aass__JtaLL_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSlf Christopher Cokimbus By JOHN S. C. ABBOTT New York Dodd, Mead and Company Publishers THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies ReceivetJ OCT I 1903 Copyright Entry CIL^SS <^ XXc. No ^00 PY 3. Copyright, 1875, BY DODD & MEAD. Copyright, 1903, liY LAURA ABBOTT BUCK. .• .•. ••; »' ' •- • ( ... •:• : - \\ h^ PREFACE. A SERIES of volumes, upon the Pioneers and Patriots of America, would certainly be defective if they did not contain an account of the adventures of Christopher Columbus, the most illustrious of all the pioneers of the New World. Columbus had his enemies. He has been vehemently assailed. The writer has endeavored to give a perfectly correct account of his character and career, and has been careful to present to the reader his authority for every important statement. Many may think that the assaults upon his character do not deserve so much attention as is allotted to them in these pages. But when the reader has seen all that the most determined enmity can bring against him, a more correct judgment can probably be formed of his true merits and defects. John S. C. Abbott, s CONTENTS. CHAPTER 1. Struggles of his Early Life. FAes Parentage and early life — State of the times — Adventures of the sailor boy — His studies- — Personal .appearance — ^Visit to Lisbon — Result of his studies — Rumors of other lands — His high ambition — Application to the Court of Naples — Royal perfidy — His marriage — Departs for Spain — Scene at Palos — Visits the military court of Ferdinand and Isa- bella — Weariness of hope deferred — Conference of the philosophers — The astonishing decision .... 9 CHAPTER n. -- First Voyage, Columbus at Cordova — Power of the feudal nobility — New re- jections — Return to La Rabida — Hopes revived — ^Journey of the prior — Persistent demands of Columbus — Interview with Isabella — The dismissal — The recall — The hour of triumph — Exultant return to Palos — Fitting out the expe- dition — Its character — Departure of the fleet , . .34 CHAPTER III. Land Discovered, The mutinous crew — The gleam of the torch — The account criticised — Landing at San Salvador — Doubts as to the identity of the island — Enchanting scene — Two days on the island — Story of the dead pilot — Traffic with the natives — Their innocence and friendliness — Exploring the island- Uncertainty of the language of signs 57 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. A Tour among the Islands, PAG> Number of islands — The wrong and the reparation — Kind- ness ol Columbus — His description of the natives — The discoveiy of Concepcion ; of Fernandina — Beauty of the scenery — Landing at Exumata — Disappointment of Columbus — Cuba discovered — Exploration of the islands — Manners and customs of the inhabitants 77 CHAPTER V. Romantic Adventures. Religious views — The garden of the king — Desertion by Pinzon — Beauty of the region — Immense canoes — Porto Rico, the island of the Caribs — Hayti — Rich scenery — Terror of the natives — The maiden captive — Communications opened | Account of Peter Martyr — Visit of the chief — Guacanagari — Punta Santa, or Grande Riviere — The shipwreck — Hospi- tality of Guacanagari — Amusements of the natives — The royal dinner party — Life in Hayti — The Caribs — Prepara- tions for the return voyage — The fortress . . 100 CHAPTER VI. The Return Voyage. The Nina meets the Pinta — Rio de Gracia — A fierce tribe en- countered — The first conflict — Peace established — Life at sea — Terrific storm — Vows of the admiral and crew — Dis- tress of Columbus — The parchment and cask — They reach the Azores — Troubles at St. Mary's — Continued storms — Enters the Tagus — Honors at Lisbon — Court intrigues — Reception at Palos — Excitement throughout Spain — Sad Cate of Pinzon — Columbus at the Spanish ourt . . . X30 CHAPTER VII. The Second Voyage. Excitement throughout Europe — The coat-of-arms— Pension ad- judged to Columbus — Ane;;dote of the egg — The Papal CONTENTS. 7 PAGE sanction — Religious zeal of Isabella — Designs of Portugal — The new armament — (I-eneral enthusiasm — Sailing of the fleet — The pleasant voyage-— Electric phenomenon — Cruise through the Antilles — Lost in the woods — Conflict between the boats — Po:to Rico — The Caribbee Islands — The ap- proach to Hayti — The Gulf of Samana — La Navidad reached — Fate of the colony . . ..... 159 CHAPTER VIII. Life at Hispaniola. Statement of Guacanagari — The chief suspected — Escape of the female captive — Gloom at Navidad — Exploring tours — The fleet sail — The city of Isabella founded — Busy scene at the landing — Disappointed expectations — Expeditions of Ojeda — Traversing the plains — Suffering in the colony — Letter to the sovereigns — The slavery question — Testimony of T. S. Heneken — Insurrection of Bernal Dias — Tour to the moun- tains — Vivid description ....... 190 CHAPTER IX. The Coast of Cuba Explored. The fortress of St. Thomas — Extravagant expectations of the Spaniards — The exploring expedition — The arrest of thieves — Commencement of the maritime cruise — The harbor of Guantanamo — Interesting scene with the Indians — Jamaica — Its grandeur and beauty — Naval scene — Events at Santa Gloria — Native canoes — Events of the voyage — Testimony of Humboldt — The decision — The Island of Pines — Speech of the chief — The return to Hispaniola — Incidents of the voyage . 221, CHAPTER X. The Return to Spain^ and the Third Voyage. Arrival of Bartholomew Columbus — Outrages of Margarite — Conspiracy against Columbus — Friendship of Guacanagari — Feat of Oieda — E-n->lavin£i the natives — A bloody battle— 8 CONTENTS. PAOK Despotism of Columbus — Mission of Juan Agiiado— The return to Spain — Weary months of disappointment — Unfor- tunate ebullition of passion — The third voyage commenced — Incidents of the voyage — The administration of Bariholo- mew Columbus — Anarchy at Hispaniola . . . 250 CHAPTER XI. Th( Return to Spain, and the Fourth Voyagi, The revolt of Roldan — Conciliatory proposals of Columbus — Duplicity of Columbus — The expedition of Ojeda — Anarchy at Hayti — The fortresses — Waning of popularity — Bobadilla app/inted commissioner — Measures of Bobadilla — Columbus in chains — His reception by the King and Queen. Prepara- tions for a fourth voyage — The outward voyage — Reception of Columbus at San Domingo — The tornado — He reaches Honduras — Cruise along the coast — Conduct of the Spanish sailore — The settlement destroyed — Escape to Jamaica . sSt CHAPTER XII. The Shipwreck at jfamaica. Exploring the island — Heroic adventures of Mendez — Mental sufferings of Columbus — The meeting of two brothers Porras — Disasters of the mutineers — Piratic march through the island — Mr. Irving's testimony — Anecdote of the Eclipse — Strange expedition of Escobar — Sufferings of the voyage — The Island of Navasa — The narrative of Mendez — Base con- duct of Ovando — Heroism of Mendez — End of the rebellion — Their return . . . . . . . . • 3' " CHA'TER XIII. The Closing Scenes of Life. The crimes of Ovando — Depopjilation of the island — Testimony of Mr. Irving — The rescue — Reception at San Domingo— The sympathy of Columbus for the natives — Sickness and suflFerings of Isabella — Death and burial — Letters of Colum- bus — Visit to the court — Cold reception — His last will — The dying scene — The burial — His character .... 333 Christopher Columbus CHAPTER I. Stn/oror/^s of his Early Lifg. Parentage and early life — State of the times — Adventurjcs of the Sailor Boy — His studies — Personal appearance — Visit t) Lis- bon — Result of his studies — Rumors of other lands — His high ambition — Application to the Court of Naples — Royal Pertidy — His marriage — Departs for Spain — Scene at Palos — Visits the Military Court of Ferdinand and Isabella — Weariness of hope deferred — Conference of the philosophers — "" he astonishing decision. In the magnificent maritime cit\' called Genoa the- Superb, there was born, about the year 1435,'^ a child * The date of his birth is a Vfxata qu cap- tured by pirates, and it was some time before he obtained his release. He then presented his plans. The king eagerly accepted them. Bifi it was too late. Columbus had already engaged in the service cf Isabella — History' of Columbus, by Aaruii Goodrich, p. jS6. FIRST VOYAGE. 43 his mind whether it were worth his while to go to France, and offer his often rejected services there. But as he left the cabinet of the queen, she was greatly troubled. The character of the man. and the grandeur of his views, had produced a profound impression upon her mind. She could not shut out the thoughts he had introduced. As she contem- plated the loss to Spain, should any other court accept his services, and his views prove a realit}', she was exceedingly troubled. It so chanced that just at that moment, Ferdinand entered her cabinet. She expressed to him her solicitude. He replied : *• The ro>'al finances are absolutely drained by this war." Isabella was silent for a moment ponder- ing the question. She then seemed inspired by a sudden and unalterable resolve. With enthusiasm she exclaimed : " I will undertake the enterprise for my own crown of Castile, by the pledge of my own private jewels, to raise the needed funds.* * Mr. Goodrich scouts the idea advanced by the biographers oi iTolum'ius, that the queen was so poor that she had :.■> pawn her jewels to fit out two small vessels for such an enterprise. He says : " Thii story is as ah>i»i-d as many others coined by Ferdinand to embe!lish the history of his fadier. The coffers of >pain were then well hlled. The trea>ury of the queen had received an extraordin uy increase from her perfidious conduct toward the Moors of Malaga, from whom she had obtained millions." — Hiitcty of Cclumbus, tj \aron Goodrich p. I90, 44 CHRISTOrHER COLUMBUS. The day star had arisen upon Columbus ; though looking down, not up, he had not seen it. At thai moment he was toiling along through the sand> having advanced but a few miles on his journey As he was entering a gloomy defile among the mountains, he heard a voice calling behind him Turning his head, he saw a courier approaching in hot haste. The messenger requested him, in the name of the queen, to return. For a moment Columbus hesitated whether to obey the summons. For weary years he had esides, if the latter had thus deceived his crew, it would have ren- iered another of his statements futile. On leaving the Canarie?, he ■Ic^larcd that when they had sailed seven hundred and fifty leagues w^est, ihey should reach land. The false reckoning and 'As diminished distances, in leading the men to believe that they were farther from their destination than the really were, and that the voyage would be prolonged beyond their expectations, would therefore have defeated ^is avowed object." — History of Columbus , p. iq6 56 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. To prevent this, Columbus issued an order that should any one cry out Land ! and land not be dis- covered for three days afterward, he should forfeit all claim to the reward. It is said about this time Columbus entered into an agreement with his crew, that he would abandon the enterprise if land were not discovered within three days. But there is no satisfactory foundation for this statement. It rests upon the authority of Oviedo. Fernando, the son of Columbus, in his minute history of his father, has not mentioned it. It is not alluded to by Bishop Las Casas, who was intrusted with the examination of the papers of the admiral. Neither Peter Martyr nor the Curate of Los Palacios, who were contem- porary historians, have mentioned it *' Fortunately," writes Mr. Irving, " the journal of Columbus, written from day to day with guileless simplicity, and all the air of truth, disproves this fable, and shows that on the very day previous to his discovery he expressed a peremptory determina- tion to persevere in defiance of all dangers and difficulties." * ♦ Irvin^s "Columbus," vol. L p. 159 CHAPTER III. Land Discovered. TTie Mutinous Crew — The gleam of the torch — The account criti cised — Landing at San Salvador — Doubts as to the identity of the island — Enchanting scene — Two days on the island — Story of the Dead Pilot — Traffic with the Natives — Their Innocence and Friendliness — Exploring the island — Uncertainty of the language of signs. Just as the mutinous crew were becoming des- perate, they met with indisputable evidence that they must be in the vicinity of land. Fresh weeds were found, such as are torn from the banks of rocks and rivers. The branch of a thorn tree was picked up, with green leaves and berries upon it. They also found, most encouraging of all, a piece of plank and a staff curiously carved. The Admiral invariably had religious service oc board his ship, where the Vesper Hymn to the Vir- gin was sung. This evening he seemed to be im- pressed with even unusual solemnity. Always grave, sedate, and thoughtful, his spirit seemed to be over- awed by the consciousness that he was on the eve of accomplishing his life long desires. In earnest 3* 5« CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. tones he addressed the crew, reminding them of the protection they had received from God, and assuring tlieni that in his judgment, without any doubt, they Aere approaching the land very near the point at which he had expected to find it. Indeed he as- serted that he thought they would make the land that very night. He ordered a vigilant watch to be kept on the forecastle, and offered, in addition to thr rewards promised by the sovereigns, the gift of a velvet doublet to the man who should first descry the coast. With the night, the breeze increased, and very rapidly the little fleet ploughed the waves. The Pinta was the best sailor of the three, and kept a little head. Sixty-seven days had now passed since the highlands of Spain had vanished beneath the eastern horizon. It was the nth of October, 1492. The tropical night was cloudless and, bril- liant with stars. A gentle and refreshing breeze swept the almost unrippled waters. Intense excite- ment pervaded the hearts of all on board the three ships. Scarcely an e}'e was closed, Columbus took liis stand on the bows of his vessel, and with anxious glance surveyed the horizon. About ten o'clock, he was startled by the faint gleam of a torch, far away in the west. For a mo- ment it burned with a very distinct flame, and then LAND DISCOVERED. 59 ftzddenly and entirely disappeared. His heart throbbed with emotion. Was it a meteor ? Wag it an optical illusion, or was it a light from the land ? As he stood trembling in his excitement, the light again beamed forth, distinct and indisputable. lie immediately called to his side Pedro Gutierrez, one of the most distinguished gentlemen of his compan- ions. He also saw the light. They then called a third, Rodrigo Sanchez, who had been sent on the expedition as the representative and reporter of their Majesties. But the light had again disap- peared. Soon, however, it was again manifest, and Sanchez also saw it. Still it might be a meteor. They could not declare it to be a torch on the land. In the journal it is stated that, " It appeared hke a candle that went up and down ; and Don Christopher did not doubt that it was true light, and that it was on land. And so it proved, as it came from people passing with lighta from one cottage to another." These gleams were so transient that not much importance was attached to them by the ship's com- pany, though Columbus seemed to be sanguine in the conviction that it was light from the shore. The little fleet pressed on for four hours, when at two o'clock in the morning the land was first seen from the Pinta by a seaman, by the name of Rod- ^ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. rigo de Triana. A gun from the Pinta announced the joyful news that land was discovered. Very soon the outline of the land, dark, but clearly defined, was visible from all the ships. The prom ised pension of ten thousand maravedis, to the man who should first see land, was adjudged to Columbus, though many thought it justly belonged to Rodrigo de Triana. Navarette does not seem disposed to admit that the land was discovered by Columbus. He writes : ** The Admiral says that this island, Guanahani or San Salvador, is very flat, without any mountain. How then can he pretend to have seen a torch at ten o'clock at night, at the distance of fourteen leagues, which rose and fell on a flat shore, destitute of ele- vations. Calculating by the table of tangents of the horizon, according to the altitude from which they advanced, and supposing the vision of the observer to be elevated twelve feet above the level of the sea, which is as much as can be supposed when the small- ness of the caravels is borne in mind, the result is that the land must have had an elevation of twenty- two hundred and fifty-four feet above the level of the sea, for its summit or highest point to have beer visible at fourteen leagues' distance. ** How is it that the me" of the Pinta, which was LAND DISCOVERED. 6l in the advance, did not see the light, since they dis- covered land at two o'clock in the morning ? Why did not Columbus shorten sail, and lie to, when at ten o'clock at night, he was certain he was neat land, and as was done \> hen the Piuta sighted it, and as prudence and reason would have required, when we consider the swift sailing of the ships? * Why does he say that at first he saw the light so confusedly that he did not affirm it to be the land, as it would appear but to a few to be an indica- tion thereof; and that he nevertheless afterward hi(d it for certain, and yet took none of the precau- tions which such certainty of opinion would have required? IMi^ht not this have been the binnacle, or some other light, of the Plnta, which was ahead, or of the Xina, which would have been visible at another point of the compass, for he does not inform us in winch direction he saw the light? It might very well have been alternatel)' visible and invisi- ble, according as the ship rose and fell. Those who think that the light seen by Columbus was Wat- ling's Island, in the neighborhood of v^hich he must have passed at ten o'clock at night, have not consid- eretl or traced his route, and seen that, according to this supposition, the rate of sailing, and the situation of that island, he had, at the hour indicated, cr js»sed b2 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. its meridian, leaving it south-east, when he was navigating west.* Tlie remaining hours of the night passed swiftly away The morning dawned bright and beautiful, and revealed to the entranced eye of Columbus a spectacle which Paradise could hardly outii^'al. There was spread out before him a low island, in the richest of tropical luxuriance and bloom. Nature's orchards, lawns, and parks extended in all directions. Multitudes of the nati\'es were seen emerfrinij frorr the woods, and running along the shore, in a state of intense excitement. The\' were all perfectly naked. Wearv as the vowicrers were of caziuix for so manv weeks upon the wild waste oi' waters, the scene opened before them like the enchantments of fairy- land. It is not strange that the\' should have im- agined that they had reached blest realms, whose in- habitants were dwelling in primeval simplicity and innocence. The boats were lowered and manned from each of the caravels. Columbus took the lead, very richl> dressed in scarlet robes, and with Castilian plumes It is said " distance lends enchantment to the \'ie\v.' * Navarette, vol. iii. p. 612 This train of reasoning leads Navi relte to conclude that it was the sailor Rodrigo de Tiiana, or as some call him Juar. Rodriguez Berniejo. on board the /*////<;, \\ ho first sighted the land ; and that he was justly entitled to the rewanl which through favoritism, was conferred ipon Columbus. LAND DISCOVERED, 63 But as they drew nearer the shore, the scene grew more picturesque and beautiful. The dweUings of the natives were scattered throughout the extended groves. The gentle eminences and the valleys were filled with trees of new aspect, and with every variety of foliage. There was an abundant display of flow- ers of gorgeous hue, and such as the adventurers had never seen before. Fruits, of great variety of form, and color, hung from the trees. Columbus speaks particularly of the songs of the birds, which filled the air ; of the pure and balmy atmosphere, and of the crystal transparency of the water. As soon as Columbus stepped upon the shore, he fell upon his knees and gave thanks to God. The sailors gathered around their illustrious leader, with sympathy and penitence for their mutinous conduct. Many wept, kissed his hands, and implored forgive- ness. Those who had been the most mutinous were now the most cringing and sycophantic, for they hoped to receive favors which would enrich and en- noble them all. With imposing religious ceremonies, Columbus planted upon the shore the banner of Spain. In devout recognition of the goodness of God which had guided him thus far, he named the island San Salvador. He then exacted from the companies of the three ships, the oath of allegiance to him, as t4 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Admiral and Viceroy of all the realms upon which he was now entering. The natives gathered timidly around, and gazed awe-struck upon these movements. It is said that when they first beheld the ships, moving apparently without effort, and shifting their enormous wings, they supposed they must be monsters of the deep, or birds who had come on gigantic wing from their aerial homes. When the sailors landed upon the beach, with their glittering coats of mail, their strange attire, and their weapons of war, they fled in terror to the woods. But seeing that they were not pur sued, and that no hostile movements were mani- fested, they slowly began to return. The command- ing stature of Columbus, his lofty bearing, his cos- tume of scarlet, and the deference which was paid him by all his companions, led the natives to regard him with the highest degree of veneration. It is the invariable testimony that the natives generally thought the Spaniards had descended from the skies. One of the chiefs subsequently inquired how they came down, whether by flying or by de- scending on the clouds."^ As the two parties gazed upon each other, the amazement was mutual. The spectacle presented to the Spaniards was fully as extraordinar}^ as that which fc'as opened to the view of the natives. The land- * Herrera, " Hist. Ind.," lib. iv. cap. 5. LAND DISCOVERED. 65 scape, in all its varied aspects, was as novel as if the strangers had been transported to another planet. The trees, the fruits, the flowers, were all different from any which they had before seen. The climate, in its genial yet not sultry warmth, without a chill, and without the sensation of excessive heat, seemed to be perfect. The Eden-like innocence, modesty, and simplicity of the natives excited their wonder and admiration. Their clear golden complexion in represented as beautiful. Their limbs were rounded into forms of symmetry and grace which would have rivalled the far-famed statues of Venus and Apollo. These scenes probably impressed the Spaniards more deeply than the natives were moved, in their superstitious minds, by the spectacle, as they sup- posed, of beings descending from the skies, or rising from the deep. Columbus supposed that he had landed upon an island at the extremity of India. He therefore called the natives Indians. This name has grad- ually extended to all the native inhabitants of the New World. Notwithstanding the almost univer- sally received opinion that the island now called San Salvador was the one upon which Columbus first landed, there are those who dispute that state- ment, and who certainly bring forward some pretty itrong arguments in support of their views. 66 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. The learned and impartial Navarette, whose in telligcnce and integrity no one will doubt, after a careful examination of the Hiary of Columbus, comes to the conclusion that the island upon which he first landed must have been the Great Turk Island ; the largest of the group called by that name. This island is nearly two hundred leagues south-east of San Salvador. He writes : '* From a careful examination of the diary of Co- lumbus, in his first voyage, its courses, descriptions of lands, of islands, coast, and harbors, it appears that this, the first island discovered and occupied by Columbus, and named by him San Salvador, must be the one situated most to the north of those called the Turk Islands, and itself called the Great Turk. Its latitude is twenty-one degrees, thirty minutes." * Some years ago, Mr. Gibbs, who had resided for many years on Turk's Island, presented a paper to the New York Historical Society, in confirmation of the views of Navarette. The following is a con- densation of his arguments. Columbus states in his journal that there wert several islands in sight of Guanahani. When Mr Gibbs visited the island now called San Salvador, he * See " Introduction to the Letters of Christopher Columbus," by R. H. Major, Esq., of the British Museum, publis? i:d by he Londoa Hakluyt Society i8 ^7. LAND DISCOVERED. 67 sent sailors to the mast-head to look for land. But no other island could be seen. He went ashore, and ascended the highest eminence. But the ocean in all directions extended in an unbroken line to the horizon. Columbus speaks of soundings, a little to the eastward of Guanahani. No such soundings can now be found eastward of San Salvador. The Spaniards sailed around the island of Guanahani in one day. This would be impossible at San Salva- dor. All the marks wanting at San Salvador are found at Turk's Island. Columbus describes Guana- hani as well-wooded, and with a great abundance of water. He says there was a large lake in the centre and two considerable streams flowing into the sea. This is not a correct description of San Salvador, but is minutely correct in reference to Turk's Island One-third of its surface is covered with lakes of salt and fresh water. Some of these are still connected with the sea, except when their outlets are tempo- rarily closed by storms choking them with sand. Though the island is now treeless, in former ages it was well-wooded. The remains of ancient forests were plainly seen half a century ago.* Mr. Irving, notwithstanding these statements, after carefully examining the subject, and giving his reasons, in his illustrations of the Life of Columbus, * See " London Athenaeun ," for 1846. 6S CHRISTC>PHER COLUMBUS. comes to the conclusion that San Salvador was the place of the first landing of Columbus. In this opin- ion nearly all modern historians coincide. And here it may be proper to state that Mr. Aaron Goodrich emphatically denies that Columbus is entitled to the credit of being the first to discover the islands of the West Indies. His account of the matter, which he affirms to be sustained by several ancient documents, is in brief, as follows : About the year 1484, eight years before the voyage of Columbus, a Spanish sea-captain, or pilot, as he was called, was sailing from Spain to the Canary Islands. His ship was struck by so fierce a tem- pest from the north-east, that he was compelled to run before it, in a westerly direction, for twenty- eight days. During all that time clouds so inter- cepted the sun that it was impossiMe to take an observation. At length they caught sight of an island, cast anchor, went on shore, and with their instruments accurately ascertained the meridian altitude of the sun. All this the pilot carefully wrote in his log- book. The island was twenty-eight days' sail west of the Canaries. This fact, together with a descrip- tion of the land, led subsequently to the surmise that the island thus discovered was the one now called Hayti or St. Domingo. The pilot, having made LAND DISCOVLRED. 69 this accidental discovery, took a fresh supply of v\ood and water and commenced his return to Madeira, where Columbus at that time happened to be resid- ing. The crew, consisting of seventeen, fell sick, and twelve died. The five survivors reached Madeira, but in a very forlorn condition. They were all suffer- ing from the sickness which had carried off their com- panions. Columbus received them at his house, and carefully nursed them as one after another they died. He listened eagerly to the communications which they made of the new lands they had discovered, and added them to the testimony he had collected, in reference to lands in the west." * He sustains it by the authority of Gomara*s His tory of the Indies, and by the narrative of Garcillasso de la Vega. But, on the other side, Spotorno writes : " As to the idle tale, which was current in Spain, that Columbus had taken the idea of a New World from a pilot of whom a number of talcs were told. I shall not stop to refute it."t We can hardly assent to the statement of Mr. Irving, that if this story can be proved to be true, it would destroy all the merit of Columbus as an origi- nal discoverer4 We are much more ready to assent ■ *' History of Columbus," by Aaron Goodrich, page 164. f Spotorno's " Ilisloria Memona," p. 29. X Irving's " Columbus." Appendix No. ii. 70 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. to the statement of De Ovalle, of Chili, in Lis lela. tion of the kingdom of Chili, that, even if the views of Columbus were confirmed by the statements of these mariners, to whom none others paid heed, it would not detract from the glory of the achievement of the great discoverer.* Neither is it easy to understand why Columbus should have spent so many weary years in the vain endeavor to prove that lands could be found in the west, without giving prominence, or even alluding to the fact, that these realms had been actually visited, and their position ascertained. It is safe to say, that the most reliable historians of Columbus dismiss the story as without foundation. Ferdinand Columbus, one of the earliest of the annalists of his father's career, states that Christo- pher Columbus form.ed his views upon the basis of three pretty distinct lines of argument. The first was drawn from his own philosophical investiga- tions. The second, from evidence which he found in the written or published narratives of voyages and travels. The third was from such testimony as he could obtain from the wild and often abr.urd stories of wandering sailors. The natives, receiving no harm from their strange visitois, became more and more confiding and affec- ♦ See •' Churchiirs Voyages," vol iii. p. 88. LAND DISCOVERED. /I donate. They lavished upon the Spaniards the high- est testimonials of their hospitality. The sailors fearlessly wandered through the groves, devouring the fruit, untasted before, which hung from so many boughs. The testimony seems unequivocal that Columbus was, by nature, a kind-hearted man though, influenced by the darkness of that dark age, he was subsequently guilty of many cruel acts. He completely won the hearts of the natives by the gift of a few glittering beads or tinkling hawk's bells. These articles were regarded by them as of inestim- able value. The beautiful maidens, apparently perfectly modest in their demeanor, would hang these bells around their waists, and dance with delight as they listened to the tinkling music. In the description which Columbus gives of them, he says that they had not the crisped hair of the African, but that it was long, very black, and that it frequently hung down upon their shoul- ders. Only in front were the locks cut off, to pre- ivent their disturbing the vision. Their features were agreeable in expression, with high foreheads and very fine eyes. Their complexion is represented of a bright copper color ; at times it was compared with the golden hue of the coin just issued from the mint. One fact struck the strangers as remarkable : that nearly all the natives they saw were undei 112 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. thirty years of age. There seemed to be no c."5. ^3 cuninavigate the island. In sailing toward the north west he found a very fine harbor, where a hundred ships could ride in safety. Running into this harbor, he landed with z party of men for water. While the sailors were filling the casks, Columbus wandered to a little distance from them, and threw himself upon a grassy mound, in admiration of the scene which surrounded him. " The country," he exclaims in his journal, " is more beautiful than any I have ever before seen.** It was as fresh and green as is Andalusia in the month of May. The trees, the fruit, the herbs, the flowers, were entirely different from those of Spain The natives were exceedingly obliging. They con ducted the Spaniards to the sweetest springs of pure water; assisted them in filling their casks, and aided in rolling them to their boats. Though Columbus saw much to charm his imagi- nation, he was bitterly disappointed in not finding more gold. As it was apparent that he could not expect to obtain any quantity of the precious metal upon the island he was then exploring, he spread his >ails, on the 19th, for another island, which the natives called Saometa. He had inferred, from the signs of the natives, that mines of gold were ther^ , that it v/as the residence of the sovereign chief, O! kii g, of all the surrounding islands, and that che S^ CHRISTOPHER COLUiMBUb. monarch was richly clad *' in garments embroidered >»'ith jewels and gold." They had landed upon the island, but neither monarch nor mine of gold was there. The natives were numerous, the islana was delightful, and the subordinate chief was decked with trivial ornaments. To the excited imagination of Columbus, almost every island appeared more beautiful than those pre- viously visited. Indeed there was much variety in the scenery which was presented. This island was covered with trees and flowering shrubs of exquisite beauty. The interior was rounded into eminences of considerable height. The air seemed to him pecu- liarly balmy, and the fine sand of the beach, which girdled the island, was laved by billows of almost crystal transparency. In the interior he found several fine lakes of fresh water. To the island he gave the name of Isabella, in honor of the queen whose mem- ory he cherished with such loyalty of devotion. Of this island, which is now called Exumeta, he wrote : " Here are large lakes, and the groves about them are marvellous. And here, and in all the islands, everything is green. The singing of the birds is such that it seems as if one w^ould never desire to depart hence. There are flocks of parrots that obscure the sun, and other birds, large and small, of so many kinds all different from ours, that it is wonderful A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. 85 And besides there are trees of a thousand species, each having its particular fruit, and all of marvellous flavor, so that I am in the greatest trouble in the world not to know them ; for I am very certain that they are of great value. I shall bring home some of them as specimens ; also some of the herbs. " As I arrived at this cape there came thence a fragrance so good and soft, of the flowers and trees of the land, that it was the sweetest thing in the world. I believe there are here many herbs and trees which would be of great price in Spain for tinctures, medicines, and spices ; but I know nothing of them, which gives me great concern." '^ Not only the birds, which flitted from bough to bough, were of gorgeous plumage, but the fishes, with which those crystal waters abounded, flashed upon the eye all the gorgeous hues of the rainbow. They rivalled the birds in the brilliancy of their color- ing. The dolphins, especially, which were easily taken, charmed the beholders with the wonderful changes of colors they exhibited. It is quite remarkable that there should not have been found any four-footed animals excepting of a small size There was one resembling a dog, but which never barked. There were also rabbits, and numerous liz- ards: which latter the Spaniards at first regarded * " Primer Viage de Colon." ch. L «6 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUb. svith loathing and dread, as if they were venomous reptiles. They afterward ascertained that they were perfectly harmless, and that their flesh was es- teemed a great delicacy. But gold was the object of search of these dis- coverers. Employing the very obscure language of signs, Columbus was continually inquiring of every chief whom he met, where gold could be found. Either the natives intentionally deceived him, or Columbus, in his eagerness, misinterpreted their lan- guage. They continually pointed to the south, and described, with expressive gestures, a ver^^ large island full of people, and abounding with gold, and which they seemed fond of designating by the beau- tiful term of Cuba, Cuba, Cuba. All on board the ships became familiar with the name which the events of subsequent centuries have rendered so conspicuous. xA.ll were eager to reach the island of Cuba. It was understood that there were large cities upon the island, and that in the harbors there were large ships. It was the latter part of the month of October. The rainy season of the tropics was setting in, accom- panied with dead calms and baffling winds. At mid- night of the 24th of October, Columbus again spread his sails and directed his course in search of the island of Cuba. The canvas, however, flapped A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. S; idlv aeainst the cordage until about noon of the next day, when a dehghtful and favoring breeze sprang up. Saihng in a south-westerly direction, he came in sight of many small islands, where he did not think it worth his while to tarry. He, however, touched at one group, which he called the Isles of Arene, and which was probably that now known as the IMucaras group. On the morning of the 28th of October, the mag- nificent mountains of the Queen of the Antilles hove in sight. Never can the writer forget the emotions he himself experienced, when in the bright rays of one of the most brilliant of tropical mornings, the mountains, the vales, the wondrous foliage and ver- dure, and the apparent boundless expanse of this grandest of earthly isles, opened before him. It was probably not far from the spot upon which Colum- bus stood when the entrancing view first caught his eye. In the most glowing language he describes the grandeur of the mountains, reaching to the clouds, tb.e luxuriance and the bloom of the extended val- le}'S, the bold, forest-crowned promontories, jutting into the sea, the headlands fading away in the far distance toward the north-west and the south-west A beautiful river, on the northern coast of the island. invited the entrance of his ships. Here he cast 88 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. anchor. The water was of such transparency that fishes and the pebbles could be seen at the depth of several fathoms. Smooth white sand paved the oot- tom of the stream, while the banks were coveied with the richest foliage. Columbus landed. As usual, he took possession of the island in the name of the Spanish monarchs, and called it Juan, in honor of Prince Juan, the son of Isabella."