PS 3501 158 B6 1918 o > ^>t- <'^ r ^o. '.Tr,"'\o' \^''''^ «o 0^ o " o ^^ '^9- « a • ^^ r^ .A^ *cd\WA-. ^n . •^ •^^o< % Bone dry Ballads :By: A Bone dry Salesman OLIVER ALLSTORM w Compliments of HOUSTON ICE & BREWING ASS'N Houston, Texas PRICE: One Four Cent Stamp "Copyrighted" STAR PRODUCE & COMMISSION CO. Distributors of Bone dry 211-213 W. 13th St. Ft. Worth TeKss Pbone Lamar 2970 Phone LaiNf 327B BONE DRY Bone dry is the result of years of experience and experiment of one of the most expert and competent Chemists in America This Temperance Beverage is composed of food products only, using sterilized water from deep artesian well and filtered air in brewing and charging. It is healthful, beneficial, invig- orating and strengthening. It is the best Near Beer on the market. Don't take any sub- stitute—ask for and insist on Bone dry being served you if you want health, strength and to be refreshed, HOUSTON ICE & BREWING ASS'N BREWERS Houston, Texas FPt^ ?n 1913 ©aA491697 WHAT IS THE OLD FLAG MADE OF? What is the old flag made of, made of- What is the old flag made of ? The stars of the sky that shine upon high, That's what the flag is made of. What is the old flag made of, made of — What is the old flag made of? The blood that was red in heroes that bled, That's what the flag is made of. Wh The Jilies so white tbstlsamftSlShMtisht. What is TFTT ild flag made of, made of — What is the old flag made of? The skies that are blue which hang over you. That's what the flag is made of. What is the old flag made of, made of — What is the old flag made of ? The purpose in man to live by God's plan, That's what the flag is made of. DRINK BONE-DRY It Is Made of What Is Pure and Best 'SALUTE OLD GLORY/ The Stars and Stripes are passing by; Its folds unfurl against the sky; There is no flag can wave so high — Salute Old Glory! Stand with your cap within your hand; There is no flag so great and grand; Its colors guard our native land — Salute Old Glory! Our fathers died that it might wave; The blood they shed they freely gave; Earth never found a flag more brave — Salute Old Glory! Let men proclaim its power today; Our bam Give alfcnUBPWkwfw^tli lliiimi/ HMirtHyt Let tji Its neli Its red^whose bloc ■\ Salute 01 Let all the ngitions Salute! 'TlsTriendship's countersign; Strike colors here at Freedom's shrine — Salute Old Glory! The Stars and Stripes are passing by; Salute it now, or answer why — The eagle screams from out the sky Salute Old Glory! Let none refuse, let none delay. This homage we demand today, Our cry is that you must obey — Salute Old Glory! DRINK BONE-DRY And You Will Remember Liquid Joy and Glory AMERICA FIRST, RING OUT THE CRY! America first. Ring out the cry. Shout it while the days go by — Let your limit be the sky! America first! Sing it, for it gave you birth; Sing it with a heart of mirth; Sing it over all the earth — America first! America first, though wrong or right. Shout it while the day is bright. Sing it in the darkest night — America first! We have fields where blessings grow, We have streams that sing and flow, We have mighty winds that blow — America first! Blazell^l'';§Sx^m^l^?]i*y'*5iP25^ Shout the name you love the besi America first! We have mountains filled with goId,| We have valleys green and bold, We have wealth, unheard, untoli America first! America first, our native land. Earth has not a flag more grand. Show your love at her command — America first! We have foes that we must bend, We have rights that must not end, We have homes we must defend — America first! America first, 'tis freedom's call, Here we stand, or here we fall! Send the challenge back to all — America first! Sing it till the heavens shake, Sing it till the dead awake, Sing it for your country's sake — America first! DRINK BONE-DRY And You Will Drink It First Always THE APPOINTED DAY. My name is Jim, and his is Jack; Now, ladies," won't you smile? A khaki suit is what we wear, Because it is the style. Now, if we don't come back from "there/ You'll know 'twas for the best, For a certain day's appointed For ev'ry man to rest. Yes, a certain day's appointed For ev'ry man to rest. Jack left his home and I left mine. Now, what