-. 'bl-* -^"\IW'" **"^-"- '°^^*" /\ -.W- **'\'° ^\/ V-^*/ V^-'/ "°.*^V %.A^ •>»:% v..*"" ;:^fe\ -^.A^ /Mk^ ^./ .':^ Constitution ®vd^v of ^ac^Jayette ^...',..,.' ■ 3 ^vd^v of ga^ayctti? IPrcambIc Conscious of the service rendered this nation by the illustrious Marquis de LaFayette and being desirous of perpetuating his name and deeds through an Order composed of those of gentle lineage, we whose names are appended do now constitute, institute, charter and form this Order on this fifth day of September, 1917, to be known as the Order of LaFayette and herewith adopt the follow- ing constitution : Joseph G. B. Bulloch, M. D. Mrs. W. Samuel Goodwyn. Albert D. Spangler. William M. Conrad. Mrs. James Farnsworth Rodgers. Mrs. William M. Conrad. Mrs. M. St. Clair Blackburn. Miss Bertha Frances Wolfe. Miss Dora Matilda Rodgers. Henry P. Holden. Mrs. C. M. Tardy. Robert J. F. McCowan. Mrs. LeRoy Mclntyre (Bessie Hancox) Ludwig.. Constitution ARTICLE I. Name. This Society shall be named in law as the Order of LaFayette. ARTICLE II. Objects. The object of this Order shall be to honor and perpetuate the name of LaFayette; to foster the study of history and genealogy, and to unite in the bonds of friendship the Nations of the United States and France. ^^^^^^^ ^^^ Qualifications. All ladies and gentlemen descended in male or female line from one or more families of Europe who were of noble, or gentle lineage, or who are descended from one or more ancestors who during the Colonial period of our Country held or occupied any one or more of the following positions in any of the Colonies or Provinces, as Royal Governors, members of the Governor's Council and officers of the Crown, such as his Majesty's Honorable Coun- cil, or who were one of the high officers of State, such as Attorney General, Treasurer of the Province or Colony, Chief Justice, Assist- ant Justice and Judges of the General Court, Deputies to Great and General Courts, all Military and Naval officers, all members of the House of Burgesses or of any of the Colonial Assemblies or Legislatures, as also the Speakers of the same, all Ministers of the Gospel or actual founders of towns. Besides the above military and civil officers of the Colonial period, there will be admitted all descendants of officers of the Continental Army and Navy and of the Militia not below the rank of Captain who were in the Revo- lutionary War of 1776, as also Governors or Presidents of the Provinces up to and including the year 1783. The Order will also admit to membership all those of French descent who are of good lineage and whose ancestors aided the Colonies in attaining their independence, or who are of gentle French lineage, or who descended from officers of the French Service in any of the wars of France, or who hold or have held prominent places in the Army, Navy, -cttc President General : Dr. J. G. B. Bulloch. Vice-President General : Major Charles Drake Westcott, U. S. A. Second Vice-President General : Lieut. William M. Conrad, U. S. A. Third Vice-President General : Lieut. Ora A Martin, U. S. Navy. Fourth Vice-President General : Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey. Fifth Vice-President General : Mrs. W. Samuel Goodwyn. Judge Advocate General : James Marion Johnston. Recording Secretary General : Mrs. M. St. Clair Blackburn. Registrar General : Miss Bertha Frances Wolfe. Corresponding Secretary General : Daniel Smith Gordon. Treasurer General : Mrs. George E. Chadsey. Herald Marshal General : Alfred B. Dent. Historian General and Genealogist : Mrs. William Neyle Colquitt. Keeper of Signet and Seal : Mrs. Gwendolind Fairfax Moncure. Bearer of Sceptre and Banner : Mrs. Charles Drake Westcott. Chaplain General ; Rev. Roland Cotton Smith, D. D. Councillors : Henry