^ The river he called San Salvador. The inhabitants observed the approach of the ships, and fled in terror from the appalling phenomenon. Two deserted cabins were found upon the shore. They contained a few fishing implements, such as nets ingeniously woven from fibres of the palm tree, with fish-hooks and harpoons made of bone. One of the little dogs which never bark was running around. The inmates of these huts were rich, according to the savage estimate of wealth. Their palm-thatchcd cabins protected them from wind and rain. Silken grasses supplied them with a soft and even luxurious couch. They needed no clothing. They had but to put forth their hand to pluck the richest fruits from the overhanging boughs. The river supplied them with any amount, and a large variety, of fish. But when we contemplate these people in the light of civilized life, their poverty was extreme. ■ " First Voyage of Columbus," as given by the Hakluyt Society, p. 4 A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDi. 89 The hut they dwelt in, and all its furniture, was worth scarcely the smallest coin of Spanish currency. Columbus ordered that not an article in or around the huts should be taken away. With a boat's rrew he commenced ascending the serpentine and placid river. Exclamations of delight were continu- ally bursting from his lips. '* Cuba ! " he wrote in his journal ; " it is the most beautiful island eyes ever beheld. One would live there forever." As the boat, propelled by the oars of the seamen, ascended the river, vistas of ever-increasing loveli- ness were opening before them. The banks were covered with the gigantic trees of the tropics, while flowering shrubs, scattered profusely here and there gave an Eden-like bloom to nature's fairy garden. There were several villages upon the banks of the river, but the inhabitants, upon the approach of the boat, fled to the mountains. Columbus writes that the houses were more substantial than those which he had before seen. The villages were not laid out in regular streets, but the houses were scattered picturesquely through the groves, like the tents in a military camp. They were neatly built of palm leaves, and were remarkably clean and orderly in the interior. Returning to his ship, the sails were again spread. 90 CHRISTOPHER LOLUi.fBUS. and the voyage was resumed along the coast toward the west. Columbus was still deceived by the thought that he was on the shores of India, and that he was not far from the main land of that vast :ontinent, then so renowned for its opulence and for its vast population. As cape extended beyond cape, and headland beyond headland, far away in the distance, Columbus was continually straining his eyes, in search of the domes and pinnacles of some oriental city. He supposed that Cuba was the far- famed island of Japan. But as he coasted along the shore for three days, and found no termination to the island, he came to the conclusion that he must have already reached the main land of India. They arrived at length at a very imposing head- land, densely covered with palm trees, to which Co- lumbus gave the name of the Cape of Palms. It is supposed that this is the headland which forms the eastern entrance to what is now called the Laguna de Moron. Columbus low invited the two Pinzons into his cabin, to confe* respecting their future course. The three concurred in the opinion that Cuba was not m island, but the main land, extending indefinitely far away to the north. This led Columbus to the opinion that, being upon the main land of Asia, he could not be very far from the renowned A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. 9I realm of Cathay. From the language of the natives, he inferred that there was a great capital on a vast river, not very many leagues to the north. He strug- gled along for a few days against contrary winds, wheUj finding that the interminable coast was still extend- ing before him, and the weather threatening a storm, he turned back, and cast anchor in the mouth of a little river, which he called Rio de los Maries. It was now the 1st of November. There was a small cluster of houses on the bank, beneath a grove of cocoa and palms. With the sunrise a boat was sent on shore. The inhabitants fled in terror. Again, in the afternoon, Columbus made an attempt to open communication with the group of trembling natives gathered upon the beach. There were three Indians on board the 5/. Mary, from San Salvador. Columbus sent one of them, in a boat, to assure the natives of his peaceable intentions. As soon as the Indian arrived within hailing dis- tance of the group, he shouted out to them words oi friendship. It v/ould seem that they understood his language. He plunged into the sea and swam ashore, thus placing himself, utterly helpless, in their power. They received him kindly, listened to his words, and he succeeded so effectually in allaying their fears that before nightfall sixteen canoes, filled with the natives, were clustered around the ships. 92 CHRISTOPIllA OLUMBUS. They brought cotton yarn to sel) ; but Co umbus looked in vain for gold. Not even tlie smallest golden trinket was to be seen. One man had a small piece of wrought silver, hung as an ornament from his nose. Columbus understood these Indians to say that the metropolis of their sovereign was in the interior, at the distance of about four days' journey. He therefore decided to send an expedition, escorting two ambassadors to the royal court. Of these men, whose names were Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, the latter was a converted Jew, who was somewhat familiar with the Hebrew, Chaldaic, and Arabic languages. Columbus thought it not im probable that the Oriental prince might be familial with one at least of these tongues. Two Indians were sent with this delegation, as guides. One of these was from San Salvador ; the other was from the little hamlet on the banks of Rio de Los Maries. The ambassadors were well supplied with trinkets, to defray their expenses by the way, and with more valuable articles as gifts for the sovereign. They were also furnished with a let- ter, expressive of the desire of the King and Queen of Spain to enter into friendly relations with the governments of the East. The ambassadors were instructed to gain all the information in their power A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. 93 respecting the country through which they were to pass, and its inhabitants. Six days were allowed for the journey. While waiting for the return of the embassy, Columbus was busily employed in repairing his ships, and sending out exploring parties into the region around. He himself took a boat, and was rowed up the river about six miles. Here he landed, and climbed a bluff which gave him quite a commanding view of the prospect around. Nothing, however, was to be seen, as far as the eye could extend, but a dense mass of the most wild and luxuriant foliage. He sought in vain for those spices and drugs which were deemed of great value in the marts of Europe. Occacsionally he met with the natives, and exhibiting to them pearls and gold, inquired where such could be found. But the replies he received, by words and signs, were only bewildering. The natives seemed to describe nations, whose people had but one eye, others who had the heads of dogs, others who were cannibals, cutting the throats of their vic- tims, and sucking their blood."^ Great as was the disappointment of Co'umbus in failing to obtain gold, he could not refrain from con- stant exclamations of delight in view of the charm- ing scenery which surrounded him. It is said that * " First Voyage of Columbus/' as given by Navarette. «^ CHRISTOPHER CJLUMBUS. during this short tour uj one of the most oeautiful rivers of Cuba, he saw the natives one day baking in the ashes a small bulbous root about the size of an apple. They used it as food. It was mealy, and very palatable, and was called by them, batatas. This bulb has since become an indispensable ar^ tide of food throughout the whole civilized world. The discovery of the potato, of which Columbus thought nothing, has proved of more value to the human family, than if he had discovered a moun- tain of solid gold. On the 6th of November, the ambassadors returned. All crowded eagerly around them, to listen to the story of their adventures. The narra- tive was not very encouraging. After travelling about thirty miles, through a forest path, they came to a little hamlet, of about fifty huts, similar to those they had already seen, but a little larger. They probably greatly overestimated the population of the village, in judging it to amount to a thousand souls, which would be twenty for each hut. The natives received them kindly, seated them upon blocks of wood fantastically carved, and regaled them with fruits and vegetables. The learned Jew tried all his languages upon them, but in vain. Their Indian interpreter attempted a speech. How far it was understood cannot be A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. 95 knoiVB ; but at its close, the natives gathered around the white men, with renewed manifestations of aston- ishment and ahuost adoration. They examined theii clothes, passed their hands over their skin, and seemed to regard them in all respects as superior beings. All the natives they had met with before, were apparently upon an equality. Here, for the first time, they saw indications of a diversity of rank. There was one among them, who was recognized as a chieftain of some authority. But there was no gold here; there were even no rich spices to be found. The envoys decided that it was in vain to push their explorations any further. They therefore returned to the ships. According to their representation the whole pop- ulation of the village wished to accompany them. This honor they declined, but took with them one of the principal men and his son. *' On their way back," Mr. Irving writes, *' they, for the first time, witnessed the use of a weed, which the ingenious caprice of man has since converted into a universal luxury, in defiance of the opposition of the senses. They beheld several of the natives i^oiiig about with fire-brands in their hands, and cer- tain dried herbs which they rolled up in a leaf, and lighting one end, put the other in their mouths and continued inhaling and pufifing out the smoke. A 9^ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. roll of this kind they called * a tobacco,' a name shxc transferred to the plant of which the rolls were maJe. The Spaniards, though prepared to meet with wonders, were struck with astonishment at this siv- gular and apparently nauseous indulgence." * The envoys gave a glowing account of the beau;/ and fertility of the region they had traversed, and of the friendUness of the people. The inhabitants were very social, and seemed to be harmonious and happy in their intercourse with each other. Their villages consisted of a few houses clustered together, each with a well-cultivated garden of Indian corn, potatoes, and other vegetables. There were also con- siderable fields of cotton. This they twisted into cord, of which they made nets and very tasteful hammocks. The luxuriant groves were filled with birds, many of brilliant plumage; and water-fowl, in great variety floated upon the lakelets. But no tidings could be gained of any inland city, or of any precious metals. Columbus was greatly disappointed, though he seemed to be travelling through an enchanted region, full of fairy beauty and novelty. it cannot be denied that Columbus was a vision ary man ; and his enthusiasm led him to believe, upon very feeble evidence, whatever he wished to believe * Irving's " Columbus," vol. i. p. 195. A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. ^ 97 He understood the Indians, with whom he was tarry- ing, during the absence of the envoys, to intbrm him that, far away to the eastward, the re was a very pop- ulous island, a district where the people found, by torch-light, gold on the river banks, and that with hammers they wrought it into bars. The tropical summer was rapidly passing, and the winter season, with often chilly nights, was approaching In south- ern Spain, Columbus was accustomed to seasons almost as mild as those of Cuba. Thus far he had found no place which suited his views of establishing a colony. He had no thought of founding merely an agricultural settlement, but wished to find some pop- ulous and opulent region, where he could establish lucrative commercial relations, and freight his ships with oriental merchandise, which would enrich him- self and his patrons, and which would astonish his countrymen. But thus far, he had met with but naked savages, living in frail huts of the most primitive simplicity, and, with the exception of here and there a small bit of gold as an ornament, the most valuable corrmo dity he had found, to take back to Spain, was a lim ited quantity of coarse cotton yarn. Columbus gave the name of Mares to the nver where he had cast anchor. From that place he took with him several natives, choice specimens of beauty S giS CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ind intellectual brightness, to convey to Spain, that he might teach them the Spanish language, and that they might serve as interpreters in future voyages. We know not whether they consented to this, oi were kidnapped. He selected young men of fine proportions, and beautiful girls. The amiability and docility of the natives led Columbus to believe that they could easily be converted to the Christian faith. Peter Martyr gives the following account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of Cuba. *' It is certain the land, among these people, is as common a possession as the sunlight and the water. The words ' mine and thine,* the seeds of all misery, have no place with them. They are content with so little that, in so large a country, they have rather superfluity than scarceness; so that they seem to live in a golden world, without toil. Their gardens are open, not intrenched with dikes, divided with hedges, or defended with walls. They deal fairly one with another, without laws, without books, and without judges""^ It is manifest that this description must be re- ceived with some grains of allowance. The inhabi- tants of the new world were found with murderous weapons of war in their hands. Many of them bore marks of severe wounds, received on the battle-field * Peter Martyr, decade i. book 3 A TOUR AMONG THE ISLANDS. 99 And they gave vivid accounts of marauding bands, desolating islands with robbery and death. We do nowhere find angelic society among the fallen sons of men.* * "There are some apparent contradictions in the scenes which Columbus describes. These diverse statements are sometimes doubtless to be referred to the different localities visited. Bat this does not fully explain the discrepancy. In one case he says that^ ' They neither carried arms nor understood such things. Their darts were without iron, but some were pointed with a fish's tooth.' It is true that these darts might have been used simply for hunting or fish- ing. " — Life of Columbus ^ by Arthur Helps, p. 100. LofC. CHAPTER V Romantic Adventures, Religious views — The Garden of the King — Desertion by Pinzon— Beauty of the region — Immense canoes — Porto Rico, the island of the Caribs — Hayti — Rich scenery — Terror of the natives— The Maiden Captive — Communications opened — Account of Peter Martyr — Visit of the chief — Guacanagari — Punta Santa, ot Grande Riviere — The Shipwreck — Hospitality of Guacanagari— Amusements of the natives — The Royal Dinner Parly — Life in Hayti — The Caribs — Preparations for the return voyage — The Fortress. So far as it was possible to ascertain the religious views of the natives, it seems that they had a vague behef in the immortality of the soul. They imagined that, after death, the spirit of man went to the dense forests and craggy mountains, and that, immuied iji caves, it was supernaturally fed. The echoes, often heard from the mountain cliffs, they supposed to be the answering voices of departed souls. On the I2th of November, 1492, Columbus turned his course to the south-east, retracing his passage along the coast of the island. It is supposed that Columbus had sailed a distance of nearly two-thirds the length of Cuba. A few more days* sail would ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. 101 have brought him to the western extremity and would thus have disabused him of the idea that he had reached the continent. For two or three days he skirted the coast, with- out making any delay to explore the interior. A gale of wind rendered it necessary for him to run into a harbor, to which he gave the name of Puerto del Principe. Here, as usual, he erected a cross, and took formal possession of the country in the name of his sovereigns. There were many small and very beautiful islands in the vicinity, which he explored in his boats, and which subsequently became known by the poetical name of El Jardin del Roy, or the Garden of the King. To the gulf or bay, which these islands adorned, he gave the name of Nuestra Senora. Dense forests covered these picturesque mounds, emerging from the ocean. The intricate channels and solitary coves of this lovely region in after years became infested with pirates, who in- flicted woes upon humanity which demons might blush to perpetrate. On the 19th of November. Columbus again spread his sails, designing to reach an island about sixt) miles to the eastward, to which the natives gave the name of Babique. In his frail little vesse he strug- gled for twenty-four hours against adverse winds and a rough sea. It would seem as though, through I02 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. some evil destiny, man is doomed ever, in whatever enterprise, to contend with difficulties, disappoint- ments, and innumerable adverse influences. Martin Alonzo Pinzon, commander of the Pinta, was a man of wealth, and an experienced seaman. He had furnished large funds for the enterprise, and was not disposed to look upon Columbus as, in any respect, his superior. The admiral was a man of kingly bearing and assumption. It is probable that, for some time, antagonistic views had been rising between them. Columbus put about ship, to return to the harbor, and signalled to the other vessels to do the same. Pinzon paid no heed to the signal. Abandoning the two other ships, he apparently de- cided to enter upon a cruise on his own account. When the morning of the 2ist dawned, the Pinta was nowhere to be seen."^ Columbus was greatly disgusted. He feared that it was Pinzon's intention to hasten back to Spain, with the tidings of the great discovery, and to enjoy * In reference to this desertion, Mr. Goodrich, who loses no op. portunity to assail Columbus, writes, " Many authors can hardly find sufficient vent for their indignation at what they term this desertion on the part of Pinzon. But the latter, who had been one of the chief pro- m:)ters of the scheme, can hardly have been expected to take no other ijart in the exploration save that of following Columbus, to vkora he certainly owed nothing, but who may be said to have owed tim -verything, in the accomplishment of his enterpnse." — Life of Q^ iumbus, by Aaron Goodrich, p. 203, ROMANTIC ADVENTURES lOJ the triumph which the announcement of so glorious an event would surely give him. To pursue the fugitive was useless. Agitated and, desponding the admiral returned to Cuba. On the 24th of Novem- ber he ran into a fine harbor, which he called St, Catherine. It was near the mouth of a river, whose banks were fringed with green meadows of surpass- ing loveliness, interspersed with groves of pines and oaks of majestic growth. He then continued cruising along the coast of Cuba, to the eastward, with scenes of beauty open- ing before him, which elicited continued exclama- tions of rapture. The serene skies, the salubrious atmosphere in mid-winter, the rivers of crystal purity, the harbors as rich in landscape beauty as they were valuable in the security they offered, the luxuriant foliage, the fruit, the flowers, the bird songs, the amiability of the men, the loveliness of the women, elicited rapturous expressions of delight from his pen. In one of the harbors, which he called Puerto Santo, he wrote, in a letter to the Sovereigns. ** The beauty of this river, and the crystal clear- ness of the water, through which the sand at the bottom may be seen ; the multitude of palm-trees of irarious forms, the highest and most beautiful that I have met with, and an infinity of other great and gieen trees, the birds, in rich plumage, and the ver- £04 CHRISTC>PHER COLUMBUS. dure of the fields, render this country, most serene princes, of such marvellous beauty, that it surpasses all others in charms and graces, as the day doth the night in lustre. For which reason I often say to my people that, much as I endeavor to give a complete account of it to you r majesties, my tongue cannot ex- press the whole truth, nor my pen describe it. And I have been so overwhelmed at the sight of so much beauty, that I have not known how to relate it." Some of these trees were of such enormous mag- nitude that the natives would dig out, from a single tree, a canoe of sufficient size to carry one hundred men. Sailing slowly along, Columbus reached the extreme eastern end of the island on the 5th of December. As he regarded this as the most easterly cape of the continent of Asia, and consequently the first point of the main land to be reached in coming from Europe, he named the cape Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Columbus was in much perplexity as to the course he should pursue. The Indians gave marvellous accounts of Barbique, and, guided by their directions, he sailed from the end of Cuba toward the east, when he discovered, in a south-easterly direction, high mountains towering above the horizon. But when the Indians on board his ship saw him sailing toward it, they thought it the island of the Caribs, and were ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. IO5 terrified They implored him not to go, assuring him that the inhabitants were ferocious and cruel in the extreme ; that they killed and devoured all their prisoners. This proves conclusively that these Islanders partook of the common characteristics of fallen humanity, and that sin, with woe as the con- sequence of sin, had reached their shores.* The atmosphere of the tropics is so wonderfully pure, that objects at a great distance can be seen with wonderful distinctness. Columbus was ap- proaching the beautiful and magnificent island of Hayti. God has created this island one of the most lovely spots of our planet. Man has converted it into as gloomy a theatre of crime and woe as can be found anywhere on the surface of our globe. The towering eminences pierced the clouds. • 1 heir sides were covered with luxuriant forests. From the base of the mountains verdant plains and valleys, with groves of fruit trees and parterres of flowers, swept down to the ocean. Columns of smoke, * The island inhabited by the renowned Caribs was the one now known as Porto Rico. Columbus writes : " A people dwell there w\n) are considered, by the neighboring islanders, as most ferocious 1 hey feed on human flesh. They have many kinds of canoes, in which they cross to all the surrounding islands, and rob and plunder wherever they can. They use bows and javelins of cane ; with sharp- ened spear-pomii on the thickest end. By the other Indians they are regarded with uz. bounded fear." — Se/^c/ Letters of Christopher Colum- bus, p 14. I06 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ascending through the foUage, gave evidence that the region was crowded with inhabitants. It was subsequently ascertained that the island was about four hundred miles in length, and, at its centre, one hundred and fifty miles in breadth. It contained nearly thirty thousand square miles, being about the size of the State of Maine. Nearly the whole of this imperial island was recently offered our country as a free gift. But Congress rejected the offer. In the evening of December 6th, Columbus entered a harbor, near the western end of the island, to which he gave the name of St. Nicholas. It is so called still. The region was of Eden-like beauty. There were majestic groves, and trees loaded with fruit. On one side a green and luxuriant plain extended into the interior, through which a river of pure water meandered, flowing down from the moun- tains. There were many canoes upon the shore, and picturesque villages were discerned on the smooth sward beneath the shade of the trees. But the natives, as if conscious that the greatest foe they had to dread on earth was their fellow-man, had all fled. Leaving this harbor, without gaining access to the people, they slowly coasted along the shore toward the east, gazing with delight upon the moun- tains and the sweeping plains. One of the deep and broad valh^ys which opened before them, appeared ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. IO7 to be in a high state of cultivation. They entered a fine harbor, which Columbus named Port Concep- cion, but which is now known by the name of the Bay of Moustique. Here another beautiful river meandered through the garden-like region. The waters of the bay and of the river were swaiming with fish of great variety. They took large numbers with their nets. Some were found almost precisely like those in Spain. There was one bird who3e warbling, strongly resembling that of the nightingale reminded them of the groves of their native Andalu sia. These incidents led Columbus to call the island Hispaniola, or Little Spain. The French subse- quently called it St. Domingo.* A detachment of six men, well armed, accompa- nied by Indian interpreters, was sent into the interior to open, if possible, some communication with the natives. They found houses, villages, and gardens ; but not an Indian could be seen. The affrighted * Columbus, in his letter to the court, says: " Hispaniola is great- er than all Spain, from Catalonia to Fontarabia. One of its four sides I coasted, in a direct line from west to east, 540 miles. There is one ';.ri;p town, of vhich I took possession, in a remarkably favorable spot I ^ rdt red a fortress to be built there, in which I left as many men as 1 ih'tught necessary ; and engaged the favor of the king in their behalf, to a degree which v, ould haraiy be thought credible. The people are so amiable and friendly, that even the king took a pride in calling me his brother." — See Select Letters of Colutnbus, issued by the Hal- luyt Society, p. 13 slightly abridged. I08 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS natives had fled to the inaccessible cHfifs of the moun- tains On the I2th oi December Columbus erected a cross, and took possession of the island with as im- posing religious rites as the occasion could afford. During the tarry in this harbor, some of the sail- ors, who were rambling about, fell in with a small party of islanders, who fled like deer. The sailors pursued. Seeing a beautiful young girl, of about eighteen years and graceful as a fawn, but who was unable to keep pace with the more athletic runners, they united in the chase, and succeeded in capturing her With great exultation they brought their fas- cinating prize to the ships. Columbus received the maiden with parental kindness. He loaded her with presents, and deco- rated her person with the little tinkling hawk's bells, which had for the natives an indescribable charm. There were several native women on board the ad- miral's ship. They soon, with their assurances, restored peace to the mind of the young captive. In an hour she appeared to be entirely at home, and vvas so well pleased with her reception that she was 1 lite indisposed to return to the shore. The only ornam.ent which this beautiful Indian girl wore, when taken, was a ring of pure gold, sus- pen Jed from the nose. Columbus was quite excited ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. IO9 by the sight of the precious metal. It was strong evidence that gold could be found upon the island. The admiral clothed the maiden with some of the robes of civilization, and sent her on shore, with friendly messages to her countrymen. Several of the crew accompanied her, and three Indian inter- preters. Her village was far inland. The sailors, not deeming it safe to wander among savages, who were reputed to be ferocious and hostile in the extreme, returned to the ship. The happy girl was left to repair to her friends alone. The admiral, confident that her report would awaken only a friendly feeling among the natives, sent, the next morning, a well-armed party of nine men, with a Cuban interpreter, to follow the trail, through the luxuriant tropical wilderness, to the native village. At the distance of about twelve miles they found quite a large cluster of huts, pic- turesquely situated on the banks of a beautiful river. Navarette says that this village was subsequently called Gros Morne, and that it was situated on the banks of a stream which the French called Trois Rivieres, and which empties itself near the Port de Paix. The envoys counted a thousand houses. But not a solitary villager could be found. They had evidently regarded the maiden as a decoy, which no CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS wily and wicked men had used, to lure the natives into their power. The Cuban interpreter followed after the fugitives. When they saw him approaching alone, they advanced to meet him. It would appear that, on all the islands, essentially the same language was spoken. The Cuban gave the terrified natives such an account of the strangers, that some of the more courageous of them, about two thousand in number, slowly ventured back. They advanced^ however, with trembling and hesitating steps. Las Casas says that they were exceedingly graceful in form, and of fairer complexion, and more delicately moulded features, than any of the natives they had thus far seen. Confidence was gradually established. Still the natives, it is said, regarded the strangers as celestial beings, invested with supernatural powers. They were, in their view, armed with thunder and light- ning. Thus the whole multitude of two thousand trembled in the presence of nine celestial visitants. Frequently they would bow low to the ground, pla- cing their hands upon their heads in token of rev- erence and submission. While enjoying this friendly interview, anothei group of Indians appeared approaching. They brought, upon their shoulders, the beautiful captive, decorated with European robes, and with the glitter ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. Ill ing trinkets she had received, more dazzling, in their eyes, than the most precious pearls and gems which ever adorned the brow of a duchess. The Indians conducted the strangers into their houses, and feasted them with their choicest viands. Freely they offeied their guests, as pre-sents, everything they possessed ; tame parrots, fruits, flowers, and richly woven mats and hammocks. The Spaniards returned to their ships, enchanted with the beauty of the country they had traversed, and with the hospitality of the inhabitants. But alas ! there was no gold. It is evident that Colum- bus and his followers were, at that time, in a mood of mind which led them not to see any dark side to the picture. One may truthfully, describe a lovely June morning, and forget that November glooms and chills may succeed, when storms may howl, which shall wreck both earth and sky. Columbus, in a letter addressed to Louis de St. Angel, writes : '' True it is that after they felt confidence and lost their fear of us, they were so liberal with what they possessed that it would not be believed by those who had not seen it. If anything was asked of them, they never said No ; but rather gave it cheer- fully and showed as much amity as if they gave their very hearts. And whether the thing were of great value or of little price, they were content with what 112 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ever was given in return. In all these islands it appears that the men are contented with one wife; but they give twenty to their chieftain or king. The women seem to work more than the men, and I have not been able to learn whether they possess individual property ; but I rather think that what- ever one has, all the rest share." The work to be done must have been exceed- ingly small. There were no clothes to be made or washed ; no carpets to be swept or dusted ; no china to be cared for ; no fires to be built, save for very simple cooking ; the fruit hanging, upon every bough, furnished ample food. Peter Martyr gives an account of the primitive simplicity of these people, which he says he obtained from conversation with Columbus himself. The description he presents of the scenes witnessed in Hayti are hardly surpassed by that which the Apostle John gives as he beheld, in vision, the realms of the blessed. As Columbus continued his explora- tions, he discovered the island of Tortugas, which, in subsequent years, obtained unenviable notoriety ap the head-quarters of the buccaneers, who for so long a time infested those seas. He landed and made a short excursion into the country. Here again the natives fled the approach of theif brother man as they would that of the most raven* ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. II3 ous beasts of prey. Their alarm fires were seen at night, blazing along the heights, to announce to those at a distance the approach of danger To one lovely plain, which opened before the eye of Co- lumbus, he gave the name of the Vale of Paradise. On the i6th of December, at midnight, Columbus left Tortugas to return to Hispaniola. He met, far out at sea, an exceedingly frail canoe, navigated by a single Indian. The wind was high, and the sea rough. It seemed impossible that the boat could be kept above water. Columbus took the man and his canoe on board. Upon reaching Hispaniola, he anchored in the Port de Paix. He then sent the man ashore, having feasted him and loaded him with presents. As was invariably the case, this kindness won kindness in return. The report he carried to the Indians dispelled their fears, and soon friendly inter- course took place. One of the most illustrious chieftains, with his retinue, visited the ship. He was a courteous man, of dignified demeanor. Some of his retinue had small ornaments of gold. They did not seem to attach any special value to the metal, but readily exchanged it for the merest trifle. The more Columbus explored this island, the more was he charmed with its beauty. Its lovely and luxuriant valleys were well watered, and many 114 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. of the most lofty eminences could be ploughed, with oxen, to their summits. One day a young chief from the interior visited him, with quite an imposing dis play. He was borne upon the shoulders of foui slout men, in a highly decorated palanquin. A cor- tege of two hundred natives composed his train. The young man, entirely unembarrassed, and per- fectly familiar with the etiquette of his court, en- tered the tent where the admiral was dining, and took his seat by his side. Two venerable men ac- companied him, and seated themselves at his feet. His two attendants seemed to regard him with religious devotion. They watched every movement. They seized every word, as uttered from his lips, and eagerly endeavored to convey the meaning to the admiral. The prince ate very sparingly, but was careful to see that his attendants were all provided for. After dinner he presented Columbus with a beautiful belt, very curiously wrought, and two pieces of gold. In return he received a piece of cloth, some brilliant beads, and a few other trinkets. Columbus also dazzled his eyes with an exhibition of gold coin, containing the effigies of Ferdinand and Isabella; with silken banners embroidered in gold, and also with the Standard of the Cross. He very earnestly endeavored to convey some idea of the great atoning ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. II< sacrifice, when God, manifest in the flesh, suffered on the cross for the sins of man. A salute was fired from the ships, in honor of the cacique, and he took his leave, departing in the same state in which he had come. Though the natives readily gave away whatever gold they had about their persons, but little was obtained. Again, on the 19th of December, Colum- bus spread his sails, and running along the coast for about thirty-six hours, entered a fine harbor, which he called St. Thomas, but which is supposed to have been that which is now known as the Bay of Acul. The region was thickly populated. The inhabitants had probably heard of the arrival of the strangers, and of their friendly disposition. They manifested no fear, but came off to the two ships in crowds, some in canoes and some swimming. They brought fruits, rich in fragrance and flavor, which they gave away with great generosity. They also readily gave away their golden ornaments, seeming to have no idea of traffic, which constitutes so important a part of civ- ilized life. Columbus refused to take advantage of this won- derful liberality, and issued strict orders that, in every case, some equivalent should be pa'd in return. They anchored in this harbor on the evening of the 20th As the sun was rising on the morning of the [l6 CHRISlOPHER COLUMBUS 22d, an imperial canoe was seen in the distance rapidly driven by the oars over the tranquil sea. It was of immense capacity, and contained the ambas- sador of a sovereign chief, with a large retinue. It ♦vas a beautiful spectacle, as the canoe, with its lofty crest and waving plumes, glided over the placid waters of the bay. The name of this chief was Guacanagari. He was the acknowledged sovereign of all that part of the island. One of the most distinguished members of hih court was sent on this mission to Columbus, bearing a present to the admiral, consisting of a belt of ingenious workmanship, embroidered with beads and ivory, and also a neatly sculptured head, with the eyes, nose, and tongue of solid gold. The ambas- sador delivered a message from his prince, invit- ing the admiral to visit his residence, with the ships. Contrary winds prevented the immediate accept- ance of this invitation. Columbus therefore sent a boat's crew, with one of his officers, to announce his intended arrival. The king resided in a pleasant town, on the banks ot a river which flowed through an exceedingly fertile valley. It was the largest and best built town they had yet seen. The buildings surrounded a public square, which had been swept and decorated, in their best style, for the important occasion From all the region around, the popula. ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. IIJ^ tion was crowding toward the royal village. The hospitality with which the officer and the sailors were entertained, surpassed everything ever known in civilized lands. Ail were received as honored guests, and were literally offered everything the natives possessed, without money and without price. Whatever was given to the natives, they accepted with gratitude, and treasured up as a sacred relic. The Spaniards called the river Punta Santa. It has since been known as Grande Riviere. In the evening of this eventful day, the boat returned to the ships. The wind proved favorable on the morning of the 24th, and before sunrise the sails were again spread. Toward evening the wind died away into a perfect calm. Columbus, who was one of the most watchful and careful of navigators, often spending the whole night upon deck, feeling perfectly secure, retired to rest. The man at the helm, unfaithfully followed his example, and, placing the helm in the hands of a mere boy, fell asleep. The rest of the sailors were also soon slumbering.* * Cclumbus, in the following terms, alludes to th^ shipwreck : ** On the 24th of December, while lying off the coast of Hispanic la, il pleased the Lord, seeing me gone to bed, and we being in a dead calm, and the sea as still as water in a dish, that all the men went tc bed, leaving the helm with a boy. Thus it came to pass that the cur- rent easily carried away the ship upon one of those shoals which, though it was night, made such a roaring nOiSe that it might be heard ft league off." —Letter of Columbus. Il8 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. A strong current, which had not been perceived^ swept the vessel upon a sand-bank. The boy prob* ably fell asleep also ; for, though the breakers struck (he bank with a noise which could be heard at a great distance, he gave no alarm until the keel grated upon the sand. Columbus, who ever slept, as it is said, with one eye open, was the first upon deck. A scene of great confusion ensued. To lose the ship in those distant seas would be an irreparable disaster. The sailors lost all self-possession. Every effort to save the vessel was in vain. Had the sea been rough, probably all would have perished. As it was, the breakers opened the seams, the vessel soon filled, and Columbus, with his crew, was com- pelled to take refuge on board the caravel, Nina^ which was the smallest vessel of the three.