Library OF CONGRESS.! # # f UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.! m SOCIETY WITHOUT VEIL, AND «if m€5(^M%t ^€m$€ BY ©iKig @[F ir[M][i ip^[i(Q)[?>y PRINTED BY JOHN P. PRALL, 9 SPRUCE-ST. 1851. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1861, by JOHN P. PRALL, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. / X y^ ■ V CONTENTS. Page. Society, - - - - - - 5 The Church, ----- 59 Columbia, - - - - - - 105 The Blind, - - - - - 157 Wall-Street, - - - - - - 201 SOCIETY. CANTO I. Oh ! ever blest the sweet home be, the dear household hearth ; May peace and love and joy in its precincts ever dwell, And Eighteousness from it's sanctuary spread on Earth. But it is of Society we now have to tell, Many families grouped in one, in the Social bond. And they all seeking to flourish and grow and do well. Much people together dwelling, their wants correspond To the industry employs them, and means to enjoy ; And of work, to their wants ministers, they become fond : Together labor and enjoyment do not annoy, They in neighborhood live, and one the other supplies With the fruit or the staple or the fabric or toy ; Or pleasure or instruction, to be merry or wise, Or be better ; and thus a brotherhood they compose Till the village, town or city, or nation, uprise : 8 And some laws for them all do they in either dispose. Then Citizenship and Patriotism take their start And kinder feeling and fellowship among them grows. Their wants and their labors soon beget each its art, And a kind emulation among them to excel, That are impulse to improve them in mind and in heart Soon their exigencies to fill, leads to buy and to sell ; And opens the merchant, in every suitable grade : And many occupations, to a catalogue swell ; To suit their pleasure or needs all by means of some trade ; And they all thriving, and living in plenty and peace. Instruction of the Youth, a profession soon is made, Rewarded by the others from their labor's increase ; And the worship of Grod will have its own proper class, For all their days undertaking it till they decease. A zeal in their employments to one another surpass, Conduces to excellence, and to improve them all : And y'cleped all. Society ; comprehending the mass. A Social Being is man, and much loves he to call On his brethren, the kind neighborly visit to pay, To inquire of their welfare, of the great and the small ; 9 And to discourse on the topics most rife of the day ; Compare all experience, and the lesson^ they learn In their different rounds to one another convey ; And their several fresh wisdom to some profit turn ; The converse very pleasant then, affection more grows And with a kind friendship they reciprocally yearn. And onward of good offices the interchange flows. Awakens too love, by the provision for it fraught In the twofold estate with it mutually glows : A sentiment that will scarcely admit to be taught. And to enjoy, the Providence commends to be true. That in the nature hath effect, to love we be brought. Ample provision have we, our whole life to imbue With continual gratefulness, and timely delights : The resource in us abounding, and our wants but few. Whatever we turn us to, there is somewhat requites ; For any change we are craving, the world amply large ; And wonderfully varied in its ways and its sights : The whole before us all open, and put in our charge. We all may stay where we are, and be happy at home ; Or the world over may we roam, and our mind enlarge ; 10 Sped by steam on the iron track, or through ocean's foam. The whole Earth is to us given, our own broad domain ; And we may under it dig, to where dwelling the Gnome : In liberty are, and in it able to remain ; All our life may be happy, and afterward still more ; May always take of the Good, and us in it sustain ; And full assurance have, dying, to Heaven we soar. We but have in the Truth to be resolute and strong, And taking us death, takes where happier than before ; Ever happy Society, till go to the wrong ; And it now in the wrong, we have alas ! to depict ; Nor yet less of interest to the theme will belong. It went at first into wrong by the evil fruit picked ; And still in it stays, for is of the same picking still ; And the sweat of the brow coming, the wrong did inflict : To our bread thence procure for us, the ground was to till. Society dwells in cities, villages and towns, And wherever our Human kind together come will ; And in evil from bottom now, to the top that crowns. A busy various aspect among us it wears ; [frowns ; With n^any smiles decked at times is, and sometimes with ii . And very much is its bosom distracted with cares ; Behind lagging confidence, and distrust in the van ; Beset the ways commonly with insidious snares. And to get the advantage, in business the plan. Many laws are there made by it to punish for crime ; Only Power protects Property for every man : Friendship not very common, and only for a time ; The watchmen all the day, and also watchmen by night. Look out for the wicked in working hours and pastime ; Nor incorruptible are, as to be ought and might. A great many classes undertaking to instruct. More slowly waxes Wisdom yet than folly is spright : Who the offices hold, and all proceedings conduct, Though they not always blameless, yet themselves do not blame ; And sometimes, of its feathers is the Public Goose plucked. Less the act, than exposure of it, induces shame ; And conviction or punishment, fights wary defence ; Wealth and Power do not wear always a right good name : And our diversions lean mostly to gratify sense. We take not much heed, that we Immortal Beings are. And all accountable also when going from hence ; And that to Heaven, of evil any fondness. Bar. CANTO 11. Always happy may the man be here, and yet the call To go hence, he without reluctance or fear obey ; Nor terror it have for him to go under the Pall : And Death certainly comes, and Death will take us away ; But to a triumph will take, if we will it to be : And to keep this in mind I do earnestly you pray. Oh ! friends, to recover Society, we agree : We are all delving here now, when we ought to be soaring. And slaves do we make of us, who were born to be free. Over books have no wisdom, are many of us poring : And studying are mostly what our fellows are doing ; Very swiftly our days, months and years all, we are scoring, But pleasure and vanity, too many of us wooing ; And though busy, not wisely ; for we do not grow wise ; Not with Righteousness shod are we, nor with it are shoeing Striving busily indeed, but not for the high Prize : And though Immortal we yonder, yet mortal are here ; To the grave each one goes, and each one from it will rise. 13 And here have we to educate to live in that sphere : That our principal business, and not to delay. From our sleep then awake let us, and begin to fear ; At Society, look, and reform it while we may. For the example among us, or of old, not fit Are, to longer be followed and we still go astray : A better is to make by us, and better transmit To the after us coming, and them now in it set : In the darkness of old time, no longer let us sit : Nor look, or more care, for it, than its wisdom to get. Let us look after Wisdom, and all go in its ways. And better riches then get, than to pile now we fret ; The great Prize that seeks Society now, and displays, A Jewel, we hoping them, but that grasping they sting : A drag on our days, and when we going, behind stays. In the Bosom Divine did a desire of erst spring To have children of its nature to share in its bliss ; And the Angel appears, of the ethereal wing ; And that Bosom so soothed then was, as soothes love the kiss Society, in Heaven then, and loving and pure ; Dwelling in all happiness, for none doing amiss, 2 14 No fleck of the Evil, nor any list to its lure ; The Truth guarding Love's fountains with so rigid a care, That the evil not even by conjecture iniire ; And all keeping them transparently spotless and fair. But God would the Heavens with Beauty diversify, And people with worlds the circumambient space rare : " In the beginning God created the Earth and" sky, And a garden on the Earth then in due time He planted : And man set He in it, to his fidelity try. The garden was a Paradise, to behold enchanted. Fruits and flowers there abounding, on the tree and the bush ; And freely the permission was, to take of them, granted. But in midst of them all, and as it were in ambush. Was a fruit that to taste of, they put under restraint ; [push : For death it would bring, and from the garden would them In the midst of the trees, in them all it would paint Risk, in fruit taking, to know Good and Evil ; and taught In all taking of fruit, to shun of evil the taint That in plucking unwisely, invariably fraught ; And the Truth for our happiness, the counsel contained. Of knowledge the tree was, and of evil knowledge brought 15 Its fruit they partook, nor in Paradise they remained : Nor ever into it thereafter might they retm-n Till to dwell there, fruit not taking in such wise, they trained. Irrevocable, of Medes and Persians the law, we learn, The law of the Paradise irrevocable more : Nor longer a Paradise, when to Evil we turn. Many thoughts in me conflicting here, make the heart sore. We cannot see where on Earth there a Paradise now, Nor in Society since beginning, tells our lore. That there be an excuse for it, is not to allow : But that our God ever gracious, there is not a doubt. Awake, ye mankind ; begin a wisdom to endow : Ye ! ministers of Heaven, what can ye be about, Who speaking in Grod's name, and ye his words do not speak ; With worldly things busy you while the Truth not found out : And your labors all confined to one day in the week. Look into the Scriptures ; for there your judgment pronounced, A vengeance upon you ; and your Master will it wreak. The Truth that in the beginning was plainly announced, And taught us and illustrated, when from it we fell ; Ye not yet learning it, ought like school boys to be. trounced. 16 That, happened to one man, tb all ye say then befel ; And ye hurl Kighteousness down from its heavenly Throne ; Salvation not from sins, but from punishment, ye tell : Pandering to evil, and tell God for it atone. Lamentable the condition is now of Society ; In its body no health ; nor soundness in any bone : Indulging in every fruit to an utter satiety ; The evil even known is, it not striving to shun, And hankering after and multiplying variety ; Instead of Truth to be done, it catering for fun ; And punishes or rewards as the bargain be made : And its laws and its justice but the fire of pop-gun. The foundations of Earth in the beginning were laid For Children of God's nature. Kingdom and dwelling place : Formed in His own Image, and in His likeness arrayed : Foreseen that they might err. He then formed them for a Race That from Death they ascending, He invest them again With glory that lost they, and Angel's radiant face : And to the purpose respond we, with hearty Amen ! CANTO III. Ye childi'en of the Light, how long stay ye, in your night ? Out of it come ye all, and ye be all of the Free ; Cast the outer weakness off, and put on inner might ; For yourselves think ye, though ye among you not agree. Follow not example till ye its issues have proved ; • Enemy of Society, it has come to be ; Inveterately followed as in track for us grooved ; We go along together, in ourselves standard find. And deem all to be right, is by all of us approved : But not of the Free they are, whom doth Custom fast bind ; Nor of the Truth any more ; nor then other than slaves, And slaves to the evil ; and to the light, for it, blind. Every breeze in society wafts us on its waves, And round turns us like the weathercock with every wind, The soul never attaining to the peace it so craves. Forever, since Adam in the Paradise first sinned. Society out of Truth, is seeking a welfare ; Wor found it hath yet, or hath not it fast to it pinned 3* 18 That It not waver still and shift with every wind's flare : As with the tide the sands drifting, or by the strong blast Hither and thither