E 491 . U5925 Copy 1 37th Congress, ) SENATE. ( Ex. Doc, 2d Session. ] \ No. 37. LETTER THE SECRETARY OF WAR To a resolution of the Senate of the BOt/t day of January, in relation to tJie vessels purchased or chartered for the use of the War JDcjuirtment since tlie \st day of April last. March 27, 1862. — Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and the Militia. March 31, 1862. — Ordered to be printed. War Department, Washington City, D. C, March 26, 18G2. ' Sir : In answer to a resolution of the Senate of January 30, 1862, I have the honor to enclose to that body a report of the quartermaster general, sub- mitthig lists of vessels purchased and chartered for the use of his department since the 1st day of April, 1861; together with a copy of a letter from Colonel D. D. Tompkins on the subject of the resolution. These documents, witli cer- tain exceptions alluded to in the report, embrace all the; information called for at the present time within the reach of this department. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ^ P. H. WATSON, Assistant Secretary of War. Hon. H. Hamlin, President of the Senate. QuARTKRIVIASTER Ge\RRAI/S (JFFICE, Washington City, March 24, 1862. Sir : In compliance with the Senate resolution of the 30th of January last, I have the honor to transmit herewith lists of vessels purchased and chartered for the use of the quartennaster's department since the 1st day of April, 1861. -These lists embrace all the information called for, except as to the date when the chartered vessels were built, and the system of inspection to which they were subjected before being chartered. It is not possible at this time to answer that part of the resolution requiring a list of vessels now in service, as the uecesfary reports from the officers of the quartermaster's department have not bfen received; but measures will at once be taken to have tlie ])roper papers foi-w arded to this office, on the receipt of which the desired information will be communicated. The resolution is herewith returned. I have the honor to be, sir, very r.'spoctfully, your obedient servant, , M. C. Mj ^GS, Q^jiarler master General. Hon. E. M. Stanton, "MonOtpWIlfc Sccretary^of War, Washinston, IK C. VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. List of vessels cTiartered hy llie qnarterviastcr' s department since April Name of vessel. Schooner Jnlin N Genin Steaiiislii|) Atlantic Steam tHj,' Yankee Steam tug Uncle Ben .... Steamship Illinois , Steamship Kaltic , Schooner John Une Steamsliip I'hiladelphia . . Schooner Oriental Schooner W. S. Tisdalc Steamer Win. Wliilden -^ir.imcr Hi iliard Willing .... S|(;imir .liilin S. Slinver .... Sii^anier Henry L. Gaws Steamer .lo~epliine Steamer I'liiladelphia SteiuiP'r •'(imnieree Siiaini'r Tlioiuas Sparks ... >t'':imsliip Keilar ^^tianier C. C Alger •leaiiier .)ohn U. Thompson. - teamer Artisan ., . • tcamer Oneida -^iiMiiiiT New York ^ te;iiner M idA'. VVoodward. Steamer City of Richmond . . Date of charter. Steamer Elizabeth Steamer Oetorora Steamer V VV. Brunc. .-'t(;amer R<'indeer ■•teamer VVissahicon -^teamer Sophia liopeller Stars and Stripes . . -team prop. Star of the South .-^leamer .Ann Kli/.a Steam.~liip Caliawha Sieam-liip \'anderhilt Strainer II. Unrdeii Steam tu^ Adriatic StruiiMM- Josephine Ste. liner Planet Steami'T Sophia Sieamer City of New York . . Bark W. IJ Wall Sleam-hi(i State of Georgia., 3f amer II. A. January Steamer I'. T. Heartt Sti'anier o.tdrora Steamer 'I'le'iias Sparks Steamer Flanet Steamer r.iiiny Cadwall.ader, Steamer Josephine Steamer .s')ei: &. Son.. Thomas Clyd' , a-jeiit Livingston, Crockeron k Co C. Vanderbilt Phila. Steam Propeller Co. Stephen Flannagan rliila. Steam Propeller Co. do do do ■:....do William P^iWillianisi By vv'hoin chartered. Col. D. D. Tompkins do . do. . do. ..do. ..do. .do. ..do. Lt. H. Benson Col D. D Tompkini R. F. Loper .... do do do do cdo When built. do do Gen. J E. Wool. R F. Loper do ....do.. ...do.. ....do . ....do.. do do do do John Tucker .(l< . . dw. Jtljf^ll Tlf^... JuirT2.T July- 29 Aug. 2 Augr 15 ...do ... .. do ... .Aiig. 29 •&.