* A delegation was sent on shore to inform the friendly chief Guacanagari of the disaster. The vil- lage of the chief was about a mile and a half from the scene of the shipwreck. The sympathy of this kind hearted man was such, that he even wept over their * Mr. Goodrich comments upon the shipwreck in the following terms: " The sheer carelessness and incapacity of Columbus, in thus losing his vessel in a dead calm, are fully demonstrated. We do not wonder he had need of the skill and superior knowledge of Martin Alonzo Pinzon. We are first told that the current carried the ship to the shoal ; then, that th* sea was ebbing so that the ship could not move Thus did the elements combine and change, at his will, thai he m'ght appear blameless in *he disaster." — Lift of Columlus p. 207 ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. 1 19 misfortune. He sent all his people, with every canoe which could be mustered, large and small, to aid in unloading the vessel. The cacique himself, and his brother, worked diligently, both on the sea and on the land. So valuable was this assistance, that nearly all the contents of the vessel were saved. Neither the chief nor any of his men asked anything for their labors. Instead of this, the chief invited all to his village that he might feed and shelter them. A large number of canoes came from a distance, bear- ing crowds of natives, with subordinate chiefs. A wonderful scene of fraternal kindness was presented Though treasures of inestimable value to the natives were accumulated on the shore, not an article was pilfered or lost.* The countenances and gestures of the people indicated heart-felt sorrow for the calam- ity which had befallen the strangers. Columbus, in his journal, writes to Ferdinand and Isabella: *' So loving, so tractable, so peaceful are this peo- ple, that I declare to your majesties there is not, in the world, a better nation nor a better land. They love their neighbors as themselves. And their dis. * " Guacanagari was very careful that nothing should be lost lie himself stood guard over the things which were taken out of the. ship. He put all the effects under shelter, and placed guards around them. The wrecker's trade might flourish in Cornwall ; but, like other crimes of civilization, it was unknown in St. Domingo." -Lifk 9/ Columbus, by Arthur Helps, p. 108. I20 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. course is ever sweet and gentle. And though it is true that they are naked, yet their manners are decorous and praiseworthy." Columbus and all his remaining men were now assembled on board the single caravel, Nina. Gua- canagari had given three houses, as a temporary shel- ter for the rescued goods and for such of the Span- iards as remained on shore. Seeing the eagerness with which the strangers sought ornaments of gold, he exerted himself to have all presented to them which could be obtained. The natives were exceed- ingly fond of dancing. Their childish delight was almost inexpressible, when, having attached the glit- tering and tinkling hawk's bells to their persons, they listened to the musical tones which responded to their movements. Very considerable quantities of gold were brought, in these small trinkets. Any amount which one had would be gratefully ex- changed for a hawk's bell. The admiral was invited to dine with Guacana- gari. He was deeply impressed with the unaffected dignity and refinement which the chief manifested an this occasion. The entertainment abounded with every luxury the island could afford. The king ate slowly and with moderation, like one accustomed to the usages of good society. The attendants served the prince and his guest with great politeness. The ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. 121 30verei£^nt> on the island was hereditary and the people seemed to be deeply impressed with the dig- nity of illustrious birth. After dinner the chief conducted Columbus to the lovely groves which surrounded his truly beau- tiful home. A thousand of the natives, respectfully, and with every mark of affectionate interest, attended them. It did indeed appear like a scene in Eden. Though all were entirely naked, there was not the slightest sign of any indecorum. Several very inter- esting games were performed, by direction of the chief, to amuse his guest, who was evidently much oppressed by anxiety. Columbus endeavored to requite these attentions by the exhibition of a military parade. There was a Castilian on board, a veteran soldier, who could rival William Tell in the accuracy with which he could throw an arrow. These natives were men of peace. They lived upon fruit. They had nei- ther cultivated the arts of war nor of the chase. The Castilian brought to the entertainment his Moorish bow, and quiver of arrows. The chief was astounded in witnessing the force and accuracy with which the steel-pointed and deadly weapon could be thrown. Columbus informed the chief that he had weap- ons of far more terrible power. He ordered a large 6 122 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. cannon to be discharged, directing the ball against a tree at some distance. When they saw the light- ning flash, and heard the thunder peal, and per- ceived the path of the invisible bolt through the forest, crashing and rending the trees, their conster- nation threw them prostrate upon the ground. When they had, in some degree, recovered from the shock, Columbus arrayed all his available force for a military display. His men were marshalled, in bur- nished armor, and with keen-edged, polished swords, which glittered in the rays of the setting sun. They wheeled to and fro, keeping time to the music of the trumpet and the drum ; they performed man- CEuvres as beautiful as they were intricate. With loud yells they rushed forward in the charge. With un- broken ranks they fell back in the retreat. The natives clearly understood that these were all arrangements and movements for deadly war. To their mind it was clear that the Spaniards were invested with supernatural powers, for the destruc- tion of men. The thoughtful must have been per- plexed to decide whether they were angels oi demons. Their power seemed to indicate that they had aid from heaven. But why were they so armed with weapons of destruction, and so skilled in their use "^ They began to look upon their formidable g-aest.s with awe and terror. ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. I23 Gradually Columbus, saddened by the wreck, re- gained serenity of mind. He and his men were liv ing in the luxurious enjoyment of a delightful climate and of delicious fruits. Every day his stores of gold were increasing. The loving-kindness with which the Spaniards were treated by the natives could not well have been exceeded. And to crown all, he. became convinced that there were inexhaustible mines of gold in the interior of the island. The Spanish sailors were quite fascinated with the easy and voluptuous life to which they had been introduced. They had escaped all the cares and toils of civilization. Fruit, of delicious flavor and frag- rance, hung from almost every bough. The rivers and the coast abounded with fish. They spent the day in indolent repose, beneath the shade of the groves; and in the coolness of the evenings the}- en- gaged with the amiable natives in their games, or danced, now to the music of the drum, and again to that of the native bands. In view of these scenes of apparent happiness, so seldom witnessed by the care-worn sons of Adam, Mr. Irving writes : " Such was the indolent and holiday life of tliese simple people ; which, if it had not the great scope of enjoyment, nor the high-seasoned poignancy of pleasure which atte ids civilization, was certainly des« titute of most of its artificial miseries. The venera 124 CHRISTOPHEP COLUMBUS. ble Las Cases, speaking of their perfect nakedness observes, it seemed almost as if they were existing in the state of primeval innocence of our first par- ents, before their fall brought sin into the world. He might have added, that they seemed exempt likewise from the penalty inflicted on the children of Adam, that they should eat their bread by the sweat of their brow." Many of these adventurers had no disposition ever to return to the solicitudes and toils of Euro- pean life. Here they wanted for nothing. Colum- bus was besieged with applications for permission to remain upon the island. It would indeed be very uncomfortable, for so large a crew as that of both vessels united, to be crowded into one small caravel, for the return voyage. This suggested to the admiral to form the germ of a future colony, on the magnificent and beautiful island of Hispaniola. Leaving a small party behind to explore the island, to search out its sources of wealth, and to obtain all the additional gold in their power, he decided to return to Spain with the tidings of his great dis- covery, intending to come back with new ships and reinforcements. Guacanagari had informed him that there were hostile Indians, called Caribs, who occasionally made descents upon Hayti, and carried ofT many captives ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. 125 This furnished an excuse to Columbus for bui.ding a fortress. The natives aided him with hearty good- will. It would afford them a grand protection against the Caribs. He armed the fort with the cannon whicl had been rescued from the wrecked ship. A small garrison was left, with ammunition and sup- plies for a year. No reliable tidings were heard from the Pinta. Columbus thought it very probable that she was lost. In that case but one small shattered bark remained, of the three which had sailed from Palos. Should that be lost, the great discovery would remain unknown. Columbus would be remembered only as a wild enthusiast, who had foolishly thrown away his life. He therefore decided no longer to ex- pose his frail craft to the peril of navigating unknown seas, but to return to Spain. There was no end to the kindness which Guacan- agari lavished upon Columbus. While the admiral was superintending the erection of the fortress, the chief assigned to him the largest house in the vil- lage. The floor was carpeted with ingeniously wo.-en palm leaves, and furnished with seats of pol- ished jet black wood, resembling ebony. Whenever he received Columbus, in his own residence, he met him with the dignity of a monarch, and invariably 126 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. hun^ upon his neck a jewel of gold, or some other valuable present. At one time the chief visited the admiral, ac- panied b\' five subordinate chiefs. Each one brought a present o\ a coronet of gold. Guacanagari had a regal crown, wrought of this precious metal. He took it iVoni his own head, and placed it upon the head of his guest. Columbus, in return, hung a string of brilliantly colored be^ids upon the neck of the sov- ereign, invested him with his own crimson mantle o( finest fabric. ga\'e him a pair oi' colored boots, and placed upon his finger a silver ring, which the natives prized more hii::hlythan gold, as silver was not found upon the island. Columbus became quite elated with the prospect of obtaining a large quantity of gold. He began to regard his shipwreck as an indication of divine favor. He writes in his journal, describing his anticipations at tliat time : *• I hoped that, upon my return from Spain, I should und a ton of gold, obtained in traffic by those I had loft behind : and also mines and spijes dis- covered in such quantities, that the sovereigns, before three \ears. would be able to undertake a crusade for the deliverance of the Holy Sepulchre." Aided by the natives, the fortress, in ten days was erected and its armament placed in position ROMANTIC ADVENTURES 12; Columbus had now such perfect confidence in the natives, that he deemed he had nothing to fear from them. Indeed he considered the fortress mainly necessary to hold his own lawless men in subjection. There was dansfer otherwise, that thev would wander evcr>'where over the island, committing acts of licen- tiousness which might exasperate the inhabitants. He named the fortress The Nativity, in grateful commemoration of the fact that he had escaped from shipwreck on Christmas day. Thirty-nine men were carefully selected to remain in the garrison.* These included a physician, and several mechanics skilful in their various callings. The command was intrusted to Diego de Arana. He was a cavalier, from Cordova, of eminent rank and of commanding powers. A strong boat was left to aid in fishing ; seeds for the culture of the ground, and an abundant supply of articles for traflfic with the natives. The hour for the departure arrived. Columbus assembled the garrison before him, and, in an earnest address, enjoined upon them the duty to treat with the utmost respect and friendship their illustrious benefactor, Guacanagari, and his chieftiins. He • Htips says that they were forty in number, and that among these there were one Irishman and one Englishman. — Life of C^ lumi^us, p. no. Other accounts give thirty- seven, thirty-eight, and thirty- nine. 128 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. urged upon them to be always gentle and just in their intercourse with the natives ; and especially to be circumspect in their treatment of the native wives and daughters. He warned them not to scat- ter asunder, but to keep together. The commander, Arana, was instructed to make every effort to pro- cure gold, to search for mines, and to make him- self acquainted with all the productions of the island. On the 2d of January, 1493, Columbus gave a parting feast to Guacanagari and his chieftains. The whole crew was brought on shore, and his guests were entertained with military evolutions and sham fights. The Indians gazed with inexpressible amaze- ment and awe upon the long, glittering, keen-edged sword. And when the artillery was discharged, and the balls of stone, which were then used, shivered the trees, the thousands of natives, whom the occa- sion had assembled, trembled and rejoiced. They trembled in contemplating such tremendous powers of destruction ; rejoiced at the thought that they no longer need fear the Caribs. The next morning the signal gun for setting sail was fired. Responsive cheers rose from the garrison and the departing crew. A fair wind swept the ship beyond the curve of the eastern horizon ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. 1 29 Through storms and perils the Nina ploughed its way toward Spain. The garrison was left to a fate hereafter to be described.* * The capital of Guacanagari was called Guarico. It is where the village of Petit Anse now stands ; about two miles south-east of Cape Haytien. Punta Santa was probably the present Point Picolet. The fort of the Nativity must have been erected near Plaut du Cap. The locality of the town of Guacanagari has always been known bf the n&me of Guarico. — Letter of T. S. Hemk£n, Esq 6» CHAPTER VI. The Return Voyage, The Nina meets the Pinta — Rio de Gracia — A fierce ^ribe enconc- tered — The first conflict — Peace established — Life at sea — Terrific storm — Vows of the Admiral and crew — Distress of Co- lumbus — The parchment and cask — They reach the Azores — Troubles at St. Mary's — Continued storms — Enters the Tagus — Honors at Lisbon — Court intrigues — Reception at Palos — Ex- citement throughout Spain — Sad fate of Pinzon — Columbus at the Spanish Court. On the 4th of January, 1493, Columbus sailed from Hayti for Spain. With a gentle breeze ho glided almost beneath the shadow of a lofty and bald promontory, to which he gave the name of Monte Christo ; and which name it still retains. Baffled by calms and head winds, they made slow progress, still creeping along the shore of the island, whose grandeur and beauty seemed to be increasing- ly unfolded. They had advanced but about fifty miles when, on the 6th, the lookout at the mast head shouted, ** The Pinta, the Pinta." It was even so. By a singular chance the vessels- had met. Pinzon obeyed the signal of the admiral, and, followed him into a small bay, a little west o5 THE RETURN VOYAGE. I3I Monte Christo, where both vessels cast anchor Pinzon made a lame excuse for his desertion, attribut- ing it to stress of weather. Columbus, though not deceived, deemed it politic to accept the apology. One of the seamen on board the Pinta stated that an Indian had very emphatically declared to the captain of the Pinta that, at the distance of but a few leagues to the eastward, there was a mine whence immense amounts of gold could be obtained. The cupidity of Pnizon was aroused. He thought he could load his ship speedily, and return to Spain with the pre- cious freight ; and that he could defend his conduct by alleging that he had been separated from Colum- bus in a storm. But the mine was sought for in vain. Pinzon found his vessel entangled in the midst of a number of small islands and shoals. He became alarmed. Should his vessel encounter any accident, by which it became disabled, it was scarcely possible that he could ever return to Spain. He therefore again directed his course toward Hispaniola : and it is probable that he was anxiously looking for the admiral. He had, however, during the separation, entered a river where, in a three weeks' sojourn, he had opened traffic with the natives, and had ob- tamed a considerable quantity of gold. One-half of this, it was said, he retained for himself, and the 132 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. rest he distributed among the sailors to purchase their secrecy. On the evening of the 9th, the two vessels again set sail in company. The next day they cast anchor in the mouth of the river, where Pinzon had been trading. Columbus named it Rio de Gracia. It is now called Porto Caballo. The natives complained that Pinzon had violently carried off four men and two young girls. Columbus found them on board the Pinta. It was evident that Pinzon intended to sell them as slaves in Spain. Columbus ordered their immediate release. He also loaded them with pres- ents, as some recompense for the wrongs which they had endured. Pinzon was greatly offended, and yielded with reluctance and with angry words.* As they again weighed anchor, a gentle, but favorable wind wafted them along as far as what is now called Cape Cabron. Here they came upon a race of fierce savages. Their warriors were hid- eously painted like the braves of the North Amer- ican Indians. They were armed with war-clubs, and had bows of great strength. Their arrows were tipped with bone, or with very hard wood, and would penetrate the body with almost the force of a rifle-ball. They had also swords made of exceed- ingly hard wood, almost as heavy as iron. " They • Irving's '* Columbus," vol i. p. 246. THE RETURN VOYAGE. I33 were not sharp," writes Las Casas, * but broad, of nearly the thickness of two fingers, and capable, with one blow, of cleaving through a helmet to the verj' brains." ^ These natives did not venture to make any attack upon the Spaniards. On the contrary, one of them went pleasantly on board the ship, and sold bows and arrows. Columbus probably misunderstood him to say, in the obscure language of signs, that there was an island, near by, inhabited exclusively by women. The Caribs occasionally visited them. Of the children that were born, the males were taken from the island, and the females were left with their mothers. Undoubtedly Columbus misunder- stood the man. It is hardly to be supposed thai the savage had a sufficient spirit of roguery to at- tempt thus to /loajtr the strangers. Columbus also understood that there were mer- maids, maids of the sea, in those waters. He saw some of these animals which they described. They were probably sea-calves. Their heads, when slightly elevated above the waves, somewhat resembled the human face. The admiral treated his intrepid guest with great kindness. He hoped thus to open friendly intercourse with the tribe. But it would appear that the bold savage had gone on board as a " Las Casas, " Hist. Ind." lib. i. cap 77. MS. 134 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. spy. He was sent on shore, with many presents, in one of the ship's boats The moment he landed he gave a whoop, which instantly summoned a war party, from ambush, to his side. They endeavored to capture the boat's crew. Quite a fierce battle ensued. The Spaniards were much better armed than the natives. Having wounded two they put the rest to flight. This was the first contest, between the Europeans and the Indians, in the New World. Would that it had been the last. The conflict, thus commenced, raged, in subsequent years, with increasing violence, until the soil of nearly every island was crimsoned with blood, and the natives were entirely exterminated. Columbus was much grieved at this misadven- ture. He feared that it might result in a sanguin- ary attack upon his garrison by a resistless band of these fierce warriors. The next day a large party of the Indians appeared upon the beach. They made no hostile manifestations, but appeared friendly and confiding. A boat's crew, well armed, was sent on shore with a string of shell beads, which Columbus understood to be, with the Indians, like a flag of truce with civilized nations. The chief, with trust which seems astonishing ■under the circumstances, entered the boat, accom- panied by three attendants, and was rowed out to THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 35 the admiral's ship. They were cordially received, and were feasted on the choicest viands which the ship afforded. All the wonders of the ship were exhibited to them, and they were returned to the shore with many gifts, which gathered around them throngs of admiring natives. The chief, in polite acknowledgment of these favors, sent to Columbus his crown of gold. It is to be inferred from subsequent narratives, that the name of this chief was Mayo- nabex, and that his tribe was called the Ciguayans. Kindness proved successful. Columbus remained in the bay two or three days. Friendly relations continued uninterrupted. The people, though al- ways thoroughly armed, brought freely on board the ships, cotton, and a great variety of vegetables and fruit. There were four intelligent and affectionate young men to whom Columbus became much at- tached. They voluntarily accompanied him, when he sailed, to some islands which they described as situated a few leagues to the east. On the i6th of January the ships sailed. The bay they left, now known as the Gulf of Samana, Columbus called the Gulf of Arrows. After sailing about sixty miles, as the ships were approaching Porto Rico, a very favorable breeze sprang up for the homeward voyage. The sailors, as they saw the ships diverging from the route to Spain, to visit the 136 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. island, began to murmur, and to insist upon a return home. Columbus was conscious that he had no time to lose. His ship was in a leaky condition. The seamen were on the eve of insubordination He could place but little reliance in the good faith of Pinzon. Should shipwreck come, all his records might be buried, with himself, in the ocean ; and the knowledge of the great discovery would be lost to the world. He therefore, to the great joy of the crew, shifted sail and turned his course toward Spain. Probably he encountered but little difficulty in reconciling the four young Indians to this course, as he could prom ise, after showing them all the wonders of the old world, to bring them speedily back to their homes. The winds are proverbially fickle. During all the remainder of January there were light breezes, with occasional calms. The Indians would frequently plunge into the glassy water, and swim like fishes around the ships. These calms, as ever in human life, were succeeded by storms. Black tempests swept the ocean and the roaring billows threatened to engulf them. It was often necessary for the admiral to slacken sail, that the Pinta might keep pace with him. Amidst clouds and darkness and rushing billows they lost their reckoning. Pinzon and the two pilots differed THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 37 from Columbus as to their position. They thought that the ships were four hundred miles nearer Spain than Columbus thought them to be. Columbus was right. Las Casas makes the remarkable statement, that Columbus allowed them to remain in their error, and even endeavored to add to their perplex- ity, that they might have confused views of the voy- age, and that he alone might retain a clear knowl- edge of the route to be pursued.* We cannot credit this strange statement. Pin- zon and the three pilots were veteran seamen. Having been to the New World and back again, they could not be ignorant of the route to be pursued. On the 1 2th of February, as they were drawing near the end of their long voyage, a terrific storm arose, vvhich continued, with increasing violence, for three days. In this storm the Pinta was lost sight of. Co- ijmbus had every reason to fear that the frail caravel, with all it contained, was engulfed in the angry sea.*! After a dreadful night, a dismal morning dawned lurid and tempestuous. The ocean was lashed into fury, and nothing was to be seen but the maddened wa\'es, and nothing to be heard but their threaten- ♦ Las Casas, " Hist. In ■■ ," lib. i. cap. 70. f " Columbus, during this voyage, sought to confuse the pilots ir their reckoning, so that he alone might possess a clear knowledge of the route ; a proceeding which elicits anything but censure from hij biographers." — Life of Columbus, by Aaron Goodrich, p. 211. 138 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ing roar. In accordance with the religion, or super- stition, of the times, lots were drawn to see who, if saved from the tempest, should make a pilgrimage to the shrine of the Virgin Mary at Gaudaloupe, bearing a wax taper of five pounds weight. Beans were placed in a cap, upon one of which a cross was marked. Columbus was the first to put in his hand. The lot fell on him. Lots were again cast for a pil- grimage to the shrine of the Virgin, at Loretto. It fell upon a seaman, by the name of Pedro de Villa. The admiral promised to bear all the expenses of his journey. The Virgin did not seem to pay much heed to these vows, for the storm continued to rage with unabated fury. To offer her a still higher reward, if she would interpose in their behalf, Columbus and all his crew united in a vow, that wherever they might first land, where there was a church dedicated to the Virgin, they would all go to her shrine, in solemn procession, barefooted and in their shirts only, to offer her prayers and praise? It is difficult to con- ceive why the Virgin could lake any pleasure in see- ing them present themselves before her in costume so disgraceful, that it would exclude them from every earthly court. Still the storm raged and howled. In these dreadfuJ perils, when Columbus thought far more of THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 39 the loss of his great discovery than the loss of his life, his agitated feehngs car be best expressed in his own words, addressed to the king. ** I could have supported this evil fortune," he writes " with less grief, had my person alone been in jeopardy ; since I am debtor for my life to the Supreme Creator, and have, at other times, been within a step of death. But it was a cause of infinite sorrow and trouble to think that, after having been illuminated from on high, with faith and certainty to undertake this enterprise ; after having victori- ously achieved it : and when on the point of convin- cing my opponents, and securing to your highness great glory and vast increase of dominions, it should please the Divine Majesty to defeat all by my death. It would have been more supportable also, had I not been accompanied by others, who had been drawn on by my persuasions, and who, in their dis- tress, cursed not only the hour of their coming, but the fear inspired by my words, which prevented their turning back, as they had at various times determined. " Above all, my grief was doubled when I thought of my two sons, whom I had left at school in Cordova, destitute, in a strange land, without any testimony of the service rendered by their father, which, if known, might have inclined your highness to befriend them. And although on the one hand I was com 140 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. forted by faith that the deity would not permit a work of such great exaltation to his church, wrought through so many troubles and contradictions, to re- main imperfect ; yet on the other hand, I reflected on my sins, as a punishment for which he might intent] that I should be deprived of the glory which would redound to me in this world."* In these hours of anxiety, Columbus wrote, on parchment, a brief account of his discovery. This, carefully sealed, was addressed to the king and queen. It was superscribed with the promise of a thousand ducats, about two thousand dollars, to whomsoever should deliver the packet unopened to their majes- ties. This was wrapped in a waxed envelope, and placed in a cake of wax. The whole was deposited in a strong water-tight cask, and cast into the raging sea It is not known that this memorial was ever found.f But gradually the storm abated. A gleam ol golden light, in the western sky, indicated, that th# fury of the tempest was over. In the night the starj * " Hist, del Almirante," cap. 36. f About the year 1852, a paragraph went the rounds cf the news- papers, announcing the discovery of this cask on the coast jf Afric-a by the captain of a ba'-que cahea the Chieftain, from Bostcn, Massa chusetls. The account was very circumstanti xl, and -Aas credited bj the French historian Lamartine, and many others. But, as d has nevei since been authenticated, it is now supposed that the story was in- v^snted by some ingenious newspaper corresponden . — See lielpf' Life of Columbus, p. 117, note. THE RETURN VOYAGE. I4I came out in all their brilliance. And in the morn- ing, though tumultuous waves still raged, the sun rose in a cloudless sky, and a favoring breeze swelled the sails. Just as the sun was rising, the joyful shout of ** Land " was heard. It proved, as Columbus supposed, one of the Azores, and was distant but about fifteen miles. But a strong head wind arose, which rapidly increased into another tempest. Thus baffled and driven back, it was not until the evening of the 17th that he cast anchor under the shelter of the northern side of St. Mary's Island, which was the most southern of the Azores group. The inhabitants were astonished that two such frail caravels could have survived the severity of the gales which, for fifteen days, had swept the ocean with almost unexampled fury. The devout Columbus reminded the crew of their vow, to repair, in procession, to the first church dedi- cated to the Virgin which they could find, wherever they might land. Faithfully the vow, not strange in those days, was fulfilled. One-half of the ship's company went first, with a priest to perform mass. All were destitute of clothing, save only their shirts. St. Mary's was a Portuguese island. When the first procession appeared, in such unseemly guise, all the rabble of the village was gathered around them. The governor, surprised at the exhibition, and not 142 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. knowinfj what it signified, headed a squadron oi dragoons, and arrested them all. The naked men were in no condition to fight. The chapel was hid from the sight of Columbus by an intervening point of land. But when he ascertained what had taken place, he attributed it to the hostility which the Por- tuguese court had already manifested toward him and his enterprise. He had an interview with the governor. Angry words were interchanged. The governor, Castaneda, was not in an amiable mood. Assuming a defiant air, he declared that all he had done was in conform- ity with the commands of the king. Columbus greatly feared that war had broken out, during his absence, between Spain and Portugal. He armed all his men, and made vigorous preparations to resist any attempt to capture him. A strong wind rose, blowing directly upon the shore. The anchorage was not safe. He was compelled to stand out to sea. For two days he continued beating about, in much peril, with half of his crew arrested. The weather moderated on the evening of the 22d. Returning to his anchotage, a Portuguese boat came to the ship, bearing two priests and an important officer of government. This governmental official was much more con ciliatory in his demeanor than Casteneda had been THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 43 In the name of the governor he requested a sight of the ship's papers. It seems that the governor had taken them for pirates, with which all seas were then infested. Columbus, still suspicious that he was treacherously pursued, showed his letters of commission. This gave entire satisfaction. The naked pilgrims were then liberated. Another explanation of this difficulty, but not so plausible, is suggested both by Las Casas, and by Ferdinand, the son of Columbus. It is said that the King of Portugal, jealous of the renown which her great rival Spain, would gain, should Columbus prove successful, had sent orders to all her distant ports that the admiral should be arrested wherever he- might be found. Castaneda hoped to surprise Columbus in the chapel. Failing in that, he endeav- ored to get possession of his person by stratagem. He was prevented from accomplishing this, by the fact that Columbus had armed his crew, and was on his guard. The improbability of this explanation must be obvious to every intelligent reader."^ Matters being thus settled, Columbus, barefooted and bareheaded, led the other half of the crew, in the fulfilment of his vow, to the shrine of Our Lady. No tidings were heard from Pinzon. It was prob- * " Hist, del Almirante," cap. 39; Las Casas, "Hist. Ind.," lib.. 1. cap. 72. 144 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. able that he was lost. After the delay of about five days at St. Mary's, Columbus, on the 24th of Feb* ruary, again set sail. When within about three hundred miles of Cape St. Vincent, another gale was encountered. At length a few murmurs escaped the lips of the heioic admiral. He seemed to think it hard that, after struggling against so many storms, he should again be assailed so fiercely, when at the very door of his house. In the tropical paradise which he had discovered scarcely a rude blast had assailed him. There he had enjoyed sunny skies, balmy breezes, and an ever- tranquil sea. He rode out the storm in safety. "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth." The truly good Las Casas suggests that these many trials were intended to save the illustrious discoverer from undue pride, in the contemplation of his mar- vellous achievement. Thus he might be prevented from arrogating to himself the glory of a discovery which was all due to God. And thus he might be taugh* that he was only a humble instrument in the hand of the Almighty."^ At day-break on the 4th of March, the eyes of Columbus were cheered by the familiar sight of the rock of Cintra, just off the mouth of the Tagus, in Portugal. Though he had many fears of treachery * Las Ca.-,as, " Hist. Ind.," lib. i. cap 73. THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 45. on the part of the Portuguese court, the tempestuo'is weather compelled him to run into the river for shel- ter. At three o'clock in the afternoon he reached safe anchorage, opposite the Rastello. The peop^.e on the shore liad been all the morning watching the frail .caravel struggling against the storm. Every moment they had expected to see it engulfed by the huge billows which were assailing it. They crowded on board, congratulating the ship's company upon their miraculous preservation. The most experi- enced mariners testified that they had never known a winter of such continuous and terrific storms. Columbus immediately sent a courier to the Span- ish court, to announce his arrival. He also wrote to the Portuguese court, soliciting permission to enter the port of Lisbon. There was a large Portuguese man-of-war at anchor in the roadstead. It was sta- tioned there, on guard. The next day, the Portu- guese captain summoned the Spanish admiral on board his ship. Columbus stood upon his dignity asserted his rights, and refused either to go himself or to send any one in his stead. As soon as the cap tain, Don Alonzo de Acuna, learned the rank ol Columbus, and the extraordinary voyage he had made he treated him with all the homage with which ore brave man could regard another. He manned his largest boat decorated it with banners,. 7 146 CHRISTOPHER COLUMh Jb. placed on board his well-trained musical band and taking his seat in the stern, paid the admiral a visit. Fully recognizing his rank, and the great service he had rendered the world, he politely placed himself and his ship at the disposal of the great discoverer. When the tidings reached Lisbon, that Columbus, who had so long and unavailingly implored the aid of the Portuguese court, had actually discovered a new world, and that, returning from his triumphant voyage, he was safely anchored in the Tagus, the excitement almost surpassed all conceivable bounds. Barges and boats of every kind crowded the river, and swarmed around the caravel, which was freighted with inhabitants and productions as strange as if they had been brought from the remotest star in the firmament. All ages, both sexes, and all conditions of society, shared in the boundless curiosity. From morning till night the ship was thronged A'ith visitors. All the energies of Columbus and his crew were taxed, in telling over and over again the story of their adventures. First of all, the Indians, who were dressed in the glittering costume of bril liantly colored fringes and plumes, which constituted their dress on a gala-day, attracted the gaze of the multitude. The accumulated gold seemed wonder- ful. The plants and animals were different trom any which had before been seen. The re£;ret was intense THE RETURN VOYAGE. 147 with both the court and the people, that so immense an acquisition had been lost to Portugal * King John was then at Valparaiso, about thirty miles from Lisbon. On the 8th of March, a Portu- guese grandee came from the king to Columbus, to congratulate him upon his arrival, and to invite him lo his court. A ro}al order was also issued, that every- thing the admiral required, for himself, his vessel, oi his crew, should be furnished without cost. Colum- bus immediately set out for Valparaiso. The king had made arrangements that he should be sumptu- ously entertained on the way. When he approached the palace, all the principal members of the royal household came out to meet him, and to escort him to the presence of the king. The monarch received him with all possible honor, gave him a seat by his side, as though he were a prince with royal blood in his veins, and assured him that everything in his kingdom, which could be of service to him, was at his command. * Mr. Goodrich writes : " And then he wrote to t^ e King of Porlu gal, informing him of his discoveries, and demanding permission to go on to Lisbon, averring that he would be more safe, as the repcrt concerning the gold might tempt the people whrre he then was, to rob him. We are not surprised, knowing the boastful false pride of the man, to find him contemptibly elated at being: thus able to flaunt hia discovery in the face of a prince who had refused to engage in it i but the arrogance and boastfulness of the pirate become admiral, exceed all belief." — Life of Columbus , p. Zl^. J48 CHRISTOPHER COLLWUJUS. The king listened with commingled feelings of pleasure and of intense regret, to his recital of the wealth and beauty and vast population of the won- derful world which Columbus, by his discovery, seemed to have presented to the Spanish mon- archy. Columbus was, that night, assigned to the hospitality of one of the highest nobles of the court. The next day the king sought another inter- view. During the night he had apparently prepared himself with a series of the minutest questions, in reference to the route taken in the voyage, the cli- mate, soil, and productions of the regions he had vis- ited, and the prospect of obtaining gold. A mean spirit of envy and jealousy pursued the admiral. Those who had derided his enterprise, now endeavored, in every way, to underrate his ser- vices. They attributed his actions to the most igno- ble motives. They decried the value of the dis- covery. They accused him of a boastful and vain- glorious spirit, and held him up to ridicule in every way in their power. The quotations we have made frorr the book of Mr. Aaron Goodrich will show the kind of representations which the enemies of Co- lumbus might make of his conduct and career. Mr. Irving writes : ** Seeing the king much perturbed in spirit, some went even so far as to propose, as a means of imped- THE RETURN VOYAGE. I49 hig the prosecution of these enterprises, that Co- lumbus should be assassinated ; declaring that he deserved death, for attempting to deceive and em- broil the two nations, by his pretended discoveries. It was suggested that his assassination might easily be accomplished, without incurring any odium ; ad- vantage might be taken of his lofty deportment, to pique his pride, provoke him into an altercation, and then despatch him, as if in a casual and honorable encounter.