P. Holden, Robert J. F. McCowan, C. P. Lovell, Miss Dora Matilda Rodgers, Mrs. LeRoy Mclntyre Ludwig. Mrs. C M. Tardy, Mrs. Paul Andersen. Certificate of llucorporation We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, a majority being citizens of the District of Columbia, desiring to associate ourselves for historical and genealogical purposes, pursuant to the provisions of Sub-Chapter 3, Chapter 18, of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, do certify as follows : First— l\\e name of the Society shall be known in law as the Order of LaFayette. Second. — The term for which it is organized shall be perpetual. Third. — The particular business and objects of the Society shall be for historical and genealogical purposes. Fourth. — The number of its trustees, directors, or managers for the first year of its existence shall be five. In Witness Whereof,'we have this 5th day of September, 1917, hereunto set our hands. J. G. B. Bulloch, M. D. Henry P. Holden. Albert D. Spangler. I, Geo. S. Livingston, a Notary Public in and for the District of Columbia, do herebi) certify that J, G. B. Bulloch, M. D., Henry P. Holden and Albert D. Spangler, parties to a certain Certificate of Incorporation bearing date on the 5th day of September, 1917, and hereunto annexed, personally appeared before me in said District, the said J. G. B. Bulloch, M. D., Henry P. Holden and Albert D. Spangler being personally well known to me as the persons who executed the said certificate, and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed. Given under my hand and seal this 5th day of September, 1917. Geo. S. Livingston, [notarial seal] Notary Public. My commission expires May 11, 1921. Office of the Recorder of Deeds District of Columbia. This is to Certify that the foregoing is a true and verified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Order of LaFayette, and of the whole of said Certificate of Incorporation, as filed in this office the 6th day of September, A. D. 1917. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the seal of this Office this 6th day of September, A. D. 1917. Robert W. Dutton, [seal.] Deputy Recorder of Deeds, D. C. 8 Cbartcr /iDcmbers anC» ©tber Members ot tbc ©rCer ot Xajfai^ctte. *Star indicates charier members. *Mrs. Louis P. Ailyn (Emily F. Maxson), 28 New London Road, Mystic, Conn. *Mrs. Laura (Roche) Anderson, 2706 Cathedral Avenue. Washington, D. C. Mrs. Paul Anderson (Victoria Neosho Gary), 1735 New Hampshire Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. *Frank H. Andrew, 1413 Washington Street, Roxbury. Mass. "Gordon Monges Ash. White Oak Springs, Frederick, Maryland. •Mrs. Gordon M. Ash (Jeannie Drill), *Mr3. Woolsey Aspinwall (Sophy d'Antignac Cuthbert), 1432 Rhode Island Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. *Mrs Margaret Amalia (Monteiro) Berry, The Farragut, Washington, D. C. *Mrs. Clifford K. Berryman (Kate Durfee). 1754 Euclid St.N. W., Washington, DC. "Miss Mary Ash Bsthell, 6113 Boynton Street, Germantown, Pa. *Miss Elizabeth Scull Bethell, *Mrs. M. St. Clair Blackburn. 3313 17th Street N. W.. Washington, D. C. ♦Frederick Needham Bosson, Calumet, Mich. Miss Emma Hamilton Bulloch, 1669 Columbia Road N. W., Washington, D. C. *J. G. B. Bulloch, M. D.. " " " Miss Eloisfc Rand Butler, 821 Warren Street, Hudson, N. Y. *John G. Capers, 1635 R Street N. W., Washington, D. C. *Mrs. George E. Chadsey (Hazel Anderson), 2706 Cathedral Avenue N. W., Washington, D. C. *Captain A. L. Clark, A. C, Gilboa, Schoharie County, N. Y. *Miss Louise Salter Codwise, Kingston, Ulster Co., N. Y. ♦William Neyle Colquitt, 2020 Connecticut Avenue N. W., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Wm. Neyle Colquitt ( Marie Dolores Boisfeuillet), 2020 Conn. Ave. N W Washington, D. C. *Lieutenant William M. Conrad, Q. M. C, U S. A. *Mrs. William M. Conrad (Eloise Henry). *Mrs. W. S. Corby (Muriel Clark). Chevy Chase Circle, Maryland. Mrs. Ernest Linwood Cornman (Isabelle Quintard Atwood, 276 Market Street, Marietta, Pa. Mrs. Lemuel W. Coyner (Laura Virginia Harnsberger). R. D.3, Waynesboro, Va. Henry Harland Crowell, 39 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Mary Alsop Cryder, 1911 N Street N. W., Washington, D. C. William Wetmore Cryder. 