PB M ■61 ■ re - H | THE IRISH-ENGLISH PRIMER, OP. FIRST GUIDE TO THE IRISH LANGUAGE: INTENDED N TO ASSIST THE NATIVE IRISH IN LEARNING ENGLISH THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE. by THADDEUS GONNELLAN, AUTHOR OF THE ENGLISH-IRISH AND IRISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARIES, THE IRISH ana 53 m r . and other element ahy jvorjl s ., BY HIS .MAJESTY'S. SF^CUL .COMMAND, " Train up a Child in the way he should go; And, when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs of Solomon , xim. 6. LONDON: PRINTED BY R, WATTS. SOLD BY ILATCHARB & SON, PICCADILLY; RIVINGTONS & COCHRAN, STRAKP; PRIESTLEY & WEALE, HIGH SIREET, BLOOMSBURY; BY KEENE, DUBLIN; AND BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH. 1824. ©uteres at &&tiontr*'-$aft- ADVERTISEMENT. It is lamentable to observe tbe obstacles which are opposed to the best of intentions, as weN as the motives which influence the minds of men, even to participation in measures diametri- cally opposite to their own acknowledged principles. But con- scious of the intentions of many good men who may now differ from my views, it is my duty to await their change of opinion, rather than widen the breach by controversy. A body of evi- dence is daily accumulating, tending to prove that the barbarism and miseries of Ireland are to be effectually subdued by extend- ing to them the blessings of Religious Education; and the only material point at issue, is, or soon will be, The best means of accomplishing this most serious and important object. My own mind has long been most forcibly impressed, from a thorough knowledge of the character of my Countrymen, their feelings and their prejudices — especially that large body of them who reside in the more distant part of the kingdom, and among whom the Irish Language universally prevails* over whose minds the strongest mental controul has been exercised, or where this controul has been superseded by blind vindictive rage under false ifleas of complicated wrongs — that the only effectual way to soften their passions, was, to cause their very prejudices to become the engine of good; and, through their enthusiastic and natural love of their own language— the lan- guage of their ancestors and their fire-sides, to lead them to a train of right-thinking ; and, by opening to their minds the ex- cellencies of Religion, to subdue their frightful disposition to anarchy, disloyalty, and confusion ; and to render them loyal, industrious, and happy, like very many of their more-enlightened and better-informed brethren, who labour to be 44 a country's safety, and a nation's pride." In proof of these remarks, I would humbjy refer to my ex- perience, and to the providential success of my endeavours, as respects numerous individuals, families, and districts: and I appeal to the strong testimony of the Clergy and Teachers, who being now competent to address the Irish in their own lan- guage, and agreeably to their own peculiar tropes of expression, if their experience has not already produced a glorious harvest, and a rich reward for their well-earned industry. It has been objected, with some shew of reason and argument, that " the Scriptures were useless among a population who, though speaking the language, could not read." This objection may as reasonably be answered, that, as many Schools are established for the purpose of learning to read the Iris!) Language, solely from a love of the language, it were better to give that learning a useful direction, by the use of the Holy Scriptures; instead of teaching, from Romances and other works without principle, to be wise to do evil. IV ADVERTISEMENT. But to obviate sucti an objection altogether, and to prepare the way for a wider, liberal, and more useful distribution of the Scriptures, I have been many years(especially the three last) en- gaged in preparing Elementaries of Instruction in the Irish and English Languages: consisting of Primers, Grammars, Voca- bularies ; Spelling Books, of words iu one, two, three, and more syllables, alphabetically arranged, with their respective meanings affixed; and Reading Lessons, extracted from the Scriptures, and forming an Epitome of Scripture History ; suitable to every a^e and capacity; (together with some useful works on the Fisheries and Husbandry); which, 1 tru^t, even after a short course of instruction, will have sufficiently prepared each scholar for an Irish New Testament at least, if not for the Old and New Testaments; so that an interesting people may no longer have to draw the Water of Life out of broken cisterns. The advantages of the Holy Scriptures, as the ground-work or basis of education, cannot, I conceive, be too highly appre- ciated. In countries where the Scriptures are allowed to be generally used, in training the young mind to an early know- ledge of letters, the very character of the language has evidently become enriched with the expressive style and unparalleled beau- ties of the Heavenly diction; — and to this influence may, in great measure, be attributed the progressive improvement, ner- vous power, and beauty, of the English, Welsh, and German Languages. The Irish Language, under the same benign in- fluence, "and from its peculiar compound and expressive quali- ties, is capable of making a most powerful appeal to the heart, and of being readily understood by the most illiterate: and not a doubt remains, but that the Scriptures will thus elevate the moral and civil character of the now-degraded Irish; furnishing to hundreds of thousands the weapons of Christian warfare, which sfiall prove a deliverance and defence and safeguard against the fetters and assaults of ignorance and superstition. In addition to such advantages, auother would evidently arise, of no small consideration. A grammatical knowledge of Irish, as numerous examples prove, is sure to present to an Irish na- tive a more ready and certain path to an acquaintance with the English language and the stores of English literature; and, con- sequently, tending to promote a closer union between the subjects of both countries, and to insure a similarity and disposition of .sentiment, both as Christians & fellow-citizens. It istherefore requested, that whosoever can or may read this "work, will teach, or cause to be taught, gratis, twenty-four .individuals to read this Book ; in order that each of them shall instruct twenty- four others, on the above plan ; and so continae the progress of instruction, for the purpose of spreading Scriptirral and moral knowledge, to the PRAISE* GLORY, and HOROUR of GOD. T. C. ^D r^Hfo, ")AiUe 16 OfbngcA ejie U £463 ©£oii)|AlU|i; 60 £co|tc>?5 b]3 a bf^ce £jlle SllW&e Af) ^TM^; ^ li?r trjAjceAf 1 .f 064 luf a qne ? ATT^5 ^a n)bA]le, l& da cc£t> 5A rb]T) bji) i-bjljf rb&cAubA a ri)ur>Ab &a c6]le, *]c. Ut) U]bc]L]\t ebAqSgllAc. Roman Alphas: t. $tr> ceub t&igeAf). I Lesson. £jf)lir,ne. Capitals. Si B £ 2D & J* ABCDEFGIL J L a SVwnbiobAbA. TABLE OF MUTABLE CONSONANTS AND OF ECLIFSES*. £ b. c. 5- ?-. r- t. .V 2>8..y .W, V b..u' .ch Ab . . u .gh eAb. .u On ob. .u)| .hji ub. .u .2 ' •Hi A3.. 11 1 .f 03. .11/ 1 u 3- ,&, 13- *13- *\e. p 5 u AC .ee ih\ b?. .V a L n-- . V m b P . .b ihj bp. .d be. .d a 3 C - •g ee "Lv •g lr>. 11 rpb . . m WX • • m r;b . . n Cf . . t cc.. K p> . . b cc. .ACA. MODERN NAMES. bejc * . . . ,n)A|i ai) cfeAt) AitJrn, as the ancient. c&>jtCAi}, ciom berry, and cap, thick. f Aji>reo S ) ^reAjinos £ . . .rr>A|t at) cfeAT) Ajflrn, as the ancient fA]leo5 ) !*ceAC . . . . . . .]*c^acac, armed, thorny. &^rt rr)A]t At) cfeAr) Ajrjn?, as the ancieht.. A]cit) ....... . A]c, sharp, and qne, fire. coll .rt)Ajt At) creAi) A]ixn, as the ancient. a^aI . . . * . . . .aIja, sweet, and aI, nourishment. VjneArbw ■ • • -Fioi), wine, eo, tree, and rtw, juice (5). eopApeAr;. . . .eo, tree, and f AtrjeAr), circle, gnaw. 51I5AC . . . . ^ . .5] I, water, aad 5AC, spear. ro&lbgAjtc .... . .rr>aib, bunch, and jajic, head boi|t6eAf) . . . .bojft, dark, and beAr), colour. sjtonjAi). . . • . .cjton), heavy, and rrjAfj, seed, food. pA|lrt), >T|t5]uf ;5iaf, or c^ucfrAf, is the fir-tree (6). C|tAf)crj|ocAC. .cfiAf), a tree, and crt]otAC, tremulous, /jub^ po eobA|t, eo, a tree, shaft, and bAJArt, slaughter (J). t;eA]tbcorr; . . . .feAtib, .bitter, and corr>, bush, brake. pfo6]te ^tbeA^f o5]t<\CA. EXPLANATION OF D0JJBLE LETTERS. - eA..eAbA|5, chesnut; eAS, lime, and bAjj, fire (9). o] ..o|tt, nettle-tree; ojt, sound, melody (10). H . .\iUeAr), holly ; v?le, all, and leAf), mangle (11). ia . .]Abco]r), dog-berry ; ib., portion, and co|f), adog(12). ao. .Arb]tACol,witch-hazel; Arb|iA,vision,andcol,hazel(13). 3Xa l^cjteACA. ®ft 6A5AC& AJUf 2&01T)A1)ACA, A$t*0 fj°f : • THE GREEK A ND ROMAN LETTERS, AS FOLLOW: Alpha A a A Iota I 1 I Rho Pp R Beta B /3 B Kappa K k K Sigma 2 o- S GammaT y G Lambda A \ L Tau T r T Delta AS. D Mu M fj. M UpsilonY v U EpsilonE e short E Nu N v N Phi & 6 Ph Zeta Z Z Z xi a 1 X Chi X x Ch Heta II ?; long E Omicron Oo shortO Psi ^ 1// Ps Theta Tli pi xi Tr P Omega £1 co long O ( ) $ bejc, beech, i Un quick-beam. 3t T?10i?, ash, J* peA]tt), alder. s r°i l > osier, ,6 l^ttAC, hawthorn, oak, furze, 0lu&if Ijcfte t)A 04D|6e|l5e. THE EXPLANATION OF THE IRISH LETTERS. itfejc bif t)]oi) (1) 5lu4v|fce, z. willing; — of which withes are made. U2>1, a vessel, andoi), bind. Hoop for binding vessels. ye, a bough, and A|t-At), fruitless. Barren (2). yo, easy, and ol, to rear: produced by any soil. \)uSt 9 ancient, solitary. Durable. [V^i. worship. X>ja, God, and A|]t for z]y, consume, melt. Used as fagots for consuming bodies or melting solids, coll, food, support. Hence coIai), from col, food, and &V, appetite. coc, fruit, and Afit, chief, eo, tree, and tow, juice. 308, grasp, & oftc, ascend. aI), water, and 3AC, spear pec, pith, and bo3, soft, fej, Bloom, and cjtA]6, early. Soonest in bloom. fttib, cast, and e]f, back again. To vomit (3). A]l, arms, and ejro, valiant, e, pitiful, and a6a8, timid. ]8e, nature, and eAb, con- stant.Evergreen. [row(4). oi), or 01)3, anguish. Sor- ], low, short, and >?ft, cy- press. Hedder, orhether. £ coll, hazle, Qaejtc.i .f ceo,apple-tree, ^1 eorvvy, vine, 30|tc, V pefcbo3, Z fejcjtAjS ivy, reed, dwarf-elder, , sloe-tree, & v*r> bore-tree eld U Ajlm, & ca8a8, 3 ]8eA&, palm-tree, aspen, yew, .1 . eo, (6 ox), bloom, heath, ( 8 ) (1) .&,Mk]V, in his remarks on the Alphabet, quotes the <&\i]i cuWf, i. e. Nature of trees ; a book written by 2&of ]tuA8 ^fijc ?jv|r, of Kerry ; beginning thus — ©Tt|c eubi\f |tii)e ; t)uA8bUi6 5 rjr)j:eAb b05A]b t>A CCCI5A15, &c. ; " for which/' imys£,AlUvit), "he is prin- cipally indebted to the writings of ^ioiljOfA 6?ji, commonly called j^le ^urrjAt), or Munster Philosopher, who died about the beginning of the 12th century." (2) " There were rods or small branches of f eAfir; stuck rdlind the graves of the unmarried youth, and of the married who had no issue, with this distinction, that the bark was taken off for the unmarried/'— £*lU]t). (3) " Used as an emetic and purge ; hence generally planted near houses : also called jtAcfr&f, or the village tree."*— £aIIait). (4) " Women whose husbands fell in battle wore or) the first month of their widowhood. It was also used as a remedy for the stone or gravel." — &All. (5) " a^joi?, &c. to distinguish it from the virgin vine, which bears grapes." — £aIIa|t>, (6) It is so called from cue, head or top, and f &f, growth, being remarkable for the growth of its top shoots or stem. (7) " Of this tree were made bows, arrows, &c. for war and hunting : thence Aficoft, from &]t> destruction, and co|t, cast, shot. Also, atjx, a deer, and coti, by some called tfDfioit," &d — &M&]t). (8) ^|o&|ieAc, contracted f jteAc, f en-tuood, or moor - shrub: — " "ilo rmA|t $ac fS^* — ®° £lAr)|iuA8 flAfTA b^jobfteAC ]Ajip?lc flejbe," &c. u The brave, who ne'er had aim'd a dart in vain, On dark-brown heathy sides were slain/' Ossian's 0leo t)a Udc. (9) On it was kept the Calendar for kindling fires, and offering sacrifice to the God £ftorr;. (10) Of this 0]]tr?eAT)A]8 were made reeds for wind- instruments : hence oyy&xy), an organ. (11) So called from its foliage, which is abundant : it now goes by the name c\?IleAr) rnsol. (12) A decoction of the bark or berries of this tree, oc- casionally given to female dogs of chace, prevented their periodical attachment to the male, hence of great utility to hunters. It is now known by the name of caojtA cor). (IS) The berries of this tree w r ere used as an antidote for the incubus or night-rnare. C 9 ) %i 3£Aibqc]ft bo |t6]|t t)A tfi)reAjt, le]|* At) ^AbuA ]f At) 3&orbAt)AC. THE ALPHABET ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENTS, WITH THE HEBREW AND ROMA?,. Qo - « h ^H 2- ? rfr 2- p - ^;F !=s p > p ^ a 5 g _£> r- & 2 or- 2' ^ G- t> rg Qfe w o ;4- O ft ft o o 5 o o C-w "3 CR9 rt ^ rS W: c ^ s s p 3 -£■3 ft cr ft n cr o G- ^ bobei. focB *fAltA . bobei loch . kaI .: pAb5A&oi) n >?|t]A — b bA]b]ot . .i CAltT)On C20] .' V * .;C CAlen .. Tt)C];',]A . 3At D50iTpejt f bjui . . . ]t\?bei) . . ACAb . . , of e .... UflA . . . 6fU. . . . eucjto- Ofjtbjo- T)Off . . .0^ MrneAlcAf^ *|Oboi)iuf . jo q ft) 3 ^3 ,. T b . .A . .0 . .U . .e • •1 . .ea ..b ..I • •r 5Abop t) \t . . b tuvlerpot) CAjS . . . qit^lep . t)0|tec . . 3 ac T>30in)ejt rcjtu . . jiubei) * . ACAb . . . b c c ■q .Tl) ►3 , r b • A ore . . . . iifqAC. . . ecjio- C]Uf . . umel- CUf . . . . eyn . . . ofibitjor. juborrjiif jACIID . i .o .1 ,oe •1* bejC j?f .. ..; peAjit) . . fAjl.'... t)]o't). . . . buAC . . . b\?|t . . .-. c|t)e. .. ; colt. .., queijtc TDVt) . . . 5onc . ." t)jebAl . pecboc fCjtAlp. jt*r • • • A^lll) . . OX) U]t . . . . eA&A&. 00. . . . eAbAS. .b • I if >.r . .1? •b ,.b . .c . .c ..q . .n) ••3 . .D S ••? ..|t . .A . .0 . .u . .e •1 Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth He Vau Zain Cheth Teth Yod Caph L imed Mem Nun Samech p 1 n I T n Finals O D ^ 1 SXpjtAJTI) . .K> »ATp|t]T1) . . A6'I CO out ^UeAi) ,Ati)At)- ■-I coll . , Oin Pe eAiTsaddi •°! JKoph • 10 Resh Shin , Aft 'Tau V on ^ Y P n CI s § (ft A B G D H V Z Ch T Y C L H N S o p Ta K R SJj Th ( A Table of the union of U, hill ]U, evil Ab, a lord im, butter ac, a son * jn, fit Ab, in thy ji), a wave Ae, man ip, a whip A5, with ip, gift A], swan if, anaV aI, fear ]Z, there All, a bit o, an ear ah), time ob, go on at), fair oc, with 4,1), in, 6b, an. ode Ap, ripe 55, young Aft, our o], sheep Apt, hind ol, drink - Af, shoe oil, great ac, lump 6m, oak a!?, hah or), gain e, pity - oi), a horse ec, dark ap, force eb, gain 6jt, gold 63, death or, above e], not oc, stop ell, fight o\), oh err), not ua, a son 6n, bird ub, an egg eo, wit use, want ep, great ub, that erp, tail us, dug ef, an ox >?, a male efr, a ship _ ull, huge. ec, and uit), about I, art w> hunger 1A, land up, fresh, lb, tribe up, tale ]c, cure uc, as fo, use oac, a pin 13, ring b&b, a boat II, all bAj, virtue 10 ) If t)a £corbpu&irr?pe l& c&jle.. Vowels and Consonants. bAll, spot Iaj 4 , kindle b&n, white Iac, flock b-cn, frith rrjAO, tassel b&r, death itjac, son bAc, stick n)Ab, fist. CAb, mouth rrjAl, king c&e, fence n)&rt), handful c&l, joke. tt)An ? meat CAH)> wry rrxvp, thus cat), -lake rnAj*, thigh CAp, old ttjac, fist CAp, friend t)&b, bottom CAf , turn oaII, here cac, a cat ttArt), unless. bbt> 9 jot v&V, luck bAl, lot r)Ap, skill bAn, work t>Ar, mart bAp, your pAC, pack bAr, chest p&e, moon bAc, gift PA3, wrinkle pAc, haft paI, pall pAb, long pAn, piece p^ve^ woe pAf , shrub, p&3, lerye pac, give PaI, art tac, a sack pAi?, stay p&l, heel part, why rAtt, holy £&r, growth fAp, true 5 3Ab, withe cac, time 3aI, heat caI, adze 3Ati7, scoff cAii), truly. 5A1?, without cAn, whea 5Ap, near cAp, quick 3Ar, stem cAp, come U5, weak cAf, dwell l&n, fulL cac, hush, lap, floor hoc, goat bo3, soft bol, sage bof), sole bort, a puff bor,,palm boc, fire cob, plenty coc, knot cob, part col, sin cor), sense co ft, hook cor, leg coc, boat sob, it was bob, storm bol, grief borrj, house bor>, gift bop, bush ?db, turf - pol, cattle por), land fort, talk pop, delay poc, shy 50b, beak 30b, mute 305, tittle 50I, tear 30117, kin 301), stab jori, heat 3or, desire loc, stop lob, mud I03, lake lorn, bare Ion, store lor, fox loc, wound ttjoc, early ( 1 rool, shaft moi), trick rt)6\i, big v roof*, habit t)ob, a nod noro, ruin t)of), beyond t>on, doth Voy, art t)oc, prayer rtob, a hog ]toc, fold rtob, a way riorr), with me |tor), hair ftop, snatch jtof, a plain roc, beak rob, meat pel, sun por;, word pop, wisp fori, a stop Xoxr rest roc, folly cob, uproar C03, take coll, hole con), tuft cof), wave cop, a top cori, a bull con origin coc, surge buc, shuffle bul, mode bui), work burri, swell bur, kiss cut, the back cum, form cur;, time 1 ) curi, care cur, help bub, an ear bul, snare bur;, fort buri, hard bur, that pub, amongst pur), a song puc, fie 3U3, an egg 3ul, grief 3U1;, flood 3un, whittle 3 u n ire 3uc, gout liib, noose lurj, the moon I up, leek luc, a bow rmic, a hog wul, flock TOufi, a wall njufi neat ttmc, stump t>ur), pain TJttp, strange puc, a stroke "pupi, clean pur, cat fine, a winkle ]tub, thing T*U5, event ]tiin;, floor riuT), secret ]tur, country p.ic, calf p ub, yonder pul, an eye f ui;, trance pup, sister cue, a bone CU3, gave cul, face curt), bush curt, dry cur, first cic, filth b]b, hedge b|r), son b]r, stroke cjb, sedge ci I, death c]p, stocks cip, rents qc, pillars bib, pap b]r>, pleasant bir, two P|b, axe pjb, smile p]rrj, drink p]C, food 313, tickle l]t), flax rr;|c, sons r>|b, nests pir, peas rtib, snare ri]t;, a teat tjc, dry K5 a Pig fjc, hark c]m, fear qpi, land c|c, mould bee, poinr ceb, shun bob, jaw pel, a bard 3el, ice lei), a spoon mei;, bay cec, drum ( 1* ) £1^ cgi)5 butter IV l^geAf). p&, art ye, rod p|, ire po, king pu, under 5&, why 56, goose 51, who 56, sea 3u, lie 16, day Ve, with I], colour lo, arms III Lesson. orb, blood urn, harness At), year bCt, black ink lu, smaller V t^jeAf). b&p, death bop, frog bfcp, mode bun, chuff b| p, a vice c &p ,, ease er>, see it), land ot), dog ur>, hunger Ap, ripe ep, saith ip, whip op, force up, witch ATI, our eft, great I ft, ire oft, for uft, fire Ap, out e p, food If, and op, upon up, news ac, lump ec, wing ic, corn oc, fie uc, fy uc, alas ! IV Lesson. rn&, cause rn6, myself nrj, month rno, bigger rnu, kine i)&, not fi&, going ri6, moon fi], king fto, ice ftu, friend p*v, dag x)e, yester-day \e, he t>t, not t)6, nor t)u, new p&, hah p6, pasty Pb P Ie po, stop pu, hah pi, her r^joy yd, cloak c&, is c&, he cj, him co, man cii, thou V Lesson. c&fi, cart c]ft, comb coft, song c&l, mouth cjt), bed cut, back bbv, poem b6b, food &J3, drank bol, drank bop, brown bur), fort £&l, fence pec, nerve pip, truth pob, sod putt), under 3^3, split 3&p, sour ( 13 ) 5]8, though v'&V j mart SoUman'snamerj^f, smart 3&c, gout ixj8, thing Itxv, full lei), woe Vjt), flax lot), store t)6|% mode put), pain pAb, hah ! -\>ec, tail lup, the moon p]C, fork rrj&l, king poc, rest rrjep, toe rpjp, part rrjop, big puc, sprite p&c, fort fie]ij with our cup, wit rpuc, quench P13, king ciip, first pob, way pun, love p&l, heel reb, gem fit), stretch ro8,joy pub, that c&l, adze reb, rope ciji, land cop, bull VI LejgeAf). oac, stop but*, dust bee, bill b|b, fence b|l, good bo3, soft bid, mode caI, sleep CAf, turn cec, mouth C|i), bed cop, foot cut, coin bAf, desk bef, spot bil, fond bot, snare bAlc, big bepc, deed b|w, cape bol3, pod bu]tb, fool CApb, car cepp, troop qpb, swift pAt>, stay pel, strife ^ft>, son pop, upon , pub, among 3A]t, near 3ep, sore 3(1, water 30b, bill 3171), flood l]c, tar poc, blow puf , cat pAC, king X ul, before CAp, flax cap, come cec, drum cjr>, fire cop, fruit cup, gum VII Lesson. X eb;, wages Jttpp, wrinkle pole, hair Urc, cargo p|pb,swiftnessle|x, lame piipn), stool Ijnb. disease 5-Apb, rough lofi^, shank 3epb, slough lupj, den 3ipc, a belt n)Apc, cow 56pit7, blue rrjels, milk ( 1* ) roipb, diadem WVV, over p£lc, star popb, order mole, sheep pApn, whale ]i]VV, with us pule, mirth mull, bell pefc, worm pop3, e y e tApp, cjod T)Apb, skill p| pc, penny pupj, a cask tepc, morning t>ell, canopy pouc, a risk p aW, leap que, sight T)]mb, drop pupc, tune r^]t|t, sickle cope, boar t>ocb, night ]tAi)5> bark p]lc,. drop culc, push VIII tqjzjeArj. VIII Lesson. Macc, a word cljp, nimble blA5 ? lock of pluc, a wen blAT)C ? farthingcl|C, the left hair, handful ppAc, bleak- blAp, a spot cloc, a stone blen,ink [stand ness [a hand bl6t) ? a haven clob, turf kllP> an ink- ppA3, shield, blpi), froth cloj, a bell bl|j ? part,thou ppAp ,seed[cles blop ? voice clofj, a pillar blocc 5 strainer pTtep, specta- bloc, a cave clop, a report ^luj^ avarice f|i]b, a letter blup3 ? acrack club, a patch blup, plenty ppjp, a nailer bpAc, a hand ct)A3 ? a knob bji^b, a stain ppic, gain, suit bftAf , a drop ci?Ap,alump &fiA5, fire ppos^afen bpAp 3 araven cnjp ? an open- bpAro, much ppop,dark[ney bpAp, bread ingofgeers &pAub ; small ppub. achim- bftAc, a cloak cpoc, a hill ^|tef, news S^c, the palm bp6c, awolf cnob, apiece bp^m, the back of the hand bp^jb, abribe cpuc, form bpjp,.. asnare sl&ro, a shout bpit)b,agroan cp&3, a paw &p|p ? brier 3I4 n, a laugh bp^i), a dream cpAp,thebodybpoc, death 3Up, a lock bp|f3, frail cpet> r buying bpoc, form sWp, a mode bpoc,abadgercpec, science bpoi?. straightsljc, wise bpop, a track cpjb, speed bpub, a close slop, voice bpoj, a house cp]l, a chest place,shutter5lup, light bpuf, a blast cpjc, the end bpur>3, a tribe 3?>&c ? custom bpup, a fire- cp]p, pure bpup, lust 3t>&c ? a shape brand, torch cpob, dowry bpuc, a fool 5T>|p ? a play cUh, a lip cpom,a sloughplAt, a lord 3?>op 5 'a mouth clA3,aclappercpot>, fault plec, an edge 5t)oc, labour of a mill cponc, green pljsb, chick- 3PAt)c, old cl&p, a table cpop, a cross weed [lax 3P&p, favour clepc, a curl cpub 5 a claw ploc, soft or 3P&c, salt ' cl]b, alockof cpuro, a sin plup, meal 31 l 1^ ? a fight hair or wool cnue, a knob plup3, a flux SJtob, quick ( 15 ) 7j|tu5 ? awrink]e ycoz, much ri)A3, hickup fxoc, a pillar 5|iuc ? curds f cob,a cluster rr>Ar, colour rcol, a seat plAC,amouth-feu]t, ceasing y\)&t, threacT frup, hair ful ? tribute y cue, a scot rrjei;, small rcp&c, stripe plAi)c,aboardrcnArr),agraspfirJ5, join rq^p, a strife pl&fi, flour rcft&t), old rr)|f, a duel rtTMUj a garter pluc, a scheme fC!^t>,a shrine rtnic, visage rcpoc, cut off pjtAo, quick rcjiob, scrape fp&bjdullLfoolrcuog, pride p|t&f 5 brass rcfidb, search rp&5, a elub- peptic fy, an os- ppell 5 crock rcAb, a stop pp4T>, wrestle trich [stoop pp|0 5 apin y b&b, a steed rpAyp, gate rcup, a bend,a ppif, a press rb^U, a well ppec, a spot cIacIjc, the p|toi),apollardrb6p, a stock ppjp, theham earth [fair ppor 5 box[ing rbull, a wharf fpol, shuttle zl&y, cattle, a ppull,enlarg-plAb, rapine fpoji, talon elece, origin pftui}, gift flAc, a rod ppuc, taplash clocc, hoarse pCAl, a hero plA5, a gulf pftAb,spark of cluj*, pity p c&c, a skate flee, a spear fire [a strap zxyixt, envy pCAi), a swarmrljn?, thin y pAT>5,astringcp&cc,thesea pc&c a shade yl]y 9 a beetle f pec, a sling cpArc, a cross feet),-, a bed rloc, a hole rpi I, a vagrant cp&b, a herd rc ^ r? } fatigue rlub ' a P ° o1 rrt5l) ' a n0Se z ^ c > lees pqc,J ° pri}Ac, a fillip rpuc,a stream cp^b, through y cob-, a skirt ptpep, fire pcac, a thorn cpifcy a curse p col, scale of yrt)]^, the chin pcAb, a stop cpotp,ablame a fish [fight fmol, snuffof pCAP5,a perch cpoj*3,cod-fish p colt), a spray a candle,blot yz&v, a stoop cpull, a head poop, a notch pti)Oc,the noserql, a steel z]my, a girt pcoc, a lad pwjup, dross pc]ip, frontlet cpuc, beast &I4 pa OXbeAgfiogpAGA ip t?a 3Dc|t§5£o5ftACA. ^ Ta£Ze o/* Diphthongs and Triphthongs. IX l^TjeAp. IX Lesson. &e, liver b&e, hand ip&ec, soft p&e, moon &e8, eye p&e, woe o&e, man or f&eb, state &ep, sky 3&e, a goose woman r&ec, life b&ec, silly 5*v£c, wind p&eb, ship yz&et), stoop c&e, a feast Uve, day p&e8, pew c^etn, care c&erh 5 hera l&ec, laic n&ep, event c&eb, fall AOfJ, hero a6]1, fair AO]t% age &ol, lime b&o|f, folly c&oc, blind e&ol, small* c&ojt, fruit b&ojt, costly ^ &ol, wild -p∨, void 3&0I, love l&oro, blaze Uvofi, singer rn&pl, bald ( 16 ; b6ul, mouth qAll, sense c&ub, cent b6ub, jaw ^eub, skill qAn, black b]Ajy two PjaI, kind -peuc, lieliold 5jaII, jaw light £6un, cart ^ai, jf6uji, grass iAr3, tish 5&iijt, sour l]Ab, ladle m^uji, toe M^5j stone neull, cloud I] ac, grey fieul, sixpence rnj ah, will fi& urn, hum our ri^Ar, dish feun, happi- njAjt, west ness, luck ^at», pain c&ub, cord rx]Ar», path ro&on, baron c&ul,dark way jrjAtt, lord nAorb, saint c^urn, ready |*]aI, bason ftAon, field cjt&ub, flock 1*51 An, knife f* &ofi, mason b^o^jt, ale ]*Mat), bridle fjAol, flight beoil, holes qAf, oar [be •plAob, float ce6]l, songs bj&|8, it will ftiAob, tract beojj;, fire bjAji, an axe C&OT17, a fit bedjT),ccnsent bn]Ajn, words c&0|8, tear e6]n, birds cliAjft, poets c|t^)]b,bough eoift, edges biA|8, grief bAoijt, slaves ^eoil, flesh b]A]j, after b|tAO]8, seer ^e6]ji,bordersbiAil, soon fAdjll, craft seoin, fool fiA]l 5 ferrets -pAOjl, wolves jeo^fat belly f]A]Tt, fields 3AO]l, friends led|T), moths Sfii&ify suns 5AO|f, art neojb, scanty l^]5, ridges Iaoi, poem -prteoil,. parrot m| Ait), wishes Iaoj8, hymn ftedjc, frosty r)| A, b, heroes toaojI, a heap ]*e6jb, jewels p]&|n, pains i)a6], nine r5e6|t),agreatTiiAi8, races pAOi|t, peers noise, host 1*31 ain, knives jiAOjn, plains re6|l, looms r|A]ri, a suie l*A6]|t, trades- cedjl, thieves Hl, frame j*cua8, gable T^ao, sleep luaj> an axe uat>, a lamb bu&]l,stair[ble buAi^c, trou- c]tu&]8, hard cuA|nc, visit cuA]p, tale buA]8, evil buA]l, office fnisj, he found f:uA]b, biers 5ftu&]5,cheek 5nuA]rn, frown luA]c, ashes mu(\]b, mist rnuAjl, tops, hills, cliffs ' nuAjl, roar r)uA|ll,famous 't)UA]]t, when puAi|i, pity ( 17 ) ftu^irt), aline Cft^T), dogs 31&|l> chase pp]C, sprites jiu&jit, lies b]YiC 9 woe 3l]u]rb ? of gluefi]u]Ct 5 form ftUv]U, small b|S?b, aid l^r), sloth r|u]C, gaffs cua^ti}, town b|v?f 3 helps l^c, shouts rjd]l, seeds bjt]^n, pans pil^c, oozy 1^1^13, frowns r]iV|fi, sisters q>?r>, mild 31 >?f, fir-tree V]u]c, corners rqu]ji, helm X LejgeAi). X Lesson. afc, a place ftAjc, a fort TtjSAb, bulk it&]jt 5 last night b'&)T> of death rA]ll, fatness rrjeA^, craft r^e^n, dread bl*v|c, fruits T&]t, thrust p^aII, a cloud ce^g, go thou c&]l, greens fc^ I, shade p^Af, music 060, alive ck-\v, a curse V5&]V, split jt&Ab', tear c6ol, music cUv]|t, tables |*A|l, salt r^Ai), deny b&c6, ever cit^3, a fist rp&f3,flatfootcft&Ar>, strong &ol, skill b*v|r), poems f*ftA]b,a street be]C, a shout hju8, though £*Vjl, fences jxfi&i 11, pluck hh]xx), a stock cyt jur», wolf -p4vj|*, growths c&]r??, I am bl&]t>, groin bjiil, suck £^11*3; press c*vffi,vile,bad c6]t), far off £]u, worth 3*v|b, a sire b&Ar, mein *&11% sow, pig fiub, copse 3]t^3, a town b£Ab, grave cl^jt, clergy 3Tul, pursuit 5^jt>, sand b&Al, the sun b&!T lc > alms S^uri), glue 3Ai|t, cry,bel- bjt6A3, error b6|r, after fiijt, yew-tree l&j]t,mare[low c&Ab, -first bft&|Tr>, hope l]u, less, least lA|t>,tide,wave c^Af, a cross ^^]l, feast 1] art), noise 117^1 r),hill,handb^A3,ten,died 5&]ti},lowing ]iju8, ray n)&l|tb,y e dead p£AC,behold 5&ir> a swan t 1 j u t>, a way t)A]t)3, foster-f^Al, treason 31^ r, fringe rjuji, cousin mother[sure 3&Ab, ridge 1&1J*, totally f]uf, down p^]tc, enclo-3^A3,abough n)&lb, size t]t|ur>,awretch p&]f, passion 3jt&A5,Greecen)ei?),ore,mild c|t]u|t, three ]t^T), a spade UAf jsight,spott)^lU, clouds Cfvjur,trowsers XI l^igeAfj. XI Lesson, a^c, pleasant ^ajc, spark TUAiTt,live,stillfAil, a beam bA]f%thepalm t:Ain,watch n)*jc, sore spot rA|lc,leap[gy of the hand £1ai£, lord , t>Air,afurnacercAil, cry, crag blA^r, tastes 3A|l,heat,hot r)A|r3,of a ringlet, thelungs CAic,cats,puss 3|tAf8, herd pAjt, a hare r^ic, strong cU^f, songs 3]tA|i)c,a frown pAilc,enough rb|iA|b, a sot CA]r,neat,trimlAic, ale, beer jtAib,was,were rbjiAjf, sloe- &*]£, early U^i), blades |teAb, nest beATS woman p&Ac, pet beAC, bee fteAC, sell beAC, beesh yew, old bjieAC, trout ceAr, heat ceAb, leave bejjt, take ceAc, pillar be]|tc, two ( 18 ) rrjeAb, beam be]f, south ¥]uc, boil fe]|% rest *pl]uc, wet leijtj, tract -\m), naughty roejlc, grind ljun, lazy T)e]b, nests l]u|t, chatting jte]c, ram t>]un, a wave feift, heel ]i|ucc, shape. ce|]tc, sun-rise jtiuro, with me beAjtc, look ble^b, request beoc 5 a drink f*|uc,frost[look peAC, bend ce]|tc, orchardeoc, a sigh fcjuft, & proud penman cejr, basket seoc, the neck rp]f|uf, a dry jeXl, white cle]c,ieather bjug^the world bush, faggots 3cai;, love c]te]b, trust cjuji, buyer i*iu]tc, vagrant 3]teAb, stroke bei|t, tetters b]uc, thepip cjutj, .thick,big leAr, profit beijtb, churn b]ujt, hard sj*]u3, cough XII h&ise&y* XII Lesson.- b]o8, let it be pjob, pipe luii), of the c6]fi, law,just bjt'jor), a drop pio8, a ray moon, son c\\d]r) f crown* C]orb, hair fl ! 1 * a l wavs l u 1t>3> ofashipb6]3, hope c|0|t, comb trjon, soft mu]8, boast bojc, burn roup, teach -pojl, a while i)u}T), ash-tree 56-] I, hurt pi u^ ft, of flour l6]n, stores bjol, pay bujll, mallet Jiujd, sulphur ro6]t), turf tqo8, wands cu]l ? room fiiij 1*3, smite roojl, delay p^on, wine cu|5, five rujl,eye,hope ro6]b, vow [nig 3108, yet euff, cause ru] re, flail t)6|t), the even- 31 03, bag bit^l, desire cujf, incense 6] ft, of gold 31orb, fleak kujr, crow bojll, limbs .poijt, seeds 5tqorb, claw pup, end b6|i),theBoyne|i6]r, rose I] on, fill pu] ro]or, month 5U]|im ? of blue quern, woe pepoje, aline tvjop, up 5uir,pine-tree cojll, wood co]|t, pursuit C]t]oe, end b]tu|t> 5 belly £piop:,theSa~blup, frag- viour of man ment, bite XIII L^geAi). b]0|t, a spear cniocjug 5|olc, reed b]oi, life ^]°V5f Darm 51°", desire Cjon, love V]°V> av ^ wit 3|t]oc, sun c|OC, left-handpjonp, a well Ijor, fort cpjof ? band 310b, tail, end rojon, small XIII Lesson. i)|0|t, not pjop, a cup jijob, awhile t*]ojtc, deed cjofic, mishap bl>fpc,crumbs b|w?8, seeth brv*b, grief bft>?5, boil bp? r, a brush bji>?c, curtains bjwt, flesh, bake, boil b^c, he-goats b>?5, rushes b^b;, bellows, sickness,seeds bujjti;, taunt cl>?3, bells clv?3, Iplay, cVv?c ? j game ct>?n, ) hear, el>?r, J listen cnv?3, worm c|tv?rp, noise cjtu]c, harp, or hump C[i\i6, lively c>?c, who, se- cret [part c\?b, share, a c>?l, gnat, a fly c^lc, reed cw, when, hounds, dogs cMftc, knife 'cvjfi, put, set c\?|tp, bodies cvfjtr, apple- tree, bark enftj the head b]t>?b, shut, fa- b>T]t,oak [sten b\?|tc, surly, a dagger,knife bu]f, strange b>?c, to thee ( p?l, blood p?lc, hairs p^fib, lords £>?n., knead p*ji, stay noise i ( j ) ]t>?c, a dart, a troop, race fo?jt,] cease, ]*5>?|t,/refrain flv?3, swallow frrrvic, beak fp^ft, spurs, gun-flints 3fiMb, malt f pw, blots 5|vvif), hedge- nw?c, speech hog,porcupine rji^c, poets, the literati f cjttTjic, pride f \?5, fix, rest p?l, before, the willow t>?Tt7, respect b?i;>,blackbirdse|vv?b, a slave, l>?f,hand,herbvS,. starling quicken-tree, Cft\?c, the foot a drink (I) c>?l, rest,sleep tn>?c, sadness c>?3, discern tt)^?3, outside c> Tfi, towers rov?n, die back ^if? guess, hit n?\i]i, the sea c w, fall [upon 3>0, steal 3>?8, pray 5^1, weep 5W, points, sting, a stop l>?b, a rag m>?ftc, wealth c ^c, a side nw, of a note blojc, blocks iKn, of pain oo]cc, the poor pvc, roebucks bojlj, pods pl>?b,a blanket bop), cows, a pUf3> sighs language p\?nc, tunes, bo|c, a hut ports, com- bjtoic, crack mons,quays cojc, who pKc,ofagap co]lc, a heifer ]t>?c, a fleece copi, fault |l ^)arace c0 '^ near p>?8 ? J coir, a boat fi^3, the arm cjto^c, hard- er, a way, the ship, feast elder-tree, cjiojc, a cross, the letter ^ a gallows ejto]c, flesh- colour, red bO|C, \ soon, bO|3,J early bo]l, nets bjio]c, dwarf po^l, milk £0]c, about pjto-|c, wrong 3I01C, veils 5013, words, syllables 30] c, pride 30]b, theft 30]n,hint, a pe- riod, section 301 ft, call 30JIC, sharp, salt, sour 5|to]3, scroll 311013, stud of horses, mares lo|C, a place lo|n, a rivulet lo]]tc 3 ham Iojc, wound ttjo|3, field mo]lc, sheep, wethers mo]|tc, hogs ttoju, the east tjojc, church ojl, nourish pO| nc, points 1*1 o|c, knavery ro pi, easterly rcojc, riches co|C, stocks coj I, will, wish cojjic, bulk r|toi5, foot e]to b, a fight ( 20 ) £l&fi V& $lob. — Table of Conlractionb pain cjeb, a fall cjenj, care cii a lake cl&, tribe c]te&, purchase CjtuA, scarlet cu&, ashore b&, work bjteA, a wren buA 3 poem e&, manifest $, stay fu&, cloth 3&, otherwise 3I&, clear 5]t^c, grey 1*, vessel jat), a scale I&5, spear le&, follow rn&, a hand 11)^3, a glove rp&c, a gum •5 . .agus 5- -gar 6 . . tra f . . chd tj. .na vy. .ui g. .ea 5 ■• *nn *j . . eadh <|. .ea ,flt..rr .1.. .eadhon $..go,gan Ti- -si ic .&c. pi* 5 a pain b&>ifi, slaves jq&, path biol, a worm r*> no] y b*ot), a hill fe& 5 old & our bjiaof , trash -4c, a bee p^b, voice 4b, high ?*0]t)9 idle 43, chest -piol, a wolf .31), loin ^iot), void 4c, ship f^uon, shelter 3, upon 3^f, skill ^c, hunger 3*01 1, wound ^b, order 3^l 5 love^ ^tf?, arms Uon?, blaze se ioil, mouth Laofi, hymnist io^i?, honour rt)*o]l, a heap i>tr/M e rn-2D|tD, terror xol, lime n)iO]T), store ion, ace W bfp, a bag &)ti, curse 117*01, bald b:of, folly rtKOjt, baron bl^Df*3, a shell mojb, needy bft&rt), a drop T)3or>, sure caoib, sedge |t*0]t), fields ctO]V 9 mild ft*ot>, a path ciol, the waist T&m, cheap Cior), like f^ojib, pardon ciOfi, berry |*3:oil, loose claoi), error T$'S>]%> a drove cjtaoj*, excess r3*oC flight b*0], wicked man fliob, float b*ofl, reptiles VW®]T9 morrow biO|t), hills flbaon, a slope ( !I Af f a law beAf, a ring bl^f , a word bleAf, milk bluf, eruption bof, poor bjiAf, ill- will bft]of, colour cAf ? distress ceAf, plough c]of , a weaver cleAf , use coif, children cji&Afj wound beAf , genuine bleAf, a toll blof, cullender bof, narrow bfieAf, form bjtuf, dew eAf, death V e &Y> g r ^ve fu^f, coldness SfteAf, outcry jf, protection teAf, monument l]Af 5 many lof , fault luf, burden n?Ap, sea-wave Ti^of, promotion uofj this night of, the chest - peAf , music ]iAf , a fret fteAf, a law ■puAf, defeat *puf, shape ]*ev\f, seven rM'*f, a gulf fliof, tribe T ;T ^f, reproof f 1)6Af, snow rpftof, grief fc]tuf 5 lesser hill cAf, choak ceAf, coming cof, silence c]tAf , treatise bgb, chat bg3, small bgp5, hero bgrs, vagrant bngf, prince cgb^ leave cgjtc, hen cgf*b> doubt cr)gf, skin erjgb, pain Cfigf, band bpgf , a turn f gb, whistle pgft, a man f gjtc, a grave ppgp, cure 3gb, a star 3§l, white 3£t, milk 3]tgb, warmth Igc, a flag lg3, fall ^ Igf, profit IgjtS, path n)gn?, a kiss n>gf 5 fruit t)gb, a nest Dgfic, strength pgf, pulse per, a pit figc, sell fig]t5, blackbird fgc, armour fgjt, dark |*5gb, spot flgfi a ridge fpgl, scythe cgrjc, a glance cgf, heat cjigr, third b|i ? mouth bfig3, error cep, a grave HV> g rass 303, branch 5§p, Soul- ier, sight Tpgt)5 craft 1*63* ni g h * ]x<|b, horse Z V-§T> treason So> an egg 3prt), blue 3|tA, gander go a, cave nrc, food tifs, collar at), in pAf), weak of), a stone ceAT? ; tight bA]|t, helmet COflt, odd VApi, serpent c&ftt, belly |;oc, frost Ijojtc deed pc, whilst c, while qb, early cjc, poultice b>?l, a wish c>?f, frankinc rvj, a beam f "j, sense ( 22 ) 9^1 c6||t3oct)ACorbpu^Ti) a f5jt]obA8 fA86, acc I, t) If Jl, 1)0CA fO!)A1) bo f]Ojt 50 ceAi), a roeA8o|i) 1f P If V-> *ri)>?l A rr>be]c bubAlcA, A CCUf fodA bA^eAf ooi) bAji^irsDe, T bo ir^eqb t)o bo rrjqb f at) \?ri)]|i uI|ia8 : .1., a ll&ri) a i)&iite, a TJgT 1 ^ A TTtqrr) 5 A lleAbjtA, A UeAfCAfl. Sot? At) I, ]i if U> Z V-* tyv&T V ^T A cfioll* cgbr)A 50 ceAi); Ari)v?l a rpbejc bubAlcA : .1., fl^b, fJVJAf) A^uf rPi^^b ; ^^t 1 rlii^b, fftt]AD, fi)JArb Ui5ceAfi ^Ab : i)| bf\?ljb f6|?t). $tcc cfiA c]3 8& cori)- ■pu^rr) a t>&inpeA6c Afj A bpocAl con>A]|*5Ce, 001)3- bA^|b a cc& disturb coil, the head, neck, jjteAr), love, colour HJlll, quick, soon cot), reason [hazel ;^ftfn,fort,neat,wise ToVh rush, bounce corfi, a pit of water, juaII, low, humble f |All,cell,cave [non up, body [crane 5>?r),host,form,bulk , the river Shan- curri, end, corner 5ur),gown, prisoner fh^j weaver's sley bAll, blind, dark 7Arrt,ask, seek, pray for), a bait, lure beA$, colour, dye jll, evil, ruin, ill Tp^U, beat, strike bjdj from us, a hill f r), wave, in, we fR^Si hum, snort bor), brown, king, ]T|t, end, conclusion r c l^H> ? ra g> piece borri, harsh [poet Iao, cut, kind, fin fcriojU, $ of cloth bjijcc, a dragoon leAr), coat v ofmail caII, over, theft *>Mi), to us, doctors l|t), pool, the eye cap, lord, prince 6aII, a trial, essay lour?, anger, bold CArrt,extremity,end ell, battle, great Urr), a churn dasher ccaII, purloin, steal eAffi, hero, tail ttjaII, slow, lately sear), stiff, hard £aII, satire, gave niAf), sin, an ounce ceArri, pitch, tar ?at), folly, infirm roe* 11, globe, hill Cfil, turn, revert V&]ll) leisure [ceit rrjeAf), clear, mute Cfi), sick, infirm peAll, treason, de- n>e]U,clackofamilI cor), wave, quick peAt), fiea, strip n)jll,spoil,ruin,mar corri, flock, mass freAjri, better, solid rrjor), a holy relic trie At), field~or park ]!