UTHERN fEXA ?l TEXAS CITY Three years ago practically unknown TODAY ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST PORTS COPYRIGHT 1913 H. H. STRATTON GALVESTON, TEXAS Jr. JAN 3 1914 fOR THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM WHICH THM PLATES USED IN THIS BOOK WBRK MADE. WE ABE LARGELY INDEBTED TO HIGBY'S STUDIO OF TEXAS CITY. ©CI.A360581 Scene on 9th Avenue, Texas City Warehouse Wharves, Texas City New Fireproof Pier, where the largest vessels are loaded for all ports of the worl( Mcllvaine Building Station of Texas City Terminal Co. Autos waiting for passengers Lieut. Milling and Lieut. Sherman of the Aviation Corps. U. S. Army, landing in Texas City after a record breaking trip, copyright 1913 Higby's Studio. House cleaning day i" the Second Division of the U. S. Army stationed at Texas City Pierce-Fordyce Million Dollar Oil Refinery Higby's Studio and stock house with a few of the employees. Your picture taken while you wait Sixth Street looking north Hourly passenger boat from Galveston, landing at Texas City ;i^ Citv t;.l» a^ Inrt'i- as Nrw V.>Ti; all its liaiuiy maidens, totctlitr uitli Uicii s« brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, could go bathing on its spacious Beach and still there would be room tor more. Copyright 1913 H. H. S. One of the up-to-ilate barber shops of Texas City. Styhsh hair tuts a specialt\ A Texas City harbor scene \Ji^ -„_-■„ ^ ^.:^M-^iiiii illillliliilililillilll!!!!!!!!'''''''^''' ' Residence of Major General Carter, commanding Second Division V. S. Arnn Residence of C. D. Gustavuh Home of the Texas City Times, the enterprising sheet that dailv chronicles the stirring events in the future metropolis of Texas The Guaranty State Bank Texas City School Building Bu.ird of Trade Building Review of the Second Battalion U- S. Engineers stationed at Texas City Camp of the Fourth Artillery slationt-d at Texas Cil> New arrivals liiseiiibarking at Texas Ci Flock of Texas Sheep led by a couple of Texas City Goats No better Pumpkin Pies are made than those found at the Hotels and Restaurants of Texas Citv within five years Texas City is expected to become the largest cotton port in the world Serf Bathing, Texas City Car of Texas Citv Terminal Co. ^'' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS illilllilllliilililiiiliiilllHI 014 495 541 si'