-])t. 10 Benner & beake .. A. Heron, jr., agent Mieli'l Ohtniant &. J. Chever Phila. Steam Propeller Co. N Y. and Bait Trans. Line Phila. Ste.im Propeller Co do... N. Y. and Halt. Trans. Line Phila. i^teniii Propeller Co d.>^ do. Wa-shingtoji, Alexandria, and (Jeorgetown Steam Packet Cninpany. Anthony Key bold (fp Powhatan i^teamboat Co.. A. Hickman, agent Keokuk P: c- et Co Wm. Kirkpairick, agent. .. do A.Seekiiii ii,agciit Peter StoiU R. F. Loper do do.. , do do .... do Col. D D Tompkins do John Tucker Col.D D. Tompkins do Lt. Pierce Crosby . . do John Tucker do do do do. Col.D. D.Tompkiuf t'aptain R. .~axton. John Tucker do .... do do ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. do Major Jas. Belger , John Tucker , ... do Major Jas. Belger . , John Tucker Miijor J. McKinstry .... do John Tucker do do Capt A. C. Gillem VESSELS PURCHASED ANp CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. IJ 1, 1861, 7nade in compliance loith Senate resolution of January 30, 1862. Rate of charter. System of in- spection. Lost or destroy 'd, Auiouiitofpubhc liow and when, property lost. Remarks. 2,000 per daj' . . . 500 ...do 300.,.. do 1 ,600 . . do 1 '2 000 do $150 additional for each day or part of a day she may be employed in towing vessels. 8.50 ... do 1.50 do 150. ...do 1.50... do .... 150.. ..do 135.... do 100 do 175.... do ::::::::::::::: ;;:::::::;;::;:; 2,000.... do .... 100 .do 100 do 100 .... do 30.. ..do 135.... do 30....do 150. ...do 125 ..do ::::;::::::::":: ;::::;::::::::: 1.50., ..do 150. ...do With privilege of retaining her after voyage to Washington was per- formed, at $275 per day. . 150. ...do 1.50 do 66. ...do 66.. .do IfiO... do .... 10,000 per month. 000 pur day After oue month, $9,000 per month. 120 .. do 6O0....do 2,000 ..do 100 ...do .... 40. ...do 140 do 140 ...do 1.50 .. do 10,000 per month Wrecked Janu- ary 13, 1862. Not known ,... Off Hatteras inlet. 1,500 .. do 600 per day 1 1,500 per month. . 1 140 do 140.„,4o-ir..., ..,,: 140... do 140 ...do 140 . do 140 do 100 do 3,000 per month.. 150 . do ... 130 per day 1,.500 per irionth. . 2,000 . do 1 130 do 130 do 600 for a voyage 1 1 From Key West to Fort Pickens. 4 VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. List of vessels cliartered hy the quarter Name of vessel. Stoainer \ivv York Steaiiit^liiji Atlantic &team>l.i|) Baltic Steaii)ylii|) (;ity of Richmond ;- Steamer Patapsco Steamer Virginia Steamer Tlicimas Swann Steanif^liip Marion , Sliip Golden Eagle Steam*lii|i Oriental Steanisliip Mataiizas Steamship I'liiladelphia ... Steaniriliip Ruanoke . Steamship Siar of the South Steamship Vaiiderbllt Steanisliip Ocean Queen Steamship Illinois Steamship Ariel Steamship (^oatzacoalcos ... Steam^hjp Daniel Webster.. Steamship Empire City.. Ship Great Ripuhlic Steamship I'.-irkersburg Steamship Cahawha J Steamship I'oioniae Steamship Locust Point . ... Ship Ziuuis Coffin Date of charter. Steamship Ericsson . Ship Ocean Express, Steamer George's Creek. Steamship Ben Deford .. Steamship Relvidere ... Steamboat May Flower. Sleanishij) Peerless Steamer Pilot Boy., Steamship Osceola , Steamship George Peabody 1861. Sept 23 Sept. 25 ...do ... Sept. 30 ...do ... . . do . . . . . . do . . . Oct. 1 . . do . . Oct. 2 ...do ... .. do ... ...do ... ...do ... ...do ... ...do ... ...do ... ...do ... . . . do . . . ...do ... ...do ... Oct. 3 ...do ... Oct. 4 Oct. 10 . do...: Oct. 7 ,...do... Oct. 9 Oct. 14 ....do... From whom chaHered. By whom chartered. When built ...do .. ...do... Oct. I'; Oct. Oct. Oct. 26 Steamer George VVasliington. Oct. 29 Schooner Saratoga Oct. 12 Schooner Chas. .\1. Neal Schooner N. E.Clark . Schooner t^iisan F. Abbott.. Scboimer Sarah J. Bright .. Schooner James M. Vance . . Schooner E. J. Allen Schooner J. Franibes Schooner W. G. Andeired . .. Selnioner Elizabeth English.. Schooner Aid Schooner ElVort Schooner Sarah Cullen Schooner Rachael S. Miller Schooner Louis Chester. ... Sehiioiier Deborah Jones Siliooner Jas. Satterthwaite Schooner James S. Hewitt . Schoiincr Snow Flake . ... Schooner Willanl Saulsbury Brig Daniel Maloney Schooner Shark ScboDiier Ann Mai ia Steamer .Star Sieamer Commerce Steamer Di'laware Steamer Cosmopolitan .. do..., Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Oct. 12 Get. 11 Oct. 17 Oct. 1.5 Oct. 