|At), soldier, hero n^orri, myrrh, gum cti|a11, ( march, fjll, fold, return TJArjt, serpent [side ctijoll, I journey jrjof;, few, milk, cow, i)u$, on the other tfuikill, carcase j:Iat), blood [white oil, great, grand crt>?U, tray, vessel po|ll, leisure, time of), a horse, a stone c>?ll, merit, earn poji), under us peAll, skin, veil u&|r), from us por), song, pleasure peAt), writing-pen ull, great, large p?r), the west, end poll, a poll of land urriATr), ^honour 5A|r), the neck pf*At), wave, surge tx^xurv, ^respect ( 24 ) XVIII 'UiSeAS. XVIII Lessor cfiollA ; 11 4 ^151^ Monosyllables, it is neces- bor> l^(5ce6^]t bfvjj ^3uf sary tor the learner to know CAt)Arb>?o ijAbpcoAl fo fjof the pronunciation and sig- , a cv?5|jt) ; o]]i &Z&1& roofiAn nification of the following l]cjte a 3ct5, A3uf 50 cojc- words ; as many letters are ceAt) AH)eArr)fnm?3At>ftt)g8 not marked with a dash in fAbA, tja cori)AjtCA l& i?a different printed works ? or in ne]biji8eAlu3A8 6 l]C|t]b old manuscripts, to xlistin- 3eA|(tA. , guish them from shortones. $1, his, her, O, in, out, that, Af , a cataract, a. cascade, of, car, hill, who, which, fall of water, out of, milk what, top, their, cart [law or beer, a shoe or a sandal &, luck, prosperity, event, bA, cows,.kine, under, was Ab, noble, in thy, generous b&, death, good, proper, fit &b, water, rain, a shower bA]l, use, plan, manner, place A15, ice, frozen water, cold b&fl, was pleasing, jocund, &15, generous, valiant, stout joy,drinking,happy,merry A]l, arms, will, a petition bA]U, limbs, members, spots A] II, precipice, a great steep, bAp, reap, cut, dig, mow, bridle, error, go thou, jour- shear, collect, strip, belong ney, a hearing, praise, chif b&p), a drop, an ear-ring A]t>, rush, cattle, property bAl, fight, a battle, riot, fray A\t) a great circle, ring, curve b^ll, mark, spot, limb, joint % east, upon, at, in, he says bAt>, women, certain, sure &jjt, of slaughter, of fallow b&n,truth,fair, waste [of men A]f, backward, afterward bA§, law-deed, ankct, band &1F, car, loae, hill, of an ace bAft, frith, sea, court, stop aio, merry, glad, gay [dence b&jt,t@p, profit, food, a point, &]c, instead of, a place, resi- the hair of the head, dart aI, feed, food, fear, a horse bAt|t,scum,death,grease,son, &l, a brood, a clutch, litter helmet, crop, sway, a chief aII, bridle,wild,all,big ? alien bAf , the palm of the hand 4kV 9 the, lie, true, honest, fair b&f, death, mortality, fate d% in it, slay, in him, here bet, sandbanks on the coasts said, our, ours [ter, brink b&Al, an orifice, sun, a hole chained, tillage, akugh- beAt>, a woman or a female Ayjt, stag, a red male deer b^At), reap, collect, dig, mow kf , an ace, a unit, one (1) ber>, avehicle, a cart a coach ( 25 , be5, summit, care, cape, top ck]V, fault, rent, tax, a fine bgi), a cup, a hill, horn, skirt cAif,dislike, haste, neat, trim bgft, spit, spear, javelin, gaff c&ir* cheese, regard, esteem bgfft, short, brief, near, nigh cAi),when,lake,without,time b|l, the beard, a mouth, a lip c*i), full moon, a vessel [tive b]ll, a leper, small [loo ! cAjt, care, smart, nimble, ac- bo! hey-day! huzza! hal- c&]t, jaw, a friend, nigh, bo, a cow or fawn, kine [land trick, a relation, part, car b6]t), the river Boyiie in Ire- CAflt, spear, drag, a waggon bo]5, the soles of the feet ca^, twist, mild, turn, shaft, bojt, puff, a swelling, anger handle,awe,steep,hair,pity bojfi, an elephant, extraor- cky , a cause, case, matter dinary, victory, noble,lmge eeAb, leave, scope,xonsent pride,bunch,lump,majesty c&Ab, first, chief, a stroke b|tAi), chaff, a raven, black ceAl, eat, death, use [crecy bftAd, woman, consume, em- ceAll, a fane, a church, se- bers, a burning coal, fire ccai), love, esteem, fondness bjtioi), inquietude, fear, give ce&t), the head, end, a limit b|tioi), a lie, a drop, an error ceAjt, die, grave, ruddy, red bjtob, a sling, best of grain eeAflt, silent, the left, burial bftob, pride, fancy, a spot ce^f, basket, spear, dagger bjtot), still,, constant, always c&]f, sow, young pig, farrow bjtoi}, grief, a trouble, a woe eel, eat, call, poison, death bjtofj, the belly, mark, favour c&l, prophesy, a mouth, lip bttAi), still, constant, lasting c/jaI, death, mortality, fate buAt>, a feeder or a nurse C] aII, motive, sense, reason bitAiu, reaping, comparison, ql,reddle, red earth or chalk a deprivation, an equality cjl, death, chill, cold [church ^ buA^i), of a nurse [effects c 1^* partial, agreeable, a bujl, manner, sand, fruits, cjrt), a drop, money, silver bu]ll, mall, mallet, hammer cjti), I see, discern, behold but), a root, taking care of cji), five, cinque [to sleep on bui), work, foundation, base qi), a couch or bed, a place buji, anger, wrathful, your cj§, heads, tops, chieftains bufft, a hump, clown, chuff cjojt, comb, hand, cud, jaw ca, house, dome, mansion c)o\\t, short, blackish, petty cA, whence, where, how cojft, a crime, fault, censure cajI, strength, power, look edjji, j«stice,right,law [ment c, your net, your fool, coi), body, sense, meaning your ocean, your denial cojt, twist, visit, cast, corner bAt), strenuous, work, also c6]t, music, melody, an ode b at>> poem, lot, store, work cojft, pit of water, end, odds, b'Ar), thy skill,thy knowledge a crane, snout, bill or beak be, of him, whence, of it co]tn,roll, robe, abulkmade b'£, thy pity, on thy mercy cd.jtn, a horn, a cup [round X^e, of God, of Jehovah cof, leg, foot, haft, prop, b&Ab, food/good, jaw, ivory c6f,achasm,acleft [thought b'eAb, your art, or your zeal ax]\) i what, who or whom be ad, colour, hue, a figure cu]i), of Con, a mans name b6Atj, do, vehement, perfect cjtoc, hang, crook, gallows, b'^AU, thy bird, thy water famous, lot, a cross, grand beAfj, hurry, colour, impe- cjtoc, saffron, a horn, lofty tuosity, haste, figure, forci- C]toi), fault, sin, mark [per ble, representation, image cjidt}, brown, dun, time, cop- bgft, daughter, denial, drop, C]tof) x bow, bent, a crook tear, refusal, prodigious cujl, a gnat, a fly, a midge bW^t, your hero, your end, cu]t, a closet, the hinder your limit, your champion part, retired, a room, evil bgftc, behold! see! a remark cup, time, hour, when, what b'&A]tc, your cow, your ho- cufj, a body, a mass, money ney> your salmon or trout crfp; power, sowing, setting be^5, red, scarlet, a fight cuflt,pit, corner, end, cistern b'e 45,y our chest, y our hutch bA, if, good, kind, civil, to your champion, your ruin b&, two, twice, couple, pair be^nr, hide, dark, protection 6a, of him, her, his, which Veirt),yourguard,your blade bAjl, give, near,within reach bei|tc,a den, aisave,hole [pie b^t I, tribe, meeting, space, b&]jtc^ alms, gratuity, a tem- share, decree, history, field be]f, on or at the right hand bA^rb, oxen or cattle [people b&if, after, an ear of corn b*v)rr>, love, poet, friendship, bV|f, your man, your beau, bA]]t, the oak-tree, captivity bel,teat,pap,nipple [or troop b&-||t,unite, mix, conjoin, add b'ell,yourdanger,y our battle •oaI, a field, lot, crowd, part bell, part, separation, worse b'Al,your clutch, your brood b6o, spirit, air or breath, ever &aII, dull, dark, blind-man b'eo, your wisdom, your ear, bAn),aconduit,dame,mother your grave, your tree b'Arr>,your time, your people beep, will,consent,according bAtrj, an ox,learning,a poem, b'eo]t>, your birds, to John ( 27 ) bsol, aid, help, suck, sucking bo, to, sign of infinitive mood b'eol, your skill, your charm, bo, two, twice, couple, to thy knowledge, your art him, his, thy, your, yours bejijlittle, small, minute[limit b'6, your son, your salmon, b'ejjt, your hero, your fin or your horse-shoe or deafness ber, land, ground, speckle bob, a river, a stream, it was b*er, your food, diet, your ox b'ob, your refusal, your de- be]f, death, coldness, ship boc, one's native land [nial frf, of her, to her, for herself b'oc } your sigh, your grief trj, thy skill, thy science, thy bocc, restrain, doctrine, fast b], want, scarcity, little [art b'oct:, your chest, your breast Dja, God, Jehovah bol,space, a way, road, going, b*]A, your country, your land fishing-net, snare,excursion b]Acc, godliness, divinity b'ol, your drinking, your b'jAcc, your sigh, your yell drink or your revelling [ped b|Al, sell, dispose, deliver bol, he, she or it drank, sup- b']3> your danger, your b'6fi,thygold,thy voice, your chain, your measure or force prayer, your coast, your ibfjt, tetters, eruptions [or ire boflt, rage, ire or fury [lord b'^ji, your satire, your gift boftb, a humming or a bu/z b]Y, dice to game at, or with b'ojib, your swan or food, frjr, couple, two people [vere your sledge, your stick b]u|t, difficult, hard, sour, se- b6fir>, box, fist, haft, handle i ^V 1 ! 1 ? your yew-tree, your b'ojvn, your death, your juniper, plunder or prey slaughter [a poet or hero bo, thy, your, yours bor , a bush, noble, cockade, ( 28 ) b'of, your mouth, your deer eAfli, tail, end, hero, a limit bjiAt>> rhyme, poetry or metre e^g, of a horse or steed [cry bjiAi?b,a small quantity, trifle &15, roar, shout, proclaim, bjieAr), sorrow, speed, firm, ejt, noble, grand, gay, great strong, good, pain, battle e^t, a champion or soldier b]teAt>, a wren, bad, evil, ill f a^I, hickup, a sty, border bpol, loop, bay, trick, hun- F&il,Ireland,generous,reply bftoll, a clumsy staff [ger a stone, fence, a company buA, a wall or mould, a plain if aI, tax, tribute, a grudge, bW, your son, your district malice, an ill-will, hatred your tribe or descendants f &l; fold, fence, king, plenty bu&if, a gift, reward, a poet fAll, a satire, censure, gave bu&iT, y our difficulty, strait ^Ai),delay, stay, remain, wait buAi?, a poem, music, an ode £41), unto, until, to the time b'uAr), your lamb, your froth £&r), a fane, erring, prone buAf , a poet or 'versifier f at), weak, faint, weary, sick b'uAf, your crown, your ^A| jt, spy, watch, upon, sun- bub, ink, great, lie [summit f &]jt, reply, an answer [rise b'ub, your egg, your point feAl, bad, evil, art, a poet bul, an excursion, snare, trap £caII, fail, treason, a horse bul, wish, desire, thought, fejp, a court, a synod, lust delight, the elements, a liv- £6|f% feast, treat, a banquet ing creature, the globe < f jr>,a son, a male child, issue b'ul, your knowledge, your ffi), while, milk, corn, wan sense, your wit or learning f |on, old, ancient, small, lit* , bu]ri), poor, needy, empty V\°V, wine, truth, liquor [tie b'u|nv your country, your £{og, milk, fair, white, true, brass, your copper or ore slay, shear, an Irishman, but), a fort, a town, troop, a y ||t,men,forces,host [plenty castle, hill, a city, fastness jrjjt, white, truth, veracity b'ut), your hunger, your want po^l, bounce, milk, milking buij,a doctor, a teacher, a tu- p6|l, a while, as long as[ceit tor, literary man [severe f ojll, rest, ease, leisure, de- bup, hard, dull, water,strong, fol,herd,cattle,beasts [lumn b'ujt, your fire, your son, poll, bore, post, pillar, a co- your beginning, your man poi), under, below [a desire blip, dust, fort, castle, refuge fof), cart, land, tune delight, b'up, your news, your story p?r>, cover, knead, time, end your request or surname pw, under us, end or west £A5, a mark, a notch, moon ja, a spear, javelin, arrow 6A5, die, death, a paleness 3&, for, how, why, or what eA|t, head, fin, first, the east 5A|b, withes, a band of twi/ ( 29 ) 3&1&, father, sire [chivalry ]Ajt, west, bird, dark, after, 3^1 1, blast, fume, vapour, upon, at, limit, afterwards 3^1 11, foreigners, speech, a ]l, plenty, great, many, whole surly look, frown [kindred |ll, evil, destruction or ruin 5a1, a blast, a heat* a battle ]rn, in my r along with, on my, 3All,swan, cock, teat, quarry "jrn, butter or cream [about 5An,without,otherwise,scan- iu,in, within, in it, is it? it is, ty, little, scarce [a pitcher in, ground, land, a country 3*i), a want, scarcity, a fort, 1^, a billow, a wave, we, us 3A71, nigh, near, close, merit i|t, anger, a gift, satire, try 3A|jt, the belly, guts, entrails iflt, end, boundary, tail, fin 30, though, nevertheless Ia, by, with, send, why [ness 5&, a goose, fowl, fair [milk l&, day, light, lustre, bright- 5e^l, whiten, stubble,white, l^n, the fulness of the tide 5&aI, a bail, pledge, surety lA]fj, blades, gridiron, fanes jeAll, vow, promise, desire Iah, before, fit, superior to i 3&aji, sourish, tartish, sharp, l&n, full, fulness, the tide 3eAftt, cut, laconic* shorten Ia§, a church, the scales of a 3e]l, a wood, a wood-country fish, a veil, a gridiron, a 56]ll, obey, the jaws, sense blade, a spear, mirth, boss Se^i), a swan, a child [tion leAn, follow, pursue, adhere 3&]n, far off, long off* concep- Uaa, sorrow, woe, grief, ruin 5leAt), adhere, a following leAi), ale, the humours' of SieAfj/a valley, a glin, a vale the body, a cloak, a coat of 5i)Af , a hare-lip, chasm, cut mail or a eoarse.cassock 3t>&r, a mode, use, a manner leAjt, with our, the ocean, sea 30, that, to, unto, sea, a dart l&A|t,much,great,deal, visible 36s,alie,falsehood,fool,guile leAf , profit, interest, a gain 301I, knighthood, chivalry l^Af, sight, spot, note, deed 50i.ll, a shield, vexation, ire le, ,*, P ^;« 7 o n the sea[totally 3|teAt), gravel or pebbles l&| jt, the whole, altogctho*., 5]teA^, love, friendship, hue, Vjn' flax, lint, a line, quantity beard, joke, humour, wit l]i), a pool, a pond, with us 3|t]b, stop a top, hindrance Vjon, fill, flax, net, a parcel, 5jijb, dirt, slough, manger lot, portion, snare, gin, trap 5jt1t>, bite, a piece, a morsel \]o*) y beer, ale, joy, mirth, 3|t]f), serious, wise, garrison nimbleness [condition 3un, for, without, a flood l, roll, ire, anger, swelling lAfli, seek, pray, request, ask of the sea, bold, timbers ( so ) lot), expence, fare, residence ro^l, spoil, destroy, corrupt rol, depilous,bald,bare,ser- ii>'6l, my drink, my drinking ro'iol, my, lime [vant, blunt mole, my evil, harm, or hurt m^, like, as, wherein [brink ro olc, a fire, a flame, heat ro'&jt, my tillage, my ruin, my moll, dust, chaff or refuse ro^f, if so, a chip, if that rootle, sheep, or wethers m&f ? the thigh, mace, comely m'ojlc, my fear, my dread ro'&f, my ace or my unit tt)d]v, turf, moss, a pasture roVf, my cataract or shoe, ro'crjn, my profit, my loan my ale or drink, my milk mojnT;, hair,anedge ? acomet roe^n, quick, active, merry ro'o|T)3 ? my spout, my pipe ro&4 ? a finger, a toe, an inch roon, a wile, a trick, cunning tt)'e'of, my deer or my fawn rt)'e|ll, my ell, my flock or roof, manner, fashion, mode herd, my fall or thong [ness rou^l, the tops of high hills roe]f, wickedness, evil, bad- rnW]ll, my pride, my cry or ro'ef f, my man, trace or troop sigh,my woe or vanity[town me|f , on or upon the dish roue, a hog, defence for a men, a mouth, an orifice ro'uc, myhungerorpain[tion m'ei),my bird, my water or ice rovil? an assembly, congrega- met), clear, ore, mine, a death- ro\?l, my art, my sense, m bed sickness, inability knowledge or cow ( 31 ) it)>jll, a delay, a hindrance fi*v|£, fort, garrison, request, n?ul, much, many, a hero speak, fern, luck, pro • Ttmll, a bell, a top or point sperity, an appeal, good, fit n?u]r^ the neck or the back ft*!}, a piece, a plain, truth rpu-irj, teach or instruct, direct ]\&f), lye, knot, chain, a pro- n)u|i), a wood, a piece or slice montary, verse, class [tion rt)\?fi, the sea, leprosy, a wall ]te, with, belonging to, sec- Tt?'>?fi, my earth or clay, my fte, the moon, time, one's life fire or ground [tification ]t], along with, to, before, on roufi, a rampart, a wall, a for- jvj, a king, a monarch [wrist n)'tt|t; my sun, my beginning fifj, reach, a cubit, a spy, a jt)tif, pleasant, neat [request |i] 3, a king, sovereign, lord rrj'tvp, my story, my fault, my n]v 9 he did, a teat, a summit rkv, the, than, in, his or her ftji), knowledge, head-land, r>&, no, not, the soul, spirit a cape, a star, a tree, light i}A|t, for, skill, art, not, that ftjf, with, along, setting, t)A|fi, serpent, snake, toad king, intelligence, a notice \)] 9 not, nor, no or neither . jvjp, again, once more, rice i>j5, manslaughter, an affair, fio, great, big, very, before a thing, a matter, a cause jto, seasonable harvest, frost, T>13> wash, clear, clean, purge first, prosperity, luck, go *gx)] $, does, makes or effects fiob, a thing, a matter, a gem T)ur>, pain, woe, punishment ft6b, a way, a passage, the i)ut), over, or the other side sea-weed, great humility o, an ear, a deafness, a nail |to|f, of lent-seed 5 tear, rend 6, alas ! from, oh! a son |tojf, Rose, a woman's name ob, music, an ode, harmony jiot?,do, does, doth, by, with 6'b, from thy, from your, jtoi), a seal, a sea-calf, hair o]i, nourish, a sigh, a rock ]tofj, slaver, rheum, a chain o]ll, great. or extraordinary jiof, seed, arable land, an o|(t, a hem, a border, the isthmus, promontory, a east, the spindle-tree, meet neck of land, a plain, field dj^, of gold, of a sound ftdf , arose, grove or wood ol,great,he said, large, bulky fA^l, hail thou, a beam, a 6l, drink or sup, drinking willow, joist, the sallow-tree oll,lofty,famous,grand,noble f &]l, of the heel, salt-water or)/ cause, blot, mark, a wolf fA]!!, salt thou, fatness, ofj, a horse, a stone, furze (0) dainty, plumpness, bacon p]c, a disorder in young fowl |*A|r>, like, certain, good, pic, apitch-fork of two or tranquillity, free, generous three prongs, a pike, spear fA]f), ease, summer, peace f\A|c, running, a race, going f aic, a she dog, haft, joint ( 32 ). f&jc, enough, swarm of bees, fpe]jt, shank, hough, a ham push, thrust, a treasure f p&|fi,the sky, the firmament -pal, dross, dirt, rust, great fCAjb, mode, condition, way p&l, the heel, way, sea-water fcAjb, craft, wile, a furlong fall, bitterness, anger or ire ftql, the willow-tree, tackle f a% self, a satire, sourness f u|l,the eye, hope,wish ['till f &t),here and there,to and fro put, before, beforehand, son f Ai), in, in the, pure, holy f ul, of the eyes [sounding fCAil,cry,fume, rock, vapour \\xx) y swoon, a trance, sound, f c^ql, a shade, a sheltering f ui), blast, fortification, wall X e, number six, sice ['tis he ca^I, dispraise, contempt[ter X&, he, it, this, him, himself, z&]\\ 9 substance, a lump mat- f eAt), aged, old, ancient[net cAjf, a ghost, a spirit, moist f 6ai), deny,prosperity, luck, c#lf, report, tidings, news feA|t, black, dark, darkness caI, a dropping or springing X e&]\i, stretch, cut, a colt, c&l, a cooper's axe or adze hook, fear, theft, foal [hill caII, lop, a lopping, thief, he X eb, a way, a passage, road, took, easy, real, beyond f &b, a jewel, a pearl, a gem CAt}, time, when, whilst, at, in X 5A1I, fire, flame, fume [dow c&t>, seek, search, herd, rove fS&jl, a type, a fignre,asha- cat), a lord, a hero, a prince V5 e ]V} a leap, a flight [ror cA]t, come, contempt, dislike f5&|t>, dread awe, fear, ter- SAt|t, tar, belly, a tail [der f jl, drop, a glance, looking t]t), melt, firm, fat, stout, un- fjl, consider, thinking, infer z]v> sick, weak, feeble, wan fill, turn, look, twist, change co, tongue, feminine [man fit), there, that, so, this, thus co, dumb,speechless,silence, fit),stretch,lengthen, weather coi), a surge, wave, a billow f |i),theShanon,sing,we,orus cot), tune, sound, the bottom f]0|t, always, long, constant zoy 3 dip, swift,, fast, nimble fjoflt, vetches, broom, rape coi;b,blow, stroke, lop, clip X]t, push, a pass, an attempt coyi, gain, profit, fruit, fear f]6, sleep, rest, peace, ease c6]t, pursue, .pursuit, a bull f ri^e^, grease, tallow, anoint cofjt, heap, lump, mass, pile frt)64,a black-berry, a spark, cuji, journey ,bare,alone,dry $n ember or bramble, fruit cufi, request, genius, sense f o, this, here, this is, nice cn|t 50 cujt, totally, wholly X 6, prosperity, luck,dainties u&]t>, loan, lambs, peg, pin, fot), noise, word, cause, tall u&fi), from us [ease, leisure fo9,pierce,bore ; here,ahero uc, as, at, viz. beginning, first fp< b, dull,dulness,*or insipid uc, a bag, swelling, the dug fp&b, an iron spade, a loye or udder of any beast ( £3 ) $ti|t i)A £oii)fu&iiT)i)ib if i)A (SeirbjOCAib. OF THE SIMPLE AND ASPIRATED CONSONANTS. $ti|t i)A £orbf u^TT)t)ib. £&lb 8& C01T)f U&1T1) 8^A5 at); .1. b, c, b, p, 3, I, n),u, pi T 1 * r If z > e 1 b W waUi*- cACA^b if feApijACAib ; if eibirv t)A c&AbrjA a feiri)- ]uja8^ a ij\?[tb^ubu5A6,. A Tt)bACA8 1)0 A T1)UCA8. Eutic^ 3011) of qr) 3AC i^aI^cac (b), U]|t ijAfic^s- eAP t)o a ccA^UeAi) t)a t)jq] 3Cir) fo tfor* a cc&Abfoi); .i. b, c, 8, f , 3, ri), p, f , c:i)ol) 30 n)]o6f cuAttiA l& i)A jtucc : ^5 bb, &b, fb> n)bj tb, ic. £&]b f o rjA feAf rbACA ; .1. \» V If T** flO|in)buAt) at) A £oi)Ai) b xt)\ v Sacf : .1. bo b^ulif 11)4 bo t>6ul a X orjCAft "j. Soi)Al) C 1)0 Cb, TT)ATl X 0fteA3AC ; .1. n)o ceAi), rr)0 cof, if itjati rrjo x^Ai), t>o ">° X°r> ir ^131^ * te|5eA8; Af i)b|^5 1 Po e, a tJbe^Ab pocU, cocbc^ ]: .1. teigc^rt e]6 n)A|t eib. «Soi)Ai) 6, 5 1)0 3b, fio^ri) 30c leACAt), bo3,]f f 30fii?Ac; .1. 8\?c, sb>iP; T 10 ^ e 1)0 t a ccuf i)o n>eo8A]i) ^ocIa rr)Ari 3/ : .1. a X)]A 5jx^8ai3; Af t>b1*M3 3°^ I^acai) 11)4 K ; .]., lt)AbA8, COCljCAjt A OF THE CONSONANTS. The consonants are twelve; viz. b, c, b, f 3 3, I, rt), i), p, ]•, c, which are divided into mutables and immutables; the former are subject to aspiration, eclipses, sup- pression and extinction. A full point is put over the mutables, by which they either alter or lose their sound (thusb); they are nine, viz. b, c, 8, f, 5, ii), p< f, i : some, instead of the point, inelegantly use b (thus bb). The immutables are I, 13 and fi, which always re- tain their sounds. 33 is pronounced as v English: as bo b6ul, must be pronounced as bo i>&ul. £ or cb> is pronounced like the Greek \ ; as, ttjo ce Afj, rt)o cot-, must be read as n)o x e *W> v 0° X&V 5 ^ ut after e or 1, in the end, is mute > as e]6, horses, must be read e^b« 3b and 3 or 3b, before a broad vowel, sound soft and guttural; as, 8>?c, jbuic: but before e or ], or in the middle, they sound like ?/ ; as, a JD^a 31^8 ait;; but aft- er a broad vowel is like u, ( s TT)AbA]8. Sovm) p n)4 b>5<> c^]v 9 ]y rt)]V]c A cocbe^ 7 ; .1., p|p If rrjAp ]]t Ar.l6|5cg|t^ £ot)at> t?), |tO]rb 50c leACAT) TT>Ap z^; .1,, A rr)1\tq rr)&]t ; Af a roeA8o^ t)o a i)beA|tA8 poclA fTjAtt $; .1., a TJArb^b, cty&in), lixxT). Sotjat) p r)o pb ^A]t f) |io]Tt) jot le^CAi;, .i.-a^6-|1; Af COCbc^ A t)b]^V]5 5OC c^l 1 ; .i., il]p,A ij&ic pillp. &OT1AT) f T)0 p 1) XX) Aft b ATTJ^T); .7., A p&lll, A f>?l b] 30 co]ccgr> cocbcA, I&13- ce^ peATJir^ pbeAT); Accjp ip^ b^At) a l^gce^ feAt). 3ceAbr?A ; .1. a qi)]f cu- **13» ir n H bl^ir cuxAjb l6|5reA|t &, Af a i>beAnA8 poclA f OTMSAp t 30 ]tO CiD]T). £p ^e^p V A corvfu&rone A jtOf^ AT) A T)OCX CC^T)6aI: 1. c, p, e bo5, 2. b, b, 3 cpit*v|8e. 4. U, T), X\l,XX), T)3 ceAT). 5. b, 3,11), I, t),p, 8 eAbcrion^ 6. p 1^5. 7. p . A7rr)^b. 8. b polAib. ^Cp77* po^ce at) a t>,c,b,p,3,iu,p,r>e ^aw. b, it?, p, p b]leAc. b A3Uf c .peceeAc C A5Uf 5 CApbAb AC l^jljf loTTJ. * ) as rrjAbAb ; and after a slen- der one is mute, as rtiAbAib. p sounds like b> "faintly, and is often totally mute, viz. pip, is pronounced as 7p. ?b, cy&]n) } Uvrij. #, sounds like p, before a broad vowel, as a ^6^1; but after a slender one is mute ? as a il]p, for #]ljp. & or |*b, sounds like b alone, as a f &]ll, a r^l; and often mute : p eAT> is to be read pbeAp, but pbeAT) or peAT) is to be read h^Ap. £> or cb, has also the same sound; as a qi)lp CUCAJ3 is to be read a b]V]V cuA]b ; but in the end of words t is pronounced very faintly, The consonants may be divided into eight sorts : 1. c, p, z soft. 2. b, b, 3 .hard. 3. c, t 9 p, p, f • • • .rough. 4. U, t), tp, it), t>5 . .robust. 5. b, 5, rb, I, D, p, 8 .light. 6. p . . . weak. 7. p . ............ barren. 8. b hollow. Again divided into b,c,b,p,3,Tii,p,p,c • • mutes. b, it), p, r labials. b andc dentals. . cand3 pajatals. I, y, p, p liquids. b, I, 1), p, 7*, r , . . . linguals. ( 35 > £Ia|% £at)att)T)a 1)A £coir)pu'\]iirneA8 reitrnocA A5U] 4 bubAtCA, a ccur If ^ ObeAji^b ^ocIa. Table of the Sounds of the Aspirated and Double Consonants, in the beginning and end of Words. . .v as ttjo b?b, my foe . . . tt)o TT)Aic,my good .rrjo ce&r), my head b b tp rv m c c . .ch . . .n>o choy, my foot 5 . . gh . . . rt)o glut*, my knee 5 . . gh . , . mo sh] M, my jaw p . .h ... a f t\l, his hedge f /.h .. .a £at), his folly p . .h .. . a fA"|U,his fatness f • .h .. .Afy T l, his eye c . .h . . .bo c^Ab, thy rope ^rppu^n) bsocAo^n, ac& A3 0,8531 c, Anbi?8, yellow I b]&]8, will be c 8 8 8 P cc cA]8, chaff b&]8, vowel bi&i8, grief X<\] 8, prophet 3&18, arrows Uwi8, want rr?(v]8, rout n^8, send fXv|8, enough c&]8, weld pleA8, feast leAg, physician n)eA8, a scale beAc, beech b|o8, though h . . . bo qp, thy country y .. .bo 8a]Tb, thy kindred y ...bo 8 pice, thy dragon Uin fine bo ri)AbA8, thy dog f .. .bo p^job, thy pipe g .. .a ccofft, their crane ce.g . ..ac c|tA]fj their trees XX • • v • • • * PF^ ll > their satire 11. .11 .. .a lie at), her ale f) . .nn.. .a r)<\||te ? her shame pp. .b . . . a ppif), their hill .a ppA]cc,theirhump .rr .. .a t|t6]rr;, her course . d ... a ccAjri, their belly c, 8, 3, c, after 1 or e, in the end of many words, sound like Vi faintly; but after a broad vowel like u or y, sometimes are mute; rb and b like v. b6]5, a teat bA|c, soon bri&i3, captive vaic, field bri]5, virtue Iaic, ale pp . . b bjtvg, boil b|^v|3, after bjj, want bl>?3, nimble b6|3, hope h;a]c, good ppoc,abachelor TV] c, run fAic, handle ttiO|c, foot p]C\]3,deer[oarsU\03, calf 1^13, blades of T105, wreath |i|^3, crosses din;, tongs |i|3,aspy cqorfj, fault blA]c. smooth ci)&]ttj, bone bpAic, malt 3v>jott), deed CA|c, waste hub, hand. &\b y tribe A] 8, refuge A]3,1ce Ajlb, herd A]C, kiln Aotb, likeness a6]8, moan a6|&, hero ATI), raw a§, luck ac, ford aua8, delay Ao8, fire 461$, hero ^oc, small bA8b, raven b&]8, love bA]j, threat bA]c, drown b&]c, clown bAlb, mute bAJ, battle bAT)b, pig b|vo8, wild b&oc, weak bAt, death beAc, beech be|£, birch b]83 ? start b]5, dew bjc, habit k|o8, world bioc, life bi r A0, smooth Ma8, a part bU]c 5 plain bl*vo8,' shout' blei8 ? milk ble]c, grind bo]8, neat bo]c, hut bft&e, a fair ( m ) - bjteAc, judge c^aj, decay bjieic, verdict crj&irb, bone bjteog, gain ct)a6j8, pine bft] A3, wound ci?e]8, wound hjM3* value- crmjri^ worm briic, fraction co8, foot bttoj&,straw coeri), small bjiojc, raiment coirr), equal brioc, flesk colb, post brtu8, ruin ctvja8, clay bjtuTj, lump c^ob, jest b|w?3, boil cjii.oc,the end bu&]b, cows cjtiocague bu&i8, victory cjtoic, cross b>?c ? bug, rout Cfto8, portion, b\?8, thankful c|to]8e, heart c>]8, pure Cftu&]8 ? hard CA]|tb, chariot ctiua8 ? stone caic, waste cjiu8, milking ca6]8, tear cjt>?c, brave c&ori), gentle C]turb 5 maggot cas* battle qtuc, curds ceAc, cream orb, bird ce 13? quay cv?c, who ciAb, ci ati), cue, head lock of hair bAb, bAti),. ox cjac, fog ^^13? early cja8, flame bAirt), poet cIati?, mange b A]tib, worm c|8),who bAlb 5 lie c|3 ? C]c, doe bA]tb 5 cart cjo8, maid be^S, good c|03, cloud b&o8, eternal cjoc, peal b]&]8, grief cle^c, fence b] a^ 3, after el] ac hurdle b|b, farm cl^c, left bjorib, severe $^u8, squint bie/, want cloc, wind clu8 ? fame clv?3, play clmt? ? plume b'joSj refuse blAirr?, night bWrt), smoke tUg, close blui5, active blue, warp bo]3, hope b6|5 5 manner boic, burn bftAb, cart bjioc, constant bjiub, house bjtuc, fool buA3, fatigue ecc, death eirr), haft eoc, groaning -pA8b, fault FA3> get F&|8, prophet F*13> speak pAic, heat f &ob, spoil VJb&fij P a * n pA6]8, voice Y&oiy. ease f eAb ? widow f eAcc ? tooth feA8, letter £eA3, fathom "peAc, skill £e8, respite peib,propert> fei8, long f eic, sinew ^e|5, bloody ^a8 ? food £16, fee- farm £18, faithful iqo8, wooa f 13, weave £103, wreath pic, land £|uc, boil V l&]t, lord fl]uc, wet frlfitj* wen forgoing F*>T& eager f oic, about ffiAis, walk f n]8, forest f n|c, a suit fu^]8, sew f \?8b, bunch f ji&oc, heath f ua6, bier. ^i*ac, hatred 54,b, take 5&8, peril 3&08, lie 3&oc, wind 3ac, ray 3eo8. goose 3eArrj, a slip 5] 8b, college ^8, though 31aoi8, heap 3trj8, voice 301TT), grudge 3I&08, call 3leA8, trick 5leo8, sigh 3I08, slime 3I0C, veil 5t)&c, use 308, skill 30c, vowel 3ftA]3, herd 3]teic, dress 3fi]b, finger 3|tu^8, cheek 5ft&8, love 3|te^8, droll 3neAc, noise 5|tori? ? satire 311c, word ib, tribp ( 37 ) 8, chain lir|b, an herb c, eat W8, he went ac, salmon W3, rend ac, land lu8, form 08, income lug, little oc, corn luc, longing ^6]8, exhort ri)Aic, a spirit a^c, milk 1^13, ^ e ^ Ao^b, partial rrjqb, the dead a6|8, poem ttjaic, good e] cc, dotard TtMdi8, bleach &]5, read m&]i, fat e]C, regard n^8, sight ib, with ye tt7]8]x, ray -]3, colour rouA^b, cloud ]c, tint Tt)^ dumb ob, rot tvvc, sadness o|c, place r^S? abroad &e8, red ]ac, grey Vein), poison 105,becoming V)6 y thing ]U5, shout 30]8, doth occ, pool ^13, wash ,05, fire V\t, battle ua8, report Ue<\8, support u, corpse t)|A8, strong uac, swift V]*5> to-day 1)08, noble i)ua8 5 new oc, alas 08, an ear 05, point orb, blood fUe,highway tia8, saying ri&e, salmon |tAib, was ]tA]c, a ray tia]8, night |tA)3, arm tia^c, fern ]tAc> luck |teAb, choice rteA8, hire |teA85, rage neg, bunch ji6]8, level neo8, frost ttja8, regular ti] A3, cross tilArrj, before TM5> s py ; rtrrr), number riio8, streak TM03, king's n]oc, race |to8b, saw H03,, wreath ]ioic, going |tO|rb, grave noc, wheel riuA8, red nu;\]8, redden n>?b, sulphur ]t>?3, wrest I^tc, run uuc, a cnain fAb, a bolt r\\ec, holy X a8, dagger y A8b, salve nough [haft rAi8,rA|c,dog, f^v]Ti), ease fAri), sorrel f At)c 9 to & fro r&ob, silly r&o8, pain r &oc, life tCA]c, finish j*cai8, cut off rcA^c, achief rc&c, shade fce]b ? a shift r ce^c, -spew fcjAC, shield rcoc, flower recc, dry reg, wild ox ]*e]c,adventu- f6]j,hawk[rer fe^lb, herd f^lti), mild fe^c, a hide X5&d]t, drove rSffl* rest f3e]c ? cast rs^ic, turf Ti5> spright f^c, pass rU^j, kill fW|3, adore ft)A]8, whet YVk]t, thread rOAoig, hew rr>e] j, direct r|tA]c, marsh T^te^c, casting rco]6, stench rcft^c, strife rc|to|8, waste < 38 ) fcu&|8, gable c&rb, rest f\?8, hero c&ob, side rcAb, kieve c&o8, yarn j*ca8, a pull cAjtb, bull |*ca]83, gullet c ac lord fTArb, tangle ceACc,gather- fe'A8, yes ing together fe-Aj, worth ceAg, heat T 5Ab saw-dust ceAc, a page rjAi^fine flaxce8n?, theme f5eAC, haw ^3, go on |*5i as, shield ce]it> 9 acov^r V5]ot 9 fatigue c&jc, warm T*5iuc,-leap cec, hot fleAg, sjpear c]ac, bag rl^Ab,highhillc|5, house fluAj, host c|03, late ft)&8, thread f\&, near ft)A8it>, knot qug, thick fpeAg, nit cW|c, faint rr>uA8, blood cole, land ro8, eclipse co^gagreeable 1* 03, pleasure cojc, fetid X ot, issue cIa8, weak TftAb, plenty dug, tongs ffteAb, rill ct>u8, envy ffieAc, sling coc, ham f ft^Ab, circle cog, choose ffiog, sneeze cole, hole rcjttfB, pride coc, smell t*cuA8, sheet c|tA]8, quick f ua8, a gown £fi*M3 ? strand f ^]8 wise men cjt^og, empty fug, juice cftAc, time X ub.berry^sap cneAb, tribe ruj8, noble cfteAg, spear fuc, soot r^teos, pierce cAb^the ocean cjie^c, good cac, value c^aS, a lord CA83, a poet, cjvjac, a sow philosopher cftjug, cough CA8b, spectre cjioc, a short CA5, weld cfioc^taint [life cfto3, sun-rise z]to]c 3 dwarf c|to]5, foot cjtuA8, poor C|tUA3, woe cua8, fame cuas, an ax cu&]8, the left cu^]§, north cu&]c 5 extent cub, phiz c\?3, thatch ofge, straw cuac, laity cu8, return cug, trust uacc, a will ua8, fear WA3, dish u&]8, eat uac, alone u^8, distant "^13* grave u&irt), cave w &]ti), saddle u ^c, dread u b ? an egg ^8, stop, care uAcbAr, awe uc, oh, alas! ug, bile, bag ^3* pleasure, sharp point ^i;c 5 hurry , uIa8, jerk urt), earth upA8, witch ujia8, apparel ujtfA8,bottom security uc, an udder u]tbA]8,guard ujtbjb, noise 39 ) %\^i t)A J5\?|tbiubA8Aib, -|c. 3y >?ftb]ubA8 At), cua yoyz&ix At) -p^ori) tio ad coit)fUvV]n) f eAlbAC a t)6At>- pocAl, le lit) caca8 corb- piUvjrp e^le; At) a ccopjbA^- eAD A3? l]qjt b]^g a rot): .t. 4 5C]aI; |*o]XAjt c le ceAcc, 5. &i4 i) 9X\i|tb]ubA8A. r rt)...4 rr)bbof). . . , , . tt)...4 rnbuAti . . , . b...4 b^Ar b..-4 b^jtAi). . .« b..-4 bpof) ...... C...4 CCAC 5C..45CAC ,, cc.4 cceAjic .... 1)...4~1)bA1)ACC . . . U...4 t)bjl ... V...4 nboftt) T)...4J pbul P^..^ r lAlC.. Vt~4VVl°V D...z) i)30|tc D...4 DSUAir T>...^ t>31)Af b...^ bpeAt) b...4 bpjtoif} pp.4 ppi'At) C~.At) CflAC. ... . C. At) Cfl]l) C.At) Cf*ft6t> . •.. . b...^ bcepe ...... &..«4 bcutt) cc.4 ccuf* Of Eclipsis', &c. Eclipsis is when the pos- sessive or primary con- sonant in any word becomes mute, by having an inter- vening consonant prefixed to it, the added letter keep- ing its sound ; as 4 3C|aI : c in cjaI is silenced by 3. b^ b b b b V V V c c c b b b jo - TABLE 4 ITJAf . . . 4 ri)6ul . . . 4 tt)^i) . . . 4 VTjOX) . . . 4 TDUAjt .. 4 bAf . . . . 4 beAjtAP 4 bof) . . . 4 & xt 4 3 A ^ • ■ • 4 3 e ^ c -- 4 t)At)ACb 4 l)|l 4 t)6]tt) . , . 4 nul 4 blA]C . . 4 b]op.. 4 T)50|IC . 4 t)3UAn* 4 W^M* • 4 beAt). ... 4 bjtoif).. 4 b'jAt)... A1) clAC ., At) d]t) . . At) EflOt) . 4 be]i)<* .. 4 burn . . , 4 bu r . . . OF ECLIPSES. . our death . our mouth , our regard . our coin . our cattle .our growth .our land . our desire . our battle . our fight . our right . our boldness . our goods * our fist .our snare . our prince . our knowledge . our garden . our hazard . our custom . our pen .our dinner . our pain . the rod .the tile . the nose .our fire . our bush . our beginning ( 40 ) L^^eAr). Du^ if X>u351ollAi6e SeAlbACA. a b&b, his boat a beAt), his wife a tyojt, his spit a bob;, his belly a bur), his sole a tt) Arte, his cow a rb&uTt, his finger a tt^ai}, his wish a rfjolc, his sheep a rrjuc, his hog a fA]l, his ring a p e ATI, his man a pjon, his wine a £6b, his sod a p>?l, his blood a p&jll, his leisure a feAb, his jewel a fiol, his seed a foe, his beak a f >?l, his eye a ttjoac, their crook a rnbgpx, their load a robfiicc, their mask a rnbjtob, their pot-lid a rT)brrv?b, their bondage a 3CA1II5 their loss a sceirib, their art a 3d] Ab, their basket a 5clof, their hearing a sclu^in, their park An? l^rb, in my hand . b^ rjb&n, your poem b-4 r^b]teAT), your wren b^ rjbriil, your drop b^ nbpol, your loop b^ nbrtub,yourinclosure b^ pp&]jtc, your part Lesson. Nouns and Pronouns Possessive, b^ ppeAr), your pen bq pp|f , your peas b^ ppjio]r), your dinner b^ppuric, your song 4 bpUic, our prince 4 bf l|5, our chickweed 4 bpo|]tTt), our image 4 bpuAct, our cold 4 bp^c, our share 4 bpeAll, our covering 4 bpir), our pens 4 bporic, our fort 4 bpluc, our cheek 4 bz&fz, our report 4'bc6ACc, our jelly 4 bcTt^olt, our plot 4 bcfiob, our shape 4 bcu&jrn, our town 4 ccl&fi, our table 4 cceipr, our orchard 4 ccljAb, our basket 4 ecloc, our stone 4 ccuah, our shore 4 ccatic, our thirst 4 xceit>e, our fire 4 cc]ac ? our bag 4 zzov, our wave 4 ccojtn, our kiln 4 i)Arrj, our time 4 t>grrj, our arms 4 t)eATic, our bee 4 njAp 3, our fish 4 t>olAt), our wool 4 nub, pur egg 4 tWfSe, our water 4 nujifA, our post b?k]V, thy ring bpeAG, thy spade • bpjop, thy skill bpotj, thy wish bptiuu), thy cloth cpA^l, thy den cpeAb, thy whistle cp]c, thy love cpo^l, thy milk cpuAc, thy verse bo cac, thy cat bo ceAi), thy head bo cjof, thy rent bo cop, thy foot bo cu, thy hound bo 8|t\rro> thy back bo 5Ab, thy withe bo 5^Ag^ thy branch bo 31 aII, thy jaw bo jojtc, thy field &o 311 ]tr), thy den bo p^t), thy bread bo peAr), thy pen bo f]c f thy pitch bo po5, thy kiss bo puT)c, thy point b&-jc, your place b^At), your bird frjm, your butter bo|t, your gold buAi}, your lamb bob m&c^, to thy mother ob qjt, from thy land pA cu^c, towards the north pAt) bp^je, under the sea ?ov WJfo under the earth n)pAlc, my hook TT)p&|8rt)y my use mp]t), my soa mpojtb, my land mpuAr), my shadow tr)0 b&p, my death ( 41 ) mo beAi}, my wife rt)o b^p, my vice tt?o but), my sole mo CA|vr>, my heap mo cg|tc, my right mo c]0]t, my comb rrjo cojip, my body mo curt), my waist mo 8.&t>, my poem rpo 8gjtc, my eye mo 8p|f, my briar m° 8jiuim, my back mo 5IAC, my palm wo 56A5, my branch rt)o jpitffc my fire mo glor), my deed mo glut), my knee too ri)A|ic, my cow mo m&uji, my finger rr>o rblAp, my dish tt)o morjTj, my hair rt)o mull, my cape rrjo i^by my bull mo c^Ab, my rope rtjo qjt, my land mo cojtc, my boar rrjo cu|ti>, my kiln mo 8^1 b 3 my father mo 8&Ab, my jaw mo 6]vs, my wedge mo 85]tt), my fist mo 8uat), my poem mAbAll, my apple meAbAi), my face rtrj 401), my iron mo^be, my teacher mug, my hour cp&l, thy heel cp&Alb, thy herd cpljr), thy tile tpjtot), thy nose cp^ft, thy stream • ( 42 ) £Ai)Att)\?t) V& 9X5ucAi6eA8 ]y t>A £cott?fruAitt)i?eA8. SOUNDS OF THE VOWELS AND CONSONANTS. Quantity, Irish Examples. English Sounds. a fAb*7r h^ .1. f&f> growth like a in call a fAbA ]f c#>l . ..t."A8A]tc, a horn like i in fine a seAfft iff IgcAt) .V. bAfic, a clod like a in rat a 3'eAtfi if teA^ % |tAi), a verse like au> in fawn a seA^fi if ca>V.'..i. bgTtU,language like a in mineral e p AbA * . . .1. l&V, woe like e in there e seAflt if ceAtj # ell, a flock like e in egg e 5eA||i 1. flllce, folded ] ^AbA -. .*.-,' 1 . in), butter j ceAf) 1. id i U, mar I SeAjji 1. fW, an island o f AbA *.i. 6|n, gold o 5eA|jt if ceAfj .i. cofit, a bill o seA^ft. ...... . .i. fcoc,a trumpet u fAbA ....... ..i. u]t, green u jeAifi if ceArj .i. fufj, a wall u 5eA]|t. i. ucc, the breast b, " c, c, b, &, r. 3. 3. I, k leACAt). • . . . ,.i. b At), white leACAt) j. cac, battle c&>l . • i. ceAf), a head leACAT) . , ..i. bAt>, song caol ».,...,. .i. b&ific, alms SeAtft.* 1- fA]l, a ring leACAi) t. jft|ij^ under leACAT) i. 5Ab, withe c^ol ....... ..i. s&pce, born f AbA . ..... . .t. l& 5 a day 5eA||t .. . . . . : ..i. leAc, a stone rr), leACAt) .t. rpoe, early it), 3eA||t ...*...]. rtyyt), back r>, leACAi) ;fj CA|tt>, a heap #, ciol i. T>eAfic,strength like n in news p, leACAi) |. pA^fce, a child like p in pawn ft, f AbA i. ]tATi), an action like r in rood ft, f AbA i. ft&itt), a course like r in clarion f, leACAt) i. fol&f, comfort like 5 in son* f, ciol 1. feAjtc, love like sh in shine c, leACAi i. xor>, wave like //i in thumb t, aol 1, c£>f 3 paste like ch in cheese like i in field like ai in hail like i in win like o in stone like ?. .Ul a. .an 1- .agus s- . go gan TT 1 - ,rr 1' . . eadh 4 . . ar f- .end 3. .gur 6. .tra .1.. .eadhon 3 . . air s- .ea £• .na if .si lc ? &c. Dor) e ^^ 3 ttW^ £fvj rpillgf)A,ir oirt t)a b^o^. e 5 Acciip 3AC e^b^S Apr), |, Act Up 3 AC 1p1T) 10TT)lAir), r 7 4VCZ&Y 5AC >ill]T) 4?ij A P ACCUp 3 AC ATt)AT>C0]ll. i0 5 p£>fl ? TT)iOTt ? beAT) pAbA bo f jO]t, - a6]> p3)iTt, rr)^oifi, beAT) ^AbA Arr)lAi6e, ac 5 l^e, T)&, rue, beAT) -p AbA bA fte-ifi, eA, o •o p 4 •JO $9 £- 9 3 — ip i. S ! fel-fl |a 1 I ° I u *&j$i x*vfy v*** - r*i l > r*?\ 5§f# ^If? ^1^ pAbA,, t>§t> 5 gel 3eTii, eu ; beail, f3eul ? tjeul., p AbA ip 31)^ eo j peol 5 ceol -p v \bA ? beoc, eoc Sgjti, e6| ? peojl, beojri, peoil, pAbA if FSTT 1 * er, peil, beil, b§T) p 3^ le rr> rp^ii 1 ? 