^*. ^ A* * %4 r: V* -Mm V* .'jAGfe V« lVA, \ ^ c \^'-'°* v*cr ° • • ^ ^t. * • ■ ^^ o*\ °* ♦••'•A ## V ••i^ <A?> ^(//e^^c^t-. AN & IE) W 2E H S S TO THE ABOLITIONISTS of MASSACHUSETTS, OK THE SUBJECT OF POLITICAL ACTION. By the Board of Managers of the Mass- A. S. .Society. To the Abolitionists cf Massachusetts — The Board of Managers of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, desire to offer you a few suggestions, on the course recommended to you by duty and a wise policy, in relation to the ex- ercise of your political privileges. The uncompromising character of the early adherents to our cause, compelled the respect of the conscientious and reflecting part of the com- munity. They stood firm, announcing the most thorough principles, not yielding one jot to the •most plausible or popular prejudices. Men at first were startled by the boldness of their posi- tion, but they had at length the satisfaction of seeing public sentiment slowly turn in their fa- vor. The mighty re-action is felt, and we are now going forward with wind and tide. The grandeur of the principles developed, — the con- stancy with which they were maintained, through odium and danger, — the magnitude of the interests -contended for, — these things ap- 2 8 pealed to every man in the land, who had a spark of heroism or heavenly enthusiasm in his nature. Our cause has gathered into its ranks in the short space of seven years, its hundreds of thousands; and numbers, among its friends, the most fearless, and God-devoted spirits in the land. We mention these things, not as an idle boast, but that you may lay to heart the responsibili- ties, that grow out of your present position. Your duty, as citizens of the State, more than ever demands your serious attention and thought. We pray you to consider what we shall say to you on this subject. There are those who disapprove of every form of political action, on the part of abolitionists. They contend that our cause should be present- ed exclusively under its religious and philan- thropic aspect; that it will be degraded and en- feebled at the North, by connecting it with po- litics, — while, at the South, our political efforts will rouse a more united and determined resist- ance to our objects. We cannot yield to this reasoning. It pro- ceeds, we think, upon a narrow view of the sub- ject. Politics, rightly considered, is a branch of morals, and cannot be deserted innocently. Our moial convictions must follow us to the ballot- box. . They are not less imperative on us as cit- izens, than as members of the church, or fathers of families. In each, we have nothing to do, but to carry out our highest idea, simply and fearlessly. If the public mind is misled or vi- tiated on the subject of politics, — if politics has come to be considered as a game played by the desperate and unprincipled for power or emolu- ment, it must not therefore be abandoned to them. The worldly and corrupt would like no- thing better, than that the good should retire, in fear or disgust, from this wide sphere of action. It seems to be our mission to substitute, in the minds of men, a new set of associations with the subject of politics. We believe that the tenden- cy of the abolition efforts has. visibly, been to infuse more comprehensive principles into polit- ical bodies, and suggest to them purer motives of action, than have prevailed heretofore. Look at the dignified tone oi the Reports and Resolves on Slavery and the Right of Petition, in several of the State Legislatures. Mark the high reli- gious and moratstand assumed by Adams, Slade, Morris and others, in Congress. It is worth noting that the abolitionists form the only great party, in our age, who, aiming at a wide so- cial reform, and operating on and through social institutions, yet rest their efforts and their hopes professedly on religious ground ; — on faith in God, and faith in the God-like in man. That slavery is a sin against God, has been our ral- lying-cry from the beginning; heard not merely from the pulpit, but in the courts of justice, the popular assembly, and the halls of government. Our strength lies, and we well know it, in the religious sentiment of men, recognizing a Chris- tian" brother in the crushed slave, and at once stimulating, emboldening and sanctifying the ef- forts for his deliverance. To think of purposely keeping such a ques- tion — a question of essentially moral and reli- gious character, but having important public bearings, — out of politics, is like the view some persons have, that religion belongs to the tem- ple and the Sabbath, but is out of place in week- day life. Religion runs the risk of being sadly profaned, adulterated, caricatured, counterfeited, in encountering or mixing with the common bu- siness or amusements of men ; but we never- theless press it in among them. This is, after all, but a question of time. The subject of sla- very must, obviously, sooner or later, enter deep- ly, into general politics. Slavery is itself the creature of law, that is