wafted, or whirled up in the air, So th' unstable Society, its bottom not cast In the Truth, and its structure throughout upon it reared : A certainty forever ; as demonstrates the Past. But where is the Truth now, and who hath in it adhered ! Whoever strives, who with heart and mind wills to obey ? By whom heeded its commandment, and cherished and feared ? We have all gone away from it ; and still are astray. Oh ! hapless Generations of the erring mankind ! Society degenerate, man out of the way : Always erring from beginning, and going behind : A few only Good, Society degenerate. Beginning with some virtue in the heart and the mind, And inborn or from Heaven impulse to renovate. The resources man needs from his nature he evokes ; And perils hard menacing, God they will venerate ; Wholesome labor they all having, the old and young folks : But increasing the fruits, of foes diminishing danger, It seems, the spirit of Evil his forces convokes ^ 19 ^ And that lie not then conquer, tells the past nothing stranger. The story of Society still tells the same tale, And falls below the Indian, through the woods is wild rangor ; Of Temptation the lures, all degenerately hail. By the sweat of the brow, they not procuring their bread, That man leaving simple, and strong and hearty and hale, To trade and profession in Society he led. Accomplishing his wits, and never making him wise, . And the snares to entrap him, in a multitude spread. Of old, when men a Babel would build up to the skies, Dwelling in company, and did in evil conspire. Expedient to baffle them, dispersion supplies, And confounding their language, they could build it no higher. Forever into ruin Society decays When slumping in the evil degradation and mire : Good for nothing at all then but a stink just to raise. Man is born for the Good, and not for any thing else. And other cultivation but fits him for the blaze Blisters fiery remorse, yet his substance not melts : A disease is incurable, when set in us deep ; And our escape from it hindered by a great Gulf belts : 20 And nothing to employ us but to wail and to weep : Or coming at length possibly, to wake from our dream The task we take up at length, in the Truth us to keep : And in fine to it attaining, with anguish extreme, It is possible we may into Heaven ascend : But a second death else, of hope scatters the last gleam. Oh ! friends. Wisdom for us in this life, is to attend To all the matters do concern our eternal peace ; And joy and hope it will lend, to the life here we spend : Joyous the Truth now is, but more yet when we decease ; It lights for us, all the gloom hanging over the grave ; A pure joy sheds in our bosom, that never to cease, The constant companion of all the wise and the brave Against the wiles of Temptation, to evil us lures ; Truth, our natural health, and doth to Heaven way pave ; To us ever, every good in possession assures ; Beneath its protection, we may in quiet repose. And whatsoever on it built, for ever endures. Oh ! let us at length then a Society compose On the Kock, the Truth ; and its of living water streams Invigorate every thing in Society grows. i 21 Our daily walk let be ever to gather the creams, And we take of them a little, to repair the waste Or the weariness ; in the measure the Truth redeems : The daily thought for us ever be, to be more chaste In our walk and conversation, in the Public place ; Daily act, to more be with beauty and virtue graced ; And cheering reminiscence, when Death to look in face : And then steadily we travelling towards the goal That to attain to, is whole drift of the earthly race. Unto Immortality, is born the living Soul ; A few years of life it here spends to eliminate Exposure to degeneracy lies in the Boll : Learn, between the Evil and Good to discriminate ; Resolution build, the Good alone to entertain ; Natural virtues bring to healthfully germinate ; And into strength build them, will the Heavenly maintain : Then pure we and loving, a happiness there awaits Us, admits not to measure, and that never will wane ! This do, let Society ; in these United States. CANTO IV. Pause we before the Destiny is ours, if we will ? And still pause not for any thing fast coming between ! Degenerate will we stay, and degenerate still ? Awake to the Glory, in our Future to be seen If a nation of Kighteousness, Truth our only law ; And administered justly as truth of the case lean, And Truth, when action and Law come to hold it in awe. In sad plight are we now, with million statutes in words, And the issue then chance upon the turn of a straw. As the augury of old on the flight of the birds ; But now for us orderly, it the issue is flies. Till they heap up in halls, like butcher's victims in stalls ; And the victim at length drained ; or so knocked that he dies. One Tribunal of Truth, and of its old common sense. In fine adjudges more wisely than all appealed lies. Let us shun the occasion for the wily pretence ; Mortal stabs to the Truth are they in the common mind, J^ni confound crime and guilt with the sheer verbose nonsense. 23 Ay J the virgin soil digging, fast the weeds spring behind, And with diligence have we to go over the ground To fast root them all out, and leave the grains that we grind ; And so Truth in the Moral, be amongst our words found. We have to assort, from their multitude take a few. In the natural soil plant, till fruit and seed abound ; Then employ this for seed, and the stock that from it grew And the branch, for our uses naturally employ : And will find it tell plainly all Good "We ever knew ; And to add of other kinds, but expressing alloy. Such language let our law then in general define ; And transgression by common sense forbid and destroy 5 And final issue pronounce Judge and jury, in fine. It is a tax on the People, when lawyers so thrive ; Their wisdom of words is altogether to decline : Their practice was reprobated by Wisdom alive Once on Earth, they are Blows of the Evil waxing stout, And come to their fruit, when their fellows together strive. They make the laws for us, and in their own cause devout ; And shoulder with burthens intolerable to bear ; But happy community will lawyers do without* 24 To search out the Truth, is to be our first and great care, And to make it our law we must every one agree : And of its least violation, all of us beware : And then indeed may we boast us to be of the Free. There is a Good we encourage beyond its just meed, And is straightway to prune then like the over grown-tree So grossly has it thriven, that we have it to bleed ; And drop many limbs from it, that will not mutilate ; It is to trim and to purge, till it fit the just need : The Public Press now, all decency doth violate, Is put our weaknesses, vices and evil to serve ; To corruption panders, to discord will stimulate ; Is without a conscience, and as the wind blows will swerve ; In freedom to leave yet, and to severely chastise Till it come, to the Truth in every instance observe. In books and in newspapers, equally it now lies. And folio and review, and the light magazine ; Spreading evil and error on the wings it supplies : A running sore in Society, needs discipline : And common sense through the law administer it must ; And bleeding the purse, the salutary medicine : 25 But not to wound ever Satire is wholesome and just. The Volume of Truth too, to receive ought more respect, And not to be scattered in all the common world's dust ; The mind, to look in^t, be led to be circumspect, Or at least we assured the desire for it sincere. With a knowledge to read, and on its wisdom reflect : But we have now in all candor to intimate here That Charity hath now for us the look of a trade : Its ministry from the heart coming, doth not appear, Though the fund do enlarge often, by means of its aid : Nor less fail of its high meed, who give or take the treasure, The treasure of Wisdom from who the World and us made, While we sinning against Him and foolish beyond measure : But not of wisdom for us, till we apply to learn. And with such glow of the heart, it our most cherished pleasure : Or till each heart be well probed, to see if it do burn With Heaven's will to be acquaint, and forthwith obey : And its knowledge bestowed, again behooves then return To oft look for the fruit ; and to inquire if they pray, As pray Saul did for the light round him shone on the road. And minister sent to him to help him on his way. 3 26 Sown the seed, then look after it in every abode ; The word is to bear fruit, to not be spilled on the ground. And for your Charity else, is abuse to forebode : Benevolence made business, good fruits scarce abound. When into the channels of Society we go, There is other than the Truth to be every where found. Its light every where dim is, we have all sunk so low. To compare Man as now he is, with what he might be, In the life kindly accorded to him here below, Of much grief is the mean to all of them the light see, Because of the Destiny he is certain to miss ; And of that he is sure of, and fain ought from it flee. Society now, is of evil Spirits abyss ; A loitering walk for the idle and common place ; For hypocrites is a Temple, to publicly kiss ; All the busy, for the poor goal of worldliness race ; The laboring content them with just earning their bread : The few thoughtful and true wear the cast down and sad face ; « But only they triumph will, when all rise from the dead. i CANTO V. Oh ! be we in righteousness ; and all busy and joyous ; The wheel of Industry buz, and the merry bells peal ; In turn, study, relaxation and labor employ us. And grow we in Wisdom, with every turn of Time's wheel ; A worship of God all in Truth, rejoice our chaste hearts, Of Truth, a zeal and lore wax, in whatever we deal. Stay, let us, innocent ; and who yet from Truth departs. Love we him all still, and all back to it him entreat ; But shun company he kept ; and where haunting, the parts And the Prodigal returning, we joyfully greet. Society, such lapses will constantly display. And the Prodigal may often his follies repeat, But stillever to win him. Love and Truth are the way ; The Truth and way and life, all the same they and in one, A Trinity to be in and follow and obey, A way and life good and cheerful, if the Truth be done ; And its way to accomplish, and to triumph at last, • Is to busily and carefully the evil shun ; 28 And then that, may yet come, Grace forgives us in the Past. Oh ! ye friends of all ages and all classes and ranks, I pray you, to forever in the Truth hold you fast : Grateful ye will find it ; and your heart to give you thanks ; Every day in its happiness, repays manifold. And your riches securer than in safes or in Banks. The good each day is done, let in your bosoms be told. And your sleep will be sweet, nor any less of Death sleep ; Nor for you any terrors, when Death comes, will it hold ; Nor reason ye have ever, but for others to weep. The way of the Truth, is the very way of your thrift, And ye all your acquisitions forever will keep. Past six thousand years now, it is quite time we us lift From our stooping to evil, and in Righteousness shine ; And evil from our enjoyments, now straightway we sift ; That is the very way brings us of the Truth divine : An easy proceeding if we resolutely try. And search thoroughly the fruit that to take we incline. Ay in danger, we deem us, and be strong to defy ; We be sure that to take, will never yield a pure joy When the fruit that is promising, to Truth tells a lie ; 29 And the wisdom of the Past, in the future employ ; Thus build shall we a strength for us, will ever abide ; And we securely avoid all the future alloy. The Saviour came among us, and he lived, and he died, To give us the example in the way we must live, In joy, or suffering even to be crucified : He showed us the Truth ; and what love is ; and to forgive Even our murderers ; and every little offence ; Many beautiful precepts for our guidance did give. And all Truth he exemplified was good common sense, It all fitting our nature, and doth all in it spring ; And all our life live may we in their