Goipght]>I°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Y Dtl^^OfTHEWlSCONS,, THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Two Copies Received JUL. 8 1901 COPYRIOMT ENTRY BLASS ''^XXe. N». /IL/It COPY B. published by the General Passenger Department Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway. CHICAGO, ill. 1901. THE. Pioneer Limited. HERE is more than one railway line connecting Chicago and the North- west whereby one may travel safely, comfortably and swiftly, but there is only one line that adds an enchanting scenic beauty to its standard efficiency, and that line is the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. When you have efficiency with beauty you have a service that you accept for your quick business runs at night, because there is nothing so good; and for your recreation tours by day, because perfect transportation is glorified and yourself entertained and rested by a shifting spectacle of Nature's tender- ness and grandeur. Nature has given us up to huddle in dirty cities, but she has never wholly cut us off; and now the annual yearning is upon us to go back and be gay, sportive and foolish, romping with her who is always mother, and for a pitiful little time, resting upon her bosom. The resources of Wisconsin as refuge for the fugitive from work, are past enumeration; but pictures are another and more attractive story, and one that, without coaxing, you enthusiastically believe. Rhetoric is a divine art, but when you want mucn in little, the photograph, well composed, is unexcelled. This book of beautiful and interesting landscape scenes, along the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, suggests the possibilities of delight in a quick flight to the Northwest, a sojourn in a woodland spot beside a silver lake, a period of more ceremonial recreation in hotels at popular resorts, or the homely and jolly excursion of the day, that eats, drinks, laughs and is merry, for the greenwood is so fair to live in. From Chicago, Milwaukee is less than two, and St. Paul and Minneapolis but little more than twelve hours distant. At La Crosse the Mississippi opens a way, to be thereafter a noble companion for 127 miles. En route are Milwaukee, Oconomowoc and the Dells. Remember the Dells, as thou- sands have done before you. Here, in days primeval, Nature turned her water courses free and wrought out Titanic sculpture and architecture for the eternal wonderment of man. TWELVE MILES FROM CHICAGO- NEAR OCONOMOWOC. -~j\ > h ... h ^^^j>.".;^- F'M IfM MMJjj^fe^^ f.i^^m SH^^-^' "^t ^' "^Hj' ^HmBhH^ AM.^ jkM. ^ikmBlbM wkl y •'"" ^ ' '^i'^iJ'^^ P^' T*, sjfe ■ ■'«» I "yfliB ' ■■fn )r^'>« -- ' q t g w» -Sf .•AiiKi. THE DAM AT MIRROR LAKE. NEAR KILBOURN. MIRROR LAKE, NEAR KILBOURN. ISLANDS, FROM WITCHES CLI FF— KILBOURN ROMANCE CLIFF— THE DELLS, KILBOURN. SUGAR BOWL-THE DELLS, KILBOURN. NEAR COLD WATER CANYON— THE DELLS, KILBOURN. STEAMBOAT ROCK— THE DELLS, KILBOURN. JAWS OF THE DELLS-KILBOURN. UP RIVER FROM RAILROAD BRIDGE— KILBOURN. NAVY YARD— THE DELLS. KILBOURN. UP RIVER, STEAMBOAT ROCK— THE DELLS. KILBOURN. UP RIVER FROM ECHO POINT— THE DELLS. KILBOURN. STAND ROCK-THE DELLS. KILBOURN. THE NARROWS. BLACKHAWK'S LEAP— THE DELLS. KILBOURN. CHAPEL CORCE-THE DELLS. KILBOURN. THE "APOLLO" LANDING AN EXCURSION THE DELLS, KILBOURN. THE JAWS OF THE DELLS— KILBOURN. BRIDGE OVER WISCONSIN RIVER— KILBOURN. INK STAND AND SUGAR BOWL— THE DELLS, KILBOURN. MAPLE GROVE. COLD WATEri CANYON-THE DELLS, KILBOURN. VIEW ON MISSISSIPPI RIVER. VIEW ON MISSISSIPPI RIVER. MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD ENCAMPMENT AT LAKE CITY. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. NEAR LAKE CITY. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER— LAKE PEPIN, NEAR FRONTENAC. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, NEAR RED WING. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. NEAR RED WING. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, NEAR RED WINC. ST. PAUL FROM HIGH BRIDGE. FORT SNELLING, MINNESOTA. MINNEHAHA FALLS. NEAR MINNEAPOLIS. FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY, MINNEAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS. iin ^ Ttmr t ' ijiji ^g j ' "^!^ 0m '^^IMJl!'^' CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE 4 ST. PAUL RAILWAY PASSENGER STATIONS. Xfrri'.'-". CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE i ST. PAUL RAILWAY PASSENGER STATIONS. j«AP °^ THE . , , /' Chicagoto^'^ ^^ ^'^ X JUL. 8 1901 Milwaukee