of political action. It can only be finally destroyed, by the same power that gave it being. We, however, value political action, chiefly as a means of agitating the subject. The great support of slavery, — without which it could not stand in the United States, two years, — is a cor- rupt public sentiment, among those wiio are not slaveholders. The current doctrine of the North is, that slavery is, indeed, an evil, and if south- ern society were to be reconstructed, slavery should, by no means, be introduced as an ele- ment ; but that in present circumstances, and with a view to -probable consequences, it cannot reasonably be expected of slaveholders to give up their slaves. This is what we suppose to be meant, by people's being opposed to slavery ''in the abstract.' Now, our first object is to replace these views, by an earnest conviction, embracing the heart and understanding of every man, woman and child we can reach, that duty and interest do now require of every slaveholder, the immedi- ate emancipation of his slaves. We would make the public sentiment of the North a tonic, instead of an opiate to southern conscience ; we would unite and concentrate it, until it shall tell, in a manner perfectly irresistible.upon the sense of right, the pride of social standing and char- acter, even upon the interest of the slaveholder; until it shall help to make real to his mind, and he shall feel, in the air around him, the guilt, the danger, the deep disgrace, the ruinous im- policy of the relation he sustains. We believe this course to be enjoined by Christianity, free from all constitutional objections, and consecra- ted by the example of our elder abolitionists, Franklin, Jay, Rush, and other revered foun- ders of the Republic. Such have, indeed, ever been the appointed means for the removal of great social abuses. These means will not lack their accustomed power, in a country whose in- stitutions are so emphatically the exponents of the popular will. Another objection originating- in a less friend- ly spirit, but resting on political grounds, is gravely put forth. We are told that our feeling for our fellow man, (at least if he be colored,) must be defined by geographical lines ; that we have no rijrht to plead for an oppressed brother if he stands outside of our own political enclo- sure. To this is added the certainly novel the- ory, that it is the nature of sin to reform itself, and that the oppression of the slaveholder would soon cease, if we would only withdraw all open sympathy from the injured, to bestow it on the oppressor. However absurd and revolting these sophisms may appear to you, they are reiterat- ed with great confidence and frequency. To state them distinctly seems all that is necessa- ry to expose them to the contempt they merit. All. we need for the overthrow of slavery is to gain the ear of the people. This is done by agi- tation ; and never is agitation so thorough and effectual, as when it begins in the halls of leg- islation. We laugh to scorn the pomp and cir- cumstance with which Mr. Calhoun, or Mr. Clay, or some other great slaveholding states- man, annually proclaims a final victory over fanaticism. Do they not see that our very de- feats are triumphs to us? Have they yet to learn that revolutions never roll backwards? That our opposers are but erecting paper-ram- parts, against the surges of an inswelling Atlan- tic ? That their resolutions are but words 1 6 That a breath unmakes them, as a breath has made ? They are only doing our work. The country has learned more of "the dangerous ten- dencies of slavery, and of the desperate charac- ter and designs of its supporters, by the discus- sions in Congress, than we could have instilled directly for years. Again, in the mere process of signing a petition,— the simplest form of po- litical action, — strength and clearness are added to the convictions of "thousands. So much force and definiteness do our principles and feelings acquire, by expression ; so much moral vigor does a man gain, by openly taking his side. ° We cannot be justified in abandoning any wide field of action, be it moral, social, religious or political. There can be no vantage ground for the wrong side. The slavery question can- not, and ought not, we think, to be kept wholly disjoined from politics. It should not be made a mere political question, but the religious and moral sense of the people must speak out, on the subject, with precision and authority, to their political representatives. Unquestionably that voice is to go forth, com- manding the use of all moral, lawful and con- stitutional means to overthrow slavery. We believe the question of abolition is one, perhaps the only one, on which the North can be brought to unite. Our cause is, we think, destined^to increase so rapidly, as to threaten political ex- tinction to every public man here, who arrays himself against it. Instructions will j7 forth from the constituent bodies, that will command the obedience of northern representatives in Con- gress. When