obedience ; With happiness their obedience only can bring. Oh ! let man now be wise, and Society arise : No more, the Individual in foolishness cling ; The example illustrious follow, and be wise ; Let him show what the nature in him lustrous and pure, And the impulse in it welling, Temptation defies ; Let him taste the complacency in Truth to endure. And bring all men to love Him, who did the same first show, And in his steps tp follow on, and make Heaven sure. 30 Long supinely or striving, do we all fall below The high mark that was set for us by who did descend From the Majesty of Heaven, and did stoop so low, As even to Earth to come, our Saviour and our Friend, To teach the way and the Truth and the life to the man ; And all his brethren, infinitely did he transcend ; But taught, that the way lies between we too might yet span That all we may take the kingdom of Heaven by force ; For our birthright it is, since in Eden we began : And to follow on have, as there did Heaven discourse ; That is, we stay in, or Eden here make for us now. God is unchangeable, but still having our resource In love infinitely flowing, we may us endow, Taking hold of his aid, kingdom of Heaven to seize ; And to evermore dwell there ; as his Grace doth allow : And even he entreats : but leaves to do as we please. If w^e love not the Heaven, we have not there to dwell. But happiness is in Heaven ; and it hath its trees, Nor may the issue come there, our first Parents befel. A strength must there be, and in this life is it to build. To uphold us in Righteousness, to Truth do and telL 31 Not the blood and the water by the Soldier was spilled Takes to Heaven the degenerate, in all their sins. But the impulse of the Truth, with its dictate fulfilled ; The life of the Immortal here among us begins, But the Immortal in his sins, to Heaven not soars ; In the way of the Truth only, a place there he wins, .And shut upon us else, are its everlasting doors. The way of Truth, is the way of happiness and peace, Nor another he finds, who Earth and Heaven explores ; The way of the Being, before and after decease. Any other is of misery, or to it turns ; And eternally, it and its misery increase : Heaven is pure, and the lamp there of Purity burns In each breast inhabits, or to enter may aspire ; And pure and purer to keep, momentally concerns. Retire, degenerate, not the Heaven ye desire : For the joys ye so covet, ye find the place elsewhere : The flames that burn in you, will not consume with their fire. But not the pleasures ye covet, ye find in them there ! CANTO VL Oh ! I would win you, my fellow men, all to embrace The open way to your Salvation leads ; Nor other there, ever can take its place. The case such is, it absolutely needs We in Truth go ; love its every dictate. No health is there for us, if it not speeds Us, acting, and when we do contemplate ; Nor hope, having erred we, unless we shake, And follow on with the Regenerate : Our nature lets Heaven but this law make : And if ye consider, ye will accord With me, and every other way forsake. Formed we were in love by our God the Lord, Of the nature Immortal and of Grod ; To live here to Him : and witness record The triune Three, how the Earth by us trod, In the Heaven of interest for children Its family, and if with Righteousness their feet shod. 33 And if their house in the Heaven daily do they build them According to the witness do the Three in Earth bear, And in their self-made benightedness in and with gild them. Surpassingly grand the appendage of our wayfare : Earth and Heaven co-working and surveying the scene : The Throne of Heaven presides, and for Heaven takes care. What will we do then, and how will demean With the Light shining on us, judgment waiting afar. And we writing its sentence as our fruits we do glean ! We walk upon the Earth now ; our home is with the star. " What is man, that thou are mindful of him, Or the Son of Man, that him thou regar- Dest, a little lower thou hast made him Than the Angels, and with Glory hast crowned Him :" but the Light yet to his sight is dim For the darkness of Evil, grows covering the ground ; " For we also are his offspring" and '' day He hath appointed in the which," as found, " He will judge the world in Righteousness :" '^ pray And watch therefore, for ye know not" '' what hour . Your Lord cometh ;" " I am the truth and" '' way 3* 34 And the life," ^' in Heaven and 'Earth all Power" '' Given me," '' an example I have given You that ye should do as I have done," our Duty is here, that all we be of them that have striven, And " violent take the Kingdom of Heaven by force ;" And all the devils be out of us driven. To tell men Truth, plain words are the recourse, The words then* Evil makes, and words it cure ; Of drift they make, and plain to them discourse. The Providence labors to have us pure ; Society has been and still continues corrupt ; And its corruption will limit the time it endure ; Nothing but its striving, can corruption interrupt ; Strife against Evil, by the individual man, . And from many or most, its abandonment abrupt. We are striving, even now, but within narrow span, And are not striving to Heaven, but mostly for wares, And we have fallen below where our fathers began. Our garden of the West is covered over with tares. From tree in the midst we pluck with bold hand ; Though we all from it warned, rare who bewares. 35 We heed not of Grod the every command ; But he loves, his children we. He is wise, Hither called us to this beautiful land ; His Groods to us Children still He supplies : . Yet our fathers beneath we, beneath them, we have fallen. Oh ! let us from degeneracy forthwith arise ; Let us bow in the dust down, and upon Him we call then. And all apply us to find out and to do His will ; That no longer the evil so entangle and thrall then ; And a loving Society and Nation we still. Everywhere now. Society in scattering groups Works at the lessons Nature and Providence instil, And overweeningly to evil everywhere stoops ; Nor there remedy, but Truth to find out, and dispense ; - All our ships with its messengers man, the prows and poops, First have we, to have it in us ; here at home commence ; Else the task on us laid, we never may execute : In us to be, is it, and we spread it then and thence. And shall we content ever to slide down evil's chute In track of the Generations before us have slid ; Into Purgatory or Hell drop, for evil fruit ! 36 Let us the Truth descry, has so long been to us hid ; And in it go, and count for despicable the slide ; Upon the light that would enlighten, not shut eyelid ; But the Path it illumines be by all of us tried. And the clouds it enveloping be scattered afar ; Webs miserable entangling, brush we all aside, And crusade through the world make, eflfacing th' evil mar. But for a day and a year, live we all of us here, And quickly resolve must, and put aside every bar ; And in the work sturdily forever we adhere. Our work then, behold ; our lofty Roll, and Glory crowns And with diligence let us proceed and holy fear Of who rewarding the good, and on the wicked frowns ! Purify will the Truth, and with Strength and Power gird, Will ransack and chasten evil sluices in our towns, Banish confusion, and exterminate the absurd ; Error exile, and with shamefacedness sponge out crime ; It conform will our laws to the spirit of the Word ; And crown us with Glory, in Eternity, and Time. CANTO VII. In awe reverential now, contemplate we the grand Spectacle on us opening, of a Universe ; In the aether by Him poised who doth all things command ; Ever changing its aspects, as each part Part rehearse ; All balanced in hand of Him who first bade it to be ; And keeps it still in one ; and by His word may disperse ; It dissolvable into vapor that not to see ; Or consumable all, in of His wrath lambent flame Against the wicked, in vain seek before it to flee. There, orbits within orbits, countless worlds without name In harmonious movements mysteriously wind. And whence they did start return in cycles to the same, By a law set in each, and by a law doth all bind : And where each still doth stand, may ever he take account At any moment, who holds of the Infinite Mind ; Into being sprang thence, and runs still from the same Fount : And wending wight every one, here on earth toils and spins, Ample stretch in him he hath, to grasp their whole amount ; 38 Yet content is, his Probation to waste in his sins ; The Probation fit to dwell should, in th' Heaven of all ; Not earing, with Heaven's bliss to crown life here begins. So long has- our Race wended here, the great and the small, And we not thinking what we are, or where we belong, Or content we to be shoots from our first father's fall, And upon him to charge the whole burthen of our wrong ; We never aspire higher than the mark we maintain ; And the pit we have digged, fall into in a throng. The case that we now in are, is so monstrously plain Needs never the argument, for granted I assume : Without excuse every man, all the foolish and vain, Never they examining when they take and consume ; The reason we so fall all, and get stuck in the mire : And more than any, they flippant who will not presume Such doctrines to question, is Heaven claimed to inspire, But only interpretations contrived to subserve The greeds of Corruption ; and satiate ill desire. They tell us, from the Truth we may all harmlessly swerve, And save us their doctrines will if we only believe ; And our nature tell corrupted, the doctrine to nerve. 39 They put in such a fix, will not a hope to us leave But with their doctrine to take up, and* for it them pay ; And for success of the project may laugh in their sleeve. A sad story is it, and has come down a long way ; And of antiquity of the Church wears the broad stamp, And most to descend furthest claiming, still in it stay j All with the light, they in love, through the stained glass and lamp ; Albeit nor the nature suits, nor actual case ; Or of prison damps tells, or of superstition's clamp. Never speed us will doctrine on our heavenly race Unless doctrine of Truth, and to Truth let us attend ; And worship in it let us, in each heavenly place ; And do and obey it too, as we on our way wend, Its pure impulse in the heart working, and love awaking : Pure service we offering, as we daily ascend ; Making all the title we be of Grace the partaking. Degraded is our God, by such doctrine that men dribble ; And who it takes. Truth forsakes, or is nigh to forsaking. The Truth's pure and strong sanctions, from its own wheat men cribble. And from the dust left, the yeast make to leaven a bread The degeneracy suits, and pays them for the quibble ; * 40 And complacency of death then it soothes in the dead. From this all, let us the Social bosom disabuse ; Nor the ignorant longer by abusers be led ; No longer let idlers with their specifics amuse : Nor we longer to other than ourselves wholly trust ; Nor to do and obey Truth, another day refuse. The Truth and our Nature, make and tell the way that just ; And whatever offer else, but a drain on our cash, Nor help yields any, when crumble these bodies to dust. We have never to take Heaven by force, with a dash ; . Smooth or rugged our pathway, we have slowly to climb : And brave and strong be we must, but helps not, to be rash ; Steady labor demands for whole lease have we of Time ; And all virtues of Truth, much have we to exercise : And the heighths they will take us to, truly are sublime. But let us at length now, from this delving all arise, And on the Heaven of reward, ^x our earnest gaze ; For there the happiness is, it maintains and supplies. Society in Heaven, the elect to the praise Of grace make ; and no hindrance hath love there to its flow : The whole Group of its virtues, there the nature displays : 41 There every one known is, and all his fellows doth know. In a field inexhaustible dwell they of delights ; And sweetest friendships cement, with of pure love the glow : Every bosom receives it, and each bosom requites ; The multitude of the Heavenly, will not exhaust : And the purest of the