* This fact is asserted by several historians, both Portuguese and Spanish. Indeed, there was hardly any wickedness which, in those dark days, could not find advocates in the courts of Europe. But King John II. rejected the infamous proposal, though he was chagrined beyond measure, in contemplating ihe loss Portugal had incurred, and the wealth and renown Spain had gained, in consequence of his rejection of the enterprise of Columbus. Some of the king's council proposed that Co- lumbus should be permitted to return to Spain, and that a powerful armament should be immediately despatched, to take possession of the newly dis- covered countries in the name of Portugal, by ex- tending the explorations and establishing colonies.. The king ignobly accepted this suggestion. Vigor* * living's •* Life of Columbus," vol. i. p. 272 I50 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ous but secret measures were pursued for fitting out the squadron, and one of the most distinguished captains of the age, Don Francisco de Almeida, was placed in command. Columbus was escorted to his ship by a numer- ous train of cavaliers. The queen was at a convent at Villa Franca. At her earnest request Columbus stopped there, and was received with the most flat- tering attentions. The queen was surrounded by the most distinguished ladies of the kingdom. With intensest interest they listened to the recital of Co- lumbus, which was more full of romantic adventure than the fictitious narratives of the most admired novelists. The admiral, returning to the Nina^ put to sea on the 13th of March. A two days' sail brought him to Palos. It was mid-day when his solitary caravel entered the harbor. He had left the port on the 3d of August of the preceding year. Thus he had been absent not quite seven months, on this most memorable voyage which had ever been undertaken.* * From Lisbon Columbus wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella a letter, which closed with the following words. " Let the king and queen, our princes, and their most happy kingdom, and all the other prov- inces of Christendom, render thanks to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who has granted us so great a victory, and such prosperity. Let processions be mad'-, and sacred feasts be held, and the templee THE RETURN VOYAGE. 151 The return of Columbus to Palos, with proof which could not be questioned of his amazing dis- covery, created a scene of excitement such as has rarely been witnessed on this globe. As the months passed slowly away, and no tidings were heard, it was generally supposed that all engaged in this ex- pedition had perished, in the midst of the mysteri- ous perils of an unknown sea. The appearance of the storm-beaten caravel, slowly ascending the harbor, conveyed the first news of the adventurers since their departure. The Nina was alone. Both of the other vessels had disap- peared. The terrible storms, which had raged during the winter, had increased the popular apprehension that both of the other vessels had been swallowed up by the angry billows. Terrible was the suspense. There was hardly a family in Palos who had not some friend or relative in the expedition. As soon as the vessel reached her anchorage, and it was announced that the voyage had been entirely successful, that the crew of the Santa Maria were on board the Nina^ a'^d that they had parted company with the Pinta ';e adorned with festive boughs. Let Christ rejoice or. earth, as lie rejoices in heaven, in the prospect of the salvation of the souls of so many nations hitherto lost, l.^t us also rejoice, as well on account of the exaltation of our faith, as on account of the increase of our tem- poral prosperity, of which not only Spain, but all Christendom, will b« {MUtakers." — S^Uci Letters of Christopher Columbus, p. 17. 152 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. only a few days before, the joy was indescribable One of the first acts of this devout man was to repair, with his whole ship's company, to the church, to offer thanks to God for their safe return. The glad tidings swept over Spain like fire on the prairies. Bonfires blazed on every eminence, salutes were fired from every fortress, and from every church steeple the bells rang exultant peals. To add to the joy, on the evening of this very day, and while the bells were ringing, the cannon boom- ing, and the populace shouting, the Pinta entered the harbor. Driven before the gale, Pinzon had succeeded in making the port of Bayonne, in the Bay of Biscay, where he awaited the subsidence of the storm. When he entered the port of Palos, and witnessed the enthusiasm with which Columbus was received, it is probable that his consciousness of his crime, in deserting the admiral, oppressed him in the deepest decree. It was his one fault. It was like the deser- tion of a soldier on the field of battle, and exposed him to arrest and severe punishuient. So deep was his chagrin, that he took a boat landed privately, and repairing to his home, did not show himself in the streets until after the admiral's departure, on his journey to the court. This unhappy defection is greatly to be regretted THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 53 It cannot be denied that the success of the expe- dition was in no inconsiderable degree due to Martin Alonzo Pinzon. He was one of the first, in Spain, to appreciate the plans of Columbus. He aided the ^oor adventurer liberally, with his purse and his per- sonal influence. He assisted effectually in procur- ing and fitting out ships. And finally he embarked A'ith his brother and friends, in the expedition, thus staking, not only his property but his life, on the event. It should also be said, in mitigation of too severe a judgment, that he was a seaman of great profes- sional experience and skill. In that respect, he was not inferior to Columbus. He was a man of high position, and inspired by a lofty ambition. Well does Mr. Irving say : ** His story shows how one lapse from duty may counterbalance the merit of a thoi.sand services; how one moment of weakness may mar the beauty of a whole life of virtue ; and how important it is for a man, under all circumstances, to be true, not merely to others, but to himself." Pinzon was in disgrace. He was forbidden to appear at court. He was soon seized by a fatal malady, which was probably aggravated by mental suffering, and died. Subsequently, the Emperor Charles V., in recognition of his en\inent services 7* 154 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUb. granted the family the rank and privileges of i.obility A coat-of-arms was also conferred upon them, em blematical of the great discovery. The king and queen were at Barcelona, a distance of about seven hundred miles from Palos. A de- spatch was immediately sent to Columbus, requesting him to repair to the court. This rendered it neces- sary for him to traverse the long route, which, under the circumstances, could not fail to prove a triumphal march. He had taken with him, from the island, ten Indians. One had died on the voyage. Three were left sick in Palos. Six accompanied him to the court. The season of the year, for this long journey through the heart of Spain, was delightful. Nearly every mile of the way Columbus received a jubilant welcome, such as no mortal probably ever received before. The Indians, who accompanied him, were gorgeously decorated with golden ornaments and coronets, and with brilliantly colored plumes. All the most showy products of the new world were dis- played to the admiring thousands. The cavalcade was very imposing. Columbus rode a fine horse, and was accompanied by a large retinue. The country, all along the road, poured forth its thousands to witness the pageant. Eagei spectators filled the streets, windows, and balconies. I THE RETURN VOYAGE. 1 55 Never did imperial triumph surpass this show It was about the middle of April when he reached Barcelona. Most of the nobles of Castile and of Ara- gon were assembled there to do him honor. As the cavalcade approached the city, they all came forth^ in a large procession, to escort him to the presence of the sovereigns. Ferdinand and Isabella, with their royal son, Prince John, were seated beneath a silken canopy, in a vast saloon prepared for the occasion. The nobles and the illustrious personages of the two realms crowded the apartment. As Columbus entered, every eye was riveted upon him. ** He was conspicuous," writes Las Casas, '* for his tall and majestic person, his dignified bearing, and his expressive features. His long gray locks added to his venerable appearance. A modest smile played upon his countenance, showing that he was not insensible to the homage he was receiving." * As Columbus approached the sovereigns they paid him the remarkable respect of rising, and invit- ing him to take a seat at their side. This was an honor conferred only on persons of the highest rank, Columbus, in accordance with court etiquette, kneeled, and offered to kiss their hands. With some hesitpncy they yielded to the ceremony. Being • Las Casas " Hist Ind.," lib. i. cap. 78. MS. i5<^ ClIklsrOPHER COLUMBUS. seated, the admiral gave an account, to the roypj pair and the immense audience, of the remarkable events of his voyage. He displayed the birds of the country, of wonderfully gorgeous plumage, some liv- ing and others stuffed. Gold-dust, gold nuggctS; golden ornaments, and especially golden coronets, vi^rought with all the ingenuity barbaric art could give, attracted the eager attention of monarchs and nobles, who alike hungered and thirsted for gold. The natives, tall, with forms which no statuary could surpass, with pleasing smiles and affectionate man- ners, and carefully dressed in the picturesque garb of their courtly festivals, attracted intense and inex- haustible interest. It is worthy of comment that, at the close of the narrative, the king and queen, and the whole united audience, fell upon their knees, clasped their hands, and thus united in the thanksgiving breathed forth by the choir, in the majestic anthem," Te Deum Lau^ damns " — Thee, God. we praise. There were no shouts, no noisy demonstrations. The feelings ex. cited were too deep for mirth. Tears dimmed many eyes. Las Casas writes : ** The souls of the auditors were, in that SDlemn hour, so borne up to heaven that it seemed as if they communicated with celestial delights." Alas ! for man. This discovery, which might THE RETURN VOYAGE. 157 have been an immeasurable blessing to all, had the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man been recognized, proved, through the depravity of our fallen race, a curse to the inhabitants of the nevi world, the enormity of which can never be known^ until, at the Day of Judgment, the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed. It was an age of darkness. Scarcely an Individ- ual could be found who had risen above the fanat- icism and superstition of the times. Columbus must be judged by the light of the fifteenth, and not by that of the nineteenth century. He was still ponder- ing his grand scheme for the deliverance of the Holy Sepulchre. To this enterprise he was to devote all the wealth he might gain from his great discovery. Gold and renown were nothing to him, only as instru- ments for the furtherance of his pious plan, upon which he could not doubt that God was looking with approbation. His anticipations were so sanguine that he made a vow that, within seven years, he would furnish an army of fifty thousand foot, and four thousand horse, for the rescue of Palestine from the Turks. This visionary project had become entwined with all the fibres of his intellectual and moral nature, He deemed himself raised by heaven, and divinely inspired for his great discovery in order that he :58 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. might successfully prosecute this holy crusade, for the glory of God and the welfare of man. " It shows," writes Mr. Irving, " how much his mind was elevated above selfish and mercenary views ; how it was filled with those devout and heroic schemes, which, in the time of the crusades, had inflamed the thoughts and directed the enterprises of the bravest «^^arriors and the most illustrious princes." * ♦ Irving's " Life of Columbus," vol. i, p. 886. CHAPTER VIL The Second Voyage, Excitement throughout Europe — The Coat-of-Arms — Pension art. judged to Columbus — Anecdote of the Egg — The Papal sanc- tion — Religious zeal of Isabella — Designs of Portugal — The nevi armament — General enthusiasm — Sailing of the fleet — The pleas- ant voyage — Electric phenomenon — Cruise through the Antilles — Lost in the woods — Conflict between the boats — Porto Rico — The Caribbee Islands — The approach to Hayti — The Gulf of Samana — La Navidad reached — Fate of the colony. The excitement created by the discovery of Columbus' spread through the whole civilized world. Genoa exulted in the boast that sh^ had given birth to the great discover. England was then but an in- ferior maritime power. When the tidings reached London, the event was declared to be more divine than human. Sebastian Cabot was then in London. The news inspired him with intense desires to emu late achievements so heroic. Thus he was led to tht renowned voyages which have given immortality to his name. In illustration of the emotions excited in the minds of the learned of that day, I will give a 1 1 'cf extract from a letter from Peter Martyr l6o CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. - to his philosophic friend, Pomponius Laetus. He writes : ** You tell me, my amiable Pomponius, that yon leaped foi j^y, and that your delight was mingled with tears when you read my epistle, certifying to you the hitherto hidden world of the antipodes. You have felt and acted as became a man eminent for learning ; for I can conceive no aliment more delicious than such tidings to a cultivated and ingen- uous mind. I feel a wonderful exultation of spirits, when I converse with intelligent men who have returned from those regions. It is like an accession of wealth to a miser. Our minds, soiled and debased by the common concerns of life and the vices of society, become elevated and ameliorated by con- templating such glorious events." * Still no one comprehended the real significance of the discovery. It was universally believed, by Columbus, and by all others persons, that he had found a new route to vast realms of India, which had never yet been visited by civilized men. The idea had as yet entered no mind, that the newly discov- ered countries were parts of an entirely unknown continent, separated from India, as well as from Eu- rope and Africa, by thousands of miles of ocean. The lands were therefore called the West Indies. And as the region had never been explored before, * " Letters of Peter Martyr," let. 153. THE SECOND VOYAGE. l6l and was, apparently, of measureless magnitude, it was entitled to the appellation of a New World. While Columbus was at Barcelona, he was the object of universal attention. The king and queen were continually showing him the most remarkable proofs of their favor. Ferdinand often rode on horseback, with Columbus on one side, and the king's son. Prince John, on the other. A coat-of- arms was assigned him, to perpetuate the memory of his achievements. The astonishing honor was conferred upon him of quartering the royal arms of Castile and Leon, with a group of islands sur- rounded by waves, with the motto annexed: To Castile and Leon, Columbus gave a New World. To Columbus was adjudged the pension which the sovereigns had promised to the one who should first discover land. Many thought that this was not a just decision. It is not certain that the light which Columbus saw, " which appeared like a can- dle, and went up and down,' was from the island. Indeed there are pretty strong arguments to indicate that it could not have been. Mr. Helps writes : ** Their highnesses had promised a pension of ten thousand marevedi,* to the fortunate man who * This was about three thousand dollars : but considerably more^ if we estimate the comparative value of money in those days. A mar revedi was a small coin, worth about three mills of our curiency. l62 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. should see land first. The Pinta was the foremost vessel. It was from her deck, at two o'clock in the morning, that land was first seen by Rodrigo de Triana. We cannot but be sorry for this poor com- mon sailor, who got no reward. The pension was adjudged to the admiral." * Mr. Irving writes, " It may, at first sight, appear but little accordant with the acknowledged maena- nimity of Columbus, to have borne away the prize from this poor sailor ; but this was a subject to which his whole ambition was involved, and he was doubtless proud of the honor of being personally the discoverer of the land, as well as projector of the enterprise." f This may explain his conduct, but does not excuse it. It would have redounded far more to the repu- tation of Columbus, if he had said, "There is some uncertainty about the light I saw, but none what- ever about the land first seen by Triana. Therefore the sailor is entitled to the pension." \ It was while Columbus was at Barcelona, that the * " Life of Columbus," by Arthur Helps, p. 92. f " Life of Columbus," vol. i. p. 290. \ Oviedo, in his " Cronico de las Indias," lib. ii. cap. 2, says ibar Rodrigo de Triana was so chagrined at the injustice which \\t tlu uglM had been done him. that he renounced his country and faith. Cmiiin to Africa he turned Mussulman. We do not, however, find any coriob' oration of this statement ; and Oviedo does not enjoy the repjiarioD of a reliable historian THE SECOND VOYAGE. 10 j well-known incident in reference to the egg is said to have taken place. According to the story, Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza, Grand Cardioal of Spain, and in rank the first subject of the realm, invited Colum- bus to a banquet. The admiral was assigned the most honorable seat at the table. One of the cour- tiers, jealous of the honors which were showered upon the discoverer, asked him whether he thought, if he had not discovered the Indies, no one else could have done so. Columbus made no reply. But taking an Qgg, invited each one of the company to try if he could make it stand upon one end. All attempted it in vain. Columbus struck the egg gently upon the table, so as to break the end, leaving it standing upon the broken part. Thus he illus- trated the fact that it would be very easy to follow the path to the New World, now that he had pointed out the way.* The doctrine was, at this time, established by the Papal Church, that its emissaries had a right to invade and take possession of all the territories of heathen nations, that the sway of the church might * Mr. Irving comments as follows upon this statement. " This anecdote rests on the authority of the Italian historian, Benzoni. It has been condemned as trivial. But the simplicity of the reproof con- stitutes its severity ; and it was characteristic of the practical sagacity of Columbus. The universal popularity of the anecdote, is a proof of its merit." — Li/e of Columbus, vol. i. p. 2qi. note. 104 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. be extended. The Spanish sovereigns immediately applied to the Pope for his sanction of their claim to all the realms they had discovered. Pope Martin V^. had conceded to the crown of Portugal, all the Ian(is it might discover, from Cape Bojador to th^ Indies. The King of Portugal endeavored to found a claim, upon this grant, to the realms Columbus had discovered. In the application which the Spanish monarchs made to Pope Alexander VI., they stated that the present discoveries did not interfere with the Portuguese possessions. Ferdinand and Isabella were considered devoted children of the Church. Their expulsion of the infidel Moors from Spain was deemed a holy cru- sade. The Pope readily granted their request. To prevent any conflicting claims, an ideal line was drawn, from the north to the south pole, three hun- dred miles west of the Azores. All land, west of this line, which the Spanish navigators might dis- cover, was to belong to the Spanish crown ; all east, to Portugal. In reference to this division, several cbvious difficulties arise, which were not at the time considered.* * There can be no question of the correctness of the following account of Isabella, by Mr. Arthur Helps. " Methinks I can still see her beautiful majestic face, as it looks down upon the beholder from one of the chapels of the cathedral in Grenada ; a countenance too expressi\e and individual to be what painters give as tha^ 'jf an angel THE SECOND VOYAGE. l6f Great exerticns were immediately made to fit out a Second Expedition. In this world, virtue and vice are found in strange blending. The funds for this expedition were raised, part from the church tithes and part from the confiscated property of the Jews. who, simply because they were Jews, had been ex- pelled from Spain and robbed of all their posses- sions. The conversion of the heathen was deemed one of the most important objects of the enterprise. No candid man will say that this was hypocrisy on the part of the Spanish monarchs. Twelve learned ecclesiastics were selected to accompany the expedition. Bernardo Boyle was appointed over them, as the apostolical vicar. Isa- bella, from her own purse, supplied him with orna- ments and vestments, to give brilliance to the cere- monies of the church. " Isabella, from the first," writes Irving, ** took the most warm and compassionate interest in the welfare of the Indians, Won by the accounts given by Columbus, of their gentleness and simplicity, and a.'-d yet the next thing to it. What she would say, in her (.efence were we to interrogate her, is, that she obeyed the voice of heaven, taking the wise and good men of her day as its interpreters. Oh, tha» she had persisted in listening to it, as it spoke in her own kindly heart. But at least the poor Indian can utter nothing but blessings on her. He might have needed no other protector, had she lived. Nor would slavery have found, in his fate, one of the darkest and most fatal chapters in its history. — Life of Columbus p. q6. i66 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. looking upon them as committed, by heaven, to he« especial care, her heart was filled with concern at their destitute and ignorant condition. She ordered that great care should be taken of their religious instruction ; that they should be treated with the utmost kindness ; and enjoined Columbus to inflict signal punishment on all Spaniards who should be guilty of outrage or injustice toward them." * The six Indians, who were brought to Barcelona, were baptized, with very imposing ceremonies, in the cathedral. The royal family were all present, and the king and queen officiated as sponsors. One of the natives soon after died. In accordance with the cruel theology of the age, Herrera writes: " We are bound, by our faith, to believe that he w^as the first of his nation that entered heaven." f The court confirmed Columbus in his titles, pre' rogatives, and emoluments, as Viceroy, Admiral, and Governor of all the countries he had or might dis- cover. On the 28th 01 May, Columbus left Barce- lona for Seville. Spies announced that Portugal was making hurried preparations for an expedition to seize upon the newly discovered countries. Very unfriendly relations began to spring up between the two governments. Ferdinand sent a letter to the ♦ " Life of Columbus," vol. i. p. 301. ♦ Herrera, " Hist. Ind." dec id. i. lib. ii. cap. 5. THE SECOND VOYAGE. l6; Portuguese court, prohibiting the Portuguese navi. gators from visiting the newly discovered lands. A very curious and keen diplomatic contest ensued, which we have not space to describe. Intrigue and cunning, on both sides, took the place of fair, honest, and honorable dealing. Columbus seems to have been a stranger to these court intrigues. All his energies, at Seville, were concentrated upon fitting out his new armament. A fleet of seventeen vessels, large and small, was pre- pared. Arrangements were made for the establish- ment of a colony, of farmers, mechanics, and profes- sional gentlemen. Horses, cattle, and domestic ani- mals of all kinds, were provided, to stock the settle- ment. Plants and seeds were gathered ; and all arti- cles of traffic which experience taught them would be in demand by the Indians. General enthusiasm was aroused. There was scarcely any end to the applications to join the expedition. Many of the highest grandees, and prominent officers in the army and the navy, sought for passage, at their own cost An army of European adventurers was thus upon the eve of falling, like an avalanche, upon the helpless natives. There was perhaps, no power, in the court, or in the truly good men of the expedition, to pro- tect the Indians from their encroachments. It is not strano-e that this enthusiasm should have l68 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS swept wildly over the land. The world-weary and the care-worn were told that here were islands as of the blessed. Here there was no winter, no toil. Bowers, as of paradise, invited to repose. The bloom of Eden was everywhere around. Delicious fruit hung from the boughs, amply sufficient to satiate all hunger and all thirst. Beneath those sunny skies, hfe was but a continuous gala day. It is not to be wondered at that hundreds and thousands should have been lured, by these visions, to seek refuge from labor and care amidst the groves, bowers, fruit- age, and songs of this earthly paradise. One of the most distinguished men who em- barked on this expedition, was Don Alonzo de Ojeda. We shall often have occasion to refer to his name. He was of illustrious birth, being closely related to the Grand Inquisitor of Spain, and having been brought up under the patronage of the Duke of Medina Celi, who, in wealth, pride, and power, rivalled the Spanish monarchs. He was a fearless, reckless cavalier, rejoicing in the most perilous ad- ventures, and a man without fear. The whole company which embarked in the ships amounted to fifteen hundred. Columbus was provided with a gorgeous retinue, that he might maintain, with suitable dignity, his high position as viceroy. On the 28th of September, 1493, the fleet THE SECOND VOV^AGE. 169 commenced its voyage from the bay of Cadiz. It was a lovely morning. A propitious breeze swelled the sails. All hearts were glad. On the 1st of Oc- tober the fleet touched at the Canaries. Here Co- lumbus laid ii. a stock of calves, goats, sheep, and domestic fowls. It is also said that oranges, lemons, melons, and various other fruits were introduced to the soil of Hispaniola from the Canaries.^ When again they put to sea the captains of all the vessels were instructed to direct their course to the harbor of the Nativity, on the island of Hispaniola. Here the friendly chief Guacanagari resided, and here the garrison had been left. They soon struck the trade winds, and weie borne rapidly forward over a quiet sea, and beneath cloudless skies. Having made about twelve hundred miles west of Gomera, the fleet encountered a severe thunder-storm. The phenomenon was witnessed, not unusual under such circumstances, of flames of electric fluid playing upon the tops of the masts. Fernando Columbus comments as follows upon this spectacle, thus exhibiting the philosophy of tint superstitious age. " On the same Saturday, in the night, was seen * Kumboli. says that there were small, bitter wild oranges and lemons in the West India Islands, when discovered by Columbus. -Humboldt, Essai Politique sur flsle de Cuba, tom. i. p 68 8 17c CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. St. Elmo, with seven lighted tapers, at the topmast There was much rain and great thunder. I mean to say that those lights were seen, which mariner:; affirm to be the bodv of St. Elmo ; on beholdinfT which they chant litanies and orisons, holding it (ox certain that, in the tempest in which he appears, no one is in danger. Be that as it may, I leave the matter to them. But if we may believe Pliny, simi- lar lights have sometimes appeared to the Roman mariners, during tempests at sea ; which they said were Castor and Pollux, of which likewise Seneca makes mention.* On Sunday morning, November 3d, a lofty island was seen far away in the west. It was greeted with shouts of joy from all the ships. Columbus named it Dominica. Bv order of the admiral the crew of all the ships were assembled upon their decks, and religious services were held, giving especial thanks to God for their prosperous voyage, in prayers and in chanting anthems. In these external observances this was certainly a far more religious age than ths present.f * " Hist, del Almirante," cap. 45 f " The pilots of the fleet reckoned, on that day, that between Jiaving Feiro and first reaching: land, we had made eight hundred leagues ; others said seven hundred and eighty ; thus the difference was n 31 great. There were tliree hundred more between Ferro and Cadit making in all eleven hundred leagues. I do n'»t therefore feel THE SECOND VOYAGE. I71 The fleet had now entered the beautiful group jf islands called the Antilles. Of this cluster, the nnagnificent island of Porto Rico is one of the most western. As the fleet glided along, six islands were passed, whose tropical verdure elicited continued ex- clamations of delight. Upon one of these, called Marigalante, Columbus landed. The island, which was covered by a dense forest, appeared to be unin- habited. Columbus raised upon it the banner of Spain, and took possession in the name of his sovereigns. Another island, which appeared much larger, was in sight. Columbus landed, with a boat's crew. He found the island inhabited, and witnessed many strange sights. He called the island Estremadura. The Indians fled in terror. There was a pleasant village of about thirty houses, surrounding a public square. Each house had a portico, where the family could sit, sheltered from the rays of the sun. One of these was decorated with grotesquely carved vvood. Hammocks, neatly woven of strong cotton cord were suspended within, and several very useful w-esseis were found, formed of calabashes, or earthen- ware There were domesticated geese, and tame as one who had not seen enough of the water." — Select Letters of Columbus, Second Voyage, p. 21. Dr. Chanca, who wrote the above was p>iysician to the fleet. 172 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. parrots in the yards. Here, for the first time, ihe Spaniards found the dehcious and fragrant pine- apple. Returning to the ship, they sailed along the coast of this island a few miles, when they cast anchor in a good harbor for the night. They saw many vil- lages along the coast, but the panic-stricken inhabi- tants fled at the sight of the ships. The next morn- ing a boat was sent on shore. The sailors caught a boy and several women, and brought them on board. From the arms which the sailors found, and a revolt- ing spectacle of human bones which was seen, and also from what he could learn from the women, through his Indian interpreters, Columbus inferred that this was one of the islands of the famous Carib cannibals.* Their arrows were sharp-pointed with bone, and the tips poisoned with the juice of a cer- tain herb. In strong predatory bands they ravaged other islands, killing the aged, retaining the most beautiful girls as servants and companions, and cook- ing and eating the young men. Human limbs were found suspended from the beams of the houses, a^ * Pr. Chanca writes : " These women also say that the Caribbees treat them with cruelty as would scarcely be believed. They eat up the children which they bear to them, and only bring up those which they have by their natural wives. They say that man's flesh is so good that there is nothing like it in the world." — SeUct Letters oj Columbus, Second Voyas^e, p. 31. THE SECOND VOYAGE. I73 if undergoing some process of preparation for food. In one of the houses the bleeding head of a young man was seen, recently cut off. Other portions of a human body were roasting before the fire.^ A captain of one of the caravels, with eight men, had, without permission, ventured on an exploring tour, and was missing. Columbus was greatly alarmed. He had reason to fear that they had been cut off by these fierce savages. After waiting anx- iously through the day and the succeeding night, and hearing no tidings of them, he sent parties in various directions, to blow trumpets and fire guns. But the search was fruitless. Many of the natives were caught sight of; but they fled, with fleet steps^ as soon as approached. The chivalric Alonzo de Ojeda volunteered to take forty men and make a thorough exploration of the island. The little band pushed far into the in- terior. They waded large streams, and forced their * Mr. Goodrich indig;nantly rejects the idea that any cannibals existed in the Indies. He writes : " This is tlie first time the grave charge of cannibalism is preferred against the natives of the New World ; a charge which investigation and he laws of nature alike prove to be false.'' He assigns, as a reason why Columbus should have fabricntt-d the stoiy, " Columbus, still bent on the establishment of slaver), sought some excuse ; and the most plausible was to represent his victims ai monsters, feeding upon human flesh, whom to enslave was to civ'l ue." — Life of Columbus , p. 230. 174 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. way tlitou<^h almost impenetrable thickets. Arque buses w^re fired, and the loudest blasts of trumpets blown. From this exploration Ojeda returned with- out any tidings of the lost ones. Several days had elapsed since their disappearance. There w-is no longer any hope of their discovery. With a sad heart Columbus was raising his anchors, when a fee- ble shout was heard from the dense forest on the shore, and the men appeared upon the beach. Their ragged clothing and haggard features told too plainly what the\- had suffered. They had been lost in the thickets of a tropical forest so dense as almost to exclude the light of day. It was with the utmost difficulty that they could force their way through the tangled network o{ canes, vines, and thorns. Vast trees, which overshadowed them, excluded the sight, even of the stars. To add to their sufferings, they were agitated by the dreadful fear that the admiral, thinking them dead, might proceed on the voyage, and thus aban- don them to the most dreadful fate. In that case they could never hope to see friends or home again. In all probability they would be killed and devoured by the savages. At length they found the sea-shore. Anxiously they followed it along, with scarcely any hope that the fleet would have delayed its voyage so many days for them. To their inexpressible joy THE SECOND VOYAGE. I75 they found the harbor, and the ships still riding at anchor. They brought with them, one or two girls and boys. They had not seen a single man. It was said that all the warriors were absent, on a plunder- ing expedition to some distant island. Columbus justly deemed this departure of the captain and his men from their ship, without permission, a grave offence. It had delayed the whole fleet for several days, had required great toil in the search for them, and had caused, throughout the ships, much anxiety. Thus, notwithstanding all they had suffered, the offenders were placed under arrest.* On the loth of November, the fleet weighed anchor, and sailed prosperously along, through the most beautiful archipelago of islands to be found upon the globe. As the fleet glided by these green and blooming Edens, emerging from a tranquil sea, Columbus gave them names, as Adam, in the morn- ing of creation, named the animals which passed in procession before him. On the 14th, he cast anchor in the harbor of an island, which the Indians called Ayay, but to which he gave the name, now so widely * 1 he comment upon this transaction, by Mr. Goodrich, is : "1 he truants found their way back to the ship ; and so greatly was our niimane admiral incensed, at their having lost their way, that he ordered them to be put in irons, and their allowance of food re- trenched " — Life of Columbus, p. 232. 1^6 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. known, of Santa Cruz, or the Holy Cross. A well manned boat was sent on shore. As usual, the natives fled. In a deserted village they captured one or two men and a boy. These were prisoners, whom the ferocious natives had taken from another island. A canoe was seen, with several Indians in it, coming round a point of land. The boat's crew, vig- orously plying their oars, overtook them.* The Caribs, as. they were called, seized their bows and arrows, and fought with almost demoniac des- peration. But the Spaniards, protected by buck- lers, generally shielded themselves, though two were soon wounded. Two of the natives were women. They fought as fiercely as the men. One of them threw an arrow with such force, that it pierced entirely through a Spanish shield. The frail canoe was overturned. The savages fought in the water, throwing their arrows as rapidly and as dextrously as when in the boat. At length they were captured. One was mor- tally wounded, and died as he was brought on boaid the ship. Several others were wounded. One of the women seemed to be a chief of high rank. She was * " When the Caribbees saw that all attempt at flight was useless, they most courageously took to their bows, both women and men. I say most courageously , because they were only four men and twc women, and our people were twenty-five in number." — Letter of Dr. Chanca THE SECOND VOYAGE. 