else could we do? Our country called and we obeyed. Because our hearts are true. And if we die across the sea, 'Twill be our time to die. For a certain day's appointed I<]^y^ali^,lQ^_525HH|^-bj>^e^ Yj P{®I310L«!?! RRfSamP, cannon s roar, re, becausa we're co To this old Texas shore. We're coming; back — you bet we are. (Still one can never tall.) For a certain day's appor For all to say farewell. Yes, a certain day's appointed For all to say farewell. back And if, some day, we answer not The bu'de's cheering call. Remember that our rest is sweet Wherever we may fall; And thouojh we die a soldier's death, 'Tis only fate's decree. For a certain day's appointed. And it was so to be. Yes, a certain day's appointed, And it was so to be. DRINK BONE-DRY The Non-Alcoholic Beverage THREE CHEERS FOR UNCLE SAM! 'Tis the nation's natal day, Time for cannon balls to play, Time for ev'ry tongue to say — Three cheers for Uncle Sam! Time to wave our banners high. Time for rockets in the sky, Time to raise a mighty cry — Three cheers for Uncle Sam! 'Tis the day without a sting. Time to make the heavens ring. Time for all the land to sing — Three cheers for Uncle Sam! TimCj^^lHnmgtfsweet Hom^lsILrefrain, TiiTinfo^^anSdfDoodle's" s| Tiine for "Dixie" once again- Three cheers for Uncle 'Tij TiiPf^H* dance for you an( Time for one great jubilee ^gl^^^heers^or Time for bugle sounds to blow, Time for all to make a show, Time for hyphen marks to go — Three cheers for Uncle Sam! 'Tis the day of freedom's birth. Time to shake the very earth. Time to burst with zealous mirth — Three cheers for Uncle Sam! Time to wave our colors bright, Time to scatter love and light. Time to show the world our might — Three cheers for Uncle Sam! (For the Fourth of July.) DRINK BONE-DRY And Learn What Satisfaction Means TO WAR, TO WAR, THE BATTLE CRY! To war, to war, the battle cry, 'Tis for humanity! Now come, ye U. S. countrymen, And battle on the sea. Come from the ends of all the land- Defend your liberty! The boundless deep is roaring, come, Avenge each ocean grave! Come like our ancient mariners And charge the briny wave! Our martyrs call, and ye must hear, Like seamen true and brave! The Stars and Stripes are on the sea, Full in the winds that blow! Now follow and belch forth your wrath In flames ^f-b^i^^ing woe! jdeep Pi^:^sssig;y;!mmt\ Paint all the landscape you bVl In Red and White and •311^1 These are eternal colors| And they belong to you; § pave a pathway through the waves Unl " ""^ ' 1 Go paint the ocean's coral bed In colors that will keep! Go muzzle all the barking hounds And send their souls to sleep! Go drive them to their native shores And open up the deep! And God be with you, as ye go Out there to join the fray! Your conauest is for human rights On troubled seas today! Our prayers are with you, go and clear The world's Great Right of Way! (State of war declared April 4-6, 1917.) DRINK BONE-DRY Drink the Best and Stand by the Leader JERRY SULLIVAN— PATRIOT. (Venice, Calif.) "Old Glory is a dirty old rag." — Public Street Speaker. "If it's a dirty old rag, I'll make you eat it," says Jeri-y Sullivan. O'im tippin' me hat to ye, Jerry; O'im bowin' me head to the ground. Begorre, and faith to ye, Jerry, Yer likes is a men^-go-round. The imp o' the land o' the brazen, The clod without country or flag. He says that the blessed old banner Is only a dirty old rag. O'im thinkin' we heard him together. But, JeiTy, ye heard him the first, For ye wuz that wild that yer temper Wuz boilin' an' ready to burst. O'im hearin' ye telling it over, Thin _ BegoiTe, ^^. Ye rammed l^^JB^^if^ff^JIJ^tiM^f'Kff"^^'^ An' forcec ^^^ O'im thinkin* of old 9^^pmnattox, An', Jeny, ye say ye wuz there But honor, belated^ has found yoi An' crowned you, on old Venice Square. Begorre, we cheered like the blazes, O'im proud of yer fight of today; Ye held like a vise till he swallowed. An' choked like a sinner on hay. Ye stood like a captain, me Jerry, Like one who is leadin' the band — An' said that a man without banner Has neither a countiy or land. O'im tippin' me hat to ye, Jerry, O'im bowin' an' ready to crawl; Yer like, an' yer kind, is a credit To dance at the President's