COUNTY. 43 some distinguished citizens. They rode fast, generally in a canter. Mr. Monroe wore the old-fashioned, three- cornered, cocked hat — his dress otherwise was in plain, citizen style. His face was eflectiially sunburnt from, exposure. Of the company composing the above escort, there are still living in Columbus, Gen. P. H. Olmsted and F. Stewart, Esq. This troop of dragoons was first organized in time of the war, and continued until 1832, or '33, when they disbanded. They were commanded by the following, successive captains : Joseph Vance, Abram J. McDow- ell, Robert Brotherton, P. H. Olmsted, Joseph McElvain and David Taylor. All good officers, and all now passed off the stage except Messrs. Olmsted and Taylor. But the writer, through this work, has made it a rule to say but little of individuals yet living, while he pays an occasional mark of respect to the deceased. And even under this rule, he finds himself embarrassed ; for it is impossible to notice all that he would desire to. Captain Vance was a fine military officer, and was in the service, in different grades of office, during the greater part of the war. He was amongst the early settlers of the county; married in Franklinton in 1805, and remained a resident of the county the balance of his life. He was a surveyor and for many years the 44 HISTORY OF County Surveyor ; was one of the conspicuous citizens of his day, and highly respected. He died in 1824. His widow still survives, and lives with her son, Cham- bers Vance, Esq., of Blendon. Captain McDowell was a military officer of portly and commanding appearance. He was afterward pro- moted to the rank of Colonel, which title he bore through life. He was amongst the early settlers of the county, and held the office of Clerk of the Courts and County Recorder many years. He Avas afterward May- or of the city of Columbus. Was a man of free and jovial disposition, and always had warm friends. He died in the fall of 1844, in the 64th year of his age. Captain Brotherton was the third commander of this popular troop, and was, from that, promoted to the rank of Colonel, which title he bore through life. He was a native of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, and came to Franklinton when a youth, and resided in this county ever after. He married a daughter of Captain Kook- en, a family of high respectability. He was of a mild and sociable disposition, and became very popular, apparently without an effort on his part. He served two constitutional terms of four years each, as Sheriff, and filled that critical and unpleasant office with pecu- liar ease and kindness, and was never charged with oppression. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 45 He died in November, 1837, aged about forty-five years. Captain McElvain, like his predecessors in the com- mand of the troops, was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Ohio militia, and bore the title of Colonel through life. Pie died suddenly on the 7th of February, 1858, at his residence in Worthington, aged about 65 years. Col. McElvain was one of the first residents of Franklin County. He came here with his father and family, when he was a child, in the spring of 1798, and remained here ever since. He was in turn farmer, mer- chant, hotel-keeper and public officer. He was many years an assistant at the Ohio Penitentiary. He held the office of County Treasurer four years, and was Superintendent of the County Infirmary a number of years, and discharged the duties of his office with kindness and urbanity. In 1815, or '16, a wooden toll bridge was erected across the Scioto, on the road leading from Columbus to Franklinton, by Lucas SuUivant, under a charter from the Legislature. The bridge started from near the same point on the east side of the river that the present one does, but, running more direct across the river, landed several rods lower down on the west side. And a new road was opened from thence through the fields to Franklinton, and passed through Franklinton one 46 HISTORY OF square further south than the road had formerly been, or now is. This change gave dissatisfaction generally to the property holders on the main street. The bridge stood some eight or ten years, Tvhen some of the timbers becoming rotten, it fell. It was then rebuilt, starting from the same point on the east, and running in the same direction that the national road bridge does ; and the former road to and through Franklinton was restored. This toll-bridge and the franchise fell to the share of Joseph Sullivant in the division of his father's estate. When the national road was constructing, about the year 1832 or '33, upon the superintendent agreeing to erect a good, free bridge, at the expense of the govern- ment, provided Sullivant's right under the charter was extinguished, the citizens, principally of the north end of Columbus, aided by a few subscriptions west of the river, raised by contribution $8,000 ; and the county (through the commissioners) gave $2,000 more, making $10,000, which was paid to Mr. Sullivant for his right; and thereupon, the present substantial structure was erected at the expense of the general government, as a part of the national road. For the first twenty years or more, after the settle- ment of this county, fishing and hunting were favorite amusements j and the fish and game being plenty, a FRANKLIN COUNTY. ^ 47 person did not tire in the pursuit. Fishing was some- times with a net seine, but more frequently with a brush drag, which required from a dozen to twenty men, and was a kind of frolic. Hunting was for the double or treble purpose of amusement, the obtaining of fresh game for the table, and the protection of the crops against devouring animals. The subjoined account of a general squirrel hunt, from the Columbus Gazette of August 29th, 1822, is illustra- tive of the above fact. And at the same time it brings to view the names and the memory of a number of re- spectable citizens of that day, most of whom have now passed away. " Grand Squirrel Hunt. — The squirrels are becoming so numer- ous in the county as to threaten serious injury, if not destruction, to the crops of the farmer during the ensuing fall. Much good might be done by a general turn out of all citizens whose convenience will permit, for two or three days, in order to prevent the alarming ravages of those mischievous neighbors. It is, therefore, respectfully submitted to the different townships, each, to meet and choose two or three of their citi- zens to meet in a hunting caucus, at the house of Christian Heyl, on Saturday, the 31st inst., at 2 o'clock P. M. Should the time above stated prove too short for the townships to hold meetings, as above re- commended, the following persons are respectfully nominated and invited to attend the meeting at Columbus : Montgomery, Jeremiah McLene and Edward Livingston ; Hamilton, George W. Williams and Andrew Dill ; Madison, Nicholas Goetschius and W. H. Richardson ; Truro, Abiather V. Taylor and John Hanson ; Jefferson, John Edgar and Elias Ogden; Plain, Thomas B. Patterson and Jonathan Whitehead; Harrison, F. C. Olmsted and Capt. Bishop; Sharon, Matthew Mat- thews and Buckley Comstock; Perry, Griffith Thomas and William 48 HISTORY OF Mickey; Washington, Peter Sells and Uriah Clark; Norwich, Eobert Elliott and Alanson Perry ; Clinton, Col. Cook and Samuel Hender- son ; Franklin, John McElvain and Lewis Williams ; Prairie, John Hunter and Jacob Neff; l^leasant, James Gardiner and Reuben Golli- day; Jackson, Woollery Conrad and Nicholas Hoover; Mifflin, Adam Reid and William Dalzell. " In case any township should be unrepresented in the meeting, those present will take the liberty of nominating suitable persons for said absent townships. "Ralph Osborn, Lucas Sullivant, " Gustayus Swan,* Samuel G. Flenniken, " Christian Heyl,* John A. McDowell." A subsequent paper says : " The hunt was conducted agreeably to the instructions in our last paper. On counting the scalps, it appeared that nineteen tJionsand six hundred and sixty scalps were produced. It is impos- sible to say what number in all were killed, as a great many of the hunters did not come in." The hunting or killing of deer was successfully practiced by candle or torch light, at night, on the river. The deer in warm weather would come into the river after night, to eat a kind of water-grass that grew in the stream, and the hunters, by taking a canoe, and a bright light in it, could let it float down stream, and the light appeared to blind the deer, until they could float near to them, and shoot them with ease. In March, 1823, we find in the Gazette the following * Yet living. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 49 proposition for improving the Granville road, which V7as then the most direct eastern line of road from Co- lumbuSj and was almost impassable, being but little else than one continuous mud hole : " The undersigned respectfully request, that as many of the citizens of Franklin County as can make it convenient, will meet at the tavern of Robert Russell, on Saturday, the 11th day of April next, for the pur- pose of making arrangements to meet the citizens of Licking County, and labor on the Columbus and Granville road, for two days, in the latter part of May next. " Ebenezer Butler, John Kerr, " Archibald Benfield, Samuel G. Flenniken, " Samuel Shannon, Orris Parish, "Henry Brown,* Ralph Osborn, "William Neil,* James Kooken, " J. A. McDowell, James K. Corey, "P. H. Olmsted,* Eli C. King, "A. J. McDowell, Francis Stewart."* " Edward Livingston, Near this time, David Pugh erected two toll bridges on this road — one over Alum Creek and the other over Big Walnut Creek. They were wooden structures, and did not last many years until they became unsafe, and he ceased to take toll, and abandoned the bridges. Mr. Pugh then lived by the road side, and kept a tavern east of Walnut Creek ; he did not keep toll collectors at the bridges, but collected from travellers at his house. * Yet livina:. 50 HISTORYOF Building his bridges was an unprofitable enterprise. Mr. Pugh died in October, 1857, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. The generation to which he had be- longed had run away from him ; and he too has now '^ gone glimmering through the dream of things that iverer The summer and fall of 1823 exceeded any thing before known for sickness. The whole country was lit- tle else than one vast infirmary — whole families were frequently prostrate without well members enough to take care of the sick ones. The diseases were bilious and intermittent fevers, of all types, from the common fever and ague to the most malignant. Although the mortality was great, still it was not excessively so in pro- portion to the number of sick. Many prominent men were taken off that season, amongst whom were Lucas SuUivant/-"' Judge John A. McDowell, Judge John Kerr, David S. Broderick, Barzillai Wright, keeper of the Pen- itentiary, and others. The ensuing year, 1824, was also very sickly, but not so much so as 1823. Amongst the prominent old citizens carried off this year, were Capt. Joseph Vance, Billingsby . Bull, Esq., James Culbertson, John Starr, sr., and others. Amongst the writers for the newspapers about this * Mr. Sullivant was about fifty-eight years of age. He was the leading pioneer in Franklin County — a man of enterprise, good judg- ment, and great energy of character. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 51 time, was Thomas Backus (father of the late Elijah Backus) who wrote over the signature of '^Fabius." Mr. Backus was an able and cutting writer. He occa- sionally wrote poetry. The following lines from his pen, have a reference to the demolition of the beautiful mound that once stood at the corner of High and Mound streets, in Columbus, and was partly used up in the manufacture of brick for the first State House, and from which many human bones were taken : " Oh Town! consecrated before The white man's foot e'er trod our shore, To battle's strife and valour's grave, Spare ! oh spare, the buried brave. " A thousand winters passed away, And yet demolished not the clay, Which on yon hillock held in trust The quiet of the warrior's dust. " The Indian came and went again; He hunted through the lengthened plain ; And from the Ifound he oft beheld The present silent battle field. " But did the Indian e'er presume. To violate that ancient tomb ? Ah, no ! he had the soldier grace Which spares the soldier's resting place. "It is alone for Christian hand To sever that sepulchral band. Which ever to the view is spread, To bind the living to the dead. " Fabius." 52 HISTORYOF Mr. Backus died in the fall of 1825. Harvey D. Little was also a contributor to the col- umns of the newspapers, and wrote over the signature of " Velasco." lie was a young man of some talent, and afterward editor of the National Enquirer, published by Horton Howard. He mostly wrote poetry ; was of a sedate and solemn turn of mind, and his productions were generally expressive of his own feelings. The fol- lowing is a specimen of his poetry : *' When many a year hath roll'd its round, And left life fast decaying ; "When all those silver ties which bound Our fondest hopes are straying ; " When wounded friendship finds no balm To heal its cruel anguish ; When pity's tears shall cease to charm The heart that's left to languish ; " 'Tis then that mem'ry brings to view The hours now passed forever ; The loves, the joys, the griefs we knew, Which shall return — O never. " How faithful then mem'ry portrays Those hours of childish pleasure ; When basking in youth's brightest rays W^e thought each toi/ a treasure. " Our prospects then were sweet and fair, We thought no griefs could cloud them ; Nor that cold penury and care With gloom so soon would shroud them. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 53 " But oft these prospects disappear, As time our years are stealing ; And retrospection calls a tear To ease each wounded feeling. " Worthington, July 20, 1823. Velasco." Mr. Little died in Columbus, of cholera, in 1833. In 1823, the present straight road from the north end of High street, Columbus, to Worthington, was opened ; previous to that, the road passed up the river, and Olentangy Creek.* In 1824, the county seat was removed from Frank- linton to Columbus. Times remained dull, and prices of real estate and agricultural productions low, until about 1827 or 1828. And from about 1830 to 1837, improvements of all kinds and business generally, were brisk; and the price of real estate in both town and country, run up at rail- road speed. In fact, a kind of speculation mania pre- vailed about this time through all parts of the Union ; and the people of Franklin County partook in their full proportion. Buying and selling of real estate, laying * This stream, formerly called Whetstone, is, by a law passed in February, 1833, to restore the Indian names to certain streams, called Olentangy — and the stream sometimes called Big Walnut, and some- times Big Belly, is named Gahannah — though it is said that the name Gahannah is only applicable to that stream below the junction of the three creeks — Blacklick, Walnut, and Alum Creeks — that the Indian word Gahannah signifies — three united in one. 54 HISTORY OF out towns, and sub-dividing lots and lands into smaller parcels, and selling, leasing, etc., were the most common operations of the speculator. The mora nmlticaiihis excitement also prevailed, and money was made by some in the sale of the plants, or bushes, — but those who bought and attempted to cultivate the mulberry, raise the worms, and manufacture the silk, did not suc- ceed so well. Messrs. Joseph Sullivant, A. S. Chew, and perhaps some others connected with them, set out a large field of the mulberry plants, and erected a good sized frame building near Franklinton, for a silk manu- factory. The experiment was made, but not succeeding well, the whole concern was abandoned in a few years, and nothing now remains to even show where the " Silk Factory" stood. The raising of the sugar beet, for the manufacture of sugar, was also another wild chimera introduced about this time. Mr. Sullivant also experimented in this, but abandoned the project after one or two years of rather unsuccessful operations. About the year 1837, this wild career of speculation — this getting rich one off another, without creating any additional wealth in the country, but merely ex- changing property from hand to hand, and every time placing a higher estimate on it, had about exhausted itself; and things began to gently recede, and by 1840 FRANKLIN COUNTY. 55 business had again become very dull, and prices of real estate and produce had essentially fallen. During this year (1840) the principal business of the country, far and near, appeared to be electioneering — attending conventions and stump speeches, making and waving of flags, singing political songs, etc. All now appeared intent on saving the country and bettering their own conditions in this way. From 1846 or '47 until 1853, was another flow of speculative enterprise ; and money being plenty, and the currency good, the whole country improved rapidly. The city and towns flourished, population increased from emigration, and the farming interest never before was so prosperous. Since 1853, things have been again receding, partic- ularly in the city and towns — the farming interest is not, however, much affected yet, and probably will not be so much as the towns. The railroads bring the farmers so near to the eastern cities that they are not much de- pendent on their neighboring towns or city for a market for their productions. The capital of the towns and cities principally made the railroads — the farmer profits by them. About the year 1839 or '40, a paper mill was erected by Henry Roedter and John Siebert, on the Scioto, some two or three miles above Franklinton, where they 56 H I S T R Y, E T C . for some time carried on the paper making business. It did not, however, succeed well, and Roedter soon passed out of the concern, and removed to Cincinnati. It was then for a time owned and worked by Siebert and Ernst Frankenberg, and succeeded no better. It then passed into the hands of Asahel Chittenden, who abandoned the old site and building, and in the fall of 1845, removed the machinery to a new brick building erected for that pur- pose, just above the national road bridge, in Columbus, where it was worked for some time by J. L. Martin and R. H. Hubbell, and then by William Murphy, until it was destroyed by fire, in 1848. It was then rebuilt and worked by Mr. A. B. Newburgh, until the fall of 1849, when it finally closed its business. The same building was afterward converted into a machine shop, owned by Messrs Swan and Davis, and in July, 1854, it was again destroj^ed by fire — building, machinery, and all. CHAPTER IV. NEWSPAPERS. Ohio State Journal and its Antecedents — Freemen's Chronicle — Ohio Monitor — Ohio State Bulletin — Western Statesman — Co- lumbus Sentinel — Anti-Masonic Review — Western Hemisphere — Ohio Statesman — People's Press — Ohio Confederate — Old School Republican — Capital City Fact — Cross and Journal — Ohio Press — Ohio Cultivator — Free Soil Papers — German Papers — Sundry short lived papers. The first newspaper ever published in Franklin Coun- ty was at Worthington, in 1811. It was called the Western Intelligencer, and supported the measures of the general government. Col. Kilbourne was the original proprietor ; it however soon passed out of his hands, and early in 1814, the office was removed to Columbus, and the paper was then published by P. H. Olmsted, Joel Buttles, and Ezra Griswold, jr., and by a slight change in the title, was called the Western Intelligencer and Coliimhus Gazette, and it has been continued ever since, under difierent proprietors and modifications of title. It was the root, or original of what is now The Ohio State Journal. It soon passed entirely from But- 58 IIISTORYOF ties and Griswold, to Col. Olmsted, who dropped part of the title, and as sole proprietor and editor, published it until the year 1825, under the name of The Columhus Gazette. After the commencement of the sessions of the Legislature at Columbus, he did the State printing by contract. The office of State Printer was not created until the session of 1824-5, when George Nashee was elected the first State Printer, and he and John Bail- hache both came in as partners with Col. Olmsted, and the paper was then enlarged, and the title changed to the OJiio State Journal and Colmnliis Gazette. Mr. Nashee died before his term as State Printer expired, and Olmsted was appointed for the balance of the term. At the session of 1827-8, Judge John Bailhache was elected State Printer, and he and Olmsted bought out the Western Statesman, and merged it in the Journal. The Western Statesman was a paper of respectable ap- pearance, that had been commenced in 1825 by Zacha- riah Mills and Martin Lewis, and in 1826 it passed into the hands of Martin Lewis and Elijah Glover; afterward to Freedom Sever and Glover, and in 1828 they sold out and it was merged in the Jov,rnal, as just stated. In 1831, Col. (afterward General) Olmsted sold out to Judge Bailhache, who continued proprietor and editor until the spring of 1835, when he sold out to Charles Scott and Smithson E. Wright, who united with it the Co- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 59 liimbus Sentinel, a paper that had grown out of OJiio State Bulletin, as hereinafter noticed. In 1837, Mr. Wright sold out to Scott, and John M. Gallagher, who had some months before started a new paper by the title of the Ohio Political Register, came in as partner with Scott in Wright's place, and merged the Register in the Journal, and the title was changed to Ohio State Journal and Register, but before long the Register was dropped from the title, and the paper assumed its present name — the Ohio State Journal. In the spring of 1839, Mr. Galla- gher was succeeded by Samuel Douglas, who continued in the concern less than a year, and sold out to Mr. Scott, and Scott then continued sole proprietor, assisted by various editors, amongst whom were James Allen, 0. FoUett, V. W. Smith, John Teesdale, Wm. B. Thrall, Henry Reed (now of the Cincinnati Commercial), and Wm. T. Bascom, until the year 1854, when he made an assignment to trustees, who, after continuing the pub- lication some time, organized and transferred the estab- lishment to the Ohio State Journal Company, and by them it was continued under the editorial charge of Oran Follett, assisted by Wm. T. Bascom and John Greiner, until the summer of 1856, when it passed into the hands of William Schouler & Co., by whom it is at present conducted. In 1812 this paper (then the Western IntelUgencei^) 60 HISTORY OF supported James Madison for tlie Presidency ; in 1816 and 1820 it supported James Monroe (in 1820 there was no opposition to Monroe) ; in 1824 it supported Henry Clay; in 1828, John Q. Adams; in 1832, Henry Cky; in 1836, Wm. H. Harrison; in 1840, Harrison; in 1844, Henry Clay; in 1848, Zachariah Taylor; in 1852, Winfield Scott; in 1856, John C. Fremont. The second paper in Franklin County was the Free- men's Chronicle, published in Franklinton, by James B. Gardiner. The motto was — " Here shall the Press the people's rights maintain, Unaw'd by influence and unbrib'd by gain ; Here Patriot truth its glorious precepts draw, Pledg'd to Keligion, Liberty and Law." Its publication was commenced in the summer of 1812, and was continued between two and three years. The writer is under obligations to Wm. Domigan, Esq., for the examination of a bound volume of this paper — perhaps the only one extant. It was a small sized sheet, and the paper bad ; it bears quite an ancient appear- ance, but was rather a spicy affair. Its publication was during the war with Great Britain, and a large propor- tion of the matter consists of news from the army, and matters connected with the war. But it also contains much of the local news and business of the county. The official advertisements of Lyne Starling, as Clerk FRANKLIN COUNTY. 61 of the Court; of Samuel Shannon, as Sheriff; and of Adam Hosack and James B. Gardmer, as successive Post Masters, are quite frequent. And amongst the candi- dates for office, appear conspicuous, the names of James Kilbourne, Joseph Foos, Arthur O'Harra, Thomas John- ston, Wm. Shaw, Wm. McElvain, David Jamison, Michael Fisher, Alexander Morrison, William Reed, and Joseph Grate — all once prominent men in this county, but now all passed off the stage. Amongst the business men of the day, we find the frequent advertisements of R. W. McCoy, Henry Brown, Starling & Delashmut, L. Goodale, and Samuel Barr, merchants ; Archibald Ben- field, saddler ; Richard Courtney, nailor ; Samuel Cul- bertson, hatter; George Skidmore,'="- blacksmith; Mat- thew Bailey, shoemaker ; Samuel King, tanner ; David F. Heaton, tailor, etc. ; and of Orris Parish, lawyer, and of Doctor John Ball, physician. And amongst the mili- tary advertisements, are those of Joseph Foos, Brigadier General ; Edward Livingston, Colonel ; Gustavus Swan, Brigade Inspector; Jacob Reab, 1st Lieut, of Franklin Dragoons, (Capt. Vance's company) ; John McElvain as 3d Lieut. 26th Regiment U. S. Lifantr^^, advertising de- serters, etc. After the discontinuance of the paper by Mr. Gardi- * Mr. Skidmore died in July, 1855, in the 83d year of his age. 62 H I S T R Y F ner, the materials passed into the hands of John Kil- hourne, who removed them to Columbus, and published two numbers of a paper called the CohimUan Gazette; but his enterprise was not likely to succeed to his satis- faction, and the materials were sold out by parcels, and the paper and office discontinued. The third newspaper was the Ohio Monitor, com- menced and published in Columbus, by David Smith and Ezra Griswold, jr., in 1816. Griswold, however, soon sold out his interest to Smith, who remained sole proprietor and editor until the summer of 1836, wdien he sold out to Jacob Medar}^, and the Monitor was dis- continued, or merged in the Heinispliere. During three years of this time, from 1831 to 1834, Judge Smith was State Printer. In the political contest of 1824, the Monitor supported John Q. Adams for the Presidency. In 1828, it sup- ported Andrew Jackson, and from that time was a supporter of the Democratic party and measures. The fourth paper published in this county, was the FranJdin Chronicle, published at Worthington, by Ezra Griswold, jr., and Caleb Howard. It was commenced about the year 1818, or 1819, and continued, probably, a couple of years only. In July, 1829, the Ohio State Bulletin was commenced in Columbus, by John A. Bryan and John A. Lazell. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 63 At the end of about three years, they sold out to George Kesling, and John H. Wood became connected with Kesling, and they changed the title of the paper to the Columbus Sentinel, and advocated the claims of Judge McLean to the Presidency. In 1835, it was sold and transferred to Scott and Wright, who merged it in the Ohio State Journal, as before stated. For some time previous to this transfer, Jonas R. Emrie was also con- nected with the publication of the Sentinel. In 1830, the Ohio Register and Anti-3fasonic Review was removed from Milan, Huron County, to Columbus, and was published here about three years, by Warren Jenkins and Elijah Glover, and in 1833, the Masonic Lodges having generally disbanded, and the anti- masonic excitement ceased, the paper was discontinued. About the year 1832, the publication of the Western Hemisphere, a weekly, Jackson Democratic paper, was commenced, in Columbus, by Gilbert and Melcher. Afterward Melcher's interest passed to Russel C. Bryan, and subsequent to that, Gilbert and Bryan sold out to Jacob Medary and George W. Manypenny. It then passed to Sacket Reynolds for a while, and then back to the Medarys, Samuel Medary having been elected State Printer, and the title was then changed to the Ohio Statesman. During the winter of 1833-4, while Gilbert and Melcher were proprietors of this paper, they 64 HISTORYOF issued from the office the first daily paper published in Columhus. It was very small, and was entitled the Daily Advertiser. It only continued a few months. About the year 1845, the Statesman office was sold and transferred by Col. S. Medary to the Haswells, who con- tinued the paper without any material change in its character for perhaps a year or two, and it then passed back to Col. Medary, who continued its proprietor and senior editor until about the year 1853, when he sold to S. S. Cox, who continued as editor and proprietor until 1855, when Mr. Cox sold to Mr. Derby of Cincinnati, and Mr. Derby conveyed it back to Col. Medary again, who subsequently conveyed it to James H. Smith, who still continues the publication of the paper. It has always been, through all its changes of editors and pro- prietors, a thorough Democratic paper. In 1836, a paper entitled The People's Press, was published in Columbus, by James B. Gardiner, for six months during the Presidential contest. It was zealous and efficient in the support of General Harrison for President, and, at the same time, supporting Robert Lucas, the Democratic candidate for Governor. In the summer or fall of 1838, John G. Miller com- menced the publication of the Ohio Confederate, a pro- fessed Democratic, State rights paper, which finally went with the popular current in support of General FRANKLIN COUNTY. 65 Harrison for the Presidency. In the spring of 1841, about the time Mr. Miller obtained the appointment of postmaster, he sold and transferred the paper to Doctors L. J. Moeller and N. M. Miller, and they changed the title of it to Old School Republican^ and continued its publication as a Tyler paper about two years, when it died out and was discontinued. The Cross and Journal. This was a Baptist weekly paper, started in Cincinnati in 1831, remoA^ed to Colum- bus in 1838, and published there until the close of 1849, when, having united with a Baptist paper of Indiana, it was removed again to Cincinnati. During the first nine years of its publication in Columbus, it was edited and published by Geo. Cole, Esq., now of the Journal and Messenger of Cincinnati. It was sold by him to the Rev. D. A. Randall and the Rev. J. L. Batchelder, wbo continued it for one year and then by Mr. Batchelder alone, until it was removed to Cincin- nati. About the year 1850, the Capital City Fact was com- menced by some five or six journeymen printers, when out of employment, as an experiment to make work for themselves, and succeeded as well as they expected ; but they, one by one, sold out their interest in the con- cern, until it is now owned, and the publication con- tinued by John Geary and son. Mr. Geary is a 5 66 HISTORYOF foreigner, from Ireland. His paper was professedl}'- neutral in politics until 1854 and '55, when Know Nothingism reigned rampant, the Fact came out bold and strong, as might naturally be expected, against this new party or order in politics. But in 1856, after the Know Nothing party had nominated Mr. Fillmore their candidate for the Presidency, the Fact changed its position and became the zealous supporter of the Know Nothing nominee. The Ohio Press was a Democratic paper, commenced by Eli T. Tappan, in 1847, rather as a rival to the Ohio Statesman. It was a respectable paper, published weekly, semi-weekly and part of the time, daily. It did not, however, continue more than a year or two. The Ohio Cultivator, a semi-monthly paper, devoted to Agriculture, Live Stock, Fruits, Gardening, and Domes- tic Affairs, was commenced in Columbus, in 1845, by M. B. Bateham, Esq. About the first of January 1856, he sold and transferred the entire establishment to Col. S. D. Harris, the present editor and proprietor. In the summer or fall of 1848, after the Buffalo con- vention that nominated Martin Van Buren for the Pres- idency, a Free Soil paper, under the name of the Ohio Standard, was commenced in Columbus by E. S. Hamlin and Israel Garrard. In the month of February, 1849, it was suspended. In November, 1849, Franklin Gale FRANKLIN COUNTY. 67 and Thomas Cleveland commenced the publication of the Oliio Standard again, and continued it until Septem- ber, 1850, when they sold out to 0. Glover ; and he continued its publication until the spring of 1851, when its publication closed. About the first of January, 1853, another Free Soil paper was commenced, under the name of the Ohio Columbian, by Mr. Rice and others, and in the early part of the year 1855, it was transferred to A. M. Gangewer, who continued its publication until it was merged in the Ohio State Journal, in the summer of 1856. In 1840, Capt. Elijah Glover, who had for some time previous kept a book and job office, commenced the publication of the Ohio Tribune. Walter Thrall, Esq., was for a time associated with him in the editorial department, and then Gideon Stewart, Esq. It was a Whig paper, and creditably conducted. Some years after, about the year 1848, George M. Swan became connnected with Mr. Glover in the publication of the Tribune, and subsequently, in 1849, Glover sold out to Swan. Mr. Glover is a respectable writer, but a little too honest, as well as independent, for a political editor. He is emphatically republican, in the true sense of the word, both in theory and practice ; and by always advo- cating what he considered right, he sometimes found himself out of the popular current, and he finally relin- 68 HISTORYOF quished the printing business, and is now enjoying the independence of a farmer's life. Mr. Swan, after his purchase of the paper, changed the title to that of jSivan's Elevator. It was rather a local and advertising sheet, professedly neutral in politics. About the year 1853, a temperance paper, which had been published some time in Columbus, was united with the Elevator, and the name of the latter changed to the Columhus Ele- vator, and its character changed to that of a temperance paper. In the spring of 1855, Swan sold out and trans- ferred the establishment to Gamaliel Scott, who left the temperance cause to take care of itself, and continued the paper upon the plan it originally started. In the fall of 1856, John Greiner, Esq., was taken in as a part- ner and principal editor, and the title then changed to Columbus Gazette. In the fall of 1857, Scott sold out his remaining interest to Charles S. Glenn, and it is now continued by the firm of Greiner and Glenn. Amongst the various other newspapers and period- icals, which have been published in Columbus, but which have generally been short-lived, the following are recollected, whilst probably others are forgotten : National Enquirer, by Horton Howard, and edited by Harvey D. Little. The Eclectic, by Horton Howard, and edited by William Hance. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 69 The Thompsonian Recorder, first published by Jarvis Pike & Co., about the year 1832. It was continued under different editors and proprietors until it was removed to Cincinnati by Doctor Curtis in 1842. The Independent Press, by Hugh M. Espy & Co., a short time about the year 1832 or '33. Budget of Fun, by the same. The Straight-out Harrisonian, by Allen, Sage and Beverage, in 1840. The Tornado, by R. P. Sage, in 1840. And the Auger, by T. W. H. Mosely, in 1840. The Ohio Freeman, by Capt. John Duffy, and then the Columbus Herald, by the same, about the years 1842 and '43. About the years 1833 and '34, there were two Ger- man papers in Columbus, one entitled the Emigrant, and the other Ohio Inielligencer, both discontinued long since. We now have West Bote, which was commenced in the fall of 1843, and is published by Reinhardt and Fieser. In 1853, the Ohio Democrat was commenced in Columbus by Blake and Osgood, edited by Charles B. Flood. Not long after, it was removed to Urbana, where its publication is continued by Mr. Flood. CHAPTER V. TURNPIKES AND PLANK ROADS. Columbus and Sandusky Turnpike — Columbus and Worthington Plank Road — Columbus and Portsmouth Turnpike — Columbus and Harrisburg Turnpike — Columbus and Jobnstown Turnpike — Columbus and Sunbury Turnpike — Columbus and Granville Plank Road — Columbus and Lockwin Plank Road — Columbus and Groveport Turnpike — Cottage Mills and Harrisburg Turnpike — Jackson and Franklin Turnpike — Clinton and Blendon Plank Road. The Cohimhis and SandusJci/ Turnpike was the first joint stock Company road constructed, any part of which was in Franklin County. On the 31st of January, 1826, an act was passed by the Legislature incorporating John Kilbourne, Abram I. McDowell, Henry Brown, William Neil, Orange John- son, Orris Parish, und Robert Brotherton, of Franklin County, and nineteen others, named in the act, and re- siding along the line of the road, in and about Delaware, Bucyrus and Sandusky, and their associates, by the name of " The Columbus and Sandusky Turnpike Com- pany," with a capital of $100,000, with power to in- crease the same to $200,000 ; the stock divided into FRANKLIN COUNTY. 71 shares of $100 each ; the company to be governed by a Board of nine Directors. The charter was accepted by the Company ; and by an act of Congress, passed March 3, 1827, there was thirty-one thousand eight hundred and forty acres of land given to the State of Ohio in trust, for the use of the said Company, to aid them in the construction of the road. Without unnecessary delay, the road was survey- ed and located. Col. Kilbourne was the surveyor, and Orange Johnson, Esq., was one of the locating commis- sioners, and the principal agent for the Company from first to last. The road was near eight years in the constructing, and was finished in the fall of 1834. It is one hundred and six miles in length, from Columbus to Sandusky, and cost $74,376, being an average cost of a little over $701 per mile. The charter required that, at least eighteen feet in width should be made '■'an artificial road, composed of stone, gravel, wood, or other suit- able materials, well compacted together, in such manner as to secure a firm, substantial and even road, yHsing in the middle ivith a gradual arch!' Upon a proper construction of this clause has hung all the troubles between the road Com- pany and the traveling public. The Company seem to have supposed that a properly formed clay road would meet the requirements of the charter, while the public seem to have expected a stone or graveled road. The 72 » HISTORY OF charter required that the Governor shoukl, at the proper time, appoint an agent to examine the road, and report his opinion in writing to the President of the Company, whether the same be completed agreeably to the provis- ions of the charter; and Nathan Merriman was appointed the agent for that purpose, and he reported " that he had examined the road, and that, in his opinion, the same was completed agreeably to the provisions of the act incorporating said Company." And thereupon the Com- pany erected their gates, and exacted toll from those traveling the road. The road was quite an important public improvement at that time, but it was only a clay or mud pike ; and in the spring and wet seasons of the year, it was, in places, almost impassable ; and to be obliged to pay toll at such times, was grievously com- plained of, and the gates occasionally torn down ; but the agent of the Company would immediately reerect them. The subject was finally brought before the Leg- islature, and on the 28th of February, 1843, the act incorporating the Company was unconditionally repealed ; and it was further provided, that it should not be lawful thereafter for said Company to erect or keep up any gate or collect any tolls on the road. At the same ses- sion, in March, 1843, commissioners were appointed for that purpose, who surveyed and laid out a State road from Columbus to Sandusky, upon the bed of the turn- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 73 pike; and on the 12th of March, 1845, an act was passed establishing the same a public highway. Until this time, the toll gates had been kept up and toll re- ceived, notwithstanding the repeal of the charter. But immediately after the passage of this act, the gates on the road were torn down by an excited populace, and never more erected. There was but one gate on this road within the bounds of Franklin County, and that was about two miles north of Columbus. The Company claim that these acts of the Legislature are unconstitu- tional ; that their road had been made according to the provisions of the charter, and rely most particularly up- on the decision of the State agent, who had formally accepted the road ; and they have been applying ever since to each successive Legislature, for relief. At the session of 1843-4, a committee, of which Dr. S Parsons was chairman, reported in favor of the Road Company conveying to the State all their rights, inter- ests and privileges in the road, and that the State pay the stockholders, severally, the amount of their stock in State bon-ds, and that the road be declared one of the public works of the State, and placed under the control and supervision of the Board of Public Works. In 1847, by a resolution of the Legislature, the sub- ject was refjprred to the Attorney General, (Henry Stan- berry, Esq.,) and in his report, he did not directly give 74 HISTORYOF an opinion on the constitutionality of the repeal, but says : " I am of opinion that a wrong has been done the Company," etc. At the session of 1856-7, a bill passed the Senate, to authorize the Company to bring suit against the State for injustice done in the repeal of the charter ; but the bill was lost in the House. Tlie Columhiis and Worthington PlanJc Road or Turn- pike. By an act of the General Assembly, passed March 23, 1849, Solomon Beers, John Phipps, John B. Piatt, Philip Fisher, and Robert E. Neil, and such others as might associate with them, by subscribing to the capital stock of the Company, were incorporated by the name of the " Columbus and Worthington Plank Boad or Turnpike Company," to constrnct a plank road or turn- pike from Columbus to Worthington, with privilege to extend it to Delaware, at the option of the Company. The Company to be governed by three Directors, to be chosen annually. The charter was accepted, and books opened on the 15th of April, 1849, for subscriptions to the stock. On the 5th of May, 1849, the requisite amount of stock being subscribed, the stockholders pro- ceeded to the election of Directors, and B. Comstock, Wm. Neil, and Alanson Bull, were chosen the first Board of Directors. The Company were authorized to con- struct their road upon any public road or highway ; and FRANKLIN COUNTY. 75 they accordingly constructed it on the bed of what had been the Columbus and Sandusky Turnpike. The road Avas made in 1849 and '50, and on the first of January, 1851, the first dividend was made and paid to the stock- holders. The capital stock of the company is $27,825, divided into shares of $25 each; but may be increased to $50,000. The present officers of the Company, are W. T. Martin, Pres't; Luther Donaldson, Sec'y; Ansel Phinney, Treas'r; Directors. The Columbus and Portsmouth Turnpike. This is a good graveled turnpike road, all the way through from Columbus to Portsmouth, and is properly but one road ; though there were separate books for subscription in each county through which it passed ; and the stock- holders of each county made, keep in repair, and control the road, w^ithin their respective counties. The capital stock of the Franklin County part is $8,800, divided into shares of ten dollars each. The subscriptions were promptly paid, and the road constructed in 1847, since which it has paid fair and reasonable dividends. There is but one gate in this county, and that is about one mile south of Columbus. The elections for Directors have always been held at Circleville ; the number as- signed to Franklin County is three, and they attend exclusively to the business of the road within their 76 HISTORY OF county. The present Directors for Franklin County are Eli W. Gwynne, Robert Neil and Adin G. Hibbs. The Cohmhis and Harrishurg Turnpike. This Com- pany was incorporated in 1847, and the road was con- structed in 1848 and '49. Uriah Lathrop, Esq., was the surveyor and engineer. The capital stock of the Com- pany is $20,815, divided into shares of $25 each. The construction of the road cost $35,602. The county (through the County Commissioners) donated $4,500 for the erection of the bridge over the Scioto. This, it will be seen, still left the Company largely in debt when the road was finished. During the first two or three years, there were two gates kept on the road, but the western one has since been removed, and there is now but the one, two miles west of Columbus. There has never been any dividend made to stockholders ; but all the proceeds of the road have been applied to the defraying of expenses, and the gradual payment of the debts, which are now nearly extinguished. The Company is governed by a Board of five Directors, to be chosen annually. The present Board (most of whom have served from the first organization of the Company), are Joseph Chenoweth, Pres't ; George M. Parsons, Treas'r ; Harvey Bancroft, A. P. Stone, and Adam Gantz. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 77 The Columbus and Jolmstoion Turnpike Road. By an act passed March 1, 1850, Robert Neil, Windsor Atchi- son, George Ridenour, Jesse Baughman and Walter Thrall, and their associates, were incorporated by the name of the " Columbus and Johnstown Turnpike Com- pany," to construct a turnpike or plank road, from Co- lumbus to Johnstown, passing through New Albany, with the privilege of extending it to Mt. Vernon, in Ivnox County. The capital stock subscribed and paid, is between ten and eleven thousand dollars, divided into shares of $25 each ; but the stock may be extended to $70,000. The Company organized, and in the summer of 1851, constructed about seven miles of the road, ex- tending from Columbus to Walnut Creek, opposite to the village of Bridgeport ; and erected two (less than half toll) gates on it. The construction, so far as it is made, is paid; and the Company are receiving moderate dividends. The further extension of the road is consid- ered doubtful. The Company is governed by a Board of five Directors. The present Board consists of Ermine Case, Pres't ; Robert Neil, Windsor Atchison, George Ridenour, J. W. Baldwin. The Columhus and Sunhury Turnjnke and Plank Road. By an act passed March 20, 1850, Wm. Trevitt, Chris- tian Heyl, Peter Agler, James Park, Geo. W. Agler, 78 HISTORY OF John Dill; Peter Hailocker, Timothy Lee, W. G. Edmi- son, John Curtis, E. Washburn, Stillman Tucker, and their associates, were incorporated to construct a turn- pike or plank road from Columbus to Sunbury. The capital stock may be extended to $75,000, divided into shares of $25 each. This road commences about three miles north-east from Columbus, where it verges off from the Columbus and Johnstown Road, and extends to Central College. It was constructed in 1852 ; capital stock taken and expended in construction, is between six and seven thousand dollars. The Company are out of debt ; have one gate on the road, and are receiving moderate divi- dends. It is governed by a Board of five Directors, to be elected annually. The present Board consists of C. Heyl, Pres'tj T. Lee, Sec'y j Jno. Dill, Treas'r; James Park and Henry Zinn. The Colwnhiis and Granville PlanJc Road or TurnjnJce. On the 8th of February, 1850, Joseph Ridgway, Sam- uel Barr, Gates O'Harra, Wm. A. Piatt and Samuel Brush, and such others as might become associated with them, were incorporated by the name of the " Columbus and Granville Plank Road or Turnpike Company," to construct a road of gravel, stone, or plank, at the option of the Company, from Columbus to Granville, with the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 79 privilege of extending it to Newark. The capital may be extended to $100,000, divided into shares of $50 each. The road was located and constructed with one good plank track, in 1852, from Columbus to Walnut Creek, a distance of about seven miles, and a gate erected. The affairs of the Company are controlled by a Board of five Directors. The present Board consists of Samuel Brush,=^ Pres't; Gates O'Harra, Wm. A. Piatt, F. C. Sessions and Wm. G. Deshler. Columbus and Groveport Turninhe. By an act passed 19th of March, 1849, William Harrison, Nathaniel Merion, Wm. H. Rarey, William Darnell, Edmund Stew- art, Wm. W. Kyle and their associates were incorporated by the name of " The Columbus and Groveport Turn- pike Company," to construct a turnpike road from Columbus to Groveport, with the privilege of extending it. The capital stock to construct it to Groveport to not exceed $20,000, to be divided into shares of $25 each. The actual amount subscribed was about $12,300, and the road was completed in the fall of 1850. The cost somewhat exceeded the amount of stock subscribed, but the balance was soon paid from the earnings of the road. * Mr. Brush has been President from the first organization of the Company, Hence it is generally called " Brush's Plank Road." 80 HISTORYOF and it is now out of debt and paying fair dividends. There are two gates on this road^ and it is governed by a board of five directors. The present board are Amor Rees, President ; Dwight Stone, Secretary ; William Merion, Treasurer ; Jacob Arnold, and John H. Earhart. Cottage Mills and .Harrishirg Tw-npiJce. On the 20th of March, 1851, an act was passed, incorporating Adin G. Ilibbs, Levi Strader, Solomon Borer, Isaac Miller and William Duff, and their associates, by the name of the '^ Cottage Mills and Harrisburg Turnpike Company," to make a turnpike road from the Columbus and Ports- mouth turnpike, opposite to the Cottage Mills, to inter- sect the Columbus and Harrisburg pike. The road was made in 1852 ; is about seven and a half miles in length, and has one gate on it, which was erected, and the first toll received in October, 1852. The road cost about $13,000, which being considerably over the amount of stock subscribed and paid, left the ■ Company in debt for its construction. The directors have not yet made any dividends, but applied the earn- ings of the road toward the payment of the debts. The first Board of Directors were S. B. Davis, A. G. Hibbs, Isaac Miller, Levi Strader and Solomon Borer. The contractor who constructed the road was A. Poul- son, Esq. The present acting officers of the Company FRANKLIN COUNTY. 81 are Dr. S. B. Davis, President ; A. G. Hibbs, Esq., Treasurer. Franklin and Jackson Turnpike. By an act, passed 20th of March, 1851, Samuel Landes, John Moler, Adam Miller, Jacob Huffman, John Stimmel, John Cherry, W^- ^- Miner, Gersham M. Peters and Michael L. Sullivant were incorporated to make a turnpike road from the Columbus and Harrisburg turnpike, or from Franklinton, at the option of the Directors, to the south line of Franklin Count3^ The Company organized, and in 1852, the road was constructed from the Harrisburg turnpike down the river to the Cottage Mill and Harrisburg pike, a dis- tance of nine or ten miles. The amount of stock sub- scribed and paid was about $6,000. The cost of the road was between $7,000 and $8,000, leaving the Com- pany between $1,000 and $2,000 in debt on the con- struction. The Directors have not made any dividends to stockholders, but applied the earnings of the road towards the discharge of the debt, which is not yet all paid. They have two half gates, one at the south end of the road and the other near the north end. Present Board of Directors — Robert Seeds, Pres- ident ; George Huffman, John Moler, Adam Miller, W. Brackenridge. 6 82 HISTORYOF The Columbus and LocJcwin PlanJc Road. This Com- pany was incorporated in the spring of 1853, under the general law, authorizing such incorporations, and the evidence thereof filed with the Secretary of State. The road commences at the intersection of the old Harbor road with the Columbus and Johnstown Turnpike, and extends seven miles. The first five miles were made in 1853, and the remaining two miles, the next year. The charter authorizes the extension of it to Lockwin, Dela- ware County. The original stock was $14,000, which was nearly all paid. The cost of the seven miles was about $16,500, a fraction less than $2,400 per mile ; plank eight feet long and three inches thick, laid on two stringers four inches square. The deficiency to meet the cost of construction has been paid by tolls col- lected from the road ; and the road being now out of debt, is paying fair dividends. The acting ofiicers of the company now (1858) are G. S. Innis, President ; H. C. Noble, Secretary and Treasurer. The Clinton and Blendon PlanJc Road. This Company organized under the general act, in 1853 ; and in '53 and '54 they constructed their road. It commences at the Lockwin road, about four miles north of Columbus, and extends to the county line half a mile north of FRANKLIN COUNTY. 83 Westerville, its whole length heing a fraction over eight miles. The capital stock subscribed was about $16,000 about $14,000 of which was promptly paid, the balance being as yet unpaid. The whole cost of the road was about $16,600, averaging a little over $2,000 a mile. The earnings of the road necessarily had to be applied for a time to pay the balance on the cost of construction. There are two gates on this road. From the southern terminus the travel to Columbus passes on the Lockwin road. This road is of decided public utility ; but whether it will remunerate stockholders is another question that time must determine. The officers of the company are G. W. Schrock, J. W. Jamison, W. L. Phelps, D. L. Holton, and Z. Jackson, Trustees ; G. W. Schrock, President ; J. C. Vance, Sec- retary'- ; H. M. Phelps, Treasurer. CHAPTER VI. THE COLUMBUS CANAL. Celebration at first Breaking of Ground — Contractors, etc. — Names of Interested Citizens — Arrival of first Boats, etc. — Names of Collectors. On the 30th of April, 1827, was the commencement of the first manual operations upon this part of the Ohio Canal. The citizens of Columbus and its neighbor- hood, to the number of eight or nine hundred, assembled at the State House, and at two o'clock formed a proces- sion, marshalled by Colonels McDowell and McEh'|'^i and preceded by General Warner and his suite. kn%> parts of Captain Joseph McElvain's company of Dra- goons, Captain Foos's company of Riflemen, Captain A. McElvain's company of Riflemen, Columbus Artillery, and State officers, and marched to the ground near where Comstock's warehouse now stands. Joseph R. Swan, Esq., then delivered a short, but pertinent address ; and at its close, Gen. McLene, then Secretary of State, and Nathaniel McLean, Esq., then Keeper of FRANKLIN COUNTY. 85 the Penitentiary, proceeded to remove the first earth from the lateral canal, which was wheeled from the ground by Messrs. R. Osborn and H. Brown, then Auditor and Treasurer of State, amidst the reiterated shouts of the assembly. The company then retired from the ground to partake of a cold collation, prepared by Mr. C. Heyl, on the brow of the hill a few rods north of the Penitentiary square. After the cloth was removed, the following among other toasts, were drank : " The Ohio Canal — The great artery which will carry vitality to the extremities of the Union." " The Citizens of Cohimhiis — Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Who envies this day, let him slink back to his cavern and growl." This branch of canal was over four years construct- ing. The heaviest jobs were the canal dam across the Scioto and the Columbus locks, Messrs. W. McElvain, A. McElvain, B. Sells and P. Sells, contractors; the four-mile locks, Aaron Lytle, contractor ; and the eight locks at Lockbourne, the Granville Company, consisting of Messrs. Monson, Fasset, Taylor and Avery, contract- ors. The first mile from the Scioto was excavated by the Penitentiary convicts under guards. Such men were selected by the keeper as would have least induce- 86 IIISTORYOF inents to break away ; and they generally received a remitment of part of their sentences for faithful ser- vices. The farming and producing part of community were watching with great anxiety the progress of this Avork, pretty correctly anticipating the new era that the com- pletion of the canals would introduce in the Ohio markets. Of the substantial farmers along this short line, who were thus watching its progress, might be named William Merion, Moses Merrill, William Stewart, K. C. Henderson, Joseph Fisher, Andrew Dill, Percival Adams, Michael Stimmel, Fergus Morehead, Samuel Riley, James German, Thomas Morris, William Bennett, Jacob Plum, Luke Decker and • Thomas Vause. Of whom Messrs. Adams, Stimmel and Riley are the only survivors. On the 2od of September, 1831, the first boat arrived at Columbus by way of the canal. About eight o'clock in the evening the firing of cannon announced the approach of the " Governor Brown," a canal boat launched at Circleville a few days previous, and neatly fitted up for an excursion of pleasure to this place, several of the most respectable citizens of Pickaway. County being on board as passengers. The next morn- ing at an early hour, a considerable number of ladies and gentlemen of Columbus repaired to the boat in order to FRANKLIN COUNTY. 