this is done, slavery must cease in the metropolis of the nation, and slavery in the States cannot long survive. We doubt not, before five years are gone, it will be the South' instead of the North, that will be disunited and vacillating. It does not belong to the character of their cause, or of the age and country we live in, that the South can long keep their ranks unbroken. Even now, there is no real unity ot interest or opinion, between the fanning and planting slave States. Political action doubtless brings temptations and hazards; but so does any successful action. Success is itself dangerous. What then 1 shall we not aim at success ? Shall a man seclude himself from the world, lest the world prove too strong for his virtue? As practical men we cannot proceed on these scruples. We cannot consent to forego the power to do good, from the apprehension that its possession may tempt us to use it for evil. Is it then our purpose to recommend to abo- litionists the formation of a distinct political par- ty? So far from this, we think such a policy- would be in the highest degree dangerous, if not fatal to the efficiency of our organization. — Our most intelligent friends, throughout the country, deprecate our assuming the character of a third political party. Such a course would be opposed to the well" settled policy and wise example of the English abolitionists, who have always kept the political aspect of their cause subordinate to the religious. Remember that abolition was carried in England, mainly as a religious question. If we were a political party, the struggle for places of power and emolument would render our motives suspected, even if it did not prove too strong a temptation to our integrity. Make our cause mainly political, and it would be at once excluded from nearly every pulpit in the land. If we were a distinct party, every mem- ber of it must vote for its candidates, however 8 he might! disagree with them on other important points of public policy. This would involve two great evils. The sacrifice thus demanded, be- ing greater than we can reasonably expect most men to make, accessions to our party would be greatly retarded ;— and, what is a more serious difficulty, divisions would inevitably arise a- mong ourselves, growing out of the struggles of different sections of our own party, to secure the nomination of candidates of their peculiar senti- ments. Whig abolitionists would ask for a; whig candidate: the democrats of our party would insist on our nominating a democrat. Experience seems to show, that under a free government, there cannot be at one time, more than two powerful political parties. The parties that now divide the country are active, zealous and strong. Years must elapse, if we should organize politically, before we could be any thing but an uninfluential minority. _ Our position, as a small minority party in pol- itics would be hazardous and perplexing-. There is danger that low considerations of expediency would intrude upon our sense of eternal right. > Political adventurers, loud in their profes- sions, unscrupulous in their means, would at- tach themselves to us. Disappointed men, who have been disowned by other parties, would come among us to use us as tools for their per- sonal advancement, to disgrace us by their in- consistency, to lower our hitherto high stand- ard of principle, and perhaps sacrifice us in the day of trial. Belonging, as we now do, to the various po- litical parties, we can readily work our principles m, among them. Our present political ties and sympathies give us a strong hold over our po- litical associates. We should lose all this mode 9 of influence, by withdrawing from them. Our withdrawal would be held equivalent to a dec- laration of war. A new political organization would have, of course, the combined hostility of the old parties. It is now the interest of each to conciliate us, for the sake of our votes. Were those votes pledged 10 our own candidates, the other parties would have a common interest in crushing us. To form a political party, on anti-slavery grounds, would involve a needless abandon- ment of our other political preferences, and therefore would imply, not merely that abo- lition is the first, but that it is the only public object, in which abolitionists feel interested. This is not true, and to produce such a state of feeling is as undesirable, as it would be imprac- ticable To conclude this part of the subject, our true policy is not to turn party politicians, but in politics as elsewhere to stand firm by our prin- ciples, and let the politicians come to us. Of each of the three forms of political action, petitioning, the interrogating of candidates for office, and suffrage, we have a few words to ad- dress to you. We pray you not to weary in the work of pe- titioning the national and state legislatures. It is the anti-slavery petitions, mainly, that have unlocked the lips of our legislatures, on the sub- ject of abolition, and slowly compelled the news- paper-press