3^m ir rsm? ]A DJA, C]aII ? PJaI, pAbA bo fjoji, f*1 F1*T&j b 1*M 6 > l 1*M3> F*&* Ari)U]6e, iu p]u]t 5 rrilujt pAbA, pljuc, beAT) 3§tti, iuj cp?T>; R \?rt, ber> pAbA 3 bji&sb, |o pjor), c]on, bet) pAbA le piori, Af cttiop, pjop, lior, 3e]tt if rsir i ? UA CUA1), pUAT), UAJ), pAbA 30 buAT), UA1 CUAjT), f'iA|T), UA|1), pAbA 1|* 3D^C, \? b>?l, p\?l b|t) f AbA le b^f, Af c>H, p\?l, p\rl 3eAt|i ip peA|ti 5 o] 3l6]|t, c6||t b|T) pAbA le p5| fi, Af coifi, 30111, ip i)o]|t be*t> 3 e ^m- a, beAt) V^bA a Ia 'pA o'-ari e, beAT) £AbA a 1)30 'pA V5V&, 1, b60-T) pAbA A T)j V<^ feC|t7, 6, becfieA5f05?iACA. THE SOUNDS OF THE DIPHTHONGS AND TRIPHTHONGS. Remarks. Irish Examples. CorrespondiogSouadiinEuglLli. & e > fi T*- J. ^ b2ve| a mail| a person, like ay in say, day d[, PAbA : .1. f &1.6, a prophet, seer, like oy in boy, toy *b S^Tt 1 : •!• ^1^3 e ^ l # angel, light, like i in king, ring &o, fjojif . : .1. fiOfi,cheap-, b*>ft,dear; like ee in deer, reel a6], fiottfr. : •*• T^l^ carpenters,wits, like ea in fear, ear e*, fAbA: .1. fflp&Aft, grea»e,tallow, like a in came, dame eA, seA^t : .1. f)eA|tc,strength; cgttc, like a in art, smart eA, se^rft : .|. bg3,little[legaljustice, like e in leg, ledge eA8,fAbA : .1. fjt)eA8,stretching out, like ew in new, pew ej, pAbA : .% le]|i, all ; bfcjjtc, alms; like ei in feign, mein 4], 3eAffv: .1, ]teic, sell; ce^l, deny; like e in egg, melted eo, j:AbA : .i. c6ol,asong; f 6ol,Joom; like eo in yeomanry eo, pAbA : .1. eoluf science,learning, like o in, mole, hole eo, 3eAftt # : '#• beoc, drink; eoc,grief; like on in coughing e5], tfottt;. : .i. p e-6]l,flesh; be-oi, jt,ale; as if in two syllables $u ; f|ofi£. ; .n p &uc,behold, as f6-uc, as if in two syllables &a, tf°W-- $M *#*!*» afing^i 1 ; £&uft, like ^y, in may, lay |a, flojif. : si. 51^1 At), the sun [grass; hke ie in rampiers 1^1, fiojtp. i .1. i^-f^utt, aftergrass; like ai in gain, pain jo, £AbA : .1. V\ox) y wine; fiojt, truth; likee?l, desire, as if in two syllables M, pAbA : .1. b>t8e, yellow [or wish; like uee in queen ^ 3ea,fli: .i. ^^ blood; c\?l, a fly ; like ui in quilt, guilt H-k-VR ^* : •!• bu-&jT), poems, songs, as if in two syllables L&i?j*crcU X^irjcftollA, 16 i)A n)b|t]5 a SAjCfbeAftU. Substantives of One Syllable, made into English. $4, a hill, height, car, top bjuc, a nobleman, a duke A] fib, coast, country, order &OT), country, ace, race, unit boy, tree, sect, people, age bA^, extinction of life, death beAf , ring, compass, opinion beAC, mushroom, an upstart bifb, fence, the song of birds blejb, impertinence, wooing bl6 1 i),bay,creek,haven,groin boi), sole, base, sake, cause bjtAc, cloak, mantle, hood b|tb, sedge, turf, clod, peat ciO|i>, the right side, virtue ce Ai), love, debt, favour,fault eel, poison, venom, an evil ceo, fog, mist, milk, vapour c^oc, peal, heavy shower cl]8, assembly, society, party cl]T>3, crack, knell, chimes cr>&]b, hemp, coarse flax colb, head, a let, hindrance col, sin, fault, impediment c|tAii), digestion, concoction ct^, hut, death, witchcraft cfiob, the back of the hand cuac, cup, globe, cuckoo culb, a cart* or coach-maker cwt), waist, combat, duel bA^f, heap, pile, rick, stack beAlo, light, bulk, bigness beAls, bodkin, thorn, pin &ej* ? land,mark,spot,speckle bi^c, sorrow, woe, pain, grief boirt), need, poverty, want b|te, drag, sledge, carriage bjteAj, rest, fight, wrangle bjtot), straight or right line buAf , poet, versifier, rhymer bub, lie, falsehood, blackness eA6, season, guard, law, time e^, outcry, roar, cry, shout e^ 11, flock, herd, drove, ell j:A6b, knot, raven, question ■pAi), weakness, infirmity £&r>, fane, chitrch, chapel -peAb, whistle, shrill noise £613, debts, deer, redress p&]l, a secret, anniversary pe|f , parliament, convention {tjaI, ferret, veil, eovering f?lec, an edge, brim, border jrljc, f l|3, pkjob, chick-weed fojtc, male, fortress, truth fttAb, vain man, scarecrow puAib, remnant, remainder 3A8, danger, temptation 59, outcry, shout, laughter 3505, flatness, evaporation 3eAtj, laughter, merry noise 3ei|t, fatness, tallow, grease 3fi?3, flirt, bounce, wedge 3leo6, grief, sigh, moan 5ld]fi, sun-rise, glory, lustre 3t)iO|, countenance, face,grin 30^c, posture of the neck 30J 4 , inclination, desire, will 3|t&T), hail, corn, shot, grain 3fflOTt>, man's nail, claw, talon 3|t\?t), hedge -hog, porcupine 3>TO, sling, darts, art, enemy ^11 , an evil, destruction, ruin ( % Iftc, ruin, spoil, booty, prey IA63, Hock or layer of snow leAb, blow, stroke, stripe leAr, profit, interest, luck le|3, dotard, stupid person I&U3, diamond, gem, jewel Mac, an aged person, old age i|f, pillage, combat, dispute loc, lake, lough, pond, pool lof, fox, price, value, troop lu&jc, ashes, dust, a wave Ivr, a bough, a leg, branch n?A|l5, a funeral pile, a fire n?Ar), sin, hand, waste, soli- tary person, a wilderness ii) iO] r, carriage, pack c>r bag, knapsack, budget, basket meAr, estimate, acorn, fruit men, a reckoning, surface jt)]i), kids or young goats roojm, a torrent, a flood roor , mode, form, manner rrrvfns, mane, coarse hair r)A]jt, serpent, snake, toad T>eAf3, nui % ulcer, sore, bile n]A, hero, lustre, splendour o, a wound, woe, horse-nail o]|tc, lap-dog, a small dog op, opposition, provocation pe]r>, pain, torment, trouble plAfc, cess, an amercement * pluc,smothermg,suffocation pjteAri?, root, tribe, origin ]t&6, rake, king, prince -fi&t, prosperity, profit, fern tieAt), haste, span, sale, vent |xe]c, sale, selling, trade |v]^3, cross, gallows, gibbet l^oc, a race, flight, running |tor, small seed, land, plain |ut&i3, hunt, rout, flight |idti7, room, space, a floor > ) t*ac, a bag, sack, or budget rAjlrn, psalm, psalmody rcA^jlp, den, cave, fissure rcAjib, dash, flash, splash fceor, shield, target,buckler rcuAfr, a flock, detachment r e Ar, a cess of corn sheaves fejh;, a chase, hunting YSqt, a cry, bawl, shout r 5CA117, reproach, rebuke t*3] b, ship, cot, boat, wherry f 3fieA3, bottom of a river X sue, a tail, end, extremity U I, drop, dropping, falling r Uvrr), a lock of tow or wool rl^Ab, mountain, high land flue, crane, pulley, wheel rnAc, thread, filament, yarn rp&inn, quarrel, wrestling rpe]]t, sparrow-hawk, ham / X pp^c, a check, reproach rftiO]t), hufF, disturber, bully rcA6,work, labour, working rcjioic, lash, streak, line fcjiub, ostrich, a large fowl ru&iri?, tone, accent, voice cac, lease, time, season, prop CA13, habit, custom, manner ca]c, joy, pleasure, origin CAnp, a clod, lump, clay ceAi) ? a press, stiffness, jail cec, a tabor, drum, sound cocc, a trance, fit, silence co]|ti}, an oven, great noise co||t, heap, tower, pile, lump cfieAt>, a field, plain, lawn c|t]Ai), third part, district cfiull, the head, top, peak uUc, a layman, a peasant cul, countenance, face, front ug, an hour, time, season vfft, mould, earth, clay, dust Pronouns and their Compounds, its, bAtb, to me [our £OjfiAC,upon thee b^, to our, or" for be,of him[herself b], to or of her, or b|fj, of or from us bfob^b'jbj of them b]ort}, bfrt), of me frjoc, bjc, of thee &ju, of them bo, to him; bo,your ^|vja, with her bob, to your f jtj^f), with us a, his, her their, theirs, that, who, which aca, with, them Ab 5 inthy or your aja, with them AjAb, with thee AgA^b, with you A5ATI), with me A5A]i), with us Art), in my Ai), in it, at it Af 5 from it, out - of it, from it ArAb, out of thee Af ah?, out of me At*A]b ? out of you A]*A]i), out of us Af ca, out of thorn A]C| ? with her A^e, with him A/pi, on him A-jrc], out of her A|t, our, ours b^,bu|t,your,yours ca, who, which c&c 5 al] ? each ? every eAr>, any, either C]A, who, what, gccofltA, between £0|ftte,upon him po]|]X], upon her f 0|fiA]r), upon us -po|jtA]b ? upon ye f o^tA, upon them j?]t]Ort}, with me f^ftfc, with thee y ]i]x, with him bojb, to them bort^, to my boc, to thy X fijb, with you ^ub, under thee pv?b, under you b>rt>, to you or ye f^?c|, under her bvfi), to us ^^f > un( ^ er ^ nn 'bvri^e, to ourselves p?i;, under us bvcf e, to yourself f un?, under me bv?'c, to thee puc, under thee 6, he, or him, it, that pucA, under them eAbftAft>, between facp a under their me [thee eAb.jWfb, between eAb|i>ib, between you [us eAbfiv?f), between cuca, unto them cujAb, unto thee cirzjA^b, unto you cujAf i), unto us 0113 Ait}, unto me cuj^g, unto us cu|5ci]^ unto, her c^5e, unto him bA, to his, her, their, theirs 5AC, each, every 1, she, her lAb,they [yourselves lbr e > ye or you, |F), we; ]b, in thy ^rje, we ourselves ■pice, in her |t)C], in her ]oi), in him them [him e^bfie, between e^b|i|, between her jcijAb, in thee e]le,other,another jofJAjb, in you e^reAT), himself ]ot)&]V, in us ¥&\x), self ■poti, under thj^ ■port), under my ^ofi, under our foiftAn), upon me ] 013 A?t), m me |oi)cA, in them Iff, herself [me leAn?, l|rt), with I a, with their le AC, with thee l&b, with thy le>j, lejc, with her le|C], with her lejf, Un*,with him leoy with them ten, with our l|b, with you l\t), with us Ttf&,* I or me n)]fe, I, myself, any one rt)0, my, mine i)6Ac, some t}e<\cc4, either, neither 6 bun, from your 6b, from thy o^fi, on him Sl o^t)e, upon us dn>, from my 6|t, from our curt), on me one, on thee oftftA, on them o}tucA, on them oji\?b, on you ojt\?bf e, upon ye oprtvonus jtcAc, with thee fi6b, with thy nejb, with you 1ten>, with my |tep, with our fi^fi, with our W*> with her Tt]b, with you Wi)» with us Wort), with my Woe, with thy ( 48) |t^f, with him cofic, over thee ]t|u, with them tjt^b, thro' thy ]to|rbe, before him cjvjorrjpA, thro' |torr;pA,b^fore 'em z \i] r), thro* us ['em ]toirr)pe,beforeher c^b, thro' him fiori)Ab,before thee cjvj&? thro' thy norrjAif), before us z\v\tt), thro' my jtoTt)Aii), before me cu^rrj, thro' my Ttorb^b, before ye cu&n, thro' our f*,f&,fi, that, this f 6, he, himself, it feACA, without them [thee ffcACAb, without X eACA]b, without you or ye [me f eACATp, without cjvjb, thro' you cjvjocA,thro'them cjijcj thro' thee cfvjq, thro' her ca, thou or you euf a, yourself UA]b, from you ua^6, from him feACA|i),withoutusuA;j6q, from her feAfAT), himself UA]rr>, from me ]*e]6e, without him u*v|i), from us f e]C],without her ua^ pc], above her ff, she, herself T?*&r*^ they fib, ye or you Tibfe, yourselves fii)/that, this [us fji), we, ourselves, fifj^we^ourselves fiU ? her, herself f o, this, here fp^ sake fob, there, this c^|*a, over them tq-\Y, over him t$f$ over her co ft Ab, over thee co|tA]b, over you co|tA]i), over us conn?, over me cojjia, over them ua]c, from thee uac?rrje, upon him \?rr)pe, upon her Mftjte, upon her \?|ic], upon her urtjAb, upon thee ttTt)Ajb, upon you urt)A^5, upon us urr) feed, foster, beg, pray, entreat, beseech ajji, 313, note, remark, ob- serve, compute, calculate, enumerate, feel, heed, mend, perceive, observe, watch, guard, attend A]fc, instruct, tutor, teach, enlighten, clean, clear, examine, seek, search, ask, crave, request, solicit A|f, trust, credit, depend, confide, rely upon, rest aI, feed, support, nurse, nourish,foster,hail, salute, praise, extol, raise, catch, magnify, seize, apprehend An?, refuse, reject, deny, discard,gainsay,contradict Ap, stay, wait, delay, rest, dwell, halt> tarry, remain a6]1), fast, abstain, forbear, refrain from food, deny oneself, spare, stop Adijt, curse, maledict, sati- rize, execrate, blaspheme &ol, whiten, white-wash, plaster, teach> instruct, guide, tell, model, form fcort), lean, bend, incline, rest against or upon A|t, plough, fallow, culti- vate, turn-up the earth Aft3j spoil, rob, take away, plunder, waste [with arms Ajttt), arm, furnish or guard Af, kindle, set-on or catch fire, excite, provoke anger Af3, clear, clean, cleanse, winnow, fan, part, separate ac, swell, raise, increase, puff,extend,blow with wind bAC,stop,let,hinder,impede, obs true t,suppress,pre vent bA*5, pledge, vow, promise, contest, fight, vie, quarrel bA]C, take, touch, join to, bendj meddle, strike, hit bA]8, speak, tell, talk, pro- mise^ endear, recommend, prophesy, presage, divine bAio, b&Ai), cut down, shear, reap, dig, f collect, take away, carry off, strip, un- dress, appertain [preside bqi), judge, sit as umpire, bA^fc, baptize, dip, immerse, shower, rain, baste, pour bA]c, bAc, drown, eclipse, flo w,overpower with water, die, perish, blot out, lose, suppress, cancel, darken bAlb, make mute, silence, shut the mouth, mutter b*u), b&pAjg, waste, lay de- solate, whiten, bleach b^Djfs, inspect, look into, pry, peep, examine [vent bA]|t, hinder, stop, let, pre- b&f, put to death, extin- bo VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. V guish, kill, abolish, deaden, annihilate, ruin, destroy bAf5, stop, hinder, check, drown, trample, oppress beAb, die, perish, lose life beAC, dwell, live, inhabit, reside, continue, stop, stay beACc be*cb, perceive, me- ditate, consider, affirm, assure, certify, encompass, perfect [reap, lop, crop, cut beAfft, clip, shear, shave, h&|C, roar, cry, bawl, shout b&]ti),bfeuti), cut, strike, reap, loose, untie, gash, hew be]|t,*take, handle, touch, bear, carry, say, give, ob- serve, mark, bring forth b]A&, feed, nourish, support b]o&3, bounce, start, rouse, stir, rise [drive through bjojt, pierce, bore, stab, cut, blab, blob, break, crumble, cut, pulverize, shiver [even Ma^c, smooth, polish, make blaoS, blojt, shout, bawl, cry aloud, resound, call out blor, blopTj, expose, mani- u test, chink, publish, ex- plode, sound aloud, crack boc,swell,bud,bound,spring, bring forth, skip as a deer boct,bocb,imppverish,swell, exhaust, waste, make poor boj, move, wag, shake, toss, stir, put in motion, soften, mollify, rock, slacken boj;, camerate, bend, loop, arch, curve, or vault over oo] 6, vow, promise, protest, declare, thank ' [throw up bojfj, flash, blaze, dash, bojtb, board, diet, entertain boflt, bob;, swell, parch, in- crease,prosper,grow proud b jiac, embrace, squeeze,hug, comprise, harrow, break bjtAc, ferment, rise, malt bfiAcb, drop, mow, reap, cut bjtAb, oppose, object, act a- gainst, withstand [triumph b|tA3, boast, bounce, exult, b|i &i 3, apprehend, seize, take into custody [temn bp*|l, feel, slight, reject, con- fa ftA|6, inspect, observe, seek, spy, reconnoitre, criticize kl**T>3* censure, jibe, snarl, carp, cavil, wrangle, rage, bftAf), consume, waste, de- stroy, burn, singe, roast bfiAc, fraud, depend upon, judge, betray, deceive, in- tend, expect, determine, resolve, undertake [rouse bjteAb, kick, spurn, strike, bjieAC, embroider, carve, chequer, vary, mix, speckle, variegate, stain, cherish bjt6Ai),defile,polute,corrupt, taint, send out a bad smell b|teAf,reign,lord, command, rule, clean, clear, purify b|te]f , defeat, break, destroy bfi]f, crack, tear, fracture bjteos, b|W, bake, boil bji&u3, soothe, decoy, flatter, entice, delude [speck,daub bjteoi), mark, stain, spot, b|t]ob, entice, bribe, reward, corrupt, gain over [wince b]t]0f3, startle, start, fly, bjiob, bjtoirs, excite, spur, rouse, probe, urge, go fast 2 CA VERUS OF ONE SYLLABLE, c 1 b|tofb,b|iof3, excite, hurry, hasten, stir, spur, drive b jiua6, throng, urge, crowd, press, drive [bruize, press b]tu3,b|iui3, pound, squeeze, bjtuf ,browse,feed or eat upon buAC, buck or liquor, wash, bleach, wet[triumph,prevail bu^8, conquer, overcome, bu&il, strike, thresh, beat bu&]i), cut, reap, shear, clip, shave, snow, loose, untie bu&ift, trouble, tease, vex, molest, aggrieve, injure, hurt, distress, discommode b>?6, thank, give or return b>?ls, blister, swell, raise b\?i)3, attach, avail, arrive, earn, win, purchase, gain, profit, benefit, conciliate, increase, attain, reach bufs, adorn, suppress, stop, lie under, dress [whiten cA]lc, dialk, brighten, shine, CAjls, sting, pierce, pain, wound, hurt, molest, injure c^]r), dispraise, traduce, re- vile, satirize, reprove,chide, reproach [shake, tremble cAifib, man a fleet, quiver, caj |t3 , prohibit, forbid,blush, abstain, rebuke, bewitch, variegate, mend, correct cA|tl,toss,comb,tumble,beat, strike, cut [spend,eat, waste ca]6, fling, hurl, cast, throw, ck]t, winnow, clear, fan caI,.coI, sleep, rest, repose, compose, enter a port caIc, harden, fasten, chalk, drive,, corroborate, stiffen cattj, bend, crook, pervert, 3 incline, quarrel, combat CAi),sing.hum, speak, say, tell c&o3,wink,connive,hint,close ca6^t>, bewail, cry, lament C4ol,_. attenuate, make slen- der, lessen, thin, dilute c&orb, help, save, protect, shelter, keep, spare, pre- serve, support, cover c&r), hide, conceal, resemble ciOjt, light, flash, dazzle, in- flame, redden, brighten CA]t, love, endear, regard, respect, recommend, care CA]tb, set, plant, lay, comb, settle, card, tease wool CAf , turn, return, twist, ring, bend, wreath, go back, dis- dain, scorn, slight [darkly cAf5, blink, shut, close, see CAf c, purify, undefile, make chaste or pure, clear [fan cac, tempt, try, fight, vie, cel,ceAl, eat, munge, chew, consume, feed, refresh ceAp, bound, hinder, stop, resolve, intercept, limit ceA|t,finish,perform,fall,exe* cute, die, cut, wound, rend ceAjtb, engrave, carve, scribe Ce Ajtl, twist round, conglobe, conglomerate, gather toge- ther, collect, wind round CeAf 3, try, inquire, examine, ask, look, seek, search ceAt, sing, celebrate, solem- nize, extol, • praise [serve qg, see, remark, behold,. ob- qtij, imprison, captivate, en- slave, embarrass, shackle c\% decree, appoint, assign, establish, agree, contract, CX) VEUfcS OF ONE SYLLABLE. Cfl bargain, surpass, excel, re- ct^S, knock, rap, blow, strike solve, exceed, outstrip cjoc, pour, shower, peal, rain cj^i), soften, allay, calm, pa- cify, compose, appease,still, quiet, assuage, rest, repose cjuft, traffic^ bargain, buy, purchase, trade [with stones cIac, cloc, stone, harden,pelt CU3, CI03, ring, cackle, noise clk]6, bury, dig, lay a foun- dation,moat,ditch [asunder clAflt, divide, separate, put cl&oi), divide, stoop, incline, bend, recline [clasp, button cl*fb, tie, fasten, buckle, clAjf , dike, trench,furrow,pit cWcc, use, practice, accus- tom,enure [ver, keep secret dec, conceal, hide, close, co- cleoc,hide,cover,veil,conceal cl}&c, tread, mount, cover, harrow, weave, hindle cliob, tear, rend, break, cut cljoc, cl]p, hook, catch, grap- ple, grasp, fight, close cl]f, frustrate, skip, jump, deceive [guish, celebrate cl|u8, extol, praise, distin- clo6, print, stamp, impress, conquer, press, proclaim CI03, ring, peal, sound, report cloff, clo]fb, clo]f3, hear, perceive, hearken, attend club, cover, cherish, charm cl\?5, cl\?c, play, sport, jest, game, gamble, amuse clu]i), cl\?f , hear, attend, lis- ten, hearken, pay regard clurp, deplume, shear, pluck ci)&jb, divide, ridicule,mock, CT)ATt),waste,spoil[scoff,laugh &)&]&» pine, .languish, gnaw, consume, wear, waste [fall ci)Ap, strike* beat, thump, ci)6Ab) sigh, groan, lament, bewail, regret [by violence crje^b, wouhd, hurt, cut, hurt ctjejrt), corode, canker, eat away,gnaw,consume,corrode ci)uAf, collect, gather, pre- serve, store, procure [paign cos, war, fight, quarrel, cam- eo^ ll,blindfold,spoil, plunder, trespass, violate, blind, cut col, forbid, stop, hinder, pro- hibit, plaster [bud,vegetate colb, spring, sprout, shoot, coll, sleep, rest, repose, ease, slumber, compose, snore corb, protect, defend, save con?, cunj, invent, fashion, find, make, figure, model cof3, cojj-3, hinder, give over, stop* be quiet, wean, prevent, put apart [print cofltb, carve, engrave, im- CjiAb, devote, worship, ho- nour,revere,adore [perplex c|ia6, pain, vex, torment, c]tAti),concoct,digest, dissolve cjtAf), bar, barricade, bolt, shut, raist or choose by lot cjtiob, Xraiich, sprout, ex- tend, spread into branches cneAcc, wound, hurt, cut by violence, mangle, tear cjteATt), cjtert), Cjtioii?, pluck, corrode, gnaw, eat away cjteAi}, consume, waste; re- move, buy, purchase cfteAc, tremble, shake, shiver cjteib, believe, credit, trust be VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. b|i cjtoc, hang, crucify, raise, b6]ln?, make noise, alarm, gibbet, suspend [sprinkle T)awl, sound loud, cry out cpo]t, shake, toss, wave, bi3,bfu5, cluck, call together Cfton?, cjtun?, stoop, bend, bjjj, come, arrive at, attend, bow, droop, lean [rebuke approach [pass by, remit Cjtot), explain, be witch,blush, bjh;, forgive, pardon, excuse, Cfiof, stop, hinder, prevent, b]v, drink, imbibe, suck in debar, forbid, oppose, let bjol, pay, reward, recom C|toc, coop, house, pen, fold pense, sell, renew, change cjtu&]6, stack, heap, pile b] o\) f protect, defend, shield, c^uac, harden, dry [clash shelter, serve, stanch, stop cjvv?rt?, thunder, roar, flash, bjc, condemn, blame, accuse cjv%t), wrangle, squabble, b]ot>3, match, equal, over- dispute, quarrel, debate come, conquer, vie [expand cjtui?, crown, enthrone, exalt bioji3, direct, stretch, extend, 3 cuac, fold, plait, encircle bjc, heap, pile, lay up, add cu&ijtfs, twist, wreath, wrap, b]u3, b]Of3, suck, draw in, i roll together, fumble [lessen drain, imbibe, grind, gnash, cub, .stoop, bend, contract, . cut, chew the teeth [pose cub,fall,descend, drop? tumble b]ulc,refuse,disown,deny,op- CMt?3, request, demand, ob- b]ac, cry out, exclaim, noise ligate, bind [render, throw biujti), suck, gulp, swallow, cvy>, set, sow, put, plant, absorb, guzzle, sup [guzzle c>Tfirt), feast, regale, enter- b|U3,quaff,drink off, swallow, 5 tain, treat, banquet [rass bli3, owe, have right to [apart c>rjtf, tire, fatigue, drive, ha- bl]3, separate, divide, put b *1S> g* ve * proffer, do, dare blocc, separate, loose, divide b&]l, deal out, distribute, blorb, close, draw near, pack, divide, share, part, give approach, proximate bA]c, revenge,avenge,punish bob, daub, plaster, smear bArb permit, allow, grant bo]c, hasten, hurry, urge, beAcc, dictate, debate, ac- push on, drive on [consume count, teach, instruct bo^t, burn, inflame, singe, i be^lb, frame, form, fashion, bol, surround with a net, en- shape [pare, bloom, burn trap, catch, apprehend beAjis, redden, blush, pre- bo5, grow brown or dun beA]ti), handle, mend> sew • bojii), box, beat, fist, strike, beAf , stop, stay, tarry,remain thump [provoke,exasperate ^ e ^rS> be^fc, polish, file bofft,grow angry,irritate,vex, be^l, smooth, turn with the bojic, bojjic, spill, pour out, lathe, polish, exist, live empty, discharge [apart beifi, dismiss, say, tell bytAb, separate, divide, put 5 e] VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. bytAri), grin, laugh, set the teeth together, titter bjtAJ, pull, draw, exhale, lift bjtArijb, mutter, growl, snarl, grumble, murmur [mouth bjiAnc,snarl,grin,draw up the bjia>c, pull, tug, pluck bfieAc, delineate, draught, shape, figure, portrait [late bfieAcs, signify, employ, re- byteA5, proclaim, wrangle, advertise, fight, quarrel, vie bjieATi),rage,fVet,fume,ravage bjteAi}, hasten, strengthen, fight, challenge, contend, vie bTteA^cKmb, clamber, strive, labour, endeavour, struggle b-[teAf, break, rend, tear b|t6iT?), climb, labour, emu- late, contend, strive, vie bjv|U, drop, let fall, descend bjijuc, stand on end, erect bfv|ucc> bedew, wet, moisten btuxl, fold, plait, twine, carve bjtot), affirm, vouch, ascer- tain, assure, attest bjtuAC, connect unlawfully bjwib, fasten, close, shut, tie bub, blacken, mourn, sadden bill, delight, satisfy, please b ^r3> bu r3> awaken, rise,raise t>y\\), barricade, shut, confine, secure, fasten [rely, confide eAjtb, bid, command, trust* eAjtc, fill, replenish, satisfy, stock, erase [complish eAr, make, do, perform, ac- eb, catch, apprehend, seize, take, fasten, join [call *13> e 1^f cry, roar, shout, eips, rise, pass on, advance, establish, mount, mutiny 6 ye ejf c, cut off, exclude, except e|fti},pay,give,bestow,cali for e]|i f ride as on horseback e]r> trace, hinder, stop, let e]yz, hear, attend, hearken &u3, die, perish, vanish p ac, cause, reasori, signify -p&ec, kill, murder, destroys V ^3> f u T5> leave, quit, retire fA]C,see,behold, admire, view fA|&, give up, yield, devise, divine, tell [talk, prophecy V *M3> speak, predict, foretef, ]:A]lb, quicken, animate, en- liven, rouse [wash in watelr pAjlc, bathe, cool, refresh, j:a|1, smell, scent, feel FA1I5, beat, cut [dress,invest pA^c, clothe, adorn, cover , ?4.t), stay, wait, tarry, delay f&tv throw down, precipitate fAt)3, impound, inclose, sur- round, shut up [lish, declare pD&b, shout, proclaim, pub- f ^6, sleep, rest, go, depart, send,proceed, set out [tutor p-sol, teach, instruct, learn, V iotbjincline, allow, bear with, assent, yield, agree, permit ^Ajt, freight, lade, load, fill pAft3, kill, destroy, abolish j&f , grow, increase, multiply p^Ac, p6uc, view, behold, re- mark, consider, look to peAb, whistle, pipe, censure, hiss, sound, tell, relate £e*U, conspire, deceive, fail, neglect, defraud [fight, give peAjT, happen, Fall, pour, peAi), flay, strip, take off the skin,peel,uncover, excoriate pejb, manifest, make clear, rv> VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. 3* I 3 -relate, shew, tell, say [tarry jreif, pe^c, wait, attend, stay, fe^fc, entertain, feast, re- fresh, regale [grow weak peoc, fade, wither, decay, j?]a8, tell, relate, detest, hate £ 1 6, put, sell, break, contend, fight, strive, debate [fight F!3* weave, plait, twist, knit, f]\, exist, be [involve,return p]ll, plait, fold, lap, wrap, f ]o8, laugh, smile, cheer f]or) } look, see, perceive, pay • Fl !** verify, testify, assure, ascertain, certify, insure } f |uc, boil, bubble, spring up f lAf),bleed,redden [kill, slay •plejfx, slaughter, butcher, ?llfi, fliuCj water, wet, rain, moisten,wash,sprinkle [fore f 03, entertain, forego, go be- pojfib, attend, present, deck, adorn, dress, ornament foijt, bless, assist, relieve, heal, cure, succour, help folc, bathe, cleanse, clear the hair, clarify [impart jrojtc, teach, instruct, tutor, fOf, lodge, stay, delay, rest g et > obtain, find, procure [abominate puAc, hate, abhor, dislike, pu^TT?,echo, resound, report, bellow, roar, echo, ring puA]ti), contend, strive, vie jm^, cool, make cold or frigid, bathe in cold water [alarm f uAft), awe,astonish,surprise, p? \), knead, bake, cover, con- ceal,finish,conclude,stop,rest F>?ft, w\t, stop, stay, rest, delay, help, aid, succour 3Ab, lop, dig, take, pull, rob, purloin, plunder, spoil 3&3> split,notch,divide,cleave 3&nt, call, bawl, shout, laugh, huzza, extol [make glad 3Ai|tb, rejoice, cheer, exult, 3*1 tin), call, qualify, summon 5 A ir c > 3*r c > trepan, deceive, catch, entrap, apprehend 3#>b, wound, cut, hurt, bruise 3*ol, break, tear, crack, rend 5*>flt, cram, stuff, pang, glut 3*ti,gratify,warm,heat,please 3A|tb, aspirate,roughen,make rough or harsh, crustate 3 ac, spear, sting, shoot, cut 36Ab, se^b, get, obtain, find, receive^rocure [consecrate 3eAll, promise, vow, devote, Seal, 3eAlc, whiten, bleach, dawn, cleanse [love, favour 3eAt>, $eiv, beget, generate, 3eAT)5, beatjStrike,drive,pusli 5l je^flt, shorten,abridge,lessen 5eA|*, divine, foretell, bewitch jejf, impose, tax, cess,charge 5^1 V> 51^ press, squeeze, crush, push, oppress, drive 3&11t, whet, sharpen, edge, point, make quick or sharp 3 e 1 r3> crea k>roar,make a noise 3]aII, pledge, depose, forfeit 313, tickle, please, move, stir 3 job, tear, tug, pull, rend, cut 3jolri?, solicit, request, beg, pray, entreat, petition, ask 3]Oflt, glut,pamper,cram,stuff 3]Of3, barm, ferment, heat, yeast, rise, increase, puff 31]tc, girth, lace, tie, squeeze 31 ul, follow, pursue, chace 3Uc, take, accept, receive, handle, admit, allow, partake 3IAT1;, slain), devour, gobble, .seize, censure, criticize, cry out,bawl,roar[wash,brighten 3i S 1 ?! 6 * 3^ir?P erform » do > effect, bring forward or to pass, execute, perpetrate 506, command, order, know 505, nod, consent, agree, sub- mit, gesticulate, play tricks 301b, steal, purloin, pilfer, rob, plunder, take away 30]l, boil, cry, grieve, chatter 301 V, 301), 3>w, wound, hurt 30] ]t, call, summon, name 501 jtc, 30jtc, hurt, make^sore 30ft, heat, warm, make hot or fervid, hatch, meditate 3(tAb, stop, impede, obstruct, prevent, hinder, disturb, in- terrupt, eat, cram [inscribe 3|tAb,^ cut, carve, insculp, 3T^3/5T^13> cry out, bawl, squall, shriek, cackle 3fieAb, whip, torment, lash, blight, burn, scorch, parch, singe, heat, dry [ornament 3P^5j deck, adorn, beautify, 3fie aij, carve,emboss,engrave 5|teAf , excite, prepare, adorn, hasten, promote, urge, en- courage [cry, shout, bawl 3|teAc, fan, winnow, cleanse, 5|te]b, blast, strike, blow up 3]te]f3, grease, besmear, oil 3TM°r> beg, beseech, incite, stir up, entreat, abet, spur 3TM°r3> fry, boil, sweat, heat 3jto8,3]t6ob,rot, pollute,stain 5uaII, blacken, burn 3118, 3\?8, pray, petition, en- treat, beseech, request 8 le VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. W } 3MO, sting, wound, hurt, cut leot), sprain, dislocate, put 3>?[*, flow, overflow, pour, gush, rush, run out [roar }ac, ]- pretend, counterfeit, forge, imitate, feign, invent leo6, cut, mangle, tear, rend leos, flatter, soothe, please, coax, entice, persuade out of joint, wound, hurt l|3, le]3, permit, allow, suf- fer, grant, dismiss, unyoke l]l, follow, pursue, adhere l|ob, liorp, smooth, polish, file, daub, burnish, whet ll3, lick, lap, touch, slide l]ov, fill, glut, surfeit, pall, cloy, load, charge, swell 111*, mean, imagine, think I103, whet, sharpen, edge loc, stop, drive, refuse, deny, hinder, balk, prevent, let lofc,proceed,go,pass,arrive at, contrive, seduce, mislead lob, I03, rot, corrupt, foul. defile, pollute, putrify I03, indulge, remit, pardon, forgive, excuse [inflame loif3,lor3,burn,singe,scorch, loic, loc, hurt, wound, cut, tear, gash, mangle, bruise lorn, rub, chafe, fret, shear, shave, bare, impoverish lon3, drink, quaff, swallow, devour, feed, eat, consume lojt3, wound, trace, search, inquire, follow, investigate, pursue, seek, look, try [gage Iuac, value, hire, employ, en- Iua8, mention, speak, limit, move, proceed [drive away lu*r3>l>T3« swing, jolt, rock, Iiiac, hasten, hurry, accele- rate, move, full or mill cloth lub, bend, incline, fold, curve luce, load, fill, freight, burden lu5,*l>?8, swear, declare upon oath, die, pass, proceed l>?5,tear,rend,encourage,abet Wr, dare, defy, venture, tt)0 VERES OF ONE SYLLABLE. Oft drink, drain, sup, soak [dear mol, praise, extol, commend n>AC, bear, carry, fondle, en n?Acc, slaughter, kill, consi- der, deliberate, contemplate TOAbrt?, ti)A]6n), W^g, over- throw,conquer, defeat, rout, upbraid, brag, boast, puff TDojtc, rt)0|t3, rot,pollute,stink Ttjojtc, ti)>jft, slaughter, mur- der, kill, destroy, annihilate iduaS, form, shape, fashion nmc, extinguish, smother, suffocate, choak, suppress n^ftl, bruise, crush,crumble, rt^uj, kill, destroy, change hurt, molest [last, abide tr)\?5, fail, fall, faulter, fumble TtjAifi, live, continue, hold, n)c, wet, moisten, water, steep, mollify, relent TtjAOfb, tt)A]6, boast, brave, glory,exult,grudge [nihilate it) 4b, kill, slay, destroy, an- tt)^c, ride, travel on horse Tt><\f 5,n>gf3,mix,infuse, mash, mingle, stir, excite, move nje^ll, cheat, trick, deceive njeAti), kiss, salute, hail ti)eAp, gape, yawn, open ri)6Af, adjust, weigh, judge, esteem, think, suppose rye&i, fail, delay, fade, decay Tt)6]l, bleat, cry like a sheep ti)e]l, grind, pound, bruise, pulverize, reduce, lessen n^U, spoil, mar, ruin, hurt rt)]T),TT)ioi),bray, mince, com- mute, lessen, reduce, shrink tt^oIc, flatter, soothe, cajole, calm, soften, mollify, gratify m|Oft, tear, mammock, mangle it) j ft, part, divide, share rr)0]b 9 vow, swear, ascertain, assure, assert, affirm ti)M5, grudge, envy, murmur ti)\?t), teach, instruct, tutor tt)ut>, discharge water, wet rt)u]t, wall, surround, fence t)5Dti), sanctify, make holy, purify, devote, dedicate V Af , commemorate,celebrate, extol, preserve, perpetuate tJe^, compare, liken [obligate iMTCJ, bind, tie, couple, chain, i)g3, indent, notch, jag, nick t)eAf% wound, cut, hurt, hack ve]tv> corrupt, spoil, poison t)iAri),t)ejTT),gild,colour5 adorn t)f3, wash, purge, cleanse V]ov 3 rob, prey, spoil, hurt i?occ, uncover, disclose, peel, strip, explain, elucidate, ex- plicate, declare, unveil, un- dress, expose, lay open t)ob, note, understand, con- federate, league, unite ijuaI, roar, howl, bawl, boast ob,refuse,deny,reject,cast off o|3,behold,look upon,remark ofl, nurse, cherish, feel, fos- ter, instruct, tutor [pursue 61, sup, drink, follow, adhere, 6] ft, serve, answer, agree,meet 003, anoint, smear, grease Oft, oftb, pray, petition, deck, gild, ornament entreat [slay ojtc, kill, ^murder, destroy, 10 tie VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. f*A op, cease, desist, quit, relin- quish, forsake, leave [riage pAC, pack, bind up for car- p*H>, cover, pack, shroud, swathe, wrap, tie [asunder peAll, cover, veil, teaze, pull peAf 5, cut, slash,gnash,chink pi A5, hang,suspend,raise,nail p^Ai?, lament, trouble, pain pi 11, turn, roll, veer, repulse p|ob, pipe, whine, moan, cry, play on a pipe [sermonize p]oc, pluck, pick, nibble, pt&3,pUl3, plague, pain, tor- pid] c, bite, cut, munge [ment pleAfs, crack, break, trust, plob,float,deluge[strake,rend pliic, smother, hinder, suffo- cate, choke, squeeze, press po]f, haul, tug, drag, trail pop, marry, join, connect in wedlock, unite, tie [scorn pjieAb, knock, stamp, spurn, pjt]ob, wink, twinkle, sparkle jiac, go, arrive at, rake, ga- ther, search, seek, scour, get, repeat, rehearse [offer fiAb, jiac, give up, deliver, ]ia]8, say, relate, speak, tell jiatt), row, impel by oars fiAr>, make plain or clear, disclose, manifest, publish ]iat), divide, share, give, se- parate, part, distribute ji&ob, jieAb, jteub, tear, rend, shatter, tatter, mangle [alter ft&ou, defend, turn, change, jiac, increase, prosper, suc- ceed, profit, mend, thrive |ieAC,|iec,]tgr),barter,dispose, vend, relate, divulge,reckon jieAcc, fvjACc, fiocc, arrive, 11 reach or come to, gain or approach a place [hunger |teAi)3, starve, perish, kill by |te|&, prepare, provide, make ready, agree or bargain, re- concile, settle, compose ji6| rx), go, proceed, walk, ramp ]te|l,compound,come to terms IVJA3, hang, suspend, crucify fqAjt,please,satisfy,distribute help, support, feed, nourish ]t]5,|t>?3, reach,arrive,stretch, consent, comply, approve ft] 11, riddle, sift, filter, put through a sieve or riddle |t]rb, reckon, number, count, calculate [streak, sparkle ft] 08, shine, glitter, radiate, I1/J05, reign, rule, govern, command, regulate, order ]V|ori), number, reckon, count |tob,rob,plunder,steal,pillage jtob, admonish, advise, warn, caution, counsel, order, tell jtoj, 710 ]3, choose, elect, pray, pick, select, wish, desire ]to|3,]io]c, go, attain, arrive at |to]fj, divide, distribute, share ]to]6, jwyc, fioftb, flow, pass, drive, run, race, issue, in- dulge, please, satisfy jtojic, pour out, flow over ftdp, create, make, effect jtor b, roast, broil [understand |tof*3, dilute, enhance, see, jui^b, ri]or)j redden, make or grow red, blush, fume juice, shout, bawl, cry aloud T«Mr3> F*r3> T 1 *!?!) P e el, un- dress, strip, smite, uncase fiv]c, r&c, push, thrust, stab, fAb, saw, cut, divide [drive T^ VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. f*e 1*4 f^ ^welcome , r c^c, screech, cry like an r^lU, season, salt, corn, pickle r^lc, soil, defile, pollute V&1V, vary, alter, change r*V* release, dissolve, untie r^ob, lead astray, dissipate, charm, delight, infatuate f^fl,fjl, think, suppose, con- sider, imagine, meditate r?ej% hackle, comb or dress «* • 4.- i i . ' cc r c wr* nacKie, comb or dress r*o* castigate, chastise, beat, flax or hemp [hinderrieJSt punish[please, compensate T b^, r^, stopJu^kJ! P-f, satisfy, satiate, suffice, j*c, rsi^n), beautify, deck, adorn, embellish, ornament rci^5, XCWMVS* st ^rt, spring rciofib, squirt, purge, clear, throw out in a stream, dash rqoni, slip, slide, displace, mistake, stumble, let loose re All, look at, behold, see, T&AV, r&ui}, deny, refuse, de- cline, disown, bless, defend against enchantments reAT?3, reduce, lessen, dimi- nish, make slender or thin re4p,retreat,sneakoff,pursue reAjtb, provoke, embitter reAftc, love, esteem [instruct reol, guide, lead, learn, sail, rcjuTt, scour, purge, cleanse, rs^fwither faS decay [c6n sc£v Zt te r, burst r*ic, follow, pursue, attack tear cuTrlnT g ^ IanC 1' t*tym sin S> sound, tune, tear, cut, rend, notch, mark celebrate, describe, warble 12 f5 VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. pt) ^|b,fei^,blow,respire ? blast fSMjt, cease, stop, relinquish re^f, y^]yc, s ^? besiege, sur- fi shrink, separate, clean y)v 9 stretch, reach, extend ?5*5, sort, suit, digest [split noc, freeze, dry up, harden y5&1W, split, cleave, burst, fi 3> VIC % heap, streak, mark 1*54,11, scald, burn, singe y]t), sing, sound [drib, dribble 1*5^1, cry, shriek, ring, tinkle r"jol,fjl, sow, drop, shed, spill, l*3^o]lc, bisect, cleave, divide, riojic^oll, smite, strike, beat cut in two parts [water y]]i 9 seek, ask, inquire, court, f5^jtb, wade, pass through flatter, woo, invite, demand rSAjt, part, separate, divide, y]i, pacify, reconcile, still, spread, disunite, disengage make easy, quiet, rest [sleep f5Aftb, sprinkle, bedew, w r et }\nt> swing, dandle, rock to 1*5 qc, call, cry, bawl, shout flAb,rob,steal,plunder,snatch y^hi, shade, shelter, cover, rUig, slay, kill, murder, as- intimidate, alarm, scare, sassinate, annihilate, spoil terrify, awe [or fly quickly rUrt?, comb or card, vellicate TS&n), skim, scum, pass by fl&b, drag, slide, murder 1"3 e 1^ T31^> M^Zt bounce, fierce, cut down, fall, kneel, leap, j ump, spring, start, fly stoop, w T orship,adore,humble T313? jeer, deride, scoff, mock fle^s, sneak, drawl, creep F5IC, tire, fatigue, rest, quiet fleAf3,crack,break in chinks, f5lATt),scold,wrangle,dispute, split, cleave, erase, boast snatch, engross, forestall T*^ eo 3> nauseate, lothe, abhor 1*51 oil, shell, prepare grain rl|5, 1*1105, smooth, polish, for use, cast, take out adorn,cherish,foment [coax fSjont, slip, stumble, loose fljorr>, flatter, soothe, praise, f5ob, pluck, whip, pull, bite yMoy, slice, cut off, divide into f5oilc, split, cleave, burst rliorjc, beat [small pieces f36|t, scarify, mangle, lame, 1*105, rltn;, gulp, absorb, swal- notch, cut, rend, lance low, devour, gorge, deglut rsojir), gorge, swallow, guzzle y\o]v, give a surname 1*506, drag, pull, draw, hawl ] rlucc, stifle, suffocate, over- yifr&b, scrape,erase, engrave whelm, extinguish, extinct f5Ttei5, fry, broil, melt, fume fluj*, dissemble, decoy, pre- T3P^A5, prompt, enforce, ex- tend, counterfeit, defraud cite, provoke, press, chide rrrjAcc, reprove, chastise, cor- T*31*ei5, scatter, dismiss, cast rect, mortify, govern or rule r5TM°r- destroy, annul, ruin f ri^eAC, fillip, crack, boast TSfMob, scrape scratch, rub rrrjeAit, grease, anoint, smear TSTM ^ write .indite, engrave rrr)6|b, hiss, beckon, nod,wiiik 13 f p VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. f tt furifc, smite, strike, excite, go on, enliven [steal X pw, rob, snatch, plunder, chide, reprove, re rn)ic slap, beat with the hand fn)u&it), think, imagine, de- vise, consider, reflect, medi- rn)>?