16 ....do... Thomas Clyde, agent N. Atlantic Steamship Co. ....do Union Steamship Co Wm. P. Williams Union Steamship Co. ... Wm P. Williams Spoftered, Tileston & Co. E. Mott Robinson Mora Bros., Navano & Co. do M. O. Roberts, agent N Y. and Va. Steams'pCo. Samuel L. Mitchell C. Vanderbilt do M. O. Roberts, agent C. Vanderbilt M. O. Roberts, agent C. Vanderbilt M. O. Roberts, agent A. A. Low 8t Bros H. B. Cromwell Liviiig.ston,Crockeron & Co H. B Cromwell do. ., B. F. Riddell, agent Dunham & Co S. G. Reed, R S. Wade, and G. H. Willis. Wm. I'. Williams Merchants and Miners' Trans. Co. Jacob Brandt, agent Thomas ( 'ollyer John P. Wright Wilmon Whilden P. N.Spollbrd ... John Tucker Captain R. Saxton do John Tucker do , do . do Captain R. Saxton do John Tucker do Captain R. Saxton do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do John Tucker Capt. R. Saxton . . . . do... do Col. D. D Tompkini John Tucker Col. D. D. Tompkin; Jacob Brandt, agent Wilmon Whilden. John N. Adams. .. ...do... Oct. 17 ...do.... .. do.... ...do.... Oct. 18 . do.... Oct. -19 do.... Oct. 21 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 19 ....do... L. Mathews Thomas P. Clark A. R Ludlam Lafayeite ^mith John A. Borge , Joshua Allen Daniel E. Somers Theophilus Cason David English James S. Endicott Daniel Baker James Cullen Joseph Baker, jr Ellis Somers S. W. I'ateni James S. Maloy Elmer P. Lake Albert Diekerson Wm. H. Hiid.^ion Absalom Svdman McCready.Mott 60 do 7,975... do 1,000 per day ... r to eommenpfi Oct. ^. IRfil. 2-33....do .... Do. do 1,000 .. do Do. Oct. 7, 1S6I. 700 ...do Do. do. 1,000.... do Do. Oct. 5, 1861. 7.50 ...do -,.^ Do. do. Do. do. 750 ...do 2,000 do Do. Oct. 4, 1861. 2,000 ...do .... Do. Oct. 5, 1861. 1,.500 .. do Do do. 1,100 ...do Do. do. 1,300 ...do .... Do. do. 900 ... do Do. do. 1,000 ...do Do. do. 500.... do Do. Oct. 3, ISfil. 500.... do Do. Oct. 5, 1861. 1,300 .. do Do. do. 350 do Do. Oct. 10, 1861. Do. do. To carry coal at f 4 per ton. 4- 1,200 per day From New York to Hampton Roads. 350 do 7,975 per month. . 750 per day .. . 650. ...do 400 ...do ... 8,250 for todays.. Ofl'S. Carolina Nov., 1861. Not known ... [f detained beyond 15 days, .$550 for each day so "detained. 145 per dav . . . 6,000 for 15 days.. 19,500 for voyage. . Nov. 2, driven asliore on coast of S C. Not known.... If detained beyond 15 days, $400 for each day so detained. From New York to Key West, Tor- 160 per day . . $1 35 per ton trans- portation of coal tngas, and Santa Rosa island ; if detained beyond 30 days, $400 per day not under steam ; if under steam $650 per day. *.$16 00 p. d. demurrage. ' t25 60 do. t26 16 do. *20 40 do. *18 80 do. 125 60 do. {32 00 do. "20 40 do. t25 60 do. {25 76 do. {25 04 do. *15 20 do. • t26 80 do. t23 68 do. t22 16 do. •18 96 do. }28 96 do. t24 00 do. '19 28 do. t23 20 do. t26 08 do. J S 2 f cS^ do "H i: =. do .= ; •/! do ««= = do. '-%% do .... do .... do «£ ^^ ?„ ...do ... ■yii .... do drn-rrrr' do ts ^^ do do 5.5.5 '^ do .... do "o 3) 2 q do J: s •/;.- do tt.SS do &,■*=■« .... do .... ?£ = §500 for 20 days Beyond 20 davs, $25 per day. .500 . do Do. do. 105 do. 8il0 do 950. ..do 1 1 } 5 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. 6 VESSELS PURCHASED A^'D CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. List of vessels chartered hy the quarter Name of vessel. Steamer Boston Schooner Annie E. Martin. Schooner Robert J. Mercer Seliooner James G. Siille . Bark Magnolia Scliooner Spray Schooner Mary H. Banks.. Bark Aura Schooner Elijah Sheddin .. Schooner Americus Steamer George Peabody .. Scliooner Alexander Youiij s^chooner E. C Knight.... Schooner John N. Giiin . .. Steamship Suwanee Schooner Sea Bird Schooner Spencer D Schooner John Lenlhall. ., Schooner Ennna... Schooner El'zibeth Segar . Bark Fanny Ealet .'^teamer Eastern (iiieen. .. Ship Anacan Bark H. O. Brookinan Steamer New Brunswick.. Steamer N. D.Tompkins John Tucker do do do do do do do do do .... do do. do. do. ... do. .do. .do .do do .... do do Col. D. n. Tompkins John Tucker .do. .do. .do. .do. V * 8 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. } 5 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. t 6 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. ^11 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. master's department, &fc. — Continued. Rate of charter. System of in- spection. Lost or destroy 'd, how and when. Amount of public property lost. Remarks. $700 ppr day 3 per ton trans, coal 3. ...do *f 30 00 per day demurrage. t20 00 do. tl7 00 do. 1 500 for ''O daj"! 