to recognize, and unwillingly to aid, our movements. The agitation, caused by the rejection of our petitions, has spread into every village. This simple mode of action marks our growing strength ; indicates, definitely the peo- ple's will ; enlightens our adversaries with the knowledge of our numbers ; and is felt, by our 10 representatives, as a great support in the dis- charge of their duty. Depend upon it, the time has come when the members of Congress, from this State, feel relieved, under their great responsibility, by their constituents holding a decided — aye, even a peremptory tone, on the subject of slavery. We hope women will pour in their petitions to Congress, at its next session, in redoubled numbers. Let them thank God, and take new courage, for they have done great good. We feel deeply the value of the earnest labours of women, in our cause. All admit slavery is to be overthrown by a reformed public opinion; but public opinion is not composed of the opinion of either sex exclusively. In every christian and civilized community, self-devoted, intel- ligent women are among the most important sources of moral and religious influence. Grie- vously do they err, who deem lightly of the fact, that in the moral strife between "freedom and slavery, the women of the North are with the abolitionists. Your representatives in the next State Leg- islature, and for the Congress of 1839, are to be chosen the coming autumn. They should be sea- sonably interrogated, as to their opinions on the the most important matters connected with our cause, on which they may probably be called to act. After some consideration, the Board have concluded to recommend, that the interrogatories to candidates be limited, for the present year, to the two following subjects : — The immediate abolition of Slaverym the District of Columbia ; and the admission of new States into the union, whose Constitutions tolerate slavery. Our Legislature, at its last session, resolved 1 that Congress ought to take measures for the abolition of slavery, in the District.' This 11 vague language can satisfy no one. When ought Congress to take these ' measures ' 1 — what are the ' measures ' that Congress ought to take ? and how long a time are these ' mea- sures ' to occupy, before the slave is to be free 1 Remember, that the Senate and the House both refused to assert that Congress ought to immediately abolish slavery in the District, though this proposition was moved as an amend- ment. The resolution of the Legislature, as passed, would be accorded to, even by some slaveholders. It may mean apprenticeship, — it may import colonization. This State owes it to herself to speak out distinctly, that none may misunderstand or gainsay. She will be shorn of a portion of her moral power, till this is done. The application of Florida, to be admitted as a slaveholding member of the Union is to be acted on, at no distant day — probably at the next session of Congress. You ought, therefore, to see to it that remonstrances against its admis- sion as a slaveholding State, are presented early in the session. Our northern statesmen should be seasonably taught, that they must not in fu- ture misrepresent and betray the rights and principles of New England, as was done in the recent admission of Arkansas. We request the officers of County Societies, within their respective limits, to see that the candidates for Congress and for the State Sen- ate and House of Representatives are duly in- terrogated and their answers published in the local newspapers. The questions should, of course, be in writing; and it seems belter that they should be written and signed, not by the officers of societies as such, but, as far as practicable, by individual electors, political friends of the candidate inter- 12 rotated. It is not advisable to ask any pledge from the candidate, but simply to inquire his present opinions. The questions to the State candidate may be, substantially, thus : 'Are you in favor of the passage of a resolution, by the State Legislature, declaring that Con- gress ought immediately to abolish" slavery, in the District of Columbia? < ' Are you in favor of the passage of a resolu- tion, declaring that no new State ought to be admitted into the Union, whose Constitution tolerates slavery ? ' The questions to candidates for Congress should run thus: ' Are you in favor of the passage of an act of Congress for the immediate abolition of slavery, in the District of Columbia ? 