'.t^, ,,■; ^:^r^^;;^• ;:;;.: ;.•■■■ •■•V;, j,-,y.' ,- .'• '.' ■ .' ',■ ■•>. •jL'.-.-.vv.} ** *v », f • ■•''■ t « -:Ot'./ .V.!.-.\'y;juv. ■ ^■■" ,. .^^ .... . . .„,,, . rj.'.,-^r.-,'it;''.; .. ■ ;■•;• vv^J-v',- .:■,: ■ 'W' ■ '. ■ H.; ,•;:■;. -:,■■ Qass_L_5_S_^ Book. ^^Ho. / u _© k^ ^-«- 9/' HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY, INDIANA, TOGETHER WITH SKETCHES OF ITS CITIES, VILLAGES AND TOWNS, EDUCATIONAL, RELIGIOUS, CIVIL, MILITARY, AND POLITICAL HIOTORT, PORTRAITS OF PROMINENT PERSONS, AND BIOGRAPHIES OF REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS. ALSO A CONDENSED HISTORY OF INDIANA, EMBODYING ACCOUNTS OF PREHISTORIC RACES, ABORIGINES, WINNE- BAGO AND BLACK HAWK WARS, AND A BRIEF REVIEW OF ITS CIVIL AND POLITICAL HISTORY. -^ IlililJSTKATED. CHICAGO: INTER-STATE PUBLISHING CO. 1885. ^t -S> S^3 /. THE BLAKELY PRINTING COMPANY. PRINTERS, 'SS * IS7 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. DONOHUE to <3\ PREFACE slight importance placed on the preservation of records in the early- days of our history, and failure on the part of those having the knowledge to impart it to the compiler. In the spelling of proper names, vs^e have found in this as in other counties that members of a family disagree; and where such is the case, who shall decide? In the personal sketches we of course "followed copy," but in the general history we have tried to give the preference to the forms used by the majority. Also, members of the same family differ often as 'to dates and places. In public records, too, we have found a single name spelled no less than twelve different ways. The desire expressed by many citizens for an outline history of Indiana induced us to add that feature to our prospectus, and we have accordingly prepared a history which we are willing to have compared with any yet published. But a review of the contents of this volume is not necessary. Our readers must be the judges of its value. We trust they will pronounce as their verdict that the book is not one to be read to day and then laid on the shelf; that, as other sources of information diminish, it will stand as a monument to tell to coming generations the noble part their fore- fathers took in the settlement of the grand State of Indiana, and the beautiful little county of Steuben. THE PUBLISHERS. Chicago, September, 1885. -7\ i \ <5\ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pre-Historic Races— First HISTORY OF INDIANA. FORMER OCCUPANTS. Immigration-Second Immigration-The Tartars-Relics of the 'Mound BuUders-The Indians-Manners and Customs EXPLORATION BY THE WHITES. 17-36 37-51 EXPEDITION OF COL. GEORGE ROGERS CLARK. Against Kaskaskia-Vincennes-Ingenious Ruse Against the Indians-Subsequent Career ^^^ of Hamilton- Gibault— Vigo GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST. „ . ^ 67-74 Ordinance of 1787— Liquor and Gaming Laws MILITARY HISTORY, 1790-1800. Expedition 01 Harmar,Scott and Wilkinson- Expeditions of St-^lair and Wayne-Gen- ^_^^ eral Wayne's Great Victory. TERRITORIAL HISTORY. Organization of Indiana Territory-First Territorial Legislature--The Western Sun-Indl-^^^^^ ana in 1810 GOVERNOR HARRISON AND THE INDIANS. 87 100 Treaties of Peace-Harrison's Campaign-Battle of Tippecanoe WAR OF 1812 WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Declaration of War-Siege of Fort Wayne-Expedition Against the Indians-Close of the ^^^ War TECUMSEH. poinlment CIVIL MATTERS OF 1812-1815. Messaee of John Gibson-Message of Governor Posey-Hospitality Toward the Indians-- Popu?ation of TsiS-General View-Close of Territorial History "^ 1^ ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE. Constitutional Convention-First General Assembly-Governor's Message-Rush of Im'^i-^,^^^ grants to the New State— General Prosperity BLACK HAWK WAR. Removal of Indians West of the Mississippi-Unwilling to Leave T^id' , hunting Grounds- An Attempt to Defy the Decrees of Government-Tlie Militia Called ^^'i*-*-^?^'''^® i^J_i3o Black Hawk LAST EXODUS OF THE INDIANS. Emigration under Command of Colonel Pepper and General Tipton-Indian Title8-6,000,-^_^^^ 000 Acres Ceded to the United States 4 =!4 CONTEJSTS. LAND SALES. First Land Sale— Settlers vs. Land Speculators— An Indian Scare— Harmony Com- munity 133-135 MEXICAN WAR. Cause of the War-Troops Called Out— Incidents of the War— Bravery of the Soldiers— The Troops from Indiana— Cost of the War 136-143 SLAVERY, AND INDIANA IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Fifteenth Amendment— Indiana Patriots Among the First to Respond to the Call for Troops —Indiana's "War Governor" to the Front— 10,000 Men from Indiana— Three Months' Keg- iments- Three Years' Regiments— Minute Men— Six Months' Regimentg— One Hundred Days Volunteers-The President's Call of July, 1864— Call of December, 1864— Inde- pendent Cavalry Company— Colored Troops— Light Artillery— Battles in v?hich Indiana Soldiers Fought— After the War 144193 FINANCIAL. Early Taxes— State Bank— Wealth and Progress— Internal Improvements— Canals— Turn- pikes— Railroads 194 205 GEOLOGY. Developments of Mineral Resources— Rich Iron Mines— Coal— Lime 205-209 AGRICULTURAL. State Board of Agriculture— Exposition -Indiana Horticultural Society— Indiana Pomo- logical Society 209-215 EDUCATION. Public Schools— Indiana State University— Purdue University— Indiana State Normal School- Northern Indiana Normal School and Business Institute, Valparaiso— Denom- inational and Private Institutions 315-232 BENEVOLENT AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. Institute for the Education of the Blind— Institute for the Deaf and Dumb— Hospital for the Insane-The State Prison South— The State Prison North— Female Prison and Reforma- tory-Indiana House of Refuge 233-244 Introductory. HISTORY OF STEUBEX COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Importance of Local History— Life in the Backwoods— Courage of the Pioneers— Their Labor and Rewards— Change of Fifty Years— Integrity and Generosity of the Early Set- tlers-Grand Achievements 245-351 CHAPTER IL Scientific. Geography and Topography— Geology-Zoology 252-372 CHAPTER III. Eari.t,.Histort. First Settlement and First Land Entries— Organization of County— Location of County Seat -Name ol County— First Officials— First Session Board of Commissioners— Bond of Joseph Pierce— Erection of Jamestown Township— First Treasurer of County— Erec- tion of Otsego Township— Assessor and Collector Appointed— County Buildings, Court- house, Jail and Asylum— Pioneer Reunions— Organization of Society— Proceedings of Meetings from 1873 to 1884— D. B. Griffin's Reminiscences— Mrs. J. B. Wisel's Reminis- cences 273-313 CHAPTER IV. Political History. Whig, then Republican— Early Majorities— Presidential Vote from 1840 to 1884— Politi- cal Complexion of Townships— Total Vote at Each Presidential Election— Local Inde- pendence of Party Fetters— Personal Campaigns— Underground Railway Station at Orland— Official Vote from 1830 to 1884— Official List 314-338 a' "7. Q a^ ^- «6) CONTENTS. r The Cival War. CHAPTER V. Opening of the Strife— Springing to Arms— First Company in Steuben County— Early Enlistments- S-ott Township Guards— Regimental Sketches— Twenty-ninth— History of Company A, by Irenus McGowan— Forty-fourth— Forty-eighth— One Hundredth- One Hundred and Twenty-seventh (Twelfth Cavalry)— One Hundred and Twenty-ninth— One Hundred and Fifty-second- List of Steuben County's Volunteers— Soldiers' Reun- ion at Angola 339-406 Thb Bar. CHAPTER VI. Early Lawyers— First Resident Attorney— Sketches of Those Who have Practiced Here —Present Bar— Sketches of Prominent Attorneys— G. B. Adams— E. A. Bratton— Cvrus Cline— A. W. Hendry— J. B. Langworthy— E. G. Melendy— J. K. Morrow— F. M Powers — L. H. Stocker— Stephen Powers ' 407 418 Medical. CHAPTER VII. Pioneer Physicians— Union Medical Society— Steuben County Medical Society— Orn-an- ization-Requir-ments— First Officers— Changes in Membership— Present Officers- Steuben County Medical and Surgical Society— Organization— First Officers— Member- ship— Sketches of Prominent Physicians— T. E. Bierl y— J. B. Blue— D N E Brown— J. M. Browu-H. M. Byall— J. F. Cameron— A. P. Clark— M. T. Clay— Albert Eastman— S. H. Fuller— C. W Goodale— D. P. Hathaway— G. W. McConnell— James McConnell— W. H. Miller— J. H. Moore— A. G. Parsell- E. S. Robison— M. F. Shaw— Frederick Sher man— E. B. Simmons— Robert Smith— E. A. Taylor— W. H. Waller— T B Williams— H. D. Wood— T. F. Wood 419 444 The Press. Indiana Review W. Ferrier, Sheffer CHAPTER VIII. view— Hoosier Banner— Truth Seeker— Steuben Republican— Sketches of W , O. F. Rauestraw aud F, T. Burnham— Angola Herald— Sketch of W. k! .445-449 Educational. CHAPTER IX. Introductory— Progress in Methods and Standards— Importance of Good Schools— Early Schools— Text Books— Northeastern Indiana Literary Institute, or Orland Academy-- Tri-State Normal College. AaaiCTILTURAL. CHAPTER X. Steuben an Agricultural County— Steuben Agricultural Society— Fairs— Pleasant Lake Agricultural Society— Fairs at Orland— Agricultural Statistics 458-465 Miscellaneous. CHAPTER XI. Postofflces and Postal Service in Steuben County— Property and Taxation— United Brethren Church— Red Ribbon Movement— Drowned in the Lak 38— Steuben's Oldest Inhabitant— A Lucky Find— Spelling Matches— Silas Doty 466-494 Mill Grove Township. CHAPTER XII. Geographical and Descriptive— First Settlement— Arrivals in 18,35 and 1836— Naming of Orland— First Mill and Dwellings— First Store— First Births, Marriages and Deaths- Early School-houses and Religious Meetings— Early Physicians— Churches and Pastors —Lodges— Political— Biographical 495-518 Jamestown Township. CHAPTER XIII. Position— Geography andTopography— First Settlers— First Land Entries— Postmasters and Post Routes— First Events— Independence Day in 1841— Jamestown's Early Days- Michael Depue— Barton Collins-Population— Agricultural Statistics— Politics— Town- ship Officials— Biographical 519-540 CHAPTER XIV. Fremont Township, Fir?t Known as Brockville— Geography and Topography— Earlv Settlement— Those Who Came Before 1810— R. A. Gaines and His Career— Platting of Brockville, afterward Fremont— Mail Routes— Ad. Knott's Store— Fourth of July, 1838— First Dwellinrael 711 Jones, H. S 711 Mariette, Daniel 712 Mundy, George 713 Mundy, Lewis 713 Ousterhout, J. N 714 JAMESTOWN TOWNSHIP. Failing, Thomas 534 Goodfellow, G. W 534 Haiijht, Frank 534 Lemmon, W.H..' 535 Mallory, Asa 536 Mallory, Clayton 536 Mallory, Ellas 537 Miller, H. C 538 MILL GROVE TOWNSHIP. Parsell, A. D 715 Richner, J. B 715 Rysn, Robert. 716 Sams, David 717 Shaff stall, Nathaniel 717 Shank, N. C 718 Spangle, Henry 718 Sqniers, C. S 719 Siayner, Periy 719 Twichell, Jonas, Jr 720 Mugs;, Thomas 530 Pereing, L. P .538 Shutts, H. C 538 Touslev, Joseph 530 Ward, D. C 539 Wheaton, Daniel 539 Wilder, J. H 539 McNelt, Jacob 510 i Slllabaugh, Elias 515 Partridge, A Win 511 LSmith, Hezekiah 515 Patterson, Adam 513 Pocock, Levi 512 Salisbury, C. D 513 Schneider, C. F 514 OTSEGO. TOWNSHIP. Crain, L. H 823 Davie, D. H 822 Parnum, G. R 823 Faruum,Q.V 823 Fee, John 824 Pifer, Lewis 825 Gilbert, J. A 835 Griffith, B. P 826 Griffith, John 827 Griffith, Capt. Lewis 827 Humphreys, R. H 828 Ingalle, W. R 829 Jackman, Robert 830 Jackson, Andrew 830 Jackson, Edwin 831 Johnson, E. C 832 Johnson, James 832 Keyeb-, W. H e33 Lemmon, Clay 834 Lemmon, D. R 836 PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. Fast, Christian 676 Ferrier, William . .. .676 Frey gang, Herman 678 Goodale, Orville 678 Green, George 679 Hathaway,!!. P 679 Hinwood, Peter 680 Hcff,J. B 681 Johnson, R.H 681 Kemery, lirael 682 Legg,T. E 683 Loug, A. W 684 l.ong, James 684 Macartney, Francis 685 Palireyman, William 686 Phenicie, D. L 687 RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, Douglas, John 859 Gaskill, Melvin 860 Uoadley, E. B 860 Ireland, James, Sr 861 Llut, J. S 862 Money, Albert 863 Morley, R. G 864 Spear, Rev. E. R 516 Thomson, W. W 516 Wilder, G. K 516 Wilder, Orlando 517 Lininger, John 836 Markley, Jonas 837 Pelre, Chrictopher 838 Reuner, K. G 839 Rummel, Henry 840 Ruu.mel, George 840 Sauxter, Christopher 841 Sewell, Andrew 841 SiBson, L. P 843 Slaybaugh, Isaac 843 'Smith, L. 0-. 843 Sweet, Hiram 844 Switt,G. W 845 Thomas, J. W 845 Thomae, Rev. Jonathan 847 Wtjlberry, G. H 847 Williams, E. B 848 Zimmer, Peter 849 Poland, G.W 688 Scoville, David 689 Sesur, J. A 690 Wowle, A. W. A 690 Sowle, Francis 691 Snyder, A. J 693 Stealy, Lewis 693 Slevens, Francis 693 Voorhecs, J. S 694 Ward, Ancil 694 Waugh, J. E 695 Welch, Rawson 695 Wiggins, Endress 696 Wiggins, Nathan 696 Williams, L. R 696 Musser, W. A 864 Omstead, A. H 865 Scoville, S. W 866 Scoville, W. D 867 Waller, Garrett 867 CONTENTS. 'k^ Bodley, L.N 737 Brown, Charles 737 Brown, S. W 738 Brugli, Lcander 738 Butler, II. P. &M. B 789 Butler, .S. S 740 Clink, Charles 741 Conkliu, Calvin 741 Oifflnbaugh, Abraham ... .742 Emersouj Avery 74^ Fereusoii, Samuel 744 Fisher, David 741 FuUerton, Alexander 74.i Gilles-pie, D. S 74."> Goneor, Moses 74() GunsauUus, E. D 74ti Brown, Eobert 63(5 Carpenter, Urial 636 Covell.L. G 637 Ewiu?. A. H ,63S Ewing, F. U H38 Folck, J. K ()39 Abbey, J. I> 771 Aldrith, K. .S 773 Ball, Julius 773 Ball, A. V 773 Birr, S.imuel 774 BrooUs, George 775 Carter, Samuel 776 Chadvvick, F. H 777 Charlton, William 777 Clink, JohM 778 Closson, G. W 778 Grain, J. M 7S8 Crampton, William 779 CrOiion, Hiram 779 Barron, Elmns L 602 Barron, Fayette 603 Boyer, Harmon 603 Brooks, Willinni 604 Couri. O. A 604 Dunham Chester 60.") Duoliam, Lorenzo 60.") >;ilinti, J.C 1)06 Elliott, S. H 607 Elli*, H. D 60S Ferrier, John tiOH Frot^t, Leverett 60H Frost, Solomon 6(9 Giliicrt, W. S 610 SALEM TOWNSHIP. Haines, E. Ti 747 Hammond, A. K 748 Harpster, John 748 Hay ward, Francis 748 Ketch uni, Joseph 749 Kimmel, J. R 7."i0 Kimsey. W. E 7.')0 Kirlin, John 750 Lewis, Ha:vey 751 Loughrey, John 7.'>2 McLBiu,L.N 752 Noll, Samuel 753 Parker, Samuel 754 Sams, Abdalla 755 Shade, Christopher 7.55 Shade, Marion ,..756 SCOTT TOWNSHIP, Gasser, Benedict 639 Gilford, Anauiah 640 Goddard, R. H 640 Greeuamyer, Jesse 641 Harmon, L. D 611 tiutchin8;Nelson t)42 STEUBEN TOWNSHIP. Deller, Aaron 780 Gardner, I. A 781 Gaylord, D. W 781 iieorge, Capt. S. B 782 Gilbert, D. S 783 Harpham, John, Sr 784 Harpham, John, Jr 784 Hottinnii, Daniel 785 Huffman, A. F 785 Jackson, Tlieophilas 786 Lacy.N. M 787 Lacy. T, S 787 Lochwood, J. S 788 Menges, Samuel 789 YORK TOWNSHIP. Gundnim, Larry. .. 610 i Gundrum, Michael 611 Hall, W. II 612 Ueadloy, John 612 1 Hemry Charles 613 His.R.B 613 Johnson, G. W 614 Knieely, J, B 614 Mitchell, W^.R 615 Musser, J. F 616 Phillips, A. C 616 Porter, J. W 617 Porter, S. D 617 Powers, Calvin 618 ShafEstall, Adam 7."6 Shaffstall, Franklin 757 Shaffstall, J. A 758 Shields, Jesse 7.58 Stover, Georg(» 7.59 Stover, Samu 1 759 Strawser, G. W 76() Sutherland, A. J 760 Tubbs, Leroy 761 Wagner, J. H 761 Wilson, John 761 Wisel, Otis 762 Whysong, J. C 763 Wright, Hhcry 764 Wright, M. F 765 Jones, J. W 613 Jonts, Ziba H43 Sharitl, John 644 Segur, C. A 644 Tasker, Thomas 645 Murray, G. S 7t*9 Ritter, Henry 789 Ritter, Pi.ilip 790 Robertson, Cyrus 79u Simmons, J. C 7'91 •Smith, Isaiah 791 Snyder, Jo: n 792 Tuttle, C. V 793 Van rt uken, F. B 794 Van Auken, J. II 796 Van All ken, Nancy 800 Williams, S. R 803 Wiusor, Ab;.er 80 » Wolf, William 805 Powers, C.P 619 Powers, Hon. Clark 620 Powers, G. R 621 Powers, J. Clark C'i2 Powers, Myron 623 Powers, S .' A 623 Powers, Winn 626 Rose, M. F 627 Rummel, D. P, 628 SattisoD, J ohn 629 •Souder, G. A 629 Weiss, W. L 6:',0 Wicoff, William 630 lIil.lTSTKATIO]ir!S. Carpenter, H J 818 (;lark, Gen. Geo. Rogers... E3 Early Explorers of Indiana Territory ... 25 nioros;iyphiC8 of the Mound Builders 29 Hunting Prairie Wolves 191 Indians Attacking Front- ier-men 43 Ma'> of Steuben County.. ..245 McConuell, G. W 433 Opening an Indiana Forest. 123 Pioneer Dwelling 179 Scene on the Ohio River.... 233 Scene on the Wabash 145 Tecumseh 109 The Shawnee Prophet 88 Van Anken.J. II 796 Van Auken, Nancy 7's)7 Vertical Section of the Rocks 257 ^ m> ^ ^1 -I- HISTORY OF INDIANA. FORMER OCCUPANTS. PREHISTORIC RACES. Scientists have ascribed to the Mound Builders varied origins^ and though their divergence of opinion may for a time seem incom- patible with a thorough investigation of the subject, and tend to a confusion of ideas, no doubt whatever can exist as to the compar- ative accuracy of conclusions arrived at by some of them. Like the vexed question of the Pillar Towers of Ireland, it has caused much speculation, and elicited the opinions of so many learned antiquarians, ethnologists and travelers, that it will not be found beyond the range of possibility to make deductions that may suflSce to solve the problem who were the prehistoric settlers of America. To achieve this it will not be necessary to go beyond the period over which Scripture history extends, or to indulge in those airy flights of imagination so sadly identified with occasional writers of even the Christian school, and all the accepted literary exponents of modern paganism. That this continent is co-existent with the world of the ancients cannot be questioned. Every investigation, instituted under the auspices of modern civilization, confirms the fact and leaves no channel open through which the skeptic can escape the thorough refutation of his opinions. China, with its numerous living testi- monials of antiquity, with its ancient, though limited literature and its Babelish superstitions, claims a continuous history from antediluvian times; but although its continuity may be denied with every just reason, there is nothing to prevent the transmission of a hieroglyphic record of its history prior to 1656 anno mundi, since many traces of its early settlement survived the Deluge, and became sacred objects of the first historical epoch. This very sur- vival of a record, such as that of which the Chinese boast, is not at variance with the designs of a God who made and ruled the universe; but that an antediluvian people inhabited this continent. « J^ 18 HISTORY OF INDIANA. will not be claimed; because it is not probable, though it may be possible, that a settlement in a land which may be considered a portion of the Asiatic continent, was eifected bj the immediate followers of the first progenitors of the human race. Therefore, on entering the study of the ancient people who raised these tumu- lus monuments over large tracts of the country, it will be just sufficient to wander back to that time when the flood-gates of lieaven were swung open to hurl destruction on a wicked world; and in doing so the inquiry must be based on legendary, or rather upon many circumstantial evidences; for, so far as written narra- tive extends, there is nothing to show that a movement of people too far east resulted in a Western settlement. THE FIRST IMMIGRATION. The first and most probable sources in which the origin of the Builders must be sought, are those countries lying along the east- ern coast of Asia, which doubtless at that time stretched far bevond its present limits, and presented a continuous shore from Lopatka to Point Cambodia, holding a population comparatively civilized, and all professing some elementary form of the Boodhism of later days. Those peoples, like the Chinese of the present, were bound to live at home, and probably observed that law until after the con- fusion of languages and the dispersion of the builders of Babel in 1757, A. M. ; but subsequently, within the following century, the old Mongolians, like the new, crossed the great ocean in the very paths taken by the present representatives of the race, arrived on the same shores, which now extend a very questionable hospitality to them, and entered at once upon the colonization of the country south and east, while the Caucasian race engaged in a similar move- ment of exploration and colonization over what may be justly termed the western extension of Asia, and both peoples growing stalwart under the change, attained a moral and physical eminence to which they never could lay claim under the tropical sun which shed its beams upon the cradle of the human race. That mysterious people who, like the Brahmins of to-day, wor- shiped some transitory deity, and in after years, evidently embraced tlie idealization of Boodhism, as preached in Mongolia early in the 35th century of the world, together with acquiring the learning of the Confucian and Pythagorean schools of the same period, spread all over the land, and in their numerous settlements erected these raths, or mounds, and sacrificial altars whereon they received their W'l 20 HISTORY OF INDIANA. devour the budding tops of those great trees. Other efforts in this direction may lead to great results, and culminate probably in the discovery of a tablet engraven by some learned Mound Builder, describing in the ancient hieroglyphics of China all these men and beasts whose history excites so much speculation. The identity of the Mound Builders with the Mongolians might lead us to hope for such a consummation; nor is it beyond the range of probability, particularly in this practical age, to find the future labors of some industrious antiquarian requited by the upheaval of a tablet, written in the Tartar characters of lYOO years ago, bearing on a subject which can now be treated only on a purely circumstantial basis. THE SECOND IMMIGRATION may have begun a few centuries prior to the Christian era, and unlike the former expedition or expeditions, to have traversed north- eastern Asia to its Arctic confines, and then east to the narrow channel now known as Behring's Straits, which they crossed, and sailing up the unchanging Yukon, settled under the shadow of Mount St. Elias for many years, and pushing South commingled with their countrymen, soon acquiring the characteristics of the descendants of the first colonists. Chinese chronicles tell of such a people, who went North and were never heard of more. Circum- stances conspire to render that particular colony the carriers of a new religious faith and of an alphabetic system of a representative character to the old colonists, and they, doubtless, exercised a most beneficial influence in other respects ; because the influx of immi- grants of such culture as were the Chinese, even of that remote period, must necessarily bear very favorable results, not only in bringing in reports of their travels, but also accounts from the fatherland bearing on the latest events. With the idea of a second and important exodus there are many theorists united, one of. whom says: "It is now the generally received opinion that the first inhabitants of America passed over from Asia through these straits. The number of small islands lying between both continents renders this opinion still more probable; and it is yet farther confirmed by some remarkable traces of similarity in the physical conformation of the northern natives of both continents. The Esquimaux of North America, the Samoieds of Asia, and the Laplanders of Europe, are supposed to be of the same family; and this supposition is strengthened by the affinity which exists in their languages. The researches of Hum- -7- V* -tu HISTORY OF INDIANA. 21 boldt have traced the Mexicans to the vicinity of Behring's Straits; whence it is conjectured that they, as well as the Peruvians and other tribes, came originally from Asia, and were the Hiongnoos, who are, in the Chinese annals, said to have emigrated under Puno, and to have been lost in the North of Siberia." Since this theory is accepted by most antiquaries, there is every reason to believe that from the discovery of what may be called an overland route to what was then considered an eastern extension of that country which is now known as the " Celestial Empire," many caravans of emigrants passed to their new homes in the land of illimitable possibilities until the way became a well-marked trail over which the Asiatic might travel forward, and having once entered the Elysian fields never entertained an idea of returning. Thus from generation to generation the tide of immigration poured in until the slopes of the Pacific and the banks of the great inland rivers became hives of busy industry. Magnificent cities and monuments were raised at the bidding of the tribal leaders and populous settlements centered with happy villages sprung up everywhere in manifestation of the power and wealth and knowl= edge of the people. The colonizing Caucasian of the historic period walked over this great country on the very ruins of a civil- ization which a thousand years before eclipsed all that of which he could boast. He walked through the wilderness of the West over buried treasures hidden under the accumulated growth of nature, nor rested until he saw, with great surprise, the remains of ancient pyramids and temples and cities, larger and evidently more beauti- ful than ancient Egypt could bring forth after its long years of uninterrupted history. The pyramids resemble those of Egypt in exterior form, and in some instances are of larger dimensions. The pyramid of Cholula is square, having each side of its base 1,335 feet in length, and its height about 172 feet. Another pyramidj situated in the north of Vera Cruz, is formed of large blocks of highly-polished porphyry, and bears upon its front hiero- glyphic inscriptions and curious sculpture. Each side of its square base is 82 feet in length, and a flight of 57 steps conducts to its summit, which is 65 feet in height. The ruins of Palenque are said to extend 20 miles along the ridge of a mountain, and the remains of an Aztec city, near the banks of the river Gila, are spread over more than a square league. Their literature consisted of hieroglyphics; but their arithmetical knowledge did not extend farther than their calculations by the aid of grains of corn. Yet, -J ® \ IS 22 HISTORY OF INDIANA. notwithstanding all their varied accomplishments, and they were evidently many, their notions of religious duty led to a most demo- niac zeal at once barbarously savage and ferociously cruel. Each visiting, god instead of bringing new life to the people, brought death to thousands; and their grotesque idols, exposed to drown the senses of the beholders in fear, wrought wretchedness rather than spiritual happiness, until, as some learned and humane Monte- zumian said, the people never approached these idols without fear, and this fear was the great animating principle, the great religious motive power which sustained the terrible religion. Their altars were sprinkled with blood drawn from their own bodies in large quantities, and on them thousands of human victims were sacri- ficed in honor of the demons whom they worshiped. The head and heart of every captive taken in war were offered up as a bloody sacrifice to the god of battles, while the victorious legions feasted on the remaining portions of the dead bodies. It has been ascer- tained that during the ceremonies attendant on the consecration of two of their temples, the number of prisoners offered up in sacri- fice was 12,210; while their own legions contributed voluntary victims to the terrible belief in large numbers. Nor did this horrible custom cease immediately after 1521, when Cortez entered the imperial city of the Montezumas; for, on being driven from it, all his troops who fell into the hands of the native soldiers were subjected to the most terrible and prolonged suffering that could be experienced in this world, and when about to yield up that spirit which is indestructible, were offered in sacrifice, their hearts and heads consecrated, and the victors allowed to feast on the yet warm flesh. A reference is made here to the period when the Montezumas ruled over Mexico, simply to gain a better idea of the hideous idolatry which took the place of the old Boodhism of the Mound Builders, and doubtless helped in a great measure to give victory to the new comers, even as the tenets of Mahometanism urged the ignorant followers of the prophet to the conquest of great nations. It was not the faith of the people who built the mounds and the pyramids and the temples, and who, 200 years before the Christian era, built the great wall of jealous China. No : rather was it that terrible faith born of tlie Tartar victory, which carried the great defenses of China at the point of the javelin and hatchet, who afterward marched to the very walls of Rome, under Alaric, and ^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 23 spread over the islands of Polynesia to the Pacific slopes of South America. THE TARTARS came there, and, like the pure Mongols of Mexico and the Missis- sippi valley, rose to a state of civilization bordering on that attained by them. Here for centuries the sons of the fierce Tartar race con- tinued to dwell in comparative peace until the all-ruling ambition of empire took in the whole country from the Pacific to the Atlan- tic, and peopled the vast territory watered by the Amazon with a race that was destined to cojiquer all the peoples of the Orient, and only to fall before the march of the arch-civilizing Caucasian. In course of time those fierce Tartars pushed their settlements northward, and ultimatelv entered the territories of the Mound Builders, putting to death all who fell within their reach, and causing the survivors of the death-dealing invasion to seek a refuge from the hordes of this semi-barbarous people in the wilds and fast- nesses of the North and JSTorthwest. The beautiful country of the Mound Builders was now in the hands of savage invaders, the quiet, industrious people who raised the temples and pyramids were gone; and the wealth of intelligence and industry, accumulating for ages, passed into the possession of a rapacious horde, who could admire it only so far as it ofifered objects for plunder. Even in this the invaders were satisfied, and then having arrived at the height of their ambition, rested on their swords and entered upon the luxury and ease in the enjoyment of which they were found when the van- guard of European civilization appeared upon the scene. Mean- time the southern countries which those adventurers abandoned after having completed their conquests in the North, were soon peopled by hundreds of people, always moving from island to island and ultimately halting amid the ruins of villages deserted by those who, as legends tell, had passed eastward but never returned; and it would scarcely be a matter for surprise if those emigrants were found to be the progenitors of that race found by the Spaniards in 1532, and identical with the Araucanians, Cuenches and Huil- tiches of to-day. RELICS OF THE MOUND BUILDERS. One of the most brilliant and impartial historians of the Republic stated that the valley of the Mississippi contained no monuments. So far as the word is entertained now, he was literally correct, but -^w ^'. to 24 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. in some hasty effort neglected to qualify his sentence by a refer- ence to the numerous relics of antiquity to be found throughout its length and breadth, and so exposed his chapters to criticism. The valley of the Father of Waters, and indeed the country from the trap rocks of the Great Lakes southeast to the Gulf and south- west to Mexico, abound in tell-tale monuments of a race of people much farther advanced in civilization than the Montezumas of the sixteenth century . The remains of walls and fortifications found in Kentucky and Indiana, the earthworks of Vincennes and throughout the valley of the "Wabash, the mounds scattered over Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Virginia, and those found in Illi- nois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are all evidences of the univer- sality of the Chinese Mongols and of their advance toward a com- parative knowledge of man and cosmology. At the mouth of Fourteen-Mile creek, in Clark county, Indiana, there stands one of these old monuments known as the "-Stone Fort." It is an unmistakable heirloom of a great and ancient people, and must have formed one of their most important posts. The State Geolo- gist's report, filed among the records of the State and furnished by Prof. Cox, says: "At the mouth of Fourteen-Mile creek, and about three miles from Charleston, the county-seat of Clark county, there is one of the most remarkable stone fortifications which has ever come under my notice. Accompanied by my assistant, Mr. Borden, and a number of citizens of Charleston, I visited the 'Stone Fort' for the purpose of making an examination of it. The locality selected for this fort presents many natural advantages for making it impregnable to the opposing forces of prehistoric times. It occupies the point of an elevated narrow ridge which faces the Ohio river on the east and is bordered by Fourteen-Mile creek on the west side. This creek empties into the Ohio a short distance below the fort. The top of the ridge is pear-shaped, with the part answering to the neck at the north end. This part is not over twenty feet wide, and is protected by precipitous natural walls of stone. It is 280 feet above the level of the Ohio river, and the slope is very gradual to the south. At the upper field it is 240 feet high and one hundred steps wide. At the lower timber it is 120 feet high. The bottom land at the foot of the south end is sixty feet above the river. Along the greater part of the Ohio river front there is an abrupt escarpment rock, entirely too steep to be scaled, and a similar natural barrier exists along a portion of the northwest side of the ridge, facing the creek. This natural wall Tv (O HISTOEY OF INDIANA. 27 is joined to the neck of an artificial wall, made by piling up, mason fashion but without mortar, loose stone, which had evidently been pried up from the carboniferous layers of rock. This made wall, at this point, is about 150 feet long. It is built along the slope of the hill and had an elevation of about 75 feet above its base, the upper ten feet being vertical. The inside of the wall is protected by a ditch. The remainder of the hill is protected by an artificial stone wall, built in the same manner, but not more than ten feet high. The elevation of the side wall above the creek bottom is 80 feet. Within the artificial walls is a string of mounds which rise to the height of the wall, and are protected from the washing of the hill- sides by a ditch 20 feet wide and four feet deep. The position of the artificial walls, natural clifiPs of bedded stone, as well as that of the ditch and mounds, are well illustrated. The top of the enclosed ridge embraces ten or twelve acres, and there are as many as five mounds that can be recognized on the flat surface, while no doubt many others existed which have been obliterated by time, and though the agency of man in his eflforts to cultivate a portion of the ground. A trench was cut into one of these mounds in search of relics. A few fragments of charcoal and decomposed bones, and a large irregular, diamond-shaped boulder, with a small circular indentation near the middle of the upper part, that was worn quite smooth by the use to which it had been put, and the small pieces of fossil coral, comprised all the articles of note which were revealed by the excavation. The earth of which the mound is made resem- bles that seen on the hillside, and was probably in most part taken from the ditch. The margin next to the ditch was protected by slabs of stone set on edge, and leaning at an angle corresponding to the slope of the mound. This stone shield was two and one-half feet wide and one foot high. At intervals along the great ditch there are channels formed between the mounds that probably served to carry off the surplus water through openings in the outer wall. On the top of the enclosed ridge, and near its narrowest part, there is one mound much larger than any of the others, and so situated as to command an extensive view up and down the Ohio river, as well as affording an unobstructed view east and west. This is designated as ' Look-out Mound.' There is near it a slight break in the cliff of rock, which furnished a narrow passage way to the Ohio river. Though the locality afforded many natural advantages for a fort or stronghold, one is compelled to admit that much skill was displayed and labor expended in making its defense as perfect as possible at iw G) 28 HISTORY OF INDIANA. all points. Stone axes, pestles, arrow-heads, spear-points, totums, charms and flint flakes have been found in great abundance in plowing the field at the foot of the old fort." From the " Stone Fort " the Professor turns his steps to Posey county, at a point on the Wabash, ten miles above the mouth, called "Bone Bank," on account of the number of human bones continually washed out from the river bank. " It is," he states "situated in a bend on the left bank of the river; and the ground is about ten feet above high-water mark, being the only land along this portion of the river that is not submerged in seasons of high water. The bank slopes gradually back from the river to a slough. This slough now seldom contains water, but no doubt at one time it was an arm of the "Wabash river, which flowed around the Bone Bank and afl'orded protection to the island home of the Mound Builders. The Wabash has been changing its bed for many years, leaving a broad extent of newly made land on the right shore, and gradually making inroads on the left shore by cutting away the Bone Bank. The stages of growth of land on the right bank of the river are well defined by thecottonwood trees, which increase in size as you go back from the river. Unless there is a change in the cur- rent of the river, all trace of the Bone Bank will be obliterated. Already within the memory of the white inhabitants, the bank has been removed to the width of several hundred yards. As the bank is cut by the current of the river it loses its support, and when the water sinks it tumbles over, carrying with it the bones of the Mound Builders and the cherished articles buried with them. No locality in the country furnishes a greater number and variety of relics than this. It has proved especially rich in pottery of quaint design and skillful workmanship. I have a number of jugs and pots and a cup found at the Bone Bank. This kind of work has been very abundant, and is still found in snch quantities that we are led to conclude that its manufacture formed a leading indus- try of the inhabitants of the Bone Bank. It is not in Europe alone that we find a well-founded claim of high antiquity for the art of making hard and durable stone by a mixture of clay, lime, sand and stone; for I am convinced that this art was possessed by a race of people who inhabited this continent at a period so remote that neither tradition nor history can furnish any account of them. They belonged to the Neolithic, or polished-stone, age. They lived in towns and built mounds for sepulture and worship and pro- tected their homes by surrounding them with walls of earth and r , g I ' _ ■ — - rr^ k- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 29 stone. In some of these mounds specimens of various kinds of pottery, in a perfect state of preservation, have from time to time been found, and frap^raents are so common that every student of archaeology can have a bountiful supply. Some of these fragments indicate vessels of very great size. At the Saline springs of Gal- latin I picked up fragments that indicated, by their curvature, ves- sels five to six feet in diameter, and it is probable they are frag- ments of artificial stone pans used to hold brine that was manufac- tured into salt by solar evaporation. " Now, all the pottery belonging to the Mound Builders' age, which I have seen, is composed of alluvial clay and sand, or a mix- ture of the former with pulverized fresh-water shells. A paste made of such a mixture possesses, in high degree, the properties of hydraulic Puzzuoland and Portland cement, so that vessels formed of it hardened without being burned, as is customary with modern pottery." The Professor deals very aptly with this industry of the aborig- ines, and concludes a very able disquisition on the Bone Bank in its relation to the prehistoric builders. niEROGLYPniCS OF THE MOUND-BUILDERS. The great circular redoubt or earth-work found two miles west ot the village of New Washington, and the " Stone Fort," on a ridge one mile west of the village of Deputy, ofier a subject for the anti- quarian as deeply interesting as any of the monuments of a decayed empire so far discovered. FT 30 HISTORY OF INDIANA. From end to end of Indiana there are to be found many other rel- ics of the obscure past. Some of them have been unearthed and now appear among the collected antiquities at Indianapolis. The highly finished sandstone pipe, the copper ax, stone axes, flint arrow-heads and magnetic plummets found a few years ago beneath the soil of Cut- Off Island near New Harmony, together with the pipes of rare workmanship and undoubted age, unearthed near Covington, all live as it were in testimony of their owner's and maker's excel- lence, and hold a share in the evidence of the partial annihilation of a race, with the complete disruption of its manners, customs and industries; and it is possible that when numbers of these relics are placed together, a key to the phonetic or rather hieroglyphic system of that remote period might be evolved. It may be asked what these hieroglyphical characters really are. Well, they are varied in form, so much so that the pipes found in the mounds of Indians, each bearing a distinct representation of some animal, may be taken for one species, used to represent the abstract ideas of the Mound Builders. The second form consists of pure hieroglyphics or phonetic characters, in which the sound is represented instead of the object; and the third, or painted form of the first, conveys to the mind that which is desired to be repre- sented. This form exists among the Cree Indians of the far North- west, at present. They, when departing from their permanent vil- lages for the distant hunting grounds, paint on the barked trees in the neighborhood the figure of a snake or eagle, or perhaps huskey dog; and this animal is supposed to guard the position until the warrior's return, or welcome any friendly tribes that may arrive there in the interim. In the case of the Mound Builders, it is un- likely that this latter extreme was resorted to, for the simple reason that the relics of their occupation are too high in the ways of art to tolerate such a barbarous science of language; but the sculptured pipes and javelins and spear-heads of the Mound Builders may be taken as a collection of graven images, each conveying a set of ideas easily understood, and perhaps sometimes or more generally used to designate the vocation, name or character of the owner. That the builders possessed an alphabet of a phonetic form, and purely hieroglyphic, can scarcely be questioned; but until one or more of the unearthed tablets, which bore all or even a portion of such characters, are raised from their centuried graves, the mystery which surrounds this people must remain, while we must dwell in a world of mere suecujation. ■i" .\h ^ "> dL * HISTORY OF INDIANA. 31 Vigo, Jasper, Sullivan, Switzerland and Ohio counties can boast of a most liberal endowment in this relation; and when in other days the people will direct a minute inquiry, and penetrate to the very heart of the thousand cones which are scattered throughout the land, they may possibly extract the blood in the shape of metal- lic and porcelain works, with liieroglyphic tablets, while leaving the form of heart and body complete to entertain and delight un- born generations, who in- their time will wonder much when they learn that an American people, living toward the close of the 59th century, could possibly indulge in such an anachronism as is im- plied in the term "New World." THE INDIANS. The origin of the Red Men, or American Indians, is a subject which interests as well as instructs. It is a favorite with the eth- nologist, even as it is one of deep concern to the ordinary reader. A review of two works lately published on the origin of the Indians treats the matter in a peculiarly reasonable light. It says: " Recently a German writer has put forward one theory on the subject, and an English writer has put forward another and directly opposite theory. The difference of opinion concerning our aborig- inals among authors who have made a profound study of races is at once curious and interesting. Blumenbach treats them in his classifications as a distinct variety of the human family; but, in the threefold division of Dr. Latham, they are ranked among theMon- golidse. Other writers on race regard them as a branch of the great Mongolian family, which at a distant period found its way from Asia^to this continent, and remained here for centuries separate from the rest of mankind, passing, meanwhile, through divers phases of barbarism and civilization. Morton, our eminent eth- nologist, and his followers, Nott and Gliddon, claim for our native Red Men an origin as distinct as the flora and fauna of this conti- nent. Prichard, whose views are apt to differ from Morton's, finds reason to believe, on comparing the American tribes together, that they must have formed a separate department of nations from the earliest period of the world. The era of their existence as a distinct and insulated people must probably be dated back to the time which separated into nations the inhabitants of the Old World, and gave to each its individuality and primitive language. Dr. Robert Brown, the latest authority, attributes, in his " Races of Mankind," an Asiatic origin to our aboriginals. He says that the Western In- dians not only personally resemble their nearest neighbors — the Northeastern Asiatics— but they resemble them in language and traditions. The Esquimaux on the American and the Tchuktchis on the Asiatic side understand one another perfectly. Modern an- c — ■ - * 32 HISTORY OF INDIANA. thropologists, indeed, are disposed to think that Japan, the Kuriles, and neighboring regions, may be regarded as the original home of the greater part of the native American race. It is also admitted by them that between the tribes scattered from the Arctic sea to Cape Horn there is more uniformity of physical features than is seen in any other quarter of the globe. The weight of evidence and authority is altogether in favor of the opinion that our so- called Indians are a branch of the Mongolian family, and all addi- tional researches strengthen the opinion. The tribes of both Korth and South America are unquestionably homogeneous, and, in all likelihood, had their origin in Asia, though they have been altered and modified by thousands of years of total separation from the parent stock." The conclusions arrived at by the reviewer at that time, though safe, are too general to lead the reader to form any definite idea on the subject. No doubt whatever can exist, when the American In- dian is regarded as of an Asiatic origin; but there is nothing in the works or even in the review, to which these works were subjected, which might account for the vast difference in manner and form between the Hed Man, as he is now known, or even as he appeared to Columbus and his successors in the field of discovery, and the comparatively civilized inhabitants of Mexico, as seen in 1521 by Cortez, and of Peru, as witnessed by Pizarro in 1532. The fact is that the pure bred Indian of the present is descended directly from the earliest inhabitants, or in other words from the survivors of that people who, on being driven from their fair possessions, re- tired to the wilderness in sorrow and reared up their children under the saddening influences of their unquenchable griefs, bequeathing them only the habits of the wild, cloud-roofed home of their de- clining years, a sullen silence, and a rude moral code. In after years these wild sons of the forest and prairie grew in numbers and in strength. Some legend told them of their present sufferings, of the station which their fathers once had known, and of the riotous race which now reveled in wealth which should be theirs. The fierce passions of the savage were aroused, and uniting their scat- tered bands marched in silence upon the villages of the Tartars, driving them onward to the capital of their Incas, and consigning their homes to the flames. Once in view of the great city, the hurrying bands halted in surprise; but Tartar cunning took in the situation and offered pledges of amity, which were sacredly ob- served. Henceforth Mexico was open to the Indians, bearing pre- cisely the same relation to them that the Hudson's Bay Company's ""^^p HISTORY OF INDIANA. 33 villages do to the Northwestern Indians of the present; obtaining all, and bestowing very little. The subjection of the Mongolian race represented in North America by that branch of it to which the Tartars belonged, represented in the Southern portion of the con- tinent, seems to have taken place some five centuries before the advent of the European, while it may be concluded that the war of the races which resulted in reducing the villages erected by the Tartar hordes to ruin took place between one and two hundred years later. These statements, though actually referring to events which in point of time are comparatively modern, can only be sub- stantiated by the facts that, about the periods mentioned the dead bodies of an unknown race of men were washed ashore on the Eu- ropean coasts, while previous to that time there is no account whatever in European annals of even a vestige of trans-Atlantic hu- manity being transferred by ocean currents to the gaze of a won- dering people. Towards the latter half ot the 15th century two dead bodies entirely free from decomposition, and corresponding with the Red Men as they afterward appeared to Columbus, were cast on the shores of the Azores, and confirmed Columbus in his be- lief in the existence of a western world and western people. Storm and flood and diseatie have created sad havoc in the ranks of the Indian since the occupation of the country by the white man. These natural causes have conspired to decimate the race even more than the advance of civilization, which seems not to aflfect it to any material extent. In its maintenance of the same number of rep- resentatives during three centuries, and its existence in the very face of a most unceremonious, and, whenever necessary, cruel con- quest, the grand dispensations of the unseen Ruler of the universe is demonstrated; for, without the aborigines, savage and treach- erous as they were, it is possible that the explorers of former times would have so many natural difficulties to contend with, that their work would be surrendered in despair, and the most fertile regions of the continent saved for the plowshares of generations yet un- born. It is questionable whether we owe the discovery of this con- tinent to the unaided scientific knowledge of Columbus, or to the dead bodies of the two Indians referred to above; nor can their ser- vices to the explorers of ancient and modern times be over-esti- mated. Their existence is embraced in the plan of the Divinity for the government of the world, and it will not form subject for surprise to learn that the same intelligence which sent a thrill of liberty into every corner of the republic, will, in the near future, "6 \ Q ^ i • v>- 34 HISTOKT OF INDIANA. devise some method under which the remnant of a great and an- cient race may taste the sweets of public kindness, and feel that, after centuries of turmoil and tyranny, they have at last found a shelter amid a sympathizing people. Many have looked at the In- dian as the pessimist does at all things; they say that he was never formidable until the white man supplied him with the weapons of modern warfare; but there is no mention made of his eviction from his retired home, and the little plot of cultivated garden which formed the nucleus of a village that, if fostered instead of being destroyed, might possibly hold an Indian population of some im- portance in the economy of the nation. There is no intention what- ever to maintain that the occupation of this country by the favored races is wrong even in principle; for where any obstacle to advanc- ing civilization exists, it has to fall to the ground; but it may be said, with some truth, that the white man, instead of a policy of conciliation formed upon the power of kindness, indulged in bel- ligerency as impolitic as it was unjust. A modern writer says, when speaking of the Indian's character: "He did not exhibit that steady valor and efficient discipline of the American soldier; and to-day on the plains Sheridan's troopers would not hesitate to attack the bravest band, though outnumbered three to one." This piece of information applies to the European and African, as well as to the Indian. The American soldier, and particularly the troopers referred to, would not fear or shrink from a very legion of demons, even with odds against them. This mode of warfare seems strangely peculiar when compared with the military systems of civilized countries; yet, since the main object of armed men is to defend a country or a principle, and to destroy anything which may oppose itself to them, the mode of warfare pursued by the savage will be found admirably adapted to their requirements in this con- nection, and will doubtless compare favorably with the systems of the Afghans and Persians of the present, and the Caucasian people vf the first historic period. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. The art of hunting not only supplied the Indian with food, but, like that of war, was a means of gratifying his love of distinction. The male children, as soon as they acquired sufficient age and strength, were furnished with a bow and arrow and taught to shoot birds and other small game. Success in killing a large quadruped required years of careful study and practice, and the art was as Is ^^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 35 sedulously inculcated in the minds of the rising generation as are the elements of reading, writing and arithmetic in the common schools of civilized communities. The mazes of the forest and the dense, tall grass of the prairies were the best fields for the exercise of the hunter's skill. No feet could be impressed in the yielding soil but that the tracks were the objects of the most searching scrutiny, and revealed at a glance the animal that made them, the direction it was pursuing, and the time that had elapsed since it had passed. In a forest country he selected the valleys, because they were most frequently the resort of game. The most easily taken, perhaps, of all the animals of the chase was the deer. It is endowed with a curiosity which prompts it to stop in its flight and look back at the approaching hunter, who always avails himself of this opportunity to let fly the fatal arrow. Their general councils were composed of the chiefs and old men. When in council, they usually sat in concentric circles around the speaker, and each individual, notwithstanding the fiery passions that rankled within, preserved an exterior as immovable as if cast in bronze. Before commencing business a person appeared with the sacred pipe, and another with fire to kindle it. After being lighted it was first presented to heaven, secondly to the earth, thirdly to the presiding spirit, and lastly the several councilors, each of whom took a whiff". These formalities were observed with as close exactness as state etiquette in civilized courts. The dwellings of the Indians were of the simplest and rudest character. On some pleasant spot by the bank of a river, or near an ever-running spring, they raised their groups of wigwams, con- structed of the bark of trees, and easily taken down and removed to another spot. The dwelling-places of the chiefs were sometimes more spacious, and constructed with greater care, but of the same materials. Skins taken in the chase served them for repose. Though principally dependent upon hunting and fishing, the uncertain supply from those sources led them to cultivate small patches of corn. Every family did everything necessary within itself, commerce, or an interchange of articles, being almost unknown to them. In cases of dispute and dissension, each Indian relied upon himself for retaliation. Blood for blood was the rule, and the relatives of the slain man were bound to obtain bloody revenge for his death. This principle gave rise, as a matter of course, to innumerable and bitter feuds, and wars of extermination where such were possible. War, indeed, rather than peace, was the Indian's 19 — 1 (Ci 36 HISTORY OF INDIANA. glory and delight, — war, not conducted as civilization, but war where individual skill, endurance, gallantry and cruelty were prime requisites. For such a purpose as revenge the Indian would make great sacrifices, and display a patience and perseverance truly heroic; but when the excitement was over, he sank back into a listless, un- occupied, well-nigh useless savage. During the intervals of his more exciting pursuits, the Indian employed his time in decorating his person with all the refinement of paint and feathers, and in the manufacture of his arms and of canoes. These were constructed of bark, and so light that they could easily be carried on the shoulder from stream to stream. His amusements were the war-dance, ath- letic games, the narration of his exploits, and listening to the ora- tory of the chiefs; but during long periods of such existence he remained in a state of torpor, gazing listlessly upon the trees of the forests and the clouds that sailed above them ; and this vacancy imprinted an habitual gravity, and even melancholy, upon his gen- eral deportment. The main labor and drudgery of Indian communities fell upon the women. The planting, tending and gathering of the crops, making mats and baskets, carrying burdens, — in fact, all things of the kind were performed by them, thus making their condition but little better than that of slaves. Marriage was merely a matter of bargain and sale, the husband giving presents to the father of the bride. In general they had but few children. They were sub- jected to many and severe attacks of sickness, and at times famine and pestilence swept away whole tribes. i^ EXPLORATIONS BY THE WHITES. EARLIEST EXPLORERS. The State of Indiana is bounded on the east bj the meridian line which forms also the western boundary of Ohio, extending due north from the mouth of the Great Miami river; on the south by the Ohio river from the mouth of the Great Miami to the mouth of the "Wabash; on the west by aline drawn along the middle of the "Wabash river from its mouth to a point where a due north line from the town of Vincennes would last touch the shore of said river, and thence directly north to Lake Michigan; and on the north by said lake and an east and west line ten miles north of the ex- treme south end of the lake, and extending to its intersection with the aforesaid meridian, the west boundary of Ohio. These bound- aries include an area of 33,809 square miles, lying between 37° 47' and 41° 50' north latitude, and between 7° 45' and 11° 1' west longitude from "Washington. After tlie discovery of America by Columbus in 1492, more than 150 years passed away before any portion of the territory now com- prised within the above limits was explored by Europeans. Colo- nies were established in Florida, Virginia and Nova Scotia by the principal rival governments of Europe, but not until about 1670-'2 did the first white travelers venture as far into the Northwest as Indiana or Lake Michigan. These explorers were Frenchmen by the names of Claude Allouez and Claude Dablon, who then visited what is now the eastern part of "Wisconsin, the northeastern portion of Illinois and probably that portion of this State north of the Kan- kakee river. In the following year M. Joliet, an agent of the French Colonial government, and James Marquette, a good and simple-hearted missionary who had his station at Mackinaw, ex- plored the country about Green Bay, and along Fox and "Wiscon- sin rivers as far westward as the Mississippi, the banks of which they reached June 17, 1673. They descended this river to about 33° 40', but returned by way of the Illinois river and the route they came in the Lake Region. At a village among the Illinois In- dians, Marquette and his small band of adventurers were received (37) \ G\ 88 HISTORY OF INDIANA. in a friendly manner and treated hospitably. They were made the honored guests at a great feast, where hominy, fish, dog meat and roast buffalo meat were spread before them in great abundance. In 1682 LaSalle explored the "West, but it is not known that he entered the region now embraced within the State of Indiana. He took formal possession, however, of all the Mississippi region in the name of the King of France, in whose honor he gave all this Mis- sissippi region, including what is now Indiana, the name " Louisi- ana." Spain at the same time laid claim to all the region about the Gulf of Mexico, and thus these two great nations were brought into collision. But the country was actually held and occupied by the great Miami confederacy of Indians, the Miamis proper (an- ciently the Twightwees) being the eastern and most powerful tribe. Their territory extended strictly from the Scioto river west to the Illinois river. Their villages were few and scattering, and their occupation was scarcely dense enough to maintain itself against in- vasion. Their settlements were occasionally visited by Christian missionaries, fur traders and adventurers, but no body of white men made any settlement sufficiently permanent for a title to national possession. Christian zeal animated France and England in mis- sionary enterprise, the former in the interests of Catholicism and the latter in the interests of Protestantism. Hence their haste to preoccupy the land and proselyte the aborigines. No doubt this ugly rivalry was often seen by Indians, and they refused to be proselyted to either branch of Christianity . The " Five Nations," farther east, comprised the Mohawks, Oneidas, Cayugas, Onondaguas and Senecas. In 1677 the number of warriors in this confederacy was 2,150. About 1711 the Tusca- roras retired from Carolina and joined the Iroquois, or Five Na- tions, which, after that event, became known as the " Six Nations." In 1689 hostilities broke out between the Five Nations and the colonists of Canada, and the almost constant wars in which France was engaged until the treaty of Eyswick in 1697 combined to check the grasping policy of Louis XIY., and to retard the plant- ing of French colonies in the Mississippi valley. Missionary efforts, however, continued with more failure than success, the Jesuits allying themselves with the Indians in habits and customs, even encouraging inter-marriage between them and their white fol- lowers. v jj-a- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 39 OUABACHE. The Wabash was first named by the French, and spelled by them Ouabache. This river was known even before the Ohio, and was navigated as the Ouabache all the way to the Mississippi a long time before it was discovered that it was a tributary of the Ohio (Belle Riviere). In navigating the Mississippi they thought they passed the mouth of the Ouabache instead of the Ohio. In traveling from the Great Lakes to the south, the French always went by the way of the Ouabache or Illinois. VINCENNES. Francois Morgan de Yinsenne served in Canada as early as 1720 in the regiment of " De Carrignan " of the French service, and again on the lakes in the vicinity of Sault Ste. Marie in the same service under M. de Vaudriel, in 1725. It is possible that his ad- vent to Yincennes may have taken place in 1732; and in proof of this the only record is an act of sale under the joint names of him- self and Madame Yinsenne, the daughter of M. Philip Longprie, and dated Jan. 5, 1735. This document gives his military position as commandant of the post of Ouabache in the service of the French King. The will of Longprie, dated March 10, same year, bequeaths him, among other things, 408 pounds of pork, which he ordered to be kept safe until Yinsenne, who was then at Ouabache, returned to Kaskaskia. There are many other documents connected with its early settle- ment by Yinsenne, among which is a receipt for the 100 pistoles granted him as his wife's marriage dowry. In 1736 this officer was ordered to Charlevoix by D'Artagette, viceroy of the King at New Orleans, and commandant of Illinois. Here M. St. Yinsenne re- ceived his mortal wounds. The event is chronicled as follows, in the words of D'Artagette: " We have just received very bad news from Louisiana, and our war with the Chickasaws. The French have been defeated. Among the slain is M. de Yinsenne, who ceased not until his last breath to exhort his men to behave worthy of their faith and fatherland." Thus closed the career of this gallant officer, leaving a name which holds as a remembrancer the present beautiful town of Yin- cennes, changed from Yinsenne to its present orthography in 1749. Post Yincennes was settled as early as 1710 or 1711. In a letter from Father Marest to Father Germon, dated at Kaskaskia, Nov. 9, 1712, occurs this passage: "Xes Francois itoieiit itabli -an fort sur (0 ^ ) \ J- 40 HISTORY OF INDIANA. lefleuve Ouabache / ih deinanderent un missionaire / et le Pere Mermet leur fat envoy e. Ce Pere crut devoir travailler a la conversion des Mascoutens qui avoient fait un village sur les bords dumeme jleuve. Cest une nation Indians qui entend la langue mi/noise." Translated: " The French have established a fort upon the river "Wabash, and want a missionary; and Father Mermet has been sent to them. That Father believes he should labor 'for the conversion of the Mascoutens, who have built a vil- lage on the banks of the same river. They are a nation of Indians who understand the language of the Illinois." Mermet was therefore the first preacher of Christianity in this part of the world, and his mission was to convert the Mascoutens, a branch of the Miamis. "The way I took," says he, " was to con- found, in the presence of the whole tribe, one of these charlatans [medicine men], whose Manitou, or great spirit which he wor- shiped, was the buffalo. After leading him on insensibly to the avowal that it was not the buffalo that he worshiped, but the Man- itou, or spirit, of the buffalo, which was under the earth and ani- mated all buffaloes, which heals the sick and has all power, I asked him whether other beasts, the bear for instance, and which one of bis nation worshiped, was not equally inhabited by a Manitou, which was under the earth. ' Without doubt,' said the grand medi- cine man. ' If this is so,' said I, ' men ought to have a Manitou who inhabits them.' ' Nothing more certain,' said he. ' Ought not that to convince you,' continued I, ' that you are not very reasonable? For if man upon the earth is the master of all animals, if he kills them, if he eats them, does it not follow that the Mani- tou which inhabits him must have a mastery over all other Mani- tous? Why then do you not invoke him instead of the Manitou of the bear and the buffalo, when you are sick?' This reasoning disconcerted the charlatan. But this was all the effect it produced." The result of convincing these heathen by logic, as is generally the case the world over, was only a temporary logical victory, and no change whatever was produced in the professions and practices of the Indians. But the first Christian (Catholic) missionary at this place whose name we find recorded in the Church annals, was Meurin, in 1849. The church building used by these early missionaries at Yin- cennes is thus described hy the " oldest inhabitants:" Fronting on Water street and running back on Church street, it was a plain HISTORY OF INDIANA. 41 building with a rou^h exterior, of upright posts, chinked and daubed, with a rough coat of cement on the outside; about 20 feet wide and 60 long; one story high, with a small belfry and an equally small bell. It was dedicated to St. Francis Xavier. This spot is now occupied by a splendid cathedral. Yincennes has ever been a stronghold of Catholicism. The Church there has educated and sent out many clergymen of her faith, some of whom have become bishops, or attained other high positions in ecclesiastical authority. Almost contemporaneous with the progress of the Church at Vincennes was a missionary work near the mouth of the Wea river, among the Ouiatenons, but the settlement there was broken up in early day. NATIONAL POLICIES. THE GEE AT FKENOH S^CHEME. Soon after the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi by La- Salle in 1682, the government of France began to encourage the policy of establishing a line of trading posts and missionary stations extending through the West from Canada to Louisiana, and this policy was maintained, with partial success, for about 75 years. The traders persisted in importing whisky, which cancelled nearly every civilizing influence that could be brought to bear upon the Indian, and the vast distances between posts prevented that strength which can be enjoyed only by close and convenient inter- communication. Another characteristic of Indian nature was to listen attentively to all the missionary said, pretending to believe all he preached, and then offer in turn his theory of the world, of religion, etc., and because he was not listened to with the same degree of attention and pretense of belief, would go off disgusted. This was his idea of the golden rule. The river St. Joseph of Lake Michigan was called " the river Miamis" in 1679, in which year LaSalle built a small fort on its bank, near the lake shore. The principal station of the mission for the instruction of the Miamis was established on the borders of this river. The first French post within the territory of the Miamis was at the mouth of the river Miamis, on an eminence naturally fortified on two sides by the river, and on one side by a \ 4^ —I /£> 42 HISTORY OF IKDIANA. deep ditch made by a fall of water. It was of triangular form. The missionary Hennepin gives a good description of it, as he was one of the company who built it, in 1679. Says he: " We fell the trees that were on the top of the hill; and having cleared the same from bushes for about two musket shot, we began to build a redoubt of 80 feet long and 40 feet broad, with great square pieces of timber laid one upon another, and prepared a great number of stakes of about 25 feet long to drive into the ground, to make our fort more inaccessible on the riverside. We employed the whole month of November about that work, which was very hard, though we had no other food but the bear's flesh our savage killed. These beasts are very common in that place because of the great quantity of grapes they find there; but their flesh being too fat and luscious, our men began to be weary of it and desired leave to go a hunting to kill some wild goats. M. LaSalle denied them that liberty, which caused some murmurs among them; and it was but unwill- ingly that they continued their work. This, together with the approach of winter and the apprehension that M. LaSalle had that his vessel (the Griffin) was lost, made him very melancholy, though he concealed it as much as he could. We made a cabin wherein we performed divine service every Sunday, and Father Gabriel and I, who preached alternately, took care to take such texts as were suitable to our present circumstances and fit to inspire us with courage, concord and brotherly love. * * * The fort was at last perfected, and called Fort Miamis." In the year 1711 the missionary Chardon, who was said to be very zealous and apt in the acquisition of languages, had a station on the St. Joseph about 60 miles above the mouth. Charlevoix, another distinguished missionary from France, visited a post on this river in 1721. In a letter dated at the place, Aug. 16, he says: " There is a commandant here, with a small garrison. His house, which is but a very sorry one^ is called the fort, from its being sur- rounded with an indifierent palisado, which is pretty near the case in all the rest. We have here two villages of Indians, one of the Miamis and the other of the Pottawatomies, both of them mostly Christians; but as they have been for along time without any pas- tors, the missionary who has been lately sent to them will have no small difficulty in bringing them back to the exercise of their re- ligion." He speaks also of the main commodity for which the lut dians would part with their goods, namely, spirituous liquors, which they drink and keep drunk upon as long as a supply lasted. v^ ^ INDIANS ATTACKING FEONTIEKSMEN. VT , 4^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 45 More than a century and a half has now passed since Charlevoix penned the above, without any change whatever in this trait of In- dian character. In 1Y65 the Miami nation, or confederacy, was composed of four tribes, whose total number of warriors was estimated at only 1,050 men. Of these about 250 were Twightwees, or Miamis proper, 300 Weas, or Ouiatenons,300 Piankeshaws and 200 Shockeys; and at this time the principal villages of the Twightwees were situated about the head of the Maumee river at and near the place where Fort Wayne now is. The larger Wea villages were near the banks of the Wabash river, in the vicinity of the Post Ouiatenon ; and the Shockeys and Piankeshaws dwelt on the banks of the Vermil- lion and on the borders of the Wabash between Yincennes and Ouiatenon. Branches of the Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Delaware and Kickapoo tribes were permitted at different times to enter within the boundaries of the Miamis and reside for a while. The wars in which France and England were engaged, from 1688 to 1697, retarded the growth of the colonies of those nations in North America, and the efforts made by France to connect Canada and the Gulf of Mexico by a chain of trading posts and colonies naturally excited the jealousy of England and gradually laid the foundation for a struggle at arms. After several stations were estab- lished elsewhere in the West, trading posts were started at the Miami villages, which stood at the head of the Maumee, at the Wea villages about Ouiatenon on the Wabash, and at the Piankeshaw vil- lages about the present sight of Yincennes. It is probable that before the close of the year 1Y19, temporary trading posts were erected at the sites of Fort Wayne, Ouiatenon and Yincennes. These points were probably often visited by French fur traders prior to 1700. In the meanwhile the English people in this country commenced also to establish military posts west of the Alleghanies, and thus matters went on until they naturally culminated in a general war, which, being waged by the French and Indians combined on one side, was called " the French and Indian war." This war was terminated in 1763 by a treaty at Paris, by which France ceded to Great Britain all of North America east of the Mississippi except New Orleans and the island on which it is situated; and indeed, France had the preceding autumn, by a secret convention, ceded to Spain all the country west of that river. ■Tt. JFT \ 46 HISTORY OF INDIANA. PONTIAC'S WAR, In 1Y62, after Canada and its dependencies had been surrendered to the English, Pontiac and his partisans secretly organized a pow- erful confederacy in order to crush at one blow all English power in the West. This great scheme was skillfully projected and cau- tiously matured. The principal act in the programme was to gain admittance into the fort at Detroit, on pretense of a friendly visit, with short- ened muskets concealed under their blankets, and on a given signal suddenly break forth upon the garrison; but an inadvertent remark of an Indian woman led to a discovery of the plot, which was con- sequently averted. Pontiac and his warriors afterward made many attacks upon the English, some of which were successful, but the Indians were finally defeated in the general war. BRITISH POLICY. In 1765 the total number of French families within the limits of the Northwestern Territory did not probably exceed 600. These were in settlements about Detroit, along the river Wabash and the neighborhood of Fort Chartres on the Mississippi. Of these fami- lies, about 80 or 90 resided at Post Yincennes, 14 at Fort Ouiate- non, on the Wabash, and nine or ten at the confluence of the St. Mary and St. Joseph rivers. The colonial policy of'the British government opposed any meas- ures which might strengthen settlements in the interior of this country, lest they become self-supporting and independent of the mother country; hence the early and rapid settlement of the North- western territory was still further retarded by the short-sighted selfishness of England. That fatal policy consisted mainly in hold- ing the land in the hands of the government and not allowing it to be subdivided and sold to settlers. But in spite of all her efforts in this direction, she constantly made just such efforts as provoked the American people to rebel, and to rebel successfully, which was within 15 years after the perfect close of the French and Indian war. AMERICAN POLICY. Thomas Jefferson, the shrewd statesman and wise Governor of Yirginia, saw from the first that actual occupation of Western lands was the only way to keep them out of the hands of foreigners and 4 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 47 Indians. Therefore, directly after the conquest of Yincennes by Clark, be engaged a scientific corps to proceed under an escort to the Mississippi, and ascertain by celestial observations the point on that river intersected by latitude 36° 30', the southern limit of the State, and to measure its distance to the Ohio. To Gen. Clark was entrusted the conduct of the military operations in that quar- ter. He was instructed to select a strong position near that point and establish there a fort and garrison ; thence to extend his conquests northward to the lakes, erecting forts at different points, which might serve as monuments of actual possession, besides affording protection to that portion of the country. Fort "Jefferson" was erected and garrisoned on the Mississippi a few miles above the southern limit. The result of these operations was the addition, to the chartered limits of Virginia, of that immense region known as the " North- western Territory." The simple fact that such and such forts were established by the Americans in this vast region convinced the Brit- ish Commissioners that we had entitled ourselves to the land. But where are those " monuments " of our power now? INDIAN SAVAGERY. As a striking example of the inhuman treatment which the early Indians were capable of giving white people, we quote the follow ing blood-curdling story from Mr. Cox' " Recollections of the Wabash Yalley": On the 11th of February, 1781, a wagoner named Irvin Hinton was sent from the block-house at Louisville, Ky., to Harrodsburg for a load of provisions for the fort. Two young men, Richard Rue and George Holraan, aged respectively 19 and 16 years, were sent as guards to protect the wagon from the depredations of any hostile Indians who might be lurking in the cane-brakes or ravines through which they must pass. Soon after their start a severe snow-storm set in which lasted until afternoon. Lest the melting snow might dampen the powder in their rifles, the guards fired them off, intending to reload them as soon as the storm ceased. Hinton drove the horses while Rue walked a few rods ahead and Holman about the same distance behind. As they ascended a hill about eight miles from Louisville Hinton heard some one say "VVlioa to the horses. Supposing that something was wrong about the wagon, he stopped and asked Holman why he had called him to halt. Holman said that he had not spoken; Rue also denied it, \ 48 HISTORY OF INDIANA. but said that he had heard the voice distinctly. At this time a voice cried out, " I will solve the mystery for you; it was Simon Girty that cried Whoa, and he meant what he said," — at the same time emerg- ing from a sink-hole a few rods from the roadside, followed by 13 Indians, who immediately surrounded the three Kentuckians and demanded them to surrender or die instantly. The little party, making a virtue of necessity, surrendered to this renegade white man and his Indian allies. Being so near two forts, Girty made all possible speed in making fast his prisoners, selecting the lines and other parts of the harness, he prepared for an immediate flight across the Ohio. The panta- loons of the prisoners were cut off about four inches above the knees, and thus they started through the deep snow as fast as the horses could trot, leaving the wagon, containing a few empty bar- rels, standing in the road. They continued their march for sev- eral cold days, without fire at night, until they reached Wa-puc-ca- nat-ta, where they compelled their prisoners to run the gauntlet as they entered the village. Hinton first ran the gauntlet and reached the council-house after receiving several severe blows upon the head and shoulders. Rue next ran between the lines, pursued by an Indian with an uplifted tomahawk. He far outstripped his pursuer and dodged most of the blows aimed at him. Holman complaining that it was too severe a test for a worn-out stripling like himself, was allowed to run between two lines of squaws and boy s, and was followed by an Indian with a long switch. The first council of the Indians did not dispose of these young men; they were waiting for the presence of other chiefs and war- riors. Hinton escaped, but on the afternoon of the second day he was re-captured. Now the Indians were glad that they had an occasion to indulge in the infernal joy of burning him at once. Soon after their supper, which they shared with their victim, they drove the stake into the ground, piled up the fagots in a circle around it, stripped and blackened the prisoner, tied him to the stake, and applied the torch. It was a slow fire. The war-whoop then thrilled through the dark surrounding forest like the chorus of a band of infernal spirits escaped from pandemonium, and the scalp dance was struck up by those demons in human shape, who for hours encircled their victim, brandishing their tomahawks and war clubs, and venting their execrations upon the helpless sufferer, who died about midnight from the effects of the slow heat. As soon as he fell upon the ground, the Indian who first discovered -v Au. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 49* him in the woods that evening sprang in, sunk his tomahawk into his skull above the ear, and with his knife stripped off the scalp, which he bore back with him to the town as a trophy, and which was tauntingly thrust into the faces of Rue and Holman, with the question, " Can you smell the fire on the scalp of your red-headed friend? We cooked him and left him for the wolves to make a breakfast upon; that is the way we serve runaway prisoners." After a march of three days more, the prisoners, Rue and Hol- man, had to run the gauntlets again, and barely got through with their lives. It was decided that they should both be burned at the stake that night, though this decision was far from being unani- mous. The necessary preparations were made, dry sticks and brush were gathered and piled around two stakes, the faces and hands of the doomed men were blackened in the customary manner, and as the evening approached the poor wretches sat look- ing upon the setting sun for the last time. An unusual excitement was manifest in a number of chiefs who still lingered about the council-house. At a pause in the contention, a noble-looking In- dian approached the prisoners, and after speaking a few words to the guards, took Holman by the hand, lifted him to his feet, cut the cords that bound him to his fellow prisoners, removed the black from his face and hands, put his hand kindly upon his head and said: " I adopt you as my son, to till the place of the one I have lately buried ; you are now a kinsman of Logan, the white man's friend, as he has been called, but who has lately proven himself to be a terrible avenger of the wrongs inflicted upon him by the bloody Cresap and his men." With evident reluctance, Girt}' interpreted this to Hol- man, who was thus unexpectedly freed. But the preparations for the burning of Rue went on. Holman and Rue embraced each other most affectionately, with a sorrow too deep for description. Rue was then tied to one of the stakes; but the general contention among the Indians had not ceased. Just as the lighted fagots were about to be applied to the dry brush piled around the devoted youth, a tall, active young Shawnee, a son of the victim's captor, sprang into the ring, and cutting the cords which bound him to the stake, led him out amidst the deafening plaudits of a part of the crowd and the execrations of the rest. Re- gardless of threats, he caused water to be brought and the black to be washed from the face and hands of the prisoner, whose clothes were then returned to him, when the young brave said: " I take this young man to be my brother, in the place of one I lately lost;, Q_ £1^ 50 HISTORY OF INDIANA. I loved that brother well; I will love this one, too; my old mother ■will be glad when I tell her that I have brought her a son, in place of the dear departed one. We want no more victims. The burning of Ked-head [Hinton] ought to satisfy us. These innocent young men do not merit such cruel fate; I would rather die myself than see this adopted brother burned at the stake." A loud shout of approbation showed that the young Shawnee had triumphed, though dissension was manifest among the various tribes afterward. Some of them abandoned their trip to Detroit, others returded to Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta, a few turned toward the Mis- sissinewa and the Wabash towns, while a portion continued to De- troit. Ilolman was taken back to Wa-puc-ca-nat ta, where he re- mained most of the time of his captivity. Rue was taken first to the Mississinewa, then to the Wabash towns. Two years of his eventful captivity were spent in the region of the Wabash and Illi- nois rivers, but the last few months at Detroit; was in captivity altogether about three years and a half. Rue effected his escape in the following manner: During one of the drunken revels of the Indians near Detroit one of them lost a purse of $90; various tribes were suspected of feloniously keeping the treasure, and much ugly speculation was indulged in as to who was the thief. At length a prophet of a tribe that was not suspected was called to divine the mystery. He spread sand over a green deer-skin, watched it awhile and performed various manipulations, and professed to see that the money had been stolen and carried away by a tribe entirely different from any that had been suspicioned; but he was shrewd enough not to announce who the thief was or the tribe he belonged to, lest a war might arise. His decision quieted the belligerent uprisings threatened by the excited Indians. Rue and two other prisoners saw this display of the prophet's skill and concluded to interrogate him soon concerning their fami- lies at home. The opportunity occurred in a few days, and the In- dian seer actually astonished Rue with the accuracy with which he described his family, and added, "You all intend to make your escape, and you will effect it soon. Ton will meet with many trials and hardships in passingover so wild a district of country, inhabited by so many hostile nations of Indians. You will almost starve to death; but about the time you have given up all hope of finding game to sustain you in your famished condition, succor will come when you least expect it. The first game you will succeed in taking /O is ^ HISTORY OF INDIAJSTA. 51 will be a male of some kind; after that you will have plenty of game and return home in safety." The prophet kept this matter a secret for the prisoners, and the latter in a few days set off upon their terrible journey, and had just such experience as the Indian prophet had foretold; they arrived home with their lives, but were pretty well worn out with the exposures and privations of a three weeks' journey. On the return of Holman's party of Indians to Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta, much dissatisfaction existed in regard to the manner of his release from the sentence of condemnation pronounced against him by the council. Many were in favor of recalling the council and trying him again, and this was finally agreed to. The young man was again put upon trial for his life, with a strong probability of his being condemned to the stake. Both parties worked hard for vic- tory in the final vote, which eventually proved to give a majority of one for the prisoner's acquittal. "While with the Indians, Holman saw them burn at the stake a Kentuckian named Richard Hogeland, who had been taken prisoner at the defeat of Ool. Crawford. They commenced burning him at nine o'clock at night, and continued roasting him until. ten o'clock the next day, before he expired. During his excruciating tortures he begged for some of them to end his life and sufferings with a gun or tomahawk. Finally his cruel tormentors promised they would, and cut several deep gashes in his flesh with their tomahawks, and shoveled up hot ashes and embers and threw them into the gaping wounds. When he was dead they stripped off his scalp, cut him to pieces and burnt him to ashes, which they scattered through the town to expel the evil spirits from it. After a captivity of about three years and a half, Holman saw an opportunity of going on a mission for the destitute Indians, namely, of going to Harrodsburg, Ky., where he had a rich uncle, from whom they could get what supplies they wanted. They let him go with a guard, but on arriving at Louisville, where Gen. Clark was in command, he was ransomed, and he reached home only three days after the arrival of Rue. Both these men lived to a good old age, terminating their lives at their home about two miles south of Richmond, Ind. V •V 1^ EXPEDITIONS OF COL. GEOKGE ROGEKS CLARK. In the summer of 1778, Col. George Rogers Clark, a native of Albemarle county, Ya., led a memorable expedition against the ancient French settlements about Kaskaskia and Post Vincennes. With respect to the magnitude of its design, the valor and perse- verance with which it was carried on, and the memorable results which were produced by it, this expedition stands without a parallel in the early annals of the valley of the Mississippi. That portion of the West called Kentucky was occupied by Henderson & Co., who pretended to own the land and who held it at a high price. Col. Clark wished to test the validity of their claim and adjust the government of the country so as to encourage immigration. He accordingly called a meeting of the citizens at Harrodstown, to assemble June 6, 1776, and consider the claims of the company and consult with reference to the interest of the country. He did not at first publish the exact aim of this movement, lest parties would be formed in advance and block the enterprise; also, if the object of the meeting were not announced beforehand, the curiosity of the people to know what was to be proposed would bring out a much greater attendance. The meeting was held on the day appointed, and delegates were elected to treat with the government of Virginia, to see whether it would be best to become a county in that State and be protected by it, etc. Various delays on account of the remoteness of the white settlers from the older communities of Virginia and the hos- tility of Indians in every direction, prevented a consummation of this object until some time in 1778. The government of Virginia was friendly to Clark's enterprise to a certain extent, but claimed that they had not authority to do much more than to lend a little assistance for which payment should be made at some future time, as it was not certain whether Kentucky would become a part of Vir- ginia or not. Gov. Henry and a few gentlemen were individually so hearty in favor of Clark's benevolent undertaking that they assisted him all they could. Accordingly Mr. Clark organized his expedition, keeping every particular secret lest powerful parties would form in the West against him. He took in stores at Pitts- (52) ® ■V ■77= )V" •^ hU HISTORY OF INDIANA. 55 burg and "Wheeling, proceeded down the Ohio to the " Falls," where he took possession of an island of a about seven acres, and divided it among a small number of families, for whose protection he constructed some light fortifications. At this time Post Yin- cennes comprised about 400 militia, and it was a daring undertak- ing for Col. Clark, with his small force, to go up against it and Kas- kaskia, as he had planned. Indeed, some of his men, on hearing of his plan, deserted him. He conducted himself so as to gain the sympathy of the French, and through them also that of the Indians to some extent, as both these people were very bitter against the British, who had possession of the Lake Region. From the nature of the situation Clark concluded it was best to take Kaskaskia first. The fact that the people regarded him as a savage rebel, he regarded as really a good thing in his favor; for after the first victory he would show them so much unexpected lenity that they would rally to his standard. In this policy he was indeed successful. He arrested a few men and put them in irons. The priest of the village, accompanied by five or six aged citizens, waited on Clark and said that the inhabitants expected to be separ- ated, perhaps never to meet again, and they begged to be permitted to assemble in their church to take leave of each other. Clark mildly replied that he had nothing against their religion, that they might continue to assemble in their church, but not venture out of town, etc. Thus, by what has since been termed the "Rarey" method of taming horses, Clark showed them he had power over them but designed them no harm, and they readily took the oath of allegiance to Virginia. After Clark's arrival at Kaskaskia it was difficult to induce the French settlers to accept the "Continental paper" introduced by him and his troops. Nor until Col. Yigo arrived there and guar- anteed its redemption would they receive it. Peltries and piastres formed the only currency, and Yigo found great difficulty in ex- plaining Clark's financial arrangements. "Their commandants never made money," was the reply to Yigo's explanation of the policy of the old Dominion. But notwithstanding the guarantees, the Continental paper fell very low in the market. Yigo had a trading establishment at Kaskaskia, where he sold cofffee at one dollar a pound, and all the other necessaries of life at an equally reasonable price. The unsophisticated Frenchmen were generally asked in what kind of money they would pay their little bills. a 56 HISTORY OF INDIANA. "Douleur," was the general reply; and as an authority on the sub ject says, "It took about twenty Continental dollars to purchase a silver dollar's worth of coffee; and as the French word "douleur" sig- nifies grief or pain, perhaps no word either in the French or Eng- lish languages expressed the idea more correctly than the douleur for a Continental dollar. At any rate it was truly douleur to the Colonel, for he never received a single dollar in exchange for the large amount taken from him in order to sustain Clark's credit. Now, the post at Vincennes, defended by Fort Sackville, came next. The priest just mentioned, Mr. Gibault, was really friendly to "the American interest;" he had spiritual charge of the church at Yincennes, and he with several others were deputed to assemble the people there and authorize them to garrison their own fort like a free and independent people, etc. This plan had its desired effect, and the people took the oath of allegiance to the State of Virginia and became citizens of the United States. Their style of language and conduct changed to a better hue, and they surprised the numer- ous Indians in the vicinity by displaying anew flag and informing them that their old father, the King of France, was come to life again, and was mad at them for fighting the English; and they ad- vised them to make peace with the Americans as soon as they could, otherwise they might expect to make the land very bloody, etc. The Indians concluded they would have to fall in line, and they offered no resistance. Capt. Leonard Helm, an American, was left'in charge of this post, and Clark began to turn his atten- tion to other points. But before leaving this section of the coun- try he made treaties of peace with the Indians; this he did, how- ever, by a different method from what had always before been followed. By indirect methods he caused them to come to him, instead of going to them. He was convinced that inviting them to treaties was considered by them in a different manner from what the whites expected, and imputed them to fear, and that giving them great presents confirmed it. He accordingly established treaties with the Piankeshaws, Ouiatenons, Kickapoos, Illinois, Kaskaskias, Peorias and branches of some other tribes that inhab- ited the country between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. Upon this the General Assembly of the State of Virginia declared all the citizens settled west of the Ohio organized into a county of that State, to be known as " Illinois " county ; but before the pro- visions of the law could be carried into effect, Henry Hamilton, the British Lieutenant-Governor of Detroit, collected an army of about ^ w %" (9 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 67 30 reofulars, 50 French volunteers and 400 Indians, went down and re-took the post Yincennes in December, 1778. No attempt was made by the population to defend the town. Capt. Helm and a man named Henry were the only Americans at the fort, the only members of the garrison. Capt. Helm was taken pi'isoner and a number of the French inhabitants disarmed. Col. Clark, hearing of the situation, determined to re-capture the place. He accordingly gathered together what force he could in this distant land, 170 men, and on the 5th of February, started from Kaskaskia and crossed the river of that name. The weather was very wet, and the low lands were pretty well covered with water. The march was difficult, and the Colonel bad to workhard to keep his men in spirits. He suffered them to shootgame whenever they wished and eat it like Indian war-dancers, each company by turns inviting the others to their feasts, which was the case every night. Clark waded through water as much as any of them, and thus stimu- lated the men by his example. They reached the Little Wabash on the 13th, after suffering many and great hardships. Here a camp was formed, and without waiting to discuss plans for crossing the river, Clark ordered the men to construct a vessel, and pretended that crossing the stream would be only a piece of amusement, al- though inwardly he held a different opinion. The second day afterward a reconnoitering party was sent across the river, who returned and made an encouraging report, A scaf- folding was built on the opposite shore, upon which the baggage was placed as it was tediously ferried over, and the new camping ground was a nice half acre of dry land. There were many amuse- ments, indeed, in getting across the river, which put all the men in high spirits. The succeeding two or three days they had to march through a great deal of water, having on the night of the 17th to encamp in the water, near the Big Wabash. At daybreak on the 18th they heard the signal gun at Yincennes, and at once commenced their march. Reaching the Wabash about two o'clock, they constructed rafts to cross the river on a boat-steal- ing expedition, but labored all day and night to no purpose. On the 19th they began to make a canoe, in which a second attempt to steal boats was made, but this expedition returned, reporting that there were two "large fires" within a mile of them. Clark sent a canoe down the river to meet the vessel that was supposed to be on her way up with the supplies, with orders to hasten forward day and night. This was their last hope, as their provisions were entirely ^ aN : ° > V-, —^—— 1 fi^ 58 HISTORY OF INDIANA. gone, and starvation seemed to be hovering about them. The next day they commenced to make more canoes, when about noon the sentinel on the river brought a boat with five Frenchmen from the fort. From this party they learned that they were not as yet dis- covered. All the army crossed the river in two canoes the next day, and as Clark had determined to reach the town that night, he ordered his men to move forward. They plunged into the water sometimes to the neck, for over three miles. Without food, benumbed with cold, up to their waists in water, covered with broken ice, the men at one time mutinied and refused to march. All the persuasions of Clark had no eifect upon the half-starved and half-frozen soldiers. In one company was a small drummer boy, and also a sergeant who stood six feet two inches in socks, and stout and athletic. He was devoted to Clark. The Gen- eral mounted the little drummer on the shoulders of tlie stalwart sergeant and ordered him to plunge into the water, half-frozen as it was. He did so, the little boy beating the charge from his lofty perch, while Clark, sword in hand, followed them, giving the com- mand as he threw aside the floating ice, "Forward." Elated and amused with the scene, the men promptly obeyed, holding their rifles above their heads, and in spite of all the obstacles they reached the high land in perfect safety. But for this and the ensuing days of this campaign we quote from Clark's account: " This last day's march through the water was far superior to any- thing the Frenchmen had any idea of. They were backward in speaking; said that the nearest land to us was a small league, a sugar camp on the bank of the river. A canoe was sent off and re- turned without finding that we could pass. I went in her myself and sounded the water and found it as deep as to my neck. I returned with a design to have the men transported on board the canoes to the sugar camp, which I knew would expend the whole day and en- suing night, as the vessels would pass slowly through the bushes. The loss of so much time to men half starved was a matter of con- sequence. I would have given now a great deal for a day's provis- ion, or for one of our horses. I returned but slowly to the troops, giving myself time to think. On our arrival all ran to hear what was the report; every eye was fixed on me; I unfortunately spoke in a serious manner to one of the officers. The whole were alarmed without knowing what I said. I viewed their confusion for about one minute; I whispered to those near me to do as I did, immedi- ately put some water in my hand, poured on powder, blackened my HISTORY OF INDIANA. 59 face, gave the war-whoop, and marched into the water without say- ing a word. The party gazed and fell in, one after another without saying a word, like a flock of sheep. I ordered those near me to begin a favorite song of theirs; it soon passed through the line, and the whole went on cheerfully. " I now intended to have them transported across the deepest part of the water ; but when about waist-deep, one of the men in- formed me that he thought he felt a path ; we examined and found it so, and concluded that it kept on the highest ground, which it did, and by taking pains to follow it, we got to the sugar camp with no difficulty, where there was about half an acre of dry ground, — at least ground not under water, and there we took up our lodging. * -St * * * * " The night had been colder than any we had had, and the ice in the morning was one-half or three-quarters of an inch thick in still water; the morning was the finest. A little after sunrise I lectured the whole; what I said to them I forget, but I concluded by in- forming them that passing the plain then in full view, and reaching the opposite woods would put an end to their fatigue; that in a few hours they would have a sight of their long wished-for object; and immediately stepped into the water without waiting for any reply. A huzza took place. As we generally marched through the water in a line, before the third man entered, I called to Major Bowman, ordering him to fall in the rear of the 25 men, and put to death any man who refused to march. This met with a cry of approbation, and on we went. Getting about the middle of the plain, the water about mid-deep, I found myself sensibly failing; and as there were no trees nor bushes for the men to support them- selves by, I feared that many of the weak would be drowned. I or- dered the canoes to make the land, discharge their loading, and play backward and forward with all diligence and pick up the men ; and to encourage the party, sent some of the strongest men forward, with orders when they got to a certain distance, to pass the word back that the water was getting shallow, and when getting near the woods, to cry out land. This stratagem had its desired effect; the men exerted themselves almost beyond their abilities, the weak holding by the stronger. The water, however, did not become shallower, but continued deepening. Getting to the woods where the men expected land, the water was up to my shoulders; but gaining the woods was of great consequence; all the low men and weakly hung to the trees and floated on the old logs until they were ^ ^ x»- 60 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. taken off by the canoes; the strong and tall got ashore and built tires. Many would reach the shore and fall with their bodies half in the water, not being able to support themselves without it. "This was a dry and delightful spot of ground of about ten acres. Fortunately, ^.s if designed by Providence, a canoe of Indian squaws and children was coming up to town, and took through this part of the plain as a nigh way; it was discovered by our canoe-men as they were out after the other men. They gave chase and took the Indian canoe, on board of which was nearly half a quarter of buffalo, some corn, tallow, kettles, etc. This was an invaluable prize. Broth was immediately made and served out, especially to the weakly; nearly all of us got a little; but a great many gave their part to the weakly, saying something cheering to their comrades. By the afternoon, this refreshment and fine weather had greatly invigor- ated the whole party. " Crossing a narrow and deep lake in the canoes, and marching some distance, we came to a copse of timber called ' Warrior's Island.' We were now in full view of the fort and town; it was about two miles distant, with not a shrub intervening. Every man now feasted his eyes and forgot that he had suffered anything, say- ing that all which had passed was owing to good policy, and noth- ing but what a man could bear, and that a soldier had no right to think, passing from one extreme to the other, — which is common in such cases. And now stratagem was necessary. The plain between us and the town was not a perfect level ; the sunken grounds were covered with water full of ducks. We observed several men within a half a mile of us shooting ducks, and sent out some of our active young Frenchmen to take one of these men prisoners without alarming the rest, which they did. The information we got from this person was similar to that which we got from those taken on the river, except that of the British having that evening completed the wall of the fort, and that there were a great many Indians in town. "Our situation was now critical. JSTo possibility of retreat in case of defeat, and in full view of a town containing at this time more than 600 men, troops, inhabitants and Indians. The crew of the galley, though not 60 men, would have been now a re-enforcement of immense magnitude to our little army, if I may so call it, but we would not think of them. We were now in the situation that I had labored to get ourselves in. The idea of being made prisoner was foreign to almost every man, as they expected nothing but tor- ture from the savages if they fell into their hands. Our fate was V HISTORY OF INDIANA. 61 now to be determined, probably in a few hours; we knew that nothing but the most daring conduct would insure success; 1 knew also that a number of the inhabitants wished us well. This was a favorable circumstance; and as there was but little prooability of our remaining until dark undiscovered, I determined to begin opera- tions immediately, and therefore wrote the following placard to the inhabitants: To the Inhabitants of Post Yincennes: Gentlemen: — Being now within two miles of your village with my army, determined to take your fort this night, and not being willing to surprise you, I take this method to request such of you as are true citizens and willing to enjoy the liberty I bring you, to remain still in your houses; and those, if any there be, that are friends to the king, will instantly repair to the fort and join the hair-buyer general and fight like men ; and if any such as do not go to the fort shall be discovered afterward, they may depend on severe punishment. On the contrary, those who are true friends to liberty may depend on being well treated; and I once more request them to keep out of the streets; for everyone I find in arms on my arrival I shall treat as an enemy. [Signed] G. R. Clark. " I had various ideas on the results of this letter. I knew it could do us no damage, but that it would cause the lukewarm to be decided, and encourage our friends and astonish our enemies. We anxiously viewed this messenger until he entered the town, and in a few minutes we discovered by our glasses some stir in every street we could penetrate, and great numbers running or riding out into the commons, we supposed to view us, which was the case. But what surprised us was that nothing had yet happened that had the appearance of the garrison being alarmed, — neither gun nor drum. We began to suppose that the information we got from our prisoners was false, and that the enemy had already knew of us and were prepared. A little before sunset we displayed ourselves in full view of the town,— crowds gazing at us. We were plunging ourselves into certain destruction or success ; there was no midway thought of. We had but little to say to our men, except inculcat- ing an idea of the necessity of obedience, etc. We moved on slowly in full view of the town; but as it was a point of some con- sequence to us to make ourselves appear formidable, we, in leaving the covert we were in, marched and counter- marched in such a manner that we appeared numerous. Our colors were displayed to the best advantage; and as the low plain we marched through was Si -— 9\ 62 HISTORY OF INDIANA. not a perfect level, but had frequent risings in it, of 7 or 8 higher than the common level, which was covered with water; and as these risings generally run in an oblique direction to the town, we took the advantage of one of them, marching through the water by it, which completely prevented our being numbered. We gained the heights back of the town. As there were as yet no hostile appeai'ance, we were impatient to have the cause unriddled. Lieut. Bayley was ordered with 14 men to march and fire on the fort; the main body moved in a different direction and took possession of the strongest part of the town." Clark then sent a written order to Hamilton commanding him to surrender immediately or he would be treated as a murderer; Hamilton replied that he and his garrison were not disposed to be awed into any action unworthy of British sub- jects. After one hour more of fighting, Hamilton proposed a truce of three days for conference, on condition that each side cease all defensive work; Clark rejoined that he would "not agree to any terms other than Mr, Hamilton surrendering himself and garrison prisoners at discretion," and added that if he, Hamil- ton, wished to talk with him he could meet him immediately at the church with Capt. Helm. In less than an hour Clark dictated the terms of surrender, Feb, 24, 1779. Hamilton agreed to the total surrender because, as he there claimed in writing, he was too far from aid from his own government, and because of the " unanimity" of his officers in the surrender, and his "confidence in a generous enemy." "Of this expedition, of its results, of its importance, of the merits of those engaged in it, of their bravery, their skill, of their prudence, of their success, a volume would not more than suffice for the details. Suffice it to say that in my opinion, and I have accurately and criti- cally weighed and examined all the results produced by the con- tests in which we were engaged during the Revolutionary war, that for bravery, for hardships endured, for skill and consummate tact and prudence on the part of the commander, obedience, dis- cipline and love of country on the part of his followers, for the immense benefits acquired, and signal advantages obtained by it for the whole union, it was second to no enterprise undertaken dur- ing that struggle. I might add, second to no undertaking in an- cient or modern warfare. The whole credit of this conquest be. longs to two men; Gen. George Rogers Clark and Col. Francis Vigo. And when we consider that by it the whole territory now ■i' jjg ^ HISTORY OF INDIANA, 63 covered by the three great states of Indiana, Illinois and Michigan waa added to the union, and so admitted to be by the British commis- sioners at the preliminaries to the treaty of peace in 1783; (and but for this very conquest, the boundaries of our territories west would have been the Ohio instead of the Mississippi, and so acknowledged by both our coipmissioners and the British at that conference;) a territory embracing upward of 2,000,000 people, the human mind is lost in the contemplation of its effects; and we can but wonder that a force of 170 men, the whole number of Clark's troops, should by this single action have produced such important results." [John Law. The next day Clark sent a detachment of 60 men up the river Wabash to intercept some boats which were laden with provisions and goods from Detroit. This force was placed under command of Capt. Helm, Major Bosseron and Major Legras, and they proceeded up the river, in three armed boats, about 120 miles, when the British boats, about seven in number, were surprised and captured without firing a gun. These boats, which had on board about $50,000 worth of goods and provisions, were manned by about 40 men, among whom was Philip Dejean, a magistrate of Detroit. The provisions were taken for the public, and distributed among the soldiery. Having organized a military government at Vincennes and appointed Capt. Helm commandant of the town. Col. Clark return- ed in the vessel to Kaskaskia, where he was joined by reinforce- ments from Kentucky under Capt. George. Meanwhile, a party of traders who were going to the falls, were killed and plundered by the Delawares of "White River; the news of this disaster having reached Clark, he sent a dispatch to Capt. Helm ordering him to make war on the Delawares and use every means in his power to destroy them; to show no mercy to the men, but to save the women and children. This order was executed without delay. Their camps were attacked in every quarter where they could be found. Many fell, and others were carried to Post Yincennes and put to death. The surviving Delawares at once pleaded for mercy and appeared anxious to make some atonement for their bad con- duct. To these overtures Capt. Helm replied that Col. Clark, the " Big Knife," had ordered the war, and that he had no power to lay down the hatchet, but that he would suspend hostilities until a messenger could be sent to Kaskaskia. This was done, and the crafty Colonel, well understanding the Indian character, sent a K^ A^, 64 HISTORY OF INDIANA. message to the Delawares, telling them that he would not accept their friendship or treat with them for peace; but that if thev could get some of the neighboring tribes to become responsible for their future conduct, he would discontinue the war and spare their lives; otherwise thej must all perish. Accordingly a council was called of all the Indians in the neigh- borhood, and Clark's answer was read to the assembly. After due deliberation the Piankeshaws took on themselves to answer for the future good conduct of the Delawares, and the " Grand Door " in a long speech denounced their base conduct. This ended the war with the Delawares and secured the respect of the neighboring tribes Clark's attention was next turned to the British post at Detroit, but being unable to obtain sufficient troops he abandoned the en- terprise. CLABK's ingenious ruse against the INDIANS. Tradition says that when Clark captured Hamilton and his gar- rison at Fort Sackville, he took possession of the fort and kept the British flag flying, dressed his sentinels with the uniform of the British soldiery, and let everything about the premises remain as they were, so that when the Indians sympathizing with the British arrived they would walk right into the citadel, into the jaws of death. His success was perfect. Sullen and silent, with the scalp- lock of his victims hanging at his girdle, and in full expectation of his reward from Hamilton, the unwary savage, unconscious of danger and wholly ignorant of the change that had just beeneflected in his absence, passed the supposed British sentry at the gate of the fort unmolested and unchallenged; but as soon as in, a volley from the rifles of a platoon of Clark's men, drawn up and awaiting his coming, pierced their hearts and sent the unconscious savage, reek- ing with murder, to that tribunal to which he had so frequently, by order of the hair-buyer general, sent his American captives, from the infant in the cradle to the grandfather of the family, tot- tering with age and infirmity. It was a just retribution, and few men but Clark would have planned such a ruse or carried it out successfully. It is reported that fiftj'- Indians met this fate within the fort; and probably Hamilton, a prisoner there, witnessed it all. SUBSEQUENT CAREER OF HAMILTON. Henry Hamilton, who had acted as Lieutenant and Governor of the British possessions under Sir George Carleton, was sent for- ^^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 65 ward, with two other prisoners of war, Dejeaii and LaMothe, to Williamsburg, Ya., early in June following, 1779. Proclamations, in his own handwriting, were found, in which he had offered a specific sum for every American scalp brought into the camp, either by his own troops or his allies, the Indians; and from this he was denominated the "hair-buyer General." This and much other tes- timony of living witnesses at the time, all showed what a savage he was. Thomas Jefferson, then Governor of Virginia, being made aware of the inhumanity of this wretch, concluded to resort to a little retaliation by way of closer confinement. Accordingly he ordered that these three prisoners be put in irons, confined in a dungeon, deprived of the use of pen, ink and paper, and be ex- cluded from all conversation except with their keeper. Major General Phillips, a British officer out on parole in the vicinity of Charlottesville, where the prisoners now were, in closer confine- ment, remonstrated, and President Washington, while approving of Jefferson's course, requested a mitigation of the severe order, lest the British be goaded to desperate measures. Soon afterward Hamilton was released on parole, and he subse- quently appeared in Canada, still acting as if he had jurisdiction in the United States. GIBAULT . The faithful, self-sacrificing and patriotic services of Father Pierre Gibault in behalf of the Americans require a special notice of him in this connection. He was the parish priest at Vincennes, as well as at Kaskaskia. He was, at an early period, a Jesuit mis- sionary to the Illinois. Had it not been for the infiiience of this man, Clark could not have obtained the influence of the citizens at either place. He gave all his property, to the value of 1,500 Spanish milled dollars, to the support of Col. Clark's troops, and never re- ceived a single dollar in return. So far as the records inform us, he was given 1,500 Continental paper dollars, which proved in the end entirely valueless. He modestly petitioned from the Govern- ment a small allowance of land at Cahokia, but we find no account of his ever receiving it. He was dependent upon the public in his older days, and in 1790 Winthrop Sargent "conceded" to him a lot of about "14 toises, one side to Mr. Millet, another to Mr. Vaudrey, and to two streets," — a vague description of land. (f^ — "^ "■"• & \ 66 HISTORY OF INDIANA. VIGO. r Col. Francis Yigo was born in Mondovi, in the kingdom of Sar- dinia, in 1747. He left his parents and guardians at a very early age, and enlisted in a Spanish regiment as a soldier. The regiment was ordered to Havana, and a detachment of it subsequently to New Orleans, then a Spanish post; Col. Vigo accompanied this de- tachment. But he left the army and engaged in trading with the Indians on the Arkansas and its tributaries. Next he settled at St. Louis, also a Spanish post, where he became closely connected, both in friendship and business, with the Governor of Upper Louisiana, then residing at the same place. This friendship he enjoyed, though he could only write his name; and we have many circumstantial evidences that he was a man of high intelligence, honor, purity of heart, and ability. Here he was living when Clark captured Kas- kaskia, and was extensively engaged in trading up the Missouri. A Spaniard by birth and allegiance, he was under no obligation to assist the Americans. Spain was at peace with Great Britain, and any interference by her citizens was a breach of neutrality, and subjected an individual, especially one of the high character and standing of Col. Vigo, to all the contumely, loss and vengeance which British power could inflict. But Col. Vigo did not falter. With an innate love of liberty, an attachment to Republican prin- ciples, and an ardent sympathy for an oppressed people struggling for their rights, he overlooked all personal consequences, and as soon as he learned of Clark's arrival at Kaskaskia, he crossed the line and went to Clark and tendered him his means and influence, both of which were joyfully accepted. Knowing Col. Vigo's influence with the ancient inhabitants of the country, and desirous of obtaining some information from Vincennes, from which he had not heard for several months, Col. Clark proposed to him that he might go to that place and learn the actual state of affairs. Vigo went without hesitation, but on the Embarrass river he was seized by a party of Indians, plundered of all he possessed, and brought a prisoner before Hamilton, then in pos- session of the post, which he had a short time previously captured, holding Capt. Helm a prisoner of war. Being a Spanish subject, and .consequently a non-combatant, Gov. Hamilton, although he strongly suspected the motives of the visit, dared not confine him, but admitted him to parole, on the single condition that he should daily report himself at the fort. But Hamilton was embar- c ^ IS HISTORr OF INDIANA. 