pure. Love ministers its rites. The erst friend here in Truth loved by us, we shall accost, And the friendship of earth be renewed in Paradise, With no doubts longer clouded, nor by any fears tossed. The here ties of love, there, will renewed be clean and nice. Children of our love, we may there happily embrace, And with reminiscences precious beyond all price. And together we low bow, before the throne of Grace ; In twin happiness immortal, child and parent blest. There, may Imagination have its play on the face ; And the pure bosom there, never its kindlings arrest: Over the universe it will ramble then, and glean Of the treasures of beauty to deck with them each breast. Oh ! glorified, be there, of the Man the look and mien That here baffled of their glow by the clouds darkened round. And what man but for them been, astonishingly seen. - 42 The seeking much earnestly, and but little here found, There will transport in the luxuriance of the pure Natural, here shadowed forth coming out of the ground ; And bless the fidelity did its love here assure. CANTO VIII. To renovate Society from its degradation Needs herculean work such is told of in the fables ; A whole river turned through it, for an utter purgation : Through cellar and dome, screening wantonness to the gables ; Through the Temples and Courts, and lobbies of legislation ; .And offices and shops where the false doses and labels : The study where concoct men do the schemes for salvation ; The festering by streets and lanes with vice, crime and lust, And deeds that unmentionable incurring damnation : Depositories of guile that not covered with dust : Where, the ponderous volumes, of superstition lore ; For wisdom that counted, but on its shield is the rust. The hushed voice of Truth now, hath like the lion to roar , Till the degenerate tremble, and souls in them shake. And in sackloth and ashes weep, and Heaven implore The judgment it stay, while their evil deeds they forsake ; And come to no longer of the Being of God doubt, But for the imniinent danger of Hell fear and quake. 44 And thenceforth all their doings in accordance lay out : Society from torpor, to good action arise And past doings in that torpor learn to do without ; Virtues of Truth substitute for deception and lies ; Till pure love and respect among its members prevail, And brethren they deem them, and love and cherish their ties ; All cultivate a friendship in its need shall not fail ; In good counsel fruitful and it all gladly receive : Ever still in a liberty that healthful and hale ; Each consulting his conscience, each its dictate believe : The word of God studying with of its lessons heed ; His neighbor each one comforting whenever he grieve ; Welcoming with joy every opening for kind deed. Children are we together here, a one common Strain ; In us a one Sympathy, that we all of us need In emergencies that come, and afflictions that pain. And because we Truth and Love do so sadly neglect ; Our Father fell from Truth, and we falling still remain, And with more knowledge than he had, the curse we elect. The wisdom at our command, we care not to acquire, Nor the choicest of all goods take we care to select : 45 Nor in our daUy walk in Society, aspire To fill the natural roll that we all are for made ; Nor, the destiny attends on it, scarcely desii^e : Yet the grave will be dug for us, and there we be laid : And Eternity waits for us, the same we here build ; The Truth of it certain ; for in the Scriptures displayed. By usage of Society, the Truth scarce instilled, Nor more characterizing the Social habitude ; Its voice in us is discouraged, and its impulse chilled. Oui* way as we go on, takes not of its aptitude. And other habits diverse come our life to impress. Till wide we all stray of its heavenly latitude ; And all evils in Society I thus'express. Peace and happiness, are companions of innocence ; That is to heed Truth and Nature, and evil repress : A rational life, and in any other no sense. Society has wandered ; and I would, it come back. Till against Truth and Nature, it no more do offence : Persuade it to cease from following on in same track To depart hence at length then, not in hope but regret ; Scarce regretting to go, -but that life's end and hope lack. 46 That life a hope has and end, is never to forget, As our children we rear, in Society we act ; A stern duty, and let there to fulfil be no let ; A part by Heaven's will, in the family compact : And the veritable way to keep Truth in Society ; That holding then for its welfare Heaven's sure contract. Such partaking now of Good and Evil to satiety, Against Heaven's will is, and our own nature's dictate ; Both command to ay take, with discretion and sobriety. And shows experience the truth here we indicate, And all the sanctions we know in same lesson unite ; In Truth then adhere we, and our nature vindicate. Let us study the whole Scripture, and walk in its light ; Exult in the nature, hope and destiny are ours, And to develope and attain, put forth our whole might. It is a destiny of joy, into Heaven towers : Our nature unfold we, in its excellence and glory ; And Society then, it to the utmost empowers. Society about Truth, is in a category ; The Reverends and Doctors dispute and disagree About the lesson and reward in the sacred story ; 4t Heaven's wisdom they cannot, or cannot alike see, A wisdom each hath his own, and all other contemns, And each in complacency nothing hinders to be. They employ them on new fashions for their theorems, And from concern of the heart keep remarkably free ; And cicatrized they all need to be., in stocks and stems. Of our elliptical curve, we in the apogee. Very sluggishly for the time are creeping along ; But the day has to come yet, when the man shall be free ; Well distinguishing the right and avoiding the wrong. Ye blind Gruides and Preachers, by whom so many are led, And few of you wise, and but few the good in your throng. Ye will many of you find such, ye threaten us bed. Who list not to your menace, and who shame for your rant, In Hell ; abusers and corrupters, among the dead ; Or if simpleness you place in Purgatory grant. Your audacity, will ye for Time manifold mourn. That so slovenly ye here did the seed of Truth plant : I warn you to repent then, ere ye pass to last Bourn. CANTO IX. Time was, I did an offering make, a kind of touchstone Assaying World's temper, and its quality of mind ; It of Nature and Truth, and as the purpose suit such one ; And in the same three-fold rhyme here also interlined : Its staple the Truth, Nature too along fresh and green ; And homely precepts of Truth with the lines intertwined, A pure fervor of feeling cementing them between : Nor any words without meaning to be in it found But such connecting indispensably words that mean ; And all so put together, each harmony of sound. The sentiment of Nature and Truth that was conveyed. It steadily develope till both finished come round. In due course then and kindly, and the case too, well weighed, I made of it a gift to a daily penny sheet, Of a large circulation as its columns displayed, And wont it to often in words and figures repeat : Then the Book wordy nonsense, did in order report. I tested the sick mind, was the Book minded to treat, 49 And it un wotting its sickness of the book made sport : So occasion I found was there, to still the mind bleed ; Only lesson, of the blood, with the case would comport. Very plain was that to purge it, the imminent need ; And make repentance and washing then regeneration ; In which following on diligently and with heed, The man work out in due time from his sins a salvation. To the Truth always do well, the way Truth be well known, I to fear have, the man yet has to make a purgation For some trespasses and sins personal, or by loan : Illustrating how come, he not the Truth understand : For him stooping to evil, nor Nature nor Truth shone. The Nature with Truth in us, tell us Heaven's command. And always are they impulse the command to obey : And obeyed, a pure in us life build, and manners bland ; And reverenced by their fellows, who such do portray. But excellence in their fellows, they wont to contemn. Who for a motive refuse to in same hold their way : And the reason, an inveterately worldly Phlegm. The honest man, and to his nature true, Hath not to fear, but feel concern for, them 4 - 50 Temptation or circumstance iess honestly imbue, Till of the honest and truthful, their sense becomes dull, And so on this man I bestow the pity is. due, With the hope he may yet come to some better fruits cull. Alas ! Society now is not in the condition The Truth doth demand ; and yet it in peace doth it lull. Now, its Religion is of Superstition, That, somewhat added to the Truth alone : There is a simpler doctrine, with tradition. But by it Truth is not now fully shown. Now, the ministry or clergy for most part define Salvation as bought for us because Christ did atone : And do also to the Church for it mostly confine : Obedience of the Truth, they will at times commend, But doctrine the more efiective they deem do in fine : To their work one weekly day they attend. And other days, in other work engage ; Oft at Public Meetings their breath they spend. And a battle of words among them wage : Their time they much occupy while they write The Sunday's sermon, to be all the rage : 51 To form new Societies, they unite ; And many schemes in Religion contrive : But tlie Truth to teach, seem not to delight, Nor more to the one Man make in it thrive ; Their duty they imagine they acquit With a sermon and Prayer, when the Sabbath arrive, And persuading, their doctrine if they can to admit. Arguing in support of it for almost an hour : Or on other topic sometimes, as seems to them fit : And in strain that may be eloquent, or terse, or sour ; Then the same again done over, the people dismiss, Till other Sabbath come round again. And such now our Protestant Ministry and service are, and with this And the work was before mentioned, they count to convert Society ; and from it Serpent and Evil hiss. Hark ! the New year has come ; other year, moral desert Upon the Earth, and monstrous Evils personified In a ghastly Presence and touch, the Truth do pervert ; And the Man too, until he bows to them deified. No health in Society is there, it sickens, perishes ; The record tells only, it rose, and flourished, and died: 52 It of all to excess takes that its sickly heart cherishes ; Over and over again all the Earth it doth ramble, And begins to degenerate as soon as it -flourishes ; Unfailingly its flourishmentj to this the preamble. Our fathers did come hither with the strong bone and muscle, The waste ground to furrow, and with the Indian to scramble Hungry, for the harvest, and to wage with him death tussle ; Were in danger by day, and in their nightly repose As the war-whoop yell startling, or might the bush leaves rustle : But then vigilant they were against all of then* foes : They practiced the virtues, for they of eminent need : But when conquered the danger, and their children arose. The watchfulness flagged, and so the good too in their speed : In time of repose, fell their virtue from the high mark Of example had been left them, of true word and deed ; And the Preacher fell too, to whom on Sunday we hark. And backward in Society, same course still we trace Looking into history until where it grow dark : Nor other than same Path, doth Keform alas ! retrace. CANTO X. Behooves, we do resume the common Social disgrace That Society thrive in virtue when it in danger From the Foe is approaching, else in vice wades apace : And so long it arriving, there is much that looks stranger. Ever, multitude gathering, temptations increase, And Citizen falls more than through the woods the wild ranger. In" riches do we wax, and in Righteousness decrease, The eminent few, the more eminent become yet ; But not eminent, to degenerate never cease : A new force then comes in the Temptation to abet, And Society waxing, to the downfall it hastes. With every means of enjoyment the streets are beset, And of some one of