87 pay their respects to the visitors ; and after the delivery of a brief but very appropriate address by Gen. Flournoy, exchanging those friendly salutations and cordial greet- ings which the occasion was so well calculated to call forthj the party proceeded back to Circleville, accompa- nied a short distance by a respectable number of the citizens of Columbus, and the Columbus band of music. On the afternoon of the second day after, two canal boats, the " Cincinnati " and the " Red Rover," from the lake by way of Newark, entered the lock at the mouth of the Columbus feeder where they were received by a committee appointed for that purpose, and proceeded un- der a national salute of twenty-four guns, and music from the Columbus band, to a point just below the national road bridge, where the commanders were welcomed in the name of the citizens of Columbus by Col. Doherty, in a very neat address. A procession was then formed, when the company proceeded to Mr. Ridgway's large warehouse, and partook of a collation prepared in hand- some style by Mr. John Young. A third boat, the " Lady Jane," arrived soon afterward and was received in a similar manner. On the day following, these boats having disposed of their freight took their departure for Cleveland in the same order and with about the same ceremonies as on their arrival, a large number of ladies and gentlemen, together with the Columbus band. 88 H I S T R Y, E T C . accompanying their welcome visitors as far as the five- mile locks. Here they met the " Chillicothe " and " George Baker," which took them on board, and they returned home highly delighted with their ride, at the rate of three or four miles an hour. Joseph Ridgway, jr., was the first collector of canal tolls, and kept the office up at the Ridgway warehouse on Broad street, and nearly all the boats passed up there to put out and take in freight. M. S. Hunter was the second collector, and the office was removed to the head of the canal, where it has con- tinued ever since; and the freight business has also been nearly all done there since the removal of the office. David S. Doherty was the third collector, Charles B. Flood the fourth, Samuel McElvain the fifth, and Ben- jamin Tressenrider the sixth and present collector. CHAPTER VII. POOR HOUSE, OR INFIRMARY. When Erected — When Kemoved to Columbus etc. — Names of Offi- cers generally. On the 8tli of March, 1831, the Legislature of Ohio passed " An act to authorize the establishment of Poor Houses " in any county in the State, at the discretion of the Commissioners of the County. In some counties the Commissioners, without delay, availed themselves of the provisions of the act, and in some other counties they never did. In 1832, the Commissioners of Franklin County pur- chased the farm in the forks of Whetstone, some three miles above Columbus, now occupied by Robert King, Esq., and commenced the erection of a Poor House building, which w^as completed and ready for the recep- tion of paupers on the first of February, 1833. The first Board of Directors, appointed by the Commission- ers, consisted of Jacob Grubb, Ralph Osborn, and P. B. Wilcox; and they appointed Captain Robert Cloud, now 90 HISTORY OF of Columbus, Superintendent, and Dr. Wm. M. Awl, physician for the Institution. The Superintendent occu- pied part of the building, and had the use of the farm, which he cultivated with his own team and utensils ; and the Directors paid him a specified sum per week for boarding each pauper. Mr. Cloud continued thus in charge of the Institution one year, when he resigned, and William King succeeded him as Superintendent, upon the same terms, and continued until October, 1837;* when the Directors, who at this time consisted of James Walcutt, George B. Harvey, and W. T. Martin, concluded to change the policy, and to stock the farm and pay the Superintendent a fixed salary for working it and taking care of the house and inmates. Accord- ingly, John R. Wright, an industrious man, and practical farmer, was engaged at a moderate salary. Wright thus continued farmer and Superintendent until the * In January, 1837, Mr. King reported to the Directors the names, ages, etc., of all the inmates — nine in number — amongst whom was " Mary Sours, aged about 93 years." She lived and remained in the Institution until 1849, when she died ; and must, according to the record, have been 105 years old at the time of her death. She just sank with old age, " Till like a clock, worn out with eating time, The weary wheels of life at length stood still." A good portrait of the old lady, taken by Mr. Walcutt, still hangs in the hall of the Institution. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 91 spring of 1840. By this time, additional improvements being needed, the Directors (now consisting of Walcutt, Martin and Wm. Domigan) and the County Commis- sioners seemed to all concur in the opinion, that the location had better be changed ; it being too far from Columbus, from whence more than three-fourths of the paupers were sent ; and it was both inconvenient and expensive, conveying sick and infirm persons to it ; and sometimes in seasons of high water, it was inaccessible, there being no bridge over the creek. Though there was for a time a rickety wooden bridge across the Sci- oto, above the mouth of the creek, which however stood but a few years. Hence, in the fall of 1839, a five acre lot, on which the present Poor House stands, was purchased by the Commissioners, and new buildings erected. The old Poor House farm was then sold, and the live stock and farming utensils were disposed of at vendue, in November, 1839 ; and the paupers Avere re- moved to the new Institution the first of May, 1840. Edward Hedden was now keeper or Superintendent, and Dr. Sisson, physician. At the legislative session held in the winter of 1841 and '42, an act was passed requiring all Poor House Directors to be elected as other county officers — they having previously been appointed by the County Com- missioners. In the fall of 1842, the first election of Di_ 92 HISTORYOF rectors was had. Up to this tima, Walcutt, Martin and Domigan, were continued Directors; and the successive physicians to the Institution had been, Doctors Awl, Sisson, N. M. Miller and Schenck. Mr. Hedden was continued as keeper until the fall of 1844, when Dr. Schenck was by the Directors appointed in the double capacity of keeper and physician, and was continued until the first of June, 1851, when Joseph McElvain was appointed to succeed him as keeper, and Dr. Short as physician. Dr. Schenck's administration of the affairs of the Institution w^as rather of a showy character, and generally well received by the public, but much com- plained' of by the inmates. In December, 1852, Charles Jucksch was appointed to succeed McElvain. In Decem- ber, 1853, McElvain was again appointed to succeed Jucksch. In December, 1854, Daniel Evans was appoint- ed to succeed McElvain; and the first of March, 1857, Dr. L. J. Moeller, being one of the Directors and physi- cian, was appointed keeper or Superintendent also, in place of Mr. Evans. "The succession of physicians since Dr. Schenck's time has been Doctors Short, Moeller, C. E. Denig, Boyle, and Moeller again. The course of pol- icy pursued by the Directors towards transient paupers, and poor families, needing temporary relief, has always been about the same. In fact, there has been no mate- rial change in any respect, since the removal of the In- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 93 stitution to its present location ; but a constant, gradual gliding into extravagance, with the changes of the times. In March, 1850, an act was passed by the Legislature to change the name of Poor Houses generally to that of " County Infirmaries," by which name they are now commonly designated. In 1844, the Commissioners purchased six acres more of land adjoining their other five acre lot, so that there are now eleven acres of the Infirmary grounds, in the south-eastern corner of the city limits. On this six acre lot the City Council have erected a City Hospital, and furnished it for the reception of transient persons who may be infected with contagious diseases. This hospital has, however, always been under the care and management of the keeper of the Infirmary. In 1854, the County Commissioners seemed to enter- tain an idea of removing the Institution again to a farm ; and accordingly, purchased a ffirm of over a hundred acres, on the Groveport turnpike, about two miles east of the Court House, for which they paid between thir- teen and fourteen thousand dollars. They have not, however, yet made any move toward erecting buildings, or preparing it for the purposes for which it was pur- chased — and it is quite presumable they never will ; for it is quite certain that, with the pauper labor there can- 94 HISTORYOF not be one quarter of the ground cultivated that is already connected with the present building. The keeper or Superintendent in his report for the year ending first of June, 1856, says : The number of paupers admitted during the year, 160 « " discharged " " 137 « « died " " 26 Remaining then in the Institution — adult males 17; adult females 29 ; children 17, - - - 63 Daily average during the year, - - - - 68 Highest number 87 ; lowest, 54. The expenses of the same year were - - $9,800 Names and times of election of Directors since they were made electable : 1842. George Frankenberg elected for Augustus S. Decker, " - - , Robert Riordan, " - - 1843. George Frankenberg, reelected 1844. Augustus S. Decker, " - - 1845. Robert Riordan, " 1846. George Frankenberg, " - - 1847. A. S. Decker, « - 1848. John Walton in place of Riordan. 1849. S. D. Preston in place of Frankenberg. 1 year, 2 iC 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 u 3 a 3 a FRANKLIN COUNTY. 95 1849. Arthur O'Harra for two years to fill the vacancy occasioned by Walton's removal from the county. 1850. Decker reelected for - - - 3 years. 1851. O'Harra " . - . . 3 « 1852. Amos S. Ramsey elected in place of Prest"bn. 1853. Rufus Main elected in place of Decker. 1854. Orin Backus elected in place of O'Harra. 1855. L. J. Moeller elected in place of Ramsey. 1856. John Lisle elected in place of Main. 1857. William Aston elected in place of Backus. Present officers of the Institution (1858) and their sala- ries as fixed by the Board of Directors : DIRECTORS. L. J. Moeller, term expires Oct. 1858.^ John Lisle, " " « 1859. Wm. Aston, « " « 1860. > Per diem pay. Mr. Aston is the acting Director — salary - $350 KEEPER. L. J. Moeller— salary - - • - - $600 PHYSICIAN. L. J. Moeller — salary - - - - $300 CHAPTER VIII. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Franklin County Agricultural Society. At a meet- ing of the citizens of Franklin County, held at the City Hall in Columbus, on the 6th of September, 1851, it was resolved to proceed to organize a County Agricultural Society ; and a constitution which had been previously prepared, was reported and adopted. It provides that the officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Managers, who together shall constitute a Board of Directors, and shall all be elected annually. That the members of the Society shall each pay one dollar a year into the trea- sury. That there shall be an annual County Fair, etc. At the same time and place, the following gentlemen w^ere elected the first board of officers : President — Samuel Medary. Vice President — Samuel Brush. Treasurer — G. M. Peters. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 97 Secretary — Wm. Dennison, jr. Managers — Pliny Curtis, David Taylor, Joseph O'Harra, Wm. L. Miner, and W. H. Rarey. A committee of three from each township and ward was then appointed 'to obtain subscribers to the con- stitution and collect the dues from members. At the next meeting a set of by-laws were adopted, and at a meeting, on the 27th of September, G. M. Peters resigned the office of Treasurer, and Robert Hume was appointed in his place j and by order of the Board, soon after, he drew from the county treasury two hundred dollars, in pursuance of a statute of the State, passed 28th of February, 1846, entitled "An act to encourage agriculture." Soon after, in October, 1851, the first County Fair was held on the State Fair grounds near Franklinton; and in May, 1852, Mr. Hume report- ed the state of the finances as follows : Cash received of 339 members, - - $339 00 " received from treasurer of county, - 200 00 " received from sale of admission tickets at Fair, 59 50 598 50 Deduct am't paid for premiums and expenses, 329 36 Leaving a balance in the treasurj^ of, - $269 14 7 98 HISTORY OF At the election of Directors in May, 1852, the result was as follows : President — Samuel Brush. Vice President — Jacob Slyh. Treasurer — Robert Hume. Secretary — Benjamin Blake. Managers — M. L. Sullivant, W. H. Rarey, Wm. L. Miner, E. F. Jennings and Lucien Buttles. The Directors had now turned their attention to the purchase and improvement of grounds of their own, on which to hold their future Fairs ; and in July, 1852, they effected a purchase of eight acres from Mr. Samuel Barr, upon which they immediately commenced their improvements. And in October of the same year, the second County Fair was held on their own ground. About this time, the Board passed an order that any person on paying twenty dollars in advance towards the purchase and improvement of the grounds, should there- by be constituted a life member of the Society without any further assessments or charges. The following gentlemen availed themselves of the order, and thereby aided the infont society, and created themselves life members, to wit : Samuel Brush, Benjamin Blake, Robert Hume, M. L. Sullivant, Wm. H. Rarey and Lucien Buttles. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 99 » Election of Directors in the spring of 1853 : President — Samuel Brush. Vice President — Moses Seymour. Secretary — Benjamin Blake. Treasurer — Robert Hume. Managers — Lucien Buttles, Joseph M. Sullivant, C. W. Speaks, Wm. L. Miner and Eli F. Jennings. The Fair for the year 1853 was held on the Society grounds the last three days in September. Election of Directors in the spring of 1854* : President — Wm, L. Miner. Vice President — Benjamin Blake. Secretary — J. W. Baldwin. Treasurer — Thomas Moodie. Managers — Messrs. Seymour, Slyh, Sullivant, B urr and Clark. *At this meeting, Mr. Brush, the President, delivered an interesting address to the Society, and declined a reelection. The meeting then passed the following compliraemtary resolutions : Resolved, That it is with profound regret, the members of the Society hear that their able and efficient President, Samuel Brush, Esq., peremptorily declines a reelection. Resolved, That this Society have a high appreciation of his valuable labors in their behalf, and hereby tender to him their hearty thanks for the good he has accomplished for the cause of Agriculture in Franklia County. 100 HISTORY OF The annual Fair for this year was held on the 13th, 14th and 15th days of September Election of Directors in the spring of 1855 : President — Lucien Buttles. Vice President — John Clark. Secretary — Henry C. Noble. Treasurer — Thomas Moo die. Managers — Alex. Mooberry, J. W. Long, Charles Pontius, G. S. Innis and J. W. Parks. In June of this year, the County Commissioners appropriated two hundred and fifty dollars towards improving the cross road from the national road to the Fair grounds. The Fair this year was held on the 12th, loth and 14th days of September. Election of Directors in the spring of 1856 : President — John Clark. Vice President — Alexander Mooberry. Secretary — Gamaliel Scott. Treasurer — Thomas Moodie. Managers — J. C. McDaniel, D. S. Elliot, H. C. Noble John Moler and David Taylor. Fair this year on the 17th, 18th and 19th of Septem- ber. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 101 Election of Directors 10th of April 1857: President — David Taylor, of Truro. Vice President — Alex. Mooberry, of Montgomery. Secretary — Gamaliel Scott, of Columbus. Treasurer — Thomas Moodie, of Columbus. Managers — J. H. Stage of Columbus, W. T. Decker of Madison, John Stimmel of Jackson, J. C. McDaniel of Blendon, and S. S. Davis of Perry. The annual Fair for 1857 was held on the 9th, 10th and 11th days of September. Columbus Horticultural Society. The first meeting of the citizens to form this Society, was held on the 10th of April, 1845. At this meeting, the late Bela Latham was chosen chairman, and M. B. Bateham, Secretary ; and a committee was appointed to report a Constitution and By-Laws. This committee consisted of Messrs. M. B. Bateham, Joseph Sullivant, Samuel Medary, John Burr, Alex. E. Glenn, Joseph Ridgway, jr., and Joel Buttles. The next meeting was held May 12th ; the Constitu- tion Avas adopted, and Bela Latham elected President \ W. S. Sullivant and Sam'l Medary, Vice Presidents ; Joseph Sullivant, Recording Secretary; M. B. Bateham, Cor. Secretary ; John W. Andrews, Treasurer ; Dr. I. G. 102 HISTORY OF Jones, John Burr, John A. Lazell, John Fisher, Moses Jewett, John Miller and Leander Hansom, Managers. On the 2Gth of September, 1845, the first public Ex- hibition or Fair of the Society was held, at which there was a good display of fruits and flowers, and which was well attended by the citizens. At the annual meeting, in March, 1846, Mr. Latham was reelected President. The annual Fair this year was on the 3d and 4th of September, at which there was a large display of fruits and flowers, and premiums were awarded. In 1847, Mr. Latham was again reelected President, and the Society held their Fair on the 7th and 8th of September. At the annual meeting, in March, 1848, Dr. I. G. Jones was chosen President, in place of Mr. Latham, Avhose ill health prevented him from discharging the duties of the office. In this year the Society lost its most active and efficient member in the death of Mr. Latham, which took place on the 21st of April. The Society had not yet been incorporated ; but on the 13th of March, 1849, an act of incorporation was passed, which reads as follows : " That Francis Stewart, John Miller, Joseph Sullivant, I. G. Jones, Adam Sites, Lucien Buttles, Benjamin Blake, William Merlon, M. B. Bateham, Samuel McClelland, Thomas Stockton, Samuel FRANKLIN COUNTY. 103 Medary, A. H. Lazell, John Burr, Alexander E. Glenn, their associates and successors, be and they are hereby incorporated by the name and style of the Columbus Horticultural Society, for the purpose of encouraging and improving the science and practice of horticulture, and the promoting and propagation of the various spe- cies of trees, fruits, plants and vegetables, and the intro- duction of new species and varieties, and for no other purpose whatever." In 1849, Dr. Jones was reelected President, and was continued several years. The prevalence of the cholera in 1849 and 1850, prevented the Society from doing much more than to keep up its organization. In 1851, the Society effected a purchase of ten acres of land from Mr. Samuel Barr, adjacent to the County Fair grounds, for the purpose of establishing a Society Garden. And in September of that year, they adopted a new Constitution, which superseded the old Constitu- tion and By-Laws. It provides : 1st. There shall be regular life and honorary members. 2d. That any person may become a regular member whose name is proposed at any meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, by signing the Con- stitution, and paying two dollars initiation fee, and one dollar annually thereafter, in advance. 3d. That any member of the Society may become a 104 HISTORY, ETC. life member by paying the sum of twenty dollars, which shall be in lieu of all assessments. 4th. The officers of the Society consist of a Presi- dent, two Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary ; and a Council, which shall consist of the President, Treasurer and three mem- bers, all to be elected annually. The garden grounds have been fenced and somewhat improved, but not yet cultivated as a garden. PRESENT OFFICERS OE THE SOCIETY. President — M. B. Bateham. Vice Presidents — Francis Stewart and Benjamin Blake.* Treasurer — Henry C. Noble. Corresponding Secretary — Henry C. Noble. Recording Secretary — Robert Hume. * Mr. Blake died March 27, 1858. CHAPTER IX. JOHN BRICKELL — HIS CAPTIVITY, ETC. Mr. Brickell was one of the three or four first white men that ever took up their permanent residence in what is now Franklin County. He came here, he in- forms us, in 1797, and he ever after made it his place of residence ; living most of the time on a ten acre lot of land just in front of the Penitentiary, which he purchas- ed of Lyne Starling, before the town of Columbus was laid out. His narative, from which the following ex- tracts are taken, was written and published in 1842, in the American Pioneer, a monthly periodical. But as it was never seen by many, it seems highly proper to give it a place in this work. Mr. Brickell was an intelligent man, a hatter by trade, and for many years a member of the Methodist Church. He says : "I was born on the 24th of May, 1781, in Pennsyl- vania, near a place then known as Stewart's Crossings, on the Youghiogheny River, and, as I suppose from what I learned in after life, about four miles from Beesontown, 106 HISTORY OF now Uniontown, in Fayette County. On my father's side, I was of Irisli, and on my mother's of German pa- rentage. My father died when I was quite young, and I went to live with an elder brother, on a preemption set- tlement, on the north-east side of the Alleghany River, about two miles from Pittsburgh. On the breaking out of the Indian war, a body of Indians collected to the amount of about one hundred and fifty warriors, and spread up and doAvn the Alleghany River about forty miles, and by a preconcerted movement, made an attack on all the settlements along the river, for that distance, in one day. " This was on the 9th of February, 1791. I was alone, clearing out a fence row, about a quarter of a mile from the house, when an Indian came to me, and took my axe from me and laid it upon his shoulder with his rifle, and then let down the cock of his gun, which, it appears, he had cocked in approaching me. I had been on terms of intimacy with the Indians, and did not feel alarmed at this movement. They had been about our house almost every day. He took me by the hand and pointed the direction he wanted me to go ; and although I did not know him, I concluded he only wanted me to chop something for him, and went without reluctance. We came to where he had lain all night, between two logs, without fire. I then suspected something was wrong. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 107 and attempted to run ; but lie threw me down on my face, in Avliicli position I every moment expected to feel the stroke of the tomahawk on my head. But he had prepared a rope, wdth which he tied my hands together behind me, and thus marched me off. After going a little distance, we fell in with George Girty, son of old George Girty. He spoke English, and told me what they had done. He said ' white people had killed In- dians, and that the Indians had retaliated, and now there is war, and you are a prisoner ; and wt will take you to our town and make an Indian of you ; and you will not be killed if you go peaceably ; but if you try to run away, we won't be troubled Avith you, but we will kill you, and take your scalp to our town.' I told him I would go peaceably, and give them no trouble. From thence we traveled to the crossings of Big Beaver with scarce any food. We made a raft, and crossed late in the evening, and lay in a hole in a rock without fire or food. They would not make fire for fear we had attract- ed the attention of hunters in chopping for the raft. In the morning, the Indian who took me, delivered me to Girty, and took another direction. Girty and I contin- ■ ued our course towards the Tuscarawas. We traveled all that day through hunger and cold, camped all night, and continued till about three in the afternoon of the third day since I had tasted a mouthful. I felt very 108 HISTORY OF indignant at Girty, and thought if ever I got a good chance, I would kill him. " We then made a fire, and Girty told me that if he thought I would not run away, he would leave me by the fire, and go and kill something to eat. I told him I would not. ^ But,' said he, '■ to make you safe, I will tie you.' He tied my hands behind my back, and tied me to a sapling, some distance from the fire. After he was gone, I untied myself and laid down by the fire. In about an hour, he came running back without any game. He asked me what I untied myself for ? I told him I Avas cold. He said : ' Then you no run away ?' I said ' no.' He then told me there were Indians close by, and he was afraid they would find me. We then went to their camp, where there were Indians with whom I had been as intimate as with any person, and they had been frequently at our house. They were very glad to see me, and gave me food, the first I had eaten after cross- ing Beaver. They treated me very kindly. AVe staid all night with them, and next morning we all took up our march toward the Tuscarawas, which we reached on the second day, in the evening. "Here we met the main body of hunting families, and the warriors from the Alleghany, this being their place of rendezvous. I supposed these Indians all to be Delawares ; but at that time I could not distinguish FRANKLIN COUNTY. 109 between the different tribes. Here I met with two white prisoners, Thomas Dick, and his wife, Jane. They had been our nearest neighbors. I was immediately led to the lower end of the encampment, and allowed to talk freely with them for about an hour. They informed me of the death of two of our neighbors, Samuel Chapman and William Powers, who Avere killed by the Indians — one in their house, and the other near it. The Indians show^ed me their scalps. I kneAV that of Chapman, haA'- ing red hair on it. " Next day about ten Indians started back to Pittsburgh. Girty told me they went to pass them- selves for friendly Indians and to trade. Among these was the Indian who took me. In about two weeks they returned Avell loaded Avith store goods, whisky, etc. " After the traders came back, the company diA'ided ; and those Avho came Avith us to TuscaraAvas, and the Indian who took me, marched on toAvards Sandusky. When Ave arriA^ed Avithin a day's journey of an Indian town, Avhere Fort Seneca since stood, we met two Avar- riors going to the frontiers to war. The Indian I was with, had Avhisky. He and the two Avarriors got drunk, when one of the Avarriors fell on me and beat me. I thought he Avould kill me. The night Avas A'ery dark, and I ran out into the Avoods, and lay under the side of a log. They presently missed me, and got lights to 110 HISTORY OF search for me. The Indian to whom I belonged called aloud : ' AVhite man, white man ! ' I made no answer ; but in the morning, after I saw the warriors start on their journey, I went into camp, where I was much pitied on account of my bruises. Next day we arrived within a mile of the Seneca town, and encamped for the night, agreeably to their manner, to give room for their parade, or grand entrance the next day. That took place about eight o'clock in the morning. The ceremo- ny commenced with a great whoop or yell. We were then met by all sorts of Indians from the town, old and young, men and women. We then called a halt, and they formed two lines about twelve feet apart, in the direction of the river. They made signs for me to run between the lines towards the river. I knew nothing of what they wanted, and started ; but I had no chance, for they fell to beating me until I was bruised from head to foot. At this juncture, a very big Indian came up and throAV the company off me, and took me by the arm, and led me along througli the lines with such rapidity that I scarcely touched the ground, and was not once struck after he took me till I got to the river. Then the very ones who beat me the worst were now the most kind and officious in washing me off, feeding me, etc., and did their utmost to cure me. I was nearly killed, and did not get over it for two months. My FRANKLIN COUNTY. Ill impression is, that the big Indian, who rescued me, was Captain Pipe, who assisted in burning Crawford. The Indian who owned me did not interfere in any way. " We staid about two weeks at the Seneca towns. My owner there took himself a wife, and then started with me and his wife through the Black Swamp towards the Mauraee towns. At Seneca I left the Indians I had been acquainted with, near Pittsburgh, and never saw or heard of them afterwards. When we arrived at the Auglaize River, we met an Indian ray owner called brother, to whom he gave me ; and I was adopted into his family. His name was Whingwy Pooshies, or Big Cat. I lived in his family from about the first week in May, 1791, till my release in June, 1795. " The squaws do nearly all the labor except hunting. They take care of the meat when brought in, and stretch the skins. They plant and tend the corn ; they gather and house it, assisted by young boys, not yet able to hunt. After the boys are at the hunting age, they are no more considered as squaws, and are kept at hunting. The men are faithful at hunting, but when at home lie lazily about, and are of little account for any- thing else, seldom or never assisting in domestic duties. Besides the common modes, they often practice candle hunting ; and for this they sometimes make candles or tapers, when they cannot buy them. Deer come to the 112 H I S T K Y OF river to eat a kind of water grass, to get which they frequently immerse their whole head and horns. They seem to be blinded by light at night, and will suffer a canoe to float close to them, I have practiced that kind of hunting much since I came to live where Columbus now is, and on one occasion killed twelve fine deer in one night. " The fall after my adoption, there was a great stir in the town about an army of white men coming to fight the Indians. The squaws and bo^^s were moved with the goods down the Maumee, and there waited the result of the battle, while the men went to war. They met St. Clair, and came off victorious, loaded with the spoils of the army. Whingwy Pooshies left the spoils at the town and came down to move us up. We then found ourselves a rich people. Whingwy Pooshies's share of the spoils of the army was two fine horses, four tents, one of which was a noble marquee, which made us a fine house in which we lived the remainder of my captivity. He had also clothing in abundance, and of all descriptions. I wore a soldier's coat. He had also axes, guns, and every thing necessary to make an Indian rich. There was much joy among them. " I saw no prisoners that were taken in that battle, and believe there were none taken by the Delawares. Soon after this battle another Indian and I went out FRANKLIN COUNTY. 113 hunting, and we came to a place where there lay a human skeleton stripped of the flesh, which the Indian said had been eaten by the Chippewa Indians who were in the battle ; and he called them brutes thus to use their prisoners. During the time of my captivity I con- versed with seven or eight prisoners, taken from differ- ent parts, none of which were taken from that battle, agreeably to my best impressions. One of the prisoners I conversed with, was Isaac Patton by name, who was taken with Isaac Cheat, Stacy and others from a block- house at the Big Bottom, on the Muskingum. I lived two years in the same house with Patton. I think I saw Spencer once. I saw a large lad, who, if I recollect right, said his name was Spencer. He was with McKee and Elliot as a waiter, or kind of servant ; and, if I remember right, he was at the rapids. " On one of our annual visits to the rapids to receive our presents from the British, I saw Jane Dick. Her husband had been sold, I understood, for forty dollars, and lived at Montreal. He was sold because he was rather worthless and disagreeable to the Indians. When I saw her she lived at large with the Indians. She became suddenly missing, and a great search was made for her; but the Indians could not find her. After my release from captivity, I saw her and her husband at Chillicothe, where they lived. 114 HISTORY OF " She told me how she was liberated. Her husband had concerted a plan with the Captain of the vessel Avho brought the presents, to steal her from the Indians. The Captain concerted a plan with a black man, who cooked for McKee and Elliot, to steal Mrs. Dick. The black man arranged it with Mrs. Dick to meet him at midnight, in a copse of underwood, which she did, and he took her on board in a small canoe, and headed her up in an empty hogshead, where she remained until the day after the vessel sailed, about thirty-six hours. I remember well that every camp, and the woods were searched for her, and that the vessel was searched ; for the Indians immediately suspected she was on board. But not thinking of unheading hogsheads, they could not find her. I saw the black man at Fort Hamilton as I returned from captivity, who told me how he stole Mrs. Dick off, which was in every particular confirmed by Mrs. Dick's own statement afterward. He also told me that there was a plan concerted between him and the Captain, to steal me off at the same time. ' But,' said he, ' they watched you so close I could not venture it.' This I knew nothing of, until I was told by the black man, except that I observed the vigilance with which they watched me. "In the month of June, 1794, three Indians, two men and a boy, and myself, started on a candle-light FRANKLIN COUNTY. 115 hunting expedition to Blanchard's Fork of the Auglaize. We had been out about two months. We returned to the towns in August, and found them entirely evacu- ated, but gave ourselves little uneasiness about it, as we supposed the Indians had gone to the foot of the Mau- mee rapids to receive their presents, as they Avere annually in the habit of doing. We encamped on the lower island in the middle of a cornfield. Next morn- ing an Indian runner came down the river and gave the alarm whoop, which is a kind of a yell they use for no other purpose. The Indians answered and one went over to the runner, and immediately returning told us the white men were upon us, and we must run for our lives. We scattered like a flock of partridges, leaving our breakfast cooking on the fire. The Kentucky Riflemen saw our smoke and came to it, and just missed me as I passed them in my flight through the corn. They took the whole of our two months w'ork, break- fast, jerked skins and all. One of the Kentuckians told me afterwards that they got a fine chance of meat that was left. " Wayne was then only about four miles from us, and the vanguard was right among us. The boy that was with us in the hunting expedition, and I, kept together on the trail of the Indians till we overtook them, but 116 HISTORY OF the two Indians did not get with us until we got to the rapids. " Two or three days after we arrived at the rapids, Wayne's spies came right into camp among us. I afterwards saw the survivors. Their names were Mil- ler, McClelland, May, Wells, Mahaffy, and one other whose name I forget. They came into the camp boldly and fired on the Indians. Miller got wounded in the shoulder. May was chased by the Indians to the smooth rock in the bed of the river, where his horse fell. He was taken prisoner and the rest escaped. They then took May to camp. They knew him ; he had formerly been a prisoner among them, and ran away from them. They told him : * We know you ; you speak Indian language ; you not content to live with us. To-morrow we take you to that tree ; (pointing to a very large bur oak at the edge of the clearing, which was near the British Fort,) we will tie you up and make a mark on your breast, and we will try what Indian can shoot nearest it' "It so turned out. The next day, the very day before the battle, they tied him up, made a mark on his breast, and riddled his body with bullets, shooting at least fifty into him. Thus ended poor May. " On the next day, being myself about six miles below with the squaws, I went out hunting. The day being FRANKLIN COUNTY. 117 windy, I heard notlnug of the firing of the battle, but saw some Indians on the retreat. One Indian, whom I knew, told me I had better go to camp, for the Indians were beaten, and they are preparing at camp to make their escape. The runners, towards dusk, came in, and said the army had halted and encamped. We' then rest- ed that night, but in great fear. Next morning, the runners told us the army had started up the river towards the mouth of the Auglaize. We were then sat- isfied. Many of the Delawares were killed and wound- ed. The Indian who took May was killed, and he was much missed -, for he was the only gunsmith among the Delawares. " Our crops and every means of support being cut off, we had to winter at the mouth of Swan Creek, perhaps where Toledo now stands. We were entirely dependent on the British, and they did not half supply us. " The starving condition of the Indians, together with the prospect of losing all their cows and dogs, made the Indians very impatient, and they became exasperated at the British. They said they had been deceived by them, for they had not fulfilled one promise. It was concluded among them to send a flag to Fort Defiance in order to make a treaty with the Americans. This was successful. Our men found the Americans ready to make a treaty, and they agreed on an exchange of 118 HISTORY OF prisoners. I had tlie pleasure to see nine white prison- ers exchanged for nine Indians, and the mortification of finding myself left ] there being no Indian to give for me. Patton, Johnston, Sloan and Mrs. Baker, of Ken- tucky, were four of the nine ; the names of the others I do not recollect. Patton, Johnston and Mrs. Baker, had all lived with me in the same house among the In- dians, and we were as intimate as brothers and sisters. " On the breaking up of spring, we all went up to Fort Defiance, and on arriving on the shore opposite, we saluted the fort with a round of rifles, and they shot a cannon thirteen times. We then encamped on the spot. On the same day, Whingwy Pooshies told me I must go over to the fort. The children hung round me crying, and asked me if I M^as going to leave them ? I told them I did not know. When we got over to the fort and were seated with the officers, Whingwy Pooshies told me to stand up, which I did ; he then rose and ad- dressed me in about these words : ^ My son, these are men the same color as yourself; there may be some of your kin here, or your kin may be a great way off from you ; you have lived a long time with us ; I call on you to say if I have not been a father to you ? If I have not used you as a father would a son ?' I said: ' You have used me as well as a father could use a son.' He said : ' I am glad you say so. You have lived long with me ; FRANKLIN COUNTY. 119 you have hunted for me ; but our treaty says you must he free. If you choose to go with the people of your color, I have no right to say a word ; but if you choose to stay with me, your people have no right to speak. Now, reflect on it, and take your choice ; and tell us as soon as you make up your mind.' "I was silent a few moments, in which time it seemed as if I thought of almost every thing. I thought of the children I had just left crying ; I thought of the Indians I was attached to ; and I thought of my people, whom I remembered ; and this latter thought predominated, and I said : ' I will go with my kin.'- The old man then said : ' I have raised you ; I have learned you to hunt ; you are a good hunter ; you have been better to me than my own sons ; I am now getting old and can- not hunt ; I thought you would be a support to my age ; I leaned on you as on a staff. Now it is broken — you are going to leave me, and I have no right to say a word — but I am ruined.' He then sank back in tears in his seat. I heartily joined him in his tears — parted with him, and have never seen nor heard of him since. "I learned the Delaware language well, and can speak it now about as well as English. I will give the Dela- ware names of a few streams. Sepung, is properly what we call a stream, there being no distinction between runs, creeks and rivers, as with us. They called the Ohio 120 HISTORY OF Wliingwy Sepung, or Big Stream. Paint Creek^ in Ross County^ I never heard called Yoctongee ; but we called it Olomon Sepung, or Paint Creek. Seckle Se- pung, or Saltlick Creek, what is now called Alum Creek. Whingwy Mahoni Sepung, or Big Lick Creek, is what we call Big Walnut Creek. The Scioto was so called, but it is not a Delaware name, and I do not know its meaning. "It was about the 1st of June, 1795, that I parted with Whingwy Pooshies. The next day I started for Fort Greenville. I rode on a horse furnished by the Ameri- cans. I was under the charge and protection of Lieut. Blue, who treated me with every kindness ; and at Fort Greenville had a good suit of clothes made for me by a tailor. We had been there about a week, when a com- pany of men arrived from Cincinnati, among whom was a brother of my brother's wife, with whom I had lived, and from Avhom I w\as taken. He told me of a sister I had, who was married, and lived about nine miles from Cincinnati, up Licking, on the Kentucky side. I then left Mr. Blue at Fort Greenville, and went to my sister's. She and all the neighbors seemed to be overjoyed, and a great crowd collected to see me, and hear about my living among the Indians. I then went to Grant's Salt Works, up Licking, to hunt for them. I made money there by killing deer at one dollar a piece, and FRANKLIN COUNTY. 121 turkeys at twelve and a half cents. I bought me a house, and had money left to take me to Pennsylvania. I went with a man named Andrew LoAvis. There was great joy again, at my brother's, on my return to his house, from whence I was taken. My sister-in-law, in particular, seemed much gratified with my return, as did the great crowd which here again collected to see me, and hear the narrative of my captivity. " In 1797, 1 came to this place, that is, now Columbus, Ohio, and have resided here ever since ; generally en- joying good health, it never having cost me a dollar in my life for medical aid; and without ever wearing any thing like a stocking inside of my moccasin, shoes or boots, from the time I went among the Indians to this day ; and, I can say what perhaps few can at this day, that my feet are never cold. " At another time, the Lord granting the opportunity, I will give more of the incidents of my life, as connect- ed with the settlement and improvement of the country. "JOHN BRICKELL. « Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1842." Mr. Brickell died the 20th of July, 1844, in the 64th year of his age. CHAPTER X. JEREMIAH ARMSTRONG — HIS CAPTIVITY, ETC. Mr. Armstrong, when but a youth, became one of the first residents of Franklin County. He grew up to manhood in Franklinton, and continued to reside there until after the town of Columbus was laid out. He then became one of the first settlers of the new town, of which he has continued a resident nearly all the time since. In the spring of 1813 he purchased from the pro- prietors his lot on High street, which he still owns, and on which he for many years kept a respectable hotel. His first sign was that of Christopher Columbus at full size, then the Hod Lion. Some years since he retired from business with a competency, and is spending the evening of life in peace and quietness. The following is a brief narrative of his captivity with the Indians. He says: "I was born in Washington County, Maryland, March, 1785. I had a sister (Elizabeth) and three brothers, William, Robert and John, older than myself We moved to the Mingo Bottom and from there to Virginia, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 123 opposite the upper end of Blannerhasset's Island. The Indians made frequent incursions into our neighborhood, and my mother was in constant dread of being killed by them ; she seemed to have a presentiment that she would have the fate of her parents, who were both killed by them in Mifflin County, Penn. Some time in April, 1794,(1 perfectly remember all the circumstances of that eventful night,) my brothers William and Robert had gone to a floating mill which my father owned on the Ohio, near the house; the younger children were in bed. Father went down to the river to examine a trot line ; my mother stood in the door, holding a candle for him. I shall never forget her appearance ; it w^as the last time I ever beheld her ; she stood trembling like a leaf, so that the candle shook in her hand. I suppose that she was afraid of the Indians, for I then thought there was nothing else to fear. Father returned safe ; barred both of the doors, as was his custom, and then retired. Eliza- beth, John and I, slept in the loft of our log house. " About three o'clock, we were awakened by the bark- ing of our dog. Father sprang up, and without waiting to put on any clothing, unbarred one of the doors, and ran out and hissed the dog ; but in a moment he saw several Indians start from behind the trees, hallooed Indians, and ran into the house, barred the door, and caught up a gun. By this time the house was surround- 124 HISTORY OF ed by twenty Wyandots. The poor, faithful dog had kept them off till he was disabled ; they had cut him so badly in the mouth that his under jaw hung loose. As the savages approached the house, father fired the gun ; then caught a bullet poucli, and sprang to the loft, put his bullet and powder into his hand, but in attempting to put it into the gun found (too late) that he had taken the wrong pouch, and the bullet w^as too large ; so he threw down the gun, tore open the roof, and sprang to the ground, fully expecting to be tomahawked the in- stant he reached it ; but fortunatel}'' he was not discov- ered, for the most of the Indians were already in the house. They commenced their bloody work by killing the three little ones. Mother attempted to escape through the chimney, but it is supposed that her clothes caught, for she fell, and (as the Indians afterward told me) in attempting to raise her they found she could not stand ; her hip was broken. Had she been able to travel, they would not have killed her; but as she could not, they must have her scalp as a trophy. They also scalped the two oldest of the children, but from my mother took tioo. "They dry these scalps on little hoops, about the size of a dollar, paint them, and fix them on poles, to raise as trophies of victory when entering their villages. When seeing these so raised, I inquired why they took FRANKLIN COUNTY. 125 two from mother ? They said because the babe's hair ■was not long enough to scalp, they took one from its mother for it. After killing my sisters and brother be- low, they came up to us, and took us down. Oh! who can describe our feelings on entering that room of blood ! I was led over the slippery^ hloochj floor, and placed between the knees of one of the savages, whose hands were still reeking with the blood of my dearest relatives. " Mr. Misner, who lived about a hundred yards above us, hearing the noise, took a canoe and started for Bel- pre, to raise an alarm. When half way across the river, I suppose, he saw the Indians and my sister ; she was standing in the door, and the house was lighted. Mr. M. called, ' What is the matter ?' One of the Indians told her to say nothing, which she did, being afraid to disobey. After plundering the house, they, with their three prisoners, started south-west ; they went rapidly for a mile or two, then halted, formed a ring around us, and lighted their pipes, and made several speeches, ap- parently in great haste. We watched their gestures, and listened anxiously. I was afterward told that / was the subject of their debate. They expected to be pur- sued by the people of Belpre, and thought me too young to travel as fast as necessary for their safety ; so they proposed killing me ; but a young Indian who had led 126 HISTORY OF me, and observed my activity in jumping the logs, said he thought I would make a prdfi/ good Indian, and they might go as fast as they pleased, and if I could not keep up, he would carry me. So my life was spared, and we continued our journey at a rapid rate; he sometimes carrying me, and I sometimes begging my sister to car- ry me. SJie, poor girl, could scarcely carry herself. I was quite small of my age. " When we arrived opposite the mouth of Little Hocking, they found their canoes, which they had secreted in the bushes, got into them, and hastened across the river. When they gained the opposite bank, they gave a never-to-be-forgotten whoop, for they felt themselves safe. The next day they dined on a bear, which they had killed the day before. The oil of the bear was hung up in a deer skin ; they gave us some of it to drink ; we would not drink it. So they gave us of the bread and sugar which they had taken from my father's house — bread which our mother had so lately made. And where was she ? Oh ! my heart ached at the thought. They treated us kindly, and while our bread and sugar lasted, we fared very well. " But to return to my father. AVhen he jumped to the ground from the roof, he ran to the river, took a canoe and crossed over to the island, went to Mr. James's, then to the mill for my brothers, wakened them, and FRANKLIN COUNTY. 127 with them returned to the house. What a horrible scene presented itself! There lay my mother and the babe on the ground. In the house the other two children were lying in their gore. The boy was still alive, and he asked my father why he pulled his hair. " I saw Mr. John James (a resident of Jackson County) in Columbus some years ago. He said that he was one of the twenty that followed the Indians down the river, saw their canoes, and where they landed, and also discovered by the tracks that we were still alive. They were afraid, if pursued farther, the Indians would kill us to expedite their flight. They were not far behind — the water was still muddy — so they returned. " After eating our dinner, we started again, and our next halt was near where Lancaster now stands. There we saw young Cox, a man they had taken from our neighborhood a few days previous. We spent the night there. In the morning two of the most savage of our party took John and myself and started for Upper San- dusky. I missed not only my sister, but the young Indian that carried me. I had already begun to con- sider him my friend, although I did not then know that he had saved my life. " Our two conductors seemed to delight in torment- ing us. They made us wade streams where the water 128 HISTORY OF came up to my cliin. Brother John being two years older than myself, and taller, would lead me. They would laugh at our fears. We had nothing but roots and herbs to eat. When we came near their village in Upper Sandusky, they stpipped us of our clothes, and tied a small part around our bodies in Indian style. When I cried at the loss of my clothes, one of them whipped me severely with his pipe stem. The Indian squaws and children came running from all directions to see, and we were no sooner in the house than the door was completely blocked up Avith them, which frightened me very much. " A few days after our arrival, the party we had left behind came up, and I, when I savv them coming, ran to meet my friend, and was as glad to see him as if he had been my brother. My fondness for him no doubt in- creased his for me. " The next morning we started for Lower Sandusky. In passing through the Seneca nation, the pole of scalps was hoisted. A little Seneca Indian ran to us, took the pole from the bearer, and carried it to an old squaw', who was sitting in the door of her hut. She examined it, handed it back to the boy, and he returned it to the Indian, then knocked both John and myself down. It was a privilege they had, as they belonged to another nation. After leaving the Senecas, we came to FRANKLIN COUNTY. 129 some of our own nation, that is, Wyandots. There they formed a ring before we ate, and a prisoner who spoke both languages, gave me a gourd with shot in it, telling me that I must say grace. So he put some Indian words in my mouth, and bid me go around the ring, knocking the gourd with my hand, and repeating the words, which I did as well as I could. But my awkwardness made them laugh ; so I got angry and threw down the gourd. I thought to myself, it was very different from the way my father said grace. " On arriving at Lower Sandusky, before entering the town, they halted and formed a procession for Cox, my sister, my brother and myself to run the gauntlet. They pointed to the house of their chief. Old Crane, about a hundred yards distant, signifying that we should run into it. We did so, and were received very kindly by the old chief; he was a very mild man, beloved by all. " I was then adopted into his family, the Deer tribe, my brother John into another, the Turtle tribe, and my sister into another; so we were separated. I was painted all over, and a broad belt of wampum put around my body. I was quite an important personage ; and if my dear sister and brother had remained with me I should have been happy ; yes, happy, for I thought, now the Indians were my friends, I had nothing on 130 HISTORYOF earth to fear. But my brother and sister were gone, and I was alone. I cried very much. An old prisoner tried to comfort me. He said I must not eat with the paint on me ; if I did, it would kill me. It was the paint of my adoption, and I suppose that w^hile it was •on me, I was considered neither white nor red, and, according to their superstition, if I remained in that state, I should die. The prisoner took me to the river, and washed it off, then led me back to the house. " John was taken to Brownstown, and Elizabeth to Maumee. I did not see either of them again for about four years, when my, brother and myself regained our liberty. My sister remained with them but a few months. She was stolen from them by a gentleman in search of his sister, and taken to Detroit. As she had no means of returning to her friends, she went with a family by the name of Dolson to Canada, and married one of the sons. When I saw her next she had a family of her own. " After our adoption, the family to which I belonged came back to Columbus and camped near where the Penitentiary now stands. There we raised corn in what is now called Sullivant's Prairie. My home while with them was back and forth from there to Lower San- dusky. The first night I spent in Franklin, the Indians aU got drunk. The squaws put me on a scaffold to FRANKLIN COUNTY. 131 keep them from killing me. The squaws had sense enough to not taste the rum till the Indians were too drunk to harm them ; then they too got drunk. And, oh, what a time for me for a few days, while the rum lasted ; but when it was gone, they were very kind to me. " After parting from my brother and sister, I heard so little of my own language that I forgot it entirely, and became attached to them and their ways. In fact, I became a very good Indian. They called me Hooscoa- tah-jah, (Little Head.) A short time afterward, they changed my name to Diih-guah. They often change their names. "In the month of August, 1794, when I had been a prisoner about four months. General Wayne con-juered the Indians in that decisive battle on the Maumee. Before the battle, the squaws and children were sent to Lower Sandusky. Runners were sent from the scene of action to inform us of their defeat, and to order us to Sandusky Bay. They supposed that Wayne w^ould come with his forces and massacre the whole of us. Great was the consternation and confusion ; and I, (strange infatuation,) thinking iheir enemies mine, ran and got into a canoe, fearing they would go and leave me at the mercy of the pale faces. We all arrived safe at the Bay ; and there the Indians conveyed their 132 HISTORY OF wounded — Old Crane among the number. He was wounded in the arm ; and my friend, the one that saved my life, was killed. " Wayne, instead of molesting us, withdrew his forces to Greenville ; and we returned to Franklin, (that now is,) and encamped below the dam, where there is a deep hole, called Billy's Hole, from Billy Wyandot. " The only war dance I witnessed, was near where the Penitentiary now stands, when a party of them were preparing to leave for Kentucky in quest of prisoners and scalps. They returned with three prison- ers and five scalps. Billy Wyandot and others were then preparing to leave for Greenville to form a treaty, (August, '95.) By that treaty a great part of the present limits of the State of Ohio was ceded to the whites ; and the Indians were to give up all the prison- ers in their possession, which was done where found and recognized. " My brother and myself were still held in bondage, our friends supposing us to be dead. When the lands acquired by the treaty were being surveyed by Gen- erals Massie and McArthur, Mr. Thomas, a former neigh- bor of my father's, being with them, saw me and knew me. He sent word to my brother William, who was then residing in Kentucky. As soon as he heard that I was alive, he left Kentucky in search of me, with only FRANKLIN COUNTY. 133 six dollars in his pocket. He expected to find me in Franklin. Not finding me there, he went on to Upper Sandusky. The Indians were on a hunting tour and I was with them. The corn was then in the silk ; he was told that we would not be back until roasting ear time. So he went back as far as Chillicothe, where he re- mained until the time appointed. Then he started again and came to Lower Sandusky, where he found me quite happy, and so much of an Indian that I would much rather have seen him tomahawked than to go with him. Old Crane would not consent to give me up. He said according to the treaty they were not obliged to release any that w^ere willing to stay. They agreed to go to Brownstown and examine the treaty. " Brother William, knowing the uncertainty of the Indians, went to Detroit for assistance. He applied to Gen. Hamtramack, who gave him an officer and twelve men. With this force he came to Brownstown, sixteen miles. We were all there, and I had found my brother John, w^ho was as unwilling to leave as myself We were strutting back and forth on the porch. I had a large bunch of feathers tied in my hair at the crown of my head and rings in my ears and nose. I was feeling very large and defiant. When I saw William coming, I said to John, ' There comes our white brother.' He came towards us and put out his hand to shake hands, 134 HISTORY OF but we drew ourselves up scornfully, and would not allow him to touch us. Oh, how little we knew or thought of the toil and suffering he had endured for our sake. " We were both determined not to go with him ; so they took us by force. William took one of us by the hand and the officer the other ; they dragged us along to the boat. I well remember our setting one foot back to brace ourselves, and pulling with our might to get from them. But they succeeded in getting us into the boat and pushing off, leaving the old squaw who had the care of me, standing on the bank crying. There she stood, and I could hear her cries until lost in the dis- tance. I cried too, till quite exhausted, and I fell asleep. " John, being with a tribe that traded with the whites, did not forget his native tongue. Some days after we started, William related the story of our cap- ture, the murder of our mother, sisters and brother. John repeated it to me. Oh, what a sudden change it wrought in me. It brought back the whole scene so forcibly to my recollection, that I clung to my brother with affection and gratitude, and never more had a wish to return to the red men. " At Detroit we left our boat, and were kept in garri- son four or five days, waiting for a vessel to take us to Erie, Pennsylvania. We went from Erie to Pittsburgh, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 135 from there to our old home at Mr. Gillespie's, one of our old neighbors. We then changed our savage clothes, and after remaining several days, we left for Chillicothe, from thence to Franklin my present home. " JEREMIAH ARMSTHONG. " Columbus, April, 1858." CHAPTER XI. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Representatives in Congress — Senators and Representatives in State Legislature — County Commissioners — County Auditors — County Treasurers — County Collectors — County Assessors — County Re- corders — County Surveyors — President Judges — Associate Judges — Clerks of Courts — Prosecuting Attorneys — Sheriflfs — Coroners — Probate Judges — Superior Court. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. In the year 1802, the State Constitution was adopted, and in 1803, the County of Franklin was organized. Until 1812, the State was entitled to but one Repre- sentative in Congress; from 1812 until 1822, the State was entitled to six ; from 1822 until 1832, to fourteen ; from 1832 until 1842, to nineteen; and since 1842, to twenty-one. From 1812 until 1822, our Congressional District was composed of the counties of Franklin, Licking, Delaware, Madison, Fairfield, Champaign, Mont- gomery, Miami and Darke; from 1822 until 1832, of Franklin, Delaware, Marion, Crawford, Knox, Licking and Coshocton; from 1832 until 1842, of Franklin, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 137 Madison, Pickaway, Delaware and Marion; from 1842 until 1852, of Franklin, Licking, Knox and Delaware ; and since 1852, of Franklin, Licking and Pickaway. The first election for a member of Congress was held on the 27th of June, 1803, to elect one member for two years from the fourth of March, then past. And since then, the elections for Congressmen have always been held in October. Wm. H. Harrison had been a Delegate in Congress from the Northwestern Territory. He was elected by the first Territorial Legislature, convened at Cincinnati, in September, 1799. Memhers of Congress Elected.^ 1803. Jeremiah Morrow, of Warren County. 1804. « « " " 1806. " " " " 1808. « " « « 1810. " " " " 1812. James Kilbourne, of Franklin County. 1814. " " " " * It will be recollected that members of Congress for the regular terms, are elected one year previous to taking their seats. They are chosen at the October election, and their time properly commences the 4th of March ensuing; but in consequence of Congress not meeting until December, it makes the time over a year from their election until they take their seats at Washington. 138 HISTORY OF 1816. Philemon Beecher, of Fairfield County. 1818. " " " « 1820. Joseph Vance, of Champaign County. 1822. William Wilson, of Licking County. 1824. " " " " 1826. " " " " 1827. William Stanbery, of Licking County, one ses- sion, in place of Wilson, deceased. 1828. William Stanbery, of Licking County, full term. 1830. " « « " 1832. Jeremiah McLene, of Franklin County. 1834. " " " « 1836. Joseph Ridgway, " " 1838. " « " " 1840. " " " " 1842. Heman A. Moore, « " 1844. A. P. Stone, of Franklin County, for one session, in place of Moore, deceased. 1844. Columbus Delano, of Knox County, full term. 1846. Daniel Duncan, of Licking County. 1848. Charles Switzer, of Delaware County. 1850. " " " " 1852. Edson B. Olds, of Pickaway County. 1854. Samuel Galloway, of Franklin County. 1856. S. S. Cox, « « FRANKLIN COUNTY. 139 SENATORS IN STATE LEGISLATURE. Until the year 1810, Franklin, Ross and Highland Counties constituted a Senatorial District, which was entitled to two Senators. In 1810, Franklin, Delaware, Madison, and part of Pickaway, that had been stricken off of Franklin, were constituted a District, and entitled to one Senator; and so continued until 1820, when Union was added to the District. In 1823, Franklin, Mad- ison, Delaware, Union, Marion and Crawford, all elected together, one Senator. From 1827 until 1840, Franklin and Pickaway composed the Senatorial District. From 1840 until 1848, the District was composed of the coun- ties of Franklin, Madison and Clark; from 1848 until 1851, of Franklin and Delaware ; and since 1851, of Franklin and Pickaway again. Senators Elected. 1803. Nathaniel Massie and Abraham Claypool. 1804. Joseph Kerr in place of Massie. 1805. Duncan McArthur in place of Claypool. 1806. Abraham Claypool in place of Kerr. 1807. Duncan McArthur reelected. 1808. Henry Massie in place of Claypool. 1809. Duncan McArthur reelected. 1810. Joseph Foos, of Franklin County. 140 HISTORY OF 1812. John Barr, of Pickaway County. 1814. Joseph Foos, of Franklin " 1816. Thomas Johnston, " " 1818. Joseph Foos, " " 1820. " " « « 1822. Henry Brown,* " '• served one session. 1823. James Kooken, of Franklin County, one session, in place of Brown. 1824. Joseph Foos, of Franklin County. 1826. " « " « 1828. Joseph Olds, of Pickaway, — served by virtue of his election in 1827, before Franklin elected with Pickaway. 1829. Joseph Olds reelected. 1831. William Doherty, of Franklin County. 1833. Ralph Osborn, « « 1835. Elias Florence, of Pickaway " 1837. John L. Green, 1839. " « « " 1840. (New District.) Alex. Waddle, of Clark County. 1842. Joseph Ridgway, jr., of Franklin County. 1844. Alfred Kelley, " " 1846. J. Stutson, of Madison « * During Mr. Brown's first session, he was elected Treasurer of State, and consequently served but the one session. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 141 1848. William Dennison, jr., of Franklin County. 1850. Abraham Thomson, of Delaware " 1851. John Cradlebaugh of Pickaway. (Change of District.) 1853. Samuel Bartlett of Franklin County. 1855. Alfred Kelley, 1857. Augustus L. Perrill, of Pickaway County. REPRESENTATIVES IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Until the year 1808, Franklin elected with Ross County, and was represented by four members. In 1808 and 1809, Franklin and Delaware elected together, and were entitled to one member. In 1810 and 1811, Franklin, Delaware, Madison, and part of Pickaway, elected together, and were entitled to one member. In 1812, Franklin alone was first entitled to one member, and continued to be represented by one until 1828, when she was entitled, for one session, to two members; then reduced to one until 1832, when she again elected two members; in 1833, only one ; in 1834, two; in 1835 and 1836, only one; in 1837 and 1838, two; in 1839 and 1840, one; in 1841, two; in 1842, one; in 1843, two; in 1844 and 1845, Franklin and Madison two; in 1846 and 1847, two ; in 1848, 1849 and 1850, one; and one additional member elected in common with Delaware ; and since 1851, under the New Constitution, 142 HISTORY OF Franklin is entitled to two members, to be elected bien- nially. Members Elected. 1803. Wm. Creighton, John Evans, James Dunlap and Elias Langham. 1804. James Dunlap, Michael Baldwin, Duncan McAr- thur and William Patton. 1805. James Dunlap, Elias Langham, David Shelby and Abraham J. Williams. 1806. James Dunlap, David Shelby, Abraham J. Wil- liams and Nathaniel Massie. 1807. Elias Langham, Thomas Worthington, Jeremiah McLene and William Lewis. 1808. John Blair, of Franklin, (new district). 1809. " " « 1810. John Barr, of Pickaway County. 1811. " " « « 1812. Gustavus Swan, Franklin County only. 1813. Thomas Johnston, " " 1814. " " " " 1815. William Ludlow, " « 1816. Thomas Moore, « « 1817. Gustavus Swan, " « 1818. John A. McDowell, « « 1819. " « « « FRANKLIN COUNTY. 143 1820. John R. Parish, of Franklin County. 1821. " " " " 1822. David Smith, « « 1823. James Kilbourne, '' " 1824. George W. Williams, Franklin County. 1825. " " " « 1826. David Smith, « « 1827. Thomas C. Flournoy, « " 1828. Joseph Ridgway and Daniel Upson. 1829. William Doherty. 1830. Joseph Ridgway. 1831. Philo H. Olmsted. 1832. Francis Stewart and M. B. Wright. 1833. Philo H. Olmsted. 1834. Adam Reed and Jacob Grubb. 1835. Adam Reed. 1836. Alfred Kelley. 1837. Alfred Kelley and Robert Neil. 1838. James Kilbourne and John W. Andrews. 1839. Buckley Comstock. 1840. James C. Reynolds. 1841. Nathaniel Medbery and Joseph Chenowith. 1842. Joseph Chenowith. 1843. Samuel Parsons and Cornelius Crum. 1844. Jos. Ridgway, jr., and Chas. McCloud, of Madison. 1845. Jos. Ridgway, jr., and Edward Fitzgerald, " 144 HISTORY OF 1846. John Noble and Jeremiali Clark. 1847. A. F. Perry and George Taylor. 1848. Jarnes Dalzell and David Gregory, of Delaware. 1849. James Dalzell and Elijah Carney, " 1850. Wray Thomas and Charles L. Eaton. NEW CONSTITUTION. 1851. Edward Cartright and Edward A. Stanley. 1853, Alexander Thompson and Hiram Hendron. 1855. Geo. M. Parsons and James H. Smith. 1857. Wm. R. Rankin and H. L. Chaney. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The first Board of Commissioners for Franklin County, were elected in June, 1804, and their terms of service determined by lot, as follows, to wit : John Blair, until Oct. 1804.^ Benjamin Sells, « 1805. V Blair, Clerk of the Board. Arthur O'Harra, " 1806. J 1804. Michael Fisher. ^ 1805. Ezekiel Brown. ! y Fisher, Clerk. 1806. Arthur O'Harra. j 1807. Michael Fisher. J 1808. James Marshall. Fisher, Clerk. 1809. Arthur O'Harra. " " 1810. Robert Armstrong. O'Harra, Clerk. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 145 1811. James Marshall. Adam Hosack, Clerk. 1812. William Shaw. " " 1813. Robert Armstrong. G. Swan, Clerk. 1814. James Marshall. Joseph Grate, Clerk. 1815. William McElvain. J. A. McDowell, Clerk. 1816. Robert Armstrong, Samuel G. Flenniken. J. A. McDowell, Clerk. 1817. Joseph Grate, James Marshall. J. A. McDowell, Clerk. 1818. David Jamison. Joseph Grate, Clerk. 1819. George W. Williams. « " 1820. Joseph Grate.* « « 1821. Robert Armstrong and Horace Walcutt. 1822. James Marshall. 1823. Andrew Dill. 1824. Robert Armstrong. 1825. William Stewart. 1826. John M. Walcutt. 1827. William McElvain. 1828. William Stewart. 1829. Horace Walcutt and William Miller. * Iq 1821, the office of County Auditor was created, and Joseph Grate was appointed to that office — a part of the duties of which is to act as Clerk of the Board of Commissioners ; so that, now the Com- missioners have not the appointing of their own Clerk, but the Auditor for the time being, must act as such. 10 146 HISTORY OF 1830. Matthew Matthews. 1831. William Stewart. 1832. Horace Walcutt, (died 1833.) 1833. John M. White and Matthew Matthews. " Timothy Lee appointed in place of White, dec'd. 1834. Hiram Andrews in place of Stewart. 1835. Robert Lisle. 1836. James Bryden. 1837. Ft. W. Cowles in place of Andrews. 1838. John Tipton in place of Lisle. 1839. James Bryden reelected. 1840. William W. Kyle in place of Cowles. 1841. Samuel S. Davis. 1842. John Greenwood in place of Bryden. 1843. Wm. W. Kyle reelected. 1844. Samuel S. Davis " 1845. John Clark in place of Greenwood. 1846. Adams Stewart in place of Kyle. 1847. Tho. J. Moorman in place of Davis. 1848. 0. P. nines in place of Clark. 1849. Jacob Slyh in place of Stewart. 1850. Eli F. Jennings in place of Moorman. 1851. Jesse Baughman in place of Hines. 1852. C. W. Speaks in place of Slyh. 1853. Edward Livingston in place of Jennings. 1854. Willis Mattoon in place of Baughman. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 147 1855. Theodore Comstock in place of Speaks. 1856. Edward Livingston reelected. 1857. Mr. Mattoon died, and 0. P. Hines appointed for balance of the year. 1857. Isaac White elected in place of Hines. COUNTY AUDITORS. The office of County Auditor was created at the ses- sion of 1820-21.* Prior to that time the principal duties since performed by the Auditor, were discharged by the County Commissioners and their clerk. The Auditor was elected annually until 1824, and since then biennially. In March, 1821, Joseph Grate was appointed by the Commissioners, first Auditor of Franklin County. 1821. (Oct.) Zachariah Mills elected for one year. 1822. Joseph Grate, elected for one year. 1823. " " " " 1824. " " « for two years. *At the preceding session of the Legislature, Judge Flenniken was appointed, by the title of Auditor, to rate the lands of this county for taxation ; but it was entirely a different office from the present, and only continued one year. The lands were then classed for taxation as first, second and third rate, and charged a specified sum per hundred acres for each respective class. 148 HISTORY OF 1826. Joseph Grate, elected for two years, but died a few days after his election, and 1826. John C. Brodrick appointed by Commissioners. 1827. « " elect 1829. « « « 1831. a a a 1833. a a a 1835. a a a 1837. a a a 1839. Frederick Cole, " 1841. a a a 1843. a a a 1845. Smithson E. Wright, 1847. a a a 1849. Holdemond Crary, " 1851. a a a 1853. John M. Pugh, " 1855. a a a 1857. John Phillips, '' a li a a iC a a a a a a a iC a a COUNTY TREASURERS. The Treasurer was first appointed by the Associate Judges, then by the County Commissioners, until 1827. On the 24th of January, 1827, an act was passed by the Legislature, w^hich provided for the election of the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 149 Treasurer by the people biennially. The same pro- vision of law still remains. In 1803, Jacob Grubb was appointed by the Asso- ciate Judges the first Treasurer of Franklin County, and was continued yearly by reappointment until 1827. 1827. (June.) Christian Heyl, appointed by Commis- sioners. 1827. (Oct.) Christian Heyl, elected for two years. 1829. Christian Heyl, elected for two years. 1831. « " « « 1833. Geo. McCormick, « « 1835. William Long, « « 1837. " " " 1839. " " " 1841. Joseph McElvain, « 1843. " « " 1845. Joseph Leiby, " 1847. " " " 1849. " " " 1851. 0. P. Hines, 1853. " " " 1855. Jas. H. Stauring, " 1857. " " " " a 150 HISTORY OF COUNTY COLLECTORS. Many changes have taken place in the mode of col- lecting taxes. The first two or three years after the organization of this county, the chattel tax was col- lected hy Township Collectors, and a County Collector collected the land tax. After that, say from about 1806 till 1820, the State was divided into four districts, and a Collector of non-resident land tax appointed by the Legislature for each district ; and at the same time the County Collector collected the chattel tax, and tax upon resident lands. And from about 1820 until 1827, the County Collectors collected all taxes for State and county purposes. Since 1827. it has been the duty of the Treasurer to receive, or collect the taxes. 1803. Benjamin White, appointed by the Court. 1804. Adam Hosack, appointed by Commissioners. 1805. " " " « 1806. " " « « 1807. " " " " 1808. Elias N. Delashmut, appointed. 1809. « " " 1810. " " " 1811. John M. White, « 1812. Samuel Shannon, " 1813. " " « FRANKLIN COUNTY. 151 1814. Samuel Shannon, appointed. 1815. Francis Stewart, " 1816. " " " 1817. " " " 1818. Jacob Kellar, « 1819. « " « 1820. " " « 1821. " " « 1822. Andrew Dill, 1823. Arora Buttles, « 1824. Peter Sells, « 1825. " " " 1826. Robert Brotherton, " 1827. The office was abolished and the Treasurer required to collect the taxes. COUNTY ASSESSORS. The office of County Assessor was not created until by a Legislative act of February 3, 1825, which act gave the power of appointment to the Court of Common Pleas. Prior to that, each township elected its own Assessor at the time of choosing Supervisors and other township officers in the spring of the year. On the 16th of January, 1827, an act was passed requiring the County Commissioners to appoint an Assessor from 152 HISTORY OF March until October following, and after October, 1827, for the voters to elect biennially. 1825. James Kilbourne, appointed for two years. 1827. (March.) James Kilbourne, reappointed till Oc- tober. 1827. (Oct.) John Swisher, elected for two years. 1829. John Swisher, elected for two years. 1831. " " « " 1833. " " « « 1835. James Graham, " " 1837. William Domigan, " « 1839. « « « « On the 20th of March, 1841, an act was passed abolishing the office of County Assessor, and providing for the election of a Township Assessor in each town- ship as formerly. COUNTY RECORDERS. This office was filled by appointment by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas until 1831. Since then the Recorder has been electable by the people trien- nially. In January, 1804, Lucas Sullivant was appointed first Recorder, and continued till 1807. 1807. Adam Hosack, appointed and continued till 1 813. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 153 1813. Lincoln Groodale, appointed and continued till '17. 1817. Abram J. McDowell, « « '31 1831. Wm. T. Martin, elected for three years. 1834. i( a a i( 1837. u u (( ii 1840. u li a a 1843. ii a a ii 1846. Nathan Cole, a a 1849. a a iC a 1852. a a a ii 1855. a i( a u COUNTY SURVEYOR. The office of County Surveyor was filled by appoint- ment by the Court of Common Pleas until after the passage of a law on the 3d of March, 1831, which pro- vided for the election of Surveyor triennially by the legal voters of the county. 1803. Joseph Vance, appointed by the court and con- tinued by reappointments until his death, in 1824. 1824. Richard Howe, appointed for five years. He served personally but a short time. General McLene then performed the duties as deputy for Howe until 1827. 154 HISTORY OF 1827. Jeremiah McLene, appointed, and continued nntil 1832. 1832. Lyne Starling, jr., elected, and resigned in April, 1833. 1833. Mease Smith, appointed to fill the vacancy. 1833. (Oct.) Frederick Cole, elected for three years. 1836. " William Johnston, " « 1839. " Uriah Lathrop, " 1842. « John Graham, " (C 1845. « Wm. Johnston, 1848. a Jesse Cortright. 1851. cc a a 1854. iC W. W. Pollard, 1857. a Daniel Hess, PRESIDENT JUDGES, Who have presided at the Franklin County Courts of Common Pleas. 1803. Wyllis Silliman. 1804. Levin Belt. 1805. Robert Slaughter. 1807. Levin Belt. 1810. William Wilson. 1812. John Thompson. 1816. Orris Parish, elected for 7 years, resigned 1819. 1819. Frederick Grimke, by appointment. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 155 1820. Jolm A. McDowell, elected— died in 1823. 1823. Gustavus Swan,* appointed, then elected. 1830. Frederick Grimke,* elected. 1834. Joseph R. Swan,* " 1841. « " « 1848. J. L. Torbet, « On the second Monday of February, 1852, the office became abolished by the New Constitution. 1851. James L.Bates was elected under the new organ- ization of the courts, for five years, commencing second Monday of February, 1852. 1856. James L. Bates, reelected, without opposition. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. 1803. John Dill, David Jamison and Joseph Foos, elected for seven years. 1808. "William Thompson, by appointment, in place of Foos resigned. 1809. Isaac Miner elected in place of Thompson. In 1810, Miner fell within the bounds of Madison, when that county was created. 1810. Robert Shannon, William Reed and Alexander Morrison, jr., elected. 1814. Arthur O'Harra, by appointment, in place of * Afterward promoted to the Bench of the Supreme Court. 156 HISTORY OF Reed, who resigned to be a candidate for the Senate, but failed, and, 1815. Reed was again elected to succeed O'Harra. 1817. Samuel G. Flenniken and David Smith, in place Shannon and Morrison. 1819. Recompence Stansbery, by appointment, in place of Reed, deceased. 1820. Abner Lord, elected in Stansbery's place. 1821. Edward Livingston, appointed in place of Lord, deceased. 1822. Edward Livingston, elected. 1822. John Kerr, appointed and then elected in place of Smith, resigned. 1823. Thomas Johnston, by appointment, in place of Kerr, deceased. 1824. Arora Buttles, elected in Johnston's place, and Samuel G. Flenniken reelected. 1829. William McElvain, elected in Livingston's place. 1831. Arora Buttles and Samuel G. Flenniken both reelected. 1836. Adam Reed in place of William McElvain. 1837. William McElvain, again, in place of Buttles. 1838. Christian Heyl, in place of A. Reed, deceased, and Samuel G. Flenniken reelected. 1843. James Dalzell, by appointment, in place of Wm. McElvain, deceased. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 157 1844. John A. Lazell, elected in place of James Dalzell. 1845. John Landes, in place Flenniken, deceased, and C. Heyl, reelected. 1851. Wm. T. Martin, elected in place of Lazell. In 1852, the office of Associate Judge was abolished by the new Constitution. CLERKS OF COURTS. ' Until the adoption of the New Constitution, the office of Clerk for the Court of Common Pleas, and for the Supreme Court, were separate and distinct appointments — each court appointing its own clerk for the term of seven years. But, in Franklin County, as in many others, the two appointments were always given to the same individual. Under the New Constitution one clerk is elected for both courts. 1803. Lucas Sullivant appointed first clerk for 7 years. 1810. Lyne Starling appointed to succeed Sullivant. 1815. Abram I. McDowell appointed in place of Star- ling, resigned. 1822. Abram I. McDowell reappointed. 1829. " « '' 1836. Elijah Backus appointed pro tern., and continued until the spring of 1838. 1838. March 15, Lyne Starling, jr., appointed. 158 HISTORY OF 1845. March 15, Lyne Starling reappointed — resigned February 184G. 1846. Feb. 21, Lewis Heyl appointed in place of Star- ling. On the second Monday of February, 1852, Mr. Heyl's office became vacated by the New Constitution. Oct. 1851. Kendall Thomas elected under the New Con- stitution, for three years, commencing second Monday in February, 1852. Oct. 1854. Albert Buttles elected in place of Thomas. " 1857. John L. Bryan in place of Buttles. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. Until 1833, the Prosecuting Attorneys were appoint- ed by the court, and the appointments were generally made for an indefinite length of time. Some served, probably, but one term — others for several years. No pretensions were made to precision under this head until 1833, since which Prosecuting Attorneys are elected biennially. In 1805 Pbcuben Bonam prosecuted for the State. From 1810 until 1812 or '13, John S. Wills. From 1812 or '13, until April, 1819, David Scott. 1819. John A. McDowell in place of Scott, deceased. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 159 1820. Thomas Backus in place of McDowell, elected Judge. About 1821, John R. Parish, and continued for seve- ral years ; and then James K. Corey several years. Gustavus Swan, Orris Parish, Wm. Doherty, and prob- ably some others, have occasionally prosecuted for a sin- gle term, during the absence or inability of the regular prosecutor. From 1829 or '30, Joseph U. Swan, by appointment, until 1833 ; and in October, 1833, Joseph H. Swan was elected for two years. 1834. P. B. Wilcox, appointed in place of Swan, elected Judge, and same year Wilcox elected. 1836. Moses II. Kirby, elected. 1838. William W. Backus, " 1840. " « " 1842. Lewis Heyl, " 1844. " " « resigned in Feb. 1846. o 1846. L. H. Webster, 1848. Thomas Sparrow, 1850. B. F. Martin, 1852. " " 1854. Geo. L. Converse, 1856. J. 0. Beamey, V 160 HISTORY OF SHERIFFS. 1803. Benjamin White appointed for a short time. Elected. Elected. 1803. Adam Ilosack. 1831. Robert Brotherton. 1805. « 1833. Andrew McElvain. 1807. E. N. Delashmut. 1835. « , 1809. « , 1837. James Graham. 1811. Samuel Shannon. 1839. 1813. " 1841. William Domigan. 1815. Francis Stewart. 1843. " 1817. " 1845. John Graham. 1819. John McElvain. 1847. 1821. " 1849. John Greenleaf. 1823. Robert Brotherton. 1851. « 1825. " 1853. Thomas Miller. 1827. John McElvain. 1855. William Miner. 1829. Robert Brotherton. 1857. Silas W. Park. CORONERS. Elected. Elected. 1805. Joseph Dixon. 1813. William Domigan. 1807. William Domigan.=-= 1815. Townsend Nichols. 1809. " 1817. Thomas Kincaid. 1811. " 1818. Robert Brotherton. * Mr. Domigan was the grandfather of our late Sheriff, Domigan. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 161 1819. William Richardson. 1837. George Jeffries. 1821. Adam Brotherlin. 1839. James Walcutt. 1823. " 1841. 1825. Jacob Ebey. 1843. A. W. Reader. 1827. " 1845. Horton Howard. 1829. « 1847. " 1830. Jonathan Neereamer. 1849. A. W. Reader. 1832. " 1851. James W. Barbee. 1834. " 1853. A. W. Reader. 1835. George Jeffries, (in 1855. Elias Gaver. place of Neereamer, 1857. " resigned.) PROBATE JUDGES. This office was created by the New Constitution; and in October, 1851, Wm. R. Rankin was elected first Pro- bate Judge, for three years, commencing in February, 1852. 1854. William Jamison "in place of Rankin. 1857. Herman B. Alberry in place of Jamison. SUPERIOR COURT. Created at the Session of 1856-7. April, 1857, Fitch J. Matthews elected Judge for five years, from 1st of May following. 11 162 HISTORY, ETC. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Henry Stanbery and John Graham, were the members from Franklin County, in the Convention that formed the present State Constitution, in 1851. CHAPTER XII. MASONS AND ODD FELLOWS. For this Chapter the author is wholly indebted to gentlemen of these two Secret Orders, who have, at his request, politely furnished him with the following histo- ry of those Societies in this county : MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. New England Lodge, No. 4, at Worthington, was or- ganized under a warrant or dispensation from the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, on the 28th day of June, A. D. 1808, A. L. 5808, with the following offi- cers, viz : James Kilbourne, W. M. ; Zopher Topping, S. W. ; Josiah Topping, J. ^Y.; Ezra Griswold, Sec'y; Israel Case, Treas'r; Stephen Maynard, S. D.; Roswell Wilcox, J. J).; Azariah Pinney, Tyler. Officers installed the same day by Right Worshipful Thomas Worthington, of Chillicothe, according to letters 164 HISTORY OF for that purpose to him directed by and from the said Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut. Present Officers.— Qqo. Taylor, W. M.; J.P.Wright, S. W.; H. W. Wright, J. W.; M. S. Wilkinson, Treas'r; J. M. Fuson, Sec'y; Miles Pinney, S. D.; F. F. Tuller, J. D. ; Ira Metcalf, Stewart and Tyler. Columbus Lodge, No. 30, was instituted at Franklin- ton (as Ohio Lodge, No. 30,) on the 11th of June, 1815. The first officers of the Lodge were : Abner Lord, W. M.; John Kerr, S. W; Alex. Morrison, J. W.; Lincoln Goodale, Treas'r ; Joel Buttles, Sec'y. Memhers. — Benj. Gardiner, Horace Wolcott, Samuel Shannon, Benj. Pike, James Kooken, Caleb Houston, Alex. B. Washburne, Onesimus Whitehead. The first Master raised in the Lodge, Gustavus Swan, Oct. 19, 1815. Present (9^c^r5.— William B. Thrall, W. M.; Joseph Stuart, S. W.; Amasa Jones, J. W.; N. B. Marple, Treas'r; Waldo B. Fay, Sec'y; Robert A.Emery, S.D.; P. T. Conrad', J. D.; George Coit, Tyler. Magnolia Lodge, No. 20. A dispensation was issued by Wm. B. Thrall, Grand Master, June 10th, 1847, to Bela Latham, B. F. Martin, Henry A. Field, John W. Milligan, D. T. Woodbury, James T. Donahoo, Nathan'l FRANKLIN COUNTY. 165 Merion, Harvey Fletcher, Harvey Bancroft, and William Harrison. Bela Latham, W. M.; B. F. Martin, S. W.; Henry A. Field, J. W.; first officers. Organized October 20, 1847. The first officers elect were: B. F. Martin, W. M.; Henry A. Field, S. W.; W. M. Savage, J. W. ; Peter Decker, Sec'y ; Harvey Fletch- er, Treas'r; D. T.Woodbury, S.D.; J. G. Canfield, J.D. Present Officers. — John Stone, W. M. ; Thomas Spar- row, S. W. ; Orlando Wilson, J. W. ; Smith Spencer, S. D. ; Wesley Royce, J. D. ; Amos McNairy, Treas'r ; James F. Park, Sec'y ; G. M. Copeland, Tyler. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS. , Horeb Chapter, No. 3, at Worthington. This Chapter was organized the 18th day of December, 1815, under a dispensation from the Deputy Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mary- land and District of Columbia. Its first officers were, James Kilbourne, E. H. P. ; Chester Griswold, King ; Abner Lord, Scribe ; Solomon Smith, Sec'y ; Moses Byxbee, P. S. ; H. Hyre, C. of H. ; N. Potter, R. A. C. ; A. Buttles, V. Shaw, S. Smith, Masters of the Vails. The present officers are, W. T, Snow, H. P. ; Chester 166 HISTORY OF Pinney, King ; Moses Maynard, Scribe ; Ira Metcalf, C. of II. ; F. F. Tuller, H. A. C. ; George Taylor, P. S. ; J. P. Wright, Treas'r; J. M. Fuson, Sec'y ; II. W. Wright, Apollos Maynard, George Osborn, Mas. of the Vails. Ohio Chapter No. 12. By-Laws adopted December 4, 1824, with the following members, viz : Bela Latham, Dan'l Turney, Joel Buttles, Bob't Bussell, A. Shaugh- nessy, A. Benfield, Wm. T. Snow, J. Leiby, T. Reynolds, Wm. Long, John M. Gray, T. L. Ilamer, James H. Pat- terson, John Warner, William John, P. H. Olmsted, Hiram Piatt, E. Richman, Caleb Houston, C. Heyl, H. Delano, J. M. Smith, James Pearce, John L. Starling, J. C. Brodrick, John Haver, T. Ross, John Zeigler, Chas. C. Beard, R. G. Walling. Pescnt Officers. — Amasa Jones, H. P. -, James F. Park, King; Joseph A. Montgomery, Scribe; Joseph M. Stuart, C. of H.; Orlando Wilson, P. S.; James Wil- liams, R. A. C; John W. Milligan, Treas'r ; A. B. Rob- inson, Sec'y ; W. B. Fay, G. M. 3 Yail ; E. West, G. M. 2 Vail ; Thomas Sparrow, G. M. 1 Vail ; Geo. jM. Cope- land, Guard. Columbus Council, No. 8, Royal and Select Masters. Dispensation granted by W. B. Thrall, T.-. L-. G.-. P.-., Dec. 27, 1841, appointing the following officers : Bela FRANKLIN COUNTY. 167 Latham, T. I G. M.; Leonard Humphrey, D. L G. M.; John W. Milligan, P. C. of W. First election of officers March 4th, 1842, as follows : John A. Bryan, T. L G. M.; J. W. Copelancl, D. L G. M.; J. W. Milligan, P. C. of W.; Leancler Ransom, C. of G. ; G. M. Ilerancourt, Treas'r ; Timothy Griffith, Rec. ; R. Biickbee, Sentinel. Present Officers.— A. B. Robinson, T. L G. M.; Thos. Sparrow, D. L G. M.; Joseph M. Stuart, P. C. of W. ; James F. Park, C. of G. ; John W. Milligan, Treas'r ; Orlando Wilson, Recorder ; G. M. Copeland, Sentinel. Mt. Vernon Encampment No. 1, of Knights Templars and Appendant Orders, was instituted at Worthington, on the 15th day of March, 1818, by virtue of authority and letter of dispensation, granted for that purpose by Thomas Smith Webb, Esquire, Deputy General Grand Master of the General Grand Encampment of the United States. On that occasion there were present Sir Thos. Smith Webb, hailing from the General Grand EncamjD- ment of the United States ; Sir John Snow, hailing from St. Johns' Encampment, Rhode Island ; and Sir Frederick A. Curtis, hailing from Encampment, Ireland. These Sir Knights, having severally inter- changed credentials, and established their respective titles, proceeded according to accustomed usage, and /^ 168 HISTORY OF under said dispensation, to form and open a Council of Knights of the Hed Cross, and an Encampment of Knights Temphirs and Appendant Orders. It was chartered hy the General Grand Encampment of the United States, Sept. 16, 1819, M. E. De Witt Clinton then presiding in that body. The first officers of the Encampment, under its charter, were M. E. John Snow, G. Com.; E. Chester Griswold, Gen.; E. James Kilbourne, Capt. Gen.; E. Joseph S. Hughs, Prelate. Present Officers.— f^iv.^N. B. Thrall, G. Com.; Sir Dwight Stone, Gen. ; Sir Geo. R. Morton, Capt. Gen. ; Sir Z. Connell, Prelate ; Sir J. W. Milligan, S. W. ; Sir D. T. Woodbury, J. W. ; Sir Wm. Richards, Treas'r ; ' Sir A. B. Robinson, Recorder ; Sir Jos. A. Montgom- ery, Stand. Bearer ; Sir Daniel Morris, Sword Bearer; Sir Amasa Jones, Warder ; Sir Geo. M. Copeland, Sen- tinel. This was the first dispensation granted by the Gen- eral Grand Encampment of the United States, and the first Encampment of the Order organized west of the Allegheny Mountains. On the 24th of February, 1844, by virtue of authority derived from the Grand Encamp- ment of Ohio, the meetings of the Encampment were thenceforward held in the City of Columbus. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 169 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. The first Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in Franklin County, was instituted in the city of Columbus, on the fourth day of July, 1839. There w^ere five petitioners for the Charter, namely : Nathan B. Kelly, James B. Thomas, William Flintham, David Bryden, and Charles A. Howie. It met for some time in the third story of Mr. Walcutt's brick building, on High street, near Town, where it was first organized. The membership increased rapidly, and prominent among them were Alfred P. Stone, John Brough, Clark Run- yan, John Greenleaf, Lucian Buttles, John S. Hall, and others of the first class of citizens. A hall was fitted up in the Buckeye Block, which was occupied for a few years, and afterwards, when the City Bank Building was erected, the third story was fitted up expressly for an Odd Fellows' Hall, which was occupied for a number of years. The Hall is now in Mr. Piatt's building, on State street, near High. Columbus Lodge, No. 9, numbers at this time, about one hundred and forty members. It has a large surplus fund, and is able at all times to meet any and all de- mands upon it, which arise from sickness or accident to its members. 170 HISTORYOF Central Lodge, No. 23, was instituted in Columbus, on the second day of December, 1843. The original members were Thomas Stitt, Thomas Bown, David Over- dier, Alex. E. Glenn, James Aston, William K. Carr, Mo- ses Altman and Francis La Chapelle, most of whom with- drew from Columbus Lodge to organize this new branch. It met in the same Hall, and increased rapidly in mem- bership, and at present numbers about two hundred and sixty members. Evening Star Lodge, No. 104, was instituted at Dub- lin, on the second day of March, 1848. Among its original members were Zenas Hutchinson, Alexander Thompson, E. M. Pinney, Holmes Sells, Jas. K. Thomas and Miles Pinney. The Lodge has been exceedingly prosperous, and at least three Lodges have grown out of it. Excelsior Lodge, No. 145, was the next in the county, and was organized in the city of Columbus, on the twenty-second day of February, 1850. F. K. Hulburd, George G. Comstock, James B. Stockton, Ira M. Gorton, and Nathan B. Marj^le, were among the first members, and it has been very prosperous, numbering at present about one hundred and fifty members. The three Lodges in Columbus occupy the same Hall, being joint tenants. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 171 and owners in common of the Hall, furniture and fix- tures ; and all working together in harmony and peace. Gordian Lodge, No. 205, was instituted at Groveport, on the eleventh of February, 1853. The petitioners for this Lodge were George McCormick, Edmund Gares, J. K. Low, George P. Champ, and G. S. Smith. It soon added to its numbers some of the best citizens of the village and neighborhood, and has increased to a respec- table membership — has a neat Hall, and about forty members. Ark Lodge, No. 270, was instituted in the village of Worthington, on the sixteenth of April, 1855. The pe- titioners for the Charter were James M. Fuson, Isaac Thompson, Isaac N. Case, Anson Mattoon, Wm. H. Skeels, and A. S. Wood ; and it has since added many of the best citizens of Sharon township, and is in all re- spects what may be termed a good Lodge. It has at present about fifty members. Hainbow Lodge, No. 270, was instituted in the village of Westerville, on the 7th of August, 1857. The peti- tioners were C. A. Yananda, J. W. Jameson, A. G. Ste- phenson, David Zeik, and Theophilus Jones. This is a new Lodge, but has increased in numbers until it now has about twenty-five members. 172 HISTORY, ETC. In addition to the Lodges, there are two Encamp- ments of Odd Fellows, located at Columbus and Dublin. Capitol Encampment, No. 6, was' instituted in Decem- ber, 1843, and has about one hundred and fifty members. Johanan Encampment, No. 57, at Dublin, Avas institu- ted in August, 1853, and has about thirty members. The Lodges and Encampments have a regular system of relief for sick and distressed members — not only of their own, but of other Lodges, and expend annually a large sum in relief of their members, and of widows and orphans. Of the latter class, there is now quite a num- ber in the county that are well provided for by the Lodges. CHAPTER XIII. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. This is the oldest township in the county, and the only one of the four original townships that retains its name. It was laid out and organized when the county was, in 1803. It then contained about twice as much territory as the whole county now does. Its first set- tlement was the tow^n of Franklinton and vicinity, which has been noticed in the first and subsequent Chapters of this w^ork. Then the settlement extended down the river ; and amongst the first families to settle there were those of Samuel White, John Huffinan, Wm. Harrison, sr., and a few others. The township was not reduced to its present limits until after the creation of Jackson in 1815, and of Prairie in 1819. The town of Franklinton has not varied much in population and business for the last forty years. It has always been, to a great extent, a town of farmers and laborers, who lived in the town and w^orked Mr. Sullivant's extensive prairie fields, or were engaged in stone-quarrying, 174 HISTORY OF hauling, etc. For the last ten or twelve years there has been an extensive business done in this township in the raising, curing and shipping of broom corn, by Captain P. N. White and C. L. Eaton, Esq. The town and township have been the theater for sportsmen. The race courses have always been in this township, generally in some of the large prairie fields adjacent to the town, but latterly at the Four-Mile House, so called, but still in the township, where a fine race course was fitted up some eight or ten years since, and still kept for sporting characters to practice their nags upon. In the vicinity of the town is a large milling estab- lishment, erected by Lucas SuUivant, Esq., in his life time, and now owned and worked by some half dozen men, under the name of the " Ohio Manufacturing Com- pany." From one to two miles below Franklinton on the Scioto are Moler's mills and carding machine, erected by John Ransburgh, about the years 1813-14, and which were long known as " Ptansburgh's mills." On the bank of the river in the north vicinity of the town is the old Franklinton burying ground. It embraces a beautiful little locust grove, enclosed with a board fence. This, it was supposed, was to be the final resting place of the pioneers who led the way in the settlement of this once wilderness. But of late years a number of removals have been made from thence FRANKLIN COUNTY. 175 to Green Lawn, amongst whom were the remains of Lucas Sullivant and Avife, Lyne Starling, and General Foos and wife. But still the Franklinton graveyard is rather a neat and handsome village cemetery, and is as well calculated to call up a train of solemn and inter- esting reflections as any other spot of ground in the county. •In 1840, the population of this township, including the town of Franklinton, was 1510. In 1850, it was 1827. In 1853, the township was divided into ten school districts, and contained an aggregate of 716 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was, agreeably to the returns, 676. . FRANKLINTON POST OFFICE. — {Established in 1805.) Adam Hosack, first Postmaster, appointed in 1805. Henry Brown, second " " 1811. Joseph Grate, third . « « 1812. Jas. B. Gardiner, fourth « . " 1813. Jacob Kellar, fifth « « 1815. Jos. McDowell, sixth " « 1819. Wm. Lusk, seventh " « 1820. W. Risley, eighth and last, " « 1 831. Office discontinued a few years after. 176 HISTORY OF SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1803. Zachariali Stephen and. James Marshal, elected. 1806. James Marshal, reelected, and Arthur O'Harra to. succeed Stephen. 1808. Samuel White elected. 1809. James Marshal and Arthur O'Harra, both re- elected. 1811. Samuel White reelected. 1812. Marshal and O'Harra, both reelected and Joseph Grate also elected. 1814. Nicholas Goeches, in place of White, and Joseph Gorton and Jacob Kellar, in place of O'Harra, resigned, and Marshal, removed. 1815. Joseph Grate, reelected. 1817. Gorton and Kellar, both reelected. 1820. Robert W. Riley, elected in place of Grate, and Gorton and Kellar, both reelected again ; and same year, Jacob Grubb, to succeed Gorton, de- ceased. 1822. Joseph Badger, to succeed Kellar, resigned. 1823. Jacob Grubb and Robert W. Riley, reelected. 1825. Reuben Golliday, to succeed Badger. 1826. Grubb, reelected, and Stewart White, in place of Riley. 1828. William Lusk, to succeed Golliday. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 177 1829. Gmbb and Stewart White, both reelected. 1831. Wm. Lusk, reelected. 1832. Grubb, reelected, and James Graham, to succeed White. 1834. Stewart White, in place of Lusk. 1835. Grubb and Graham, both reelected. 1837. Samuel Deardurf, in place of Graham, resigned, and Stewart White, reelected. 1838. Jacob Fisher, in place of Grubb. 1840. William Caldwell, in place of Deardurf, and Adam Alkire, in place of White. 1841. William Henderson, in place of Fisher. 1843. Caldwell and Alkire, both reelected. 1844. Wm. Henderson, reelected. 1846. Lemuel Frizzell and Jacob White, in place of Caldwell and Alkire. 1847. Bartley Boyd, in place of Henderson. 1849. Frizzell, reelected, and Robert King in place of Boyd, resigned, and Benjamin Overmire, in place of White. 1852. Adam Alkire, in place of Overmire, and Robert King, reelected. 1853. Frizzell, reelected. 1854. Arthur O'Harra, in place of King, resigned, and Bazil Riddell, in place of Frizzell. 1855. Jesse Alkire, in place of Adam Alkire. 12 178 HISTORY, ETC. 1856. Jolm A. Kellar, in place of Riddell, resigned. 1857. W. B. Preston, in place of O'Harra. 1858. Arthur O'Harra again, in place of John A. Kel- lar, resigned, and Jacob White, in place of Alkire, removed. CHAPTER XIV. SHARON TOWNSHIP. The Township of Sharon consists of a small part of what was once Liberty Township. It is just five miles square, and is known on the maps as township two, in range eighteen. It was established by its present name the 4th of March, 1806. Its first settlement was com- menced in the spring of 1803, by the Scioto Company, as related in the first Chapter of this work. In 1804, the town of Worthington was laid out. In 1805, the Worthington Post Ofiice was first established, and William Robe* was appointed the first Postmaster in 1805. * Mr. Robe was a dwarf, or man of remarkably small size, not weigh- ing more than from fifty to sixty pounds in ordinary health. He was well proportioned and neat in his appearance; a well educated man, and gentlemanly in his manners. He was a teacher in the Worthing- ton Seminary — afterward a clerk in the S^ate Auditor's office. He died in January, 1823, aged about forty-five years. 180 HISTORY OF Arora Buttles, second Postmaster, appointed in 1815. Recompence Stansberry, third Postmaster, appointed in 1821. R. W. Cowles, fourth Postmaster, appointed in 1841, and died the same year. Recompence Stansberry, fifth Postmaster, appointed again in 1841. Geo. H. Griswold, sixth Postmaster, in place of Stan- berry, deceased, in 1843. Geo. Taylor, seventh Postmaster, appointed in 1849. Geo. H. Griswold, eighth Postmaster, appointed again in 1853. Charles Martin, jr., ninth Postmaster, appointed in 1857. In 1811, the Worthington Manufacturing Company was incorporated. Col. Kilbourne was the President and general agent of the Company. They made some good improvements on the factory ground (so called) and about the year 1813 or '14 they went extensively into business. They not only manufactured woolen cloth, but carried on various other mechanical branches. They also engaged largely in the mercantile business, and in banking. They had their stores in Worthington, Franklinton and Columbus, and their bank notes in gen- eral circulation. The Company, however, eventually FRANKLIN COUNTY. 181 failed, and the whole concern went down about the years 1819 and '20. About the time the Manufacturing Company went into operation, the first newspaper ever published in Franklin County was commenced at Worthington. It was called the Western Intelligencer. It is noticed under the head of Newspapers — Chapter IV. In 1835, the town of Worthington was incorporated, and in the spring of 1836, the corporation organized by the election of the following officers, to wit : Mayor, James Kilbourne ; Recorder, G. H. Griswold ; Trustees, Samuel Abbott, Wm. Bishop, Ira Metcalf, A. H. Pinney, Wm. S. Spencer, and R. W. Cowles ; Treas- urer, Levi Pinney; Marshal, Chauncey Barker; Street Commissioner, Abner P. Pinney ; Dayton Topping and D. W. Harrington, Fire Wardens. The subsequent elections were (omitting all minor officers) as follows : YEAK. MAYOR. RECORDER. MARSHAL. 1837. G. H. Griswold Flavel Tuller Charles Sprague. 1838. Potter Wright " " Stephen Hoyt. 1839. John Snow G. H. Griswold " 1840. James Kilbourne ... " 1841. 1842. Levi Pinney J. R. Paddock A. M. Hays. 1843. Sylve.ster Hays " " Ira Metcalf. 1844. William Bishop Ira Cowan James Beers. 1845. George Taylor " " 182 HISTORY OF YEAR. MAYOR. 1846. James Kilhourne. 1847. G. H. Griswold,., 1848. Stephen Hoyt.... 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. Stephen L. Peck 1856. 1857. RECORDER. .B. F. Johnson. R. K. Nash... .Horatio Wrisht J. M. Hart, P. Goble . • Stephen L. Peck . George Taylor . . MARSHAL. . C. S. White. . Charles Martin. . John M. Hart. J. D. Tuller. a (I , Isaac Thompson. .C. S. White. J. D. Tuller. . H. J. Snively. The population of this township in 1840 was 1,168, including the town of Worthington. In 1850, it was 1,509. In 1853, the township contained thirteen school districts, including the town ; and, agreeably to the re- turns, an aggregate of 550 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 494. The follow^ing is a list of the Justices of the Peace who have been elected and served in Sharon Township : 1803. Ezekiel Browm, elected while w^hat is now Sharon was part of Liberty Township. 1805. James Kilbourne, elected while w4iat is now Sha- ron was part of Liberty Township. 1806. Alexander Morrison, jr., in place of Brown, after the organization of Sharon. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 183 1808. Ezra Griswold in place of Kilbourne. 1808. Isaac Case, under an order for an additional Jus- tice. 1809. Alexander Morrison, jr., reelected. 1810. Azariah Pinney in place of Morrison, elected Judge. 1811. Ezra Griswold reelected. " Glass Cochran in place of Case. " Reuben Carpenter in place of Pinney, deceased. 1814. Recompence Stansberry in place of Cochran. " Isaac Case in place of Griswold. " Cruger "Wright in place of Carpenter. 1815. Ezra Griswold in place of Wright, who was set off to Harrison Township. 1817. Stephen Maynard in place of Case. " Recompence Stansberry reelected. 1818. Ezra Griswold, « 1819. Arora Buttles in place of Stansberry, appointed Judge. 1820. Samuel Abbott in place of Maynard. 1821. Nathaniel Little in place of Griswold. 1822. Arora Buttles reelected. " John Goodrich, jr., in place of Little, deceased. 1823. Samuel Abbott reelected. 1824. R. W. Cowles in place of Buttles, appointed Judge. 184 HISTORY OF 1825. John W. Ladd in place of Goodrich. 1826. Samuel Abbott reelected. 1827. R. W. Cowles 1828. John W. Ladd " 1829. Stephen Maynard, jr., in place of Abbott. 1830. II. W. Cowles reelected. 1831. John W. Ladd, " 1832. Isaac Case in place of Maynard. 1833. K W. Cowles reelected. 1834. John W. Ladd, " 1836. R. W. Cowles, " and Asaph Allen elected. 1837. Ira Metcalf in place of Ladd. 1839. Stephen Maynard and Levi Pinney 1840. George Taylor in place of Metcalf. 1842. Stephen Maynard and Philo Burr. 1843. George Taylor reelected. 1844. Ezekiel Brown in place of Maynard, resigned. 1845. Philo Burr reelected. 1846. George Taylor, « 1847. Ezekiel Brown, « 1848. Philo Burr, " 1849. George Taylor, " and Luther Case in place of Brown. 1851. Philo Burr reelected. 1852. George Taylor and Luther Case both reelected. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 185 1854. I. N. Case in place of Luther Case, and P. Burr reelected. 1855. George Taylor reelected and Stephen Hoyt in *■ place of P. Burr, removed to Iowa. 1856. Charles E. Burr in place of Hoyt, removed. 1857. I. N. Case reelected. 1858. George Taylor reelected. CHAPTER XV. MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP. This township is about er[ual to four and a half miles square ; is the western township in the Refugee Lands, bounded by the Scioto, and in which the city of Colum- bus is situated. It was organized as a township in 1807; had originally been a small part of Liberty Township. The first settlements made in the present township limits were along Alum Creek, about the year 1799. On the 4th of July, 1800, Mr. William White, who is still liv- ing in the township, arrived with his Mher, John White and family, from Pennsylvania, and settled on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. George White. They then found living on the creek, George Turner and fam- ily, William Hamilton and family, James Johnston and family, and David Nelson (the elder) and family. In 1804, Col. Edward Livingston settled in the same neigh- borhood. About this time, Andrew Culbertson settled in the south-west corner of the township, near where the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 187 starch factory now stands. And as early as 1801 or '2, John Hunter settled on Whetstone, north of Columbus, and soon after William Shaw, John Starr (the elder), Nathaniel Hamlin and John McGown, afterward propri- etor of South Columbus. In 1812, the town of Columbus was laid out, and nearly all events worthy of note other than the ordinary improvement of farms, were connected with the town. With the exception of Mr. Nelson's and Mr. Eberly's mills there was no manufacturing establishment in this township (outside of Columbus) until the erection of the starch factory. In 1843, Messrs. C. Colgate and J. J. Wood, having purchased N. Gregory's distillery and grounds, converted the same into a starch factory and commenced the manufacturing of starch under the firm of '■ C. Colgate & Co." In 1846, Colgate's interest was transferred to Sumner Clark, and the business continued by Clark and Wood until 1849, when Mr. Wood bought out Clark's interest, and the business has since been conducted by Mr. Wood alone. In 1852, the whole es- tablishment was consumed by fire. The rebuilding, how- ever, was soon commenced, and in June, 1853, the man- ufactory was again in operation j since which it has been doing a very useful, and, it is presumed, a profitable business, giving employment to about fifty 188 HISTORY OF hands, and using over two hundred bushels of corn per day. In 1852 and '3, the Water Cure and Med- ical Infirmary — W. Shepherd, M. D., pro- prietor — was estab- lished in this town- ship, about three miles north-east of Colum- bus, near where the Central Ohio Railroad crosses Alum Creek. This In- stitution is designed exclusively for the reception and treatment of invalid females. Some additions and improvements have been made since the accompanying cut was taken. The success attending the treatment here pursued, and the patronage extended to the Institution during the past five years, warrants the proprietor in prosecu- ting the enterprise. In 1840, the population of this township, outside of the city, was 1,449. In 1 850, it was only 1,320. This apparent decrease is to be accounted for by the exten- sion of the city limits. In 1853, the township (outside of the city) composed ten school districts, with an ag- gregate of 605 youth between the ages of five and FRANKLIN COUNTY. 189 twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 723. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1807. William Shaw elected. 1808. Michael Fisher, « 1810. William Shaw reelected. 1811. Michael Fisher reelected. 1813. John Shields and Robert Nelson — one to succeed Shaw, and the other under an order for an addi- tional Justice. 1814. Michael Patton and James Marshal, in place of Fisher, whose time expired, and Nelson resigned. 1816. William Long in place of Shields. " Eli C. King,=^ elected. 1817. Townsend Nichols in place of Marshal, resigned. " Michael Patton reelected. 1819. Wm. Long and Eli C. King both reelected. 1820. Wm. T. Martin in place of Nichols. " William Richardson in place of Patton. 1822. Eli C. King, reelected, but did not qualify. " David W. Deshler, in Long's place. * From 1816 until 1822, there were four Justices in this township. In 1822, the number was reduced to three, and has since remained at that. 190 HISTORY OF 1823. Wm. T. Martin, reelected. 1823. Wm. Long, again elected in Richardson's place. 1825. David W. Desliler, reelected. 1826. Wm. T. Martin, " Wm. Long, " 1828. Thomas Wood, in place of Deshler, resigned. 1829. Davies Francis, in place of Martin, declined. " Wm. Long, reelected. 1830. Wm. T. Martin, again, in place of Francis, de- ceased. 1831. Thomas Wood, reelected. 1832. John Kelly, in place of Wm. Long. 1833. Wm. T. Martin, reelected. 1834. Thomas Wood, « 1835. Warren Jenkins, in place of Kelly. 1836. Wm. T. Martin, reelected. 1837. Thomas Wood, « " James Cherry, in place of Jenkins, resigned. 1839. Wm. T. Martin, reelected. 1840. Thomas Wood, " " Robert Ware in place of Cherry. 1842. J. P. Bruck in place of Ware, dec'd. " Wm. T. Martin reelected. 1843. Alexander Patton in place of Wood. 1845. J. P. Bruck reelected. " Wm. T. Martin, " FRANKLIN COUNTY. 191 1846. Alex. Patton, elected. 1848. Daniel Evans in place of Bruck. " Wm. T. Martin reelected. 1849. J. P. Bruck in place of Patton. 1851. Wm. Haddock in place of Evans. " Nathan Brooks in place of Martin, resigned. 1852. William Field m place of Bruck. 1854. Charles Jucksch in place of Brooks. " John G. Miller in place of Haddock. 1855. Wm. Field reelected. 1857. John G. Miller reelected. CHAPTER XVI. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. This township was organized by its present name in 1807, though it then embraced four or five times its present area. It was reduced to its present limits by the formation of Jackson in 1815, and of Prairie in 1819. A settlement w^as commenced on Darby, near Georgesville, at an early age of the county. Amongst the settlers were, Messrs. Thomas Roberts, John Bigger, James Gardiner, Samuel Dyer, Samuel Kerr, John Turner and others. About as early as 1805, Mr. Dyer erected his mill, which was long known as " Dyer's mill," and has been kept up by repeated repairs till the present time. It was for some years owned by James Gardiner, and bore his name ; but it is now owned by William Dyer, and its former name restored. It is the only flouring mill in the township. In 1815, a post office was established in this town- ship by the name of " Pleasant Post Office." In 1816, Mr. Roberts laid out the town of Georgesville, and in FRANKLIN COUNTY. 193 1818, the name of the post office was changed to "Georgesville Post Office." The successive postmasters have been : Thos. Roberts, first postmaster, appointed in Feb. 1815. Thos. Reynolds, second, " " Sept. 1828. Wm. Scott, third postmaster, (present incumbent,) ap- pointed Nov. 1851. Mr. Reynolds died in July, 1851. From that time till Mr. Scott's appointment (four months) the office was kept by his widow. In June, 1836, the town of Harrisburgh was laid out by Joseph Chenowith, Esq., Frederick Cole, Esq., sur- veyor. It is now a lively village, containing about thirty families, two taverns, four stores, two physicians, a church, belonging to the Methodist denomination, and a post office. The post office, however, had been estab- lished at this place, by the name of " Darby Cross Roads," some years before the town was laid out. After the town was laid out, the name was changed to " Harrisburg Post Office." The successive postmasters have been : John Haines, first postmaster. George Geiger, second " appointed in 1833. Abram Buckles, third « « 1836. 13 194 HISTORY OF Dr. T. Thompson, fourth postmastePj appointed in 1838. Henry Miller, fifth " " 1841. J. W. Goetschius, sixth " " 1849. Henry Miller, seventh postmaster, (present incumbent,) appointed in 1853. At the session of 1850-51, the town was incorpo- rated, and in 1851, the following gentlemen were elected the first Board of Trustees : Henry Miller, J. Chenowith, 0. T. Curry, L. W. Sefert and G. W. Helmick. SUCCESSIVE MAYORS, RECORDERS AND MARSHALS. Year. Mayor. Recorder. Marshal. 1851. J. Helmick Z. G. Weddle S. Swisgood. 1852. 1853. " J. R. Shceders S. H. Covert. 1854. 1855. J. R. Sheeders J. Helmick J. Fuller. 1856. J. Helmick Titus England 1857. Geo. W. Helmick... " John Snyder. The population of this township in 1840, was 807. In 1850, it was 968. In 1853, the township consti- tuted twelve school districts with an aggregate of 503 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 518. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 195 SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1807. Samuel Kerr and John Smith, elected. 1808. John Turner, in place of Kerr, resigned. 1811. John Turner, reelected, and Alexander Blair. 1814. Michael Dickey, elected. 1815. Samuel Dyer, " 1816. Reuben Golliday, " 1818. Samuel Dyer, reelected. 1819. Reuben Golliday, " 1821. Jacob Gundy, in place of Dyer. 1822. Reuben Golliday, reelected. 1824. Jacob Gundy, « 1825. John Tipton, in place of Golliday. 1827. Jacob Gundy, reelected. 1828. John Tipton, " 1830. William Walker, in place of Gundy. 1831. John Tipton, reelected. 1833. William Walker, " 1834. John Tipton, " 1836. William Walker, « 1837. John Tipton, " 1839. William Walker, « 1840. John Tipton, reelected, moved to the west, and same year, 1840. Richard Heath, elected in place of Tipton. 196 HISTORY, ETC. 1842. William Walker, reelected. 1843. Henry Slienefelt, in place of Heath. 1845. William Walker, reelected. 1846. Henry Shenefelt, 1848. William Walker, " 1848. Geo. W. Helmick, elected in place of Shenefelt. 1850. Zelotes G. Weddle, in place of Helmick, resigned. 1851. Geo. W. Helmick, in place of Walker. 1853. J. B. Mitchel, in place of Weddle. 1854. Reuben Chaffin, in place of Helmick. 1856. J. B. Mitchel, reelected, and William Walker, in place of Chaffin, resigned. CHAPTER XVII. HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. The lands in this township were originally surveyed for the government in 1799, by one John Matthews, and hence the words " Matthews's Survey/' which are very common, though not necessary, in deeds and con- veyances of lands in this township. In 1800, these lands came into market, and in that year, or the year following, settlements commenced. Amongst the first settlers w^ere John Dill and Michael Fisher, and soon after, Percival Adams, Thomas Morris, the Weathering- tons, the Stewarts, the Johnstons, James Culbertson, the Stombaughs, Geo. W. Williams and Robert Shannon and his sons, Samuel, Hugh, James, John, Joseph and William. In 1807, the township was organized by its present name, though it then contained within its boundaries the territory also from which the Township of Madison was afterward created. Hamilton is now just eight miles in 198 HISTORY OF length, north and south, and about four miles in width, varying with the meanders of the river. In the origi- nal division of the county into townships in 1803, this territory was part in Liberty, and part in Harrison townships. This township has generally been regarded as containing a greater proportion of first rate land than any other in the county ; and the location of the canal through it, gave it additional advantages in the way of water power. Ilartwell's mill, at the four-mile locks, was erected soon after the completion of the canal, and subsequently, Cottage Mills were erected by Messrs. Hibbs and Dalzell in the year 1841. In the fall of 1831, the town of Lockbourne was laid out by Col. Kilbourne, as the agent of Joel Buttles, Demas Adams and others. It now contains about sixty or seventy families, two churches, one denominated the United Brethren in Christ, who have a comfortable wooden church building, erected about the year 1843, the other Methodist Episcopal, w^ith a neat brick church edifice, erected in 1850, two dry goods stores, three gro- ceries, two taverns, three practicing physicians, a grist mill, a saw mill and a post office, established in 1837. SUCCESSIVE POSTMASTERS. Nathan G. Smith, first postmaster, appointed in 1837. Zebulon Marcy, second " " 1838. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 199 Jolia H. Stage, third postmaster, appointed in 1839. C. M. Porter, fourth « " 1849. Dr. A. N. Boales, fifth « « 1851. Dr. J. R. Marshal, sixth " « 1853. John A. Sarber, seventh " " 1854. John H. Ilaire, eighth postmaster, (present incumbent,) appointed in 1856. At the Legishitive session of 1839-40, an act was passed to incorporate the town, but the citizens never availed themselves of it In the spring of 1853, the village of Shadesville was laid out by A. G. Hibbs. It now contains about twenty families, one tavern, two stores, a Methodist church, a good school house, and a post office, established in the fall of 1853. Mr. Hibbs, first postmaster, was appointed in 1853. Joshua Hertzel, second " " 1858. Besides the churches in Lockbourne and Shadesville, there are two others in this township — the Hamilton Township Presbyterian Church, organized by Doctor Hoge, many years since — and the German Lutheran Church. The latter have a good brick church edifice, erected about the year 1844 or '45, on the Lancaster road some eight miles south of Columbus. The former 200 HISTORY OF have a good-sized, frame church building, erected about the year 1831. The successive j^astors of this church have been : Ilev. N. S. Ransom, Rev. Elisha Yandeman, Rev. John M. Fulton, Rev. J. D. Smith, Rev. Thomas Woodrow, Rev. James Smith, Rev. ^Y. Maynard, since the first of January 1857. In 1840, the population of the township, including the villages, was 1258. In 1850, it w^as 1485. In 1853, the tow^nship constituted thirteen school'districts, wdtli an aggregate of 560 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth w^as 557. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1807. William Dunning and William Irwin, elected. 1809. David Spangler, in place of Irwin, deceased. 1810. Thomas Morris, in place of Dunning. 1812. John B. Johnston, in place of Spangler. 1813. Percival Adams, in place of Morris. 1814. John Stipp, in place of Johnston, deceased. 1816. Percival Adams, reelected, and George Hays, in place of Stipp, removed. 1819. Adams, reelected, and Andrew Dill, in place of Hays. 1822. Adams and Dill, both reelected. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 201 1825. Adams and Dill, both reelected. 1828. " " " 1831. Dill, reelected, and Joseph Murray, in place of Adams. 1832. William Champ, in place of Dill, deceased. 1833. Michael Fisher, in place of Champ, removed. 1834. John Landes, elected, and Joseph Murray, re- elected. 1837. Wm. Jacobs, and Joseph Murray, reelected. 1840. William Shannon and Z. P. Thompson. 1^43. W. Shannon, reelected, and George Earhart, in place of Thompson. 1846. W. Shannon and G. Earhart, both reelected. 1849. Earhart, reelected, and Patterson Harrison, to succeed Shannon, who removed to Illinois. 1852. Earhart and Harrison, both reelected. 1854. Robert E. Shannon, place of Earhart, resigned. 1855. P. Harrison, reelected. 1857. Robert E. Shannon, reelected. 1858. Patterson Harrison, reelected. CHAPTER XVIII. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. This township was set off and organized by its pres- ent name in 1809.. It then comprised all of what is now Washington, all of Perry and Norwich, and part of Brown; and was composed of parts of the original townships of Franklin, Darby and Liberty. The fii'st settlement in this township was commenced in the neigh- borhood of where Dublin now stands, about the year 1801 or 1802. Amongst the first settlers were old Mr. Ludwick Sells, from Huntington County, Pennsylvania, and his family of sons, Samuel, Peter, Benjamin and William ; the latter one of whom is still living, in the town of Dublin. An older brother, John Sells, also re- moved into the same neighborhood in 1808 or 1809. In 1818, he laid out the town of Dublin, which soon be- came a pleasant and healthy village, and of late years a place of considerable business, with a population of some three or four hundred ; a fair proportion of stores, taverns, and mechanics, and a good mill in the immedi- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 203 ate vicinity. There are four churches in the town — Methodist, Presbyterian, Newlight and Christian — all have their church buildings. Beside the churches in town, there is a respectable German Lutheran Church within a mile or two of the village, erected within the last year. In the west part of the township the relig- ious meetings are principally held in the school houses. In 1855, the town was incorporated, and the borough government organized by the election of officers, etc. — Z. Hutchison, Esq., Mayor, and Wm Graham. Esq., Re- corder. But, after an experiment of one year, the citi- zens appearing to prefer a larger amount of liberty, de- clined holding further elections, and let the corporate organization go down. In 1840, the population of this township was 843. In 1850, it was 1,282. In 1853, it contained eleven school districts, and 589 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, agreeably to the re- turns, there were only 511 of such youth. There is but one post ofiice in this township ; that is in Dublin, established in 1820. Daniel Wright, first postmaster, appointed in 1820. Moses Davis, second, " " about 1827. Isaac N. Walters, third, " " 1828. John Eberly, fourth, (present incumbent,) 1831. 204 HISTORY OF SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1809. Benjamin Sells and Daniel M. Brown. 1811. Daniel Bruck and Bobert Justice. 1812. Justice Miller and Simeon Wilcox. 1815. George Bobert and Tracy Wilcox. 1817. John Sells and Patrick Conner. 1818. David Smith and Chandler Bogers, in place of Wilcox. 1820. Peter Sells and Alexander Basset. 1822. Wm. Kilbourne in place of Basset, resigned. 1824. Charles Sells and Brice Hays. 1827. Charles Sells, reelected, and Jas. Howard in place of Hays. 1828. David Bailey in place of Howard, removed. 1830. Charles Sells, reelected, and Henry Coffinan and Jacob Paupaw in place of Bailey, deceased. 1831. John Eberly first elected in place of Paupaw. 1833. Henry Coffman reelected, and John Uffner. 1834, John Eberly, reelected. 1836. Daniel Wright and James Howard. 1838. John Eberly, reelected, and William Harris in place of Howard, removed. 1839. Zenas Hutchinson in place of Wright, and George Churchman, elected. 1841. Eberly, reelected. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 205 1842. Heniy CofFman and Z. Hutchinson. 1844. Eberly, reelected. 1845. George W. Evans, in place of Hutchinson. 1848. Eberly reelected, and Wm. Graham. 1848. George W. Evans, reelected. 1850. Eberly and Graham, both reelected. 1851. George W. Evans, " 1853. Eberly and Graham, both " 1854. Eri Douglass, in place of Evans. Douglass re- signed in 1856 — his place not filled. 1856. Eberly and Graham, both reelected. CHAPTER XIX/ MADISON TOWNSHIP. Madison is the largest township in the county, being eight miles in extent north and south ; and now, since the accession in 1851, is seven miles east and west, with the exception of the jog in the south-east corner. It was organized as a township in 1809 ; had before been part of Hamilton. Settlements commenced in 1802 or 1803. As early as 1805, John Swisher, Esq., now of Perry Township, then from the State of New Jersey, settled here. He then found living in the township, Isaac Decker, Elias Decker, Charles Rarey, and his sons Adam, Benjamin, William, Charles and George — then boys, and a few others. Near the same time, and soon after, were added to the population, John Kile and family, Matthew Taylor, Jacob Gander, George Rohr and sons, and the Ramseys — Samuel, James and Robert, Mr. Mooberry and family, Billingsly Bull, Daniel Kra- mer, Matthias Wolf, Thomas Rathmel, Emmor Cox, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 207 James McClisli, Philip Pontius, William D. Hendron, Philemon Needles, and others. The school sections appropriated by the government to the townships of Madison, Hamilton, Montgomery and Truro, were all situated in this township, adjoining each other. The three latter townships sold theirs some twenty-five or thirty years ago. Madison still retains her section (No. 16), and realizes from it a handsome school revenue. The first mill erected in this township was by Mat- thew Taylor, on Alum Creek, near its mouth, about the year 1807 or 1808. It was quite an acquisition to the settlement ; but it has long since disappeared, and no vestige remains to show where it stood. About the year 1810 or '11, George Sharp erected mills on Gahanna, which were afterward owned by John Sharp ; but have, a number of years since, entirely disappeared. There is now but one grist mill in the township, and that is Chaney's valuable mill on the canal, near Winchester. Near the same place is a wool-carding and fulling mill, also owned by the Messrs. Chaneys. In 1817, the town of Oregon, formerly called Middle- town, was laid out by Isaac Decker. At the session of 1830-31, the name was changed from Middletown to Oregon. In 1829, a post office was established here. 208 HISTORY OF Dr. Thomas Ilersey, first postmaster, appointed in 1829. Isaac D. Decker, second postmaster, appointed in place of Hersey, resigned, in 1833, This office was discontinued about the time the office was established at Groveport. In September, 1843, the western part of what is now Groveport, was laid out for a town, by Jacob B. Wert, and named " Wert's Grove," Mr. Wert being one of the first settlers in his new town. In February, 1844, Wm. II. Rarey laid out the east- ern part of the present town, adjoining the canal, and named it " Rarey's-Port." Mr. Rarey was also a resi- dent of the place at the time. The village improved as fast as either of the proprietors could reasonably expect, but each end of it bearing a different name. The pro- priety of a common name for the whole, soon became manifest to all. Each proprietor would doubtless have preferred his own chosen name. The citizens finally, willing to treat both proprietors alike, concluded to drop the prefix, or personal name of both, and retain the lat- ter part of each name, and thus the name of " Grove- port " was agreed upon ; and by that name it was incor- porated at the session of 1846-7. The first Board of Councilmen, elected in the spring of 1847, were : Samuel Sharp, E. M. Dutton, J. P. By- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 209 waters, C. J. Stevenson, and Wm. Mitchell. Other suc- cessive officers : Year. Mayor. Recorder. 3Iarshal. 1847. A. Shoemaker A. Clark Wm. James. 1848. Henry Long Edmund Gares Leonard Sarber. 1849. " " " " " 1850. Z. P. Thompson ... A. Sharp James Turner. 1851. " " A.Clark B.Callahan. 1852. E. W. Edwards A. Sharp James Turner. 1853. Jeremiah White. ... A. Clark 0. F. Connell. 1854. " " " J. Stimmel. 1855. Z. P. Thompson . . . A. C. King Wm. Watson. 1856. " " R. F. Dildine " 1857. N. Steel H. Mc Arthur J. Turner. 1858. L. Sarber R. F. Dildine Not yet appointed. Groveport is quite a business place, well supplied with stores of dry goods and groceries, one drug store, three physicians, four churches, one Baptist, one Metho- dist, one Presbyterian, and one United Brethren, and a large and commodious school house. In 1850, the pop- ulation was 483. A post office was established at this place in 1844. Jacob B. Wert, first postmaster. Edward Gares, second postmaster. A. C. Headly, third " appointed in 1852. Samuel Sharp, fourth, " present incumbent, appointed in 1854. The annexation of six sections of land to the east 14 210 HISTORY OF side of Madison Township, in 1851, threw the town of Winchester, which had previously been in Fairfield County, into this. Winchester, like Groveport, is situa- ted on the canal, and is a place of very considerable business, particularly in grain and produce. In its bus- iness generally, it bears a similarity to Groveport, though it is a much older town. It was laid out about the year 1826 or '27, by Reuben Dove and John Coleman, of Fairfield. It now contains over 400 inhabitants ; three churches, viz : United Brethren, Methodist, and German Reform ; two schools, three physicians, three stores, two hotels, and the usual proportion of mechanics' shops, and a post office. Peter T. Krag, Esq., present post- master, appointed in 1853. The town is not incorporated. Beside the churches in the town of Winchester and Groveport, there are in this township a good Methodist meeting house, on the farm of Mr. Thomas Needles, known by the name of " White Chapel," erected about the year 1842 or '43 ; and a small German church somf^ two or three miles from Winchester, erected about the year 1849. The Presbyterians worship at the " Truro meeting house," or at Groveport. The population of this township, agreeably to the census of 1840, was 1,810. In 1850, it was 2,480. In 1853, the township contained twenty-one school dis- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 211 tricts, and an aggregate of 1,195 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggre- gate of such youth was 1,209. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1809. Ebenezer Richards and George Hays, elected. 1810. Billingsly Bull. 1811. Wm. D. Hendren and Elijah Austin, elected. 1815. Elisha Decker, elected. 1817. Billingsly Bull, Emmer Coix, and James McLish, elected. 1820. Billingsly Bull, Nicholas Goeches, and William Godman, elected. 1823. B. Bull, N. Goeches, and W. Godman, reelected. 1824. Wm. D. Hendren, in place of Goeches, removed. 1825. Jacob Gander, in place of Godman, removed. 1826. John Swisher and William Patterson. 1828. Jacob Gander, reelected. 1829. W. Patterson, reelected, and Abraham Shoemaker, in place of Swisher. 1831. Alexander Cameron, in place of Gander. 1832. Wm. Patterson and Abraham Shoemaker, both reelected. 1834. Alex. Cameron, reelected. 1835. Isaac Decker and John Swisher. 1837. Alex. Cameron, reelected. 212 HISTORY, ETC. 1838. W. W. Kile and James Pearcy, elected. 1840. Alex. Cameron, reelected. 1841. Abraham Shoemaker and John Courtright. 1843. Alex. Cameron, reelected. 1844. John Cox and \Vm. Mason. 1846. Joshua Glanville, — resigned in Sept. 1847. " Jeremiah White, elected. 1847. W. W. Kile and Moses Seymour, elected. 1849. Jeremiah White, reelected. 1850. W. W. Kile and M. Seymour, reelected — Kile re- signed in March, 1852. 1852. Jeremiah White, reelected, and Henry Nicode- mus. 1853. M. K. Earhart, in place of Seymour. 1855. Joshua Stevenson, elected — died in 1856. " Z. P. Thompson, in place of White. 1856. John Helpman, in place of Stevenson. " M. K. Earhart, reelected. 1858. Z. P. Thompson, '' CHAPTER XX TRURO TOWNSHIP. Truro Township was established and organized in 1810. In the first division of the county into town- ships, it was embraced in, and formed a small part of Liberty Township. Its first settlement commenced in 1805. In 1806, Robert Taylor and his sons Abiather Vinton, Matthew, James and David, removed from Nova Scotia to Chillicothe, and from thence to this township in 1808, where they settled on Walnut Creek. At this time they found ten families that had settled in this wilderness before them, namely, in 1805, Thomas Palmer from Maine, and John Medford, Charles Med- ford, George Powell and Charles Chancy from Pennsyl- vania; in 1806, John Edgar and John Lynch from Pennsylvania, and William Council and Benjamin Con- nell from Virginia; in 1807, John Long from Chilli- cothe, (originally from Nova Scotia) ; subsequently, in 1808, Robert Wilson from Pennsylvania, and Daniel 214 HISTORYOF Ross, Avitli a large family of sons, from Nova Scotia; in 1810, Zachariah Paul from Virginia, and William Thompson from Pennsylvania; in 1812, John Cam- bridge from Pennsylvania, and Captain John Hanson from Virginia ; and in 1814, Elias Chester and Jeremiah Nay from New York. When the toAvnship was organized in 1810, the Taylor family had the pleasure of naming it " Truro," after a township in Nova Scotia, from whence they had removed. But little more than ordinary form improve- ments were made until after the location of the national road. In the fall of 1831, John French, who owned a form and resided where Reynoldsburg now is, laid out the town, and James C. Reynolds, afterward Gen. Reynolds, then a young man from Zanesville, had temporarily located himself there with a small stock of goods suit- able for the demand of the laborers on the road. Reynolds was in no way interested in the town, but merely a boarder with Mr. French, who saw fit to com- pliment him by naming the town after him. Subse- quently, Mr. Reynolds married and became identified with the town as one of its principal business men. He continued his store, erected a steam mill in the town, was postmaster, etc. He afterward removed to Carroll, in Fairfield County, where he died some years since. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 215 Within the first twelve or fifteen years the town of Reynoldsburg grew up to near its present size and business. For the last ten or twelve years it has been nearly stationary. In 1850, it contained a population of 564. At the session of 1839-40, the tow^n was incorpo- rated, and at the first borough election, in the fall of 1840, Abraham Johnston, D. K. Wood, Samuel Gares, John W. Thompson, Mark Evans, James 0. Kane and Archibald Cooper were elected the first Board of Trustees. SUCCESSIVE MAYORS, RECORDERS AND MARSHALS. Year. Mayor. Recorder. Marshal. 1840. Abraham Johnston .D. K. Wood Silas Howard. 1841. Daniel Taft Geo. D. Graham . . .L. P. llhoads. 1842. " Robert Shield S. Howard. 1843. " " Hiram Sibel. 1844. Robert Shield John Miller R. S. Looker. 1845. Archibald Cooper .. " Phillip Rhoads. 1846. James O'Kane " Hiram Sibel. 1847. R. Shield J. B. West Silas Howard. [There were now several years without any borough election.] 1853. R. Shield H. M. Morton Silas Howard. 1854. J. B. West Wm. Boyd J. C. Abbott. 1855. " C. S. We-st Jackson Clark. 1856. Richard Rhoads. ... J. H. Lynch Orin Harris. 1857. J. B. West H. M. Morton Not long after the laying out of Reynoldsburg, Mr 216 HISTORY OF Thomas Armstrong disposed of a few building lots on the road side near the crossings of AValnut Creek, which being improved, brought some four or five families in close proximity, and the place assumed the name of " Hibernia." The lots were never platted and recorded, nor was it intended for a regular town. There was, how- ever, a post office, established at this place in 1849, and Wm. F. Armstrong appointed postmaster, who continued to hold the office until 1857, when he resigned and the office was discontinued. There are in Truro Township seven churches, four of which are in Reynoldsburg, one Baptist, one Presbyte- rian, one Methodist, and one Universalist. Near the middle of the township is the old Presbyterian " Truro meeting house," and at White Hall and at Mr. Powell's are Methodist meeting houses. The old " Truro meeting house," was erected about the year 1820, and the church was organized by Doctor Hoge. The successive pastors have been, llev. Mat- thew Taylor, Rev. Abner Leonard, Jiev. Elias Vande- man, Rev. John M. Fulton, Rev. J. D. Smith, Rev. John Scott, Rev. John Arthur, Rev. Andrew Barr, Rev. W. Maynard, the present pastor. In 1840, the population of this township, including the town of Reynoldsburg, was 1439. In 1850, it was 2156. In 1853, the township contained twelve school FRANKLIN COUNTY. 217 districts, and an aggregate of 659 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggre- gate of such youth was 807. KEYNOLDSBURG POST OFFICE. — [Estahlislied m ISSS.) James C. Reynolds, first postmaster, appointed in 1833. Hiram Sibel, second " E. G. Hardesty, third « Jas. C. Reynolds, fourth " John Miller, fifth « Lewis Sells, sixth " L. P. Rhoads, seventh " R. R. Johnston, eighth " John Cookes, ninth " H. E. Miller, tenth " John Wright, eleventh " SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1810. Ebenezer Richards, elected. 1812. Richard Suddick and John Stevenson, elected. 1815. Richard Suddick, reelected, and James Taylor, elected. 1818. John Long and Richard Cortright, in place of Taylor and Suddick. 1821. Long and Cortright, both reelected. a 1840, (( 1841, a 1842, a 1846, a 1847, a 1849, a 1853 a 1855 a u a 1856, 218 HISTORY OF 1822. Matthew Crawford, in place of Cortright, removed fom the township. 1824. John Long, reelected. 1825. Matthew Crawford, « 1827. John Long, 1828. Daniel Whetsel, in place of Crawford. 1829. Jonath-an McComb and Jeremiah Nay, in place of Long and Whetsel, both resigned. 1832. McComb, reelected, and James C. Reynolds, in place of Nay. 1835. McComb, reelected, and Daniel Taft, in place of Reynolds. 1838. Joseph A. Reynolds, in place of Taft. 1839. James C. Reynolds, in place of Joseph A. Rey- nolds, resigned, and Sylvanus Baldwin, in place of McComb. 1842. Baldwin, reelected, and Geo. D. Graham, in place of Reynolds. 1843, A third justice was allowed to the township, and James Fancher, elected. 1845. Solomon Shultz, in place of Fancher, resigned. " Baldwin and Graham, reelected. 1846. John Miller, in place of Baldwin, deceased. 1848. Geo. D. Graham and Solomon Shultz, both re- elected. 1849. John B. West, in place of Miller. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 219 1851. David K. Wood, in place of Graham, and S. Shultz, reelected. 1852, John B. West, reelected, and Barnabas Harris, in place of Shultz, resigned. 1854. D. K. Wood, reelected. 1855. B. Harris, « 1856. N. C. Mason, in place of West. 1857. James Taylor, in place of Wood. * 1858. E. C. Green, in place of Harris. CHAPTER XXI. PLAIN TOWNSHIP. This township was organized in 1810, and then embraced two or three times its present boundaries, but after the organization of Jefferson and Blendon, in 1815 and 1816, it was reduced to its present bounds, w^hich is just one original surveyed township of five miles square, and is designated on all correct maps as town- ship two, in range sixteen, of the United States Military Lands. The fourth or south-east quarter w^as laid out into one hundred acre lots for the benefit of revolutionary soldiers, holding one hundred acre war- rants, and the patents issued accordingly. Quarters number one and two, (north half of the township,) were afterward laid out into sections of six hundred and forty acres, and subdivided into quarter sections, and sold as other Congress lands. The third, or south-west quarter, four thousand acres, was patented to Dudley Wood- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 221 bridge in 1800, and was in April, 1802, sold and conveyed by Woodbridge to John Hufiman, then of Washington County, Pennsylvania, but afterward a well known citizen of Franklin County, Ohio, for one gallon of whisky per acre, that is, for four thousand gallons of whisky, delivered at Marietta, though the consideration named in the deed is four thousand dollars. Mr. Huffman subsequently, about the year 1821 or '22, divided these lands amongst his children. It is said that Joseph Scott was the first settler in the township, on a lease from Huffman ; though near the same time, in the summer or fall of 1802, Adam Baugh- man and Samuel Baughman, and one or two others, removed from Pennsylvania to these lands, part of the way cutting the road through the woods as they went. Henry Huffman soon followed, and subsequently 'Squire Patterson and others. Mr. Samuel Baughman has been a resident of that township ever since, and whilst his friends and pioneer companions have paid the debt of nature, he is still living, and enjoying good health and all the comforts consequent upon industry and prudent economy. Amongst the early settlers, but subsequent to those above named, were Lorin Hills, Jesse Byington, Gilbert Waters, William Yantes, Abraham Williams, Joseph Moore and others. The land was not regarded as being 222 HISTORY OF of the best quality, but the water was good and the location healthy, and the increase of population regular until it is now densely settled, and the improvements generally good. There has, however, as yet been no flouring mill in the township, but some half dozen or more saw mills. Daniel Kramer erected the first on Rocky Fork about the year 1827 or '28, since Avhich Archibald Smith, Christian Bevelheimer, Daniel Swick- ard and some others have erected saw mills. Of religious denominations, the Methodists are per- haps, the most numerous in this township. They have a good brick meeting house, erected about 1837 or '38, in the northern part of the township, called "Plain Chapel," and a good frame meeting house in the town of New Albany, erected about 1847 or '48. The United Brethren are also tolerably numerous. They have a brick church near the center of the township, erected about the year 1836 or 37. The Albrites, German, have a good wooden church building about one mile west from Plain Chapel. The Presbyterians have a small wooden church in N.oav Albany, congregation small. In 1826, Lorin Hills and Lester Humphrey laid out a town on the Granville road near where New Albany now is, which they called " Lafayetteville," and had the plat recorded, etc., but it never improved, and was finally vacated. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 223 In 1835, Francis Clymer laid out a town on his farm which he called " Mount Pleasant," but this also was a failure, and was abandoned. In May, 1837, Noble Landon and William Yantis laid out the town of New Albany, not as partners, but one owned the land on one side of the main street, and the other on the opposite side, and they had it all platted together, but each one held or disposed of his own lots at his pleasure. It is now a thriving village, and quite an advantage to the country around. The town is incorporated, and in April, 1856, they held their first charter election, at which the following gentlemen were elected, to wit : S. Ogden, Mayor ; C. S. Ogden, Recorder ; H. Phelps, Marshal ; F. Johnson, J. McCurdy, C. Baughman, A. B. Beem, S. Stinson, Councilmen. The population of this township, agreeably to the census of 1840, was 1264. In 1850, it was 1561. In 1§53, the township contained twelve school districts, and ail ' aggregate of 653 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was, as returned to the Auditor's office, six hundred. There is but one post office in the township of Plain, and that is in New Albany. It was established in 1838, and is named " Hope." 224 HISTORY OF Noble Landson, Esq., first postmaster, commissioned May 15th, 1838, and continued by reappointment until April 15, 1853. Daniel Horlocker, Esq., second postmaster, appointed April 15, 1853. Jacob Ullery, Esq., third postmaster, (present incum- bent,) appointed January 22, 1855. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1810. John Scott and Simeon Moore, elected. 1811. Jacob Tharp, in place of Scott. 1814. Simeon Moore, reelected. 1815. Jacob Smith and Thomas B. Patterson. 1817. George Wells, elected. 1818. Thos. B. Patterson, reelected. 1819. Asa Whitehead, elected. 1820. John Davis, 1821. Thos. B. Patterson, reelected. 1823. John Davis, reelected, and Abraham Williams. 1826. Davis and Williams, both reelected. 1829. Daniel Swickard and Joseph Moore. 1832. Swickard and Moore, both reelected. 1835. Swickard, reelected, and Paul Farber, in place of Moore. 1838. Swickard, reelected, and Joseph Moore, in place of Farber. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 225 184- Daniel Hamaker and Isaac Williams, in place of Swickard and Moore. 1844. Hamaker and Williams, both reelected. 1847. " " " " 1850. Hamaker, reelected, and Daniel Horlocker, in place of Williams. 1853. Hamaker, reelected, and James Carpenter, in place of Horlocker. 1856. (In spring,) George Wagner, in place of Hama- ker. " (In fall,) Daniel Hamaker, again in place of Car- penter. 15 CHAPTER XXII MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. The first settlement of what is now Mifflin Township was commenced about the year 1799 or 1800, by emi- grants from Pennsylvania. Amongst the first settlers, were William Read, (afterward Judge Read,) William Simmons, Frederick Agler, George Baughman, Daniel Turne^ Matthias Ridenour, then Ebenezer Butler, and others. In the division of the county into townships, in 1803, this territory was included in, and formed a part of, Liberty Township. In 1811, the township was established and organized with its present boundaries, and named after their old Pennsylvania Governor — Mif- flin. It consists of just one of the original surveyed townships, of five miles square, and is designated as township number one, in range number seventeen, of the United States Military Lands. There was nothing re- markable in the settlement of the township ; the popula- tion and improvements progressed regularly. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 227 There has not yet been any flouring mill erected in this township, but several saw mills — some that have done a good business, and others that appeared to do well for a time, but were then suffered to run down. Amongst the former, are Dean's old mill, erected over thirty years ago, and now owned by Judge Heyl, and Park's mill ; and amongst the latter, was one erected by Mr. Janney, on Walnut Creek, about the year 1835 or '36, and afterward owned by J. M. Walcutt, Esq., and one erected by A. McElvain, on Alum Creek, about the year 1838 or '39. There is but one town or village in this township, and that is Gahanna, or Bridgeport, laid out part by John Clark, Esq., in 1848 or '49, and called Gahanna, and part by Jesse Baughman, Esq., in 1853, and called Bridgeport. There is a post office in this place, established in August, 1849. Thos. Young, Esq., was the first postmaster, and continued until July, 1853 ; w^hen John T. Baughman, the present incumbent, was appointed. There is another post office on Alum Creek, at Park's saw mill. This was established in 1851. The first postmaster was Jeremiah Lasure, who continued until 1853, when he was succeded by James Parks, Esq., the present incumbent. The population of this township, agreeably to the census of 1840, was 825. In 1850, it was 1,095. In 1853, the township contained nine school districts, and 228 HISTORY OP an aggregate of 44 G youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 458. There are two churches contiguous to the Yillage of Bridgeport, one a good frame building, belonging to the Presbyterians, and the other a brick, belonging to the Lutheran and German Reformed congregations. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1811. Frederick Agler and John Scott, elected. 1815. John Scott, reelected, and Stephen Harris, in Agler's place. 1816. Stephen 11. Price and Henry Hawken, in place of Scott and Harris, removed from township. 1819. S. R. Price, reelected, and Samuel Gillet, in place of Hawken, declined. 1822. Price and Gillet, both reelected. 1823. John Plawken, in place of Gillet, deceased. 1825. James Smith, in place of Price, and same year Hugh Ijams in place of Smith, removed. 1827. Wm. Dalzell, in place of Hawken. 1828. Hugh Ijams, reelected. 1829. David Beers, in place of Dalzell, removed. 1832. David Beers, reelected, and James Price, in place of Ijams. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 229 1835. David Beers, reelected, and John Starret, in place of Price. 1838. Beers and Starret. both reelected. 1841. Beers, reelected, and James Price, in place of Starret. 1844. Beers and Price, both reelected. 1847. Beers and Price, " " 1850. Beers, reelected, and John Starret, in place of Price. 1853. Beers, reelected, and A. W. Jeffries, in place of Starret. 1855. Henry Ridenour, in place of Jeffries, resigned. 1856. David Beers, reelected. 1858. (Apr.) Philip Keim, elected, commissioned and resigned, all in the same month. C H AFTER XXIII CLINTON TOWNSHIP. This township consists of just one of the original sur- veyed townships, of five miles square, and is designated on the original plats as township one, range eighteen, United States Military Lands. Amongst the first set- tlers in this township, were the Fultons — Hugh and Kobert — John Hunter, Samuel McElvain and family, John Lisle and family, Mr. Henderson and family, and the Hesses; and about the year 1804 or 1805, David Beers and family. In 1811, it was organized as a township. In 1814, Roswell Wilcox moved into the township, and erected the mills long know^i as " Wilcox mills," but of late 3^ears known as the " Piatt mills," and now owned by the Messrs. Hess, which have been doing a useful business over forty years. Farther up the creek, are George Whip's mills, also doing a good business ; and there are three distilleries in the township doing a pretty extensive business manufacturing liquor, and fattening hogs, etc. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 231 About the year 1846 or '47, Alanson Bull, Esq., sold a few building lots on the road side, which were bought and improved by mechanics. He did not have any plat of his lots recorded, nor did he design it for a regular town, but merely to afford residences for a few mechan- ics, for the benefit of the neighborhood. It however soon grew into a village, and assumed the name of " Clintonville." There was a post office established here in Oct. 1847, and James Ferguson appointed postmaster, who was succeeded by his son J. M. Ferguson, the pres- ent postmaster. In 1852, Messrs. Solomon and George W. Beers, laid out some lots on the roadside between Clintonville and Columbus, and had their plat recorded, and named the place " North Columbus ;" in which some considerable improvements have been made. There are in this township three churches and three cemeteries — a Methodist Church and burying place on the Worthington plank road, near the residence of Rev. Jason Bull ; and another about five miles from Colum- bus, on the Lockwin plank road, near the residence of G. S. Innis, Esq. ; and a church at Clintonville, belong- ing to the Christian denomination ; and a burying place three or four miles north of Columbus, on the west side of the Olentangy. In 1840, this township contained 969 inhabitants. In 232 HISTORY OF 1850, it contained 1,186. In 1853, it constituted ten school districts, and contained an aggregate of 370 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 430. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1811. Wm. McElvain and Wm. Drody, elected. 1812. Daniel Hess, in place of McElvain, removed. 1814. John Smith, in place of Drody. 1815. John Hunter, in place of Hess. 1817. John Smith, reelected. 1818. John Hunter, " 1820. Elam Jewett, in place of Smith. 1821. John Hunter, reelected, and Aristarchus Walker, in place of Jewett, deceased. 1824, Hunter and Walker, both reelected. 1827. Jason Bull, in place of Hunter, deceased, and A. Walker, again reelected. 1830. Jason Bull, reelected, and Jacob Slyh, in Wal- ker's place. 1833. Bull and Slyh, both reelected. 1836. Samuel Kinnear and Washington Lakins. 1839. Kinnear, reelected, and Truman Skeels. 1842. Kinnear, reelected, and Joseph Pegg, in place of Skeels. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 233 1845. Edward A. Stanley. 1848. Stanley, reelected, and Eli M. Lisle. 1851. Stanley and Lisle, both reelected. 1853. Joseph Pegg, elected — (died in 1854.) 1854. Samuel Kinnear and G. S. Innis. 1857. Kinnear, reelected. 1858. Moses Beers, in place of Innis. CHAPTER XXIV. BLENDON TOWNSHIP. This township was stricken off from Sharon, and es- tablished the 6th of March, 1815, b}^ the name of Har- rison, (the original Harrison Township, described in Chapter II, having been chiefly stricken from Franklin Connty in the formation of Pickaway County, in 1810, and the remaining part of it being included in the town- ships of Hamilton and Madison.) In 1825, the County Commissioners changed the name from Harrison to Blen- don. The township consists of just one original sur- veyed township, of five miles square ; being township number two, in range seventeen, United States Military Lands. The settlement of this township was not com- menced quite as soon as some of the surrounding ones. The first settlers here, were Messrs. Edward Phelps and Isaac Griswold. They arrived here from Windsor, Con- necticut, in 1806 ; the former is said to have cut the first tree ever felled by a white man in the township. Mr. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 235 Phelps died in 1840, aged eighty-one years. Mr. Gris- wold has resided in the township ever since 1806, and still (1858) is in the enjoyment of a sound constitution and good health. In 1808, Messrs. George Osborn and Ethan Palmer, from Windsor, and Francis Olmsted and his family of sons, (of whom Gen. Philo H. is one,) ar- rived from Simsbury, Connecticut ; and about the same time Cruger Wright settled here, and John Mattoon and Reuben Carpenter, from Vermont, Henry Hone, from Pennsylvania, Isaac Harrison, John and William Cooper, from Virginia. Subsequently, Capt. John Bishop, Tim- othy Lee, Esq., Gideon W. Hart, Esq., the Westervelts, and others. There are in this township two villages : Westerville, laid out by Matthew Westervelt, in July, 1839 ; and Amalthea, or Central College, laid out by the College Board of Trustees, on the lands of T. Lee, Esq., in 1849. There are three post offices in this township : The one at Blendon Four Corners, was established in 1824, and first called Harrison. In 1825, after the name of the township was changed, the office was called Blendon Cross Roads, or Four Corners. Isaac Griswold, Esq., was the first postmaster, and continued by reappointments until 1853, when he resigned, and his son Cicero Gris- wold, the present incumbent, was appointed. The Wes- terville office was established about the year 1846. Ja- 236 HISTORY OF cob B. Connelly, Esq., first postmaster ; W. W. White- head, second ; W. Brush, third ; W. W. Whitehead, fourth ; Henry Dyxon, fifth ; N. M. Hawthorn, sixth ; James Westervelt, seventh ; Milton H. Mann, the present incumbent. The Blendon Institute post office was established in 1841 — changed name to Central College in 1842. Aus- tin Stibbins has been the postmaster from its first estab- lishment until the present time. The different denominations of professing Christians in the township, are Old School and New School Pres- byterians, United Brethren, and Methodists; all of which have their several places of worship. The population of this township, agreeably to the census of 1840, was 972. In 1850, it was 1,303. In 1853, the township contained thirteen school districts, and an aggregate of 548 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 547. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1815. Cruger White and Isaac Griswold, elected. 1818. Timothy Lee and Reuben Carpenter, in place of Wright and Griswold. 1821. Lee and Carpenter, both reelected. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 237 1824. Gideon W. Hart and Robert Jameson, to succeed Lee and Carpenter. 1826. Abram Phelps, in place of Jameson, resigned. 1827. G. W. Hart, reelected, then resigned — Jameson also resigned. 1828. Abram Phelps and G. W. Hart, both reelected. 1831. Phelps and Hart, both again reelected. 1834. Hart, reelected, and Cruger Wright, in place of Phelps, deceased. 1837. Welch' Richey, in place of Hart, and Jared W. Copeland, in place of Wright. 1840. Easton Sherman, in place of Richey. '' Randal R. Arnold, in place of Copeland. 1843. Easton Sherman, reelected — died same year. " Alexander Arrison, in place of Sherman. " Jacob B. Connelly, in place of Arnold. 1844. Number of Justices increased to three, and Ho- mer M. Phelps, elected. 1845. Timothy Lee, in place of Arrison, resigned. 1846. R. R. Arnold, in place of J. B. Connelly. 1847. Homer M. Phelps, reelected. 1848. Timothy Lee, 1849. Thomas J. Alexander, in place of Arnold. 1850. H. M. Phelps, reelected — resigned in 1852. 1851. Timothy Lee, reelected. 1852. Wm. II. Grinnell, in place of Phelps, resigned. 238 HISTORY, ETC. 1852. Thos. J. Alexander, reelected — resigned in 1853. 1853. Ezra Munson, in place of Alexander. 1854. Theron Lee, in place of Timothy Lee — resigned same month. " Asa Bills, in place of Theron Lee. 1855. John Knox, in place of Grinnell — resigned 1856. 1856. Wm. II. Grinnell, in place of Knox, resigned. '• Ezra Munson, reelected. 1857. J. L. Westervelt, in place of Bills. CHAPTER XXV. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. This township was established the Gth of September, 1816, by its present name and boundaries; it is just five miles square, being the first township in the six- teenth range, of the United States Military Lands. It had originally been part of Liberty Township, and sub- sequently part of Plain. Its first settlement commenc- ed about the year 1802 or 1803. A large proportion of the early settlers were from the State of New Jersey. The first, or north-east quarter of the township, was pat- ented to Gen. Jonathan Dayton, of that State, in 1800, and he had it platted into lots of one hundred acres, and sold a number of them in New Jersey to persons who had never seen the land. It is said that those thus purchasing determined their locations by lot. Amongst the early settlers in this township, were Daniel Dague, Moses Ogden, Peter Francisco, Wm. Headly, Michael Stagg, Abraham Stagg, Jacob Tharp, 240 HISTORY OF Jacob Smith, John H. Smith, and Jonathan Whitehead; and subsequently, Joseph Edgar, John Kelso, Michael Neiswanger, Shuah Mann, etc. About the year 1811 or '12, Jacob Tharp erected the first grist mill on Black Lick Creek, which was afterward known as Somerville's mill, and is now owned by Thomas Rees. The third, or south-west quarter of the township, was held by the heirs of L. Brien until 1850, when it was sold and conveyed by them to David Taylor, Esq., at ten dollars per acre. In 1853, he laid out a village on this land, erected a ware-house, saw mill, etc., and named the place Grahamsville, though it is generally known as " Taylor's Station." The great body of his purchase he sold out in suitable f\irm lots, at a handsome profit. The village of Smithville was laid out by Wm. A. Smith, in the year 1852. There is a post oflice at this place, called " Black Lick post office." It Avas estab- lished in 1852. Thomas McCollum was the first post- master, and continued until 1856, Avhen he was succeed- ed by C. S. Morris, Esq.; and in 1857 Morris was suc- ceeded by Ezekiel Compton. There is another, and older post office in this township, at Headley's Corners, called " Ovid post office." It was established in 1832. Dr. Ezekiel Whitehead was the first postmaster. He FRANKLIN COUNTY. 241 held the office a few years, and was succeeded by Wil- liam Headly, Esq., the present incumbent. In 1840, this township contained 1,040 inhabitants. In 1850, it contained 1,236. In 1853, the township contained eleven school districts, and an aggregate of 534 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth Avas 559. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1817. Jacob Smith and William Dean, elected. " Henderson Crabb, " 1818. John Inks, « 1820. Jacob Smith, reelected. 1821. Isaac Painter, in place of Inks. 1823. Jacob Smith, reelected. 1824. Andrew Allison, in place of Painter. 1826. Jacob Smith, reelected. 1827. Andrew Allison, " 1828. George Beals, in place of Allison, who removed. 1829. Abraham Stagg, in place of Smith. 1831. George Beals, reelected. 1832. Michael Neiswender, in place of Stagg. 1834. George Beals, reelected. 1835. Isaac Painter, in place of Beals, deceased, and Neiswender, reelected. 16 242 HISTORY, ETC. 1838. Peter Mills and Jacob Smith, jr. 1841. Jacob Smith, jr., reelected, and Shuah Mann. 1844. Shuah Mann, reelected, and John Painter. 1847. Mann and Painter, both reelected. 1850. " " « 1853. " 1854. Charles L. Morris, in place of Painter, resigned. 1856. Shuah Mann, reelected. 1857. Wm. S. Armsted, in place of Morris, removed. CHAPTEH XXVI. NORWICH TOWNSHIP. This township was laid out and organized by its present name in 1813; but it then extended across the river, including what is now the south end of Perry. In the original division of the county into townships in 1803, what is now Norwich constituted a part of Franklin Township ; and when Washington was set off and established in 1809, it then constituted a part of that township, and so remained until 1813. There never was any village in this township until after the Columbus, Piqua and Indiana Railroad was estalished, and then the village of Hilliard was laid out in the fall of 1853, by John R. Hilliard. The place is generally known as " Hilliard's Station." It is quite a small village of probably a dozen families, two grocery stores, and a post office. The first post office in this township was established in the spring of 1852, at )Smiley's 244 HISTORY OF Corners — David Smiley, Esq., postmaster. In 1854, it was discontinued and an office established at Hilliard, and Thomas W. Dobyns, Esq., the present incumbent, appointed postmaster. There is one grist mill and several saw mills in this township. The grist mill is on the Scioto, erected by Joseph Corban some twelve or fifteen years since. A saw mill at the same place had been erected by Samuel Wilcox, some years before. These are now knov\^n as " Howard's mills." There is a steam saw mill at Hil- liard, and one or two others in the township. Amongst the oldest residents of the township at this time are Benjamin Britton and family, Wm. Armsted and family, Asa Davis, Asa Wilcox, John and Moses Hart, David Thomas, and some years after came Daniel Buck, Ezekiel Lattimer, David Smiley, Daniel D. Lat- timer and others. The leading religious denominations in this township are Methodists and United Brethren. The Methodists have a church building called " Wesle}^ Chapel," near the residence of David Smiley, Esq., and some two or three other preaching places in school houses. The United Brethren hold their meetings at Carter's school house. In 1840, the population of this township was 731. In 1850, it was 1053. In 1853, it was divided into ten FRANKLIN COUNTY. 245 school districts, and contained an aggregate of 460 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth w^as 491. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.''' 1813. Daniel Brunk, elected. 1814. Thomas Backus and Ebenezer RichardSj elected. 1816. Daniel Brunk, reelected, and Robert Elliot, elected. 1817. Amaziah Hutchinson, elected. 1819. Daniel Brunk and Robert Elliot, both reelected. 1822. D. Brunk, reelected, and John McCan, in place of Elliot, declined. 1825. L. L. Lattimer, in place of Brunk, and John McCan, reelected. 1828. John Weeden and George Black, to succeed Lat- timer and McCan. 1830. David Smiley, in place of Black, deceased. 1831. Miner Pickle, in place of Weeden. 1833. Miskell Saunders, in place of Smiley. 1834. Henry McCracken, in place of Pickle. 1836. Miskell Saunders, reelected. 1837. Henry McCracken, " * When this township extended over the river — until 1820, there were three Justices; after 1820, there were but two, until 1851, when the number was a<>;ain increased to three. 246 HISTORY, ETC. 1839. Miskell Saunders, reelected. 1840. Benjamin Scofield, in place of McCracken. 1842. Miskell Sanders, reelected. 1843. Benjamin Scofield, " 1845. Miskell Saunders, " 1846. Benjamin Scofield, " 1848. Miskell Saunders,=== " " John T. Britton, in place of Saunders, deceased. 1849. Benjamin Scofield, reelected. 1851. John T. Britton, « " Henry McCracken, elected, additional. 1852. Benjamin Scofield, reelected. " John Caldwell, in place of McCracken, removed to the west. 1854. John T. Britton, reelected. 1855. James H. Ralston, in place of Scofield. '' John Caldwell, reelected. 1856. Thomas W. Dobyns, in place of Ralston, removed. 1857. John T. Britton, reelected. * 'Squire Saunders died Oct. 16, 1848, in the 58th year of his age. On his tomb stone is this rather singular inscription : " He died a Christian and a Democrat." CHAPTER XXVII. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. This township was set off and organized by its present name and boundaries in 1815. It had origi- nally been part of Franklin Township. Amongst the early settlers in this township were William BroAvn, Nicholas Haun, Jonas Orders, William Badger, Woolry Conrod, William Sinnet, the Brackenridges, the Borers, the Straders and the Goldsmiths. Until of late years, this township suffered much inconvenience from the want of direct and good roads to market ; but since the construction of the Harrisburg turnpike, the Franklin turnpike and the Cottage Mill turnpike, all passing through this township, that incon- venience has been removed, and the township is increas- ing in population as fast as any other in the county. There was no village nor post office in the township until Grove City was laid out in the summer of 1852, 248 HISTORY OF by W. F. Breck, Esq., and ca post office was then estab- lished at that place. Mr. Breck was the first post- master, and held the office until 1857, when he w\as succeeded by Randolph Iliggy, Esq., the present incumbent. Grove City now contains about thirty flxmilies, tw^o stores, one tavern, one physician, a large school and three churches — a Lutheran, a German Reformed and a Presbyterian. The Methodists also hold their meetings in the same house as the Presbyterians. Beside these churches there are in the township three others of the Methodist denomination — the "Hopewell," on the Jack- son turnpike, a wooden building, erected in 1839, the " Concord," a wooden building, erected some years before, near the Shadesville pike, and "Hickory Seminar}-," erected since both the above, for the double purpose of church and school house. Some thirty years ago. Rev. Benjamin Britton of Norwich Township used to occasionally preach for the New-Lights in Jackson, and Rev. Chandler Rogers of Perry for the Universal ists. Mr. Rogers has been dead some years ; Mr. Britton still survives. There is no grist mill in this township, but several saw mills. The population of the township in 1840, was 784. In 1850, it was 1550 — almost doubled in ten years. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 249 In 1853, the township constituted twelve school districts and an aggregate of 676 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth w^as 736. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1815. Wm. Brown and Wm. Badger, elected. 1818. Brown and Badger, both reelected. 1821. Woolry Conrod and William C. Duff, to succeed Brown and Badger. 1824. Conrod and Duff, both reelected. 1827. Woolry Conrod, reelected, and William Brown, again, in place of Duff, deceased. 1830. Woolry Conrod, reelected, and William Seeds, in place of Brown, deceased. 1833. Jacob B. Deimer, in place of Conrod, declined, and Wm. Seeds reelected. 1836. Woolry -Conrod and John Gantz, in place of Deimer and Seeds. 1839. John Gantz and Joshua Glanville. 1840. Robert Seeds, in place of Glanville, removed. 1842. John Dunn, in place of Gantz. 1843. Robert Seeds, reelected. 1845. John Dunn, " 1846. Robert Seeds, « 250 HISTORY, ETC. 1848. John Dunn, reelected. 1849. Robert Seeds, " 1851. John Dunn, « " Isaac Miller, in place of Seeds. 1854. H. S. Mitchel and Isaac White. 1857. E. C. Brett, in place of White, and Mitchel re- elected. CHAPTER XXVIII. PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. This township was set off and organized by its present name in 1819, though its bounds then extended farther north, including a considerable part of what is now Brown. It had originally been part of Franklin. Amongst the early settlers in this township, were Sam- uel Iliggins and family, Shadrick Postle and family, and William Mannon and family. In 1813, the Clover family, originally from Virginia, but then from Ross County, Ohio, removed into Prairie Township, and formed a settlement that it is still known as the " Clover Settlement." The family, beside the two old people, consisted of ten brothers — Peter, Joshua, Jacob, Solomon, Henry, Samuel, Philip, John, William and Aaron — and two sisters. Solomon and Samuel were the brag hunters of the neighborhood. Solomon was fond of hunting ; and, it w^as said, killed more wolves, bear and deer, than any of his competitors in that line. 252 HISTORY OF Wolf scalps then bore a premium. lie still lives in the neighborhood, and is fond of his gun and the chase. lie occasionally takes a hunting excursion, in the fall of the year, up in Wood County. Thei'e are three Methodist Churches in this township: one at Alton, one in Clovers' Settlement, and one in the south part of the township, known as the Henderson Church — all frame buildings, and each one has a bury- ing ground contiguous to it. And there is a German Lutheran Church about two miles north of Rome — a hewed log building, erected some fifteen or eighteen years since, and answering for both church and school house, and in which a respectable German school is taught. They also have a burying ground contiguous to the church. After the construction of the National Road, in the spring of 1836, the town of Alton was laid out by Thomas Graham, and a post office was established there. The successive postmasters have been : John Graham, first ; Mervin Stearw^alt, second ; David P. Cole, third ; Solomon Putman, fourth ; Goodhue McGill, fifth ; and A. W. Shearer, sixth and present. About the same time that Alton was laid out, James Bryden and Adam Brotherlin laid out lots for a town on the pike, two or three miles east of Alton, which they named " Rome." The two villages, so near together. FRANKLIN C'OUNTY. 253 could not both thrive. Alton took the lead, and Rome never contained more than about a dozen families. Previous to this, in 1832, Job Postle laid out some lots for a town, and had his plat recorded, etc., which he named " Lafayetteville." It however never was any thing more than a town upon paper. In 1840, the population of this township was 606. In 1850, it was 1,043. In 1853, the township consti- tuted seven school districts, and contained an aggregate of 411 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth was 451. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. 1820. Peter Clover and Francis Downing, elected. 1823. Peter Clover, reelected, and James Boyd, in place of Downing. 1826. Israel P. Brown and Wm. Stiarwalt, in place of Clover and Boyd. 1829. Peter Clover, again, in place of Brown, and Wm. Stiarwalt, reelected. 1832. George Richcy, in place of Clover, and Stiarwalt, reelected — and same year, John G. Neff, in place of Bichey resigned. 1835. Wm. Stiarwalt, reelected, and Russell N. Griii- nold, in place of Neff. 254 HISTORY, ETC. 1837. Reuben Golliday, in place of Grinnold, deceased. 1839. Thomas O'llarra, in place of Stiarwalt. " David Howard, in place of Golliday, removed from the township. 1842. Thos. O'Harra and David Howard, both reelected. 1845. Howard, reelected, and Thomas J. Moorman in place of O'Harra. 1848, Thos. O'Harra and John Gantz, in place of How- ard and Moorman. 1851. David P. Cole, in place of Gantz, and Samuel Kell, in place of O'Harra. 1854. Thos. O'Harra, again, and Samuel Kell, reelected. 1857. Samuel Kell, reelected, and Andrew W. Shearer. " Smith Postle, elected a third or additional Justice. CHAPTER XXIX. PERRY TOWNSHIP. Perry Township is composed of two fractional orig- inal surveyed townships, bounding on the Scioto, range nineteen. It is ten miles in length, north and south, and from one to three miles in width, varying with the meanders of the river. It was originally a part of Lib- erty Township ; afterward a part of Washington ; then a part of it was attached to Norwich ; and in 1820, it was set off and organized by its present name and boun- daries. There is no village nor post office in this town- ship. Part of the township receive their mail matter at the Dublin post office ; part at Worthington, and part at Columbus. Some years since, Mr. Simon Shattuck, who lives near the middle of the township, having disposed of part of his farm in small lots, it brought some half dozen families in close proximity, and the place has since generally been known as " Shattucksburg," though it was never laid out nor intended for a town. 256 HISTORY OF About the years 1813 and '14, Thomas Backus (fjither of the Lite Elijah Backus) erected mills on the Scioto, which for some years bore his name ; then for many years known as McCoy's mills, and more hitterly as Matere's mills, and Marble Cliff mills. Between forty and fifty years, these mills have been a constant benefit to the neighborhood, and reasonably productive to the proprietors. Not f^ir below the mills, in a cliff of rocks, Avere the noted rattlesnake dens, which were a terror to the neighborhood, and particularly to the mill boys ; and about which many large " snake stories " have been related. These dens were openings in the rocky cliff; one was large enough to admit a person to walk into the cavern, which has never been fully explored. The snakes have of late years entirely disappeared. In the north part of this township are the Kosciusko lands. In 1800, a patent was issued by the United States Government to Thaddeus Kosciusko for 500 acres of land in this township, on account of his services in the Ptevolutionary War. lie attempted to transfer these lands by an assignment on the back of the patent, like the assignment of a note or bond. They were after- ward claimed by a distant heir. After the conclusion of peace in America, Kosciusko returned to Poland, his native country, which, not long after, became involved in war with Russia. Kosciusko was appointed com- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 257 mander in chief of the Polish army, which was defeated, and he was severely wounded, and carried captive to St. Petersburg ; but was finally released, and he returned to France, where he lived in retirement until he died, in October, 1817. General Harrison, in delivering his eulogy in Congress, on the arrival of the news of his death, when speaking of his defeat and fall, uses the following beautiful and highly complimental couplet : " Hope, for a season, bade the world farewell, A.nd freedom shrieked when Kosciusko fell." There are in this township four churches : The Union Church, owned by the German Reform and the Episco- palians, near the farm of Mr. John Legg, a painted frame, erected about the year 1852 ; a Methodist stone church, on the Medary farm, erected about the year 1847 ; a Methodist brick church, on the form of Mr. Jacob Wright, erected about the year 1844 ; and a neat wdiite painted frame Methodist Church, near 'Squire Brown's, erected in 1849 — ground donated by Mr. Den- nis Fares. They also have a town or township house, on the farm of Mr. Joseph Henderson, near the center of the township, erected about the year 1854, in which to hold elections and transact township business. In 1840, the population of this township was 1,037. In 1850, it was 1,159. In 1853, the township contained 17 258 HISTORY OF twelve school districts, and an aggregate of 520 youth between the ages of five and tw-enty-one years. In 1857, it contained, according to the returns, an aggre- gate of 496 such youth. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, 1820. Asaph Allen, elected. 1821. Chandler Rogers and Uriah Clark, elected. 1822. Robert Boyd, elected. 1824. Chandler Rogers, reelected. 1825. Amaziah Hutchison and Sani'l S. Davis, in place of Clark and Boyd. 1827. Chandler Rogers, reelected. 1828. Amaziah Hutchison, reelected, and Daniel Beard, in place of Davis. 1830. Jacob Leaf, in place of Rogers. 1831. Amaziah Hutchsion, reelected, and Samuel S. Davis, in place of Beard. 1832. Richard Gale, jr., in place of Hutchison, wdio neg- lected to qualify. 1833. John Hutchison, in place of Leaf 1834. Samuel S. Davis reelected. 1835. Chandler Rogers, in place of Gale. 1836. Amaziah Hutchison, elected. 1837. Daniel Beard, in place of Davis. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 259 1838. Wm. Mitchel, elected. " C. Rogers, reelected. 1839. Allen Bowers, elected. 1841. C. Rogers and John Swisher, elected. 1842. William Mitchel and Allen Bowers, reelected. 1844. C. Rogers and John Swisher, both reelected. 1845. William Mitchel reelected. 1846. Jacob Poppaw, in place of Mitchel, removed. 1847. John Swisher and David Rogers, elected. 1849. Jacob Poppaw, reelected. 1850. John Swisher and David Rogers, reelected. 1852. Jacob Poppaw, reelected. 1853. John Swisher and David Rogers, reelected. 1855. Barzillia Billingsly in place of Poppaw. 1856. John Swisher and David Rogers, reelected. 1858. Isaac Davidson, elected in place of Billingsly. CHAPTER XXX. BROWN TOWNSHIP. This eighteenth and hist township of the county ^vas set off and organized in the spring of 1830, by its present boundaries. It was taken from Norwich, Prai- rie and Washington, and had originally been part of Franklin Township. A few improvements were made along Darby Creek about 1808 or '10. Amongst the first settlers were James Boyd, John Hayden, John Patterson and Mr. Rinier. Though there were but few settlers back from the creek until from 1825 to 1830, when the Welch commenced settling in this township, and it has of late years been filling up fast, and bids fair to make a rich and flourishing town- ship. There is as yet, however, no grist mill in the town- ship. There have been two saw mills, one erected on Darby Creek by Isaac Ilayden in 1837 ; the other a FRANKLIN COUNTY. 261 steam power mill, erected when the Urbana Railroad was being made. But they have both gone down. There is no town or village in this township, but there was a post office established in it in July, 1848, and named " Darby post office." Joseph O'Harra, Esq., the present incumbent, was appointed the first post- master. About the year 1847 or '48, an association of colored people having purchased a tract of land in this town- ship, w^ith a view of establishing a seminary for the education of colored children, erected their building for that purpose, and opened their school, which has gen- erally been kept in operation since. There are some four or five families of blacks residing there, and they generally have a few pupils from a distance. There is but one church building in the township, and it belongs to the Methodist denomination. Re- ligious meetings, however, are held occasionally by the Presbyterians and Baptists, and also by the Methodists, in the school houses. In 1840, the population of this township was 425. In 1850, it was 681. In 1853, it comprised six school districts, and an aggregate of 310 youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In 1857, the aggregate of such youth w^as 334. 262 . HISTORY, ETC. SUCCESSIVE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1831. Jacob S. Kogers and James Langton, elected. 1834. Rogers, reelected, and John D. Acton in place of Langton. 1837. Rogers, reelected, and Paul Alder, in place of Acton. 1839. Joseph O'llarra, in place of Alder, removed. 1840. Jacob S. Rogers, reelected. 1842. John D. Acton, in place of O'Harra. 1843. Rogers, reelected. 1845. Wm. Walker, in place of Acton. 1846. Rogers, reelected. 1848. Henry Francis, in place of Walker. 1849. James Hiigget, in place of Rogers, removed to the west. 1851. Chauncy Beach, in place of Francis. 1852. N. E. Fares, in place of Ilugget. 1854. John Kilgore, in place of Beach. 1855. N. E. Fares, reelected. 1856. George M. Clover, in place of Fares, resigned. 1857. John Kilgore, reelected. CHAPTER XXXI. COLUMBUS. From the laying out of the Town in 1812, till the close of the Pro- prietors' Settlement in 1817 — Embracing their Proposals — The Law Establishing the Seat of Government — The sale of Lots — First Settlers — 'Squire Shields — First Lawyers — First Taverns, etc., etc. From the first organization of the State government in 1803, until 1816, there was no permanent seat of State government. The sessions of the Legislature were held at Chillicothe until 1810, and the sessions of 1810-11, and 1811-12, were held at Zanesville, and from thence they were removed back to Chillicothe, and there remained until December, 1816, when the first session commenced in Columbus. In February, 1810, the Legislature, desirous to estab- lish a more central and permanent seat of government for the State, by joint resolution appointed five commission- ers, namely James Findlay, W. Silliman, Joseph Darlin- ton, Reisin Beall and Wm. McFarland, to meet in Frank- linton on the first day of September, then following, to examine and select the most eligible site for the estab- 264 HISTORY OF lishment of the permanent seat of government for the State. On December 11th, 1810, the commissioners made their report and say, " That they have diligently examined a number of different places within the circle prescribed, and the majority of said commissioners are of opinion that a tract of land, owned by John and Peter Sells, situated on the west bank of the Scioto River, four miles and three quarters west of the town of Worthington, in the county of Franklin, and on which said Sells now resides, appears to them the most eligible."^^ Dated at Newark, the 12th of September, 1810, and signed by all the commissioners. No further definite action, however, was had on the subject until February, 1812, when the law was passed establishing it at Columbus. Various proposals were received, offering inducements for its establishment at different points, and amongst the rest were the pro- posals of Lyne Starling, James Johnston, Alexander McLaughlin and John Kerr, for establishing it on the '•' high bank of the Scioto River, opposite Franklinton," which site was principally a native forest. Franklinton was then at its apex, and a town of considerably more consequence than it now is, and was one of the sites proposed ; but the plan upon which it was laid out, and *0n this site the town of Dublin was afterward laid out. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 265 more particularly its low situation, were considered suf- ficient objections to its adoption. Worthington and Delaware were also among the sites proposed. The following is a copy of the original proposals of the proprietors of Columbus : " To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of Ohio : We, the subscribers, do offer the following as our proposals, provided the Legislature at their present session shall fix and establish the permanent seat of government on the bank of the Scioto River nearly opposite Franklinton, on half sections number twenty- five and twenty-six, and part of half sections number ten and eleven, all in township five, range twenty-two of the Refugee Lands, and commence their sessions there on the first Monday of December, 1817 : " 1st. To lay out a town on the lands aforesaid, on or before the first of July next, agreeably to the plan presented by us to the Legislature. " 2d. To convey to the State by general warranty deed, in fee simple, such square of said town of the contents of ten acres or near it, for the public buildings, and such lot of ten acres, for the Penitentiary and dependencies, as a Director or such person or persons as the Legislature shall appoint, may direct. " 3d. To erect and complete a State House, offices 266 HISTORY OF and Penitentiary, and such other buildings as shall be directed by the Legislature to be built, of stone and brick, or of either — the work to be done in a work- manlike manner, and of such size and dimensions as the Legislature shall think fit ; the Penitentiary and de- pendencies to be completed on or before first of January, 1815, and the State House and offices on or before the first Monday of December, 1817. " When the buildings shall be completed the Legisla- ture and us, reciprocally, shall appoint workmen to examine and value the whole buildings, which valuation shall be binding ; and if it docs not amount to fifty thousand dollars, we shall make up such deficiency in such further buildings as shall be directed by law ; but if it exceeds the sum of fifty thousand dollars, the Legislature wdll by law remunerate us in such way as they may think just and equitable. '• The Legislature may, by themselves or agent, alter the width of the streets and alleys of said town, pre- vious to its being laid out by us, if the}^ may think proper to do so. "LYNE STARLING, [seal.] " JOHN KERR, [SKAL.] " ALEX. McLaughlin, [seal.] " JAMES JOHNSTON. [seal.] " Attest, " Wilson Elliot, " Isaac Hazlett." FRANKLIN COUNTY. 267 The above was accompanied by their bond for the faithful performance of their undertaking. Although it was the avowed object of the Legislature to establish a jjcrmancnt seat of government, yet when the time came to act conclusively on the subject, there was a misgiving amongst them, and it became pretty manifest that the bill for the acceptance of the fore- going proposals, would not pass without a limitation clause in it, and it being now just at the close of the session, rather than to have it defeated, or to lie over, the proprietors made their second proposition, of which the following is a copy : " To the Honorable the Legislature of Ohio : We, the subscribers, do agree to comply with the terms of our bond now in possession of the Senate of the State aforesaid, in case they will fix the seat of govermnent of this State on the lands designated in our proposals, on the east bank of the Scioto River, nearly opposite to Franklinton, and commence their sessions there at or before the first Monday of December, 1817, and con- tinue the same in the town to be laid off by us until the year 1840. These conditional proposals are offered for the acceptance of the Legislature of Ohio, provided 268 HISTOEY OF they may be considered more eligible than those pre- viously put in. "JOHN KERR, [SKAL.] " JAiMES JOHNSTON, [seal.] "A. McLaughlin, [seal.] " LYNE STARLING, [seal.] "Attest, " William Elliot. " February llth, 1812." This proposition seemed to satisfy the opposition, and the bill was amended by adding the latter clause to the end of the second section, and then passed. This last proposition was at some time lost from the file of papers in the State Treasurer's office, and that fact was possibly the means of saving the seat of government at Columbus. From the time of the repeal of the law for the erection of a new State House, in 1840, the subject of the removal of the seat of govern- ment from Columbus became agitated, and at the session of 1842-43, a committee of the Legislature was appointed on that subject, who being divided in opinion or feeling, made a majority and a minority re- port. The majority assumed as a first ground that it had been permanently established at Columbus by the act of February 14th, 1812, accepting the proposals of the proprietors of the town ; and then referring to the con- ditions of the first proposals, insisted that it could not FRANKLIN COUNTY. 269 be removed without a violation of the faith of the State. The arguments of the two reports are principally con- fined to that proposition — the second proposal not being known of, apparently, by either party. And the compiler of the "Brief History of Columbus," prefixed to Mr. J. R. Armstrong's Columbus Directory, published in 1843, while the subject of removal was still in agita- tion, was, as a citizen of Columbus, perhaps excusable in giving the proprietors' first proposals, whilst he sup- pressed the second, which would have upset all the fine arguments in fiivor the permanent location. The law referred to, accepting the proposals of the proprietors, and establishing the seat of government, was passed the 14th of February, 1812, and reads as foUoAvs : "Sec. 1. That the proposals made to this Legislature by Alexander McLaughlin, John Kerr, Lyne Starling and James Johnston, to lay out a town on their lands, situate on the east bank of the Scioto River, opposite Franklinton, in the County of Franklin, on parts of half sections numbers nine, ten, eleven, twenty-five and twenty-six, for the purpose of having the permanent seat of government thereon established ; also to convey to the State a square of ten acres and a lot of ten acres, to erect a State House and oflices, and a Penitentiary, 270 HISTORY OF as shall be directed by the Legislature, are hereby ac- cepted, and the same, and their penal bond annexed thereto, dated the 10th of February, 1812, conditioned for the faithful performance of said proposals, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, and shall remain in the office of the Treasurer of State, there to be kept for the use of the State. " Sec. 2. That the seat of government of this State, be and the same is hereby fixed and permanently estab- lished on the lands aforesaid ; and the Legislature shall commence their sessions thereat on the first Monday of December, 1817, and there continue until the first day of Mai/, 1840, and from thence until otherwise provided for hj law. " Sec. 3. That there shall be appointed by joint res- olution of this General Assembly, a Director, who shall, within thirty days after his appointment, take and sub- scribe an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties enjoined on him by law, and shall hold his office to the end of the session of the next Legislature : Provided, that in case the office of the Director afore- said, shall, by death, resignation or in any wise, become vacant during the recess of the Legislature, the Gov- ernor shall fill such vacancy. " Sec. 4. That the aforesaid Director shall view and examine the lands above mentioned, and superintend FRANKLIN COUNTY. 271 the surveying and laying out of the town aforesaid, and direct the width of the streets and alleys therein ; also to select the square for public buildings, and the lot for the Penitentiary and dependencies, according to the proposals aforesaid ; and he shall make a report thereof to the next Legislature ; he shall, moreover, perform such other duties as will be required of him by law. . " Sec. 5. That said McLaughlin, Kerr, Starling and Johnston, shall, on or before the first day of July next ensuing, at their own expense, cause the toAvn aforesaid to be laid out, and a plat of the same recorded in the Recorder's office of Franklin County, distinguishing therein the square and the lot to be by them conveyed to this State ; and they shall, moreover, transmit a cer- tified copy thereof to the next Legislature, for their inspection. " Sec. 6. That from and after the first day of May next, Chillicothe shall be the temporary seat of govern- ment, until otherwise provided by law." And by an act amendatory to the above act, passed February 17, 1816, it was enacted: " That from and after the second Tuesday of October next, the seat of government of this State shall be es- tablished at the town of Columbus, and there continue, agreeably to the provisions of the second section of the 272 HISTORY OF act entitled " An act fixing and establishing the perma- nent and temporary seats of government," passed Feb. 14, 1812. " That the Anditor, Treasurer and Secretary of State, shall, in the month of October next, remove, or canse to be removed, the books, maps and papers in their re- spective offices, to the offices prepared and designated for them severally, in the town of Columbus ; and the Treasurer shall also remove any public money which may be in his office ; and the said public officers shall there attend and keep their offices respectively, from and after that time, any law to the contrary notwith- standing." On the 19th of February, 1812, at Zanesville, the proprietors, Starling, Johnston, McLaughlin and Kerr, signed and acknowledged their articles of association, as partners, under the law for laying out, etc., the town of Columbus. In this instrument, it was stipulated that a common stock was to be created, for the benefit of the firm ; that Starling w^as to put into said stock half sec- tion number twenty-five, except ten acres previously sold to John Brickell ; Johnston was to put in half sec- tion number nine, and half of half section number ten ; and McLaughlin and Kerr (who had previously been partners, and Avere jointly considered as one or a third FRANKLIN COUNTY. 273 party to this agreement,) were to put in half section number twenty-six ; on which they were to lay out the town, agreeably to their proposals to the Legislature, — the proceeds of the sales to remain in common stock, until they should complete their contract with the State. They were to have a common agent, to make sales and superintend their whole business. Each party was to pay into the hands of this agent the sum of $2,400 annually, on the first Monday of January, for five suc- cessive years, and such further sums as might be neces- sary to complete the public buildings. Each party was to warrant the title to the land by such party re- spectively put into the stock, and each to receive a mutual benefit in all donations they might obtain on subscription or otherwise. And when they should have completed their contract with the State, and be released from all obligations on account thereof, a final settlement and adjustment of their accounts was to take place, and the profits or losses to be equally divided between them. John Kerr was appointed the first agent for the pro- prietors, in April, 1812, and continued as such until June, 1815, when he declined serving any longer, and Henry Brown was appointed, and continued their agent until the close of their business, in the spring of 1817. 18 274 HISTORY OF The agreement of the proprietors having been faith- fully abided by, and their undertaking completed, was finally canceled in April, 1817, when a division of the unsold property, and of obligations for lots sold, etc., took place, and each party released the other from all the obligations of their articles of association, and also released and quit-claimed to each other all the remaining parts of their several tracts of land originally put into the common fund, that remained unsold. The amount of the donations obtained on subscrip- tions, is variously stated at from fifteen to twenty thou- sand dollars. And, pursuant to an agreement with Rev. James Hoge, now known as Doctor Hoge, he deeded to the proprietors eighty acres of land off the south end of half section number eleven, in order to enable them to complete the plat to the size and form desired. Of the lots laid out on this grant, the proprietors retained one- half, and deeded the balance back to the Doctor. And, pursuant to a similar contract with Thomas Allen, and for the same purpose, he deeded to the proprietors twenty acres out of the south-west part of half section number ten, they deeding back his portion of the lots, and retaining the balance as a donation. Thus the town plat, including out-lots and reserves, (which reserves have many years since been laid out into additions of in-lots,) covered the whole of half sec- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 275 tions numbers twenty-five and twenty-six, and parts of half sections ten and eleven. McLaughlin and Kerr's half section (number twenty- six) was the southern part of the original town plat, bounded on the south by South Public Lane, (the east- ern part of which is sometimes called the " Livingston Road,") and on the north by a parallel (east and west) line, commencing at the river a little south of State street, and crossing High street at the north-east corner of Dr. Goodale's brick block, and crossing Town street at an acute angle between Third and Fourth streets, including all between those two lines, from the river to the eastern boundary of the out-lots. Starling's half section (number twenty-five) also extended from the river to the eastern boundary of out-lots, and included all between the north line of McLaughlin and Kerr's half section, above described, and a parallel line from a short distance in front of the penitentiary, due east, crossing High street between Long street and Mulberry alley, and intersecting Broad street ,at the eastern ex- tremity of the out-lots. Although half section number nine was put into the common fund by Johnston, no part of the town plat was laid out on it. It lies between the penitentiary grounds and Olentangy Creek. The east half of half section ten, put into the fund by him, and on the south end of which lots were laid out, buts 276 HISTORY OF on the north line of Starling's half section, (number twenty-five,) from Water street to Center alley, bounded east and west by due north and south lines, cutting the lots obliquely. The part conveyed to the proprietors by Allen, also buts on Starling's north line, immediately west of Johnston's, just described, and the part convey- ed to them by Dr. Hoge, also buts on Starling's north line, immediately east of Johnston's land. The contract being closed between the proprietors and the State, and all the preliminaries now arranged, in the spring of 1812, the town was laid out, under the direction of Joel Wright, Esq., of Warren County, an agent of the State, appointed for that purpose, and Jo- seph Vance, of Franklin Count}^, as assistant. The streets all cross at right angles ; those running northward, bear twelve degrees west of north, and con- sequently those running eastward, twelve degrees north of east. High street is one hundred feet wide ; Broad street is one hundred and twenty feet, and all the others eighty-two and a half feet wide ; and the alleys generally thirty-three feet in width. The in-lots are sixty-two and a half feet front, and one hundred and eighty-seven and a half feet deep. The out-lots on the east, contain about three acres each. Some time after the laying out of the main town and the eastern out-lots, the proprietors laid out some forty FRANKLIN COUNTY. 277 or more out-lots, north of the town, which are represent- ed on the record by a separate plat. These contain a trifle over two acres each, and from part of these lots they conveyed to the town an acre and a half for a graveyard. The time and terms of sale being agreed upon, the same was advertised far and near, and in a way calcula- ted to attract bidders from a distance. The following is a copy of the advertisement : "FOR SALE, '' On the premises, commencing on Thursday, the 18th day of June next, and to continue for three days, in and out-lots in the town of Columbus, established by an act of the Legislature, as the permanent seat of gov- ernment for the State of Ohio. a Terms of Sale. — One fifth of the purchase money will be required in hand ; the residue to be paid in four equal annual installments. Interest will be required on the deferred payments from the day of sale, if they are not punctually made when due. Eight per cent, will be discounted for prompt payment on the day of sale. The town of Columbus is situated on an elevated and beau- tiful site, on the east side of the Scioto Ptiver, immedi- ately below the junction of the Whetstone branch, and 278 HISTORY OF opposite to Franklinton, the seat of justice for Franklin County, in the center of an extensive tract of rich and fertile country, from whence there is an easy navigation to the Ohio River. Above the town, the . west branch of the Scioto affords a good navigation for about eighty miles, and the Whetstone branch as far as the town of Worthington. Sandusky Bay, the only harbor on the south shore of Lake Erie (except Presque Isle) for ves- sels of burthen, is situate due north from Columbus, and about one hundred miles from it. An excellent road may be made with very little expense from the Lower Sandusky town to the mouth of the Little Scioto, a dis- tance of about sixty miles. This will render the com- munication from the Lakes to the Ohio River through the Scioto very easy, by which route an immense trade must, at a day not very distant, b'e carried on, which will make the country on the Scioto River rich and pop- ulous. The proprietors of the town of Columbus will, by every means in their power, encourage industrious mechanics, who wish to make a residence in the town. All such are invited to become purchasers. "JAMES JOHNSTON, "A. McLaughlin, "LYNE STARLING, "JOHN KERR, " Proprietors. " Franklin ton, April 13, 1812." FRANKLIN COUNTY. 279 Pursuant to this notice, public sale of the lots com- menced on the 18th of June/^ 1812, and continued three days. The lots sold were principally on High and Broad streets, and were generally struck off at from two hun- dred to a thousand dollars each. The only cleared land then on, or contiguous to, the town plat, was a small spot on Front, a little north of State street ; another small field and a cabin on the bank of the river, at the western terminus of Rich street ; a cabin and garden spot in front of where the penitentiary now stands, occupied by John Brickell; and a small field south of the mound, on the tract which two years after was laid off by John McGowan, as an addition to the original town plat, and called " South Columbus." Immediately after the sales, improvements commenced rapidly, generally small frame houses and shops, enclos- ed with split clapboards instead of sawed weatherboards, which w^ere not generally attainable. Both proprietors and settlers were too much occupied with their own indi- vidual and immediate interests, to attend much to the clearing off of the streets and alleys ; and for several years the streets remained so much impeded by stumps, logs and brush, that teamsters were compelled to make * The same day that war was declared by the United States against Great Britain. 280 HISTORY OF very crooked tracks in winding their way through them. Gradually, however, they were cleared by the inhabi- tants, for fire wood and building materials, until about the year 1815 or '16, a sum of about two hundred dol- lars was raised by subscription, and appropriated to the removal of the remaining obstructions from High street. Soon after the town was incorporated, and the streets were gradually improved by authority of the town council. There are now but two men remaining in Columbus who were here at the sale of the lots, in 1812, and pur- chased property, and have remained citizens of the place ever since, viz : Messrs. Jacob Hare and Peter Putnam, and each one still owns the lot he purchased at that time, over forty-five years ago. Amongst the first set- tlers, however, were George McCormick, George B. Har- vey, John Shields, Michael Patton, Alexander Patton, William Altman, John Collett, Wm. McElvain, Daniel Kooser, Christian Heyl, Jarvis Pike, Benjamin Pike, George Pike, Wm. Long, Townsend Nichols, and Dr. John M. Edmiston. Dr. Edmiston was the first physi- cian to locate in the new town — Doctors Parsons and Ball practiced in Columbus, but resided in Franklinton. About the year 1815 or '16, Dr. Parsons removed over to Columbus, where he resided ever after. The first stores opened in Columbus were, one belong- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 281 ing to the Worthington Manufacturing Company, and kept by Joel Buttles, in a small brick building, on the west end of the lot now covered by the Broadway Ex- change building; and one belonging to McLene & Green, kept in a cabin, on the south side of Rich street, just east of where Mechanics' Hall now stands. About where Mechanics' Hall stands, in two or three cabins connected together. Christian Heyl kept a bakery and house of entertainment, where he continued until about the year 1818, when he erected the front part of the tavern building lately known as the " Franklin House," now the " Nagle House," where he kept a respectable hotel until the spring of 1841. The first tavern, however, was kept on the lot where the " Johnston Building " now stands. It was commenced about the spring of 1813, by Volney Payne, in a two story brick house erected by John CoUett, for that purpose ; and the house was kept successively by Mr. Payne, Collett, John McElvain, and Collett again, until about the year 1818, when he sold out to Robert Russell, and Mr. Russell kept it a number of years, then James Robinson, and then Mr. Russell again, until about the year 1844, when the tav- ern was discontinued. Soon after the tavern was opened at Collett's house, Daniel Kooser opened a tavern on Front street, south of State, and a Mr. McCoUum opened another on Front 282 HISTORY OF north of Broad street, where the " Erin go Bragh House " is now kept. In the meantime, various other establishments, known as houses of entertainment, had sprung up, which were, in reality, little else than drink- ing shops, such as in after years were denominated gro- • ceries. At the north-east corner of High and Rich streets was an establishment of the latter kind, kept by William Hay, about the years 1815 and '16, that was famous for company drinking and quarreling; so much so that it obtained the appellation of " The War Office;" and from thence the cases of combat were generally carried to 'Squire Shields, to be " disposed of according to law." The 'Squire was rather an eccentric old genius, from the Emerald Isle, and disposed of business in short order. He was a preacher : first of the Methodist, then of the New Light Order, and could preach a good sermon on as short notice as any other man ; he could lay as many brick in a day as a common bricklayer would in two ; and in surveying and platting of lands, and also in his official business as a Justice of the Peace, he was equally expeditious ; but in all things, rough and careless, apparently disdaining precision. The 'Squire was remarkable for his equanimity of temper, or his ability to control it. On one occasion, when in his office, one of his rough customers very ab- ruptly called him a liar, to which the 'Squire coolly re- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 283 plied in his broad Irish brogue : " Poh, man, we are all liars — I can prove you a liar !" at which the other bris- tled up as though he was for fight — " Prove me a liar ! prove me a liar ! can you ?" The 'Squire making no further replj^, turned to a file of notes that had been sued before him, and picking out one of his hero's notes and presenting the name to him, asked if that was his signature ? to which the man replied : " Yes ; and what of it ?" The 'Squire reads : " Three months after date, I promise to pay," etc., "And did you pay?" "I will pay when I am ready !" was the reply. " There, Sir," said the 'Squire, " I have proved you a liar under your own hand ;" and returning the note to its place, without further ado, sat down to his writing. On another occasion, being told that he was the d dest rascal in town, and that he (the speaker) could prove it, the 'Squire replied, with the utmost sang froid : " I dare say. Sir, that you could get twenty men to swear that, hut that ivould not make it so." He removed with his family to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1821, where he died a few years after. In the year 1815, David S. Brodrick opened a respec- table tavern in frame buildings, at the south-east corner of High and Town streets, with the sign " Columbus Inn;" and in the spring of 1816, James B. Gardiner opened a good tavern, for that time, in a wooden build- 284 HISTORY OF ing, fronting on Friend street, just west of High, on what was afterward known as the Howard lot. In the spring of 1818, Brodrick having retired from public life, Mr. Gardiner removed to that stand, and hoisted the sign of the " Rose Tree " in full blow, with the Scrip- ture quotation, " The luilderness shall blossom as the rose.'' This stand was afterward kept by various landlords, amongst whom was Samuel Barr, whilst owner of the property. It was for a time known as the " Franklin House ;" afterward as the " City House." The old wooden buildings were removed some years since, to give place to the Deshler building, which now occupies the corner. When Gardiner removed from Friend street, he was succeeded at that stand by Jarvis Pike, who raised the sign of " Yankee Tavern." The first school taught in Columbus was in a cabin that stood on the public square, (teachers name not now known;) then succeeded as teachers, in 1814-15, and so on, Uriah Case, John Peoples, W. T. Martin, a Mr. "VVhitehill, Joseph Olds (afterward a distinguished law- yer and member of Congress), Dr. Peleg Sisson (while acquiring his profession), Samuel Bigger (afterward Governor of Indiana), Budolph Dickinson (for a num- ber of years a member of the Board of Public Works, and member of Congress), Daniel Bigelow Orange Da- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 285 vis, a Mr. Christie, Rev. Mr. Labare, Cyrus Parker, H. N. Hubbell, Andrew Williams, and a number of others, not now recollected, who were all teachers of common subscription schools, in Columbus, before the introduc- tion of the present free school system. In the spring of 1815, the census of the town was taken by James Marshal, Esq., and amounted to about seven hundred. By this time, there were some half dozen or more of stores, amongst which were those of Alexander Morrison, Joel Buttles, Henry Brown, Delano & Cutler, and J. & R. W. McCoy ; and a printing office, issuing a weekly paper, which has been noticed under the head of "Newspapers." The first lawyers to locate in Columbus, were David Smith, Orris Parish, David Scott, and Gustavus Swan, about the year 1815. Shortly after, succeeded John R. Parish/^ T. C. Flournoy, James K. Cory,-]- William Doh- erty,J and others. * Mr. Parish died in June, 1829, in the 43d year of his age. He was a man of vigorous mind, and an able lawyer and legislator, and for a time quite popular. But he had his frailties. t Mr. Cory died the first day of January, 1827, in his 29th year. He was a promising young lawyer, from Cooperstown, New York, and had resided in Columbus some seven or eight years. On the same day Doctor Daniel Turney, a popular physician of Co- lumbus, died from the effects of poison. X Col. Doherty was a native of Charleston, South Carolina, from whence he came to Ohio during the war of 1812, and took up his resi- 286 HISTORY OF The Columbus post office was established in 1813 ; was made a distributing office in 1838. Will be noticed under the head of '' post office." The first market house was erected in 1814, by vol- untary contributions of property holders in the vicinity of its location. It was a substantial frame, probably fifty feet in length, and proportionable in width and height. It was situated in the middle of High street, a little south of Rich street. It continued there until after the town became incorporated. Immediately after the in- corporation the subject of a new market house, and the dence in Columbus in 1816. He subsequently, in 1820, married a daughter of Gen. McLene, and made Columbus bis residence the balance of his life. He possessed a turn of mind for public business, and being a man of fine appearance and pleasant address, became popular, and filled some highly respectable and lucrative oflBces. He was for seven years in succession Clerk of the House of Representatives in the Ohio Legisla- ture — one session at Chillicothe and six at Columbus. The Clerks then received five dollars per day while the members received three dollars. He was also for a number of years Adjutant General of the State of Ohio. He was afterward United States Marshal for the Dis- trict of Ohio four years. He had, however, previous to this, and since bis residence in Columbus, prosecuted the study of the law, and been admitted to the practice. In 1831, he was elected Senator for the District of Franklin and Pickaway Counties, and was at his first session chosen Speaker of that body — a compliment rarely bestowed on a new member. But he was competent to the place, and filled it to the general satisfaction of the Senate. He died in February, 1840, at the age of fifty years. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 287 proper place for its location was agitated. Rich street, Town street, State street and Broad street were all pro- posed as sites. Property holders on Broad street were strenuous in favor of it, arguing its greater width than any other street, and drawing the inference there- from that it must have been designed in the plan of the town for the market house. Joseph Miller, who bought and erected the front of the building afterward known as the " Buckeye House," as early as 1816, it is said, was influenced in his purchase, and made large improvements in the confident belief that the market house would be established nearly in front of his house. But about the year 1817, it was determined by the Council in favor of locating it on State street immedi- ately west of High ; and pursuant to contract, John Shields erected the new market house. It was a two story building, something larger than the old frame, the under story of brick for a market house for the town, and the second story was a pretty well finished frame, divided into two large and well finished rooms, and belonged to Shields. Thus he furnished a market house for the town for the privilege of having rooms of his own over it. These rooms he rented out for various puposes : one was occupied as a printing office, and the other was for a time used by himself, and occasionally others, to hold 288 HISTORY OF preaching in. After some years Shields sold out to John Young, and by him the rooms were appropriated to amusement and gaming. The first billiard table kept in town was in the upper part of this market house. About the year 1829 or 1830, the Council bought out Young's interest, and the building was removed and a larger market house, without any rooms above, was erected on the same site — Elijah Ellis contractor. This building continued until the erection of the present market house on Fourth street. On the tenth of February, 1816, the town was in- corporated as " The Borough of Columbus," and on the first Monday in May following, Robert W. McCoy, John Cutler, Robert Armstrong, Henry Brown, Caleb Houston, Michael Patton, Jeremiah Armstrong, Jarvis Pike and John Kerr were elected the first Board of Councilmen. James B. Gardiner, who was the wit of the day, com- posed the following off-hand, doggerel verse with reference to their occupations, with which he would occasionally amuse himself by repeating to the mem- bers : I sell buckram and tape, . . . McCoy, I sell crocks and leather, . . . Cutler. I am the gentleman's ape, . . . R. Armstrong. I am all that together, . . . Brown. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 289 I build houses and barns, . . . Houston. I do the public carving,* . . . Patton. I sell cakes and beer, . . .J. Armstrong. I am almost starving, . . . Pike. I sell lots and the like, ) ^ • . Iverr. And dabble in speculation, j We and his Majesty Pikef Make a splendid corporation. Mr. Gardiner was very apt in writing amusing and satirical verse, and was in the habit of using the signa- ture " Cokeley," until he was familiarly known by that name to all his acquaintances, and was frequently so addressed by his jocular friends. But he also wrote some very fine patriotic and senti- mental poetry, for July celebrations, and such occasions. He removed from Columbus to Greene County about the year 1823, and while there, represented that county in the State Legislature. He afterward returned to Columbus, and in 1834, was elected State Printer for three years. He died in April, 1837, aged 48 years. The Franklin Bank of Columbus was incorporated by an act of the 23d of February, 1816, and on the first Monday of September in the same year, the first election for Directors was held, when the following gen- tlemen were elected, to wit : Lucas Sullivant, James * Reference to the old Library rooms and State offices. t Pike was chosen Mayor and President of the Council. 19 290 HISTORY OF Kilbourne, John Kerr, Alexander Morrison, Abram I, McDowell, Joel Buttles, Robert Massie, Samuel Barr, Samuel Parsons, John Cutler, Robert W. McCoy, Joseph Miller and Henry Brown. The following are the names of the successive Presi- dents and Cashiers, with their times of appointment : PRESIDENTS. CASHIERS. 1816. Lucas Sullivant. 1816. A. J. Williams. 1818. Benj. Gardiner, «&.s 1818. William Neil. Barzillai Gannett.--^ 1826. Jonah M. Espy. 1819. John Kerr. 1823. Gustavus Swan. The charter of this institution expired on the first of January, 1843. In the fall of 1816, the State offices were removed from Chillicothe to Columbus, and on the first Monday * This gentleman, whose true name was Barzillai Gannett, had left his home and family in one of the eastern States under unfavorable circum- stances, and obtained an appointment by the name of Benjamin Gardi- ner, as Quarter-Master in the Army, and was stationed at Franklinton during the war. He was grave and dignified in his appearance and manners, and obtained a high reputation in the church and society generally, and married into a respectable connexion in this county. But unfortunately for him, his history followed him, and to avoid a prosecution for bigamy, he left clandestinely, and was never heard of except perhaps by a few confidential friends. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 291 of December, in the same year, the Legislature com- menced its first session in the then new State House in Columbus. The proprietors having finished the public buildings and deeded the two ten acre lots to the State, agreeably to their proposals, at this session they pre- sented their account for the erection of the public buildings ; and by an act passed the 29th of January, 1817, the Governor was authorized to settle and adjust the account, and the Auditor required to draw on the Treasurer for the balance found due after deducting the fifty thousand dollars which the proprietors were by their proposals bound to give. In the settlement, after deducting from the charge for carpenter work some six or seven per cent, and the fifty thousand dollars, there was found a balance of about thirty-three thousand dollars due the proprietors, which was paid by the State, and thus closed this heavy and responsible enterprise. CHAPTER XXXII. COLUMBUS. From about 1817, generally, till the City organization in 1834, em- bracing Proprietors' titles — Early Manufactures — Additions to the Town — Deaths of Proprietors — Ohio Canal — Insurance Company — Clinton Bank — Cholera in 1833. For the first few years the town improved rapidly. Emigrants flowed in apparently from all quarters, and the improvements and general business of the place kept pace with the increase of population. Columbus, however, was a rough spot in the woods, off from any public road of much consequence. The east and west travel passed through Zanesville, Lancaster and Chilli- cothe ; and the mails came to Columbus by cross lines, on horseback. The first successful attempt to carry a mail to and from Columbus, otherwise than on horse- back, was by Philip Zinn about the year 1816, once a week between Chillicothe and Columbus. The proprietors of the town usually made their sales FRANKLIN COUNTY. 293 of lots by title bond. Upon receiving a third, fourth or fifth of the price agreed upon in hand, and annual notes for the balance without interest if punctually paid, otherwise to bear interest from date, they executed a bond binding themselves to make a deed when the notes were paid ; and it frequently happened that after one or two payments and a small improvement had been made, the whole would fall back to the proprietors. The lots for sale all being in the hands of the pro- prietors, and their giving time on the payments, kept up the prices at from two to five hundred dollars on any part of the town plat, and prices did not fall much below this until after the year 1820, when owing to the failure of two of the proprietors, McLaughlin and John- ston, as also of numerous other individuals who had possessed themselves of lots, there was such an immense number offered at forced sales by the United States Marshal and Sheriff, and so very little money in the country, that after being appraised and offered, and reappraised and offered again and again, they finally had to sell. And lots which had years before been held at two and three hundred dollars, were struck off and sold at from ten to twenty dollars, and sometimes lower, even down to seven or eight dollars, for a lot on the extremities of the plat. To add to the depression of business and price of 294 HISTOEY OF property, about the year 1822 or 1823, the title of Starling's half section, on which the town was in part located, was called in question. It had originally been granted to one Allen, a refugee from the British Prov- inces in the time of the American Revolution. Allen had deeded it to his son, and the son had mortgaged it, and it was sold at Sheriff's sale to satisfy the mortgage, and Starling was the purchaser. It was now claimed by the heirs of Allen, who took various exceptions to Starling's title. First as to the sale from the old man Allen to his son ; also to the authentication of the mortgage by the son, and paticu- larly to the sale of the Sheriff to Starling, on the ground that there was no evidence that an appraisement had been made as required by the statutes of Ohio, and suit was brought by ejectment against some of the occupants who owned the most valuable improvements, first in the Supreme Court of Ohio, and then in the United States Court for the District of Ohio. Mr. Starling defended the suits, and first engaged Henry Clay, who then practiced in the United States Courts at Columbus, as attorney. But owing to his appointment as Secretary of State, he was called to Washington City, and gave up the case, and Henry Baldwin, then of Pittsburgh, was next engaged, who conducted the defense with great ability, and about the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 295 year 1826, it was finally decided in favor of Starling's title. So the matter was put to rest as to that half section. The suit against Starling's half section was scarcely decided, when a claim was set up against Kerr and McLaughlin's half section. They had bought from one Strawbridge, who conveyed by an attorney or agent, and the deed ran thus : That the agent conveyed for Strawbridge, instead of Strawbridge conveying hy agent, and was so signed : " J M (the agent), [seal], Attorney in fact for Strawbridge." Thus the defect in Kerr and McLaughlin's title was merely technical. But it was contended that this was not Strawbridge's deed, but the deed of the agent who claimed no title.'=' And about the year 1826, a quit- claim was obtained from Strawbridge's heirs, by some man purporting to be a New Yorker, upon which a suit was brought in ejectment, as in other cases, against one or more of the occupants of the most valuable lots. But by a suit in chancery to quiet title about the year 1827, this was all set right, and the title, of Kerr and McLaughlin sustained. *In March, 1851, an act was passed by the Legislature of Ohio to remedy such defects in conveyances, by which this technical distinction under the common law has been abolished. 296 HISTORY OF The years 1819 and 1820, to 1826, were the dullest years in Columbus. But soon after this Columbus began to look up again. The location of the national road and the Columbus feeder to the Ohio Canal gave an impetus to improvements, and by the year 1830, the prices of property and the improvements of the town had very considerably advanced. Although Columbus always possessed a reasonable amount of wealth and of money-making talent, the attention of its capitalists never was until of late years much turned towards manufacturing, but more directed to speculating upon the productions of others, by buy- ing, selling, etc., than to creating new or additional wealth. The early efforts in the way of mills and manufactories, further than the common branches of mechanism, generally failed, either for want of capital or want of judgment and skill in their construction and management. The first mill erected within our present city limits was a saw mill on the Scioto, some ten or fifteen rods below where the Penitentiary now is, in 1813, by John Shields and Richard Courtney. It passed through several hands in a few years — was considered a good property, but soon went to ruin, and for the last twenty years or more not a vestige of its remains has been perceivable. About the year 1816, the same John Shields erected FRANKLIN COUNTY. 297 a flouring mill, on the run at the south-west corner of the town, a few rods west of Ball's tannery. The water was brought from east of High street in a race along the side of the bank, near the south end of Hoster's brewery, and let on to an overshot wheel. This mill, after standing some twelve or fifteen years, and being owned by several individuals in succession, was suffered to go to ruin, and there have been no remains of it perceivable for many years. Along this hollow have been in succession a number of breweries, distilleries, tanyards and ashery, that have disappeared. At the present time there are two large breweries, one owned by Messrs. Hoster & Silbernagle, and the other by John Blenkner, and some three or four tanneries. In 1819, Moses Jewett, Caleb Houston and John E. Baker erected on the Scioto, just above Rich street, a saw mill upon a new patent plan. The saw was circular, and was to cut constantly ahead with no back strokes. It was an experiment, and cost them a good deal, with- out ever answering any valuable purpose. In 1821, Col. Jewett and Judge Hines commenced the manufacturing of cotton yarn by horse power in a frame building on Front street, between Rich and Friend ; and after experimenting with that some time, and also with the circular saw in the mill, the spinning 298 HISTORY OF machinery 'was removed into the mill, where the spin- ning was continued by water power a few years. But finally the whole concern was abandoned, and for near twenty years there has not been a vestige of the build- ing to show where it stood. The frame on Front street where they first commenced the cotton spinning was for many years known as the " old factory." About this time. Judge Hines having invented a ma- chine for dressing hemp, in an unrotted state, in 1822 he and Wm. Bain constructed and put in operation one of the machines at the south-east corner of High street and South Public Lane. It was propelled by horse power, on a tread wheel. It after some time passed into the hands of Lafayette Tibbitts, who worked it until the fall of 1824, wdien he failed, and the whole concern went down. About the year 1822, a woolen factory, for carding, spinning and weaving, was commenced by Ebenezer Thomas and others, on the west end of the lot now owned by Col. S. W. Andrews, corner of High and Noble streets. It was worked by horse power on a tread wheel. It passed through the hands of different owners, without profit to any. About the year 1834 or '35, the building and machinery were removed, and reerected by George Jeffries, on the west abutment of the canal dam, where it was worked by water power, some two or three years, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 299 when the machinery was sold out by piece meal, under the hammer -, and so ended that manufacturing estab- lishment. About the year 1831 or '32, John McElvain erected a steam saw mill at the head of the canal, where Hunter's ware house afterward stood. It was worked by different persons (it is believed without much profit) for some seven or eight years, when the engine and machinery were disposed of, and the ware house erected over it — the mill frame answering as part of the ware house. In 1843, the ware house was totally consumed by fire, but was subsequently rebuilt. The first successful manu- facturing establishment, other than common mechanic shops, was the foundry and plow manufactory of Mr. Ridgway, established in 1822. In 1824, the county seat was removed from Franklin- ton to Columbus ; and the courts were held in the U. S. Court House until 1840. The Court of Common Pleas then (1824) was composed of Gustavus Swan, President, and Edward Livingston, Samuel G. Plenniken, and Arora Buttles, Associates ; A. I. McDowell, Clerk ; and Robert Brotherton, Sheriff. As already observed, the original town was laid out in 1812. In the summer of 1814, John McGown's ad- dition was laid out, and called " South Columbus " — sur- veyed and platted by John Shields. 300 HISTORY OF In 1830, the wharf lots were laid out by order of the town council. They are, and must remain, city property. In 1831, a few lots were laid out by John Young, and called "Young's addition." In 1832, a five acre lot of land near the head of the canal, owned by John McElvain and others, was laid out into lots, and called " McElvain's addition." In February, 1833, Otis and Samuel Crosby's first addition (between Town and South streets) was laid out ; and in November of the same year, their second addition (between South street and South Public Lane) was also laid out. About the years 1831 and '32, Robert Brotherton and John M. Walcutt, who owned a few acres of an original reserve, sold out some building lots on Town street, which was generally called " Brotherton and Walcutt's addition." They did not have their lots platted, but sold by metes and bounds, as lands are conveyed. The lots, however, were subsequently platted, agreeably to the sales, and recorded. In 1835, Judge Heyl and Dr. Parsons had a small addition of lots laid out in the south-west corner of the town, called " Heyl and Parsons's addition." In the same year, 1835, Matthew J. Gilbert's addition was laid out. In 1838, Alfred Kelley, Moylen Northrup, and John FRANKLIN COUNTY. 301 Kerr's heirs, laid out into lots what they called on their recorded plat, " The allotment of the central reservation j" but which was more commonly called " Kelley and Nor- thrup's addition." Since which there have been so many small additions and sub-divisions of out-lots into build- ing lots, that it would be more tedious than interesting to trace them any farther. Of the four original proprietors, John Kerr died in 1823, leaving a young family, and a large estate; which, however, did not long remain with his heirs, after they arrived at age. Alexander McLaughlin failed in business about the year 1820, and never again rose from his fallen fortune. He had once been considered amongst the wealthiest men of the State. In his latter years, he obtained a support by teaching a common country school. He was a sensible man, with a fine business education and qual- ifications ; but he had over-reached himself before the depression of business and prices of real estate, which took place from 1817 or '18, to 1824 and '25, and his large landed estate was sold under the hammer (figura- tively speaking) for a mere song. He died about the year 1832 or '33. James Johnston, commonly called Col. Johnston, failed about the same time, and in the same way as Mr. Mc- Laughlin. He left Columbus, and went to Pittsburg 302 HISTORY OF to live, about the year 1820^ where he remained the balance of his life, and died in the summer of 1842, at a very advanced age. Lyne Starling, the surviving one of the four, after the settlement of the proprietors' accounts with the State, and amongst themselves, about the year 1818 or '20, made a pleasure tour through Europe, and then returned and spent the balance of his life principally in Colum- bus. He lived a , bachelor, and died quite wealthy, in the fall of 1848, aged sixty-five years. He had, some half dozen years before his death, donated $35,000 to the erection of Starling Medical College, and was in return complimented by having the College named after him. John McGown, proprietor of South Columbus, died in the summer of 1824, in the 75th year of his age. On the 4th of July, 1825, a celebration of the com- mencement of the Ohio Canal, took place at Licking Summit, at which Governor Clinton, of New York, pursu- ant to invitation, attended, accompanied by Solomon Van Rensselaer, and Messrs. Rathbone and Lord, who made the first loan to the State for canal purposes. On the Wednesday following. Governor Clinton was escorted into Columbus by Gen. Warner and suite. Col. P. H. Olmsted's squadron of cavalry, Capt. Hazel's light in- fantry, Capt. Andrew McElvain's rifle corps, and Capt. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 303 O'Harra's artillery ; together "with other citizens, to the State House, "S'vhere he was addressed by Gov. Morrow with a cordial welcome to Ohio's fertile and productive lands, and her capital. To which Gov. Clinton made an appropriate reply, eulogizing our State, and our canal enterprise, and clos- ing with this sentence : " In five years it may, and probably will be completed, and I am clearly of the opin- ion, that in ten years after the consummation of this ivorJc, it tvill produce an annual revenue of at least a million of dol- lars ; and I hope this remark may be noted, if any thing I say shall be deemed worthy of particular notice, in order that its accuracy may be tested by experience." Alas, for the Governor's prediction ! Gov. Clinton w^as, perhaps, one of our most able and practical states- men. But his prediction here only shows the truth of the old saying, " that it is the easiest thing in the world to be mistaken;" and that the predictions of those, however high in position, who with confidence attempt to peer far into the future, should always be received with great caution. At the conclusion of the ceremonies at the State House, Gov. Clinton was escorted to Mr. Robinson's tav- ern, sign of the Golden Bell, on the lot where the John- ston Building is now erected, and partook of a public dinner. 