67 rassed by his detention, being besieged by the inhabitants of the town, who loved Yigo and threatened to withdraw their support from the garrison if he would not release him. Father Gibault was the chief pleader for Yigo's release. Hamilton finally yielded, on con- dition that he, Vigo, would do no injury to the British interests on his way to St. Louis. He went to St. Louis, sure enough, doing no injury to British interests, but immediately returned to Kaskaskia and reported to Clark in detail all he had learned at Vincennes, without which knowledge Clark would have been unable to ac- complish his famous expedition to that post with final triumph. The redemption of this country from the British is due as much, probably, to Col. Vigo as Col. Clark. GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST. Col. John Todd, Lieutenant for the county of Illinois, in the spring of 17T9 visited the old settlements at Vincennes and Kas- kaskia, and organized temporary civil governments in nearly all the settlements west of the Ohio. Previous to this, however, Clark had established a military government at Kaskaskia and Vincennes, appointed commandants in both places and taken up his headquar- ters at the falls of the Ohio, where he could watch the operations of the enemy and save the frontier settlements from the depreda- tions of Indian warfare. On reaching the settlements, Col. Todd issued a proclamation regulating the settlement of unoccupied lands and requiring the presentation of all claims to the lands set- tled, as the number of adventurers who would shortly overrun the country would be serious. He also organized a Court of civil and criminal jurisdiction at Vincennes, in the month of June, 1779. This Court was composed of several magistrates and presided over by Col. J. M. P. Legras, who had been appointed commandant at Vincennes. Acting from the precedents established bj'- the early French commandants in the West, this Court began to grant tracts of land to the French and American inhabitants; and to the year 1783, it had granted to difierent parties about 26,000 acres of land; 22,000 more was granted in this manner by 1787, when the practice was prohibited by Gen. Harmer. These tracts varied in size from a house lot to 500 acres. Besides this loose business, the Court entered into a stupendous speculation, one not altogether creditable to its honor and dignity. The commandant and the magistrates under him suddenly adopted the opinion that they were invested o V ■vK >^ 68 HISTORY OF INDIANA. with the authority to dispose of the whole of that large region which in 1842 liad been granted by the Piankeshaws to the French inhabitants of Yincennes. Accordingly a very convenient arrange- ment was entered into by which the whole tract of country men- tioned was to be divided between the members of the honorable Court. A record was made to that effect, and in order to gloss over the steal, each member took pains to be absent from Court on the day that the order was made in his favor. In the fall of 1780 La Balme, a Frenchman, made an attempt to capture the British garrison of Detroit by leading an expedition against it from Kaskaskia. At the head of 30 men he marched to Vincennes, where his force was slightly increased. From this place he proceeded to the British trading post at the head of the Maumee, where Fort Wayne now stands, plundered the British traders and Indians and then retired. While encamped on the bank of a small stream on his retreat, he was attacked by a band of Miamis, a number of his men were killed, and his expedition against Detroit was ruined. In this manner border war continued between Americans and their enemies, with varying victory, until 1783, when the treaty of Paris was concluded, resulting in the establishment of the inde- pendence of the United States. Up to this time the territory now included in Indiana belonged by conquest to the State of Yirginia; but in January, 1783, the General Assembly of that State resolved to cede to the Congress of the United States all the territory north- west of the Ohio. The conditions offered by Yirginia were accepted by Congress Dec. 20, that year, and early in 1784 the transfer was completed. In 1783 Virginia had platted the town of Clarksville, at the falls of the Ohio. The deed of cession provided that the territory should be laid out into States, containing a suita- ble extent of territory not less than 100 nor more than 150 miles square, or as near thereto as circumstances would permit; and that the States so formed shall be distinct Republican States and admitted members of the Federal Union, having the same rights of sovereignty, freedom and independence as the other States. The other conditions of the deed were as follows: That the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by Yirginia in subduing any British posts, or in maintaining forts and garrisons within and for the defense, or in acquiring any part of the territory so ceded or relinquished, shall be fully reimbursed by the United States; that the French and Canadian inhabitants and other settlers of the Kas- ^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 69 kaskia, Post Yincennes and the neighboring villages who have pro- fessed themselves citizens of Virginia, shall have their titles and possessions confirmed to them, and be protected in the enjoyment of their rights and privileges; that a quantity not exceeding 150,- 000 acres of land, promised by Yirginia, shall be allowed and granted to the then Colonel, now General, George Rogers Clark, and to the officers and soldiers of his regiment, who marched with him when the posts and of Kaskaskia and Yincennes were reduced, and to the officers and soldiers that have been since incorporated into the said regiment, to be laid oft' in one tract, the length of which not to exceed double the breadth, in such a place on the northwest side of the Ohio as a majority of the officers shall choose, and to be afterward divided among the officers and soldiers in due proportion according to the laws of Yirginia; that in case the quantity of good lands on the southeast side of the Ohio, upon the waters of Cumberland river, and between Green river and Ten. nessee river, which have been reserved by law for the Yirginia troops upon Continental establishment, should, from the North Carolina line, bearing in further upon the Cumberland lands than was expected, prove insufficient for their legal bounties, the defi- ciency shall be made up to the said troops in good lands to be laid off between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami, on the northwest side of the river Ohio, in such proportions as have been engaged to them by the laws of Yirginia; that all the lands within the ter- ritory so ceded to the United States, and not reserved for or appro- priated to any of the before-mentioned purposes, or disposed of in bounties to the officers and soldiers of the American army, shall be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of such of the United States as have become, or shall become, members of the confederation or federal alliance of the said States, Yirginia included, according to their usual respective proportions in the general charge and expenditure, and shall be faithfully and honafide dis- posed of for that purpose and for no other use or purpose whatever. After the above deed of cession had been accepted by Congress, in the spring of 1784, the matter of the future government of the territory was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Jeffer- son of Yirginia, Chase of Maryland and Howell of Rhode Island, which committee reported an ordinance for its government, provid- ing, among other things, that slavery should not exist in said terri- tory after 1800, except as punishment of criminals; but this article of the ordinance was rejected, and an ordinance for the temporary ;~ ^1 70 HISTORY OF INDIANA. government of the county was adopted. In 1785 laws were passed by Congress for the disposition of lands in the territory and pro- hibiting the settlement of unappropriated lands by reckless specu- lators. But human passion is ever strong enough to evade the law to some extent, and large associations, representing considerable means, were formed for the purpose of monopolizing the land busi- ness. Millions of acres were sold at one time by Congress to asso- ciations on the installment plan, and so far as the Indian titles could be extinguished, the work of settling and improving the lands was pushed rapidly forward. ORDINANCE OF 1787. This ordinance has a marvelous and interesting history. Con- siderable controversy has been indulged in as to who is entitled to the credit for framing it. This belongs, undoubtedly, to Nathan Dane; and to Rufus King and Timothy Pickering belong the credit for suggesting the proviso contained in it against slavery, and also for aids to religion and knowledge, and for assuring for- ever the common use, without charge, of the great national high- ways of the Mississippi, the St. Lawrence and their tributaries to all the citizens of the United States. To Thomas Jeflferson is also due much credit, as some features of this ordinance were embraced in his ordinance of ITSi. But the part taken by each in the long, laborious and eventful struggle which had so glorious a consum- mation in the ordinance, consecrating forever, by one imprescript- ible and unchangeable monument, the very heart of our country to Freedom, Knowledge, and Union, will forever honor the names of those illustrious statesmen. Mr. Jefferson had vainly tried to secure a system of government for the Northwestern territory. He was an emancipationist and favored the exclusion of slavery from the territory, but the South voted him down every time he proposed a measure of this nature. In 1787, as late as July 10, an organizing act without the anti- slavery clause was pending. This concession to the South was expected to carry it. Congress was in session in New York. On July 5, Rev. Manasseh Cutler, of Massachusetts, came into New York to lobby on the Northwestern territory. Everything seemed to fall into his hands. Events were ripe. The state of the public credit, the growing of Southern prejudice, the basis of his mission, his personal character, all combined to complete one of those sudden -cipv (9 >^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 71 and marvelous revolutions of public sentiment that once in five or ten centuries are seen to sweep over a country like the breath of the Almighty. Cutler was a graduate of Yale. He had studied and taken de- grees in the three learned professions, medicine, law, and divinity. He had published a scientific examination of the plants of New England. As a scientist in America his name stood second only to that of Franklin. He was a courtly gentleman of the old style, a man of commanding presence and of inviting face. The Southern members said they had never seen such a gentleman in the North. He came representing a Massachusetts company that desired to purchase a tract of land, now included in Ohio, for the purpose of planting a colony. It was a speculation. Government money was worth eighteen cents on the dollar. This company had collected enough to purchase 1,500,000 acres of land. Other speculators in Kew York made Dr. Cutler their agent, which enabled him to represent a demand for 5,500,000 acres. As this would reduce the national debt, and Jefferson's policy was to provide for the public credit, it presented a good opportunity to do something. Massachusetts then owned the territory of Maine, which she was crowding on the market. She was opposed to opening the North- western region. This fired the zeal of Yirginia. The South caught the inspiration, and all exalted Dr. Cutler. The entire South ral. lied around him. Massachusetts could not vote against him, be- cause many of the constuitents of her members were interested personally in the Western speculation. Thus Cutler, making friends in the South, and doubtless using all the arts of the lobby, was enabled to command the situation. True to deeper convic- tions, he dictated one of the most compact and finished documents of wise statesmanship that has ever adorned any human law book. He borrowed from Jefierson the term "Articles of Compact," which, preceding the federal constitution, rose into the most sacred char- acter. He then followed very closely the constitution of Massa- chusetts, adopted three years before. Its most prominent points were: 1. The exclusion of slavery from the territory forever. 2. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a semi- nary and every section numbered 16 in each township; that is, one thirty-sixth of all the land for public schools. 3. A provision prohibiting the adoption of any constitution or the enactment of any law that should nullify pre-existing contracts. 15 I— 72 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Be it forever remembered that this compact declared that " re- ligion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good govern- ment and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of edu- cation shall always be encouraged." Dr. Cutler planted himself on this platform and would not yield. Giving his unqualified dec- laration that it was that or nothing, — that unless they could make the land desirable they did not want it, — he took his horse and buggy and started for the constitutional convention at Philadelphia. On July 13, 1787, the bill was put upon its passage, and was unani- mously adopted. Thus the great States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, a vast empire, were consecrated to free dom, intelligence, and morality. Thus the great heart of the nation was prepared to save the union of States, for it was tliis act that was the salvation of the republic and the destruction of slavery. Soon the South saw their great blunder and tried to have the compact repealed. In 1803 Congress referred it to a committee, of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported that this ordinance was a compact and opposed repeal. Thus it stood, a rock in the way of the on-rushing sea of slavery. The " Northwestern Territory " included of course what is now the State of Indiana; and Oct 5, 1787, Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair was elected by Congress Governor of this territory. Upon commencing the duties of his office he was instructed to ascertain the real temper of the Indians and do all in his power to remove the causes for controversy between them and the United States, and to effect the extinguishment of Indian titles to all the land possible. The Governor took up quarters in the new settlement of Marietta, Ohio, where he immediately began the organization of the government of the territory. The first session of the General Court of the new territory was held at that place in 1788, the Judges being Samuel H. Parsons, James M. Varnum and John C. Symmes, but under the ordinance Gov. St. Clair was President of the Court. After the first session, and after the necessary laws for government were adopted, Gov. St. Clair, accompanied by the Judges, visited Kaskaskia for the purpose of organizing a civil gov- ernment there. Full instructions had been sent to Maj. Hamtramck, commandant at Yincennes, to ascertain the exact feeling and temper of the Indian tribes of the Wabash. These instructions were ac- companied by speeches to each of the tribes. A Frenchman named Antoine Gamelin was dispatched with these messages April 5, 1790, who visited nearly all the tribes on the Wabash, St, Joseph and St. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 73 L Si Mary's rivers, but was coldly received; most of the chiefs being dissatisfied with the policy of the Americans toward them, and prejudiced through English misrepresentation. Full accounts of his adventures among the tribes reached Gov. St. Clair at Kaskas- kia in June, 1790. Being satisfied that there was no prospect of effecting a general peace with the Indians of Indiana, he resolved to visit Gen. Harmar at his headquarters at Fort Washington and consult with him on the means of carrying an expedition against the hostile Indians; but before leaving he intrusted Winthrop Sargent, the Secretary of the Territory, with the execution of the resolutions of Congress regarding the lands and settlers on the "Wabash. He directed that officer to proceed to Vincennes, lay out a county there, establish the militia and appoint the necessary civil and military officers. Accordingly Mr. Sargent went to Yin- cennes and organized Camp Knox, appointed the officers, and noti- fied the inhabitants to present their claims to lands. In establish- ing these claims the settlers found great difficulty, and concerning this matter the Secretary in his report to the President wrote as follows : " Although the lands and lots which were awarded to the inhabi- tants appeared from very good oral testimony to belong to those persons to whom they were awarded, either by original grants, pur- chase or inheritance, yet there was scarcely one case in twenty where the title was complete, owing to the desultory manner in which public business had been transacted and some other unfor- tunate causes. The original concessions by the French and British commandants were generally made upon a small scrap of paper, which it has been customary to lodge in the notary's office, who has seldom kept any book of record, but committed the most im- portant land concerns to loose sheets, which in process of time have come into possession of persons that have fraudulently de- stroyed them; or, unacquainted with their consequence, innocently lost or trifled them away. By French usage they are considered family inheritances, and often descend to women and children. In one instance, and during the government of St. Ange here, a royal notary ran off with all the public papers in his possession, as by a certificate produced to me. And I am very sorry further to observe that in the office of Mr. Le Grand, which continued from 1777 to 1787, and where should have been the vouchers for important land transactions, the records have been so falsified, and there is such gross fraud and forgery, as to invalidate all evidence and informa- tion which I might have otherwise acquired from his papers." "71" \ \ ^ 74 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Mr. Sargent says there were about 150 French families at Yin- cennes in 1790. The heads of all these families had been at some time vested with certain titles to a portion of the soil ; and while the Secretary was bnsy in straightening out these claims, he re- ceived a petition signed by 80 Americans, asking for the confirma- tion of grants of land ceded by the Court organized by Col. John Todd under the authority of Virginia. With reference to this cause, Congress, March 3, 1791, empowered the Territorial Governor, in cases where land had been actually improved and cultivated under a supposed grant for the same, to confirm to the persons wlio made such improvements the lands supposed to have been granted, not, however, exceeding the quantity of 400 acres to any one per- son. LIQUOR AND GAMING LAWS. The General Court in the summer of 1790, Acting Governor Sargent presiding, passed the following laws with reference to vending liquor among the Indians and others, and with reference to games of chance: 1. An act to prohibit the giving or selling intoxicating liquors to Indians residing in or coming into the Territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio, and for preventing foreigners from trading with Indians therein. 2. An act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or other intoxicat- ing liquors to soldiers in the service of the United States, being within ten miles of any military post in the territory; and to pre- vent the selling or pawning of arms, ammunition, clothing or accoutrements. 3. An act prohibiting every species of gaming for money or property, and for making void contracts and payments made in consequence thereof, and for restraining the disorderly practice of discharging arms at certain hours and places. Winthrop Sargent's administration was highly eulogized by the citizens at Yincennes, in a testimonial drawn up and signed by a committee of ofiicers. He had conducted the investigation and settlement of land claims to the entire satisfaction of the residents, had upheld the principles of free government in keeping with the animus of the American Eevolution, and had established in good order the machinery of a good and wise government. In the same address Major Hamtramck also received a fair share of praise for his judicious management of afiairs. ) ""V ' ^ MILITARY HISTORY 1790-1800. EXPEDITIONS OF HARMA.R, SCOTT AND WILKINSON. Gov. St. Clair, on his arrival at Fort Washington from Kas- kaskia, had a long conversation with Gen. Harmar, and concluded to send a powerful force to chastise the savages about the head- waters of the Wabash. He had been empowered by the President to call on V^irginia for 1,000 troops and on Pennsylvania for 500, and he immediately availed himself of tiiis resource, ordering 300 of the Yirginia militia to muster at Fort Steuben and march with the garrison of that fort to Vincennes, and join Maj. Hamtramck, who had orders to call for aid from the militia of Yincennes, march up the Wabash, and attack any of the Indian villages which he might think he could overcome. The remaining 1,200 of the mi- litia were ordered to rendezvous at Fort Washington, and to join the regular troops at that post under command of Gen. Harmar. At this time the United States troops in the West were estimated by Gen. Harmar at 400 effective men. These, with the militia, gave him a force of 1,450 men. With this army Gen. Harmar marched from Fort Washington Sept. 30, and arrived at the Mau- mee Oct. 17. They commenced the work of punishing the Indians, but were not very successful. The savages, it is true, received a severe scourging, but the militia behaved so badly as to be of little or no service. A detachment of 340 militia and 60 regulars, under the command of Col. Hardin, were sorely defeated on the Maumee Oct. 22. The next day the army took up the line of march for Fort Washington, which place they reached Nov. 4, having lost in the expedition 183 killed and 31 wounded; the Indians lost about as many. During the progress of this expedition Maj. Hamtramck marched up the Wabash from Yincennes, as far as the Yermillion river, and destroyed several deserted villages, but without finding an enemy to oppose him. Although the savages seem to have been severely punished by these expeditions, yet they refused to sue for peace, and continued their hostilities. Thereupon the inhabitants of the frontier settle- ments of Yirginia took alarm, and the delegates of Ohio, Monon- (75) t^ . •M » — *^ ^ ■76 HISTORY OF INDIANA. gahela, Harrison, Randolph, Greenbrier, Kanawha and Mont- gomery counties sent a joint memorial to the Governor of Vir- ginia, saying that the defenseless condition of the counties, form- ing a line of nearly 400 miles along the Ohio river, exposed to the hostile invasion of their Indian enemies, destitute of every kind of support, was truly alarming; for, notwithstanding all the regula- tions of the General Government in that country, they have reason to lament that they have been up to that time ineffectual for their protection; nor indeed could it be otherwise, for the garrisons kept by the Continental troops on the Ohio river, if of any use at all, must protect only the Kentucky settlements, as they immediately covered that country. They further stated in their memorial: "We beg leave to observe that we have reason to fear that the conse- quences of the defeat of our army by the Indians in the late expe- dition will be severely felt on our frontiers, as there is no doubt that the Indians will, in their turn, being flushed with victory, in- vade our settlements and exercise all their horrid murder upon the inhabitants thereof whenever the weather will permit them to travel. Then is it not better to support us where we are, be the ex- pense what it may, than to oblige such a number of your brave citizens, who have so long supported, and still continue to support, a dangerous frontier (although thousands of their relatives in the flesh have in the prosecution thereof fallen a sacrifice to savage in- ventions) to quit the country, after all they have done and sufiered, when you know that a frontier must be supported somewhere?" This memorial caused the Legislature of Virginia to authorize the Governor of that State to make any defensive operations neces- sary for the temporary defense of the frontiers, until the general Government could adopt and carry out measures to suppress the hostile Indians. The Governor at once called upon the military commanding officers in the western counties of Virginia to raise by the first of March, 1791, several small companies of rangers for this purpose. At the same time Charles Scott was appointed Brigadier- General of the Kentucky militia, with authority to raise 226 vol- unteers, to protect the most exposed portions of that district. A full report of the proceedings of the Virginia Legislature being transmitted to Congress, that body constituted a local Board of War for the district of Kentucky, consisting of five men. March 9, 1791, Gen. Henry Knox, Secretary of War, sent a letter of instruc- tions to Gen. Scott, recommending an expedition of mounted men not exceeding 750, against the Wea towns on the Wabash. With HISTORY OF INDIANA. 77 this force Gen. Scott accordingly crossed the Ohio, May 23, 1791, and reached the Wabash in about ten days. Many of the Indians, having discovered his approach, fled, but he succeeded in destroy- 'inar all the villaijes around Oaiatenon, together with several Kick- apoo towns, killing 32 warriors and taking 58 prisoners. He released a few of the most infirm prisoners, giving them a " talk," which they carried to the towns farther up the Wabash, and which the wretched condition of his horses prevented him from reaching. March 3, 1791, Congress provided for raising and equipping a regiment for the protection of the frontiers, and Gov. St. Clair was invested with the chief command of about 3,000 troops, to be raised and employed against the hostile Indians in the territory over which his jurisdiction extended. He was instructed by the Secre- tary of War to march to the Miami village and establish a strong and permanent military post there; also such posts elsewhere along the Ohio as would be in communication with Fort Washington. The post at Miami village was intended to keep the savages in that vicinity in check, and was ordered to be strong enough in its gar- rison to afford a detachment of 500 or 600 men in case of emer- gency, either to chastise any of the Wabash or other hostile Indians or capture convoys of the enemy's provisions. The Secretary of War also urged Gov. St. Clair to establish that post as the first and most important part of the campaign. In case of a previous treaty the Indians were to be conciliated upon this point if possible; and he presumed good arguments might be offered to induce their acquiescence. Said he: " Having commenced your march upon the main expedition, and the Indians continuing hostile, you will use every possible exertion to make them feel the effects of your superi- ority; and, after having arrived at the Miami village and put your works in a defensible state, you will seek the enemy with the whole of your remaining force, and endeavor by all possible means to strike them with great severity. -h- * * -h- In order to avoid future wars, it might be proper to make the Wa- bash and thence over to the Maumee, and down the same to its mouth, at Lake Erie, the boundary between the people of the United States and the Indians (excepting so far as the same should relate to the Wyandots and Delawares), on the supposition of their continuing faithful to the treaties; but if they should join in the war against the United States, and your array be victorious, the said tribes ought to be removed without the boundary mentioned." Previous to marching a strong force to the Miami town. Gov. St. \ 78 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Clair, June 25, 1791, authorized Gen Wilkinson to conduct a second expedition, not exceeding 500 mounted men, against the Indian villages on the Wabash. Accordingly Gen. Wilkinson mustered his forces and was ready July 20, to march with 525 mounted vol- unteers, well armed, and provided with 30 days' provisions, and with this force he reached the Ke-na-pa-com-a-qua village on the north bank of Eel river about six miles above its mouth, Aug. 7, where he killed six warriors and took 34 prisoners. This town, wliich was scattered along the river for three miles, was totally de- stroyed. Wilkinson encamped on the ruins of the town that night, and the next day he conimenced his march for the Kickapoo town on the prairie, which he was unable to reach owing to the impassa- ble condition of the route which he adopted and the failing condi- tion of his horses. He reported the estimated results of the expe- dition as follows: "I have destroyed the chief town of the Ouiate- non nation, and have made prisoners of the sons and sisters of the king. I have burned a respectable Kickapoo village, and cut down at least 400 acres of corn, chiefly in the milk." EXPEDITIONS OF ST. CLAIR AND WAYNE. The Indians were greatly damaged by the expeditions of Harmar, Scott and Wilkinson, but were far from being subdued. They regarded the policy of the United States as calculated to extermi- nate them from the land; and, goaded on by the English of Detroit, enemies of the Americans, they were excited to desperation. At tliis time the British Government still supported garrisons at Niagara, Detroit and Michilimackinac, although it was declared by the second article of the definitive treaty of peace of 1783, that the king of Great Britain would, " with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction or carrying away any negroes or property of the American inhabitants, withdraw all his forces, garrisons and fleets from the United States, and from every post, place and harbor within the same." That treaty also provided that the creditors on either side should meet with no lawful impedi- ments to the recovery of the full value, in sterling money, of all bona fide debts previously contracted. The British Government claimed that the United States had broken faith in this particular understanding of the treaty, and in consequence refused to with- draw its forces from the territory. The British garrisons in the Lake Region were a source of much annoyance to the Americans, as they afforded succor to hostile Indians, encouraging them to V (» HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 79 make raids among the Americans. This state of affairs in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio continued from the commence- ment of the Revolutionary war to 1796, when under a second treaty all British soldiers were withdrawn from the country. In September, 1791, St. Clair moved from Fort Washington with about 2,000 men, and November 3, the main army, consisting of about 1,400 effective troops, moved forward to the head- waters of the Wabash, where Fort Recovery was afterward erected, and here the army encamped. About 1,200 Indians were secreted a few miles distant, awaiting a favorable opportunity to begin an attack, which they improved on the morning of Nov. 4, about half an hour before sunrise. The attack was first made upon the militia, which immediately gave way. St. Clair was defeated and he returned to Fort Washington with a broken and dispirited army, having lost 39 officers killed, and 539 men killed and missing; 22 officers and 232 men were wounded. Several pieces of artillery, and all the baggage, ammunition and provisions were left on the field of bat- tle and fell into the hands of the victorious Indians. The stores and other public property lost in the action were valued at $32,800. There were also 100 or more American women with the army of the whites, very few of whom escaped the cruel carnage of the sav- age Indians. The latter, characteristic of their brutal nature, proceeded in the flush of victory to perpetrate the most horrible acts of cruelty and brutality upon the bodies of the living and the dead Americans who fell into their hands. Believino; that the whites had made war for many years merely to acquire land, the Indians crammed clay and sand into the eyes and down the throats of the dj'ing and the dead! GEN. Wayne's gee at victory. Although no particular blame was attached to Gov. St. Clair for the loss in this expedition, yet he resigned the office of Major-Gen- erai, and was succeeded by Anthony Wayne, a distinguished officer of the Revolutionary war. Early in 1792 provisions were made by the general Government for re-organizing the army, so that it should consist of an efficient degree of strength. Wayne arrived at Pittsburg in June, where the army was to rendezvous. Here he continued actively engaged in organizing and training his forces until October, 1793, when with an army of about 3,600 men he moved westward to Fort Washington. While Wayne was preparing for an offensive campaign, every ^ 80 HISTORY OF INDIANA. possible means was employed to induce the hostile tribes of the Northwest to enter into a general treaty of peace with the Ameri- can Grovernment; speeches were sent among them, and agents to make treaties were also sent, but little was accomplished. Major Hamtramck, who atill remained at Vincennes, succeeded in con- cluding a general peace with the Wabash and Illinois Indians; but the tribes more immediately under the influence of the British refused to hear the sentiments of friendship that were sent among them, and tomahawked several of the messengers. Their courage had been aroused by St. Clair's defeat, as well as by the unsuccess- ful expeditions which had preceded it, and they now felt quite pre- pared to meet a superior force under Gen. Wayne. The Indians insisted on the Ohio river as the boundary line between their lands and the lands of the United States, and felt certain that they could maintain that boundary. Maj. Gen. Scott, with about 1,600 mounted volunteers from Kentucky, joined the regular troops under Gen. Wayne July 26, 1794, and on the 28th the united forces began their march for the Indian towns on the Maumee river. Arriving at the mouth of the Auglaize, they erected Fort Defiance, and Aug. 15 the army advanced toward the British fort at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee, where, on the 20th, almost within reach of the British, the American array gained a decisive victory over the combined forces of the hostile Indians and a considerable number of the Detroit militia. The number of the enemy was estimated at 2,000, against about 900 American troops actually engaged. This horde of savages, as soon as the action began, abandoned themselves to flight and dispersed with terror and dismay, leaving Wayne's vic- torious army in full and quiet possession of the field. The Ameri- cans lost 33 killed and 100 wounded; loss of the enemy more than double this number. The army remained three days and nights on the banks of the Maumee, in front of the field of battle, during which time all the houses and cornfields were consumed and destroyed for a considera- ble distance both above and below Fort Miami, as well as within pistol shot of the British garrison, who were compelled to remain idle spectators to this general devastation and conflagration, among which were the houses, stores and property of Col. McKee, the British Indian agent and " principal stimulator of the war then existino- between the United States and savages." On the return march to Fort Defiance the villages and cornfields for about 50 V :^.! ^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 81 miles on each side of the Maumee were destroyed, as well as those for a considerable distance around that post, Sept. 14, 1794, the army under Gen. Wayne commenced its march toward the deserted Miami villages at the confluence of St. Joseph's and St. Mary's rivers, arriving Oct. 17, and on the follow- ing day the site of Fort Wayne was selected. The fort was com- pleted Xov. 2'2, and garrisoned by a strong detachment of infantry and artillery, under the command of Col. John F. Hamtramck, who gave to the new fort the name of Fort Wayne. In 1814 a new fort was built on the site of this structure. The Kentucky volunteers returned to Fort Washington and were mustered out of service. Gen. Wayne, with the Federal troops, marched to Greenville and took up his headquarters during the winter. Here, in August, 1795, after several months of active negotiation, this gallant officer succeeded in concluding a general treaty of peace with all the hos- tile tribes of the Northwestern Territory. This treaty opened the way for the flood of immigration for many years, and ultimately made the States and territories now constituting the mighty North- west. Up to the organization of the Indiana Territory there is but little history to record aside from those events connected with military afiairs. In July, 1796, as before stated, after a treaty was con- cluded between the United States and Spain, the British garrisons, with their arms, artillery and stores, were withdrawn from the posts within the boundaries of the United States northwest of the Ohio river, and a detachment of American troops, consisting of 65 men, under the command of Capt. Moses Porter, took possession of the evacuated post of Detroit in the same month. In the latter part of 1796 Winthrop Sargent went to Detroit and organized the county of Wayne, forming a part of the Indiana Territory until its division in 1805, when the Territory of Michigan was organized. aPV \U — ^ - — -^ I -^ , & TERRITORIAL HISTORY. ORGANIZATION OF INDIANA TERRITORY. On the final success of American arms and diplomacy in 1796, the principal town within the Territory, now the State, of Indiana was Yincennes, which at this time comprised about 50 houses, all presenting a thrifty and tidy appearance. Each house was sur- rounded by a garden fenced with poles, and peach and apple-trees grew in most of the enclosures. Garden vegetables of all kinds were cultivated with success, and corn, tobacco, wheat, barley and cotton grew in the fields around the village in abundance. During the last few years of the 18th century the condition of society at Vincennes improved wonderfully. Besides Yincennes there was a small settlement near where the town of Lawrenceburg now stands, in Dearborn county, and in the course of that year a small settlement was formed at " Armstrong's Station," on the Ohio, within the present limits of Clark county. There were of course several other smaller settlements and trading posts in the present limits of Indiana, and the number of civilized inhabitants comprised within the territory was estimated at 4,875. The Territory of Indiana was organized by Act of Congress May 7, 1800, the material parts of the ordinance of 1787 remaining in force; and the inhabitants were invested with all the rights, privi- leges and advantages granted and secured to the people by that ordinance. The seat of government was fixed at Yincennes. May 13, 1800, Wm. Henry Harrison, a native of Yirginia, was appoint- ed Governor of this new territory, and on the next day John Gib- son, a native of Pennsylvania and a distinguished Western pioneer, (to whom the Indian chief Logan delivered his celebrated speech in 1774), was appointed Secretary of the Territory. Soon afterward Wm. Clark, Henry Yanderburgh and John Grifiin were appointed territorial Judges. Secretary Gibson arrived at Yincennes in July, and commenced, in the absence of Gov. Harrison, the administration of government. Gov. Harrison did not arrive until Jan. 10, 1801, when he imme- diately called together the Judges of the Territory, who proceeded (82) \Q_ 10 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 83 to pass such laws as they deemed necessary for the present govern- ment of the Territory. This session began March 3, 1801. From this time to 1810 the principal subjects which attracted the attention of the people of Indiana were land speculations, the adjustment of land titles, the question of negro slavery, the purchase of Indian lands by treaties, the organization of Territorial legis- latures, the extension of the right of suffrage, the division of Indiana Territory, the movements of Aaron Burr, and the hostile views and proceedings of the Shawanee chief, Tecumseh, and his brother, the Prophet. Up to this time the sixth article of the celebrated ordinance of 1787, prohibiting slavery in the Northwestern Territory, had been somewhat neglected in the execution of the law, and many French settlers still held slaves in a manner. In some instances, according to rules prescribed by Territorial legislation, slaves agreed by indentures to remain in servitude under their masters for a certain number of years; but many slaves, with whom no such contracts were made, were removed from the Indiana Territory either to the west of the Mississippi or to some of the slaveholding States. Gov. Harrison convoked a session of delegates of the Territory, elected by a popular vote, who petitioned Congress to declare the sixth article of the ordinance of 1787, prohibiting slavery, suspend- ed; but Congress never consented to grant that petition, and many other petitions of a similar import. Soon afterward some of the citizens began to take colored persons out of the Territory for the purpose of selling them, and Gov. Harrison, by a proclamation April 6, 1804, forbade it, and called upon the authorities of the Territory to assist him in preventing such removal of persons of color. During the year 1804 all the country west of the Mississippi and north of 33** was attached to Indiana Territory by Congress, but in a few months was again detached and organized into a separate ter- ritory . When it appeared from the result of a popular vote in the Terri- tory that a majority of 138 freeliolders were in favor of organizing a General Assembly, Gov. Harrison, Sept. 11, 1804, issued a procla- mation declaring that the Territory had passed into the second grade of government, as contemplated by the ordinance of 1787, and fixed Thursday, Jan. 3, 1805, as the time for holding an election in the several counties of the Territory,to choose members of a House of Representatives, who should meet at Yincennes Feb. 1 and V jVj« — fy- 84 HISTORY OF INDIANA. adopt measures for the orgaaization of a Territorial Council. These delegates were elected, and met according to the proclamation, and selected ten men from whom the President of the United States, Mr. Jefferson, should appoint five to be and constitute the Legisla- tive Council of the Territory, but he declining, requested Mr. Har- rison to make the selection, which was accordingly done. Before the first session of this Council, however, was held, Michigan Ter- ritory was set off, its south line being one drawn from the southern end of Lake Michigan directly east to Lake Erie. FIBST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. The first General Assembly, or Legislature, of Indiana Territory met at Vincennes July 29, 1805, in pursuance of a gubernatorial proclamation. The members of the House of Representatives were Jesse B. Thomas, of Dearborn county; Davis Floyd, of Clark county; Benjamin Parke and John Johnson, of Knox county; Shadrach Bond and "William Biggs, of St. Clair county, and George Fisher, of Randolph county, July 30 the Governor delivered his first mes- sage to "the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Indiana Territory." Benjamin Parke' was the first delegate elected to Congress. He had emigrated from New Jersey to In- diana in 1801. THE "western sun" was the first newspaper published in the Indiana Territory, now comprising the four great States of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and "Wisconsin, and the second in all that country once known as the "Northwestern Territory." It was commenced at Yincennes in 1803, by Elihu Stout, of Kentucky, and first called the Indiana Gazette, and July, 4, 1804, was changed to the Westerri Sun. Mr. Stout continued the paper until 1845, amid many discouragements, when he was appointed postmaster at the place, and he sold out the office. INDIANA IN 1810. The events which we have just been describing really constitute the initiatory steps to the great military campaign of Gen. Harrison which ended in the "battle of Tippecanoe;" but before proceeding to an account of that brilliant affair, let us take a glance at the re- sources and strength of Indiana Territory at this time, 1810: Total population, 24,520 ; 33 grist mills; 14 saw mills; 3 horse mills; 18 tanneries; 28 distilleries; 3 powder mills; 1,256 looms ^ ^ d — VI (5 eK < * — HISTORY OF INDIANA. 85 1,350 spinning wheels; value of manufactures — woolen, cotton hempen and flaxen cloths, $159,062; of cotton and wool spun in mills, $150,000; of nails, 30,000 pounds, $4,000; of leather tanned, $9,300; of distillery products, 35,950 gallons, $16,230; of gun- powder, 3,600 pounds, $1,800; of wine from grapes, 96 barrels, $6,000, and 5 0,000 pounds of maple sugar. During the year 1810 a Board of Commissioners was established to straighten out the confused condition into which the land-title controversy had been carried by the various and conflicting admin- istrations that had previously exercised jurisdiction in this regard. This work was attended with much labor on the part of the Commis- sioners and great dissatisfaction on the part of a few designing specu- lators, who thought no extreme of perjury too hazardous in their mad attempts to obtain lands fraudulently. In closing their report the Commissioners used the following expressive language: " We close this melancholy picture of human depravity by rendering our devout acknowledgment that, in the awful alternative in which we have been placed, of either admitting perjured testimony in sup- port of the claims before us, or having it turned against our char- acters and lives, it has as yet pleased that divine providence which rules over the afiairs of men, to preserve us, both from legal mur- der and private assassination." The question of dividing the Territory of Indiana was agitated from 1806 to 1809, when Congress erected the Territory of Illinois, to comprise all that part of Indiana Territory lying west of the Wabash river and a direct line drawn from that river and Post Yincennes due north to the territorial line between the United States and Caaada. This occasioned some confusion in the govern- ment of Indiana, but in due time the new elections were confirmed, and the new territory started off on a journey of prosperity which this section of the United States has ever since enjoyed. From the first settlement of Vincennes for nearly half a century there occurred nothing of importance to relate, at least so far as the records inform us. The place was too isolated to grow very fast, and we suppose there was a succession of priests and com- mandants, who governed the little world around them with almost infinite power and authority, from whose decisions there was no appeal, if indeed any was ever desired. The character of society in such a place would of course grow gradually different from the parent society, assimilating more or less with that of neighboring tribes. The whites lived in peace with the Indians, each under- ■7< C" 86 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Standing the other's peculiarities, which remained fixed long enough for both parties to study out and understand them. The government was a mixture of the military and the civil. There was little to incite to enterprise. Speculations in money and prop- erty, and their counterpart, beggary, were both unknown; the nec- essaries of life were easily procured, and beyond these there were but few wants to be supplied; hospitality was exercised by all, as there were no taverns; there seemed to be no use for law, judges or prisons; each district had its commandant, and the proceedings of a trial were singular. The complaining party obtained a notifi- cation from the commandant to his adversary, accompanied by a command to render justice. If this had no effect he was notified to appear before the commandant on a particular day and answer; and if the last notice was neglected, a sergeant and file of men were sent to bring him, — no sheriff and no costs. The convicted party would be fined and kept in prison until he rendered justice according to the decree; when extremely refractory the cat-o'-nine- tails brought him to a sense of justice. In such a state of society there was no demand for learning and science. Few could read, and still fewer write. Their disposition was nearly always to deal honestly, at least simply. Peltries were their standard of value. A brotherly love generally prevailed. But they were devoid of public spirit, enterprise or ingenuity. "^ rv GOV. HARRISON AND THE INDIANS. Immediately after the organization of Indiana Territory Governor Harrison's attention was directed, bj necessity as well as by in- structions from Congress, to settling affairs with those Indians who still held claims to lands. He entered into several treaties, by which at the close of 1805 the United States Government had ob- tained about 46,000 square miles of territory, including all the lands lying on the borders of the Ohio river between the mouth of the Wabash river and the State of Ohio. The levying of a tax, especially a poll tax, by the General Assem- bly, created considerable dissatisfaction among many of the inhabit- ants. At a meeting held Sunday, August 16, 1807, a number of Frenchmen resolved to " withdraw their confidence and support forever from those men who advocated or in any manner promoted the second grade of government." In 1807 the territorial statutes were revised and under the new code, treason, murder, arson and horse-stealing were each punish- able by death. The crime of manslaughter was punishable by the common law. Burglary and robbery were punishable by whip- ping, fine and in some cases by imprisonment not exceeding forty years. Hog stealing was punishable by fine and whipping. Bigamy was punishable by fine, whipping and disfranchisement, etc. In 1804 Congress established three land offices for the sale of lands in Indiana territory; one was located at Detroit, one at Yin- cennes and one at Kaskaskia. In 1807 a fourth one was opened at Jefferson ville, Clark county; this town was first laid out in 1802, agreeably to plans suggested by Mr. Jefferson then President of the United States. Governor Harrison, according to his message to the Legislature in 1806, seemed to think that the peace then existing between the whites and the Indians was permanent; but in the same document he referred to a matter that might be a source of trouble, which in- deed it proved to be, namely, the execution of white laws among the Indians — laws to which the latter had not been a party in their enactment. The trouble was aggravated by the partiality with which the laws seem always to have been executed; the Indian (87) \ 88 HISTORY OF INDIANA. was nearly always the sufferer. Ail along from 180.5 to 1810 the Indians complained bitterly against the encroachments of the white people upon the lands that belonged to them. The invasion of their hunting grounds and the unjustifiable killing of many of their peo- ple were the sources of their discontent. An old chief, in laying the trouble of his people before Governor Harrison, said : " You call us children ; why do you not make us as happy as our fathers, the French, did? They never took from us our lands; indeed, they were common between us. They planted where they pleased, and they cut wood where they pleased; and so did we; but now if a poor Indian attempts to take a little bark from a tree to cover him from the rain, up comes a white man and threatens to shoot him, claiming the tree as his own." The Indian truly had grounds for his complaint, and the state of feeling existing among the tribes at this time was well calculated to develop a patriotic leader who should carry them all forward to victory at arms, if certain concessions were not made to them by the whites. But this golden opportunity was seized by an unworthy warrior. A brother of Tecumseh, a "prophet" named Law-le-was-i- kaw, but who assumed the name of Pems-quat-a-wah (Open Door), was the crafty Shawanee warrior who was enabled to work upon both the superstitions and the rational judgment of his fellow In- dians. He was a good orator, somewhat peculiar in his appearance and well calculated to win the attention and respect of the savages. He began by denouncing witchcraft, the use of intoxicating liquors, the custom of Indian women marrying white men, the dress of the whites and the practice of selling Indian lands to the United States. He also told the Indians that the commands of the Great Spirit re- quired them to punish with death those who practiced the arts of witchcraft and magic; that the Great Spirit had given him power to find out and expose such persons; that he had power to cure all diseases, to confound his enemies and to stay the arm of death in sickness and on the battle-field. His harangues aroused among some bands of Indians a high degree of superstitious excitement. An old Delaware chief named Ta-te-bock-o-she, through whose in- fluence a treaty had been made with the Delawares in 1804, was accused of witchcraft, tried, condemned and tomahawked, and his body consumed by fire. The old chief's wife, nephew ("Billy Patterson ") and an aged Indian named Joshua were next accused of witchcraft and condemned to death. The two men were burned at the stake, but the wife of Ta-te-bock-o-she was saved from -^ '^ THE SHAWNEE PKOPHET. \ L HISTORY OF INDIANA. 91 death by her brother, who suddenly approached her, took her by the hand, and, without meeting any opposition from the Indians present, led her out of the council- house. He then immediately returned and checked the growing influence of the Prophet by exclaiming in a strong, earnest voice, " The Evil Spirit has come among us and we are killing each other." — {^Dillon's History of Indiana. When Gov. Harrison was made acquainted with these events he sent a special messenger to the Indians, strongly entreating them to renounce the Prophet and his works. This really destroyed to som'e extent the Prophet's influence; but in the spring of 1808, having aroused nearly all the tribes of the Lake Region, the Prophet with a large number of followers settled near the mouth of the Tippe- canoe river, at a place which afterward had the name of "Prophet's- Town." Taking advantage of his brother's influence, Tecumseh actively engaged himself in forming the various tribes into a con- federacy. He announced publicly to all the Indians that the treaties by which the United States had acquired lands northwest of the Ohio were not made in fairness, and should be considered void. He also said that no single tribe was invested with power to sell lands without the consent of all the other tribes, and that he and his brother, the Prophet, would oppose and resist all future attempts which the white people might make to extend their set- tlements in the lands that belonged to the Indians. Early in 1808, Gov. Harrison sent a speech to the Shawanees, in which was this sentence: " My children, this business must be stopped ; I will no longer suffer it. You have called a number of men from the most distant tribes to listen to a fool, who speaks not the words of the Great Spirit but those of the devil and the British agents. My children, your conduct has much alarmed the white settlers near you. They desire that you will send away those people; and if they wish to have the impostor with them they can carry him along with them. Let him go to the lakes; he can hear the British more distinctly." This message wounded the pride of the Prophet, and he prevailed on the messenger to inform Gov. Harrison that he was not in league with the British, but was speak- ing truly the words of the Great Spirit. In the latter part of the summer of 1808, the Prophet spent sev- eral weeks at Vincennes, for the purpose of holding interviews with Gov. Harrison. At one time he told the Governor that he was a Christian and endeavored to persuade his people also to become Christians, abandon the use of liquor, be united in broth- \ ^ k J- 92 HISTORY OF INDIANA. erly love, etc., making Mr. Harrison believe at least, that he was honest; but before long it was demonstrated that the "Prophet" was designing, cunning and unreliable; that both he and Tecumseh were enemies of the United States, and friends of the English; and that in case of a war between the Americans and English, they would join the latter. The next year the Prophet again visited Vincennes, with assurances that he was not in sympathy with the English, but the Governor was not disposed to believe him; and in a letter to the Secretary of War, in July, 1809, he said that he regarded the bands of Indians at Prophet's Town as a combination which had been produced by British intrigue and influence, in antic- ipation of a war between them and the United States. In direct opposition to Tecumseh and the prophet and in spite of all these difficulties, Gov. Harrison continued the work of extin- guishing Indian titles to lands, with very good success. By the close of 1809, the total amount of land ceded to the United States, under treaties which had been effected by Mr. Harrison, exceeded 30,000,000 a -res. From 1805 to 1807, the movements of Aaron Burr in the Ohio valley created considerable excitement in Indiana, It seemed that he intended to collect a force of men, invade Mexico and found a republic there, comprising all the country west of the Alleghany mountains. He gathered, however, but a few men, started south, and was soon arrested by the Federal authorities. But before his arrest he had abandoned his expedition and his followers had dispersed, Harrison's campaign. While the Indians were combining to prevent any further trans- fer of land to the whites, the British were using the advantage as a groundwork for a successful war upon the Americans. In the spring of 1810 the followers of the Prophet refused to receive their annuity of salt, and the officials who offered it were denounced as "American dogs," and otherwise treated in a disrespectful manner. Gov. Harrison, in July, attempted to gain the friendship of the Prophet by sending him a letter,offering to treat with him person- ally in the matter of his grievances, or to furnish means to send him, with three of his principal chiefs, to the President at Wash- ington; but the messenger was coldly received, and they returned word that they would visit Vincennes in a few days and interview the Governor. Accordingly, Aug. 12, 1810, the Shawanee chief with 70 of his principal warriors, marched up to the door of the J ® •vj< HISTORY OF INDIANA. 