1 Are you opposed to the admission of any- new State into the Union, whose Constitution tolerates slavery? ' A large school in politics, both in Great Britain and America, deny the right of instruc- tion ; principally on the ground, 'that if carried out, it would destroy the deliberative charac- ter of the representative body, and convert it into a mere instrument to register the edicts of the people. The practice, of exacting pledges from candidates, may be considered liable to similar objections. It is, however, sufficient to advert to the fact, that the presidential electors of all parties are uniformly chosen under an ex- press pledge to vote for particular condidates,in order to shew, that no party has, in practice, scrupled to pledge its candidates. But in order to avoid any doubt or cavil on this point, we think it best to confine your inquiries, as we have already intimated, to the mere opinion for the time being, of the candidate. This you 13 have a right to know ; as without such know- ledge it may often happen, that you crnnot ex- ercise intelligently your right of suffrage. It may be said, that a simple expression of opinion would, under the circumstances, be equivalent to a pledge. We deny that such is the fact, or that the thing is so understood. A pledge binds in all events. A previous expression of present opin- ion is not incompatible with keeping the mind still open to conviction, on listening to the op- posing arguments. It is true, that a represent- ative who should vote contrary to his previous professions, would find it necessary, before the next election, to satisfy his constituents that he came honestly by his new opinions; but this is certainly a very wholesome obligation, and one from which no honest man would desire ex- emption. If it be objected, that these interrogatories may tempt candidates to belie their consciences for the sake of gaining votes, we reply, that to men of this easy virtue the whole action of so- ciety is full of temptation, but it cannot be sus- pended for their sakes. If the further objection be urged, that there is an indecorum in submit- ting to be thus questioned on the eve of an elec- tion, it is enough to reply, first, that as candi- dates are not usually nominated until the eve of an election, inquiries can be made at no other time; and, secondly, that inquiries of this na- ture, as they clearly imply confidence and not distrust, must be regarded rather as complimen- tary, than as derogatory to the candidate. "VVe address him as an honest, straight-forward citi- zen, and no man of genuine dignity of charac- ter will feel himself degraded, either in public or private life, by giving a plain answer to a plain question, where the inquirer has a right to the information asked. As to the fear of in- 14 decorum, like most overstrained modesty, it will be usually found symptomatic of conscious cor- ruption within. Suppose you were about to en- gage a commander for your ship, a superintend- ent of your farm, an agent for your factory, and were to inquire his views as to the principles or details of the employment he was to undertake. Would you endure his insolence if he were to reply, ' I consider it undignified and improper to satisfy you on these points. You are at liberty to gain what information you can of my history and reputation, and then:3 to infer what are my views on the matter in question V You would think, and probably but too justly, that he meant to cheat you. Will you bear such language from your political servants? No public man in this country is strong enough to sustain him- self lono:. in this mode of defying the popular will. No party can do it. The right of the elect- ors, to call for a frank disclosure of the opinions of candidates, on all subjects which may come within the scope of their official duties, has been expressly admitted by Martin Van Buren, Hen- ry Clay, William H. Harrison. William Wirt, Edward Everett, and Marcus Morton, and by a host of other eminent statesmen. It is too late to question its validity. No man of plain integ- rity would shrink from the ordeal. The prac- tice is eminently republican and useful. It is calculated to promote political honesty and open dealing, and to put an end to that double-faced and non-committal policy, by which politicians, of inferior abilities and low arts, sometimes crawl into power. Your duties as voters are mainly negative. Vote for no man, however estimable from general character and acquirements, who is not prepared to give a prompt, explicit, and satisfactory an- swer on the topics we have mentioned. Be uncom- 15 promising on points of principle. Have no respect to persons. It is the secret of your strength, hither- to. Shew by your firmness, whether your heart is in your cause. Let not the fervor of political zeal, or the warmth of personal attachment, lead you to forfeit your character for resolution and consist- ency. Whoso loves father, or brother, or friend better than the truth, is not worthy of it. We pray you to take no part, as abolitionists, in the nomination of candidates. Do not even vote, by concert, for candidates already in nomi- nation. Let the act of voting be an individual act, but performed, by each voter, under a deep sense of responsibility. We are aware, that in many towns and districts, where you have con- siderable numerical strength, aud where the an- swers of the regular political candidates may not be satisfactory, the temptation will be strong, to unite your forces upon a candidate of your own. We entreat you not to do