3 per ton trans, coal t22 00 do. I'lOO do 800 for a voyage to Hatteras inlet, from New York. 3 per ton trans, coal Charter to commence Nov. 26, 1861, allowing for receiving and discharg- ing cargo 22 lay days, at .47 per day demurrage beyond that time. *^28 UO per day demurrage. 3 per ton trans, coal 3 .(lo *27 00 do. t22 00 do. 500 per day 800 for 30 days .... 725 . .do Charter to commence Dec. 7, 1861. Do. do. 760 do Do. do. 650 do Do. do. 600 do Do. do. 3,000 for a voyage From New York to Port Royal, S. C. 500 per day. . . 4,772 for 30 days . . Revond 30 days, $122 83 per day. 3, 123... do Beyond 30 days, )j;80 83 per day. 600 .. .do 4.370 for 30 days . . Beyond 30 days, ,$118 33. li.')00...do Bevcmd 30 days, §1,000 per month. 4,270... do Beyond 30 days, $115 per day. 3,956.. do Beyond 30 days, ,f 104 53 per day. Beyond 30 days, $180 per day. 6,607.. .do 1,500.. .do Beyond 30 days, .f 1,0UU per month. 2,050 ..do Beyond 30 days, $1,300 per month. Beyond 30 days, $1,,500 per month. 2,2.')0...do 1,600. .do Beyond 30 days, .•il,IOO per month. }§18 00 per day demurrage. §35 00 do. t21 50 do. *26 00 do. coal to Key West 4 25 ...do I 50 per ton trans. coal to Hampton Roads. 3 per ton trans. coal to P't Royal, S.C. 800 do 825 ....do ... Charter to commence Dec. 13, 1861. 3 per ton trans. coal to P't Royal, S.C t$20 per day demurrage. J,f21 per day demurrage ; $21, in addi- tion to tlie demurrage, (breach de- gree the vessel is taken south of fortress Monroe. ||.f 31 per day demurrage ; $31, in addi- tion to the demurrage, for each de- gree the vessel is taken south of Fortress Monroe. IT $28 per day demurrage ; ,$28, in addi- coal to Hampton Roads. 1 75.. ..do 1 75. ...do 1 75 . . . do tion to the demurrage, for each de- gree the vessel is taken south of Fortress Monroe. *$2fi 50 per day demurrage ; $26 50, i i addition lo the deunirrage,forcao degree the vessel is taken south Fortress Monroe. •*$24 per day demurrage; S24, in add 1 tion to the demurrage, for eachii,^ gree the vessel is taken south Fortress Monroe. **ft25 per day demurritge ; ,$25, in ad dllion to the demurrage, for each degree the vessel is taken south ot Fortress Monroe. 175. ...do .... 1 75 do 10 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. T 9 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. •* 7 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. 8 VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHAETERED BY GOYEEXMENT. hist of vessels chartered hy the quarter Name of vesssel. Steamer Patuxent , Steamer Pilot Hoy. Schooner S. A. Sanders. Schooner Deborah Jones... Schooner A. Codery. Sclioouer Eva Belle. Schooner Merslion .... Schooner Edw'd Slade ."■teanier Holmken . ... Steara'rOliiincellor Livingston Date of charter. 1861. Dec. 18 ....do. .. ... do. .. .do. Schooner S. B. Bailey Dec. 21 Schooner Ea''le. Schooner Lucy L. Sharp. . . Schooner H. R. Co''gershall. Scliooner M. R. Carlisle. Schooner Fanny Keating .... Dec. 25 Schooner Col. Satt(.'rly Dec. 26 Steamboat Monarch Dec. 7 Steamboat Decatur do Steamboat Fort Wayne do. Steamer Kingston Dec. i ...do. ., ...do. ., Dec. 20 .do, From whom chartered. Wilnion VVhilden , do Sanmcl Somers .. Samuel W. Tateni. L. C. Grace. David Lee. ....do. ....do. ....do. McCready, Mott & Co.. Jno. T Steele, agent.... VV. VV. Shippen, agent.. do R. A. Rol>i'4son By \vhon> chartered When built John Tucker. dd do do. W. J. Newell David McElwce James M.