the fruits every passer by tastes : The very danger most imminent we do incur. And the temper of most of us it utterly wastes. God did form the man in love, and charged him not to err In his taking of fruit ; and obeying the command. The righteous man is, and will not to evil defer, 64 And destined then to stand upon the Judge's right hand, And the glory awaits him is of the Righteous man And the angel thenceforward in Grod's presence to stand : In the Heaven, to dwell, though here to live he began. To contemplate that Destiny, in bosom should thrill With an ecstasy never through the fleshy veins ran. The love of us by Heaven doth the whole measure fill That to the utmost might kindle of Heaven desire ; Holding all to love here is, and a great deal more still ; And happiness here makes, when to it there we aspire. Chequered our life here is with grievous vicissitude : Full many labors and vexations here do us tire ; In our aim after happiness, obstacles intrude ; Alloy our enjoyments ; and disappointment arrests ; We oft grieve and weary in drear hours of solitude : Oft the absence to mourn have of sympathising breasts ; And they all, of our Earth's life the meet parcels and parts, That it lead us to Heaven ; if we fit for it, tests ; Affording the occasion to purify our hearts. And they all and our whole life go on Earth to prepare For happiness of Htaven, when its love in us starts ; 55 And so ought we to deem, and by them school us with care : In our life every movement should to ttis always tend ; And we welcome occasion ; for our good not to spare. Who hath never to suffer in this life here we wend, His lesson scarce learn will, to in the Truth him maintain ; Condition imperative, we to Heaven ascend. In our afflictions, more is to rejoice than complain, While them all we employ, to more Heavenly appear : And without them^ much danger our life here be in vain : The love of God did accord it ; to whom we are dear ; And all its wise discipline, for which Earth he prepared, That by means of exposures its sure children it rear ; And for our emergencies solicitously cared ; And the things we oft grieve for, of its love are the pledge. To obedience leading of the warning declared. That that commandment the Truth was, in truth we alledge ; And to do it, we learn in our Pilgrimage below. As in all life's circumstance we the truth neatly dredge. Such assurance in me strong, though it to come full slow. Hath prompted me, my brethren to cheer with it and aid ; And I would that it spur them to seek if it be so. 56 A whole harmony comes by it out of all things made ; And the Scriptures to look to us natural and plain ; And of all doubt, in our evil the foundation laid. Time advancing so long was, while men did not maintain Them in the Truth, the light did wane, and the darkness grew. Till to look for it at length seemed a work all in vain ; But I labored, and Truth glowingly I at length knew. That Society receive it, I have feeble hope. But my life bestow cheerfully, in even this view So great work to accomplish ; unselfish Philanthrope. The Past that all flown now, let us kindly for it think Yet no longer we in the dust of its Grave's rests grope : Nor the chains of its Superstition have for us chink. Into our Freedom us all let us emancipate ; And our Freedom acquit too, to in neither Hell sink. That man, and Society, ought to deliberate On all wisdom of Revelation its book contains. And its ability from all ills to liberate, Is the lesson that to urge on them for me remains. Of Individuals does Society consist. And new Generations the living follow in trains, 57 . , And evil example same need have they to resist. Example like Property, will descend to the heirs, But so worthless it is now, it ought not to exist ; And we now to reform it, from our children it spares : And can impulse be stronger, than our children to save, In the heart of the Parent that so much for them cares : Oh ! let us to the heart yield then, doth so plead and crave ; And for a welfare ourselves, and to aid them, provide. That danger of example, we at least for them waive. Let us cast to the winds our so vain building of Pride, And to learn what be wisdom, we all of us apply ; The minister, and the man, go along side and side ; And that the work not impracticable, none deny. The Grod of our fathers, who did send us to this land. Will look complacently down upon us, as we try And we all strive might and main, with the mind and the hand : And will smile on us : and the Heavens will shake, the while. With the lofty Hosannas from the whole Angel Band, As the man upwards doth his ladder to Heaven pile. 4* THE CHURCH " To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hear- eth my voice." — John xviii. 37. *' Whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear." — Ezektel ii. 5. THE CHURCH. CANTO I. Among the Institutions characterize Society One there is, that pre-eminent in its claims and duties ; And with all reverence it behooves us, and sobriety, To contemplate its office, and scope ; and superfluities : The first, to exalt ; the second, it expand ; and tell Then the Reforms, would adorn it with heavenly beauties. The Church olden is now, and doth in many lands dwell. With the ancient tower ; or old turret ; or tall spire Pointing towards the Heaven, and weakly tolling bell Within ; and the chancel beneath, and the aisle, and choir ; And fretted pavement ; or old and worn floor with, the tread Of Generations long entering, to then retire With a heavenly fervor, or levity, or dread The place may, or heedlessness, or the warning inspire From lips consecrated had been to arouse the dead 64 Degenerate ; or entertain may.; or threaten fire And a dire wrath from Heaven, if failing to obey Or command, or requisition ; or any desire. The Church and to meditate upon it, will convey Us backward, and far away ; over the Ocean wide. And to the isle, and the continent ; and all the way That we have come over, since Adam and Eve did hide Them from the presence of their offended Maker, fearful ; And the World between Evil and Good thenceforth divide. This chequered way and its many scenes mournful, will tearful Make the eyes swim, as fraught be in bosom the remembrance Of the transgression in Eden, and its woes ; or cheerful, As we gaze ever upon occasional resemblance To the divine immortal incomparable Being By the Creator formed in his own image and semblance ; In all beauty then glowing they from the evil fleeing. Of both of them, the Church find will we, in every age. Together worshiping and tolerably agreeing. The Good and Evil both figure upon every page Of our sad story, in the Church, or in world at large ; In Principle combatants and there a battle wage. 65 In the Man so mixed up, that he bears of both the charge. In the Chiarch man ministering at the holy altar, Against the evil fights there, beyond a certain marge : In the world the good men in the Good will sometimes falter, And evil men of Good the semblance sometimes assume ; And in it, all men and the Church too, with evil palter : And let us upon this predicate the Thejne resume. The Church, an image is ; and is setup in the World, Arrayed in many strange vestments, and with cap and plume, Bedizzened in many colors, and its grey hau^s curled ; In faces so varying they are taken for masks By such that will refuse with all its words to be burled : It proffers great benefits, and for them only asks In return of us, worship and to acquit its claims In view of a power hath to relieve from our tasks : It shows it in divisions, with their several names. And a sectile difference to whet the appetite. Or non-conforming votaries conduct to the flames. Its habitual temper is rather of despite And will turn upon itself, in of other default ; Itr delights oftentimes to growl, and to snarl and bite ; 66 And comes, if it ever in peace, to nigh a dead halt. But this image of Truth, as in the Prophecy called, Hath in it somewhat ever of the Scriptural salt ; Nor are all that in the Church, by it also enthralled. A visible image the Church is, the Truth presenting In the world, and duly its ministers are installed To teach the Truth ; and afford their aid to all consenting To receive ; and the reward offer, freely bestowed By Heaven on whoever with hearts softened relenting To Him turn them repentant, in the path that he showed Who from the Heaven did come, to save us from our Sins. He came to Earth, and did live among us, and the road To Heaven he plainly to us told ; where it begins. How it continuing on, and the whole way to go ; So plain that whoever runs even may read ; and wins For who will go in it, deliverance from the wo Inevitable for whoever do this refuse : And here put we our foot down, and say that it is so. We all have to go in the Truth, and not to amuse Us with the rites and such ceremonies that are vain, And that with a vain hope delude us while we abuse 67 The wise provision was made for us, that we attain To Wisdom itself, in this preliminary scene ; To a Virtue and Truth, that may forever maintain Us, there even where we invest the Immortal sheen. Of the image- of Truth, the story among us men Is wonderful indeed, and the wherefore of it seen. A field and a fondness are there, to delight us, when Ever we will, by partaking of beautiful fruit. By the wayside, in town, or the mountain, or in glen : And native to delight is, in a measure will suit With our welfare in whole ; but in Earth here, a compound Being we are, and of Soul, but therewith is a suit Of clothes round it, very beautiful, and doth abound In susceptibilities to take, and it delight. But takes yet so fast, and such quantities that they found Together are, our true happiness to rather spite ; And the susceptibility for it too, to void ; And this spoils us for Heaven ; where doth happiness quite The hours all fill up, and with it we upon Earth cloyed Our Heaven is spoiled for us, if even we could get There ; and therefore does it need that we be much employed 68 Upon earth, in Wilding Wisdom and strength against let To our constant enjoyment, or aught may it oppose. As born into life, and we young, there is much abet May the greed in us we have, fruit to pluck, cull the rose, And every blossom and fruit grow alongside the road : And much danger is it fraught with ; they turn into foes. A field of flowers, is, indeed our future abode ; But our susceptibility hath limit set round. That we overpassing, then begins it to corrode. This limit, hath here for us in Wisdom to be found. And then strictly obeyed, or else we never can dwell Where the field more extended and flowers more abound : And there is otherwise danger we go to the Hell. In this lesson then, is the secret of Truth contained : The key opes to us Heaven, and know it should we well ; And to know, the way is to do ; then men in it trained. Oh ! ye friends, it much behooves, that such lesson ye learn And it do, and to begin ere your life have much waned. Our God loves his children, and would have them all to earn The wisdom and strength to them always in truth uphold : Well knowing He our weakness, and hath for it concern ; 69 And for this He creating us, the Truth of it told. He is ever indeed gracious ; evil done forgives Upon our return to the truth again, young or old : And the lost Truth, re-established for us ; and who lives To intercede for us, from his own bosom He sent For love of us children ; and many brethren too gives, And all men He draws to him, when they choose and consent. Thus then I have told you, my dear friends and fellow-men. The secret of Heaven's Truth ; and who well in it went ; And if him we will follow, to enter are sure then Where gone hath the forerunner, and beckons us to follow ; And I pray you then strive ; strive, and pray with hearty amen ; Then departing soar after him, like the lark or swallow. CANTO 11. ' Appointed is this mortal life, to build in ns strength : Thereof need made erst apparent, Love hastes to prepare The beautiful Earth, rounding in its breadth and its length. Poised floating in skyey space, and enveloped in air A