304 HISTORY OF At the session of the Legislature of 1832-33, the Columbus Insurance Company was' incorporated. It failed in 1851. At the session of 1833-34, the Clinton Bank of Co- lumbus was chartered, and in October, 1834, the first Board of Directors was elected, and consisted of Wm. Neil, Christopher Neiswanger, David W. Deshler, Denias Adams, John Patterson, Jesse Stone, Noah H. Swayne, Joseph Ridgway, Bela Latham, William S. Sullivant, William Miner, 0. W. Sherwood, [and Nathaniel Med- berry. William Neil was elected President, and John Dela- fleld, jr.. Cashier. Mr. Neil continued President until January, 1846, when he was succeeded by William S. Sullivant, who was continued as President until the charter expired, first of January, 1854. Mr. Delafield was succeeded as Cashier by John E. Jeffords, in Janua- ry, 1838. Mr. Jeffords died in April, 1842, and David W. Deshler was then appointed Cashier, and continued until the expiration of the charter. During the last nine or ten years of the bank, W. G. Deshler served as teller, and David Overdier as book-keeper. After the expiration of the charter, some half dozen of the principal stockholders in the old bank formed themselves into a new private banking company, and continued to do business as such in the same room. They FRANKLIN COUNTY. 305 style their institution " Clinton Bank/' merely dropping from the old name the words " of Columbus." They redeem the notes of the old Clinton Bank of Columbus. In the summer of 1833, the cholera made its first appearance in Franklin County. It first broke out in the early part of the summer, in a neighborhood on the canal, in Madison Township, where it proved very fatal, but was confined to the space of a fcAv miles only. On the 14th of July, it made its first appearance in Colum- bus, and continued until about the first of October. A Mr. Stagg, who resided at the west end of Rich street, opposite the Jewett block, was the jBrst victim. During its prevalence, there were about two hundred deaths in Columbus, notwithstanding the whole population of the town was not much, if an}^, over three thousand, and it was supposed that one third had fled to the coun- try. Much sickness from fevers also prevailed at the same time, and one disease would frequently run into another, so that in many cases it was impossible to de- termine to what disease to attribute the death of the patient; though it is believed that about two-thirds of the deaths were attributable to cholera. Out of the whole number, the Board of Health discriminated one hundred as being of cholera proper. The number that was more or less attributable to cholera, has been vari- ously estimated at from one hundred to one hundred and 20 306 HISTORY, ETC. fifty. The mortality and terror of this season far sur- passed any pestilence that ever afflicted Columbus, be- fore or since. Other parts of the county, beside the town and the neighborhood above alluded to, were not more sickly than ordinary seasons. Among those who fell victims to the epidemic, were the following well known citizens : The Horton Howard family, consisting of the old gentleman, his wife and daughter, two grand children, and son-in-law, Mr. Little ; James Woods and wife, C. C. Beard and wife, Ebenezer Thomas, William John, John B. Compston, Benjamin Sweetzer, Henry Jewett, Nimrod Rochester, Mr. White, coachmaker, and his wife, and Mrs. Zachariah MiUs. CHAPTER XXXIII. COLUMBUS. The City in 1834 — First Theater — History of new State House — Removal of Courts and OflBces in 1840 — Balloon Ascensions — Banks — Gas "Works — Bailroads — Cholera in 1849, etc. — Wal- cutt's Museum. In February, 1834, Columbus was incorporated as a city ; and in the spring of the same year it contained the following official, professional and business men and houses, to wit : UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Wm. Miner, Clerk of United States Courts. John Patterson, Marshal for the District of Ohio. Noah H. Swayne, District Attorney. Bela Latham, Postmaster. Henry Brewerton, Superintendent of National Road. David Scott, Engineer and Inspector of " John McElvain, Indian Agent. 308 HISTORY OF STATE OFFICERS. Benjamin Hinkson, Secretary of State. Henry Brown, Treasurer " John A. Bryan, Auditor " Timothy Griffith, Chief Clerk in Auditor's Office. Wm. W. Gault, Keeper of the Ohio Penitentiary. N. Medbury, Superintendent of new " Zachariah Mills, State Librarian. Samuel C. Andrews, Adjutant General. Christopher Niswanger, Quarter-Master General. PRACTICING LAWYERS. Gustavus Swan, Orris Parish, Noah H. Swayne, P. B. Wilcox, Lyne Starling, jr.. M. J. Gilbert, Mease Smith, John G. Miller, Samuel C. Andrews, John D. Munford. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS. Samuel Parsons, John M. Edmiston, M. B. Wright, Peter Jackson, Peleg Sisson, Robert Thompson, Wm. M. Awl, N. M. Miller, S. Z. Seltzer, J. S. Landes, P. H. Eberly. FRANKLIN COUNTY 309 OFFICIATING CLERGYMEN. James Hoge, D. J)., Presbyterian. William Preston, Episcopalian. L. B. Gurley, Methodist — stationed. Russell Bigelow, " Agent for Temp. Society. Thomas Asbury, " Local. Jesse F. Wiscom, " " George Jeffries, Baptist. Edward Davis, " MERCHANTS. L. Goodale & Co., dealers in dry goods and groceries. Buttles & Matthews, « " « a (c (( (C u a (( a a a a a a i( a a a a a {( (( (( Stewart & Higgins, (( D. Woodbury, a J. & S. Stone, a A. P. Stone, u John Greenwood, li D. W. Deshler, a McCoy & Work, a John Brooks^ a Beuben Brooks, ii David Brooks, u T. Peters & Son, a 310 HISTORY OF Saunders & Frye, dealers in dry goods and groceries. Bond & Walbridge, « « " Burr & Gregory, " " " M. Northrup, « " " Brotherton & Kooken, « « " Joshua Baldwin & Co., " « « Lemuel Reynolds, " " " Olmsted & St. Clair, " « " Robert Russell & Co., " " " C. W. Kent, auction store. 0. & S. Crosby, wholesale druggists. Sumner Clark, " " J. S. & D. Landes, « " 1. N. Whiting, bookseller and stationer. B. & J. Turnbull, « « W. M. Kasson & Co., dealers in tin and hardware. W. A. Gill & Co., « ^ " Wm. W. Blake, dealer in shoes, hosiery, etc. Wm. A. Piatt, dealer in plate, jewelry, etc. Sherwood & Gregory, wholesale grocers. McElvain, Dalzell & Co., " Finley & Hanford, " John Young, grocer and wholesale liquor dealer. There were several other trading establishments that might perhaps have been included under this head FRANKLIN COUNTY. 311 with propriety, such as leather stores, hat factories, comb factory, and some small groceries. TAVERNS. National Hotel, by John Noble. Franklin House,"^' by J. Robinson & Son. Globe Hotel, by Robert Russell. Lion Hotel, by Jer. Armstrong. Swan Hotel, by Christian Heyl. Eagle Hotel, by David Brooks. White Horse, (wagon yard,) by Amos Meneely. Farmers and Mechanics' Tavern, by T. Cadwallader. And an extensive Boarding House, by Ira Grover. In the fall of 1835, the first theater was erected in Columbus. It was a large frame building, on the west side of High street, between Broad and Gay ; and in the winter following it opened with a corps of dramatic performers, under the management of Messrs. Dean & McKinney, and it was occupied during the winter seasons, under different managers, until about the year 1841, when it finally closed. In 1843, the building was purchased by M. J. Gilbert, Esq., who had it * This was not the stand lately known as the Franklin House, but was situated at the corner of High and Town streets, where the Deshler buildino; now stands. 312 HISTORY OF remodeled, and for a time it was kept and known as the " City Hall." It was then cut in two, and part removed, and the whole converted into private dwel- lings. January 26, 1838, the Legislature passed an act pro- viding for the erection of a new State House on the public square in Columbus, which was the occasion of a grand illumination of the city. Col. Noble, who kept the National Hotel, where the Neil House now stands, had the candles in his front windows so arranged as to form letters and spell NEW STATE HOUSE. In pursuance of said act, Joseph Ridgway, jr., of Columbus, Wm. A. Adams, of Zanesville, and Wm. B. Van Hook, of Butler County, were, by joint resolution, appointed commissioners for carrying the law into effect. They were required to give notice in certain newspapers, and offer a premium of five hundred dollars for the best plan, to be approved by the Legislature, upon which said house should be erected. A number of plans were furnished by various competitors for the premium, and Henry Walters of Cincinnati, received the premium, though his plan was not adopted ; but from the various plans furnished, the commissioners formed and adopted one somewhat different from any of the plans pre- sented. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 313 In the spring of 1839, the commissioners appointed Wm. B. Van Hook, one of their own body, superintend- ent of the work. The high board fence was put up, and a good work shop erected on the square, and other preparations made for working the convicts within the enclosure, in the cutting of stone, etc., a vast quantity of which, obtained at Sullivant's limestone quarry, had been delivered on the ground during the preceding year. And on the fourth of July, 1839, at a suitable celebration, the corner stone of the new edifice was laid, and the foundation subsequently raised to a level with the earth, when the inclemency of the weather stopped the work, as was supposed, until the succeeding spring. But during the session of 1839-40, after the Legisla- ture's investigation of certain charges against Wm. B. Lloyd, a member from Cuyahoga County, for forgery in altering certain accounts and papers, a friend of Mr. Lloyd's drew up the following statement of confidence etc., in said Lloyd : "Columbus, Feb. 13, 1840. «Wm. B. Lloyd, Esq.: ^^ Dear Sir — The undersigned, convinced beyond doubt, that the charge lately circulated against yourself is totally unsustained by the testimony relating to the matter ; and the act charged, one of which it is impos- sible you should be guilty, beg leave, respectfully, to 314 HISTORY OF assure you of our undiminished confidence in the integ- rity of your character, and to express to you our sin- cerest wishes for your future happiness and prosperity." Which was signed by sixty-three citizens, principally young men of Columbus, as papers of the kind are gen- erally signed, more through compliance to the wishes of the individual who presents the paper, than anything else. And this note, unexpectedly, to many, at least, of the signers, appeared in the Ohio State Journal of the 17th of February, with the signers' names appended. This publication gave offense to many members of the Legislature, who had voted to censure Lloyd, and under this excited feeling, on the 18th of February, Mr. Flood, member from Licking, introduced a bill into the low^er House, to repeal the act providing for the erection of the new State House, which was finally passed, and became a law on the 10th of March, 1840. The whole cost, as far as the preparations and work had progressed, appears to have been $41,585.22. This amount of the puhlic money, a majority of the savans were willing to throw to the wind, in order to gratify a spirit of personal re- sentment towards a few citizens of Columbus. Immediately after the passage of this repealing act, the removal of the seat of government from Columbus was mooted, and the committee of the Legislature ap- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 315 pointed on the subject, made a majority and a minority report — both elaborate productions. The minority re- port concluded with the following resolutions : " Resolved hy the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the Governor be requested to issue his proclama- tion, setting forth that the time has arrived for the per- manent establishment of the seat of government, that all portions of the State may have an opportunity of offering such inducements as they may deem proper for its permanent location at such point as may be desig- nated. ^^ Resolved, That all propositions for the permanent establishment of the seat of government, at any point in the State, be sealed, and directed by the persons mak- ing the same, to the Governor, by the first day of August next, who shall open and communicate the same to the next General Assembly." These resolutions were, on the 6th of March, 1843, agreed to in the Senate, by a vote of eighteen to six- teen. But were, on the next day, rejected in the lower House, by a vote of thirty-six to twenty-nine. At the session of 1847-8, a law was again passed providing for the erection of a new State House.* * The present Constitution establishes the seat of government at Columbus, until otherwise directed by law. 316 HISTORY OF In the spring of 1848, W. A. Adams, of Zanesville, and Joseph Ridgway, jr., and Samuel Medary, of Co- lumbus, were appointed Commissioners to direct and control the work, and Russell West was by them ap- pointed architect. In 1852, Edwin Smith, S. H. Webb, and E. P. Stickney, were appointed Commissioners — West continued as architect. In 1854, the Board of Commissioners were, Stickney, Smith, and James J. Far- an, in place of Webb — N. B. Kelly appointed architect in place of R. West, resigned. In the spring of 1856, a new Board of Commissioners was appointed, consisting of Wm. A. Piatt, of Columbus, Jas. T. Worthington, of Ross County, and L. G. Harkness, of Huron County. The Commissioners, it appears, did not employ a reg- ular clerk prior to 1850; but Mr. Ridgway, one of the Board, had acted as secretary and clerk, until the ap- pointment of Mr. Jas. K. Linnel, in the spring of 1850 ; and Mr. Linnel continued as clerk of the Board until the spring of 1856, when Robert Hume, Esq., was ap- pointed. The first session of the Legislature in the new State House (which was, however, but an adjourned session,) nominally, commenced on Monday, the 5th of January, 1857. But the evening of the 7th of the same month having been determined upon for the great State House FRANKLIN COUNTY. 317 Festival, the halls could not be used for legislative pur- poses until that was over. From about the year 1830 until 1836 or 1837, while the general speculation excitement prevailed, Columbus prospered — by increase of population, improvements and business generally. About 1837 might be consid- ered the culminating point, from whence embarrassments began to be felt by the trading community generally ; business became dull, and the prices of real estate and the productions of the country began to decline. And from 1840 to 1843 or '44, was a period of unusually dull times in Columbus. Then gradual improvement followed, and from 1846 or '47, to 1853, the old career of wild speculation was acted over again, with the addi- tion of various enterprises not before entered upon. During this time, the railroad fever prevailed, and a vast amount of capital was invested in that way — perhaps beneficially for the country at large — but not so gene- erally to the individual stockholders. It will be seen, also, that nearly all the turnpikes and plank roads of this county were made, or commenced during this period, and that the same remark is generally applicable to them, as well as to the railroads. From 1849 to 1853, notwithstanding the prevalence of the epidemic that prevailed during that period, there were more good improvements made in Columbus than 318 HISTORY OF at any previous period of the same length ; amongst which were the new market house, the Gwynne Block, and many other improvements in that neighborhood; numerous good buildings on High street, north of Broad, and the fine residences on the east end of Town ; and the increase of population was in proportion with the improvements. The county seat having been removed from Franklin- ton to Columbus, in 1824, the courts were held in the United States Court House, from that time until 1840, and the county offices were kept in various hired rooms for some four or five years, and then in a building con- tiguous to the court house, erected by the county for that purpose. In the summer of 1840, the courts and the county offices were removed to the then new court house, on the corner of High and Mound streets. This building, it was considered, constituted a first rate court house and jail, but the offices were too contracted ; the cost of which appears to have been about $41,000, ex- clusive of the ground. The two lots upon which the building stands having been bought by contributions of the citizens of the south end of the town, were donated to the county, in the spring of 1838. Four years after, in 1842, the County Commissioners purchased the third lot, so that the county might own the entire block. ^ On the 4th of July, 1842, was the first balloon ascen- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 319 sion from Columbus. Mr. Clayton, a celebrated aeronaut, then of Cincinnati, Ohio, made a beautiful ascent from the State House yard, where a vast concourse of people had assembled to witness the spectacle. He arose, it was supposed, to the height of from one to two miles. The balloon at first bore southward,' then about due east, and landed safely about five miles east of Newark ; and he returned to Columbus about two o'clock, on the second day. The second balloon ascension, was also by a celebrated aeronaut, Mr. "Wise, of Pennsylvania. On the 4th of July, 1851, pursuant to an engagement with Mr. Kin- ney, he made his ascent from an enclosure prepared for the occasion, and other amusements of the day, at the corner of Broad and Seventh streets. There was a very large concourse of spectators, and the ascension as fine as could have been wished. He landed safe and sound about six miles from his starting point, and returned to the city the same evening. The State Journal of the next day says : " Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Kinney and Mr. Wise for their services in catering to the public taste in this most interesting and beautiful exhibition." The third balloon ascension from Columbus, was by a Monsieur Godard, on the 29th of October, 1857, from the enclosure of the Capital City Fair Grounds, a short 320 HISTORY OF distance southeasterly from the Lunatic Asylum. This ascension was also made pursuant to an engagement by Mr. John M. Kinney. Mons. Godard is a Frenchman, and was engaged to come from the city of Philadelphia, to make an ascension on horseback. This ascension Avas only intended as a preliminary one to the great horse- back ascension, which was to come off two days after ; but which, owing to a disappointment in obtaining gas, did not come off at all. But this ascension Avas a grand one. Mons. Godard, his brother, Mr. Huntington of the Exchange Bank, and Robert H. Thompson, of the post office department, all ascended — three of them in the car, and one of the Godards suspended by his feet to a rope some fifteen or twenty feet long, hanging below the car with his head downward, and in that position, waving a flag as he was carried through the air. They all landed safely, near Taylor's Station, some eight or nine miles east of Columbus. In February, 1845, the banking law, to incorporate the State Bank of Ohio, and other banking companies, was passed. Books were immediately opened, and the requisite amount of stock soon subscribed for three new banks — the Exchange Branch and the Franklin Branch of the State Bank; and the City Bank, based upon State stocks. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 321 THE EXCHANGE BANK Went into operation the 24th of May, 1845, with a capital of $125,000. Charter will expire 1st of May, 1866. The first Board of Directors were, Wm. B. Hubbard, D. T. Woodbury, Edwards Pierpont, 0. FoUett, and Pe- ter Hayden. The successive business officers have been — PRESIDENTS. Wm. B. Hubbard, appointed May, 24, 1845 — retired June, 1852. Wm. Dennison, jr., appointed June 22, 1852 — retired Jan. 1, 1856. D. W. Deshler, appointed Jan. 1, 1856 — continues, 1858. CASHIERS. H. M. Hubbard, appointed May 24, 1845 — retired 1853. M. L. Neville, appointed June 1, 1853 — died Dec. 1855. C. J. Hardy, appointed Jan. 1, 1856 — continues, 1858. 21 322 HISTORYOF TELLERS. Geo. Hubbard, appointed Jan. 1, 1848 — retired 1850. John Greenwood, « " 1850 " 1855. K S. Neil, « " 1855 « 1856. P.W.Huntington, « " 1856. THE FRANKLIN BANK Went into operation July 1, 1845, with a capital of $175,000. Charter will expire 1st of May, 1866. The first Board of Directors were, Gustavus Swan, Samuel Parsons, Geo. M. Parsons, Wray Thomas, and Thomas Wood. The successive business officers have been — PRESIDENTS. Samuel Parsons, appointed July 1845 — retired May 1852. Thomas Wood, appointed May, 1852 — retired July 1853. D. W. Deshler, appointed July 1853 — continues, 1858. CASHIERS. James Espy, appointed July 1845 — retired July 1854. Joseph Hutcheson, appointed July 1854 — continues, 1858. FRANKLIN COUNTY. '323 TELLERS. Joseph Hutcheson, appointed May, 1852 — promoted July, 1854. L. C. Bailey, appointed July, 1854 — continues, 1858. CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. This Institution went into operation near the same time as the Exchange and Franklin Branch Banks ; un- der the same law, but a different provision of it ; which authorized Independent Banks, secured by the deposit of State stocks with the Treasurer of State. This bank was located in the same building as the Columbus In- surance Company, and, to a great extent, the stockhold- ers in one of these institutions were also in the other ; and so also with the directory of both institutions, which became in their business much mixed up together. Joel Buttles was the President of the bank until the time of his death, in the summer of 1850. Then Rob- ert W. McCoy was President until the time of his death, January, 1856. Thomas Moodie was Cashier during the whole existence of the Institution. Finally the bank and Insurance Company both failed ; the Insurance Company in 1851, and it was in the month of November, 1854, that the bank suspended, and closed its doors. The public lost nothing by the notes, they 324 HISTORY OF being secured, as above stated. But it was ruinous to the holders of stock, which was nearly all sunk. The charter of the bank, however, is still kept alive by the annual election of officers — probably with the view of some time commencing business again. At the legislative session of 1837-8, the Mechanics' Savings Institute, a bank of deposit, etc., was incorpo- rated, and soon after went into operation in Columbus. Wm. B. Hubbard, Esq., President, and for a time War- ren Jenkins, then Thomas Moodie, Cashier. It was con- tinued till about the time the City Bank commenced business, when the former was discontinued, or merged in the latter. THE MONEYED INSTITUTIONS IN COLUMBUS IN 1858, Are the Exchange Branch and Franklin Branch of the State Bank of Ohio, above named, and three pretty extensive Private Banks, or Brokers' Offices, viz : The association doing business under the name of " Clin- ton* Bank," "Miller, Donaldson, & Co., Bankers," and "Bartlit & Smith, Bankers." But a few years since there were four regular chartered banks in the city . One has failed, as before stated ; the charter of another expired by limitation, and it appears hard to obtain a new bank charter under the present Constitution. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 325 COLUMBUS GAS LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY. By an act passed the 21st of February, 1846, Joel Buttles, Samuel Medary, Charles Scott, James S. Ab- bott, D wight Stone, John Miller, James D. Osborn, James Westwater, S. D. Preston and William Arm- strong and their associates were incorporated by the name of the Columbus Gas Light and Coke Company, for the purpose of lighting the streets and buildings of the City of Columbus. The company to be governed by a Board of not less than five nor more than nine Directors, On the 6th of December, 1848, the company held their first meeting for the election of five Directors, when John Miller, D. W. Deshler, J. Ridgway, jr., John Lockwood and Wm. A. Gill were elected. Mr. Miller was chosen President, Mr. Ridgway Secretary, and Mr. Deshler Treasurer. Subsequently Mr. Gill was Presi- dent of the Board. The buildings and necessary preparations being made, on the 14th of May, 1850, the City Council passed an ordinance granting the priv- ilege to the Company of using the streets and alleys for the purpose of laying their gas pipes and conveying the gas through the city. And as a consideration for this privilege the Gas Company are to furnish such quantity of gas as may be required by the City Coun- 326 HISTORY OF cil for public lamps at two-thirds the price paid by private consumers. The Company went into operation in 1850, and appear to have succeeded well. They have increased their capital stock to near $100,000. They have in- creased the number of Directors from five to seven. The office business is principally done by a Secretary. In the spring of 1851, Joseph C. Vance was appointed Secretary. In the spring of 1852, he left the city, and Captain Henry Z. Mills was appointed Secretary in his place. The present officers of the Company are, William A. Piatt, President ; John F. Bartlit, John L. Gill, John Miller, D. W. Deshler, Peter Ambos and Dwight Stone, Directors. Henry Z. Mills, Secretary. G. Douty, Superintendent of works. Calvin A. Piatt, Superintendent of the fitting depart- ment and Inspector. RAILROADS. ■ The location and construction of the Railroads also gave a new impetus to improvements, particularly in the north end of the city. The Columbus and Xenia Road was constructed in the years 1848 and 1849, and the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 327 first passenger train passed over it on the 26th of Feb- ruary, 1850. Soon after, an invitation was extended to the Legislature, then in session, and they took a pleas- ure excursion over the road, to Cincinnati and hack. The depot grounds, amounting to some thirty-six or thirty-seven acres, and the buildings, generally, belong to the Columbus and Xenia, and the Cleveland, Colum- « bus, and Cincinnati Roads, jointly. The Central Road, however, by lease and contract, has certain rights and privileges in the same. The lot where the office is, and the office itself, belong to the Columbus and Xenia Com- pany, exclusively. By the month of February, 1851, the C, C. & C. Road (i. e., the road from Columbus to Cleveland,) was so far finished as to be in running condition, and pur- suant to an arrangement between the Railroad Compa- ny and the Cleveland authorities, a grand celebration of the opening of a direct railroad communication from Cincinnati to Cleveland, was to take place at Cleveland, on the 22d of February, and invitations were extended to the Legislature, and to the City authorities of Colum- bus and Cincinnati, and numerous other citizens to attend the celebration ; and on the 21st, the excursion party first passed over the road. The 22d was spent at Cleveland and on the 23d the party returned highly gratified. 328 HISTORY OF In the spring of 1852, the Central Road being fin- ished as far as Zanesville, on an invitation of the Zanes- ville authorities to the Legislature, the City Council of Columbus, and certain others, a free pleasure excursion was had over the road to Zanesville, where the party was received and hospitably entertained by the citizens of Zanesville, and they returned the same night. On the Columbus, Piqua and Indiana Road, the first train passed over the road from Columbus to Urbana on the 4th of July, 1853, and in the fall of the same year, the trains ran as far as Piqua. In 1849, the cholera again made its appearance in Columbus. It broke out in the family of Mr. George B. Smith, in the Jewett block, near where it com- menced in 1833. On the 21st of June, Mr. Smith's son, a boy six or seven years old, was taken and died suddenly. The next day Mr. Smith and his wife, and Mrs. Kinney and a Mr. Sanders. The alarm now spread, and the disease also spread all over the town. Many of the citizens left. A Board of Health was im- mediately appointed, consisting of Messrs. Isaac Dalton, N. W. Smith, Geo. B. Harvey, W. W. Pollard and James Cherry, who were diligent in the discharge of their duties — procuring mediqal and other assistance, where it was needed, and made daily reports. The disease FRANKLIN COUNTY. 329 continued until about the middle of September, and the Board reported 162 deaths by cholera, in that time. There doubtless were some omissions, and the true number may have been somewhere between that and 200, beside 116 deaths in the Penitentiary, which are noticed in the chapter under that head, — deaths other than by cholera not included in the above. Many well-known citizens were carried off by the epidemic this season, amongst whom were Dr. B. F. Guard, Dr. Horace Lathrop, Gen. Edgar Gale, Samuel Preston, Abraham Mettles, Wm. Cook and son, Robert Thompson and wife, Dr. Isaac F. Taylor, Christian Karst, Joseph Murray, Esq., Bernard Berk, Christian Hertz and John Whisker. In 1850, this terrible disease again prevailed. The first case this year was Mrs. Robert Russell, who died on the 8th of July at the United States Hotel on High street. The disease immediately spread and raged with about the same virulence it had the preceding year, and continued till near the middle of September. The Board of Health this year consisted of George B. Harvey, Isaac Dalton and W. W. Pollard, assisted by T. J. McCamish, and others occasionally. They made regular daily reports from the 24th of July to the 4th of September. In that time they reported 209 deaths by cholera and 93 from other diseases, in all 302. And 330 HISTORY OF then the disease had prevailed over two weeks before the commencement of the reports^ so that the number of deaths from cholera this year was probably near 225, and from other diseases, according to the classification made by the Board of Health, probably about 100. The population of the city, according to the census taken this year, was 17,871, of whom it is supposed about one fourth had left. Amongst the well-known citizens who paid their last debt to nature during the epidemic this year, were Elijah Converse, David S. Doherty, Emanuel Doherty and Wm. Doherty, John Willard and son, Wm. G. Alexander and wife and two or three children, James B. Griffith's son and three daughters, John Barcus, Joseph Bidgway, jr., Bobert Owen, Timothy Griffith, Dr. James B. McGill, Henry Wass, Isaac Taylor, Hin- man Hurd, William Henderson, Mrs. Wm. S. Sullivant, Mrs. Geo. B. Harvey, Mrs. Matthew Gooding, Mrs. E. B. Armstrong and Miss Fanny Huston. In 1851, there was no cholera. In 1852, it returned again, but was light in compari- son with 1849, and 1850. The first case this year was Philip Link, who died on the 16th of June in the south- eastern part of the city. Amongst the victims to that fatal disease this year were William English and wife. Nelson Compston, Miss Henrietta E. Gale, John FRANKLIN COUNTY. 331 McGuire, Newton Mattoon, and Robert Brooks of Franklinton. In 1853, there was no cholera. In 1854, it again appeared. It this year commenced in the fore part of June, at the north end of the town, and did not spread very generally. Amongst the vic- tims were John Leaf, wife and son, Mr. Westwater's two children, Jonathan Ream, and Jonathan Philips and daughter. No cholera since 1854. In July, 1851, Captain Walcutt first opened his Museum in Columbus. It then consisted of only six or seven wax figures and a few paintings. It for a time attracted as much attention and patronage as could be expected from so small a collection. He has been since then constantly adding to it, until it now comprises over twenty good wax figures, two or three hundred speci- mens of beasts, birds, fossils and other curiosities, and about one hundred fine oil paintings, presenting quite a respectable collection. But those of our citizens who saw it or heard of it in its infancy are not aware of its improvements, and do not seem to fully appreciate it. Of the adult persons residing in Columbus when the writer settled here in April, 1815, there are now remain- ing in the city Messrs. Jeremiah Armstrong, Jacob 332 HISTORY, ETC. Hare, George B. Har.vey, Peter Putman, and one lady, Mrs. Mary Peoples, and two colored persons, Caleb and Aggy Lewis ; and in the vicinity Gen. Olmsted and Judge Heyl, wife and brother. Soon after, Dr. L. Goodale, Judge G. Swan, Henry Brown, Esq., and Col. John McElvain removed over from Franklinton. Of those who removed from a distance and settled in Columbus, the next five years, there are still living in the city, Messrs. John M. Walcutt, Jonathan Neereamer, Moylen Northrup, D. W. Deshler, William Armstrong, James Harris, Henry Butler, Thomas Wood, Hugh McMaster, Jared Shead, Cyrus Fay, Joseph Leiby, Jas. Cherry, P. B. Wilcox and Eli W. Gwynne. CHAPTER XXXIV. THE OLD STATE HOUSE, THE OFFICES, YARD, ETC. When State House erected — Description — Mottoes — Wm. Ludlow — Destruction by fire — Where Legislature then met — Erection and description of offices — U. S. Court House, etc. — Removal of the Courts — County Offices on the State ground — Fencing of the Square, etc. The old State House was situated on the south-west corner of the Public Square, about equi-distant from State and High streets, and about eighteen or twenty feet from the inner side of the pavements. It was erected in 1814; Benjamin Thompson was the under- taker of the stone and brick work, except the cutting of the stone for the foundation, etc., which was done by Messrs. Drummon and Scott ; George McCormick and Conrad Crisman, were the undertakers of the carpenter work ; Gotleib Leightenaker, of the plastering ; and Conrad Heyl, of the painting. The freestone for the foundation, and w^indow and door sills, was drawn on wagons, from Black Lick, some twelve or fourteen 334 HISTORY OF miles, through swamps and excessive mud. The brick were partly made out of a beautiful mound that stood on the summit of the high ground just at the south- west intersection of High and Mound streets, from which Mound street derived its name; and although the mound has long since entirely disappeared, and even the high ground on which it stood has been removed in the grading of streets, and the foundation of the large German Church, yet in referring to that part of the town, we frequently speak of the mound as though it yet existed. In this mound, as in other similar works of antiquity, were found numerous human skeletons, so that what once formed human bodies, centuries after formed part of the walls of the Ohio State House. The house was a common, plain brick building, seventy-five feet north and south, by fifty feet east and west on the ground, and two lofty stories high^ with a square roof, that is, eaves and cornice at both sides and ends, and ascending to the balcony and steeple in the center; in which was a first-rate, well-toned bell. The top of the spire was one hundred and six feet from the ground. On the roof adjoining the balcony, on two sides, were neat railed walks, from which a spectator might view the whole town as upon a map, and had also a fine view of the winding Scioto, and of the level country around as far as the eye could reach. FRANKLIN COUNTY. OOO The foundation of the building was cut stone, to the height of nearly two feet, and there was a belt of cut stone in the outer side of the wall at the height of the first story. The main entrance was a door in the mid- dle of the south end ; and on entering, there were stairs both on the right and on the left, leading to the gallery and also to the Senate Chamber. In the lower story were the Representatives' Hall, (in the north end of the building,) two committee rooms, and a gallery. In the second story, the Senate Chamber and two committee rooms, but no gallery. There was a west or front door from the Representatives' Hall towards High street, and also an east or back door from the hall into the wood- yard. The halls were of good size and respectable wooden finish, but no marble. The large wooden columns were handsomely turned — the workmanship of our late fel- low-townsman, William Altman, now deceased, and were painted in imitation of clouded marble. Over the west door was a well-dressed stone slab, about five by two and a half feet surface, built into the wall, with the fol- lowing patriotic inscription engraved thereon : " Equality of rights is Nature's plan, And following nature is the march of man ; Based on its rock of right your empire lies, On walls of wisdom let the fabric rise. 336 HISTORY OF Preserve your principles, their force unfold, Let nations prove them, and let kings behold. Equality your first firm grounded stand. Then free election, then your Union band; This holy triad should forever shine, The great compendium of all rights divine. Creed of all schools, whence youths by millions draw Their theme of right, their decalogue of law. Till man shall wonder (in these schools inured) How wars were made, how tyrants were endured. Barlow." Over the south door was another stone of about the same size, with a verse of about the same length and character, from the same author. This stone was either destroyed in the fiill of the building, or has since been lost, and its inscription cannot be given. Over the east door was a stone of about half the size of one of the others, with a motto of Mr. Ludlow's own inscribed on it, of which the following is a copy: "General good, the object of legislation. Perfected by a knowledge of man's wants, And Nature's abounding means applied, Establishing principles opposed to monopoly. Ludlow." Early in the morning of the first day of February, 1852, the old State House was consumed by fire. Thus the old State House and the old State Constitution ex- pired within a few days of each other. The Ohio State FRANKLIN COUNTY. 337 Journal of the second of February, makes the following announcement of its destruction : " Great Conflagration ! — The State House Destroy- ed! — Yesterday (Sunday) morning, about four o'clock, the cry of fire rang through our streets. It was soon ascertained that the old State House was on fire. The watch first discovered it in the center of the Senate Chamber, and on the floor. This was nearly extinguish- ed, when it was discovered that the timbers over head were on fire. Soon it burned out through the roof, and the entire belfry was quickly in flames. The engines could not reach the fire, and it was evident that the ven- erable old edifice, in which the Legislature of Ohio had met for the last thirty-five years, was doomed to destruc- tion. The belfry, after burning brilliantly for a few min- utes, came down with a crash upon the floor of the Sen- ate Chamber. The roof then gradually fell in, and the upper story of the building was a mass of flames. An effort was now made to confine the fire to the Senate Chamber and upper rooms, but there was too heavy a mass of burning matter on the floor to be extinguished, and soon the flames reached the Hall of the House of Representatives. The origin of the fire has not yet been ascertained. The desks, chairs and furniture had been removed, and the entire building was then resigned 22 338 HISTORY OF to its fate. In the Senate Chamber very little was saved. We learn that the clerk's papers were all secur- ed, but that a large mass of documents, journals, consti- tutional debates, etc., were consumed." The cause of the fire was never satisfactorily ascer- tained. In the ensuing spring the remains of the building were removed, and the ungainly high board fence that had so long enclosed the public square was extended round the site of the old building. The remainder of the session the House of Represen- tatives sat in Mr. Neil's Odeon Hall, and the Senate in the United States Court House, on the opposite side of the street. And the next winter, 1852-3, the House of Representatives again sat in the Odeon Hall, and the Senate in Mr. Ambos's Hall. In the winter of 1853-4, the regular session, both branches occupied the same halls as the preceding winter. In 1854-5, no legisla- tive session. In 1855-6, they again occupied the Odeon and Ambos's Halls, and in the winter of 1856-7, they for the first time held their session in the new State House. Of those who assisted in the erection of the old State House, there are still living in the city or vicinity, Jacob Hare, who kept a team and helped to haul the stone for the foundation, Conrad Heyl, principal painter, and Geo. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 339 B. Harvey, who was employed on it as carpenter through its whole construction. In connection with the State House, the writer's bet- ter half here reminds him of a little social sewing party that put together the first carpet for the State House, in the fall of 1816. Of which party she was one, and the only surviving one that she now recollects. Mrs. George McCormick and Mrs. George B. Harvey were of the party, but they are now no more. Governor Worthington, by invitation, convened a dozen or more ladies of the town in the Hall of the House for the purpose above named, favored them with his company and some of his fine apples from his Ross County orchard, and they spent the day industriously and cheerfully on the task to which they had been invited, and in the evening partook of a cup of tea with the nec- essary accompaniments served up at Mr. John Martin's, just across the street from the State House. The State offices were erected the year after the State House, (1815.) B. Thompson was the contractor for laying up the walls, but died before the job was done. His contract, however, was completed under the control of his widow. M. Patton was undertaker of the car- penter work, and Leightenaker and Heyl of the plaster- ing and painting. This building was situated about fifty or sixty feet 340 HISTORY OF north of where the State House stood, and in a direct line with it. It was a plain two-story brick building, one hundred and fifty feet long by twenty-five feet deep, fronting toward High street. It had a rough stone foundation, and a belt of cut stone along the front and ends at the height of the first story, a common comb roof of joint shingles, and four front doors, one toward the north end to enter the Secretary's office, two toward the south end to the Auditor's office, one of which, however, was kept closed and not used, and a large door in the center. Immediately inside of the center door, by turning to the left you entered the Governor's office, or by turning to the right the Treasurer's office, or by advancing without turning to the right or the left you ascended on winding stairs to the second story, which was always appropriated principally for the State Library, but formerly was used also for the Quarter- Master and Adjutant General's offices, and by times for other public officers. The two front doors to the Auditor's office rather injured the symmetrical appear- ance of the building from the street. This building was removed in the spring of 1857, preparatory to the grading of the public square. All these public buildings were made under the superintendence of William Ludlow, Esq., the agent of the State, appointed for that purpose. Although no FRANKLIN COUNTY. 341 architect, nor much acquainted with building, he was a faithful agent, a man of some talent, and unquestionable integrity — a Democrat of the old school, with strong prejudices against the very name of federal, as was evidenced in the alteration of the word federal to miion^ in the quotation from Barlow's poem on the stone over the west door of the State House. The workman had (fol- lowing the copy from the book) cut the words "Federal Band," before observed by Mr. Ludlow. But this would not do, although applied only to the Union of the States. The word was objectionable, and hence the engraving was filled up as well as it could be done, and the word " union " cut over it, so as to read "Union Band." Toward the last years of the old State House the composition with which the word had been covered over, on which union was engraved, had fallen off, and the old word federal again appeared. The United States Court House stood in a line with the State House and State offices, and about fifty or sixty feet north of the latter. It was also a plain brick building, two stories high, with a rough stone foundation. It was probably about forty-five or forty- six feet square, and the roof ascended from the four sides to a circular dome in the center. The front had a recess entrance about the size of a large portico, but within the line of the front wall. The same recess ex- 342 HISTORY OF tended up through the second story, thus affording a pleasant view of the street from the second story. On the lower floor there was a hall through the center, and two rooms on each side, one of which was used for the office of the Clerk of the United States Court, one as an office for the Marshal, and one as a jury room. On the second story was the court room and one jury room. This building was erected in the year 1820. It was done in part by the State appropriating a certain amount of uncurrent funds of the Miami Exporting Company then in Treasury, to that purpose ; but the greater amount was raised by donations from the citizens of Columbus, and the United States Courts were removed from Chillicothe about the year 1821. Har- vey D. Evans was then Clerk of said Court, and Dr. John Hamm, of Zanesville, Marshal. After Evans's death, in July, 1825, he was succeeded in the clerkship by Wm. K. Bond, then of Chillicothe ; and about the year 1829 or 1830, Bond ^vas succeeded by William Miner, who still holds the office. Dr. Hamm, as Mar- shal, was succeeded by William Doherty, and Doherty by Gen. John Patterson, from Jefferson County, and he by a man of his own name, John Patterson of Adams County, and Patterson by Demas Adams, Adams by John McElvain, McElvain by D. A. Robertson, of FRANKLIN COUNTY. 343 Fairfield, Robertson by G. W. Jones, of Knox, and Jones by 11. H. Robinson of Cincinnati. In the spring of 1855, the State having been divided into two Districts, the United States Courts were removed from Columbus to Cincinnati and the Court House was soon after torn down. Back of the United States Court House was a long one story brick building, erected by the county about the year 1828 or 1829, for county offices. It was divided into four apartments, with an outside door to each. The north room was for the Clerk of the Court, the next one to it for the Recorder, the next for the Treasurer, and the fourth or south one for the County Auditor; and the county offices were kept here from the time the building was erected until the summer of 1840, when they were removed to the new County Court House, at the corner of Mound and High streets. This building was not removed until the spring of 1857, when the State House square was graded. The public square on which these buildings stood, was originally cleared of its native timber, etc., by Jarvis Pike, (generally styled Judge Pike, having once been a Judge in the State of New York,) under the direction of Governor Worthington, about the years 1815 and 1816. The Governor resided in Chillicothe, and some misunderstanding having arisen between Pike 344 HISTORY OF and him as to the terms or conditions of their contract, on the occasion of one of his visits to Columbus, Pike had him arrested on capias and conducted by a con- stable before 'Squire King, and the matter was decided in Pike's favor — perhaps adjusted without trial. But the circumstance was the subject of frequent jocular remarks, in which the 'Squire was always ready to join. The square was enclosed with a rough rail fence, and Pike farmed the ground some three or four years, and raised wheat, corn, etc., till the fence got out of order, and was finally destroyed ; and the square lay in com- mons a number of years, until the summer and fall of 1834, when it was enclosed by Jonathan Neereamer with a neat and substantial fence of cedar posts and white painted palings, which was done under the direc- tion of Alfred Kelley, Esq., as agent for the State. And near the same time, either the preceding or the succeeding winter, he had the elm trees now standing on the square removed from their native forest and planted where they are. Their stalks were then perhaps from four to six inches in diameter. They were taken up when the ground was frozen hard, so that perhaps half a ton of frozen earth adhered to the roots, and by having large holes prepared, the earth FRANKLIN COUNTY. 345 was never loosened from the roots, and the trees gener- ally did well, but still some have died. In the spring of 1839, the neat paling fence was removed to give place to the ungainly rough board fence, about twelve feet high, which was erected for a kind of semi-prison in which to work the Penitentiary prisoners on the new building ; and it stood there as a blur upon the face of the town until the recollection of many of our young people, who had in the meantime grown from childhood to maturity, did not extend back to the time when it did not exist. A part of the white paling fence was bought by Mr. Whitehill, with which his lots, at the corner of State and Fourth streets, are still enclosed. On the 4th of July, 1839, the corner stone of the new State House was laid. CHAPTER XXXV. PENITENTIARY. Introduction of Penitentiary system — Erection of first building — Ap- pointment of ofiicers, etc. — Erection of second prison Building — Wright elected keeper — Names of clerks, etc. — removal of prisoners to new Penitentiary — removal of old buildings — Suit for the ground — Law to sell the ground — New Penitentiary — Its government, etc. — Murder of Sells — Cholera in the prison — Table of officers, etc. The penitentiary system was first introduced in Ohio in 1815. Previous to that time, the crimes since pun- ished by imprisonment in the penitentiary, were punish- ed by whipping. For instance, the section of law relat- ing to larceny, was as follows : " That if any person shall steal the personal goods or chattels of another, such person so offending, shall be deemed guilty of larceny, and upon conviction thereof, shall be whipped not exceeding thirty-nine stripes, on the naked back ; and on a second conviction of a like offense, shall be whipped not exceeding fifty stripes, at the discretion of the court ; and in either case, shall FRANKLIN COUNTY. 347 return to the owner the thing stolen, or the value thereof, if the thing stolen be not restored, with damages, and shall, in either case, be fined in a sum not exceeding three-fold the value of the property stolen, and be im- prisoned not exceeding three months, at the discretion of the court ; and in all cases where damages are allow- ed by this act, to any person who shall have property stolen, the petit jury who are elected to try the offender, shall, if they find a verdict of guilty, at the same time assess the damages." The first statute of Ohio providing for punishment in the penitentiary, was passed the 27th of January, 1815, and took effect the first of August, 1815. It provided : " That if any person shall steal any money or other per- sonal goods and chattels of another, of the value of ten dollars and upwards, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of larceny, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary at hard labor for any space of time not more than seven years nor less than one year 1" Subsequently, in 1821, the law was so changed that a larceny of less than fifty dollars did not constitute a penitentiary offense ; and, since 1835, the amount has stood at thirty-five dollars. The first penitentiary building was erected in 1813, under the direction of William Ludlow, State Director of the public buildings. Benjamin Thompson was the 348 HISTORY OF undertaker of the mason work, and Michael Patton of the carpenter work. It was a brick building fronting on Scioto street or lane, sixty by thirty feet on the ground, and three stories high, including the basement, which was about half above and half below ground. The base- ment was divided into cellar, kitchen and eating-room for the prisoners, and could be entered only from the inside of the j^ard. The next story above the basement, was for the keeper's residence, and was entered by high steps from the street ; and the third, or upper story, was laid off into cells for the prisoners — thirteen cells in all — four dark and nine light ones. The entrance to the upper story or cells, was from the inside of the yard. The prison yard was about one hundred feet square, including the ground the building stood on, and was en- closed by a stone wall from fifteen to eighteen feet high. Col. McDonald, of Ross County, was the contractor for the building of this wall. Such is a brief description of the penitentiary build- ings as they were from 1815 to 1818, when the new penitentiary, as it was then called, was erected, and the yard enlarged to about four hundred feet east and west, by about one hundred and sixty feet north and south, including the ground covered by the buildings. The yard now extended to the foot of the hill, near the canal, and was graded into three levels, each gently descend- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 349 ing to the west, with two perpendicular stone walls erected across the yard to the height of the level above. These cross walls or jogs in the yard were about twelve feet high, with large steps to descend them. The outer walls of the yard were probably about twenty feet high, and three feet thick, with a heavy plank floor on the top, and a hand rail at proper height on the inner edge. In descending the wall from the first or upper level, to the second and third, or lower level, there were regular steps like stair steps, on the top of the wall. The upper level of the yard was about equal in size to the other two — say two hundred feet east and west, for the upper yard, eighty feet for the middle yard, and one hundred and twenty feet for the lower one. The work shops were principally arranged along the south side of the upper yard — coopers and blacksmiths in the middle yard — no shops in the lower yard. The new prison house, or building, was of brick, about one hundred and fifty feet long, and about thirty-four feet wide, and two stories high, with the east gable end to the street, and forming a connected line with the front of the old building. There were a tolerably com- modious dining room and kitchen on the lower floor, and two adjoining rooms on the second floor, for hospital pur- poses, and fifty-four cells or lodging rooms, above ground, 350 HISTORY OF and five dark and solitary cells below ground, which were accessible only by a trap door in the hall. In the first or old building, the cells were torn out, and the building remodeled, and made a comfi)rtable residence for the keeper. These improvements were made under the direction of the State officers, namely : Ralph Osborn, Auditor, Hiram M. Curry, Treasurer, and Jeremiah McLeiie, Secretary. Judge Pike was agent under them to superintend the work. The building of the wall was let out in parcels, to several different con- tractors. The mason work of the house or prison, was taken by John Shields, and the carpenter work by Capt. Houston and John E. Baker. The plan, particularly of the yard with its three benches or levels, was, at the time, much admired, though it was afterward condemned, and was the principal cause for removing the institution to its present level site. Pursuant to the act passed in January, 1815, for the government, etc., of the penitentiary, five inspectors were elected by joint ballot of the Legislature, whose province it was to appoint a keeper, and prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the institution. Capt. James Kooken, then of Franklinton, received the appointment of keeper, took possession of the house, and entered upon the discharge of his duties on the first day of August, 1815; and Col. Griffith Thomas, now of FRANKLIN COUNTY. 