ball. Whin "taps" from old Gabriel is callin', Thin,'Jerry, they'll give you a tag; An' readin', ye'll find yer immortal For bravely defending the flag. DRINK BONE-DRY For Sale at the Best Fountains HONORABLY DISCHARGED. Boys, I got the dope today That I'll soon be on my way, And the parting brings a little bit of sor- row. Yes, I've been a good old scout, But it's time to muster out — And I'll be a plain civilian on the morrow. Here I've made a friend or two — Some as staunch and some as true As could ever bless the hour you've got to borrow. But our debts were honor bound — Twenty ounces to the pound — Now I'll be a plain civilian on the morrow. Each of us was like a chum; We could always spare a crumb For each other, and we'd often feed a spar- row. And Was I Now IfinMI^MiJIPMiilll^ii^^M^Gw. We \)^roTild often When we found . __ But Vv-e hastened for to smg swjg^^reet .toavura. '* Andllur voices, ri;^ugh^?vnd hard, Gave ^en fe< Now I'll bv.' a ^Tain ciVTlian orT^I^TTiorrow. We would strut along the pike Same as when upon a hike. Or we'd run to put to shame the swiftest arrow. Now my race with you is run And my soldiering is done. For I'll be a plain civilian on the morrow. Though it's rather hard to go. Still, somehow, well, I don't know, There's a mother who is waiting in her sor- row. So I'll drink a parting toast; "Here's to her I love the most! May she greet her plain civilian on the mor- row." DRINK BONE-DRY And Never Forget a Liquid Friend TURNED DOWN. ''Turned down?" "Yep, now tumble; You're married, don't grumble; You can't join the army today. Go back to your Sadie, An' stay with your lady, An' help put the linen away! "You're willin'? No matter, You're married, so scatter! We're lookin' for men who kin fight. Go 'long with your wishes, An' dry your old dishes. An' help rock your baby tonight! "Can't help what you're hopin', Go 'long with your mopin'. You'll 'blige me by standin' aside. Go home to your rakin'. An' help with the baki n', Is Mus G G An' .^t^!Esra!|^fS!ffmi3i»Apt laii oi our t)oaraers be of the noble unwec tong, now, you're craj your ppor^ " the cl "' NKE.^aBE «•!»!:• AS'jf^. hear nieti Go liome to yc Wake up, an' quit lookin' so blue! Go back to your bawlin', Your babies are callin' An' cryin' this minute for you! "There, have I offended? I'm sure you're commended For hearin' the call of the drums. It's w^rong to refuse you. An' still to confuse you With slackers an' cowards an' bums! "But, here's to the shakin' Your hand, for you're makin' An effort at doin' what's right. Old Glory will fold you, An' always uphold you As one who was willin' to fight!" DRINK BONE-DRY It Puts "Pep" in the Patriot TO OUR HYPHENATED COUNTRYMEN. Sons of Europe, here transplanted! Sons of sires of alien birth! Ye have sworn allegiance ever To the greatest flag on earth! Sink your faith a little deeper, Sing the name that should be sung First among the roll of nations. First upon your mortal tongue! Drop the creeds of ancient folly; Drop the yokes of foreign pride; Let the bondman serve his master, Bow to lords and kings beside! 'Tis your birthright to be boastful, God ordained you should be free; Bow to none beside the sceptre ng. 'Ti^s your her; From the Take the gift and laud the givei^^ Grateful hearts are never cold! There is bondage in the hyphen; Serfs are they who wear the band; Fishermen whose streams have vanished- Fishing on a foreign strand! Drop the treason-mark forever; Bury it where. none may find; Those who serve one master better — Still must leave the rest behind. There's a place accorded honor Won by valor through the blast; Legions tell in song and story It must not be sung the last. DRINK BONE-DRY For the Sake of Your Health Shout the name, "America," shout it Till your souls no longer thirst! There are lands, but none so precious As the one you mention first. First in heart and first in spirit, 'Tis the patriot's stem decree; Drop the hyphen from your ego — "Just a plain American be!" Show your kinship! Wave the banner! Colors red, and white and blue! And the land that gives you shelter Will be justly proud of you! GO FORTH, YE OF A FOREIGN HEART. Go forth, ye of a foreign heart. And join