temporal life suit in tabernacle of flesh : It to dwell here a little, while we work and prepare For the Heaven our building that need not to refresh With viands spring out of and go about on the ground ; Our nourishment while we learn to avoid evil's mesh. As of late we discoursing, we reluctantly found Unmistakable occasion to attach some blame : Not though with complacency ; and a sorrow did wound ; Yea, much of it, and deep too, and not a little shame For the World thoughtless and careless and degenerate ; And long, long staying in it, and exampling the same. Every one of us for himself determines his fate : And should take from all ofiering the purest and best ; And forbear from the rest ; yea, even hold it of hate : 71 And should prudently his own, not of other, behest Make the rule of his life ; and with Wisdom it be fraught. We have Wisdom to acquire, and it comes by request, And in the fruit and flower found, by which we besought : Wisdom, if to -take, is ; and of Wisdom, taken, held : And thus learn we wisdom, till our life be with it wrought : Then afterward enjoying, always wholly impelled By a love of the Truth, and full purpose to obey ; Or continue to find will, against Truth we rebelled. The resolve is to make, and maintain it as we may : But any lapse, a bitterness in our hearts constrain. As we sorrow and ponder, and humble us and pray ; Purposed that we in future in the Truth will maintain : And effecting it, the Past is forgiven of Grace : As determined, before Earth in the aether had lain : Or man had started in Evil his unhallowed race. And now, having intimated in cursory order. What the Church, and what be its Social duty and place ; To consider, we proceed, some sources of disorder In the High Places quite manifest ; and with due heed, In respect to the Theme, that we not pass the due border ; 72 Impelling us to scan then what the motive may lead Us, in respect of the Church and the Truth to research. This motive then is, that in our bosom felt the need Of some foundation of Kock, upon which we to perch. And thence abroad at our beck send the fond hope to roam Over the blissful inheritance told of in Church. We had naturally to look in that ancient tome, That so with wisdom is fraught it may never exhaust, And sacred for me too, by the olden ties of home. In my solitude then, I did earnestly accost The wisdom of Heaven upon the Scriptural page ; The world then, and the Church, from my sight entirely lost. Friendly to both was I, but I had come to the age, And the condition of mind, that led me io inquire Of all things the meaning that do attention engage As we travail in the world, and begin to aspire After wisdom, shrinking the mind from worldly pursuits : But not with private allusions, we mean now to tire ; The Truth to contemplate, all the vanities confutes. In that long research then, many bubbles were there burst, And many talkers verbose quickly turned into Mutes ; ' 73 Into the dust crumbled too, some tall structures of erst ; Swept down were olden webs beneath antiquated arch ; And freedom revived, until it boldly to think durst, As to battle in its behoof the Patriot march For his country, and I to think freely for mankind ; Nor felt I any fear, but love for the Bands with starch. Wonderful is the story and long, since left behind Was the Truth by the Church, and by the people in mass ; So long that waxed deaf, have many ears ; many eyes, blind ; And confusion prevails ; and ignorance too, alas ! Till with the Scriptures in hand, but few know what they mean : The Church is divided now, between Supper and Mass ; A* multitude of doctrines, for the Truth it doth ween ; All in error. Confusion prevails, and words increase Like insects into clouds until the Sun is not seen. Breeding on the fields that did Persecution erst fleece. Oh ! lamentable condition of Truth in the World, The one law of Heaven, and for Man the path of peace : Fallen man ; fallen : from Throne to him of right, self hurled In every Generation. Pity, Oh ! Heaven, man Degenerate and astray, for his Salvation burled 74 With devices and arts, his ^lere skin to smear and tail, And pass him into the Heaven in all of his sins. God's Truth, certainly would be corrupted. It began As in the Scriptures it told is ; whatsoever wins A hold with mankind, forever rabidly is seized Upon, and appropriated, and put to fill bins Ever stretching and gulping Goods, Heaven be pleased To us to accord, and go would to improve and bless His poor and erring children ; and quickly are diseased With qualities to attract and bring to coalesce With them, the honors and riches, and all the goods men Possess ; except perchance be some little Righteousness. The Good, may from Heaven come, with its sanction, they then Make to be a merchandize, and ofier it on sale : They fabricate articles, and label them with pen, And People that neglect them, they put out of the pale Of Salvation ; and to take them and swallow, and pay Have we, or doomed are in Hell to eternally wail. It is plain. Men being wicked, and loving that way ; And fond of indulgences, for them money require. Would in the Goods merchandize that might Heaven display : 7,^ And so monopolized Truth was, by a Priestly choir And by them doled out it was, in such forms they prescribed, For the pay would allow them to wallow in the mire. Truth restored, was corrupted, as in the Word described, An unavoidable issue, foreseen and foretold ; And on its own sacred Page in detail it inscribed ; The same sequence repeated, that developed of old. Adam fell from and corrupted Truth ; his children came After, more still corrupting it ; Corruption thence bold, The "World overran in divers form, and divers name, Waxing till overwhelmed beneath the Rain and its wave : Re-opened the field then, the World repeated its shame ; And each Generation from its sins, now works to save The Providence by its Word ; to obedience, trains Of Truth : that gives of it knowledge, and makes for it crave, And it seen, so natural, the multitude entrains, Till even notable adventurers come to deem It to notice deserve, and to occupy their Brains : Then lay, and into the people fall, a cunning scheme. Our God his love manifests ; labors to us persuade ; His Prophets sends on the Earth, and his Son, to redeem 76 JEis children, lead them all into His ways, give us aid In them to stay : and they listen, and wonder, and feel ; And follow : a miraculous Power is displayed : Arrived hath of wonderful : enthusiasm and zeal Glow and excite, the People follow in multitudes : Powers, Principalities, before it stagger, reel ; Persecution bristles up ; there rage the deadly feuds : A Power is manifested that cannot be quenched ; On the powers that be, it crowds, pushes and intrudes : Then dextrously they arrogate, who before had blenched. CANTO III. Not of the new, late been telling have I, but the old : The sly wicked convert them, when might it is reforms. Cunning is in Cowards ; but in a way it makes bold ; And dextrously prudent is it, and subtly conforms To the power would conquer ; and so the Truth it took And speedily then fitted into such kinds and forms. That would help and perpetuate the like it forsook. They did not become Christians, but they took of them name : And all their guile thence made to hail from the Sacred Book, The Truth's own written page from whence Christians did proclaim The glad tidings of Salvation for the whole mankind : Salvation from their sins, to have, as by the surname ; By means of the Truth, the light from Heaven for the Blind ; The accurate way for us to go in and be saved. But not from the sins was it, did they Salvation find ; From their consequences, and the sins boldly they braved : And dispensed from their consequences for a price paid ; To them money, and Christ's blood and body shed and staved. 78 The world continued on its way, with a little shade Of difference, and the Church it bore with it along Till foremost the Church, and the Truth behind it parade : That not strange yet, and to you seeming so, ye are wrong ; Without experience, or wisdom in worldly things. That the Evil on the Good seize, always doth belong To our history of Truth ; and they put it in strings, And a servant they make it then, and with it enslave They their fellow men, the Peoples, and Princes, and Kings Whatever, sway have ; whoever have Power ; the brave Men, and the wise ; the beautiful women, and the weak ; They deign to receive, and promising to them all save ; And array all in warfare against who take the freak To, or would for Truth, hinder them to do as they please. Corrupted the Christian Truth was, in plain terms to speak, By its friends and believers, that they might then at ease In all their pleasures indulge them, and hold a command Over the world ; a predicate in Heaven's decrees, But not therefore arresting the kind and helping hand. All else and the present, are but the issue from thence ; And behooves it, for return, ever to understand. 79 That the Truth would be corrupted, is plain common sense ; But to Truth to return, of the conscience plain dictate : Nor let us delay it, nor longer straddle the fence. The combat in words has quite come now to satiate ; Let us to the -Scriptures go, as by the Telegraph : Through all the clouds skipping, with a speed to compensate For the ages of loitering in pleasure and laugh. A hard work is there before us, and has to be done ; No compromise can be now ; nor will doings by half Our case answer longer. The Keform that was begun, Three hundred years are since passed, let us now then complete, And from the clouds the Truth emerge to shine like the Sun. Once more now let us all the Sun of Righteousness greet, And our patches and specifics forever renounce. The voice that did erst speak to us, I hear it repeat. And " wo unto you ye blind guides" I hear it pronounce ; With the Scriptures in your hands, for you still to dole out Such a pitiful Truth that ye do weekly announce, Makes to crimson with blush for you : without any doubt Ye may be often sincere, and the word ye now preach. From your elders have ye learned, and perchance they devout ; 80 But I counsel to every one that minding to teach In the everlasting Gospel, he carefully weigh The issues so fraught, ere taking his stand in the breach Between wrath of the Lamb, and his fellow castaway ; Into a peace falsely lulled by the doctrinal shifts : The lull of the storm gathering to burst on its prey. A sprinkling of common sense very readily sifts Of doctrine the gist, to win the Heavenly estate, By belief in it, how many soever its drifts : And if ye have not good sense, better were to await Its even slow coming, than to adventure and spread The snare full of danger, and the illusory bait ; With a flattering tale it is the heavenly bread. Look ye into yourselves, and ye then the doctrine judge ; It never gives any aid, to be helped by the dead Heaven is ever gracious, nor owes it us a grudge, It deals not in sacrifices and sheddings of bloods Unless to tell Israel Truth : to doctrine say fudge ! The Truth, set ye up high ; and cast ye down your old duds : Be ye in righteousness, and by the sweat of the heart : Cleanse ye out every mind, as the foul garments, soap suds , 81 Purge corruption of the nature, ye to it impart : Disdain to pretend longer, there salvation in rite. Or a virtue in yourselves, from antiquity start : Take nought from authority, if it not also right ; In yourselves be all in Charity, and also pure ; And ye will see, and dispense the veritable light. Study the Scriptures all well, and Theology cure ; The erst smoke of the furnace from forth the flesh and bones For a moment let rise from out its heap of false lure From the faithful endeavor, the repentant atones ; And between man and the Truth now interposing its cloud ; Vanity of vanities, as the Preacher bemoans. Expressions of the Truth in the Scriptures do so crowd They preclude a theology is made up of words, And Truth envelopes in worse than the grave's winding shroud. Study ye for the Truth ; only this it is that girds Us up with a true strength