351 Perry Township, was by him appointed clerk of the institution. Kooken was continued keeper, and Thomas clerk, with some two, three or four guards, until the office of agent was created. In January, 1819, a law was passed creating the office of agent, and making the keeper and agent both electable by the Legislature for three years. Capt. Kooken was elected keeper, and Col. Thomas agent. The keeper and agent were noAv sepa- rate offices, independent of each other. The keeper's powers and duties continued as before, except that he passed over all manufactured articles to the agent, whose duty it was to keep them in a store house provided for that purpose, contiguous to the prison ; make the sales, collect the outstanding debts, and pay over all his cash receipts weekly to the Treasurer of State. In February, 1822, the law was again changed, abol- ishing the office of agent ; and Barzillai Wright was, by the Legislature, elected keeper in place of Kooken. Wright was a stranger, from New Jersey, and had been only about three months in the State j and his election occasioned considerable murmuring and excitement among the friends of Kooken, both in and out of the Legislature. It was contended that he was ineligible to the office, under the clause of the Constitution which provided, " That no person shall be appointed to any office within any county, who shall not have been a citi- 352 HISTORYOF ** zen and inhabitant therein one year next before his ap- pointment." But, on the other hand, it was argued, that this was an office not mentioned in nor known to the Constitution, and that therefore the above clause was not applicable to it. In the summer of 1823, Wright died, and Nathaniel McLean was appointed by Governor Morrow, to fill the vacancy, and was continued by election and reelections by the Legislature, until the spring of 1830. lie was then succeeded by Byram Leonard, of Knox County j and Leonard was succeeded in the spring of 1832, by Wm. W. Gault, of Newark, who continued until the con- victs were removed to the new penitentiary, in the fall of 1834. During the whole term of business at the old peni- tentiary, a store of the manufactured articles was kept connected with the institution, and a general system of bartering was the policy adopted. Blacksmithing, wag- on making, coopering, shoemaking, gunsmithing, cabinet making, tailoring and weaving, were carried on in the prison, and the Avork and wares of the institution were sold or exchanged for provisions and raw materials, such as sawed lumber, staves, hoop poles, coal and fire wood, etc., or sold for cash, as cases might offer. The care of the store and books was with the clerk. The successive clerks after the abolition of the office of agent, in 1822, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 353 were Cyrus Fay, Henry Matthews, George Whitmore, W. T. Martin, Nelson Talmage, Timothy Griffith, and Uriah Lathrop. Among the old hands employed about the institution during the same period, were Joseph Mc- Elvain, Purd}'' McElvain, Joseph O'Harra, Arthur O'Har- ra, John Kelley, Hugh McGill, Thomas Webb, Samuel Gelin, Talman Chase, and others. There were every year more or less escapes of pris- oners by stealth, though but one daring rush. About the year 1830, some dozen or more prisoners, having banded themselves together to force an escape, were secreted in" a vacant cell, just inside of the outer door of the prison, and when the turnkey, Mr. O'Harra, (now 'Squire O'Harra, of Franklinton,) had occasion to unlock the door, the daring Smith Maythe, who headed the gang, sprang forward and caught O'Harra round the body, and held him fast, while his comrades rushed out. He then, letting go of Mr. O'Harra, bounded forward and placed himself at the head of the gang, and they marched up past the mound^ (there then being but few improvements to obstruct their way,) and on to the woods in a south-east direction. They were advertised and finally all picked up, one or two at a time, and re- turned to the prison. Poor Maythe, some years after his release from the Ohio penitentiary, was, for a case of 23 354 HISTORY OF robbery and attempted murder, in Kentucky, bung by a mob, without judge or jur}^ Under the law and regulations of the old penitentiary, the institution was charged with, and paid, the costs of prosecution and transportation of convicts — always a heavy item of expense. But under the law and regula- tions for the government of the present penitentiary, the costs of prosecution and transportation are paid out of the State Treasury, and are not, in the Warden's annual exhibits, charged to the institution ; which should not be overlooked in making a comparison between the exhibits of the old and the present institutions. The old buildings and the ten acre lot upon which they stood, and which had been donated by the proprie- tors of the town to the State for the erection of a peni- tentiary thereon, were no longer needed, nor used in connection with the penitentiary ; and the succeeding year the walls of the yard were sold by the State officers and were torn down, and the stones used, part for building purposes, and part burned into lime at a kiln erected on the lot for that purpose, by Jacob Strickler. The main prison building, which had been erected in 1818, remained some two or three years long- er, when it was also removed, leaving the original build- ing, erected in 1813, and the brick store house, erected by Wright, in 1822, still standing ; and they were taken FRANKLIN COUNTY. 355 possession of by the Quarter-Master General — the one as a place of deposit for the public arms, and the other as a work shop for cleaning and repairing the arms ; thus converting the two into a kind of State Armory, and they so remained until 1855, when they were both razed to the ground, and the bricks used in filling in some part of the new State House ; and the old lumber sold and removed. So that now there remains not a vestige of the old penitentiary and its appendages ; and the grading down of the streets, and the digging down and hauling away of a great part of the hill itself, for gravel and sand, has so changed the surface of the loca- tion where the prison and yard once were, that a person familiar with that place thirty years ago, could not now recognize it. At the removal of the penitentiary, a question arose as to the title of the ten acre lot — whether it reverted to the proprietors of the town, or still remained in the State. In the Legislature the question was twice refer- red (at different sessions) to committees of legal charac- ters, and a majority each time reported in favor of the State's title ; and on the 17th of March, 1838, an act was passed authorizing the Governor to have the ground laid out into town lots, and the lots appraised, and then sold ', the ground was accordingly laid out and platted, and the plat recorded. But a discretionary power seemed 356 HISTORY OF to rest with the Governor, and he never caused any sales to be made. In the meantime, in March, 1847, Elijah Backus commenced suit in the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, for the recovery of this lot of land from the State. The suit was brought in the name of Gustavus Swan and M. J. Gilbert against E. N. Slocum, then Quarter-Master General of the State, and who had possession of the buildings, as above stated. It appears that they had some years before obtained a gen- eral quit-claim from the heirs of Kerr, McLaughlin and Johnston, of all their then remaining interest in all lands on the town plat, or perhaps in the county. How far these plaintifis advised or controlled the suit, is not known to the writer ; but it was generally understood that Mr. Backus was prosecuting for his own benefit, and while the plaintiffs had the temporary possession, he controlled it and received the proceeds. As above stated, the suit was commenced in March, 1847 — E. Backus, attorney for plaintiff, Henry Stan- bery, Attorney General, for Slocum — and the cause was continued from time to time until June, 1851, when judgment was obtained for plaintiffs by default, Joseph McCormick then Attorney General. August 23d, writ of possession issued, and on the first of September the Sheriff went through the formality of putting the plaintiff in possession. Mr. Backus then became land- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 357 lord, to rent the State its own buildings, and the sand and gravel of which the hill is composed being in very ready demand, he made the best he could of that, real- izing about a thousand dollars from that, exclusive of the rent of the buildings. Now, in order to regain what had been lost by the neglect of the Attorney General, the State had in her turn to become plaintiff, and in March, 1852, suit was brought by the State in the Court of Common Pleas against S. W. Andrews, then Quarter-Master General^ who was in possession under Backus, Geo. E. Pugh then Attorney General, and conductor of the suit ; and No- vember 30, 1852, judgment was rendered for the defendant, (against the State.) An appeal was taken to the District Court, Geo. W. McCook now Attorney General; and September 21, 1854, judgment was ren- dered for the plaintiff, (the State,) and November 25th, writ of possession issued, and on the 19th of January, 1855, the writ was returned, indorsed, " I have ex- ecuted this writ by putting the Secretary of State in possession of the premises as herein directed. Thomas Miller, Sh'ff." The State having now got in possession of its lot again, on the 17th of March, 1856, the Legislature passed an act vacating the old plat, except as to Mound street, and repealing the law of 1838, under which it 358 HISTORY OF was made, and directing the Governor to have the ground laid out into lots anew, re-platted, appraised and sold. In the summer of 1857, this ground was re-plat- ted, the lots advertised and a few sold, and the sale adjourned. At the session of 1857-8, the Legislature, on the petition and memorial of Martha McLaughlin, widow of Alexander McLaughlin, deceased, appropriated one thousand dollars to be paid to her out of the proceeds of these lots. NEW PENITENTIARY. On the 11th of February, 1832, an act was passed by the Legislature, providing for the erection of a new penitentiary. It provided for the election by the Leg- islature, of three Directors to select and procure a site, and direct and control the erection of the buildings. They were to receive a salary of one hundred dollars each per year, for their services, and were required to appoint a superintendent to project the plan and super- intend the work, at a compensation not exceeding one thousand dollars per year. At the same session, Joseph Olds, of Circleville, Sam- uel McCracken, of Lancaster, and Charles Anthony, of Springfield, were elected Directors ; and on the 4th of FRANKLIN COUNTY. 359 May, 1832, they "appointed Nathaniel Medbery, super- intendent. A lot of fifteen acres of land, where the prison is erected, was procured by the j citizens of the north end of town, and donated to the State as an in- ducement to the location of the institution at that point. On the 27th of October, 1834, the buildings being completed, Nathaniel Medbery was, by the Directors, appointed the first keeper of the new penitentiary by the title of Warden, and on the day following the con- victs were removed from the old to the new prison. Colonel Gault was the keeper of the old prison, and his time did not expire until the ensuing spring. But his charge was marched away from him, and he continued to occupy the keeper's apartments in the old institution in quietness until spring, and claimed his salary. On the 5th of March 1835, Isaac Cool was appointed Deputy "Warden, Rev. Russell Bigelow Chaplain, Dr. M. B. Wright Physician, and H. Z. Mills Clerk. The prison was now governed by a new law, new officers and new rules and regulations. Rules of great severity were adopted, and rigidly enforced. The old system of barter was abandoned, and instead of the State manu- facturing articles for sale, as formerly, the convicts were hired by the day to large manufacturers, who worked 360 HISTORY OF them in prison shops, as at present, and the keeping of a store, or sale room, was thus dispensed with. The failure of the old penitentiary, both in a pecu- niary and reformatory view, had generally been attribu- ted to the insufficiency of the buildings, and to the lax government of the institution ; and high expectations were entertained that under the new system a revenue would be produced to the State, and a moral reforma- tion wrought upon the convicts. But time has proven the delusion of both these expectations. If we charge the institution with the costs of prosecution and trans- portation of the convicts, as formerly, the annual deficits will not be less than under the old system. And as for the reformation of the discharged convicts, the police of Columbus could testify not very favorably. Within a few years past the rigid rules and discipline have been giving way to more kind and humane treat- ment. The odious " lock step " was first abandoned, then " shower baths " and the use of the " cat " were also abandoned, and solitary confinement substituted. The only officer of the institution whose life has been taken by a convict, was Cyrus Sells, in 1843. The convict was transferred to the county jail, tried in the Court of Common Pleas, convicted and executed in February, 1844. In 1849, the cholera broke out in the prison on the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 361 30th of June, and between that time and the 5th of August, one hundred and sixteen convicts died of that disease. The highest number of deaths in one day was on the 10th of July, when twenty-two died. Doctor Lathrop was the regular prison physician, and he was assisted by Doctors William Trevitt, John B. Thompson, Robert Thompson, B. F. Gard, J. Morrison, N. Gay, G. W. Maris, and Matthews, and several medical students, and some citizens who volunteered their services as nurses, etc. Doctors Lathrop and Gard both fell victims to the disease. In the fall of 1850, from the 31st of August to the 29th of November, there were twenty-one deaths by cholera, in the prison — none since. 362 HISTORY OF > I— I CO p O O H CO O (A < 1—1 H 1—1 p^ a P^ O t» P5 1—1 o PR O m \P. s o w c r3 o ^ 13 CC <1 fe o .2 > CO •-* CL Q CU o C3 OJ « s s a CQ CO CO CO CO CO CO si l-i 1-5 s s CO CO C/2 CO CO CO I I 3 CO CO CO w CO CO M s CO rSi O > hj i^ CI O ri^ . ^^ o 02^ O . ■ CO :^ US o <«w SM a O O as 1-5 l-S CO CO w. c J:: > o ^ c : 02 . : s : ; CO fl g SW • CO c C CO O . . c W ^ o CO r-l (M FRANKLIN COUNTY. 363 CHAPTER XXXVI. CHURCHES OF COLUMBUS. Methodist — Presbyterian — Congregational — Episcopal — Universalist — Baptist — Lutheran — German Reformed — Roman Catholic — Evan- gelical Association — Colored Baptists — Jews. METHODIST. The first Methodist Church or Class, in Columbus, was organized early in the year 1814, by the Rev. Samuel West, the preacher then in charge on this circuit. The class at first consisted of four members only — George McCormick * and his wife, George B. Harvey, and Miss Jane Armstrong, who soon after became the Avife of Mr. Harvey. The next member admitted, was Moses Free- man, a colored man, who some eight or ten years after left with his family for Liberia, in Africa, where, it is said, he died not long after. In the same year, 1814, the proprietors of the town * Mr. McCormick remained an influential member of the church through life, and died in the spring of 1850, aged about seventy-eight years. Mr. Harvey is the only survivor of the original four. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 365 donated and conveyed the lot where the Town Street Church now stands, to George McCormick, Peter Grubb, Jacob Grubb, John Brickell, and George B. Harvey, as trustees, for the use and benefit of the church ; and a small hewed log house was soon erected thereon for a place of worship. It also for some years was used for a school house. Here the writer taught his first school in Columbus, commencing in the spring of 1815. In 1817, the building was enlarged to about double its original size, by adding a frame addition to it. And in 1825, the old wooden structures were removed, and a good sized brick building erected on the same site, which con- tinued until the spring or summer of 1853, when it was torn down, and the present edifice erected. About the year 1823, the colored part of the congre- gation separated from the whites, and formed a society or church, by themselves. They held their meetings in rented rooms until about the year 1839 or 1840, when they erected their present brick church, on Long street. In 1844, the German Methodist Church, at the north- west corner of Third street and South Public Lane, was erected, and the German part of the congregation gene- rally met there. In 1846, Wesley Chapel, on High street north of Gay, was erected on a lot donated to the church by Wm. Neil, Esq. 366 HISTORY OF In 1854, Bigelow Chapel, on Friend street, was erect- ed. Present officers : ziON CHAPEL, (Toivn Street Church.) Pastor — R.ev. J. M. Jamison. Trustees — A. S. Decker, James Watson, P. T. Snow- den, John Linebangh, Lorin Yerington, and John Short. Number of members in 1857 — two hundred and ninety. WESLEY CHAPEL. Pastor — Rev. William Porter. Trustees — M. Gooding, E. Booth, Richard Jones, Thomas Walker, Daniel Miner, and J. E. Rudisill. Number of members in 1857 — one hundred and fifty. BIGELOW CHAPEL. Pastor — Rev. Lovet Taft. Trustees— K. Cooper, E. Glover, M. Halm, W. F. Kno- derer, E. H. Link, John Whitsel, J. C. Kenyon, Newton Gibbon. Number of members in 1857 — one hundred and ten. German Methodist, in 1857 — Rev. Paul Brodbeck, Pastor. Number of members — sixty. Colored Methodist, in 1857 — Rev. J. H. Shorter, Pas- tor. Number of members — one hundred and thirteen. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 367 NAMES OF THE PKEACHERS WHO HAVE OFFICIATED AT COLUMBUS, WITH THE YEAR OF EACH APPOINTMENT. Year. Circuit Preachers. Presiding Elders. 1814 Samuel West, James Quinn. 1815 Isaac Pavey, Do. 1816 Jacob Hooper, Do. 1817 William Swayze and Simon Peters, David Young. 1818 William Swayze and Lemuel Lane, John Collins. 1819 John Tevis and Leroy Swormsted, Do. 1820 John Tevis and Peter Stevens, Do. 1821 Russell Bigelow and Horace Brown, Samuel West. 1822 Russell Bigelow and Thomas McCleary, Greenbury R. Jones. 1823 Charles Waddle and H. S. Fernandes, Do. 1824 Charles Waddle and Alfred Lorane, . Jacob Young. 1825 Leroy Swormsted and Joseph Carper, Do. 1826 Joseph Carper and John H. Power, . Do. 1827 Samuel Hamilton and Jacob Young, Russell Bigelow. 1828 Samuel Hamilton,* . David Young. 1829 Leroy Swormsted and G. Blue, . Do. 1830 John W. Clark and Adam Poe, Columbus Station. Do. 1831 Thomas A. Morris, John Collins. 1832 Robert 0. Spencer, . Augustus Eddy. 1833 Russell Bigelow, . Do. 1834 Russell Bigelow part of year, Leonard Gurley other part, . Do. 1835 E. W. Sehon, . Do. 1836 Same, .... Jacob Young. 1837 Joseph Carper, . Do. 1838 Joseph A. Waterman, Do. 1839 William Herr, Do. 1840 Joseph A. Trimble, . John Ferree. 1841 Same, Do. 1842 David Whitcomb, Joseph M. Trimble. 1843 John Miley and Abraham Wambaugh, David Whitcomb. 1844 John Miley, .... Do. 1845 Granville Moody, Robert 0. Spencer. 1846 Same, Do. * One vacancy. Jesse F. Wixom, of Columbus, filled it part of the year, by appointment. 368 HISTORY OF NAMES OF PREACHERS — Continued. Year. Circuit Preachers. Presidinsr ElderS. 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 Cyrus Brooks, Town Street, George C. Crum, Wesley Chapel, Cyrus Brooks, Town St., . George C. Crum, Wesley Chapel, David Warnock, Town St., . Wm. H. Lawder, Wesley Chapel, David Warnock, Town St., John W. Weakley, Wesley Chapel, Clinton W. Sears, Town St., John M. Leavitt, Wesley Chapel, Asbury Bruner, Town St., John M. Leavitt, Wesley Chapel, Asbury Bruner, Town St., James L. Grover, Wesley Chnpel, Edward Mabee, Mission, . John W. White, Town St., . James L. Grover, Wesley Chapel, Joseph H. Creighton, Bigelow Chapel, John W. White, Town St., . John Frazer, Wesley Chapel, Thomas Lee, Bigelow Chapel, J. M. Jamison, Town St., John Frazer, Wesley Chapel, . Thomas Lee, Bigelow Chapel, J. M. Jamison, Town St., William Porter, Wesley Chapel, Lovet Taft, Bigelow Chapel, . I John W. Clark. !- Do. I Do. I Do. >- Cyrus Brooks. Uriah Heath. Do. Do. Zachariah Cornell. Do. Do. Whitfield Methodists, (Welch.) — Organized in 1848. About the same year they erected their present brick church at the corner of Long and Sixth streets. The successive Pastors have been — Rev. Mr. Perry, from Granville, commenced about the year 1849 ; retired, 1855. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 369 Rev. David Williams, from Pittsburgh, commenced in 1855; retired, 1857. Rev. Mr. Parry, again, commenced 1857. Number of members in 1857, seventy-three. PRESBYTERIAN. The First Presbyterian Church had its origin in Franklinton, and was organized on the 8th of February, 1806, as the First Presbyterian Church of Franklin County. Pastor — Rev. James Hoge. Elders — Robert Culbertson, William Read. Trustees — Joseph Dixon, John Dill, David Nelson, William Domigan, Joseph Hunter, Lucas SuUivant. ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF TUB CONGREGATION, WITH THEIR FAMILIES GENERALLY. Robert Culbertson, William Read, David Nelson, Wil- liam Shaw, John Turner, Joseph Dixon, Lucas Sullivant, Samuel King, Luther Powers, Samuel G. Flenniken, William Stewart, John Lisle, Joseph Parks, David Jam- ison, John Hunter, George Skidmore, Joseph Hunter, William Brown, William McElvain. In 1805, the venerable Doctor Hoge, then a young man, first arrived in Franklinton as a missionary ; and after laboring in that capacity for some time, he formed 24 370 HISTORY OF a regular church, of which he remained the head until he resigned his charge, in 1857. In 1807, he was reg- ularly employed by his church and congregation, to minister to their religious wants. The following is a copy verbatim, of the call upon him for that purpose, and to which he acceeded. The old document, in the hand writing of Lucas Sullivant, is still preserved as a relic of past times : " The congregation of Franklinton, being on sufficient ground well satisfied of the ministerial qualifications of you, James Hoge, and having good hopes from our past experience of your labors, that your ministration in the Gospel will be profitable to our spiritual interests, do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the pastoral office in said congregation ; promising you in the dis- charge of your duty, all proper support, encouragement and obedience in the Lord : And that you may be free from worldly cares and avocations, we hereby promise and oblige ourselves to pay to you the sum of three hundred dollars, in half yearly payments, annually, for three-fourths of your time, until we find ourselves able to give you a compensation for the whole of your time, in like proportion, during the time of your being and continuing the regular pastor of this church. In testi- mony whereof, we have respectively subscribed our FRANKLIN COUNTY. 371 names, this 25th day of September, Anno Domini 1807. "ROBERT CULBERTSON, ) „, , "WILLIAM READ, | ^^Mers. "JOSEPH DIXON, "JOHN DILL, "DAVID NELSON, XTrmtees^^ "WILLIAM DOMIGAN, M^"«'^«5- "JOSEPH HUNTER, I "LUCAS SULLIVANT, J The house in which the congregation first held their religious meetings in Franklinton, was a two-story frame, still standing, some two hundred yards northward from the old court house. The sessions of the Supreme Court of Franklin County were first held in the same building. It so happened, that Parson Hoge traveled from Spring- field to Franklinton in company with Judge Baldwin, who, pleased with the young candidate for holy orders, tendered him the use of the room occupied by the court; and here the small band of worshipers first assembled for religious service. The next church building, was a very plain one-story brick house, erected on the bank of the river, near the old Franklinton burying ground. The society's next step was their removal to the infant town of Columbus. In the spring of the year of 1814, they erected a log cabin about twenty-five by thirty feet, on the ground near the corner of Spring and Third streets. Service was held by times in this, but princi- pally at the Franklinton brick church, until the year 372 HISTORY OF 1818, when a frame building, or rather three frames connected, and forming but one inside or large room, was erected on the west side of Front street, south of Town, where Mr. Hoge administered to his congregation until the erection of the present First Presbyterian Church, in 1830, and the first services were held in it on the first Sunday in December, 1830. In 1855, this building underwent a general remodeling, under the direction of Mr. R. A. Sheldon, architect. On the 8th of February, 1856, the church held a semi-centennial celebration in the church building, in honor to their venerable and highly respected pastor — at which Dr. Hoge himself was the interesting and im- posing character most observed. He delivered the ad- dress on the occasion. It was an interesting recital of the circumstances attending his advent into this then wilderness, and the progress of the church and society generally, since that period. The Rev. Mr. Hall and Rev. Mr. Smith, both of the Presbyterian Church, also spoke on the occasion. Under the direction of Joseph Sullivant, Esq., whose familiarity with the church made it an easy and pleasant duty, a number of well executed pictures were hung around the room, at once disclosing a striking and graphic history of the church improve- ments above referred to. The pillars were decorated with festoons of evergreens and flowers. And the ta- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 373 Wes were admirably arranged, under the direction of Mrs. Kelsey ; and the supper was worthy of the occa- sion. The whole thing passed off well, and was a sol- emn but pleasant celebration. During the last eight or ten years of Dr. Hoge's ministration, he was assisted by various clergymen of his denomination, until on Sunday the 28th of June, 1857, he delivered an appropriate discourse, and resigned the charge to the Reverend Edgar Woods, late of Wheeling, who was duly installed on Tuesday, the 30th of the same month. Dr. Hoge is now in the 78th year of his age, enjoy- ing good health and preaching occasionally. He bears his age remarkably well, his hair being but slightly changed, and the movements of his tall and erect figure would indicate a man of fifty or sixty. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor — Rev. Edgar Woods. Elders — James Cherry, Isaac Dalton, Thomas Moodie, James S. Abbott, Wm. M. Awl, Alfred Thomas. Trustees — Robert Neil, M. L. Sullivant, D. W. Desh- ler, James D. Osborn, George M. Parsons. Number of members in 1857, one hundred and seventy-five. 374 HISTORY OF '-' The Second Presbyterian Church was organized on the first Sabbath in March, 1839. The organization at first consisted of thirty-one persons, most of whom were from the first or old Presbyterian Church. For some short time prior to the regular formation of the church, those connected with it had held their public meetings for worship in a room, prepared for that purpose, near the corner of Hich and High streets. The church was incorporated by an act of the Legislature in April, 1839, and measures were soon taken toward securing a site and erecting a house of worship. Early in the following year, the congregation met for worship in the basement of the present edifice, and during the subsequent fall the entire structure was com- pleted. From the time of their organization till the October ensuing, the congregation had the services of the Rev. Mr. Topliff, and afterward, till May, 1840, those of Rev. George L. Boardman. During that month, the Rev. Henry L. Hitchcock, D. D., having previously received a unanimous call from the church, began his ministration among them ; and on the 24th of Novem- ber, 1841, he was regularly installed as their pastor, and continued to sustain that relation until the first of August, 1855, when he was transferred to the Presi- dency of the Western Reserve College. Early in the following September, a unanimous call FRANKLIN COUNTY. 375 was tendered to the Rev. Edward D. Morris, then of Au- burn, New York, who, having accepted the invitation, began his ministerial labors on the first Sabbath of December ensuing, and was duly installed as pastor on the 2d of January, 1856. A few years since the society had occasion to enlarge the present building to accommodate the increasing congregation, and now (1858) a larger and more elegant edifice is being erected on Third, between Town and State streets. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor — Rev. Edward D. Morris. Elders — H. B. Carrington, Asa D. Lord, Chauncey N. Olds, John J. Ferson, Ebenezer McDonald, John H. Stage. Trustees — D. T. Woodbury, A. P. Stone, Ermine Case, Jonas McCune, Collins Stone. Treasurer — John M. Ferson. Number of members in 1857, two hundred and forty- five. Westminster Church. — This church was organized on the 1st of June, 1854, and consisted at that time of thirty members, who had been dismissed from the First Presbyterian Church. For three years and a half 376 HISTORY OF the congregation worshiped in the lecture room of Starling Medical College. In 1856 and 1857, they erected their church edifice at the corner of Sixth and State streets, at a cost of about $15,000. It was dedi- cated on the 23d of August, 1857. The number of members at present (April, 1858,) is one hundred and sixteen. E,ev. J. D. Smith has been pastor from the first, having been called to the charge of it from the First Church, where he had been for several years colle- giate pastor with Rev. Dr. Hoge. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor — Uev. J. D. Smith. Mders—Wm. Blynn, Dr. R. N. Barr, J. R. Paul. Welch Presbyterians. — Organized in 1837. Their house of worship is a small frame building on Town street, east of Fifth. For the first ten or twelve years they had no regular pastor. The Rev. Mr. Price, Rev. John Harris, and occasionally some others, preached for the congregation, until about the year 1849, when the Rev. Mr. Powel, of Delaware, became the regular in- stalled pastor. He continued until 1857, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Jones, present pastor. Number of members in 1857, thirty-five. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 377 The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church was organized 19th of December, 1850, "with thirteen mem- bers. Elders — Thomas Kennedy, Hugh Price. Trustees — Dr. John Morrison, Neil McLaughlin, John Stothart. No pastor has been installed in the church ; but preaching has been furnished by various ministers. Rev. L. H. Long was stationed as a regular supply from June, 1852, to June, 1854. Rev. G. W. Gowdy was appointed as a regular supply April, 1856, to continue until May, 1858. present organization. Pastor— Q. W. Gowdy. Elders — Thomas Kennedy, Hugh Price. Trustees — Zaccheus W. McConnell, John Stothart, Neely Sawhill. The society have a good frame building at the cor- ner of Sixth and Town streets, erected in 1852. Number of members in 1857, thirty-six. First Congregational. — The First Congregational Church of the City of Columbus was organized on the 29th of September, 1852, under the name of the Third Presbyterian Church. It was composed of forty-two 378 HISTORY OF members, dismissed at their own request from the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church. It adopted rules of govern- ment substantially Congregational, and its membership, with perhaps two or three exceptions, were all such. The legal organization of the society was effected the day previous. A neat frame building had been erected on Third street, a short distance north of Broad, and was dedicated July 11th, of the same year. Rev. W. H. Marble was chosen pastor early in the following winter, and resigned his office in January, 1856. Hev. Anson Smyth, with great acceptance, acted as pastor during the eight months preceding Nov. 1st, 1856. On the 3d of November, 1856, the name of the church, by unanimous consent and wdsh, was changed to that of First Congregational Church of Columbus. Rev. John M. Steele, having been unanimously called to become its pastor, was installed on the 7th of November, 1856. Mr. Steele died in New York City in April fol- lowing, much regretted by the Church and all who had made his acquaintance. In the summer and fall of 1857, the society erected their present brick church on Broad street, and it was dedicated on " Forefather's Day," December 22, 1857. Rev. N. A. Hyde accepted a call from the church, and is at present (Jan. 1858,) laboring with them as pastor. There are now one hundred and forty-two members. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 379 PRESENT OFFICERS. Minister' — N. A. Hyde. Deacons — Dr. J. W. Hamilton, L. L. Rice, M. B. Bateham, Mr. Corner. Trustees — F. C. Sessions, B. J. Patterson, T. S. Bald- win. Treasurer — Pearl Kimball. Clerh—yi. P. Ford. EPISCOPAL. Trinity Church was organized in 1817, by Bishop Philander Chase. The first Board of Church Officers were — Wardens — Orris Parish, Benjamin Gardiner. Vestry — John Kilbourne, Joel Buttles. Secretary — Joel Buttles. For a number of years the newly created church had no regular pastor nor church building. Bishop Chase, while residing at Worthington, occasionally preached for them, and for some time previous to the erection of the stone church on Broad street, which was about the year 1832 or 1833, the meetings were held in a one-story frame building on Third street, between Town and Bich. In 1842, the church divided, and part formed into a new organization under the name of Saint Paul's Epis- copal, and erected a good brick church edifice at the 380 HISTORY OF corner of Third and Mound streets. The first regu- larly settled pastor in the Trinity Church was in 1831. SUCCESSIVE PASTORS. Rev. Wm. Preston, commenced 1831, retired 1841. Charles Fox, " 1841, a 1842. A. F. Dobb, « 1842, « 1846. Dudley A. Tyng, " 1847, a 1850. Wm. Preston, " 1850, a 1854. Charles Reynolds, " 1855. Number of members in 1857, one hundred and fifty- eight. PRESENT OFFICERS. Pastor — Rev. Charles Reynolds. Wardens — A. H. Pinney,* H. P. Smythe. Vestrt/ — J. R. Swan, J. W. Andrews, Wm. Dennison, jr., Thos. Sparrow, James A. Wilcox. ^Secretary — H. P. Smythe. Saint Paul's Episcopal. — This church was organized in 1842, and soon after they erected the brick edifice at the corner of Third and Mound streets. The church was composed principally of members who withdrew from Trinity Church and formed a new organization under the name of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church. Number of members in 1857, forty-five. * Mr. Pinney died in Oct. 1857, after this list of officers was made. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 381 Their successive pastors have been, Rev. Henry L. Richards, Rev. A. M. Loutrell, Rev. William C. French, Rev. Thomas P. Tyler, Rev. Mr. Kellogg, Rev. N. Irish, Rev. James A. M. La Tourrette, Rev. James L. Grover, March, 1858. UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY OF COLUMBUS. Universalist preaching was first introduced into Co- lumbus about the year 1837. Rev. A. A. Davis, of Delaware County, was the first regular preacher of that denomination who ministered to the people of this place. He held his meetings in the United States Court House, and continued from one to two years, occasionally assisted by other of his brethren of the same denomina- tion. He was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Saddler, who continued also some one or two years, and held his meetings in the same place. There was then an interim of some one or two years without any regular preacher, when the Rev. Mr. Abel was employed to minister to the society, and he continued only half a year, and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Anderson, who continued about the same length of time, and was succeeded by Rev. George Rogers a short time. During this time the meetings were held in a rented room in Mr. Buttles's building at the corner of High and Rich streets. 382 HISTORY OF Up to this time there Avas no regularly organized society. In March, 1845, the society organized under " An act to incorporate sundry churches therein named," by the name of the " Universalist Society of Columbus," and appointed John Greenwood, John Field, James W. Osgood, Demas Adams, and William Bam- brough, the first Board of Trustees. They first ob- tained the services of Rev. Mr. Eaton a few months ; and then Rev. Nelson Doolittle, of Akron, Ohio, was employed as pastor of the society. His term com- menced in October, 1845. The society had then pur- chased from the German Saint Paul's Church their lot and old frame church on Third street, which served for a time, until in 1846, it was removed, and the present church building erected on the same site. In the fill of 1851, Mr. Doolittle resigned his charge, and the society passed complimentary resolutions, stat- ing that, " he had for six years served them ably and faithfully," and recommending him " to the kind regard of the brethren among whom he might thereafter reside." In the spring of 1852, the services of the Rev. N. M. Gaylord, then of Lowell, Massachusetts, were secured, and he removed to Columbus, took the pastoral charge of the congregation, and continued till the fall of 1854, when, having received a call from Boston, he removed back thither. During part of the year of 1855, the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 383 Rev. M. Gifford, and then the Rev. Mr. Upson were en- gaged temporarily, as pastors; and during the winter of 1855 and '56, the Rev. Mr. Haws, in like manner, offi- ciated. Since the fall of 1856, the Rev. IT. R. Nye, formerly of Brooklyn, New York, has very ably filled the office of pastor. At the organization of the society in 1845, they numbered thirty-eight members ; their number now, in April, 1858, is about ninety. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. « Pastor — Rev. H. R. Nye. TriisUes — John Noble, John Field, F. C. Kelton, H. H. Kimball, J. H. Riley. BAPTIST CHURCH. The first Baptist Church in Columbus was organized in 1825 — Rev. George Jeffries, Pastor. Their first church building was erected about the year 1830, on the east side of Front street, between Friend and Mound. It was a plain, one-story brick building, which was after- ward used by Dr. Curtis for his Medical College, and was then converted into a dwelling house, and is still standing, and used as such. About the year 1834, the Rev. Mr. Cressey came from the east to this place as a missionary, and was soon engaged as the regular pastor of the Baptist Church of Columbus. During his time, 384 HISTORY OF in 1836, the present church building, at the corner of Rich and Third streets, was erected. He left about the year 1842, and was succeeded by Rev. Daniel El- dridge, who continued some three or four years, when he was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Cheney, who continued until he gave place to the Rev. Henry Davis, who enter- ed upon his pastoral duties in February, 1853. Number of members in 1857, three hundred and two. PRESENT OFFICERS. Pastor — Rev. Henry Davis, D. D. Trustees — Orsamus Allen, Wm. W. Mather, Thomas Roberts, Leonard L. Smith, Jeffrey Powell, Nathan Da- vis, Oliver P. Ilines. GERMAN LUTHERAN REFORMED. Organized in 1821. Their first house of worship was a frame building, on Third street, where the Universalist Church now stands. In 1843 and '44 they erected their large brick edifice at the corner of High and Mound streets. In 1856 it was destroyed by fire ; but was soon rebuilt again. This society was for a time known by the name of " Saint Paul's Church." Their successive Pastors have been — Rev. Charles Hinkle, commenced 1821. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 385 Rev. Wm. Schmidt, professor, commenced about 1829 —died in 1839. Rev. Charles F. Schaffer, commenced in 1840. Rev. Conrad Mees (present pastor), commenced in 1843. Number of members in 1857, reported at five hun- dred. THE GERMAN REFORMED Was organized May 1, 1846, by Rev. Hiram Shall, and soon after erected their brick church buildinor, on Town street, between Fourth and Fifth. The successive pastors have been — Rev. A. P. Freese, commenced October 1846 — retired in 1849. Rev. George Williard, commenced 1850 — retired in 1855. Rev. Henry Williard, commenced 1857. Number of members in 1857, thirty-five. TRINITY GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Organized 28th of January, 1848. They for a time held their meetings in Mechanics' Hall, then in the church on Mound street, near Third. In 1856 and '57, they erected their large church edifice, one hundred and 25 386 HISTORY OF five feet in length, by fifty-seven wide, at the corner of Third and South streets — George Kannemacher, builder. The corner stone was laid July 28, 1856, and the building was dedicated December 20, 1857. The Rev. Wm. F. Lehman was pastor from the beginning. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor — Rev. William F. Lehman. Elders — William Knoderer, Jacob Anthony. Deacons — F. Voltz, A. Adam, F. Abbe, Wm. Koch. Secretary — Philip Schmeltz. Treasurer — J. Gruebler. Number of members in 1857, reported at three hun- dred. GERMAN EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS. Organized and erected their church, on Mound street, about the year 1842 or '43. First pastor, Rev. Mr. Pegeman. Second " " Robert Clemen. Third, and present. Rev. Mr. Graff. GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH. This is an organization formed in the early part of the year 1858. Their meetings are held at Mechanics' Hall. Rev. Robert Clemen, Pastor. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 387 ROMAN CATHOLIC. Holy Cross. — Organized in 1833, and soon after erected a small stone church, on Fifth street, between Rich and Town, which served to hold their religious worship in until the large brick edifice was erected, close by it, in 1845 and '46, when the little stone church was converted into a school house. Rev. Mr. Borgess, priest. Number of members reported in 1857, three thousand. St. Patrick's. — Organized in 1852, and soon after erected their brick church, in the north-east part of the city. Early in the fall of 1857, the Rev. Mr. Meagher, who had been their pastor for several years, was, by the Bishop, transferred to Cincinnati, and the place is now filled by Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, priest. Number of members reported in 1857, fifteen hun- dred. Evangelical Association. — Organized in 1857, by Rev. John Barnhard. Place of worship on Third street, near South Public Lane. Number of members in 1857, fourteen. Colored Baptists — Sometimes called the Second Baptist Church. — Was organized in 1840, and soon after 388 HISTORY, ETC. they erected a pretty good brick church edifice on Gay street, between Third and Fourth. Their number is now reported at one hundred and three. The office of pas- tor is at present vacant. Anti Slavery Baptists, (Colored.) — Organized in 1847. They have a brick church on Town street, be- tween Fifth and Sixth, erected some six or seven years since. They report their number of members at one hundred and four. James Poindexter, late pastor — office noAV vacant. Israelites, or Jews.— ^Organized in 1852. Place of worship in Siebert's building. Rev. S. T. Goodman, priest. Number of members, twenty-eight. Although this Chapter, such as could not be derived from books or records, was obtained from the best sour- ces, generally from the pastors themselves, or their church officers, it is not to be expected that the number of members w^as in all cases precisely correct ; or if it had been, it w^ould not have remained so many days. It should be observed, also, that different churches have different rules, in regard to membership — some count all baptised children as members, while others do not. This may account for the very large numbers reported by the Catholic Churches. CHAPTER XXXYII. COLUMBUS CEAIETERIES. North Graveyard — Prohibitory Ordinance of 1856 — Its Repeal, etc. — East Graveyard — Catholic Graveyard — Green Lawn Cemetery — Date of Incorporation — Pic Nic and Dedication, etc. There are four burying grounds that may properly be included under this head. First, the old North Graveyard ; second, the East Graveyard, or burying place; third, the Catholic burying ground; and fourth ^ Green Lawn Cemetery. The North Graveyard, adjoining the north line of the city, was the first. One and a half acres of this lot was donated by the proprietors of Columbus on the second of July, 1813, for a " burial ground for the use of the citizens of Columbus," and commenced being used for that purpose soon after, though Mr. Kerr, who was authorized to make the deed of conveyance, did not do it until the 21st of April, 1821. He then conveyed it to "the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Colum- bus and their successors in office," — to be used solely as 390 HISTORY OF a public burying ground, and for no other purpose, with a proviso, "that if the corporation should cease, or the ground from any cause should cease to be used for that purpose, it should revert to the grantors or their heirs." In February, 1830, William Doherty and wife con- veyed to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Columbus about ten acres, partly surrounding the above, and making about eleven and a half acres in all. This purchase was made expressly for the enlarge- ment of the burying ground, (though not so expressed in the deed,) and was, by the Town Council, laid out into lots for that purpose — pretty uniform in size and shape, and the lots were sold by the town authorities, and a form of receipt and certificate of purchase was adopted and used in lieu of a deed, and signed by the Mayor. In October, 1845, John Brickell also added a strip of ground, twenty feet in width, along the north side of the above grounds, which he laid out into lots, and con- veyed direct to the purchasers — the corporation having no title to, or control over them. These three pieces of ground are now all enclosed by a good board fence, embracing near twelve acres, and constitute what is generally called the North Grave- yard. This burying place, with the exception of Brick- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 391 ell's lots, has always been under the control of the Town or City Council, and they have always appointed one of their own body a kind of special committee man, or superintendent, to keep the plat of the grounds, make sale of the lots, and receive the pay therefor, and' also a sexton to attend to the digging of graves, his compensation being defined by ordinance. A part of the ground, however, being set off for that purpose, was free for the use of any one without charge. And another part was designated for, and sold to, col- ored persons on the same terms as to whites. On the 21st of July, 1856, the City Council at- tempted to prohibit burials in this graveyard, making it a penal offense to use the lots for the very purpose that they had themselves sold them. The following is a copy of the ordinance passed on that occasion : " Sec. 1. Be it ordained and enacted hj the City Council of Columhus, That it shall be unlawful to deposit or bury any dead person in any graveyard within the present corporate limits of said city, or in the enclosure commonly known as the North Graveyard. " Sec. 2. Any person or society of persons violating any provision of this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof, before the Mayor, be fined the sum of twenty- five dollars and the costs of prosecution. 392 HISTORY OF " Sec. 3. This ordinance to be in force from and after the first day of November, 1856." This act of the Council created, to say the least of it, a general surprise, and several communications express- ive of that surprise immediately appeared in the newspapers of the city ; and on the 18th of August, in the same year, the ordinance was repealed. The East Graveyard, situate on the Livingston road, so called, about a mile and a half east of the Court House, contains eleven and a quarter acres, and w^as conveyed to the City of Columbus by Matthew King and wife, in the year 1839, without specification or restriction as to its uses. It was, however, bought for the express purpose of a burying ground, and part of it w^as laid out into family lots, and sold and conveyed similar to those in the North Graveyard. The Catholic Burying Ground, situate in the north- easterly part of the city limits, contains three and a quarter acres, and was, on the 11th of September, 1848, conveyed by Peter Dry and wife, to " John Baptist Purcell, Roman Catholic Bishop, of Cincinnati, Ohio, as such Bishop, as a burial ground,. etc., and to his heirs and assigns forever — to be held by said Bishop in trust as a burying ground for the Roman Catholics of Colum- FRANKLIN COUNTY. * 393 bus," though the ground had been used for this purpose some two or three years before the date of this deed. This location was objectionable to some of the resi- dents and property holders in that vicinity, and in the summer of 1856, they petitioned the City Council to prohibit further interments. The reasons assigned for asking the prohibition were, that the decomposition of the dead affected the water in the neighborhood — and that.the said burying ground was a great objection to the settlement of the neighborhood and the improve- ment of the adjoining lots. This petition doubtless led to the passage of the foregoing prohibitory ordinance, so far as related to this cemetery. Green Lawn Cemetery. — Although this cemetery is situated beyond the jurisdiction, and entirely independ- ent of the city authorities of Columbus, yet as the cor- porators and principal part of the stockholders reside in Columbus, it is proper to class it amongst, and indeed as the principal one of the Columbus cemeteries. It is situate in Franklin Township, about two and a half miles westward from Columbus. In March, 1848, an act was passed by the Legislature, incorporating Joseph Sullivant, William A. Piatt, Alfred P. Stone, William B. Thrall, Thomas Sparrow, A. C. Brown, William G. Deshler, and their associates, under 394 HISTORYOF the name of " Green Lawn Cemetery of Columbus." In the spring of 1849, the fiist purchase of ground Avas made, and on the 23d of May, 1849, a public Pic Nic was held on the ground, which was numerously attended ; and a partial clearing off of part of the ground was eifected, preparatory to the laying out of lots, etc. ; and soon after some of the lots and aA^enues were laid out by Howard Daniels, engineer ; and on the 9th of July, 1849, there was a formal dedication of the grounds on the premises ; the proceedings of wdiich, together with the rules, regulations, etc., adopted by .the Board of Trus- tees, form an interesting pamj)hlet. One or two subse- quent purchases of ground were made, until the associa- tion now owns about eighty-four acres in one body and in good shape. This Cemetery Association is gov- erned by a Board of seven Trustees, elected by the stockholders or lot owuiers. The first Board of Trustees, elected August 30, 1848, were W. B. Hubbard, Joseph Sullivant, Aaron F. Perry, Thomas Sparrow, Alfred P. Stone, Wm. B. Thrall, and John W. Andrews. Alex. E. Glenn, clerk. Bichard WooUey was employed as sexton or superin- tendent of the grounds, in 1849, and has been continued ever since. The Trustees keep an office in Columbus, wdiere they FRANKLIN COUNTY. 395 hold monthly meetings, and where all the financial affairs of the association are attended 1o, and a register of all interments is kept hy the Secretary. In the arrangement of the grounds, irregularity or variety seems to have been one object aimed at. The sections all vary in size and shape ; the lots also vary in size from one hundred to twelve hundred square feet, and all kinds of shapes ; and the improvements vary according to the taste of the lot owners. The lots are kept clean and in neat order, which shows not only a becoming respect for departed friends, but strips the place of half its gloom. There are a number of costly and elegant monuments erected here, with impressive and appropriate inscrip- tions, dictated by surviving friends. But there is per- haps only one that was prepared by the tenant of the tomb, while living, and that is on the head stone of our old and esteemed fellow-citizen, Jeremiah Miner — an old bachelor, somewhat eccentric in character, and who had been a man of considerable wealth, but had become reduced by too freely accommodating his friends. He died at Sandusk}^, in Wyandot County, and was brought to Green Lawn for burial. He had prepared the inscrip- tion for his grave stone, leaving only a blank for the day of his death to be inserted. It is as follows : 396 HISTORY OF " JEREMIAH MINER, Born in Massachusetts, On the fifteenth of November, 1780. I owed the world nothing; It owed me a small amount ; But on the 4th of March, 1854, We balanced all accounts." In the summer of 1856, a question arose as to the propriety of selling lots to colored persons, and thereby admitting them as members of the association ; and by order of the trustees, the following circular was address- ed to each of the stockholders : " Office of Green Lawn Cemetery, "^ Columbus, Sept. 15, 1856. j "Please attend a meeting of the stockholders of Green Lawn Cemetery Association, at their office, corner of Friend and Front streets, on Thursday, October 2d, at 3 o'clock, P. M. " The object of the meeting is to determine as to the expediency of setting apart a section of our grounds for the burial of colored persons. " Should your engagements be such as to prevent your attendance, please indorse your preference upon the back of this notice. Say ^Opposed;' or, 'In fa- vor,' as the case may be, subscribe your name, and re- turn to this office by the day of meeting. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 397 " The Board of Trustees are desirous of a full expres- sion from the stockholders upon this question, as a guide for their future action. " By order of the Board. " Very respectfully, " , Sec'y." Of these circulars distributed through the post office, to the number of three hundred and forty, only one hundred and eleven were returned appropriately indors- ed, and they were — " In favor," twenty ; " Opposed " ninety-one. There being so large a majority of those who voted opposed, the question was considered as set- tled, at least for the present, against selling lots to col- ored persons. The first burial in this Cemetery was a child of A. F. Perr}^, Esq., on the 7th of July, 1849 : the second was Dr. B. F. Gard, on the 12th of the same month. On the 1st of January, 1858, the Secretary reported that there had been 1,079 burials to that date, of which two hun- dred and forty-seven were removals from other burying grounds. The present Board of Trustees are : Wm. A. Piatt, Pres't ; Wm. T. Martin, Sec'y ; Thos. Sparrow, Treas'r ; Joseph SuUivant, Dr. W. E. Ide, Robert Hume, John Greenleaf Bichard WooUey, sexton and superintendent on the ground. CHAPTER XXXVIII- LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. German Theological Seminary — Capital University — Starling Medical Colleo;e — Esther Institute — Common Schools, etc. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND CAPITAL UNIVERSITY. In 1830, the German Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Church, was located in Columbus. Its founder and first professor was the late Rev. AVm. Schmidt^, who for several years labored for its establishment without remuneration, and for the residue of his incumbency as professor, up to his death in 1839, at a merely nominal salary. By the exertions and under the agency of Judge C. Heyl, some $3,000 were contributed by the citizens of Columbus, for the purchase of the site, etc., at the south end of the town ; and the residue was do- nated by members of the Lutheran Church, throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania. The Seminary was chartered by the Legislature, January 30, 1831, and still exists FRANKLIN COUNTY. 399 under the same charter, as the Theological Department of Capital University. Its principal buildings were erected in 1833. Hon. G. Swan delivered the address on the laying of the corner stone. This property, south of the town, was sold by the Board to Mr. P. Hayden, in 1851, and some $16,000 was donated by it towards building Capital University ; into which the Seminary has apparently merged, though each institution still re- tains its separate endowments, and has its separate Board of Trustees. Capital University had its origin in a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Synod of Ohio and adjacent States, adop- ted in December, 1849. On the 7th of March, 1850, it was chartered by the Legislature. Its present Presi- dent is Bev. Prof. W. F. Lehman, who is also the head of the Theological Department. Dr. L. Goodale, who donated the present site, north of the city, and one thousand dollars towards erecting the buildings, is the President of the Board of Trustees. The buildings were erected in 1852 and '53, and opened Sept. 14, 1853, on which occasion addresses were delivered by Hon. "VVm. II. Seward and Rev. Dr. Stohlman, of New York. The present Faculty are. Professors Lehman, Worley, Wormley and Loy. 400 HISTORY or STARLING MEDICAL COLLEGE. This Institution was chartered at the session of 1847 and '48. A lot was then procured and other prepara- tions made, and in the spring of 1849, the building was commenced — Mr. R. A. Sheldon, architect. At the cer- emonies of laying the corner-stone. Dr. Hoge delivered an address suited to the occasion. The work progressed regularly under the direction of Mr. Sheldon ; and in the fall of 1850, the building was ready for the recep- tion of students. The first session of lectures was opened and held during the winter of 1850 and 1851. The building at this time had cost about $45,000; of which Lyne Starling, Esq., one of the original proprie- tors of the town, generously donated $35,000. The building, however, in all its parts, was not completed until some years after. The total cost has been about $55,000, being $20,000 over the Starling donation ; of which last sum of $20,000, the Faculty advanced $13,000, and citizens the balance. Since the organization of the Institution, there have been about 1,200 students in attendance. The building is situated at the corner of State and Sixth streets. The material of which it is composed, is brick, with a large proportion of ornamental cut stone. Its greatest length is one hundred and thirty-five feet. CG > r ■z o O t— < o f o o f O FRANKLIN COUNTY. 401 and its height to the top of the tower, is about one hundred and thirty-eight feet. Its arrangement is said to he well adapted to the purposes for which it was de- signed ; and its outward appearance is admired by the lovers of modern architecture. The present officers of the Institution are — President — William S. Sullivant. Secretary — Francis Carter. Trustees — Wm. S. Sullivant, Esq., R. W. McCoy, Esq., Samuel M. Smith, M. D., Francis Carter, M. D., Hon. Jos. R. Swan, John W. Andrews, Esq., Dr. L. Goodale. FACULTY. S. M. Smith, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice, and Dean. Francis Carter, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children. John Dawson, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Phys- iology. J. W. Hamilton, M. D., Professor of Surgery. S. Loving, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, The- rapeutics and Medical Jurisprudence. Theo. G. Wormley, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. R. N. Barr, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. ESTHER INSTITUTE. This institution was opened in a private building on 26 402 HISTORY OP Rich street, in October. 1852, with twenty-one pupils. Its present splendid and commodious building on Broad street was erected in 1853, and opened the 28th of September, of that year. It now numbers near one hundred and fifty pupils, of whom about one third are non-residents of Columbus. It is under the exclusive management of L. Ileyl, Esq., its founder. COMMON SCHOOLS. The first attempt to introduce the common school system in Ohio, was the passage of a law on the 22d of January, 1821, entitled, "An act to provide for the reg- ulation and support of common schools." Then on the 5th of February, 1825, " An act to provide for the sup- port and better regulation of common schools," was passed, and on the 30th of January, 1827, an act was passed entitled "An act to establish a fund for the sup- port of common schools." About this time the system was first reduced to practice in Columbus. On the 21st of November, 1826, the first school meeting under the act of 1825, for the district com- posed of the whole town plat, and part of the toAvnship, was held at the old Presbyterian Church on Front street — Orris Parish, Chairman, and Wm. T. Martin, Secretary ; at which meeting Dr. P. Sisson, Rev. C. Hinkle, and William T. Martin, Esq., were chosen FRANKLIN COUNTY. 