1/7 accompanied by her son. He was a young man of wonderful physical strength, with a ferocious coun- tenance and lion-like courage. All were hideously painted, and their hair was black, long, and coanic Though strongly bound, they still maintained a bold and defiant air. They appeared like caged tigers, whose palpable strength and menacing aspect caused all to regard them with emotions of terror. One of the Spaniards was mortally wounded in the fray, and died in a few days. Continuing the voyage, the fleet soon arrived within sight of another cluster of islands. Some df them were covered with luxuriant vegetation. Some were naked, sterile rocks, blackened by the winds and waves of centuries. The fertile islands seemed to be generally inhabited. They were so near together that it was dangerous for large ships to endeavor to pass between them. The group still retains the name of the Virgin Islands, which Colum- bus gave them. The largest of the group he called Santa Ursula. Still the fleet pressed its way westward toward its destined port, on the island of Hispaniola. I.i the evening of a cloudless day a magnificent island rose before them, crowned with forests and indented with bays. It was Porto Rico. The natives had called it Bonquen. Columbus, at first, gave it the 178 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. name of San Juan Bautista. It had been supposed that this was the central island o( the dreaded Caribs. Columbus was now informed that it was a place of refuge from their sanguinary- raids. Here a single chief reigned over a large population. They weie wan-iors from necessity, and fought only for self-pro- tection. They devoured their prisoners in revenge. For a whole day the fleet coasted along the beau- tiful shores of the island, and, in the evening, an- chored in a ba\' near the western extremity, where fish filled the waters in the greatest abundance. The admiral landed. He found a pleasant Indian village, surrounding, as usual, a public square. A good road led from the village to the sea. On each side of the road there were fruitful gardens, enclosed in substan- tial fences of reed. At the end o\ the road, near the shore, there was reared upon an eminence, an obser\-- ator\- or look-out, which commanded quite an exten- si\e view of all the approaches by sea. Nothing equal to this village, in neatness, comfort, and civili- zation, had thus far been seen upon the islands."* * Pr. ChaiKW sjives quite .1 difterent account of the homes of lae raii\es generallv, tVom that which Columbus \\-as accustomed to give. He writes tVoin La Navidad. " fhese people are so degraded thaf ihey have not even the sense to select a tuting place to live in. Thos* who dwell on the shore build tor themselve:? the most miserable hovels thai cnn be imagined. All the houses are so covered with gmss :nd dampness, that I wonder how they can contrive to e>i>t.** — L/tUr »»/ Dr. CAarura, p. j»0. THE SECOND VOYAGE. I79 But solitude, like that of Thebes or Palmyra, reig^ned throughout those habitations. Not a living being was seen. The natives, at sight o( the scjuad- n.^n. fled into the interior. The fleet remained here two da}'s. During all that time, not an Indian ven- tured to show himself The account which Columbus sent home, of this cruise among the Caribbee Islands, was read through- out Europe with intense interest. It seemed to settle the mooted question whether the human race had an\- where sunk so low as to feed on human flesh. Still it is not doubted that much o{ the information which Columbus received froni the natives, was obscure, and that their ignorance and superstitions were so great that full reliance could not be placed even in their most positive statements. Mr, Irving very judicious!)' remarks : "The evidence adduced of their cannibal propen- sities must be received with large allowances for the careless and inaccurate observations o( sea-faring men, and the preconceived belief of the fact which existed in the minds of the Spaniards. It was a custom, among the natives of many of the islands. and of other parts of the New World, to preserve the remains of their deceased relatives and friends; sometimes the entire body : sometimes only the i8o CHKISTOPllER COLUMBUS. head, or some of the Hmbs dried at the fire : some times the mere bones."* On the .'•?d of November, the eastern diffs of Hayti appeared in the distance. The greatest excite- ment prevailed on board all the ships, when it was announced that Hispaniola was in view. With well- filled sails the fleet glided along the beautiful shores, while all were entranced with the scenes of sublimity and loveliness \^hichw^ere continually opening before them. A seaman, who had beea wounded in the fray at Porto Rico, died. A wxU-armed crew w^as sent on shore to bury him. The funeral ceremonies were performed upon the beach. There was no disturbance. The natives had heard of Columbus and his friendly disposition. A canoe unhesitatingly approached the admiral's ship, with an invitation from the chief of that part of the island, that he would visit him. Columbus declined the invitation, but loaded the envoy with presents. The fleet, proceeding on its way, cast anchor in the Gulf of Samana. It will be remembered that Colum- bus, on the first voyage, was attacked by the natives, at this place ; that by a conciliatory course he had won their friendship, and that four of the young Indians had accompanied him to Spain. One of these, who had been baptized, and who * *' Life of Columbus " vol. i. p. 336, THE SECOND VOYAGE. l8l was professedly a convert to Christianity, Columbus put on shore. He dressed him in rich apparel, and loaded him with those trinkets which the Indians most highly regarded. He did not return. No tidings were ever heard of him. There was now but one Indian remaining in the fleet, of all whom Co- lumbus had taken to Spain. This young man, who had been baptized with the name of Diego Colon, seemed to be a true Christian. On the 25th of November the fleet anchored in the harbor of Monte Christo. It will be remembered that a large stream flowed into this bay, which Co- lumbus called Rio del Oro, or the Golden River, but which is now called the Santiago. They were great- ly alarmed by finding on the coast four bodies of dead men, with very decisive indications that they were Europeans. They must therefore have been members of the garrison which Columbus had left at La Navidad, only a few leagues further west.* The most gloomy anticipations were thus awakened re- specting the fate of the colony. Still several natives came on board the ship, with a frank and friendly bearing, which did not impl> any consciousness that hostilities had arisen between the natives and the Spaniards. The short twihght * It is said that the precise distance is seven ieajjues. — See Second Voyc^t of Columbus, by the Hakluyt Society, p. 45. l82 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. of the tropics was fading away on the evening of the 27th, when Cokimbus cast anchor, about three n^iles off the port of La Navidad. He did not venture to enter the harbor in the dark. Impatient to receive tidings of his garrison, he ordered two of the largest cannon to be discharged. The reverberations rolled along the forest-covered shores and the cliffs, but no response came back. Sadly and silently the hours of the night passed away. No light was seen ; no shout was heard. The stillness of the primeval forest seemed to reign through the awful solitude. About midnight a small canoe was dimly seen in the distance, cautiously approaching one of the ves- sels. The canoe paused, and an Indian, who had perhaps acquired some slight knowledge of the Spanish language from the soldiers in the garrison, stood up hailing the vessel, and inquiring for Co- lumbus. The admiral's ship was pointed out to him. Slowly he paddled toward it. But when he drew near he would not venture on board until Columbus had made his appearance, and a torch was held up to his face, to show that there was no deception. He then, with a companion, entered the ship, stating tha he was a cousin of the illustrious chief Guacanagari, and that he had brought from him a present of t '-> coronets of gold. To the anxious THE SECOND VOYAGE. I83 inquiries of Columbus respecting the fate of his colony, his answers seemed to be confused and ob- scure. Indeed it was very difficult for him, both by sif^ns and words, to make his meaning plain. Co- lumbus understood him to say that several of the Spaniards had died of sickness ; that a quarrel had arisen among themselves, and that a number had been killed ; and that the others had taken Indian wives and had dispersed throughout the island. He also gave the melancholy intelligence that a band of fierce warriors, from what he called the mountains of Cibao, had assailed the beautiful vil- lage of Guacanagari, laid all the houses in ashes, killed many of the inhabitants, and carried others away captive. Guacanagari, though he had escaped the massacre, was lying sick and wounded in a neigh boring hamlet ; else he would have come, in person, to pay his respects to the admiral. Sad as was this intelligence, Columbus was com- forted by the thought that the garrison had not perished through the perfidy of the natives. These incidents gave very decisive evidence that the New World was by no means an uncontaminated Eden ot innocence and bliss. It was inhabited by the fallen race of Adam, and here, as everywhere else, man'i, inhumanity to man was the most dreadful scourge of the human race. The Indians, having been fed 1 84 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. and rewarded with many presents, returned to the shore. They assured Columbus that it was the in- tention of the chief, who was recovering from his wounds, to be brought on board the next morning. Columbus, ever attentive to all the ceremonial observances of courts, as the morning dawned, waited hour after hour for the promised visit from the prince. Silently the day passed. Not a canoe was in sight. A painful aspect of desolation and desertion was spread everywhere around. Not even a column of smoke could be seen, rising from the forest, with its indication of human life. As evening approached, Columbus, anxious and weary, sent a boat to the shore to reconnoitre. The crew hastened to the fortress. It presented an ap- palling scene of violence and ruin. By some cruel foe it had been sacked, burned, and utterly destroyed. They caught sight of one or two Indians lurking in the distance, but no one of them ventured to draw near. When the sailors endeavored to approach them, they ran, as if oppressed by conscious guilt. With this disheartening report the seamen returned to the admiral. Columbus was greatly troubled. Having entered the haibor, and safely anchored his fleet, he, the fol- lowing morning, went on shore himself. No traces of the garrison remained ; but only a spectacle of THE SECOND VOYAGE. 1 85 devastation, indicating a terrible conflict, and an exterminating massacre. The timbers were thrown down ; the windows were dashed in ; fragments of garments soiled and storm-worn, fluttered in the bieeze. But nothing could be discovered which would throw any additional light upon the awful tragedy which had there taken place. The mourn- ful spectacle revived suspicions, with most of the company, that Guacanagari had been treacherous. But Columbus adhered to his conviction of the good faith of the chief. He was confirmed in this opinion by the smouldering ashes to which the native village had been reduced. Having concluded this search, Columbus, with the boats, ascended the river, to find out, if possible, what had become of the men. They had rowed about three miles, when they came to a small collec- tion of huts, from which all the inhabitants had evi- dently fled, as they saw the approach of the Span- iards. Here they found several European articles, which had undoubtedly been taken from the garri- son. This confirmed the fears of those who sus- pected Guacanagari. In this uncertainty they returned to the ruins of the fortress. It will be remembered that about forty men had been left behind. They were Spanish veterans, accus- tomed to war, and with their gleaming swords and 1 86 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. death-dealing muskets, they would fight to the last gasp. The fortress was strongly built and, being defended by cannon, was apparently impregnable to any force the natives could bring against it. It fi^emed difficult to imagine how such a garrison could iiave been taken, by men marching to the assault with bows and arrows only. The perplexity was somewhat increased by finding, during the day, the graves of eleven of the Spaniards. In the afternoon of this day a small band of In- dians was seen hovering about at a distance. They were, however, evidently afraid to draw near the Spaniards. Columbus gradually succeeded in dispelling their fears, so that he opened intercourse with them, and they soon became quite communicative. Some of them had acquired a slight knowledge of the Spanish language, and thus, with the additional assistance of an Indian interpreter, Columbus probably obtained a pretty correct account of the destruction of the colony. Whatever may be said of the celestial character of the natives, there can be no question respecting the earthly character of the Spaniards. The com- mon seamen were men of the lowest order, ignorant, fanatical, and depraved. It required all the energies of Columbus, with his official dignity and his unlim- THE SECOND VOYAGE. 1 87 ited powers, to hold them in restraint. Don Diego Arana, who was left in command, was a well-mean- ing man, though he was not capable of triumphing over the vast difficulties he soon encountered.* Scarcely had the admiral's ship disappeared in the eastern horizon, when these sailors, forgetful of all the counsel they had received, commenced treat ing the natives with wanton abuse. In small bands, and well-armed, they wandered freely among the dwellings of the Indians, robbing them of their gold, taking ruffianly possession of their homes, and tram- pling mercilessly upon all their domestic relations. The natives had supposed that the Spaniards de- scended from the skies. Their conduct showed rather that they came up from the abodes of fiends. Demons could hardly have conducted themselves more atrociously than did those Spaniards, when freed from all restraints. They took possesion of the best houses : selected any number of female companions they pleased, especially seizing, by violence, in defiance of all pro- testations, the wives and daughters of the chiefs. Wherever they could find gold, they grasped it. Brawls frequently arose over their ill-gotten gains ; daggers were drawn, and blood flowed. Arana lost • Ovicdo, in his " History of the Indies," book 2d, chapter 12 describes the characters of these ruffianly men. 1 88 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. all control of his men. The fortress was virtually abandoned. Quarrels arose as to the supreme com- mand. Factions sprang up. In a violent affray one man was killed. A party of nine Spaniards, under two leaders of the revolt, set out in search of distant mines of gold. They directed their steps to the mountains of Cibao, in the interior of the island. A renowned and intel- ligent chief. Caonabo, reigned there, over a ^varlike tribe. The atrocities practised by the Spaniards had reached his ears. He attacked the desperadoes as they entered his dominions, and put them all to death. He then formed an alliance with another tribe, whose chief was Mayreni, and in a well-con- concerted attack, fell upon the fortress. Their march was secret. The garrison was taken by surprise. Many were absent. At the dead of night, two bands, with hideous yells, rushed into the unguarded fortress ; set fire to the barracks, and with clubs dashed out the brains of the astounded Spaniards, springing from their beds. Some were driven into the sea and drowned. All perished. The faithful Guacanagari rallied his forces for the rescue. It was too late. The fortress was demol- ished. Every Spaniard was dead. Sti.l Guacana- gari fought bravely. But the force against him was overwhelming. His village was burned to the ground THE SECOND VOYAGE. 1 89 Many of the warriors were slain. Guacanagari, severely wounded by the hand of Caonabo himself, escaped from his utterly desolate home. He was not pursued. The great object of the allied chiefs was the extermination of the Spaniards.* * There can be no doubt respecting the general accuracy of this narrative. It is authenticated by Herrera, Peter Martyr, the His- lor}' of the Admiral, by Fernando Columbus, and by many other ancient annalists CHAPTER VIII Life at Hispaniola. otutt;in<;Dt ol Guacanagari — The Chief suspected- -Escape of th« female captive — Gloom at Navidad — Exploring tours — The FiCet sail — The city of Isabella founded — Busy scene at the landing — Disappointed expectations — Expeditions of Ojeda — Traversing the plains — Suffering in the colony — Letter to the sovereigns — The Slavery question — Testimony of T. S. Heneken — Insurrec- tion of Bernal Dias — Tour to the mountains — Vivid description. The account which the natives gave of th'" tragi- cal fate of the colony was confirmed by statements received froni other quarters. One of the caravels, commanded by Melchoor Maldonado, was sent along the coast to search out a more favorable location for a new colony. He had advanced but a few leagues, when a canoe with two Indians was seen approach- ing his vessel. One of these was a brother of Gua- canagari. He entreated Maldonado to come ashore and visit the chief, who was at his house, confined by wounds. They found the chief unable to leave his hammock, and carefully tended by seven of his wives. Guacanagari expressed great regret that it had been out of his power to visit the admiral. Minately he related the events of the great disaster. His LIFE AT HISrANIOLA. IQI account was in jntire harmony with that which we have already given. He generously entertained the Spanish captain and the two or three companiorj-, who accompanied him. Upon their departure b- presented each one with a valuable coronet of The next morning, Columbus in person v' old friend. Wishing to impress the car' retinue with a sense of his dignity r admiral appeared in his most brilli; accompanied by a numerous train o' cased in glittering coats of mail.* Guacanagari was in his hammcck, * deep emotion in again meeting his old friend, anu shed tears as he gave an account of the fate of the Spaniards. The admiral did not question the sin- cerity of his friendship, or the truth of his narrative. But the Spaniards generally looked upon the chief with an evil eye. It was evident that he had been shocked by the atrocities committed by the Span- iards, and that he was by no means desirous thai they should settle within his bounds. The interview was friendly, and an exchange of presents took place. The golden gifts received from the chief surpassed, in the European estimate of value, more than a huri- * " The admiral went on shore, accompanied by all the principal officers, so richly dressed, that he would have made a distinguished ap- pearance even in any of our ::hief cities." — Letter of Dr. Chatua, p. 54, 192 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, dred-fold the trinkets which he received from Colum- bus in return. It may, however, be said that the gifts leceived far exceeded, in native estimation, the value ^ those they gave. ^ surgeon examined the wounded leg. While ' t it possible that there might be some bruis- lerves, which might cause severe pain, t that the chief was feigning a far ound than had been inflicted. But ded his friend.* In the evening, the apparently suffering, was conveyed cO the ships. When Columbus first entered the harbor, he came with two small and shattered caravels. There was now a proud fleet, of seventeen vessels, floating in the bay. The admiral's ship was one of the most massive of the Spanish navy. * " The surgeon of the fleet and myself being present, the admiral wished he would show us his wound. He said he was willing. The surgeon approached him and began to untie the bandage. He then said that the wound was made with a stone. When the wound was uncovered, there was no more wound on that leg than on the other although he cunningly pretended that it pained him much. Ignorant m3 we were of the facts, it was impossible to come to a definite conclu- sion. There were certainly many proofs of an invasion by a hostile j.eoplej so that the admiral was at a loss what to do. He, with many others, thought that, for the present, and until they could ascertain the truth, they ought to conceal their distrust, for, after ascertaining it, they would be able to claim whatever indemnity they thr^ught proper.* '—LetUr of Dr. Chancaa, p. 56« LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. I93 Guacanagari was astonished at the spectacle of grandeur, wealth, and power, which met his eye. He seemed lost in wonder and thoughtfulness, as he gazed upon the fruits, plants, and animals of the old world. There were sheep, swine, and cows, all of which were new. The size, strength, and terrible aspect of the horses astonished him. He was still more astonished in seeing their docility, and the ease with which they were managed.* On board the admiral's ships there were ten young women. One of them, who was called Cata- lina, was exceedingly beautiful. She had the distin- guished air of a princess, and would anywhere have attracted attention and admiration. These girls were prisoners of the Caribs, who had been rescued by Columbus. The chief looked upon them with much sympathy. They were now captives of the Spaniards. Guacanagari had witnessed an appalling exhibition of the atrocities which the Spanish sailors could perpetrate. He spoke to Catalina in tones of remarkable gentleness, and in a very affectionate manner. It would seem that, though different dia- ♦ " No four-footed animal has ever been seen in this or any of the other islands, except some dogs of various colors, as in our own coun- try, but in shape like large house dogs ; and also some little animals, in color, size, and fur like a rabbit, with long tails, and feet like those of a rat." — Letter of Dr. Chanca, published oy the Hakluyt Society p. 41 ^94 CHRISTOPHER COLCMBUS. lects were used on the various islands, there was such a general resemblance in the language, that the natives could easily make themselves understood. It is not improbable that Guacanagari still con- sidered the Spaniards as coming from another world. But he no longer regarded them as angelic visitants. They seemed to him like fiends, whose atrocities excited his loathing. The chief was evidently em- barrassed, and all the efibrts to restore past ease and cordialitv were unavailin^z. When Columbus suecested the idea of comin^r to li\'e with him, the cacique was evidently troubled, and remarked that the place was unhealthy, which was indeed the tact. Unfortunately, the chief regarded the symbols of the Christian religion with feelings of repulsion. He had at first considered them as constituting parts of the worship oi a class o\ beings whoni he deemed far superior to all ordinary humanitw Now, to his mind, the\- indicated the hend-like conduct of men whom he loathed. Notwithstanding his fond- ness for ornament, the admiral found it ditTicuIt tc pursuade Guacanagari to wear an image of the \'ir gi): suspended around his neck. The chief returned to tiie Luid, troubled in spirit, and followed by tiie su-picous looks of the Spaniards generally. The nt^xt morning the chief sent to inquje when Columbus intended to sail ; and was inlormcd that LIFE AT HISFAMOIJ^. 1 95 he would leave the harbor the next morning. In the afternoon the brother o{ Guacanagari came on board. He was observed to converse private!}- with the women, particularly with the beautiful Catalina. At miilnight, when the crew were generally asleep, Catalina and her companions stealthily dropped themselves down, from one side of the vessel, into tlie water. The ship was anchored three miles from the shore and the sea was rough. The watch on deck overheard them. The alarm was given. A boat was instantly manned and gave chase. A small fire was burning on the shore, evi- dently serving as a beacon, to guide them. The women swam like ducks, and were not overtaken until they landed. Four, however, were caught upon the beach. The rest with Catalina, escaped It was found, in the morning, that Guacanagari and all his followers had departed. This increased the suspicions of many o{ the Spaniards, that he had been a traitor. But he could not have been blind to the angr\' looks of the sailors the day before. Some had clamored for his arrest, that he might be held as a hostage. He certainly acted wisely in not leaving himself any longer in their powei Gloom overshadowed everything at La Navidad. The fortress was in ruins. The graves of the Span- iards were constant memorials of violence and blood 196 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. The sea breezes seemed to wail requiems over the mouldering ruins of the native village. Silence, solitude, and desolation reigned there. All were anxious to escape. Columbus decided to abandon the place, and seek a more congenial spot for the establishment of his colony. There was no time to be lost in effecting a land- ing. The animals were suffering from the long voy- age. All were weary of months of confinement on shipboard. Well manned boats were sent, vigor- ously to scour the coast, in both directions, while the fleet remained, in the spacious harbor, awaiting the reports. The boats cruised for a long distance and returned, not having succeeded in finding a suit- able location for commencing the settlement. The Infamous sailors, who had remained in the garrison, had, by their conduct, created such an appalling impression in reference to the Spaniards, that the arrival of the vast fleet, a knowledge of which was instantly spread far and wide, caused the panic- stricken natives to flee in all directions. The country was found utterly deserted. Scarce- ly an Indian was to be seen. Or if, by chance, one was visible in the distance, he fled upon the approach of the Spaniards as if pursued by tigers. Captain Maldonado, who had directed his course to the east, came upon the realms of a bold cacique, who, a( LIFE AT HISPAMOLA. • I97 the head of his warriors, issued forth to attack the boat's crew. But the Spanish captain succeeded sc far in pacifying him, as to secure an interview, which, though not friendly, was something hke a truce. Here he learned that Guacanagari and his people had retired, for their own protection, far back among the mountains. He also received full corroboration of the battle with Caonabo, and of the destruction of the fortress by his troops. There was an Indian there, who was disabled by a wound which he had received in the conflict. Guacanagari seemed to be entirely vindicated from the charge of treachery. Columbus, on the 7th of December, again weighed anchor and sailed to the east. About thirty miles beyond Monte Christo he entered a spacious harbor, surrounded by a grand forest, with a rocky eminence at its entrance, which presented facilities for a for- tress which would command the bay. Two rivers flowed into these still waters, presenting facilities for the erection of mills. Upon one side a large, green, beautiful meadow extended far back to the foot of the hills. Upon the banks of one of these streams there was a pleasant Indian village. The soil was evidently very rich. The bay and the rivers seemed alive with fish, many of them of gorgeous hues which are unknown outside the tropics. It was the middle of December. The climate was £98 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. luxuriously soft and genial. Trees were in full foli< a^re and full flower. The melodv of bird songrs filled the air with sweetest music. " They had not yet become familiarized with the temperature of this favored island, where rigors of winter are unknown, where there is a perpetual succession, and even inter- mixture of fruit and flower, and where smiling ver- dure reisfns throuiii^hout the year." * Here Columbus decided to establish his colony. As an additional inducement, he had been informed that the mountains oi Cibao, where, it was said, rich gold mines existed, were not far distant. Great was the joy, on board the ships, in being released from the long imprisonment. Every vessel was anchored as near as possible to the shore. Ever}- boat was called into requisition. Every man was bus\'. Cat- tle, domestic fowl, provisions, guns, amniunition, fur- niture, were transported to the shore and placed under temporary shelter upon the plain, near a lake- let of crystal wnter. Here, about forty miles east of Cape Haytien, Columbus established the first city built by Europeans in the new world. It was called Isabella, in honor of his royal patroness. The streets were laid out scientifically, and the buildings so arranged as to suiround public squares. The three most important buildings were, 'rv'ing's " Life of Columbus " p. 35^ LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. IQg a church, a pubHc store-house, and a residence for the admiral.^ These were all of stone. Skilful architects planned them ; well-trained mechanics built them. Tl>e private houses were built of tim- ber or reeds, with plastered walls. Theie was a brief scene of sunshine, hope, gladness, as all engaged, with alacrity, in rearing new homes, amidst the bloom and fruitage of this garden of nature. But the storm came ; the storm which seems ever destined to desolate the homes of the fallen children of Adam. An epidemic sickness broke out. The rank soil exhaled malarious vapors. The enervating climate rendered even ordinary toil exhausting. Many thoughtless men had embarked in the enter- prise, with the most silly impression that they were bound to a real Eden, where nature would rear for them the most lovelv bowers, and feed them with the most delicious fruits ; where gold could be picked up like pebbles, and where this mortal life, redeemed from the penalty of the fall, would prove but one continuous gala day. The novelty of the tropics soon vanished. Lan- guor invaded the body. Homesickness oppressed the mind. Disappointment soured the disposition. * Mr Goodrich thus comments upon these transactions. " IIo proceeded to build a church, a magazine, and a house for himself ; a triad which illustrates the ruling traits of his character, hypocrisy avarice, and selfishness."- -Life of Columbus, p. 236. 200 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Murmurs rose, followed by quarrels. Change of place had not changed the heart. Serene skies had not diffused their peace into the troubled soul of man Even Columbus did not escape the general doom. The colony, from which he had anticipated so mucli, was in ruins. The tons of gold, which he had in tended to send to Spain in the return ships, to aston- ish and delight Ferdinand and Isabella, had no longer any existence, even in his imagination. The natives had become unfriendly, and avoided all intercourse with the Spaniards. The care of the squadron : the peril of unknown seas : the heterogeneous character of the mass of men, whom he with difficultv control- led, weighed heavily upon him. Notwithstanding all his efforts to bear his burdens gracefully, and to main- tain a cheerful air, he could not conceal the gloom which oppressed him. For several N»eeks he was confined to his bed. But mental energies at length triumphed over bodily weakness- He girded himself with new strength to go forth to life's great battles.* The ships which had discharged their cargoes, were immediately sen: back. All in Spain were looking eagerly for their return, freighted with gold, and other of the treasures, which Columbus had portrayed in such glowing colors, as abounding in • See " Letter of Dr. Chanca ; " also Heirara. " HisL Ind." dcaui i. lib. ii. cap. ic ; ' Hist del Alrair?Rte," cap. 50. LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. 20\ the New World. It was inexpressibU' mortityin^ to him to be compelled to send them back empty. He could not e\'en give an)' account of the interior of the island, of mines discovered, oi' new realms penetrated by their explorations. The sovereigns were expecting" wonderful returns. It would be a bitter disappointment to them, and would greatly diminish their confidence in Columbus, to receive onl\- tidings of disaster. Under these circumstances Columbus felt im- pelled to make the most strenuous exertions, that the ships, on their return should, in some way, justify the magnificent representations which his sanguine spirit had honestly led him to make. He had learned that the so-called mines of Cibao were situated at the distance oi' but about three or four days' journey in the interior. He sent out an ex- ploring expedition. It would be some comfort to be able to transmit the news that the golden moun- tains had been reached : and that the mines, so full of promise, would immediately be worked; The chivalric Alonzo de Ojeda was selected to lead this enterprise. He loved adventure and peril, and exulted in the thought that he was to penetrate the lealms of the all-powerful chief Caonabo Early In Januar)', 1494, Ojeda, with a well-armed band of picked men, set out for the interior. For two days 0* 202 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. they traversed a deserted country. All the inhabi- tants had fled before them. They reached the mountains, and by a narrow zigzag defile ascended to the summit of the ridge. The morning sun ex- 'libited to them as magnificent a panorama of tropi- cal splendor as earth's surface can exhibit. Beneath their feet there extended apparently a hmitless expanse of verdant fields, luxuriant groves, and wind- ing streams, with the scattered cottages and villages of the natives decorating the whole plain. Descending from these heights they fearlessly entered the villages beyond. It would seem that the fear of the Spaniards had not reached that remote district. The inhabitants received them kindly, and regaled them with profuse hospitality. But they found that it was still quite a long journey to the mountains of Cibao. The face of the country was rugged with occasional ravines and unbridged rivers, and forests, whose dense underbrush could only be penetrated by cutting their way with hatchets. For six days they toiled along, not suffering from thirst, or cold, or hunger, but blistered by the rayj of a torrid sun. The natives were naked and corre- spondingly uncivilized in all their bearing. Still they generally appeared to be lamb-like, not wolfish in nature. But the explorers saw, or thought the> LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. 203 saw, signs of great mineral wealth. Particles o(^ glittering gold were, according to their representa- tions, scattered through the sands of the mountain streams. Peter Martyr testifies that Ojeda brought back a nugget of pure gold, which weighed nine Dunces, and which he himself had picked up in one of the brooks. He also saw stones streaked with veins of gold. It was deemed that these were mere surface washings; and that, beneath the soil, vast deposits of solid gold would be found.* Ojeda was of as ardent imagination as Columbus. He returned with a glowing report. We easily credit that which we wish to believe. Columbus eagerly accepted all, and, in his sanguine disposition, added new colors to the picture. Indeed the spirits of all the colonists were reanimated by these flat- tering accounts. Inexhaustible sources of wealth were opening before them. Columbus retained five ships for his own service, and returned the rest, laden with these golden promises. A few specimens of the gold which had been found by Ojeda were sent back, and a few curiosities in the way of plants and fruits.f * Peter Martyr, decad. i. lib. ii. f " An enemy of Columbus, one Fermin Cede, who is represented &sa conceited and ignorant man, but who had come to the island as an assayer of metals, asserted, with persistence, that gold could not be founil upon the islands, in quantities to repay the search. He declared 204 CHRISTOPHER CC LUMHUS. "With the return fleet, Columbus wrote to th« king and queen. He as'^ured them of his confident anticipations that he should soon be able to make more abundant shipments of gold, and of the most valuable drugs and spices. The powers of language were exhausted in his description of the beauty and fertility of the island of Hispaniola. The skies were brilliant, the climate genial, the mountains glorious, the scenery surpassingly lovely, the soil fertile, the fruit delicious, and the bloom perpetual. The sugar, cane, which he brought from Europe, grew with amazing luxuriance. A colony of over a thousand hungry people, ac- customed to the European style of living, consumes a vast amount of food. These men could not live upon fruit alone. Their provisions were rapidly vanishing. It required considerable time to break the soil and raise crops, in field and garden. The animals were all to be carefully preserved that the stock might be increased. Many of the colonists were sick. The medicines were exhausted. The gentlemen could not work. More laborers were needed to dig in the mines and smelt the ore. Many of the horses had perished, and more were that the nuggeits obtained from the natives had been melted, and nad been the slow accumulation of many years." — Cura de los Pa'-acios cap. 1 20. LIFE AT HISPANIOLA 205 greatly needed for public works and military ser- vices. Thus it became necessary that large supplies should be promptly sent to him. The letter, which Columbus wrote to the Spanish sovereigns on this occasion, indicates earnestness and honesty of mind. There was no intentional misrep- resentations of anything. He truthfully related all the facts, as they appeared to him. He faithfully depicted their difficulties and their prospects. He sent to Spain, in the ships, several natives, men, women, and children, whom he had captured in the Caribbee Islands. They were cannibals, taken from the most cruel scenes of depravity and degradation. The letter was addressed to Antonio de Torres, stat- ing the information which he was to communicate to Ferdinand and Isabella. The admiral wrote : *' You will tell their highnesses that, as we are not acquainted with the language of these people, so as to make them acquainted with our holy faith, as their highnesses and we ourselves desire, and as we will do so soon as we are able, we send, by these two vessels, some of these cannibal men and women, as well as some children, both male and female. Their high- nesses can order them to be placed under the care of the most competent persons to teach them the language giving instructions at the same time, that they may be employed in useful occupations ; and 2o6 CHRISTOPHER CC^LUMB'JS. that, by degrees, more care be bestowed upon them than would be given to other slaves, in order that afterward, one may learn from the other. " By not seeing or speaking to each other for a long time, they will learn much sooner in Spain than here, and they will become much better interpreters. We will, however, do what we can. It is true that, as there is but little communication between one of these islands and another, there is some difference in their mode of expressing themselves ; which mainly depends on the distance between them. But as among all these islands, those inhabited by the cannibals are the largest and most populous, I have thought it expedient to send to Spain, men and women from the islands which they inhabit, in the hope that they may one day be led to abandon theif barbarous custom of eating their fellow-creatures. •* By learning the Spanish language in Spain, they will much earlier receive baptism, and insure the salvation of their souls. Moreover, it will be a great happiness to the Indians who do not practise the above cruel custom, when they see that we have seized and led captive those who injure them, and those they dread so much that their name alone fills them with norror.* * ** Such arguments must be allowed to have much force in them. And it may be questioned whether many of those persons who, is LIFE AT IIISPANIOLA. 