this. Your example will be a dangerous one. On the other hand, do not stay away from the polls. Go, rather ; and scatter your votes. This is the true way to make yourselves felt. Every scattering vote you cast, counts against the candidates of the parties; and will serve as an effectual admoni- tion to them, to nominate the next time, men whom you can conscientiously support. The candidates presented to your choice Avill, of course, be nominated either by the whigs or democrats. The most prominent individual of the whig party, and probably their next candi- date for the presidency, is a slave-holder, presi- dent of that stupendous imposture, the Coloniza- tion Society, author of the fatal Missouri ' com- promise,' and of the slavish resolutions against the abolitionists, lately passed by the Senate of the United States. On the other hand, the lead- er of the democratic party, ' the northern presi- 16 dent with southern principles,' has deeply insult- ed this nation, by avowing his determination to veto any bill for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, which may be passed by a majority of the people, in opposition to the wish- es of the slave States. No consistent abolitionist can vote for either of these individuals. It does not however fol- low, that he cannot vote for candidates for State offices or for Congress, who may be their friends and supporters. If the candidate before you be honest, capable, and true to your principles, we think you may fairly vote for him, without con- sidering too curiously, whether his success might not have an indirect bearing on the interests of Mr. Clay or Mr. Van Buren. It is a golden maxim, ' Do the duty that lies nearest thee.' Vote for each man by himself, and on his own merits. If you attempt to make your rule more complicated, so as to include distant contingen- cies and consequences, it will be found perplex- ing and impracticable. The independent course in politics, which we have recommended, supposes great prudence, disinterestedness, energy of purpose, and self- control, in those who are to adopt it. May you justify our confidence in you. Do your duty. Come out, in your strength, to the polls. Refuse to support any public man who trims, or equivo- cates, or conceals his opinions. Beware of half way abolitionists ; and of men, who are aboli- tionists but once a year. Prove that you do not require the machinery of party discipline, to vote strictly according to your professed principles. Do this, and you will rapidly acquire a deserv- ed influence. ' Such a party,' as Mr. Webster justly said, in speaking of th.e abolitionists, ' will assuredly cause itself to be respected.' Within the next two years, the friends of freedom might 17 hold the oa.ance of power, in every free State m the Union ; and no man could ascend the pres- idential seat, against their will. Our cause demands of us entire disinterested- ness. We are not to desire power, for power's sake. Our prayers, and toil, and tears are not our own, but the slave's. We need circumspec- tion. The attacks, that were formerly made on our principles and measures, are now turned upon our motives and personal characters. The corrupt and bitter portion of the newspaper press are beginning to discover, that the facts and argu- ments, in favor of our great doctrine of immedi- ate emancipation, are irresistible, and are carry- ing conviction to almost every well informed and reflecting mind ; and they are now trying to distort our motives, and blacken our reputa- tions. This is making a false issue, but let it not too much disturb us. The true question for the public evidently is, Do we speak the truth ? The inquiry, whether we are actuated by a right spirit, is, in reality, of very little comparative importance. The principle is all; the men nothing. Let God be true, and every man a liar. Beware of forming alliances with any party. Enter into no stipulations in advance, for the disposition of a single vote. The party, or the press, or the politician that courts you most warmly to-day, will perhaps shew most malig- nance and treachery toward you, to-morrow. We have reason to be grateful to Heaven, that, thus far, we have so little to thank either of the great parties for. The leading presses on both sides, have done their best to outrage and insult us. There has been an eager competition be- tween them, to purchase southern votes, by sac- rificing the rights, and aspersing the character of the abolitionsts. Even now, though it is 2 19 seen by all persons of common sagacity, and is even generally admitted in private conversation, that our ultimate success is certain, the same treatment is, to a considerable extent continued. The class of trading politicians take no far-sight- ed views even for themselves, still less for their party, — least of all, for their country. They cannot wait for the slow returns of an hon- est and liberal policy. Their object is to meet the exigency of the moment, to carry the present point ; like prodigals lavishing the