and wisdom ; and stimulates To the eloquence, will bring Converts by the hundreds. Heaven's Will is the Truth, for mankind be it, or States ; And into them to put it, would be to regulate The world : your function is lofty ; your reward awaits 5* 82 On terms and conditions that ye carefully instate In your ministering lives, just the same would acquit The office assumed have ye ; that, not merely to prate, Or thoughts of vanity scatter, though carefully writ : For I you assure, mistaken have ye the true course To put into the man's life, what true Heaven's own wit For his salvation : your weekly so labored discourse Never will the sinners convert from their hardened ways, Nor the sanctions of Truth and Love on their hearts enforce. The one man concern you, and how ever ye may raise Him from indifference and evil ; and to concern For himself; that is to convert him ; to your great praise. The Individual man must be brought to discern A way is there to go in, and will for him procure A destiny and crown deserve endeavor to earn ; And earning, the way it only might ever endure. Ye, my friends, are not bound by any doctrine of yore ; Truth is all your wisdom to make the converts secure : Truth is all and the whole, ye cannot add any more : Only this, this, was thought^worthy to bring Heaven down Even unto Earth, that to Heaven the man then soar. 83 He avowed so explicitly, when Pilate would crown The plots of conspirators, whom their own law had hurled, To crucify the Christ, in the outskh'ts of their town, " To this end" " and for this cause came I into the world That I should bear witness unto the Truth ;" heard his voice Is, by all of Truth are, but now the Banners unfurled. All are of doctrine, and dovetailed together like joists To a mere scaffolding frame, and build the vacant house That each devil possesses, and there slavers and foists : And Temple of God uses for a devil's carouse, CANTO IV. Deem ye, that dilating I am thus, Oh friends, and grief Not hang, in woful and shrunken aspects, down the cheek And whole countenance ; yea, more than weeping willow's leaf Drooping deject ; have the haggard lines ever to speak Truth so humiliating, and nigh despairing hope ! It is not, that is the man incompetent, and weak, Against Evil unable to conqueringly cope, But that the Will will not will it ; and wills to indulge Its own whims ; and not ever to purge with fuller's soap The heart, till the countenance with radiance refulge That worldly eye not look on it, and mortally shake Fleshly tenement, till hollow gaspings nigh life bulge, As when, who in Truth lived from the dead rose with earthquake. Degenerate Man ; and Preacher ; how then will ye stand In the Judgment day ; when from the dead ye shall awake ; And nothing showing of Righteousness in either hand ; And find you in the ranks, alas ! close stand on the left, For ye did not nor taught Truth, as the divine command. 85 I beseech you, the foreskin of your blindness be cleft : Your eyes, open to the Truth, the Christ ye have so shent ; The scales of your darkness all let be swiftly bereft : Mourn, repent, and pray for the Holy Spirit's descent Upon you, so long grieved by your blindness ; and your eyes Be opened, and all things ye learn ; and heavenly sent Be, to preach to the Gentiles, of the Light that arise Did of the Sun of Righteousness, to quicken the Dead : Show to them their evil ; and if they will, make them wise. Ye have the Truth to find out now, and Truth then to spread On the Earth ; to illumine the benightened ; dark places To make shine ; and the man to lead loftily to tread Upon it, in Truth and Righteousness, and all the graces Put on in life, by Truth on the Nature are begotten : And repau^ our long tissues of falls, woes and disgraces. And to find have ye, your doctrines and service are rotten ; Your indulgences to be tasked are, down to the mast The Prophet of old fed, not I trust by you forgotten, But to you all I say, study the Scriptures, and fast. Hold the Scriptures for redemption, the Wisdom from Heaven Came, and by them your books quite overtaken and passed : 86 Their language is plain and wise, and their food without leaven The pure natural elements, and blood that impure ; And all taught with miracles by disciples eleven : One traitor in twelve ; and seeming few now to be sure : But my plain words, I pray you do not misunderstand. Oh ! study the Scriptures and of their wisdom procure ; But to write on them forbear ye, till known where ye land. Your office, to put the Truth is into all Mankind, And for it, you have to take every man by the hand And him miserable, poor, blind and naked, will find ; If looking as ye ought, and ye call on every man. The covenant of God, is to put into our mind His laws, and graciously write them in our hearts ; the plan, And of much common sense, that ye have to execute ; The Laws are of the Truth, the counterparts in its span, And for most part relate to the partaking of fruit ; Taking, partly they forbid, and selection commend In all taking whatsoever, to get that just suit With happiness and welfare at and after life's end ; And so long as we are wending it also below ; A proceeding with virtue fraught, may strength to us lend ; ,87 . While its complacency now, endow will such a glow Of mind and feeling, and satisfaction in the heart, That self-written the laws in it by a process slow, But sure ; fulfilling the covenant in either part ; And we become a People unto God then, and He A God unto us ; and from His remembrance depart Our sins and iniquities, by a Grace wholly free : The sins of the Past ; and we have learned to sin no more. In this way of Salvation, friends, have ye to agree. And then working ye with God ; who full of Grace, mourns o'er His children, hapless for truthless, and wo then entail On them, of a reach and duration none can explore. So plain way of safety then, let it not appear stale To you, because old, and also in the Scriptures told, Though not of doctrine, and it put you out of the pale Of the Church that is now, howsoever it be old : The Scripture also is old, and also ye can read, That in time past could many not, of the bought and sold Or hired to accuse, and many others then make bleed, Or to burn, or to the torture endure, or to spend, . [feed Their life long, their, days in the prison's glooms and worms On their bones unburied ; biit to Heaven Souls ascend. These things, I do so recall to you, came all of course Because men, Truth told to them, to it- did not attend Except to corrupt, and claim themselves to be its source. For which cause I have warned you to not look so far back ; Or if so, to further look, when your claims ye enforce The true Church to be ; and to look also what ye lack By the standard and Authority, the Scriptures saint ; But care not a fig for whatsoever the attack That more modernly dates than does that ancient restraint On every innovation or corruption of now ; And examining, be sure ye have not any taint Of them or the like ; nor claw of the milliped sow Of evil still hankering in your heart's mouldy soil ; And the ploughshare drive deep, to it all out of you plough. To find the Truth out ye have, all the vermin to foil That so fondle do and hanker where kindles desire, And that around our affections so lovingly coil. I have spoken here plainly, friends, the case did require It. If ye will thank me, I know not ; but I acquit My conscience, and more freely in my bosom respire. 89 But deem not for that I will my care for you demit ; Enlisted for the war am, or till our Freedom won : Or till I get my discharge by of Death shaft and hit. The task that is laid on me, I have only begun ; Many years have I toiled ; but I am still fresh and hearty ; And frisky as the Spright beneath the light of the Sun ; I belong to no sect, am of the whole People's Party, And so free with them -all, they will all let me alone While for them I battle with a mistaken Hierarchy, I am kindly disposed, and would lead you to atone, Not with blood of yours shed, or of the Saviour, ye say, For the Past that is gone, and then no longer our own ; But with return to the Truth : to preach in it, and pray, And in it live altogether, with all might and main : To live in, to show it is, and nobly it display. Your image of Truth showing ye, in sunshine or rain. Ye would have common sense then, and the People would greet You, and would talk with you, and your talk then would be plain ; And ye would learn just the wisdom the man's case would meet ; To put Truth into men, then* falls have ye to correct. The Law of God is Love, and our Paths to it replete 90 With Temptation, Truth defends ; and ye have to direct In Truth, in general, and the particular case When the breach evident made, or may come by neglect, And its symptoms ye discern, in mood, manner, or face. I would fain help in the work ye undertake to do ; In the way of their nature, to lead all men to race ; And to it by persuasion, not threats, is he to woo. I pray you then to well look, and take care how ye go ; A case is to manage where man stakes him, as at loo ; And the issue for you both, is with bliss fraught, or wo. CANTO V. A drear way had I to come over, and took a stock Of ammunitioH with me, but now out of the woods A bit ; will take my stand on the immovable Rock Of our Salvation, and open out my stock of Goods. This Rock is the Truth ; and what it is, have partly told, But more of it is, to well we distinguish our foods, A class of fruit, not so strictly of the bought and sold As is some of it, but yet taken for nourishment : In the Temple, or from the page the Bookbinders fold ; Or the weekly newspaper, hath now such flourishment ; Or sermon, our worship more engrossing than of old ; Or the tract by the wayside, of such cheap furnishment ; All whatever our Foods should be of Truth's virgin gold ; This then I would furnish, in a market where it scarce ; And so came over that way, that to dare it is bold : And the enemies will be seen yet, and are not sparse. But my stock of ammunition I have in reserve, And have not so long toiled, to have it end in a farce. 92 My Goods are of the Truth^ and are the Truth to preserve ; And to restore and to maintain it in every land ; And a Church make, or recover, your faith will deserve. The Truth is my staple, and of the Christ having brand, And in stuffs may be assorted, to meet every want ; But not wrought by the loom are, by the mind and the hand And so exacting, they bring may the buffet and taunt : A scrutiny need and challenge, their worth to discern, And nothing is there to show, will or flatter or flaunt. To acquire or enjoy them needs to feel a concern, And to choose always the stuff, the want perfectly suit ; And the pure greed it supply, in the nature doth yearn. The virtues of Truth are, to take ever the just fruit. And in exactly just measure on every occasion ; ' And that evil not enter, sight and watch be acute, And then your garments of Truth be, and free of abrasion ; Or of Righteousness, that then is the Truth's proper name ; Just the staple I furnish, and wrought without evasion ; Righteousness the whole wrapper, and inner garments same. Well suiting with your nature, and will keep you in health. Many virtues you need will, as playing your whole game, 9.