-i; mall wood. Dec. 23 H. B. Rider , Steamer Thomas Ji-fferson Steamer Robert .Morris .... Schooner P. Boice Schooner L. Andiied. Brig N. Berry Bark Island C^ity Schounor Geo. H. Hoyt. ... Schoonpr Ephraini & Anna. Brig Ambrose Light Schooner D. W Vaughan .. Schoon r IVIoses G. Leonard Schooners A F I mer Sleanier J . P. Levy Schooner E. W. Farrington.. Schooner N. S. Rue Steamer Pocahontas Scliooner Isaac lllikley Schooner G. B. Smith .' . . . . Schooner Horace E. Brown , Schooner J. H. Hoyt Steamer Louisiana Steamer Alida Steamer Alert Schooner Lamot Dupont ....do. . ...do. . Dec. 31 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 Dec. 11 Dec. 30 1862. Jan. 2 ....do. Jan. Jan. ...do. Jan. ...do. ..do. Jan. .. do. ...do. ...do. .. do. Jan. ...do. ...do. do. Israel L. Snow. John Garmou ,., Philadelphia and Havre de Graces. S. B. Company. do ....do Frederic C. Boice Col. D.D.Tompkins, Captain H. Biggs... John Tucker do do .do. do. .do. (-'aptain U. Sa.xton. John Tucker Major 11. E. Clary. do .do. John Tucker. Lewis Bartlett. Uriah M. Lamb Pierce & BMCon ... Edward M.liOnair. G. S. Dole John R. Brvant. Schooner H. Cole Jan. S. M GifTord.... Geo. W. Leavelt. R. C. F irel S Flannagnn. ... James Robinson. Thomas Wright . J. Brandt, jr F. W Levitt. ... H Loper, aifetit. - Jo|in II. Ad^inis . A. < L>oii J. Brandt, jr..,.. S. Flannagan. ... do .... John W. Hering Clias. Ha^leton. . .do .. .do... . do . . . Capt. W. W. McKiin John Tucker.. .. .do. .do. do. .do. .do. . do . . do .(III. .do. .do. .do .do .do. .do. .do .do. .do. Tonnage. Tom. 9oths. 256 00 237 00 159 00 269 00 ' 6 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. f 5 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. } 8 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. master's department, ^x. — Continued. Rate of charter. System of in- spection. Lost or destroy 'd, how and when. Amount of public property lost. Remarks. 16,5 . . do 1 75 per ton trans- portation oCcoal, 1 50. ..do *.$22 per day demurrage; $23 for every degree of latitude taken south of Fort Monroe, in addition to de- murrage. t^l9 per day demurrage; ,$19 for every degree of latitude taken south of Fort Monroe, in addition to de- murrage. |.5'28 per day demurrage; §28 for every degree of latituile taken south of Fort .Monroe, in addition to de- murrage. ] 75.. .do every degr-'e of latitude taken south of Fort Monroe, in addition to de- murrage. 950 for .3i)day.s 200 per day 200. ..do 1 75 per ton trans- portation of coal. 1 50. ..do. .... t$19 per day demurrage; S19 '"or every degree ofclatitude taken south of Fort Monroe, in addition to de- murrage. ||fl2 80 per day demurrage ; Scents per ton additional for everj' degree taken south of Fori .Monroe §To Key West, $24 96 per day de- murrage. {•526 per day demurrage; .§26 for every degree of latitude taken south of Fort Monroe, i.i addition to de- murrage. t.$17 per day demurrage ; .$17 for every degree of latitude taken south of Fort Monroe, in addition to de- murrage. 425. ..do 1 75. ..do 1 50. ..do 1,000 per month. 200 per day . . 150. ..do 150. ..do 200. ..do 200 ..do 200.. do 3 per ton trans. coal to P't Royal, S. C. 3 per ton trans. coal to P't Royal, S.C. 4 25 per ton trans, coal to Key West. 150 per day. {$27 12 per day demurrage. t$18 per day demurrage. t,$16 80 per day demurr.tge. Charter to commence Dec. 12, 1«!61. 4 25 per ton trans. coal to Key West. 4 25 per ion trans coaljoKej^West. ^^$24 per day demurrage. ir$29 per day demurrage. 9U0 do 760 d 75 per day 7.50. do 900 do 75 do i ■ " 75 d" 850. .'.do i^S 7 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. || 3 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. f 9 lay days allowed (or discharging cargo. 10 VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. List of vessels chartered by the quarter Name of vessel. Schooner J. W. Lindsey. ... Schooner J. G. Wriglit Steamer Champion Schooner Friscilla Schooner Alabama Schooner Francis French... Schooner R. (J Stanard Schooner William Wallace. Schooner L. B. Mveis. . ., ShipEllwood Waiter .... Steamship Chesapeake ... Propeller Ellen S. Terry Steamer Cataline , bteamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Meamer Steamer Uegla. Steamer Steamer Kill von KuU Colnmbia Matanzas , Jersey Blue , Alabama. " James Adger Marion Thomas Swann A. H Boarman. .... Eastern State Ausstra Senora de Flonduras , S. R. Spaulding. Steamer Hunter VVoodes... Schooner Exertion . Propeller Fanny ... Schooner Mignonette . . Steamer Wm. H. Clyde . Steamer Raticocas Brig N. Stowers Scliooner James G. Stelle . . Schooner W. G. Aiidenried. Schooner R J. Mfrcer Schooni!r John (Jayant Schooner F. I'. Simp-on Schooner James M. Holmes Schooner Alex. Young Schooner Black Bird Steamer L. G. (Jannon Schooner John Aumack . . Schooner R. C. A. Ward. . Schooner Uvoca... ., .. Schooner Jas. E.Price... Schooner David E Wolf. Schooner J. W Rumsey. . Schooner Lamartinc Steamer Thos. Spark Steamer Jersey Blue . Steamer Albany Date of charter. 