403 directors. A Mr. Smitli was employed as teacher. For some years the school funds were too limited to support a school more than about one cjuarter in a jesiw In 1830, John Warner, C. Heyl, and William St. Clair, were chosen directors. In 1831, Wm. McElvain, Horton Howard, and Nathaniel McLean, directors. In 1832, J. M. C. Hasseltine was first employed as teacher. In 1836, at a public school meeting, it was resolved that the directors should cause two schools to be opened at the same time, one to be taught by a male teacher for the instruction of the advanced scholars, and the other by a female for the instruction of young child- ren. There were then no public school houses, and the schools were kept in rented rooms, and were not properly classified, and no regular or uniform course of instruction was pursued. On the 3d of Februar}^, 1845, a law was enacted authorizing the election of six directors to constitute the " Board of Education of Columbus," to whom is committed the management of all the public schools in the city. Two members of this Board are elected annual- ly, to hold their offices for three years. By the same act, the City Council were authorized to appoint three ex- aminers of teachers. Three school house lots having been purchased, in the spring of 1846, the people of the city decided by a 404 HISTORY OF vote of seven hundred and seventy-six to three hundred and twenty-three, to levy a tax of $8,000, for the erection of school houses. Three hrick buildings, containing six rooms each, were erected, and the schools were commenced in them on the 21st of July, 1847. Previous to organizing the schools under this late reg- ulation, the Board appointed a Superintendent, to whom they intrusted the general direction of the course of study and instructions in all the schools, and who entered on the duties of his ofiice on the loth of May, 1847. The schools are divided into four grades. Primary, Secondary, Grammar and High ; and the scholars are classified in each with reference to their advancement in the prescribed studies. In 1852, the building for the German School was erected, and in 1852 and 1853, the High School build- ing, on State street, Avas erected. The Board of Educa- tion in their report of July 1853, say : The cost of the school buildings, exclusive of the ground, may be stated as follows : Central building for High School, 60 by 70 feet, three stories above the basement, estimated at $15,000 Three houses erected in 1846, 187 by 24 feet 12,000 German school house, 70 by 32 feet. 3,000 Total for five buildings $30,000 Since which there have been several thousand dol- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 405 lars expended, enlarging the north and south school houses. The free school system had its friends and its op- posers from the first. The opposition, however, grad- ually gave way, until now, the system generally has no opposers. But there are those who very seriously doubt the propriety of that part of the plan embracing the High School, which continues about one-twentieth of the scholars four years longer in school than the other nineteen-twentieths, and that in a costly school, too, while the parents of the nineteen-twentieths are an- nually taxed to give a superior education to the favored one-twentieth. The following is the number of teachers, aggregate of salaries, and average daily attendance of scholars for the ten years ending June 30, 1857 : Year. Number of Affsregate of Average Daily Teachers. Salaries. ■ Atteudaace. 1848 15 19 20 21 23 798 1849 940 1850 1075 1851 1107 1852 $8,104 74 1100 1853 24 8,475 00 1224 1854 32 10,530 96 1348 1855 38 16,292 05 1575 1856 38 16,173 62 1533 1857 40 16,169 16 1442 406 HISTORY, ETC. SUPERINTENDENTS. Dr. A. D. Lord, appointed 1847 — resigned July, 1S56. E. D. Kingsley, A. M., appointed 1856. There are also several respectable private schools in the city. CHAPTER XXXIX. LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY AND MECHANICS' BENEFICIAL SOCIETY. THE FEMALE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF COLUMBUS Was organized by a meeting held for that purpose at the Town street Methodist Church, in January, 1835. The object of its formation was to devise and carry out a systematic plan for the temporary relief of the poor. It was expressly provided in the constitution, that the relief administered should be given in such a manner as to encourage industry, and independent exertions for support. " The sick, the old and infirm, widows, and very young and destitute children, were to be the first objects of attention." This society was organized as a union society, and has always continued to have mem- bers from all denominations ; any female of good char- acter being permitted to join, on paying her annual sub- scription. The city was divided into wards and districts, to each of which visitors were assigned, whose duty was to inspect 408 HISTORY OF personally all cases coming to her knowledge, and re- lieve them. The first officers elected were, Mrs. James Iloge, Pres't; Mrs. E. W. Sehon, Vice Pres't; Mrs. N. H. Swayne, Treas'r: Miss M. Kelley, Sec'y. The original number of members was one hundred and seven. The society thus organized, has continued to carry out its original design from that time to the present. In 1836, the managers of the society, observing the large number of children destitute of the means of edu- cation, at the suggestion of the President, Mrs. Dalton, took steps to establish a free school ; which was opened in a rented room. Subsequently, a small lot on Fourth street, was donated to them by Hon. Alfred Kelley, on w^hich a small school house was afterwards erected by contributions of citizens, and under the supervision of Mr. P. B. Wilcox, Mr. D wight AVoodbury, and Mr. Jo- seph Ridgway, jr. This school was continued until the present system of public schools was matured, about the year 1855 or 1856. The building and lot were subsequently sold for $500, and the money placed at interest, to add to the yearly income of the society. The following persons have held successively the office of President : Mrs. Hoge, Mrs. Gen. Patterson, INIi-s. Dalton, Mrs. T. R. Cressey, Mrs. Wm. Preston, Mrs. I. G. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 409 Dryer, Mrs. Dr. Lord, Mrs. J. L. Bates. Mrs. Dryer lield the office for many years, and ^Yas a most efficient officer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer were filled most faithfully for eleven years by Miss Mary E. Stewart, afterwards Mrs. Joseph Geiger. Among the most active and efficient visitors from the original organization may be found the names of Mrs. Gen. Patterson, Mrs. Demas Adams, Mrs. Bailhache, Mrs. J. M. Espy, Mrs. Wm. Neil, Mrs. Joel Buttles, Mrs. Al- fred Kelley, Mrs. J. N. Champion, Mrs. Chittenden, Mrs. Asbur}', Mrs. Dr. Awl, Mrs. Dr. Edmiston, etc., etc. The officers of the society for the present year, 1858,' are Mrs. J. L. Bates, Pres't ; Mrs. Wm. Neil, Vice Pres't ; Mrs. Samuel Galloway, Treas'r ; Mrs. A. P. Stone, Sec'y- The income of the society amounts at present to between S600 and $700 annually, all of which is expended. This fund is derived from subscriptions from members, and annual donations from gentlemen, from interest on permanent fund, and from collections in churches. mechanics' beneficial society. In 1830, a number of the mechanics of Columbus formed themselves into a society, which, on the 9th of March, 1831, was incorporated by the name of the " Mechanics' Beneficial Society of Columbus." The in- corporators named in the act, were P. H. Olmsted, M. R. 410 HISTORY OF Spurgeon, Jonathan Neereamer and C. Love, and their associates — the object of the society being the advance- ment of the best interests of mechanics, manufacturers and artisans, by a more general diffusion of knowledge, and for the purpose of more conveniently and effectually affording relief to unfortunate members. The act of in- corporation constituted P. 11. Olmsted, President, M. R. Spurgeon, John Haver, Jonathan Neereamer and Charles Love, the first Board of Trustees. The . society held their business meetings either in some public office or rented room, until 1841, when they leased part of a lot at the corner of High and Rich streets, and in 1842, erected the building known as " Mechanics' Hall." This W8.S done by voluntary contributions of the members, and other citizens. About this time, the society was in a flourishing condition, and numbered over one hundred members. Agreeably to the amended constitution and b3^-laws, adopted September 2, 1856, any new member, when ad- mitted, must pay an initiation fee of not less than fifteen nor more than thirty dollars, according to his age ; no one is admitted at an age over forty-five years. Each member must pay a monthly due of thirty-three and a third cents, and one dollar extra at the death of any benefit member. Any person having been a member of the society FRANKLIN COUNTY. 411 nine months, is considered a benefit member; and in case of sickness so as to be incapable of performing manual labor, or attending to his ordinary business, from any- unavoidable casualty, shall be entitled to three dollars per week, out of the funds of the society, during such disability : And in case of the death of any benefit member, his widow or heirs are entitled to from fifty to three hundred dollars, out of the funds of the society, in proportion to the length of time the deceased had been a member. The number of members in 1856 was reduced to thirty-three. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1857. Pi^esident — Vacant. Vice President — James Stephens. Secretary — J. P. Bruck. Treasurer — Jeffrey Powell. Trustees — John Otstot, J. P. Bruck, Thomas Roberts Andrew Sites, William Herd. CHAPTER XL. STATE BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Deaf and Dumb Asjlum — Lunatic Asylum — Blind Asylum — Idiot Asylum. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. On the 38tli of January, 1827, an act was passed to " establish an Asylum for the education of deaf and dumb persons/' and Hon. Gustavus Swan and Rev. James Hoge, of Franklin, Hon. Thomas Ewing, of Fair- field, Rev. William Graham, of Ross, Rev. William Bur- ton, of Pickaway, John James, Esq., of Champaign, Wm. D. Webb, Esq., of Trumbull, and Sampson Mason, Esq., of Clark, were appointed b}^ said act, together with the Governor, who was, ex officio, President of the Board, the first Trustees. They procured the services of H. N. Hubbell, Esq., to take charge of the school, which opened on the IGth of November, 1829, and at first consisted of only three pupils. At the close of the term, July, 1830, the number FRANKLIN COUNTY. 413 had reached nine, and it soon after filled up to the num- ber twent}^ or thirty. A son of Captain George W. Williams and a son of Judge Flennikcn were among the first. For some two or three years the school was kept in a rented room — part of the time on the lot now occupied by Dr. Gay, on Front street, north of Broad. Mr. Ilubbell was then a young man, and had been en- gaged for some time in teaching a common school in Columbus, but had, during the agitation of this asylum enterprise, left his school and gone to the East and spent some eighteen months at the American Asylum, Hartford, Connecticut, qualifjdng himself for a teacher of the language of signs, in which he succeeded admirably ; and he made both an efficient teacher and a popular Superintendent.'^" In the years 1833 and 1834, the original part of the present asylum buildings was erected, and the institu- tion removed thither. The building has been several times enlarged, and the number of pupils has in- creased with the capacity of the building to accom- modate them. For the last few years the number has generally ranged at from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and sixty. * Mr. Hubbell died in Columbus ia January, 1857. 414 HISTORY OF SUCCESSIVE SUPERINTENDENTS. Horatio N. Hubbell, appointed 1829 — retired 1851. Rev. J. Addison Gary, " 1851 " 1852. Kev. Collins Stone, " 1852 (still in office.) PHYSICIANS. Dr. Robert Thompson, appointed 1833 — retired, 1857. « S. M. Smith, " 1857. STEWARDS. George Gobe^^, appointed 1843 — retired in 1846. Samuel Cutler, " 1846 « 1852. N. W. Smith, " 1852 « 1852. Isaac H. Roston, " 1852 — died in 1854. Hiram Weaver, " 1854 " 1856. Geo. W. Wakefield, " 1856 (still in office.) NAMES AND SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Names. Occupations. Salaries. Rev. Collins Stone, . Superintendent, . . . $1,200 Roswell H. Kinney, . Instructor, 1,000 William E. Tyler, . . " 900 John M. Francis, . . " 800 Geo. L. Weed, jr., . . " 800 Benj. Talbott, ... " 700 Danforth E. BalV= . « 800 * Mr. Ball died in April, 1857. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 415 Names. Occupa:ions. Salaries. Fisher A. Spofford, Plumb M. Park, . Robert Thompson, Geo. W. Wakefield, M. J. Westervelt, Mary Swan, . . Instructor, $800 800 Physician, 200 Steward, 500 Matron, 300 Assistant Matron, . . 200' ^j And about a dozen others, male and female, receiving monthly or weekly wages. LUNATIC ASYLUM. At the Legislative session of 1834-5, an act was passed to establish a Lunatic Asylum for the State of Ohio, and Dr. Samuel Parsons and Dr. William M. Awl, of Columbus, and Gen. Samuel F. McCracken, of Lan- caster, were appointed Directors under the law for the erection, etc., of the necessary Buildings. And on the 30th of November, 1838, the buildings were so far com- pleted as to admit the first patient. Pursuant to an act of the 13th of March, 1838, Dr. Samuel Parsons, Gol. Samuel Spangler, Adin G. Hibbs, Esq., N. H. Swayne, Esq., and Dr. David L. McGugin, were appointed Directors, whose duty it was to appoint a Superintendent, etc., and Dr. Wm. M. Awl received the appointment. 416 HISTORY OP In the years 1844, 1845 and 1846, the additional wings to the building were erected and completed. Dr. Awl, in his report of December 1, 1846, thus de- scribes the whole structure : " It is a stupendous pile of brick and stone work, which presents an imposing appearance. The structure faces the south. It is a quadrangular, and measures 376 feet in front, by 218 feet in depth. The buildings cover just one acre of ground, and enclose an area of 1864 square ^^ards. The main center building is three stories and an attic in height above the basement. The wings and new buildings are each three stories ; and a walk through all its different passages and galleries exceeds one mile. It contains rising 5,200,000 bricks, and something like 50,000 feet of cut stone. The entire cost to the State was about $150,000, including tlie amount of work done by the convicts of the Ohio Pen- itentiary, which constituted a large item in the ac- count." SUCCESSIVE SUPERINTENDENTS. Dr. Wm. M. Awl, appointed in 1838 — retired, 1850. '' Samuel II. Smitli, " 1850 " 1852. " E. Kendrick, " 1852 " 1854. " Geo. E. Eels, " 1854 " 1856- " R. Hills, " 1856. , FRANKLIN COUNTY. 417 ASSISTANT PHYSICIANS. Dr. D. Chambers, jr., appointed in 1838 — retired 1840. a S. M. Smith, a 1840 a 1843. a R. J. Patterson, a 1843 a 1848. a R. C. Hopkins, a 1848 u 1850. a S. Willey, a 1850 a 1852, u 0. C. Kendrick, a 1852 a 1854, u A. McElwee, a 1854 u 1856 a L. Ely, a 1856. Various other medical gentlemen have held situations at the institution, generally denominated junior assist- ants, amongst whom were Robert H. Awl, T. P. McCul- lough, Joseph Sherborn, C. R. Price, C. Disney, Wm. R. Thrall, and R. Gundry. STEWARDS. Geo. S. Fullerton, appointed, 1838 — retired in 1849. B.B.Brown, " 1849 « 1851. Jonathan Ream, " 1851 " 1852. L. A. Curtis, " 1852 — died in 1853. W. T. Criss, " 1853 — retired in 1856. C. A. Barker, « 1856. BLIND ASYLUM. This Institution was established by an act of the Legislature, passed at the session of 1836-37. The 27 418 HISTORY OF Ttev. Dr. Iloge, N. II. Swayne, Esq., and Dr. Wm. M. Awl, were appointed the first Board of Trustees, to carry the provisions of the law for organizing and open- ing the school, into effect. They first secured the servi- ces of Mr. A. W. Penniman as a teacher, and rented rooms in the Eight Buildings, so called, on Town street, west of High ; and in July, 1837, the school was opened. It contained at first but five scholars, but they increased during the year to eleven. Measures were then soon taken to obtain a suitable site and buildings for the per- manent location of the Institution ; and the citizens of Columbus purchased and donated for that purpose the site, consisting of nine acres of land, about one mile east of High street, on which the Institution was estab- lished ; and the main building was erected in 1838 and '39, at a cost of about $28,000, including furniture, fix- tures, etc., and was first occupied in October, 1839, with seventeen pupils. The following year, the number in- creased to thirty-six, and the next year to fifty. Since which the number has generally ranged from fifty to seventy. SUCCESSIVE SUPERINTENDENTS. A. W. Penniman, appointed July, 1837 — retired in 1840. William Chapin, appointed in 1840 — retired in 1846. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 419 A. W. Penniman, again, in 1846 — retired in 1848. Geo. McMillen, appointed in 1848 — died in 1852. K E. Harte, " in 1852— retired in 1856. Dr. Asa D. Lord, " in 1856. ' PHYSICIANS. Dr. Wm. M. Awl, being one of the Trustees, for a time prescribed as physician. Dr. N. M. Miller. Dr. S. Parsons. Dr. Pv. L. Howard, appointed 1844 — retired 1852. Dr. John Dawson, « 1852 " 1856. Dr. R. J. Patterson, " 1856. STEWARDS. Mr. Isaac Dalton boarded the pnpils, and served as steward from 1837 to 1840. When Mr. Chapin came into office as superintendent, he boarded the pupils himself, and dispensed with a steward. James W. Watson, appointed in 1846 — retired, 1851. Thomas F. Jones, " 1851 " 1852. David Holton, " 1852 " 1855. James Carlisle, " 1856. 420 HISTORY, ETC. IDIOT ASYLUM. This Institution was established by an act of the Leg- islature, passed April 17, 1857, entitled, "An act to es- tablish an asylum for the education of idiots and imbe- cile youth." It is governed by a Board of three Trus- tees, appointed by the Governor, They organized in the spring of 1857, and procured and fitted up build- ings on the national road, opposite the Blind Asylum, .and opened their school there in the f;ill of the same year. On the first of November, the Trustees reported sixteen pupils already received ; of whom seven pay wholly or in part, and nine have been received as State pupils. The present officers of the Institution are — Trustees — Hon. Wm. Dennison, jr., Columbus; Hon. Asher Cook, Perrysburg ; N. S. Townsend, M. D., Avon. Siipermtendent — B,. J. Patterson, M. D. Matron — Miss Emily C. Whitman. Teacher — Miss Julia B. Burbank. CHAPTER XLI. TRAGEDIES. Execution of Clark, etc. — Kidnapping of Jerry Finney — Murder of Parcels — Mrs. Slocura — Beebe — Foster — Kelley. On the 9th of February, 1844, William Clark and Esther Foster were executed. Clark was a white man, and Esther a black woman. They were both convicts in the penitentiary at the time they committed the mur- ders for which they were executed. Clark's offense was that of killing Cyrus Sells, one of the prison guards, at a single blow, with a cooper's axe. Esther's offense was that of beating a white female prisoner to death, with a fire shovel. The two murders were in no way connected, but happened within a few months of each other, and the prisoners were both tried and convicted at the same term of the court. The defense in Clark's case, was insanity. In the woman's case, that the killing was not premeditated, and consequently not murder in the first degree. Doubts were entertained by some whether either should have been convicted and executed — but 422 HISTORY OF they both were. The gallows upon which they were executed, was erected on the low ground, at the south- west corner of Mound and Scioto streets, in Columbus. The occasion called together an immense crowd of peo- ple, both male and female, and it was a day of much noise, confusion, drunkenness and disorder. A well known citizen of the town, Mr. Sullivan Sweet, was pushed over in the crowd, and trampled on by a horse, which occasioned his death in a few hours. Many, how- ever, of the citizens of the town prudently refused to witness the scene. A good wax figure likeness of Clark is to be seen at Captain Walcutt's museum. In the spring of 1846, a case of kidnapping occurred at Columbus. On the 27th of March, after dark, Jerry Finney, a black man, who had resided in Columbus some fourteen or fifteen years, was decoyed over to the town of Franklinton, to the office of William Henderson, Esq., who was, at the time, an acting justice of the peace of Franklin Township. The necessary certificate, etc., having been previously prepared, Jerry was forthwith delivered over by the justice, in his official capacity, to the decoying party; one of whom was Alexander C. Forbes, of Kentuck}^, who held a power of attorney from Mrs. Bathsheba D. Long, of Frankfort, Kentucky, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 423 to whom it was claimed that Jerry helongecl, and owed service, as an escaped slave. Jerry begged for a fair trial, bnt in vain. He w\as immediately hand-cuffed, and put into a carriage, standing at the door for that purpose, and drove to Cincinnati, from thence to Ken- tucky, and delivered over to his former mistress. As Jerry was generally known by our citizens, (hav- ing been cook and general waiter or servant at most of our public houses,) his sudden disappearance from our midst, and the time and manner of his capture, created some excitement. And the following persons were ar- rested and held to bail to answ^er the charge of Mdnap- ping : William Henderson, Esq., Jacob Armitage, Henry Henderson, Daniel A. Potter, and Daniel Zinn. At the July term, 1846, of the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County, a true bill of indictment was found against all of the above named persons, together wath Alexander C. Forbes, (the agent,) for the unlawful seiz^ure, etc., of Jerry. At the following September term of said court, all of the defendants (except Forbes, who had not been arrest- ed,) were put upon trial. A. F. Perry, Esq., Prosecuting Attorney, and Wm. Dennison, jr., conducting the prose- cution, and F. J. Matthews, Esq., and Col. N. H. Swayne, counsel for the defendants. The case occupied several days, and much interest 424 HISTORY OF was manifested by those who were acquainted with the defendants, and with Jerry. During the progress of the trial, one of the jurors. Dr. George Richey, was taken sick, and unable to attend further at the court. At this juncture of the case, all of the defendants, as well as the State (by her counsel), agreed to proceed with the eleven remaining jurors. The case was ably conducted on both sides, and quite a large number of bills of ex- ceptions were taken by the defendants' counsel as to the rulings of the court. The jury retired, deliberated, and returned a verdict of guilli/ as to Esq. William Hender- son, and not gidlty as to the remaining defendants. Esq. Henderson was then remanded to jail, and the other de- fendants discharged from custody. The court suspended passing sentence upon Henderson, and the case was then, by his attorneys, taken up to the Supreme Court upon error, and among the many errors assigned, w^as, in sub- stance, this : that it was not within the province of the defendant to waive his objection as to the absence of one of the jurors, and the proceeding in the trial with the eleven jurors, was error. This objection the court sustained, and decided the case upon that point; and Esq. Henderson was discharged. By the authority of the Legislature of this State, Hon. William Johnson, a distinguished lawyer, and now residing in Cincinnati, was employed to institute pro- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 425 ceedings in the Kentucky courts, with the view of set- tling certain legal questions, and which would, as claim- ed by our authorities, result in the liberation of Jerry from bondage. Mr. Johnston appeared before the Ken- tucky court, argued his case with masterly ability, but the decision was against him ; and here closed all legal proceedings growing out of this case. Jerry remained in Kentucky for some months as a slave, until by subscription from the citizens of Colum- bus, a sufficient amount of money was raised to purchase his freedom, and restore him to his family. He returned — but with the seeds of consumption sown in his system. Within a short time he wasted, sickened and died. In the month of April, 1851, a homicide was commit- ted at the Franklin House, in Columbus, then kept by Grundy Taylor. The victim was George Parcels, and the perpetrator of the homicide, Thomas W. Spencer. The parties were acquaintances and friends. The tragedy commenced w^ith playful jokes, which were .succeeded by frenzy of passion on the part of Spencer, who in that state of frenzy, discharged a pistol at, and killed his friend. Spencer was indicted for murder in the first degree, and tried at the March term of the Court of Common Pleas, 1852. The jury returned a verdict of manslaugJiter, and he was sentenced to six years confine- 426 HISTORY OF merit in the penitentiary. After serving out about one year of his sentence, he was pardoned by Governor Wood. In the month of May, 1851, a murder was committed by George W. Slocum killing his wife some two or three miles from Columbus, on the farm of Mr. Jacob Hare, then occupied by a Mr. Robertson. Jealousy was at the bottom of this tragedy. Slocum was in- dicted for murder in the first degree, and tried at the June term, 1851, and convicted of murder in the second degree. Sentence, confinement in the penitentiary during life. On the 27th of April, 1854, Cyrus Beebe, one of the city police, was killed by William Jones, alias William Morgan. Jones had committed some burglaries in Licking County, and had been arrested, but made his escape, and was pursued by the Licking County officers, who supposed him to be at the Scioto Hotel, in Colum- bus. Beebe, by request, accompanied them to aid in making the arrest. Jones refused to surrender. Sev- eral pistol shots were fired on both sides, when GBeebe was shot dead by Jones, who ran and made his escape from the crowd. The City Council caused him to be advertised, and a reward of $500 offered for his apprehension. No cer- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 427 tain intelligence was ever had of him until the summer of 1857, when he was arrested in Wisconsin, and brought to the Franklin County jail. In Novem- ber, 1857, he had his trial in the Court of Common Pleas, and was found guilty of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to the penitentiary during life. On the 4th of July, 1855, Henry Foster, a young man of about nineteen years of age, a native of Colum- bus, was killed on the street by a shot from a pistol, by some one of the association of Turners. This associa- tion was composed of young Germans. The object of their asssociation was to practice and improve them- selves in various kinds of athletic exercises. They had their officers, and their rules and regulations, like other societies. On this occasion they were marching the street in procession, when it appears they were assault- ed by some boys — Henry Foster of the number — by throwing stones into their ranks, which assault was returned, and from the throwing of stones, the firing of pistols ensued, when Foster was shot down and died in a few hours. This created a great excitement, and some thirty or more of the Turners were arrested and hurried into jail. From thence they were taken before 'Squire Field where they underwent a legal examination, and a 428 HISTORY, ETC. number of them were held to bail. But on trial no conviction was ever had, as the individual who dis- charged the fatal shot could not be identified. In the month of April, 1856, Nicholas Kelley, a youth of about eighteen years of age, a son of Mr. N. J. Kelley, of Columbus, was shot by a German named Christian Ilenold, on the river bank near the Harris- burgh bridge, in the vicinity of Columbus, for a trifling provocation. Henold was indicted for murder in the first degree, and tried in July, 1856. The jury return- ed a verdict of murder in the second degree, and he was sentenced to the penitentiary during life. CHAPTER XLII. manufacturing establishments in coluxmbus in 1858. ridgway's foundry. This was the first successful manufacturing establish- ment in Columbus. It was commenced in the spring of 1822, by Joseph Ridgway, then from the State of New York. For some years he used horse power instead of steam, and the principal article of manufacture was Jethro Wood's patent plow, of which he made and sold an immense number. It was then considered the best plow in use. About the first of January, 1830, he hav- ing associated with him his nephew Joseph Ridgway, jr., they introduced into their factory steam instead of horse power, and extended their business to the manufacturing of machinery, steam engines, stoves, etc., etc. For many years, they did an extensive business, giving em- ployment to about fifty or sixty hands, generally. Jo- seph Ridgway, jr., having died in 1850, the business was continued successfully by the surviving partner and administrator, until the spring of 1854, when he sold out, and transferred the whole establishment to Peter 430 HISTORY OF Ha3^den, Esq., since which it has been owned and con- ducted b}^ Mr. Hay den. THE FRANKLIN FOUNDRY, Generally known by the name of " Gill's Foundry," was commenced in 1838, by John L. Gill, Wm. A. Gill, and Henry Glover. In 1839, John McCune took the place of Mr. Glover, and the firm of Gills & McCune continued till May 1848. From that time the business was continued by J. L. & W. A. Gill, till July 1852, since which time it was conducted solely by Mr. John L. Gill, until July 1857, when he associated with him his son, J. L. Gill, jr. This establishment commenced business with about twenty-five hands, and was princi- pally engaged in the manufacture of stoves, plows and mill irons, and did a successful business. For the last few years, the establishment gave- employment generally to from sixty to seventy-five persons. In 1855, Mr. Gill commenced the manufacture of his celebrated combina- tion steel plow, and is now manufacturing near four thousand per year. The amount of capital invested in the establishment is estimated at about $50,000. COLUMBUS MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. This manufacturing establishment was commenced by Charles Ambos and James Lennox, in 1849, with a cap- FRANKLIN COUNTY. 431 ital of some eight or ten thousand dollars. It was des- ignated by the name of " Eagle Foundry," and the firm by that of Ambos & Lennox. After continuing the business until the spring of 1854, they sold out for up- wards of $68,000 ; and it was converted into a joint stock company, by its present name. The present company commenced with about thirty stockholders, and a capital of $80,000. They subse- quently increased their capital to $100,000. The com- pany employ about one hundred and twenty-five men on an average, the year round, and pay to their officers and hands about $4,000 on the first day of each month; and turn out in machinery and castings, from $140,000 to $150,000 a year. This company put up the iron frame w^ork for the roofing of the State House, all the iron ceiling, galleries and railings, in the same. The ground occupied by the company is three hundred and twenty by one hundred and eighty-five feet. Charles Ambos is, and has been, the Superintendent from the commencement. Samuel Galloway was the first President, but being elected to Congress in 1854, he was succeeded by that experienced manufacturer, John S. Hall, Esq. H. Crary was Treasurer and Secre- tary until January, 1857, when he was succeeded by P. Ambos as Treasurer, and F. G. Jones as Secretary. Jo- 432 HISTORY OF seph Coffin has been chief foreman ever since the com- mencement. The present Directors are, John S. Hall, P. Ambos, W. E. Ide, F. J. Matthews, Amos McNary, B. S. Brown, J. P. Bruck. PETER HAYDEN's EXTENSIVE WORKS, Commenced some twenty years since, consist princi- pally in the manufacturing of iron into various useful forms, partly from pig metal and partly from scrap iron ; of which they procure immense quantities, and manu- facture it into bar iron, hoop iron, and all sizes of wires. The establishment is very extensive, and gives employ- ment generally to over a hundred hands. The manufacture of saddlery, stirrups, buckles, etc., by Mr. Ilayden, is principally done in the prison, by convict labor. The writer regrets that he is not enabled to give a fuller history and description of this large establishment, but it seems the proprietor did not desire it, and it is therefore thus briefly noticed. OHIO TOOL COMPANY. This is an extensive manufacturing company, incorpo- rated in 1851, under a general law authorizing the for- mation and organization of such companies. Capital FRANKLIN COUNTY. 433 stock $190,000. The chief article of manufacture is carpenters' planes, hence it is frequently called the Plane Factory. The average number of hands employ- ed in the various departments of the business, is about two hundred. The concerns of the company are said to be in a prosperous condition, and the stock in good demand. It is controlled by a Board of seven Directors. Present Officers. — George Gere, Pres't; A. Thomas, Sec'y and Treas'r ; C. H. Clark, Sup't. Directors.— 0. Allen, W. A. Piatt, A. McNairy, J. R. Swan, George Gere, P. Ilayden, J. M. McCune. CAR FACTORY. In 1849, Messrs. Joseph Ridgway, sr., and Joseph Ridgway, jr., who had for many years been doing a heavy business in their iron foundry, associated with them in their new enterprise of car manufacturing, Mr. Pearl Kimball, from Massachusetts, a gentleman of ex- perience in that line of business. They made extensive and costly buildings and preparations west of the river, by the side of the railroad, and went very extensively into the business under the firm name of " Ridgways & Kimball." Their cars were of the first quality, and in extensive demand. In 1850, Mr. Ridgway, jr., died; but the business was continued by the other two part- ners successfully, until the spring of 1856, when their 28 434 HISTORY OF main building and its contents were entirely destroyed by fire. They never rebuilt it, but continued the busi- ness on a smaller scale, until about the first of January, 1857, when Mr. Eidgway sold o'ut his interest to Mr. Kimball, who has since continued the business alone. Before the destruction by fire, they generally gave employment to about eighty men. THE COLUMBUS WOOLEN FACTORY. This company organized in 1851, under the general act authorizing such incorporations. In 1851 and '52, they erected their buildings, procured their machinery, and commenced manufacturing in the summer or fall of 1852. The first Board of Directors, were A. P. Stone, F. C. Kelton, Theodore Comstock, John Butler, and Jas. Lennox. The principal business officer of the company is the Superintendent, who, subject to the order of the Direc- tors, manages and controls the business of the establish- ment. The successive Superintendents have been, J. L. Haughton, John H. Stage, A. P. Mason. The dividends to stockholders have generally been made in certificates of additional stock, or manufactured goods. And in this way, the capital stock has been in- creased until it now amounts to about $56,000. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 435 The present officers and agents of the company are, A. P. Stone, President ; J. F. Bartlett, Peter Ambos, J. P. Bruck, L. Hoster, Directors. A. P. Mason, Superintendent ; C. E. Batterson, Book- keeper. BROTHERLIN AND HALM's CHAIR AND CABINET WARE FACTORY. This is owned by a private firm, composed of the two gentlemen whose names it bears, who associated together for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of chairs and cabinet furniture by steam power and machinery. In the spring of 1853, they commenced their building in the south-west corner of the city near the canal, and in July of the same year commenced manufacturing. In February, 1856, their building was totally de- stroyed by fire. But with the energy of real business men, they without delay commenced rebuilding ; and by the first of July following, their manufacturing again commenced. The number of hands they employ is generally about forty. Their furniture store, for the sale of their manufac- tured articles, is kept on High street. TUB AND PAIL MANUFACTORY. This establishment is the property of an incorporated joint stock company, formed for the purpose of manu- 436 HISTORY OF facturing liollow wooden ware, by steam power and machinery. They organized and erected their buildings on the west bank of the Scioto in 1855, and in July, 1856, commenced manuflicturing. The capital stock subscribed and paid in is near $28,000, which was not a sufficient amount to pay for the improvements and start the business to advantage. But the company per- severed, and they were said to be mastering their difficulties and doing a pretty fair business, with the prospect of a bright future. But on the 10th of May 1858, their factory was struck by lightning, and the building and all its contents consumed by fire. It is said that they will rebuild. The affairs of the com- pany are controlled by a Board of five Directors. Present Officers — George Kanemacher, President; W. L. Hughes, Secretary ; IT. Crary, Treasurer ; J. IT. Beebe, Superintendent. CITY MILLS Now owned by a private firm composed of Messrs. Comstock, Harrison and Decker, and doing business under the firm name of " A. S. Decker & Co." The mill was originally erected by Mr. Comstock, west of the canal, and there known by the name of " Novelty Mills." In 1856, the present firm was formed, and the steam power and mill machinery were removed into the FRANKLIN COUNTY. 437 new building on Fourth street in the early part of 1857, and was then named " City Mills." Mr. Decker is the acting agent. Beside the foregoing manufactories, there are various others in successful operation in the city, amongst which are the Saw Factory at the corner of Water and Spring streets, propelled by steam — proprietors, Messrs. Ohlen and Drake ; several Planing Machines, propelled by steam, at which are also manufactured doors, sash, blinds, etc.; Messrs. Swan and Davies's Foundry and Machine Shop, on the west side of the river, established a few years since, and giving employment to from twenty-five to thirty men ; the new steam Paper Mill of Messrs. Hines and Miller, erected in the fall of 1857, and which commenced manufacturing paper in January, 1858 ; the Coffee and Spice Grinding Mill, established by the Messrs. Rose, and now owned by C. P. L. Butler, Esq., worked b}^ steam power ; Messrs. Shoedinger and Brown's Furniture Manufactor}^ ; and two extensive Breweries at the south end of the city, one owned by Messrs. Hoster and Silbernagle, and the other by Mr. John Blenkner. CHAPTER XLIII. POST OFFICE, AND BOROUGH AND CITY OFFICERS, ETC. The Columbus post ofBce was established in 1813, and in 1838 was made a distributing office. Matthew Matthews, appointed postmaster in 1813 — retired in 1814. Joel Buttles, " " 1814 " 1829. Bela Latham, " " 1829 " 1841. John G. Miller, " " 1841 " 1845. Jacob Medary, " " 1845 — died in 1847. Samuel Medary, " " 1847— retired in 1849. Aaron F. Perry, " " 1849 " 1853. Thomas Sparrow, " " 1853 " 1857. Thomas Miller, " " 1857 " 1858. Samuel Medary, " " 1858. Tlie first act to incorporate the Borough of Columbus, was passed the 10th of February, 1816, and vested the corporate authority in nine Couucilmen ; from which body a Mayor, who also acted as President of the Coun- cil, a Recorder and Treasurer, were elected by the Council. Thc}^ also appointed a Surveyor, a Marshal, and Clerk of the Market, and a Lister and Appraiser, FRANKLIN COUNTY. 439 to list and value property for borough taxation. The Retorc^er made out ihe tax duplicate, and the Marshal was the collector. The first election for Councilmen was held at the Columbus Inn, on the 6th of May, 1816. The elections were by general ticket, and all the town voted at the same poll. The first members were to serve one, two and three years, so that three new members were elected each year after. The first Councilmen elect met at the same inn on the 13th of the same month, and organized. Of this first Board of Councilmen, there are yet living in the city Messrs. II. Brown and Jeremiah Armstrong. In March, 1817, the old market house, that had been erected by contributions, Avas declared a nuisance, and an ordinance passed for its removal. During the eighteen years of the borough organiza- tion, from 1816 to 1834, the following gentlemen served at various periods, as members of the Council, to wit : Messrs. Robert W. McCoy, Jeremiah Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, Henry Brown, John Cutler, Caleb Houston, John Kerr,'=' Michael Patton, Jarvis Pike, James B. Gar- diner, Christian Heyl, Wm. McElvain, James Kooken, * Mr. Kerr died 20th of July, 1823. He was then a member of the Council, Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and President of the Franklin Bank — an active business man, and highly respected. 440 HISTORY OF Townsend Nichols, Ralph Osborn, P. H. Olmsted, John Jeffords, Eli C. King, L. Goodale, Charles Lofland, W. T. Martin, John Greenwood, John Laughry, James Rob- inson, John W. Smith, Wm. Long, Joel Buttles, Nathan- iel McLean, Joseph Ridgway, George Jeffries, John Warner, Robert Brotherton, Jonathan Neereamer, Rob- ert Riorden, Samuel Parsons, John Patterson, Moses R. Spurgion. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 441 h5 SP5 a> 03 a> a> S o o a' . . . . >,CC! .o t;,c» O O QJ . S E « « o -= P E -- ™ C3 rt .S CO I "o .S g ^o 13 .= = a o pq a S ^ ca 1^ 5P O be O O) O) CD «• 25 a a =15 a a a a O 33 « :! s a ^ »vj ra SB ca e O r- P5 § cC!co^EHa2GO'~'^aicca2c/i « «> « o ^ a a a £^ cd rt rt C3 z*^ .0 H -E a a a W .0- cot— C0050T-lC-1CO-fiOQ5l~~C»050'— iCICO 1— I I— I 1— 1 r-i (?i ^ CI CM c^i '^^ (M ^5 cvi cri CO CO (TO CO 00X0OGOCOQOG00OGO'3OQOC/D00'XQOQO0OC» S « s a 5 rt p. 2 3 3 la MS O) 442 HISTORY OF By an act of the Legislature, passed March 3d, 1834, Columbus Avas incorporated a city, and divided into three wards. All north of State street constituted the first ward, all between State and Rich the second, and all south of Rich the third ward ; each ward to be represented by four Councilmen, to be elected on the second Monday of April, in the same year. The term of service of the first Board to be determined by lot, and afterward one member to be elected annually from each ward. The Mayor to be elected biennially by the people. On the 14th of April, 1834, (being the second Mon- day,) the first election under the new charter was held, which resulted as follows : MAYOR. Jobn Brooks, elected for two years. COUNCILMEN. First Ward. Second Ward. Tliird Ward. Joseph Ridgway, Jonathan Neereamer, John Patterson, R. W. McCoy, Noah H. Swayne, Christian Heyl, Henry Brown, Francis Stewart, Wra. Miner, Otis Crosby. Wm. Long. Wra. T. Martin. APPOINTMENTS BY THE COUNCIL. Robert W. McCoy, President; Wm. T. Martin, Recorder; William Long, Treasurer; J. A. Lapbam, Surveyor; Abraham Stotts, Marshal and Clerk of Market. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 443 Mr. McCoy was continued President by reelections until he resigned his seat in July, 1853. He hud been a member of the Council from the first election in 1816, and that body honored his long and faithful services by procuring and preserving in their chamber his well drawn and neatly framed likeness. They also honored Doctor Goodale, for his donation of the park grounds, with an elegant, full-sized portrait, handsomely framed, which also hangs in the Council chamber. William T. Martin was continued Recorder till 1839, then Wiliam Miner till 1843, and then Joseph Ridg- way, jr., till 1850, when the office was abolished. In 1840, the Council appointed B. F. Martin City Clerk, by whom the business of Recorder was afterward per- formed, and he was continued by reappointments until 1857, since when Joseph Dowdall has been City Clerk. The successive Treasurers since 1834, have been William Long till 1836, then Jonathan Neereamer till 1838, then John Greenwood till 1843, and since then Wm. Armstrong until the present time, 1858. In 1851, the office of City Solicitor was created, and J. L. Bates appointed, who resigned in January, 1852. In April, 1852, Henry C. Noble was appointed. In 1853, Emory Butler, who resigned in April, 1854, in conse- quence of declining health, since which James A. Wil- cox has filled the place. 444 HISTORY OF The successive Mayors, Marshals, Surveyors, and Clerks of the Market have been as follows : 1834 183o 183(5 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 Mayor. Marshal. Surveyor. John Brooks .... John Bailhache* . Warron Jeiikius . .... Same Philo 11. Olmsted .... Same John G. Miller . . Thomas Woodf . . A.. I. McDowell . . S. E. Wright Abraham Stotts . .CR-PrezrimiDsky .... Same J. A. Lapham . . . Geo. B. Harvey . Nath. Medberry . . . . . Same iJohn Field Same jUriah Lathrop . . Same i Same . . . Same j . . . . Same .... Same JX. B. Kelley .... .... Same Same Geo. Riordon Same Same Geo. B. Harvey A.lex. Pattoa .... I Same A. S. Decker ....!.... Same Ale.\-. Patton 'John Whitzell. . .... Same ! . . . . Same Lorenzo English. Same Same .... Same .... Same .... Same .... Same .... Same .... Same . . Same . . Same . . Same John H. Turney . James Stephens. . .... Same H. M. Wakemaa .... Same .... Same John B. Coflfroth. .... Same Uriah Lathrop . . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same . . . . Same .... Same . . . . Same Philip D. Fisher; .... Same Clerk of Market. Abr. stotts. , Same. G. B. Harvey. . . . Same. . . . Same. . . . Same. . . . Same. . . . Same. . . . Same. Ireo. Riordon. lohu Whitzell. i. B. Harvey, facob Turney. . . Same. G. B. Harvey. . . . Same. . . . Same. . . Same. Isaac Marple. 13. B. Brown. . . . Same. i. W. Watson. . . Same, ^amuel Ross. . . . Same. By an ordinance passed by the Council, on the 18th of February, 1846, the city was divided into five w^ards. All north of Gay street, to constitute the first Avard ; all between Gay and State streets, the second ; all between State and Rich streets, the third ; all between Rich and Mound streets, the fourth ; and all south of Mound street, the fifth. Each ward to be represented by three members in Council. * Appointed by the Council in place of Brooks, resigned, f Appointed by the Council in place of Miller, resigned, t The office, since 1857, has been styled Civil Engineer. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 445 But subsequently, by an act of the Legislature, pass- ed May 3, 1852, for the organization of cities, etc., the number of Councilmen for each ward is reduced to two. The fifty-ninth section of that act provides, that on the first Monday in April, 1853, there shall be two members elected in each ward, one of whom shall serve two years, the other one year. And the last section of the same act provides, that the officers in office at the passage of the act, should hold out their respective terms. It now became a question whether to hold an election or not. The term of one of the members in each ward expired at this time, which would reduce the Council to the number required, without any election ; but it would not be in accordance with the letter of the above provis- ion, requiring an election at this particular time ; and the members not being disposed to resign their places, the two members in each ward, whose terms did not expire, held on, and the Council ordered an election for two additional members. So that the first year under the new charter, each ward had four members instead of two ; the second year three members, and the third year (1855) the Council was reduced to the number required — two in each ward. The large Council, in 1853, was composed of the fol- lowing gentlemen, to wit : 446 HISTORY, ETC First Ward. Wm. Dennison, jr., M. P. Hewlett, John Miller, John Noble. Second Ward. J. W. Baldwin, Luther Donaldson, Benjamin Blake, Robert Cutler. Fourth Ward. Theodore Comstock, Augustus S. Decker, William Miner, John Butler. Third Ward. R. W. McCoy, Dwight Stone, Win. Dornigan, Robert Hume. Fifth Ward. Lewis Hoster, Jacob Rinehard, James H. Stauring, John Rader. The Councilmen of 1858 " COLUMBUS, OHIO. q > All persons desiring first class Fire or Life Insurance, will find 7i it to their interest to call at the above Office. Persons vrishing to purchase Real Estate, either Farms, City Property, or Western Lands, are requested to call and examine my list before purchasing elsewhere. Real Estate sold, or exchanged, on commission; Farms and City Property rented, and Collections promptly attended to, at the above Office. REAL. ESTATE OFFICE. C:? O IjXJ IS/L 33 XJ s MACHIl MANMCTURISG CO, WEST END NATIONAL BRIDGE, Having one of the largest and best furnished shops in the West, we are prepared to manufacture STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL GEARING, And Machinery of every description for And all Factories where Steam or "Water Power is used. ■ALSO,- Double and Single Action Pnmps ; Steam Drums; Mud Valves; Boiler Fronts; Grate Bars; Safety and Blow-off Valves; Shafting; Hangers and Pulleys; Cast Iron Fronts for Buildings; Iron Shutters; Cast and Wrought Grating; Boiler Iron Vaults and Tanks; Iron Roofs; Bridge Bolts, Nuts and Castings; Water Pipes ; Gas Pipes and Retorts; Welded Wrought Iron Pipes; Boiler Flues; Tubular Heaters; Steam Fittings; Valves; Cocks; Steam Coils for Heating Appa- ratuses. We would especially solicit orders for RAIL ROAD WORK: Car Wheels and Axles ; Pedestals aud Oil Boxes of Lightner's Patent ; Lap Switches, with Right and Left- hand Stands ; T-Rail Iron Frogs, with or without Spring Rails ; Cast-iron Frogs, with Steel Plates and Points; Wrought and Cast-iron Crossings, of any angle ; Water-Station Pumps and Pipes, with Valves and Strainers. We are also manufacturing For Water Stations, fitted up complete, with Saw attached, for Wood Yards. Prompt attention will be given to all Orders, and satisfaction warranted. DIKECTORS. J. S. HALL, B. S. BROWN, AMOS McXABY, W. E. IDE, J. P. BRUCK, PETER AMBOS, J. M. McCUNE. CHARLES AMBOS, Supt. J. S. HALL, President. PETER AMBOS, Treas. F. G. JOKES, Sec'i/. ( 2 ) FASHION^^BLE ALLEN, TOERY & CO., (Successors to Allen & Son) 45 SOUTH HIGH STREET, COLUMBUS, Second Door South of Neil House Entrance, Have an EXTENSIVE and CHOICE ASSORTMENT of every variety of mm^ mm mm^ i MOSTLY CUSTOM-MADE, AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Having procured the services of Mr. A. P. Howe, a gentleman of long experience, and of high reputation as foreman in the most Fash- ionable Custom Shops in the city of New York, we are prepared to say to the Public, that we will make to measure, on short notice. La- dies' and Gentlemen's, Misses' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, of every variety of style, of finest material, and unsurpassed workman- ship. Of every description constantly on hand, and for sale. 1^ All persons are requested to call and examine before buying elsewhere. ALLEN, TORRY & CO. ( 3 ) WILLIAM A. GILL, No. 30 North High Street, Columhus, AGRICULTURAL WAREnOUSE, AND DEALER IN FIELD, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS. ALSO, IfEALER IN Nails, Glass, Sash, Putty, Brushes and Cordage, of all kinds, Guns, Pistols and Rigging, Wood and Willow Ware, Leather and Rubber Belting, Lace Leather, Rubber Hose and Packing, Cistern and Well Pumps, Well and Pump Chain, Wood and Iron Tubing, Wood and Iron Well Curbs, Hydraulic Rams, Horse Powers, Saw Mills, Star Corn and Cob Mills, Threshing Machines and Separa- tors, from 2 to 8 horse power. Reapers and Mowers, single or combined, from many of the best manufactories. Garrett & Cottman's Steel Plows, Field and Garden Rollers, Horse Hoes, Harrows, Steel Cultivators, Cutting Box, in variety. Hand and Power Corn Shellers, from $9 to $75 each, Ox Yokes and Bows, a very supe- rior article of each, Horse and Hand Hay Rakea, Garden Engines and Syringes ( brass) , Root Pullers, Post-hole Augurs, (!!hisels. Spoons and Rammers, Vegetable Cutters, Manure Drags, and a thousand oth- er things too numerous to mention. WHOL£SAL£ AND EETAIL, CHEAP FOK CASH. Country Merchants are requested to call and examine my stock. W^M. A. GILL ( 4 ) 165 South High, between Town & Rich Sts., West Side, COLUMBUS, OHIO, X>Z3^^XjiZ3X%. XZO* n'^^wm Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, wmwiwwmmm^. ^ua Miiti^H ani f iquor^ far ^eMdiral llsfs, fhmm TOILET aETISiSi, TOIB^^CCO, CIC3--a.IiS, ETO. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly answered. Medicines warranted genuine, and of the best quality. ( 5 ) E. M. WILLIAMS & CO. At the Old Stand of Blake, Williams & Co. No. 117 South Front Street, between State and Town, COI.FMBUS, OHIO, — KEEP FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WORK, SUCH AS — PHAETON, STRAIGHT-BED, AND LIGHT SHIFTING-TOP ^ wff ^^ ^m. j|^ ^^ S) M OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; SULKIES, CITY HACKS, OMNIBUSES, &c. 1^ We have a large assortment of selected materials, and employ none but FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, and warrant our work to give satisfaction. We are now prepared to sell work, for cash, at less prices than any establishment in the West, (who make work of equal quality.) Columbus, May 20, 1858. ( 6 ) i» m. Bmnwm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN pats, €^s, c^lrato ^mh, h., 55 South High St.^ Columbus, 0., My stock of the above Goods, for the Spring Trade, will embrace all the different varieties of FRENCH FELT AND SOFT CASSIMERE HATS, Of the most desirable shapes and colors ; Men and Boys' Black, Brown, Pearl and Gray Wool Hats, Of the Hungarian, French, Panama and Young America styles." mm%j mw Mm mmwmn mm, Of every variety, for Spring and Summer wear. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF ittir anil gap' |mm, €mmt, ftglfeotn, 'guin & $iilra f af H A.T S. Children's, Misses' and Infant's Fancy Straw Hats, LADIES' AND MISSES' DRESS FURS, MUFFS, ETC. To be bad at the New Hat Store of J. H. Smith. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SHIPPING FURS. ( 7 ) iMllMl^l (Successor to H> H. Kimball) 127 SOUTH HIGH STREET, SECOND DOOR NORTH OF GOODALE HOUSE, COLUMBUS, O., gO^RQ ©[F TKIIE ©(Q)[L[D)[lRn ©©©Tp WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEE, Has a very extensive and choice assortment of Boots and Shoes! Also, the Lai-gest and Best Stock in the City of LEATHER, MOROCCO, FINDINGS, AND All of which has been purchased for Cash, and will be sold accord- ingly. Manufacturers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. 11^ Boots and Shoes made to order, and warranted. I. G. HAM MAN. ( 8 ) 0^. [B. KI]m[p[Li3 100 South High St., Corner High & State, COS.UMBFS. Keeps constantly on hand a complete assortment of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Instruments, V ^^ t /2v Paints, Physicians' Scales, ^ ^^ ^l Oils, Pocket Medicine Cases, C^"^ ^4- I>ye Stuffs, Glassware, ^ mT '^aj^^ Soaps, Window Glass CFrench and l^/^^ Jr^\ Perfumery, IN SHORT, EVERY ARTICLE TO BE FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. ^S" Respectfully solicits Physicians, Country Merchants and others, wish- ing to purchase First Class Goods, to call, examine articles, prices — and buy. IW YORK FANCY DRY GiDS » 156 South High St., Corner High & Town, COLUMBUS, 0. Bonnets, ! Dress Silks, Ribbons, : White Goods, Flowers, Cloaks, Trimmings, Shawls & Mantles, Embroideries, Millinery Goods, &c. &:c. &;c. Bonnets Bleached, Pressed and Trimmed in the neatest manner. B ( 9 ) Nos. 23 & 25, South High Street, (FOUR DOORS NORTH OP NEU, HOUSE) COLUMBUS Xi]s J^i'gest 61oll|i<)g Jfoqse li\ Cctifl'^) 01]io. Always on hand a varied and Fashionable Assortment of ®* fPIt ItX'^K mo Of every style and Variety, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Also, a Magnificent Stock of Which will be made up to order in the best and most fashionable Terms as low as any in the State, and at fixed f rices. MARCUS CHILDS, Proprietor. ( 10 ) H. ^Um$k ^^lUkim ^$$^^. €i@^^i. m^mTm^M.% w&mn'w 'py *> o> M 9 SILKS, &c., (fee- All of the Latest Styles, and on reasonable terms. BONNETS BLEACHED, PKES3ED AND TRIMMED, ON 8H0ET NOTICE. ( 11 ) parito Jfiit |n$iirantf Contpni, OF II^ETFOIir>. Incorporated in 1810. Capital, $500,000 : all paid up. Charter Perpetual. H. HUNTINGTON, ALBERT DAY, JAMES GOODWIN, DIRECTORS, CHAKLE3 BOSWELL, HENRY KENEY, CALVIN DAY, JOB ATXYN, JOHN P. BRACE, CHAKLES J. KUSS. C. B. BOWERS, Secretary. C. C. LYMAN, Assistant Secretary. H. HUNTINGTON, President WM. N. BOWERS, Actuary. D. ALEXANDER, Gen. Agent for the Western Country. JOHN GRAHAM, Assistant Gen. Agent, " " AGENCY HARTFORD FIRE INS. CO OFFICE: No. 4 Johnson Building, 107 SOUTH IIIGPI STREET. INSURANCE EFFECTED UPON Business Houses, Mtrchmidize, Manufactories and contents, Dwellings and other Property, AT REASONABLE RATES. Risks taken on Dwellings, for three or five years, either in City or Country, at very low figures. J. L. GORDON, Agt. ( 12 ) MM J. C. WOODS, (Successor to A. Reed and A. Barr & Co.) Odeon Buildings, High St., and Buckeye Block, Broadway, Chickering & Sons, Hallet, Davis & Co., > PIANO FORTES. A. H. Gale & Co., was©!! it nhmuM m^nzL wiel^ie^hb. Chickering's Pianos have received ELEVEN GOLD MEDALS, FOURTEEN SILVER MEDALS, THREE BRONZE MEDALS, PRIZE MEDAL from World's Fair, London, 1851. I sell all the above instruments at Factory prices, and fully war- ranted. The best assortment of »r®) In Central Ohio is at my Warerooms. TUNING AND EEPiVmrKG DONE BY A COMPETENT PEESON. AND ^'^w ,;/'i J. C. WOODS, 61 South High, and 18 East Broad Sis., Golumhus. ( 13 ) dj, n, SIP, (GiLixniSo (Bi:^mArLniiri. ©(eodweFo ST. CLAIR & SCOTT, DEALERS IN C00luit0, parlor anlr Office ^taks, mQWBm wwrnEMBEMEM m@@mM^ SHELF-HARDWAREj AND TIN WARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 271 South High Street, Corner Friend & High, COL.UMBUS, OHIO. Roofing, Spouting, and Copper Jobbing, will be done promptly, either in city or country, in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. Give us a call. Til IP J. H. RILEY & CO., 75 SOUTH HIGH STREET, COLUMBUS, 0., AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Paper Hangings, Borders and Decorations ; Window Shades and Cornices ; Paintings and Engravings ; Portrait and Picture Frames ; Pier and Oval Glasses. ( 14 ) RS. WINCHESTER continues to keep open the Daguerrean Rooms Ms^-h °^ ^^'^ ^^*^ husband, in the O D E O N ^^"^^^^^^1^ BUILDINGS, opposite the State ^.^.^^^~~-Hr.