&, smoke, exhale [tate X rf)u5, salivate, blow the nose XV*Z> creep, crawl, drawl ft) A] 6, ri)A6, cut, lop, prune, defend, hew, whet [unite, tie fT?Al8rt), knot, join, splice, ft)&n?,fi)Ai5,float,swim,creep, slide, glide, flow, sail [adorn XV&X* bedeck, refine, analyze, X i)ac, sup, thread or string fi)]5, drop, distil, let in water f i)uA8„flow,stream,issue forth fO]c, arrive, reach, gain X o]\), sound, make a noise Xov, pierce, thrust, press, bore fojtc, pollute, defile, corrupt X P-fcb, fell, knock down [may f pA]b, benumb, stupify, dis- rpAittD,rpAfii), struggle, vie, wrestle, contend, strive, la- bour, strain, exert, perform fp&irc, walk, stroll about X pAll, beat, strike, smite, hit rpAlp, obtrude, perjure fpAjft, , fasten, drive a nail, rivet, enforce an argument fpeal, cut down, reap, mow fpeAlc, split, shiver, cleave fpejc, prop, support, raise, bear, strike [rend, dilacer ate fp^Al, pluck, tear in pieces, X pi oi), f pi ui), pluck, separate, stir, spoil [cate, peel, strip fpiull, pick, shell, decorti- X plAi)c, spark, sparkle, blaze, flash, fire [voke, affront X poc, rob, spoil, plunder, pro- rpoji,rpu|t,rp|t23,spur,drive, 14 rpjtAjc, buke, blame, rule, govern XJi Ab,diffuse,pour out, scatter I*]xac, tear, rob, pull, snatch, lacerate, rend [emit sparks f fiAb, sparkle, glitter, shine, f jiAc, tax, cess, applot,amerce ffiAt), snort, snore, breathe hard through the nose fjt&>5, sneeze, emit wind through the nose, snort ffi^jl, tear, drag, rend, pull in pieces, lacerate, mangle fftioji),defeat,overthrow,rout, disperse, scatter, turn [tear f fie at>3, string, draw, extend, fjieAc, arrange, put in order, in rows, or in due place rfvjAi), bridle, curb, check, let, restrain, govern [take in f|tub, inhale, suck up, imbibe, X SAb, stave, break in pieces, part asunder, spoil, push jtaIc, stiffen, harden, thicken T*cat)3, fcjtAi)3, twitch, pluck, vellicate, snatch, tear [out fee All, squirt, sprinkle, throw fcioft, benumb, stupify fq ufi,f&-| u|t,steer,guide,pilot, direct, govern, manage, lead f cob, stew, seeth, boil slow rcop, fcs)i), hinder, decline, close, staunch [rend, break fCjtAC, tear, streak, tatter, X cftAf 11, pluck or tear in pieces rc|i]oc,streak,line,fall,submit fCTtoc, rcfiojc, tear, cut in, pieces,drag asunder,lacerate fcjtoib,waste,squander,lavish I*uai), sleep, rest, repose, ze VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. CO compose, slumber, repose fub, j*ue, suck in, imbibe, imbue, attract, take in p?5, sit, rest, brood, perch, hatch, stay, assemble, fix fv?5, soak, suck ip, exhale, receive, steep [chop, crush p?fc, thresh, beat out corn, f u|t, inquire, search, examine, follow, investigate, explore cac, scratch, rub, claw, tear cacc, choak, strangle, smo- ther, suffocate [tol, entrust ca]c, recommend, praise, ex- c^ft), z*]xi)V> banish, expel, drive out, goad, persecute Z&W5, offer, proffer, escape, get away, try, endeavour c ^1f3? ^y U P> store, hoard, keep safe, preserve, save caI, hush, rock, move, stir, spring, cherish, drop caII, cut off, lop, sever, part, disjoin, divide, chop, hew c^o]8, turn, revolt, desert, re- bel, oppose, go or fall off csort), empty, lave, draw out, discharge, water by pumping c ^r3> pump,, drain, diffuse, pour out, spill, discharge cac, connect, cement, solder, annex, join, weld, he died CAfi, come, approach, proxi- mate, meet, advance CAf, dwell, remain, inhabit, continue, reside, settle, rest c&acc, congeal, condense, thicken, stiffen, close, fatten ceA3, C&13, warm, heat, make hot or warm, simmer ceAh;, ce^lj, qlj, vomit,eject, emit, throw up, cast up ce.All, steal, spoil, take away, purloin, rob, plunder, pilfer ceAt}, ceAi), twist, mingle, writhe, strain, urge, press together, brace, hold, rivet ceAfli, pitch, tar, besmear, daub, cover with pitch and tar [quit, run off or away ze]t 9 flv, desert, forsake, go, c ^15> g° forward, proceed, .enter, advance, prosecute cjacc, attend, accompany, go to, arrive, proximate z] b, laugh, j oke, deride, mock c]5, 6^3, see, remark, look, observe, note, discover c]3, come to, approach, go forward,advance,re-assume, consent, proximate [course c|ll, turn, return, revert, re- qrt), fear, dread, apprehend, intimidate, frighten, scare qort), z]v, qoi), melt, soften, dilute, dissolve, thaw, as- suage, give, relent, abate cjojt, c]]t, dry, freeze, kiln- dry, parch, stiffen, harden C7U3, thicken, condense, har- den, finish, stiffen [refine cIacc, colour, polish, smooth, cIatt;, fU,n), teaze or comb wool, vellicate, dress cloth crjuc, envy, grudge, murmur, wish or have a desire, long for cocc, still, be silent, quiet, stop one's pace or speech c6|3, lift up, build, raise, establish, nourish, rear co] 11, deserve, merit, earn, gain, claim as a right coll, pierce, penetrate, bore, perforate, drill, thrill, punch, C|t VERBS OF ONE SYLLABLE. VLX) drive or cut through,excavate c]tuf, gird, truss, gather, at- co]fi, give, offer or proffer, plunge, baptize, dip, deliver con), dip, drench, immerse coi), dip in water, turn, vomit, die, undulate, wave, float coyfi, heap, pile, increase, add, store up, crowd, fill core, corb, silence, confute, desist, stop, be quiet, rest coc, tow, lead astern, trans- act, buy, traffic, commerce cfiAcc, treat of, negotiate, manage, make, handle, re- late, report, repeat, recite cfi&]g, drain, strand, ebb, dry, empty, exhaust, decay cfi^oc, lessen, abate, reduce, impoverish, drain, subdue, put down, allay, assuage cyieAb, plough, till, cultivate, fallow, turn up, dig up cjteAg, bore, pierce through, . penetrate, drive on, stab cfteAn,bewail, lament, grieve, moan, mourn, oppress, vex c -fte-|5,t?ftei&, pierce through, bore, penetrate, stab, cut cjVjaII, march, go, walk, pro- ceed, devise, plot, scheme cjtojb, war, fight, strive, con- tend, quarrel, wrangle, vie cjtoirs, fast from all meat and drink, abstain, refrain c|tort), aggravate, load, bur- den, preponder, make heavy c fiaps, f ast > abstain, refrain, deny oneself, forbear cftu&] ll, profane, pollute, cor- rupt,adulterate,defile,sheath tire, tuck, bend or tie cjiuc, separate, part, sunder, divide, decompound, sever cu^, encompass, hem,encircle, draw a circle, surround cu&]l, go round, surround, encircle, be able or stout cuaji, bleach, guess, bode, % foretell, portend, prophesy, predict, presage, divine C113, give, bestow, offer, prof- fer, bring, confide, trust c\?3, consider, understand,ob- serve, think, remark, note cv?£, thatch, cover a house with straw, hay, or bent cu^ll, sleep, increase,add, aug- ment, deserve, earn, merit c>?ft, bewail, moan, lament, sob, grieve, bemoan c\rc, leap or drop down, fall, descend, go down or from cuji, invite, bid, ask, allure, persuade, tempt, entice cujin, humble, lower, de- scend, sink, cease, rest cur, begin, commence, create, undertake, take in hand ua8, dread, fear, apprehend, stand in awe or fear ua]8, eat, consume, feed, re- fresh, fulfil, perfect u&itt), concord, saddle, dress, harmonize, agree uc, sigh, moan, lament, weep, express grief, mourn ut)?;, anoint, grease, rub with oil, consecrate, tar, smear 1.8 BftlACJtA bO I>A SjoIIa, \& t>A TT)bft15 A SAJCffeeAJllA. Feris of Two Syllables, made into English, A1 ?tb*|, AbjtA, say thou, utter, tell, declare, relate [fade AbUjc, die, expire, vanish, Ab^s, ripen, mature, swell ACA^f , curse, maledict, afflict Acc^,moor,anchor,fasten,fix AC|tA^3, agree, consent, settle acIa, acIa]5, chase, hunt, drive, pursue, fish, sport acii)\?t>3, bear,suffer,support AC|tAt), trouble, entangle, , confuse, ensnare, puzzle acc>?5, acc, ordain, decree, establish,ratify [exasperate A6At), light, inflame, kindle, AbAbq, Abbq, sport, play A8^,A6|tA]5, adore, honour, worship, j oin, adhere, close AbrtjAiJ, Abri)Ail, confess, al- low, tell, recite, own, agnize, acknowledge, tell [put into A6t)AC a&Iac, inter, bury, AbjiA, refuse, deny, reject Aebjjt, air, expose to air, dry, warm, heat [alleviate A5A]f, ease, compose, rest, A3 All, speak, utter, converse A53, A34c,challenge,pursue, follow,revenge,expostulate A3DA13, Aj;t)Ar> advocate, plead,argue,dispute [invest Aityb, clothe, dress, cover, ai &bl|3, A] 6bfi5, increase, en- large,extend,swell,multiply *1 6 F13> demonstrate, shew, explain, tell [relate, own Albij, Abri^A^, confess, tell, *1 AiBrbil, consume, confound A]3]ol, trouble, vex, grieve A] 31 oji, inflict, punish, dis- pute, argue, visit [stones Ailct)|5, pave, lay or arrange Alll3et),Ailli5,smooth„beau-» tify, polish, soften, adorn, decorate [neglect, slight Aillfi5,omit, drop, disregard, A]rb]tei3, disturb, entangle, disagree, confuse, vex Aimfi3, aim, tempt, entice A|i)cle<\cc, disguise, disuse^ unaccustom, neglect, omit a^t)3^6, hate, detest, envy Aioslim, A]i)3le^, persecute, harass, oppress, tease, vex A]t>]c, AflA^c, protect, save, . secure, wait, delay, shun A]t?|occ, AipleAt), oppress, tyrannize,persecute [dicate A]t)rt)t)i5, name, mention, de- A]|ibAp, ail, disorder, afflict A]]tbeA8, divide, part, sepa- rate, distribute, give, cut Aiitbe^c, lead, move about, draw, direct, guide, steer Aijtqll, plot,lieinwait,watch Ai]tbc6]Tt}, ^bc^imi)i3, pass, parade, swell, strut, walk, A]ftel, lie in bed [expatiate ^IPSIS* heed, mind, seek, ask, demand, spoil, rob AifV|3, feel, perceive, watch, care, mind, note, compute, enumerate, calculate, sum A]|trbeA6, A]|tTt)]n, weigh, 17 AT YERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. AO measure, count, reckon, calculate, compute, sum *ir b 1S> J est > cheat, play Airbus, remove, carry away attxtitj;, change, translate, travel, digress [restitute AffeAlb, repossess, restore, A 1f e 1^3> sta y behind, tarry, delay, wait [again, revive A^eins, resuscitate, rise A|f]:ei8TT), disband, dismiss, breakup [back, vomit, emit a^oc, Aifios, restore, pay A1U3, assuage, alleviate, exo- nerate, lessen, mitigate ai^It^, dream, roam or see in sleep, fancy, imagine Ajft>ei3, name, tell, relate at, fire] f, tell, relate, say, make clear, manifest [back A|fpill, retort, return, come A|fC]5, feign, invent, change, alter, translate [generate ATcbe^, bring forth again, re- ATcbeofc, revive, enliven Ajcb]ojt, censure, blame^ re- proach, rebuke, check ATCceAf, illume, shine, cor- rupt, debauch, defile, spoil ajccij, pray, beg, petition, beseech, entreat, request A^cceo8, dispraise, disap- prove, dislike, contemn Aiccirtj, weld, border, em- broider, ornament [forsake Aiccjte]fc>, apostatize, revolt, Aiqi), Afcoi3, ordain, or- der, know, remark, agnize, command, charge, note ATcjjeAjrt, shorten, cut off, contract, abridge [inhabit £1C13# A]cfieAb, dwell, prove, IS ajctjttt, regenerate, renew ai, il] or), recruit, reinforce Aicif, affront, abuse, defame Aicrtig, arise, awake, rouse Aicrvioj, dethrone, depose A]c|t]f, tell, rehearse, report, recount, relate, imitate Aicf cfiiob, transcribe, copy, write from or over AicfeAll, review, look again, re-examine, try [lute, seize aIa, hail, praise, esteem, sa- AlcriAi3, aIa, nurse, foster, feed, support, nourish aIc\*3, give thanks, salute att) Aif, ArrjrtiAr, hit, strike, blow, reach the mark [value attt^c, love, like, esteem, ati) 4 c, look, behold, see,keep ait)34, afflict, vex, dis turfy aggrieve [dwell, rest, halt atta, wait, stay, remain* at)ac, atjatc, avoid, shun at>aI, at) a] I, breathe, respire att ai 1*3, crave, beg, petition Ai)bfi>?b, tyrannize, • perse- cute, perplex, worry, harass at)cat,c, waste, spend, ruin* squander, dissipate, waste at)t;at3, AT)Tf)vrT), weaken, de- bilitate, lessen, dispirit at)5U>13i AT)5^,AT)r3^c,roar* outcry, howl, cry aloud At>3Tt&8, hate, dislike,disgust at)tt)ut), stray, tarry, wander atjacc, cleanse, clear, clean, purify, scour, wash [or gift AT)rt A13, seek a boon, favour; awIat*, play tricks, jest, joke at)co]1, desire or lust after Adiblf3, mark, note, explain ^6]8eAdC| lodge, entertain &V VERBS OP TWO SYLLABLES. be i'sOjbeoij, bind the hair, A6]U]3, chew, grind [dress A0]|t]5, satirize, curse, slight AO||i|}3, endear, enhance Aoi>jCAi3,agree 5 consent,unite A|tAf, abide, dwell, inhabit A|tbA^3, ruin, destroy, anni- hilate, oppress, spoil, waste Afib^, array, deck, embattle A|ib|tA]39, ensnare, entrap Aitb\r3, extol, exalt, elevate Afi3^,keep,herd,take charge A]t3r)Ai5, rob, plunder, spoil A]tn?>?3, arm, accoutre, at- tire,furnish [adore, worship A|tri)>?i)b, reverence, honour, AjtTT)\?r)c, bless, praise, extol ^fV^lS* P ra y* offer, entreat AUtAjf, arrive or reach at Alt 10 ] &* corrupt, vitiate, defile A|tfA]3,antiquate, tell, relate A|tcjtA]3, ^^^13? make, sail, increase, enlarge, remove Af A]6, kindle, inflame, stop, let, stay, stand, rebel, revolt Af CPA13, Af3DAi3, come, ap- proach, mount, ascend Afbjw?3, AfC]tx3, remove, t change, travel, translate AflA|3, beg, request, crave Aflof>, discover, tell, relate Af >?3, set as the sun [employ Afc>r3,retain,keep,hire,hold, Accun?, transform, deform Ac6]ol, refund, repay back AcpAj* , grow again, renew AC33, recall, repeat, re-echo AcSeAfft, shorten, abbreviate A65IAC, resume, take back acsIatj, purify ,furbish,refine Ac5l6]t,Acp3Al, resound,roar aci)ac, give up, deliver, yield Aci)uA8,renovate,renew,refit Acrrt)u^v]t), reflect, consider, - remark, contemplate, note acc\?5, bellow, swell, roar AC03, rebuild, re-establish ac>?c, relapse, slide, fall off bACAi3, stop, impede, crip- ple, halt, hinder, let, bend, obstruct, crook, prevent bAc^, drink, besot, inebriate b ac All,trim,clip round,shear bA3^, chide, deter, threaten, reprove, reproach, check bgbe^f , point, sharpen, edge b^3, bestow, confer, present b^r>i3, fret, vex, trouble " b^^3, scold, brawl, reproach, revile, vilify, abuse, insult bAlbAi3, bAlbAi), make dumb bAlUi3, speckle, spot, vary, variegate [swell in blisters bAllpcojb, blister, raise or bAln)M3, embalm, impreg- nate with spices, sweeten ACAif,rebuke,reproach,reviie b&t>A]3, rob, pillage, plun- Acbu^l, re-act, repel, resist der, waste, destroy, whiten Acca^i), complain, bewail Accost, mend, restore, repair AccAf, return, twist again AC603, rebel, revolt, oppose Accx?t)3,request,entreat,beg, beseech [render, give up Aic^iv banish, expel, sur bAT)coi)c, stipulate, agree bAtJfiAc, pen up, fold, hold bAffto3, hold, embrace, grap- ple, entwine, squeeze [stroy b&p?3, kill, annihilate, de- becjtAp, grieve, trouble, vex beAccAi5, correct, exact 19 bo VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. CA beAbAjg, mock, jeer, scoflfj flout, presume, love dainties beAl&ui), beAlbjvvib, keep si- lence, be mute or silent beAi)A]5, bet)b]3, greet, con- secrate, bless, praise, extol bgfltAt), b]OfltAi), vex, molest, trouble, disquiet, torment beAjtcAi3,yoke, gather, tuck, flourish,play,meditate, wield hebycx)*] 5,6 A] ft) A] 5, accom- modate, agree, confede- rate, adapt, accord, suit beAc^ig, rear, nurse, nourish, support, feed, educate beofrAi), flay or strip alive beot*]3, quicken, enliven, inspirit, encourage, spur bjoqg, curdle, coagulate blAbq, flatter, -soothe, coax bU8n}Ai}, boast, brag, exult bU-53, bounce, bluster, boast bl *t)b 4,flatter,gloze,wheedle blACAij, plane, smooth, deck, adorn, warm, polish, refine blocb^, point, make round bocAi), bend, make crooked boccAig, impoverish, make poor, exhaust, waste, reduce bo5At); boast, brag, vaunt bolcAi), bolct)\?5, swell, feel, puff, extend [leap, jump bo5f*i3, dart, pitch, throw, bojtbAD, mutter, murmur, grumble, complain, lament borkufcjl, bof u&]l, bof33T2i3, aid, help,assist,succour,conspire CAbA]{*, babble, prate, chat CAbjt>i5, bind, confine, tie up c]3, perform,effect,finish ca8i) a] c, possess, enjoy, have CA33, whisper, listen, hear CA3A]i), chew, gnaw, bite CA]bfi]5, cohabit, associate, converse, caress, embrace 30 C<3 VERBS OP TWO SYLLABLES. el CA3A]l> spare, lay up, cover coai^a^I, tie, bend, league or save the fire [discourse covenant, annex, obligate, CAjtJqg, speak, tell, reason, pack, secure* join, add eb]r)V]c, amerce, fine, tax c§i)fAi3, curb, subdue, hum- c^ceAf, twist, turn, revert' ble, confine, tame, pacify C 313> tremble, blush, cor- ceApA]5, form* shape* re- rect, mend, bewitch, vary solve, stop, hinder, bound, CA^cf ]6 nje, I must or ought caIca]3, harden, fasten, ob- durate, confirm* stiffen CATt)pAi3, encamp, rest in tents, pitch or fix tents c^vocIa^, change, alter, vary limit, intercept, prevent, let ce^b^, carve, engrave, form ce^l>?3 rebound, conglobe, conglobate, gather in a ball Ge^c\?3 # cgfc>?3, adjust, put in order, regulate, prepare or diversify [thin, weaken ceAf OA13, expostulate, corn- eal a^ 3, lessen, attenuate, plain, murmur, lament, be- c^ori)A|5, fulfil, complete c^on^Ap, save, protect, keep c^A]5, wrestle, vie, strive, labour, struggle, move wail, question, ask, inquire, try, whine, accuse [betroth cejlgeAll, engage to another, ce] 1(5, visit, woo, court, seek, c^ca^U, ruin, destroy, molest ce|l||t, chirp, warble [flatter CAfiAb, befriend, serve, assist c&irt)i)]3, advance, step for* C 4P*3> punish, chastise, beat ward, proceed, graduate ' cAfA6]b, accuse, complain, censure^ impeach, blame CAf33, cut * slaughter, hew, flay, butcher, destroy, spoil CACA]3,fight,tempt,try,prove ceACA^l, dig, slaughter, vio- late, destroy, ruin [lebrate ceAci)Ai5, sing, melodize, ce- cg6lA^3, blister, swell, raise ceAb>?5, permit, allow, con- sent, dismiss, discharge, ceifb]3, ceifct^is, question, examine [explain, reason c) aUais, interpret,expound, C|ApAil, wrestle, quarrel, vie c|t)Tt)i ol, paint, colour, adorn, deck, dress [firm, ascertain c]t)c|3, appoint, assure, con- C]oclAig, change, weaken qolftAC, chatter, prate, jab- ber, talk idly [port, carry ciotwaIc, bear, endure, sup- liberate [make the first meal qot)CAi3, blame, accuse, cen- ceAbloi)3, breakfast, eat or sure, charge, impeach ceAl3A]3, ceAlsq, ceAhjioii}, deceive, betray* beguile, seduce, allure, cheat, sting ceAi)A]3, traffic, deal, pur- chase, buy, bargain, trade c ] u| r)] 5, appease,allay, cheer, pacify, assuage, mitigate cIa]8]3, dig, excavate, cut clioclAig, alter, vary, change,' allay, annihilate, cancel ceAi)43, rebel, oppose, re- cUarjrbAjtb, mortify, exter- volt, fret, anger, provoke minate, ruin, demolish* Rl CO VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. CO mock, act, perform, game clo6bu*il, print, impress, stamp, mark, conquer cio8>?3, approach, draw near club A} 3, coyer, hide, com- fort, shelter, cherish, help cUc^is, chace, pursue, hunt, follow, go [soften, reconcile crjeAp?3, heal, cure, save, cuuuvn?3i C 1*W1& gather, get cobAil, sleep, rest, repose, compose, lay up, remain co8b4, give, offer, sacrifice C033, whisper, conspire co]bc]3, purchase, bargain co]b|teAc, coibitig, comfort, cheer, help, aid, protect co^e^c, inquire, question, erxamine, judge, ask[nomize coi3]l, spare, preserve, eco- C013I13, accompany, attend, go along, wait upon [allow coirbbeiji, contribute, give, cojtrjeAb, keep, protect, ob- serve, watch, guard, save co|ri)eAf, coirbrrjeAf, com- pare, liken, examine, try cojrrjeAj*3, cojrbrrjeArs, mix, unite, mingle, compound co|rr>fi3, regulate, range, associate [pare, arrange coitt)|vjacc, mix, unite, join cojrbfeol, convey, sail [hend co]Tbf}3, perceive, compre- coirjbeAh;, advise, persuade cojobjte A3, separate, branch coii)i3,meet,oppose[ofF,fight coning, arrange, correct, ad- just, dress, amend, adorn C0 1TM5> co 1^13> s * n > offend^ trespass, accuse, censure cof jtfp, corrupt, spoil, defile COJfeAl), COfAIT), C0fr>A13> defend, protect, preserve co 1 ti5> walk, travel [dedicate co]f |i]3, bless, sanctify, hail, corf^e, protect, assist, help, aid, cry, bewail, ask, inquire corrjAll, perform, fulfil, dis- charge, do one's duty cort)A]ll,bear, carry, support corb^ii), reckon, number corbcgb, corijcojtb, agree, accord, adapt [sympathize corbels, condole, bemoan, corbcjiAjr, agitate, shake, di- sperse,move,scatter, shuffle coit)c>?]t, arrange, dispose corbbAis, cover, build, save cori)&&il,meet,agree,coincide corb&luc, join, frame, unite corb&ui), confirm, conclude, agree, shut, confine, close CoinjTjUuf, compose, pre- corijfAf, concrete, unite co]ri)5l]tv fasten, adhere, cowf^V 5, embrace, entwine, stick to or close to one co]ri?tj3, tie together, unite co|ti?l]oi), fulfil,complete,per- form, execute, discharge cojrprjgf, approach, advance cojrtjjt&jft, agree, equalize, .proportion, compare, fix cojTrjTigi?, divide, distribute 2% enwrap, involve, squeeze corbf >?|trt),compose,settle,ar- range, regulate, fix [mons coii)5q, shout, convoke, sum- corbel, condole, mourn, la- ment, bewail, grieve, cry corblAlb, travel in company coirrjl&A3, amalgamate, melt Cji- VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES, . Clt rf cori)rbiOi&, congratulate, re- c^ocr)*^, finish, end, settle, joice, exult [contrite, crush corbb^j, bruise, confuse, cori)ri)ol, laud, applaud, extol cort)i>\?3, dwell, inhabit, con- tinue, abide, rest, wait, stay corbfi&]8,converse,di8course coTbjtoij, choose, 'select cori)|tocc, meet, join, unite cott)fi\?5, concur, agree, join cpri)|tut>, conspire, compact coii)j*p^^, contend, wrestle corijf uat), con)f Aij, rest, re- pose, sleep, ease, compose cott)cac, join,articulate,weld coti)^1, cornulc, scratch, rub Cx>t)Af, dispute, number coi)bA]5, stop, stay, abstain coi)3b*]5, coT)3b^5, keep, re- tain, hold, preserve, possess cot)^, roar, outcry, shout coi)3rbAi3, cor)3b>?5, retain, hold, keep, possess [tain coi)rt)Ai3, comprehend, con- cop qc, see, behold, view conojb, heed, regard, protect conppo^b, dispute, argue, debate, oppose [endeavour c?!|iAi3,coftWi5, erect, move, cofA^S, teach, instruct, kick coc^5,cor a.]V, feed,contend, struggle, maintain, support, preserve, uphold [gargle cjvaof 5IA3, cjtiof IU3, devour, CflApWc, Cjtgpl>r?3, C|tgl»?l, fetter, bind, concatenate, tie cjigc^, mark, burn with iron <^S5^*13>cW°ti)>i3,tremble, fear, stir [tremble, quaver cjteAcr)^3, shake, shudder, c]tg|tW5, snare, entangle cy,]OT)c&i), strive, vie, rival accomplish [round, dress c|t] 0^1^15, gird, limit, tie cn-iocA^, hug, caress, hold cn-oi^c, colour, paint, var- nish, try, pull, correct cjtoirl]5, envelop, enwrap, enclose, fold, bind, tie [pass cftoffi\?3, surround, encom- cfiolojc, wound, draw blood c]tot)Ai5, explain, bewitch, blush for shame, reprove, rebuke, reproach, • insult cjtuAbAift, craunch, chew cu.ua8a]3, harden, make cal- lous, stiffen, confirm/fix cfiucAJ3, prove, aver, assert, assure, create, form, shapen cu^ca^, search, investigate Oibn.13, bind, fetter, shackle, tie, restrain, enwrap [help O1&13, a *d, assist, succour, c^lgeAut, backbite, slander c>W0i5, mind, remember, recollect, record, consider C ^T3> c 1^^13> allay, make calm, assuage, mitigate c ^f 1 >13» freeze, congeal, snow c ^ c 13> reward, requite, re- compense, satisfy, amend culc^^, slander, backbite, belie, censure, revile, hurt cubjAb, cuI^Iac, take, as- sume, adopt, choose, select curi) A] I, rub, touch, wipe .. curt) A] f3,. mix, blend, unite curt) A] 1)3, straiten, make nar row, contract [fight,attack curt)]tAC,con)]tAC, encounter, curblA^3, perform, fulfil, dis- charge one's duty [weary cunttAi3, tire, fatigue, make 23 ^ b6 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. bj camf^D,rest, sleep, repose beo^S, banish, send away bA^Dis, bAfSDlSi fasten, establish, confirm, ratify b^Uis, appoint, assign, dis- tribute, pass sentence upon bAtw>?5, condemn, blame, b&t)>?5, dare, defy, adventure b^jtf >?3, enhance, raise the value, advance, increase beAcri^s, tithe, raise the tithe [gard affectionately beA5|t&i6,love sincerely, re- be a^aIc, recall, revoke, cry be^Uis, separate, divorce, put asunder, disunite, part beilbr3ti1ob,form,limn,draw a likeness, paint [radiate beAljiAis, shine, glitter, ir- beAftbAct, assure, confirm be^b>?5, affirm, swear, con- firm, assure, ascertain be 4tD\?b,forget,neglect[serve be4r watch, guard, ob- beATO, prepare, get ready, trim, correct, season, adorn beAC\?5, smoke, emit smoak be^is, hasten, hurry, ac- celerate, quicken, move Se^rbeAf, approve, like or allow of, recommend t beilsioi), waste, spoil, mar b4^rbt)i5, affirm, approve, ratify, certify, allege b^l^lS* vanisti, disappear, pass away, fly away beifig, embellish, remain, im- prove, decorate, stay, mend be^n>i3, dress, adorn, trim, ornament, decorate [reject be^ fteAT), detest,abhor,hate, beotjAis, allow, agree, ap- prove, consent, vouchsafe 24 bi a6\?5, deify, adore, praise b) Atjlof 3, burn, parch, singe bibeAflt, console, I comfort, cheer, revive f force away b]b]]t, bibjtjs, banish, drive, b]bli3, make cheap, under* value, reject, despise b]6eAi), decapitate, behead bicejl, forget, neglect [cover b^de^c, disclose, reveal, dis- b|C|te]b, disbelieve, deny b]5]t), sup, suck, drain [ject b]l^3, despise, contemn, re- bilg5,digest,dissolve,cleanse bjrijeAf ,undervalue,despise, reject, contemn [lay waste biot)Ai3, consume, destroy, b^obA^l, hurt, molest, lose biobjtoT), comfort, cherish, console, gladden [strip off b]oc'4t,peel,rub,decorticate, bioclzoy, decline [drive away frjocujt, expel, banish, goad, bi 083^1), depopulate, lay waste, destroy, unpeople blogAb, lessen, lavish, waste blogAl, revenge, avenge b]o^W,rtj, glean, pick, gather ^03^03, belch, relax b]olAic, expel, displace, sup* plant, drive away [forgive b1ol3Ai&, dismiss, remit, pay, biOTtjAiU, destroy>ruin, waste b]Ori)dl, b]TT)eAf, dispraise, blame, undervalue [fend b]oi)Ai§, bibgi?, protect, de- b^oi)A^3, disjoin, loosen, uti- bio]tAi)3, belch, blow [gird b^of c&,grind,gnash the teeth b]ofCiojl,untie,absolve,loose biofftfuj, snuff a candle, clip 6A joftjA^smooth, make even joccvft, drive, force away I occult, expel, drive away, force out, banish [brandish joqtu&il,unsheath,uncover, jjteAcc, geld, cut, castrate IfteAg, ascend, climb [guide ]|t|5, make straight, direct, |]*be^3, violate, profane, condemn, despise, reject If 1^05, hide, conceal, cover ]cceAfj, behead, decapitate lcc]oll, endeavour, labour, exert, strive, attempt [own ]ulc^]3, deny, refuse, dis- 1ub|tAC, cast, fling, quiver ]U|tt2]3, gulp, swallow, drain locfiA]3, press, enclose lugcA^approachjCompact, knit, draw near, advance, press, pack, enclose, weave, besiege, encompass, beset »ob|toT),afflict,trouble,grieve >ocAfj, hurt, damage, injure >oc\W3, dissolve, unyoke ;>oifibceift, frame, model >oiTt)^5,deepen [impoverish >ot)occuf, confide, trust, hope >jteArbt)A]3,rage,fret,ravage 3|t]3ll3,sparkle, shine, glare *>u^|ct)]3, disfigure, deform :>uMai3, fold, double, make 3^13? deserve, hope [double b^lS? bear leaves [quicken b\?fi3, awake, rise, arouse, bui^rb^b, murder, commit homicide, destroy, slay, kill eAcx^, record, chronicle, re- gf ^,travel,adventure [gister VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. f A eAbAig, clothe, dress, cover eA3A]l, deter, affright, awe eA33, eA3|tAi5, arrange, set in order or due place[accuse &A5t)Ai3, complain, bewail, 6aIai3, steal away, desert, elope, stray, stalk [stroy e^cAill, erase, root up, de- e^3Ab, apprehend or make one a prisoner, seize, take 6453, forbid, prohibit, let, congratulate, compliment eAt|tA|3,rise, sparkle, glisten eA^il^iS, assist, serve, aid eAf33, as ^ beg, forbid, fall eA|*0]t3, hurt, offend, molest e Af uat), scum, skim, pass, fly eAfuflt, disrespect, disobey, disregard,dishonour,neglect ebb]t&]H), catch at, labour i e]bl^3, die, perish, sparkle, glitter, shine, glare [arm e^b^5, clothe, dress, cover, eiS^IS* force, compel, ravish e^leAcc, alienate, part with eilig, accuse,charge,demand e 1^13» corrupt, spoil, violate eipeAl, die, perish, fade eiftbe|ft,transgress,sin,break e]]tt)]3, require or call for eif|t6i5,untie,unbind,loosen e^c]3, forswear, abjure, re- fuse, deny, contradict e]Z]o[, fly, move with wings, burst, pass through the air eor>bjtioi3, divine, conjec- ture by the flight of birds f AbA]3, kindle, iexcite, pro- voke, stretch, lengthen £ Aiqll, guard,watch, defend ^Ajlli3, fail, neglect, delay, tarry, loiter, defer, detain 25 n F*ltf>13> quicken, enliven £ r13> enlarge, ex- F315, watch, guard, perceive Tm5> F e 11i5> # res; t> remain T^l rfl13> certify, evince £A1fC]i}, prophesy, foretell, presage [proclaim, relate F*11*ite1fj certify, publish, 1*aIa^5, hide, cover, conceal F^lc^, reap, shear, clip, cut fAllrb^5, make void, empty f xvl]t>?5 ? pace, amble, move £Afj>?3, • faint, weaken, de- bilitate, discourage, sicken £*obq,whet,edge,make sharp t*iO]l|5, rejoice, exult [bear £a|iaII, carry* off, present, £41^ c, find, acquire, get V 9H>15> widen, enlarge, open f A|*r)A^5, cleanse, winnow ^Afc\?3, stop, stay, seize, apprehend, catch, agree ?&tlo]i"5, char, burn wood, make coke,, consume [join ^ACfCfijobj subscribe, sub- f^)8bA|3, shout, proclaim, publish, declare, say, tell t^lMS* rejoice, exult, cheer •pe] 8^*5, follow, adhere, catch pe 4^5, inter, bury, conceal f 1^50>?t*,bear witness,attest, testify, prove, shew, disdain lfi+Wy5t VWrV^* inquire, ask, interrogate, question 1*1313, weave, knit, join to- gether, plait together 1*li)5eAll, proceed, prosecute VERBS OP TWO SYLLABLES. £0 F1o8]w?3, advert, turn, attend fioguji, figure, form or repre- sent [refresh, refrigerate jqoSfiM, pioi)puA|t>?3, cool, 1*1<>p?5, verify, justify, prove true or certain [stand V]°Vvi)> know, learn, under- £ 10fit\?5, know, learn, visit FIOCA15, fade, droop, decline pl|tl]op, multiply increase, pobu4vil,strike gently [extend fro&Ail, divide, loose, untie, slacken, distinguish, part 1*°5^ll? FosWtt), teach, guide £03\5> -WS^IS* build > V °1TM5j sta y? wait, delay, stop fO]|tl]or?, complete, fulfil, reinforce, supply, recruit f 0]]trbeAT)5, prevaricate, ca- vil, shuffle, quibble, vary £oiftf]ol,propagate,multiply 1*0^3, approach, advance V° I r515jshade,shelter,screen polity 15, empty, exhaust, les- sen,drain,evacuate[verence *pon)^i*, obey, honour, re- 26 £ U VLRBS OP TWO T-0IA13, hide, conceal, cover ^ojiaitt?, remember, recollect ?ojtAf 3, V°V-V'4> watch, guard, lay in ambush, assemble ^ojiajI, -pol^, offer, sacrifice, command [ambush, meet froji^ % watch, guard, lay in f ojijaI, shout aloud, sur- prise, alarm, tell, declare f 07133, convoke* summons \ fo^tAi c, prevent, stop,hinder trofji2>il, shine, manifest, dis- ^ofifAi?, shine, glitter [cover fo]tfiO] I, divine, foresee,fore- think, consider [as judge £?3, exercke. habi- tuate, accustom, discharge an office [ply? pay attention ?1t§3'4, Vl}$5V'4f answer, re- f jtgrbfioll, extirpate, abolish p|teAro>?3,take root, radicate •pjieAf b^l,provide,serve, at- £jie|C]3,vow, obligate [tend £fi&urr>T>A-f3, found, establish ^jxioccaI, fry, parch, burn fjqo6c>?ft, oppose, obstruct -pfiiocol, wait, serve, supply, attend, administer, procure trfi^cbe^c, ^oqtAib, object, oppose, refuse, contradict, deny, gainsay, counteract pjtlcl&]TT),leap,bound,bounce f|t^cfeAf, resist, withstand, oppose [plunder,scramble ^u^b^5, take away, snatch, jruAbq, cross, hinder, stop, SYLLABLES. Je interrupt, intercept [warn £UA3q, admonish, * publish, jra;\ib}V|3, stagger, reel, fall puArr)T)Ai3,resound,rebound, echo, ring, celebrate, call fruA|t\i5, cool, bathe, nourish ^uAfC|tA|3, put to flight relate, say, tell, speak p?ff5,Air*f a, stay, tarry, delay p>?fil]3, overcome,defeat,con- quer, beat, vanquish, subject £uIat)3, suffer, endure, bear £ujtcA]3,comfort,help,relieve 3Abi>?3, sprout, bring forth 3AbM3, steal, purloin, take away, rob, plunder, spoil 3^b]3, laugh, exult, rejoice 3aII|i>?3, portend, ominate, disorder, infect, hurt [feet 3aIji>?5, punish, sicken, in- 3^cttM3,winnow, air,fan, cool 3A||t>iC, prate, talk idly 3£^3> 3^§^3> whiten, bleach 3oaIc>?3, dread, fear, intimi- date, affrighten [ridicule 3eAt)>?^, deride, mock, scorn, 5§ttAO, cry, complain, groan, sigh, accuse, murmur 3^A|tleAt), persecute, pur- sue close, harass, oppress 3&Ajt>?3, sharpen, whet, sour, rail, satirize, embitter' [sen 3gntM3,shorten,contract, les- 3e^bl]3, fetter, put in chains, concatenate, pledge, mort- gage [submit, do homage 3WH& °' 3e y j h° nour > adore, 5 e W5i grease, anoint, soil 3ei)be*b, 3ei}bfteAi), fence 3eocA^5, strole, spend, waste in eating and drinking [idly 3|0]tAC, chatter, prate, talk 3|Oftc4vil 5 mend, patch, sew 3|o^\?5, shorten, abridge, make less, contract, lessen 51uIad, support, maintain, comfort, behave [out, howl 5kM^t>l5,5UittHM3, roar, cry 5lAi)W5,fence,enclose,guard, intrench, defend [verdant SlAfjtvfj, make green or SM^IS* move, stir, drive, push VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. ]T) 5fieAp?5, excite, hasten, stir up, rouse, drive, move on 3T^1 rt >l&3TM ll >l5> seize,gripe, take hold, catch, fasten 3|vJAT)jtAi3, sun, dry, expose to or warm before the sun 3TH^13» come, gather, collect or assemble together 3TH op?3,excite, provoke, vex, kindle, inflame, fry, bum 3|tut)A15, sound, ground 5]tur)CA|l, grunt, gruntle, to make a noise like a hog 5u&jli5, go hand in hand, go, proceed, advance [fret 3\i|tb]t]j% exulcerate, enrage, 3ut)ftA|3, err, stray, wander ^i)A^5, smooth, polish, iron 3^i)l3,observe,remark [trify il6gr),]ol3t)|8,vary,alter [linen 5lo]r)]3, 3loi)[tAi5 ? glaze, vi- il|Mt>c, dance, leap with joy S^AX^g, accustom, inure, use exercise or practice [spoil 3i)ert)|ll, deform, disfigure, 3*rift3, make, effect, bring to pass, act [terfeit, deceive 3ij\?f rbeAll, dissemble, coun- 5i)oc\?3, serve, purchase, ob- tain, acquire, procure, get 3ob\?5, shoot, vegetate, beak 30ficY?3, hurt, molest, starve, oppress, injure, annoy, vex SjtAbAl, StiApcvffi, ingraft, engrave, imprint, impress 3|ia8\?5, love, regard, like, value, esteem, prize ZWVcfo 3T^1tM3> detest, disdain, deform, granulate 3|tA]*\?3,give or return thanks 3jteAH)\?3, fasten, clinch, join, stick to, adhere, to fix, link 3fieAi)M5, defy, dare, exhort* challenge, despise, reject 28 ^rD&e^b, prove, maintain, en- force, assure, confirm ]it)8e^3, reprove, rebuke, re- proach, dispraise, chide irt)]l, irt)l]5, lick, wipe, clean -|Tt)|fic, ^oti)^c, remove, de- part, proceed, go or flit irt)i|t, play, game, sport [nate ]tt)lAb, change, move, alter- in)] ujt, ]Ort)Ait>, drive, hurl, force, compel, throw with violence, toss, whirl about 1^11% yoke, tie, chain, fasten lTi)f>j5, pray, entreat, request, concert, petition, ask [tend injjteAf, strive, dispute, con- irop&lii}, go about, travel* traverse, wander to and fro \W]&, 1Tt?c]£, force, go, pro- ceed, advance [consider 1i)cjteAc, think, ■ meditate, 1f> e 15> tell, say, relate, verify 1<> VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. U lijgeilc, 11)1 tc, feed, support, 1»>3^13,nip,pinch [rear,graze WV> 1t>fi3> 1^15? relate, de- clare, report, publish [level 1i)ll3, prepare, make ready, 1t>e6]T), strike, stamp, press •jo&b^, offer or give sacrifice 1 o81ap, leap, skip, j ump [rate 1oi^,iol,change,alter,annume- 70rr>Aic,reprove,rebuke,chide lort)^, require, need, play, game, ply, row [overpower 1 orob ac, overwhelm, swoon, ]ort)bu&il, waste, * hurt, de- stroy, strike, injure, beat 1ort)6^, carry, move, stir,bear, depart, behave, conduct 1ort)CAf, murmur, complain 10rt)8it\?b, enclose, shut in, impale, surround, wall in, besiege, encompass, close ]ort)^o]c 9 CTy out, shout, bawl 1ort?5Ab, take, apprehend, seize, catch, shun, avoid, err ioit>Ia&, move, change, ex- change, alternate [feet 1ort)l&T), complete, fulfil, per- 1 on) Iua8, talk or speak much 1oti)I\?5, sup,lickup [consume lonjlof 3, adure, burn, parch, lon)t>Afc, bind, tie, fasten 1orT?f*530|l, disperse, scatter iort?colc, free one voluntarily lopAil, ior;^)l, wash, clear, purge, cleanse, whitewash 1 094, clothe, dress, cover [pel jot) 4b, banish, drive away ,ex- \or)ho\^ fill, swell, extend 10T)cof3, rear, teach, instruct, 10T)bfiAt>, miss, omit [educate }Oi)-£;&b, rule, manage, con- duct, regulate, array, guide 1or>5UAi3, wonder, admire! 