93 Governor's house, and from that day until the 22d held daily inter- views with His Excellency. In all of his speeches Tecuinseh was haughty, and sometimes arrogant. On the 20th he delivered that celebrated speech in which he gave the Governor the alternative of returning their lands or meeting them in battle. While the Governor was replying to this speech Tecumseh inter- rupted him with an angry exclamation, declaring that the United States, through Gov. Harrison, had "cheated and imposed on the Indians." When Tecumseh first rose, a number of his party also sprung to their feet, armed with clubs, tomahawks and spears, and made some threatening demonstrations. The Governor's guards, who stood a little way off, were marched up in haste, and the In- dians, awed by the presence of this small armed force, abandoned w^hat seemed to be an intention to make an open attack on the Gov- ernor and his attendants. As soon as Tecumseh's remarks were interpreted, the Governor reproached him for his conduct, and com- manded him to depart instantly to his camp. On the following day Tecumseh repented of his rash act and re- quested the Governor to grant him another interview, and pro- tested against any intention of offense. The Governor consented, and the council was re-opened on the 21st, when the Shawanee chief addressed him in a respectful and dignified manner, but re- mained immovable in his policy. The Governor then requested Tecumseh to state plainly whether or not the surveyors who might be sent to survey the lands purchased at the treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809, would be molested by Indians. Tecumseh replied: "Brother, when you speak of annuities to me, I look at the land and pity the women and children. I am authorized to say that they will not receive them. Brother, we want to save that piece of land. We do not wish you to take it. It is small enough for our purpose. If you do take it, you must blame yourself as the cause of the trouble between us and the tribes who sold it to you. I want the present boundary line to continue. Should you cross it, I assure you it will be productive of bad consequences." The next day the Governor, attended only by his interpreter, visited the camp of the great Shawanee, and in the course of along interview told him that the President of the United States would not acknowledge his claims. "Well," replied the brave warrior, "as the great chief is to determine the matter, I hope the Great Spirit will put sense enough into his head to induce him to direct you to give up this land. It is true, he is so far off he will not be ?rr- \ ^k. 94 HISTORY OF INDIANA. injured by the war. He may sit still in bis town and drink his wine, while you and I will have to fight it out." In his message to the new territorial Legislature in 1810 Gov. Harrison called attention to the dangerous views held by Tecumseh and the Prophet, to the pernicious influence of alien enemies among the Indians, to the unsettled condition of the Indian trade and to the policy of extinguishing Indian titles to lands. The eastern settlements were separated from the western by a consider- able extent of Indian lands, and the most fertile tracts within the territory were still in the hands of the Indians. Almost entirely divested of the game from which they had drawn their subsistence, it had become of little use to them; and it was the intention of -the Government to substitute for the precarious and scanty sup- plies of the chase the more certain and plentiful support of agri- culture and stock-raising. The old habit of the Indians to hunt so long as a deer could be found was so inveterate that they would not break it and resort to intelligent agriculture unless they were compelled to, and to this they would not be compelled unless they were confined to a limited extent of territory. The earnest lan- guage of the Governor's appeal was like this: "Are then those extinguishments of native title which are at once so beneficial to the Indian and the territory of the United States, to be suspended on account of the intrigues of a few individuals? Is one of the fair- est portions of the globe to remain in a state of nature, the haunt of a few wretched savages, when it seems destined by the Creator to give support to a large population, and to be the seat of civili- zation, of science and true religion?" In the same message the Governor also urged the establishment of a system of popular education. Among the acts passed hy this session of the Legislature, one authorized the President and Directors of the Yincennes Public Library to raise $1,000 by lottery. Also, a petition was sent to Congress for a permanent seat of government for the Territory, and commissioners were appointed to select the site. With the beginning of the year 1811 the British agent for Indian affairs adopted measures calculated to secure the support of the savao^es in the war which at this time seemed almost inevitable. Meanwhile Gov. Harrison did all in his power to destroy the influ- ence of Tecumseh and his brother and break up the Indian confed- eracy which was oeing organized in the interests of Great Britain. Pioneer settlers and the Indians naturally grew more and more .♦ ^' — ^ ^^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 97 ready to march to the Prophet's town,several Indian chiefs arrived at Vincennes Sept. 25, 1811, and declared that the Indians would comply with the demands of the Governor and disperse; but this did not check the military proceedings. The army under com- mand of Harrison moved from Vincennes Sept. 26, and Oct. 3, en- countering no opposition from the enemy, encamped at the place where Fort Harrison was afterward built, and near where the city of Terre Haute now stands. On the night of the 11th a few hos- tile Indians approached the encampment and wounded one of the sentinels, which caused considerable excitement. The army was immediately drawn up in line of battle, and small detachments were sent in all directions; but the enemy could not be found. Then the Governor sent a message to Prophet's Town, requiring the Shawanees, Winnebagoes, Pottawatomies and Kickapoos at that place to return to their respective tribes; he also required the Prophet to restore all the stolen horses in his ]iossession, or to give satisfactory proof that such persons were not there, nor had lately been, under his control. To this message the Governor received no answer, unless that answer was delivered in the battle of Tip- pecanoe. The new fort on the Wabash was finished Oct. 28, and at the re- quest of all the subordinate officers it was called "Fort Harrison," near what is now Terre Haute. This fort was garrisoned with a small number of men under Lieutenant-Colonel Miller. On the 29th the remainder of the army, consisting of 910 men, moved toward the Prophet's town; about 270 of the troops were mounted. The regular troops, 250 in number, were under the command of Col. Boyd, With this array the Governor marched to withm a half mile of the Prophet's town, when a conference was opened with a distinguished chief, in high esteem with the Prophet, and he informed Harrison that the Indians were much surprised at the approach of the army, and had already dispatched a message to him by another route. Harrison replied that he would not attack them until he had satisfied himself that they would not comply with his demands; that he would continue his encampment on the Wabash, and on the following morning would have an interview with the prophet. Harrison then resumed his march, and, after some difficulty, selected a place to encamp — a spot not very desir- able. It was a piece of dry oak land rising about ten feet above the marshy prairie in front toward the Indian town, and nearly twice that height above a similar prairie in the rear, through which "?i(9 — - "^ «>Fr -V e «^ i^ > '•"^ If, * 98 HISTORY OF INDIANA. and near this bank ran a small stream clothed with willow and brush wood. Toward the left flank this highland widened consid- erably, but became gradually narrower in the opposite direction, and at the distance of 150 yards terminated in an abrupt point. The two columns of infantry occupied the front and rear of this ground, about 150 yards from each other on the left, and a little more than half that distance on the right, flank. One flank was filled by two companies of mounted riflemen, 120 men, under com- mand of Major-General Wells, of the Kentucky militia, and one by Spencer's company of mounted riflemen, numbering 80 men. The front line was composed of one battalion of United States in- fantry, under command of Major Floyd, flanked on the right by two companies of militia, and on the left by one company. The rear line was composed of a battalion of United States troops, under command of Capt. Bean, acting as Major, and four companies of militia infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel Decker. The regular troops of this line joined the mounted riflemen under Gen. Wells, on the left flank, and Col. Decker's battalion formed an angle with Spencer's company on the left. Two troops of dragoons, about 60 men in all, were encamped in the rear of the left flank, and Capt. Parke's troop, which was larger than the other two, in rear of the right line. For a night attack the order of encampment was the order of battle, and each man slept opposite his post in the line. In the formation of the troops single flle was adopted, in order to get as great an extension of the lines as possible. BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. No attack was made by the enemy until about 4 o'clock on the morning of Nov. 7, just after the Governor had arisen. The attack was made on the left flank. Only a single gun was tired by the sentinels or by the guard in that direction, which made no resist- ance, abandoning their posts and fleeing into camp; and the first notice which the troops of that line had of the danger was the yell of the savages within a short distance of them. But the men were courageous and preserved good discipline. Such of them as were awake, or easily awakened, seized arms and took their stations; others, who were more tardy, had to contend with the enemy in the doors of their tents. The storm first fell upon Capt. Barton's company of the Fourth United States Regiment, and Capt. Geiger's company of mounted riflemen, which formed the left angle of the rear line. The fire from the Indians was exceedingly severe, and " -A 9 — ^ *,, « "''' » ^• \ H* HISTORY OF INDIANA. 99 men in these companies suffered considerably before relief could be brought to them. Some few Indians passed into the encampment near the angle, and one or two penetrated to some distance before they were killed. All the companies formed for action before they were fired on. The morning was dark and cloudy, and the fires of the Americans afforded only a partial light, which gave greater advantage to the enemy than to the troops, and they were there- fore extinguished. As soon as the Governor could mount his horse he rode to the angle which was attacked, where he found that Barton's company had suffered severely, and the left of Geiger's entirely broken. He immediately ordered Cook's and Wentworth's companies to march up to the center of the rear line, where were stationed a small com- pany of U. S. riflemen and the companies of Bean, Snelling and Prescott. As the General rode up he found Maj, Daviess forming the dragoons in the rear of these companies, and having ascertained that the heaviest fire proceeded from some trees 15 or 20 paces in front of these companies, he directed the Major to dislodge them with a part of the dragoons; but unfortunately the Major's gal- lantry caused him to undertake the execution of the order with a smaller force than was required, which enabled the enemy to avoid him in front and attack his flanks. He was mortally wounded and his men driven back. Capt. Snelling, however, with his company immediately dislodged those Indians. Capt. Spencer and his Ist and 2nd Lieutenants were killed, and Capt. Warwick mortally wounded. The soldiery remained brave. Spencer had too much ground originally, and Harrison re-enforced him with a company of riflemen which had been driven from their position on the left flank. Gen. Harrison's aim was to keep the lines entire, to prevent the enemy from breaking into the camp until daylight, which would enable him to make a general and effectual charge. With this view he had re-enforced every part of the line that had suffered much, and with the approach of morning he withdrew several companies from the front and rear lines and re-enforced the right and left flanks, foreseeing that at these points the enemy would make their last effort. Maj. Wells, who had commanded the left flank, charged upon the enemy and drove them at the point of the bayonet into the marsh, where they could not be followed. Meanwhile Capt. Cook and Lieut. Larrabee marched their companies to the right flank and formed under fire of the enemy, and being there joined ^ lofC. — - — J9^ ->• 100 HISTORY OF INDIANA. by the riflemen of that flank, charged upon the enemy, killing a number and putting the rest to a precipitate flight. Thus ended the famous battle of Tippecanoe, victoriously to the whites and honorably to Gen. Harrison. In this battle Mr. Harrison had about 700 efficient men, while the Indians had probably more than that. The loss of the Ameri- cans was 37 killed and 25 mortally wounded, and 126 wounded; the Indians lost 38 killed on the field of battle, and the number of the wounded was never known. Among the whites killed were Daviess, Spencer, Owen, Warwick, Randolph, Bean and White. Standing on. an eminence near by, the Prophet encouraged his warriors to battle by singing a favorite war-song. He told them that they would gain an easy victory, and that the bullets of their enemies would be made harmless by the Great Spirit. Being informed duringthe engagement that some of the Indians were killed, he said that his warriors must fight on and they would soon be victorious. Immediately after their defeat the surviving Indians lost faith in their great (?) Proph- et, returned to their respective tribes, and thus the confederacy was destroyed. The Prophet, with a very few followers, then took up his residence among a small band of Wyandots encamped on Wild-Cat creek. His famous town, with all its possessions, was destroyed the next day, Nov. 8. On the 18th the American army returned to Vincennes, where most of the troops were discharged. The Territorial Legislature, being in session, adopted resolutions complimentary to Gov, Harri- son and the officers and men under him, and made preparations for a reception and celebration. Capt. Logan, the eloquent Shawanee chief who assisted our forces so materially, died in the latter part of November, 1812, from the effects of a wound received in a skirmish with a recon- noitering party of hostile Indians accompanied by a white man in the British service, Nov. 22. In that skirmish the white man was killed, and Winamac, a Pottawatomie chief of some distinction, fell by the rifle of Logan. The latter was mortally wounded, when he retreated with two warriors of his tribe, Capt. Johnny and Bright-Horn, to the camp of Gen. Winchester, where he soon after- ward died. He was buried with the honors of war. ■^ (S ^~ ^* Q V ■>♦- ^ WAK OF 1812 WITH GREAT BEITAIN. The victory recently gained by the Americans at the battle of Tippecanoe insured perfect peace for a time, bat only a short time as the more extensive schemes of the British had so far ripened as to compel the United States again to declare war against them. Tecumseh had fled to Maiden, Canada, where, counseled by the English, he continued to excite the tribes against the Americans. As soon as this war with Great Britain was declared (June 18, 1812), the Indians, as was expected, commenced again to commit depredations. During the summer of 1812 several points along the Lake Region succumbed to theBritish, as Detroit, under Gen. Hull, Fort Dearborn (now Chicago), commanded by Capt. Heald under Gen. Hull, the post at Mackinac, etc. In the early part of September, 1812, parties of hostile Indians began to assemble in considerable numbers in the vicinity of Forts Wayne and Harrison, with a view to reducing them. Capt. Rhea, at this time, had command of Fort Wayne, but his drinking pro- pensities rather disq^ualified him for emergencies. For two weeks the fort was in great jeopardy. An express had been sent to Gen. Harrison for reinforcements, but many days passed without any tidings of expected assistance. At length, one day, Maj. Wm. Oliver and four friendly Indians arrived at the fort on horseback. One of the Indians was the celebrated Logan. They had come in defiance of " 500 Indians," had "broken their ranks" and reached the fort in safety. Oliver reported that Harrison was aware of the situation and was raising men for a re-enforcement. Ohio was also raising volunteers; 800 were then assembled at St. Mary's, Ohio, 60 miles south of Fort Wayne, and would march to the relief of the fort in three or four days, or as soon as they were joined by re- enforcements from Kentucky. Oliver prepared a letter, announcing to Gen. Harrison his safe ar- rival at the besieged fort, and giving an account of its beleaguered situation, which he dispatched by his friendly Shawanees, while he concluded to take his chances at the fort. Brave Logan and his companions started with the message, but had scarcely left the fort when they were discovered and pursued by the hostile Indians, yet passing the Indian lines in safety, they were soon out of reach. The Indians now began a furious attack upon the fort; but the little garrison, with Oliver to cheer them on, bravely met the assault, re- pelling the attack day after day, until the army approached to their relief. During this siege the commanding officer, whose habits of " Z tion : ^" 1 fi) 102 HISTORY OF INDIANA. intemperance rendered him unfit for the command, was confined in the " black hole," while the junior officer assumed charge. This course was approved by the General, on his arrival, but Capt. Rhea received very little censure, probably on account of his valuable ser- vices in the Revolutionary war. Sept. 6, 1812, Harrison moved forward with his army to the re- lief of Fort "Wayne; the next day he reached a point within three miles of St. Mary's river; the next day he reached the river and was joined at evening by 200 mounted volunteers, under Col. Rich- ard M. Johnson; the next day at "Shane's Crossing" on the St. Mary's they were joined by 800 men from Ohio, under Cols. Adams and Hawkins. At this place Chief Logan and four other Indians offered their services as spies to Gen. Harrison, and were accepted. Logan was immediately disguised and sent forward. Passing through the lines of the hostile Indian8,he ascertained their number to be about 1,500, and entering the fort, he encouraged the solaiers to hold out, as relief was at hand. Gen. Harrison's force at this time was about 3,500. After an early breakfast Friday morning they were under march- ing orders; it had rained and the guns were damp; they were dis- charged and reloaded ; but that day only one Indian was encount- ered ; preparations were made at night for an expected attack by the Indians, but no attack came; the next day, Sept. 10, they ex- pected to fight their way to Fort Wayne, but in that they were hap- pily disappointed; and "At the first grey of the morning," as Bryce eloquently observes, "the distant halloos of the disappointed sav- ages revealed to the anxious inmates of the fort the glorious news of the approach of the army. Great clouds of dust could be seen from the fort, rolling up in the distance, as the valiant soldiery under Gen. Harrison moved forward to the rescue of the garrison and the brave boys of Kentucky and Ohio." This siege of Fort Wayne of course occasioned great loss to the few settlers who had gathered around the fort. At the time of its commencement quite a little village had clustered around the mili- tary works, but during the siege most of their improvements and crops were destroyed by the savages. Every building out of the reach of the guns of the fort was leveled to the ground, and thus the in- fant settlement was destroyed. During this siege the garrison lost but three men, while the Indians lost 25. Gen. Harrison had all the Indian villages for 25 miles around destroyed. Fort Wayne was nothing but a military post until about 1819. Q) IS ^1 HISTOKT OF INDIANA. 103 Simultaneously with the attack on Fort Wayne the Indians also besieged Fort Harrison, which was commanded by Zachary Taylor. The Indians commenced firing upon the fort about 11 o'clock one night, when the garrison was in a rather poor plight for receiving them. The enemy succeeded in firing one of the block-houses, which contained whisky, and the whites had great difficulty in pre- venting the burning of all the barracks. The word " fire " seemed to have thrown all the men into confusion; soldiers' and citizens' wives, who had taken shelter within the fort, were crying; Indians were yelling; many of the garrison were sick and unable to be on duty; the men despaired and gave themselves up as lost; two of the strongest and apparently most reliable men jumped the pickets in the very midst of the emergency, etc., so that Capt. Taylor was at his wit's end what to do; but he gave directions as to the many details, rallied the men by a new scheme, and after about seven hours succeeded in saving themselves. The Indians drove up the horses belonging to the citizens, and as they could not catch th-^ra very readily, shot the whole of them in the sight of their owners, and also killed a number of the hogs belonging to the whites. They drove ofi^ all of the cattle, 65 in number, as well as the public oxen. Among many other depredations committed by the savages dur- ing this period, was the massacre of the Pigeon Roost settlement, consisting of one man, five women and 16 children ; a few escaped. An unsuccessful effort was made to capture these Indians, but when the news of this massacre and the attack on Fort Harrison reached Yincennes, about 1,200 men, under the command of Col. Wm. Russell, of the 7th U. S. Infantry, marched forth for the re- lief of the fort and to punish the Indians. On reaching the fort the Indians had retired from the vicinity; but on the 15th of Sep- tember a small detachment composed of 11 men, under Lieut. Rich- ardson, and acting as escort of provisions sent from Vincennes to Fort Harrison, was attacked by a party of Indians within the pres- ent limits of Sullivan county. It was reported that seven of these men were killed and one wounded. The provisions of course fell into the hands of the Indians. EXPEDITIONS AGAINST THE INDIANS. By the middle of August, through the disgraceful surrender of Gen. Hull, at Detroit, and the evacuation of Fort Dearborn and massacre of its garrison, the British and Indians were in possession of the whole Northwest. The savages, emboldened by their buc- '7\ S" di. 104 HISTORY OF INDIANA. cesses, penetrated deeper into the settlements, committing great depredations. The activity and success of the enemy aroused the people to a realization of the great danger their homes and families M^ere in. Gov. Edwards collected a force of 350 men at Camp Russell, and Capt. Hussell came from Vincennes with about 50 more. Being officered and equipped, they proceeded about the middle of October on horseback, carrying with them 20 day's rations, to Peoria. Capt. Craig was sent with two boats up the Illinois, with provisions and tools to build a fort. The little army proceeded to Peoria Lake, where was located a Pottawatomie village. They arrived late at night, within a few miles of the village, without their presence being known to the Indians. Four men were sent out that night to reconnoiter the position of the village. The four brave men who volunteered for this perilous service were Thomas Carlin (afterward Governor), and Robert, Stephen and Davis White- side. They proceeded to the village, and explored it and the ap- proaches to it thoroughly, without starting an Indian or provoking the bark of a dog. The low lands between the Indian village and the troops were covered with a rank growth of tall grass, so high and dense as to readily conceal an Indian on horseback, until within a few feet of him. The ground had become still more yielding by recent rains, rendering it almost impassable by mounted men. To prevent detection the soldiers had camped without lighting the usual camp-fires. The men lay down in their cold and cheerless camp, with many misgivings. They well remembered how the skulking savages fell upon Harrison's men at Tippecanoe during the night. To add to their fears, a gun in the hands of a soldier was carelessly discharged, raising great consternation in the camp. Through a dense fog which prevailed the following morning, the army took up its line of march for the Indian town, Capt. Judy with his corps of spies in advance. In the tall grass they came up with an Indian and his squaw, both mounted. The Indian wanted to surrender, but Judy observed that he " did not leave home to take prisoners," and instantly shot one of them. "With the blood streaming from his mouth and nose, and in his agony " singing the death song," the dying Indian raised his gun, shot and mortally wounded a Mr. Wright, and in a few minutes expired! Many guns were immediately discharged at the other Indian, not then known to be a squaw, all of which missed her. Badly scared, and her hus- band killed by her side, the agonizing wails of the squaw were heart-rending. She was taken prisoner, and afterward restored to her nation. -^' \ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 105 On nearing the town a general charge was made, the Indians fleeing to the interior wilderness. Some of their warriors made a stand, when a sharp engagement occurred, but the Indians were routed. In their flight they left behind all their winter's store of provisions, which was taken, and their town burned. Some Indian children were found who had been left in the hurried flight, also some disabled adults, one of whom was in a starving condition, and with a voracious appetite partook of the bread given him. He is said to have been killed by a cowardly trooper straggling behind, after the main army had resumed its retrograde march, who wanted to be able to boast that he had killed an Indian. September 19, 1812, Gen. Harrison was put in command of the Northwestern army, then estimated at 10,000 men, with these orders: "Having provided for the protection of the western front- ier, you will retake Detroit; and, with a view to the conquest of upper Canada, you will penetrate that country as far as the force under your command will in your judgment justify." Although surrounded by many difficulties, the General began immediately to execute these instructions. In calling for volun- teers from Kentucky, however, more men ofiered than could be received. At this time there were about 2,000 mounted volunteers at Yincennes, under the command of Gen, Samuel Hopkins, of the Revolutionary war, who was under instructions to operate against the enemy along the Wabash and Illinois rivers. Accordingly, early in October, Gen. Hopkins moved from Vincennes towards the Kickapoo villages in the Illinois territory, with about 2,000 troops; but after four or five days' march the men and officers raised a mutiny which gradually succeeded in carrying all back to Vin- cennes. The cause of their discontent is not apparent. About the same time Col. Russell, with two small companies of U. S. rangers, commanded by Capts. Perry and Modrell, marched from the neighborhood of Vincennes to unite with a small force of mounted militia under the command of Gov. Edwards, of Illinois, and afterward to march with the united troops from Cahokia toward Lake Peoria, for the purpose of co-operating with Gen. Hopkins against the Indian towns in that vicinity; but not find- ing the latter on the ground, was compelled to retire. Immediately after the discharge of the mutinous volunteers, Gen. Hopkins began to organize another force, mainly of infantry, to reduce the Indians up the Wabash as far as the Prophet's town. These troops consisted of three regiments of Kentucky militia, & \ ^ ^ 106 HISTORY OF INDIANA. commanded by Cols. Barbour, Miller and Wilcox; a small company of regulars commanded by Capt. Zacliary Taylor; a company of rangers commanded by Capt. Beckes; and a company of scouts or spies under the command of Capt. Washburn. The main body of this army arrived at Fort Harrison Nov. 5; on the 11th it pro- ceeded up the east side of the Wabash into the heart of the Indian country, but found the villages generally deserted. Winter set- ting in severely, and the troops poorly clad, they had to return to Yincennes as rapidly as possible. With one exception the men behaved nobly, and did much damage to the enemy. That exception was the precipitate chase after an Indian by a detach- ment of men somewhat in liquor, until they found themselves sur- rounded by an overwhelming force of the enemy, and they had to retreat in disorder. At the close of this campaign Gen. Hopkins resigned his command. In the fall of 1812 Gen. Harrison assigned to Lieut. Col. John B, Campbell, of the 19th U. S. Inf., the duty of destroying the Miami villages on the Mississinewa river, with a detachment of about 600 men. Nov. 25, Lieut. Col. Campbell marched from Franklinton, according to orders, toward the scene of action, cau- tiously avoiding falling in with the Delawares, who had been ordered by Gen. Harrison to retire to the Shawanee establishment on the Auglaize river, and arriving on the Mississinewa Dec. 17, when they discovered an Indian town inhabited by Delawares and Miamis This and three other villages wer.e destroyed. Soon after this, the supplies growing short and the troops in a suffering condition, Campbell began to consider the propriety of returning to Ohio; but just as he was calling together his officers early one morning to deliberate on the proposition, an army of Indians rushed upon them with fury. The engagement lasted an hour, with a loss of eight killed and 42 wounded, besides about 150 horses killed. The whites, however, succeeded in defending themselves and taking a number of Indians prisoners, who proved to be Mun- sies, of Silver Heel's band. Campbell, hearing that a large force of Indians were assembled at Mississinewa village, under Tecum- seh, determined to return to Greenville. The privations of his troops and the severity of the cold compelled him to send to that place for re-enforcements and supplies. Seventeen of the men had to be carried on litters. They were met by the re-enforcement about 40 miles from Greenville. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 107 Lieut. Col. Campbell sent two messages to the Delawares, who lived on White river and who had been previously directed and requested to abandon their towns on that river and remove into Ohio. In these messages he expressed his regret at unfortunately killing some of their men, and urged them to move to the Shaw- anee settlement on the Auglaize river. He assured them that their people, in his power, would be compensated by the Government for their losses, if not found to be hostile; and the friends of those killed satisfied by presents, if such satisfaction would be received. This advice was heeded by the main body of the Delawares and a few Miamis. The Shawanee Prophet, and some of the principal chiefs of the Miamis, retired from the country of the Wabash, and, with their destitute and suffering bands, moved to Detroit, where they were received as the friends and allies of Great Britain. On the approach of Gen. Harrison with his army in September, 1813, the British evacuated Detroit, and the Ottawas, Chippewas, Pottawatomies, Miamis and Kickapoos sued for peace with the United States, which was granted temporarily by Brig. Gen. Mc- Arthur, on condition of their becoming allies of the United States in case of war. In June, 1813, an expedition composed of 137 men, under com- mand of Col. Joseph Bartholomew, moved from Yalonia toward the Delaware towns on the west fork of White river, to surprise and punish some hostile Indians who were supposed to be lurking about those villages. Most of these places they found deserted; some of them burnt. They had been but temporarily occupied for the purpose of collecting and carrying away corn. Col. Bartholo- mew's forces succeeded in killing one or two Indians and destroy- ing considerable corn, and they returned to Valonia on the 21st of this month. July 1, 1813, Col. William Russell, of the 7tb U. S., organized a force of 573 effective men at Valonia and marched to the Indian villages about the month of the Mississinewa. His experience was much like that of Col. Bartholomew, who had just preceded him. He had rainy weather, suffered many losses, found tlie villages de- serted, destroyed stores of corn, etc. The Colonel reported that he went to every place where he expected to find the enemy, but they nearly always seemed to have fled the country. The march from Valonia to the mouth of the Mississinewa and return was about 250 miles. Several smaller expeditions helped to "checker" the surrounding Tv*- , ■^'k 108 HISTORY OF INDIANA. country, and find that the Indians were very careful to keep them- selves out of sight, and thus closed this series of campaigns. CLOSE OF THE AVAR. The war with England closed on the 24th of December, 1814, when a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. The 9th article of the treaty required the United States to put an end to hostilities with all tribes or nations of Indians with whom they had been at war; to restore to such tribes or nations respectively all the rights and possessions to which they were entitled in 1811, before the war, on condition that suph Indians should agree to desist from all hostilities against the United States. But in February, just before the treaty was sanctioned by our Government, there were signs of Indians accumulating arms and ammunition, and a cautionary order was therefore issued to have all the white forces in readiness for an attack by the Indians; but the attack was not made. During the ensuing summer and fall the United States Government ac- quainted the Indians with the provisions of the treaty, and entered into subordinate treaties of peace with the principal tribes. Just before the treaty of Spring Wells (near Detroit) was signed, the Shawanee Prophet retired to Canada, but declaring his resolu- tion to abide by any treaty which the chiefs might sign. Some time afterward he returned to the Shawanee settlement in Ohio, and lastly to the west of the Mississippi, where he died, in 1834. The British Government allowed him a pension from 1813 until his death. His brother Tecumseh was killed at the battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 1813, by a Mr, Wheatty, as we are positively in- formed by Mr. A. J. James, now a resident of La Harpe township, Hancock county. III., whose father-in-law, John Pigman, of Co- shocton county, Ohio, was an eye witness. Gen. Johnson has gener- ally had the credit of killing Tecumseh. -TSPV .^ k^ TECUMSEH. If one should inquire who has been the greatest Indian, the most noted, the " principal Indian " in North America since its discov- ery by Columbus, we would be obliged to answer, Tecumseh. For all those qualities which elevate a man far above his race; for talent, tact, skill and bravery as a warrior; for high-minded, honorable and chivalrous bearing as a man; in a word, for all those elements of greatness which place him a long way above his fellows in savage life, the name and fame of Tecnmseh will go down to posterity in the West as one of the most celebrated of the aborigines of this continent, — as one who had no equal among the tribes that dwelt in the country drained by the Mississippi, Born to command him- self, he used all the appliances that would stimulate the courage and nerve the valor of his followers. Always in the front rank of battle, his followers blindly followed his lead, and as his war-cry rang clear above the din and noise of the battle-field, the Shawnee warriors, as they rushed on to victory or the grave, rallied around him, foemen worthy of the steel of the most gallant commander that ever entered the lists in defense of his altar or his home. The tribe to which Tecumseh, or Tecumtha, as some write it, be- longed, was the Shawnee, or Shawanee. The tradition of the nation, held that they originally came from the Gulf of Mexico; that they wended their way up the Mississippi and the Ohio, and settled at or near the present site of Shawneetown, 111., whence they removed to the upper Wabash. In the latter place, at any rate, they were found early in the 18th century, and were known as the " bravest of the brave." This tribe has uniformly been the bitter enemy of the white man, and in every contest with our people has exhibited a degree of skill and strategy that should characterize the most dangerous foe. Tecumseh's notoriety and that of his brother, the Prophet, mutu- ally served to establish and strengtiien each other. While the Prophet had unlimited power, spiritual and temporal, he distributed his greatness in all the departments of Indian life with a kind of fanaticism that magnetically aroused the religious and superstitious passions, not only of his own followers, but also of all the tribes in ^ (111) \ 112 HISTORY OF INDIANA. this part of the country; but Tecuraseh concentrated his greatness upon the more practical and business affairs of military conquest. It is doubted whether he was really a sincere believer in the preten- sions of his fanatic brother; if he did not believe in the pretentious feature of them he had the shrewdness to keep his unbelief to him- self, knowin^^ that religious fanaticism was one of the strongest im- pulses to reckless bravery. During his sojourn in the Northwestern Territory, it was Tecum- seh's uppermost desire of life to confederate all the Indian tribes of the countrv together against the whites, to maintain their choice hunting-grounds. All his public policy converged toward this sin- gle end. In his vast scheme he comprised even all the Indians in the Gulf country, — all in America west of the Alleghany moun- tains. He held, as a subordinate principle, that the Great Spirit had given the Indian race all these hunting-grounds to keep in common, and that no Indian or tribe could cede any portion of the land to the vt^hites without the consent of all the tribes. Hence, in all his councils with the whites he ever maintained that the treaties were null and void. When he met Harrison at Yincennes in council the last time, and, as he was invited by that General to take a seat with him on the platform, he hesitated; Harrison insisted, saying that it was the "wish of their Great Father, the President of the United States, that he should do so." The chief paused a moment, raised his tall and commanding form to its greatest height, surveyed the troops and crowd around him, fixed his keen eyes upon Gov. Harrison, and then turning them to the sky above, and pointing toward heaven with his sinewy arm in a manner indicative of supreme contempt for the paternity assigned him, said in clarion tones: " My father? The sun is my father, the earth is my mother, and on her bosom I will recline." He then stretched himself, with his war- riors, on the green sward. The effect was electrical, and for some moments there was perfect silence. The Governor, then, through an interpreter, told him that he un- derstood he had some complaints to make and redress to ask, etc., and that he wished to investigate the matter and make restitution wherever it might be decided it should be done. As soon as the Governor was through with this introductory speech, the stately warrior arose, tall, athletic, manly, dignified and graceful, and with a voice at first low, but distinct and musical, commenced a reply. As he warmed up with his subject his clear tones might be heard, J V \ HISTORY OF INDIANA. iia as if '' trumpet-tongued," to the utmost limits of the assembly. The most perfect silence prevailed, except when his warriors gave their guttural assent to some eloquent recital of the red man's wrong and the white man's injustice. Tecumseh recited the wrongs which his race had suffered from che ti.ne of the massacre of the Moravian Indians to the present; said he did not know how he could ever again be the friend of the white man; that the Great Spirit had given to the Indian all the land from the Miami to the Mississippi, and from the lakes to the Ohio, as a common property to all the tribes in these borders, and that the land could not and should not be sold without the consent of all; that all the tribes on the continent formed but one nation; that if the United States would not give up the lands they had bought of the Miamis and the other tribes, those united with him were determined to annihi- late those tribes; that they were determined to have no more chiefs, but in future to be governed by their warriors; that unless the whites ceased their encroachments upon Indian lands, the fate of the Indians was sealed; they had been driven from the banks of the Delaware across the Alleghanies, and their possessions on the Wabash and the Illinois were now to be taken from them; that in a few years they would not have ground enough to bury their war- riors on this side of the "Father of Waters;" that all would perish, all their possessions taken from thera by fraud or force, unless they stopped the progress of the white man westward; that it must be a war of races in which one or the other must perish; that their tribes had been driven toward the setting sun like a galloping horse (ne-kat a-kush-e ka-top-o-lin-to). The Shawnee language, in which this most eminent Indian states- man spoke, excelled all other aboriginal tongues in its musical ar- ticulation; and the effect of Tecumseh's oratory on this occasion can be more easily imagined than described. Gov. Harrison, although as brave a soldier and General as any American, was over- come by this speech. He well knew Tecumseh's power and influ- ence among all the tribes, knew his bravery, courage and determi- nation, and knew that he meant what he said. When Tecumseh was done speaking there was a stillness throughout the assembly which was really painful ; not a whisper was heard, and all eyes were turned from the speaker toward Gov. Harrison, who after a few moments came to himself, and recollecting many of the absurd statements of the great Indian orator, began a reply which was more logical, if not so eloquent. The Shawnees were attentive un- FT 1A 114 HISTORY OF INDIANA. til Harrison's interpreter began to translate his speech to the Mia- mis and Pottawatomies, when Tecuniseh and his warriors sprang to their feet, brandishing their war-clubs and tomahawks. "Tell him," said Tecumseh, addressing the interpreter in Shawnee, " he lies." The interpreter undertook to convey this message to the Governor in smoother language, but Tecumseh noticed the effort and remonstrated, " No, no; tell him belies." The warriors began to grow more excited, when Secretary Gibson ordered the Ameri- can troops in arms to advance. This allayed the rising storm, and as soon as Tecuraseh's " He lies " was literally interpreted to the Governor, the latter told Tecumseh through the interpreter to tell Tecumseh he would hold no further council with him. Thus the assembly was broken up, and one can hardly imagine a more exciting scene. It would constitute the finest subject for a historical painting to adorn the rotunda of the capitol. The next day Tecumseh requested another interview with the Governor, which was granted on condition that he should make an apology to the Governor for his language the day before. This he made through the interpreter. Measures for defense and protection were taken, however, lest there should be another outbreak. Two com- panies of militia were ordered from the country, and the one in town added to them, while the Governor and his friends went into council fully armed and prepared for any contingency. On this oc- casion the conduct of Tecumseh was entirely difierent from that of the day before. Firm and intrepid, showing not the slightest fear or alarm, surrounded with a military force four times his own, he preserved the utmost composure and equanimity. No one would have supposed that he could have been the principal actor in the thrilling scene of the previous day. He claimed that half the Americans were in sympathy with him. He also said that whites had informed him that Gov. Harrison had purchased land from the Indians without any authority from the Government; that he, Harrison, had but two years more to remain in office, and that if he, Tecumseh, could prevail upon the Indians who sold the lands not to receive their annuities for that time, and the present Gover- nor displaced by a good man as his successor, the latter would re- store to the Indians all the lands purchased from them. The Wyandots, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Ottawasand the Win- nebagoes, through their respective spokesmen, declared their adherence to the great Shawnee warrior and statesman. Gov. Harri- son then told them that he would send Tecuraseh's speech to thePresi- -feV Si ' Vl HISTORYOF INDIANA. 115 dent of the United States and return the answer to the Indians as soon as it was received. Tecumseh then declared that he and his allies were determined that the old boundary line should continue; and that if the whites crossed it, it would be at their peril. Gov. Harrison re- plied that he would be equally plain with him and state that the President would never allow that the lands on the Wabash were the property of any other tribes than those who had occupied them since the white people first came to America; and as the title to the lands lately purchased was derived from those tribes by a fair purchase, he might rest assured that the right of the United States would be supported by the sword. " So be it," was the stern and haughty reply of the Shawnee chieftan, as he and his braves took leave of the Governor and wended their way in Indian file to their camping ground. Thus ended the last conference on earth between the chivalrous Tecumseh and the hero of the battle of Tippecanoe. The bones of the first lie bleaching on the battle-field of the Thames, and those of the last in a mausoleum on the banks of the Ohio; each strug- gled for the mastery of his race, apd each no doubt was equaUy honest and patriotic in his purposes. The weak yielded to the strong, the defenseless to the powerful, and the hunting-ground of the Shawnee is all occupied by his enemy, Tecumseh, with four of his braves, immediately embarked in a birch canoe, descended the Wabash, and went on to the South to unite the tribes of that country in a general system of self-defense against the encroachment of the whites. His emblem was a dis- jointed snake, with the motto, "Join or die!" In union alone was strength. Before Tecumseh left the Prophet's town at the mouth of the Tippecanoe river, on his excursion to the South, he had a definite understanding with his brother and the chieftains of the other tribes in the Wabash country, that they should preserve perfect peace with the whites until his arrangements were completed for a con- federacy of the tribes on both sides of the Ohio and on the Missis- sippi river; but it seems that while he was in the South enijagQd in his work of uniting the tribes of that country some of the North- ern tribes showed signs of fight and precipitated Harrison into that campaign which ended in the battle of Tippecanoe and the total route of the Indians. Tecumseh, on his return from the South, learning what had happened, was overcome with chagrin, disappoint- ment and anger, and accused his brother of duplicity and cov/ard- •vK J. j 116 HISTORY OF INDIANA. | P • ice; indeed, it is said that he never forgave him to the day of his death. A short time afterv^ard, on the breaking out of the war of Great Britain, he joined Proctor, at Maiden, with a party of his warriors, and finally suffered the fate mentioned on page 108. CIVIL MATTERS lS12-'5. Owing to the absence of Gov. Harrison on military duty, John Gibson, the Secretary of the Territory, acted in the administration of civil affairs. In his message to the Legislature convening on the 1st of February, 1813, he said, substantially: " Did I possess the abilities of Cicero or Demosthenes, I could not portray in more glowing colors our foreign and domestic politi- cal situation than it is already experienced within our own breasts. The United States have been compelled, by frequent acts of injus- tice, to declare war against England. For a detail of the causes of this war I would refer to the message of President Madison; it does honor to his head and heart. Although not an admirer of war, I am glad to see our little but inimitable navy riding triumph- ant on the seas, but chagrined to find that our armies by land are so little successful. The spirit of '76 appears to have fled from our continent, or, if not fled, is at least asleep, for it appears not to pervade our armies generally. At your last assemblage our politi- cal horizon seemed clear, and our infant Territory bid fair for rapid and rising grandeur; but, alas, the scene has changed; and whether this change, as respects our Territory, has been owing to an over anxiety in us to extend our dominions, or to a wish for retaliation by our foes, or to a foreign influence, I shall not say. The Indians, our former neighbors and friends, have become our most inveterate foes. Our former frontiers are now our wilds, and our inner settle- ments have become frontiers. Some of our best citizens, and old men worn down with age, and helpless women and innocent babes, have fallen victims to savage cruelty, I have done my duty as well as I can, and hope that the interposition of Providence will protect us." The many complaints made about the Territorial Government Mr. Gibson said, were caused more by default of officers than of the law. Said he: " It is an old and, I believe, correct adage, that ' good officers make good soldiers.' This evil having taken root, I do not know how it can be eradicated ; but it may be remedied. In place of men searching after and accepting commissions before they Vis -^ -aV \ m iu HISTORY OF INDIANA. 117 are even tolerably qualified, thereby subjecting themselves to ridi- cule and their country to ruin, barely for the name of the thing, I think may be remedied by a previous examination." Durino" this session of the Legislature the seat of the Territorial Government was declared to be at Corydon, and immediately acting Governor Gibson prorogued the Legislature to meet at that place, the first Monday of December, 1813. During this year the Terri- tory was almost defenseless; Indian outrages were of common occurrence, but no general outbreak was made. The militia-men were armed with rifles and long knives, and many of the rangers carried tomahawks. In 1813 Thomas Posey, who was at that time a Senator in Con- gress from Tennessee, and who had been oflacer of the army of the Revolution, was appointed Governor of Indiana Territory, to suc- ceed Gen. Harrison. He arrived in Yincennes and entered upon the discharge of his duties May 25, 1813. During this year several expeditions against the Indian settlements were set on foot. In his first message to the Legislature the following December, at Corydon, Gov. Posey said: " The present crisis is awful, and big with firreat events. Our land and nation is involved in the common calamity of war; ,but we are under the protecting care of the benefi- cent Being,who has on a former occasion brought us safely through an arduous struggle and placed us on a foundation of independence, freedom and happiness. He will not suffer to be taken from us what He, in His great wisdom has thought proper to confer and bless us with, if we make a wise and virtuous use of His good gifts. •» * * Although our afiairs, at the commencement of the war, wore a gloomy aspect, they have brightened, and promise a certainty of success, if properly directed and conducted, of which I have no doubt, as the President and heads of departments of the general Government are men of undoubted patriotism, talents and experience, and who have grown old in the service of their country. * * * It must be obvious to every thinking man that we were forced into the war. Every measure consistent with honor, both before and since the declaration of war, has tried to be on amicable terms with our enemy, * * * You who reside in various parts of the Territory have it in your power to understand what will tend to its local and general advantage. The judiciary system would require a revisal and amendment. The militia law is very defective and requires your immediate attention. It is necessary to have "*^s ^ ^^ &^- c \ lis HISTORY OF INDIANA. good roads and highways in as many directions through the Terri- tory as the circumstances and situation of the inhabitants will admit; it would contribute very much to promote the settlement and improvement of the Territory. Attention to education is highly necessary. There is an appropriation made by Congress, in lands, for the purpose of establishing public schools. It comes now with- in your province to carry into operation the design of the appro- priation." This Legislature passed several very necessary laws for the wel- fare of the settlements, and the following year, as Gen. Harrison was generally successful in his military campaigns in the ISTorth- west, the settlements in Indiana began to increase and improve. The fear of danger from Indians had in a great measure subsided, and the tide of immigration began again to flow. In January, 1814, about a thousand Miamis assembled at Fort Wayne for the purpose of obtaining food to prevent starvation. They met with ample hospitality, and their example was speedily followed by others. These, with other acts of kindness, won the lasting friend- ship of the Indians, many of whom had fought in the interests of Great Britain. General treaties between the United States and the Northwestern tribes were subsequently concluded, and the way was fully opened for the improvement and settlement of the lands. POPULATION IN 1815. The population of the Territory of Indiana, as given in tlie official returns to the Legislature of 1815, was as follows, by counties: COUNTIES. White males of 21 and over. TOTAL. Wayne... 1,225 0,407 Franklin 1,430 7,370 Dearborn 903 4,424 Switzerland 377 1,833 Jefferson--- 874 4,370 Clark 1,387 7,150 Washington 1,420 7,317 Harrison 1,05G 6,975 Knox 1,391 .. 