420 Lincoln Street, Pendleton, Oregon. *Francis B. Culver, 2203 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. *Mrs. Samuel Preston Davis (Kate Embry Dawdle), Little Rock, Ark. *Alfred Barbour Dent, 906 A Street S. E., Washington, D. C. ♦Mrs. John Truitt Farrel (Delphine Harland Ash). The Dorilton, 171 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. *Miss Ellen Margaretta Farrel. Mrs. James C. Fisher (Emily Steelrran). Reedville, Va. Caesar Rodney Gary. 1735 New Hampshire Avenue N. W.. Washington, D. C. *Mrs. W. Samuel Goodwyn (Dora Lee Hedges), Emporia, Va. *Daniel Smith Gordon, The Decatur, Washington, D. C. *Frank Andrew Gray, 353 W. 121st Street, New York, N. Y. *Mrs. Geo. Thacher Guernsey (Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell), Independence, Kans. ♦Major William Allen Hamor, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. ♦Henry P. Holden, Pension Office, Washington, D. C. Captain Otto Holstein, U. S. Army. *Mrs. Frank Scott Howell (Evelyn Anderson), 21 Banker Place, New Rochelle, N,Y *Mrs. James D.Iglehart (Monterey Watson), 211 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore, Md. Alvin Orlando James, Petersburg, Va. Mrs. J. 0. James (Carlotta Robinson). Petersburg. Va. *James Marion Johnston, 1628 21st Street N. W., Washington, D. C. *Mrs. Robert James Johnston (Mary Hannah Stoddard), Humboldt, Iowa. Miss Cecil Margaret Lane, St. Paul, Minn. 'C. P. Lovell, 1502 13th Street N. W., Washington, D. C. *Mrs. LeRoy Mclntyre Ludwig (Bessie Hancox), Stonington, Conn. *Lieutenant Ora A. Martin, U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Iroquois, care Postmaster New York, N. Y. *Mrs. George R. Mastin (Grace Murray), 604 Louden Avenue. Lexington, Ky. ♦Mrs. R. Corbin Spencer Maupin (Margaret Lewis), 2004 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, Md. ^Robert J. Foster McCowan, 35 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, N. J. Mrs. Gwendolind Fairfax Moncure. 235 2d Street S. E., Washington, D. C. *Mrs. Warner Moore (Marie Ariadne Dunlop). 813 Franklin St. West, Richmond, Va. *Mrs. Frederick I. Mosher (Harriet E.Spahn), 4204 Penhurst Ave., Baltimore, Md. *Monsieur Ch. Raffestin-Nadaud, Le Secretaire General Officier de V Instruction Publique, 50 Boulevard Saint-Jacques, Paris, France. *Miss Ethel J. R. C. Noyes, " Fernlawn," Milford, Pike County, Pa. *Frank Hervey Pettingell, 637 Citizens' National Bank Build'g, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Beverley C. Piatt (Mary Garrett Woolfolk). Kansas City, Mo. *Mrs. Edward Price (Clara Elizabeth Dunning), 2322 Gaines St., Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. Benjamin L. Purcell (Lydia Pleasants), 406 Allen Ave., Richmond, Va. *Captain Cecil Baring Raleigh, U. S. Marine Corps, Miss Alice Matilda Reading. 1816 H Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Nellis M. Rich, (Anna Ingersoll), 617 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. *Miss Dora Matilda Rodgers, 1011 College Street. Bowling Green. Ky. *Mrs. James Farnsworth Rodgers. " (Mary Heugh Beall Hedges) *Rev. Roland Cotton Smith, D. D.. Stoneleigh Court, Washington. D. C. ♦Sidney F. Smith, 2238 Cathedral Avenue N. W., Washington. D. C. *Albert D. Spangler, 72 S Street N. W., Washington, D. C. 10 *Mrs. C. M. Tardy (Annie Southerne), 1526 S. 19th Street, Birmingham, Ala. ♦Mrs. Ella (Hoover) Thacher, Washington, D. C. *Colonel Hugues Jules de la Vergne, 5931 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La. Major Victor Viennot, le Maire de la Ville de Langues Haut-Marne, France. *Miss Frances A. Walker. 