1or)5>?jt, feed or graze cattle 10T}Iai5, wash, purge, clear, wipe, cleanse, scour, purify I0134, reward, satisfy, recom- pense, hire, requite, redress 1ofjlAi3, complain, accuse 1opjta8, plunder, ravage, de- vastate, lay waste, rob, spoil lOtJjtAi), add, reckon, calcu- late, enumerate [assault, visit 1ofJt*A|3, approach, attack, lopcob, wind, invert, . roll, turn, tumble, wallow, scorn, slight, drive away, force 10flA]3,ifli3, humble, lower, degrade, suppress, lessen yxv()% row, impel by oars lufjf A13, learn, improve, hear lAbq, speak, say, pronounce 1 orf)0]tb, object, reproach, deny I A3b^5, lugbAj 3, abate, les- 1orr>poi3, turn, twist, convert, sen, contract, diminish reel, stagger, change, alter 1ort)ft&8, mention, talk, muse, 10rr)it&]8, publish, divulge, report, repeat, move, rove iort7fiu*v|3, defeat, rout, di- sperse, invade, persecute 10Tt)|t\?t), assign, transfer, ap- point, consign over, grant lorrjfiull, go, leave, depart lA]b]ti3, strengthen, confirm, corroborate, make stout lAirbi3,lAiTt)fi5,UTbAj3, take, handle, touch, meddle with, secure, presume, discuss, finger, seize, gripe, hold l&iri?le]3, manumit, set free, release, discharge [slight lAin}C]or),wish,forget,neglect, 29 16 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. n;e U]t)]te]5, complete, perfect l'A|£]i13 9 le|C|ti3, come forth, appear, present, advance Wf)toT5, glitter, shine, gleam Ia]% ignite, burn, inflame, blaze,adure [stones together leAcc^g, raise, heap, collect W&itAil, tear, rend, mangle leA^g, beetle, distend, beat 16a]*Vi5, blister, raise in blis- ters, swell, stripe or lash leAf ^3, tan or cure skins or hurry, despatch, accelerate, quicken, urge or push on Wb|t]3, dress, accoutre, har- ness, put on armour WfSIS* drink, soak, absorb liif c<r3, consider, pass by, forbear,chide,cheek [creep it)A33, paw, handle, finger, to*v|ll|5, slacken, delay, tarry ii) 3 31)1 3, bewail, cry, lament, groan, aggrieve [beautify hides,inanure,mend,improve tf)?5 loll, lean, rest,stretch n)A] yz\t] 3, churn, toss,mingle leAC{>v?5, flatten, enlarge, ex- tijAl^c, n)^l|tA]5, exchange, tend, widen or spread out barter,swop [probate,revile leigeAf, cure, heal, restore l&irtH)i3, leap, jump, bolt, hop, prance,, dance, exult j le]Cfti3, appear > present, ad- vance, go or come in sight le^cfc^ul, le^cbfigf, excuse, apologize, defend, plead for IjAe^, slide, roll backward ti)aII>?5, curse, condemn, re- Ti)2>l\?5, allay, make blunt, assuage, appease, pacify tt)ioc>T3, soften, moisten, ir- rigate, water, steep, appear rt)A|ic^,ro^c|tv?5, maim, lame, hurt, molest, martyr, put to death, ruin, annihilate l]t>J3, draw a line, cover tt)Afl\?5, slander, reproach, over, delineate, describe abuse, defame, dishonour, l]orbq, l]orb, smooth, polish, file, burnish, daub, deliver I] ago] I, I1U3, cry, lament, be- moan, bewail, mourn, grieve lju]tAi5, beat, strike a blow loccT3, regale, gladden, encourage, cheer, exhort, elate* exult [der, go astray Tt)e^v?5, mistake, err, wan- n?e A]*n>?3, temper, think,co&- sider, contemplate, muse tueAclv?3, ryewcrtf, itjeAcvg, faint or die of cold, fail, de- cay, languish, fade, wither, X)C VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. PI dismay, discourage [rich rp|c>?3, fatten, make fat, en- it>6|t]3, bleat, cry like a sheep n?a|r ceol, modulate, sing m#\m5> ">1H>13> encourage, nourish, cherish, enliven, refresh, comfort, exhort ti>]Ai)>?3,wishto enjoy,desire, long for, lust after [corate n^ltf 3, sweeten, dulcify, edul- it>|i)b|tif, bruise, comminute, crumble [terpret,paraphrase iirji)13, explain, expound, in- n>10t>A]3, swear, vow, pledge • rt)5|tAi5, increase, magnify, extol, exalt, extend [defile tpoftc>?3,b]teo5, corrupt, rot, ti)OCAi3, feel, perceive, know tt)uwvbAi5, form,shape,fashion tptibA.15, g^ ut ' surfeit, gorge tpu&*|l, kill, destroy, ruin n;v}tt>i5,load,burden,endear, make beloved, recommend tt)af3^|l, awake, arise, stir up,animate,quicken [affront t>^]3, shame, blush, abash, i)a>tt)*j3, D^>Tri)5Di3, praise, sanctify ,bless,devote,purify OeAtrjcojtb,, , disagree, jar, disorder, derange, disjoin ije^cvtS, strengthen, invali- date, corroborate, empower T>eirt)&eAi), undo, spoil, disfi- gure, hurt, take to pieces i}.e]rb&i&, unrobe, undress t>e]Ti)i)i3, annihilate, ruin, re- duce to nothing, destroy UIAtijsIa!), scour, drench, pu- rify, -clarify, cleanse, wash U,o6ca|3, uncover, strip, tell i)10i)>?3, plunder, rob, purloin WW 3> enact, approve, esta- blish, settle, fix,confirm [fer of fiA^l, offer, sacrifice, prof- oibjtis, labour, work, toil oi.lbe-|ti), reproach, rebuke, stumble, offend, scandalize o|le4, go on pilgrimage oi H St^F $V>S>*ngP T >V ro voke oijvcill, carry, support, bear oi|i8eA|tc, honour, ennoble °1Trt>tf1S> ^^ arrange, regulate, put in authority °1T l ir> wait, delay, stop, stay o]ttT)e|Tt), shine like gold °1fit>3> °W>> lie su P in e ollcAjll, caiII, loose much oll 3n°13i S^oiS? hurt, injure oIItt)\i5, prepare,make ready, fity dress, cook [put in awe 0l ^!M3> scare, affright,terrify, on)d]b 9 regard, obey, honour, reverence, submit to [spect oi?5|]t, honour, esteem, re- 01)3^13, anoint, rub with oil opbA]3, order, ordain, com- mand, arrange, set in order oftU] 3, mangle, cut in pieces, sledge, beat out as if iron °T*t) of a, depart, begone, go away, quit, leave, desist of ca^I, set open,unlock, tell, explain, unshut, manifest Ofi)Ai3, sigh, groan, sob, cry pAc\?5, pack, tie, bind fast p^c]3,associate,join,partake P*Mtf5> torment, put to death, cause to suffer [fend, violate peAC\?5, sin, transgress, of- peAf 501 b, steal,pick,purloin, peAt)>?3, mulct, punish, fine, torment, trouble, oppress ppcel, paint, adorn, describe 31 w VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. r* pUi)b\?3, plant, arrange, set in order, settle, people pUir*>i|i, p^ir^is* daub > plaster, rub over, smear plobA]j, float [in marriage P°ir5 eA ^, betroth, promise p |te Ab At), botch, mend, patch p]tjOTbblof*3,explode,sparkle plijocq, preach a sermon, deliver a public discourse pftoifjij, dine, eat, refresh publ^is, publish, proclaim, advertise, declare, say, tell pA&rr^U, dream, fancy, err, mistake, wander, rave, doat p'oqprbill, |t^t)fC|t]Of, abo- lish, abrogate, ruin, hurt, destroy, lay waste, spoil jt&Tt)ftAi5, fatten, enrich, co- agulate, thicken, concrete, make close or plump, clot ]tr^3, p&>3t)Ai3, turn, elect, choose, change, defeat p<*AblAt>3,* skip, play, frisk, bound, pass lightly, bounce fieArbloir, provide, preserve, save, furnish, prepare, put tip provision for a journey peArbp&b, preface, foretell, predict, prophesy, forecite, introduce a treatise [vance jieA|tAi6, go, proceed, ad- |te]it)C]t), assign, appoint jteAf&t), plead, argue, allege fte^rbf^uc, foresee, observe, remark, note, renew, pre- consider, muster [go, walk |t6]ii)r^3, proceed, advance, PIA3IM5, govern, rule, com- S2 mand,direct, manage,check |i|^v?3, serve, satisfy, distri- bute,please,supply [adhere pi 51)13, make stiff, stiffen, TMS^3> be deficient, wanting T*lri)fit>, sound, sing [point TM t)5^up,sharpen,barb,edge, ]t|^e, ex bgrj, do, act, come Tt|ot)A]5, carve, engrave, cut fi|ob6]b, spend, riot, revel fqorbq, count, reckon, cast |io|5i)]3, choose, elect, pick porb^, purbpAi5,,dig, mine pof)Ai5, s pi^ slaver, drivel potJTjAb, partake, participate pu^jcill, buy, purchase, get pweAt), shine, glare, glitter purjp^c, communicate, con- sult, advise, plot [protect p Ab&]l, spare, save, preserve, |*ACM5,fill or press into a sack f aJajI, saw or cut asunder f A]8bp]5, make wealthy or enrich, store, stock [reject X &lz'4, trample, tread upon, f*A]rbu|3, yoke, couple, tie together, unite, agree, join fAl\?5, soil, defile, corrupt, pollute, taint, stain, pervert f ArbU?5 ; compare, liken, get X ATt>c\?5,helve,put a handle to r&c\T5,covet, desire, lust after X &>bA|3, attend, take care ftfprAis, r*>1TMi3> cheapen, reduce the value or price f^pcA^g, labour, work, toil, till, plod, exercise,-practise fAp\?5, overcome, exceed, excel, conquer, subjugate, tire, oppress, fatigue, worry, tease, harass, perplex T*HS» satisfy, please, sa- ft VERBS OF TWO tiate, suffice, compensate, expiate, atone, appease fCA^Uj, scandalize, accuse, slander, reproach, rebuke TCAT)ftY?5, affright, confound, alarm, scatter, despise, awe tee ac |tv?5, vomit, emit, spew rcgb>?5, adorn, dress, enrobe felons, rsioc&ig, oppress, fatigue, weary, tire, harass re avoid, shun, separate ^4633, call aside or apart raacNg, lay aside, recline reAcrDAjllj forget, neglect reAc^j, feACAjo, separate, avoid, keep off [go astray reAC|tAT), wander* mistake, feA^A|5, breathe, blow reAlb>?5, possess, inherit, treasure, keep or store up reAlj^, hunt, fowl or hawk r§T>A]3, send, sow, spill, pour ye^vrt)0]]t f preach, exhort, proclaim, publish solemnly f.e 4 b\f£, embitter, make sour fe^r»f3, loose, untie, resolve reAp?5, re ty, stand, depend r^lMs* spit, slaver, drivel I rs^c^t), look, behold, shade T5^h^ bicker, skirmish, dispute, pick a quarrel, vie r51Arbl>?5, squall, mewl, cry flAb|t>T3, bewitch, bewilder Ti 6 13> prove [nate, propagate tfolcvjt, fiolji\?3, sow, dissemi- fiojtCAr, turn to and again fiojibAij,- eternize, immor- 38 SYLLABLES. TO tahze, perpetuate [disturb fjOftbAt;, rattle, make a noise, t, ffoftgg, rejoice, exult, shout | f° r j°y> applaud, extol fiOfijiAe, gripe, seize, ap- prehend, grapple [beseech K°TM A TT^ importune, solicit, fiojiorb, gape, yawn f?ojtf>?3, fiOftc^s, linger, lay, loiter, delay, tarry, stay tfoelA|5,fto£lo5, filter, strain, percolate, pour off, rest fificleAcc, exercise or use often, accustom, practise tfTip6uc, bg]tc, remark, look / fimgf> soak, suck [stedfastly f ]t$p]6, pacify, reconcile, re* unite, agree, still anger fi c fH3> nei g^ bray [depart finbAjl, pace, walk, go, travel, T l &e'4, batter, drub, pound, bang,thump,malleate [serve fl^vr)>75, heal, cure, save, pre- fti?ACc>?5, reprove, chastise, rule, afflict, mortify, corl rect, apprehend [file, spoil TWe^, grease, anoint, de- r*t)u^i)c]3, imagine, think, devise, consider, consult rocjtA|3, focg, settle, esta- blish, appoint, appease, mi- tigate, assuage, rest [value f03ftAi&, love, like, esteem, fO]l&||t, explain, elucidate, clear, manifest [illuminate r°1 ll R35 shine >brighten,glare, ' r o infyS> prosper, succeed fO{ci}]3, allure, entice, decoy folq, provide, prepare, get, acquire, procure, furnish ror>jtAi3, specify, detail, sig- nalize, relate, particularize ca VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. CA f o|tc^3, declare, clear, ma- nifest, say, affirm, tell fpA1fXfti5,walk, stroll about, perambulate [or put in rows 1*tteAc\?5, arrange, rank, set X jteACT)\?5, |x|tAcr)>?3, wet, extend, spread, draw out ^fftutlAij, rinse, cleanse, wet, deterge, purify, scour, clear X c^b^j, straddle, gear, dress fCAcrj, pile, heap, collect together, raise up, build f coca] 5, grow stiff or numb ?qtAt)3Ail, pull, draw, vel- licate, twitch, pluck,scratch Tuairi)i)l5, rest, please, set- tle, tame, charm, appease yuAfrboll, extol, praise, ap- plaud, magnify ,flatter,coax, soothe, puff [make merry !^3 sport, play, jest, f>?6|3, set, plant, arrange, settle or put in order [sue T^M5> court, flatter, woo, tniTt)lAi5, pack, press, heap, crush, squeeze, crowd fiqtAi3, inquire, seek, in- vestigate, search, examine cAb^, cAb]t>T5, give, bestow, confer, grant, pay, yield CACAif*, cocA^f, claw, rub, scratch, scrape, fret, wear rAcrpAtJj, surround, encom- pass, embrace, entwine, tie ta8aII, visit, frequent, haunt cAf At), yelp, bark, bay, cry CALAIS, ..pursue, urge, rout r *5'4> ^3^5, plead, argue, dispute, debate, sue, pre- tend, pursue, prosecute cA]b]t]5, dream, fancy, think cA]b^3, shew, grudge, seem cAipn 3, banish, expel, drive cai tt>r)^ul,slumber,faint,doze c^c, come, disperse, con- temn, reject, come quickly cqc6]Tt?, pass over, go over c^^T)3,b]t)3, force, push for- ward, thrust through, drive c^5il,c^|leof, prophesy fore- tell, presage, divine, foresee c^13, offer, attempt, proffer cqjf, come, stay, remain, love c4lT3> ^ e > shave off, proffer c^cfieojft, convey, carry over cA^rbeAT), ce^rbeAT), shew, present, produce, reveal, appear [sent, shew, exhibit CA]reAlb, personate, repre- ca]|*c§1, oversee, view,survey CA^rljg, wet, moisten, damp CA^cgl, travel, stray, sojourn cA]q3, cac^3, frequent, re- sort, accustom, apply, use, haunt, weld, join, mortise ca^cI]3, appease, mitigate ca]ct)]5, please, delight cati? A13, d well,reside,inhabit CAtt)t)A|3, behead, lop off sAt>v?3, make thin, diminish ciO|fi)]3 knead, bake, mix CApv?5, hasten, hurry, acce- lerate, quicken [through CAb\?U, pierce, bore, thrust c3fr|5,benefit, profit, advance c^cuji, pass, go, or send over c^Iajc, Ia] r, throw, cast, emit C4W3, draw, bring together, collect, visit [tease, distil c4*n;>3, draw, pull, drag, trail, c^t&il, c^cvr5,c^>?5, assist,de- fend, protect, save, succour, aid, help, deliver, comfort cAfbAl, ceAfbAjl, try, assay 34 ce VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES, CO caj* cojt, go, march, migrate CAf bMJ, cgf c>?5, want, stand in need, be deficient [course cacaI, call, visit, resort, re- CAC&ift, reproach, despise CAc^jjt, reproach, contemn, disregard, reject* revile cacIait;, tear, subdue, pacify cac>?5, join, unite, close, add C&A33 cover, thatch, pro- tect, shelter, overspread s^S^lfS* teach, 'instruct, discipline, educate, rear ce^glAjj, please, soothe, flat- ter, court, coax, assuage ceA5?i?Ail, meet, encounter, contend, strive, vie, dispute ceApuo^j, meet, fall, happen C£AijA]l,lay up,hoard,glean, collect, gather together ze&ry&T), ceAt)frAff3, press, rivet, tighten, bind, brace ceAftA]rj, descend, go down ^^N^IS* separate, divide,cut ce^tjAiT;, descend, go down, evade, escape, fly from ce?5, ceAf c\?3, prove, at- test, confirm, certify, fail;] decay, die, lack, need, want ceAf s>?5, ceAf ^3, preserve, secure, deliver, rescue, save seACA]j, celebrate,solemnize ce^be^i*, drop, distil, flow c ^1 tfqtjj, fire, cast lightning s^lMS, refuse,* reject, build, ce ?T t ]t),*descend [establish ce lT t 1c,C|t]or>,dry,wither,fail ^^^t^^Ars, disappoint, hin- der, balk, prevent, meet with, occur, find, discover ceocA]5, heat, warm, rage qbijt, spring up, arise, hop C|5eAf, manage, govern, rule, farm, husband, fallow qtiKioll, surround, environ, invest, begird, encompass qitje^r;, celebrate, solemnize qobUc, qomAt), bestow, present,. give, grant [offer cjo8t)aic, dedicate, proffer, qon?All,waste,consume,spoiI qoro&it), drive, thrust, com* pel, turn off, push, force q 011)43, collect, gather to- gether, pick, get, recover qomg^, ask, require,demanjd qomirv?3, dedicate, bequeath qomfAig, qom^s, : gather, collect together, pick, lift qoti?\?r>, deliver, commend, commit, entrust, dedicate q or) Ail, cl^c,collect,convene, congregate, come together qorrp At), brtioj, drop, distil, flow down, descend, sink qot>f5A]r), q OVV5V Ajg, com- mence, begin, project, de- vise, plot, undertake, try qot)CAi3, turn, convert, alter, change, reverse, invert qofUTjAig, dry, air, parch qo(tA]3,inhabit,dwell, abide, colonize or people [fatten c ! u 3^5? condense, thicken, cIacc\?3, inter, bury, entomb cIac\?5, faint, deaden, re- duce, weaken [wish,grudge ci)ucai3, envy, lust, desire, coca]1, dig, mine, raise, delve cocqb, wind up, reel, invite coj5j, lone, desire, choose, 35 Cft VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Cv? wish for £raze, overthrow cofA]5,cop)Ai3, 011**13, be- co3A]l, sack, destroy, ruin, co]B|t|5, co|]ti3, dream, ima- gine, appear, fancy, think co] I] 5, consent, agree, please, satisfy, reconcile, unite co]rbl]5, eat, waste, spend, consume, destroy, lessen ^inbW3,coijtb]jt,give,yield, surrender, deliver [numb co]|tc|Tt), burden, bend, be- contn)gr3,coi|in)ji^, hinder, forbid, impede, obstruct, interrupt, prohibit, prevent 5DO]|ti^5, thunder, make a noise, resound, denounce c01Tn 6 13> som^S* impreg- nate, make fruitful, conceive co|fi3, assume, begin, com- mence, try, undertake c6|C|t|3, burn, scorch, singe corbAjf, weigh, measure, re- solve, unriddle, guess cojtrrjAC, magnify, applaud, extol, praise, magnify, exult cofut)*i3, enlarge, increase, make bigger, augment, swell co|trr)Ai} 5 murmur, tingle, make noise, clink, tink cp]tr)A]l, turn with a lathe tojjtACc, make orbular or round, orbiculate, lathe €OfttA]3, watch, guard, wake the dead, go on a pilgrimage <:6|t\?5, c6|jti3, pursue, fol- low, chase, hunt, drive DOfbA|3, confute, put to si- lence, disprove, baffle, crush ***P5^13> c !°t>p^M3> devise, plot, move, manage, conduct qtAi)^3, cjtA]tM3, cull, pick, choose, select, gather 36 gin, commence, undertake, introduce, assume, take citA]*5^, annihilate, abrogate, destroy, ruin, waste,dwindle Cft40cv3, lessen, abate, allay C|teAbl>?3, trouble, vex, dis- turb, annoy, confound c|toclxV]3,c]tocAii,loose,untie cfteAtirv?5, bind, tie, fasten, secure, join, unite, close C|teofiA]3, guide, lead, con- duct, steer, manage, govern cjvjAgg, triumph, rule, sway cfio]cli3, c|toclui3, decay, waste, pine, languish, fade, fail, miss, perish, die quoit) a^3, aggravate, load,de- press, .burden, make heavy c|tornl>?3, overlay, oppress, smother by weight, cover cjto6l\?3, rob, consume, taint cjtu^U]3, pollute, profane, unhallow, defile, corrupt c[w?nj*5, enclose, entrench, surround, shut up, environ c|tuf bA^l, truss up, gird, bind cu&ileAf, accuse, reproach, censure, calumniate, slander cu^ri}, guess, conjecture cuAf U]3, release, deliver cuaIa!T)5, endure, bear pa- tiently, suffer, undergo cucca|3, appoint, choose, se- lect, direct, determine cucij, cocA]f, rend, scour, rub, scratch, clean, polish cuc^l, tuck, full, mill, tease, thicken, push, comb wool cw6ca|3, come, arrive, reach cmIij, increase, overflow, inundate, deluge, be too full c*i]i}|"5, dwell, sojourn, in- habit, reside, stay awhile o?n]5, reign, rule, sway, go- vern, regulate, command zxi]d]W5,zo]]i\&\rt), dismount, descend, alight, humble, unhorse, get off a horse c*?ftfi5, c]t£f , harass, perplex, tire, weary, fatigue, trouble CMfllS, stumble, fall, slip, fail cf?f tt) honour, extol, en- noble, magnify, raise, exalt u&|6cl|7j, dismay, terrify, sur- prise, disturb, alarm, awe u^v]ci)i5, prop, support, main- tain, sustain, bear or keep up uAlri)Ai5, howl, roar, yell ii^ii)CAf, surround, encom- pass, environ, enclose, beset u*CAf, shock, terrify, inti- midate, affright, alarm uo&]V, moan, lament, grieve licence, adopt, choose,entail \? jice^, ceAl5,deceive,cheat MTtbiuj, darken, eclipse ^fiA-TT 1 * petition, beseech, ask, supplicate, solicit, entreat ^rSIS* water, wet, moisten, bedew, irrigate, pour VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Uf uti)&|5, saddle, harness, ac- coutre, prepare, dress ullri^g, prepare, provide, procure, dispose, address un)b|tv?b, besiege, trouble, vex, defile, confine closely utt)8|i\?b, shut up, enclose, besiege, circumscribe urt)f'&]Y 5, F&trs, embrace, en- twine, squeeze, press close urp^l^c, seize, grasp, catch un)lAi5,obey,submit,humble, reverence, honour, respect urr)p\?5, turn, change, alter, move round, transform urt)f>75, besiege, surround, bameade,encompass about ut>a]c, bustle, make a noise ut)p^, urjp^c, tumble, toss, wallow, roll in mire, nestle ut)p?5, manage, sway, wield u]tA]5, renew, refresh, re- novate, restore, make fresh ufic^, ujtc>?jt, shoot, fling ufic^tvcAftc, cleanse, cast out ujicoib, hurt, damage, injure ujt6xo|t,biO|i, condemn, blame itjifr'3, vq, watch, guard u]%5^, rejoice, applaud, ex- ult, make glad, triumph ttjil&TT), possess, inherit, hold u|ti)Ai5, pray, entreat, peti- tion, supplicate, beg, ask ujtf U15, uyjtluj, vomit, spew, disgorge, discharge,cast out uf^b» use, manage, prac- tise, employ, frequent ttfsg, separate, divide, rid, clear off 1 , put asunder uf-pqi), struggle, wrestle, con- tend, vie, strive 37 Srft|Aqtfc bo &jtj S^oIIa, le i?a ri}bjt]5 a S^^cfbeA]tU. Feris of Three Syllables, made into English. At) Ucaxx)^ abridge, contract, shrink, shorten, deprive ^crbufAi), censure, blame, accuse, reproach, rebuke &con)&]\ 9 assemble, collect, heap, accumulate, increase AbATb|uvi5, worship, adore, bless,love,reverence,honour a&A|x*W> equip, furnish, accoutre, caparison, dress AbfuACT^q, hate, dislike, dis- prove, condemn, abominate Af ]tA]3, rise, rouse, awake A5fpeA|ib>?3, slight, distrust, disbelieve, suspect, doubt A^jibc6]Ti?r^3, strut or pace, walk majestically, parade A^|tb^A5ly?5, manage, sway, rule, govern, regulate, lord A^fcfejri)T)]5, retire, retreat, remove, draw back or tarn A^rftefrt)r)]5, reciprocate, al- ternate [sert, affirm again A^c6ejrbi)|3, ascertain, reas- A^c|te]c^5, reunite, settle, re- concile, quiet, recompose Ari>Af c|rv?3, snarl,bark,growl, grumble like a dog, snap,bite Aii>34>?5, vex, disturb, afflict, tease, pain, trouble, perplex A0AciO]t>, cry, deplore, la- ment, bewail, weep, regret AOAfcxjg, blend, compound, mix together,* mingle, unite Ai^ucb^g, surcharge, over- load, oppress, overburden ai)uaIai3, overburden, over- 38 load, oppress, preponderate &oIait)i5, educate, rear, train up, guide, instruct, teach A|tbAT)>?3, promote, elate, lift up, encourage, embolden Aj]toi;>Ai3, fit, adapt, equal, suit, match, adjust, apply AfA]c|3, AfAfAift, remove, abandon, leave a place, flit Afu|tlA^5, support, sustain, maintain, preserve, uphold Ac^A]g, vary, change, alter, exchange, reform, amend ac^8a]5, adopt, make choice &cceAft>>¥3, inquire, re-exa- t mine, try again, research Arcorb^c, shout again,' re- - echo, resound, proclaim Ac6]t\7t)i5, rally, gather to- gether, reunite, muster Acc\?rbr)]5, recollect,bethink, reflect, reproach, consider act^aI^, re-exchange, swop or barter again, truck, trade aci)ua8ai5, renew, renovate, resume, begin again, repeat ACfTt)uA|TKr|3, consider, re- mark, reflect, contemplate &ccop\?5, reassume, recom- mence, begin again or afresh bAllAjtSA, divulge, report bAT)f £>jtf \f5, license, grant leave, permit, set at liberty bA|tArr>lv?3,suppose,consider, conjecture, compare, think bA]tAT>c\?3, warrant, enable, authorise, Secure, assure CO beocof 33, flay alive, take or strip off the skin, uncase bodice ftrjAf , smell, feel or per- ceive by the sense of smelling bfie4 r )y7i> crackle, bounce, bwAiqg, establish, found, settle, fix, erect, build CAb^Af, argue, debate, dis- pute, contest, contend, vie cejleAb^, celebrate, solem- nize, converse, talk, sing cirt)cg]ic\?3, rob, rifle, pillage coiTbceAT>5^1,conjoin,unite, brace, fasten, tie together co^tr>ceirr)T>i5, accompany, join or go along with one co^ rbo^ 3T>1 3 ? force, compel, oppress by power, exact coin)fr(teA53, fit, correspond, make to agree or meet c^Tb5fteATt)>?5, adhere, stick to, fasten, unite, join, agree co^rb]TT)i|tc, co}Tt^rT)]5, co]rb- ]H)6i5, commigrate, remove co|rt)r)e^c\?5, confirm, esta- blish, strengthen, animate coii^ljj, advise, exhort, con- sult, consider, persuade cori>2Di)c\?5, consent, agree, reconcile, unite, submit cofb^c^5,make a mark, sign, note, observe, remark cort)b<%5'4, comminate, me- nace, threaten, punish coTt)c^ibft]3, traffic, deal, in- form, acquaint, converse cort)clioclA]3, atone, buy off, commute, exchange, save cortic]t^r)]3, convoke, unite, assemble, gather together VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 6§ cori}cMb|ti3, brace or join to- gether,tie,chain, fasten,cord corb63i)]3, confirm, tie or make fast, strengthen coti?pqtiD!3, compose, ar- range, array, put in order corb£u]tcA|5, help, comfort, support, solace, please corb5qbi3,congratulate,com- pliment, wish joy to one cori)luAb^ accompany, keep together, associate, join \ con)p^c\?3, accompany, join or partake one's company cort)£4V\t)59 contract, draw or pull together, shrink. coii)c^6x5, join, weld, 'com- pound, put together, add corrjcojljg, agree, consent*, be of one mind, submit cori)c|iort)Ai3, level, balance, make equal, settle, compare coi)c^3^ f coi)coi]tbft|3, al- lege, affirm, say, maintain co|tpfo3?3, transfigure, al- ter, vary, transform, change cubc]ton)A]5, bias, poise, gra- vitate, weigh, balance, level c>?beAccAi5, attend, accom- pany,associate, j oin together cuTt>3i3, make narrow, straiten, contract, lessen curi?At)cAi3, curi7Ar)c\?3, co- venant, agree, contract an agreement, bargain be3bolcAT),bg5bolc]iAi3,per- 39 fH VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. }XX) fume, scent, make sweet Fjoi)fuAftAi3, refresh, coo eA$ri)A]fl5, adorn, bedeck, beautify, embellish, trim reverence, honour ty^iF^S* discourage, dis- hearten, deter, dissuade t^gjic^g, weaken, enfeeble Ajoc\?tt)T)i5, forget or think not pf, unattend, neglect bc^Arluig, yelp, bark as a hound or dog, cry, chatter fcjtucUb^, blab out, tattle refrigerate, allay, revive p|jt6ui3A15, assure, justify fO]jtb]teAcm?5, foretell, di: vine, conjecture, adjudge ^o]]xc^]rt)V^ 9 proceed, pre- cede, go before or forward poijicgbAil, teach, instruct „ 3 Yot)ort)A]b 9 mock, jest, jeer pOficftoi)33, bid, command f°1NF13> perform, execute, do, effect, accomplish pojjilgcoMg, extend, enlarge, widen, increase, expatiate V° fl° ^"SV f*c,encamp,besiege eAb^3^]5^distinguish,discern poUfbAig, empty, make void, e*b4TM!3, deceive, mislead exhaust, waste, spend eAb^3^5, intercede, mediate, interpose, pray, entreat 2 bo lS13»§ b °CAf , despair, ex e & bo^g, trust, hope, confide OA3j*ATt)l>?5,alter,vary, diver- sify, variegate, distinguish eAfA|lli3, debase, humble, lessen or 'degrade [change &vf Arbl>?3, vary,, variegate, AfA]tl>T5, bewitch, charm, enchant, play tricks ^iccfi]fifl5, naturalize, inure ^l^l^sHn?, endure, suffer ojbgfcq, scatter, disperse eqbf fi8§l, separate, divide e^ftjjleob, judge, decide e^b^|trb]T), interpret, explain eccjte^3, awaken, quicken, rouse, excite, stir up, move fivlAJtn)v?3,rule,sway, govern, e^V^i guard,protect,hedge pgbApjj, amend, correct n^°1%5> protest, declare, affirm, prove, shew, vow fjofiUb^,, verify, certify 40 F-oIajicijais, satisfy, content, please, atone, recompense fOTjcAbsj, extol, make glad, rejoice, cheer,exult, triumph fO|i^uA3q, proclaim, warn, publish, announce, echo FOTifiDu&it)q3, premeditate, think beforehand, consider f ft|ocolA]3, serve, wait upon, attend, administer, supply pupco]TbcAb, watch, guard F&1ttf Afflg, afford, replenish, grant, yield, give, offer 5eA|tapv?3, complain, accuse, si gh, groan, lament, sob 3lei|trt)e]^3, commission, en^ gage, employ, exercise lb]fi8eAlb, distinguish, dis- cover, perceive, observe \^]]irr))V]^]b]]irv)v 9 expound, interpret, explain, expound in)§3Ail, affright, terrify, put in awe or dread, frighten iwueitij;, bind, tie, fasten, i brace together, cord ye VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Ufl irt)t\xe&Y CA]|t, wrestle, strug- beforehand ,foresee,remark gle, contend, vie, dispute |on)Ab>?3, multiply, increase ]on)CA]6|5,try,use, accustom lon)A3A]U, counsel, advise, conduct, guide, manage lOt^colWg, incarnate ]i]ort)]iAf^, slander, backbite lA]t)f|ubA]l, traverse, inves- tigate, travel, pass over lArb|tAf\?3, handle, finger, deal, discuss, try, grapple Uvi)corbA]l, finish, perform IgcAb^g, increase, enlarge n?jt>l3, misinterpret, dark- en, make obscure, perplex H)]i)g3^, ornament, decorate, arrange, put in order tJiOTtJA^f, blaspheme, curse, execrate, maleclict, detest t?iorbco|^]t]5, sanctify, bless, consecrate, hallow, devote t>gn)lucbAi3, disburden, dis- charge, unload, lessen i)e*rt)urbl\i3,disobey,neglect, oppose, rebel, revolt, desert 0]]t§*bt>Ai3, adapt, make fit ollUtf;r)\?3, teach, instruct, prepare, make meet or fit jiAt)bonA]3, abrogate, abolish ttAt>p3c\?3, partake, asso- ciate, join in league, divide ne3A|l, bind in law, consent, article, agree |tert)A|coi3, foreknow, know 41 |te ^rf)0]tb\?3, predestine, pre- ordain, divine, foreknow |tgri^rn)u^it)i5,forethink,pre- conceive, think before ' |io5A|t)i5, choose, pick, select fAiri}bftiAcjt\?5, flatter, coax, soothe, gratify, praise fCAcUb^, allegorize, form or use figurative speech f eApACA|5,' play the fox ye 4 c q xx)\ fj , honour, reverence T!31^13> mark, sign, subscribe tr^Ub^, stammer, hesitate 1tfi]oroc'4, bear, maintain, suffer, sustain, prop, carry f]teAr?3CAfftAi<:>3, tear into pieces, mangle, alter much c&5oftb\?3, free, save, libe- rate, predestinate, privilege cAftc\?ri}]3, despise, revile, slander, derogate, contemn C4fo]llfi3, shine through CAtfiA^A^l, prophesy, predict qn^liTjeAtfi, qrr>cillceAf3, circumcise, cut or scar the foreskin, circumscribe coil£e]6rt)t)j5, enjoy, feel with pleasure, possess co]]t]ott)c3, carry over, sup- port, bear forward, convey cul]tA&A]tc, foresee, fore- know, know beforehand uAcbAfYfg, terrify, frighten, make afraid or shy, alarm ugbAfiAf, authorise, enable, put in authority, depute ullAri)\?5, prepare, provide, procure, address, dispose nmf Ajtl^, pace, amble, trip u|t&Ai 051)15, confirm, fasten, establish, strengthen. ( 42 ) Active Participles. %3 AccA8,decreeing,order- t^ceA8,placing,settling[ing A]tb A8,exalting,or extolling Ajt3A8, robbing, or spoiling ACA8,swelling,or increasing U4Ca8, stopping, delaying bto)A8, wasting, plundering bACA8, steeping, drowning, bc>3A8, softening, loosening b&] c§8, roaring,resounding bjtobA8, exciting, rousing, bu&]llg8,beating,threshing bu&|8eA8, overcoming, win- c4v|oA8,tormenting,paining ca]C6a8, wasting, spending pIaca8, eating, chewing cati)a8, wrying, or bending plgt*3A8,cracking,breaking oAf a8, twisting, or winding pluc a8, choaking, smother- cUu>rjA8, bowing, bending P63A8, kissing, saluting [ing ceAbA8, allowing, permitting polU^ piercing, boring cfieAbAjl, sighing, grieving fjtof)A8, bestowing, giving 16]56a8, reading, perusing l]T>5eA8, leaping, bouncing lof 3A8, burning, singeing 1]oi?a8, filling, glutting Ioti?a8, shearing, cutting lubA8, bending, bowing rt)&]tbA8, killing, slaying ii)Aoca8, boasting, grudging rt)eAllA8 > deceiving»cheating rt)]lieA8, spoiling, marring rt)ollA8,praising,applauding ttmt>A8, teaching, guiding. t)Af3A8, tieing, joining b&At>Arb, going, performing be^bA8, fixing on, assuring t>]t>3eA8, pressing, pushing eAf a8, enacting, decreeing e^5eA8, roaring, shouting f &3A]l, getting, procuring f&f5A8,squeezing,crushing pA^jte, watching, guarding £eAi?A8, flaying, stripping X 6ucA|i}c,beholding, seeing pl]ucA8, wetting, drenching 5*b&]l 9 taking, seizing 32Ua8, promising, vowing 3^|tcAil, shouting, bawling 36]llg8,obeying,submitting 5IACA8, taking, perceiving 5ftA^eA8, signing, marking ■ AfltAi8, asking, seeking a8 a8, dispatching, sending .6 A3 a 8, melting, softening TH5 e ^fc,reaching,extending ]tuA3A8, routing, pursuing |tuf3A8, smiting, beating |*A]UeA8, salting, curing f aca8, thrusting,, stabbing t*CACA8,lopping,cutting[ing |*cioilg8,loosening, unbind- f &oU8, directing, teaching X 3A|tA8, parting, dividing X 5oilceA8, cleaving, cutting f5fvjobA8, writing, inditing fjt>§8, stretching,extending fTi7^]beA8,reckoning,count-. c6cg8,warming,heating[ing co3A8,choosing, picking coIIa8, boring, piercing ctteAbA8, ploughing,tiliing c&4 A8,presaging, bleaching c|tubA8, fighting striving iMviUpe^c,roaring,groanirig ( 43 ) Passive Participles. Ab^gce, ripened, swelled l?)l|5ce, marked, aimed at AbrbAijco, confessed, told ]0flA}5ce, degraded, lower- AbrbolcA, praised, extolled lAb^cA, told, uttered [ed A|ct>i3ce, known, perceived lA3\?3ce,weaken'd,diminish'd AlcA^se, praised, glorified lgH?5ce, blistered, beat [ed Igf A^ce, improved, manur- loTi7^CA,clipped,sheared [ed H)Acct)\?5ce,observed,mark- r^Al^CAjexchang'd, barter'd njAll^scejCurs'd^ondemn'd ti)Aficit\?5ce,maimed, lamed n^gb^Scejenlarg'djincreas'd rpgc\?5ce, dismayed, awed tijjtMSce, explained, inter- preted, expounded, plain tt)u54CA, murdered, killed noccAigce, naked, bare olln)Ai5ce, prepared, ready ofibv^ce, ordered, appoint- o^U^ce, cut in pieces [ed Ajtb>?5ce, raised, exalted beA^gce, blessed, praised be&tr^ie, fed,fattened [ed beocA]5ceanimated,enliven- bfiof bA]56e,excited, stirred CA5A^lre,spared,preserved CAlrt)A|5ce, strengthened, CAfs^cA, killed, slaughter- ce ai)5aIc a, j oined, tied [ed c6ublot)5CA6, fed, refreshed breakfasted 5 nourish'd[bed, qTT?6]teAccA, pillaged, rob- ctucAiscej hunted, chased con)u.lcA,rubbed, scratched bAc^jce, dyed, coloured be Alb>T5ce,arranged, framed o]ti)A]5ce, adorned, decked beANjcefBeparated, weaned ofn^ce, groaned, lamented bjornAtcA, wasted, lavished pA]tc>?3ce, united, joined b]or jA^gce^nash'd^hiver'd jt1oP15^ stiffened, tough aA3lAi5ce,affrighted, awed T t ^15 t ^13^ e r chosen, elect e]l]56e, claimed, accused ^AbA^ce, kindled, excited p^]lq5ce,saluted, welcomed puACA^Tjce, hated, abhorred 5gl\?3ce,whitened,bleached 5e]bli5ce,confined,pawned f ad&Ica, saved, spared l*Alc^6A,trampled,stamped l*eAlb>?5ce, possessed, got CA]fli3ce, wet, damp, moist CAiqgce, visited, resorted ci0]fn|5ce, kneaded, mixed 5^1M5^ e >whetted,sharpen'd CAflic\?5ce, saved, protected ^^uitAiscejSour'd^mbitterd qoi)ollcA,collected,gather- SVkt^iyie, practised, used c]on)At?cA,driven,forced[ed 50ficAi5ce,hurted, wounded clACc\?5ce, interred, buried SOjior^cejStarv'd with hunger cocaIca, dug, searched 3]teATt)A]5ce, held, fastened cji^U^ce, thinned, mixed 3]teAi)c>?5ce, carved, cut cfieoftAisce, lead, guided jTi)6|3ce, gone, emigrated u&iflj-zjce, famed, ennobled ^nfl5ce,toki,related, spoken uri?Uv|5ce,submitted,obeyed ( 44 ) 3fce]rr)brti&iqte, at) fo ffof. — Adverbs, as follow. $lb£Ab, far, far distant ABf05Uf, near, hard by Abpof , Abuf , on this side Aceoir), Acq&ir), far, far off AccbeA5, save, except A3corb^ 5 opposite side [place A5f o, here, at this time or ceA&Af , of all, chiefly ceAt)A, ceAtf&A, alike, how- ceile,rt)A]le, together [ever c&ub5A, why, wherefore ci, cja, who, what, when ciai} ? afar off, aloof qr;;ce, surely, certainly ai ricgbr) a, 4 cgrj a, henceforth qot^u^c, beforehand A]f, "4 seal, backward Allob, formerly, heretofore ah;Ia, Arf)lvj8e, thus,*so, like att)\?1, Art) Ail, like to, equally An? ajiac, to-morrow [abroad Art)\?5 5 att)ac, out, outside, Art)&ir), only, yet [to-morrow AT>A8f o|]tfrgcg ? the day after at?aII, hither, nearer [ly at) Art), at)a8, seldom, scarce- At)Art), seasonably, fitly, op- At)]u8, to-day [portunely At^bot), although, yet, beside Ar)rr)6|t ? exceedingly, exces- Ai)&e,yesterclay [sively Ai)^ir)^eAf,alone,altogether At)oit», now, immediately AT)ug, when, at the hour Ai)uAf , down on the ground AjtAbA, for the sake of Ajtior), together, at one time, A|t6]|t, last night [at once A|tO]Ue, as much as, together ATiccur, at first, chiefly AfeAb, yes, undoubtedly bA, under, below less beA3T)AC, almost, nearly bjo&, although, yet, beside b]cf^o|t 5 always, constantly buf , hereabouts, on this side ca]c, where, at what place cat;, cAcftAc, when, whilst C]or)ri)4 ? because, for co, co8, alike, equally co]8ce, ever, eternally coir*, near, here, at hand corf) 3, opposite, over against corb^be, as high or tall corf)t)\?8e, always, constantly cot)bA until, to the time cortA, rather, sooner co ft c£>b, together [quence c\?3e, therefore, in conse- b&il, near, within reach bAfle, bA]lce, afterwards bAjceAf, unanimously beA3lA 50, lest that beig, after, behind beoi3, ever, therefore b]^i3, after, afterwards bfogriAir, constantly, still bo 3t)Ac, usually, always bo-rf)e^c8A|l, at least borj, then, in that case bO|8ce, by night [sequently bort^ift, according to, con- bo f]ori, always, ever bfi&fbA, crUtfbA, hitherto eA8, yes, yea, surely eAtJcojt, eAr)coric, anywise eArmg, at once, one time e]5it>, truly, surely, certainly pACul, backwards frAb, far, fai 4 distant ( pA 8e6]5, finally, lastly fA bo,twice,double [quickly p3ce,quickly, soon,speedily, pA leAC, a part, separately* pA f eAC, distinctly, apart p a cqvj, thrice, three times peA|ft, better, more good or peAf bA, hereafter [choice po, towards, forward, also po b]c, because, for [nately fo f eAc, one by one, alter- f6f,p6]t, yet, awhile poc^, along with, together poftSU, for the most part poffio^b, hard by, towards pfieAf c, upwards, more 5 Aft, nigh, near, hard by 331b, lately, shortly, near jejrjrbocA, except, unless 5I&, 3]8eA8, although, yet 3]o8c|tAf, nevertheless 30, until, to the time that 50 bjt^b, 50 beo]3,for ever 30 C]>rr), mildly, quietly 50 pottrb^, willingly, readily 50 5IAT), cleanly, purely 50 h&V&ti), seldom, rarely 3c beAbcjtort}, lightly 50 bobAt), suddenly, soon 30 bote, badly, wickedly 50 Iuac, swiftly, soon 50 n?A]£, very well, gaily 30 rt)oc, early, very soon 30 i?eA]tcrb&ti, strongly 50 T^I^S easily, possibly 30 T&V-) freely, frankly 30 l^Pnt^8e, continually 50 ceAT), stiffly, firmly 30 zz], until, to that time 511^, that, which, who i^tfAit), afterwards, next in Ibb^t, ]b]]t, at all [order 45 ) ]be^f, towards, nearly jlbeAf, ever and ever -\T), therein, in that [namely lo&on, eAbor), viz. to-wit, -|Oii?t>e, thus, in this mode loroojfio, moreover, beside IOtjat), equally, alike jor)Af,ioi;mr, so that ^OT)3Ab|tAf, surely, certainly -|OT)ca, unawares, suddenly 14, ]oji, behind, in arrears l^5e, rather than, sooner Iac^, next, present loc, every, all, entirely loft, enough, abundantly lofitboji, abundantly Tt)A, T1)Af, if, if so ti)A3u^c, round about m^ 5 as, like, likely tt)4, fo, thus, this way HT[1)|C, hiiot)ca, often ti)ocn7A|l, early and late rr)AireA8, then^ in that case 117 Abbe A3, except, save ti)ACA3u|t, nevertheless that), before, ere, already i?a, V4, neither, not either tJArsA^b, gratis, freely t)Af 4, t)eAcc4(, outwardly t>eo, else, otherwise, beside D1, t)] b^^8, not, it is not tn Of, upward, from below t)|f, tv|Of, now, immediately tjo, nor, moreover, beside tjgcx, this night [or time tK3e, until, to that place \)vlx) 9 whither, how far 6, of, since, because o f o]v AleAc, from that time ojfteAb, as much as of 3b, publicly, openly of jfiol, privately iu>, tio8, v°h ver y ji.|, fto^rbe, before Fir? a l> a i n > once more f> very, exceedingly TeAC, else, so, otherwise X eAcc, rather, especially fgcc^, without, on the other Xe&6, yea, yes,- truly [side fejqbcAi), whensoever fe]cr)e, rather, sooner f sitle, soon, early f5orr)Alf54CA, astride tJAjt, irj4, behind, after ftt>, so, thus, alike fiof, down, on the ground fioti&A, fiO|tv*?8e, for ever fiu, fol, ful, folfA, before f ofce, until, to the time that X&]V 9 that, thence ( 46 ) X°]V- 1 ti 4 3 east & westward Top, for sake of, on account r uAr, up, aloft [of caII, beyond, further catt?, certainly, surely cat), at the time when cati, c^ceAp, out of, beyond, before, over and above cq h\\i afterwards [terday t4$ >?8r)e,the day before yes- CAjifA, c^]f, over, by, past ce^c, scarcely, rarely ceoift, thirdly, in the third ceofiA, three times [place cjieAf , because, for ♦ qi>e, almost, nearly qtjc, oftentimes cu&]8, northward cucc, when, at what time znx 3A, ciof 5A, rather" [over c>?lle, more, greatly, more- ua8 8eAf, from south ub, there, or that, you u]tt)e 9 wherefore >?roej;t>, wherefore ^fi^b, then, in that case unro^to, but, even £orbr)Aif3 at) f o ^of . — Conjunctions, as follow ^Cc/but, yet Act,lmt, yet A5Uf , and, & at), whether A|t, whither b|o8, though, yet cgcb^, either, or catty, that, because bA, if, if so {cause k° ^V-Y5> f° r this, be- bo tt^tt, according to, as, such, equal X eib, as, because poijt, because *p5f , yet, still 3e, at, though 51 8, though, yet 3|8g8, although 50, though, so that 5U|t, that, as IT, at, 't, and > & lop a, than, nor Iotjut 5U|t, so that ]Ort)H)0|fto, but ^ce, also, too ti)a, if, if so rt)o,or,nor,neither t)oca, not, nor o]]t, u^, because Tcac, besides S]uou^ Atj po U 9 in, at Acojf, near to A5, with, by, at &1P, on, upon ArgeAfS, among by, with be, of, thereof D 1*M3> behind 1 bo, to, towards borj, to, towards e]b]|t, between r a, under, to 2&&]lb]t§f a at) SI, oh! alas! O! A6bo, murder ! ^lUileos, help! Af cftuA5 m&, woe is me! alas ! [hey! acac, heyday ! or bAbA, O brave ! boc,heyday ! hey ! bub, nonsense ! bA8, death! woe! bA^l 6 £)]A OjtC, God bless you ! b|i|5 &, O brave! ceprngp,© happy! co^a^I 8\?c, fare- well! adieu! £\?fle rt >° cpo^be, Omy darling! C 47 ) flop. — Prepositions j pAO], beneath po, under p\?8, under 3AT), without 30, to, unto 5tif , to, unto | ? in, within 14, backward "|bjp, betwixt ]or>p?ntrjr)Tr)o cpo]8e, the darling of my heart! my love! oc y alas! oh! pA>>, hah! hah ha! flc, whist ! hush ! fl^vt) Igc, adieu! or farewell! speed! uc, heigh-ho ! ho ! uc&T) ? alack ! alas! ucot), alas ! alas ! ( 48 ) Deic 9£biulcA8 t)A (SUd^ihje, AT)fo fiof t The Ten Irish Negatives, as follow : OtfeAir), at) T)o ufi, Arb 9 eA5 ? eAf ; i£, eAb, bo, tn bofib biroeAf ; ^t>3> ™b *1 ™° 6 ceihje. English Negatives used ; viz. de, dw, raw, a?z, it\ an, &c. firb 54|, convenience. ♦ * ATt)5Ari, inconvenience Airi) T)eATus 5 strength . AirirneAftc, weakness at) caitjc, talk at)cait)c, slander at) fio, prosperity at)tu>/ adversity eAb ^uIa3 5 patience. ....... eAbptiloa)3, impatience eAb crtoiT), heavy .