8,068 Gibson 1,100 5,3i0 Posey 320 1,6 19 Warrick 280 , 1,415 Perry 350 1,730 Grand Totals 13,112, 63,897 GENERAL VIEW, The well-known ordinance of 1787 conferred many " rights and privileges " upon the inhabitants of the Northwestern Territory, and -^ ^ (s ^ ^^ a V T IL p HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 119 consequently upon the people of Indiana Territory, but after all it came far short of conferring as many privileges as are enjoyed at the present day by our Territories. They did not have a full form of Republican government. A freehold estate in 500 acres of land was one of the necessary qualifications of each member of the legis- lative council of the Territory; every member of the Territorial House of Representatives was required to hold, in his own right, 200 acres of land; and the privilege of voting for members of the House of Representatives was restricted to those inhabitants who, in addi- tion to other qualifications, owned severally at least 50 acres of land. The Governor of the the Territory was invested with the power of appointing officers of the Territorial militia, Judges of the inferior Courts, Clerks of the Courts, Justices of the Peace, Sheriff's, Coroners, County Treasurers and County Surveyors. He was also authorized to divide the Territory into districts; to apportion among the several counties the members of the House of Represent- atives; to prevent the passage of any Territorial law; and to con- vene and dissolve the General Assembly whenever he thought best. None of the Governors, however, ever exercised these extraordinary powers arbitrarily. Nevertheless, the people were constantly agi- tating the question of extending the right of suffrage. Five years after the organization of the Territory, the Legislative Council, in reply to the Governor's Message, said: "Although we are not as completely independent in our legislative capacity as we would wish to be, yet we are sensible that we must wait with patience for that period of time when our population will burst the trammels of a Territorial government, and we shall assume the character more consonant to Republicanism, * * * The confidence which our fellow citizens have uniformly had in your administration has been such that they have hitherto had no reason to be jealous of the un- limited power which you possess over our legislative proceedings. "We, however, cannot help regretting that such powers have been lodged in the hands of any one, especially when it is recol- lected to what dangerous lengths the exercise of those powers may be extended." After repeated petitions the people of Indiana were empowered by Congress to elect the members of the Legislative Council by popu- lar vote. This act was passed in 1809, and defined what was known as the property qualification of voters. These qualifications were abolished by Congress in 1811, which extended the right of voting for members of the General Assembly and for a Territorial delegate 7f \ 120 HISTORY OF INDIANA. to Congress to every free white male person who had attained the age of twenty -one years, and who, having paid a county or Terri- torial tax, was a resident of the Territory and had resided in it for a year. In 1814 the voting qualification in Indiana was defined by Congress, " to every free white male person having a freehold in the Territory, and being a resident of the same." The House of Representatives was authorized by Congress to lay off the Territory into five districts, in each of which the qualified voters were era- powered to elect a member of the Legislative Council. The division was made, one to two counties in each district. At the session in August, 1814, the Territory was also divided into three judicial circuits, and provisions were made for holding courts in the same. The Governor was empowered to appoint a presiding Judge in each circuit, and two Associate Judges of the circuit court in each county. Their compensation was fixed at $700 per annum. The same year the General Assembly granted charters to two banking institutions, the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Madi- son and the Bank of Yincennes. The first was authorized to raise a capital of $750,000, and the other $500,000. On the organization of the State these banks were merged into the State Bank and its branches. Here we close the history of the Territory of Indiana. -r <3_ ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE. The last regular session of the Territorial Legislature was held at Corydon, convening in December, 1815. The message of Governor Posey congratulated the people of the Territory upon the general success of the settlements and the great increase of immigration, recommended light taxes and a careful attention to the promotion of education and the improvement of the State roads and highways. He also recommended a revision of the territorial laws and an amendment of the militia system. Several laws were passed pre- paratory to a State Government, and December 14, 1815, a me- morial to Congress was adopted praying for the authority to adopt a constitution and State Government. Mr. Jennings,the Territorial delegate, laid this memorial before Congress on the 28th, and April 19, 1816, the President approved the bill creating the State of In- diana. Accordingly, May 30 following, a general election was held for a constitutional convention, which met at Corydon June 10 to 29, Johathan Jennings presiding and Wm. Hendricks acting as Secretary. "The convention that formed the first constitution of the State of Indiana was composed mainly of clear-minded, unpretending men of common sense, whose patriotism was unquestionable and whose morals were fair. Their familiarity with the theories of the Declaration of American Independence, their Territorial experience under the provisions of the ordinance of 1787, and their knowledge of the principles of the constitution of the United States were sufficient, when combined, to lighten materially their labors in the great work of forming a constitution for a new State. With such landmarks in view, the labors of similar conventions in other States and Ter- ritories have been rendered comparatively light. In the clearness and conciseness of its style, in the comprehensive and just pro- visions which it made for the maintainance of civil and religious liberty, in its mandates, which were designed to protect the rights of the people collectively and individually, and to provide for the public welfare, the constitution that was formed for Indiana in 1816 was not inferior to any of the State constitutions which were in ex- istence at that time." — Dillon'' s History of Indiana. (121) V — 1 /O 122 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The first State election took place on the first Monday of August, 1816, and Jonathan Jennings was elected Governor, and Christo- pher Harrison, Lieut. Governor. Wm. Hendricks was elected to represent the new State in the House of Representatives of the United States. The first General Assembly elected under the new constitution began its session at Corydon, Nov. 4, 1816. John Paul was called to the chair of the Senate protem., and Isaac Blackford was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. Among other things in the new Governor's message were the following remarks: "The result of your deliberation will be con- sidered as indicative of its future character as well as of the future happiness and prosperity of its citizens. In the commencement of the State government the shackles of the colonial should be for- gotten in our exertions to prove, by happy experience, that a uni- form adherence to the first principles of our Government and a virtuous exercise of its powers will best secure efificiency to its measures and stability" to its character. Without a frequent recur- rence to those principles, the administration of the Government will imperceptibly become more and more arduous, until the sim- plicity of our Republican institutions may eventually be lost in dangerous expedients and political design. Under every free gov- ernment the happiness of the citizens must be identified with their morals; and while a constitutional exercise of their rights shall continue to have its due weight in discharge of the duties required of the constituted authorities of the State, too much attention can- not be bestowed to the encouragement and promotion of every moral virtue, and to the enactment of laws calculated to restrain the vicious, and prescribe punishment for every crime commensu- rate with its enormity. In measuring, however, to each crime its adequate punishment, it will be well to recollect that the certainty of punishment has generally the surest eflPect to prevent crime; while punishments unnecessarily severe too often produce the ac- quittal of the guilty and disappoint one of the greatest objects of legislation and good government -5^ * * The dissemination of useful knowledge will be indispensably necessary as a support to morals and as a restraint to vice; and on this subject it will only be necessary to direct your attention to the plan of education as prescribed by the constitution. * * * I recommend to your consideration the propriety of providing by law, to prevent more eflectually any unlawful attempts to seize and carry into bondage ^ <5 . ^^ 5> « K^ k^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 125 persons of color legally entitled to their freedom; and at the same time, as far as practicable, to prevent those who rightfully owe ser- vice to the citizens of any other State or Territory from seeking within the limits of this State a refuge from the possession of their lawful owners. Such a measure will tend to secure those who are free from any unlawful attempts (to enslave them) and secures the rights of the citizens of the other States and Territories as far as ought reasonably to be expected." This session of the Legislature elected James Noble and Waller Taylor to the Senate of the United States; Robert A. New was elected Secretary of State; W. H. Lilley, Auditor of State; and Daniel C. Lane, Treasurer of State. The session adjourned Janu- ary 3, 1817. As the history of the State of Indiana from this time forward is best given by topics, we will proceed to give them in the chronolog- ical order of their origin. The happy close of the war with Great Britain in 1814 was fol- lowed by a great rush of immigrants to the great Territory of the Northwest, including the new States, all now recently cleared of the enemy; and by 1820 the State of Indiana had more than doubled her population, having at this time 147,178, and by 1825 nearly doubled this again, that is to say, a round quarter of a mil- lion, — a growth more rapid probably than that of any other section in this country since the days of Columbus. The period 1825-'30 was a prosperous time for the young State. Immigration continued to be rapid, the crops were generally good and the hopes of the people raised higher than they had ever been before. Accompanying this immigration, however, were paupers and indolent people, who threatened to be so numerous as to become a serious burden. On this subject Governor Ray called for legislative action, but the Legislature scarcely knew what to do and they deferred action. planting of the stars and stripes upon every turret and spire within the conquered city of Mexico, were all carried out by the gallant troops under the favorite old General, and consequently each of them shared with him in the glories at- tached to such exploits. The other regiments under Cols. Gorman and Lane participated in the contests of the period under other com- manders. The 4th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, comprising ten companies, was formally organized at Jefiersonville, Indiana, by Capt. R. C. Gatlin, June 15, 1847, and on the 16th elected Major Willis A. Gorman, of the 3rd Regiment, to the Colonelcy; Ebenezer Dumont, Lieutenant-Colonel, and W. McCoy, Major. On the 27th of June the regiment left Jejffersouville for the front, and ^ ^ ^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 143 subsequently was assigned to Brigadier-General Lane's command, which then comprised a battery of five pieces from the 3rd Regi- ment U. S. Artillery; a battery of two pieces from the 2nd Regiment U. S. Ertillery, the 4th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers and the 4th Regiment of Ohio, with a squadron of mounted Louisianians and detachments of recruits for the U. S. army. The troops of this brigade won signal honors at Passo de Ovegas, August 10, 1847- National Bridge, on the 12th; Cerro Gordo, on the 15th; Las Ani- mas, on the 19th, under Maj. F. T. Lally, of General Lane's staff, and afterward under Lane, directly, took a very prominent part in the siege of Puebla, which began on the 15th of September and terminated on the 12th of October. At Atlixco, October 19th; Tlascala, November 10th; Matamoras and Pass Galajara, Novem- ber 23rd and 24th; Guerrilla Ranche, December 5th; Napaloncan, December 10th, the Indiana volunteers of the 4th Regiment per- formed gallant service, and carried the campaign into the following year, representing their State at St. Martin's, February 27, 1848; Cholula, March 26th; Matacordera, February 19th; Sequalteplan, February 25th; and on the cessation of hostilities reported at Madison, Indiana, for discharge, July 11, 1848; while the 5th In- diana Regiment, under Col. J. H. Lane, underwent a similar round of duty during its service with other brigades, and gained some celebrity at Yera Cruz, Churubusco and with the troops of Illinois under Gen. Shields at Chapultepec. This war cost the people of the United States sixty-six millions of dollars. This very large amount was not paid away for the at- tainment of mere glory; there was something else at stake, and this something proved to be a country larger and more fertile than the France of the Napoleons, and more steady and sensible than the France of the Republic. It was the defense of the great Lone Star State, the humiliation and chastisement of a q uarrelsome neighbor. >^H. SLAYEKY. We have already referred to the prohibition of slavery in the Northwestern Territory, and Indiana Territory by the ordinance of 1787; to the imperfection in the execution of this ordinance and the troubles which the authorities encountered ; and the complete estab- lishment of the principles of freedom on the organization of the State. The next item of significance in this connection is the following lan- guage in the message of Gov. Ray to the Legislature of 1828: " Since our last separation, while we have witnessed with anxious solicitude the belligerent operations of another hemisphere, the cross contend- ing against the crescent, and the prospect of a general rupture among the legitimates of other quarters of the globe, our attention has been arrested by proceedings in our own country truly dangerous to liberty, seriously premeditated, and disgraceful to its authors if agitated only to tamper with the American people. If such ex- periments as we see attempted in certain deluded quarters do not fall with a burst of thunder upon the heads of their seditious pro- jectors, then indeed the Republic has begun to experience the days of its degeneracy. The union of these States is the people's only sure charter for their liberties and independence. Dissolve it and each State will soon be in a condition as deplorable as Alexander's conquered countries after they were divided amongst his victorious military captains." In pursuance of a joint resolution of the Legislature of 1850, a block of native marble was procured and forwarded to Washington, to be placed in the monument then in the course of erection at the National Capital in memory of George Washington. In the absence of any legislative instruction concerning the inscription upon this emblem of Indiana's loyalty, Gov. Wright ordered the following words to be inscribed upon it: Indiana Knows No North, No South, Nothing but the Union. Within a dozen years thereafter this noble State demonstrated to the world her loy- alty to the Union and the principles of freedom by the sacrifice of blood and treasure which she made. In keeping with this senti- ment Gov. Wright indorsed the compromise measures of Congress on the slavery question, remarking in his message that " Indiana takes her stand in the ranks, not of Southern destiny, nor yet of (144) ^ ■ .iX. I ■■ 1 1 will ■ p- — ■ I ■ ■ ■■ -III L a ^ 4 ^ ""^ • > ■V >^ SCENE ON THE WABASH RIVER. (9 •FT ,-vk HISTORY OF INDIANA. 147 Northern destiny: she plants herself on the basis of the Consti- tution and takes her stand in the ranks of American destiny." FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. At the session of the Legislature in January, 1869, the subject of ratifying the fifteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution allowing negro suffrage, came up with such persistency that neither party dared to undertake any other business lest it be checkmated in some way, and being at a dead lock on this matter, they adjourn- ed in March without having done much important business. The Democrats, as well as a portion of the conservative Republicans, opposed its consideration strongly on the ground that it would be unfair to vote on the question until the people of the State had had an opportunity of expressing their views at the polls; but most of the Republicans resolved to push the measure through, while the Democrats resolved to resign in a body and leave the Legislature without a quorum. Accordingly, on March 4, 17 Senators and 36 Representatives resigned, leaving both houses without a quorum. As the early adjournment of the Legislature left the benevolent institutions of the State unprovided for, the Governor convened that body in extra session as soon as possible, and after the neces- sary appropriations were made, on the 19th of May the fifteenth amendment came up; but in anticipation of this the Democratic members had all resigned and claimed that there was no quorum present. There was a quorum, however, of Senators in ofiice, though some of them refused to vote, declaring that they were no longer Senators; but the president of that body decided that as he had not been informed of their resignation by the Governor, they were still members. A vote was taken and the ratifying resolution was adopted. When the resolution came up in the House, the chair decided that, although the Democratic members had resigned there was a quorum of the de-facto members present, and the House proceeded to pass the resolution. This decision of the chair was afterward sustained by the Supreme Court. At the next regular session of the Legislature, in 1871, the Democrats undertook to repeal the ratification, and the Republican members resigned to prevent it. The Democrats, as the Republi- cans did on the previous occasion, proceeded to pass their resolu- tion of repeal; but while the process was under way, before the House Committee had time to report on the matter, 34 Republican members resigned, thereby preventing its passage and putting a stop to further legislation. ^ >^ 152 HISTORY OF INDIANA. iments, notwithstanding the fact that the first six regiments were already mustered into the general service, were known as "The First Brigade, Indiana Yolunteers," and with the simple object of making the way of the future student of a brilliant history clear, were numbered respectiv^ely Sixth Regiment, commanded by Col. T. T. Crittenden. Seventh " " " " Ebenezer Dumont. Eighth " « " " W. P. Benton. Ninth " « " " R. H. Milroy. Tenth " " " " T. T. Reynolds. Eleventh " " " " Lewis Wallace. The idea of these numbers was suggested by the fact that the military representation of Indiana in the Mexican Campaign was one brigade of five regiments, and to observe consecutiveness the regiments comprised in the first division of volunteers were thus numbered, and the entire force placed under Brigadier General T. A. Morris, with the following staif: John Love, Major; Cyrus C* Hines, Aid-de-camp; and J. A. Stein, Assistant Adjutant General. To follow the fortunes of these volunteers through all the vicissi- tudes of war would prove a special work; yet their valor and endur- ance during their first term of service deserved a notice of even more value than that of the historian, since a commander's opinion has to be taken as the basis upon which the chronicler may expatiate. Therefore the following dispatch, dated from the headquarters of the Army of Occupation, Beverly Camp, W. Virginia, July 21, 1861, must be taken as one of the first evidences of their utility and valor: — "Governor O. P. Morton, Indianapolis, Indiana- Governor :— I have directed the three months' regiments from Indiana to move to Indianapolis, there to be mustered out and reorganized for three years' service. I cannot permit them to return to j-^ou without again expressing my high appreciation of the distinguished valor and endurance of the Indiana troops, and my hope that but a short time will elapse before I have the pleasure of knowing that they are again ready for the field. ******* I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George B. McClellan, Major-Oeneral, U. 8. A. On the return of the troops to Indianapolis, July 29, Brigadier Morris issued a lengthy, logical and well-deserved congratulatory address, from which one paragraph may be extracted to characterize •V HISTORY OF INDIANA. 153 the whole. After passing a glowing eulogium on their military qualities and on that unexcelled gallantry displayed at Laurel Hill, Phillipi and Carrick's Ford, he says: — " Soldiers ! You have now returned to the friends whose prayers went with you to the field of strife. They welcome you with pride and exultation. Your State and country acknowledge the value of your labors. May your future career be as your past has been, — honorable to yourselves and serviceable to your country." The six regiments forming Morris' brigade, together with one composed of the surplus volunteers, for whom there was no reo-i- ment in April, now formed a division of seven regiments, all reor- ganized for three years' service, between the 20th August and 20th September, with the exception of the new or 12th, which was ac- cepted for one year's service from May 11th, under command of Colonel John M. Wallace, and reorganized May 17, 1862, for three years' service under Col. W. H. Link, who, with 172 officers and men, received their mortal wounds during the Richmond (Ken- tucky) engagement, three months after its reorganization. The 13th Kegiment, under Col. Jeremiah Sullivan, was mus- tered into the United States in 1861 and joined Gen. McClellan's command at Rich Mountain on the 10th July. The day following it was present under Gen. Rosencrans and lost eight men killed; three successive days it was engaged under Gen. I. I. Reynolds, and won its laurels at Cheat Mountain summit, where it participated in the decisive victory over Gen. Lee. The 14th Regiment, organized in 1861 for one year's service, and reorganized on the 7th of June at Terre Haute for three years' ser- vice. Commanded by Col, Kimball and showing a muster roll of 1,134 men, it was one of the finest, as it was the first, three years' regiment organized in the State, with varying fortunes attached to its never ending round of duty from Cheat Mountain, September, 1861, to Morton's Ford in 1864, and during the movement South in May of that year to the last of its labors, the battle of Cold Har- bor, The 15th Regiment, reorganized at La Fayette 14th June, 1861, under Col, G, D. "Wagner, moved on Rich Mountain on the 11th of July in time to participate in the complete rout of the enemy. On the promotion of Col. Wagner, Lieutenant-Col. G. A. Wood became Colonel of the regiment, November, 1862, and during the first days of January, 1863, took a distinguished part in the severe action of Stone River. From this period down to the battle of Mis- sion Ridge it was in a series of destructive engagements, and was, "*>l- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 157 was subjected to many changes, but in all its phases maintained a fair fame won on many battle fields. Like the former regiment, it passed into Gen. Sheridan's Army of Observation, and held the district of Green Lake, Texas. The 32d Regiment of German Infantry, under Col. August Willich, organized at Indianapolis, mustered on the 24th of August, 1861, served with distinction throughout the campaign Col.* Willich was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, andLieut.- Col. Henry Yon Trebra commissioned to act, under whose com- mand the regiment passed into General Sheridan's Army, hold- ing the post of Salado Creek, until the withdrawal of the corps of observation in Texas. The 33d Regiment of Indianapolis possesses a military history of no small proportions. The mere facts that it was mustered in under Col. John Coburn, the 16th of September, won a series of distinctions throughout the war district and was mustered out at Louisville, July 21, 1865, taken with its name as one of the most powerful regiments engaged in the war, are sufficient here. The 34:Tii Battalion, organized at Anderson on the 16th Sep- tember, 1861, under Col. Ashbury Steele, appeared among the in- vesting battalions before New Madrid on the 30th of March, 1862. From the distinguished part" it took in that siege, down to the 13th of May, 1865, when at Palmetto Ranche, near Palo Alto, it fought for hours against fearful odds the last battle of the war for the Union. Afterwards it marched 250 miles up the Rio Grande, and was the first regiment to reoccupy the position, so long in Southern hands, of Ringold barracks. In 1865 it garrisoned Bea- consville as part of the Army of Observation. The 35th or First Irish Regiment, was organized at Indian- apolis, and mustered into service on the 11th of December, 1861, under Col. John C. Walker. At ISTashville, on the 22d of May, 1862, it was joined by the organized portion of the Sixty-first or Second Irish Regiment, and unassigned recruits. Col. Mullen now became Lieut. -Colonel of the 35th, and shortly after, its Colonel, From the pursuit of Gen. Bragg through Kentucky and the affair at Perryville on the 8th of October, 1862, to the terrible hand to hand combat at Kenesaw mountain, on the night of the 20th of June, 1864, and again from the conclusion of the Atlanta campaign to September, 1865, with Gen. Sheridan's army, when it was mus- tered out, it won for itself a name of reckless daring and unsur- passed gallantry. ■^ ■♦- > •Vj<5 ^ ^ g > J- — m 158 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The 36th Eegiment, of Eichmond, Ind., under Col. William Grose, mustered into service for three years on the 16th of Sep- tember, 1861, went immediately to the front, and shared the for- tunes of the Army of the Ohio until the 27th of February, 1862, when a forward movement led to its presence on the battle-field of Shiloh. Following up the honors won at Shiloh, it participated in some of the most important actions of the war, and was, in October, 1865, transferred to Gen. Sheridan's army. Col. Grose was pro- moted in 1864 to the position of Brigadier-General, and the Colonelcy devolved on Oliver H. P. Carey, formerly Lieut.-Colonel of the regiment. The 37th Battalion, of Lawrenceburg, commanded by Col. Geo. W. Hazzard, organized the 18th of September, 1861, left for the seat of war early in October. From the eventful battle of Stone river, in December, 1862, to its participation in Sherman's march through Georgia, it gained for itself a splendid reputation. Tliis regiment returned to, and was present at, Indianapolis, on the 30th of July, 1865, where a public reception was tendered to men and officers on the grounds of the Capitol. The 38th Regiment, under Col. Benjamin F. Scribner, was mus- tered in at New Albany, on the 18th of September, 1861, and in a few days were en route for the front. To follow its continual round of duty, is without the limits of this sketch; therefore, it will suffice to say, that on every well-fought field, at least from February, 1862, until its dissolution, on the 15th of July, 1865, it earned an enviable renown, and drew from Gov. Morton, on return- ing to Indianapolis the 18th of the same month, a congratulatory address couched in the highest terms of praise. The 39th Regiment, or Eighth Cavalry, was mustered in as an infantry regiment, under Col. T. J. Harrison, on the 28th of August, 1861, at the State capital. Leaving immediately for the front it took a conspicuous part in all the engagements up to April, 1863, when it was reorganized as a cavalry regiment. The record of this organization sparkles with great deeds which men will extol while language lives; its services to the Union cannot be over esti- mated, or the memory of its daring deeds be forgotten by the un- happy people who raised the tumult, which culminated in their second shame. The 40th Regiment, of Lafayette, under Col. W. C. Wilson, subsequently commanded by Col. J. W. Blake, and again by Col. Henry Learning, was organized on the 30th of December, 1861, and \ — 1 p HISTORY OF INDIANA. 15y at once proceeded to the front, where some time was necessarily spent in the Camp of Instruction at Bardstown, Kentucky. In February, 1862, it joined in Buell's forward movement. During the war the regiment shared in all its hardships, participated in all its honors, and like many other brave commands took service under Gen. Sheridan in his Army of Occupation, holding the post of Port Lavaca, Texas, until peace brooded over the land. The 41st Regiment or Second Cavalry, the first complete regi- ment of horse ever raised in the State, was organized on the 3d of September, 1861, at Indianapolis, under Col. John A. Brido-land, and December 16 moved to the front. Its first war experience was gained en route to Corinth on the 9th of April, 1862, and at Pea Eidge on the 15th. Gallatin, Vinegar Hill, and Perryville, and Talbot Station followed in succession, each battle bringing to the cavalry untold honors. In May, 1864, it entered upon a glorious career under Gen. Sherman in his Atlanta campaign, and again under Gen. Wilson in the raid through Alabama during April, 1865. On the 22d of July, after a brilliant career, the regiment was mustered out at Kashville, and returned at once to Indianapolis for discharge. The 42d, under Col J. G. Jones, mustered into service at Evans- ville, October 9, 1861, and having participated in the principal military affairs of the period, Wartrace, Mission Eidge, Altoona, Kenesaw, Savannah, Charlestown and Bentonville, was discharged at Indianapolis on the 25th of July, 1865. The 43d Battalion was mustered in on the 27tli of September, 1861, under Col. George K. Steele, and left Terre Haute enroute to the front within a few days. Later it was allied to Gen. Pope's corps, and afterwards served with Commodore Foote's marines in the reduction of Fort Pillow. It was the first Union reeiment to enter Memphis. From that period until the close of the war it was distinguished for its unexcelled qualifications as a military body, and fully deserved the encomiums passed upon it on its return to Indianapolis in March, 1865. The 44th or the Eegimentof the 10th Congressional District was organized at Fort Wayne on the 24th of October, 1861, under Col. Hugh B. Eeed. Two months later it was ordered to the front, and arriving in Kentucky, was attached to Gen. Cruft's Brigade, then quartered at Calhoun. After years of faithful service it was mustered out at Chattanooga, the 14th of September, 1865. The 45th, or Third Cavalry, comprised ten companies f - « t 160 HISTORY OF INDIANA. organized at different periods and for varied services in 1861- '62, under Colonel Scott Carter and George H. Chapman. The distinguished name won by the Third Cavalry is established in every village within the State. Let it suffice to add that after its brilliant participation in Gen. Sheridan's raid down the James' river canal, it was mustered out at Indianapolis on the 7th of Au- gust, 1865. The 46th Regiment, organized at Logansport under Colonel Graham N. Fitch, arrived in Kentucky the 16th of February, 1862, and a little later became attached to Gen. Pope's army, then quar- tered at Commerce. The capture of Fort Pillow, and its career under Generals Curtis, Palmer, Hovey, Gorman, Grant, Sherman, Banks and Burbridge are as truly worthy of applause as ever fell to the lot of a regiment. The command was mustered out at Louis- ville on the 4th of September, 1865, The 47th was organized at Anderson, under Col. I. R. Slack, early in October, 1862. Arriving at Bardstown, Kentucky, on the 21st of December, it was attached to Gen. Buell's army; but within two months was assigned to Gen. Pope, under whom it proved the first regiment to enter Fort Thompson near New Madrid. In 1864 the command visited Indianapolis on veteran furlough and was enthu- siastically received by Governor Morton and the people. Return- ing to the front it engaged heartily in Gen. Banks' company. In December, Col. Slack received his commission as Brigadier-General, and was succeeded on the regimental command by Col. J. A. Mc- Laughton ; at Shreveport under General Heron it received the sub- mission of General Price and his army, and there also was it mus- tered out of service on the 23d of October, 1865. The 48th Regiment, organized at Goshen the 6th of December, 1861, under Col. Norman Eddy, entered on its duties during the siege of Corinth in May, and again in October, 1862. The record of this battalion may be said to be unsurpassed in its every feature, so that the grand ovation extended to the returned soldiers in 1865 at Indianapolis, is not a matter for surprise. The 49th Regiment, organized at Jefferson ville, under Col. J. W Ray, and mustered in on the 21st of November, 1861, for service, left 671 route for the camp at Bardstown. A month later it arrived at the unfortunate camp-ground of Cumberland Ford, where dis- ease carried off a number of gallant soldiers. The regiment, how- ever, survived the dreadful scourge and won its laurels on many \ \ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 161 a well-fought field until September, 1865, when it was mustered out at Louisville. The 50i'H Eegiment, under Col. Cyrus L. Dunham, organized during the month of September, 1861, at Seymour, left e)i route to Bardstown for a course of military instruction. On the 20th of August, 1862, a detachment of the 50th, under Capt. Atkinson, was attacked by Morgan's Cavalry near Edgefield Junction ; but the gallant few repulsed their oft-repeated onsets and finally drove them from the field. The regiment underwent many changes in organization, and may be said to muster out on the 10th of Septem- ber, 1865. The 51sT Regiment, under Col. Abel. D. Streight, left Indianap- olis on the 14th of December, 1861, for the South. After a short course of instruction at Bardstown, the regiment joined General Buell's and acted with great efi'ect during the campaign in Ken- tucky and Tennessee. Ultimately it became a participator in the work of the Fourth Corps, or Army of Occupation, and held the post of San Antonio until peace was doubly assured. The 52d Regiment was partially raised at Rushville, and the organization completed at Indianapolis, where it was consolidated with the Railway Brigade, or 56th Regiment, on the 2d of Feb- ruary, 1862. Going to the front immediately after, it served with marked distinction throughout the war, and was mustered out at Montgomery on the 10th of September, 1865. Returning to Indian- apolis six days later, it was welcomed by Gov. Morton and a most enthusiastic reception accorded to it. The 53kd Battalion was raised at New Albany, and with the addition of recruits raised at Rockport formed a standard regi- ment, under command of Col. "W. Q. Gresham. Its first duty was that of guarding the rebels confined on Camp Morton, but on going to the front it made for itself an endurable name. It was mus- tered out in July, 1865, and returned to Indiananoplis on the 25th of the same month. The 54th Regiment was raised at Indianapolis on the 10th of June, 1862, for three months' service under Col. D. G. Rose. The succeeding two months saw it in charge of the prisoners at Carnp Morton, and in August it was pushed forward to aid in the defense of Kentucky against the Confederate General, Kirby Smith. The remainder of its short term of service was given to the cause. On the muster out of the three months' service regiment it was reorgau- - » IK*- ■V <2 ^ -^ *' I x^ t (»' 162 HISTORY OF INDIANA. ized for one year's service and gained some distinction, after which it was mustered out in 1863 at New Orleans. The 55th Kegiment, organized for three months' service, retains the brief history applicable to the first organization of the 54:th. It was mustered in on the 16th of June, 1862, under Col. J. R. Mahon, disbanded on the expiration of its term and was not reor- ganized. The 56th Regiment, referred to in the sketch of the 52nd, was designed to be composed of railroad men, marshalled under J, M. Smith as Colonel, but owing to the fact that many railroaders had already volunteered into other regiments. Col. Smith's volunteers were incorporated with the 52nd, and this number left blank in the army list. The 57th Battalion, actually organized by two ministers of the gospel,— the Rev. I. W. T. McMuUen and Rev. F. A. Hardin, of Richmond, Ind., mustered into service on the ISth of Novem- ber, 1861, under the former named reverend gentleman as Colonel, who was, however, succeeded by Col. Cyrus C. Haynes, and he in turn by G. W. Leonard, Willis Blanch and John S. McGrath, the latter holding command until the conclusion of the war. The history of this battalion is extensive, and if participation in a num- ber of battles with the display of rare gallantry wins fame, the 57th may rest assured of its possession of this fragile yet coveted prize. Like many other regiments it concluded its military labors in the service of General Sheridan, and held the post of Port Lavaca in conjunction with another regiment until peace dwelt in the land. The 58th Regiment, of Princeton, was organized there early in October, 1861, and was mustered into service under the Colonelcy of Henry M. Carr. In December it was ordered to join Gen- eral Buell's army, after which it took a share in the various actions of the war, and was mustered out on the 25tli of July, 1805, at Louisville, having gained a place on the roll of honor. The 59th Battalion was raised under a commission issued by Gov. Morton to Jesse I. Alexander, creating him Colonel. Owing to the peculiarities hampering its organization, Col. Alexander could not succeed in having his regiment prepared to muster in before the 17th of February, 1862. However, on that day the equipment was complete, and on the 18th it left en route to Commerce, where on its arrival, it was incorporated under General Pope's command. The list of its casualties speaks a history, — no less than 793 men were lost during the campaign. The regiment, after a term char- _______ ——___-_ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 163 acterized by distinguished service, was mustered out at Louisville on the 17th of July, 1865. The 60th Eegiment was partially organized under Lieut. -Col. Kichard Owen at Evansville during November 1861, and perfected at Camp Morton during March, 1862. Its first experience was its gallant resistance to Bragg' s army investing Munfordsville, which culminated in the unconditional surrender of its first seven com- panies on the 14th of September. An exchange of prisoners took place in November, which enabled it to joine the remaining com- panies in the field. The subsequent record is excellent, and forms, as it were, a monument to their fidelity and heroism. The main portion of this battalion was mustered out at Indianapolis, on the 21st of March, 1865. The 61sT was partially organized in December, 1861, under Col. B. F. Mullen. The failure of thorough organization on the 22d of May, 1862, led the men and oflicers to agree to incorporation with the 35th Regiment of Yolunteers. The 62d Battalion, raised under a commission issued to Wil- liam Jones, of Rockport, authorizing him to organize this regiment in the First Congressional District was so unsuccessful that consoli- dation with the 53d Regiment was resolved upon. The 63d Regiment, of Covington, under James McManomy, Commandant ot Camp, and J. S. Williams, Adjutant, was partially organized on the 31st of December, 1861, and may be considered on duty from its very formation. After guarding prisoners at Camp Morton and Lafayette, and engaging in battle on Manassas Plains on the 30th of August following, the few companies sent out in February, 1862, returned to Indianapolis to find six new companies raised under the call of July, 1862, ready to embrace the fortunes of the 63d. So strengthened, the regiment went forth to battle, and continued to lead in the paths of honor and fidelity until mustered out in May and June, 1865. The 64th Regiment failed in organization as an artillery corps ; but orders received from the War Department prohibiting the con- solidation of independent batteries, put a stop to any further move in the matter. However, an infantry regiment bearing the same number was afterward organized. The 65th was mustered in at Princeton and Evansville, in July and August, 1862, under Col. J. W. Foster, and left at once e7i route for the front. The record of this battalion is creditable, not only to its members, but also to the State which claimed it. Its 164 HISTORY OF INDIANA. last action during the war was on the 18th and 20th of February, 1865, at Fort Anderson and Town creek, after which, on the 22d June, it was disbanded at Greensboro. The 66th Regiment partially organized at New Albany, under Commandant Roger Martin, was ordered to leave for Kentucky on the 19th of August, 1862, for the defense of that State against the incursions of Kirby Smith. After a brilliant career it was mus- tered out at Washington on the 3d of June, 1865, after which it returned to Indianapolis to receive the thanks of a grateful people. The 67th Regiment was organized within the Third Congressional District under Col. Frank Emerson, and was ordered to Louisville on the 20tli of August, 1862, whence it marched to Munfordville,. only to share the same fate with the other gallant regiments en- gaged against Gen. Bragg's advance. Its roll of honor extends down the years of civil disturbance, — always adding garlands, un- til Peace called a truce in the fascinating race after fame, and insured a terra of rest, wherein its members could think on comrades forever vanished, and temper the sad thought with the sublime mem- ories born of that chivalrous fight for the maintenance and integri- ty of a great Republic. At Galveston on the 19th of July, 1865, the gallant 67th Regiment was mustered out, and returning within a few days to its State received the enthusiastic ovations of her citi- zens. The 68th Regiment, organized at Greensburg under Major Ben- jamin C. Shaw, was accepted for general service the 19th of August, 1862, under Col. Edward A. King, with Major Shaw as Lieutenant Colonel; on the 25th its arrival at Lebanon was reported and with- in a few days it appeared at the defense of Munfordville; but shar- ing in the fate of all the defenders, it surrendered unconditionally to Gen. Bragg and did not participate further in the actions of that year, nor until after the exchange of prisoners in 1863. From this period it may lay claim to an enviable history extending to the end of the war, when it was disembodied. The 69th Regiment, of Richmond, Ind., under Col. A. Bickle, left for the front on the 20th of August, 1862, and ten days later made a very brilliant stand at Richmond, Kentucky, against the advance of Gen. Kirby Smith, losing in the engagement two hundred and eighteen men and officers together with its liberty. After an exchange of prisoners the regiment was reorganized under Col. T. "W. Bennett and took the field in December, 1862, under •*v Lk- HISTORY OF INDIANA. Ig5 Generals Sheldon, Morgan and Sherman of Grant's army. Chick- asaw, Vicksburg, Blakely and many other names testify to the valor of the 69th. The remnant of the regiment was in January, 1865, formed into a battalion under Oran Perry, and was mustered out in July following. The 70th Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 12th of August, 1862, under Col. B. Harrison, and leaving for Louisville on the 13th, shared in the honors of Bruce's division at Franklin and Eussellville. The record of the regiment is brimful of honor. It was mustered out at Washington, June 8, 1865, and received at Indianapolis with public honors. The 71sT OR Sixth Cavalry was organized as an infantry regi- ment, at Terre Haute, and mustered into general service at Indian- apolis on the 18th of August, 1862, under Lieut. -Col. Melville D. Topping. Twelve days later it was engaged outside Richmond, Kentucky, losing two hundred and fifteen officers and men, includ- ing Col. Topping and Major Conklin, together with three hundred and forty-seven prisoners, only 225 escaping death and capture. After an exchange of prisoners the regiment was re-formed under Col. I. Bittle, but on the 28th of December it surrendered to Gen. J. H. Morgan, who attacked its position at Muldraugh's Hill with a force of 1,000 Confederates. During September and October, 1863, it was organized as a cavalry regiment, won distinction throughout its career, and was mustered out the 15th of September, 1865, at Murfreesboro. The 77th Regiment was organized at Lafayette, and left enroute to Lebanon, Kentucky, on the 17th of August, 1862. Under Col. Miller it won a series of honors, and mustered out at Kashville on the 26th of June, 1865. The 73rd Regiment, under Col. Gilbert Hathaway, was mustered in at South Bend on the 16th of August, 1862, and proceeded im- mediately to the front. Day's Gap, Crooked Creek, and the high eulogies of Generals Rosencrans and Granger speak its long and brilliant history, nor were the welcoming shouts of a great people and the congratulations of Gov. Morton, tendered to the regiment on its return home, in July, 1865, necessary to sustain its well won reputation. The 74th Regiment, partially organized at Fort Wayne and made almost complete at Indianapolis, left for the seat of war on the 22d of August, 1862, under Col. Charles W. Chapman. The desperate opposition to Gen. Bragg, and the magnificent defeat of Morgan, "71 s- J^ :l^ 166 HISTORY OF INDIANA. together with the battles of Dallas, Chattahoochie river, Kenesaw and Atlanta, where Lieut. Col. Myron Baker was killed, all bear evi- dence of its never surpassed gallantry. It was mustered out of ser- vice on the 9tli of June, 1865, at Washington. On the return of the regiment to Indianapolis, the war Governor and people tendered it special honors, and gave expression to the admiration and regard in which it was held. The Y5th Regiment was organized within the Eleventh Congress- ional District, and left Wabash, on the 21st of August, 1862, for the front, under Col. I. W. Petit. It was the first regiment to enter Tullahoma, and one of the last engaged in the battles of the Repub- lic. After the submission of Gen. Johnson's army, it waa mustered out at Washington, on the 8th of June 1865. The 76th Battalion was solely organized for thirty days' service under Colonel James Gavin, for the purpose of pursuing the rebel guerrilas, who plundered Newburg on the 13th July, 1862. It was organized and equipped within forty-eight hours, and during its term of service gained the name, " The Avengers of Newburg." The 77th, or Fourth Cavalry, was organized at the State capi- tal in August, 1862, under Colonel Isaac P. Gray. It carved its way to fame over twenty battlefields, and retired from service at Edgefield, on the 29th June, 1865. The 79th Regiment was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 2nd September, 1862, under Colonel Fred Knefier. Its history may be termed a record of battles, as the great numbers of battles, from 1862 to the conclusion of hostilities, were participated in by it. The regiment received its discharge on the 11th Jnne, 1865, at Indianapolis. During its continued round of field duty it captured eighteen guns and over one thousand prisoners. The 80th Regiment was organized within the First Congress- ional District under Col. C. Denby, and equipped at Indianapolis, when, on the 8th of September, 1862, it left for the front. During its term it lost only two prisoners; but its list of casualties sums up 325 men and officers killed and wounded. The regiment may be said to muster out on the 22nd of June, 1865, at Saulsbury. The 81sT Regiment, of New Albany, under Colonel W. W. Caldwell, was organized on the 29th August, 1862, and proceeded at once to join Buell's headquarters, and join in the pursuit of General Bragg. Throughout the terrific actions of the war its infiuence was felt, nor did its labors cease until it aided in driving the rebels across the Tennessee. It was disembodied at Nashville Ql 1 '■Z/ ^^ 'VL HISTORY OF INDIANA. 167 on the 13th June, 1865, and returned to Indianapolis on the 15th, to receive the well-merited congratulations of Governor Morton, and the people. The 82nd Regiment, under Colonel Morton C. Hunter, was mustered in at Madison, Ind,, on the 30th August, 1862, and leaving immediately for the seat of war, participated in many of the great battles down to the return of peace. It was mustered out at Washington on the 9th June, 1865, and soon returned to its State to receive a grand recognition of its faithful service. The 83rd Regiment, of Lawrenceburg, under Colonel Ben. J. Spooner, was organized in September, 1862, and soon left en route to the Mississippi. Its subsequent history, the fact of its being under fire for a total term of 4,800 hours, and its wanderings over 6,285 miles, leave nothing to be said in its defense. Master of a thousand honors, it was mustered out at Louisville, on the 15th July, 1865, and returned home to enjoy a well-merited repose. The 84th Regiment was mustered in at Richmond, Ind., on the 8th September, 1862, under Colonel Nelson Trusler. Its first military duty was on the defenses of Covington, in Kentucky, and Cincinnati; but after a short time its labors became more con- genial, and tended to the great disadvantage of the slaveholding enemy on many well-contested fields. This, like the other State regiments, won many distinctions, and retired from the service on the 14th of June, 1865, at Nashville. The 85th Regiment was mustered at Terre Haute, under Colonel John P. Bayard, on the 2d September, 1862. On the 4th March, 1863, it shared in the unfortunate aifair at Thompson's Station, when in common with the other regiments forming Coburn's Bri- gade, it surrendered to the overpowering forces of the rebel General, Forrest. In June, 1863, after an exchange, it again took the field, and won a large portion of that renown accorded to Indiana. It was mustered out on the 12th of June, 1865. The 86th Regiment, of La Fayette, left for Kentucky on the 26th August, 1862, under Colonel OrvilleS. Hamilton, and shared in the duties assigned to the 84th. Its record is very creditable, particu- larly that portion dealing with the battles of Nashville on the 15th and 16th December, 1864. It was mustered out on the 6th of June,. 1865, and reported within a few days at Indianapolis for discharge. The 87th Regiment, organized at South Bend, under Colonels Kline G. Sherlock and N. Gleason, was accepted at Indianapolis on the 31st of August, 1862, and left on the same day en route to 7 ^. ^\ h *K - St 16S HISTORY OF INDIANA. the front. From Springfield and Perryville on the 6th and 8th of October, 1862, to Mission Ridge, on the 25th of November, 1863, thence through the Atlanta campaign to the surrender of the South- ern armies, it upheld a gallant name, and met with a true and en- thusiastic welcome* home on the 21st of June, 1865, with a list of absent comrades aggregating 451. The 88th Regiment, organized within the Fourth Congressional District, under Col. Geo. Humphrey, entered the service on the 29th of August, 1862, and presently was found among the front ranks in war. It passed through the campaign in brilliant form down to the time of Gen. Johnson's surrender to Gen. Grant, after which, on the Vth of June, 1865, it was mustered out at Washing- ton. The 89th Regiment, formed from the material of the Eleventh Congressional District, was mustered in at Indianapolis, on the 28th of August, 1862, under Col. Chas. ' D. Murray, and after an exceedingly brilliant campaign was discharged by Gov. Morton on the 4th of August, 1865. The 90th Regiment, or Fifth Cavalry, was organized at Indianapolis under the Colonelcy of Felix W. Graham, between August and November, 1862. The different companies, joining headquarters at Louisville on the 11th of March, 1863, engaged in observing the movements of the enemy in the vicinity of Cumber- land river until the 19th of April, when a first and successful brush was had with the rebels. The regiment had been in 22 en- gagements during the term of service, captured 640 prisoners, and claimed a list of casualties mounting up to the number of 829. It was mustered out on the 16th of J une, 1865, at Pulaski. The 91st Battalion, of seven companies, was mustered into service at Evansville, the 1st of October, 1862, under Lieut.-Colonel John Mehringer, and in ten days later left for the front. In 1863 the regiment was completed, and thenceforth took a very prominent position in the prosecution of the war. During its ser- vice it lost 81 men, and retired from the field on the 26th of June, 1865. The 92d Regiment failed in organizing. The 93d Regiment was mustered in at Madison, Ind., on the 20th of October, 1862, under Col. De Witt C. Thomas and Lieut.- Col. Geo. W. Carr. ' On the 9th of November it began a move- ment south, and ultimately allied itself to Buckland's Brigade of 71^ \ ^ ■ — HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 169 Gen. Sherman's. On the 14th of May it was among the first regi- ments to enter Jackson, the capital of Mississippi; was next pres- ent at the assault on Yicksburg, and made a stirring campaign down to the storming of Fort Blakely on the 9th of April, 1865. It was discharged on the 11th of August, that year, at Indianapo- lis, after receiving a public ovation. The 94th and 95th Regiments, authorized to be formed within the Fourth and Fifth Congressional Districts, respectively, were only partially organized, and so the few companies that could be mustered were incorporated with other regiments. The 96th Regiment could only bring together three companies, in tlie Sixth Congressional District, and these becoming incoroo- rated with the 99th then in process of formation at South Bend, the number was left blank. The 97th Regiment, raised in the Seventh Congressional Dis- trict, was mustered into service at Terre Haute, on the 20th of September, 1861, under Col. Robert F. Catterson. Reaching the front within a few days, it was assigned a position near Memphis, and subsequently joined in Gen. Grant's movement on Vicksburg, by overland route. After a succession of great exploits with the several armies to which it was attached, it completed its list of battles at Bentonville, on the 21st of March, 1865, and was dis- embodied at Washington on the 9th of June following. During its term of service the regiment lost 341 men, including the three Ensigns killed during the assaults on rebel positions along the Augusta Railway, from the 15th to the 27th of June, 1864. The 98th Regiment, authorized to be raised within the Eighth Congressional District, failed in its organization, and the number was left blank in the army list. The two companies answering to the call of July, 1862, were consolidated with the 100th Regiment then being organized at Fort Wayne. The 99th Battalion, recruited within the Ninth Congressional District, completed its muster on the 21st of October, 1862, under Col. Alex. Fawler, and reported for service a few days later at Memphis, where it was assigned to the 16th Army Corps. The va- . ried vicissitudes through which this regiment passed and its remark- able gallantry upon all occasions, have gained for it a fair fame. It was disembodied on the 5th of June, 1865, at Washington, and returned to Indianapolis on the 11th of the same month. The 100th Regiment, recruited from the Eighth and Tenth Congressional Districts, under Col. Sandford J. Stoughton, mustered Q fc^ » ^ 170 HISTORY OF INDIANA. into the service on the 10th of September, left for the front on the 11th of November, and became attached to the Army of Tennessee on the 26th of that month, 1862. The regiment participated in twentj'iive battles, together v^ith skirmishing during fully one-third of its term of service, and claimed a list of casualties mounting up to four hundred and sixty-four. It was mustered out of the ser- vice at "Washington on the 9th of June, and reported at Indianapolis for discharge on the 14th of June, 1865. The lOlsT Regiment was mustered into service at "Wabash on the 7th of September, 1862, under Col. William Garver, and pro- ceeded immediately to Covington, Kentucky. Its early experiences were gained in the pursuit ofBragg's army and John Morgan's cavalry, and these experiences tendered to render the regiment one of the most valuable in the war for the Republic. From the defeat of John Morgan at Milton on the 18th of March, 1863, to the fall of Savannah on the 23rd of September, 1863, tlie regiment won many honors, and retired from the service on the 25th of June, 1865, at Indianapolis. THE MORGAN RAID REGIMENTS — MINUTE MEN. The 102d Regiment, organized under Col. Benjamin M. Gregory from companies of the Indiana Legion, and numbering six hun- dred and twenty-three men and officers, left Indianapolis for the front early in July, and reported at North Yernon on the 12th of July, 1863, and having completed a round of duty, returned to In- dianapolis on the 17th to be discharged. The 103d, comprising seven companies from Hendricks county, two from Marion and one from "Wayne counties, numbering 681 men and officers, under Col. Lawrence S. Shuler, was contemporary with the 102d Regiment, varying only in its service by being mus- tered out one day before, or on the 16th of July, 1863. The 104th Regiment of Minute Men was recruited from mem- bers of the Legion of Decatur, La Fayette, Madison, Marion and Rush counties. It comprised 714 men and officers under the command of Col. James Gavin, and was organized within forty hours after the issue of Governor Morton's call for minute men to protect Indiana and Kentucky against the raids of Gen. John H Morgan's rebel forces. After Morgan's escape into Ohio the command returned and was mustered out on the 18th of July, 1863. The 105th Regiment consisted of seven companies of the Legion and three of Minute Men, furnished by Hancock, Union, Randolph, K \\q_ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 1"1 Putnam, Wayne, Clinton and Madison counties. The command numbered seven hundred and thirteen men and officers, under Col. Sherlock, and took a leading part in the pursuit of Morgan. Re- turning on the 18th of July to Indianapolis it was mustered out. The 1 06th Regiment, under Col. Isaac P. Gray, consisted of onecompany of the Legion and nine companies of Minute Men, aggregating seven hundred and ninety-two men and officers. The countres of Wayne, Randolph, Hancock, Howard, and Marion were represented in its rank and file. Like the other regiments organized to repel Morgan, it was disembodied in July, 1863. The IOTth Regiment, under Col. De Witt C. Rugg, was organ- ized in the city of Indianapolis from the companies' Legion, or Ward Guards. The successes of this promptly organized regiment were unquestioned. The 108th Regiment comprised five companies of Minute Men, from Tippecanoe county, two from Hancock, and one from each of the counties known as Carroll, Montgomery and Wayne, aggregat- ing TIO men and officers, and all under the command of Col. W. C. Wilson. After performing the only duties presented, it returned from Cincinnati on the 18th of July, and was mustered out. The 109th Regiment, composed of Minute Men from Coles county. 111., La Porte, Hamilton, Miami and Randolph counties, Ind., showed a roster of 709 officers and men, under Col. J. K Mahon. Morgan having escaped from Ohio, its duties were at an end, and returning to Indianapolis was mustered out on the 17th of July, 1863, after seven days' service. The 110th Regiment of Minute Men comprised volunteers from Henry, Madison, Delaware, Cass, and Monroe counties. The men were ready and willing, if not really anxious to go to the front. But happily the swift-winged Morgan was driven away, and conse- q uently the regiment was not called to the field. The 111th Regiment, furnished by Montgomery, Lafayette, Rush, Miami, Monroe, Delaware and Hamilton counties, number- ing 733 men and officers, under Col. Robert Canover, was not requisitioned. . The 112th Regiment was formed from nine companies ot Min- ute Men, and the Mitchell Light Infantry Company of the Legion. Its strength was 703 men and officers, under Col. Hiram F. Brax- ton Lawrence, Washington, Monroe and Orange counties were represented on its roster, and the historic names of North Vernon and Sunman's Station on its banner. Returning from the South \ 172 HISTORY OF INDIANA. after seven days' service, it was mustered out oil the ITtli of July, 1863. The 113th E.EGIMENT, furnished by Daviess, Martin, Washington, and Monroe counties, comprised 526 rank and lile under Col. Geo. W. Burge. Like the 112th, it was assigned to Gen. Hughes' Brigade, and defended North Vernon against the repeated attacks of John H. Morgan's forces. The 114th Regiment was wholly organized in Johnson county, under Col. Lambertson, and participated in the afiair of North Yernon. Returning on the 21st of July, 1863, with its brief but faithful record, it was disembodied at Indianapolis, 11 days after its organization. All these regiments were brought into existence to meet an emergency, and it must be confessed, that had not a sense of duty, military instinct and love of country animated these regi- ments, the rebel General, John H. Morton, and his 6,000 cavalry would doubtless have carried destruction as far as the very capital of their State. SIX- months' regiments. The 115th Regiment, organized at Indianapolis in answer to the call of the President in June, 1863, was mustered into service on the 17th of August, under Col. J. R. Mahon. Its service was short but brilliant, and received its discharge at Indianapolis the 10th of February, 1864. The 116th Regiment, mustered in on the 17th of August, 1863, moved to Detroit, Michigan, on the 30th, under Col. Charles Wise. During October it was ordered to Nicholasville, Kentucky, where it was assigned to Col. Mahon's Brigade, and with Gen. Willcox's entire command, joined in the forward movement to Cumberland Gap. After a term on severe duty it returned to Lafayette and there was disembodied on the 24th of February, 1864, whither Gov. Morton hastened, to share in the ceremonies of welcome. The 117th Regiment of Indianapolis was mustered into service on the 17th of September, 1863, under Col. Thomas J. Brady. After surmounting every obstacle opposed to it, it returned on the 6th of February, 1864, and was treated to a public reception on the 9 th. The 118th Regiment, whose organization was completed on the 3d of September, 1863, under Col. Geo. W. Jackson, joined the 116th at Nicholasville, and sharing in its fortunes, returned to the ■i" -5» FT • HISTORY OF INDIANA. 