20J *■* You will assure their highnesses that our anival in this country, and the sight of so fine a fleet, have pioduced the most desirable effect and insured ou future safety. For all the inhabitants of this great island and of those around it, when they see the good treatment that we shall show to those that do well, and the punishment we shall inflict on those who do wrong, will hasten to submit ; and their highnesses will shortly be able to reckon them among the number of their subjects." To this portion of the letter, the sovereigns replied, " Let Columbus be informed of what has transpired to the cannibals that came over to Spain. He has done well; and his suggestions are good. But let him endeavor by all possible means to con- vert them to our holy Catholic religion. And do the same to the inhabitants of all the islands to which he may go." But Columbus continues to write, upon the same subject : " You will tell their highnesses that, for the good of the souls of the said cannibals, and even of the inhabitants of this island, the thought h^s sug- gested itself to us, that the greater the number that these (lays, are the strongest opponents of slavery, would then have had that perception of the impending danger of its introduction which the sovereigns appear to have entertained, from their answer to this part of the document." — Life of Columbus, by Arthu- Help% p. 136 208 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. are sent over to Spain the better; and that good service may result to their highnesses in the follow- ing manner. Considering what great need we have of cattle, and of beasts of burden, both for food and to assist the settlers in their work, their highnesses will be able to authorize a suitable number of cara- vels to come here every year, to bring over the said cattle, in order that the fields may be covered with people and cultivation. *^ These cattle might be sold at moderate prices, for account of the bearers, and the latter might be paid with slaves, taken from among the Caribbees. who are a wild people, fit for any work, well pro- portioned, and very intelligent, and who, when they have got rid of the cruel habits to which they have become accustomed, will be better than any other kind of slaves. When thev lose si^ht of their country, they will forget their cruel customs. And it will be easy to obtain plenty of these savages, by means of row boats that we propose to build. Their highnesses might fix duties on the slaves that may be taken over, on their arrival in Spain. You will ask for a reply on this point, and bring it to me, that I maybe able to take the necessary measures, should the proposition merit the approbation of their high- nesses." This siggestion, that the court of Spain should LIFE AT IIISPANIOLA. 20L, thus eneigetically embark in the slave trade, evi dently startled Ferdinand and Isabella. They were led to pause and think. Somewhat vaguely they replied. *' The consideration of this subject has been suspended for a time, until other measures may be suggested, with reference to the islands. The admiral will do well to write what further he tliinks upon the subject." ^ These sentiments of Columbus, so abhorrent to the enlightened Christian views of the nineteenth century, were quite in accordance with the opinions generally cherished throughout Christendom four hundred years ago. Such mistaken views of human- rights were almost universally prevalent in that day. The conversion of the souls of the heathen was deemed so important that it was to be effected by whatever means the Church could devise, whether fair or foul. Candid judgment will make allowance for the darkness of the age in which Columbus lived. The admiral undoubtedly thought that he was ad- vocating a measure of mercy, which would prove a great blessing to the poor Caribs, and to humanity in general ; and that it would be well pleasing in the * The whole of this exceedingly interesting letter, together with the replies which the Spanish sovereigns returned to each portion. may be found in the " Select Letters of Christopher Columbus," issued by the Hakluyt Society, London. 210 CHRISTOPHER COLUMbJb. sight of God. Men of upright intentions may often deceive themselves by the strangest sophistry. It is pleasant to record that Ferdinan 1 and Isa- bella, upon mature reflection, rejected the flattering proposal. There was in it much to commend itself to their approval. The colony could thus," not only free of expense but with profit, be amply supplied with live stock from Spain. The peaceful islanders would be rescued from the ravages of these fierce cannibals, who were keeping them ever in a state of terror. The royal treasury would be greatly en- riched, enabling the ambitious sovereigns to do much for the promotion of the interests of their realms. And best of all, a large number of savages might be brought under the influence of the institutions of Christianity, and thus their souls might be saved.* The return fleet put to sea on the 2d of February 1494. Three and a half centuries after the founda- tions of the city of Isabella were laid, T. S. Heneken, Esq., visited the place. The following is his interest- ing account of the aspect the city then presented : " Isabella, at the present day, is a city quite overgrown with forests ; in the midst of which are * " Jt is but just to add that the sovereigns did not accord with his ideai. but ordered that the Caribs should be converted like the rest of the islanders ; a command which emanated from the merciful heart of Isabella, who ever showed herself as the benign protectress 0/ the Indians." — Irvingj's Life of Columbus, vol i. p 3^^^ LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. 211 still to be seen, partly standing, the pillars of the church, some remains of the king's store-houses, and a part of the residence of Columbus, all built of hewn stone. The small fortress is also a prominent ruin. A little north of it is a circular pillar, about ten feet high, and as much in diameter, of solid masonry, nearly entire ; which appears to have had a wooden gallery or battlement round the top, for the convenience of room ; and in the centre of which was planted the flag-staff. Having discovered the remains of an iron clamp, imbedded in the stone, which served to secure the flag-staff itself, I tore it out, and now consign to you this curious relic of the first foot-hold of civilization in the New World, after it has been exposed to the elements nearly three hundred and fifty years." * The energies of Columbus pressed forward the work, and the city of Isabella rapidly rose, in quite imposing proportions. We v\{er that the buildings could not have been very elaborate. Columbus entered the harbor on the 7th of December. In two months, on the 6th of February, the church was coTipleted, and dedicated. Twelve ecclesiastics, ander their spiritual head, Friar Boyle, assisted in the imposing ceremonies. The departure of the fleet was a glocmy hour foi * From the Letter of T. S ileneken. ^^^ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. those who remained. A general feeling of discon* tent pervaded the Httle colony. All were disap- pointed. Some blamed themselves for their folly in leaving homes in Spain, for a wilderness inhabited only by savages. Other denounced the admiral, whose false representations, they said, had lured them to destruction. Murmurs were heard on all sides. These increased to upbraidings and bitter quarrels. Many sad eyes watched the departure of the ships. And denser clouds of gloom seemed to settle over the colony when the last sail vanished beneath the horizon.^ Among the adventurers there was a proud, arro- gant man, from the court of Spain, whose assump- tions had several tim.es brought him into collision with th*e admiral. His name was Bernal Diaz de Pisa. He organized an insurrection, with quite a number of the disaffected. Their plan was to seize one or all of the remaining ships, and return to Spain, where they would unite in weighty charges against * " Mr. Goodrich gives vent to his own feelings, and probably tc those of some of the colonists, when he writes, " As the unhappy Span iards awakened from their dreams of splendor, to the reality of a country in which was found neither food nor shelter, dissatisfaction daily increased. Hatred for the pirate admiral, who had so craftily allured them to destruction, became more and more apparent. Nof were the harsh measures a-id tyrannical conduct of Columbus calco* tated to conciliate. Bitter complaints were made against hiia.'*— Life of Columbus^ p. 239. LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. 21 ^ Columbus. They hoped to enlist so many in the conspiracy as to seize all the five ships. The mutiny was discovered, and the ringleader* arrested. In the investigation which took place, a very atrocious libel was found, in the handwriting of Bernal Diaz, full of slanders and misrepresenta- tions. Diaz was a man of high rank. Columbus very prudently declined bringing him to trial, before one of his own courts, where his own influence might be deemed paramount, but sent him to Spain, with his seditious memorial. Some of the inferior mutineers were punished, but more mildly than their offence merited. To guard against any renewal of the attempt, the guns and ammunition were re- moved from all the ships but one ; and that was in- trusted to persons whose fidelity could not be ques- tioned.* Columbus was not a Spaniard, but a citizen of Genoa. National prejudices rose against him as a foreigner. The haughty Spaniards combined for his overthrow. He had no natural friends to rally to his support. Though the general safety rendered it neces- sary that the disturbers of the public peace should not go unpunished, and though he was humane and lenient in the extreme in his dealings with transgres« * " Historia del Almirante," cap. 50 ; Herrera, * Hist Ind.,* decad. i. lib. ii. cap. iL 214 CHRISTOniER COLUMBUS. SOTS, Still his opponents assailed him as arbitrary and vindictive. It is not possible for any one, invested with power, to escape denunciation. George Wash- ington, throughout the whole of his career, was as- sailed as if he were a fiend. The hostility engen- dered against Columbus increased in rancor, until he found repose in the grave. And the envenomed assaults still pursue him, after the lapse of three and a half centuries. Columbus decided to take a working party, and go to the mines in person, that he might superintend operations there He intrusted the government at Isa bella, during his absenc*. to his brother, Don Diego. Las Cai^as, who was familiarly acquainted with him represents him a^ a very amiable, upright man, a lovei of peace, gentlemanl)' in his bearing, frugal in his habits, simple in his attire.* As Columbus was to enter the territory of a re- nowned warrior, who had already manifested his deadly hostility to the Spaniards, it was necessary that he should take a force, not only sufficient to repel assaults, but also one of such a character as to convince the natives of the resistless power of the new-comers. It would be easy for those left behind in their fortress, to defend themselves against any attack. He therefore took nearly all the able-bodied * Las Casas. •* Hist, tnd.," lib. i. cap. 32. LIFE AT HISPANIOLA. 215 men, and all the horses which could be spared. Experience had taught him how deeply the savages were impressed by external appearances. He there- fore arrayed his force in with all the military splen d<>r he could command.* The expedition, consisting of four hundred men^ set out, on the 12th of March, 1494. The company, encased in dazzling armor, with highly polished weapons and gilded banners, and with the notes of the trumpets reverberating through the forests, must have impressed the natives with ideas of supernatu- ral and resistless power. All the prominent men were in rich uniform, and mounted on gayly capari- soned horses. It was a serene and lovely day, as the band crossed the flower-enamelled plain toward the distant hills. In the early evening they reached the entrance of a rocky defile among the mountains. On the turf, breathing the balmy air, they slept sweetly. A narrow Indian trail led through the rugged defiles. Several high-spirited cavaliers rode forward as pioneers to remove obstructions. The road thus * " Columbus had already discovered the error of one of his opin- ions concerning these islanders, formed during his first voyage. They were not so entirely pacific, nor so ignorant of warlike arts as he had imagined. He had been deceived by the enthusiasm of his own feel- ings, and the gentleness of Guacanagari and his subjects." — Irving*9 Life of Columbus vol. i. p. 38q. 2l6 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. opened was called the Gentleman's Pass, in honot of the cavaliers who constructed it. When they reached the height of land, the same prospect of fairy-like loveliness was opened before them, upon which Ojeda and his companions had gazed with delight. The pen of Irving has portrayed the scene with almost the vividness of the landscape painter's pencil.* " Below lay a vast and delicious plain, painted and enamelled, as it were, with all the rich variety of tropical vegetation. The magnificent forests pre- sented that mingled beauty and majesty of vegetable forms, known only to those generous climates. Palms of prodigious height, and spreading mahogany trees, towered from amid a wilderness of variegated foliage. Freshness and verdure were maintained by numerous streams, which meandered gleaming through the deep bosom of the woodland ; while various villages and hamlets, peeping from among the trees, and the smoke of others rising out of the midst of forests, gave signs of a numerous population. The luxuriant landscape extended as far as the eye could reach, until it appeared to melt away and mingle with the horizon. The Spaniards gazed with * The Spanish name was El Puerto de los Hidalgos, or The Pass of the Hidalgos. Hidalgo is said to be derived from Hijo de Algo, the " Son of Somebody." This was to distinguish him from one of obscure birth, who was said to be a Son of Nobody LIFE AT HISPANIOLA.. 2ly rapture upon this soft, voluptuous country, which seenned to realize their ideas of a terrestrial paradise; and Columbus, struck with its vast extent, gave it the name of the Vega Real, or Royal Plain." * This now solitary route is still occasionally tra- versed by the tourists of modern days. It remains a lonely, rugged footpath, winding among rocks and precipices ; the only practicable defile across the Monte Christo range of mountains. It is called the Pass of Marney. The beautiful island has been crushed beneath the scourge of the kind of civiliza- tion which the Spaniards introduced. SoHtude, desolation, and gaunt poverty reign where the smil- ing villages of the Haytiens formerly enlivened the scene, leading Columbus to think that he was gazing upon an earthly Eden.f With great pomp of military display, and the clangor of trumpets, the glittering host emerged upon the plain. The natives could not refrain from regarding the wonderful pageant as a supernatural vision. :j: Las Casas says that, at first, they consid- * " Life of Col ambus," vol. i. p. 399. Ii"ving gives, as his author- ity for this description, Las Casas, " Hist. Ind. lib. i. cap. 90. MS. f ' Letter frorr, T. S. Heneken Esq.," dated Santiago (St. Dom- ingo), 20th of September, 1847. X Perhaps historic justice demands that we should give Mr. Good> rich's comiRents upon the march. He writes: "The progress through the country, on this expedition, was characteristic. His band was sickly, wearied, and disheartened. Yet he must needs enter every 2l8 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. ered the horse and his rider as one animal. Gener ally, the Indians fled in terror. The kindness of Columbus eventually overcame their fears. Native interpreters were sent forward to assure t aem that no harm was intended. Presents were also distrib- uted, which the natives received with amazement and delight. Food was considered by them as free to all. One could enter any house and eat at his pleasure. But we are told, in apparent contradic- tion to some previous statements, that other private property was held sacred. Theft was punished with great severity. A march of fifteen miles brought them to a large stream, which Columbus named the River of Reeds. It proved to be the upper waters of that stream, which, near its mouth, he had called the River of Gold. Upon these green banks, and bathing in these still waters, the adventurers passed a night of luxurious encampment. The next morning they crossed on rafts, swimming the horses. For two days the march was continued through this magnifi- cent plain. They passed many villages, from all of which the natives at first fled. On the evening of the second day they reached the northern decliv- Indian hamlet, with trumpets sounding and banners flying; so irre- pressible were his vanity and delight in exhibiting his newly acquired rank ' — Life of Columbm:, p. 240. LIFE AT niSPANIOLA. 219 ities of what were called the Golden Mountains of Cibao. The next morning they commenced the ascent, through gloomy ravines and craggy rocks, where the horses were with difficulty led. They reached the summit. An entrancing view again met their eyes. The plain lay spread out before them like a " ver- dant lake." According to the estimate of Las Casas, it was two hundred and forty miles in length, and about seventy miles in breadth. They had now reached the centre of the famous gold region. The summits of the mountains presented but a dreary scene of barrenness and desolation. Scarcely a flower bloomed. All vegetation was scanty. Gloomy pines were on the hill-sides. But the Spaniards were con- soled for the cheerlessness of the scene, in finding, among the sands, glittering particles of gold, which seemed to give assurance that there were inexhaust- ible mines of wealth locked up within the mountains. The exploring party was then about fifty or sixty miles from Isabella. Columbus selected a pleasant site for his encampment. He erected a wooden fort, which he, perhaps playfully, called St. Thomas, in gentle reproof of those unbelieving ones, who would not l>elieve that any gold was to be found, until they had seen it with their eyes and touched it with theii hands. CHAPTER IX. The Coast of Cuba Explored Tlie fortress of St. Thomas — Extravagant expectaticis Df ths Spu iards — The exploring expedition — The arrest cf thie-res — Com mencement of the maritime cruise — The harbor of Guantanamo— Interesting scene with the Indians — Jamaica — Its grandeur ana beauty — Naval scene — Events at Santa Gloria — Native canoes- Events of the voyage — Testimony of Humboldt — The decision— The Island of Pines — Speech of the chief — The return to His- paniola — Incidents of the voyage. While building the fortress of St. Thomas, Co- lumbus sent out a small band to explore the sur- rounding country. The men were thoroughly armed, and were led by a chivalric young cavalier, by the name of Juan de Luxan. They traversed the prov- ince of Caonabo, and judged it to be about equal in extent to the kingdom of Portugal. Particles of gold dust were found in the sands c f all the streams. Language could hardly exaggerate the fertility and beauty of the country. A garrison of fifty-six men was left at the fortress. Mining operations were commenced, and Columbus returned to Isabella. On the 29th of March, he reached the colony, bearing a very flatterng report THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 221 of the prospect of obtaining gold. Soon a report reached him that the Indians, at St. Thomas, were becoming unfriendly. The fact was that, as soon as the restraint of the presence of Columbus was with- drawr from the Spaniards, the unprincipled men began to rob the natives, and to subject their wives and daughters to intolerable insults. Caonabo knew them well. With great impatience he saw them establishing themselves in the midst of his mountains. Columbus did not think that there was much to be feared from their hostility. He contented him- self with sending to the fort a small reinforcement, with provisions and supplies. But he had cause to be greatly troubled; in view of the discontent and murmurings ever increasing at Isabella, and the manifestation of hostile feelings toward himself. Very many were sick. They had no proper food, and their medicines were exhausted. We read, with some surprise, that the colonists could not accustom themselves to the food of the natives. Threatenings of famine rendered it necessary to put the people upon short allowance. This caused increasing mur- murs. No one was more turbulent in these com- plainings than the Spanish chief of ecclesiastics, Father Boyle. The ecclesiastics and the grandees were irritated 222 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. because Columbus made no distinction of rank in civil duties. The very existence of the colony re^ quired that mills should be erected, and that othei labors for the public welfare should be performed. All were alike required to aid. The haughty hidalgos rose in indignant remonstrance. Columbus was de- nounced as a foreign upstart, and he found himself without a friend. Columbus was a strict disciplinarian. He was not theoretically versed in the science of political economy, or popular rights; but was guided by the honest instincts of his own strong mind. It is not improbable that, coming from industrious Genoa, where labor was honorable, he did not sufficiently appreciate the amazing pride and haughtiness of the Spanish nobles. They regarded all labor as the ignominious doom of the " sons of nobody." Many young cavaliers, who had been reaping renown upon the military fields of Grenada, had entered upon the expedition to the New World, with the most roman- tic ideas of the wealth which was to roll in upon them. They were to dwell in castles, bestride their war-horses, and eclipse the splendor even of Spanish imperialism, in the grandeur of their feudal estab- lishments and the obsequiousness of their crowds of attendants. Mr. Irving writes : ** Many of these young men had come out hop- THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 22 3 ing, no doubt, to distinguish themselves by heroic achievements and chivalrous adventure, and to con- tinue, in the Indies, the career of arms which they had commenced in the recent wars of Grenada. Others had been brought up in soft, luxurious indul- gence, in the midst of opulent families, and were little calculated for the rude peril of the seas, the fatigues o[ the land, and the hardships, the expo- sures, the deprivations which attend a new settle- ment in the wilderness. When they fell ill, their case soon became incurable. The ailments of the body were increased by sickness of the heart. They suf- fered under the irritation of wounded pride, and the morbid melancholy of disappointed hope. Their sick bed was destitute of all the tender care and soothing attention to which they had been accus- tomed. And they sank into the grave in all the suUenness of despair, cursing the day of their depar- ture from their country."* Ferdinand and Isabella were pressing Columbus to continue his voyages of discovery. Apparently there was a wide and unknown world opening before him, and no one could imagine what wonders might be levealed The growing troubles at Isabella led Columbus to judge it wise to disperse the colonists* on these tours. He therefore fitted out a strong * Irving^s " Life of Columbus," vol. i. p. 40f> 2;?4 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. expedition to explore the interior of the island. The force included every healthy man who could be spared from tending the sick, and from performing pressing public duties. There were, in the bandj two hundred and fifty cross-bow men, one hundred and ten arquebusiers, sixteen horsemen, and twenty officers. Peter Margarite, a friend of Columbus, and one of the most illustrious knights of the Order of Santiago, was placed in command. Ojeda was left as superintendent of the mines. Columbus gave Margarite very minute written instructions. They develop his sound judgment, his humanity, and his noble ambition not to live in vain. The sincerity of the admiral cannot be questioned. In this document he says : *' Treat the Indians with the utmost kindness. Protect them from all wrong and insult. Pay liberally for everything you receive from them, for the support of the troops. Do all in your power to win their confidence and friendship. Should the absolute necessities of the army compel you to take from them anything which they are unwilling to sell, do it as gently as possible : endeav- oring to soothe them by kindness and caresses. And ever bear in mind that their majesties are more desirous of the conversion of the natives than of 3ny riches to be derived from them." * ♦ " Letter of Columbus," Navarette Colec, torn ii doc. No. 7a. THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED 22$ All these judicious instructions Margarite disre- garded. Prosperity and happiness would have attended their faithful observance.^ The vileness of this band of Spaniards brought on war and misery. The Indians were exterminated. Spain was dis- graced. Humanity was dishonored. And Columbus himself was pursued with the most intense vitupera- tion which language could coin. The cacique, Caonabo, was an intelligent, artful^ and determined foe. His expedition for the de- struction of the Spanish garrison at La Navidad, had been executed with great skill and entire success. The evidence was decisive that he was now organiz- ing a force to destroy the Spaniards who had inva- ded his territory, and who were fortifying themselves at Fort St. Thomas. Deplorable is the lot of man. No one can blame the chief for his desire to drive from his country the Spaniards, who had already developed a demoniac character, in their treatment of the natives. On the other hand, no one can blame Columbus for sending an expedition into the interior of the island, in search for gold. Columbus could conscientiously pray to God to protect his colony. With equal sincerity could Caonabo implore the deities he worshipped to aid him in driving out the intruders.* * " Columbus was w ong in the impression he first received, that 10* ^20 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Ojeda accompanied the expedition of nearly fou! hundred men, to St. Thomas, where he was to relieve Margarite, and surrender the explorers to him. Five Indians had robbed, it was said, three Spaniards. Their chief was accused of sharing their spoil, instead of punishing them. Ojeda caught an Indian, whc was declared to be one of the thieves. He cut off his €ars, in the public square of the Indian village. Arresting the chief, his son and his nephew, he sent them all in chains to Isabella. A neighboring chief, who had proved friendly to the Spaniards, accompanied the terrified captives, to plead for their forgiveness. Columbus paid no heed to these friendly intercessions. He sent the three prisoners to the public square, with their hands tied behind them ; directed the crier to proclaim their crime, and then ordered their heads to be struck off. Oviedo says, in palliation of the order, that it was important to strike awe into the minds of the natives, in respect to the property of the white men ; and that the crime of theft was punished, by the Indians with impalement.* It, however, is not probable that Columbus had tLe natives had no religious belief. They had a vague and simple cteed. There was, in their view, one Supreme Being, who dwelt in the sky He employe 1 inferior deities. To these subordinate gods *»nly, was prayer addressed." — Historia del AlmiranU. * Ov''jdo " Hjsl. iiid.' lib, V. cap. 3. THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 22> any intention of executing the cruel penalty. At the assigned place of execution the friendly chief wept bitterly, and in the most pathetic tones implored the admiral not to take the lives of his friends ; assur- ing him that there should be no repetition of the offence, and pledging his own life as the forfeiture, if there should be. The admiral yielded, and the prisoners were set at liberty. Columbus had for some time been making prep- arations to set sail, with his squadron, in search of new realms. It will be remembered that he supposed Cuba to be, not an island, but a portion of the conti- nent of Asia. His present plan was to cruise along the southern coast of this vast promontory. The little squadron sailed on the 14th of April, 1494. Don Diego Columbus was left in command at Isabella. Cruising to the westward, a short tarry was made at Monte Christo, and the fleet cast anchor in the gloomy bay of La Navidad. On the 29th^ passing the extreme western cape of St. Dommgo^ the ship came in sight of the extreme eastern cape of Cuba, which Columbus had named Alpha and Omega. It is now known as Point Maysi. The channel between the two islands is about fifty four miles wide. Crossing this channel, he ran along the •outhern coast of Cuba, about sixty miles, when he 22'S V.HRIST0P11EK COLUMBUS. cast anchor in a capacious harbor, which he named Puerto Grande. It is now called Guantanamo. Cottages and fires, on the shore, indicated the presence of inhabitants. Columbus, with a well- armed party, landed. But not an Indian could be found. All had fled to the mountains. The Span- iards found food in abundance, which they eagerly devoured. Just as they had closed their feast, they saw, upon a distant eminence, about seventy Indians, looking down upon them apparently with awe and astonishment. Upon approaching, all but one fled with the utmost precipitation. One bold young man ventured to tarry behind, though apparently ready in an instant to bound away. Columbus sent forward an Indian interpreter with presents. The bold young man came forward, to meet the native envoy. Upon receiving the pres- ents, and assurances of the kind intentions of the Spaniards, he ran after his companions, to communi- cate to them the intelligence. Slowly, and with timid, hesitating footsteps, they returned. They had been sent to the coast, to procure fish for a great banquet, which the chief was to give to a neighboring chief- tain. The fishes had been roasted, to preserve them. The hungry Spaniards had devoured all. The gentle, friendly natives said that it was of no consequence, as one night's fishing would replace the THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 229 loss. But Columbus, with characteristic justice, in sisted that full payment should be made. Thus the Spaniards and the Cubans parted, well-pleased with each other.* Still continuing his cruise to the west, the coun- try seemed to grow more fertile and more populous. Natives — men, women and children — crowded the shore, to gaze upon the fleet, gliding gently by, at the distance of about a mile from the land. At length the fleet entered another large bay, sur- rounded by beautiful scenery. It was probably the harbor now called St. Jago. The fleet anchored, and passed the night. The natives seemed to have lost all fear of the strangers. They came, in crowds, to the ships, in their canoes, lavishing upon the Span- iards the most generous hospitality. Everywhere Columbus inquired for gold. Gen- erally, in reply, the natives pointed south ; intima- ting that there was a large island there, abounding with the precious ore. On the 3d of March, Co- lumbus turned the prows of his ships in a southerly direction ; and abandoned the coast of Cuba, in search of the reported island. After a (cw hours* sail, magnificent mountains began to rear their heads, like clouds, in the horizon. As they drew near, a vision of wonderful beauty was unveiled before * " History of the Discoveries of Columbus." by Peter Martyr 230 CIIRISTOJ'ilER COLUMBUS. them. Accustomed as they were to these hixuriant Edens, emerging from the sunny waves, exclama- tions of admiration burst from all lips, as the ships glided along the shores, where mountains, valleys, groves, and picturesque villages in ever-varying love- liness, charmed the eye. When quite near the shore, the wind died away, and the ships floated almost motionless, as upon a sea of glass. Instantly, about seventy canoes, crowded with warriors, pushed out from the shore. These truly intrepid men, painted, plumed, and brandish- ing their lances, uttered loud yells as they advanced, in war-like array, to attack an apparation which, to them, one would think must have been invested with supernatural terrors. When one of the canoes was within hailing dis- tance, a native interpreter called out to the crew. They understood him. His assurance of the friend- ship of the strangers, and the potent influence of some presents of marvellous value, in their eyes, which were tossed into their boat, disarmed their hos- pitality. They paddled back. The little fleet of canoes gathered around them to listen to their strange report. While they were thus conferring, lost in amazement, the wind freshened, and the squad- ron, unassailed, pursued its course. It is altogether probably that had not Columbus been on board, THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLuRHD. 23 1 the Spanish sailors would have amused themselves in seeing what effect a few discharges of grape-shot, from their heavy cannon, would produce upon the dense throng of the natives huddled together in this group of canoes. A short sail brought them to a spacious harbor, where Columbus cast anchor. He named the bay Santa Gloria. Landing, he raised the Cross of Christ, and the banner of Spain, and took possession of the island in the name of his sovereigns. One of the ships had sprung a leak. It was necessary to careen and calk it. He sent a boat in search of a suitable spot. Two large canoes, filled with warriors, ap- proached, hurling their javelins at the crew ; but from such a distance that they fell harmless. Soon the beach was covered with Indians, brandishing their weapons like frantic men, and uttering hideous yells- These natives seemed to have none of the gentle character of those of Cuba and Hayti, but manifested all the ferocity of the Caribs. It was absolutely neces- sary to careen the ship. Columbus deemed it essen- tial that the natives should be overawed, so that they would not take advantage of the opportunity, and attack him with overwhelming numbers. Whether he pursued a wise course is a question upon which good men may differ. No candid man will assert thact an) love of cruelty inspired his action. 232 CHRISTOPHER COLUMEUS. The shoal- water prevented the caravels from drawing near the beach. He therefore sent several boats toward the shore, well-manned and armed. We do not learn that they waited to be attacked, When within bow-shot of the land, they discharged a volley of arrows from their cross-bows, which wounded a number of the Indians, and put all the rest to flight. The Spaniards, cased in coats-of-mail impervious to the arrows of the natives, sprang upon the beach, and threw another volley of their sharp- pointed and barbed arrows upon the fugitives. At the same time they let loose, upon the almost naked natives, a powerful blood-hound, who pursued them with the resistless strength and ferocity of a tiger and mangled them with bloody fangs. This is the first account we have of the employ- ment of the terrible blood-hound in the butchery of the Indians. The terrified natives, being thus dis- persed, with no fear of their returning, Columbus took formal possession of the island. He gave it the name of Santiago. Fortunately, it has retained the far more beautiful Indian name of Jamaica. It is a melancholy reflection that the first approach of Chris- tendom to this barbaric isle was accompanied with terror, wounds, slaughter, and the manglings of the blood-hound.* * Cora de los Palacios, cap. 135 THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 233 For the remainder of that dismal day, not an Indian was to be seen. But the next morning, just as the sun was rising, six of the natives were seen at a distance, cautiously approaching, and apparently making signs of friendship. The admiral received them kindly, and learned that they were sent, by several of the chiefs, with offers of peace. Columbus assured them of his earnest desire to live on friendly terms with all the people ; but that he had power to punish them with the most terrible severity, should they be guilty of any treachery. In proof of his wish for fraternal intercourse, he sent the chiefs many presents, which they must have regarded as of ines- timable value. Who can imagine the worth of a sub- stantial sharp-edged knife to a savage, who has been accustomed painfully to carve out his bow and his arrows with pieces of flint? The Indians were like children. All their ani- mosity was at once laid aside. In crowds they came to the encampment, where Columbus was repairing his ships. For three days the most friendly inter- course prevailed. But these Indians were manifestly a warlike race. Their military weapons were quite formidable, and their war canoes were constructed with much artistic skill. They were made of the single trunk of a species of mahogany tree. Coluno- 234 CHRISTOPHER COLUiMKUb. bus measured one of these canoes, which was ninety- six feet long, and eight broad. The ship being repaired, and a supply of water taken in> the cruise was continued along the coast of llie island, to the west. The breeze was very light, and the water so transparent that the pebbles could be seen at the depth of several fathoms. As the caravels glided slowly along, within a few rods of the shore, they were, at times, entirely surrounded by the canoes of the natives. They shot out from every bay, river, and headland. The island seemed to be thronging with inhabitants, all friendly, and all eager to get some European trinket at whatever price. Columbus still called for gold. None could be found. None could be heard of. Much disap- pointed, he turned back to what he considered the main land of Cuba. It was still uncertain whether Cuba was an island or a continent. That question he wished to solve. As they were spreading their sails, a very interesting Indian young man came on board the admiral's ship, and implored that he might be taken to the country of the Spaniards. Curiosity was apparently the motive which inspired him — an intense desire to visit the homes from which the wonderful strangers came. The relatives of the )'oung man, with the most pathetic lamentations entreated him to desist from his purpose. Though THE CDAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 235 the tender-hearted youth wept, he still persisted in his plan ; and, having obtained the consent of the admiral, hid himself in a secret part of the ship, that he mieht not witness the distress of his friends Unfortunately, we hear nothing more of this youth- ful adventurer. On the 1 8th of May Columbus reached the coast of Cuba, at a point which he called Cabo de la Cruz The name is still retained. There was a large vil- lage here. The inhabitants had heard of the first voyage of Columbus, and received the Spaniards with the greatest kindness. The admiral made many inquiries, of the most intelligent chiefs, whether Cuba was an island or a continent. Inva- riably they gave the contradictory reply that it was an island, but of limitless extent. No one, they declared, had ever been able to find any end to it. This gave confirmation to the opinion that Colum- bus was on the great continent of Asia. By con- tinuing his course further west, he thought that he should soon reach the renowned and le- splendent dominions of the great Khan. As he cruised along the southern shore he entered a won derful archipelago, where there seemed to be thou- sands of islands clothed in richest verdure, and of every variety of size and picturesque form. Most of the islands were uninhabited. The narrow chan 236 CHRISTOPHIR COi^UiMBUS. nels between them were as still as the placid waters ot the most secluded mountain lake. Flow ers were in richest bloom. The groves, meadows, and waters abounded with tropical birds of splendid plumage. Upon one of the largest of the islands, which Columbus called Santa Marta, he landed. It was the 22d of May. There were inhabitants here, but they had abandoned their houses. It afterward appeared that they were absent on a fishing excur- sion. Slowly working his way through the narrow channel of these islands, he continued his course about fifty miles beyond, when, on the 3d of June, he came to a large Indian village. The inhabitants received the strangers with that kindness which was almost invariable on the island of Cuba. Here again Columbus was assured that there was no western end to Cuba. A prosperous breeze filled his sails, and the admiral was quite sanguine, as he pressed onward toward the setting sun, that he should soon reach the civiHzed realms of Asia. There was now before him an expanse of nearly a hundred miles, unbroken by a single island. The densely wooded coast of Cuba was on his right. On the left was the broad and open sea. The weathei was delightful ; and the fleet kept so near the coast that the natives came off in great numbers, some THE COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED, 237 swimming and some in canoes. Through the night the songs of the natives and their rude music, were wafted by the gentle breezes to their ears. It was suppos-ed that the natives were thus celebrating the advent of the celestial visitants. That region, then so populous, is row a dreary solitude. Not a single descendant of the Indians whose peaceful homes then adorned the hills and the valleys, now remains. Humboldt, but a few years ago, passed a night on this coast. He writes : " I passed a great part of the night upon the deck. What deserted coasts ! not a light to announce the cabin of a fisherman. From Batabano to Trin- idad, a distance of one hundred and fifty miles, there does not exist a village. Yet, at the time of Colum- bus, this land was inhabited even along the margin of the sea. When pits are digged in the soil, or the torrents plough open the surface of the earth, there are often found hatchets of stone, or vessels of cop- per, relics of the ancient inhabitants of the land." * After two days* sail, the fleet reached another group of islands, through whose intricate channels it was with difficulty and danger that the vessels threaded their way. Still Columbus pressed onward to the west. Every hour he hoped to meet with 'ionci^ ii/di^ations that he was approaching the great * Humboldt, '* Essai Pol. sur Cuba/' torn. ii. p. 25. 