% , , eAbcTioii), light 6A3 ce^c, justice eA5ce^ injustice [sible bo co] trjfgc, comprehensible. boco]Tt)feAc, incomprehen- bo| rrjeAf, measure . . . t>0] rbeAT*, infinite bo] t|OT), weather . . . . bo]vy]V, inclement w r eather bo]t qoli 5 inclination . bojccioll, illiberality bid *fiaI, free bicp]Al, inhospitality b]c meAf, esteem b]crbeAf*, contempt tt)] c^aI, sense t^c^aI, folly Tf)i8 tiac, profit Tr)]8]teAc, misfortune tt)io8 tt)o8, respect tt>]o8tt)o6, disrespect tt)|o8 f a-(*ca, pleased TT)]o8f atta, displeased t)e le ? baseness 1# 3 le > cle#n. it>5le ? dirty lotT) ^uIat)5, patience...... ioro£ulAT)5 ? long-suflering ion) ct)uc 5 zeal. .... . . . . . . lorocpuc, envy Sisfo '4 ri)o5 e^le. — Some exceptions. uft 5TiAT)A, ugly. ...... ufiijTKVTjA, very ugly a8 bitwise, beaten ........ A8bu&]lce, re-beaten ]T) beAi)cA, done ii)beAT)CA, fit to be done 10T) tia8, saying ioi)TtA]ce, fit to be spoken fo Matxa, tasted . ♦ . . foblATXA, well-flavoured fo fii)ce, stretched yofiyze, ductile fo W^ca, melted . . 4 f oleAgcA, fusible EASY READING LESSONS. ?p £of*A £]\]oyb i (&|tt c^ ejj* bAlA a 86apa8 e|bj|t a rp&c^ ^Mvfjte T ^opep, ful ipA bCAip|eeAbAft a P3Ajt bA ce^le, prvjoc&8 coyriac "j op 13ea/ftpA 6 pe^p bo a PAifli,P5, A3 rt&8, % #ofep, ri)]c 3b&]bj, pa b]o8 eA5lA oivc bo beT5jb.. .^3Uf fi|Pg8 fo \?le 5 bo carp 30 3C0|rp- ijopp\?3ce At) P]8 a bubqu ap Srjge ^pa, ertef at) bf ;\]8, A3 |t&8,..&Ab2j bob ^e, b]A|8 -rpAijjbgp cottiac, ^ bgfWi8 f| • #c, T be^>?8 ca ;£n)n)Apuel bAjptp ^ poc 3 rj ri)]r)fU3A8 ]f g8, Dia rpA]lle flip, . .^311]* q rpiif 3(115 a8 bo \3opep Af a roblA8, ii]pe pe rp^ bojib^3 Ai,P5gl a ^JSgjtPA 86, ^ 3S% bAjpri) ^, ^aca II. ?4©©?le rpAille rt|r. ..^1311}* ^ 3Civv?i)|ii3A8 uAcb4^p pa r»A3A|tc >?le 86 1 tTJjvjob^ce Ap pobuil ? bpiAp]t\?5 fe 8]ob c|A a x)k\z ap a n)beA|t- B (■* ) v?6 /CitjOfb.. .^t5 u r A bubttAbAtifAt) |tif 5 % ^beicleetu bqjt ^ubAige : ojti ip 1174 f o ac& t>6 p 5jvjobcA A5 a bpAfb, . .^tjuf ^cupA a $e]cleen}, caIait) 3ubA ? t^ cu ip Iutja e]bi]t 8\?bci6|b 5ubAb : 0]jt if AfAb qocpAf at) 3D\?bce, fbvyrteocuf tt)o pobul <9r*ruel. • .^311]* at) ^]t> 50^ JoruiAi8, t)a b|t^>|ce or ifgl c\?3e, ^ bp|Ar:fi\?5 r^ &i<>b 50 jt°13Pli> C|A A T)A]tT)r , gTt 10T)ATl fO]tlfi5§8 At) fl^Alc. . ^SUf A5 T)A jcuri 50 ^JeicleeTT) 86, a bub^c ]*&, #TT)q8e ^ iATrrv?8e ai> ^AO]8eAT;^T;50 5rt|ot)5AUAc; A3ur» C4 b]\ a fr^3AlA8vrb, ff)tr > ]8e 8Air)r > A 6, currj 3c |iACAif)fi p6]t> -| 30 bqob|t\?f) ot)6irt 86.. .^uf 3 scWt^t) At) TM5 66 1^? b 1 l1 ^13§ b 4 : 1> jfeuc, At) ti^aIc, bo cofJAificgbATt fA t>^b foirt, bo cua]8 f 6 ]toTT)pA 5 t)o 30 bc^vi^c f 6 -| 3uri cott)t)>?3 t>& of ciof) a i)|ot)>?b at) a jtAjb At) t)A0i8eAi^t).. «^3«f 3 bfAic^t) & {i&aIc 86|b ? bo 5Ab "5&Wb%cuY tiott)6ti iAb.. .^1311^ 3 tJbul A fcgc bot) qg, puAftAb^ at) T)AOj8gT)&T) a bpocq a to&c^ ?ite 9 T A3 irli3]U3A8 3 a T^lujtnb 861b, boT)6ft\?3§bATt 6 : T 3 t)0|*5lu3A8 a 3qf b]8e, cu^AbAft qo8l\?cce 86 ; 6]t, T cv?p, T n)ijTu..?t3ur 3 bf&5*il ce3Aif3 6 £>ia a t)Aifl]T)3 3AT) cat>a8 b]Ot)f\?5e ^ortuAib, bpilleAbAft a flJ3e e|le bA bqt* ^]t>. ^C3u|* q f)]TT)cgcb Airt a t)A]f 86]b ? peuc, bo c6]brieA8 A]t)3eAl At) £l3§rtT) A a trjbjtiot^lojb bo ^ofep, A5 Tt&8, £]|t]3, T 3Ab AT)t)A0i8eAi)^vT>T a riy&iq cu^Ab,*] te]t bop S&ISIP^ 1 fc 1 A ?> T1 1 ? ^° 3° l^T™ 6 ^11*1 TM 0CS °W I^TT 1 * frv?8 /5otiuai8 at) T)Aoi8eAi)&t> curt) a rb^bcA.. .%3Uf 3 t>6]]t|5 86^1)5 5Ab f& At) t)AOi8eAt)&T) [c\?3e] ^ a trjAcq at) f A t)0]8ce, A5uf b]TT)6i3 r§ bo 93tei3ipc:. .^uf b] \h *V 1f\V 30 b^vf 5o]tuA]8, cutt) 30 3coitT)liot)i:vf3ce At) VjS A bubqc At) ^i5g]tt)A le]i* At) b^^8 9 a be||t, 30^1 w& rt)o ri?AC Af a 3&ei3ipc. .^if) ^r> At) cat; cov f 4c ^otiuai8 5 30 t)bg]tT)AbA|t t)A b|tAO]ce poT)OTt)Ab pAOi, Ia]* T»e Ve pei|i3, T q 3cu|t [luf b'jceA^cA] ua8 ? n)^b f6 a jtAib bo le]i)b CPST 1 ] a ^beicleen), ^ at) a ceoftAf)Aib >?le, 6 AO]f 8^ rt)bliA5AT) t)o pAOi, bo Ti6irt t)a b^l^nt 16 bpogl'Viii) 1*6 30 3|t]OT)3AlAC6T)A brtAO^qb. •5(*Af)|}T)C01Tbl : jOT)U5A8 AT)t>18 a bub^c 5e]tftTpiAr At) p^8 ? a bei|i. .Do cloy 511c a iXAn)A, CAO]T)28 ? T 5ul,T UAlllpgTICAC TtOTT)OTl ? l^ACel A3 CAO|T)g8 A cloif)ej^ i){0]tb^il le] fol&f a 5IACA8, c|te t)ati ny^b^. * ^SUf At) cat; £UAifi ^otiuaic b^vf, peuc, c6]bTig8 A]T)5gl av tij^fit>A a it)bfiioT)5l6]b bo Jopep i*a 3l^151pc v .^3 ( s ) fUv8, &1T1155 3^b cus^b At) leAt)b*| a Tb4\cA]ft, "| jtDqg 50 caIati} 4f|tAel: o]]i pu^AbA|t %t> ^S^ t)0 &1 ^3 l^]]tY?8 at)tda At) lepb b&|\. .^lif be]]t]5 fe^gi), *| gAb]^ at) leAt)b T a rb^c^ c\?3e, ^ cA]t)]c y§ 30 caIatt) 3f]tAel.. %5i*r at) cat) acuaI\?8 f6 £t]tcel&u]* bo be]C n ^15 Acqji ^ubA^e a t>]ot)Ab Jo]tuA]8 a ac^ b] ^jIa 3 8ul ]i)ce: ACb ceAt)A ? 3 bf&3A]l cg5>?f5 6 3D] a 86 a n)b]t]OT)5l6|b ? b]OT0]>o]8f6 3o C]t]6]b i)A©A]l]lfe:. .^3uf At) cat) cA]t)]c r& At)/ cori?trvi3 f& fA 5'cac^| bA t>30]|tcg]t at^Aftec: bo cuit) 50 5co|it)l]OT)]rvi8ce at) i?]8 a bub]tA8 ]t]f i;a p&]8]b, ©0 t>50]|tf ]5e 31aj* A]t8A 8e. 5o]*a at) cADf 0]T) ot) 3l3Al]l6 30 5o]tbAt), bo ctiTt) /£o]t) 5 ]o^Af 50 Tt)bA]^bf§8 y& 6...^tcb [ceAt)Aj co]]in)e]f3 £o]t) 6 5 A3 -ft&8,^lc&]t]ACbAT)u]* o]tAii)]*A cu]*a bott) bA]fbeA8^A ? T at) bp\?l cufA A3 ceAcb cu3ATi)fA ? . . ^3uf bpPSS^ ^Pf^ M A bub^c ]*6 ]t]f, t^]3 [e be]c] a t)0]]*: o]]t ]f tt)^ x° ]nort)CubA]3 8\?i) 3AC v?te cg]tc a cojrij- 1]0T)a8. ^C b]:ulA]T)3 f§ 86 at> cat)]*o]T).. .^511]* A]]tti^be]C X)]0]*A bA]]*b]5, cua]8 p& A]]t bAll ]*uAf A]* a T»?r3e : T, feuc 5 ]:6]*31a8 T>eAit) 86, -| cofj^c f6 Sp]0]tAb £>&■ A3 c^flt- llT)3 A 3C0f ATT)lACb C0l>?t1) ? *] A3 CeACb A]]tftOT):. .^tstif ]?euc 311c 6 t>eAtt) A A3 ]t&8, ^5 fo ii)o ^TIac 5]t&8ACf a, bA b|*\?l ti?o ri)6]tco]l [at)T)]. CUA]8 f6 fttAf ^ fl]Ab : T A]]t f u 13 e &6, cA]t)]cgbA]t a 8e]f3]ob>?l cvse : . . ^311]* 3 ijofsUb a b^]l, c§3A]r3 r s l* b ? A3|t^8 v . [5]*] beA^v?5ce t)a bo]cb a f p]0]tAb : 0]]t ]]♦ leo |t]05Acb i)e]ti)e.. • [#f] beAt)\?3ce i)A bA0]T)e 3t)]8 bob]toT): o]|t 5eAbA ^ Ab xol&T • • L^f] beAi)^3ce t)A bA0]T)e ceAi)f A]8e : 0]|t b]A]8 6]5]i§cb t)A caItoai) aca.. .[^r] beA^^ce at> b]teAH) q Ab]:\?l oc]tAf "\ CA]tc t)A c6]tA: 0]]t ]*^]]*eocc4 ^Ab . . [<5f] beAfj\T5c£ t)a bA0|t)e c]t6cA]]t^CA : 0]]t 3ebA]6 t]Ab cjtoc^e.. .[^]*] beAi)r r 5ce t)A bA0]T)e ac^v 51at) a5 a 5C]to]8e: Oj]t c]f]b X>]A..[3f] beAf)>?5ce lucb8^At)CA t)a |{otc^T)A: o]]t 50]]tf]8cgji cIa5 ^ 8job. . • .[A couA : 0|ft f f leo fiiogACb vepve . . pf] bgg^ee be]C|, ai) tArqrr;8gfi3- fi>7b [bAo^eJfib, ^ bjbeortv;b [fib], T a beuri\?b t;ac \fle bfiocfocAi fijb 30 bjieajAC, 3 rpo forrfA.. # 23]o8 3&]fi- beACAf T liiAc^ne ojt\?b : oifi jf 1176^ burt luA^beACb 3 i;eArb : ojit ]f rr;^ fit) g^rtlgriAb^ r)A f &]8e c*t]rv|c rtorfjAib. 3f TT^TT f aIat) r)A caIt^at) : 3]8g8 bA ccAillfg8 Ar> f AlAf) a bUfi, crteub l& a fi^llfiibcgrt g ? t>] bf\?l fie^rt? at) a fit) TUlAf*, ACb A CejlseAl) ATt)AC, T A fAlcAftX fiA COfA^b bAOj^eAb. ,*&f fibf] r-olurr at) boir)Ap. 3X] beibjrt cac*| ac& 3 t)A H151113A8 q fl]Ab bpoUc.. .^Cjuf xj\ UfAjb bAOjrje co]f)eAl, curt; 30 SC^rtrqb] f fiA beul r-Ojgqg j, ACb a 5Coif}leoirt; ^ 31^8 f] fiolur- bA a rr)b|of) a r c 13- •£><> tt;a8 tt;^ fit) 8eAlfiocur- burt fio^ltfifi a Uxq r>A t>bAO]rje, a 3Cftu6 30 bpA^c^]8 fiAb burt rjbggojbrigcA, "] 50 bC]ob- rrv?b 5l6]]x bA burt 31ac^ au& 3 rjeATi?. 3fov rog^A^be 30 br^r)]c *t>|fi a f3AO|lg8 At) bljTje, t>o t)A bp^be: r^ bA r^jAoiieAb t'&]V]c vo&, ACb bA 3C0|irj- l]ot)A8. . . <&jrt a be]tt]rt? rt]b 30 filfqtJgc, 3lo 50 bc6]3 t)grb T caIait) cortc, t)] ]tACA]8 6i>]oca t)& Aorrput)c bot) bl]5- eA8 cojic, vo 30 3C0irbl]0i)c:A]t 3AC irj8... .^<|Tt a T)A8b^- T ! 1 ^ Sl^ b6 peAC bft|f*peAf A0t>A]£t>e bo t)A bA]ceAt)CA]b tto bg5Afo, T cg3Aif5§r V* &<\oirje rp^ fit), 5ow\&i$yi be Ar) fc b>?r)e if lug a a rijoijAcb rje-|tr;e : ACb 5108 b& peAC bgrjAfT cg3A]r3§r [lA&J, 5°1tM^gn [b^t>e] W 6 !* 6e a |t]03Af r)e|rbe . . (&]ti a be]rt]rr) n^b, ^urjA fart^^be burt b|qrtgr>CAfrA [pitigi)CAf] r>A r3T t i ob ^3S 6 1 V &?'4f]Ve*c, t)AC ]tACA]8e AixeACfAbplAiteAr 1 r)eArb8A 30 bri^b, . £,F)^AlAb^ 30 rjbubrtAb Ttif t)A f|f)f]ri]b, 9d& b^Ar) b'ut)rb^bA8; "] 318 be 8^Ai?Af but)tf)^bA8 b|A^8 |*^ C]ot)cac 6 bneicgrbt)uf : . .^Ccb a be]rt]rr)r] fijb, 0ac t)gc 3t)]8 ^g]t3 ri6 t)A bgrtbn&cq 3A19 A8b^^ bu8 c|of)cAC bor> brie]ceATf)- r)uf 6: T 3108 b& r;gc a bgri^b rt6 r)A 8eA|tbri^c^|, ^aca, bu8 c^of)cAC &o 6ne]C t)A corb^le ^ : *| 3^08 b^ a be^\?8 3t Aii)Ab^i), bu8 C]of)cAC 6 bo ce^b ^u]f). .u]rr;e fjr) rrjA cu3Af) cu bo CAbA]tcuf* euro t)A r;AlconA, A3UI* 30 3C\?rr)r)eocA Ar> fit) 30 bp\fl 1^8 g b]6 A3 bo 8eAfi- brt^c^ Ab A5A18,. .^3 bo CAbAncuf Af) fiii a bfiiA8trv?fi r)A 1)Aic6rtA, A3U|* 1tt>q3; Ajuf A]]t ccuf |t^8]3 ri^b bgfibrUvc^, T c^ e]f fii^ q bceACb b\?c, CAb^ ua^c bo qob- ( 5 ) Iaca8*. .21iej8|5 50 Iliac jteb gf5 c 4^ b ? AV > 1 : §^ fy^T c ^ ppoc^ j*a cfl^e; bgslA 50 bqobuA8 cgjx^A bopbnei,c> eArh cu, A5up 50 bqobftA8 Ap bftejceATp cti bop rpAOji, A5iif 30 b6e]l5f]8e a pjutjIat) cu. ..^i be]]t- ^rp ji]OC 50 p|frjpeAC 5 Q&ac jiaca]8 z\x at; pp a tt>ac 5 vo 50 p]oca cu a t>feo]jiV|r>5 8ei i 3eAp<\c.. .£>l)UAlAbij 50 pbub]tA8 |i]f pa j*]pt;jTt]b 5 3tj 8capa cu a8- Alc(tAi)A|*:. .^if a bejiijrop fi|b, 0]8bepeAC peiiCAp Aifi ippAO] curp a pApcu3A8, 50 pbgTip>(8 pe A8AlqtApAp lej ceApA Ap a c]to]8e, .^Ipft a pA8bzjpoi i p ?PAp cjopcac bo pv?l 8gp,bAi i p ApAb ^ cejh; uApc "j : 0]jt-|ppgjTt8\iC AOp- bAll bob bAllAjb bo 8ul a iduja, pa bo copp \?ie a sci^gP 30 bin*j<>P . .^l5uf tpa bejjt bo l&tp 8gf f5Ai)?c AopbAllbob bAl- lA]b a 8ul a rpu^A, t) bo cojvp \?le ceiljgpjo fyppjop.. . %C-5Uf ri)A bei/p bo l&tp 8gp P3apat1 8\?c, 5g||t 8]Oc "j, ^ ce]l5u?le a cejljeAi; 50 l)|p|t-|op . .^jup a bub|tA8 ? : j8 b6 c\T|tgf a beAp ua8 ? CAb]tA8pe Ijqft 8gl- A]5ce 8] : . .%icb bejfVjTpp ftjbj 0]8 be pgc c^fteAp a bgp >ttAi8 5 (ACb &tf)&]t) q fop A8AlcjtAPAfT; ? ) 30 bzu^A'O p& M|tpq A8AlqtAp<\p a 8eApATp : "] ap ce pop Ap ap bgpfojp bo l&|3eA8 pAlb 9 3^8 fe A8AlqtAi)Af.. .^ a 5Cgbi)A, ciiAlAb^ 30 pbub|tA8 TT|p pa pjpfiitjb, ^1 ^objwib ~z\\ fie^gc, ACb 8eAPA z\x bo rp6|b bop Srjge^pA :. .^icb a bejji^tpp |i]b 5 3&& cAb|t>?8e rp^opA 3 bic; p& cAbfiYf&e peArp ; 0]|t a pe CA^q|t 2D-6 6. . 3&& CAb]tA]8e Ai) caIaii); o^|t a yh VP^ A c°T & : V& cAb|t\?8e 4fe]tu- fAl^ro ; o]]t a ]*] CACAj|i at; ^03 ri)6]|t "j . . • 3X-^v cifti8e a t)A3A]8 a p>?lc : ACb 3)8 be pg,Q buA]lfcr;cu ^ bo 3 (Allbgf^ornpo 13 c>?3e ^rof a 3]Allojle. .^jup ap ce ie|t Ab A^llcujf briefceAip- p\?p bo c>?|t ofic, "i bo coca a bA|P b]oz, le^3 le|i* [bo] cIoca pop ..^15111; 3)8 be beufiAf lejp ^ peA8 rp^le ^IT 1 ^151 T ^ l 'b 1^15 ' e ir ^1l l PA& 8a ipjlc. .XAbA]|i ( 6 ) [v)6] bot) th lA^Af o|ic &, A^uf 3^6 b& l&fi n^At) Ai|tleA3A6 b^gA^l ua]c, i)& -p^ll UA]C 6.. .itbuAlAb^ 30 t)bubtiA8, ©it^jbeoc^s cu bo corb^fA, A3tq* b]A8 fUAc A5Ab bob i)Ari)Aib.. .?icb a beijtirofi ji^b, ^06 3ft&8 A5A^b bA bu|i t)Ain)b]b 9 bgi)Ai5i8e t)A bAOit)eri>AU- A 15§r Ti&; beuiJiSe roA^c bo t)A bAOitV|b c^cu^ggi) fib 5 ^ b^AT)A]8e U]ti2i8e \ yoxy t)A rtrv?i)cnte buAi8ftgf 15b *| 8^b- fgj* fib ; . . X>o curt) 30 robe^c fib bu|t 3clo^ A3 bufi SXac^ p&]i)] ac& 3 t)gtt) : 0^1 bo be^t r^lTS^ ft A b Sl^] 5° V' e W~ 3gr> At) 5^1 At) 9 t) V& VSV&ti) q t)A fiifteutJAib T 3 T) i)qii)frJiifcui}Aib. • .<&1ji it)A bioi) 3|t^v& A3A^b 4| a nrwqji a sit&fc^seAf fib, cjteub & At) luAjbeAcb bo geubcAOj ? a t)& t)AC i?b^At)A]b t)A 3?ublfoc&iij aij t)|8 ceubrjA ? . .^5Uf rt)A c>?it- C|8e |?^tce]toiri) bu|tt)bg|tb|t^c]te [p^i)] Att)^t) 5 C]teub 3trj8q bA b^v|t [£4 c&c] ? At)e t)ACt)b&At)Aib T)p\rbl]oca^ ro^ a 3ceubr)A?. .^iijt a t)A8b^^t) b^b^b^ bg^rb^lcA, rr?4 ac^v bu|t QjUu^ ac& g t)eArt) beAt)5to&lcA; 5&%13£)£)& bujt t)^e t)AC i)b6At)tAO] bujt t)b£r|fic a 6jr|A8t>\if; bAOjt)eA8, euro 30 bfAicfibif fib : 1)0 tji bpYfjjc] luA^8eACb 6 bu|t Q&ac^ ac& q t)g*b.« .^|t Ai)A8bz(]*0]T>A Vu^l 3trj8 cu b&ntc, t)A c\?|t 3Alcftort)pA 8a f jtw |tori>- Ab 5 rt)Afi 31)18 t)A f uATtC|t^bAi8e at) ft) a coirbqot)ollAib Ai) ft?A fft&ibAib, curt) 30 bpygibif 3I0111 6 8A0it>ib. ©ofifi- }9%c a benr|it)fi |V|b 9 @o bp^l a bcu^AfbAl ac&.. .^icb At) cAt) 31)18 ctq* a b^ijtCj v& frjo8 Afiof A3 bo Uviri) clj cfteub a 31)18 bo l^vrb 8gf :. .SLfyxm) 30 it)biA8 bo 86j]tc a bpolAC : "I bg|i\?8 *6a£ai ji bo c\ a t)UAi3t)gr iuAi8gcb 8\?c of ^b.. .^3uf At) cAt) 3t)f8 ,tu u]tt)^8e 5 t>4v bi n)^| lucb At) *pu^cit^bAi3 : 0]itif iot)tt)>?i) leo uftt)M8e a 8^At)Arb ft)A COITbciO^ollAlb-l A 3C0tt)1tAC 1)A ^lOb 1)A f gf ATl) 5 CUTt) 30 bpAiCf|bn* t)A bA0]t>e iAb. 0o bein)it) a beiftinjfi tt]b, ©o bp\?l a bcu^u^bAi aca.. .^Xcb [cgt)Aj, Ai) c&t) 3^l8 cu]*a uitt)>?8e ? 1^)^13 a fbeAC Ap bo f eoiDyiA, T ^ t)biit)A8 bo 8o]t\?f b^?c, 3\?8^ACAiit y:h]V ac^v a t)bi ait^ ; T be^A]8 -BACAiftci a t)biAri)4 luAiggcb of ^bb>?c., .%icb [ceAt)A] A3 b§Ai)Arb u|it)\i8e 8\ib, i)^v bi8]8e itocAi^ceAC, n)A|i t)A C]i)eA8ACA: o^t fili8 ^Ab 30 t)eifbf]8tgft ( 7 ) ]t|u at; a yiorytb b|t]^cA]t...[tft]ii)e flT>] t>^v fArr> lA15teA|t |*|b tvju: ojti ac& a frjop A3 btqt SiAcAifi [p&]T)] C]a b]Ab tja t)e]ce ac^v 8\?|tg^bA]8e oTVtfb, t)] i-p CAOfSA T)A ^A]tfV?5e 4| ]Ab.. .^C^]t A^Abb^fO^ b&AT)Ai,8fl bu|i r>u|tr)A]8e ttj^ po. ^CrtOftACAiTt ac& g TjeAri), QXaottj- £4 b^lTW. . .&i3g8 bo Trjo^Acb. X)^at)c^ bo coil 3 at; ccAlArp^rp^ 5T>l8cg|t 3 Tjgrrj. .?C|t r)ATi&T> lAeceArf)Ai,l CAb^ 8\?f) a T)]U3.. .^C^uf rr)!\]t 8>?f) 4 bpjACA, ttj^ ri)A|crrr|bT)e b^ bp6]cgrbt)\?b [p&ir;].. .^tjuf T)A 1^13 pl 1 ^ A CCAC113A8, Acb pAopt ^f) 6 olc : S]]t iy leAc p&it) at) TvjoTjACb,*] at; cutT)ACb 5 "1 a 5l6]]t, 5 fiOTtrv?8e. ^CrTjet). . . <&]ti ttja rt)^iq8e a 3C]ot)ca bo 8Aor)]b 5 n)A|cp^8 bupi 3X&iq T)eATT)8A 8v?bfe n)^ a 3c|bTj. .^Ccbrt)UT;ATf7^]q8^ A5qoT)CA bot) bAO^ib, V) tr>^]c^|8 burt 31ac^ ye]i) 8\?bpe burt 3C]otvca.. .^ut* at; cat) 5Dl8c| crtof3A8, t)& bi8|8e bubAC, r\)^ t;a fuAptcrUxbAi^e; o]|t bortc^bjb a T;A3Ai8ce, bo curt) 30 ttja8 pollup bot)A bAOiT)]b 30 bcTtor*3Aib. £1 beiji]Tr)n pqb 30 f]T|T]f)gC, 00 bp>?l A CCUATlAfbAl ACA...^C6b [cgTJA] AT) CAT) A 8(|T)Ap CUpA C|tOf3A8 9 OT|t oIa AfTl bO ^§5? 1 1<>t)aiI b^3^1^5»«^bttrt) t)ac bu8 pollup botj bAo^Tjjb 30 T)b|T)AT) cu criop3A8 5 Acb bob ^Icg AC& A A t)b]An?4 : -] bgriAi8 J5ac*| a c\ a t)b]Arb^, UiA]8gcb b^Tc of A]tb. 9£& CTt^f)]5]8e lOTJlTJAf ^ A CCaIatT), TT)^ ACCplUAlllgf} & leoifj&T) *! at; ileitis & ? ^ tt>4 a ccocUib *\ ttj^ a t^o^bib t> b] oc att) r)\?8e: %if cprvrfj^i^e lofjrfjAT* 8\?b pp6i,T) 3 T)gTT>, 0]Tt If Af) T)AC bCTtUAllWf) AT) Tirjoll CfVJOT) T)A A Tr^TtS, "J t)ac bcoelAib "\ t)ac T)30ibib tj 3Ab\?8ce : oipt 3^8 be bAll iot)a bt;\?l burt T)|or)TbAt; 5 ^t; at) ^jt> b]AT* bujt 3Ctt0^8e TT)A|t AT) 3^AbT)A...Sl AT) Cf>?l foluf At) c>ntp : v?Tt)e ^T) ttja b^'of) bo fu^l 5IAT), bi^vib bo cojip \?le foillfeAC.. .^Ccb bA TiA^b bo f6|l 30 bole, b|Ai,8 bo co|tp ^le boricA. 3l]ri At)A8b^|f o^t; tt)a acv\ a foluf ac^v ^of)Ab tj 8ojiCAbuf, CTteub e tr^eub a bO|tCAb\?f t^t)! .•DX] -pe]b]TT 16 t)gc ^| b^c fe^Ttb'jr* a 86Ar)Ait) bo 8?T)e aca, A5ut; 3|i^8 boT) b>?rje e^le ; t)o cl^t)t:>75 yh bo peAC aca, "1 beuTiAi^ f6 ^^c\?(*T)e A^Tt at) b^A f gtt. 9X] fe^bfrt lib fe^Ttbif a 8^ai)att) bo £>|A T bo n)ATr)Tt)or). . . ^ at; Abb^fOjT) a beiTt]iT)^ ttib, 0(Ia bi8i8e lA,T) bo CttTtArrj a rcppcgll bujt Tt)bgcA, ctteAb ]oy bAO^, t;a ]obcAO] ; t)*v a ( 8 ) rc|ri)celi btift TC^jtp, Cfi^Ab c\qt£f8(* intra ]b. ^C 1)£ i)ac n)6 3. catxutj I} & b]A8, i| at? cojtp i)& at) ceubAC?. n J*gc- A]6e ij eut)U]c at) A|8&jrt: oift rf| c\-|tib [t^ol]^ t)] bgt)- A^fiAb, T t^ c]t^r>]3gT) fi<\b at) a fSloboWjb; j^bedS bgcAiggt) bufiQd&cq T)grr>6A|*A iAb. %i x)h T)ac frgrti fjbtf '50 r?)6fir> }Abt*At;?. .^Cjuf cja A3A]b 16 tj ion)Ab cutn?rr> -p<|bAj» ior)bAT)l^itj bo cuft l& t)2jbe f^it)?.. .^Ijuf* crt6 bpb ]*o.. .^iju]*, T17A eub^jjeAr) D|A tuatx fit) l\jb at> ibAc^e, ac A a trfag at), T a rr)A]tAc 3 t)a cei^eAT) f*A TntArb&t)., a i)6t)AC rt)6 T)A fit) fibf^ a 8&o|T)e be]3CTteib- trjeACA ?* .turtle f?T) \) b]8|8e lAi) bo cutiatt), A3 TtA8 y - £ft6Ab locf Art? ? T)o ? £jteAb 10b An?-? t)o 9 £ft&Ab c\?fipgn> tur)A]f) ?„.(<&ift a f|Ab fo ^le lArftvfb t> £,-(T)]8gcA:) 01 ft ac& a f|Of A3 bufiQtl^c^ t)gn)8A 30 bp?l a ]ti,AcbAT)uffa >?leofiAib.. .3Xcb iAf|t>T8a 3 ccaf plAicgf X>& ? *| a trjfteuT)- CAcbrAT)* -\ c\?]tp^8reA]t r> rjeicef} itite cu3A]b,, .tkih)e fit) r> b"jo8 ttocujiATT) ptt\?b cfrr)ceAl at) Iaoj tttAtiv?;*;: o]ti b]A]8 A f&IC CUTtYtTT) 3 AT) l& A TT)&TtAC C|TT)Cgll A T)efte f:6]T). Jff lott boi) Ia a olc pkiT). "3e.. .^3^r cr>^i)j5gb4| fluAiTjce TT)6tiA c\?3e ? iot)at* 3 T)bul a fbgc A ^"^3? UPV- V r ^ T& ? 1 feAf at) flu A3 \?le q a crt^ig.. .^3uf Ubq p^ n)orx4vr) jtiit a jcofArrjlACb^ibj A3 ft^v8 5 ^euc 9 cuA]8 ? ]* |olAb6]tt a tt)ac A3 cutt t*]i; -. . ^3irf A3 curt at) tx\ I bo 5 c>ic c^b 8e coif* t)a f ii3e8 ? "| cAftJiceAb^ t>a b^^i)lA]c ? T b^cgb^ 6.. .^1311]* cv?c c\?b efle 8e a bpgrtAT) cIocac, rt)^ t)ac fiAib ii)OftAr) >?ffie A^e : T bp^vf f*^ 30 Iuac, bo bftig i)ac bpii^ \e bojn)T)gcb T)/?T)gc: -| b^iftjge r) n)\ri)ecA fiiAf, ^ rbiicAb^ ^ : % .^i3Uf cw c>?b e]le 8e a bcAlAri) tt)A|c ? "| 6115 f 6 cotia8, ' c\rb cettb ^?]tgb, c\?b ctvj -piccjb ^rtgb, c\?b befc ij Ficcgb >TfieAb...0i8 b6 A3A b^\iU]b cluAfA cutt) ^ff*bcAcbA 5 e]fbo8 fft, % ( 9 J ing8 ait a ctici8e. ^Cj ro At) b\?i)e ub at) ii c\?jig8 at) fjol cojr n rl^e.. .^3ur At) c6 ub at) 3 o?rtg8 AT) fjol A bf gjlAT) cloCAC, A T/6 rub AT) ce bO cWjT) AT) brttAc^ "| 5A^At; c\?5e 6 a l&c^ Tt)&]Ue tie 3&/|TibeACAr. ..^Ccb T)^ bp?l . f flfcATT) A13e AT) £eit) ? ACb £AT)Y?8 t*6 3 £g8 cah)A]11: T At) cat) c]5 c]t}obl6]bT)o buA]8jtg8 3 rot) ija bjtetcne, ^ bAil 561b r6 otlbe^rT) . .^jur at) T)gc ub AT) '4 C>?Ttg8 AT) r|ol A TT)gf 5 T)A TT)\?T)gC 5 A5 T»0 AT) Ce A cl\?T) AT) b|t1AC^; T TT)llCAl6 ]10CUTIATT) A1) CrAOgAllfi, ^ TT}gil- COIJtgCb AT) CfAlbbftir A bujAC^, *} b^ re 3AT) COTIA8... ^ijuf at) ce ub at) £| c>?ng8 at) jiol a b^griAf) tdaic a f*6 fO A £6 t)0 cl\?i), "I C\?5gf bjtlAC^ [6J; ^ lOTPCTlAf coriA8 r T beiTt, c\?b ceub vf|igb 5 cvb crvj |qcc]b 3 1 c^b ejle a beic 3 jqccgb cua]8 re Af fit} A Wl)3 A T)|OT)Ab p^fAtT)A]l ^ leiCI "I AT) CAT) A CU&l?l c\?3e, A3 rtA8, tC]c fr&rArijAtl ro, .*| cu?8e Aijt Ai) bpx3un ? ^ q tj>31aca8 t)a 3c>?3 i)<|ivt), ^ £ b& |Ar5 ? A5 f|cA]i) fu^r q ^gtr), bgt)A^ r6; ^ q t)A rt)b|i : irg8, C115 re da f)4?3 ^H e V eA lh rt )^, &V l& TOT&ib A5U|* le le]t)bjb> I . .^i'Qxy q Wil c\j|t Jof a b^ACA^b 3 a 8e|fC]obl\ib 8ul a Wt)3, 1 8ul |topi)e [t;e-|t)] bot) cAob o]le 5 1)0 50 le^3g8 |*6 AT) pobAl UA8. .^tjU]* AT) CAT) A l6|5 r;e AT) pobAl ua8 I cuai,8 r*e f uAf 3 fl] Ab At) Aor)^ a beAt)Arf) urir)\?8e : *") at) cat) bo b^j be] jtg8 At) Ae at), bo b] fe a fit) at) ge rt)&]t A3A^b; it* ^fi A cA,at); t)A b]o8 eA3lA ojtA^b.. .^3uf C113 ^Pgb^ pri§3|tA 9 "| a bub- ^C T*6. ^t ^ISST 11 ^? ^f C ^ AC ^ A ^ OTtbA^5 8ATt)T*A 8ul Ab co]T)e 3 12 b\?|*3i8]b.. .^C3iif a bub^c fe]fgt), Eaji. %3U1* At) CAT) A CUA]8 3?gb^ flOf Af A l>?r)3, f juBaiI fC 3 t;a r)Mr3l8ib, cutt) cgcb 30 J5iofA.. .^Icb At) cat) a cotjgc 1*6 at) 3A06 l&jbirij.jjAb 3qrr; at) cj46]3, a bub^c t;6 |i/|u 5 ^£]i;b]8e^ T CM3l8e r.^SX] 6 at) rjj& c6|b a fbgc at) ]*a rbbeul t^aI- \?5gr; At) b\?t>e; Acb at) ^8 c|3 Af at) "rr;beul ? a f e r*o fAWSer; at) b\?r)e.. .34r) nt) cApjceAb^ a 8eifC]ob\?l, ^ a bubriAb^i -fii f ? ^i t)e t)ac bc\?3gt) cii 30 brm^Ab^ t;a i^b^lf" : jr;i8c bo cuaIa at) 3i6rtt;A o|lb6]rr) [at;]?. .^3111* q bf]tg5riA 86fAt) 5 a bubA]ric t;6 ? ©AC\?le plA1)bA T)A]t C\?tl ^ac^ t)giT)8Ar/A ? bg^^gcgri a|» a ffigrbAC e...Le|3]8e 86^b [f6|t)] : if eol>?5ce bAllA a 3C|or) bAll iAb. ^43uf tda crieori>?3gT; bAil bAll e^le ? c>?cr:]b a tiaot; fA bjj. . . %3ur; 3 b^rigSjiA bo 3?l?gb<( ? a bub^c fe |i|r ? ^l^jb^Oe ( 11 ) At) cof.. .^3uf a bub^c 3of a 5 Sii; bp\?Ic|R ! p6f AT^bp^OfAC?. .31t)6i)ac br^qfjpof, s^be- rrjb cqb ■ a fbgc at) f a Ti)beul ? 30 &z&]b y& f a rqbohj, *| 50 bce]l3- 1 Cgfl Af fiT) bOT) CATDjtA 6?..^iCb T)A T)CT,Ce Ce/|b ATTJAC ' Af at) ri)beul, ]f Af At) 3C]to]8e c|5 f|Ab; ^ if f^Ab 'fit) f AlYjgeAp at) b\?i>e.. .<&i|t Af at) 3CTiO]8e c|3^b t)a bjtocf rt7KiA]i)C|5ce ; buT)ri)ATtbA8 5 A8AlcnAT)Af ? f cn]opAc- Af, 3Ab^8eACb FiA3T)>ife bueT^e, ojlbejrr) :.. ,3f ]Abfo i)A [t)e]ce] f AlAj^eAf at) b>ii;e : ACb b|A8 b^ce le l&ri)\?b 3AT) ]ot)Ia8 t)] fAlvggrj fe at) b\?T)e. 3i3uf 3 t)bul X>]ofA Af fit), cu^b f& 30 leiqnjljb H^rvvTf T ^jbo]t).. .^13111;, feuc, cat^c bgr> bo £1)A- t)aat) 6 t)A CTtiqb t^T), T be|3 [j;], A3 ha8 |i]r, £oat)a CTtOC^e OHATT), A &J5gTU)A ? A TT)]G ^A^b] ; ACA n)]V5QV buAb^cA 30 rr)6]t 6 8gTi)AT).. .^Ccb t)] £113 fejfgi) ft^ST 1 ^ q b|c >?||ic|. 3f CAjt^ceAb^ a 8eT i fC|obAT i l, c>?3<3 ^ b]Atjt- Ab^ 3, A3 tia8, £Yjjt ua]t) j.; o]|t, a ca f] A3 ei3ii)e 3 T)b^Ai3. . .^C3ut; q bpTteA3itA ^°t/ai) ? a bub^c fe, SVjojx c\?ng8 rinfi ACb bo curt) caouac q3e Zyjusl cin\-{8 2j fgcjiAT).. .0 : j8^8 cat^c ^ "| bo n]0e f| flgcbAT) bo A3 jia8 ? ^i ^ISST 1 ^? F^IT 1 onurt).. • ^5 li r 3 ^F^SST 1 ^ ^6fA, & bub^c fe 5 &11 c6|tt auCat) n clo-]i>e a 51aca8 5 "j a ce]l3en cutt) t) ccoi)...^tcb a bubgc fft, 3f frjoft [fit)], a Jtjg- gttT)A: 3l8g8 pof -jcjb T) co]lgr) c\?b boT)A fpn\?lecA cv?cgf 6 bottb a bc]3gjiT)A8 [f&iT)] . • ^ bueA3ftA £|of a at) cat> yo]y, a bub^c f6 jil, a, & a bgT), [|f] rt)6|i bo CjteibeAri) : cg5ri)A8 8>rc rr)^ ^f co]l leAC. %$&f &o h] a bin^eAi) flAt) 6 a tyuq-ftv [a rr)Ac]. tflbAtA XVII. ^C©B:S a sqorj fe Ia CU3 JofA i ? eb^| ? -| cSeuit)Af 3 ^ S &o]t) a 8eub]tC\rij 5 ^ cn^ojt^g [fe] ^Ab ^ le|^5o fl]Ab Aj\b v .^t5uf bo bAqi^3g8 a cttuc at) a bf|A8i)>^; T 8glltt\i3 a a^t8 Tt)^ at) ^311^11), T ]M^£8 a eub\?5e 3eAl ti)^ at) cfoluf.. .^3111*5 feuc, bo cA]8b|t]3e8 86]b ^AOjfe T /£lT,Af 5 a ccorb|U\8 ]t|f.. .^Cjuf q bf]tc3|tA bo 2?I)£kA|t, Abub^c fe Tte i^ofA, %i ^IS^t 1 ^^? If 11 H X !^ £w be]c at) fo: rr>Af A]l lgc ? bc^AiT) c|i| bocA At) fo; boc 8mc|}, boc bo ^Aoife^ T bot Xel^Af.. .&>?l n)A f5>?]t fCT,fgT) bo lAbA^Tac. feucj f5^ll T)eull fo^UfeAc T,Ab: A5uf, feuc ( is 5 [tiv]t)]c] 511c aj* at) ^eull, A5 fi^-8 5 '?t3-fo tr>6 tf)AC 5jt&6* xxcpA, at) a bjrv?l trjo co^l triAic ; ^pbtge |tjf . . . ^i^ny Ai) qt&c cuTi)6rt -|Ab*..$l5up 3 begeb D-jofA bob,\|i) yh |t]u r T a bub^c yh^ /£j]t5j8e ? ^ i)& bjob ca51a ojw?b.. .$l5uf ^ bc05b^|l a -piil bo^b, t)| fACAbApt fcfSl T)<|C 5 ACb^Of A At) AOT)^ ? . .$45Uj* A Cfl&'C CAIir^CeAb^ A 1)UAf wa8 at) £fl|Ab 5 CU5 5op*A Aprje 86]b ? A5 rt&8 5 Q&& r)]tJ- 1f|8e &&prjgc At) ^6 bo "€A]8bjv|8g8 8^ t)o 50 T)e^Ti5e "TIac a bvjrje 6 tTj^bA-jb.. . ^jup &p*]A-p|t\i5gbzj a 8e-jp- cjobA^l 8e]pgi) 5 A5 ft&8 ? < nA|*§8 cfi&b|*A a TjAbri^b t)A l^jt-job^bce 5u|t aB &]5lt) £V|Ap bo t§cb ^ zzixyl . .^^up 3 b^jtg5|tA D-jopA A bub^c -p6 ]t]u ? &ioc|:\i8 ^l/jAp* 50 f1|V|i)§c q ecu]*, -j A]feo5\?8 *p& 5 ac &]t) T)-j8...?icb a be]pqnT|; rrjb, 50 bc&ii)ic ^VjA-p cgt)A, T t)A|t Apci)|5- ^Ab^ 6, Acb 50 t)b§]tt)Ab^ a bco-|l -p^-jT) |t-(|». #p ri)^ -gi> -pvilecojAf ^ac At) b\?i)e n)^ At) 5ceAbt)A uaca. > * S^Sgb^ t)a beipqob\?l at) |fi) 5u|t Ab a bqtrjceAll £k>]T)33Aipbe bo iAbA]|t yh |V|U. $i5Uf A CAT) CA]T)]CeAb^ A 5Cgr) & C01Tt)C]01)6|l ;) CUA]8 t)gc | ^8e] c>?5e ? A5 |*l^AcbA8 |a sVwjb 86^^ A5 pt&8 v . *$l &J52|M2> b§t> qtoc^e 3 too tt)Ac: oift b|or) p6 qf) l& 50pt) t>a ttAe 5 "| 1|* rt)6rt bole fulA]t)5gp p& : 0||t t\?q8 |*6 "a bce^]8 50 n>ir)|C ? -| a tr^e 5° TOITMC. .^u]* CU5 Tt)& curt) £eipC|obWb|* 6, T Tj-jojt f §bAb<| a lej5gp.. .^5up 3 b-p|tg5ftA D]op a A bub^c 1*6, $t cji)§8 boi£§5Y?f5ce 5AI) c|ie|bgrr) ; 5^ fAb -poj* b^Af ttj& bn|t b^oc^| ? 5^, -pAb yoy V\d&]V5§V W^ |}b? cAb|t>?8e cu5A!T)|*a Af) fo ^. ..^uf b|ti)bg|t5 5o]*A at) bgTT)At) ? T b]rr)q5 f^ A|* : T b] At) lgi)b |-l^T) 6 1)1131*1) At»)Ac.. .^tift begeb bd TjAbe]rc^obi^b curr; ^ot*a At) t\t^xtyo}v y& l^lfc? a bub|tAb^ ? £jt6b 6 at) -p^vc i)A|t £ebAti)AffU)e |»ub bo ce^5et) ah)ac?. .$t5u|* a bub^c iofA fi'ju, g -pot) butt Tt)-jc|ieib]ri): oi|t a beiTqtr) |t|b 50 |:]|t{T)gc 5 Da ri)bep o]]tgb |t^ 5|i^t)e n)upb^b bo c]te]b- cii) A5A]b 5 50 T)b6^jCAO] tvji* a cpl]Ab po 5 $tcrt>?5 Ap yo Af} •pub a t)uf); T bAC]tocu5A8 |*6; "| v) b]A tf|8 ^ b]6 r)AC bu8 e|b]!tl]b.. .^icb cgi)At)-j c6]b at) 5i)e [beAii)At)po] at»)ac Acb ie l)it|iT)A]8e ^ le rptop5A8. 2l5up q t)bcK\.;Air) coibi)M5e At) pA 3X5aI|1^ 86]b, bub^c ^opA [1(1^ bgitc.j s 11vxc Ai) biSfT^e a larbAjb tr t)bAO.ii)g8. • . ( 13 ) %5 u r i1 '4^F A 1^ 1i^6, Acb At) tftgf l*vei|tocAi8 | 4 e a |^f» ^5 u r 5 A ^ bobrtoi) Tiorrjott lAbrAT). 343ttr 3 bcgcb 86ib 30 CA-pettTjaurr), CAipiceAb^ lucb cosbA^l t) qorc&T)A at) ^§bq, "| a bubjiAb^i, 9Xac t)jocat) bqt n)A|5ifb||i^ a qorc&jT)?. -^C bub^c veirgT), #oc>?8, ^3 U 1* Al ? Cft&c cuai8 re a rbgc bor) qj, bo lAb^ 5of a Tt]reT) 3 tcur ? A3 fi&8, &Ti6b ] bo b^ArbMiff, a Siorooit)? c]A q a bto3b\?b "|ti5te n caIttjat) cior t>o c&i)ACAr? at> 6 t)a 3clo]i) fe^t), 1)0 6 cd]rbq3ib ?. . $t bub^c i 3 eb^ fi^r, <$) co^rbqTpb. ^C bub^r 3orA fiir, ^ a At^b^roji) As&jb at) cIat) rAOft.. .^Icb ioi)Ar ? t)ac bqobjtArt7AO]r o]lbe|n) 85]b ? |it)ci3fl ^un) ^ A t^T^S 6 ? T ce 1^5 [l^ ce ] kub&t), ^ C03 At) 66biA|*3 qoc^Af a qo|*; ^ 3 o|*31a8 a b&it 9 geAbA cu boi) Ai]t3ib: 3IAC flt) ? ^ z&h^ 86jb e q roo f OT)fA 1 ^| bO f OT) f§1T). ?5e &T)lgT)b&T) bA leiqb ro att) Airrrrjfj 3Abv?8 re- Tqfi [c\?3e]. . .^3ur 518 be t)gc bgfiAr oilbefni b6ii)gc [box) Tf)\?t)cjTt b]3^ a qteibgr lofjATTjr a 9 bpgtrt 86 cloc rrr^liT) bo cti6ca8 fA t)a tt)\?i;6aI^ "| a b^CAb ATjbub- A1361) T) ^Airi3e. 5f tt)^3 box) bOTt)AT) ^ t*ot) oilb^n)t)e! oijt if ^]3|i) bo n boilb&iTT)THi]b cgcb; fcb cgt)A ir At)Aqb]T) bot) b\jT)e cti^ a bq3 a T)oilb6iTT) ! . ,%lcb tt)a bqtt bo li\tt) 110 bo cor A8b^ oilb^iTpe 8\?c ? 3§tti 6]oz^ ceibjttAic [iAb] : -\y ^gTt]t8v?c bul a X^c bop bgcAf atA^T) bACAc pob^obAllAc, tja 8^v I^vitt) ^ 8^v cojr bo be^c A3Ab, "j bo ce|l3gr) at) t*a ceii)|8 ^OTiTt^e.. .^3uf tt)a bqrt bo ff%l a8o^ oilb^]rt)e 8\?c, bA^t) AfAb ? T ce^5 uaic \j~] : if -pejtTt 8>?c bul boi> bgtA ^| leAcp^l t)A 8^v fiiil bo beic A3Ab ? ta ] bo cej^eAt) a bceit)]8 ifTi^f). .EAbri\?8e bA biijt v/^e t)ac bcAb^cAO] c^- cvf^pe q e|i)gc bot) tt)v?t)c|ti b|5i5 : Ojtt a be jtiitt) ]tib ? (So ( 14 ) fepAiqb a tJAit^lfior) q rjgtfj bo 5t)Ac A5A18 ^Ac^fA a c& 3 T)gri).. .-(&i]t r^r)]c ?t)e bo f Ab&]l At) [trj8] bo cua]8 A ttjuja. . .£fieb c]cg|t 8\?b ? bA rt)be]i ceub CAOjtA A3 AOtJbitjrje, *\ 50 jtACA8 AorjcAOftA 8]ob q fgc- ]t^T7j -a t)e r>Ac bp^pAb j*e 12 t)AO] 3CAO]jr|8e bgj^ ce-|crte frjccp, "| t)AC |iaca8 fe 3 (2 flejbqb bjAftrt\?8 [rj CAoruvc] a cua|8 q fgcri&t) ? • • ^311]* rrjA tQrpv&x) 30 bp&JArj fe ^ A bejftiTTrfi TM^ 3° flTM^S^, 5 u T t o bgribrUvcg Ab at;\?8 3 ]rr)C|3 "| fprieA3 ^ eAbrtAb pe]t) -| e p&]t) Aifj&it): *| itja 3lfxgf) t*e itioc ? co^t) cu bo 8eA|ibri&CAi|t.. .^3uf trmtJA T)6]fb]3 Ct 4 ^ T 1 ! ^]? ^I! 1 ^ eAC f°f b>?t)e t)o b^Af e]le. currj 30 rr;b : jo8 3AC 6]f)]8 ]*eApr)AC a rnbeul b]fi t)o r-rt|u|t bp]A8r;\?^b.. .^i3uf ida 8]ulcAf) |*e lAbfAt) beipbeAcb, |r)]f bo i?eA3l>?f : T rr>A 8iuIcat) fe a t)eA5lv?f beif- beACb ? b]o6 rrjeAf p^3?3 T publ|c&]t) A3AbA]rt..» ©o fq|t]f)eAC a be]ri|rtTfj ttjb 5 0]8 be 3 b]c .[tjeice} cgr)5olcAO^ S| CAlArf) b|&]8 pAb cgt)3Ailce' 3 t)grb : -] 3^8 b6 3 b]c [ijeice] f5AO-|lf*i8e 3 CAiAif) b^Aibr^AOjlce 3 rjgrfj:. .^i tv/jr* a be^rqrrj rqb, MIa cg3it)Af3 bfAj* A3A]b ^ AOT) ^OCaI ^ CAlArf) A bCjlDCgli 3^C \fle T)^ 1ATt/ftY?8 H Ai5 5 30 bp^?3|8 f]Ab 6 6 ^AC^fe a t^v 3 T)grb.. .(&]rt 318 be -$v]c Af) a bp^ljb . biAf* r)ocrt]uti a t)e]irpeAcc Art) Aiort)^ ? a cAinrf; Af) fji) Af) a l&fi f (rb. ^Cirt i^bul bo 3?b'gk4 bA ioi)^Ai8 a cri^vc nr) 5 a bub^c fr^ ^4 &l3g|U2? ciA a rb]i)ic 8gi)A^ rrjo 8grtbrt^c^ co^]t a IDA3A18;, T rf)?3e ai) r > gcbrf)A8 liu^| ?. .^C beirt ^ofA rii^ 3X) Abrt^tr; riioc, 0uf At) rgcb- i-t;a8 b^ [Aif)^T)] : ACb, @o fOjce At) f gcbrboTjAb fgcb puA]rte...q a T)A8b^r»oii) ^ copf^l ri^osAcb rjejrbe , tie ttj3 A"nt'j8e ? l6ri bA]ll cur)CAf a 8gt)Arf) rte rj fgrtb- •po3Ai^c>?8]b.. .^1311]* At) cfi^c bo qof)|*5Air) fe cur)CAf a 8gt)Arr> 5 C113A8 c^3& i>eAc 5 q A rtA^b A]3e be^c rr^jle caIai").. .^3'af At) cAt) t)^ bpeib]ri lejf t)A p|ACAfo joc^ boribAis Ati5gtti)A e ^11 T a bgt) ? *| a cUi), t a rtAib A 13 e 5 ^ f- e 1 c ? ^ urt ^ Ij2 ^F1 A< ^] A b]ol. . .^C]|t a rj8b^r-o|t) A3 beAr)Aii) urf)U boi) c|*g]ibf05^i>c\?6e ||t) ; b^Artri fe ac- ( 15 ) cv?r)3|6e q, as^S, W-qggjtUA, bgi9AfOj3ib T l 1 0r ^? 1 bgfi^ rf)6 & c]ort)l&i) 8\?c.,.^lt) fit) 3 i)5^b^]l cftocqe ri)6ft C]3e|tT) a t>05io]5 ub, l£]3 f6 ua8 e 5 -j rr)&]c f*6 v ^jaca 86.* .^tjuf A3 bul a rt)AC bot) cfgfibpojA^or^e ub 5 fuA]p |*6 aot) bA co]Ti)f gfibp05Ai?c\?8|b [£&}#] 3 a fiA]b A]je ceub P131? : T '4 V* V ofbo8, |tu3 r^ 3 r3 6 T^3 M> ^3 ft&8, X^ol ftjuit) a 1)]8 ac& ojtc. .^tju]* A3 c\?c]rr> bA co]it)feA]tbpo5AT)c\?8e A5 t)A cop?bj*eAi;> ; g\?8 f6 6 5 A3 fUv8 ? X>gi) t*0]3]b ]t]on7 9 1 bg|tA rr?e Ai) qon)l&r) 8>?c.. , %cb r^o]i b^U ie^fCAt) fit)" A^b ^ T)|ti)ceAcb bo cejhj f*6 A CCA]1CA|l 65 T)0 30 t^0CA8 ]*6 t)A f*|ACA. . . ^3Uf At) cjt&c cofj^ceAbAjt a co]ri)f eA|ibp05A ; T)c\?8e|}ot) t>A t^efce bo ^rjeA8 ? 3Ab bo^ I3] of jiorbojt ]Ab ? A311]* CAjt)]ce- bgftt)A8 ai), . .^Ci)|*o]r) cvf]t a q3g|ir)A qof ^fgt> ? T bub^c f6|t]|* 5 ^t 8|to]cf gfibf 03At>c^8e, Tt)&]c n)6 r)A t* ^aca ub v?le 8>?q bo ^1*15 S ll T c c\?ft c *- 1 Tuples o]tAit):. ,^i3u|* a \)h 134 c6]]t, 8\?c|f cfioc^e bo 8gt)Ait) ^ bo cojrbfgjibfogArm^e f6u> ? Aif;A^l T n)^ bo ]i]ve rrr|f* qtocqe Ofiq*A?. .^3uf 3 t>5Ab- 4v]i fej^e a q5g|tt), £1131*6 bo \)_ cgf Ab6]]t^b 6 ? 1)050 t>]0ca8 j*8 Af| c^Ia, At) cfi&c a c/ftjoctjvg #oj*a tj corbfUvfcefi, 51171 r3^o]l j*6 ot) 0})aI]16, "] c&ithc f6 30 c|i]cib ^ub^A c^OfibAt);. .^3uf Igt) c>?bgcbArr)OTte; ^ flAt>>?3 j*6 1 A ^« Al) ^1) CA^ICCAb^ X)A ^b^ir1^1^ e ^3 e A t) C]t?le A8bA|t? . -.^3111* ^ bqtg3|tA 86fAr) a bub^c fe jrju, ^C t)5 i)^| lq3gb^ ? At) ce C|iwc\?5 [|Ab] 6 cup fg]t ^ ai> bgi) ? . .%3uf.30 i)bub^c [re] ? ^ a t)A8bz|fAi) f^3p^8 b>Toe^A ac^( T A tij&cq, T cg^olAig |*6 8a tt)i?ao| : ^ b^jb A|tAoi^ r>A i)e|rrfreo^l [Arbeit)]? A]|t At)A8b^jro]i) T^bpiljb-pgfbAil^b^f AcbT)i)e]i)freo]i. ^|w>e pi) ai^ ?)|8 a cgi)5>Tl X^A, 1)A ]*3?b|* ^ |*oo cjtuA]f bu|t 3C]tOT8g8 bu]t f^i^a bo cufi uA]b : ( 16 ) ]8 b& r)gc a c>?fieAT» a bgt) u pjr)grr)\ir) ? *\ 3^8 b& T)]8 bur* cgric bo bgrtA 11)6 8\?b [&]. ^5up birrrqTjgb^pAT).. . ?C . pvjp ^ rvirrvcgcb ArrjAC 86 elegit At) peipgb *| at) T)&ori)A8 1)u^, rtir)e p6 rt)z| at) 3<;gbr)A....'£l3up 3 a T)bul ati)ac 86 a orjrrjcgll a r)Aor)ri)A8 l)u^ b§3> ¥ a '4 V& ^l 1 ? 11 ) eile t)a pgpAti) &jori)Aoii)gc ? "] a beijv p6 pi^u, £rt§b pA bpilrjf} buji pgpAri) at) po f g8 At) Iao^ biorrjAoirjgc?. . ?t bub^c ||AbfAt) Tii i 4 , ^tift pot) 1)4 coT)5bAi5 b\?r)e q bic ^ cu^ApbAl T^r). ft bub^o P^pgT) Tt]u 5 ^rrjqTjri rrj^ at> 5c|bT)A bot) -p^girr^r); T 518 b& tvj8 birr* cojti bo Tjeub- Af8e [6J .^Cjur* g bcecb bor) ctiac tj6t)a 5 a bub^c €]5griT)A tja ?ii)gii)i7A Tt6 11A fb'job^b^ojTtA^lucboibTie, T CAbq 86|b [a J bcu^ApbAl, A5 topu^Ab or) lucb ca|T)ic ^a 8e^jig8, 50 poice r)A cgb 8A0pt)|b.. »^t5up 3 bcgcb bet) bfiwj ub [6ait>ic] a bciit)cgll a T)Aor)rbA8 \)W^ b|5 ? -pti^ 3AC b\?r)e 8pb pi5]r). .^i5UT' ^ ccgcb bor) c|b brigrr) bo fjlgb^l 50 bp\?5eb]f p^T) ^ bu8 rr)6; ACb cgT)A pu^| 3AC A01) b^ob, xx)<\ a 3cgbTj 5 pl51T) V f%5ur 9 [rj] 5IACA8 86|b, Ti]f)gb^| TDorrb^ a 125^8 p^Ti rf)A]i a t\^e,. .^-5 tia8, ^Ct) bTigrrjfo tb]t)]c yu 8e]]tg8 t)] 8g|iT)Ab^ ob^ [ACb] AOt)UA]Tl [AlT)A1T)j, *] C>ift1T^ |Ab A 3CO|rblT)eAT» Ttifje, biorr)cv?Ti uaIIac ^ cgfbAC at) Iaoi.. .^3ut» g bp]ig3TiA 86pAT> ? a bub^c y'e ti6 pgft 8job, *U corr;pAt)\T3, \)\ bp?li?i? A3 b|i) h i)atv ri^]8]5 za ri|orr) ^ PlSlf? ? . . ^63 Igc- bo c^b p6iT) ? T itt)C]5 : a f| tdo co]lt; a CAb^c boi) c^fl [ca]1)^c] pA 8eiTig8 ? rt)^| [CU3 rrje] 8\?c|*. . .ft 1)6 T)AC Cgb\?3gC bAli^A Al) 1)]8 1f CO]l IgtT) p6]l) A 8|T)Ari) ri6ri) c^b p6]r)? ^ti) bpv t l bo p?l^ 30 bole, pAiDAft ( W ) 30 b(-Vu rrjf; rv,*]tl. .2y xx)^ tn)bejbr)A [feAO]T)e] bejgjonc a acco|*ac, T t;a ceAb [bAojrje] A|ti be]]teA8 : oiu ac& Ttiojt^i) 3 i)<\ V5'4W, 1 bgs&i} ^ t>A bCO^A. ,rr)ueACb b6]b Af fjr>, cuAbAjt cjvjb at> SX5Ai]ie ; T t^ott b&]l leir- a frjor- be be]6 A5 ejfjgc.. . 0||i bo cg3A]f5 r-e a 8e]fC]obA]i [fejt>], 1 a bub^c |*e ftiu, beunc^ ^bA8 ? ei|teoc\i8 ye a crtgp Uv. . .^(cb i)]o|t c\?5gb^ At; corbji&8|*A, *| b] §31a ojtncA ^t^ur- e&|T)ic Ye 30 £Apeftt>&urr) : ^ Aijt rt)beic A bq5 86, btr|Ap|i\?3 fe 8pb, £tieb bj A3>tfi> 8a CA3ftA eAb]t\?b pe]t) Aift At) cfijge ? . . ^icb cof AbA]*j* at) : o]r* biAbAjt A3 ca5|xa' a t)A3A]8 a ce]le Afti at) cr-l^e, £ia aca bu8 rf)6. . .^3uf ^ r^e 86, 501TI f fc at) b& £eA|t 8eu5 c\?3e, "] a bubgc y& tiiu, 0]8 be i)gc 16 r)Ab tt)|at> be]c a bcofAC, [bu8 e] bur* bei3ior;\?3 bo cac >ile ? ^ buf feifib^ec 86]b >?le... ^43111* ^ rrjbneic 3 let>b 86, bo c>?rtr-e at) a t&tt e; "j q t>a 3Ab&]l at) a ucb, a bub^c fe ]t|u.. .0"j8 be TjeAC geubuf c\?3e AOt) bA le^qb yo bo leiTjbib aid AiTjrof 1, 3Ab>?8 |*e tDjft c>?3e : -| 3^8 be i)gc geubAt* rr>ifi c>?3e, t)i rt)|Tj 3AbAt> r*e c^5e 5 Acb At) ce bo CYffl ua8 Trje. ^tcb b^ftes^ ^£o|t) e, A3 ri&8, ^t ^iAigifbirrgcofj^c- grrjq rjec A3 curt bgrfjAt) a ttjac Ab AitHrjp, tjac l^Af) ftfje : *) CO]TlTt)§f3 ATt)^ e ? ^( T'OT) T)Acb lg1)Af) fe fjfj. . .^3Uf A bub^c 3ofA, 9£l^ coirtrr)gr'3>?8e e : o]\i xj\ bpH ^I^gc 8|r)Ar» rr^oribAll crie tt;a]t>tt)||, ^ fr^Abuf. otc bo ri&8 riiorr) ^ £ n?bAll.. .(&irt 5^8 be T)ec tjac b^\?l ^ t)a5>?8 a z'& r*6 ^ ^ for). .(&]rt 3^8 be i^gc beuriA|* cup^vr) \?f5e rie t)6l 8\?bfl a rr)A]T)Tr)^, c|t6 5U|t Ab le fcnjoyb T|b, a t>e]tiirT) ri|b 30 ^]]t^f)gc ? t)ac le^3p|8 f*e a UiA]8gcb a rrnrJA.. • ^3 u r 31^ be beurtAf A8b^ o]lbe]rr)e be^t) Dgc bo [t)a] bAO]T)|b beA3A r*o a cjie^beAr* lof) AiDf a, bo bf eArrt 86 30 rr;6|t 30 3C\?nc]8 cloc ri)\?l|o ^a tj bfiA5\?b, "| 30 bce]l3|r|8 e at) |\v bfAi|t3e.. •^3uf rr)A]* cjorjcAC bo Uvrb |t6 bo|ibe|nji b^r^3A]l 8\?c, 5eAr|t b^oc ] : ]y ^gatti 8\?c bul aiji leAcl&]ri) bot; bjocyucAii; i;a 8uca8...?1 rj&ic t)AC peu^Ai) a bp6jfb 5 A3uf i)ac ttjuccati Aiicqije. . •SC^uf itjat* C]ot)cac bo cot* ft6 bojlb^irr) bf&TjAjl 8>?c ? 3§ftfi 810c -j : if 'P§T t T t *^ c bu ^ b °t) bgcA [ttj^catv^t;] 3 Igccojf, t>a 8& co'ir bo be]c A3Ab *| bo ceihjgT) 50 blf- |t]0$ 5 at) t»a ce]t)j8 tjac e^b]|t a touca8:. .^i t)^c tjac i)eu5Ai) At) p6|fb, T tjac Ttiucc^ at) cepr]8.. .^up n)Af cjotjcac bo fiH |i6 boilb6]H) bo CAb^c 8\?c ? ce^s AfAb \ : If f §W ^ c feu ^ ^ fbeAc 50 Trjo^Acb D& 3 eui)cp?l, tja 8A f >?l bo be^c A3Ab *| bo ce^eAt) a cceiTV]8 ^TV|i):..% t)&]c tjac tieirzjAfj a bp6]f*b, ^ tjac rtj&czq at) ce^e... <$>]]t r^nS^r 1 3 AC *°t> t>eAc U ceiT/18; ^ r^l^HS^gl 1 3AC aot; ]o8b^c It x aIat). . • [^T*l tt;ajc at) ^aIai) : ACb ceAt) otitica, beAt)4v]5 f ^ "JAb. ^3Uf AT) CAT) A CUA]8 ]*^ AITJAC ^( AT) Cf l^e^ Tt^C 65IAC c\?3e 5 T U|3 ^ ^^t) 3 a 31^11^86, ^ b^AfTt\73 fe 8e, ^t ^^ISIf^lT 1 ^^1^ i&ft6b a 86at)at» iT)e curt) 30 bp?3]T) at; beACA 1T)^CAT)AC bO^TtgCb?. .^C3Uf A bub^C ^Of A ftjf, £|t6b fA ii30]TteAf) cu tt)aic b^joTDfA? [q bf\?l] ^rjeAC iDA^c, ACb Dia Atb^t). .$1 c& f|Of t;a T)A1CeAt)CA8 A3Ab ? $it\ b^AT) A8Alc|tAT)Af5 9d^V b^AT) bUT)TT)^bA8 5 SX^V b^AII 30^5 9&& b^At) f 1 A8t)>?|*e b]t^]3e 5 9£t^ b^At) rr)gllc6]Ttgcb, ^t)6^Tt I)ac^ -j bo Tb^vt^.. .^icb ^bpTig3|tA 86fAii ? a bub- A^TIC y& Tl^T* ? ^t ^AISIfbTfl, C0|tf)6Ab TT)6 ]Ab fo >?le 6 rr>6i3e. . .^tcb ^ bf eucAp X)]OfA ^, CU3 f 6 cA]CT)eATT) 86 "\ a bub^ft: f h Ttif , ?i c^v 6t) t>18 b\?|tgfb\?8e otic : itt)C|5, Ttejc, a bt\?l A3Ab, T cAb r 4 bo da bocbA]b ? ^ geAbA cw qfbe ( 19 ) A 1T* t>§n?: T cati, C03 bo ottof T leAt) TTrifi.. .^juf £Ab b0 1 l 31°r e^eAi) ajti yoy at) coTtTTt&]8 fiT), ^ ^}xr)t\^ y'e> 50 b|tor)Ac: o]ft bo frj ]on?Ab y Ai8b|V|T> A^e. LucAf I. 46 — 55. %1&WC& a bubgc ^rte, ^8tt)oIai8 TT)At)ATT) at) ^3- §ttr;A v .^tsuT* 5TV]8 ttjo fp^ortAb j^ribeAcur* a 3£b]A tr;o &l&i)>73ceo|Ti.. .£0 brrj-z; juti £euc f6 3 urblAf a bATjoj- Ulge [^r)]: o]ti, ^euc 5 ot-o fUAf 30|tip|b tj bu|le cit>§8 beAtJ^Tjce b^orr).. .©]tt fi]t)e at) c6 a c& curf)AcbAC Tje^te ttjotia bArbfAj T [if] t)AorbcA a a|Y)tt).. .^3uf [a zb] a qtoc^e 6 8>?T)e 30 b>?T)e bot) bttgrr) 4 a bf\?l a gslA.. . JDo ti]f)e f6 s^orb l*v|b]Tt l& tja l^virb ; bo TTT^IS T^ t>A [bAOiTje] uA^brtgcA a frtiuAitJq-^b a 5C]to]8gb [f<T). . £ATTt>?T;3 \& T)A bAO^Tje CU1T)ACbACA Af [a] 3CACftACA^b, *j b4vTtb>?3 t»6 t)A bAOjtje uttjIa.. .£>o Vjot) f6 tja [bAO^rjeJ octiaca \b T)e]C]b rt)<\]ie : *| c^rt f& ua8 tja bAo^e |*ai8- brie ^oIait).. .£63 f6 fuAf #fTtAel a fg|tbfro3ATic^8e £&it> 5 bo c\?rf)t)iu3A& 3 [a] qtoc^e;. .(^4 bo lAb^ t»6 rt6 4 T)Aiqtgc\?bj ^tbtiArjAtT)^ "| tt6 t)a fjol 30 bft^li). 68—80. [© tt>a8] beAt}Ai3ce At) £>i3gttt)A 3Dia JfrtAel; 3 fot) 3urt ^ot*ti\?3 yh *] 311ft ^ua^a^I f6 a pobAl [f&1?]... tSUf C03 f 6 fuAf a8^c t)a fiance 8\?fje a bq£ X)^b^ a YST^^S^tK^be [f^iT)J:. -JDd "P^IT 1 TO 4 bo l^b^ f6 qt& beul a fr^8g8-T)A0TT)CA [f&1t>] ? bo b] at) 6 cut» at) bOTf)Ait);. .0o 3c\?TT)beocA8 \h y\\) 6 4 T)^v]Tf)b]b 5 "j 6 l^virb 3AC \?le [8\?T)e] A3A \>yr\ JFu&t oti\?j);. .