173 State capital on the 14th of February, 1864. Its casualties were comprised in a list of 15 killed and wounded. The 119th, or Seventh Cavalry, was recruited under Col. John P. C. Shanks, and its organization completed on the 1st of Octo- ber, 1863. The rank and tile numbered 1,213, divided into twelve companies. On the 7th of December its arrival at Louisville was reported, and on the 14th it entered on active service. After the well-fought battle of Guntown, Mississippi, on the 10th of June, 1864, although it only brought defeat to our arms. General Grier- son addressed the Seventh Cavalry, saying: " Yoar General con- gratulates you upon your noble conduct during the late expedition. Fighting against overwhelming numbers, under adverse circum- stances, your prompt obedience to orders and unflinching courage commanding the admiration of all, made even defeat almost a vic- tory. For hours on foot you repulsed the charges of the enemies' in- fantry, and again in the saddle you met his cavalry and turned his assaults into confusion. Your heroic perseverance saved hundreds of your fellow-soldiers from capture. You have been faithful to your honorable reputation, and have fully justified the confidence, and merited the high esteem of your commander." Early in 1865, a number of these troops, returning from impris- onment in Southern bastiles, were lost on the steamer "Sultana." The survivors of the campaign continued in the service for a long period after the restoration of peace, and finally mustered out. The 120th Regiment. In September, 1863, Gov. Morton re- ceived authority from the War Department to organize eleven regi- ments within the State for three years' service. By April, 1864, this organization was complete, and b6ing transferred to the com- mand of Brigadier General Alvin P. Hovey, were formed by him into a division for service with the Army of Tennessee. Of those regiments, the 120th occupied a very prominent place, both on ac- count of its numbers, its perfect discipline and high reputation. It was mustered in at Columbus, and was in all the great battles of the latter years of the war. It won high praise from friend and foe, and retired with its bright roll of honor, after the success of Right and Justice was accomplished. The 121sT, OR Ninth Cavalry, was mustered in March 1, 1864, under Col. George W. Jackson, at Indianapolis, and though not numerically strong, was so well equipped and possessed such excel- lent material that on the 3rd of May it was ordered to the front. The record of the 121st, though extending over a brief period, is- • • * — -^ '• -^ » K. * \ 174 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. pregnant with deeds of war of a high character. On the 26th of April, 1865, these troops, while returning from their labors in the South, lost 55 men, owing to the explosion of the engines of the steamer " Sultana." The return of the 386 survivors, on the 5th of September, 1865, was hailed with joy, and proved how well and dearly the citizens of Indiana loved their soldiers. The 122d Kegiment ordered to be raised in the Third Congres- Bional District, owing to very few men being then at home, failed in organization, and the regimental number became a blank. The 123d Kegiment was furnished by the Fourth and Seventh Congressional Districts during the winter of lS63-'64, and mus- tered, March 9, 1864, at Greensburg, under Col. John C. McQuis- ton. The command left for the front the same day, and after win- ning rare distinction during the last years of the campaign, par- ticularly in its gallantry at Atlanta, and its daring movement to escape Forrest's 15,000 rebel horsemen near Franklin, this regi- ment was discharged on the 30th of August, 1865, at Indianapolis, being mustered out on the 25th, at Raleigh, North Carolina. The 121th Regiment completed its organization by assuming three companies raised for the 125th Regiment (which was intended to be cavalry), and was mustered in at Richmond, on the 10th of March, 1864, under Colonel James Burgess, and reported at Louis- ville within nine days. From Buzzard's Roost, on the 8th of May, 1864, under General Scholield, Lost Mountain in June, and the capture of Decatur, on the 15th July, to the 21st March, 1865, in its grand advance under General Sherman from Atlanta to the coast, the regiment won many laurel wreaths, and after a brilliant campaign, was mustered out at Greensboro on the 31st August, 1865. The 125th, oe Tenth Cavalry, was partially organized during November and December, 1862, at Yincennes, and in February, 1863, completed its numbers and equipment at Columbus, under Colonel T. M. Pace. Early in May its arrival in Nashville was reported, and presently assigned active service. During September and October it ensaged rebel contino;ents under Forrest and Hood, and later in the battles of Nashville, Reynold's Hill and Sugar Creek, and in 1865 Flint River, Courtland and Mount Hope. The explosion of the Sultana occasioned the loss of thirty-five men with Captain Gaffney and Lieutenants Twigg and Reeves, and in a collision on the Nashville & Louisville railroad, May, 1864, lost five men killed and several wounded. After a term of service un- (J) ' — \ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 175 surpassed for its utility and character it was disembodied at Yicks- burg, Mississippi, on the 31st August, 1865, and returning to Indianapolis early in September, was welcomed by the Executive and people. The 126th, or Eleventh Cavalry, was organized at Indian- apolis under Colonel Robert R. Stewart, on the 1st of March, 1864, and left in May for Tennessee. It took a very conspicuous part in the defeat of Hood near Nashville, joining in the pursuit as far as Gravelly Springs, Alabama, where it was dismounted and assigned infantry duty. In June, 1865, it was remounted at St. Louis, and moved to Fort Riley, Kansas, and thence to Leavenworth, where it was mustered out on the 19th September, 1865. The 127th, or Twelfth Cavalry, was partially organized at Kendallville, in December, 1863, and perfected at the same place, under Colonel Edward Anderson, in April, 1864:. Reaching the front in May, it went into active service, took a prominent part in the march through Alabama and Georgia, and after a service bril- liant in all its parts, retired from the field, after discharge, on the 22d of November, 1865. The 128th Regiment was raised in the Tenth Congressional Dis- trict of the period, and mustered at Michigan City, under Colonel R. P. De Hart, on the 18th March, 1864. On the 25th it was reported at the front, and assigned at once to Schofleld's Division. The battles of Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Dalton, Brentwood Hills, Nashville. and the six days' skirmish of Columbia, were all participated in by the 128th, and it continued in service long after the termination of hostilities, holding the post of Raleigh, North Carolina. The 129th Regiment was, like the former, mustered in at Michigan City about the same time, under Colonel Charles Case, and moving to the front on the 7th April, 1864, shared in the for- tunes of the 128th until August 29, 1865, wheu it was disembodied at Charlotte, Notrh Carolina. The 130th Regiment, mustered at Kokomo on the 12th March, 1864, under Colonel C. S. Parrish, left en route to the seat of war on the 16th, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, at Nashville, on the 19th. During the war it made for itself a brilliant history, and returned to Indian- apolis with its well-won honors on the 13th DecemDer, 1865. The 13 1st, or Thirteenth Cavalry, under Colonel G. M L. Johnson, was the last mounted regiment recruited within the State. ^ 176 HISTORY OF INDIANA. It left Indianapolis on the 30th of April, 1864, in infantry trim, and gained its first honors on the Ist of October in its magnificent defense of Huntsville, Alabama, against the rebel division of General Buford, following a line of first-rate military conduct to the end. In January, 1865, the regiment was remounted, won some distinction in its modern form, and was mustered out at Yicksburg on the 18th of November, 1865. The morale and services of the regiment were such that its Colonel was promoted Brevet Brigadier-General in consideration of its merited honors. THE ONE HUNDRED-DATS VOLUNTEERS. Governor Morton, in obedience to the ofier made under his auspices to the general Government to raise volunteer regiments for one hun- dred days' service, issued his call on the 23rd of April, 1864. This movement suggested itself to the inventive genius of the war Gov- ernor as a most important step toward the subjection or annihila- tion of the military supporters of slavery within a year, and thus conclude a war, which, notwithstanding its holy claims to the name of Battles for Freedom, was becoming too protracted, and proving too detrimental to the best interests of the Union. In answer to the esteemed Governor's call eight regiments came forward, and formed The Grand Division of the Volunteers. The 132d Regiment, under Col. S. C. Yance, was furnished by Indianapolis, Shelbyville, Franklin and Danville, and leaving on the IStliof May, 1864, reached the front where it joined the forces acting in Tennessee. The 133d Regiment, raised at Richmond on the 17th of May, 1864, under Col. R. N. Hudson, comprised nine companies, and followed the 132d. The 134th Regiment, comprising seven companies, was organ- ized at Indianapolis on the 25th of May, 1864, under Col. James Gavin, and proceeded immediately to the front. The 135th Regiment was raised from the volunteers of Bedford, Noblesville and Goshen, with seven companies from the First Con- gressional District, under Col. W. C. "Wilson, on the 25th of May, 1864, and left at once en route to the South. The 136th Regiment comprised ten companies, raised in the fame districts as those contributing to the 135th, under CoL J. W. Foster, and left for Tennessee on the 24th of May, 1864. The 137th Regiment, under Col. E. J. Robinson, comprising volunteers from Kokomo, Zanesville, Medora, Sullivan, Rockville, r :v- ^!! >^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 177 and Owen and Lawrence counties, left en- route to Tennessee on the 28tli of May, 1864, having completed organization the day previous. The 138th Regiment was formed of seven companies from the Ninth, with three from the Eleventh Congressional District (un- reformed), and mustered in at Indianapolis on the 27th of May, 1864, under Col. J. H. Shannon. This fine regiment was re- ported at the front within a few days. The 139th Regiment, under Col. Geo. Humphrey, was raised from volunteers furnished by Kendallville, Lawrenceburg, Elizaville, Knightstown, Connersville, Newcastle, Portland, Yevay, New Albany, Metamora, Columbia City, New Haven and New Phila- delphia. It was constituted a regiment on the 8th of June, 1864, and appeared among the defenders in Tennessee during that month. All these regiments gained distinction, and won an enviable po- sition in the glorious history of the war and the no less glorious one of their own State in its relation thereto. THE president's CALL OF JULY, 1864. The 140th Regiment was organized with many others, in response to the call of the nation. Under its Colonel, Thomas J. Brady, it pro- ceeded to the South on the 15th of November, 1864. Havino- taken a most prominent part in all the desperate struggles, round Nash- ville and Murfreesboro in 1864, to Town Creek Bridge on the 20th of February, 1865, and completed a continuous round of severe duty to the end, arrived at Indianapolis for discharge on the 21st of July, where Governor Morton received it with marked honors. The 14 1st Regiment was only partially raised, and its few com- panies were incorporated with Col. Brady's command. The 142d Regiment was recruited at Fort Wayne, under Col. I. M. Comparet, and was mustered into service at Indianapolis on the jl of November, 1864. After a steady and exceedingly effective service, it returned to Indianapolis on the 16th of July, 1865. the president's call of DECEMBER, 1864, Was answered by Indiana in the most material terms. No less than fourteen serviceable regiments were placed at the disposal of the General Government. The 143d Regiment was mustered in, under Col J. T. Grill, on the 21st February, 1865, reported at Nashville on the 24th, and af- ter a brief but brilliant service returned to the State on the 21st October, 1865. V« "T <3\ A^ 178 HISTORY OF INDIANA. TJie 144tii Regiment, under Col. G. W. Riddle, was mustered in on the 6tli March, 1865, left on the 9th for Harper's Ferry, took an effective part in the close of the campaign and reported at Indian- apolis for discharge on the 9th August, 1865. The 145th Regiment, under Col. W, A. Adams, left Indianapolis on the 18th of February, 1865, and joining Gen. Steadman's division at Chattanooga on the 23d was sent on active service. Its duties were discharged with rare fidelity until mustered out in January, 1866. The 11:6th Regiment, under Col. M. C. Welsh, left Indianapolis on the 11th of March en route to Harper's Ferr}'^, where it was i.s- signed to the army of the Shenandoah. The duties ot this regiment were severe and continuous, to the period of its muster out at Bal- timore on the 31st of August, 1865. The 147th Regiment, comprised among other volunteers from Benton, Lafayette and Henry counties, organized under Col. Milton Peden on the 13th of March, 1865, at Indianapolis. It shared a fortune similar to that of the 146th, and returned for discharge on the 0th of August, 1865. The 148th Regiment, under Col. N. R. Ruckle, left the State capital on the 28th of February, 1865, and reporting at Nashville, was sent on guard and garrison duty into the heart of Tennessee. Returning to Indianapolis on the 8th of September, it received a final discharge. The 149th Regiment was organized at Indianapolis by Col. W. H. Fairbanks, and left on 'the 3d of March, 1865, for Tennessee, where it had the honor of receiving the surrender of the rebel forces, and military stores of Generals Roddy and Polk. The reg- iment was welcomed home by Morton on the 29tli of September. The 150th Regiment, under Col. M. B. Taylor, mustered in on the 9th of March, 1865, left for the South on the 13th and reported at Harper's Ferry on the 17th. This regiment did guard duty at Charleston, Winchester, Stevenson Station, Gordon's Springs, and after a service characterized by utility, returned on the 9th of August to Indianapolis for discharge. The 151sT Regiment, under Col. J. Healy, arrived at Nashville on the 9th of March, 1865. On the 14th a movement on Tullahoma was undertaken, and three months later returned to Nashville for garrison duty to the close of the war. It was mustered out on the 2-2d of September, 1865. The 152d Regiment was organized at Indianapolis, under Col. \ ^G lW M o M o ^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 181 W. W Griswold, and left for Harper's Ferry on the 18th of March, 1865. It was attached to the provisional divisions of Shenandoah Army, and engaged until the 1st of September, when it was dis- charged at Indianapolis. The 153d Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 1st of March, 1865, under Col. O. H. P. Carey. It reported at Louis- ville, and by order of Gen. Palmer, was held on service in Ken- tucky, where it was occupied in the exciting but very dangerous pastime of fighting Southern guerrillas. Later it was posted at Louisville, until mustered out on the 4th of September, 1865. The 151th Regiment, organized under Col. Frank Wilcox, left Indianapolis under Major Simpson, for Parkersburg, W. Virginia, on the 28th of April, 1865. It was assigned to guard and garrison duty until its discharge on the 4th of August, 1865. The 155th Regiment, recruited throughout the State, left on the 26th of April for Washington, and was afterward assigned to a provisional Brigade of the Ninth Army Corps at Alexandria. The companies of this regiment were scattered over the country, — at Dover, Centreville, Wilmington, and Salisbury, but becoming re- united on the 4th of August, 1865, it was mustered out at Dover, Delaware, The 156th Battalion, under Lieut.-Colonel Charles M. Smith, left en route to the Shenandoah Valley on the 27th of April, 1865, where it continued doing guard duty to the period of its muster out the 4th of August, 1865, at Winchester, Virginia. On the return of these regiments to Indianapolis, Gov. Morton and the people received them with all that characteristic cordiality and enthusiasm peculiarly their own. independent cavalry company of INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. The people of Crawford county, animated with that inspiriting patriotism which the war drew forth, organized this mounted com- pany on the 25th of July, 1863, and placed it at the disposal of the Government, and it was mustered into service by order of the War Secretary, on the 13th of August, 1863, under Captain L. Lamb. To the close of the year it engaged in the laudable pursuit of arresting deserters and enforcing the draft; however, on the 18th of January, 1864, it was reconstituted and incorporated with the Thirteenth Cavalry, with which it continued to serve until the treason of Americans against America was conquered. -4- < < .> 182 HISTORY OF INDIANA. OUR COLORED TROOPS. The 2Sth Regiment of Colored Troops was recruited throuo-h- out the State of Indiana, and under Lieut.-Colonel Charles S. Russell, left Indianapolis for the fronton the 24th of April, 1864. The regiment acted very well in its first engagement with the rebels at White House, Virginia, and again with Gen. Sheridan's Cavalry, in the swamps of the Chickahominy. In the battle of the "Crater," it lost half its roster; but their place was soon filled by other colored recruits from the State, and Russell promoted to the Colonelcy, and afterward to Brevet Brigadier-General, when he was succeeded in the command by Major Thomas II. Logan. During the few months of its active service it accumulated quite a history, and was ultimately discharged, on the 8th of January, 1866, at Indianapolis. batteries of light artillery. First Battery, organized at Evansville, under Captain Martin Klauss, and mustered in on the 16th of August, 1861, joined Gen. Fremont's army immediately, and entering readily upon its salu- tary course, aided in the capture of 950 rebels and their position at Blackwater creek. On March the 6th, 1862 at Elkhorn Tavern, and on the 8th at Pea Ridge, the battery performed good service. Port Gibson, Champion Hill, Jackson, the Teche country, Sabine Cross Roads, Grand Encore, all tell of its efficacy. In 1864 it was subjected to reorganization, when Lawrence Jacoby was raised to the Captiancy, vice Klauss resigned. After a long term of useful service, it was mustered out at Indianapolis on the 18th of August, 1865. Second Battery was organized, under Captain D, G. Rabb, at Indianapolis on the 9th of August, 1861, and one month later pro- ceeded to the front. It participated in the campaign against Col. Cofiee's irregular troops and the rebellious Indians of the Cherokee nation. From Lone Jack, Missouri, to Jenkin's Ferry and Fort Smith it won signal honors until its reorganization in 1864, and even after, to June, 1865, it maintained a very fair reputation. The Third Battery, under Capt. W. W. Frybarger, was organ- ized and mustered in at Connersville on the 24th of August, 1861, and proceeded immediately to join Fremont's Army of the Mis- souri. Moon's Mill, Kirksville, Meridian, Fort de Russy, Alex- andria, Round Lake, Tupelo, Clinton and Tallahatchie are names V HISTORY OF INDIANA. 183 whicli may be engraven on its gnns. It participated in the affairs before Nashville on the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, when General Hood's Army was put to route, and at Fort Blakely, out- side Mobile, after which it returned home to report for discharge, August 21, 1865. The Fourth Battery, recruited in La Porte, Porter and Lake counties, reported at the front early in October, 1861, and at once assumed a prominent place in the army of Gen. Buell. Again under Rosencrans and McCook and under General Sheridan at Stone Kiver, the services of this battery were much praised, and it retained its well-earned reputation to the very day of its muster out the 1st of August, 1865. Its first organization was completed under Capt. A. K. Bush, and reorganized in Oct., 1864, under Capt B. F. Johnson. The Fifth Battery was furnished by La Porte, Allen, Whitley and Noble counties, organized under Capt. Peter Simonson, and mus- tered into service on the 22d of November, 1861. It comprised four six pounders, two being rifled cannon, and two twelve-pounder Howitzers with a force of 158 men. Reporting at Camp Gil- bert, Louisville, on the 29th, it was shortly after assigned to the division of Gen. Mitchell, at Bacon Creek. During its term, it served in twenty battles and numerous petty actions, losing its Cap- tain at Pine Mountain. The total loss accruing to the battery was 84 men and officers and four guns It was mustered out on the 20th of July, 1864. The Sixth Battery was recruited at Evansville, under Captain Frederick Behr, and left, on the 2d of Oct., 1861, for the front, reporting at Henderson, Kentucky, a few days after. Early in 1862 it joined Gen. Sherman's army at Paducah, and participated in the battle of Shiloh, on the 6th of April. Its history grew in brilliancy until the era of peace insured a cessation of its great labors. The Seventh Battery comprised volunteers from Terre Haute, Arcadia, Evansville, Salem, Lawrenceburg, Columbus, Vin- cennes and Indianapolis, under Samuel J. Harris as its first Captain, who was succeeded by G. R. Shallow and O. H. Mor- gan after its reorganization. From the siege of Corinth to the capture of Atlanta it performed vast services, and returned to Indianapolis on the 11th of July, 1865, to be received by the peo- ple and hear its history from the lips of the veteran patriot and Governor of the State. J£^ ■ ^« s v •V 184 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The Eighth Battery, under Captain G. T. Cochran, arrived at the front on the 26th of February, 1862, and subsequently entered upon its real duties at the siege of Corinth. It served with dis- tinction throughout, and concluded a well-made campaign under Will Stokes, who was appointed Captain of the companies with which it was consolidated in March, 1865. The ISTiNTH Battery. The organization of this battery was perfected at Indianapolis, on the 1st of January, 1862, under Capt. N. S. Thompson. Moving to the front it participated in the affairs of Shiloh, Corinth, Queen's Hill, Meridian, Fort Dick Taylor, Fort de Russy, Henderson's Hill, Pleasant Hill, Cotile Landing, Bayou Rapids, Man sura, Chicot, and many others, winning a name in each engagement. The explosion of the steamer Eclipse at Johnson- ville, above Paducah, on Jan. 27, 1865, resulted in the destruction of 58 men, leaving only ten to represent the battery. The survivors reached Indianapolis on the 6th of March, and were mustered out. The Tenth Battery was recruited at Lafayette, and mustered in under Capt. Jerome B, Cox, in January, 1861. Having passed through the Kentucky campaign against Gen. Bragg, it partici- pated in many of the great engagements, and finally returned to report for discharge on the 6th of July, 1864, having, in the mean- time, won a very fair fame. The Eleventh Battery was organized at Lafayette, and mus- tered in at Indianapolis under Capt. Arnold Sutermeister, on the I7th of December, 1861. On most of the principal battle-fields, from Shiloh, in 1862, to the capture of Atlanta, it maintained a high reputation for military excellence, and after consolidation with the Eighteenth, mustered out on the Tth of June, 1865. The Twelfth Battery was recruited at Jeffersonville and sub- sequently mustered in at Indianapolis. On the 6th of March, 1862, it reached Nashville, having been previously assigned to Buell's Army, In April its Captain, G. W. Sterling, resigned, and the position devolved on Capt. James E. White, who, in turn, was suc- ceeded by James A. Dunwoody. The record of the battery holds a first place in the history of the period, and enabled both men and officers to look back with pride upon the battle-fields of the land. It was ordered home in June, 1865, and on reaching Indianapolis, on the 1st of July, was mustered out on the Yth of that month. The Thirteenth Battery was organized under Captain Sewell Coulson, during the winter of 1861, at Indianapolis, and proceeded to the front in February, 1862. During the subsequent months it -t ^^ HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 185 was occupied Id the pursuit of John H. Morgan's raiders, and aided eflfectively in driving them from Kentucky. This artillery company returned from the South on the 4th of July, 1865, and were discharged the day following. The Fourteenth Battery, recruited in Wabash, Miami, Lafay- ette, and Huntington counties, under Captain M. H. Kidd, and Lieutenant J. W. H. McGuire, left Indianapolis on the 11th of April, 1862, and within a few months one portion of it was cap- tured at Lexington by Gen. Forrest's great cavalry command. The main battery lost two guns and two men at Guntown, on the Mis- sissippi, but proved more successful at Nashville and Mobile. It arrived home on the 29th of August, 1865, received a public wel- come, and its final discharge. The Fifteenth Battery, under Captain I. C. H. Von Sehlin, was retained on duty from the date of its organization, at Indian- apolis, until the 5th of July, 1862, when it was moved to Harper's Ferry. Two months later the gallant defense of Maryland Heights was set at naught by the rebel Stonewall Jackson, and the entire garrison surrendered. Being paroled, it was reorganized at Indian- apolis, and appeared again in the field in March, 1863, where it won a splendid renown on every well-fought field to the close of the war. It was mustered out on the 24th of June, 1865. The Sixteenth Battery was organized at Lafayette, under Capt. Charles A. Nay lor, and on the Ist of June, 1862, left for "Washington. Moving to the front with Gen. Pope's command, it participated m the battle of Slaughter Mountain, on the 9th of August, and South Mountain, and Antietam, under Gen. McClel- lan. This battery was engaged in a large number of general en- gagements and flying column affairs, won a very favoi-able record, and returned on the 5th of July, 1865. The Seventeenth Battery, under Capt. Milton L. Miner, was mustered in at Indianapolis, on the 20th of May, 1862, left for the front on the 5th of July, and subsequently engaged in the Gettys- burg expedition, was present at Harper's Ferry, July 6, 1863, and at Opequan on the 19th of September. Fisher's Hill, New Mar- ket, and Cedar Creek brought it additional honors, and won from Gen. Sheridan a tribute of praise for its service on these battle grounds. Ordered from Winchester to Indianapolis it was mus- tered out there on the 3d of July, 1865. The Eighteenth Battery, under Capt. Eli Lilly, left for the ^ ^ <2_ 186 HISTORY OF INDIANA. front in August, 1862, but did not take a leading part in the cam- paign until 1863, when, under Gen. Rosencrans, it appeared prom- inent at Hoover's Gap. From this period to the affairs of West Point and Macon, it performed first-class service, and returned to its State on the 25th of June, 1865. The Nineteenth Battery was mustered into service at Indian- apolis, on the 5th of August, 1862, under Capt. S. J. Harris, and proceeded immediately afterward to the front, where it participated in the campaign against Gen. Bragg. It was present at every post of danger to the end of the war, when, after the surrender of John- son's army, it returned to Indianapolis. Reaching that city on the 6tli of June, 1865, it was treated to a public reception and received the congratulations of Gov. Morton. Four days later it was discharged. The Twentieth Battery, organized under Capt. Frank A. Rose, left the State capital on the 17th of December, 1862, for the front, and reported immediately at Henderson, Kentucky. Subsequently Captain Rose resigned, and, in 1863, under Capt. Osborn, turned over its guns to the 11th Indiana Battery, and was assigned to the charge of siege guns at Nashville. Gov. Morton had the battery supplied with new field pieces, and by the 5th of October, 1863, it was again in the field, where it won many honors under Slierman, and continued to exercise a great influence until its return on the 23d of June, 1865. The Twenty-first Battery recruited at Indianapolis, under the direction of Captain W. W. Andrew, left on the 9th of September, 1862, for Covington, Kentucky, to aid in its defense against the advancing forces of Gen. Kirby Smith. It was engaged in numerous military afiairs and may be said to acquire many honors, although its record is stained with the names of seven deserters. The battery was discharged on the 21st of June, 1865. The Twenty-second Battery was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 15th of December, 1862, under Capt. B. F. Denning, and moved at once to the front. It took a very conspicuous part in the pursuit of Morgan's Cavalry, and in many other affairs. It threw the first shot into Atlanta, and lost its Captain, who was killed in the skirmish line, on the 1st of July. While the list of casualties numbers only 35, that of desertions numbers 37. This battery was received with public honors on its return, the 25th of June, 1865, and mustered out on the 7th of the same month. ^ \ |0 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 187 The Twenty-third Battery, recruited in October 1862, and mustered in on the 8th of November, under Capt. I. II. Myers, pro- ceeded south, after having rendered very efficient services at home in guarding the camps of rebel prisoners. In Julj', 1865, the battery took an active part, under General Boyle's command, in routing and capturing the raiders at Brandenburgh, and subsequently to the close of the war performed very brilliant exploits, reaching Indianapolis in June, 1865. It was discharged on the 27th of that month. The Twenty-fourth Battery, under Capt. I. A. Simms, was enrolled for service on the 29th of November, 1862; remained at Indianapolis on duty until the 13th of March, 1863, when it left for the field. From its participation in the Cumberland River campaign, to its last engagement at Columbia, Tennessee, it aided materially in bringing victory to the Union ranks and made for itself a widespread fame. Arriving at Indianapolis on the 2Sth of July, it was publicly received, and in five days later disembodied. The Twenty-fifth Battery was recruited in September and Oc- tober, 1864, and mustered into service for one year, under Capt. Frederick C. Sturm. December 13th, it reported at Nashville, and took a prominent part in the defeat of Gen. Hood's army. Its duties until July, 1865, were continuous, when it returned to report for final discharge. The Twenty-sixth Battery, or "Wilder's Battery," was re- cruited under Capt. I. T. Wilder, of Greensburg, in May, 1861; but was not mustered in as an artillery company. Incorporating itself with a regiment then forming at Indianapolis it was mustered as company "A," of the 17th Infantry, with Wilder' as Lieutenant- Colonel of the regiment. Subsequently, at Elk Water, Virginia, it was converted into the "First Independent Battery," and became known as " Rlgby's Battery." The record of this battery is as brilliant as any won during the war. On every field it has won a distinct reputation; it was well worthy the enthusiastic reception given to it on its return to Indianapolis on the 11th and 12th of July, 1865. During its term of service it was subject to many transmutations; but in every phase of its brief history, areputation for gallantry and patriotism was maintained which now forms a living testimonial to its services to the public. The total number of battles in the " War of the Rebellion " in which the patriotic citizens of the great and noble State of Indiana were more or less engaged, was as follows: ::4! i. 188 HISTOKT OF INDIANA. Locality. No. of Battles. Virginia 90 Tennessee 51 Georgia. , 41 Mississippi 24 Arkaasas 19 Kentucky 16 Louisana 15 Missouri 9 Locality. No of Battles. Maryland 7 Texas 3 Soutti Carolina 2 Indian Territory 2 Pennsylvania 1 Ohio 1 Indiana 1 North Carolina. 8 Total 308 The regiments sent forth to the defense of the Republic in the hour of its greatest peril, when a host of her own sons, blinded by some unholy infatuation, leaped to arras that they might trample upon the liberty-giving principles of the nation, have been passed in very brief review. The authorities chosen for the dates, names, and figures are the records of the State, and the main subject is based upon the actions of those 267,000 gallant men of Indiana who rushed to arms in defense of all for which their fathers bled, leaving their wives and children and homes in the guardianship of a truly paternal Government. The relation of Indiana to the Republic was then established; for when the population of the State, at the time her sons went forth to participate in war for the maintenance of the Union, is brought into comparison with all other States and countries, it will be apparent that the sacrifices made by Indiana from 1861-'65 equal, if not actually exceed, the noblest of those recorded in the history of ancient or modern times. Unprepared for the terrible inundation of modern wickedness, which threatened to deluge the country in a sea of blood and rob, a people of their richest, their most prized inheritance, the State rose above all precedent, and under the benign influence of patriot- ism, guided by the well-directed zeal of a wise Governor and Government, sent into the field an army that in numbers was gigantic, and in moral and physical excellence never equaled It is laid down in the official reports, furnished to the War De- partment, that over 200,000 troops were specially organized to aid in crushing the legions of the slave-holder; that no less than 50,000 militia were armed to defend the State, and that the large, but abso- lutely necessary number of commissions issued was 17,114. All this proves the scientific skill and military economy exercised by the Governor, and brought to the aid of the people in a most terri- ble emergency; for he, with some prophetic sense of the gravity of the situation, saw that unless the greatest powers of the Union were put forth to crush the least justifiable and most pernicious ^ -» V HISTORY OF INDIANA. 189 of all rebellions holding a place in the record of nations, the best blood of the country would flow in a vain attempt to avert a catas- trophe which, if prolonged for many years, would result in at least the moral and commercial ruin of the country. The part which Indiana took in the war against the Rebellion is one of which the citizens of the State may well be proud. In the number of troops furnished, and in the amount of voluntary con- tributions rendered, Indiana, in proportion and wealth, stands equal to any of her sister States. " It is also a subject of gratitude and thankfulness," said Gov. Morton, in his message to the Legis- lature, " that, while the number of troops furnished by Indiana alone in this great contest would have done credit to a first-class nation, measured by the standard of previous wars, not a single battery or battalion from this State has brought reproach upon the national flag, and no disaster of the war can be traced to any want of fidelity, courage or efiiciency on the part of any Indiana officer. The endurance, heroism, intelligence and skill of the officers and soldiers sent forth by Indiana to do battle for the Union, have shed a luster on our beloved State, of which any people might justly be proud. Without claiming superiority over our loyal sister States, it is but justice to the brave men who have represented us on almost every battle-field of the war, to say that their deeds have placed Indiana in the front rank of those heroic States which rushed to the rescue of the imperiled Government of the nation. The total number of troops furnished by the State for all terms of service exceeds 200,000 men, much the greater portion of them being for three years; and in addition thereto not less than 50,000 State militia have from time to time been called into active service to repel rebel raids and defend our southern border from inva- sion." AFTER THE WAR. In 1867 the Legislature comprised 91 Republicans and 59 Dem- ocrats. Soon after the commencement of the session. Gov. Morton resigned his office in consequence of having been elected to the U. S. Senate, and Lieut.-Gov. Conrad Baker assumed the Executive chair during the remainder of Morton's term. This Legislature, by a very decisive vote, ratified the 14th amendment to the Federal Constitution, constituting all persons born in the country or sub- ject to its jurisdiction, citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside, without regard to race or color; reduc- ►rr -V (3 »_ .^ ? ^ 190 flISTOKY OF INDIANA. ing the Congressional representation in any State in which there should be a restriction of the exercise of the elective franchise on account of race or colpr; disfranchising persons therein named wlio shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States; and declaring that the validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, shall not be questioned. This Legislature also passed an act providing for the registry of votes, the punishment of fraudulent practices at elections, and for the apportionment and compensation of a Board of Registration; this Board to consist, in each township, of two freeholders appointed by the County Commissioners, together with the trustee of such township; in cities the freeholders are to be appointed in each ward by the city council. The measures of this law are very strict, and are faithfully executed. No cries of fraud in elections are heard in connection with Indiana. This Legislature also divided the State into eleven Congressional Districts and apportioned their representation; enacted a law for the protection and indemnity of all officers and soldiers of the United States and soldiers of the Indiana Legion, for acts done in the military service of the United States, and in the military ser- vice of the State, and in enforcing the laws and preserving the peace of the country; made definite appropriations to the several benevolent institutions of the State, and adopted several measures for the encouragement of education, etc. In 1868, Indiana was the first in the field of national politics, both the principal parties holding State conventions early in the year. The Democrats nominated T. A. Hendricks for Governor, and denounced in their platform the reconstruction policy of the Republicans; recommended that United States treasury notes be substituted for national bank currency; denied that the General Government had a right to interfere with the question of suflfrage in any of the States, and opposed negro suffrage, etc.; while the Republicans nominated Conrad Baker for Governor, defended its reconstruction policy, opposed a further contraction of the currency, etc. The campaign was an exciting one, and Mr. Baker was elected Governor by a majority of only 96L In the Presidential election that soon followed the State gave Grant 9,572 more than Seymour, During 1868 Indiana presented claims to the Government for about three and a half millions dollars for expenses incurred in the war, and $1,958,917.94 was allowed. Also, this year, a legislative .' -v ^.J^': hL HISTORY OF INDIANA. 19;^ commission reported that $413,599.48 were allowed to parties suf- fering loss by the Morgan raid. This year Governor Baker obtained a site for the House of Refuge. (See a subsequent page.) The Soldiers' and Seamen's Home, near Knightstown, originally established by private enter- prise and benevolence, and adopted by the Legislature of the previous year, was in a good condition. Up to that date the insti- tution had afforded relief and temporary subsistence to 400 men who had been disabled in the war. A substantial brick building had been built for the home, while the old buildings were used for an orphans' department, in which were gathered 86 children of deceased soldiers. DIYORCE LAWS. By some mistake or liberal design, the early statute laws of Indiana on the subject of divorce were rather more loose than those of most other States in this Union; and this subject had been a matter of so much jest among the public, that in 1870 the Governor recommended to the Legislature a reform in this direction, which was pretty effectually carried out. Since that time divorces can be granted only for the following causes: 1. Adultery. 2. Impo- tency existing at the time of marriage. 3. Abandonment for two years. 4. Cruel and inhuman treatment of one party by the other. 5. Habitual drunkenness of either party, or the failure of the hus- band to make reasonable provision for the family. 6 The failure of the husband to make reasonable provision for the family for a period of two years. 7. The conviction of either party of an infamous crime. l£> FiisrAisrciAL. Were it not for political government the pioneers would have got along without money much longer than they did. The pressure of governmental needs was somewhat in advance of the monetary income of the first settlers, and the little taxation required to carry on the government seemed great and even oppressive, especially at certain periods. In November, 1821, Gov. Jennings convened the Legislature in extra session to provide for the payment of interest on the State debt and a part of the principal, amounting to $20,000. It was thought that a sufficient amount would be realized in the notes of the State bank and its branches, although they were considerably depreciated. Said the Governor: "It will be oppressive if the State^ after the paper of this institution (State bank) was author- ized to be circulated in revenue, should be prevented by any assign' ment of the evidences of existing debt, from discharging at least so much of that debt with the paper of the bank as will absorb the collections of the present year; especially when their notes, after being made receivable by the agents of the State, became greatly depreciated by great mismanagement on the part of the bank itself. It ought not to be expected that a public loss to the State should be avoided by resorting to any measures which would not comport with correct views of public justice; nor should it be anticipated that the treasury of the United States would ultimately adopt measures to secure an uncertain debt which would inter- fere with arrangements calculated to adjust the demand against the State without producing any additional embarrassment," The state of the public debt was indeed embarrassing, as the bonds which had been executed in its behalf had been assigned. The exciting cause of this proceeding consisted in the machinations of unprincipled speculators. Whatever disposition the principal bank may have made of the funds deposited by the United States, the connection of interest between the steam-mill company and the bank, and the extraordinary accommodations, as well as their amount, effected by arrangements of the steam-mill agency and some of the officers of the bank, were among the principal causes which (194) ^ HISTOEY OF INDIANA. ^95 had prostrated the paper circulating medium of the State, so far as it was dependent on the State bank and its branches. An abnormal state of affairs like this very naturally produced a blind disburse- ment of the fund to some extent, and this disbursement would be called by almost every one an " unwise administration." During the first 16 years of this century, the belligerent condi- tion of Europe called for agricultural supplies from America, and the consequent high price of grain justified even the remote pio- neers of Indiana in undertaking the tedious transportation of the products of the soil which the times forced upon them. The large disbursements made by the general Government among the peo- ple naturally engendered a rage for speculation; numerous banks with fictitious capital were established; immense issues of paper were made; and the circulating medium of the country was in- creased fourfold in the course of two or three yearSo This infla- tion produced the consequences which always follow such a scheme, namely, unfounded visions of wealth and splendor and the wild investments which result in ruin to the many and wealth to the few. The year 1821 was consequently one of great financial panic, and was the first experienced by the early settlers of the West. In 1822 the new Governor, William Hendricks, took a hopeful view of the situation, referring particularly to the " agricultural and social happiness of the State." The crops were abundant this year, immigration was setting in heavily and everything seemed to have an upward look. But the customs of the white race still com- pelling them to patronize European industries, combined with the remoteness of the surplus produce of Indiana from European mar- kets, constituted a serious drawback to the accumulation of wealth. Such a state of things naturally changed the habits of the people to some extent, at least for a short time, assimilating them to those of more primitive tribes. This change of custom, however, was not severe and protracted enough to change the intelligent and social nature of the people, and they arose to their normal height on the very first opportunity. In 1822-'3, before speculation started up again, the surplus money was invested mainly in domestic manufactories instead of other and wilder commercial enterprises. Home manufactories were what the people needed to make them more independent. They not only gave employment to thousands whose services were before that valueless, but also created a market for a great portion \ >^ 196 HISTORY OF INDIANA. of the surplus produce of the farmers. A part of the surphis cap- ital, however, was also sunk in internal improvements, some of which were unsuccessful for a time, but eventually proved remu- nerative. Nuah Noble occupied the Executive chair of the State from 1831 to 1837, commencing his duties amid peculiar embarrassments. The crops of 1832 were short, Asiatic cholera came sweeping along the Ohio and into the interior of the State, and the Black Hawk war raged in the Northwest, — all these at once, and yet the work of internal improvements was actually begun . STATE BANK. The State bank of Indiana was established by law January 28, 1834, The act of the Legislature, by its own terms, ceased to be a law, January 1, 1857. At the time of its organization in 1834, its outstanding circulation was $4,208,725, with a debt due to the insti- tution, principally from citizens of the State, of $6,095,368. During the years 1857-'58 the bank redeemed nearly its entire circulation, providing for the redemption of all outstanding obligations; at this time it had collected from most of its debtors the money which they owed. The amounts of the State's interest in the stock of the bank was $1,390,000, and the money thus invested was procured by the issue of five per cent bonds, the last of which was payable July 1, 1866. The nominal profits of the bank were $2,780,604.36. By the law creating the sinking fund, that fund was appropriated, first, to pay the principal and interest on the bonds; secondly, the expenses of the Commissioners; and lastly the cause of common-school educa- tion. The stock in all the branches authorized was subscribed by indi- viduals, and the installment paid as required by the charter. The loan authorized for the payment on the stock allotted to the State, amounting to $500,000, was obtained at a premium of 1.05 per per cent, on five per cent, stock, making the sum of over $5,000 on the amount borrowed. In 1836 we find that the State bank was doing good service; agricultural products were abundant, and the market was good; consequently the people were in the full enjoy- ment of all the blessings of a free government. By the year 1843 the State was experiencing the disasters and embarassment consequent upon a system of over-banking, and its natural progeny, over-trading and deceptive speculation. Such a state of tilings tends to relax the hand of industry by creating false V \ l^ HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 197 notions of wealth, and tempt to sudden acquisitions by means as delu- sive in their results as they are contrary to a primary law of nature. The people began more than ever to see the necessity of falling back upon that branch of industry for which Indiana, especially at that time, was particularly fitted, namely, agriculture, as the true and lasting source of substantial wealth. Gov. Whitcomb, 1843-'49, succeeded well in maintaining the credit of the State. Measures of compromise between the State and its creditors were adopted by which, ultimately, the public works, although incomplete, were given in payment for the claims against the Government. At the close of his term, Gov. Whitcomb was elected to the Senate of the United States, and from December, 1848, to Decem- ber, 1849, Lieut-Gov. Paris C. Dunning was acting Governor. In 1851 a general banking law was adopted which gave a new impetus to the commerce of the State, and opened the way for a broader volume of general trade; but this law was the source of many abuses; currency was expanded, a delusive idea of wealth again prevailed, and as a consequence, a great deal of damaging speculation was indulged in. In 1857 the charter of the State bank expired, and the large gains to the State in that institution were directed to the promotion of common-school education. WEALTH AND PROGRESS. During the war of the Kebellion the financial condition of the people was of course like that of the other Northern States generally. 1870 found the State in a very prosperous condition. October 31 of this year, the date of the fiscal report, there was a surplus of $373,249 in the treasury. The receipts of the year amounted to $3,605,639, and the disbursements to $2,943,600, leaving a balance of $1,035,288. The total debt of the State in November, 1871, was $3,937,821. At the present time the principal articles of export from the State are flour and pork. Nearly all the wheat raised within the State is manufactured into flour within its limits, especially in the north- ern part. The pork business is the leading one in the southern part of the State. When we take into consideration the vast extent of railroad lines 'in this State, in connection with the agricultural and mineral resources, both developed and undeveloped, as already noted, we can ^ g I 1 to ♦* ,^ ~ — I » yf- 198 HISTORY OF INDIANA. see what a substantial foundation exists for the future welfare of this great commonwealth. Almost every portion of the State is coming up equally. The disposition to monopolize does not exist to a greater degree than is desirable or necessary for healthy compe- tition. Speculators in flour, pork and other commodities appeared during the war, but generally came to ruin at their own game. The agricultural community here is an independent one, under- standing its rights, and " knowing them will maintain them." Indiana is more a manufacturing State, also, than many imagine. It probably has the greatest wagon and carriage manufactory in the world. In 1875 the total number of manufacturing establishments in this State was 16,812; number of steam engines, SjGSi, with a total horse-power of 114,961; the total horse-power of water wheels, 38,614; number of hands employed in the manufactories, 86,402; capital employed, is $117,462,161; wages paid, $35,461,987; cost of material, $104,321,632; value of products, $301,304,271. These figures are on an average about twice what they were only five years previously, at which time they were about double what they were ten years before that. In manufacturing enterprise, it is said that Indiana, in proportion to her population, is considerably in advance of Illinois and Michigan. In 1870 the assessed valuation of the real estate in Indiana was $460,120,974; of personal estate, $203,334,070; true valuation of both, $1,268,180,643. According to the evidences of increase at that time, the value of taxable property in this State must be double the foregoing figures. This is utterly astonishing, especially when ws consider what a large matter it is to double the elements of a large and wealthy State, compared with its increase in infancy. The taxation for State purposes in 1870 amounted to $2,943,078; for county purposes, $4,654,476; and for municipal purposes, $3,193,577. The total county debt of Indiana in 1870 was $1,127,- 269, and the total debt of towns, cities, etc., was $2,523,934. In the compilation of this statistical matter we have before us the statistics of every element of progress in Indiana, in the U. S. Census Reports; but as it would be really improper for us further to burden these pages with tables or columns of large numbers, we will conclude by remarking that if any one wishes further details in these matters, he can readily find them in the Census Reports of the Government in any city or village in the country. Besides, almost any one can obtain, free of charge, from his representative in ^^ n= (5| — _ p HISTORY OF INDIANA. 199 Congress, all these and other public documents in which he may be interested. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. This subject began to be agitated as early as 1818, during the administration of Governor Jennings, who, as well as all the Governors succeeding him to 1843, made it a special point in their messages to the Legislature to urge the adoption of measures for the construction of highways and canals and the improvement of the navigation of rivers. Gov. Hendricks in 1822 specified as the most important improvement the navigation of the Falls of the Ohio, the "Wabash and White rivers, and other streams, and the construction of the National and other roads through the State. In 1826 Governor Eay considered the construction of roads and canals as a necessity to place the State on an equal financial footing with the older States East, and in 1829 he added: "This subject can never grow irksome, since it must be the source of the bless- ings of civilized life. To secure its benefits is a duty enjoined upon the Legislature by the obligations of the social compact." In 1830 the people became much excited over the project of con- necting the streams of the country by " The National New York & Mississippi railroad." The National road and the Michigan and Ohio turnpike were enterprises in which the people and Legis- lature of Indiana were interested. The latter had already been the cause of much bitter controversy, and its location was then the subject of contention. In 1832 the work of internal improvements fairly commenced, despite the partial failure of the crops, the Black Hawk war and the Asiatic cholera. Several war parties invaded the Western settlements, exciting great alarm and some snfifering. This year the canal commissioners completed the task assigned them and had negotiated the canal bonds in New York city, to the amount of $100,000, at a premium of 13J- per cent., on terms honorable to the State and advantageous to the work. Before the close of tnis year $54,000 were spent for the improv^ement of the Michigan road, and $52,000 were realized from the sale of lands appropriated for its construction. In 1832, 32 miles of the Wabash and Erie canal was placed under contract and work commenced. A communication was addressed to the Governor of Ohio, requesting him to call the attention of the Legislature of that State to the subject of the extension of the canal from the Indiana line through Ohio to the \o ■ " *=> /• — ~ fl -^^ HISTORY OF INDIANA, Lake. In compliance with this request, Governor Lucas promptly; laid the subject before the Legislature of the State, and, in a spirit of courtesy, resolutions were adopted by that body, stipulating that if Ohio should ultimately decline to undertake the completion of that portion of the work within her limits before the time fixed by the act of Congress for the completion of the canal, she would, on just and equitable terms, enable Indiana to avail herself of the bene- fit of the lands granted, by authorizing her to sell them and invest the proceeds in the stock of a company to be incorporated by Ohio; and that she would give Indiana notice of her final determination on or before January 1, 1838. The Legislature of Ohio also authorized and invited the agent of the State of Indiana to select, survey and set apart the lands lying within that State. In keeping with this policy Governor Noble, in 1834, said: "With a view of engaging in works of internal improvement, the propriety of adopting a general plan or system, having reference to the several portions of the State, and the connection of one with the other, naturally suggests itself. No work should be commenced but such as would be of acknowledged public utility, and when completed would form a branch of some general system. In view of this object, the policy of organizing a Board of Public Works is again respectfully suggested." The Governor also called favorable atten- tion to the Lawrenceburg & Indianapolis railway, for which a charter had been granted. In 1835 the Wabash & Erie canal was pushed rapidly forward. The middle division, extending from the St. Joseph dam to the forks of the Wabash, about 32 miles, was completed, for about $232,000, including all repairs. Upon this portion of the line nav- igation was opened on July 4, which day the citizens assembled "to witness the mingling of the waters of the St. Joseph with those of the Wabash, uniting the waters of the northern chain of lakes with those of the Gulf of Mexico in the South." On other parts of the line the work progressed with speed, and the sale of canal lands was unusually active In 1836 the first meeting of the State Board of Internal Im- provement was convened and entered upon the discharge of its numerous and responsible duties. Having assigned to each mem- ber the direction and superintendence of a portion of the work, the next duty to be performed preparatory to the various spheres of active service, was that of procuring the requisite number of engineers. A delegation was sent to the Eastern cities, but returned ^W HISTORY OF INDIANA. 20l without engaging an Engineer-in-Chief for the roads and railways, and without the desired number for the subordinate station; but after considerable delay the Board was fully organized and put in operation. Under their management work on public improve- ments was successful; the canal progressed steadily; the naviga- tion of the middle division, from Fort Wayne to Huntington, was uninterrupted; 16 miles of the line between Huntington and La Fontaine creek were filled with water this year and made ready for navigation ; and the remaining 20 miles were completed, except a portion of the locks; from La Fontaine creek to Logansport prog- ress was made; the line from Georgetown to Lafayette was placed under contract; about 30 miles of the Whitewater canal, extending from Lawrenceburg through the beautiful valley of the White- water to Brookville, were also placed under contract, as also 23 miles of the Central canal, passing through Indianapolis, on which work was commenced; also about 20 miles of the southern divis- ion of this work, extending from Evansville into the interior, were also contracted for; and on the line of the Cross-Cut canal, from Terre Haute to the intersection of the Central canal, near the mouth of Eel river, a commencement was also made on all the heavy sections. All this in 1836. Early in this year a party of engineers was organized, and directed to examine into the practicability of the Michigan & Erie canal line, then proposed. The report of their operations favored its expediency. A party of engineers was also fitted out, who entered upon the field of service of the Madison & Lafayette railroad, and contracts were let for its construction from Madison to Vernon, on which work was vigorously commenced. Also, con- tracts were let for grading and bridging the New Albany & Vin- cennes road from the former point to Paoli, about 40 miles. Other roads were also undertaken and surveyed, so that indeed a stupendous system of internal improvement was undertaken, and as Gov. Noble truly remarked, upon the issue of that vast enter- prise the State of Indiana staked her fortune. She had gone too far to retreat. In 1837, when Gov. Wallace took the Executive chair, the reaction consequent upon ''over work" by the State in the internal improvement scheme began to be felt by the people. They feared a State debt was being incurred from which they could never be extricated; but the Governor did all he could throughout the terra of his administration to keep up the courage of the citizens. He •t 9 ■: — >- >^ 202 HISTORY OF INDIANA. told them that the astonishing success so far, surpassed even the hopes of the most sanguine, and that the flattering auspices of the future were sufiicient to dispel every doubt and quiet every fear. Notwithstanding all his efforts, however, the construction of pub- lic works continued to decline, and inhislast message he excJaimed: " Never before — I speak it advisedly — never before have you wit- nessed a period in our local history that more urgently called for the exercise of all the soundest and best attributes of grave and patriotic legislators than the present. * * ■» ^\yQ truth is — and it would be folly to conceal it — we have our hands full — full to overflowing; and therefore, to sustain ourselves, to preserve the credit and character of the State unimpaired, and to continue her hitherto unexampled march to wealth and distinction, we have not an hour of time, nor a dollar of money, nor a hand employed in labor, to squander and dissipate upon mere objects of idleness, or taste, or amusement." The State had borrowed $3,827,000 for internal improvement pur- poses, of which $1,327,000 was for the Wabash & Erie canal and the remainder for other works. The five per cent, interest on debts — about $200,000 — wiiich the State had to pay, had become burdensome, as her resources for this purpose were only two, besides direct taxation, and they were small, namely, the interest on the balances due for canal lands, and the proceeds of the third installment of the surplus revenue, both amounting, in 1838, to about $45,000. In August, 1839, all work ceased on these improvements, with one or two exceptions, and most of the contracts were surrendered to the State. This was done according to an act of the Legislature providing for the compensation of contractors by the issue of treasury notes. In addition to this state of affairs, the Legisla- ture of 1839 had made no provision for the payment of interest on the State debt incurred for internal improvements. Concerning this situation Gov. Bigger, in 1840, said that either to go ahead with the works or to abandon them altogether would be equally ruinous to the State, the implication being that the people should wait a little while for a breathing spell and then take hold again. Of course much individual indebtedness was created during the progress of the work on internal improvement. When operations ceased in 1839, and prices fell at the same time, the people were left in a great measure without the means of commanding money to pay their debts. This condition of private enterprise more than o) ■V v'- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 203 ever rendered direct taxation inexpedient. Hence it became the policy of Gov. Bigger to provide the means of paying the interest on the State debt without increasing the rate of taxation, and to continue that portion of the public works that could be immedi- ately completed, and from which the earliest returns could be expected. In 1840 the system embraced ten different works, the most im- portant of which was the Wabash & Erie canal. The aggregate length of the lines embraced in the system was 1,160 miles, and of this only 140 miles had been completed. The amount expended had reached the sum of $5,600,000, and it required at least $14,000,- 000 to complete them. Although the crops of 1841 were very remunerative, this perquisite alone was not sufficient to raise the State again up to the level of going ahead with her gigantic works. We should here state in detail the amount of work completed and of money expended on the various works up to this time, 1841, which were as follows : 1. The Wabash & Erie canal, from the State line to Tippe- canoe, 129 miles in length, completed and navigable for the whole length, at a cost of $2,041,012. This sum includes the cost of the steamboat lock afterward completed at Delphi. 