238 CHRISTOPHER C(jLUMBUS. eastern empire. But day after day he encountered only naked savages and their lowly huts. The dia- lect of the Indians, in these remote regions, had become unintelligible to the native interpreters from Hayti. But little could be learned from them, by the language of signs. But Columbus so interpreted their signs, as to receive constant confirmation that he was cruising along the shores of the vast Asiatic continent. All the companions of Columbus agreed with him in this opinion. And among these w^ere several learned scholars, and experienced navigators. The ships were crippled by the long voyage. The rig- ging was worn, and the sails tattered. Their pro- visions were nearly exhausted. The sailers were discontented and murmuring. There was no longer any novelty in the scenes presented. All wished to return. Columbus himself did not deem it safe to continue the voyage longer. He assembled all the officers, and the most intelligent men. With one voice they declared that Cuba could not be an island ; that it was impossible but that so vast a continuity of land should be a continent. The admiral deemed it of the utmost importance that his opinion should be sustained by the corrobo- rative evidence of all on board the ships. As he had already ample evidence that he had hosts of ene- THF COAST OF CUBA EXPLORED. 239 mies, who were disposed to dispute his statements and depreciate his discoveries, he wished to estabUsh the fact that he had discovered a continent by proof which would command universal confidence. He therefore sent an accredited officer to every ship in the little squadron, to take the opinion, under oath, of every person, from the captain to the ship-boy. To every one the statement was made, that if he had any doubt whatever, that the land before them was the continent of India, he should state that doubt, and give the reason for it ; that it might then and there be considered. Lest some, from caprice or malice, should hereafter declare that they had not given an honest opinion ; that from compulsion or policy they had signed a false statement, thus convicting Columbus of fraud, and of attempting to deceive his sovereigns by pretended discoveries, sustained by documents which fear had extorted, it was proclaimed that should any one here- after declare that he had given, from interested motives, a false opinion, and that he did not believe that a continent had been reached — if an officer, he should pay a penalty of ten thousand marevedi ; * if a common sailor, he was to receive a hundred lashes, and have his tongue cut out, * Mare^^edi ; a small copper coin of Spain, equal to three mills of American money ; less than a farthing sterling. — Wekster. 24C CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. This awful penalty, to be inflicted upon the igno rant, fanatic sailors, who could be easily bribed to make any declaration the enemies of Columbus might desire, indicate how deeply his feelings were exasperated by the conspiracies which were continu- ally formed against him, as an upstart foreigner, the " son of nobody." Though it is undoubtedly true that Columbus never intended that the cruel penalty should be executed, it is unfortunate that it should have been announced. It put a new weapon in the hands of those who were ever eager to assail the admiral.* The experienced navigators and geographers on board t^.e vessels carefully examined the maps and charts. After mature deliberation, they unanimously gave it as their opinion that they had reached the main land. Upon oath they declared that they had no doubt upon the subject. They stated that, in the sinuosities of their voyage along the coast of Cuba, they had already traversed an extent of over a thousand miles, and that the land still continued to stretch out interminably beyond them. Every individual on board the ships united in the general * This document still exists. It may be found entire in the col- lection of Martin Fernandez de Navarette. He was secretary of the R jyai Academy of History at Madrid. All bubsequent historians of the great discoverer are much indebted to the valuable collection h« made of documents relative to the Voyages of Columbus. THE COAST OE CUBA EXPLORED. 241 Statement. Columbus cherished not a doubt that he had reached the Asiatic continent. In this convic- tion he Hved and died.* It is thought that this important statement was drawn up in the bay of Phihppina, though some place it in the bay of Cortez. The ships were then so near the western end of the island, that a sail of three days would have dissolved the illusion, and would have introduced the fleet to the almost bound- less waters of the Mexican gulf. The squadron commenced its return, following along the coast in a south-east direction. They soon came to a group of small islands and barren rocks, which the Spaniards called cayoSy or keys.f In the * Mr. Aaron Goodrich comments upon this movement as follows : " That he knew that he was not in Asia, is evident from the extraor- dinary measures he took to convince the world he had reached that continent. Had he been assured of that fact, he would have trusted to further investigation to establish its verity. On the other hand, if he knew he was practising a fraud, he would endeavor to procure as much testimony as possible to insure the fraud's gaining credence. ** Here Columbus, not content with speaking and writing a false- hood, is guilty of subornation of perjury. He manufactures perjury wholesale, which felony he would perpetrate by the barbarous mean? of scourging, and cutting out the tongues of those who speak the truth Thus, by a system unknown to Thales and Ptolemy — original, if not scientific, did the much-lauded navigator and astronomer, the pious and humane ' admiral,* determine the latitude and the longi*; ade of the Island of Cuba.'' — Life of Columbus, p. 243. f Cayo, or key ; sandbank, rock, or islet in the sea ; an island rising a little above the surface of the water, as in the West Indies,— Weh^ter. 1 1 242 CHKISTOrHER COLUMBUS. midst of them majestic mountains rose towering ton this atrocious act, ver\' judiciously remarks : '• It is painful to find the brilliant renown of Columbus sullied by so foul a stain. The customs of the times, however, must be pleaded in his THE THIRD VuYAGE. ?6l apK)lag\'. The precedent had been given, long be. fore, by both Spaniards and Portuguese, in their African discoveries, wherein the traffic in slaves had formed one of the greatest sources of profit. In fact the practice had been sanctioned by the Church itself ; and the most learned theologians had pro- . nounced all barbarous and infidel nations, who shut their eyes to the truths of Christianit}', fair objects of war and rapine, of capti\nt>' and slaver\'." * It is manifestly right that these considerations should have some weight in palliating the great crime of Columbus, in thus enslax'ing the natives. But the deed will ever remain an indelible stain upK>n his character. Columbus ought to have known better. There were men, in those days, who did iee the iniquity of the practice, and remonstrated against it. The good Las Casas vehemently de nounced the atrocit}'. And yet with candor which does him honor he •«Tites : "If pious and le3.rned men, whom the king and queen took for guides and instructors, were so igno- rant of the injustice of this practice, it is not strange that the unlettered admiral should not be conscious of its great wrong." f * Life of Colunbvs." voL u. p. 42. t * I^as CasJts. by a singular inooosisteBcy, in liis seal Ibr tke Ia- 4uDBS. bccane tbe antlior <^ the sUtc trade, faj ^v^xisii^ to poicliasa from the Pornagne^ in Africa to sopf^T the planters with 262 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. All the inhabitants of the island, with the excep» tion of the few whom Guacanagari could influence, were now roused to the highest pitch of indignation against the Spaniards. Columbus, prostrate upon his bed, in the extreme of languor, with his military force and his whole colony suffering greatly from sickness, exerted all his powers of conciliation to dis- pel the hostility which was roused against him. But the outrages which had been inflicted upon the na- tives they could not easily forget. A combined army of the natives was assembled in the Vega, within two days' march of Isabella Columbus rose from his bed to repel the approach- ing assault. He could muster only two hundred infantry, and twenty horsemen. They were armed with weapons far superior to those of the natives. They had many arquebuses. These were very for- midable weapons, like large muskets, which threw a heavy ball, and which were supported on forked rests when in use. They had also twenty blood- hounds, as fierce as tigers. Nothing daunted them. With inconceivable ferocity they plunged upon the 'aborers. This was unfortunately put in execution. He composea aeveral works, wh'ch have never oeen published, among which is a General History of the Indies.' All his works evince profound learning, solid judgment, and piety. Notwithstanding his great incon- «\stency with regard to the negroes, he must be regarded as a very Jbenevolent man, and a lover of manV'nd" —JZncyclopadia Amencarm Aftkle Las Cams. • THE THIRD VOYAGE. 263 naked bodies of the Indians, grasped them by the throat, and with bloody fangs tore them to pieces. On the 27th of March, 1495, Columbus, with his little army, issued from Isabella, and marched to attack the foe by surprise. The Indians, by their scouts, learned of his approach. Las Casas states that the native army numbered one hundred thou- sand men.* This is doubtless an exaggeration. It is not probable that any accurate estimate of their numbers could be made. The battle took place near the present city of St. Jago. It was an awful scene of slaughter. The steel-clad cavaliers hewed down the natives with sinews which seemed never to tire. The blood-hounds seized them with a grip which nothing could loose, and tearing out their bowels, sprang from one to another with satanic energies. The victory of the Spaniards was entire. The natives were crushed beyond all retrieval. The cruelty with which Columbus followed this scene of carnage and woe, is utterly inexcusable. With his steel-clad dragoons he made a military tour through the provinces. In important places h< reared fortresses, which he garrisoned with blood hounds, and with mailed warriors no less ferocious and pitiless. Ojeda was eager for any enterprise of rapine and slaughter. At the slightest menace of * Las Casas " Hist. Ind.," lib. i. cap. 104, MS. 264 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. resistance, he would tali upon the doomed point like a thunderbolt. That he might send gold to the Spanish court, and thus silence the calumnies which his enemies were fabricating against him, he endeavored to raise an extravagant revenue, by imposing the most intol- erable burdens of taxation. Eveiy individual native, above the age of fourteen, was required to pay, every three months, an amount of gold dust equivalent to five dollars of our money ; or, if we estimate the superior value of gold in those days, equal to fifteen dollars of our time.* Thus these naked, native children were compelled to pay a tax amounting to sixty dollars a year, in gold. A much larger sum was extorted from the chiefs. Manicaotex, the brother of Caonabo, was obliged to pay, every three months, gold to the amount of one hundred and fifty pesos^ or six-hundred dollars a year.f It would seem that nothing but the terrors of the blood- hounds' fangs could have driven the poor natives to the toil oi collecting gold dust sufficient to pay such enormous taxation. A copper medal was suspended around the neck of each one who had paid the tax. If any were found without the medal, he was liable to arrest and severe punishment. In those provinces * Las Casas '' Hist. Ind.," lib. i. cap. 10$, f Peso ; the Spanish dollar of exchange. IHE THIRD VOYAGE. 265 where there was no gold dust, twenty-five pounds of cotton for each person were demanded every three moi ths."^ The ruin which had fallen upon the inhabitants ?f Hispaniola was like that which befell Eden when Satan entered it. Utter despair overwhelmed the people. Sounds of woe filled the air. The simple- hearted natives, living upon fruit, and in bowers of bloom, all unused to labor, were reduced to the most deplorable slavery, and doomed to anxiety and toil which rendered life a burden. There was no escape, and no hope. Their pleasant island life was at an end. The gloom of utter despair settled down over Hispaniola, and from this gloom there was no ref- uge, until the perishing inhabitants were silent in the grave. The history of the world is full of trag- edies. But we know not where to look for one more deplorable than the fate of the inhabitants of the West India Islands. * We find ourselves in entire sympathy with Mr. Goodrich in his comments upon these atrocities. He writes : " Leaving the hideous ami ghastly scene of butchery, and assuming the air of a conqueror. Columbus now traversed the island, and proceeded to extort an im- aiense revenue from the unoflfending inhabitants. In vain the poor islanders, crushed by this imposition, remonstrated. In vain the chiefs, in lieu thereof, offered to cultivate, for him, a breadth of land stretching across the island from sea to sea — enough, according to Las Casas, to furnish all Castile with bread for ten years. Columbuj was inexorable. Gold he must have, if it cost the life of every Indian in the island to procure it." — Life of Columbus, by Aaron Goodrich, p. 25a 12 266 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Many, in their despair, fled to the scarcely penc trable wilderness, and to caves in the mountains But the blood-hounds, with unerring scent, pursued them ; and they perished miserably. Parents saw their children emaciate with starvation, or torn to pieces by the merciless beasts. The subjects of Guacanagari fared no better than the rest. His countrymen hated him for refusing to unite with tnem against the detested Spaniards. Overwhelmed with the opprobrium of all the chiefs, and utterly impoverished by the extortion of the Spaniards, he endeavored to hide himself in a wild and sterile retreat, where he died, in neglect and misery, pitied by none.* In the meantime, Margarite and Bishop Boyle were busy in the Spanish court, striving to under- mine the reputation of Columbus. Their represen- tations were sustained by the malcontents who had accompanied them to Spain. The government appointed Juan Aguado, as commissioner, to go to Hispaniola, and investigate these serious charges. At the same time they issued a proclamation, grant- ing to any Spaniard the privilege of fitting out private expeditions for discovery and for traffic in the New World. This was very annoying to Columbus. He considered it a palpable violation ♦ Charltvnix, ** Hist, de St Domingo,* lib. ii THE THIRD VOYAGE. 26; of the agreement which the sovereigns had made with him.* It is difficult to reconcile the enormous extortion which Columbus was practising upon the natives, with the intense solicitude he professed, and often manifested, for the conversion of the natives. But man is often a bundle of inconsistencies. Virtue and vice are frequently found in strange companionship. Herrera, in his History of the West Indies, writes: " Columbus, like a discreet man, being sensible that the wealth he sent to Spain must be his sup- port, pressed for gold ; though in other respects he was a good Christian, and feared God." Upon this strange statement, Mr. Goodrich com- ments very truthfully, *' This may be rightly inter- preted thus : Columbus was cruel, avaricious, dishon- est ; but in other respects, except where he failed, he was a good Christian." f The loving heart of Isabella had been deeply moved by the accounts she had received of the gen- tle and hospitable character of the islanders. She regarded them as intrusted by God to her peculiai * " The permission was granted without consulting the opinion oi wishes of the admiral. It was loudly complained of by him, as an infringement of his privileges, and as disturbing the career of regulai and well-organized discovery, by the licentious, and sometimes preda tory enterprises of reckless adventurers." — Irving's Life of Columbu-' rol. ii. p. 59. f '* Life of Columbus," by Aaron Goodrich, p 250, 268 chr:stopher columbus. protection. When the five hundred slaves arrived an order was issued for their sale. Isabella coun- termanded the order; and summoned a council of the most learned men, and of ecclesiastics of tlic highest repute, to decide if such a deed could be jus tifiable in the sight of God. The council was prob- ably not agreed.* Isabella ordered that the captives should be returned to their own land. And she sent a special injunction that the natives should be treated with the utmost kindness. f But it was too late for her benevolence to rescue the island from those bil- lows of blood and woe which were surging over it. Juan Aguado sailed from Spain with four cara- vels, the latter part of August, 1495, and landed at Isabella in October. He was, intellectually and morally, a weak man. Though he had been the friend of Columbus, he was exceedingly puffed up with the brief authority with which he had been in- trusted. Assuming the most intolerable airs of supe- riority, he summoned Columbus, the acknowledged viceroy of all those realms, before him, as a crimi- nal, to be questioned, and to be acquitted or con- demned by his judge. The Spanish grandees were * The historian Munoz, after the most thorough research among documents relating to Spanish America, declares that he can find no evidence that the question was decided, f Letter of the Sovereigns to Fonseca, in Navarette's " CoUectioa tf Voyages," doc. 92. • THE THIRD VOYAGE. 269 delighted with the thought that Columbus, the up- start foreigner, the " son of nobody," and who had ventured to exercise authority over the hidalgos of Spain, was about to be crushed.* Under these adverse circumstances, Columbus con- ducted himself with such dignity, with such punctilious courtesy and lofty self-respect, as greatly to embarrass his feeble foe. It is worthy of notice that no charge seems to have been brought against Columbus, at the court of Spain, for any oppression of the natives. It was said that Columbus had deceived the sovereigns, by extravagant descriptions of the wealth of islands which were steeped in poverty ; that he had forced excessive labor on the Spanish colonists ; and that he had heaped indignities on Spanish gentlemen of noble birth. The charges brought against him were unquestionably meritorious acts. The one great con- demning crime of Columbus, in plunging a million of people into unutterable woe, in his greed for gold, they were silent about. For the natives they had no pity. Columbus was continually interposing to pro tect them from the demoniac cruelty of the haughty nobles and the brutal s^ilors.f * " E->ery dastard spirit, who had any lurlcing ill will, any real or imaginary cause of complaint, now hastened to give it utterance '■ perceiving that, in vilifying theadm ral, he was gaining the friendship of Aguado." — Irving's Li/e of Columbus, vol. ii. p. 66. f Tire estimate that there were a million of inhabitants in llayti 2/0 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. On the 14th of March, 1496, Columbus set saD for Spain. He took the captive Caonabo with him. The unhappy chief died on the way. After a long and very uncomfortable voyage, he landed at Cadiz, on the nth of June. The king and queen received him with kindness, which he had not anticipated They immediately wrote, congratulating^ him upon his safe return, and inviting him to court. No men- tion was made to him of the bitter accusations with which he had been assailed by Margarite and Boyle. Columbus, thus encouraged, proposed that he should be intrusted with six ships for another voyage of discovery. This was promised him. But the treas- ury was drained. The intrigues of men in office in- terposed delays. Columbus was doomed to infinite mortifications. Weary months lingered away, and nothing was accomplished. The king's counsellors were the enemies of Co- lumbus. The king himself, influenced by their in- cessant reproaches, began to regard him with an unfriendly eye. The queen alone remained faithfal to the admiral. Isabella caused an hereditary title of nobility to be conferred upon him, which, with his estates, was to descend to his heirs. The admiral, though deeply in debt, had not yet relinquished the W&& probably an exaggeration. Still such was the opinion of thi Spaniards. THE THIRD VOYAGE. 27 1 idea that vast wealth was to be accumulated, as the result of his discoveries. Tn his will, he made very Hberal provision for his relatives ; gave marriage por- tions to the poor females of the family ; directed that the heirs of his title, and consequently of the bulk of his estates, should, in all time, do everything in their power to promote the prosperity of his native city of Genoa. And especially he ordered, that whoever should inherit his estates, should, from time to time, invest such money as he could spare, to form a permanent fund for a crusade to recover Jerusalem. A great reaction had taken place in public senti- ment, in reference to the New World. No one was. willing to engage in a voyage to islands, which all recent reports declared to be the abodes of sickness, poverty, and misery. The crown, to obtain seamen, resorted to the desperate measure of commuting the sentence of criminals sent to the galleys, to transpor- tation to the new settlements. All malefactors at large were offered pardon if they would surrender themselves, and embark for the colonies. It is said that this plan was proposed by the admiral."^ Colum- bus was, at one time, so discouraged and disgusted with the obstacles which his enemies were so suc- cessfully throwing in his way, that he was on the * Las Casas, " Hist. Ind.," lib. i. cap. 112, MS. 2^2 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. point of abandoning altogether his enterprises of discovery. Gratitude to the queen alone induced him to persevere. The following incident we give, in the language of Washington Irving : " The insolence which Columbus had suffered from the minions of Fonseca, throughout this long- protracted time of preparation, harassed him to the last moment of his sojourn in Spain, and followed him even to the very water's edge. Among the worthless hirelings who annoyed him, the most noisy and presuming was one Ximeno Breviesca, treasurer or accountant of Fonseca. He had an impudent front, and an unbridled tongue, and, echoing the sen- timents of his patron, the bishop, had been loud in abuse of the admiral and his enterprises. The very day when the squadron was on the point of weighing anchor, Columbus was assailed by the impudence of this Ximeno, either on the shore or when about to embark, or on board of his ship which he had just entered. In the hurry of the moment he forgot his usual self-command ; his indignation, hitherto re- pressed, suddenly burst forth ; he struck the des- picable minion to the ground, and kicked him re- peatedly, venting, in this unguarded paroxysm, the accumulated griefs and vexations which had long rankled in his mind." * • Irving's " Life of Columbus," voL ii. p. 99. Las Casas gives • THE THIRD VOYAGE. 273 This was a very unfortunate act. It is always a calamity for a man to lose his self-control and give place to anger. Columbus was very much asnamed of it, and, in a subsequent letter to the king and q.ieen, expressed his deep regret. But it left a very unfavorable impression on the minds of the sovereigns, and added intensity to the malignity of his foes. Columbus set sail from the port of San Lucar de Barrameda, for his third voyage of discovery, on the 13th of May, 1498. Nearly two years had passed wearily away, as he had struggled in Spain against the innumerable obstacles which beset his path. His fleet consisted of six vessels, with two hundred men in addition to the sailors. On the 19th of June, he reached the Canary Islands. Thence he de- spatched three ships of his squadron directly to Hispaniola. With the three remaining vessels the adm.iral continued his cruise to the Cape de Verde Islands, which he reached on the 29th of June. After a short tarry, the sails were again spread. Day after day they pressed on, with a fair wind fcimilar narrative m his " Manuscript History of the Indies," lib. iii cap. 126. De Lorgues, in his " Christophe Colomb," livre ii. ch. ix., writes, " The patriarch of the ocean made a step tcwaid his insulter and, with his fist, dealt a blow on his impudent face. The miserable wretch fell down stunned. The admiral limited him'^eH" to g'ving a few kicks to this vi]e snarlei who fled in the midst o' footings ' 12* 274 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. until they found themselves beneath a vertical sun, A dead calm ensued. The sea was as glass ; the ships motionless. The air was like a furnace. The blazing sun melted the tar, blistered the decks, and opened the seams of the vessels. Exposure to the sun on deck could not be endured, and, below the decks the heat was as suffocating as that of an oven. All strength seemed to vanish. The superstitious sailors were appalled by the thought that they were approaching the fabled regions of volcanic heat, where there could be no human existence. The ships leaked so badly that it was deemed necessary to make some harbor as soon as possible. At length a gentle breeze sprang up, Columbus directed his course to the west. Day after day passed, and no signs of land appeared. Even the salt meat became putrid. The hoops of the wine and water casks burst. Distress and anxiety op- pressed all minds. But one water cask, on the 31st of July, remained in each ship, The prospect before them was dreadful : that all would perish on that burning sea. At mid-day, a sailor at one of the mast-heads gav^e the joyful shout of land. Three mountain peak? pierced the clouds. With characteristic de- votional feeling Columbus named the island La Trinidad or The Trinity. As he ran along the THE THIRD VOYAGE. 2/5 coast, in search of a harbor, he was delighted with the beauty and fertility of the island. Pleasant villages and highly cultivated fields were scattered along the shore. He ran along the western coast of the island, in what is now called the Gulf of Paria • on his left was distinctly seen the low coast of South America, which he supposed to be an island. This was the first view Columbus had of the continent of America. He called it the island of Zeta, and estimated that it was about sixty miles in extent. Sebastian Cabot, on the 24th of June, 1497, had discovered North America. Occasionally Columbus landed. The natives were very friendly. He encountered essentially the same scenes he had witnessed on the island of Cuba. The country grew more and more populous. A vast number of canoes crowded with natives, came off to the ships. Vari ous points he named ; but those names are nov» forgotten. His ship-stores were nearly exhausted and it became necessary for him to hasten to His paniola. He was suffering severely from the gout And the intense heat, with incessant fatigue, sleep- lessness, and watchings had almost deprived him of sight. Sailing in a northerly direction, he discovered the two islands, now called Tobago and Grenada. Several other islands he passed, which he could not stop to explore 2^0 CHRISTOPHER COLUxMBUS. At one point, where he landed, he found Indiani fishing for pearls. He purchased three pounds' weight of them. Some were very large and beauti- ful. The malady of his eyes became very alarming. He therefore pressed forward, with all sail, and reached Hispaniola on the 19th of August. The meeting of Columbus with his brothers was very affectionate. But Columbus, exhausted, sick, and careworn, seemed bodily but the wreck of his formei self. His indomitable spirit remained unbroken. Columbus hoped for repose. He found none. During his absence Bartholomew Columbus had remained in command, with the title of Adelantado Leaving his brother Diego in charge at Isabella, he proceeded, in search of gold, to the south side of the island. He built a fortress, which he called San Christoval, but which others called the Golden Tower. The Indians were hostile. They brought no food. There was no end to trouble. Robberies and massacres ensued. A formidable insurrection of the Spaniards was with difficulty quelled. The once peaceful and happy island had become a Pandemonium. Bartholomew captured three hundred natives, who were accused of opposing their oppressors. They were all sent, manacled in irons, to Spain, to be sold as slaves The jurists and theologians had THE THIRD VCAGE. 2'JJ decided that it was just to enslave prisoners of war Fortresses were built. Armed bands of Spaniards^ with their accompanying allies, the blood-hounds, scoured the island in all directions, to overawe the natives. No one can deny that, through all these cruel scenes, the Indians manifested far more of the spirit of the Christian religion than did theSpaniards» There was a very delightful region of Hayti, in a remote part of the island, called Xaraguay. It was far famed for its beauty, its fertility, the loveliness of its females, and the urbanity of all its inhabitants. Bartholomew, while unrelenting in extorting taxes, wished for friendly relations with the oppressed people. With a strong band of steel-clad warriors, he visited the chief Behechio. As the Spaniards approached the beautiful village, which the intolera- ble taxation had not yet reached, thirty females, of the cacique's household, came to meet them. The only dress of the young girls was a wreath of flowers around the forehead. The matrons wore small aprons of embroidered cotton. All waved branches of the palm tree, and came forward with dances and songs of welcome. These females were very lovely in person ; their forms being as exquisite as a Grecian artist could chisel from the marble. Living mainly on fruit, and without toil, their skin was of velvety softness, and 2'S CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. their complexion even more fair than that generally of the Spanish brunette. These innocent daughters of Eve had no more conception of any want of deli- cacy, in their destitution of costume, than has the European lady, who exposes her face unveiled. The widow of Caonabo resided there, with her brother Behechio. She \\-as a woman of mar\-ellous beauty. Her name was Anacaona. She was reclin- ing on a palanquin, and was borne by six strong Indians. Her only dress \%'as the embroidered apron, and wreaths oi flowers around her forehead, neck, and arms. Bartholomew and six of his princi- pal cavaliers were lodged in the house of Behechio. The rest of the company were entertained by the subordinate chiefs. All were provided with ham- mocks of matted cotton for beds. For two days the Spaniards remained in the vil. lage, receiving, from this hospitable people, ever)» possible attention. They were abundantly feasted, and various games and festivities were engaged in for their amusement. One of their games was siiii« lar to the gladiatorial shows of the ancient Romans. Two squadrons of naked Indians, armed with bows and arrows, approached each other in a real fight. Four were killed. Many were wounded. Shouts of applause arose, as from the lips of Roman senators and matrons, when, in the Coliseum, the arena rar THE THIRD VOYAGE. 279 red with blood. The contest would probably have been much more sanguinary had not Bartholomew begged that the game might cease. ^ In requital for all this kindness, the Adelantado informed the cacique that he came to take him and his people under the protection of the all-powerful Spanish sovereigns, and to receive from them the tribute which the other chiefs of the island paid. As there was no gold in that region, he imposed a tax, to be paid in cotton, hemp, and cassava bread. There was no excuse whatever for this despotic act. It was as unjustifiable as any deed of robbery perpetrated by a band of buccaneers. The cacique was compelled to submit to the hand of resistless power. He knew the doom which had fallen upon other parts of the island, and hoped, by excessive kindness and hospi- tality, to avert that doom from his own subjects.f * Las Casas, " Hist. Ind.," torn. i. cap. 113. f As Mr. Irving recognizes all these facts, it is with surprise that we read the following comments from his pen. " Thus by amicable aiid sagacious management, one of the most extensive provinces of the island was brought into cheerful subjection ; and had not the wise policy of the Adelantado been defeated by the excesses of worthless ind turbulent men, a large revenue might have been collected with- out any resource to violer.ce or oppression. In all instances, the'ft simple people appear to have been extremely tractable, and meekly even cheerfully, to have resigned their rights to the white men, when treated with gentleness and humanity." — Life of Columbus, vol. ii p. 145. When the highway robbei presents his pistol at your breast, and says. * My dear sir, you will confer a great favor upon me if you wiD 28c CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Misery reigned at Isabella. Sickness prevailed Provisions and medicines were exhausted. All were quairelling and murmuring. The Indians had aban- doned the region, and were devouring roots and herbs, in rugged mountain retreats, where even the blood- hounds found it difficult to search them out. There were frequent insurrections of the natives. Awful was the cruelty with which the helpless and despair- ing people were punished. Villages were laid in ashes. Shrieking victims, pursued by mounted and mail-clad warriors, were hewn down by the sabres of the Spaniards. Women and children were torn limb from limb by ferocious dogs. Anarchy reigned. Woe was everywhere. The beautiful island of Hayti had been converted, by man's depravity, in a few short months, into an abode of wretchedness where scarcely a joy was to be found. be so kind as to deliver to me your purse. 1 nope you will not im- pose upon me the disagreeable necessity of shooting you ; " — thf politeness of his address do€s not diminish the atrocity of hi.' crime^ CHAPTER XI. The Return to Spam, and the Fourth Voy age. The revolt of. Roldan — Conciliatory proposals of Columbus — Du plicity of Columbus — The expedition of Ojeda — Anarchy at Hayti — The fortresses — Waning of popularity — Bobadilla ap- pointed commissioner — Measures of Bobadilla — Columbus in chains — His reception by the King and Queen. Preparations for a fourth voyage — The outward voyage — Reception of Colura* bus at San Domingo — The tornado — lie reaches Honduras — Cruise along the coast — Conduct of the Spanish sailors — The settlement destroyed — Escape to Jamaica. A VILE man, by the name of Francis Roldan, had formed a conspiracy against the government of Co- lumbus. With a gang of his followers, he had gone to Xaraguay, where he was plundering the people, trampling upon all their rights, and rioting in every species of excess. While thus engaged, three of the caravels from Spain, whose crews were composed of convicts from the state prisons, driven westward by the currents, cast anchor in those waters. Almost in a body, they deserted the ships to join the congenial villains on the shore. They were lured by the ac- count of the life of abundance and indulgence in which the miscreants were revelling. These desperate men landed with their swords, 282 CHRISTOPHER CO..UMBUS. cross bows, lances, arquebuses, and other military stores. Columbus, when he learned these facts, was greatly troubled. Low as was, in some respects, his lense of justice, he was, in integrity and humanity, far in advance of most of his associates. I'his law- less horde was roving at large, and living in the most revolting profligacy. The authority of Columbus was set at utter defiance. The rebellion was assum ing formidable proportions. Many of the disaffected joined the rebels. Columbus had not sufficient strength to give them battle. By some returning ships he transmitted to the sovereigns an account of the rebellion. In this letter he begged that more ecclesiastics might be sent out, for the conversion of the Indians ; and that, for two years longer, the Span- iards might be permitted to employ the natives as slaves.*^ The ships having sailed, Columbus again turned his attention to the rebels. He wrote to Roldan in the most conciliatory terms, and entreated him, for the sake of his own reputation, and for the common good not to persist in his insubordination. A pass- port v;as sent, assuring the safety of those who might * • Six hundred Indians, who had been made prisoners because Lheir cacique had failed to pay tribute, were at that time confined on board five sh'ps, to be sent to Spain as slaves ; the ships only waiting till ColumbMs should be able to write that affairs in the island were quiet." — Life of Columbus, by Aaron Goodrich, p. 365. THE FOURTH VOVAGE. 283 Approach the admiral to confer with him. The demands of Roldan and his confederates were arro- gant and insolent. At length, after much and intricate diplomacy terms of capitulation were agreed upon. Roldan and his confederates were furnished with two ships, to return to Spain, with certificates of good character. The ships were to sail in October, 1499. The insurgents took many slaves with them. Ac- cording to Herrera, Columbus was guilty of duplicity, which, however characteristic of the times, merits severe condemnation. While giving Roldan and his adherents certifi- cates of good character, he wrote privately to the king and queen, saying that these certificates he had been compelled to give, in order to remove the wretches from the island ; that they were entirely false ; that the men had been guilty of the most atrocious crimes of robbery and murder ; he there- fore urged that, immediately upon their arrival, they should be arrested, stripped of their ill-gotten treas- ures, and severely punished.