1725 Connecticut Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. Mrs, J. A. Walker (M. Elizabeth Peacock), Brownwood, Texas. *Thomas Campbell Washington, 3759 Northampton St., Chevy Chase, D. C. *William M. Watkins, 35 Waverly Apartments, Portsmouth, Va. *Mrs. John Francis Weinmann (Jeanne Fox), 2214 Battery St., Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. Milton Welsh (Rose Nelson), 1514 Linwood Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. *Major Charles Drake Westcott, U.S. A., The Laclede, 1223 Vermont Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. *Mrs. Charles Drake Westcott (Marjorie Jones Burtis), The Laclede, 1223 Vermont Avenue N. W., Washington, D. C. Charles Ludwell Wingate, The Wellington, " *Miss Bertha Frances Wolfe, The Naples, *Mrs. Amos Worthington (Ray McCalla Ash), 6431 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. *Howard Paul Wright, Savannah, Ga. 11 ©fficers of tbc Jfrcncb Brmv, IRavv, an^ 1[3iOb Comint53ion who arc Cbavtcr /iDcmbcr? oX ©rDei ct Xajfavctte. General Paul Edmond Vignal. care Dr. Baazet, 19 Rue de Lille, Paris. General Henry Claudon, 28 Rue de I'Universite, Paris. General Louis Collardet, 1743 Eighteenth Street N, W.. Washington, D. C. Colonel James Martin, 6 Avenue de Villeneuve I'Etang, Versailles. Colonel Albert Remond. Ministere de la Guerre. Paris. Lieut. Colonel Xavier Reille, 111 Rue de I'Universite, Paris. Lieutenant Colonel A. Boussavit. Ministere de la Guerre, E. M. A., Paris. Major Leopold Auguste Pierre de Montal, 8 Rue Rembrandt, Paris. Major Joseph Leon Auguste Tulasne, Cercle Militaire, Avenue de I'Opera, Paris. Commander Bernard de Blanpre, Navy Departement, Paris Commandant Jules Charles Auguste Rousseau. 7 RueLeroy, Suresnes (Seine), Paris Captain de Courtivron. 38 Boulevard Victor Hugo, Neuilly Sur Seine, Paris. Captain Rouvrier, Rond Point Bugeaud, Paris. Captain Robert Ingouf, 65 Broadway, New York City. Captain G. Biraben, 6 Avenue Carnot, Paris. Captain Paul Nevejans, Ministere de la Guerre, E. M. A., Paris. Lieutenant Jean J. Labat, 65 Broadway, New York City. Lieutenant Henri Coquelet, 1906 M Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Lieutenant A. Gueret, Packard Motor Co., Detroit, Michigan. Lieutenant R. Froument, 65 Broadway, New York City. These officers were formerly of the French High Commission to the United States or Attaches to French Embassy. .IBritisb ©fficcrs wbo arc Charter /iRcmbcre of ©rDcr of Xafagcttc. Major General J. D. McLachlan, C. B., D. S. 0., Military Attache British Embassy, and Chevalier Commander of Order of LaFayette for Scotland. Brigadier General Charles F. Lee, British Aviation Mission. Lieutenant Colonel The Honorable E. Coke, D. S. 0., M. C, Rifle Brigade, Assist- ant Military Attache, and Chevalier Commander for England. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. A.Leahy, A. 0. D., D. S. 0., Chevalier Commander for Ireland. Captain William Paynton Ferris Latham, Connaught Rangers. Vice-Chevalier Commander for Ireland. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Gilmore, British Aviation Mission. Lieutenant Colonel H. A. Packenham, C. M. G. Major Walter Miller. 60th Canadian Rifles, Military Attache, Chevalier Com- mander for Canada at large. Captain Colin William George Gibson, M. C, Royal Fusiliers. Assistant Military Attache. Chevalier Commander for Ontario, Canada. Lieutenant St. George Herbert Harrison Eadie, 73d Royal Highlanders of Canada. 