roupLNa365 Price 10 Cexvts ^GV 867 ^.S6 &1921 I Copy 1 I.DINGS ATHIiETIC UBRAK.Y Pitch Overhand Correct Batting The Hitting Step The Level Swing The Follow Through Correct Fielding By J. B. SHERIDAN Originator of the Boys' Championship Diamoad UZ MERICAN SPORTS PUBUSHING COMPANY I 45 ROSE STREET NEW YORK :ss A.C.SPALDING &BROS MAINTAIN THEia OWN HOUSES FOR DISTRIBUTING THE SPALDING A «,. , . COMPLETE LINE OF ATHLETIC GOO-OS IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES. NEWARK, N. J. PHILADELPHIA. PA. 1310 Chestnal Street CHICAGO 2I1-217SO. Stale St. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. laeN.r* BOSTON, MASS. PITTSBURGH, PA. 608 Wood Street BUFFALO, N. Y. 611 Main Street SYRACUSE, N. Y. 357 So. Warren Street ROCHESTER, N. Y. 40 Clinton Ave., North ALBANY, N. Y. S3 State Street BALTIMORE, MD. 110 E. Baltimore St. LONDON, ENGLAND 317-318, High Rolbom.W.c. 78, Cheapslde, E. C. LIVERPOOL 73, Lord Street BIRMINGHAM, ENG. New Street House CINCINNATI, O. lis East Fifth A venne CLEVELAND. O. 1117 Euclid Avenue COLUMBUS, O. 197 South High Street DETROIT, MICH. 619 Woodward Ave. WASHINGTON, D. C. 14th Street, N.W. LOUISVILLE, KY. 328 West Jefferson St. 613 SAN FRANCISCO 1S6-1S8 Geary Street OAKLAND, CAL. 416 Fourteenth SI. SEATTLE, WASH. 1204 Second Avenue LOS ANGELES. CAL. 435 South Spring SI. PORTLAND, ORE. Broadway at Alder SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 331 Main Street ST. LOUIS. MO. 823 Locust Street KANSAS CITY. MO. 1008 Grand Avenue MILWAUKEE. WIS. 379 East Water Street DES MOINES. lA. 803 Locust Street ATLANTA, GA. 74 N. Broad Street NEW ORLEANS. LA. 130 Carondelet Street DALLAS. TEX. 1618 Main Street MANCHESTER. ENG. 4, Oxford SI. and I, Lower Mosley SI. BRISTOL. ENG. 42, High Street EDINBURGH. SCOT. 3 So.Charlotte Sl.ic.r priB,„si GLASGOW. SCOTLAND 335 Sauchiehall Street DENVER, COL. 623 Sixteenth Street MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. 62 Seventh St., Sooth ST. PAUL. MINN. 386 Minnesota Street TORONTO, CANADA 207 Yonge Street VANCOUVER. B. C. 339 Hastings St.. West SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA 204 Clarence Street IS lUrtcled ID A. s. SP«J)|JI6 t B«OS.. al aoj ol 1 iiiliiilH|l|li!iiite iffiilMMIfi'M M I3i2cl SPAIiDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Red Cover Series, 25c Blae Cover Series. 10c. Green Cover Series, 10c. No. IR. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC. . . . Price 25c. N0.3R. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL GOLF GUIDE Price 25c. No. 6. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ICE HOCKEY GUIDE Price 25c. No. 55R. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL SOCCER FOOT BALL GUIDE. . Price 25c. N0.57R. SPALDING'S LAWN TENNIS ANNUAL Price 25c. No. 59R. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL RECORD. . . . Price 25c No. IGOR. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE. • . . Price 25c. No.200R.SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL GUIDE Price 25c. No. 700R. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASKET BALL GUIDE. . . .Price 25c. No. 10. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE (^ f/^ Officials, Why there must be an Official Ball, and Why the Spalding Ball is Official Every condition as to a base ball must be uniform if match games are to be played and compared with accu- racy and justice. The Spalding Official National League Cork Center Base Ball establishes uniformity around the world. The length of base lines is fixed, the limitations of the bat are regulated, and the Spalding Base Balls, in weight, circumference and materials, are perfect. When A. G. Spalding submitted to the governing body of base ball the first sample of a uniform base ball that had been devised, he made it possible that, no matter w^here a game might be played Maine or California all players would know their achievements would have a value because the Spalding Base Ball w^as standard for batting and fielding. From the first, the Spalding Base Ball w^as one of the most vital factors in spreading active base ball around the world. The wiry Filipino, the agile Japanese, the athletic Australian and the "Doughboy" on the Rhine play with the Spalding Official National League Base Ball, knowing it is just like the base ball which is being used by the "big leaguers" on the Polo Grounds. Spalding Base Ball Uniforms Spalding Base Ball Uniforms are made in Spalding factories, which means clean, sanitary condjjipji?. Tailored Ijy com- petent workmen, and have wearing ..qualities that make them the most economical for the rough usage of the game. Teams owe it to themselves and to their patrons to always look their best. Samples of materials and prices mailed on request. See list of Spalding store addresses on inside front cover. m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AS< evei^ A ®®5 900 530 3 ♦ Official and Standard ► ATHI/ETIO • I«]i are the Standard of the World A.G.Sp£Jding £^Bros. Maintain Wholesale and Retail Stores in the followins Cities London, England Liverpool, England Manchester, England Birmingham, England Bristol, England Edinburgh, Scotland Glasgow^ Scotland New York Newark Philadelphia Boston Pittsburgh Buffalo Syracuse Rochester Albany Baltimore Washington Atlanta New Orleans DaUas Cleveland Cincinnati Columbus Indianapolis Chicago St. Louis Detroit Louisville Milwaukee Kansas City Des Moines Minneapolis St. Paul San Francisco Oakland Los Angeles Denver Salt Lake City Seattle Portland, Ore. Montreal, Canada Sydney, AustralU Toronto. Canada Paris, France Factories owned and operated by A. G. Spalding & Bros., and where all of Spalding's Trade-Marked Athletic Goods are made, are located in the following cities New York Chicago San Francisco London, England Brooklyn Philadelphia Leeds, England Boston Chicopee, Mass. Brantford, Canada'