the foe's brigade; Ye have no right on free-born soil 'CMS^fy , I PEFRESHING Go' crihSSHHI^ih a ft That rule^across the'sear;' ve no right to.driiak sP^to our Lib Go join the serfs tl This land is not for yoi Ye have no right to shelter^Tn" The Red, the White and Blue. This is a man-sized glory land — Go back from whence you came; Ye have no right among the free Unless it be in shame. Go forth, then, to your foreign love- Rush to your monarch's call; Go give to him your carcass, too, So that you give him all! Go forth, at least, and dare to be An undivided man! Ye have no place on all the earth By any other plan! DRINK BONE-DRY Begin and You Will Never Cease to Like It WE MUST. We must forget that God is love, We must forget our heav'n above, We must! We must! And we must strike and rape and kill, And we must bow to Satan's will, Till German hands are cold and still. We must! We must! We must forget Christ's diadem. We must forget that we are men, We must! We must! And we must rouse the beast within. And we must torture, bruise and sin. Since this is war, so must we win. We must! We must! J^ ptri*SGt that liate is wrd orget the helpless We must! We mustt And we must make reprisals rij And we must fight like demoi Till Boche and Hun will dr( We USrONICEdBkeWihtAiiN. We musi We must forget that mercy spares, We must! We must! And we must terrorize the sky. And we must see that children die. Our cause is just, so is our cry! We must! We must! We must forget, help us Lord! We must forget Thy Blessed Word! We must! We must! If hope lies in atrocity. If hell leads on to victory. Through hell, so shall we come to Thee! To whom we must! DRINK BONE-DRY Because It Must Be Better When It Is the Best THE OVERT ACT. What more would you have them do? Thou, my flag, red, white and blue, Soaked in blood, and slandered through- And are you brave? Sinking thus in bloody slime, What more constitutes a crime? Flag of Concord, call her time! Or cease to wave! Patient lover of the right. Foes have dared your silent might. Outraged on the sea at night — Lnd ,^iim^-fm^^'^m^^^^ Till wamng ll^l-¥otmas"gta'nd aghast death' Thy hope is where thine honor lies; Remember this, and then arise From sleep's embrace! Awake! The overt act is done, The gauntlet of thy mercy run, Peace now would shame each native son To hide his face! (March 18, 1917.) DRINK BONE-DRY And You'll Never Forget It PEACE PRAYER. King of Heaven, Prince of Peace, We implore that war may cease; We, Thy subjects near the strife, Pray for hope and pray for life. Thou, O God, to Thee we pray, Help us heal the wounds today. We implore Thy tender care Still to guard our land so fair; Shelter us beneath a dove, Guide us ^^tl^s^iifbii^ love. *e beseecl ^till to stei Help us keep* Tranquil on the seas of fate. Thou, God, to Thee we pray, Help us heal the wounds today. King of Heaven, Lord of Earth, Teach us what a life is worth; Help us save the life you gave Ever from a soldier's grave. Thou, Jehovah, Thou, we pray. Calm earth's battlefields today. 3477-183 iatotK74 BONE-DRY For Your Family's Sake T^rink ^^BONE DRY A SATISFYING BEVERAGE Pure, Wholesome and Cheering ■^ Piwmm^^jimsMaK Houston Ice & Brewing Ass'n Phone Preston 58 or 869 Cor. Franklin Ave. and Milam St. HOUSTON., - . . 4t ■■■ TEXAS EUREKA LAUNDRY Forsimiiers lans 610 Travis Street Houston, Texas Phones Preston 565 and 882 C(^Hte3)(C(S>A(®))(C®^^ HOTEL BENDER New $1,000,000 Hotel Elegantly Furnished Strictly Modern European Hotel with all Up-to-date Appliances for Comfort of Guests Our House is open to the Soldiers, and we especially ask their patronage. Two Social Entertainments each week {Wed- nesday and Saturday) especially for Men of the U. S. Service. :■: :■: :-: Charges Commensurate with Service Rendered Centrally Located, Convenient to Street Car and Interurban Lines Phone Preston 8100 Corner Main St. and Walker Ave. HOUSTON, TEXAS Sold by Ai: Army Exchanges WmBmmm^ Favorite Beverage of Boys in Khaki L> v^ ^^ ax"^ '^^M^ \ / ^I« ^'^ / ^^¥a^o '^^ ^^ ^i 4°*. v-s^ "oK <^ aO •JL*^' '^ • ^^^ ^^x. .Ov% '-^0 ,-?- •^o 3V •Ao^ 'oK ^°^^ » • . ''^^ .^^ .^^^ ^^ ^^ ^Ov% 'v^O^ 4 o .vV. /"v 4^rM ^'i^'- '^'^.^ ^ -^^^5^-'- -o t-0^