^ Or inventory in detail, to take of your wealth ; Honesty, of the Truth is comprehensivie expression. Avoiding Temptation, and incapable of stealth ; Prudence another is, keeps your spirits from depression, And a broad stream of contentment, ever your life flows ; Valor is a third, of vice and trouble the repression ; Simplicity a fourth is, and puts out no false blows ; Sincerity guards, and accruing error excuses ; And Purity charms and exalts, more than any knows, A virtue, that every speck of the evil refuses ; And of Eden's commandment a fulfilment expresses ; That general, ye know, commandment from all abuses ; The Truth ; and the inclination to evil suppresses, And would entitle to Heaven without a salvation Whoever temptation invariably represses. Of the classes of my Goods have ye now full relation, And for further particulars, I pray all to look ; And furnish of each article the denomination. This variety, my friends, came because we forsook The Truth ; when circumstances arose so passing strange, And with such names, that it needed to commence a Book 94 And write them down, to keep a reckoning of their range. The world fell into Evil then of so many kinds, And the Providence willing to operate a change. It many of them recorded, as every one finds ^ Who will examine in the Scriptures as that Book styled, Where are lessons and light on them, and not any blinds ; And every one sees them, by his evil not beguiled, That hath a strange efficacy to darken the sight. Those lessons have virtue, to learn beginning the child, To take, that drear way over, safe and sound every sprite : Not to say we never slip do, and not sometimes fall. But these teaching, repenting we come to them despite ; And to at length be our natural selves all in alL Never, friends, to be abject, is the way to please God ; Nor tell must we our nature has by evil shrunk small, We could not get to Heaven then even by the rod. That our Nature, of God, and of His hands we the work ; Keeps pace with us corrupting, as we wickedly plod, Is a device makes our enemy chuckle and smirk. He makes us then his prisoners without any trouble : It was only a contrivance to help out the kirk 95 And for outlays excessive, its income more than double. To buy witii money Salvation, and keep in our sins, Seems for sound men of business to be but a bubble ; To hold stock certificates with flowery margins More worthless than paper notes redeemable in lands, And that scarcely used but in speculative bargains ; A mere shift for escape from the Truth's stringent demands. My friends, no longer do ye count to have your own way Till from all your monstrosities clean washed are your hands ; Growing old now is Time, and approaching is the day When, to Truth the whole witness will have wrought its avail. I have sought as I travailed all excuses might weigh To soften the reproaches ought to make you look pale : But I have still been forced back as was Balaam of erst When for Israel the curse, in his throat thrice grew stale ; Nor yet aught have felt in me, to make call you accurst. Oh ! no, you too I love, and all of my fellow-men. And would have them to be gOds, our destiny from first : And you to respond to it, with the hearty Amen ! Oh ! awake ye from all your sloth, ye Priestly company ; Af ound you look, and see growing, what harvest of fen ; 96 And see if your travail might not help to not' slump any ; Look into the Scriptures, and as ye therein compare With the lows ye are offering, see if there trump any Might reward who well striving for the truthful and fair. Oh ! I am pained, nor ever comfort there is for me While the error and evil in the World do so stare. This Moral Being Man, if we will only agree In the Scriptural account of us, the possessor is Of the nature and estate, and also legatee If he will, of the destiny, and all accessories. Of the Heavenly Beings, same family and Strain ; And doubtful it is if under Grod order other is. The Universe that vast stretching through the broad blue main, God, who Love is, and would have many whom to love, built For his beloved, and they all pure and without stain : He chose the Earth, and Eden set here, to never wilt Its green, or fade its flowers, or blossoms till they fruit ; And us he put here, man and woman, and charged to till 't ; With many trees in, bearing beautiful fruit, to suit All our wants and desires, and we be perfectly blest ; All free for us to take from, and more than to compute ; 97 And there was a tree in the midst, among all the rest, The tree of life called, and of its fruit to take, made gods ; But to take forbidden : and close by, a tree for test. Of knowledge of Good and Evil called, and that has pods ; And its fruit too forbidden was, and this told the Truth ; And to obey, was life, but transgression bring grave clods ; Tempted, they disobeyed ; and followed then their grievous ruth, And they were banished from near where the tree of life stood ; The Woman conceived then, and since, and brought forth the Youth: And to not take that fruit, ay Truth done and understood. 6 CANTO VI. I have assorted my Groods now, and have advertised, And they will bring a Salvation, with the aid of Grace, Upon truly repenting ; as ought we when baptized : Or the infants thereafter, and their sponsors replace. I commend to you earnestly, to take of my wares ; They will keep you in health, and make to look well in face. And assist will and cheer you in your labors and cares. I count, it will be pleasant for you in Truth to teach ; Ye will know where ye are, not be taken unawares ; A lofty eloquence I count, of the Truth to preach. And be felt will by your hearers ; with a wonder now ; I count it for love in you, to the Truth to beseech By the mercies of God ; for would salvation endow : I count it of the conscience, to the Truth to command. And fear not, well showing it, the nature not allow. I count it success for you, the Truth to understand. And by all of your fellows make to be understood ; And the way is, to do, and climb up hand over hand : 99 To do J in your calling, and going round doing good. Truth makes and hatli the right upon every thing to touch ; And commands, from the pretenders to strip off the hood ; But lovingly always, and sorrowing, very much : Not otherwise do, can ye, if in Truth ye have stayed. Much earnestness in Truth, of Truth is, and many such Qualities has ; but shows indolence. Truth not obeyed. With your writing and reading, ye would mostly have done, When versed in Truth well ; that it by you then be conveyed With loving labor, and diligence nigh on the run. Into the mind of your fellows, and writ in each heart : Nor ever for the masses, neglect ye any one. Your instruction, to the Individual impart, And the sermon not missed then, if for this cause it fail ; But mighty the other be, with of eloquence art. And can ye but be eloquent, with Truth for your tale ; And the Truth in your heart, of Inspiration the strain ? Ye straining, that your fellows of Salvation not fail : For even have the best yet, that they sin, to complain. Truth kindles a fire in you, makes enthusiasm glow : With all things will acquaint you, and with much that is vain ; ioo And that ye to neglect then have never to be slow : Truth banishes mysteries, they will stand not a moment ^ If with Truth they confronted be ; back take them below, Or wheresoever it be whence their fulsome bestowment ; The sects that so abounding are, the Truth would soon banish. Sectarianism, of sheer vanity is the foment ; With embrace of the Truth, its swell and emptiness vanish : A one spirit and brotherhood are then all pervading, Nor longer any selfishness, or feuds that are clannish. Your whole time would be given, to the Truth in persuading : And in your bosoms peace and joy, ye count would for blest. Thus have ye an idea of my own way of trading In the goods I have told you I brought through the forest ; And I pray you to ponder it, though given you gratis. And here on one doctrine I for a moment arrest Now, and treating somewhat of the heavenly estate is ; And has also been considered in books of Divinity : And touching our Individual and common fate is ; A vibrating notion between Unity and Trinity ; But the Truth has a virtue to bring all into one ; And they both are the same, or of same kind, to Infinity. 101 In fine, to know the Truth, will acquaint you how be done Every part of the work that ye hav0 taken upon you. And every thing of the moral done under the Sun. Ye will have to work hard, with so high wisdom to don you ; But with love still growing, will a pleasure in it find Far greater and purer than any hitherto con you. Oh ! ye brethren and friends, sorrowfully it doth bind In my heart, and straiten the sympathies in it glow, While I do thus through the doctrinal crookedness wind And dust of degeneracy from its corners blow : And let us refresh us then, if ye give your consent. With Truth that should replace it, and the pure flush bestow. God in love formed us, and so placed us we have content All the days of our life in the Earthly Paradise, Would we only be willing our enjoyments to stent Within limits, such, ever leave us would pure and nice. But to this we demurred, and are demurring till now : Yet that Love and that stake fgr us, are beyond all price, Nor idly consent. Love would, such issue to allow ; Then to work it began, and came Wisdom to its aid : But Love only can labor, a wisdom to endow 102 That, in our taking all fruits, make us justly afraid ; And lead us, resources in our nature to employ That, digesting our fruits, leave not of Evil a shade ; Purposing then with Grace, to purge erst accrued alloy : And the virtue of its discipline, it calls salvation ; Telling admirably its means, the work, and their joy : But not worked out that purpose, to infer is damnation ; By the drift of the terms, the inevitable case ; Altogether manifest, to entire demonstration. Earth duly prepared for, and Man formed to be, a Race, Discloses the apprehension that felt in advance ; And Time had therefore birth, that we retrieve us apace, Or with whatever speed we be willing to enhance. Our fall was, to, from Truth that enjoined on us, depart. Then returning, we re-enter the Heavenly Manse ; That, whole drift of salvation, and all of Heaven's art. To the erring man conduct in its mansions to dwell ; Its purpose and efficacy, to cure the man's heart Of love of Evil, that would perforce take him to Hell, And cure also the exposure by which he so frail ; Inalienable in whom the moral fullness well. 103 These thoughts are, Oh friends, of Truth, though they seem to you stale Compared with your doctrine and the Telegraphic speed Ye would impart to the race to enter Heaven's Pale ; But is the slow and sure way, and demands a due heed In the whole of our wayfare, or greater part at least ; And for this would I carefully impress with its need. Lofty the Roll is, to take your fellows to the feast Of all the Heavenly joys, that are never to end ; To be in Christ's stead, and in his Temple be the Priest To the earthly Pilgrim to show all his way to wend, And still in it keep him till he enter on his Rest. And ye will pardon me, when I diligence commend That your task ye well acquit, and your fellows make Blest. I am anxious for you, when seeing how all things shape In our time, and fear lest ye fill not your high behest. I tremble full often for the wrapped hat in its crape Telling me of Immortal is gone to his account, And fear that of the Heaven he have not made the rape As the Scriptures command, and will not thither then mount : -And tremble for you too, lest not filled ye have your stent, And of life's drift not well warned have, to its full amount 104 Of consequence impregnate, and the whole issue blent In this probatory warfare in his youthful days : And lest his beautiful hope have forever been shent. I pray you to apply you to amend all our ways, Ye have a chance of high glory and honor up there For the children ye take there, and of High Heaven's praise As may the greed of its love have been soothed by your care And watchfulness, and the erring been led to its fold At the end of their earthly probatory wayfare. Farewell ; may you and I there one another behold. COLUMBIA COLUMBIA. CANTO I. Noble our Theme; nor its length, or breadth, or depth, allows To be measured ; nor wholly the Algebraic letter Even, its indefinite scope in the mind endows : A Continent to the world lost, to thence be begetter By a fraught and just sequence, in the womb of the Past, Of a wisdom than the erst by far higher and better. Thou, the lone Columbia, forgotten, and outcast From the World ; hast to play yet the illustrious Part To all the "World save, that by the evil long held fast. Wondrous the Providence ; and its Prophecy our chart, We trace out of its wonders on the Future attend ; Yet must we understand, in our evil it took start ; And out of this the Providen