12 Iftalian ©fffccrs who arc Charter flllcmbcre of ©r^cr of XaJFavcttc. Major General Emilio Guglielmotti, Military Attache Royal Italian Embassy, Chevalier Commander of Order of LaFayette for Italy, Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. Count Enrico Luserna di Campiglione (Captain of Cavalry), Assistant Military Attache Royal Italian Embassy, Vice-Chevalier Commander for Italy, Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. Rear Admiral M. Lovatelli, Naval Attache to Royal Italian Embassy. 1335 Har- vard Street, Washington, D. C. 36clc^ian Officers wbo are Charter /Iftcmbcrs ot ©rDcr o( Xaffavjette. Lieutenant Philip Barbier, Attache to the Belgian Military Mission, Chevalier Commander for Belgium, Belgian Legation, Washington, D. C. HONORARY MEMBERS. Major General George Barnett, U. S. Marine Corps Miss Mae Leslie Warren, 112 Lincoln Ave., Portsmouth, N. H. Jn mpmnrtam MAJOR CHARLES LYELL Assistant Military Attache British Embassy, and Chevalier Commander of Order of LaFayette for Scotland, Died in Washington, D. C, October 18, 1918. 13 Cbcvalier Comman^crs tor JTorcion viountries. France— Monsieur Ch. Raffestin-Nadaud, Paris. Belgium— Lieutenant Philip Barbier, Belgian Legation. Washington, D. C. England— Lieutenant Colonel The Honorable E. Coke, D S. 0., M. C. Scotland— Major General J. D. McLachlan, C. B., D. S. 0. Ireland— Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. A. Leahy, A. 0. D., D. S. 0. Capt. W. P. F. Latham, Vice-Chevalier Commander for Ireland. Italy— Maj. Gen. Emilio Guglielmotti, Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. Count Enrico Luserna di Campiglione, Vice-Chevalier Com- mander for Italy, Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C. Canada — Major Walter Miller, Chevalier Commander for Canada at large. Capt. Colin William George Gibson, M. C, Chevalier Commander for Ontario, Canada. (Ibcvalicr (IommanC>er5 for tbc XHniteC) States. At Large— Captain Otto Holstein, U. S. Army. Alabama — Alaska — Arizona — :... Arkansas— Mrs. John Francis Weinmann, 2214 Battery St., Little Rock. California— Frank Hervey Pettingell, 637 Citizens' National Bank Building, Los Angeles. Colorado — Connecticut— Mrs. Louis P. Allyn . 28 New London Road, Mystic. Delaware — District of Columbia — Thomas Campbell Washington, 3759 Northampton Street, Chevy Chase. Florida — Georgia — William Neyle Colquitt Savannah. Idaho — 14 Illinois — Indiana — Iowa— Mrs. Robert James Johnston, Humboldt. Kansas— Kentucky — Mrs. George R. Mastin 634 Louden Avenue, Lexington. Louisiana —Colonel Hugues Jules de la Vergne, New Orleans. Maine — Maryland— Gordon MongesAsh White Oak Springs, Frederick. Massachusetts — Frank H. Andrew 1413 Washington Street, Roxbury. Michigan— Frederick Needham Bosson, Calumet. Mississippi — . Missouri — Mrs. Milton Welsh \S\4 Linwood Boulevard. Kansas Citv. Montana — Nebraska — Nevada* — New Hampshire— ... New Jersey — New Mexico— New York — Mrs. Nellis M. Rich Syracuse. Vice-Chevalier Commander, Miss Eloise Rand Butler Hudson.. North Carolina — North Dakota — 15 Ohio — Oklahoma — Oregon — William Wetmore Cryder Pendleton. Pennsylvania— (Vice-Chevalier Commander) Major William A. Hamor, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh. Rhode Island — South Carolina — South Dakota — Tennessee — Texas— Mrs. J. A. Walker, Brownwood. Utah- Vermont — Virginia— Mrs. J. O. James, Petersburg. Washington— West Virginia — . Wisconsin — Wyoming — Note— The insignia can be obtained from The Bailey. Banks & Biddle Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Price as follows: Gold, $20; Silver gilt. $10. '09 u .A. -^^.^ 'bV^ ^°-;^. IF ^^. ^ ^^n^ j.*^ ,i-»- .^^ \> ^ s * • ^0 'l^)l^ N.MANCHESTER, ^^^^ INDIANA A A^ 7', .*^ ^°rK_ -.^