1862. Jan. .. do. Jan. ] ....do. ... do. ....do. ... do. ... do. From whom chartered. Daniel Lewis i Wm. V. Pearce .... I S. Flannagan ! J. Brandt, jr I Levi Vangdder I Tlios. F. Loverland [ J. Brandt, jr Uavid Scutt do. ..j Henry Soniers , Jan 18 j Snow & Burgfss 1861. Mav 13 H. B. Cromwell , isea. Feb. 10 G.Terry 1861. April 25 Freeman & Co., agents . April 24 April 29 May 10 May 2 May 10 April .. Mav 10 ...."do. .. April 27 ^'ept. 27 Dec. 15 Feb. 12 Sept. 9 July 17 1862. Feb. 17 1861. June 4 June 6 Dec. 2 Dec. 18 1862. Jan. 27 Feb. 1 ...do. .. Jan. 29 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Jan . 27 Feb. 4 Feb. 2 Feb. 14 Jan. 21 Feb. 14 Jan. 23 Feb. 7 Feb. 6 Jan. 23 Feb. 10 1861. Nov. 18 1862. Feb. 12 Feb. 1 Central Railroad Co. of N J Spoflbrd, Tileston & Co... Mora Biolhers, Navarro... S. G. Cha.lsev L. L. Mitchell & Son Spoftbrd, Tileston & Co.. ... do do S. P Williams \. C. Cochrain E. A. Soulier & Co Ignacio P. Reynals S. H Ackerman Merchants & Miners' Trans. Company. J. Brandt, jr., agent Benjamin Lyman Philadelj)liia Steam Pro- peller Company. Thomas Clyde.., W. H. Harrison C. L. Stowers James D. Swaine Theo's Corson James S. Robinson Charles Smith C. C Ellis Jos. L. Brewster Alex. T. Young Jacob Weaver Philadelphia Steam Pro- peller Company. L. E. Pearce Nelson Edwards Joel W. Brown G r orge Martin Richard Buckaloo Lewis P. Taylor Walter S. Johnson Philadelphia Steam Pro- peller Company. C. W. Kennerthy S. G. Chadsey By whom chartered John Tucker. do do. do. .do. do. .do. do. do Col. D.D.Tompkins do Capt. C. G. Loring. Col. Tompkins ., . . ..do... ..do... .do... ..do... do do do ... do do John Tucker. ... Capt. R. Saxton. do G. Tallmadge , do do. Lt.P.Crosby,U.SN. John Tucker. do Capt. R. Saxton. do do do do , do do do do Hon. John Tucker. Capt. J. C. Slaght... Hon. John Tucker . Capt J. C. Slaght.. Hon. John Tucker.. , do , do , do .do. do .do. When budt. 1858 1847 1859 IboO 1850 1851 18.T1 1853 Tons. 95/As, 216 00 190 00 57 03 145 00 200 00 168 00 123 00 280 00 * 9 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. t 5 lay days allowed for discharging cargo. Sv VESSELS PUECHASED AND CHARTEKED BY GOVERNMENT. ?7iasfcr's department, SjV. — Coutinued. 11 Rate of charter. System of in- spection. Lost or destroy 'd, liovv and when. Amount 01 puhlic property lo.-'t. Remarks. 8o0 ..do ^^'^ 850 ... do 76-2. ..do 600... do 1 50 per ton, trans- portation of coal ] 50 .... do *$29 per day demurrage. $18 per day demurrage. 5,500 for voyage to Port Royal, S.C t 200. ..do 10,000 per month. 1.000 per day Burnt July 2, 1861, at Fort Monroe, Va. Not known.... "1 Sec letter of Col. D. D. Tompkins herewith, except rates of charter. 1,000.. do 700 do 125 do monthly reports of persons on file l,'000...do 4.000. ..do J 2-25 & 150 per day. 200 per day *400...do 650. ..do 112 50do 100 per day Captured by the enemy, Oct. 1, 1861. N.C. 105. ..do 30 . , , . do 17 do 25 60 do 20... .do Chartered for lightering in the har 15.. ..do , bor 01 Port Royal, and conveying ' troops and supplies to the different 23 50 do 30 do islands in the neighborhood. 27 .... do 20.. ..do 130.. .do 1,500. ..do 600 do 450 do 850 do 1 , 50*7 do-". 750 do 150... .do 150.*.. do i 10 days allowed for loading and discharging, and if detained beyond the time allowed for demurrage to be paid 12i cents per ton of the registered tonnage tor evtry hay she may be detained. 12 VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. List of vessels purchased hy the quartermaster'' s department since April Name of vessel. Steamer W. H. B. Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer Steamer A. O. Tyler.. Lexington . .. Coiiesioga . . . Eagle Star Jos. Whitney. Steamer Winfield Scott Steamer Union Steamer Hugh Jenkins. Steamer Balloon Steamer W. B. Keany . Steamer Eastern State . Steamer Eastern City . Steamer Union Steamer Northerner Steamer J. F. Winslovv Steamer Curlew , Steamer Eaijle . . Steamer Admiral I'ropeller Mayo Propeller Samuel S. Holly I'ropeller Reliance Propeller St. Nicholas. ... Propeller Davis Propeller Joseph Sherman . . . Propeller Marshall \'ye Propeller Duchess Bark Mary J. Kinihall Bark Jacob Merrill Brig E. Remington Schooner Stampede Schooner Clarcmont Schooner Mary E. Kopkins.. Schooner George Davis Canal boat Jennie D. Oxner . Canal boat Lavinia , Canal boat Oscar F. Burns Canal boat Clara Hess ... Canal bo^t Geo. W. Ough. Date of purchase. 1861 June June ..do June Aug. .do Aug. Sept. 12 Sept. 9 ..do .. Dec. 18 Nov. 27 Dec. 10 Dec. 13 Dec 23 1862. Jan. 16 ...do ... 1861. Nov. 8 Oct. U Oct. 23 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Oct. 8 31 Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Nov. 1 . . do . . Nov. 8 Nov. 1 Oct. 30 Nov. 8 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 From whom purchased. S. Crow& W. H. Brown Daniel Collier A. H. Shaw and others W. P. Jones E. L & H.P. Borie ...do Merchants and Miners' Trans- portation Company. J. G. Woefie & John P. Levy, . .do Eastern Shore Steamboat Co . do; J. K. Ryerson and others International Steamship Co. & George Hayes. Cyrus Ainrdivant and others..., VV. P. Williams Archimedes Heckman R. F. Loper do International Steamship Co . . . Wheelfir Powell & Allen Reed. Robert F.'Silliman and others. . VVm. U''. Reynolds and others. John F. Weldover Van Belxholen Budd & Alex. Davis. Charles Crooke U. D. Smith & Travis Smith.,. R. Benedict and others Hiram Benner ... do . Wm Clift and others George B. Packer and others. . . Joshua Wood and others Tim. B.tiongstreet and others. Thomas Dunham Eugene McCarthy Sampson Jacqueth W. A Crego Franklin Halsey . . Hiram A. Crego. . . By whom purchased 1 When built. Captain J. Rodgers, U. S. N. do do do John Tucker do do .do .do .do do .do do do .do .do .do Z.£f c '5. gS ^5l 5< 1860 1857 1860 1859 1848 1849 1854 1861 1853 1849 18J9 1851 1852 1861 1849 1845 18.53 1853 1855 1851 18,57 18.54 1853 1854 1851 1854 1860 Not known 18.57 1853 1854 1857 1856 1855 Not known 1861 1861 V VESSELS PUECHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. 13 1, 1861, made in compliance with Senate resolution of January 30, 1862. Tons, mths •im 53 419 81 362 20 279 80 230 38 287 42 1,003 41 1,162 60 1,124 03 306 36 204 53 "261' "65 616 60 149 10 905 01 160 90 392 01 392 12 731 71 311 50 348 33 274 57 131 13 351 22 337 70 203 82 400 52 398 15 343 48 329 16 325 81 340 31 234 38 335 70 121 65 110 00 126 09 140 00 127 72 Price. $18,000 21,000 25,000 16,000 10,000 12,500 75,000 100,000 100,000 12,000 12,000 13,000 30, OilO 50,000 15, 400 70,000 25, 850 25,000 25,000 50,000 21,500 30, 000 17,750 26,500 22, 500 18,000 10,500 46, 000 10,000 15,000 9,750 12,000 10,875 8,750 12,000 3,600 4,000 3.501) 3,500 3,500 System of in- spection. Lost or destroyed, how and when. Am't of public prop- erty lost or destroyed. Broke in two at Pino island in January, 1862. Driven ashore on S. C. coast in November, 1861 . Not known. do .... »'&|h .1 = ! J o.>-s"-'< 3 — j2-3t-; Sunk Jan. 17, '62, Not known. Remarks. Now called the McClellan. Now called the Picket. tt^ OJ o >• Jan. 17, 1862, by the parting of her hawser. 23,926 lbs. of hay, 3,3.30 bush, of oats, and other articles. Otr H.ittcras inlet, N. C; total loss. Captured by the U. S., and condemned in the U. S. district court of Florida. Register (No. 70) issued at the port of Key West, August 28, 1861. X 14 VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. i V Assistant Quartermaster General's Office, Nno York, February 8, 1862. General : I have tlie lionor to ackuoAvledge the receipt of yovir letter of the 6th instant, directing me to furnish you with copies of the charters of the steamers Cataline, Kill von Kull, A. H. Bowman, Matanzas, Jersey Blue, Alabama, James Adger, Marion, Enu)ire City, and Thomas Swan, and to in- form you that no formal charters were made with the owners of either of those vessels. At the time these steamers Averc taken up the press of business was 80 great upon the department here tli^it to have made written charters for all the vessels taken up