2. The extension of the Wabash & Erie canal from the mouth of the Tippecanoe to Terre Haute, over 104 miles. The estimated cost of this work was $1,500,000; and the amount expended for the same $408,855. The navigation was at this period opened as far down as Lafayette, and a part of the work done in the neighbor- hood of Covington. 3. The cross-cut canal from Terre Haute to Central canal, 49 miles in length; estimated cost, $718,672; amount expended, $420,679; and at this time no part of the course was navigable. 4. The White Water canal, from Lawrenceburg to the mouth of Nettle creek, 76^ miles; estimated cost, $1,675,738; amount expended to that date, $1,099,867; and 31 miles of the work was navigable, extending from the Ohio river to Brookville. 5. The Central canal, from the Wabash & Erie canal, to Indianapolis, including the feeder bend at Muncietown, 124 miles in length; total estimated cost, $2,299,853; amount expended, $568,046; eight miles completed at that date, and other portions nearly done. o FT" 4<2_ 2Utt HISTORY OF INDIANA. 6. Central canal, from Indianapolis to Evansville on the Ohio river, 194 miles in length; total estimated cost, $3,532,394; amount expended, $831,302, 19 miles of which was completed at that date, at the southern end, and 16 miles, extending south from Indianau- olis, were nearly completed. 7. Erie & Michigan canal, 182 miles in length; estimated cost, $2,624,823; amount expended, $156,394. No part of this work finished. 8. The Madison & Indianapolis railroad, over 85 miles in length; total estimated cost, $2,046,600; amount expended, $1,493,- 013. Hoad finished and in operation for about 28 miles; grad- ing nearly finished for 27 miles in addition, extending to Eden- buig. 9. Indianapolis & Lafayette turnpike road, 73 miles in length; total estimated cost, $593, 737; amount expended, $72,118. The bridging and most of the grading was done on 27 miles, from Crawfordsville to Lafayette. 10. New Albany & Vincennes turnpike road, 105 miles in length; estimated cost, $1,127,295; amount expended, $654,411. Eorty-one miles graded and macadamized, extending from New Albany to Paoli, and 27 miles in addition partly graded. 11. Jeffersonville & Crawfordsville road, over 164 miles long; total estimated cost, $1,651,800; amount expended, $372,737. Forty-five miles were partly graded and bridged, extending from Jefi*ersonville to Salem, and from Greencastle north. 12. Improvement of the Wabash rapids, undertaken jointly by Indiana and Illinois; estimated cost to Indiana, $102,500; amount expended by Indiana, $9,539. Grand totals: Length of roads and canals, 1,289 miles, only 281 of which have been finished; estimated cost of all the works, $19,914,424; amount expended, $8,164,528. The State debt at this time amounted to $18,469,146. The two principal causes which aggravated the embarrassment of the State at this juncture were, first, paying most of the interest out of the money borrowed, and, secondly, selling bonds on credit. The first error subjected the State to the payment of compound interest, and the people, not feeling the pressure of taxes to discharge the interest, natu- rally became inattentive to the public policy pursued. Postpone- ment of the payment of interest is demoralizing in every way. During this period the State was held up in an unpleasant manner before the gaze of the world; but be it to the credit of this great J2) ■^^ 5 \ 61 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 205 aud glorious State, she would not repudiate, as many other States and municipalities have done. By the year 1850, the so-called "internal improvement" system having been abandoned, private capital and ambition pushed for- ward various "public works." During this year about 400 miles of plank road were completed, at a cost of $1,200 to $1,500 per mile, and about 1,200 miles more were surveyed and in progress. There were in the State at this time 212 miles of railroad in suc- cessful operation, of which 124 were completed this year. More than 1,000 miles of railroad were surveyed and in progress. An attempt was made during the session of the Legislature in 1869 to re-burden the State with the old canal debt, and the matter was considerably agitated in the canvass of 1870. The subject of the Wabash & Erie canal was lightly touched in the Republican plat- form, occasioning considerable discussion, which probably had some effect on the election in the fall. That election resulted in an average majority in the State of about 2,864 for the Democracy. It being claimed that the Legislature had no authority under the constitution to tax the people for the purpose of aiding in the con- struction of railroads, the Supreme Court, in Aoril, 1871, decided adversely to such a claim. GEOLOGY. In 1869 the development of mineral resources in the State attracted considerable attention. Rich mines of iron and coal were discovered, as also fine quarries of building stone. The Yincennes railroad passed through some of the richest portions of the mineral region, the engineers of which had accurately determined the quality of richness of the ores. Near Brooklyn, about 20 miles from Indianapolis, is a fine formation of sandstone, yielding good material for buildings in the city; indeed, it is considered the best building stone in the State. The limestone formation at Gosport, continuing 12 miles from that point, is of great variety, and includes the finest and most durable building stone in the world. Portions of it are susceptible only to the chisel; other portions are soft and can be worked with the ordinary tools. At the end of this limestone formation there commences a sandstone series of strata which extends seven miles farther, to a point about 60 miles from Indianapolis. Here an extensive coal bed is reached consisting of seven distinct veins. The first is about two feet thick, the next three feet, another four feet, and the others of various thicknesses. fv" \ *^ ■ .— ? J- 206 HISTORY OF INDIANA. These beds are all easily worked, having a natural drain, and they yield heavy profits. In the whole of the southwestern part of the State and for 300 miles up the Wabash, coal exists in good quality and abundance. The scholars, statesmen and philanthropists of Indiana work- ed hard and long for the appointment of a State Geologist, with sufficient support to enable him to make a thorough geological survey of the State. A partial survey was made as early as 1837-'8, by David Dale Owen, State Geologist, but nothing more was done until 1869, when Prof. Edward T. Cox was appointed State Geolo- gist. For 20 years previous to this date the Governors urged and insisted in all their messages that a thorough survey should be made, but almost, if not quite, in vain. In 1852, Dr. Ryland T. Brown delivered an able address on this subject before the Legis- lature, showing how much coal, iron, building stone, etc., there were probably ; in the State, but the exact localities and qualities not ascertained, and how millions of money could be saved to the State by the expenditure of a few thousand dollars; but "they answered the Doctor in the negative. It must have been because they hadn't time to pass the bill. They were very busy. They had to pass all sorts of regulations concerning the negro. They had to protect a good many white people from marrying negroes. And as they didn't need any labor in the State, if it was ' colored,' they had to make regulations to shut out all of that kind of labor, and to take steps to put out all that unfortunately got in, and they didn't have time to consider the scheme proposed by the white people" — W. W. Clayton. In 1853, the State Board of Agriculture employed Dr. Brown to make a partial examination of the geology of the State, at a salary of $500 a year, and to this Board the credit is due for the final success of the philanthropists, who in 1869 had the pleasure of witnessing the passage of a Legislative act " to provide for a Depart- ment of Geology and Natural Science, in connection with the State Board of Agriculture." Under this act Governor Baker immedi- ately appointed Prof. Edward T. Cox the State Geologist, who has made an able and exhaustive report of the agricultural, mineral and manufacturing resources of this State, world-wide in its celeb- rity, and a work of which the people of Indiana may be very proud. "We can scarcely give even the substance of his report in a work like this, because it is of necessity deeply scientific and made up entirely of local detail. *• \ 3 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 207 COAL. The coal measures, says Prof. E. T. Cox, cover an area of about 6,500 square miles, in the southwestern part of the State, and extend from Warren county on the north to the Ohio river on the south, a distance of about 150 miles. This area comprises the fol- lowing counties: Warren, Fountain, Parke, Yertnillion, Vigo, Clay, Sullivan, Greene, Knox, Daviess, Martin, Gibson, Pike, Dubois, Vanderburg, Warrick, Spencer, Perry and a small part of Crawford, Monroe, Putnam and Montgomery. This coal is all bituminous, but is divisible into three well-marked varieties: caking-coal, non-caking-coal or block coal and cannel coal. The total depth of the seams or measures is from 600 to 800 feet, with 12 to 14 distinct seams of coal; but these are not all to be found throughout the area; the seams range from one foot to eleven feet in thickness. The caking coal prevails in the western portion of the area described, and has from three to four workable seams, ranging from three and a half to eleven feet in thickness. At most of the places where these are worked the coal is mined by adits driven in on the face of the ridges, and the deepest shafts in the State are less than 300 feet, tlie average depth for successful mining not being over 75 feet. This is a bright, black, sometimes glossy, coal, makes good coke and contains a very large percentage of pure illuminating gas. One pound will yield about 4|- cubic feet of gas, with a power equal to 15 standard sperm candles. The average calculated calorific power of the caking coals is 7,745 heat units, pure carbon being 8,080. Both in the northern and southern portions of the field, the caking coals present similar good qualities, and are a great source of private and public wealth. The block coal prevails in the eastern part of the field and has an area of about 450 square miles. This is excellent, in its raw state, for making pig iron. It is indeed peculiarly fitted for metal- lurgical purposes. It has a laminated structure with carbonaceous matter, like charcoal, between the lamina, with slaty cleavage, and it rings under the stroke of the hammer. It is " free-burning," makes an open fire, and without caking, swelling, scaffolding in the furnace or changing form, burns like hickory wood until it is con- sumed to a white ash and leaves no clinkers. It is likewise valuable for generating steam and for household uses. Many of the principal railway lines in the State are using it in preference to any other coal, as it does not burn out the fire-boxes, and gives as little trouble as wood. ^ •V Lk^ ?0C; HISTORY OF INDIANA. There are eight distinct seams of block coal in this zone, three of . which are workable, having an average thickness of four feet. In some places this coal is mined by adits, but generally from shafts. 40 to 80 feet deep. The seams are crossed by cleavage lines, and the coal is usually mined without powder, and may be taken out in blocks weio:hing a ton or more. When entries or rooms are driven angling across the cleavage lines, the walls of the mine present a zigzag, notched appearance resembling a Virginia worm fence. In 1871 there were about 24 block coal mines in operation, and about 1,500 tons were mined daily. Since that time this industry has vastly increased. This coal consists of 81|- to 83^ percent, of carbon, and not quite three fourths of one per cent, of sulphur. Calculated calorific power equal to 8,283 heat units. This coal also is equally good both in the northern and southern parts of the field. The great Indiana coal field is within 150 miles of Chicago or Michigan City, by railroad, from which ports the Lake Superior specular and red hematite ores are landed from vessels that are able to run in a direct course from the ore banks. Considering the proximity of the vast quantities of iron in Michigan and Missouri one can readily see what a glorious future awaits Indiana in respect to manufactories. Of the cannel coal, one of the finest seams to be found in the country is in Daviess county, this State. Here it is three and a half feet thick, underlaid by one and a half feet of a beautiful, jet- black caking coal. There is no clay, shale or other foreign matter intervening, and fragments of the caking coal are often found adhering to the cannel. There is no gradual change from one to the other, and the character of each is homogeneous throughout. The cannel coal makes a delightful fire in open grates, and does not pop and throw oif scales into the room, as is usual with this kind of coal. This coal is well adapted to the manufacture of illuminating gas, in respect to both quantity and high illuminating power. One ton of 2,000 pounds of this coal yields 10,400 feet of gas, while the best Pennsylvania coal yields but 8,680 cubic feet. This gas has an illuminating power of 25 candles, while the best Pennsylvania coal gas has that of only 17 candles. Cannel coal is also found in great abundance in Perry, Greene, Parke and Fountain counties, where its commercial value has already been demonstrated. Numerous deposits of bog iron ore are found in the northern part of the State, and clay iron-stones and impure carbonates and brown- \ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 209 oxides are found scattered in the vicinity of the coal field. In some places the beds are quite thick and of considerable commercial value. An abundance of excellent lime is also found in Indiana, espe- cially in Huntington county, where many large kilns are kept in profitable operation. AGRICULTURAL. In 1852 the Legislature passed an act authorizing the organization of county and district agricultural societies, and also establishing a State Board, the provisions of which actare substantially as follows: 1. Thirty or more persons in any one or two counties organizing into a society for the improvement of agriculture, adopting a consti- tution and by-laws agreeable to the regulations prescribed by the State Board, and appointing the proper officers and raising a sum of $50 for its own treasury, shall be entitled to the same amount from the fund arising from show licenses in their respective counties. 2. These societies shall offer annual premiums for improvement of soils, tillage, crops, manures, productions, stock, articles of domestic industry, and such other articles, productions and improve- ments as they may deem proper; they shall encourage, by grant of rewards, agricultural and household manufacturing interests, and so regulate the premiums that small farmers will have equal opportunity with the large; and they shall pay special attention to cost and profit of the inventions and improvements, requiring an exact, detailed statement of the processes competing for rewards. 3. They shall publish in a newspaper annually their list of awards and an abstract of their treasurers' accounts, and they shall report in full to the State Board their proceedings. Failing to do the latter they shall receive no payment from their county funds, STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The act of Feb. 17, 1852, also established a State Board of Agri- culture, with perpetual succession; its annual meetings to be held at Indianapolis on the first Thursday after the first Monday in January, when the reports of the county societies are to be received and agricultural interests discussed and determined upon; it shall make an annual report to the Legislature of receipts, expenses, proceedings, etc., of its own meeting as well as of those of the local it) ^9 -— ; — — — ■ I » Si 210 HISTORY OF INDIANA. societies; it shall hold State fairs, at such times and places as they may deem proper; may hold two meetings a year, certifying to the State Auditor their expenses, wlio shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the, same. In 1861 the State Board adopted certain rules, embracing ten sections, for the government of local societies, but in 1868 they were found inexpedient and abandoned. It adopted a resolution admitting delegates from the local societies. THE EXPOSITION. As the Board found great difficulty in doing justice to exhibitors without an adequate building, the members went earnestly to work in the fall of 18Y2 to get up an interest in the matter. They appointed a committee of five to confer with the Councilor citizens of Indianapolis as to the best mode to be devised for a more thorough and complete exhibition of the industries of the State. The result of the conference was that the time had arrived for a regular " exposition," like that of the older States. At the Janu- ary meeting in 1873, Hon. Thomas Dowling, of Terre Haute, reported for the committee that they found a general interest in this enterprise, not only at the capital, but also throughout the State. A sub-committee was appointed who devised plans and specifications for the necessary structure, taking lessons mainly from the Kentucky Exposition building at Louisville. All the members of the State Board were in favor of proceeding with the building except Mr. Poole, who feared that, as the interest of the two enterprises were somewhat conflicting, and the Exposition being the more exciting show, it would swallow up the State and county fairs. The Exposition was opened Sept. 10, 1873, when Hon. John Sutherland, President of the Board, the Mayor of Indianapolis, Senator Morton and Gov. Hendricks delivered addresses. Senator Morton took the high ground that the money spent for an exposi- tion is spent as strictly for educational purposes as that which goes directly into the common school. The exposition is not a mere show, to be idly gazed upon, but an industrial school where one should study and learn. He thought that Indiana had less untill- able land than any other State in the Union; 'twas as rich as any and yielded a greater variety of products; and that Indiana was the most prosperous agricultural community in the United States. r?i" < \ HISTORY OF INDIANA. . 211 The State had nearly 3,700 miles of railroad, not counting side- track, with 400 miles more under contract for building. In 15 or 18 months one can go from Indianapolis to every county in the State by railroad. Indiana has 6,500 square miles of coal field) 450 of which contain block coal, the best in the United States for manufacturing purposes. On the subject of cheap transportation, he said: " By the census of 1870, Pennsylvania had, of domestic animals of all kinds, 4,006,- 589, and Indiana, 4,511,094. Pennsylvania had grain to the amount of 60,460,000 bushels, while Indiana had 79,350,454. The value of the farm products of Pennsylvania was estimated to be $183,946,- 000; those of Indiana, $122,914,000. Thus you see that while Indiana had 505,000 head of live stock more, and 19,000,000 bushels of grain more than Pennsylvania, yet the products of Penn- sylvania are estimated at $183,946,000, on account of her greater proximity to market, while those of Indiana are estimated at only $122,914,000. Thus you can understand the importance of cheap transportation to Indiana. " Let us see how the question of transportation affects us on the other hand, with reference to the manufacturer of Bessemer steel. Of the 174,000 tons of iron ore used in the blast furnaces of Pitts- burg last year, 84,000 tons came from Lake Superior, 64,000 tons from Iron Mountain, Missouri, 20,000 tons from Lake Champlain, and less than 5,000 tons from the home mines of Pennsylvania. They cannot manufacture their iron with the coal they have in Pennsylvania without coking it. "We have coal in Indiana with which we can, in its raw state, make the best of iron; while we are 250 miles nearer Lake Superior than Pittsburg, and 430 miles nearer to Iron Mountain. So that the question of transportation determines the fact that Indiana must become the great center for the manufacture of Bessemer steel." " What we want in this country is diversified labor.'' The grand hall of the Exposition buildings is on elevated ground at the head of Alabama street, and commands a fine view of the city. The structure is of brick, 308 feet long by 150 in width, and two stories high. Its elevated galleries extend quite around the building, under the roof, thus affording visitors an opportunity to secure the most commanding view to be had in the city. The lower floor of the grand hall is occupied by the mechanical, geologi- cal and miscellaneous departments, and by the offices of the Board, which extend along the entire front. The second floor, which is \ <5! fc^ _^ 9 J- lH 212 . HISTORY OF INDIANA. approached by three wide stairways, accommodates the fine art, musical and other departments of light mechanics, and is brilliantly lighted by windows and skylights. But as we are here entering the description of a subject magnificent to behold, we enter a description too vast to complete, and we may as well stop here as anywhere. The Presidents of the State Fairs have been: Gov. J. A. Wright, 1852-'4; Gen. Jos. Orr, 1855; Dr. A. C. Stevenson, 1856-'8; G. D. Wagner; 1859-60; D. P. Rolloway, 1861; Jas. D.Williams, 1862, 1870-'l; A. D. Hamrick, 1863, 1867-'9; Stearns, Fisher, 1864-'6; John Sutherland, 1872-'4; Wm. Crim, 1875. Secretaries: John B. Dillon, 1852-'3, 1855, 1858-'9; Ignatius Brown, 1856-'7; W.T. Den- nis, 1854, 1860-'l; W.H. Loomis, 1862-'6; A. J. Holmes, 1867-'9;. Joseph Poole, 1870-'l ; Alex. Heron, 1872-'5. Place of fair, Indian- apolis every year except: Lafayette, 1853; Madison, 1854; New Albany, 1859,- Fort Wayne, 1865; and Terre Haute, 1867. In 1861 there was no fair. The gate and entry receipts increased from $4,651 in 1852 to $45,330 in 1874. On the opening of the Exposition, Oct. 7, 1874, addresses were delivered by the President of the Board, Hon. John Sutherland, and by Govs. Hendricks, Bigler and Pollock. Yvon's celebrated painting, the " Great Republic," was unveiled with great ceremony,, and many distinguished guests were present to witness it. The exhibition of 1875 showed that the plate glass from the southern part of the State was equal to the finest French plate; that the force-blowers made in the eastern part of the State was of a world-wide reputation; that the State has within its bounds the largest wagon manufactory in the world; that in other parts of the State there were all sorts and sizes of manufactories, including roll- ing mills and blast furnaces, and in the western part coal was mined and shipped at the rate of 2,500 tons a day from one vicinity; and many other facts, which " would astonish the citizens of Indiana themselves even more than the rest of the world." INDIANA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society was organized in 1842, thus taking the lead in the West. At this time Henry Ward Beeclier was a resident of Indian- apolis, engaged not only as a minister but also as editor of the Indiana Farmer and Gardener^ and his influence was very exten- sive in the interests of horticulture, floriculture and farming. Prominent among his pioneer co-laborers were Judge Coburn^ ■^^HF . *K -^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 213 Aaron Aldridge, Capt. James Sigarson, D. Y. Culley, Reuben Ragan, Stephen Hampton, Cornelius Ratliff, Joshua Lindley, Abner Pope and many others. In the autumn of this year the society held an exhibition, probably the first in the State, if not in the West, in the hall of the new State house. The only pre- mium offered was a set of silver teaspoons for the best seedling apple, which was won by Reuben Ragan, of Putnam county, for an apple christened on this occasion the " Osceola." The society gave great encouragement to the introduction of new varieties of fruit, especially of the pear, as the soil and cli- mate of Indiana were well adapted to this fruit. But the bright horizon which seemed to be at this time looming up all around the field of the young society's operations was suddenly and thoroughly darkened by the swarm of noxious insects, diseases, blasts of win- ter and the great distance to market. The prospects of the cause scarcely justified a continuation of the expense of assembling from remote parts of the State, and the meetings of the society therefore soon dwindled away until the organization itself became quite extinct. But when, in 1852 and afterward, railroads began to traverse the State in all directions, the Legislature provided for the organization of a State Board of Agriculture, whose scope was not only agri- culture but also horticulture and the mechanic and household arts. The rapid growth of the State soon necessitated a differentiation of this body, and in the autumn of 1860, at Indianapolis, there was organized the INDIANA POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. October 18, Reuben Ragan was elected President and Wm H. Loomis, of Marion county. Secretary. The constitution adopted provided for biennial meetings in January, at Indianapolis. At the first regular meeting, Jan. 9, 1861, a committee-man for each congressional district was appointed, all of them together to be known as the " State Fruit Committee," and twenty-five members were enrolled during this session. At the regular meeting in 1863 the constitution was so amended as to provide for annual sessions, and the address of the newly elected President, Hon. I. G. D. Nel- son, of Allen county, urged the establishment of an agricultural college. He continued in. the good cause until his work was crowned with success. ~® 214 HISTORY OF INDIANA. In 1864 there was but little done on account of the exhaust- ive demands of the great war; and the descent of mercury 60° in eighteen hours did so much mischief as to increase the discourage- ment to the verge of despair. The title of the society was at this meeting, Jan., 1864 changed to that of the Indiana Horticultural Society. The first several meetings of the society were mostly devoted to revision of fruit lists; and although the good work, from its vast- ness and complication, became somewhat monotonous, it has been no exception in this respect to the law that all the greatest and most productive labors of mankind require perseverance and toil. In 1866, George M. Beeler, who had so indefatigably served as secretary for several years, saw himself hastening to his grave and showed his love for the cause of fruit culture by bequeathing to the society the sum of $1,000. This year also the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction was induced to take a copy of the Society's transactions for each of the township libraries in the State, and this enabled the Society to bind its volume of proceedings in a substantial manner. At the meeting in 1867 many valuable and interesting papers were presented, the office of corresponding secretary was created, and the subject of Legislative aid was discussed. The State Board of Agriculture placed the management of the horticultural depart- ment of the State fair in the care of the Society. The report for 1868 shows for the first time a balance on hand, after paying expenses, the balance being $61.55. Up to this time the Society had to take care of itself, — meeting current expenses, do- ing its own printing and binding, "boarding and clothing itself," and diflusing annually an amount of knowledge utterly incalcu- lable. During the year called meetings were held at Salem, in the peach and grape season, and evenings during the State fair, which was held in Terre Haute the previous fall. The State now assumed the cost of printing and binding, but the volume of transactions was not quite so valuable as that of the former year. In 1870 $160 was given to this Society by the State Board of Agriculture, to be distributed as prizes for essays, which object was faithfully carried out. The practice has since then been con- tinued. In 1871 the Horticultural Societv brouo^ht out the best volume of papers and proceedings it ever has had published. Ql V HISTORY OF INDIANA. 215 In 1872 the oflSce of corresponding secretary was discontinued ; the appropriation by the State Board of Agriculture diverted to the payment of premiums on small fruits given at a show held the previous summer; results of the exhibition not entirely satisfac- tory. In 1873 the State officials refused to publish the discussions of the members of the Horticultural Society, and the Legislature appropriated $500 for the purpose for each of the ensuing two years. In 1876 the Legislature enacted a law requiring that one of the trustees of Purdue University shall be selected by the Horticultu- ral Society. The aggregate annual membership of this society from its organ- ization in 1860 to 1875 was 1,225. » EDUCATION. The subject of education has been referred to in almost every gubernatorial message from the organization of the Territory to the present time. It is indeed the most favorite enterprise of the Hoosier State. In the first survey of Western lands, Congress set apart a section of land in every township, generally the 16th, for school purposes, the disposition of the land to be in hands of the residents of the respective townships. Besides this, to this State were given two entire townships for the use of a State Seminary, to be under the control of the Legislature. Also, the State con- stitution provides that all fines for the breach of law and all com- mutations for militia service be appropriated to the use of county seminaries. In 1825 the common-school lands amounted to 680,207 acres, estimated at $2 an acre, and valued therefore at [,216,044. At this time the seminary at Bloomington, supported in part hy one of these township grants, was very fiourishing. The common schools, however, were in rather a poor condition. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. In 1852 the free-school system was fully established, which has resulted in placing Indiana in the lead of this great nation. Al- though this is a pleasant subject, it is a very large one to treat in a condensed notice, as this has to be. The free-school system of Indiana first became practically oper- ative the first Monday of April, 1853, when the township trustees is 216 HISTORY OF INDIANA. for school purposes were elected through the State. The law com- mitted to them the charge of all the educational affairs in their respective townships. As it was feared by the opponents of the law that it would not be possible to select men in all the town- ships capable of executing the school laws satisfactorily, the people were thereby awakened to the necessity of electing their very best men ; and although, of course, many blunders have been made by trustees, the operation of the law has tended to elevate the adult population as well as the youth; and Indiana still adheres to the policy of appointing its best men to educational positions. The result is a grand surprise to all old fogies, who indeed scarcely dare to appear such any longer. To instruct the people in the new law and set the educational machinery going, a pamphlet of over 60 pages, embracing the law, with notes and explanations, was issued from the office of a super- intendent of public instruction, and distributed freely throughout the State. The first duty of the Board of Trustees was to establish and conveniently locate a sufficient number of schools for the edu- cation of all the children of their township. But where were the school -houses, and what were they? Previously they had been erected by single districts, but under this law districts were abol- ished, their lines obliterated, and houses previously built by dis- tricts became the property of the township, and all the houses were to be built at the expense of the township by an appropriation of township funds by the trustees. In some townships there was not a single school-house of any kind, and in others there were a few old, leaky, dilapidated log cabins, wholly unfit for use even in sum- mer, and in " winter worse than nothing." Before the people could be tolerably accommodated with schools at least 3,500 school-houses had to be erected in the State. By a general law, enacted in conformity to the constitution of 1852, each township was made a municipal corporation, and every Toter in the township a member of the corporation ; the Board of Trustees constituted the township legislature as well as the execu- tive body, the whole body of voters, however, exercising direct con- trol through frequent meetings called by the trustees. Special taxes and every other matter of importance were directly voted UDon. 1. Some tax-payers, who were opposed to special townships' taxes, retarded the progress of schools by refusing to pay their assess- ment. Contracts for building school-houses were given up, houses •i^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 217 half finished were abandoned, and in many townships all school operations were suspended. In some of them, indeed, a rumor was circulated bj the enemies of the law that the entire school law from beginning to end had been declared by the Supreme Court uncon- stitutional and void; and the Trustees, believing this, actually dis- missed their schools and considered themselves out of office. Hon. "W. C. Larrabee, the (first) Superintendent of Public Instruction, corrected this error as soon as possible. But while the voting of special taxes was doubted on a constitu- tional point, it became evident that it was weak in a practical point; for in many townships the opponents of the system voted down every proposition for the erection of school-houses. Another serious obstacle was the great deficiency in the number of qualified teachers. To meet the newly created want, the law authorized the appointment of deputies in each county to examine and license persons to teach, leaving it in their judgment to lower the standard of qualification sufficiently to enable them to license as many as were needed to supply all the schools. It was therefore found necessary to employ many "unqualified " teachers, especially in the remote rural districts. But the progress of the times enabled the Legislature of 1853 to erect a standard of qualifica- tion and give to the county commissioners the authority to license teachers; and in order to supply every school with a teacher, while there might not be a suflficient number of properly qualified teach- ers, the commissioners were authorized to grant temporary licenses to take charge of particular schools not needing a high grade of teachers. In 1854 the available common-school fund consisted of the con- gressional township fund, the surplus revenue fund, the saline fund, the bank tax fund and miscellaneous fund, amounting in all to $2,460,G00. This amount, from many sources, was subsequently increased to a very great extent. The common-school fund was intrusted to the several counties of the State, which were held responsible for the preservation thereof and for the payment of the annual interest thereon. The fund was managed bv the auditors and treasurers of the several counties, for which these officers were allowed one-tenth of the income. It was loaned out to the citizens ■of the county in sums not exceeding $300, on real estate securitj'^. The common-school fund was thus consolidated and the proceeds equally distributed each year to all the townships, cities and towns < <5 »- ^'•^ a »v ♦- <2_ 218 HISTORY OF INDIANA. of the State, in proportion to the number of children. This phase of the law met with considerable opposition in 1854. The provisions of the law for the establishment of township libraries was promptly carried into effect, and much time, labor and thought were devoted to the selection of books, special atten- tion being paid to historical works. The greatest need in 1854 was for qualified teachers; but never- theless the progress of public education during this and following years was very great. School-houses were erected, many of theni being fine structures, well furnished, and the libraries were consid- erably enlarged. The city school system of Indiana received a heavy set-back in 1858, by a decision of the Supreme Court of the State, that the law authorizing cities and townships to levy a tax additional to the State tax was not in conformity with that clause in the Constitu- tion which required uniformity in taxation. The schools were stopped for want of adequate funds. For a few weeks in each year thereafter the feeble " uniform " supply from the State fund en- abled the people to open the schools, but considering the returns the public realizes for so small an outlay in educational matters, this proved more expensive than ever. Private schools increased, but the attendance was small. Thus the interests of popular edu- cation languished for years. But since the revival of the free schools, the State fund has grown to vast proportions, and the schools of this intelligent and enterprising commonwealth compare favorably with those of any other portion of the United States. There is no occasion to present all the statistics of school prog- ress in this State from the first to the present time, but some interest will be taken in the latest statistics, which we take from the 9th Biennial Report (for ]877-'8) by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. James H. Smart. This report, by the way, is a volume of 480 octavo pages, and is free to all who desire a copy. The rapid, substantia] and permanent increase which Indiana enjoys in her school interests is thus set forth in the above report. Length of School No of Year. In Days. Teachers. 1855 61 4,016 1860 65 7,649 1865 66 9,493 1870 97 11,826 1875 130 13,133 1878 139 13,676 Total Attendance School Am't Paid at School. Enumeration. Teachers. 206,994 445,791 $ 239.924 303,744 495,019 481,020 402,812 557,092 1,020,440 462,527 619.627 1,810,866 502,362 667,736 2,830,747 512,535 699,153 8,065,968 \ \ J- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 219 The increase of school population during the past ten years baa been as follows: Total in 1868, 592,865. Increase for year ending Increase for year ending Qp^t 1 18fiQ 17,699 May 1,1874 13,922 ^'?S'i8?o :::;::■.::: 9063 -1,1875 13.373 a 1 1Q71 .. . 3,101 " 1,1876 11,494 " }'i872""":.';:::.":'..:... 8;8ii -1,1877 15,476 May i;i873'(8 months) 8,903 " 1,1878 ^,447 Total, 1878 699,153 699,153 Twenty- nine per cent, of the above are in the 49 cities and 212 incorporated towns, and 71 per cent, in the 1,011 townships. The number of white males enrolled in the schools in 1878 was 267,315, and of white females, 237,739; total, 505,054; of colored males, 3,794; females, 3,687; total, 7,481; grand total, 512,535. The average number enrolled in each district varies from 51 to 56, and the average daily attendance from 32 to 35; but many children reported as absent attend parochial or private schools. Seventy- three per cent, of the white children and 63 per cent, of the colored, in the State, are enrolled in the schools. The number of days taught vary materially in the different town- ships, and on this point State Superintendent Smart iterates: " As lono- as the schools of some of our townships are kept open but 60 da>^s and others 220 days, we do not have a uniform system,— such as was contemplated by the constitution. The school law requires the trustee of a township to maintain each of the schools m his corporation an equal length of time. This provision cannot be so easily applied to the various counties of the State, for the reason that there is a variation in the density of the population, m the wealth of the people, and the amount of the township funds, i think, however, there is scarcely a township trustee in the State who cannot, under the present law, if he chooses to do so, bring his schools up to an average of six months. I think it would be wise to require each township trustee to levy a sufhcient local tax to maintain the schools at least six months of the year, provided this can be done without increasing the local tax beyond the amount now permitted by law. This would tend to bring the poorer schools np to the standard of the best, and would thus unify the system, and make it indeed a common-school system." ^9 J- 220 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. The State, however, averages six and a half months school per year to each district. The number of school districts in the State in 1878 was 9,380, in all but Si of which school was taught during that year. There are 396 district and 151 township graded schools. Number of white male teachers, 7,977, and of female, 5,699; colored, male, 62, and female, 43; grand total, 13,781. For the ten years ending with 1878 there was an increase of 409 male teachers and 811 female teachers. All these teachers, except about 200, attend normal institutes, — a showing which probably surpasses that of any other State in this respect. The average daily compensation of teachers throughout the State in 1878 was as follows: In townships, males, $1.90; females, $1.70; in towns, males, $3.09; females, $1.81; in cities, males, $4.06; females, $2.29. In 1878 there were 89 stone school -houses, 1,724 brick, 7,608 frame, and 124 log; total, 9,545, valued at $11,536,647.39. And lastly, and best of all, we are happy to state that Indiana has a larger school fund than any other State in the Union. In 1872, according to the statistics before us, it was larger than that of any other State by $2,000,000 ! the figures being as follows : Indiana $8,437,593.47 Michigan $2,500,214.91 Oliio 6,614,816.50 Missouri 2,525,252.52 Illinois 6,348,538.33 Minnesota 2,471,199.31 New York 2,880,017.01 Wisconsin 2,237,414.37 Connecticut 2,809,770.70 Massachusetts 2,210,864.09 Iowa 4,274.581.93 Arkansas 2,000,000.00 Nearly all the rest of the States have less than a million dollars in their school fund. In 1872 the common-school fund of Indiana consisted of the following: Non-negotiable bonds $3,591,316.15 Escheated estates 17.866.55 Common-school fund, 1,666,^24.50 Sinking fund, last distrib- Sinking fund, at 8 per cent 569,139.94 ution 67,068.72 Congressional township Sinking fund undistrib- fund 2,281,076.69 uted 100,165.92 Value of unsold Congres- Swamp land fund 42,418.40 sional township lands.. 94,245.00 Saline fund 5,727.66 $8,437,593 47 Bank tax fund 1,744.94 In 1S78 the grand total was $8,974,455.55. The origin of the respective school funds of Indiana is as follows: 1. The " Congressional township " fund is derived from the proceeds of the 16th sections of the townships. Almost all of these a ' — — — _ ! to ■<' J \^ 10 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 221 have been sold and the money put out at interest. The amount of this fund in 1877 was $2,452,936.82. 2. The "saline" fund consists of the proceeds of the sale of salt springs, and the land adjoining necessary for working them to the amount of 36 entire sections, authorized by the original act of Congi;ess. By authority of the same act the Legislature has made these proceeds a part of the permanent school fund. 3. The " surplus revenue '° fund. Under the administration of President Jackson, the national debt, contracted by the Revolutionary war and the purchase of Louisiana, was entirely discharged, and a large surplus remained in the treasury. In June, 1836, Congress distributed this money amcng the States in the ratio of their repre- sentation in Congress, subject to recall, and Indiana's share was $860,254. The Legislature subsequently set apart $573,502.96 of this amount to be a part of the school fund. It is not probable that the general Government will ever recall this money. 4. " Bank tax " fund. The Legislature of 1834 chartered a State Bank, of which a part of the stock was owned by the State and a part by individuals. Section 15 of the charter required an annual deduction from the dividends, equal to 12|^ cents on each share not held by the State, to be set apart for common-school education. This tax finally amounted to $80,000, which now bears interest in favor of education. 5. " Sinking " fund. In order to set the State bank under good headway, the State at first borrowed $1,300,000, and out of the unapplied balances a fund was created, increased by unapplied balances also of the principal, interest and dividends of the amount lent to the individual holders of stock, for the purpose of sinking the debt of the bank; hence the name sinking fund. The 114th section of the charter provided that after the full payment of the bank's indebtedness, principal, interest and incidental expenses, the residue of said fund should be a permanent fund, appropriated to the cause of education. As the charter extended through a period of 25 years, this fund ultimately reached the handsome amount of $5,000,000. The foregoing are all interest-bearing funds; the following are additional school funds, but not productive: 6. " Seminary " fund. By order of the Legislature in 1852, all county seminaries were sold, and the net proceeds placed in the common-school fund. ~s 222 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 7. All fines for the violation of the penal laws of the State are placed to the credit of the common-school fund 8. All recognizances of witnesses and parties indicted for crime, when forfeited, are collectible bj law and made a part of the school fund. These are reported to the office of the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction annually. For the five years ending with 1872, they averaged about $34,000 a year. 9. Escheats. These amount to $17,865.55, which was still in the State treasury in 1872 and unapplied. 10. The "swamp-land" fund arises from the sale of certain Congressional land grants, not devoted to any particular purpose by the terms of the grant. In 1872 there was $42,418.40 of this money, subject to call by the school interests. 11. Taxes on corporations are to some extent devoted by the Constitution to school purposes, but the clause on this subject is somewhat obscure, and no funds as yet have been realized from this source. It is supposed that several large sums of money are due the common-school fund from the corporations. Constitutionally, any of the above funds may be increased, but never diminished. INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. So early as 1802 the U. S. Congress granted lands and a charter to the people of that portion of the Northwestern Territory resid- ing at Vincennes, for the erection and maintenance of a seminary of learning in that early settled district; and five years afterward an act incorporating the Vincennes CTniversity asked the Legisla- ture to appoint a Board of Trustees for the institution and order the sale of a single township in Gibson county, granted by Congress in 1802, so that the proceeds might be at once devoted to the objects of education. On this Board the following gentlemen were ap- pointed to act in the interests of the institution: William H. Har- rison, John Gibson, Thomas H. Davis, Henry Vanderburgh, Wal- ler Taylor, Benjamin Parke, Peter Jones, James Johnson, John Eice Jones, George Wallace, William Bullitt, Elias McNamee, John Badolett, Henry Hurst, Gen. W. Johnston, Francis Vigo, Jacob Kuykendall, Samuel McKee, Nathaniel Ewing, George Leech, Luke Decker, Samuel Gwathraey and John Johnson. The sale of this land was slow and the proceeds small. The members of the Board, too, were apathetic, and failing to meet, the institution fell out of existence and out of memory. •sjs .- G\ I ' 1'^ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 227 may be apropos. The boarding-house is a brick structure, in the modern Italian style, planked by a turret at each of the front angles and measuring 120 feet front by 68 feet deep. The dormitory is a quadrangular edifice, in the plain Elizabethan style, four stories high, arranged to accommodate 125 students. Like the other build- ings, it is heated by steam and lighted by gas. Bathing accommo- dations are in each end of all the stories. The laboratory is almost a duplicate of a similar department in Brown University, R. I. It is a much smaller building than the boarding-house, but yet suffi- ciently large to meet the requirements. A collection of minerals, fossils and antiquities, purchased from Mr. Richard Owen, former President of the institution, occupies the temporary cabinet or museum, pending the construction of a new building. The military hall and gymnasium is 100 feet frontage by 50 feet deep, and only one story high. The uses to which this hall is devoted are exer- cises in physical and military drill. The boiler and gas house is an establishment replete in itself, possessing every facility for supply- ing the buildings of the university with adequate heat and light. It is further provided with pumping works. Convenient to this department is the retort and great meters of the gas house, capable of holding 9,000 cubic feet of gas, and arranged upon the principles of modern science. The barn and shed form a single building, both useful, convenient and ornamental. In connection with the agricultural department of the university, a brick residence and barn were erected and placed at the disposal of the farm superintendent, Maj. L. A. Burke. The buildings enumerated above have been erected at a cost approximating the following: boarding-house, $37,807.07; labora- tory, $15,000; dormitory, $32,000; military hall and gymnasium, $6,410.47; boiler and gas house, $1,814; barn and shed, $1,500; work-shop, $1,000; dwelling and barn, $2,500. Besides the original donations, Legislative appropriations, vary- ing in amount, have been made from time to time, and Mr. Pierce, the treasurer, has donated his official salary, $600 a year, for the time he served, for decorating the grounds, — if neoessary. The opening of the university was, owing to varied circumstan- ces, postponed from time to time, and not until March, 1874, was a class formed, and tMs only to comply with the act of Congress in that connection in its relation to the university. However, in September following a curriculum was adopted, and the first regu- lar term of the Purdue University entered upon. This curriculum. ^^ 228 HISTORY OF INDIANA. comprises the varied subjects generally pertaining to a first-class, university course, namely: in the school of natural science — physics and industrial mechanics, chemistry and natural history; in the school of engineering — civil and mining, together with the principles of architecture; in the school of agriculture — theoret- ical and practical agriculture, horticulture and veterinary science; in the military school — the mathematical sciences, German and French literature, free-hand and mechanical drawing, with all the studies pertaining to the natural and military sciences. Modern languages and natural history embrace their respective courses ta the fullest extent. There are this year (1880) eleven members of the faculty, 86 students in the regular courses, and 117 other students. In respect to attendance there has been a constant increase from the first. The first year, 1874-'5, there were but 64 students. INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. This institution was founded at Terre Haute in 1870, in accord- ance with the act of the Legislature of that year. The building is a large brick edifice situated upon a commanding location and possessing some architectural beauties. From its inauguration many obstacles opposed its advance toward efficiency and success; but the Board of Trustees, composed of men experienced in edu- cational matters, exercised their strength of mind and body to overcome every difficulty, and secure for the State Normal School every distinction and emolument that lay within their power, their efibrts to this end being very successful; and it is a fact that the institution has arrived at, if not eclipsed, the standard of their expectations. Not alone does the course of study embrace the legal subjects known as reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geograph}', United States history, English grammar, physiology, manners and ethics, but it includes also universal history, the mathematical sciences and many other subjects foreign- to older institutions. The first studies are prescribed by law and must be inculcated; the second are optional with the professors, and in the case of Indiana generally hold place in the curriculum of the nor- mal school. The model, or training school, specially designed for the training of teachers, forms a most important factor in State educational matters, and prepares teachers of both sexes for one of the most important positions in life; viz., that of educating the youth of the * % , [ _ , ^^-t r-^ • y s' ^ t HISTORY OF INDIANA. 229 State. The advanced course of studies, toorether with the hio-her studies of the normal school, embraces Latin and German, and pre- pares young men and women for entrance to the State University. The efficiency of this school may be elicited from the following facts, taken from the official reports: out of 41 persons who had graduated from the elementary course, nine, after teaching success- fully in the public schools of this State from two terms to two years, returned to the institution and sought admission to the advanced classes. They were admitted; three of them were gentle- men and six ladies. After spending two years and two terms in the elementary course, and then teaching in the schools during the time already mentioned they returned to spend two and a half or three years more, and for the avowed purpose of qualifying them- selves for teaching in the most responsible positions of the public school service. In fact, no student is admitted to the school who does not in good faith declare his intention to qualify himself for teaching in the schools of the State. This the law requires, and the rule is adhered to literally. The report further says, in speaking of the government of the school, that the fundamental idea is rational freedom, or that free- dom which gives exemption from the power of control of one over another, or, in other words, the self-limiting of themselves, in their acts, by a recognition of the rights of others who are equally free. The idea and origin of the school being laid down, and also the means by which scholarship can be realized in the individual, the student is left to form his own conduct, both during session hours and while away from school. The teacher merely stands between this scholastic idea and the student's own partial conception of it, as expositor or interpreter. The teacher is not legislator, executor or police officer; he is expounder of the true idea of school law, so that the only test of the student's conduct is obedience to, or nonconformity with, that law as interpreted by the teacher. This idea once inculcated in the minds of the students, insures industry, punctuality and order. NORTHERN INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, VALPARAISO, This institution was organized Sept. 16, 1873, with 35 students in attendance. The school occupied the building known as the Valparaiso Male and Female College building. Four teachers ^ e) 1 1 1 1 Is ' ^ « ^ -^ ® \ -«■ 230 HISTORY OF INDIANA. were employed. The attendance, so small at first, increased rap- idly and steadily, until at the present writing, the seventh year in the history of the school, the yearly enrollment is more than three thousand. The number of instructors now employed is 23. From time to time, additions have been made to the school buildings, and numerous boarding halls have been erected, so that now the value of the buildings and grounds owned by the school is one hundred thousand dollars. A large library has been collected, and a complete equipment of philosophical and chemical apparatus has been purchased. The department of physiology is supplied with skeletons, manikins, and everything necessary to the demonstration of each branch of the subject. A large cabinet is provided for the study of geology. In fact, each department of the school is completely furnished with the apparatus needed for the most approved presentation of every subject. There are 15 chartered departments in the institution. These are in charge of thorough, energetic, and scholarly instructors, and send forth each year as graduates, a large number of finely cultured young ladies and gentlemen, living testimonials of the efliciency of the course of study and the methods used. The Commercial College in connection with the school is in itself a great institution. It is finely fitted up and furnished, and ranks foremost among the business colleges of the United States. The expenses for tuition, room and board, have been made so low that an opportunity for obtaining a thorough education is presented to the poor and the rich alike. All of this work has been accomplished in the short space of seven years. The school now holds a high place among educational institutions, and is the largest normal school in the United States. This wonderful growth and development is wholly due to the energy and faithfulness of its teachers, and the unparalleled exec- utive ability of its proprietor and principal. The school is not endowed. DENOMINATIONAL AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. Nor is Indiana behind in literary institutions under denomina- tional auspices. It is not to be understood, however, at the present day, that sectarian doctrines are insisted upon at the so-called " denominational" colleges, universities and seminaries; the youth at these places are influenced only by Christian example. \ -«.,|,5 k. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 231 Notre Dame University, near South Bend, is a Catholic institu- tion, and is one of the most noted in the United States. It was founded in 1842 by Father Sorin. The first building was erected in 1843, and the university has continued to grow and prosper until the present time, now having 35 professors, 26 instructors, 9 tutors, 213 students and 12,000 volumes in library. At present the main building has a frontage of 224 feet and a depth of 155. Thousands of young people have received their education here, and a large number have been graduated for the priesthood. A chapter was held here in 1872, attended by delegates from all parts of the world. It is worthy of mention that this institution has a bell weighing 13,000 pounds, the largest in the United States and one of the finest in the world. The Indiana Ashury University, at Greencastle, is an old and well-established institution under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, named after its first bishop, Asbury. It was founded in 1835, and in 1872 it had nine professors and 172 students. Howard College, not denominational, is located at Kokomo, and was founded in 1869. In 1872 it had five professors, four instructors, and 69 students. Union Christian College, Christian, at Merom, was organized in 1858, and in 1872 had four resident professors, seven instructors and 156 students. Moore'' s Hill College, Methodist Episcopal, is situated at Moore's Hill, was founded in 1854, and in 1872 had five resident professors, five instructors, and 142 students. EarlhanCs College, at Richmond, is under the management of the Orthodox Friends, and was founded in 1859. In 1872 they had six resident professors and 167 students, and 3,300 volumes in library. Wahash College, at Crawfordsville, was organized in 1834, and had in 1872, eight professors and teachers, and 231 students, with about 12,000 volumes in the library. It is under Presbyterian management. Concordia College, Lutheran, at Fort "Wayne, was founded in 1850; in 1872 it had four professors and 148 students: 3,000 volumes in library, Hanover College, Presbyterian, was organized in 1833, at Han- over, and in 1872 had seven professors and 118 students, and 7,000 volumes in library. 4. 2)2 HISTORY OF INDIANA. ♦ Hartsville University, United Brethren, at Hartsville, was founded in 1854, and in 1872 had seven professors and 117 students. Northwestern Christian University, Disciples, is located at Irvington, near Indianapolis. It was founded in 1854, and by 1872 it had 15 resident professors, 181 students, and 5,000 volumes in library. BENEYOLENT AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. By the year 1830, the influx of paupers and invalid persons was 80 great that the Governor called upon the Legislature to take steps toward regulating the matter, and also to provide an asylum for the poor, but that body was very slow to act on the matter. At the present time, however, there is no State in the Union which can boast a better system of benevolent institutions. The Benevo- lent Society of Indianapolis was organized in 1843. It was a pioneer institution; its field of work was small at first, but it has grown into great usefulness. INSTITUTE FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE BLIND. In behalf of the blind, the first efibrt was made by James M. Ray, about 1846. Throuo-h his efforts William H. Churchman came from Kentucky with blind pupils and gave exhibitions in Mr. Beecher's church, in Indianapolis. These entertainments were attended by members of the Legislature, for whom indeed they were especially intended; and the effect upon them was so good, that before they adjourned the session they adopted measures to es- tablish an asylum for the blind. The commission appointed to carry out these measures, consisting of James M. Ray, Geo. W. Mears, and the Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor of State, engaged Mr. Churchman to make a lecturing tour through the State and collect statistics of the blind population. The " Institute for the Education of the Blind " was founded by the Legislature of 1847, and first opened in a rented building Oct. 1, of that year. The permanent buildings were opened and occu- pied in Februar}', 1853. The original cost of the buildings and ground was $110,000, and the present valuation of buildings and grounds approximates $300,000. The main building is 90 feet long by 61 deep, and with its right and left wings, each 30 feet in front' and 83 in depth, give an entire frontage of 150 feet. The main building is five stories in height, surmounted by a cupola of -f' * v" HISTORY OF INDIANA. 235 the Corinthian style, while each wing is similarly overcapped The porticoes, cornices and verandahs are gotten up with exquisite taste, and the former are molded after the principle of Ionic archi- tecture. The building is very favorably situated, and occupies a space of eight acres. The nucleus of a fund for supplying indigent graduates of the institution with an outfit suitable to their trades, or with money in lieu thereof, promises to meet with many additions. The fund is the out-come of the benevolence of Mrs. Fitzpatrick, a resident of Delaware, in this State, and appears to be suggested by the fact that her daughter, who was smitten with blindness, studied as a pupil in the institute, and became singularly attached to many of its inmates. The following passage from the lady's will bears testimony not only to her own sympathetic nature but also to the efficiency of the establishment which so won her esteem. "I give to each of the following persons, friends and associates of my blind daughter, Margaret Louisa, the sum of $100 to each, to wit, viz: Melissa and Phoebe Garrettson, Frances Cundiif, Dallas Newland, Naomi Unthunk, and a girl whose name before marriage was Kachel Martin, her husband's name not recollected. The balance of my estate, after paying the expenses of administering, I give to the superintendent of the blind asylum and his successor, in trust, for the use and benefit of the indigent blind of Indiana who may attend the Indiana blind asylum, to be given to them on leaving in such sums as the superintendent may deem proper, but not more than $50 to any one person. I direct that the amount above direct- ed be loaned at interest, and the interest and principal be distributed as above, agreeably to the best judgment of the superintendent, so as to do the greatest good to the greatest number of blind persons." The following rules, regulating the institution, after laying down in preamble that the institute is strictly an educational estab- lishment, having its main object the moral, intellectual and phys- ical training of the young blind of the State, and is not an asylum for the aged and helpless, nor an hospital wherein the diseases of the eye may be treated, proceed as follows : 1. The school year commences the first Wednesday after the 15th day of September, and closes on the last Wednesday in June, showing a session of 40 weeks, and a vacation term of 84 days. 2. Applicants for admission must be from 9 to 21 years of age; but the trustees have power to admit blind students under 9 or •<" Is < * — — hr- 230 HISTORY OF INDIANA. over 21 years of age; but this power is extended only in very extreme cases. 3. Imbecile or unsound persons, or confirmed imraoralists, cannot be admitted knowingly; neither can admitted pupils who prove disobedient or incompetent to receive instruction be retained on the roll. 4. No charge is made for the instruction and board given to pupils from the State of Indiana; and even those without the State have only to pay $200 for board and education during the 40 weeks' session. 5. An abundant and good supply of comfortable clothing for both summer and winter wear, is an indispensable adjunct of the pnpil. 6. The owner's name must be distinctly marked on each article of clothing. 7. In cases of extreme indigence the institution may provide clothing and defray the traveling expenses of such pupil and levy the amount so expended on the county wherein his or her home is situated. 8. The pupil, or friends of the pupil, must remove him or her from the institute during the annual vacation, and in case of their failure to do so, a legal provision enables the superintendent to forward such pupil to the trustee of the township where he or she resides, and the expense of such transit and board to be charged to the county. 9. Friends of the pupils accompanying them to the institution, or visiting them thereat, cannot enter as boarders or lodgers. 10. Letters to the pupils should be addressed to the care of the Superintendent of the Institute for the Education of the Blind, so as the better to insure deliverv. 11. Persons desirous of admission of pupils should apply to the superintendent for a printed copy of instructions, and no pupil should be sent thereto until the instructions have been complied with. INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. In 1843 the Governor was also instructed to obtain plans and information respecting the care of mutes, and the Legislature also levied a tax to provide for them. The first one to agitate the subject was William Willard, himself a mute, who visited Indiana in 1843, and opened a school for mutes on his own account, with 16 pupils. a ^ k^ f> HISTORY OF INDIANA. -37 The next year the Legislature adopted this school as a State insti- tution, appointing a Board of Trustees for its management, consist- ing of the Governor and Secretary of State, ex-officio,and Revs. Henry Ward Beecher, Phineas D. Gurley, L. H. Jameson, Dr. Dunlap, Hon. James Morrison and Rev. Matthew Simpson. They rented the large building on the southeast corner of Illinois and Maryland streets, and opened the first State asylum there in 1844; but in 1846, a site for a permanent building just east of Indianapolis was selected, consisting first of 30 acres, to which 100 more have been added. On this site the two first structures were commenced in 1849, and completed in the fall of 1850, at a cost of $30,000. The school was immediately transferred to the new building, where it is still fiourishing, with enlarged buildings and ample facilities for instruc- tion in agriculture. In 1869-70, another building was erected, and the three together now constitute one of the most benefi- cent and beautiful institutions to be found on this continent, at an aggregate cost of $320,000. The main building has a fagade of 260 feet. Here are the offices, study rooms, the quarters of officers and teachers, the pupils' dormitories and the library. The center of this building has a frontage of eighty feet, and is five stories high, with wings on either side 60 feet in frontage. In this Central structure are the store rooms, dining-hall, servants' rooms, hospital, laundry, kitchen, bakery and several school-rooms. Another struct- ure known as the " rear building " contains the chapel and another set of school-rooms. It is two stories high, the center being 50 feet square and the wings 40 by 20 feet. In addition to these there are many detached buildings, containing the shops of the industrial department, the engine-house and wash-house. The grounds comprise 105 acres, which in the immediate vicinity of the buildings partake of the character of ornamental or pleasure gardens, comprising a space devoted to fruits, flowers and veget- ables, while the greater part is devoted to pasture and agriculture. The first instructor in the institution was Wm. Willard, a deaf mute, who had up to 1844 conducted a small school for the instruc- tion of the deaf at Indianapolis, and now is employed by the State, at a salary of $800 per annum, to follow a similar vocation in its service. In 1853 he was succeeded by J. S. Brown, and subse- quently by Thomas Mclutire, who continues principal of the institution. '7'; ►IV" \ 338 HISTORY OF INDIANA. HOSPITAL FOB THE INSANE. The Legislature of 1832-'3 adopted measures providing for a State hospital for the insane. This good work would have been done much earlier had it not been for the hard times of 1837, intensified by the results of the gigantic scheme of internal improve- ment. In order to survey the situation and awaken public sympa- thy, the county assessors were ordered to make a return of the insane in their respective counties. During the year 1842 the Governor, acting under the direction of the Legislature, procured considerable information in regard to hospitals for the insane in other States; and Dr. John Evans lectured before the Legislature on the subject of insanity and its treatment. As a result of these efforts the authorities determined to take active steps for the estab- lishment of such a hospital. Plans and suggestions from the superintendents and liospitals of other States were submitted to the Legislature in 1844, which body ordered the levy of a tax of one cent on the $100 for the purpose of establishing the hospital. In 1845 a commission was appointed to obtain a site not exceeding 200 acres. Mount Jackson, then the residence of Nathaniel Bolton, was selected, and the Legislature in 1846 ordered the commissioners to proceed with the erection of the building. Accordingly, in 1847, the central building was completed, at a cost of $75,000. It has since been enlarged by the addition of wings, some of which are larger than the old central building, until it has become an immense structure, having cost over half a million dollars. The wings of the main building are four stories high, and entirely devoted to wards for patients, being capable of accommodating 500. The grounds of the institution comprise 160 acres, and, like those of the institute for the deaf and dumb, are beautifully laid out. This hospital was opened for the reception of patients in 1848. The principal structure comprises what is known as the central building and the right and left wings, and like the institute for the deaf and dumb, erected at various times and probably under various adverse circumstances, it certainly does not hold the appearance of any one design, but seems to be a combination of many. ISTot- withstanding these little defects in arrangement, it presents a very imposing appearance, and shows what may be termed a frontage M^ A HISTORY OF INDIANA. 239 of 624 feet. The central building is five stories in height and con- tains the store-rooms, offices, reception parlors, medical dispensing rooms, mess-rooms and the apartments of the superintendent and other officers, with those of the female employes. Immediately ia the rear of the central building, and connected with it by a corridor, is the chapel, a building 50 by 60 feet. This chapel occupies the third floor, while the under stories hold the kitchen, bakery, employes' dining-room, steward's office, employes' apart- ments and sewing rooms. In rear of this again is the engine- house, 60 by 50 feet, containing all the paraphernalia for such an establishment, such as boilers, pumping works, fire plugs, hose, and above, on the second floor, the laundry and apartments of male employes. THE STATE PKISON SOUTH. Theflrst penal institution of importance is known as the "State Prison South," located at Jefiersonville, and was the only prison until 1859. It was established in 1821. Before that time it was customary to resort to the old-time punishment of the whipping- post. Later the manual labor system was inaugurated, and the convicts were hired out to employers, among whom were Capt. Westover, afterward killed at Alamo, Texas, with Crockett, James Keigwin, who in an aff'ray was fired at and severely wounded by a convict named Williams, Messrs. Patterson Hensley, and Jos. E. Pratt. During the rule of the latter of these lessees, the atten- tion of the authorities was turned to a more practical method of utilizing convict labor; and instead of the prisoners being per- mitted to serve private entries, their work was turned in the direc- tion of their own prison, where for the next few years they were employed in erecting the new buildings now known as the " State Prison South." This structure, the result of prison labor, stands on 16 acres of ground, and comprises the cell houses and work- shops, together with the prisoners' garden, or pleasure-ground. It seems that in the erection of these buildings the aim of the overseers was to create so many petty dungeons and unventilated laboratories, into which disease in every form would be apt to creep. This fact was evident from the high mortality character- izing life within the prison; and in the efforts made by the Government to remedy a state of things which had been permitted to exist far too long, the advance in prison reform has become a reality. From 1857 to 1871 the labor of the prisoners was devoted ^ ^i 240 HISTORY OF INDIANA. to the manufacture of wagons and farm implements; and again the old policy of hiring the convicts was resorted to; for in the latter year, 1871, the Southwestern Car Company was organized, and every prisoner capable of taking a part in the work of car- building was leased out. This did very well until the panic of 1873, when the company suffered irretrievable losses; and previous to its final down-fall in 1876 the warden withdrew convict labor a second time, leaving the prisoners to enjoy a luxurious idleness around the prison which themselves helped to raise. In later years the State Prison South has gained some notoriety from the desperate character of some of its inmates. Daring the civil war a convict named Harding mutilated in a most horrible manner and ultimately killed one of the jailors named Tesley. In 1874, two prisoners named Kennedy and Applegate, possessing themselves of some arms, and joined by two other convicts named Port and Stanley, made a break for freedom, swept past the guard, Chamberlain, and gained the fields. Chamberlain went in pursuit but had not gone very far when Kennedy turned on his pursuer, fired and killed him instantly. Subsequently three of the prisoners were captured alive and one of them paid the penalty of death, while Kennedy, the murderer of Chamberlain, failing committal for murder, was sent back to his old cell to spend the remainder of his life. Bill Rodifer, better known as "The Iloosier Jack Sheppard," effected his escape in 1875, in the very presence of a large guard, but was recaptured and has since been kept in irons. This establishment, owing to former mismanagement, has fallen very much behind, financially, and has asked for and received an appropriation of $20,000 to meet its expenses, while the contrary is the case at the Michigan City prison. THE STATE PRISON NORTH. In 1859 the first steps toward the erection of a prison in the northern part of the State were taken, and by an act of the Legis- lature approved March 5, this -year, authority was given to construct prison buildings at some point north of the National road. For this purpose $50,000 were appropriated, and a large number of convicts from the Jeffersonville prison were transported northward to Michigan City, which was just selected as the location for the new penitentiary. The work was soon entered upon, and continued to meet with additions and improvements down to a very recent period. So late as 1875 the Legislature appropriated $20,000 »V" \ s. Si *• HISTORY OF INDIANA. 24X toward the construction of new cells, and in other directions also the work of improvement has been going on. The system of government and discipline is similar to that enforced at the Jeffer- sonville prison; and, strange to say, by its economical working has not only met the expenses of the administration, but very recently had amassed over $11,000 in excess of current expenses, from its annual savings. This is due almost entirely to the continual employment of the convicts in the manufacture of cigars and chairs, and in their great prison industry, cooperage. It differs widely from the Southern, insomuch as its sanitary condition has been above the average of similar institutions. The strictness of its silent system is better enforced. The petty revolutions of its inmates have been very few and insignificant, and the number of punishments inflicted comparatively small. From whatever point this northern prison may be looked at, it will bear a very favorable comparison with the largest and best administered of like establish- ments throughout the world, and cannot fail to bring high credit to its Board of Directors and its able warden. FEMALE PRISON AND REFORMATORY. The prison reform agitation which in this State attained telling proportions in 1869, caused a Legislative measure to be brought forward, which would have a tendency to ameliorate the condition of female convicts. Gov. Baker recommended it to the General Assembly, and the members of that body showed their appreciation of the Governor's philanthropic desire by conferring upon the bill the authority of a statute; and further, appropriated $50,000 to aid in carrying out the objects of the act. The main provisions con- tained in the bill may be set forth in the following extracts from the proclamation of the Governor: "Whenever said institution shall have been proclaimed to be open for the reception of girls in the reformatory department thereof, it shall be lawful for said Board of Managers to receive them into their care and management, and the said reformatory department, girls under the age of 15 years who may be committed to their custody, in either of the following modes, to- wit: " 1. When committed by any judge of a Circuit or Common Pleas Court, either in term time or in vacation, on complaint and due proof by the parent or guardian that by reason of her incorrig- ible or vicious conduct she has rendered her control beyond the power of such parent or guardian, and made it manifestly requisite -71- \ 242 HISTORY OF INDIANA. that from regard to the future welfare of such infant, and for the protection of society, she should be placed under such guardianship. "2. "When such infant has been committed by such judge, as aforesaid, upon complaint by any citizen, and due proof of such complaint that such infant is a proper subject of the guardianship of such institution in consequence of her vagrancy or incorrigible or vicious conduct, and that from the moral depravity or other- wise of her parent or guardian in whose custody she may be, such parent or guardian is incapable or unwilling to exercise the proper care or discipline over such incorrigible or vicious infant. "3. When such infant has been committed by such judge as aforesaid, on complaint and due proof thereof by the township trustee of the township where such infant resides, that such infant is destitute of a suitable home and of adequate means of obtaining an honest living, or that she is in danger of being brought up to lead an idle and immoral life." • In addition to these articles of the bill, a formal section of instruction to the wardens of State prisons was embodied in the act, causing such wardens to report the number of all the female convicts under their charge and prepare to have them transferred to the female reformatory immediately after it was declared to be ready for their reception. After the passage of the act the Governor appointed a Board of Managers, and these gentlemen, securing the services of Isaac Hodgson, caused him to draft a plan of the proposed institution, and further, on his recommendation, asked the people for an appropriation of another $50,000, which the Legislature granted in February, 1873. The work of construc- tion was then entered upon and carried out so steadily, that on the 6th of September, 1873, the building was declared ready for the reception of its future inmates. Gov. Baker lost no time in proclaiming this fact, and October 4 he caused the wardens of the State prisons to be instructed to transfer all the female convicts in their custody to the new institution which may be said to rest on the advanced intelligence of the age. It is now called the " Indiana Reformatory Institution for Women and Girls." This building is located irariiediately north of the deaf and dumb asylum, near the arsenal, at Indianapolis. It is a three- story brick structure in the French style, and shows a frontage of 174 feet, comprising a main building, with lateral and transverse wings. In front of the central portion is the residence of the superintendent and his associate reformatory officers, while in the ■*7 s •- ^- s\ HISTORY OF INDIANA. 243 rear is the engine house, with all the ways and means for heating the buildings. Enlargements, additions and improvements are still in progress. There is also a school and library in the main building, which are sources of vast good. October 31, 1879, there were 66 convicts in the " penal" depart- ment and 147 in the " girls' reformatory " department. The " ticket-of-leave " system has been adopted, with entire satisfaction, and the conduct of the institution appears to be up with the times. INDIANA HOUSE OF REFUGE. In 1867 the Legislature appropriated $50,000 to aid in the formation of an institution to be entitled a house for the correction and reformation of juvenile defenders, and vested with full powers in a Board of Control, the members of which were to be appointed by the Governor, and with the advice and consent of the Senate. This Board assembled at the Governor's house at Indianapolis, April 3, 1867, and elected Charles F. CoflBn, as president, and visited Chicago, so that a visit to the reform school there might lead to a fuller knowledge and guide their future proceedings. The House of Kefuge at Cincinnati, and the Ohio State Eeform school were also visited with this design; and after full consider- ation of the varied governments of these institutions, the Board resolved to adopt the method known as the " family " system, which divides the inmates into fraternal bodies, or small classes, each class having a separate house, house father and family oflBces, — all under the control of a general superintendent. The system being adopted, the question of a suitable location next presented itself, and proximity to a large city being considered rather detrimental to the welfare of such an institution. Gov. Baker selected the site three-fourths of a mile south of Plainfield, and about fourteen miles from Indianapolis, which, in view of its eligibility and convenience, was fully concurred in by the Board of Control. Therefore, a farm of 225 acres, claiming a fertile soil and a most picturesque situation, and possessing streams of running water, was purchased, and on a plateau in its center a site for the proposed house of refuge was fixed. The next movement was to decide upon a plan, which ultimately met the approval of the Governor. It favored the erection of one principal building, one house for a reading-room and hospital, two large mechanical shops and eight family houses. January 1, 1868, ^ \ Q_ 244 HISTORY OF INDIANA. three family houses and work-shop were completed; in 1869 the main building, and one additional family house were added; but previous to this, in August, 1867, a Mr. Frank P. Ainsworth and his wife were appointed by the Board, superintendent and matron respectively, and temporary quarters placed at their disposal. In 1869 they of course removed to the new building. This is 64 by 128 feet, and three stories high. In its basement are kitchen, laundry and vegetable cellar. The first floor is devoted to offices, visitors' room, house father and family dining-room and store- rooms. The general superintendent's private apartments, private offices and five dormitories for officers occupy the second floor; while the third floor is given up to the assistant superintendent's apartment, library, chapel and hospital. The family houses are similar in style, forming rectangular build- ings 36 by 58 feet. The basement of each contains a furnace room, a store-room and a large wash-room, which is converted into a play-room during inclement weather. On the first floor of each of these buildings are two rooms for the house father and his family, and a school-room, which is also convertible into a sitting- room for the boys. On the third floor is a family dormitory, a clothes-room and a room for the " elder brother," who ranks next to the house father. And since the reception of the first boy, from Hendricks county, January 23, 1868, the house plan has proved equally convenient, even as the management has proved efficient. Other buildings have since been erected. ^ (5 ^ ■"■ & V J3 1 il j ^l Vcfvo]LiCr?4fifei|| J^^J ) T HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. If- Importance of Local History. — Life in the Backwoods. — Cour- age OF THE Pioneers. — Their Labor and Rewards, — Change of Fifty Years. — Integrity and Generosity of the Early Settlers. — Grand Ac hievements. All history is essentially local. No record of events, however important, can make a vivid or lasting impression upon a reader's mind if the locality of the occurrences is not given due prominence. By association the scenes of great events become sanctified and endeared in the hearts of a people. Who, for instance, can gaze unmoved upon the house which was the home or the birthplace of an illustrious man? Who can give expression to his emotions as he stands upon the ground where some decisive struggle for liberty took place? Even the most prosaic places, even the simplest of every-day occurrences, are sometimes elevated beyond their natural condition, becoming illustrious and important on account of the memories which surrounded them. And even within the narrow limits of a county, events, perhaps of little moment in themselves, are con- stantly transpiring, which growing venerable through age become invested with peculiar interest, and are rightfully worthy of perpet- ual remembrance. A small community has its place in history as well as a large one. Every intelligent and public-spirited citizen feels a degree of pride in the achievements, the industrial growth the religious, social, and intellectual progress of his county. Thus it is that in almost every section of the Union efforts are now being made to perpetuate local history. No cause is more worthy of popular attention. Centuries hence, when a history ot the American people shall be written, the historian will gather his data largely from the facts which are now being collected and put 16 (245) ^•^ i^^ 246 HISTOKY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. in preservable form. But the greatest importance of local history lies in the interest which we may expect posterity to entertain for it. The work of the pioneers— humble in its details yet magnifi cent in its results; the first rudely built church or school-house; the founding of a village; the inception of an industry— each mark an epoch in the history of any locality. The nationality and char- acteristics of the early settlers; their lives, adventures and hard- ships; the part performed by them in civil, judicial or military affairs— all these are topics in which their descendants can never cease to have an interest. LIFE IN THE BACKWOODS. The life of the pioneer is humble yet glorious. He prepares the way for advancing civilization, endures poverty and hardship, toils without recompense, that his posterity may enjoy the full fruition of his labors. He is the adventurer in fields untried, the path- finder, the discoverer, the advance agent leading others to a land of promise. In all ages and countries he has been honored and remembered on account of his self-sacrificing labor. Pioneer life in Steuben County finds its almost exact counter- part in every part of the West. When the first settlers arrived here, they found a fair and beautiful region, but just left by the aboriginal inhabitants. Forests were to be felled, prairies broken cabins built, mills, school-houses, churches, roads— the labor of a lifetime rose before them. But were these bold spirits dismayed? Not they! They had journeyed from their far distant homes, through a rough country, over bad roads, rivers, swamps and marshes, passing nights with no shelter above them, and toiling forward by day, meeting new obstacles ever and anon. Now they had reached the land for which they had started, and fair and pleasant was the prospect. In Steuben County the settlement is of so recent date that al- most every one is familiar with pioneer ways either from actual experience or from hearsay. Nevertheless, for the benefit of pos- terity, who may be interested in knowing what was the real nature of pioneer life and the character of the work of the early settlers we devote a portion of this chapter to a description of primitive manners, customs and labor. Such has been the change since the days of our fathers and grandfathers in this State, it is almost as though a new race of beings had come into possession of the land. Clothing, diet, \ HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY . 247 dwellings, social customs, individual habits, have all been trans- formed. Old ways are notour ways; but they were good ways, and served their purpose admirably, and the memory of them is full of tender interest to us. The earliest settlers, upon their ar- rival, constructed hastily what they called " three-faced camps; " that is, buildings with three walls, and the front open. These camps were usually about seven feet high, without floors, and roofed with poles upon which bark or shingles lay, held in place by weight-poles. No windows, doors or chimneys were needed in these dwellings, which were not built for temporary residences, but usually merely to serve as shelter while the cabin was being constructed. The cabin of round logs was a material advance upon the camp. The interstices between the logs were filled with chips, or sticks, then daubed abundantly with clay mortar. A log "house" — in distinction from a cabin — was constructed of hewed logs, and was the prevailing style of residence for rich and poor. The building was often without a floor, but more commonly one was built of " puncheons," or split logs, made smooth as possible on one side by the adze or the ax. The roof was covered with lone: shingles. or " shakes," held in place by weight-poles. For a flre-place, a space about six feet long was cut out of the logs at one end of the room, and three sides were built up with logs, making an offset in the wall. This was lined with stone when convenient, and plenti- fully daubed with clay. The chimney was built of small split sticks, plastered together with clay, and rose but little above the roof. A space for a doorway was cut in one side of the cabin, and in it was hung a door made of split shingles or puncheons, fastened together with cleats and wooden pins. The hinges were also of wood, and the latch. The latch-string was of leather, extending through a hole a few inches above the latch, to the outside, so that a pull lifted the latch from the catch enabling the door to open. It was only necessary for those inside to pull the latch-string in to lock the door securely against all comers. The living-room was of good size, as it ought to be — for it was parlor, dining-room, sitting-room, kitchen, pantry and bed-room, all in one. The rafters were usually adorned with flitches of bacon or festoons of dried pumpkins. In one corner of the apartment were seen the loom and, perhaps, the spinning wheel, while the kitchen utensils were grouped about the ample fire-place. One ~B K »*~J ----- ■ ■ " " ~~ 248 HisTOKi: OF steuben county. side of the room was devoted to the family wardrobe, which hung suspended from pegs driven into the wall. The trusty rifle usually hung of er the door, and near it the powder-horn and hunting-pouch. Well-to-do families had a spare room for guests — that is, a space in the loft of sufficient size to contain a bed, besides serving usually the purpose of a lumber-room. The loft was reached by a ladder from the main room . Sleeping apartments were sometimes separated from the sitting-room by partitions made by suspending quilts, coverlets or sheets from the upper floor. This mode of living was not so irksome as might be supposed. People soon became accustomed to it, and patiently put up with it until their means had increased sufficiently to enable them to enlarge their domicile by a lean-to, or, better yet, to construct a double log cabin — a happy distinction to which only the wealthy could attain. The furniture of the cabin was as primitive as the house itself. Bedsteads, chairs and tables were of home manufacture, and the makers were not always skilled workmen. The articles used in the kitchen were few and simple ; a " Dutch oven," a skillet, or long- handled frying pan, an iron pot or kettle, and sometimes a coffee- pot were all that the best furnished kitchen contained. When a stone-wall formed the base of the fire-place a long iron crane on which, attached to a pot-hook, hung a large pot or kettle, was one of the indispensable features. The style of cooking was necessarily sim- ple, as all of it had to be done at the fire-place and in the fire. Corn meal, cooked in various forms, such as "mush," " Johnnycake," " hoe-cake" and " pone," was one of the staple articles of diet. The "pone'' and "corn-dodger" were cooked in the Dutch oven, set upon a bed of glowing coals. The oven being filled with dough, the cover, already heated on the fire, was placed over it and cov- ered with hot embers. After the bread was cooked, it was taken from the oven and placed near the fire to keep it warm, while the oven was again pressed into use in the preparation of some other article of food. The "hoe-cake" was cooked upon a board or flat stone placed in front of the fire, a thick dough of meal and water having first been prepared. Cooked pumpkin was sometimes added to the dough to give it richness and flavor. Venison or ham was fried in the Dutch oven. Hominy or hulled corn was often added to the frugal meal. Wild honey was found in abundance; game was plenty, and although flour was at first scarce, the pioneer's bill of fare was usually a good one, containing a plenty, if not a variety, of good wholesome food, well cooked. "S \ ^3 HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. 249 The pioneers were true-hearted and hospitable. Strangers were never denied shelter or food, though often the family were much discommoded by furnishing such entertainment. The early set- tlers of Steuben County were mainly from the older States of the Union — New Tork, the New England States and Virginia — though there were some English and Irish. They were generally poor, and understanding the hardships and disadvantages of poverty them" selves, they sympathized with, and aided the more readily, those whom they found in need of assistance. Selfishness was not in their nature. They were bold, brave, free-hearted, and led useful and upright lives. Of course there were exceptions — now and then a self- ish man, and once in a great while a rascal — but the great body of the early settlers was composed of men fearless in the right, honest, generous, truthful, and independent even though they were poor- Their situation was one calculated to beget feelings of friendliness and helpfulness. They were all situated alike; all had left the asso- ciations and the friends of other days, and were seeking the accom- plishment of a difficult task. There was no room for idlers, but newcomers were looked upon as helpers, and the watch-word ap- peared to be, "The more the merrier." Says an early writer: " Men must cleave to their kind and must be dependent upon each other. Pride and jealousy give way to the natural yearnings of the human heart for society. They begin to rub off the neutral prejudices; one takes a step and then the other; they meet half way and embrace, and the society thus newly organized and con- stituted is more liberal, enlarged, unprejudiced, and, of course, more affectionate than a society of people of like birth and character who bring all their early prejudices as a common stock to be transmitted as an inheritance to posterity." The life of toil and hardship was one well calculated to develop a strong character and a self-reliant, trustful spirit. Many men of eminence have risen from humble homes; have studied by the fire- light, or in the old-fashioned log school-houses, and become distin- guished far above those reared in homes of luxury and schooled in aftiuence. The best citizens of Steuben County to day are those who have cleared the forests and subdued the prairies, or the descendants of these early settlers. The boys in early times were early taught to put their hands to every kind of farm work; they plowed and grubbed; pulled flax, broke and " hackled" it; wore tow shirts, coon-skin caps; picked and carded wool; and " spooled" and carded wool. The girls were taught to make and mend their own _2_ (^-^ 250 HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. clothes; to cook, wash and scrub; to lend a hand in the harvest field if necessary. They were not injured by the exercise. It gave them strength and muscle, and fitted them for useful wives and mothers. Such industry, coupled necessarily with energy and frugality, brought its own certain reward. The men grew prematurely old while sustaining their burdens, but they saw the forests pass away and beautiful fields of grain take their place. Marvelous indeed has been the change wrought in a half century. Many an aged pi- oneer, as he sits in his easy chair and overlooks the past, involun- tarily exclaims, "Is it possible that all these things have been wrought by the hand of man within the space of one life-time?'' " The voice of Nature's very self drops low, As though she whispered of the long ago, When down the wandering stream the rude canoe Of some lone trapper glided into view And loitered down the watery path that led Thro' forest depths that only knew the tread Of savage beasts and wild barbarians That skulked about with blood upon their hands And murder in their hearts. The light of day ■ Might barely pierce the gloominess that lay Like some dark pall across the water's face And folded all the land in its embrace. The panther's screaming and the bear's low growl, The snake's sharp rattle and the wolfs wild howl, The owl's grim chuckle, as it rose and fell In alternation with the Indian's yell. Made fitting prelude for the gory plays That were enacted in the early days. " Now o'er the vision like a mirage, falls The old log cabin with its dingy walls And crippled chimney, with the crutch-like prop Beneath, a sagging shoulder on the top. The 'coon-skin battened fast on either side ; The whisps of leaf tobacco, cut and dried; The yellow strands of quartered apples hung In rich festoons, that tangle in among The morning-glory vines that clamber o'er The little clapboard rcof above the door; Again through mists of memory rise The simple scenes of home before the eyes : The happy mother, humming with her wheel The dear old melodies that used to steal So drowsily upon the summer air; The house-dog hid his bone, forgot his care "Tp ■^ (O HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. 251 And nestled at her feet, to dream, perchance, Some cooling dream of winter-time romance. The square of sunshine through the open door That notched its edge across the puncheon floor, And made a golden coverlet, whereon The god of slumber had a picture drawn Of babyhood, in all the loveliness Of dimpled cheek and limb and linsey dress. The bough-filled fire-place and the mantle wide, Its fire-scorched ankles stretched on either side, Where, perchance upon its shoulders neath the joists The old clock hiccoughed, harsh and husky-voiced; Tomatoes red and yellow, in a row, Preserved not then for diet, but for show ; The jars of jelly, with their dainty tops ; Bunches of pennyroyal and cordial drops ; The flask of camphor and vial of squills, The box of buttons, garden seeds and pills. And thus the pioneer and helpsome, aged wife Reflectively review the scenes of early life." The clothing of the early settlers was simple, being usually en- tirely of home manufacture. The supply brought with the family into the new country was made to serve until flax could be raised from which to make more. It was with difiiculty that sheep could be kept, owing to the prairie wolves; but after sheep had been in troduced and flax and hemp raised in sufiicient quantities, it still remained a difficult task for the women of the household to make cloth and fashion clothing for the entire family. Flannel and lin- sey were woven and made into garments for women and children, and jeans for the men. The wool was usually colored with wal- nut or some other kind of bark; or else black and white wool mixed made "pepper and salt" cloth. Every household was a factory in which every branch of clothing manufacture was carried on — card- ing, spinning, weaving, cutting and sewing. Before carding ma- chines were introduced all the wool used was carded by hand on cards about four inches wide and eight or ten inches long. Flax, after being dried, broken and "scutched," was spun on a small wheel, worked by a treadle, such as may now be seen once in a while among the lumber of an ancient garret. Tow and linen cloth was worked into shirts and dresses, or pantaloons for summer wear. Tow, the coarse part of flax, formed the filling of the cloth, the strong linen threads being the warp. A tow and linen shirt was not a thing of beauty, and it had a tendency to irritate the skin, but the boys of that day were satisfied with it. & \ -'^U> CHAPTER II. SCIENTIFIC. Geography and Topography. — Geology. — ^Zoology. Steuben is smaller than a " model" county of sixteen townships, such as is frequently the size of the new counties in the West made by legislators with the aid of a map and pocket rule. It comprises six whole and six fractional congressional townships, or scarcely more than ten townships altogether. The county lies just in the northeastern corner of Indiana, and is bounded as follows : On the north by Branch and Hillsdale counties, Mich., on the east by Hillsdale County, Mich., and Williams County, Ohio; on the south by De Kalb County, Ind., and on the west by Lagrange County, Ind. The county contains the usual physical characteristics of the Northwestern States, having a gently rolling surface, originally covered with hard-wood timber. It is situated on the "divide" between the tributaries of the Mississippi and those of Lake Erie. Within the borders of Steuben County are between sixty and seventy clear water lakes, most of them having gravelly or sandy bottoms and fine beaches, and it is safe to say that no county in the Northwest offers greater advantages to the sportsman or to the weary city family seeking rest from their hot and dusty homes. All that this county needs is advertising. But one lake in the county has ever been adver- tised to any great extent, and that is hardly known outside of Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. That is Pleasant Lake, which for two or three years past has attracted a large number of persons, and become a favorite resort of excursionists. Owing to the scarcity of hotel accommodations, very few have remained more than a day or two, but if plans recently formed be carried out it will doubtless become in the course of a few years a popular place for summer gatherings. The village of Pleasant Lake is situated between two bodies of water — Pleasant and Long lakes. It is proposed to dredge the channel connecting these lakes with Golden, Hogback and Silver, thus enabling steamers to pass from (252) 'V HISTOKY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. 253 one to another with perfect freedom. The shores of all these lakes are quite bold and afford many beautiful sites for the build- ing of cottages and club-houses. All of these bodies of water are plentifully stocked with fish, such as pickerel, black bass, rock bass, perch, etc. Disciples of Kimrod can find no better place for their sport than in this vicinity, game such as ducks, quails, etc., being very plentiful. Six miles southeast of Pleasant Lake is Fish Lake, which has the reputation of containing as fine specimens of the finny tribe as can be found anywhere. Being situated several miles from a railroad, it is not so well known as many other lakes, but in case a railroad is ever completed on the Canada Southern grade, it would doubtless be within about two-hours ride of Toledo, and five ot Chicago. There are many beautiful building places on its banks, all of which will be utilized sometime when the communi- cation with the outside world is improved. In the extreme northeastern corner of the county is situated Clear Lake, which, next to Pleasant, is the best known of any ot the lakes of the county. It is situated two and a half miles from Ray station, on the Fort Wayne branch of the Lake Shore Road. There has been some talk of building a railroad from the nearest point on the Lake Shore, but the prospect has seemingly been abandoned. Lake George, situated near the village of Jamestown, part of the lake being in the State of Michigan, is a favorite resort for parties who desire to spend a few days camping out and fishing. The water is clear, and experienced anglers claim to have better luck here than at any other place. Of all the lakes in the county, James and Crooked are the largest, and were they nearer a railroad, would present unrivaled attractions; and, as it is, they will doubtless within a few years have their banks dotted with summer residences and club-houses, negotiations having already been entered into by Fort Wayne parties for the purchase of building sites on the banks of Crooked Lake. Of the dozens of lovely lakes in the county, it is probable that, all things considered, Lake Gage, eleven miles northwest of Angola and five miles from Orland, presents the most attractions and never fails to excite the unqualified admiration of visitors. Being surrounded on every side but one with high gravel banks and entirely free from marshes, it presents an appearance which can find few equals anywhere. "71 s »~ ^^ ©Pv^ A, v> 254r HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. There are many other bodies of water in the county deserving of note. The water found in these lakes is remarkably free from mineral matter. A few years ago the State Geologist made an analysis of the water in Lake James, and in an imperial gallon found only ten and one-half grains of mineral substance, there being of bicarbonate of lime seven grains; iron, alumina and silica, two and one-tenth grains, and magnesia one and four-tenths grains. From the bottom of any of the lakes, water may be drawn in the middle of summer with a temperature of fifty degrees Fahrenheit. The ancient shores of many of these lakes are composed of carbonate of lime, which is of a creamy tint, almost white. The water area of these lakes is constantly diminishing, thus adding to the agricultural surface. The carbonate of lime is due to or- ganic matter, since it contai ns only a trace of oxide of iron, and the discoloration disappears when it is burned. At one time this chalk was in common use for the manufacture of quick-lime, for which purpose it answers very well. Samples of this fresh-water chalk have been collected from various localities by members of the geological survey corps. An analysis of a sample taken from section 4, township 37, range 13, resulted as follows : Water at 212° F , . 8.00 per cent. Carbonic Acid and Combined Acid 41.50 " Insoluble Silicates .30 " Oxid of Iron, a trace Alumina 1.50 " Lime , 45.36 " Magnesia 3.42 " Sulphuric Acid , 10 " Phosphoric Acid 38 " Total 100.56 " A heavy deposit of lime or marl lies along the west margin of James Lake, and in the early settlement of the region it was worked for lime for making mortar, the pits being still visible. Aquatic plants are now encroaching on the water in almost all di- rections, which give the margins a marshy appearance. Coal has been discovered in one or two places in Steuben County, and indications exist in other localities; but it is not likely that much can be found in the way of mineral wealth. The State Geologist says in regard to coal and petroleum in this county that _J^Q- ^ HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. 255 coal was brought down here in the early drift period by the ice along with the boulders and material that now enrich the soil. Beneath bituminous shales and deposits of the Devonian age there is often found a small quantity of petroleum which oozes out, but after a time is exhausted and ceases This is the case in all counties in Northern Indiana. He pronounces such discoveries as have been made here to be of no economic importance whatever. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTUKE OF STEUBEN COUNTY. BY T. J. SANDEBS, A. M. Having in mind the thousands of pupils who receive instruction in the excellent schools of Steuben County, and conscious that the greater part of those who have come to maturer years are unac- quainted with the subject of general geology, I desire, in the first place, to describe the formation of the world as a whole and give such an account of the great periods of the earth's history that we may be able to find our place in that history, and thus, as in locating a place upon a map first, we may be the better able after- ward to study it more satisfactorily and understandingly. Indeed, without this method of procedure, all our ideas are vague and the entire work unsatisfactory and unscientific. Omitting the nebular hypothesis, which assumes the earth, to- gether with all our bodies of the solar system, to have been in primeval times in the form of an incandescent gas of incompre- hensible dimensions, and the second step derived from the former, through long cycles of whirling motion, radiation, and condensa- tion, the liquid or molten earth, with its wonderful processes of crust formation, we begin oar brief description with the process of ROCK-FOBMATION. The first or original rock is what was first formed as a crust, igne- ous rock, rock without form or strata — a mere slag. The earth, losing heat by radiation and becoming smaller, the crust, in ac- commodating itself to the smaller sphere, must necessarily rise in some places and sink in others, just as by the shrinking of an orange the rind becomes wrinkled. Then the water, having been previously formed as the result of the great world formation, the residue, the ash-Aeap of the great conflagration, obeying the law of gravity, is gathered together into the depressed areas and thus the dry land, or rather the dry rock, appears. \ lW 256 HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. Now, by the action of winds, rains, waves and the various chem- ical and mechanical agencies, tlie exposed rock is decomposed, carried to the sea, and deposited in horizontal strata, which, in process of time, becomes stratified rock, jnst as is being done at the mouths of the rivers and the beach and bottom of the oceans of to day. BASEMENT EOCK. From the. preceding, we may conclude that there is everywhere beneath the waters and soil of the earth's surface a basement of rock, sometimes called hed-rock. The outcropping of rock above the surface, the rocky bluiFs forming the sides of many valleys, the ledges projecting from the sides of mountains, and the cliffs of the sea-shore are portions of this rock exposed to view, Now, the various strata which compose the stratified rocks of the globe, with their included fossils, are the leaves of that great book which unfolds to us the history of the earth through its incomprehensibly long periods of time. Tlie lowest strata, of course, furnish us the first chapter in that history. In no part of the earth's surface is the record complete, but all have their long blanks — periods in which no strata occur. This is caused by the elevating of the crust above the waters of the ocean, and, when this is continental, ■fim& is appended to the chapter and the history of the rocks is finished forever. In North America we have an excellent example of the unfold- ing and development of geological hist A gj:s. OF THE GLOBE. K O CKS. PERIODS. or STEUBEN C0UHT7. ROCKS. iW ^ Pv ■^ 258 HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. THE DEVONIAN FORMATION * So named by Sedgwick and Murchison from Devonshire, Eng- land, where it occurs well developed and abounds in fossils, and its age, the Age of Fishes, so called because in it the first known fishes are found, is in no part of the county exposed to view, neither has it been reached in the sinking of wells; hence all our knowledge of it must be gained from exposed areas and sections in other localities. Omitting the rock formation, because completely hidden from view, we come to the study of that wliich is apparent to all, that in which the farmer plows, upon which our wagon roads and railroads are builded, and upon which we all depend for our daily bread — the immense superincumbent mass of soil known as DRIFT. The farmer boy, as he walks over the meadow with its carpet of green and wanders beside the babbling brook, or, as with sturdy hand he turns the grassy sward, uncultured though he be, asks himself the question, "From whence came all this that is spread out so beautifully around me ? These huge stones which I see ly- ing upon the surface or imbedded within the soil, how came they here? Do they grow? 'The hills, rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun,' how were they formed? and what is their history?" Ah ! If they could speak and tell us what scenes they have witnessed, the story would be of far more interest than that of Belzoni's mummy, for it could tell us of the world not merely as it was " three thou- sand years ago," but stretching far back into the illimitable past, they could tell much of the Creator's plans in fitting up the earth as the abode of man. All soil, with the trifling exception of the thin stratum of vege- table mold that covers the ground in many localities, is formed from the disintegration of rocks. Now, there are two great classes of soil, to one of which every kind of soil may be referred, that is, soil formed m situ — in the place where found — and that which has been transported, when formed, to places more or less remote from the parent rock. It is to the latter of these that our soil belongs and hence that which we wish to treat. * For a description of the rocks of this age, and also of its Life-System, both animal and vegetable, the reader is referred to the three excellent works of Prof Dana, the " Geological Story," the " Text-Book," and the" Manual," the masterly work of Prof. Le Conte, and to the many and valuable Geological Reports of Ohio and Indiana. ■^' >> HISTORY OF STEUBEN COUNTY. 259 Strewed all over the northern part of North America, over hill and dale, over field and plain, covering alike, in places, all the country rock to a depth of thirty to three hundred feet, thus largely concealing them from view, and extending in general from the Kocky Mountains eastward, and southward to the fortieth parallel of latitude, is found this peculiar surface soil or deposit. It consists of a heterogeneous mixture of clay, sand, gravel, pebbles, sub-an- gular stones of all sizes, un sorted, unsifted, unfossiliferous. The lowest part lying in immediate contact with the subjacent rock is often a stiff clay including sub-angular stones; hence this is often called the boulder clay or hard pan. ''These included boulders," says Prof. Geikie, "are scattered higgledy-piggledy, pell-mell, through the clay so as to give the whole deposit a highly confused and tumultuous appearance." On examining many of these stones, they will be found to be angular in shape, but the sharp corners and edges are invariably smoothed away, their faces will be smoothed and frequently grooved with parallel scratches. Indeed in concretionary stones and others having an egg shape, often one whole end has been ground off, showing conclusively its history. On the other hand, lying all over this drift soil, in clusters, in iso- lated rocks, and in belts varying in width from a single line to two or three miles, are found many boulders of all sizes; in some lo- calities they are of huge dimensions and weigh hundreds of tons. These unscratched, or erratic blocks, as they are sometimes called have attracted the attention and excited the wonder of those in the humblest walks of life, and since they are composed of materials foreign to the local geology, were regarded by them as foreigners which had been brought from a distance and strewed over the sur- face or perched upon declivities in some incomprehensible way. It is now very appropriate to investigate the causes for all this phenomena spread out before us. Whenever the underlying rock is of sufficient hardness to retain an impression, and for any cause is exposed to view, it is always found to be plowed and planed and grooved with long parallel striae and ruts. Thus, these scratches, with the superincumbent drift, the boulder-clay, and the surface boulders, furnish for us phe- nomena, the exact counterpart of which is found on a smaller scale in all the glaciated regions of the world to-day — Alaska, Green- land, Switzerland, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the Antarctic continent. Given identical phenomena, we must conclude there was an identical cause. Given identical phenomena in the one