@o t)b^AT)- a8 r»6 at) cjtocqe bo 3§Ua8 b^ T)A]rrtgcvib ? ^ 30 307TT)- t)eocA8 r»6 a qoTT)T)A t)aott)ca L^^i)] ; . -^3^ ^ ^t) rr)iof)A l& a bcu3 r*6 tDd^b eD&bTtAb&TU ^ t)Ac^i)e, 30 bc]t]ubTtA8 f6 8\?t) v ,©o TDbeTT)^ 3AT) §31a q 4 |»aortA8 6 Ia^tt) ati t)^vrf)Ab bo cult) fejTib^ a 8^at)att) 86 [p^]T)]v •% t)aott)- CACb T A b^TlgTjCACb T)A f ] A8T)>?^f £1), A l*eqb ^ Tt)bgCA \?le.. .^C3ut»cut»a ? Ale]T)b ? soiTtTJibcgftb^ocT:^^ At) c6at* ?C^Tibe: 0]TiTtAc\?8 cu of co^Tje A3A18 At) £i3gttT)A bull- tf)u3A8 a fll3g8;- .I)o cAb^c eoluf tj flApte bA pobAl C|l6 TbA^CgTbtJUf T)A bpgCA8 v .E|l6 CTlOCA^Tie ]tO Ttldft ATt Attb...I)o CAbqc |*o^llf{ bot) k|iojT)5 bo b] t)a p?8e a ( 20 ) T)bopcAbAf 1 a P3&]ie At) b&]r> 1 a z\\eo]\i]u^6 4 scop xv fVjje tja p jocc&tja. .^5iip bp&j* at> leAt)b 3 ^ bo tJeAft- cv?jg8 6 a ppjoriAb, "| bo frj ye AtJfA hy'&ykc 50 pO]6e a lAe at) g f^l^liS f^ ^ P^l 1 ? ^DlTT 1 *^- UcAf II. 25—35. ^1©3&rvjor*b at; &13gpt)A.. .3^5uf c&]t)]c 1*6 n)A]lle yie cfieo]]t At) Sp^oftAjb bot) teAitjpoll : T At) cat) £115 a Acq "1 a rfAc^ at) leAt)b #oj*a, bo curt? 30 t)bgr)- A^&jp q a fot) bo Ti^]ri jo^c^gce At) blije, . .^4t) pt) bo 5Ab pejpot) c\i5e at) a ucb 6, ^ rbol p6 X^a, *| a bub^c [t*^], . .£l £i5gTit)A, t)0|f l&]3gp cu. bob -pg|ibp05At)cvf8e irr?cgcb a piocc^t), bo fi^ri cpocA]l [pglt)] :• .<&]]\ coi)- ^ceAb^ rrjo fS?le bo pl&r;ii3A8p6 bullring cu a bpiA8t)\?n t)A t)\?le pobAl. • .&olup a 8eut)A8 pO]llp 80 r> £]t)g8AC\?b, "-] 5l6]|t bob pobAl [p<)3 <#frtAel. . .^tjur* 5Ab ]OT)5Ai>cur» 5ofep ^ a rb&cgpot) pA t;a t)e]qb a bub- jia8 t;a cjroceAlU .^Cjuf beAf)\?5 Sirtjeoi) 1&b> 1 A bub^c ye ]ie «T1\?]te a rbCvcqpor), fleac, ac& [at) leArjb] ro '4 t) 0|tbu5A8 bo curt) o?c]tt) "| e^eitt^e rfjort&t) a OfcjfpAel; T t)A corfj^cA A5 A 5CV?TlplCgTt t)A5A]8;. .(^ijuf pop, |IACA]8 cl0|8eATT) Cp6 })AT)ATt)fA TT)^ A 3Cettbt)A), bO CUrt) 50 t)ocbp>?8e p?t)UAiT)C]5ce Ap rr>ofUvr) bo ctu>]8qb. ^bACA X. ^t@$&£> 3 tJS^tT) a 8& 8e]pj]obAl b§j, £113 f& curb- ACbA 86]b [a t)A5A]8^ t)A ppppAb t)eAib3lAt)A, cutt> 50 cce^bjpjbip attjac iAb, ^ 50 pUvrjocAibip 5AC \?le eA- pl^]T)Ce "| §5CpuAp.. .^li^uy A p^Ab pO A|t)Tt)gf3A a b^v §|*- bAl beu^; 3\t) cgb b\?i)e [8|ob], 50ipceA]t 3?gb^, ^ ^C^T)bp]Ap a 8gpbp^c^ ; ?r)]3ce tj c|0|*c^t)A ; ?|t 5of a At) 8& pgp 8eu3fo a idac, a ^Abqr Ajcgt)- £a8 cAOf 3A ^iaccao] curt) caouac qje 3^ fuel acA A]|t a i)bul a ttJujja . .^itf ^ T)irt)cgcb 8\?b ? beurji^e fgr)rt)6iu, A3 tiA8 ? Do 8 n\r8yj 03 ACbT)eirt)e [|t]b].. .&l*M)|3i8e t)a [bA0]i)e] eu3cuuAi8e, 3lAi)A]8e w lobg, $\?r3i8e v rt)Aij*5j8.. . 9jU t*ol&]tc\?8e 6]t. t) 33a Ab, r)& un)A Af) butt 3Cttgi*3Ai)Aib, . .3lA tt}AIa curt) rj fll328, rj 8a coca, w b|t03A ? T2 bACA: oirt ]f y]u a peA]t o]bne a c>?b [bjr&g- Ail].. .^Icb 5 : jo8 be i| bp cAc^j 1)0 bAile at) i3i8e 86. .^3Uj* tr)&y F1 U a cgcfoii) e ? 30 bt;o3T)A|5 buit Tt)beT)u3A8 86: "| tt)ut)a i?iu 5 30 bpillib butt ii)bgf)U3A8 cu5A]b y&]\) a |tff.*. .^3uf 31,08 be t>gc t)ac D3eubAi8 flbfi, ^ t)ac t>e]fb|q8 bufi rrjbniAc^, A]tt rjbul atdac A]* At) ceAc 1)0 Af* at) 3CAqt>?3Rr) 8\?b, c]tA'ic|8e 8jb luAfcng8 burt 3C01;. . .31 beittfrt) rtjb 30 befrt)ir) 5 30 tt)a8 ufAfbe bo calAri) [lucb] Sobort) ^ 0bort)otiftA a lo a b|teicgrbt)ViT; ? r)Aboi) cACfi>?3^i). . ^euCjC^ftfrrjfe fibrert)^ CAOjt^Je ATt)ef3 rt)AbriA]8e aIIca : 3 At)A8b^t;oiT) bf8f8e 3licii)4 t) T)AicneACA-T)efir)e, *\ T)eAri)unc6fbeAc rnAttrjA col>?rf) . .^icb b]8]8e Afft butt 3co^rf)eb Affi t)a bAO]i)]b : offi beAtiAf b a lAjrt) t}b bo cori)A]ttlib ? A3U1; f*3f utif p\?b fib at) a ccof ri)f cf orjolAf b ; . . ^5111; -pof beAttt-'Af gcgji fib aIac- AfTt UACbATtAfl) A3UT* jtlS^e AITt TT)0 f 01)|*A 5 TT7ATI f jAg- thife 86ib]*eAT) A311T; bo Txv/£iT)eA8Acvib.. .^Ico a cat) a be^A]8 fjAb uaca a I^V]tt> |^b 5 \) b]o8 rtoc?b ^ a t)u?8 a bgrtbnAcq a 8eA|tbfiAc^ curt) b^v]f, ^ A cac^ A rt)AC : T eineoc\?8 at) cIat) at)A5Ai8 [A]T)A|cngc "| ATT)A]ertgc ? T beAttA|b t;a [bgrtAJ a 3cutt curt) bA^t;.. .^-sur* b|Ai8 puAc A3 3AC vie 8\?i)e on^b Airt r*or) rt)Aii)rr)t;e : Acb 3108 be fulAiT)3gT; 30 bq beirieA8, a yh yo r-Uvrjocc^.. .^3ut; & CAi>5eTtlgT)pvj8fiAb^b t*a ccAC]t>?5^,ceic|8e 3o[cAcn>?5] eile : ojti 50 bgrtbcA a be||i]rt)r^ rtib, OTCac tiaccao| cirt)- cgll cAicnec ^friAel 1)0 30 bc^3 ^ac a b>n)e.. .0(X] bp?l at) beif3iobAl 01; cioT) [a] rbAi^ifbiTt, t)^ a rg^fo^Ai)- c\?8e oy qoi) a q5CA]U)A.. .it]* l6|t bot) bei^^obAl * \ ( 22 ) bejc n>Ajt a tt)A]5it*b||t, A3Uf* boi? tfeAttbpogAtjOi&e be]c n?^ a qggfttuv. MIa 50i|igbAfi 33eelf*&bub bpiojt a q^e, a i)& i?ac ii)6 t>A fit) [30][tpib 6] bA rirwqjt?. .*Ciit ai?a8« b^fo^T) i)A b]o8 eA5U ojtAib: o]ft T)] bp?l trj8 q b]t frolA]86e, y&c bpoillfeoccA|i; A3uj* t>| bp?l 6i)|8 KO|U||8e 6 ^ rijullAC t) bqjce.. .^t3uf i)A frjo8 eA$lA x) W7\?i)C]|te rbA]tbAn) a f 51^0^8 a i)]p- |t|oi).. .34 t)& i)AC jieACc^ 8A 5glbAfj 3 freo^l|i)3? *j 1)1 C\?Cf |8 AOl) ACA^ A bCAlAH) JAT) bllft Q^AC^fe . .^tcb Cg1)A ACA511UA15 bu|t ^C]\)\e Mle q tja ccorbAifigrt?. . .31]jt a i)A8bA^t]*o]t) 12 b]o8 §51a ojtA^b, jj*' ^ g^t fibfj n Tt?o]tAi) jelbAi).. .^t|]t a t)A8b^fO]t) 3^8 be A]bri)eocAf xt)\X\ A bp|A5i)\?fl I) t>bAO]r)e, Aibrbeoc>?8 n^t? eifioi) a b^Agrwfi §fA|8e 30bcAjr)|Cti)|j; bo cuttfjoccATj ^ A bCAlAii) : xy\ bo c>?]t ^occAtja cA^c n)& 5 ACb bo cujt clo^&iri). .(&|fi tb]X)]crt)b bo cu]t b\n)e a r)A5>?8 a ac^,"| r>A bl^51t>e a ^5^8 a TT)Ac^,^ bgr) A r?r|C a i)A3\?8 rtjAc^ a c^le . .^43U]*[bu8]i)Art)^b bob^elucbe^qge f&it).. .<&]8 b& 5]tA8>?3g|* a ac^| t)o a rijAc^ t)i if mo i) rt)|f} 1)1 ^u ^ ro^ : ^ 518 b6 5|t^v8\?5g|* a ri)AC i)o a pjgo of rtjo c^o^fA t>] |?|u h TD|fi . .^5u|* A t6 i)ac t)31acai5 a c]tof,TDAC IgijAi) n)|fl t)jy]u& tt)|fl., .0 : jo8b65gbAfAAi)An7,CAiU^8|*6^: *| 3^08 b§CAillfgf AAT)Ati) ^ n)ofoT)fA ? 3gbA]8f^^., .iiwzes&b&f ^bfe [c\?3e] 3AbA^8 ffe ri)|fi 5 ^ 3^8 b^5AbA|* TDn? 5Ab\?8 \h At) c6 a c\?]t ua8 r»)6.« .^ti) c6 TjAbAf ^A]8 a V&]t)tt) -pA]8e 5 3§b\?8 y& cu^A|*bAl y^6e ; ^ 5108 b^ TjAbAf y|- -jteur), a rjApri) ^]|te|i) ? 3eAbAi8 f6 cuA]tAfbAl pi|te|t).. . ^3 u f 31^ b& beujtAf cupAr) [b\?f5ej -pu^| Atj)A|r> |t6 i)6i bAOi) bo t)A bAo^T)|b bg3AfA a i)A|r)Ti) beif5|ob>?l, a bei|tiri)fl |t]b 30 f |jt|i)eA<% 35U6 ccaiU|:]6 |»6 a luA|8gcb. ?t)e 1^8 3 tyc jt]b, Ab- |iY?8fi, 0o bp?l f^^in? A5 a EcjsgfiijA offtcA; T 1^13^8 f& ua8 g a Ti)bAU iAb.. .°&5Uf ^]i)ic fo \?le cuti) c|t|ce, jorJAf 3° 3CojrbVjor)p?8ce At) t)]8 a bubp,A8 qtef A bp^8, a bejji,. .^i)|^be b]r>5]t) &]ov, ^euc, ac& bo ^173; A5 cgcb cu3Ab, 50 q\?t) 5 *j nwt) Af A]l, ^ bftoiDAC tijac a i)AfA]l a t)focq. .^uj* &iti)q5§-&4 t)A be]pqob\?l, *| jtji)- tJgbAftTT)^ bA|C]T) ^o]-a 86|b., .^311]* cu5Ab^| At) ca^aI, T At) bftorr)AC leo 9 T c\?]t^b^ a r)eAb\?7;e OjjtcA, "| c\?]tgb^ [sifgn] T)a p?6e 3 A [rim].. '^Swr lgcr)>73gb^| n?ojt&t> bo 8A0]t)b a TT)b|tAic A]|tACfl^3e; "| SgfqtAb^ b]tor>5 e^le 3I3A bo c]tAi)A^b ? t Ig3^b4 A-jjt a cl^e [|Ab]... %L-$\xx C05 At) ]*Iua3 b0 . bl T 10 !^ 6 ? 1 ^ A &1 cojrbqotJol, 3t \h \o 3oy a At) p&]8 6 Qdfcf Aftec 12 (SaI]16. . .^31*1* cuai8 3ofA a fbeAC 30 cgrrjpoll £6 5 *| te]l^ f& Art)AC a itA^b A3 ]te|c T A5cgi)Ac At)|*A cgrrjpoll, *| ce]l3 X& b\?]tb lucb idaI^ca a t)^3lb 3 l&jt ? "| CA^qjigcA lucb ]tgccA 12 3Colum v .^5q* a bub^cf6 jqu, 3CcA f3|t]obcA, 0o]|tp|8cg]t cgc u|tt)>?8e bor») cgcf a; Acb ]tii3eAbAi]t|f c\rr)i8e b]0CArbt)AC 8e..iA|t)icgbz( 6^50 ai) c|t^vcfo|i; bAill, T bACA15 Al)| 4 A CglDpoll; ^ flAt)A]3 ]*6 ]Ab. .^Uf At) CAt) cotj^ceb^ uACb^^t) n T^34 c 1 t)A ]*3|iiob\?8ce n Ti)^o]tb^le bo |qi)e f^, T t)A le]t)b A3 'e^xve f a cg-it)poll 9 T A3 ]t&8, -66fAi)A bo ri)AC £>A]b]; 3AbAb^ cuca 50 ^g|t3Ac 6,. . U5UI* a bubjtAb^ ]t]X) ^0 3U01P cu c|t6b a bejjijb [ai> tt)M5cg|t^o] ? 3t5Uf a bub^c Jof a iiju, &l\?t)]tD ; a i)^ 124 U]5gb^(, %f beul n lgt)b T t)A i?A0]8gtAt> qce co]ri)l]oi? cu tt)ol^8? 28—46. - ?tcb cjt^b a cicgfi 8^b^? iJ^Ab^ bjAf ti^ac A3 b\rt)e [Ai]ti8e]; T A3 cgcb bioSfvge ^ c6bri)]c ? a bub^c [f*6], U rb^c, imc|5 b§t> obA^jt a t^juj a n?fit)eArr)V|i).. .*C]]t b|:|tg5]tA 86f At) a bub^c f^? 9^1 8gt?Ab : Acb t?A 8|A]3 $1) AX) C|t^C A jjAb AlCjtgCAl* §, ^I^^IS f^...%3ttf A5 cjcb suf at) bA-|tA [ttJAc], a bub^c f6 n?^ & 5c§bi?A. ( 24 ) ftjup 3 ^Fi^ST 1 ^ &6pAT) Abub4c pe, bgAtMb a cJ5grti)A : 5]8eA8 trjort irr)£j5 [p6j...£iA bor) frjppe pi]r)e cofl a i)ac4? ^C be]Ti|bpgr) rt|p, %ir) cgbpgrt. $4 be]rt £opA |tiu- ; fAt), ^t beirtinrpe |i]b 30 plT^rjgc, (E>o bteib t)a p\?bl]0- C&|T) T t)A fbjVJOpACA TtOTTJAlbfj 30 pl^Cgp 5D&...(£>jrt t&]V]C &o]t) cujA^b a pVj3e t)a cotia, "j t)]Oji cfie|bgb^ 86: ACb bo cptejbgb^ tja publioc&it) T t)A pbrvjopACA 86 : ACb 518 bo cor)gcgb2|pi [t*o], t>] 8gru)Ab3 A^cfijje tj 8{A|3H^5 curt) 30 3cjiejbpg8 pib 86.. • ^ipbis V- e coY&W- IacS eile: b] peAfi qge ^]8e Afj 5 bo c\?rt j^ijgrbYn), *| c>T|i p& p&l tja c|n)cgll ? "i cocaiI p& ior)Ab bjrv^ce at? •pjoi)A irjce, -| £63 p6 tori, T 6113 p6 bo p5olo5A]b aiti c/jop ] ? ^ b]rt)q8 p& p&]t) a 3CO]3C|t]c: . .^3111* At) cjt&c a 8jiA?b Afrr)pgri at) co|tA]8 [|t|u] 5 c^?]t ^6 a pgribpojjArjc^e cttro t)i8ib ? ta i buAlgb^ pgri ac?beACbA : A311P Tt^fjeAbAiipAt) tt)ati at) 3c§br)A tiiu.. .^311)" pA 8eirteA8 c^?rt p6 a ttjac pkp) cucA ? A3 pi&8, 33g|t\?b or)6]|t borr> tt)ac.. .^3up Ai]t bpA] ctrt) at) rr)ic bo t)A p3olo5Aib, a bubrtAbArt gc- ortriA p&1T>> ^ T^ T° A1 ? to]8fie; c 131^ e ? rr^bArr) 6 ? A5up cor^bArt) a oi8rigcb. . .^3^1* 3 nibrieic q, cejhjgb^j Ap a bp]T)grb\?T) [a rt)AC e], "| rf)zjbAirr>pgTtAib p^|r).. .^C bepft 5opA |tiu ? 9Ct^ lei3gbA]|t a |t]Aii) at) pr)A p5rt]opc\?jtib :> ^lt> cloc a 8iulcAb^ 1)A piOjtt, a -pi a cA c\?ru;e t)A ceAt) <\t) pA ccuAif)e: a p^ a ^5- §]tr)A bo ptirje po ? "| a cA p& ioi)3AT)cac at) ^ puilibi)e?. . itirt a i)A8b^poiT) a be]Ti]rr) ptib^ 0o ^6|3pi5cg]t Ti]03ACb £>6 uAib^ ? T 30 bqob^c^| h bo cir)g8 ? bgriApcortA8 uac<\. ..^Ujup 518 b^ t)e<\c t\?cpgp 3 A 3cloicpe, b|i]pp]3cg]t [&] : T 3108 b6 ^ a bc\?cp| p], 8^at)a p^ TT)ioT)luA]crig8 8e. • .^i5Up A CTt^VC CUAlAb^ UACb^lT) T)A pA3^|C ^ T)A ^p^- ]p1T)eAC AT) COpTf)AlACb fil) ? ^A1CT)13gb^ 3U|l Ab T) bC]TT)- cgll p^it) a lAb^ p6.. .^t3up a ctiAc bo pAT)c\?3gb^ brteic ^, b| g5U a pobA^l ot|ica, 0|]t b] ri)gp p^i8e aca ^pgi). ( 25 ) Wh*t* XXII. 17— 32, tl3& a t)A8b4foir) ifjif b>?T)e,cjteb C]te^ 8\?c? ^Cr> c6j|t ci of a cAb^c bo £>gf 4, oo 5AT) a cAb^c ? . .^juf ^ T)Aict;e a r^Ail/jf e 3D] of a, a bub'^c f &. £ft&b f a a 3C\?uei8e cac- uja6 0]tATD, [a lucb] at; f u^crUvbA^? . . /LAifbgT)\i8e 8att) ^5gb at) 6]OfA. ^3uf cu^Ab^fAr) pi5|i) c^e.. .^ijuf a bubqz £>e |t]ii ? "it | a bAtt Ab jorrj&ig fo "| [c|A ft& a , rr)bgT)Af)] Ar>f3!t'|b|fj fo [t)a cjrrjcgll]?. .^t bub^c fiAbfgt) fijf 3&e <6|f Aft. $1 bubqc £>e|f gi) n]u at) tri&cfoiT), ?Cift a i^A8b^f0]r) cAbrrvy8e bo £>gf Art tja r)eice if le ?r)e. .<&|ti no 4 b|*bArt at) h>a lAeqb uo]rfj at) b'jle, A3 ^ce T A3 ol, A3 p6f a8 [bAtt] "i A5 CAb^c [bAtt bf guVo], • 50 fO]ce at) lAe at) a T)bgcv?8 3C(aoj a fbgc at) f a r)&|ftc . ,^3iif o] riA]b a f|Of aca T)o 3obc^v]i)]c at) b^te, 1 51111 c.65 f| le]q ]Ab \?le ; ]f rr>^ tit) bejcgf cgcb < fl]c at) b>7T)£ 1 • .b|A|8 b|Af Aljt AT) IDAC^e AT) CflACf0]T); 3Abf^ fgjt , aca, "] f^3f\?8cg]t ?8e ? [30 be^iblT)] 30 1;bgt)A8 r^ fA|Tie 7 "| t)] f\?leoT)3Ab f6 a ccac a cocajIc crt : jb. . [^3iifJ q a i)A8b^fO|T) b]8|8fi ullArf): 0|]t i|* at) fA ijulj J TJAC f]lc| CjOCfAf ^AC AT) b^T)6. .. 11111)6 T^T) C|A A C^ | 1)03lAC f||l]T)gC jlfC, T)OC A C\?|t A t]f y £^r)?l f>?l [A15e] Tl]f, T AT) fA T)U^ 1)AC bfy T A ! c ( 26 ) W°V A 13 e v -^S u r |to]i)^8 x'e e, T bgttA y& a c^b bo a bpoc^ lucb at) -pu^cr>AbAi6 : rr>^ a TtrbjA 3ul ^ b]oy^Hx\) FJACaI. ?le, 50 rjbubqc f& ft& 12 8e]t*C]obl\ib v .^t cA a frjOf A5Aib 30 bp?l At) c&if5 cq Sip 8& lA et,le, ^ 50 bqob^c^ ob\?l, 30 1)aIIa a r)&tibfA3^c ? bA r^oirtqoftj XA]ApAf.. *^3UT\jijf)gb4 corb^le tt6 c&]le bo cutt) 30 rt)b§riA]blT; 3 \3ot;A a b^ill^ 50 Tt^bfiblf [&].. .%Lcb a bubrtAb^, 9(tA bfeAtJATt) [6J at) t*a cfolATtwi), bgslA 30 TT>b|Ab baA]8|ig8 a TT)gt;3 At) pob\?l. %i*5ur at) criAc b] 3oy a a ^ becAtH a 5 a bqg ^otdojt) at) tob^ . ."£&]tT|c be at) c\?3e A3A jtAjb bocfA boU tio3uat»aI, T 86|fic y] [^] 3 ^ cgf)| at),"| 6 t)A fv?8e [A3 At) tTjbottb]. . $13111* 3 t)A t; Ajcfjt) [fit)] bA 8eifc 1 obl\?bf§T) 5 WtJgb^ nrj- ceubp?8 ? A3TtA8 ? £,Tt&b bA bfOTjnAT) AT)bion)bA]lff?. .<&]Tt b&TbTTt a t)olAfA a ]\e]C 3 n)0]H\\)f\ a CAb^c bo t)A bo6b\?b. . .^3tif at) cat) a bA^qt) 3or*A [fo], a bubqc yh rt]u ? SLyikh pA 3C\?Tic|8e buA]8Ttgb 3 at) TtrrjAOT, ? otti Ttjfje y) obq ri)A]C ATI) c|TT)ceAllfA. .(S^fi b6]b t) boT,cb bo 3t)Ac A3A^b; Acb t)] b|A]8 Tt)|Tj bo 3t)Ac butt bpoc^.. .($>]Ti 3 T)bOTtXA8 t)a 1)oIat*a ^ TT)0 COTtpf A 8|, Tf £A COTTJ^ TT)A8l\?Ce A Tt]T)e fl [6].. .^C beiTt^TT) ftib 30 flTMTJgc? ©18 b& 3 b]c bAll A]Tt £6a8 at) borirvn) A T)b§i)c^| At) fOjT^eulfA a f gT)rndTtA8 5 50 rjATCTteofb^ rt)^ At) 3c6Abt)A at) T))b}j ? a Tti^e at) beAt)f a, n)4 c\fii)T)e \?Tftq. ?It) fit) birt)C]5 y gtt bot) b^v fgrt 8^3, b^ Ab A|f)ti) 5ubAf ^fc^jocef, cun) uACb^AT) t)A t;a34|c.. .^l5uf a bub^c f^ titu, iCjteb be^Ai,8e 8Att)rA, "] brtA]ct;i8TT)6 8>?b ^? ^Csut; bo TT>e8\i3gb^| 86 be]C bplofA frjccg^ ^3]b.. .^i^ny 6 . ff f> A f1)AC, 3lA€ T»6 UA^t) ^jfgT) A bjtAC. ^i^U^ AT) Ceub [lA] A T)^1t) 5AT) lAfb]t) CATT)1CeAb4 A 8et ! T > ci i obN7l can) 5of a, A3 TtA8 Tt]]*, C]A a t)A]c at) ^ co]l leAc r|i)e a 8^At)Arr) ullii)\?3ce 8>?c bo CAjceAtr) t)a cAf3A? . .^uf a bub^c & ?• -^3^1* 3 bprtgjriA 86f at) a bub^c f£, ^tt) c& cutdat/ [a] l&rr) at) fA Tt)C]f ATI) fOCg, A f6 briAjCfgf Tf)|T4.. • [®0 bei 11)11)] A c& ^ac at) bvt)e A3 irrjceACb bo |te]Tt Tt)Ait j^p/jobc^ aiti, ACb ]f At)AO^b|f) bor> c6 l£ Tt)bjtA]qq3cgix ^1ac at> bvt)e! bu8 ii)A]c 86 rxvc iT)beA|iCA]8 £... ^13111; A]fi bpjteA5TtA DiubAf*, a b fiAic e]f gt) ? a bub^c ]*& ? ^li) Tt)|^ e 5 a W a 1,51, f bitt ? % bub^c&eifgt) fifT*, ^Ibubgc cu[&].. .^X^ur^ rrjbeic A3 ice b|8.86]b, 3IAC ^ot*A .4&1), "] c^ &]f a. bgtju^ASjbriif^ CU5&6 8A8e]|*qobl\?b [&],*] Abub£|c|Tt if "j f o topvlfi t)a qon)t)A T)uAi8e, bojitceit 2| fOT) TT)0]tA]T) CUrt) tt)A1CeATt)T)Vf* T)A bpgCA8 . . ^CcC beittlTt) |i]b ? 3Ea8 1*6 T»wAf V] ]ob& rt)e boi) coriA8fA i)A p]t)gTi)T)A5 50 fOjce at) l^ ub at) a t)]obA n)6 6 50 t)ua8 njAille ^bf] A TVJ<>3AbATt pfA]lTT) ? CUAbATl A TT)AC 30 fllAb T)A T)olv8eA8 . . ttf) T"|T) A be^it #opA Tqu, Do" 5^Abt;vt8e vie ojlb^rt) ioixAiT)f a a t>ocb : 0]|t a c& T^TirjobcA, 93uAil]q8 rt)& at) cAo8Airte, T fCAbp?8ceATt cAO]Tti8e At) cri^AbA.. .^icc cati 6]f TDiff e ir e 1l t 5 e ? T 1 ^^^ ^ e Ttorbvb bot) 01)aIi16. . .^tjfttf Ai|t bf|teA3TiA bo l?i)eAbATi a babA]|ic f^ Tt]f, Da rt?beiC30 bpv^b^i* cac vie 0]lbeirt| iof)Ab, vf\ bpvge Tt)|T| o|lb6]Tt) [iof)Ab] 50 brt^l). *^ bub^c JofA Ttirgt), ^i bet]t|rt) tt]oc ■30-piff|T)gC, S^l Tt)A 3lAO]8pgf A1) COjlgCA T)OCb. fgTJfA ca Tt)e crt^j b^A^tte.. .^l be]it 2?eAbATt pif, 0o be]Tt)it) 1T)Af &131t> DATT) b^t; bfulAT)3 Ab fOCA]]t ? 1)| fCA^fA Tt)^ cu. ^13111; a bubitAbATt t)a be|t;C]obvl vie n)ATt at; 5^6AbT)A. i£uA^8 Jot* a leo at) c|t^ct*o^T) bo i)]ot)Ab bA i)50]Tice4 0ecf6rr)AT)e ? ^ a bub^c6 ti6 t)a 8e]t;c|oblvb 5 t c^v tt)at)att) I&t) bo 8ob|t6t), c2 ( 28 ) jo fo^ce^t) b&jf : £Atr*?8f{ at) fo, "\ b&AT)A]8e fA|fie Attj frocAffi. . .^tsufAiTt T)|iT)ceACb 86 beA3&T) [at* fl 1 ?]? &° Ie|3 \h e ?&]V X 1°r 3 * *3^6, ^5 beAT)Ait) uttT)\?8e, T A5 ji£8 , ^i ^Ccaiti, nr&r &lb|?t e v 34 [if &]U] IgtfA.. .^juf t'&}\)]C fe curt) a 8e]fC|obAl, "j fu^ fe t)a 5coblA8 lAb, *| a bejjt fe Tie #e.AbAjt, ^Iti rrjATi fir), V4 beibiji l^b f A]fte a 8|t)att) aot)uaiti att)^t) a TtTfocA]ftn ?• .X)6A^\f8e f Affie ^ uftT)\?8e. bo curt) t)ac cc\?cf eA8 f]b a 3CACU5A8: ^i c& at) f p^OTtAb 30 be|rf)]r> tlllATT) 5 ACb [a Z&\ AT) CoIaF) Al)bpAi).. .X)|TT)C|3 bATiA buA]Ti, T TM^ e X e u|iT)\i8e, A5 jr&8 9 34 $fccA]]t ? ttja civ t)ac &i,b|ft le^f At) 3cup&r)|*A bul coriArt), 3At) xxy'e 8a dl 5 beAT)CA|t bo cojlfe. .^3'if Aifi bLe&Cb 86 fUAjft bAjt a fv?le crton?,. .^tsuf Aifi t)a bf &5bAjl 5 birr)C]3 fe a Ti^f, "| tt]f)e fe ufirrv&e at; cpeAf HAim A 3 T 1 ^ t)A rr)bjt|ACATt 3ceAbT)A. . ^li) ffti c^itiic ?b a t)ua|ti ti|t), ^ a c& - MIac ai? b\?T)e A3ATJ cAbAiTtc a l^rrjAjb t)a bpeAccAc.. . /gi]t3]8e 5 frjoiT) A3 iiT)ceAcb 5 feuc, it- f 03111; [b\?i)J at) ce - bltAICgf TT)Jfj.. . ^t^UT* AT)feA8bO b] fe A3 fl&8 TJATtlbft]- ACATtf^, feuc, taiT)ic 3ubAr> b^T)e boT) b& -peAti 863, "f c-vfbe AcbA rbori T)foc*| TrjAilie le do f8rt)ib "] L^ bA^>r8]b ? 6 UACbATl^T)\ib T)A fA3A]tC, "| 6 fir)f1|tlb AT) pobAjl. *. t ?icbcti3Ai) feATi bo brtAic 6 corr)A]tcA boib^gT), A3 Tt&8, ^]o8 b^ oeAC 8a bqobttA TT)|p ^63, a fe fji) ^: be]Ti]8e A|fl. . .^5Wf ^IT 1 A1 ? !T)bAil A T)U^ A £^T)|C f6 CUIT) A1)]CeAb^T*AT) AT) C|t^CfO|T),^ C\T|teAbATt Urt) ^ 9X]0fA, T 3AbAbA|t £.. .^t5ar, feuc, Airt nt)g8 a t&]Tt)e bf ]0|t &or) n)Yyt)Z]]t a b'| a bpocAi|t 3oy a, CArrtA]!^ fe a clojbgrf) [atdac],"] aiti Tt)buAiA8 feATibpo^Airo^e a "O&TtbfAS^c, bA]T) fe a cluAf be . . ^Ct) T*|i) a be||t ^OfA ]t|f 9 /t^ift bO clo]8eATT) A Tllf AT) A 10T)Ab fe]T): Ojfl 3AC vrle 8v?t)e 3IACUT* clo]8gTT) ]f le clo]8gTr)c\?cpgf |*e.. .^i t)e f)AC filgi^cii jutx Ab e|b]|t leAir)fA ^ac^ bo 3>?8e At)0]f ? 1 30 bcAb]tA8 T-e 8ait) a livc^| T)| t*a itjo t)^v 8a caca 8e3 bAr)3lib?.#$icb cjOTjAf bo coiTbl^jo^p^ce tt)ati t*jt) t)a l*3|i|opcu]Tt|8e ? 3urt Ab tt)ati fo |f e]5^i) a bejc.. .<4bu- ( 29 ) bAi,uc 3or& x^T *W crluAjj a mA]y>V]V cAi^jceAbAin a h)ac att)>?1 curt) b|ocurbt)A]8e le cloi8rf)lb"| Ve bAO^b borr) 51aca8|* a ? bo \r\r)X) att) p?8e 3AC &>t) la gbn>?b y AT§rr)poll A5 reA3Af3, "] rj] nujAbAjn onATt).. .%lcb t&]W]c yo >?le cun) cnjce, ]oi)Af 50 5co]rbliot^p^8ce f5n]opru||t]8e t)A b£^]8eA8. ^|n* t)a eu&i^gr) bA 8e|fqobl>?b r>\e at) j*|i) 5 bo ce|ceAbA|t. . .^C5uf a]h n)b|ie]f: 86ib|*eAT> A]Tt 3oj*a ]tu3AbA]t leo curp £&]f>A]f at? cAnbf*A3ATtc[&] ? rt)^ a jiAbAb^ t?a r3|t]ob>?8ce "| t?a fl^riT 1 cjvvri). . «^3Uf Icat) 2?eAbAn a b]:Ab ua8 6, 30 pAl^f a T)AjtbrA3A]uc ? *■ g rjbul a fbgc 86, fv^ ^ ^ bpocA^t r»A f g|tbf 03^ bn^e a T)A3^8 3of*?u|:]bi]* curr? bA^f e ; - .°<&5Uf r)T bpu^AbAft: [iJ^d^SlS CA].t)]ceAbA|t rn on At) bp|A8i)>?^b pAllpA, \)\ fru^AbAU. . . ^l5uj- y<\, 8e|ne8 ^ bcgcb bo 8] At* b^]A8i)\?nb bn^A5ACA 5 . Ai bubnAb<\n, $t bubA^nr at} [-peAnro], 3y e-]b]ji leATDfA ceAropoll 2>& a Iga3a8 ? *• a co5bA]l a ben] l^.. .^43111* *| T)e|U3c bo T)anbfA3ATtc ? a bubqc |*e tt]r ? 31 ac CXU3AT) cii £ug3nA ^1310 ua^c? cji&b f*A bp\?l]b |*o A3 b^At)Arb t;|A8r)>?p Ab A3>?8?. .0|8eA8 V]o]t UbA]tt 3oj*a AorrpocAl. ^L^uy ^n^S^ll 1 Ar) cartbf a- 3A]tc "] a bubA]ne f 6 |t]f, C>7|t]n) ojix Ap b'icb Xte beo IPT^T) &WAr> cu£fvjorb 5 Hac I)&...34 bejft^ofA nif,^C bub?5e, A3 uA8 v 0un lAbA^n ye o|lbe|rr); cpeb ] a i)\Tngfb\ibe t;i A8t)\?r;|8e a cA 0]t\7f) i)] f a rrjo ? ^§c, cuAlAbg a vo]y a o|lbe]ii)e. ^n^b c : jceAu8>Tb^? ^311^ '4 ^VV-^SV-^ 86|brer) a bubuAbAit, iv^ll f^ ba?*.. .^Ci) y\\) 5AbAbAn bo |*e|l|8ib at3 a e?fT, [cA|c]>7le, A3 uA8, 31] feibjit Tt)^ cn&b a be||t cu. ..^Cjuf ^ t)bul a tt)0vC 86 at) fsv bpajnre, copAijic [ca]Iii)J e|le 6,T a bub^c n ^It" ^n Uicb a b] a \*tq, b] A^)[penf*^ile1 l T;Abvoc^^o|^^0.Xar;^8A. .^(ruf fgnro-^ ( 30 ) rT)A]Ue u& n)]Ov&]b, 3X] \)&]twe 8mt) At)b\?r)e^t).. .^jut; cat^aII a t)b^A]5 fi 1 ? CA"|i)iceA&4 at) bngtt) bo b^ t)A f gfArt) a Uvc*| ? T a bubttAbATt rtfc i?gbATt 9 @o TrJTt;i)gc ]t; b^ob fub f6]T) cuj*a; o^n a c& bo caitic f&ii) bob buAC.. . $tr) fir) bo c|ot3f3A]t) f& be]c A5 tdaIIujaS T A5 it)iot)u3a8 ? Q&i bAicrje 8att) at) bvrtie.. .^3ut* 9 At) Tt)bAll 3I&018 at) eoileAc.. .%3ut* At) t*iT) bo c\?ri)T)i5 i^eAbAtt ^ brt]Acttv?b #orA., a bubAittc tiit;, S\?l 50int;gt; At) coilgc, t;§t)t;\t8 cu rt)& crrj l)u^je.. .%3ur *| t)bul a tt)a£ 86, 3>?l f6 30 3euu. ?5 f & rtiu 5 *| q T)]ir)ceAcb bo cAcb f & & £6tt). . .2lcb 3 t)51aca8 at) Ain3ib bo t)A b*MTbf A 34 c- ^v?b, a bubuAbAtt, Oflpj cotti a 3CUT1 at) f a cctfbe 5 o]ti if luACfolA 1Ab. .^t3Uf £| t)b§At)Att) COtt)2|le 86lbfgT), cgr)- >?5eAb^ leo tt)Ai5 At) pocAb6|n ? curt) eACbHAifj bA8lucA8 AT), .^C]Jt A T)A8bATtfO]T) 301TtCgTl bOT) fgTlAT) Ub, ^gHAT) t)A t^oIa ? 3U1; A t)iu3.. .^it) f|t) bo coirt)l < j or) a8 at) rrj8 a bubnA8 cue ^enerniAf at) f&i8 ? A3 rUv8 5 3AbAbAn cuca t)A beyc tt)boit) t;icceAb ? Iuac at) c6 bo r9gr > A8 5 bo bj g t)A iT)gf 6 clAf)\?b ^fnAel;. .^C3ur» cu3AbAn iAb ^ fgnAt) At) p^CAboju, rt)/j bonbug at) 2Li5gur)A 8Arf)T > A). ^3 u f fST* ^ofA a bf ; jA8r)\?|*i i At) uACb^^jT): *| bf]Afrtt>?3 At) cuACb^^t) be ? A5 jUv8 ? ^ir) cu|*a at) ^3 ub t)A QT^ub- A|5g8? $t5uf a bubAttxc ^oj*a tt]i; ? %l bettt cufA [fit)]. • .^311]* At) cat) beiljTjeAbATt tja b^^f^^lT 1 ^ 1 ^ n^ni 1 ^ i)i ojt frigs'^ r^ ^i^.-^ feei|t i^Aia^c jiif ad c?r)if) cu cn^b co n)6n |f A c^vib fo bo 8eAt)AtT) bfiA8r)Vff| Ab A3A18?. .^3Uf \y\ CU3 f^ ptt§5(tA q &Ai)t;ocAl t>o\ ior)ut; 3un §Ab iot)3At)- ( 31 ) cup rrjort AT)xuACbATUvr) . .%cb ceAT)A bu8cleAcbA8 leif a tmACbAftAt) b]t^5e bo l^eAT) a ttjac la tja folAitjvjp euro at) pob\?l, At)c6 bub A]ll leo.. .^t3iif bo b^ aca at) CAt)f ojt) briAjjje Tiorb]OclvrceAc 5 bAn bA|t)rr) 2$AU<\bbAT;. . %i]]l A TjAbbAUfOir) Alfl OA 3CnU|0]U3A8f AT) ? a bubA|fic 3?|a16]c tiju, £ia if co^l l|b bo le]3§n cu5A]b? iSAfiAb- bAf, T)6 3ofA.u6 rjAb^CAU £n]Ofb?* . ?5e 86fAT) a ccA]qn bneiceArbt)\?f 5 c\?ri a beAt) ce?3e 5 A5 nA8 ? 9CtAbeAt)bAbA cu5Ab^ uACb^A]r)t)AfA3^c ^ i)A f|r)prif a bgrtAbor) pobAl i^^AbbAf biArnv?3 ? T 3ofA a curtcurr> bAif. . .^3Uf 3 bfuesfiA bo TviiACb^&r) a bubgc f& rtiu ? £ja bor) biAf ub if rr>|At) l]b bo l^15et> cir^Ajb ? ^icb a bubrtAb^- fAT), ^AflAbb^f.. .^tbub^C 2?|Al6)b T^U, 3 a t)A8bA]t- foit) cri^b bo 8gt)Af n)6 rte J5]OfA 5 tie 1)30111x4 £niofb? a bubnAbAjxfAr) \?le rt]f, c&AfCATi**.. .^i3ac nAib CAtibA 65 At) ef}]8 5 ACb jujt tt)6 At) buA||ic c^^T)]c 8e ? 3 t)3AbA]l \1f5e c\?5e, b]of)A|l f& [a] IAttja a bf]A8r)>if1 A1 ? pobAil ? A5 tia8 5 ^CcA]rr)f] t)e]rbc]or)CAC 6 f\?l At) fifte]i)fe: peuc>?8p [8^b pp&it)]). . -^t5uf 3 bpne3|tA boo pobAl \?le, a bubnAbArt, 13io8 a pvfl on^rje, 1 A^rt ati 3cloif) . .Do le]3 f h cuca At) cat)- fop i^AitAbbAf : 1 3 f3|U|tfA8 5ofA, £115 p6 curt) a c^AfbA [&].. .^r)fO]t) ttu3AbAti fAi3b]U]|t]8e ad uac- bAriAit) ^ofA leo bot) b^H^ co|cceAtJ ? ^ cn\?5|3eAbATt At) c\?beACbA [fAi3biun~] >?le oa qnjceAll.. .itjuf bo TjocbAbATt 6, "| c\?neAbA]t briAc concnA Yjrpe . . . ^tsuf bfi3gb^ cortojt) fpioe^T c\?neAb^ pA t)a ceAf) ^T flAc 31olc\?3 Af) a l^]rf) 8e^f : A3uf A5 lubA8 a t>5lur) a T)piA8t»ifeAt> 5 Tt]f3gbAri pot)ArbAb pAOl, A3 rUv8 ? D|A bo beACA, a pig t)A QX^jubA]5eA8 !. .^t5af At) cat) a TjAbAbAjt bo fe|l]8ib 3, TjlACAbArt at) rflAc 310ICA15, ^ buAjlgbAp at) a ceAf) e.. .^t5uf Ai) cai) a piveAbA]t por)Art)Ab pAO], bA|t)^bAn Ai) jtobA 8e 3 "i c>?neAbAp a 6ub\?3e p^T) >Trt)e ? T ria3AbATt a idac [^] cutr) a c^AfbA. . ^3uf 7\ t)bul a rt)]net)e ? b^ bAiT)rr)cS|md»): A3uf c\i|tebAri bpjAC ^ bul lejf curr) a ( 32 ) cjioixe 8fOTT)CAjt. .^5up at) cATJCAi^cgb^ 3111/ at) ]ot)Ab 84 Ab # AiT)Tt)©ol56cA 5 (|f ]oi)At) fti) tte ti&8 ? T &ic Ai)clo|3^t), . .EinjAb^j ttjot) jeurt trjeAfSCA le bOTDblAf* tte t)6l 86: -| at)cai) a Mait* re [&]> tfjoT 1 ^&iil ^ e 1T A °l" •^-5 u r ** i)b(Ai5 a ceAfbA boib^ojfjgb^ a gb\?3e ? A3 cutt cjiAt)c^|t [ojtica] : ]ox)&y 30 3cort)VjoT)f:v?8e at) t)(8 a buDTiAb 6i)t;&]8, Moi^gbAfi TtJgb^ge 861b ppejT), T c>?TteAbATt CTtAT)CATt 3 it)o citl>?8.. .3X3111; ^ pige 86|b, coirrjeAb t/)Ab e at) f]i);. •^13111* c^jigbAjt a cojrt b&ip T;3TvjobcA of a cioi)., £^ & £($> 5C&S% IW0J5 31% aiimi)?t30J5^«CDJ5-. • J £eA]*A8 bjAf 3Ab\?8e iDA^Ue ttit; ai) cat) r]T) ? -pgji g A 8e]f ? T pgn 3 aU\itt) clj.. . VI5UT* at) rhv?i)cift buat; Af At) 3C|tO]C ? . .^13111* TT)^ AT) 3C§8t)A A bub]tAbA|l UACb^^VIl) t)A fA34c, TDAjlle ttif *M rST 1 ! ' 3 ^^ 1 tiit* t)a fi^t/iTtib, A3 jrof)Ari)Ab [fAO|J,. ,X ) pQ|]t |*e 3 ■ 8AOfi)|b eile ; 1 vf\ fre^biji le]f poijtgb 3 pep). ^Af e 3£]3 ^fjtAet e C]3g8 |*e A T)UAf A T)0]f A]* AT) 3CT101C, ^ ctie]bt:ATt)T)e 865. *§3] a Soccuf a 9( A 1]ooa8 bo b]T)e]3Tie ? A3U]* A]|i t>a cuTt ^ flATc 3folcA|3, CU3 f& [beocj 86 fte i)6l.. .^Ccb a bub- TtAb^ at) c\?b eile ? Le]3 66, t:A|cgrr) at) bc]oet:A /£l|Af bA fAo;iA8.. .^13111* ^i)ei3g8 a |i]f Dp^A, bo gur iT)6]t, cuaj8 a fpjOftAb at*.. .^15111*, feuc 9 bo jteub bftAC Ttoii) At) cgropojll t)a 8^ c^ib 6 uACb^ 50 l)]ocb^ ; "| cttjoct)^ AT) CaIajT)/ A3Uf |*30|lceAbA|l T)A CA]|t3gCA ;. .^isuf boj*3lAbA;i i)A cuATT)A]8e; A3U|' bejTVjjeAbATi TT)OTt^vt) bo co|tp\?b i)A [i)bAO]!)e] t)aot?)ca a b^ t)a 5COblA8 ? ,.%3Uf ^ T)bttl A ftlAC Af T)A CtlATT)\?8]b 86]b ? A T>b|A]g ( 33 ) a eifejfujefeAt), cuAbA|i a fbe.AC bot) CACvrn T)Aott)CA ~\ bpo|ll^5gb^ iAb p6]T> bo rfjdri&T). . .^vcb 3 bpAiCfirj Ai) c|t]c c^Itdai), 1 t)A t)e]ceA8 bejtt]3 At), bot) c^of ac "j b^ jtAib tJpocAtTt, A5 co^ve^ti ^opA, bo gAb §sIa tTjort j Ab, A5 fi 0o f]fi1t)gc bob & f o ^Hac De . . ^3iif b]Ab^ Ai) fjt) rrjojt&r) bAt) A3 fgCA]t) ^ A bfrAb ua8, T)OC bo IgT) ^ofA or) ©l)Al]le ? A5 bgtVAti) fefftfrjfe 66.. •45|b]|i a jtAib ^H^ue ^A^bAl^r;, "( < !1\?rte tTj&CAiri £eAtt)\if*, *| 4k>fe, ^ tt)&c^ clo]r)e £>ebebe]. %lcb At) cat) b] beirteA8 at) Iac at), c&ir)ic-b*n)e fAi8- b||t 6 2t|tirr)Ac&A, b&rt bA]r)nr#ofep, bo b] pop tja 6eif- c]ooaI A5 #of a : ^5Uf cuai8 yh bior)f\?5e 3?l)]Al6|b, *| b|AT|t f§ cortp 3of a. ^if) r-|T) a bub^c l?iAl6]b at) copp cAb^c [bo]., .%3Uf at) cat; fuq #ofep At) copp, bpll f*& l]i)eubAC jIat; tja qii)cgll 5 . .^tju]* c>?ri f& at) a cuattja t)ua8 f e]t) &, T)oc bo coc\?l f6 a SCatti^j : -\ q T)|orr)po8 lejce Tt)6|Tte 86 3 8opuf At) cuaitja, bitrrciT; fe [Ttojtfje], • .^tjufb] ^l^fte ^A^bAleT), -| at) Ti^tie ejle at) pi) t)a T?\?5e Af COTt)^ at; cuattja. ^tjuf at) l& a t)b]A]3 A r>ullri)\?5ce, c|t>rf)]5gb^ uac- b^t) t)a fA3^c T tja ^b^1f1^1^ e 5° 2?lAloib,. .^3 TT&8, $1 q5g|TT)A, If CUtt)AT) lit) AT) CAT) A bf AH IDgllcOlfl Ub beo, 30 t)b\?b^c fe ? /£]jieoc>?8 ri)6 c^ 6if qvj la.. .U]]tA t)a8- b^fO]T) aic]T) co|tf)6Ab a 6u|t 3 At) ccuattja 30 ceAi) At) cngf l& ? 3 §5^30 bciucpAib'jr* a 8e]T*c]obA]i At)fA t)0]8- ce, T 30 T)30]bpb]r- 6, *| 30 t)A]beonA&jf rtif at) bpob&l, ^ )e U t 15 f^ ^ tT)ATtb\?b : "1 b|A|8 at) fgcjt^t) be]3gt)AC t)| if n)gfAT)A At) ceub [fgcriai)J v .^i bub^c 3?]a16]c rt^u, ^Cra f A^Tte A5A]bf] : ]tT)q3i8e 5 bA]t)3i)]3j8e ttjati if eol b\?b [f6|t) 6]. .>l3Uf ^| i)iti)ceAc8 bojbfgT) 5 8A]T)3T)|obA]t AT)ciiArt)A, ^ 5cii|t corr)^(PA *j At) cclo]6, tt)Ajlle ti^ f^e. a f Abbo]be ? At) cat) bf 0|llf]5 at) ceub [Uv] boi) cfgcbrirv?T), c^t)]c "Tl^ne ^ASbAl^T) "j at> ^v^rie e^le, bf^cA|T) At) tuAii)A. .^l3iif, feuc ? Abj cji^c tr)6|t caItoat) at) : (&|Tt A3c^rnl]i)3 bA]t)3gl Ai)^]3gTit)A a i)UAf* 6 t)gri) ? Ca\]T)ic f6, "| b|ort)lA|c f6 Ai) cloc 61) bofiuf, 1 f^S t 4 ^ >?fltce.. •"^tjuf a frj a SOiilf tt)^|t ce|i)cec, "| a eAbAc 3gl trjAfi ft)gcbA : . .^3itf cTqocrvMggbATt Ai) lucb co{Tt)eAbA c]te eslAfAi),^ b|AbA|t a itjocb M)^b. Aicb g ( 34 ) bpjtgST 1 ^ teo V*W5%1 a bubA]|tc |*6 ]t^ t>A tr>t>^lfe 5 <&& b]0& §3!^ ojivjbf] : oTtt a$& a ^of A3Att) 5 jujt Ab 6 3ot;a bo c6at;a8 a c&caoj 8jATTt\?3.. -St 5 ) bp?l f6 at) fo: o]tt &e]ft]3f6 ? Tt?4 a bub^c f 6. I^tSe^-peiicA^e a t)&ic at) a TtAjb at; ^>13gTU)A t)A IVge. . .^i^tif g r)]it)ceACb bv?b 30 luAC, i,r}jfj8e b?b 3UTI e|Tti3 r& 6 ri)ATibv?b; T 5 feuc ? ac& re- A3 bal rtori)\ib bot).0r)Ai|le; c^]8e At) t^t) e, yeviC) a bub^c tr)]]*) rqb [6].. $1311;* 3 rrjroceACb or) cuatda 30 be|ct)eAfAC 86]b ida^Uc fi& bgxlA 1 jte 3&IT 1 - bgcur- tt)dtt ; ttiocAb^ bA froiUfTU3A8 rjr) b?b- r]ot).. .^311}* at) cat) b^roq^gb^ curt) 30 bpo^llfeocAb^ X]V bA 8e]f qoblvjbf |or) ? peuc,. cAttiA 5of a ojtixa, A3 tt&8? D]A bii|irr)beAf)U30v8.. %icb cAtr^ceAb^fAt), ^ |tu3?3ebA]t e.. .^l beju #of*A at) cat)- fo^t) rt]u ? 3T(A b : jo8 gslA ori^b, ^rt)q3]8e be]]rj8e t^eulA cart) Tt)o 8gfib|tAic]t§6 curt) 30 |iACA]b]f bor> 0ljAl]le ? *\ qfjb tt)if| at) y\y. %3Uf 3 t)|ii)ceACb bojbf gi), ]:euc ? c^t)|ceAb^ ^c^?b bor? lucb -p^e bot) cac^ ? *| 8]r)]t;|bgri buACb&tiArv\ib t) f ajatic 3AC \?le t)]8 bA i)b|rtr)A8 at).. .%5uf crtv,f)l3g&4 a 3cgf) a c6]!e rt)Aille ivjt; t)A n^ffN^ -| 3 trb^ATTArb cotr^le 86|b 9 cujAb^ n)0]t&v 2j3tb bo rj YAi;§bfU]iT|l5. . .%5 ji&8 ? fCbri^T8e 3 cA]T)|ceAb^ a 8e-ff*ciob^l Af)f a r)oi8ce, ^ a Jofb- gb^ e At) -pg8 a b]A!t)Yjrit>e 3 3Co81a8. . .^5uf rt)A cl\?r)jt) At) tuAcb/j&t) at) t)|8 po, bg^ttvrje ( t:a bgtiA 86, t^ac rr)b] a 3UAfAcb q b]t ott^bf].. .^C5ur > ^ t)3Ab^vil ad 331b b6|b- flor> ; rt]T)eb^ rr)^ a rt)ufT)g8 85]b: ^ AjqxTJbeATt Af) slojtfA Art)gf3 t)a 9T(]ub^3g8 30 ro]ce at) Ia a Trjug. ^Icb b]rt)C|3gb^ t)A l)^o]T)8e|fCi i obATl 8^3 bot) @l)Al]le ? curt) fl&jbe rt)^ ^oribX5^ot;A 86|b..^i3up at) CAt)cgT)^cgb^ .6, bot)6]t^3gb^ 6: ACb b] Arb^uf* A3 o?b [Vjob ^]..« ^€5111; ^ begeb X)]0t;a lAbg -fe ftiu, A5 tUa8 ? EU3A8 8Att)r > A 3AC \?le curi)ACbA ^ t^gri) *■) q caIatt).. .^i||t a t)A8b^fo|r; I^ISI^H? c S3^r51^ e 9 CTt)eA8ACA >?le 5 bA tt)bA]fbeA8 a r)Air)rt) a S^acati,^ a^^ic, "| At) Sp]ortA|bOXAO|tr) : ^311]* tgs^fS^e 1 Ab 3AC \?le t)]8 b^vri Ai6|t) rt)i^ 8\?b bo cojmeub : 1 peuc, a z'Ayyy] butt bpoc^ 3AC 6ai)Ia 30 be|TteA8 At) £f*A03ATl. ?Cn)eu» ( 35- LuCAf XXIV. %©flS AD c&Ab l& bOD tfeACbiDW? CAlD]cgbA]i 30 ]toiDOC £j iDA]bp) curt) AD cuatda, A5 CAb^c'leo da d^]£> g8 bggbAiSiS builTDV?5goA|t, T [idda] A]]ij3e [ e 1^] D>A]lle jl]U. , .^CjUf ptt^AbAfl AD cloc lOlTjlAbCA 6d cuaida. .. ^511]* 4 Dbul a f'bgc, i)| 6pu4]3e^D& <3o]*a. ..^tjuf c^jiIa, 5u|t 5aB iiAcoAf ]Ab pAD Dj^nDj ["]] peuc, fgfAb^ b(Af pgn da DA]ce a r)eAbY?3]b fO]llpgcA s . .^tjuf 3 da D5AbA]l eA5lA, T ^ da 5C|ao?DA8 [a] D?rr)D]5]8e n?A]t a bub^c ye [pe]D] n]'B, cpA b] pe p6p ad pA 0T(3^Al]le v .^Cj ua8, 3f* ^13]D %c ad b\?De bo t&hqi a UviDYfb bAO]D^AD pgccACA *] a ceApA8, T a e]f^]]tje ad cpgf Ia.. .^tjur bo or>DD]3gb4]*AD £| a b]t]ACHA]bpoD>. •^5^f q a bjqlleAb oxj cuatda, bpo]llp5- gbAjt da t>e]ce]7 ^ e bo D&]DgpbAl bej, *| bo cac e]l# ^ie. • •?icb ff ^vrp-e < MA3bAleD ? 1 3oada, "| 'flvffie jjDAeq] £>eurDA]f 5 ^ DA [idda] e]le [bob]] TDA]lie ]t]u ? b]i)]f DA De]ce]*e bo DAl)gfblA]b.. .^3iip rDgfAb^p&D ATDbp]AcnA td^| eAbu^rrje ce]lle 5 "i D]0]t 6]te]beAbA]t ]Ab...$l5up 3 D^]|t3e bo 2?«beAb4 ? ]t]oc ]-e cuid ad cuatda ; T ad cad a bpeucf e a rbeAC, cod^c pe ad l]DeAbAC Arr>A]D DA l>?5e T b]iDC]3 ]*e, A3 ]OD5DAb p&t> D]8 A n|f)eA8. .^511]% peuc, cu, 1 3U]t ffiib7l >?le :. .£]oi}Af* cu3AbA]t DAbA^f^3^ c 1 A DitACb^AjDe tb cutd b|te]ceATDi;^f bA]f ( 36 ) '"1 boc^AfAbAjt 6., .^Icb if & Art TjboiTjtje 3ujt beifioi) At) t6 a bf uAif3eolA8 3f fiAel: ^ f gc f o \?le 5 AfU tvjut; at) CfieAf l& 6 rt|f)eA8 t)A rjeicefe . .^3uf ttjati at) 3c6AbT)A ? rr>t)A A]rii8e '134 Tt)gf5 f £1,1) c&it)|c 30 n)oc cuttj At) cuattja^ cti| octree Ab 4 -fif). . .$l5uf rpAri tjac bfuAftAbAft a cofvpfAT), c&]t)|cgb4 A5 fi&8, 50 bfACAbAtt ^11) fof CAi8brieA8 bAit^lib, a bub 4c 50 rpqeAT)|*6. . .^5ur > bo cuAb^ bftgrt) Airibe 8a rtA]b TrjAjlle fi|f)e curt) at) cuattja, "] fUAfKVbATt TT)Ajt A bub*|C T)A TT)T)A : ACb T)j f ACAbATt effiOT). . .^juf a b^?bA|Tic feifiot) rtju, 8) oiT)rr)i,bi8e 5 T A luce cfiori?cTioi8cA f Ai^e ! »^i)6 r)Aft b6]3ir) bo /tbrvjopb T)A t)eicef] bpulAirj5 ? ^ ?ni i b ^ e V* t)eite bA CAob f£]t). . .^l3uf *bo 8rrv?beAbAft jtif at> TT)bAile 5 at) a TtAbAbATi A5 bul : "j bo l6]5 f eifiot) Aift 50 ttACAb f6 T)]Of pAibe. . .^tcb bo coiitjeijTjijeAbAfvp at) & 5 aj ft&8 ? J*at) Apifje, 01 ft ac& f^ bpojuf bo t)f gf- CAtt, T a t>beijt<|8 A|t Utf ATI 3CtlO]8ceACA 10T)Vff), AT) peA8 bo b| f e A3 UbAittc tM6 3 at) cfl/jje, "i At) cat) bof5^l fe 8vff) t)a r3]tiop€^]Tj8e ?. .3X3uf ^ t)^1]t3^ 86]b q ai)u^]T) bfjll- eAbATt 30 J6|ATUTfAl&rr) ? ^ f iiAjiAbATt at) ce]T)treAti beu3 cri>?f) a bfocAift A c^ile, "I at) bTteArt) bo b^ n)Aille ]t|u. . .^3 Tt^8 ? 3pe]tt^3 ad ^5eA|iT)A 30 fi]t|f)eAC 5 ^ cA]f- b6AT>A8 bo Siott)6t) 6. . .343111* bii)]t;eAbArtf at) t)a i)e|ce bo [|t]T)eA8] q at) cflige, "i Ti)<\,ti bA^^geAbAri 6 a H)bTiifeA8 a t)atUvjt). . .^3Uf A5 lAbAjrii: fo 86]bpot) ? bo feAf ^orA fe]T) at) a l A.i lie Ttf6. . .^icb ^ rr)be;c 86]bf|OT) ^ c]tic "] l&T) beAslA. bo f AOjleAb^ 3u]t cA|f bo cot)^ceAbA|t. . . ^t5ur; a bubAijtc f^iri or ) W u ; '4^]-i6b f a bp^k] buAjx- ca ? T cjt^bf^ a i)ey|t3|bfU)UA]T)c|3ce A^bAjt 3C|tO|8c]b? . ,^eucA|8e rf)0 1&u)a, ^ ri)o cofA ? oj^t if rr)|f| f6|t) ac^ at): 5UcAi8e ; ^ feucA]8e [rt)6] • oift i)] bf \?l feojl t)a ( m ) Ct)&tt)A A5 CApp, Tt)4 bO C]t] A3ATT)pA. , .^3Up AT) CAT) a bubA]]tc pe t)a t>eicepe ? bo CAipb&it) pe 86|b [a] UvrrjA 1 [ A J c°V&* • »^cb ^ t)a it)be]c rr^cjteibrbeAC pop cTie 3&ptibeACAp, T A3 iot)3T)u3a6 ? a bubA|ric pejpiot) pt|u, i&t> bf >tI b]A8 q b]t A5A16 a5_ 7-0?. .^3^ cu^AbAftpAt) bo cv?b b]A|*3 rtopb^ce, ^ c\?b bo e/j|T rbeAlA. . .^3up q [t)a] !)31aca8, &jc pe t)A bpiA8trv?pip|OT) [jAbJ. . .^3up a bubA]]tC pe TVjll, ^.3 |«0 T)A btllACTlA bO lAbA]]l Tt)6 fVjb, a tmAipi bo b] rt)e pop bApt bpocA]]t, 3UT1 Ab ei3]t> t;a tJeicepe Yfle ac& p3rvjobr;A a pieACb ^AOjpe, *] at) pr)A fr^vigjb^ at) prjAppAlrt)>ib ? An;qn?cgllpA bo co| rr)l : jct>u3A8. . .^lf) Y]\) bof5>?i pe A cc\?3fe ? ior)ap 50 bcui3p]b : jp t>A f3Tiiopc>?fii8e. . .^tjup a biibAjjtc pe piiu, 0upt tdati po bo b] pe f5ft]obcA ? T 3u|t rr)ATt po bob e]3|t) bo /£r)fvjopb pulA cpr)|8eAc\?b >?le, a 3 copti3A8 o^ettii- X Alert). ..^3uf if plbpi, p]A8trv?pi8e t>A t>e]ceAt)pA. . . ^3up 9 peuc, c\i|xpj8 rtr|p| 3eAllArbvrr) ^ac^ pe]t> cu3Aib: Acb pA^/?8e a 3CACA]]t ^epiupAlert), t)6 30 3c\?ftceA]t curbAcbA- a tKiAp urDrb. > . ^311 p 11113 T^ attjac 30 poice §#ec&r)]A iAb : ^ 3 bco3beArb e. . .^/zjup g t)A ot)6|tii3A8 86]bpeAt> ? bp|lleAbA|t 30 *6]AruipAlerr) rrjAille le 3^]|tbeACu| A rr)6]t. . .^C3up bo b|b]f bo 5t)*vc At) |*A ceATt)poU A3 tt)oIa8 A3uf A3 beAf)ii3A8 X)e. ^Crr;ei). &0]1) I. ^C^H CCUf A h] A1) i3|l| AC^, 1 Abj A1) t3|t]AC4 a bpoc^j X)e, ") bo b6 X>^a A1) JJ^ACATt.'. .6j fo g ccup bpoc^ r-e. . .le^gt) Att]i^eA8 t>A i)>?le t)e]ce; ^ 3At) 6 t)j bp\?l e]f)i8 beui>cA bA t)b§]tt)A8.. .^li) fAt) b| beACA; ^ bob ] at) beACA folut; 1)A TjbAOjTje. .^5Uf fo]llf;3|8 ai> point* t|t) at) pA boricAbApJ '-] v]o\t 5Ab At) bopcAbAp c\?5e e. i£>?rie8 bvfrie 6 £)|a 5 b&pi h&]\)tv 4!o|T).. .iA|t)|c ai) ce po tt}^ pia8t)\tt > , curt) 30 t>bgt)olup ub ? Acb [bo c>?rxe8 q] ioi)up 30 i)beAi)A8 pe .■p]A8T)v?f* bot) Epolup ub.. .Do be po A1) Solup p||i]Ogc, f°1^T?SST 5 AC ^ e ^^^ e &A ^ c 13 ^ A CPA05AL. .iJj pe ( 38 ) £j a cpAogAl, "| etiT&pgTj TH^§^ W paoJaI, Acb T)]0]t A]C]t) At) pAoJAi 6...£urr) a cobA p6]T? c&]t)|C p& ? *] i)]OTt JAbAb^ a 8AOft)e p6]t) cuca 6...^lcb at) ri)&]b 3*b cuca 6, 6115 pe curbACbA 86|b bejc t)a 3clo|i) A3 3D] a, [g8ot)] bot) brio]t)3 crie]bgp at) a Ajtmjpg-T) : . .31ac bpYfl 3 t)A t)3e|t>^'t)A]t> 6 p\?l, r>& 6 to\l t;a coIIa, t)pt o io]l ■ HI 1 ? A ^ b °" 3D] a.. .^£3 up jt]r)eA8 peojl bot) 3Sr)]te]C]Ti ? 1 cori)t»?3 p6 gbft^rje, (T cot^cgru^ a 5l6]]ifior), 11)4 gio]]! e-|t)3eit*e [*tf]c] ad ^(caua), l&D bo Jrt&p 1 bpirqfje.. 3&]fje >£o]t> p]A8r)\?p 86 ? ^ b&]5 p&, A3 u4v8, ^Cp & po at> ce q ^ lAb^ft n)e ? ^£t) ce c|3 ah? 8]aj3 ac& pe norrjATT): 0|]t bA CA0P3A 6 t)A nrifi.. .^C5up3AbATi7^| ^le 6113 ^c, aca a t)ucb a SIac^ ]p 6 bpojllfjg [& 6v?f)e].. .^i3up Ap \ xo p|A8TV\Tfi &?5gb^ 8e ; £»]t^b e]fe? ^Ct> cu fil]Ap? >^3uf* a bub^c pe]fior>, 31] rr?6. %T) ta At) p&|8 ub? ^3up bpug3^ pe]]}ot>, 31] bg8. .t£]ji a t)A8b^ro]t) a bubrtAb^ yvjp, £]a cu, ]ot)up 50 bqobriArrjAOjp p|^g5|tA 3 at) Tirv?f)c]]t a c\?p, uaca ^i). £|teb a be(]tcd Ab qrr)Cgll pe]r)? . .^i bub^c reitSDj ^IT? 5^ ^^ ^^ ^IS^Sr ^ A1 ^ bp^vpAc ? X)||t]3]8e pl]3e At) ^i5g]^ T )vV ? 11^ a bub^c /£pA] ? At) &]c at) ^ bA|pb ^go]t). ; ^tT) l^ t)A 8]A]5 Tfit) coyqc &o]t) .JopA Orf)A]t) . .^5 fOACe 3 A]|t lAb^ T1^ 9 A»|3 AIT) 8]A]gTj t)gc bo b] TtorrjATr?: o]ft bu8 CAOp5A ^ tja tt;]]},. .^5up t)] |tA]b A]CT)e A5utt)pA ^ : Acb ]or)up 30 TT)b]A8 p6 pollup ( 39 ) JDjpfiAel, At; v?rt)e fit) cA]Tr|c id^ A3 b^ifbeAb le b^fje. ..^5uf jqfje &o]t) f:]A8r)\?^ A5 ji&8, c&iHpt rrje at? 3 AirjA^l col\?tT) 6 T)eAti) 5 *| a corbtTfib f6 ^fior).. .^i^uf^TVjoTi A|qt) rrrffi 6: Acb at) ce bo c^tt Tr;e a W]fbeA8 le b^fS e ? A T ^ A bub^c jVjiirr)., <8 be 3 a bfrAicpe cu at) £>piofiAb A5 c^|il]r)3 9 "| A3 cott)OU3a8 ? t*e fit) at) ce bATfbgr leip A StyjofiAb 9$aoit). • - ^i^af a coijqc rT)jfi 5 T a 5r?]8]TT7 fijA8t)^fi 3u|t Abe j*o ^ac j)e. ^li) Ia 12 81A15 fit) a. tvjt* f gf £o]T) 5 "i b]Af bA 8e^f* qoblAjb; . .^-5111; 3. bpA]Cfii/ $oj*a A3 fiobAl, a bub*jc re /euc 3Hat) X)e!. .^5111; A cuAlAb^ At) b]f beffCjobAl e A3 lAb^Cj*"] a ieAT)Ab^^ofA. .^isup q btr|lleA8X) : joT'A., I 3 t)A bfiATCfirjfgT) 8AleAt)rb>?^ [fe^T)], a bub^c fe fqu ? £>tteub acA fib A3 ]atjia|3? T a bubitAb^AT) tvjt; ? ^Abb^ (fe fit) tie |tA8, '4 da eibiTaTbiTJiujAb, % ^131 f bjjij, cta ccorbi^Mgei) cu?. ,^C bub^c re ftiu, E]3]8e *\ feucA]8e. CA|i)|cgb^| "i cof^cgb^ at) qoi)Ab a 3cori)T)\?3g8 feifgr) ? *| bpAT)Ab^| A]3e At) Ia fit) : frj at) uq fit) cTitrceAll a be]c, . ^3uf bo be ^ijT)b|t]A|*5 bgjibtiAc^ £>iort)6|T) J?eAbg -pgtt boT) b^r A b] A3 eifbecb fie $zo]V)*] a Igtj eifgr?.. .^C t»e fo fu£| ^ cciif a 8g|tbfiAC3 pejT) SforrjOT), "i a bubqc-re nir ? ^u^Att)^ At) ^en-TAT/, Af i;efiT) 5 3 T) ei>]jmrjiiiu5A6 9 - at) £]t] ofb. . .^13111; |tu3 fe euro 3dfA e. ^3uf # bpeucATT) D^opA 3, a bub^jc r e 5 ^Cf cufA -^3uf bo bu^vr ^ecfAT,bA ^?blllb 5 CAcq ^i]v^]t]AX "| 5?b^Ab^.. ^uAitt i^blHb 3t&cAT)*el, T a bub^r f e ttif, ^-i) ce ^ ^ f3Ti^ob 'TlAO^e at) TA^ttgcbj ^ t)a pA^e, fuA]tATT)^ e ? 5ot;a 6 SiAfAfiec, Tt)AC 5o(*ep.* *^C3ut; a bub^c O^Acat)- ^ 43I ji^f, ^it) elbiit. t)]8 Tt)AT,c ^ b^c bejt 6 9^AfA]tec? 21 bub^c ^bll]b jilt;, ^^ 1 peuc.. .£b°i)3c ^ofA Q^Acatt- 40I A5 ceAcb c\?3e, "j AbeT,fi >itt)e 5 J^euc at) 2b]f]tAelAc 1^1 M ^ S^ A ^ t)ac bpY?l n)eAb>?l !• .^Cbub^c ^AcAT)^el|t|t;, * £]ot)AT/ AicT)i3gf cu Tt)e ? bfiftg33 ^ofA ^ a bubgc y& T 1 !^ ^1 AfCAOt;3A t)A 30T.lt 3?bll]b CU, A1) CJlAC A b] cu j;aot, at) 3C|tAT) TtibTj, bo coi)^c rt)e cu.. .^^63^ 31a- cat)^V 1 ^ bub^c fe -jtij*, &Abb|, Af cufA uAf q ^ac At) b\?t)e. &0]V II. $C0SiS At) c]tg(* l'& bo ]t]ijTeA8 p6f a8 A3 £>&r)&, n a- l|le^ *| b] rtJ&cq 3o|*a Ai):. .^suf a 30]]tg8 ^ofA pop T a 8e^fC|obA]l 5 curt) At) popbA.. .^43up At) cat) A-£ft6(3 p]Ot) ? a bub^c rp^c^ 3opA pqp ? OX] bp>d fjot) aca.. . 9 & bub^c #opA pi] A, £pteub 6 ftt) bArbpA V& 8vfcpe, a bgt) ? t)\ tb,-\r)]c n?uA]]ipe f6f. . .