would have been next to impossible. The owners were, there- fore, invited to submit propositions for the use of these vessels for the purposes for which they Avere respectively required, which propositions were considered and accepted, with or without modifications, or rejected, as was deemed for the best interest of the sei'vice. In the most of these cases there was no option left for the government ; the troops or stores for which transportation was required must go forward or the government go down. Under such circumstances it was deemed more important to secure prompt and efficient action than alloAV a rigid observance of all the forms and requirements of regulations to so retard move- ments as to invite attack and its consequences, disaster and ruin. Steamer Cataline, side wheel, tonnage and place where built unknown, Avas chartered by me from Messrs. Freeman & Co., agents for the OAvners, aa'Iio are unknown, on the 25th of April, 1861, by order of General John E. Wool, for three months ; reported to have been burnt Avhilst in the government serA'ice near Old Point. It is believed that no liv-es Avere lost by the disaster. AVhether government property AA^as destroyed with her I am not informed. The steamer Kill von Kull, side Avheel, of the burden of 1,193 tons, oAvned by the Central Railroad Company, of Ncav Jersey, built at Green Point, Long Island, in 1858, chartered by me on the 24th of April, 1861, from D. Terrance, who acted as agent for the OAvners. The steamship Columbia, side Avheel, burden 1,347 tons, OAvned by Messrs. Spofford, Tilcston & Co., built in this city in 1847, chartered by me from her owners April 29, 1861. Steamsliijj ilatanzas, (propeller,): ,.875 tons burden, built in N'ew York in 1859, owned by i\Iora Brothers, NaA'arro & Co., from Avhom she Avas chartered by me May 10, 1861. Steamer Jersey Blue, (propeller,) schooner rigged, 234 tons burden, built in Newark, Ncav Jersey, 1850, OAvned in part by S. G. Chadsey, her master, from whom she was chartered on May 2, 1861, by me. Steamship Alabama, side Avheel, <|?urden 1,261 tons, built in New York in 1850, OAvned bA^ Samuel L. Mitcheli'' & Son, from Avhom she Avas chartered on May 10, 1861,^ by me. Steamshi}) James Adger, side wheel, 1,152 tons burden, built in Ncav York m 1851, oAvned by Messrs. Spofford, Tileston & Co., from Avhom she Avas char- tered in April, 1861. The steamship Marion, side Avhcel, burden 800 tons, built in Ncav York in 1851, OAvned by Messrs. Spofford, Tileston & Co., from Avliom she Avas chartered by me :May 10, 1861. Steamship Empire City, 1,751 Jons burden, built in Ncav York in 1848, OAvned by Marshall 0. Roberts, fronr ■V\''hom she was chartered, by his agent D. B. Allen, March 5, 1861, by me. \ Steamship Thomas SAvan, (propeller,) burden 462 tons, built in Philadel^ phia in 1853, OAvned by Mr. S. P. Williams, from Avhom she Avas chartered iri^ May, 1861. In conclusion, I Avould remark that these charters, so far as I Avas connected VESSELS PURCHASED AND CHARTERED BY GOVERNMENT. 15 ^witli thorn, were the host that couhl ho made under the circumstances ; none of ^■liem, BO far as I am informed, except the Cataline, "vvei'C lost or damapjed wliih-^t ▼ in government service, nor do I know or helieve tliat any person in the govern- ment service or any government property was lost from either of them whilst under charter to the government. No system of inspection was adopted, nor was any deemed necessary in taking up these vessels ; they Avere all provided with the usual certificates required by the laws of the United States regulating s^^m commerce, both as regards their hulls and boilers, except the Cataline, of Vhich I know nothing, having only carried into efifijct the oi'ders of a superior, who, it was presumed, had satisfied himself of the fitness of the vessel for the*J)urpose for which she was required, as well as of her safe and sound condition before directing the charter to be made. - D. D. TOMPKINS, Ipl 'Assistant Quartermaster General. m General M. C. Meigs, ^'\ Quartermaster General U. S. A., Washingt07i, D. C. r m # I -r^ LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS nil III mil mill III ililiiiMiii III 013 703 067 6