resources of the future upon the passing hour; like gamblers trusting to chance or trick, to ex- tricate them from the embarrassments they are aware must, by and bye, come. This competition for southern votes, has saved us from the too dangerous friendship of either of the political parties. The President of the United States, had, (in his first message to Congress,) avowed himself the suppliant tool of the southern slaveholders, when the Whig merchants of New-York, determined not to be outbid, took occasion, in their address to the na- tion, to assure their southern brethren, that they were men, who ' thought the possession of prop- erty [not its honest acquisition] was evidence of merit I ' and that persons of such sentiments, would be the last to disturb ' the peculiar prop- erty ' of the south. By counteracting forces like these, have we been providentially preserved from being ab- sorbed by either of the political parties. With the fundamental principles of those parties, when properly understood, abolitionism has strong affinities. The idea of the whig party in this country is order, the supremacy of law, the sacredness of the person, the inviolability of property. Who has a stronger interest in these things than we? Who have suffered more 19 than we, from anarchy and misrule ? Who have pleaded more earnestly, for the right of every man to that which he produces by his own labor ; — a right which is at the foundation of all property ? — On the other hand, the great Democratic idea is Liberty, Reform, Progress, Equal Rights ; — and are not these our very breath of life ? We are far from asserting, that these noble principles are actually embodied, in the leaders of either of our political parties. So far from this, the principles are in danger of being them- selves brought into disgrace, by the selfish and inconsistent men, who pretend to represent them. Still, while these principles are, how- ever imperfectly, represented in the struggle of the adverse parties, it is natural and right, that individual abolitionists should range themselves, in these struggles, according as their political theories may incline them to take one or the other set of views. This must, however, be done in strict subordination to the interests of that hallowed cause, to which we have pledged our character and influence. Be assured, that not one man, in the very first ranks of the polit ical parties, has any sincere attachment to your principles. Therefore, as you have little to hope for the abolition cause, from the sincere good will of the parties, as such, do not be driv- en to act with the one, or renounce the oth- er, merely because, for some temporary pur- pose, the one side or the other happens, to-day 7 to treat you with unaccustomed consideration, or to heap upon you peculiar outrage and abuse. Circumstances may, for a while, induce the presses, of one or the other party, to conciliate you; but, depend upon it, there is, at bottom, but very little to choose between them. There is certainly no reason, thus far, why you should 20 as a body, ally yourselves exclusively with either, but many and urgent reasons against it. There is much, in the aspect of the times, to cheer us, in our political efforts. The danger of the admission of Texas is, probably, past. Thanks to the abolitionists, the free States have been roused to the disgrace and ruin of becom- ing a partner, in the crimes of that bloody and slave-trading Republic. Slavery in the United States, and slavery in Texas, will not be suffer- ed to double their strength, by union. The gag resolution in Congress, has received its death blow, from the intrepid, illustrious and venerable Adams. The subject of slavery will henceforth be an open one, in that body. Within three years, we shall probably have a favorable report on slavery in the District, and in less than rive, we have little doubt of wit- nessing its peaceful abolition. Slavery once abolished in the District, what a vast accession of moral power is gained, both in the process, and from the result ! Friends animated, — oppressors disheartened, — all con- sciences awakened ! It is a gain to the cause of virtue every where. The spiritual atmos- phere is purified. Each man draws freer breath into his soul. The Lord is seen indeed to reign. The testimony of the nation is thence- forth added to the general reprobation of slave- ry, and will help to shame it out of existence. Another illustrious proof is given, of the possi- bility of the highest public virtue. Instead of calling on you to descend from these heights, from a fear that the elevation may make you giddy, we say to you, your on- ly danger is in looking down. Keep your aims ever upwards, and there is no fear that your footing will not be firm. FRANCIS JACKSON, President. Amos A. Phelps, Secretary. ^ % ^ .»i!oL'» ' 7 **V ' +*J^L:% > /dfe*. V .«/ .tort;-. *. * v Wra *#,o° JO*' *k ♦#,-.• at- q. *»To A >* v % *, *-,*" .* <» ♦*T7i* .0 v*?^\y v^SsvV v^.^r*<> »*\. BOOKBINDING Grantville. Pa Jjn Feb ^ A* » '