^i bubAppc a ii)&cA|jt pt]p t)A ia|A]tAT 8] b v 0j8 b& trj8 beAjtAp pe pi]b ? beur)A]8e [e]!. . ^3up bo b]Ab^ pe fO|5C|3 clojce 3 i)A 5cu|t At) fjt) 9 bo ]ie]"\i Jr^cA^e ^Iai^ca r> &ljubA]3g8 ? 8a -pejpiqt) t)6 a cfvj a 3IACA8 3AC Aor) aca. . . ^C bub^c ^Of A jVfU, t/joi)- A^8e r)A t*o|3C|5 f o b\?p3e. ^3tip a IjorjAb^ ]Ab 50 po]ce Art)b]tuACA]b. .^3111* a bub^c|*6]tiit,^At|tA]r)3 ; j8e a t)0]p 5 "I be]|t]8e curt) uACb^A]t) at) peupbA 6. ^S^p fu^Ab^. . .^t3«.f id 4 bo bUqp CiAcb^&t) At) peupbA bo trapse bo b] t>eut)CA t>p]ot) ? ("] t)] ]tAib a £pep A^e cfieb Ap a bz&]r)]c pe : Acb a b] a f]Of A5 T)A fi]AftA]8ib bo t^A]VS A1 ? CYfp3e); gopu uACb^Arj At) peupbA At) pgpt t)UApopbA c^3e v .^jup a bub^c pe rt]y, £>>?pr|8 3AC \?le 8\?ne at> p^oi? n)A^c aidac 4 zzuy, T At) ^At) ]bjb bAO]t)e a pVfc, at) ^jr> at) [plot)] Ap n)gpA : [Acb] bo cojttjeub cup a At) pjor) rr)Ap 3U]* A t)0]p.. .34p 6 fo copAc iD'jofib^le bo -\t]r)e 3ofA a &>c'Ar)& r)A 0^l]le ? ^ bfo]ll^5 |*e a 3l6|]t p^|t); T c)te|beAb^ a 8eifC]obAil Ai). QXa 8^aj3 ^t) cua^8 yh y\oy 30 £,Ape|it)auTt) ? 6 f ^]t) ? 1 a Tt)^vc^, T a 8g]tb|iA]tttgcA5 ^ a 8e]fCiobA]l: Acb t)10tt ^At)Ab^ Ai) Tt)0|tXvii bo lAeqb:. .(&||tbo b| ca]f3T) OXjub- A]5g8 a b|*03Uf, V^tt&x cua]8 ^ofA yuAf 30 ^|e]ta(*Al- 6rt).. .^3uf pa&jjt fe ai) fA ceAii^poll lucfr ]tgccA bArt) "1 ciopAC "| coiling "| lucb rt)Al^cA Ai) ^5]b ij i*>?8e : . . 3&3UJ* ^ t)beut)Ait) TSl 11 ! 1 !*^ &° b0 c6]tb>T5|b c^oIa c>T]t |*6 ATTJAC A^ At) CeATtjpoll ^Ab \fle 5 Tt)A]Ue |l6 t)A 5C&0|t- A]b ? *■] |i6 n t)bAtr)Yib; T bo 86]]tc |*6 &rt)&c ]or)rr)\xy lucb at; ^3|b 5 "| bo lg3 ^6 a Ttjb^jtb ^ l^vjt. . .^5Uf a bybqz f6 |i6 lucb |igccA ry jcoIati), ^63^80 ]Ab |jp A|*fo ? t)^ beut)v?8e ceAC^TfAc^f a t)A ceAC ceAi)>?5gcbA. .^5Uf c\?ri;- ( 41 ) r)|jgb^ a 8e]fqobA]lfeAi) 50 ftAib fjniobcA, T>]i eub bo t]r;&ft fUAf nie. .^C]]t [a t)A8b^fO]T)j b^|ie3]tAbA|i t>a /3ubAj8e ? T a bubuAb^ ttif, £jteb 6 at; coit^ca CA]f- beAtJAf cit bYi^j >*iV T)beurxvi) cu tia Tie]cefi ? . .X)frig53 3ofA, A^uf a bubA]|tc fe jt]u ? Lg3A^8e fjof at> ceAit)* poll fo, A3uf c6]5p?8 irjifi 6 a bcrvj l*v. . .^i]|t [a t)a8- b^foiT)] a bubrtAb^ t)A -3ub\?8e, £>e bl]A8r)A -| b& fjccgb b] at) c§rr)i*Allfo 8a 8eut)Arb,T AT)bcoi3f>?5 ciifA Abcrq l&e?..ttcb if 3 cgrrjpoll a c\?jvp pe^r) AlAbsj feifiOT). . -, ^iirt a t)A8b^f o]t), At) cat} beini5 f e 6 rb^bAib, c\?!T)T?|5§b^ a 8a]fqobA]l 30 Tjbub^c f6 fo tiju; ^ Cfte^beAb^ bor> f3jtiobc>?Ti ? T bor> nibneiqrt a bub^c 3ofA. . . ^3uf 3 it/beic a 31] etiuf Alert) 80 pA c&if3, [l&] a rjfeufbA, crteibeAb^ ttjoti&t) at) A]T)rr)f gT) 5 A3 pAict^T) tj 5Cott)^6a a Tiir)e pe. .^ieb irjott CAobA]8 ^ofA e fe|T) piu, ^^ Z^V- a]cit> fe ^Ab \?le 5 . .^151x1* cpe t)ac ftAib le pe]8rr) t)6ac g b|c a 8eut)Arb ^A8t)>7^ 3 a b>?r)e: o^ti bo b] a piof A^e [feir)] crteb a b] at) f a b>?r)e. £01T) III. %i&>£) bo b] b>?r)e Aijti8e bo rj 3?b3lTit>gc\?b, &4 bAirjif) Sticoberrnif, biiACb^^T;>?b rj £#/jubA]5§8 : t&]V]c fe fo curti 3ofA At) f a i)oi8ce ? T a bub^c fe jiif, 24 ^131!*" b]ft, ac& a pfop A3^T), 3U|t Ab 6 Z>fA CA]T)jC CUfA Ab pe^ ceA3Air*5: 01 p xy\ eib]p le ejfjeAC t)a corb^cv?8e |*d bO 3T)|8 CUfA A 8 e UT) Arb , TT) lit) A TT)beicX>| A rrjAille pif. X)p|tg3>?|i 3of a "| a bubgc fe p]f, 0o beirbjP, beirbip, a ^eipirp pioc, ^utM r^eipcgp b>7r>e a p]f,T)AC eib]p leip rtjo^ACb X)& bfAjc^T)... .^C bub^c QXicobeiDixT' riif^ £io5at* at* ^ib]tt le sr,T)e acA ^fA]8e a 56ir)eAiT)\rT)? at) ^IbiTt le|T- bul a rbgc a TT)b|to^f) a Tb^vc^ at) b^A b^ 9 T a 8A]tb]te]?:?. .Xp]te3^ 3of*A, 0o bejrbjii, b^^rbiT), A be^rt]rr) Ti]oc 5 ^utjaiiaid r^eAC 3 t> 5eiT)gri)\?t) [o] >?r5^1 or) ^SpijoriAb, t)] e]b|]t lei|* bul a fbeAC a njo^ACb £>&. . .^tt) t)]8 au^v 3 t)a 3e]T)eAri)\?r) 611 bfeojl ir p^ojl e; ^ at) T)]8 aca q t)a 3e|r)grb>?i) ox) (Sp]o]tAb if fp^ofiAb 6. . 31& b]o8- ^00317^8 A3Ab 50 Dbub^c rr>]^ ]i|oc, 0urt Ab &13§T) b>ib biqi i)3e]T)eTT)\?r) a jiff. &&jb|5 at) 3AOC trjAfi Af A]U le], 1 cUtojt) cu a cortAT), Acb \)\ bfv?l a -p|Of A3Ab cfteub Af a bci3 H? 1& c^ic a bcejb f ) : if rr>^ ^i) a^pTte3>TjT - ( 4,2 ) ' 3fticob&rt)uf, *\ a bub*]c y§ ttif, £iot)Af A T f^l^lT 1 ^ peicefe bo be]6 ? . .^f 1*234 #of a, *| a bub^c Sfc tvif, ^lt) bp(?l cHf a Ab tt)A]5i|*bj|t a QClifnAel, T 5AT) a bf iof f o A5Ab ?. .0o beiri)|t), be|Tt)]T) ? a beirv|rt)TV|oc, ^olAbriArr)- Aoib a trj8 Af pjof b>?r), T 50 n?bq jut)fb f iA6iyv?n q a trj8 a covqcQn)^ ; Acb r)^ JAbcAOi^j 4 bqA8t)v?r|. .^Abub^c rt)6 t)eit;ecAtrb>i8e ftib,n| t)ac cctieibq, ciorJAf cuqbfi8e 5 bA t)AbftAt,n)T)eice T)grb8Atti& ?. .<&|ntrj 8gcvf8gif)gc f uAf 3 T)§ri) 5 Acb a^ c& a CMrrilir)3 6 t)grb, ?t)e ac& '4 tJgrr). • .%5ut» rt>^ b&jib>?5 ^^0]^e a t)ac^ t)ein)e 4 a bp&f ac 5 at* ^4 f1T> Af £1311) 6 # . .^igur Af 6 fo At) bArt)t)u5A8 ? bo bjvjj; 50 bc&ii)ic ad foluf q At) cf&oJAl, *i 3utt rt)6 3]t^8\?5gb^ t)a bA0]t)e ad boftCAbAt* t)A at) politr*, 3 yov 30 bf\?l]b A t)0]brtgcA 30 bole, . .(&1T1518 b& bo3t)18 olc,fuACAi3|8 f§ At) foliif , i tn £13 f 6 curt) At) Cfoluif, bg3lA 50 t)bioti)ol- fVi8e a oibfigcA. .^(cb 3]8 b6 51)18 a t)firiif)e c|5 f6 curt) At) cfoWp,- jotjur 1 30 rt)beib]f a otbrteACA follur*, cue 5u{i Ab a -Q^btA Ac^jb r|Ab g t)A t)beut)A8. . . £&1t>ic ^ofA T a 8e]rqobAil At)bt<\]3 fit) 30 qri^u- bAige: -| bo cort)t)\?3 f^ at) ftt) tt)Aille rtiu, "j bAifb f^. . .?i3Uf fOf bAjfb JtO]V XX)4 AT) 3C^AbT)A A5iCet)0T) l^Vltf) ti6^lirt) ? otn bob] iort)Ab ^f3e at) f^t); T CA]t)tcgb^ T bo bAifbeA8 ia8. .trt t)pTt ceil3g8 /£oit) a ccaticati f6f.. .WLjrne f|t) bein]3 ce^fb ejbirt [c\?b] bo beifCjob- Wb /feott) "| r)A ^ubAi8e a bqrt)ceAll At) 51at)ca.. .^uf CAjtjjcgb^ curf) /£o]t), T a bubnAb^i nif, % TT)Ai3]fb|Ti ? A1? c6 bo bj ?3e.. .^fngs^ ^oit) ^ a bub^c f^ 5 9X] &1bitt le b\?t)e ^]T)]8 A 5IACA8, Tt)UT)A jiA^b f6 ^| t)A CAb ^c bo 6 t)eAii). . ^CC^CAOlf] V&W ^ u f t bf1A8t)\tf1 A3ATt)fA ? 50 T)bub^t TT)^ ( 43 ) 3Vj Tt?Tf| £jvjofb, ACb tuti cvrjtgfc TtoiTTje tt)6. . .$tt> t& A3A bp?l A b§9 T)tlAp6f bA Af & A f §ft T)UAp6f bA, & : ACb CAflA ai) put t)uAp6fbA 5 i)oc f§r^r i ^ir b §r wr? 3 A ^ 6 3*11*- bgcuf ttjotv 6 cjte 311c & f ijt T)uAp6f bA : 3 a txvbb^f 0]i) ac& ttjo 5A||tbeAcu^ fA 3 r)A coirbVjot)A8.. .ttf 6]3it) bdf*At> bifiu3A8 ? *f bAir)fA lA^bu^Ab.. .$U) z& qj a TjuAf ac& yh of ciot) c&ic >?le: at) t£ ac& ot; caIait) ac& f6 caI- Tt)\?8e, T lAbrtAt) f& t>eice cAlrb>?8e : At> zh £13 6 TjeATT). Ac&f6 of ciot) cAtc \?le...^i5Uf At) rrj8 a coijgc *i. bo cuaIai8 f^ ? 3t)l8f^fobf]A8r)\if]; ACb t>l 3IACAT) Aof}b>?t)e a f]A8trtffi. .^iT)c^5lirt X>ia ua8 lAbttAi8 f6 bri^AcrtA X>fe: ofjt t)^ bo fi&iTt EOTbAif beTjt 3D] a At) ^pioriAb [bo]. ,%Lz,'& 311^8 A3 At) ^Ltq bor) ^ac^T £115 fe t)A buile t)eice iot)a i&irr).. .3lr) ce cjteib- gf Af) f A ^IaC AC& AT) fegCA TT)ATtCAT)AC A^e : ACb AT) zh biof eAfurbAl bot; ^Hac, v] f Aicpe f& At) beACA; ACb C0tT)T)>?5gt) fg^S ~^ ^IT 1 - £ojt) XV. £l& TT)ifi a f^r)grb\it) pjttff)§c, T Af CTiiA8\?rte ^ac^.. . ©ac v?le Jeu3 ]of)Ait)f a tjac brAbrtAt) cotia8j 3§rfi>r8 f & \ : ^ 3AC \?le [52113] a beiti cotia8 5 31^1^8 f & f ? bo cum 30 tt>a8 i^6]be a beujtA8 y\ cotia8 tiAice.. .^4 t)oif ac& f|b 3IAI? cfieAf a it)bri^qrt bo lAbA^Ti rn& 711b. . J*ATrv?8e lofJATTTfA, T rijffi ]of)>?bfi. ^irbA^l Af t)ac bfeubAf) a 5eu3 COTIA8 A CAb>?]tC UA^Ce f e^T>j Tt)Ut)A bf AT)At) f ) f A bf it)- eArb>?t); 1f tt)^ fit) r)i feubfA f]bfe fof^ rr)iit)A bf]fi Ar)fA^ ? be^rt f6 cotva8 tt)6ti: O^ti 3AI) tr)if 1 T)1 ^b!Tti]b e]f)]& a 86ai;att).. .0]8 b6 t;ac bf AT)f A 10f)ATT)f A 5 Ce^^f ^CgTt ATT)AC 6 TT)ATl 3^13 ? CTqOtJCgTl h ; Af)f o^t) c|t>TT)i3ib bAO]t>e, "| Oijt^b f a ceit>i8 ]Ab T lo^fSCgTl ^Ab.. ,?8e 3?b ^. .^4f fo bo ^e^b ^Ac^f] slojtt, f^bf] bo CAb^c Tt)0|t^t) coTtA^8 ; ^ be^cbuTt i)be/|fciobl\?b A3Atr)fA.. .^^ bo 3Ti^8>?5 a^ac^ Tt)if],Af TT)^f]t) bo 3Tt^8>T5Tt)if] f^bfi : fATV\?8e ATT) 3|t^8fA.. .^A COItTjeubCAOl TT)Al6gt)CA, fAT)- f\?8e Art) 3tUv8 ; tt>^ bo co^eub TT)if| Aicgt)CA ^acati, t f ATrvjrr) at) a 3^8. . . U bub^t Ti^e t>a T)e]re fo |i|b ? iof)rif ( 44 j 50 bpAT)pg8 1100 g&ifibgcup ior)\?b, "| 50 |ji)biA8] burt 1^3^-^ beACup l&t)...^ip ] po rr>&icr)epi ? p^bfi bo 3rtA8u5A8 a ceile* n)^ bo 3]t&8Ai3 rrr|p] Pjbp].. *^1 ^P^ ST 1 ^ Af'rt)d T)& fO A3 eif)£C ? 1)^VA Ar> A CAb^C 3 fOT) A CATlOw. . .#p p]bpf rf?o c&]jtbep], rr)A 3i)i8]8e 3AC r)i8 bA t)A]c- T)|5|ri) 8v?b. *$£a8 po puAp xy\ go^nfe roe pgnb^oTjAOC^e 8|b, o|]i 1;] bp\?l a p;op A5 a cp gnbpo5&c\i8e crieub a 31)|8 a cjggrirjA, : ACb bo gojn roe cA]fibe 8jb ; o^pi p& ffb, jof)up 50 tiaca8 p]b *\ 30 bc|ubnA8 p]b conA8, T 50 bpAT)pA8 buri bco|tA8. 3 cori 3^8 be 0j8 iAnpitr^8e a n)Air)rop| 3 a 3&ac^ ? 3obqo%tA8 pe 8>?be.. .^C]6t)]3|rt> i)A r)eicep] 8\?b ? bo euro 3pi&8 bo be]c Agvfb peit) bA ce]le. . .a.ii?a8 bor) cpAogAl p|b ? bo 5|i^]8eocA8 At) fAOTjAl a cv?8 p6]r> - 5l8g8 q for) t)ac bor) cfAo^Al pjb, ACb 3U]t tog rojp] p]b Ap at) cpAO^Al, 3 A DA8b^fO|i7 ac& puAc A3 at) cpAogAl b^b. . .£\?ri)i) : J5|8e q AT) rr)bft^]C||t a bub^c roe rtib, 3Vj n)0 at) pgribp03Ar)cii]8e V'a A ri)A]3|pb]]t. \?le ptib 3 pop n)A|r)ri)fe, bo brt'jg t)AC bpv?l pjop 3 at) ce 6 a bc&pr?]C roe aca. .^upA ii)beic 30 bc&i'ojc rpe, T 3un lAbvfn roe niu, ivj b^A8 pg- ca8 ornA: ACb a i)0|f v] bpvflleipseul a bf>eAC^8e aca. . .0]8 be A3& bp\?i puAC 8ArbpA, puAC\?3]8 pe ^ac^ rr)^ at) 3c|bt)A . .'^Iuija i)b||tt)Ap o]bn§CA n tr)gp3 t)ac pbertr) peAC q b}t eile ? t)] b|A8 peACA8 ojtua: ACb a i)0]p bo cof)^cgb4 T pop bpuAc\?3§b^ n)]p|,^ ^acaiji. .^Ccb [bo ]t]f)g8 po] iof)up3o 3co|Tblior)pv?8e Ai)|t^8 aca p3|qobcA Af) a i)bli3g8 pe|r). X)puACAi5gb^| rt)e 3^1) A8b^|,. .^Ccb at) cad CjocpAp ad >torr)puiTC^5ceo|ri t)oc c\rfip§p TT)]p| cu3A]b or) ^tcq, SjyjonAb t)a pirt|f)e, c]5 oi) %Lt% 8eui)A pe p]^8r)\?^ ati) ciroceAUpA:. .^i5up8eut)CA]8e p]A8r)\ip| leip 5 0]]t AC&C&0] ait; poc^ 6 cup. 0r)|orb4CA II. m&Wi& Al) CAT) bO tb]X)]C l^V T)A £pr)5C]pe, bo bjAbAlt r } \e bAOi)co|i ^ Aor)bAli, , »%3up c^]r)]c co|iAt)- o WAm ( 45 ) gofyobAD, rr)A|t bo qocpA8 f^beAb jAOjie jto AiDtjteAD, ^ bo l]Ot) f^ Ai) ceAC \?le rr>^ A ^tAbAb^f At) da fv?5e. . .%3U1* CAifb6AT)p]opAb O&Aorb, T cop?3gbAn a lAb^G le cgT>3C>?b e]ie, bo ft&lft 1D4 £113 at) ^Sp^oftAb lAb^c b6|b. ..^C3Uf b|Ab^ da 3corbn^8e a Stj^uf AlerD 3ub>?8e, bAo^e b^AbA, bA 3AC \?le ci,d&aI bA b^\?l £aoj d^aid. \ .%5up 3 t)bul boD cA|*5fo Arr;AC ? C|t>r5|5 ad cojrbqoDol, T b|Ab^ TD|ofoc^ ? bo bji]5 30 3CUAW8 3AC aod aca 1Ab|*AD A3 lAb^C AD A bCgt)3A p6jD. . . ^t3U|* gAb UAC- baf 5 *| ]OD3ADCAf* ]Ab \?le 5 A3 fi&8 |te c6|le 9 *Feuc ? a d^ D^c0Al]leAD>?be jAbro \?le a lAb]tAp?. .$13111* c|6DAp a clv?DetD 3A6 aod a^i) a cadaid^d £&1D ad g JU13A8 ffb ? . .3?4C1,*1 < H6b!, , "i ^Iaidjc]^ da bAO-jne &iq"t|5§t a^j- ■fopocArDIA,"! a QCtjubeA, *| A]|t^i)e, T co]3c|t]3|8e DA &6?da, 3ub^8e ^ i 3 ]tofeI]c]8e.. .Lucb £u&ca ^ £l|t&- b]A cl\?om1b ^Ab A3 lAb^c ad 3 bc§D3c>7b p6]D o^b- ]tgCA rr)6jt8AlACA X>&. . .$1311]* §Ab uAcb&f, *"] atd^a^ ]Ab \?le, A3 |t&8 3^6 pgp ]te c&|le 5 £|t£b ]f cjaII bo fo ?. . %l3U|* Abub]tAb^ bAO]i)e e]le A3 poDori)Ab ? <3f l&Dbp]OD tr^ljr ac& f|Ab |*o.. .^icb ^ rgfATb bo $eAbA]t a bpocq AD AOfD [eAfbol] b§3, b^|ibA]3 j*6 a guc, T bo lAb^ f£ ftiu, ii pobA^l ^ubA^8e 5 T a £y?|t|DDe ^upAlerD v?le, b]o8 a frjOf f6 A3Ajb 5 "| 6ifb]8e ji^rD bu]ACfi\ib :. .d)||t Di bp^ljbfiAbfo ^ TDe]f3e 5 td/| TbgrcAOjfe, ad cad DAC bp\?l t^ ACb ad cjtgf ug boD l^v. . .^tcb a |*6 fo ad D1& a bubjiAb le^f ad bf^|8 3oel. .^3iif c|ocp\?5 cutd' c|t]ce AD fD A lAeqb b^3gDACA (a bej]t X)]a) ? b6f|icp|8 td^ borD SpjOfiAb ^b]\) q ja-c v?le freojl : ^ b^uD^^Tb biijt rt)]C ^ buft D]D3gDA p^]8gbO]]tgcb ? ^ c^]b bu|t D03AD- A^8e cA]|*beuDCA,T bu]t |*eADbiO]De A]fl|D3^e : ^311^ p6f boi]tcp]8 h)^ borD ?l, yul qocpAp ad l^v TDOfl o||tbo/|pc AD2b]3- e^;?8 cutd cnjce ? 3^8 b^ 5^8pgf ^ ( 46 ) |3§fU)A 30 flAiTjeoct^ & . . ^f b^e t)a bnT, ActtA* f A, a cIat) 3fTtAel; 3ot;a 9f£AT;A|Tt8A 5 b\?r>e bgfibcA oib^A eAbfr*?btj TT)AT,Uel6 curi)AcbY?b ? *j l6TtnofibAT i l|b ? , "i l& coTtV 4CAT,8fb 5 t>oc bo it|T)e D^ CTrjbpgT) §b|t\?bf e, vq^ -|f AT,CT)e 8\?b pf &T.T) : . .^ii> pgfifOj 3 ^be^c 3 t)a co]|tb]]tc cjte coii)* £|le c^T)ce T cjt& Tt&jTirpgc^i) D6, bo gAb fibf e, -| 3 t)a c§fA& 16 lArbA^b b|toc8AO|i)e bo ri^bAb^ 6 :. . 3£oc bo C65 D]A |*UAf, A1,Tt f5AO]lg8 bO^l/jlf AT) b^f, q A T)A8bATt 1)4 b^b^it borj bAf a coflTjb^l. . .C&jTt a be^jt X^fy t)a c]Tt)ceAUf at) ? Do cowqc rw& at) £l3gTtT)A ah) p| A8rnrfj bo gD&e, ojtx AtA f& 3 tt)o l^rb 8e|f ? 1,61) up t)ac cco^toc- CAtt tt>&:. .^|t a for) yo bo b] rr)o cfto]8e 50 pubAc, "| ^o ]t]ve xxjo £gt>3A iu^c^A^te ; "| t)a cgfj flt> puA|ri)T)eoc- v?8 ropeoii a T)boccAp : . . $l-|fi a T)A8b^ t)ac bpA3t;A cu it}At)Arr) At)]t;|t1oo, 1 t)^ psleoi^Ais cd bo 31ot) 9CUori)CA tf^l^] c]tuA]Ui8gcb bt:A^c|jr). .Dppillftg zd 8Ari)t/A fljTje t)A beACA; l^ ot>-pvr& zu xx)h bo 3<\]jtbeAcur leb grn^ -p^t).. .^C frg]tA [t] a bji^qxe, ff £|bT,ft lgrT)pA Ub^c 50 b&T)A Ttib a bqn?ceAlt at; pAT^TtT, Aficl) DA]bT 3ujt eu3 ^ jjtqt 1)a81aca8 e, 1 acA a cuatda eAbu\?i)e 3ur at; Ia a t^ug.. .^tT,]t A."DA8b^i*oit) '4 tnbefc 1)^8 86, "| f]oy A^e 30 bcu3D]A Tt)6]b 86 Ti)Aille jteTi)|orj\ib ? 30 bc6|5pg8 p6 £ft/jorb tuiAf, bo f'jot, a tgpTiACpAT) bo fi&i|t t)a peolot, T 30 ccMftt;g8 p& T)A~fii]8e at) a CAjqTifgT) &;. .^71 t)a Tte^TTTfAiG^r) bo lAbq p6 a bqrrjceAli e^^]|i3e /t]t]ofb 5 t)ac a bfA5T;^8e a atjatt) a r^trftifofj, -| t)AC b^Aicf §8 a coIatj cttuAi ! UeA8. . .Do C63 Dja ao ^fofAfo T^uAf, ^ AcArt)AO]bT;e >?le ^ bt:]A8TT^8e ^.. .^iT,]t a r^b^ofti q T)A b|te]c fiiAf le IAt,t^ 8e]f De 5 "| '4 b^A^A^l at) (Sp^oit- ATb 9Xao|tt) bo |t^T,]t 3§Uatt)T)a a 3Xac^ 9 bo 86HIC |*6 ATDAC AT) t)]8^ bO ClCffl A t)0}y "J bO clvfl)C|....<6]]t T^ 8gcvf8 DAjbj t;uat; ^ T)grf) : 31858 a be]]t (*§ 3 ^C bub^c at) ^3g|lT;A Tt^TT) itlSgTtTJAfA, (Sv?3 ^ TT)0 lA]li) 8eif, . . 3?{6 30 3C\?|te tt)^ bo t)ArbA]b t)a fbol pub cop?b.. .®:]roe t^o b=jo8 a f|Of 50 bgitbcA A3 cgc^fnAel \?le, 30 r)bg]tr)>?8DiA X^gjirjA A3uf ^Tt^ofb-bo QCt^o^AipA bo c|rAbg.. .^3Uf >4 tta clo]r)t^T) [po] b6|b, bo 30jt?g8 at) a 3C]io]8e ]Ab, T a bubjtAb^ tte ^?gb<| "] Ti]r at) 307b e]le bo rxv l)AfbAi>fb, %L pgjiA, [l J a bjiA^cTte, cjieub bo 8euT)ATT) ? ^5^ bp|tg- SA^Tt l?gb^| ]Ab, DgT)M8e ^icft]3e, "| bA|fbg|t 3AC aot)- | bvjtje A3AT,b, a tja^tjti) ^opA ^ttiopb dun) Ti^AiceAri)^ J* T)A J ( 47 ) bpgcA8 ? T 3lACpAi,8e cu^Aib z]o6l&c&6 At* SpjopMb O&aoitd . . <&i|t if b\?b^ pif)eA8 At) 3§IU8,T bA bup 3CI01D, T bo 5AC t)b\iT)e a cc^ad, e&Sow 3AC aod a sojppgp 3 ad X>q3gpDA£iA- .^3ur5>T8r^,l c§3^r3 r& ]**> \ie n)opkr) e|le bo bpiAcp^b, A3 pA8 5 £oiTi)eAb\i8e t^b ppe|D opbpoc- gepeAlACpA. .^li) ^d, DA bAOirje 5*bcuc?|teA8 [leo] ad UvpojD a bqiDceAll c]t] ri^le adah). . $l5iip bo cowwvbeAb^ 30 p gfrb&c a &cg"5Ap5 da Dgr-bAl T at) a ccutdad, a n)bp]p- eA8 Aft^v]r> ? T a rmfirj^b.. .^3111; bo TjAb g3i*A 3A6 \?le At)ATt): T bo |t]i>e^8 rDop&D bcv Tb]opb\?l|b T bo cort)^c\?b le]f T)A l)AfbAl\ib v .^45111* da bujle 8A01.De b^ cpejb b]A- bAp a bfroc^ a ce^le, -| frjAb^ da f)ujle ws]ie co]cceAf) aca ; . . ^3ur pgCAb^ a idao^d, ^ bpgpAf), 1 bo pojfjeAb^ ]Ab 3 3AC a oi), pA lep: bo ji6]|i a ]t|AcbAi)\?f • .^5up A3 pADiWD 3AC lA bioocoil ad pA ceATDpoll, -| A3 bp]pg8 ApA^D oceAC 30 reAC^A^cb^f b]A8 iDA^Ue le 3A]pbeACAp "] le prt)pl]8£Cb cpo]8e. .^3 »ooIa8 £>e, ^ A3 P&5A1I bej;- c]of) oi) bpobAl ^?le. ^3ut; bo c\?p at) &l3gpi)A lejp a i)53l>?f 3AC Uv, at) bpgn) bo fl^]i)eocc\?8e. 0D1oit)^a IIL 22—26. (&3&Abub2|t ^AOjpe rn,]* i)A r)An)uel "| 61) buv?D5 bo leAf) e 6 poj n, at) : irj^ib bo Ubq 8i,ob, i)A Uece fo...^if pbp cIat) t)a bp^i8g8 ? "| i)A c|on)i)A bo p]f)e X>ja pe ^ i)A]6pecA|b ? ^5 p&8 pe ^AbnAr)ATi), ^3up at) bo p^olf a bgf)occ^| C|i)g8- aca i)A caItiiai) ^le.. .^if cu3Yfbt;e ^ cciip, c^ji D]a a J «Hac pe]i) 4Jot;A, q i)A 8apACb [o rt)^b\?b], bA bujiTDbgf)- !U3A8 1,0^111; 50 bp|llpg8 3AC aot) A3>?b 6 bup TjolcAjb. 01)]O1T)^CA V. ^C©^:S bo pgc i?en A|pi,8e b^ bAiirn) ^Ci)v\T)|A|*,TDA]lle |te i)A tb^Aoi, SAppipA, pe]lb pepA^f),. .^up cejll [c>?b] bA Iuac, 50 peAt;Ac bA ri)DAOi,T ^ bcAb^c cvb 61511) mr, ] c>rp p^ A3 cot; Aib da pAbfbAl^.. .Ui) fii) a bub^r 5?gb^, ( 48 ) tt tlr>AtifAf, cfi6b pAjtljor>&&rAr) bo crto]8e bo 8£ur)Arr) bft6|5e le|f Ai) £>f>]oriAb 9&Aorb ? ^ bo coi^b^l [cobAj 6]5fi) bo Iuao a DpgriAif) 50 cg^Ac. .^4 r>& r;&]t Igc p£jr> h bA 5coi)5bA 6, t'ai) & rj, 14 t)A rte|c ? ctt&b pArt frt)u]a.> .°&3iif A]ri 3cio]t?pr> i)A ri}bft|Ar^f a ^DArjAt^Ar*, bo c\?c r*6 nop, ^ bo cu&]8 At) beo Af*: T b] gjlA rbort q jac b\?rje bA ccuaI- \?8 i)A ye]ie po.. .^up 3 t^rt^e bo r)A bo^A^A^b, jiu- 5AbA|t g, 1 b|OTt)CO|tAb^ ATTJAC *"| bA8lACAb^ [e].. . ^XjUf C&ftlA A bC]lT)CgU CjVJ 1)11^ 1)A 8]A]5 fil} ? 50 bC*V)r)]C A bgt) a pcgc 5 3AD £]op i?a rjejce bo |Mr)g8 A]C].. .^tjuf a bub- 3c ^gb^ fi|A, ^f)ip bArb ad g a i)0||t§b po bo pigCAb^ At) pgftAi) ? T a bubgc fipe, o]rigt> fir) . . ^4f) fit) a bub^c3?gbAti ft] a, £,rieub pAti corr)AOt)c\?8eb:j CACU5A8 bo cuft 3 £p]ort<\b At) IrjggrtrjA? feuc ? Ac&|b copA t>a rf?>?f)- cfpte bA8i\?c cpgri A5 at) bortup, "| beupi\?3 T?^ b ^upA TH U - . .^3up 3 At) rrjbAll cv?c fife A3A copAib, *| cua^8 at) beo Aipbe: T 3 bcgcb a pcgc bo i)A bo3At)A\?b 5 pu^Ab^ iD^b % T ^ t)A b]te]c leo, bA8l\?cgb^ =j a r)A]ce a p]pi.. . tijup b| eA3U rbofi 3 a tJgjlvip ^ e > 1 3 ^* bAo^e \?le bA ccuaIa]8 t)A rjejce j*o. 0r)|on)^6A VI. %l$5Wlg> pr)A lAecjbfit), c|tA rb&Abti|3 vyrblfi r)A Dbe^rqobAl, b^l]tj3 n?ot)rrm]t DA 0Ct3|ieu3Ac a i)A3A]8 r)A 3leAb|iv?3gc, bo b]tj5 30 ccu5Cv?8e ve]n)C]or) a^ji a n)bAj^|teAb^?b fAT> bf|t]oroUrb Uecgii)>?l.. .^nje fit) ^ T)3^iD ^011)^ b0 T ^ be]f qobUb a 5C§i) a c^^le bot) b& fi§]t 8eu5, a btib]tAb^ 9 9d| cv?be 8\?i)e' bfi^AC^ 3D6 b^A3b^]l bo curt) t>A n)b6|tb bfiitiocoUrb.. .^ift a 1)A8- b^foit), a 8g]tb|i^c]te, ^ eucA]8e aidac bu|t r»)gf5 ?&]y Ti)6]tfe]re^| bo 8AO|r)|b bggcgfbA, I'&v bor) (SpiojtAb aXAorb 1 bg3t)A, r)oc c\?ftpeAri7 a bcirnceAl t>A bo|b]tefe. ^311^ b1A8^A1bT)e bo 3T)ac a i7U|t^8e, ^ a n)]V]oyb]t^ tACb at) b^Ac?le bor> rt^8 yo: ^ togAb^ Scgp^t), pgn Ur> bo crte]bgtr> ^ bor) SpiortAb OrUorbjl fblMp, 1 ^jtocoriur, 1 3X|C*vr)Oft 5 n £^0^ T ^iD^Af, 1 at^coUf Dgco U|r>qoc|Abo cgti- 3>5l ^ ^ir) bor) D'ssWr : - .£>?|igb4 ^Ab fo a Iac^ da DAbfbAl: T ^ DbeuWrb arir;\?8e 86ibfgt) 5 6>?rtgb4 [a] ( 49 ) UrbA ctjttA.. o^uf by\y b^Ail^ £e,- T TT)&AbAi5 *ri)tfi t>A t>beir*qobAl 50 jtorijdii a 9fy ^ufAlerr) ; T burbUb c^& rb6ji bo t)a fA5^CA]b boi) ctiqbeATb. ^icbScep^l^t) bo 6]te]beArbT bo cutr)AcbAfb 5 TViT)e f-e rtrjoftWjbe^ corb^^ADA itjotia a rT)gf3 At ) pobA^l. .^5^t b^i]tjgb^ fuAf brigtr) Aifti8e bot) ccoirbqoi)A]l b^ Ab AiT)tt) [coiTbqor>ol] v* l]be|tqt>eAC, -| t>a £n*ei)]Ai)AC, T lucb SUecfAijbjiiA, 1 ^IjCfA T da -6^ha, A5 biorbojtACb le . .<&cb V] o]t b^fbiTt leo curt a DA3AI.8 da bg3^ 1 At) fppriAib qve 3 Ub^ yb.. .%Lr) ^v tinjAbATt a fceAC bjtgrr) A]ti]8e 5 tjoc a bub^c, £0 6uaIait)4 ffejij 6 A3 Ub- "^z brtjAtrtA biArrjAf Iaca a tia3A]8 ^AO-jf e, "| £e. . .^S^f b]totx\?3gb4 ad pobAl, A5uf t>a HW-? 1 ^ A rSI*] **" \?8ce, T t&]V]c [aiti t] |iu3AbA|i aiti, ^ tujAbAji leo cuit) DA corb^ie [e],. .^3uf c\?|tgb^ Arr;AcqA8rrYiji8ebjteu3- ACA, t)oc a bub^c, 9Tq j*5\?rigT) At) fglM* bA be]c AsUb- ^c b|V|AqtA rt)AfI>T5ecA a DA3A16 t)a \)&\ze t)AOTt)CAf A ? T Ar> -jtgcbA :• .<&]ti cuaIati)^ 6 A3 fi^6, <8o y*5\v t oyy&& 5ofA 3lAfA|ft8A ub a v&izye, ^ 50 tMonrpocA& yb t)a bg3t)^cA cu5 ^Aoife 8\n)e.. .%3up 3AC a fiA^b da fM&e- fA ccorb^le, A3 peue>n) 30 5TM 1 ") 3fi 0T ^ coD^ceAb^ A3A18 H?A|t A§Al8 A] 1)3] I. ©l)]Oii)^CA VII. $t9$9& y\v Abub^c ad c^bf asajic, ^Cd bp?l|b DADefc- efe rt>4 fo?..^3uf a tyib^c t^e^oD? ^C b]t£/|qte 5 "| a AiqtgCA, e^fb^be ; X>£0|Ufl3 3D]a da 3^1|te b pe]D b^ T?AC^ ^Cb|tAJ)Al17 ? AT) CAT) A bj T»e |*A ^Mef OpOC^lt)]A, ful rt)A corbr)\78e fe a (Scattiad. .^3ur» a bubqc f& fiif, ^&3 bo qrt "peiT),"] bo c^eAb,^ cati boi) qrt fo^llfeocuf rt)]^ 8>iC. .X)itr;q3 1*6 Ar) r;t) a^* caIatt) t)A 0CAlbeAt)AC 5 ^ corb- T»?3fe A0C^ fo 5 i3]A^8 bo f|ol|*A T)a rjeACb^c^rjeAl a bqrt coirbi8c|5; idatv a cc\?r)eoc^ 7Ab y& 8AO|rtfe, ^ ^a leAccjtort) cejcjte ceub bl]A8A]t) . .^Ccb 8eur)A it)]|j brteic- eArbr)ur» ^ at) 3ciT)eA8 A3A rr)biAi8 T^Ab pA bAOjTtfe, bo 1t^8 X)^a: ^ t)a8ja]§ ^t) riACAib Art)AC 5 *] 8euT)\?b fe^t- D (50 ) b)x &Arbf A ^Ai)iot)Abf a. . £113 re 86 rt)4 At) 3ceAbT)A coi)- ytA8 at) qtDCiilsgffiAlb: 1 ir ^4 fit) 3eT,T) [SlbjiAbAn)] ^aac, T qiDC]ll5g|Tt ye 6 At) cocbri)A8 Uv ; ^ [j^t)] 5|*aac #ACob ; "| ^Acob t)a bA pActit^ca 8etn;.. .^i^uy q T^jAb^l e]b bo t)a pACftT^c^b, jigcAb^ #orep boi) ^151? c : 1 ^1 ^1* njAi,lle Tt]f v .^iju]* f3>Ti ye 6 6 t»?le b]t\?b ? T cu3 f 6 *5rt-^f a T §3t>A 86 a bp ]A8t)\?f e #AttAo |t]3 t)a JSei^pce; i)ocbo jtT.fje uACb^Ai) be 3 a Ode^pc T a ceAC j!e]r) vjle.. .3*5ur t'*\]t)]c 3oitcA 30 cjfi t)a J5eT,- 3lpce^ £at)&ai) \?le 9 "i Arb5A]t rt)6|i: ^oi)uf ttac bpu^Ab^ 4 i)A-|C|ie be^cA.. .^4511]* 3 t)a clof bo ^Acob 30 TtAib Afib^ fA 0de']3|pc, bo c\?ft r& 4 tJAjcite 3 cciit; [ji^ce]. . .^IsufAT) b^A [bti^]bAicr)|3§b^( a 8grtb]ta]ctte^o|*ep; ^ fOjlifigeb bo $Ajiao c]T)eA8 #orep. .^3111; bo c\?]t <3o- t;ep p]Of 3 ^Acob a ac^| ? T 3 a lucb 3A0|t >rle ? cf^AT)- tt?at)a beii3 T tjvj p]cc]b.. .^3111; bo cui3§8 fAb at) y& CllAH)A CeATlA|8 ^CbTtAbATt) ^ UlAC*^3]b 6 cloji) /£?T)TT)Ojt [%cq] &iceirr?.. .^uf q rjbTtvib A^^tte r)A 3§Uatt)T)a £113 X)|A X)4vb|t0cbArt) n^A^lle jie Tt)0]be ? bf&r at) pobAl 30 biort)Ab>?l ^A^te^ipcj. .0(lo3u|t e]tt3e TVJ3 e^le r u ^TV A3 t)AC ttA^b AT,cT)e 3 3orep . .^ieAllATjrgTtfo -4 cqrjeAb- t)e ? 1 £113 t;e bttOT,c8 : jol 3 4 T^CTtgc^b, a cctxuc 50 bCU3 r^ OTJlCA A 3ClAi) 63 bO cei^3gT) ATT)AC ]oi)ur T)AC TD^rj^r- «^ ^ T)ib.. .^3Ur 4 5G011t)llOT)A8 bAO|r && ri^ceAb bl : (A8 at) 86, cAt,t)]c at)^a ctto]8e bui breuCAT,T) a 8g]ibii^c|ie pe^T) clo]T) 3yy,&e\. . .%LT>iiy q bpA^c^D bv?t)e Ai|i]»8e A3 y.\x\^v^ eu3c6]tA 9 corAT,T) r^^l q n)buAlA8 a 9^e|3T,prAT,3 66, bo jtirje re bT,03AlcAr A?|t rot) at) ci g a T)b§TtT)A8 a T)eu3c6]Tt:. . ^}Tt rf)gr 1* e 3° bc\?3n^1r ^ 8gttb]t^ctt3 30 bc|ub|tA8X)T i A rtiAr3lA8 cjte t)a Uitd^od bo^b ; 3J8eA8 T)|o|t c>73 fiAbrAi) [fli)]. .^3ur At) lA t)a 8']Ai5 Ti 1 ^ ^ fl)be]c 86|b A3 corb^AC, bo t^ybe^v ye e ye]V bojb,"! bo b| r^ A3 beAT)Air) rioccAi)A gcontA ? A3 TtA8, 9C,8AO]i)e 9 Ar bgitbfiA^c|ie bA ceT,le T^b; Cjteub r<^ ( 51 ) i)&eut)CA?Tt &t) zh bo rii^e AT)eu3c6]]t 3 a corr^prr) ua8 &, A5 ji&8 ? £>i,a ft-jfje uac- b^^vi) *\ b]te]ceArb bpcf a of 3 sqfje ? . . %ij tttjat) ti/|Ou n?^ bo rb^bA8, 11)4 rf)^b cu a ^ei^pcAC a t)& ? £eT,c ^HAO^e aF) Ht)|t]f AbpocAl^t)^ b] f^t)A8eo-jtA]8e AccAlArb^^ATjj fAt?q]t Ai) A|tu5A6biAf 117AC 86. .^311]* c^ eif b&ficcgb bl]A8Ai i T), cA]b]tg8 86 a bp&t/AC f i&]be &/.)A AiT^gl at> ^ISST 11 ^ A W^ ce]r)eA8 a tjbof. .^tjuf 3 t^aic^t) bo ^iAO||*e 5 5Ab ior)3T)A8 ^at) CAjbf'e e: *\ q bceACb bo 8a b|iec^u5A8 5 c&ir^c 311c at) &|5§ltT)A c\?3e ? . .^Cf td^* £>]A bA]t]tgc 5 X)]a ^ibftAbArr), ^ X)]a 3f &ac ? "| X>ia '^Acob. ^311?/ 3 rvbe]i bo ^AO-jt-e 3 CTVjc, bo5Al l&if ^e bo CAb^c bo., .ilcb a bub^c at) ^3gtu?A |V|f> £>3AOtI bo bru>3A bob cofA^b: o^fi.Tt; caIatt) t)aott)ca at; qopAb at) a bp\?l cu. Ab fg|*Aii)«« .£1x3 rr)6 bon) ^e 30 3tv|fj ATt?3^ voo pobA^l \)&c ac& |*a 3t&l31pc^ cuaIa]8 td^ a T>ofr)Aj8e ^ c\?||tl]i)3 rpe bA bt;uAf3lA8. 3&3Uf a T)0]f cAttfA a le]c 5 c\??vpe Ttje boT) 45]3]po ctu. .^ti) ^TUoTfe -p 6 bo 8^x1- CAbJ ? A3 fi&8 5 £ia Tt]fje uACb^^vt) 1 bfteiceAtb 810CT/A ? c\?]t X>ia h xx)$ uAcb^&T) *] tt)^ -pgrt # i*aotica a l^vjri) a T)A|i)5]l, bo cA]b]tg8 86 fA i)boj*. ..X113 yh yo attjac iAb ? q t)beui}Arb TqortTT)>7lg8 *| cott)^ca8 a bcAlArr? t)a «6^5]pce 5 ^ at) f a rr)>r]t ^ua^8 ? "| at) t;a bfivpAc 8a fr^c- ceAb bl]A8A]t). .3£ pe po At) ^ttAOJre ub 5 T)oc a bub^je rte clo]f) ^r^tAel, £o]3trv?8 butiX ! q3gTiT)A Xta, p^8 fuAf b\?b bA bufi T)bg]tb|ia]CTt]b 117^ n)|^ ; £^^8 t^b ]tff. . ?f)e:..X)A t)A]x bATll tie 4 TjAicrtibrje urblAcb cAb^c, Acb b'julLAibeAb^ [&], "\ b^lleAbAri at) a 5Ctio"'8- qb t-4 a r;Aif bot) &}^)]\^. .^5 ri>a8 -jte 5 3D^t) 8>?o fc^e riACAf tvOn)Yii): oij'w t>] bpj a t;ic^ A5\?f} ? Cft^Ub b6|ri^5 bct> ^iAc^te|e ? t)cc crveo]tAi8 ^-jt) at; caIati) i,a JS&^-pce.. . ^3uf bo T\]T>eAb^ Iaot; at) |t>a Uec|bfiT) ? ^ btrort&ileAb^ ]o8b^t bo ^08^115 ^ ri]f)e^bAn 3^]]tbeA- cuf Af 0]bftecA^b a l&rr/ ffeii),. .i)f)ll X^a uaca, "j e»3 ^-^ |Ab bo 8eAT)4Ti) re^rtb^ e bo f*luA5 W)^-> bo ) x ^]'\ i n >4 Aca rSTrjobcA a leAb^ t>a bp^ i |8eA8 ? % t]3 ^f |tAel 9 tjAfi foriAileAb^ 8Arr)fA beACA^e rt)ATibA A5U]* ]o8bA|t5PA [3 r(-Abj 8^ f|ceeAb bl]A8AT,T) q at> bf^fAC? . .^(cb ; ( 52 ,) glACAbAijt s&bertt)ACel ^ioloc, A311T* ri&Alt bur* StbjA £&]!) SftenypAi), trjoTjjiACA i)cc bo Tt]r)eAbAijt curr> a T)A8|*a8 I 3 A DAbbArifOIT) ACflOCA Tt,£ fib bOT/CAob A T)ttf) boo 33Ab]loii).. M\ c&be|ir)Acel rj f]A8r)>?re A3 4 t)ai£- ri]bt)e 3 At) bf &f ac ? bo ri&ffi rr)Ari bAiqi)., At) c& Ub*| p£ /T^oif e 5 A 8eW)ATi) bo fi&fjt at) cforrjplA cofj^c f&. Odoc glACAbA]t Aift i)Aiqter;e ^ cujAbAft leo n>A]lle rve •^1.<>r A 5° T e 1^ V& (BcitjcaSac, t)oc ce^ X)ia att>ac Af Art)Ajtc 4 T)A|qtgCj 50 laeqb 3D&jb]:. .3doc puq 5fi&fA a bf]A8i)\?re 3D6, *■} b]Arri cAbetirjAcel bf&gAjl bo X)|A 5Acob.. .@ : j8eA8 a \& SoIatt) £63ceAc 86. . . $icb f 6f trj a bceArr>pl^b 1&]tt)8£at)ca ac& at> c& Af ^iiribe i)A cori)r)>i8e; bo ti&iti rr>4 a beirt at) f &18 , .o CAiqjt ? ^ At) caIatt) fbol rrjo coy: crt6b & At) ceAC £Oi3fgf fib 8ait)? a be]]t at) S^geAfiriA: 196 trieub f&] n)jot)Ab cortege ?..% v/e t)ac \ tt>6 Urr> bo rtifjer} a i)eicefi Vjle?,e^i 8ACii)e cruiAi8ri)Yir)eulACA *j tJeirbqrr)- ciliTjerttCA a 5C|to.|8e "j a ccluAf A]b ? acacaoj A5 f gf Art) |i]Arb a i)A3A]8 At) (SpTOfiAibaiAOirr) : Ari)\?l [bo TTjtJgbArtJ bujt i)Aiqte, Af Tt)A|t f|t> bo [51)1861 fe]...&i a bo t>a f A]8]b TjATt 8|b|t^b^| buri T)Ai6jte? ^ trj^bAb^ At) bTieArt) rteiurjf oillf 15 ceACb At) i)Aor) fitter ub; A3A jtAbAb^fe a T)0 jj* blljt lucb bjtACA "\ but)it)A]tbcA : . .(BlACAb^ at> Tigcb qte tbitnofbtvAlAcb i)A t)ait)5^1 ? 1 Tyjort co]Tt)eubAbAi|i M • -^3 u f 3 t>A sclof |»o 86^b^ot)5 5oit)eA8 at) a 5CTtoi8- qb ]Ab, "1 b|Ab^ A3 co^rjAii) a bqACAl i)A5Ai8., , ^icb 3 it)bejc bo l^vr> bot) ?Tie t)a fgfAri) q l^virb 8e]f D^». .^b^nteAbAjtfAt) at)^!) bo juc ri)6|t ? *| |xopAb^( a 3cluAfA 5 T f AiceAb^ beut)co]l ^fjot),. o^tsuf ^ |j)A] Ceil3gT) ATI)AC Af AT) CCAqtA]3 86]b 5 gAbAb^ bo clocA]b [j{] : T cY t Ttgb^ rj -piA8r)\?f |8e a T)eub\?5e fjor* A3 cofA]b 03Ai)Ai3 AiTi]8ej b^j bAitW SauI. .^43UT»3AbAb^| bo clgcv?b Aitt <6cgp^t) 5 if 6 A3 3^8e ? ^ A5 tt^v8,, .^t i^5e^T)A 5ofA, 3Ab ir>o fpiortAb cu5Ab.. •^i'^xtf '4 t)a Ul3§D p6ir) q a 3l>?i)lb ? b^]5 \h bo 5u£ ri)6]t, % q5§TtT)A 9 1)A CMTt AT) pgCA8fA T)A lejC. . ^i5UT» ^ T)A ]t^8 fO 86 bo cob- ( 53 ) Q5v)]ovoqc& IX. %&Wi& Aifi rr)be]i bo &auI, f of A3 f UA3TIA8 bA5A|tcA A5uf cAfc^c a t)A3A^8 be]f cjobAil At) ^TjeATulA, cua]8 f6 CUTT) A T)&TlbfA3A]TU:.. .°&3Uf* bjATTl fe l]C|tgCA A1TI 30 XuuDAfcuf curp at) co|n)C|or)A]l 5 Tofjuf b3AiIxe. . .^45iif A3 iTDceACb bo, c^vit^c fe a bpo3ut; bo 3DATT)Af cuf : A3iif 50 bobAr) 8eAllTiv?8 fOjUfe T)ein)e tdatI ceirjceAC t)a cirrjceAll :. . ^3uf A|]t bew^n) 86 3 caIatt^ cuaIai8 pe 3111: A5 fi&8 fiif, ^t £>aujI, a £>au]1, cueub fA T)3eTtleAT)b£j rr)&? . .^i^uf a bubijc fe^oT), £ta cu feiT), a ^iggt 11 ^ • ^5 a r A bubAiTtc at) SyjgeAtiTjA, ^£f n)e 3ot*a ajti a bfuiljTt A3 36]tleAT)Trrv?r) : if* c^iuA]6e 8\?c beic A3 3Alll 6 AT) caIatt) ; A3uf g t)0|*31a8 a ful bo, t)1 f aca|8 fe eifjeAC : A3Uf A3 brte]c 85|bt/iOT) 3 I&itt) a]ti ? CTteoTt^ge&bAjt 30 I)ATT)AfCUf [e].. .^t3Uf* frj fe CTVJ l& 5AT) TIA8a|XC A]Tt bic Ai3e, A3Uf T)]Oft ]b [eiT)i8].. .%5uf b] beifciobAl A1Ttl8e A 9fCb<\lT)AfCllf, bATt bA1T)r?) $if)AT)1Af ; fie A T)bubrt)fe 8|orrjCArt a Iac'^j tm (Bc]T)eA8Ac, A5Uf t>a Ti]5ceA8, Ajaf clo]i)e 3friAel :. .<5>]|t fOjllfeocAb 86 cjteub At) rbeub i)A ve]ie&w jf ^131^ f ulAt)5 Afft for) roAjpr^fe.. .X)]rr)C(3 ^lT)AT)|Af at) flr>, A^uf cuai8 fe a TceAc bo*) cjgfit) ; ajuj* A]rt 3U|t a l&rb A]jtf^or) a bu- £>A|rtc [fe], 34 £>^u|l a 8g]tbri&CAirt, Ai) ki3§Ar)A, $0f ]f1> &W Aifoc bo tia8a]|ic bf&3 cSpprtAb 3(lAorr)..*345uf A]]t At) rrjbAlle^ceA- b&ri 6 t>a pH]b rtiAft bo bejc f3Ar?)A]l : A511J* b&]f eACA$ a ]ia8atic 3AI) rbojU, ajuj* A]]t oejrtge 86 §Ab fe bAif- beA8, . .^5af ca]c b]A8, A3Uf T>eATtcvi3eA8 6. ^Ir^uy h] SauI lAece A||t|8e a bpoc&iri tja rjbejfcjobAl bo b] a StbArtiAfcuf. . .^Ijuf a Uxaji, feAi)Tr)6|]t fe Crqofb at) ft)A co|n)C|or)AlA|b, 3uri be fo ^i&c £>e. .3t3uf ;JAb uac- b&f-TjA bAO|i)e >?le cuaIe r)AC e fo at; ce ub f3ftjof a 9XiA|xuf aI^it) ao brie^n? 5^8 at) CA|t)rr;|*e ? A5iif if \urje c&|T)jc fe at) yo, bA TT)b"rie]c ytip ceAT)3A]lce can) tja Tj&ftbf A3A]tc ?. .^icb if rr)6]be T)eAfic\?5eA8 «SauI ? A3Uf cIao]8 fe tja ^ubAi^e b^v]crt]5 a 9fCbAiT)Afcitf, A3 beirr)r)|u3A8 3urt be fo Crvjofb.. .^t3uf ^ tJbul TT)Ofi&T> bo lAeqb CArrifA, corrjg- l^Sgb^^A ^itbAige a bfocA]|i a ce]le e]f]OT) ArbAjtbAb: . .^icb bAitjt) £>auI a cce]t3, €>]8eA8 b] co]rf)eub ACAf at) Ain t>a 3eACA"|8|b bo Id A3Uf ,bO]8ce, curt) e\y]oxy a iT)ATtbA8. .^tfrrje Tjt) q a 5Ab^v]l cu f^jof a 3cl|Ab.. .^3iif A|]t bceAcb bo ^Aul 30 J5]atiu- f aI^td,. CA]]t3 f^ 3|ieATT)u3A8 bo tja be]f cjobi^b, _ac6 bo frj |TA|cceAf orfic?3e Ituj f6 3Uf tja bAbfbAlA^b [6 J, A3uf bf oill^3 yh 86|b- C]Of)ttf A C,OT)A||tC f ^ AT) &13gjtT)A f A Cfljge. A3Uf 3U|t Ia^ bAirt fe ri|f, A3uf c]oi)uf lAbA]]t yh 30 ^rollofAC a SlbATDAfcuf a \)&\x)xx) JfofA... .^Csiif frj fe t)A 3CATbrieA8 fob A3 ceACb a f ceAC A3uf A3 bitl att)a6 a Od^Ariilf aIch). . .^Cjuf lAbA]|i fe 30 follAfAC a i)A]r;n) at; E|5eArit)A #0fA ? A3af b]o8 fe A3 b|Ofb6] fte a cb a i)AgA]8 t)A» 0TC3fteu3AC : A5Uf c^ftgb*4j jtoropA e|f|ai) a i4?AribA8.. c [^ieb] c|t-A £v?3 a 8eA]tb|t^]t:jte fo, c|tcoriA]3gbATt. e 30; l 55 ) SeAf<\p6A, A5iif cv?iteAbA|t Ar fit) 50 S»^|tfaf 6. .Stfnje r]t) puA77t a r)eA5l>?r A]|t peA8 q|te ^ubAi^e ^511^ ijta tL>Al]ie A5111* t)A £>ATT)&rijA ri°ccA|T); Aifu TT)bei6 66|b q tja bcosB^jl fUAf [f a 3C]teibeArbj : A3UJ* A3 7; ub aI a ^§3^a X6 ? A3U|* b"|Ab^ \ r>A Iiot)a.6 bo fol&f ao SpiojiA^b 0^AO]rb.. • c ^3'^r c5i|iIa, A3 3&bA|l bo 3?be<\bA]t cjrj 3AC [^AsUfJ, 30 bt^i)f6.f6 euro OA tjaott) DA|C|t}3 a LjbbA. ^3uf puA]|t f*& at) HT> b\?t>e A]]ti8e b4 bAjrrn) £t)6Af% bo b^ a ccjijocg&l^ri, A3'ar i)A|t &i|ti3 A|* a leAbA]8 jt*eA8 ocb rt7bl]A8Arj. . .^3'ar ^ bubAijiu i 3 e v Ab^ft |i|f 5 ^C 4rr>&Af, 51)18 4?or-A £p»ior-b fUvt) tix : ei|t]3, A3UP C05 bo leAba]8. ^3 u f TMT TT> [f^w] b ^1H5 r e m°t>...^3ur coiO^ce- AbATt 01 ? e T bp|Ue&bAri Cttti) at) /L]geArir;A.. .^Csuf bj b<\ii)8e7rcjob<\l A]]t)8e a QfyoppA b^ bA]T)rr) E^b]CA, {71& a Ti^cgrt a 7 71 t> v \ ejbfri- r ^10|U5A8 ioficAr) : b] at) beAT))*A lAr) bo 8eA30|brt]b A3iif bo 86]]xce bo 51)708 ]*!•• ••^3 l *r cAtiIa At) t*t)a Ueq b 7*1 1), 30 7iA blof)lA8 86|b, c>T]ieAbA7t a r^or^riA uAcbAri- ac [7].. .Sisuf A7|t tt)be]c bo VjbbA a bp03tij* bo 3oppA 5 A771 color- bo r)A beifC]obl\?b 30 7tA]b 2?eAbAri at) 7']t), c\?|teAbArt bif p§7t c\?5e, bA 7Ar|tA|8 [3], 3AD rr)0]ll a'8^aiiait) 716 ceACb cucA-.^ii) fjtj A]fi TJeijige bo^b^A- bAit ca7D|c 7*6 7t|u. ^3U|* 3 bceAcb 86 Ttir^AbATi fittff bov cfeoir>|tA uACbAttAC e : A3af feAfAbv\|t 1)A bA7t)- qteAb^e >He PA7.ce, A3 caot,, A311?; A3 c^.]fbeAi^8 r>A 3c6cAT,8e, A3ur- t)a 3culAi.8eACA bo Ttjfje 2^07x0 Af, fAb A7 4 b] x] V* fyoc&ji^ .^3uf Airt 3curt aidac 3A6 a |tA]b a 7*bi3, A]7t i)A le]3eAr; V&\? *]]i a 3l^i)]b bo ^eAbATt, 3>^8e 7*6; A5Uf Ai|t b^illeAb cun; at) c^jtp a bu- bA]|tc [re], &iv>15> * ^AbjCA. ^3a r bo^A]! rm A p?le, A'5ur A^t brAfcno i ? beAbA7}t 8| 3 b^||t|3 f\ t)a ru]8e.. .£u3 (-6 [a] Uvrrj 8| at) cat; |*|^ ^tir ^63 f^ i;a reArATT) f, A3Ur ^ T)3T5 3?eAb<\7t njo\i^t) bo Uecjb A 3V|oppA A bpocq Sirt)5ii) At) curc^e. ■ A ..0» V' ( 56 ) , ~
\qn>4P* XIII. 16—23, 26—52. $C]ft t^ittge fUAf bo $ol At) ca bcocb, a bub^c f e, ^C t^A 5f uacIaca, "] fibtje 3 a bpil gslA Z>e, &]fb]3e. .X)o £05 3>|A At) pobA^lfe ^fjiAel 4 t)AicngcA, *] b2jbA]5 f& at? jtobAl At) cat) bo b]AbA]t t)A 3Corr)t)u]3e f a 3&&l5|pc, bo cneonAi^ f& Af fjt) AH7AC ]Ab n6 l^rb *(&.. .^tsuf a bc|ti)ceAll A]n)^(te 8§8AC 86 A bCTp- £>AT)^\AT)j bO TU^T) f6 l& CUAtJCAft A bpgttAi) b6]b. . .^ijuf t)a b]^5 ^i), a bcfTDceAll be^c tT)bl|A8AD -| b& ■fjcgb "] ce]6|te ceub, £1*3 ]*e bne^ceurbAit) b6]b, 30 C c S^ fo ] ^ftmel &V £A|8. . .^3Uf tja 8]A]g fit) b^A^iAbAfi ^15> 1 ^ u 5 ^1 A ^^1^ <^ u l ")ac £>!!% pgt 1 b0 Cji^ib 3&et)jA- Tt)]t) ? t;g8 8& fjcgb bl^A8A]t).. .^3111* q t)AC]tu3A8 fub 86, bo C05 r6 1* CiAf X^v]b] t)a tvj5 86]b : b& i)b||tt)A]8 f& it)A]t At) 3C^Abt)A ^iA8t)u^e ? A3 fi&8; fuA]n, rne X>&|bf [tt)Ac] Seyye t)a 8ii|t)e bon£]ji tt)o cno|8e At) a co]rni]oy&f njo to]l ujle.. .Da f]ol fo bo £03 Dia fuAf bo ]te]]t t)A 5eAllAri)i)A at) ^i^t)A]36eo]ja #ofA X>]t/nAel. ^i -p efiA [l] a 8gT/ibn&]qte clAt)i) fl|of ^4brtAl)ATi) ? *| A1) ii)6ibA3Ajb 3, a bpvfl g3lAX)& 5 Tf cu3A]bfe c\i|tg8 b|t]At- r ^ At) CfiO|t\i5|8^. . . <&|Tt AT) bugff) b^C|f(3 A 3(V|ATtU- f a1^ti) 5 "i a t)uACbA|t^t)||t), q n)be]t 86]b 3AT) eoluf aca ^fgt), t)A 3 b]t]AC|t\ib t)A bp^vi3g8 l6|5ce^ 3AC fAbboib, 3 t)A 8AOttu3A8fAt) b6]b bo co]ri)lior>AbATt []Ab]. .^3uf bio8 i)ac bfu^Ab^ co]tt ^ b]c b^V|f [^T^J ^]AT^tAbA|i ^ 3Pl)}Al6|b a ri)AttbA8 t . .^C3ut; A^tt 3cttioct)u5A8 t)A t)\jle t)e]ceAi) 86]bb] |*5TvjobcA t)A qtDcgllfAt), lg3Ab^ a tniAf A]* At) SCftOjC,^ CVftteAbATt A bCUAT1)A [^] . . ^Ccb bo C05 X)^a |*ttAf 6 t)ATi)^|b]b 6:.. $loc bo cAi i t;beui)A8 t;g8 n)OTt^t) bo lAetib bot) b]t\it)3 cua^ a t)Ao^t)t;eAcb ttfi fuAf 6t) p&5Al|le 30 j6|^ufAl6rt), "| At^v T)A bt;i ( A8t)>?p8e 86 bot) pobAl. . . ^311]* t;o|t;5eulAtr>Aoibi)e 8\?b|*e At) 3§Ua8 ^° TMt>§k^°T)^ bAjcttgcA^bj. .0utt coiml'jot) X)]A 8\?i)e a 3clAi) [6], / ?b a trj8 Ac&ft&]8ce ftip r> P^8]b ; J*eucAf8e, a c^ojp t>eo]]t]8e 9 ta i b]o8 jot)3Arj- cup oftAib, T cA]llce^ pb [rt)4 ceo] o]ftoibfq3irt)p] ob^ at) burt Leqb, ob^ i)<\c ccrie]bp§8 p^b ? bA bpoillp]3<§8 b\?rje 8>?b &.. .^Csuf 3 rrjrrjcgcb attjac ApAt) ccoprbqorjoflborjA JSfub&pgib, b]A|fiAbAfi t)A £>ii)§8aca bAC\?f)3e [ottica] t)A brvj ACftApA lAb^c ftiu pe|t) at) cpAbbd]b tjA 8] Ai5pii). • * ^i-gay q pCApA8 boi) c^orbqorjoilj leAt)Ab^ rt)<)ft&i) bo t)A 3abA]3ib 5 T bo t)A i)UAT8crte]bb|8^b jiiaJaIca qkf- t)|ccurt) cnejbrbe $6i *| ^AftrjAbAp : t)oca ? bo cori^lijgba ]Ab pYjrigc a t>3|t^v|* v?b De...^lt) ceubUv pAbbd(be i)A 81A15 XWiM beA5 t)Aft crrv?i)i3 At) CACAjft \?le a bpoc- cAift a ce^le be]pbeAcb btie^crie De...^tcb Apft 1>pAicp]i) At) p-obA]l bo t)A ^ubA^b, bo 1/joi)a8 le beub ]Ab ? A5up cAit)]ceAb^ at)A3A]8 t)A r)e]ceAf> lA c|tAft)U5^8T bA §P5rrieb^-Art)AC Ap a bceottAf)A|b |Ab.. »^(cb A3 cuaca8 UiAicrii5 a 3copr)A 1 rv*3Ai8,CAji)|ceAb4 30 J5|cot)|urt). ^C3u|* l]ot)A8 i)Abe]f- ! CfE>bA]l bo luAcj^pfte T bot) Sp^ottAb QXaoii). ( 58 ) ^cx,X{A. gid ' . y AXXqXovia. i McM&giog uvijg o (po&ov- rn'iTTfc* &V ©"WHEto ! , fAevog rov KvgioVi bv rcCig svro Xeug ocvrov SbXtjcbi cCpodgot. 2 Avvocrov \v rr\ yr\ scroti ro CTTBg/Aa, avrov' yet/sot bv- &bm evXoyyjdrjcBrai. 3 Ao?i)e q a bp?l eA5lA AT)£]5e&TTT)A,A3<\bp\?l a rtr6Ttri)]A0 at; a Aj£eAT)CAib. ) 2 ^jA^b A pi] OCX CU1T>AC- cac 3 A bCAlAii): b]A|8 5]- TTeAlAC A T)f |Tt^^T) bcATT^Tje. S ^tc& fA-jSbTtiof T n)&]t) A^ACgc; pe<\,ppVi3Ap]TteAT)- cacc eo]8ce. ^ >&|Tt3i,8§T)polup bo rjp^oft- 6|tv?T)3 A T)bo|tcAbu]*: [AC&pe] 5 3p Tf) at, t bot) b>?T)e> a h] Of 3|XAtATT)>?l If 3^ATT)^i: TtT>5- Ia]5 pe a b|vj?cpe. 6 <$>]]% t)] COTJtOCC<| 6 30 b|t^3b : b^8 A1) pp|teAT) a 3>?TT)T)e f]otr»u]8^. 7 2&o]tb 8fiocf3^ulcA^b t)] b*A]8 3 oasIa : acA a C|to|8e oliArtTj A3 CUjt bOC>?p AT) f AT) Si^eATtTM. | 8 $4cA a. c|tO]8e p eApibACj r>] b]A|8 eA3lA % 30 brApfi- SeATtCAT) pe q a eAfC^b]b. 9 &5Ab pe, CU5 pe boi) a >OCCAT,b; !T)A]|t]8 A plfteAT)- ] ACC 30 bu^l) '. ATtbOCCATt v a8atic le slojTt. 10 £^1,3 AT) pgCAC fiT), T Aff^s a fre^s ; ca3T)oc\?3 p e ! v pT>cU, A5ur Ti)eicT;i5 pe ; ^^^rK^CeAjt TT)T>T) AT) >|toc8\?T;e. #PaItd CXII. a SACp. 1 3?TiAipe 8e c\)e "Lopb. ISleppeb ip d)e tt)at) diAC peAnecb tbe Lonb, c1)ac belated) 3|teAcl8 p) blf corr)n)AT)bit)ei)Cf- 2 *6]p feeb pbAllbe TDi^btS upoT) eAud) : ^be 3et)efiA- c|ot) op d)e upri]3bc pl)All be bleppeb. 3 uueAlcb At)b tt^cbei* pbAll be ]o bir boupe; AT ^ b]p 7t]3bceoupT)ep p etrbtt- Ttecl) port ebejt. 4 H£t)co d)e upjii.3bc diejte At/qped) l]3^ c 1*)d)e bA|tci)epp: b<- IT 3T>AC]Ouf, AT)b pull Op COlt)pApflOT), AT)b rt^bceouf* 5 ^t 300b tt)at) pbeuuedi) pAbouTt, AT)b let)bed) : be uiijll 3ii]be blf AppAijtp uu]d) b^pcnecioT). 6 bebiAecb 8 |tbA1 Ul)jAUUT) a ve\)h]z\)]]i t ! 3 ©olub a cb8poecb p8bb 1 8t) e] b8ep : a'| 58p|Aiiur)beft ; p8bb 81) pA|tb^^ b&cl). 4 £8p8b 3olein^ f n ftbA] I U1}]AUUT? 8i; 8 cSaublluucb : j c F l 3 A l t0 5' A ^b^fcu|t^ol, a cb8piAuui), 8uu epe. 5 0au.fi bA|*8bb 38rr)rnuu8- j T)A|*5A]t, t AC 8t> -pbobb] bei)- cb8j : uuj*cb p 8robb]]tieb 8t) 8ft ^Crt5iau8bb. 8 ^Ccce5«au8b c^ jaIot) : t)jb opt)A epe, b&k or)] uuelo e] euu8ll8p A|t e] el8i>]or). 9 (BuuArsATtobb, ftbob- bobb i'|t clobjoi}; a'| 5$p]- Auui)be]t ]*8bb 81} pA]tl)Au b8cb ; ei jofto a bb8jtcbep!|t n^euui) ^050i)|At)c. 10 3D ft Ai>i)uuu]ol a uuel b8tj, ac a bb]5) a ; epe a 8p 5- 8]ir?85A e] bbAtwebb, ac a bAuubb 8roA]cb : beftpbbb AH) bb8rt)ut)]Ab 8 ji^A] Ar>- t)uuu]ol. ) Psalm us CXI. JLatine. Alleluia. 1 Beatus vir, qui tiuiet Dominum in mandatis ejus volet nimis. 2 Potens in terra erit se- men ejus : generatio recto- rum benedicetur. 3 Gloria etdivitiaein do- mo ejus : et justitia ejus manct in sseculum sseculi. 4 Exortum est in tene- bris lumen rectis : miserr- cors, et miserator, et Justus. 5 Jucundus homo qui mi* seretur et^ eommodat/ dis- ponet sermones suos in ju> dicio : 6 Quia in sternum non commovebitur. In memo- ria eeterna erit Justus : 7 Ab auditione mala non timebit. _ Paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino. 8 Confirmatum est cor ejus : non commovebitur donee despiciat inimicos suos. 9 Dispersit, dedit pau- peribus : jusiitia ejus ma - net In saeculum saeculi, cor- nu ejus exaltubitur in glo- ria. 10 Peccator videbit, el irascetur; dentibus suis fre- met et tabescet : desideriun peceatorum peribit. ■22f° FCO »W*KS 003 173 243 8 i • 4 ! 1 i ^ ' ^ i ■ ■ ■ ::'.♦! H ■ I I ■