f Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 STUDENTS' ARMY TRAINING CORPS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO 39 C4 y 1 August 31, 1918 University op Colorado Bulletin Vol. XVIII, No. 8 General Series No. 129 Published Monthly by the Regents of the University of Colorado. Entered at the Post Office, Boulder, Colorado, as second-class matter. Students' Army Training Corps of the University of Colorado This is a day when University education has been weighed in the balance and found necessary in a war which can be brought to a successful conclusion only by the training and discipline of our mental powers, as well as our physical powers, to the utmost of our capacity as a nation.. To provide a reservoir from which to draw an unfailing supply of men properly trained for officers, administrators and scientific and technical specialists in the various branches of tha service, the War Department has established the Students' Army Training Corps. This new institution of the army combines the advantages of a military camp with the broad training and influences of the University Campus. Students eighteen years of age or over who have completed the requisite preparatory work for entrance to the University and have the proper physical qualifications for the army may be voluntarily inducted into the Students' Army Training Corps B on October 1. They then become members of the United States Army with all the advantages as well as the responsibilities of a soldier. They are given uniform, sub- sistence, tuition, military training and equip- ment, and the pay of a private soldier ($30 a month) ; they are subject to military discipline twenty-four hours a day, will live and mess in barracks, and are subject to call at any time. . There will be no summer training camps but the military instruction and discipline at n. of D, FE6 g )920 the University will be intensive and strict. The daily program will be arranged upon a military basis somewhat as follows: reveille 6:45, mess 7:00, drill 7:30 to 9:30, classes 9:30 . to 12:00, mess 12:00 to 1:30, classes 1:30 to 4:30, athletics and exercise 4:30 to 5:30, re- treat and mess 6:00, freedom 6:30 to 7:30, supervised study 7:30 to 9:30, taps 10:00. The class work at the University will be organ- ized to have direct bearing on the war situ- ation. While it is clearly the desire of the Gov- ernment to give students as much college training as possible, it should be emphasized that the War Department makes no promise to keep students in college for any definite length of time. Indeed the latest program requires that practically all Class I-A men be in active service by June 1919, the only ex- ceptions to be men of unusual promise in scientific and technical lines. All men over eighteen will register with their local draft boards on September 12. Students subject to the draft whose numbers are called before October 1 will have to go into active service. On October 1 all students over eighteen, including Reserve Corps men, may be inducted into the Students' Army Training Corps (Collegiate Section). For this induction students need not return to their own local board, but may apply to the nearest board. Physical examinations will be conducted by the draft board for these men as for all other registrants. After in- duction, the calling of the students' draft number sets the time for deciding whether he is to be kept in the University or sent elsewhere. To facilitate this plan the Uni- versity will be operated in continuous session on the quarter system, the first quarter beginning the first of October. It is assumed that no men will be called before the end of the first quarter, and by this time their special capacities will determine whether they can best serve their country by being sent to an Officers' Training Camp to qualify for a commission, by being assigned to the ord- nance, quartermaster or other Staff Corps, by being sent immediately to a division at one of the camps, or by being allowed to con- tinue their studies until they can qualify as experts along technical or scientific lines. In other words, this is a plan by which the Selective Service idea can be carried out in practice as well as in theory. The latest advice we have is that members of the Students' Army Training Corps may be transferred to other branches of the serv- ice in the army or the navy upon the recom- mendation of the University authorities. There has as yet been no provision made for the transfer of men in the Naval Reserve to the Students' Army Training Corps but it is probable that some arrangement will be made by the Naval Department. Students under eighteen are not eligible for enlistment in the Students' Army Train- ing Corps, but may enroll at their own expense and secure all the advantages of military drill and discipline. Students who have begun their studies at the University, and have already been called into service, may, in case they have given exceptional promise, be returned to the Uni- versity. They are requested to communicate with their respective Deans if they so desire. It is important that all should realize fully that under this plan the University is virtually placed at the service of the Government, and will shape its policies in accordance with the demands that are made upon it by the War Department, and that these demands will LIBRARY OF CONGRESS change as military exigencies require. It is for all of us a time of continual adaptation and readjustment. The University is making every effort to provide quarters and ^ess in suitable barracks by October 1. The time is very short and the emergency has arisen without warning, so that there will doubtless be a period of inconvenience during the first weeks of the session. If the barracks are not ready, there will be arrangements made by the University to lodge students in tempo- rary quarters for the first few weeks. Attention is called to the fact that the University is also cooperating with the War Department in the training of detach- ments of men who are sent here for brief periods for intensive instruction in technical lines such as Auto and Truck Driving and Repairing, Telegraphy, General Mechanics, etcetera. Men may be inducted into these detachments (which are now the Vocational Section of the Students' Army Training Corps) who have had at least a grammar school edu- cation. From these detachments, exceptional men who have collegiate standing may be transferred to the Collegiate Section of the Students' Army Training Corps. It is sufficiently evident from the above provisions that the Government desires that every young man who is eligible should enter the Students' Army Training Corps. Many students will, however, be disqualified on physical grounds who can be of great service to their country outside of the army. It is equally important that they should go to col- lege and train themselves to give to the Nation the full measure of their powers. All students who expect to enroll in the University of Colorade this year are asked to communicate with the Registrar as soon as possible. 020 914 355 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1020 914 355