SZj LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllll 1 I II II 014 079 025 4 Holltnger pH 83 Mil! Run F03-2193 copy ROLL OF HONOR. GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS. By SAMUEL A. GREEN. Like many other towns in New England, the town of Groton has erected a monument in memory of her sons who fell during the War of the Rebellion. It is in the form of a marble tablet, affixed to the southerly wall of the entry-way in the Town House, and bears the names of the men, as well as of their company and regiment, and the date and place of their death. The names of forty soldiers, arranged in four columns of ten each, are cut in the marble immediately under the legend. Unfortunately, the list was not prepared with strict historical accuracy, and, as a result, various errors, both of omission and commission, have crept into the record. Unfortunately, too, the stone-cutter has not been uniform in his use of punctuation marks ; and even the names are not placed in exact alphabetical order. The tablet measures 7 feet 9 inches in width, by 6 feet 9 inches in height, including a moulding five inches in width round the four sides. The appropriation for the cost was made by the town, on April 3, 1882, but, according to " Tur- ner's Public Spirit" (Ayer), May 31, 1884, the stone was not placed in position until May 28 of that year. The expense of the tablet, as given on page 24 of the Annual Report of the Town for the year ending March 20, 1885, was $293.30. The inscription is as follows : — THE TOWN OF GROTON places this tablet in memory of her sons who died in the service of their country during- the Civil War. l86l 1865. John C. Alley. Co. A. 22 Mass. Reg* Died at Annapolis, Md. Dec. 19, 1864. Jonathan Brooks, Co. C. 16 Mass. Reg'. Killed at Fair Oaks. Va. June 18, 1862. Austin W. Bond, Co. I. 12 Conn. Reg'- Died in Hospital, May 29, 1863. James V. Barrett, 19 Mass. Reg' Died at Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 3, 1865. Warren Blake, Co. H. 53 Mass. Reg'- Died at Baton Rouge, La. July 8, 1863. [The Descriptive List and the Muster-in Roll both give his name as Warren H. Blake.] Eusebius S. Clark, Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg'- Died of wounds [at Winchester, Va.], Oct. 17, 1864. [The Muster-out Roll gives the place of death.] William Crockett Jr. Co. E. ^^ Mass. Reg'- Killed at Lookout Val. Tenn. K Oct. 29, 1863. James Carlan, ^°- C. 53 Mass. Reg 1 . Killed at Port Hudson, La. June 14, 1863. John B. Caldwell, Co. H. 53 Mass. Reg 1 . Died at New York, Aug. 25, 1S63. James M. Chapin, Co. H. 53 Mass. Reg 1 . Died at New Orleans. Apr. 30, 1863. Michael Donlan, Co. D. 20 Mass. Reg' Died at Andersonville, Ga. June 26, 1864. Geo. S. Evans, Co. C. 16 Mass. Reg^ Died [at Manassas, Va.] Nov. 11, 1862. [" Massachusetts in the Army and Navy" (11. 276) gives the place of death.) Geo. A. Fullick, Co. C. 26 Mass. Reg 1 - Killed at Winchester, Va. Sept. 20, 1864. Geo. A. Gleason, Co. B. 28 Mass. Reg^ Died of wounds [at Washington. D. C], July 1 [June 26], 1864. [The Hospital Report on file at the State Mouse gives the date and place of death.] James A. Hartwell, Co. A. 36 Mass. Reg^ Died at Camp Nelson, Ky. Jan. 29, I864. [The Descriptive List and the Muster-in Roll both give his name as Adam J. Hartwell. J Edmund P. Hall, Co. E. 30 Mass. Reg 1 - Died at New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1862. Geo. D. Haynes. Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg* Died at New Orleans, Oct. 19 [Aug. 22], 1862. [The Muster-in Roll gives his name as George H. Haynes, and the Muster-out Roll gives the date of death as August 22.] Adrastus Hazzard. Co. F. 54 Mass. Reg 1 . Died at Beaufort. S. C. July 7, 1865. Charles H. Jaqtjith, Co. B. 56 Mass. Reg*. Killed in Wilderness, Va. May 6, 1864. Leander G. King, Co. C. 16 Mass. Reg*- Killed at Gettysburg, Penn. July 6, 1863. Leander S. Kendall, Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg 4 . Died [at New Orleans, La.] Aug. 20 [18], 1862. [The Muster-out Roll gives the date of death as August iS, and also the place.] William Law, Jr. Co. E. ^^ Mass. Reg 1 . Died July 14, 1S64. Joel F. Lawrence, Co. C. 16 Mass. Reg 1 . Killed in Wilderness, Va. May 10, 1 8 64. 5 Charles H. Leonard, Co. H. 57 Mass. Reg'. Killed in Wilderness, Va. May i, 1864. Oliver B. Osborn, Co. E. 33 Mass. Reg' Died [at Thoroughfare Gap, Va.] Nov. 5, 1862. [A. J. Boies's " Record of the Thirty-third Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry " (page 153) gives the place of death.] Timothy O'Connor Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg'. Killed at Winchester, Va. Sept. 19, 1864. Charles H. Pierce, Co. E. S3 Mass. Reg'- Died of wounds, July [i]8, 1S63. [The Muster-out Roll gives the date of death as July 18.] Wm. H. Priest, Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg' Killed at Winchester, Va. Sept. 19, 1864. Jerome S. Parker, Co. C. 16 Mass. Reg'. Died of wounds [at Gettysburg, Penn.], July 12, 1863. [The Monthly Report on file at the State House gives the place of death.] Alfred A. Richardson, Co. B. 6 Mass. Reg'. Died at Suffolk. Va. Dec. 8, 1862. Jacob S. Raynor Jr. Co. H. 53 Mass. Reg'. Died at Port Hudson ; June 28, 1863. Wm. G. Rand, Co. E. 33 Mass. Reg 4 Died of wounds, Nov. 1863. Patrick Ready, Co. B. 56 Mass. Reg 4 - Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Edward D. Sawtell, Co. B. 6 Mass. Reg 4 Killed at Deserted House. Va. Jan. 30, 1863. [The Muster-out Roll says at " Deserted House, near Suffolk, Va."] Andrew J. Stevens, Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg 4 Died at New Orleans. July 9, 1862. Luther E. Tenny, Co. B. 26 Mass. Reg 4 - Died at New Orleans. March jjji, 1863. [The Muster-out Roll gives the date of death as March 31.] Henry E. Tosier [Co. L] 8 Maine Reg 4 Killed [near Spring Hill, Va.] Dec. [10], 1864. [The " Official Army Register," Part I. (page 26), gives the date and place of his death, as well as the Letter of his company.] John Waigand, Co. A. 22 Mass. Reg 4 Died in Rebel Prison [at Andersonville, Ga.], May 15, 1864. [A letter from the War Department to the Adjutant General of the Com- monwealth, dated October 24, 1S96, gives the place of death.] Geo. H. Williams, Co. E. 33 Mass. Reg^ Killed near Dallas, Ga. May 25, 1864. Andrew L. Woodward, Co. E. 33 Mass. Reg 1 - Died Nov. 8, 1864. [Reprinted from the Groton Historical Series, Vol. IV., No. V. September, 1897.] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 079 025 4 < F7i V2j LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 079 025 4 Hollinger pH 83 MiU Run F03.2193