* The situation of Columbus was indeed pitiable. He was sick and in constant pain. Conspiracies were multiplying against him. The haughtiest grandees * Herrera, " Hist. Ind.," decad. i. lib. iii. cap. 16. Washington Irving, nfter his careful researches, feels constrained to accept thii tuelnncholy statement. — Life of Columbus, vol. ii. p. 7r° ^«4 ' CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. this world has ever seen, the hidalgos of Spain, were treating him with scorn. He was contemptuously called the * upstart foreigner." His virtues were, in the eyes of the profligate Spaniards, the occasion for envenomed denunciation. There was no treachery of which his foes were not capable. They occupied the most important stations in church and state ; and with the vilest libels, were endeavoring to alienate the sovereigns from him. He stood alone, almost without a friend. In all Spain, scarcely a man could be found whose condition was more to be commis- erated. In fact, Roldan, having extorted from Columbus about what terms he pleased, decided to remain on the Island, while most of his accomplices returned to Spain. He was invested with high authority, took possession of a large extent of territory, which he cultivated by slaves, and, regardless of God or judg- ment, said to his soul, *' Eat, drink, and be merr\\" The chivalric, reckless Ojeda had gone back to Spain. Aided by several wealthy speculators, he had succeeded in fitting out four ships, at Seville, or a private enterprise of exploration. A Florentine mer- chant, Amerigo Vespucci, whose name was subsje- quently attached :o the whole New World, accom- panied the expedition. The little fleet sailed in May, 1499. They touched at the Caribbee Islands. THE FOURTH VOTAGE. 285 After a fierce battle with the natives, they nade many captives, whom they carried away to be sold as slaves Thence, being in need of supplies, they Bailed to Hispaniola. They anchored, at the west- ern extremity of the island, on the 5th of Sep- tember. Columbus was much disturbed by this invasion of what he considered as his exclusive realms. He sent Roldan and some of his desperadoes on an ex- pedition to thwart the plans of Ojeda, and arrest him if possible. The two young cavaliers were equally unprincipled, crafty, and reckless. Roldan, with two caravels, and twenty-five resolute, well- armed followers, set out in pursuit of the adventurer. The two men met. Ojeda exhibited his license for the voyage, from the king and queen, and that a part of the profits were to accrue to the crown. This silenced opposition. The haughty cavalier also said that Columbus was entirely in disgrace at the Span- ish court, and that it was his intention soon to visit the admiral, that he might communicate some intel- ligence intended for his ear alone. With this report Roldan returned to Columbus. The admiral was greatly troubled. It was evident that he was losing favor at court, and that the sov- ereigns were invading his most important preroga- tives. He waited some time for the promised visit 286 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. frorr. Ojeda. But the adventurer had no idea of approaching the admiral. Roldan was again sent to watch the movements of Ojeda. They were both treacherous men, equal in duplicity. Both alike robbed and oppressed the natives. Ojeda cruised along the coast of Hayti, landing at remote points, and kidnapping the people, until he had filled his ships with slaves. He then returned to Cadiz, where they were sold in the slave market."^ The authority of Columbus, on the island was virtually at an end. Those obeyed him who were disposed to do so. Other bold and reckless spirits wandered here and there at will. It was ea^y to elude pursuit. Some ingratiated themselves with the natives. Some, organizing themselves in strong bands, robbed and enslaved them. The kind of civilization and Christianity which the Spaniards had brought to Hayti, had sunk the island to the lowest depths of misery. The detail of the scenes which ensued present a disgusting and painful record of treachery, cruelty, and crime. Columbus struggled heroically against these storms of adversity. Above all others, with the exception perhaps of Las Casas, he advocated principles of justice and humanity, an J was the friend of the natives. And yet it is n^t to be forgotten that the good Las Casas said, * We * Las Casas, lib. i. cap. it 3. THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 28; ought not to enslave these poor Haytiens Let us go and kidnap the Africans." Neither is it to be fofgotten, in our denunciation of these men how recently men, women, and children were bought and sold in the slave marts of America, and how many professed teachers of Christianity proclaimed that this was right in the sight of God. Columbus was at Fort Concepcion. His spirit was harassed and exasperated by the atrocities which everywhere met his eye, and which he had no power to prevent. A wretch, by the name of Mexica, organized a conspiracy to assassinate the admiral. Traversing the island, he engaged in his service a large number of vagabond Spaniards, who were eager to embark in any desperate deeds. Adrian de Mexica had been one of the ringleaders of Roldan's party. His conduct had been so outrageous, that Columbus did not admit him to the general amnesty, but banished him from the island. Roldan had allowed him to return. A deserter brought Columbus news ol the con- spiracy, upon the eve of its execution. Not a moment was to be lost. Taking with him a party ^f ten trusty and resolute men, he captured Mexica by surprise. He was tried, and condemned to be hung. Mr Irving writes, giving Herrera as his authority; 288 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. " He ordered Mexica to be hanged on the top of the fortress. The latter entreated to be allowed to confess himself previous to execution. A priest was summoned. The miserable Mexica, who had been so arrogant ir rebellion, lost all courage at the approach of death. He delayed to confess, begin- ning and pausing, and recommencing and again hesitating, as if he hoped, by whiling away time, to give a chance for rescue. Instead of confessing his own sins he accused others of criminality, who were known to be innocent ; until Columbus, incensed at this falsehood and treachery, and losing all patience, in his mingled indignation and scorn, ordered the dastard wretch to be swung off from the battle- ments."* The remaining conspirators were pursued, with great vigor, and several others were captured and hung. There were now six quite important fortresses * Irving's ''Life of Colambus," vol. ii. p. 235. Mr. Goodrich relates this incident in the following language, which we do not find sustained by any authority. " Adrian de Mexica was in his power. He determined to put him to death, and thus intimi- date all who should dare to oppose his wishes, or remonstrate against his tyranny. Without legal authority, and with scarcely the form of a trial, Mexica was condemned to instant death. "Some writers represent Mexica as delaying death as long as possible, by prolonging his confession, at which Columbus, becoming indignant, ordered him to be thrown from the battleitents. But, feom all we can learn, he met hie fate fearlessly, and, in that last THE FOURTH VOVAGE. 289 Upon thv. island, forming a chain of military posts, which hf Ll the natives in abject servitude. Twenty- seven miles from Isabella was the fortress of Espe- ranza ; e*ghteen leagues beyond was Santa Catalina ; about twelve miles farther the gloomy walls of Mag- dalena frowned. Here the town of Santiago was subsequently founded. About fifteen miles farther, in the midst of the fertile and populous plains of the Vega, Fort Concepcion was reared. It was within a mile and a half of a large Indian town, over which an illustrious cacique, called Guarionex, reigned. Isabella was left with only a sufficient garrison to hold the place. Columbus moved from point to point, making the fortress of San Domingo, on the south of the island, his principal residence. In the year 1849, T. S. Hennekin, Esq., visited this region. We quote the following from his ex- ceedingly interesting descriptive letter : solemn moment accused Columbus of the crimes which had brought misery upon the island. The latter, furious at being unable to con- quer the spirit of his victim, even in death, in an outburst of passiou similar to that he gave vent to in Cadiz, toward Fonseca's trea^urei kicked the manacled prisoner from the hii.4a walls of the fortress int« the fosse belcw." — Life of Columbus, by Aaron Goodrich, p. 270. Washington Irving wrote, in his edition of 1829, " Columbus ordered the dastardly wretch to be flung headlong from the battle- ments." Judge Goodrich correctly quotes this. But Irving, in a sub- sequent edition, changed this to, ordered the wretch to be '* swung off." As I had access to this edition, I suggested that Judge Goodrich, though doubtless unintentionally, had not correctly quoted IrviDg. 290 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUb. *• Fort Concepcion is situated at the foot of a hill now called Santo Cerro. It is constructed of bricks> and is almost as entire at the present day as when just finished. It stands in the gloom of an exuberant forest, which has invaded the scene of former bustle and activity; a spot once considered of great import ance, and surrounded by swarms of intelligent beings. "What has become of the countless multitudes this fortress was intended to awe ? Not a trace of them remains, excepting in the records of history. The silence of the tomb prevails where their habita- tions responded to their songs and dances. A few indigent Spaniards, living in miserable hovels, scat- tered widely apart in the bosom of the forest, are now the sole occupants of this once fruitful and beautiful region." Thus far Ferdinand had found his possessions in the New World a bill of expense and not a source of income. This greatly disappointed him. His court was besieged by disappointed and repining men, who were bitter in their denunciations of Columbus, and who were clamoring for large sums of money, which they averred that Columbus owed them. These universal and incessant complaints began to produce an impression even upon the mind of Isabella. The letters of Columbus showed too plainly that the island was in a state of lamentable* THE FOURTH VOYAGS 29 1 disorder. This seemed to indicate that whatevef mie^ht be the purity of the motives of the admiral, he was deficient in administrative ability. Ferdinand was a cautious and jealous Spaniard. It had ever been some annoyance to him to submit Spanish colonies to the government of Geneose ad- venturers. The lines of nationality were then very distinctly drawn. The epithet o{ foreigner was gen- erally a title of reproach. The pro-slavery tenden- cies of Columbus were very annoying to the queen. When the ships with the Roldan insurgents returned to Spain, they brought six or seven hundred slaves. Many of these Columbus had granted to these men by capitulation ; others they had stolen on their own account. Among these captives there were a num ber of beautiful young females, daughters of chiefs, whom the profligates had torn from their homes. For all these wrongs, Isabella, not unjustly, deemed Columbus in a great degree responsible. He was viceroy of all these realms, and was virtually invested with absolute power. The queen's sympathies were outraged. She re- garded the simple-hearted natives of these wide realms as placed peculiarly under her protection. In- dignantly she exclaimed, " What power had the admi ral to give away my vassals ? " * * Las Casas, lib. * 292 CHRlSTOrilER COLLMBUS. She manifested her extreme displeasure, not only bv ordering all these Indians to be sent back to theii friends, but also directed that those who had previ- ously been transmitted to Spain by the admiral sliould be sought out and returned. Columbus felt this re- proof very keenly. It was decisive evidence that his popularity at the court was on the wane. Unfor- tunately, just at this time, before Columbus had been informed of the strong feelings of Isabella, a letter came from him urging the continuance oi Indian slav- er}-, as an important source of revenue to the crown. New troubles had sprung up between Columbus and Roldan. The bold Spanish cavalier, who rallied around him the haughty hidalgos and the lowest desperadoes, was a formidable opponent. Columbus requested that some one might be sent out as an umpire to decide between them. This afforded Fer- dinand the pretext to act, which he had for some time sought. One of the highest military and religious officers in the royal household, Don Francisco de Bobadilla, was appointed on this momentous mission. It is, however, evident that the mission u-as intended against those who were in rebellion. We read, in the instructions : " We order you to ascertain who and what per- sons they were who rose against the said admiral THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 293 and our magistracy, and for what cause , and what robberies and other injuries they have committed ; and furthermore, to extend your inquiries to all other matters relating to the premises. And the in< formation obtained, and the truth known, whom- soever you find culpable, arrest their persons and sequestrate their effects. And thus taken, proceed against them and the absent, both civilly and crimi- nally, and impose and inflict such fines and punish- ments as you may think fit." These powers were manifestly given to punish those who were in rebellion against the authority of Columbus. It was stated in the preamble, that an alcalde,* and certain other persons, were resisting the authority of the admiral, and therefore the commission was intrusted with special powers to restore order. The royal letter giving these instructions was dated March 21, 1499. Two months afterward, on the 21st of May, a letter was sent to the hidalgos and public functionaries on the island, informing them of the authority thus conferred on Bobadilla. Enlarging upon the absolute power with which he was invested to quell the disturbances, it was written: ** It is our will that if the said Commander Fran- Cisco de Bobadilla should think it necessary for our ser vice, and the purpose of justice, that any cavaliers, 01 • Alcalde ; 9 magistrate, a judge among the Spaniards, 294 CHRISTOPHEP COLUMBUS. other persons, who are at present in these islands, or may arrive there, should leave them, and not return and reside in them, and that they should come and present themselves before us, he may command it in our name and compel them to depart. And whom- soever he th'js commands, we hereby order, that im- mediately, without waiting to inquire or consult us, or to receive from us any other letter or command, and without interposing appeal or supplication, they obey whatever he shall say and order, under the penalties he shall impose on our part."* On the 23d of August, 1500, Bobadilla landed at the port of San Domingo. Columbus was then at * Mr. Irving states that there was another order of the same date, addressed to Columbus, as " Admiral of the Ocean Sea," directing him and his brothers to surrender the fortress, ships, houses, arms, ammunition, cattle, and all other royal property, into the hands of Bo- badilla, as governor, under the penalty of the punishment to which those subject themselves, who refuse to surrender fortresses and other trusts, when commanded by their sovereigns." There must be some mistake here. This is an unconditional de- position of Columbus without trial. Mr. Irving does not quote the Older, neither does he state where it may be found. I find, in the letters of Columbus, no allusion to so cruel and extraordinary an ex pulsion of the admiral from his high offices. Mr. Goodrich, who is fcry thorough in his researches, alludes to some order about sur- rendering the fortresses, found in Navarette, "Colec. Dip.'* v. ii. p. 266, but he does no', quote the order, neither does he state undei what conditions the surrender was to be made. If such order were given, it can scarcely be doubted that the surrender was to be made, only in case, after careful investigation, it should be found that t'w disorders in the island rendered this absolutely necessary. THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 295 Fort Concepcion. His brother Diego was at the sea-pjrt, San Domingo. Bobadilla immediately as- sumed that he had superseded Columbus in the government of the island, and that his authority was supreme. All the disaffected hilariously rallied around him. With the armed force he brought with him, and the cordial sympathy of all the disaffected he easily took possession of the place. Columbus was deposed, untried, and without even a charge being brought against him. It seemed t^ be the special desire of Bobadilla to degrade the admiral. He took up his residence at the house o^ Columbus, and seized his arms, gold, plate, horses, and all his letters and manuscripts, both public and private. To win popular applause, be issued a de cree, authorizing, for a period of twenty years, any one to search for gold on his own account, paying one-eleventh to the government, instead of one-third, as heretofore. Instead of summoning Roldan, and those who were in rebellion against Columbus, to appear before hin",, he treated them with the utmost civility, that he might secure their aid in his usurpation. While Columbus was in this state of great perplexity and distress, the following laconic and somewhat obscure letter from the sovereigns was presented him : ** Don Christopher Columbus, our Admiral of the 296 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Ocean. We have commanded Comendador Francis de Bobadilla, the bearer of this, that he speak to you, on our part, some things which he will tell you. We pray you give him faith and credence, and act accord-- ingly. " I THE King ; I the Queen. ' The admiral at once decided to yield promptly to all the requirements of Bobadilla, until he could accurately ascertain the decisions of the sovereigns. Bobadilla seized Diego Columbus, and confined him in chains on board one of the caravels. He then sent officers to seize Columbus, put him in irons, and imprison him in one of the cells of the fortress of San Domingo. The dignity with which Columbus con- ducted himself in these emergencies has won the admiration generally, even of his enemies.^ A vast amount of testimony against Columbus was gathered from the rebels, to be forwarded to the Spanish court. The settlement at San Domingo swarmed with these miscreants.f * Las Casas writes, " Hist, Ind." lib. i. cap. 180. "A graceless and shameless cook riveted the fetters." Upon this statement Mr. Goodrich comments, " When we find his own domestics, who oved place and living to him, and who would natuially be supposed tc legret his downfall, rejoicing instead, we cannot but believe the man to have been thoroughly contemptible. The ' graceless cook,' riveting the fetters, militates far more, we take it, against the personal cliarac- ter of Columbus, than of his culinary menial." — Goodrich's Ltfe of Columbus, p. 283. \ " It was a perfect jubilee of triumphant villainy and dastarJ THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 29; Early in October, Columbus, manacled like the vilest culprit, was led through the streets to the ship. The jeers of the rabble pursued him. Alonzo de Villejo, a man alike noble in rank and character, was nitrusted with the charge of the prisoners. Both he and the captain of the ship, Andreas Martin, treated the admiral, on the voyage, with the most profound respect. Gladly would they have struck off his fet- ters. But the admiral would not consent. He proudly said : '* No ; their majesties commanded me, by letter, to submit to whatever Bobadilla should order in their name. By their authority he has put upon me these chains. I will v/ear them until they shall order them to be taken off; and I will preserve them afterward as relics and memorials of the reward of my services." * On the voyage he wrote an admirable letter, to be exhibited to the sovereigns, v;hich he addressed to Dona Juana de la Torres, a member of the royal household, and a special favorite of the queen. Upon the arrival of the ship at Cadiz, tliis letter was immediately forwarded, and was presented to Isa- tnalice. Every base sp rit, which had been awed into obsequiousness by Columbus and his brothers, when in power, now started up to revenge itself upon them when in chains." — Irving's Life of Columbus, Tol. ii. p. 266. ■* He did so. His son Fernando writes, " I saw them alway» Lang.ng in lis cabinet ; and he requested that when he ditd, tbey might be buried with him." — Hist del Almiratiie, cap- 86. 29^ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. bella. She read it with the deepest emotion and sympathy, The king and queen were alike indig- nant in view of the treatment Columbus had received. I'hey sent orders that he and his brothers should Immediately be set at liberty, and treated with all distinction. They unitedly wrote to Columbus, ex- pressing their grief in view of his sufferings, assuring him of their gratitude and affection, inviting him to court, and sending him two thousand ducats to meet his expenses.* On the 17th of December, Columbus, richly dressed and attended by a suitable retinue, presented himself before their majesties at Grenada. The queen, as she greeted him, burst into tears. This touched the heart of the heroic old man, as no sever^ ity could have moved him. He fell upon his knees, and for a few moments was entirely overcome, weep- ing, and sobbing convulsively. Columbus was as- sured of their utter condemnation of the course pur- sued by Bobadilla, and that he should be immediately dismissed from command. They did not condescend to pay the slightest regard to the accusations which Bobadilla had sent home against him. They took ever^' opportunity publicly to manifest their favor, and assured him also that his grievances should be * Mr, Irving says that this sum was equivalent to eight thousand five hundrec: cjid thirty-eight dollars of the present day. THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 299 redressed, his property restored, and that he should be reinstated in all his former authority. Under the sway of Bobadilla, every man did what seemed right in his own eyes. Las Casas gives an appalling account of the wrongs inflicted upon the Indians. The vilest wretches assumed the air of nobles, robbed the chiefs of their daughters, sur- rounded themselves with retainers like Oriental princes, and compelled the natives to carry them in palanquins. They thought no more of killing a native than of killing a bird. As soon as possible, Don Nicholas de Ovando was sent out to supersede Bobadilla. But he had no power to control the fierce spirits who were rioting there. Under his administration there was no im- provement in the state of affairs. He was especially directed to make amendment to Columbus and his brothers for all their losses. In the meantime preparations were being made for another voyage of Columbus. Expeditions fitted out from other courts, and private enterprises, had greatly extended discoveries in the Nev World, Vasca de Gama had doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and was enriching Portugal with the products of the east. It was thought that there must be a strait somewhere near the Isthmus of Darien, which con- nected the Altantic with the Pacific ocean. Coluni 30O CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. bus was to sail in search of this strait. After man]? of those delays, for which courts are prov^erbial. the fleet of four small vessels was ready to sail. The largest of the caravels was of but seventy tons : th? smallest of fifty. The whole company amounted to one hundred and fiftv men.* Columbus was now an aged man. It is supposed that he had attained his sixty-sixth year. His mind was exhausted with anxiety and care, and many bodily infirmities bent his once powerful frame. But his intellectual forces seemed tireless. Columbus was accompanied on this v^oyage by his brother Bartholomew, and his younger son, Fernando. On the 9th of May, 1502, the fleet sailed from Cadiz. Touching on the coast of Morocco, and at the Grand Canar\', the little squadron reached one of the Caribbee Islands, probably Martinica,t on the 15th of June. Thence a sail of thirty miles brought * The wearv' heart of Columbus \va> much cheered by receiving the following letter from Ferdinand ; " You ought to be convinced of our displeasure at your captivity ; for we lost not a moment in setting you free. Your innocence is well known. You are aware of the consideration and friendship vi.it which we have treated you. The favors you have received fiom us shall not be the last that you will receive. \Ve assure to you ycuc privileges, and are desirous that you and your children may enjoy them. We offer to confirm them to you a.jain, and to put your eldest son in possession of all your offices whenever you wish. — Las Casas ffist. Ind. lib. ii. cap. 4. \ Navarette supposes it to have been the island now callec" 3anta Lu-ix THE FOURTH VOYAGE, 3OI them to Dominica. Passing Santa Cruz, and the south side of Pcrto Rico, he was constrained, con- tiary to his original intention and the instructions he had received, to make a harbor at the port of San Domingo. He explained this necessity in a letter to the sovereigns. Don Ovando, who had succeeded Bobadilla, was then in command. For some reason not fully ex- plained, Ovando refused to allow the admiral to take refusre in that harbor. Las Casas intimates that the town was crowded with the foes of Columbus, and he feared that he might meet with violence from those vile and desperate men. A fleet was just ready to put to sea, for Spain, when Columbus arrived. It contained a very large quantity of gold, which, by measures of extreme cruelty, had been wrested from the natives, Bobadilla had hoped thus to purchase the favor of the sovereigns. It was the richest fleet, in cargo, which had ever left the islands. There was one immense nugget, which an Indian woman had found, which was said to be the largest piece of virgin gold which had ever been discovered. Its estimated value was over two thousand dollars. The morning when the fleet was about to sail was one of extraordinary^ serenity. Not a breath of air moved the leaves of the trees, and the ocean was like a mirror But the experienced eye of Columbue 302 CHRISTOPHER COLL'MtUS. foresaw the approach of one of those terrible tonia- does which often wreck the tropical seas. Ht there- fore entreated the governor to delay the sailii'.g of the fleet for a few days. His warning was scornfully rejected. A gentle breeze sprung up. All sails were spread, and the squadron entered upon its voyage. Columbus, confident that a storm was brewing., and grieved at being thus driven, in distress, from the harbor he had discovered, p-omptly sought secure anchorage where he could safely ride out the approaching storm. The fleet, returning to Spain, had been but a few hours at sea. when the tornado burst upon it with unexampled fury. The ship which conve\ed Bobadilla and Roldan, with a large amount of gold, including the celebrated nugget, was engulfed in the wa\-es. and e\'ery soul on board perished. Many other ships foundered, and \\ere heard o( no more. A few succeeded, in a shattered condition, in returning to San Domingo. Only on*" reached Spain. And it is remarkable that that one v/as the weakest of all the fleet, and that it contained the property of the admiral. ColumbuS; having anchored in a wild and unfre- quented bay, witnessed the rush and roar of the tornado, as maddened clouds swept the skies, almost midnight darkness enveloped the earth, and gigantic forest trees fell before the terrific crale. But he sa\ed THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 3O3 his ships, thoui^h with much difficulty. Having re- fitted in the little port o( AzAia, a few leagues west from San Domingo, he continued his voyage. After passing Jamaica he encountered calms and head- winds, and the far less endurable trials o( mutinous and fault-finding men. Nine troublous weeks passed slowly away, when they approached a small island near Truxillo, on the coast of Honduras. A canoe came out to the ship, manned by twenty- five Indians. They had attained a somewhat higher civilization than the other natives who had been met with. They had iron-wood swords, copper axe-heads and hatchets, and flint knives. They also had cop- per bells, and crucibles in which they could melt metals. They had sheets and mantles ingeniously woven of cotton brilliantly colored, of various hues. But most important of all, they had large quantities of cacao-nuts; from which chocolate is made. The Spaniards had never seen this nut before. It soon became one of the most extensive articles of commerce. The canoe was formed of the trunk of a single tree, and was very large, being eight feet wide and forty 01 fifty feet long. Columbus purchased theif whole stock in trade, paying with European trinkets. The natives seemed neither astonished nor alarmed, 304 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Men and women were naodestly clothed with cotton garments. The mountains of the main land were distinctly seen in the south. One o( the Indians readily con- sented to serve as pilot. Leaving the island, which still retains its Indian name of Guanaja, he stood southerly, until he reached Cape Honduras, which he called Caxinas. It was Sunday morning, August 4th. The admiral, with a large number of the crew, landed, and in a beautiful grove on the sea-shore, attended mass. Two days after, he landed at another point, unfurled the banners of Castile, an^ took possession of the country in the name of Spain About one hundred Indians gathered around, gazinf respecttully upon the ceremony. Continuing his vo\age along the coast of Hondu- ras toward the east, he struirs^led, for sixtv davs, against tempests and heavy rains, with such thunder and lightning as he had never encountered before. Much of the time, Columbus was confined to his bed, suffering extremely from gout. It often appeared, both to himself and his friends, that the end ot his storm) life was approaching. At length he reached a point where the line oi' the coast turned almost ac a right angle toward the south. He called thii cape, Gracias a Dios, or Thanks to God. As they sailed along the coast, the country THE FOURTH VOYAGE 3O5 seemed ven- thickly inhabited, and presented a charming aspect, with its hills and vales, its groves and meadows. The remarkable fact is stated, that the natives, though ver}^ friendly, persistently refused to accept any gifts from the Spaniards, unless the Spaniards would receive native articles in return This seems extraordinary indeed, when we rellcct upon the inestimable value which the European cutler}' and trinkets must have possessed in their e}'es. The voyage was continued along the picturesque shores of Costa Rica. Here the}- found natives with ornaments of pure gold. But the energies of Colum- bus were, at this time, all absorbed in the endeavor to find the imaginar}' strait. In his search, he ex- plored several bays on the Isthmus of Panama. He sailed along the coast of Veragua for about forty miles. Several plates of pure gold were obtained. Here the Spaniards discovered, for the first time, edifices of solid architecture, built of stone and lime. On the 2d of November the squadron anchored m a spacious harbor, to which Columbus gave the name, which it still retains, of Puerto Bello. Native? crowded to the place, by land, and in their carues A storm detained the ships here seven days. On the 9th, they sailed about twenty-four miles to Nombre de Dios. The fields were richly cultivated with fruits, Indian corn, and other vegetables. Theii 306 CHKISTUPHER COLUMBUS. vessels were in a deplorabl'e condition, from the piercing of a tropical worm. So long as the natives were treated with civility they were as friendly as one could desire. But Columbus could not always restrain the depraved and brutal sailors. The wretches would swim ashore, at night, and insult the natives in the most intolerable way. There were not infrequent brawls. The natives increased in numbers, and there was a fight. The ships were near the shore. Columbus feared that the exasperated natives might rush upon him by thousands. He discharged two or three heavy can- non, throwing the shot over their heads. The thun- der and lightning terrified them, and they fled in a panic* Suffering excruciatingly from sickness, and bat- tered by storms, Columbus set out on his return to Hispaniola. He found very rich indications of gold, but the leaky condition of his ships rendered any further explorations impossible. He attempted to establish a settlement on the river Belen, where he intended to leave his brother in command, while he returned to Spain for supplies. Eighty men weii selected to remain. They commenced erecting houses on the banks of the river. It was a fruitful region, abounding with bananas, plantains, pine^ * Las Casas lih ii. cap. 23 ; " Ilisi. del Vlmirante," caj). 92. THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 30; apples, cocoanuts, maize, and many esculent roots. A great variety of fishes were found in the rivei, and on the sea-coast. There could be no fear of suffer- ing for want of food. And Columbus did all in his power to conciliate the friendship of the natives. But the chief of that region, a warlike man, by the name of Quibian, was troubled in seeing the strangers erecting houses, to establish themselves permanently in his territories. He was suspected of organizing a force for the destruction of the colony An armed band of seventy-four men was sent secretly to seize the chief and all his household, and hold them as hostages. Unfortunately, we have but one side of this story. The natives had no historians. The boats, unseen, landed near the large edifice^ or palace of the chieftain. He was captured, with his whole household, his wives, his children, and his attendants. In all, they numbered fifty persons. The chief was bound hand and foot, the boats descended the river, to convey the captives to the caravel of the admiral, which was anchored just outside of the bar. It was the cruel intention of Columbus to convey them all to Spain, and hold them as hostages for the good behavior of the natives, until his return. Quibian, manacled as he was, succeeded in the night in leaping from the boat, and reaching the shore. The remaining captives were taken to the 308 CHRISi^liiER Cv>LUMnLS, caravel, and shut up in the forecastle. The hatch way was secured by a strong chain and padlock. At night several of the most powerful warriors con- stJ-ucted a sort of platform beneath the hatch, and mounting upon it. brought their bent shoulders b^e- neath ! and, by a simultaneous effort, forced it up. In an instant they sprang forth, and plunged into the sea. The sailors rushed forsvard, with their drawn ^bres, and, preventing several from escaping, again chained down the hatchway. "In the morning." writes Mr. Irving, "when the Spaniards went to examine the captives, they were all found dead. Some had hanged themselves with the ends of ropes, their knees touching the floor. Others had strangled themselves by straining the cords tight with their feet. Such w.is the fierce, un- conquerable spirit of this people, and thei** horror of the white men." * And now the exasperated natives made the most fierce attacks upon the settlement. Many of the Spaniards, and many of the nati\es, were killed. Tempestuous weather roughened the ocean. Those on shore had no means of escaping. Columbus could send them no aid. Demoniac v.mt was raging, with its usual concomitants of blood and misery. After many da}s of incessant conflict, and many * Ining's " Life of Columbus,'' vcl ii. p. 364. THE FOURTH VOYAGE. 309 wild adventures, the settlement was abandoned, and with great difficulty, the intended colonists, tossed by boisterous winds and waves, embarked in three shattered caravels, which were hourly in danger of foundering, Columbus was truly woe-stricken. Aged, sick, disappointed, in constant peril of death, with all his crew, and surrounded with discontent and murmurs, life had become a burden to him. In a feverish dream he was comforted by what seemed to him a vision from God. He gave an account of this to the king and queen. *' Wearied and sighing," he wrote, '' I fell into a slumber. I heard a piteous voice saying to me, * O fool and slow to believe and serve thy God, who is God of all. What did He more for Moses than He has done for thee .'* From the time of thy birth He has ever had thee under his peculiar care.* " In this strain the supposed angel visitant cheered his desponding mind. The water in the river was so low that one of the caravels which had passed over the bar could not be removed ; and it was left be- hind. It was the latter part of April, 1503, when Columbus sailed from the scenes of these disasters on the coast of Veragua. Running along the coast, he was compelled to abandon another worm-eaten caravel at Puerto Bello. All were now crowded 310 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. into two caravels. These could only be kept- afloal by incessant labor at the pumps. On the 30th of May, he reached the cluster of islands on the south side of Cuba, to which he had gi\'en the name of the Queen's Gardens. Just then one of the most terrible tempests he had ever en- countered struck him suddenly at midnight. Driven to and fro by tempests, in constant anxiety and suffering, with the leaks rapidly increasing, the storm-worn admiral at length succeeded in running into a harbor, which he previously visited, on the coast of Jamaica ; and to which he had given the name of Port Santa Gloria. He could go no farther. His caravels would soon sink, even in port. He ordered them both to be run aground, side by side, within a few yards of the shore. There they were fastened together into a fortress, with thatched cabins at the bows and the stern. Conscious that he could not protect himself against the Indians, should they prove hostile, he allowed no one to go on shore without permission. In the meantime he did everything in his power to secure the friendship of the Indians. The harbor soon swarmed with them. They brought provisions, which they were eager to barter with the Spaniards. It is evident there need have been no trouble with the natives, had not wrong and outrage goaded theno to hostility. CHAPTER XII. TJie SJiipivreck at Jamaica. E tlier clause recommends to the care of Don Diego, B( aliii Fnriquez, the mother of liis natural son Fernando. His connoclior with hei had never been sanctioned by matrimony ; and either thiy circumstance, or ?onie neglect of her, seems to have awakened deep coni|)unction in his dying nKunents. He orders Don Diego to pro- vide for hei respectable maintenance. ' And let this be done,' he adds, ' ior the discharge of my conscience ; for it weighs heavy on mj soul.' " — Irving's Co'unihus, vol. ii. p. 481. THE CLOSING SCENES OF LIFE. 345 with regal pomp. His remains were first deposited m the church of Santa Maria de la Antigua. After seven years, in 15 13, they were removed to the Carthusian monastery of Las Cuevas of Seville. Twenty-three years afterward they were transferred, vvith those of his son, Don Diego, to the cathedral of the city of San Domingo. But even here they were not allowed to find their final resting place. Upon the cession of the island to the French in the year 1797, they were again removed by the Spanish authorities to the cathedral of Havana, in Cuba. There they now remain, awaiting the summons of the archangel's trumpet, at whose call all that are in their graves shall come forth. Each reader, from the perusal of the above narra- tive, will form his own estimate of the character of Columbus, and will award the meed of praise or blame, as in his opinion may be just. His eventful life was, on the whole, one of the most joyless and full of trouble of which we have any record. That he had his faults all will admit. That those blemishes of character were redeemed by many and exalted vir^ Uies, few candid minds will deny. And Christian faith rejoices in the belief that, life's tempestuous voyage being- over, he has gone to that blissful world, where the weary are at rest. THE END. OCT 1 1903